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1970-10-24 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
7 /! ' ' I • t ' ·~s~neia SA.,V~ll~y ; -• I " 40 . 13 • An-a:heii11 ' ' . -~J 48 ._ • \ t . ' • .... :,.arine . 3 · .. • . or ' ....; , . . . . . ar· ~ . ' . - . . ~-.. -. ~~ .. ···· ·~ ··-· • I MllP. Slain After Bar._Argument ·An •aurnfnt ln 1 Sell Beach bar bet_,$ .... rrldly nilllt ended la a !alil ·""' the booting ol ooe ol lhe oo· miailer charges. Sal llwl.Jlllel ... the •• u&ld .... )'!111"..W hliUJP. llurtoH ii IJl!l - Qrlft. "•t:, -be aDeg 117 llrod tWie -· ' _ ..... lrito Cloade • J.il!• .. -·· i!WGf 3ell.Booch. llll· . \ •• ·- ,f • . • • • . - Football' Scor Brea Laguna. 24 19 W esi1ninsier Buniingion Beaeh . . 30 14 T San f;le111enie Tnsiin 19 18 Kaiella Mis·sion Viejo 19 • 14 • • SEE DETAILS, SPORTS PAGEs-------------------lllliil! rau *** **'* *** *** Federal Agents Smash . ' ' . . . \Vih•t!ts in \Vo~~~ .Jury to Decide• Nen Week ............. ,A blaet llMDI dreaed 'In daullill white hear~ ftoa1 arpments preseot.d Friday c: hi& .bUI on chlrg'" atemmlni' from use.ol foaNeller worf11 in a epeeqi at the UC Irvine CIDlpus. Coai bvum.-i ver_.'!ftnl a few bladl -mid • c:ouplO d. ,..,. .. junior ...... -glr-lnleatly. -tlderlY male juror -oc-caslcliallJ, dbrlng the -IUllll!Ultlon. Tbe ._ ·of Ernest Adolpbus "Sweet Ernie" Smttb-venus--1be People JI ex- pected to p to the jury MOliday for a verdlci, lo-Ing 'the week·IQl\C lrlal In Harbor lodlclal l>iatrict Court. His def'!'al atiOrney contends Smith ia the 'idim ol •· poUticaJ.radal oquabble -ver should have fOWld its way into a crlmlnal court. Smith, 30, Is cMrsed with two - ... d. ailng .-ii, In the "'-of -and·-and the other Gf dlolmtlng Ille -·of •·uni•eality cam- Tiie latter ii a -Uvely oew Ital< law. II the al)-11J'hlte Jury convicts him, an -1 to a bigber court will follow im- ~. 1)1• atl«ney oald. Semanticl Jn the black and wbite com- muritliel mt Smith's motivation ln using cerWn -. dlJrin& • ipeocli last' May 1J have been beavtly diaculoed in l>stln>ooy, -"1-llUbpoenoeil Included UCI a..ac.JP., Daniel G. Aldridl and _ ,_ Jl'aada, bat neJtber WU <alJ. 8d to &elttfy. . Sweet "Ernie-a ht Is known-readily nnlts Ullng' .....is poten!Wly offensive th ~' e&Ptc:ially' person's not raiaed in Watts. Deputy Diltrlet Attorney Ru 1 s e 11 Serl>er charged during the prooecuUon's ftoal .lll1!WJlOlil .... Friday oltemoon that Smitb used a coane variety of sucb .,..... e U-In the campus incident. Senor.· Aid ·Smith, a former radio- -blllc -peraooallty, may lme wwd be wooldn't offtDd lll)'ODt DECLARED INNOCENT Dr. Wost.., G. Slocum paa. . (loo ..:BNm, .... I) J D c1.ar · ..... ·.. urye es fonlie:i-NewportManJleld '.Slocum Innocent'. In. M· . S ~~I-· S . di In Baby's Death . . . ·ass1ve tUCA. wm e . By ~.\CIC BROBAcK • •' Of tllll IMllY ,., , .... A man alleged to have .swindled Hlrbor Area resklenbf out 1of almolt or.baJf mlDion dollara In a boi'dog macblnHlock lnud --Friday in Plioenlx, Ariz. -Dlllrlit Attoney • <ied! IDd:I Aid GI..,.,._, buiely 91 • Zlld Ill., Neopoi t jleacb, boa bOon -bJ Ibo Or-. ODomly.Gnnll' hr/•'"' - counti W ll'aod tbell, lb< -91 - Ing --• -.ptNll .... Uno -Gf,lllqedly ..... a ICbtme to oft. • ,en atOcii to delralld. - HldlJ ilolnied u.Ot moi-e -· lllO Or-COiiii1 ~--'fktbi.s-.i fraud. 111ey h"ested lrom a lew htmdled dollars eodl · to • .,, !odl'1duoJ hlib ol .......... ·tbO'perlod of October ,. to luly.1• . 1iolllY D11trtct Altini., . ~ s N8'iCt 9wbo pr• 1 atal aae cw ID • Gnnd lvrt llld -1-· , ...,. ... -~'""'--~ -·---itlk-.. 7 ' . . . •• ' . 1n· SF . Ring Operated As Legitima~ Chemical Firm SAN FRA!IClllCO (UPI) -Jl'- IWC!Jllcs ""'ti Jl'rldAy broke up a LSD riDI which manaflctured the druC ,.,... the C.ver al a legltlmale laboratory ... whooelaled it lhn>llghout . the eoanlif. At lwt'.-dozen p0nona wen ........ Daniel J. Addario, .soecW ..... charge of the San Francfaco om.. .i Ilia Bureau ol Narcotics and ~ Drup, Aid·the ring--.... Dons of dollm worth of Illegal .._ Tbe agenta, working "1111 tocai W state auth:rtttes, eeized a C santa Monka and· a 'JMlCkailnt ' in Berkeley where the LSD froDt Callfomia was put in pill form. Addario st!d UM! Santa Monica W.. tory was staffed by pro(elllonaJ cbei11•1t1 and _.t.d al9o as a le~ -nea. It was capable of produdng balk!. gen'c drugs not only'ln• larie -11111 o1 the hllbell parity, ht Aid. JI '"" the~ name VOrtes Labar ....... The tabletlnc ·-,. llnilli:P WU capable.of turning aJil I . inlIIlml ... perweel<. ' Addario aid tllll. lie ... ·JllLt " orglnllation bid """ """' ""'"""'-. Irie t1iat ~ wu able ID ,.,....... - ·quant!Ues al I.SD'"' ...itt.IO·-· ageatl.' . ,. • . i . ,. . ~ ... .~ . ........ ..... I I DAll.Y PILDT "Do .,... have to! After 111, :iua've ;!ult been lllado vice.president. not kiDg ...... What!ls Cooking? P'-enty at Me1a Theat,er A bow.fa.<lo.il wiu Illa! teWd become the longest run- ning "cooking show" i n American history if it keeps up i1ll CWTent pace opens Its ll'1t season at the Mesa nw.tor ThUJ'lday. Ana, l{untington Beach, Foun· taJn Valloy, Irvine and Tustin. '!be ·-· Is in !Is !11th yeor and again this year will be pn!S<lll<d by Orange Cout Cdlege and a list of <»- 'sponsors as a free series oi lectures open to the public. Payments offices of the Southern Counties Gas Co. in l!untington Beach, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and Santa Am also have the ticUC.. o..tage demonstrations of cooldDf tecbnlques, in gen<ral (llDd opedlles on bow to prepare recipes offered in the school, in particular) provide the fonnat for the ~ty "show" produced each year by college and gas company home economists. MISSES' ACRYLIC ' The DAILY PILOT Is joined on the sponsor's list by Alpha Beta Acme Markets, Inc., Soulhem Counties Gas C.0., Davis-Brown Applisnces of KNIT CARDIGANS Costa Mesa. the Caloric Corp. Several gifts ere offered and the Mesa Theater. th<>!e who attend the 1ehool. Su nda11 Onl y: 3~.~ Presented as a series of two-Each week's T h u rs d a y hour sessions ao Thunday ....ion will be reported in mornings at the tbeatet, the detail the following week in !eries Is scheduled for 9:30 to the DAILY PILOT food sec- Long·sleeve cardigans in choi ce of neckline styles. Some with cabl~stitcbing in front. Many colors. S.M-L. Charge it! 11:30 a.m. eaCh 'Iltunday. Uon on Wednesday. 'Ibougb no admisBion Ls The food section t h J s cbarP,d. ~ance tickets are W~ wUJ p r e v i e w available for tbe sedea. "ntey Thursday's opening sesfilon or can be obtained at Alpha Beta the Jong-running c o o k i n g marWa In Colt.a Mell, Santa · ''abow.'' 1 l I • • 'Double Header' Set :. For Realtors' Series ;" --·' . Jed with a second-half presen- tation on "Client Problem Solving in Tax Deferred Ex- changes." Tuesday's eession wt 11 . feature the only "double header'' In the 1970 series of , free lectures on real estate in· vestment. presented joinUy by the DAILY PILOT, Golden West CollfCe and the Hun- . tington Beach-Fountain Valley Boenl of Realton. Both Wu will be delivered in the third of four ocheduled sessions ln the &th annual real eatate investment I e c t u r e NHDLE WOVEN® ,BLANKETS Jacl: Klst!A!r, Newport Beach reallar .. and put pruldent of the Orange County Ex- chanjjorl, will lead off the two- ·bour .-on "cruqv11Y 1n &al Est.lie El<changlng." Bob steele, also a past ....... pruidenlof the Orange Coun· ty Eubangora who bu taught the subject of real eatate ez. di•nging at Orange Coast Collete, will expand the sub- Commission 'To Review . . -. Gallery Plan At a special 4•30 p.m. study llllkn Monday, L • 1 u n a -pl•nnlng amunlalooers wm namlne landscape orchltect Rldwd B ! g le r' I plan for a "Gailery by the Sta" between El Pa.seo and the Main Beach. A huge r.oning and land uee map ol Lquna, pn!parod by Daniel, Mann , Johnaon & Men- denhall for the general plan ..etudy alto will be unvelled at the after-. meetlng. , Tbe map, four feet hlgh and Jlbo(il 10 feet long, Ulustntes tbe pl1mfftl team 11 reoom.• --for low and ·high ~. COllUDOrdal, p1 .. nec1 r e 1 l d mtlal deftlopmenta, ·bolol.-aad --in the Lquna o( the fulUre. ' Tbe lllcllr plan, pmenl<d 1o tlle -mmm-lul -ii. WClllld ponnll -·Uon of • .. ...... o( old Lquna bullllhtP cm !:I P-for "" ., ...-· IWdloa aqd pDoriaa. wUb I .....Waed malfbelwMotbem. f tt wu oft...r as an -Ip( e uWMfon of .. -~· ~ Ille llnlc- tbe di)' parting lot. wles to be presenl<d by the Su nda" Onl11 DAILY PILOT and C'.oast 1 Community College District Polyester/~on with 3" ny. (formerly Orange c 0 8 st ton binding. Gold. avocado. Junior College District). pink. blue, name. Needle· The Huntington Beach-Foun-woven@ for durability and lain Valley realty board joined lightwei&ht warmth. the program th!! year, replac· ing the Newport l!arbor.CO.ta Mesa Board of &a!ton. And the lecture series was moved from the Harbor Area to the Golden West College campuJ in l!untinll!>!>...~U.~•c~b·~--• All lectures In the series are open free of charge to the general publie. Each session begins at '1:30 p.m. and lasts unW 9:30 p.m. They are held In College Center on the Golden West campus at 15744 Golden weSt St., HunUngUin Beach. 2 FOR 5so Registration can be bandied at the door Tuesday nJght. Even "1tudents" who have not attended the former two lec-- tw'el are invited to attend Tuesday's 1'twin bill'' and/or the flnal session of. the series GALVANIZED TRASH CANS l!Cheduled for Nov. ! at tbe Sunda11 Onl" same time and place. U.S. German I.ink Studied Slmilarltles between I h e Un!l<d States today a n d fuclst Gennany of yesterday wlll be IUllCllll the oubjecta discussed Sunday by Dr. Kurt Berget, poliUcal lcimce pn>- fessor from O..pawi Collqe. Dr. Berge! wlll --at the ~ of the Unitarian· Unlvenalist Fellowship o f ~Beach at 10:!0 a.m. Sunday in room 23 of Laguna Beoch High School. Dr. Berge! will also dbeuM the New LeR and Ille Old Lei~ and lhe political preoa>1paUon with d"'I•· Big, 1turdy 20-gallon can1 wtlh cov"rs. Made to en· dutt weather. rough use. Save now. Charge it. It .. •. 5.97 Cart for Two JO.pl. C1n1 .................... 4.66 TRASH CAN LINERS Suiula11 ""'" Ree. 68c. 12 baas wilh u~. Flt 21).. to 30-plion Cans. Extra htavy duty plasuc. - 'foday's Stocks TQday , • I ' • -COSTA MllA OHL Y SUNPAY -ON ~ · While Ouanlilies Last! I ' I . ELASTIC TOP. STEP-INS BLUE DENIM f f~R~ ~EA~.~. Sunda11 Onl" ::i.3· ··· · " ·:') , S unda" Onl" A.qyllc plush sllp~rs have elutic around top for a ~tter tit. Pink, blue or yellow. :r.11sses' Bizes 5·10. Charge it! 13 3 ~,;;., denim j""' otyled I '. , · . 88 with 2 front pockets, belt loops and popular flare-1egi ! . BI u e on1y. Sizes 28-36. 1 S< 97 Charge Jt! . .,.. · K MART® VITAMIN SPECIALS . Sunda" Onl11 R~g. 97c-1.18. 100 ?\1ultiple Plus Iron, or 100 Che"'able J.1ultiple "animal-shape'' Vitamins with or without Iron. . . ... ' .. • I m I I r ---~•• r. --II! ~-::-.~ ..! ' . I ·~ =---~ . . ' "''" . ' I I .. _ . TY·IJ.BOL BLUE MAGIC Cleans toilet automatically. Flushing does It. Detera;ent and deodor. Just ban& in lank. W~IN O.Ulltlel t.111. 9x12 NYLON RUG WITH . LATEX BACKING Sund•" Otal11 2466 R19. $29.M. Continuous filament space-dyed_nylon . ..A vOcado, gold, red-black, blue-green or brown. Durable 6ack . :::;. .. ~.:i'U"::, ................................. __ 3.11 45-PC. MELAMINE SETS New patterns.-Includes 10" decorated · dinner plates, bell-1haped cup 1, fruits. 1oups, mort. ' ; .. 8 ~-~. FIRE KING COOKWARE Su...i•" Onl"! Choole from 1 * qt. casSf'· r ole, 2 qt. ·bakJna dish. 8'' cake pan, 5"x9" baking dish. MINI MAG SHELLS" ·~=~.:;' f 6' 6 . _____ .. __ . -........ _..p1.,.,.. ... ... ._ .. 5, ....... ~--· ' •v•.-.,,,11 "" 11 -·el .. -.-............... . -·· "' "'" .,.. .. ;., WMU> ,...,..__....,,,,,_,,_ . ··-·"""' ............ , .. .... .., ..... _. Sund•" o 'nl"! ' -... ~~-,,._,,_ 100 .2!-cih~ ion, Jne shells in" handy reusable pluUc carfridge holder. J • Selrll IR Sl*tlllt OtWI o..t. HEATING PAD s:u~if•u °"'" . ' a.,. n .11 ---Automatic. 3 fixed heat&', thennostaUcally c0J1trolled. 100% Waterproof. Wuha· ble cover. KITCHEN SINK · SET 97c .. Ptutic kitchen sink set comes In three. col· ora: white, yellow and orange . \ I • I • I I • • ,. .. . " --:r=. ' • . . ·Weekend • :--*-----"---*--*-·· ....... . ' ~-6!1 NO. 255, 5 SECTIONS. 78 PAGES SATURDAY, 001'0BER·24, 1970 ..-.:.. I ' Suspected Slayer of 5 -Guarded Around Cl~~k SA!ftA>CllUZ (AP) -Armed llUl'ds Iii poln .. 'polled ....00 the 'Cloct ot eadl -'ti the building in which a 1dq llllll ~ jalled on ptarges of 1lay- 11W'lhe ~ esecullon-style. .Jberlff ... Dot.illas James. and tus depu- lilll'llld>lbey \now ol oo thtt.ats qainst JoiUr'Ualey ~zier, 24, but are taking ....-. .. ·~~ -Friday al• lilhUY parded UTa!..,..ent GO chorpo ol murdorlni D<. Victor Ohta, 45, hia wlft, Virginia, 4.1, their sona Derrick. II, and Taggart. 11. 'and the eye sur- ~·s secretary, Dorothy Cadwallader, -. 31. The armed deputles were ~Uoned al the three-fitory downtOl*n INiikling b9us'- ing the j>il and-lherlll's lllllce a-row • ~ MM.Y PILOT !"Miit W L9' ...,_ F, ... '.Baek, BqfJy . fl : . . It~lo·tllal Ume again-time•to switch your clocks back.an;bour ln>m- dayligbt·savings time to standard Ume. But Manfred Planner figures. the swiltb won't' save hilh any time. It will take him about an hour to reset all the time pieces in his Ccrona del Mar clock shop. Don't fo~get to tum· your clocks back before bitting the sack Saturday nighL F~rmer NewportMa;nHeld ' ht.Massive Stock Swindle _ :Aimm,il!lipd.f. bave awindled -ting up .Mldo tloct u collaloral _,.'.noideall oot of oJmost cme-baJl He r<parU!dly told the .lcjiml tbal'he m11!1m donirs nu bot dog:macblnHfocl; "'"'Id default""' the loao IDd the lnv'8tor fraud , WU arrest,ed Fricla1 lri.J>boeQQ._ could hove the Mido stock issued in his :Ariz. · ' · Mme. _ Dlllrict ,Attomey · C.ecil Hicks said Later, Novick said, Pavlou allegedJy Gre.garios-Pavloo, rorynerly of 398 22nd told the Investors . to return the coJ.. it: v-B<acb ~heen Indicted by laterally-held certificates to hJm for the , i-~i-• • purpose of accomplishing 1 1~1 atoct tbe' Oringe COunty Grand Jury on four aplil -uowever no stock.certificates were c:oJats of grand theft, ail: 'counts of issi-ever returnert to the investors to replace q llfoct without . a state permit and tllOle that the reported victims. bod three counts of alleged1y using a scheme returned. lo offer to sen. ltodt to delraud. About this lim<. July ol 111111,. Pavlou HJdll , daimed. that more than 150 dlsappearOd, HlcU sakl. ,___ ~-ty !dent.I 'cl' of 'lbe,Mldo firm reportedly operat.d a -~'6~ .._.,. res were~VJ llN plmt on &q;erior/Avenae in Coita Mesa. lraucl."J'hey Jnwsted'frun a few hundnld Noric:lt .raid Pav..,· Is allefed i.. bave ifollan -to • lnlllvidual bll!h of ooec1 Ille -of'Grogwjoo Balc:ll u on '80,00l 'diirln& Ille period of October IB 111aa. lo July !Ill. ' Prlloabaorolmecltowalftalrmlltioa Depily Dlatrid Attorney Alphonlul 1n>m -S a formal legal -Novi<t wllo ~ the case to the ...iur.s to obtain' his mum to Oruce 'Grllld Jury said· 1118111 prominent hobor C<M!I)' bave' been· started. area mid, county busln""llleo and ex· It will pro!>ablf be abwl two months ecutiW!l,wert'Vittims~the ·tr.t. berore he is retwned ·tor arraignment, NOflct W«M not·...-the ""'""' ol Hicks u,id. tht vic,t~ 8t thi! ~e but said ~ WU Novick aaid I firm ~hlch has since fail· a vice president of a large fmanc1al in-ed financially, Rldco C.Orp., wflich n1 ltitution and many were employes of located at 2062 Placentia Street, Colli Beckmb.clmb'umenls 1n Fullerton. Mesa, was hired by PavJou to make a . . , prototype of the hot dog vending Novkk--laid btvestigaUon of Pavlou s machine. The firm Invested ao much adivitiil bepn almost a year ago in a money in the project and wu not paid l9lnl llfGrt ,of the state Department or back by Pavlou that it Jailed, Novick CorponfJonl and the local dlstttcl It• said. torneY'• major frauds aectton. Tiie -tm-otate that PlvlOll In· temted potenU.i investors in a cor· poratkll he incG<l>OHt.d In Nevada call- od lltdf lac. 'Ille --•W""' lo manufacture • ·-fJal -bot clop. ... ·-.... corporation, -= ,_ allepdlJ ..... --·1o a.,........ ID-, pllo- • Yorty in Korea PUSAN, Koru (AP) -MoJi>r·Sam Yorty <I Loa Mtceles -Saturd.,. a opeclal ....-tal oervloe fer U.N. -dead at the Untlod Natlom ..,_,, ao hte • ....,,, --" w. port ..... ...... ---. ., • -after Fralltr -booted then on five countl of flriWegree nilrder. Deputies odmitted only -''with urgent and neoeasarr buslnea. n Flood lightl were installed fer extra HCUl"lty. Sheriff Douglas B. James' newa COD- ferenee was be.Id outside te announce detail!: of Frazier's capture at dawn Fri- day to a former "CllllM:OW .milk tiarn• I a balf•mlle . fnlm the Ohlu' llSO.OOI n...-,......, .. a btlllop ovuJoot. lng•llGO!my Boy. !'ruler bad . livid about two months In the lhabb)' ...,,...loot lhelter In a gullef otmm With wrecked automobile bodlel, .. iliwllltpt<r said. He - asleep and -..r .., reoiltance when captmed "1 two depltiea. A depal)' e!lplalnod the -U, .,.. IUl'tl by 111inc. "We'ft oevet bad a· pril!loner like this before.': . For the arralpmen~ the Santa Crill courthoule was cleared of vbiton; ~ officers checked Cftdentlala and Ml<)I-. eel ......... and specWors --... m1w.1 them to the heovilJ ...- tinuc11ni- """ __ ,_.....,.. ... .... ties ................ guord -.... . Fr-·--frun the jat) .. ~· In ... ---· "1 polloo can. . . Fruler, a barded 5\loot-7,bJl!h,.....,.; dropout. was llioa(eu ull wearlni. Mis: ""°'"bu\.ncl bondculb -ho'-ed bolor<·Manlclpol Ooarl-Jlllfle Dandl 0. 11ay; . -i - S.locum Ru·led Innocent.· Jury Clears Doctor in Baby's Death An ...-In • Sell -1llr -. two -late Friday nll!hl -bl a fatal _,, and tho -,. <I - of the pa1m11 "" munler cbar1& Seal Beoch police Clllcl they·-51- year-old Joho F. Burmn of lit! llarUn Drive, moments after be alleredlY ftred three !hots from a revolver hrto Claude Lalleao. about•. aleo <I Seal 8dd>. Hil address Js 09 Galleon Way. Officers said the two men bad -arguicc earlier in tb&evenlng at lhe Red Candle, a bor at 1017 Pacific Coal Higbway. Bum>w1 allegedly left the bar went home 1'I get hla .38 caliber PiliOI. - returned and allegedly waited for La lieu in tho rear -Jot. ,,. the victim ..aJked outaide lo his car Zlurrows au.,..u, Cltepped -and fired an. -. Offlcen Aid tblt smral wtta111• t. the lot when tho _.. occumd dJo. armed --man lboq bemc fired. The vlctlm. IUflttlnl -" the meat and neck, ... taien by imt.iJ1 ..... to Loa AJam111lo GentniI llolpltaJ. ha ..,. declmd doad "' urivaf, -.... bold -hall In the city ja!L Teen's Holdup Try 'Bummer' In Huntington · A bbldl man..._ Ill -.g wblte heonl final II (Wlli!bll [1<...iad FridaJ ..: 1111 trial .. -... ........ -•·al fmr leUw wordl Ja a tpelCll at tbl UClrvlDo-plll. C...b-~Including a few bllclr. atudeall and a couple of white Junie< bJgb -glr!Hlsttned int.nUy. One ildtrl)' male juror -... culmalb' GJriJlg tho .W-1U111111atloe. '!be -" Emeat Adolphus ''Swett Erote" ~'!be People II es· peeled to .. to the jury Mooday for a vmllct, lollowln& the --long trial ID Harbor Judicial D!llrict c.oort. Ht.I defemt altomty CGOtenda Sllllth ii the -of a pollticaloraclal oquabbl• tbal never -bave fOlmd 111 ... 11nto a c:rlmlnal ...... Smtlb, ID, la .-pd with two - -of ..... Gboceplty In the (l<WI of -llld·dltldnn IDd the other of dlaturbln& tho peoce of a Wliverall)' cam- pUI. fron1 a alleged -with Sante Ana police. 'nle incident followed a fight with bis l't"l!e Irr which -police v.:cre· c11!1Cd'\o the phys1clnn'1 o!fi~ at 217 N. Bristol SL Slocum w:is i;hot In the righ t h:u1d durin:,t the a1tcrC4Uon and Inter 11100. a $2.2 million lawsuit against the CUy of 'Santa Ano and police. Slocuin .... amClted In the'lateit -in Superior Court while prelbnloary beari- tnp ""' l!elng oooducfed Oii bll la...wt, l•ter dJamlaed by JUdc• Roher! s. Corfman on tbe city's conteotiorl that tlil -bad fa!led to bring the -jtlalnt to trial witbin two yearl' U i*O'ided far under the atatute of llmltaUom. '!be lroelng "the defendut leaves the nqglng question open -wbat lia(iirened to Baby Cj'Dthia In 1961! Slocum's wife said he killed tile bally IDd put the ........ In the. famlb' ........ at 11117 Colvert -. Be and 'Illa at,. . ....,...... . .~ "T 1.-f~J' •. • '!be 1111« Is a reteUveb' --In. U the afl.whlte jury CGOvtcll . lllm. on appeal to a bJgher courl will follow' llD- medlal<ly, his attorney oald. !l«nantial In the bllclr. and white._. munJU.. and Smith'• matlvotlon In ming --clurlnl a IP'«h laat May Ii have · be<o heovUy dllcuaed ID testlmoo7. Defense wilneuel 111bpoeoaed included UCI Chancellor. Doniel G. Aldrtcb and actreu JIM Fonda, but neither was call- ed to teattty. Swett Emle--as he la tnown-nadlly admltl ming -polalUaUJ -· to otJMn. tspeei•!Jy penom not ralaed Jn Watt .. Deputy DiJtrlcl Attorney R u I 1 e 11 -chargtd during the prooecutton'• final argument tote Friday sfterllOOll tbal Smith uaed a come varltty of IUCb -• -Jn the COl!lfllll tncideol -said &nlth, a former . ndJo. televlatan taDt -penonollly.,, may bava -ho wouldni offml -· (flee Oll8CENIT'f, Pap I) Federal Agent,s Smmh . LSD :Laboratory ·in:SF • ' . '~ECl.Al•DlllNO,ClllT ·Qr. Waley G •• S11ri• · :::-:. ' " Newport Cr~t Information Finn Sh~t Bown ....... O.•• . ore....._· driDle 1wm .,.... ......, __ ..... _ the nebnd.~ mt ...... ~ . pntb' .cloudJ _,, Bel llllllflr -Sundl1 "111tb> lmnpel•• in tlle lower .'1011. . . . 'INSIDR · 'll'OD.t. y ., :o Ii .WLY PILOT au , .. ~at!!-~ CookingP Plenty at Mesa Theater MISSES'' ACRYLIC KNIT CARDIGANS . 1 ,. ' I ) I l 'Doubl,e Header' Set . For Realtors' Series I ject with. second-half presell· taUon on "Client Prnblem Solving in Tu DeferTed Ex· changes." Sutaday Only1 3~.~ 'l\leoday's -w 111 leatun! the only "double header"' in the 1970 aer1ea of free )edures .. real estate In- ~ present..i jolnUy by the; DAILY PILOT. Golden ·Weit College and Ille Hun- tington Beac:h-Founlaln Valley Boord "' Realton. Both Wlm will be delivered In Ille third of four scheduled sessions in the 6th annual real estate investment l e c tu r e NEEDLE WOVEN ® .BLANKETS Jack Klatler, Newport Beach realtor and pest president of the Onnge County Et· chana<n, wUI lead off Ille two. hour -on "Creetivlly In Real Estate Exclw!gq;" Bob Steele, alJo a past Jl"'sideot of Ille Orange c.oun. ty Exchangon who bu taught the subject of re.al estate ex· cbanglng at Orange Coost College, wUl espand Ille IUb-. . Commission To Review Gallery Plan Al a -1aJ 1:30 p.m. study lf£Sioa. Monday, La I u n a l!eacb ptllllJllDI oommisslonen will e.umine landscape architect Richard BJ g le r • 1 plan for a "Gallery by the Sea" between El Paseo and u.. Main ll<ach. A huge zoning and land use """ "' Lagwia, pn!pared by l>lnlel, Mann, JohJl80n & Men- deuhall for Ille pneraJ plsn 1olu!IY allo wUJ be unveiled at •tbe afte~ ft\Mtlng. .. 'Die map, lour !eel hlg1i ·and -10.feet lone, Ulu!lrate• Uta~ ·team'• recom-.mmdatlom for low and blah dmally, cionuiierclal, planned ~re1tdendal ~ta. ·--and-opace In Ille Lquna cl Ille lutnre. • 'Ille Bider plan, prtllllf..t "to Ille ·-lat -k. -1d permit -·lion "' • _ Jn!llP "' old 1-baUNilO CID El Palo for Ute 11 artlltl' -and plllrles,wllba-.baded man betwem them. J> WU olfered U an a1i.mat1ve 1o rumc.111e o1n1c--for l'*'bll ..-"' the adjolaln( dty parking lot. series to be present..i by the Sunday Only DAILY PILOT and Coa!t Comnumity College District Polyester/rayon wl.th 3" ny. (formerly Oranae Ca as t Ion binding. Gold, avocado. Junior College District). pink. blue, flame. N~e- Tbe HunUngton Beach-Foun-woven® for dun.bility and tatn Valley realty board joined lightweight warmth. the program this year, replac- ing Ille Newport HarboN:osta Mesa Boord of Realton. And the lecture series was moved from the Harbor Area to Ille G01den West College campus In HuntJnctOn Beaeb. · All lectures Jn the ter:ies are open free of charge to the teneral public. Each session begins at 7:30 p.m. and lasts unW 9:30 p.m. They are held tn College Celi.er on the Golden West campus at 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach.· 2 FOR 5so Registration can be handled It Ille door Tuesday night. Even "students" who have not attended the former two lec- tures are invited to atfend Tuesday's "twin bill" and/or the final session of the series GALVANIZED TRASH CANS scheduled for Nov. 3 at the Sunday Only same time and place. U.S. German I.ink Studied Similarities be-I h e United St.tea today a n d fuc!ist Germany "' yestenlay wUl be -the sul>Jec:U dlacuued Sunday by Dr •. Kurt Btrgel, polltlcal oclence pro- 1 .... r from Cbapman College. Dr. Berge! wUl apeaJc 11 Ille meettnr cl Ille Unllarlan- Unlvmalilt FelloWlhip o f Laguna Beadt at 10:!0 a.m. Sunday In room 23 cl Lquno Blach High Schoof. Dr. Btrgel will allo dlacuss Ille New Left and the Old Lei~ and the polWcal preoccupaUon with dnJ&s. Bia. aturd,y r2Q-aallon cans v.'ith covers. Made to en· dure weather, rough use. Save now. Charge It. R'le. S.t7 C•rt fer Twe :zo.e.1. ,.,. ·······~ ........... 4.61 12 • , 'I • I I TRASH CAN LINERS S unday Ottlt1 Rec. 68c. 12 bap with tits. ~t 20-to 30-galron can •. EJCtra hea\I)' duty plutlc. : Today's Stocks Today • -- Sunday Only Acry:lic niush slip[l'!rs have elastic around top for a btt· ter fit. Pink, blue or yello"" Misses' &ius 5-10. Charge it! K MART® VITAMIN SPECIALS 68~ TY.0-BOL ' -BLUE MAGIC Cleans toilet automatically. Flushing does it. Deteraent and deodor. Just hanr In tank. Whllt Q11a11lttl" L1tl. 9x12 NYLON RUG ·WITH LATEX BACKING Sunday Only 2466 Reg. $29.M Continuous filament space.dyed li.ylon . Avocado, gold. red·black, blu~green or brown, Durable back:. · · ~::;._ 4.~r=~=:; ........................ --·-3.81 f 45-PC. MEl.AMINE · SETS .· Su11day Only! New patterns. Includes 10" decorated dinner plates,, bell-shaped c u p s , fruits, aoupg, more. FIRE KING COOKWARE Sunday Only! Choose from 1 'ii qt. casse· role, 2 'Q.t. baking dish, 8" cake pan, 5"'x9" baking dis h. MINI MAG SHEUS* SundaJI . On(yf ' ...... ·,,_,. . " • 100 .'22-cal. long rifle shells KITCHEN SINK SET 97c Plutlc kitchen sink •et com~• In thrtti col· ors : white, yellow and orange. in handy ttu!ab!e plastic cartridge holder. .kill Ill Sportl"11 Oeedl o.,t: HEATING PAD Sunday Otdy 196 ..... JJ.17. Automatic. 3 fixed het.U;. th~ostatica.lly controlled. 100,:, Waterproof. Wuba· ble cOver. • t , I I I ---- -• - ,_ Saturd1y, October 2-4, 1970. SC --a..iL v l'Jlot I • . . . Big Four Push _l\'lideas_·t .. .-Peace .W ill Pressure lsrem l, A rabs to Extend Cease-fire UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (UPI) - --.the ~~-.Four powers have decided to press Egypt. Jordan and Israel to ex- tend the Middle East cease-fire past Its Nov. 5 expiration date. That done, they will work for a resumption of peace talks with an eye toward eventual settle- ment ol hostilities. DAILY '1LCIT 51111 l"MI• DaFENDANT AWAITS OUTCOME OF SEMANTIC-FILLED TRIAL A Canon · for Sweet Emi•: Don't Shoot Off Your Mouth F rom Page I OB SCE NITY TRIAL ... by using the .words in his Gateway P\az.a speech against white radical students OC· cupying the UCI cafeteria as a Cambodia invasion protest. . ''l think he assumed wrong," snapped Serber. Some of the \\'omen jurors fanned themselves and wiped their faces in the 1tuffy courtroom, while Judge Donald Countian H eld On Kidnaping, Rape Charges Police are holding a 23-year-old Santa Ana man on $.1t ,2So bail in the alleged kidnaping and rape of a young woman hitchhiking to .Huntington Beach. Officers identified the suspect as David L. Warren, who i wall arrested by Hun- tington Beach Detective Gene Pool Thursday at his home 'on 110 Stoneridge St., Santa Ana. Pool said he traced Warren by reading newspaper accounts of his arrest and 11ubseqbent release on· criminal charges in Newport Beach and •Costa Mesa. He will be charged with two counts of Dungan a)lOlogized for the inoperative air conditioning and asked Marshal Lou Petros to open the door. "Ladies and gl'!ntleml'!n, we try this case on facts , not innuendo or prejudice," Serber continued. He agreed the basis of the law is willful intent to maliciously disrupt a campus perhaps resulting in violence-a point defense attorney James George is press- ing. "There can be no doubt in your mind that such language could move sotl)eone to violence-to break his qeck," Serber hammered. Smith's defen se attorney responded by pointing out there was no violence whatsoever and has emphasiied that white persons used similar language in Gateway Plaza , the UCI spot designed for speech-making. "He annoyed two secretaries, but he ii not charged with annoying 'them,"0 George argued , explaining again the nature of the Jaw against willful dillru~ tiOn that may lead to violence. ' George also said dirty words are com· monly used by adult males and rarely prosecuted. "For instance, in this courtoom, we have used the words -and (M-, defense attorney George emphasized. "Why have we not been arrested?" He pronounced the prefix word kidna p and one count each of sex "Muthah" in the black manner molesting and felony sssauft, according ., George ~aid the defense,. pr~secution to detectives. and witnesses for both haven't been ar· Police are charging he picked up an 18-rested for saying such things because year-old Laguna. Beach mother, Sept. 30, they aren't uttered in malicious, willful took her to, Huntington .Beach, and intent. allegedly raped her at gunpomt. "If I establish anything in this trial. it Long Beach Driver sets Speed'-Record BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS, Utah (UPI) -Gary. Gabelich of Long Beach powered his blut flame rocket car to a new .w-0rld land speed record of 622.407 miles per hour Friday and immedi•tely set his sights on breaking through the sound barrier next year. ., "I fee l pretty good," the 30-year-old • gpeedster said when he climbed oul of · his sleek, 38-foot racer ·after breaking the fiv!-year-old record of 600.601 set here by former Costa Mesa rif~m~n Craig Breedlove In the jet-powered spir- it ol America ." DAILY PILOT N..,Mt I••• ..... " 11•;• C"n Mn• OltANGE COASt' PUl!ILISH tNG COM,ANY Rob11t N. w,,, Prnilttnl •rAI P11bllt1'tr J1clt 11:. Curl1'f Vk:I PrtsT<llll'lt 1r.d G-rll Mitnaetr lhom•f K11Til Elltw T&orro11 A. Murphln1 M-llM Editor ~ich1rd P. tt1M lflllh or.,.. c-1y f.il!w -Cm .. MISll n Wnl •• ., '""' H,,_,,orl I U (n: 2"11 Wn! 11 .. 1 I0111M,.. Utvt!9 lie«~: ttt F1rnl A""'ut Hll!lllf'OIM lttc~: l111S Inch tloulrnl'lll Wn Otmtnlt: al Nltllf\ f.I Ctmtrw lt•I must be that hi s motive was exactly the opposite," George continued. "A great in· justice will occur if you convict this man .'' George, who is defending Smith on a $3,000 retainer and $50 per hour fee, paid partly by a UCI free Ernie defense fund , maintains the basic issue is freedom of speech. "Why is free speech important? A lot of people have died for it,'' George said. "He said it in a way that I wouldn't," he continued. "But his motives were ex- actly the opposite of willful disturbance of the peace." The defendant contends he was only ad· dressing disruptive white students in- volved in the Cambodian protest who were creating a situation that bothered him and ~tudents affected by campus turmoil all over America. .Pilot News Quiz Tes ts Children --And Adults Too The new DAILY PILOT family feature that challenges parents to prove to their children that the "old folks" are es smart as they claim to be makes its first "Uncle Len page" appearance today on Page 7. A preview of the feature which ap- peared two weeks ago has resulted in enough feedback to assure DAILY PILOT editors It is potentially a strong family feature of the newspaper. Desjgned to appeal to anyone old enough to read, the "Your News Quii" offers parents an opportunity either to compete with their "young geniuses" or tn quietly take the quiz in the privacy of their own homes as a secret checkup on just how much attention they 've been PilYif\gto Worhl events. 'T'he qui z is published in a format which make11 it handy for students to clip it out 8nd carry it in a standard school note boo le. In this form it can be taken into cla8'rooms as an assist in current affair11 discuuions. ".Your News Quit" wilt appear weekly In Ibo DA1lYPILOT on the "Uncle Len pe1e." Today''s quiz Js publllbed on Page 7. Th<1lAILY PlLOT dar" you to lake II. • . U.N. Secretary-General U Thant M· nounced the decision Friday night ifler a. 3~~-hour ·working dinner in his office suite with Foreign Ministers Andrei A. Gromyko of the Soviet Union and Mau- rice Schumann of France, Foreign Sec- retary Sir Alec Douglas-Home of Bri- tain and U.S. Secretary or State William P. Rogers. Also present was GUM&r V. Jarrina: of Sweden, Thant's speCiaJ re- Huge Industry Plant Carded For Newport Plans for a multi-million dollar in· dustrial-commerclal park on t h e J.Ackheed Aircraft Company property on MacArthur Boulevard were filed with the Newport Beach Planning Commission late Friday afternoon. The Emk'ay Development Company o( Southgate is asking for a zcne change for the l~acre tract located at the in· tersection or Birch Street, directly op- posite the Collins Radio Company pro- perty. Company officials rould not ht reached immediately for romment on details of the com plex. James Hewerker, assistant city p\1,,. ner. sa id Robert A. Alleborn, president of Emkay, filed the plans personally. He said the planned development, pat- terned after the nearby Irvine Industrial Complex , has tentatively been named "The Newport Project." Pl anning official~ said the deve16pmenl will be divided into about 105 acres of rommercial uses and 45 acres of light in· dustrial uses. The project is intended ln house manufacturing, research, assembly and other types of industry as well as pro- fessional and administrative o f f i c e buildings. Emkay is seeking a change in zone from the present unclassified status of the property to a Planned Community ione. · A Planning Commission public hearing on the request will take place Nov. S. If the project wins approvil of that agency, the city council wift-,~requked to con· duct a second publiC hearing l>efore fina l approval can be grabted. Dead Anchovies Wash Up Along Laguna Bea che8 By BARBARA KRErBtCB Of tile Dlfly P'lllll Siii! Dead anchovies by the thousands wash- ed up in the surfline along Laguna's beaches Friday, to the delight of local seagulls and disgust of beachfront residents who romplained of an in-· creasing foul odor from the unwelcome invasion. Experts in such matters said the fishy massacre proba bly was caused by "red tide " which absorbs oxygen in the water and literally suffocates fish feeding close to the shore. "It's like a giant net closing in on them from behind ," said Capt. W. H. Putman, of the Fish and Game Department in Long Beach. Putman said he hadn't checked the Laguna Beach phenomenon yet, but seen previous instances that left "literally tons '' of dead fish on beaches. "It was really spectacular at Marina de! Rey a few years ago," he ti1aid. "The whole harbor was full of them." Lifeguards said they noticed unusual gull activity in the surf line Friday morn- ing and al tirst assumed a bait boat had dumped !he fish. But reports of dt!ad fi sh washing ;ishore began coming in from points ranging from El Morro to Sleepy Hollow, so the bait boat theory was dropped. Guards said there had been some evidence of "red tide" in the past week, but it was not unusually heavy. This is an accumulation of dead plankton that floats in the water periodically. Putman said the red tide does not have to be heavy to destroy the fish. "ll depend; on the location ." he tx· plaineil. "If the fish are close to shore and the red tide romes in behind them, they are cut off. They use up all the ox- ygtn in the clear water 11round them and they won 't try to eacape through the red tide because it also has certain to1icants in it tha~ damage their gills." By Friday even ing. lifeguards at the Main Beach report.ea increasing numbers of dead fish . "And it's beginning lo smell awf~ arouna here," they added. One of Quads Dies WINCHESTER. Mass. (UPI) -an. or the four Hugo quadruplets died Fri- day from a luna aliment. Olahe Hugo, the r,oungeat and smallest o( the lour girls Dorn Wcdnesd•Y to Mr. and Mrs. CharlN Hugo nf Stoneham, died trom what doctors llst~ as "immaturity of the. Juna." _ on •aid the other thne &frls ,,.,. In 11litfletOl'J condition, pa:~sentative for 'the Middle East. 'The ministers were in New York for the 251.h annlveraary session.of the Unit· ed Nations. Jarring, Sweden's ambas· sador to Moscow, was recalled a week ago to try to resume his peace mission, which broke down Aug. 2S ·when Israel cqarged that Egypt was violatin1 a mil~ itary standsUll agreement by moving antiaircraft missiles toward the Suez Canal. Thant's statement issued by a U.N, spokesman in his behalf, said: ''The four foreign ministers had ·a useful exChange of views with the sec- retary-general and Ambassador Jarring on the situation in the Middle East. "They agreed to exert their utmost efforts to enable Ambassa_dor Jarring to resume his mission at the earliest ~ sible date; to search fo~ possibilities through the ag~rilent of the parties directly concerned to extend the obser- va·nce of 'the cease·fire for a period to be determined; and w find a peaceful sbluti6rr on the basis of~ ReloJuilon m of tile Security Council. · .. "The four powers will continue their consultations and their permanent re- presentatives in New York will meet q:ain on Oct. 28." Resolution 242 set up conditions (or a settlement and called 'for negOO&tipn$. Since Aug. 25, Israel has repeatedly: accused the Egyptions ot violations. Cairo, rejecting the charges, has e-0un- tered that Israel. ts fortifyin&: positions w.UbJ.n the stand1till zone in violation <ti. the plan. . _ The Big Fout'11 chief U.N. delegates -Sir Colin Ctowe 'of• Britain, Ambula· :lor Jacques KoSciuSko-Morize~of France, Soviet Ambassador Jacob A. Malik and U.$; .Ambassador qiarles-iW~ :Vost -al· ready · had scheduled a meeting (or Oct. 28 fu discuss guidelines for Jarring's iJI: dire'ct talks. All four were prese,,t ,. Friday night's rileetinc. Earlier. Friday, Rocet.J.. and Mahmoud Rlad,__'Egypt's ·fortign ,8lini$ter, qr~ during a 45-minut.e diacUJllion• Ulat 'tar· rangements have to be~ nJ'ade tnl.lieliaif ot the Palestinians". before a luti:nl: peace can be acllieved. FIREMEN BATTLE IN'VAIN TO SAVE SHRINE OF TEXAS CATHOLIC CHURCH "" ,_ A Lone 'Pilot Wages a Personal W•r By Crashing Plen• Into Senctu•ry Crash a Blow ~·-Beligi0,n. . 'Symbolic Gestur.e,' Sa y s Deoo Pi!ot's _Nei~hbor ~. SAN JUAN, Tex. (UPI) -A pilot "op. Alexander. 52, of San Juan, a teach~r 'and ·to Mission. L from Hl ... dalgO tO Jnooii posed to the materiaUsm of oraanized flight il)structor and father ·Of four chi!-in the lower Rjo Grande Valley of &oulh religion" deliberately dived his .rented dr.en. He radioed a warning to McAllen Texas. airplaae in the shrine of San Juan Catho-International ·Airport 27 minutes before "We queried the pilot as to wtiy the lie Church Frida.y, raining. flaming rubble the crash, churches should be evacuated." W~· down on ISO children, priests and nuns. "The crash was a symbolic gesture." roup said. "He sAJd, 'due to a serious the pilot died in the crash. said a man who would identify himse!C plot.' " "l though it was the end of the world ," only as Alexander's next door neighbor. Police said there were too . many said Sister Mary Patrici. "I saw this ''He was very opposl!d to the materialism churches across. heavily CalhoJic:'Soutb duster coming lower and lower. It appear-of organized religion . It wasn't aimed at Texas to notify them all. . . ·- ed to drift to.ward .the chu~ch ~nd the the Catholic church per se, but just . "We were:ln 0;ie sanctuary. Sixty~hriem school. At,the la.st minute lt dived 1n~o the at all organized religion, and the Catho-had just finished meeting and ha1~tart- church. lt1~ a Il}Jracle none of the children lie church 'jL!Sl happened to be the biggest. eel holding mass," said the Rev.~-"'· was hurt. "He couldn 't live in a world where Ballard, chancellor of the diocese of. Sixty priests celebratil'lg mass and 70 things were not like he thought they Brownsville. "There was a. noise like school children and their teachers in an ought to be," the friend said. something hit the roof, and then aa. e.x· adjoining cafeteria ran out of the flam-Alexander crashed into the church pre· plosion. Pieces of burnin1 ceiling ataited ing building and were not injured . cisely at noon. Charles Wardroup. chief dropping all around. · The pilot's body, still stra{!pf!<I ln his of the control towe r at McAllen, said the "It was a miracle all of us 1ot olit seat was found In a charred-s!c0'1d noor pilot radioed at ti :30 a.m. CDT advising a.live becau'se we were surrounde& by rest ' room above tfle cafeteria. fire departments to evacuate all Metho· fire. We were in the boUSe of God and Police identified the pilot as Francis B. dist and Catholic churches from Weslaco he protected us." Irv ine Co. Links Simon Questions Regents From Wlu Services LOS ANGELES -Former Orange County industrialist and financier Norton Simon Friday urged Gov. Ronald Reagan and other Un'iversity of Calitomla Regents to reveal any links with the Irvine Company, Simon, also a UC Regent, accused the governor of playing politics with the in· terests of the sprawling land empire at heart. No official reaction was available from the firm founded by the late James Irvine to the press release from Norton's local ofiice. "Office?," scoffed one Irvine Company side on the spur of the momenl. "His office is his house.'' The latest Simon says game charges G<>v. Reagan is looking out for the com• pany because he has received political rontributions from It and related In- terests. He also said Reag'an's ajJ.ege(desire to thwert discussions of problems sur- roundln1 the planned community ol Irvine may involve other considerations. "ln vjew of th! unusual condict dls:pla.yed by the governor _at the recent boArd or regents meeting , and because of the resort to ciucstlonable parliamentary procedures for the second time by the board to prohibit any discussion of the present Jrvlne community problem,. I feel comptlled to c&ll upoft the gOv~rnor, ht. fellow regtnts, and members of the 1tate and university Mlmlnistrition to come forward and disclose lo the public tny in· tere11t", acllvitt they had, hive. or tlteod' lb have willi 1he lrY)no Coml*Jf, 8e11. I (George) Murphy's campaign , or Se:n . Murphy's finance · chairman, Charles Thomas, past president and present paid consultant of the Irvine Company." Simon continued, "In view of the governor's acti ve support of Sen. Murphy, and Sen. Murphy1s involvement with the Irvine Company, it seems im· pera!Jve that Sen. Murphy make a twl disclosure about his activities."' Irvine-UC Agreement Could Be 'In Conf·lict' SAN JOSE (UPI) -The state auditor ting a dea l In whl ch c.rter made •a general 111id Friday "a conflict of inter· jolnt purchase with the utilvetsity .for est could occur" because of the conttG-$273,750 of two acres ne1;r; the : UCLA versfal agreement betw.,Pn the Irvine campus. The land contained a private 7 residence and a Japanese garden. Company and the University of Califor. ·The university, Merrifield said, paid nla. . $178,7&<1 and Carter the balance. A preliminary report by Auditor Gf:n-The committee was also told reient eral Will iam Merrifield said the agree-Edward Pauley's oil company,. Pauley ment involved regents Edward R, Car· Petroleum Inc., did $10.7 million worth ter and William French Smith. of buginess with -the property holding Carter is a director of the lrvlne Foun· corr.>ration, set up by top university daUon which has controlling interest in admlnistralors. the. Jrvine Cgmpany and Smith Is the Merrifield said he was offered to-ift. llrm s a[torney. vestigate the holding corporation .~ Tht'"lrvinc CQmp11ny is 5etklng to build ~ a bill was authored in the aasembl,; a city around the UC Irvine campus ro~r calling for such a Probe. - times larger than the plan originally i•ouf investigation.~· he sald "di.sci~ agreed to. that the total tran18otlon1 are $10.7 mll- Merrifield told the AS!iQmlSly Educa-lion Instead of the $5.8 million as orflti. • Uoa .Committee the conflict "could oc· ally dlsclosed. • ~r" becau_se of the luture development Merrifield s1tid fnvesti1ations fine_, Of the land. also been started into olhtr tranuctlans He said changes In the univtrslty lnvnl\'lng "unlvcr!lty em_ployn arid campus master plan "would requln the carporatloru or bwlneas flrml owned er university rtgents' 1pproval." cootrolled-·by regeni. ol the Uniwrdy Tbe audllor allO 1ald he IJ investlga-of_ Celilomla . J Churches Warn U~N. I Pulpit and Pew Council Urges Stronger War on Poverty I . ' Qrltl c.arH "' a.. Sea, YOlllh Fellowahlp al 5:111 p.m. and evenl.ng wonbip serv1ce at 7 p.m. eveolng will be lhe Jleveraod GENEVA (AP) -Elchteen llrDD& oatlooa "ill oooUoue lo Roger Harrison who will show economist.I and toclolotiltl pay ICl.Dt rt8ard to the in- moblU:inl "all the mens al their clll-1 I<> Inform theiq own peopl~ and 111 meq everywhere of the present facts of tbe 1dtuaUOtt." UD1&ed Metllodilit, will honor .... , • . RtformatJoo Day on tbe Quis. ... tlan caltnd1t, u Or. Ray C. colored 1lidea on "A Nlcht in npresentibl the w or Id' 1 temtl: of tbe relaUvely poor Moscow". Mr. Hlrrllon wu a leading -Quiltlan eburcbes and powtrleu n1Uons." .... ReRrrectloa L 0 t 1t e r 1 1 resident chaplain for the have publ.lsbed a report claim· . 'Ibe atudy concluded: "The ·~ churches n~ critically to re-examine th~ use of their own fundl an~ resourcea," the report &aid, '"lbe church'• prophetic role demaoda propbeUc a<tloo. F"' lo propbeay .. the lflUlest moral question of the da~ without radically rtappralaing their owo prtortlle& II lo ubotqe propbe1y by: bypocrily." Gery ·apetkl on "Sol'lJ and .,. Dl1JChtera of the RevoluUon." !i_ Tbe. •1World Religions'' class -; from a nearby college whlch Dr. Gecy instrllctl, will be 11· tending en muse. A sermon ft<d-bad< will follow the service, permittine worsbip- pen a discuasloo period. Tbe worship aervice and Church School bealn at 9:30 a.m., at 1100 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beo<h,Callf. Charcb, L.C.A., 91!112 Hamllton ~1:1e::n Y~:~:lv~': ing that the aecond UnUed Na.. aocial objectives, in tenn1 of Avenue ( 8 r o o kb u r 1 t at tlona development decade wlll health, bo\lllng, employment. Sunday he btld a service tn l L-Hamllton, schedules Momin.a: the Brltlth Emba•y. He bu re1ult in "poverty and frullra-educatipn and leisure · wat ' Wonh!p 1t 10:30 a.m. Arthur some insl&bt into life in tlon on a acalt now bard to moet men would rep.rd' u --"Health of Mind, Emotion, and Body'" 11 the title of the lecture to be civen by the Rev. Albert Burke tc the members aod pests of the Cbmcb al Jlellsl001 Science of Newport -Ibis SUndoy at the Ebell Oub, 515 W. Balboa Blvd. at 10 a.m. &mday School meets at tbe same hour. A medita- tion period with a ~rded . R. Tingley, Paator, will opeak Russia. H• returned lo the grasp" by the eod ol Ibis ceo· minimal 1imply will DOI be i~ on '"The Rescue Of Buie United States in June. tury. ta1ned for the areat majority Cbrlltilnlty". SUnday School The experto from e!Cbl oa· o! mankind by the eod of the MS&lona at t a.m. for grades Uona aaid •""~ bulc weakneN cen+.·-." Sunday Is Reformation Sun-WR: ..... ~ two and above; Nursery care day at the Com.mutt)' Ullted of the plan, deliped to nar-In Africa, the report aald, through fin! grade 11 10,30 MetbodiJI t'bveb, eea Hell row the gap bellr61D rtcb aod the larietl offer "iD abaolute 1.m. The Adult DiJcussion Avenue, Huntington Beach. poor naUona, t1 thlt "lt nae· terms, 1Mual tncomea of Group meets lit 9 a.m. Rev. Charles L. Rose wtll Tel.Jc SelMNluled a:erates the power and in· lower than~ per head for a speak on the Continuous ... _\"'" fluence of the Unlted Na· lar1e· 11e1ment Of the popula- Met1: Verde U 1 11 e d Reformation. D u p J 1 c a t e Robert H. Mitchell of lions." lion in the year 2000·" day. Durlng recent weeks, the Methodbt Cburcb, 1701 Baker services are held at 9 and .The decade begins today Ind As a result, he said, "the church has widened l t 1 St.rttt, Costa Mesa, will have l0:30 a.m. OU.Id care and Edinburgh, Scotland, a coincides with the world basic condiUona of life that Egypt Color Slides Slated bulldlna: by 25 percent and two morning wonhip services church school cluaea are also member ot The Christ· o rgan i z at Ion' i 25th an· are d!man~ by the Olristian at t and 10:30 a.m. Through held at both hours. nJvenary. coricept of :mtn u a noble and C.Olor slides of Egypt will be authori:ed the purcbulnl of bynw and acripturea:, the ian Science Board of The 110.page report was creaUve being will be denied shown by the Rev. Robert new seaUn&. As the new service will portray the The n. Dr H Lectureship, will speak commissioned by the Com· to I.be great majority of. the ~faynord during the 7 p.m. __ , noi::v .. en ry b •• aeaUn& Is lnatalled the church historlca1 life of Quist. Nar· Gerhard, mlnlater of the mlttee on Society, Develop-uma.n race. service at the Coata Mesa: will be able to serve twice 111 raton wlll be Steve Johlllton Cbarcb of ReU&ioal Seltace, Tuesday at 8 p.m . at ment and Pe ace, an The experts said It "would Foursq~e Cburch, 173 4 many people during one and Rev. Paul Bleaemeyer. 20082 Laguna Canyon Road , the auditorium of the ecumenical group aet up in be partia l to demand great Orange Ave. The slides were -. f\\etla&e by Dr. Ernest Holmes, Founder . of the IMtttute ·of Religious Science ~ pnoedel the lecture, ud a worship service. The aervlce The Chancel Cbolr wlll sing Laguna .Beach, will speik on F ' Cb h l C 1 19tl8 by the World Council of changes in the policies of the taken by the Rev. Maynord of dedication will be conducted and tbe Cherub and Chorister the "renewal of the Total irst urc 0 hr st-Churches and the Roman rich withou~ slmu1taneously during his trip to the Holy, during both of the morning cholra will also sine. The Man" on Sunday at both ian Scientist, 3316 Via Catholic Oiurcb. JUI aeoeral calling for f • r:-reaching Land. worship hours 1:30 and 10:40 children of the Clwrcll School aervlcta at 1and11 a.m. de Frente, San Cle-secretary is an American reforw In landholding. in· Church members will can-a.m. Tb e congregaUon'I will attend the w or 1 bi p Catholic priest, tbe Rev. come distribution, particlpa· vas at I p.m. today. minister. James E. Piercy, tervlces. Tbe Younc Peoplel lf<IUP mente. Mitchell Is on George H. Dunne. Uon in decision-making, and;;;:::=========; ' ~ coffee bour will follow. will apeak on the aubject, _,11 duct ... • 111 t o u r throughout the The specialiatl endorsed the sheer professionalism i n ~· r U-"·' M~·~·· M -••1 ww 000 ~ •' p.m. "· STARS Flnt Ca1tUu "a.rua o "UnderatandiDg o u r Con-11UCU oe:IU.IUUI• en ..-u eventnc Hrvice of Flnt aa,.. U.S. and Canada. He is demands for more equality government in u..:: poorer c.ta Mna, 792 Vlctoria St., Unulne Christian WJtnels." meet fot dinner on Wednesday tlft Clmrdl on Sunday The b th Cb . t• c.o-· made in the U.N. plan, but countries." Svdnrt Om•rr b •11• •f the ~,. wUl dedlc1te Its expanded other Sunday Servtcet of the at the Meu Verde Uatted Putor, Wlllls J. J..oW will 0 a ris ian O\.:lence forecast that it will fall They also urged the world'• 9reet ••trologers. His "" wonblp area during the mom-church are Sunday Bible MetWlat Cmrdl, 1701 Baker practitioner and teach.. becau.5e "at the international churches to play an active role eolumn ;, one of the DAILY PILOT·s gr11t fe1ture1. , ,;.lni;,w:onbl:;:::P~ae;rvt:c:es==='"==S;un-;;;:::;;:SC~hool===';t;t::lll~1;.m;.=a.rtoll====a~n~;Streel:;::;;;:Guell;::=::"':~;•~er~f0r~the=====(ile6===PULP~~IT=,=P=qe~=l~)=~·;r=.========~le=v;•l~tb~e=r=k;h:,::::;a•;d~m;il;itar~il=y~ln~tb;•=w;•;r;ag~amst~·==~pov;:•rt;y~,=h=y~;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:::::::;::;::;::;::;::~ ~:1 ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY ~.1'=====~Y:o~u~a~r:e~i:nv~i=t.~d;=:'to:=:t~he:=====~)F';;=:==::=:=::-=:======-~~::S;;l;:::::::::~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;=;N~e=w::p:o:rt;=;U~n=i:ty:;=========j ,: F1'rst Assembly of God Church CHRISTIAN SCIENCE llB~~~CH I Corona del Mar '""'" ,;~:::. ':.'\'~,~~-~'.:·. ~~:·~·,,15 .•. i . CHURCHES a\lRCH '"""' '''''' '•• '11 ,,., -"'' •·•· ·' J40 E. 22nd St., Costa Mese-541-3761 · c...~ O..., 11tti •II 11"1'1•, Newp•rt 1eoc11 · ~ :0 <Ill" Offlc•-646·5111 Mornlnt Worship -10:50 A.M. .... 1ortw... llANCHn o• THI MOTHD CHUICH /! . CS SINGSPIRATION I-Int Worship _ 7:00 P.M. 1.,. lort w... THI PIUT CHUICH OP ·C:HlllT, SC:lllNTllT ~ ,. IN IOITON, MAllACHUllTTS Emphub:lnJ Z - Wodnoaday Worship-7:30 P.M. ..... ....., ..,_ The P1'n of Cod ; "' "PROBATION AFTER DEA TH" .,,,, ''"°" 01 a..;.. · ~ .. • PIWCHOOL ••D 21/1 TO I The rower of the Hofy Spirit --.,. j -6:JD A.M. TO I P.M. -PH. '41·Zl2J SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25th SundfY Sdlool t A.~ ;: \ '-'=::====================~II Momflll Wonhip 9 ind 10:l0 AM :.,.,. 1...._,,1 '!, "t : hul"I Servlca 7 PM .. ; HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD Costa Mou-Fi rat Church of Chrlat, Sclont11t ,.,.w;->,:; ,:;"• ,,,., ~~MAY~,.~ ..-740 W. Wiison, Cotta Mis.a JllO M .. ,.,. Dr,. c..te 111.. Nunery durln1 HtVJ* 14M704 ,......, ...._. -t :l I A.M. A full Yotrth --'I. V. L. MlttwlCK, l'AITO~ •oa1•T 1. ILSTICI ~rcll lerrk•-11 A.M, ,,.,&" .. ,. JIM stNOLSTOM Mlllt1lff., ••-i. .._., ... aoo.. 2110 M .. v.-Dt. Cm.of Orangt:and2Jrd.SL COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL .. M...,.. ., Y..,. CAllL G•NT1tv Cosll. Mesa Mllll...,. ., Mink Huntlntton Be1ch-Flr1t Church of Christ, Scientist SUNDAY -Wea-M I Olho9 Rev. Fr_.. Morst, 'e•tor t :41A.M.-S. ..... ~ S-., sa..1-t:)D & 11 :11 • 611 HELIOTROPE 11111 A.M.-"-...C. of•~ Uf."-Chfclt-t :Jt & 11 A.M, _., ...._ -.. .... 221 M• "· S.venth·Day WM1l11,_10A.M. 7,00 r.M_ . ..,.. city wi-• c.,,... N..,por1 Botch-Flnt Ch~rch of Christ, Sclontlat Adventist Churc:h -, ., ,..,., JJDI YI• Ude I 271 ·-.. c " Cll•rdllhH.,.k...r-t:11111:10 .. ., .... .., .. I COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL l••H .. 1 ... , JJll YI• Lw. ,I ""'" .._111t11e, ,....., 1·1 673-4000 l'....SCllMI -~lllllt!"flrtllfl -•1tlMllf1ry -Cllltil C.N I · I '1 """"'....... ,.I, ==========11 ~;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::;:;=:::=:::;:;;:;~\ N-por1~:':",:::.~~-·~.!;':!:'•Sclontl1t • =~;::·t~::: Afl J/?f I FIRSTSOUTHERNBAPTISTCHURCH ........ _ .. ...,_,.A.M. I' ........ M ..... WM..7,IOPM .Alien Church 611 HAMILTON, COSTA MBA ._., .. 1 ... -WJ LC... HwJ. DH a.b.rt.-1 ..... ,,.... I I S1111dty School • • • •• • • • 'l:'45 Tr•in!ng Union • •• • • • • • 5:00 ' All are cordially invited to attend the church f! Meuilnt Woulr.ip •••• • 1 l:OO Evenint Worahip •••••• 6=00 services and eni·oy the privile11es ·of tbe I Wffnt1d•Y 'r•Y•t Mettint for ell •te1 ••••••••••••• , 7:JO ...... '42·t111 N•rwery Al..,. Am~ , Reading Rooma l:==;::;::=;:;;::;::;:;=:::=:::====;::;::==;=;::;::=i j C•ll4 C.. PrMf'"1 AT ALL lllYICD I' UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 11':;~~~~~~~~~~~1 22$2 S. L PALISADU ROlD 11.: SANTA ANA HllGHTS SUNDAY KMOO~ ··--····························''"' ,\.M. PLEASE DON'T COME I MOllNlft~ WOllSMlfl ................................ 11 A..M. TO IV.NINO WORSMll' ••...............•..•.•.•...••.• 1 l'.M. MIOWl!.lllC SEll\llCI! WIONl!I OAT J:JO "·""'" CALVARY CHAPEL lll'f'. WIUh '· Carrlc:e Cllut(ll flllellt IMW'n FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH .t hllllttll• Yolt.y IA-"Cln l11t1llO ....... 11 • ...,11.., ... "'91 .. v.11.,. lft'.O...HcrwliK.Ml1ilftor Morning Wonhip 1:10 l I I 1m Sundey Sehool , , •••• ';JO 1rn E ... enint Set'+'ic• • ••, 6:00 P.M. Yo11tti Choir ••••• , 7:1 5 P.M. Ye11tt. Mettin91 •• , • 1:00 P.M. Cllllf C.re 11 ell llf'llc• 142-2421 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH FIRST CHRISTIAN ,j CHURCH II I I Victoria & Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa .. _ I. ,,.re, I Mlnl1llf Do_,1. Hodpl I YMrfll Mlfthtw ii ltrly Witnft1' ............ I :• t .:.i. ' 11"' kll091 ··········-······· •. rll. Mem1111 w~r, .......... 101• 1.r11. Ytwlll Ort11 ......... ··••-··••··' '°"'° I ..,......,, ························' '°""' Nursery Care Provided 141~771 541-4il41 I The Faml~ That Prays Together Stays T111ether If you ttt loo•in9 for 111 e1ebor1ft pf0tr1111, or •Mitl 'tetll9e. l ut if yo11 •r• loo•in9 for 111-clt pth l lble 1tudl"1 Chrhfl111 fe!. low1hip, •nd in1pirint •Pitittd worsh ip, you'll love 11d To 1ceelfl• modett our growi119 ehureh f1mily we now h1 '+'t two S11rid1y mornln9 ter¥1C.tl1 9:30 i nd 11100, Nurttry ••re. Cerntr ef •ree11• .-illt A Sunflew•r. 14 .. 2121 646.flll FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH . 2101 CLIH DI., NIWPOU llACH A NIW CHURCH Wl!LCOMIS YOU Emtry P. Colllna, Peator ....., S.W-11.t..M. w.na.1,_11 A.M.-7 P.M. CHUllCH 01' RILIOIOUS SCllNCI .. N....,. hMfl M.-. Chlfocli " U..._. CMm • ...,_ ...._. 1M ....... llllfDAY lllYICI • , • It AM Mlntstw ••• 411ltrt 81m11, llLS.c.,. nil lllLL Cl.UI OP HIWl'Olf 11.utt flt ..... I M,. II ... I THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcome• You. St. JAMB. JJOt Yla Ude, N•wp..-t a-c• 7:JO A.M.-Holy IMHtltf t iOO A.M.-hMlly WIHllll, 11:00A.M.-Alm. ... Hely c ........ 11.11 & Mert1l11t ,r.,., Ml4°W ... Hol, C•M11t111lff & HMlllf hniMI TMMlay-1 l :JO A.M. Wa4••lllr, 1:00 P.M. C•lllll c .. • t :OO a.•. 11Mi 1 ... .I•• , . A.i-y II, IMter ,.. .... DnW .... c ... .,. AIMcl ... a.c ......... : 671.0210 ST. JOHN THE OIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. ltntMys 7:JO I t :Jt Chrdt ScllMI -t :JO Tll•ndaya: 6:JO I 1 O •.M.1 Hety Der,. • .... ..- YJc.r,""' .......... w. D91ll••• -...... 141-1126 NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 791 Dover Dr. LI 8-l6l I PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH • M .. Y.,. D,.,. I W• sm.t, c.ta ,..., c.nt. ANOlllW C. ANOlllSON, Pei• Svnfty k l\oOh t :1J -Memlllll Wtr1'1 tO: 1~00 1MI ll:Cll 'rfnee ef '••ce Luffter1n Schoel -Ml11 bthtr Ol1eR, ,,lntl1totl Office Phone1 149·0121 School Phtne1 14f·Dl62 ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH 11112 Culver Drive Unlvertlty Park, lrvlne 1 .... H.,._, N. N..,_ ......, 1c•11I 1:11 A.M. ,_., W...Wp l 1JI •II ,t,.M • lll·1211 N•,_,., C:.. I JJ.JJ4' WN ... My, 7:JD ,.,..~ DIAL·A-PlAYll 646.06Jt A Cordiol Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l1lboe l1l•11d THI UNITID COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 111 Attte 675-0tSO t iJO A.M. Wor1hip Wor1hip I S11rtd•v Sehool Coit• M11• FIRST UNIT!D METHOOIST CHURCH 19th St. I H1rbor 11,,d. Cliureh Wotthlp -fJ :lO I 11 C hurch School -t :JO 141-7127 Coif• Mt11 North MESA VEROE METHOOIST CHURCH Mes• Vercle I l1ker St. 54t.211• V/or1hip l Chureh School t :OO l 10:10 A.M. Hunti11tlo11 Beech FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. 516-1537 S..fl• t:15 • IO:JO 0.rU SQHl-t:ll Nwnery C..re All Mtrnl"' Huntington lt1eh' -Noriti COMMUNITY METHOOIST CHURCH 6662 Hell A"•• 142-4461 Wonhlp I Church Sch ... t I 10:10 A.M. lrvlnt -E1tt ll11ff UNIVERSITY METHOOIST CHURCH llJ· I lJJ 11422 Cul•er kot4 •t U11i'+'e11lty Ori¥e Wor1hip I Ch11rch Sehool 9 & IO :JO A.M. l1gun1 lt•ek LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHURCH 21611 We11rt Ori•• _ in So. L•gun1 Worahip 11 A.M • Chureh School 9:)0 A.M. '499·l011 N1wparl 811ch CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA 1400W. l•lbo1 l lvcf. 671-3 105 Wonhip-9:10 A.M. Church School- 9:30 I 11 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Churc:h Presbyterian 21111 M .. n.n• (N..,Ad.,..) H•~lff'H ..... ...... hHW I. laHift, ,.., ....., Wordtlp: t 1JO A.M. Clim• Sc~: 10:45 A.M. Offke1 2011 J M .. Hll• St. ,.._: t61~t41 Churc:h of the Covenant JISD fall"YI-lo.ct, Cetta M- ir•« l. IC.1rrle, ,.., kltffr Wo'*I': t :JI & 11 A.M.-Ck•r1• Scltffl: t :JO Pho .. : 14MJ04 St. AndNw'1 Presbyterian Church 601 St, A"4.....,. IMlll, N9Wport .._. CIM11 ... 1 H..._ D~~4. ,..,.., w.mii, l Qwclr Sc ... I: .. t :JI a 11 A.M. 646--7147 St. Mark Presbyterian Church c;.,..,,1_.,,.. & ....WaffDrt..-C.Wlhl M• ....... ~IC.ht,P_.., Wril, • c .. rclll Schfft-t • 1a:Jt A.M, 6"'4·1J41 , I SABBATH SERVICES RELlGIOUSSCHOOL harbor reform temple RAlll IERNARD ... KING ... t. meeting at St. Jimes Episcopal Church a 3209 Via lido, Newport BtKh fOf lnform11 ion: C.11675-7230 * TEMPLE SHARON TIMI •••"""" IYMI .... fer tM .................. '17W•H• ..... C...M .. All .ltwl1h f1tnilitt tt• :nvitff te l•in u1 111 truly 111t1nl119ful IAllATH mNING lllYICn NIDAY .. 1:11 P.M. s,MtMI ....., -..... ..... •••••• I 646--1112 T-,1• Sheron Choir -0 11t1 Sh19•t 541.f4)J Attend the Church of Your Choice on · Sunday • , I f • • I I , I I I I b • c b s ti • I c I ( ~ h ' • I j ' s DAil V PILOT 3 Big Four Push Mideast ePeace .. : .. . . • •• Will Pressure Israel, Arabs tO ExteJJtJ Cease-fire . ' DAIL't r lLOT Sl•H ,._.. UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (UPI) - The Big Faur powers have deckled lo press Egypt, Jordan and Israel to e.x· &end the Middle East ceaae-Cire put Its Nov. 5 expiration date. Thal done, they will work for a resumption of peace talks With an eye toward eventual settle- ment, o( hostilities. U.N. Secretary..Ceneral U Thant ,an· nounced the decision Friday nlght after a 3\~·hour working dinner in b1s office suite with Foreign Ministers Andrei A. Gromyko of the Soviet Union and Mau- rice Schumann of France, Foreilft Sec- retary Sir Alec Douglas-Home of Bri- tain and U.S. Secretary of State William P. Rogers. Also present was Gunnar V. Jarrin1 of Sweden, Thant's special re· Huge Industry. Plant Carded For Newport DEFENDANT1AWAITS OUTCOME OF SEMANTIC-FlLLED TRIAL A c•non for SwHt Ernie: Don't Shoot Off Your Mouth Plans for a multi·million dollar in· dustrlal-commercial park on t h e Lockheed Aircraft CQmpany property on P.1acArthur Boulevard were filed with the Newport Beach PlaMing Commission late Friday afternoon. From Pase 1 The Emkay Development Company of Southgale is asking for a zone change for the 15G-acre tract located at the in- tersection of Birch Street, directly op- posite the CollinJ Radio Company pro- perty . OBSCENITY TRIAL .•. by W!ling the word! in his Gateway Plaza 1peech against white radical &tudents OC· cupylng the UCI cafeteria as a Cambodia invasion protest. · "I think he assumed wr,oog," snapped Serber. Some of the • women jurors faMed themselves and wiped their faces in the &tufty courtroom , while Judg'e ·nonald Dungan apologized for the inoPeraUve air conditioning and asked Marshal Lou Petras to open the door. "Ladies and gentlemen, we try this caae on fact!, not innuendo or prejudice," Serber continued. He agreed the basis of the Jaw is willful lntenl to maljtjously disrupt a campus Pilot News Quiz Tests Children ··And Adults Too · The new DAILY PILOT family feattire that challengew parents to prove to their children that the "'old folks " are 11 smart as they claim lo be makes its first "Uncle Len page" appearance today on Page 7. A preview of the feature which a~ peared two weeks ago has resulted in enough feedback to assure DAILY PJU?T editors it is potentlally a strong family feature of the newspaper. Designed to appeal to anyone old enough to read, the "Your News Quiz" offers parents an opportunity either to compete with tlleir "young geniuses" or to quietly take the quii in the privacy of their own hbmes as a secret checkup on just hOw much attentiOn they've been paying to world events. . The quiz is published in a form~t ~h1ch make:s it handy for students to chp 1t out and carry it in a standard school notebook. In this form it can be taken into classrooms as an assist in current affairs discussions. "Your News Quiz" will appear weekly tn the DAILY PILO'l' on the "Uncle Len page." Today's quiz is published on Page 7. The DAIL "i PILOT dares you to take it. DAllY PILOT N...,..t hldt H•I•• ._. L.9t .... IMc.11 ........ ..., C.tc Mt1_• S.~ 01' ... NGE CO,AST PUlllSHING COM,ANY l eh•.rt N. w •• 4 .. l'l!lillfnt ...... '"'"""' J•c.k "· Cu rl•• Vice Prtt!ll..,1 •r.I G-r1l MttlttW lllem•t Ke •vil Edlltr Thom•• A. Mu•phi11t Mtr,.111rtt lflltr l ic.h1rd I". Neil Souotll or•fttt c-•r Edlter Off•• Cost• Mnt: "° W•I ••v "'"' "'NllOI'' l•1dl: nn W"1 ,,.,., ...,.,.,..... L-.unt l•c~: m ,_, ""'""" H~""911<'1 1 .. c.11: 11'15 l"d! l1111Pt .. Jen 'i."""tt; ~ Nor!fl l!L Ctm1nt l'•I . perbapr resulting in violence-a point defense attorney James George is press- ing. "There can be no doubt in your mind that such language could move som~ to violence-to break his neck," Serber hammered. Smith's defense atlomey responded by pointing out there was no violen,ce whatsoever and has emphasized that white persons used similar language in Gateway Plaia. the UCl spot designed for speech·making. ''He annoyed two secretaries, but he is not charged with annoying them," George argued, explaining again the nature of the law against willful disrup- tion that ma y lead to violence. George also said dirty words are com- monly used by adult males and rarelY,, prosecuted. "For instance, in this courtoom, we have used . the words -and (M-, defense attorney George emphasized. •·Why have we not ~n arrested?" : . He pronounced i the prefix word "Muthah", in the black manner. .. George said the defense, Pr05ecution and witnesses for both haven't been ar- rested for saying such things because they aren·t uttered in malicious, willful intent. "lf I establish anything in this trial. it must be that his motive was exactly the opposite,'''George continued. ''A great in· justice will occur if you convict this man." George, who is defending Smith on a $3,000 retainer and S50 per hour fee , paid partly by a UCI Free. Ernie defense fund . maintains the basic issue is freedom of speech. "Why is free speech important? A lot of people ha ve1died for it," George said. "He said it in a way that I wouldn't," he continued. "But his motive.15 were ex· actly the opposite of willful disturbance of the peace." The defendant contends he was only ad· dressing disruptive white studen ts in- volved in the Cambodian protest who were creating 11 situation that bothered him and students affected by campus turmoil all over America. Fro•n 1•a9e 1 Company officials could not be reached immediately for comment on details of the complex. James Hewerker, assistant city plan- ner. said Robert A. Alleborn, president of Emkay, filed the plans personally. He said the planned development, pat- terned after the nearby Irvine Industrial Compl ex, has tei:itatively been named "The Newport Project." Planning officials said the develcpmenl will be divided into about-106 acres of commercial uses and 45 acres of light in- dustrial uses . The project is intended lo house manufacturing, research, assembly and other types of industry as well as pro- fessional and · administrative office buildings. tmkay is seeking a change in zone from the present unclassified stalus of the property to a PlaMed Community "zone. A Planning Commission public hearing on the request Will take place Nov. 5. If the project wins approval of ~11t agency, the city council will be requftd lo con· duct a second publi~ing before final approval can be granted. Dead Anchovies Wash Up Along La guna Beach~ By BARBARA KREIBICH Of JM DaltJ r 1Mi Ili ff Dead anchovies by the thousands wash- ed up in the surfline along Laguna's beache11; Friday, to the delight of local seagulls and disgust of beachfront residents who complained of an in· creasing foul odor from the unwelcome invasion . ExpcrtS in such matters said the fishy massacre probably was caused by "red tide'• which absorbs oxygen in· the water and literally suffocates fish feeding close to the shore. "frs like a giant net closing in on them from behind," said Capt. W. H. Putman, of the Fish i;ind Game Department in Leng Beach. SLOCUM Putman said he ha dn 't checked the • • • Laguna Beach phenomenon yet. but seen . . previous instances that left "literally He briefly hugged his attorney. Michael tons" of dead fish on beaches. Gerbosi of Laguna Beach. and sn:iited at "It was really spectacular al Marina Gerbosi's secretary, Coralee Briggs ol -del Rey a few years ago,·• he said. "The Fullefton. whole harbor was full of them." 1\3 ptiotographers snapped his picture, Lifeguards said they noticed unusual Slocum said he is planning to leave gull activity in the surf line Friday morn· Orange County soon and ~ould attef!l~t Ing and at first assumed a bait boat had to build a new practice "m the Pacific dumped the fi sh. Northwest, probably Alaska." . But reports of dead fish washing ashore Slocum said his "."ife, "".ho was the p~1n· began coming in from points ranging cipal witness against him in the trial, from El Morro to Sleepy Hollow, so the would not accompany him. "I will al· bait boat theory was dropped. tempt to gain cuslody of my daught~rs Gua rds said there had been some Diane:, 9 and Mikie, 8. when my practtce evidence of "red tide" in th e pa st week, is established," he said. bul it was not unusually heavy. Thi s is an This i:ii the second time in fo~r. yea.rs accumulation of dead plankton that floats thflt a jury has found the phys1c1an in· in the water periodi cally. nocent of felon y charges. In October 1966 Putman s'id the red tide does not have he was cleared of three counts of assa.ull to be heavy to destroy the·fish. with inlent to commit murder stemming .. fl depends on the location." he ex· rrom an alleged shoolout with Santa Ana plained. "If the fish are clOM: to shore police. and tlle red tide comes In behind them, The incident followed a fight with hL'I they are cut off. They use up all the ox- wife in which pol ice were called to the ygen In the clear waler around them and physician's office at 21? N. Bristol .st. they won't try to escape through the red Slocum was shot In the right hand during tid@ because it also has certain toxlcants the alteccaUon and later filed a $2.2 Jn It that damage their gills," mUlioo lawsuit against. the City of Santa By Friday evening. tlleguards at the Ana and police. Main Beach reported increasing numbers Slocum was arrested in the latest case of dead fish. "And It's beginning to smell 'in SupeNor Court while prellminary hear-awful around here1'' they added. ings were being conducted on his lawsu~t. later dismissed by Judge Robert S. c:ortman on the ci ty 's cootentlon that the doctor h11d failed to bring the complaint to trial within two years as pfovlded for under the statute of llml1'1llOM. The frM,tng o( the defendant le1ves the l!'~ing ~Otllon .,,,.. -what boppen<d to Baby C)rnthia in ID&.;~ Slorum'1 wife said ht1: killed I.he baby and put the remains In the family fieezer al. 20S7 Calv~L StrccL He and . his a~ tomey i<tUMI! lier ol lbe crime. . ' One of Qua s Dies WINCHESTER, Ma5S. (UP)) -One of the four Hu.go quadruplett died fi'rl· day from " Jung ailment. Diane Hugo, the younge&t And 1mallest Of the four Rirls bom Wednesday to Mr. find Mn:. Char"• HURO or Stoneham, died from what doctors listed RS "immaturity of the luna." Doctors saJd the other Utree strls ,..,. ID ull.sfactOI')' c:oncfftton. prese-nl:alh'e for the Middle East . The rnirUsters were in New York for the 15th anniversary ltssion o( the Unit- ~· Nations. Jarring, Sweden's ambas- sador to Afoscow, was recalled a week ago to try to resume his peace mission, which broke down Aug. 25 wlien Israel chargedthat E&Ypl was· violating a mil- itary standstill agreement by moving anliaircrafi missiles toward the Suez Canal. Thant's statement issued by a U.N. spokesman in his behalf.., said: "Tbe four foreign •ministers had a useflll exchav1e Of views with the sec- retary-gen.era! and Amba"8dor Jarring on the situation In the Middle East "They agreed to exert their utmost efforts to enable Ambassador Jarring to resume hl1 mission aL the earliest pos slble ·date: to search for pos.slbllities througt; the 21greement of. the parties directly roncenied to extend the obseJ'. vance ol the c~ase-fire for a period to be determlntd; and to find a peacelut aolutlon on the basis <>f Resolution 2t2 oI the Security Council. "The four poy,·ers will continue their consultations and their permanent re- preaentatives in New Yori will meet 'a.ilin on Oct. 28." , · .Resolution 242 set up conditions for a 8ettlement and called for oe,otlltioni. Since Aug. 25, Israel hes repeatedly accused the Egyptions or violations. Cairo, rejecting the charges, has coun- • ler<d lhat Israel b fortllyinr JJO&i~ within the standstill zone In vlolatie11)ot the plan. • The Big FOur's chief U.N. deleg~tu, -Sir Colin c?owe of Britain, Ambuu..-~or Jacques Kcisclusko-Moriiet of FranCt,· SOviet Ambass11dor J1co& A. M~k lr:xl; U.S. Ambassador Q\arlce W.'Yoit ~ aJ.., rtady had scheduled a meet.hlg fOrvdct; 7J to dJscuss iuldelln.es fOr· Jarrtnirs 1-·. direct talks. All four were preRDt at Friday night's meeting. "' Earlier Friday, R;GJers and Malnilad Rild, Egypt's fore~ min.J.ste'i;l •air"'!d dur'ing ·a 45-minut&.dlicuaaioi:i fbitt"ai'- r1:iigements have to be made ln.;~ of the Palestini~s" before a 1aW peace c1n be aehleved. · -• 1 ' 1 ' .. FIREMEN BATTLE IN VAIN TO SAV,E SHRINE OF· TEXAS CATHOLIC .CHURCH A Lone Pilot W1g11 1 P1r1on1I W1 r By Cr•1hing Plane Into Sanctuary Crash a Blow at Religion 1• !. , I ; '( 1 'Symbolic Gesture,' Say1 Dead. Pilot's Neighbor . ' l . ~·I . SAN JUAN, Tex. fU Pfl -A pilot "op. posed to lhe materialism of organized religion" .delJberalely dlv!d his ·rented airpla11e in the shrlne of San Juan Catho- lic Church Friday, raining flaming rUbb/e down on J30 children, priests and nuns. The pilot died In the crash. "I though it was the end of the world ," said Sister Mary Patric l. "I siw this duster coming lower and lower. ft appear· ed to drift toward the church and the school. At the last minute it dived into the church. It's a miracle none of the children was hurt." Sixty prieSts celebrating mass and 70 school children and their teachers in ari adjoining cafeteria ran out of the flam - ing b;uilding and were not injured. The pilot's body. still strapped in his seat, was found in a charred second floor rest room above the cafeteria. Police identified the pilot as Francis 8. Irvine Co. Links Atuander. S2, of Sill! Juan;~. teacher -'d to MiisiGri·ind tronf Hida.Jgo•to !dJnbln flight instructor and father ol four ch!J. in the lower Rio Grande Valley ol s00t& dren. He radioed .a warning to McAllen Texas. International Airport t1 minutes before "We queried the pllot is to why the the crash. churches should be evacuated," Waz:.i:J. "The crash was a symbolic gesture," roup said. "·He said, 'due to a serious said a man who would identify hlmselt plot.'" only as Alexander's next door neighbor. Police said there were too = ..t•He wa s very opposed to the materialism churches across heavll>: Catholic of organized religion. It wasn't aimed at Texas to noti!y them all. .. the Catholic church per se, but just "We were in the sanctuary. Siny priest.I at all organized religion. and the Catho-had just finished meeting and had tsta:rt· lie church just happened to be the biggest. ed holding mass." said the Rev. ·E. A. "He couldn't live in a world where Ballard. chancellor of the diocese ol things were not like he thought they Brownsville. "There was a noise like ought to be," the friend said . something hit the roof. and then u er· Alexander cra shed Into the church pre· plosion. Pieces of burning ceilli;lg started cisely til noon. Charles Wardroup, chief dropping all around. of the control tower at McAllen, said the "It was a miracle all of us gQt ·(Qt pilol radiOIKt at 11 :30 a.m. CDT advising alive because we were surrounded lfy fire departments to evacuate all Metho· fire. We were in the house ot God mid dist ud Calh<llic churches from Weslaco he protected us ." ' Simon Questions Regents From Wire Service' LOS ANGELES -Former Orange County industrialist and financier Norton Simon Friday urged Gov. Ronald Reagan and other University of California Regents lo reveal any Jinks witb the Irvine Company. · Simon, also a UC Regent. accused the governor of playing politla with the in· terests of the 'sprawling land empire at he~rt . No official reac~kln was available from the firm founded by the late James Irvine .to the Pr't!8 release (rom Norton's local office. •·Office?," scoffed one Irvine Company side on the spur of the moment. ''His office Is his house.'' The latest Simon says game charges Gov. Reagan is looking ouL for the ct1m· pany because he has received political ct1ntributiom lrom It and related ln· terest.s. He.als:l'sald R1.1:agan's alleged desire to thwirt discuasions of problems IW'· rounding the planned ct1mmunlty of Irvine may involve other c:onsideratiol'll!l. "In view of the unusual conduCt displ ayed by the governor at the rtctnt board or ngents meeting, and-beeaua of the resort to qUf!M.lonable parliamentary procedures · for the aecond time by tht board to probiblt any dilcUMion of lbe preaent Irvine community problem, l feet compelled to call upon the gOYernor, his lellow t(:gentll, and members of the state And university administr11llon to come forward and dbclose to the publlc any i~ terest, activity they ti..d. havei or intt."nd lo baYI with 1111 Irvine Oompony, ·Sen: • tGeorge) Murphy's campaign, or Sen. Murphy's finance chairman, Charles Thomu. pa.st president and pregent paid consultant of the Irvine Company." Simon continued, "in vie w of the governor's active su'pport of. Sen. Murphy, and Sen. ~{urphy's lnvolviinelit with the Irvine C.Oinpany, it &eems: im- perative that Sen. Murphy make. 1 full disclosure about his activities." Irvine-UC Agreement . " Could Be 'In Conflict'· SAN JOSE (UPI ) -The state auditor gen1.1:ral said Friday "a C:onOict of Inter· est 1could occur" because of the contro- ver5ial agreement between thE: Irvine Company and the University of Califor- nia . A preliminary report by Auditor Gen· eral William Merrifield said the agree- ment Involved regents Edwar:d R. Car· ter and William French Smith . Carter Is a director of the Irvine Foun. dalion which has controlling interest in the Irvine Company and Smith is t.he firm's attorney. Tht lrvtne Company is .eekln& to buUd a city around the UC Irvine campu., four times larger than'""1he:--pl11n orl&lnally asretd lo- Mmifield told the Assembb' ~ua· Uon Commitlff the conflict "could Oc- cur" because of the future development ol the land. He nld changes In the urilve{slty ctynpu11 master plan "would requlrt the urifvetslty rtetota:' approval." The audltcr a1ao aald .he. JJ lnveaUga· - f. Ung a deal In Which Cart.er made t• joint purchase with the univer~J.Y":'for $273,750 of two acres near the., UCLA. ~~re:ce 1::d ~a~p~:1~~:n:""~ The university. Merrifield saJd, plld · $f78,7SO and Carter lhe balance. The committee was also tokt r,.W Edward Pauley's on company, Pauley Petroteum lhc., aid $10.7 n1flllon ·1'til'tb of-business with the property ~lifiiia corporaUon. Rt up by top un!YlnlllY admini!tratort. 1 Merrtneld said he w111-offerect .to· m.. vestlgate the• holding ct1rpor1tlot' ~tir a blll wu author<d In •tho -~ callll:!s for such a probe. ~ "Our inve!Ugatlon," ht said "dilcloleJd thl!lt the total transactions art~tto,r• Uon lnstud of lhe IU mlIUoo .u odifo: ally di8Closed. -• ..... Merrifield &aid Inve1U1aUcm bi'9,._ also betn sl.!rttd Into other tranucUoiit lnvolvlJl« "unlveralty' employ• and corporations or bu!1nss flnna owned or controlled by regents of the Uniftrlttf of California. - S1lurdb, OU.obtr 24, 1970 ; __ 4: OAIL't' PI\.OT '. Pulpit and Pew J Churches W ~rn V.N. Council Urges Stronger War on Poverty .-. • . ant C"'1cll by tbe See. ' .. ... Uded Metbodllt, will honor 1 • ' Rlformation Day on tbe Chris· ;;.:· Uaa alendar, u Dr . .R•Y C. Gery speW on "Sons and ·• DIQ&ht.en of the Revolution." ~' , Tbe "World Religions" class ·:..... from a Qearby collep which ' Dr. Gery instructs, will be al· "· tending en masse. A sermon .. .. feed·bact will follow the aervlct, permitting worship- pers a discussion period. The wonhip service and Church School begin at t :30 a.m .. at 14GO W. Balboa Blvd., Newport -. Calli. "Health of 1t1ind. Emotion, and Body" is the title of the lecture to be 1lven by the Rev. .. · Albert Burlie to the members ·" and auests of the Cburdl of •• • Jl<la,IGat Scleoce of Newport • ~ Jleldl tbil Sunday at the Ebell Oub. 515 W. Balboa Blvd. at 10 ia.m. Sunday School meets at the same hour. A medtta· Uoo period with a recorded J\\eaa&e by Dr. E r n e st Holmes, Founder . of the :.i Institute of Religious Science precedes tbe lecture, and a coffee hour will follow. • Flnt Cluiltiaa Cbarcll of C..ta Meta, 792 Victoria St., will dedicate its expanded worship area during the morn- ing worship services en Sun· day. During recent weeks, the church bas widened I t s building by 25 percent and authorized the purchasing of new seating. As the Dew ... unr 1s tnstalled the dmrch will be able to serve twice u many people during .o n e worship service. The service of dedicaUon will be conducted clutlng both of the morning worship hours 111:30 and 10:40 a.m. The congregation's minister. J:ames E. Piercy, will speak on the subject, "Understanding o u r Con· tinulng Christian Witness." Other SUnday Services of the church are SUnday Bible School at 9:30 am. Otristian Youtb F.Ucnnblp at 5:311 p.m. and evening wonhip service at 7 p.m. RellU'l'ecUoa L a t It e r a a Cllucb, L.C.A., 9812 HamillOD Avenue (Brookhurst at Hamilton, schedules Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m. Arthur R. Tinlley, Putor, will speak on ''Tbe Rescue Of Basic Christianity". Sunday School sessions at 9 1.m. for grades two and above; Nursery c1re through first grade at 10:30 1.m. The Adult Discussion Group meets at 9 a.m. Mep Verde Uni t ed MetltodJst Clmrcb., 1701 Baker Street, Co1ta Mesa, will have two morning worship services at t and 10:,, a.m. Through hymna and acriptur,., the lltl'Vice will portray t h e historical life of Otri!t. Nar- ralonl wW be Steve Johnaton and Rev. Paul Bieaemeyer. 1be Chane.el Choir will sine and the Cherub and Oloriat.er Choirs wlll also sing. The children of the Church School will attend the w o rship services. United MelhodiJt Men will meet for dinner on Wednesday at the Meaa Verde Uniled M•thodlst Clmrcb. 1701 Baker Street. Guest speaker for the evtnlng wUI be the Reverend Roaer Harrison who will show colored slides on "A Night in. M05COW". Mr. Han1.5on WU a • resident cha~~~ ·tor the Amer:lcan Em in MoacoW for two years. Every other , Sunday he held a service in the British Embassy. He bas some insight lDto Ule in Russia. He returned to the United Stat.es in June. Sunday is Reformation Sun- day at the CommuJty United Metbodlat O arch, 6M2 Heil Avenue, HuntlnP.on Beach. Rev. Qiarles L. Rose will spell on the Continuous Reformation. · 0 up Ii cat e services are held at 9 and 10:30 a.m. Oiild care and church school classes are also held al both boors. The Rev. Dr. He n ry Gerhard, minister of the Dlm'clt of ReU1ton Sdtaee, 20062 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, will speak on the "renewal of tbe Total Man" on SUnday at both services at 9 and 11 a.m. 1be Young Peoples group will conduct the 6:30 p.m. evening service of Flnt Bap. tl•t t'11111rcb on Sunday. The Pastor, Willis J. Loar will (See PULPIT, Pqe 11 Talk Scheduled Robert H. Mitchell of Edinburgh, Scotland, a member of The Christ· ian Science Board of Lectureship, will speak Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the auditoriuln of the First Church of Christ· ian Scientist, 3316 Via de Frente, San Cle- mente. Mitchell is on to u r throughout the U.S. and Canada. He is both a Christian Science practitioner and te~ch· er. GENEVA (AP) -Eleh- economista and aoc:iolopta reprt:sentinc the w o r 1 d ' s l<ading Cbrlstian churches have pubUsbed a report claim· ing that the second United Na· ilons development decade will result in "poverty and frustra· tion on a scale now hard to """'" by the end of Ibis ct•· tury. The experts from eight na· tion.s said the basic weakness of the plan, designed to nar· row the gap between rkb and poor nations, is that "it ex,.1· gerat.es the power and in- fluence of the United Na· tions ." The decade begins today and coincides with the world org a n lz at i o n• s 2$tb an· n.iversary. The llG-p1ge report was com.mi5sioned by tbe Com· mittee on Society, Develop- ment and Peace , an ecumenical group set up in 1968 by the World Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Church. Ila general secretary is an American Catholic priest, the Rev. George If. Dunne. 'lbe specialL!its endorsed the demands for more equality made in the U.N. pl~ but forecast that it will fail because "at the international level the rich and militarily rtrona: nations will continue to p1y scant regard to the ln· teresta ol the relatively poor and powerless nations." The study concluded: "The social objectives, in terms of health, housing, employment. education an d Ieisurt: that most men wou1d regard as minimal simply will not be at· talned for the great majority of mankind by the end of the century." In Africa, the report said, the targets offer "in absolute terms, annual incomes of tower than $250 per head for a large segment of the popula· lion in the year 2000." AJ a result. he said, "the basic condJtions of life that are demanded by the Christian mobillzln& 11all the means at thek disposal lo inform lhelq own people and all mer\ everywhere of the present facts of tbe situation." ''The church.es nee~ criUcatly to re-examine lha use of their own funds an4 resources,'.' the report Uid. "Tbe church's Pf:Ophetlc role demlllds prophetic action. Fol'I ·to prophesy on the creates• mort.1 question of the day without radically reapprai!ing their own priorities is to sabotage prophesy by hypocrisy." Egypt Color . ' Slides Slated concept of man as a noble and Color slides ot Egypt will be creative bein& will be deni.ed shown by the Rev. Robert to the great majority of the Maynord during the 7 p.m • human race." service at the Costa Mesa: 1be experts said it "would Foursquare Church, 1 7 3 4 be partial to demand grt:at Orange •Ave. The slides were changes in the policies of the taken by ~ Rev. M•ynord rich without simultaneously during his trip to the Holy; calllngfor far-r eaching Land. reforms in landholding, in-Oiurch thembers will can- come distribution, participa· vas at l p.m. today. tlon in decision-making, and ;::::=========::; sheer professionalism i n government in the poorer countries." They also urged t h e churches to play an active role In the war against poverty, by STARS Sydney 0111•rr i1 one of ff.• w11rld '1 gr••' •1l•ol119•r1. Hi1 ~ol u111n i1 one 11f the DAILY PILOT'S greet f1elure1. ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY ll !.~~~Yo~u~a.~e:inv~ite~d~to~+~he~~~~C=H=R=IS=T=IA~N~S~Cl=E=NC~E~~====~-==~·~~~~~~~~N~ew=p~ar~t7iu~n~~-Y ~~=j ~~ Finl Assembly of God Church 111~i0t Corona del Mar s.,doy $~~:;.~ ~\~~~~'.:: ~~t~·,,,, .• , CHURCHES a\lll(&oi ''""" S.hool 1" '11 .... -'"' •••• • : 1.tO E. 22nd St., Cott• Mese-541-3761 (,.,~ t ~".. o...... 1SHI ad hvtN, Newp•rt IHch ~ ,.... Oftlce-646·5111 l Morning Worahlp -10:50 A.M.ln ..... w... IUNCHD OP THI llontn.CHUICH ! CS SINGSPI RATJON · ~ l'll'nlng Worship -7:00 P.M. '"·..,. WeWI THI PllST CHUlllCH o• CHlllT, SCllNTllT -" , IN IOSTON, MASU.CHUlftTI Emphasizing 2 -t Wednesd1y Worship -7:30 P.M. h'f • .W. hllakl: The Pl.In of God "" "' · "PROBATION AFTER DEATH" n.e ''"°" 01 Ch"'' ~ .i ;,..i. HI.SCHOOL A61S 21/J TO I The Power of the Holy Spirit + ,,,-"""' .,. ;:, ~;;;;:::':::'':::O::;A::;.ll:::.:::':::O::;l::;P::;.M::;.;::;':::":::· "=='":::":::";;=:;=:;;:II SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15th Sundw5chool9AM ~.. a: .4 ' Ill'" MornlnJ Wonhlp 9 ind 10:30 tvn ~ ~ C: lv.nln1 Service 7 PM ~ "-.:../ ~ • : HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD Costa -First Church of Christ, Sciontlat .,;;::;,"~',~'"'"""' tit,,,..~-,,i;" j 740 W. Wilson, Cott• Mes• I 1110 M .. Y_. Dr., C.... 111.. Nuntry d11rin1 .en-ie11 , I/, L M•lltTW•ac. f'AlTOt.141-4704 tl:Oll kT •. t llTIG = =-= ~::'.~M~· A fun Youth Propam t COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL :..... .1w 11N-..1TON Mi..t.iw ., •••11M I ........... ZIH 111 .. ,_. Dr. Cm. of Onns-and lltd. sr. M ...... " T...,. U kl OINT•T Cost.I MN .. • ..... ,.,., MWC Huntington Be1ch-Fint Church of Christ, Scientist SUNDAT IUYICD ... 1 .OIM R'"· FrH Mort•, P•1tor • t :41 ....... -s...,. .... ' . tlile A.M-"lllMq e4 •CW."-Life"-..,_..,,__. . -..... 7:00 P.M-''TN City Wltktrt e C .. rdi" ,..........,,...., COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL \:====-=====·=-==·-=="=·=-==·=-===·="=-="'==··= .. ==~===;;;! FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 611 HAMl\TON, COSTA MUA DH l.1~11 ...... lltert• ,.,...._ S11nd•v Scheol , •• , •••• 9:4$ Tr•inin9 Union ••• •• •• , 5:00 Mernin9 Wetthip ••••• 11:00 E .. 1nin9 Wor.hip •••••• 6:00 W•cfne~•v Pr•v•r Meeting for ell 19•1 •••••••••••••• 7:]0 ,.._ '41-t111 N..-y Alwrrs A..rl.W. UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH U l l S. I. PA.USA.DIS IOAD SANTA ANA Hl lGHTS IUHOAT ICNOOI.. ............................ ,, .. f:U AM. MO•HINO WOltlHll" ................................ 11 A.M. llVl"NINO WORS HI .................................. 1 l".M. MIDWl!l l( SfltV\Ce WI DfCl lDAY 1:>0 l".M. a ... Wlllla J. Cln'ke c~wrc~ "Mitt ~M17 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 9f ........ v..,.,. FIRST CHR ISTIAN CHURCH 11._,1c ... •1.,11111 , Victoria & Placentia Ave. M ...... _..... I -,..,._., ''''"' I Costa Mesa a.,., D-HM-. Mlaht« I; J...,. I. l'tercy Mornin9 Worship 1:]0 i 11 •m S11rtd•v Sch11ol •• , •.• '9:)0 1m E"111ln9 Servi<• •••• 6:00 P:.M. Yeutlii Cheir •••••• 7:15 P.M. Y•wth M•etlnt • •••• 1:00 P.M. ttllM Clre 11 111 Sttvk• 142-2421 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH MlltlJttr Do .. l•H ..... Y...tll Mlllbttr •• ,,., .................... ,. 1.:w. 111111 Sc-I ................ t 1• I .JI!. "'"'1 Wtnfll• .... ~ .... Hi• ,,,,., I """' ,..,.,. ................... """' Vt1111" ........................ 1 11.111. 11 I Nursery C~e P rovided II I 141..Cnl 141·6J4f I l ibl• School , ••••••• 9:45 AM , Y•r.iffi c;.roup1 •••• , • 6:00 PM E .... 11in9 Wotthip •• , • 7;00 PM N_,. Clre ~,.,,Ill .. et ell ...,..kn Ol'llcei $»-Hit Olli DIYO!loll·SM-fYO Tbe Fami~ That PraY.S: .f 0&elller Stays Togelber _.,~-t:JO 111100 CIMlrc• -t:JO I t I A.M. ....... 1..-.nl ~-St . Newport lloac,h-Flrat Church of Christ, Sclontlll JJOJ "41 LWe Chrell I ......,. kMel -t :I' I 11 100 1 .. 11111 ..... JJI I YI• W4e Newport lloach-Soeoncl Church of Christ, Scientist JIM P.tfk View Dr., c.,... .. M• ca.re• • ......, k --..-10 ....... leelllll .. a ... -tl6J L C..t HWJ. All are cordially invited to attend the churrh services and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Rooms CW C... PffridH AT AU SllYlCD PLEASE DON'T COME TO CALVARY CHAPEL If 'f<lll .,, loo•in9 for on •loborote p,119rom, or 111ci•I pr•1tit•· lut if yo11 or• l11o•i119 for i11.d•pth l !bl• 1h1cfl•1, Chti1tien fel· l11w1hip, 011d in1pi,i119 1piril•d wonhip, y11u'1I lo"• 1111 To ectOl'l'I• l'l'lodeto our growing ch11rch fel'l'lily we now_ h•"• two S11ndev 11111rnint 1e,vice•, 9:)0 •nd 11 :00. Nun•rv c•t•. Corn•r of &ro•n• Yillo I S11nflowor. 141·2121 64'·fl12 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Jii i cu" DI.. NIWPOlT NA.CH A N!Yi CHURCH YI ELCOMES YOU Emery-P. Col li ns, P•ator s-lefkW-10A.fll. WMMP-11 A.M .. 7•.M. CHURCH 0 ' RELIGIOUS SCIENCE _, N"9Wt 9Mdl ....... CflWdl • UlltOll o.r. It ..... ,,._... .......... SUNDAY l l llYICI , •• MM M1nllllll' ••. Artlwl ·-.. 11.1.c.I". Ttll &tlLL C'l.UI OP MIWl"OllT I I.ACM llS ....... .,.. ....... Seventh· Day Adventist Church 611 HELIOTROPE W....W.-11 A.M. l~I 271 A..cMo Sr., COIN MON I Cll•rc• Sc•11I 11 A.M. l:.K. Pl'llllP G. M11rr1v, Mllllllff -·-1!1 hMNtll Scllool • • • • t :JO AM ,!I M~ .. W.,Ulp • , 11 :00 AM ' ,,.,... MHtt .. w-. 7:JO PM 673-4000 THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH :=--,,-,,.,~-Yi~o~l~c~°"'....,"~s~Y-•~•-·~~,.-~-r..::;i: ST • .IAMB, J20t '119 Ui4. N•wpMt IMdt t.,.,,-"' ..... r/ 7:JO A.M.-Hety l.ctt.rht T t:OO A.M.__,,_lty Werdilp 11 :00 A.M.-.litent.te H1IJ c .. ,..i.. \ J • Mend .. Pr.-,.r M14·Weol Hety C--111 .. • H..e111 s.n1A1 Ti.-.,-1 O:JO A.M. WodMM111 1:00 P.M. Cliild c.,. • t :OO •.111. TN IO'I' • .l .. 1 P. AaHw' II, locter 1\o leY. Dfthl A. Cn1 .. p AIHCI ... lector ...... : 675°0211 ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave ., C.M. S.M.,s 7:JO & t :JI CIMdi Sci...I -t :JO TI11n4ayl: 6:JO & 10 •·•·I Holy hp• -.011eed Ylc•, TN In ....... W. D1MI••• -l'tiMI 141·1126 NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH , .... , ... Dme ............ c.... ...... c.nt. AMClll:i.., C::. ANC!lts.oft, ,n!W 'Ul'IMY kl!OO!: •:IS -Monllftl Wl:lr'a!llO~ l :ot IM II:• '''"'' of P11co lvtl!1r1n School -Ml11 bth., Ol1ofl, PtilldjMI ., Offtc.1 Ph1no1 149.012 1 Scho1I rh•llfl .Mt -Gl62 ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH 11112 Culver Dri ve Universi ty P1r~ Irvine l n . Hortlert M. NlonMliil 1-4.y k...,._.:10 A.M. '911ty W ..... lp l 1Jt & 10 A.M. I JJ·l 211 N•""Y c.,. IJJ.JJ44 , Wed-..dcry, 7:10 p.111. DIAL-A·PlAYEl 646-06lt A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l •IDoo l1l•ncf THI UNITED COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH lll A.90!0 675·0950 t :JO A.M. Wonhip Wor1hip I S11ndoy Schoo1 Coit• M110 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. & H1tb11r 11..d . Churc.h Wonhip -9:30 &: 11 Church School -9:3 0 541·7727 Coit• Me11 North MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH M••• Verd• I l •k•r St •. 549.2119 Wonhip Ii Church Sch110/ t:OO & 10:30 A.M. Huntington l1•th FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17t+i St. 5lll-JJJ7 s.m~t:IJ & IO:JO ·C.1rclrl Sdtool-t:l 1 NvrMrY Core AH Met!llPll Hunlin9lon l e•ch-Nortli COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Heit Av•. 142-4461. Wor1hip & Church Schoel 9 I IO:lOA.M. Irvine -f ill lluff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH lll-1231 11422 C11lv1r Roed o! Unjveriify Drivo W11r1hip & Churth Sehool 9 & I 0:19 A.M. L•9un• l1ech LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHURCH 2 I 632 We1l 1y Driv1 in S11. L•9un• Wonhip 11 A.M. Church Sch11ol 9:30 A.M. 499·3081 Newp11rt Be1ch CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA 1400 W. 1.lbo1 11¥d. 67l·ll05 W1111hip-9:JO A.M. Church Scho111- 9:JO I 11 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastol Areas Christ Church Presbyterian 20112 M0911•ll• IN ... A,_I H1lttlllff'01t ..... 1 .... D1Hl4 L letMttl. ,..,., s.t.y-Wenll•: t :JO A.M. Cttwclrl Sclteel: 10:45 A.M • Office: 201 12 ......... St. ,.. ... : t61-4t40 Church of the Covenant 2110 ,.,,..... ..... c ......... lnlce A. IC1trle, P•tor Sullffy W1rtlllp: t:JO 111 A.M.~lrl•rclrl Sdtffl: 9:JO PltoM: 14MJM St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 600 St. AHNwl ..... N..,_rt a..111 Q ...t• HotM.t Ol.Nafllfd, P•tor Wentllp & Ch1r&h Schoel: I, t :JO & 11 A.M. 646-7147 St. Mark Presbyterian Church C...-......... ,.. & l.mtluff Drl'fO, e.t... 4e1 M• J-Ckoho1111 kl,., P.mtr Wrilp I Cli1rclrl Scltffl-t & 10:JI A.M. 644·1J41 SABBATH SERVICES RELIGIOUS SCHOOL harbor reform temple PIAISBI BERNARD P. KING .,. t-. meeting It St.James Eptscopal Church a 3209 Via lido, Newport Bah For lnform11ion: C.11675-7230 * TEMPLE SHARON n. ... ,, ••llw .,... .... hr ..._ °"",. H_.., A'" 617 Ww H.iltoa, c..te w .. All Jowlth fo1111litt 11• lnv1t•d to ioin v1 In hvlv 111e•nln9fvl IAllAfH IVININ• Sll YICIS PllDAT et 1111 P.M. "'"'"' LffMf -1t..W ...... •...i--646.1512 l•mpl• Sharon Ctlolr -Onot 'h•lttt 141-14)1 Attend the Church of Your Choice 011 Sunday • ' • • ·- ' S•turday, Ottober 24, 197!) DAIL V PILOT 5 Pulpit and Pew Art oi Silenee Keeping Your Moutli Shut C'ondemtt Repressions Episcopal Prelates Rap W ~ (From Page t) speak briefly on •·tr I were \'oung Again", The young peo- ple have special music and refreshments planned. A cor· dial lnvitaUon is extended to the public, especially young people without a Church. At the morning services -9: 30 a.m. at PcC'ks Chapel, .7801 Bolsa Ave .. Westminster an d 11 a.m. at the lluntington Beach Church, 6th a n d Orange. Loar will bring his me."lsage. "The Pillars of the Gospel". Church School is held at 9:30 a.m. for children and adults of all ag es. A special Family service at the Beach will be lhe "Hap- pening" of Harbor Reform Templt on Friday night at 7:30 p.m. This special night vdll be held at the main beach at Corona de! f\1ar. All families are encouraged to al· tend. come earl y and barbecue dinner, and then stay fo!' a family get·logether w it h Israeli singing and dancing , family worship and good fellowship. ---The Rev. Dr. Paul O. Mayer, of Cleveland, Oh io will be guest speaker at the Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church, 2 6 0 {) 1 Muirlands Blvd., Mission \.'ie· jo. Dr. Mayer will speak at the 9 and 10 :30 a.m. services Sun· day. He will be atte nding the annual meeting of the Board of Missioos of the United l\1ethodist Church held in Los Angeles through October 30. lioly Communion will be celebrated at the 7:30 a.m. service at St. J ohn the Di'iine Episcopal Church. 2043 Orange Ave .• Costa Pi-1esa. At 9:30 there will be Morning Prayer Service and Sunday School classes for all ages through High School. Nursery care is provided. Afler the 9 : 3 O service there will be election tlf Diocesan Conv e n ti on Delegates. The EYC will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday is Reformation Sun· day at St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church, 600 St. Andrews Rd., Newport Beach. Pastor Dr. Charles H. Dieren- field will preach a sermon en- titled "Crowns for Sale!" At the 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.. morn- ing worship services. At 4 p.m., the St. A n d re w • s Sanctuary Dloir will presen t a choir concert of fav orite anthems il.nd hymns. The public is invited. · a.m. :service of celebration Sunday. Guests of hooor at the celebration and the buffet lunch will be inlern!Lltional students of the Harbor Area. The church is located et list Victoria St., Costa Mesa. The First United Methodist Chur ch, 2 7 2 l Seventeenth Slrttt. Huntington Beach, wil! conduct two v.·orship services on Sunday at 9: 15 and 10;30 a.m. The Rev. Edward C. Erny will preach on the sub- ject ;'The Word of God ". The Youth Choir will sing the C1nthen1 at the 9: 15 service and the adult choir at the 10:30 a.m. service. An open house wi ll be held in the Kin· dergarten rooms at 3 p.m. At 6:30 p.m. the last in the series "Our Christian Faith, When Death Comes·• wl11 be held. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. there will be a meeting for those who are giving consideration to . join the church. ''Different Ways to Look at Life " is the sermon topic of the Rev. Norma L. Brown on Sunday, at the Plymouth Congrt1ational Church o f Newport Harbor. 3262 Broad Street. Newi;>ort Beach, at 10 a.m. worshi p service. Sunday School is held at the same time. Pastor James G. Blain <1f which began July 11th. Thi! new congregation holds Sun- diy 9Chool at 10 a.m., \VOrsh!p service3 at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Dr. Walter Pegg of Carson City. Nevada and fonnerly or Hunlington Park. Washington, D.C. and RiveJ"iide, has been c111lled ai; pastor and will begin his ministry Nov. 8th. The congregation of Harbor Cbrisda.n Church, Disciples of Christ, meets for worship at Haryer Sctiool, on 18th Street at Tustin Avenue. Bible School is at 9:45 a.m. Worship service is at 10:45. Rev. Clayton H. Wilson will present as his messaa;e •·A Treasury of Faith", Lutheran Church Of The Mas&er at 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar offers two hours of worship on this Refonnation Sunday at 9 and I l a.m. The Sunday Church School and Bible classes are he ld at 10 a.m. The Sunday Church School teachers and officers will be installed at both hours. The congregation will offer a special service of worship in S u n I i t e Con- valescent Hospital -at 2:30 on Sunday afternoon. Dr. Wm. R. Eller will deliver the messa ge "A Reformation Oiallenge In Our Day." Newport Harbor L u l h t r a n The se rmon subject for Sun-- Church. i98 Dover D r . • day at Corona del rttar N.ewport Bea~ has chosen for Community Church Congrega- h1s sermon titJe for Sund111y tioul, 611 1-lelitrope Ave., ..The Church and You -A I will be ''Th! Lucky F'ellow", New Reformation". This will lo be presented by Dr. Philip be the fourth in a four-part G. Murray. \Vorship is at 10 series of sennons in com· a,m. with child-eare provided. memoration of the Refonna· Church School is al so at 10. "Love, the Ability to Ac- cept~· is the sermon topic of the Rev. Gene Thompson at the 11 a.m. service of the United Church of Religious By LO\JIS CASSELS "''' •1111i. Wrl1-r The B!ble says there is "a time lo ketp silence, ind a Ume to apeak." KnoWing v.·hen It's lime to keep silence is a difficult art, mastered by very few people. Most of us manage in the course of our lives to aet into a vast amount of trouble by missing &olden opportunl- tles fOf keeping our rr.r.uths shut. Sometimes It's anger or malice or deliberate guile thet prompts us to say thlngs that wou ld ha ve been belier left Wtsaid . Quite often. however, it is 5-imply a case of being ner- vous, ill-1t-ease, or over.anxious to please. Lacking the poise to keep slleace, we find ourselves seeming to agree with sentime'nt we actually abhor, or revealing information we should have kept confidentia l. Tb.is obviously is a human weakness of very long stand· ing, for there are many refer~ces to it in parts of the Bible that were written two or lhr« thousand years ago. In the Psalms, the tongue is likened to a sharp sword and a carelessly wielded ra:i:or. The prophet Jeremiah added another military metaphor: "The tongue is a cruel arrow." The bOok of Proverbs lists seven things that are "de· testable" to God, and tliree or them are related to speech : "A false tongue ..• A false witness telling a pack of lies • •. one who stirs up qua rrels among brothers." Proverbs abounds with other warnings or the mischief that can be set In train by words : "When a fool speaks, ruin Is near." "There is no spite in a just man 's talk; it is the stu- pid who are fluent with calumny." "When men talk too much, sin Is never far away .'' ''Common sense holds its tongue.'' "A mischievous.tongue will end In disaster.'' But it is In the New Testament, and specifically in the Epistle of James, tha t we find the most trenchant com- ments about this ancient human weaknfls for talking when we ought l.o be listening. "All of us go often wrong." James says. "The man who never says a wrong thing is a perfect character.'' To anyone inclined to regard careless speech as a minor matter, James offers the reminder that "A hllie forest can be set ablaze by a Uny spark." "And Ute tongµe is in -effect a fire," he says. "It re- presents among our members the world with all its wick· edness. It pollutes our entire being .•. " "Beasts and birds of every kind, creatures that crawl on the ground or swim in the sea, can be subdued and have been subdued by mankind ; but no man ca n subdue the tongue. It is an in tractable evil, charged with deadly venom. We u.se it to sing Lhe praises of our Lord and Father, and we use it to invoke curses upon our Iellow men who are made in God's likeness ... " "My brothers, this should not be so." tion, and th is Sunday is Reformation Sunday . There v.·itl be an Open House for the Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. and a Rally Day Program at the 10:30 worship service. New members will be received at the 10:30 service also. Sunday evening at 7 p.m. there will be the semi-annual oon- gregational meeting to elect half of the Church Council and to study the proposed 1971 budget. Science, 420 lath . St.. Hun·~---------------------' One Worship Service only will mark the observance of Reformation Sunday at Christ Lutlteran Cburth, 760 Victoria, Costa Mesa. The service will be held at 10 a.m. with ihe Rev. Lothar Tornow bringing a message on the theme, "Built On A Rock". There will be a fellowship perk>d after thP service. No Sunday School classes will be held on this particular Sunday. tington Beach. Sunday School will be held at 305 17th St. at 11 a.m. Holy Communion will be celebrated at the 8 a.m. Sun- day service of SL rt1ichael's and All Angel s' Episcopal Church, 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. ,._1om· ing Rrayer wilJ, ~ read at the 9:30 a.m. service. Topic of the Rev. John Rogers Davis sermon will be .. F'orgiveness." Confirmation classes begin J.tonday. Sunday services will be he ld at 10 a.m. by the Newport Unity Churcb meeting in the Senior Citizens Building, 15th and Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. The Rev Loren Dale Flickinger will speak on "The Law of Supply". There ~·ill ~ an hoor o f Singspiration Wednesday even ing at 7:30 p.m. Pon tiff Lashes Out At Police Brutality; HOUSTON (1.JPl) -The Episcopal House of Bishops hu approved a strong st.ate- ment condemning represslM both in North and South Viet· nam and has called on the United States to withdraw sup. port from the South Viet· nameae government. The resolution, passed Tues· day, also asked the removal of all American forces from South Vietnam by December, 1971. The statement u r g e d "speedy elections'' in South Vietnam "arran1ed by a neutral in terim government and supervised by observers from appropriate international agencies.'' The resolution must win ap. proval from the hou.se or deputies, the other unit of the bicameral governing body, to become an official statement of the church. The Right Rev. C. Kilmer 1i.lyers, Bishop of the Diocese o( c&lifornia, moved to add the co nd em n ati on of Villot Gets Vatican Post From Pope repression In North Vietnam. 'lbe.origirial res o I u. ti on prtaeni.d by the Right Rev. Paul Moore, ce>adjutor Bbhop ol New York, condemned only the "undemocratic: foundation or, the current government of SOuth Vietnam." The • p p r o v e d resolution asked President Nixon and Congress to ' ' e e a s e im· mediately aod finally the bom· bing or the people and country of Viltnam." An IASdltioaaJ pbraae, "the Ce a I e •'Jm- mtdlately and finally (1.1.S.) ""' of Inhuman methods and weapons" wu deleted froas the text by a 62·$8 vote. The st.attment il.ltlf wu ap- proved 88-37. The 1967 general convention in St.attle luued • lest critical statement on Vietoo nam ; oooe wu made at i special convtnUOO In Sautb Bend, Ind., tn 1189. * * * * '* * Episcopalians Prepare Study of Unification BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAi: GUIDE •·Don 't Turn Your Clock Back" is th e sermon theme chosen for this Sunday morn- ing by the Rev . fi1r. Ken fi1c~1illan for the 9:30 a.m. service of worship at the First United l'tfethodlat Church of Fountain Vall ey, 1 8 2 2 5 Bushard. The Junior Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Esther Drozda . will provide the worship anthem for the service. New members v.·ill be received iuto the fellowship of the congregation on this Sun- day. The Unitarian Universalist Church will cele brate the tv.•enty-fifth annive rsary of the founding of lhe United Nations during and after the 10:30 "You Need fifore Rest" will be the sermon topic of the Re v. Bruce A. Kurrie at The Presbyterian Cburch of the Covenant, 2850 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. Worship services will be held at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Oiurch school through eighth grade will be held at 9:30 a.m. Dr. F'rancis Williams, nturO- surgeon of Laguna Beach, will be the speaker next Sunday morning and evening at th e Firli t Baptist Chureb o ' Newport Beach. 2501 Cliff Drive. Dr. Williams is active as organist in the new church 11le sermon title of the Rev. Melvin Taylor at Fairview Baptist Churcb Sunday is "The Gospel and Violence", Worship at the church, located at Fairview Rd . at Fair Drive, is at 9:30 and church school is at 10 a.m. Dr. Robert Campbell, noted teacher and lecturer of th e New Testament will present his final seminar Sunday al the South Shores Baptist Churth, 32712 Crown Valley Parkway. Laguna Niguel. The topic will be "Being Christian • 1tvc11 v ·•oov· ·SLIM GYM ~• l091AOl:tUSIZE ' the choice is yours! Priesthood on Agenda •. 1 IN2WttK& , Piii VATICAN CITY (UPI) - The Vatican has announced of· ficially that the R o m a n Catholic priesthood will be on the agenda of next ~utumn's lnlemational Synod flf Bishops. IK)M[ OlMONSTltATION NEE s •. · TELEPHONE WAlT A SLIM GYM (714} 1Jf•J775 be celibate. An exception is at tJome and Jn the World." made for the Eastern.rite• _:::..:::::::..::=.::.:.=:..:.:_::.::::__::=:==========-! Vatican sources said the synod may give the green light for married men to enter the priesthood under s t r i c t I y limited circumstances. Pope Paul vrs ruling, reaf- firming a 900-year-old church !av.'. is th at priests normally Catholic church, which aUbws1- married men to b e c o m e priests but which doe!: not allow priests to get married. A few Protestan t ministers who have concerted to Catholicism also ha ve been allowed to become priests. Earlier this year, the Pope said he might, io consu1tation "ith the world's bishops:. allow the ordination of mature mar- ried men in areas where there i11 a grave shortage of priests. IAlllS a. SIN: Jt•u• teid, "-Surfer ! p11mitl th1 litl lt c;hildrt11 ta '''"' untt '"•· •lld fotltid th1m 1101: of 111ch f, th• ~i 119do1T1 of God." Mk. 10:11. Ag1 fn, ht 1t id, ""-t•c1pt Y• bt co11v1tl1d 111d bt· COl'llt fl littt. child1t11, Y• 1htll 110! t n- LAS VEGAS Westward Ho-Worfd'1 Largd I ~ -1,000 100 ... htw.en DIAL '. II Sloftlwt Hot.I & Dani'" Now I llm CJem! F~.~E I ~ COMPARE VALLI!! ~ HHOYATilll I YOU'LL SAVE l*l ...... I MN/r11e1/t, SpecUI: 1..mtJest Wim~r Rlftes! I co-.1n1 Yll•• -204 ••• INm. 1HM11td. rr" n I TOU PAT ONLT $1.m llo!M, $ID.ID for z ptoplt I CtlllP•• Yal11 -2 *"11M•1,1tlftl11111 S12JO to r z I Ot•,.,. 800 0th" RotHtU (, SMt11, St.rti"I M S2 AJiilitJ1Ut. 1 1 01' Fri., JM~ llol.iU11 6'J"""'_,.. S4'..,0"i -"' $1.00 fp,,E£!s33oo REFUND PACKAGE •• , 11110 !ht •1119tlom of H11v111," Mitt, ftotlt .t.Wlt C"'o'• , .. ...,., ,,., •-• ,.d,.,. •I'"" 1 .. c1.,.,·,. II:). C111 t nyo111 , •• 11 thttt tltltlntllh l '"'' CAIHl •••1 OllMICJ! "ltlAL ........ ,,.,, ... TS' souVlM11s• I I I I I I I of Jt1111 •11d STILL t ay a bt by, or liUla child it SINFUL and ~ J:~: ~~"J.i~.f1~.':.~~!,.°'~'!Gl: :!!,~,'.! ~~,n:ri ti ':~! SEPARATf.0 FROM GOD? I "-••........., •• '"0-tf ..._ .._., .. -~ ....._ .::i _, A btby !1 born SIN LESS, I Jn. 1:4 1a¥1, "'-ti11 .it tr1n19r111lo11 1 11"'1" Nr ..._ ,_ ....... .if.ti;., '''° 1 of lht l•w." l-4•1 • IAIY •"t' l1a1119r1u td la w1 ht. S9:2 11y1, I "B~I V01Jf i11qUili11 h .... ltfNrtltcl bttwtfll VOii •n6 vo11r Go111, I •n9 yo11r tint h1vt hitl hi1 fie• Jro1n vo11 tht t ht will 11ot h11 r." I Until • belty 9rows U(D ll'ld COll'lll'lih SINFUL 1ch, ht fl tntl11• • I child of Gotl, '' h1 wa1 born, SINFUL ACTS 11p1r1f.t on• frt1n BlllNG THli COUPO,_, TO JllONT OE i K WHfN YOU CHECK IN God. A il1llv ctnnot r1c1 i"'' l ll LE b1,ti1ll'I, for ht 1111'1 I E· I LIEYE f nd ht ct11't REPENT lh1 h•t 11o 1111 to rt1Hnt ofl. A I f•OM CALIF., AllI., UTAN, 011.1 IDAHO baby dott 1101 NEEO to '''""' to Gotl: ht II•• "'"'' bt1n ••P· I DfA1 fREE (800) 648-6898 Anytime 1r1t1d fro('! God by SIN~·--~ I A b1by will not bt lo1t 1i1H11 ., for +ht 1Tn, ol-OTHE'R pto• ,,...,.,,II .. ,1h".14•hr.-Dt,.,..,·1 ••1Nw1111t, lGO'°' t it u11•ltl1nl~ pl1, E1~. I 1!20 1t1i11, "Th t 1ovl th1t tinnelh, it thtll Ji1. fh t 1 """',..'' '' ''"'lly t1!1llo, MO Yl,PIMG, ''""'''""litrl, J.i,,,,, C~1111 ion ti.ill 11111 bttr tk1 !niqvity of +ht ftlht r, n1itht 1 1h1ll !ht · f1th1 r be•r th1 i11r1:iu11y ef th1 to11i •h• ri1Jhl1t1111111• ,f 11,, ri9hlt o111 1h1ll be 11pon hi1n, tnd lht wtc\1dn111 of tha wic~t• I 1h1ll bt upon hl1n. 111 b~. 2015, wt firid th at th1 inntct nt •ill I 111ff11 111 11rth d11t to 1h1 tint of OJHERS b1c11111 of ,,..,;,,~. I "1tl'lltl f1 1.t111. A "'"".'" ftlht r 1.11111• hi1 •holt f•mlly lo I J 111ff1r on •••th, b11l hlOT rTElNA LlY. I ' : " t • • 'f111r comrntflh 111 ln.,Jt1•. \llS IT Ch11r1.h of Chri tl, 217 W. I ! Wiiton St., c.11. M111. Pho llt 541·S111 . •••·1761. T11nt T\I I ,.1 ... s.,;.,.1,i..wtSTWAlDttOllOflt,"' ,_,.1.c ... ,_ )' . ._c_,_'~"'-'-'-'--_'"-'-"-'-"-'-''-'-·-··-·-----------'' '--'!"--~.==::.~:::.:.~~,~~'~·~·~~~~!.'!.!'!._ - • Dr. Max R11ff1rty Mr. Wi/1on Rl/11 De cide wisely fo whom you wonl to entru st the odminisfrotion of' America's largest public school system. Think of yourself, •. ond our children! Experience in California Schools Doctor1t1 (Ed. D.) School Admlnl .. tr1tion E1rned 1t Un iversity of South· ern C1llf. '40-'GI T11ch1r, Viet Prlncipal and Athletic Director, Trana Unified School Dist •48 ·Isl . Principal, Bi1 Bear Senicir Hl(h Sch. '51-'55 District Superintendent of S1ticoy Elementary School bistriet .. '55 ·'61 District Superintendent' of Needles Elementary and Hl&h School Districts '61 -'62 SuperinteRdent of La C1n1da Schools '63 • Superintendent of Publ~ lnstruc~ lion, St1t1 of Califomla (Eloctad 1962 and 11166) '12 ·'&8 Published works (1962) "Suffer, Little Ch~ldr1n" (1964) "Whit They Are Doln1 to Ytur Children" "The or, Max Rlfforty Column" (1 961) uMax Rafferty on Educ1tlon" (none) (nano) (none) (nonol (n•n•l (nonol (novor oloclld to public Df!ln) (n"'r publl•hod pro!MSlon•llJl For quality education. re-elect the qualified leader Re-elect DR. MAX RAFFERTY • -.. • • ., " I ' • ' " I #-• ' , I The Lawma~'s Job Is Simple: Enfor~e the Law lly THOMAS J. CAJllLL Fornier Ot.ief of Polke, SU Frudlee . . owu.i Ille post ,.., ' we have .... 1lmost eYtf"'I Major college campus in tbe United Stats faced with some type or student rnOlt. We hive seen the armed taktover or a college building, and we have seen a whole college occupied by militanu desiring a confrontation v.ith the establishment. represented by the police.. We have see.n a wave of .terror on our colltge campuses-a w a v e PldtdU•ted by bombs and beaUngs. We hive ,... leachers and studenta vilifying • and fighting the police who were called to the campus by the administriUon in an attempt to keep the college open. We have seen campus turmoil used for political purp::>SeS. We have even seen alleged commwtlty leaders using this tonnoll to their own benefit, and we have seen students attemptlni: to gain an education, deprived of that education by small groups or militants and revolu· tionaries. Law enforcement's invol\lement on the campus is quite simple. It is our sworn duty to enforce the law: it is the role of the police to ensure that everyone can v;. ercile hia: guaranteed constitutional AS SH E LOOKED AT UCI MiN 0.wis Visited in 19'9 I t Doesn't Di ffer on Campus, Sq_ys · Ex.;C hief , ' ' .. rights. VIOl.Uoiu. -of the law and viola- tions ol i'lgb~ 'cannot be tolerated. Proper p01ice action must be laken im· mediately ir violation! occur. Jntimlda· Uon of teachers and or atudents who wish to continue their educaliona cannot-be condoned. · TF AN'l'LAW ls violated on the college campus. it mw;t be investigated as would any other crime. The college campus ii not sacrosanct; the Jaws· of the Sta~ tif California must be t.nforced in the same maMet on or otr lhe campus. You can certainly appreciate the fact that if an MS&u1t occurs on a college campus. its IOcatlon does not alter the fact that it is a violation of the Jaw. Let me' assure, if there is a violation of the Jaw, there wil l be an arrest whenever possible. The role of Jaw enforcement is no dir- ferent 90 the C(qipm: from what it would be in· any otHet'part of the community, We have a responsibility to all of the community, and today we must of necessity be apprised of the conditions on the campus that might lead to more con- frontatlons. Police must be sensitive to campua conditions and the feelings of the whole academic community, We mu:it be in constant liaison with the ', ad· ministration, faculty, and students; we must 4evelop inteJ\igence on what the militants and revolutionaries are plan- ning for the campus. This must be done without usw-ping the autonomy or the campuses. We do not intend to interfere with the academic processes.· I feel lhat we have done this well at San Franci.9c:o State College. ·A chronological resume of incidents at the campus might be edif:fing to you. On Nov. 6, 1967, members of the Black Students Union broke Into the Offices or the student newspaper and assaulted members of the staff. Fortunately, a young reporter had the presence of mind to take photos of the males, and we were able to make nine felony arrests. On Dec. 6, 400-500 persons, some students and some nonstu9ents, broke in- to ~ administration building and OC· cupled It for almost two .hours.rThe mob was led by a teacher who was subse- quently tired. Entry into lhe ad- . ' ministration building wu gaiiled by 1maahing I.ht glass in tilt locked front -· While this activity was occurring in the administra~ building, another mob on the campus attacked new1paper and television photographers who were at~ tempting to photograph the looting of the campus bookstore. This incident resulted in 12 arrests. ON MAY tL, 1968, a sit-in was staged in the administration building which · resulted in 21 arrests:. · And on May 24, another sit-in was stag- ed iil ·the admin!Strati9n. building which resulted in another 33 arrests. In early November 1968. an English in- structor at San Francisco Slate College, who was also the Minister of Education o( the Black Panther Party, addressed an assemblage at the school. He urged students to bring guns onto the campus. The turmoil that ensued lasted fl months. and resulted in 681 arrests. running the gamut from refusing to disperse and blocking the sidewalk to assault with a deadly weapon and possession of a bomb. • The total number ot persons involved in these arrests v.·as 613. only 320 or whom were actuaUy students of San Francisco State C.Ollege. This means that 48 percent ol~those persons arrested had no business on the campijs -unless con· frontation has become a business. out of the &13 arrested, 190 had some 'prior criminal record. The ages of those arrested run from 14 to 48 with approximately 70 percent of the total ill the 18 t.o.24 age group. But the statistic that is most frighten· ing is the fact that we had' a total of 10 bombing Incidents during the 5 month! of turmoil. We were fortunate enough to find four of these devices before they ex- ploded, but, unfortunately, six of these were detonated before they could be found. Miraculously there was no loss of life, but one of the , perpetrators was maimed when the bon\b exploded as he was placing il in a hallway filled wilh lockers. The bomb was set to explode at 8 a.m. which is the busiest lime of the school day in that.particular area. There is no doubt that if the bomb had not ex· ploded prematurely, many 11tudent.s How Angela Davis Got That Way The Influences That T urned a Br illiant Mi nd Toivard Communis m By .JULES LOH A,. Jif9wlluhlf1 Writ., ''You've 'got it all, African v.·oman . You're the most powerful stimulus I could have." So wrote George Jackson, a black revolutionary . accused of murder, last spring from his «II in California's Soled!d prison to the young v.•oman wlx>m he called his "tender experience :" Angela Davis. At 2tl, Angela Davis did indeed seem to have it all. She was a dissertation away from a doctorate at the University of California and an active philosophy instructor at the University of California at Los Angeles. She was attractive. Tall. slender, with cbiseled features . While she wu studying --. For Angela Davis the journey to the FBI '1 10 /tfost Wanted Li.i:t atzd jail began tn. Birmingham, A lo. En route she left bellind a. brilliant rec· ord and the admiration and praise of $Cholars. \Vhat tur11ings did she take illat led to a ;ail cell? FoUowin g is a comprehensive look at the life of A·ngela Davis and the i11fluences which s1taped her. in Paris men often flirted With her on the street; she paid them no mind. She was articulate. Jn her classes she rarely c;onsulted notes yet her lectures were cogent and she seldom had to search for the preCise word. Asked to evaluate her as a teacher, 87 percent of her" ·students said "excellent." There were her years of tutelage by Herbert Marcuse, philospher of the New Left, and by Theodore Adorno. the shin· ing light of the Frankfurt school of Marx- ism. Marcuse pronounced her the brightest student he ever taught. There was the chaining and gagging of Black Panther leader Bobby Seale in a Chicago courtroom and the shackling of the defendants in the Soledad prison murder case. "Completely outrageous," Angela Davis told an Associated Press reporter , "completely against what !his country allegedly stands for.·· and Gennan idealism." Her grade point average for two years: 3.8 out of a possi- ble 4.0. She joined the Communist party. She joined the Che-Lumumba Club, a P.1arxist-oriented organization of black people. "Che-Lwnumba·s commitment as a group of black people using Marxist principles for social change -that's what really impressed me," Angela told a friend from Brandeis, EiJeen Foley. And she told The Associated Press later. "I feel that the most important · part of my life ought to be devoted to lhe struggle for equality of all peoples, the struggle (or economic equality, the strug- gle for black llberatioa." , , WhatOutragestheMos t? She was, ·r~atively !peaking, ·~vile& ed. Her patt!ntt, both cOnege graa\i.iles, were considered well off for Birmingham, Ala .. blacks and Jived in one of the more ~ prestiglrius m i d d I e. c!I a s S · • blacK neighborhoods. Growing up, Angela rare- ly played with children beneath her sta- tion. ANGELA YVONNE DAVIS was born in Birmingham Jan. 26, 1944 in an all-black hospital, attended an all-black school, was a member of an all·black Girl Scout troop and lived in an all -bl ack , neighborhood. Smithfield, ~1hich came lo be called '·Dynamite Hill'' "'hal Angela was a girl and the blacks of Birmingham engaged in their struggle to end segrega- tion. Angela participated in some or the demonstrations -it was the thing to do -but generally stayed home, took piano lessons and stuck to her school book.s. ln elementary school sbe never scored lower than B and was a straight-A pupil at Parker High. Later she said, "1 have given my life to tile struggle. My life belongs to the strug- gle. If I have to lose my life in the strue-~ gle. well. then, that's the way it will haye to be. A hell of a Jot of brother5 and sisters have already given their lives for the struggle." Princeton University and Swarthmore College invited Angela for interviews for a tea ching job and Swarthmore made en offer, but Angela decided in July 1969 to . accept another offer. from UCLA, because of its urban location and large black com munity. Eventually she was fired . Californians are as out.raged about smog as they are about crime and viol- ence, and seem as ready to crack down on U1e problem in emphatic ways, ac- cording to an attitude survey by Dr. David Gold of the University of Cali- fornia at Santa Barbara. "The depth of discontent and thrust or urgency about dirty air bear striking similarities to the strong attitude pat· terns on law and order," Dr. Gokt said. "Unmistakably, the people want some- thing drastic done to clean up smog." The detailed survey of attitudes of a .. scientifically-representative sampling or 1227 persons in 262 places throughout 1he state has been prepared for Projeel Clean Air, the "mission-Oriented " UC re- search task force with headquarters al the Riverside campus. DR. GOLD, UCSB proressor of socic~ Jogy, finds it "particularly noleworthy" that in the Los Angeles • Orange Coun· ly area, "air pollution" was chosen as ·"serious" more frequently (68~ol than -----!'.crime-and 'Jiolence.. in the. streets" (60%) from a list of ten dome~lic social problems. ~ aurvey·s findings statewide are nearly as dramatic, with •·crime and '(ioleoce" chosen only somewhat more frequently (63%) than "'air pollution" ($9~). even given the lower anxiety- Jevel about smog in less polluted north· em 1nd nual artas. But the study goes beyond showing that the: more smog Californians gel, the las they like it. Dr. Gold sees this dis-- Uke as so powerful a demand for mas· atve change that It.Me in government and industry 'fho pass it orr as just an- other gripe do so at their peril. "By an1k>ly to the intensity of known public M.mands 9fl• is1ues of law and order, lofertnee:I might well be made about lhe extremity of measures to re- duce pollution that would l'ttt"ive public support," Dr. Gold Nici. ' "It b: cle.ar that majorttits can be marshalled ICf'OIS all. age grouplna:s In 1Upport ol .~pedllc llPlaUve propo&olo loward rdlevl111 llr pollutlon." AB AN ILIAllri'U'J'iON, Dr. Gold poll]l<d lo ....its ol • -.... lion In Ille -= ftl:. !aYOr allocaling ....,. ... In ..-y fer air pollu!ioo .-.rcb. ~ .. ,.. lltnldured .. that -_... Ill !Ira!' had no ldeo 'that Ille o»jeel -lo,_ bdiefs aod ..,,. .,.,,. .-air pollation. T• llarl oil, Ille lntenolewer uked the wld ....... ~: "II Ulen anythblc 1 boul llfln1 In 11111 .,.. that bothert )'OU fK ~ One ptrson In three apontaneoualy in- eluded air pollulion among I.he things bothering him. tThis was .before the respondent had been shown the list ol social problems and before anything had been revealed aboul the sur\'ey's aims J. Dr. Gold find s this unprompted fre- quency "impressive". Respondents were then asked to select the three most serious on the list of ten social problems (unemployment. pover- ty, housing, property taxes, race rela- tions, etc.) Air pollution and viole~ were so predominant that "property taxes" got only a 34 ~t frequency of men· tion, and other major issues even small- er percentages. FURTHER QUESTIONS elicited these results: -An ove'rwhelmlng majority (70%) describe . the smog problem as "very serious" and only 7~'ci think it is "not serious," with the rest tenning it "fairly serious"., -The same large majority, 69'i0, be· lieves air pollution is a health danger to "normal, healthy people" (74% so be· lieve ln LA/Orange). -Substantial numbers report that smog interferes with everyday v.:ork and play. It affeet.s outdoor spare time ac- Uvlty ot 41% (53 ~~ amdng younger peo- pl~). and an average of 1 third of those questioned say it affects where they °"'ork, shop, how oflen they wash the car or clean house. -~tost people (80~;) spontaneously in- dk:ale auto emissloos as a "main cause of air pollution," but refer almost as fre- quently (73%) to industry and factories. -"A substantial majority believes pri vate industry Is the major contributor to air pollution but is making no seriou!i efforts to solve the problem," Or. Gold writes, analyiing one set of responses. Explicit ideas for reform among bttttr educated people "put the focus on priv# ate lndustry in an even more pronounc· ed way." . -"Who should take the lead in re. ducing alf polluUon?" With 44% rerus- lng to c~ amorig lhe following (they insisted alt shoUld be invol~). respom;i· bllity was aullned by the J'fl!t to ftd$r· al government (26% l, sllte government (II~). pnvile lnduofry Cobo 111>), loca1 government (14~~), aod "people lite youroe1r• (only 79!). DR. GOLD acts a possible anomaly ln .,.(gnlnc bl•me to prlv1le lndUill'j llia- calllftl lar&ely upon govemment to clean up, while (among speclf1c augtsUons) only Je percent propoee enrorcement ol la•·• and teUh1g of 1tand11rds. He plans to probe this area l~ rurther surveys. -IJCSB STIMULUS: Angela 0Da vis was ,that. too. \\'ith absolute confidence in the rightness or he r judgments she could stir an audience to her own level of intensity for a cause. When she herself became a cause-fired from her teaChing poillion for admitting she was a Communist - lhe academic .C<lmmunity reacted wilh a solldarily perhaps unequaled since the days of the loyalty oath. Last January, as suddenly as a volcano. Angela Davis erupted with an outpouring of passion that elevated her lo the rank of heroine among black radicals of the New Left and graying patrons of the Old. She not only participated in demonstra- tions, she led lhem. She took up the cause or George Jackson and the other ''Soledad Brothers," spoke at rallies, told street-comer audiences that "the system of capitalism has to be done away with ." At length Angela Davis was hun1ed do11.•n as one of the FBl's most wanted fugitives , accused of purChasing four guns used in lasl August's Marin County courthouse raid in california that resulted in the deaths or rour persons. What pushed this glamorous offspring of the black bourgeoisie to the outer limits of the political spectrum ? THERE WAS THAT day of horror in Birmingha'm, a clear fall morning in 1963, when a bomb exploded in Uie basement of a church .and took the lives of four Utile girls. Angela knew the girls : one was a next-door neighbor. The · bombing, said Angela Davis, "affected me definitely, in a political sense." There wa s the motor trip home with her father after graduation f r o m Brandel!;. He had stopped to buy a botlle of liquor in Chattanooga, Tenn ., the last "wet" city en route to Birmingham. When they crossed the Georgia line her father was stopped, searched, fined ~ and held for a lime in jail. "She said she believed we Negroes would all be put in concentraHon camps," her lather said. After two years at Parker. in tact, she was chosen ror a scholarship to Elisabeth lrwin High School in New York under an American Friends Service Committee program which plucked promising black students out of segregated schools and sent them to the North. She was one of three blacks in her class of 35 pupils. In New York Angela lived at the home of the Rev. William t.1ellsh, a white Episcopal minister who. during the f\.1cCarlhy era , had spent nine days testi- fying before a congressional committee and. ~U>ough he denied being a Com- munist, had lost his ministerial post. Ac- con:ling to a classmate, Angela thought extremely highly of the Melishes. She graduated from Irwin High with distinction and won a scholarship to Brandeis. AT BRANDEIS. Angela immersed herself in French literature and in her junior year qualiUed under a Hamilton College program to study at the Sorbonne in Paris and in the South of France at Biarritz. While working on her thesis Angela studied philosophy under Marxist Herbert Marcuse. As she did. her Interest seemed to shift from the nuancts or French literature to the hatSh tenets or radical philosophers. After gr&dUBtlon she went to Gennany to study tvoo years under Adorno, Marcuse's collaborator. at the P.farxisl-Oriented Institute of S o c i a I Research at Johann Wolfgang Goethe Unlvet3lty in Frankfurt. • lN IHI ANGELA completed work on her master's degree and followed ~larcuse to the University of C&lifornia at San Diego to begin work on her doc· torale. She completed all the re· quirements in a year's time, astonishi ng· Jy, and cho5e as the subject of her dissertation "The problem or violence l\tEA!\'WHILE A.NCELA Davis became the head of a committee for the defense of the "Soledad Brothers,'' three blacks accused of murdering a prison guard . Though retained as an investigator, Angela was denied permission to in· terview the prisoners. That, according to Fay Stender, a white woman attorney who is co-counsel for one of the three, '11.·as a contributing factor in the radicalizalion of Angela Davis. The Rev. A. Cecil Williams, minisler of Glide Memorial Methodist church in San Francisco where Angela spoke, said in his view "what it came down to was that much or it had to do witb v.·ha t she ex· perienced as a black person, what she v.•as exposed to as a black person. She made that point a very, very strong point.'' he said. Angela Davis's own words seem to in- dicate that the turning point v.·as some time early this year and that it was a gradual process; she herseU said lherc was no precise moment when she adopted ·a totally revolutionary stance. A year previous to the Soledad case Angela Davis had told a group of students at San Diego State College: "As a Communist I have to seek radical change and as 1 see it capitalism does not contain the so lution to our .prob. lems today. Capitalism can provide only a token wa y of solving problems. People are beginning to v.·ake up to the fact that '"e have to talk about radk:al solutions." And just before the Soledad case : "The first condition or freedom is the open act or resistance. P h y s I c a I resistance. Violent resistance. The road toward freedom , the path of liberation, Is marked by re1istance at t v e r y crossroad," And just after the Soledad case : The malting of a radical v.•as complete. Oa r lll •n l a S•n Fr•a clsc. -----------• For Whom the Toll Rings lly HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -l"ire 1.1. Bob Shtehy and his Encine 25 mw raced across th6 Bridge to help fight the blaze in the ~rkeley-Oakllnd bills -and"' join them now, hours later, on their way back to San Francisco, hot and tired.As the big truck eued slow· ly throu&h the ton plaza, out charged the toll collector, racing after the engine and hollering "Halt t llalt!" Then he rt.fused to budge unUI Lt. Sheehy, with 1 1igh, dua: down Into hi$ grimy gear and hauled out a one. dollar bill. AJ. Engine ~ was leaving, the Ueotenant called out to the guardian of Oakland's gate: "Next time" don't call us -we'U call you!" OUT 1 TtlE <mfER: Al Slclnhart Aquarium , Dr. Earl Herald I s breathing easiet nqw that lettuce prices have sone down. The manatee eats~ he1ds a day "Ind he was aboul lo eat us out of business'', The Mayor In a maxt? AU I know 1s that invitations to the Adrian Gnihns' fancy affair honoring Just Plain Joe. specify "Black Tit Floor Lengtlt ... LOL on the phone to KG-O's Jim Dunbar, lllpportina: General Ky's ap- pearance at that Washington palrioUc rally: "He llflnishing this war and he has bl>en tdt years and years and years," Pred1ely the problem, 'r,:-... "'" Thon that pig caftod Mf a pigf \ll"OUld have been seriQly injured if net kllled. • WHO AND WHAT is a militant? He is a sometimes self-described revolutionary or possibly a ~ially conscious individual working for a better society, But in ac· tuallty, what is this militant -the milio> tant who is a firebomb thrower , the miij. tan! who plants a bomb in the ~ n1inislration building or the school cafeteri a, or who sends a bomb through the mail lo a coll~e president which, "'hen opened, maims a young secrelar'J: for life. ' Should this person be dignified by call- ing him a militant! I don't think so. I personally fee.I that he should be identi- fied for what he really is, A CRIMINAL. lie is a criminal because his acts are criminal acts. Invariabl y, when he is caught committing these acts, he is dis- claimed by the m\litant group he repre- se nts as lUJ "agent provocateur," or as a victim oi the racist, oppressive society that is perpetuated at the college by the school president or the Governor of the State. But the fact remains tha t the individual was caught rommitting a criminal· act and must answer for his actions in a criminal court as would any other criminal. I do not mean to imply that the freshman student who is arrested for sit· ting-in at the administration building Is truly a criminal. He may be violating the law, but I believe that many of the young peop le arrested hon~tly fil.el that they are. help.ing . to bring_ a~·ch,ang_e by their acllons.·l ·feel that e 'ol1bete in• dividu~is ·,~Id ht Jiutged ccordiligly; and. if ~liis: 'act fS a: first orfinse. J WOlfld be inclined to recommend leniency. l ,to not want to gi ve a false impcessiOn that I think that an)' of lbe persona who ·are perpetral-Ors of .,iolence should be given any consideration. but rather I would be inclined to deal with these persons in the strictest manner possible under the Jaw, THE LITERATURE of the militant 30d the underground newspapers abound in articles calling for revolution and the violent overthrow or the government; they expound on guerrilla warfare and how to make bombs. Th is literature, i{ you can call it that. auacks obscenely every fa cet of American life. Yet, the courts have ruled lhat this is freedom of speech and of the press. Pamphlets are di!itributed on campuses telling in minute detail how to injure and maim police officers. The home ad· dresses of police officers are published In an attempt to intim idate them and sub- ject their families to harassment. The militan ts have launched a semantic at· tack against the police by calling them animal names and obscene hyphenated terms. But in spile of all of these attacks on law enforcement, your police officers are dealing "'ith the problems in a lawful and professiooal manner. We have ap- proached the problem as we would any other police .problem. The rights of the militan t are not violated under any circumstancts; if a demonstration or rally is held in a lawful and peaceful manner, then there Is no necess ity for any police action. lf there is a violation of· lhe law. then the police must take action and make 1rrests. I think that we must admit that militancy and revolution on the campuses are a very real threat to tlie a~ademiC' processes. I personally feel that student unrest will be with us for a long time to come, but I am not pessimistic. 1 believe 1 that "'e in professional police se"lce and . you in the academic proression working together can help restore to the campu~ ' an environment of intellect, learning, and' good will. \Ve must v.·ork toget her to help 50Jve: the social problems facing our arnuent society, the problems that are. renectetf ' on the cam pus. Let us expose the mJlitant or revolutionary fOr wh at he is -a criminal -not ;i martyr. I know that ., .• · can, in .!I lawful and professional manner," preclude this threat rrom growing by the. ' impartial and la11.1ul enforcement of eX• ' isling laws. I hontstly fttl that we wili , prevail. --iW- Saturday, Oclober 2', 1970 The Comment Page of the Dally Pilot seeks lo inform and stimulate readers by presenting a variety of com. mentary on topics of Inter- est and slRnlricance from informed observers a n d spokesmen. Robort N. Wood, Pu~llwt ' t I I I ( • ------------.,.----------------------------,- . . -.. ··~··, -----:-~ -.-~ Cood~rning, boys and girls, !come to another S~turdaY. : '.fiin and learning with Uncleiten and his friendi ~ Carol and Aitdy. • So now ~ight of spooks, % costumes ' · trick-or-lteat ls .r' only a week ' t'~·Uftcle Len's ' 1 · old mail ba( U really swam. ': ped wiUi~~ its this week. ' There y.·ere re than 50 en· tries in the drawing contest aJone and almost 20 in t.he poetry. Choosing a \tinner this week was really trafil because theA m 1 aterial . wads 1 so g 1 ood 1 . ~ s promise , I wi print as rqany_of the eood poems as I can today. @ ~ Since the turnout was so ~. • great. this week,: Uncle .Len's \. ~ ~ \ l topic ror next week w111 be r--------------------------------, I HaJloween, •too. Those of you who entered and didn't win are welcome to ~nter more drawings and poems in next week's contest. I'm sure most of you will be going out trick or treating to * PRIZE WINNER * i\1,lissa Han5l,r, 10, 1%37 Con••ay Ave., Costa Mesa gather in all those great Any child ~nder 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you goodies, so Uncle Len's topic do: (I) Draw picture on piece of plain, \Vhite paper 5* incbes wide and will also include Hallov•een 4 indles deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace safety. picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put you r name, age and address A few safely measurn to on ba<'k of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's .Art Contest, Bo1 1560, DAILY keep in mind include staying PILOT. Co6ta-~esa.0Wili>er will receive Keooedf.hall dollar. • with a large group of children,"------~·'-' _,;·~--'·'---------------------wearing warrq cloUles if the night is ch.illy, looking before we cross streets: not wander- ing too far away from yoor OWJl neighborhood, listening to our parents' insln.tctlons be- fore we go out, not staying out too late and not eating so much that we get sick. Also, kids, even though it is called 'lrick'-or-treat, be kind and think of others when you feel like you want to do a trick. Don't do anything that will hurt others or damage their i)roperCy. I'm sure you already know tttis, but if your group sees someone being bad ask them to stop. U they. are big kids, tell an adlfJt person to talk to them. Above all, though, have a great time: Uncle Len · would like to thank the classes who sent en- tries to the DAlLY PILOT. Some nice teachers helped their kids by sending many fine entries for judging. Honorable mentions go oot lo the fine entrants in art from Miss Fischer's 3rd grade class at Aliso School in El Toro. 'l'hey include: Joy~ Rlatt, 8, 'El Toro: Robbin Duval, 8, El Toro; Oorit Schwarzkopf, 8, El Toto; Susan Carlson, ·s, El T'Dro and Robin Slagle, "8\h, El Toro. Forty.three children in Miss Lujan's Class at St. Bonaven- ture School . in Huntington Beach also submitted ex- cellent art entries. Miss Lujan is a new Californian and Uncle Len is very glad to see her doing so well with her students in art. Honorable mentions include: Chris Warden , 8: G I en n Thompson, 814; ,.,fa uric e Espinoza , 8: Carole Haney, 8: Prendergast. Costa M e s a : Dana French, JO, Newport Beacp; Je!! Darrow., 9: G>tg DariOw ; Costa Me s a ; Maureen Capoceiama, I 1 , Huntington Beach and Cathy Waldzunas, 9 . Huntington Beach. I promised to print som' other poems which I received, too. Here are some of the best ones: On Halloween Night SighlS very scary, A monster so hairy, Small Little witches Fly over ditches. An owl in a dead tree And Goblins run free. John Keizer, I, El Toro Halloween ' YQUR ·NE_WS QWZ PART l ·NATIONAL AND ll'!TERNATIONAL Give yourself 10 points for each correct answer. -1 French--President ••• 1 ••• ended i week-fonr visit to the Soviet trnton. a-Jacques Cbaban•Delmas lrlitaurice Couve de Murvllle c-Georli's Pompldou . . 2 The Soviet Union denied that It wtt Wilding a &ubmarine base in ••• _. , ? - a-'cuba lrPeru c-Boliv\11 ' !l Congress approved a.n anti-crime bill. Amont otb.er things. the bill would auUtoriie the 1''81 lo lnvesUgate bombings at in&titutions recelvinr fede ra.I aid. True or F'1se? -4. President Nixon (CHOOSE ONE: signed, vetoed) a. bill 'Which would have limited candidates' campaign Bpeodin'& for rJd..io and TV. 5 The Peclagon bas set July l , ••• ? •. ,, 11 a target. da.te for endlng tbe military draft. a·l971 b-1973 c-1975 PART II. WORDS IN THE NEWS Take 4-points !or each word that you match with its correct meaning. can l ..... predicl 2 ..... appropriate 3 ..... placate 4 ..•.• reprlmand s ..... un5anltary a-severe or formal re- proof · b•&oothe, make peace- ful c-foretell d-bad for health e-proper, suitable PART Ill • NAMES IN THE NEWS Tlle 6 points for names that correctly match with the Clues. you can l ..... Alexander zhcnltsyn Z .... ,\Villy Brandt 3 ..... c~·urge :.:. 1.·_;1 ~ .•... Xuan Thuy tiol- :i .•••. L. Atendel Rivers .a-Chancellor, \Ves\. Germany lr\von the 1970 Kobel Prize for Literature c-North Vietname se de legate to Paris peace talk6 d-Chairm a n, House Armed Services Committee e-Chairman, liouse Approprialloos Com- n1ittee 0 VEC, fftc., Moditon, Wit(:on1in Sllurday, Cklobtr 24, 1970 DAIL V Pl Lot 7 Tr.e cr..u .... ., H•r•'1 • ch•llC• for •••'YOll• 111 th, f.111ay •14 •11•vtk lo •••!I lo-f•1i JN1-ot a...,_,, ...... f., "w'-" l•k• thit w••klv H•ll'I Q•i1 il'I th• ,,lw••Y •f yo11r •w11 ho1110 !you 4011°! 1w•11 h1w• I• 11! ih• •••' of th1 f1111ily •11•w h•w yow 111••• out) •114 ••• tiow m11ch yow •11•w •~0111 whoi'1 fOillt 011 i11 th world •ocl•Y· Do."t c•... • ..... ._,,.., cu~-' 1e1ow9.u , ' ---Match word clues with thejr correspond- lnr pictures or symbols. 10 points ror each correct answer. · A • 8 c D 1..... . Presldent Ceausescu ot this nJti~vi~it in the U.S. 2 ..... Secretary of;itatewu ... l\am Roget 1 3 ..... ::Ha~ Time begins October 25- ....... United }.;auons marks its 26th anni\ersary October 24 5 ..... U.S. will withdraw t0,000 more troop• from Viet ?"am by Christmas 6 ..... Muhammad Ali vs Jerry Quarrr . Ocl. 26 7 .•.•• SecrelaT)' o! Defens e }ttelvin Laird 8 ..... Oct. 25-31 ls .o\meri- can Education Week 9 ..... Canada to e~t up diP"" lomalic t'elaUoius with f thls country J 10..... ~ Proft:!sSionsl hock e y ~ ... season begno ~~ J ~ 1 ! ,::t...\ I ,_,, ... HOW DO YOU RATE? (Sc .. bch Siff ef Qui& S.,.Nhl)') 71 to IJ points -Good. fl to 100 polll'h . lO, SC Ol:E! 41 to 70 points· F•ir. llto 90poiM1-b.c•llent. 60or!Jnd.,??1 ·H'-~ FAMILY ,DISCUSSION QUESTION Do you think forced bu6ing shoUld ·be. used l.o achieve racial Integration Jn public schools? THIS WHK'S OiA!lfNGEI l<O 1(011 Name the Chairman of the federal Clvil Rights Commisi>ion. ---------------------- I s.1141 .,,... •--'--te ..... ,..,. Cindy Smith, 8; Lou.is e Beaudet. 9: Charisse Ruter, 8: Audrey Jean Holmes, 8: John Gillespie, 8: Sandra MarU... I; Chris Silesk.i, 8:' Joel .Har- ringlon, 8; Patrick Grames, 8: On Halloween witches fiy ln the dark: f'·S :>·t :•·£ =•·t ~q· 1 :111 lllVd Gh rl h k 11£unq••1-4 ••0 p0•111 ""'ll :3~N311"t'H:> j~. ,..S :1•1o :'1·£ l•·l !>·r :11 lll"t'4 c/• 0,-.. c ... hlly l'!llet, h1 oslS Yin l es y. ~·01 :1·• :1·1 :::>-L ~,., :1·s :.,. . ., :9 ·( :r·t :a·1 :z1nO io1w.1.s 'I·~ :p••+•"·~ :•"i1·c :i·t :>·i :11iiv4 Monstert ·shriek in the ._ ____________ ...;.;.,;.,...;_,;;;;,;,;,.;,;;-;;,. _______ .:.;:.;,.,;.;,.;;.;;,.;:,.:.,~;,;.;.;:,:.:,;:.:,._1 ·11•0. c .......... c.rH. ' Af'td• Hrids • comili.le »"lllum1 "" stupendous feats during their of tl'll Wlrlll tteil 'l"MYC...... to K•tfl1 l'liflll~, .... 11, at cove"'"'· daily duties. Earth and peb- Rlloclt ~11u1d. •or M• que1rlOl'O : bles must be moved to build Js It true that an ~t can carry the nest which may be four to -er own weight? 1 eight feet deep. lts un; 1 derground t u n R el s and Thls statement ls tnie in galleries are in constant need more ways than one. The in-of cleaning and repairs. All dustrious little ant can carry this earth work is possible her wei¢it in the: matter of because each little ant is strong duties. In other words, she enough to he.ave, haul and car· does her fair share or the ry loads equa~ to many times work for her ant community. · his own body weight. All in· When it comes to heavlf$ ·and sects are strong ,and even the hauling, lifting and shifting. weakest can pull five times his this sturdy character can cer· own weight. The champions tainly carry her own weight. seem to be the sturdy beetles. In fact. she can carry many A, certain bitsy beetle "'ai;; more times than her, own hitched to a load and proved weight -apparently with the able to lift 850 times his own greatest of ease. weh:ht. An ant can lift and carry 50 The average insect has AM OeGree, 7: Sharon Jeann.e Jackson. 8; Bryan Beverley, 8; Deanne van Aarsen, 8; James Meng, 8; George Poble, 8; Robert Auederheide, 8: Tom Bonokoski, 9; Cecelia \Vhite, 8: Ramon Dazecca, 8: Patti Brown, 8: Trace y Hughes. 7; Jeanne Miller. 8; Kenneth Devereaux, 8: Suzan- ne Gentilini, 8: Karen Senske, 8: jeff Pfeifer, 8: James Lane. 8; Kevin Tepper, 8; Mary Hassel. 8: Matthew Fishcer. •: Dan Callan, 9: Jett' Carlson, 8: Julie Voght. 8: Jef-. frey Tripi, 8; Brian Stiles, 8: Steven Cormack, 8: Timmy Mulcahy, 8 and Lynn McGowan, 8. Other honorable mentions include : Lo ri Chambers. 8, Balboa Island ; Chris Burnell. Costa Mesa : Jay Viloria. 7, Costa P.1esa: fleidi van Rici, C.Osta Mesa: Wayne Rogers. 7~. Hlmlington Beach : Judy night: A storm cOmes And curtains move. -Keith Dauble, 8, El Toro The Owl Once there was an owl, Who always gave a howl. And wherever he would go, He would never need to know About the scary ghosts. And their spooky hosts. Because he can ny, He never takes the tim' To say .goOd-bye. -Joyce Klatt, 8, El Toro Honorable mentions I n poetry go to Robin Slagle, 81h. El Toro; Betsy Thomas, 8 ~. El Toro: Lori Reubush, 8, El Toro: Peggy Joiner, 8, El 1'oro ; Robin Duval, 8, El Toro : Lori Oseguera , &, El Toro ; Susan Carlson. 8, El Toro and Patricia Halloran, 10. Cosla Mesa . times her own minuscule more muscles than we do and. weight -and she performs gram for gram. his muscles this feat with her mandible may be 10 times stronger. But jaws. The insect world has an the real secret of his strength abundance of ch a m p I o n lies in his size. Jt is possible to athletes and the tiny ant is not concentrate greater muscul?r the champion wel,l!ht lifter. co-ordination in a tiny body. If Bees can do almost as well he were expanded to hum?ri /) /J. and certain beetles can <10 ~ize. his muscle power would ,----La1•0{ ~ , Corner---, very much better. However, be reduced to human pro- verified records are not ea sy portions. to obtain. One cannot be sure And\' l-'5 • ww111 a90ll .,1~, ,0 that an ant is doing her very Eri<a wm .. m\. •111 1i, OI' l'r.ork~· be t F rt l I'!' ~. N-8rUM"'kil• C1"'6a, lor l'llr s . or a repo o qua 1 y, ciu111n011: the feat must be observed1and photographed by a reliable ex-· What do th ey use to flavor pert. and the result'! '"-'eighed root beer? with fine instruments. RIDDLES and JOKES * PRIZE WINNER Question : \Vben is a piece or wood like a kin~? 'Je1nJ. OfUJ .,.w '!I! U9~ :JeM.IL'Y. Ml<Mllil Stt;Jr .. 'f, 17'fl MMr Cll'Ciof, """'11"' ... 9'"11 One such report concern~ a harvest'r ant, caught in the 1 act of removing a stone from a 1 tunnel in her nest. She heaved up the solid slone to ground 1 level. then used her toi1e'1 lit· tie mRndible nlncen to hol<;t it shoulder high and tote It a safe distance from I h e doorway. The operation 1.as photographed, the11 the mighty midget and huer burden \Verr. weighed . This ant. small enough to sprawl on a penny. li(ted 52 Unles her O\\'fl weij!ht. IC .a human \\'eight-llrter h11fl cotnparable strength. he could hoist a load of almost four tons . A tentury ago. Charles Hires and his new bride stop- ped to ask rar a drink at a rannhouse in the countryside of New Jersey . The farmer's wife served !hem a delicious herb lea made from her ·own l:===================::J This. athletic ant may or may not have been a cllam- pkin. WCl'ter ants 'oftd carry loads "IUll to " to sf times their ......... gllL Fol bulky constnlction jobs, worker ants may to toBether In teama. Cert.nln parasol ants 11eatly slice sectkml from' larp leaves aod two oil more v."Orkers line up and carry these wide loads above thelr heads. Other teams reach up aftd pull down foliage to lorm tunnels .. MeanUme assistant teams bring young larva anl'I t<1 spin silken threod to sew Hie leaves together. 1 All "'orker ants pcr!orm reeipt. She had concocted an unforgettable blend from wild berries and roots. The in gredients included e.:flracts o wild tipsissewa and peppy sarsa oarllla . fragran spikenard. tan(!(~' hons and wintergreen. F.ach · of these herbs mt>rged its o w n distinctive fla \1or lo cre::He the superb new blend of flavor!! The lhirsty vi sitors decidtd !hat others mUSf Share it~ Six years later . at the Philadelphia Cent~al. thifl new and very dlfferen bevera~e was .Introduced to the world as root bfer. -r t l" This delightful honeymoon story was told to Andy-by the pt0ple who bave tieen inakin.g root beer for 100 yeart. Naturally. your reporter did Mt expect them to divulge all their 11CCrets. But he leamtd that there Art 16 in.gredienl~ in the ramoos llavor, including lhe ume herbs used 1n the original recipe. Dy the way. root beer Is a sofklrlnk not even distantly related to the bttrs that contain alcohol. THE MAGICAL 'NIGHT October 31. the magical night1 \Vhen every witch starts her flight ; \Vhen ~hosts and ~oblins happiJy eat, Th~ir pumpkin Pie and skeleton meat. Wiien pumpkins share their candlelight And ghosts stay out till midnight. \Vhen the mooh has a moony .sheen, And owls' eyes are glowing green. When ghosts chain~ rattle, ... \Vhen spooks slart:1heir sc.are battle. \Vhen every kind or s~k iuoen This is the night of Jl lloween. • 11~ 11if1 Miier ""-~. c..t11y -wi.....,.._ t, tin "•"" ~-0r1 .... "'"'"",.. -...Cfl, !!! ,.,. _..,. • ftltrt \1111 ..,., ..i -~ MMI Y9ir ""'" ., .,.,., Ire UMlre I, ..... .l IHI. ( .. It """""-(.ell ..... ~ Nearly Ev~ryone- Listens to Landers - GOP Loata Backlash Democrats Surge • Ill Ohio By PERY SMITH AINClel .. ,,., Wrll•r COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Ohio once looked more elusive than Camelot itseJr for Ken- nedy Democrats, but a n abrupt odor of scandal has provided a latter-day New Frontiersman with the scent of victory. \Yith statehouse Republicans caught in the backlash of a questionable loan deal , former Congressman and Kennedy organizer John L. Gilligan is moving toward the governor 's chair. "\Ve're trying to win this state back from the fixers," says the 49-year-old Gilligan, sounding the theme of the Demoratic campaign. While top GOP strategists concede that Gilligan's lead appears insurmountable~ lhey nonetheless are pouring their energies lnto keepinJ their candidate, State A u d I t o r Roger Cloud, within range. The fear. Simply, is that a Gilligan landslide could drap under the Republicans' favorite son, Rep. Robert Taft Jr.,. tn an otherwise close Senate race against liberal Democrat Howard Metze.n· baum. The normally subdued Cloud , a stronti party loyalist. has played out the part with newfound fury, calling his op- ponent "taJ:-a·blllion Gilligan '' and charging that his ''ultra left·wlng philosophy ,.,, i 11 dutroy progress in Ohio." Retorts Gilligan : • 'The' Republicans won 't be able to cover up their scandal with Lheir smokescreen ol vicious perlOnal·attacb. • • 'NO CRANcE Without the scand1l, GllUaan llkety wouldn't stand a .chance 111 this tradit1onally conarvaUve state. He already has lost twice, ence to Con1re1sm1n Taft in hometown ClnclnnaU and onct to S.n. Wllllam B. saxbe. Cloud proudly bouts that under lbe leaderahlp of outgo- ing Oov. Jamea: Rhodes. the party built "the most d lectlve polltlcal lorce ln the nation."· Oemocra11. meanwhile, had lost around steadily. But a curtain or scandal began to ring down on the GOP when it was disclosed earlier in the year that the state administration h a d surpassed a $50 million limit on state investment Joans. Then, it turned out, the firm 1,1,·hich arranged th' loans received hefty commissions ranging from $500,000 to $1 million. Moreover, that same firm gave mor' than $30.000 in campaign contributions t o various Republicans, including Cloud and the nominees for at· tomey general and auditor. Although Cloud disclaimed any responsibility and return- ed the campaign money, Gilligan's popularity promptly skyrocketed. And a campaign which once promised a bumper crop of issues, In- cluding the Kent State ·fn>. cident, tax refonn, pollution and education; turned instead to a bitter exchange of body punches. Cloud, who previously had prided himself on av9tding personal auacks, b e g a n hopscotching the state In his "Cloud 9" hellcopt.er 1 armed with a six-year-old clipping from the Xavier Univer1ily student newspaper. BLAND REPORT In somewhat bland tones. <:loud reads a quote attributed to Giiiigan : "The university crowd should · start riots and political revolutions In the area or what this country ob- viously needs." · · "It's a lie," retorts Giiiigan. "They know it is 1 lie. l know It js a lie1 You know It is a lie.'' And he offers Jtatetnents from officials at Xlvler. where he once taught literature. to support his con- tentioo that-the-newspaper's quote-isn't hls own. Cloud nonetheless has come off wltb the harder line on campus dlJorders, Without speclJ'lc reference to Kent, he says he would call out the Na· Ilona! Guard, equipped with live ammunition, lf further trouble '"-'ere to occur. But he adds: "TheY. would load only on specific orders of the eom- mandinll officer." Gilligan says he would call up Guardsmen only as a last resort and then under lhe con- dition that they cooperale with police officers trained in handling unruly crowds. Both men promise programs to upgrade Ohio's low ranking in education expenditures and Jaw enfort'Cment salaries. Cloud, a one time farmer and heavy construct i o n operator, wants a county in- come tax. which Gilligan claims would be impractical, unfair and Inadequate. Instead, Gilligan prefers a tax on corporation income. But Clood terms lhat proposal ''completely irres1X>nsible," sa)'ing it would take "an average of $29 a month more out of the pockets of every family in _Ohi<]." WELL-FUNDED Both men appear to be well- financed , although the GOP has pleaded for public dona- llons to pay for last-ditch saturalion advertising. A re- cent leak that lhe GOP Na- tional Committee has written off Cloud as a loser isn't likely to help f.hat cause. Gi lli ga n 's forces . me.an.While, have tapered off their fund-raising, h a v i n g acknowledged several weeks ago thilt 80 perCent of· a SI million budget '!V3S already in the till. Gilllgan Is rated the more attractive of the pair for telev.lsion. lted-haire.d. rangy end fretkled, be comes across as far more outgoing. Cloud Is heavier, shorter, and parts his white hair in the middle. The · polll show him ahead.. for whatever conaolaOon, In the · age bracket ovtr SS. Apparently the byproduct ol !ht pel10llal lnfil[htlng rather than concentration on issue!i. ,11n llldercurrtnt of voter dls~t has been reported throughout the state. Many appear to share the sentiment of bartender W 11 1 i a m Ruhlman : "l couldn't vote for Gilligan aod r sure as hell don't like Cloud." Ea.ch candidlte, not une,x- pectedly. blarnts the othtr for the obfusc1Uon. Says Cloud: •'His enllre campaign consists of ridicule. He degrades our state, our government, and our people." Says Gilligan: "He is wag. ing a campaign that is an in· suit to the people of our state." Cloud constantly refers to his "whi~ papers" on a host of issues, but usually leaves it to the listener to.look them up. Gilligan speaks of a long list of massive reform, particular- ly in social services and pollu-. tion control, but rarely spells out details. And while he also talks of carrying the le.11;Jslature, It seems unlikely that Gilligan could overthrow the 64·35 and 21·12 House and Se n ate margins now held by the GOP. But the Republican nest is plenty mussed. Cloud didn't help unity any when he sug- gested that the nominees for attorney g e n e r a I and treasurer. John D. Herbert and Robin T. Turner, get off the tickt~ for lhelr part in the loan deal. They refused, and Cloud later joined the state convention's -endorsement of them. More than eight years ago, President John F'. Kennedy remarked on a visit to.Colum- bus that no other city had given him "a war mer welcome and Jess votes.'' Fir1n Gets 4·day Week In Oregon PORTLAND. Ott. (UP!) - The weekend bqlns Thundoy for employes of Kirkman p h a rm aceu.Ucal manufac- turing firm. and the first com- pany in Oreg:on to 10 oa a four-day week. Each work day wll\ be 11 hours so that the total work week will continue '° be 4t hours. Stanley B•chman. president of lhe firm, So\lid • • o u r cmployes suggested It." • • . l I ! \. ' 8 DAil V PILOT Salurday, Oeto~ 24, ,14f70 Bruins Fight to Remain 'Alive ·• Ill Bowl Race Averages 822 mph Blue Flame Obliterates Breedlove' s Record WENDOVER, Utah (AP) -The Blue Flame rocket car, driven by Gary Gabelich. flashed lo a world land speed record of 622.407 miles per hour Friday. smashing Craig Breedlove 's mark of 600.601 miles per hour. The slreamlined racer averaged 617 m .p.h. on the first run through the measured mile at Ulah·s Bonnev ille Salt F'lals, then made the second run in 627.2.87 m.p.h. Gabelich needed more than a 606 m.p.h. average out of The Flame to gel the record. because U.S. Auto Club rules Insist the record must be broken by al least one percent. The car reached a top speed of 631 m.p.h. during the first run, officials said. USAC timers announced almost im- mediately that lhe second run had broken Brcedlove·s mark, set in the jct-fueled Spirit of Ameri ca. The crew members of the Blue Flame v.·cre a picture or uncontrolled en- lhusiasm, even before USAC timer Joe Petra Ii, confi rmed \\-'hat ever y bod y alreadv knev.·. ··1 ttiink v.·e can go raster." sa id an ob- ''iously pleased Gabelich . '"ll was a good ride." he said. Nev.·smen. photographers. and crcv.· members j!a\h{'red around w hi I e Cabclich, project n1anagcr De a n Dietrich. and builders Pete f'arnsworth and Dick Keller embraced. Those Sizzling 76ers Outgun • • LA, 127-122 LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Billy Cun- ningham jamme11 in 31 Points and Ar- chie Clark got 24 as a balanced Phil· ladelphia attack cli pped the Los An· geles Lakers 127-122 ror the 76crs' fifth victory in si:w.: games Friday night. Jn other NBA action Seattle shelled Portland , 141-lll : Boston edged Cincin - nati, l31-126; Baltimore toppled New York , 98-92. The 76ers held off a fourth-quarter Laker rally in the National Basketball Association game and got key baskets by reserve Hal Grter> Jn the process. Jirn Washington also contributed to the fourth-prriod scoring for Philadclphla: Will Chamberlain's 34 and Jerry West's 27 Jed the Lakers. Rookie Jim f\f cMlllian of the Lakcrs. also in a reserve role, scored 17 in the second half, 13 or them in the four th period, to lead the Laker. comeback from an ll·polnt deficit late m the thlrd p<rlod. The &.foot-5 Columbia graduate scored 21.. his h.tgh for the year. The 76ers out.shoL the Lakcrs early, grabbing an 18·1 I 1 ad In the !lrst period. Cunningham and Luke Jackson pump- ed in Phllly b3skeu for a 3$-23 first period lead. Moments later Gabelich and his father. 1'-1el GabeUch of Los Angeles, walked away from the crowd congratulatine each other. Gary·s race had a \Yide smile. but tears streamed from th e face or his father. Gabelich carried a number or good luck cha rms with him . in his run . Included were a rabbil"s foot pouch that carried a hair curler from his mother. an Indian good luck rock. several key chains from friends and a Mexican peso. ~·hich Gabelich gave lo his father. The Blue Flame had been on the Flats since Sept. 16. The record run came on the rockers 19\h time through the measured mile. USC , Oregon Battle Todav " For Survival EUGENE, Ore. 1APl -Oregon and Southern California, both with powerful offenses, collide in a Pacific.a football clash here today in what is expect· cd to be a high scoring game. Both teams have los t to Stanford and a victory is a must to sta~ in the race for' the ROOe Bowl berth. - Oregon, with a 3-1 Pacific-II rel'Ord. Is known for its passing attack Jed by sophomore Dan Fouts. The Ducks lead t!M: nation with an average or 308.7 yards a game in the air. Soothern Cal, with a 2-1 conference mark, is seventh nationally in rushing with an average of 287 yards a game. Oregon coach Jerry Frei disagrees that this should only be a match between his team·s pass ing attack and usc·s ground game. •·rm proud that we·rc leading the nation in passing," he said. ''But I'm a lot more proud now that we 're run ning the ball, and that while v.•e're passing, Bobby Moore has run it 370 yards In the last three games." A1oore leads the cooference in scor- ing with 54 points. John McKay, whose Trojans have won £our consecuti ve conference titles, calls his running backS "the best group I've had at USC.'' He refers, for example, lo Clarenl'.'e Davis, who has 562 net yards this year in 124 carries. · Fret counters with a reference lo hi s pass receivers, which he conslders - as a group -the best in the count ry. Bob Newla°' has 37 catcOOs this season, seven more than Southern Cal slandout Bob Chandler. 1'1cK1y, who played at Oregon and later coached there. says he hasn •t been $Urprised at the performance or the Trojans th.is .season . '·We've p1ayed as l thought we would -inconsistent. But, then , we're play· Jng seven sophomores on offense," he said. Aerial-minded Indians Invade Coliseum Tonight LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Rose Bowl bid is involved and a ~ssic quarterback duel is in prospect as high·rlding Stanford and UCLA collide in Memorial Coliseum tonight. The Pacific-8 Conference struggle, to be unfolded before upward of 70,000 for the 8 o'clock kickoff. features Stanford·s Jim Plunkett and the Bruins' Dennis Du91mit, the one-tv.·o passers in the league. Stanford is favored. The Indians are ~I over all and , in the race for the Rose Bowl, 3'-0. "UCLA is 4·2 and 2-1. Bx nightfall Oregon, 3·1, and Southern California, 2·1, will have settled their con- ference confrontation at Eugene, so the teams here will know what is in the future . Coach John Ralston's Stanfords have hurdled one major obstacle. Southern Cal. as well as Oregon. and \Vashin gton State. Tommy Prothro's Bruins downed Oregon State and California but lost to Oregon. After six games, Plunkett and Dummit have established themsel ves as top Heisman Trophy candidates. In the air, Plunkett has completed 101 of 187 passes for 1.513 yards and nine touchdowns. He has been intercepted nine times. Dummil, like Plunkett a senior, has hit on 99 of 193 for 1.319 yards and 10 touchdowns with 12 interceptions . Plunkett has personally scored three touchdowns, Dennis four. It will behoove both teams to establish a running attack. Stanford has two pro- ven ball carriers in fullback Hillary Shockley and tailback Jackie Brown. Kendricks and fullback Gary Campbell. Prothro this week was asked how he planned to stop Stanford. After a pause. and only half jok!l)g, he replied, .. Frank- ly, I don't know." . Said Ralston at Palo Alto, '·UCLA, with thei r overall team quickness and fi ne defensive secondary. is the kind of team which can cause a lot of problems. And of course Tommy will have llicm on cloud-9 for this game after thal great effort against Cal last week." Dummit led UCLA 85 yards and scored himself from the three with four seconds remaining to beat the Golden Bears: 24· 21 Stanford the same afternoon at Spokane tuned up over Washington State. 63-16. 1/AYWOOD DR A WS FI NE, SUSPENSION DENVER -Superstar S p en c e r ~laywood, the American Basketball Association's Most Valuable Player and Rookie of lhe Year last season, has been suspended indefin itely by the Denver Rockets. without pay, and has been fined $500 per game. and $100 per practice missed. the club announced Friday. Donald W. Ringsby, president and general manager of !he Rockets, said he's discussed Hayv.·ood 's demand for a $1.3(; million raise in pay, and "determined we have a valid, binding, six-year contract'' with Haywood. BE FACING UCLA'S DENNIS DUMMIT (R IGHT) TONIGHT. UCLA has three still -improving run- ners: tailbacks Arthur Sims and Marv Ringsby said he has nothing to negotiate v.•ith Al Ross, Los Angeles lawyer. who claims to represen t Haywood. Golf Awash; Bears Lo se Protest Bid NAPA, Calif. -A steady rain forced cancellation of Friday's second round in the $150,000 Kaiser International Open Go~! Tournamen t. , The second round will be· played Sat- urda y on the Silverado Country Club and the tournament will be completed wilh 36 holes Sunday, weather permit· tine • SANTA MONICA -Former Los An· getes Ram defensive end Greg Schu- macher sued the club Friday for $60,800, charging breach of contract. The 6-foot-2, 240.pound li neman. who was a starter in 1968, was injured dur- ing training.camp this summer and was v.·aived afler pla ying in two pre-season games. The suil contends the Ran1s v.·ere to fulfill the terms of the contract even if he were incapacitated. • SAN FRANCISCO -UCLA's 24-21 football victory over California last week v.·ill stand, despite a protest filed by Cal. There is no recourse to a judgment call by the officia ls, v.·ho must make instantaneous decisions on all plays,,. Tho1nas Hamilton. exet·utivc director of the Pacific-8 Conference, said Frida y. • I HAA11LTON, Ont. -George Chuvalo's first defense of his Canadia n heavy - weighf..boxing title in 11 years took ex- actly t\Vd·m~utes and 40 seconds Fri- da y nlght as he-~ored a first·round technical knockout o( Tommy Burns of Prince George , B.C. -___ • ARCADIA -Quicken Tree, one of America's outstanding handicap horses and California's greatest dlstance runner in modem times, is dead. · The 7·year-0\d gelding died Thursday night from complications after under- going surgery Oct. 14 for removal of a fragmen t of sesamoid bone lrom his right hind leg. Quicken Tree. c0-0,vned by his breeder. Lou Rowan, and \\'heelock Whitney, earn· ed $718.303 and his triumphs included the prestigious Jockey Club Gold Cup in 1968 and the 1970 Santa Anita Derby and the 1970 Santa Anita Handi cap and San Juan Capistrano Handicap. • ATLA NTA -Glib Muhammad Ali warned f~riday that the drama and con- troversy of the occasion -as much as his own punishing fists -\\·ou\d brlng the downfall to Jerry Quarry in their IS. round fight here Monday night. •·Something is going to happen In I.his fight that only me and people close to me know about," the qulck·tongued ex-cham· pion. making a comeback after 3 ~ years away rrom compr.tltlon , said. • LONDON -Jack Brabham, lhret·time world auto racing champion from Australia. "'ill quit driving after com· petlng in the M~xlcan Grand Prix on Sun· di)', ll was leamtd. •• f I ....... • ,, 1 • ANGEL HURLER ANDY MESSERSMITH !LEFT) HELPS UCl 'S BOB BARLOW, Pro Passes On Se~rets Messersmith Gives Tips to VCI Pitchers By HOWARD L. JIANOY Of 1~t 0 111Y l'llol Slftt Andy Messersmith is n't counting the days until the Angels make a trade in· vol\'ing hinl. "Bul it v.•oultJ be nice lo be traded to Baltimore. That extra money they pick up in World Series play would be niCT! to start a business," he says. The Angel hurler was on hand at UC Irvine lhis v.·eek to tal k "''ilh coach Gary Ada1ns' Anteater pitching staff in an iri- formal session. He revealed he hadn't used anything like an Exergenie or other weight lifting apparatus to prepare for the baseball season. ''Dr. tliobcrl ) Kerlan told me to lteep my hands off of weights," Andy told the Antealcrs. "Johnny Sain told us in 11pring training to rest our bodies between starts when v.•e are working every fourth day. He says v.·c ca11 stay in shape by pitching and il lakes about three days for the body to get back the strength it takes to pitch a nine inning game. "Our pilching coach thinks jusl the op. poslte." f\tesscrsmith says. ··vou ha\'e to have guts out there cn the pitching mound . And that doesn't n1e&1T lhrowlng at somebody. lf yoo are going to do lh!'lt, do It when you make up your 1nlnd to and nol on an G-2 pitch. "/\lake that 0-2 pitch count. lf you can tt.row where the batter th inks he can hit the pitch, do it. Be a Hiiie cute and throw it v.'here he can't hit it. Not down the heart of the plate, but don 't waste it "ither.'' \Vhat does he do for his arm after a gan1e? •·J ha ve used ice to soak it but the big thing that helps me the most is a milk job. Thi~ returns the blood to the arms and shou lders.'' By a milk job he means holding the hand above the elbow and having a traint?r ma::=age the blood away from the h:ind. . Andy warned the hurlers to always throw without a jacket but to put it on as soon as they finish. "A cold in the arm is miserable,'' he says from experience. He passed on so me other valuable llps to the Anteater sta ff. "JohMy Sain, perhaps said it best in spring training. At least it has helped 1ne. "Vlsualir.e the ball as a big egg whl'n you grip it and start your windup. Don 't put pressure on until you are about to release lhe ball and then pop it -break the egg with a tight grip." , \\'hat about his t~ries on pitching? "When you take two athletes of equal 11blllty, the pitcher is going lo win out. The last World Series is a good example. Balllmcire had the pitching and the two . . tean1s "'ere about even In hitting. "There is glory on the pitching mound and you don't have to work as hard. You on ly pitch every fourth day." \\1hat are the most important lhing-s about the va rious pitches he uses in the American League? ··Tue fa.st ball must have movement "The curve ball should be thrown with the arm niorc 1han the wrist. "The slider is thro,vn basically the same as the curve wlUt more v@locity. The idea is to throw a fast ball with a lit- tle movement at release. "The change is the most import.ant pitch l have. If you can throw H with the san1e motion as the last ball, it is a great pitch. You throw lt by pulling down on U1e ball . Pop the wr ist under the ball and ma ke it ride. "I have struck out more batters in the American League using this pilch than any ott:~r.'' He \\'as asked if he cculd throw a knuck le boll. "r have throv.•n a few in game5 but generally I leave this up to Ed Fisher aod. \'."hen he was wlth u5, Hoyt Wilhelm." Whereupon he donned a catcher's glove and caught Antcatt!r k n u c k I e b a 11 specialisl Tom O'Connor. And berore he left the field. he talked with Adams about working out v.·ith the Anteater!! beginning sometime In December. l ' I 1 .\ • I I • t i j I f I I I t . t ' I ( • c •• I ( I ' s ' I • l I ) ' ( • t • l • l • I •' ------~~ Saturday, Octobf' 24, 1~70 OA!LV PILOT I ~~lesR~n To 40-13 Anaheim · Devastates Marina, 48-8 T~!umph • ~r CRAIG SHEFF 01 tllt Dallr 'lltt ltlttf ·Estancia Hilb. behind a bruising run· riina: attack, rolled to ita: fifth football Nictory of the 1970 campaign Friday night, a 43-13 decision over winless Santa Ana Valley at Newport Harbor High. The win insured the Ea11le1 of coach Phil Bro.wn their first winning season in school history. lt also kept them in con· tention for a CIF playoff berth Estancia is now 3-1 in Irv ine League plaf. In the final analysis the Eaales had just too much speed up front where the Estancia linemen opened big hole!. Estancla ama ssed a total of 433 yards for the game with 348 of it coming on the ground. A quartet of backs led the ground at· tack. Bob Kaiser, playing in only his sKOnd game at tailback, rushed for 100 yards in silr carries with all of it coming in the initial half. Runs of 54 and 38 yards • by Kaiser set up Estancia 's first two TDs. • Tailback Jim Schultz. back after a week's absence with a muscle Injury in his neck, netted SS yards, quarterbeck Curt Thomas ran for another 59 and re-"' serve tailback Hank Moore had 91 in 10 carries, all coming in the final quarter. Thomas passed only when he needed lo, completing four of seven for r7 yards. , The Eagles actually got off to a slow start. After Valley scored a quick touchdown In ttie earlv minlltes of the opening quar- ter. then Estancia came right back with a 71-yard drive in five plays with Kai· ser's 54-yarder the kev play. Thomas went the final yard ror the score, but Randy Carpenter's PAT kick was wide and Estancia trailed, 7-6. However, the Eagles took ~ lead !or good midway through the second period when John Dixon caught a three-yard pass from Thomas climaxi ng a 54-ya rd drive. A pas~ from Thomas to 1 Friedersdorf gave the Eagle~ an addition- al two points and a 14-& lead. A SO-yard return of the second half kickoff bv Schult?. keyerl the third F.agle score and opened the flood gate. From the 34 it took Estancia fou r plavs to se<ire with Schult.I goinR the last yard. Carpen- ter's ~k made it 21·7. From here, it Wall gravy the rest of the wav. By BOWAllD L. BANDY Of, .... Olllr ·~ IWt It wasn'i a small~ stral ht sewing pln. It wasn 't even a lat1tr afety pln. . .lLwu . .a gjan~ •il<-lncli hal pin.lh•l cOath Clare VanHoorebeke and hlJ An1- heiin Colonist football team ulltd to burst the Marina balloon Friday 'night on ttie. Westm,l.nster High field . The Colonists waltzed of! with a 484 victory to ~ establish themselves as the No. 2 team in the Sunset ~ague with a de vastating aerial game and a sopho- more haUback: who gained 16 yards in the first half and rested the entirt sec· ond hall. The balloon that wu broken was fill· ed will> air durin( lhe week 11 V111- Hoorebtkt blew and blew on the merits of the Marina 1quad. But he turned hls charges loose to 11ln a 27-0 balftlme advantqe on offense amnompielely c1<m<irallled""th•-Vit1np• • deftnJt. So c~lete waa the Colony defense tn the first half, Marina lieid control of lhe ball on only 19 ploy•, including thr .. punla:. Seven runnJ.nc pllys netted a ml· nus aeven yarda and the only first downs came on two completed passea out ot nine attempts. With the air rapidly diSlppearhli frotr1 the Viking balloon, Marina came onto the field to start the &eCood hall and .. ' pou111Uy pal<h lhe luk. run; Jim McCulloy, 21 ·rant run ; Bob Pal Wat&ke recovered an OIH.ides McQueen, one yard run : Al Murillo, 15 ldckolf at the Anahetm 44 and Joe yard run: and Ken' Gray, 32 yard run. Ventlrnlllla romped 21 yards around Jim Bruce kicked two converglons, left end on a reverse. Terry Terrell had one and Joe McCulley ~· 'f~~ .. !'.\U)_nlr:!& P.11)'.S &ained . eill"ht had 8 run for two poinls. yards and Steve·· Moiil};aii 'biifiea'i' a··---. Beib"ite·g1VtJ ·promt;e0t'itarlln1-iuiolh· strike to Jeff Loaner on 1 12-~ard pass er Anaheim dynasty. The l~pound tenth on fourth down kl the-An~e1m three. grader avera11:ed .6.t Yards pe.r carry VenUmlaUa gained two and Monahan in 14. first half attempts. rolled around left end for • the score, then hit Tim Roney for· & two-point e<in- verslon. Thi.s was the lone olfenslve display of power !or Marina durirfl the 11ame. Anaheim scoriJlg-Went Hie thi1: Joe McCulley, five yard run ; Jim McCulley, on_~ ym:I run; Kurt Bethke, tv.·o yard • •AMI STATISTl(I • ' • ' ' .. .. " ·~ J/41.0 • " " • " .. "' •ff ... 1/lt. DAILY PILOT Pllete1 b Pllrtdl O'OIMtll Schultz added the fourth TD from one yard out and Thomas went two yards and sub quarterback Gary Logsdon passed 22 ya rds to Friedersdorf for the final two scores. And Carpenter added the final point with a perfect kick. GARTH WISE (II) PASSES WHILE ST EVE DUVAL (33), TOM CRUNK BLOCK. OAMI STATllTICS y ' • ' • • lilts! dclWM 'Ulhll'lt U ,lr1t dO'#M N iii.,. • ~rH dowf\1 ....... "ltl 0 Tofil flfl,t down1 17 Lions Spurt . to Smash Oilers, 30-14 Yenls niahllltl "7 Y1nl1 NUlrlll II Y1!'il1 lo•f ' Met v1rds 111Mlf •» P.un11/Av1r11e dl1t1nce 2/27.0 Pen1Jlle1/Y1rdt 11tn1ll1fd 1/7' fumbl11/Fumltln lotl 211 Sctn W 0.Mtl'I " ,. " >U •120,, "" 111 ' S1nt1 Anl V1U1v 1 o Es11n<l1 ' I 0 '--11 ' ,, .... 1''1~on T110ma1 l(llMr ldwllt ..... P1l1 ·-· Rabtrtton To1111 T ...... 11 ......... Tl'l1l1 ltU~HINO . 11"nc11 !ch r-> » lZ Jt ' 101 • • 10 tl ' ' ' . ' . u "' 5Mllt Ant V1l1"' U JI . " • • . " . " " " PASSINO ltllll(la ~ lie ftll ' . ' ' ' . . ' ' SMlli A111 Vtllw ~ • ' ' • ' • ' • • ' ' " ' • " " " " " 11 I I \OG ... ••• ... 11.7 '·' ••• '·' -1.11' u • •• ,_, 10.0 •• ,_, ,_, ,_, '" .!11 .... .... _, .. By PIDL ROSS 01 Ille IMllY Pll•I Stefl The hungry Westminster Lions went from a 6--0 halftime edge and rampaged for 24 second half points Friday nlght to overcome host Huntington Beach 's Oilers, 30-14, in a baUle to stay out of the Sunset League football cellar. Coach Bill Boswell's Lions, now 1·3 in league play and 1·5 overall, turned pile driving tailback Chuck Winkles loose and lbe S-9, 166-pound junior responded with 127 net yards rushing on 21 carries and be scored twice. By the same token, the Lion de!ense, although relinquishing 281 yards to the Oil City gridders, had no major trouble in solving Huntington's doable wing for- mation. Westminster limited the Oilers' all- round whiz Garth Wise (tailback in the double wing and quarterback when tbe Computer Title Fight Highlights TV Schedule Fight fane: can warm up for Monday night's heavyweight bout between Muhammad Ali and Jerry Quarr y by watching a computerized fight between Rocky Marciano and Ali on the Wide Worl.d of Sports today on Channel 7 at 5 o'clock. Tn the summer of 1969 Marciano and All "fought" more than 70 rounds before the cameras. The boxers' fighting characteristics (as evaluated by hun- dreds of ring experts) were then fed into a computer, whi ch made the decision. In January, the fight was shown in ·movie theaters and the prints were then , reportedly destroyed, but at least one .was not. • The Brockton Blockbuster was champ ftom 1952-55. winning 49 bouts with 43 KO!. Ali. whose chief auel ii speed ind agility, reigned from 1964-67. Although he ~can "float like 1 butterfly and 1Ung like a bee," 23 of hill 29 vicWriea were by KO. The UJUal run of college and pro- fessional football g1mes will be Ren, climued by the Rams-Minneaota Vikings game Monday night. .. • Auto Crash Kills Twins' Official HOUGHTON, S.D. (AP) -Sherry Rob- ertsoa, farm director and a vi~ prukltnt of the Mlnnl!lota Twnis, wu klllod Fri· day when Na c;ar left a South Dlko&a roed and struck a lree. · · Robert.ton. 51, Edine, Minn., hid been l'lunUng Jn South Dakota with Twins out- fielder Bob Alllton, former manqer Billy M1nln and Alipio Giuliani, 1 ICOUl. He was travelillJ alone when lhe accl· dent OCC\lrred, Robertton, who hid been farm director for the Twins lince 1158 and a rlub Viet president since 1966, w11 termed by hit assistant Georae Brophy, as "on of the greattst judaes of baseball talent I've ever met.'' • Oilers went into the T·formalion) to jusl 77 yards in 22 totes. Wise had entered the e<intest as the area's second leading ground gainer be- hind Marina's Joe Ventimi&lia. A sample of the Lions' conslant and harassing defensive charge was exhibit· ed on a sa fety chalked up by linebacker and defensive signal caller Jody Thomp- son in the fourth quarter. 'I He nabbed Wise in the end zone on a aecond and 16 situation at the Hun ting· ton six-yard line. Both sides generally moved up and down the field at will, but the Lion de· tense outdid Its Oil City counterpart by coming up with the big stop when need· ed. After Westmi nster had taken the up- per hand on a 24·yard wingback-around play by Wall Maddocks at 7:10 of the first period. Huntington stormed back vigorously, The Oilers drove from tl.eir 25 to the Lion one-yard stripe only to be denied on a crucial fourth down roadblock by. the entire side of Weslminster 's front • wall. Winkles picked up his six-pointers on a three-yard run In the t~Jrd quarter and and a two-yard dive with just four min· utes remaining in the contest. Also garnering a TD for the winne rs was fullback Mike Dodd, who burst through from two yards away on the initial play of the fourth quarter. Jeff Siemens and Doug Milne each accounted for a two-point conversion for Westminster. Wise (four-yard run ) and Steve Pick- ford ( 44-yard pass from Wise J had six· pointers for HuntingtOll while Wh itney Plummer receipted for a two-point PAT on a pass from Jim Martin. CIF Grid Scores North Torrance 32, West Torrance 14 El Rancho 42, Long Beach Wilson 18 LakewOOd 27, Long Beach Pol y 0 Millikan 28, Long Beach Jordan 0 Pasadena 21, Blair 14 Temple City 27, South Pasadena 0 OAMr: ITATllTICS •• First down• r1,1tlilnt 6 Firs! d11wn1 ~ulng 1 F 1r1t downs ~n•IU11 1 Tt"t llr11 downa U Y1rd1 rutMng 114 Yords paulng 111 Yords IOI! XI Pun!l/Av1r101 dl1t1M1 J/l1.l NII Yl rcll e•lntd 111 P~llllt1IYtrcll pentil:ld 11/lt Fum~l .. /Fum~lt• lo1t 0/0 Sttrt _, Ovtrlt" w " • ' " ~91 .. • 1. 11.0 m "" "' W111tmln111r t O Hun!lntllln INcl'I 0 0 . , ..... ' t-u wow D\r<l ll "''k101'd Mt rlln (111'9111 TcHtll Wln~lft ,,,., MUnt Sit"'""' M10dll(-1 loltrrl1 Trujillo TDltl1 Wist Mtr!ln To11l1 5lemen1 Young Tott11 ltUSNINO '" " ' ' ' ' ~ " .. • ' • " '" WHll'l\11111..,. J1 UI . " ' ~ !O IS ' " ' ' ' ' •l '91 PASllNll H11nlln111n ltlcft ,. ,c ,tll " . • ' ' " " Wtllmlftlltr ' . . ' " . • • ' • ' " " ' ' • • " • ' • • • ' • • ljt • '" ~ " " ... ,_, ·l.O .., ... ,_, ,_, '·' ,_, n.o u 1•.0 '' ,_, ... ·"' .JIS ... WESTMINSTIRS' KIRK HARRIS (24) TRAILS BART FRANKHOUSE (66). ._ .. _ ... ..., ' , " ~ Mt•""-• • •utHIN• M•rlM • .. .. " hO , Vtnll,..lgllt • • • " ~11111 • " " ... Mtff'ltt • • • ' '-' ____ tOlflii •• __ -1'~·-.-~Y ... _I_•_. ,_. - Allflllllll a1111k1 -" M • '·' Jot MCC111t1v • " .. • ••• /J.m Mc~tev • • • ... "'""" • " • .., Murltlo ' " • U.l O'loltnlfln • u ' ,_. Grtv • " • U.t Tthlll d "' • ,. "AlllN• Mtrl&M r. " .. , ll "' Mo.11111.., • ' ,Jt• 1.11111 .... JM M((ullf¥ " " • '" . ... M11rlli. ' ' • " ..... Gr11 ,1 • • • .... To11t1 " • .. -!'' Katella Hits MVWith 19-14 Loss By MANNY PINEDA 001 tM Otllr Plitt 11119 Joy for Miss ion Viejo grads tumed Into sorrow in the final 30 .!lt'COOda of lhe game as the Diablos were nipped by Kateila, 19-lf, Friday night on the IOIUS' field. It was homecoming nl&}ll for Mlulon Viejo football fans a11d tbere was re-- joicing when coarh Bob HJvner'1 Dia·· bloa, churning out yan:laae on the ,round, took a 14-13 lead Jn the c.loain& 17 RC· onds of the. third quarter .. But Katella wun'( to be denied a1 &he victors attacked ti yards in 16 plays to pu.11 U out. The Oiablos had been held for downs on the Katella one and the eventual win· ners :truck back on their own. They rolled to five first duwna with Smith carrying most or the way. Quarterback Robin Richer passed to Bill Alaniz for the TD from the 28 for the winning touchdown. ' Katella 's Howard Smith and Mission Viejo's Aundre Holmi s, a couple of workhorse halfbacks, 3laged a two-man act. Holmes carried 35 times and scored both Diablo TDs , while Smith packed the ball 111 timell and scored lhe ope.nln1 Katella touchdow n on a 70-yard run. The latter netted 150 yards, while Holmes netted 153. Both coaches attempted to let their ground muscle win for them, as their passing game didn't help too much. Mis- sion Viejo threw IS times and gained a mere 29 yards. Katella fired 10 times and picked up 39 y1rds, includinJ a touchdown. Katella 's vic tory was the second in the Crestview League, while the Oiablos· continued their frustration by being un- abl e to win their second game in a row in four years after turning hick Tustin, 26-13, the week before. For the season, Katella ls playing .500 ball with three wins and as many de· feats. Mission Viejo, J-3 in the lel(Ue now, is 1-5 for the seuon overall . A look al the stats is mGSt deceiving as loser Mission Viejo had a huge bulge, 20 first downs to 12, for example. The scoreboard told a different story. Katella struck first when Smith took a handoff, headed to his right, turned the e<irner and raced 70 yards for Lhe open· ing touchdown with 3:40 left in the first quarter Ray Dodge converted. Gambling Mission Viejo went for a two-point co nvenion after scoring on an SO.yard charge in 13 plays with Holmes going 011er from lhe: three. The Diablos !ailed, however, Holmes being held short of the goal . Richer too k the next kickoff on his 19 and returned 81 yards tor Katella 'a 8M· ond TD. Smith failed on a run for a two- polnt try . However Mission Viejo moved In front 14-13 on a 62 yard attack In II plays, Holmes going over from the three and adding a two-pointer. 0-'#111 ITATllTICI •• ' ,,,., °"""' •vih!ng " " Finl 00-NUlnt ' ' Flf1t do-,..,.11111 ' • , .... 11•11 dOWfll • " " Ytrd• nnhl"' ,. "' Ytrcl• pu.ilrlf ~ ,. Y1rd1 lotl " • NII y1rds 111,,.ci '" "' Pu11ll/A~tr ... Gl1t1nc:1 4/l't.l J:H Ptnetlln /Ytrd• ,..,,nred ,,u ••• FllfTlbl .. fF11mblt1 IH t "' ,,, •USHIM• M lf'lell VIII• •• .. " ·~ Celll1r ' • • .. 1-it!mll u "' • ... J~• • " • u O\rllc" " n " u Tottll .. •• " ... 11'111111 TllOmll ' " • ... Smllh " ,. • " -•row • " • ••• TIMCO ' " • '·' ltlchtf ' • ' " To1111 " '" ' '·' "AlllMO Ml11l111 Viii• . .. " ... " "' • Ovllch " ' ' ,. " Kt i.llt II lcl>tr ' • • • • Tllom11 • ' ' ,. " To!1t1 " • ' ,. u Cody Captures CM Cycle Race Bill Cody ol Garden Grove capturtd the sc ratch main event to hl1hllght motor · cycle. racing at the Or1n1e County Fair· grounds Friday nl&ht. Cody fini!hed ahtad of Steve and Mike Baat (Van Nuys) and Topanaa's Sonny Nutter. In the handicap main event, Monrovia's Don Tul\um wu the winner with Gary Fishburn of Buena Park flnllhin1 set• ond. Dennis Gildthau1 Of Caqa Park was third and John Fllhbw'n of El C•jon was fourth . .1.· I • -·- l l ' • L JO DAIL¥ PILOT S1;turd1iy, OttobH 24, 1970 Saddleback, Apache , Teams Risk Marks; Circuit Lead on Line It very well could be Sad· back College's biggest foot- ball game in the school's three-year history, ntaf just about sums up lonigbfs titanic M i s s I o n Conf~ce struggle al MissillM'I V1ejo High involving Sotith\.l'estem C o 11 e g e of Chula Vista. ' Both ·teams come into the game wilh perled 4-4 records. The winner. as the opposing coaches readily admit, will be ln th! circuit driver'~ seat. Compounding the at- tractivcnes$ of the game is the ract that both are tied for the No. 8 ranking in the state's large schools division. And more importantly both po.ssess some offensive talent that is · sure to produce plenty of fireworks. Both teams have fine pass- ing attacks. and Southwestern are ~x ceplions. The Gaucho defense is gear- ed behind linebacker Rocky Fletcher, who also does a good job as a blocking fullback on offense. Southwestern also has a standout linebacker in Dennis Foreman, a 180-pounder who is the son ol head Apache coach Wes Foreman. The Apaches will hold a slight weight ad vantage over Saddleback in the starting of- fensive line, 199-195. Both teams average 191 in the backfield. The two colleges have met once before. In that one (last year) Southwestern ·won by a 31·28 margin. It came in the opener and the Gauchos then won nine in a row befo re fall· ing to Yuba in the small schools division championship game. ,_ .. UD 0.Y 115 llm«bniok 205 ....... ,....,. 1'5 fo\jlrlln ltt RDlhrodl • lts Wllfl"'11•d ....... 1111 HKIOr ltS W~l•ple 110 HOl'I 200 Flttclllr $Wltlwtilwll E FllliNY U.S T J_, 111 G Gu•leY llS C Gullttrtl 220 G F ..... Und 110 T E11tlttltrl !U E Dela,.. ltt Q Artnt 110 8 ic........ ,. • HullCWI 205 I Pon. 207 Ti tne Runs Out Artists Fall Sho r i With Brea, 24-19 O.t.H.Y ,llOT ,MN" l• ,.,... 'i' .. Dan Arana, a S.11, 17G-pound sophomore. gears the Southwestern aerial game. He has passed for over 900 yards this season with 10 touchdowns to his credit. Arana 's chief r~ivers are flanker Robert Kramer (6-0, 180) and split end Harold Fe- quay tS-10, '165). Both have caught five TD passes thus far. By ROGER CARLSON over and Tom Te<ple's ensu-________ T_R_ITON BOB McNAMARA (24) FOLLOWS A WAVE OF BLOCKERS AGA INS T TUSTI N. ing two-point conversion run ----------- Saddleback's Chris Hector also ha~ a fine ann. He's thrown for five touchdowns this fall , completing 25 of 57 passes for 347 yards. The Gauchos' orrense of course centers around the run- ning talents of $Ophomore Toby Whipple, without a doubl one of the best rushers in junior college football . Whipple has already totale<I 653 yards in the lour Gaucho \\'ins this season. That 's an a\:erage o( 163 yards a game. A couple ol big baclls spark the Apaches on the ground. They are halfback Jim Hutson (5-11. 20S) and fullback Ira Porter t 6-3, 207 ). Port et, like \\'hippie, is the bread and butter runner. Successful football teams usuall y possess outstanding defenses -and Saddleback OI' Ille 0.H"I" l"lklt SltK A last ditch pass from quar- terback Gary Fisette to Mike Wiezbowski just missed on the Brea five.yard line with 35 seconds remaining, providing long standing rival Brea to eke out a 24-19 decision over the host Artists Friday night be- fore 3.500 fa ns. Laguna had dri ven 64 yards in the waning moments of the Orange League encounter on- ly to run out of downs on the Brea 17. It was a third quarter pen· alty amounting to two yards, however. that proved the backbreaker for coach Hal Akins' plans lo upset the \Vildcats. P.iike Moorman appeared to have stopped a Brea dri ve \\'i\h an interception in the Laguna end zone but an offi- cial ruled t,aguna guiUy of de- fensive ho)ding and the ball \\'as moved t\\'O yards to the two. from there Brea qu;:irtcr- back Corey • Leyton sneaked Bucs, Dons Matcl1 Ru gge d Defe11ses Over the past six football seasons Orange Coast ColleRe and Santa Ana ha ve hooked up in some hard-hitting defensi,•e battles. Except for the 1968 game <~·on by Santa Ana , 21-0 ), the highest scoring out put for the \\'inner has been 14 points. And toni.1thl's 2.1rd renewal of the' series al Santa Ana 80\\'1 !II ) figure s again to be keyed around the defenses. Therc·rc two pretty good reasons why it figures lo be a defensive game : <ll Both offenses have sput- tered most of lhe season. (2l Both teams have rugged defensive units. OCC comes into the game off a brilliant eHort against Fullerton la st \\'eek. Although the Pirates lost II . 21·7, the defense real iy turned on. Two of Fullerton "s touchdO\\'ns came after a fumble recovery within the 10-yard line and a blocked punt. Santa Ana also played an outstanding defensive game last week against lou11:h San Diego Mesa before losing. 20· 15. Mesa scored all three of its touchdowns after pass in - terference calls on cornerback Frank Kelley. Dons' coach Dick Gorrie called two of them questionable. Santa Ana opened the South Coast Conference season wit h a 34-14 victory over Mt. San Antonio. The loss to Fullerton was OCC's • opening circuit game. OCC quarterback Gary Val - bue.na and Santa Ana signal * caller Mike Erickson gear tht offensive attacks. Valbuena has been rather inconsistent all season long. He has compl eted -4{1 of 99 passes for 374 yards and four touchdowns. But he's also had 11 passes intercepted. Erickson has hit on 51of110 passes and has shown big im- provement since the start of the season, according to Dons ' coach Dic k Cor rie. Corrie says his team goes into the game tryi ng to sustain a balance attack. but he quick· ly adds. •·if we have to go to lhe air, \\'e"ll be ready." OCC tncntor Dick Tucker figures the key to Santa Ana"s offense is its running game, led by halfback Steve Williams and Fullback Rick Willis, thus he adds the key to beating the Dons is t~ stop their ground game. "They !Santa ·Ana) are a real physical team. Their strong suit is defense," says Tucker. ~ Tucker has also had to jug· gle his derensive lineup with nose guard Kurt Clemens. and linebackers Paul Moro an d Dan A-ioats definitely out with in juries. Both tea ms will weigh th e same in the offensive line - 209 -1vilh Santa Ana holding a 185-178 edge in the backfield. Santa Ana holds a 12-10 edge i11 the series. 1111!1 AIHI 1il Den•on 1lll "·~~ 111 l(oxtlrrt 1111 llo~ l'Qfo tun'°" Ull C.-1 ttll "°'" 1111 Erlt-- fll 'Nll!lt ,. 'Nlllit"'I n• 1111141 Ort lltl (Ml! E Y1111110 1611 T All.., ''' C SUfllrt ... 111, !If C. Mce......t1 2" G tlw•11l1 JI• T Ptdeo-teti 26' E H•rf :!OJ Q \11""""41 1'11 I Mtl&r4 17' • ,,...,Hlel IN I Vlll'ltlllll911fl Its gave Brea a 24-13 edge with 28 seconds left in the third stanza. Akins' crew battled back for another score in the fourth period but It wasn't enough to offset the Wildcats' second chance at their third TD. Despite losing, Laguna Beach ripped Brea's defense aeart. chalking up 389 ya rds overall -and most of it was with brutal thrusts up lhe mid- dle behind the blast out block. ing of guards Bob Gill and Dawson Davis along with cen· ler Tim \Vhite. Junior Skip Winship accoont- ed for 103 yards and one touchdown and mate Mike Sweeney was just as effective toling the ball 22 times for 136 yards out of the Artists' p:>lt'nt straight-I formation. And quarterback c;ary Fis- ette. another junior, h8d a good night in the passing scheme with a five-fo r-ten performance, goad for 67 yards. However, it wasn't in the ca rd!! for Akins and his band of Artist.~ to pull off an upset in the 37th renewa l of the ser· ies thal d;ites back lo 1935. Brea held an ff..7 lead at the half when the Wildcats took ad vantage of a 14-ya rd punl and moved 28 yards in four pl;iys with 1 :41 left in lhe half. Mike Garcia went over from the two and Teeple added the two-point conversion. Laguna had scored fir~t when it drove 92 ya rds in 22 pla ys with Fisette passing to Wiezbowski for the touchrio\\'n from five yards out. Ti ffi John- son kicked the PAT with 9:47 to go in the half. In the second half La,l!una stayed close wilh touchdown marches of 75 anrl 6~ yards - culminated by \Vi n~hip's 19- vard TD run and \V<1ll 011- Tner's onc-.vard plunge. L<Jguna thwarl<'d lhr~ seri- 011.~ pcnr.trations in the first half bv Brea. Bart Tailor in- l<'rCcpied hi~ ri rthth pass "' the sea~on wilh Brea camperl on the Artist nine. and a pair of fumbles inside the seven- vard line were Tecovered by Johnson and Gary Irvin. OAM• ITATtsTtct ' • Fl'11 dowllt r\11lllM " " Firs! down1 N n lM ' • ,.1 .. 1 --Hl\tlllet ' • TOl•I llrtl **"' ll " v.m """'"' ... "' Vt rtll Nullll -• • V•rt11 Iott " ' Net ~1rt11 o•lllttl ,.. ,., P\lf1!1/A,,.r••• distinct 111• "~ l'llft•llkll/Y•rdl -•llrtd ., .. ,,,~ Fu,.,bltt/Fuml!leii lo•I '" ,,, le.rt " ..,.,,.., l •ount BttCh • ' • • -" lrt• • • .. • -,. 1!.UININO l•-••.c~ "' .. " ... Fltt!lt • .. s ••• Ollmtr " " • " $w•nl"f' " "' ' ••• Wl111hl11 " ·~ • '·' T11t1l1 " ,.. " '' ·~· THPlt " •• • •• ltylon ' " • .., Ytlltllt • " • u °'"" .. " ' '·' -• • • ••• l.l•fl>etttr ' ' • '·' TOlt!I • ,., s ••• PAIJINO U-I Ndl .. K ... " K> Fl\lt" .. s • " ... ""' • • • " .... Tcrt1J1 " • • • ..... ·-"""' • • "" Lig htw eight Football - lttlMll ..... S.,11111 A~1 I I I U--.Jf M1111tlM '011 I . 0 0 e t r-1 Mu11llfltlt111 i..ic:l'IODwrl -M1ntur. ,AT -THI. t flWI ''e ~ COl""O"I' ~I Mtr D I I 0-0 ldl!IOll .Ci!orl"'' "TO -lu!~rf1 '~-fl ,IOlll>lilt M1111!1""'" n o o t-2C l•l•fltf• •• ' 0-• '" '""'" ,,.ft c.......,,1, • I • ,_ . FOO!llll! • • ,_., ICtltl!I • • • •-u Nl!HJOll Ylt11 • • " ,__,. Ml~11t111 Vltle 1e11rlftt• •-Nlo-1 -CV~•I .J, Jel'l11-J, ,..,,_ Curllt •· ··-'· Ru stlers, Rio Hon<lo In Cru~ial Supremacy of. the Southern California Conference football pennant chase could b e dctennined tonight at El Rancho High School when the Golden West RusUers tangle with the surprising Rio Hondo College Roadrunners. Kickoff is 8 o'clock. Although this is the con- ference opener for both teams, the experts feel it is also the game that will determine the ultimate champi on. Both have 3-1 non-conference records, Coach Ray Sha<'kleford at Golden West looks at il as a game similar to the East Los Angeles ouling last season. "We knew we had to win that one or we would be out of the race before it started. It's much the same thing this time only with Rio Hondo first. "And we can't lei down if we win because East Los Angeles. Los Angeles City College and Harbor all ha ve teams that can win on any given day and the cham- pionship will be up for grabs right down to the final game.'' Golden West has had its pro- blem s with injuries thi s season. Five players ha ve been lost for the campaign before start or the conference season. Ray Strotman suffered a knee injury in an early scrim- mage before 'he opener with Orange Coast. . Jeff Goelilz. a starter at split end ; Mark Whitfield, a starter at flanker back; Tom Coleman. a linebacker stai-ter ; and Greg Forsdick, a top defensive secondary reserve, have all been sidelined with knee or ankle injuries. But Shackleford isn't looking at the walking (hobbling, that uJWounded. '1We have to play wi\h what we have and while you don't like to lose players of this raliber, this is a part of foot· b&JI," Rio Hondo draws from the fertile country around alwa)'s powerful El Rancho High School and a pair of running backs who ha ve swept through three roes are on hand to prove it. Dennis Tarango and Danny Lara havt each carried on 56 occasions. Tarango has gained 3.17 yards for a 6,0 average while Lara has 296 yards and a 5.3 average . Steve Gulotti has passed 61 times, completing 27 for MS yards and one touchdown . By way of comparison. Charlie Bll(!kland is Golden We!t's top ruMing back. He has carried on 110 occasions for S6.'I net ya Nis for a 5. t average. He has scored 1e.ven touchdowns cempartd to five between Tarango and Wa. Gt ....... Jiit H .... HCl~fY ' Hl!'llt •• ,., o..., • M11r11il\~ ... '""°'• G lttl•tlld •• 1U "llU11K•ll• c ~!'!Wlrl11 "' 1" E•--G Arc.I•~• >U f10 ("'1f'l'IOlefl ' Mtln""' •• llS Ou .. 11 L l!.fl"t!fOl1 .u, 1111 ~rlff!th • Oul&tlf .. 1IO llUUltNI • Tt••~M ·~ !It Oell•ld< • ••• ... 1• Corllt.lkt I l••• '" ·- SC ' s Defense, Da y's· Kick ' Sea Kings,· Magnolia To Battle " Too Much for Tustin, 19-18 By ARMAND HANSON 0t Tiit D•llY ,.lkll 11111 Bill Day 's successful conver- sion kick following San Cle· menle High's third touchdown with five minutes left in the game proved to be the deciding point in a well-earned 19-18 come from behiDd win over the Tustin Tillers in a cliff hanger Friday night at San Clemente. The perfect placement gave the Tritons their sCCilnd win in a row and catapulted them from a six-way-tie in a log jam for last to a two-way tie for third place in Crestview League football standings. With I : 15 left in the game the Tillers drove 60 yards in 12 plays to trail only by Day's kick. Then the Tillers went for a two·polnt conversion . Aod the way Steve Trainer had been getting sharper with his passing as the game drew nearer the end, everybody in the Summer White House community was standing up , anticipating a sudden death end to the one-point margin. Trainer had completed five for eight in the drive for I.he last TD, including the touch- down itself, a great pas.o; and great catch by end John O~n covering nine yards. for the score. But the stubborn Triton de- fensi ve line put such a rush on that he had to hurry his throw just enough lo chalk up an incomplete toss. The Tritons were favored over the injury riddled Tillers but got burned on a sensational 66-yard pass play with the game less then two minutes old to trail by six. Then they had a punt run back over 60 yards as the second quarter started to fall behind 12-0 before they could generate any scoring threats of their own. Craig Anderson caught the only pass thrown by Triton mate Bob McNamara, who took a lateral pitch-out from Keith Gibson and started wh8t looked like an end run, then fired the ball into the end zone to the wailing arms or Ander- son for the Trltons' first score with 6:30 left in the first half. Ray Cannavo dove in _from four yards.out to cap an eight.- play, 44-yard drive with the second half kickoff to lie the score. Then John Allavie grabbed a Keith Gibson pass in lhe cor- ner of the end zone with five minutes left in the .1tame to put the Tritons ahead 18-12. Crailf Andersoa had missed the fi rst two conversion at- tempts and when coach Tom Eads sent Day in to try hjs luck he came through with a perfect boot that seemed like frosting on the cake at the time. but, as it turned out wa.o; the bread-and-butter play of the game. CorQna del Mar's Sea Kings'' are ready to explode ind" thl Magnolia Sentinels appear likely victims as the twO ' schools prepare for an Irvine' League football battle tonighr ' ~8) at Davidson Field on the Newport Harbor High School campus. ···' The Sea Kings of roach' Dave Holland have been playing in hard luck in two. league outihgs with Ed~ and Fountain Valley (botb. undefeated in ieague play ). : Magnolia , on the other-hand;" has had problems with in- juries, player.1 qulttlng the • team and parents demandifW.' a coaching change. The Sentinels have yet to· win a game, in k=ague-or out. · But it all adds up to a·dilem-:. ma for Holland and 'the Sell"' Kings ac.cording to the Corona del Mar coach. :· F oothall Standings The Triton defensive line played an important part in the win. held the 'l'illers to a net 69 yards on the ground. GAMI! ITAT11T1CI SC ' FIFI! dllWflJ l'\lsll!"' • 1 Flrll dOwM Ptll!ft9 0 2 "We have lo play our game'-· and I'm sure our kids wUI' come back strongly after lo&>:. ing two close ones," he says. i :rhe Corona attack is cen .. IUNl•T lEAQUI Ne-I A111htlm l ot•• M•rl111 $1nll AM W L , .. "A J o a o )11317 Tl l5l1 2 2 U SJ 1 ' II H ""'"''" W•11,.,rn11,, 2 l n S1 Hun!lnolon IMC!\ IJ'3'4 C 31 lOS FrldtY'I IH,... A,..htll"ll 4 , ,,.,.,ir,. I w"''"'"'''' :>o. Huntl"'1!1t11 Betcto l• Wnt1r11 n, 51111~ A111 70 r ... 1.i.1•1 o''"' New11<1rt HtrllOt YI l08rt 11 l• P1lm1 IJIVIN e €dlwn f;Ollfl1 •1n Vtl!ty E11tncl• LOO Alt mitoo Coron• dfl M1r CMt• MIMI Mll•noll• 11111. Aow \11llrr LEMIUI . ' ' . ' . ' . ' . . ' . ' . ' • • ..n .. r1 1c- Ell•Ml1 ;IO, 5A Vt lltY U " " • M u " n • • T..,ltlll'I O•fnll M•111111!1 YI CdM t i ~ .. " .. ., " " " ., ·~ Los Ai.,.,!lel VI Edi!Oll ti Iii Hiii> CMI• M.-¥1 Faunlt lll \ltlln •I W111trolMlft" DRANO I llt:AOUI w ' " .. SN<lltbl~k ' • " " -· • • • • ·-• • ~ .. Vtll!nti. • • " .. El Dott dO • • ' " l•tun• k•<> • ' .. " 1'1111•''' 1, .... ••N "· l • ..., ... 8tJCft " 'MkllmHk J4. V1l11"1CJ1 6 TllNY'• Gtmt Sonar• 1t I.I Dor-U •·"'·! OAROIN OIOVlt: Ll.t.OU• P1<:lflc~ Rtncno A1•rnl10t S.11t1100 w l ., .. ,A ) 0 73 H 30 M17 11 10,1 Gt'11.., GrDw• 1!1!1111 Gr•l'd• Lt Ou11111 lM Arnltol , , • J(I I 1 31 11 o J Jt n 0 4 • uo ""'-'''' k9r'M 5'o~ll•llO 71, G.,dell G~ f ,.,Ilk• "· lti "'"''-" Tllll9""1 ••1119 Rtrdle AltmllDI 11 ~· G••lldt CRISTV!ff L•AOUI WLHl"A •tt14 ,,_ ... _ Stll ClffNll!t 11.tltll• Mlulorl Vltlt , Foe1111w Tutll11 \11111 ,. •• - 4 Cl 100 • 1 ' $.I u ''"" I J U_t! I J 4 .. I •1 '' tt 1 J » .. l'riN"l"'I Sarti Kilfl!t It, M/u!M Vlflo I.I kn C"'"""1• It, T\ll!ltt 11 Or1fltf 11, VIII• ,,,~ IS 1!1 Modtllll U, ~eetlllll II Tllll•t .. ,•t 0.MI S•n (klfMrli. VI 1Ctl9'11 11 l• ,111111 111~) '"•Ill••'• ...... or.., .. '' '' M4Nllill• s.1u,..••'1 .. _ l'oe111,ll Wt Tu.1111 tt SA lflwl (1 1 ...... \ Vl!lt ''"' Wt M!tlitll \llflo 1! I.I .... OM ,lll!EWAY ll!AQUI! , ..... Sunny Hlllt StYf llM FullttlOl'I Lt H111t1 '·~ Burn• "'"' Lowell WL,,, ... • 0 15 ]'I •Ol'-121 l1 UG 41 211554 22834' I 3 ll U 0 u 111 O •llU5 Fri&IY't S<trll Fu!ltrto11 ]I, Troy ' I("'""'" )1, s •.•• .,,,. u lt Ntbr& 11. l llWrll l S111111v Hll\1 '1, llven1 l'Ar1! 6 Ntll .. rlftY'I Gt mft l• H~lw"• •I Fulferlon Trov YI lOWtll I! L• Htbi;• S..v1n"' ti l uto1 I'••• Sunny 1"41111 vs l(ennl'dv t 1 WeJltrn ANGILUS l EAOUlt: w l ,., ,. ... 11si-A"'•' ST. Pwl 2 0 10] la 2 0 .. 0 Pius X Servi~ 51. A11lf>ony Mtltr Otl . ' " ••• c 2 1' 0 1 '' "'Id.I''' Se-l l"""' ....... , "· 1"1111 x 7G krYit• 21, s1. An01ony n Tl'lvn.l•'t"• Q,,.,, " " • " SI . .t.n1PIOllY "' M•ttr Otl t i S1nl1 A,..llowl Finl -n• 11en11!lt1 0 D T"'tl tint -.., t • Ytrdt ""~'"' ?lf ll Y1rt11 11111,,_ :n t l l Y1rd1 Iott U • Ntl "1"ltd1 ••lned )JO U'l P11nlJ/Avtrt91 dl1!1nct 1/ll.' •121.S Ptntltle1IV1rd1 ptntllled l/10 Sill Fum111,,/Fu"'blt1 I01I 111 !/1 sc .... by Q~•r1•rl T111lln tfDt -11 s111 c1-11 e ' ' 1 -1t., Mc""~"'''' CA1111ave Gll!IOl'I Morr\1 Jtrt•lt T011l1 Tr~l.,.r ,,_ C11rll1 P1dl!urv Grl.,_,, Tot1l1 llUSHING Sift Cl-1nt1 IC~ "l"t yl IVI 1• N 1 •.2 11 '3 a J..! ' 21 11 l.f 1 2 0 1.0 S'2 0 1'.• •l 716 11 •.6 T11!IR ' " .. ' ' " ,Al$1NO l1n Ctt"'"''' • " " • • " 1 -1 0 , 1.~ 0 1.1 • 1.0 0 '·' ... tered around Keith Samuels at quarterback and Karl .Killefef. at split end. Killefer is one 'ot ' the top receivers in the leagu'tl r and Samuels likes to throw tM football. ; The Corona southpaw ha(J ' three passes i n t e r c t·p t.e d against Fountain VJ lley . ~t · Holland says he has 11~ ~ that bring about the hi-'. terceptions. ·' ~Tile ; Sea .Kjl\J -· 'l(lelcoming 'l:iack AleC ltaln• st right tackle after a bout with the flu. , ...... dtt "''' 161 ICllle!er & 1'1 Ne~r.elm T 160 Wit""" G Mllt•••ll• R~•~ ... •• •< •h• '' ICI 160 O.Mll,. C Htr"f ........... 'McFUcitfl llobtrl- M<Noff ICllldred Df'llll • • • • • • • • • T1r1!111 " • " .GOO 1n Zimmer........ G 1.000 * R•muy T .:ioo ltl To1U E ISJ S.mutl1 Q .~1J ~.._ lllllltt 11 I.ODO ' ln FetrlfO II .~-.. 'lJI llid'l1rdton II • llll.!'' ,_" It's H1r1 , •••• , 1971 O.T .A.S. GRANO PRIX SCORPION, Cuot-lull! In Tor ino, ftaly For The Dl1crimlnatln9 Buyer. Too'Beautiful To Describe. See It Today At Or•ng• County's On ly Author Ind Dealer 8111 J ones', 8.J , Sport1car Ctnttr, Inc., 28'3 H1rbor a\vd., Cott• Meaa, 540-4491. .. --------- l)'... •· ... ... t•• .( •• .;. '. • ~ ' • • ~·--' . -' . .... , •l it-• .. 1 . -~ Dangerous Loara .~ '!:ri-)ans,·_ ~ --'1.~~~~ · Lobos -Vie ' I -Face • !'fewport Can Mov'e Closer· to Title Witli Wir~ At Tustin """'° Harbor H I g h 'i's 51u\!ti J..eall\!O J!Ue ...... tllit line 'loililbl _. l:nde Joboaoll'• . '"* "'. 14 l'Olml! to lioiil !Alara's Su· :..·-<;>;c.:... -is a o'Clock. wport Harbor has won in a,rw, blinked four op- --•hall same -Aalhelm (n). ·~·.....id be. •~-.rds an un. I ...... Utle -the in:lf,.... . i1'11ie•recen1 Newport are uy indication. the shapes ap as a low scor- , ·defeashe battle. . 's Bmejackets, No. $ the CIP AA.AA poll, have . lisller, . ' . • : qe Polo . ' i.,, ; ' i earns Win ange Coast and Golden colleges, rebounding from water polo losses Tues· , raced to impressive coo-ce victories Friday: isiting OCC rocked rton, 9-4, ia a South Coast erence match and Golden est overwhelmed I/a· arl>or, ZZ.3, iri Southei'n allfomia, circuit play iD the inners' pool. OCC's. Pira~ ·were paced Tom warnec· ke's five goals. ameclte had a penalty throw each of ~ first two quarters ad~ three .field goals in &hird pefiod. He connected -five of seven shots from the iJl'd. ~~P,rt lfinesly. Bob Schaer, ~ Blauer and Gary Quinlan ;;~ one goal each for the \ 'l,'be Pirates rebounded from *\,"'tough loss to Mt. San · nio Tuesday to pick up first victory in four e11 tries. ,otc trolled :t-1 In the early but rallied for a 3-! advantage and then rest of the way, tscoring Fullerton, 3-0, in •-final period. Pirates host Santa Ana daJ.. Santa Ana defeated -San-Antonio Friday, 9-7. cerritos currently leads the · C:cuit with a 4-0 mark, follow- C by Santa Ana (3·1). OCC. lul&erton and Mt. SAC all liltV,e 1-3 records. ·At Golden West, Dave t.1iller IPBJ'ked the Rustlers to their 'Maa:est scoring output of the Jeat. Mill~r had three first Period goals and shared scor- ing honors (four) with team· mate Harry Noah. beaten their opponerit.s enl;' Western clashes~ is expected Saxons1holdlna a slight edge of after the defense proytded ba'ck altbouah, re~rve_._ Dean ....203 to 99. • , them wilb e1cellent field po&i· Lappin and-halfback , Mark Leading, Newport's de,fense tion. Hanna 'are listed 1.$ stirters is · tackle· Grant Gelker, a !l's not until NeWport lw by ooOi:b Herb l!llL ' .~or ~de>:. ' the ball at midfield that the L9afa pOUesses a, t-1 mark !1i5 defens~ve efforts ~long offense appea"rs to have coo· in leacue play and mus:t defeat \v1tn mates Eric Str1~er sistency. But once Ne~ Newport to stay in contention (middle guard), Bob Tripp gets that edge the running of for. the tiUe, The Saxons (gu81'9), Terry Albritton backs Richie Simonst Mike operate oot of the I-formation (tackle) and Jim Swick (end) Easterling and Dan Seals with quarterback sweeps and have been primarily respol;lSi· ,1oµg _ wtt.b the pass-run threat ~\passing game to .ends Jeff ble for the four shutouts along of quarterback Alvin White SChregengost and B r u c e with a ball·hswking secondary comes into focus. Wagner a definite threat." Jed by Bill Whitford. • Loara, however, poses a Fullback Jim Beyers (also a H-•" H•l'Wf' L•v• stiff challenge. Star halfback 9.7 sprinter) is mqre of the ~~::,~:ton ~ ~~':o':i:vost !~ Griffins Steve Elkins (a 9.7 sprinter) power type runner and has not 200 H1rr1'°" c Frv m has missed the first five been able to break for the long l~ ~:;le• ~ ~~~' ~~ games of the year but he's ex· gainer to date. 220 Gelk•r T kOlld••tk 1•~ 1~ Wll!tford E W10111r 190 peeled to be in action tonight. Newport and Loara present ,10 w11it.. o L•P1>tn 160 And qu'arterback Mike Hull, si milar offensive Jines' in the HO s1inon1 B "Biv••• 11s wQo.missed the Anaheim and weight department With the l!: ~:,~•rli~o : M!l'i'!/ l~ Attempt to Dera~l Unbeatert Edison Tonight The griffin is a creature description of the Griffins of ha!~ lion, half eagle. are currently riding high atop the. Irvine standings along with Fountain Valley, both s~g l-0 marks in circuit combat. ol Fountain Valley. The Griffins will be without the services of fullback Kirk lUriella, the -squad 's second leading ground gainer up until last week's Costa Mesa en- counter when he came up with a muscle spasm in his shoulder , I Aft<r havlilg boen dropped by a pair of varsky con.. ~ ln ttieir lait two con· tests ' llMi fiedgiln(J Universily ·Tro)anl ~ lo fllolball BC· . lloft tonigta ' agalnsl I h e Womnmi Lobo 'junior varsity squad at Tus1ln JUg!l, Coach Je1T)I ~·· Tio-jans .bad to swallow ·the pill or defeat in successive weeks against Banning (rl-1) and Webb (~). The setbacks followed wins over Boys Republic (27-0) and th e Riverside North JVs (33-0). University enjoyOO a bye last \\'eek. The Workman JVs, on the other hand, are fresh from a 24-14 defeat at the hands or first year San Dimas, Vihich University will face two weeks hence. 'l1le Lobos and Trojans have had a common appooent in the Riverside North JV squad. Workman dumped t he Huskies, 22-14, a week after University shut out t h e RiveT'Side school. Redman's gridders \Viii have to contend with a left-handed quarterback for the first time this season iii. 175 • lb. sophomore Alex Robledo of Workman. However, Redman doesn't feel this will necessarily be ·a That's a close enough description of te Griffins of Los Alamitos, who invade Huntington Beach JUgh tonight at 8 in an attempt to derail the surging Edison Chargers in an Irvine League football biggie. The Chargers (5-0 overall) Coa~h Frank Doretti's Grif- fins, on the oth~ hand. are 2-1 in the Irvine after drubbing Santa Ana Valley (2~) and Costa M~ ( 19-6) following an ~I 21·20 loss lit tbe hands However, Rinella's replace-hazard. CM, Barons Clash In Irvine Contest Fountain Valley High School's Irvine League title contending Barons will be trying for their fourth straight football conquest tonight when they battle Costa Mesa at Westminster High. Kickoff is slated (or 8 o'clock and victocy for Foun'- tain Valley is mandatory in order to keep pace with co- Jeader Edison (J-O). Rival Edison is busy 'with Los Alamitos and Baron fans are hopeful their team will be the sole leader if it can get by Costa l\1esa's dangerous Mustangs. Mesa, under coach Max Miller, has confused the op- position with multiple sets and a rotating backfield 'that has seen four quarterbacks at the helm, including tailback Kim Wolf. the leading Mesa rusher. at 145 pounds on the Baron roster. McKenzie has slowly upped his average to a 6.6 mark after 39 carries. And it doesn't 11top thei:e. Other effective Baron runners include Rick Hartsfield (four touchdowns and a 4 . 3 average), Steve Mohulski (a 4. 7 average and a pair of touchdowns against Corona de! Mar.) and Tony Sepulveda (4.1 average and a pair of TDs ). Too, Fountain V a 11 c y pos sesses a pair of quarterbacks with equal ef· fectiveness in starter Rick Power and Ken Shibata. Mesa's big offensive weapon is the off tackle thrusts of Wolf. The 1\-fustang passing game has backfired for the most part as the opposition has intercepted 12 times il1 five games. C•1l1 Mii* Foun11111 V•lltY 160 kelly E ""''~ "' 210 Sw.e111...cf • DYY•W "' ua Bowr int G Hos!ttltr "' 175 Wllt11m1 ' SOiiis "' 17! 81YtS G ltds!lntt •• 215 Mllltr ' Walktr '" ment :-senior Greg StUck -~ "The kid sprints out to the has been no slouch in the se-right side most o{ the Lime cond half of the last two con-anyway, so we sOOuldn't have tests. muCb trou~e or be too con~ Agauist Mesa Stuck carried fused from that standpoint," cigh.t times f9:-51 yards and says the former Foothill High talliOO on a 3l·yard end sweep. backfield mentor. Despite Stuck's presence, Edison head man Bill Vail is extremely wary of 145·lb. miniback ,,_1ike Hi xson, the Griffins' leading gr o un d gainer. who is averagin~ in excess of 125 yards per till. Vail says, "Hixson is one of the many real threats for them . "He's one of the besl run· ners around and he can be cornered and still get away if you don't have mrre lhan one person on him." Edison shapes up pretty well physically for the crucial with Los Alamitos. Big (217 pounds) center Doug Clad\\•el!, who suffered a broken ann two weeks ago, will not be .ready to resume action for another two or three weeks. So. Jeff Noble (18.'>J will get his second straight starting call in the pivot. The only other Charger casualty iS' 200 ·pound defensive tackle Dale Norton, out with an infected arm. Los Al11T1I• IEtlMn no Jatk""' ' 11i1c11 "' 115 B1re1 ' M<'lf"le<ilfll "' 160 Raabe G DeH1,1ff "' 110 B~rtQn ' Noblt "' 160 Jull1n 0 C&r ter "' 19S Ec~1rd • Gr&YtS ,. The Trojans will also have to face the best pair of tackles they've gone up against ·in Leo Carrillo (175) and Teti Cran- ford '(225 ). The latter is much slower afoot than Carrillo, but Cran· ford is described as a good football player by Workman varsity head coach Bob Green. For the first time In 1970. University will push aside its regular fullhouse offensive at. tack and occasionally will run plays out of the slot t and pro I sets. Redman stat~ he's doing this ifr order to come up with the right ba c kfield com- bination. Tom Walker (145) will stay at quarterback with regular halfback Ed Call (155) moving over to fullb ack. Converted guard Bob Gill (145) steps into Ca11'£-0ld halfback spot with George Harney (155) remaining at the other halfback. Wo'111M• JV Unlv.nlfY 150 ee1i. E Rlcldlt 'u 115 C1rrllla ' O.lttlill "' lSO Ktml> G T1vu11 "' 150 Klulnttr ' o.av11 ,. ISS P1vl!n 0 ScMtt!tr 125 Cranford ' Roetrs "' Ltance Norris, Ross Mc;lntyre, John Battis, Steve ' two goals and Dave Grif-if and Howie Johnson all Wolf has carried 82 times in five games for a 3.5 average. However, on paper, Mesa figures to have .its hands fun with the lethal running attack of FoWJtain Valley. Estancia and U>s Alamitos rushed for a combined net of 417 yards (dEileting an losses running or passing) and coach Bruce Pickford's Baron outfit m'ight possess the best rushing attack in the le3jlle. 115 M1rcl'llorl1tll ' 16$ Arll'lur. 0 165 Woll ' Htr ... ~ "' ISS C11mtron ' Power "' 170 Ham!lton D McKenzie w 145 Hl~1on ' l SS I F lll'll!f' '" uo Ro1ck ' J1rm11n 155 I Hlnoi.11 '" 115 RoDTldo 0 Walker "' Mo~ltY >U 115 Htrrer1 ' Giii '" IJ Steve McDannold, Don Lippoldt and Rick Bryan ed with one each. · e _ victory ran Golaen -. t's conference mark to 1·1. ' Rustlers fell to circuit er· Rio Hondo (3-0) Tues· " spearheading F o u n t a I n Valley is Bob McKenzie, listed . ' . · a .. .tir $1~ l,.wy I~ I llldlle $50 ............ -... ....... 12 •••.••••••••••••••• ..... ..: $1'6.t4 Sil~ ...... SNp-1• 1 'Mllll' ""6tt· ..... ; hell ... ,,,... • • . . • • • • • • • . • ~.7 -~, . 1W..._ t ... 1 .... Sclhtr' lei.-2911 It ...._...:..,..,.,~."······~······· ' :!.~!=~::: .................... '45 . . 160 Boml!Q'I' ' I~ Hungerford • ~• Mol'lullkl '" 160 Jovero • MCNIY >U l~S ... ltHI Htthtllld "' llO Stuch • Funke '" 175 HO!ltnd SUZUKI '70 CLOSE OUT SALE ,• Suzuki AC-50 Maverick n., f<llloat SOcc bike golilgl 6Smph. S apd. Enduro aljllng. P...S:.F-0: 12 month/12.000 l.i m.Ue wcarcmtr. '. t::I • • lmlt 'totab oatlae~. hilt to tab Oil tJae •• .., Before You lliy -Ch•dc With Us JAMES LTD. H1r11ty Ct11 1584 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA 642•0040 ,. ,,, I I ' I Satllfday, Oetobtr 24; 1970 DAILY PILOT JJ Oldtime Grid Star To Be Feted Today By PHIL R!)SS Of TIMI 0.llY'•IMt St.ti Governor Ronald Reagan. The late, great football coach Vince Lombardi. That's some pretty fancy company to keep. But Laguna Beach's Joseph Simmons, 75 and retired, can be rated right up there with The Guv and The Man . You see. Simmons, a 1917 graduate. of Carthage College in Kenosha, Wis .• will have the football homecoming ceremonies at his alma mater dedicated to him today. Marine 111'14 squad. , He lW'lls the pages of 'time back again, "it was definitely a disappointment when I was cut off tbe Mare Island team solely for military purposes. "After they shipped me out to Pearl Harbor, Mare Island went on to beat an Army team from Camp {now Fort) Lewis, Wash., in the Rose Bowl, He adds, "that was in one of the two years when the college teams didn 't play in the Rose Bowl.'' JOSEPH SIMMONS 'Ille 1969 homecoming fete was devoted to the litet.om=- bardi. former Mr. Pro Foot- ball of the Green Bay Packers and \Vashington Redskins, who was also to be honored with a picture tribute during the day's ceremonies. A well known figure in the Milwaukee area, Simmons was once a candidate for the head gi-id ~citing job al the Uni"Versilj or Wiiconsin, but lost out on the position to tllf!l ----~---- late quarterback of the famedl,...IWWWIMIWWWIMMC Lombardi is the only honoree at Carthage's homecoming ceremonies who hasn't been affiliated with the German Lutheran school either as a former player, coac h or OP· ponent. Governor Reagan, w h o played for lllinois' Eureka College against the Carthage Redman back in 1932, \\•as similarly honored at the Wisconsin lnstitute's '6 8 homecoming game, The accolades which will be heaped on Simmons today are long overdue. The Laguna resident, who attended the school when it was still at its original loca- tion in Carthage. Ill ., set a school record in his collegiate days which still stands today a~ a legacy to the man . He won 16 varsity letters between 1911 and 1917 at the school, which has stood placid· ly by the shores of Lake Michigan ever since it was relocated seven years ago. He copped five footb all let- ters, six in baseball, four in basketball and a single one in track, where he was a weightman and 440 runner. Four of the letters were earned while Simmons was a 3un1or and se nior at Carthage's prep academy, but high school athle~s were allowed to compete for and win collegiate letters in those days. Sim mons reflects. "I was a !~year-old farm boy out of Hancock Cowity, Ill .. when I won my first college letter. It was quite a thrill." The low ebb in the Laguna resident's lengthy a t h I e t I c career (both as coach and athlete) occured in 1918, when he was a halfback on the unbeaten Mare Island Navy· Notre Dame Four Horsemen, Harry Stuhldreher. Simmons' illustrious career has included SS years of devo- tion to athletics, 27 of which were spent coaching semipro teams in ~seball, football , basketball and track. He was also a grid aide under Ducky Pond, at Yale University for two years right before World War II and is a· retired major in the Marine Corps Reserve, where he serv- Pd as a Special Services of. ficer. A granddaughter, Ann Sim· mons, won the mmeter freestyle for women in a na- tional AAU swim meet in Los Angeles last summer and was second to Olympian Debbie Meyer In two other races at the same meet Simmons takes the honor of having Carthage's homecom· ing dedicated to him in stride. "\Vhen one reaches my age, one doubly appreciates being remembered by one's alma mater," he says. "As the ad on television says, you only go around once in this life, so get all the gusto you can out of it." Looks like Joseph Simmons has accomplished the gusto bit many times over. -Ex·Colorado Coach Die& LANCASTER Pa. (AP) Bernard F. Oakes, 72, the man who coached the University of Colorado to its first un· beaten-untied football cham· pionship, died of an apparent heart attack near here Thurs- da y. Oakes coached Colorado to its lirst unbeaten·untied sea· son in 1936, and his team went on to the Cotton Bowl in 1937, the first bowl team in the school's history. I Bet You Didn't Know H•r•'1 I llftl' -ll'tll'I ,.. tHlblll ..• A tNITI Clll Wlrl wtl1 ON£ tfnle Ill -Mii .-i $1111 llnllh In llrtl -'at;tl , • • Tht '"11-.. b1 pt..:91'11 ... 1111v , • • A N•lloftll Ir A-l- c111 l .. tM t.111'1 W.:1111 1 Will. llolW1tndlJlllailll1l .. .-m• t.ci!Mvle _.,. llln • 1.... perc .. Utt• (Illa _.. c-o w11111 ""' "'"" •11111 n Willl ind I loll _ .. llrlt: I "..:tnl ... ., ·'" .......... 11111111 Ml(Hlll * ... ,.,_ .,...ltftt ., ,... u.s. Wll -1 f ....... ff -II II I m•iff celi..t • , • If ••• .... ,.. wu .. n • • • He .....,.. c .. c~ flillMIU If Jlrfllc.... ii "" Iii• 1 ..... * Htrt 'I -II brllll '-<k nlell'l-..-lff for lllOll fl )'!Ill wM .. ,. ,_..,IHI In fht Intl. 1.W U1h • , • Htn'I 1111 rtli.c:.tll tf 1111 WtrWI 5t rlQ rMl9 f-11'1 ... Gr1h1m McN•n.. • , • Plllllipt (111111 • , • Mlllr ,.,,_, Whlll , •• Tiii H1111'"1 ••• Tim Mtllftllll ••• SM Ii- ••• 1'•1'<11 l'rldt ••. 'm Mflll . . • JICll Gr1111v ••• Tl' TyMn ..• SMkt Cl l11' ••• Gtbr!ll HNltll' • , • 1111f ... Slrftt' • , . H-IMllY ti tfl- RlllllJ "9 ,... nl'!l<llllllll'1 * TAM O'SHANTER ....... ScDlc• Whisky s569 ,!, .,.. •. IT'S NEW -IT'S FUN SELF SERVICE It'• Easg- MAJOR QUALITY TO UP 1. DRIVE UP TO-PUMP ISLAND 2. PUT IN YOUR OWN' GAS 3.-PAY AT CASHIER BOOTH SAVE SSS SAVE SSS SAVE SSS SAVE SSS FOLLOW CHARLIE 'CAR WASH 30 I 0 Brlstol Street Costa Me .. } - ' • -J! OAILY PILOT S1111rc1v. Octobtr 24, 1970 LEGAL NoTICE LEGAL NOTICB ,_ CalTIPKATI Oii" a USOflU P""1tl PICTIT.OUS ~ CllTl'f'ICAH Ofl' aus1M1SS Tll9 1i11W.11•l1111• lliMI atilt¥ flt .. CM• , Pl(l'ITJCKIS ,.AMI ~II"" t 111111•1 ff 7lt U rklll'll'• Ttle ~ ._ certllY flt .. Ullo C"'9M .itl"Mlr, Cit ll,.,.. .. , Ill*< IM M ll!lt 1 IMllllHJ 11 flS I lncllfMllOll1 tkllfl-firm IMllM et SEAWAY l'llO. Ave., Hu11lJQ1klfl '""" C1llfor•dt, u..Ur OVC:TION$ ,,... tllel N ICI tlr!l'I It c-""-fldltloyl firm M1M ef LAllT'S _. et t11e to!lowln. pef"l4ll'I -· GOLDEN Fllll!"D CHICKEN •NI !Mt .. 111 ,.._ "' tvll •IW ,._. 9' ,...i...11(1 11 flrm II """..ottf ti tlM follow\,. -- t i lolle<w11 wflCIM -In tuH .,... lllK• ef retldenu ''Save-the Playhouse' Laguna T heater Launclies Ca mpaign .._..,... It. 'T\lfoN. 119 Lin._.-, 11 11 lollftls: c...w 414 ~·· C.tff, Lvle H. '""-'• 1'211 "•rk1toe Ltrw. o. .... OcMillotf •• ""· "· •• ''-""" 11!. Tlltorlt 011 .. 1&37, Stiff ef C10t0t"11/1, °''"" CfUllt'I': L. H. '"'*'" Oft Ott, t, ltJQ. ..._.. ..,., 1 NoltrY Sltle of C1llf0t11!1 Ori"'' C0<111tl': Pua.lie 11'1 •nd for Mkl Stelt. 11trMMllV On Ot~ tt ltHI. llPll)rt ,.,., I et-rtd 1,_,,hul •• Tiiford kMWll to Nole,., PllDllC In end tor Nici Stel1 _ i. 11o1 1'IM "'"" -.. MIN 11 ,,.rwnanr tHUr~ L.,i. H. t~mr .uO.C:rlbW '° tM wftllln lnllrv,.,..,.. Incl lo:l\Ow11 IO "'' to 111t tlle --W"-k I...., ha .. Ku!M 11\e Mrnt. neme II tuti.c.rli..cl to thl ..,.Uhl11 1,.. ~i!':l) •Ir-I ...,, ect/IOWltclfftl ~ Ue(\l!fO Mer( 9"11 "'°""'° IM lt!IW. NO!trv Pullllt • Cl11fo1'111t !OFFICIAL Sl!!ALI PrlflCIHI Offlu Ill ~~·r.:.:i;: L. ;:::rc-c.111orn!t Or•,_ Cow!TY " ' °"' r Mr (OllVl'l!Hlon l!•11lru r H <• n LEGAL NOTICE ..... 11 ' "" °'""' °"""'"' " lllllohtd o~.-CNlt O.llW Piiot, M~ c-ltlkHI Ex11lrtl SUPllUO• COU•T 01" THll O<~r 10, U, t•. 31, lt70 111'"'. Publl.::WC.~.:3 CUit Dtll\' Piklt, ~~=T~:sN~~L·:~·:::A:g: LEGAL N<YI'ICE Ocl*f' '" 11 MNf Ho~ 7• 1' ,.., ,., .. ,,,1 ___ _:::::~~'""c.:.:.:=----l 1t1'0 lfll•JO NOTICI! 01" H•A•IHO 01" PETITION P-M1I PO• l'•OSATI 01" WILL AHO l"O• Cl•Tll"ltATI 01" IV'llHISS LEGAL NOTICE Lll.TTl•S TISTAMINTA•Y l"ICTITtoUS MAMI E•ltlt of llAYMONO J. SCHl •M TM lllldtrllt....:I ... cartllw lie II c-T c 01" INTIHTION TO IMCACI Ottt•Md.. ~71i?"~2!~~~= ~ri: '1·.1v:~'i~1sSALI OP~:::: =·=~J-,~~::~~:~:::~:::~: Tll:IC co. and Ille! Mid tlr"' 11 um-n • ' " ""lowltll --..._ NllM In TO WHOM IT MAY CONCE N: !Siiia/iQ of llltffs Tnt1men11,., lo •• of t11t 1o:1tnC. II •• f611Dwi· Sl>bf..:f IO l1w1nc1 of !hi llUNe •• ~r. rtlt,..nce to which ls rntOt for full ,"". ,-. 5...,'!,;-l111 htoll •t1~ 1rv1n., 11lled tor, l'OtlA I• hlrebr t l,.... ""'' fhl rurttoer p1 rtlcvl1n. end thlt Ille llmt •"" underlll•ned t r-9 IO wll 1kohoHc P1Kt of lwtrl1>11 11\t "'"'' Ml bMll HI ~~':"'c::='1s. 1911 bevtni~ •• the llftmlMS, clesc.rlbetl II for ,._,,.lier .. 1910. •• t :)CI 1.m •• 111""' tdlowt: t;OUrl'rOM'I of 0-.•r'-"' Na. 3 ol Mid F. F. SI-110 E1tt ltlllM l lvo:I., lellloil, court, 11 )(la Civic Ctn~r Drl1111 Wtll, In STATE DI" CALIFD•HIA, Dill:AMGI! COUNTY· H--' ltKh. lloe Crtv of Slnla AM, C1Utom!1. IS. • lfl't brfot1 ll'lf! • l'ur1U1nt IO wdl l""""fDn. the '""' D•lld Ociolll'f" It, 1m "'~ ~ fll eMI 'tor 11ltl Sl~lt. cltnltned 11 -1\'f,_ to 11'11 l>lparl!Mlll W. E. ST JOHN. ,,., · F F s._ kllow11 of Akohollc ,....,._. COllh'ol 'al' lsw...ct Counl't' Cltl'k. --·!\' '-:'':....on ....... ,..,,... II 11'1' tr111mr of •II •lc:oholk bew,... "'"' .. ( ........ ~n:. ~ tM wlt11!11 lt11tl"Ument •nd lkl'llll tor ftlttl ~tmlM$ n fottowa; Mt ~ Clfller Df"lw1, edl"°"""'°'fd l'lt llllCUled 11\t H~. DH SALi! llEElt.. ...... S.... Nvmllw 4611 .. lclfil SNJI AlrY-d11ll11>11 tD ~ -llC9 H--1 ... dll C.1...,111• A mP.ss.ive, counlywide fund raising campaign has been launched to assist the Jinan· cially troubled L a g u n a Moulton Playhouse. The playboUSe board ol direc tors has • named T ulley· Brown, ~ bal)ktng ex~ ecutlve and board member, c hairman of an emergency fund drive. "Money is needed to stage the remaining plays of the season, to pay off a bank loan and current bill:i," Brown d eclared. "We must aim for $100,000." Betsy Rose. playhouse vice president, said. that "althoogh we have more than 2,400 Public TV Gets Gr ant f Rrf:ll H. Cini!"' of euch lklllM ,,,.., tfll . ,,.,.flecf .... mt Tiii : 17111 ~ Notl'rY Publlc. Cillfornl1 11 1nr elllct of fM Dep1rtm1111 of A"-,.,.1 '""'"'""" K ( P) Th l'rlrtc.li>el Otf~ Jn Alctll>ollc ·--Control. or llr ""'" It P'ullllshetl Orenat (olil C1Hr Piiot NEW YOR A -e 0 ,'"" cou!llV ""' Dto1•trn1111 of Alcohofle 1"'"-October n. ''• 29, lfXI un-10 largest commitmenl e v e r M c mlulon Explret Control, nu o Sir.et s1ereme1110,;i _______________ 1 ~ ~ 19n c111tornl• 9511• .. ea 1o be recel\'t'd made to public television by a "ublllhM Of-_·, co.11 DIHr Piiot, wlfllln 30 .,,.,.,. of ,,,. '-~ thl "l"OllOHd LEGAL NOTICE bus1·ness corporation, slightly 1 1 :11 •ntl Ntwmber" 7, Pl"M!IH• were tlm -led. 11111,,. Octoflt<' 1• •· nH.10 ,rount11 tDr 11en111 •• •rovlclld b'I' 11w •. I--------------more than $1 m illion, has been 1t1'0 Thi 1'rlml111 1r1 now ll(tnsf:d for Ille ~u,.••10• COU•T 01" TNlf LEGAL NOTICE ,,,. of 11co11o1rc 111 ... r1tteS. TIM! far"' of STATE OI" CAL1l"o•N1A l"011 announced by John W. Macy ___ __::::::::;:::c.C":.:C"----1 verltlctlfM "'''be Mll1IMCI from tn1 of. THI COUNTY 01" OllAHGE Jr., pres1'dent Of the Corpora-l' llPSS 11c1 of thl o .. 1rtment. He. A·Ultll CE•T11"1CATI! 01" •USIHEJS JO<lli •• Ju•• HGTICI: 01' He:Al.IMC OF l'ETITIOJt lion for Public Broadcasting. PICTITIOUS NAMI lurv l . Somodi PO• P•OtATI 01" WILL AND POI. Thi 11ndtr1i9ned do c:1rll,., l!'le1 art l'ulllllhed Or•-Co.sf 0.llY Piiot. LITTEllS TESTAMEHTA•Y The grants. from the Mobil c:otlductln• e llullMH 11 107$ N. C111st OclOber 2•. lti'O IM1·10 E111te ol ALVIN G. TO•GEllSON Oil Corp., w ill be used to HlfltwlV La1111na aeadl. C1Uloornl1, under DffutH. ~ flctlliou1 firm ... ,,..."' THE NATU•E LEGAL NCYrlCE NOTICE ts HEl.EBV GIVE N Th•I u nderwrite a 3~week series of llEST WATE• 8EO CO. and lhll u ld llllle11 M. lor9e'6Clll Ml Hied hlr1ln 1 11rm 11 comJ1C1Md .r"" followl11t ff-. •A• 177, 1111111o11 "" 11rcbatt of wm and tor British-made dramas al)d p ay ~ ......ei In tun MNf p!KH -' su1111110• coUllT OP TH• luu•nc• of t.ner• Tn••me1111rv tD l'eti-for five million copies of a new rtticlttlcl are .. follows: STATI °" CALll"Ol.NIA 1"011 ''-"· reftrlKKI .. wllkh II INcM for Tom s ... nt1er. T7J w. WlllOtl. C.M. THlf COUNTY OP OIU.NOI furlll•f P11rtlcult1"1, Ind lhll 11141 ti'"" Incl "Sesame Slreet M agazine." J1d:. Mllltf', m W. WlllOll, C.M. Mt. A .. ,.. plea (If i...rint ti.e MIN! Ms bM11 tel D1te:r Odobff 2, lflt HOTICI Of' HU •INO OM PnlTION far Ncwetobou 6. 1'10. ti 9::» t.m., In IM "The American Vi t Wing Tom SN1>11ler l"O• ...... ,. °' WILL AND Potll Qll.lft-of ~rfrntftt No. J of Mid bl' ill be ••• bener·c· Jade Mllltr LITTl•I TlllTAMINTAllT' court, et 70C1 Clvoc Cenllf Drive Wf'lt, In pU IC W 1.1.n;: I lary Sllll ef Clllfornll. E1telt of LEVE•ETT CHA•LES IM City (If Santio Ana, CIMlornle. ()f this splendid contribution," 0i;;~~'. 19n. """' -· • Not•..., =:g~· ~ •• 1.n-t:•ETT c. c.tH w~T 1~0~:'. Macy said at a n ews con· Pvllllc: In Ind far MIO Slit., INl'Mlllj1tv NOT1ce' IS HEiiE•V GIVEN tllll Cm1nTY crert. fcrence. •-rd Tom 5Hlllltt _. JKll: ~,!!! THELMA GllACI! MON•OE Ml fllld C...... Ottll' ... Mii._.. ,_ to "" tD 11e 111e .,.,_ ... ,_ " wr• "' ''' •"""' M. °''''" The dramas to be called ,._ .,. aulllc.rllllld ti !hi wllhlll I,.. "'""II e Pl'llflM fir l'rt)tmtlt 1 IM W•I T""""' Slntl, • .,,,,,,_,, •nd ldinowlldMll tlllY a11•ut9o:I for iu-of ~ T11'-'1"' to 11t11t11 .... c..,,.,... nm ''Masterpiece Theater,'• will fill NIN. Ptllllonlt', !'eftrl!IU to wllktl .!! ~ tor"' Tlli tnn '_..,....1 be seen at 9 p.m ., EST, Sun· ,,_.,.., K Htr11Y furtllll' •rllcvlel':I, Mid thlt ....,. ,...,. • "'""""" tlwi hlttllMf ,.011..,. ·Public: iMKI -' llHl"fne the Mme '--... "' P11bll1h9d Ora..,., tots! D•llr Piiot days be'"nn1·ng next Jan 10 ~ 1111 hid Or llff C:Nst o.nr r11o1. far NOVlmbtf' '· 19XI, 11 9:30 a.m .. 111 '"'l °'::'"'=:'~"-~'~"~~,.,~,.~m~(i11(i_::"~":·~·ir.r.i~~·ij·~j~~~i~·~~· u 1 1 10 1m-10 eo41rtr-., of °'"'""""' No. 3 of 111d Oct. 3. 10, 17, 11, If court, 11 700 Civic ''""' Drlv1 Weit, In LEGAL NOTICE th• c11v ef s1nt• An•, c1t11or111e. LEGAL NOTICE Oelftl Oc:t()btr I•, 1970 I'~ W. E. ST JOHN, Cl•TIPICATI 01" auSINISI CoullTY Cler-r ·l910f l"ICTITIOUS NAMI WITTMAN & SCHMIOT CE•Tll'tCATI OP 9U$1Nl!SS Thi vndlrtltllltl doff c1nll~ Ill•' "" II "'"""' 111(11, c1111. ""' l'IC:TITIOUS NAME condOJC!lnt 1 DonlntlS 11 Jill Trl11ltv, 1UI W11lcllff Or!1111, 54111t '21 The ~ncltr1l~netl !lo c1rlllV !Mr 1r1 Cott• Mts1, C1llfor11l1, ulllkf" the Ile-Tiii: ..... nn conduc!lr19 1 1Mnln111 11 uot s. Coetl l•lloln Hr"' 111mt ol J & J STOCK Atl.,M\'1 fir: PtlllllMr . Hwv. l 11u111 llttcfl, C1lltornl1. und.,. the FO•MS. •nd tl\ll Mid "'"' lt almHMO' P11bflSflMI Ot1n11e Co.st 01llr P•lol, llctlttou. "'"' llltnl af JJ'I AllT SHOP. ef IM tollowlnt "'Ion• """'°"' 111"" lft Oclollt• 11, "· 2•, Hi'O lt'lf-7' Ind tt\11 llld firm 11 tamMllCI ol fllt lull end piece of rHlctenc1 h. H lallowl: fotl_I.,. Ptf'IOM, whoM Nlll'ln 111 full Edwin v.;r11,, 3112 Trlnltv, Ct•" LEGAL NOTICE tnd Pl1<11 of rnldcnce 1•1 t i IOllovws • ll !llO:: .. ::.=:o:"-;;:::..:: .. ::::::: MtS•· cantornl1 1---------~~=--I Jim E. Smlfh, 11n L.-auna C1n"" OATEO: Odobtr,1'-1910. Sl.IPl•tO• cou•T Off THI! 1lcl .. l.avllnl l1Kh. Jlm1$ c. '-'· It/ Eftln WrelO STATI Off CAltl"Oltl'lllA POtl Jim E. Smlll'I. 1133 l1tun1 C1nl'on STATl!!"OF CALIFO•NIA THI COUtfTY 01" O•A-1 D1llld Odober n. ltJIO COUNTY OF OllANGE. $$. .... A..,ut JI'"" C. 11on.-r On Odobtr' 1,, 1'7a. lltflrt ""'' • MOTICI: OF NIA•ING OIJI ~l!TIT10N Jim E. Sfnllll Nolery l'!Jbllc In ...... tor ...it! '''"'' l"O• P•oeA.TI 01" Wll\. AND •o• s1111 of C•ll~ Or•-County: __,.II\' a-red EdW\ft Write, ,,_n \.ITTl•S TISTAMIHTA•Y On Oci~ n. 191'11, Wtore me. 1 Nof1rv ti IM '° be lllt ...,_. whoM -II Elllfl of AllTHU• OANll!LS. elH Publk Jn 1NI far' Nici Slet1, "rlCll'llll\I ~ lo ""' wlllll11 lnltnlrMftt end ~ ft A•THU1' DANIELS, Jll., pppej1rW Jim E. Smlltl Ind Jemt1 C. Id<_..,.~ ht txecvted t11t -· Decttled. Bonntr u-n to me tD 119 11\t _...,.. WITMESS "'~ hind Mii etlklil IHI. NOTICE 19 HE•EI Y GIVl!MI Thi! whoH ...,.... er1 MIOKrlbtO to 1'111 wllllln ~~ ... ~~bfe-I:~~ 811* II NMrln, NINonlf Trust eNI .. .,. l1111rurnenl Ind .O:MW!tclMd lllt~ e•· " '• lntt AuodlllOll Ms MN""""""• llllt!IOll ecu!IOll t1'1t SPrnt. 111d Cillntv Mii St-for "'*'° of wlll l'lld far' l•~utnce of {OFFICIAL SEAL) "'·• C-l11lon IUlr.. lttllrl T11!1rntnlll'Y lo Petit'-<, Doralhl' W. JoV(t JulV 29, ltn le! l'lf!H'encl ,. Whki'I 11 rMtlfl for furlllt• Nollrv Publlc.C-1l1tornl1 Publi.tllrt 0r...... Co.st Diflr Pl • P1rtlcui.rs. Ind the! ..... 11 ...... •rod PIKt Prlncli>el Offl" In CC.lobv 11, 2•, JI end Nowmblr 7• of ,...,,,,. thl tlrrlt 11a1 btln set tor 0r1nee cou11rv 1910 lfi.·7' OC;folllr :JO, 117(1, 11 9:30 '·"'" In Ille Ml' Comml11lon E~plre1 cm1rtr-'! of D1P1 rtl'l'llnl No. S of 1110 Sep!, 11. 1'1• toU rt. 11100 Civic Ctnler Orlw. Wnt, In Pubf \11\ed Orlnllt Co.SI Olllr llllol, HOTIC• Off PUll tc NIA•1H• !tit Cltv ol S.MI ,t,1111, Ctl!lo•nl1. Oc:IOber 2•. ll •~0 Novlmber 7, II, AMIHOMIHT NO. :UI D1letl OCI ... U, ltXI 1970 1t1'·7fl LEGAL NOTICE "PAINT YOUR WAGON" -ALSO - GIH C•11tpbell Kim Dorb'( ''NO RWOOD'' NOTICE IS Hl!REIY GIVEN thll the W.E. ST JOHN, Mo11doy t f'lr11 Friday "llnnlntt CommlHlon of tllt Cttv of Countv C!trk. N "WAGON" ot 1:40 NewJICN'f tetch will 11olt1 1 ,.,,tilk 1111r1,,. Mu•w1T1, Mu1tw1T1 .,., ••ME•, l~~:~LEE~G~Ai:L~~oTl~~C~E:::~Jr~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oii 11>1 -1k1ll011 o1 EMKAY OEVELOP· 4 .. '2 ... Slrllf, MENT co INC to ,..,..,,. lhl toflowlnt .. _,.,.. •••ell, c.u .. rni. '2"1 dtKr!bed j,',-rt;,, la wit; Tl h f"41 17>"21 ClllTll"ICATI 01" IUSINISS PAllCI\. I · Alfll'M11 .... l'elllllMr l"l(TITIOUI NAMll. 1I Thef ...,rl1on of lllock SO of !ht trv!fll 1'ubfl1h«I Orer191 C"'' D1llr Pilol, Thi unc!i!r1lgnttl do c1rlltw lher are W]L 1 f!D12J · Subdl'lhlort. 111 ''"CITY of"---' INd'I. Oclol>tr 17, lf. 14 1'70 UU-70 COl"ducllntt I bu11 ...... II 40 E. ll!h .SI .. Cm1ntv of or1,..., stilt of Celltornl1. 11 Cotl• Mn1, Cetlfor11l1, vnc:llr 11\e tit· .,er nteP recorllltl "' Ioele 1 p"' • of LEGAL NOTICE 1111oui llrm 111rne of YOGA CENTE• •ncl MllullllllOUt ~In""' Otflct of ""1-----------=--l'Mt Mid llrm 11 c-etl ol lfle lollow· cm1n1V •tcortler 'If Nici c.ountv, t111crlbed c l•Tll'ICATI 01" ausrHl11 Int ""'°"'' """°H 111mn lft tun •nd •1 toUOWI: l"ICTITIOUS !llAMI lllK• of rttldenct lft U lollowl: Beiill'l!llnt 11 ' n111 N r11tel with end TM vntle'11f""' °"" cert11V lie h tM· Gr•"'"' V. ltdoerwooO, 27? 14th l'I., t1lsl1nt Mrtllle1le•IV 50.00 f It I ' 0Vc11nt 1 llul!f'llU el 2211 Nt'Nl>Clrt Blwf., Apt, C, CO$le ~II ""1s.1irfd et rlahl 1r191t1, '""" !fie Cotll Niese, Ctflfomll, undtr !tie fie· S.UanM ledae"""Ollll, 1n 11111 Pl., 1euthwn1 ll11t of u !O l lodi: 50 II 1 lltlout Hrm natn1 (If MESA CAM"ER Agl. C, Ca1te Mes• oolnl t11Jf111I 10Ulhl11lll'IV lHt.11 ""1 SALES -11111 uld llrrn Is comlOSltl of Dllld G::::: V. lMltl"""Ollll trom tf1e \nlllrMcllon f/11 Mk! 111r1lltl ttoe to11Dw11>11 ""'°"' wi-n1me In lull Sur-l9dllfWOOO llnt 11111111 !ht cenlff UN of Acee!• tnd ftllCI of r11l0etlc:t 11 11 fol'lowl: Slllt ol Ctllfornlt. °'"''' CounlV: Strll!, MIO ct!lfw llne llellll tlll Fr1ncl1 M. Gunn, 2QI Vl1 M1rtri., On OctoDtr r.i. 1970, belort me, 1 '*""''"'' llnl ., HlO bloc,, thence Nf'WPOrt lNch. C•llf. Hot1rv Pllbflc In •nd far' Hid Slt+e, \OIJfll 50" n• Ot" 11st 203-l.N 1 .. 1 al-D1t.o:t Oc'I. ''' 1t7fl " G o ' •• ,, •• ,,,,,1 11111; llltntt '°""" 50" 11' Frtncls M, GYIWI Ptl'SOlllflr ll>Pfl' •• '"' . --Ledtlerwooti end Suri""" Ledtlt rwood ~1" 1111 uo.n tte'I •lonl ••Id 1t1rallel STATE OF CALIFOANIA. k"°""'n to m• lo be '"" Ptroonl wfl<IH Hiii' l!'lenct llOf1fl 3'" .. , lS" e1s1 O•ANGE COUNTY: n•"'es i rt ,ublcrlbfd lo tM wlfftln 111. 1010.,1 IHI p1rtllel wllh the 011 Oct.,,, Jf7ll, before in.,• No!1rv strument i nti •t-ftOl'lledted IMl' execu~ 'IOrtltw~erl, llnt' of uio:I blodl. to !ht! P11bllc In Ind far' Mid $1elt, ,.,.ton1Hr ltle .. ,.,.e, -tltrlr lint of MlcArthur 8oulev1rd •l>Ptlrff Fr1ncl1 M. ~ --n to me L ''"' 110.00 IHI wkle ••• <lflerllled Ill P1rc•I lo lie !hi pertOll .mo. na"" Is SUllM;•'"' COFFIC~•rv K. Henrv t of • dtH Ill Ille SI•~ of C1!11orn1e, td lo Ille wllflln ln1trumenf Ind Nolarv Publlc-Ci lllo1nl1 'K°""etl Jut1 ?5, lt•o In loolt IN' P111 1c~1111w1tdtiftl M tXKulecl lhe 11me. Prlntl1tl l Otllce In .UJ of off1C1111 fKOfdll !Ilene:• nof'lll 7' !Ollidll !IHI) Or8"9e Counlv $0' 31" w111 11one slld ..,..,,,,1, !!Ill! Mirr IC. Henrv M., CommlHk>n E•P<rt~ 29'4.11 !eel; ll'ltncl i.oulll 3"' • IS" Nolirr Pul>flc: -C1!1toml1 Nov. 71, 1,11 we1I ~•tl1e1 with 11ltl l\Orlhwesl line Prlncl11el Oll1c1 Jn Publl'1\etl orin~ Cot1I 0111., Pilot, 2ft1 n feel 10 th• .olnf of beollnni111. 0•11111 Counrv Oclolllr 21, 31 ind Novtf"ber '· U, Slid llnd 11 lnctucltd within lllt ••ti M., Commlulon E•Plrf' 1970 191'·70 1flown on 1 m•• flletl In the office ol New. 11. ltn 111e cavntv Rtcorcler of Mid Or1"9e P11bfllhed 0••1111 Coi1sl o,u.,. Pilot, B&RBBA STllEISARD COi.OR covnrv, 111 aoo1r "' l'11e1 t t1 2J 1 ... octo0er 11, 1•, l l •"" NOV!!mber 7• LEGAL NOTICE -Mo11. fluu Sof.- ctu11.,., of lllCOnt of SU,,....,.I, lf10 1911•701--------------1 P A•CI\. 1: .. DOLLT" ot 7 •114 t ;JO Tflit 110rt1on of lllodl: 50 of l!'lt lrv1ne LEGAL NO'l1CE P-mll Ii~=;;========~ l ullcllvi1lon, In 1111 Cit., of N-1 ltldl, Cllllll"ICATI' OP IUllNISI ,,,.,,.,IV of °'""'' Sl•lf of C1!1f ... nle. I I ,. .. 11 l"ICTITIOUI HAMI f>tr me• •ecorclld 11'1 holl: 1 llHt II of Cl•Tll"ICAT• 01' •USINl1S Tiit undertlfed do certlh thn' •rt'°"" MllKlla_,. MIPS. In lllt Offkt of Ille PICTITIOUI MAMI: dutll"9 1 bullf\IU ti P.O. Boa l4J. S.n '°"""' •tcell'dtr fll M kl ~tv. lltKr1bed Tiie IH'lder11tnedl °"" ctrttlV hi 11 con-cltmtnte, CA "26n. C1llfornl1, uncler !he I I fOlloW" dltlCllllf I bull!llSI 11 .MOO C'"'tlll Drtl'I, tklllloul tlnn Nllnl of WESTERN '"lnnlnt •' I 11 ... 111r1ntl with •nd "--' hid'. c1111om11, ""'°"' !ht flt· STAM" & COIN •nd ""' Mid 11 ..... h dlsl1flf northlllltr!v 50.00 It 1 I, tllkM rtrr11 ntmt (If AQUAflllUS COM· conlPOMd of !hi lollowllll --· wt'IDll mfflUfetl el rlthf entlll. '"""' Ille Sl•UCTION COMPANY Ind Ille! Hid 111m1• !11 full and pllcU (If r~ldenc:t Is ~ 11111 of Hld blod< •I • Mini fl"" II nimpOMCI of 11\t fOllowlnt .......,,, II tollow1: dlsl•flf sou!llN11trtr 100.00 '-It lrom wholl "''"' In full •1111 "*-of r11!-w11n t . wnterfl•ld· 'll t:. Sift Juan, tl'le nor!llWffl 11..e of 11111 lllock. "'lei tllnc:t 11 u fot!Ows : sin '"""""· CA. ntn, Nin• Jr1n '*""-sf t1111 bllllf !hi tenter llM O! Mldltll v . .._,, lttl HtWklltook, Wntrrtl110, '1l E. Sin Juen, Stn Acldl Sl.etlr 11'1111C.t '°"""' JOO l2' 77' San DJ ...... ,, C1IH. Clt!Y*lle, co. mn. "" •10.n fttl •lollt Mid ••••lief llMI 0.1111 OtlOIN!r 1s. 19XI O.!ld Seotemblr 11. 1911 fltltn(t '°""' ,,.. 11' or· ••" •lon9 Mid Mld'lltl v . .._r Wlllw l . Wnltrfltld .,.,..11tl Hnt ... :19 fttl; "*"1 nortll $TATE OF CALIFO•NIA. Nina J1tn Wnt.rfltld' 3,. W lS" ffll Nrllltl wllh the Oll ANGE COU NTY: Stilt of C1llfont11, Or-• CounlV: -"'~I 11111 of Mltl lllock, "'3.lt f"I On OC!olllr 1$, lt70, -IOf'l me, I On OCI. 11, ltXI," bdorl me, t Not1rv .. Ille wnlerlV fine of MlcAr!llUI Nolaf"I' PullUc In 1nd for 111lo:I Sl11t, l'ublk 111 1nd tor H id Sle1e, 111r...,,_ll~ 91111n••tl 110.00 Ifft wkll ••• oeec:rllled ""''"""•11r •PNlrttl MICHA.El " • ·-•retl WIM!r l . Wnlerfltld •nd Nin• In pet"(ll t of I M«I to lhl Sl1tr ol HOOPE• known 1'a "" hi be Ille "''°" Jein WtittrHtltl --lo "'e •o be thr C11lt0t"nl1, recordttl Jul., 1), 1140 In -. nime It wbtcrl~ to fhl within pe.._ wl\Olt neme1 ere 1vbM::rl~ 10 l ook 10l7 Pelt U7 of Ofllcl•I •ecordu lnslrU1n~nl i nd ecknowl.0.911 lie execulld Ille wlfllln lntfrumtnl 1110 ttkl\OW~gttl lhlt'lcil nortll r 50' ,. .. .,,..,, 11on1 s•ld IM "-· !MT ,.Muled Ille ......... ' Wt&tt!'l1 llM lJIS.12 11111 tl'llMI IOUlft lOlllCll l $1111 Wllll1m M. Otrrvb'lrrv l'l"'.,. ft" """' 11.11 fffl '°the lll11n-Conti•-a . Mc01111tl Not1rv Pubflc..C:1fllofflll ntnt ot • t1ntent curve conc1vr NPl•rv Pub!lc -C1lltornl1 Prl11c!P11 Ofll<• In t0Ulhlrl1 • .,. h1wf11t • rlcl'llll of lt'.OO PrtnctN I 01tlc1 In Or1nvt Coun!v teet; t~r •Ul!'f1V 111,'2 Itel •llM'lll On11191 Countv Ml' Cornm!Hklll ExP!ret ..,,., curvt lflrauaft • c111trel -•e of Publllllld Or11111t CO.Sf D•llr Piiot. Oct. 10, 1'71 <di 21' 01" lo I llOllll of l•llM'ICY w11h Oclobllr ''· , .. 11 ..ti No\llllflbe, 1. ~Mbll•lled °"'~ .. Cottl Dlllr l'llol, 1 une ;1,1ue1 with end dl•l•"' lf1t 1911-XI OctOC>tr 11. JI entl Novr,.,.blr 1, u. IOUlhffltttl\' 100.oe 1e1t, fl'lff&Urld nit 1'77·!'11 •klnf 111e te111t"-tll'l1 n~ °' ttotk LEGAL NOTICE 50. '""" tlicl norlllwest llM Ill 1111:11. '°' 1--------------1 "'-tee toUlh at" 41' ,,H ""'" 11-1111 ,...,., LEGAL NOTICE IT'll!lllonld N r•llel llM ""·" '"' to c:••Tll"ICATI OP a 1.1t1HISS. ..... "°'"'al Mltnnl,_,., • I IUlllCI ,ICTITIOUS HAM• sUP•••o• cou•T 01' THlf A .ortlon ol Hlcl llnd llC TIM '"""9rsilnlcl ell urtttv lllev erw STATI 01" CALIPO•NIA POil ""lhln !ht l•fe "-"1 .. , .. • .~-If COfldUClllll 1 butlMS• 11 524 Ph St .. ""'· THI COllMTY 01" O•ANOI Trect No. 1Dl. reconled II D """'I""'°" 1MKft. Ce1"9rnlt, IOllCllr N1. A-tt ol Mkl MIK•ll•-"""'' In ltol ,.. 11c11"-tlrm ntme of J & S HOTICe 01" HI A•INO 01" l'ITITION OlnC9 of tl>I Ctu11fv ll~ el Mltl FIGU•ETTES 1nd 11111 Nici firm II corn-110• PllotATI 01' Will AND PO• ~ (IUlllV, Cellfomi. 111011<f .. 11W foflOwlltl _._,, Wl'IOM LITTl•S Tl•TAMINTAllY JJOND Slkl ..... 11 lncluOfod -'fttlf'I !!::..!~ -11'1 full lflC 111~ of ,.ldlflet 1rt WAIVIOI ~ on e tlllll flilll Ill fill ..,,...,. M .......... ~sltte of DO•OTHY 9. MUSGllAVE. Ille Clllflf'I' ·--.. ..W 0,!.1'j'! 1COft ,( ..... ..,. hltrl. S-11111 St. Alt!. alil ,,_,. e1 DO•OTHY a. STEWAltT Goo.lfltll, Ill llcdr 6" , .... I .. /14 O, .... llf .. 410i: l llCll. (tlN. Jtntf lM MUSGllAVt:. Ott .. Mll. clutl,,,_ el ._. fl "'"""'· -,...._ nt _,. ll~ APf, O, HUtllitllllO:'I NOTtCE IS HE•l!IY GIVEN Tt:ll Htr• ,,_ 111 11111Ci.nlf1" lllttrkt "' • ..-.. ttl<ft. CeUt rl-Mllilnll'I Ml flltd lltf'tln 1 IWllllOll d/ftrld It _. ... ..,. tor !ht d_.ltlcetlM Oaltd Oct i 1m tor 11•llbllr of wlll 1nd for hwt"l:t o1 I nd -'-' " -rplm110lr '" sc.t1' ICIMtltr p...,. ltltt<S T11!-llf"I' Ill l'ttlt"""· l~fl _,. llClfld l'IOt'tlltHI f1f ,,... M-Jelltl LM Ptlltl ~-111 ""'Id: ~ ft'llOI tor fllrlll<lr lef'llC11on of 1'11lMdlfl ll:oltl ...... t lrcl'I Jtet. &:,:;:!!""' .. ' Dfl"'I COUflTY: P1!1kl/l.lfl, Ind lfloll tflt lime Ind lllCI of 11rw1 111 "" c1tv fl N._i 111c11 fir °"' L lfl't. 11etcn ..,., t No.i1,.,. ""''"' ,,., ...,. h•' 111111 wt far 119111 ''*"'"'· 1'811r0: l!'Of ~--1• Pvbllc 1111 "" ,.. 11\11 Slit.. --•llr ""'Mlbtr 1). HIO, II 9:• ........ In "" butl-Ind ..... ~ eltlu:t, ,..... • .,,...,... lc9'lt Ill: ....... , p"'"'""' Jana! '*"'IOOih "' DINrllftlnl No. ' of Mit llaf: Ind ~~I fKIUn.. , -,.,.,, MliWl'I .. mt to 111 flll -IOllt cwrt. It 1111 C!Vte (fnll, Dl'l'w Wttf, Jn NOTICE IS Fu•ntEfll GIVIN ....... ;... """".,.~ft Ille wHhlll ""CITY fll S..n•• Anl c1111orn11. Pllbllc f':Hrl111 Wiii 111 11t111 '" tl!I "" dlr ----•"" ~'°"" """ •it-O•ffil Otllflbf!r n. n10. el ~. 1110. el I:• l'dodl 11.111., Ill """';,; W. 11:. ST JOHN, "'' c.utKJ1 Cl':lmlllf't el thl Cltv el iKtrllll .-, ) CounlV Ci.t-N-.-t llffdl, 11 Whldl flme IMI l'llU IOFfl'ICIAI. fit:A~T ........ A, lllhlllR • ,,. Ind Ill Hf-ln!Oftl!M """ .. ~-L~ • (llifltl'i... '"' NI,.,., 91\111Wllf ,..., tntl Ill llN'tl ,,..,_ ,._,~/ Offld Ill $tN11 H•lftt>lr H1 DOH fll. AO KIMION. :..... t-'¥' c..11 ,,._., C1llterlll1 tlOI ::::..'"" 1e1ch '"' MY Ccwnml•lofll Elll'I~ l=!,.~'l.:'P:'l:i.w '°!lbll-=nn~-c:..lal: Dlflt' ~!lot Pullll=~~ C:.M Otllr ~1161, ~1•'-' Or1111>1 Col11 0.IPr ~li:t, ~ '4. 191t ,.,._,. (kf. 11. 17. M. )1, 1t1' 1•1·10 ~ 21. :N, ». 19111 ltlJ.70 • 673-6260 Exclu sive Showing Phon1 673.6260 If M's an angel,' • • l111D9IM wt.at God is Uke. -Tiie ~fl«SEI. ....... -ALSO PLAYING.- A "'Y ""'"' nte•le ''Goodbye, Columbus" season ticket subscribers, a n all·tlme high, our operating funds were deeply cut into when we bad to replace all our sound equipme nt which was stolen ." Mrs. Rose also noted that the present administration ''inhcrH.ed a number of large obligations from the first year of operation in the new Laguna Moulton. Board members have pitch- e d in as volunteers in the management area o f the C<lm· munity playhouse a s a result or te rmination or most of the pa id staff. according to board member Karl Simonso n , retired oil company executive. On U. heels or the fund drive li1tnouocement , Simeinson and Miss Margaret Swope, lo ngtime Laguna resj. dent a nd fo rmer playhouse board member, each gave lhe theater loans of $6,000 to m eet immediate obligations t o credilors. Fund chairma n Brown said, "The players are grateful to these dedicated people for pro- viding emergency help. We look forward to the time when the playhouse will be able to function out of earned Income . We m ight have done it this season except for a number or unpredicta ble events: w~ lo5t money on our summer pro- duction of 'Oliver ,' we bad the theft of thousands o( dollars worth or sound equipment, and we have been paying a lot of bills left over from last year. "Our insurance on the sound equipment paid only • percen· tage ot its value, for example. The old system was in· adequate for the lheater so we h ad to upgrade the new io· stallati<ln.'' Mrs. Rose and Brown said tha \ a new system of cost ac- rounting is being instituted un· der the supervision 0 r Simonson and Ro b e r t Hastings, board member and former telephone company ex- ecutive, also retired. An expanded volunteer pro- g ra m is necessary to replace employes, Mrs. Rose stated . She urged all who may not be a ble to contribute funds to sign up for the many tasks necessary in the large theate r . Donations. which are tax· deductible, to the emergency fund should be senl to the Laguna Community Players , Inc .. marked for Brown's at- tention. at 606 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach 9'2651. AUCTION 300 ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS BY OUTSTANDING INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS GOES AT AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER BEGINNING Friday, October 23 Saturday, October 24 Sunday, October 25 7:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. MAIN LOBBY {inside and outsid1) TAJMAHAL Profession1I Build ing Leisure World -Laguna Hills COSTA MESA SOUTH NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES COAST l'l.AZA THEATRE s .. Di090 Fraew•y et Bristol 544-2711 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY SHOW TIMES: 12:00 -2:00 CHiLDREN'S MATiNEES ·IT .. OU'l"IR SIGlft' TRIP TO THE UNKNOWN! ALL SEATS 50c ([/) T.ATCH·ZZ Mon.1h,u Fri. 7:00 &. 9:30 P.M. Soi. 1;30, 3:4Q, 5:$0, l :OO, 10:00 P.M. $u~ hOO, 3: 10. 5:20, 7:30, 9:40 -VINCENT CAHS't', H. Y. TIMES t -i-·<-"·''· -------~~ m.,.m...,.•lml',..,.,.. EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT 111.Ulllll,Wlll .... W l =EfS •lllll ICllB!U'"mllllf • . IJaCllftl ... , I mmtn•..u--NOl!SRVIDW.TS FIE!P~RKING -·-··--T -l·l-1•1- Mon. riiru fti. 7:00, 8:<t5, 10:30 Sot. l:<t.5, 3:30, 5:15, 7:00, 8:<t5, 10:30 Su". 2: 1.5, <t:OO. 5:.tS, 7,3{), 9, 15 EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY INDOOR THEATRE ENGAGEMENT CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES NO RES!RVED SEATS 41Great movie making. The Perrys' best film! I Superbly lllalrlcal performances ... Cirri• Snodgnss Wiii su11ly rece1Y1 the critical pntsa she daDIY dmmsr _...., ......... 1.1.T- •s-t111n1 lmlJ and new which bllstlri 1111 cumnt scant. Th• but al tilt 111 Frank Perry hH 1111dt. F11nk Langella makes 1 striking film debut!"-::.,"""...._ •• ..... " ... . .. ... ... . . diary otamad housewife • fr•n,k perry film 1!11rH•Q ric hard benjamin frank langella carrie snodgress st•l!eno••v bye lea nor perry 110"' 11>1 11ove1 bysue0k1ur1111i. o•odutt d 1nd d"~t1td by 1r1ftk re"; • ·~t•u• 0 ;1u<e•iet.....,~...i"'· COLOR IOW&U.., ® 01118t Si!N!fU ~o PU.15! C<>Ht "JENNY" GllD -llllR ' I - • ' v ,I ' I l I .?.1 I • ' .. • , • ·- • . • • l .. t' , \ • i i , • • H~s-Metlealoos ::t~a,nflall . Fit,s f:e_lix ' _SliOes .( ' 1;~•· .. '.• u _..J. I I. _. f\'DJNON M.Vr r r. Comedian Randall w 111 HOLL¥Wnno 1 UPI) portray the nlt11lcking l'el_t~ in 1-1·· ~~ .-_ th.ls. season's most prt11rus1ng Tony Randall plucked an . Ill· c.om.edy series, "The Odd Cou· visible-SQeCk 'ol lint from his pie." · ports jack~t and said, "I'd .Felix is tremendously odd. 1 alhti''.fot'#fdn't cOm1>1fe rne ' !TOQy Is .merely meticulous. noq~~F~l.~~-~r." • 1be . award·Wb}ning p I a y NOW SHOW ING TWO GRIAT ATTRACTIONS Held Over which eventually ~ame a movie ~as, in a relatively short time, htcome an American classic of two men, separated from their wive~. housekeep· ing together and swinging with the chicks. It Is a study in contrasts. Fellx is a nut with a com- pulsion for fastidiousness. Apartment mate Oscar is a sportswriter and dedicated slob. The Oscar role in the ABC· TV series belongs to Jack Klugman, also a n ac· complished actor. But one would venture that Klugman must work harder at being a s)ob than Tony does at hand wringing. Saturday, Octobtt 24, 1970 DAILY PILOT J /I 'E~tenm' TV Weekend -Monday Football Popular By RICK ~ BROW that has no particular distlnc· cops-and-robbers series th"i tlon. also gained popularity after a •IOLLYWOOO (UPI) -The Suddenly It ls rtght up there while on the air, it gives CBS- Monday night pro football in the top 10, or thereabouts. TV two hours of fonnidablt games on ABC.TV continue to And, followed on Wednesday ratings back-t~back In a gen- do relatively well in the nights by "Hawaii Five-0," a uine programming surp.-lse. ralings, and I think there's a ::::=::=:::::=~===:;====:=::~=====~=========-psychologlcal reason for th!lir j: success in addition to the basic interest of fans. A ~1onday night prime time football game, on top of the Saturday and Sunday televised gridiron conte$ls, is video's veniion or, and contribution to, the "long weekend" way of Ille that is so attractiVC!i to working ~pie. 3rd BIG WEEK ''I've played the role of S • Ott Felix in the theater." Randall quaring There is a day-off at- mosphere, a holiday tone'lo a big football game. And whatl could be more welcome to a y:orking man than l h e knowledge that a holiday lonel awaits him at the end of tough Monrlays. those first days back on the job after leisurely said in neat, clipped words. "It was 15 weeks in Chicago Sitting Bull, played by 'Alexander Golson {left), is with Tony Mockus as Oscar. unintimidated by. Buffalo Bill I Michael Brown) in And 15 weeks in Las Vegas a dramatic scene from the Orange Coast College with Mickey Rooney. These production of ·"Indians," closing a four-day run t~ are wonderful roles and night. almost all who play them are --"---------~--~----- good." weekends? It helps take the drudgery out of Mondays. The day's work. to a rabid football fan, seems like only a minor in· terruption to three days or ilorious !ports action. Sud· Felix, er, ah. Tony was im· peccably dressed in a fitted sports jacket, tasteful necktie, new shirt, creased trousers and highly polished shoes. 'Nanny and Professor' Big Break for Juliet denly it no longer seems like a•1--:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;: ', "This is the kind of movie a reviewer ~ should pa~!?.~.~.~~:· !~ :: "The oddest couples have played 'The Odd Couple' ln the theater," he said. "There was bmest Borgnine and Don Rickles, George Cobel and Phil Foster, Dan Dailey and · Richard Benjamin. All .good. Very good." Reminded that he and Felix , shared some common traits, Tony grew indignant. •' . • • •• ~ .. • ·• ' 1 • ~ •. • 1 t • • x I: Sta.rts Wednesday, Oct. 28 · •·Don't say that. I'm not, obsessively fastidious. l'm a bit of a health nut. I exercise. Do a little weight lifting. But I'm Jiving in a hotel 'right now and travel with a chinning bar. "~so I_ don 't allow people around me to smoke." Randall jerked his arm upward in the time-honored posiJion for expanding the biceps. They were small but hard as granite. Randall ha sn't seen the movie version or the play in which Ja c k Lemmon portrayed Felix, nor did he catch Art Carney in the Broadwa y play. ··t did see Art's un· derstudy.'' he said. "A ma n named Dooley. He "·as very 1. competent. I skipped the 1, movie when I read it opened -'up the play to take the camera outside the apartment. That ' was a mistake." l~''!~rlll!///UTNRRllllSH'I\'"'''''~'-, .GC) WILD ! DRIVE THRU 5 1io.N 'tc)UNTRY SAFARI~ l · ,_ AUTHENTIC AFRICAN ~ WILDLIFE PRESERVE ~ TRANSPLANTED TD :!IC ORANGE COUNTY ;\li • Hundre~s of lions and otll-! er wild African animals "-lllt e!ephants, zebras, giraffes, • rare white rhin~s. cheetah.s, Ill chimpanzees, hippos, 19 dtf· • ferent species of antelope • 1 -all roaming free over' 500 • picturesque acres. ill • Drive your own car over ~j scenic "jungle trail" or rent ~ an air-conditioned Hertzafari :;ill! vehicle at the main gate for := nominal cost {Convertibles ~ not pennitted within pre· ..-: servo). , ill'! • Open IMiry day of tfle ii!! year, f""'1 8 1.m. l m ,.,, ..- admitted · Into preserve 1t ~ 5 p.m. ~ • Admi~sion: Adults, $3.25: jlJI children, 5 thru 11. Sl.50; children 4 1nd under , tree. ~ r1tkets include free entr1nce ~ Into Saf1ri Camp (entertain· ~ men~· ""), ~ •'Safari Crmp features Afrl. ~ can.motif rides, displays of ~ lion cubs and other baby r;; animals, replicas of African ~ Oltive Vinl&ft, sn1tk ball, illl Mhe•tic curio shoos, Afr> jlll tflelttr feiturlnt fine bird .. -=-. • • LOC111d "' the San DI .... Freewey, 1t Moulton Plfk· way otf-r1mp, on I r v In t = Roru:h, Orons• eo.nty. :::II • For Addilionol Ii -n/Mmolion, ~ ' • . • . (714) 831-1 200 :I· . ·1111r:·1~1till1lt.,~''U 'n'' a fllll/U,HH,111111111 .. , .. ·- By CYNTm A WWRY HOLLYWOOD IAP I Children of all ages obviously were charmed by an ABC midseason replacement last year called "The Nanny and the Professor," which seems to be a mix of standard situa- tion comedy, Mary Poppins and James M. Barrje 1,1.·himsy . A large segment of the early evening audiences loved it and it won renewal for a full season. Among other things, it has introduced a n o t h e r member of the illustrious BC· ting and writing British Mills family to American audiences. Ju1iet Mills, daughter of ac- tor John Mills and playwright Mary Hayley Bell and sister of actress Hayley Mills. has had lols of British stage and h!m experience. Arter making two pilots for "Nanny" over two years she had forgotten about television and was busy on the Recital Se t At Irvine fi ve-day work week . Mondays are part of the past weekend . And. once Monday night games are over, it Is only[ Uindon stage when the sum-thl'"!e full working days before mons came. The series had the next weekend's holiday been sold, and four days later, mood begins again on Fridays. Juliet was in Hollywood work· For a nation in which leisure ing on it. lime activities have become a She phiys a fey creature huge business, the sdleduHng named Phoebe Figalil\y who of the Monday night football mysteriously turned up at the games was an 1:stute mo ve. home of a widowed professor For the week ending Oct. 11 , and his unruly children just a!i an example, . the Detroit- when he needed hel p most Chicago Monday .contest rank· desperately. She has strange ed a strong 27th, tied with powers of prediction and Dean Martin, in the television understanding of children and ratings for the maj~r markets. animals. That game. by the way, "I suppose she has psychic competed with Bob Hope's powers," sald Miss Mills as NBC.TV s~ial head-on inl she rested between shots and much of th@ nation, Hope' the shaggy dog who plays came in third in the major Waldo slept at her feet. ·''But marrket ratings, an o the r there is nothing about her ESP po"·erful showing by the com· that can not ·be explained edian. logically or by coincidence. But ABC-TV says the game Besides, I think it's nice for v.·as "responsible for diluting people to believe in a bit of the first Bob llope special or magic -I do n1ys'elf.'' the season (with a highl y The Mills family is close touted supporting cast of 17 knit. This season Juliet, in-top comediennes) sufficiently stalled with her &-year-old son lo keep Hope out of his tradi· in a rented Hollywood home. tiooal No. I spot -this on hopes to have· them with her ·Monday night, traditionally fnr their Chr'istmas reunion. ABC's weakest night.'" Meanwhile, her father will ap-\Veil, of course third place pear in an episode or the amoog all shows isn't bad . But series and her mother will on the other hand, Hope didn't A faculty recital by baritone write at least one show, knock the game out tlf the box Maurice .Allard and ·pianist maybe more. either. Lawrence Gordon will be "I find the character The ratings, by the way, are given Friday, Oct. 30. at the delightful and I like working in offering a continuing mystery Village Concert Hall, UC !he series." she said. "I think Ircm week to week, and that Irvine. J could be very happy with it is th! suddenly remarkable The pair will perform works for six months each year for showing or CBS,TV's .. Medical by Purcell, Schubert, Debussy, three .or four years." Center" series, a program Poulenc · and Ravel. Ravel -----------------------songs will be choreographed and danced by William Couser. The performance is schedul· ed for 8:30 p.m. and admission is free with a complimentary ticket. Information may be ac· quired by calling 833·6617. Song Recorded HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Bill Bixby and Brandon Cruz, ""'ho play father and son in ''The C-OUrtship of Eddie's Father.'' will make lheir singing debut for MGM by recording "My Best Friend," the show 's theme. hriH• StT.ltu~ "HELLO DOLLY" c ......... '-'· & 111111. 1 :10 P.M. Now thru Tuetdey EXCLUSIVE ORANG! COUNTY SHOWING • "SOLDIER. BLUE" end "RIDER ON THE RAIN " ·-,, .. ..., ··-t2!1>)~2l P"mitr• Ent•t•mtnl Ulllltr 11 M111t It Wiit! Pllllnl OIARY 0" A MAO "OUSEWll'E Pl111 • Rt~trt Slid! !Ill "STORY OP A WOMAN" 011 Unatr 11 M\111 It With '"'''". lurl LlllUllt r "THIE ... Ol"llSSIONALI"' IOP) coi.r pk11 e Jlllln l'trlVlht "IN COLO ILOOO" Oil celef ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UllCltr IT M11tl •t Wllh Plrlfll -w °'""', C•ndlct 11•1.., _ " ..,. ·•soLOll:llt ILUI" !RI _....,,~! '1111 e "IUDEll ON THIE llAIN" (liPJ M.J.21•1 All Color ShtW •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ............. --•11--171,1"2 U~drr 11 Mu•I It With P•rt1!1" C•llCll<t ltrt"'· "$0L011ilt ILUE" flt) 1111• e "1110111 OH THE llAIN" (OP) All (:olfr lllew •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Liii Mlntrll "TILL ME THAT YOU LOVE Ml t JUNIE MOON" (OP) Color Plw1 Jtc-Ltmmon e Sindy Otnnh ---''THE OUT·OF·TOWNl!ltl" IGl'J Color ,...,_ ·--·-M1·60ll Cl!nl Et llWOo:tll "THI: coi", THI IA.0, ANO THI UGLY•' (GPI • P!~• ''MANG 'EM HIGH" lGP) e pluJ "A PISTFUL OP OOL\.Altl" (GI') Ul'HU r'll M11JI •• Wllft l'trtnl Ctncllct ltrt"' "JOLOIEll ILUI" Ill) '"'' "11101111 OM THI llAOI " (GI') All Ctltr JflW •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •" • • e e"" I I••• I•• o •••I $2.00 Pll CA RLOAD ---· l •odo-1•1•JI··· '., ,, ~'· ' BROADWAY '" t I k r, I XCLUStVI OltlVl.\M SMO'#IMGI Cllllt ltll ...... "ICllLLY'S MlllOIS" .Plllt e ."t'#O MULIS .POii. llltlll. .......... 101'! AM Ctltr -Shew Ari Ctltr SMW llltllt ....... ,,1. ~A MAM CALLIO MOllSIH IO•t pk11 .1•111•1 'ltwtrt e ~tn'Y "t'"' "THI CMIYINNI IOCIAL C UI~ IGl'I ARNIW...tem ACIN!MAC!-NlltrnMSflf51 NWIClN ' ! ,A NIJIONAI GINEIAI 1lC1UttS lt\(AS[ ,!'NiA%KJN•ond TICtiNICOIOt'" • lbPj-I JEANNE • JACK 1 MO~IAU PALANCE "'M·~S·B'IS THE BEST ··AMERICAN WAR COMEDY. SINCE ·souNi> CAME • ~OSS 11\!Nl(~ -~-Al R PD RT , IUITWCASTER• DEAN MARTIN 'I· 'EAN SUERS• JACOUEUNE BISSET, p , _..Mt.: • flllllCl1 .. •,...,..ii •·.W• I .. fro ··-·-~ ~-·-~ c 11o11 ... 11 Hntt111 ''The H1w1il1n'1" (GP) • t,1111 """'""' I j ' I ' .I • • c • • c • ' :I •• .. r . ~ .. j .. ·~ .. :z ' .. J4 DAILY PILOT • J . ft;•, • • • - • . Taurus:-Best ·Impr~ve ~Relation·s ·wi~h-;-Your Childf en Don't d~ve yountlf. Moriey best side; protect' your 19): ~ ccmoepts are ae-AQlJARIUS ~~ID. 20-Feb. ~ obecufed: now on mi r r I a ;~.. and ~1 .. L -. • By SYDNEY OMARR r--are-llii•l!!e ' 117 .-lllltk .... u,....,. t' I I .. BonywtlcM lpls~ ta1 ewiiader hn7 Qltan'J 11 . bot o.e eumpk. 1'e Taun11 ' mu ~ Mw to eU'll moaey ilat k doet Mt alwl)'I Un ...., &o make it wwt for •Un. Ta.111"111 c~ mate • for1mte -ud lost u. too. The Tallnll man cu always ue a pod llildlttl• maaqer - evea beUtt tf be marries • w1m1111 wbo bow• the worth . el dollar, lite c.ancer, for U:· ample. . ARIES (Marcil 21-April 19): Improve service. Modernize teclmiques. Be sure you ' get and give money's worth. Guard health. You would be wise to practice moderation. No extremes. One thing at a time does iL TAURUS (April :ID-May 20): Improve relations w i t h children. Be mentally creative. You are only as old as you feel. Put t h I s philosophy to work . Throw ort burden wbich is mostly emo- tional. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Face competition in confident manner. Take initiative in new adioos, innovations. Set pace. Leo individual will prove valuable ally. Know this and respood accordingly. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Time to write, travel, in- vestigate. Check with relative who is concerned about long- d i s t an c e communication, journey. Highlight willingness to make intelligent changes, concessions. LEO .(July .23-Aug .. 22): Helping Glmlal inlividual will result in gain for you. Pay and coiled; tab advantag• of financial _,rturuties. Re&- pmd. to friend who urges you to experiment. vmoo (Aug. 23-SOpl. 22): Emphasis on home, en- vironment, d o m e a t.i c ad- justments. Express yoursell. Do things yourself. Phone in- stead of writing. Get your personality acr<165, UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) : Quiet self-development is favored. Harxfle aftidential matters. Be sure odlers are not presuming too much. Privacy is important. Avoid scandal by steering clear of rumor mongers. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): Plan for future. Find out who is your friend . Face music. Cash Bonus For School Pupils Told LOS ANGELES (UPI) - High school "goof-offs" can be turned into avid students by cash payments for correct ex· amination ans we r s. a psychologist told a weekend conference on b e h a v i o r modication. Dr. Harold Kohen, director or the lmti.tute or Behavior Restarcb ill Silver Springs, Md., said the payments alJO helped to raise their l.Q. xores by as much as 25 -po Collen Bald '°me delinqllonl junior and high a c b o o I students accomplished two or three years of reading im- provement in less than a year. He told the conference Saturday that teen-agers who once did not care for art. music or science. devoured the subjects under the payment slimulus. The ph 11 os oph y behind tbe method, he said, waa lo put the student in a situation in which he was en- com-aged to behave in the pro- per manner and reward him when he does. Acco rding l o t h e ~the-ls • taoghl that II II prU!table to learn by giving him money In return for ~ons answered correctly. lie warned that lbe tedlnl· -lhould not be con~der<d 1 panace1 . He said over~ l mpUc1UOn or the ~ c.ld rmilt In , ...... which might di>eredll a. eur. principle. .,,. have nOt betft suc- emllil with neryone,'' he ..... "Approli.-Jy 20 per- C811'do not retp>ad ad ... .... , -why. Bui In _.r we ere able to late ~ lddlud-tbem -· from oocupaUonal effort-s businesa interests. Relations cented. Pu b lishi ng CIP" 11):': You . are .ttimulitecl. h PISCDI (Feb. t..March20): partnenhlps, legal 'matterS.: begimllnrtd"'" fi.gUres prominently. with gov~ntat worken porf:unitlel preeent tbemselY\!I., Nothing ocrurs halfway. BeJa.. . . ' Protect)'oursel! in clinches. . • emphasized. Get facts; reject t-ook be)"Olll the immediate.; Uons witb lOWld -.-.are• Avo~ being • drawn i 'n t o ~tl:c'nd~~~a::,.,!: SAQ_ITI'ARl\!.S • (Nov. '%2-speColative l'\llll0'1,. Plan for* effect& ttnsified. Settle jinaOOal at-'dilpmil, Yow •opmiom· .... IF •'JOOAY IS YOU R '= .... ="~1:,.~_:: Dec. 21): Many an:,s Nsitive Proprteaive pt/fl find re-.f~·:..~;a1 • ~.You do not have to '" BIB'IBDAY' J_yoo are fD.. t.10m1n-A1~™""0"'1Lv ·~Mwy~•·~Sbow~ CAPRICORN (Dec. :Wan. sponstve ~. ~ fiill , .· .. : ~-..-Aba~.--.~ tr~~.anatuniltelcher ·'r.;o~~0:"8~1~• "' -, .. '· ... i.: ~.-.... ,.,_ .. "I.. .. ol HERSHEY'S Candy Mill Clllml•I•. -gee or Mr. Goodbaf. Tr1JS 1124 lars CLARK Jr. Bars :::=!""" ·sge "'"'" "Thicket'' A hair woom ttrat ..:luanr ...., ,... hair loal< thick· 3 75 er ••• younger too! for men alldll!lm!ll. J IL • cosruM\.~ lllWlll&I Cllll.IBS Alt the favorite cltar· acters ••• be a Fairy Pli!Cess. • Astro· llll. I Gyp.sy, I Devil or 1 Clo••· Silis Ul.L lacll 1.39 •• 1roc1·1 ... AssOll!d sge Hallowee.11 candies in;,.. dividual packets. bc•f41 • • DRUG NEEDS ,. i Ir llCIS.·llioo ....... _ ::.~":: age rc:~-~"CD'' ••ias • :f:l~.J· T•e t •c•le11 sgc C'.!IRAP '""' "•la Ol!::'!'!!I! ~ . 112'1 I lllllil• CF ---Safe IOl·-- C1 t1iC 11tr1 nrengtl "°" 1 09 _,. . .... 1Jl3u. • Gra pe fl avor I ... II.-Qllh's ::2 s:: 0:. 7gc For Cills 11.,.... 3 u. Design,; " cos· .Alb-Seltzer-PLUS tumes w/Hallowee11 m niasks included in 1 CtlfTHflts.Re- ""H'C for~reats.' -.....,i ... 1 Sile!HX.9e , . ~~=:;129 .... f l ~$ -~m-. • --_...,for Masks 3f tlildr" fril l 1 99 ADULT -flf«n. . Deluxe pullover 111-2.511W1 • I W1!cll, I Moll-llltlnl YITllllJC t. sler, a Devil, etc. Eac• R H' ase 1ps ••• "I. fruit flavar for wll heads~le. Be gee I lleal'-Rile ~,i~re1 aod 2 29 . YOuta Masks 59e .... t •1•• • fromaVooOOotoaOevit. Eac' DN1ur-·-.111111111t · full FICO vinJI styles , ...., .. 1.111 · 2QO LU. /u,.. 4 98 -..... Make Up Kit "Roaring 20's" -1"' • -11er1111esa "~ .A combo of ~ay 9D'l . SGUIU 1ql311 I Jelly Beans or sticks.Ea>-. M."'-. Big SI~ lz 111's willl 4 88. 1111 .i~ -. ; ~~;·.:;·~:-..Ari: ~! Fiil 11"1 • witll S11gar slletls M Se C Tender ....,,, '°"'ol79 cello bags. 1111 23c • 2.98 ~/ StJ._ __, AIP\1111.114 Gr. • lq1111 MARS Candy Bars ·F .. siu." 16 "· 377e . llvslet""' llilky Way, S!Jic~er " 121* & M-""'~ ePmtlble Radio Side l1lle '~ -I tr .. tslor.FM/111.Blacl 11 88 & sil~er pla&ic case. #P4711 • "Lilt" PUSH·IUTTOH Ho•P.,..Mnt 149 Easy tu • .... bm."Fnr "'! 111' 1'*. ca.plole ~L • Dtse. or1nre 23c ""''· h~llcll'I Pertlssin PIBS "Pumpkins" Wi~ HANDLES llNCH 1DINCN 111MCN 29e 59e 1.19[!:::a:~::::::;.,· !m=i•il:!•..:=• ."'::n::ga~c • PORTABLE Tape Recorder INSTEAD OF A DIAPa , •• l""'re!'!! 11Pampers" Dnnillt 1rs ·It Dartl•t IS's ror drier, i.,pier babies. Diaper and pinty ,. 111 one witll 1 "star· *'(' lining. Comfortable •• , baby w p.i. DaJtl•t 31'1· AQlJAR.IUS "5 DAY" ANTIPEISPIRAllT Deo4ol'Slllf •••• •ec.11c 35'• 49c lry MAX FACTOR '"" 3.50 ~~·'*"< ..... ~~ ... ,,... ................ ~ Relllce Ory Ski• Wri1$1es S1t1-...... til0 SHHll3"•••1 Just 7 drt1" 1 ~ of -lmtJ·-OI the lact and ned un ,e0uce r111e lfhe::. • n...-.i All SPOTS' F••en.-oot Witll IHt1rlce MedicJ!ed crum for fading 4 weaked brown spots & ~ 1•.., ~ lrecllos. 3311~ 2i1 1J COLONIAL DAMES "Glycerine & Rosewater'' --at __ ... -""'·· ....... 1.49 CLIAllSH ICrfllllll 1886 I II. Silt 1.95 II tr. Silt 2.95 -~--..,... ... , .. .,,, 73c "Pssssst" CLAIROi. DIYSHAMPOO Just spray it °" -bnis-ii Giil -1 27 1nd you'f! 1cllfy to gt1! ler. f.53 7 tr. • • - "L'f " 1 e sHAM•oo With Lemoa Cleamer. [Niched witli .,... ----1 59 er soft,_,, _lair. lier. • KlitliagYn ...... • "Coca-Cola" . .. jj .ta·.,. .. ( ' (• ' (, 1 .. ~ -ll<w I l'lc~ 16 ~. lo Returt1 SottleS wi~ Resell Caps. 119 .... UI , "Dellll Cr•" . ,_ i. ,., w &7c 1<1111 fllEE -Plllt -hf. llo "-lln OPEN I All TO II P.M. -l llAYS A WEEK Newport lffch ion ...._ ·--Huntington llH ds ............. Huntington llHds stwt•••··· ..... T-· (Xlt1·Str11rt-Pait ltlilrtr. Rt(. 1.19 llttlt If 1111. MENNEN ''Protein 21'' SHAMPOO l111lar, •11 tr tilJ l1rMlas. ·~:~79c ~I •.r--....... 1 •ii'::. 5 9 c I/' l11&:Sln /·1 ''Ly5o ' DISi.tcrANT •• , .. ir '"" Scllllf. I l~lltl .. 3:$)· .. " . " .. •M . ' ., . ' •• • • I .. • . '! ' • ·' COSTA MESA·NEWPORf BEACH SPACE & LUXURY $29,500 • 4 large bed"rooms, 2 baths, delightful family room. . Magnificent fireplace \vins admiration of all. Home- maker's dreain kitchen with finest built in appliances including ·dishwasher. Covered patio. Pool sized grounds -JandScaped to perfection. "Apple Pie" order inside & out. (9945) 540-1720 CAMBRIDGE HIGHLANDS! S32.500-WITH 5 ~ % A beautiful home -adult occupied -reflects loving care inside & out. Oversized bedrooms, 2 baths, fam- ily room -magnificent fireplace in family room, additionaJ wood burning fireplace ; enhances charm of livinS room . Many extras -water softner, sprink- lers. Dishwasher. Heavy shake roof beauty with a delightful patio & room for pool -well landscaped grounds. (0485) 540-172<1. • SPANISH VILLA-MESA VERDE on Clubhouse Circle -aristocratic Jiving wJ:!..h no maintenance cares. Spacious bedrooms. 3 separate ·baths, all electric "Award" builtin kitchen, dish- washer. Full dining room, family room, magnificent . fireplace. Heavy shiig carpeting, custom drapes thru- out. Pool & recfeation at your ''Finger Tips." \Valk lo golf course. (0153) 540-1720. 4 BEORM.-$33,500 WITH 6Yi% FHA LOAN A lovely home with truly a park-like yard. Pride 0£ ownership -excellent area near South Coast Plaza. Very•spacious home with 2 baths, large family room, beautiftil fireplace, luxury builtin kitchen, disbv.•ash· er. Wall to wall carpeting, drapes. Covered patio. ·Only 3 yrs. new & it's a "honey." Subject to annual % rate loan now on property assumption! Monthly payments less than rent! (0144) 54(}..1720 WALK TO BEACH -$28.500 -4 BEORM. . Recreation facilities all within walking distance, community club, tennis & swim pool. Very spacious tiyme with 2 bath_s, 2 patios. Fo~ air heat, dream Jcitci6en -built-in range, oven &: dishwasher. Ex- quisitely paneled living room & ~ing room. Great terms -heavy shake roof modem .. (0246) 540-1720. 4 BEDRM.-$27,900-NO DOWN 6.1. r o buy ....:. very spacious home designed for active [am.Uy living & entertaining .. 2 baths, nice family room. quality carpeting. Immediate possession. Force,4 ~ir heat, all electric built-in "Award" kit- chen. Dishwasher. Patio. Latge home in excellent area. Make your terms. (9785) ~ 1720 EXQUISITE DEL CERR0-$31,000-NO DOWN Spacious 4 bedroom home with luxury extras, mag- nificent chandelier in banquet dining room. Rich wood paneling, custom drapes, custom tile features. 2 baths. A kitchen to please the most particular ''Queen" \Vith built-in range. oven & dishwasher. Ga- rage beauti~ully paneled ideal for "Teen" parties No down G.J. or low down all others! (0315) 540-1720 NEBULOUS NEWPORT -$28,950 - WALK TO BEACH! \Valk to beach from this delightful residence -king sized bedrooms, 2 baths, family room . Dream kit- chen with built-in range, oven & dishwasher. Elegant fireplace. Patio. Charm Glow gas fired BBQ. Built-in cabinets. extra shower in garage·. Alley access FOR 1 BOAT OR TRAILER. (9798) 540-172<1. 5 BEDRM.-$34,500 WITH FHA LOAN! Spacious Bar Harbor one level executive home! 2200 sq. ft. of convenience! 2 baths. family r09m. Large family room. Plush new cloud soft carpeting, custom drapes. Water softener. ~Iassive fireplace. Covered patio. Vacant-move right in! (0354) 540-1720 DUPLEX-CORONA DEL MAR \Valk to beach &.shopping. Potential income $400 a month. 2 bedrooms eaCh unit. Built-in kitchens with dishwashers. Swedish fireplace. Priced to sell at '49,705. 540-1720 PRIVATE ESTATE "NEWPORr'-$57,500 Walled community living -aristocratic in every re· spect. Very spacious 4 bedroom~ 3 bath, Jamily room home, 2 exquisite fireplaces . 40 ft. aluminum cov. ered patio. Beautiful landscaping. Enjoy the club- house community pool, putting green. Al l the ad· vantages of Country Club living -yet estate sized grounds & privacy all your own! (0051)' 54o-!72<1 , "WOOOSEY SffilNG" D VERDE -$27.950 DelighUul ~ome in an area of prestige & conveni· ence! 3 nice sized bedrooms, 2 baths, full dining room. DelighUul, sunny kitchen with built-in range & Qven. Patio overlooking a lovely rear yard -loads of pretty, mature_ trees. Ownc!' transferred! (0472) 540-1720, $22, 7 50 WITH FHA LOAN TO ASSUME Payment less than rent includes everything. Very attractive home near -(lh mile) to beach! 135 ft. deep grounds -room for pool. Spacious bedrooms, den. luxurious shag carpeting, drapes. Price reduced $1 ,000 for immediate sale . Vacant -move right in! (0052) 540-1720 LARGE FAMILY HAVEN-$32,000! \Valk to all schools from this large family home with 4 generous sized bedrooms, oversized living room \vith fireplace winning admiration of all. 25 ft. re- creation room where all the action will be. Light & a iry built-in kitchen, dishwasher. Exceptionally nice utility room. Rich wood paneling, huge master bed- room with. dressing room & closet area. A beautiful. home in a most desirable area. Costa-Mesa. MG-1720 ' $33,500 WITH &Y:i % LOAN Prestige area near Orange Coast College & huge shopping center. Extra sharp bome·\vith 4 bedrooms, . 20 -ft. gracious living room en}lanced bd fireplace, family room. 2 baths. Oversized panele garage - ideal for ,;TEEN" parties. Subject to 6% annual rate loan assumption now on property. 540-1720 VACANT - 4 BEDROOM -$28,500 "Glen Mar" home means the most for your money! Quality -large rooms, finest appointments. Fire- place. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, family room - a kitchen de signed to please the most particular "Queen" with built-in range, oven &: dishwasher. Carpets, drapes. Near sctiools, shopping & churches. (0487) 540-1720. LOOK WHAT WE FOUND! $24,950 -SUBMIT! Submit your FHA terms. Owner leaving country & anxious. Located near park & ~bopping. Cozy borne with generous sized bedrooms, electric built-in kit· chen, refrigerator. Jr. estate sized grounds -very valuable with a huge garage -could convert to 1 bedroom rental. Hurry -see this one now--540-1720 . MESA VERDE BEAUTY -529,500 Excellent home in fine area near schools & major shopping. Darling 3 bedroom, 2 bath, family room (1600 sq. ft.) home with deep pile carpeting, custom drapes, rich wood paneling thruout. Lovely view home with a nice patio too. (0518) 540-1720. A BEAUTY WITH 5% % LOAN! Onlv 5 vrs. new & shows like a brand ne\v model home. Oversized bedrooms, 2 gleaming baths, large family room. Homemaker's pride kitchen with finest builtin appliances -even a dishwasher! ?ifajestic fireplace. Delightful covered patio. Sprinklers. Loads of concrete work. cascading waterfall. Truly a "Show Place." Subject to annual ~n rate loan assumption no\v on property -monthly payments less than rent include everything! (0218) 540-1720 What are the 15 Costly Mistakes to Avoid in Selling a Home? Wiim.ff y111 41, 4H't .,.....,.,. te .... y11r H-... 11 y11 rM4 tMa Hot. lMI ethlte ..tllorltl• Hew• enl C-pkll, M.G.A., -4 .1...,. z.Hstn, ,..,D,. -.Itel ...... "-tltet ,. -.,.. ti-. "*"'" eci..-4 _..,.._1tc1-te •Hilt • ltllM'. It h • tech .. p i• .. ,... ...... tM.., ..... It'• ,..,. frN, J•t Mii I• rM '"'"· ! TARBELL REAL ESTATE CO. I P.O. BOX 14GO, 16111 B .. ch Bl vd. ! Huntington Beach, Calif. 92647 I ,,._ ..... ,.... c-n of Y'" M ek, l "15 CMtly Mt.t911• T1 A..W 11 SeHl11t A HIN" ' ! NAM E ....••..................•...............• I ADDRESS .................................... . ~CITY ........................ STAT E ........ .. . \ 2955 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540·1720 • ~ •• ~· • I HUNTINGTON BEACH-FOUNTAIN VALLEY . Paym'!!l.~~~!~~.; i~~~ u;n~!~ m~~ right into this d~li~hllul 4 bedroom, 2 baths, de n home. Beautiful ·patio ' with built-in brick BBQ. ,Rect;ntly redeCorated inside ·& out. P r i m e location. (0482), 842-6691. "SOCIAL STATUS BUILDER" $36,950! Executiye !...... prime location home with space galore. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, family room. Most' luxurious &: quality of construction & appointments. Nu-Tone food center, Charbroiler in kitchen. Owner helps with financing so your monthly payments will be·less than rent! (0483) 846-0604. ' RAMBLING ONE LEVEr HOME-$30.500 WITH 5% % LOAN! APR loan now on property· which n1a y be assumed with monthly· installments Jess than rent. 70x100 ft, deep grounCs. Beautiful landscaped yard. Oversized bedrooms, 2 baths. Gleaming hardwood floors thru- out covered by plush wall to wall carpeting. For- .mal dining ad1acentJivinB room. Handsome break- fast· bar in kitchen with finest built-in features and family room adjoining. 2 large patio. Sprinklers. Immediate occupancy. 962-1373. SPACE -YOUTH & LOW PRICE S27,995! Only one year n~ &-sparkles with loving care & pride of ownership. 4 spacious bedrooms. 2 baths, den. Living room w(th handsome fireplace fOr all to admire. ,Lavish paneling, built-in bookshelves- many extras. Turf green lawns & neat landscaping. Owner leaving for Texas. Hurry. 846-0604. SPACIOUS HOME WITH "HIDDEN TALENTS" So many extras here -you wouldn't believe until you <See it! 4 bedrooms. 2 baths -superbly decorat- ed h_ome with outstanding conveniences. Boat gate. Gorgeous built-in wife-saver kitchen, dishwasher, banquet dining room awaiting th o s e approaching holiday occasions. Magnificent fireplace. Decora- tor's drea'!' come true! $37,500. (04247) 842-6691. "UP TIGHT?"-HEEO MORE ROOM? $31.250! U so -here 'tis! Spacious 4 bedrooms, 2 baths - heavy shake roof beauty! Plush deep pile carpeting over extra ·heavy pads lhruout! All electric dream built-in kitchen. Magnificent fireplace. Patio. Neat- ly landscaped. APR loan now on property which may be assumed. Monthly payments less than rent! First time advertised -hurry and see this One! (0435) 962-1373. VA.LUABLE COMMERCIAL LANO -$55,000 N. Side of Warner -oU Beach Blvd. Ideal for take out business. $6000 down -owner helps with bal· ance. Huge (118Xl50 ft.) grounds. Owner leaving area! Hurry -great investment for now & the fut~re! (0469) 842-6691. TALK ABOUT SPACE & LUXURY! See this fantastically beaut,iful 5 bedroom, 3 bath, family room home. 2875 sq. ft. of superb family Jiv- ing & enjoyment! 3 car garage -full dininl? room awaiting ,those special banquets, all electric push but- ton buill·in kitchen, dishwisher, exquisite hanging lamps, built-in dress ers, bookshelves -many added luxury features. Submit all terms! Almost immediate possession! (0523) 84ji-0604 WALK TO BEACH -$31.500! S3100 DOWN! ·Owner anxious -submit all offers. Spacious 1800 sq. ft. horn~ with 3 master sized bedro91s. 2 baths. family room. QU.een's kitchen with finest built-in features. dishwa sher. Massive fireplace. Beautiful Jr. Estate rear yard -room for pool. landscaped to perfection! Hurry -this won't last! (0510) 842-669 1 14111 BEACH BLVD ............ 142"691 5124 EDINGER ............... 146-0604 . HUNTINGTON BEACH ' CORONA-NORCO HORSE RANCHES AND HOMES ~r !~~n \.2JA5~~s~ ~~~i~J·s~'}r~i~~A~ with huge-pool sized yard -excellent for raising a large family. Let the children "Do Their Thing" in the huge 'family room -also ideal for adult enter· taining! 2 baths. Beautiful wife save kitchen with dishwasher & elegant ~uilt-in range & oven. Magni· ficent fireplace. Landscaped to perlection. There is also an assumable loan at 61?'1 with payments of $170 mo. including everything -543-9429. · HORSE RANCH -314 ACRE 516,000 Darling (approx. 1000 sq . ft. l home. Built-in dream kitchen. Loaded wi{h charm & livability -Great set- up for horses. 543-9429. MODERN HOME-1 ACRE-$28,500! Excellent horse property, beautiful home with over· sized bedfooms, 2 baths, fireplace, buill·in kitchen. 21h: car garage. Cus tom home in finest area. Service por.ch. Mihi orchard. So much here you'll have to see! (0258) 543-9429. . ' 2429 Hamner. NORCO 1•1-.Ne ,....,.,,, .. ..__ Ill Nwnl Toll FrM 54J.M29 , "GUN MAR" POOi. BEAUTY -533.500 NO DOWN ]ilo ~Qwn payment to G.l. 's -low-low down to all oth· ers! Beautiful pool with automatic sweep-is .J 1 ft. at deepest end. Family room with gorgeous new shag carpeting & wet bar -ideal for extensive entertain· ing. Huge bedrooms, 2 baths. Priced far below re- placement by approximately $3,000 because this needs a little "TLC'' (Teoder Loving Care}. (0509) 846-0604 OWN{JI ANXIOUS -SUBMIT S3900 DOWN! Owner will help with financing. Beautiful Colonial styled home on a quiet cul-de·sac street -where you can walk to the beach. Cen traJ floor plan -most con· venient, banquet dining room with built-in china - cupboard. Magnificent fireplace accentuates charm of living room. Covered patio. Please call to see (0527) 842-6691 REDUCED $2000! OWNER WANTS ACTION Former model home with finished garage. paneled & noored with tile & additional storage cabinets. Spa· cious bedrooms, 2 baths, family room. All the luxury features. Professionally landscaped. Owner helps with financJng. 962·1373 BELOW FHA APPRAISAL AT $34.400! Beautiful Meadow home on large lot with access for boat or trailer:· All electric "Award" kitchen,· mas-· sive Palos Verdes stone fireplace. Carpeting, drapes. Oversized bedrooms, 2¥.J ·baths. Executive kitchen with built-in range. oven ·& dishwasher. Seller's trans- ferred -hurry! 962-1373 A BEAIJTY-5 ~ % LOAN -Sl 56 MO • Payments .. Llve in luxury and comfort at monthly in• - stallmenls less than rent as you build up an equity,· in your own home & beautiful land! Spacious bed- rooms, 2 baths, family room. Completely painted in-~· side & oµt. Pool sized lot. So many extras include, built-in stereo system, beautiful kitchen. magnificent · Palos Verdes massive stone fireplace. Family room ideal for entertaining. Patio. Boat area -room for paol -park-like ·landscaping. (0439) 846--0604 FEATURES GALORE! S30.000 Sj:i~ctous 4 bedroom. 2 bath beauty. Secluded· rear · Living room enhanced by massive fireplace, overlooks I pool sized yard -with flood lights lo "Show Off'' the gorgeous ·landscaping by night! Dream kitchen with finest built-in range, oven and dishwasher. Gour· met meals t11te even greater when served in the full dining room. Plush carpeting, drapes, automatic gar- age door opener. (0519) 842-6691 18884 lrookhurst 962 1373 Fountain Valley • iL TORO· LAKE FOUST MISSION VIEJO POOL? 4 BEDRM -$28,500! Now that summer's over -here's your chance to buy that special pool home at a reaJ bargain price. 2 baths. Safely located near schools & shopping. A5'" sume APR loan of 51A % or you can buy with N9 Down G.I. -low down FHA terms. 830-6060. . $26,500 - 6% LOAN -S161 MO.! Only looks expensive & this one has all the decorator features you've dreamed of possessing! Spacious master sized bedrooms, 2 separate baths. Beautiful patio. All deluxe, built-in features. Plush caTtingc, drapes. Most appealing El Dorado home with all' conditioning ! 830-6060. $30,500 WITH 6'!/:i % FHA LOAN! Monthly payments Jess than rent. Life is wonderful in this like new (llh yrs) home with a beautiful pa .. tio for outdoor entertaining. Enter thru the inviting front courtyard into the well planned family home with spacious bedrooms. 2 baths, large family room • Homemaker's delight kitchen with finest built-in features , dishwasher. Large pool sized grounds - beautifully landscaped -room for boat or trailer. See this sharp Alondra model home & assume pre- sent Apr. loan now on property! (0541) 830-6060 "LAKE FOREST VILLAGE" $37.500! Decorator's dream 0 Deane Garden Home" with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, fa m i I y room. All electric "Award'' built•in kitchen with dishwasher & pass- lhru to• garden ratio -ideal for indoor -outdoor entertaining. Al club hou se privileges included in sales price. Much more here -formal dining room. Huge park·like grounds. (0486) 83(µ;06(}, MAGNIFICENT MANSION -$43,508! POOL! Huge home on Jr. Estate (150 ft.) g_rounds -w!~ landscaping that can't be equalJed -island paradise lush plantings surround the heated & !Utered pool. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room home. Patio - loads or decking. Plush carpeting, custom drapes, lull dining room, executive k i t ch en. dishwasher. =~·· All lhe I u x u r y features PLUS! (0517) 23331 ·El Toro Road 130-6060 I • ~J~·~:~DAl~LY~P~IL~O~T;:;;:.;:;;;:;;;:;;;~Sa~lU~~~~~·;~~lol<f~~24~,~1';~~0 ~ Trailer Show Opens at Dodg~r Stadium Questions and Comment By RH It or RandeO MC.C.rdle Is ·Lo• Angeles now th• l•rgest city ln ,th• USA? Wh•t Is the popul•tion of Lo& Angeles? How doea this compare with other cities? W. T., Cost• Mesa l\1ew Yo rk is larger. Los . .\ngeles is third. There are over eight and one half miUion people in greater Los Angeles. You compare population like this .•• not to other cities -but to states and other countries. Los Angeles' population is larger than that of any one of 44 states. For example, larger than the entire state of New Jersey. or Maine, and Massachusetts combined, or over twice the population 9f Qear old Minnesota. Greater Los Angeles has nearly_ twice as many people as Norway, and has approxin:y.tely the same population as S\veden. '-I I know you hi d something to do with the t.\i.1si~\ Viejo 1re1 ; is this one of the lergest r•ncMI in Or•ng• County? How· does this comp•r• tn size with the Nohl R•nch? With the Segerstom property? With L•guna Niguel? Wh ich Is tM largest? Is it t rut. th•t the Irvin• Ranch Is a lmost twice as l•rge as our Cteveland Nationel Forest? · • . M. H., Newport Beach Perhaps a list of the major land holdings in Orange County would answer you question ..•.. MAJOR LAND HOLDINGS IN ORANGE COUNTY ' . Holding Company No. of Acres ~. l. Irvine RaQch .................. 88,256 .;.·. "2 ... Cleveland National 'Forest .... 55,270 .1: 3. Mission Viejo Ranch . , .......• 52,440 4. · Moulton Ranch ................ 10,270 5 .. S\arr Ranch ................... 10,052 6. Laguna Niguel . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . • 7,169 .7. Noh! Ranch . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. 5.000 ~ 8. U.S. Naval \Veapons Station . . . 5,000 9. Los Alisos Ci trus Co rp. . . . . . . . . 4,117 ,:· · 10.. Bryant Ranch . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 4,050 ". 11". Union Oil CQ1t1pany . . . . ... . . . . . . 3,800 :?., 12.~ Marine .Corps Air Station, ..... 1~,000 1:~ •El Toro :~ 13. SbeU Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .~50 '•' 14. Rossmoor Corp. . ............... 2,720 15. El Toro Company .. . . . . . . .. .. .. 2, 76.7 16. Forster Ranch ............. , .'> 2,450 17. Standard Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 18. Reed Ranch ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,959 19. Gladdin~ McBean Bolsa Land . . 1,900 ,;: 20.· Bok:a .. I:.and & Company ...... , 1,609 '· ~-~ ~ 21. M;atine ·corp Air Facility . . . . • • 1,548 , ;: 22.. T. W, Webb . . .. . .. ......... · l.~2 23. N. A. s· .. U>s Alamitos .. .. . • • • 1,200 24, .Segerstrom Property . . . . . . ..• • . l ,200 25. .llacks--'lanch . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. 1.200 26. Grady Glenn Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . 1,153 ._' 27. Paul Loughridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,484 :;, 28. Reeves Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.074 ~-29. University of Callfornia .... , . . . 1,510 ~ 30. John Klug-Company .......... 3,474 l'L.: 31. Irvine Industrial Development • 2,600 Editor's-Note: Randall R. McCaTd le is th~ pre.ridtnt of the {ieai E;stater.r, an ihvestment analyst, college lecturer, and~uthor of "Real Estate in California". Send your com· meni;s c;nd questions to Randall R. Mccardle, clo the DAILY PIUQ'; P.O . Bo:i 1560, Co.!ta Mesa. • Treasury Criticized ByNAHB ·· WASHINGTON -Louis Bar· ba, president of the National Association of Home Builders, h.u criticized reported plans of the Trea.Jury to issue again notes in the $1,000 denomina· -. The lfrgtst and m o 1 t diversified display of shelter OJI wt>e,ls ever held in the West will take place during tbt Trailer Coach Associa· Uon's lllth annual Mobile Home & Recreation Vehicle Show at Qodger Stadium dur· Ing the flve-<lay period, Oct. 28 through Nov. 1. 'l1le newest and most in· novaUve mob.lie _home and- leisure life equipment will be on display to the public, with appeal to all pocketbooks. Although manufact urers and exhibitors are revealing little about new models, they pro- mise to include exciting new features. lions. Such action, Barba said, More than 300 recreation would be detrimental to the vehicles will cover the huge removed and replaced with trailer-like interiors and .. ex· teriors. The van conversions combine maneuverability of a camper with spaciousness of a travel trailer in a single unit by utilizing some four feet of floor space lost in the hood of a camper truck. housing industry and the home playing f!eld at D o d g e r buyer by drawing consumer Stadium, w h 11 e suppliers, savings from savi ngs and loan some 150 stroni, exhibit their associations and other thrlft wares atop the first tier of Institutions. seats inside the ballpar!-:. In ·The head of-the Sl ,000 mem· addition to suppliers, there ber organization... urged the will be a number of service Treasury to set minimum de-~s In the same section. Bell traced the evolution o( the recreation vehicle industry from its infancy In the 1930's to the present with more than 3.5 million .persons now owning leisure time vehicles, about one-third residing in the 11 western states. nominations at $20,000 In any All 1971 mobile homes, in future re·flnancini operations. excess of 100, will be located Barba noted that the NAHB in the giant Dodger Stadium Board of Directors recently __ T_R_A_l.:.L_E..:R_S_:,_C __ AM.:..:...::.P.:.E:.:R.:.5:....:0--V.:.E:.:R.:.F~LO.:.W.:..:....:DO~D:.G:..:E.::R~ST.::A:..:::D.::IU::.:.:M:_.:.:N:.:E:.:X.::T:....:W.:.E:..:E.::K:.__ parking area. One major had condemned the Treasury's . manufacturer alone has Issuance of notes ·in May and reserved space for ?:l units -~ugust in $1.000 denomina-N L k • T.1 _ 10 mobile homes and 17 u.,s, causing heavy withdraw· ew 00 '" 1-.e recreation vehicles. During the early 1930's and much or the 1940's, travel a.ls from thrift Institutions and con'tributing to the mortgage money shortage and continu· ance of high Interest rates. The Treasury, Barba said, had effectively nullified the ap- proach taken by President Nixon in citing the setting of $10,000 minimum denomina- tions as one of the actions by the Adminl!lratio• to assist housing. "These actions ()n the part of the U. S. Treasury Depart· ment," Barba said, "are m06t detrimental to the hou sing in· dustry and to the American public." MTI Cited By Edison Modular Technology, Inc., builder or Suburbia Homes, was the recent recipient of a SOuthem Call(omia Edison Company award for its ccn· tribution "to better living through innovation in design and construction." S8nta Ana-based MTI cur- renlly has homes under con· struction in Costa Mesa's Mesa Verde North, fe~turing popular garden-patio (zero side yard) lot planning. Three and four bedroom, two and three bath plans with. atriums are priced from $28,450. Mesa Verde North is located one block west of Harbor Boulevard at Gisler Street. Airporter in Calypso Style The Airporter Inn located across MacArthur Boulevard from the Orange County Air- port opened recently with a ''Calypso" beat. Owner.builder Richard Duffy debuted the Jlew 124-roorri Med· iterraoean villa type stru cture designed by Fred M. Briggs of Laguna Beach, architect. In- terior deeoration was by Dohr- mann Co. of Los Angeles. Duf. fy plans to slart another 126 Units here in the next few weeks. Each of' the 124 rooms is in tune with "Calypso,'' the total- ly new .wall and floor tile line for the 1970's developed by the Mosaic Tile Company at its Redondo Beach, Calif .. plant. The 11,000 square feet of flashed white· 4o/•x4V• "Calypso" glaz. ed tile used to tile showers and tub splashes at 11ie Air· porter Inn represents one of the first and major uses of the new line in Souther:n Cali· fornia. Installing contractor was Grove Tile Co., Garden Grove, operated by John Gujz. lo, member of the Ceramic Tile Institute. Mosaic Tile's "CalYP6<>" theme is the creation of a blending of subtly shaded glaz. ed tiles which enhance vesti· bufe and living areas and im- part an atmosphere of hand· crafted elegance. · The Airporter Inn has anoth· er unique construction feature in the guests suite -an in- door swimming pool. Mosaic Tile filled the order here too supplying 6"x6" Apache red quarry tile for use as pool decking and doubling as an entryway from living area to pool. \Vhile only a few guests are exposed to this luxurious Jiving at the 11ew hotel, even fewer will see the 9,000 square feet et' 6x6" Apache quarry tile utiliz- ed in the main kitchen. Mosaic Tile was specified here for its durabillty, ease of cleaning, Building Completed housed In exterior shafts. These shafts give the building a sculptured look and. provide visual interest from any angle so that the building does not appear to have a back or a front.., General contractor was B . and permanent beauty. Ceramic tile utilized on the Airporter Inn was supplied to Grove Tile through Mosaic Tile's factory branch in Ana· heim. Huntington W ins Honor A grassy park bu ilt on top of three acres of asphalt · has earned Huntington Beach a "Green Carpet" award from the Southern California Turfgrass Council (SCI'C). Honors for the development went to Eader Park on Ban- ning Street between Magnolia and Bushard streets. The city bought three acres of asphalt playground from the Huntington Beach City School District. Landscape Architect Richard Big 1 e r found the cost of removing the asphalt to build a park was too gr eat, so he put the park on top of it. This was done by piling mounds of dirt on the asphalt. contouring it to the desired shape and installing drainage systems. Parts of the asphalt were le(t exposed to form sidewalks in the three.acre park. Louis C. Bell, executive vice trailers were on the smsll president of the sponsoring side, .most measuring 13 to 15 Trailer Coach Association, feet in length. anticipates more interest in mobile homes than e v e r Truck mounted campert. in. before, citing the fact that 94 troduced following World War percent of one-family homes JI, became popular in the (under $15,000) constructed in 1950's with development of the the nation are In this category. wide bed, more comfortable He estimates 20,(11)() mobile and ni.aneuverable p a n e I homes will be .. sold in trucks. And, in the 191iO's, the California alone this year, ava.ilability of truck chassis with Southern California ae-wiihout bed became· t he counting for so percent. forerunner of the .motor home. · Current p r i c e s vary Hous ing, he reminds, is drastically from one type of becoming very critical with manufacturer to the next. President Nixon including However, they average around mobile homes in national housing goals for the first $950 for a camping trailer to SI I ,000 for a motor home. time. This represents rccogni· Prices for fully furnlahed tion that mobile home s are often the only type of home mobile homes start at $8,000. ownership affordable by young However. more elaborately marrieds or retirees. decorated models will aell Every type . of recreation upwards 10 $JO,OOO. vehicle and accessory will also Numerous door prizes, tn- be . on display at th~ show, eluding a 24-foot Sea Lander ranging from camping trailers · bousebo~t, wil.1 be awarded to t motor horn Practically Yle pubhc during the event. 0 . es. · Hours are 10 a.m. to IO all trailers 17 feet or longer . · Wedn ~-Oct 28 ( II , .. ed 'lb p.IJl., e3Wly, . ~ u Y con ... m • Wl through Saturday, Oct. 31, and to1le.ts and showers as well as · 10 · .m. to 7 .m. Sunday Nov. refrigerators. ranges and 1 a P ' water tanks so that no -==· ========:;;;;,, hookups are necessary. r- A wide variety of motor homes. the most rapidly grov.'- ing segment or the recreation vehicle market. will be on ex- hibit including the hottest new units -van conversions. Several manufacturers are showing the 18 to 19 foot, easi· ly maneuverable motor homes for the first time. Utilizing Ford, GMC or Dodge vans, bodies except for the cab are For Week ender Advertising Phone 6424321 lftission Viejo Booming ~ompany Se lling Three Hom es a Day Completion or the three· story Newport Center Building in Newport Beach was an· nounced th.is week by Bruce Nott. president or Azimulh .Equities, Inc .. the developer, and George Bissell of Reiley/ Biss e I I/Associa tes. the Newport Beach architectural finn. The 20,000 square f o o t building is located near the Newport Cinema. Nott revealed that his firm and a number or other com· panies moved into the building which will house Riley/Bissell/ Associates and R o b e r t Lawson. structural engineer on the project. Other tenants include : Carroll Scigar/Orange, Shuirman-Simpsoo, Herman , Snllth and Associates, Lantain Qirp., and Diversified Com- n•unities. H. Miller of Newport Beach. The interiors were designed by Riley/Bissell/ Assqciates and the landscape architect was M. Purkiss Associates of Fullerton. REAL ESTATE ••• ~Jnce May 1, the ?\.1ission \liejo C.Ompany has sold an average of more than three ho~es a day, making the four· mOnth span the most sue· cesdul selllng summer In the his\Ory of the homebuilding firm. According to John Marlin , Vice President of Sales and li-1arketing for the firm, the sales surge can be attributed in part to several events. "On May I, we opened our ncv.-est neighborhood, Seville,'' said ?\-1 a r t I n . "These were Mission Viejo's first true 'patiirgarden ' homes, and the immediate public response was phenomenal. In addition. "'e have opened new in· crements of each of our other fire neighborQoods during the summer, creating additional sales impetus." I ffl~t•r John R. Philllps of El Toro ha• been appoint· ed director o! 111arkeL· in~ • •l Cool.en'lporary Mobile Home Corpora· ~fOr'i. Purchasing vice president, Robert Maurer, reports that, for the first time in two years, construction costs have appar- ently leveled orr, allowing the firm lo hold the price line on the homes in (he new incre· ments. "While we cannot pre- dict that this trend will contin- ue reasonably certain that both materials and labor costs will remain constant through the re11t or 1970," said Maurer. Martin added that the population of Mission Viejo is now in excess of 12.500 residents. He commented that the increase in population has resulted in a rise in referral sales. "!\-1any of our homeowners are like built-in salesmen," said Martin. "Their great community ·spirit is renected in the enthwiasm of family, friends, associates, eve n casual acquaintences, ~'ho sometimes come down and buy homes in 11ission Viejo. We must always give our homeov"ners credit for some of our sales," he concluded. Mission Viejo residents have much about which they can be enthusiastic. The area has oft.en been cited as America's most successful master.plan. ned community. It currenU y encon1passes six new-home neighborhoods; shop pi n g ; churches; elementary. junior hig h and high scbools; junior college : parks and a wlldcrneu glen: recreation centers; the Mission Viejo Goll Club and fM : lndustrfal and commercial plaias; fire s t a t i o n : medJcal-<lental build i ng : and Old MacDonald's Farm, a na. tlonally«nown C h t l d r e n ' s animal display .t.nd ZOO.- The stx neighborhood$ In-- elude .New Coronado, which range In price from $22,995 to $28,M ; New Eldorado, from Ill,~ lo 129,311; La Pa~ with pr1cts starttng at 128,500; New Granada, wilh prices from $28,990 to $42 ,500 ; Mission Ridge , which starts at $45,950; and New Seville, which ranges in price from $24 .995 to $33,495. Currently under construction in J\o1ission Viejo are an auto plaza, theatre. dramatic new Casa Loma Apartment.! and library. Future plans for the 11,000- acre e<>mmunily include a ma· jor regional shopping plaza. hotel complex, add i Lion al recreation centers and parks: more single and mulli·famil y housing; and two more freewa y accesses. The ma!ter-planned com· munlty is easily reached from the San Diego Freeway via the El Toro, La Paz or Avery Parkway ramps. VP Office For Shubin Bill Shubin has been pro· rooted to the newly-created position of Vice President of Real Estate Development for th e City Man a g c men t Corporation, It was announced here today. Shubin. 36. formerly was director of real estate develop- ment and director of office lee.sing for the City. In his position of vice prc!sident of the real estate development division, Shubin's rcsponsibilitie3 are expand~ to Jnc.lude directing the develoPme.nt Of Ill V8C&nt pro- pertlts •l the City. Con· currently, 1s gene.ral manager of the apartment division, he is responsible for overseeing completion or the ph11se one aparlment. development - Bissell noted that Nott re· quested a small office building which would ' be compatible with the existing high.rise buildings at Newport Center while providing m a x i m u m flexibility for multiple tenan· cy. ''This building is really tv.·o structures: one rectangular and the other Ir.sha ped," Bissell said. "The buildings ,are joined by a bridge on the tv.·o upper floors. Brick-paved interior gardens feature foun- tains and trees. To increase flexibility by p r o v l d I n g uninterrupted interior space. all stairv.·ays, elevators, and mechanical equipment are September Bes t Month With 24 home sales, Sep- tember was the best month in the nine-month history of the Country Sce ne at Lake Forest. reports Norman Stern, sales manager for the M. J. Brock & Sons, Inc. development. The M. J. Brock & Sons development offers ten one l and twirstory plans with two to four bedrooms. Prices range from $24 ,550 to $31.750 v.'ith the only FHA and VA terms available in Lake Forest. The Country &ene may be reached by taking the Santa Ana or San Diego Freeway to the El Toro Road off-ramp, going nnrth on El Toro to l\1uirlands Boulevard and west on ~tuirlands past Ridge Roule Drive to ihe models. I See by Today's Want Ads • THAT • IT 'S • DIME • A • LINE • DAY! The City Terrace nparuntnts.,., __________________ _ An Investment Worth Investigating Take a look at the REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT SERIES A:re you searching high and low, seeking just the right investment for your money? This series of free lectures on the real estate market featuring top-rated experts in the investment field, might be exactly what you have been looking for. Plan now to attend the lectures to be held on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 o'clock in the College Center Bldg. of Golden West College. Remember . ~ . there is no charge to you. Just sign up this Tuesday and let the experts point the \vay Lo successful investing through real estate. LECTURE TOPIC·S OCT. 27 -CREATIVITY IN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGING I Speakers -Jack Ki•tlor and Bob Steelo NOV. 3-RECOGNIZING A GOOD INVESTMENT Speaker -Don Olson CO.S PONSORID IY DAILY PILOT HUNTINGTON IEACH ·FOUNTAIN VAUIY . IOARD OF · REALTORS COAST COMMUNITY COWGE DISTRICT ......... 0 I ' I . . 0 Tustin Meadows 0 University Pork 0 Turtle Rock Hills :: (?> broodmoorlurtle Rock :: ·. -: ~i ., . :: ·. :· •: Q Harbor View Homes e , . ' • CREATlllB I BETTER EllVIRDlllEllT FDR YOU \ ior clesig111e Here are 36 of e see the rest. & TheColony @ The Colony 6 The Colony E) CulverOole E) CulverDole -(ti' CulverDole 0 U..Wversity Pork-0 University Pork 0 University Pork 0 Turtle Rock Hill s G) Broadmoorlurtle Roc.k 0 · Broodmoor Tur1Je Rock f) The Bluffs 0 Harbor View Hills ~ Harbor View Hills <:) Ha rbo r View Hill s f) Th e Colony €) CulverDole 0 Turtle Rock Hills 0 Brood moor Turtle Rock .,,. () Harbor View Homes 0 Harbor View Hills f) Th• Colony G) University Pork 0 Turtle Roel HUis . . 0 B.roodmoor Turtle Rock 0 Harbor View H!lls •• ·: .. . ·: ' .. .. ' . ·' -·, :, ~ ·' • .. ' ~ , ' ., ~ .. • • . . . • I . '. : .. . ' ,. our place The Irvine envi ronmen t is really nine environments, created by builders we hand picked not only for their quality standards, but fo r the ir imagination. N o molter what your price range, you"ll Fln d on excellent selection of styles and floor plans. , . . •• ~ . .. .:..:;;;: ' .. ~ ,,,.. ' •. :::o11o .. -· •·: e 1t1'0 JMf ll VINf C.OM,ANY .:: " .... ··-'O .... , .. IRVINE PACIFIC O~EAN~~ D Creat ing a belier environmen t ho s its proclicol side1 too-the prot ect ion of your investment. Irvine is considered the Fl ne st example of cit y planning in th e world. So as Irvine grows, th e value of your home will, too. 0 You con choose a home in 9 different Irvi ne· planned neighbo rh oods. near the Un iversity or the orange groves, in the foothills or overlooking the ocea n. Yo u'll Flnd Flne schools, abun dant porks and convenient shopping centers. Theres also Fashion Island for more el aborate shopping sprees. 0 l ook at the mop. Con you imagine a better place to raise a family? To live and work an d ploy in? You con buy the land or lease ii. You r choice.All prices shown ore leasehold except Tustin Meadows, C ulverDole, and The Colony. OTustin Meadows from $29,745 The homes ore clustered around a large meadow. Only 2 models and 8 styles remai n. Fencing and fron t.yard landscaping free.-Gronl Company al California is the develope r. f) The Colony from $28,995 In W alnut Village, featu res gourmet kitchens, secluded yard s, and a private recreation center. A plonnea shopping cente r will odd to the convenience. f ive models and Fllteen styles by Wm. Lyon Development Company. t)CulverDale from $24,995 Built around a pork and • · recreation center wit h pool and courts for tenn is, badminton, basketball and volleyball. Eig ht models and 23 styles. Grant •• Company of California is th~ developer. 0 University Park from$28,995 With. putting greens, tennis courts, children"• playground s and miles of meandering pat hs. Eleven models, 21 styles. The developer Is the Stanley C.Swartz Company. 0 Turtle Rock Hills from $55,000 This neig hborhood won a Grand Prize in notional competition. ;~ ... A hillside setting tha t gives you picture postcard views. Four models and 7 styles. Built by Middlebrook·Anderson. ..;; . " 0 Broad moor Turtle Rock from $29,990 There ore conf enient neighborhood porks, a planned regional -~ pork and a good -sized ocean nearby. Five models and 15 styles to choose from, built by Richard B. Smith Developer, Inc~' 0 The Bluffs from $30,950 These homes overlook a sparkling harbor, acres of beautiful green belts, and The Newport Beach Tennis Club. Five models. George M. Holstein & Sons is the developer. 0HarborView Homes ,; from $29,99511. lovely pork and enough pathways to make autos seem un necessary.Yet Fashion Island and Newpori ,j:~ '- Bea ch ore close by. Six models and 29 styles. By Donald l. Bren Company. Cl) Harbor View Hills from $41,95~ Your view is a sweep of the PociFlc, complete with breeze . Six models and 22 styles to choose from . Lusk Homes is • ·• t~e developer. •Information Cent•~ Stop at our.Information Center on the Santa Ano Freeway at Myford Rood • .':, ... -· - •• • ;. ,. OAILY PILOT . • SPACIOUS PATIO.GARDEN KITCHENS IN NIGUEL HILLS HOMES Niguel Bills Domes Patio f(itchens Popular Spacious gllS! • enclosed pa· tio-garden kitchens, one of the most pOpular amenities offered in Southern California homes today, are featured in every Niguel Hills plan. The SI! million housing com- munity, located on Crown Val- !ey Parkway and La Plata, is a Crown Developme1t • boilt community. '"lbe patio kitchen provldes homeowners wilh many indoor· out.door cooven.lencea," s a J d Ronald R. Foell, president Of Standard • Pacific Corporation and co-developer ot the new community. "Each Niguel Hills kitchen is complete wilh large windows and a sliding wall of glass in the adjoining family room so that every homeown- er can fully enjoy superb coun· U')'side views." The Niguel Hills paUo kitch- en is complete with color-co- ordinated built-in appliances, quality flooring and hand-rub· bed furniture -finished cab- inetry. In addilion to Niguel Hills attractive kitchen. each home includes: s p acious living rooms; Iormal dining areas ; lifetime ceramic tile; CU!tom lighting fixtures; master suit· es, complete with private bath and vanity area; extra -wido hallways and plentiful cup- board and closet space. All of the Niguel Hills homes are built on terraced bluff lots providing excellent views and total privacy. Convenient $hopping facilit- ies are close to the new homes including the newly completed Oranae County South Coast Re- Building Dips in Laguna commerc:lal additions a n d a1ter1Uo115 and the remainder gional Civic Center, which In- cludes a courthouse, a fire sta- tion, two major banking · branches and the county bu'.ld· ing department. Immedlat.ely adjacent to the new Civic Cen· ter is the Laguna Nlguel Town Center, complete with a mar- ket, drug store, beauty and barber shops, a bicycle shop and numerous other novelty shops. New schools including the Crown Elementary S c h o o I, wh ich is conveniently located within the housing develop- ment. are -easily accessible to Niguel Hilla reside11ts. The new community I! also clOSe to numerous recreational facilities including beaches. Ac· cesses to the San Diego and Laguna Freew~i are within a five-minute drive of Niguel Hills. Prices of the three-and four- bedroom luiury homes start at 12!,9!0. Laguna Buch construction figures dlpped in September, with 34 build.inc permits for building valued at $155,lm issued by lhe city Building Department. compared with H permits valued at $315,595 in September, 1969. for walls, fen«! a n d ;==========;:;! Three pennits were issued for new single-family dwell- ings, one for a commercial buillfin&, 18 for residential and miscellaneous auxiliary struc- turts. Total valuat ion of permit! issued to dale this year amounts to $1.938.458, com· pared with a figure of S5.Z69,158 !or the same period last year. OIILDREN LIKE UNCLE LEN 1 · I ~LOWEil SHOW&SALE I l f-.. I· ''" i ! ' 1· i • ' ·- ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS • TREE FORMS ARRANGEMENTS AND WALL PLANTERS /l'' Podocarpus ......••. Reg. $35.00 Salt $21.00 .. Rhododendrons ... , •. Reg . $35.00 Salt $26.00 Tropical Pertussum ... Reg. $35.00 Salt $26.CO •N!u~!~··~.·.~~eg.F$L!~~~~l0 P.eonies ....•...•... Reg. $10.50 Salt S 9.00 Fuji Mums ..•.••. , . Reg. $ S.50 S1l1 $ 4.50 Boston Fern , ..•. , .. Reg. $ 6.00 Silt $ 5.50 :ieran iums .......... Reg. $ 4.00 SaM $ 3.00 .....,_., ' ARRANGEMENTS • Bajket of Zinnias .... Reg. $20.00 Sale $17.00 BaS:ket of Straw Flowers Reg. $20.00 Sile $17.00 Baskets of Fruit ...... Reg. $12.50 S1l1 $1 0.00 CUSTOM MADI FLOUL CENTER PIECES All fl owers .............. from $20 to $55 SALE ENDS TODAY, SATURDAY! Dia1nond Bar U D'1eils\~xhihi t Ho1ne Tbt Country """"' •t lhe ~ ·In Diamond Bar, a . dr.matjc new multl·level -c~ t.empotary CJllfornia ranch· style nhlblt •home, will be open to the public for a limited period beginning this weekend (October 24·25) at the ex· elusive eastern San Gabriel Valley foothill community. . Deslaned by B.A. Berkus Associates of Los Angeles and built on a slopinr vlewsite basically retained In I t s original state, the two-story home has four levels of In· ttrlor elevation emphaslzlng indOOMMJtdoor family living a n d e q u e ·s t rian-<1rlented recreational facilities. The exhibit houie will be open d1Uy trom 9 a.m. to dusk for a six-week period. Tbett is no admission charge and visitors may obtain tour passes at the community's In· formation center, located at Diamond Bar Blvd. an d Shadow Canyon Road south of the Pomona Freewa,y. The Country in Diamond Bar Is a private 2.400-acre multi-million dollar recreation- residential community being developed by Transamerica Develi>pment Company, of- fering fully-Improved estate· size homesites ranging in size from one-half acre to 20 1icres with larger parcels a I s o available. The 3,100 square·foot Coun· try Housl!, built on a site two- thirds of an acre In size, has a highly functional rambling, modern design yet Is reminls· cent of yesterday's western home brought up-to-date. Commanding a sweeping view of rolling hills and oak· covered meadows, the If rouearn 1 "balanced power" home in· eludes IOW' bedrooms, one of which can be used as a bunk room·playroom: living room, formal dining room, family r o o m . convcrsation·sludy alcove, kitchen, two and one- half bathro oms, three fireplaces, front courtyard and patio, swimming pool and ad· jacent equestrian facility with two horse stalls and tack and feed rooms . The four.Jevel architectural de sign of the house provides strong separation or t h e formal and informal living · areas with a circular stairway tying the four elevations together. The !onnal living room, with a wide window view of the surrounding valleys and mountains, has an open·beam sloping celling with its peak two stories high reaching to heights up to 18 feet. A double-sided brick floor·to- ceillng fireplace divides the living room with an adjoining c o n v e r sation·study room alcove . per month JOU COUid call it home At $950 per month, you could qualify for our biggest 4-bedroom plan. Here you·11 fi nd bigger·than·average bed rooms - includi ng master suites with private baths. You'll find im pressive glass·wa lled living roo ms - with hand·crafted masonry fire pla ces. And over!.ize kitchen/family rooms -with sl iding glass doors. The Crossroads dream ·come·true is located at the junction of the Newport and Sa n Diego Freeways. With a planned comrnunity park directly opposite. And exciting South Coast Plaza just around the corner. Each home is on a 6,000 square foot (o r larger) lot. And fin ished in a rich, woody exterior. With cedar shingle roof. Vaulted ceilings. Spacious kitchen with range, double oven, dishwasher and disposer. A big garage with storage, service and workbench areas. And full rea r and side·yard fencing. The Crossroads is a fine example of the qual ity which has made Levitt the most fam&us name in home building. Quality wh ich makes it possible to give a warranty for as long as you own and occupy the home. It's a warranty no other builder da res to offer! GUID-OPllllG SILi T\JSTIN '"' 2nd Unit 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms $24,490 to $27,990 VA/FIA o/C1Trforn1a, I"<· A aubsldl•ry of \.tvltt tnd Smls ll'ltOfl>Or.led • ' Wortd Wld• Servkt of ITT Information: (714) 557-8783 ' I I ' II a b 11 0 r r. ' • I; t t I t I ' t I J, ) ) t t , e r ( ' r ' f ' c <. n t t ( t ' ' ' ' I l I I ' I ( ' ( t , s a ' ii s h r • ~ H g I• ~ z y • n v • ( d t c c I L s Wife Nurtures Seed of Wi sdom DEAR ANN LANDERS : Poor Rotund Roz - seven months pregnant and no Mother's Day gift! I have a 10-month-old baby and l qualified for a gift- or at least a card-but I didn't get one either. Did il bother me? Not in the least! Mike is the grea test guy in the world, he just liappens to be no good at this sort of thing. 1 am always prepared on -• DAILY PILOT JI • • Sweet Kitty to Dispense .. }: WASlUNGTON (UPI) -is Sen. John G. Tower of Tez· Oregon Senator asked, some At a .second closed meel,ing, money. Ume, Inouye could not eUd Jr• Sen. Tower Das Even by Republican .stan-as. candidates are getting so Toy.·er gave an acaiunting of Tower would not say y.·hy a any money from t b r i dards, a million dollars ls a Tower <lid not seize control much and others 50 little? how he allocated the money. f~\low Te1tan fared so well at Democratic Sen•torlal Cln:. I sweet campaign kitty. of the commiUee. He simply At the time Hatfield brought Apparently he 11 at Is r Jed his larder except to announce paign Committee until afte: ; This bundle oC cas h -give followed the tradition of long-er take 8 couple hundred standing which entrusts the up the IS!ue, the figures were everybody -including Hnt-that at the next public his primary, a very late Oc!. "' thousand - is earmarked chairman of the committee interesting. Cield. disclosure of dlsbu..sements, 3. specifically (or the election wilh all the v.·ork. The most glaring example Tower v.·as less candid with Bush would still be well ahead. When Inouye took over 1· and re-election of Republicans Sen. Edy,•ard W. Brooke of v.·as that Rep. George Bush, reporters. He declined to go A short time later, it was chairman last year, he made : ;,! to the Senate next week. ~1assachusetts, a tnember of running for the Senate In Tex-into any details, except to say di~losed that Buih was up to cominand decision. Incumber: Nominally, the purse holders the committee, ca{l<lidly ad-as, had received more than the judgments on y,•ho got how $11S,OOO and Goodell had risen senators seeking re-elecllo' of the. loot are members of the mitted ffe.-had atfended only $70.000 v.•hile poor Sen. Charles much were made oo the basis to $30,000 (plus much-used air Republican Senatorial Cam-one mee ting and that one had E. Goodell of New York . be8et of such factors as electability, travel credit that the To~er could get money before thei • • paign Committee, assigned al nothing to do with allocation of by enough problems as is, was organiiation, and available group paid for). primaries. They did -$10,00? ;;...,.~ the party caucus. But, in fact, n1oney. receiving only about $6,000. money. · Tower's Demo c r a l I c late In 1969. ...r~t !Mother's Day, birthday and anniversary with a big beautiful plant. which I order in advance. I don't put a card 011. It but it looks as if it came from l\1ike. I do this not for myself, but for him. I don't want him to be embarrassed about forgetting. in case fam i- ly or friends come over -and they always do. the committee is a one.man To\\'er was merrily dispens· It was indelicate for any From that criteria, it could counterpart, Sen. Daniel K. That cost S:W,000 -1ma -,::J eatJUed to the weddla1 &Uta If operation. ing money until Sen. J.lark O. other Senator to point out be assumed Bush was a sure-Inouye of Hawaii, has had but not n e c es s 11 r i I y ir .. • sbe triabea to k~p them. The m i 111on.do1 1 a r Ha tfield of Oregon brought publicly that Towe r and Bush shot winner, with a fantastic l!Ome similar problems. significant for the hard-u_ You'llcome off looking mean paymaster this election year him up short. How come, the both happened to be Texans. organitation -and not much Running for ~lection last Democrat.s. andpetty U you ast that your ,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- gUt be returned. The poor girl is probably miserable and upset and slae doeu't need u y more aggravation. Forget II. Th is big lug or mine is so terrific in the ways that mat- ter, I can afford to overlook his poor memory. Print this, "" Ann. Scmie of the "forgotten wives" might feel better if they see It. -THERE WHEN I NEED HIM DEAR TH ERE: Wh at a lovely letter! It's obvlou1 that you are th ere when he needs you too! Thanks for a day- brigbtener. (Take a lesson, bridet.) DEAR ANN LANDERS' There seems to be no prece- dent for this. At least we can't find anyone v.·ho knows or one, Our niece was married t'A'O weeks ago. The wedding was magnificept. (Three months of elaborate pla11nin,e; -flowers nown in from the Islands. everything the bride's parents could th ink of to make it ex- quisite.) Nine days after the cere- mony the bride returned home. Her husband is still honeymooning. By himself. No one knows the details but the bride is suing for divorce. Question: What should be done about the wedding gifts? Some of us gave sizable checks. which were cashed before the wedding. Your counsel will be 1 appreciated -STILL NUMB IN SAN MATEO DEAR ANN LANDERS ' l'm a junior high student who 11eeds somebody to figure out something.lor me. 1'.ve got a small allowance and my girl has a big appetite. She is eati11g herself out of my life. Eunice is the only girl , like so please don't suggest J switch to somebody who doesn't eat so much. We are both 14 and we walk home from school together. This is when she gets hungry and v.•e have to stop so she can refuel, That chick can put away two hamburgers and a malt with no trouble. There is no way J ca111 get hold or more money. l've ask- ed my dad for an allowance i11crease to k~p pace with in- flation and he says he is cut- ting back on everything and that I will have to do the same. If Eunice was fat I'd have a talking point but she is skinny as a rail artd trying to put on weight. Suggest something, please, and remember I like her a lot -POVERTY IN TOPEKA DEAR POV: Level with Eunice. Tell her you can't af· ford her appetite. Ir she ls unable to make it home withou t nourishment, 1uggest t he bring an extra sandwich and an apple to school to tide her over. Toug li Me x ican Rules No Bar to Business MEXICO CITY (UPI) -In the face of strong left-wing gains in Lalin America, economists are viewing with increasing fa vor ~f ex i co' s delicate balancing act between wooing foreign investment and fanning the flam es of na- tionalism. Mexico's formula is simple: Through a series of decr-ees since-1945, the government has ordered that Mexicans hold at least 51 percent or the shares in 26 industries. Many foreign businessmen see potential threats to their investinents in the left-wing military regimes in Bolivia and Peru and the election of Marxist Salvador Allende to the Chilean presidency. The "Mexicanization" pro- gram has not frightened foreign Investors. On the con- trary, new foreign investment zoomed to $197.3 million last year, $80 .5 million above the total in 1968. Two-thirds of the tnoney came from U.S. in- vestors. "We sren'l expropriating anything from anybody," said Octaviano Campos Salas, in· du stry and cnmmcrce minis- te r. He explained : "We simply arc opening op- portunities so g r o w i n g domestic savings may have preference in new Mexican in- dustry and we are defending it from any disloyal practice. from any I n t ernatio n al maneuver which could destroy this honest effort of the Mex- ican people." Mexico has nationalized five key sectors o ft.he economy. These state monopolies are in p e t r ochemicals, railroads, electricity and telegram com- mun ications. Eight other industries must be 100 percent owned by the Mexican private sector . Included in this category are various financial and banking institutions, radio and television companies, trucking firms. natural gas distributors and forest developers. Since the expropriation of the petroleum industry by the late Laz.aro Cardenas in 1938, every Mexican president has stressed that foreign capital was welcome so long as outsiders accepted the obliga- tions of Mexican nationals and only so long as the enterprise served the country. Mexicanization was born in the closing days of World W&r JI, when interest of U.S. in- vestors in the Mexican economy revived. The Manuel ARBUCKLE & SON Avila Camacho regime pro- Wcstcllff Mortuary mulgated an e m e r g e n c y '17 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa decree, which later became 646-"'811 permanent law . • BALTZ MORTUARIES Death l\'ot lc ... Corona del Mar , ... O~ 3·9458 11----====---1 Costa Mt1a ....... ml HUI CUNLIFFE • Fr1nc:t1 H. Cunllll1, Aft" ~ ef lltl s ..-1>1n1 Dr!,,.. Hunll1191on 811c11. BELL BROADWAY 0111 o1 d•1111. 0ctoMr n. s.irw1v1c1 tw MORTUARY w1'1, P11r!1 d1utMtr1. Mkl>tll-C1rn1-,.,."-Centi ,.,_, M.1•cl1 CunlUlt , 110 Broadway, Costa l\fesa N--' l••cfl• M1rl cun11t11, Hunlln• LI I 'IJJ !Oii llPlcl'H JOn, Mlcll1el Cunllllt, CMll -.> Meti l 1ltlffl, Joc:tlYn Croc:ttl"t, Ruin • Wo.llel, tlCtll of Ptlad-; JUl\t W(I04. ruff, Vin Nuy1; RDbl!rl1 P-. Cllt!I· .l\1eCOR.i\11CK LAGUNA worlll: P1rrlcl1 Ht1Hn, Otllo: lllrtt JIEACJI l\10 RTU ARY t•tndcnlklrtn. S..Nltes, Mond1v. ~::ID PM, Mo!ltlll Mo<!U1rV ClltDl l, lont 1715 Laguna Canyon Rod. effdl. cr1m111on to tollOW, F1m11~ Iii •• I. sunet-11 lllolt wl1Mn1 lo mtkt • memotltl con!rlbull-. llltlH (Onltl· e butt IO TM Amerf(tn C1nc1r Soclt!v rACIFIC VIEW "' ""' Htt rt F~. MOllt l!'t Morlv. t rv, Dl•ICI ..... MEMORIAL PARK DANVER Cemetery l\fortuary L•llf'it"C"I c. o-.... R111d'"1 "' co- l r-ont dtl Mtr, Dtlt (If CIMlfl, Oc:I. 21. Cbape Sw,..twM tw wilt, Mtrlo!! L. Dtn~tr; 3$00 Paclllc View Drive _., Ltm' Ni· 01n.....,, Cott• MKI; -t ••f'ld!Oft. St-~t Dtn-Newport Beach, CalUonUa ¥er. s.rviw., w~ ..... 11 AM. H;u. '4t-Z7M sldl O>llrdl, l111tr""""" to fOlllw •• Ron ~dlls MttnOrlt l ''"'· Wlllltltl'. • Oll"Kted by R-HHlf M'"111tn. PEEK FAMILY DE RUFF J11wl A. Ot Rutt. "" n, °' Mt '"' ' COLONIAL FUNERAL 11 .. coat• ........ Dtre o1 dMt11,,0c:1. Jt0~1E 21. s~rwlvM b'+' 'll'Ht, Gtr1Wl,..1 ton, RoblrTl """ t rtnck."Hdrtfl, WV\<""' 7801 Bolsa Ave. wm hi! htld M_,..,., ' JIM, l rM1:1W1v \l'tll-'"lltr 193-UU CNIHI. •llPI tr1Mdi'r G_..11 -fll· UUll '.. win T1v1'11 otllcltll119. ll'ltfi""""'· Mir. • bor Ill" M-ltt P1r1t. ltll lrOtd· SHEFFER l\10RTUAR'r' .... ,, Morlwt,Y, O!rtctors, t.agun1 Beach , ..... 454-1535 FAILING • Vlolt! M1rl1111 Ft!Mno ....... "' OI ' San Clemente .. , ... 4f2..0100 c;1:1111nt11 L-. l'"oun11r11 v111t,,, 0111 e o1 0t1111. Oc:toMr n. su,.,lv.., llt ....,,. bll'ld. AtUlll l foiir 1fU1r1, Mr1. Mir· S~trrltS' ~IORTUARY MNlll TPW••· Mrt. I H11be!ll ""''It• 1!7 li•la St. Mra. ,.,,,1111 1~11'111'1 Mr1. Luclllt ,...,. Mtll!d:tonl !WO ~nmitl'f, l:ll'fl'!'ll '"" Hunllnl{ton Beacb 1t0fllrt TllorM. s.r11e1~ ...... _,,, o:• 13t453t AM, M•-lt l CMl>tl, 116'1 M!ll\ MerN1rl~I llltlt, Wllflller, Roat HUit MOrt1111'), Olrtct-. c ..... ., .... :::-. $)18 •1n Value Bayer lettlaaf200 Aopl••$)22 Toblltl •1"va111 MaJorLabel Stereo Records • Fra nk Sll'ICltns ............... • n.n., Btmett • Deon Mortin • Johnny Cash • Gltn Compbolll cind many mort ! ~)19 Reg. s1 ... s1 19 Hair Fashion Accents '21' All Metal Porta-Flies Wit• P11t1I Ctl1n ~t!!Ywith $)68 lock and key prot1ctlon. Holdl up ta 800 doeutn1nl1. K1ep oil your w f· uoblo pop1!1 or;ont1odl SJ" VllHI ............. Halloween Costumes $)39 •Cl ........ •GeURecb •Sk ....... •Wlhll• ... ....... ,., ........ ._, ..... ~"' II'· $1u Boxed Stationery l1ln l111 • Hltnl 11 diff•~ dnlgl"ld Ort· coro!fd otld ploln poper, 20 •h••t• with Jrntd Of'IV<l!opa. 77c ... "111 Favoritts of 79c , t ri c k o r t r oat•r •T How o bo1t r on hone:! on ' Hallowl«\. g ough.-..d fino-rtli:-Grid polm, ~- 1of t 11n1:;y. Chok1 ofY1 . low ot ~ In S-M·L ht quollty rubbtr fOI' klr'ICI lift. NJ11atuM at- toch.1---IQir\ lec1ttllf ~ r o 11'1 &Ilk. lldo-r u I o tuning. Su p1 rbptr• formonct , 79' pr. Men's Fashion Socks s29" Value! Polaroid 9 or Pack II Camera s24•1 Oi&or pt1tr11 "' •~I bloc.k. & YINll In_. Eoctrlc~ buUl·ln flllh ..,. Eoq looclil\O. -~lllck &Wliltl 127 ., 620 Fll111 Padcoli 49' Sto<k L90rt Thrifti• _ ..... , • Tllrlft, Jlj lledt • W!Vtt P~, 18 .. ......,.. ······:········· BONUS-PHOTO* PRD~~INQ t llf II IJ!rll •1lld prlt f •H• ''''1 rt11f1r '"'' •• .: ...... , fll•li•···· 1114;11 ...... fU• 1111. • I ..,. N,-.. 1hll "-- • OrtMt Acfyllt • .,..._ 6 , .. s3 '" $9.91 Valuel K•nMr la1y $how Profector lot!try optf'Oltd. $howt. $7"" color '"°"'I" on conllnuo- llUI loop ll'"' cartrldgt, , ~.It Valuol Homo The Atln>l ... r ~r:.-:11(~'; '3" c.Jllc OllJWlt, LAArt1Df -- s19" Value! Mattel Hot Whuls Slnltr i ~ C.llfaml1 I ~-'""£:'i~l2M ~ Duol &..,' . ~...-w~..,~·~~~~~ .._,, Valuol APWlfL Compvter •-II ~ f~1ii By";,.;:'! '6" gram. Sove ol'l.111. $2.29 Value! ParkM Phony laloney P'lotllc l>o!on.r lookl to • 111 '"t It l!'IOkh you hunory. • It comtt opc_:irt In I 0 plo- (h ~ TY''''r and smw'f, '211 Value Breck Basic Hllr Ctadttlt11r ....... ...... 69' Valual Close Up THiii ....... 1 • .i.1, 44c •ff lobll 'I" Valve! Dial 'I" Value. Y0·5 --,...., ""'' ll!llWY .;-;,. ·Reg. 98' 225 fMI Recording Tapes :;;kt:rl:::-z Jae· -o totol of '7S f..,l Top cp.iolity, .-p1ko frn . Fluorescent Desk Lamp t>.u v ... 1 3 C....tfl'.l\90rory d 1 • $ 98 '""· ..... ..... . fl n lth for loltlrlt :=a.ioob. U.t....,. ·- • • ; . .. -· ·' t ,• _, -~~ :~~ ~ ·1 • 1 t ·i . l; . -;: 20 OAll Y PILOT ~. '" a~ ... ti~ Ji<: '"' ~ ... !!,. l)~• .... w !'r! ~. ff t n ' " "" a: '" I!. i'!r • ". '" ~W • ~ ~"" "" "" m ... "' '"' " " ,. ,. . ••• "" "" .~. ~\! \E ,. .. "" , ... li" .... n~ "' ~~ "" :r.: S1lurdiy Octobtr 24, 1970 • • I ' > 1 ,1 • • -Week's and Year's High, Lo,v, ~. YOIU( (Aili -tor '"--: Mi:r~tw Satul'dq, Oct.obtr 24, 1~70 OIJLY PILOT 2J • •• • •• ~ ·. s • ·~ i I J f. . . • l i' -0 • • >• .... ' • . . H.UR,RY! ·~H .URRY! ... WlllLE 'THEY LA.ST -r ~ •• . . ' , ~ -· ' • ONLY '.29 1970. BUICKS . LEfT · BRAND NEW . BRAN.D NEW · . Brand ·New I Executive Car$ 1970 OPEL s·EDAN •• ·1970 OPEl WAGON . . . . .. DELUXE· . . . I 02 H.P. engine. Whilo·w11i tires. 'EiihOu~t omission,sysloin.: · · ' ' I , ' 4-Speod Transmission. Fully factory· ~uipped. Soriei No. 399299150. Stock 02130. AND . · BRAND NEW ·~.:~ ' . '7 . . . .. 2 D()OR . · . .. . \v~itw :w 18 Tires, S~rt . ·102 H.P Engine, E.E. ·Sy'stem, ' • ' -• ' ' ' t < ' ' • • • I . • . . Hee'vy. Oojty B1tter.y, Hinged Rear l/4'. Win~ow. Serial No • . ' ' '." ,. . ' !I i _: •. · . • i.1il~,\s3o. sfock 2122. . • .:· •• , · ::·_ ... . ' . . . . . : . ' ' . . . . . .. · . : ,J.lmm·~di~~ IJ,1r~~ry At:i fantastic Savings . · -· . · · · .. ..,. ~Larr•t ·0,pel ·lriventory ·In Orange County · s1· .... " __ . BRAND NEW 1970 OPE( GT . ~ ·' . . BRAND NEW 1970 OPR SPORT COUPE DELUXE BRAND NEW 1970 OPEL SEbAN SPORT DELUXE I I \ '' . ' ". .. . . · BRA~. NEW _;' . 1970 OPJ&,; .:ftALLYE KADm . . . • · · · ~ '· • White Wall Tires, 102'H.P. En9in•~ l Spe•d.Aut.ometic. .. · , . S: fe Choos• from '102, hp. •n~ifte. 4 .,sp.ed full ftic.tory ·1'.o1 hp •n~in, .. ."Automatic, whit9 w•ll tir.s, ·E. E:. system, Transmission, Electric Clock, ~· E. Syst.,.,.:Seriel'91,9l6-. Sport "K•dett En.gine , E. E. System, Fu lly Factory Equi~~ •.ituipP.ed. Seriel No. 9~9421.57.681.;S!od,~I Ol . ele~ric clocLSerial ~· 95921.92522. Stoik •OJ~lO" ' 4287, Stock 1879. . · · •. . ~ed. Serial 929263833 . Stock Number 2040, '3188', .. ~ ·~2'318"~.' . . $218lt ·~. ".,. •' L•· ., , •2368 MIKE McCARTHY INVITES YOU TO SEE THE ALL NEW . . . 1971 RIVIERA NOW ON DISPLAY '70 CADILLACS 3 To Choose From Priced To Sell 1966 OPEL WAGON Automatic. radio, heater. License TAX 065. 1988 • • 1971 BUICKI 1967 BONNEVILLE • 2 door hardtop. Automatic, air con., power steering, brakes & windows. TEY 982. 51888 1963 CORVAIR ~utomatic, radio, heater. OHV 166 5588 • 1967 INTERNATIONAL Scout 4-wheel drive. Radio end ho1tor. Fun in tho sun! VHH 960. 51888 1969 DUNE BUGGY Only 1 loft, bettor hurry. Oet1ch•blo ·fiber- 9l1ss lop ind piclup bed. Lioonso ZBB526. . ·s999 ·. ,' PLACE.YOUR ORDER ·NOW FOR EARLY ,. DELIVERY . . 1966 CAPRICE 2·Door H.T. S.S. Auto., radio, heater, ~wor steei-ing, power brakes, factory air cond., vinyl lop. Lio. RUH 201. 51688 , 1965 BUICK Elootr1 4-0r. Sedan. V-8, 1ulom1tio, R&H, P. S., P.B., f•clory air. EJR 672. • . . •1488 ... ' . ·; . .. -------.----------··•• ••-••••••> -------..-·--·-1 --·-1 ·v-·-~-.. -~-•-T-•• ' • ---~~~~---•--.--.-..... --,· o-•-.-·------· ··-.~.,.......,-.- .06 ""' p[ .. $111 fl'llOhf,, Plus ... .,...., PttP9t•flon •lld. COl'ldltton[ng. $2074 + S 101.70 STATl-TAi S 20.00 OCT. LICINSE S 2191.70 TOTAL S Jt 7.71 DOWN PYMT. S 1900.00 l 'ALA.NCI. 36. MOfllllf $63" •w Al MMlll EXAMPLE' OHL y• ~.10 Is !hi! lol•I do""' PllYmtnl, $6J.06 11 ttie total monlhlll Pl"Ymtnf lndlldll!lll taK, llcmi;a and •U airrylng CIMl'VK on INlnk· •pprov'4 cridlt fell' l6 mon1'M. Delernd PllY· rntftl prti. ii S2S70M lnclucll119 ln!Wftt. II~ alfld lia..ie ANHUAl. ·l'E•CENTAGE RATE Is 11... . - •.""• . . ... ON ALL Phone 546-7076 USED CAR DEPT. Phone 546-7076 / '63 RAMBLER CONY. 6 cyl,. auto, tran•-. radio, hMt•r. Lie. -0MU550 '64 RAM.BLER " o,. 6 cyl., auto. tran1.,, radio. SAE7"0 '65 MUSTANG CPE, 6 tyl., sticlr shift, r•dio, h.atar. As ;, 1,,.cial. NPU590 '67 MUST ANG CPE. 6 cy1., 1liclr shift, radio, heatar LGF662 '67 MUSTANG Cp1, 6 cyl,, 111to tr1ni., air conditioning. pow., 1t11ri n9, ra - dio, heatar. Lie. TWL2 r l '65 CHEVY II WAGON. 6'cyl., e11!0. tr1n1., r1dio, he•tar. POE281 '67 ·MERC.. PARKLANE \1.8, auto. trans., f1clory .air conditioning, pow•r 1teerin9, power wi11dowt, power 11111, whit• w•ll•t ir••· vinyl ,.,.,f; lk. J l4AFX '69 FlOO PICKUP 'c-yl., 1fi clr shift, Lie. X19tll '66 ~AL 5Dp 1,,. , '2 Dr. 11.T., 'V-1, 111io .. tr111t., .'pow•r 1fe1d'"J, r1dio, h11ter. l ie. Sfl060 ~1799 $1. 9·9 "' 5. . ·S'PECIALS . '69 Plymouth Valiant 2 Dt .. I ''KELLY I BLUE BOOK 1670 DUNTON FORD PRICES $)370 '&1 ·PontTempest ·CUS. c; • ]385 ', $988 '68 Fairlane 500 Wagon 2110 I $1599 '68 Torino 3 Seat Wagon 2355 I $1999 '69 Custom 500 2 dr. . I 2450 I $2050 '69 LTD 4 dr. H. T. . 3165' 1 $2699 '68 Mere. Colony Park w1 3120 $2690 . '67 Mere. Cougar ·I 2110 I $1119 '69 Mustang Coupe I '66 GAL 500 2 br, H.T. \I.I , auto. tr1111., f1 clory air conditionin9. po,,.,er 1!111ing, rad io, vi11yl roof. Li 0 c. \IPJ646 '68 MUSTANG 2 Or., \I.I , -.11!0. lr1n1., pow1r 1leerin9,. {adio, h•alar. Lie, \IHL2t 5. $1'399 ~ $1699 :~? v~~~~~.~ , •• ., ••••"''• '"''· .... ~ .. ""$2·499 YltSS59 :~! ~T~°.. ·"'''""· '"'"' ·'· '""""'"•· , .. .,$27 99 1feeri~9, vinyl roof, Lie, YRS 52 I '68 INTERNATIONAL JEEP ot Whe1I Oriv1 J••P· R1dio, h11i•r. l ie. XDCl94 '67 CHEVY IMPALA Cpe. V-1. 1uto-lr1n1., pow•r 1te1r119, r1dio, h•at•r• Lie. TYC ... :7.0.:~~~~.~ .. ~.~.~~~E~;~~~ ... 1.$2A9· ·9.· ·· ""0 M•9num Engin•• Lie. t lSAFX 7 • • '70 CHEV. CAPRICE $3299 \I-I, 1ulo. tr111t ., f1clor-y 1ir condit.ioni11g, powar li1•rin9, power ldi1cl brak••• radio, vnyl roof, ti11ted gie11, 192A~H _ '65 f,ORD .. PICKUP ' II, , I , F250, 6 cyt., 4·•p•ff, r•dio. 561596 ~999 • ' I TUMILEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFF 1 CAN'T PASS .-t lM! .+4E KEEPS ttOGGING TttE W'10LE ROAD! .: JUDGE PARKER ' I AllAi>'!IOll NH LATUT Olllr ..... WOULD YOU LUCE TO H-'VE MR. PRIVER: IN NOW, MR. r. r l! , , ,, J WELL, WHAT ARE YOU GAPING AT>· PERKINS [DAILY CROSSWORD ••• by R. A POWER I . .:.'~· .. :::. ~i.: .. J.P>•luo '•·J# ACROSS l Loud sound 6 F ill to f)l:CfSS 10 Gaittr 14 ·--· Bound 15 Top draw er: 2 word s 1& Situation 17 Rtcord 18 Sf CUft 19 Sl111;tr, Pilul -- 20 Sltps 22 Conh1slon :i~ Qrdrrly i ii Clot11rl: Slang 7 USC vs UCLA: ~ Harvard "' Y.i lt r te.: 2 words · 1 Thos t in power 2 Entranct ,3 Potassium r nit1att S N. Amer. ptninsu la: , , Abbr. l 8 Having e ~istrd lting l9 Nrgative phrase: I ,t 2 words 1 °"40 Earlier 41 Visit .42 Wild d09 ol • Austr1U1 ~3 Move n1111bly . ' 44 A le oho lie b'vtragt 45 Without a bt nd 47 War111 or Sanlf ···-·· 51 Fling 52 Mort ztalous 54 Pivoltd p lt ct on " ht lmtl 58 Parche d 59 Still collar bl Oinlmtnl &2 Having powtr of dlsct rn i1111 bl Portico &4 Rivtr of Sco\l~nd &S Vt hiclf && W. lndi ts bird b7Tlmt ptriods DOW N 1 C.ir1'1 n1mt 2 Milk: Comb. for111 ) Vr nrzuela copper crntrr 4 Kind cl in strument 5 Be cause of that Ii Anr stl1tlic fluid 7 Burden Yesterday's Puzz le So lvtd : ~ V(~C RAfl U ~G( P (N •l lil (R t •R ( •['< !•E ~1 l 10/24/70 8 Dlsq uall lied 36 Curved head 9 Garment: of doorway 2 words 37 ve1rtiblr 10 Alarms 39 011 lest 11 Asiatic 40 Safety animal mt chanism : 12 Qutstioned 2 words 13 Pull s apart 42 Fo1c r 21 Man's 43 Assume: name 2 words 23 Rivrr of 44 Surrounded Fr.inc t 4b Odd : Slantjl 25 Part of 47 Small mortist foln thic kell 27 Prrconcr ptioo 48 Ris k 28 U.S. 49 l ift up pla~writjlhl 50 Sh.irp li!hl 2q E•ul\ation 53 Unit of i nd 30 Products measurr me lod lous 55 Where 81nrf soonds is : Abbr . 34 Saw Sb Man's name p1ojtction 5 7 Oplical 35 Extrnd ing glass f ar liO Re fus al I MISS PEACH I I j I l • STEVE ROPER ---------I • ly Tom K. Ryan OH! ''PUCK~! (\ By Al Smith OH, NO"Tl\ING! WEKNOWWHAT YotJARE·--wE VOST WANIED'O SEE W\-IAI ONE L.OOKS LIKE! By Harold Le Doux I. , U'L AINR SALLY BANANAS GORDO MOON MULLINS A.NIMAL CRACl(ERS By John Miles ' By Mell By Saunders and Overgard SOJlR'( 11GE~/-I IM OKAY, M!KE!·-AW SAW TllOSEBOJL DER~ I ONLY HOPE OUR CDMIN' AN'··· BIKES Al>!E!···THIS IS MO PLACE TO SIT AtJD HAVE A lE!SUf::.ELY CHAT/ ' Iv Charles M. Schulz .-~~~~~~~- ~''I-.,___, ly.Al Capp "fOOGOT GUT%!! • By Gus Arriola By Ferd Johnson By Rager Ballen lHE STIANGl WOILD MR.MUM UQUOR STORE DENNIS THE .MENACE r I 'I I, ~ ·' .1 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSE S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE \iiii~G~ono~r~•;lo;o;o;o;;1ooo;;;G;•;na;•;•;lo;iijjiijjii;;1000;;,;G~e~neiii;r•;li;;;;;;;;;iiiim1;ooo:iiiiiG~•~n~•~r1~l;;;;;;iiii;;;~1~000iiii;[;G;•;na;;r•;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;000:::;G;•;na;;r•;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;000:;; Generel 1000General '10111 P ete Barrell Rea/t'I UNIT VI -33 SOLD I I I • • • BUILDERSCLOSEOUT I I I • • • Beea u•e of credit re jection$, we have 9 home • avail· able that had been •elected by early buyer> 9 HOMES ON CHOICE LOTS that vary in •ize from 3 -7 Bedroom$, 3 & 4 bath•, 2 & 3 ear garage• & complete with all built -in•, ba•ie ear• poling , •hake roof & concrete driveway• -from $33 ,940. RANCHO LA CUESTA AYRES HOMES SINCE 1905 MODELS AT BROOKHURST & ATLANTA HUNTINGTON BEACH 968-2929 • 968-1338, 10 A.M. lo 7 P.M. 1000 oflnJa JJ/e PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 77 Linda Isle Drive Ne'v 5 Br., 5 bath home on lagoon. i1arble entry, "'el bar, AJ\<l/FM Intercom, Huge mstr Br. bas beam cell. & own lrplc. Large liv. & lam . rms. 'v/frplcs. \v/deck ...... $1851000 60 Linda Isle Drive Newly li sted. Prestige waterfront home. 4 extra lg. Br. 4 ba, pwdr. rm. Lge. liv. rm. & den; 3 car gar. Beautiful patio/garden. Deck & dock. By Appt. , ........... : ..... $220,000 107 Linda Isle Drive 5 BR. 3 baths: ramilv rn1 . & formal din. rm . 2 Fireplaces. Room for pool. Dock. By app'l ;145,000 Waterfront Lots No. 76: 3 car garage. Reduced to .... $77,000 No. 44 : 108 F't. on waler . . . . $150.000 133 For complete information on all homes & lots, pl•as• ca ll : BILL GRUNDY, REAL TOR Dov•r Dr., Suitt 3, N.8. 642-4620 You ~rr l1lNi!ully lnvlh'd to Ylt.IY our NEW 1971 ,,!()dpl llornc, l'legantly deroratt•d &: furnished. This luxuriously dirfcre111 5 bedroom hon1l" \\'i!h panor· an1ic view of the Bay, fo~ash. 111n Island &: 1he litoontains will surely nlakr you 11t'Hnl lo li\'e in Do\•er Short's. Open Daily 10 AA! '° a PAt 1033 li1ariners Dri"t' fjust oouth of Cala.\'y l Ivan Wells & Sons pl'e:Jen !:J SUNDECK VIEW CHARflilNG HOME built around covered patio & delightful gard~n. Prime area -Ir· ~vine Terrace. Only $54,900 1506 Dolphin T•rrace Open-Sat & Sun 1to5 JUST VACATED -WESTCUFF NEWLY LISTED 3 bedroom, 2 bath, family rm home across from park. Perfect location for children, library-goers or \Vestcliff shop- pers \ · 1915 Marlners Drive Open Sat & Sun 1 to S Roy J . Wa rd Co. EXCLUSIVE AGLNTS 1011 """'~'" 0 ""' .,.,,,, BEST BUY IN MESA VERDE (0!>en D.iily ~ I NEAR THE GOLF COURSE -only $33,500 3 Bedroon1, 2 baths, full dining room or den & large family room . Good location, vacant. 2990 Country Club Dr. Open Sat & Sun 1·5 Offit:e Open Saturdays & Sundays PETE BARRETI REALTY 1605 Westcliff Dr., N.B. 642-5200 MACNAB • IRVINE 1,G'-e"n'-'•:...•..:•'-l ____ .cl.:000.:.: Gen•ral 10oo Newport Hei9hts Open Daily-515 Tustin "i\lovc-in" rondil ion • lx'st o! financing. VACANT. !\f;iny •·+" f!'aturcs im·luding OC'C'an bree1.c. all!O :: BR. I'!. bath, lge farnHy r n1 w/us!'d Generill 1000 Genera1 b1ick lirt"plnct', crp1s. drps, 1--------"-' 1000 FINER HOMES Serving Newport Harbor since 1954 , twenty· five experienced residential salesmen with over 270 years of service. FIVE BEDROOMS* PIER-SLIP* POOL- GREAT TERMS Owner will finance for 25 years to qualified buyer. Excitin~ two story next to private beach in prestige. Dover Shores. Large lot with 60' on \vater. $197,500 DOVER SHORES . One of the most exciting 4 bedroom houses in Newp'.ort Beach with a permanent bay view from many rooms. Large swimming pool with retractable roof. Separate pool table area. Superbly decorated by Cannell and Chaffin. Very large lot on a quiet dead end street. $139,500 IAYFRONT A lovely 3 bedroom 2 bath home With large terrace overlooking pier and slip. Beautiful use· ~I . ~J!le, and s~one. Mirror~ formal ainlllg 100in, G{amo.,.. "llllken,·wet bat for your entertaining. $1311,llOO. ¥ '· f • POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE Offering one of the most distinguished homes in Cameo Shores -Awe inspiring view of jetty a nd islands. Lush gardens surrounding rare and unique TheuerK:a uf designed home. Illness forces sale. $115,000. ENTERTAIN LAVISHLY and live graciously in this beautiful five bed- room home. Formal dining room, family room, large master suite, walled courtyard entry make this a home of distinction. $94,500 BAYCREST BEAUTY Quiet corner 2 story l\1editerra nean elegance with secluded pool and patio. Gigantic family room just in time for the "big" family holi- day ~atherings. Now reduced to $89,500. Im- mediate occupancy. Open Sunday. 1147 J-lan1pshire Circle, Newport Beach. IRVlNE TERRACE VIEW Avocados, strawberries and lush dichondra are all part of this beautiful 4 bedroom, cus- to1n decorated Irvine Terrace home. Family room and large sheltered pool. $77,500. Open Sat. and Sun. 1:00 -5:00. 1721 Galatea. BUILDER'S HOME**UNDER COST Leaving a rea. \\'ill help finance. Inviting blend of the finest of woods. quarry tile, and brick. Four bedrooms , huge family room. plus dining room. Quie t, one-block street of comparable homes. !·luge lot \vith room for two pools. Asking $69,500. HOMES UNDER $60,000 BAYSHORES Appealing 2 bedroom, 2 bath home in desir--. able Bayshores. Private gate to Balboa Bay Club. Immaculate condition. Extra large liv· ing room, panelling and fireplace, formal din· ing room, shake roof. Lots of storage. $44,500. HARBOR VIEW HOME BeautifuUy landscaped , decorated and lushly carpeted. 4 bedroom home plus large family roon1 , 21h baths. 2 fireplaces, approx. 2300 sq. ft. l\fany extras. OvJners bu siness neces· sitates leaving area. $54.500. Open house on Su nday 1:00-4 :00 PM . 191 2 Port Weybridge. LOVELY 3 bedroom single famil v residence in con ven- ient University Park . The attractive family room is complete with a large built-in book· case. The entire home, including the car- peted, floodlit garage is cooled by the central air conditioning system. Abundant use of quality 'vallpaper and panelling. Custom car- pets and drapes. Ask for Joel Smith or Tom Queen. $37,950. 90' BAYFRONT RENTAL Former California Governor's 4000 sq. fL home. 6 bedrooms, 41h baths, famJly room, dining roo m. pier and slip. Top Bayfront lo- cation. Annual lease $1200 per month. can Bert Fehren lor appointn1ent. MACNAB·IRVINE Aeo1lty Comp•nY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 IOIO 8 ay•lde Drlv• N•wport Beadi 642-1235 US-3210 Dog Kennel Ok REPOSSESSIONS hd\\'d floors, shak1• roof, dblc guragr. It's fl lx'auly! Y' ZONED R • C :! Bdrm, 2 Bath hou~. PnCI'!· $24,950. Low do\1•n or 11.'asc/ option, Subject lo $20.000 GT Joan. Sl73 mo. includes Sparkling clean hon1rs, 90me ~Cllt'ly painted & carpeted-. 2, Lachenmyer Rtty . 1 & ? bdnns. So1ne \\'llh Call 64&39'l8 Evt•s: t).12-0ls:I pools. Jo HA·V~ conv, ter1ns, 1 .................................. .. from $17,000 to $40,000, . Be in by Chrislma.s, prestia:· L[~·{' 111 & operate business_ ious 4 bed.rm + family rm 4 Bdn11. 2 Bath on busy & dining area 24()() Sq ft stl'Cl't. Only ~.000 .. 10% JEAN SMITH, RLTR. do1vn or lra.se """h option. A/Vt. E 17th Cost Meaa U~IClUI: ti()Ml:S Real Esl•te. 875-6000, 2443 E. Coa.sl Highway, Corona Dal Mar, Calitornla 92625 THE HARBI SON HOME So. o( the Hwy. CdM, 4 Br, 3 ba for only $47,500. This hduse. does need fixiµg uP· HOw- ever, beamed ceilings, stone fireplace, ex- tensive paneling & a sunny patio 'cteate won .. derful opportu"ilies for the imagination. Don't scoff it 'til you've seen it ! Someone's going to buy jt & have an excellent home. Only $47,500 & a block to tbe beach. Open Sat. & Sun. (1-5) at 3320 Seavie'w, Corona del l\1ar. THE STROBBIE HOME Beautiful 3 Br. pool home. Popular Pace- setter floor plan Jayed out for easy living & entertaining. This home has a shake roof & cedar siding. a beautifud 20x40' 1Royal Poot surrounded by massive concretei decking & a top Mesa Verde location. A new listing at $39,900. Won't last long. A NE W HOME Ground breaking November 1st. Spacious 2 story, 4 hr .. 3 ba. hon1e in the classic Shore· cliffs area ol Corona del 1\1ar. Over 2770 sq ft in the functional family floor plan. Large lot easily accommodates a 3 car garage. An exceptional value at $77,000. Plans on dis· play at Unique Homes. U~l()UI: ti()Ml:S Reel Estate, '575-6000, 2443 E. Coast Highway, Coron• Det Mar, Calllornla 92625 1000 General 1000 ONLY $26,980 VA No Down Th! trees. covered patio k the excellent cs.re of this home muke1 this truly en. joy3bl1 living. Located on quiet cul.<Je.sae street - plcar.c call us right a\\'ay on lh15 good buy, Anxious own. er will even pay your clos- ing costs HO you do not have f'!\'Cn one penny fl'l('Jve.ln ex. f)('nllC. Nichols Real Estate 546-9521 CLEARANCE SALE \\le must clear out the last of lhc>se new duplexeg • the price and terms IU'e no en. teria, Builder is open on price v.ith 10% down, the balance can be financed at 8 ~~'70 interest to a qualified buyer. One unit has 3 bd· rms, 2 bath, large Living Rnl, two 1-"ircplacel'! Din. Rm., 8/N Kit&. larg~ Fam. Rm. The other unit is an attractive One bedrm. apt. with B/N's & f.ireplace. Each unit ha,s separate yds and ga1·agei'! \1·ittt utilily rn1i;:. Liu1d scapct1.incl, sprinklers. Thr Ba.r~11ln you have been 11•11itlng for . ACT NO\V! ! M. M. laBorde, Rltr , 616·0j.)5 Eves. 642-7438 BIG LOAN l=========:!rakc tille to this ppty su~ .)l>cl to t"ltA high loan with k>w price. Corner lot Dn· matie entry hall. Cathedral ceiling comple1e wilh Span- ish Interior and gorgeous fireplac-e. ~ it now before THEIS everything, OOYLl: CO. General * Collins &. \Vatts ltK'. ~1168 I SS.13 Ad11n1s Avr. 962·5523 DAI&.. Y PIUJI' \VANT ADS! Dii.l 642-~'678 & chat"Rc 11. · 1000General ~ 1000General OOYLL CU 548-1168 -.w · • 8 . ... 3255 THE ~EAL ESTATERS Serving Newpo'rt Beach, Costa Me•a, Coror.a d el Ma r, Hu ntington Beach IT'S ALWAYS t SMOOTH SAILING!! WITH THE RIAL ESTATERS To luy -To Sell -To Trade Our profnsionally trained crew of 30 to sen• you better -problem sol¥ers who work for you. They Make it Happen Ask qpyOfle who has dOfl• busineu ·with them -Glwe •call -You:N alway• be 9lod you dkl. SAVE $5000 \vnrr Just rroucf!d lhL" l\1r~A. Vrrdr 4 bt.•droo111. fllmily room, <linin).: rourn, lri-lrvt•l home to $•11.950. It'." In o."<l~llent rondi· 1·il)fl and sho11·s 'br11utifullv hul ""'nf'r i;eys "~ELL." C11!1 '1ortuy !or a shO\\'ini; 546-:lJlJ MODEL HOME CONDITION! Br.autifully done and only 11 111onths new. A roomy 2 bed- room, den and dining room hun1t' on an elevated c:ornl'.!r Jot in Nf'1v110rt Beach. Only $43,500 tinclud.1ng !hr land ) v.·11h out• ~landing terms. Call 673·8550. TUSTIN IOUND? MESA DEL MAR DREAM Gi!illop on up to this finr ''"''' bedroom homr on spacious tri1 :toned for horses. 8N:I down 1 h,.. h•Jrscs 'llnd r('la..'< in front or ~ ("OZ)' ~brick firf'plat•c, S.14.500 ,.,,rangles you all this \\"ilh r-l!lr- IK'I. built-ins and cu~lom draf"'~ included. call: 6'16-7171 4 bii: bPdrooms, 2 balh~. larJ.":" hrick fireplace, double car ga· ragr. li1int c;lran. Delightful yRrd Rnd wat.crfall t oo? liurry on this nnr fur only S29,900. Call :'i<lti-2313 ONLY 10'/o DOWN \VlH buy this 1'oomy 1900 srr. fl . 3 brdroom 3 ba1h hon1c w11/1 lar~" Sf'parat(' fnmily roon1 and fu1·1nal d ining. You'll Jovr thr nr•a r ne\v shai;:: carpt'l and !hr '10 x 60 \VCIJ landscaped rrar ynrd. PriCf'd for quick sa1r at SJ2.500 \\'ilh easy terms -CaH 673-8550 ! NEWPORT HTS. VIEW ! Jusr Reduced $5,000. Rustic IY.•o story 4 bdr·m. Jlai'! unlqur SI'S virw 101> dttk - 1'0mplrtr ty surround.I'd by bf-1111· llfUJ fJOWf'l'f'd fl'i'('S -)'Oll 0 \\11 thr la nd -in1mf'd intr possrs- i'!IOn -$'19,9~xi::1ti11tt 11'1'1115 -hurl'y !~ 6,lti-7171. UNHEARD OF $]450 PRICE REDUCTION Tl It: BEST hi;; rainily housr ''al.:tr in the arrA. :.!41'.¥) sq. rt. 4 Br dt't101ns :\ baths. Big !<im• lly routn 11,•ith \\'ood hr>n1n cril- ini:-, Jonna! dinin11: and hui::r :i •~Br gar11i::e. AND two door~ a\\·ay from pRl'k \\•ith pool and lf'nnis. N0t1· only SJ9,500. call Quic:k 673·8550 • 646-7171 - S·l6·23 lJ. COLLEGE PARK CHARMER Cast your ('YCll on lhti1 3 bN:I· !'oom hon1e on R prominent ror• n"r lol on a shad y lrrt'·linrd :<lJ'f'f'l. C'oVCr('d r}l)tiO ~nd fl'lm- ily ro1•m fn1• ca~ual livtng. Grrj.!__ (.,,. kid~. $:l7,.")()0, ('11]1 In Sl"f't :l.Jt>-231.1 LOT ZONED FOR 16 UNITS "ADDED FAMILY ROOM " MESA VERDE A :1 tx-droom, 2 bath, T-plan \\'ilh an added 13xl9 family room. Larc;r irregular back vard \\•ith bullt·in Bar-B-Q. ~uict cul-de-sac street. Fabu• lous horne for the family. Call nt'W, Only SJt,950. 546-2313 IMPROVE YOUR OUTLOOK ! I \Vith the gorgf'Ous view up th,. back bay channC'I to the ocean. . Admil•r lhr v.·r.ll leid out noor· 1111111 of thii'I t'hRrmin1; 3 brd· room :s bath "Francisca" mod· .. 1, a nd r11joy thr many Sf'CCia l o·nmmunity frl\tur<"l availablr lo 1/0U only in the r11buloUJ; "Uluft~:· Por yonr l)a~~fYlr1 to ''1hr c11rt•frrr lirr .. call 67.1-8:'i50. flfrrrl'd al $'17,500. -Hos 6 Existin9 Unlts-- C'on trri•·tur~ ~J ovlni:: Nol'th - Stierific·r! •CofJCI cnsh rt'lti1·n •Tn' i:hf'll,.r •Tor ap1:>1't'Cilllle>11 JS% Hf'turn on n1inin1u1n do\\'ll 1''3ymcnt. CaU Today, &16-7171. !I LIDO IA YFRONT !! WITH PIER AND SLIP '.! b<·1h·oon1s, dining ruoni un i.ldo'i'I choice North Bayfronl.. O.vncr is lntercslcd in tradini: for lttnd In path of dcvclo1>- mrnL 646·7171 EXECUTIVE RANCH TYPE l'OOL HOMI 1'-fagnltlcent btts really ac. ttnl this sharp, 4 br Glen. mar home. Tl\! children can v.'ft.lk to el~menlary itChool A you Can wulk lo the Mopping A~a. fnlcrior ii; ne1vly paint. f'd I it'1 \·scant & ready. VA,fllA Terms. $28,SCIO. " • .,,., CALL lltE REAL ESTATERS Walker & Lee '4 Conv•ni1nt Locations Nt•r You This lovely, near ~w home. 4 IR:f' bdrma + ram. rm. + ror· ma! dining. 3-c::it.r gar"R"· Yard ~r.Vf'r3le from pool area-beau· tUully heRt<'d pool -Perk I. !:IC'hOOlll clo!;r. by. Ju"t $6~.950- To inspect 1>honc 646-il71. Rt!Uh'>l"I 2790 lfl\Tbor Blvd. at Adams 5-15-!U!JI Open 'Ill 9:00 P.i\1 COSTA MESA 27t0 H1 rbo' llvd. 546-23 t) INVESTM ENTS 2114 H1rbor l lvd., ~ui l1 10 • 0 • ~Gln«~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1;000;;1 1!G~ono~•;•;':;;;;j"Lj;;;bj;1;ooe~l1~Go=ne!!!!•~·~'L"~::.L~1~0000~=.,~-~r~•l~~::.L~ .... :1~001~-'~Go~n;•;ro~l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1000~ Genlr•1 • ··z.z.z.z.z.z.z ~; ... n:"'!/~c·~~TA * * * * * * * QUIET AREA r Al'e&\'S FINJ!'.ST" located 3 B<lnn. home PIU5 l-bedroom ...,. WESTC.IFI' SHOP. * TAYLOR * •Pl. o• '""' lo!. New d«p SJlllJOO:tHH: 11t1 a 1k!epm Doll't 1ell afl)'O:ne~el1t 'til )IOll'Ve l!en ll younclf, Best ~ home in Mesa de! fltar and it't SHARP, CLEAN 1: VACANT. 4 Bii; bf:drooms + family room aqd beauUIUI big back yard with covered patio. JUITT REDUCED TO VA AP. PRAISAL or $29,500~ PING CENTER. A m p 1 e pile carpets in Jiving nn. room 1ot )'OU?' lnrge fUrnl-\Ylde lot. ~ Blk. oU of S!a· ture. Three GIGANTIC BED. view ................ $57.000 ROOMS, now golden h,;.,,,., OPPORTUNITY II $19,500 OPEN SAT/SUN. l•S ,;har cn~r. Double LOG Here is your chance! Just received the CRV 305 IRIS, CdM SIZE fireplact Jn the tam· !or this 2 bdrm, l ba home. East side of Cos· Uy room. Fresh 1pu.k.IU>g ta Mesa. Call us today !or appt. while dte<lr Inside and out. Bright, chttr:(\11 ldtcm-n REFRESHINGLY BRIGHT! "'ith garde11; Y1ewf $2900, in. Truly a personality hoQle! 3 Bdrm, D.R. 3 ltial F'HA tnvesbm'nt . OUR yrs new. Expanding family says make offer. /ca.. co:Ts ."'11/(YJ/ WALLACE BEST VALUF.? $33,950. Spic & Spanish! $41 ,750 M. M. La Borde, Rltr-. 2039· Ii'Vine Open Sat-Sun 1·5:00 · REALTORS -546-4141- • (Open Evenl"tlsl * t DUPLEXES * Open S•t/Sun. 204 30th Stroot 2 BR. ea. ul}lt. $i2,500 Ea, Georg• William.on Realtor · 67J.4350 64$.1564 Evos 646-0~'l f:\•es: 646-4579 OPEN HOUSE SA'lt.IRDAY 1 to 5 369 Vista Bay• Custom built 4 bedrm plus pool, detached garage,' Back Bay atta, cul-de-aac street. 541-SHO ---LLEGE REALTY ............ cal IRYINE COVE SPECTACULAR VIEW pltra excl. 6 bdrm., 51h bath home in seclud· E1 community. Meticulously landscaped ·..,~tios Ii gardens; .125 ft. of ocean frontag·e with steps to private, s a n d y s'vimming beach. $290.000 )Cathryn Raulston NEWPORT HEIGHTS • $25,950 l1nmaculat.e 2 bdrm home w /beamed ceil- ings, extra closets & storage space. Original owner. Lse yd. Just reduced to sell! 531 Cataltna Dr. Open Sun. 1·5:00 CONVENl!;NCES Ul!LIMITEDI 3 Bdrm, pool home offers playground li- brary, school, shopping within a s tone's throw. Quiet Westclilf street. $44,950 1215 Pembroke Open Sat-Sun 1·5:00 ON THE STREET OF DREAMSI See your dream home in Dover Shores. Brand new 2-story, 4 bdrm, den & dining room. Truly a best buy at $108,000. 410 Morning Star Open Sat-Sun 1-5:00 IRVINE TERRACE-$67,500 Convenient to Newport Center. Lovely cor- ner 4 bdrm & den home with H&F pool. For- mal dining rm. Sep. qtrs for "in·la,vs." 1536 Dolphin Open Sat 1-5:00 A RARE OFFERING! MAGNIFICENT BAY ISLAND! 5 bedroom & den home with pier & slip. Enjoy the quiet peaceful living on this smallest tropical pri- vate island in the "Wonderful World of New- port." Call for appt. to see. $187,500 CORONA DEL MAR VIEW GREAT SUMMER HOME • In beat CoroM del Mar Joca. Uon. Nteds face Httlne. f'Umillhed 3 Bdrm, • 3 t:iath. OY.•ner tA·iU consider lease. option .............. $49,~ HARDWOOD FLOORS Quallly built 3 bdn n. & den, 3 bath home "A'ilh hd\\i:I, Ors., lalh & pluter walls, open beam ceilings & only l bUc. to niain beach. m,500 LIDO ISLE Large 5 bdrm, &: family nn. honie on wide lot with water view front 2nd Door, A beau- tiful family home: "'et bar, firepln«!l; new bUns., im- rnac. cond .•••••••••• $90,CXlO 0£ LANCY REAL ESTATE 2128 E. COAST HWY Coron• del M•r 644-l'l70 BAYSHORES ~IODERN • 3 bdnn. 2 bath on 60 It. corner Joi, lge, liv. *6.6% AND UP TO $2,000 In l1ndKapin9 & decor1ting allowance Buy now -&: save! You can JlOW get a e.8% .;..~tQan on a new home purchase at University Park plus receive up to $2,000 in allowances to decorate or landscape your new home. Choose from any of our family size 3 & 4 bedroom Village Three model homes,1 which offer up to 2400 sq. It. Specially priced at only $28,995 to $39,995, these money sav- ing hon1es are ready for you to move into today. Drop by University Park now and pick the home that's right for you. UNIVERSITY PARK On The lrvlne Ranch 4571 GrMntrH Lane Take San Diego Fwy. to Culver, So. on Cul- ver 1 block, left on Michaelson -3 blocks to Village Three models. •Annual percentage rate. For further de· tails ask any representative at Village Three St&nley C. Sw&rt1 Co. Community Builders An MGI Company General 1000 General 1000 MESA DEL MAR New Listing. 3 Bedroom, lamily room, tirepi.ce, 1"- Baths, w/w. c:rptg., 20x.aJ rumpus rm .. dble gar wilh auto opener. Property clear, owner v.1ll line. $3l950, PETE BARRm REALTY PORT WEYBRIDGE Harbor View home, Monaco model. Customized roof, en- try; carpet & lndsep1. Quick occupancy. See •2021. CURT DOSH, Realtor 642-6472 Eves. 673-3468 ln:l \V. Coast High""'ay [ EMERALD BAY ~weep~ng ocean .view from e\'ery room in charmmg home, ideal for small famil y -2 patios, view deck, garden baths. All beauti- l ully landscaped. $115.000 Near new 4 bdrm "Broadmoor" tri-level w/ family rm & formal dining rm. $77,500 LINDA ISLE-$225,000 room & din. area facing Ige. f;:!:!!!!i!5!!!!: encl. patio w/blt-in BBQ, immal'. clo&e 10 beach le ·c arol Tatum •• ' OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 P.M. 1019 DOLPHIN TERRACE, ·1 IRVINE TERRACE 1Elegant Spanish design, 4 BR. home. Family ·room. Forever view of bay, ocean & islands. ,Price includes furniture. $98,500 f athryn Tennille EXECUTIVE MANSION ~n choice Newport Beach toe. -vie\v -4 1 ge. ~ize bdrms., 31h baths. Custom design- fi ed with all elec. bltn. kitch .. expensive \V/tv 1 arpets, drapes. Professionally landscaped patio. $89,000 -EZ terms. Hurry! ' rt Gordon ATIENTION 5 BR. BUYERS Sharp ~sparkling. ~ge. formal dining, panel· ed family rm .. eating area in kitchen; 3'h ba. Excellent location. Qu iet street. Q\\'Tler transferred. $79,900 Mary Lou Ji'larion LUSK....;, HARBOR VIEW HILLS 4 BR., 3 .Ba., family room; kitchen eating area; 2 f1replaces; 3 car gar. View. Most favored Sandpiper m o d e I. Wet bar. Fee. $68,500 Al Fink OWNER TRANSFERRED GORGEOUS MT. VIEW. Over 2600 sq. It. o! I luxury in this 4 BR. F.R., D .R. home. Soaring cathedral ceilln~s & mstr. BR. \Vffrplc. Call to see. Only $67.500 ! Bud Austin I LOTS OF LAND !Goes '"ith this 4 BR. cu·stom home in West4 clili. Super-sized fam. rm., adjoining cov'd. porch/patio. Reflect. pool, raised sundeck. 51h % loan! $65,000 M. C. Buie OWNER SAYS SELL!! OPEN SUNDAY 1-6. 966 SANDCAST LE. View. Lusk home; 4 BR .. 2'h: ba., fam. r1n. Large heated pool in courtyard. Reduced for quick sale. $58.950 Harriett Davies SEEING IS BELIEVl~G Fresh. bright charming home in private. gat· ed neighborhood, ,v/2 Io v e I y beaches + boat facilities. Secluded setting, surrounded by trees. $49.500 Mary J~arvey CORONA DEL MAR-POOL Real "Pride o( Ownership" home -2 BR., 2 ba., den w/2nd fireplace. Ne\v w/w cpts. Xlnt condition. H & F Pool. Great buy at $49,500 Belle Partch BEST BUY IN AREA Vie\v of harbor. Catalina &. ocean. lmn1aco· late 4 bdrm. hon1e w/fam. rm. J..arge fen ced yard "'/easy maintenance. All this for only $48,500 BLUFF-VIEW-$7000 DOWN Lovely Eastblu!f v i e \v home. 2907 Carob. Greatest back bay & light view. Immaculate 4 bdrm; oversized garage. 3rd car parklng. $47,500 George Grupe CAUTION! I Pr<iceed •to phone us about 4 bdrm. In Har· bor Highlands. A new listing In Mariner School Dist. See to appreciate. Price $38.750 Harry Frederick -"Please call for our picture brochure bf current listings." 5se NEWPORT CENTER DR., N.I. Architect designed Colonial with spectacular 2-story entry. 3 Bdrms. formal dining & rec- reation room. Pier & slip. Most colorful beau- ty in choice location. Bay Club • $.59,500. IRYINE TERRACE OCEAN FRONT-$115,000 l\1UST SELL -Owner leaving area . l.ge. liv. room & din. area, 3 bdnns. 2 baths bit· ln's, \V/\\' cpt &. dl'3pes, M!rv, porch, nicely landscap. ed • $42,500. • Authentic New England farmhouse with 5 bdrms, den & 4 baths. Abundant storage. \Varrn & hospitable + breathtaking VIEW. MORE CHOICE OFFERINGS Eastbluff '"Lusk" 4 & FR, ~I, Vu $02,500 4 & F.R. Large yd. Westchff $49,950 VACANT LOT Large 3 B.R. executive home $69,950 81' Water!rt 3 BR Pier & float $85,000 BACK BAY • Over 12.000 sq, fl . building site_ end of cul- de-:sac on quiet secluded street, BUY NOW • BUILD LATER -Asking $25,000. Waterfront duplex· 3 & 4 B.R. $125,000 Lux. waterfront duplex -3 B.R. ea $160,000 LINDA ISLE LOT Build YO UR home on choice \Valerfront site. Prime location. Leasehold. $75.000 BAYSHORES BROKERS & SALESMEN BA YSHOR E DRIVE -Extra Jge. liv. room. fireplace. 4 bdrms. 2 ballt."1, 'f'/A ht'al, covered patio w/fireplace • BEST BUY -ONLY $39.500. \Ve have an opening for one experienced man or woman in our Residential Div. Applicant must possess integrity, enthusiasm & ambi- tion to match our own high standards. Jf you are a professional. interested in a beautiful ofc. in finest location, working w/congenial associates, we are interested in meeting you. "C" THOMAS Realtor 224 \V, Coast "Hwy, SU-5527 Ne\.\-port Beach eves 545-S&tl ''Our 25th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realton 2111 S•n Joaquin Hills Road DIVORCE SALE Spacious S bednn & family, 3 balh hon1e on lge corner lot, Owners say sell NO\V! Subn1it offers . Asking, •• NEWPORT CENTER _.910 * * * * * * * =====c-======I $42,950 Gener&I 1000 General ------'-= 1000 OPEN HOUSE CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX Spacious and modem Ideal for UK! OWl'l('r occup'ant. A speelacula.r 3 Bedroom 21,~ bath O\\'l'lers unit and 2 Bed- room 2 bath secondary uni!. Top qualify construction and finishing throughout, Pres- enUy under coru;troclion, to be finished In mkl·Decem. bcr. Come lake a look at 501 and 503 i\farguerite. Open Sun. 2 10 5 or Call 673-8550 \0 THE REAL \'"'-. ESTATERS ' . BEST IPOOLI BUY College Park 3 BR 2 bath OY.'fK!r bas found a Jargt'r home and will consider any reasonable oUt'r. ll/F Pool has dressing room and ~~ bath. Now is lhe time to steal a Pool home, "'e have M'verat to show 10 you. """""' 2629 H11xbol', C.l\t. 675-3000 The number to call \\'helhcr Buying, ScllinR' or Lcuing WESTCLIFF OPEi'l DAILY 1-S UIS Nottingh11m Rd. 10~ Down. Larp 5,. 0:0 Loan. Beaut lndSCJld. It m!Untained, $48,500, 0"" ·'Ill 1111 Ill·: 111\ I \I . r ~. . , . , 2401 E. Coil.st llv.'Y .. Cd;\f WALK TO BEACH Near new 3 l<ing si1.e bet!~ nn~. 2ti bttthl, extra lgl' Jiv. Ina nn .. 2 rJniph1ces., bllns, ~erora.ted. rir1\' r:rpts. tlble gamgti. Con11idl'r U'ldc, ~·a. eanl, $49.950. Lachenmyer Rlty C11I M&-3928 or 563483 Young Avocado G•ove CUSTOM 4-PLEX 2.75 Acres plnn!cd to 210 Chnlce Nc1vport Bench area, "baby" Avocado Ct«·s that 3 BR &. 2 BR unit!l -excel· are gT"O\\'ing like the fabled IC'nt owner ocrupied & In.'< "bean sta1k". This is prin1e shelter properly. $12,000 properly in a choice area Do"'tl. w;th a good v;ow. $17."°". $75,000 Avocado1 WHkender Home Approximately 3.5 a1..'1'e!l 1vlth sn1all, sturdy 3 hf'droom ho111e that needs some painL "' -PERRON --.. ..~9 ~,.~ ~ ing & fix ing. This is R·l zon-642-lnl Anytime C'd property with more than/"l:l=:===~=== 200 bearing A\'ocado trees,I•----·· ~~('ll~h~dfu~re~~i~·e~:: 4 BEDROOM vided • l parcel at Sl9.X'i0 & J at $15.j(J(J. Paved county road fro11t&gc, 2 BATH "Coln<' to Fullbrook Counlry·· Nt>ll'ly painted inskle & out The SAWOAY Co. \\'1th brick fireplacc. Back Realtor 714: 728-8301 ~«U'd palio, db!e car garage, <118 So, l\1ain, FallhL"ook auton1nlic \\'tttrr softcntt. $1100 Do11·n lo 1st TD. f'ull price $23,000 - SOUTH-OF· HIGHWAY ,,,,n~;~·~·"· 45 FOOT LOT ~--~_o:..;.,..;. __ ISP<t•'iOIJ5, \\'ell dl'COral<'d ! Steal a 4 bedroom Bedroo1n hOm" ,,.11h 1arae Only $24 900 family room With fuoeplace. ' • a. stcluded patio entry and r.1ove right in on this 51~ % oft-street paritlna: 4 c&n AMual ~· rate loon, Pay-AND ' ' menta. total just $129, per owner v.i\l finance with only month Incl, laxeic Bnd in. 15SO dO\\'ll. llUl"RJ\Ce, ~ (count 'rml 3 OPEN llOUSE Bath~ mak~ th\1 Just SUNDAY. l-5 t"lllht for your IRrge family, l24 PoinM!ttla 0\11 u~ for details today. or cn.11 6'i3-835Q MG-86'!0 mt Harbor, C.i\I, \0 THE RF:AJ; ~ ESTATCRS DUPLEX '''K·END RETRE.AT • <4 nil fr. PRln1 Df.JcN, 2 br on :J acenic acrta. O\\M flnanctt, lrade considered. 492-6100 \\'1lh ilre.at.S $26.500. THE Futcst dnw In the W1lla.-McC•rdl1, Rltrs. II' 1 O U p I I 1810 Nel\"'PQl'I Blvd., C.M, es ••• IL " y o 1 548--77tt Clwitied Ad. 64~"'i673 l .. ..... . Open Houses THIS WEEKEND HOUSES FOR SALE (2 Bedrooms) 531 Catalina Or., Newport Beach 644-4910 (Sun 1-5) 607 Carnation, Corona del Mar 675-3000 I Sun 1·5) 239 Magnolia, Costa l\1esa 648-7171 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 12 Br. & Family or Oen) 2021 Port Weybridge (Har. View Homes) CdM, 642-6472 ; 673-3468 eves. (Sat & Sun 1·5) 447 62nd St. (Newport Shores) N.B. 675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (J Bedroom) **No. 3 Balboa Coves(Balboa Coves) N.B .. 546-1290 !Sat & Sun 12-5) 2428 Vista Hogar (The Bluffs) N .B. 644-7662 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2039 Irvine Ave .. Costa Mesa 644-1910 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *1215 Pembroke (Westcliff ) N.B. 644-4910 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 216 Orchid, Corona de! Ma r 673-8550 (Sat 11-5. Sun 1·5) 428 Morning Ca nyon, Corona del J\olar 673-2222 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1984 Federal , Costa l\1esa 673-3211 : 545-2300 (Sun 1·5) 316 Narcissus, Corona del Mar 673-6642 (Sun 1·5) 3158 Kerry Lane, Costa Mesa 640-7171 (Sun 1-5) (3 Br. & Family or 09") 3265 Colorado Lane. (Mesa Verde) C.M. 548-2803 (Sat & Sun llJ.5l 324 Polnsettla . Corona del l\1ar 673-8550 (Sun 1·5) 928 f\1 acKenzie Place, Costa l\1esa 54().6729 (Sat & Sun 10.5) *'000 Nottingham Rd .. (Baycrest) N.B. 642-8062 (Sat & Sun all day) 826 Darrell, Costa f\·Iesa 541J.1151 fSat & Sun 1-5) 2812 Shantar. (Mesa Verde) C.M. 54().1151 (Sun 1-5) 19!5 Mariners Dr., (Westclil!) N.B. 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1506 Dolphin Terrace, (Irvine Terrace) N.B. 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2990 Counlry Club Dr, (Mesa Verde) C.M. 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-0 ) 1215 Nottingham. (Westcliff) N.B. 675-3000 (Sun 1;5) 319 Driftwood. (Shorecll !(s) CdM • 675-3000 (Snn 1·5l 2316 Rutgers Rd .. Costa ~·1 esa 540-2313 rsun 1·5) 1 16.s! Bimihl Pl. (Mesa Verde) C.M. 548-2813 (Sun 1-5) 892 Cortez, Costa Mesa 548-2313 Sun 1·5) ;ig15 Pepper Tree, Costa Mesa 540-1720 (Sat 1·5) 2528 Drake, (College Park) C.M. 540-1720 (Sun 1-5) 2033 Commodore Rd., (Baycrest) N.B. 640-7755 (Sun 1·5) 515 Tustin, <Newport Hgts} N.B. 645-3928; 642-0185 eves (Dally) (4 Bt<frooml *4627 Camden (Cameo Shores) fdM 642·8235 (Sat & Sun) 1130 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) N.B. 642·8235 (Sat & Sun) **"Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) N.B. 675-3210 (Sat & Sun) 2002 Wiiiow Lane. Coste Mesa 673-8550 (Sat & Sun 1·51 * 1007 Dolphin Terrace, Corona de! Mar 673-2222 (Sat & Sun 1-0) - * Ol'EN HOUSE SUJ,I. 1 ·5 '* U38 SANTIAGO DR., Westcllff. Fee simple 2-sty: 5 Bdrm., Sl-> baths; dining rm., famlly rm. Owner's suite w/own 6&p. sitting room, frplc. & bay view. See this unusual home; priced al $89.500 Call: 67S·366S 548-0715 Eves · PENINSULA POINT HOME ~ Bdrms., 2 ha., farriUy rm., dining rm. Near Jetty, ·w/some view. New hdwd. llrs., tile roof. xlnt buy at $59.500 ·cal) 673-3663 675-0753 Eves DELUXE DUPLEX 4 Bdrm., 21h baths each. X.lnt cond. 1-Unit beaut. furnished. Both uni ts carpeted & draped. Priced at $79,900 Call: 673-3663 548·5942 Eves BACK BAY Spacious 4 Bdrm., 2'\'l baths; dbl. frplc. Hdwd. firs. Fl)mily rm. Hobby r1n. & office w/sep. entrance. On oversized lot. $59,500 Call: 673-3663 642-2253 Eves UTILE MONEY MAKER 3· 1 Bdrm. units near 15th St. beach. Xlnt winter/summer renial history. Newly paint- ed exterior. Priced right. $50,000 Call: 673·3663 64.2-2253 Eves associated BROKERS REALTORS ~25 W. BALBOA BLVD. (4 Bedroom) *1915 Chubasco Dr. (Irvine Terr.) CdM 673-3211 ; 545-2300 . (Sun 1·5) 595 Traverse Dr., Costa Mesa 673-3211 ; 545-2300 (Sun 1·5) *2449 Windward, Newport Beacb 640-7171 (Sun 1-5) (4 Br & Family or-Den) 3814 Topside Lane (Harbor View) CdM 644-1494 (Sat & Sun all day) **505 Morning Star Ln (D\tver Shores) N.B.. 642-8235 (Sat&: sun) , 410 Morningstar {Dover Shores) N.B. 1 644-1910 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1536 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terrace) CdM. 644-4910 (Sat 1·5) 1912 Port \Veybridge, Newport Beach . 642-8235 (Sunday) *1721 Ga latea Terr. (Irvine Terr.) CdM 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1606 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) N.B. 675-3210 (Sat & Sun) *966 Sandcastle {Harbor View Hills) CdM. 644-2430; 83:J.0700 (Stm 1-6) 1019 Dolphin Terr. (Irvine Terr.) CdM . 644-2430; 83:J.0700 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 20732 Sprindri!t. Huntington Beach . 546-5440 (Sat 12:30 to 5:30) 2324 College, Co sta Mesa 548-7729 (Sat & Sun 1-4) 1800 Irvine (Baycrest), N.B. . 675-3000 (Sun 1·5) *1807 Galatea Terr. (Irvine Terr). CdM 675-3000 . (Sun 1-5) 1317 Mariners Dr. (Baycrest), N.B. 675-3000 (Sun 1-5) 716 Cameo 1-Iighland s Dr. (Cameo Hylds) · Cd~I ' 675-3000 (Sun 1·5) 2138 Brae1nar (Back Bay). N.B. 675-3000 (Sun 1-5) 822 Santiago Rd., ·costa Mesa 546-2313 (Sunl-5) 598 Fayette. Costa Mesa 546-2313 l 1381 Arroya. Tustin 54().1720 2214 S. Forest. Santa Ana (Sun 2·5:30) (Sun 1-5) 540-1720 (Sun 1·5) 8182 Snowbird. Huntington Beach 54().1720 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1906 Santiago (Dover Shores) N.B. 646-1550 (Sat & Sun 12 :30 to 4:30) 3065 Counlry Club Dr. (Mesa Verde) C.M. 545-8424 (Sun 2 til dusk) 2976 .Java. Mesa Verde, C.M. 5t1&-59llO. 540-1894 fSat & Sun 1·5) 1877 trahiti. f\fesa Verde, C.f\f. 540-5990. 540.1894 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3320 Seaview, Cor ona del -r..tar 675-3530 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 221 f\1orning Canyon, Shoreclilfs 673-6026 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (S Bedroom) **218 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) N.B. 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1347 Hampshire Ci rcle, Ne\l.rport Beach 642-8235 (Sunday) *3044 Carob. (Eastblu!l) N.B. 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (5 Br. & F1milv or Den) *1033 1\-fa riners Dr .. (Dover Shoreii;) NB 616-1550 IOpen Daily) 1438 Sant ia~o Or. f\\lestcli!f), N.B. 673-3653 : 548-0715 eves (Sun 1-5) 2615 Bamboo (Easlbluf!) N.B. 646-3928; 545-3483 (Dally) *1600 Santiago Dr. (Baycresl\ N.B. 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (2 Btdroomol 501 & 503 11arquerlte, CdM 673-8550 (Sun 2-5) 718 Orchid Av.e .• Corona de! Mar 548-1957 (Sat & Sun 1.e) 204 30th St.. Newport Beach 673-4350 ; 645-1564 Eves. (Sat & Sun} HOME & INCOME (3 BR & Fom rm + 1 BR •pl) G38 .Center St.. Costa Mesa 640-0555 : 64B-157g (Sat & Sun 1·&> ...... * * w...m ... 1 • • * ........ .,., ... HC Ge. -- 2 e r c 4 b c ( r .p 1 -0.1 SP I • Big "' ble clv Ste .. , b" kit· "" Tro AA h~ F Ab! "' dt· "" au aQ "" " "' •• ah ... CUI .. "' I> 1 -0 2· . ' °" B R G . fl . HOUSES FOR SALE HOUs1'siroR SALi! Saturday, Oetobtr 24, 1970 DAILY PILOT J7. S FOR SALi! l"H'°'Oll=S..;;l"-S-"'-"0..;.;ll..;.S:;;,A:.:L.:::1!_:.:,HO:::U:.:S:.:E::Sc,;Fc,;0:.:.11:...::~:?:L::I:_ HOUSES FOii SALi HOUSES FOR SALi Gar•I 18000...r•I 1000 Gen•r•I 10000.n•r•I 1000 Ge9er.11 1000 Newnert le•ch 1200 Gen1r1I 1000 Gener•f 100IG9Mr•I •• ~ 1~~-~-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~--~~l~iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ~-----=;.;'ts;.;~~m=li;:;;;;;;;;;====:;;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;===;;;;;i·1 • l'!I · BOAT HOME 2415 ~~~tRET ,<> 2 ,SU.ry• eo!i~!~~ ~~~L~lEW. Quiet * GOOD VALUES HERE * etegance for the sophisticated family. Large rooms . Vacant & available. S89.SOO. for 4~ ~·t. boa t 11nd 2 i;lde-tkis, too! f'our Bcdrooml'f • 2 RA.th! 30' rADDOCI< POOL 1906' S1ntl•90,' Dover Shore1, N.8. Sit. & Sun. 12 :30 to 4:30 OUTDOOR LIVING One' year old Ivan Wells home with POOL. 4 Bedrms, 3 baths, family rm. Sloping lot beautifully landscaped. Must see to appre- ciate VIEW. $109,900. • • RARE FIND Custom 3 bedroom, 21.h bat h, VIEW home in Dover Shores: Large family room Ylith fire· ,place. $89,500. ROY J. WARD CO., Realtors 1033_ M•tln•rs DrJv1, H.B. 646.1550 Dover-Shores Office - Baycrest J Dover Shores ExceJlent 3 bedroom home Corn~r lot with view of \vi th large family room & Bay. Price reduced to 2 f\replllces, In thi11 delight-$24.500 for quick 1ale. ful area & only $49,000. Wester.ff Gorl:f'OUS 4 ~droom, 4 bath homf! \O.'ith lovely dtn & out.standing \O.'el bar, Choice location. Investors _ 3 Bedrorum In rrnnl bJlld· Jni::. 2 b('clrooms in ttllr llnd plenty of 1pace 10 bultd additional units on this irQmrnse lot. JERRY FREUD· CHARLES -ARNOLD Glori• Cueva Assoc lites I Robert Hallty 381 E REALTORS John Courtney 17th StrHt, Costa Mes• 646·775S Pti\•a te PTER M BAL.BOA ISLAND, v•llh plt nl)t of stor. ftge, Four bdrm11., 3 bn lhl!. f\a.r .t; BBQ In cow.red pa. tlo, LargJ y11m with SV.'ings. 1..11.rge n1str. bdrm, \O.ilh baL cony & bll.y vle,v. PHONE 67S.2166 HARDESTY REALTORS 500 PARK AVENUE Balboa Jsland, California PAINT & SAVE \\7\Vll Veterans can ~iua\ify lnr this targt> 4 00'.11wn1 home in Harbor Area. Pa}'· menls v."OOlrl be less than 1"t'nl, SO STOP LOOKING • A Bei;t value. healed It. fill , pool plus ahtltcrcd patio lor I entt.rtalnlnJ:. \Voocl burnlnsi; lirepl1ce. \Y /W c11.rpttlns::. lnsuh1.tl!'d ceiling l'.t walking dlalance to i;chools. Off. 1tn!et parking lor your boat, trailer c:ir campl'r. Fruit trees & (lower-a. All this lor on!~ S30,SOO, Cali for app't. t(.o sec. CAPE COD "The style that al11.•ayg rt· m&lns IN:" 316 CATALINA DRIVE 1 Lge. BR., 2 full bath11 + 'i bath on lower floor. ReauL parquel fir. In l..R. Charming patio for entC'r· tainint. An lde111t home for lhe large family. $'11.850. Shown by App't, A11k for Mr, RobinMOn Davi!! Really 642-7000 1 Gener•I 1000Gineral 1000 CALL NO\\'. Use our tradr. 1000 plan !or d0\\'11 payment. CALL . SPANISH tMNOR- 5 BR plus POOL OPEN HousE * * OCEANFRONT **Walker & Lee 2602 WILLO PRIVATE ROAD Immae. 3 BR., den. din. rm., 3 bath home on lge, lcn('('d lot. Light airy rooms, mini· cured lawns & Llcaut. gar- dens: dbl. garage & shop. Bii and beautiful. Spanish arches ~ carved \\'OOd 'dou- ble~r en&y: Tri · level charm. Huge matter suite. Step.down formal dining. SPpara!e fam ily room. Large breakfast ai'@B. in all eJec. kitchen. 21~ baths. Red tile roof. Cover!d rose gardens: Trees. Sparkling pool. Jl's AAA -i1 ·s dilferent -So hUJ"ry. Call (T\41 962-~. FOREST l OLSON Inc. Reallors 19L11 Brookhurst Ave. Hunt.ington &ach BARGAIN • 4 B~room Just $25,995. Ab501utely immaculate. New. l)f Painted throughout. Mo- di)j home condition. 2 Full Baths • B/J Kitchen. forcM &ir·heating. Beautifully land- scaped large lot. , .almo.st too good to be true, but 0\111- u has bough! another home, 19.ys, "SELL", Low do\\'TI, euy paymenls. May \\•e show you through? 546-S&W LANE 4 Bedrooms 1%. baths, built- in kitchen and large living room 'vith brick fireplace are a fe\\• of lhe many high- lights of !his bright airy home. Add to that a huge oversized garRJte with \\/Ork shop uea, J pool sized yard and boa.I & camper access. O!\'L Y S24, 750 Open Sat. and Sun. 1-5 or Call 673-8550 or 64&-7171 SAN CLEMENTE "THE FINEST IN CYPRESS SHORES" This 1/3 acre, gated estate has a 4.400 fl. si ngle level home. The formal living rm. for· mal dining rm, kitchen, breakfast rm, !am· il y rm & master bedroom a11 overlook the sea. Add 4 more bedrooms, 6 baths, a 3 car garage, heated pool & private steps lo the beach and you have a perfect home. A fine value at $190 .000. ' Fred Barbour · Real Estate * (714 1 831-5440 * Real ton 2790 Harbor Blvd~ lit Adams 5'15-04fi."1 Open 'Iii 9 PM LIDO WATERFRONT Assoc. pool & putting ,i:rren. APTS.·320 LIDO NORD Best buy in area, $64,500, $150.000 Price with 1'(., 1st C11.lt &12-4620 for 11.pp'I, T.D, 6 Beaut. furn, units; Bill Grundy, Realtor 6 car garage,, &. util. room., .,,,..~~~~~'::"'"""",I 80 t·1 . on S\\<i.mmin,i: beach. BY .-OWNER-- \\'ill consider tnde for bo8t WESTCLIFF AREA or maximum $85,000 lge, 4 4 hr. frplc, bltm1, crpl!I, drps, BR. t10use. sprinkle111, pool . siled yard. Bill Grundy, Rltr. Nr schools, You O\O.'n Janel. Rl3 Dover Dr., N.B. 6424620 VACANT, 1000 ====== 1-o'THE REAL. '('. Ep'.f NI'ERS General 1000 Gener•I IF-'-'-------SUPER SHARP ONLY S38,SDO 642-1611 or 642·9996 4 BR., 2 BATH $11,795 Built On Your lend lJ.43 sq. ft . living area All lath & plaster Hard\\"OOCI cabinets Breakfast bar Pullman baths Spacious wardrobes JUST $1.71 SQ. FT. P lanning-Design-Financing STANCO BUILDERS "1400 honlt's & apts. built since '57" CALL 537.0380 CLOSED SUNDAY 10666 \\'estmlnsler Ave. Ga.rden!•Grove NEWPORT HEIGHTS So. of 15th St. $30,700 Thafs r1ghl! Unbelieva ble in Newport Beach, View. Large BR's. Formal" dining rm. Huge family rm. with catJle. dral beam ceilingg, 2 fire. places + BBQ. Paneling in fam. rm. Ch<'rry kitchen. 2 baths. Liilh k pJa51er, Cus. tom built. Brick patio. Ter. raced rear yd. -r ·on't last. HurrY. Call 47141 967.j.~. FOREST l OLSON CAMEO SHORES 0 Cl'an \•ie11• ho1nc at 324 Caml'O Shnres Road OPEN HOUSE Daily 3· Bedroo1ns, including huge master suite Y>'ith drt!ssing room & sauna paneled den formal dining room private, enclosed patio !if'<' today $79.500 4 Bt-droom, 2 bath, dinine:, blrns, shag <'rpl, rlble gar. ai;ie. F'Ull pric(' $22,950. Top Co.s111 Mesa location Tl<'a r TAX SllELTERifRl-PLF.:X 2 br unitsflsr hold land. $39,500 by o"'n<'r. 113S-14M afl fi pn1 ll'kdys schools & shop!!. Dill Heri-I \lljtt" Realtors ~11511 open _N;;o;;w;;po:;;;rt;;;;H;;o;;l;;g;;h;;ll=;;';;2;;10;~I e\'t'nings. • Dog Kennel LICt'nsed for 30 dogs, 2 Ex· ercise pens. 2 concrete hous. es, 1 runs. 2 BR. hou.re, Pyr•mid Exch•ngors 675·8800 Cost• Mes• 1100 PRICE REDUCED 1021 Cliff Dr. 3 Bdrm., !am· Hy rm. & pool. o .... ·ner n10'" ini;:. $4!1,riXI. Call for app't. 1 lo see! DON V. FRANKLIN REAL TOR 673.2222 Newport Shore s 1220 I Realtor" 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;1 e RELAX!! e ''Our 25th Ye•r fdf'al beach prof)('r1y; E-Z In th• Harbor Are•" flXEll UPPER tnaint., sl<'Ps to surf, f'IOOl, 2629 HRrbor, C.l\1. Inc. Rea11ot•s Velcra.ns Adn1inlslr1tlion says lcnnis ets. 2 Bdrn1~ .. 2 ha, NEWPORT 191.11 Brookhum Ai·e. 673-4400 prit'e $32.000 011 1his big 1914 Lge. family l'Olln1. lmmedi· CAPE COD Hunting!on Beach liQ. 11. f~~ J.,.ar_gc ate ~cit~:y? $21.!'~ OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY I to 5 ~ 407 Signel Rd. Cuti! 2 bedrm, large lot. hanl- wood fioon;, detached gar- s~. popula1 N e \\' po r t Heights area, just off Cliff Drive. h<'dnnl!, fan1ily &: rlbl" gar-BOYD REAL TY PRIVATE BEACH Open Oailv CORONA •••· "''"• "'"" h""" • "" c. c,,,, .... , .. c•M IJ DEL MAR yard tools. Exl~<'llent l01.'a. e 675·5930 e SPARKLING \\'HITE CAPE hi\n. S.12,000 loan 10 Vcls · l==========-11 COD. Nelllr sandy privare 328 AJiSO F1XER-UPPER no down paym<'nt rPquinolf. Beycrest 1223 beach. 3 large Bdrms, For· Varant • movr in quh:k. Call mat DR. Roof.Over Patio Newport H eights $29,000 54G-1151 lleritai;e Realtors, BAYCREST -POOL fnr Entertainment. Back. comer of Bearon Little "'Ork for a hrach an'l't, npcn e\teningl!. BY OWNER yard Pit BBQ and Shuffle. bl I 3 bdrm11. counlry ki!ctlf'n. J BR, 2 iill, lormal din'g, ram 546·5880 .... s ••11 500 1 short ock rom I (11t1rcintlllfll'.erht) lllltlfd. A re11J tf'al at'#" , Cliff Dr. Ch<'ery f!l"{'plnce. En j ~Y Assume 6o/.i o/o-VA Loan rn1, bct1utifully ilrc., s, Jnd· OLLEGE REALTY DIAL 645-0303 By O"'ner $36,500 hackyani ~BQ + Palin. Lo"' Mo. paynlls. 3 Lg<', BR.: scp'rl, Xlnt loc, Re/Iii huy In •lSCXIAdall'llat Hutlor,Cll FOREST E OLSON ~ ? bath Store boat in bllckyar<l, aJ. rctlf'cor., w/w cp111 .l drps. itrca a1 $l';,000, &12·8062 ''!~~"'!''!"!!"!'!!'l'!!''.""~~ I • Spacious 3 room -, Icy access. A best buy, Hur. lm1ncrl. possess. $22.500. -=========oll I ----REAL TORS living room \O.'ilh fireplace, ry• Dover Shores 1227 OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-5 2'299 Harbnr C.l'o1. large dining are11. overlook· · or lea!W/oplion for l year w/ 2421 VISTA HOGAR I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~·;;;;;;;;;;;;\ Ing lovely gecluded Jana!, DIAL 645-0303 $500 option money: $18."i Mo., """""" PANORAMIC The Bluffs, N'pt, Beach -~·· carpe!in.i: •. rlrt1pes, built-Jn , FOREST E. OLSON 1st.~ lai;I m1'1'J1, $25 J\to. to VIEW Dtcorator's dre11m home. 3 LEASE electn c. kitchen .. Garage off REALTORS h.: crrdilrd tn huyer upon Perfect f 0 r enlrr1Rining, Br; 2 ba. Nr. pools. $32,500. Near ne1v, 3 king &il.t'l bed· alley ~th electric eye opt>n-2299 H;irhor C.f<.f. exerci~ing nplion. Spanish conlcmp, Cour t & <m•. 2"• bath, bltns, 2 "--lcs, er. Nicely landscaped cor-· Call: Palrick \\'oorl 54:'r2300 '" • B'll H R I atrium, 5 BR. 5 ha, 5000 sq ...,., beach. Completely re. ner Jot. 1 aven, ea tor 675 3000 11, hi crilin,i:, 4-car gar, decoratrd .,.,.ith NE\V car. 646-4032 5-18-1444 • 2111 E. Coast, Cr1 ,\1 fi73·3211 $169.000. 548-721!1 pets, dble garagr. $300 mo.1 ________ _ Lachenmyer Realty Call 64&-3928 or 515-348.1 The number to call "'helhl'r buy1ni::. seilin11: or lrasing HARBOR VIEW HOME "Lord of alJ you ~un·ey" in this ~pac, -I bdrm. homr. Hu~c paneled family rm., formal din. rm.. dream ki1ch .• blln. h11r. Tcrracrrl &. pfTll<'s~. lndscpd. yard. A~k. $74;950. 1111 Tli'o1E ON MARKET l'OR SALE * BY 0\\'NER Universit\' PArk Custom hui\1 Ex~utiv{' I)'!){' 1237 OPEN HOUSES: SAT & SUN 1 • 5:00 2138 Tu stin N.B. 4 bdrm. Family rooll'I ............. . SUNDAY ONLY $54,950 888 Sandcastle. 4 bdrm ., view ' .. $56.500 WATERFRONl PALACE Pier & slip to accnmodale 4 BOATS up lo 50'. Enjoy the ultimate in lux ury living and entertaining in this custom buil t qual- ity home. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths and formal dini ng room. Very livable family room with cozy firepla ce. Best buy in the area at $1 28,000. TRIPLEX -$41,500 Neat and clean. No care on this one! Two bedroom units in excellent quiet EAST- SlDE location . 'lifay trade up. This one is priced for immediate sale. Better call now! LAND VALUES * 7.5 Acres Sal'! Juan Capistrano area- freewa y access & fro ntage. Commer- cial potential . * 30 Acres -$5.500 per acre. Excep- tional for speculation. Farm income 1969 $10.000. 2 R· 1 lots Corona de! Mar. South of the highwa y. AND WE HAVE MOREi e · Colesworthy & Co. REALTOR ' Newport le•ch Office t02l ll1y1kle Orin 675-4930 Everyone Qualifies ASflume this lo"' in!erest loan lll'ld save. Spaciou:; and roomy, cozy fireplace. quiet den, plush crp!g, 1111 bllns. 2 baths & walk lo beach. A "'onderful buy at $29.950. Call )4:>8421. -mu,n· A llL \1 '11 ' llEAU'\' l:\f. t ES :'l•l~ !1SJOO_Jj 2407 E. Coast H11o•y., Cd~f HALF PRICED LIVING BEACH AREA Live In one and rent onr. Duplex the ch<'apest \\'ffY !n 011o·n pi"Clpcr1y in R benrh area. 1'hls one inclurle11 Car· pets, Drapes, Sto\'e anrt Re- frigerator wilh purchase. ONLY SZ),!)00 VA/F'HA OK. DIAL 645·0303 FOREST E. OLSON REALTORS 229!} H11.rbor, CJ.f. Eastbluff homr. Panoramic vie"'· Im· m11culale ;> BR, 4 BA. Gigantic ttc rn1 w/\\•et bar, 2 lrplc~. 3 slall s;:ar. On fairway of L\lc-AA VPnlc gt'll/ course. l'olay R!l"Ume 6~-;;, loRn. Must see lo apprec. ~6-2376. BY OWNER &tve S$ on thli. \!"JOO ·sq. f1. bf!11uty: shRrp 3 br, 2 bit, r1rn, d in'~ rm. lrplc, brand nrw "''"'shag cr111 thruour. ~sparkling clean you .,.,-on'! ha\'e lo do 11ny1hing hut 1novc in. Open hnuse 111 Sf!G Srnale SI. Sal & Sun, 10 Ii\ ·1, or call 546-6697 aft 5 pm. \VIII Take 2nd. CAPTAIN BLIGH iii going to mlJC~ chasing rab- bits in lhe lieldl! below lhh; cozy 3 br home on esta1e· siz.cd ocean view lot. Trt"t lined cul • de ~"1111c, near 1 ch o o I s. $27,500. Days 54Ml92; E\'P/li &12·1122. 1t ASSUME 6';<. GI Loan. 3 BR/2 Ba, famlrm, 4l cvni/patio enclo~ s;:11rd<'n enlry. CI06e to AC'hool11: & 11hp'ng. J Yr1 old. 928 i'otacKenzie, Ci\1. 5'1G--4i729 A TASTE OF, CLASS SEE US ••. ~·nr a fine M"IM:::!if)n of homf?ll oHcrcd for sale in Universi!y Park & Tt1111e Rork -Prr· haps "'" ha\'e 1he right one for YOU! I 'llo~'-1 \·lid, I ---'l l"uliu r lst \Vestern Bank Bldg. I Universily Park D•y 833-0101 Nights I H•ven For Children I MUrs of bicycle paths thrul aercs of park: has pool!!, trnnis & g111f, \Ve hl:l\'e bolh hi•uscs & tnwnhnll!ICS lrom 1,000 tn 2,80() 51/. ft.: priced from $28,000 lo $4:'J,OOO. •red hill REALTY Univ. Park Cenrrr, l rvlne Cell Anytime 133-0820 • HAND S0r-.lE TOWN. J IOUSE: 4 BR./2\' BA. $.12,900 * 8.U.11211 or 8.t1-0S20 * OPEN DAILY 1-5 Plush ~hag/crpt, &: rovt"d Costa Mesa 2615 Bamboo, N.B. vin)•I. VA·FHA or 10'~ Own. Yo11 '1J ht hHppy whrn you ~f'f! $22.9!i0. Ownt>r; 5'11-16'97 Fixer-upper 1hi"' a bcdrn1. 3 bll.1h nome. 0 H 0 .1 1 5 R<'d('(,"(ltalf'fl in &. nut Best pen ou1e •• Y • E•1tbluff 1242 $23,500, of flnRncin~ av11llable: 1'~asl, ~ ~l~:fio~ewly/decor. Clean It up -,<011'!1 havr. f'!!(!l'OI\'~ Vacenl! --·-·------- e BLUFFS e "EXTRAORDINAIRE" 3 l](lrm., f;tmlly rm., 2~1 ba. On 11. pin~ sr:cnlrd areenbell, Bf'Hul. ~ludcd patios. $48,500 f'Vrrylhin" )'(ll.I nN'cl, A real Lachenmyer Rfty doll hnll&e "''irh 3 i;ood si2M Mes• Del Mar 1105 Bedroom11. a I.II.lite Joi, In CALL 646.39211 or 545-341!3 --------- " q u t et neighborhood. 1.,,,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.. .. LOVELY 4 BR. 2 BA, llt'l\ul. ll\ndM:aping, many custom fC'llhll'('ll, A!~Ume $1 9,900, ;;1{ '-Ii F"HA. PrinciJ)tlh~ only, $32.900 S."17-7533 dllyii or ~~27 {'\11."JC & \\'k-ends. Tl'rmt, 546-8640 2629 Harbor, C.~t. I .~~!~~ !.!.~~. I nooni, 11111 A·l cond. Qu1tt lt:'tt'I. clOIW' In shOppg. It all ACl\orlb1, $3."l,500, OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 1-4 2324 Coll191, C.M. Wells-McC•rdl•, Rltr 1. WO Nf?'Wpon Blvd., C.M. 541-772' BOYD REALTY 3629 E. Coal!! llwy., Cdt-.t e 67S.l93D e Coron• del Mar 1250 LINDA ISLE LOT l..argc \\:atf'rfmn1 lot "''llh lO!I fl. on WBlcr. SPC"(!hu:uh1_r Inn~ \\'lllt('r hay view. Ronm lo, pool & c..tCf'p tlnnlllly bu-gc ooa1 ~lip, Will con$id· _M_•_•_•_V_o_rd_o ____ t_ll_O BY OWNER - e•' tr11d" for D!r l!('f long TRI-LEVEL raQP cruising y11cht. Price EARLY AMERICAN 4 RR, 3 BA, Form111 llvi ngk $l'i:i.OCIQ, 3265 Colorado Ln rlinin.s: l"ll'lm, Al[ rice. kitch. Bill G r undy, Rltr. Tmm~e 3 3R, fam rm, 2 vsed er. Brt'akfa.81 room, IM'llly 8.\'\ o.,,.,.r Dr .• NB 642-4620 brick !rplc'a, brlllded cpt'g, room. Fil't'J)h'lc•. W/\V car· plnl" panelling, $.12,9SO. Own-f' I t Be tifWJ _ ~ _____ 2 ,, •• , .,.,,.~ pr 1np: comp t 1 r. 1 au y e WANT TRADE e · .... _,,,., l11.nd1JCaprd w i;pr nkler 8Y3- 3 BR., J~ blllh hnmc In AJ . 11200 1l>lfl, 2 )'l'B old, Tmmt>difl lr t&dt>n11 f Pa!la. Arf'fll. ror 1 _N_o_w~po~rt_B_•_•_c_h __ .;.,.. PoNC-.,lnnt Lu~k Homo. Har. 1lmilar in Costll MrAA . Tu11-RAYl>~RON'f..Cholee 2 Br bo r Vle:w llnmes, 3814 Top. tin area. D. J, F'«lf'nttrA, 111pt. Zaf'IC!d for btJiiinesi:. •kl" La.ne. 644-149'1 --!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...,!!!!!!!!!!!!..,,_!!!!!!'!!!j DJMJ:i.A-1.INF.S. ~13 ~•ltor, 1979 Nn, !Akr Ave., Tl'!rlft!I, s•,9:!0. Re a 1tor 1 ""r"o7r-a"'o,...,.ad"1°'0-,.=u-aroonc1==i Altadena. t213! 798-9166. 616-tl732. th clock, dill 642--5678. Our 25th Year THIRI ARI NO GIMMICKS In the J>rice nt thf' fi· n11nt·inJ: nf this exqui· sill• !nur tw-droom and drn home, but lhe kitchen Is Joadrd "'ilh then1. Jl's as mndrrn as tornorrnv.·. Tr11nsf<'rTcd Rnd MUST SELL NO\V! A ~tral at !45,700 Rnd 11ss11me 6·1' 'i'a ins11r11nce loan. :146-5440 A TTENTIOlf ALL Gl'1!I O\\•nrr trflnsfrrN'd In Colol'Rdn, 1\1UST SELL! 4 Brdrooms on quiet, nnr blfl<"k Inn~ i;trrrl in !\lrsa f>rl 1\1ar. Chrar"'r then rrnl fl t $27!'i. in · i·ludin1: prin1'., In t., 111 >:· rt11 & ins. Apprrix. ~ dn\l•n mo\·~s ynu in if )'OU qualify. $46-5440 IARGAIN OF THE DAY lArge 1800 sq. ft. !\IPSi\ Verde 3 bedroom and family room. Priced un· d<'r mRrkf'l -we hl'- Hcvc, Al $.14.!5-00. Nl<'c sizr yard \O.'ith roverf'd 1>aTio. cnmplrlrly fenced. Hnmr has 11111 hltns in kitchen. nl~ quali ty Cllf pels thruout. 546-5440 • UNUSUAL ZONI Tl·y and find a nirer 3 bedroom. 2 bath home 11.nd .a kennel, "111n this, 11nd you \viU I.Ill)' $10,000 more. Cnmpare i,,nd sre for ynurself. }'ircvlR("e in li vin1t roon1, dinln~ a~H. lllrJ:e master bNl- room. SJ.000 do""'" \vii i move you in. 546·5440 A HORSEMAN'S PARADISE This fivf'·rh:hl.11 nf an arr!' "'ith lovl'ly hnmey thrf'f' lx>droom, 111.rg~ hrarth ('On1p1im('nt a \1oncl burninJ.( f!rf'plarr, f•11·n1al d in1n).I'. arrR And ratlnJ: l:!rr11 in kitt•hrn only $>25,750 Rnd nire loca lion for lhrf'f' or more horses. 546-5440 HARD TO PLEASE? U so. then thi1 charm· Ing {'Ondominium hi for you. Cornrr unit, a d\~ tance from pool -yrt • R view nf ~~I. 2 Bed- room. drn .• haths. low do1\•n payment, assun1· Ablt> 5~ 7,, IOlln. This must he a plras!"r, call no"' and 1\'e'U sh54~.;;f~ Results thru Service ASSUMI 514% LOAN \Vlth $MlOO down yuu can tnove into this love· ,, "IS~_.LD_ l"°m, l % I che11 ~::~~ ' ~~:: Hom1 n re· d~orated inside & out. 0\'et-slze room for garage \O.'llh work shop. ~6-5440 IND THAT SEARCH 12 :30 to S:lO by 1to11ping by 20732 Spindrift, 1-1.B. 4 Bc11· rooms, fnrmal dining & terrific FR. This ho1nc has bern Im- proved in every ""'BY im11.ginable. Owner .... •\II help finance to rxisting assumable 6% FHA LORn. STOP~ STOP? 11 nd 1:et the rest or the: information aft1>r )'OU se-e this one! 546-5440 REAL ESTATE CAREER? Beginning in three weeks, Paul-White .. Carnah•n will be starting a complete sales train ing program. Designed primari ly fer new people and include s all the practical aspects cf listin91 financing, appraisin9 and selling cf residential real estate. Includes complete audio-visual c:clcr films shewing exactly how to sell Real Estate successfully. ' Please Ask For Doug Whiting SURGICALLY CLEAN LtWHtr(! (ln f!Ulr t sire-Pt in !\·lrs"l del f.1ar is lhi!i rxqui1>itr 4 b<'droom h.,mr "'i1h hll -l n~. l?ra- dy 111ncl .,.,,11lllnr;: fnr you 1n move ri~ht in. A:<ik· In~ to nly $.11,9()0. E:ictra nice condition ~ 546-5440 VA NO DOWN Extra lart:"r 4 hf'drrl'1m \\'Ith l11r~e family room adj,,inini::; kitl'hrn. Lti- ca!<'d on riulrr i;lrr('I. $RO() for ro~I. "111 mo\'fl :.nu in -only $.12,{)(K). All hlln~ and clrisr In St. John's. 546·5440 DUTCH Cl1!AN! I.~ lhis fine .1 en in fo..1r~a Verdr. Hal! family room toor Sparkl!n~ kltch('n wtl h bltn OV('l'l & rangr "'l!h cl ishwa.~h r r, l~ baths, !Ila.II show. c•r. Park likP yard i:o; fc-n{'('cl. Asking on I y $28.950. E-Z terms, c11!1 0 0\0.', 546-5440 ASSUME HAUTIFUL S 1/4 °/o LOAN Here iii how )'OU c11n he- comf.' lhP o\\•nrr of !his terrific three and family roc)m homr, clO!!f' In shn11pin,i:. \Vith $5.000 dn1\·n, 0\VC 2nd. You pay Sl70 prr mnnth in· 1flrrst, taxes a nd Insur- ance. 546-5440 VA /FHA COLLEGE PARK Ler~e family, n~C'd large hnn1e. Thl'n thl11 is the onr you havr brrn lnnk· in~ f.,r. Four lar,i:c h<'cl· rooms + sl\n:1y I huJ:e bonus rfll'lm. A f)('cnr11 - tor OC'li,i:ht! l..Andscape(f with prid<'. So just movr 1·h:h1 in, to Vet~ NO DO\VN • to anyone a small do\O.'n. Call now for rurlher de111.il.~. 546·5440 It's the SOLD SIGN 546-5440 FOR THE '1(1CUTIVI l\'ilh fl. gro\O.•i ng family "·111 rind this an !delll lncfttion, short walk to ideal 5 BR hnmr hl\I ::"~~1soJ,t .. or .~~: lni;t 15. 2 Sl•ir~ .chen \\'Ith . 3mily roo1n, near l'o1~a Verde Golf Cnurse. Prict! $48,• 950. Call for showing. :i46·5440 TH! FINANCIN~ IS SUPERB! Trrriflc .'\ bedrm and famil y room plul! IRrJZe !inisht'<i bonus room In Cn~tR L\1esa. &k $.'30.- 950. You ean assume ex• jp;linJ;: loan or $2'.!,200 anrl your paymenls Jn. eluding princ.. 5" r;,, inl., t111xes and insurance: \VI II be only $209. pe-r mo. M6-5t40 that counts 1093 IAKER STRllET, C0$TA MESA • .. • - ,, • ,, ' t ' 1 I "2a DAILY 'ilOT 1!_,..il&isEs FOR SALi ~lurdaJ, Octobff 24, 1970 HOUSES ,OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi -HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS RENT~LS RENTALS Hous•s Furni1hed Hou••• Furnished, Hou111 Unfurnllhtd RENTALS Hou••• Unfurni1htd REN TAL~ Apts. Fumlshod f, I 1 I Corona del Mar 12JO Lido Isl• 1351 Huntington leach 1400 L•gu'ne l11th t705 _. G 1 t'l-General 2000 Lagun• Bttch 2705 c;ost• M••• 3100 Coron1 dtl Mir 3250 1n1r1 - YARD-A·PLENTY HOUSE TO MATCH Lu1k built k 3 }i'llr5 ycung. Sho11.'t"OOm condltkln. Ml Sq, o.: 4 bdrnt8 .. 3 b11.th~: f11m1ly rrn., ronn11 din. rm.; aplit·lt'Vrl, 3 Car i;ar•ee: wtth &II 11\r quality appoint• mrnt8 on a ~ acre kit In JI r,. !'l t 1 it e nel1hbormori. S.'!6.!!00. On lo-.1·, lov.· lr11510. hold. Call us about 1hi1 "Special", ~y.:~~-.,s:."",,. 0 ;;:, LONt~OM£ TRI-LEVEL Home And ln~ome RENT • A • HOM E • $225 mo.2 be. Cl'l'U. dl'J>'. t.EA SE /OPTION. ~"' l·,-8-R-. ,-..,,,-.. -,-.. -. "'-w-•• -~. Just For ' Cl.ASSJC NORMAND\' 1.rcb. Pvt heael'I' 3 Arch Bay. A•wnablr., ~cl& 11)'11! s. ot hwy. No pet•. :andik> Art~~·~ ~~t ~M: NEAR BEACH itectw'e iii featured In lhla $95.00 & UP 5-1~. charmer W11 3 large $200/mo, '32 Fernlea.I. 213: s· I Ad It oo• n w I~ Ul, • 2 BR, den, 2 BA ownrr'• Al.I. SIZES. Al.L AREAS .---------tiedrm1, f&f11UY rm, ovenli-76l-t767 1ng 8 u s 49+6415 $42 500$ home with attacMd studio, f'URN. OR UNF'VRN. ed llvlns: i:'ITI· modern bltns 1 2,,-~8~R~.-:ho=u,.--;:10~,-:1.~.,.=. ' •-sunny Palk>t, Decks and ASK !-'OR JODI .Vacatlot'I Rent•ll· 2tOO & 2 8parldlng baths, Priced Avallable Nov. 6. Adulta on- ~f~ 2414 Vista Del Orn 644-1133 Huntington S.ach .._ 1 Gardens offer privacy from •32-7800 · !or lm"iediato &ale at ly. For Information call 7\4: Ille FURNISHED f"OUR. PALM DESERT • Furnished $31.500-iubmlt on lease op-4 yrs, ~uni;, Quiet cuJ.de.aac PL.EX in rtar. oonslsllng ot * SINGLES OKAY 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo. on tion term1. Call S45-.842-4 793-~35 to arrange &ppl. FANTASTIC Hue• Famlly Room 4 Bedroom&. 2 luJI balhs, landscaped yard ""Ith )'OUr own prlvale garrfen &. as· ~rted trull ftteg, Lara:e lllone llreplaee: situated on tret> JilM'd cul-d@.saC ltrttt. ll urry nn thl1 one -no do11•n Veri; . $31,500 full prk't!~ 1treet. Ruslic extrrior wllh 2 h $l~" NI I .__.. .,._.. Shadow MtlJ CounJTY Club South Coast.-Realton. LRC 2 Br. 1 &, blln&, fully shake roof, 4 huce bdrm.1, 11)11{.'IOUI one BR apl'.1 ~·ii ~ · eel)' rurn Sr.cu 1 °'""" tairwa,y. By Wk or Mo. 2.U: I 'C-;;-;;--;;--;;;c-=cc--;= 'd nc1 h M!partte muter aulte, Big CATHEDRAL CEJUNGS room, Jarse fenced yard for S!t2..-20'n e~. 3 BR, 2 8A, crprs, drp1, ~~~h'. ~ :i,;, ';;~ J7X17 c.nle.rtalnerw den, for-and 2 comfortable litlKllo lot & pet. CAU. NOW~ 1----------frplC", famiJy nn. 5250. Lit-tum. 615--4943 mal dinlnlr. Garden kitchen-apis. Location 1wo BLOCKS * BLUE BEACON * RENTALS lie 2 BR older homt:. $125. all buillin1, Park Jlke FROM BEACtl And \VALK· * 64~111 * H adult.sonly,3BR, 2BAApt1. LARGE 4 .BR, 3 BA, 5plit grounda. Immaculate and ING d\1tant'f' to DOWN. ouses Unfurnished SHiO. level, Spanish decor. $31:'1. vacant~ Need quick poases. TO\\'N LAG UN A AMures Renta ls to Share 2005 G eneral 3000 We ll1-McCardle, Rltrs. ~~~i~ 642~1~;_ u P 8 n cy • 1ion! Movt' in today. l00%occupoancy,No\\'Offer. 1----------1810 Ne"'POrl Blvd., CM Dial ff4-7521 1'<1 at JM,000. Consi1te111 FE~1Al..E Roommate. no 8r1"ck Fireplace ~S-7729 2 Br, 1 ba. trple, !relhly o $1'000 Cali ~hildren. no ..... ,,, share !,..,. ' d·-• 1··" patio A"oil Forest E . Olson, Inc. ..ross over ... . .,.. ... .. ...... , '"'" , • , 6491 Edinger, H.B. broker at 49!}.J219 for 11.ppl. ~ ~~n;,.,, Bea c h. fo"OR CHRIST~tAS STOCK. * S95 * Nov lit. $225. ns Orchid . * t.1UST SELl. TillS \\'EEK WOODS COYE t"EMALE ROOl\fri1An;, INGS? Sharp 3 Br, 2 Ba, 5"&-<1957· 4 BR/3 Ba. Owner Anxlou11! Cnr.y home surrounded by $70 mo. 1tn1·e. rrfrlg. crpt11, drp:o;, 943 Sunset (oU Monrovi11l 2 BR, Home. $195/mo. See /\gt : 645-1070, 962·7:'124 • 111wering trees, Dctilgllf'd hy So. Bay Cluh, N.B. ;~1::.•ll & chlldrl!n ok, 2 BR, garage, 11ove & relrig Sat·~~~ ~~~mine, Cd.\f REAL t~'TATE e By owner, 4 br. 2'ii bit , lgl' Chris Abel. 2 Bl!droomll, •646-0956• avail. References requlrfll. HU!l.'TINGTON BEACH OFC, corner Joi. 847-1047, 17321 hu\lr-in kitchen. lirepl11.ce. '"=~.,---~=~-~ C & S Speedy 646-9666 •nytime SOUTii of hwi New 3 BR. 2 AN EASY WALK 194-5311 Gurney Ln. \Yood exteriOr & 11..ll ~-ood "'lLl. share 3 BR home in RENTALS * 548-1161 BA. Shq cptg, dri». Avail To sU 'rorrs &· markeis, l ~O~"';:;"~'~"'~Y~•~-~·~';";.;'"~'~''°;.1';::;:;:~~~~=~~1 beam~ ceiling!! "'Hh indi. :i~~rfy. ~~6-~p·g c 1 r ) 1 BR hOme util pd ...... $90 QUIET TREE lined strttt. 11/1. $265. mo. 846-2523 Cdl\t dupleJC. l.o'>l·er l ·BR. Fountain Va lley 1410 rect lightinR. \Yalklna: dis. 1 "=~~~---~-2 BR \'&cant only •••...•• s90 Immaculate. 3 Bedroom, 1 =,-s=R;--, "1"1>-· -.. ,-.-w~,,~,.-,-,~. Ii; a complete chllrml'rt Up. BEACH PROPERTY tance to beaeh. $34,500. NON Drinker, non smokrr -2 BR rncd for klds , ... Sl20 double fireplace. huge tarn\· relrig, patlo. Adults, $195 per 2 BR, Never \•aca.nt. OWNER. Westmont home, 4 woman to sharr home &: 3 BR 4 kids OK , . , ..... $150 !)' room. all bltns, new per mo. (213) 78Q...9TI2 days. App'! only. 3 BR-ONLY $18 500 br, 2 ba, frplc, unfinished ~OJ,,,.;,_, pool with same. ~2286. ~BR rumpus rm kids OK $19:'1 carpets, Best residential 3 BR. 2 Ba, newly dee. Lrg 2 CUR.T DOSH Realtor , bonus rm. lge ft'nced 101· ../TOf/,Uli&<' 2 BR dlx horse ranch •• Sl70 11.N!a. $300 Mo. lease. Call car gar, frple. new crpts & ' FHA appralial s 27 ' 4 oo . REAL EST•'JE Newport Beadt 2200 4 BR dlx OOrse raneh .. sm 5"45-8424. South Coa 5 t 1to11e, $295/mo. 67S..2672 \\'o"·! Hard to hl'lie,·~ fl1od. sz;,7oo &Mume. FHA S%'i0 "' STAR*LET 776-7330 Re Ito 64Z·6472 E~·e!I. 613·3461 crn 3 Bt'riroom 2 full .. baths, le.an, S158 pymnts. 5J6..6701. ON THE BEACH 8 rs. 2 BR. Fi.replace, Crpl!, stove Soulh Bay Club 1s a whole new wa)' ot Ille dcsiined just ror slna:le people. It'• fun living with warm. cly. namk nela:hbon:. Jt'a a $750,000 Oubhouse: w I t h beallb club, lillWlU, awim· JT1ine pool, party room, bll· Liards, lndoqr aoJl driving ranae, tennis court!, pro shop and resident tenrilil pro, Single, l &: 2 Bedroom Jux. ury apartments with all the modern conveniences avail· able. Furnished and unfurn. ished. lifODELS OPEN DAILY lO A.M .• 9 P .M. a RENTS FROM $1SO to $3SD NEWPORT BEACH 880 Irvine Ave. Irvine & 16th 17141 1>15-0S5D 1730 \V. COASt Highway ~~~~I~,~~: b~:~'.f~~. t:;;;!o~,~·~n!ge~C~o~u~n~t~y:__~l600~'.!-'!14_-_!14i~~:,,"'.G-.la~nna"'y'"'i'~54iil.~·-°'-16 N~~-2N~~r~;111~ ~lb!~ "Nifty & Thrifty'' 3$~/2::_· ~l!!~ct :~:~~ ! ~~~i6SUNDECK. $220. • ·'"""'c'"o"T'"T"'A"'G"'E"'"s"'M"'A"'L"'L""' SEE TODAY Dick Berg Really 962·2421 54G-11:'11 or :'157-7648. CUTE 1 br, separate yard. 1-urner lot with boat gate. BUILT. IN 'EVERYTltINC NEAT 2 BR. :Stove, refrig, 321 NARCISSUS Enormous covered patio. 'a"g•, 0,.... dl•h"'••"·c', II )'OU "''" ""'" Jookin<> for 2 BRl2 BA: Cmplt furn/Mod/ d • DELUX new 2 Br duplex, 1st Adults, no pets. $150/mo. SOUTH BAY CLUB APARTMENTS ••• V F 1 " • '" " ,,... " " "' carpers, rapes '1 garage. rlr, beau! patio, yd. encl Call alt 5. 673-1953. ro ·crd ~le, S36.000 Sunday Lo"', Jow down. acant. as Vll(:uum s y 5 I em. "'fifer a 2 BR 2 BA home ~·i1h }[~r. w/J;l"ar. Thru 6115, $2251 Only $llll n10. gar, nr \Vestclilf 675-1849 onl )'? !'\eat 2 txlrn1 . Pro,.in. posses&kin, \\.'on "I la!~. _Hur. l!Ofttner, 5 r 0 n e fireplace, VIE\\', PRlV~CY, TREES, mo. Call 673·2648. C & S Speedy H t' t Be h 3400 clal home. Open Sun. for ry & Call t714J 962·5M:J. sprinklers, outside lights & localed within WALK1NG I cL=R~G~2-Q=R;--"'--'"7.'~,..-0~,-h~.,.-. RENTALS * 548-l 168 2 BR Freshly painted & dee. un ing on ac your insj"K'Clion lron1 12 lo fORESJ [, OLSON rov~red pAtio. HUGE 3 bed. Oi~tance 10 BEACH, I h Is J<'rplc, \\'intl.'r $250. AduHa Nice yard. Older couple HUNTINGTON Harb 0 u r 4 P.~t . Mrs. Hopper rrr. 2 bath + rumpus room. home Is ror you. 01her rra.-only. 613..so88. * CHEAP * prefd. Call 646-4550 "·aterfrnt. 3 BR, 2 ba, frplc Uni'"enii1Y Reali)' 673·67110 GI can b"y oo do•~ & >ell· turt's inc I u de dramatic I========== Sl lO. l!ARD TO BELIEVE! & deek & dock. Lse or lse Inc. Real!ors 3001 E. Coast ll"'Y·. Crf.\t 19131 Brookhurst Ave. er pays all closing cosla, OPEN BEAM CEILINGS, N1wport Hgts. 2210 2 BR. Eastside location. Mesa Oil Mar 3l05 option, $550. 644-4221, Htintington lkacll plush karRstan carpeting And \\'ON'T Li\ST LONG! .-;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 8'16-5041 OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-S 428 Morning Canyon Charming 3 Br. hOme, .flew. 1007 Dolphin Terrace Jmmac. 4 Br. pool. \'lrw. OON V. FRANKLIN REAL TOR 673-2222 LAST 2 DUPLEXES Reduced • Priced lo Sell Thi1 Week Only, $6,11.500. So. of Hwy. Short .11.•11.Jk to beach. lst & Go!d('nrod, Fin,. home & rental. Crp1ed, self clean. Ing ovens, large room!'l. Shn111n 11.1 your convenience. Cal\ 644.Q'266, * OPEN SUN. 1-S * 316 NARCISSUS ~=~7''====:0:-INEAR DISNEYLAND, Im· EXTENSIVE USE OF NICELY Furnished guesl * BLUE BEACON * • LOVELY, Fresh 3 BR, 2 ba, OLE' AUTHENTIC mc.cuh1te 3 bl'drm, 2 bath, GLASS, ntferlng an unend. house Sl2S mo. Util in· * 645-0111 * $325 Per Month tine erea nr heh & Newport, I · 1 '"· bl p ·r <'iuded. Employed person SPANISH "'ilh camper • boat • 1rlr ng \llewl o u..-~e a,c1 ic. over 25 yrli. old. 642-:'1770. ~R~E~N7.T~. A • HOME Yes, ii'!! ~harp. sharp, 3 bed. boat door, Avail no"" S260 li!Orage + <"Xtra l11rge gar. Realist cally Pr 1 c e at room , 2 bath near schools & mo, water w. 0\\'rter, HACIENDA age & lot. Only $24,750 No $34.500. Call broker at Corona del Mar 2250 $95. & UP shopping. ~948. Nes11rd on nearly 1::, ac~ down GI • 49'J.1719 rnr llPPI. Al.L SIZES · ALL AREAS Ed R iddle Realtor 3 BR. 21h ba condo, 2 Olym. 11·ith cool n-d tile roof, an:h· EMERALD BAY * 2 BR. QIARM! l'~URN. OR UNFURN, 646-1811 pie·siu pools, Call 642-3473 eri enlry and privalt' ceram· ~REAMY .4 bedrm, 2 bath Juit listed! Atlr, traditional tfomey little furn. Doll· ASK FOR JODI or 54&-4179 Mrs. Clark. ic tile court. Huge 1800 JIQ. JUlt a short walk 10 beach. 3 BR 3 Ba. sep !iv, rm., House. Beam ceil ings . 832·7800 3 Bedroom Cont i nental It. rancher "'ilh 3 bedrooms, Ankle deep shag carpetln~. din. rm. & ram . .:m. Occansirle of hwy. \\'alk to --LA~7N~DL~O~R=o=s~1.=1. --! Mesa Verde 3110 Townhouse $190. FULLER 2 ba1h!! And 12 in~h thick custom.ctrps, take-_over GI 1!S Em••altt 81.y 175,,(XXJ rvt'rything. Lease. $190 . REALTY 54&-0814. J h nJ $3850 d LSE option, 4-5 BR. 3 ba, 3 l>;;==-=c=--,;-;c:-c..,-,-walls! FANTASTIC S27.900. oan wit 0 Y own Shown by llpp't Shown by appt. 673-5513. frplc, 3-cllt' gar, lge lot, ADULTS only, 2 br, 2 ba. Wa Iker & Lee ~m~. Lotsa' house !or only Bill Grundy, Reaitor JM~1ACULATE 2 BR. drn, Vacancy Problems Ended fncd. $425 mo. New ~len Fully crptd. drpg. $195 mo. ' · 833 Dover Dr., NB 642-.4620 111 BA. Ocean \"iew. ~·alk It> Verde home, lse thru June, incl util. 536-4546. ' •-h "2 o FREE supply of qualified · Rl'aliors OUR FACE JS RED-and CHARMING duplex South La. ~~ac,.4 ~h ii 4m6~·.1 f63n Sal. tenants 11.t no cos! to you. 557-8239 1 ~sP=A7CJ=o~u~S~4"B=,~N~,.~Bc7.h~& 7AA2 F:dini;:cr 50 are the custom carpels guna. Large 1 BR upper with '"'1· 1 · .r A1k for LEE or OLA •3 BR, 2 ba, Jam rm, 2 schls. Luxury living w/bltn 842-445.i or :;.10-5140 Rnd drape!'l, Decorator red-View, fireplace, beams. Lo'>I" l BR. HOUSE, furnished. 832·6600 frplcs, covered patio, bltrl!. l'!I. ... I Yr lse. $250. 961J.:'1453 CONDOMINIUM for Spanish or Medill laste, er studio, patio, nicely land-$165/mo. Avail Nov. I, $250 mo/lse. $225-3 BR 1 ri ,~1 Call 968-5227. Call 847-7004. " crp ~. rp11, ... I'' Live wtler• the fun Isl RENT FURNITURE * DrRECT TO TENANT 24-Hr. Delivery 100% Purchase Option Complete 1 BR Apt u Low as S221mo. JO.Day Mlnimum * \VIDE VARIE"l'Y CUSTOM FURNITURE RENTAL 517 \V. 19th St., CM, 548-3481 l"'From $35 Wk. Luxury Single Apls. Complete maid service housew~s . lir.ens, all utii, heated pool, billiards, restaurant, ~ \aili. VILLAGE INN ~na Beach 494-9436 BALBOA INN Balboa 675-87.a : \,I Lo\1e\y 3 bdrm. hOme: 1 bath. 1 f'.A. ~al, frplt'., carp. Com. Assume existing Sl3.~ nfA Immaculate tri·level 4 bed-11caped corner Jot. Great ========= * NEAR OCEAN * ========= fncd yrd. Child/pet ok. I ~~~~~~~~~~1 Joan payablt' $142 per mo in· rm 3 bath "Meridith Gar. lerms. S33.000. Lido Isle 2351 Sl 7:. _ SHARP 2 Bedroom Broker. ~. I; •lud<"g 1,,., ._ mainten· dens llome·'. See it now • ENGLUND REAL ESTATE . 1 d Newport Beach 3200 6 Bd 2 Ba d bbq Cost• Mesa 4100 I pact ki!ch. Dbl. garaa:e. ! Short '1·alk 10 beach. .. "· •· "' 4948093 ----------home, stove, retrig, ence ----------rm, . en. , i--"-"-'-'-;c.;c-----ance. 2 Bedrooms 2 bath, 6 ma.ke an offer, Must aave 318 Thalia 5 BR., 41i ba. waterfront yard for kids & pels, OON'T CLI.t'F'HAVEN . 3 Bdrms. bltns. Nr. Marina Hi schJ. I I MORGAN REAL TY yrs l"M'W, with n1orfl.'m f'lPC lace last. OCEAN VJE\Y Kome. 2 Br., home w/dock. on Lido DEIAY~ yearly, •. $325 Including Avail nowS285.968-S700alt5 bllr. kilchen, living rm v.•ith Larwin Realty, Inc. 2 Ba. "'/muJtJ.u:re room. Nord. SISOO i\1onth * BLUE BEACON * gardener REMARKABLY UNBELIEVABLY EXTRAORDINARILY BEAUTIFUL floor to c1•ilin1::" lireplar.e, 962-6981 •nytlme Bllns, applil'lnce!'I, comp\. 3 FIR. 3 Ba. off·"·arcr home * '4S..0111 * 3 BDRi\IS .. view home, Fountain Valley 3410 ser\1k'e porch, pli.'nly ol stor·l==========:j carpeterl. Balanc.'<'cl Jl0-.1'1.'r furnished ... s1~,o month l"•inr Terr ac e , $550 ------~--- 673-6642 67l-f>ll9 •M LOW DOWN I Buy11 thi11 hcttrr n"new 2 bed· room view home. l.ea~ioption'.' $5,000 Do11·n'.' 3211 POPPY OPEN Di\JL '' Univl'rl';ity RPalty 67:';-6:'110 SRC, IHrJ:e "'ardrobe~. crpls, Laguna Beach 1705 home. $31,7~. Jo•;;. down . Bill Grundy PJtr. &124620 FAMIL y SPECIAL lllC"luding gardener * SPANISH 3 en. family drps, pa1io, a.J i;!eps to 1023 Katella, 499-3CkM> or SPACIOUS 4 Br. 2 Ba, hhn.~ mom, 2 Bath. 2 yran: old. Val D'isere Garden Apts Adults. no pets PuttinR" i;:-reen, ""alerfall & slream fio"·ers every~·nere, · -CE 49" "'0 4 \\'INTER Hentals. 2 BR, 2 $26.i/mo. * Call 962-1408 large sOOpp1ni: L1!111(>r ... vm. DIRTY FA . I c=~:c;:::c:·-------SIO\"e, crpts, drp!I, rcfriJ;?, plex. Vacant . move in to-harh, frplc. FA h!., $23."i. 4 1i•astwr &, dryer. NEAR Salisbury day Anyone qualifies, G .I. NO ON. PYMT. 1710 RR & den, 31.; Bi\, $450. SllOPPJNG. f2T:i/n10. Really Leguna Beach 3705 45' pooi, rec. room, billiard•. 3001 !::. Coasc H11)'., CdM BAYFRONT LOT 2119 Bayside Drive a'. "THAT 'S Tiif; n 1EMF:" lor s.n Cl•ment• 673-2;,;,9_ 213: 28-'>28-l.1 c & s s-edy .--31!> J\IARINE AVE. 673-6900 th\~ 11pntwling L'Onl.eni110rllry BAYCLJF~' Rrfulr 11\•lng, h·pl~. ----------RENTALS * S48-1168 1 _0B~A~L0B"O"A"'l'SLA'"N"O __ styled horn!'. Det~ilc-d ex l~r· cp\s/rfrps, spar rms. 2 hr, Balboa Island 2355 f62-4471 ( :':~.} 5464103 lor w/lnw s""{'('pJnlZ: roof11n.. 2 ba elecl kll l rcf/dshwi;hr. * BEACH BEACON BAY BBQ's, Sauna, furn .. unfurn, e LE"ASE OR BUY e Singles, 1 BR, 1 BR + den, 3 BDRM., family rm., dining, 2 RR. l'"rom $135. See 11~ 2 frplcs, Woodsy, uniqul'.', 2000 P11rsons Rd., 642.8670. ne~·er. Carpets, drapes. Between Harbor &. Newpon Nrar high school (460 Ar. • 2 Blk N. 19th. 88 f't, bulkhead, ~·Ith pier ltf'a. $220,000 IFee simple). T S 11. ('!I, ~·OOd, stucco & ~·105 \\'ashr-ldryr. r.11ny bltns. 1010 so. Bayfront: 4 Br. :p,~ con AGE BAYFRONT op e 1ng Vl'rrfcs ~tonr \\'l'll dt'lllli:ncd riv fenttd patio. ov.'fler ba. \\'Bll!rlront home & 2 br. -New. Carp. &: drapes; view 3 BDRM. & OEN CENTRAL ~~3927 1 ba. R"&raRe apt. Dock. SUO-including utililil's. COZY of lhe entire bay, 2 Car gar. royo Chioo). Avail . now. $400 _:._$,::30.:::_W~E~E~K~&~U7P~-I -List $53,950. t BR. or StudiOs, furn w/kll. OFFICE! HALL FLOOR P .. N. _;::· :::·=:..· -----1 s-~,oom. ~. EPS TO ""' Bill Grundy Rltr. 642-4620 ~"-' ,-.,, 3 BR., 2 ba, ExqUisite inter. Dbl door C'nlrY h11ll OJlt'n• 1----------BEACl-f. Sm11ll to! & pet ~·el. All til pa.id $500 Per Bill Grundy, Rltr. 83.'\ Dovt'r Dr .. N.B. &1~ .. 1620 TRl-PLEX 10% DOWN \Valk 10 11;hops & bl.'11.ch, rnjoy lrplc, hon1e & income, Srri£'- by Co, 5-16-2011. i">1onl h of SPpt.~mbl'r Is!, ~nd, n) LA.RGE LtV, Rflt, 25 San Juan CHA.RMING 3+ br, 11~ ha.. conll'. HURRY! mont~. . . 3rd placf' "'1nncr.i; Hunting· FT LONG \Vint CENTER C . t 1725 Lillie lslllnrl hom", comp LUE BEACON * Daily, Wkly, l\lonthly, Util. ALSO: 435 Holly SI. Same Linens & ph, serv incl. No size, same de&eripllon. View chlldrt!n or pets. Hid Pool. deck. $375 fl.lo., or furn ished 2080 Newport Blvd. at 21st 1on Beachffountain V~Uey FIREPLACE OF \VHITE apls r•no furn. ·x1n1 loc. 673-2191 * B , , 475.,050 o Boarrf of Rcallor5, Clients BRICK Sliding e;lass opens GI Resale, no qualilying. A * 645--0111 * 111111 M&l•ll•IT Cl.,IJIC. 1,11.\tin.i.; • list 1"1011·? 10 rt!ar ~round!!. !\1str. bdrm. hrautilul llome nr marin;i . Seal Beach POPCORN & Roasted S47.8.i07 &l2.o427 4:11·3769 suite w ; M 1 RR o RED 3 BR. 2 BA, rmlc. bltns, le;E' 2450 Marshmallows $425 . Li&t S47,5'W'. * 642·2611 * Bl Amerieard e Ml Charge BEAUTIFUL hOmo, ""'plog 1!14 l.!NOEN. 3 Bdem• .. 2 * HARQ TO FIND baths. Small dinin•. Brick ' * PANORAMIC VIEW ' Luxury Ocean Bll'd, Duplr~. Overlooking Jr11y X: Harbor. By O"'nl'r : 673·R.%6 • NE\\' rontempor11.ry hntn" $79,500. 2'28 Goldf't'IT•lrl. Corona del Mar. By appl. -"'"""' I , 2 Br house, l br i:ar. npl. Frt!~hl)' deror. Charminf.!. S44,750 718 Orchid. :i41!-o1!1:17. \\'ARDROBE OC>ORS & PRf. upstain; rm, Can make 5 BR OCEANFRONT spaciou5 2 JN THE FrREPLi\CE. Lrg VATE 81\TH \V/Mi\RBLE home. Shag cptj!!. lgc fenced BR, 2 BA. 2 car litl'lragc. 2 BR. Stove. crpls, drps, ~~~~~=:~=-TYPE PULI.f\1AN. yrl, hof:ll !'lpace $2950. down. $2:11"!. ii·intcr Jiw., 1tlM> l'll'Ril hugr fencri yard. Children _:: Comple1ely niodel'n kitchen 4rl2·8418 year 'round. (2131 ~2-1489, ok, $160/mo. BELOW MARKET w/au. brklR1 ar"a. has ALL I========== r1·l's 21.11 ;,92 . .°J.176. C & S S~edy 68 BlLT-lN RANGE & ovr;N, Condominium 1950 1---------RENTALS * 548·11 :l Bl'<lroon1 2 bath, SJ8,500 lull pl'I("('. Elcc bltn range & DISHWSHR., GARB. D!SP.. , VERY CLEAN k spacious 3 r:rc. This better bilt hon1e Green 11 Beautiful Laguna Beach 2705 bcdrm home "·ith l.i::e yArrf, 01•rn, fon.'f'd air heat. large "d ·-• ., " " .. Doll• In Grrcn 1 -~--------locilled in finer 1-es1 cnh .... ~il\"I'.' vr~c.. rs L /S I •prink\E'rs, bltn!, 5!one frplc fill x 100 rrncl.'d lot , dble gar. '' II h 1 Jh" ear ea11 a• Furnished section has been lrasM nut, a t'Y urry o see is n J<1r $240 l)('r nin. Families »!tr, c·rpls. dl'P!!, covered Pll· NEEDS YARD \VORK ,,_A new i;inglf' i;to1-y, J hrd~. 2 Lov•ly B1ach Condo only. A.i:;cnl :.16-4l41. tio low dn"'n payn1rnt plen-FEW fltINOR REPAIRS. ba with all lhe goodie.s incl Av11ll Now for 11.'ase thru 1---'---=------- Lldo Isle 1351 ly 01 s1or11ge, lanclSC'a~. Offered "as is"', for the \ow an assumable r;iov't Joan, June or longer. 2 BR, 2 Bi\. I-"=-""'-------ll prlc or low, low dn pyment. (Separ. upprr wi1h Jiving, dinin.i:: Costa Mesa 3100 SALESMAN WANTED 1 533,'950 FULL PRICE ate family &. adult areas kuchen areas main Ooor nv.1--"--------T h 1 C'rlooking beautiful pool. ~tOVING TO HONG \\e hl'l\'e an oprn1ng for a 962-4471 ( =:::} 54t..110J NO ON. PYM • L'"••w' t'n Reolty, Inc. LarJte 2 car pon plul'i itlor· KONG"?? !'rt'11!11e k kno11lrd~e~hlr 10 ell•. velcr11.n. payehle Let !he Property Manage- k I 96' 6988 oyt1'me llR"c & completr laundry fa . prr!'l'ln 11·11n 11·onlri h e I lt GI ·NO DOWN $261.12 ""r mo., for 360 mos,, ,. a menl D\\'ision of South .,.. cilities. All beautifully & l1V>l.'d<lm of a s1nalll't' orr1c" ~. l<•"P 4 '·•l•m. I'' ho, •Irr. '>l'it h an annual pt'rccntage 1 1 Coast Rl.'allors ~Ive your I • "'' • --.. A 1 1 I co1np etl.'ly urnished, linen~. S.· th" 11ri\'ant1t5ir~ o fl pr1n1" k•·I., 1., .• 1 ..... 0,, " d<P•. ••te of Jt~• •,;., par men s ar pi-ublcms. For appoinlmenl I · I " ,. ·• '' "" S I 1980 china. l.'1t"'. if ricsil'f'cl. Only localion, d!!a ing 1n irH·r 10• _,0., 1,1. ~tibmlt any MISSION REAL TY a e !'all 54.">-8424. · "' '"" ' ·~ loO slCPs to pril"ate brach. propcriics. trmis. gs,·, So. Cout H"'Y·. l.11guna \\'ATERFRONT-Three 1 br Tennis rourt & 2nd pool al. 4 BR. 2 b;;i, references, 3 h owanb towsor.1 Ji:i. 847-8j{l7 l::l"c~. OOS.1178 Phone (714) 494-07~1-unils "'/dock. $6.l,000. Prin. !ifl ('In property "i th ~org. <'h1ldren, pn'ler tttns. 1 prt. 111eolto11 75 FT. FRONTAGE ciplC's only, 0'>1·nrr 673-2662 rnus landlC'Rpini; lhru-ou!. S220 mo. 4:4.J.8:30 P~f. 787 .,416 Vh1 Ltrio 6T.J-4562 SO. COAST &LVD. alt 6 pm . Easy l'ICCi!S~ 10 supcr nikt.1 =J7."='~""-·"C~·,'_1."'°-;:::-.::= Lawson 2 Prtnie business locations + l,B~U~S~1E='=ST=--m-.,~.-,'1p71a-oo-7.i~n &hopping, t'IC, S.l2,l monht, 3 BR, 11; ba, lge fenced ~~~~~:~'.'."_~~I penthollse & parking. 3.'J!¥) town. The DAILY PILOT ~·inlC'r ba~is. \\'iii consldt'I' yard, g"r. ritt'~ Verde. : 1 Custoni home on lar,.:e dbl. -SQ. ft., improvf'mrnts, vi{'.· Classified section. Save lease . purchase or outr\ghl Sl95. 548-8124 or 540--0190 c11.ney In bldg. at this time. money, time &. effort by s11.le. Aclults prefrm"rl. Refs. 3 BR. 2 BA. Carpets. drapes. AJ A 11.ppraisecl 111 ~!Ung sho p pi n 1 from your 499-2152 At-1 or 8.37·07!11 an)'-Patio. Adults. $200 month XLNT vlr"' 11rrns.~ from golf r.our!W, '""!')' lgc n1odilied 2 RR. 3 b11. 17X21 farn rm 11 /bcan1 rrlll111:. let' l1v rm, forn111l dln"g 1·111. hlln bbq ln : , lot. Din. ·rri., t'.onv. den "'' 1' ""et ba.r, m11id"1 rm. It ba . HuRe patio. Unusually &ood financing, Ask. SR9.000, price ol $100,000. Good 1oan1 ,,ann='=·"=alr=. =====·=_;..,=H=m='=· ======="--='='"='="='d='=·="='""='"=· === c11n be assumerl at prrsrnt1• I 1 howon<'> lowson Jez. a colC.0111 ra1e & terms. U:iw n1aint. General 2000 G1neral 2000 Genera1 2000 : ' ki., hlt11 r11ngc & n 1· r n, rlctarh gar. open hou~e. by 3416 Via IJdo li'i::i.4.'162 t"l11·n<:l'. 1·5 pill Suncl11.ys. lijjjjiijijiiiijiiijjjjiiiijjijji 84t>-67.i1 alt 6 pnl 11 1-2 On An R~.2-L-.-, - ' , l~IMACULATE t "'o 11ury t.oi·t'I '" tion1e 1n fron1 rental '/ • lioml'!. 3 Rrlrr11~ • ctrn • 2 111111 ·10 !Tar Re,it 11.8. /CK'll· 1l hlllh!I. Out1>t11nd1ng \·11l ue ft\ tif'n. Hines~. n11ncr n1us1 : ' I $36.9."iO. liq111d11.1c Rt $2'1,500. Subn1l1 3l3 N. Ccmst H \111~. : , CALL : P~:R.RY GIU.. ll!J icrlllll. l..11~unA Bt>ach 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- S©\\~1A-.!££!rS® The Puzzle ·with the Built-In Chuckle 0 l1it0rtonge le:ntrs of ti•• lour 3Cramblecl wards be:. law lo form four simple watds 1 , 675.2123 Ill'"· 673·7071 KRAFT REAL TY 49.il-7518 I Br~a111 \\'ielit Rt:•llOr!i "•"J<IR 962-642·1 =~--1 , M v OCEA VIEW I LABHEF i 11 I I I I I '. Spani•h Tile Roof EXECUTIVE HOME i PRIME TIP VACANT/MUST SELLI 4 Bdrn11., 3 M.u~. con'"t'rt. 1 Lo"' inlrrt'11t 108.ll! 4 !k<irm, rif'n ~·Uh \\"t'I ~r & llre- 1 OF L IDO ISLE r11m rm .. SPfln brick frplc, pla<.'I". Olnlng rm. Unob-Bc>aut. 4 Rlt., 41" lin. hf)rnl' I wf't hllr, J,(lvcly MrMc, i;truclcd N<lrth coastal view. with ~ ft , \1:1tl'r rmn1Mi::r. TY I t Rl'IOM\ for large boat i;hpa . HAFF~~:AL N~~~us,:4A~ANYON • Price s.J00.000. Bill Grundy, Rltr. • ~ruST SEt.L! 24 yr old 1.9 Acres on Sun Valley Or. 833 Oo\.'t'r Dr .. 1'\B &12~1620 £..,;tcull\11! hom11. !ICOO' lot. Can subdivide to 1 bulldl~ !\1any bcAul. f'll:lrat! $37,500. 1ltc1. f\lany trees. Pa,·ed ac. REDUCED \\'iU 1How SIMIO for lndi;c:Plt. ctu. $16.500. Jmtru1c. 5 BR... tanlfly rm. i j Ol'.'Ane Garden '"A'". Phooc HILLIE J , lot lrif~t to atrct"r. By i.'ITs on ly. 96.S-3Sti7 McCORMACK -.pp 1, uni)'. $47,500 1()00 N. COAST 4!H·7~'i1 $9.3,/.1() 211 yr old, 2 1-IOI')', 2500 t!Q, FOUR block.~ lrom_bcaCh, 2 LIDO REALTY INC. It , 8 Rooms+ Game Room. Bit. 2 BA. den. Silcrifit'f' lt'or Jln Vi• Lido •7).7300 ~816. qu ick u.1.-. ""8 ~l>Tllf', call loday -Srll 1omorrow! BY ~nl"M Or, film rni, l.aiun11 Bell c h C11ll >"ut ttaultA with 1 Dally 1 •k>n. l~t' ftm"d y11rrf. AMht'im T14-&3.1l !or ln- PUot Cla.u!ft~ Ad .. Olli 1fllrll~4l. ~ do'>l·n. ~ lormalion. or open hnu~ direct ~78. NOWI Rll 6 $111 "' Sun • I TORBO 'I 1t ' I I I' I _ ~1-,-jr1A...,l_L...,i.,.,R...,1,_.,I ! .confudu• oay, "Indian gl.f • . . . . · fiove heop plenty fun with rl _R_A_W_S_U_L-....,,-ond --· 10• o.+ t-~1,7r-r1-· -rl"i"i"'-rl-; Q Comple11 the chu~~te que•r d by l•lllng In the rn•U•np words YDll dt~e!op f10111 Strl) No. 3 below r r 1· r 1· I' r r 1 t>ffi;r;1· I I· I I rNq I I I I I SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN l.CLASSIFICA TION 9000 view nl hoy. 3 Bd,., 3 balh, frplc. Ocean view. Very nice SACflELOR APT · -at J• huge family rm., 2 patios al· in ~·~ ''" ro 1vlth view, full dining rnl., interior. Lge. neglt'cted yard, cation. Utilities included. hu1lt·ins. BR!< $425 mo. $275 -Lill! s35.9~. Only $100/hlo. 540-1720 HILLiE C & S Speedy WATERFRONT McCORMACK RENTALS * 548-1168 1000 N. COAsr 494·7:'151 PIE;R & FLOAT "'ALK to shopping center. l BR, rl inlng rn1, Lse nnly. EMERALD BAY 1 Br, newly dee. lots of $·100 mn. R.cal1or 642-43:;3 2 & den or 3 BR, 2 BA pri,.acy. Adults, no pets. OCEANFRONT t1•lvlew. 3 $300 mo. 494·8413 $126.50. Key al 2260 Maple BR, 2 s!ory. $285 1110. 2002 * Efl..1ERALD Ri\Y * s1. Apt E. 549-3643 or \\'. Oceanfront. 646-6300. 2 ,r,, den or 3 BR, 2 BA I ~"~&-_596~1.~~--.,,.-,,.-,- 673-7211 S300 mo. 494·8413 Acapulco Apts. attractive, Pool, Util paid, Carden * THE BLUFt'S • 4 BR. 2 Capistrano Beach 3730 living. Adul!s. no pet.a. BA. Pool. $3Talmo. Call 1 BR • $145 &. $1;,(I 6•1<1-1869, aft 5 & "'knds PERt.tANENT 2 br, lg<'! Ji,. 1800 \Yallace Ave, C.M. rm wl frplc, ocean vu Dana 1 -=:..~=~'=~~='I 3 BR, 3 ba 101111hsr. lrplc. Pt harbor, palio, Adults, no " 2 BR. FURN. $155 pool, i.:hilrl \\•cir.om£'. $275. pets. Sl60. mo. 49&-5'162 Pool, bltns, cpts. drps, no Agt. 646-0732 I z========= I children, no pets, 325-J E. 3 Bit 2 Ba .. cpts, drp~ .. Dana Point 3740 17th Pl., Cr.t 5118-27~ frpl .. palio. 3 Car garage. S30 Wk. 1 per, w/kil $35. REALTOR 548-6966. FOR lease • 4 Br, 2 Ba. r.taid ser, Jinens, 1V. &. tele. Newport Heights 3210 compl redec, ne"· cpts, 1 "'"! " drps. sm. mo. 49&-5323, SeaLark r.1ote __, ,.pt 67:;..7348 Blvd Ci\f 64&-7445 * NASSAU Palms. 2 BR. YACHTSf\1AN'S PARADISE apt. F"Urn & Unf. Pool, pilll:· 3 BR Spanish Villa. Ocean-pong, BBQ. shady laWD1. front , Dana Point Harbor. 177 E. 22nd st. &12-3645 $400/mo. 4!&-212S. 3 BR. 1 ba, F.A. heat lrplc, hard11·ood floors. dbl gar, encl pat, $195, See at 528 Rt'dland& or call 673-7993 a!t 2 pm Sat. =======323=7 DuplexH Unf\lm. 3975 University P•rk' DUPLEX, 2 bedroom, Clean & quiet, Idell! fnr mature couple without t hildrtn nr pels. Rcfercn<'i!s exehanged. $150 month. 1st & l11ist month plus Sl'!CUrily chllf'll"e in ad· v:i.nce, Drll'e by 7;i;J Srott Placr, C.~I. Call 5'18·3036 for 11.ppo1ntmcnl 10 SC('. 1 BR. Lrg closets. Pool. Shufflebo ard. Ne'v cpt/drps, Util pd, 1884 ri·onrovia Ave, CM DON'T DELAYI CALL US TODAYI 3 BR., mo. to mo .•••.•• S350 J BR, 21,; h11th~ .•.••••• S300 l.t'~se option:l BR .••••. $325 l RR. 2 Bl.. tnhou$e , •.• $340 2 RR. 1 ba. hOuse ..... · $1"1(1 •red hill REALTY Univ. Park Cen1er. Irvine Call Anytime 833-0Ra> f~OR Rentals In Unlventty Park & Turtle Rock, Call: "I 1 I ·1 1 .ill I l'llil. ---I I l'rdi11r lat \Vestern &nk Bid£, Unl\'er1ity P11 rk Dey 133-0101 Nights Irvine Terrace 3245 GORGEOUS VJE\\'-3 br, 3 tm. tlin'g rm. A\'llll for i.e. 67>71Y.l6, 67~71. QUIET 2 BR. y11.nl. nr ~hop"g. 2 11dlt~. nn pc't~. $1 3~1. 54g..gs3.) Rft 6 pm. RtoNTALS Apts. Furnished General -APARTMENT RENTAL SID.DO .. UP ALL SIZES • ALL AREAS FURN. OR UNFURN, ASK FOR BONNIE 132-7800 HOLIOA Y PLAZA DELUXE Spti.C"ll)tis l BR furn apl S13j, 2 BR. + den S-160. lftati:-d pool. Amp.le parkint. No children • no pois. 195:; Pomona. C~f. NEED HELP? Look tor ll Phone 6t2-.5678 In P iiot Cla•Ultd. * \\'INTER RATES * I BR. furn $125. Bachelor's S\15. Adul1s. no pet.1. See ~!gr. 21l"i Elrll'n, No. 6 CM. $145-2 BR. Crpts, drps. sundeck. Brokrr. ~1!--6980 $12!'.-2 BR Tr!liter, l or 2 adul!!I onl.v, no pets. Utll ln.. clurit>cl. 642-3375. e BEAUT. Bach & l Br. apt. $29.50 vddy &: up. l<'um .. Inc utU. 546--0451 F URN Bachelor & 1 Ir. Exceptionally nicel 2110 Newport Blvd, CM NO\\' RENTING! 2 Br film, good Joe. Rf'c. room, heated pool , No children. 646-5824 1 Br. S1~pool. spac. Adult&, lrlt>al for &chelor, 19183 Olurch. MS.-9633. 1 BR F'URN $150/mo, Inc! utll. Poot. gnr. dl llpoml. Adults. no Jl('l.i. 642-1"1. QUIET 11ln;tr, furn or unf. Utll paid. Garai;e. Nr 17th L Tualln. 54S-.1J6j 1 BR. rurnlfbrrl. Gu Ir watrr pri.---Nlf childr•n. DO pets. Sl20/mo ~;)..S.991 RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RINTA~S ltlNTALI RENTALS Afilo. Fu_r_nl-'-oh.;.td ___ Apts.__,_--'f_u_m_l•_h..;.iod;;.__.1_::Afl!t.=:..U:::°""=m=loh:;;...i:::,__;.;Aph=:..· .;;U;;;nfu=ml;;; ...... =;.._ Apt1. Unfumlohod Apia. Unlurnlohed Huntington llo•di 4400 Hunllntloft IMdi -5238 Huntlr.!f"" llffdi S400Huntlngton lleech 5400 I . ' of!a Quinla fierniotJa Casual estate living. Enter La Quinta Her- mosa's lush green atmosphere & stroll tree- lined walk Y.'ays to you r apt. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED I BR. Uni. $150 -Furn. $110 2 BR. Uni. $175 -Furn. $210 3 Spac. fir. plans, decor. furnishings : live within romantic setting w/fun or privacy. Terraced pool, pri. sunken gas BBQ's w/ scculded seating compl. w/Ramada & Foun· ta in. * Color co-ord. kit w/ indirect lighting . * Celu11• ren9• & ovens * Plu sh sheg crptg. * 8onu5 storege 5pece * Cov. cerport * Sculptured marble pullfnen & til• beths * Ele9ent recreation rool'l'I , FURNISHED MODELS OPEN DAILY Blk from Huntington Center, San Diego Frwy .. Golden\vest Colle5fe. NOW 1LEASING! Pork-like livi ng for fomi- lies with children ond adults. f, 2 ond 3 bed- rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Shag car- pets, drapes, air conditioned, with self. deaning ovens. Complete $400,000 recrea· tion club in three acre park. Pools, tennis, volleyball. hea lth club, teen focilities ond o ·pre • school! Ne x t to shopping ond golf course, near U.C.I. and Newport Beach: From $ I SO pe r mo. Al .So n Diego Fwy. ond Culve r Drive_ in Irvine. Phone 833-3733. San Diego Frwy. to Beach Blvd ., So. on Beach 3 blks. lo Holl ; W. on Holt to . , • LoQuinto Hormoso 714: 847-5441 Owned ind m1n1ged by The Irvine Comp1ny Co1t1 Mtsa 4100 Balboli 4300l~c~.!!.1!!o~M~e!!1!!o~!!!!!~S~IOO~'!!C!!o!!1t!!e!!Mo!!!!!!! .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!51!!00!.[ 1--------BACHELOR apt all util. Older aduHs. No children, no pets. Ul5/nio. 646-8464 PENINSULA BAYFRONT 2 BR. 1 Ba furn, upstairs, bl!n range. crpts. No pel.!l. $1 45/mo. 673-7178. Newport Beach 4200 3 BR. 2 baths, turn., frplc. Like living in Your Winter rental. $350 "rno. OWN HOME _ .• 11 Davis Rtalty 642·7COO Why pay $175 for an apl'!' • YEA Rt y _ Ba c h e 1 0 r when we can rent you oil(! SI2ii/mo. 1 BR. $165/mo. for $1<10. 2 BR., nt;wly dee, incl util. By the 10th St. bch. crpl/drp, encl patios, spac 673-l\09. gmdi; · 2 P~ls~ Adults only. ~ 2283 Fountain Way E. (Har. OOUN'TRY CLUB LIVING BA YF RONT l &. 2 Br furn bor turn \V on Wilson) apt. Util pd. \Vln!er or yrly, ' · · Grey Goodse Apls. 675-6491 DUPLEX, 2 ~room. Clean & quiet, ideal for mature Lu."<ury gal'den apls, ()f!cring S\25 yrly·l br apt, furn or pt-coupll" \\ilhout c:hildr!n or I · •-o t Ind furn. All uUI paid, Refs. comp . Prl\'acy. ,,.,,,u . -p!"ts. References exc:._• ... hed. & ---•1 1 d Appl v.•knds, 673-1980 ,...,'5 Aepg un.,... ... e c recrea-$150 month, ht &. last month tlonal facililies in a country ---------1 plus seCurity chllrgp in ad- club atmosphere. Furn or Lido Isle 4351 vanee. Drive by 753 Scott Uni. f.1odels open 10 am-9 Place, C.M. Call 548-3036 for pm. Rents from $145 10 $310. DELUXE Beach Apts. Furn. appoinlment 10 sec. OAK\VOOD GARDEN SI o v e , re (rig , gar • 1-cc'--===--=~-,- APARTMENTS $-1250/mo. 320 Noro. * STUDIO APT. * 1100 16th St., NB 642-4097 or 53.5-6696. e 2 BEDROOM 642-8170 e 2 BATit l----..,..,:--c::::::--INOV 15-June 15 rental on e ADULTS ONLY All·iol TOWNHOUSE 2217 Harbor near \Vibon 2 BR, llAi BA STUDIO TOWNHOUSE. Sl45/mo. • Heall'd pool-Adult.t only • • peti1-Adj to shopping ---TE -- ** -Ir * El Puerto Mes~ Apts. * * * * J-2 Bedroom Apts. S130 up incl. utilities Also furn, PooJ & Recreation area. Quiet Environment Off 11treet parking. No pet.r. 19.59-1961 Maple A~. Cotita Mesa BA YCLIFF MOTEL bay. romp!. '""· 1 Br. 1 • HEATED POOL Ba, patio, f:rpl: Call collect * LO\V \VEEKLY RATES * 213: 6.*3016 aft 6 p.m . 1024 Mission Apt D, Cl\1 • MARTINl'-"UE • 1 ::::::::::::::::::1~:;«>~9'08~~~:::;,;;;,;(.54-0-~1559~·~1 ... Kitchen, 'IV's, maid service. Park-like Surroundings lieated Pool. Bilboa Island 4355 LRG 1 BR. Avail Nov 8. l.rr: DELUXE 1-2 & 3 BR APTS. &16-3265 2 BR. Avail Nov 18. Carport Prv patios * Htd Pools l·.-,-CH-E-'L_O_R-,-,,-,-o-+_o_ti'"I. :-0--,-h-B---.,-h-D--k·I & pool. From $135. Ask our Nr shop'g • Adults only n e ay WI oc di&coun\ plan. 1846 Placen-777 $137.50. 152j Placentia, a11k 5 Room APT. * 3 BR, 2 Bath. 1 San1B. AnB. Ave. CM al.lout our discount. -5-18-2682 s,~25 yearly. 673-7228 lift, Sc>e Mgr apt H. ~1gr. Apr 113 • 642-5542 \I/INTER rental by the LnTLE lliand-cute 1 Br * TOWNHOUSE * * LRG 2 BR APT * t What California's all about. '-: lllll 11--fpimll II mol 1111 pools. IMll till POI Mr OfttD "" OW prift1t t ....... , • lllto IOW!M kfon: I crld.linl firt Inside. Ifs "'' llviw. ClllfonU still Jal 1 11tr llo<b ia f"" Hunllnlton-Sblt l'ltl. CasadolSoltorllCIJhl-11men 1parlmints ltllt outdo thtmsel\'es in charm, COl'IVll!ience lrld C11111! elq111ee. CHI del Sol ls an oasis of aretnefY1 surrOl#ldinc dell&fltflll mission courtyards. With manelaus recre1tlon trtH spread throuch our 1rassy center corridor: puttq rr11n, volleybill COllrl •nd 111i11i1bn like witti bridp ••. ind between tht pools, OW IPKi.e rte builm( fl'Jturine SUIH, bil1ianl1, 1}'111 and-. Every sp1eious IPri'nent boasts at ~ISt one palia. And many.1111lts hM woocbml"-h11tttls. Built-in kltdtfns wltti dishwnllers Ind disposals:, Wlll·to-nU carpetin1, draperies, compartmented blths, llllSter TY anttnni, laundries 111ofe, llDl1p lcic.Qfs ••• We lavlshed every exlravigenl extra we could think of -then priced Casa del Sol so reasonably, you cen make our Casa your home. One-bedroom renls from $162, two-bedrooms from $215, unfurn- ished. Furnished slightly higher. Professionally main- ta ir.ed i nd m1naged on site by •Property Research Corporation. • • I ~ ' i .. J .. Ii~·· • C-'l5J RENTALS Aph. Unlumlohtd Senta An• 5'20 S.nte ~ $137 takes it all. Finders kiep,rs. When you ""find 1 luxur, 1arden 1p1rtment for on11 1137, stort keapinr""" on tho spot Al 111-now P11k l'lln, in Som AnL Almost too (OOd to be true. Bif, fresh modem apartments, rentinf now from $137. And I01dtd with extras that mind your comfort while mindinr your bud1et Sliper-eonvenience kltchem with built-in appliances including dishWlsher. Gobs of closet space. Rich draptries and carpetill(. Step out on yoor private terrace. Plunae into Park Plaza's ele1ant pool, next to our ire1t rec ~uildinf complete with saunas and fun room. All yours, for the lakinf. Unfurnished onto bedroom from $137, with similar fit S1Yinp on our lwo-bedrooms IJl.d two-bedroom studios. Adults only. All professionally m1i~ 1ained ind manapd by - Property Rtsearcil !.."!: Corpotation. Park Plaza Apartments 3824 So. flower Street, S1nt1 An1 (7141 545-3214 beach, prl"fecl apts for v.•inter $145 Yearly Slli5. 2 BR, l\~ BA, crpts, drps, w/w c:rpt1, drps. disposal, prv mature indi\'idual. Nice, 1 Util incl. 673-7178. -patio. Adult&. $170. 134 E. patio, Adults, no pets. 5tt to BR, garage. No children. 1 ::::::::::::::::::1;M~•~lod'Oy~Lo;;·c,;548-~1~768~;-;;;, appreciatt. Avail Nov 1. Sl35. mo Call alt 6 or wk-2 BR blln ~ J~Js.;~-~· i'°';:7~C~ba<Erl:•~S~t · 1=~'~"~'~N~•~·~"~••:·~·~-;;;;·:~:•;•~· .. ~·~~~·~,.,~~;;,;·~~~· ~"~"~' ~·.,~-~'==I ~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , s, ttu1g, pal, gas S48-6030 646-lS4 ends. 673-2677. Huntington Beach 4400 pd, fl'l'f' Jaunclry, nu cpls" ur L OCEANF'RONT: 2 BR. * l BR . $135/mo. drps. 278 ~.16th St. 548-9-169 e NOW RENTING e Costa Mesa 5100 Cott• Mesa 5100 Coda Mesi 5100 Costa Mesa 5100 Duplex, \'Cry attractive. , ... ,.0.,,1 ... d-0··•,look•'og """"'· or 642--0265. adlU, no peu. f.ft'la Verd& Area. NE\V Du-·1-"=~..;c..:.,;;. ___ _ S187/mo. Adults. l 21 3) u "' v """uu plexes, 2 &. 3 BR, bltns, encl LOVELY speeiou!I 1 BR LRG 2 & 3 Br. Crpll, drps. I BR. unf. Sl50/nto. Pool.. QUlET-2 Br, 1 1 ~ Ba. gar & 79j...JQ18 garden patio & htd pool. NEW 2 Br Jwr dplx, cpti;, gar, patios, wshr / rlryer Duplex. W/W crp!Jt & drps, Pncl pa1lo, kids welcome. Elec Z.. wtr pd. Adlts, no pool, cpls/drps. fl\.dulls Adults. 1035 12th St. lacross di,..., bltns, lg patio, gB.r. hook Al I 2 & 3 BR re! . t lil Sl5;, l9!l8 Apl l MB.pie Ave. pets, MESA MANOR. 2-11 only, no peL'I. 642-8042. 2 Br. Completely redcc. New from Lake Park)_ 536-4900 ,Westclili area. i 17 5. up. 80 rg ng, 11 ove, u · · \Vilson Ave, CM . 54S-740S 'h'" crpt• ~· 10 •-h Encl ~o ~""'• in 4-plexe11. 546-1034 Quiel. mature Adults. Reis. 642-631·1 CLEAN 3 BR, 2 ba, nr Baker pall;,. No 's~d('nt $200 nlO. NEW l Br. at Bch! QUIET '..........,,,., SlJ5..-Sl5S 2633 Orange Ave., CM. Ir. Fairview, Avail new, 'Iii June 15 ST.r3345. S150, baJ of mo FREE. Look * MODERN . 2 BR, ,crpts, 2 B Dr NEW 2 BDRM. Beam ceil-'ldBrp~: l~pp~~ ~:r· .. :rp~~ chUdren OK, $100. ~5-1882 · & you'll rent•' p v I drpa, GE kitchen, enclosed r. unlui;i. ps, CJ11ls, LR.G 2 BT. Newly dee. ings ·wood paneling All rec ""' FURNISHED 2 BR apt. dl'i:k/patio!i ~A l4lh garage, near bus. $145. :~;·~· N:!ri~fd~ ~t!"i Adults, only, 00 pets . feat~res. $165. Ad~lt&, no Avail now. $l60 m 0 · • Jllli, ~ BR, Jge L.R., lge $1~5/mo. 933!i \V. Balboa.' 673-1784. ~1319. · Adults. 1~ E. 20th. ""' di·-··ot pi•o. 74l-W. $150/mo. Nr Harbor & pet&. Call now 646-0073. 1..:54:::5-4879:...::.:.:._______ suncleck, cpl&, drps, bltn&, Yearly. Adult.o;, no pets. · "'"""' Ad •-11 E & k~ e 387 \V Ba Street e 2 BR l "· I "'t d' I Adl111, :>$-7234 eves/wkrw:ls R38-00:ll! OCEANFRNT View Sundk. 3 BR, 2 BA , walk in closets, 18th St. &12-ll58. r:.•na3997m•. ...... ves w ,...,s, . y . """· rg ,.... , isposa' ' Newer spec. dbc 2 Br. y,•/w crpts, drps. Adults. .nor-!-UR lease, Mon I ice 11 o slov~. 'ol.'8~hr h O Ok U P • * 2 BR, 1 ~i BA STUDIO BEACH House duplex, 2 BR, Elpgant furn., blfns. patio, $16j/mo. Ref"11. 540--0154, e THE SEVIl.J.E e '/1'3 BR Condo. 1%! Ba. Crpts, Twnhse, 2 BR, 2 ba, Adults, Gal"flge pvt fenced yd. $160. XI.NI' CONO! Cl'pL•. drpg. 2 BA. 4 hlll's from ocean. lndry, Nr shops & pier. Sl95. MI 6-6972 or 548-9457. Lrg 2 BR, l~~ Ba w/ gar. drp1, dskwhr, pool. Near .143 Morrlslown Ln, 545--0772, Child & pel OK. 613-2918. Pool! Jl45/mo. ~96. Sl55 nto. Uhl pd. AduJ!s. 'Lil Adults. Infant OK .... ~.., 2131. * DELUXE l & 2 BR. $l5.i hidulls) cpts, drps, CX:C 5-19-2-432 S-I0-4801 EWLY •-2 b t . I BR Op d t' June 962-8983 .,.,,_. lncd yd w/patio. Wtr pd-. . N .,.-c r, ups airs. . rts, rps. pa IO, · ' SPACIOUS 2 Br, 2 Balh. Garden ApL!. Bit-ins, priv. gardnr. 2Sl9-L Santa Ana SPACIOUS 2 br, 2 bB., patio!!, SPARKLING 2 Br, 2 Ba Crpts, drps, dbl gar. Adults, s love. ntO/mo. Adults, no 2 Bedroon1 furnished Mobile POOL. 1 child ok. $185. 2320 pali<l. heated pool, frpl e. Ave. 6~120 crpts, drps, bllns. $150. w/air rond, encl yard & $165. 1814 ViolB. Pl -pets. ~~ t1 fl 4 pm . Hon1r.. $150/nlO. Ehit>rly Jo"loride. * 53G-JI07 Adulls $145 mo. 546-516.1 ~~~~~~~~-'-="='=""=F•=roi=Ridi .• =C=".M=. ==~""'=·=E='="=&=w=k=nd='="'=7·=977=8 ,;;,~========;;:;:=::=:==:::=:=:::=. adult!. Bayside Villagl". 213: • Quiet Adult livirv1 •· Founlot"n Volley 5410Fou t · Volley 5410 245-476.l e LARGE siudio, bloc:k to NR new 2 Br , 1~i. ba, 2BR Sha bl ht;• :===========":•:':"====== · OC'l'an. rr-.1, l""ulre Z19 15th cpl/drp11. stv/dwhr, gar. · g cpl&, tns, aut. Huntington Bei1ch 5400 Huntington Beach 5400 FURNISHED Bachelor Apr ... , ll!L! .,.1 Jndscpd. 1170 mo incl allll =================== Sr .. l!B. Avl 10/26. 7ou \V. \v1 son. Ad I I h ·~ blk to BEACll! util. u ts on y, no J)f'ls. * * 675-1066 • * I BR, Slj(), pool, wll.ik to 642-'195S. 241 Avocado SI. 646-0979 l====='"""°"''""'=c-I oc:e11.n. fresh pain!, Adults. MESA Verde 2 BR, comp. OCEANt"RONT 3 BR. Year-Z20 l2th St., JIB Jetely redecorated incl. new ly leaSt'* 673-472<1 * 2 BR furn, downtov.·n HB, no shag carpet. SlSO. Adults, no chlldren, no pets, p!"ts. S45-4083. AT Ocean $100 & $140 for * 536-7396 * 2 BR. Child ok. No pets. business people: also $250 $140/ 689 Pl St for fani1ly, yr!y. £75-0922. BACHELOR Apt. Util pd. mo. umer · or NEAR OCEAN! call <213) 534--0952 3 BR, 2 BA. $270/mo. 122-A LTNDBORG CO. 536-2579 2 BR. 1613 Santa Ana Ave. 46!h St., NB. or Agent =-======== $150/mo. Crpt1, drps, stove/ HARBOR GREENS GARDEN & SI'UDJO APTS Bach. 1, 2, 3 BR01. from Sl.10. 2700 Petel'90n Way, C.M. 546-0370 NEw·-=o=E~L""u"x=E~l~B~R~ II Range, dishwhr, shag crpt.r, dtps. garg. $150 &. up. S.10-1973 or 54~2321 673-7<1'20 Laguna Beach 4705 ref. 543-8572 or KI 2-7279. 2 BR. 1 be. Compl furn. Has 1 &. 2 BR apt& No pets no BRAND NEW dlx 2 BR '"'rythi,.., li!ll'ns dishes. LARGE st11.dio apt. $125. Util · ' 'd y 1 N ~ 1 clUldren triplex apts. Priv P""°'· Qc-1"11nrrnl. S175. 6/;>--1562. pa1 acan owm"""r !I · 494-2&5£ · * 642·5848 * shag crp!A, gar . .$1 75. 353 $120/mo. ON OCEAN. BR 2 Bah $l75 Child Woodl11nd Pl tnr Tustin I: Lovely Bachelor Apt. DELUXE bB.c:htlor •p t, 3 • t • a mo. 20lh) 6l2.-.490:i Call 642-1265 clean, CB.rport, Jdry. Uti l. ok. No pet!. Crpts, drps, 1 ~=-='"=~cc...~~-- furn. 497-1056 or 494-5810 bllne. Call 545--5205 LRG 2 Br. Garden ApL COZ'l' 3 BR oceanfront, IT'S A breeze .. sell your Patio. Newly dee. Centnl winter. S225. Adults only. San Clemente 4710 items with eftle, use Daily 54 ht .... G956~r. Bltns. Adults. $140. * £73-8088 * ~:;;;;-'-;;;;'"'';;;;;;:;-;:;:::;:;;·12P'.!il~o!_t C~l'!"!:'~H!!i"1~·:_!64>-~~00:!78!___'.~~~====== • ON THE BEACH! 1 Br. BACH. apt. bright, cheerful, dl"J>'. crprs. frplc. ,·early or pool, 2 blks. bch, $95, inc. iN~owiiiipoiiiirtiiiiB~e~o~c~hiiiiiii5~2~00iiijNei;i;iw~poi;iirtiiii8oi;i;i•~c~hiiiiiiiii5200 winter. 962-2.141. utt:. Call 492-4~3 f'\·es. Yrly $1 j(], 1 BR apt, Utilities paid T 304 33rd St. * BALBOA BAY CLUB rum bachelor. 548-3268 SAIL..-INN MITTEL Dana Point 4740 Sl'NGLE, 1V, heated pool, 2 hlk. from bch. $.15. wk. -n 35. mo. Dana f.1arina Inn, 3'1l1 Coast Hwy., Dana Pt. RENTALS . Aph. Unfumlohtd Adj Bay & Beach. Deluxe rm~ fr $.17.50 wk. 675--184 1 NEWLY furn. 3 BR. 2 ba, % hlk from ""ater. Ask for An,111.. Jont!I R<'l.lty 673-6210 2 BR, Arnall ocean view &: palio. $16.'>/rno. 3707'11 w. Balboli Blvd .• 548-0213 General 5000 PARK NEWPORT 4240 XLNT location. 1 br. furn, hrated pool, adult, no pel!. $13.'.i. Also 2 br unf. LI S-4845 VEN DOME l M.i.\tACULATE API'S! ADULT and FAMILY Section Close to shopping~ Park • Spacious 3 BR's, 2 ba ~ Swim pool, put/~en * Fl'pl, Indlv/lndry fac'ls 1845 Anaheim Ave. COSTA :..:F.sA 6'2-2824 1_c_o_ron_o_d_._i_M __ •r~_4_U_o 1 .. ~~~~~~.,.. APARTMENT RENTAL $70.00 & UP High on o bluff overlooking tho wolor, 7 pools, 7 tennis cou1 s, $750,000 hoekh club •nd Sp1. Bocholors, I or 2 bodrooms. Also 2-story town houses with 2 or 3 bo~ rooms. Electric kitchens, private balcony or po I i o. From $175 lo $450. Subl•r- ranean parking, elevator1, optional maid service, convenience 1hoppin9. See 7 beeutiful model apartments, open 9 1.m. lo 6 p.m. deify. Other limos by oppoint- mont. Locotod ti J1mborto and San Jo1quin Hnls Roods , in Newport , just nor I h of Foshion lslond. Phone {714) 644-1900 for loosing inlorm1tion. ROOMS SIOO rno. Apt& $125 mo CROWN or TifE SEA ?itoict a Co&!t Hwy, Cd~I. 673-8851, 6"!5-492'7. 8ACHELOR-.f100 inc utll, NoMmoktr, no cook'g , bu~hll!M man. S. of h\Vy. Qnlcl. 61;,-4859. 1 BR 1$100) ur 2 BR f$280) lt11rbor \'l~w. New f\lrn,, pa int & cptg. No rh\ldren. ~ Scavlew, 673-2823. 2 BR , C111'-&: drps, pool. So. ()f Hwy. AdulL•. no pell. $185 ll'A.Sl'. 673-8213. ALI. SIZES • ALL AREAS FURN. OR UNFURN, ASK FOR DON'NlE 13l·7IOO RENTAL FINDERS Free To l1ndlord1 645.0111 4J'IW.l ... ,C .... M• NEW DELUXE 2 BR 1.B_o_l_boa ______ 4_300_12 Ba. Olt·ln rana:e, dlhwhr, 1hag crpts, drps, rare. From $I'm. Nr, S. Cout Plua. ~0-1973 or MS.2321 2 Br. $250 montkl,v, Yf!lrly bMll. 315 E. Bay St. lnq. A pt C 673--1521 or 54!-iTTl. Park Newport Apartments ' The possible dream. All new Huntington Granada Apartments. Modem as 1omoriow. Yet priced lo fit your budget today. Charming, convenient, comfortable. Total-Function Designed, to do away with was!ed space, make room tor :special eitras. l ike built-in dressing rooms, walk-in close ts. Stream· lined kilchens, pass-lhru dining counte1s. And luxurious carpeting an d draperies. Plus private patio·terrilces. Surrounded by greenery, each group of low handsome buildings faces into restful courtyards or one of our three privale pools (each wilh its own cabana). Near beaches and shopping, Huntinaton Granada Apartments were developed and now professionally ma naged by Property Research Corpor11ion. for e1sy Jivlnf at rents you can affo1 d. The possible dream. , • tome true. HUNTINGTON GRANADA APARTMENTS Just south of Wimer on Golden West in Huntington Beach. N•w on• & two. b•drooms. Unfurni1h1d $135°$175; forn;•htd $165·!210. FAMILY SECTION FOR CHILDREN 5 YEARS & UNDER. Phones : 847-1055; 847.1243 & [cll~ltf lvt~\l't • .. , l • ~ ' • • ' ~ ' " • ; • • i • i ~ ALL NEW V8LL8YP8RK APaRTmeNTS ••• opens new doors for young famil ies. Cre1ted eiclusively for th• femlly wtth childr111 under five. C1refulty considerint th1 ir special nelds ind lim- ited bud1ets. • Valley P1rk's uniqut. With 1 priv1l1 Pr!-School center situated ri1ht on the 1rounds, just steps away from every ap1rlmenL Operated 1nd profession1Uy staffed by Tustin Country D1y School, our stile-accredited Pr1-' School frees mothers tor oulslde activities or employ- ment. Sp1ci1I comforts and conveniences :.I home as welt. Super-modem kitchens wittl appli1nces built-in, •• Mn dlshw1shers! Privatt·patio or terr1et, e1lr1 pcwder room, hu1e walk·in orwatJ.fo.wall closets in every unit. Plus llllb c1rpeun, and dt1peri1s. Covered p.11klnc with .1tor11e. fOf fun, dip Into our bi1 fenced-off pool, next to tht recre1tlon center, Or Wiik to the 1reat n1w Milt Square County P1rk. New oPPOrtunities for new parents. Th1rs V1lle1 P1rk. Developed, and now m1ne1ed by Property Rese1rcb Corporation. 118USY PSRK APSRmlSNTB 17256 South EucHd. Just south of W1rner 'in Fount.In Valley. 2 and 3 bedroamt, Ind 2.tledrocrn studk> 1P1rtmtnts now rentlnr. Unturnlshed.$110-$210'P.er month. For l1milies with pre-school chlldnn only. fur. nlshed models on display. Piton• (714) 54()..4785. :i • • : .... ' -Slater a ... Cq1ta Me1a * LRG 2 BR, pvt patio w/w crpts, drps. bltne. 111 $13.'>/nio. M&--1867. 3 LG Br, 2 &, new <"~!& drpA, oo pets. chldrn ok. Av Nov. I $165. ~7245 alt 5. 3 BR. 2\t B.A, sharp. crj>tJ drl)ll, fncd, Avail now. $19; mo. 5-15-4879 LGE 2 br, I ~ ba stutlio Crpt1, drpa, bllrui. No pet.Ii $150. 545-5270 or 8J.1.354IJ Newly Decor•ted Qulf!t 2 BR, pool Pvt patio, $160. 646-6915 Newport leach 5200 * BAYFRONT * Furnishecf & ur\fumish· ed, starting $2tS. 642-2202 'l BR. U ntum. O'pts, drps. paUo, pool, bltns. $]60. Seacllff J.fanor Apts, l- Placentlll. 548-2682 a s aOOul our discount plan. 2 BR, c:rpl'd, drp'd, bltns, elee gar dr. On the Beadl! Yearly M"2--3978 e~ & wknds. L.ARGE debi:e 2 BR, 2 BA, crpts, drpc, bltn5, D/W, $165 &: $185_ Adults. Want OK. 642--4387, 642-lnl * WESTCLIFF • 2 Br, 11i 811.. lwnhse., cpl~. drps, bltrw;, adul111 only, no Jlf'ls.1 $210/mo. !148-753.1, 548-6515 DO You ha\'f' 3 friend1! •·or ! $75 ea. tlve in beaut. new .i j BR. 2 BA, trpk, 2 car 1ar. bay & beach apl. 673-9152. 3 Br, 2 Ba, crpti, drps, blln11, refrig. $250. 2 doon tu ocean. 6'12-!rn2, ~717'. l 3 Br. 2 Ba. Unf. IDtns, crpts, dfP:'. $250/mo. * Call 54().7573, art s 968-8658. I 2 BR, 1 BA. crpt'd, drp'd .. I Westcliff a~a. Adulll, 117;) mo. 642-9848 I -~~~~---~· WESTCLlF'F bn.utitul 2 BR, I 2 BA. 1250 11q ft. townbowle. apt No. 1275. ?.-lgt. 643-0252 3 en. 2 ba. nu crpt, paint.· St:rw:leck, pr. S2SO/yrly lie . I blk lo ocean. 61>7623 NEWLY dee: gold m.eda.ll,ion 2 Br 2 Ba, c/d, bltns, pal, encl gar, $175. ~3708 Newpor~ Heights 5210 $170, 3 BR, frlilc, bllrm. cpts. drps, patio. garaze . 6"5-37tm. 297 ()git. Back Bay 5240 * VfEW 2 Br. crpts, drpti, bltn11. lrg pool. Sl6!"1/mo. 673-3690. East Bluff 5242 NEWPORT· BEACH Villa Gr•n•d• Apts. Furnished. F ive bedrooms & rll"n, wllh balconie11 above ' pe.1io below. Graclou1 Jiving & quiet MJrroundinp .for famlly with children. Near Corona de! Mar High School. Fireplace. wet bat & bulll· In kitchen applia.ncts. Will consider unfumlahed or furn.. lturt' pure~. 835 AMIGOS WA'{ 644-2991 O>ldwell, Banker Ii: Co. ManB.gin1 agent ma700 e NEW DELUXE e 3 BR, 2 BA Apt for leue, Incl spae, muter suite, din rm & dbl prage, auto door opener avail Pool A: Rec. ...... e FROM $265 • SGS Atnip Way, NB Manaoedby wn.t..IAM WALTERS CO. TNHSE • 2 br. 2~ ba. bltna. frple, patio, encl pr. 752 Amigos Way, 6~ Coron• del Mar 5250 ~ .... _ "' l ON TEN ACllES 1 a 2 BR. hrn • UBfurl ~, ....... u..1 Pooll. ,.-. • Oontnt'l-900 S. Lane, OSK IUa1l <MacArthur nr. 0.. Hwy) CORONA DEL MR NEV/ 3 Br. 3 Ba, lower du- plex. Oo!N patio. OW, pr. age, Beautifully IAnd!Cl.ped. Complete blt·lns. Yeu 1euc at S32S per mo. O>ntact M . &7MOif 0 -.... ' SPAClOUS 2 BR apt, cpll, drps, bltnA. gar, pa.do, + n101her-1,...Jaw npl. Q\l lel c pl, no kids or pets.-avail Nov. J, 673-2278. 4 Br. 2'"' hlll Studio •pl. C1~11m. 714 Golden ro d . $375/ mo. yr lse, ~7573, 1111 5 ~. DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba. Frplc, new shag crptg, drpg, bltnl, dshwhr, encl patio & pt. $250 per n10. 6~ • IMMAC. 3 BR DUPLEX 2~ BA, convtnitrrt loc. 673-2402 Near Oce•n • Stiop"I Brand new 2 BR, 2 BA 316 Ma,.-1" • ..,_1111 LARGE l br, cri>t. drpl, .-t~ &: terHc-$11> IDO. 67>(1164. lffllQUE -"'"' ;;i t ' nt bell w/"pool. -tum. <.n llallllo< '4!MOlt!- i l 1 :t• OAIL V PILOT RENTALS Apta. un1u.....-. c.,_. lllllel M11r 5250 VNlQUE, tat. pyt. new 3 BR. 2 ba, bltnl. eptt I: dtpls, ~.sca.m • UPPER 2 81', 2 ba a nraci. Ii elH.ft. tll NartluUJ A,·e-. CdM .. 615-S'llO 2 BR. '"W I FIREPLACE. No ,chlldttn, m pets, $1 7~ n\O. Ct.II 67'-9183 NO\V ,$165/mo. lllf. Lg upptr 2 Br, cpls/drpa/refr/range, pr. Adlts. 11W Narcissus , BQRMS-Furn• Qt, ~niurn, J16.;lmo .. !~lh1 on I y. r-67Ml'71 611cr 4 pin,• ·NE\\/' 2 lir;t.li' "-t,~ 3 bu . rsooth pf R W)r. • PtiOne 644-\342 1 BR ·2 Ba. Oceanlcaide cf HwY. Nicf'ly decora1ed. Morgan-Realty-6i3.(;6ol2 Hunt ...... Bo•eh 540ll ON BEACH! e 2 BR WI~ From S22J C 2 BR f'Um. Fron1 S2S.J c. rpels-drapes-dishwasher heated PoOl!aauna-lcnnis rec room-ocean viC\\'S p:-tio ample parking. Security guards. • HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 711 OCEAN AVE .. ll .B. (7141 536-14.87 Otc. open 10 am-6 pm Daily Managed by \VJU.IA!\f \\'ALTERS CO. Soiturtclay. o,tob« 241 1970 RENTALS RENTALS --'"""=:;.· ...:U:.:.nf:.:.•:;.m,;c;...:tt1-...:tod::...._\ • .:.Apt=1.::..;::U:;.nfu:;.. ::.m:::l::sh;;od:::__ \ • S.nta AM 5629 Rooma for Rent 59'5 VILLA MARSEILLES LACUNA S.acl" 8 •1 •'-kingaizc bdrm l ba, ldtche.n BRAND NEW prtv. Priv11e hOme. Ideal SPACIOUS lor youne eple. S25 \11k for·2. 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apts.. $20 lor 1 pel"llOn. Must like Adult Llvlnt pets. 4M---Ol01 Furn. & Unfvm. e SLEEPING room, re•t Dishwasher • color coo!'dlnat-room facilities. Older adult. ed appliance• • plush shag 6'16-8d64 * • r -- ll!AL ESTATE SERVICE DlRICTbA)' _$EltVICL Dli lCTOllY ' -. -. . ~ • -ANNOUNCIMINTS * Gon0rol • on4 NOTICIS .;;lo;;;~"-Y•;;;.ltt;.;.;1;.;i .. ,__ __ 6;;;5::.;:51 c;.rdoolnf \;R;.;;·:..E=·:...;;W;::•;.;nt:;:od:::__:..6:::!40:::: Found (f;h~) '400 BABYSJmNC . for th< Prof .... Cud<n l\11ln1. WANTED: 2 ea duple~ FOUN0:1 Y~Jpu:re' ~·hlte mother who c.uc1, my Mesa PruninC. trff work, 1pmldt octanllde CdM, print~ ft!J>· cat .~~· -Ben')' ~cf'dc. Estate• hOmt, Fenc-aerv, aerati::ln, tt r l I I la:e, only. 67$..728&, aft .f: J•ann. 96813\!2 • 1ed yard •• lui.v;h, 11£, Aat1 pnt, ti.Rue: weed contrOI. &M-4l5' LARCE bi8( puppy found l ..S. ~-Cea.nu.p Jobi:. 6t6-Q893 PVT par: I 'I w a-n t-s ":;~ J"al"k:-,,rn.. ,.., EXPfo\10'1KER wfil babysit. AllS l..l.OOlctipln&. Tree unobltr\lcted oct&Jtvit~· Ne 5*-3471 • l\fy hohlc, Nr Bristol ,-·removal. Yard remodelinl. or lot. 2417 Roeldnghone KI'M'EN found vlC of Rlvtr &k~t t'I l Sonora. schOOl. 'fH¥l baullnc lot tjeanup. Rd .. San Pedro, 90TS2 &: 52nd St, N.B. Call to kien-54f..1692 Rf'pair ipmklen. 673--lUI. BUSINESS •nd tity, 54J...63l7 , · .. Wilk ~it in my home. cLElN UP SPF.li!IAl.JS'I' f'INANCIAL c =E=RJ~M-AN~-She-ph<rd--.-b-lac_k_, for infants or' toddlers, day New fence & ·repair. M<nvtnc· \-"'-':..:::::;:::!:= ____ \ w/~v,.n. fbtlnd H.B. Owner or nla;Prt. Vic Jlarbor &: Vic-l Wgl.ne. Reas, 548-69M. Bu1fn911 1<!d'!e2:nt!!!lf.Y!.~'6M~~71'!6 ____ f~to~rl~a~!{jR~ei"'-· i548--ii,m:l;i;i;;--;.,;;-HERRING'S ' Comp lelt c~t • choice of 2 colotl··~·tt>=--.. -,--w-.. -.,-.-.-,-w-1-kl-,·I ~hemes • 2 , l)atl)S • $tall chei1s. $30 .-per \\'ffk·Up ~ -• ~ Shll\\·ers .. Mll'ro,':'ed \4'ard: Apt.. l\IOTEL. 54S-9T"a5. .. robe doors • lmhrecl light·l;;,;-;-;o==---~""--1 • Wheddya Wllftt? Whaddv11 Got? 111g io kitchen breakfas MALE-Entire use ot houSt, -SPECIAL CLASSIFICAT(ON 'Olt Op!o~tjff . +.300 -NEWPOR'.f' Jtelghts area. Cardenil\f Serv\ce. ?tllnor IAlll:-;;::"""-===---'-::.::: I --------,....~. I I.A/Ke: yd ol s a n d b o x • landsca,pill&' • e.1 e a n u .P • hi.r • huge prl~ate fenced Costa Mesa. Sl ii \\-eekb'. NATURAL BORN SWAPPIRS • J)lltio • plush landscaping Ca.II 6"5-l9S2 1 S,.c:ial R11t1 • Lost M01 ·Bala.need luncb. Xln't care. 962-4914 ' \V~JED.~AR;TTIME,: 1----------1 64>:17~. brick Bar-B-Q's -1~ heat-ROOM F'or Rent-for working 5 Lines -_5 tim11 -..•S IKR:k1 M "Pools I: lann1. mlddl~aged man or laQy. 11\1\.•S -AO MuST-..a.uoe • ._ HEARTBROKEN family Jolt I•---------LA\VN Care. cleanupe, trash Reliable-• 'P e'r son for this our shaggy btk .1: brWn BABY.SITTING In my ltbme. -hauling-. -F~V-. H.B.. A at'ft& to ~rc11Coc k • na-·Yorkshire te1Tler. ma.le, ~Y View & l\.lunte Vista Wt:$tmstr. area. Free e•t. 3101 So. Bristol St. t-cat=l~&l6-53~---'-'-· _____ 1 ~~~1117.!.W::,.~-i::.,... '-~.= :,-'...,•.J:::;: (1, ?\fi, N. or So~ Coa!ii• Pl.aza) L.4.RGE, pleasant, private ,.__,.OTNINO FOii 5ALI -TllADll ONLYI 4 H~.,d~('*'~n o[ COF· Vic~ 600 blk. Victoria St. School area. REAS: 847-580'2 , Ftt aqd 'hot'dnn'li products Cl\I . R"·d. 64~1959 S.16-6487 J•AP=AN-ES=~~La-n-d~"-.-.-, .. --&·' -·s1nta An• entral\Cf', Working n1an on-To Plac• Your Tr11der'• Par•diae Ad PHONE: S57 .. 200 ly,C.M. area. 646-?504. PHONE '42-5671 ' In cornpa.ny secured ac-LOST 10/20; blk. " la"·n ;\IY home, fenced bk ')'d, ~nine aervkf•. Call for counts. comnttrcla1 and Jae-lemaJe Gt>nn. Shep. pup, 4 \\'&fin m-ea.ls. Reas, 358 iree~ntJmate. 543-~ or •· l,.rg comfOrtable room nr . T t• r.1:•• shop'g ctr, $15 wk O\\'NER. Cninada 1Jills :W US in ~ ' * &b-J.7511 * , sly view home, like new, DOWNING APTS , _ $57,7~ val. -4 Br. 3JBa.. ram._ CORNER o( \\'ILLIAAIS t, I.Mitt & IMrtf 5"6 rm. ror Duplex or Hme NB ALLIANCE. $180-$100. 2 BR. · . : or"Ol~f. 644-C57l, 646-0439. 2 BA. 1200 sq~ 111 soundproof, ~ME for elt1trlY, bright I.: Parkl roof material or • '! 1''/A heal, p~ pati~. Adults. ~~a~~ Love. \\'ant~; .1rade for po11!3its l'fgr -16507. Alba.~· Fi inf ..a:_ .....;..~· or pa1nuna:s b,y prominent or phone 01vner 64&5501 or onna.....,.. _....._. professional artist. IdeaJ for -Christmas. 497.1050 Laguna Beach ~ Mi1c. Rental• 5"9 Recreation • s. Lake Tahoe l\IODERN garden 1ownhouse FOR RENT • W k ndJI :" acre, a.II in1provements, N. encl 2-story 2 BR.l~.~ Eves. Spacious :,,~ avatf incl sc"·cra,. 52000 Eq., 77: pa,lio. sundeck, 1 blk sboPr for rec.p. teu or what have lean, Trd f0t Joca.I RE or~· ping /beach. Ailulls. Refs. you. For info. 646-1724 Jack Han1mond Bier 540-ll;>l Lse. $230 n10. 49-1-9982 14' HO USEBOAT, Xlnt. Li\'e OCEAN VIE\V • Lrg l BR REAL ESTATE aboard, slip avail. \':'ill take apts. Furn or unfurn. Crpts, Generel car or ~.mailer boa1 1n 1rade drp!!, bit-ins, ~lios. waJk ing fo: equ11 y. distance 10 to\vn. 100 Clifl Income Property 6000 * 543-2434 * Santa Barb. ll"Unlt• fum'd tory k>cationll. \Ve att a mo5.. "c:ai..:dif'. v 1 c HamUton, C.l\f. &U-0829. 546-0'Dt. • Isl Vista for clear-frtt home highly refert:nced compan)'. Corona de! !\tar. Reward, LICENSED day care • c.N~EW=~i:.~.-..._--.._,.~--.,... ~Co~mpl-,1 to f!lll!,000 Cap_li, San Clem._ -t Excellent, im~~~~ cash _67}-§804. l!lfl{ltf_ ~ 2 yn, hot lunches, lawn care. Clean up by job Lag, Newpt, Cdl\f:-213-~-"' ~. LOST M .San.Clement•. 49' ~"' ••• mo.~--.-... •,..Into 222-4309 / TI4-673-S4.19 (weekl,)i ~-ork days or eves.) : an's "'allet near ~ ... , .rlT'e .. ;;--;-;-,,---.,.--~·--1 You mey expand full ume Glealer & lo1va, C.M .• \Ved. 8974U7 9r 846-0932. II Units, good rtntal area. later "·)th our expansion PM. Val. plclurct: & drivers Irick, Mlltonry, ~ Japanese 'Gardener, E:Xp. 138,000 Equity: income program if.)'OU deaj..te_No lie. Rew. S.5-1630; 5'£.0684. t ~r~ General Cleanup. Haullna: $13.:'JOO. For house, commer. experience necesu.ry. \Ve BLUEPOI e c -e 54-1894 e claJ or horse ranc:lt.. will train. S"'~ total __ .. f\."T Siamese, 7 YJ'S· u.iv "'"""' Vie: WalnUt & FUJlertOn, Brick, block, stone. Patios: OWNER 675-6259 required. · For more in-CM S entrance ways, No job too GEN Cleanup, trH 6 1prnklr serv, Rototill. Handymap, odd jobl. Rea!. 646--5848 CommereieJ Income proper. ty, free I: clear: next to Sean, Val, $65,000. For un. its; house or beach prop, formation, write Distributor s.1~. un. StS-3202• sma.11. 646-7825, Rel furn, Division No_ lOO, 21n Ralph Ave.. Slocklon, Cal if .. Include phone no. • OWNER 67s.;6259 OUT Of Wprk! Wanted: Only ~---------t mature men, women or Land f<>r units; view; 7tlo It. couples. 1 branch of 33 cor- frontage. Can divide lo 9 porallons has moved in'to loll!. San Juan Capo. $135-1\1 Calif. One of 3 largest protit Val: $100-l'f eq . Por im· bus iness e 1 in USA. proved or TD's. t9446.l3 Pern1anenl for UK>Se; who e LOST l b!k & orange kit· ty, Vic: Balboa Ave & Sap. phire, 675-0198. 'VHT Short-haired domestic cat,\ Vic: £Iden Ave, C.i\oI. 646-3806 aft Gflm. GARDE,NING-&: ~ C11rpent1rl~g. ___ '5_90...; ing Prunlng-Trlmm!nr 1- CARPENTRY Reoov8.ting 548-5209 atl 5 1'.1JNOR REPAIRS. No Job JAPANESE Gardenln& Too Small. cab~t in gar· Service. Neat "'ork. Cleanup ages ol o l her cabinets. _Y~d~·~mat=·~nt~·~968-~230l=;....~~-I S.1>8175 U no ans\\'er leave Complete Y11rd Carel msr at 646-2372. H. 0. JIM 541).4837 HERITA~E APTS Dr .. Laguna Bch. 49-J.4198 W•stbey Income Homes 9 units (In 1he beach, San AVAILABLE NO\\'! SPECTACULAR OC't'anfront TRIPLEX . ~1.500 Clcmen!e, ~.00'.I equily. in. c anyon Lake, 1101 lrom wa- ler,. $4200 equity, \Vant home, income or Jot Al- apply them1elve1. Jnq. for true & tegltlmate info to tl'l'mendous sur.ceu 548-0203. LOST: All white, long haired cat. Fein . (DEAFl Vic: 42nd St, NPT. Gr;>-3577. SIA~1ESE 2 yr male, lite col- or, Josi vie ~!:eyer Pl & 19th. Re\\'8.rd. 646-2:!58. Anderson ,. •JARDENJNG REDECORATING'! Design &: By Experienced Japanese 11401 Keelson l.n, H.B. 2 BR, 2 BA, putting g-ret>n, Bf'st Eastsidf' Costa l\Iesa \0-t'<>me $18,000 yr. Trade for const. odd jobs &. repair. * 5olS-0228 * Lrg Attrac 2 Br. $140..Sl:t.l pool. adults no pets. $350. caiion. "Home!! wilh an in-land, k>ts or home. Kids ok_ AU e"'h'a . Pool. 4~23;,.i or 4~28jl , come". 2035 Tuslin tcor 496-3702 alter 5 P\'1 patio area, R~· bldg. OE' Wood 1147-8335 or g.i7.1446 * i.;UXE 2 BR. Ocean land Place/, Bullder Trade 3 Br. 1~:. ba. hon1e, hambra area. ' 5.37-7653 liave 20 units. Trade for more units or submit. Associ.1te PARTNER --·------Penon11ls -6405 ------= Exp .. refs. Odd ht'!. & free EXPER. J8Jlllnese Gardener, est. 673-4280 or 673-4-H:i complete yd service. Rella. REPAIRS *_ALT_ER&. & neat. FTte est. 642-4389 vit>w deck, 1 blk -heh. Ne"' &IZ-491).j. All adena <Pasa. area t for Sl 2.500 cash. i\lust be avail-* FUU.Y LICENSED * able immed. & active. ?<.fan-Reoowned Hindu Spiritualist ager experience 111?(.', $2SK to Advice on all matters. TlONS • CABINETS. Any GARDENER-EXP'D ./ F'Rf.Stl·AIR shg crpll!. drps. refi'it/stv. s!mili..r, Col;la l\1esa-Tuslin Fortin Co .. Reallors 1711-C Westc!Ul Drive Newport Beach &12-5000 COIN operated I: cleaning agency in new ihopping center. Will trade equily for home. real estate or ?'!? 5434102; 962·9125. size job * 675-4!t52 * 'Valk 3 blks lo Beach! Sl!IO/mo. 49-i-983."i. • irea. Fee/'llllnt, Rltr, l!t79 N. 25 )'1'11 exper. 548-G713 Beaut. big 2 br. apll. \\'/VJ DELUXE 2 BR, 2 BA, viev.', 8U.!tl1~~ P_roperty 6050 Lake, Alta. 213: 798-9166 ct"pts, <lrps, bltns except elec _eye ga:age, ldry. $23500 FREED0'.1.1 Home Balboa I&land residence, $30K annually, $251) \\':eek Lovr. Mani.age, Business s1ar1 . Call immed. 636-2170. Readings given 1 days a ROOFING & All Home Improvements. Gener41 S.rvk:es 6612 relrig. $150 l: $1.55. l child 497-IOCiG or 4!»-5810 IO'iii dn 0\VC 2nd 4 yn "25,000 ,.u;ty_ \ViU ttade lo' ok. No sngls/pe tJ;. 536-1711 ~· l BR N. end, ~~ blk shop/ Assume VA 4:;( %PfTI $107. Glendale reside1ice. SPAC. TO\VNHOU~E 4 plex bch, )dry racil . Adults. $175 3B 1 ba rent $17:i C-1 zone \\'Uliam C. Hardesty 2 BR. $200/mo. Crpts. drps, up. 494-4488 83G-42J7. lot. big mkt ctr \V. 19th CM. Reallor 6~2866 blt.ns, gar. nr beach. shop'g ' . Val $33i\I is near, <h\'ner area & sehls. 64~2444 or OCE~NntONT, pnv. beach. needs TD inc. Your chance. Horse barn, 4 stalls, hay & 968--9707 Stud•<!, apt ;\'fature. adult on-LYTLE REALTY tack rm, 5 paddocks, riding NE\V l Br at Bch! QUlET ----------hm. Trd for income or ? MANUFACTURING v.·~k. 9 AM -9 Pl\I 3.12 N. El Camino Rea.I, Keed man to supervise pro. San CJemenle duction,. Engineering & plant 492-9136 t 92-0:l76 supervision heJp(uJ but not ..-.. ==~''-o="=-'--- necessary, will train. s1s,ooo i-MASSAGE SPECIAL investment required. Salary 6 Dollar's plus share of profits. Far He &: Sile Health Club appt. (714) 879-.1433 ext. l\oI. Separate "'aJk in Sauna's for Free Est. 536-1059 CUSI'0~1 cabinets, remodel- ing &: additions. Slate lic'd contr. 548-6514, ~5219 CUSTOM WOODWORK :f\Jrniturc & Cabinets -· • 548-4235 or·64S..OOW 'mJNGS y~r hysband ~ not have time to do! !\la.int• repair! 1'.tosl anytblni. 54s.-0820 : GARAGE doora , and operaton serviced and in. stalled. E. Haniaon • 129 Governor St. 64i-8505. lli<E\VCTBi:a\iiOh;°'(i\iiif:i' j ,~1>~'.~1~1"1~M;;:;o~. 4~9'-465::;;~·~3~==.! 583 W. 19th. C.M. ~!l-9493 ~rt!nn, fncd, l l' ac. rnch styl $130, bal of mo Jo~REE. Look San Clemente 5710 \Vally i11cCoy 6Ta-0116 &: you'll rent~! Pvt 8 · R t I """• Home. Meta Woods C,1'.I. 10 mo's_ old ·s:;,ooo eq, ntA S28,000 Joan at 1\h'i'o. Trade ror Pasadena area honie, lol 3~ T.D,'r, 557.7653. · GOING business ror sale. Smal l coffee s hop Downto"'" Santa Ana loca- tion. $4000. f .P. Terms .;n•ai l. Days 541-3122. eve a4.i-56~3. Ladies & Gentlemen S47-7879 17434 Beach Blvc::. (corner of Slater! H.B Cement, Concrete 6600 · BOAT &: Ho,usehold repairs. -·-General Handyman. Ef· CONCRETE, All types. Free ficlent & rea so n a1> I e est &wing. breaking, haul-673-uta deck/patios. 20-l-A l.\lh. NF;\V 3 br, cplgLdl'PS, nr bch, USIMSS en a -Puhn Ot'serl: 2 Fine R-3/ 67~17SI, 536-1319. $215. nlO. 2.':2 Victoria Apl STORE 2.1X.\O for Is c 101~. Ca11 bid \ti uni ts. $35.000 BEACHBLUFF'~A~P~T=s-C, San Clen1cn1t•. 492·36:"il presenrly fa~ht.1n hick!·R\l'a; Tratli-for t'('l!ident or inc 2 BR, 2 Ba. pool, pat.ic, 1"/H, dress shop. Some· fiio;tures, proper1y, N.R. or CdM. dsh"·hr. 82ll Ellis. -R-.-.-,-.-1,-w-,-.,-... ---5-990-1 Avail Dec 1., 333 Jo;. 17t h s1 .. o,1·ner: 714/673-JMS. 842.3f17 or 8::J7-39.'i7 I ----------·l cC~·~'c=1· &hl-lit',(il \\'ill 1radc n1y $l5,000 equity Have: ht TD's l-11 $6,000 f6) $20,000 f6) s:n.ooo, all or pan For Ne\\'l>Oli. 0 . Cn1y properly. boa1 (S30·S:iO:-.t1 or ?? 5.'>7·9100 or 499.4206 \\'ILL sell ;,'i<j shares in lrg dell res taurant. \Vilshire & 1''airlax area. Gross sales shd exceed $300.IXXI JX'r yr. 546-Q.l(l2 aft 7 Pl\f EXCITING SINGLES CATALINA WEEKEND Complele Fun Package SZ>. + lax ii.ig & Skiploading. Service & ~N=E=E=o~=typ~in-.-.-.... -~,~w~,1 q\lality. 548-8668' Bob. can do. Speedy, accurate, CE?.1ENT 'Vork of a.ll kinds. reasonable, 64&-4238. 11-.~s=P=A=c~10~u=s~J~b~,-. ~,=~--,-. ~,,-<' RE.'>PONSIBL}:; rouple "''ith HARBOR BLVD. fro n 1. in nonh fUllerton tri-levcl fenced yard. encl gar. c cu-OOI' school·11g1• ehild anti one 19 x 37' I\' I re~troon1. :!UO honie for small properly in pie w/2 children, no pel5. <'Xpt'Cll!ci \\'OU.Id like to find Harbor Blvd. C'.1.1. $'100 mo. Ne"''IJOl1 area. L70 ac-hl\')' 79 nr Scout Camp .\Varner Hot Spring!!, free .t <'Ir. -all/parl·$6T.i ac val. For CLEAR prop, boat 1$301'.f-S50?ili or ?'! a57-9700 or 499-4206. Sat .t Sun Nov. 7th l· 81h Reservations ltd, 673-52-G Davey's Locker. Inc. Free est. 636·03it Handy Man '42·2951 llome Maintenance * CONCRETE work: patios, Ap!, Refurbishing drvways, etc. Li c ensed. Phillips Cement sts.6380 r.fORE Concrete patio Jor less money. Artistic setting. Lfc., call Max at 644-0687 $185. 842-4549. 3BR home 'with ferlCCd yard. year's lrase . .>48-0783. 714/524-0083 NE\\'! Never Lived· In: 2 & 3 C1'1 11.rea. \\'ILLING TO 16.w~ l\lag.nolia, .\~e~11~in.~1er. lhlVf' 2 choice eslate lots, BOR'.1.iS . .Nr. Beach. Agt: RENOVATF.! Up lo $135 S~1 r/0His'o' llh50 '111~~ shpg So. Pi11ia. 1'~ree & clear. What cio yoU bave to tr1de ! *MASSAGE* RAlN gutters installed . Rainy seaain hert: 900n. Free est. Reas! 968-2'l08 645-1070 mo. Call pleas.ant n10thtr·in-en r nr I'\\')', "" mo. \Vant improved properly up List It here -in Ora.net la\V. 538-6540' 494--02lS. to $2.'i0.000. Counb''• JarRest re•d trad-e $130 · 2 -BR, crpts. da-ps , OFFICE STORE bltns, dshwshr. garage. A.fl FREE · ~. nr. N'pl. l\.fadge Oavls Rl1r. 642-7000 lna'J>091:-aD'J make ideal. ORANGE JULIUS-Sacriiice:. Franchise paid. 0 w n ~ r moving north. FuU price ST.JOO Gross $26,rxxkonsider oUers. ~9987 or 6-l6-404.7. SAUNA * \\l'HIRLPOOL Lovely Girls. Plush tacilitit'l'I. Open 7 days., noon-midnight. 2930 W. Coast Hwy, Nc111port Beach. 548-360ll CDwtEN~ WORK, no job too· Heulint small, reasonable. Free --~~------• 4 pm, 847 ..;am Bch. Post Ole. & Grc)'hound UNUSUAL opportunity • At. depot. l2X27. $7j mo. lse. * * * * * * l.ractive boutique, N.B. ocean SHARE GAS EXPENSE Need ride to Co.&ta Ptfesa from Laguna. \l.'orking hl'I. 8 to 5. Call 6424321 (ext 270) days, 494.5739 after 5. H YARD, garage clean UJt and Estim. . . Stullick, 548-8615 reneral hauling. Have bi&: •NE\V lrg 2 Br. D!lhwhr. RENTALS SERVICE Graham Rlty 646-24.l~ location. Established 3 yrs, cusro~1 CONCRETE truck. very reascnablt: Fret patio. !San Diego frwy a t TO STORE for lease 2~00 sq ft, Xlnt lease. ~1ake offer. PATIO-DRIVEs.ETC. est. 646-1346 Mamatha F.dinger1. $165. 84z..7oo2. OWNERS & Balboa Isle, Xlril 15 e . REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 67S.36.l3 or 531-5363. e QUIET 2 br, 1 14 ba. crprs, ~=~MA~~N~A~G~E~R~S~ _ _/;~63~!l-~1=2=53;::=:=;:===::= l o;G~on~olr;o~l;;;.;j"--6j;;jj , __ G~o~no;c..r_a~l ______ 1 COIN laWJdry -CO!lta 1'.1esa drps, garage, lge i1uncleck. :: Call ~1169 1 • area. $6500 full price. SWINGERS! New Orange Co. Guide. Free info OCSG, CHILDRENS Shop -San P .O. Box 2111 , Anahc.lm Clen1, estab-husb transf-821--01 93. Free estirqate. 675-ms T.N.T. l..a.'11.'n Service . DECORATIVE CONCRETE Garage clean-up!, hauling It DRIV,ES ·WALKS· PATIO light moving. 543-5863, $160 5.16-8739. ~XECUTIVE -Iii, widower, Office Rental 6070 Office Rent11I 6070 Lots 6100 &t9-3641 CALL DON, 642-851.f 531-3729 NEW 2 BR. 2 ba, frplc. cp1s. desires unfl'.ltnished 2 BR. SUPER D · J00..600.1200 s<t ft. Ei\fERALD Bay, oceM vl~w drp'· bltns. nr bl'h, $175 nw. ·e I U ho • ELUXE QUALITY vi w ap o.c SJ1la use to ~ 01-~FICES. $60-$90-$1!!0, lot in pvt community. Ap-Contractora "20 &;6--08-ll, 548-01 31 Jg(>, year round. Jmn)ed OC· l-2·"'. room. up 10 3.000 l<J. CClllta ~·lesa. 646-2130 prox 75x ll2 tor i;ale or l & 2 BR New apts. Frplc'a. cu py. l\1r. Flynn. Dav, ft. office suites. Inimcd. oc-1-~,,:.,:,.,..=c:..,,.c-'-"'-,c~ trade. $18,500, Pvt Ply, ~ c11.&h .+-inven1 . 492-1684.H ·'=E~A~L~n!~-S~po--n-,.-m~be-,.,-,,-, Near Ocean! Patio.Adults. 2J3/j83-80al e v e·s cupancy. Orange Cnty. CORONA DEL MAR &l&-l~ ~ Llr..'DBORG CO. f1.16-2579 2l3/430-2765. ' Airpon Irvine C.Ommerc. j R?<.'I suite, stor & pkg, 2 ba, 1----------M~y to Loen 6320 tor sale for 2. Take owr pymts. 15 mo. left. 64~3973 au. 6 or "·eek-ends anytime. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Phone. 542-7217 or write to P.O. Box 1223 Costa 1'.1esa. ?ify Way, quality home repair. Walls. ceiling, tloors etc. No job too small. 543-149". 2 BR. unfurn. 1 Br tum. 3 BR, 2 ba, unfurn apt or Con1p\ex. adj. Airporler 1100 sq ft., gnd fir. 673-S757 Crpts. drps, bltns. 2 Ba. 733 hse. for adult epl & 2 ~!eri:" R~t~~ran~ banks, EXECUTIVE suite • llarbor 1 .c_;1_,u_1_G_••-•-•-•-~_6_1..;;75 1st TD loan GEN'l. remodelin.i & maint No job too sma ll. Lic'd/lnsured. 675-8183 Lake. 336-3700. SJ'j.-07i.) le<!nage children. Ne"-port 1 iego pt. "'Y~. frontage nr Ne"'J)Clrt 81\'d lit~ or romparablt: area 111 UNCRO\VDED PARKING for lease. 1,000 + sq IL SACRIFICE PRICE! 8% lNTERES'f 2 BR, 1, BA. erpts, drps. N.B. or C.~1. S250 ma.>: LO\VEST RATF.S N.B. Ph: 6424644 for appt. The O\l'nCr says "Sell this 40 : ~~~~ M~®lo beach. ""Ould Ii.kl' frplc ~ ati 0\vner/rngr. 2172 DuPont Dr.,1__________ acre 7 yr, old grow. in \Vood-2nd TD loan T!OCAD 'Ne1\1>ort Riviera Pavilion R.S.V.P. 64f>--0.113 CM Il SS GEN. Contr. Remodeling &: room additiona. Lie. &. lns. 64>-0991, eves 673-6809. 1 BR APT, J !>Path. SlJ:l. 817-4~1 6 & \\'knds ' Rh. 8. Newport Beach. Cl'el!t area lor $3250 per blks lron1 • LAN.DLORDS • 1133-3223 Courtesy to Brokers Industrial acre." \Ve'JI divide into 10 Terms based on t'qtlity. PR S P roperty 60IO or 20 acre blocks. Xln't '41·2171 54.f.0611 FREE RENTAL SER,VTCE E TIGE OFFICE t .1 / .d . •--··-·omonto "lD Addilions * Remodeling " :i.16-1710 NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH if HROUGH A AILY PILOT .. 0., THE BAY" crms ava1 . \I' prepa1 in-Serving Harbor area 21. ,.,,_ ~-----·-----....., Ge-"•'ek • •·n, L•"e. Broker. 5.~ " i\1-1 BLDG, hrand new, ·~ ~ A1 Lido yacht anchora~e n1odern, snnciuus &. comfy. 1ere~t acceptable. You can'I Sattler Mortgage Co. COTTON T-shirt fabric Sl.49/ 673--60-al * :>1~2170 "'' duphcal<' lh i~ gro\'e any. 336 E 17th Street J room -Ground noor See l1, 7392 Talbert. HB. he . · yd. Like at old C.M. Knitting, • Air cond., crph1. rtrps. Duy 8'17-331:!: t>ves 846-4731 ~or~"' in~~. ~~;~~~( K\~: ~ -American Rnils, 2026-A N.' Carpet Cleanint 6625 E·Z parking. Util. paid M 1 Tustin, Orange. 637-6120. ' SEi\11-Relired English rou· $12.i per month Sina.JI "'/Eckoff & A11soc:.. or gagea, l---'-'--'-_;:;::;:;.:.:.;.:..=:_.1Jo• & l\I Cleaning Service. pie \~th 2 ~f'Y. "'~U beliav· 717 Lido Park Drivi-Commercial 60&5 lnc. 532-2538. E\·es & \\'knds _T_r_u_1_1_D_oe_d_1 ___ 6345 \ Carpets cleaned. Holiday cd dOgs 11'1sh to rem or Neii·por: Beach ti73-IOGO . ~ =538=·="='='·======= In·~ YOU have S2'100 &: ;~ Cemetery Lota 6418 special. CcttJ.foamer. new lease unfurn 2 Bcdi·n1 house I S10RE Q41g Jor sale 686-method, dri<'s ln 2 hrs. Free or collnge in So. Orange DELUX.E offc, suitl', gi'nd . 69~ \\'. l!>th S1. Bethel Acreage 6200 mOnthly incm for 5 yn, OCEAN Vie\'l Pa c ific est.53&-2247or536-3508. Coast an?a. <So. Laguna floor, ~as own.entrance and Towt:rs corner. S.18-1768 agt.1---~------~ secured by lsl mtg. call :\femorial Pnrk -1 eemelcry south11,-ardl maX s140 mo. \\rcslchff Dr .. st. address, APPLE VALLEY Edge of bkr, 67.)..8303 plol , Jot 32'1, l crypts 77 Dlamond 1 Carpe1 Cleaning •50 ft th l I boo 6"•3-lo"•. Autumn Special v~ry <'le11n & 11 u i <'I:· · sq. · \l'I pv · pane lnduatrial Rental 6090 nl area. ,,.,... relere"'~s avoi!, ·-'123 n .. offc. Desk space & recept , ____ ...,._;,;......;.;.__...;c • Comm corner SI 2, O O O, Money W11ntecl 6350 ~===~-----1 •oo· $20. F1>ee Est. '"'"' .. "'1""'t.. .,. % ;.;.::.:;.;.!,...;;.;;;c.:.:;:...._..:.;:.::; 2 CEMl.'TERY lots; Pacific Repair-J1U1ta.ll. 645-1317. 492-8873. $185. mo on lease, inc air-FOR W;e-j3()() sq ft prime 15 d,\·n, nr Apple Valley PRIV. Party wants 2nd T.D. Vieiv Menloria.I Park, N.B. BED 1 rt t d' . cond., util., crpl.11., drapes. ware h s e space-a.II/part. Inn on i\1esa Verde home. Ha·"" Private pty. 675-82'28 STEA.\f Jet carpet cleaning. n a s u JO, pnv, 5'18-9586 Irvine Ind 1'1.r Bullanl • 2-1 Ac res 10111 nr golf crs, "" By ClarKare. nation.\\'ide closet & dresser. Desk top . c.•" """l ' · S6750 • 17500 1-tt d V'-lge, equity. Pay 10% int. · .,._,,_ ,,A., An::: a\'ail. Priv. entrance lsemi! * o. ELUXE l_·room olhce.t.,.~-~c..c.c...'·-------· • a, .. n. ><:\V S.1&-1385 642-7(()() ----------.!, sel"Vice. "''""'est~ Ad t A 1 • __ Q ** Bkr, Englund 673-4144. T I ,. •• share bath. $15 ivk plus Jacen to irpartcr nn "' "°""' S . FT. ne1v bldg. •NNOUN EMENTS r~ve ...,... C drpQSit. Kit &: laundry priv. Orange Cnty. Ai r. po r .t . w/lge. o\'erhl?ad door. $285 10 Ac. So. Calit $10 dn, $10 "" C arJMf .L11yJnt & Carp d-m"••e ~= c c '1 -~ F/P L ""-f If and NOTICES WANTED: Female 18 to 25 Rt-Ir M~"6 TV, phone. elc. Studenl '' ... pes. .... , all'· TnO ... ,,,,., recc, " , ""'' .,.,_ . . "'"''"' e . .;::::~~;;;c:_ ___ ...;-=: pref. ~6-3634. cond .. clc. $125 1'.fonlh S.l&-6110l. 326 \V. Jrd st, LA foi-trip to England via t.lex---';-;""~;==-=...,-..,.-\833.-0101 OR · 833-0\44t------. ---213·'"" "101 · Found (FrH Ad1) 6400 ico. \\1rite J ack Lee 7771L e EXPERT e PLEASANT room for lady, 26<XI Sq. fl. w/off.ice . Jrg rear!---'-·-~...__...~·-----· G · t Dr La ~ h .,,. carpet installations Rooms for Rent 5995 in C.1\1. near Park, Heated DESK SPACE door $295 mo. Eves For Acreage i11 Orange Co. BLK poodle w/red collar a.v)() a · guna. c • * ·53H327 * "':'========-'--"P="°'=· ;c':;;':' 6-J0.<166~~'=·===\ 222 Forest Avenu' &l6--0&8l: dy 646-SOJ3. 1.2.xt 11 studded \\'/silver, chain. SERVICE DIRECTORY CARPET LAYING 1-:-·· Logan Sl . Sp No. L, C.?.I. 8tti8 ltta(f!J flea collar. Vic: Bh\·n lilh CA p 1 ¥'ount11in Valley S41DF nt · V fl r•10 L B h & 18th & Pomona. Contacl · · age &12·2070 ou etn I ey ,ort ogunlll eoC * ttENT 1'1-1 1125 sq. ft.-Call &l2-6560 Animal Sheller. Orange _A_u_l_o_R_o~p-•_;,_, ___ '5_30 EA'P""RT :WANT AD 642'5678 . :J.ounlairu M~,,.. .... Sl)U twuuy I & % Bodrooms -% Batu Adull Uvlng FtltUibecl & llnltunhbocl ., ... ·--• .Shi c.,.,.,. • . ,.,,.., ,.,,,.,,. • a.-1 G-t.,:l!I' e ._. G1iU•p -SlalorAvoaae t94-94G6 $12'5/mo. 1:t.'i'1 1..ogan Ave . ~ Cl\1. 61.).-5116. 40 AC. Zoned l\1oblle llomes. F:A\VN Color-p /German TOP V\V n1edlanlc "'orlai CARPET INSTALLATION BEAUTlFUL c rtit.>ea. air, 1..;:;::;;:::::;::===== Paved trontag~. Nrxt 10 $50 Shepherd, male. T 0 r n days \\'ill fix )'llUr cn.r evt:n-i &: REPAIR. 616--4191. cil.rpe.16. paneled. facing I~ i\tillicn de\-elopmcnt, SAC! leash/choke chain. Vic 8th ings. Call MS-7986 El 1 • I -·"'----~-..~ Beach8l\'d.Call 8·12-252.;or Lota 6100 for $1900/pcr acre. St & l~h s 1, BAiboa Call='=======-==! ec ric~--·-...... --= ~~:e:,1~r 1213) EX 4-0015 VIEW LOT TERl\IS: 7.14: ~-1357 67l-554G. Baby·aitting 6550 ,IQ AC., 01·angcs: 8 ml. So. of BL.ACK A.nd \l'hite t~ox Tcr-LOVING molher , des I res DESK SPACE Riverside. 6 '{r. old tree11 ln t ier . 'An!!. to "Speedy" Vic habys1tl lng during \\"eek. 9 305 No. El Caff1ino Rail $2,950 FULL PRICE ;1~15. ~~$35.000. Sub. ()f 16th & N<'wport, Devoted nios to 3 yn preferred, Fen. Sin Clim•nt• • lo n111ster. mAsler very ill! ced yard, happy l'Om- 492-4420 Owner Must Sall cov·T IAnd, $5 ft~. \Vrlre: RE\VARD! ! 64G-356t. paniona. OOc brly. Full tinle, '* NE\VPORT BEACH Ch·ic l.ancthPoekdage, llS.\ No. Ar· FOUND, ~' Tortie point, ~. pa.rt time or occaskmal.. Nr Center. 300 ft 10 tOOO 11. Lot 24, Block 45 r ow ea Av•· 5 • 11 Sealpoint, 6 mo ()Id , Harbor Shopping Center. Amwer~ £, Secretarial. Bernardino. Ca . \\'8.terbury Ln, HB. 968-7259 S4S-1395 6T;>-l60l Arch 8t11ch Height& BABYSIT Out of St11t9 Prop. 6201 BLACK female p up p y my nice, clean e ELECTRICIAN • Plun1b- cr. Inslallati()n & repairs. No iob. too small. :>45-4614. ELECTRICIAN. S1na.U jobs, rnalntenance I r e p a i r s. Lic'd &: Bonded. 548-5203 F!Mro -----·· CARPET VINYL TJlE LIC CONTR. FREE EST. * S.0.7262 * LA\V Of{fee space, prime L .. una Beech wfflea collar found on home. Good atm0«phtre I lOcatlon in Newport Sch. Write 18140 W. Ave. HAWAIJ-1\t.'O acres tooth ol Country Club Dr, Ot. ?\ion· toad. f'enced back Ytard. "''/full aervlce1. Sttretarial Kona in J:lav.'ailan Ocean dt,Y. !H&-1397 Take lo PIU'k l'Aice 'A'ctkly. GarcMnlng service avail, 6'15-1550. 0, Lencaster ~3534 View Estates, $8,<m or best FUUNO.AtfeeUoMte Cllllco !iOc hourly.' 1-e h i Id re n _ eD~LUXE aif"COnd office: in e \VANTEO.LOTS offer, 962-4075. kitten, CdM . C~f1wk. l89 Costa !otcsa St, * LANDSCAPING * •--• "-bu ~1"7 .i• • New •Aw"• •-..... -mo,•al """"puter "-'=nler BI d I · lo \Id Apt's. u•;,o "" :-:o===~~----1 ... ·-. ....... .. Crpts, drapet. Up to 3f100 aq. CASH Mount:tln & Qelert 6210 FOUND LICENSED child care my rcnovatin£:. All p h" s e ~ ft. 64G-'i42:i 'or S.&-6080. \\'rite delt1\lr to: Dally Pilot BJG Bear lake-R.alicho, 21-1 Doberman. male. home, ages I to $, ?.Ion, thru l•ndSCIPe h1$tall &. designs , orrtCE for ~rrt on O.lbot& Dox 1if·2004, 2211 W. Balboa ac. wooded. nr take, utll 67~j Fri. Lunches &: snackJI In-IJc'd oontr, 12 >TS loc, eqi. Isle. Fum or Ii n I urn . Bh'd. N-D. $25.000 terms 213:286-2831 c:ludt'd, Vicinity of Baker &: 5.3&-1225. YARD/'Gar. Cleanup. Remove l.retls, ivy, traah. Grade, backhoe, 962-8745. TRASH &: Garage clean-up, 7 dayt. $10 a load. Free est. Anytime, M&-5031. M0VING, Ga.rage clean-up &: llte hauling. Reuon&ble. Free estimates. MS-1602. Houseclean Int 67:15 ARE you not satisfied w/ the way your carpets, floors &. windm\11 look! Try the Dutcll ~"ay. Call Dutch !I.lain!. Service I: you will ~ee the difference. 531-EOB before &Al\1 or aft 3Pl\T. HOUSE OF' CLEAN DOES EVERYTHING , 'comm'\ & Res. Cleaniii&: 642-6824 WINDOWS &: walls washed. Firs, stripped, sealed I: \vaxed. Free est, day or night. 673-3090. EXPERIENCED Houseclean. er, by ~. Own transporta· tion. 1136-8897. Bay I: Beach Janitorial Crpts, wtndo\\·s. floors etc. Res. & Cornm'I. 6'6-1401. G ENERAL Housecle~. a.pts only. 963-3132 " 847-4640 2 WOMEN, ~6cient, wkly preferred. c.~I. area. Call Eve!i, s.i&-1227. Mes.a Cleaning Service Carpets, window.!, floors ete. Res &. Commc'I. st8-4iu Ironing 6755 IRONING, My home, Sl hr, Dressmakin&: &:; AlteratiOlll. 545-7641. ---1 MAID SERVICE 6125 DOMESTICS FHI Llko o Ouoonl Have a ?ofAID in yoi&r home 10 live Jn for as low·•• Sl40- S3$0 per l\10. Services rt.n-t dcred at our ottiee or In )'OUr hoz:nt. Pleue C..U, (213) -Collect, Local Ci.rl want.s IO cle•n j Apt.&: prlv. homeL Gd rt:fa .l reas. rates! 642·12'l4 II Painting, Popomo"91"t -776-18Sl. aft G A wknd.s: l =,._.,..,-"'1.otc-:-"eoa~-.. ~,=1,-,.-.-,a-n PORTABLE radio found on Bristol. 54~ . R E W bet.ch In La.gun;\, 675-4Z1.2 buitd 40 unlis. Phil Sullivan, • • anted 6140 499-4048 iµ:LlABLE, e:irp'd, Fenced 2 fo'URNISHEO Office J1Uite11. ,_R~·~·•_t ... _5"....c&-<;c..;;,~1~. ==~-I ·----'-'"---.;;.o;.: yard, crall• • creative •c. ~ "1 .tt. S12S/mo. Coe.it Baycrt1t lot IOX110 8~~~~~:· &: ~::. ~~: ''NC. Blk, h t w/collar nr tivities. llot lunch & l nACk.t. AL'S GARDENING . (or Cerdenl.t11 6 «mall Ja_ncJ. PAINnNG: Inter. • b1tt. act:Pltw Rnitr• call Mo.5J!t Very rtuonabll. 6U-Glll ,..... ... -w.,....... CdM ~ •• 6.J>l\I. • I ll1t.')'. N"'PI Bch. 64)-2182 ··~ Afmpl~. SJT.500, 6"4·2032 ~ x lnl cond, l I:t: 2-tT-ll2l ~St. I Ol'allit. Ave, C.M. \Veekdays. Nr.J>erry ~ t ..;.6l6-;.;...;.S21=1._____ H.B. !162-618< ta »•,., __ Dover -~· * l!APERHANGlR * \Vestcil.ff. Proft.M\ona.1. 646-)Ht f Satirlay, Oct°"r 24, 1970 SlRVICI PIUClO~Y J2~ & l~LOYMllfT JO~S & E('IP'L~Y¥,El.IT, ~OIS & !JW'';9Y~ENT JO!!! fM!'~QY~.T JQIS &EMPLOYMENT MERCHAHDIS! rul. MIRC IN ...,,. Pointing;--• Job Wonted, . Jolii ~-.-'-1100 Joba Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobo Moll, Wom. 7lOO School .. lnatrudlon 7600 SA~I A'!D TRADE SALi AND Tl.ADI" Poporho~lna A50 Mon & Women mo Fumll 1000 O •-1o .... D~UVER . e 1NoUSTRJAL>ENGINE>;!l NEWSPAPER. .••'! "'I"· $14.00 WEEK •re .• ,.,. ---w PAtNTJN°C : Jtpnest =~~iC::i~cou,:ie TELEPHONE Expanding Orange Coon.TY ~.\i\fi APJii'o*4·6A.\f,1 Pf, lime ew1. No exp. ne<'!. SillP'S Cha.rt table sTs. WE have told -..wrytht.,. Guara!}1~fd 'work; • Lic'd, wt kno\\'ledge Or mco:Pie~ non-defense manufacturer da.v9 • W.k, . Exetlknt \\'e train ~t/Ka'~ 6 mo's Hah~h cover t•blt. top $4S A must eo -fllhlna tAckle, 1oul feJ '· Call 6'la-a1-40 aft m·.,.han••al motn .............. , DIRECT.ORIE$ cl hlch production consumer ptt{:-\ltne, '1".*~'·11 'ff,• n I 1.;realdency' In Otl1lft County bench 10' $50. 6"13-4310 furn., etc. 202 29th St., NB. 5 "-,,,. °"' . ....-._ ..... • M ll products, °Offt'l"S ~xttllent ~ble toatme °pel"IOll. , , 15 MEN · · pool servlct. 673--212$ en or women. over carttr opportunity fo tully ~ ;;;.r ' * 2 NEW modem din. 11ets, **GARAGE SALE ** 1NTER i D ier pal"6its: wltt;. car•, 1t•t1on.wa,: qualll led i nd u strlaJ pXtfl'~it 'F..r11 ,,n.7781 NE~ ~ custom sofa, 2 !ounce Re fr igerator•. TV, J."'rtt "11. local rerf: l.Je'P JOIN ·· MM WOift: 7100 on.-w l'911t trvckr. 1.-~Enrtnetr. °'tree requittd, tra. • • ~ ~~ \ '• .Mf.nB2 chall'll .. Call: 546-QIOT. dlllhwasher. 5t>-1769 •Ins. C.UI C!ltjel<.'~ • Apply-1:31 /J.M, ·11:30 •'"'"""um 2 ,..,. ..,,.,, otU-n\~=J 1 TRAIN TO BE.' A STUDIO COUCH $25 POWER MOWtt • "'"'"''" • . _AC"l1lESSES k MODELS. AM or I :30 PM •l•rl· MTM "' GPO, Salary com-Yi · · Oodo,ni, d(\. H E....Z 673-3648 m 100"" ""'d · * P.A,ERHA~ING age 13-25, seekini·peraonal inl Wecfnelday Octo--merlSU!'a!e 1'ith a.lflIJ-1y . 64; ... . I eavy -r!"'pment . . suspe urut A: P~IN'rlNG. * 968-m'i ~::':r ~orse;otp~~i~ btr 21th. ' • ~~=:et:~ ;;:!!i:. RECEPT., ·altract )'OU~ ~rl OPERA t OR Office Fumlture IOJO Mater $.15. Misc. 646-19-H. 1t f.:xTERJOtt-ll"frERlOJ\ * resume to New-Ttl. It 15:' ~~~ .. ,~ ~1(c. JI.tanager, P. o. Box 4T6, to work Sun. 9:30-2:30, Ap-Approv.d For Vet1 Re.fin'd 3'lxOO 9.'00d desks, iAppllancet 1100 \\ron't be .,oocrtiid! Custom Asaoc .. P _.O. Box 117, El es m "9 •r1 a • Santa Ana, Cali(; ply 2221 Fairview.Rd, C.M. Ledarn 1to operate bulldozers, $69.50 • Retin'd "'OOd arm SEARS Kenmor. rang«, "19J'k, Cully aµar. Finelll Toro, Ca. 837-9267 EARLYNomlng newspaper ra1t lnei,cralW!i,&erapers, rotary ch&lra:, $29.50 e Wt wa s hl'ra Ir. dryers, pal~ts. J."ree t':Sl./colo~ ~n· A1..L AiODELS looking tot dellwly, Sat &: Sun. Truck REGIS. NURSE ' loaders, trenchen, etc. have the l&J'le•t selection db;hwashers, C oJ d •po t 1~ung: Local re~. LK:, ""Ork should contact J.A.G. Keeded. Art 6, Sol(l..0207., Alust be able to handle aJJ llome study prel?&re!! you of used ollice turn in this refr igerators, freight • BOnd; Ins. 192·5338, 'S49-08U INC for information on ELDERLY gentlenian ~s back ofc. duties. Exper. in for re&idt'.nt train!'!&_ at our a.rea. ' damaged. f.u W-y guaran--11--"=-'"-''==f:O~c,;:;,,;~I moaeJrngposrtions oifeFefi -ll~in l'louM:kttptt• -ro r· ;_ -~ -E.K:G. GcropPcitTarexper modem faclfitit's in 1'11aml, ~Jc 1-tahanl:>esk -teed-up 1Q $15. oft Phone: L~.:'Ext painling, StlltP &r; cf. by: the Company p h , Leisure \Vorld 2 BR. 2 BA ~ "' penon. ~ hr. Call Gloria Florida, Highly Dltid career 1800 NeWpOrt Blvd. 962-7781. SEARS ROEBUCK 1y licensed. 30 yrs exp caU 835-350l ' · klwer manor. Please phone • ""' Kicy,,54o-6oj{J. i~ open ambitious men. Uni-5t2-8450 & CO, Adami at Magnolia, Bill Jor ei-. tst. &12.mJll if ASS 1 ST ANT 831--0007. COASTAL AGENCY vets.al lleavy Construetion lluntinaton Beach. no ans, ~. spor""' good•. i\Janager. ~ 7100 Harbor Bi., Ci\( Schools Dept 1203, 501 N. ADMIRAL I · I t f _, " E.xperience ... ELECTRONIC I"'." NE PEDC'""''NEL Other lee/free jobs avail, Golden Clr., suite 206, S.A .• Office Equipment 8011 · re ng rttier or No Wuting . required. Over 20, K""?.1arl "'VI !'\.)\JI ~ Calli .• 97105 or (al"t'a) 1141 lge Ja1nUy, 48" wkle, 26.5 *WALLPAPER ;ir Sporting Goods, 2200 -INSPECTOR-SER.VIC. E$11'.'GEN(Y RElJABi..E lady in OO's.OO's S4i.752I. : -~~~~· lmmac cond, $17S. \''hen you call "!-tac" llnrbor, C~f • n. tll share lo\·ely hme. nr ' ' ' ~"-> M8-l:t4J;· 646-1711 A TT ll AC T IV E "'oman, Experienced in sub-assembly, (Joormerly Abilities Unlim.) Broo!:hurst & Ad a ms BE A TRAVEL ACE:l'\IT GE auto \\'asher S.JO, ABC gas dtyer $30. Both aood c::ond, Dellv. 147-81 15, 5'6-1672 -pa'"''(ull time. Teach ·-! wirini:. cireult board and T SH LlOPK 00•288 Prepare for exciting caretr, •v ...... RI r1 INS ,,_ 4 meel new people, go new Y INT. or E.'\'TERJOR n1aJs:e.u p te chniques. Free total s Y 11 1 em inspection 488 E, 17th (al Irvine) C.M. RENTAL to share u·Jfainily places. A few opp·s. in Fall PAINTING. Loe. Ref. JM-training for quaW. person. checkout ot commercial pro. 642-1470 I I r.tED st' r vic e. }'J•ee . _E;."'(ec position avail. Vi.viant" ducts. Able to instroct oth· n exch for lite hs.kpg. Mu.st c asses. Intv's. l 0-2 pm estima&t's. 646--02lil \Vboda rd Cosmetics en. Should have knowledge have CV' 893-7640. daily, INT'!. SCHOOL OF · f · nd l..AD'i • to pn:pare 2 lite *RESTAURANT. HELP* TRAVEL 122-C Agate, Bal. e G.E . UPR IGHT FREEZ ER 1 Yr Old. SUS * * 5(8-6002 * * ' IMMEciiATE Est. on quality M2-Dl97· ~ m~55 a receiving meaJ:. some hie housekeep. Ft'malt', part llme, ow r :n. Isl. 67!>-3754. I inter le exter painting. Apta, Apt, Cleaning: \\'oman need· lllSpec · n. Ing 1n exchange for free Call a lt 1:30, S45.-t6S6. I "'""'"'~~~~---• I • REFRIGERATORS • homKwjustaroom.Jack, t'd, exJ)t'r. Own transp. room8a1boats.3blkstrom l--:-:~'-'C..C.70~'=-AIRLINE All sizes-All co lora-All 83719'll (2131 430-2866. Personal I"t'f's. 642-12'2.t. Ferry Call 548-8619 R.E . Sales 646-0033 SCHOOLS ---------I Reasonable. • \\'ell qualitied individ· · Full or pt time. 67~7414 Garage Sale 8022 ** 646-'1320 ** PAlNTtNG -Ext.-Int. 18 BABYSI'ITER f.or chW'cll uals should send their l\.1AIDS For Aptffype &itua·l~==--'c,..:c_::_;.::...:..;:.:.;:c_, PACIFIC yrs. exper. Ins. Lie. Free nursery, 9;15 to 11:15 am resume to: tlofll!, Exp pl"t'(. Responsible SALES-Need 5 men & 5 Day & NiGht Clas.res GARAGE sale Fri, Sat &: Lg. 2·Dr rehig/f~er, est. Accoust. Ceil in g s. t"very SUnday. St. John the GATES Adl!s. JI.lust be ovr/25. Ap-"'Onlen to demonstrate 543-6596 Sun. Varlou5 h ouse ho l d autolde.rrost. Coppertone 968-9126 Divine EplfCOPal Church, LEARJET CORP. ply in person. Jamaica Inn SLIM-GYA-1 .t JET BATI-1. 610 E. 17th St.. Santa Ana furniture & misc items, all finish, LlKE NEW! $250 , FOR. Yo · ,. ___ _, · C.i\I. 548-8326 momings Hotel 2101 E. Coast H~"'. Alary Lou Good, 968-2416 in good'°"" & -.,, ,,,·--". 673-3178. ur pain 1ng , .... "O:Us 1n-. 1116:)1 Von Kannan Ave., ~ 543-8329 '" ~-....,,. ""'=-'~'-----~~ tff I: exter, at lowest * BABYSITTER: Responst· Jrvfne Calif ~ CdJl.1. B™': 1().2 P'.\1. · PIANO Lessons In your Incl aln1os1 new f2l studio LGE 2-<lr rrost-tree RCA pril:es, Paul 557.7455, 557-3618 ble )''Oman, to care for 2 Equal opp.)rtunitY mployer MATURE lady or man fol' * SOMETHING home. Bt'gi.nne.n: and ad· couchrs, 1 w/cover & \\fhirlpool ttfri&, $100. :n1.i PAINTING t & . bl chldm. My home. 11:3(}.9:30 • c part or full lime, liquor DIFFERENT • vanced. All ages. &fil.1368 bolslt'r, 3 9xl2 rugs, 1 6.x9 College, Apt 2, 01 646-0027. • nea ':'fl e. -Start 11/16: 962-5327 ESTI~fATOR-Sheet s 'e e I ''°"· c-ta .,,,._ ... ~1 21-25 yn·fun.$SS. * OIL & ACRYLIC & b call John for frre est. f b . r I t h d U O> .. .nfr~I> * rug, . 1 lack leather OI· U'hite grlddle·ln·th•middle 646-48TI or 847-4128 BABYSl'ITER; loving care a nca K>n P ~n e e s · • Do )'OU have a sense of PAINTING LESSONS toman. Also box springs & w....i ... ewood ran•••'. $ 35. =-==------1 for 10 mo old in m NB h top-notch estimator for Jl.1AIO-Expenenced. 25 or humor' ALSO need d . , . ...,, "e~ YOU SUPPLY THE PAINT wkdys l :J0..;):30. 64t 2189 ::;j productions &. c u 5 tom over. Full time "ork. 3151 girls. \\re have sever.:= L 'ECOLE D'ARTE n1a11ress, h I· ch a; rs, pie-c>l6-65~~-~l~7·:..,,.------I $10 Per Average! Room 6 precision work. we are now Harbor Blvd. C.M. of clubs Call· IN C.M . 644.-1409 lures, end tables, d b I *;\IA 'iTAG 5t'rvlce man has Free Es!. 5'.>l-8638. 540-7046 · engaged In e.le c tronic MAKE full funt' 11.-ages pl· ~· · 6,U.,.99S BEGINNERS Piano lesson;. dres~i· "'/mirror. dinette y,·ashen, dn't'rtl in ma~ _ EXEERT paintitl,g~nterlor ~ABYSJTTER, _Afternoons, ....cfrbinetry and..alLJYpa...o!-time. Be a-atsffibUlOi'Of ~-" • · · 1 8-12 )'Ml. EXJ)rr-:-teacher. aft >-set w/4-chairs, lifi-blond-sets. besr g;Ja:r:-S:U-..8637. I: Exterior.~Free estimates. ~emporacy'. my him~, own heavy commercial work. pure organic load sup. S~RETARY -Sales 6 pm, 968-1421. ltB. ~uffet, drapes ~ J.pc sec· ' B & J Painting 4"" ""'l. rans., Ref s. 673-822:1. t m media t I'! opportuni_ty, plemt'nts, cleaners &: cos-oriented. Shorthand 90 I ,C"""~=..:c:::..:::;...~~ t1onal. 2700 Cibola Ave., Antiques 1110 .,,..,.,.. I C II AIUSIC teacher • QuaJified, l\l I I 55~ 3998 ..;;:--..:c;.;..:_ ____ ..;,;c 'lcAd P . . .,.._. , BABYSITTER, responsible, good salary and bene.f1ts. mi!tlcs. Mr. Liles, b'i3-5212 "'Pm; typ fW. a for appt. 'd . eAA < e l\lar. ;-SHIPS \VHEELS 5• mog. ams amting_ ~v. approx 2 d•y1/2 nights "'k. Phone: TI4-S57-w40. 5.'i7-4123 , exp • piano, organ, ac-1----------~~·! ~~:·=rates ila rbor View a.rt"a. 644-7222 Fl.C Bookkee~ i6oO . Medical_ B•ck Ofc. lii;o;;;o;;;o;;..;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;; I cordion, beginning guitar. D~N6~~ra:sc~. 2R:~:~1:~ pair!. $850. now $450. 3' mag. p . BABYSITI'ER, J mornings a Manufacturing exp. Call Exper. med1caJ asst. to ~·ork S.C:r•t•ry $$00 "Y"ou'"'r"ho;:,;m~e~. '"::=;""~'~"'~'==-2 chairs & ottoman ~. paid s450 . now $225. Bronze PAINTING & Paperhanging. \\'eek, Reliable person for l Lorain. WestcliH Or. N.B. in 2 Dr. ofc. Assist in t'Xams Residential devl'lopment di. MERCHANDISE FOR Stroller $5. Car seat $5. ~ar!:~d .!:: :;-~: ti:it. le . E.""t. ~-Reasonable. )Told boy. 673-!m6 &l!>-2TIO &: X·rtl.)'9. Start $450, Call vision tor civil t'ngineering. S_A_L_E_;A~N..;;cD_;T~RA;;..;D:::.::E:__ 1 Toflet llt'lll $1.50. Infant seat antique nautical pieces. 4ll Free l'!ltimate s.tG.n._ Linda Lee ~!).fiffiS Lrg land dev co Type 00 .-1 50 p bl KJ" Rd ~ . ::l.:. _BEAtrrICI~: 5 da,y y.>k. * FULL TIME help, female, COASTAL AGENCY SH llD. · · • • Furniture 8000 ~ · • orta e heater $7. ngs · PalntJnw, . Wllh following pref. d. Gd l\1on-Fri, approx. 3 to 3 PM. 2790 Harbor Bl., CM MISS EXEC AGENCY Steel shelf, v.'OOC!grain finish PRE • CHRISfMAS LAY· Reparr 6UO salary. 847-9164 aft-1 .30. ~ .. ~11...,,t?rsEx. 1 P.,!.,n 7 n i ng ton Other fee/free jobs avail. 410 \V. Coast Hwy, NB DECORATORS 3' chnm· $.'l. 15 lb. bou·ling ball & bag A\VA Y SALE at Grandpa's ~ .w<J pagne boucle sofa, BEAUT $1.50. 905 Park Ave., Laguna t~rontier Antiques, 1595 New. * PATOi PL.ASI'ERING "'A Blue Dolphin HAIR STYL I ST u·ith MOTHER'S Helper. Mature AIY> :4e!3:!Hions CONO! Antique umbrclla ,_•_•_•_•h_._,_ .. _._,,_22 ____ port Blvd., 01., 645-2311, All t;ype1, Free estitnat.et ITRESSES, exp . .ov. 2.i. dientele needed Casa de I•'"'"'!""!!!!!!""!!!!!!!!!!!!'"''"'"' hall ·scat: lge old English llOUSE & Patio Sale: Comp\ -~'A~T'--=O~N_L~Y~--~-~~ COO , \\'Oman. University Pk. Tur· u Call 54().682.i KS. 3355 Via Lido, N.B. Currie, To"'ll and country tie Rock are.a. 2:31).S:30, SECRETARY co ce table: Oriental inlaid 6-pc Bdrm M't incl box ART Glass, cranberry glass, --~,.,,.,._ BOYS' SUPERVISORS ,",·m"· . .!!k~.,~or Dv.·ayne or Mon,·fri. $2 per hr. 833-3139 Good skills, coUege, young co. collecton: pedestal: table springs & mattress $30; cut glass, castor sets, old Plumbl--YV ~ .•• u It Cal lamps; imported chan· Stereos; Tables; Beds; "h!."', old p>"•tutt• • rn•"Y ... a . I Loraine, \\'estclilf Per· .... .... .... '' ~ HAN y delie.rs; rare paintings &: Chairs, & many misc item&. · · 9859 Ell" S PLUMBING REPAIR Earn $.IZ.$115 per ,.,.eek. D i\{AN \\'anted for MECHANIC. Auto. Newport sonnel Agency, 2043' \Vest· prints, beaut framed. Old Very ch('ap, Some tree to misc. ncm~. ia t., No job too small pennanent job for main-Bch presti..., loc. service cliff Dr., N.B. &15-27iO 1.;'~·=V~. ~C.~1~1 ~"'"""-"":;;.7~·=-,.,= \\'ork 28 houn a "·eek. A-s 1,-, ru··· I t 1 .. -lapestry, lge ltalian import you. 19831 Jn .. -eme!ls Ln, • 642-3128 • 18-35 years old. Need 1,.!:t' " nee on u .., or OU 0 station. No major re.pairs, SERVICE Sta Atlt'ndant full mirror, desigllC'rs king 11 u n lington Continentals. ANTIQUE SHOP FOR SALE -.. t0\\'11 OY.'ner. l\tust be will have to use a new tune· ~.,, 7.Jp',f & 'll •'h•"!t ( k OR LEASE on Ne"'......,r1 HOJ\oIE REPAIRS Sedan or Station \\'agon. Su. trustv.'Onhy & self starter " • " ,,. . bedspread "'/bolstcn:. Jl.1ust ta e 2nd lert off "" Plumbing~lectrical. $7.50 Hr. pcrvise Boy,.ge 12-16 years 213/622 9l93 d' Y' ,,· up mac.hine: smog lie . is Apply in person Bay~hore see, all &attifi{'(' prices. 1610 Brookhunt. main enlrance) Blvd, C.l\I. 64 5-191 D' -prer. Salary open. \Vnte Richfi('ld 200 w. Coast 543-1811 StZ.2TJ5 or fi..12·0506 old. This i& not a st'lling po. 213/388-5255 eves. Daily Pilot Box j\f.21XX), 330 Hivv., N.'B. \\'. Coast Hwy, N . B , TEAKWOOD. b o o kc as e, DRAINS Plugged! Draining sition: Contact Mr. \Valier. \V B g Co 1 •1 '""""'=~"""-=---64;H>930 or 646-1231 tables, lamps, radial Sa\\', . 2 o~ 783 HOAfE\VORKERS WANTED · ay L 8 a" esa. •·sERVICE alow! Expertly cleaned $9. s.tein.113) ow-;) beh1·een (En 1 . Sta f.lanagcr REDECORATING D i n i ng roof ridge., kitchen table & Z4 hr serv. SJG.3854 10 Af.1-1 Pl\t. veopeAdpttssers). NEE'? 5 -.1:omen or husband w/mechanical ex p. Sa l chairs, color TV. 6871 Via Rdush stamped, St') f·ad-&: "''lfe team.• to markt'l the open, local ref's. 54&-1930 room set consisting of round Corona Or. (nr. Slat('r &: 6910 CASHIER, ex_p'd, tor fine ressed en velope . fabulous Slim Gym. Ex··~==~------black table, 4 Captain~ Pool eo-rvlco LA ON 0 · "SEWING h ,. "th Id 1 il 2 Goldcnwestl llB. Sat Oct. , 1-----------I \\"Omens clolh1ng stare, part NG D \V R L 0 tremely hi incme. F'ull or power .machine c a rs \\1 go s enc . POOL serviCe -H un t time/Xmas. Sales position TRADERS. P.O. Box pt·lime. 833-1177 operators, e."perienced -exlra lea\·cs $ij, Antiq\Je '24th. 8~2-6808 Bc!i/Nev.'JIOrl area. $28.50, al!ID open for exp'd. No 1127-A21, Redondo Beach, OPERATORS.Single needle. !'l\\im "''C11 r. '100~ F, Birch pine drop leaf table }i;>, Lge ./ GARAGE SALE: Dec. chemicals incl. !46 -1646 pho ne ca l l s pleast'. Calif. 90273 Exp'd onl)'. Top P•Y -•..,"--·:N:·~"~·~"-'~OC=•=•~rpo"7rt."=--maple hanging shell 'll>"ilh · U'On ic lrst equipment, J\1isc · '~ ST 00 spoon rack .$25, French d\o rt.s h nd tool &: Daryl. Backstreet, No. Z Fashion HSKPRS Emplyr pay11: fee. RO l}i'S ~TFG. 86.1 Produc· * ILi:-L KING * Provincial coffee table $20. ra pa ' a s. 1 ==========11 ~1'-'~'""'='·~N~"B'-===-==--George Allen Byland Agen. lion PI., N.B. fi.l6.-03()8 for exper'd. housekee-wi1h Other Hsehld Items. Sat & .,.., caJI eves or ll>'eekends SU 9-5 185 B d Ci.\f Reoflng 6'50 CAREER IN cy 106-B E, 16th, S.A. xlnt ref's. tilust be gd. mgr. 646-4032 · n · roa "'ay, . 547--0395 ilnewpDrt gd <'OOk, capable er caring · &16-5491 LEE ROOFING CO: Roofing REAL ESTATE el. for hse l.: family of S. Top DUE lo relocation, must sell L,7. U""°'RN=iru=R~E=.,--,,-,"li-ance-,-. of all types, re c 0 v er · II'' \'OU \\'ear clothes 11·ell, personn 5alary to qual. applicant. houseful of beaut. 1-lediter· kitchen guppJ!eg, usl'd ear- repair1, roof coa1ings'. Lie & 0J>f!nings for enthusiastic 11·e want yoti to model for Lh·e In beaut N.B. home. ranean furniture. 2 Spanish pet. comer of 110 45th at bonded since 1917. 642-722'2 people wanting to make a THE F 0 R .Q UT LET . agency 61!HW87 king.size bdnn sets, 8' BEFORE you blQ-' call T. minimum of $1000 per month 83,>.J..j(l4 \•elvet !IOfa &: lovesea.t, Seashore, NB, Oct. 24 &: 25• Guy Roofing Co.' Recover and who are willing to \\1'Jtk l c:::..;::.:....______ Profess tonal Service $650 game sel, black Naugahyde 1 ~'~0~•~-m=. ~--~--- spec. &tS-%780. 543-!l:m and leun. Need not be Ji. With jUJt a call, )'OU can for the employer Store managcn1ent Tm. • den fu rn. lfi-back vel\"et NEIGHBORHD Gar. Sale: 1=:=::=:=:=::=::=::::=1 censed to apply. U licensed sell it all! Place a Dally and the a pplic•nt l\fanied, prefer military decorator chain, co ffee Baby turn, toys, clothes, S.wlng 6960 special program, excellent Pilot Classified Ad. Call 133 Dovar Dr., N.B. complt'te_ Call Ann, \Vest. table &: end commodes. All hsehld ilems. golf caddys &. I--"-"--''-------training prognm, and you clirec:t 642-5678 TODAY! 642-3170 cliff Personnel Agency. 2°"3 less than 4 mo old. Pvt pyl books. 5571 CssUe Dr., H.B. can earn whilt' yoU learn. \Vcstcli fJ Or .• N.B. 64:>.Z/10 will sacrifice, 213/943-2386, (Nr. Edlngcr & Springdale) QUALITY You've always wanted. Dressmaking • ;.Iterations. Key Say, 1763 OraQ.&:e Av~., CrtL 645-1292 EUROPEAN dressmaking all custom tilted. Very rea!IDnable. 6'13.-1849 Call \Valker le Ltt, Realton, Jobs-Men, Wam. 7100Jobt Men, Wom. 7100 TELEPHONE COLLECTOR Whit!lcr. BROWN t"·eed 1..'0UCh. good 842·4455 and ask for ~fan--iSome ex p, In Credit & eonee. FURNITURE returned from cond. $40, green antique ager. •1 tion, top comm, plan, bene. display 1tudle1, model horn-lamp table $10, 4x8 pool Retail llti. good ,vorking cond, Air. es, decorators cancellatiorL tabll', balls, cues le raclu • Dreumaktng • Alterations Designed to suit you. Cilll Jo * 646-&146 Alterationt -6'1...5145 Neat, accurat .. 20 years exp. Tile, Cer•mk . 69rt *Vernt'\ The Tile Man* Cust. work. Install &: repain. No job too sml. P!astcr CARRIER BOYS WANTED for the DAILY PILOT Dana Point, San Juan Capistrano and Capistrano Beach. Conta~t Mr. Say st DAILY PILOT patclaing. Leaking shQy,·c.r San Clemente ofilct' repair. 847·1957/84&-0206, 300 N. El Camino Real • Ce.ramie Tile Work or 492-4420 Plastering. Ren. Free CHIROPRACTOR est 536-2426 or Physical Ther•pist --·-····W··· -·-for Therapy Center in C.l>f. TrM Service 6980 642-045(1 10 am.S pm. CAREER .. OPPORTUNITIES In Retaeing with ANGELS Home Improvement Cente rs Califor n ia'• Greatest Oo-lt·Youru lf * * * Center s * ANGELS, NEW ORANGE COUNTY BUILDING SUPPLY CENTER, IS NEARING COMPLETION. Jl.1ortenscn 492-4174. Spanish & MedUerranean $35. alt. 5 646-9076. TELEVISION commercials R D FURNITURE POWER tools, Spray gun: now casling for 13 \\'eeks of 1144 Newport Bl., C.M. Bicycle; Fum: BBQ: .,.., _, every nlte '•IJ 9 Refrig; Elec piano & Etc. 1 • commerci11.1s, I.A.G. ,...... 1 J6 h Pl & Tu · INC. 835-3501 "1ed., Sat. &: Sun. 'til 6· .....,mer o I stm CEAviNG stale, forced to Ave. THE DAILY PILOT sell my beauli. ~iediter-r.fOVING: Ever Y thin g has an opening lor an experi. ranean furn., king bdrm. cheap! ·Dlshes. clothing, f!nced, journalist in iLi;: \VO. !Cl, liv. rm., Spanish game books, bedding, misc:!. Sal men's department. Applicant sel, coffee tables, tlen furn., & Sun. 4632 Sierra Tree Ln, must be able to report, picture!!. lamp&. etc. Please I cU~"='~'~"'-="llyO,::P~•~'k~,-l~rv-;_.,,~- wrlte clearly, unders.tand call 71•1/ 968-9951. NEIGHBORHOOD Gar· a ge tssenUals of photography & l lcl~Xl8=-""""--ll~n-g_w.:..../,,.-d-$50-, Sale. Ladies clothes, 5, 7 & layout. Top company bene-Xln1 cond. Comer & 9. llair dryer. baby buggy, fits, good Wary, attractive malchlng coffee table t'to je"·cls. 266 Villa Nova, C.At. new quarters. Apply ln writ. S~'ing n1ach. in cabinet CORNER sect. Table, port. Ing only,1clting ex.._u.ncc, $10 6" d•··-· I " All , .• good .,... ·~ · .... , ...... dishwasher. washer, re!rig background &: education lo c::ond, 732 W. 18th, Apt A, & misc. Sat -Sun 3:1131 s. w. Afargaret Greenman. Per.1 ~D1~-::.,;,.,.,,.,,;;--n:::::::o::=I ~C>~P"'~"~·-~-'---- sonncl M~, f B~ !500, DRAPERIES -Decorators GARAGE Sale: Relax·a-clzor Coata Mesa, I. · work room GOOFED! freezer. d ecor/Items , * 1'RlMi"\IBR OR UPHOL-Houseful of draperies, all 847-1534 17430 Santa Marie, VERY exquisite ISK gold bracelet other neat things. 54-1-4563 aft. 9 Sewing Machinff 1120 ·I"' SPECIA L 1970 Singer Touch-o-matic. Beaut walnut ronaole-, $37.50 515-8238 TIRED of that old furniture! II'! really not that hard to replace. Just watch the furniture & miscellaneous columns ln the Cla.salfied Section. The DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST'S leading DAii. y l'JLOT iJ IBIT 1111! , c L A 5 5 -1 ---~ F I E D 6 4 2 •• 5 6 7 8 \ ' ,[ I ' i • I j ·1 I ' I .;I ·1 I ··1 I '.I I I ,I ' ' I ·I 'i ) ~----~ S&Y8 £ASH! Always Lee's Ttl'e Service CLIP newspaper U~n;is $100- Artlslic pruning &: removal, $500 each. Details send !Praying, frt'oc s c ap; n g , st am Pe d self.addressed aerating. Lic'd & ins . enve.lope -PHENE'i Box 675-5750 12459 El Paso, Texas 79912 Bob's Trff Surgery COCh.'TAIL &: food waitress. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS • Retail M•nagers • Assf1tant Manager• 9; Department ~n19er1 e Warehouse Mon e Tr uck Drivers • Loader1 STER.ER to work on boat sizes, 1,S price. 645-0930 or }~. Vly, lntt:rior~ " canvas caveni. 646-1231 ='==---~----~ CHEST of drawers, sofa, 'Perm. Job. fringe benefits. EARLY American, quality pieno, 2 beds {queen Ir. sgll ~tARINA 1714) 337-2501 dininG. living, l"t'~na.ble, TV. many goodie&. OOt TRUCK Driver, f ami li a r make offer. 801 Domingo J.:ng1and SL, HB Sat/Sun. Marketplace [~_· I * 541).3798 * Apply tn person at Rancho San Joaquin Golf Course Upholstery 6990 Cantina, 1802.1 Culwr Rd. '-'-'-----,~~c,.··~·:.,· -------CZYKOSKl'S tCsy-kM.key) COOK. houaekeeper, I i I!': Custom Upholstery, 1831 nunlng duties. 4 days a Ne wpor t Blvd. ~t. "'eek. Sun. noon lo Thurs Mi-1454. noon, Live in, $63 per ,.,.k, JOBS & EMPLOYMENT i,';;'3-::03528,,:";;·:_,.,_..-~_..,. COOK·Exp'd bre akfast . Job W•nted1 w/pay to abil. App in Wemen 7020 J>t't"'IOn, ODIE'S, 1400 W. GIRL' FRIDAY posltlon . Cout Hwy., N,B, Exp'd, miable yo ung CUSTOMER REP. •"Oman. Preltr 5ma1I ottk-e. ' $475 MO. Phone ~2134 Rare oppor, w/an Kln't ro. AIDES • for convalescence. Some data processinl bck· , t'idflrty care or fl!-JTlilY care. grnd. Call P.1iu Laura, Jlomentaken. 541-6681 ~S7.6122, Abigail Abbot Pt'r- 1.,:;:;;;:;:;;=;:_:,,:,;:,..:;:::-:-::-;:I !Oflnal Agency, 230 W, \\'ar· ·~APANESE lady want• ner Suitt' 211 SahtaA.na. houeecleAnlng has own • · ~ trans., $2 per hr., 835-1447. DAYTil\.lE Goveme~ tor I DAYWORK. Loe. rers.. own chn.drt:n 4 &. &, CdM, Rers IJ'l.111. c.u ~· a.11. 4 req d. 675-3838 &!t 6 • p.m. Sln!.1 Ana -·knds - • Clerks • Stockers e Experienced Ca lhiers • Experienced Lumber Salesmen Excellent P1y -Company Benefits - Incentive Pay-Excellent Opportunities For Advancement. Join one o( California's largest, fa stest grow· Ing retail chains -train now for a" reward· ing career in retailing. Earn while you learn In preparation for the opening of our new Orange County center. Other Orange County sites planned early in 1971. Excellent op- portunities for advancement to executive positions. TALK OVER YOUR FUTURE WITH GEORGE' REYES . ANGEl.S PERSONNEL DIRECTOR MON.·1'.UES.-WED., OCT. 26-27'28 APPLY 9 A.M. • 5 P.&I. CALCFORNIA DEPT. OF HU&IAN RESOURCES DEVEbOPMENT 2823 SO. BRISTOL, SANT A ANA AdvtrtlRment P.xi For By Employtr v"ith Los Angeles &. Orange Dr. No. C, NB. County. ~tust opera t e JIARDROCK i\faple din'g forlc\lft and 9ecUl'e own nn table &r. chairs $75. loads. Class n littnse re· 16' sectional couch, custom, quired. fTI4} 557-4040 -$25(), Curlis ~fathes 23" TRUCK mechanic. P.f us t B&W TV, radio & phono $T5. have own tool• A dll':1W'I ex· 842-3742 per. Apply in person, 1343 BUNK BEDS for sale $40. Logan, C.M. 3036 \V11rren Lane, Costa USED CAR M• ... >1.>-8388 SALESMAN s· "'•· "''"" """· •""'"' floral, Scotchguardl!d. siz. Collesre studctnt preferred, 21. Matehln11: Joveseat $75. , or <Wder. Part time. SJ0.8337 MARCUS KINDLE dining fumit1ltt, MOTORS -kfront. 6 chain , tablo. 2100 lllU'bor Blvd, Frullwood finish, Excellent Costa Mesa t'Otld. 646-9!!98 TOP dollar for u 11 e d w Al T lt E s s WANTED, f'Umlture, alitiqUtl, brtc+ SHAM.ROCK RES'nAUiRANT brae. orl~lltl.I Nall. oU 1>3.tn. 182-l~i Newport ~vd, Com ting:IJ. c.JI 642-344.5. M-I"'--"-'-":.;_;.:;;.;=--- DBL bed $35; Triple drM!ler •* WA;1"R.ES.C\. experienced w/mltTOr $23; Sora. I lo\'t'· only. Apply: 562 West 19th geal $2.jf); 3 ataek stools $15: St., Costa Meu. All Xlnt cond. s.t~W87. IT'S A breeu .. tell )'Ollr EXECUTIVE desk $1 35. Items with e!'.e. ~ Dail)' 111.J'rlwood<lark flnlsh JOnt PUot 0...Uled, sc.&678 cond. Like new. &16-1724 • I 'l • • I I f •• • l • l . I • I I • I .. • ' t ! • • I I ! 1 • l . -r-...;...-__ -. ------~, ----------/-.-, -------. ---.. --- I 11 ' • -·-- . ' " ' I i I :· i . ~- t ' '. • • • ' .. ' SO YOUR LITTLE ·R-ED WAGON IS . REALLY DRAGGIN'_ · • l\LL llLL BILL 81!.L ADD HORSEPOWER TO THE FAMILY BUDGET. You can handle those bills. ~II you need are the dol· lars you'll 9et for all the still-9ood, but· nobody· uses· them items you'll find all over the house. Make a list of them today and decide to turn those unwanted ar· ticles into extra cash. It won't cost you • • . it'll pay you. And you'll be surprised at how fast you can sell iust about anythin9 witb a DAILY PILOT classified ad. Try it today. Every day is a 9ood day lo use DAILY PILOT WANT ADS (And · You Can Charge Them) E 642•567 " 2 4 F L ' . F . . . ' . R ' ·N ' . ' ' ' s . I • L , I ' ' D . I ' I I ' ' I I • s ' I G • I I " I T ' . I ' ' ' s I . I ' ' ' I ' I ' ' ' ' . . • I ' 0 ' . ,...... .... y ' ' s.turd.,, Octobor 24, 1970 • DAILY PILOT Hen's How You Can Use Our Famous Dime • A • Unei e 8rl"I them or meil them with correct c•sh ..-FIVI! CONVENIENT .OFFICES TO SERVE YOU to one of our 4 convenient offices. e No llw1tock, produce or pl•nt1, • No commercl•I •d• tllowed. • Etch Item must be priced with no Item O'tet $25_. CHllt 21 ..._,. _. tftC• pet U... e NEWPQRT BEACH •.... 2211 Balboa llvd, e LAGUNA BEACH .... '" 222 ,or11t Avenue e COSTA MISA . .. . .. .. .. .. . 330 Wnt lay e HUNTINGTON BEACH .. 17875 B11ch llvd. e SAN Cl:IMENTI .• 305 No. II C1mfno Rell 2 SURFBOARDS 6' 2" and 6' 10" S25 each. Bellyboarrl 4' 6'' $25. Minibike frame S25. SKI Pants, girl's ab:e 10, REFRIGERATOR, 1 ciblc 14 FOOT boat and trailer ~" Brown, human hair tall RECORD playen $1 --. $5 . $3, ·SHELVAOOR. JUtriprator. 8 Fl Sota ltS. CARO Table, foµr chain 110. avocado. perfect $6. Boy's feet Cl>ldepot S20. 2UO Elden $25. 557-8450 S25. 962--0661. Wig, ~Vf'r worn $1 D, Works v.·eU. Take away fur * 546--4519 * Oak arm chair $8. 2 dtek -· 25 x 24, blue, ~ S3, Me.n's Avl!'. C\f. 646--1762 RIFLE. 7MM Mauter Sport LARGE Size boys -nna Firepla~ 'Oil $7.50. Grates S25. 646--0692, I==,,..-===--::,,---,,:: foldin& cba.in $6. 3 31 x 31, black•~ ....... _..,.,Ao, ~ 11 tt .. d~-~, $2 Do"bl• FREE Wheelinl fan for dish-··tt-"' -3 ..., ~ A.LCOHO.L camper stove $4. $2$. 64M785 pre1s shirt!, slacks, P.J.'s. · l}Ulllu • '48 Cushman Scooter rebuilt .. _. '" .,,,,,.......,. 4 Shell Pn1mlum 30 Polye!l!e1· cord tires, nearly Ile\\', 2-8.25 x 14. ~.25 x 15 $20 r11l·h. 4 dttp chron1e rims "'ith chronic lugs, fll Jo'o1·d . <1nd Chryslrr products and vans S20 p11.lt, 4 f1 . 4 bulb nMn lights with bulbs S.I. 2-3 It. neon light, 1 \\'/hulbs S8, ·1 "'ithOut $5. 548-2069. f'RIGJDATRE \Vasher $25. Whirlpool dryt"r, electric S25. \Vork bench S2.50. Ping-pong lah!e $19. Bac1< pack framt's Sl. 2 burner ga.s stove or butane SJ. F"olding chair SI. Uke Sl. eru1che11 n. 816 w. 16th SL, Costa Mesa. TRAILER $25. Retrigldaire Mitre-box StO. 2 Jiooveor bed frame $1. Desk $10, ill ___ _. Chevrolet, almost new $20. fireplace scrttna and tools CHEST nf dra\\·e-rs $10. 25->75e. Toaster. new wall o-,,.r 11,-. Lam-50c. "'· le repainted, but st" ·~s • •A •14 Chi Ink f $20. }'ootbaU 1hoe1, size 10 va~-uums SIO and $17. floor hild . ... ''" "" .., k 1~ •-1 ff 110 Mobile home rear door, ex· ~ · caio s aucet polisher Sl;). S ~ 11 n d a rd Small night stand 15. Small can o~nc!r, c ren s .,.,t. High cl)air Sl.50. Baby bu&· \\-or ,..... or ..,,..s o er. SlO. AM/FM 2 speaker SIO. Pole h1.mp SS. Bird cage-chair $l2.50. 2 chairs, ne.oed {er botiks, 1oys, puu.h!:s gy $3. Car seats $1. Stroller lb. set ot wciihlS $15. «-llent condition $2S. rad>0' 112. 2 -'-k _ •. ,.. S2 Mini bike S2;ti 640 x 15 1Y~\\•riter S15. Ad rl I ng uphol.ste"" S5 each. Crib and 1•~11 50 'l t "' ff <"" ....... •"• """" """"' , . ..., · '· machine, electric $25, Elec· •J 111..-• • ,. a c, .. ng co ee $1, Children's clothing 25c • .,.,..,)'N, ~..... $5-410. 3 amall radioa ~ lire $5. 2020 Conrinen1a1, Cl\1 1nattttss, good condition and end tables $.5 e11.ch. $2. Brownie uni.tormo Sl.50. I "'"""",-,d""-~u,--_-,,.--•• -,,8 1 ,.~-.-,.,-...,.,,,.-:--,--,., tric scre\\·driver S25. Sabre I • p d h I ruJLL An Howe •q,.._ 3 Pair duck.IMt $5. Oar Jockl 2 hair dl')'trs $44$. e GIRLS 20" blkt>, chron1e and saw $Z5. 100 cup eof· 1.), O\\' er room c a r Matching table lamps S5 \Vomen's clothing 25c • $5. self thread projector $25. 39 ihower heads $l~. 6 alarm gold S20: mosaic king size Jef'maker $8. Work bench $9.50. 2 '"·in headboards pair. Ladles l and 2 piece Toys IOc. S2. Boxing gloves lonr single dark dress suit, St. Backpack S5. SkJ ... trff: clocks 11-•". 3 TV l'"'-ds headboard SlO. Girls dresses light SI. 6 volt hJM1·er Sl.2.'i, $3.50 each. Double h('ad-dresses, some jersey , Sl. Roller 11k'ates $2. 2 bird new S2S. , , pa ch 1nk 0 , , ski bindlnp $lO. Baseball ._, .... 6x-8 50<·. Tablet fold ing Porlablr. type"•ri1er Sz:i._ board S5. S.1~3997 b!R~s. sweaters, robes caa:ea $1 • $4. Pictures SOc.. Japanese pin ball game $25. leftha.nd a:love $2. Vest tor $3-$5. 3910~ Owinel Pt, chairs $3.50. Stroller \\'a!kcr 13022 Yorbai S.A. 538-30fl4. DOUBLE hfod, foam mat-sizes 1~18't shocs 7/~ $1.50. File box $1. Dlsbes 13 volume home rapid rtad divlnf $2. 2 camera trlpoda N.B. 673-1603· like ne\\• $4. Storage hassock 1 r f" s s , b ox s pr Ing s narroiv 25c.Sl.50. 968-2927. lOc. Swivel rocker SIO. $1. 4 Chevy chro"" rims SlD C 0 LDSPOT Ref.rlaerator, Sl , S49-0886. LIFTING "·eights $10. Hollyv.'OOd lt'gt; $15. Hun1an . Custom-made Christmas course S20. f<'l aih at· each. Toy 3' x l"' metal apartment alze 8% cu. ft., 54&-5984 hair wig SlO. 12 .. fall SID. 9. NE\V Pa,cka~e cat htter 20c sleia:h and N'indttr dillplay tachment $2. Camera ba& refrl&erator $2. nuorescent very aood condltJon $12.SO: BABY Crib S15. TV $20. 's=L=E=E=P~.,~,.-.~,,.-m-.N~bbe~r. surfboard, custom built. per 5 lbs. 8 steel \val! pool for yard $10. 171S Port $2. 644--1395. dealC lamp $5. ~Packard reitoM vintage radk:.wood Drapes traverse 66 Hangs brown stripe, 2 bolsters, good for beiinners, ex· "'ilh liner. ground a.nd top Marpte Pl, NB Harbor 'o-v=E=RSTUF==F=E-D~C-h-ab'-$=25~. 1 tranamiuion $25. 3 .. 1 /3 b' · Sl2 5648 45 each. 44' beige with trench pleals good looking $25. 644-5998 cellent condition S 15 . cover $3. Seth ThOmas wall View Homes, lo..t Ladies bowling ball $2.00. H.P. m o t o r S4 ~d:~J!fian. Lut~w'are 10 $.'). 968-l486· FLAGSTONE, J 10 s square &16-2274 clock. not working $4. Nice· f\1APLE coHee table $5. Mat· Floor lamp $5. SWai' lamp Merced e •-Benz 11\op piec8, ZIC to $1 each, all fl)r UNIVERSAL :Portable stt"reo. 2 speaker!. excellent condltio"n $25. Swed is h modern leather and \\'OOd chair $25. 6-14-1992, PRESSURE Cooker 4 qt. us-fl"et $1· $4. 675-0737 , ELECTRIC hair dryer ss. ly framed 1 and s ca Pe chilli end tables SlO ea.ch. $2.50. 2 end tables SS each. manual SlO. VW sedan rack $3.50. Good lawnmower-and M 3 times $5. Electric 1.3~0~RA,.'-,W=E==R~c=he--'1~,-. ~,,-nn~,.,.-Opera glasses S2. Framed reproduction 3' 10" x l"' 10" Water &Iris $5. Power lawn Table radio SS. Can opener with ta:p $10. New lS" mut-catcher' SJ,50. Sterling supr broill'.r, excellent shape tops, unlinished $10 each. wall hanging $10, Zl" :round S4• Mosaic picture or plastic mower $20. Luggage rack $3. Toaetmutera $2 ea. Set lien $7.1' x 4' wood planter bowl and creamer $4.50. 7 $3.50 or both for $7.50. small wardrobe $10. 3046 plaque S2, Kitchen table and flower arrangement 50c. $::1. Skim board $3. Stereo seat covers $10. 846--044-4. box $2. New Motorcycle tube ''Elco" TM tuMr $4.50. 642-2138. Killybrooke. CM. a.ID-9n9 chairs S25. Floor lamp $3. 847-7336, 9135 Buttercup $211. Animal cage $5. Kldli knobby tire Sl2. Hardback Old woad cabinet SW reCE"iver S-40 $25. KW-T\VO twin bed sf'ts $211 per Vacuum sweeper $15. Clock Ave .. F.V. back pack $4. 385 Ocie, Apt ~~~~ :~. o!::~h !!i a.nd paperback books on radi~record player wUh 4 XFMR $20. Tape deck SlO. &et. Headboard SI each. Bed radio SS. Radio $5. "."affle TOOL Box boughl at auction C, 9·4 chain $&-Sl5. Round opera, art, poetry, drop, speed turntable $6. MOl"p&l' Slereo camera and viewer frames $2 each. Sunbeam Iron and sa~wlch grill $8. \\'ilh miscellaneous tools, REF Rt GER ATOR $25. cocktail table $7.!iQ. Heavy cooking, a:ardenlna" mwiic, car radio ·&nd speaker $10. $20. Smm camera S 8, hair dryer S.i. Coffee table ~. c~~~~~1c1:1f;:e S3~~::~ coc mbinatlon kw re n ch es Clothe 2 , 5 ~~~820 $10. Dryer, maple end tables $15 each. healthb\oMdl dietth, ~~story, 34031 Colegio Drive, Dana EMPIRE Turntable $ 2 5. EICO Tunrr $20. Boa:en amp $25. Six matching stere<> speakers SlS. M u 11 i p I ex adepter S5. a.U this in cabinet. Buy part or all Sun only 645-1628. Polaroid camera $lO. SLR $5. 2 lamp base1; S2.50 each. ,.11 ts 11 . 12 C . t t raftsman Hus ey. Snap--on gas$ , .,..,,....1 Comer table $6. Padded pets, OC)'. ma • uamoua Point. Turn ott Coast 313 E 23rd S C M "'8-""0" s 1 e · anis er se · · \ Fl · \ d novels, science and children camera body $25. Auto lens · t. ·1 • ~ '1000 $2 . Camera S2, Unfinishl'cl impena aring too an LARGE men'£ dre~ser Sli head board single and dOU• Highway at Ocean Parle $15. Camera and electronic O'KEEFE & Merritt apt. doublt dresser SlS. Kingsizt cutter_. _crescent ~ren,ches Stereo $10. Bar with stools hie $5 each. Wooden bed 25c and $1S. La&una Beach Motel, 3rd house oJf parts SOc . SS. Swing eet $5. range 30", 4 burner, full btdsprcad $15. Surflx>ard t\\'O lllX mch, one eight inch, Slll. Remote control Black frames (double) $10 and $25. 494-5548. hi&hwa,y f96--3387. 2273 Colgate Dr. c M. oven, hinged top $25, 211221n $25. Tableclothes 50c • $1. one ti1<elve inch Craftsman and white TV Sl5. Odd TV's Dinette 5et S20. 822 w. ==========:.!=='====;-;:==::==! 548--6379 Santa AtJa. C.M. Books lOc -1x. Glassware vise gr-ips, '' inch drive $5. Rollaway bed with mat-Balboa Blvd. Apt. s. comer No Matter What It IS PORTABLE Pool pump lilter S12. Fractional horse motors S5 each. Woodworking tools Sl-$5. Bubb I e wheel balancer $5. Otfenl1auser dual manifold 1949-1953 Ford $1S. Ford overdrive and transmission $ 15. Hillman motor S25. 905 Tanana Pl., CM . ~Near South Coa.st Plaza I 540.-5727. ROCKER, p I at f o.rm $25. Crib mattress $5. Twin mat- tress $5. 4 Headboard $3. Lamps $1-$5. 54s..5335. OIL paintings s5 • $25. lOc • $1. ~111dng bo\.\'1s $2. socket set, assol"led screw tress SS. 54S..7459. 558 9th st. and Balboa. Blvd. 14"' TIRES and rims $5. \Vig Binoculars S5. TV $lS. Elec· Sar-Sun, 10..A~t· 897-2913. drivers. tin snips, 5 new Traverse Dr. CM 675-6380. ~l~se~u~:,~. :re~~. ;:: tric vibra1or $5. Costume !}2'22 Stoneridae, \\lestmin-metal skill M.W bl~es, ~·ire \VJNDOW. 38" x 7 2 ' • WALL To wall carpetini $25. S2. Quilted matmal 50c _SI. je~·elry SI -$5. Lamps, lix-stcr. brush, small gr 1nd1 n g Aluminum frame. A-l con-&15-0407. Hair dryer, radio $3 each. tures Sl . $5. Record albums GREEN And gold couch $25. wheels all known brands, dilion $12.50. '.ml Irvine, ==-=-"'"'.-...,--~~ 50c. Books 10c • $I. 592-2123 Loveseat S15. g foot table $8. box and tools S25. Woven NB AREA Rug 9x6 and pad S10. New Barbie clothes 50c. Sl. SKI boota SS. Corner dt'sk $7. Screen S2. Electric roas1er wood aharle 39" X 40" SS-1~===~=~=--Wicker biµ-calt SlS. King 968-0310. 211332 Harlx>r Isle Hair dl")'er S5. Beam lx>ttles $l 5. RCA . AM-FM radio Sunday. 84~2729. REFRIGERATOR S25. Stu· size quilted spread, eo1t $60 Lane, Vic Adams & $4. ~ SS. Dishes lOc 4 Sl. $17.50. 54$--3082. TRUNDLE beds, modern dent desk $6.50. 54~1769 new -SlO. 494-7473. ?>1agnolia d' SS "'°==,..,-=::--.,-,-,,"'°'°"I Broiler $3.50. 2 car ra ios NEW Light brown wig $10. style, stun:ly $15. Desk $1. MAPLE dresser $20. Maple SYLVANIA 17" portable TV • S15. Cot $3.50.-Stretch wig Ba by bassinet $8. 1376 Temple Hills Dr., bookc~se headboard S2?- $20. Packard Bell AM-FM $12. \\'iglet S::i. 2 bedspreads r.1aternity bathing suit $5. Laguna 4~!53 ?t1atchulK bed lrtand $l:J. changer in walnut cabinet sz. King size $4 .50, Clothe5 642-5l7J. PING·PONG table $lS. Girl 's Double bed, complete $10. $25 SimP"'" moo•\ 303 25c • $1 Suzie Homemaker . 1 . Old dres1i,_ table S 5, TENNIS Rackets, various woods with n~lon. $9, $10 and $11. After 1:00 673"'58S. WALNUT Double bedstead, vanity and ..bMt:b S 15. 67J...9367. TENNIS Rat:ket1; Spaldinc Smasher with rut $25. WU.on Wood with tut $16. can Sal. a1ter 1:00 $73-1544. NEW Portable vacuum $20. Rotisserie, like new $25. Golt frame dressing room cabinet $22.50 25 yards beige shag nylon C&Jlle! S25. Ntw GE electric blanket $18. 644-1001. · oven $4. \Vashing machine REFRIGERATOR $5. Dine\· bike 10, Sewing machine Pa back h:,k 2n: h voltmeter. coSt new S75, sen $3. 2 !!imps $S each. Suit· le_ set SIS. Washer _S5. SlO. 2 upholstered ~hain; S20 Fa~ack uphol~ered ~~~U: for $22. Transistor car radio ,,0 " Kuchen stools S2. Serving each. Bed $IO, Dishwasher $2S ••8-•-o "•\\ p k will work on 6 or 12 volt cases s2. Toys Sl. 1"°" Ray-table SL Red\\'ood patio $25. Coffee table $5. Lamp · ~ .JOOO • ......, ege ar positive or negative ground, I ~""'-=°"=· =C=.Mco-&=46-4,,,.92.,...4..,.,=C'.'. table with four benches s25. table S25. Washer $5. Odd WET Suit medium-small $25. ideal for sport car $20. HAMILTON Beach blt'nder Redwood lounge chair SlO. cha.in S1 each. 2 9 O 9 4 tires 8.55 x 15 S7 each. Chrome 14" Chevy whtt:ls, $6. Desk. 24 x 48, $25. Bowl-Patio swing $5. Double bed Ellesmere, CM Lawnmower and catcher $5. like new S8 each. Smith· ing ball $5 Barbeque $1.50. • $10, Lamps $5. Desk $10. SEARS family exerciser $25. Drafting set $5. 842-1039. HOOVER floor polisher co..C:na Standard typewriter Spol1 coat.&, i;ize 44 s5. Chest of dra"."e·rs $I 0 · Kidney-shaped coffee table SOLID Birch double bed S20. shampooer. excellent coft. $12. Four and eight track 1 =-~='358=·0-:,.,,,---.,,,.,,,,-7' Overstuffed chair $20. End Sl5. 9'6" surfboard $10. 12' x 7· stereo console cabinet dition $15. 968-8139 after car tape player $25. FM PLASTIC Tubing ~" by 10 table $5. Coffee table $5. 13' beige shag carpet SlO. S20, Loveseat SlO. 3 OC· 6 , STEEL String . guitar $25. 545-1441. Harmon y Case $10 . tuner for tape player S25. fl. Jjc per tube. 365 Esther, 1988 Pomona, Costa Mesa. Ba~y crib and hymattress S~-casional chairs 17, IS, SJ. I =~·~·_m_·..,~----~ 0 -d "·d 35 mm Kanica camera F2 546--0269 CM Sat.Sun I(µ, EARLY AmeriC'8n couch SIO. °"1it'· ~aug~ e 5 •u 10 \Valnut coUce table $5. LIKE New edger S25. Rotary power mower S25. Hand mower, original cost $40, for $15. 962-3576. BOOSTER high chair $15. BROWNIE Bullseye camera P i11g-pong table s5. Baby couch s25. 7 table_ $7-~: Blond end table $4. Tall Jens Sl:i, case $5, tluh $3·95· IC'eding table $3 Six dra\.\·er Slat bench $10. Working 21 bl 1 •• Fl 1 962-7593. Mirroni $10 • $25. Roaster S3.50. Record albums 5()c, thl'sl SS. New · baby gates GE portable TV and stand la e .amp ....,. ?Or amp I ~===~~----« $2. Club aluminum $2 -$5. Books lOc-Sl. SI a i n I es s ,. h h-~ . $1 50 . h $25. Bedroom drapes 72" $7. Pictures S 1. ;i 0-$ 2 0, ANTIQUE Golden oak drop P ~-bl TV · ood k . t 16 Ch'ld ' \\It "-'"\'are · eac . .. .. .. ... A 1,., ha>'-'.,, wagon lea[ table wirh 2 leaves $25, On.a e 1n g wot · carving se . i s Rowing machine exerciser and 36 and 72 x 24 $8. lA: ... "tr\! ing order-$25. Silver pitcher plastic model h ors es. $l .50. Slep stool St.SO. Bar 545-8656 • 217 Tulane Rd. $13. New 24 bar-~ue $5, 847-7336, 9135 Butler CUP DOUBLE Bed S20. SlO. -Portable wood OOc-$1 .50. Material 50c-75c. stool SI.50. Brocade swivel SCRAM LETS both bar-b-ques with hoorl,1 ~'~'~'·~·~F~.V-·----~= Bookshelves and table S20. wardrobe $15. 310 Fernleaf, Casserole with 1tand $4.50. chair $10. Twin spring and • spit 11.nd motor never used. SOFA. 2 piece sectional $25, 10' Heywood-Wakefield sec· CdM . Park in driveway Bronze States sr.I SlO. mattress $7. 3209 Iowa St.. 962---0161. 842-39ZT. tionAI couch $20 each. Large ~--s l"' '"' Eth C f "8-J0= ANSWERS •~~----=--~-tc===~-~----EVERYTHING near new. .,..1 un .,.....,, .:>9'I s er, -~ . ~ """" 10 Speed bike S25. Unicycle SIMMONS Double mattre1s rugs $lO each. 2 kitchen sets Pair step end tables $17.50 , _CM_·---~-=~~ BASSINET ss. Crib and $5. Ski boots $10. 5.36-6126. and box spr-lngs, good con· $15 each. New mixmaster , . SlO. 2 chairs SlO each. 1115 each. Pair distressed maple GOOD 21" TV $20. 542-5936. mattress $6. Infant seat 25c. Behalf -Robot -Learn -ISOMETRIC, Exerciser dL!ion $12. Bed trame $3, Oranie, Huntington Beach. bed frames S25 each. Maple BEIGE Upholstered lounie Jnfanl and tocldl~r. clothes Walrus ~ Beau and ERROR complete with lnlltn.IC:tion 962-6888. Everything in goOO to ex-drop leaf table, apt size tor chair $3. 64~9n4. ~S4. N~wS~terilizer h s:-Confucius say: "Indian glrl b:loks, cost new over Sl(l(l l'O"'F=F=1~c=E-c~ha~\~,.-,-,-,.=1-1ram--•• -u,,t .... ~ .. ition. Sat-Sun 9 4, $25. 4 matching chairs $20 I "'"""°"'°"-,.,="°"-:-.-::c= couc . Ann c at have heap plenty fun with sell for $25. 536-l076. tilts, swivels, nauphyde .. ~ ""'"' each, Chest $20. Telephoi.e: 20 Gal hot water heater $20. $20. 1 seater green rocker BEAU and ERROR." seat and back S20. 54s...2s29 AM-5 PM. come early. stand swivel chair S2S. Pair Leaded glass windows $20. S25. Orchid lounge chair S7. YAMAHA 55 60 80 100 MAPLE Bed frame $5. COMPLETE •t-up, skla. SURFBOARD SlO. 1115 night stands S17.50 each. 21·· 1V. very goOO picture Sep ~suoalus<'A~oman$5by ,.! $4. parts: 17" ' Aia'.ont 'rim, 962-0661. aluminum poles and Cubco Orange Ave., Huntington Distreued coffee ann step S20. 846 N. Van Ness Ave, nm . ""':am · ..... ape& front, hew $10. Rnr whee1 1'M~OTO==RC=~Y~C7LE""'~H7o~lm""•t;-"°1,J bindlnta $1S. 644-647'1 ; Beach. end table 120 each. Ni '"'ta· SA, Just above courthouse. SL Beige v1n~l wall covet· With 3.25 16 .., 115 ~ 1 prlCE', factory 2nd s16 •" Ing $25 Ironing board SS x ure · "'"" · GAS Dryer with malching fand $10. Pair Cricket CHROME Dinette set with 4 TV tabies $4. Records ilk wheel wit_h g~ small kni:'i> 962-0661. washer $25. Rem in a: ton cha.irs $15 each. Maple chairs S25. 642-6114. each. 64~2449 CM. b!e $8. Right side c15e with lcG=!~RLS~~Sc~h-w\~,-0-1~6~"~b~ik~e-S=25~. portable type ..... Tiler $ 5. Harvest table antique pen 1 1=9c--0=,~1-gi~,~.1;-o~il.-~pa~i~,,~,.=.s. good. auto~ubc pump SS. Left 6' eurtboard $20. Ping po•• I S•e 5 h" .... ·59 Volvo parts: New brake •-d 15 "" o• I \ch ·~ Smith upright typewriter $5. 8 feet ona: .w. mate ing would sell for up to SlOO In °,'.-1"'',.e.. caSe . · ov-ou cu table S2D, all in excellent ,_ 16 h N" master cylinders. engine, S5 miu k Phone 536-8280. cn ... irs eac . ice con· gallery. Will sell fqr $3-$25. trans Sl-$25, 642---0375. . ;;;i n cran ca!le1, condition 536--6936 I dition. Twin Hollywood bed, Saturday and Sunday, size 5 good, no heli-arc $':). '5;) good · FISHER Skis 205 cm. $25, complete S211. 6 month old 2 Black 2 speed hikes $20 cranks.halt and rod ss. '55 DOUBLE Rattan headboards Kasting aize 9 $25, 67S..7298. double lx>x iiprlng $2.5. t-.iat· x 7"' to 24 x 84"· Landscapes each. Small wonder horse head S5. Tomatsu 125 re S23 each. Kitchen sink with and Seascapes 531 ·3793. 15 2 0 bed 2 F rm · t t $10 TV Sets SI0..$25. Bed springs tress $25, firm. 548-8611 I ===~,-'--=~=-= ,. . range spread.!! S twin need piston~ and rings o ica coun er op . and mattress S25. Ice chest POWER Mower .$25. 7691Ai W. each. Child's potty chair $2. and bort only S25. RO street Bathroom 1ink and marble VW rear bumpers S5 • SlO. 20th st., CM. Jnfant Reat $1.50. CI e 11 n pi)X' with header S6. Trail top $10. Maple drop leaf S.l Fan $5. Hair dryer $5, VW muffler, new SlO. Two mangle $5. Wooden pla~n shocks 60·80-100. $5. table $25. 4 Captain!! chain; Broiler $10. I.amp Sl. Iron 14" wide oval tires, new Sl5 STAR.FLEX Camera and SS. 549--1681, 314 Villanova Yamaha 80 engine In ex· $$each. Bait tank $2.50. 6' x $3.50. Bedspread Sl. File each. Two Indy mag wheels, flash s7. Movie cameras S5 Rd, cellent condition, excdlent 3' window $5, 3' x 2' window cabinel SlO. Pressure cooker 14" x 7'', new $25 each. VW and $Z. Photolitt> $2• 125 COMPLETE do,ble bed no cylinder and piston $25. S2. Firewood 50c. Box, rur" $, "·d f SS •=·'837 I $5 · Children's books l0c-20c. .. . · """ tame · .,....,...... front seat be ts a pair. <Ocrober 24-25J 320 Alva.rdo .... ~147 drapes, baby clothes 50c to 230 B d C M M · T' t h Toys 2.5c-$3. Tire pump $1. roa way, · · ens tmex wa c • new Place. CAMPER tie-downs $20. 12' SS. 8432 Dan~·-· Circle, HB I ~_. New Ure chains $5. 2940 u .... r SINGER Reeord player $5. $12. De uxe tape reco.uer Java Road, CM 549-4321, REFRJGERATOR Gaa $20. tonnica sink top SlO. Elec-968-2763. L&wnmoWt'r ,vith catcher SlO. Slot cara with carrying J20 Alvardo Place. tric "'all heater S 8. lo8~L=E~E~P~l~N~G,-B=--=s2,-~N,- SIO. Seal skin after ski b:lots box, conlroller and acce-BABY Stroller $3.50. \l/alker American siandard sink . ai · ew size 81,,_9 $75 new bsrgain ssories SlO. 642--4274 S2.50, Old gun rack $1.50. 2 ROPE Ladder l 5. 320 faucet Sl6. American Stan-photo tinting set $3.75, TV Christmas trees $2 and •". 2 Alvardo Place. dard laundry troy $25 lamp SOc. Goll shoes 91,!D al $25. 9 large stuffer! 1962 Corvair ena:ine ..., · $5 M · I! 6 burner electric hot plates, BICYCLE. girl's 16 Schwinn Th1-et valve rub dlverter near new · ens go animals, napkin sets and dismanUtd but copiplete pivio 112. Child's •-t c•• llO. "'"l"'4 clubs 2 woods 6 irons like linen tablecloths. Bro'l\·n $25 548-4247 never user! $4 Tea cart S3, • ..,. .... ... .,..,,.... "'"' 20 ripcord spread S2 each, 8 ' · P ineapple poster bed, cher-with cha.In drive and brake BOY'S 20.. new SchwlM new $ : Bag SlO. Kart $12. DINING Room buffet, 5 rywood 120, 2 sets of dishes $6. ~24 Stin-ay b'tcycle ""th"""•· Wo. mans golf clubs 2 woods Pillows 50c·S2. 6 blankets (2 d 2 rt t I"" ,.,. "' n 5 NEW $18 19 J h TV electric) $2-$6. FlO\\"ered ra~·t'r compa men "'· $2.50 each, 3248 New York DESK, executive t)rT>e ·s25, et front enct, new pa.int tr0ns · ,nc .. penna press sheets, fancy I ~54=&-_m;~-·~--,,,-,.--,-,. Ave., C.M. 545-4284. Chair to match $10. Coffee $20. 646-4349 and stand a:ood cond1tK1n MAN'S 3 spud Schwinn bike S25. Boy's Stingray $17.50. 8.25 x 14 wheel and tire, almost new SS. Girl Scout no iron unifonn, size 10 $2. --COLOR picture painted with IO\lnd, hanp on wall $20. Electric guitar with case Sl2. St. Geo~ e-lectrlc guitar and case $25. Electric fuzz tone, new Sl5. Even· ings, ask for John &4$-207'1 CONTEMPORARY sofa $25. Contemporary chair $15. CoU~' table $10. All near new. End tables $2 each. Dining: tsble $15. 4 cha.in $3 each. Alt wood double bed with /ramt" $10, Nlrht stand $2. 2 a:ood little used refrigerators runs S 5 , 5 0 each. Fiberglass dunebuUY seat with black interior $20. New push mower $2.!iO. &t2-280S BLONDE-LIME oak head· bo&td and 2 end tables S2S all. &44-6421 •iris btdroom shoes size 2, 6 Trailer piers SJ. 2 percale MOVING-Chest of drawers .. table, hlac:k custom $20 PHOTO.ENLARGER 4 5 $25. 2 speed aul.omatlc 43·• bottom a~ts s l. 6U.S915 · • x washer Kenmore $25, Single CLOnt car cover for Spit· 4. Suitcases $1 each. figure SlO. Chest of drawers Sl2. -.,,=.,,.===-o--,-..,,,-,1 $25. Cpndensors $.25. LeMiel d K to ti tire, Sprite .,0, ""'"''11··ultd. skates 7, 9. high heel tap Folding trailer table $3. TV OCean fishing sp\Ming l"Od MAPLE headboard and foot $25 each. 4 x S cut film tank ~e enmore au ma c •• , ... uv shoes size 8. Tap shoes sise antenna, $3. Draiting &et SS. and rtel, new $17. White 4 S.25. New distressed maple $1S. 8 mm movie camera asher $5. Arau\ C4 camera OU filter• tor Ford, 1957 and 611 toe &hoes size S. Chain lnk fence, walk gate poster bed and mattress S15. tables $15 • $25. Baby $25. 35 mm camera $25. and flash $10. MOvte title set :~.er...,;~ :l~ $~1~~ Polaroid Swinger. basket· $10. 3 shetts 1,1" exterior King 0 Lawn power ed1t.r walkt'!t $1 . Baby scat frame 962-5218 $2.50. Modem table lamp slide projector Bell &: ball sleel hoop \\'Ith net. $3 plywood $3. Shutt en 9% >: S25, Step ladder $1 . Box $1. Double bed $25. Baby 75 LB pumpkin, 2 feet in ~nd sh~~~ S2. Boat ~at 50ck Howell SID. En la r i er, each. Bluebird complete :U\1 $2. each, n4 Weelo 11pring anrl mattress for l\\1n clothes lOc • $1. Ladies diameter, world's biggest. 75 rou~ ~n ~agaz~ra:2 Federal No. 219 with lent, costume size 6X. Brunswick 642-5716. bed $12. Vertical gUn rack clothea. slz~e 3·9 25c : $10, Hav' the biggest pumpkin :><:. x P atl: m , ' glua and glusless negative bowling shoca sin: 8 S7 'rn'TN Beds wllh mattress. $5. Cam p,i n g lentern St Toys le • :lac. Shoe!I 2.'>c • 2. on y()Ur block $10 646-4349 Automatic ttmlna 11 Ch t curlers S25. 2821 Portola I 1150 J Rulnc curtains Sl each. \V ig · . . $1.50. Car lop carrier Sl.50. Or CM ,,.,, A......, each. Unicycle $8, Dr. box sprinp, frame SlS each. Fireplace too s · • CCJl ;ind wiglets ?Sc • $5. BOUGHT too many things 1n Phone S4i..:!Zi6. 1,,=· =~·~~=-·-.~,.._== Suess. \\1t>ekly rtllder books. Bookcase headbosrds $10 •gall can S3. Plumht!n; bowl Porlabl<' TV S20. ne~dll Guatemala, Large cape $J2. t==~~~.-----UTENSILS lOc. SI. Clottilnc Nant'Y DreW1!, large Bible e111:h. 292 Villanova. CM 1nake Sl.50. Hedge trim· lu~. 6'2-6795. 899 w. Poncho In 3 sizes $2. U. S7. Kl~G Sl1e hnena, new. half 25c • $2, Ol-aptry SOc • $2. slorybooks. 01hers 50c-S2. 548-6797. ' me rs $1.50. 1-Iollf\l-ood bed \Vi Ison C~1 Necklaces $1 • S l , 5 O . price to d~pose. ncrtron, Wallpaper· S5 roll. Books l(lc Ostc.r motor ss. Real nice ---,--.-,--,.~-.=. frame $2. Large 11tudl!nt's ' . Medium shawl $5.50. IA.rge Burlin&:ton sheets aet $14. • SOc. Records 25c . $1. ~A NEW tudy es · top x ....,, ~'hlte desk with glass lop SEWING • m11chuie and sh11wl 37. 345 E. 19th St. Pillow cases $4 set. satin Woodland Place, ()If of 20th girls clothes all sizes ~"'4 1. 1 drawer. $15. 648 W. cabinet $2a. Lam))fl SI • S5. Ci\.1 642-1269 bound Beacon blankets 110 St. and Tustin. 642-5872 outfit. 9662 Peppcnrce :off \Vil50n. CM. $12. Golf bag and S clubs Rug~ SS • S2.i. Chairs $5 • , Qull -Al . I ;,=.,---,---~-c-- •18m11ton betwttn Bushard $2.50. Paper ha n a:e ts S25. Candlesticks 25c • St. OLD tread I e &ewing led spreads s • .,, Ml 4 REAL antique baby bUCO and Brookhurtl) 968-&f.t3. TABLE Saw 8" bladt, 1/3 porlahle euttlng table SS. Sand candles 25c • 32 machine, gooct oondition $15. ulfUsual lamps $7 to SlO. 1900 body b rattan. apoke GAS Stove $25. Dlnttte table Ch~!m. otor $lS. !'8 W. Wilson, Wheelbarrow $3. Wall decor Clothing 25c • $5 Punch New carbine tipped 0.1 One large gold framed, one wheels S2S. Wroughi iron " Peacock $2. Tools and bowl' SS. Pkture11 it . $25. Brown &: Sharpe mtcrcmet· walnut framed h arbor twin heed board and bed S.25. and 4 chairs $15. Large DISHWASHER $25. Twin bed household ittms 50c-S2 . F'ramcs 50c • $10 Erector er Sl2. 6 In Hellos calipers, scenes by }"ranco, S1M15. TWin bed and frame SIS. round pa.Uc table $25. 4 SlO. Bike SlO. Apollo model Saturda.y only Oct. 24th. 9 set $2.5(), Books 2sc • $2. good condidon St2. 548-4934 Walnut bookcase $20. Club Old dre9lfr $20. Old cabinet patio chain SS each. 3 piect ss. Antiques s t -s 1 o. AM -4 PM. 1987 Maple, CM Trunk S5. 538--3084 FOR ,. ... 0• pool. redwood aluminum oocktall 1i.ue1. SI. 1218 Belf11t, CM patio couch and 1 ch.I.tr $25. uu • odd h .. 1 1 Children'• play swtnc 1et J>re..Columbla $3-45. Toys in the rear. BIG, 31rong beire sectional, planlers, larae •nd small S6 c Ina. pa .. er tan sttt LEFT-HANDED golf clubt: $15. l..adlts dressta litt 9-14 50c. 2336 Bay Fann Pl. San-MOVIE Camera $20. 20131 S. ldttl klr recov1trinc or bif to'$20. Carpet aweeper Si.so. Mt Sl to SS, all perfect Woods. 14+4-$20. ltona 2·9 SI. Sport coets $4. White ta Ana Helghb. near Mesa w. Cyi)rtu, S.A. Heighla. family S2S. Nloe arey \Yig, WI, wiglet 7Sc • $6. M1..:i066. $20. Bq and ea.rt $20. 2816 mod."' Ch1 .... cabinet S22. and Tustin Avt. S . h ll kitchen table and lour Stroller ·$3. Vanity stool BELT Sander $10. Orofrlld 3 Dl'llb Aw, Of. Occa1!1onal ,,.. cha.in S 4, CR.18 With mattnA $2l, 1 kl $1. l pair crutc es . cha!rs Sl 4, Lampi SL Cood St.!O. Shoes and Majorette drawi:r dtsk $25. Man'1 2 1UJORESC£Nf Licht ifi', janitorial va.c:uum cleaner bumper pad $2, bathlnettio :~ .';!' :tl~le:~~fs twin ~. complete $1.i. boot! SCk: • S2. 3mm mo~ handknlt CW'l!aters $25 each. tiJret ~ tach. RH.I lawn $24. Chaise lounge (2) $7.50 $10, booster chair $3, car Sl-SS.. Guitar.c $ 1 5 -$ 2 5. Gcild and black COrMt table camera. $8. Movie 1>rojector Sult size 40 $20 Slacka •lie rqower $25. Dlnnctte Mt $25 • • •ch. 2 J•-e mlmn Sit 11eat 15, f.le<:trlc ct.trUlier .... 1 •• ...,A u... each. E--' s2. Pretty black tel~ne $20. Co~~JV $2&. King. 36 $2 Roller ·derby· tlnk ~ exerolaf'r $25. a..i,y ... e DUO~ -.-......; llU ttCOrd ll'tancl, tau $3.5(}, Size bedlj'1'ql.I $3), EJeCtrlC ' • waiktr $4 ~ CoK0 ntt aqd $6. 8 x 10 blue and \\'ilh boHJes $7, el~tric bot· t&bltl $25. Cl'l•ltA $23. Andqut phonoitraph record h!!lnkel, foll tlie $20, Pole gkates with ~·llCI S\H 4 $15. play l)(!n m. 2 Spanish arm rreen carpet ·S25. On!! •Ingle tie \\'armer S2, play pen SlO, LAmpg S25. Sat-Sun. 36S •l11ncl $10. Beautiful all lace lamp $4. Clothlnc 10c • $3. Sew!ne ca2Sbu~t-S20rd. \Tape Chain $20 each. Sptnl•h oc- ma.ttress SIS. One single box polty scat U. men ''• Ramona \\lay, CM. "'~ditli dr.iss, siie 10 $.'i. Boy'a 20" Stingray bike SJS. l'e<lOrder S · '""'"° "Payer culontl table $15. 133-1591 1prln1s SlS. One double \\'On1cn'1, children! clothes Rtd" J.°hd black fealher h11t 2 barrel carbuttotor lntllke S4. Size 9 druse• and coal.I mattrt:ss s20. One double 200-41.50. aids Ul. ~ki booltl SMAU romiica table with .i $4. New ha.nd·marle navy manifold 11.lr and cl~ner for S2 to SS. Oren form ~ •• box sprtnrs S20. Curtain• SI sri. 3 new Jong klnnal" S20 chairs S20. M8-2000 pun:e. ~I SIS. IJl!ll for $&. Dodl:f' $18, like new $'4$. 880 Chlld'a table and 2 chelrs tel. Drape• tplcture: window each. 2256 f\.Yt.lon. C.M. PHtLOO Retrta:erator $23. &4i.U59, 1927 Anahelm Ave, Capita.I St., wtst ot Wlllon $5, Peach qullted spread ... 1tztl $10. 411 Klnp Rd. $4Mr.S. 339-6132. C.M. t.el'IOot. 1M41 VlctoriA l..aM H.B. ., CHILD'S Slnau 1ewin1 machine $10. 9$2.0861. FROSTED, Human bait Wla $10.-t SELL IT· WITH 'A • DAILY PILOT WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 . . . OlllV 'PllOT Si:tul'dly, Octobtr 24, lt701 c I NOi • It ANDISI l'OR TllANSPQRTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION SALi AND TRAD! SALi AND TR.ADI SALi AND TR.ADI FREE TO y~ Boats & Yachto 9000 'Boat Slip Mooring to36 i '.Mob~~ll•!_!!HOl1l~J:!"~"..;;·_t2:=00:i :Moto=~rcy~c:!:loo:_ _ _::f>DD:::l·~C::;•"'c:;.,:;"";::":::--:-::::::-::';;510-I Musical Mi1cell1iwou1 MOO Miac. Wtnted · •11 ntU: Put SWnete ct.llco 2 Fbra:U: barit•· llat de.ck FOR. RENT, BOAT SUPS TURN KEV •70 Honda r;i0. • eyl. ''CHASSIS MOUNT" lmtrument1 ·112.S * AUCTION * LGE. clean ,A.blJ!;. parh. ~~lid.~ -:: 'U~ 1o·xis·., tuU otJlbrd ~trot Can acoomodllte 14 lo 30 ft COMPL!TI Xl.nt. cond. $1299 Arplu1. 12~ It. fully self I . n.. Golden Wavn. 11 9fQ..'36I •10127 LP stoves. Perfect ri~r Pl)v.-er bolta. Ba)',ld e PACty\GE • • 838-500 contained, ilttPI 6. mounted J~JC ~iK I: (;am~· · · · Ttne 1'urniture Jhince1t..,.. Saul&!lto t:a hooseboet, Jlshina: or JMU'\Y Launchlh£" Ramp, &73-6350 The (ollowil'lf uni~ complete .70 YAMAHA r,o Enduro. on I ton new '70 Chev .. auto. I n v... amp m c , , . &: Appliances :.l M9SS Pborie' 415/&lo'lt . FREE Puppy, U •'kl old boat. 1 wl&lum. campy, -=""'=='=H=""="=N='=p=l·="'=•c="=-1 w/fult akirt 8xOO av.'Tli"i:. $725, Xlnt cond. Low miles. tra!1J., Air, PS, PB. A ttaJ impulll, Vox CPhantoml 12 Auction& Friday, 1:30 p.m. W lem .. put We f m a.r a ne r 'Sll9l. Other v.·/IOP frame -l0x30. ca.r~. steps, 6x8 S4&-8ll2i .. bea1.1cy.)i!u1t sacrifice. Stock I •D's elec 11.1ltar AL\tosr w·· d .,. A t' 8 SMALL paint_. IPl'I)' OU t. w I Welmatl(IU col.orini:, $129S or best ofler. Pvt pt)'. Bo•t Servlc.•• ~ 9037 ....... no 718 Seria.J No. 24417, NEW, 2 JeMinp U" spkrs 1n y S UC JO_n £t1 ·~·-R.,..-'?'•l -• m.4336 -101 see btwn g.s;-Sat & Sun"l.t 1htd,_sal~1 tax Ii Ucense. '66 BSA MK II ' · $8995 f Iii• ci~Silvertone amp & ~\4 Nev.-port, Of 646"8i86 * ~716 * "OUNG , -ra 11_r cat. Adv thee Marine Transport, • ' DJS TR l BU TORSHIP" All unltl ate new: Semi-Chop~ + Chrome ·u" •Pier in cab."6'W293 S.7 erti(nd 'Tony's Blc:ti. Alat'l. "H.atldlOln;~ fr l~"n d 1 y. 1099-Placintla, CM. • P Te ta br I ca te d Marine • 24X51 GENERAL CaU afte.r S 673-1395 UNIVERSITY PM. TED "FREE TO YOU ~ -Plumb;". & Saollalion (86711) .............. Sto,m1-='-"=.c..;..;... __ WAN • Loves kid• ond -·· -WHY NOT -~ e W<53 UNIVERSAL Auto Sarvlca Sonot. Accordlan WOOD SHOP EQUIP. 'adofab.1 l(Vll'll!, NB 10/27 TAKE A CRUISE?? Sy5\em1 lor Boat eundlng (S3U) ................. $11,450 & P•rt• MOO OLDS f'WJ Sr, ""Ul). 962·5618 18". '20"Bandaw, 2 • S hp air ABANDONEI>, • yns FREE To qu•I. horM, male For Le•se Or lndustry, \\'rile MSC 22Sl p e 20XST PARAMOUNT 1-"--"'------ ll:===o'==;==== comprer.sor 6". 8" jointer. female alt "' ptpp!:r col· 1 vr old Poddle & female 3 Chartar Via Puerta, Laguna Hills, ..... G~ Sil•"" 356-A PORSCHE front '1 Pi•noe, & 0-ens 1130 ha booth' drill ored Im llhl.rlY q , Very ,j,'old ·~Id Ad 1•~ Calif. (~I · · ..... ·•·· · ·• ,....., ·• 1 per, spray , aUectionate.·W.W arrana:• to Y• . ..-.. niese. u .... LOW WINTER RATESt • 24..'<60 SHERATON bwnper, never betn dinged • I . press, hla:h speed . router. have spay~. Also her pup-only. ~3721 1012'1 40' Wheeler Cruiser: Sleeps 8. Boat Rentals 9031 (S602) '''', .......... $13,!l'TS or bent. $50 complete. 1 : OUT THEY GO 646.SOT6; 67s.3611l; 5~5288. pies .. 6 wkll, father is BEAUT Unusual German Make appt. NOW! O\\'NER: • 20X43 STAR Chrome le. a I um i n um · + • All Reduced • 8' REGULATION 51z.e..Pool Cocke.r. ·2113 Nat lo n a I , Sbephf'rrl ~p. About 12 Wlgiaya 53~8978 Eves & wk. Rent A Sailboat (S70061 ••••. , ......•••• l 797;:; 548-8404 btwn 6 &: 7 ! Hammond Qra:an NSOO Table, ·Brun.!lwick make CM 10/24 wk:s, fantastic disposition. end11: 827-1431. CHAPMAN vw .Engine, Good Cond. I Res $2170 . ·Now $159$ $100. 6' Admiral stereo. I AM lookinr for id. 'home It 642-3929 10127 28' CHRIS Ni n 283'i;, '66, Cal 25, sleep! 4, full y equip. MOBILE HOMES • 642.-0443 e f w/tull 1')'thym, perc., les. walnut finish, $100. '68 HOii· children to play w/ I'm a TABBY' ~ins. 7 wk old Dbl pl11.nkt'd. bendix radar. ped, 530 per da,y, wkdys: $40 1206 N. Harhor, S.A. VW PARTS 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Mi-6750 New '71 Datsun 161X' OHC Pickup with ca'.mp. er. Sal~ price s2099 dlr. Ca 43827 J) WU! take car in I G~~tansen 2l07, g mo old da -65, SUS. All Xlnt Cond. small blkltan mixed female people.lovers. 546-7308 10121 &S, Fathometer, v a p 0 r ~!~ ;~~~~O~r wk. --*='="='~"~'"~'~"=; _• __ Chassis, Tranimis.!lions trade. \YIU linanr1! private party. Call 546-40S2 or & 494-6811. ~ , 'Nnw $ll)'JS M6-8015 · breed puppy. WonderfuJ CUTE kitten temaJe crange detector. N>lding f ank, PERFECT Sedy P!\rt&. 642-M43 I , w / piano, rythym, perc., BEAUTIFUL 41,S'. .... '&I.nut 67d~~· help me Jind a ~~ blk il ""hite. 673-3963 l0/2'7 RDF', Cle\\JI, 700 hr&, $89j{I, Boat Charter 9039 12 x 51 in five star adult ''2 P ontiac Parts '681.,.P,!~:;1~\t .r:mrv:,~~-~ leslie Drexel de.sk w118'' ~'5,)fl . PETS and LIVESTOCK ALSO Catalina mooring, ---------park. No pets, Ideal loca· • 646-4tn * ,..._ • .....,_•--• ....... ,.~.. n-. "OURS for the lo"'-7 .,.,Pl Av a I c n Harbor, $2500. 32' Twin-screw Chri.!I CraJt M Ph '-========= Or/4 spd. SAC! $2250 or Bf.I , Baldwin "8H{t, 8 mo old, . ..,.. ...... """' .....,, .-~ " ·-.. ry .,~3~1 .,.381-tion in Costa esa. '!· Of ......,11 ~~., 1B1l s fl ~ • NO\"' .Jml tective 'a:lasr top .l .,.,:alnut peed• he.rt tc lhare. Ii bl.k. Pets, General UOO • o....-"', ...,,.,.. ;,. Slps 6 * Oelwc boat &IG-8612, Auto Tools r. '-'CU-\ ,_,. u , NI COlllOle w/all extru chair. $95.~Wcmder ~ r wht. pt. Cockf'r, Beq:le. &: BOSTON Whaler 13', Trailer. * 548-2-tl4, 6.16-4034 * MID 1 C.M::0::'~· =~~---,,-..,.,! ; HammOlld Orpn NlOO by hof'$e $U), .Cal! aft S, pl surprise. 540-3055 aft C;HINotILU.S; Em.e!'iency 20 hp Chrysler. Con.scle. BOUGHT a house. :.tUST & Equip. '62 OiEV Van. Camper : Reg $1770 • Now $ll95 545-75J-7. s:30 ·Cn Frl . ..all da y illness. for~ sacrifice . ol Bl.mini top and canopy. Flying Lessons 9150 s~U.. 2 br ~me en ATTENTION equip. New titts, tcilet, : w/perc., le.tle, dynamute TV's 311.~ ~ar S25 up .. FM sf.t. l0/24 ~.,P!1!'e224'""1 mala le eql.llpt. SlllOO * * * 6Th-344t AIRLINE Pilol offer i ", r\ev•porl. Bay 17xl3 SOO mo. MECHANICS I sto\'e, ice box, luggage G. J' 3 ~ b'1te =~==~=======I " Full price $3800 or offer. rack. Wired for AC I< 12V, ': Ma.nyAll?•~mn.,...N!~ & 0 Ullsed tuners $10. tr s ........ 1 A 0 0 RAB LE P \I PP i e • • e DINGHY BOAT $50 flight instruction. Private 675--0331 ' Y~ now Clln RENT Y°':'r ~n. bucket sealll Sl.250. 536-1131 I' uu _..,,/fl $15 Boy's 20" bike $8-:$17 Retriever/Spanief mixture. Cats 1820 * 846-1413 * thru A.T.R. Your plane or guie hoists, traruimiss1on 1 U )'(x.i \\'ant• REAL DEAL RAd.D: AiVJ-P'l\1, tape deck, Mother is a:ende I: a aood mine. Reasonable r ates 12 x SS. NEW awning&, jacks all engine tools etc~ '66 VA.i."J Chevy 6 cyl. Wood See us pow! trans.117 E.18th St. CM. watcbdOg. 1216 C.onway ABYSSINIAN kittens, 1 3 Sailboat~ 9010 968-4840. skirting. Real ~uy! Blk to We ~Ye what y(Ul n~! pan. int. Refrig, sink, sleeps . 'Hft,MMOND LIQUIDATION SALE Ave., CM. 549-3&41 •ft wks, housebroken, shop center. Friendly S Star UNITED RENT ALL 2+2. Nev.' paint & rubber. ORGAN STUDIOS Early A·inerican Furniture 3:;Ml. 1.012'1 * 646-8128 * UNBELIEVABLE I Mobile Homes , 9200 Pk. 1250 N .. State College no \V 19th St Costa Mesa 17 mpg. $1350. 968-15.98 in C\JftONA 'DEL MAR Compl· liv rm aet, dinette OWNER movins t& apt. nds * UNUSUAL. cuddly LILAC COLUf\<IBIA 22 ;...;,;_c_..;... ______ . I Blvd, Anaheim. Ov."Oer, Sp • * 645-0760 * * 8' CAMPER * 2854E.Co¥t Hwy, 673-8930 Sf'' bedrmaets,poletamp& idbome fncdyd.for "Bebe:' POINT SIAMESE KITTEN, Was$3600 ........ now s2995 .:l1:[?111!){;]1J1l!J§ 91 Semi-cabover. Fo rmica •. STOP • ma'.ny misc hc>Usehold items. lovable lem. bl!t lab mix 9 weeks, S25. 545--0548 CORONADO 25 8X35 COLUMBIA Traller, Travel 9415 cabinets, a.sb Jinlsh $150. Call ·Ken Reas * 962-2423 pup 3 m01.:\ 892-9086 ·I========= \Vas S6500 ""''" No\v S599!i w/10x20 Cov. Patio, Furn., 646-7312 ~~~l~u~LE: STAUFFEft table, good C011-836-4493 . . ... 10/24 Dogs 1125 LAPWORTH 24 lNBOARO Mobile Liviryg $1850 tti' TERRY, gd cond, sips 7. '65 Chevy Van v.'/pop top, Fabu'-·· Buyr.! d!tion. romplele with direc· \VATCH dog. AccllltOmed to Was,:QUGHB'R~~v ::995 C.M .. Ne"'J)Ort area IDN1968) $800 ~9702, 12362 J\torrie sleeps 4, lully equipped, ~ ti.on booklet ·•· timer $80. kids & ctMr pe~. very ALL PUPPIES at Its Best * Dir, 5-15-8242 * Ln. GG. $951'1. 494·'1145 NEAR NEW spine t & con· ~9-0674 gentle. Owner movina to Presents \Vas S5700 ... •··· · Now $4500 15, TelT)' ll'lr. S:JOO eq, & i !Ole Pianos .... from $395 IDEAL Christmas gilt! One-Hawaii. 5 4 8-0 81.3, er. Purebreds, Shaggies, ltfixed. ERICSON 23 S IN m.VINE AGRlCUL TUR.AL Motor Homes 9215 T.O.P. $1:icl hal. Can be pd 1969 TOYOTA pick·llPj hil::X.t GRANriS refinished & re. •L'-' carat perltttly makh• 836-4493 lll/24 AKC Afaha.n1, Bassets, Shep. \Va!i S4000 • ·, · ·, · · Now 3595 s25 mo. 64.).-0068. 15.000 mi., $189J. Gal a ' built\ U lo u ·······• $895 edu11.1u.M-mond •earrings for LOOKING. tor a 1d. home. 2 herds Collies. Dachshunds. All Beautiful! l\1ust see! PP.ESERVE-BEAUTrFUL! NE\V VACATJONEER for ========= 1 ~·=·m=·="'=2-329=·='==== 9RGANS, exciting selection .... Lots ' C.I Shaggies Poos. r.1ust sell ~? '71, 19', Your inspection in. Trucks 9500 ;;:;: tor 1he beginner as v.·elJ piercedean.5f.9-06i4 Yr. old ~%/wht ni7 ma! Health Ce:rt. Credit cards, YACHTS ROYALE INC. NEW "ited. &:oil's. 914 N .1-"-"-'~------Dune Buggies 9525 • 4.&s thto accomplished oraan-• HELP! Going to Vietnam~ cat to er peep e, Open 7 daya. 6624 \Vestmins. 2912 \Y. Coast Hwy, 645-0810 Harbor. Santa Ana . STRIKE POWER • 1st "'Would Y.xi Bel~w" ,..,,..10.~ialgagi!, .,.,..s S350 children. Please ca 11 Corvair Dune Buggy Qdd CONN coronet $5(), 54(}..l!Mr3 10/24 1er Blvd. \Yestminster. ALL NEW 16' S400 .. oofU.'BON'US·.: ~lmr!~ 50-2754 FREE cats. need loving m .2216 '$300 000 Bicycles 9225 "'e have a gOIX. stock or :~e·.v 544-34.17 'istorued new siiinet organ o rncE Desk-Black metal home. 2 ffiale.!l •.si:nok:Y iteY CHGIUAHlJAS, male, Cham-HOBIE CATS BOY'S Stingray $18; 3 spd. 1970 Gl\1C Ca.mper trucks. MIND BLOWER! wi th automatie rhythm, wlv.·alnut top & 1,ft-hand &. long.rrey & white. 2 lern. picn stock. show qualicy. ALL COLOR.$ I boy·s S25: 10 spd $45. l\11sc. Buy now, beat the price 1¥1etal llake Dune Bum THIS WEEK ONLY •. t99S return Call btv."D 8am & • mull1roJottd & all bl.ack. Fawn w/green eyes. Short· btm. 334 Del l\1ar, 0.1. raiR. Also Camper combin. ?-lake cffer 838-3757 Open Sundays 12-5 5pm, i\1on--Fri. 61~. 7852 Aldrich 84;~ :~ ~= r.tu~a.pri~~'. Pric~R.:!, D$~~~~1nter RECREATION 642-tm atioru and tl!ed trucks. Dai!y til 6 -·Fril til 9 LE~VING State, must sell ; t.ayEL.Y )'OUfli em e with papers & no strings. 1 Racing &tarts soon! M I 9300 UNIVERSITY COAST MUSIC patio furn., TVs. appliances. It white cat "'.111e if"!.t~ is one year, l is S mos .. Stud CAP'N ED·S otorcyc es ~!~~:~ It* HA:~ ~~ldm~~~ 9St;;,s:· f:.es~;g; a friendly f18tJ'~l ~:o:,';':,.-· ""$E"'0:v=1~=~ E"'. ~"'P"UP=sc-, "'u"' 12200 W( Cst. Hwy. NB 54[2244 CENTER OLDSMOBILE ALLEN ORGANS Delightful hard firewood NEED ~ Mme 'lor wb, also l~ yr/fem. Gd. PARTNER wanted, 1/3 int. ~ The mu1ir.ian's choice fer 2 cords at S25 each ~pherd . ~IX. ~e. sweet for show &. breeding. All in sharp COLUMBIA 2'J home. school, church, ~· __ _;•:_:St;:3-'1c.::2!'c.7_e""'.,.,..~ ~~~.1 ~SJ 1ncd 10~ liJ~k guJU:_aJll~. Terms SAILBOAT. Aux 30 HP. sips SPACE RE NT AL S HONDA elusively in So. Calif. at USED bikes, reconditkiried, 1,,:.::,,,:~""';.o...="~-~ ivail. 642-50G5. 6, galley, encl hd. xtras. 1/3 FROM $81 .50 511 GOULD 'IUSIC CO "UPPIE:S:. u . Dachshand; 3 '""'=~~~~-~~'' IN ADULT PARK •• • all kind · 3. 5, 10 speeds ,.. 7a RARE Blue Dobie, male, 2 lnt·$4000 valu. make ofr. s · 19U blk·3 ..w,,, · M"'" h"' -PETS ALLOWED-''FRIEDLANDER" ;,.,,. N1nc~taln SA 642-9867 wht I markinp, 2 males I 4 yr,,lrained. Preler oouple or 646-6300, 673-7211 ~ o. ,. . . . • EARN free tcys, Have a family. 20051 Cypress, rear, 17' V ENTURE : Xlnt MODELS ON * 547.{1681 * Baum Toy party. fem. ~ wkll, 83!}-,329'1. 10126 S.S. Hghts. fiberglass, Sip 4, r.taritll! B•ldwin Bev Dugan * 531·7:>93 8 KFJ"l'ENS' varying· in aa:e MALTESE a1· .... AKC PIANOS & ORGANS -p---~•-n~~C~arp--e-ts-t from 2 montbl•to .7 months pie's. maleq~ r~'~ale. ~: ~i~'. ;~u.-c, Npt slip. New & UM!d ~ &r art pure white a.nd 1 S150. Early Christmas for WARD'S BALDWIN STIJDIO + 545-S002 * black. 548-6671 , . 10/24 one you Jove. 714: ~2m6 * S.5 METER Col. In NPT 1819 Newport, c.~1:. 642.s484 --IJ~G~H~T_;,..M~!N"'IK"""'ST=oLE=-l'1""B"LK"'""""•""•"'·hl".~""·"1"::,,-,,.,c:.::o ... ~. GOLDEN slip, at 655 Lido Park OPEN' SUNDAY $151:1 2 gray kitten! .,.,,/orana:e Dr. Ov.·ner in Apt No. 27. RETRIEVERS S3500. Terms: 673-0766 • * AFTERNOONS + 642-5.173 .. and a:rttn eyes. 336-4493. AKC • * n 4/SJ2..6588 . DISPLAY -EXAMPLE- 8RAN0 NEW DOUBLE WIDES BALDWIN Orp-Sonic crgan l'REM="o"o"ELIN,,,;,;;,G""'SALE""'"'--54&-0813 10/26 -~=~=~==-PACIFIC Calamaran no. 368 ' w/bench; like new; S5iS. CcQch, cbait. cclfee table & BE A UT IF' U L . German * SCHNAUZER PUPS * \\•l trir, fully equ ipped . Call: 847-3444. e...i tables. lamps, drapes, Shepherd female. 13 mo, ~a~,e~!t .,s~tu95d Hatkan blocks, trapeie & Tola! Electnc ·~ .01..J .>Jlru..o rover. Phone 673-3872 SPINET Piano with bench, <."W"taim, plastic Dowers, Good w/children. To good !Gas Available) Superb condition, keys attilicial Christmas tree • hol)"le. 5.11-1010 10124 POODLE AKC. To~ Apricot, 24' GLADIATOR SLOOP, 2 br., 1 ba!h, eompl , with perfect $325. 962-5101 ~ water tank, small ~p-ONE short haired Persian, male.l month• .. Sholl & Lapworth design, f b g 1 s . carpet, drapes & appliances. 1JI'• a•,t,ett fMWY. IJI • S.17-6S24 • 893-7566 NEW-USED-SE RV • 61 A1ETRO Camper Van Chev V8 Xl.111 rond. \Yill !Ake part trade $SJ O. StS--0"6 Imported Autos -AUSTIN HEALEY '68 Austin America Sedan. Automaric. Excellent oondition. lXlX 416) Priced .. ""· $895 Sales, Service, P~ lmm~iate I>ellVtq. All Model&: J1rtu po r! 11111por1 ~, I phances . Weite~n light lix-while female: 3 )TS. two Wqrmed. ~. 642~7 Race/cruise. Comp!. equip Lg. awntngs, both sides & 1960 FORD F-100 Pick·UP Television 1205 tun, spttads, miscellaneous :.!lhnrt haired Peni11ns -l AKC Dol».rmen Pups .list avail. S48-4563 full 1ldrling-Ta.x & '70 Honda 450 wlhand·buill camper she_!!. Color odds I: end .. 6· Call 64~ grey, I-tiger females - 6 6 wks, $80. 540o8638 aft 5 SABOT sailing & rowtng licemie-Con1plc!ely set.up New eng, elutch, etc. $650. ~~:~w, Cout Hwy.,~7M I, 17" Portable TV $2S; '. TV, RCA, 21" $100. after 4 &: v.eekends mos. 545-491.0 lO/U dinghies mu&t &ell comp , $9999 Low, low 1nile5, Like new. Dave 833-367;). l\IAGNIFJCENT N . PUG Puppies AKC, 10 wks. &tock "'holesale pr ic es . dlr. Comiilete "'ith camping 1964 FORD pick·UP Xlnt '62 AUS'I'IN Healey Mark Il approx 9.xlJ', av$~51;ff: FREE~ rood homes: 1 or· Fav.•n. blk tnuk. $65 ea. 64a..1567 trailer. •008'142. \Viii tak'c condition. Call 1tfler 6. 3000. Restored. Must aell. Displayed 1.t Hi.att's Indian Ange t1pr. klllen._ 1 brown {2131 430-0176 HOBIE CAT l4. 9 Mo's old. SEE-THE FABULOUS lrade or 1in11nce privAte pat. + S4~7 * \Vill &ac. Make cfr. 639-6989 .. 548-6j29 * " . 'i 'NE '=w-,-.-.. -R7C7A~P=o-,-, -,Co~I., TV. won as priU' -sell& new $300, asking $2511. 963-~ Crafts, 31808 Camino speckl~kitten.Willpa.ytor SILKY Tenier .Pupa: AKC, Xlnt cond. H ave 30X55 CORNELL n·.CallM64052or494·68lt. 19=;{""""FO°"'RO"":;P;;i:C,ck""·u"p-.-s"ti"''o'°k l;;;e"'·5<i7C-Ac:,::,:ctincHuo::,:c1,::y-c3000;;;;;;,-,lo;::;w Capistrano, San Juan neutering"-•hots: 4934567 s hot• Champ I sired. moved-Must sell S9 50 AND !\!ANY OTHER ~ ·-i;hfh, reblt 390 enr. 'Good mileage, one owner. Capisb'ano, TI4 /493-4425. aft. 5:tXI PM. l0/26 Te~! 846-.5347. 644-6433 or nite 830-5092. J\10DELS INCLUDING ttres. $290. 646-G838 ** .. 499-2623 *** ~ FOR &ale, pri. pty, 'metal TO EOod ·homes ".' 3 beautiful • SKYE Terrier male, 1~ I ·.--,V~E=N~'nl=R=E=.=,,-, ~T~,-,;~1,-r SINGLE·\VIDES '64 FORD Window Van-Stick 1955 w/new eng. good body: desk, ·e&Iculator, ccpy 7 month .. old kittens._ Good yean old, AKC. J\1erc 3.9, (;alley, fresh -FINANCING AVAIL.A.BL~ shill, 6 cyt, many extras. also 1956 for span parts. machine, office Chai.ts &: set personalities. 646-;,64 5 · $50. 645-0518 water & lights. r.1any Xtras Xlnl cond . Trade. 64&-2698 Both S67S 496-{)223. '. Camtr•' & t Equipment 1300 of pipe dies & cutter. 10/24 1 ·.~~LO~V~AB=LE~-,~.~m-al~•"°"P""•k~. Xlnt cond. $2195.·962-2136 14851 JEFFREY RD ., .......,. IRVINE '62 STUDEBAKER P.U. 557-o.i...,. GENTLE l YI' old cat lngese pups $15. SHOCK 22· sloop, sips 4. Needs Work • r.1a1<e OUer BMW ASSORTED Cameras & equip. 8mm &: 35mm. editor, etc. Reasonable. 548-6951. .. HAS SE LBLAO lens, 250mm aonnar BLUE Chip it.amps er S fer declav.'ed &: shots to klni3 ,,.-=="'96Ul85==1,,...,..,,..,..,,.,.1 toilet. sink. &low. main, jib 1~ ~II. SO, OF * 545-4314 afl 6 * info of lady seller/buyer Of heme only. 548-45.1l 10/2.4 • SPRINGERS PAN J EL genoa, slip Incl. 543-1127 SANTA ANA FR\\'Y, 3-RAIL motorcycle tr!r $1!5. -.-;:=--co-=-..,..,-I '61 BMW 1600 very old box camera at CM FREE Jong haired kluens PUPS AKC. Champion Line. LIJXI 14 No. 285. xlnt. '.\!any CALL COLLECT '68 Honda 305. like ne\\'. Utility Truck Box Al\t/FJ\t, radial&, 13.000 miles. sale 962-5278. Dax trained, B v.·kl old. --,-,*"'*"°";{=~,.,1555_-,...,*"'*-~· 1 xtras. S77.). Afttr 6 pm. 714-132·1Sl5 Sl!KI. '69 Yamaha 250 $75. 1'11 S.8959 Fine car ~ <XHD-942) e BLT-IN O/W, Gd. oond. 642-5536 /1024 LAB. Retrjev'r Pups • 642-1214 * Triple Wide Cornell Enduro. aloo like new S49j. • 1969 Ford camper spe cial, $1795 Lt 8-70TI ' Sporting Goods l500 $50 DUNCAN PHYFE Oin'g LARGE German Shepherd >.KC Rqia. -champ Ii~ Zl ' tSLANDER sloop.Sip$ 4. HillCl'C':st e flamingo Pv! pty must St'll 673-7436. %. ton. Big eng. , COLLECTION Huntmg &: Rm1Table. W/2 Leaves. 'miXed. tree to a iood home. Xmas joy. 644--0505 O/B. SlS. loaded! >.1nt Paramount • Universal HONDA 3j() SL Honda. 350 1-====-===== UUtO sport ltd obsolete military rille:s for Sl5. S4f>..764j. 492-7344 10/26 LABRADOR, 14 weeks , rond. $2950/o ller. 645--0222 mfrrington • Broadmoor 1cr 1, candy red paint,!• , sa.Je Sal 214 \\'. Wilson, oU COLLIE & Ge She h rd bl ck ma1 A C •= Continental • Star Dunlop trials {tiresl 1800 Jeeps 9510 932:; Garden Grove Blvd. • AKAJ Tape Deck : nnan Pe a • e, K · ..,.,, 40' f'/GJ Oif'SE'I Aux. General • Htllcrest ' XI nc1 T 1·7· . Co So. F'airview, Cl\f. SANStil No. '.?ODD; 2 lJU}>l!. free to rood horne. * 531-2124 * · PRICED RIGHT ~ mi s. _ _. nt co · ry J "· '61 SCOUT 4\\'HEEL DRIVE 537.7m Call llecl SURFBOARD 6'10" Rick Speakers. 17 Tapes. uud 615-0643 10/24 • DACHSHUNDS. Reg AKC, Pacifjc Yacht 673-1570 CHAPMAN &14-2:ki6 eves Split rims . commercial tires, Authorized Dir. , roundtail. very good con-2fmo's. $8.50. 548-2162 FREE, well beha~. beauJ. Champ line. Beau 11 f u 1. MOBILE HOMES BLA~K CYCLE JACKETS: calll)py cover. radio, locking Sales e Service e Part• 1 •dition. 545-0623. CARPET layers. have shag box trained kltten1 M/F 646-4844. Eves: 540-8902 Power Crul$ers ~020 1233~ ~~:~~~· .G.G. ·~~1·50 1961 Harbor Blvd, hubs, exCi!lle nt conditicn. All ?.1ode ls to Choose From ,_SURFBOARD 6.9.. Surf· crpta deal direct, <'X:p in· 84&-5065 10127 ' ' · {GVU770) SeTVice l.fonday 'till 7:00 PM AKC reg. Mlni German 28' OONZl, cuslm made. 2 CONTE'.\1P0· **548--03J3* * ' Sat 'till Noon ' , ,Cralt Good cond. atall. can Iin. ~8327. COCKER.doxie 'lTlixed pup. Schnauzers. 4 males. 2 S7.9 f65 5-15-7987 827-3T4G pies, 7 wks. old, adorable, 1 femalea, 6 wks old. 646-8124 yrs old, .Just completely LAG UNA HILLS LIKE Ne\1'. '69 Hodaka Ace 2828 Harbor Blvd . COAST IMPORTS t Wa.nted: CONCAVE USED carpet & pad. 68 male 1 female. 962-964510'27 overhauled. 1 of ll kind boat . 23301 RIDGE ROUTE. OR. 100 $300 F'irm. Bo!h street & CONNELL CHEVROLET AKC ttg champ 11,ired long-galley, head, sips 4, great LAGUNA llJLLS dlrt equipped, 609~ Iris 2828 Harbor Bl\'d, Of Orange County Inc. · '1ATER SKI-O'BRIEN, elc. yards. Good. Lite beige FREE puppies·Shorthai~. ha ired Doxies. Xlnt temper. fisWng boat. Speeds ove.r :io Presli,i:?r adult community. Cd~t aft 6 P'.\I. Costa Mesa 546-t203 1200 W. Pacific Coast Hwy • .. C'HEAP! 646-7643 + nylon pile. S 1 · S 0 I Yd · good natw'ed. 5 <I 8-3 7 So·. $75:. 832-6986 or 830-3400 200 mi range. Ex(W!n51ve I Beautiful surroundlngs. all &12-0406 • 546-4529 f'lEAR new U·puie shotgun, 2962~~F'ER d 10122. • and iore11:oos $6000 to flniur I JuJ<i ury 11ppo1ntrnt>n!s, put· '6~~~~~P~u:~g~;~~t 1:68pdsco:1y8.J·~hl d:e, •69 BMW 1600 ; tpump. re u c I n.g BEAtrrlFUL loni:halred kit· HorMI U30 cing. \\'ill consider trade. ting green. hobby shop, FER .. S4&-32Gt -& , :i a es s. Radio, heater, radial tires. I !>49-3005 tables. Vibrating reducin&: 1e116 would love.: cood home.1 --5-H-~--G-E_L_D_IN_G__ 673-5022 much n10re. Xtra clean. 64&6433 A ~.utiful C" .. 1,96251 • 1'1•5 .. = SURFBOARD Like belt. While table lamp, 499-1024'after ~ • 10127 wn ========= CALL 830-3900 • '70 Suzuki 125 • "" .... . 1 •new, $65. ' almost new wip. 642-7299. pnC"T"l'V 9 mo·. old female AQHA Rtrislered 4 yr old Speed-Ski Boats 9030 "8-,-,-51-0~E~V~ill",.-,-,-•. ~,.-,-2 fo.'ear new. Anxious to sell, lecre1t'n Vehlcf" 9515 $2395 2 ANTl"UE blll'c n.£o • • " efldl.n&'·· Over 6 mo, prof. •m":'~""'.!='"~"':"~·~675~;.ro6~~1~~-1·-v;<,:r;;L;-~Rij·-td *~l?40* ~'lark rv ~ air~e~~7t: Border C.C}lie e:d. with tra.in1ng, Stf>wn at halter & 19' CALIF'ORNIAN, bay/ski/ ~~·9~ ~· ln;med. ~~: ~ BULTACO 250 c=. Gd tor VISIT OUR BIG aUtO &port l ·SKIS.Head Master 210, $7:1. • · · children 96l-406'7 10/26 western pleas"-•. Ve""' clas. fur. boat J/O trlr mucho · · nt rms. RECREATION 2 sets of oan. 675-4192, 5101 ===~· ~"""'~-'--_,-, -'J · • • • 67a--096S street or dirt. Extras. $595. 9625 Gatden Gmve Bl vd. ' Nordic.a boots, lace, size 8, 38th St. N.B. ONOSUALLY marked sy. $12XtCall 540-5630 dal'& access, CB radio. See lo a~ ~"' "198 CENTER $20 842-3142 .nv-:1 • 5.17·7'177 Call Collect 1 • N.B. T•nru'a Oub _ .. K....... female. labby kittens nd1. or 633-3394 weekends or prec. Xl n1 con<:!. S~5. \Vant To Lh·~ In \VE ARE THE -·-COSTA MES 1970 YA~I AHA 250 Enduro bi FISOiER coin~p pnol rnem•·-tup . .,~ + ._K_ :.Special home. 54&.3!166 10/26 evenings.,.Afik for Dick, &12·1634, 8-5 lti·f'. 1577 !\Ion. A il XI nd SHOWCASE DEALER I bl "-1 'llOO L-.. ""•" ...,.,... .,..,..,. I N 1 Bch ' --al ·1 bl ' Lo m es, ·' nt 00 · FOR a "· '--new .., ~ fer ftt, 642-2413. 54Ml548 BLK French poo<lle and AQHA Rtglstered rov a, ewpnr · ...._... spaces avai a e l'IO\\'. s:l.50 646-6781 l offtr ever PIO. ~7585. A.1\tERICAN Standard 1 blcnde -Cocker Sp~ n I e I. tillie, 2 yrs. old. Jet black • 13' BOSTON \\'haler. 55 hp. lt you are serious about buy. JOj CHOPPER El Dorado Ca mper!', ; ft\lsf:ell•neous 8600 piece toilet, $49. Cost $3)(). 673-71&5 10/27 \Yell bred ., SI.re Gaupho perfect oond , 1 yr cld. $15tXI. :~ ~:eo~~lest?~me .•• No~"s Good oonditkln, rigid framt: !\:: ~~=· ~:::i~=~~ts .~ Call 6'73-9367. BEAUT. 10 \l•ks old orane:e. B1trJ:fdus111eU.·Alking $500, 67j..7'fl8 BAY HARBOR $495. l\11 6-8959 Q-JOOSE FROl\f . LA\\'AY bed SlO. 3 sttl. MDIBERSHIP. New pert &trip!d killen tr1,l(IOd hom,. ~~~!;..Ca.11 SfO..k nd5630 dayg or 1970 Tahiti Jet, 4;>5, 3 mo cld. MOBILE HOMES 1970 Yamaha 175. ~mber. SHELLS TO COMPLETELY , couch, 12' coat $'1000. cus!om Beach Tenn'-'Oub. 548--0813, 836-449.1 , 10121 o.w-.>.>"" \\'ee e s or even. SJ s::io W ~ I A k I o · k ' ' 1·12S Baker St, {at Harbor}' comp. t'Ell"11.i;e. S49;,, SELF·OONTAINED MODE~ • w sac. for S3S. N~a Mr. Rue. 5«-0988 ADORABLE wht pt.Siamese op. s or tc · =~'~""~-='°'=~'='"~'~'.,,c'm=~ 1 co~ta r.teSA. M().9470 Call 96~219 $210.00 to $9895.00 1 reuphclsteri~. Pol~ liunp LOVELY be;,,. carpetini Jree to qual. home. 5'8--0813, 8 YR purebred Arab 1t-lding, 1968 CHRYSLER 14', 35 hp .. 1970 HONDA 7S(l. 2 m(I old. Try Before You Buy \I/Ith our 1$10 .. "Breathina: .. naugahyde . ¥ .. e · 856-+193 10127 exp'd rider only, Sacrilkt Chrysler eng. ('Oven 1.· trlr, Ji \\'JOE ?llOBI LE HOME cha.in & h"-foob:tool ID room d1Vldtr $21'.l., drapes,'""===.,...,...,.,.----,1 ·~ Tack t'ncluded & CABA NA T.0.P. 539-9702, 12362 Morrie Rea.!l!'lnable: Rental Service ... y 09.ftisb cott,. 1b1 $30. TV 1itABBJT Hutch. larp """"' ' A·l cone!. Sac $730. 646--0647. Ln. GG. THEODORE 1 match $35. Thlephone table 673-3l11 Ne\VfXlrt Prnin, Area SlG. Sll11tt chaltrc dlah, $25. ~.etc. 646--6242 ~ """'""""--~---" 1 e 18' Sea Riiy, 1 yr old . l-0 Full pri'co $-S 19621~BSA Cho..,..r. ROBINS FORD 10/21 • Like new·Pony cut le 1~ HP M · Ski '" ·~ ·comp. $ll. 14tnpg U. Sew· PLAID davenpoti. like new; ti-~~~~--~--t buneaa. S1SO pl "" crcru1ser. s f8Hi0911 $'175 2060 Htrbor Blvd. ; ina: machine $35. Came:ra A Ga& frplc Joe: Child·s bed: PIANO, Ola,_ \ti iGOd co11-,,,..,...,,.~•~n.~:J19~corn~l~'-'".,...-l';'i;'nc=l.';'6'4-==;";68=;===::;: .. Dir, 545-82.42 * • 548-8056 * Colla l\tt'JSI 642.0010 a' ~'-'"~l'°""=::J35.""",.5'".J63<===--·I Auorled aarden tccls . t!ition. Ca.II '7S-488T •hi!!' .:: Wld C I * YAMAHA 100,. Di rt . MINI HOME ' STOP & SWAP ~?DI. 5. 1012'1 WELL trained ridirt; hone. /Mrlne Equip. 9035 Triple e ornel Flxed·up. l\1any uu.t. Kamp King Chau.ii Mc:1Ut1I ) ~ -SIS.6101 • 23" ADMIRAL T v . YOUNG Adult altered male $250, Dl:YS 7'1&-UOO er eves I ·7S--H-.P-.-EV!-'--N'-R-UO_E_0_/8 i°~~~:;1 : ~~~'::nt • 673-6787 * Fully self • cootalned with 2073 Newport Blvd., C.M. w/stand $40. 10'' GE cat.~~~~/~ I o."="'='=·=6'4--0219====== $400. Of!plh F ; n de r, rlamln:o e Gcnl'.ral. '69 SUZUKI 2SOcc Savage popout l"l"1tr bed, dual a.Ir (next to Tony'• Bldg Mat.) Pr1bl/TV UI. ll8 W. catl. · TRANSPORTATION Raytheon $275. 673-4370, 6.roAdmoor • Stat Enduro. Xlnt oond. l\fijit ccnd. Sun deck on ·n Chev. 1 Uled fl.Im; Slovn: Retrtc's; Stevens Ave. S.A.. 56-4965 ~tALL Adorable puppin; to Hillcrest • C&mbridp sell. SSSO. 646-'rn.l Van, power brakes, radio. • AUsc. HOLIDAY Health Spa eooct heme. 541-U:ZS 1~/2'7 Beets & Yachts 9000 Bo.tt Slip ~ooring 9036 CHAPMAN ·10 SUZUKI SOCC, Jiu cnly ht:•ler. BeautilUI blu._ & 1 "If We don't have Whit )'OtJ lot btnhi l $50 GOOD DoM bed mWcb you MOBILE HOMES 72mi'e:. Still on fact. warr. white. A ttal v.·lnner "•f'utt : want, "-e'IJ &el it for )'OU" em p, >"'· · · ~ ' 11' BOSTON Whaler 100 I 6 40' SUP. pvt ttsldence. $200, \Vkdys aft 6. S43--9857. sell th~ v.·ttk. Stock 782. M?oi movie projecklr sa>. I g7J..ti672 or 6.f6..l70ll :i~.P· aa.ndbo.x ~= hp. Xtn tanks, halt .ta.nk. choice harbor loc. Ston11p ~ ~~a;-::;;; ~A. Strlt1 6259. mm Bell &: HO\l.'l!U movie SKIS. pole1. boots. Mens & s deck. n il, cover, trlr, elec· er limited •ttess cnl)o, StOO i ;,;;;,;;;;;;;~~~,;;;,;;;;;; '70 HONDA TRAIL 90 $7995 "'""'" $10. Gei...r coon''"r .... 'Omens. Jnc:ls 2 pr head 10/22 b"Ol\IC equip, $%)00. 64~8. per mo, 6T>-8399 Lo mi. s~. 962.996(1 UNIVERSITY ~· ~ WXW'1 w m-in.u YOUNG 11"' od LIMITED $3.5. MW] boat SlS tinn. I ' ' . C9 (.'9f optNtt • 44' lfOUSEBOAT x In .. DOCK SPiit"! for 20'.3(1' .. u. I • '69 BSA 600cc 531.•7'294 • DUPO~'T 501 (iold Oft, Uberty l-J92'7 10124 Uva aboard. Sl!p A~ll. 32'..fO' Po.,.,'tr, Nr Archtt. Sp•CtS & Mode$ Xlnt rond. Sacrifice: S9'5C! rr·s WONDERFUL 1 h• ca,,,eune: •• tlne condltiOn, $2 ASSORTED rabbitt, very * 542434 * 642-4644 l11ft ln cool Cosl.{t t.ltaa' de-962-9551 . : JM1t1 bQ:rl ta appliances >'I'd lncld'a .,.ct. 642-.$83 lo\1llble:, 84.7~ 10/21'1 '70 18' PWR boat. 120 HP. I ·•"'wr='=""-•7oc~k~f~or-,-.~.,~2!=· ~;r~rcenlelf i'l'lob\Je J<lo111e '1~9-=,o~y7,-m-•7h-, ~,,.,~~i,;r,,,~,-,..-t ~ .Yoll tied tn 'the 0...Ukd **UNIQUE SALEtt TRADER'I PAJlADISE 6 I/0, O?otC drive eng. trbgls., motor boat on ch11n~t. 1750 \\'llntft>:r A\~, 6(2.JJ:.,Q Lo miles. Xln1 Cond. 2&Jo H._l'bor Blvd. .Mt. a...t.: thl!'ra now! • • ·oo for Info: 6TM9M tlnes.S timee.5 bucks S28M, dock avail. 642-8016. 67J.2fi62 aft 6 pin ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ~WO~':_· ____ _!~~~Ill Cost• l'tte.a S46.6'1.il OLDS ' DATSUN '68 Datsun Wagan Low mileage, 11.u1omatic. Red v.·ith bl11.ck intcrklr, Excel· lr.nl cond ition. Priced «> aiell. (\\'AH 191, $1395 -rf·1-.. "Le<idu In The Beach Citiea" ZIMMERMAN ), 2845 HARBOR BLVD. ~ID I • '69 DATSUN 200'.I ROADSTER. ~ .. .. &12-l'i79 * * NEED •tr.I.Pt took tor 1t, In lhfl Servi.ct Oireetorf claul&.tlol\3. I .!I I . I ' . .. • -- -. ' ' TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TUNSPORTATION . TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TllANSl'ORTATION ·Sa-. °' ....... 24, 1'70 TllANSl'ORTATI~ A ~lm!!!poo~rt~od!_Avt.s~!.!__!!-~ [ Imported Autos -_lm~~--------i-'-""""~-rt_od_Aulol _____ ;..;lm;;:portod=.;;;:.;.:-=;___;-=i ;l;.:m:i:~=:::..:-=· ;;:......:.-~l.;;.lm;;.:poo=rlM:;;' ;..""'°'=.;.;;...__;-=I Imported Autos - DATSUN FIAT MGI PORSCHE TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN . VOLKSWAGIN VOLKSWAGEN· DOT DATSUN OPEN DAILY AND~ SUNDAYS JllDS Beach Blvd. Huntizlcton Beach au.rm or ~o.t!4G '70DATSUN t Do0r Sedan, used (603AVA) dlr. WW 'take trade or tin. &nee private party. Ca 11 -~ or 494-6811, '67 Datsun ·WClfJOn Automatic. IUDE 591) Sacri- fice! Will take trade Of' fin- ance _private party. Call ~ort9U&ll. '66 DATSUN PICKUP '67 SPYDER Super Sharp; •-~-~dlr. ITQC 558) WW take. car in trade or finance private par. ty. 546-4052 or t9C-6811, JAGUAR '64 MOB '64 PORSCHE RG.d.io., bMwr, white walls, 356 SC COUPE new p&lnt Bahama yellow, mechanically perfecL (gl4. Balboe. blue, chrome wbttlt. AOX) nd1al tires, COl'ICOUf'llt con. $) 295 dllloo, !Jo. XOC991 $3099 auto &port ltd CHICK IVERSON vw JAGUAR· 9625 Gardon Grove Blvd. 537-7177 Call Collect """3031 ~ -.., HEAD"'UARTERS ~~ ~·--or Y 1967 MGB GT. 29,<0> mi. 1910 HARBOR BLVD. TM only authorized JAGUAR. Good condition • 1 Owner COSTA MESI. dealer 111 the entin Harbor $1fi00. 495-SMS '6(1 PORSCHE Cabrlolet. 1600 Ano. Com-l==='======I super, wlth bard top. New SALES MORRIS engine, oow clukh, new SERVICE tirel, MW paint, AM/FM, 1--------13ust llk9 new, can be seen PARTS '59 MORRIS Woody + •59 at 21'.m Harbor Blvd., or BBUIAUER Hillman for sale. $300. for phone MS-~. 99Jrl. _tQ 6Pin CK both. 64>-WS. PORSCHE 912 i., m, c, IN l========I records AM/FM KonJs, .COSTA MESA OPEL chrome. rinu Burrl ex. Radio, heater, dlr, 4 speed. 234 E. l'lth Stnet -prv. party. S51--'19XI. (TYJ320) Will tW car in SU.'l765 '66 PORSCHE 912 trade or finance private ,66 JAG XKE COUPE: Im-'66 OPEL RALLEY 5-gpd, chnn whls, AM/FM. party. 546-4002 or 494-6811. mac. in eveey "'"'Y! $2995, S~ial racing striPe, radial $3200, 673--2266 art 6. • '67 DATSUN wagon. auto or make ofr: Must sell! tin:s. rad\G, heater, all far • '68 Porscbe 912 • t.nµls, 24,000 ml, cood tires &16-11&5, 53()..fil97, • )'OU. tXVD-Zlll Good cond, $4.100. $1150. 646--06l7. ======== $1095 * 644-261<) * e ·6' DATSUN Pick-Up. Like KARMANN GHIA ltd new Reblt on •• r&h,. '"'· auto sport RENAULT '67 TOYOTA DEWX Factory air· condltlonlrw, ra- dk>, bMler, 4-doo'r. CUDN. "1) '6a ·vw-''4 -vW IUG --.. 'ff VW IUS N'n pain{, ni:Uo, beafltr. 4-with. '83 rebuilt Ill&. Makt opeed,A ... owner-: ·~~ (PEWIOl . --and body.-$1600 Sedan . $B.95 ~ 'e6 vw ...,..,. -·· ... t t l d 673--7l82 N.B. $1095 au o apor t · .,,. vw llUi. iiliH. 1N.cte#4 ~ Rad$11~5. (W9AKD200. l "37~ ~n G~ ~ T Pas~* ~ ~ $2396. 2100 -Blvd. 645-0466 '65 vw. Sed•n • "'0 · IF YOU have $&00, You. will ~ BIIL MAXEY ' buy thla ..,., Now PAlnt, Call -or 613-3<97 H b V W ttru. ·clutch. reblt ena. Aft !T!OMOITfAJ ~!EA~Ue~. ~ ·~ :941..:..,. .. ,. th!• -v~Lvov~~:!ANcE1 1•1 BIACH BLVD. RUNTINGTON BEAQt aparklei, rtd with apotlea IMMEDIAT.E --,~y Hum. .... 141-1551 -wblte inttnor, B.OOO mile on "70-STATION WAGONS l•H.eto..tJtwy,mlklt VW Lf:SING =!t eaz:J1 ~1 ~~ '.7D-SEDANS-24:4Doon '70 TOYOTA'S CHICK IVERSON s1199 IJc YWF "'· auck :::,': ~'!:.>"s In stock. Immediate .pvery, VW Ivenon Inc., +ti E. Coast UTD HARBOR BLVD. Hwy.. N.B. f7J-090D t~ 53 11 ta COSTA ME.SA or M. •1'•-. '62 VW lug ~ Selection lnltln ""''°· hpeed, excen.nt""'" Of VW Campen~ L .. ..,. Buch di-""· <BWM1181) wm . Vans, l<ambls, 19'1 Harbor,. C.M, ......,..,., 900 Se. Cot. Hlthway ~ ';; =J• .....,,. ·-· New & Used U'V1.i"Ll'U 494-7503 * _,,00 . '"'"""°"t. Delivery . . . . '"'"" '66 VW ~HICK~R$0N . ~ '.Y'!YO' TRIUMPH 673,3244 '63 vw GHIA 9625 Gard G Bl d en rove v . '67 RENAULT R-10. 4 door, 'll6 TRIUMPH Spl~lre, • •·'61 DATSUN WAGON e Convertible. -0 --nt e.:..i .. _ 537 7777 Call Collect t ti --· · net.~ ......... -a II 011\8 c U&IP>lllWIOn, &peed, radio and heater, Sedan 549-3031. Ext. fll or llT . J.9'70 HARBOR BLVD. ' . COSTA ME.U "FRIEDLANDER" ll.lll y 1'1\.111' Aul .. W-f1'6 WK PAY TPP ·: CASH " { ·--..... -,.i eail u. -----.. ' G.R01H CllEYIOlIT j A* tor ......... ~: l82l1 11oocb Blvd. , I H ......... lloocb I "'--: Ill~ • Auto Loo1I'! tlJ!I LIASE I A NEW 1171 PINTO . $50.00 -(38 mo.). R•NT A NEW 1971 PINTO $4 DAY AND 4¢ ~Ill PUT A urnz IOCK JN YOUR LIFE! THEoOORE ROBINS l'OllD 2l60 JL\RBOR BL\rD-. COSTA MESA 64>-0010 . " ' :' FERRARI A-1 COND * $850 overhaul, hard to find mo-16B Opel radio and heater, YCR 442, removable hard -lJc. 642-5521or673-MSO dr.1. Radio, heater, 4 i;peed, $595.00. JIM SLEMONS Ir.t-TFA 3M, $99.S.00':" JIM etc. $l0'9 Chrome wheela, new titt1 & PORTS, 120 W. WARNER, SI.EMONS IMPORTS. UO 1mt a•Aat CHWY •• , 89.1-7566 • 537-8824 '"' VW red bur: x!nt mech. NE..u;USl!ft •ERV. WE BUY Rld!o. <RUFOSI) oom.; or!(. i>wner $850 or "' ~ . FERRARI Newport Imports Ltd. Or- ange County's only author- i:r:ed dealer. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS paint • Metallic blue, Jow SANTA ANA \V. WARNER, SANTA ANA CHICK IVERSON mileage, QCBPXlS) Will take '68 RENAULT R-10 Radio '"'59""'Tllr3."""--=~~-~ trad• or ~...,.. pri-.,. par. and healer. vzv ni $199.00. body ~ et, ~ VW ty. 546-4052 or 494-6811 Jir.t SLEMONS IMPORTS, 494-1284 &ft 5. ·, $1045 belt.otter, 516-6915. .............. . CARS '68 VW Fastback, auto. tu.I , .......... _,.,_.__ • . injecllon, RJH . Xlnl cond. . 58 VOCVO, llabuUt 61 .,... -~ 549-30.11 Ext. 66 or 61 '70 OPEL GT, 4-1pd, R/H, 120 \V, WARNER, SANTA --;;;;=-::==-..,.-- 1970 HARBOR BLVD. Big eng, asking $2900, Pvt ANA ~~ r:.':I'r $1950. 54M108 Rw>o ..... ~ 2100 Harbor Blvd, Harbo.ur V.W. L962vwe.;.,,....N ... 1nt 1966 vocvo lSlOS ... mi ·10 couGAA,,. .ru· .. · 3100 W. Cout Hwy, Newport Beach COSTA~ pty. 54G-l097 or 64&-3333 '~68~---=n.~10~. -.~ ... -.~R~-~H-, --~I SJ6.729C a.ft S pr,f l=========:J::::=======I cond., below "'holesale, 35 18111 BEACH BL. MZ-4435 n@W tttts, SO h.p. enifhe Blpnkt AM/ntisw, toi ~~ ~ :~etPm!"-· HUNTINGTON BEACH S48-40tO llle1. Xlnt cond. 83.1-9003 wkflds: 67S,.7980, MERCEDES BENZ PORSCHE .,;, g.i 847-ms • 64UM05 541).1764 WANTED '56 T-Bird. All p~T, auto. IUICK VOLKSWAGEN '66 VW BUG Antiques, Cla11lc1 9615 Authori7.ed Ferrari DeaJer '67 .. 330 GT 2 .+-2. air, elec windows. ?.twt &ell! Priv. prty. n,_.. ~ oc n4: 836-<070 • '68 RENAULT R-10, 4 speed, --------1 radio and heater. \VPZ 823. '63 PORSCHE $899.00. JIM SLEMONS JM. ------- ru pay top dolla-for roar CompeUHon oranae w i t h VOLKSWAGF;N today, Call black Interior, UOlll44 '62 vw and uk (or Ron Plnchol $1 099 Portholes, Cont'! kit, 2 tops. --------=--! A<ldng St!OO. 646-0389. e BUICK ,_, RIVIE COUPE PORTS, 120 W. WARNER, SANTA ANA 51~3031 Ext ....,_ 673-0900. CHICK IVl!RSON -Hardtop, gleaming rnelaJlic RENAULT R 10. 1967, auto, '68 VW Bug AuWUck R&H. • vw RAT. ' ·'""'r, wlth brend new I~ rad, low ml Good rond, I Conver11·b1e • ,, belts: Unde=al. Ex. ti:rlor, chrome wheela, ta· OY.'i'M'.'r, :rea1 495-5796 eves. o:>nd, 548-6918 aft 3 pm. 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 ~ ~~~AM/FM radio, '67 RENAULT R-10. 4 ~r. 4 '69 vw. red • .Al\ffFM, Chrm. 1970~0~~vo. Race Cars, Roda ·9620 '41 OlEV Pickup '52 Cad, Jsky cam, B &: ?.t' HTD. No mileage. 572-B Plummer, CM "THINK" · 5.,;.99 f.ipeed, radio and heater, Radio, (SKUSgJ.)'. whls, super clean. $1550.,,,,,_,,,,,.,.,..,..... __ ,__,_ ~ VEX 550. $799.00 JIM 61~ eves. '64 VW-Goocf cond, neW 68 MUSTANG blt Je2 Art DmBI =========I CHICK IVERSON SLEMONS IMPORTS, 120 $475 .69 VW pop top -camper. clulch,OeenS795. . Carr""" Cakewoodo_. FI I /A T • 1• W. WARNER. SANTA ANA Good coniL %1,000 mi'a. 6f.t.1425 after g pm IA\IQI, iusp. 4ll . pos1, MG VW 1967 RENAl\!<T R·IO, xlnl Sl8JO. 646-41.ll '.68 VW map, ocoop, headers. Be" 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 61 cond. $750. H b v w - -Olf•r.-545-3681 NEW 1:14 cpe. DEMO ___ mo llAltBOR ecVD. * '4().2006 * ar opr _. • NEW vw BUG AUTO MAnc "::!' ~ COSTA MESA e I962 Renaull. 1<&11, Good I8711 BEACH BC., W-4435 $55.89 pr month Bl4ck with blaci< lntertor, Autet Wa- •-lall A~ & THINI '67 PORSCHE 912, MINT transportation. . HUNTINGTON BEACH . • economy special, will fln-LATE MODEL llllUIMUWLl'I · "M6'' cond. 46,000 m_i. Lemon $175. 494-n76 aft s $147.71 down Includes ance' private party. Lie. CADILLACS 117H HACH la.VD. yellow, new radial, $4,100.1'========= '64 VW Bus. Enrtne !"@built tax & Lie. Opon l!nd XEU-224, WANTED <Hwy. Jtl sn 644-02!11. SAAB end guarantee. Clutch $1499 & ANY 011!ER -=• • ·~ ~· ---'--Ion. Tire• In ex-'68 VW Duo. Bhte" finwh with 0 """'""" .....,,_..,. e '63 P.ORSCHEi-reblt trtg., ... ....,.,..,....,. h.i in rl A LATE MODEL NEW·USEO..SERV. ll'fRIEDLANDER"· AM/F!-.f,_ ntw tires, ski Authorized Dea1er cellent shape. Sptelal al ':' le te .or. irco~iUon. CHICK IVERSON GENERAL MOTORS CAR ... , $1199. See 83130. c h I c k mg. Heavy duty re~ t1m1~ a .___ - -~ rack. $2350. ~....., · Sales e Service e Parts I·--Inc .. 4,0 E. ~-'°it1 !"@ally zood buy $2599. Lie. YW SEE CHUCK TRAPP OR - ------IJ1st IEACM IMWY. "1 '6' PO·-·~ •r M.o."'y Sonet Coupos in Stock •'-'•-....• ..., -.ua 146 BE' Chl·" I BILL ?.tAC CR.ACKEN 893-7566 • 537-6824 ~ -~ Hwy., N.B. 673--0900 Ext. 53 !'· . \;a verson 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 NEW USED-SE RV XTRAS! .Bargain. $2751). Orange County's Newest Dlr. or 54 Jnc., 4.1., E . Coast H,vy,, 1970 HARBOR BLVD Naben •Cadillac ~ · ••892-1840 **' COAST IMPORTS · N.e. m.<l900 Ext 53""·"' ·oos-rA MESA · 2t100 HARBOR Bl.VD, ________. '67 PORSCHE '65 VW ':.,:VS700 SUNROOF, XID't '1ll vw POP-roP Camper eo.ia-. ' MG 91 Z COUPE UC:,'~~~~~":,.., IUG in.ans 6,000 mt Side lent A ndlo, 511).9100 Open Swxla> I ---•pof't ltd Sal.,, Servloe, Parto Hard top, 5 ,pd lranl., am/ 842-• 546-<"9 Amerlcan map. wide ttNS, 1----..,..-,---1 $3350. 837..,.. !)yo _,.,.,., WE PAY CASH 1 Alitborlzed SaJes e Seryice Immediate Delivery, fin, Beautiful tan color. I======== custom metallic p&1nt w"h '66 vw •-"°-"'-'·-==--~ · DEMO SALi! All Modcla beaulilul la<:o worlt. YPU. '61 VW CAR 1970 Fla< 124 Sports c.e. $3995 SIMCA OOL Bobbe<! wllh big -$500. FOR YOUR Radio, healer, ,..clat ex· BY OWNER Seve"" other CUltombed d 544-3417 ...... pin •!riping, radl'1 Day 673-1528, E,. 846-0885 '67 SIMCA vw"' choooe !rom Se ao ·-.~ ... =vw=s.,u~ ... ~ .. -,-.~. C~lc-.. -. CONNELL ..... ;ow mile1. CHICK IVERSON "'"' nd •795 CHEVROLET $2795 . '66 Porsche 912/4, Private 4-door. Nice little car! «i . ~ . 9700 FAql'ORY AIR CONDITIONING Full JIO"'er, vinyl top, atra bucket seats, chrotne a wheels! AM I FM stereo. power door k>cb, tilt I: acopic steering wheel. ~ ed w/extnas. CXDI.584} SALE $3111 PRICE °"""" eo.m,,.. ~ Selection ot Quallb' Ca Naliin CadlllciC 2600 HARBOR BLVD,. .,.. .. _ 540-9100 . Opeo SundQ 69 BUICK Electra 225. 4 df. Air cond. Deeert eo&d· pwr. Tilt •tr& Whl. ' stat. ~~ Pvt 'Ptf .......... e 1968 Riviera A 11&1 Sport Wap. Both dnn. maity opfioos. $3,000 ea. Pvt Pb', . 6"--557S &ft 6 pm '68 RIVIERA, foe air lo xtru. Xlnt cond. nnr bl -$3195. &C-H34, .. M-t . . . ' . '10 SPORT WAGON • new. pt/pb, air .... 54S-M1t OI' M&-Ol31 • 161 Rfriera. Exce1'iit ~ ctitio!J. Vlnyt top A ex~ $2i!IJ .. 541).<)'JOS. 9625 Garden Grove Blvd. 3100 W. Coast HW)'., ~.B, party, Clt'an & healthy. CVDL-049) VW Radio. (ZBW123) * ~7J08 * 2828 Harbar Blvd. ' 537-'.1'171 CaU CoUoct 64~9405 '4().1764 -$37!5 ........ ,. $595 5'~30.11 Ext. "' or ..,, .... vw 1300, Xfnl rond, $1000 Colla ..... *""" __ ._c_A_D_IL_IJ_A __ c_-'11 ,69 FIAT .851J SPIDER Cvrt 1967 l\1GB-GT yellow. Low '66--911:5 SPD. XLNT COND, lllllU---aa.a ltM .... .1 ... -11. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. $1135 oi otr. 548-2691, 107 -.-WE~P-A_Y_TO=P-DO=_=LLA~R~ • (•ti. -''4 c-, .. VII"' Xlnt cond. Lo mi R/H mileage. $1875.. Fine con-LO MI. REDUCED I~ ,~ 9 vw Htrhland, NB or 306'h Tris, FOR TOP USED CARS FACTORY Pirelli tires. $1595 By Pvf dition. 8.13--0449. * * Call 6<12-6204 * * 2100 llarbor Blvd. 645-0466 '6 Q:IM. If your ear ls txtra dean, Am CONDITIONING , Pty: \\"kdys 833-1611/Ext '52 J\lG-TD. Completely reblt '63 s, Xlnt cond, Extras, Nu Harbour v· w ·-.-.6=1-e=u-G~,-600-,~P-erf_e_ct -UI first. Full leather lnterlat, Cndlii 1603 Nite & wk ends : eng, perfect l«ly. 962-0224 tires, chnn rims. OUer, Will TOY OT A • • C.ond. xTRAs! Priotd to BAUER BUICK control. tilt wheel, Aut~ 673-9309 or 962-8621. trade for VW, 847-5654 Sedan ·-· sell' 64Z-l!M9. Art 6 . 234 E. 17th St. ,,., d•'mmer. Full ~ ••• .101.u. BEACH BL., 842-H35 . Co5tll ~lesa 5'18-7765 r-··-'""' 'Motorcycles 9300 Motorcycles 9300Motorcycl•• 9300 '67 FORD HUNTINGTON BEACH •·'62 VW CAMPER • IMPORTS \VANTED exceptional value. (IWL81'3}. '63 VW BUG XLlIT rnRUOtrr. $1150 0..nge Counttee SALE $1111 PRICK ·: SUZUKI '70 CLOSE OUT SALE ··-Suzuki AC-50 Maverick lailttotlb • ... ••liJ. Nitto tab ........ lefore You luy -Checll With Us JAMES LTD. 1514 .NEWPORT ILVD., COSTA MESA 642-0040 ., 8 .. 11!.N~!! !;!';__ R$"'1·~7. '7YNZ2605 l N::v!"'.:'~~· M .. 1 = .... ,.~--;; mu:":~UY~~CrrA N=-.::~:~~:: drive, radio, beater, freshly $795 ~-""' .,._ 18881 Beach Blvd. COSTA MESA ' painted. This pickup Js a MT 6-3959 ff. il,ffch. Pb. 847-8555 OPEN SUNDA1! rea1. jewel. <180-BQD> auto sport ltd $1799 H b V W I rted. Autet 96001mpartod Autos 96001moortod Autet -a r 0 u r • • 9625 Garden G .... e Blvd. l~""'°~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ ~ 18711 BEAOI BL., 842-4435 53'1'-77T7 Call Collectll 2100 Harbor Blvd. 645-041)6 HUNTJNGTON BEACH '64 VW ·~ yw Bug metallic COPPB' Gleamlna white, with red ln· ITIOIVIOITIAJ finish ~e rear wheels telior, can finance private • """""""' ~~ _ runs like new u.le price Olli party, Lie. 865-BEJ '71 COROLLAS w"k $1199. Cle QIU( 717. $799 HERE NOW Chick Ivenion Inc., 445 E . Wagom, 2 Ors, Coupo• ~~~ .,';~:· N.B. '73--0900 CHICK IVERSON Automatics le .f Speeds • •66 VW BUG e YW DEAN LEWIS Xlnt cnnd. S!D511 or bell otter. 1970 llAltBOR BLVD. 1968 Harbor, C.M. M&-9303 646-5564 tws at Mmd9 COOT.A ~ li.='"'=portod===C=•'"===-=. Imported C•rs - The*1 selling irilp<ft trUck I Now-40% more power tor 90% of your Jobi $1'66 .,~ MllUN Dllllla C.--f!!!. ........ • ... Selection • Friendly Auto Center U161 H•rbor Blvd. Garden Grove Open 7 D•Y• 'Tll t p.rn. .,,..,. .,_. COSTA MESA '71 HONDA :.. UN.IVERSITY . OUIMOllU -~· ... UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS • • • Open To Dealers And Public • • • These domestic: trade-ins wDI be sold at wholesale Kelly Blue Book and be-. low. This Is a chance of a lifetime to buy a fine , car · weD below ~ark• t pric:·e. So hurry • • • they won't last long ••• '65 MUSTANG .V-8, autom;auc transmi ssion, P.CJW• er ste~ring, power br~es. Excel· lent mechanical cond. (NFG-527) -'6B GTO · V-8, automatic lr•nnnlsilon, pow· · er •!e¢iig. AM/FM rad!\>.' mag lilheell, wide oval llrel. (WVN- 185) . ---. 'U PONTIAC LE MANS Overhead cam, 8 cyL, ndlo, beat: er, aut.>maUc lrllllmialo!h (SJIB. 388) . ' '65 MUSTANG V•8, factory air conditioning, :S- . speed. (NMT·527) .. '69 FORD LTD Finest of the Ford llne. Aul011J•·. lie trahsmission, radio,. beater, fact.>ey air condlU0Dln1, 11 e w 1lrai. (XSR-3e2) -'6'6 OLDSMOBILE "9B" V·8, aut0matic tranimisalon._ ec>_'!'" er steering, power brakes. (NYN· 882) ' ' loe Berlo"l'• -·-T&M MOTORS 11111 OAlllDl!N OlllOVE BLVD. PAITI. S:1 =.. Wu'.f nu t :tt fl+llM 11\ .._ .. ,, _, lltMll1 --------------- ff DA1LY PILOT Sawrday, Octobtt 24, 19/0 fitANSPORIDION fRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION U ... Cort '900 Used Cora 9900 U ... Cora tlOI u ... Cora '900 UMd Cort '900 U ... Cora '900 U ... Cora '900 UMd Cora '900 Used Cora ' t900 CADll.l AC e Cod. '66 Cpo. de Vlllo ~ P'AC1'0RY AIR CONOrtJONING Full power, all leetber inter. ior, Wt & telescopic wheel. AM I FM, light dimmer. <SBBTlil 4 to choose from. T.ake >00r plet, only ••• SALE $2333 PRICE Orange Couri\)''1 Largest Selectton Quality Cadillacs Nabers Cadillac aiOO HARBOR BLVD .. Costa Mesa 54IJ.9ltlO Open Sunday '&:: DE VlLLE, blk. leather jnter. AM/FM .~. all .,...... ~ """"-6#-2071 "MAKE Room For Dad· dy'' •• clean out the garage. .your trash ts: CASH with a Da1l,y Pilot ClU<ied ad. CADILLAC CADILLAC CADILLAC •-Cod. '6' Sod. de Vlllo '67 COUPE 0.VILLE AIR ~~~~NiNG Full power, factor)' air, padd. Full ~ vtnyl top Llmlr· ed top, leather Interior fter. I ' AM_...,.. _ .. ,_ tilt ·,.. ioua cloth & leather interior. eo " .. ~ ......... , 1 r-Dual comfort seats Stereo lni! ~I. power door loclus, multiplex, JIC)Wer d~ locka, twilight eentinel, au~ dim-tilt & telescopic wheel twl· mer. Very low mileage. liirht sentinel """"""' bunk ('l'FB561J ? .~---SALE $3111 PRICE opener, et<:., etc, !065AGCJ Ora C.U,N' •·-t SALE $4"9 PRICE nge ..., 1 ....... -Orange County's Largest Selection ot Quality Cadillacs Selection of Quality Cadillacs Nabers CadiDac filabers Cadillac 2600 HARBOR BLVD.. , · Costa Mesa 2.600 HARBOR BLVD., 54().9100 Open SUndB3 Co&ta Mesa ---------S«).9100 Open Sunday '66 CAD, conv. FJ Dorado • all J>"T di.mate control 1966 CAD carefully driven AM/FM 'stereo, cruise con: 31,800 mi by elderly couple. troJ, tilt It tele. 1teeriflg Immae oond. 4M"'°98 CADILLAC ~AMARO CHEVROLET CHMOLET COUGAR -PORD '67 CAMARO SS.RS blk vinyl '65 I I '69 Couaar XRT, r.1ust ell, 1962 Font 1tallon wagon. Ric • Cod. '67 COflvorlllilo top, ..tne color, 427"' In.... '63 Nova mpa a 12195, I u 11 pown-, 12,000 H. au!Omatlc. M-nt .. FACTORY ~L !§;; ho. atwn • .,.. Wagon Cpe. ..u·. -spe<1a1. Phone Jl68.5214 att.r AIR CONDITIOND"lG aelectrlc turbo-eydro, 4·56 6 P.M. Full power, plU.&b Ml Jeather poal, traction ban, Konl-6 eyl., autDmaUc. Excellent Automatic, powa steering &: • DODGE ~.65~FO=RD=·""eou=,::..,,:--;8'<1an='° interior, stereo, tilt wheel, shock, tuned headers, ex-transportation car. (8SU292) braket. Excellent condition. I---------"'gn. ~pag. Ps/Pb, r& h. door' Jocks Ulht sentinel, haU$t FS()..15 Goodyeat5, Will take trade or fin&JlOe (PG\V 825l, Priced '68 DODGE RT ~r. new tram. $800. etc., etc. i'VCU074) Ans.en Sprlnls, AM/FM/PS. private party. 54~052 or $895 FUU. POWER +factory air, 673~197 SALE $2111 PRICE ~ c~nd. $7000 tnveat. 494-6811. 1,,,,-==-.,,==-;,;:; Avail ll..C·70, Dave Williams ---------I Low mile1. Must liquidate '68 FORD Falrlane 500 Orange County'1 Largest &IS.13!8. '69 IMPALA 2 dr. Air-cond, immediately. 1st $2009 bU¥S. fastback. 1 owntt, Xlnt Selection ot Quality Cadillacs ====...,,,==~" ps/pb, white vinyl & top, XEU3S4, cond. Lo miles. $1650. Nabers . Cadillac '" CAMARo coNVRTo v.s d"k .,...,, oruy 12.700 mi. CHICK IVERSON 1 _;__6'1>-6.:,.,:...,":.:,3·~~~~.,.. 2600 HARBOR BLVD., air, P/B. P/S, New tlrc1. $2595. &44-5428 VW e '63 Galaxic 4.<Jr. R&H, air, 540-9100 Open Sunday $1100 * * 675-2109 .,..,---------• very clean, Runs good. $450. '69 CAMARO RS. Oraogo, '61 El Cami"', new '""d. '69 CAMARO &l!J.JO:ll Ex!. 66 or b1 89l-»13 'fl& FLEE'IWOOD: x·1 n t Cond! Nu/tires, 47,000 mi. Pvt Pty: fi1'5..7470J644..5924 L CAMARO , PIS. P/B, Air. Nu tires. PB/PS. ~cket seat s, 1970 llARBOR BLVD. ~64~0='~c~~X~IEo=39Q,.,.,XL""° ..,........ * .,.,.. ... 11 4-tpeed. Bir motor. 6T3-3622 . . '66 DODGE ~c 270 .. .. . F RD ALA: ----i , .. ,.....,, .,,........., aft 6. V8, a1rcond., po"'er1teerlng. .._., ...... r '475 or Best Offer. l-c:-:-:-'.------1 dlr.· (UYB SU) \Viii take sedan, G cyl, o/H. auto, ** 830-3875 ** '61 IAIPALA 4 cir auto. Trans u·ade or finance privat par. :dnt-cond, must ae.11, 67 FORD, Heavy duty super VS. Good work car $275. ty, ~or 494-6811, $800. · • ~5565 Van 6 cyi. $1,300. 545-3627 9 HELP! Cioing to Viet-'69 DART V-3 auto, R&H, * 673-4372 a!t. 5 * CHEVROLET whl, guide-matic, twilite CAD, '66 CdV. F/P, Stereo, '69 CAMARO Z-28, 4 5peed sent. $1995. 6f2..Ml.3 or riu tires, lo mf, loaded. Pvt trans. xlnt cond. Law miles,· '67 Cbevelle, buck. seats, 4 spd stick, 8 eyl. $1400. Call ,62 . nam! '69 Cbevelle: Air, \Vf;V $1500/best offer. 1970 FORD 1\taver'clc, Xlnt ClEVY ~ 4 door Impal!i.. power. Take over payments. &1~723 or 642-34!5 aft 3· Cond, auto/trans, Pwr/S. $400 or ~t offer, '70 CaQriee: Po'NCf', air. 1970 CHALLENGER-Air hill 3,000 mi. $2550. 642.-0346 Aft 6 545--0548 pty,_Sac!...!l44-6103 never raced. 548-4287. -5:14-341? XI.NT C0No. 54G-2T:>4 pwr, 383 en", vinyl top,''7500 .... '63 FALCON 2 dr. 6 eyl slide 9800New C•n tlOONew C•r• MOO Ntw Can ~New Can 9800 New Cars 9800 '64 CHEV. 2 Dr. Impala, big mi: Sac $2950. 6r::>-64l4. shift. clean. $350, ea.u ..;,;::.::....=.::;.:;.---===================---..,...----------------------'~I motor, low mileaa;e, p/1, VAN • 1969 Sportsman VS, 646--0968 • . AT JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY <ONE DOLLAR) Over Factory Invoice ON ALL 1970 MERCURY MONTEGOSllll That's Right Only One ·Dollar · Ov•r Factory lnvolc•~ Factory Invoice Dlsplayecl On All Montego 2 Drs.,. & 4 Doors. Hurry,• This Offer Good 5 Days Only. Ends Oct. 26th. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON ALL 1971 LINCOLN-MERCURYS! WE .HAVE A GOOD SELECTION! NICEST USED CARS IN ORANGE COUNTY Over 50 To Choose From C.oupe. 8. factory air eondition-I 69 CONTINENTAL $4222 Ing, full power. radio, heater, Landau Roof. All Continental luxury features. (YPT8JO) I '69 CONTINENTAL $3888 . 2 door Hard.too. Full power & factory air. Land.au roof. Lie. XSR 852 I I 65 COMET CALIENTE ,66 Convertible, automatic trans- mlsslon, radio, heater, power steerlnR'. ~r brakes, vtt')' . clean. w 885. . - . I - '66 MllCURY COLONY PARK $1666 Station Wagon. Full power with factory air, driven only 3.3.000 miles. CRR2'734) I I 68 OLDSMOllLI Dolta 81 $2333 2 Dr. Hardtop. Automatic tl'ansmlsslo~. radio, heat.er, ~er steering, fact~ aJ r, ndau ·root. Immac a te lhru-out VGY 989. . '68 CONTINENTAL $3555 Cpe. The essence of Juxury, fully powet" equip . leather interior, factory~ Landau top. Stereo tape tilt steering \\'httL Uc. XEW 331. -4 door Hardtop PowPr steer-'68 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME $2066 ing, power brakes, factory air, Landau roof, etc. XEZ 510 4. Dr. Hardtop. Full A: com-'65 OLDS 98 plete power lncludin& till wheel REG 736 Convertible; Full power includ-'68 CADILLAC ing factory air. Lie. VZD 123 $1188 $3591 Sedan De Ville. Full power, and '67 CADILLAC $2666 factory air. Very clean. AGB 326. BETTER IDEAS MAKE BETTER EARS AT Johnson.son n.o~©®I!.~ ©©)~voiro~iro'ii'&I!.. ~&rm~ m • 1~tm©lID!IBW. ©®lIDtm&im 540-5630 COSTA MESA 2626 Harbor Blvd. 642-0981 TUR.EE GENERllTIONS IN TBE AVTOMOBILE BVSINESS THE OLDIST ISTAll.ISHlll "fACTORY DIRICT" LINCOLN-MIRCURY DIALIR IN ORAN•I COUNTY -... -- top cond. $9'50, 962-8936 a!t auto, air, Nu wide·belted . e 1957 FORD SEDAN 3:30 pm. All day Su n. tires, lo ml. ~2295. 646-73.53 i -• Good oond. ~- '64 QIEVY S-pass coupe • e.~7 e. recently o'hauled, gd Hres, FALCON A-1 me<h. Orig """'" $600 MAVERICK • 646-0647• •1-.65-F_O_R_D_F_aJ-.,,-.-, .. -r-ope-, I--------- ~CHEVY 327, gd co1ld, $495 a uto, R/H, lo mi's, Orig BRAND NEW '70 ~~~offer. call Darryl al Chvner Xlnt, $795. 673-7030. MAVERICK • ~c!':!H;EV~. ~·1o~N~ov_:,a_, -,.-.-,-,-,-w·, I ===F:;.~O;:R:'D:==== I #OK91L24245T. 2 Door Sedan, 1100 miles, has lo sell. Pri. Vermillion linish with Plaid Pty; 714: 64[>-1233 I-,=-------interior, 2:'Al CID Engine, '64 FORD Sel!!et Shift Cruisomatie, *'62 CHEVY II NoVa convrt. \Vhite \Vall Tires, AcceJ\I ~~: Victoria St, C.M. ECONOUNE Group, Radio, Heater, Win· VAN dow sticker. $2560, Discount '66 El Camino VS, auto, R/H, $350 custm int, Y..1ake olfer. 1605 Automatic transmission, new . Arroyo, Lag Bch. 494-5316 paint, new tires. This car is immaculate! IOOS-468) $1399 '61 CHEV Station Wagon Top of the Hne: Nomad. l\1u st See to Appreciate, ~ e '61 CHEVELLE SS. 300 ....... ~ l\fag whls. new tires, brakes 2100 Harbor Blvd, &15-0466 & paint. 962-Ql:ll · TOP OOUAR '60 Che~. 6 at.ick,'R/11, $140. 780 S, Coast Hwy, Apt 1, LagUna after 4 pn1. .1111' e ''8 EL CAMIN0-4 SPD & CLEAN USED CARS See Andy Brown STEREO. 15,000 mi. ., THEODORE * AFT: 3:30/968..-0353 * '64 Chev Malibu ss ROBINS FORD $650. 548-5007 CHRYSLER '62 IMPERIAL 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa GUOOIO '65 FORD WAGON Country sedan, automatic transmission, radio, heater, luggage rack. (769-342) $595 MUSTANG ·---BRAND· NEW '7D MUSTlllNG GRANDE a OROln&1930. 351 CJD VS Cruisomjltic, PO\\(er Steer· ing, Air Conditioning, Eleo- tric CI o c k, Instrument Gauges, Belled Whitewall Tires, Vinyl Roof, Tinted Glass Radio, \\/heel C.Overs. \Vind0\v sticker $~080. Dis. coun1 COMET 2~v~ $715 FUii power, dlr. Exccllenl condition. Only &I.COO miles. fYBT321J Take trade or will finance private party. 546-4052 or 494-6811. -.6-1 -co_M_ET_ '66 FAIRl.ANE WAGON In""' -v .. , •• Coast Automa~k~~slmissio,n, Autoiha'"tic, -,0Wer gfeerilig; $~45 air cond, 1tereo tape, c11r: .. . (~AY 219) Will lako = m "911# ... ___ .• llfU_J __ • tradeorfinanceprivatepar- ,_ ,_ l-"'~·-546.<o5-=. ""'"2"o"r -.'"'81=_r._ 2100 Harbor Blvd. &lf>.()il66 167 FALCON 1964 COMET automatic, 6 Futura, Auto. trans., radio, cylinder 4 dr sedan. Radio, heater, exeellent cond. Un. Heatel', A tine economy &. der wholesale blue book. transportation car. Priced $195 well below blue book at . ·Phone 537-~m $375. Call 837-1239; El "r<iftt. FORD Country Squire '68 Wgn, 10.pass, Xlnt cond, CONTINENTAL load<d wMra" P" brl<s-steering • "''indows-seals. ---------1 New tires, 1 o"'·ner, blu book . price, i;ee lo appreciate, Aft Lite blue. Good ~nd, lots of 7pm/wll:nds. 5iJ8-fi096 extra.-;. $2000. 61;>-~ '65 r.1ustang Convrt-V8. 4 1970 LINCOLN C?nttnen~ barrel auto.. pis, new r.fark III 7.000 m 1, 1 mos glass-belts. A-t mech. $9ii0 old. &42-0084 &: 5411-5452 flnn. '65 Calaxie 500 2-dr =~~~~·~~~-I HT. J.l2 eng. Front end '66 Continental 2 pr. hrdtp: damage. m~ch sound. Best full power. Below Blue Book Oner. 962--02'2.J or 962-8621. wholesale. $1495. 673-TITS. '64 GALAXIE .500 2 dr ITT CORYAIR Aqur. w/blk int. Auto, tilt- away i;;teerUig \vhl, r&h. ps/pb. Xlnt cond. $600 or ---------1 best offer. 968·!!915. e '63 CORVAIR Y..IONZA RIH, Xlnt shape, $295 '70 Chateau Club Wgn 23 Like new * 675-1340 l Edgewater, N .B. ==="'===== '63 Jo""ORD Van; low n\ile, CORVETIE · sharp cond. $995. Will trade for compact. 847-3444. --------ni&.nk you for reading our • Corvette '70 classified ads, hope we ~!ve Sting Ray helped you or can do"'° in FACTORY !he future. AIR CONDITTONJNG Showroom fresh fastback wfth For d - M ercur y 103 P.rood•<1y, logung B<I> ~49.J8S1 er 494 .951~ '65 l\fUSTANG, V8, 14,000 mi. Estate sale. ~ at Bayshore ·Richfield, 200 E. Coast Hwy. Bids 8.ceepted thru Security Bank Trust Dept til noon, Nov. 2. Attn: i\I. W. Fairchild. Details on \Yinciow stick<'r. '66 MUSTANG, auto., air, R&H, p/s, p/b. Landau lop. Silver gray. Xlnt cond. $1415. 546-5374 '70 Y..1USTANG BOSS.302 i\lust sell! Xtras. • 496-4949, 496-s.;&.I • BRAND NEW '7D MUSTANG Sports roof. •OF02F10810.1. 302 VJD VS, Insb'umenl gauges, Cruisomatic, Belted \Vhitc Wall Tires, Po"'-er Steering, Air Conditioning. Radio, Tinted Glass, Wheel Covers. Windo\v SI i c k• r $3892. Discount $711 South Coast For d -Mercury 301 Srood•<1y, l <1gung e, .. S49.J85~ or 494 .5~1~ remove.able paneb 350 v-sl -=;.;:...=c::...---='-'-=~=-----"' engine. Finished In spftl'k- ling l:rmine white w/plll!h metallic blue vbl)'l interior. All opti01111 incl. power ate.er., brakes, electric windows. Hydm auto trans. Stereo multiplex & just 7800 care. fully driv<'n mile!!', (T;,6ASQ) SALE $5555 PRICE Nabers Cadillac 2600 •IARBOR BLVD. COSfA MESA OPEN SUNDAY '64 CORVmE "327", f speed, AM I FM, Brand new wide ova.hi, com. ple!ely cciginal, all this Vet needs ii • new home. 0SC 279. $1399 CHICK. IYERSON vw 549-30.11 Ext. fi6 nt 61 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COST A r.IESA CO RVf.TT'E '69 f<tslba.ck. Londcd! Auto. &. Air. Like nc1,·, New GooQyeRr FAiO!. P,,·t ply, $-KOO. 61l-1616 ·s.i Corvette 327, aut o, ~\1\1/n.t. air cone!. * &44·•1397 * '56 VETIE 283. $000. lmm.11c. LOOK! WHAT WE HAVE FOR YOU 150 USED CARS, TO CHOOSE FROM 'H PLYMOUTH WAGON V·I, Auto, lr•111., 11,lory 1Jr con-•i I dlllonlng, pawer 11,,...1n9, ndio. ~••W• tlnlftl Ol•s.. 'Ok' In 1vtrvw1y, A HARO ONE ICI Find, Lk tl'IK XFL-40. ''6 PLYMOUTH ' cyl., AlllO, "'"'" l lr «ndHIOnlno. po-1te>erlr>g, r1dlo, hOlltf', A GOOO \t1l11t. lD!t of Mii"' L.tt. Llc:tnw Olf..AGA. '70 IMPALA cou" \II, AvlO. tr1n1,. fK1'00' llf CM- cllllonlng, ~ 1felrl119, ... io. Mltor, llnt.d ~. "'"' C... W1r1'9nty. Lk-1n-Acc;c, $2199 ,99 $3199 ~599 • • . I ' I ' I " ' • • ' . ' ' ' ' l ' ·- • • TAANSPQRTATION Used C1r1 BAUER . BUICK ,-JN C'OSTA MESA "Specializing • Ill Quality" DRASTIC SAVINGS ON THE ENTIRE USED CAR INVENTORY '66 CHEVELLE Mtlihu. 2 dr, H.T., \I.a, 1 ulo., P.S .. t1dio, he•l•r. I YPW- 137) KILLY ILUI IOOl $1475 '65 FORD F1 trl1n1 2 dr, H.T. V-1, 1ulo- ,.,,tic, r1dio, ~11!1r, pow1r 1t111i11t, IPIZ141 l KILLY ILUI IOOK SI 055 5895 '68 PLYMOUTH G.T.X. 2 dr. H.T. VI, 1uloll'l1tic, P.S., rtdio. httltr, vinyl roof, t ic. !Wll152 ) l lLLY ILUE IOOK $2020 '69 TORINO Sport roof, V-1, t ulo., ll&H, pewtr •+111int , ftclory t ir, <XOPlfO I KILLY ILUE 1oor: 52710 '68 DODGE C11ron1I 440 4 dr. 11d. V-1, t ulo., R&H , pow1r 1+1eri119, ft clory ,,;,, I UFD7 1ll KILLY ILUE 1001 Sl,60 '70 LTD WAGON Cou~hy S~uir1. V-1, 1ulo., ll&H, power 1!11rin9 & br•~11, ftcl. 1ir, 4 i11!1r. !P2l ll ktLLY ILUE 1001 $4420 SPECIAL OF THE WEEK! 1969 MERCEDES BENZ COUPE-RDSTR. I Rodie, ho~t1r, '4 tpo1d, tr1n1· \ min ion, powor ll11rjn9, eir ce1u:litioni119, low milo19t, b1111tif11I 111tomobil1, fZYL. 951} .SALE PRICED . ' BAUER BUICK • IN l COSTA • • • MESA • 234 E.17th St. I COSTA MESA 5q-7765 ----~--------,----.....,~------~--------------.. TltANSl'ORTATION Saturdat, ~tober 24, 1q10 DAil Y PILOT 37 TllA_NSl'ORT.ATION TRANSl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION TAA NSPORTATION TllANll'O_RTATION U~ C•r• 9900 Uh d Cars ttoO UMCI Cari tt00 Used C1r1 t90a PONTIAC: PONTIAC: RA MILER T·llRD $780- TORINO BRANO NEW~ TORINO GT QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT THE SALE IS ON AT CONNELL CH,EVROLET " John Connell · Say_s: ' MOVE 'EM OUT I REGA -ESS JOHN CONNELL Don't Close Yourself Out! Get Your LAST DEAL Here. We're Out Of Room--TOO MANY USED CARS '65 '65 '62 '63 CHEVELLE 2 Doi.ir Coupe. CNFV088) COlltVAlll 2 DR. SPIDER 110 HP fuel inj. 4 s(ld. fl'IG176l CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE R&ll. automatic. (UMD972l CHEVY II WAGON 6 'cyl., R&:lf, auto. tNTA969) $599 $799 $699 $299 $599 '63 COMET WAGON H&H. n11101na llc. (01.:P892l '65" BUICK 4 DOOR H&ll. l'.S .. air L'Ond. (1101\16.11) '63 OLDS 4 DOOR $599 Auto .. l~&I I. power stf'f'rin~. IKIT050) CADILLAC CPE. DE VILLE $599 Aulu .. H<. P.S., air. IJKX900l . ,-~~~ FORD y, TON PICKUP $799 H&:H, slick, t57337FJ 1970 lm_pala Sport Cpe. R .. H:. auto., P. ~leering, fa ct air. Low mll ragr <'Ir \\'ith rcmaioin.c: f11ctory ~1aranh'<'. 1:tl41\GG1. K('lly Blu(' Book Price $:i51J).00. Lost tin1c around for 50.000 mile Incl. guarnnh-e. '71 n1odels cnrry only 12.000 ml. 099 1970 Ki.ngswood Estate 9 Pns.'I. \Va~on. ElCC'. '''\ndo\\·~. !lit \\'h f'l'l. Tl., lf., aulo., fart. air, l'.S., r.u .. all the i.:-•)(ldn·s. C'ri't r1•n1a ln1nl( fact, ~uarantl'c a ~ no c-o~l •)n thi~ "XN:, car. tZ\VV26lJ, h:l'J!y Blur Book Price S4:l70-SAVJ·: 1969 CHEVROLET Impala Spt. Cpe. 2 Dr. H.T. 23 ,000 miles-remaining factory guaran- tee. One owner ctr. R1dio , he1t- l XTK909 I 1969 CHEVROLET door sedan. Auto,, R., H .. P.S., fa ct. a ir. Wcn't lest. IXVH38'4) 1969 MALIBU 2 dr. H.T. R .. H., autc., P. steer- ing . Shop this price. IXSP71 I l 1967 MALIBU 6 pass. wegon. Low miles, VS, R., H., stic k. I TZM I 71 ) . Nice low mil eege car you should drive. 1967 MALIBU "4 ejr. H.T. R., H., eufo., P.S. low mil•ege. Beeutiful blue c.ar. ll'EM- 738 1. Country Squ ire st1tion-wegon. One cwner. '42 ,000 mil•s. Hev• • look 1t thi5. R., H., •utc., feet. eir -Nice. ITYG277 ). W•gon. R., H., '4 5peed. right car. IZKM S4S l. sggg 1965 CHEVROLET ' 'Ii ' Te n Pickup. VS, R., H .. •uto. 15JJOJ91. 1/J Ton Pickup. VS, R., H., sti'c:.k. .1575l7FI. 1965 CHEVROLET ~ Ton . VI , 14 speed, R., H., camp· er specitl. 1534783). sggg 1966 CHEVROLET '!, Ton. VB, R., H., P.S. IS465001, 1967 CHEVROLET 1/1 Ton Pickup. R., H., 1tick. IV949121, 1968 CHEVROLET '!1 Ton Pickup. VS, R., H., P.S., auto., •ir. Strong truck . Excellent condition. IP21bl ). 1970 EL CAMINO 350 cu. in. VS. R., H., P.S., feet. air, 4 speed, 7,405 miles -get in on remaining fa ct. guarenty. Air cond., brand new-gorgeous blue car. (58953F). s3399 1966 CHEVY Yz TON PickuP: with metal 5'4'' C1mp•r Shell, · autometic tr1·n1.1 redic, pow•r steering. You shoulcf th it nic• truck. I 541>550 I ' 2828 HARBOR , BLVD. 5,4~--120.J • COSTA MESA I ' r •. . I\ 1 ' -' I ' I L ' . --------. RAY 'MACKEY, GEN-ERAL MGR. SAYS:.· -' ' LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO .OUR PROFESSIONAL . ~ . . . .. ' . ' -. SALESMEN WITH OVER 193; YEARS~· EXPERIENCE TO~ SERVE 'YOu ,:. BEmR. Ron Says: Tom Says: Dave Says: Mel Says: Tex Says: Jerry Says: Illy rlli1 c-s..· '61 M•tollt '70 ••luy y ........... Uc. N•. P.S., P.I. 1212AGYI l_Y!:l72 M"-30,000 Mi, 17,136 51937°0 Wiii .. myl rortf, Air, .,_ ... ... , ..... c--, RON RJCll 'JOM ROWE DM lllWR - Don Says: Dick Says: Bob Says: John Says: Woody Says: . ,,, ..... '61 C..-ti•• CW.,lM ··-... _ Lk. IWXY74tl Drift thi1 .,, hrd Wag ... A/f Air. llPL231J sr..._1 1199900 PON NAPIEll Mike SayS: lc•..M ,.. ... 4,.. .. tt70 .... 35 Mustangs Dick Says: After tit.- Sole 5*mt:• ..• ,.., ... Jnt relu! 25 Galaxy 500's DICK 5e11Ul.DH ..... •'1t6t Midi l,. 351-4Y .Air, f .S., P.L .... . n ....... . Uc.DTllf 1275000 Dave Says: RICllARD liERBnT 19 T·Birds "'" ..... •· M....,fc\: ... _ ·--,..Sil .. 1t7t'I DAVE SITU~ 89 Mavericks "·-....... lt.W• ...... ,.. . '""'.,.. ..... _ . .,.. ...... '-''"•'" .... 25 Pintos luytm ''" , ..... ..... Prill LA•-' ..... Sllcwpl Uc. IYHMJ7JI 1219900 • .. , nil "61 r..tlec LeM---12.000 mi1 --Alr. P.S, Uc. "(tnJtJl '5229500 Dennis Says: Woll I'• ft' · , Fred Says: ..... ~ t ketch & r DN't fCirtet lt71 M ........ ....... . .... LONNIE VAH ......... ·--.. ~ "'"' Yn. if yeu _ ... ........ , Y•"'.....,. i• b.,Mlt • c• ... ; ..... 10 Ran.cheros ........... Wo c• stiff _., .. ...... .. 1t71'• w.11 ... ·-··· .. ·choow"h•. 43 ford LTD's 51' Pickups Yes, We Have Been Getting New Fords In .By The Dozens ••• All Models ••• All Colors And With The Mode I Run Build-Out They Have Been Piling Up .•• And Now At Any Cost They Must Go. Bring Your Car, Your Wife, Your Title . ••• We Mean Business .•• Yes. Drastic Price Cuts • Don Says: ' ...... ... , 1971 ............ v .. ' ... ft $J6971D Order Ye•rs Toclcryl • • . MUS·T :SELL 23 PICKUPS & CAMPERS· Make an offer. Anything goes. ·It's your money ·your sa·ving. Look at this • • • • $ 299 1971 PICK UP & SIX PAC CAMPER #371 . . l • • ..... ----. ---·· - • . " , -DAILY PILOT ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 24 , 1970 FOR ROif~ L. ZIEGLER, rAJu Hofl.# ,,nu •cnlllTT .,.,.., ..... ,,.. p11rpoae o/ lalcla1 aAe PraW.• '"'' lillUHUw 011 aAe •orl4 loar1-B. J. HeU.no.., 5011 .4luo- • Taking it haa been <a practice of the Secret Senice, which ls in charge of providing protecti~n for the •President, for several Administrations. It provides maximum security for the President while he is away. POR COL.JE.4NNE M.HOLM, Direo- '°'• rorMn in tM Air FOTct Are IDO""'ll re1uwred 1U. ala. national colle1• ROTC prOfrorra'I I/ .o, .,._, •re llNir fluaia? -Mre. L. Rolutrl•, .4"4a..ak CU,, N.J. e In the fall of 1969 four universities opened Air Force ROTC to women stu- dents. This year, all institutions having Air Force ROTC programs may enroll women as members of their units. The wqpien cadeta participate in the same classes and receive the same training as the male cadets. Upon graduation, they receive commissions as second lieuten- ants in the United States Air Force and are assigned to dutiea which will utilize their area of study in college. All Air Force officer jobs are open to qualified women, except those which may require 8ying in com.bat aircraft. FOR BOB DE MOSS, 'MtUI Joo1ball coocA, Purdu.e Unit>trsity FAere .till Purdue Vni.,er•ily l•I rlae name "Boikrrraalcerr"? -T. NOHro.Ju, CoU.· ~boro, N.C. e It all happened in 1889 when Purdue played at Wabash College, Crawforda- vt'Ile, Ind.-a bitter athletic rival Wa- bash students in a liberal art& school shunned the cultural background of Pur- due players who studied such practical art& u engineering and agriculture. Pur- due players were called blacksmiths, farmers, hayseeds, cornfield sa.ilora, pumsA.in shockers, raj) splitters, and boilermakers. The boilermakers name both amused and intrigued Purdue fol- lowers, who began using the name in referring to tbemseJvea-and it later be- came the official nickname. POR GOY. KEITH MILLER, Alaska Are IMre •lill cluincu for fold peruainf in Alalc•t-Yioi. Joeb, H urra.bol4a, Sa,,cotelae-tH.., Cnnado • Yea. However, the majority of placer crhemc:rourself mining it done u a part-time occupation or for pleaeure. The total production of gold in Aluka in 1969 wu 16,000 ounces with a value oJ $679,000. A large part of the 16,000 ounces came from what would be considered clOmmercia) placer-mining operationa. FOR SEN. EDMVND MVSKIE, M.U.e ,,.,.., .. ,,.. 1910 ,, ... 1e1 uaiMo,. /o,. Fed.r- ol ou"4ay• for crilnet -Mr•. N. Dunnie, Alo· --., C.U/. • The 1970 bud&et estimate of Federal outlays lor t\ie reduction of crime ia 1947,341,000. FOR BOB HOPE B•clc 1o -.., co..,,., tlo )'Oii ~ ,...,. ..... culrJ, • .,,, .c •Itel •I• dill )'O• eiooee Y'*' NrHr1-llr•. Ari Al- ie.., ,,.__,.,, r .. • I wu born in Eltham, England. My father was English, my mother of Weleb deecenL I chose my praent career wbile still in high tcbool. that is, I cboee Yaude. ville and started as a soog-and-dance man. ,. FOR BARBAIU FALTERS, hi• "Tod.y SAowl' .4pprod••lely M• ... ,.,. 4"y• per ,-ar •re you • ..,._,, fro• • yoar UUflalert Dou oollllllLV.:.mr • •M .._,.r a«O•JMA7 you 011 llN trip• you ,.... for Ila. "Todoy'' propornt-'Mra. Roser 5.,.,..., Lo...,U.., Mid. e Two weeks a year at moet. My daugh- ter usually accompanies me on trips. I took her to Miami and Washington this put year with the program. J am prol>- ably with her u much-maybe more- tbao most mothers. POR ARNOLD PALMER ~ FAy 4ora'1 1ol/er• °" 1olf lour• wen,. •un- 1io..u?-f'loyd Do"" Corbeu, Saa..ao.., Y •· • Several players, including Miller Bar- bu and George Knudson, do wear sun gluses while playing in tournaments. Most do not. however, probably because they didn't in the put while lea.ming the game and don't want to chan&e now. FOR PUP FILSON, co~""'1t Flay did yo• ,,._ yow claJUr•,. • ln•IWof u • pre•ena1-Mrt. J.R., Au.am, 'Tesu e So they would ~ tha~ ugly face and cilacover all thls love behind it-and nev- er tile anything at face value in the tbture. FOR LAFRENCE JYELK Flakh o/ your JJreHlll bond rraerrabe,.• laa• been •Ith you IAe lon1· e•l1-B. C. Lo-u11Jht.. Bo&.e, ldolao e Orie Amodeo. who plays the ftute, clad. net. and suophone, has been with the Wdk band since 1945, the longest time of any of th~ Musfo Makers. w ..... ull • ,_ ,..._ • .-dee' v-.. ......._ .w. --., ..... ·a set .... -,_ .... ...-.-· .--,._ ..... le. Se-4 ......... ,_,_* - . .... eaN. lo Aali 'n.-Y-11, t'a•U,. Wwllly. 641 Le..,._ A••·• re-Y...tt, N.Y. 10921. We eeiuot .U-~ ._....... bet 15 will .... w lor e•lt -Med. What in the World! Gem Against War This roup dia· mond is the 14th largest in the world --4.35 carats, worth .. somewhere be- tween three and 6ve million dollars." lt is not for sale. however. Morria Sizing a diamond for peace Zale, an international diamond mer- chant who acquired it, decided be bas enough diamonds, and this one is des- tined to do some good in the world. After it ia cut down into an enormous pear-abape, it will become a fund raiser for "acbolan who bne a history of involvement in the causes of world peace.'' It will go on display coast to coaat, at state and county fairs and such. Former Supreme Court Justice Arthur C<>ldberg will bead the "Light of Peace Foundation," allocating the profits, plus a quarter.million-dollar grant from the Zale family, to the acholars. "Decisions u to recipients will rest solely with this foundation," insists Texas-based Zale. Pet Diplomacy Doea your homehold harbor both dop and cat.e? You can help these peta to a•oid scrappin1 like "cata and clop," according to a leading canine re.earcb center. Get them to- gether when they're youn1-and at the same time. Don't worry if a kitten pre· fen to "hide and obeerve" a few daya. Keep pets eeparated if you can't be nearby at 6nt; later they will work out their own good relationahipt. Il there is already an established pet in resi- dence. however, togetbme11 is not adviaed. We.tward the Worley "The moet difficult thi~ I e1'er did wu mo-re from my l~room Greenwich Villqe apart- ment in New York City to Califomia," comedienne Jo Ann Worley confeaaed. .. Not that I didn't want to &~t'• where all the jobe were yean ago. But weeding out my belonginp-1 couldn't face ii. So I put euerytAU.6 in storage. Then they wouldn't let me come in to look and decide which to keep. So, four yean later, I bad it all eent to a New York friend's place, and went throu&b the lot." What did abe find the wished 1 she'd discarded? "Spicee-oregano, clo•es, tarragon-all indi•idually wrapped by me to praerTe the 8Hor. It didn't. Plaatic shoes. Spike heel.a. Liqerie for a tpecial dreat I otter wore. A feather boa I ado~t dried out. A piece of carpeting, in cue a •pot Comedienne Jo Anne Worley wore out. Next time, I'll elimiaate ftrst." Though Jo Anne ia no longer a rep.lar OD "f..aop-ln," the will be a petl She is now a regular in the new NBC- tv chlldren's seriea, .. Hot Dog." Vi• Rome C F1 oht a SatinlqOe C My.ROM C .. f' . . . . Name • 'A.ctdrets • ~ Ci.ty $1-te 'Zip .. limi't: one plec,·aettlng per farnlly, QIHH. •Offer limit.ad to U.S. only. Ends January 11. 1971 . ·To Hl!'re de~ivery. give your &ip code. . .. •: ... . ' Lemons- golden source of skin beauty The ancients sang the praises of the lemon. They lauded its softening, " skin-beautifying oil, its nat- ural cleansing action and its abilily to make complexions look so much fairer and lovelier. Today, cosmetic research- ers confirm the remarkable properties of the pure juices and rich oil of this golden fruit. Like the people of age· old civilizalions, they know that lemons can rinse a shim- mer into a woman's hair and that her complexK>n is al- , ways quick to react to lemon beauty care. Cleansing each day with Lemon Jelvyn C leansing Milk offers an exquisite op- portunity to appreciate the immediacy of the skin's re- sponse. This beauty milk clean~s every type of com- plexion perfectly. It pampers dry skin, checks oily sic.in, helps prevent the develop- ment of open pores. blemish- es and a sallow skin. Suddenly, your complex- jon looks younger, clearer J and smoother, for Lemon Jelvyn Cleansing Milk ac- tually helps to bolster and preserve the skin's protec- tive surface oils while it loos- ens and lifts every particle of dust, dirt and stale make-up. Spread the milk lavishly over your face and neck and allow its natural elements to "unclog" your pores. Then rinse away with clear water or use light, sweeping strokes with a tissue. Lemon Jelvyn Cleansing Milk encourages the balaJlCed flow of dermic fluids without stretching the delicate pore-structure. Your complexion never develops wrinkle-dryne.u, simply re- flects a radiant, peak-of-per- fection splendor. Lemon Jelvyn Cleansing Milk is obtainable from drug- gists. Let it be your golden source of skin beauty today. Make your dry lklD blollom To make a dry, stnsitlve compltxion blossom with nt'w, pdal-so/1 lovtllntss, al- ways dt'anse with umon Jtlvyn Clt>ansing Milk. Tl1is btauty cleanser is uallent /or sA:ins that tend to rougli- en easily and develop flaky pate/its because ii leaves a rich, soothing ingredient on the surface to protect and beautify tlie complexion. CLEAN.SING MILK .How to· Complain QUIZ Eff ectiveIY By TODD CAllRINGTON Samuel .Johnson once said "The usual fortune of complaint is to excite contempt more than pity." Sad but true words, un- fortunately, because many of us don't know how, when, where, or to whom we should complain to get the best results. Complaining is not a pleasant wk, but it can be made much easier if we know how to do it properly. There are times when it's absolutely imperative to our emotional and financial well-being to '1et off steam." This uue-or-falle quiz will let you know if you're doina it the right way. Our answen to this qui.i are baled on interviews with~ partment and specialty-store executives, a psychiatrist, customeNelationa specialists, and the beat source of an-. few ladies who are well vened in its fine art. 1. Any complaint to a department or apo- cialty store abouJd begin with a letter to the ,store,manqer. 4 2. The beat time to complain by telephone is in the morning when you're alert and alt your ayatema are 00. S. You've bought a new car that turns out to be a '1emon.'' needing costly adjustments, and neither your dealer nor the manufac- turer will satisfactorily solve your complaint. You're stuck with no real recourse. 4.. When writina a letter of complaint to an executive of a company it's best to address the envelope with his full .name and title. S. The Federal Trade Commission cannot get a refund for you if you've been duped by a misleading advertisement. 6. U you want to write a letter of complaint to the president of a company, but you don't know his name OT the company's address, you should send it to the president, with the company's name and location. 7. Complaining isn't good for our nervous syatem,and sometimes it's better to be silent than to cauae ourselves aggravation. I. It's a good idea for a shy person to have a gregarious-type friend along when mating a penooal compla.i.nt. 9. When a store or manufacturer ignores or merely acknowledges your letter of com- plaint, you should re~valuate your orisinal letter and write another one. 1 O. U a label on packaged foods is incom- plete, deceptive, or illegible, you should write to the manufacturer and ask for an explana- tion and/ or a better label before you use the product. ANSWIU 1. FALSE. Start with the clerk wbo ban- died your sale. He will undoubtedly have • Fa mil~ W•eklv. Oetohr to, 1970 important detail information such u depart- ment number, date of sale, and other store codes which might expedite the adjuatment or settlement. If you don't get any satisfac- tion at this level, go on to the floor or section manaaer. 2. FALSE. psychologists say that the best time to compla.i.n by telephone is right aft.er lunch when you're apt to be more calm and the penon to whom you're complaining more receptive. 3. TRUE. Except to write a strong, but fact- fllled letter to your Senator or Congressman with carbons of the letter to the automobile manufacturer and his dealer. 4.. FALSE. Company spies tell us that en- velopes without a titJe get more anention since they could contain personal messages. If you want to be a real sneak, mark your envelope Personal! 5. TRUB. But the PTC will investigate and crack down oo the advertiser if they find that a deception exists. 6. P.ALSE. Store executives, and their sec- retaries, tell us they put letters addressed to The President aside-assuming they're com- plaints, requeats, praise, and generalJy unim- portant mail that doesn't require an imme- diate reply. U you know your man's name, you could move to the bead of the mail at.act. Find out the name and address by consulting a copy of Poor'3 "Register of Cor- poratioru, Directors and Executivei" that is available in nearly every public library. 7. PAL.SB. A normal amount of complain- ing and letting off steam are mentally and emotionally healthy, while suffering in si- lence can be dangerous. I. F Al.SB. Complafot-Department person- nel have a soft spot in their hearts for the shy person because they instinctively feel that be or ahe ii sincere. 9. TRUB. Sarcastic, rambling letten that don't clearly state the facts are oft.en an- swered with a form-letter OT not answered at all. 1 O. FA UB. Write to the Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D.C., and en- close the defective label. • ..:. You're more than one woman and Du BARRY knows it. Du BARRY FIFTH AVENUE r----------------------------------------------------------------\IAIL COl'PO~ TODAY! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED! Du Barry-Fifth Avenue, Inc. P.O. Box 131 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232 Check or money order enclosed for the Jewelry checked below. 0 Simulated Pearl Necklace, Bracelet, and Earrlnrs. Complete set only $2.99. 0 Chain Gang Set. All 4 chains only $2.99. Please print. Addraa------------------------ Clty·------------------------ State _______________ Zlp Code. _____ _ (Make check or money order payable to DuBarry-Flfth Ave., Inc.) Add 25¢ for postare and handlinr. IMPORTANT: Zip code must be shown In order to ship your Jewelry. Pleue allow 3 weeks for delivery. i _J Family ~/October f5, 1970 Is Your Money Safe in the Bank? ~ When the word got around that the Eatontown (N. J.) National Bank had failed, worried depositors gathered near the padlocked bank building in hopes they might t somehow get their money out. ~ Seven days tater, with the nervous I promptness of a World Series crowd, . . about 3,000 persoos arrived before nine 1 a.m. to wait for representatives of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to open the bank doors. One college student even camped overnight on the bank steps in his zeal to ~ trieve his entire savings from a summer of bard wort.. Although deJ>OSitors bad been as- aun!d they would get their money back (at least up to $20,000 FDIC insurable maximum), most of the crowd coUJdn 't really relax until they bad the cashier's check.a in their bands. U.S. Attorney Frederick B. Lacey bas charged the president of the bank, Douglas Schotte,with embezzling and misappropriating about five million dol- lan-oearly ooe-third of the baDk's to- tal deposits. In Eatontown and elsewhere, the incident raised a fundamental question: How aaf e is your money in the bank? Federal authorities took control of the bank after U.S. Comptroller of the Currency William Camp declared it insolvent. Scbotte allegedly was using bank funds to finance stock purchases for bis personal account. When arreskd by FBI agents, Schotte reportedly held a stock portfolio valued at $2.3 million. The FDIC, as receiver (legal guard- ian for the safekeeping of the bank's remaining money and property), as- swned management of the bank and the liquidation (sale) of its assets. Eatontown was the largest of six bnnks in the U.S. to fail this year. A Bonne Terre, Mo., bank also fai.ecras a result of an alleged "mismanagement of funds.'' "Bad., loans which under- mined the financial base of the banlca accounted for the downfall of the other four: The People's State Bank of Au- burn, Mich.; The State Bank of Prairie City, Kans.; Tbe Farmers Bank of Petersburg, Ky., and The First Citi- z.ens Bank of Covington, Ga. ' The failure of a few banks recently, and memories of the Depression, have some people wondering about their savings By h FRANK Bank.en sometimes risk lending money to uncertain enterprises in re- turn for attractive interat Tates and potential business in the future. When a loan is not paid back, it is in "de- fault"-wbicb translated means .. bad loan." An important test of a bank management is ita ability to ~ake loans that are paid back, even though there may sometimes be considerable risk. L any case, bank failures are not commonplace. A complex system of accounting safeguards banks from embez.zlen, and usually from bungling bank officials. And your money cannot be jeopardized by a bank holdup; most banks-are equipped-with swveilliance- cameras, and all are insured against IOMCS due to robbery. With the exception of security guards stationed near the tellers' windows, the most obvious protection your money bas is that provided by the FDIC. For insta.oce, wit.bin a week after the Eatontown National Bank closed, the FDIC was refunding l 00 percent of every depositor's account to its limit of .$20,000. Twenty-three FDIC agents worked overtime to pay off Eatontown depositors as quickly as possible. The FDIC also arranged for two other bank.a to assume some of the mortgage and loan responsibilities of the Eatontown bant. All banks insured by the FDIC are subject to inspection by the insurance corporation's examiners three times in a 24-montb period. 1be law gives the FDIC the right to make unannounced cbccks of &Of member bank's boob. ;outine cbecks of a bank's-polt cash, balances, and tellers' cages, as well as spot verifications of individual deposi- tor's accounts usually give the FDIC a good idea of bow well your bank is operatin.1t. The FDIC's 2,000 examiners also carefully analyu the value of your bank's collateral (property held as se- curity for loans) , and the rates and success records of Joans your bank ~as made. U an examiner decides that your bank is endangering its capital position by making unsound loans, the FDIC may advise the bank's management to re-examine its practices. It a bank should fail, the FDIC is in an ideal financial position to liquidate it. The nearly 14,000 FDIC member banks contribute 1I 31 of I percent of their total average deposits to give the FDIC a nest egg of approximately $3.8 billion.. The $3.8 billion insurance fun~ -is bolstered by a $3 bilJion line of credit from the U.S. Treasury. Only eight banks in the country have more as&ets than the FDIC.· And if one of tbo9e banks, for instance the Chase Manhattan Bank, should fail, it would mean that the whole nation was in Worried thpositon of closed Ealonlown National Bank in New Jeney UM up for return of insured savinf3. DOllid Leach ~ti on bank mp• to be finl to n«ive IW cluck from FDIC• Fl'Glllc Willie. serious .-.conomic trouble. When a bank fails. it has not kcessarily lost all its money. lo simple terms, when lia- bilities exceed asaets, the bank becomes in- solvent. In Eatontown, persons who have deposited more than the $20,000 insurabJe limit, probably will recover more than 9S percent of their uninsured (surplus over $20.- 000) accounts. The FDIC customarily sells the bank's assets; then credits the proceeds against the bank's liabilities, which include depositor's claims over $20,000. D epositors. with surplus claims (over $20,000) are paid pro rata dividends from receipts of the FDIC's sale of the bank's remaining assets. Although some people, es- peclally bank stockholders, have deposits exceeding $20,000, m09t spread their risks by opening accounts in several banks. In any case, a maze of Federal bank laws makes it highly unlikely that your bank could ever fail. Federal law stipulates that no mem- ber of the Federal Reserve System .can make a loan to any single institution or iadividual which exceeds I 0 per cent of the bank's capital. Similar laws regulate banks that do not belong to the FederaJ Reserve System. Only 196 banks in the country are not in- sured by the FDIC, and most of those are covered by state bank insurance corporations. And depending on the type of bank, the Jaw requires between five and 17 percent of a bank's deposits to be on hand in cash or Fed- eral Reserve Notes. Only a series of bad loans negotiated by seemingly inept bank officers may cause an "ordinary" (without criminal intent) bank fai1urc. The likelihood of financial colJapse is slim indeed. Ever sinoe PresidCllt Frank- lin Roosevelt declared a l 0-day bank holi- day in 1933, banks have been on solid ground. Roosevelt closed the banks then to avoid runs on the baob' cash by panicked depositors.• during the nation's worst econ- omic depression. During the 10-day closure, Congress established the FDIC to quiet doubts about the safety of bank deposits. Historical horror stories of massive tum- of-the-ccntury bank failures, acute financial crises, and a victimized public bear no re- lationship to today's banking picture. In 1970 only six banks of the 14,179 in the country have failed. That's a .999 batting avera&e--'Prelty good in any league. Since the FDIC was founded. 98.7 per- cent of depositors "'ith money in a failing bank recovered all their money. The other 1.3 percent (who had deposited more than the insurab&e limit) recovered an average of 98.4 percent of their uninsured money by the time the FDIC completed liquidation procedures. Although the stock market is down and UDCfn1>loyment is up, money in the bank is hardly susceptible to economic ups-and: downs. Interest rates are high and the demand for money so great that banks are highly profitable. Backed by the FDIC, the Federal Reserve System and the Comptroller of the Currency, banks are practically as solid as the Rocky Mountains. A spokesman for the Comptroller of the Currency minimizes the p<:>Mibilities for bank theft by management: "Eatontown was an isolated incident. Computers and other sys- tems make it virtually impossible to draw off funds from a bank of any size. To get away with a bank crime, the place has to be so small that the president and the cashier un- lock the door. sweep out the ftoor in the morning, do business, sweep,aod go home." Unless you see your bank president with a broom, don't worry about your money; nothing can sweep it out of the bank. • 7 • UG/fT OF ALL NATIONS ''A Constant Work of · A LIVING GOD'' ~twudly, Christ's Church tw all the appearance of a purely human organiz.atioo, perfected i.nto final union with rhc Blessed Trinlry." Councils held in eulier ccn- curies addressed themselves pri- marily to members of the Church. The Second Vatican Council ... Flcsh·and·blood people admin- ister . its affairs, promulsare its teachings, dispense its Sacra- mcnrs. Its places of worship arc the Ecumenical Council ... cm· built of bride and stone and steel. Bvcn in the holiest of ics Saaa· pbasized the Church as "The meors, the Eucharist, use is made light of AU Nations" and de. of such visible objccu as bread scribed it.s t~chiog and applica· and wine; and in baptism. the tion of the Gospel as "worthy of most abundant and comm6oly the thought of any man of good- uscd substance, water. will" But along with its visible na· le is in chis spirit of F.cwneo- rure is the profound and awe-ical good·will that we offer you some truth that the Church is die a frtt pocke<-siic pamphlet m · Mystia.l Body of Chrisc ···the titled "Light of All Natfons." It invisible but noacthclcss certain will give you a dear and cam· presence of the Holy Spirit in the fortiog picrurc of the Church as world of men ... the divincly·in· God's own instrumcnr fbr the scitutcd means through which we may find unity with God. cn.ligbteruncnt of your spi.ri.rual lo its Dogmatic Conscitution life ao.d the very salntioo of on the Church, the Second Vari· your immortal soul. can Council explains borh the It indudcs such topics u the human upectS and the divine Mystery of the Church, the Peo- mystcry of the Church. "This," pie of God, the Hierarchial Suuc- the document says, "is the meas· cure of the Church, the 4ity, the urc of the love of God, rbc Holy Call ro Holiness, Pilgrim Oiurch Spirit -that He coorinues t0 CX· and H~venly O:lllrch, and the tend the work of Christ in man· Role of the Blessed Virgin. kind amoag men taken from Write today ... aslc for Pampb· mankind; that He continually le< No. fM· 1. It will be sent r~ws the Church as Christ's promptly and without obligation. cncn.sioo; that He will bring her And nobody will call on you. ------FREE-Mail 'coupon Today/-----, Addres•:1---------------------------------------~ City tate Zip KRIGH 15 OF COLUDIBUS RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU ~ UU IOUTN 1aAt1D, IT. LOUii, MO . U111 • 00~$~~~00'U' 'U'@~U'U' FLUSHES UP to MWer or .epUc lllnk no dlgclna up floors •••u , .. lll•l'HfltSOH, INC, IOX lSUl TAMPA, "FLA. ll614 When You Order By Mail From Family Weekly ... Plus• allow up to four weeks few de· livery. Thi ads •• placed bJ reputable c...,.mes. Thi Items and copy are cllec:lled bY family Weelly fof rtllabUlty, too. Yet with ttiousands of cwdlfs c~ In usually to our ICMrtlwrs. sometimes uftlnt1ntfonal delays omw. Al~ll aucti dlfays only lnfreq111t1 • wtlen they do':'r.:.';ly W ... ty wants o tstlat you 11 mucll es possible. If you'we lftJ q'*11on lbovt mall order, Just write: SeMce Dtp11t1Mnt f1111My W11k· ly1~1 lnlnaton Awnue, k"' YOfll, N.Y. 1uu22. ,. \~~I )I ~ 01l t I ll J~ //~/(JI ~ Vl~) ~ Gm»REN . LEARN WuAt THEY L1VE 'F A CHILD LlVES WlTH CRITICISM. ME LEARNS TO CONDEMN. lF A CM•LD LIVES WITH HOSTILITY. HE LEARNS TO Fl&MT. IF A CHILD LIVES WITH RIDICULE . HE LEARNS TO BE SHV. I - lF A CMILD LIVES WITH SHAME~ HE LEARNS 10 FEEL QUILTY. IF A CHILO L•VES WITH TOLERANCE. HE LEARNS TO BE PATIENT. lF A CMILD LIVES WITH ENCOUAA8EMENT. HE LEARNS CONFIDENCE . --------------.--· LOVING PARENTS! ---i I I MAIL THIS NO-RISK COUPON TODAY 1-.. I ~----------------~ I I SPENCER CIFl'S, 925 SPENCER BUILDING I I Atlantic City, N.J. ouo• I 0 PleHe send me (#2"• .. I I W II H • .... 23) Parents Creed" I a an11n1 ( 1 ) @ .3.00 postpaid I 0 Special! Save 50f -2 for U .50 po,.'p.id (Th I I one maku an impttuive sift.). . e extra I ~a!iaf~ ~ ==~·::~:~lishted, 1 may rdunt wlthla 10 I 11 enclose 0 check 0 money order for $ I I (sorry, no C.O.D.'i) I I N.,,.. (pleue priat) I I NU,.. ": IF A CHILD L•VES WlTH PRAISE. HE LEARNS TO APPRECIATE . 'F A CH•LD LIVES WITH FAIRNESS. HE LEARNS ~U8TICE . IF A CHILD LIVES WITH SECURITY. HE LEARNS TO HAVE FAITH . tF A CHILD LIVES WITH APPROVAL. HE LEARN& 10 LIKE H•MSELF. IF A CHILD LIVES WITH ACCEPTANCE AND FRIEM06HIP. HE lEARNS 10 F1ND LOVE INTHE WORLD. I cu., ,.,. . I I z,., __ N.J. Rr.ridcnu odd .S'JI, •--I L ' ,...,. tu. © 1970 S~ncer Olli. •SAT1SFACT10N ouARAHTEEO-OA ··oN I '"' EY AEFUNOEOe -----------.---~--t. l Hll9band Came Home ._. DlnlMr After All QUIPS AND QUOTES BODeyl Ola., 1 dida't espee1 10.i. Goeb, I pa. I look a meee. W atela oat-I jut f'10pped then. Bot dop. Sare, I'm glad yoa~ laome ••• I pee.. "Waitreu!" marled the impatient restaurant· patron, "r ve waited 60 long my ap- petite' tt gone. Just bring me a gla.u of water." The waltreu a.Jked coldly, "50-or 75-cent siu'!" -Berl Krwe A motorist was driving through· a small t.Own one evening about dusk when sudde nly bis headlig~ts picked out the tigu~ of a woman-running for all she was worth dow'n the road. Then, be was startJed to see that close behind her followed a man, who ap- peared to be gaining at every step. The motorist screeched to a halt and, leaping out of the car, asked the woman: "Can I be of any usist- ance?" The woman paused for a moment. "Oh, no, thanks,'' she told him, panting. "Every night my husband and I take a walk after dinner up to the park. Then we always race home like this. Last one in does the supper dishes!" -Ben Ca.ueU l.Aughing gas: the anes- thetic that smells funny. -Edna Tyler The angry young house- wife was on the phone to her plumber. "You fixed things, all right," she said hysterically to him. "Before you came, there were just a few prob- 1 ems. Now my ~O'V'e is spraying water, flames are coming out of the sink fau- cet, and the dishwasher's playing rock tunes. Exactly what, I would like to know, have you got to say to that mess!" There was a long sigh at the other end of the line. "Well," she demanded again. "What have you got to say for yourself?'' A meek male voice then answered: "Lady, nobody's perfect." -John Shotwell Comedian's paycheck: corn bread. -Si Dunn -Joyce Kirclaer Me11U..o" • .,_... °' @ 1970 WOl VERINE WORLDWIDE INC .. ROCKFORD. MICH. 49341-Hush Puppies• stioesand Wolverine* bf and ~~ ~ boots a.id shoes. ski products and gloves. The husband put the two- ycar-old daughter into her playpen several times, but each time the child screamed so violently he had. to tab her out again. . ' FioaUy, the ·wife took the situation in band. She put the little girl into her play-· pen. and the child immedi- ately began to play with her toys happily. "What did you do to her to make her stayr• uked the husband. I ·1 "I told her you would let her alone if she'd play quietJy,'"rcplied tJ;le·wife. I --Gene Y a.renak ' If we don't care for l Mother Earth, the globe may soon become a glob. 4 -Frank Tyger l It was several years ago that a wise old flight instruc- tor was teaching a raw stu- dent pilot for the fint time. During their flight. a change of counc was nocessary, and the teacher advised: "Change direction one degree to port." '1mpossible," replied the student, who felt very sure he would pass his instrument Ucensc test soon. "No one can fly this old crate that ac- curately. Give me a decent amount of correction." ''Theo tum starboard.four degrees," sighed the older man, patiently. "Much better," the stu- dent stated, very pleased with himself. "Fine," answered the in- structor dry!y. "Now, turn five degrees to port!" -Dan Bennett H•dLaQ I think tlae new laalr etyle I finally dl1, l'•.-e gotten my own bail' To look like a wig. -Dorollay Dallon A prizefighter once brag- ged to another tighter , "I fought Jack Dempsey in my early days. And I tell you, I sure had him awfully wor- ried when we got to the third round. He thought he'd killed me."-Dorothea Kent t TheGf'un GBegins GWhenthe GLights Go Off! Christmas Ornaments Glow in . the Dark, Cost Five Cerlts/ Won't Shatter, Wear Out, or Burn Out! Guaranteed! (HOU YWOOO) Now. for the first time, you can decorate your Christmas tree with amuing Macl-Glo omaments that "come to life" wtlen the li&hts 10 off ! C..W, FINt 11 S,.! These unique 1old, red, veen and white ornaments add a festive spirit to the most ele&ant tree, under ordinary light· ln1 ~ditions. But listen to the delighted gasps .of surprise when you tum the lights out. Then, in total darkness. your Magl-Glo om• ments continue to glitter, &learn, and &low and give the Illusion of gently floating in space! Wt1't Wnr tr l•nt Olt! Mqi-Glo Dfnaments will brighten your Christmas year after year after year! That's because your Magi-Glo om• ments can't wear out or bum out I Mqi-Glo's microscopic energy units can be charaed and recharged indefinitely! And they require no bat- teries or electrical connections! "Marial ,._m I Designed by American af11sts, produced by American craftsmen, Ma&i-Glo de· si1ns embrace all the traditional, wonderful, maaical figures of Christmas: Cuddly Santa Cl1t1ses! Darllna Christmu angels! Spanling stars! Delectable candy canes! Shimmering Christmas trees ! Gleamin1 candles! Caroling bells I And m111y, many more! 'Acddt11taf' Dlsceftry! A TV and motion picture producer accidentally discovered the secret process that makes this spectacular effect pos- sible, while lnvestlg1tin1 special effects for a science-fiction movie. Researchin& phosphorescent materials, he h>und the only known methods of application !hand paintina and silk screening) were often unsatisfactory and always costly. However !be- cause he didn't know that it "couldn't be done'1 he developed a new method using laminated metallic inserts and injection moulding. Then, inspiration! He realized that his secret process would make it possible to produce stunnina Christmas ornaments with sharpness of detail and delicacy of desian never pos· sible before ! They'd glow in the dark, yet cost less than ordinary ornaments! Sbtt'"'"' Orn•11t1! Nut, he ruled out breabbfe materials, so even the youngest mem- ber of the family could share the thrill of trim. min& the Christmas tree. The final choices in- cluded specially treated, shattefl)roof materllls (durable enough for outdoor displayD and color· ful metallic laminates. A...._.11 o.ty '1 Mall I Excited by the enthusl· astic comments of his normally blast movie. town friends, he arranaed for exclusive distribu· tion by a reputable mail order firm. "I wanted to keep the price down," he explains. "For that reason Maci-Glo ornaments are available ONLY by mall." Stt 1f 12 01111 $UO! The successful result is the availability of Maai-Glo ornaments ttm slow in the dart with radiant, luminescent color. And they are priced so low that you can decorate your tree llVishly, use them for table decor• tion.s or "stocking stuffers"-or even trim padl- ages you want to "outshine" the rest! A deluxe assortment of 72 Individual Mqi- Glo ornaments lavera1in1 over 3 inches in heightn, is bargaifti>rlced at only $3.50. That's less than five cents apiece! And quantity dis· counts make Ma1l-Glo ornaments ideal for Christmas cifts. You save $1 on each additional set you order! Magl-Glo ornaments are the perfect gift for the people who deserve "something more'' than just a card! GUARANTEED! Yn ••st llt ce•111tt1ly IM •11Ct• dltJtullJ utisf~ witll ,.., Masi- 811 trUMrtl-lf "' 1UY rttlnt ttlt• wltlll11 10 Uys fer 1 ,,..,t lld l .. 1tatit11d rtfMld If tltt Jllr· clln1 ,nct! Off• 11 lllltttd! Supplies are limited and time is short. Order now to make this your 'bri&htest' Christmas! i-------ORDER NOW TO INSURE DELIVERY! -------- I P. M. MANUFACTURING, Dept. 21-1' I 466 Notth Western Avenue I Los An1efft, Callfomla 90004 I ............................... " ... 1N1lat1J .... 11 ........... , I MffntM ..... ., '"'"' I 11 atlttllrlts, .. tltctriut c..-ctt•s-llat t11eJ •Ill ..,., autter, ... wt, ff llw• llltl I 1111t ff, ... I ..... ., .. llllC .... tl....., ........... I .., ,...,. ... wlltl• 11 ...... I .......... , I 0 hlue "'""""' tf 12 (111 .... 1)-U..N """I Mt c.0.1:11 I 0 TWO ...... ••tftlltlb-$1.• (Sitt $ti ..... ,MAM( I 0 A*lltl1111I DehlH lU ...... b , tldl-$2.M Ult AIDIUI I P\Wl * 9*1 11"1 cie1tt fw J•tllP _. ......... tf aldl •1.-..U I ..._ I --------------------------- 1 ltl*tU --------------------------- 1 CltJ------------Sta"---------"''-----1 . ----------------------------------_._ JUNIOR REAS URE CHEST Let'• Draw a Witch By Ann Davidow A pair of pennanta In the sky Cao make a witch who's Riding high. Mlnu• On• From a four-letter word for the sound a railroad steam locomotive makes when it's running, take away the first letter and get wbat you do when you put your arms .around some one you like. (See An.rwer Box) Scramble Can you unscramble these four words that we use at Halloween? 1. uteri 3. okpsos 2. aettsr 4. shogu (Su Answer Box) You Name It (See Answer Box) Tum Around Turn around a four-letter word for an exchange that you make with a friend for something that be bas that you want and something you have that be want.s. and get the feet of a cat or dog. (Su Aruwcr Box) to Famllt1 Wetkl11, Oc:tob•r t5, 1970 lllddle Me Thia What snake has the swell head? (See Answer Box) Can You Separate Th ... Loops? y (Su Anl'Wtr Box) Plua One To a three-letter word which means not old, add a first letter and get a word that means once again. (See Answer Box) ANSWER BOX .Ni.,oe-h.\~N :all() •Id ·Snq·Snq~ :auo snllfW . J:>ppe JJOd .,'U :Sf1U. aw an>Plll ·Slsoqo ·p qoods .( SlV.,J..L 'l q:>!JJ. '( :aaq1119.DS '(.,!l 4w1) ~1dw1 :n aursPll DOA 'SJAVd-dUMS :pano.ty ll.lft.J. ·doo1 .,uo Somro inotp!N> lON :411docY] ~ ~--~ DOA a:) Now! From Ek &,uss and his friends ... Let the magic of readi~ ~gin )&rs before first grade! What fun to be able to read books au by yourself-when you're only three (or perhaps just two and a halO! Lots of little kids are doing it these days, with a wonderful new kind of book created by Dr. Seuss and his friends. They're called BRIGHT AND EARLY BOOKS , and they're filled with big, bright illustrations and funny little rhyming words. Children love them . And with their help, "beginning" be- ginners-from two-year-old tots to six- year-old first-graders-take to reading as happily as ducklings take to water! These BRIGHT AND EARLY BOOKS tell about the things that are delightfully familiar to your child: his feet and the marvels they can-perform ... his eyes and the fun of seeing ... the ideas of "in- side, outside, and upside down" that a young child finds so fascinating. Dr. Seuss and his fell ow authors have J1<>)ished these marvelous stories until they sparkle with the simplest words in the language. But the sprightly, bri1thtly-colored illustrations are the real key. Youngsters can't resist them ... and as they pore over the i1lustra- tions they begin to put the words and pictures together. With just a little help from Mom or Dad, a child soon dis- covers he's actually reading on his own! From this happy start- on to bigger things! The three BRIGHT AND EARLY BOOKS shown here are the starter books in the BEGINNING READERS' PROGRAM. They cost $5.85 at the publisher's catalog price. But you may have all three for only $1.65 as an introduction. They'll get your "be~inning" beginner off to a happy start m reading. And then it's an easy glide right into reading regular BEGINNER BOOKS ... they begin where BRIGHT AND EARLY BOOKS leave oft! As a member of the program, your child will receive a BEGINNER BOOK each month, and you will be billed only $1.65 plus delivery. After accepting four monthly selections, you may can cel membership at any time. Enjoy this 10-et.y tr~at FREE! See for yourself how Dr. Seuss and his friends can charm your child into reading! You must be delighted, or you may return the three books within 10 days and owe nothing. Just fill out and mail the attached order ·form, today. f). pr.5ev55 The FOOT BOOK by Dr Su"• Up /tel . doum /f'I. Htr• come> c/011•n /ul. Only Dr. Seu'ill. u•inl! sim.ple rhymes entl d4'1i,tltfully d•ffy tinawinirs. coultl have creeled • book ebout runny feoet lib this for fol'\. Your )IOUl\l!ller will love it. The [Y( llOOK by Theo. IAS1,11• 1//u•trnl1one bv Rov McK;. A dellirhtful book •bout •fff •nd what they -! It e•pl•1ns Aimple ,_pis in euv wor~ 11nd won<lerrullv whlmalc.I pM:turu that will enchant any child. Or. SeUA.'\0A ~n name IN.SH)( OUTSIDI: UPSIDl DOWN bY 51411 nnd Jan Rtun11ailt Hen •re the ra~ Reren· •l•in bHu to lickle little runny bone!t. Simple words are comhined with hil•riowi pie· lure. to melt• your you~I chUti 11iclle with joy. l'ji!U·1U•1A1·S•M'&1't.o•G·ID4·U• THI •E81NNINQ READERS' P'ltOGMM I Dept. HK A Divi•ion of Groli•r Ent•rpriH• Inc. I Shermen Tumpllle, Denbury, Connectlcr.lt 061101 Y•, p..._ mroll my child u a trial member and lead the 3 BUGHT AHO E.uJ..Y 8&0UfN"H BooU ahown here plua the free Da. Sltuu'a ABC book ta total value of 17 .80) , and bill me only 11.66 plua delivery. If not delifhted, I may keep the Da. Sauaa ABC book and return Lbe other three boob in 10 daya and owe ootbm.. Otberwiee, .-ch month thermter, flaue eend another B11- 01NNU BooK for ooJy I .66 plua delivery. I may cancel &QY time after purchuiJls 4 monthly eelc- tiom. Child'• Name (pie-print) Addr ... City Zip Code Parent'• Sisnature I..! ( Aleo n1i11ble In c ..... 1.. S hipment end aenlcee fro• C•111d1.) --------------~ Announcing The Asthma Capsule. AsthmaNefrfn• Capsules. The most cont- plete fonn of mediation you can buy. The AsthmaNefrin Capsule delivers more relief-giving medication than any other leading tablet or spray. Re- lief that begin s to work in minutes and lasts for hours. Each capsule contains 500 tiny pills wh1ch release a prescribed dose of the four medications an asthma sufferer needs most. Medications which open your clogged breathing pa ssages, loosen phlegm and clear congestion, relax bronchial spasms and help prevent allergic reaction~ that can sometimes bring on or in- tensify an attack. This formula is so effective it can help you prevent attacks for hours, day or night. Ask your doctor or druggist about the AsthmaNetrin Capsule ... an asthma sufferer's most complete form of medication. ·Worried About. FALSE TEETH Coml•CJ Loose 7 Don't be 10 a.tra1d that your tal.M teeth wUl ocmie IOOM or drop JI.Ult at tbe 'llfl'ODC Ume .. Por more MCUrttT ud comfort, 91>rtnkle PA8'1B&'l&• Deoture Adb..tve PoWder on 1our plate.. PA.8'l'BETH bold• dentu.rea ftrmer lo~r. Mak• eaun1 euter. PASl&r la not actd. No aumm1. cooe1 . .-aty tut.e. Deoturea that ftt ue -nttal to health.. See YOW' dentlat recularly. Get eaay-to-uae PASTD'TS at all drUg couotera. PHOTO CREDITS Coftr1 Pete Czwa. P ... 21 lN White H.w.1 AIC•t.. , ... .,., H. Anftltntftg ltebem. roe-6, 7: W1cle World. P°"" 12, 13: ,.._ Czl#O. Page , ... , ,.ldoriol Pan.de. Page 191 Wide World. Complete CourSe in Painting! h.lor ttle t. _. Uwlll of 1111111 lllle to 1119iM I ~,. -.. m. tMt wUI 11111an ,._ frleflft ~ CM!ltleu ....,. of ,...,... ... utl$- fectloft fot ,.. llld ell ,ow fllllllyl It's euy, eultl11tl ~,,... llO 9"Clel ••perlence. 111 Illa .... booll, "THE rAl"1'1NC Of r1CTUllES," 1'0ft6.flll!On lrtlat llld teectler, Arttlur Zalden-be1, sflowl 104! Mrytlll• JOU Med to know to Ul'll Ollt flllillled, llillllJ lndlYldull ~Int· lnca-el••t O'tfflllllltl qulftl CONTINTI "-"" Yeu1 •llh T .... I_ f/f 011 a.we .... £.,e,...t ......... 4 ,. .. ., ·~· .. ---~ ht.t °'= .. nW. DI-· I•= O.'t _, u ............ .. a.tttet U• Wlft .,... Mel ..... CtheC ...... £,...... , .... ...,.,.. .. ,,_ ''T.._...... ,._ ........... .. ·--.. """" ........... ..,.. "'-.... ~ ....... ._, Maw, let tfll• llOted ·~ ,..,, JOU .... op ,._, lllddeft lftlatlc tll111tst Sten r1llltl11& Rl111t A.,.yl Mill OllllJ $UO to S300 ..,AlllT· ....... -.................... n.. '*4. H your dentures are over 2 years old ••• Now-with lmproved-Farm11/a KLE ENITE ' ~nture Oeanser-you can get even oldtr dentures cleaner, brighter faster. Justs0<tking in KLEEN ITT gives dentures a cleansing action unsurpassed by any un- oxygenated denture tablet, paste or powder. Improved KLEENITE has murt dettr- gent nction; more tffervtscence: more pen- etrating power than t\'er. n surges to every denture surface. Loosens film. The dingier the denture, the more spectacular the re- sults. Only KLEENITE gives you 1his easy- to·use formula that gets even older den- tures cleaner, brighter faster. Dt11turt1 rlaot fit arr tntnlial 10 lital1l1, Stt your dtnlisl rt111larly. Safari team climbs a1op tour bus for heller vantage point for 11iewing,fi/min11 African game. By PETE CZUllA Cautiously, and as stealthily as possible, I crept up on a huge lion that was cavorting with his female. Being downwind, I felt reasonably safe as I hid behind a bush 50 yards away, aimed at him, and then squeezed off a shot. Quickly, before he had a chance to rcaliz.e what was happening. I triggered off six more shots. Then he walked slowly away. lf you were wondering bow I could have missed dropping that lion at almost point- blank range-get set for a pleasant surprise. I wu "shooting" with a camera. 1be shots of that lion are just a part of the nearly 1,500 photos 1 took of all kinds of wildlife on a photo safari recently in Kenya, East Africa. The increased popularity of photo safaris into Africa has given impetus to the conser- vation of an irreplaceable asset. As one Ugan- da official put it, "We are trying to protect our precious animals so travelers can enjoy seeing them in natural habitat while photo- graphing them." Most camera safaris move through Tan- zania, Kenya, aod Uganda, where there are more than 60 game sanctuaries, with hun- dreds of photography stations, that embrace the laqe1t coocentratiom of wlld animals in the world. Famil11 Wukl'JI, October ts, 1110 You, on Today's treks into thq and sight-seeing-one You can start your photo expedition from a number of jumping~ apots. Many begin their tour in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, where you can equip younclf in the typical safari garb of bush jacket, shorts, aod desert boot.a. However, blue jeans and khaki shirts will do just u well. Many camera shops in N airol?i .ell or rent cameras equipped with telephoto lenses, -which are the most important items you can tote on your camera safari. U sing a minimum of 300 mm lens will en- ~ some ft~ close-ups of wildlife and a SOO mm will do even better. II you try to get by with a normal lens (SOmm on a 3Smm cam- era), you'U be sadly disappointed_, as the sub- jects will be too far off and very small on your prOCC$sed transparency. Another good place to launch your African photo safari is from Dar-es-Sal&.a111 in Tan- zania. Many "safarists" relax for a few days on the island of Zanzibar before beading out to make the circuit of game parks. The Serengeti National Patt in Tanzania otlen the photographer a chance to photo- graph one of the most spectacular of wildlife scenes--tbe spring migration. The regiments of zebras, wildcbeeste's and other booved ani- mals march across the plains, sometimes aa many u 40 abreast, in a stately procession. Just a few miles southeast of Serengeti lies Late Manyara National Park, an area of dense ve,ctation featuring tree-<lwdling lions. No one knows why or bow the lions began to perch on t.ree branches, but the most popu- lar opinion is that they seek sanctuary in the trees from the hordes of tsetse flies that hover a few feet off the ground. H ere you will probably get your best chance to "shoot" an elephant face to face. Jo such a situation exercise extreme caution. Heading northward, you can visit Nairobi National Park, which is just a few minutes away from downtown Nairobi. Here you can spot the Masai giraffe that seems to ftoat on air as it races over the ground, friendly ba- boons that might bop on the hood of your vehicle, funny-running wart bogs, and a vari- ety of such antelope as the graceful impala. After a couple days rest in Nairobi you1J head northward towards Tsavo National Park, which is divided into two parts: Tsavo Park Ea.st. headquarters at Voi (200 miles from Nairobi), and Tsavo Park West at Mtito Andei (ISO miles from Nairobi). Within an area of 8,000 square miles is found one of the main strongholds of wildlife io Kenya. Amboseli Game Reserve. about I SO miles from Nairobi. is surrounded by an impressive tange of mountains with Mount K.ilamanjaro dominating the entire magnificent soeoe. You can stay ac a well-furnished lodge or camp l n African Safari th~ nd of big game are for photography inc m in a, al :rt ts ot :s, ill 11- K> •Y o- b- >11 lD D- ys ut da 0- fc ats 1i- as '°· cs of \S. an IU- he >er est Io >bi :es an DD •a-ur ri- Ja. a1J aal VO les ito an of (a. les ivc ll'O ·ou np sts are coming down out on their fine campground nearby. Here you will find opportunities to photograph a large number of big~game animals in country varying from open plains to thick bush inter- spersed with tbc weU-known Amboseli yel- low thorn trees. Elephant and water buffalo can be seen in considerable numbers, but Am- boseli is more famed for its large populations of rhino, lion, cheetah, and leopard. Many species of plains game as well as a profusion of birds and waterfowl arc to be found. This one is a "must" for all bird lovers. If you are lucky. you may come upon a pair of courting Jioos. During this time they forget all about food and live on love for about two weeks. After the mating, the hun- gry lions will offer you the best chance to photograph them making a stalk and a kill. A quick ftighl from Nairobi will put you in Kampala, Uganda. From there. a half day's drive to Paraa Lodge, near the mouth of the ile Rjver, may well be the peak of your amcra safari, as a boat ride puts you in easy ocus range of the beautiful Murchison Falls. bis is the beginning of the source of the Nile. After a day here, you can head back for ampala or Nairobi and your African photo afari will be over. During your two or three eeks in Africa, you will have traveled nearly ,000 miles, captured on film an infinite vari- ty of wild game, which lures adventurous unters from all over the world. And you ill have enjoyed scenes which will live for- ver in your storehouse of memories. At the present time. you can fly to Nairobi via TWA-between October and March- for abOut $ t.050 tourist class, round trip from New York. However. you can reduce the cost if you take a 21-day excursion ftight, which costs only $757 round trip. T here are · also go-now, pay-later plans available from most air lines serving Africa. 1 think one of the best air-fare plans avail- ble is offered by Seleactasafari. in coopera- tion with British United Airways and Quan- tas. This company offers three types of 21-day camera safaris ranging from $1 ,299 per person and up, from New York. From San Francisco, $1 ,S 16. Pan Am, in conjunction with Percival Tours, offers 28 trips into Kenya and Tan· zania, for 15 days, at $1,504, from New York. Another 22-day sufari into Kenya. Uganda, and Tanzania, costs $1,835. Four Winds and Air France have six photo safaris available .• from 22 to 59 days. The 22- day safari junket features visits to the great game parks at a cost of $1,839 from Chkago: $1.771 from New York. TAP, Portugese Airways. and Swissair tempt the armcha~ adventurer with A frican photo safaris available from $1 .563 and up, from New York. Same trip from C hicago is $1,653. Trips range from 22 to 33 days. Jambo Safaris. in Nairobi, offers photo tours into various wildlife parks in Kenya. In cooperation with TWA and Lufthansa airlines, this firm provides a 21-day safari from Kampala to Nairobi for $1,298. All pfices above (with the exception of the fares of TWA, which provides only transpor- tation) include round-trip air fare-economy class group rate-land transportation, ac- commodations. meals. and taxes. Contact your local travel agent or air line of your c hoice for more information. Photo Safari Information O.tallecl information may be obtained by contactln9: 110"'0 Sofori1 Comp, 1. 0 . 8u '191, Nairobi, Kenyo, folf Africa. Nairobi Publicity Ano<iation, Nairobi, Kenya. Jambo Safaris, Ke11yelto A¥•n11•, Nairobi, Kenya. Ministry of Touri1m oncl Wild/if•, P. 0 . 8o:ir 30027, Nairobi, Kenya. Toni:onio No· lionol Tourilf 8oord, l.S.P. 8ui/cllng, Nairobi, Kenya. Auto A11ociotion ol foil Alrico, Tourin11 Ad,..i1ory S•rvice, P. 0 . 80.11 87, Nairobi, K•nyo. l<enyo Tourilt Olflce, 120 Wert S7th StrHf, New Yorlc, N . Y. 10019. s safari members watch from safe distance, elephants splash in water hole in Tsavo Park, Kenya. [fHREE I Magnificent . 8ILVEBPLATBD SPOONS Commemorating America's First Three President•! $1FOR ALL only THREE MAT we Hod l'OU \MN Ulree ellQUlalU •DOOM -• r•lll•r "·°' ••IH -for Jut U .00? T!i•J •n the ftnt three •POOn• of Ult f•mou. PrHldeotl•I 8POOn Collection, Tbe Collection. deat1nfd bJ' •D OUl.ll•ndln1 ICUIP· tor. oonaus.a of thlrtr·ft'H In •II -from W•ahlott.on t.o Johnaon. ••ob aPOOI\ com-memor•ta • durerent prtaldent. dJ1pt.,.1n1 hi• oortnlt. hla n•m•. the numkr of hle DH•ldener •nd the Lerm In --· otllce. Sn1n.\'ed la the bo•I la the -ne or •n blator1cal neut that oecurnd whlle h• wu prHldeaL If 70\l are deu.tl\ff •Ith tl'le lllret Ulrff ,.,_, 1011 m..,, It 1ou wlah. collect the oUMn or Ule Mrl•• '" mall. Uu" a t a time. for onl1 •t per •POOn, plua a r•w eeota P<>•tan . All or Ule •POOD• are h•'YllJ' platH In pure all'Yer and are produced 111 UI• lntematlonal 8llver Co. ea. to r-IH tbe lllnt three IPOODI of tb• eolleeUon for onb a rrutlon or the re1ular retail Price. mall the co11· oon below t.o Pruldenu 8POOna. DePt. PW·IO,P o. Boa J4'1t. HlalHb. Pk>rlda UOU. Pleaae Knd no mooo. We'll blll ro11 for the doller lalt.r. And MN •• an UTBA 80K'Ollt Kall wr1111r•y SPOOll -LuDm f1(£1 UM COllPOll -t.od .. , -rlchl DOW -and RUllfllUll _, ______ ..... we'll Include Ule Prftl4l.nt 1tenned1 1'••· ••II Ille e IPOOD WIUIOllt ntn. oharnl Read -re t!t'! I I f'M• •• I al u..~. · 1 1 I· about thla boolla ofter at the left. r pL ·Ul'm1 r---------------.. r.-.n w. ,;"l;;I I PltUIDt:NTS SPOONS, °'"·FW·lO ~r::~·b":"·•·· '·'· ... 11n .............. ,.,. ~Ill ef · .r,~ I .. ,... • Ille first J - -Mii • ti tell"t ' rloae~ ,._, ,._, ... IA ....... 9100 Vtllle), .,,. .... ::,,~~~::-:r:t I ,,,. ...... ..., '-· MIOlUTlU FWU . h ••· ~ • .t.cit•• ea I ~.': 9!::.r:!''rVJ,k 1 ..... · · .. · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~fr-r.i:r':t~•·:S I ............... ····· ................ . ...-t:t..'l" I :=-..::~ 1 cm ....•.............................. ACTllAl 1111 ... L-I '""· ....................... ·"' .... . No Nagging Backache Means a Good Night's Sleep Na .. 1ln1 baclutche, J>uduht and mus-tular acltft and pain• mar c:ome on with o•er .. ,.erllon, emotional up1ete. or t•eryda)' atl'ftll end atraln. ff thla ne ... .. ins batkache, with rnt.Jeu. 11ffp'"11 nlshla. 11 wearln .. )'OU out. maklns you mlaerable anti lr-rltable, don't welt. try Doan'• Plllto -an enat11eelc, a ualn .,.._ llever. Doan'a paln·ttllevlns aetlon on na1r1ln1r beclu1cht. la often the anawer. Oet Doan'• Piii; -not a hablt-rormlns drus but a weU·known standard n.m· ...tr offd 1uccaafull1 by mllllou for over 70 )'tara. Stt if the)' don't brlns you tbe 1ame welcome ttllef. Por con-venlenc•. alwan bu)' Doen'a larce 1iw. l'Jt•]:ll~Ri!Ml•]ll gives Vigor More Stamina Endurance Less Heart Stress •Don 'I belie~e it 1 You Will w hen you read FREE Bulletin # 15 18 years reHarch World Expert Physical Fitneu REFUSl SUBSTITUTES -Only Violin Oil proved e ffective. VIOBIN, Mc•t :r. , '" "" r,,-,',~ Now ••• Plastic Cream Revolutionizes Denture Wearing_. f'or the first time. science now offers a unique plastic cream that holds dentures -both "upptrs" and·· tow· en" -as they'~ never been held before. It formun elastic membrane thal. lttlt>s /told/°"' dmt111u lo I~ natural liM11ts OJ Yft' MOU/II. Ifs FIJCOOE~-a revolutionary d1ecovery for daily home u&e. So dHferent il'1 prntected by U S. Patent fl ,003.988. f'IXOOENT not only holds den· turu firmer. but it hold1 them more comfortably. too. lt'uoelastic you may bite harder. chew better, eat more naturally. The special ptncil·point dispenser lets you put F1xool!NT exactly where it's needed. Resiats oozing over and gaggi~. Just one application may last for hours. Denturts that fit are L'Wn· t1al lo health. See your dentist regu· larly. Get easy-to· use Pa XOOENT Denture Adhesive Cream al all drug counters. ~~-~~~~~~~---------------------........................................ .. TIC'O Lo"elfl W.il Pleee.-..1• S4.N Antiqued White & Gold Metal Wall Sconces Cllmbin1 vine triple c.ndleholdera, amazlnctY pnc.dl A pntfu9'on of flowers and leaves on twlnins branc:hel. Antiqued white. tMn edpd and Ctested with pden hi1hll1hts. Define an imprnliw 4 sq. ft. of -'I area wfth the soft candle cSow of be.auty. Each sconce has th.-candle holders, ia 17"d0'" Candles not Ind. Set or 2. only $4.98 r - - -MAIL 10-DAY NO RISK COUPON TODAY! -- --, I GREENLAND STUDIOS, 4152 Gf'MfttMMI ~ Me.ml,,..... J3064 I _A9742 Set(s) of 2 6 $4.98 (Add 7!5C post.) Endoled c:heck « m.o. fOf' I ' I I NAM[ I ADOltESS ----------------------------------------L ------- - - - -- --- - ---~ .......................... c...-...., .......... • Exciting storie$, hetptul articles and full cotor pictures tt•lore. • 6 beautiful 72 pa1e Issues per year r---------- 1 DOG FANCY, o.,t. F.W.10 3 W. 57th Street. N9w Yort 10011 I E1><lo...t la ct..c·1t or .... o. for $__ ••• I °' 0 lill-lolor. I 0 1 yr. $3.50 0 2 yrs. $6.00 UllW Stitt I O 3 yrs. $8.00 c1n UP ____ _ L-------------------~ MIN-WOMIN-COUPW ..... ca~ .......... Wu .. YOU 1111111 to meet Ha1trn1 ,... ............. -MCUrffY1tNY• el aM lift l1t ...... ntsurrellMlnp t UNIVl•UL Metal lc"-ts ,,.,,.. , .. ot ...... . H Metet Maupra, Cf~-ff .... . 11 .. --. " ........ •nd _,. ... . ld...C Tral..._ ot MIAMI alACH, Fl.A. er LAI 91GAI, NIVAOA. AH ... bal'rier-motuntJ ........ ,., P•ll lltt.nnatieft !Mii OH,.. ..,.,, .......... ......, ....... c. AP'NOVll FCltl WTllMI ... Hlll.,_CI Pl .... n .. ll MIWll llU. .. -------------.. f UNIVUIAL MOTIL SCHOOL.I,~ I "'1 1.w. 1 ...._--. ..._ 111• I f PIHM Print I I N•m• I I Addrns Ate --1 I City St•t• I l !!'!===--Ph.!~--- - --=.J BACKACHE Painful Joints You long to ease those pains, even temporarily, untll the cause Is cleared up. Wtw nol join mllllons of other uaera and try OeWltt's Pilla? Famous for over 60 years, DeWIH's Piiis contain an analgesic to reduce pain, and a mild diuretic to help eliminate retained fluids, thus flushing out bladder wastes which can cause euch pains. DeWitt'• Pills often suc- ceed where olhera fail. If pain persists. always consult your doctor, but fhat, try DeWitt' s Pills FIX BROKEN DENTURES M ....... 1111 ... Amuinc new Q.llL-Flx fi11e broken plates. fill• in the cHcln and replaces tftth like new. Falt! ltuy to \U1el No 'J>CCi•I UIOI• ~ed. QUIK-AX• WOf'lu every time or )'O\Jr monq b9clr. .._. ..,.., lit A Provocative Look at Paris Fashions By GINEVIEVE ANTOINE DAltlAUX High fashion is one luxury that many Parisians regard as a neces- sity. Certainly the French capital city is the center of "haute cou- ture," where a handful of dress designers predicts, if not dictates, what the best.dressed women of the world will wear. Many designers just travel around the world half the, year attending the theater, ballet. films, and visiting muaeums to get oew ideas which might inspire them while sketch· iog new styles of clothing. About twice a year, in January and July, each Paris fashion house bas a showing for hundreds of journalists gathered from aJJ over the world. Every 10) yean or so, the designers try to change the fashion look completely. lbey hope every fashion-conscious woman will feel worse than naked wearing anything from her old wardrobe and will buy the new designs. For many women. to be out of fashion today is wb.at being excommunicated must have been like in the 13th, century. And each time that "rag revolution" ha~ pens, there is a lot of screaming and shouting -people swearing they are NOT going to submit to the dictates of Paris designers. You may already have beard some howling this year caused by tb.e emphasis on tbe longer midi skirt. While women often resent the fashion rev- olution, when it comes, they are also thrilled to read that there is something really new for them to wear. Meo may protest having to pay the biU for what aeems like milady's whims, but that is literally the price he has to pay for being married to a woman who takes pride ir) the way she looks. But now let's take an inside peek at \the high-fashion in- dustry in Paris. Fashion press coverage: #.ashion reporters are paid to find out w 's new at the Paris showings at all costs. competition runs high as writers race to elepbones and cable offices after a show to mate a deadline with fashion news. No sooner are the words and pictures in print than tbey become law among the fashion fol- lowen. Whycouturlerswork for ma11 markets: The couturier-<>r dress desigoer--used to work for private clients only. Each dress, suit, or ensemble was an original design, a custom-made garmcot for ooc particular per- son. Even then it was costly. But that was part of the snob appeal of wearing designer clothes. Now, however, a designer can actual- ly lose money even if the dress sells for the 14 Fatnil11 Weekl11, Ootobe,. es, H70 Madame Dariaux ii a Parit-Ooted fothion expert who hat written a numbef of book•. most prominent of which ii "Ac- cent on El99once'1 (Doubi.doy). She headed her own d.tign firm few owr 10 years and leavres on fashion. equivalent of the cost of a French aportscar. Why? High overhead and ascending labor costs for one thing. Each time the dress is fitted it is completely uoscwed and reshaped. This labor takes some 80 hours to perform. Who wears the latest foshktn1? Two types of people generally latch on to the latest fashions. The "beautiful people" who live on publicity and feel they must be noticed in order to make the best-dressed list, and the truly elegant people who dress to suit their own good taste. There arc a few suggestions that 1 might offer for the woman who wants to be up to date in fashion, but oot a costumed clothes liorse. ln general, I would say: YES to: • Hems under the knees, to just below the calf; • capes; • boots or dark-colored opaque stock.in~; • gaucho or short- ened pants worn with Cardio-'Style boots; • pleats and full skirts; • belts, bigh- waisted if it is flattering to your silhou- ette; • colors in 'the blacks, greys, and browns for basic suits but softened with accessories such as blouses and scarves in pale colors; • supple materials such as jersey or light tweeds; • natural-looking make-up aod soft. feminine hair styles. NO to: • Maxi and mini-length skirts and coats worn together; • pant suits, except for very sporty occasions and in the country; • ftoppy felt hats; • extremely long scarves; • heavy shoes; • boots adorned with nail beads; • see-through blouses (or at least wear them with a body stocking underneath). I am wiUing to say that we are now living in the last years of the costume as a fashion style and that elegance will once again be in vogue. In the final f asbioo analysis, after the novelty items pass into history, the classic. tasteful styles arc bound to live on forever. • J. CARL TON'S, Dept. 1.a--0s 171 Medlson-Aw., N.Y., N.Y.10016 Kindly rush ---11672 f'll,tlt B•p •t the •mHlnc ule price of $9.95 Heh (plus Sl.00 post•c• •nd h•ndllnc chUIH). If I em not completely satisfied. I will return for refund or c•ncell•· tlon of ell ch•'S"· Specify: O Olive Brown O Bl.ck Enclosed ~ $-------------------(Check or Money Order) Ch•rs• my O Diners Club O Mester Ch•rs• O Amerlcen ExpreH My Account '------------------ Nem•---------------------Address--------------------- ~ I • • , l FAMOUS guitarist shows you how to play guitar in a week or money back! Get FREE pierced earring catalog can save to 60% from the re- tail price at direct -to-you prices. Over 2000 styles: 14K gold, antiques, exotic woods, plus matching pendants, fin- ger rings, etc. ~ postage. II> 820 all-style songs, instructions to guide fingers to the chords plus guitar tuner. $4.98. Terry Elliott, FW24X, Box 1918, Grand Central Sta., New York, N.Y. 10017. TllE 12-llOllTll COAT-llESS- FIM /ANA WBEU ..,, 1• .. ~~--------------' UM UE1. ...... '-. 17111 --I ,...... : IMINla I I~ I 1-. n, I l._.nt.-............ I I C.0.14.l~tm -,., ..... I L O•••..., .. -. ........ ...,. .... .,._AU._. UM.tmu. FMlllOll CAtMOL--1 Fastest, Easiest Way to RAISEssoro ssooo OR MORE! If you belona to an established club or orpniution thll needs money to finance activities, here's the answer: raise SSO, SIOO, SIOOO or more this easy way. Our "old-fashioned" Kathryn Beicb Candies have been used by thou- sands or schools, churches, clubs and other orpnil.ation1 to sup- port projects. Choose from 13 different candies. 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WEAR GAY JEWELRY IN OUR COUNTRY'S COLORS! Proudly dltisMY theM duzllna meic.t>etiew red rubles, brilllent btue .... pphlrn''. lhlmmerlrw "dlemonds". l" "-c Pin ''wlwes" on • 2" staff; the ..... nt """ ..n edjusts to ftt •ny ft..,; the esqulsit. ~Is• wof1t Of ertl You'll merwl et the wey tttey edd • llltterinc eccent to dey or ewnlnc wur. Loob expen- sive; coats little to own or live! Order now1 ,····· ·· HANOVl!R HOUSE ·· .... ., ' DtJt. z ..... "-"'· ,...., 17111 • : I'll examine ttlls Jewelry without 1ny risk & must bt : dell1hted or mar return It for refund· ......... 19763.a1111. 1'111 & aracelet 111 1 15.98 f .............. .. • ........ 46313-flaa Pin ........................ 1.98 .............. . : ........ 4639l..f'11111ant RlllC .............. l .98 .............. .. ; ........ 19755-tracelet ...................... 2.~9 .............. .. 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Weekend Shopper By SUSAN PAINE TOUGHENER for fingernails takes only 3 days, then you may even pull tac k s without breaking a nail! Wear your nails ex- tra long and be a glamorous homemaker. Nails may bend a bit under stress, but they'll be too tough to break. "N ailette" is the name of this marvelous nail tough- ener. $3. Fleetwood, Dept. XX-67, 427W. Randolph, Chicago, Ill. 60606. MOTOR LESS DRAINER for basements, pools, boats, any flooded area, does the dirty work easily! Couple between 2 lengths of garden hose; attach one to faucet. $2.98. plus 45t for postage. Larch, Dept. FW-8, P .O. Box 770 Times Square Station, New York, N.Y. 10036. MEMENTO of World War II - wartime silver nickel set. 11 cir- c u I ate d d a t es, $5.98. 10 sets, $57.50 ; 25, $187.50. Uncirculated set, $37.50; 10 sets. $370. F1·ee catalog. Add 60¢ postage. Numiss, Dept. Fl025, 2928-4lst Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. 11101. LOSING confidence? Vitacrin, a new hair and scalp treatment, may be w hat you seek if you have a losing-hair, da n- druff, itchy scalp problem. Trial size. $1.25. Regular, $7. Vitaco. Dept. FW-10, Box 665, Miami , Fla. 33166. BE A LOSER and like it! Here's a great way to take off unwanted pounds with the help of Obesity Bell Tablets. Simple, it encourages Jess eating at mealtime. A nice way to lose. 1-day size, U ; 6- week supply, $4; 12-week supply, $6. Hollings-Smith Company, Dept. FW-6, Orangeburg, N.Y. 10962. READ tiny print with half- frame magni- fying glasses. Look ot1er nor- mal viewing. Men's or women's black with silver thread : brown with gold ; black or brown tortoise. Be sure to specify. $6.96. J oy Optical, Dept. 891, 84 Fifth Ave., New York. N. Y. 10011. RINSA RAMA "Lemon Oil" Protein Rinse curls, waves hair with- out permanent waving. 2 spoonfuls in glass of water, comb thru hair, put up on curlers or pins. Makes 2 gallons. $2.50. Fleetwood, Dept. AJ9, 427 W. Randolph, Chicago, Ill. 60606. nJLlP BULBS plan a pretty garden. Re- ceive 60 har- dy medium size a p anting s k tulips guar- . anteed many blooms 1st season, nor- mal bloom 2nd, and 6 years follow- ing. In a rainbow mixture, 60 tulip bulbs, $1.60. 100 bulbs, $2.76. Plus 6 free blue Dutch Muscari bulbs. Michigan Bulb, Dept. MC-1460, Grand Rapids, Mich. 49502 . Weekrnd S hopper ite1"8 are NOT advertising. If produ.cu 16 shown are not available at stores, order from sources listed. Ail tAe ir<l ur. icA :ve. 75'' 186, ~1. it! to lds ity it at to 6- ly, pt. DY ilf- ni- es. or- ag . 1er or fy. 84 ll. w. BS .ty ~e- 1r- m ir- •T- w- ip . 6 >S. 0, LEARN income tax preparation at home I Earn up to $700 per month a.s a tax preparer! Low tuition. No saJe.sman. Write to H & R Block, Tax Training Inst., Dept. 806B, 4410 Main, Kan888 City, Mo. "111. DAZZLING delight for him and for her! Capra Gem8 coat far lua and daule MOre than the "real thing!" 1-carat can be purcbued for a mere $27. 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Wo- men : 162872 to size 7 : 162880 over 7. $8.98; 2 for $7.69. Add $1 poet. Hanover Houee, Dept. Z-871, Hanover, Penna. 17881. U.S. Hearmg Aids * * SAVE up to 67(% J I If I 'f'"7:_ dnd fToM flctofy. Belrild·tlle&, M·lll.f:tlt. Elr,"Qe Glass Aids. OM of Alllericl'a llfl'Sl seledions of top qullity aids. 20 dlys FREE HOME TRIAL No ..,__. lllOfttY don. Easy payments. No interest. FREE Elf Molds. New fittinc plan.POWERFUl BODY AIDS 129!:. No salesmM will call. Writt: UOYD COIP. Dept.FWO. 905 9dl St., lbdfofd, Ill. 61108 Natnt~~~~~~~~~~~ Addrft.._~~~~~~~~~~ o~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sfvt9·~~~~~_.n • .._~~~~ •LOW YOURllLF U PTO POITU SID 2x3~S450 ,. .. A.-t7.IO 1 ~ x2 R.--tl.IO Send .,., bleck lfMI wtllt• or colOf plloto, pollrOld print or ... ,. lllM plloto. A 1rNt Gift idH • . , A aplelldld Gil • . . ldul l'OOlll dlcorltloll . . . ,.met for parties. l'Httr relled llld 1111llecl In shudy tl!M. Yow ort1IMI ntut'lled ~. Md 50c for llOltlll Md l1111C11111 IOf EACH !tell Ofdtrtd. Selld cllec:k, Of M.O. 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Tll• dtct It lllllOll llh I feet 1111 Aeidelll9' ly 11111 wlthtvt tilt lltill tH il!COllYlll~ •-JS, 45, SS or -65 . years et ... 11111 lttk. 1.15 ~'• '"""'· It peMtrms 11141 l1tl11t ••J H Tiie .... tolt111 wrl11klft lfOllM tJft alld lllOVlll. fletlby tll.111 11141 Pllll-OutatMdltll Sll11 look tlfhltf alld·mort ~1111. Sll.111II1et111lly -u•IPd to eequilt tllt IHutlfJllll 11ttur• Clt•1 tmooth "•lure 11141 1tow of l'CNllll lhet 11 t¥tf1 wo-·• dt .. 111, So ltllt t tip from llloM Jsle11411 lleeutlet wlM •lwtys -'° Dl-«y 111 Tiit looll "41"1" lllH their Jllfl. OrMr Spth11 A1Mll TURTll Oil , ... H YHrtl .... ,. Oii ..,.,... ... of satltltctltll or......, ... °"'' $UO pt1411 • C.O.D.'t PMlllll atn ($1.DO deelnll). Write: Tti. FLEETWOOD" COMPANY t 0,t .Al n, C27 W. R1ndolptt St., Chit110, Ill. to606 -__ ... A valuable extra ... the famous Raleigh coupon on both Belair Filter Kings and Filter Longs. Hee Gift Catalog. Write Box 12. l.ouisviMe. Ky. 40201 0 .0-& ~ lOIACCO COIP. --.-w;;;,;;:;;=-·~~ --~~ • i The NFL's -Pete Rozelle: How good has he been as commissioner By BOB CURRAN An Appraisal of the booming sport of professional football? On Friday, July 3 lst, while some owners of franchises in the National Football League were saying, "Let the players strike. We'll just cancel the football season," Pete Rozelle, the league's co11U1USS1oner, was making moves to save the season. One of tbe demands the playen were making was that Rozelle be labelled a "joint employer" and that ao umpire be required in oon-injury grievance cases such as those involving ownership of bars with tarn.isbed reputations. When it became apparent that nei- ther the owoen nor the: players were goins to make peace, Rozelle asked John Mackey, the president of the playen' group, and its attorney, Alan Miller, to his apartment to watch' the College All- Star-Kaosas City Chiefs game on tv. No one. haa taJked about what was said that night. but two days· later Ro- zelle gathered all the owners in bis of- fice. The players' representative arrived . an hour later, and all involved stayed in the building until 10:30 Monday morning when it was announced they had agreed to terms. A s the ~rt spRad and George Halas, owner of the Chicas<> Bears. gloated, "The power of the commission- er is undiminished,•• columnists all over A~a wrote that this latest victory proved Pete Rozelle was indeed the best cornnllssioner io sports. Not all agreed. Some respected writen said tbinp like, "He looks so good because the baseball commissioo- en always seem so weak. The com .. missioners in basketball, hockey, and golf seldom command big headlines, so there is oo way to compare them." It's a question worth considering. ITEM: Some American Football League writers say Pete RouUe is not the person most responsible for the merger of the two professional football leaaues, tbe National aod the American. COMME.NT: Pete Rozelle is most re- sponsible for the development of the plan that finds the leagues under one roof with the blessina of Congress. But some of the credit for the formulation and implementation of the plan be- lonp to Al Davia, maoaaing ;>artner of the Oakland Raiders. ln 1966 war hero Joe Foss, then Commissioner of the AFL, was fired and Al Davis, then ~ral manager of ..the Raidcn,_wu given the job. The reason for the change was that the AFL owners were sick of losing battles to the NFL and wanted an alley fighter like Davis instead of an easygoing acot like Joe Foss in the commissioner's office. Right after Davis took office, the NFL's New York Oianta sigoed Pete Gogolak., a field goal kicker for Buffalo of the AFL. Al Davis said tbat this was a declaration of war, and soon bis aaents were sianina NFL playen. The panic bell aounded in the older NFL wbeo Davis lined up two GRen Bay Packers' defensive back.a. The story Football Commir.rioMr Pete Raf,C&. ps that the tate Vince Lomb.tdi, then general manager-coach of Green Bay, said Roulle should be fired for per- mitting the Gogolalc signiog and start- • ing a war be couldn't band.le. At this point, Rozelle began to fight for a merger of the two leagues, and though many thought it imposalble, Rozelle succeeded. In many minds, Al Davis delerves much of the credit for the merger. ITEM: Sportswriters who are dubious about the strength of commi.aionen in sports say Rou.lle is "a man paid a fine salary to agree with the owoers." 'Ibey believe be would not dare defy Chi· cago's George Halas, the leader of the old guard, or Baltimore's Carroll Rosen- bloom, who helped him 1et ,the job u commissioner. COMMENT: Two days after President John Kennedy was assassinated in Dal- lu, the NFL, aftu a poll of team own- ers, played all of ill aama and this re- mains, maay--beliew, a blot oo Ror.eUe'1 "image." A postpooerneot could have helped the Greco Bay Packers, whieh was fighting Chi~go for the tide, be- cause the Packen bad to play again on Thanksgiving. four days later. So Halas and the Bean stood to gain if the games on Nov. 22nd were played. Some say Halas waa responsible tor this decision, but the league has never told which owners voted for what. Carroll llosenbloom, owner or the Baltimore Colts, did have a band in get- ting Rozelle the commissioner's job in 1959-a job Pete didn't want then. In March of 1963, three affidavits ch.a.rgjng Carroll Roteobloom with gam- bling oo professional football games were admitted iJl a Federal court bear- ing in Miami. Tbeae affidavits contained charges that the: Baltimore owner had bet OD aamea. In July, Pete Rozelle aanounced that his investigators had found oo proof of the charges against llotenbloom. In May, Rozictle bad appointed lames Hamilton as bis special aide. Sooo after, Hamilton visited some convicts in a prison in Terre Haute, Ind., where a laraie gambling ring had beeo smashed in 19S8. Hamilton was looking for evi- dence in the Roeenbloom matter but said he fouod none. Still RozelJc could have bounced Roeenbloom without alienatina most of the ownen. "Yes, l could have said, 'He goes or l go' and I would still have the job," Pete told me one day, "but I " would be ruining a man's life just to prove that I really am a 'strons com· missioner.' I could oot do that. I bad to make a decision on whether there was proof or not. The proof was not there." Jn the Spring of I 965, Commission· er Joe Foss announced that the AFL bad awarded a francb.iae to Leonard Reinsch of the Cox Broadcasting Co., LIONAID S. DAVIDOW ,.,.~ MOITON lllANK .P.tV8'r -who would-111ace Im-team in Atlanta. Roullc bad said there would be no more NFL expansion until 1967 but when be heard of Reinsch and the AFL. be hurried down and told the stadium committee in Atlanta that they could have an NFL team on the field in 1966. He then hired a pollster to find out which league the fan on the street pre- f erred. The longlr-establisbed NFL won. Allanta became ao NFL city. There were so many victories scored by the NFL that year that the rumor wu strona again that despite the new NBC television contract, the AFL was ia trouble. Aod thue is no way to know what would have happened if Rozelle bad not a)ven the Giants permission to sign Pete Gogolak and thus started the moves that led to the merger. At the end Rozelle was the big win- ner. When the peace committee of the AFL left Commissioner Ai DaviJ, the agreement was that the merget terms would say that Davia would Rmaio Comomsioner of the APL, Rozelle Commi&aioner of the NFL, and an out- sider with a big name would be the overall boss. But Rozd.le was picked. Any talk of Roi.elle favoring the oJd National Football League memben over the newcomen is nonsense. Last winter be moved two of the outstanding teams of the old league-the Colts and the Browns-to the new American League, which will have the l 0 old AFL fran- cb.isa and also the Steelen. This was far beyond the AFL's wildest dreams. To sum up: no commissioner of any professional sport has had all of what Rozelle bas-a surfeit of brains, pe.r- sonal warmth, and background in the sport under his direction. Add it all up and you have to say thoee who bail Pete Rozelle as the best commiasiooer in sports today may even be understating the case. • Ootc>h1' is, 1970 NIAL ASMIY ,,,_,,,,.,, .,,en MAllW M. tllNQUI Ari l>ir«U• You are Invited to NII 10Uf questions or comments llJout .,,, lrtlclt or edYtrtlsement Uaat IPPt1fS In f.nlly Wenly. Your letter will realvt 1 prompt nwer. Write to Service Editor, Ftmlly Weekly, 641 ltxlnaton Avtnut, Ntw Yotk, N.Y. 10022. Fu,,&ilJI Wfeklr, Ootobn 16, U70 It • 1 t I • 4 I I I ~ I l ~ Gard11er, Fair, Ch ·e,Gruber. For one small dollar you'll get the brand new Donald lam-Bertha Cool whodunit, which Erle Stanley Gardner wrote under the pen.name A. A. Fair-Plus the newest by Agatha Christle and Frank Gruberptus the six latest - Perry Masons. In the publishers' original editions, these 9 mysteries cost $39.20. But you can have all nine-full-length and handsomely hard-bound- for $1 to Introduce you to the benefits of membership In The Detecttve Book Club. 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(Publ. Ed. $3.50) ....... epecimtrtple~CMt s 111ct1on-lncludllw the~ br A. A. Fair, ...... Clalstie ..... ,..._.Gruber 7. Al cara.. .... , ..... by A. A. Fair (a Gardner pen name). Missing persons cases are a cinch for Donald Lam and Bertha Cool. But this one leads to a murder committed with their client's gun I (Publ. Ed. $4.95) &.H•lawc'enP.ty by Agatha Christie Hours after she boasts of seeing a murder, a child drowns bobbing for apples. And a town explodes under Hercule Poirot's probing. (Publ. Ed. $5.95) .. 11'e .......... Prisoner by Frank Gruber Was it the old "Spanish prisoner'' con game? Or a real treasure In old gold? The ex-FBI man's search leads him to a Spanish castle and murder by torture rack I (Publ. Ed. $4.95) Of the 300 or more detective books that come out each year, the Club editors pick the plums. They Include the latest by such top names as Mignon G. Eberhart, Georges Simenon, Ed McBain, Anthony Gilbert. and others Including the famous authors featured In this ad. Many are Club members themselves. As a member, you can aet three newly- publlshed, top.drawer mysteries each month complete In one handsomely bound triple volume (a $13.95 to $15.40 value In publishers' editions) for $3.39. You don't have to take a volume each month. You receive a free copy of the Club's Preview which describes all coming selections and you may reject any volume before or after receiving it. You pay no money In advance, no membership tee. You may cancel membership at any time. Don't be disappointed. While the supply lasts, send the coupon to get your 9 mysteries. The Detective Book Club, Rosi yn, N. Y. 115 76 st·f0r$1. 1be Detective Book Club, Roslyn, N.Y. 11576 Mr. } Mrs. Miss Please enroll me as a '"'9nl- ber and send me at once the six full-length, hard-bound editions of Perry Mason thrillers, plus the se-lected 3-ln-1 volume containing the latest by A. A. Fair, Agatha Christie and Frank Gruber. I en- close no money in advance; with- in a week after receiving my books, I will either return them and owe nothing, or keep all seven volumes, containing nine first-rate mystery stories, for the special new-member Introductory price of only $1.00 (plus a few cents mailing charges). ---------~-----As a member, I am to re-(please print plalnly) ceive advance descriptions of all 0-MC future selections, but I am not ob-7"":"::---------------.......,:~:::. ligated to buy any. For each fv-27-0A ture triple volume I decide to Address City State Zip keep, I will send )'OtJ only $3.39 (plusafewcents malling charges). I may reject any volume before or after I receive It, and I may can· eel my membership at any time. (Books shipped In U.S.A. only.) -·--· COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH FOUNTAIN VAUEY LAGUNA BEACH SADDLEBACK • ) I llll HOLDER • I by Dick Wlboll WILSON FORD -·-HaaUa.._ Beadt Ttiere woa He hl9hwey In Nolro· 1111•, llli11oia that heel conaiclerebly 111ore than • clouble yellow h110 4'bw11 the cot1ter. It aooma tTuck 4'~iHr Al S.hMi4'o'a bit •-i~ri9 hit • !»ump •M hia ur90 wo11t in all 4'1roction ovor lllinoh •oute-f6. Al's paylncl w111 pure dairy "9tter. The hot July woathor 4'i4'n't holp th• 1ltuatlo11 a11y •'"' before a11yo110 coul4' do m1Kh abo11t it, Ro11te 16 ,.aoMblocl • 9rooao4' r1111way. Wf/ 4'01t't aclviao that liin4' of h1bricatlo11 at Wlhon Ford b11t we do hi9hly recoMMeM your Ford or other fi11a cor beln9. torvico4' lty "tho book''. 011r torvice · 4'epar+Ma11t pridea H:omHlvea i11 tholr obility a11cl llP· to·clato howlo4'90 al>o11t the over cha119l119 ••pecta of the Mocl9'n 4'ay outoMobile. No lftatter wh•t yo11r mai1ttai1tance noocls, bo thoy routine tvbricatlona or Major ovor· ho11la • • • brin9 your Ford to tho peoplo who how It bost. Forcla oro our buainon. Wo ca11't offord to j111t "think" we know our jolt ••• we lftuat how it te perfection ••• for youra oftcl our aoh. We would llko very "'uch to prove our point on4' hovo you u one of our aotis· n..4 H tYico Clllf-ora horo ot 11255 looch llvcl. in H1111tln9to1t looch. Romo"'ltor, provontotivo mainton· 011co j1 tho boat lftointori\nco. s .. yo11 1oon. THE DAILY 'U.OT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 24, 1970 DICK WILS-ON'S WILSON FORD SALES II 18255 BEACH BLVD;, HUNTINGTON BEACH FO_~ ·····························~··· DICK WILSON SAYS: '71'1 ARE ARRIVING BY THI 'ntUCK LOAD ! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ! ! HUGE DIS- COUNTS ON ALL REMAINING 1970'1 ! ! •xtr• S.vlnp On low Mlle..-Demon1trator1 -31 To Choose Front COMPLETE 1971 _CAR AND TRU~K UN& ON SAU I $1so= PAYMENT M MON1 .. S TOTAL .mt.Y PAYMENT S250 la Ille total down payment and MJ la IN tetal "*lltlly payment lncludlno-t••· '1i llccnw enil •II tinonEl cN'9ft on •Ptl'OYed credit tor l6 monttlt. Deferred paY1ft911t price la Wll.00 lnc:!Wlng •II flnonce die'"'; tana, '10 llctnM or If you pref« to pay cellh, IM 11111 eotll price la only u1n.tl lnclullne iolts fax, '10 11- --.. t~lltOWIOO•H TEST·DRIVE THE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALES DErr. t ...... 10 , .•. 1 Deys , SHYICI OPEN , .... ,..,. "'·· ••.•.•• 5 , ..... Me:t., I•·•· tot, .... 592-5511 L l - I I MORN INC dlle, John Green and witch Louise Heubner. I Rocut Robia Hood (C) 5:55 II Clwt Us Dis DIJ (C) CI) Dall Slaaclows (C) 6:00 6 SunriM Selltlter (C) "Urban 11:25 tn 00 CIS News (C) Man and His Society" (Mon .• Wed .• 11:30 IJ eii (j) Stlrcll for To•rrow (C) Fri.); "Early Renaisunce Art in 0 ti) @ m Thi Wllo, Wllat • Italy'' (Tues., Thurs.). Mitre C11111 (C) Art James hosts. 6:25 O Eduption Exdl1np (C) "Pow· I @ 00 That Cirt (C) ers of Children." Dr. Caleb Cat· Interact (C) terno. News (C) m Momin& PraJtr AMfl EJrdlanct 6:30 1J OdJuey (C) "Psychiatry and ll:SS"IJ @ (!) fr;, NBC News (C) ~mina~ Justice." • hJcMioD I (C) E.cl•e1tional features AFTFRNOOr~ 6:45 Co•lllOClitJ Report 12:00 1J Ludy hir (C) 6:55 MIC NtwMrvict (C) 0 @ (!) fr;, Wonf1 l Musk (C) 7:00 9 Cl) CIS News (C) Wink Mutlndale hosts. @ ~mTodtJ Sltow (C) ,~., httol Dtbbit lkakt't Danctrdtt (C) (fi) 00 ltwitdted (C) Mr. WiMboM (C) linis of C.IHdJ Spicltr1111n (C) Travel film (C); P1npectivt1 Mallat Opeftlac Wed. : 'Clllldren's features (C) I NYSE Report 7:30 N ... /A.M. Sllow (C) (j) bn Cutdltr Si.ow (C) • Across U.1 fine., Mon.; Maki11& 12:15 Stretc• & Sew, Wed. Utt MMt of M1t11rity1 Tues.; 0..., 12:30 Qj (j) As Utt World Tum1 (C) I Collatll, Wed.; Ptrtnt·Youtll for· • @ (6) fr;, DaJI of Our llwt1 11•, Thurs.; Youtll Resources, Fri. Macdonald Carey stars. Yosi l Frit11d1 (C) Stu•p the stirs (C) Hobo Kelly (C) (i7J (])A World Apart (C) 1 (]) Cartoons (C) ~tin& for Dollars (C) Stodl Marlet Covtraft (C) Stodl Market Close 8:00 9 Ci) Captain Kan11100 (C) : Ed11e1tlenal Proerams Monliii1 Watch (C) 1:00 9@ Love Is a Many Splttt· Car1oons (C) clortd Th1n1 (C) {]) Sia H11nt • @ (6J fr;, The Doctors (C) New Yorl EJrchanft/local Jack Benny 1:25 Community Bulletin lo11d (C) Ci7l (!) tiE) AU Mr Children (C) 8:30 Mr. Maioo (C) iliivie: See Daytime Movies. Dennis th• Menace Ch1rtln1 the Market (C) Cumby (C) 1:30 ~ (j) Tiit Cuidin& ll&ht (C) , m s. ..... strett cc> , @ oo m Anottter wor1d-la, Gerlcan EJrchan11/0ow Jones Citf (C) 9:00 9 ~TIN Lucy Sltow (C) I Ozzie end Harriet Q) 6 fr;, Dinah's Ptace (C) @ (!) tiE) Let's Make a Dul Clrt alk (C) Betsy P1lm er. ( ) MO¥i1: See Daytime Movies. fJ Tempo's Everywoman (C) Elaine Jedi La Lann• (C) ~n. Cartoons (C) W Fashions in Sewilt& (C) Lucille Office of Ute President Rivers. 9:20 fashions in Stwin1 (C) I Commodity Report 9:30 ti?) Cl) lnertr Hillbillies (C) l :40 Cartoons (C) ' Q) Ci) fr;, Conuatratlon (C) 2:00 Q!!J (j) Seuet. Stor• (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. · Q) (!) fr;, ln&ht PromiM (C) m Mcwle: See Daytime Movies. fattltf Knows Best Romper Room (C) @ CI) al NtwtJWfd C111t (C) 1 (])That's lift (C) Bob Eubanks hosts. Stod Market I Movie: See Daytime Movies. 10:00 Q!!J (j) Family Affair (C) aper fr;, Sale of Ult Cantury (C) 2:30 (j) E.clft of Ni&frt (C) Features/Public Service (C) , (!)fr;, Another World -00 Sunnr Todar (C) Somerset (C) : £due1tlonal features Divorce Court (C) 10:30 ~ (j) Lovt of Lift (C) @ 00 aJ Datln& Came (C) · tj) Ci) fr;, Holl,.ood Squares Ror R!itrs ( ) Peter Marshell hosts. : Eduut1onal Proirams I luck Ro1ers 3:00 ~ rfl Comer Pyle (C) i Qallopin& lourmet (C) 1rs Your let ~C) 11:00 ~ Where the Heart Is (C) Stra~ ParadlM (C) 6 m Jffpardy (C) (i7J (1) m Gtttml Hospital (C) Ctllop n1 C1unn1t (C) Graham Outer ll•its Kerr Undtrdo1 (C) · O Tempo (C) Re1is Philbin & (!) MatinH: Don Rodewald. Treesa Drury co-host. Guests In· • Pattern for llvln& (C) elude Arthur Bomstein. Don Drys· • Cinema 36 3;301J Tiit .... .., .. (C) I Mille DM&lff (C) fa ... Jtry Tr1als (C) @ (]) tiE) OM Uft To Lift (C) lez1 tlle Clowwt (C) ,.,.,. CartMM (C) ~mt a.1 tMn1 Wont (C) 3:-45 m f1atwu (C) 4:00 Mr. Ed; Movlt, Tues. .... ea.., Gil Dark Shadows (C) N1n \C) Ba~ter Ward. ltCM'fl Putna• News (C) Tllt Muntt1r1 _ (]) Mike Douatas (C) : Speclal1 • Rtll<n f11blra (C) • Doi lallos 111 Palo11qu1 4:15 0) Alu Ntrvt Sllow 4:30 Movie: See Dartime Movies. News (C) Bill Bonds. Abbott l Cottalle (C) ....... (C) _, Tllouson (C) The Drtt StMltl I flaily AIMf t11 ti Dtsierto · • YaMS a Villar (C) Mon., Fri.; Ulttd r la Petlcia, Tues.; M11ica11 CM•ber ef C.• .. rce. Wed.; La Sal11d cit Ulttd, Thurs. Q) A Wlftd Apart (C) 5:00 0 DIC N••wke (C) 1J Iii S ..... (C) Tom Harmon reports. fJ flipper (C) m 1111 f1lnbtot111 (C) m o oo &11111a11's 111alld <t> fil) Qarlit'1 Pad (C)/Mufflnland Qt (j) 111• Munsttn Im Sllecttd Fiim (C) fl) Panclio Piltolas m TIM Rifleman al) Notlclaa tiE) The Callopin& a .. n111t (C) Tues.·Fri.; News (C) Mon. 5:15 @ (]) News (C) 5:30 1J Ci7l (]) AIC News (C) Fmk ReyrlOT'ds, How11d It Smith. • Dick Yan DJ'• Mr favorftt Martian PtttlciNt Ju11dion (C) (i) n1s o., it10 <C> : ~llrs' Neipbortlold (C) (j) News/Wlltllef /Sperts (C) I 'Pllto(S Dail (C) · C.•lcos J Ca11ciltn• • Den Wiiton's Town Ttlll (C) · ltwitdttd (C) Tues .. fri.; AIC ... (C) Mon. 5:45 @m Stttdtd f"d111s (C) al) Dtportes DENTAL PLATES REPAIR AND RELINE WHILE YOU WAIT EASY CREDIT TERMS ALL INSURANCE PLANS HONORED CROWNS-BRIDGES FILLINGS-X RAYS EXTRACTIONS ORTHODONTICS ATTENTION UNIONS! Ask us about our money saving p I a n for Union Members. LOW PRICES SENIOR CITIZENS WELCOME 1642-88141 • NEWPORT· COSTA MESA DENT AL CLINIC DR. THOMAS J. SM ITH & ASSOCIATES O pen Evening• I S•turd.ivi No Appointment Necen •rv THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 2.4, 19'10 OVERNIGHT succ~ss THAT TOOK 15 YEARS Tlult "o~Jcht succm", Flip Wilson ("overnight", translated, means he spent fifteen years working, scratching and starv- ing to become a success) has arrived with his new NBC Thursday series (7:30-8:30 p.m.) and it's a smash hit. When The Flip Wilson Show made its network debut on Sept. 17, it was hoped it would attract a solid viewing audience. The next morning, network executives were dancing in the halls when they reported the overnight ratings gave Flip a "49 share of the viewing audience." As a sports fan outside Flip's studio at NBC was overheard to say: ''Good grief, even the Super Bowl doesn't get a 49!" When the national ratinp rolled in sev- eral weeks later. representing a far broader spectrum across the country, The Flip Wil- son Show walked off with 4th place . . . the highest rating achieved by any new show on any network. It didn't "just happen"-and Flip would be the first one to say why, He realizes, of course, that his fifteen rough years, starting with the little clubs where your salary was in the form of change thrown on the floor to the big Las Vegas clubs, had seasoned him. But equally important in Flip's eyes is the team he has been able to assemble to help him showcase the talent he has so carefully developed. Fllp's personal manager and executive producer Monte Kay is a good example of the team members. Years ago the founder of New York's Birdlnnd, Monte has man- aged a number of successful stars and groups (for instance, the Modern Jazz Quar- tet). He is noted for having remained in touch with the current music scene (al - though be is over thirty) and knows which of the young artists coming up would blend well with Flip. His gentle, low-key approach to being a manager is unusual in a high-key husiness. Producer Bob Henry was the man whom Monte and 'flip decided they HAD to have to head the production team for the series. Henry's track record included Flip's own special for NBC-TV, The Many Moods of Perry Como in February 1970, the Jose Feliciano Special, Norman Rockwell's America, The Andy Williams Show (which won an Emmy nomination) and "Kismet." Director Tim Kiley, a sprightly reddish- haired man who looks disconcertingly like a leprechaun, had been a director on The S,nothers Brothers series, had directed Frank Sinatra's special J u~t Sinatra and for a number of years had worked with Ed Sullivan. Kay-Henry and Kiley made a dynamic triumvirate. The next portion of the burden was to fall on the writers whom Henry turned over to head writer Herbert Baker ,.,. 4 Big Bird of Sesame Street and Flip Wilson do a wild and wonderful dance. (son of former vaudeville and musical com- edy star Belle Baker). Baker had written The Danny Kaye Show its first two years, several Dean Martin Specials on NBC-TV and had other equally prestigious credits. They gave him excellent writers to work with including, as a matter of fact, Flip Wilson. Flip has always written al I his own ma- terial-a fact which had kept him wide awake in the night many a time, as he polished a line mentally to make it fit into whatever monologue he was planning. On his own show, he initiates ideas, but he also polishes the ideas of the other writers so they fit his image of Flip Wilson-or of "Geraldine Jones" or of "The Reverend Leroy." Flip's writer's. credit is not just a token-he really DOES turn out sketches. When Flip was given his own variety series by NBC-TV, he realized he wouldn't be around long if alt he did was re;>eat the monologues which he has done in night- clubs for the past few years. As a very poor youn1 man Flip had never had the opportunity to learn to play an instrument, nor had he ever had a good enough singing voice to go that route. Now, he decided, he had to learn to sing and dance well enough to hold hi!i own in sketches. He had no idea of turning int~ either a Billy Eckstine or a Bill Robinson, but be felt a little knowledge of both sing- ing and dancing would free the writers con- siderably in what they could give him to do. George Wyle, who supervises and con- ducts the music on The Flip Wilson Show began to teach him to sing from scratch. "He'd only sung in the shower before," Wyte grins "and even after r train him for a year or two, he isn't going to give Perry Como any competition. But he can count well (and even better, if I point my finger at him when he's supposed to come in) and he keeps within shouting distance of the tune." As much as Wyle kids Flip about his vo- cal prowess, he is greatly admiring of the concentration which he brings to the sing- ing lessons. "I never knew anybody in my life who WANTED to do anything more," Wyle says. "And that's half the battle, right there." Choreographer Jack Regas (whose claim lo fame in television circles is that he taught both the Osmond Brothers and the Lennon Sisters to dance well enough that they have been able to incorporate dancing in their nightclub acts) has ~ught Flip six basic steps. "He tries so hard, you have to be care- ful," Regas says. "His natural ability is such that you're better training someone else the routine and then just let him go. Now that he knows these six steps, he puts bis own ideas in and it turns out better than if we planned everything for him. He's naturally so graceful, so agile, it would be a shame to ruin that quality. There are a million dancers around ... only one Flip Wilson." And bow does Flip react to the culmina- tion of all his dreams? "I just keep working away,'' he says with kind of a sad smile. "They say everybody loved the show and I want to be sure they'll keep on feeling th e same way. I plan and plan how I can make everybody smile -just take off the pressure for a while at the end of the day. Even if a guy doesn't like me-maybe I can make him forget it for an hour. And if I do, he's got to feel better. For one hour, all the problem's he's faced nil day go away. That's all J want to do in this world-take the pressure off peo- ple for an hour." Someone asked a friend of Flip's what be hnd done to celebrate on the first night his show went on NBC. After all, it was the high point in his life. Did he go out on the town? Did be throw a party? The friend smiled with embarrassment and said, "You'll never believe this-but it's true. He went home and ate ice cream and cake. all by himself. And that was hi s cele- bration." SATURDAY OCTOBER 2A ! VFNING 6:001 Tiit 111 Ntwa (C) (60) · 0 (i) m NIC NIWI (C) (30) ur..-(Cj (60) ..... City (C) (60) Tlltn ea.. ,,........ (C) (60) Michael Puks stars. I Color Tmtlcadt (C) (30) Muslcalt/DMJ l Qoll1tll (C) ( ) &) sterli111 TIINtrt (C) (30) 6:30 0 News Cottftrt11ct (C) (60) Newsmen Robert Abernethy, Jess Matlow and Tom Brokaw inter· view Sen1tor George Murphy and Congressman John Tunney about the issues f1cin1 C1lifomlans. 0 Sports Sptdal (C) (30) "Pan. cho." A look at Pancho Gonzales, the 41-yur-old tennis professional still referred to as "the mun and hun1ry 1uy," by his fellow play· ers. I m laramlt (60) fiObby ShowcaM (30) 6 Hip C.aparral (C) (60) ~ frendl atet (C) (30) (R) With Julia Child. I Cf) CIS News (C) (30) Cfiildrtn's Gospel Hour (C) (30) Edp of Ettt11itJ (C) (30) Upbut (C) (60) 7:00 CIS Ewtnilll Ntwt (C) (30) Roeer Mudd. U LAKERS SPECIAL! * RELIVE THEIR 10 GREAT L.A. YEARS! 0 Sports S,tcl1I (C) (60) "The lakers: Their Second Decade." Chick Hearn. ''Voice of the Lakers," narrates a history of the lakers last 10 years. and discusses their pros· pects for the new season. 0 Special! "Selecting The * Contestants For 'let's Make A Deal' or Are You Ready For This?" 0 let'a Make a Deal Sptcial (C) (30) Newsmen Charles W1ite, Al Wi· man, Fred Anderson and Bob Ban· field step out of their usual roles of reporting on fires. floods and murders. to interview the grown people who become demons in their attempts to attract the m1gic wand of one of Monty Hall's lieuten- ants. and become a contestant on let's Makt a Deal. 0 Dt1th V1lley D1ys (C) (30) "Count Me In, Count Me Out." m Me1Tomedl1 Presents (C) (60) "The King Family 11 the Fair." The King Sisters. cousins ind kiddies make 1 tour ot the Exposition Cen- ter, and even toss in a little music for Halloween. I Run for Yotr Lift (C) (60) Cre1tive livine W'rth Cr1tts (60) Rt1lltlts (60) (R) (I) Buck Owens (C) (30) flith In Action (C) (30) I lox dt Mealco (90) Rlt Patrol (C) (30) 7:30 QI (f) MilSlon: lmpo11iblt (C) (60) Jiii Haworth guests as a glam· orous double aeent. who uses her feminine wiles on P1ris to set him up for an enemy plot. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEI(, OCTOBER 24. 1970 n @ oo m A1c1y M1111.. (C> {&l) Andy weTcomu Don Ho. M1m1 Cass Elliott, Tht Temptations, ind Rosem•'l_ Clooney. D cm l1J m let's ..... I °'" ('C) (30) Monty Hill hosts. 0 Mltliltl $ lhwit: "OtUo1lilucr (comedy) '58-Andy Griffith, Felici• F1rr, Witter M1tth1u. IB Stltded Fii•• (C) (90) 1:00 II LIVE 10-ROUND *WELTERWEIGHT WAR! 0 Saturday Nl(llt flatits (C) (2 ~ cm Ci) aJ NIWfywtd & .. 1t (C) {YO) Bob Eublnkl hostl. m Mowit &:ruts: ........ Mlnivtf" (dr1m1) '42--0rur G1rson. Welter Pidpon, Tere11 Wri1ht. Helmut D1ntine, Realn1ld Owen. m Minority Co11•11111ty (C) (30) fli) Tht Black frtltltr (C) (60) "Buffelo Soldiers." The story of the orpniz1tlon ind development of the 9th ind 10th C.valrie1 ind the strugle for respect ind rec:o1· nition thlt btcame their priv1te w1r tor the bl1ek soldiers. in 1ddl· tlon to their major one of fi1htlng to settle the West. 1:301J 9 (j) P'l!l..,HCW; ......... 1 Ifs 1111 Crut ,..,.Mt, CMttit lfen (C) (30) (R) Tht spirit of H1lloween, complete with trlck·or-treat. witches with broomsticks 1nd an elusive m11ical pumpkin, Is the subject th1t concerns the "Punuts" 1•n1. 0 Qj @ m I IJlclA I Coldl· locb (C) (30) (R) Whit starts out to be a c1mpin1 trip turns into 1n excursion into the world of fan· tasy for Bini Crosby and three Suzanne 7Ieshette 'Wall of 1lolH 11:30 7JW on KABC -TV members of his f1mily. Bini's ------------------------- d•urhter. Miry Fr1nces, stars 11 9:30 IJ a Cl) Mary Tytlr Moon (C) 9 (J) Awatd Thtltrt: ''OanltfO• Goldilocks ind brother N1th1nlel (30) Nancy Wilker 1uests IS Rho· Criuins." MICJIHI Rennli. and 1(1thryn (Mrs. Crosby) share d1's ovef1y.possasln Jewish moth· I late Mtwlt · the stage in 1 oombin1tion llve I C• er, who moves in with Miry when 11:15 flbuloa 52! ''l'Nt llld tf lion and anlmited speclil. her d1u1hter refuses to see her be· oun" (drema) '59-Soc>hl• I.or· 0 LAWRENCE WELK SHOW cause th_!l 1lw1ys firht. an, Tab Hunter, KHnan Wynn. 0 cm l1J &) Tiit Most Dtldly Geor1e Su1dtrs. Barbar1 Nichols. * A musical journey h•• (C) (60) "G1briellt." Croft's ·During World War II 1n opportun· with the Welk gang. search for the murderer of 1 former 1st tries to obt1in w1rtlme con· 0 @ (I) &) Ltwrtnce Wtltl (C) milit11y intelllrence buddy le1ds him t11ets from Gentrels and Admirals (60) M1estro Welk and the Cham· to a youne woman who reminds him by brlbin1 them with lovely mis· paene Music M1kers ulute the of his murdered wife. Di1n1 Ewin1 tresses. Southern st1tes they wlll be visiting guests 11 Gabrielle. I AIC ""' (C) on tour. 'News (C) (30) Larry Burrell. 11:30 • l1ll1n111 a l1tklty (C) m Country & Wasttm Mu1Jc (C) 10:00 . 9 (j) M1nnl1 (C) (60) Man· SlturdlJ Nldtt Movie: ''Wall of (2 hr) n x aeeks the help of 1 prize.win· W' (dr1m1) '63 -Suzanne @I) La Tor111111ta (30) ning newsm1n to tle1r I con· Pleshetto, Ty H11dln. Dorohy Pro· 9:001J 9 (j) An11t (C} (30) Oscar· demned min. Alex Dreier gueata as vine, R1lph Meeker, Simon 01k· winner Jacll Albertson guests IS en reporter McGill. l1nd. When his horse Is injurtd. a aeing but vieorous employee of the II II& 5 News (C) (30) young trainer is forced to takt 1 Continental A•nae Comp1ny for O Alt of Aquariua (C) (60) Kevin job with a blJ st1ble. His fl1noee whom indian1nt executive Arnie Nu· Couehlln hosts. walks out on him and ht becomes VO is ordered to st•rt retirement m NIWI (C) (30) Ken Jones. involved with the st1ble owntr'I prepuatlons. Ell) NET Playhouse (C) (90) (R) wife. 0 Q1 @ m World Prtmltni MOV· "Open Theatre: The Serpent," 12:00 II Movie: "0..tll Is Nfllblt, it: lC) "Tht Aqual1ans" (dr1m1) 10:30 B Robert K. Dom111 Show (C) (90) Death Is Quiet" (dr1m1) '67 - '70 -Jose Ferrer. Leslie Nielsen, Rosey Crier Show (C) (30) Tony Kend1ll, Brad Harris. Ricardo Montalban, Kate Woodville, Rosey welcomes Millicent Browne. 12:30 D Spukln1 frttly (C) Lawrence Casey, Tom Simcox. m Movlt: "Zltlfetd follies" (mu· m Ail-NI~ Show: "Olllfti'OllS Pro· Filmed entirely In the deep waters ilclt) '4r-fred Ast1ire, Gene ftatlo~/' 'A Walk In llat Stln" and off Miami and in the B1h1m11, Kelly, Red Skelton. Lucille Bill, ''Tiit Mqlc low. the story concerns Deep Lib, • nu· Judy G1rl1nd. 1:00 R Mtvie: "ll11 die lloecl Off MJ cleer·powered self·cont1ined scien· ~ Wukend News (C) (30) Hindi" (drema) '48-8urt l1nC11· tific unit located 500 feet under· (]) SltllrdlJ Nlfllt Movit: "Ntv· ter, Join font1ine, Robert Newton. w1ter on the Continental Shelf. Key a S111ltll." Steve McQueen. J ·lO I Ntwt (C) point of dram1 hinges on • sunk· I Passport llD Tmel (C) (30) ' Mowit: "Two Yurs hfoni UM en freighter whose e1rro of nerve 11:00 n D Ntws (C) ut" (1dventure) '46-Alin l1dd 1as (film was m1de BEFORE the • frTatrt NI&"': "COdlllll" ind William Bendix ' recent n•v•I sltu1tlon), is leakin1 "Tiie lflln f ro11 rt111et ~us." 1.45 Cl) Movlt' "Kl~I of tilt Un...,..,., from 1 broken container. m MIVit: .. All Tilroqti UM ' (dremi) 'l9-l<•y Frencls Humphrey Ell) Homewood (C) (60) (R) "The iiiffllt'' (drem1) '42 -l.fumphrey B ' Barrel house." ' Bo11rt, Kuen Verne, Conrad Veldt. oaut. II!) Hour of '""' (C) (60) ID [i) Spottilllt T11t1trt (C) "Kina 2:00 0 11 Mondo (C) @I) Prtmltft Movie (2 hr) irAIMca." 2:30 1J News/Glvt Us This Day (C) ..... 5 GHOSTS Of TH.E PAST Barbara Stanwyck and newcomer Katherine Winn co-star In "The HouM That Wouldn't Die," on the ABC Movie of the WHk, Tuesday at 8:30 PM. Richard Egan and Mlchael Anderson Jr. co-star. Pretty mini-skirted Sara (Miss Winn) i• the niece of Ruth Bennett (MIM Stanwyck), who Inherits an historic old Georgetown mansion. But after a Mrie• of unexplaJned Incidents takH place, the houM becomes some- thing approaching a chamber of horrors. When Sara'• per- sonality Is taken over by that of a girl long deed, her boy- friend (Anderson) and Professor Pat McDougal (Egan) join forcH to track down the Insidious spirit that Is threatening ti\• women they love. FOUR-IN-ONE: PART II How do you Nne ., writers with enough technlcal knowl- edge Md undentanding to euthor ad,..... Mout .,. tlirport? "I don't fall In love with technical stuff," ••kl pro- ducer-writer Peul MMOn. "I'm Interested in human drama. I prefer the story telers. The technical i-von can be added later." MMOn hee the task of digging Into the many facets of airport ltfe Md making It come alive for televieion, • pro- ducer of Four-In-One: San Frandsco International Airport. which premlerH on NBC, WednffdaJ at 10 PM. Llord 8ridgea (pictured he,.) •tar. • Jlm Conred, the man who runa the elrport. Co-atan.,. Clu Gulliger Md Bart.a Werte. Mason la reaponMble for producing six shows for the ........ "When we tell a •totJ, we don't look for controvenr but human Interest," he Mid. Included .,. •torin about the war lndlvlduala react under dffferent tonne of,,.....,.: mechanl- cel crlaH, polltlcal demonat111tlona, top aecurltJ leeun, un- derworld mMlpulation1, Md communltJ contllcta. While Mason la ooncemed with drMua, he le alao con- cerned with the realiatlc end accu111te portrarel of alrpoft llfe. The beet proof of that la hit having hired Robert J. Setting • apedal atory consultant and technic81 edvleor for IM Mrin. Sertlnt ii onf of the foNmoet MlthorttJee Oft alt ..,.eta of aviation, Md It Air SafetJ Conault8nt to the Air Tl'llftapert Aaaoci.tlon In W•hlntton. D.C. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 2,, 1970 ' ---A--l·T-E-N•T-t-0------- l M PORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUYt PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN t:f ERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED• IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on - The New 1970 DATSUN EXCELLENT SELECTION 2 D.., e 4 Dew e w...-e ........ I Pk•• DOT DATSUN 11135 a..ch Blvd. Huntln«Jton S..ch 14~7711or54CMM42 OPEN SUNDAYS 1971 CAPRI Th~ blq sexy c1'r from Europe with the price o• a cub compact SANTA Afl'A I ·~cOLfll ... ~,rURY 1>01 NO. TUSTIN SA"'TA ANA 547-9183 0.,_n Uftfjl t Om .. MO.,,•Frt. r p,no Sat. & Sun. THE FINEST SELECTION OF BMW 's IN ORANGE . COUNTY Q:i • All Models 111 ~ • All Colors ~ • Immediate Delivery Jl!IP""' • Sales, Service, Tues., Thurs. till 8100 · Joe Berlotti's T & M MOTORS 8081 Garden Grove llvd. 534-2284 FR I Ill 4 Mag Wltfft1 Ir AM a.4111e wltti Hie p11rc..._ ef ••Y .. w • 150 Spider • c ... , .. • 124 Spidef • c ... ,.. • Sein Senlce-Perts AUTO SPOIT LTD. ~ -- BILL MAXEY TOYOTA, INC. 19891 BEACH BOULEVARD HUNTING TON BEACH &lies e Service e Parts From Sweden the .. SONETT Immediate Delivery Orange County's Newest Dir. COAST IMPORTS of Ora.nge County 1200 W. Pacific Coast Hwy. Across from Balboa Bay Club 642-0406 • 546-4529 CHICK IYERSON Your Authorized VW OHier in the H•@H Hom• of the love Bug Speci•I 445 l . Co•t Hwy. et hyti4e DtlM, N.I . '7J.otH 54'·Jtl1 est. U ••t. 14 & H SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport I mporh ·Is Your kind of place. Your Authorl1t4 • Austin Americti L•rge stock of used PorschH J•gs, MG's, Austin HHleys, etc. J1tUJPOI t ~1nµorr s 100 W. CoHt Hwy., N.8 . 642-9405, 540-1764 ;: 1·_;; -11 ~··~ :Pl In the Marbor Area the Economy line for the Quality millled. ZIMMERMAN DATSU 2145 H1rbor, Cost• MeH 540-6410 ..... 7 - SUNDAY OCTOBElr2 MORNIN\. 1:15 Tiit Clttia1oplltrs l :lO The Bible Answers 1:55 &lwt Us Tiiis Dey (C) 7:00 To• end Jeny (C) Mr. Wlsllbont (C) 7:30 Penelope Pitlt9p (C) Futurt Fll• (C) Music & Ule Spoltn Word (C) Herald of Tnitfl (C) Slcrtd H11rt (C) @ 5od Is Ult Anawtr (C) 7:45 The Cllristophtrs (C) 8:00 l.a•p Unto My Effl (C) Tllis Is Ult Lif 1 (C) Cltlltdral of Tomorrow (C) • 0., of DllCOVtfJ (C) Wondtr1111 (C) RtviVll Fires (C) (]) DMJ & &oliatll (C) Ci) Town Hill Mettin1 (C) 8:30 Loo~ Up Ind Uvt (C) • Mrs. Alpll1 Bet (C) e Ftee to Face (C) Rabbi Wolf. Movie: "Desert Attadl" (drama) John Mills, Sylvia Syms. I ~ (6) Kathryn Kallh111n (C) fiiis Is the Life (C) Full Gospel Revival (C) 9:00 Inside football (C) PREMIERE Seftndiplty (C) weekly half·hour show televisin1 educ1tio111I experiences of children u Quinn Gladden 1uides them throu1h interesting places. 0., of DlstOviry (C) • C1111pu1 l'rofile (C) CounbJ Music (C) 1 ~ Revival fires (C) 6 Oral Roberts (C) Tom ind Jerry (C) Ml MIHtro · • hnor11111 Latino "' Do111lnp 9:30 a (i) Nn Today (C) • MJ rlVOrite Stnnon (C) Guest speaker is Or. William Abersold, Orangethorpe United Methodist Church, Fullerton. • I &tnt Autry Show ~ Cl) S•okey 8t1r (C) First Baptist Cllurcfl (C) 10:00 (i) NR football Double· lludtr (C) St. Louis Cardinals at New York Giants; Dallas Cowboys at Kansas City Chiefs. D m NFC/AFC football (C) Cin· clnn1ti Bengals at Washington Red· skins. I Hour of Power (C) Ci1J (])Jonny Quest (C) Movie: (C) "&lint ot Metropo· Its" (sci-fi) '62-Gordon Mitchell. I A"'azin1 Three ~Filth for Today (C) 10:30 CV Clttlnoo11 Cats (C) ith for Tod1y (C) (i) Fiim F11ture (C) 11:00 Ciiltp footNll (C) Air Force vs. Boston Colleae fllcons. fJ Ci1J CI) Bullwinkle (C) m Mowit: '111t Ctntervlllt l:llost" (comedy) '44-Charles Laughton, Robert Youna. Marcaret O'Brien. I Clturch In tllt Ho• (C) Ci) Future flh11 (C) "f11111 la T11111 tf tllt 511111." Tony • Fr1nclosa, Jill St. JoM. II) Cine en Su CtM GI!) Qtiitn Canta Esta Ctnclon (Continued) ,... 8 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 24, 1970 When KNXT first broadcast 'If You young people and their bottle to kick Turn on· over one million Southern the drug habit. Take an eight question Californians tuned in. Because of this quiz designed to measure attitudes & tremendous response•lf You Turn On• beliefs about drugs. Compare your i s being re-b roadcast this Sunday answers wilh the real truths and myths. night. Rejoin Jerry Dunphy for the •first If you turned us on before. tune us in person• experiences of Los Angeles again. Maybe you missed something. Special, Tonight 6 :00 pm CBS~ SUNDAY ~{Continued) 11 :30 D cm (I) Dilcov"J (C) "Finland -land of Desian." Hosts Vlrainia Gibson and Bill Owen visit the home of limo Sarpeneva. a atass desiarier. to tum •bout the Finn· ish tr1dition of Cf1ftsm1nship and deslan and how textiles. alass and met.als take shape. 0 Movit: "Hold lack the Nl1ht" (dr1ma) '56-John P1yne. Chuck Connors, Peter Graves. U!) Esbtllas en Mla•i .'\f Tf PNOO', I 12:00 ~ ...... ,.,.,.-llide (C) SulpeMt Tllt1ttt (C) "Action o the Tlaer." I lnttlliJtftt hrent (C) Cl) StlOrin et S.cceas (C) Saa• StrMt (C) # 46-50. A five-hour repl1y of last week's pro· l!!mS. m Drau Do•lnlcal 12:30 ; Oral Robeftl (C) 1 (I) UtdenwlJ fer Puce (C) Ci) f'll• flatltru 1:00 II NFL football DottblehHcltr (C) (cont'd.) D1ll11 at Kansas City. 0 Jthn Melly SMw (C) Hi&h· liahts of 11me between USC and Oreaon, taped yesterday at Euaene. U Movie: "Unlttl hciflc" (west· em) '39-B111m1 Stanwyck, Rob· ert Preston. D ISlllU ' Allswtn (C) 0 Mffllotl $ Movie: "Tiie D.I." (drama) '57-Jack Webb, Don Dub· bins. I The World leyond Have Cun, Will Trnel 00 PSA TrMC Fil• (C) 00 NIC Pro football (C) Houston at San Die10. m frentt e le Ylda (C) 8' Fil•: "The Leaacy of Anne Sullivan.'' · 1:JO D••blt f .. t•• Movie: .... ,.. ty and tlle Reber (comedy) '60 -Mamie Van Doren, Tuesd1y Weld, Louis Nye. (C) "llood on tlle Ar· row" (western) '64-Dale Robert· son, Martha Hyer, Wendell Corey. D Press Confertnee (C) Guests are Incumbent Georae Murphy and Conaressman John Tunney, who are in 1 heated race for the U.S. Sen- 1te. Eyewitness newsmen Charles Waite, Larry B1d1er and Al Wiman discuss the issuM with the c1ndi· dates in each of their JO.minute portions of the pro1r1m. I! Yob of Calvery (C) 7t: Co••ntarlos y Celebrldedes ~ film: "Dawn of America." 2:00 m ROLLER GAMES-ACTION! * T·BIRDS vs. DETROIT Q) Roller Game CC) L.A. T-Birds vs. Detroit Devils. lH) (j) Sund•J MltinH: "five iiiden Hours." II) Carrouttl M11iunt 2:30 e Mowit: "Whtn Willie Comes 1rdlin1 Ho••" (comedy) 'SO- Dan Dailey, Corinne Calvet. Colleen Townsend. 11:) Tiie Answer (C) 3:00 O Fe11i1J fil111 flltival: "Out Ut· tit Clrt." Shirley Temple, Joel Mc· Crn. I Chiller • o.tnadl/MutiUlt (C) Tom l lrMCO 3:30 Rocket Robin Hood (C) Seltdld Fiim (C) AcJlallture Report (C) 3:451) NFL TtdaJ (C) Post-11me. 4:00 II a Ci) face tile NltlOI (C) 1J UClA Bruin football (C) UCLA vs. Stanford In 11me played yes· terd!l._ at L.A. Memorl•I Coliseum. D UZI (I) a> Cotlt1• football iJ101 it\c't!Q' hiahli&hts. 0 SotMtlody's Cot To le liddln1 ( ) County Tu Asses· sor Philip E. Watson narrates film dealin1 with how the 1vera1e tax· p1yer's property ls assessed. !11 lozo tlle Clown (C) 'ref 00 Gil lilltop's Loder Roo• ~ Tiils Is Ult lift (C) 4:30 II Mo¥1e: (C) "Tarun •nd tilt TreppeW' (adventure) '58 -Gor- don Scott, Eve Brent. D Martin Sheen, Billy * Barty, Lisa Gerritsen star in drama of success at any price on INSIGHT D lntilltt (C) "Old Kina Cole." Robert Emh1rdt, Martin Sheen, Billy B•(I) Lisa Gerritsen. IL .. ~<~i, let .. n (C) 00 A looll at the Candidates f.l (j) Ptnelopt Pibtop (C) 1j ~ure U.$.A. (C) 5:00 D tnq11lry (C) D "GIDGET GOES TO THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 24, 1970 Cldget Coes to 1tome James 1>arren elndg earo1 5:00 7.M In eolor 1CAJ1e. ,-v * ROME"-JAMES DARREN & CINDY CAROL-COLOR 0 SllndaJ Movie: (C) "'Cidpt ha to Ro•" (comedy) '64--------------------~-~:""'"""~-James Darren, Cindy Carol, Cesare Danova, Jessie Royce L1ndis. In Rome on vacation with her boy- rriend and some companions, Gld· 1et meets • famous Italian journal· ist who hlS been Hked by her father to keep • paternal eye on her. She misinterprets his 1tten· ions as rom•ntic ones. O Collea• football (C) Gr1mblin1 n . Jackson State In 11me held at Cleveland's Municipal Stadium. ~Hllaan's lsl111d (C) 00 Stven Arb Theatre (C) • Twe Rocle Toretller." I Hob Nob Wittl lob Kukla, Fran l Ollie (C) CJ) Camera Tllrte (C) fNtro fanttstico (C) Colle1t of the Desert (C) futbol·Socur Mundial: Bene· flea vs. M1nchester. · Rex H1111Nrd (C) 5:30 Tlte 811 News (C) • AJl-Amerlun Colle1e (C) AniMlls, Adlon & Adventure How To Merry a Millionaire (i) World Tomorrow (C) : Pfiyln1 tlle Guitar (R) CJ) Skippy (C) • Ailler ft•llJ fVFNING 1:00 II I IHc!AL I If Yeu Tilrn On (C) (60) (R) Jerry Dunphy reports··for proaram 1ttemptin1 to explode myths and reveal truths about drua abuse. Featured i' a "rap seulon," in which younasters speak freely about their dru1 experiences. (Continued) I I I I I ------111 -, :w lllpa > ,r ' Fine Quality PRINTING 642-4321 Offset & Letterpress , '~ •' t ;z PILOT PRINTING 2211 W. BalbcN Blvd. -Newport leach I I I I I ,... ' SUNDAY (Continued) I a ta oo m Nat N"" <c> <30> 0 ~RMING THE SEA . . . I * WET HARVESTING! I 0 The Cllallellli•& S.• (C) (30) I "Harvestine the Sea." Bill Burrudl hosts. 0 The SrOOVJ satow (C) (60) Charlie Tuna. m U11l1Med World (C) (30) "Anl· mil Rodeo." I Htrt C.mt the Irides (C) (60) Color TravtkMI (C) (30) 1oM l•t (C) (30) (R) "God Is an En1lishm1n." Qj Ci) feature fll• (C) ''Coho C111in1." I Htur of ,.._r (C) (60) Cine en II T1rdl (2 hr) Day of DISCO¥try (C) (30) 6:30 D 9 m Mttt ... Pms (C) (30) 0 GET CARRIED AWAY * BY BARBARA McNAIR! 0 larbar1 M'N1lr (C) (60) Guests: Edwin Hawkins Sin1ers, Sandy Baron, Freddie Weller, Etan Stu1rt. OJ Crt1ture ft1turts (90) "Th• lll<k Roo•.'' Boris Karloff, Mar· Ian M1rsh. fl) ..... S11nn (30) fD hlitla 70 (C) (30) (R) Guest Is S~ent Shriver. ~ (.l.J T111l to Ult MlftlCtr (C) al Tiit Soldtn Y•rs (C) (30) 7:00 IJ ~ (j) Us.sit (C) (30) '1hel Otferin1." Youne Oney Braddodl is shattered emot1on1lly over the I dealh or his old do1 Barney. lassie offers one ol her pups to the boy. Sean Kell is featured. D @ 6 m Wild IUnedom (C) (30) (R) "Queen of the Ever· flades " A look at the "home life" of the alligator and travel In the EYerl!!des. D (Jl') CD m Tht Younc Rtbtls (Cj (60) "Suicide Squad.'' Jeremy and the Young rebels hunt Red· coats determined lo assassinate Gen. Wnhlngton. Steve Ihnat euests u Nobby Whipple. Myron Healey plays Ceor1e Washington. 0 N1sllvillt Now (C) (30) Guests Include Anne Murray, Bob Luman and Tom Connors. m I sflc1~t I How Do You Vote? (q (2 hr) Viewers call in their votes for the upcomin& aubernator· lal 11ce. Jack Rourke hosts. Gov. Ronald Ree1•n (GOP); Assembly· m•n Jess Unruh (Dem.): Peace and Freedom Candidate, Ricardo Romo; and Amerlctn Independence Party Candidate, William Sheerer will ap. pur to make five minute state· ments. Celebrities will •lso appear on beh11f ol their choice for the Governor of the State ol California. fl) It 11 Written (30) m CITIZEN-VOTER ASKS-1 * REAGAN ANSWERS! fD This Wttll (C) (90) (R) "The Citizen Voter " Newsmen Maury Green, Peter Kay end Joe Russin, and KCET's live studio audience i z Governor Ronald Rea1an. Pattern for livln1 (30) Dell 'l1all1 c.on Amore (60) 7:30 9 Cl) Ho11n'1 HtfOtt (C) (30) When the Cestepo takes con· trol of St1ta1 13, Col. Klink and Sat. Schultz are 1Ssigned duty on the Russian front. D tD (i) m Wondtl1UI Wor1cl of Disney (tf (60) "The Wecky Zoo of P•&• 10 THE DAIL y P l!.OT, TV WE.OK, OCTOBER 1•. mo Moreen City." Conclusion. Account·' (30) "The Adventures of the fire ant·turned-zookeeper Mitch Collins Fi&hters." Lee Green views fire· (Hal Holbrook) and a croup of kidsl ~tl!!J techniques in Tokyo, llaht city hall to keep their zoo. (!1) LV Sunday Movie: "Tllm Yio· Co·stars Joe Flynn, Wally Cox, Mi· j lent Pto91e" (adVenture) '56 - ch1el-James Wixted. Charlton Heston, Mne BIXier. 0 CHAPLIN! CHAPLIN! I ~~::'t::(~) (60) (R) "Ro· * & MORE CHAPLIN! mance and Reality." Thirteenth A ComecfJ CleuJcs (90) "A Chap· century art and life are pictures. lln Cavalcade.'' Charlie Chaplin is @Ii) Sytvla y Enrique (60) featured in "Tipsy Playboy," "Pawnshop Clerk,' "Floor Wilker," 9:30 0 News (C) (30) 1nd "Amorous Waiter ol the Rink." Q) CaYaludt of looks IC) (30) 0 Million $ Mewit: (C) ''Tht Recent works ue reviewed by Jean l•rnina Hills" (western) '56-Tab Ward and Bernard Golden. Hunter, N1talie Wood, Eduard 9:45 tE Mulic.al1 (C) Franz. Youne man, escapin& from a 10:00 IJ la (j) TIM Conway (C) (60) ruthlus cattle baron who had his J1net Leich and Tony Randall brother killed, finds aid and love auest. Miss Leiah is the sultry with a Mexican half-breed girl . German sineina lady who serenades fl) Yoict of the Hoar (30) World War I flying aces Randall m> Quest for Ufe (30) and Conway. 1:00 B @ @ g;) Tht Bold Ones (C) IJ Special! U.N. SALUTE (60) "Giants Never Kneel." A. ty· ED SULLIVAN TONITEI coon's plan to outsmart a rival * · nearly backfires. Arthur Hill, Carol 1J ~ (j ) Ed Sulllnn (C) (60) A Lynley Roaer Perry and Deforest salute to the United Nations on its Ke_!l_ey ' guest 25th . anniversary, feat urin& many 0 KEVIN SANDERS! prom1~ent young per1orrners from * BIG 5 NEWS TIME' countms around the 1Jobe. • u @ rn m Tiit n1 <C> <60> 8 11e 5 N11n <c> <3o> "Time Bomb." Inspector Erstdne • Sports ,.,,, (C) (60) Mal AJ. investigates the bombfne of 1 fed· berts hosts. eral building in Los An&eles. OJ US( football (C) (90) USC vs. Wayne Maunder guests as Kno1 Oreaon in game played yesterday Hiller. Diana Ewinc IS Karen Wan· at Eugene. • dermere, Mark Jenkins IS Alan m Joe DtS11Y1 (C) (30) Hiller and Geoffrey Deuel as Erle EE! fanfare (C) (90) NET Opera Stone. Theatre; "The Abduction from the OJ Movie Gr11ts: "Mr&. Miniver" Seraglio." (d11ma) '42-Greer Garson, Willer m THtro de M1nolo flbrqn (C) Pidaeon. Teresa Wright, Dame May C&>> Whitty, Re1inald Owen. British 10:30 O Wortd Tomorrow (C) (30) "Why family in war·tom Eneland tries to Marri11e?" lead a normal life IS best they can ID Wtthnd News (C) (30) durin& the siege of the German ll:OO 18 ~(!)News (C) Blitz. , 6 Ntw1 (C) I P1ttem for Livlnc (30) c.n ou Top This? (C) Seltc_ted Fil!ft (C} (45) • William f. Budlley (C) Fred Altpa Music.al (30) Kort, Herman Pritchett and David 1:30 0 @@ ft':) Bi1ll Cosby (C), (30) Fellman discuss the law, academic "The Runaways, ' Chet Kincaid freedom. and the condition of the learns a lesson on le av in& home universltt. when he sets out to return a m KATHRYN KUHLMAN young runaway. George Spell * (IN COLOR) guests as Raymond. f1j World Tomorrow (30) "Parent-Q) Kathryn Kuhlman (C) hood Without a Plan." (it) Nobe Dame foot.bf II (C) fD Our Vanisllina Wildtfness (C) 11;15 5 The Cllristophtrs (C) (30) "Prudhoe Bay-or Bust!!" A 11:30 IJ Movie: "Mttt Danny Wilson" look at the .Proposed Alaskan oil (drama) '52-Frank Sinatra, Shel· pipeline and tis probable effects on liWlnters, Raymond Burr. the teeming life of the frozen • Sunday Tonicftt Show (C) (R) tundra. C.thedr1I ol Tomor111w (C) EE La Tonnenta (30) Movie: (C) "Colle1e Confidtn· 9:001J ~ (j) Glen Campbell (C) (60)1 tl1I" (comedy) '60 -Steve Allen, Shecky Greene. Dionne Warwick. Jayne Meadows, Mamie Van Doren, Bilr Med~ and ·Jud Strunk auest. Mickey Shau1hnessy, Cathy Crosby. D ~ ~ m lon1nu (C) (60) m Movie: "Ro1d House" (mys- "The Trouble With Trouble." As a tery) '48 -Ida Lupino, Cornel temporary substitute lawmen. Hoss Wilde, Richard Widmark, Celeste encounters some difficulty when he Holm. attempts to bring law and order QJ lnsi(ht (C) to a boisterous community that EI1J Conversation With Rise Stevens doesn't want any Gene Evans and end Alen Jay Lerner (C) Chanin Hale guest. 12:30 I) film feature (C) "Somebody's B The Defenders (60) Got To Be Kiddin&." Story of the Ci) ABC Sunday Movie: ~C) function ol the L.A. County Asses· "lone Rid• Homt'' (drama) '67-sor's Office. Glenn Ford, Geor1e Hamilton, Inger 1:00 IJ Movie: "Sl1ue1lter Tr•il" (west· Stevens. Confederate Major Dorrit ern) '51 -Brian Do"levy, Gig Bentley leads an nc1pe from a Youn1. Vlr1ini1 Grey. , Union prison at Fort Hawkes, Utah, D News (C) takine IS host1ae Emily Biddle, a 1:45 m Movie: "Hyde Part Comer" missionary en1aged to Capt. Charles (mystery) '40--<;ordon Harker, Eric Wolcott. Portm1n. Q) Rtncltnoa Witll Adventure (C) 2:301J Ntws/Glve Us This D1y (C) MONDAY OCTOBER 26 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience. are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D (C) "for tM love of Mike" (drama) '60-Richard Basehart. 9:30 0 ''Henry Aldrldl Plays Cupid" (comedy) '44 -Jimmy Lydon, Charles Smith. "Dr. Bro1d•ay" (mystery) '42-Macdonild Carey. O "Blondie's Reward" (comedy) '48-Penny Sin&leton, Arthur Lake. m "love Story" (romance) '44- Stewart Granger. Maraaret Lock· wood, Patricia Roe. 1:00 OJ "Tiit lineup" (drama) '58-Eli Wallach, Robert Keith. 2:00 0 1111t Tin Stir" (western) '57- Henry Fonda, Betsy Palmer. 4:301J (C) "foetsteoa In the Foe" 1 (dr1m1) '55-Stewut Granger. EVfNING 4:00 0 GREAT GUEST STARS * PLUS VINCE EDWARDS! 5:00 0 THE NOW-NEWS NOW! * SANDERS & FISHMAN! 6:00 IJ Ble News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy Q KNBC News (C) (60) Tom SnJder. 0 ROMAN GABRIEL ON * THE ALLEN SHOW! O The Allen Show (C) (90) Martyj Allen, Roman Gabriel, Roberta Flack, Gore Vidal, Jack Palance, Robert Green, Jim Beard. 0 @ CI) tl) Nfl Monday Nieht footbftl (t) (2 'A hr) L.A. Rams vs. Minnesota Vikin1s at Minnesota. O Get Smart (C) (30) "The Dead Spy Scrawls." Maxwell Smart's life depends on whether or not he can beat a pool shark. OJ Tht Flintstones (C) (30) Q) It Takes a Tllitf (C) (60) "The Steal-Drivin& Man," Mario Andretll, Fernando lamas, Felicia Farr, Dick Smothers. Edward Binns and Greg Mullavey auest. fD Hodgepod1e Lode• (C) (30) "Bird Bandin&." I (j) C8S News (C) (30) Outreacll/Musicalt (C) (30) Noticitn1 34 (C) (60) Winp to Adventure (C) (30) T Htro dt las Estrella• (30) 6:25 m Rear1n Political (C) 6:30 0 Candid Camera (30) m Tht flyine Nun (C) (30) "Iii Wind." Sister Bertrille interrupts a mobsters' meetina. Qj @ NBC News (C) (30) EI1J Joyce Chen Cools (30) "Winter Melon." , I (!) My favorite M1rtl1n (30) Pattern for lMnc (30) 1 T111 Desert Report (C) (30) I Jack Lathim, Kim Marriner. m Fu0tivo1 del Amor (30) I 7:00 8 CBS Evtnlnc Ntws (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. D I i" n.I ,.. y) .e. k- :11 ~I .e. ht •s. id le '" ie JI, :k ?£ )) Ill a er )) )) 0 a;, NBC Nlptly News (C) (30) Nlaht of the Shark." Part I. James D1vld Brinkley, John Chancellor. . Daly auests. Frank McGee. I Ila Journal (C) (60) I nat's My Unt? (C) (30) Ovtrtldl/Flhw (C) (30) I Lowe Lucy (30) lntrip (30) hit IM Clod! (C) (30) Nlt.adll (60) (6) Julll (C) (30) 9:30 St>eculltlon (C) (60) (R) "The IJ TONIGHT'S BEST BET! New C1thollc Radlc1lism.'' Fr1ncine * THE DORIS DAY SHOW! DuPlessht Gr1y, author of ''Devine ._ JIMil Disobedience," and former priest aio 161!1 (i) Doril Day (C) (30) Bl Bo Myrna tmibons is duped into 1 ue npine auest. fashion show sabotaae plot when I CJ) Truth or Consequences (C) eflrist the llvlna WOJd (C) (30) Doris models for desianer Mon· Rosario (30) tine (Johnny Haymer). Sl•pltiwtnte M1ria (55) • News (C) (30) Peny M1so1t (60) 7:30 fJ 9 (i) Qunamokt (C) ( 60) , Musk11t/Plltof's Dtlll (C) M1rshal Dillon Is cornered by three (30) Siout Indians. Conclusion of two· I lucecltl {C) (30) p1rt episode, "Snow Train," filmed 9:45 (i1J (1) a) TIM Slltnt Force (C) in the Black Hills of South Dakota. ( 0) "The wax Jungle." While the 0 @ 00 m Red Sllelton Show trio investlaates the syndie1te1s (C) • (30) Van Johnson auests on arip on the recording Industry, 1 Red s Halloween show. sinaing star Is murdered. Guests 0 PEEPING TOM IS are Linda Marsh, Robert Yuro. * WITNESS! N.Y.P.D.! Jared Martin, Dick Patterson and R NYPO (C) (30) Reals Philbin. Miiiion $ Movie: (C) "lo111btrs 10:00 ft a (j) Clrol Bumttt Show (C) 2" (drama) '57-Hatalie Wood. (60) Bernadette Peters and Donald Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Karl Malden. O'Connor auest. A sergeant who resents his com-0 NEWS GO-GETTERS! manding officer is ordered on a * SANDERS & FISHMAN! secret mission to test I B·52 I m News (C) (60) bomber. • Tiit S1lnt (C) (60) m Trutti or Con1tquenc11 (C) (30) : Firln1 Unt (C) (60) '1he Pue· m ~~niel Boont (C) (60) "Ci· blo Story.'' Commander Ll oyd bola. Royal Dano guesb as an Bucher. captain of the Pueblo, old treasure hunter. aives his account of whit hap· @ID Selec1ed Film (C) (30) pened In J1nu1ry, 1968, when @I) Mai Fuerte que bl A111or (30) North Korean fighting boats sur· 7:55 rm> Cuution de Saaundos rounded the ship and dr1ued It 1:00 0 @ (6) m llu&'·ln (C) (60) into Wonsan harbor. "Rowan and Martin's Boo-In." In I Mi MHtlro (30) an eerie, leery salute to Halloween, • • Ttl~lntu A11tt1tlno (2 hr) Orson Welles. actor, magician and 10:15 Movie: (C) "Man Without 1 student of the occult, guests. Stir'' (western) '55-Kirk Douglas, 0 VIRGINIA FLIPS WIG! Jeanne .Crain •. Claire Trevor. (The * GOLDWATER TOO• show will be interrupted at 11:00 • • for a half-hour newse1st) I Yif&inla Sr1lllm Show (C) (60) 10:30 I Bill Jollns News (C) (30) To Tell the Truth (C) (30) (3) Ptrry Mason (60) World Prtu (C) (60) • Cierd11;Qult1rr11 (30) lite Story (C) (30) 11 ·oo im . N... (C) La Cosquilla (C) (60) • • 6 • News (C) 1:05 rm> Aqui Trn P1tint1 (25) O RECAPS 8:30fJ.a 00 Htrt'I Lucy (C) (30) * UCLA/STANFORD GAME! Craig an.d Unc.le Harry become I Bruins In Action (C) pa~ners in filming a documentary News (C) Bill Bonds. us!ng Lucy as the su~ject. ~n • Tltttttt 9: "Tltt Cllildrtn's Cnch!on plays Steve Bailey, Kim s Hour" (drama) '62-Audrey Hep- boyfnend. b Sh. I M L I J ID David Frost Show (C) (90) G~~~er tr ey ac a ne. ames Shirley Macl.alne is SO!? 1uest. QI You Dont Sly (C) ~ Dr1gnet .,(C) (30) Public Af· m Movlt: "Viet Squad" (mystery) fairs DR-14. '53-Ed d G R b. p I tt I f'sher F ii (30) · wa~ • o 1nson. au e e ~1 uen:~ard Sho (30) Goddard. K. T. Stevens, Porter Hall. I 1 ez w 1· Wor1d Preu (C) (R) 8:45 0 (i7J (1) &) Tiit Youn1 llwyers 11:30 ~ (i) Mll'Y Griffin (C) (C) ~} "We ~ay Be Bett~r Stra~· • @Ci) m Jobnny Clraon (C) 1ers. Aaron Silverman believes his Bob Newhart Is substitute host. young client is innocent of a marl· B Movie Qamt (C) Juana charge, but his father disa· Movie: (C) "Man Without 1 grees. Star" (cont'd.) See 10:15 listing. 9:00 R a 00 .. .,.,, R.F.D. (C) ID Movie: "Tiie Gent Krup1 {30) Millie is named the best· Story" (drama) '60 -Sil Mineo, dressed woman in the county. Susan Kohner, James Darren, Susan B 9 00 m NBC Monday Movie: Oliver. (C) "Tltrtt Into Two Won't So" 12:00 D Movie: "Tht Remarlllblt An· (drama) '69 -Rod Steiger, Claire ar.... (comedy) '42 -William Bloom, Judy Geeson. Dame Pew Holden, Brian Donlevy. Ashcroft. The humdrum life of a 12·45 0 News (C) sales executive and his schoolteach· • , er wife is shaken to its flimsy 1:00 1J Movie: ' Fllpt to Hon& ltont' foundations when a permissive &irl (adventure) '56 -Rory Calhoun, enters their little world. 81fb1ra Rush. D Tiit Fu<fvt (C) (60) D News (C) m Felony Squid (C) (30) "The 2:301J Ntws/QIYt Us Tiiis Day (C) T'HIE DAll.Y l"ILOT, TV WIE•K, OCTOa•• H, 1'11 BONNIE BOLAND: SOMETHING SPECIAL Bo nnie Boland, vivacious comedienne wbo co-stars on The Tim Conway Comedy Hour, (Sundays, IO PM, CBS) alm0$1 did not become an ac- tress because of her f amity the· atrical background. Her father, Joseph Boland, bas a distinguished career as an actor in New York theatre, tele· vision and film that has contin- ued for nearly 40 years. It was bis determined wish that his daughter flnd some other life. The house rule was "you love the theatre, but you don't want it for yourself." Jndeed, he was quite insistent, and Bonnie went along with Daddy's desires-- until she was aiit years oldl She made her debut in a school op- eretta u a dumb Spanish maid. Bonnie kept her early dreams and desires a personal treasure, but punued every opportunity to act throu1hout her school years. She also spent a areat deal of time bacbtaae watchina her father work. Only when she joined the teenage proaram of the American Academy of Dra- matic Arts did her family learn of her goal, and her father gave her some sound advice, some valuable hints and his blesslnp. Her first job "in the theatre" was just that: she worked aa an usherette at various Broadway theatres so she could .at least tee all the new sho~ •and the famous performers. At the same time, she spent afternoohs knocking on producer's doors, hoping for a break. Theo, she decided to try modeling and television•commercials. Her timing was right because the demand that year was for uni9ue and real people. And there was Bo nnie-unique, real and bubbhn& over with energy. As she became a successful model, her actin.a career began to blossom, and she appeared off-off-Broadway, then off-Broadway in a play called "Cindy" and toured with Tom Ewell as far off Broadway as St. Louis. Jn 1967 Boonie decided to come to l os Angeles-against the advice of all her friends and co-workers. She has appeared on most major situation shows as an actress with a great ftair for comedy and then joined the ill-fated ABC production of "Tum-On" which was cancelled after one show. Now, all her talents are showcased on The Tim Conway Comedy Hour. The audience can see a young star who is fresh and funny, warm and tender, an enchan tress of wide and remarkable range. Bonnie Boland is something special. ---------®@!St Dan Blocker, star of NBC's Bonanza aeries. now welab• 270 poun4k, 30 pounds less thu be welped on eaterta1 the hospital recently for treatmeat of an Intestinal aliment. Lone Creeae took olf ~ pOtlads on • diet late year. • • • Renne Jamee, on a promotional tour for her new aeries. NBC'• Nancy, got a ftrst band-her ftrsC-look at Iowa. Che locale for tbe lllow when she made a stop at Omaha, Just across tlte rf•er from die tall c:om state. • • • N~ ,,._.,., • 1'ayi s,t. JH ..,_ I• MC'1 D• .,_t. ,,.,.,.,, ,.,, ,,.,,,.,., ....... ,...,,.., UIHf ........ ,_,,_, ... ,,_ ""--0,,.,. c.....,. H• -,.., .. IC.__ """' .. ,,.,., w...-c,,.,,,,., ""' ,.. l• .,.,.. 0,.,. c..,..,.. Of .r..1frt - llactfHt /MM ._.,,,,, ,,_.,. ,.,np • M-*•Aalerk•, CIJll,.,-11M.-. ~ hwNtlfa,., '-D• .,,_,, Mn ,,_,., .,., ,,.,,... Fel. Ilk/Md..,,_ -' E• llllrti.w. hi• 11 TUESDAY OCTOBER 27 For morning and afternoon II stings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D (C) "Th• Toast ol New Orleans" (musical) '50-Mario Lanza, Kath· ryn Grayson. 9:30 IJ "Htnry Aldrlcll Gets Glamour" (comedy) '43 -Jimmy Lydon, Charles Smith, Diana Lynn. "llle11I Traffic" (mystery) '38 -J. Carrol Naish. 0 "Lucky Nick Caln" (adventure) '51-George Raft, Coleen Gray. m "Stranctehold'' (drama) '62 - Macdonald Carey, Barbara Shelley, Philip Friend. 2:00 O (C) ''Alexander the Gr11t' (dra· ma) '56 -Richard Burton, Fredric March. Claire Bloom. m "Hl1h Sdlool Conlident11I" (drama) '58-Russ Tamblyn, Mamie Van Doren. 4:00 II "Tht Saboteur" (drama) '42- Robert Cummings. Priscilla Lane. Otto Kru1er. EVFNING 4;00 11 VINCE EDWARDS & * CLIFF RQBERTSON! 6:00 I) Bil Ntws (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 KNBC News (C) (60) Tom Snyder. IJ MORE FUN! MORE OF * EVERYTHING! STEVE! 11 The Allen Sbow (C) (90) Paul Miller, Shani Wallis, Or. Paul Ehr· lich, Martin l andau. Jackie Vernon, Granny Heitz. 0 Si1 O'Clock Movie: (C) ''Tiie Day tile Earttl Stood Still" Michael Rennie. Patricia Neal, Hugh Mar· lowe, Sam Jaffe, Billy Gray, lock Martin. An emTssary from outer space tries to warn Earth to desist in atomic experiments and, to prove his power, causes all elec· tricity in the world to stop. I Get Smart (C) (30) The Aintstonn (C) (30) It TakH a Thiel (C) (60) (!)Star Trell (C) (60) Hodcepod1e Lod1e (C) (30) "Bird f eeders." I (iJ CBS News (C) (30) Out1e1ch/Musicale (C) (30) Noticlen> 34 (C) (60) lsl1~ds in tlle Sun (C) (30) Te1tro de In Esttellas (30) News In the Round (C) (30) 6:30 I Candid Camera (30) The f1Yin1 Nun (C) (30) 6 NBC News (C) (30) : bflscover Ayin1 (C) (30) "In· struments.'' Essentials of the in· strument panel are discussed. ~ 00 My Fnorite M1rtlan (30) m> Plttem for livin1 (30) m The Desert Report (C) (30) ml Fuaitivos del Amor (30) Ci) ABC Evenin& News (C) (30) 7:00 I) CBS Evenin1 News (C) (30) 0 m NBC Ni1ht1, News (C) (30) THE ONLY FRANCHISED tM S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW (T.M.) Fabric Store Of Orange County 724 East Katella , Orange PHONE (714) 633 -2842 REGISTER NOW!! ( 11 I EARN TO HW ON Al l l<NI r FABRICS 11' MEN'S PANTS ( J l ADVANCED <;AR MENT CONSTRUCTION & TAILORING IN KN ITS (41 THE FIRST ANN PERSON W JG(RIE COURSE O FFERED IN ORANGE COUNTY -1>·2 HR LESSONS -$12 IS I TEEN CLASSES, TOO! W e're on TV I Ch .. nnel I J. Wedno•d"V' I: :45 .:i .m .. w,.1ch Ann Pcrso1 "Excellence In Service, Quality & Price'' S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW (T .M.) Fabrics of OranCJe County f'ace 12 THE OAIL Y PILOT, TV • •EEi(, OCTOBER 2•, 1970 David Brinkley, Frank McGee, John Chancellor. I Whit's My line! (C) (30) @ (!) I lovt Lucy (30) Beaflhe Clock (C) (30) @ R11pn/Reinedle Tea111 (C) fanfare (C) (2 hr) (R) "U.N. Day, 1970." A special proara m commemorating the U.N.'s 25th an- niversary, taped Saturday, October 24 in the General Assembly Hall of U.N. Headquarters in New York. Participants include the LA. Phil· harmonic Orchestra conducted by Zubin Mehta, The Rutgers Univer- sity Choir directed by F. Austin Walter. soprano Martina Arroyo, meuo·soprano Irina Arkhipova. tenor Helge Brllioth, and basso Hans Sotin. 100 Truth or Consequences (C) Christ the livina Word (C) (30) Rosario (30) Slmplemente Maria (55) That Girl (C) (30) 7:05 (6) Tuesd•' Movie: (C) "Aul-tz::' Tony Randall, Shirley Jones. 7:30 6 Qj 00 The Bevert, Hillbillies (C) (30) Granny consults a psy· chiatrist to give "modern medi· cine" a chance to keep Navy "fro1man" Mark Templeton from turning Into a real fro1. Richard Deacon auests as Or. Klinaer. Winn. Written by Henry Furell. the film is based on the novel, "Am· mie, Come Home" by 81rtlar1 Michaels, an eerie tale ol • &hostly presence that threatens to destroy the new residents of the old C1mp· bell house. m David Frost SMw (C) (90) Guests include Carol Channlna. Ju· lius laRosa, Georae Jessel and Gordon Li&htfoot. I Dr1p1t (C) (30) Fisller F1•ily (30) LI Conltitucion (30) 9:00 @ (6) ml NIC Tuesday Movie: (C) "Spin our (musical) '66 - Elvis Presley, Shelley F1b1res, Deborah Walley, Diane McBain, Will Hutchins, Una Merkel, Cecil Kellaway. A young bandle1der is pursued by a number of girls who have marria ge on their minds. 0 A TENSE SPOT FOR *THE FUGITIVE! I The Fuaitln (C) (60) Felony Squad (C) (30) The Advocates (C) (60) ''Should Police maintain intelliaence flies on political militants?" I Outrucll/Film (C) (30) lntria• (30) N1tadll (60) 9:30 Cij 00 To Rome With Lowe (C) (30) Barbar• Mdbir &UHlS as • 0 m Don Knotts (C) (60) Roy singing nightclub propri etress, who Roaers, Dale Evans and Chu~k fiaures mysteriously In a shower of Connors guest. and Knolls , isl aood fortune for the Endicotts. warned of the dangers of pick· I News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. pockets. Perry Mason (60) 11 N.Y.P.D. TRACKS , Musicalt/P1stot1 Delli (C) * DOCK GUNNERS! , Music.I , EJtreHas (C) (30) IJ NYPD (Cl_ (30) 10:00 tij (j) 60 Minutes (C) (&<l) 0 (fi) (!)a> Mod Squid (C) (60) 11 l TR£ NEWS WITH "Search and Destroy." The squad's * SANDERS & FISHMAN! investigation of a bogus poll~!"·." I m News (C) (60) IS hampered by a murder v1cltm $ (ll)@ m MlfM Welby, M.D. brother. Steve Ihnat. Michael Basel-( ) (60) "Daisy in the Shadows." son, Bru~ Glover, Kathy Lloyd and Or. Welby's patient (Sunnne Plesh· B~ad ~~v1d auest. • • , ette) insists on brin&lng up her 0 M1ll1on $ Movie. 'The lelt retarded daughter without outside H1nded Gu~" (~estern) '58-Paul ~elp. David Hartman also auests. Newm an. L1~a Milan. John Dehner. 0 The Saint (C) (60) Billy the Kid, teenage . desperado, Ell) The San Francisco Mia (C) (60) aven~es I.he murder of his employer "Eating." an~ 1s given. s11~ctuary by a gun· , Mi M1tsllo (30) smith and his wife. · • fntiv•I Muicano (60) I Trut~ or Consequences (C) (30) 10:30 Bill Johns News (C) (30) Daniel Boone (C) (60) • Hoy (30) Selected Fiim (C) (30) ll:OO ~ CiHll News (C) Mas Fuerte que tu Amor (30) • Q'3 @ m News (C) 7:55 Cuestion de Se&undos Can You Top This' (C) (30) 8:00 . Qj Green Acr~s (C) (30) Ci) News (C) • Lisa Oo.u1 as ~ppears '".~~~town Theatre 9: "Vircinia City" (west· Hooterville as. lady Godiva 1n ~n1 ern) '40 _Errol Flynn Randolph effort to attrac_t the male voters 1n Scott ' a way.out ver~.1on of "the women's . m You Don't Sly (C) hb movement. I m Movie: ''Tiie Monater Thlt Chai· 11 VIRGINIA HOSTS leneed the World" (sci·fil ·57 -* ARLENE DAHL! Tim Hoit, Andrey Dalton. I Viflini1 Gr1h1m Show (C) (60) (!) Perry M11on To Tell the Truth (C) (30) : Bl1cll Journ1I (C) (R) Full Gospel Businessmen (C) 11:30 ~ 00 Merv Griffin (C) (30) ~ @ m Johnny Canon (C) I ta Criad1 Bien Criad1 (C) (30) Movie Game (C) l :OS Ritmolandia (55) Ci) Didi Cavett (C) 8:30 ~@ Hee Haw (C) (60) Son· Movie: "lifeboat" (dram•) '44 '!.t. J11mes and Peggy little guest. -Tallulah Bankhead, John Hodiak. 0 m Julia (C) (30) "Magna Cum 12:00 0 Movie: "Tillie and Gus" (com· lover." When babysitter Roberta edy) '33-W. C. Fields, Alison SJlip· Simms helps Julia's boyfriend pre· worth. pare for a speech, Roberta becomes @ Didi Cavett (C) overly interested-but not In the 1:00 II Movie: (C) "Golden H•"'" (ad· ~ech. Janar Hines guests. venture) '52 -Rhond1 Flemina. U @ (]) Ci) ABC Movie ol the Sterline Hayden. WtH: (C) "Tlie House Thll 0 0 Nf!WI (C) Wouldnt Die" (suspense) '70-m All·Nleflt Show: "A RM fw Barbara Stanwyck. Richard Eaan.I Your Money," "Never Toe Litt T• Michael Anderson Jr.. Katherine Mend" and "Jubll." T HE DAI LY PILOT, Tl/ WEEK, OCTOBER 24, lt70 WEDNESDAY 7:308 tjj Cl) storefront ~rt (C) wlh Phil Slivers and Sid Caesar. IBoboquivari (C) (30) (60) Sharon Farrell guhts as an B The fu<ive (60) Ml Maest10 (30) attractive divorcee on relief who @(I) aJ Johnn, Cuh (C) Tele-Cinema Espanol (2 hr) OCTOBER 28 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 ''love Nest" (comedy) '51 Marilyn Monroe, William lundigan. 9:30 O "Men Without Names" (mys· • _fery) '35-fred MacMurray. Madge Evans. "Million Ooll11 hp" (com· edy) '32-W. C. f ields, Jack Oakie. O "Duffy or San Quentin" (dra- ma) '53 -Paul Kelly, Maureen O'Sullivan. m "We Dive at Dawn" (drama) '42-Eric Portman, John Mills. 1:00 m (C) "from Istanbul. Orders To Kill" (drama) '6~hristopher Lo· gan, Geraldine Pearsall. 2:00 0 Country Girl'" (drama) '54- Grace Kelly, Bing Crosby, William Holden. 4:30 I) Movie: (C) "A Lawless Street'' (western) 'SS-Randolph Scott, An· gela Lansbury. fVfNING 5;00 IJ BIG 5 NEWS TIME! * SANDERS & FISHMAN! 6:00 I Bia News (C) (60} Jerry Dunphy. • KNBC News (Cl (60) 0 J NATHAN W NTERS * JOINS STEVE NOW! 0 The Allen Show (C) (90) Jona· than Winters, Jay Silverheels, Edith Head, Rose Marie. IJ Si• O'Clock Movie: (C) ''Tile Snows of Kiiimanjaro" Part I (dra· ma) '53-Gregory Peck, Susan Hay. ward, Ava Gardner, Hildegarde Neff, Leo G. Carroll. Helene Stanley. While on an African hunting trip, a man becomes seriously ill. • Get Smart (C) (30) Tile Flintstones (C) (30) It likes 1 Thief (C) (60) 1 (I) Star Trek (C) (60) : Hodc•podae Lode• (C) (30) I CBS News (C) (30) • utreaeh/Mu$ical1 (C) (30) · Noticie10 34 (C) (60) • Wanderlust (C) (30) • • Teatro de las EstrellH (30) News In ttte Round (C) (30) 6:30 • Candid Ca11ttr1 (30) Th• Flyinc Nun (C) (30) 00 NBC News (C) (30) : Playinc the Guitar (30) (I) M' favorite M1rti1n (30) • Pattern for l ivinc (30) • The Desert Report (C) (30) • • fu11tlvo1 def Amor (30) ABC Evenln& News (C) (30) 7:00 C8S Evenln& News (C) (30) · m NBC Nlptly News (C) (30) • Whit's My line? (C) (30) @ C!J I Love Lucy (30) But tile Clocll (C) (30) 1 6 Branded (C) (30) omewood (C) (60) (j) Truth or Con1tqu1nces (C) Chrl1t ttte Llvina Word (C) (30) Ros.rJo (30) $implement• Maril (55) That Girt (C) (30) convinces attorney David Hensen (60) Guests: Tennessee Ernie ford, 10:30 6) Bill ~M N"1 (C) (30) ~~!t w!r1~reh:or:::~n a:u~t:~. by ~~lsf~~sJd~ti:/loyd Cramer and EP flkll Out (C) (30) .:·stic:ilY My e @ (i) m Tht Men from Siil· I feton, Squad (C) (30) fingers, Fl~et My feet. A humor· loll (C} (90) "Crooked-Comer." Su· Outreach/film (C) (30) o~s narrative ab?ut a younc exec· un Strasberg and Kurt Kasznar lntrica (JO) uhve who considers himself the guest as German settlers who are Netac:ha (60) &realest touch-football player. being threatened so they will a ban· 9:30 I News (C) (30) Baxter ward. m El Sbow de Pedro ¥11111 (C) don their land. Brodi Peters end rtrry Mason (60) 11 :00 I ~ (I) m NIWI (C) Waller Koenig also guest. : Politics 70 (C) (30) · ~-" (6) m Newa (C) II N.Y.P.D. FINDS , Musicale/Pastor's Desi (C) (30) Rams ActiOn (C) * GIRL IN TRUNK! · Sonrlsas (C) (30) aJ News (C) - B NYPO (C) (30) 10:00 I) Qi Ci) Hawaii nve-0 (C) (60) · Th~atre 9: ''The Btidce•• (d~a· @ 00 aJ Courtship of Ed· McGarrett is injured in a boat eJt· ma) 61 -Volker Bohnet, fritz die's Fattier (C) (30) "Eddie's plosion. Wepper Will.'' Tom Corbett cancels Eddie's 0 ~ (i) m four·in-Otlel "San m fou ~n,'t Say (C) " outing with Mrs. Livln&ston, then franc11tol nttrn1tional Airport" (C) al ~vie. ~oodoo Island (hor learns the day has a deep personal (60) "Emergency Alert.'' A trUS· ror) 57-Boris Karlotl. meaning for her. trated scientist has set a military 01.l ~Perry Mason fJ Million $ Movie: (C) "Kin gas shipment to detonate as an f;tll .~stern ~19:'!om ind Modern Them for Me'" (comedy) '57 -anti-war gesture, Lloyd Bridges life. 1he Void. Cary Grant. Suzy Parker, Jayne stars. Clu Gulager co-stars. Guests 11;30 I (29) (i) Merv Griffin (C) Mansfield. Tale ot the ·romps and include James Olson, William Syl· • ~ (6 ) m Johnny Carson (C) romantic escapades of Navy Air Of· vester. Regulars are Barbara Werle, Movie Game (C) liters on a four·day leave. Barbara Sigel. (Premiere). aJ Dicll Cavett (C) Space e~· I Trutll or Consequ1ncn (C) (30) O SANDERS & FISHMAN 1 pert Wernher von Braun guests. Daniel Boone CC) (60) * WITH ALL THE NEWS' m Movie: (C) "Blad NarciuUs' Selected film (C) (30) • 1 (drama) '47-Deborah Kerr, Jean Mas Fuerte que tu AlltOf (30) Rm News (C) (60) I Simmons, David Farrar. 7:55 a!) cuestion de Secundos 0 D K AUGUST STARS 12:00 0 Movie: "Wild Harvest" (adven· 8:00 * BURT REYNOLDS NEW! ture) '47-Alan Ladd. Dorothy La· • VIRGINIA HOSTS 0 m Dan Aupst (C)I mour, Robert Preston. * LAINIE KAZAN' (60) "The Color of Fury." Det. Lt. [rt) l3J Didi Cavett (C) 8 · August finds massive evidence l :00 I) (C) "When lovers Meet•• I com Yir&inia Gratllam Sbow (C) (60) a11a1nst the leader of a black mili· edv) '46 -Lucille Ball, George @ @ Cf) Male Roo111 for ' Granddaddy (C) (30) "Is This Trip tant eroup in the slaying of a city Brent. Charles Wtnninaer. councilman's sister. Raymond St. O 1J News (C) Necessary? Bob Hope invites Dan· Jacques, Nehemiah Persoll, Ray m All Nlcht Show: "Bitter Y-ic:· ny to }oin him on 8 trip lo en· Danton and Richard O'Brien guest. tory,•• "Abbott & Costello '° to tertain the troops. r.oa Th c 1 m Mebomedia Pments (C) (30) u e Saint ( ) (60) Mars" and "P1ssport to Pemlice." "Alternatives.'' Discussion of in· .......................................... . dividual reactions to peer groups and attending problems. til) The French Clltf (C) (30) "Cake With Halo/Gateau St. Honore." I The Answer (C) (30) lucha Libre (C) (60) 8:05 Boa lntematlon1I 1970 (55) 8:30 IJ GOVERNOR AND J.J. * HIT OF THE SEASON IJ Q!J Ci) The Governor and JJ. (C) (30) Lawrence Pressman guests as a handsome congressman who J.J. boosts for office. 0 @ Cil aJ Room 222 (C) (30) "Captain of the Team." Two slu· dents. one a square rule-follower and the other hip, vie for leader· ship of the track team. m David frost Show (C) (90) Trev· or Howard and Myron Cohen guest. 6) Drapet (C) (30) fill Civilisation (C) (60) "Man- The Measure of All Thingl." Sir Kenneth Clark visits Florence, cen· terpiece of Italian Renaissance. 61:) Fisher family (30) 9:00 IJ ~ @ Medical Center (C) (60) A little airl's abnormally IC· live behavior leads her godfather, Dr. Joe Gannon, to urae speclal treatment for her. Lois Nettleton auests. Mia Bendixsen makes her dramatic TV debvt as Jenny. Chris· tina Crawford. daughter of Joan Crawtord, plays a child psychologist. D KRAFT MUSIC HALL * Milton Berle, Stiller & Meara, Sid Caesar B lil@ m Kraft Musk Hall (C) {60) "TV's Hit Parade of Com edy." Milton Berle stars as host. CUSTOM FIREPLACE SCREENS (7 DAY DELIVERY> Inside • Outside or Corner Mounts in Beautiful Decorative Colors in Many Finishes. Wide Selection of GAS LOGS FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN SANTA ANA TENT AND AWNING· 2202 S. MAIN -545..0491 SANTA ANA 1000 BEAUTIFUL ~STICK:ON LABEtS $1.00 ........ May be used on envelopes as return address · labels. Also very handy as identification labels for marking personal items such as books, records, photos, etc. Labels stick on glass and may be used for marking home canned food items. All labels are printed with ~tylish Vogue type on fine quality white gummed paper. Mrs. Christine Brown 969 Post Roed Coste Mese. Certt. 92626 r----------fi"'" thla celipoft, clip eftcl mail with $1 .00 to: I 'ilot ,,11,u .. 1.l•b•I 01., .. lox 1175, N•wf"rl IHch, Cellf. •2Hl· -, I I I I I I I I -·--------····-----·--········-·----------·······------ ···--···········-·-·········-----------------·------~-- ·······························--------------------····· le 1ure to uH yo11r Zip Co4• I I I I I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L ,.,. 14 -------------FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LAIELS WE WILL INCLUDE RD SET 05 PACKAGE MAILING LABELS. ,. ................. -' THE DAILY PILOT, TV WE t:k, OCTOBER H, lt/O TH URSDA Y -oomBE-R 29- For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY - TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O (C) "Blocbde (drama) '38- M•deleine Carroll, Henry Fonda. 9:30 U "Say It in French" (comedy) '38-Ray Milland. "Si1 of 1 Kind" (comedy) '34-W. C. Fields. O "Th• Bottom of t111 Bottle" (drama) '56-Van Johnson, Joseph Cotten, Ruth Roman. m "Track the Min Down" (dra- ma) '57-Kent Taylor. Petula Claril, Renee Houston. 1:00 m "Happ1est Oap of Yo11r Lift'' (comedy) ·~Alastair Sim. Mar· 1•ret Rutherford. Z:OO 0 (C) "Crick in the World" (sci· fi) '65 -Dana Andrews, Janette Scott. 4:30 II (C) "The Blacll Tent" (SUS· pense) 'S7-Anthony Steel, Anna Maria Sandri. Donald Sinden. fV ENING 6:00 R 81& News (C) (60) Jerry Dun· Pfly. 0 KHBC News (C) (60) Tom Sny· der. U The Alltn Show (C) (90) Col· onel Sanders, Shari Lewis. Buddy Ebsen. Laurence Harvey, Ed Gold· fader. 0 Sia O'Ctoa Movie: (C) "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" Conclusion (drama) 'S3-Gregory Peck, Susan ward, Ava Gardner. Hildegarde Neff. While on an African huntln1 trip, a man becomes seriously ill and his life, with its 111andering adventures and loves, passe.s before his eyes. • Cit Smart (C) (30) The Flintstones (C) (30) It T1hs 1 Thief (C) (60) m Star Trell (C) (60) : Hod1tpOC11e Lod11 (C) (30) (jJ CBS News (C) (30) • Outr11eh/Muskale (C) (30) • Noticitro 34 (C) (60) • Trut Advtnture (C) (30) · • Teatro de las Estrtllas (30) · News in the Round (C) (30) 6:30 • Candid Camer1 (30) The Flyin1 Nun (C) (30) (i) NBC Nichlly News (C) (30) : fht French Chef (C) (30) (R) (jJ My Favorite M1rtian (30) • Patttrn for Livinc (30) • Tiit Desert Report (C) (30) • • fu&ttivos d•I Amor (30) • ABC Evenin& News (C) (30) 7:00 IJ CBS Evenin& News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. 0 m NBC Ni<tly News (C) (30) David Brinkley, Frank McGee, John Chancellor. I Wllat's M. J Line? (C) (30) (ii) (I) I Love Lvcy (30) l11t tltt Clod! (C) (30) 00 Dr11n1t (C) (30) Polltlcs 70 (C) (30) ~ (j) Trvtll or Coaseq1tttee1 (C) (30) @I!) Cllrlst tlM Urina Went (C) (30) @It Rosario (30) .-G)~ple .. ote-Matla ~55) EB T111t Girl (C) (30) 7:25 0 GOV. REAGAN SPEAKS *OUT ON IMPORTANT ISSUES TO ALL CALIFORNIA VOTERS O R11gan Polltlcal (C) 7:30 fJ ~ (jJ f•mily Affair (C) (30) Biii takes the entire family with him to Hollywood on a business trip to 1et Cissy away from the notion of a too-sudden thought of marrying Gree. but he's not too sure it was such a 11ood Idea when Cissy falls for a Wwem movie star. Greg Fedderson, Walter Brooke and Aron Kincaid guest. 0 @ @ m flip WU.on (C) (60) Bill Cosby, Gina Lollobri&lda, and singing idol John Sebastian are Flip's special guests. U NYftD (C) (30) 0 @m a) Matt Lincoln (C) (60) "Nitk." Pete Duel guests as Father Nicholas Burrell, a priest who works with Matt on a juyenile shelter proJect. The priest con· fides that he has fallen ln love with one of his parishioners. Joan van Ml also 1uests. B Million $ Movie: "Eiptrlment in Terror" (suspense) '62-Glenn Ford, Lee Remick. Ross Martin. Stefanie Po111ers. Suspense mounts as FBI men rely on a terrified, beautiful bank teller's coura1e to trap a master criminal. I Trutll er Conseq111nus (C) (30) Danltl Boone (C) (60) Tlleetre Beet (C) (30) "Twelfth Night," by William Shakespeare, produced by the Shakespeue So· ciety of America. Hal Marienthal's guests are R. Thad Taylor, Shake· speare Society president, and J. P. Burns, director of the play. 61!) Stleded films (C) (30) @It Mas fverte q111 to .Amor (30) 7:55 al) Cutstion de Sepndos 8:00 IJ ~ (I) Jim Nabors Show (C) (60) Andy Griffith guests. U Vlr1lni1 Craltam Show (C) (60) Pat McCormick, John Stewart, Pam· ela Mason, and Miu America con· lestant Kathy Huppe are $Cheduled 1uests. I To Tell tlle Truth (C) (30) Wasltlncton in Revitw (C) (30) CrHtion Research (C) (30) V11ab11ndo (C) (60) 8:05 al) Tele-Revista Mulical (SS) 8:30 0 la) Ci) m Ironside (C) (60) "Check, -~fate: and Murder." Part I of a two part story centerln1 around the French-Canadian Sep· aralist movement, an international lhelt ol a precious che.u set. and the rekindlin1 of a 20-yeer-old ro· mance for Chief Ironside. Her· mione Gingold, Emile Genest, Karin Dor, Ivor Francis. Alain Patrick end Alan S. Bergmann ruest. 0 (ii) Cil a) Bewitched (C) (30) "Paul Revere Rides Again.'' Sa· mantha asks Esmerelda to up back • Paul Revere teapot to her in Salem, bu t 1ets the Patriot and his horse Instead. Bert Convy 1nd Jonathan Hurls guest. m PAUL NEWMAN IS b how he got teeth marks on his * FROST'S ONLY GUEST ba.c~utreach/Fllm CC) c3o) m OIVid Frost Show (C) (90) · lntrip (30) Paul Newman ls solOJUe.s.t.. .(:J'l!J.'1&1.1~~1U>------m OtJmplc Boxinf (C) (2 hr) 9:30 0 ~ @ m N1ncy (C) (30) Ell) NET P11ytlouM (C) (90) "The "East 1s East and West Is Best." Ceremony of Innocence.'' Richard! Nancy is the hit of the Center City Kiley, James Broderick, larryl party that Adam Is avoiding be· Gates, Jessie Royce Landis, Eliza. cause he tfars she'll not like his beth Hubbard and Gilmer McCor· homespun friends. Gary Vinson and mick star in Ronald Ribman's dra·I Monie Ellis guest. ma of an 11th-century king whose! 0 @00 Cl> Tht Odd Couple efforts to a.void war with the Danes (C} (30) "Oscar's Ulcer." Oscar de· bring tragedy to his court. velops an ulcer and blames Felix t:"i' Fisher Fimil" (30) for it. Oscar drops out of the poker ~ • game with a sharp pain In his NANCY CAN COOK-Atone Jar-reu, suarrfaa u lht daupler of llw Prulcltnl of the United Stain la the title rok of NBC'1 Nancy serifs, proves ibe's •t bome at a bubtcue In "East ls East Bui West Ill Bat," colomut Thursday at 9:30 PM. stomach and the doctor diagnoses his complaint as the beginning of an ulcer. Fell• immediately imposes a bland diet on his friend and Oscar-literally fed up with the soft food-blames him for his plight. Bill Quinn is seen as Or. Melnltz. 0 News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. el Musicale/ Pastor's Desk (C) (30) ail Noches Tlpitias (30) 10:00 0 ~ @ m Dt1n M1rtin (C) Dean's guests are Jim Brown. Bar· bara Feldon, David Frost, Charles Nelson Reilly and the Golddiggers. Brown, former grid star. discloses what a football player hears on the field in conjunction with a film clip. 0 m News (C) (60) 0 @ 00 Cl) The Immortal (C) (60) "Man on a Punched Card." Fletcher hires a computer firm to track Ben Richards. Lynda Day George, wife of series star Chris· topher George, guests. 0 The Saint (C) (60) Ell) Speculation (C) (60) "A Con· versation With Richard Ney," au· thor of the book "The Wall Street Jungle.'' ail Novtla (30) a!) Horoscope con el Prof. Hor•n· rel (30) 10:30 I Bill Johns News (C) (30) · Revistl Musical (30) · • Aqui Tres P1tin1S (30) ll:OO,~ fl3 ~~e~i (C) ~ You Top This? (C) Cl) News (C) • Theatre 9: (C) "Auntie Mime" (comedy) '58-Rosalind Russell, Forrest Tucker, Roger Smilh. Peggy Cass. 9:00 f) ~ (j) CBS Thursd1r Movie: m You Don't Sly (C) (C} "Heaven With 1 Gun" (west· m Movie: "Devil's Messen&t(' ern) '69-Glenn Ford, C3rolyn (horror) 61-lon Chaney, Karen Jones, Barbara Hershey, John An· Kadler, John Crawford. derson, David Carridine. Noah Ber· I 17 00 Perry M1son ry, J. D. Cannon. Stranger Jim : The Advocates (C) (R) Killian (Ford) rides into lhe town · Noticiero 34 (C) of Vinegaroon. where ranchers and 11:30 ~ 00 Merv Griffin (C) sheepmen are aligned in bitter OP· I @ 00 m Johnnr C1rson (C) position, and is assumed to be a Movie Gamt (C) gunman until he reveals that he is Cl) Dick Cavett (C) Ruth Gor· actually a preacher who has come don and Minnie Pearl guest. to open a mission church and I m Movie: "Fallen An1el" (drama) teach the townspeople how to live '45 -Dana Andrews, Alice Faye, together in peace. When Killian Linda Darnell, Charles Bickford. defends a youn1 Indian girl, he Is 12:00 IJ Movie: "Miki of Salem" (dra· exposed as an ex.convict, and his ma) '37-Claudette Colbert Fred efforts to establish peace are sty· MacMurray. ' mied until he hits upon an unus· @(!)Didi Cavett (C) ual plan. 1:00 IJ Movie: (C) "The Brl11nd" (ad· 0 JANSSEN MEETS A venture) '52-Anthony DeJCter. An· * LADY ON A TRAIN' thony Quinn, Jody Lawrence. · OONews (C) e The Fu1itlvt (C) (60) I m All·Nifht Show: "Liit of tllt 0 @ @ Cl) 81rtfoot in t!lel Mohicans," "Fannr bJ GHll&llt" Park (C) (30) "The Marriage Pro·1 and "Cisco Kid." posal." Paul explains to Honey 2:30 IJ News/Give Us This D•J (C) THE DAil. Y P ll.OT, TV WEEK, OCTOI Elt 14, 1910 Take a three-foot doll, add a sparkling personality, wind it up, and what do you have? A wound-tight angelic-but-mischevious Kim Richards, who turned six, just six days before the opening of the second season of her Nanny and the Professor series (Fridays at 8 PM on ABC). The diminutive fireball plays the daughter-among two sons- of Professor Harold Everett {Richard Long) in the 20th Century- Fox Television production. K,i m was born Sept. 19, 1964, in Long Island, N.Y., to Ken nnd Kathy Richards.· Retired president of a large department store chain, Mr. Richards is now a land developer. When Kim retires, she hopes "to become a witch." Kim has already accrued much work time toward her retire- ment, having started her sweat shop existence at age 9 months, going into "golden hours" (overtime) when she re fused to wet her panties for a disposable diaper television commercial. Nanny and 1he Professor is her first TV series venture. Member of a perennial brood, Kim was deal! into a family of six children, three boys and three girls, ranging from 25 years to six months. She is currently being spoiled at the family's Bel Air country man ion and their Lake Arrowhead lodge where she sticks her fingers with fish hooks and threatens to swim all by herself. Kim enjoys imitating older and looser women in the age class of 9 or I 0, and is a regular terror around the kitchen where she slams the oven door, causing Mommy's souffles to drop. An animal lover, Kim has a F rench poodle (Silver C ross, DSM and Purple Heart with three clusters) and a Shetland pony that is kept for her (by request of the pony) in New York, She takes a personal affront because a sign near her Bel Air home reads Bt>ware, instead of Cawion, Child at Play. Her prime ambition is to become a spy in the next war. Page 15 FRIDAY OCTOBER 30 For morning and aftemoon li1tin1s, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "lovt Is l etter Than Evtr" (ro· mance) '52-Elizabeth Taylor. Lar· ry Parks. Josephine Hutchinson. Tom Tully, Ann Doran. I 9:30 O "RhJth"' Romance" (comedy) '39 -Bob Hope. "Supernatural" (mystery) '33 -Randolph Scott, Carole Lombard. 0 "Chicken Every Sunday" (com- edy) '49-Dan Dailey, Celeste Holm. m (C) "Guns of Fort Petticoat" (western) '57-Audie Murphy, Kath· ryn Grant, Hope Emerson. 1:00 m (C) "llKll Slbbath" (horror) ~Boris Karloff, Mark Damon. 2:00 0 (C) "Mlstw Moats" (adven ture) '65-Robert Mitchum. Carroll Baker. 4:30 IJ "Abbott & Costello MMt Franllenstein" (comedy) '48-Bud Abbott. Lou Costello, Bela Lugosi. Lon Chaney. FVFNING 6:00 1J l ie News (C) (60) Jerry Dun· phy. 0 ICNIC News (C) (60) Tom Sny· der. O The Allen Show (C) 190) Hal Holbrook. Peter Lupus. Robert Sheer. Andy Devine, Gail Fisher. Fred Sparks. 0 Six O'Clock Movie: (C) '1.ovt in a fioldfllll Bowl" (comedy) '61 -Tommy Sands, Fabian, Jan Ster1· in&. Toby Michaels. A school super. intendent deelares dudents of OP· poslte sexes off-limits to each oth· er. but the students decide to spend their vacation together. fitt Smart (C) (30) The Aitltstont1 (C) (30) It Tlllu 1 Tllltf (C) (30) 1 (j) Star Trell (C) (60) : trodcepocta• Lode• <C> (30) 00 CBS News (C) (30) • Outrtach/Muaicalt (C) (30) • Noticiero 34 (C) (60) • The American West (C) (30) • • T11tro de las Estrellas (30) • News in the Round (C) (30) 6:30 • Candid C1mtf1 (30) The Ayin& Nun (C) (30) · (!) NBC Ni&htty News (C) (30) : llnow Your Antiqun (C) (30) Ralph and Terry give tips on how to compare a reproduction with an antique, and show examples of me· chanic:al banks. I (j) My Favorite Marti1n (30) ~em for Uvin& (30) Tiit Desert Report (C) (30) Fu<ivos dtl Amor (30) I ABC Evmin& News (C) (30) 7:00 CBS Evenlnc News (C) (30) m NIC Nl&htly News (C) (30) David Brinkley, Frank McGee, John Chancellor. 0 Wllats My Lint? (C) (30) G) @ (}) I Love Lucy (30) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WWI, OCTOBER ... 1910 I '8 Beat U.1 Clod! (C) (30) Cln .. a Showcase (C) (90) • m~ Slp1I." Dana Andrews. Pi· per Laurie. EE 11* Beat (C) (30) Robert Cromie discusses "The Dick," by Bruce Jay Friedman, which de· scribes the comic adventures of a PR Impresario for a large homi· cide bureau in an Eastern city. I Ci) TniU. Ot CoftstqlttftCU (C) Qrist tlM Livin& Wonl (30) Roatrio (30) Si•plt1Mnlt Maria (55) That Qirf (C) (30) 7:30 Qt 00 Tiit lnteras (C) (60) Dr. Goldstone (Broderick Craw· ford) is injured by 1 panic-stricken young man who has been refused life-saving treatment because no kidney machine is available. Pete Duel, Susan O'Connell, Bill Hayes and Gene Raymond guest. 0 m Hip Ch1p1rr1l (C) (60) "Too Late the Epitaph." Manolito is mistakenly identified and jailed on charges of holdup and murder. Monte Markham guests. I NYrD (C) (30) (I) (f) Tiit Brady Bundi ( ) m) "Call Me Irresponsible." Greg is fired the fi rst day from Mike's architectural firm. 0 Miiiion $ Mnit: (C) "Sittia1 Biill" (western) '54-0ale Robert· son, Mary Murphy, Willi•m Hopper. m Truth or CollStqUtflCH (C) (30) D1nitl Booftt (C) (60) Tllis WMk (C) (90) KCITs hard news telemagazine conducts an hour-long live poll of the Citi·, zen Voter. EID Selected films (C) (30) I ii) Mu Fuerte que tu Amor (30) 7:55 ail Cuts1ion de Strundoa (60) 1:00 IJ Vircinla QrahHt Show (C) (60) Nina Foch, Bob Dishy, Stanley My· ron Handleman ind · singer Dion are scheduled auests. 0 @ CI) Cl) N1nny & tM f'ro. fmor (C) (30) "A Letter for Nan· ny." Nanny recei'tes a letter that upsets her and the Everetts fear she will be leaving. I To Tell tM Truth {C) {30) Lfft fw Today (C) (30) El Mondo .lovtn Jnen dt Jose Jost (C) (30) 1:05 ail Lucita Libre (55) 8:30 IJ 9 Ci) Headmaster (C) (30) Headmaster Andy Thompson, his wife Margaret ind coach Jerry Brownell join students In 1n ex- periment for a "new society". set· ting up camp in an idyllic forest where everyone does his own thing. 0 @ 00 m Namt of th• '"'" (C) (90) '1he War Merchants." Robert Wagner joins series star Robert Stack in a drama of deal· Ing with international smuggling. Scott Brady, Rosemary Forsyth and Frank Alette.r also guest. 0 ITT'} (}) Cl) The rartrld&t Fam· lly (C) (30) "Love at Flrst Slight." Keith falls for a young girl (Lane Bradbury) who refuses to date him. I David Frost (C) (90) Drarntt (C) (30) Fislltf FamilJ (30) Los leftrty de rtt11rito (30) 9:00 ~Cl) CBS Friday Mowil: (C) "W1mlnc sttor (dram•) '67-Da· vid Janssen, Keenan Wynn, Ed Begley, Sam Wanam1ker, Lilli1n Gi5h. Stefanie Powers, Eleanor Parker, George Griaard, George Sanders. Steve Allen, Carroll O'Con· PERCY RODRIGUES , COMMUTES ... FROM CANADA! To Percy Rodrigues, acting is a serious business-he's in it to make a living, not just for fun . The handsome, solidly-built black actor has been performing since he was 8 years old, and his determination has paid off in a success(ul career. Percy is now tackling his second TV series in Hollywood-The Silent Force, an action drama on ABC, Mondnys at 9:45 PM. Along wit h co-•.iarc; Ed Nelson and Lynda Day. he plays a member of a group of undercover :1gen1s figh1ing organi1ed crime in the United St:i tes. "I hclicvc in making the most of every acting opportunity." c;ay'i the veteran of 150 episodes of the uc1.:c.,c;ful Peyton Place .series on ABC. "The <ii lent Force is cer· tainly different from P-.:y ton and a great challenge. I 1hink it has excellent potential." pcuking of "Peyton Place." Percy poinu ou t that he's now reunited with Nelso n in the new venture. In the former series. the actors played doctors. Now they might be referred to as crime doctors. ''I bad a ball on Peyton Place. it was good for me. It defi nitely furthered my career. You know. that show had a great deal of truth to it." The Silent Force cert ainly has truth to it. It is based on fact about one of the gov- P•1e 16 ernment's secret strike forces that thwart organized crime. "The shows are full of excitement and the suspense is greater because we're deal- ing with true happenings.'' Rodrigues stated. "We get into some ticklish situations." In this day and age of hour-long dramatic shows, The Silent Force, at a half-hour, bucks the trend.· 'ltodrigues thinks this is an advantage. "Actually, the way the shows are con- structed, we pack an hour's ac tion into a half-hour. The shorter time period give~ capable writers and directors the chance to create a suspenseful and exciting story Besides, many hou r shows arc too long ... Since Peyton Place. Rodrigues has not been idle. Commuting from his home in Montreal. he has guest-starred in 2 1 major TV series. including Marcus Welby, MD, The Name of the Game and Medical Center, and played leading roles in such films as "The Heart ls a lonely Hunter" and Walt Dis- ney's "Bayou Boy." He recently com pleted the film "The Old Man Who Cried Wolf," starring Edward G. Robinson, Cor ABC's Movie of the Weck. "Eventually J hope to make my perman- ent home here in Hollywood;" he adds. "The commuting is a lot of wear and tear. The success of The Silent Force may de· termine it." 170 SO) -'Y· Ion 'rO• an· hat ear DH 30) his !rry ex· iet- ·est ng. 1me ts." ;tar eal· Ing. and am- 1t." ane 1im. 30) (C) .Oa· Ed lian 1nor 1tae :On· .od ·al- ed. ,tic ur. is )0· ' a ve~ ice ry. , iot :al. 1es, me ind ne >is- tc<l If," C's an- Ids. :ar. de- THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 24, 1970 nor, oen COiiins. Welter Pidaeon. Whll.e detective Tom Valens (Jens·1 sen) and his partner (Wynn) are staked out near an apartment house, hopina to trap a psycho· I p1thic killer, Valens spots a man hurryine throuah the shrubbery end orders the man to stop. SATURDA Y OCTOBER 31 MORNING 8 The Fuaitivt (C) (60) @ (I) ClD Thi! Girl (C) (30) . 11:30 0 (i7J 00 Amtrlctn lendstand ~) Dick Clark hosts. O Movie: (C) .. luff1lo 1111" (western) '44-Joel McCrea, Linda D1mell, M1ureen O'Hara. @I) Mii futrtt qut tu Amor m 1t11tldoscopt <C> ArTfRNOO"J in St. Louis." P1rt 1. Ann is more • in @ m He(lle & Jtale (C) 12:00 II iai ~ ~·Doe (C) "There Sure Ate a Bunch of Cards 7:001 Sunnse Semester (C) nervous 1bout meetine her !lance's @ (I) Reluctlnt Dr1eon & Mr. ~ M:Vtt: (C) 'Wil~111tn of Kur· l1mlly than her play openine in Toad (C) d1stln ~advent~~e) 66-le1t Bir· his home town. Mabel Albertson m Mr. Wishbone (C) ker, Mane Vers1n1. and Frank Faylen guest • m lozo the Clown (C) ~ 6 Sdtool 0171 (C) I ~~ony Squid (C) (:JO) 7:30 II Dusty's TrHhouae (C) ~ or!:' d~)l1 St mana .... Id SllSSklnd (2 hr) 0 @ a;, WoodJ Woodpecker 011tr11ch /fllm (C) (30) (C) 12:301J 9 ~!,be Monkees (C) • ,. lntrip (30) p @ ffi Motor Mouse (C) Q Movlt: Rt1p the Wild Wind N11.Kh1 (60) m Cool McCool a His friends (C) (drama) 42-John Wayne, Sustn 9:30 @00 a> Lov e Americ•n Hayward, Ray Miiiand. Style (C) (30) "Love' and the Eskl· 1:001J ~ 00 Bu as Bunny I Roed Run· m II Mondo (C) mo," with Bill Bi1tby, Anthony Caru·' ner Hour (C) Movie: (C) "The Ila Land" so, Marlyn Mason and Naomi s.te., 0 ®J 00 a;, To111foolel} (C) drama) '57-Alan Ladd, Virginie vens; "l ove and the Nuisance " 0 (ill 00 llncelot Unk, Secret Mayo Edmond O'Brien. with Fred Willard. Jan Arvan, l~w 1 Chlmp (C) I Judy L1nn Show (C) Horn. Mary Ann Beck, Joyce Van 0 Munl Superheroes (C) Q 6 farm Show (C) Patten. m Ti les of Well fareo • Spotts Wor1d (C) I News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. 8:30 IQ) (6' m The Buaaloos (c>j 1:00 B 9 Ci) Dnt1rdly ' MuttltJ (C) ''"1 Meson (60) C.mpu.s hofile @ CI) ClD NCAA Footb1ll (C) Musiellt/Pattor's Desk (C) (30) • Movie: (C) "IOO Luaues Over California Bun vs. USC Trojans. P1ndor111u (30) the Amazon" (adventure '60-0 Movie: "St1 Wift'' (drama) '62 10:00 OJ a;, l r1e1Len's World Carlos Moctezuma. -Richard Burton, Joan Collins. (C) (60) "Hey Gring~ey Pocho." m Cisco Kid 1 ~ Htvt Gun, Will Travel Ricardo Montalban auests IS a m Gumby (C) (iJ Yoke of AC'kulture (C) .Chic1no leader who loses the lead • ~ ' • stories of Su,ceu (C) 1n a Bracken movie when his. aroup 9·00 f!.'i: ~ Slbrina 1 the Groovie1 1:30 I) tj!J Ci) The Jetsons (C) make~ demands on the studio. I R Q) 6) m 0 Dolittl (C) m Cil1mpionship Wrestlina (C) 8 !!J 5 "= (C) (60) Movie· "Ni~t Club e Setndal" Freddie Blassie. Black Gordman (!1) (3) ~Tom Jones (C) (60) ( st ) .• 36 J h B and Billy Graham are scheduled. Guests: Glen Campbell, Nancy Sin C~y I ery Bl kf -o 11 arrymore, ~@ future film (C) "Tlna•n· atra, Jerry Reed. N.e Truckina CO M ar'fi'es ~ J ord. l . (C) ylb " Vin Heflin Ruth Roman • The Stint (C) (60) IJ..U uu erry ewes \i ~. . M. . . (C) Ntwt Geor e Putoam A.M. Movie: "Medellne'' (dra· ..... nc1ones Y usic1 • Novl41 (30) a · ma) '50-Ann Todd, Leslie Banks. • Scope (C) • , Ttlt-Cintm• 40 (2 hr) "End of the River" (drama) '47-2:00 I Dusty'. s .Treehouse (C) 10:30 Bill Jollna Ntwa (C) (30) Sahu. · lntern1t1on1I lAlnt (C) TV Musical. Owrt (C) (30) I Treehouse (C) (j) Sltu.rd1y Afternoon Movie: 11:00 ~ ~ Ntwa (C) • Muslc1 y P1l1~rH "Law end Disorder." . 6 g;, Ntws (C) · • P1nor1m1 Lettno @I) Tt1tro flmlll1r n OU Top Thia? (C) 9:30 Im The Pink P1nther (C) m Set the USA (C) m News (C) @ @ The Doubledeckers (C) 2:30 I S~eps to Le~rnina (C) • Tht1trt 9: ''Trt1sure of Slerr. 1 Movie: "Tht S1v1ee Horde" • High end ~•Id. (C) Medrt'' (drama) '48-Humphrey (western) '49-William Ellloll, Ad· • Wiaon Tr11n (C) Bog1r1, Walter Huston. rian Booth, Jim Davis. Klnp of Comedy m You Don't Sty (C) ~ 00 The Prize Party (C) live. • Dollars I Sen~ (C) CD Movie: "The Horrible Dr. Hich-@I) Arribi el Norte · • Y1rid1des Mus1celes cock" (sci·fi) '64-Barbara Steel, 10:00 l !~Josie I Pussycats (C ) 3:00 8 The. New Society (C) Robert Flemyna. Montromery Glenn 1 • 6 m H. R. P.ufnstul (C) __ . Ar!'~ulture USA (C) (jJJ ~Perry Meson .. I 17 3 Hot Wheels (C) U SAHARA GOLF TOURNEY f1l) •cl Out (C) (RJ .. Sticky My 1 • Movie; "Gun Bittle 1t Monter• * FROM LAS VEGAS' Fmaers, Fleet My Feet. .,.. (western) '57-Sterling H•Y· • ·- I Est1 Nocht 1 IH Once den Pamela Duncan " ~ S1h1ra !nvitlhonel Golf 11:30 ~ Merv Griffln (C) , al 'Luthi Libre (C) . ( ) From. the Paradise Valley Coun- 6 a;, Johnnr Carson (C) . try Club in l as Veaas. Tom Harmon Bill osby is substitute host. IO.JO IJ ~ ® H1rlem Globetroltel$ reports. O Movie G1me (C) (C) W Underdor (C) 0 ClD Didi Ctvttt (C) Richard 0 fH@ a;, Here Comes tht /U 00 ft1ture film: "Min Afreld." Chamberlain auests. Grump !C) 0 ., Georae Nader, Phyllis Thaxter. m Movie; "China Gate" (drama) 0 Movie: Mid Doctor. (mys· I OutrtlCh Unlimited (C) '57--Gene 81· rry Anaie Dickinson lery) 4l-fllen Orek, Basily Rath • Melodias de Siempre m Tht Tor Thit Gr.w Up: "The bone. . I . Tht I lg Picture (C) Pony Elpreu." Ricardo COrtez, Er O @Cl}Sky .H,ntis (C) · • T11tro dtl Slbldo nest Torrance and Wallace Beery 11:00 II ~ 00 Archie s FunhouM (C) 3:1S Eli) Devey I Goli1tti (C) star in this 1925 Western 0 @ @ m I SJfCIA!. I Tht ' @I) Noticlero 34 (C) . Wcnderlul World of Jon1th1n Win· 3:301J Movie: 'The Wom1n Tllty Al· 12:00 O Movie: ''Thret Penny ()ptfe" ters (C) A look into the special most H•nJed" (western) '53-Jotn (musical) '65-Curt Jurgens Sam world of a child's imaalnation and lest~, ~h'~ DhonPolev~. C i Davis Jr. ' curiosity. Winters plays a score oi l I ou • t • hce ( ) 00 Dick Cavett (C) parts, including people In history, POJILy ':• (C) 1:00 Movie· "Tht1trt of Dt1th" children. animals and inanimate ' Children• Qolf)el Hour (C) (horror) 'SS-Christopher l ee. oobje~ r.i"I Th H d B c I : ~i~~. e:f r:!1D'~~)(C) 0 0 Ntwt (C) I w utJ e Ir Y Oya ( ) m Air.Nifht Show: "forei1n Lt· m Movie: "Tht Aait.ltor'' (dram1) 1 4:00 0 On Clmpua (C) "A Travel Aaent 11on," " Ila Ad1ms" and ''Th•' '4~William Hartnell, Mary Moore, tor Good life Trips." An interview Wholt Truth." John Laurie. with Or, Robert Schwitzaebel, ps1 @(I) Chllltr T11t1tr1: ''Tht Mini 61) Mino 1 Mino Ranclltro choloay profenor at Claremont W'rtho11t a Body.'' I GI:) fltltl Muican1 COlleae. 11 Spy (C) Hazel (C) TIM Munattrs I sJ1c1M I "I'm 17, I'm Pre1- nant . . • and I Don't Know Whit To Do" (C) A docudrama on the problems of preanent slnale airts end their babies. • I 00 Film Feature (C) 'P1ttem1 for Llvln1 S.1 Power (C) 4:30 0 @ Cl) ClD AIC's Wldt World Of SpcKtl (C) I Mothtr1-ln·UW (C) let11an (C) 00 W1aon T rein (C) Discover F1Jin1 (C) 00 Tilt Ill Movlt: "Tht Weltz of ttlt Tortldort." Peter Sellers. I Seltdtd F'ilmt El Mundo tn que Y'rvimu Quest for Adventure (C) 4:45 el Pre.C1mt Soccer (C) 5:00 II Newsm1brs (C) 0 It's Audtmlc (C) Competlna hiah schools are Downey, Glendora and l a Salle (Pasadena). I R1111s Adlon (C) The Avenaers (C) Movie Gr11b: (C) "Tilt Eddf (hin Story" (music.I) 'SS-Ty· rone Power, Kim Novak. I Gilllpn's llland (C) Hob Nob With lob Ou1 Y1nishln1 Wildtrntas (C) Quest for l ift (C) lntemation1I World Cup Soccer (~ Peru vs. Morocco. @E Colltlt of the Dtsert (C) • KNIC Nt wltfVlct IC) 5:30 I About I Wttk (C) Nn G1me of the WttlL (C) Anim1ls, Action I Adventure 5:55 I "Bastille 01y.'' Tonlaflt In Lu V1111 The Advoc1t11 (C) (R) fisher flmlly 0 LIVE HOCKEY! KINGS * VS. ST. LOUIS! 0 Kinas Wtrm-Up (C) fVENINr. 6:00 I The Bi( NIWS (C) (60) · @ @ a;, NBC Ntws (C) (30) llinp Ice Hockey (C) (i 1/4 hr) The Los Anaeles Kinas meet the St. Louis Blues, live. 0 Movlt: "Portrait of 1 Mob- ster" (drama) '6l-V1c Morrow, Leslie Parrish. Ray Danton. ! l oss City (C) (60) Then Camt Bronson (C) (60) (V SaturdlJ Mo.it: "PIW!ltt" (western) '57--Georae Monteom- i . Lola Albriahl. Biii Willltms. • Musiult/Daver I Golietti (C) . Stetllna ThHtre (C) (30) 6:30 0 News Conference (C) (60) Gov· ernor Ronald Reeaan Is Interviewed the first half.hour, and Democratic candidate Jesse Unruh is inter· viewed in the linal seamen!, I Hobby ShowuiM (30) (jJ Hip Cht 1rrel C) (60) Thi French ~htf (C~ (30) (R) "C11ke With a Halo." Julie Child. I CJ) cas News (C) (30) Clilldren'a GOtPtl Hour (C) E.d11 of Utrnlty (C) (30) Upbt1t (C) (60) 7:00 II CIS b t nln1 Ntws (C) (30) 0 Dt1th Vtlltr Dip (C) (30) ht• 17 - Los Angeles Ram~ quarterback Roman Gabriel (No. 18) hands the ball off to runnittg back Larry Smith (No. 38) as tackle Bob Brown (No. 76) prepares to block. The Rams take on the Minnesota Vikings, last year's NFL champions, on ABC's NFL Monday Night Football, Monday at 6 PM to con- clusion. Keith Jackson, Howard Cose// and Don Meredith will report tlle action from Metropolitan Stadium in Bloom- ington, Minnesota. • Richard Ba.schan has been signed by producer Anthony Spanner to guest-star 1n "Quadrangle for Death." an episode of ABC s Dan August, starring Bun Reynolds. lfaschart, who recently starred in the NET special "The Andersonville Trial." portrays a professor at a California university who become~ the cen 1ral figure in a campus turmoil when 1hc school 's chancellor decides to fire him. • • • BELLAND AND SOMERVILLE People who see Bruce BClland and David Somerville perform are always left with one problem: How do you label them? What bag do you put them in? How do you categorize two young men who write songs, television scripts, movie themes and comedy routines; perform on record, movie sound tracks, radio commercial~ and as the voices of carloon characters: act in lelevision and movies; star in night clubs and conce rt halls. and now are regulars on 1hc Tim Conway Comedy Hour (Sundays at 10 PM on CBS). Most observers give up trying and just acce~ this young duo for what they are~Xlrcmely talcn1cd. The team of Belland and Somer- ville has its roots in the popular sing- ing group known as The Four Preps. which Belland organized and Somer- ville laler joined. It was during The Four Preps era that Belland compo cd TALENTED DUO-Da- two of the most successful songs in vid Somerville (left) and pop music history. namely "26 M iles" Bruce Belland. multi-fac- and "Big M an." ~ted entertainers, appear Their present act is a combination as regulars on The Tim of ~ood music and hilarious comedy, Conway Comedy Hour. attributes that Tim Conway rccog-, nized when he signed them for his new comedy-variety series. Explaining their distaste for any attempt to categorize them, Belland and Somerville say that "to define us is, in a sense, to con- fine us. I( we entertain you and make you think and laugh. then we've success fully done our thing." Pap 11 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 24. 1970 r-a !PORT! H/OH//()/IT! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 10:00 AM 1J Qj NFL Football Doubleheader (C) St. Louis at New York; Dallas at Kansas City. O {ij (j) NFC/ AFC Football (C) C1ncinnat1 at Wash. 11:00 D College Football (C) Air Force 11s. Boston College. 1:00 O John McKay Show (C) Highhghts of game between USC and Oregon, taped yesterday at Eugene. @Ci) Pro Football (C) Houston at San Diego. 4:00 O UCLA Bruins Football (C) UCLA vs. Stanford in game played yesterday. 0 @ CI) College Football-1970 (C) NCAA highlights. 5:00 fJ College Football (C) Grambllng vs. Jackson State. «:) Futbol-Soccer Mundial: Benf1ca vs. Manchester. 10:00 m USC Football (C) USC vs. Oregon taped. ll:OO @(I) Notre Dame Football (C) MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 6:00 O (i1J 00 NFl Monday Night Football (C) L.A. Rams vs. Min· nesota Vikings at Minnesota. 11:00 D Bruins in Action (C) Highlights of game with Stanford. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 1:00 0 @ NCAA Football (C) Cal Bears vs. USC Trojans. 3:00 D ~ · Sahara Invitational Golf (C) From the Paradise Val· ley Country Club in Las Vegas . 4:30 0 (ll) 00 ABC's Wide Wor1d of Sports (C) 5:00 D Rams Action (C) Highlights of Monday's game between Rams and Vikings. &Ji) World Cup Soccer (C) Peru vs. Morocco. 6:00 D Kings Ice Hockey (C) L.A. vs. St. Louis. 8:30 D Saturday Night Fights (C) Irish Nat Robinson vs. Aristeo Catsro in lO·ro1,1nd bout. (Tentative schedule.) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 6:30 11 "The Bl•cll R-" (horro" '35--Boris Karloff, Marian Marsh. 7:30 5 "A Chaplin Cavelcade," featuring Charlie Chaplin In a series of comecjy sketches. 9 (C) ''TIM Bumln& Hiiis" (western) '56-Tab Hunter. Natalie Wood. 1:00 11 .. ~,.. Miniver .. (drama) '42-Greer Garson. Walter Pidgeon. 9:00 7 42 (C) "Lona Rid• Home" (drama) '67-Glenn Ford, 17 3 "Three Violent Peo~le" (ad11enture) '56-Charlton Heston. 11:30 2 "Meet Danny Wiison' (drama) '52-Frank Sinatra. Shelley Winters. 7 (C) "Coll•&• Confidential" (comedy) '60-Steve Allen. MONDAY OCTOBER 26 7:30 9 (C) "Bombel'5 B-52" (drama) '57-Efrem Zimballst Jr. 9:00 4 23 6 36 (C) ''Tl'trff Into Two Won't Go" (drama) '69--Rod Stelaer, Claire Bloom, Judy Geeson, Dame Peggy Ashcroft. 10:15 7 (C) "M•n Without a Star" (western) '55--Kirk Douglas. 11:00 9 •"f'he Chlld,.n's Ho•u"' (drama) '62-Audrer Hepburn. 11:30 ll ''Tl't• Gene Knipe Story" (drama) '60--Sa Mineo, Susan Kohner. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 6:00 7 (C) "The Day the E•rth Stood Stlll" (sc1.f1) 'SI-Michael Rennie. 7:30 9 "The left H•nded Gun" (western) '58-F>aul Newman, Lita M1l•n. 1:30 7 17 3 42 (C) ''TM House That Wouldn't Ole" (suspense) '70--Bar· bara Stanwyck, Katherine Winn, Richard Ecan. 9:00 4 23 6 36 (C) "Spin Out" (musical) '66--Elvis Presley. 11:00 9 "Vlra lnla City' (western) '40--Errol Flynn, Randolph Scoll. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 6:00 7 (C) "Snows of Klllmanj•ro" Part I (drama) '53--Greaory Peck. 7:30 9 (C) "Kiss .Them for Me" (comedy) '57-Cary Grant, Suzy Parker. 11:00 9 "The Brid&•" (drama) '61-Volker Bohnet, Fritz Wepper. THURSDAY OCTOBER 29 6:00 7 (C) "Snows of Klllmanlaro\• Conclusion (drama) '53-Gregory Peck 7:30 9 "Experiment In Terrof'' (suspense) '62--Glenn Ford. Lee Remick, 9:00 2 29 I (C) "HHven With 1 Gun" (western) '69-Glenn Ford. 11:00 9 (C) "Auntie •hm•" (comedy) '58-Ronlind Russell. Roger Smith, 11:30 11 "F'1llen Ana•I" (drama) '45-0ana Andrews, Allee Faye. 'RIOAY, OCTOBER 30 6:00 7 (C) "Love In a Goldfish Bowl" <comedy) '61-Tommy S1nd1, 7:30 9 CC) "Slttlna Bull" (western) '54-Dale Robertson, Mary Murphy. t :OO 2 29 I (C) "Wamlna $h0t" (drama) '67-Davld Janssen. 11100 9 "Treasure of Sierra Madre" (drama) '48-Humphrey Bo11art. 11:30 11 "China Gate" (drama) '57-Gene Barry, ,II.ogle Dickinson, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 6:00 7 "Portrait of 1 Mobster" (drama) '61-Vlc Morrow. Leslie Parrish. 7:SO 9 "Red River"' (western) '48-John Wayne, Joanne Dru. 1:00 11 (C) ''TIM Eddy Duchln Story" (musical) '56-Tyrone Power. 9:00 4 23 6 36 (C) "The War Wagon" (drama) '67-John Wayne. 10:30 11 (C) "Cass Timberlane" (drama) '48-Spencer Tracy. Lana Turner, 17 3 (C) "Long Ride Home" (drama) '67-Glenn 'ord, ll:OO t (C) "The Dlnosauna" and "The 4-D M•n." 11:15 2 (C) "Mldr'llsl'lt Lac•" (suspense) '60--Dorls Day. Rex Hamson. 11:30 7 (C) ''Tl't• tfuntel'5" (drama) '58-Robert Mitchum. Robert Wasner, I ,, I, " '· '· l, r· r. k. k. ~. h. 1r. Lucille Ball joins guests Tom Jones, George Burns and Danny Thomas on Bob Hope's Nov. 16 NBC special for Chrysler. * * * Canada is the focal point of NBC-TV's two-part Iron- side drama. ''Check, Mate: and Murder," Oct. 29 and Nov. 5. Setting for the story is an international confer· ence of criminologists in Quebec , where backgrounc;I filming was done during the Province's annual St. Jean Baptiste Parade last June. Sandy Stern, a Canadian writer, wrote the drama guest-starring Hermione Gin- gold, Karin Dor, Ivor Francis, John Van Dreelen ,. Emile Genest and Alan Bergmann. * * * Arnold Moss, Eric Christ· mas and Little Egypt have been signed by producer-di· rector George Sc haefer to star wi th Peter Ustinov and Jose Ferrer in "Gideon," a Hallmark Hall of Fame spe· cial to be colorcast on NBC· TV next March 26 ..... THE DAILY Pli..OT, rv WEEK, OCTOBER 24, 1970 * * * Gerry von Hagen-svelte, and tres attractive-has one of the most unusual jobs in Hollywood . She's a stand-in for Jack Klugman, who stars with Tony Randall in ABC's The Odd Couple (Thursdays at 9:30 PM). Gerry was picked for her assignment by producer Jer- ry Davis because she has the same skin coloring as Klug· man and is his approximate height. "Otherwise," says Davis-in what must be the understatement of tl'te dec- zde-"they' re different." * * * Raymond Massey will star as a big game hunter who believes that life is a jungle, in "Clean Kills and Other Trophies," an upcoming seg· ment of Rod Serling's Night Ga llery1 on NBC's Four-in· One series. . . . This will be Massey's first TV appear- ance since his role of Dr. Gillespie on NBC's Dr. Kil· dare. * * * ~ WHEN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT • • • CALL l ~,JI_,-ONE OF THE EXPERT$ LISTED BELOW! ~ J:l1 CARPET CLEANING DECORATOR FL YING SERVICE GLASS TINTING ._\~~ ·"~· r· . CAR11ER'S_ ... Discount Decorator Will Furni~h .-,~ '" ~ ~-•..,,.,,> Your Room, Home Or Office Al STEAM ~ 1,. Lowe\t Prices. CARPET CLEANING For Information Re.u. Rates. Lic'd & l1u. 548-0807 e LIVING SOUNOe HEARING AIDS Proper Fitting Anured 3409 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 675-3833 Dick Rehall's Limousine Service Airports, Harbors. Anywhere . 24 Hr. Reservation1 Rates: 40c a mile Min. 20 miles 130-2404 Bring Your A "Poodlo Lo•o"' to • 9 T. POODLE PAO 301 Stlt St .. H I. . . 536 -1160 (lit f""'I el E·l MufflenJ Call Christopher 836-4067 or 527--6506 Tile floors stripped & woed, e.trpot shampooed, windows eleaned. Q u<1I· ity sendce bv profeuional janitors. Muter Char9e <1ccepted. Irwin Maintenance Co. ~~8096 SAUNA * WHIRLPOOL Lovely fllrl1, plush facllltles. Open 7 days Noon 'til Midnight 2930 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. S4A-l608 Cu1tom C•binefs, Furniture & Antiques, Refinishing & Reatoring 645-0991 Spedal! Private Piiot Licenae $550 FAA It VA Approved Flight School. Aircraft Flying S.rvlc• 19531 Campus Dr., Suite 8 Orange Countv Airport 540-9656 Dot .. cl Cot loardhMJ, Tral•l1t9, Groolftl119 Phone 531-0915 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642-5678, ext. 325 Thinking of Re-Roofing? • FrH Estimates • ARMS1RONG ROOFING CO. 645-1671 SUN BLOC GLASS TINT CO • 51NCI 19'0 Glo11 Tl•tiitt or Reflective Fil111 Rod•COI Moat -Fade .....;, Glaro l'"ltEE ESTIMATIE5 A~~ WOltK GUARANTEED '36·H1Z lf4·2H7 HONORATO & SMITH Expert Lawn Service For Free Estlmate Call: 147-3620 or PROFF.SSIONAL PAINTIN& Neat Work-Fine-Paints .lollrr-Brush-Alr-lc!:::: S1>raying-Acous. Cc-ilin~s Locol Refereacn Le,. Prlc" ROY VILLARREAL 147.1359 New & Used I 9 Y '•· Tot•I S•thf•,tio11 I Repair & S."'lco All M•es SINCERE SEWING MACHINE 1878 Harbor Blvd., <;.M. 646-9742 ..... 19 Received •nother shipment-no more when these •r• gone! PERFECT ADDITION TO ANY TAPE RECORDER OR STEREO SYSTEM -IDEAL GIFT ! REGUIJAR LIST PRICE OF THESE GREAT NEW HEADPHONES $9.951 SAVE $6.981 ONLY 100 IN STOCK-FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED-EXPIRES 10/30/70 NEW SONY FM-AM STEREO SYSTEM ! Tk So"Y STl-222 11 the fillflt FM 1t.reo, FM o•d AM recelYer to lte •od for ltl price -or ew.,. o coalderoblf hither prl el -.dftt price t119 co1n91 obo.t bf ell.UHti119 UHIM ol Cltllres eN deM91l119 o 1tereo otapllfier 1ectia. of n11ol uper~wer rotf-.a. IKl•del •ol••t c ... ! • t~ .,r ~7;1 -1--, ,--~.--. . •.... --~ ... _____ . D, EMPIRE, LANCERS, for a superb five-piece ml • • SAYE $41.00! COMrLETE 5-rlECE-SYSTEM I NOW '199~! LANCH '706'S ONLY