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1970-10-31 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• -•' • • • . -. • ., f f I :a·nso·n I/' ' . ,. .' ...... • ' • -~ • I" ' • sane i •• ... . . Newport 14 Westmi·nster 21 Western 6 Loar a 12 .tJniversity 36 San Dimas 20 Sad·dteheek 49 Laguna 7 stE DETAILS. SPORTS PAGEs _.,._lllllll!i-.------•' --------- .~, ' • • • •• • • • • • • • • at-ionwide Protesting p.l " . .: · -.an · -.... ~ . ' ' \ ~ . . Mob Cheers PresUlent In Anaheim Fe\\'er than 200'denRlnltr1tor1 ahovi·- ed up at the Anaheim Con\•entk>n Ctn- ter Friday night. when: Preskient Nixon was appearin& on behalf oI Sen. George ?t1urphy. . The demon~tralorll, who occasiorµilly ICUlfled with police and bystanders. chanted antl·\\'Br slogans whlie the Chief Executive addm9ed 'a..:..cheerlna: crowd ol 10,000 inside the auditorium. Security was extremely tight, as law enforcement authoritle1 braced for another rock-throwing melee like tht orie that ·greeted the President Thurs-- d.iy ,night in San Jose. 1~ never materialized. By the time Nixon finished his speech, most of the demorlstrators had drifted away. leav• Ing more police on lhe scene than pie· kets. Nixon was makin&. the second of t.wo appurances In ht! ..home state on tie· haJf of Murphy whose ~-eltctlon pim· ~in.the last ffW wetb hla.Calt.ired. 'Jri lbc advan«d ·biilln(, GOP olflctals uW NI.I.on would}'."take off 'hls glovts,. in cOD\mmts about Tburlday night's Vio- ltrice. He told the partisan ctowd -which -was so large, some were forced to ~~tch on closed circuit televlsibn In ariother 'room -"ifs Ume lo draw the line. "And when 1 speak of a line, 1 don ·1 speak ol one that is drawn aloni; party lines, but one that Is dra.wn between the people that understand this problem and ll.~ •ho dori'J." ) •As 1n hi! lnaugura·1 address, the PresJ· dent caUed, upon the sitent m1jortt1 to st.and up and be counted. • • 1 • "And I don't mean rot you ,to aillwtr u;,.san· ·p,11iltv i-n Slavi11g :.>;~·~,,,:~ .. ~.:.= 11.l'Y. .. \.J". "fJ ..,..._ J .. 7 JS \o vote~ because Jn 1he loneltnen 'c>f , • • , • ,_ y • " .. • the 'pollina boqlh. my lritndl, you ar~ .. ~~-~ 1~.f'i'.~~y·., .. 11ced_(0r "''i't~i or.!>ls'. ~~;, 1.~~~-'.Fcm.:!"~~n I ; l.erey'Jt(firMli: .,, ~ 'de<#."1 Oii fetl'llt.l'llme'Isiomf elc-,,. !Oki w . Tba, ...... L -.... Meu pll.iy"'Df involuntary ma_nsl1~glntr ment of °'gliience on'&he part of my not 1he m1~ty o1 Lldl nmkln'• yputh in t111 atiqueJ lDt allying ofjli! dr~ cllenl J ask lhli yo,a cbn'riet ruin only or ~~ ~Y •e ~&bl imdera " lolnor; ~i~ tt.ci ~1~~:~ial .. ~ ~ ,bfvohm""7 maiii1Jughler.'.. ~ A~ e1pected1 he htmly endorHd Re-- 'tttt• ror tM murder Juhe-14 or G;r11d' . •Prosedltor Pit Brian called for con· publican .candld1tes -Gov. Reqan and '-4 -; • • vicUorrtlf aeco..ct degree murder. M"urphy 1n lpertlcuJar -as the men who """'-Claude M.. CN.·cm set No:. Iii.,.. Jelitrwn.~ of~lla Harbor 81\"d., w111 w0tlk1 be ClpibJS o'r "dra1\·ln1 the line .l....'"'L _ .... Ind~ -.I ol • .......,.. bis '*1nkio1' com· aplnot vlolmc<. .. -... • ~.J • ..,-;::-'"" .. au-bill 1'bt Odt11 nor and Sen1tor bridty 'll1t Jan . delJlleT...,. ,I°' LWO dl)'I poniG<I -Wow m •-•cap and olwed the podium w~h Nixon who htld iw.., llrtl1gi ... the verd~. . musktl while tht vlctini lay helplen on •m thllr """ In a l•llm mnilllictnl ~ attomey Mary., C<iol!'F m hlo the ~Dd outlide Jeflenon'• living ~ • . Liii """""'' lo the JW7 Wocinoldl1 qultlefo. Ille NIXON, ..... II • -• .. , • • . . • ' . ' -. . ' . ~vrl:· ;::•l·ng· . · . Day· ·, 'f.,I~ '' '\"~•'• • e ·• ' ' -, •, •' ·-• J I ' . -~-·Qn . . ' " ' Judge Decides Watson Insane LOS ANGELES-CAP) -Ch1rle!i "Tex" W~tson, a tall Te'Xan sl•led to stand trial aJOoe in the· mur:der of actreh Sharon Tate and 11i1 othfn, Wu comn'lltted to· a mentat·tnstltution Friday 1fter a psychia- trist described him as •n insane ".vtP," table" who may be In ~er ~f dy~ A judge ordered ·him committed 11 a "l!fe·savlng'measure" and ~Id he would nol De tried unlesrhe-reg1ins-5<lllity~- Wataon, Z4, a clea~t looting young man. has been de!Cribed at .the tr:ia1 <)[_ Charles ~fanson and three women mem· bef"ll ol Manson's hil?J>le-style clan i s the leader of killer parties that killed Miss Tat1 and the aix others. . He fought extradition from Texas un- til 1fter the trial of the others· began. Since arriving, be has atood lllen~ with Irvine Company mouth agape, occasional amlllng aimless- ly, In several court appearal)ces. The 6-loo\;2 .former h1lti school athlete, described as chief lieutenant of Manson's clan, was nOt present at the hearing to determine whethtr:. he is · comJ)etent" tb otand trial. · · Superior' Court ·Judge George Dell made his ruling after hearing that Watson is iit aerious condition in the j•il inlinnafy. A report by 1 psychiatrist. Dr. Marcus Cr1han, said: "Watson · in the Jast week has become listless,. flaccid and makes no movem~ta . '· . his . lips are pursed. He is beinl: 'fed bf nasal tube. Jre 1! literally becoming 1 \>"egetable •. He Is r1pidly reverUng to a fetal state ••• which would be rapidly fatal.'' ' Another psychiatrist, Dr. Se)'JTIOYr· Pol· lack. told the court Watson could not co- operate with an attorney as he refuses to speat: He said he sho\flll signs o( achizophreni1 and Is ''defeblitelJ ..i: suJ·~ clde pouibllltj." • Scores Parsons . Ai~port ~Report A thlrGpliythiatrist, Dr. George Abe,· -••• said Wataon,_'of McKlMflll, ·l:t-._,;Buttera ·rri>m 1 --..ic type or ~I 11/lfeU . • ,(lee,WAT10N, .... ') ; · L. Pm!lt,_11md , ·°' ~ ..,.,,,,~ .... The: J"lne c.ompany Friday acored U!,e1 second phage ol the Panana report On air traraporiatlon tn Orange County, pk:klng apart almost every key rtc.'Oll'lmendatkln. Irvine Compan, Pmldent Wlllitm R. 2 Lethal · Bombs . . Def~·m' NY. .. Ma!!Oll criticized recommended 1ites for · 1'::~111!7.'~ iii;:.ooo c:J~I ~~ After Discovery ' Anti-war Groups See Big Ra_l~ies By THE AUOCIATED PllElll Antiwar rallies, parades and, l!peeches were planned-in domls of American cities today in what was billed"• masaive.chan~ onstr1tion for peace" on the eve of tba Nov. 3 electioru;. · ' Jn contra st, Pre!jdent Nixon wtb M honored in Salt.Lake .City .~dip"" "candlelight patriotic par .. " which sponsor! say is expected to draw HYet'al thou.sand persons. Nl1on will be in U\ah on a campaign swing for RejJubllc8n Seit· ate candidates. , Unil.s from ve,oops. labor or .. ganizaUons' and: childrfa Will march Jn the S.IUM City parade opon. sors said. with liate Atty. Gen. Vernon• Romney as paradt m1rshal. .. The anliwar deiTionatratqrs 1aid. they would not interfere wtth the paradt, coo.. fining' thejr f-i to -11 ,-,diamatlz1. tl.ons" 8.! sel r:lll!lli on .. corners •nd ..µJng .,.._ lo ,.-.i mlli· . Lary l!iendl• . . . A~ ~000 = ·plbend F9<f>y nl;ht .al ,the Uni~ , !f South-Florida (See llALlllEl,.,.,.1) . ' ...... ... plei.d. • NEW YQJlll fllPll~ ~"ill .;,;thony Muon, In a letter to the County ,Board ,,. Munnlllln t8, found. 8 thoJiliDI bag at a Residenb of the Orange cOut en of Suporvbon, 'indk1ttd ·ho leel1 there ii •-11 bout , expect a day much llke 'l'hur>doy no lo(lcal •ii< left In tlie county fer •;;; Fump ..,. 111 'Pl'boli\I 1 ' '"'Ill'·' Skies wUJ be i11z1 dur 1nother'commer<ial llrport. . l' 'If~ ~ ~ Ids ·~ "" with · """" lnmuliil a,tlml' ·~ Ht ·--'"" hi' bulll oulalat• '\the .... put":'bl ... 1ft tJ1e tn.. fl Ji1a pri~ate hll!i cllludineA. lllibl -bl J Orange c:ounty basln" and instead effortl ar and ccintiniied ~rounds. near 7S. • ~i hef• bl masse4 i...mt,.<ruU~,ol '•' ~~ · .' ._ . ..-!Un .. -....y· · .. : ·~ . t1pld\r•nittsystemaa,U.,~:t-,,14'~ · . · • · · ,-...1(1~(1.~~;:'··.-.~.-.,!·~~ 1 ~: people to and from ~t .. -··~ ~. id ·~-~ Tl1t magiCal "btgoar! n.i{1ht" of '• He •llO arped 11alnst tbe faVnd two bOmbl ~ .. Jl . 1 • • Ua llowetn and its uniqut cot-... . • -lonl l<r ~elopnwnl "! lllJI""' lom~ -merobll'I dllm1nlled,)lie tuming may find '°"" of itl )< tenenil aviMicll fMlltll .. nor ~ twlr pipe bdntbs -made ~ i'f"poWder ·origin& as far back a.r ancint near 1ny dtvelopabk! la~ and says the Ind bill bl~rings -which. hid been ac· 'Babylon 2.000 rears ago. Far f only rea!Oftable 1trport: alte left ln tiV1ted. Police said they dkl JtOt explode mort of Halloween hi.story ,.. • Orange COunty for p1v11e pl1n1 ii near becaUH • common '{u1e had 'burned out. story on Pagt 1: l' the Cleveland Nallonal F.,...t. An olllc<r •I tile prodncl &taUcm· oaid · ·" 1 He IUd ~tlopnwmt of the llittini the .f'Oltm.ln'1 ~l'l~na~on hid •n un· -...... l.,..." 11] ar.,. C'"""1 -lhould !IOI p Mttlllll ellect on )ns ""'"·"A Jot of people g:,':-' n be>'Ol'ld no'9e l~f-do not hnpoee a1mo1t died ariJuDd here," IAjd the desk • ~==-''" ,; ~lbll ...... , olflctr. ... ~ 11 • • 1 • There were. no clue!! why the bombs ... 11 """'""' 11 Ille •YJNE. .... .. !'ft 1111 DW tht bulldl!IJ. '---=-------,,.J ' .... " \ -~· • • • I • DAILY mor """""· Oc!OW JI, 1910 . -. SUNDAY ONLY COSTA MESA ~N~Y .While Quan1ities Lasf! . . . OIL-RESIST ANT OXFORDS Dual Vote Count System Initiated B1 JACK BROlf.fCK Filfii'oiliiCli;-111 vt; ot n. INllY ""'" Jlltfl Huntington Beach. 7391 Heil ()range Couaty ai>PfOIChes Avo .;. Bu,.. Park, &BOO WARM SLEEPWEAR the Gen«al Election Tuesday Orangethorpe Ave., 8lld La . with· the wgm llUJJlb<r of Habra, 1111 Cypma SI. registered voters in 'history, nie counting centers will be IN MANY STYLES 812.000, and a dual vote count· open to the public for lnspec· · Ing system for the first time. lion election night, Hitchcock l S11nda11 On111 Gr11.t for work or cu.ual wea.r. Men'1 low-oxfords have cuahlon Innersoles and crepe rubber 50lH. Brown vinyl. 6~·12. The c.oleman system -said. . 3 00 much discussed and cussed -He estimated a turnout of ~ Sunday for its :shortcomings over the 460,000 voter& or 75 percent of years -will be supplemented the registered voters. Only MEN'S THERMAL UNDERWEAR by 40 CUbic Votronlc vote Each of the four Votronk counters located in f 0 u r counUng centers will have ten RIEG. 3.7a.J.96 ~ Sunda11 Onl11 remote countlna centers. machinei and one computer Newly-~ppointed Reglltrar translator. They are capable Classic or novelty styling pajamas, gowns in long Long-slttve topc with ankle· cf Voters David Hitchcock will cf counting 40,000. hlllots per short, or mini with briefs. Brushed acetate/nylon length dra.v"e" are full cu t. not estimate when the count hour ln the four centers. solids or cotton flannel prints. S-M·lrXL. Of 100 % cotton. Air pocket wru be completed but nid he i;;;;~~~~~;~~~ii~~i~i for added warmth. S·A1·L-bu "staffed" up to a 1.m. Electiog night, when the XL. Wedneadq. polls clooe the ballola. will .. be If tilt co0nty to ICl!ially·com-1 ~·t~:~ plltAd by then II wtll be a huge tion boaes 8lld aealed. 1--11t over recent ~ ....... -··--)!_ ..... ,,.:··, ~n,i.::... by. r:i·'t':~ 1!:.~'i~::s1.rr.z JlltJ!f'• ~~e ~. t 1 "i;' win and usually later. trlllSJ)Ort the se&Jed ballots to In the June primary election U,ie counUni centers. final tallies wtre not available At the centers the ballots for a week due to Improper will be taken by precinct to a programminp, of µie Coleman vote couQter and fed manually counter and comp u ter into the desk-&ize computer· troubles. like vote counter. Hitcbcock said there are too After a precinct has been 99~ many variables to estimate a tallied the results a re time for · the final tally, in· transmitted to the computer cludil\g the use of two systems trat11lator. This machine pro- for the first time and the fact daces two sets of cards that a that there are 72 different computer can read. One set is ballot fom11ts. ·This ls due to taken to the county's com· the many congressional, sllte puter in the Data Servicta senatorial and a s s e m b I Y Center in downtown Santa COLORFUL TOSS PILLOWS NYLON BLEND THROW RUG* dlstrldl In the COW>ty 8lld Ana. l' our Chol<!e varlOUI city propo1!Uons. The cards will be processed The Board of Supervlaon through the computer along Throw pillows In cru•hed voted lut September to use with these generated by the cotton velvet with antique the fO Votronlc counters on a Coleman system at t h e satin back or In all cotton ooe-time trial basis at a cost Registrar of Voters office in corduroy. Charfe IL of S&0,000. Santa Ana. Hitchcock said the four The second aet of card! are ciuilying eenters will handle kept for audit and security •n of the 1070 co u n t y purnoses. " precincts. Election results will be They will be located In Costa posted at each county center Meaa at the Orange County throughout the election night. * * * * * * Vote Watcher Confident In High Speed System By STEVEN CARTEi\ ?.larin Counties. U111tt11 ,,_ l1tl9rlllfl9MI llteg. 1.t7 ... Californll elecUon officials have taken 1tep1 to assure there are no repeat of breakdowns in Tuesday 's General Elections that have afOicted automated b a 11 o t couriting systems in the past. But Sullivan and the county registrars cf voters don't MOOfL 11510 H.P. "Pal" Sullivan, Secretary of State and chief vote watcher, aaya roughly 90 percent of California's elec- torate will decide on can- didates and James on some kiDd of bJ&h tpeed tabulalion •)'Siem. Tboucb compar11tively rare, bapboOI In these systems In tbe put hive meant lengthy delays In VOit counUng. In Freono, lnaufflcient pr .. lrllmmlnt for the compute!' which wu to labuJate tbe vote meant a JOG-hour delay In the 1m primary electloo and a • boot 1-In 1161. . In the 1111 general election, Los Angel., offlclall tried to feed too much data Into too small a computer, and in the '70 primary, the county's com· puter punchcr1 w e r e in- odequately trained. Both II> cldento delayed the t•lly. 'lberl have also been pr~ f 111tma -U.OU,h les1 ,.rlooa - lo Ot1nae1 6aD Diego, and blame the electronic brains. HEAVY -DUTY CIRCULAR SAW "The computer is not the problem. it's the people who run it," Sullivan said in an in· S11nda11 Onl11 tervlew. K ma.rt 7" saw with 9-e.mp Jn"'•A" the fall of th motor. Chromei Olllte bronze ~. lire! e bearina1. For nome or shop 1788 past have been due to human heavy.auty Jobs. U.L..-ap. error: when the complll.ers p~oved. Charie It. were Improperly -programmed ___ .,._,""',,..._,""'"""""""""""""""""''""""I'll or overloaded, they simply l """"""""'• nfustd to make the count!. i When the correct program r was finally fed into the Fresno computer last June, it whipped out the results in less than three bouts. ~ There are three 1eneral i lypet of aulomated voting systems used in California: the punch card system, the voUna machine, and the op- Ucal acannlng device. SEAT-TOP HAMPER St,yrene with polypropylene top that fonn' vanity 1eat. Ventilated -32..qt. 1lte . Olarte It l.ll'llftd .. l'lllty, ...... ltld to '" .. .... "All or them, when ad· min istered properly, are ex· trtmely accurate," Sullivan l••••••_,.,.....,..,. • ., ........ 1¥<""'""':;~ Uid. "There are aSSf!ta and llablltU es to each of lhtm,'' he said, adding that "all three types save the taxpayer money, and the amortization ptrlod Is fut -about Ill years. Sunda11 Onl11 Revttsible nylon blend with cotton flll. Frln&ed .ends Multicolor. 19X33" 24X45" Nyl•n ll•nd .. ., .... .,. 1 .67 ............ tk 11t91. 17c SEE· THRU CORN POPPER Sundalf Onl11 Four quart automati~ pop-per ha s clear, durable Lexa.n® cover that becomes hAndy Aerver. Teflon® lined bue. Heat& fut. Charif: it. •Dv!'Oftl Ill: ... T .M. SPRAY ENAMEL .... Mc Durable. beautiful, protte- tlvt, quick dryln&. Suitable for use on childrens furni· lure and decorative items. Interior or exterior. 12!( oz. , . SHEER MESH WEAVE NYLON PANTY HOSE Sunday Only Reg. 1.26 pr. Seamless mesh stretch nylon panty hose with nude heel. Mist-tone, Suntone, Cinna· mon, Brown Mist. Small, medium, medium tall, tall sizes. SPECIALl FAMILY GAMES Sunda11 Onl11 Specially priced rroup in· eludes Jl,fonopoly@, Opera• tion®. Snoopy®. Fun. skill and action 1ames. Charie it. .... u..s. .. • HUNTING VEST . Sunda11 Onllf 1t91. ,.47 Sleeveless v"t, with aama bac has reinforced rt1ht I) shoulder. attached 1 h e·l I loops. S·M·L-XL. "PROTEIN 21'; Sunda11 Onl11 A shampoo with protein-for mo.re body, more manage. ability. Just Charae It: BANKAMERICARD. ' ' -• ' l • - •I •• I • . -.. ' .. -==--~.;:..,.;;..:;:.;;_ -- • .. -f - • I • ·eeke.nd .\ ' . ' Ye• Be•eto1n1 • . .. ·-- Dallr . Paper . - l SATURDAY/OCTOBER JI, I'm>, '7 t Gi?EZS ~c ·-· ~ "--~--""'-...._ ..... ..._ ... ---•• Couritians ... . . --. . Cheer ·Nixon . Demonstrators Drowned Out by A.nq,heim. Th,rong • .I •• t.4 .. • . • • ' . . ,, . ,. . , , , DAILY ,llOT Stiff,,.._ BEFORE HIJGE THRONG, NIXON 'BOOSTS'GOP HOPEFULS Gov. Reagan, Sen. Murphy, Prea;Gent--APP.•r In Anaheim Mesal Ma~Fouffa.·Guilt . Fewer than 200 derhonstrators 5hoW· It never . 11\iferia.Jized. By the time on closed circuit televlalon, tn another ed up at' the Anaheim Convention Cen-Nlzon tlnlabed his speech. most of the room -"il'a; time to Hraw the ltne.. ter Friday night. where President Nixon d~tratbr1 had drifU!d away, leav-"And '"'hen I speak 'Of a line, J don't was appearing on behalf o£ Sen. George iii.more• police on tbe ICeDt than pie· 8pcak of one that is drawn akin& party · Murphy. ket.s. · • -·--line!i, but one that 1s drawn, between The demonstrators, who occasionally :Nixon .,•as m$ina the ieCOfld of t.\ro the people that underst.apd'lbis problem sciiffl'ed . with police and b1atanclers. appearances in ·)Us .home ate on be-and IJ;Jose 'who don't..,, chanted anU-war slogans while the Chier hilf-of,-Murpfty whose te-electjon cam· As in his inaugural·~,; tJ!!:•Pr~- ExecuUve addressed a cheering crowd paign in tl>t laatJew weeks bu faltered. dent.called upon t~e:.:sUent..:majorit)"do of 10,000 inside the audltorimn. 1n lht~~billiug, GOP Officials stand up aod be ctJUDtl!d:..-_~__;:"" .. Security was extremely tight, as law said Mhon . would .. tl.te off his g~esl:-'!-Aild I don't mel!f..!Or :ytaCto.answtr enforcement authorities braced for ln ,co"'"'""-1 ahout.'l'hurlday m,ht's vio-them (radicals antr Violent demonstra· another rock-throwing me.I~ like tfie Jenee. -~-:_ _ __ .. tQl"SJ jn ki!]d. They way to answer them oae that greeted the President Thurs-lf&.:usm:.a.a .patUSan crowd;-... :trhlcb= 19.::~e. because inp1he~_..d day night in San Jose. w.i!~'!!>-liitc~lwe rote~ to'!~ __ _--poH11>1 ilooth, '1'Y~fri!i\l!I;~ Angela Davis Files Lawsuit Over Jailing NEW YORK (AP ) -A ~,1100 d1· mage !iUU claiming "cruel and unusual punishment" has been filed by l1wytr1 for Angela Davis. the black militant jailed here and fighting extradlt1on lo California where she faces 'mUrder and kidnap charges. The suit, ftled Friday in federal court., names Mayor John V. Lindsay and cor· rcction department officials .as .defend-- ants and contends :rolltary confinement and round-the-clock guard of Miss Davis constitute "cruel and unusual punish- ment" -a violation of the Eishtb ~· .• 1. ' 'Judge Wilttr ii. M~~ al ... 'mi • ol"der dired.ing the i;ity to say Mrftll:t why it should not he prevenkld tr. ~-In IOlitarf<...., --. .,...,_ .. ----· ---·---- the'.most powerful pera;on in the world.'' He was,&iven a standing o:vation When he told the erowd, 1'The Violent ones are not the majority of this; nation's youth ind they are not lhe leaders of.tomor· row." As expected, he hea vily end~ Re· publican cand\dates -Gov, Reagan. and fl,furpl)y in particular -as the men wllo would be capable of 0 drawing the llDe apinlt violence." 1be Governor and Senator briM!y shared the por:Uum with Nixon who held up their arms in;a gesture re.miniacent (See NIXON, Pop J) 'Tex' Watson Ruled Insane By LA Judge LOS ANGELES !AP) -Chari" "Tex" Watson. a tall Texar. slated to i;tud trial alone in the murder of actr!ss Sharon T8te and. six others, was committed to a nlental institution Friday after a psychJa. trist ctescribed him aa; an insane.. "vece- ta~" who may be In danger 'of dying, A judge or1fered him emnmitted as a "Ufe-savillg measure~· ar.d said be Wolild not ~ tried unlcas·be regains sanity. \\'alson, 24,. a clean.cut )DoJPngfyoung man, has been1 delCr\bed at· the trial or n. .. 1., Ma-1ild'-"'t.e Womtn mem-~ ii "'"-'1 llllii~1 .. <1oo .. the !elder ~·ti\ll!r ,,aill., that killed ?di&J 'Talt"ili<t 11\e six others. . . ... 1.. .• • ' ':" ... ,,.~ ~ ... J ~ y ~::~:ir: :f !:.~~ ~·~~ meat ll11 ionJ<r. . MiM Davia Wu --~ laat week-' from a bell she ahlred with thrte oUJu. women to a gul(ded cell. Jail officials said the move Wll! "for her own Wety.~' He fought extradition from Te111 un- lll.ifter· !!Je~ !Jl.l.=Otherr ~gan . ,,,_~..,~~~ 111tftt,.wjtb · ll!Glllli.taai>C~101i11 lin& aim!•.,.· found •n;uirus ~ Jefferwt oJ ~ta we'*s for' the murder June i• o£ Gerald Mesa JWlty of Involuntary Tnanslaughter Hess. She-bas iince refliled food -tJeept fruit juices and vitamin pills. • Ut'the antique nOe slaying 6f fus drinking Judge Claude M. OWens M!t Nnv. 18 (or clium. ~ 1 probation hearing and sentencing. I The jury deliberated for tv;o days Oscar Allerton Services Slated · In Lagiuw Hills Your '/V etv Quiz . . .. , . ' Tests '.K1io ·ivleage ' . Of T 9da.y ;s N eivs How's youi nose for ntws7 . ' You.can test it today end every Satur· day'by takifig a lest in lhe privacy of your own .. e. Some parents even take the test In competition with lheir ctU1.dren, j?f"l to make t a for-fun family proJect. The "Your News Qulz" is the newest feature of a page full of family oriehted m8t.erial \\'hicb appean each Saturday in the, Weekend Edilion of the DA~LY J'1LOI'· . ' Cheek ;Ju. lmowleds• on th< Middle Eist. Souttleast Asia. Canada and other ·'newsy" &pots. (You tlon't even have to teU 'anyone your SCOf'tl). 1 7'ake the tes . Today 's (amily ne'o\'S quiz iD 00 '}>aie 7. j . ' \ Ariti-wnr Groups . ' Planning Rallies On Election Da y '. By THE ASMld!ATED PRESS .Alltfwar• rillies, parades and speeche~ were· planned in 'CIOlens of American cities today in what was bil1'd "a massive dem· omtration for peace'\ on the eve of the Nov. 3 election!. Jn contrast. Presidfnt Nixon will be honored ln Salt Lake_ pity tonight lvilh a ''caAdlelight palriot.ia parade'' wh)ch l\J>Ofl5QfS say is expected lo draw s~veral !J1'Ul400 person!. Nli6n will be in Utah "' ~ campai'n swing for Republican Sin· "~'1'1nftidales. · • ~IQ rrom veterans" groups. labor or· pBbltiobs end school chUdren will mlrcll•in the Sall Lake.City parad~\ si>on· ws Mid. 'ftth State A:tty. Gen. vernon fbnney as parade marshal. 'The antiwat demonstrators ~aid U1ey woiild not interfere with I.he parade, cw- rlntng their protest to such "dramatila· tiom1~ :as Riiing apples on 1treet corners itnd.,Jettinl up soup Una to protdt miU- lary spending. · About 21000 student• ~11lhcrtd FriNy nl,:ht at the Univcreily of South fo"lorida IS.. RALLlt:S, P11< ll •I ' before bringing the verdict. Defense attorney li1arvin Cooper in his fina l argument to the jury \Vednesday 1tsked'for acquittal or his clie nl bul ad- ded, ''If you feel that U1erc is soine el e- ment of negligence on '"the part of n1y client I ask that you convict him onl y of involuntary manslaughter." • -I • . J OA 1i. Y ,n.•i P'liM(.., w ~~·"'B' 'II ., .• ' ' ' • . . . •· -.lf..,.r.11:: a ow.een.. .:1 ... r , .-, .. t ·'; ' f I ·~ Services will be held al 10:30 a.m. t.1~ tlay in the Lutheran Oiurch of the.Cr085 . Lagwia Hills, for Oscar J . Allerton, who died Friday al Beverly Manor Con· valescent Hospital, Laguna Hills. He was 77. itl,ii~(dne!l Ip growing')rour own Bl'pound' pull:ll'km and1.tbeft ca~vinG . -;,.a into'a i14nt'jack-0-lantem lor'Halloween "Thal's what Davld'Betts. 9, and° his •lster. Cbtistine. 1. did. And the S¥n a Ana H~igbt. young- '. sters•cou14D'trf,ehap1pie raboutit. .'""' .·: -'';" · 4 ~ • ProsecUtor Pat Brian called for Cfln· victlon of second degree n1urdcr. Jefferson,.36', of 2132 Harbor Blvd., was accused of shoaling his drinking com- panion Hess with an Italian cap and ball muskel while the vjctim lay helpless on the ground outside Jefferson's living ·quarters. 2 Bomb Threats Hit UC Irvine The Rev. Bernard E. Kolter will or- ficiate al the riles for Mr. Allerton, who made his home al 20'20 Via Mariposa East, Laguna Hills. He is survived by h~ widow, Eleanor; 8 10n, Lee W. Allerton of Muncie, Ind.; a daughter, Mrs. Joanne Fitzpatrick " of Rochester. Minn.; two atepdaughters. t.trs. Betty Healy of Reieda, Calif. tind ?i.fn. Dolores Burt of Long Beach; and by i;ix grandchildren. Wanda Kippie's Clutter · Nearing Hour of Truth UC trvine wa1; hit with ·t~'o falst. hon1b repOrts Friday that led to the evacualion" of U1e Science Lechlrc Hall and the Administration Building. A spokesman for the university said the first call came at about 8 a.m. ff> !be of· fice o(,the campus police. The caller afso. infonned the Co81.a fl.1esa police that there Was a bomb planted In the Science J..eclure Hall. A class of chemistry students were f'Va<:Uated while police searched for 1be bomb, but nothing was found . A 2: 15 p.m. call to · the Costa Mesa police led to the evacuation of the five- itory Administration Building. No bomb. was found after an ·hour 's search. Jeffeison. said in his defense that he :,..·as a(raill or Hess. i\otr. Allerton was formerly president or Kr.use Comtruction Company, Rochester. Minn. He was pest president of till! Rochester Rot.ary Club and president cf the '-1innesota Club of Laguna HUis. Burial lYil\ be in Roche.lit.er. McCormick ~lcrtuary, L8guna Beach, director5. Nevada Days Slated CARSON CITY {UPI) -More than 20,000 visitors are ex~ tod1y to belp Nevada celebrate lt.. l06th birthday. Mort Utan 225 entries are scheduled for lhe traditional Nevada Day Parade, which wUI features the usual number of Pollll°'" cians, marching groups ana horse tn'· tries. The hour of truth Js fl!il appr1>1ching for Wanda Klipple's Clutter. 'A public hearing was !Ched.uled Oel. 1ll before the CO!lta J.lesa city Cooncil to determine \\'hether her property it 2004 Meyer Place should be declared a public nuisance •• Aiaorney Selim "Bud'' Franklin con• '1ioced -~incilirlen .to 1mw-e .a two-wee\: deliy and let him cons1der simpler and les$costly methom of cleaning il up. · Councilman Y.'illiam L. St. Clair SUJ· gested• finding some ,public-spirited Ex- plorer Scouts and loaning them a city truck to h1ul the loads aw1y. Franklin explained 1'frs. Klipple has .1 good reason and 111e for everythlnc she has collected and stored around the premises over the past few years. Or will at sOme point in the future. "She"has a pack rat instinct," charged Counctlman Alvin L. Pinkley. Parso;ns. Repo·rt Under Fire. ' ' . . lrvi1ie Comp<in y Scores Au 'J1rdnipO'it S~,gestw,fs - L. P.ETER IQ\EJG Atason, in a letter to the Cbanty Board ~:i:;end~tons ~ developnttrlL .J 1n1 ~ew \ • ot 111t DtlW ,."" '''" of Supervisorw. indicated he feela there Is cerw1I . aviation facillt~e' near Irvine. . ~ r. . . .,r any developable Jind and says the 1'he n'JJne' Company Friday scored t~e no log1cal 8.lte l~rt ~ tht county for ooiy naeonible ilrport. !He )eft in lJCCOfld •ue <>!the Parsons report ?n air another commercial airport.. Orqe Ccimty f« priYate plane ii near trwpoilatlon 10 orange C...oty, picking He suggeall one he builL oUllld< ''.the lht Clevtllnd N-1 Forat. op1rl aJmoot •"'Y key recommendation. . .. 1 ad elf ""' lllld --ot the .mtJng trrint Company President William R. Orange County basin •nd nste orts !-;>' ..,... ........ Mudn criUclJed recommcndeil situ !or here be massed toward creation ol • CJr-<?oun: ~icll '!:14 : go . both generer 11nd commercial ' air rapid lransit system on the around to ;et =.,~~"' ,.. pose f8ctl~Ju in the 1140,000 atudy Just cOm-people lo and from IL ' " 1-/ ·, · pletlid . He oloo argued against lhe recom· (Sio 1R t. Po1e II, .. . . .. ''ll's gotten so bad ·YOU cari'l 'see Qle house." added Mayor RObtrt M. Wilson. Councilmen suggested that local coonty health officer George Skeith take a· look 11t the 'crowded .premises. but he 'said he'd been out before. "l'\'e had things fall on my head," he replied. 'I · • Attorney Jo·ranktin said thC!: !ii(uation \1'as delicate and. complex and .he would see what he could ·do, while Skeilh assured city offici"al!i he'd check the. clut- tered Kllpple spread again. "TaKe along a rope and compass," re marked Mayor Wilson. Witches Push · Goblins Out . . Of. Spotlight Tonight b Halloween and ·tl'lere Will be youngsters at the door Pre\endinl they are goblins and witchb. '.eut Whal on ·earth l! a gotilih'? ' Perhap!ll even the moist mUilaot 3d· \'OC:tle of the women's Lfber1Uon1Move- ment woukt acknowledge thaL ··~ witches, through a lotJ( p!'OCuslon of Hallo\\'cen&, have been hoagtna . th• spotlighl. The time may th<n be 'ripe •!lir' lY aoblln1 to · claim 10me •. a\.- tenUon. Compared with witches, thty are almost lov1ble .. Qoblinl, actQl'dlng tO p.t: oncydopoodlll, were •m t11t • 1.,. riumer•bl't ""*"'furol ~tn1s wblch'uo· 111 reeenUy -• thought nol only to ci~t b~t lo thrfltell. the_P,eft~ of en(l{e:ci)lei ... ··"· l,y, lh severill dJlzrt apPearanOes. The 11-foot-i former high school athlete, dcscri°bed as clrlef lleutenint of ~fanSon's cly! .wa~ ,n~; _pre~nt at the ~aring to Mt.Pmlne w~ther he is competent to N'l!d'in.1. . . "1 ': Superior Court Judge George Dell made his ruling after hearing that Wa~~ serious condition in the jail infi • A report b.v a psvchiatrist. Dr. M1rous Crahan, said : "Walson in the last . week 'ha11; become list.less, fl accid and makes no movements ... his lips are pursed. He i.o; being fed by nasal· tube. lie is literaUy becoming a vegetable. He 11 rapidly reverling to a f!!tal. state, •.. which would be rapidly fatal." Anothe r p!iychiatrlst, Dr. Seymour Pol- lack, lold the eoort Watson could not·co- operate with an attorney as he refuse.!! to s~ak. He said he ~howns sfgns 0£ schizophrenia and is "defeWtely a sui- cide possibility." A t!lirit phycltiatrilt. Dr. George Abe, said Watson. of McKinney, Tex., suffers from a catatonic; type of mental illnesl (Set WATSON,' Pogo ll C;1rnivals Readied Children in Newport Beach will be ablt. l.o get a head start on Halloween today at Penny Carnivals which wilt be held in four nelghbortiood parks. · The carnivals are scheduled from t 1).m. to 4 p.m."at Easlbluff, 38th Streel. Mariners and Peninsula Parka. They arP. sponsored by the City parks, Beaches and Recreation department. Events include costume parades. uumpkln and witch hunts' and game boothes. We•t•er Residenf!i of the Orana:e Coaat. can expect a day much like Thursday !Oday. Skies wilt be hazy c~ar wUh some increa~ing daytime high cloudiness. Highs should bo near 75. ; INSIDE TODAY The 11iogicol "beqgor_, nightlt of flollotoe1n and it.s un.iqut COS· turning n1ay find 1on1e of it! origoil11 as far back a.s anciene~ Babylon 2.000 11ear3 ago, ror more oJ llaUoween history 1ie 1tory 01& Page 1. ... ""' " I n II II •• "" Dual Vote Count Sy~m Initiated By JACK BROBACK Of TN P1LIJ Pilot Stiff - Orange County ap~hes the Gene'ral Election Tuesday with the largest number of reg1stered voters tn histoO', 61!,000, and a dual vote count- tn~ system for the flnt Ume. Falrgroundo, A Fair 'Dme· Huntington Beach, 7391 ·Heli Ave.; Buena Park, 81 o o Ora.ngethorpe Ave., and La Habra, 1111 Cyprea SL . Tbe countin1 centers wm be open to the public for 1n1pec. tlon elecUon ·nilht, !Utthcock 11aid. WARM SLEEPWEAR IN MANY STYLES 'lbe Coleman system - much dlscusled and cussed - for Ill 1hortcomlngs over the yean -will be supplemented by 40 Cubic VotronJc vote ctll.glten loClted in f o u r remote counUnC centers. NeWlyo1ppolnted Re1l1tr1r Clf Voten David Hitchcock will not estimate when the count wll1 be eompleted but 1114 be hu "staffed" up to I 1.m. Wedneoday. U the county ts actually com. pleted by lhen It will be a huge improvement over r e c e n t years when the earliest county totals were available at ·tiooo 1nd usually later. In the June primary election final tallies were not available for 1 week due to improper programmin~ of the Coleman counter and computer troubles. lie estimated • turnollt of 460,000 voten or· .7' percent ol the regtstet1d ~!'Im· . Eo<b of the lour Volronlc """"lilll_wlll.._va.iu m1cldnes .... , oqe compullr tr1n1!1tor. ·Tiiey ue copoble of countins 411,0ll!I bolletl por bour in the four centen. ·Election niP~ wbtn the poll! cl-Ille ,blllpq 1'lJI be . l"'P'Cled 111 Meb pndiict Uc! then put in opeclll trusporloo Uon boxe1 ~ lllled. · ~ • llessen,.n, "p~•· lherilf's depu tle1 wru lr'""l>Orl the telled blJ]ots ID tbe coununc cen~. At the centon' the blllots will be taken by preclnct to a vote counter and fed m1r1.11Uy Into lhe desk•ize eomputef'.. llke vote counter. Classic or novelty obort, or mini with solids or cotton II 300 RIO. S.~S.H Hi tchcock said there are too many variables to estimate a time for the final tally in· ~ding the use of two sysiems for the first time and the fact that there are 72 different ballot formats. This Is due to the many congrts$lonal, IUlle senatorial and a s 1 e m b I y districtl in the county and varlow: city propoSltions. After 1 proclnct bu been !allied the mulls Ire transmitted to tbe computer. translator. 11\ls mlChlne pr~ ducts two sell of cards that a computer can read. One 1et Is taken ta the county's com- puter in the Data Services Center in downtown Santa Ana. COLORRIL TOSS PILLOWS The Board of Supervisors voted tut September to use the 40 Votronlc counters on a one-time trial basis at a cost of leo,000. Hitchcock said the four ouUying ctnters wlll handle 499 of the 1070 county predncts. 'Ibey will be located in Cost.a Mesa at the Orange COunty Y 011r CJaolee The cards will be processed through the eomputer along Throw pillows 1n cru1hed with these generated by the cotton velvet with antique Coleman system at t h e satin Mck or tn an cotton Regi1trar of Voters office in corduroy. Char1e It. Santa Ana. The seeond set or cards art kept for audit and 11tcurity purooses. · Election results wilt be posted at each county center throughout the election night. * * * * * * Vote Watcher Confident In High Speed System By STEVEN CARTER. URllM ,,_ tirtw~ Marin Counties. But Sullivan and the county regi1trara of voters don't bl the J MOOIJL .t1.S10 R ... 1.t7 ... • OIL-RESIST ANT OXFORbS •' GrMt for work or cuual wear. Men'• low oxfordl have cw.hton tnneraoles and crtpe rubber 1ole1. Brown vinyl. 6%-12. 2~! MEN'S THERMAL UNDERWlAR Lont~lleeve tops with llllkle. lenath drawers are full cut. Of 100°"' cotton. AJT poc)tet for· added warmth. S-M-1,.. Xl- 99r • ... 1.!17 NYLON BLEND THROW RUG* S11nda11 Onl11 Rever,ible nylon blend with cctton · fill. Frtnaed .ends 1'1ulticolor. 19X33" 24X41" Nyle" ll•nd Rua. .... t .67 ............ ffC 66~ .... 17c ' SEE· THRO CORN POPPER California election oftlclall have taken 1tep1 to assure there ar1 no repeat of breakdowns in Tuesday •s General Elections that havt afflicted automated b a 11 o t c:ountif18 systems in the paat. H.P. "Pat" Sullivan, Secretary of State and chief vote watcher. uya roughly 90 percent of Calllornla'a elec- torate will decide on can- ~.~ co!~::n1~. ~~"'u,, HEAVY ·DUTY CIRCULAR SAW I S11ntla11 Onl11 problem, it's the people who run it," &illi••n slid In an In· S11ntla11 Onl11 terview. K mart 7'' aaw with 8-amp Indeed, the failures of th mot~r. Chrome ; Ollite bronze e beanna-s. For home or 11'1op past have been due to human heavy-4u_ty jobs. U.L.-ap- error : when the computers prov@d. Char&e tt. • per h a 1 clear, .• durable Lexan® cover that becomes 7 88 Four quart automati< pop- • hand.Y 'erver. TeOo~ lifl@d hue. Heat& fast. Charae it. ' dldates and llsues oo 1ome kind of bJgb -d tebulatlon ayatem. 1boagb comparaUvtly rare bqaboos In these systems I~ the past have meant lengthy dl'lay1 in vote counting. Jn Fre..:no. insuftlclent pro- gramming for the computer v.•bich wu to tabulate lhe vote meant a 100.bour delay In the 1970 primary electloo and I 29- hour lapse In 1161. 'Jo the 1951 &enerll e.led.!on, • Los Angoles omc111' tried to feed too much dot& Into too small a computer, and tn the '70 prtmary, the county's com- puter punchers w e r e ID- ldequ1tely trained. Both In· ddents del1yed the !Dlly. Thert. have also been pro- bte.m1-though less aerlous - In Orqe, San Dl<&o, and ' • • we.re improperly programmed lf~:c"z::na""""''"""'m""11:1•mcc•••1111 SEAT·TOP HAMPER or overloaded, lhey simply ' refused to make till! counts. IC"""'""-...,...,...,.,.. When the correct program I w11 finally fed Into the Fresno computer last J une, 1t whipped out the results in less than tllreo houn. I There art three cener11 f types of automated voting systems used in California: the punch card system, the voting machine. and the OJ> tlcol acannln~ device. "All of them, wbtn ad· mlnl!tered properly. m ex· t.remel)' accurate," SUIUvan said. ''Thtre •re .... u and llabllltit! ID 1och Of tliem," be llld, adding !hit "Ill thl'ff typts uve the t11p1yer money, and the 1mort111tion perto4 Is 1111 -1bolrt 711 )'WI. Styttne 'A1th po\ypr®ylene top that fonns vanity s('3t. Ventilated 32-qt. s I & e. Qwfe IL eouPon1 .... T .M. , SPRAY ENAMEL Durable, bf!autlful, pro tec- tl\'t, quiC'k dryinr. Sultablt for Uk on childrf!ns fUrnl· ture and decoratJ\·e 1tem1. interior or exterior. 12'4 oz. PAY ONLY f/e Quantities Last! .. SHEER MESH WEAVE NYL9N PANTYHOSE . . Sunday Oaf;g 73.; Reg. 1.26 pr. Seamless mesh stretc h nylon panty hose with nude. heel. Mist-tone, Jiuntone Cinna· mon, Brown Mist. Small medium medi~ tall tall sizes. · • · ' . ' SPECIAL! PAMIL,Y GAMES . . t S~ia.lly priced group in.· cludt1 1-tonopoly@, Opera- tion~. Snoopy®. Fun, 1kill and action pmes. Chargl!i it. 297': .... Ul-S.ff j HUNTING YEST S11nda11 Onl11 .... 3.47 • Sleevel~s \'l!St, "1th came bag has reinforced rtrht ~shoulder. attach~ 1he 11 loops. S-~t-L-XL. "PROTEIN 21" S11nda11 Onl11 A shampoo with f)rot.eln·for more ~. more manace- abillty. Ju1t Charre It. BAN KAM ERi CARD. .. I I ·~ • • ] ] I tho Iii ca bil ar ' th! let wlr I ., trt pa ( I ci1 ho> ca ra I sp Rt th• Te ne tu: .. Hurrah for Polit~s l<athy Sterud, 3, Garden Grove, tries on live political symbols for size. You can, too, today at Huntington Center. Huntington Beach League of Women Voters is sponsoring political happening at center from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Whije kids ride the animals, mom and dad can meet 18 candidates for state legislative and congressional posts and get information on 20 statewide measures on the ballot in Tuesday's election. Halloween Alert Called For Drug-spiked Treats By The Associated Prtss Parent&, police and civic groups are on the alert today for vicious Halloween tricks on youngsters-such as poisoned candy and apples spiked with razor blades -which were found in many areu la.st year. As tbe first reports-al such Incidents this year came in,·police warned : Don't • lei children eal any Halloween treat without taking a good look at it fint.. In Phoenix, Ariz., police and narcotics agent,:s said their also Ls a danger that treats might be spiked with ckup. 'I1ley issued repeated warnings to parents not to let chJJdren ·eal candy un- Short Circuit On TV Causes Fire in Newport A fire blamed on a television set short circuit ripped through the Newport Beach home or a reHrtd Navy admiral today. causing $26,000 damage Including loss ·or rare antique artifacts from the Orient. Newport Beach Fire Department spokesmen said Adm. C. T. Furr (USN- Rel) will be unable to replace some or the items lost In the 8:52 a.m. blaze. Damage to the home at 1409 Dolphin Terrace in the Irvine Terr ace neighborhood included $6,000 to the struc- ture itself and $21),000 in possessions. "The television set apparently shorted and ignited drapes, generating tremend ous heat," said one investigator. DAILY PILOT Hnp«t lndi H ..... • .... ........... ,...,.. . ..., C... ...._ S.. Chnr ta ORANGE COAST PUaLISH ING COMPAlilY ltoberl N. Wee4 l'mihnt _. l'\lbli.!w J,c:k R. Curley Vite ,,......., •.d G.,_el MIMtW l~o1r1•t Ktnil Ed!IOr l'llom11 A. Mu1plii11t Manttlflt Ed11or Ric .. erd I', HeU lovlll Ore1>11e C.O..nty Edllaor Cost.I Mae: UO Watl ll•Y l"-f MtwJIOl'I •••"'' nu Wtll ....... ...,,.,, .... ~ at~'"' m 'ornt """'"" H111111no"" a11-c11: ims aMCtt aoirleY•rd $M ~ JN Nlll'lfl El '"'"IM R .. I ' Tess enclosed in the original factory v.-rap-. ping. The officers said rears o( drugs were sparked by reports that large amounts of Seconal tablets y,•ere circulating in the Phoenix area. Police warning!! were accompanied by newspaper advertlsemen~ in Syracuse, N.Y. and Indianapolis, Ind. To combat both the menace·4o.Jrick-or- treating children _,and the possible prob- tem of vandalism by •gome or them - hundreds C1( Jaycee memebrs in Memphis, Tenn ., planned to take to the streets to- ni.dit in a mass "safety patrol." They will have no police powrr, but were equippin~ their car~ with two-way radio systems to <:all oolice if nrcessarv. In Wauke.1?.an. Tll.. Friday night , chlld biting on a HalJO\\'een treat anrl founrt a razor blade. Dnnalrl Crossman, 9. told his mother after 31·2 hours or trick-or-treat- ing: "There's something in this candy bar.'' Opening it, ?i.trs. ?i.1ary Ann CrosmHn. 31, round the broken, doublHdJ{ed sa fety ra1..or blade. Her son was unhurt. The blade stuck between his teeth. ?i.feanwhile. a University or Minnesota 5ociology professor who has interviewed little masked beggars on four halloweens since 1959 v~ill be al it again tonight. Gregory Stone said he and his students interview the candy seekers on the re;i- sons for "trick or treat". He said he believes "ki ds oowadays do not have any conception o[.productlon on Halloween. They're consumer oriented ... how much candy and or v.ilat qual- itv." 'tn contrast. the professor said. he and his childhood friends. during the 19305 went out Halloweenlng to produce an d not to consume ... lo trick and not to treat. ~ From Pagel RALLIES ... Jn Tampa in an antiwar demonstration that included rock music A candletiRht march was held on th e c:impus e·.irlylto- day and a parade through downtown Tam- pa was schedu led later in the day. _In Oiicago, the sponsoring Oct. 31 st Peace Action CommiUee said up jo 25.000 persons were expected to march through the downtown area to attend an antiwa r rally i11 Grant Park. Jerry Gordon. a Cleveland attorney and coord inator of the Nationa l Peace Action Coalition which called the demont,..artiom. said other protests throughout the nation would be linked to a rrcent grand jury Indictment or st uden ts at Kent State University. "We feel that Nixon is lrying to lhrotlle the 1;ludent movement." he said, "to tum them Into vegetables and to sterillt.e the campuses." The student indictments were retumtd by a Portage County, Ohio, grand jury In connection with disorders which Jed to a confrontatlon with National Guardsmen In which four 11tudents were killed end n1ne wounded. Gordon criticized Nixon's c11mpaigning for Repl!b!lcan candidates as a "lart· minute smear and fear campaign"' whlch he said was designed to avert voters from "the real issues and problems that ctin- front them. '1 Jn New York, the Peace Action Coalition tcheduled 1 luncb·hour parade down Sev- e~ Avmue from Cofumbus Cirtle to Bryant Park for a r8"y. SimUar .afternoon m11rches and ralllts were planned la Los Ang«!ltl.. San Fran- cisco, S.n Ditgo, Se•ttlt, Ponllnd, De-- Lroit, PhUad'efphJa, Boston. Columbus, Ohio, 11111 Allaota. ' s~tur!Ut, October 31, 1'70 DAil y PllOJ L U.S. to Sell Jets to Pal{i'stan \ \Controversial Military Package Revealed in India NEW DELIU (AP) -The Unltocl st.ta sire to purclwe them, and tllal are no will sell Paklstah aix F104 iet tighten,_ pendin1 requnta to aanctSoo ules ()f used seven B57 bomben, four mar1Ume patrol U.S. anns to Pakistu through other coun- craft and 300 armored personnel carriers, trlet. it was disclosed today. U.S. officials in Wuhington were quoted The breakdown of the controversial IAle -as saying the decision to sell amu to was in Indian press dispatches from Pakistan was taken severe! months ago \Vashington. U.S. Embassy sources In but that Its IMOWlcement was delafed New Delhi said the figures were correct. because of the need to conatlt with Con- The reports were based °" 1zi hour-gress. .. · long briefing by Joseph Sisco, assirtant However, authoritative ~ In New secretary or state for near Eastern and Delhi aakl another factor was the U.S. South Asian affairs. deslre to wait until the Indian parlia- Embasry officials pointed out, however, ment recused in September. It reccn- that America had decided not to sell Pak· venes early in November, when mtmber9 istan any tanks, despite faldstan's de-are npected to raise the Issue of U.S. Brea Council anru supplies: to Pakiltan. U.S. officials In New Delhi alld Wash- ington stressed that the aale to Pakistan ls a "one.Ume limited" eJctpUon to the anns embargo placed on Ind1& and Pak- istan following their three-week war in September 1985. Sisco was quoted as telling the Indian corresporidenti that if India made a re- quest for arms h'om the Unfted States It would be entertained oa 1 par with Pak- istan's and considered on ita merits. But Sisco added there was no pendlq request from-India. India has relied largely on the Soviet Union as its main anna supplier, wtiile From Pqe J NIXON ••. of nominating conveotions. Reagan In- troduced Murphy to the crowd, who, in turn introduced Nixon. Raps Parsons Airport Plan A convention atmosphere pervaded the •.:.' rally, which came complete with 11ign carrying Murphy supporten. Orange County's $lto,OOO A 'Ir Transportation Plan revealed last week by the author, Ralph M. Persona CO., wu attacked from another direction this week. The Brea City Council unanimously agreed to block any attempt to build a general aviation airport In its city. Parsons had recommended th e purchase of 500 acres north or Imperial Highway and west or Valencia Street for a facility for private flyers . Previously caplstrano Bay area and ?i.tission Viejo residents had attacked the Parsons recommendation for a jetport in Bell Canyon. Brea City Manager Wayne Wedin told the councilmen that the consultanta used old maps, under-estimated costa, and ig· nored the wishes of the community in choosing the site. "lt is reasonable to assume that if pro- per cost factor:: which have betn omitted were correctly assessed • • • the costs would be In excess of to times the quoted $697 ,000 first-year toss, Or $6 million," Wedin charged. He said the latest condemnation ap- praised value for properties in the area run from a low of $26,800 to in excess of $40,0:l per acre. "The Parsons report U.5- ed a $12,000 to $15,000 an acre estimate, completely wrong," Wedin added. The Brea civic leaders said that they had asked that the Olinda dump lite be studied for a general aviation airport. Parsons rejected that location becaua it would not be ready for uae for 10 years. F...,m P•iie i IRVINE .•• Mason also suggests that noise emission levels be established for all ground transportation vehicles passing through primarily residential areas - and if they don't, they should be re- routed. Mason said the company does support. "a coordinated, comprehensive air, ground, ocean transportaUon 1~em, providing mobility for Orange County residents. as well u the movement of commercial and industrial goods. "\Ve recommend the location of llUJ>- plemental air facilities in areas oot sub- ject to imminent residential urban grov.1h, linked to residential and in- dustrial urban areas by a coordloated air, ground and ocean tr an 1 porta ti on system." Mason did say that Camp Pendleton would be an ae«ptable site, for co;n- mercial facilities, but any developmeht of that for non-military use in the foreseeable future has been ruled out by the U.S. ~1arines. He said the Irvine Company considers formation of an Orange County Transit District through Proposition A on the NoVember 3 ballot "an essential step in establishing a coordinated transportation system." Mason said the lrvine company has helped finance the campaign ror passaae of the proposition. Mason also recommended formation of a county ,transportation commission under lhe Board of Supervilon. He said it would "coordinate lit, ground and waler transportaUon plaMing and development and provide liaison to the Southern Californi a Aviation Council , the State Division of Highways and the State Department or Navigation and Ocean Development." Criticizing the El Toro site for a second commercial jetport, Mason said "Com- mercial operation..'! at the El Toro air lta~ Hon \\'Ould pla ce Intolerable stresses upon present resldenls In the El Toro vicinity who now tolerate military operations in recognition of their naUonal defense mission." "An altem1te locaUon in an area not subject to residential urban devtlooment should be round and convenlenUy )inked to the Orange County ha@! by grow>d ttansport.a.Uon systems," Mason said. The propoaal (« a genttal aviation facility 11 MCAS -santa Ana, "...Wd result In I substantlal Increase. in overflights 1n the cent.ral Irvine area that L, mMt subject to lrnminent resldenUaI development. "An 11lternate general avlation facility tocalion In mountain areas In or adjacent to the Cl<velalld National Forut would still provide prlva~ general avlaUon and recreation flying opportunities, whDe at the ume lime protecllng the quality of thG central ••lley reald enllaT developmoo~ • be lald. l DEAD AT 91 Publisher R. C. Hoifes Funeral Services For R.C. H oiles Pending in SA Funeral services were to be decided to- day ror longtime newspaperman and pro- vocative publisher Raymond C y r u s Hoiles. who died Friday in Santa Ana, home of his largest paper, the Register. Rites for Mr. Hoiles, who ns 91 and wi>rked in hi.I office-often wearing the old-lillhlon edll«'l•ll'eeft ~Ill recent months will be directed ht Wln- bigler Family Mortuary. : • Known to many of his inUmates simply as R. C., Mr. Hoiles succumbed at 11:30 a.m. in 58ntl Ana Commqnlty Hospital after a short illness complicated by age. Survivors include his siorui Clarence and Harri' who will take over the reins of the 20-pa~ Freedom Newspaper11 chail\ spanning the nation; his ' wtre Mable, a daughter, Mrs. Mary J. Hardie, of Marysville; 10 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Clarence Holies was co-publisher with his father, while Harry Hoiles ~s publisher of the Gazette-Telegraph 1n Colorado Springs. The Freedom Newspapers chain In- cludes three in Orange County, the Anaheim Bullertin, La Habra Star and the Brea Progress with ()the.rs scattered through Teias, Ohio, North carollna and Florida. Mr. Holies began his career earning U for a S4-hour week on the Bucyrus, Ohio paper that he later bought, but the Register was lhe big gun in his empire's aresenal .•. "It seemed like an awful lot of money then," reminisced HoUes, who bought the publication in 193S for $750,000 but Orange County population and it.s circuJa- tion inaeased tenfold. Financial News Column to Begin In · Daily Pilot It's getting to be almost 1 cllche, but once again sweeping changes In tax laws have made It imperative for Mr. and Mrs. Texpayer to "act not. save later." And the aulhortty who ls going to tell literally millions of Americans just ex-• acUy how to do It ill Sylvia Porter, one of the: natf()n's most respected financial writers. Miss Porter's ••your Money's Worth" column, 1 regular feature of the DAILY PILOT, 1W1.ing Monday will offer> reader&-in 10 consecutive col· umns-eome Upa on what Utty have to do now to 11ve money nell Aprll. There are maneuVen:, according to MlA Porter, which tllpa)'trl have to begin making right now-and continue unUI the end of the calendar year-to be tn poslUon to take advantage of new ta1 breaks 1pr,llcable to 1970 tu:ea which must be fi ed for next April. She will spell thern out In the JG-part series which sU.rtl Monday on lhe finance pa1e of the DAILY PILOT. Moot Important polnl In her II.st of recommendatlonl. Miu Porter an- nounced In 1dvlnce of the serlell, Is tllal the manevverln(J bU to b<gln,now. 'l"a1111yen an roduce lhe bile n¢ April only by mdil>e alld he<;!Jns the Id- -lhe'D 11ve Mat Wet, oho oald., ' .,. ' • The star-studded show was MC'd by disc jockey Johnny Grant who Intro- duced such luminaries of television and motion pictures as Andy Devine, Peter Lupis, Agnes Moorehead and Dale Rob- ertson. tn addition to being aired over a local Los Angeles television station, it was learned shortly before the rally that the Republican National Committee had pur- chased a half hour of national network time to cover Nixon's speech. \Vhite HoUse Press Secretary Ron Zie- gler announced the party had bought the time on Columbia Broadcasting System. It was scheduled to nm live in California and on delayed broadcast through the rest of the nation Friday night. Some obaerven felt the President'• speech was not as specific on solutions to violence as had been armounced ear- lier Friday. But the threat ol violence hWlg over the rally. Riot-ready police were in con- stant view and the plainclothes security force was larger than usu al. GOP supporters attending the rally were let into the building one at a lime. In plugging Republican candidates, Nixon capitalized on the situation, Bbl· Ing, ~l's time to recognize that. candi- dates who tail to speak against violence don't have the qualifications to lead the fight against it." Nixon's remark could have been di- rected at Murphy's opponent John Turl6 ney, wbo, the iDcumbent aays, ha1 not: taken a strong stand against violence. ·..-,But, in a campaign sweep into Of~ 'Cowily Tuesday, Tunney said "1.lji>Pe that when Nixon comes to Calllom.11, we will not see any of the vloknt dem- onetcalions that have plagued IO manf P.>liUcians. · .. 1 think it'a a terrible thing that the President of the United Stat.es can't tra.. vel In his own counry without being met by ()bscene epithets and rock-throwing crowds." San Francisco Radio Station Interrupts Talk SAN FRANCISCO (IJPI) -Radio Ila· tion KCBS Friday night Interrupted its broadcast of President Nixon's Anaheim addre!!: when station officials decided it was political in nature. ' A spokesman for the alt-news station said KCBS had been "led lo believe by White House source! that it would be a non-polillcal statement on violence. When the apeech started off immediate- ly on a political note, the station inter· rupted its "direct broedcast. Parts of the :!ipeech were broadcast later. • The spokesman said it feared that broadcast 0£ the speech In its entirety would force the station under the FCC's fairness doctrine to present an opposition spokesman. . The spokesman said the stauon got 11hundreds" of calls protesting the in- t.trruptlon. From Pllfe l WATSON •.. and needs Immediate treatment "as 1 ure-savltl,lf measure." Judge Dell ordered him removed !m· mediately to Atascadero State Hospital and declared. "he is not capable of under~ standing •t this time the nature of the charges against him. 1 feel it is lmpera- Ume that he be placed in a facility where he may be able to rettain his san.!ty." The prosecut.<lt assigned to the ease . Burton Katz said the distrtet attorney's ()fflce woukl ' aid tn any way to facilitate Wat.son's removal, agneing that it w•s "lm~raUve as a life-saving measure.'' ' Jail officials said Wataon's weight hat dr<>Pped trom llO pound• to 110 and "there Is a serious pOts.ibUity he could die from malnutrition." 'lbe unity hearing was held across the hall from where M•MOn and his thrte co-deftndant.s are standing trial. The judRe originally bad asked the psvchla- lrlltl to.rtturn rtporU on Watson Nov. t. but he said he advt1nced the date on hear- ing of Watson's physical condtt.Jon. Wat- son's attorney had originally asked for lhe Hnily heiring. The ,judge approved • r.qum by Wa~ IOll'• •ltomey tllat ht not be given ti"" Irle ohock trtatmtnl 11 It might lffect bis lhlnkil)I ~ lllA!r. ' . Ptkllltln-'unlU " "I-primarily on the Untied Slata. Since 19&$, Pakistan also hu received arms from Communist China, Ind both American and Rustlan offlclah have said they decided to supply mi litary w"apons to Pakistan to help reduce Chintse lnfiu-• ence there. The Indian aovernment has strongly protested to the United States abo4t Its decision to sell arms to Paklstan. "The liltest American decision Is against the interests of peace on the sub. ,""1!loon!.~ l!>< f""!gn ministry .. id Oct. t after the decisl()n became known p.ibllc- ly. - MOVING OUT ON BAL ISLE Trike Raetr Circa 19'9 3rd Trike Race Slated Sunday " 4,,t BaysUle , Site The third IMUal Bal~ Island Grand Prlt for tricydes wiU be held Sunday !Nov. I) at the Bayside Shopping CenlA!r, according to a spokesman for the Bird Club, sponsors of the event There will be five events open to two cluses of tricycles ridden by participants 1 over 21 years of age. Stock entries are s tore -bought chlldren's tricycles and modifi ed are home-made models which must be less than 36 inches tall All contestants are required to compete In cos lume, a race official said. The activities wi\1 st.&rt at noon with a parade on Balboa Island and a rock dance and trophy presentation will follow at the Ballx>a Pavilion. Events scheduled for this year's races Include a gymkhanna at I p.m .. drag races at 2 p.m., three-man relays and the grand prl x at 3 p.m., and a rally around Balboa Island at 4 p.m. Stork a Dirty Bird? GAINESVILLE, Fla . (AP) -One of the parade units at the University ()[ Fl~ rida's homecoming celebration Friday advocated birth control. The coed's signs said: "The stork is a dirty bird.'' Police Hunt Bunny Man FAIRFAX, Va. (UPI) -A hatchet-wielding "bunny-man" is creating consternation a m o n g Fairfax County police authorities. He oow has struck twice in two weeks. A security guard at 1 new hous· ing development under construction in this Washington, D.C., suburb told police that he . came upon 1 man clad in 1 white bunny suit with fl oppy ears whackJng away at a porch post of one of the unfinished houaeo. When the guard approached, he said the Alice-In-Wonderland figure warned : .. Yoo are trespassing. If you come any closer, i·u chop oU your head." Whereupon, t h e Hanteyeaque threatener hlpptly-hopped off Into a nearby wood>. A man in identical dress was repc.'1ed u having 5tartled an Air Force Academy cadet and his flance two week• ago while they parked ln 1 car in the arta. RI smllshed tho window of the auto, told the couple they were lrtspaas- lng, then vanished. The btJMy-man hlllf be«\ dttcrib- ecf u 5'Cmincly In his 20s and 1bout five fee~ eight Inches tall In his bare paws. l, I I _.J f DAILY I'll.OT Saturd_,, October 31, 1970 of Nerves~ I ' Pulpit ~nd 'Pew Christianity Footing Told by Lutheran . Temple -Dlvltl • I • Or•ac• c.aa1y will c:ooduc:l 111 Sabl\1111 llervicel .. Friday evtnlnS at 7:6$ p.m. et lhe Community CongrqaUooal Onlrch, 4111 Katella Avenue : at Bloomfield, 1n L o a Alllll\ltos. During t h e •• services, the congregation will celebrate and honor the Bar .Millveh ol Rich M. Goldberg, son ol Mn. Marlon llezirjlan. The services will be conducted by Rabbi Bernard B , GoldsmJth. in conjunction with Cantor Harry Newman. Jn honor of the Bar Mltzveh, the ' adult choir of Temple Beth Dlvld will partlclpete In the oervtces under the dlncti-On of Mn. F11 Newman, lhe temple .music director. "Then Is One Life" ls die UUe ol the lecture lo he given . by the Rev. Albert Burke lo the members and guests of the Cllllrdo of ReUgtoee lldeoee ol Newport Beacll th1' Sunday at the Ehell Club, 511 W. Balboa Blvd. at 10 a.m. Sunday l!Cbool meets at the same hour. A meditation period with a reeorded message ·by Dr. Ernest HolmtS, founder of the Institute of Religious Scienc'e, precedell the lecture and a cof· fee hour will follow. · .. A Give Away Program" will be the sermon topic of the Rev. Bruce A. Kurrie at The l'Htbyter!U Clmrch Of the 'Covenant, 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Worship ·services wlll be held at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church school through eighth grade will be held at 9:30 a.m. Child care is available at both services. The sermon subject fo~ Sun· day at Corona dtl Mar Com- manlty c h u r c b , Coacre&•· tloaal, 611 Heliotrope· Ave., will be entitled "Give Us a New Dream." to be presented by Dr. Philip G.· ?o.turray. Worship services are at IO a.m. CbW'tb school ls also at 10. AU. Salnll Day will be oboerved at s~ Jou 'Ille Dlvlae Epl_.t t'blll?, 2043 Orqe Ave,, Costa Mesa, with Holy Communion at 7:30 a.m. and celel>rallon of the Eucharist at the Family Service at fl:~ a.m. The lngathering of Ute United Thank Offering v.•ill be presented at this: time. Sunday school classes for all ages through high school at 9:30 and nursery care provided at this time. l\fesa Verde U a It e d Methodist Church, 1701 Baker Streeet, Costa Mesa, will have two morning worship services the rector will be 11Stewardship." The annual Every Member Canvas will be conducted next Sunday. The title for Pastor James G. Blain's sermon at both 8 and 10:30 a.m. worship services Suiiday is "We fle.. member With Gratitude!' at Newport Harbor Latberan Cbarcbc, 798 Dover-Drive. Holy Communion will be cele- brated On this first Sunday of the month, and it ls also AH Saints' Sunday, which will have special emphasis. T•lk Sl•ted Princess Alice Siwun· dhla fro?n Malawi, East Africa, will speak Nov. · The membeca of t'brbt 8 at 9 and 10:30 a.m. Lutltenn Cbarcb, 760 Victoria, a t t h e COrTU\lUDity Costa Mesa, will celebrate Her Methodist Ch urch, 6662 ly Communion at both the 8:15 Heil Ave., Huntington and 11 a.m. services on Sun-Beach. She is an aiith· day. The Rev. Lothar Tornow or and lecturer who at 9 .and 10:30 a.m. Rev. Paul will bring a mes.sage on the speaks from the view· C: Biesemeyer,h~~ selec:ted ~.s ·theme, "Salvation Is Near." point of one who has his sennon topic" When Chr~ , Sunday school and Bible ben raised · in a mls- Becomes Real. There ts classes meet at 9·30 am sjonary school. She has church school for all ages · · · made public and tele- from nursery through high "The Word of God for vision appearances all school at the 9 a.m. service Today" la the message for this over the United States. and from. nursery through six· Special Youth Sunday at the The public is invited th grade at 10:30. PI y m •at b Congregational to hear her talk. Next Sunday al St. l\llcbael'1 Church of Newport Harbor, ;=========::; 3261 Broad Street, Wh C ? and All Anii:el'• Epflcopal Newport Beach, at the 10 a.m. . J· o ares Church, 3233 Pacific View Dr,. worship service. Mike Davis, No olhtr ••wsptp•r h1 th• Corona del Mar holy com· h · · bar f ,._ y world c•r•• •b•ul your co1T111'11J• munl·on will he celeb,ated at w 0 is m c ge 0 ua:: oung . ., 1·• . ., d ·1 p I , 'bl n• 1 • yo'llr co1T11T1un1 ,, y both th • d 9 30 eop es B1 e Study meeting niwip•p•r do••· It'• th• DAILY e an : a.m . services. The sermon topic by (See PULPIT, Page S) PILOT. SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) -lbe newly elected president of the American Lutheran Church, the Rev:-Dr. Keot-S. Knut!on, says Olrlstianity "Is suffering a state of nerves bot it's still basically l!Jtrong:": It has "pangs of despali and sometimes is di9couraged by Its inability to handle the tremendous problems which we ·see aU about us." he said, "but the Church Ls a very tenacious institution-a very viable and stable kind of com· munily that will endi.ae for a very long time." Dr. Knutson, 46, was elected Thuroday night to head the 2.S-milllon·member denomina· tion after an an•y series ot ballots at the· Church's bien- nial convenUon. He is presi- dent of Wartburg 'nieological Seminary in Dubuque, J!)Yia. The voting started Wlth 10 candidates, and the ~field gradually was cut down to two on the decisive fourth ballot, when Dr. Knutson woo by a majority of 566 to Ul over the Rev. Dr. David W. Preus, 48, of Minnapolls. To be installed Saturday, Dr. Knutson . will take over the Church's top J>OSl at tbe end of the year, succeeding the Rev. Dr. Fredrik A. Schiotz, 69, who is retiring after a decade in the office. A shorl. black-haired man In dark .. rimmed &lasset, Dr. KnutlOl'l and bis asb blonde wife Norma have si1 children, thr<e liO)'S and 1hree girls, ranging in age from 8 to 17. Two were adopted. Born in Goldfield, Iowa, he was educated in ttlil country and in Europe. He served a Staten Island parish for two years before joilling t h e faculty of Lutheran Seminary in St. Paul, Minn., in 1958. He became president of Wartburg Seminary In liff. '\Relatioos with youth are one of the really great tasks that the Church has to face," Dr. Knut&on told newsmen after his election. "Youth represents trends that will establish the Churdl ti the future." Dr. Knutson said Christian thought is in a "state that might be caUed chaotic", but that scholarly inquiry doesn't affect basically "I.he way the Christian community un- derstands its faith." '''I1leological diversity has always been the case, but it's within the commUrtity of faith," he sakl. Asked about critics who say the Church should concentrate on Gospel preaching instead of social action, he said he saw no conflict between the two. "Preaching the Gospel is basic, but the Gospel compe1a "' lo see dlalr,.. ti olhen ud seek to help," he aald. Church Gets New Pastor In Newport On Nov. 8, Dr. Walter A{thur PeU Of C.non City, Nevada, will begin h II ministry as pestor of the First Baptist Church of Newport Beach. Dr. Pea comes to Orange County from a varied background of C b r Is t I 1 n ministry. For twenty seven years he was pastor of the First BapUst Church or Huntington Park and went from there to the ·~felropolitan Baptist Qlurch of Washington, D.C. Ten years ago the new pastor came to the Magnolia Ave . Baptist church of R~_erside. Here he led the cliurch in a era of expansion and growth, growing one of the larger Sunday schools in the city and adding additional buildings and property. ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY You are invited to the ' Finl Assembly of God Church 140 E. 22nd St., Costa Mesa-548-3761 ' Momlns Wor1hlp -10:50 A.M.•n. Jo•• Goll1IU · Even Int Worship -7:00 P .M. •••· JH1 Gcdlitlcl W"n,~ay Worship -7:30 P.M.ln. J...,lrl ••tel . • ' ' Pll·ICHOOL A•n 21/1 TO I 6:JO A.M. TO I P.M. -PH. 645·2J1J HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, Coate Mesa l4M704 Y. \.• tQl.TWICIC, PAITOlt JIM llNOL«fM ..... .,y .. ltOllltT I. t1n1e Mlfltmr ef 1-.n. CARL •INTltY Mllll•tw"~ SUNDAY •••Y1ca 1:41 A.M-S_,.,.1dtofl 11:10.A.M-·'hMM• ef • C..,..._ Uh"-" 7 ..,.....,,..., 7:00 P.M-''Th ~ .t tN Lew" ..,... ., ,..,., COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL p,.kJIMt -K ....... 1'19 -• .........,., -Clllflll (I,. UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2252 I. I. PALllADU IOAD SANTA ANA Hll5HTS IUNDAY SCMOOL ............................... t:U A.M. D MOININO WOlt5MI~ ............................ , ... 11 A.M. llVININO W015MIP ................................ 1 PM. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES llANCHH OP THI MOTHR CHURCH THI PllST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST IN IOSTON, MASSACHUSms "EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT" SUNDAY, NOVEMBER ht QNTRAL BIBU CHURCH II~ Emph~;~j,. I II' The Pl.In of God I , lhe Person of Chrisl The Power of the Holy Spirit Sumbv SdiooJ 9 AM'. Morning \o\'onhlp 9 and 10:30 AM lvcnlnf Servi~ J '·" Wlldllftd1y llllJlt Study Ind Pr~~r 7 PM Nt.t~ry during aervit:e A fun Youth Program Cm. of Oranp and l3ld. St. Costill Mesa R,v. Fred Mont, P•1lor 11~~~~1.I 1 Seventh· Day , Adventist Church 271 Anc ... Sf., Colts M .. ''"" SllnlMk•· ,. • ..., Plltne1 .MH$N Welcomes You. Carana del Mar COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 6ll HELIOTROPE W91'5hlp-10 A.M. Churclrl ScltM~11 A.M. t>r. Plll!\p G. Murr•'>'. Mltl l,t•r 644-7400 ST. JAMES, 3209 YI• Lhlo. Newport .... 7:30 A.M.-Hofy l1clrlorl1t 9:00 A,M.-Famlly Wonlrllp 11:00A.M-Alr.n0f9 H•ly C•fllM•ll .. I. M.nil .. Prcrpr , Mld·Wltti Holy C•11it1111•IM • H"llfli Senlcn TH1doY-10:30A.M. W•dllftd.y-1:00 P.M. Newport Unity LOREN D. fLICICINGER, Mlnbttr Sund•v Strvic•• -10:00 '·'"· tnd 11 :15 '·'"· Sund•v School for •II •9•1 -1:45 •·'"· 1 Stll ..... lnlH, Nnp•l't IHclrl - Offic• -646-5111 SINGSPIRATION w • ....,., 7:30 , ••• DIAL·A·PIAYtl '46-0639 A Cordial Welcome from THEUMITt:D METIIOblST CHORtH lt1bo• lll•nd THI UNITID COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH I IS Ag•+• 675·0950 t :JO A.M. Wonhip Wonhip I Sundty School Coit• M••• FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. I Htrbor Blvd. Church Wor1hip -9:]0 I 11 Church School. -9:30 541-7727 Coit• M••• North MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH Mt1• Vtrdt I l1k1r St. 549.2119 Wor1htp I Church School 9:00 I I 0:30 A.M. Hu ntinfion •••ch-Nori' COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Htil A,,.. 142-4411 Wonhip I Ch11rch Sch"I 9 & 10:30 A.M. Irvin• -E11t lluff UNIVERSITY METHODIST ~HURCH lll·12JJ 11422 Culvtr Roi• tf Un iv•nity Drivo Won hip & Church Sehool 9 & I O:JO A.M. l19unt l•1ch LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHURCH 21612 Wttlty Driv• in So. L19un• Wor1hip t nd Church School -10 A.M, 499.1011 Ntwport lttch Hu11tin9to11 lt1th CHRIST CHURCH FIRST UNITED BY THE SEA METHODIST CHURCH 1400 w. ltlbo• ti~. 272117thSt. 5l6·l537 67J·ll05 s.r.lc.s-f:IS l ID:JO Wonhip-9:10 A.M. MIOW£EI( 511VICI WIDNllDAY 7::111 P.M. ltt'f'. Willll J. C«tlot C~urdl ...._ M46n Child Cim et 9:00 •·"'· n. In, .1• P. AIM,. II, ltctor I Cll11rclrl Sclrloe~9:1S Church Schoel- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ., ,....,.. , .. .., FIRST. CHRISTIAN CHURCH If you t r• loeli:in9 for •II tl•bor•f• pro9r•'"• or 1oci•I prt1fi"1•· l ut if yo11 •r• looli:ing for in.depth l ibl• 1tudlt1, Chri1ti•11 f;J. TM In. Dnld A. c,_, AIMcl ... lllCtst' rtrion: 171.0210 1~~=·~·~~~·~'=''='=' =Al=l =M•=~='~~~~~~·='=''~'='=l~A=.M=·~==~ I "'""'cu l•itll•ll M.,..Sltl...,518* ,.....,.,.n.., ln.'-H ...... MltdtNr Morning Wonhip l:JO I 11 •'" Sund1v School •••••• 9:10 ''" f..,.111r19 StrYic• ••·• 6:00 P.M. Yovth Choir • ··••• 7:15 P.M. Yo11th Mttti1191 •••• 1:00 P.M. ClllN C1rt ~ 111 Strvk• 842-2421 lowthip, •nd l111piri n9 1p!rit1d worship, you'll lovt u1! To 1cco1T1• ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. i rnod•I• our 91owin9 (hu1ch f11T1il'1 we now h•~• two Sund•Y I S.ltdoys 7:JO & f:JO C111rrclrl kheol-f :JO Victoria & Placentia Av.e. I '"orning 11rvic••· 9:30 •nd 11 :00. Nuntry e•r•. Corn•r of Gr••n· I Tll1rsdcrrs: l :JO I. 10 •. ,...; Hot, Days• -•llC-4 Costa Mesa •ill• I Sunflowe r. =:::=:=Y;:l'::'::''::'::"::'::,.;:·;:';:,..:=W;:.;:D~o~•.S="'='=-="=-="=M=l2='===:11 Jalllft I. rt.n:y I 141-2121 146°9512 i I ... ;:·::--================='.II NEWPORT HARBOR I LUTHERAN CHURCH ' YCHllll Mlnlltw ;;;;;; OF T ''"' w ... ., ............ ,, ... ~ .)/. ei·· d ' LUTHERAN CHURCH HE MASTER. 1 I •Ible k11t11• ··········-····'::111 •.m. t i i ~ 2900 Pacif1'c v1·ew Dr. Momlnt wor.111p .......... 101• '·'"· • /• ' 7qa Dover Dr. LI 8-3631 ' I ~=:~~.::::::::::~~:::::·: ~::; ar or rid tan urc . Corona dt'l Mar Nursery Care Provided · OF NEWPORT IEACH-CDlscip'-I n. 1"· J.-•· m.i., ,.,., , DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER i 141o4771 141-1141 MHtlftl ht11larly H..,... II•••"'""' Sc.lio•I The In. IO•old Wlrlir.. Mrs. wor .. c•Ullterftrl•. I 425 I. 1 ltti St,. Cestt1 ..... 1 Aubtnf Poltor Pcrrhll W..tlet E1rly Wonhip 1:00 A.M. 1 Pho u•7664 Church School 9,·45 A.M. "' ~ FIRST CHR!STIAN CHUICH O• THI NAXAllNl I Cho;oti" Ed.u tio• 9:15 A.M. 9 00 AM -lly W ... , 111S Mt11e1'" 11 .• c1111 Mii• Morning \Vorship 10:45 A.l\1. • f••ti~• Wonhip IO:l O A.M. 1d100 A'.M: snd-c:•rctt' CH C 541-nll -· UR ff """" Cllv• w1m1'"' N•'"'Y CCM Pro•ldd Nursery care &-vailabla klrlffl slll'ld1y Scilool t :io '·'"· Phone: 642·2725 , WELCOME 1 l :IO A.M. ,_... Wonlllf M1tn & Adams Streets Morn11111 won.Illa '0'30 '·'"· Minister: Or. D. W. McEiroy 1~=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==!~==="=......,==-======'.ll EWngitllstlc 5ervlcl 7 P·'"· Mo~~~~:~::~.-~~~~~, •• li~~w~"~'~'"'~'~'~"~'M~M~H~"~"~'~'~·~~iii==='§=¥.~§~;:;:=~§=§;:§::§==:; C H R I S T l U T H E R A N C H U R C H .......... ''"a"'" A.M. CHURCH o• CHRIST CHURCH OF CHRIST "' "'i:.:~:'S!.'c:~ M ... l it.I• Schoel •••••·•· 9:4SAM co11:01•~L~"1!v~1s~ou 10 287 W. WILSON ST., COS1A MESA ""-'· TorMW, ,_... Yovtti •r••PI •••••• 6:00 PM Anll!:MD IEVl-Y IU"OAY 141·'404 ~ .. W•nhl,. •••• 7100 PM •111 .. Shllty-11111 A.M. 1nw1EN HAllOl ... fAllYllW WOl'lll\P SttYICtl! 1:1$ a II A,M. Sul'ICllY 5cll(>oll fl30 A.M. •• , "~ 1 wen.111~11 111 A.M. I Ao~11 e1t11t Clffl i •:• AN. :.r-:7.;;:., :_i;-~::;,: DAMA POINT COMMUNITY NOUll SUNDAY MORNIN6 t lllf: STUDY ••••••••• , • •• • 9:45 A.M. CHllSTIAN ILIMINTAIT SCHOOL 541-1161 24642 S. J•• SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP & COMMUNION •• I0145A.M. ,F====================(I The Fami~ That Prays Together Stays Together • •• SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP ••••· ••••••••••••• 6i00 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVENING l llLE STUDY • • • • • •• • • • • • 7il0 P.M. NUlSllY CAii PIOYIDID W. Wlllt HwrlOlhl• Miiia! DfT.KtoM Mi...... ....-"""'4 Phone: 548-.57ll Day or Night FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 2501 CLIFF DI., NIWPORT l.IACH A NEW CHUltCH WELCOMES YOU Emery P. CollJn1, Pastor S-., ScN~10 A.M. W ..... fp-11 A.M .•7 P.M. \ . ' I I' 1' • I PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M .. Y"4e Drift & ... ., StrMt, c ..... M .... Callf. ANO,,_Evt C. ANOERSON, l'lslor aunaw klloOI: t :ll Morl'llnt won111p: a100 1nc1 11:110 • Prine• of '••C• Luthtt•it SchMI -M1tt E1th•r 01.ofto Princlptl Offic• Phen•1 149°0521 $,hMI Phon•: 549.0162 ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH lltn Culver Ort .. Unl.,.rtity Park, Irvine ............. "·" .......... S11H., khM~:IO A.M. '-'1y WenM, 1:11 It 10 A.M. 113°1211 M__., C.. IJJ.Jl41 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coast9I Areas Christ xhurch Presbyterian I 20112 Mop•ll• cN .. Act.Ml H•lltlitttH ..... 19¥. Do•ald I. l•Mrfl, ,...., S111td.., Worsh'tt: 9:JO A.M. Ch1rch Scllool: 10:41 A.M. Offic•: 20112 M....U-St. ~1 f1M94t Church af thennant 2150 Folnt .. l•ocf, c.t. lnrce A. l•nle, ,.....,, S11ttefay W.nlllp: 9:30 l 11 A.M.-C•llf'dl I: f :ll "°":14MJ04 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 1.00 St. AIMii,._. leocf. N•wp9ft ._. Clle!iol HetMrt Df«ewfleld, P'Sltet w.r1111,. cum SchMI: I, t:JO • 11 A.M. '41·7147 St. Marti Presbyterian Church C•nwr J .... ,.. & lestbl.tf Drift. C•roH tlel M• JOIMI 5rctha .. llrt, P..tor Wonlrllp & C•llf'Clrl kllM~f & 1 O:Jt A.M. 644-1341 \~ 1}} SABBATH SERV ICES RELIGIOUS SCHOOL harbor reform temple AA881 BERNARD P, KING _,,. ...... meeting at St. J1me5 Episcopal Church o 3209 Vic J.Jda, Newport Se1eh fOf lnformation:'C.11675-7230 * TEMPLE SHARON n. 11x11••l•• ..,. ... , .. ..,,... ....,.."..., .... 617 W• H..nt... C.... Ill-. All Jewbh f•P!'llll" ''' lnviltd to Jeln IJI 111 ft11fy 1T1•1nl119ful SA.PATH IYIHINe SllYICU NIDAT at 1:11 P.M. ........,LNW_ ........... , .... '46·15152 Tetnpl• Sh•ro11 Ch•ir -Onet Sh•lt1t 141:!14J1 c ! t < ' ' ! ( ( I ' c c j I t ' I I I I ' I I I 4 I t ! I I ' ! • ~.,. -ll, 1970 o~u. v PILO!_ I . Pulpit and Pew j From Pase 4) of the church, will ctve the message. Sunday achoo! will be held at the same time . Holy communion "'ill be celebrated this comina Sunday at the 10 1.m. 5ervice of worship •I Cbrl•l t Ill e Sbeplltrd Lutheran Church, • Camino Capistrano at Del Gado Road, Capistrano Beach. Pastor Ackerman will deliver a brief meditation on "Worthy or Holy Communion." "Jesus ar Nazareth" will be the sub- ject of study ln the new Adult Bible Forum group that will begin next Sunday at 11 :05 a.m. Dr. Ackerman is the teacher and he has served as Professor of Christianity and Bible at MjdJand College in Fremont, Nebraska. Sunday school for children and young people 3 years of age on up is held each Sunday at 11 :05 in the educalional unit. and l\1iss Trish Waters at the piano. l\1r. Dick Coonis will be. ·soloist. ''Looking Into the Eyes of Tomoro"'~" is the sermon theme chosen by Dr. Charlei. H. Dleren!ield, pastor, to be pre1ched Sunday at S t • A n d r e w ' 1 Pre1byterl1n Cburcb, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. I d e n I I ca I worship 1ervices are held at 8. 9:30 and II a.m. New members will be received by !he cor..gregation at both fhe 9:30 and II a.m. hours. Lul.btru Churcb Of Tbe !\1aster at 2900 Pacific View Drive Corona de! Mar offers two hours of worship at 9 and II a.m. The Lord's Supper will be offered at both hours. The Senior High Luther League will meet at 7 p.m. in prepara· lion for their contemporary service of worship. Dr. Wm. R. Eller will deliver the message "The Secret Of }lap. piness." On Sunday. the Rev. Dr. Henry Gerhard, minister of the Church of Rel lg l ou.s been tallied. 'nle church I! located at 271 Avocado In Costa Mesa. The church holds Its regular Sabbath service on Saturdays at 11 a.m. and Salr bath School meetings for adults and children at 9:00 a.m. The mid-week prayer meeUng ta held Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. ind the Young People's Meeting on F'riday at 7:30 p.m. Elder J ohn Shewmake i! the pastor. Marlzter'1 Church , 2200 E. Coast Highway. invites the ladies of the co1nmunity lo .at- tend a bible study session with Angelyn Dantuma l\1onday from 9:30 to 11 a.m. She is a Bible leacher. s p e a k er , authoress and former dean of women at ~foody B i b 1 e ln.stitute. Free babysitting will be provided and free breakfast snacks and coffee will be served. Church service \\•Ill be held Sunday at 11 a.m. for the United Cburcb of Religious Scltnce, t20 16th St., Hun- tington Beach. Pastor is Gene Thompson. The Rtv. Bruce C~hlni: will speak on the theme ··A Qlorklw Church'' Sunday at the First CbrlsUu CbUR~ or Llpna Beacb, Legion at Catalina. At-the 7 p.m. even-- ing vesper hour, a JO.minute film enlitlcd "Signposts Aloft" will be shown. Ne"·pc>°rt Unity C b u r c b , n1eeting Sundav in the Senior Citizen.s Building. 15th and Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach, "'Iii hold services at IO and Jl :IS a.m. Rev. Loren Dalt Flickinger wiU speak on "Your Imaging SeJf", A Wednesday evening Singspiration \\•ill be held at 7: 30 at the same loca· lion. Wednesday at the Park Lido Convalescent Center, t 6 6 Flagship Road . Newpo rt Beach, the Rev. H. O. Egertson of !he American Lutheran Church will speak. He is nO\V retired, hut has served as a Navy World War 11 chaplain and was the flrsl evangelist with the Norwegian Lutheran Chw'ch o{ America. P1llplt Guest Dr. J . Ed\Yard Caroth· ers 'viii be the pulpit guest Sunday at the 9:30 a.m . service of '"orship at First United Methodist Church of Fountain VaJley, 18225 Bushard St. I-le \Vil\ be speaking on ''The Fu- ture of l\·lan is I-lope· Cul." Dr. Carothers is the Associate General Secretary of the Board of l'vlissions of the Unit· ed l\1elhodist Church in the U.S. Spanish Mission Se1~ving Baptists N ew Minister The CapltlrlltO Valley Bap. ti!!. Olurch concerns !tie.If with outreach to the Spanish 1peaklng people <Jf the area and has a Spanish Mission which provldn a worship 1ervlce, a Sunday School. and 1 Bible study 111 conducttd in the spaniah language. Sponlsh Pltllor M I k e Robert& •nd his wife, Linda are attending the California Baptist Colle1e In Riversldt, and drive to San Juan Dr. Hubert A. David-Capistrano on Saturtloys and son has been called to Sundays. serve as assistant pas· Roberti bu a major in Spanish and Religion, and a tor at the Capistrano minor ln history, a.nd bis wife Valley Baptist Church. ha!I a major in Spanish and He \viii be working pri-educ.UOn and a minor in marily \vith senior citl· Bible. Roberts is Ucenled to zens. and will be teach-preach, and Intend• to enter ing the Senior ' Adult the seminary after be gradu· Bible Study on Sunday ates frqm college. mornings. He will _also He became intertsted tn preach _on occasions. being a Spanish mlaionary Dr. pav1dso.n has had from hi.I membership tn a a 'Ylde v~r1ety of ~""'ampus or g an i & J t l o n, per1ence in the minis· "Hermanos en CriJto". Prlor try. to that he wanted to be an sid<rin( Ille po!si~WIY of entering missionary work. The Roberts c1me to the Clpi!J:tflJ'!O Valley B apt l 1 t Church's Sponi•h Ml,.lon on February 15, 1969, 'Ille minion wu eoltbllahed five .yNra 110 and mat In private horn•. but now It Is ope r atlnc wtlh1n the C1pl9trano Volley 8 a p tis t Church building and mlldng use ol tta; facllitiea. However, It maintainl its own cl11se~ and HrVict. and Ultl ill own hymnals and Bibles printed in Spanish. In conjU!IClloo with tile Spaniah Mlalon, the Roberts have held 1r .. Enalith ci- fe< Spanlall speaklne people all awnmer. and art now holding the cluses on Saturday morn- ings at 10:00 a.m. They use the Laubach me1hod. • both are qualified L a uba ch Lituacy Ttaehm. Tbe First United rt1etbodlst t'b11rcb, 2721 17th Street, Hun· tington Beach, will conduct two worship serives Sunday at 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Edward C. Erny will preach th.e sermon. The Youth Choir will sing the anthem at the 9:15 service and the Chancel Choir at the 10:30 a.m. service. The church school classes meet al 9:15 and 10:30 with classes for all ages. Science, 20062 Laguna Canyon .,...,..,.,.....,,...r...CE=""""""""'""'""'""""'ll!m:="'""'•:n""""=""""""'""""''"""""""',..""""'""""'"'!I Road, Laguna Beach, will English speaking pastor. Both Roberts and his wile had been atttnding a Spanish mission in Riverside because of their iJt. terest in the language and In Mexican ptople. Al that time 1'-1rs. Roberts had been ~ Woman Set For Naming As Minister speak at both services at 9 and 11 a.m. on "Face to Face." ''Speaking of Grace'' is the sermon title of the Reverend Don A. Bassett at the Balboa Island Unite d Metbodllt Three Sunday m o r n I n g Churcb. Worship and Church be preaching on the subject of I School are both held at 9:30 fered at I.he Com mu a It y a.rrt-Nursery-care is provided. Presbyterian Cbu.rcb, 4 I 5 Church is located al 115 Agate , Forest Ave., Laguna Beach. Ave. God and Country Awards ! At 8:45 a.m. parent!! who wish will be presented by the tO_ attend worshi~ wit.h their Church to four Boy Scouts at a I children may find 1t con-special Court of Honor .a~ 5 f venie nt to come for the half p.m. The young men rece1v1ng hour service before the the awards are: Eric Bowlus. ' children attend church school David ferguson. James ·• at 9:30, when classes for study Millovich, and Matthew are also provided for adults. Waidelich, Jr. Under the The 9:30 and II a.m. worship direction of Mat l hew services are one hour long. 'Vaidelich. Sr. and P. F'. • Pastor Dallas R. Turner "will Baines, they have given two ~ be speaking at all three years service to the ir churc_h, services this Sunday. on the and active study of the Chris. su bject "Teach a Child lo tian Faith. Give." ' --- On Sunday at Commun ity United rtfethodlst Church, 6662 Heil Ave .. Huntington Beach. the Rev. Charles L. RoS;e will be pjeaching on the subject of "The C'hoice is Still Ours" at both the 9 and 10 :30 a.m. se rvices. Child care a n d church :school classes are also held at bolh services. Resurrection L u t h e r a n f, Church, L.C.A .. 9812 Hamill.On i= schedules Morning Worship I. with Holy Communion at 10:30 ~ a.m. This Sunday begins ~ Every Member ldentilcation ' and Response Month. Arthur , R. Tingley,_ pastor. will speak .t on: "Guideposts To Loyalty". • SWlday .school sessions are at 9 a.m. for grades two and above and at 10:30 a.m. for ~ Nursery care through first graders. The Adull Discussion group meets at 9:00 a.m. \ Chur~h •ne~essio11~ Told Episcopalian Makes Co111n1 ent; I t Applies w All By LOUIS CASSELS u~1 111nt l9tl wr111r 6'We're having the worst recession in 26 years, and I don't see any recovery in sight," said a prominent church leader. He happened to be an Episcopalian. but the sa me state· ment could be made about many other major denomina- tions. · The religious recession has been developing for sever· al years. fl is reflected in virtually every available inde x ()f public interest in religion. Bible sales, for example, have dropped about 2~ percent over the past decade . Church-re· lated newspapers and magazines are losing subscribers at a painful rate. Sunday school enrollment has declined every year for the past six years. In relrospcct. it now appears that the postwar boom In religious interest crested in the late fifties. and has been subsiding slowly ever since. The Gallup organization 's .annual survey of church attendanct peaked in 1958. when 49 pe rcent of America 's adult population attended worship services on a typical Sunday. In 1969. only 42 percent turn· ed out, and th e 1970 figure probably will be even lower. The impact of the recession Js most conspicuous in the ever·sensitive gauge of human concern -money. The Episcopal church, beca use it has just published a fresb batch of financial statistics. provides a convenient example of what'1'h8ppening in many mainline denomin- ations. In 1967, the Episcopal church (meaning the pare:nt na- tional organization) Went SI million into the red. In 1969. despile budget cut.s, it failed by $1. 7 million to rai!le enough funds to balance its expenditures. In 1970. officials esti· mate the church 's receipts will fall nearly $4 million short of its pared-down $14.7 million budget. The immediate cause is easy to identify. Only half of the church 's 90 diocese ·were able or willing last year to body. A few "'ithheld funds out of pique over the church'• efforth' to help black people, Indians, Spanish·American1, ·young people and other "voiceless" groups to organize themselves for more effective representation in the nation'• decision·making processes. But many Episcopal dioceses defaulted on their quotas solely because they, too, are hurting for money. For ex· ample. the Episcopal diocese of Washington, D.C., -one or the healthier dioceses of the church -asked ilS parishes last year for $652,000 as a rock botlOm minimum to carry on diocesan programs. The parishes reponded with pledges totalling $$68,000, but only $545,000 was actually paid in. The financia l pinch really begins at the parish or lo- cal church level. and Is simply passed along to higher echelons. Consider these figures, from a once-thri ving parish in the wealthy Maryland suburbs or \Vashington : In 1963, income from individual pledges and plate .o(· ferings totalled nearly $140,000. In 1970, with luck, it will be aboul $125.000. And there h.a.s been a lot of inflation in those years, so that the actual diOp in constant doffars is even greater than it appears. The decline in income closely parallels and obviously renects a falling off of attendance. Jn 1963, attendance at all services totalled nearly 72,000. In 1969, it was only 27,000, and it will be lower still ln 1970. The big question, of course, is whY1io many people have stopped attending or contributing lo \:hurches. Many pat answers have been offered, but no one has made a really comprehensive study of dropouts to ascertain what induced them to leave. BALTIMORE (UPI) -Miis Elizabeth Plat%, an llllllaot Lutheran cbaplaln •t the. St. Vincent :;,n:u,nii~arr~ :::i woman to be ordaiQed into the! Roundup :., !er1u:"L i.u~- Mw Plab:, 30, received ... ~; U d W unanimous •pproval for ber • n er UY ordination from the convenUon Li of the church's Maryland ! K "·Make a Call -Serve a Synod Saturday. She bad: II Need '' is the slogan of the. St. previously been approved by: Vinoent de Paul Society's the Synod's exa1nining cem·: • "Fall Round·up'' of usable mittee for pastoral candidates.: ~l clothing, f u r n I t u re and The three·mllllon member : housewares for needy families church approved ordination of : of the Southland commWlity. women at its biennial con-: It is a time when the society vention in Minneapolis in June.: ii:athers materials of all kinds June. • inlO the barn, so to speak, bii~ Plati, follow_ing ber• against the winter months ordination Nov. 22, will becin: head a five year appointment ~ a Oe~ands for such articles Lutheran chaplain -.t the: i become particularly heavy University of Maryland in: , 1 whtn the rains and cold nlgtits11"Co;;;;;ll;;e;;ge;;;;;P;;arlr;;;;;,;;M;;d;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;f come, according to Albert11 Tu!I, general manager of the DON LUCAS St. Vincent de Paul Stor" and CELEBRITY OOL, Workshoptl. Materials of good quallty NOY. W are particularly needed, Tassi 1'111• 1.-re ... c-. said. l'Vtllc ,...,. The St. Vincent de Paul Society assists the needy of all races and creeds through an extensive charitable program. YOGA is •••• Services at First Baptist Church of Huntington Beach will Include a Commun ion service on Sunday. The Rev. \\1ilTis J. Loar. pastor of the Church, will bring his mes- sage, ''The 3 Stages o( Conversion". Du p 1 i cat e se rvices are held al both Peeks Chapel, 7&Jl Bolsa Ave .. \\'estminster at 9:30 a.m. and the downtown church, 61h and Orange at 11 a.m. Church school Is held at 9:30 for all ages. A f.iu sical service is set for th e 6:30 p.m. service. featuring l\1rs. Judy Stipp at the organ, btrs. Sandi Knight The Newport Harbor Seven· meet their annual quotas for contributions to the parent It's my guess that such a study would turn up not one or two but many causes of Jay disaffection . It would be useful If Dr. Gallup or Lou Harris or somebody would make such a study on a national scale. Meanwhile, there's nothing lo stop a local church, or a denomination, from making its own survey. ~ For pick-tip service, call the Sl. Vincent de Piul number th-dav Ad\'enlist Church will be Co nducting a religious .._ a..-...... ~ ..... \ survey in Costa Mesa to determine the number of adults ;:ind children attending I a church of their ow n denomination or none al all. Questions on the survey "'ill help to determine other trend s of religious thought as well. The results of the survey will be published at a later date ~·hen all the information has • .. '-"""""';--..::=:~"'m'Y!:!'ZP4 gs'!!! '!Ofillf"U•.0."'°"':;.IJ [~n~!~ar~e~!l~yo~u~.=::;::;::::::;=ll "'" ... ,,. SLIM GYM San ta A na W oma11 Has Con vention Post Seeks Better Relations Vatica11 Courts Red Nations VACITAN CITY (AP) -Jong broken c:l!plomalic ties compromi5e'S. Methodists Collect for Mission The Vatican has embarked on \\i th Communist Yugosla via The VaUcan Is a. long way LOS ANGELES (UPI) - another dr ive to improve its on Aug. 14. i'his appeared !Cl from exchanging ambassadors The women's division of the relations "'it h Communist act as a spur to the present with other East European United Methodist Church governments from Eastern diplomatic activi ty. reg imes, However. the current Board ef Missions has ap. Europe to Peking. The Polish press hailed the contacts Indicate that the cold propriated $13.766,2.fO for Czechoslovakla , Poland and Vatican • Yugoslav e.xchange "'ar relap~ in Church·state mission work, christian social Hungary are the current of ambassadors as evidence relations induced by the Soviet action and other programs in targets In Europe and the that Lhe Church and Red invasion of Czechoslovakia is 1971. Vatican observer at the United regimes can reach workable wearing off. Included in t. he ap- Natlons has indicated thal the Vatican and Czechoslovak proprietions was $15,000 for lOll A Dlttll .. tr: IH a WllK& Fiii \~=:~~ --(71•) 1Jt•S771 -· flemorial pork The SouthLind's Mo sl Bt11illiflll Mnnon.ts ~USO"l\JM • COLUMIAllUM • CIMIYPY TREES of the WORLD Roman Catholic Chu rch favors a I s dlploma!s met for several support or women's liberation Miss l\1ary \\1oodburn. of Church, Orange, C·O 11 e g e a U.N. seat for R.£d China . )(lt•c } ets days al the Czechoslovak in church life. That action was O• ,.,,,__ A .. 11" Santa Ana, director of Chris· career and Justin Rice , First Pope Paul VI has often I I k considered important to[ ~~~~lllll!"~~~=..:~~-'.:-:.'.'~""~·~•":"::-'~~-~,.~·:__ __ Nazarene Church, G a rd en Mini • Embassy n Rome ast wee • I~ tian Educa tion at Trinity Gro"e, adult. stressed the need fo: dialogue 4 • • t0:.lI'lD~ \he Vatican dt!legation \Vas counteract any assumptions ' bet th H I 0 --d the o '-"° hbl · that a "-"Omen's chu r ch United Presbyterian Church . Ki'ck-0ff for the nar!ey will ween e 0 Y ~ an led by Arc shop Agostino • c mmun1·,, go,ernments AL c • II f th c organization would necessarily has been named to conduct a be a ci vic. e us in e 5 s o · B TIMOR (UPI) -The asa10 . secretary o e oun· b kf Th Soviet foreign ~1 i n is le r Board of Homeland Ministries ell for Chur ch Public Affairs. be a "conservative, white, l·unior level workshop ~t the Leadership rea ast urs· A-"rei' Gromyko 1·, v1·,1·i1ng H 1 1 ff lh v 1 · over 50, uneducated group of h She 1n1 of the United Church of Christ e s n e ect e at cans annual convention Nov. 5 da y morning at l e raton Italy No,, 1•16. and 8 Vatican f · 1 religious women," s a Id 1 U · I II t I 'th o u-voted Tuesday to find fo ur oreign m nister. through 7 Of Gre'tcr Los ruver!a o e · "'I r · Theresa Hoov•• head of th• R. h d H 1 st spokesman said he "most projects for new kinds of About the same time parallel .... • Angeles Sunday Schoo I ic ar a verson, pa or 11·kel•" w1'll call on "-Pope . 'ti h lk I \.. division. h h F th P b I · Ch h .• lJIC Christian ministry in n c i· ta s were gong on uctween Assocl·at1'on to be eld in le our res y er1an urc . The .two men had a long •-lk Al ,.,, annual m,.Ung t•-w h. o c d f Wl gan, Virginia, California and Vatican and Hungarian offi~ • •JC multi-story. ml11ion-Oollar new as ington. · " an ormer when the Soviet minister Arizona. 'lalll. division also adopted revised youth building at First Baptist member <JFf' thep mlbn!!~~ial made his first official visit to The national agency of U'le Poland's two top Cathollc guidelines for h1ndllng it& ap- Church in Van Nuys. staU at ,~•HI II resood_.~r1a n Italy In 1966. two million member church is prel1tf!, Stefan Cardinal Wys-proximately $30 million ln in· Other Orange Co u n I Y Church 0 0 yw ' as The pontiff Is expec~d to II· holding its annua l meeting here zynskl and Karol CardinaJ Woy. vested funds. J):lrlicipants in the GLASS s~aker. ., . lustrate his policy loward Red this week . tyla, .arrived last week for The appropriations for 1971 event include Ch a r Iott e The Year of the People ts China when he addresses a In Phoeni~. the board will audience1 with Pope Paul and were $617,118 below the Heinen, minister of children at Iheme for the more than 70 messag& to 1111 Asla durlni his help finance a day care cen!er _l_•_ll<J_w_ith_V_a_ti_ca_n_o_f_fi_cl_a_l•_· __ d_i'_~_i_on_·,_1g_1_o_bwf_1_e_1. __ _ Garden Grove Community , \\'Orkshops and other conclave t · to th Ph 'lipplne• and for workm' g m .... \..r~ wh1ch·- church. Who will also head a aclivities planned for Sunday rip e: 1 vuic Ausl.ralia at the end of was organized by residents or junior level \11orkshop: Dick school personne:l,'' said Miss November. the isolated slim communJty Murr11.y, EvRngellca l Free \\'oodbum. The Vatican re-established of Okemah and staffed entlr· 1.---=====0iiiiiiiiiil • LAS VEGAS I : ' fP.££!5 33 °• REFUND PACKAG E ' ...... ,, C111-1• ,,..1 .... , ,_ •• ftllO ,.... •' ,.,.. '"''"" 1. Jff.ji0TfiiU7tffffFffiml, .. "~l~~~eG.;~:~!1~: .• ; .. I ,,1 ... ,ti,11 IEFOl\f. ht .r.•••t•d th• Etrt~l · A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. DAILYI Epll. 1:1·4, I'•'· l:lt-20, Tlhu l :J.6ocf 11 .r.r••i•ol •II thin91 for Hit plt •tur•, llt•. Greowy Thr••cf1 For Mt11 l W1mt11 c.1.i,,...i111 o"' Wr•11d Op1nT119 10% Off 0 11r flll t'.&.IMI ••11 01111o1••1 .,.CIAL MIAl.11 •li'1 •ltTSI IOl.i;,IOlll I . f r.fl CHl,11 tlll t NOTOll CfCAJoltAGNI t AITT! A ••• ...,. tf r.I ' O • .., .. • C.t,.,Ht,..;..ttd !<lwitor:O.. " Ito V•t•• '""· ...... ell ,_ ~ I r .,.., -......... •• "0...ot el Ill• ""'°'" •I -10 f-. 11et1I• tlw!U f« ""-"' f,._ N~u• «11..ilWt, Pl!.0 10/ I • • ii·'i"11i 1111i1f11i¢1'·1h1•1i1214i*'il11 f''l'''*f1 -. I D'S FABRIC' 4:1 1 !Kint J•1. l il.l,1, Th i1 i1 LOG ICAL; I WORL 1: tho! ........ ""'' .... th•··· '" hit OWN pl1•1ur•, $111. 1:11. I & FASHION 1 1 : Goel n•v•r int1,,decl ANY itrt•lur• te Ii•· ce111• EVIL. '-ul he t•"• h11 cre1h1T11 thi~ ~HOICE. How •Ire TRADE FAIR • 1 .r.oulcf Wocf h•v• PLEASUll:l in th, OIEDIENC£ •f hi1 cr••lur•1 l!f DISOIEDtlNCE w1•t lMPOSSllLE)) S•l•ll 111d ,,,,,;., •11· t•l1 b1t1m1 EVIL ,.,cf diteD•y1d 111 H''"'"· rtl.1lli11t 19111111 1 Gin sHow Gtd. 11: .... 12 ~1-•. J11dt •• I G•cf KNEW r1l.•llio11 wow lcf le1'1 pl1tt '"''"' lfttl!. Hit c111· S.l.s lo the Public and Trade I ... ,., on E1rlh ~ 1i11t• '"''" WITI FAlE to ,,11.11. H111t•, H. 1Jl•n111d in 1dvent• 1 Chri1ll111 ..,,y..,of 1elv1ii•n1 H1"t yell 0 Cou ty Fal"mround ''''"'' of G•J'1 pl111111J WI Y of 1~J.,1tie117 Ar• VOii I petl rang& 0 • :S of lt1 Wrlti tt ph111t let Fl\lE 1.ookltt tetli11! er 61d'1 w1y Newport IMI. If F1tr Dr., (ost1 Mt ll •1 of 11lw1t!o11. Cll11r,h 1f Cllr11t, 21"1 W, Wll1•" t., c,,,. M11ot, S-on MVln .... on~"'''' I C1lif, •1•27, Phont 141·1i"111. VISIT 111 '"' 1tu4y '"' l !bl1, V l'W ..._,.....,._ .... __ '9od'1 wor~ with 111, S111141y1 t r41 /t.M,. 1014& A.M., •100 ,.M, --------(M Olft l ----·1._.'".'.''.'.'' ... '°_,._,_·_·".·.· _ .... _._"_''.'.'.' .'.''.'.'.·.".· •A'"Ll"L •A•O•E•W_lL_· .. , ·-COM(, Tu .. TY Cll•1H1fl t, ludep, 7:)0 A.M. Alr11dy low Pric•t -Tlirouth No•. It~ IND NO MON y NOW •• Oi011 IY MAIL Ol ,HO I ...... llllt M with ,_ , .. lff'l"l'ti. '""'°"' pt ....... ! ... Wlltt•• ...n.- et!M. ""' "'"'· 0.1 .... ,..,. .,. ....... ·-·•'"'",.,. • ..._....,,. I ; (111ttc! "' .. ,..., ,, .... 1 ... ft!. ' I • flOM C.t.UF., A.Ill., UTAH, OlE., IDAHO DIAL PREE (800) 64Ml91 Anytime • n ' ., J • • f;olll.IQ.en1 Page ( Key State Issue·s as Seen by Re .agan, Unruh JESS UNRUH .. UNRUH IN NEWPORT: 'TIED TO NO SPECl_AL INTERESTS' Merrie No Longer Woes of aBriton Gone Horne By TOM BARLE\" A fe\V weeks before I left for an eager· Jy a"°aited vacation in my native England, French economist L u c i e n Desfarges drew the ire of thr: British press and public with the widely quoted observation lhat "it's hard to·help the Bri- Lish because. t b e y don't seem to want "to 1 help themselves." t thought at the Ume that lite remark was in pretty poor taste. especially since it came from a nation that didn't seem to want to do very much in its own cause in June, 1940, and wihch, by it.s action then cond~ned many Bri· tisb soldiers to death and put a lot more in prison cages for five years. 1 don't think so now and not because l have found that Desfarges is as pro- British a Frenchman as you'll find anyy,•here in that nation. l don't think so because J've had some first-hand ex- perience of a Britain incredibly dulled by apathy and bedevilled by a -series (lf strik!I and industrial disputes that would make. in their idiocy, ideal material for a Peter Sellers movie. tT ritAY ritEAN the end or some valuable friendships with fellow Britons ever here but I have to say for the record that Desfargcs is absolutely rigbl. tn fact. he should have said more in the &ame vein. J found many relatives and friends fac- f1;11• a cost oC living that was absolutely aJipauing and accepting the clrcumstances with a fatalism that made "me wonder how on earth we managed to do what we did in 1940, ' As Churchill told us, that was oQ,r finest hour, when every Briton pulled out much more Ulan that--lltt1 e bit extra. and threw thlt first big spanner into the German 'Wlr machine. It's good to know that Cburcbill lsn't alive to see the Britain of ioday. Rotten food . shocking s e r v I c e • disgraceful overcharging (especially when 1 was mistakenly assumed to be American) 1nd a series of hotel rooms that made me repeatedly wish that some- one would enrorce the nation's rigid laws on clelnliness and sanitation made me realize that the Britain 1 left eight yean ago and tbe Britain that has almost made me weep with shame and disap- pointment are two very different things. Saturday, October 31, 1910 Tb• Comment Page of th• Dally Pilot seeb I<> lnfomi and sUmulJlte readers by presenting a variety of com- mentary on lDp!cs ol Inter- est and significance INlm lnfomied observers a n d 1»ok11men. Robort N. Wood, Publl1her DA.JLY PILOT i·eaders faniiliar wit1l the byline above probably are aware that the writer is a frequent -and sometimes caustic -critic of many face1.s of the Life he finds in his. bor· rowed co1cntry. America. Th ia i.s hi$ report of a rece11t trip to his native la11d. OF COURSE I Jove the country , to \\'hich I still owe allegiance . But that same British passport allows me to make the criticisms 1 record here now. fresh from a vacation that will only be remembered for treasured reunions with family and friends. I certainly don't want to remember British bungling that led to the tearing down of William Blake's hum b I e birthplace in London and the erection of a monstrous pile of allegedly modern apartments on that cherished site. And words failed me and still do when I think that only 1 long, costly ~nd valiant fight by a determined group of nearby residents halted planners who seemed ·bent on pushing through ,a development scheme that would have put paid to much of Grantchester, lbe hamlet immortalized through the poetry or Rupert Brooke -ii\ this writer's book, the greatest romantic poet the world bas seen. I would never have believed anyone in my native Britain ~apable or such idiocy, especially in a nation that has always prided itself on careful preservation of its hi'Storic sites. But there is little point in prattling on about the care taken to save landmarks associated with C h a r 1 e s Dickens from the wreckers when et]ually historic houses are·&oing down in a cloud of brick dust. A1''D WHAT HAD been described lo me as the world's greatest program of slum clea rance and modern construction turn- ed out to be nothing more than the demolition or houses that were slums 30 years ago and the building in their place or multi-story glass monstrosities that now live side by si de with dwellings that were slums 20 yea rs ago. l have seen some or the worst architec· ture In the world In Britlln. And nearly all or It has been erected in my absenct. l'm not much concerned with what ROCS up or down during my next absence from my native land because I am con· vlnced that nothing short of critical fami· ly affairs will get me back to a nation that seemed to me to have u much sense or destination JS a rudderleu ship. Cod save the Queen and J say that with all sincerity. Dul God hclp htr and all other Britons if all they httive to look forward to in lhe future Is the meager bill of fare that ~·as evident to this astonished and bitterly dJsappolnted lravtle:r. It's nice to be bo.ck. ll'• good 14 be home. Surprisingly, They, Fii1d Some Ar.eas of Agreement Where do Republican Gov. Re .. an •nd Democr•tlc chal· lenger Jes\ Unruh stand on major issues facing them in their battle for the st•t•'s No. 1 job next Tuesday? Asaoclated Press has compiled thase petitions from int•rvlew1, writt•n press statements end speeches. What do yoa consider the major llsaea of this campaign? REAGAN : I'd say the whole issue ot co1t of government and tax reform, the environment and ~aw and order. UNRUH: I'm free to act whereas he (Reagan) is so tied to special interests in this state -the oil companies, insurance companies, the big corporate interests - \hat be can't effectuate fair, equitable. tax reform because that would mean :stepping on some. of the toes of bis big contributors. The first thing I would do is to ~t on the desk or every legislator, in the first week, a bill to rerorm the tax system. How do you. assess the record or the Reagan adminlatratloo? REAGAN: I think we have been suc- cessful in what we set out to do four years ago and that is to change the philosophy of government, to turn it around from the belief. you can solve eve rything by throwing money at it, to bring government into a kind of businesslike common sense service of the people. UNRUli: I can see very little in the way: of accomplishmenlls in the Reagan administration. I think that there has been an almost total lack of any really meaningful legislation in the major fields. J.. th ink if you are looking at it from the philosophy of the very wealthy he has accomplished a great deal. What do you propose lo do about cam· pus violence? am re-elected, the first thing l will do in January ii. reintroduce the tax reform plan. UNRUH: The governor could have had his tat reform bill if he had done one thing and that is to have given up the tux· ury home tax relief provision of his bill. I think the people will get tax relief. But I don't think they'll get it from this governor. because the only way he can raise significant revenue Is by one of two methods -by passing it on to the con- sumer through the sales tax or increasing personal income taxes, or by closing the loopholes. And this governor cannot close the loopholes because he's owned lock, stock and barrel by the oil companies, by the insurance interests and by the other business interests which would have to pay that. I think the property tax on low and moderate priced homes should be abolished'. Xnd 1 think we can do that in four years. What cu be done about crime and vloleu~? REAGAN: A(ler we organized the Assembly and got control in the com· mittees, \\'e passed 20 anticrime bills. Four leading mayors Jn California have testified that crime in those major cities, crimes or violence, are going down while they are going up in the rest of the coun· try. I think some of that ls because of our bills. Now Yle have this current wave of violence caused by a grouo of revolu- tionaries. I think we are going to find out that if guerrilla activities in the jungle are hard lo deal with, we are going to find that guerrilla activities in a city are 10 times harder. On the optimistic side, there is an aw.akening to this on the part of college administrators and campus --·~ REAGAN IN SANTA ANA: 'WE CHANGED THE PHILOSOPHY' authorities. This is important because so much of the battle ground of this activity is the campus. It's awfully easy to ·almost automatically link this with the young people of this state. But don't do this. The good student v"ho really wants an educa- lion. to work for the future is far more typical than those few who turn to the dark path o( re\·olulion. UNRU H: 1 think the only way I know of to prevent violence jn this society of ours, as much as we can prevent it, is to have more and better law enforcement than we have now. And that means. largely, more manpower and better man- power. Under Ronald Reagan,, violent crime in California has been increasing twice as fast as it did before he took of· fice. In high crime areas there will be three limes as many pa trol men on the beat as there are no~'. This is going to cost money -perhaps as much as $100 million. But we will spend that. or more if nece:sary. to control violent crime. Rona-Id Reagan was suppoSed to be the greatest Jaw and order candidate since Wyatt Earp. You hear a. Jot about Wyatt Earp running the bad guys out of Dodge City. Well , that didn't really happen and in lbe end be e:ot run out bimseU. REAGAN : We did stop appeasing and Start opposing in the area of campus violence. 1 must be frank aod accept some responsibility. There would have been no People's Park episode if we bad just given them that property of the university that was worth $1.3 milliOn, Because we didn 't give them the pro- perty, we had a riot. I think today, finally, many people..._ who pooh-poohed this have discovered thl!-is-. world-wide phenomenon and is linked to a revolution agaiiist our system. We now have a board of regents tliat is willing ta bring this order and take this firm stand that is necessary to protect the majority that wants an education. When the Bomber Strikes UNRUH : 1 would have a nat rule that you 're going to expel any student or faculty member that's guilty of violence or disrupting the educational process. The faculty and the administration have to take the authority and responsibility for doing that and if they don't take it. we're going to have to fire them and find someone who will. Btit you can't contain it as the governor tries to do by cutting the budget and by constant criticism. He's constantly downgraded it (the university). Q. How would yoa control welfare abuse and spendlng? REAGAN : We can point to $432 million in savings in other areas of government and we can also show you where every dollar of that has gone into the increasing cost of welfare. We've made some 1ains in streamlining admini stration, but the big cut must come in the over-all pictun!. Our problem is a kind of legalized rraud. The original intenl of the program has been conlraverted by the people rinding they can get on welfare in spite of having earnings and good income and by loopholes tha t have allowed certain elements among the welfare \\'orkers literally going to people and getting people on welfare. Now most of this is mandated on us by the federal government ind we will take our fight to Washington to show \\'here our problem is. UNRUH: I -"think we ought to take every able-bodied person off welfare and put them in a job. But you can't do that until you have a policy or full employ- ment in this stale. I supported and still support the concept of the Nixon family assistance plan. The governor has no pro- posal that 1 know of, except to cut lhe people who apparently can't help thernselves. J think welfare fraud cases ought to be prosecuted with vigilance. And I lhink the federal government should take over the cost of welfare. They set down a~t IO percent of the regulations and I think they ought to have lbe pleasure of paying for it Wllat ls your po1IUoa oa tar rt:form! REAGAN: Largely overlooked bas been the fact that we hive already given back to the taxpayers over 1 billion dollars. There is $311 mUlton in lbi1 year's budget that shows up as a· state expense and it is going to J>llY for tu relief. 1be answer is lo give a meanlncful rtduetlon ot the property tax that Is alrtady too high and then to make some effort to see that the tat cannot continue lo 10 right back where it was. Our tax reform plan would have glvtn the people a 25 to 40 percent reduction and tl·was lllwan.d by 1 rr<!lp of U 1tnators, U I ( • What Vulnerable Utilities Should Look 'For By BERTON F. JONES Senior Seeurity Represe ntative PacUic Gas " Electric Two sticks of dynamite (display) could destroy a room of ordinary size and everything in it. Approximafely one month ago, one bomb containing either dynamite or a military plastic explosive destroyed one building on the University of Wisconsin campus. Six million dollars damage. One dead. You and 1 could become victims. directly or indirectly through the a.els of revolutionaries. These acts are occurring right now and in almost every region of America. We could be killed or injured by the er- forts of a new left zealot in bis attempt to destroy the Establishment. With a little luck, our misfortune may be limited to large finan cial losses. A1illions of dollarli in damage have been caused by bombings and destruclion to ROTC buildings. the IBM Building in New York or utility company facilities such as towers used in the transmission of power, communications or conduits carrying gas or water. As taxpayers and users of utilities, ••e are forced to pay for the acts of. these insurrectionists. IF SOMEONE were to blow up Hoover Dam, the O'Shaughnessy Dam, lbe Pardee Dam or any other major water company facility, we probably would not look for a vandal or a disgruntled former em ploye. Rather, for someone intent on attacking the Establishment -industry -a part of which is composed of uli litv companies renderin~ service in "·atef, power, and communications. William C. Sullivan. assistant director of the FBI, in a message to the U.S. Oiamber of Commerce. made tftis com· ment: "American industry is the nert. tara:et of the New Left which includes SOS and the Third World. They intend ta disrupt industry in the same way the academic community was disrupted." In this regard it has coa:t the cities of Berkeley and San Francisco wen over $1 million to cope with the 11t.udent demonstratlon1 within the past year. '1'bose who Sttk to damage our facilities in an effort to destroy the government ,COUid be members or the New Lert but not. llmitfd to this political position. The New Len Is a IOOM! coalition oC polnlcal and IOdal malcontents. It ha.s 11s a common denom inator: The im· mediate plan , lo chanee our form <1f aovernment through revolution. The New Left is generally Communist oriented. Evolviq ~ ~ps iUcb as the street ' people and Berkeley commune are the organizations like the Students for a Democratic Society (SOS). It is com- prised of many insurgent members who seek to change our government by destroying it. The SOS is broad enough to altracl all Mar:tist-Lennist groups. lts members have visited Moscow, Havana, Hanoi, and Peking by invitation. The SOS openly ad· Commun ist Party -U.S.A. ~ This organization is not considered radical enough for the insurgenls in the earlier mentioned groups. However , they "wait in the wings" lo quietly influence them. to.1ost or their precepts are traceable to the Communist Manifesto written by Kar l Marx in 1848. Those organizations jusl touched upon are issue oriented. In the absence of cen- --------------....._tral control, the dissidents and militants Bombings sudden ly have be come an alL·too·fan1iliar fear to An1erica11s - including Orange Countians. lrl vul· nerability, 1vater supplies and trans· m issian systems are near the head of the list -ond the item of sabotage occupied the a1tention of tile A·meri· ca11 l1'ater \Vorks Ass11. at its confer· ence in San F'ra11cisco Teccntly. Thi.~ is take11 from a 1i address de live red at that co11ference . vocates violence. One of its precepts was voiced by Tom Hayden after the creation of th is group at A1ichigan University in 1962._ "The American society must be destroyed by consistent disrupti on and an armed struggle when the time is ripe. Our common bond is a passionate desire to destroy. annihilate. and tear down." ' ., THERE ARE other groups \Vho make up part of thi s loose fabric of dissidents. Some groups that comprise the New Len include : The Progressive Labor Party The Third World movement is an ex- tension of the Progressive Labor Party. 1l also openly advocates violence. Radical Students Union cRsU) -A recruitment pool for the Black Panthers. Black Panther Party -This Is a major extremist group witb ~lginal head· quarten: in Oakland, California. lt s perhaps 60,000 members nationally. The Black Panther Party Is an armed body bent on c1rrying out the political tasks or the re:voluUon. 1ts members have a penchant for violence and assassination. The Party has a super·hatred for law and ordei-. The Black Panlher Party is pro CUba and pro China. The Young Socialist Alliance lYSA) - Thi! g r o u p disavows violenet yC!t particip11tts In It. They. like the previous· Jy mentioned groups, are consi<lered p11rt .r °'¥'"' 1.en. "do their own thin g.·· That is to say ag- gressive overt acts against society are to be accomplished \\'ilhin the capacity and originality or the individual involved. A recently enlarged upon issue which is, and will be. used by the New Left is the problem of ecology. ALL OF US want a better environment in which to live. Many agencies and com- panies within the Establishment u'ill be accused of \\Tongfully and intentionally polluting the air. polluting the water. as well as marring our landscapes through construction or roads, dams. buildings, etc. Scarring the landscape will un- doubtedly continue. And total abatement of pollution may nol be attained. But this abatement is not the goal of the activists. They merely use thi s popular issue tD gain support in their attempts to harass officials and attack Ol.D" government.al leaders. evention or civil riots has been an ar a of research for some lime. Here are a w of the suggestions being made to co bat those involved in riots: An audio signal of 12 to 14 cycles per se d. This super sonic disturbance gad el can produce a great emotional ef- fect. Those subjected to its SOU.nds have deep feelings of depression and "change their minds.·• ull horn carried by, helicopter t:a ll ei er drown out or break iip the chanting at of dissidents. -Tranquilizer dart~ -Bubble machine which is capable In 60 seconds of filling a room of S,000 cubic feet capacity with foam. -An Ingredient that will create an ex· trtmcly slippery surface causing rioters to fall down. -Sound deleter. All sound Is blocked out-of lln area . Rioters l03e their sense of direction. They feel .isolated and .c1n become panic·~t•icken. They Imagine they have difficulty breathing. -Gas mist with An Irritant. Eyelids become sealed for awhile, followtd by a nood of tears. ' Happy Halloween. boys and girls, and welcome to another day of fun and learning wltl:l U'ncle Len al)d his friends' Carol aod Aody. Today is the magical day and tonight is the night of spooks and goblins. Uncle Len is veo-happy to tell you that he received an all-time record nurhber of entries in his con· tests for Halloween running nver two weeks, I gal more than al!J entr~s total. Remember all we have read about Ha11oween safety and ~esy and go out to haunt ~he streets of the Orange Coast. But be careful ·and don't eat too much. Uncle Len will again print some of the better poems he ' • • ·' 'I • >J ~·~ ...... i <I "' .. received in addition to the r--------------------------------, poe1ty winner. Befort we get too rar today. Uncle Len and the gang would like to congra~ulate Brian Hein or Costa Mesa for his winning entry in the Ask * PRIZE WINNER * Kathy Matics, 10, 936 Coronado Dr., Costa l\Icsa Andy column. His question ap. Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len 's Art Contest. Here's all you pears in today's install ment. do: (I) Draw picture on piece of pl ain. \vhite paper 51~ inches 1Vide and Andy awarded him a World 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace Book Encyclopedia set for his picture. ll must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and arldress erfort. on back of drawing. ?\1ail it lo Uncle Len's Art Contest. Box 1560, DA1LY As many ol you know. your PILOT, Costa Mesa. WiMer will receive Kennedy haJr dollar. nioms and dads will soon be'---------------------------------' pti:rforming perhaps t h e greatest freedom America 's ha,ve in this nation -the rigllt to votr: for representatives in government. Tuesday is election day and althoug11 most or you are too young to vote for men in of. fice, I am sure you realize the importance of this duty. We are a nation of free men. It "'as laid down for us in the Declaralion of Independen ce and the Constitution. 'J'hese same documents allow us lo rree!y elect the men who will guide the country in its ways oC living In the world. If Americans find they do· not like a certain person in the government, they have the liberty to put up anolhcr can- didate and hold elections. We all know this is not so in many nations. There are coun- tries where power of arms is the thing holding people in of- fice or knocking them ou t v.•ith terrible bloodshed . There arc even countries where people can "vote" but have only one candidate to vote for. \\1e are fortunate. indeed, lQ be able to choose from many men and to vote in a peaceful country for the man if our choice. art contest go to the following: Andy ~1orrison, a•..,, Hun· t1ngton Beach: Heidi van 'I J{ict. 10, Cost.a f\1csa: Tomn1y llendcrson. 9. Cos1a t.lesa: Sarah \\rins ton , JO, Big Bc;ir Lake; Bruce \Vhitc. I I , Newport Beach: Chr i s Casados. 5. Huntington Beach: f)anny Cea. 8, Costa ~1 ?sa : '.\·Ionic.-. Cea, 7, Costa J\1l'sa: Diane Prell. 11. Costa 1\·Jcs:1: Dudley Prall . 10. Cost a 111csa ; 'Todd Dickson. ~lission Viejo : Chris Green. 6. ~lission \1ieio : Gwendolyn Hare , 9. t.1issio11 Viejo: Chris Hare. 7. Laguna Beach : Andrea Bal1zcr. 9. Corona dcl t.'lar: Katherine Hend erson. 7, Costa l\1 '!53: .1cri Lee J ines, 1 1 1 ~. Newport Se11d ya11r 'l••tl•u te Alk Altd.,, c/• Orellfll c-r hll., Piiot, ... 1560, Curo Mesa, CeJif. It has not alv.·ays been lr\lf' that all American s ca n vote. ll is not even comple te ly tru e to-- day. At one tim e all black people were not allowed to vote. It was only 50 yea rs ago or so that women were given the vote. At one lime, you could only vote if you ownt'd property in the country . \\le have since gran!ed the rigl:il Jo vole to all Americans 'above the age of 21. Even that wil l change soon. There may be :l new Jaw giving ·lhe right . to vole to 18-year~lds. ' Beach. · Here are two honorable mentions in poetry : Andy Hflds 1 ccrmplf!f '10-¥olurne ''' of !he Wlttlcl IMlll l;11Cy~loo>Hl1 le &ti'" Hein. 111e 1Z. ol cos11 Meu, Cell· tornle, lor his <11Wlllon: Whal causes iuch ·weatbr:r conditions? different The ·weather seems to insis t on surprising us wit h a change or events almost every day. Naturally we kno w that it does not have a mind of its own. Its behavior is governed b y natural forces. These factors are so complex that it is not easy to figur e what causes each event. However, you can be sure that there are definite causes behind every change in temperature. every shower and snowfall, every breeze and y,·indy storm. The most logical y,·ay lo view the changeable y,·ealher is on a 'fl:\obal scale. Its do- main is th e troposphere. th e Jo"·est layer or the atmosphere that reaches from ground level to from live to II miles above the earth. It is, or course, a mixture or gases and gases must obey their own peculiar set of rules. Their behavior is governed b y outside factors, i n c I u d i n g temperatu re. moisture and gravity. These are the main factors that set the airy gases in motion and govern their changeable behavior. '-" Rising temperatures cause air to spread out and rise, cooling itself as it expands. Cold air tends to become denser and heavier. Warm ai r can hold more evaporated water vapor and as it cools it must shed its surplus moisture as rain, dew or snow. A mass of warm air is.a light pocke t ~nd cool, denser air tends to blow in to balance its weight. The global troposphere is a changing patchwork or dif· ferent air masses -damp a'nd dry, warm and cool. The la"'s that govern the behavior of ·gases cause weathery warfare between difrerent air masses. • Each conflict strives to ad· ·just the weight. te mperature and moisture in a local region. Meantime. the alternating seasons conspire wllP the earth's shape, rotatio~ and geography to keep ch"'anging the global patchwork. The topics get mort solar heat lhan the poles. Cold heavy air .masses above the p o I a r rr:glons ala.rt blowing toward lhe light, rising air above the 'equator. But the rotatlng e3rt h defltcts their paths tnto six _prevailing wind belts around th4! globr. Gtography stirs Its finders Into this b11sic pattern. Ocean winds gather mo l s tur ~. especially \\'hen blowing over tropical seas .. When winds meet mountain barriers, they must shed their moisture as they climb. On the other side, they are drier and the swoop down the slope makes them warmer. All these raclorshelp to change the quality or local air masses. And ·when \\\'O op- posing ai r masses meet, the con0jct causes a weather event. Changing w e a t h e r merely obeys the changing factors that keep the global troposphere in a constant state of turmoil. We must stri ve W see thaL all people are given the free chance to become voters, no matter what their color or er~. \Ve must help thcn1 perform one of their Jircates! freedoms. \Ve will onl y have a truly free nation "'hen all peo· pie have the free chance to ~o into the polling places and cast a ballot. So, boys and girls, rlection day will be the topic thi.!> week. Encourage our folks to go out and cast their votes. II is their duty. Honorable mention s in the HALW\\'EEN NIGHT Dy Diane Pratt T~t 1011. b!t tk velvet ol nigh! TM !Willing trfl' leering In I~ nl9hl Rk '•1Y ff<!<,., old lln cons Bl~t~ cot 0''"' et>d 14<'.~'o'!en~ Eerie wlt>d• l>Owlln~. c1!long 10 vo>ul 81~:1< ~v~ <lan<lng IO I tun,. Whtn s~e•~IO"'I •~Ill• llot>lr cn11nt In !-O;M Yw '"°"' ii It H1llowttn nlgnl. A 1.IT'TLE GHOST By Tommy Henderson "l~t't ..... 11111! <jh0$t w"" likMI !o !ot1• An<'I lo run 11ot>g r~e cc••I AJ10 ~e !111t'<I ro t.e hirn1e11 On I Pott!, Bu1 tit•! o! 111, t<t ll~cd lo •t•'t ~nildrt" On t<•lloWtefl nl~M. Wit~ ~I~ !•lt~d owl W~o<e n1rne w•• "oW•I! 800'11 A mass or dense air tends to spread out and cause a wide spiral or calm, sunny \\'Cather. A pocket or warm light air /) /J, tends to pull spiraling v.'inds .----La1•0{ j towards its center. T hi s Col'n.el' ---. creates a d rc1c or ''"my RIDDLES and JOKES \veather. sometimes w i I d enough lo be called a hur· ricane. Light and heavy air pockets tend to alternate and sweep around the globe by the prevailing winds. This is "'hy the y,·esterlies usually bring us a nation wide change i n weat her every few days. Smaller local changes are ca used by such fac tors as mountains and switching sea breezes. Aotdy sonds I World •-Cilth to l(evln MAC~, 1ee 9, of Cl1v111nd, Ohio, tor hi• •111s•lo~; How long Is a moon da y? * PRIZE WINNER Question: Questio n: \Vhy did the boy ghost "''his- t le at the p;irl ·~hos t? ·1n1~1~oocf SeM ays •sne:i~g :JaMSU'fl .l~Gre1 lelhtr. f, )11 Jtt"'l~t A.-.,, C1ron.1 dtl ,.,,.,. OTHER RIDDLES " What do ,i::hosts che \v? ·wn6 ep~~~oog Question : \·Vhat do you call the land where a 1nonster lives? •J;JOJ·JOJJ8f 'fl :JaMSU\f Ancltt• l •flrtr. Cer.n1 hf Ma~ There Is one day and one night in each calendar day. On earth this is 24 hours. It matches the time it takes our dizzy globe to spin once around like a top. We call this '------------------------' spinning the earth 's rotation . The moon also rotates like a spinning top, But it does not spin nearly as fast as our dizzy globe. The earth makes about 28 spin-a rounds "'hile the moon ls making only one. So a day and night on the moon lasts as long as 28 calen· dar days on !he earth. Each lunar day is about two earlhweeks long. Then comes a lunar nig ht that also is about two earth-weeks Jong. The earth and the moon are both round globel -and way out there in space is the big, beaming sun. As the earth and the moon rotatr:, they spin around and race the sun with first one side then the other side. The side facing the N.n is bathed in dayUght. The op- posite side faces away rrom the sun toward the shadows of night. Jn 24 hours, day and night follow each oth(!r around the spinning earth. In four earth-wt(!kJ, day and night follow each other around the rotating moon. I THE LONELY PUMPKIN Thre \Vas a lonel y pumpkin on a fe nce. But no one wou ld buy him for just 29 ce nts:, If you ever saw him you "'Ould see. I He wa s a lonely pumpkin as lonely as can be. ~l e \va sn't too lon g. and he '':asn't very ral, So nobod y would bu y a pum pk in llkc I.hat . Then one day a farmer drove up in his truck, 'And he smiled at the purnpkin \\•ithou t saying •· Uck ! " • lfe sa id to his o\v ner I'll take the one on the fen ce. And for him I'll give you 98 cents! Now that pumpki n is happy a nd his candle's burn in~ bright, And he's sitting in th e window on this llaUowecn night O.lle P'!'fM~ {"' .... _, .. 'lff>' CIM DAILY 'ILOTI ·- Nea1·ly Everyone Listens to Landers .. 1 • YOUR .NEWS __ Q_UIZ . PART I· NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL Give yourself 10 poi_nts Ior eacl1 corre_ct a.n!>We r,. 1 The P resident campaigned Jn ••• 1 .•• where \VJIUam Brock j si Lrying to unseat incumbent Dt:moc ratlc Senalor William Go re. a-N ew Jersey b-Teilfles see c-Ken~)'. 2 The CL>\ releised·a report "'"hich. claims tha.t lhe South Vietname se government has been In- filt rated by son1e 30,000 Cornmuoi st agents. T.rue or Fal se? 3 Tbe Soviet Union launched an unmaMed space- c rafL ••• ? ••• which was 6cheduled to circle s~t11rda1, Octobtr 3i, 1970 DAIL V Pilaf 7 The Challenge ---c-,,~-Ht ••'t 1 (hanc1 li:ir 1v•r¥on1 in th~1fl\ll't ot4 1n•u9h to reed to-t.Y'l'..,it o• h,,. own "n••• ftw newr.'"1.t'' fflic "'•••Iv New, O vir ln tht p1l"•~Y of >tovr own ho111• (>tou don't .... n h, ... ·lo 11! tl\1 red of lh1 fe,.,ily •n<1w how you "''do out) ind 110 how fl\U(h yov •now •bout wh1!'t 9oin9 on iit th1 world lod•Y· Don't Clleat AMWtn Appew I Upsltle Dowo ) lolow 9'111 ' Match word clues with th eir correspond- ing pictures or symbols. 10 points fo r each correct ans wer. A FLO ] ..... C11nadi1n Prime )Jin- ister Pierre .Ell iolt Trude1u. 2 •.••• tiym bol o( the United Na.t i on s Chlldren'.s }'und the n1oo n. a-Zontl 8 B -·-·· ···-_. ..... b-Luna 16 c~Surveyor 6 4 Fighting broke. out bet.,,,·een J ordanl an troops and • , . ? ••• last week. a-l'a1csti11ian comma ndos I.>-student radicals 1..··Cornmunisl 1,'\lc r illas S 1'be J ordanian gove r1unent last v.•eek ordered the removal of ••• "l ., , i;oldiers v.·bo bad Qtert stationed in that nat1011 since 1967. a-Egyptian b-Lt:banese c-lraql PART II. WORDS IN THE NEWS Take 4 points for e ach word that you can n1atch with its correct meani ng, • • l .... ,st:ilu!i a-deadl ock 2 ... ,. inaugur:itc b-m<•ke better, improve 3 ..... in1passc c-condi tlon, st:ite 4 ..... strike d...install In of!ice 5 ..... rerorm c-stop V.'Otk In protest PART Ill· NAMES IN THE NEWS Take 6 points Jor na mes that you can correct ly match with. the clues, 1 .... ,llugh Scott a-Prf'sldcnt, Unit ed Arllb Re publlc h-l'r e:;\denl, Bolivia c-1'r1n1c i\linlster, .Fiji .t ..... Ju.in Ju~c Torres d-1\>l :iyor, Ney,· York City .. 5 ..... Sir t\ :1n1lsc:;c /'.I a r:i ~-$(" nulc ~linor ity Lead- " c ~~'? -~. ,t_ , I(;' .. DQ Jf E RAMADAN 3 ..... Supreme Court v.• 11 1 rule on 1968 law con.- trolling lhc8e produots }'tench-Canadian liCp- 11ratlst grpup 5 ..... President camp aigned for GOP candidates 6 ..... A cl&6& o( • .\merican military plane 7 ..... Soviet }'oreign Minis- ter And rei Cromyko 8 .... ~ ..\ hol y pe riod for a.1u11- llms 9 .•••• Some .co.ti tonii;hl "Beggar't Night" 10 ..... 'W'orld Bank President llobert ?.1 c~a.mara. G H U·2 .. /-' ~ HOW DO YOU RATl? ( Sc0t0 E.th Si4• of Qui& S.pe,1t1ly) 91 hi 100 point1 -TOI" SCOlE: 71 to a:I po inft -Good, 61 to 70 poinl! -F1ir. 60 or Undor 7? 7 -H'INll! 81 hi 90 poin" • b:(•llent. FAMILY DISCUSSION QUESTION Shoul d campaign spe ndillG fo r radio and TV by ca ndidates be limited? THIS WEEK'S OiAl.lfNGf! ., """ Name the Prime Minister of lnd111 . ---------------------~---- !~P"'$ 'J!P"I '"W :3$N311VH:> 0·01 =:»6 :,., !r.·t :H·• :1·s :v-.-:1·r :-;»l :r·1 =z1no 1oaw.1.s .,.S !fl·t !p·E :t ·l !•·J :tll l~'W'4 fl·S,l•-t :•·( :p·l !)·I :111~f'r 1 .,.S :1-t !•·( :enJ1·l :ci-1 ;I LVVlll Halloween's Long History Magical Nig ht Finds So rn e Origins • in Distant Past Hy I.EE 1.11'/l)i-.:R An11clar1111 P•H' 11.'tlttr STATE COLLEG E. P 3, ~AP J Centur ies a g o l\allo\\'ecn fun tould give you a burned nost:. And did you knoy,• tbc .Jack· n-lan!r.rn nrigi11;1tcd in a gifL froin the devil'! (Ir lh11 t 1nasqucrading da1cc; t'l 2.000 B.C. ;.ind the Babyl~ nians? So says a Pennsylvania State Univcrsily aslronon1y professor \\ho collaborated \\'Jlh his wife in a two-year sludy called , "'J'housands of Years of Halloween." Costumed kids bob for ap- ples toda y. but in the 1700s the favorite ga me or the Irish "'as '·Snap Apple.'' They also ori ginated a lot of !he other pranks and legends of the holi· day. Snap App le involved a stick v.•hich was suspended from its middle by a st ring.·· say Louis and Carol \\'inkier. "On one end of the stick was an apple, on the other { ilgbtcd candle. You lricd to bi\e'-the apple y,·hen the stick we~ spun. After a good many noses were sing- ed. ducking ror apples beca me more popular -and safer." The Jack-a-lantern tale In· volves Irish gent named Jack -who else? 1'Jack was not In good stan· ding with !he Lord because of his overindulgence in drink an d his mean and tricky v.·ays." the \Vinklers say the ir r(!search uncovered. "Jack also lost the devil 's good graces by tricking him .. . and when Jack died he found no welcome in hell or heaven. "However, the devil did throw Jack a lighted coal to put into a carved-0ut turnip. And thus the Jack-o-lantf!rn "'as conceived. to help Jack tlnd his way as he wandered aboul." The traditiona l pump k I n dldn't become popular, the \Vinklcrs sny, until the Irish c11mc to the United States. "1lle origins o f mas· querading are al~ ve ry an- cient," the Winkle:r1 r(!port. ''The BobyJoni ans •r~ known to have dressed up during their New Year etl~brat~ ' . ~~ • " • Ul'I T ........ MONICA VO, 6, IS GETTING ALL READY FOR HALLOWEEN NIGHT Ch icago Tot has Made Htr Choice From Selection of Huge Pumpkln1 nnd lhe Trish and Scotch pick· ed up the custpm. ··0n Halloween, called the night or mischief or night of confusion, country lads in ornate dress would approach va rious people they chanced 00 meet. or they would go lo specific farmhouses. 'J' h e y bltw horns, and idly th reaten· ed retaliation If oot rew11 rded fairies were mischievous. The colors of Halloween. too, have a meaning that goes back to prehistoric times -10 the Stone Age men "'ho related colors to d e a t h , agriculture and Immortality. "Orange and ye llow fel at~ to autumn leaves and the fall harvest or corn , grain, squash and pumpkin," the Winkers claim. "The other color, black, Is generally associated with the witch on he r broo mstick and her co1npanlon cat. Bltick symbolizes night, death, and the devil with some favor$." G • • 17th Ed 't • Aha -trick or treat. uiness in f, f,OJI Masquerading also · has ·a. religious origin. tracing to medieval church celebrations of All Hallows o( All Saints Day. "Churches would display rolics of their patron saint in an annual parade," t h e Winklcrs say. "Poorer and newer churches would com· pensatc for lack of relics by having people dres1 ' up to represent thei r saJnt. As this custom became more festive, cthtr mem~rs ,of the raith · dressed as angels or devils." Prank playing is also linked lo the Trish and Scotch because or their belief that LONDON CAP ) -A book and Swedish. Iha! seeks to settle arguments fl was conceived in 1956 by has come ,out In Its 17th edi· co1npany offiClal! who rr:aliU:d Uon. For one thing, the Guin-that anybody, after a couple ot ncs.s Book of Records has beers, is like ly to gtt into al\ decided that the Amazon ls argument. Lord l v ea g h longer than the Nile,. now that thought there ought to be navigable waters arc being somo kind of a book to teUJe mca1sured properly. the claims. Tht Earl of Jv(!agh, who Is "Let's tom heat into li&hl ,'' chairman or the Gu inness his lordship commented. brewing ·interests. said t~e The nc1v e·dltlqn :i:ays: book now has bce.n produced r..1andatin Chinese is the In !lvr: mill ion toples w11h language spoken by !ht ll\0$\ 1r11nslalion1 Into C z e c h , people, 580 mJl\lon. Danish, Dutch, li'renc h, fin· The v;orsi 1ongue~twister In nlsh, German, I t a 11 a n , English is offered : The sixth Japanese, Norweriian, Spanish sick .sheik'• sixth sheep's sick. > - - I DAIL V PlLDT Sat11rda~, Ottol.\tr 31, 19?0 ,...o!-Be Estate Questions ind Comment By R11llor R1nd1R McC.rdle I mis pl aced my separation p•p•rs. Any suggestions? was in the Na vy and btlltvt I 1m eligible for a VA loan. But need my s!'paratlon papers and can't find them. Hel p! B. K. -Huntington Beach \'ou need Depart1nent or Defense Form 214. If you lost your 0 0214. yo u can obtain another by completing form 001108. I have a su pply of these forms and would ·be glad to send you one. just drop me a card. This form applies to veterans of all branches or the service, ex- ,cept the ?\'Iarines. LARGE KITCHEN, FAMILY ROOM IN LAKE FOREST'S HOLIDAY HOUSE Can we deduct a loss on the sale of our home? We recently purchased and completely remodeled our home here .. , .now we're being transfered again. Sol Vista Guarantees Home Trade • Holiday Popula1· We spent • lot of money on the home, as we were planning on living in it forever. We are told that we put more in it than we'll get out. Model at Country Scene If we •re going to take a loss, it sure'd be nice to / -be able to deduct it from our income tax. Can it be :done? How'? ~. S. -Newport Beach A taxpayer may deduct a loss on the sale of a resi· ·dence if the property is first con verted to income pro- ;ducin~ property. ; The rule permitting a deduction for a loss incurred ·en the sale of residential prope rty requires the taxpay- er to convert the property to income producini;:' prop- erty before the sale. If the property is sold at a gain. the gain is t.Jxable regardless of v.•hether or not the property is considered as income producing. In cases where the taxpayer moved cut and offered to rent -but did not actually rent the property -the lRS disallowed the deduction of any Joss ; indicating it was not income property. . Taxpayers may avoid similar adverse results only j f, prior to the sale cf their residence. it is actually rented to an unrelated party. thereby converting it to income producing property. The mere offer of the prop- -erty for rental is not considered adequate. This proce- dure will enable a ta xpayer to deduct any such loss in· c urred on the sale of property. Prospective home buyers who have balanced their dreams of stepping up lo a luxury home against the hard realities of trying to sell their preS('nt homes arc looking closely at Sol Vista Homes' guaranteed trade programs. The plan is currentl y avail· able at two Orange Coast lo- cations -Founta in Valley and Sa n Jur.n Capistrano, states Al Solomon, Sol Vista·s president. Under this program the fam- ily that owns the home now may trade it and move in im· mediately at their new Sol Vista home. Through an arrangement with Walker & Lee. Inc ., the trade-in home goes onto the n1arket. The rea l estate firm •·sales figures for lhe first three-quhrters of lhe year in· dicate that the two-story Holi· day House is one of our most popular models." r e port s Norman Stern. sales manager for the Country Scene. and 111. J. Brock and Sons. Inc ., development In Lake Forest. "The popularity or lh is plan can be attributed to iL<i: spacious livability and ~·ell pla nned room arrangement," said Stern. '1With the formal dining room, cozy living room featuring a custom·flreplace, and king-sized family room. the house offers plenty of space for fall and winter in· door activities." The four·bedroOm Holiday House is available '\\-'ith an al · tached garage or delached garage at the side, creating a breezt!way bet ween garage and }louse. Price of the home with at· ta ched arage is $29,950. FHA and VA financing a r e available. The Country Scene orrers a total of ten models, with two to four bedrooms. Features of the homes include custom· designed fireplaces. ca rpeting, d i s h w a sher, double-0ve n, front-yard .s pr i n k I er s, landscaping, plus rear-yard fencing. The Country Scene may be reached by taking the Santa Ana or San Diego Freeways to the El Toro Road offramp, going north on El Toro to Muirlands Boulevard. then west on !\.1~irlands past Ridge Route Drive to the models. S~e yo ur accountant for details before you act. Etlitor·s Note: Randall R. McCardle is tl'te prrside11 l ioj tl1e Real Estatr.rs. an investmtnt analyst, college lt'cturrr, a11d author of "Real Estate in Calij ornio." Send JIOUT cont· ·111 enls and q11eslions lo Rllr.da/I R. McCardle, c/o the DAJLY •PJLOT, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Afesa, 92626. agrees to either sell the hon1e or purchase the home !hem· ~elves if it remains unsold at the end of 120 days. The pur· chase price is set al the ap- praised value Jess normal sell. ing price. Home Buyers Choose Ow11 Finance Plan Proposition 10 Wins Support of Realtors The guaranteed trade is only ooe of several methods being Kaufman and Broad has es· used by Sol Vlsta to aUract tabJished a new variable inter· homebuyers. Others· are a low est program (VIP) which will 6 .9~ inttrest ratt and down permit its homebuyers to payments ef only $1, .states choose the financing terms Solomon. which are most fa vorable for Also attractive are the It>-his needs. cations of the residential sites The VIP method orfers great The board or directors and penny. nor wit! it result in ad· -scenic areas, close proximity flexibility for the buyer who the legislative committee or dltional interest costs to the to shopping centers a n d may choose among several fin· the Newport Harbor-Costa homeowner , but instead will schools. and adequate employ· anclng packages, some with in- Mesa Board or RealtOrs has relieve property tax pressure ment and recreational centers. terest as low as 6o/4 percent. voted unanimously to support by gP.nerating new sources of Sol Vista /Pountain Valley iff James A. Hintz. general, the passage of Proposition JO. revenue as well as bringing on ~1agnolia Avenue. north or .manager or Kaufman and one of 20 state propositions on more housing, more jobs and the San Diego Freeway and Broad's Los Ange les Division. nex t Tuesday's ballot, ac· resumption of our State ·s prn· south of the Gc::rden Grove reports that VIP is available cording to Charles F . sperity through revived con· Freeway. Sol Vista /San Juan at the company 's communily of Colesworlhy, president of the struction of badly needed Capislrano is off Ori Obispo Seawind in Huntington Beach. between the famed mission and ··M ta ·1· who ··1·sh to 1,000-member organization. homes and other projects. any m11es .. Dana Point Marina. buy a 11ew home are hesitant Their re a s !I n in g , "NOW, THEREFORE, BE at this time since we arc hear. Colesworthy stated. is ex· IT RESOLVED that the ing much rhetoric during these pressed in the follow i ng Legislative Committee and the Pou)son Ne\\. political months about a drop resolution : Board of Directors of the in mGrtgage rates." Hintz not· ''WHEREAS. in rec e n t Newport Harbor-Costa l\1esa d es ... We at Kaufman and Broad years inflation and tight Board of Realtors endorses Coldwell Hea kno'v from experience that anv lo"'er costs have been disap- pointed. Any dip in one area has been more than balanced by an increase in another area. "However, with our variable int:?rest program we can offer a buyer the mos t flexible fin- ancing available today, with in- terest varying from g;;i perce nt to 7~4 percent to 81h percent, depending on each indiv idual family's needs and budget," Hintz indicates. •'With our VIP plan. we think it is to a buye r's advantage to buy today at 1970 hom e prices than to wait for a mortgage rale drop. which today is only speculation . and pay 1971 home pricts, "'hich we can predict will be more tha n currenl pric· es.·• Hintz concludes. J\1esa Student Na111ecl to Post money, co mpounded by and strongly urges a "YES '' drop in mortgage ra tes would California's archaic laws, have vote on Proposition lO on C. Wesley Poulson. 40, has be quickly made up by rising Sheri Jones, aaughter of ~lr. forced the investmen t sources the ballot at the general eJec. been elected preiiden t and buildin~ costs. and "°1rs. Windell Jones. 1877 in the East to divert their tion on Nov. 3, 1970. and orders chief operating officer of "In the past three years. ~·e Swan Circle. Cosla Mesa, has funds to 45 other states having that this endorsement be com. Cold1vell. Banker and Com-have learned that buyers who been elected sophomore class more modern interest rate municated to our f u 11 pany. Realtors. by the firm ·s defer a new home purcha.w: in senator at Pepperdine College. 11 m it a ti 0 n laws than membership." • board or directors. an t;cipation of tower ratrs or Los Angeles. Ctlilomia, with the result that~[j0i0ii0i.,.-.;,.,..,..,. ........ .iii;i;;;;i;;;;;iii;;;;iii;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,..,.;;;;;;i;;ii;;;i;;i;;i,,;i;;ii.i:.;ii.;;i;;;;i;i;iii;;;;;;;;.,.;ii;;i;;i;;;;iii;ii;,.,.;;;;;;;;;;;;"'";;;;;;ii0i C<ilifornia's development has been seriously slowed down; and '·WHEREAS. this loss of available capital to California has severely retarded con- sll11clion. caused h i g h e r unemployment, and gentrally impaired economic conditions: and ''WHEREAS, !he lime has come to modernize our out-Of· date inte rest limitation laws 50 that California can again attract the vast funds required from Eastern centers for the economic well-being of our ~pie ; and ··WHEREAS, th is reform will not ralse taxes a singl e Walker, Lee 1'o Handle Villa Sales The John B. Clark Company of Newport Beach has re· tained Walker and Lee, Inc. to handle sales for Villa f.100· terey in Fount.Jin Valley. The 11.5 million-project bas 45 homes with prtees begin· ning at $35,350. The single· story. thrtt-and four-bedroom homes are avallable with VA· )~HA or conventional terms. Ne · EIPENINEi EnioY Villa Park luxury living for only $36,950. ~ ~ Al la Veta Villas, yovr new home will adjoin one of Orange County's most prestigious communities. Right oaoss the street from elegant Villa Park in ~Orange, lies quiet, enchanting lo Vela Villas. la Veta Villas, built by Smyth Bros., start at $36,950 with on~ and two.story models and up to 5 .'i!. bedrooms. These beautiful new homes hove solid oak cobinets, a self-cleoning oven, cathedral beam coi lings, large 8,000 sq. fi. lols, nylon shag airpeting, decorator ffreploces, and many other outstanding desig.ii features. Toke the Newport Freeway to the Kotella Ave. exit, and turn east to Lemon St . Tvrn left to To~ Ave. ond fhen east again to Sycamore ond lo Veta Villas. ~ . - • . I~ . ·~ ' ~ " . . I ' ' ~· • ,,. ·O· . . . • . Located near ttie comer of I ftarne.r Avenue a n d Brookhursl Strer:l, the com· 1 munity ls adjacent lo Mll•·i VI' b s Square Perk and lls 18-hole · championship golf course. VII.la Montere.y r (I a tu re SI Spanish styling, red Ule roofs, gardens, patios ind 1triutn5 . ._ ______________________ ...;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;..;;;;;;;;;; __ _, ~ •' .Fina1icer Cautions Neilher California or the na· national economy to do it,'' totals from April , 19 6 9 • lion will see the Jong-awaited !\1organ cautions. Today's con· through b11rch or this year, he housing boom happen next tinued economic sloY.'down has noted , reached nearly $142 year, u n I es s single-family both hurt and helped the hous. million, compared "'ilh $97 mortgage rates drop below ing market , he says. n1i llion financed over the same eight percent, says Robert E. "The decline in consumer period the year before . In the d. h h I d boo t th four-month period of April to Morgan, senior vice president spen mg as e pe s e II I Jlquldlty of many savings in· July of this year. a oans of the Colwell Company, stltutlons, which means more originated or otherw ise ac- mortgage bankers. money for m 0 rt gage 5 • quired on behalf of the firm's "Eight percent has become However, when people aren't 163 institutional i nve s tor s · --• t b totaled 190 million. This, he something of a psychologically in a mvvu o uy consumer -•-th · J r ti points out, <0mpares with a mag ic number in lhe housing g~. ey re a so requen Y market. Until the rate dips not In a mood to buy hou.sing.'' $51 million total for the same below that, many people simp-Despite the pro Ion g rd four month period in 1969. Jy aren 't going to ftel ve ry op· \\'eakness, however, in lhe[iiiiii,..;w;;ii;iiiiiiOiiiiiiiiOiiijijj~ timistic about home buying ." ~state's mon ey supply over the 1.ooo·s Of OIL PAINTINGS he says. lasl two yea rs, the California WHOLISALI WAIEHOUSI ) I Mortage rates c 0 u 1 d real estate market ha s OPIN TO THE PUILIC L reasonably drop below current performed belter than most $5 and up ~ levels next year and beyond, fore~asters had ear I i e r 161t 1. •<»NG••· 1.t.tiTA """ ''but it would take a substan· predicted, says h-1organ. f'HONE PM'f• I DllALEll' WANTID tial return to stability in the Colwell's single family oan IN SMOG-FREE FOUNTAIN VALLEY FABULOUS MIU SQUARE PARK MOVES YOU IN. NO OTHER COSTS: FHA: JUST· CLOSING COSTS. MOST HOME FOR THE MONEY. The heal dollar value in the entire beach area, La Linda Homes are : -completely family-ready and ; include carpeting, draperies lhru· '·· I out, front lawns with a tree and · sprinklers, rear and aide yard , ' fencing and concrete drives. The : 1bove extras practlcally eliminate your alter move-in costs. La Linda ' Homes are available for immediete occupancy. SOME HOMES f'ROM$31,950 VA·FHA and Conventional Terms •SAtts PfllCE $31,95().; JS( t«l. f'MTS. Of $246.65 (J' & n, AT NI A.PJ. OF 8~%. Litt Hjaoenl to fl1bukM Ml[ SIUAI[ r• in btteh.clost foun\1in Y1lley. An 11 hole IOll tOllfS* ;, now open. All historic 'fitlige, children's 100, J ·atrt IHe, hit.Inc tr1il,, lol lots ind picnic trtls are undtr construction. See it 111 lllppenlnc r\chl now .tltn you 'i1it the 4 betuUluttr furn llhed I.a l llU JnOdel homts on Wclld Slf1111t juSt Mllltl of' Wltl'ltr Mnut. ll'l'lllllWI triow ~'*"twill illtftlSt kl ••lue WflU JC11i1 JM ld.ilClnt to llllWM Mlle ...... ,.., {jj16 . . . . . (.) inda HOMES PARK SERIES IY lllCHAllD HALL I. ROBERT MAIN S1t11rd&J', Octtbtr l l , 1970 DAILY PILOT 9 \ . Halloween Happenin Systems Explained 1iin for Air Conditioning 'Vampiress' at Laguna Hills Missions ime to • A ••Jta11owe e n Hap- pening" marlqng the start or ·Leadership Homes year~nd ; inv:entory sale begins this week at the Missions. By DOROTHEA M. BROOKS NEW YORK (U Pll - You've made It through the worst of another long, hot summer but next yur -air with a faculty for translallng "Use ln&enuity in locatl11g a opened. return duets closed. his engineering know-bow lnto unit," he urged. Some ex-At night, supply dudl can be layman's language, be tells amples : shut off Jn living rooms and not of the perfect alN:on· Jn a typical small t'Nl>story the cool air concentrated In dltioning s y 1 t e m for the hoU5t with forced air heating bedrooms. Quests to the Laguna Hills community·wlll~receive'"l.-free pumpkin from Hore nda Van Flame, the counly's only female vampire, and have a chance to view the showcase of home sales being.offered. 'Ibe Mlssions ls lituated close to hagwla Beach and San Jua.o Capistrano, bringing a rural atmosphere to the new community, Two m a j o r parkways c o n n e c t the -Mbs1on.s--wltb-olherl'estde-ntial~ communities, nearby sho~ ping, recreation facilities and commuter routes. lUonins. Now, before winter Winds cool the memory. is the time to plan next year's air con- ditioning. And your plans need not ~ grandiose. ideally designed home, but or and ducts, a single 24,000 BTU In houses without ducting. the ingenious set-up such as unit, selling for less than $400. smaller units up.stairs and that he worked out for the ca n cool the whole house nice-down may do the Job. To cool first apartment of newlywed Jy. a typical three-bedroom se· young relat.lves. Place the conditioner In a cond floor with no hall, for in- Five fully decorated model homes of Leaders hip's spacious Citation series and five Today series models reveal the wide variety of floor plans. elevations and prica possible in the one and two story designs. Priced from ~6.995 the homes feature custom fireplaces, dooble view ovens, serving counters in patio kitchens, vinyl t i I e floors, raised entries, wall to w.all carpeting, m a s t e r . -bedroom suites with exclusive : "dressing areas, and life tile ; roofs. "Home buyers now have a • tremendous opportunity to in- :·vest In a Leadership Home with year end prices and new : low FIIA financing," noted Bud Meyer, Leaders hip Homes general sales manager. "\Ve're beginning to work on BEWITCHING Missions' Horend• homes planned (or 1'71, so we geared our sale at costs guaranteed to clear this year's models at a brisk pace ." Seabury Homes Boast ~ Convenient Location A convenient locaUon is one "Also within walking dis- of the most freq uently men. lance are numerous recrea- . tioned advantages of Seabury tlonal areas, including the Homes in Hll.Dllngton Beacp. world famous swimming and Six major shopping centers. surfing facilities of Hunttngton four new schools, Hunting;on Beach State Park," Foell add- Beach State Park, and recrea· ed. tion areas are all within a two. The detuze three. and four- mi!e radius of the new homes, bedroom homes include: spac- : which are located between ious living rooms with fireplae- : Beach Boulevard and Magnolia es, formal dining rooms, life- -Jn Huntlngton Beach. time ceramic tile throughout, • '·Two of lhc shopping cenlers cultured m a r b I e pullmans, : are withi,~ wal~ing distance of wall-to-wall carpeting. private ·. Seabury, said Ronald R. master suites and color-coor· : Foe~I: president of Standard-· dinated built-in appliances in· : Pacific Corp.,. and developer eluding dishwasher. • · ~f the commuruty. "All of them Underground utilities ; qual- 1nclude restauranlS, supermar-ity sh.like and shingle roofing; kets •. drug stores, and several rear yard fencing ; front yard specialty shops. A . seventh landscaping, complete w i t h large shopping cenl~r 1s ~d· sprinkJer system ana cconcrete uled to open soon, 1nclud1ng a driveways are al.9o included major department store." in the basic Jrices which start ; Another ~us for Seabury at $27,aG. ' • homeowners u the close prox· : imity to schools. A n~w /·unior : high school, high schoo , ele- : mentary school, and parochial ·; school are all within walking · distance of lhe development. 'Course Set In Memory By Realtors A two-day CQurse in memory techniques, sponsored by the Newport Harbor-COsta ~1esa Board of Realtors, will be held next Friday and Sa turda y at the Balboa Bay Club. Conducted by Arthur Borns- : tein, the nation's leading · memory expert, the course ·will cover memory systems : . remembering names a n d · faces ; memorizing isolated facts; bow lo remember n u m b e r s : concentrating. observing and classifying in· formation ; p ractic al ap- plication of memory techn i· ques. Registration '!Yill take place between 1 and I p.m. on Fri- day. First day's instruction will . be from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. and will include dinner. Saturday sesskm will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will include a Jancheon. . For enrollment information. : contact Glenn 1-fartin. board : i!2-ecuUve of~lcer, at ~1671. . • Big Trailer Park Slated In El Toro The Irvine Company has selected John A. DeFalco & Associates, Inc. of Anaheim to design a 270-space, adult only luxury mobile borne park in El Toro. 'Ille estimated cost of the project is $1.4 million, with $140,000 of this budgeted for a 6.500 square root clubhouse and surrounding recreational area, and 75,000 set aside for landscaping. AcCQrding to Warren James, project engineer for the Irvine Company, orange trees on the property will be preserved wherever possi bl e, and l<tndscaping 'rill include a 10- foot setback on all main streets inside the park that will be planted and maintained by the Irvine Company ac- cording lo a master plan. The park will accommodate double and triple-wide mobile homes. with the smallest space 50 reet wide by 70 feet Jong. All uWities will be underground and all sites will have ll?fZ»V elec.tr l ca I service. Target date for completion of the project is May 1, 1971, ·~ Top Sulespeopf.e • , This trio from Brashear Realty captured the top three pl aces for September sales ln the Huntington ? Beach~Fountain Valley Board of Realtors. From Jell are Mozelle Brashear. Jerry Barw ick and Betty SitUer. "Homes at the Missions arc built on oversized lots that mean more room for young families on the grow," stated Meyer. Leadership's famous 'growing room Is featured in the Today series, g i v i n g home.owners the option of finishing the room as a rum- pus room or two addiUonal bedrooms." A choice of Spanish, ranch, or contemporary exteriors are possi ble among the 30 eleva- tions available at the project 'nle Missions is one of six new communities b e in g deve loped In Sout hern CalUornia by Le a d er s hip Homes, a division of Leadership !lousing Systems Inc. ,Leadership H o u s i n g Systems Jnc., is a subsidiary of ·Ce:rro Corporation, a major international natural resources t development com- pany wlUi assets of over $S4I million. The CQmmunity can be reaced by taking the San Diego or Santa Ana Free~'ays to La Pat Road and west to the 1'1issions. 111 I 9 Months' Sales · Brenk Yea.r's Mark Home sales by Walker and Lee, Inc., during the first nine months of 1970 have broken the previous record for an en- tire year. it was feported this week by Frank Hart, president of the Anaheim-based realty firm. With 628 homes sold in September, lhe total for the first three quarters is 5,065 homes, as rompared to last year·s ail·time company record of 4,987 homes for 12 months. Stressing that all figures are net (after cancellations). Harl noted that. al the current rate. Walker and Lee v.·ould sell 6,750 homes th.is' year. I , /i / II ;; If you own your own home. plan to Jive in it for some years, if it has ductwork or is so arranged that ducts can be ins t a ll ed easily and economically. central air con- dlUoning could be the answer for you. But central air conditioning is not essential to comfortable summertime Jiving. One or two window units can work wonders -in a three-room apartment or a two-story hou ... "The key ~ in thoUghtlul plaMing," says Paul Komroff. vice president of engineering for the Quiet Kool division or Emerson Television & Radio Cq., Woodbridge. N. J. Komroff speaks from 35 years of e n gi ne e r Ing ex- perience in the room air con- ditioning industry and such personal credits as the first 10,000 BTU air conditioner to operate on 7\i amps -a plug in anywhere unit -and lhe first 1+:000 BTU unit al 12 amps. A delightfully frank man, Air from the cooled living room where the noise will be stance, Komroff recommend!I room was blown down the hall least annoying _ in a dining a fairly large unit be nin all to the bedroom at night by room perhaps, or a ground day in the master bedroom, means of fl. dlrecttonal .fan floor utility room. Then then be shut off al night. placed on the floor and ade-manipulate your h e a l i n g A kitchen eahawt fan v.·Jll quately proee<:ted by a screen ducts. help distribute cool air from a box. "You'd be surprised at Run the furnace fan in sum· conditioner on the first noor. how well the one unit cooled mer position. A regular window fan moves that apartment," he said. Shut off supply ducts to the too large a volume of air to be KomroU urges those who room where the conditioner is used for this purpose, he said. would air condiUon to ·spend located, open the return ducts. In a typical two-story, time in the plannlng. "The Al air ls cooled it is returned center hall layout, Komroff sales people can give you in-IO the furnace fan and said. a unit in the up:11talrs hall dustry guidelines, charts to recirculated to other rooms window usually wW do the help you work out your re-where supply due~ have, been trick. quirements, the speclficatlonsJp;iii0iii0;;;;i;ioioiiiO;;i;;;iiiO;;i;;;iiiOiiiOiii0iii0iiiOiiiOiiiOiii0iii0iiiO""i of different models, but you know your home and your famil y best." Adequate size ls Important in an air conditioner, of course, Komroff said, but he warned against the pitfall of thinking blftest necasarily is best. ''An oversize unit won 't do a better job. It will cool faster, then shut off, allowing humidity to build up and make you uncomfortable." If the requirements for your house work out between stan- da rd unit sizes, say 11,000 BTU's. buy a 10,000 BTU unit, not the 12.000 job he advised. J. RAY CONSTRUCTION CO., Inc. Orange County Pioneer Contractor announce the opening of • modern Remodeling Division. TwentY riVe years of continow servi~. to the public of Orange County, is the best recommendation of our capacity. Plans, Plan Check by City, City Ptrmih, Necn11ry Cleanups & H1ul1w1y. Financing av1il1bl•. Call 642-4811 Fiii ISTIMATIS IY APPOINTMINT ', ~ ~---------~~==',~, ====\- I ,/i . ' I here's a new way to live in Newport Beach • • It's fun, fine neighbors and prestige living all in one luxurious package. That's Oakwood Garden Apartments, just minutes from Balboa's Bay and beaches. At Oakwood·, you will find ihe very best of two possible worlds . .• gracious apartment living and a year-round resort. There's a :Y• million dollar clubhouse with party room, billiards lounge, and indoor golf driving range. Separate men's and women's health clubs and saun·as, night-lighted tennis courts, volleyball/ basketball courts, 105° whirlpool baths and an Olympic-size swimming pool. · All this and much more, just steps from your professionally dec- orated apartment, each with all-electric appliances, carpeting, ·draperies, storage aplenty, private balcony/patios and optional fireplaces. In addition, a resident teonis pro offers group and Individual instruction and works out of a fully-stocked tennis pro shop. A full-time clubhouse director is avallable to•help you plan the act iv· ities you want. And true to most country clubs, Oakwood offers acres of lush landscaping for quiet moments of relaxation. Like a high rise, Oakwood has central well-appointed lobbies and large elevators, off-street parking •with reserved spaces, laundry room lounges, security officer patrols and a cable tele• vision system. Top this with outstanding resident management who care for you personally, and that's Oakwood -your home and country club in Newport Beach. Champagne Open House This Stmday &.Next, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS 11-rt llYfnt-Jitot for 1dull1 . 170016th Street Newport Beach, Calif. 92660 (714) 642·8170 A proJ~ of ft l 8 DtttlollfMl'll Co. s,.1, .. stit4ie, 1 & 2 ........ Mtt.. hMltllM 9f' ..,.,. ..... $14S te $110. l111IMlll~ Oec.,._f e M.-.. _,.. 81Jy 11 • .. t ,_ .. • t DAILY PILOT Saturday, o,tobtr 31, 1970 ' Cancer: Pace Should Be Moderate, Maybe Even Slow SUNDAY NOVEMBER By SYDNEY OMARR Altrelel)' •• DOUliDJ lo do wllb falallsm. Tiie wise min toaitol• his o~·n destiny. Astrology, bo"·ever, dDH point the WI)' by enll&:bleniag vs --abOut·-1UiUre Ire-Deis-an lt cycle11. The choice is left to tbt indlvklual. If one Insists on crossinc lbt strMt against the light, that is his choice and that Is the chancr. la e takes-on his o~'D. Astrology provides stop-and.go i;lg nals of life. It is up to us lo observe "tr1fflc naJes." ARIES {J\1arch 21·April 19): You may have the urge to travel .A journey would prove beneficial. JI is time to reestablish a relationsh ip. AC· ~pt social invi ta tion s. Develop spiritual concepts. TAURUS (April 20-J\1ay 20): You are slin1ulated. Id eas flow ; you can break lag \\•hich has delayed pertinent decisions. You seem to come alive. Study Aries message. One close to you p a y s v.•orthwhile compliment GEJ\tlNJ IJ\.tay 2l·June 20): Legal, Marriage relationships demand attention. Time has arrived for creative thinking \.l.'hich leads to constructive change. State views clearly. ~!ember or opposile sex will respond. CANCER /June 2l·July 22): Pace should be n1oderate. even slow. Giant steps could lead to falls. Know this and act accordingly. A distant relative may attract unusual attention. Maintain poise and aplomb. LEO <July 23-Aug. 22J : Stop Senate Control Studied By RAYMOND LAHR WASHlNGTON <UPI) The contest for etinlrol of the Senate involves more than just the management of the Nixon legislative program on one .side of the Capitol. Control also carries the power lo undertake or head off con· I res s i o n a I investigations which can be potent political weapons to damage the oo- cupant of the White House. In their drive to continue dominalion of the Senate, Democrats are well aware that they may want to use this congress ional power during the second hall of President Nixon's term. Putting a n investigation together usually requires staff examination of tips alleging wrongdoing or mismanage· ment. an eager committee ch~irman and encouragement from his party leaders in the Senate. The House. too, has grabbed public attention w i t h in· vestigations, but Senate com· mittees u s u a 11 y have overshadowed their H o u s e c ounterpart s. Senator generally are better known and better able to CQmmand national publicity. Senate commi ttees a J s o have opened hearings to photographers and television news can1e ras whenever a majority of the committee so voted . The House finally adopted !he same rule just before . Congress adjourned this mon th. Re c en L congressional in· vestigations have not produced any spectacular sho"·s. Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings on Vietnam were well publicized but were not the traditional investigation because they did not iirvolve subpoenaed witnesses, sworn tesUmotiY or tht threat of con- tempt citations to punish balky witnesses. A· House investigation with political repercusSions led to the resignation in 1958 of Sherman Adams. then Presi- dent Dwighl D. Eisenho"'·er's chief deputy in the White llouse. Whlle denying that he had done .anything wrong in accepting favors rrom Boston mill iona ire Bernard Goldfine "''ho was in trouble with government agencies, Adam!' said be \\'as quitting to avoid hurting the administration and Republicans running for office that year. Republican pressure r o r Adams• resignation inttinsificd after the deftat of Sen. Frederick G. Payne. who had accepted favors from the t ame Boston businessman. in ~fa ine's last election t~·o 1nonths ahead of those In other &tales. Pl\Yfle l~t to a relatively Obscure Democrat . Edmund S. Muskit, now II\< lnmt-runn lna prospect for the 1171 Democratic pm1denliaJ nomtnauon. daydniaminc. Get hard news and apply kno"'·ledge. 1'1any art becoming impatient. Your potential is tremendous. ,Start. making yourself what you are capable of being-now. could lead to serious losa. tlons point to necessity for Dec. 2J): Fulfill desire for If you teU all you know, smaller than you think. f ace facls and do something completion. self~xpresslon. Doo't permit. nothing is accomplished. Res· PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): BIRTHDAY you 1re generaDy strong·willed, se lf·reliant and independent. W h a t )':OU recently started coold blwom into favorable product, re1a· tionship. about them. Act In malurt, SCORPIO (Oct. 2.1-Nov. 21): one who is fearful lo inhibit pond accordingly. Cooperate in clvlc affairs. positive manner. Collect ~hat you need. You beou. Your own leelinp should AQUARiuS (Jan. 20-Feb. J:lelp others and you also will lJBRA (Sept. 2$-0ct. 22 ): will have to take initiative. artif~~t·co'lbrol '* a.side 18): Some friends speak, act be helpiJl& yQUnell. Some who You may be confused about Doing what is nece~ary is not Ila&! ..... mp ex. in unusually frank manner. confide may be victims of VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22): You become aware of com- pe.lilion, ...Dr. lines tight. \\'ishful or careless thinking "''hether to begin or co1nplete. to be equated with selfishness. CAP RICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. Key is to understand what is delusion. Be reallstlc. Do what K~y is to do wh~t you kn~w ~"::; 1Ws and • c 1 ac· 19):. You can use this time.for of value to you. Obtain hint rJ.1USt be done. Protect reputa- Te !Ind out ""'°'' lll('l(y lor yoo; l11 mon1y Ind low, Dl'!Mr S'l'dl'lt'I' om.,,., bllotlet, "ieaet Hlnt1 fer M111 lfld Wemtn." $M11 ,11:1'11VH!e ...., '9 ct;n'8 ht OMAllll Ail""°'' Slcrets, ll'le Di'l. l Y 1"1LOT. &ox n «i. Gr•fld c ... V•I w1ll -be-of-benefit.-Examine-.: ~ -ci.u-LeJ , 5df·undetstanding •. .flom.Capricor1. rn.e.1-1 a g .... -t.ion..._ various possibilities. lndica· SAGJTi'ARJUS (Nov. 22· Keep private affairs private. What appears a big problem Js IF TODA\'.' JS YOUR Flltsy DOLLS Punch-N-Bag "-'-:dh.11 VlllT-Wi~ llmr """" wood platfonn, spring steel rod. fun for the acti~e yaungster. "Skittle Pool" ~1 AUIORA ..• H's likf pool ... bu! a ntN challenge. Includes a felt surfatl! playing table ,;i\b tiall relur1s, JO num· ~l?'d ba!ls. aie bai~ metal w nd......,ulll "'"' 12.66 ELooN Super Cycle ti h~~ Ill the leallr~ lhc kids want •.• ootasi&ftl styl- ing, kig! beadlight, Wtbfly ' tile!:, sissy bar tlarHol llilflllle bas, etc~ e\r.. 29.95 . .... T .. il.le's Glycerine & Rosewater . •.• Ibe mo>l ~oolhmg and' flllt!~I 1U !l'let .001 moi5ttnitff ~l\Own. 2.44 Tissue Paper •m-- 1. CUTTER BOX ••• I I ' NUTll·TONIC Shampoo " AamforUf(ll'lovel1e-.1 09 softert.air. 1111. ,, 4.69 SANDO "Digital" I ILHM tlOCK tG" wide. 75' long for 11lt 'IQPlliR&. m49c Rte.lie I h"s elethic! tt's tile "Mirac11Jo11s Fatigut Chaser!" :==WIS=~: 19.95 ·1 m Sinex Nasal Spray Colorama Ribbon "Sasheen" R1aeoN Ueven trid1tiG11,I nti· A iumbG 300' tl"'!I I bolls o~ onr mr~! olthe~Jar"-!4 .. ISi rt. SaSl'tCft. ()l~t· mas tolor·. m ~~1:1.49 1 11111Mrs·SleeperS ..lllGR • • .... w "Coldene" COUCH 11111 COl.D MEiii.CiNE ••• fast. Slit and effettlve aid gee tor the eomrmft mid. Rtt. 1.21 l •r. - I 79c 1.39 a !~(!.~~,.,~~·"''~ 29c ~ R11. 21c HO Ft s,..1 I Frame Tile Trim ~ n.· ... ~ ....w 5nc ~· 1•• dP.sips: nil colors. " 111 s:,fftsl.V. dlar· fl~-...... ,- ~" bl1nket 4 89 Wrapping Paper Parcel Post Twine I~ U,llrl-flnvl lf"J 1 ., MllL .. R•ldy lu< -wn """ "" 33c ,.., Cir~'"" .-~ · lflfl~R , 11(. Jk · · llll- .,.,,,, __ SimS,M.lJt , ::.:::::::::=~ TiJ1 ... 1, Dnlls -.. ••• A111l1 dance "Depend• D" TOILET HWL Cl!AllU 49 IND DEODORl!ER • • • C I~ 11:1~ ltpe. • 310Und Ihm blt~ktt 4 59 S.S. Sim S,1,l,ll. • Sor~ Ilia~ Nies '" bl111-ll sletpen for l 1t.1 II rt hll . . • :;:~ 23c 1._ ______________ __. =~t:~3.79 Lt/!/J!f!lfl!I APPLIANCES fer CHllSTMAS WARING Blender 16.99 Jan Opener W/Knife Sh•r,.ner IJ UDICO-.Im put on the tal ~ st3rl il ... opens automalir.aMy, rtmOYes the. lid and shuts olf. •tt.1149 I MC210l 12.49 10.88 New as tJSY ai; mak· ing toast ... justdiii !tie crispness. Tefloo surface. #Kll·21 19.95 r0Rr1eu Tape Recorders ., NOlflCO Cam-Corder "150" A jXtrtable cassette YQ¥ CJD depend Ill. Pntl~iolllls do! for q1ality and "liable ..... ... 49.95 Radio Cassette Recorder 1570 79.95 CHOKERS rm1ona1~ ' to:ortul ~n • 1 69 leatfler style$ for fall • "'111et, -1 99 '91' the 11N Wet lu1t.er look. • $l1llon, Hl'W Yortt. H.Y. 10011. I VALUABLE COUPOll fast Pil1 l11iel Fro• T11se Nemos Neldac•os. 1.09 VKK'S ''NyQuil'' NIGHTTIME COLD MEDICINE Hel,s JH 1•t rest 111• 11aj1r c1ld sf11Jt1111s. ·~t~~1 1.29 . ''Clairol'' A mist made to wtrk witb Heat 1f Electric Halrsetters. "'· 1.66 Fu Upset Stomth "' Ner•o us Tensl11 ffea~· aches. •. ,.usl 33 "'· . ''Purex'' SUPIR BLEACH Calaonite DISHWASHER DETERGENT For Spotless llll••ti• Dlmr11•l11. 311z. 53c Head Bands ~· IN'lN , AM 'Q 11 r.11. -1 DAYS • wEEK ~ii~~~ 1 99 ID1:?1' "1•0T.':m'::• ""':t· • Q " Wllddfff ,,_ Sashes Hntt..,.._ hec• A491M<Mllllnt Y~o-1• ISSI. 2 39 .... _ -· . ... ~·-~~lii'a"""iiii"·ioiii•"iilii111.",;."•"'•'·"'·' ..... • .... -...... .-a11111"~ .· . ITTTID@l tf p.j(Wl'OltT It.I.CH • Olt.J .lJSO ' . HELD OVER ·W•lt1r Mttth1u Str1i11nd Britain, Broadway, Laguna Direct or Tans ·well Touclies All Theater Bases The arrl\'al th is week of ''Harvey" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse marks the return or director Bertram Tanjwell, who staged the l Anne Frank,'' ''The Magnifi. «nt Yankee'' and "Inherit the Wind ." ~~~~~~~~~!!J highly successful "Phliadel· phia, Here I Come" two sea· ·-.somi •• &£0 at the old Laf\!.lla Playhouse. tor 1t Denison Universlty, spent five su mmers en- tertaining troups 'in Europe and Asia, and acted more than 60 roles with the Valley Players, a professional stock company in llol y ok e Massachusetts. Among his directlnR assignments for The Valley Players were "Angel Street," "Come Back Little Sheba" and "The Diary of Ann Frank." After I e a v i n g Cleveland, Tanswell became res Iden t director of the Kalamazoo Civic Players in Michigan where he staged over 40 pro-- ductions including six musicals. l ""'"" -Mo•. Hlr1 s.t.- "DOLLT" .. 7 .. 1111 ':JO KIDS LIKE UNCLE LEN ~ A•o auu•1s1,1 KIDDIE SHOW! ..... .., ~!ti.ti POfl Titl lllT CO•TVM' •LUI TMQt lllCIT1MO nAT\Mft "THE CRAWLING HAND" "GORATH" CAltTOONS CAITOONS 0001$ Ol'IN 1, l'.Nt. SHOWTIM& U:Jt l"REE l'Altltlp.jO ' "RI HAWAIIANS' "Ono of tho lfto1t 111<1ui1it11y "••uliful w11iorn1 I h1v• over ~ P.W'llSltrU'9'c.t.1111'Un11ed Clo' Arh111 s11n." -Ch•rla Clu1111pll1 -L A. TIPMt .J.1:1: XARVl:tl .. MO:tl'l'B WAZ.SB••,, : A.llool-m ] A6N£MAONTU fl!MS f'ID(NIAJION . A N~llONA.! G!NllAt PIC!Utf~ tElE.\Sf fANA'l1SK)f11•o,d lfCHNICO!Ot• ' ~- ·.....-.,.--.-i "'M-A:S·H'IS THE BEST AMERICAN.. WAR COMtli\' SINCE ;; SOUND CAME IN ftt _P111ll11• 11:..C. • Hew Yorlrer -~-,,,,.Pl' ..... PiectiM OONAtD SUMRLIND·ELUOTI GOULD ·TOM Sl<!RRITT Qo~Wl -,-...i-·l!•-·lf'll-rfil -.... ........ ~" ~ l(,O l'liOMW IOU! .II. TM! RICi l.MllO. t. -...... .,_..,,,._., __ Calilf' tJt Cl[ UJXY L¥.HA~ . 11th GREAT WEEK I • • •l.t.CH I: • e.T •tllS • • HUlllTINGTON a&ACH • 841'·•aof'""' _________ _ ................ 11 ... 11..t hi ''Tiie •r.....,i-" Ill , IQSS IUITTI -- Al R PD RT i IUIT WCASffR ·DWI IAll1I ~W SEIUC ·~ACOUWIE llSSET ....... ,.., .. __. ............. . ~---~ l!!l --.....,..... .I "I'm happy to be back,'' says the tran splan ted Englishman \vho brings a staggering list of both pro- fessional and co mmunity theater credits to his latest assignment. It all bcg<1n at an early age for the diminuti ve Tans well. "My sister and t sung at the \Velsh Congregational Church on Sunday arternoons as part of a program to k e e p youngs ters off the streets," he recalls. "And then later-we'd put on plays at the Boy Seoul"' hall In Blandford, Ereland." His love for the perfo rmini:t arts \\'AS reinforced at school where the curriculu m included intensive studies of the c !As s\cs, es p eci al!.)'. Sh:ikespeare. BACK TO LAGUNA Bertram Tanswell · "Storm Operation," "l Killed the Count," "The Browning Version:• "Billy Budd '' and "The Teahouse of the August Moon", all on Broadway. In between Broadway stints he taught and was guest direo. In 1956 Tanswell joined the staff of the Cleveland Play House where he served for seven )'ears as actor-director under Frederic McConnell. McConnell 's wile, Harr i et Brazler. who is featured in Tansvt'etl's current production of ''Harvey." was one of Cleveland's leading ladies and sic ted under his direction in many shows. In addition to more than two dozen roles, Tanswell staged 30 productions at Clevela nd Play House's three theaters, including "A Streetcar Named Desire," "The Imp<>rtance of B.eing Earnest,' ' 'The Mousetrap.'' "Tbe Diary of Just last yea r Tan.!!well was resident director at the Long Beach Co1nmunity Playhouse, directing most of the Jlroup's productions includi ng "Ladie.!! of the Jury." chosen as the best play of the season. Of his current assi~ment he notes. "Laguna's stage is very similar to the breath\ok· inJJ Euclid staf:e in Cle\feland \vhich lends itself to lare,e, ex· pansive productions. But on the other hand with our false prosCt>ilium and intimate set· ting, less ambitious plays like 'Harvey' y,•ork \1•ell too. .. You kno11', I collect rabbi ts of all shapes and sizes - wooden, metal, glass or \\'hatever. No1v I can Add Harvey to my Cflllectlon. It's too bad no one will be able to see him ." "Arter secondary school l was selected lo join the Shakespearean M e m o r i a I theater Comp••Y at •Travellnd Exeeutloner' Stratford~n·Avon. But on my _ _::;.::..::;.:_::.;;;::::.s~z..-_:_:_:..;;..;;:.;;;.._; __ _ way there, I found that I had been awarded an International H k B M • Scholarship to study at the omewor ecomes ovie University or fowa . r decided to accept the scholarship." Tanswell came to the U.S. and recei ved his BA at Iowa Soon after graduation he join· cd the touring Globe Shflkespearean Repertory and dist inguished hlmself as an ac- tor capable of taking on many roles, includin,:i: Puck in ''A Midsummer Night's Drea m'' and Polon.ius in "Hamlet". ''l thoroughly enjoyed acting and decided to travel tG Broadway and really give it a go," he said. He did and immediately won a role in "Bachelof Born" going on to play important roles In ''The Heart or a City,'' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -A college student's class assign· ment -"'·rite a movie sc ript -has tumed into a $1.8- million l\.1G~t film that has paid-him $55,000, with more to come if it's a hit. Carrie Bateson, 22, a slight, tousled senior In cinema studies at the University of Southern California, tells how it happened ; "Two and a half years ago in this writing class l had to write a script and started Jookinjt for an idea. In another class the instructor shoed 'In Cold Blood.' a great film ex· cept that loward the end it made some heavy -handed statements about c a p i t a I punishment. ecutionrr ,' the true sto ry or a Re\•iews have been mixed, man who v•ent from jail to jail ranging from ''bloody awful" In !\tisslssippi in 1918. y,•ilh his to "first rate." electric chiir in a van, doing Bateson, a onetime airport executions al $100 a head plus bus scrubber and Disneyland traveling expenses. restaurant b usboy , is · "He became the ma in guaranteed $25,000 more plus 5 character. I put a fictional percent of net profits if and story around him." when the picture shows p~ The Instructor who had fits. given the assignment had left lifi~~~~~~~~~~I on sabbatical. Another teacher started the script on rounds that led to Jack Smlght, who produCt>d and directed "The Traveling Executioner'' for MGM. ~lost or the fihn, starring Stacy Keach and Mariana llill. was sho~ at now abandoned Kilb y Pri s on near i1ontgomery, Ala . There was considerable improvisation and ad-li bbing, but the shooting script was Bateson's. "So I started '\\'ondering what y,·ould happen if you did it fuMy -a black comedy on capital punishment. 1;============;11 Al .. "THE LOOKING GLASS WAR" OPEN OA1LV ,,45 SAT. & SUH. U 11J l"ltliE PAltl(lp.jO IOTM lp.j COLOlt ''The next day I went to the USC library and looked up electric chairs. which sttmed the most grisl y thing in that field. "In 1941 issue ot 'The American Mercury' I found an article, 'The Traveling Ex·( - THE .NIFTY THEATRE ' prtltJ'I .. "SON OF NIFTY REVUE" STAITS AT l :JO PllDAY I SATUlDAY J07 MAIN ST. HUNTINllfON llACM ,.,.~, .... c.n 11141 11•-•111 '2°0 '1'° '"'11 St11de11t1 POPULAR PRICES IJ'========::'.!.':========l ""1tr. Str1l1e11d BALBOA 673-4041 "HELLO DOLLY" C11ti111••• S11111dey l:JO l'.M. NOW SHOWING TWO GREAT ·ATTRACTIONS Over 4th BIG WEEK If YOU WANT ACTION Hlll IT ISi TWO llli MOYllS SECOND BIG MOVIE: LEE VAN cLEE' 1. "BARQUeRO" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Join IHnlll "'MOUSE OF DAll:lt SHADOW$•• iOP} ~1"'1 • CH~I l11tWMf "KELLV'5 HEltOES" tGPJ All Ctltt Shew ···············•o••••o••••O••o••···· -----·--171-lMJ UIMler 11 M ... r I• Wit~ ,., .... Elllfll 0..111 • Cl ... kt ltf'9911 "GETTING STIA1GHT" (Ill Cfltr ,i111 • ChtllltJIMf' Jl!lft "THE lOOKIHO GLASS WAJt•• ISPI • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Under 1r Nt1111 It Wflfl l'•rMI lillloft Gluld • C.ndltt 1.,.,. .. HQETTING STIAIGHT" Cit) Ctllr , • .,. • Cl!rklt~r ,_ "THIE LOOKING GLASI WAil" (eP) ·····················••O••••········· --.... ·--·~ ll4.t21Z i l'Nl11r11 on S1m1 ,....,,,,,. '0SAIAfA" (QI') C1llr "IAltOUli'ltO" IGPI COIW "1'01 A FEW OOLLAllS MOii" IGP) Ul!dlr II MllU It WU~ Plfllfll 1"1y1 0...111w1y • Wltteft •t1"l' "IONNIE ANO CLYDI" CC.Ill' ,,.,. Wm, Hlljleft • li'11nl llrfl\IM ''THE WILO IUNCH'• !!Ill (lllr ······••e••·······••o••············· -UIMl•r u Ntw11 s. Wllfl l'-1 = ''THI Vll:OIN ANO THI OY,tY" .. -fll ,1 ... , • Jllft 1 ... -MW)ll ) ''THI: OIASIHOl"l'lltN 11:1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Un .... f1 Mini It Wltll l'lt'l!ll ) l"llhif .. °" " ..... ,,..,.,,,, '"' WOMl'M" lltl ,1n: "THAT COLO OAT IN THI !'Alt•" C•I •lltll: "l'A•ANOIA" Cit, AU C11tr ........ """ Wlynt lt •1CHtlUM" 101 f!ln • Cll•rlftll Ht1!.,. HfHI MAWAllAp.jjN (0'1 -" 111111 .......... . ... , ... -.•. ~ .... '"-......... lil•ll••r' -111.us••11.1 a:1111.1n•Rr .-:11n•t1tn,•1r._.1 •e1111r• a.1 -··----··-··-.... I -Ut•l-••1- Mon. ThN fri. 1,00. 1:45. ll):lO Sol. 1,.5, 130. S: IS, 7.-00. l:4S. 10:30 Sun. 2i IS, 4.00. S:4S, 7:30, 9, 15 • .-, ... • • • y' ' _,. ,. ,;;: .,, EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT • EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY INDOOR THEATRE ENGAGEMENT • NO RESERVED SEA Tl diary of a mad housewife _.a frank perry film II•""'' richard benjamin · frank langella carr1e snodgress • •Cfllnp!lt b~ l lllnOr Plff'Y ho"' !h• llOVe( by IUI k1u1m1n • J)!OdijCl <I l n<I dirK1•d by h•n~ ...,..., A UN!Vll>SIJ. PICTURE · ll':CHr~ICOl~' 00 -..::..::::2:: 1 0 l!!l~ COLOR IO\WlllD ona11was Oint Eosrwood '" "WHERE EAGLES DARE" ' ~ ( \ DAtlY PILOT Satu_rdiy, Ott.,. Jl, 1970 Landers • j Puerto Ri~p Theft Big --· GO WITH A WmNER e--1.1.r .. 11v1~·---~A H"~,-(AP heft.r •re,,.ued-i>!MlT1•"'· lflllAI'-' Puerto Rka11 puto th~evci, agers," AcosJ,a said, "The Becomes Public half of them t n·agers, are statistics reaUy jump during doing an illicit. b u s i n e is 11 the summer vacation n1onths, reckoned in mil ons. when they have no!hing to do, "'Stolen cars are b i g and after ~ts return business in Puerto Rlco," says home from lht universities." DEAR ANN LANDERS : Several months ago I ap-. Lt. llector Acosta . "and frank-So1ne are drug addicts . Jy, we have not been able lo trying to support their habi ts. proached my doctor a~ut a vasectomy. He sa~ he control it. We lound only about and others are children ol __ .llitWll_s.eruLswne...mater;_al_oJLUle_subject_so_J~nught_ 30 lpercent ol the vehicles-last--well-to.do-famllles-,-Five boys better understand what I was asking. A few days ye~r." and two 16-year-old girls, all later I received an envelope from "Planned Parent-The 38-year-old detective p\'oducts of the island's "high hood" said 3,000 vehicles liavc been society." Acosta said, "'ero • :ttolen in the commonwealth arrested in downtown San The~ \Va~hdogs of Other since July 1, coinpared ivith Juan for stealing n e w Peoples Busmess ~nl'. free or more than 9 000 stolen in all J apanese imports and selling charge, a form prying into my ' · h '· h perso al life They wanted to college aod have a degree so th! previous fiscal year. T at luem for $75 eac . known bow ~any children \\'e they can teach st:bool j£ tbey figµre was a third higher thap The department recently had, their age s, my financial should need lo 1 up p 0 rt ~·as tak~ the year before. discover~ that cars .stolen ~n status, etc. They didn't a s k themselves. For their sons fte ~t1mated the I~~ con· Puerto Jl!~ are turrung ue 1n \\'hy "'e didn't want more servat1vely at $2t) million a th! Dom1n1can Rep u bl 1 c , children but offered t 0 they want succes&ful careers year but said it probably was Argentina , Bruil and other •·review' my request". Jf it as doctors or. lawyers, ~arer f40 million to $50 places, 1iut few att, be in~ ship. was worthy of consideralion I would dearly Jove to tnow ~ion. ped to the U.S. main!~ they would direct me to a doc-my parents and have them About 50 percent of the car because of modern police tor and recomm end that I know me but ~ live in dif· ·~tmanMrr.BUt. a lricltJe of aulos taken from the New York area -an estimated 70 in I.he las t year -end up on the market. in Puerto Rico. ln...U,atk>n in1o ·auto tllelt Is hampered by lacll of man- power aod equipment. Acosta said he has jusl three vehicles and 40 men. but at least 10 of· ficers are needed. 3,440 Killed Bi El1<1i111 As T11x Col/eetor ROBERT L "BOB" CltRON 1ov..., on Orange County Tox C~lector h1 ~Primary, 1 d to Filo for Put>li< Olfi<t !ndonodbf Th• .. MOZLEY'S .t.no•HlV1S COMM1n11 0, •ldltrl•M RoNrt C. POl!tl$kl, Cllfllrmtrt Pt! ltDHI H\ W,,,, Al'llkrllOll Jr. ' DOCTOltS COMMITTll Rilbert N, CllrhtllUtrt Or. V. K1lttl Tl'lot111, C/ll!rml~ M,.., Remo M•n Or. ltabtrt Hubbert L-rd H. M1:8rld1 Or. W. IL J1ckton Rlett1f'd L, R1lin1r CIT lllNS COMMITTll Ml,."'-11 M. Schulman Fnmklltl P. Nk:key, CM!r'""'n R:Oblrt'H., 5!0tlller A. E. "Pll" Arnokl Mrt. Wvnu Th<lm'°" w,.,.... L. OrOI• Afi-1fi-tAN (UPI) -A total O[ ACCOUJrtT,t,lfTS COMMITT81 IC~.11 WllU1m Hutc~- 3,44Q persons "'ere: killed in :avLH}1~~;'· Ch•trnvn :rM:=:-~u the Jordanian civil war lastl~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!IJ!!!!~ month , the Palestine Red l: Crescent Society said \Ved· nesday. The society -t h e Palesti- nian equivale11t of the Red Cross -said 2,JOO persons died in Amman' and J,340 iD the rest cf the natJon. Penny Pincher ~ds Turn Sense Into Dollars ' · . . .· ' , . ., ~ •• -' .: have the operation. ferent worlds and speak dif- 1 scribbk?d across the form ferent lancuages. I've tried to that my personnl life was none sca le the wall that separatea of U1eir business and I hoped us, but it is too high. J can't they would find something bet· make it. _ NORTH SHORE ter lo do with their time and DEAR NORTII: u you could f:1nds. Tell me , Ann Landers, peer through that wall yoa ~·hat Is Planned Parenthood would probably see twe de- doing in this act? -AGE OF c e n t , up p er-middle-dui AQUARI US parents wlto are alH tryla1 to .. ~----------------~ BONUS~OTO" DEAR AGE: The Chicago scale the wall. n ey are elder Cbapttr of Planned Paren· than you ud 11•1 • mad tbood knows 11olb.lng of sacb &oaglter climb for them. forms and they •re •• baffled There's • door iR ta.at wan a~ 1. Please send me a copy of _ one you've pused ...... of the form and I will look lnlo II. llmet: bat dkla't realize wu Planned Parenthood is an es-lbert. IAok for It. Am tan tremely fine n a 11 o n a I the bob 1ently. lt'i opea, nrganlr.atlon. If some lc>cal chapter is muddyt11g the im· age. lhe boartl or directors \r;ants to kDOW about II. DEAR ANN LANDERS: am ~Tiling in response to the \\·oman who asked. "Must a parent die. before his children appreciat~' him?" I am a teenager who is asking the same question -in reverse. Docs a kid have lo die before his parents appreciate hlm? t mean appreciate what he IS, not what Lhey would like him to be. If my purcnts love me it i~ be~ause they brought me inlo the lrorld. and for no o\her reason. They don 't know me well enough to love me for what I am because they don't know what I am. J..1y parents are decent. upper-middle-class people who, like most other d e c e n t , upper-middle-class Americans, ~·ant l b e i r daughters to graduate from Denlh Netk"• ALLERTON (hur J , Al..,,....,, Age n, el :JO.l·O M~•i""5~ E8SI. l nun• 1-11111, DI!' ol t!fo1th, OC1ot>er :JO. Survh•ed bv wl lt. El•tnor; i.oro, l tt w. Allfrlan. Munc!~. 1"1111118/ dau9M.,, Mii. JNllf!t ~Ill• ~tdc~. Roch'''''· Mlniw1oi.; 1..-0 llellllWQhlt,., Mr\. 'tttY 1-!tlly, P.•· vita: N.TS. OotorH llurt, lont lletocn: 11• G•uldchlldren, FuM••I wrvlc11, MOfl(l1y, ID;:JO AM, Lu1n .. 1n Cllu•d• of 1/lt Cron, LIPVM Hltlf, wlrh Rtv. Vtrnan E. Koller olllc11Unt. lnler- mo:nl, Rocheiler, MlnM:IOt•. McCO!'• m kli. L-oun1 8Hch Monu..v, Dlrec- ton. BAST AS S.m ll1i111. ';!>' j lh $1 .. Hunllnt10!'! lltad'I. 01!• of dHlh, October 30. Sur· vl~d bv "1111\eW, WU1!1m J1nm. Hunt- ington lle8th; n1ec1, Mr1. Vtmtl ll•1v, Mor-rls.<lllt . P1M1vt.1nl1. Gr•vnlde ~~le ... M°""IY. 11 AM, GrH!tW<>Gd Cttneltrv. S.n Dftoo. Fr!...,.,1 may (Ill SUflll1v, unlit t PM, 1t !11111 C°''' Ml!H C"'-ooe!. 81!1• (11111 ~ Mr.tu· Irv. DJ•KIO .... KNIGHT Mel"'• Knl<iht. 11616 C1m~•on, H1ml· lflclon lltiKh. Dale of ~11~. Ott. '10. S.-rvlce1 ~l'ldin9 •I lltll ll•Nd-Y Mortu1rv. ORLANDOS Nlcol1\ Or11ndo1. 11911 NO!'lon Avt .. lrvlne. Dtl• ol dfatlt. Od~• JO. 5u"'lved bv wllo. MMY. ol "'' ~' &en\, GfoO!'ff 1nd WllU1m, Hunllrioton llcacn: NIChOla• Jr., •rod Robert, 11o111 oil lr.1no; d1119h"'' "''""'' S1141n~· bl<'ver. cw11r~11; 11 •••f'ldthlldrtn: .,,,. 9rut·9flnll<lllld. R:e<iul..., Mrvlc~. lo- nleht. 51h1ra.w. Oc:l'lblr ll. 1:JD PM. P1tllk VllW (hll>el. Funer1I s.,.vit.,. Manc11v, Novtmllr• J. l PM , 51. John tllt BaPllll Grffli Orth-• (hUtth. An~he!m. lnttrmenl, P1c!llc Vlaw Mtmol'lill P1r~. O!rtc!Pd bY P1t!flc v1-Mo•tu.,..v. ARBUCKLE & SON Wtslcllff IHortuary 417 E. 17th St., Costa J\fesa -• BALTZ MORTUARIES Coron deJ !\tar .... OR a-NSe to.ta Mesa ........ ml ~%U4 • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Coit• J\fts• U Wf3l • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACIJ J\IORTUARV litS Laguna Canyen Rod. 494·9415 • PACIFIC VIEW J\IE'MORJAL PA nK Cemetery ~lortuary CluoJ>!I as11 Pactnc v~ Dri,·e Ntwptrt Bt.1ch, California ffl.171t • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 1811 Bolla Ave. Yltstmiuter ... 1~5!5 • SHEFFER MORTUARY IAlll"• S.acb ....... 11<·1131 Su Clemealt ....... 4fl:-Glto ' , • SMITHS' MORTUARY Q7 ,.,,,, sc. Hwi1Jn110-11 Beactl - DEAR ANN LANDERS: I hope "Mount Everest" (the guy ~'ho is 6'8" and f~ls like King Kong) takes your advice and stands tall. My ~ear-old kid sister ·is 6'1" and still growing. Al age 12 she was the tallest person in the school. The poor girl 'Was a o miserable she was turning into a recluse. Last year a teacher talked some sense into her and n8w she's 'happy as a~_elam, looking forward lo a career as a rnoci!r.NO'lhing has changed but her attitude. 4_ GLAD FOR HER DEAR GLAD: And llten 1 "'role -"lt'1 11ot what llap- pens to you bat bOw yea tab it tbat C011Gts." Thub for giving me an opportualty to 1ay it agala. "'~ 8rlde'I Gwlde.'' A!lll l.,.,.. be*!. • '""""" -of ... _, Ir• ....,..., y •Ptd -lloM llllUI" ~ dlf'IG•. To (,'°'"'~~ A f.:r"'s':-c: :,.-;;;;. 01.'l{v tLoi" .. nc;i..""' • '•"•· .... ,,.,~PHI 1111~ .nct 2Sconll In COlll. Civilians To Assist In Traffic SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Uniformed civilian "traffic controlmcn" will take over for some traffic cops as part ol the city's campaign to free more policemen for crime- fightlng. Poli~ Chief Alfred J. Nelder said the first nine "control- men" "'ill be out on their own at certain downtown intersec- tions. issuing tickets for park- ing and moving violations. Captain of Traffic Edward Cummins sa id. however, "they "'ill nol carry hudcu!fs or guns." The "controlmen" will wear light blue uniforms, white traf· fie cops caps and a shield. Cummins said the depart- ment expects to have 20 "con. trolmen" on the streets direct· ing traffic by next July. Thief Wears Priest Garb SAN FRANCISCO (U PI) - A man ~·earing 1 black suit and a clerical collar walked up to a Wells Fargo Bank teller and said, ''Don't step on the alarm or I'll shoot you." The teller, Claudia Rodriguez, 25, obeyed, though she did not see a gun, and the robber in priest's clothes escaped Thursday with $200 from t.he bank's civic center branch in San Francisco. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONA~ GUIDE • MAnRESSIS • MAnRISSES IOATS HOMn TIAILDS ''"" ....... C.. MtM Mtltmll C.. 21 H N.wpert .... Uberty 8· 1303 1• UPHOLSTERY • Mesa UphofstllJ Liberty 8-4781 JJll NIWPOlT llYI. II' , TOOTII . C l lMc. •••r•rMl..t 4, , .... , (REST PASO ••. ·:;:·"aiFFERIN 88' _, .. , 19' le •1• , ..... , $J"Value! Gold Veined Hazel Bishop Eye Make ·Up Ila. 39! Mirror Squares $)44 lox of 25 Christmas Cards OIE·OF;l·KIMD DESi8M TO l IOX .... 1 .. ii e SMH 'Iii , ·-· : Er• SMffw CR• EYlllMf' • MIKlr• I. l"tncll Kit e lir•brow Mate Up ' • llroiw 'N ll111r M8ke your I YH 11)11rkte with flr5I quality •Y• preP' trom H•t•I Bbn- lli'· Tnr!lty dow- ou~I tJ111•-11 •• ,.. IJMSJ.11 LiQh~Joht ea1r to lnsfoll. No gb-, I("""' or no l ls naedtd'. Add btou. ty, brJghtrieu, .,,.,_ c joui.r•ct 10 ony """"· Do If )'OUI'• 11 .. If. w111o n ....... 114• Ricoro Imported Rum or Monogram Bourbon PtRM GAU.OH Y-.cUM T ........ .,,of>ho-$299 1;,,,~ ..tter on on lmpomd llgllt oP do1k ru m or a , 1iro;aht boutb;m w>.!lby, Novelty Fur-Uke 3V:z.Ft. Foot Rugs ............ 2 $500 ~;as~;!: for ond 50 '.lb Auy· lit pfto $h:ipedl like o gionl' footJ:rint. Ltft OI" r;ght fofit, $).,Value Dollikins Fasllion Costumes 99c ·I FILM PROCESSING --f4" ,, Stylu p11lo,. In 1.t """''"'· foi.hlari tovor• 11et! Tollo...O or ,.;in bo-<f, butJ!,le 6-Cwt• loy trims. foll coloos in ~-M·l. Wear tMn> J~oroutl :· .. ' ~ ·: . '. ::: ~] I ,, L a I• 1..., • ;ad< 'r.. ~ig . \ ~ ba1 I las bai rec J. ] I sli1 IW> $IC I,": Pu du• gol we wa I Pr m< Hi! di! not sir bu lat I un di! L • c d c I I I t ( S.aturday, Ottober 31, 1970 DAILY PILOT 13 :Bruins Put · It All-Tog-e-theJ!..: By GLENN WIDTE 01 *-0.11¥ .. I... Stiff LOS ANGELES -UCLA put together a lethal running attack, an effective aerial 1usault for 512 yards total offense, then • added an adequate defense.as~lhe Br:u.in.s_ e10thered ouunanned Washington State's Eougars, 54·9, at the Coliseum Friday ;iiight before 30,029 fans. • Victory upped the Bruins' record to 6-3 and for the first time In 1970 they 'bad a breather. Even reserves got in. Jn fact, it was the use of substitutes the last 19 minutes that denied UCLA quarter· back Dennis I>Jmmit a couple mare school records. Dummlt went into the contest needing an early first down and was the~ Jolted 13 completions and 25 attempts to break late in the first quarter and didn't re· Gary Behan's carter marks 1n those tum to action til the last minutes of the categories. hall. And he &eemed well on the way to both He completed one aerJal before Inter· -with -eight-t'OmpleUons in 18--throws-for-mission, lhatJor 11..yards. , · the first hall. Then he came out to field general lhe However, after he had nailed 11 for 20 losers in the thlrd quarter. However, he for 165 yards and with the Bruins ahead, didn't last long. After two quick Inter~ <f0..3, Dummit was pulled and watched the ceptions he was pulled and didn 't go back remainder of hostilities from the bench. to the field of battle until lbe last 1:40 His counterpart from Costa Mesa. ex-of the game. fl.tater Dei High type Jack Wigmore, found UCLA did get one sc~l record~ th~t the going tough in trying to direct tbe of rive straight two.point conversions 1n Cougars. a single game and .six two-pointers in He caught a pass, ran for 10 yards for all. Aaron P·ar for the Course; Rodriguez Gets $200 Fine LAS VEGAS (AP) -Tommy Aaron slipped to a par 71 Friday but 'Clung to a two-stroke lead in tbe second round o! the $100.000 Sahara Invitational golf tourna- ment. 1 And , Juan "Chi Chi" Rodriguez of Puerto Rico .has been fined $200 for '.'con- duct un!f!coming of a professional golfer" during the final round of las~ week's Kaiser International al Napa, It was announced Friday. Rodriguez had no comment. Joe Dey, commissiQner or t h e Professional Golfers Association Tourna- ment • Players Division said golfer Dave Hill had protested that Rodriguez had disturbed his play by an excess of actions not customary in golf, iJ!cluding a simu1ated attempt to bat a ball with a bunker rake for the amusement of spec- tators. · DeY said investigation showed Hill bad unsuccessfully requested Rodriguez to discontinue such be~viour because o.r 115 effect on Hill. An altercation then oc- curred betwelen the golfers, Tite PGA commissioner said earlier in the year Rodriguez had been told that e1- cessive clowning was distracting to other players. Dey said Rodriguez agreed to curb his actions. The PGA also denied Rodriguez's re- quest that he not be paired with Hill in lhe future. The 3.1-year--0ld Aaron, who scored his first official victory in the Atlanta Classic earlier this year, had a 36 hole total of 135, seven under par &fter one round each on the Paradise Valley and Sahara Nevada country club courses. Aaron, whO said he bad been in a slump since winning at Atlanla, played Sahara Nevada Friday. Paradise Valley wit! be used for the final two rounds Saturday and Sunday. Aaron held a .t~stroke lead over three players Jocked at 137, PGA champion Dave Stockton, Bert Greene and Wilf Gratld Prix Qualifyi ng . Elford Sets Cou1·se Mark · RIVERSIDE (AP ) -Vic Elford of London drove the Chaparral with the con- troversial "vacuum cleaner" design a course recoi-d 128.446 miles per hour Fri~ day to lead the first day·s qualifiers for Sunday's $100,000 Los Angeles Times Grand Prix. Elford's clocking over the 3.3-mile track eclipsed the year-Old mark of Denis Hulme, 126.342 m.p.h., as 29 drivers posted qualifying speeds tor the finale of the lG-race Canadian-American Challenge Cup series. Qualifying continues today l\' h e n drivers try to bump some of Friday's top drivers down the list of 35 starters for the 201.3-mile race. the first turn at about 12Q m.p.b. The car banged into a wall and slid .about 300 feet but the Towanda, Kan., driver was unin- jured. TOP 5 QUALIFIERS t. Vic Elford, London. England, Ch¥-parral. 128.446 m.p.h. {course record, Old mark 126.342 by Denis Hulme. Colnbrook, England. 1969). 2. Hulme, McLaren, 125.462. 3. Peter Revson, New York City, Lola, 124.921. 4. Jackie Oliver, Walton-on-Thames. England. Norris '1'8-22 124.371. 5. Chris Amon, Oxom, England. STP ~farch, 123.840. Homenulk, a little Canadian. Stockton had a 67, Homenuik a 68 and Greene 69. Seven more were tied at 138: Dave Hill, Don Massengale, Lou Graham, Bob Stone, Kermit Zarley, Larry Hinson and Joe Carr. Indians Gun For Kill Toda'' Against OSU STANFORD -"Dee Andros has a way of, g~tting · his team up fol" important. games," !ayf coach John Ralston of Stanford. ,. Today's Oregon State-Stanford football game here is a Jot more important to :;ixth·ranked Stanford, h?ever, than to Andros' Beavers, who are G-3 in the Paeillc-3. A Stanford victory would put the In- dians just one slep away from clinching a Rose Bowl invitation, their first in 19 years. If the Indians, 4--0 in the Pac-8, v.•in and Oregon, 4-1. loses to Washington I.hen Stanford will clinch at least a share of the conference title. Oregon State teil ts-20 last Saturday to Washingto n and the Huskies' quarterback Sonny Sixkiller, who leads the nation in passing. This week the Beavers face Stanford quarterback Jim Plunkett, the total offense leader. "Plunkett can burn you many different ways," says Andros. '·Most of the Stanford players are a year older and a year better. Uiey're a more consistent football team than a year ago," he adds. The Indians now rank fifth in the coun- try in total offense. Plunkett has passed for 1,775 ya rds and halfback Jackie Brown leads the runners, with 489 net yarWs. Oregon State's o(fense lost veteran quarterback Steve Endicott several weeks ago with an injury. Jim Kilmartin. his replacement, has completed only 2o of 45 passes and has thrown eight in· terceptions. "But they .have fine runners," Ralston says, "and their defense is young. and developing." Fullback Dave Schilling. with 634 yards, is one of the top rushers in the conference. Andros. "The Great Pumpkin," has never had a losing season at Oregon State. The Beavers are 3-4 overall now, with four games left. Last season, the Beaver! had a 3-4 record going into their final lhree games and won them all. "With this game on Halloween and The Great Pumpkin corning here, we're scared to death," Ralston says. When UCLA trotted off the turf With a 24-S halftime lead it marked the first tJ.me in seven outings the Bruins have been ahead at intermission. And the final mar- gin of victory was somewhat ol a depar· ture _ ffQm . s.c.ript too since the Bruins' previous high win margin for 1970 was nine points in the opener 'at Pittsburgh. UCLA never trailed, moving 76 yards in nine plays for a 1touchdown the first time it got the ball. In fact, it looked like Prothro had sto len an act or two from conference leader Stanford. As Stanford did last week against UCLA. the Bruins kept the wraps on their vaunt- ed air attack and stayed exclusively on land ln that first blitz. 'l'llty seored when Randy Tyler cracked over from seven yards ou t and then Dum- mlt passed to Tyler for the first of a school recon::I five straight two-point con- versions. However, Washington State rebounded later In the first quarter when a recover- ed Bruin fumble set the Cougars up on the UCLA 31, Unable to move, junior Dollt Sweet of British Columbia, booted a 48-- yard field goal. That made it 8·3 with 4:07 left in the period. But UCLA pulled safely ahead with 16 more points in the second frame. EX-WESTMINSTER HIGH ACE DAVE PENHALL. 70,000 Ex pected to Se e Rams-Saint s Tilt S unday NE\V ORLEANS (AP ) -The Los Angeles Rams were the initia l opponents v.·hen New Orleans entered the National Football League four years ago and the hapless Saints find themselves desperate- ly hoping for another fresh start Sunday against the same Rams. A crowd approaching 70,000 is expected for the kickorf. The Saints. 1-4·1 for the season, drop- ped their first two games. but appeared on the verge of pulling it together in a victory over the New York Giants, a one· 0 11 T\I Sundajj Claa11ne l 2 , 10:30 touchdown loss to St. Louis and a Ue with San Francisco before falling apart last week at Atlanta. The Rams, meanwhile , are 4-2 and trail San Francisco by one-half game in the Western Division of the National Coll- ference . Minnesota downed Los Angeles. 13-3 Monday night In a rain-soaked game at Bloomington. The Monday night road game cost them a workout this week. but the Rams are in good shape physically. New Orleans, meanwhile. expected three key players to return rrom injured status -defensive end Dave.Long and running backs Andy Livingston and Ernie Wheelwright. Coach Tom Fears said Tony Baker and Elijah Pitts will start at the running back posts, but Livingston and Wheelwright in reserve could add the dimension to their ground game the Saints have soughl. Livlngston was the team's leading rusher last year and Wheelwright tradi· tionally has been a consistent gainer in crucial short-yardage situations. Three roughing-the-punter penalties against the Saints last week and having a punt returned for a touchdown prompted Fears to make· numerous changes in his special teams this week. But there was little he could do ahout the unusual number of dropped passes. "They don't practice to drop them," he said. Edd Hargett will get the call at quarterback again over veteran Billy Kilmer. Miami Falls, 27-3 MIAMI (AP) -Tom Bailey exploded for 108 yards ·in one quarter Friday night to ·be<:ome FJ.orida State's top career rusher and ignite the Seminoles to a 27-3 victory over punchless Miami. FSU slugged to a 6--0 halftime lead on field go.als by barefoot Frank Fontes, but Bailey's .heroics opened the door for three quick touchcdowns that sent Miami to lt.s thrrd straight loss. "Following Elford was defending Times Grand Prix champion Hulme. Colnbrook. England. who posted 125.~ in his McLaren. Elford's car was entered over prote!ll! of other drlvetl who claim the fan and skirt around its bottom vlolal.e In. ternatlonil rules against m o v e a b 1 e Hl"Odyriainlc devices. The car's builder, Him Hell. calls it a static vacuum syattm wtth nothing lo do with aerodyilamlcs. Foster Dangerous as Clay••Fra~ier The revolutionary Olaparral, however. li•s yet to finish a race. It &tarted at Watkins Glen ind Road Atlanta but drop- ped out It quaJified for the pole position at the recent Laguna Seta nee in Monterey but couldn't slart bec1U1t of enaine fa11ure. One of the 41 cars officially entered In· to the race was ellmiMted Friday when the right rear SU&J)ension appartntly broke on Gary Wilson's Lola approaching EAST STROUDSBU RG, Pa. (AP) - Heavyweight champion Joe Frazier is trying his best to concentrate on his Nov. 18 title defense against Bob Foster, but the shadow of Muhammad AU lurks around every comer of his Pocono Moun· lain training camp. Writers, broadcuters and Just plain fans find their way here to watch the champ train. They all ask the same ques. lion : Can Joe beat Ali? ''Wbo1s he?" asks Fra:der. maintaining 1 t.he stoney look lhat ii part or his ring • stylt. "I'm thinking. about Foster." Frazier says. "He's the guy I have 1 contract with. I got to whip him just like l did the i;ithers.·• The unbeaten Frazier has disp.;sed of 26 others, 23 by knockout or TKO. Frazier insists he is not looking past his defense In Detroit against I I g h t heavyweight chRmpion Foster to that mulUmilUon dollar fight with former ch•mpk>n M. "Foster is just as dangerous," ol>M!rvts Frazier. "Maybe he's more dangerous. He Is fighting for life and death. He could be harder than any fight I ever had. This ls the one rm worried about ." But despite Frazier'• effort to tum the conversation away from Ali, it always comes back to that. "All says he's the champ, Joe, •nd .that you're a contender, that he doesn't have to come after you," someone informed Fra1ier. "I feel I'ru Just as much champion a., him ," Frazier retorted. "I fouShl everybody they put in front of me. If he feels l~e he's a:ot 1 title. let him put it up. I'll put mine up. Hls talk doesn't bother me." All says you will be easier lo hit than Jerry Quarry, another needler prodded, "I'm not as e'uy to hit as Clay (Ali) thinks I am,"•Frazler replied. "My belief • 111 that Clay Is easier to hit· In the body than anybOcly. He sticks .his head back and his body Is there." What did ·Frazier think about All's re· t-ent three round TKO victory over Quar- ry ? ''I don't know anything about It." said Frai~r. "I don't read the newspapers. listen to the radio or watch television. I only know wht'l Yank (his trainer Yank Durham ) tells· me." _ lnfon-Qed that Quarry. who Frazk!:r !lop~ In seven round$ said fo~razler woufd ·~nockout Al~ ,ln six., Joe_allowcd himself the luxury of a smile and com· mented : "I •aree with Quarry.'' The flrst strike of the quarler camt with 10:20 to go as Dummit mixed his plays well and the Bruins Upped 64 yards In 10 plays with Gary Campbtll golng tho last yard and Dummit throwing to Tyler for the conversion. Then with 45 seconds left in thi:: half Dummil circled his left end for seve1 yards to culminate a f!G,.yard assa ult witb a IS-yard pass interference call against the Cougars instrumental in the drive. M'arv Kendricks, a hard running half. back who chalked up 60 yards in 15 car· ries the first two quarter$, bulled over for the conversion. After that it was simply too much of everything for the Cougars to handle. Penhall-led Bears Duel USC Toda y :... . I.OS ANGELES -One of California '1 .oJdest college football rivalries will be llenewed here today b e t w e e n California's Golden Bears and the Tro. jans or Soulhern'C&lirornia. Southern Ca l, wh ich lasl lost to the Bears in 1958, is ra vored to ma1':e it 11 · straight as each team slrlves tci salvage something in the Pacific-3 Conference campaign. Kickoff is I :30 p.m. PST. The en- counter will 9' a regional television sho'il' over, the ABC network . Coach Ray Willsey's blues from Berkeley are tied for fourth in the con- (erel"U with Southern cal, each 2.-2, be- On TV T oday I :30 , Claa11ne l 7 hind Stanford, 4-0, and Oregon, 4-1. UC LA is 3-2. For the season, coach John McK.Py't Troys are 4-2·1 in a sche<tule which-in· eludes wins over Alabama and a 21-21 tk with Nebraska. The losses were to con ference roes Stanford and Oregon. California's 3-4 record includes sucl puzzling losses as 56-15 to Te1as and 2$..( to Rice, not to mention 31·24 to OregOl. and 24-21 to UCLA. Last week, however, it was a 45-0 rom1• over Washington State on an afternooc· when USC was bowing to Oregon in the. mud,. lG-7, Guiding the Cal attack will be former . Westminster whiz Dave Penhall, whi.' ~ irqks sixth in passing in the league, one: notch below lhe Trojan signal man, J Uri· my Jones. Jones has passed his team 1,191 yaid: and thrown seven touchdown strikes. He' also has rushed for 71 yards. Penh.all'r ~ pas.sing yardag<. Is 1,129 and sb. touChdowns. He has lugged the ball 3!~ yards. Running back Stan Murphy is thl leading Bear rusher with 375 yards. TIH leading pass catcher is Steve Sweeney, 2l: for 472 yards and two touchdowns. Isaa1 Curtis is just behind Murphy in rushin{ wi th 349 yards. Southern Cal has a squad or runninr backs. Jed by Clarence Davis, the Pac-t leader \vith 637 yards and a gam( average of 91.0. Bobby Chandler, with pass recepliom.. good for 453 yards and three touchdoWM, is the use leader in this department. Said a California scout, however, "Of· fensively , SC is a very potent team. They can score from any place on the ·fiekl with people as deep as the third strin&.'' Lakers Whip Braves, 104-90 · LOS ANGELES (AP) -Featuring j ,. balanced sc.oring attack with able support off the bench. the Los Angeles Laktti whipped the Buffalo Braves, 104-90, Fri- day night in National Basketball AssoCia. tion play . Wilt Chamberlain and Jerry West led the Lakers wlth 20 and 19 points, respec- tively , as seven members hit double figures for Los Angeles, moving over .500' and retaining first place in the Pacific Conference. Buffalo's Don May led all scorers with 22 points while rookie John Hummer ~ tributed 17 tor the Braves. Buffalo outscored the Lakers early on the shooting of May and George Wil.son,. taking a 23-21 first-quarter advantage. The Lakers put on an incredible shooting streak tn the second period, 6u •. ting 17 of their 24 shots from the field. Gail Goodrich got them rolling early in the period and Willie McCarter and_ Rd, Roberson chipped in later ln the quar\er - as the Lakers rOlled to a 56-39 b> termlssion lead. The Braves made a brief run ln the. third period, slashing the lead to nlnt points with sil: minutes remaining. May and Hummer were doing the scoring fot . the Braves. Jim McMilllan and Hipp,_, llairston teamed to push the Laker lea( to 83-67 going into the final 12 mloules. tUl'l'A\.O \.OS ANOl\.al . • • ' • • t "" " ·~ n H•lfl!Ofl ' .. "-· ' ... " McMlllll ' ~ x Bew,..." • .. • ,_ • . .. ~ "ri•"' • ••• " Gooiil'k" • " e GI Ht,., ' .. ' Wft• • ••• " .. ,, • ... • Met.rt~ • .. " "M • •·• • ·-' .. " HM-ti • ... • TrttYl'lt • •• ' W!IWI ' ... " Kwllm1~ • •• • To!flJ • u .11 " 1ottll -0 lWI W l ulftlt ......... ,. 1) " • " -·:s Lot AMtlu ....... 21 " " )I-\ ' Foultd ou'-t. Toltl fovl-lllfltle :H, " -"-"'· Les AllOt! .. •• -J4 DAlLY Pll:llt S..tUrdu. Get.Ober 31, 1970 • as~led -Eagles-=-Zoom, By CRAIG SHEFF 0 1 Ille o.nr l"llel 1i.11 concludes the season aagi.nsl Corona det Mar. dttp ln the end zone ahd ninnlnt It back 15 yards. Estancia High '11 muhl-talented Curt Thomas' two pass .interceptions were Offens.ive.Jy Thomas finished the night 1:homas put on quite a show Friday really t~ dUference in the game, with seven completions tn 12 attempts rught at Orange Coast College. Th.e hrst came early In the first quar-for 71 yards. His two touchdown scores _ Th~~~gle quarterb_!lck not ~nty_pass-_I.er. T~e_J_ils.'.P:QuruL.~ior. &rAb~ lb~ .... wept to Rob.b)~.VJ1n V19inen and Lee Frl- .ed r~r two toucliiJOWns b.ut Jn~e~cepted errant Los Alamitos throw at the 50 and edersdorf. ., patr of enemy throws UJ gu1d1ng the rambled to tbe four. Th 1· · TD · I I · h Estancia football' team to a 27-8 victory . . . . . . e 1rst aerJa came ear y 1n t e lroier Los Alamitos ~di Wagner checked 1n with a six-lb1rd quarter and ,the 14-yard tackle f·fhe victory kePl the Eagles alive in J)<l1nter on~ play late.r and Cal Shores e!lglble pl~y to Van Vjanen climaxed a lheir. bid for a CIF playoff berth. £s. ad~~ a hne shot k.ick ror the extra 53-yard dr1v~ in 11 play~. Shores added tancia is now 6-1 for the season and 4-1 P<> · the extra P<>lnt. ill,lryine League play. . Then with the Eagl~ Jeadlng . 14-0, The T~mas to Friedersdorf pass was ., ::1 was real happy with the way the Tho'!las came up with hus second int.er-on the final play or the ga~e. It cover· tcids _came back in the second half," said cept1on. ed 11 ya~s and Shores agam added ,the . Eaa:Je coach Phil Brown. "They really Los Alamitos, sparked by the running extra point. did a great job. Now we've got two of Mike Hixson, drove to Estancia's 16 The other Estancia score came four more big ones left." and appeared like it would score. minutes alter Thomas had intercepted 1.'_ibt.ancia faces Fountain Valley Fri-But Thomas again rose to the occa-his second pass. •r~nlght at Huntington Beach and then sion, picking off a Griffin pass one yard The BS-yard drive ended when full-. ., . , back Jolm Dixon plunged the final yard. Lo.! Alamitos aot It.a score with four minutes left In the game on a lltyanf pass from quarterback Jim Hamilton to Bob Cameron. A twO-point conversion pass was completed by Hamilton to Terry Stupy. Hixson was the only offensive spark for the losers. He flplshcd with 141 yards in 21 carries and was tbe leading rush~ er in, the game. ' Eagles' tailback J im Schultz totaJed 96 yards in 20 carries while Thomas picked up 59 while carrying the ball 12 limes. l'A$$1NG Alll Ml.I ' ~ ... " ~· Tl'I01n11 " ' 1 n ·"' LO. Al1'"l,.1 M1'"U!Oft " ' • .. ·'" .. _ ' ' • " .a Tot1I• .. ' ' " ·"' 27 I USMIM• l lltMtll kll " ri, ... Vikes Hold Off Oilers, """'" WHMf -· T1'10m11 Olx0!'1 lttl11r 20 " 4 I ·1 ~ l H Win, 18-15 .. :l6S l' •.• TOI.II lt1 Al*"'lt~Hi'---_;_--~-- Hlxun S111ncler1 Stuck SIUI'~ H1mlltot1 21 1•5 ' '·' l 1 0 1.0 suoa.6 1 0 t ·ft 1 0 ' ·'·' T•t1l1 2t I.. 15 5.1 • Flrlf cl0wn1 ru1~J.,. U First -n• p1u ln1 • Fl"11 doWlll Hnl lllll 0 Tot1t llr1I daw111 11 Y1rcl1 r<•llllnt 20S V1rd1 1>IHl119 11 Y1nt1 IOI! 1J NII r1rd1 91IMCI 1'3 Pu111t/A\ler-dllll 'l<t J /l2.l Ptnl ltlel/Vl rdl HlllllHd I/Ml f11mbltt/fW11llQ~ '°'' 010 "'-.,. O\ll rten .. I ' • .. '" " " •• J/)<1.5 "" "' W. Al1mllOI 0 0 Elllf'ICll r f . ,_. 1 J)-,1 DAILY ,.ILOT 1"11111 "° U. 1"1rn1 By PHIL ROSS DI l~t Dl llY l"lkll llllf Favored Marina's Vikings pushed across a pair of second quarter touch- downs and then held off any furth er Huntington Beach threats in dumping the upset-minded Oilers . 18-15. in a wild sunset League football battle Friday night at Huntington. Marina is 4-3 on the season and 3·2 in Sunset encounters while the unfortunate Oilers of coach Ken !\'Ioats drop back lo a 1-8 overall record and an 0-5 Sunset mark. Upstart Huntington had grabbed a 7-6 edge two and a half minutes into the sec- ond stanza on an 11-yard scOring strike from Garth Wise lo Tony Ciarelli. But then coach Leon Wheeler's Vikings roar· ed back into an 18-7 lead v.·hich they were never to relinquish. The contest was in Mub! until lhl' Cin11t eleven seconds when Monahan squelched a potential, last-gasp Oiler drive with a clutch interception at the Huntington 46. Marina turned the trick initially fol· lowing-a 63-yard. JO-play series capped when quarterback Steve ~1onahan sprint· ed into paydirt on 11 keeper five yards around right end. He scored with 5:47 left in the first half. The winners capilalizeO a~ain two mln- ute s l;:iter after an onside kick was suc- cessful. They drove 40 vards in four plays . Re- serve halfback Harvey Hirata accounted for the final 14 yards on R jackpot dash arooncl left end after tak:inl? a llandof( from Monahan to provide ?\farina with an 18-7 margin. Huntington took the ensuing kickoff and steamed from its 40 for a TD with \Ylse finding split end \Vhitney Plummer all alone in the right comer of the end mne with just a minute remaining in the half. Both defenses shined in the second half. not allowing a point after the mad- cap 27-point second period. Offensively the second half also pro- duced conservative efforts from both sides with all but 5:07 having elapsed be- fore Wise attempted a pair of unsuccess· fuJ aerials on an unlucky Oiler drive. The first attempt was bat trd down bv Marina's Rodney Brown while Brown's teammate Ron Bass picked off the sec- ond try two plays later at his own 38 and returned It 11 yards. In the only scoring done outside or the second period, Marina cashed in one two- yard keeper by Monahan with 4:54 left Jn the first quarter. The tally culminated a seven-play, 57- yard Viking thrust which was set up on e 25-yard punt return by ltfonahan and a 15-yard personal fo'lll penally against the Oilers on the tailencl of the return. Monahan failed on one PAT attempt with his toe while the Vikings also were unable to make hay on a pair of two- point ronverslon attempts. Huntington 's extra points werl' sco red by Brett \Vhite (kick) and Ciarelli (pass from Wise ). . Alth011~h he dirln 't re;:ich ttu> enrf zonr. .. Bill WAGNER (31) PLUNGES FOR FIRST ESTANCIA SCORE. THE EAGLES ROLLED TO A 27-8 VICTORY OVER LOS ALAMITOS. Marina's speedy fullback Joe Ventimiglia !Pd alJ rushers with 110 yards in 19 car· ries. Football Tiffs ' Dominate TV Sports Menu Football fan s will have an opportun ity ·to watch the USC-California game live this afternoon on Channel 7 beginning at LIS. This isn't startling,_ but the fact that these . same fans c8'11--1-icw the ga me h_ighlfghts with John 1'.1cKay (Trojan coach) Sunday afternoon at 4 on Channel f 8f'ld then "'atch the enl ire game by lape .dela.f at 10 Sunday night on Channel ll ftmngs a rare opportunity to ardent fans of both teams. A full weekend of pro football is in sti>te including the Rams and New Orre3ns Saints (II a.m. on Channe-1 21 S_\!ndQY plus golf from Las Vegas, a {thi'sh of the abbreviated Clay-Quarry nshl -Md concluding with a re-run of the 'I1riies Grand Prix Sunday night at 10:30 >••'(:baMei 9. l 0·.' * • Tars Make 'em Believers By Stopping Western, 14-6 By HOWARD L. HA NDY 01 !~1 D1llr l"lkll 51•11" Newport Harbor's Tars made believers out of the old grads Friday night at Da vidson Field. 'Mic strange football magic Ernie John- son has ""rought at Ne"'port this season that keeps the Sailors in a first place tie in lhe Sunset League, was presented to a large homecoming crowd as the Tars de- feated \Vcstern, 14-6. For three quarters ii was a standoff de- fensi~·e battle before the Tars exploded for a pai r of touchdo,...11s \\'ithin a span of 2:07 in the fourth stanza. \Vestern scored on the final offensive play of the game to avert a shutout. Each team turned back an offensive drive in the first half. Phil Metzger. Bill \Vhitford and Grif Amies took turns in halting the Pioneers at the Sailor t"·o. \Vhitford then turned to the offense and m11de a spectacular divinit catch on a fourth dOY.11 play to move the Tars to the Pioneer seven but the drive was halted there . Interceptions by the Tars thwarted and fru strated Westcrn's Greg LaMendo!a until the final drive of the night. Whit· ford and Taras Young each made a pair afld Mike Mors nabbed another to make it five for the game. The litantic defensive struggle con· linued through the thi rd period with Ron Tripp nailing LaMendola twice on driv- illg tackles on red-dog situations. 1be Tars' middle linebacker exempti· fied the determination and doggedness of the entire Newport defensive unit , \Vhen it came lime for the fourth pei'iod scoring, Newport drove 54 yards in 10 plays for the first touchdown with Mike Easterling doing yeoman duty. He car· ried on six of the 10 plaYll including the nnal fi ve yards to pay dirt. Alvin \Vhite then converted with 7:28 to play and it was 7..0 Newport. On the next scrimmage play Young intercepted a pass at the Western 44 and Bradbur11 Leads lfi11 UCI Poloists Bu1·y Foe UC Irvine water polo team toyed "''ith CCAA leading C1\ Poly (Pomona) Friday afternoon and posted a ~JO victory in action in the losers' pool. UCI jumped into a 9-1 lead in the first quarter and after an ea!!Y mid-game session, tallied eight more in lhe fourth period for the 19th "''In of the year against one loss. Jim Bradburn scored Sill' goals to bring his season mark to 43. high for the Anteater team. 11hi11 is also the number of goals he scored for the rntlre tam· palgn last year as 1 freshm11n. Ferdy Massimino had five and ls two • behind Bradburn In the season scoring race wilh 4-1. Other scorers included t.iason Philpot l\1ith four. Jack Dickmann two aod Tim Harrison, Bruce Black and Bob ~fcC\ellan with one each. Richard Rambaud scored seven for the Bronros. leaders In the CCAA with a 3-0 Jtague record and 14-S for the yea r. This is the 121h time in 20 games the Anteaters have been in double figures nnd the season game average Is 12.3 points. Two big g~mes ttrc on hip next week, the first lit USC Tuesday afternoon ani1 the second at UCLA Saturday morning. UCI holds victories ov~r both teams In the Anteater pool. returned il to the 22. Then Dan Seals wen t the final 13 ya rds to paydirt with \Vhile again converting and il was 14--0 \Yilh 5:21 to play . Young intercepted his second aerial with 3:19 to go and appeared to snuff out a Wesll'.!rn bid for a score. But the Tars ,...·ere forced to pu nt, and with t :37 remaining, La~fendola went to work for the lone drive of the night for Western. He moved the ball from his own 3~ to the score with an aerial attack. Four of his 10 CQmpletions came in the march with the final one to Alex Gulflen from 30 yards out with one second remaining on the clock . The victory leaves Newport tied with Anaheim for the Sunset League lead after Loara dropped a 21-12 verdict to West· minster. Lai\fendola. heralded as the top passing quarterback in the ciro.iil. was outshone by the Tars' White. \Vhite connected on eight of 14 for a .571 ptrcentage com· pared to .~~5 for Laf\.lendola . Five of the eight Newport completions \\'ere nabbed by Young. GAMA ITATtSTICI F1111 dow~s •u•Mf!9 Fin! Oow~• PIH1"9 F ln l dOWl'll "'"lllitl Tur1t 11 .. 1 oawm Y1rcl1 !W~lllfl V•1d1 P1111"9 V1rcls loll " ' • ' " 1;4 " " "' NIH r•rds 9<1llltd Pu"t11Aver1oe 0"!8'1CI P-lllU IY•fllS Pflltll.ltd f vmO!a /Ft.1mtrlc• loll ' h .1 ... k1r1 '°Y GVIP'tltt N1wp0<! H1rbllr • O O Wnlffft O G 51.,,...., 5Ml1 E•1i.tllftg WMll MMO TO!tll ,,,_, T. Wll!Oll II, W!l10n Lt.Mlllffl~ T!llll W~l!I IUIMtHG NtwMrt H1rw1r .. .. 11 11 . ,, 11 .1• ' " ' . 41 ll-1 w,11.,,. " . " . 1 • ' ' 17 14 l"AISING Htwil't'1 "'""' .. " 1' I W11ltl'!I " " "' . " 0 I ,, I • ' • • " • • ' " " "' II J • •» • ' • • " .. "' " "' l lU O 10/IOS ,,, " • ... " .. '' ,, u ... ••• ... ••• ,4,J ••• '" .!ll ... Caldwell Inks Cage Contract With Carolina GREENSBORO, N. C. (AP) -Veteran JOe Caldwell, a superstar with the Atlan- ta Hawks ol the National Basketball AS· socialion, signed a contract with the Cero- lina Cougars of the American Basketball Association Friday aftCi:noon. After getting what Cougllr manager Carl Scheer called the "best cbntract in bas- ketball." Caldwell went into the Cougar lineup Friday nighi in a 104-9a~oss to the Virginia Squires. Caldwell, who averaged 21.1 po'l.tts with Atlanta last year. pumped in 22 JtOints, but hit only 9 of 22 field goal attempts. The S-5 Caldwell 's switch to the ABA may c::ause some rumblings from the NBA at a time when the two leagues have agreed in principle to merge. Scheer acknowledged this. saying, "We expect some repercussion! in a couple of weeks." He defended the inter-league maneuver, however, saying : "We have other examples of th is. We llave Ray Scott of Buffalo jumping and playing with Virginia and we have Gar- field Heard of Virginia jumping and playin~ with BGSton." In New York . NBA Commissioner Wal- ter Kennedy declared, "Such action on lhe part of Carolina hardly enhances the pos- sibility of a merger." ABA Commissioner Jack Dolph attend· ed the Virginia-Carolina game. Earlier he said of the effect of the Caldwell purchase upon lhe possible mer- ger: "Each individual club must do what It can to have a winning operation. This case points up dramatically the need for a merger. And . as for the contract being legal. let me txplain that in the ABA sys- tem I have 10 days to reject thU one." • CIF Grid Scores M!r1 COii• 11, Mimi\ Tlf',11\CI 14 litldlt'ICl1 G, kn Gortonle I w,,,.,, ~ COm11'°" I St. ,rll\C 1 :U, Sllallf'I t P11A•-f), lllt1'111191'1A It I!! lli.lld'!e 42, MllUll.1n I LonQ &tit~ Wll'°"' lt, Piil' lt ArCMlt 11, S..n O.brltt I Ml,_ ICtif:'.I 1), M°"""Yll ' MOl\19'11 1, LI llf'M 0 $fl\ll MOfli(I 21 , Hl..,he•nt . Arroyo n . e1 Mllllll u Tt'"Olt CllV U, LI Cl!',,dl e • ClltlftY '1, !l1tnl>O~r ' ' 10!1111 », Cnlno II OAMI ITATllTICS M " Fl<st downs rv~lng " • Fl<ll do-. Pllllng ' ' l'!rll dowl\1 pen.itla ' ' Tottl lfr1t downs " " Yl<ds rushing "' "' V1rcl1 PIHlng ~ ,. Y1rd1 kul " " Mt! y1rd1 g1in.d '" '" P1111111Awr•11• dill•nc• SIU.• ~/JJ,7 Ptn1Ulf1/Yt rd1 (llllllfled '" "" Fumbles/Fumbles loll '" .,, klN'I ~' a u1rf1r1 M1rl111 ... . • " • • ,. H1111Ungto11 Bncll " " • • " •U$MINQ M•rlnl "' .. " ••• Mone hen • .. • " V1nllmlf ll• " "' • .., Mtrrll! " " • " Hlrell ' " • , .. To1111 ., '" " ••• Hvn!lngron l t1cll Wise " "' " " Plc~loril • " • " O\Jv1l ' " • • •• Cl1re111 J .. • .., To!el1 .. "' " .., l"A55tNG M1ri"1 .. " .., " "' Mon1han • ' 1 ~ . .. Hvt1llt1t,.n l t •<ll Wls1 ' ' ' " ·'" Plc~lonl ' • • • ... Tot1t1 • ' ' " ,~ Ski Instructor To Give Advice On Techniques Mike Hughes. an lnternaticnal pro- fessional ski instructor current I y operating out of Snow Valley. Idaho. will be on hand today and r<.1onday al the Sears l1tore at South Coast Plaza. Hughes will be in the sk.i department from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day to assist customers in selecting proper equipment .and clothing and to answer questions about skiing techniques, care of equip· men!, safety tips and other queries about the sport. "We are extremely pleased to have thi! professional sk.i instructor visit our store." J. R. Metcalf, store manager sa:vs. ''His expert advice will be In· valuable to · Sears cmtomm and sales pcr!Onnel.'' Hughes is one of several pro skim personally selected by Othmar Schneidtr of Sears Sporl5 Advi!l<'lry Staff to vi!Jtt 5tl'lres across the country. Ht' has been an inslruct.or .at the T famous Sepp Ruschp Ski School In Stowe, Vtrmonl and was director of his own ski school at Powder Hill. Conn. ln addition to his duties at Sun Valley, he: is also 11n instructor at the Othmar Schnelder ski school in Portillo, Ctula. '1 ' Lions Back - Loara,21-12 -1ly -1\0GER-CAlll.SO"~-- cu 1111 0.11, l"llfl Still \Vestminster High's pack• of Lions had lost five in a row and were presumed dead. But Friday night's SlWlning 21.12 upset win over Loara's Saxons at the Lions' Den in Sunset League football action clarified an apparent misconception: Westminster's Pack is back! f<'irst victim on the Lions' comeback trail was Huntington Beach, which was shelled ~14 a week ago. Then Loara fell into the Lions' revitalized jaws. Coach Bill Boswell's Lions made shambles of the highly touted Saxon defense \Yith junior quarterback Jeff Siemens cutting the Loara secondary to ribbons with his pinpoint passing. Westminster never trailed and owned a 1S.-poi11t margin with less than eight minutes to go after Siemens hit split end Steve Grassbaugh for six points the se- cond time. And the unheralded We st minster defense. whi ch had yielded 94 points in its first follr league encounters, stopped Loara cold on crucial plays with Deano Aldridge. Doug Milne, Jody Thompson and Kevin Lamb spearheading the defensive side. • sa.....,., October n, 1970 OAILV PILOT J S ·Lagunans Stiff er 49~7-- Spankll1g By ARMAND RANSON Of ftM Olllr ""' ltd ' ' . ' ~' Saddleback ICOted the firlll three Ume4 It got the ball, was halted by a fumble, ICOfed the nel\ ilme, was stopped .by another fumble, scored agaln. lost the ball on a pass interception then scored the final two times it had the ball. And that was the grim picture al San- ta Ana Bowl Friday night as Saddle- back's Roadrunners throttled 'Win~ ..... ~-·-~H.J!i .. q.Q!!!l.l•»!:~-o---• iJi.{;(~7:''" gue football debacle. ·· Meanwhile, Laguna's followers ·w Jillie to cheer about except In the fleet- jng moments of the game when Orel J<essler scored on a brilliant run alter taking a Pm from Gary FileUe, the play covered 41 yards with the nm~ the last 20. : ... ,.,, Mike Moorman converted to g~· Artists on the scoreboard. Wi~ :@ie: minutes to play, Sklp Winship «1 yards for an apparent TD but had It 'CiP.· ed back when the officials; de\ed14 ~a back in motion before the center ii!'P; ·Brian Myracle, the RoactnmnUf.' classy quarterback did !_()me ex~t faking all · night, ran for two TDs Dd Devon Trahan who gained 189 yard! by himself raced for two TDs. The other scores came on Brian Daw .. son's plunge, a blocked punt by Gaty Potters who chased the ball Into ~ end zone, and by Charlie Butler wbOtook a 30-yard pass from J im ~ •• Trahan scored on runs of a · .JS The victory was the second straight for Boswell's crew while tbe Saxon loss drop- ped the invaders out of a tie for first place in loop hostilities with Newport HarbGc and Anaheim. TOM WALKER OF ·UNIVERSITY·RAMBLES FOR YARDAGE AGAINST SAN DIMAS. yards, utilized his sensational ~:. The best news of the night fot.:~ Roadrunners, however, was the ~ Siemens was brilliant pa5sing as he. hil targels with consistency and the Lion receivers further complemented it with sure-handed catches. Siemens' first TD toss to Grassbaugh covered 'Zl yards with 5:25 left of the third period to give Westminster some breathing room after Ieading 7..0 at the half. Grassbaugh caught the ball five yards past the line of scrimmage and outlegged the Loara defense, which was primed for a run on fourth and three. His second perfecta was a 12-ya rd pitch and Terry Young's subsequent two-point conversion pass to Steve Olesiak upped the margin to 21..0 with 7:56 left in the game. Westminster's first score came on a 70- yard drive culminated by Siemens' one- foot blast over center. Aldridge kicked tbe PAT. Another aerial bombardment almost gave the Lions another score but an of- ficial's flag nullified a 31-yarder to Grassbaugh at the Loara one. Later in the same drive, third rate of- ficiating finished off the scoring attempt when wtiistle blew a Lion play dead er- roneously. Loara's first TD came on Dean Lap- pin's pass to Bruce Wagner with 2:32 left in the half and the Saxons came back late in the game to score on Jim Beyer's two- yard smash. Kirk Harris' fumble recover set up Westminster's 34-yard drive for its se- cond TD. Young 's interception in the first period started the Lions on their 70-yard scoring march. GAME STATllTl(S w L Finl downs rlKlllng • " Flrll downs p.1ul1>11 , ' First dOvml pen11fl1s • ' Tottl 11n1 dowm, n .. Y1rd1 ruslllna " "' 'rlnls p.IHl"!I '" n '1'1rd1 IO!ol • " He! y1rds a•lntd ,. "' """''•/Av9ftQI dlslt nct 4'31.7 2/:16.S Pe.,.llln /Y1rd1 ptntllttd "" I/IS Fumblls/Fumbln I01f "' ln kw• by ouerttn Westmln111r ......... • , • • " Lotrl • 1:USHING • • • " W••lmln111r '" " " .,. Siemens • " " -2.2 Wlnkltl • " • ••• """" , " ' ... M8d<k>c:k1 ' " • 2J.0 Ml Int ' • ' ... Dreltu1 ' ' • ... H1rrl1 ' • " -17.0 Tol1l1 " " • ... LMrl L1ppln • " n ,., li:l~ln1 • n ' u Henn• " " • " lley.,1 " •Y ' '-' 8retr ' ' • '' fGllll .. m " ••• •A.SUNG Wnl"1,nsi1r " K "' " "' SletT1en1 .. • ' "' .on Mlt!li' ' I • " .... Tot1!1 " " 1 1• ·"' LNrl L1pi>ln " • • n ... Compton Ca gers Top-seeded In Tournament Compton High School has been seeded No. 1 in the sixth annual Westminster· Marina Rotary Invitational basketball tournament beginning Dee. 7. The Tarbabes will meel a junior varsi· ty contingent from Long Beach Wilson al \Vrstminster Dee. 8. Marina High's No. 3 seeded Vikings will play SI. John Bosco in their opener while Fountain Valley, seeded fourth, meets Riverside North in the opener, both Dee. 7. The other seeded team Is Warren, which meels Magnolia in first round ac· tion. Al W•tmhitt" .... ' F°'"'llln V1llff .,, 1111¥ertldt North 7 ,,m, Stnll F• "'· wn1mlfttltl' 1:11. ..... 1(1ltlll ¥1 lont 8t1cfl PolY 1 ... II'\. l ent lltlcfl WlllOll JV WS (omplorl 1:)0 ,., Mltl~• Of>c:. 1 Ct11lt"nl1t v1. Gt,dt" Orevt ''·"'· $1, JCM IOKI •J. M11l111 I r• ..... !t.Ull1dall• v. LOI Alll!!!llOt 1 ... m, M"riolla n W1rrtn l :lO ;··Foreigners Speed Away With Honors Foreign visitors made a clean sweep of all of the top honors Friday night on the speedway motorcycle racing card before 6,200 screaming tans at the Orange County Fairgrounds dirt oval in COsta Mesa. A swathe of British Empire riders thrilled the second biggest throng of the year at the 190-yard track by winning all five -races contested. Australia's Jim Airey , captured both the scratch and handicap main event races on the regular card while New Zealanders Ivan Mauger and Barry Briggs teamed later to make a sham- bles of the three gold cup races in the Ang!O:American Series. Airey edged Briggs and Mauger for the top spot in the scratch main and then returned to outdo Jolin Fishburn tEl Cajon) and Larry Shaw (Fullerton) in the handic'ap race. The New Zealand duo. meanwhile, was. sensational in the gold cup races. Mauger managed first place in the first and third gold cup runs while Briggs sneaked in for the best finish in the sec· ond race. They nixed out all American riders in sight in the series, which is scheduled to conclude next Friday night at the same site . Next week's races will be the final ones contested at the Costa Mesa oval during the current year with competition not slated to resume again until nexl May. Irvine Clash CdM, M,esa Collide Tonight at Newport Home Is where the heart is. The borne in this case is Newport Harbor High's Davidson Field, the regular stomping grounds for both ·the Costa Mesa :r.iustangs and the Corona Del Mar Sea Kings, who'll square off in an Irvine League football conflict there tonight (8). Although both squads call Davidson home, tonight'.s contest is officially tab- bed as homecoming for coacb Max Miller 's 1'1esans. In spite of this, coach Dave Holland and bis Sea Kings will be going after their second straight win. Last week, Corona dropped Magnolia In an easier-than·the-score-indicates 21-14 decision. The Sea Kings enjoyed a 21-6 edge at one iime, but Holland wasn't totally hap- py with the victory over the winless Sen· tine ls. He says, "v.·e kind of let down with that 21.S lead. We should have scored two other times. "l felt we didn 't rhake a total effort for the wllole game," he adds, Oddly enough, Miller 's woes resound like a loud echo of Holland's problems. J\.filler notes. "a lot depends on whether we 're ready to play a whole game. We seem to have .broken down in the fourth quarter in every game so far . "But our kids haven't quit yet and tbey·ve managed to stay in every game." The contest is expected to match a formidable passing attack (Corona ) against an occasionally sharp running game (Costa Mesa), although the Sea Kings have exhibited some brilliance in their own rushing format as of late with John Miles (144) and Bob Ferraro (172) doing yeoman duty. Sea King southpaw quarterback Keith Samuels has thrown for 975 yards with his favorite target, split end Karl Killefer, having pulled in 33 bombs for 651 yards and four scores. Despite recent foot problems, Killefer will open at his regular end post with John Grower (17S) replacing him in the Sea Kings' three deep secondary. Mesa's Wolf (165) is at the forefront of his team's offense with 333 yards on the ground (eighth in the area). Bob Bombay (160) is the Mustangs' flanker with seniors Gary Schoettler (175) and Kent Paul (165)•fighting for the fullback job and juniors Flip Dani.ell (170) and Joe Arthur (165) battling at quarterback. Brad Gill>ert (175) returns to his normal tackle post while Pat Sweetland (210), a tackle last week, will be back at tight end for Aiesa. * * * ew-illl Mer c .. t. M111 UI ll:1tl 11.lltef« .. Jon Mard'llO!'l•tll .. 161 Sl1n Ntlllll"' ' llr..:I Giibert "' 16!1 .. 1 WtllOft 0 KerTY 8owrlM ... 16!1 Mtlcovm OtMllle ·C Dtfl Wlltl•m. "' 171 Court l!mmll'rn1n G Cll•Ull<t'I' Btf ts "' XII .. tee ll1m1.., ' Jim Mii..,. n• 167 C1rlo TOltl E Pit SWltllutd "' U3 1(11!11 Slmw!s 0 Flip Darl'le!I ·~ 1.u John Mlltt • l(lm Woll ... 112 !loll F1rr1ro • llob llofl'biN' "' Ut Slllellko lllcf\41nll0ft • 1<..,t f'•YI ... UNIVERSITY 'S DAVE ONG SCORES TWO.POI NT CONVERSION , Trojans Zip To 36-20 Win ery of a place kicker who could ~ extra points. ,•'-; Frlday night,. David Alcaru, a ~ senior QB made good on .even out ol seven. . Over Saints Coach Hal Aklns' Artlllll return to laop hosWities Friday night at 7:30, ~ another loop unbeaten force -Sobora.. • ~ Although the Artists' defeMe was ·~ Jy well pulverized, Jerry Abbey ud Mike Wiezbowsld performed impresatye.. , By MANNY PINEDA 01 ""' ~11, ,, .. , '"" Univers.ity Hlgh's regulars marched ror scores virtually everytime they .got lhe ball as the Trojans demolished San Dimas, 36-20, Friday night in a non. league football tiU at Mission Viejo High School. In a game between two new schools on the prep scene, it was all Univer· sity and the score fails to tell the mas. t.ery the Trojans had .ov.er the Saints who were seeking their fifth success in seven games. · -· Four different University players &Cor- ed touchdowns with Bob Gill credited with two of them on runs of orie and less than 19 yards. The rest of the polnls were scOred by Dave Ong and George Harney on alter touchdown plays. San Dimas was helpless against the University regulars but c.8.shed in when coach J erry Redman inserted his re- serves. In fact, the Trojan varsity had a 36-6 bulge whe n the Uni subs got into the act late Jn the third quarter. They couldn't hold the tide and the Invading Saints scored 14 points to nar- row the margin down to 3&-20 before University's regulars returnetl: up ' front but still with second line troops, with the exception of quarterback Tom Walk- er, in the backfield. Neither te"am showed much of a pass- ing game and University's ground attack took the Saints' forwards apart. Gill was the top ball carrier for the Tro. ~ans, rush!ng for 160 yards in 14 carries, including scampers of 49 and 29 yards. Walker completed but three passes in five tries and had one intercepted. However, his job was to keep the ball on the ground, and he did just that. The Trojans contained San Dimas flith onl.v Herbert Moses and DeaMa Wyatt giving them trouble on occasion. One of these came after Uni had taken a 15-0 lead and kicked off to San Dimas. Moses returned it 73 yards for the Saints• first TD. . ... University marched 77 yard~ ln·lO plays for its opening touchdown, Gill running over from the one yard line. Ong kicked the PAT. . Next time the Trojan~ £to• the ball, they waltzed 69 yards to TD No. 2 in four plays, the bl,r gainer bein,r a 49-:vard dash by Giii, who was caught from behind on the Saints' six. Call ran In on the next play. Ong alertlv picked up a hobble from the center with Ed Riehl holding and went in for two points. OAM• STATISTICS • Flnt dowris ru1111,,. " P'(rtf downt Pllll"9 ·• Fir" da-• 1>en•lllt1 • Ta!tl first downs " Yt,dt ruslll~~ '" Y1,d1 PIUlfltl " V11'dt kHI • Htl Yll'dl ••fMd "' Punt1/A....,111 dl1t111e.1 ,,,4 P-!lln/Y11'd1 HMllttd "~ FumblfS/Fumtllt1 Iott >II Sttl'I llr Offrlt h Sin Dlm1t Unl\tlflll¥ Jliddlt GUI ""'"' Ctll W1•tl' Cfl11<n11lll'I '"" Jlltlll Tof•IS -""~ WYlll --"" Tolt lt w11~,, f Ollll 11., ..... , 11111 Tott It • " l"AS~INA U~lvtrtlrr •• ,. 1 " .. , .. ' " ' • ' .. ' ' 1 • 1 • ~ ... ·~-" " ' ' " .. I I ' • " 1Y ftlSSINO Unl\'tl'tltr r .. " • ' • ••~ Olma• • 1 I • • • I ' • • I .. "" ' I • • • •• • ' • • •Y .. ' . "' 3/ll.l 3/IS 111 ,._,. ,_,. " '" • ••• • lU ' ., • u " '·' • ... • • •I ·1 " .. -· ... • ... • u • ••• 4 4 _, ., " '" " .. ,, .. • ... " ... " " ly for the losers. • So devastating was tbe Roadrun!lefS,' attack that they didn't have to punt once in the game. Two fumble recoveries and one JUI Interception by Laguna ·saved the ..- from an even more lopsided ICCri -as the Artists held them for downs with less than two minutes to play, the ICOl'e 19-0, and the ball on the Saddleba<;t .f:l· OolM• STAT1n1cs -·-•• '" first ~ """lnl ' " First clown1 pa~lna ' -~ Flnr d9wnl ,.,,.lfl• • Tott! tin!~ • :;;L . Y1nll nnl'lll!ll '" Y11*; peulnt " "' v.m '"' " :~~ Net rtnl1 flin.d '" """'ls/Awr191 dllltnc<I 7/22.f P-Jllts/Y1rd1 Jllllllliecl t/10 Fumllln/Fumllln IOtt 1" ~· Sare ty O.rlen ' LlllllM hldl , •••. •. 0 0 • 7 -:·1 SaddltblC-. .......... " " " , ~~-llUIHINe ..,.,..,_ -•• 'J ~ ::, ... ,_, • • . 'i.6 Wln1hlp " .. • .. o•-• " ' -.. Ke11!tr 1 • • ••• Wlt'lbawJkf • • • •• ..... • 1 • ... Tollll " 111 " u , ... _ Tr1llln " '" ' 1J.S My rte II " "' • 10.0 .. _ • ~ • " Mldclf!'lllfl ' " • ••• 8utll"r ' ' • ... J1<'1UOt ' ' • ••• .... ~ • " • u Coehrum ' 1 • r Tot•l1 • "' I • .. SSINCI ............ .. 1 .. .. r, FIW!e " • • .m Toltls " ' • " .... .... -. ,. My .. <11 • • ' " 'I Coo:h'um ' • • " To1111 " I I 10 Hawks Get Big Surprise From Rookie · ... .. ... ·-ATLANTA (AP) -Dave Coweos ill!> ed with the Boston Ce!Uca for fl.I mlllJao less than the Atlanta Hawks ·pold P.llllQI Pete Maravlcb. , • .-: Guess wbo's doing best. , "If C.OWens isn't Rookie of the Y~." says Celtics coacb Tom Heinsohn, "he.ii be robbed " ': · Cowens 'averaged 21 polnts and tf ~ bounds during bis flrst seven games &. the National Buketball A!aocla~ Mostly, the 6-9 Florida Slate Uolvenit' product l! paired off against men 1arPr and stronger. "Dave's playing out of poaltlon," llJd Boston captain John Havlicek, "and IWllC a whale Of a job. He'• a natural 1°"""4 who's been pressed into duty at ~ , . • and Cowens is t~ best rookie ,l'w seen." . Maravich averaged 13 points for 1'111 first two weeks ln the NBA, sboottnc f. weak 35 percent. • ;, Heinsohn was a rugged 1-7 forward ta his day as a Celtic star. He Ilka toUdf g\!YS and Cowens is hil prile pupil. ! "By mid-season, Dive will make tbllili forget Maravicb and most ol tbe -crop," said the coach. "He means mGr9 to the Celtics lban Pistol Pete doel to tllo Atlanta Hawk.! .•• 1t lust at tbe mo- ment he does. II • • Maravich wUI eam •t.t mlWon for ftft sea:ons In the NBA. Co....,. bo't ....U, a P"Uper, but hb llll0.000..-Y<ar deal for lhree seasons is paltry next to ~'• fortune. ,: "Ycu learn to play tough llft'1 nlabl0la the pros • • , or get m11rde~i'' Miit Cowens, fresh from lead;ng the C.111 to ~ victory over tho Hawks. "One mlstllr8 and these guys feed you the boll i.. ~ ner." .. ,: .. -. ' If OAll V PILOT Sl.Lurday, Ottobtr 31, 1970 Ke1 Clrcalt Tilt I Golden West Col l ege Rustlers travel to Los Angeles Harbor tonight for a Southern California Conference football game and neither Is bent on R trick or treat mission despite tbe date. Kickoff Is at 8 o'clock. Frustration is the word used by both coaches In describing first round defeats. Harbor. the &fending title holder. is fighting to get off the bottom o( the standings while Golden West ran into the conference favorite !Rio Hon· dO) and receipted for a 37-0 shellacking. The Seahawks are building a new team from the remains of the championship aggregation. Five , offensive starters were squad members last season but none waa a starter. Richard Talmo has take n ayer at quarterback Jnd djrects the Hawk attack with Mike Fillers. a 195-pound fullback the squad 's leading ground gainer. Jierman Hale, a graduate or Ml. Carmel High. ls at tailback and Bobby Jones has been moved from the ball car- rying position to slotback lo beef up the passi ng game. Harbor will ootweigh the Rustler forward wall by eight pounds per man with tackles Bob Bradarich and Tony Sogliuuo the heaviest starters at 235 and 225. -Go lde n--West-coach--Ray Shackleford may go to a pass- ing game after the SUC<leSS O( Cypres.1' quarterback last week. Steve Griffith has completed 4.4 passes for 491 yards and l\;:ls hit 11 different receivers during the early games. Kurt Dedrick is the leader with 11 for 126 yards and a touchdown w h 11 e Mike Shaughnessy is close behind with 10 receptions for 124 yards and a score. Ch arlie Buckland continues to lead the Rustler ground at· lack with 626 yards in 135 car· ries. He is also the team's leading Scorer with seven touchdowns. "I don't understand the situation al Harbor this year," ShackJeford says. "I'm certain the record isn't any indication of the team's potential and they could get rolling at any time." Floyd ''Scrappy" Rhea at Harbor isn't happy with his team 's plight. G11'1ft Wt1l 150 Sltlugto,,euy 'u O.ta 205 \lorono 11S Pau111eout ltOE-IOll '10 c1w1.,..1on 11S D11Nn llO Urfffillt llO 1Juckl1nd ns Dtdrlck 1llCI Comult• '-"-E G,1nt 1IO T .soenuuo 12J G H(>WI! 'KICI C G'I Ct llJ G C1rll!' ltO T 11,.dlrldl 'H E Ttiomton llO 0 T1J,mo 11S II Flrle,... 19J !I H1!. 190 • J_, llO Football Standings MISSION (ONl"IRINCI WL,,PA hddlffolck l o ,, '1 Rl...,.ld1 I I tS ~ Grossmont 1 T •S ~ Soultlwnlt•" 7 l '' to c11n.1s 1 2 n61 Pelon·11r 1 7 • 7' Cfl1ffe1 1 l tl IJ7 Sin INl'Ndlno I J 100 l)f ,.....,,I Sf-I ltlvtl"$1dti l!, Clltflff ,, l"rlda'f's Stwtt Slddll~Ck .,, L•tun~ lle•dl 1 El Oor1rlo ''' &re1 U Tt11lthl'1 01m1 5ollor1 11 U1loncl1 CRISTVIEW LEAOUI Ort Ml El ModllNI K1t11!1 Stn Clemen!• Minion Vlt io Foo1l.111 Tu1!1ft VIiii P1rt W L .... P,t, ! ~ :~~ :; NIFTY CATCH -Jim Donnelly (left) displays the 136-pound marlin he caught 3 2 u •1 recently. His stepson, Mark Bentley (center) accompanied him on the Baja ~ ; ~ ~ __ B_oa_t._a_v_e_ss_e_l_o_r~ig~i_n_a_te_d_i_n_C_o_s_ta_M_e_s_a_. _______________ ~ I l AO 49 l ' 17 " I 3 )I M Bucs A.!!empt to Halt Cerritos Win String ' Orange c.oast Col1e1e foot- ball COlch Dick Tucker uld Jt very_aptl)(_4w:in1_tbt.Ji<Jl part of lbe 1970 season : "Our offense depends on t h e quarterback. If he's on, we could beat anyone." The Pirates' Gary Valbuena has been on twice this season. Both times OCC has won. Valbuena, 1 freshman who 1is improving wilh each outing, ·geared the Bucs to • M-7 vic- tory over sAa Ana last week. running for a pair o f touchdowns and throwing for another, But tonight he figures to get 1 much stiffer test when always tough Cerritos invades LeBard Stadium for an a o'clock Homecoming encount- er , ~ Falcons hive been the surprise of the South Coast Confertnct lhia s e a a o n • Although Smokey Cates' team Is usually tough, 1970 was not aupposed to be a good year. So far It l!, however. Cerritos comes into the &IJM...Wi~_J 4·~ seas_!ln_f!lafk and a perfect 1Tate in three circuit outings. Conference victorie1 b11ve been over San Dle10 (%1-1!), Mt. San Antonio (28·22) and San Diego Mesa (17-14). The Falccns are running more in '70 although their ever present passing attack is still there. Hallback Tony Baca ls the No. 1 Falcon running back. Ae was the third leading rusher in the conference last year after a sensational prep career, Baca ha,, been sidelined the past three weeks wilh an ankle Injury. He did see a little action last week and Cates reports he'll be ready to go full tilt tonhzht. 1lthough he is not listed las a 1tarter. Fullback Dennis Smith and tailback Rick Combs give the Falcons additional running power while quarterbacks Jeff ' Brinkley and Roger Gaylord make the Cerritos pass_ing at· tack click. --Qfirigf-·Coast's r U: n n Ing game came alive last week with Valbuena and halfback Bret Mattias perrormlng very well. f!1attias gained 74 yards against Santa Ana and is now the Pirates' leading rusher wit.b 219 yards in 35 carries. Valbuena's two chie f receivers are freshmen Doug Young and Tom Malone. Young caught rive passes last week to ru n hi! season total to 19, which is one more than the top 1969 OCC receiver (Robert Castillo) caught. Malone has been on the receiving end 14 times. CerTllll , .. Lll1 v 20S HOlll1 US Woo<lt>u,n Ill Ford 1~ Price 2Q.! Wr1Y 195 Mlldl ... 11' a~lnlc l•r 190 Wltll1 110 Coml» 200 Sml!fl Orin" Cotll E Yount 1'0 T Alltn ns G Su•i>ren1n1 11s C Dt•l1 200 G Dur1ntt 710 T Pl'<ltr~!lft T~ £ Mtrl ?02 0 \11lbuen. lt(I B Mtioflt 11S a M1n1e, 110 B Ventlmltllt llS At Grossmont Pirate Polo Team Rips Foe, 13-7 Gaucho Gridders Se~k 6th Victory A revenge-minded Orange Coast College Pirate water Polo team tangled with Santa winlback, and split end Steve Ana College at 10 toddy in tfle De.ngutia. second round of the annual Saddleback College's un- beaten •Gauchos will be at- tempting to further cement their hold on the Mission Conference lead tonight when coach George Hartman's crew meets Grossmont at Granite Hills High in El Cajon. Hartman will be sending hls Directions to Granite HW1 High Sutton has caugf1t 18 for 265 Sahta Ana JC-frosh tOUmey. yards and DanguUs is a nctch The Pirates of coach Jack back wi th 17 receptions and Fullerton defeated West Val- 344 yards. He's SC<lt'ed four Jey. 13-7, \\-hi le SantR Ana cli~ touchdowns. ped the UCSB frosh team, 7-3 Accenting tile Grossmont Friday. passing attack is the basic OCC has been defeated t"·ice formation it em ploys with l\vo by Santa Ana this yea r in split ends and a wide slot South Coast Conference action. back. ~ The Dons tripped Orange And tht Grlffins' defense Coast Tuesday by R 9-5 count. $11'1 ll.,...•oSl11t1 :IQ, 5ovtnwt!ltrl'I 1• T011ltlll'1 01nu1 _$Midi.ii.ck n . Groumont et Gr1t1lll Hllll (El Ctlonl (ltnrt; 11 P1lmn1r NM Sl .... \'11 0- !olft .. !'Ntdlno 11 Sllk:llltllcll P11o<Mr •I Cfl1t1n- GnlUIMnt 11 C!tru1 Fr1dlY'I Scor1 Or1""1 JI, El Modenl U Ttcltr'1 O..mt1 Foothill \II Tu1!111 11 SA !Jowl II 11,m.l \1111• P•ril \II Min ion Vltlo •' Et Modll\I UI Chargers Picked by 17 Go sooth oa Su Diego Freeway to Int.er1&ate I. Proceed ea.it oa hlter1tate a to tbe %Dd Street tumoH in El Cajon. Tben left on M1dison A venue, c r o I 1 Fovtb Street and tara rlebl on El Rancho. has been stingy in three con· Santa Ana is currently tied with Cerritos for the confer-ference: outings to add funh er ence lead. problems for the Gauchos. Tom Warnecke paced OCC Saddlebaek counters with Its wilp seven goals while John awesome ground a t t a c k Btauer, Sieve Schwer and geared around tailback Toby Randy King had two goals lt1¥1nl6-11 SOvltlwn!Pft . ANGIELUJ LlfAGUIE JIJNSIT LEIGUE WLPl'PA WL,PPA N--1 H1rtior ' I '3 J3 a 1""°" •m1r l a 1'6 £3 AMl\llm ~ 1 111 :W 51. P11>I l I tf 20 Mlf!M l 2 71 1'D Mltwt Oii , 7 5J 13 Le.lfl 315tll0 PJwX 12.UllJ Wttrmln&t1r 1 J " 106 S«vlt.' I 2 '6 7S S1n!1 Al\I ' J ,, 171 Against Loivly Magnolia big, mobile Gauchos into bat· lie with hopes that they can produce a aecond straight ma- jor effort against formidable conference opposition. Whipple. each for the Pirates. Whipple leads the state in UC Irvine's junior varsity total yards rushing with 876 dropped a pair of games . De- yards In 111 carries and has Anza ColleJ.ie, a perennial scored six touchdcwns. Northern Califomia junior col. SI. Anl'-1 0 l ,, 11' Pl't ..... 'I S«n1 81.,._ Amt! '3, $MVlll 1 st. Ptul "· PIUt x 20 Nnl Pl'WIY'I Gllllff l lll'toll Am.I 11 SI. Anltwfty '°"''"' Dtl ti Plu1 X &l<'Ylt. 11 51, Pt UI SOUTHlllN CAL CONPlll;INCIE WLP,PA It lo H/Jl'ldo 2 0 •s 17 U.CC I I S' '' 1!11t LA 1 I '' 'II (YPrtU 1 I J6 •? GOiden We.I 0 1 O :J7 LA Hl rt:IOr 0 I ti 71 l'rldtl''I Seor1 ltlo Hondo 21. LA.CC 71 Tonltlll'I G.1m1 Go!Clel'I Wost "' LA H~•bor Niii(! S1Nr~l'l''I GlmH l.A(C ¥1-. Golden W11t t i OCC U. Htrbor 11 E11t LA c ....... eu \II. 1110 H!l"do 1! El lh...:.llo Hl1f\ GAIOIN GIOVE LEAGUE WL '''" l lO'l(l>o Al1mlto1 s o •• •s P1flllC1 l 0 ll U •otw Gr.mt 7 2 '' •l C..l"dtfo (;..,... ' 2 " 50 s.tltl•to 1 ' 11 .o l:ll Quint• O 4 .. IJ ....,. Amlto1 o ~ «i no 1'1"141\l "I I Clftl •otw Grendt lJ, LI Qu!nt1 1 ••ncllO Alamlto• 71. 51nt11~ 11 T ... ltlll'I G1m1 Pecllk.1 al Gl•dotn Gl"Ovt ORANGE LRAOUI! S..ddlt~tk ,,_, \1111...:.11 1Jr11 El Oo•-LttuN IJM(.11 d W L Pl' Pl l 0 U5 10 2 0 JI ll I 1 :n '1 1 7 " rt 1 ,.,,. O J J1ff ~· W11llfft 1 3 7' n Huntl,,.IOft BNcfl 0 J n 13J l'rlfll''' $(tf'tt NIWPCl'l H1rbor 1•, W11ttfn ' Wntmln•!f• 21. LDlrt n Al\lh<llm JJ, !>lnta AM 1 Mi r!.-.. 11, Hunlln9"'~ 8e1ch 1J N••I Frldar'I a ..... M1rll'll YI LD1r1 11 LI P1hn• Nt•I S1!11td1y'1 Otm11 Hu~ll~tOft B11ch 11 At11t1e1m New!IDrl H1rb0!' 11 S1nte An1 Wntmln~!f• •I Wo•l••n llltVINI LEAGUI W L '' PA l'Olson ' O lOS Sl Fount1ln Vtlley 4 0 102 '' E1t1ntlt 4 I llJ •• Coront dol Mir 1 2 '' fl LM "'•mlta• 1 l Ml 90 Cos11 Mtu 1 J 3' J! M19M1U1 0 ' 1~ lJ Stnll Afll \11lltY 0 4 31 13' P rldaJ'I SeoF1 E11t nde 11, lot "l1rnlt°' I f tnltf\l'I 01,.,..1 Ceroftl Ml Mi r YI Cotti Mfll 1t N-Dtlrl F.oSI..,., Vl M19f\Oll1 11 Wttllt~ FOU<>l1ln V1H1y \11 SA \11lllY' 11 Wtll· mln"e• l'IEl!WA'r' LEAOIJE WLl"l"PA IC1n<>l<IY S 0 U 4& Sunn..-Hl!l1 4 1 171 '' StY1~n• 4 1 1•1 41 Fullerton 3 1 " '° Lt H1b•t 2 I 19 71 Trov I • J4 ts Lowt ll 1 • 21 US Bu1n1 Ptrk D S U lllCI '•tdtY'I ScorH Fu!l•rlon 1•, Lt H1br1 I Lawt11 10. 't•ov o SIYtnftfl 'IJ, IJUl"I il'1•k 0 K1nMCIY 13, Su""v Miiii I TflunOIV'I Gt m• •~•fll Ptrk 11 K111neov \Vhcn the Magnolia Sentinels host the Edison Chargers at Western High tonight (8) in an Irvine League football ga me it'll be like dro pping a sack of boulders into a pile o f marshmallows. Jn this case, however, the powerful, unbeat.en Ch~rgers of coach Bill Vail are thC' solid boulders while coactl Marty Hicks' winless Sentinels simulate the soft, pasty con- fections. F..dison is easily fa vored to annex its loth slralght victory over a two-season span with the DAILY PILOT grid odds according to Vail's league co- leaders (with Fountain Valley) a 17-point advantage. Based on recen t performances though, I.he above spread could \Veit turn out to be a conservative estimate. 1 Barons Solid Favorites The teams only have a pair of common opponents thus far -the Estancia Eagles and Corona del Mar 's Sea Kings. To Trip Winless Valle}· Edison eked past Estancia. 14-12 in the league opener and has also recordt'd a 21·13 decision over the Sea Kings. The Sentinels, meanwhile, Fountain Valley's Barons Hov.·ever. Tony Sepulveda were victim ized by Eslancla wW be prohibitive favorites to !160), 1'1atl Mohulski (145), {16-01 and Corona del ri1ar (21- Eddie Anderson !155) and 4) h t t t. t chalk up their fourt h con-I t e pas . 11:0 1mes ou . Gary Varney (165) should see h 5ecutive Irvine League foot-considerable acti on lugging After ht1 ving lost t t ball victory tonight at I when lh · k" 'th K Sh"b l scrvice11 of his orig In a I . e pigs in wi en 1 a a quarterbAck 1Keith Kirishlan) they host the winless Santa {165) backing up Pov.·er under in 6~ tie with Sunset League Ana Valley Falcons at center. ccntendcr and former Irvine Westminster High. The lone offensive line poiverhou se Loara. Hicks will C-Oa.ch Br uce Picklord"s change finds Vince McAu!ey again rely on sophomore John Barons (4-2) have rebounded (175) relurnlng as a starter at Kindred to call the signals. ~m nonleague setbacks at tight end in place of Joe uv Kindred has passed for IS5 the banrls of Garden Grove Mertins ( 185 ). The latter is League powers R a nch 0 nutting a bruised knee. yards while having co mpiled Alamitos and Garden Grove to SA Valley's main problem 29 net yards on the ground. tear through lcagul! opponent s has been controUng Its errors. lie is supp o r I e d In Los Alamitos, Magno 11 a, ~1agnolia's com plicated 45-- COrona del Mer and Co5ta 1::~;!.,!:"10~•11• ... E ~~~"~: viii.~,~ play offense by runn ing backs Mesa. ~:: ~::::. J ~:1~111~ :;; Hnnk Daurr (1176) and Ciary The Falccns of coach Dick 11s A'hlon t &oU11 11a Oevlan t 173). HlJI haven't been quite as ;: f~=~n ~ ~~~~~' ~: The laller pair has tom· fortunate, ~h. 1• Al•"'•" E H,,,, • .-1 tt.1 blned for 248 rushing yards. Hill' d _,,,a 11S Vtn0tt ll0f11 0 Ptlwtr II.I . I crew ropi'C" non· ''° • .,.,1 a Mc Ktnr•• 111 Edlson tailback Jim ~toxley. league tilts to Foothill ind El its '11101 • ~.,•,,\~1 ~!! "''ho galncd over 900 yards in Modcn1 and then proceededti"i'iGi"iui"'iiiii•ii-iiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lnW Irvine competition. only II to get thumped in order by Corona dcl Mar, Los AllmllM, Edison and Estancl•. Pickford will •ltempl to bep the Falcons or! bfanact by throwing an army of ball "rrlcn at thrm. 80b McK•nzle (115). Sieve Moltulskl ll!OJ and Pde llclllsi (16,\) will got starting calls at lhc running b1tk 1pots in Ute Bllrons' i lot set fuilhouse) offense with Rick Power (16,\) al quanerback. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ACTIVE PARTNER-FAST GROWING NON-COMPETITIVE BUSINESS. _$5500.00 INVESTMENT, $225.00 A WEEK PLUS WAGES. PHONE 638-4435 1969. enjoyed his f i n e s t performance of the '70 cam- paign last week in a 30-14 vie· lory oVer Los Alam itos. He scored twice en short plunges and was denied on a sweep play from a yard away wh ile running for 94 yards on 24 carries. ThC Chargers surprised Los Alam ilos wit h some early razz.le-dazzle and with some de fensive heroics in roaring to a 16-0 first· quarter lead. Fullback Ken Funke, who doubles as a linebacke r defensively. tallied on a long run with an interception and threw a Griffin runner in his own end zone for a safely. He is prime candidate for 1 ea g u e player4-the-year hcnors in despite the fact he is primarily a blocker on oHense. Jerry Hinojosa , off his best passing performance of the season lsix-or-12 for t I 3 ya rds), will again be barking out signals for Vail. The 5-11, 175-pound senior has been Edison's on I y starling quarterback since the se<.'Olld-year school played in tis first varsity contest last se.son. The team's record with Hinojosa has been 10-3·2. Barring the p~nce of a natural disaster (i.e. earth· quake, hurricane), Edl50n's Bruins Slate County Dinner KMPC radio personality Gary Owens will be a guest speaker at the Orange County Bruin Club's banquet Thurs- day nighl i'lt the Royal Coach Motor Hott\ In Anaheim. The affair kicks ofl al 6:30 ~·Ith A cocktail hour followed by a 7:30 dinner. Cost for the banquet ls $6 with interested parlies urged to contact Mrs. John Seidel (S49-2747) before ~fonday's re~aUon dea.dline. mark should improve to 11-3-2 after tonighl's action. lid!Hft 190 ll81~h ns MO•t•111e" 180 Dtl'tull 1as Noble US C1rt•r lllO Gra•el 19S Fhhl!r 11$ Hl11t1lo11 !IS MoKltY 16S MtN•Y l&S Funke Malftllll E Ry•n T MtlO G H1rper c Atul•rll G McFtddtfl T Conntfl E McNett I') ICl.,.lld 8 Dt•l111 8 Corr111 8 Ba11tr "' OP '" "' >U "' ... "' "' >ti "' Grossmont possesses an ex~ cellent passing attack behind the versatile Tom Madigan, who's completed 50 of 106 aerials for 67fi yards ~ five louchdowns. Leading the Griffs in receiv- ing has been Dennis Sutton, a Jinxed Teams Matched ' In MY-Spartan Clash Tonight"s Crestview League "We're going to have to play football battle at El ?\1odena better defense . You can't give High featuring Mission Viejo away bombs like we did last and VIiia Park could be label-week and win games. But our ed a battle to jinxed teams. offe nse came alive !1st week Both clubs come into the 8 and Holmes (Aundre) is really o'clock meeting with I -5 coming along." records, but with a few breaks Holmes, after a slow start, those marks could be reversed. has picked up 325 ya rds in the Coach Bob Hivner's Mission last two games for the Viejo Diablos ha ve dropped Diablos. The junior halfback four games by a total of 22 has also scored 26 points in the points. The biggest 1 o s s last two outinas. margin of the four was by nine The two teams have met a to unbeaten Orange (16-7). pair of common opponents, Villa Park has lost three of los ing to both. El Moden.11. also lls_ contests by a total , of tl ~Mission Viejo, 14-7. points and In last week s 29-8 Joss to El Modena the offense . And ?range had a tough gave up 16 points. tn.ne w1tb OOth, edging ~e The Dlablos also come Into D~ablos and last wetk beating the game off a set back. Villa Park, 17-1~- Hivner 's club was beateo by vui. '•" 1r111u1 ... vi.I• Katella lasl week ln the fin al iu Lur11111""' E Pl-1Uw00d tto 30 seccnds, 19-14 . m ~r~':i. ~ t~ci.~' : Thus both teams figure to be 1t0 w..-,itk c kl••"Otl• 1t0 h t . ht Uf M111WtU G Mtrll<t ns ungry on1g . ut c11-u11 r "'""• ns The Spartans have been In· ,., wrlwflt E G•"'•" 1u II I 1S7 S1110ur1" 0 b ullch 1'5 consistent a season ong on 111 ... ,.., a Jo,_ , .. He averages 36 totes per lege power, toppled the Ant· game from his tailback post in eaters, 15-6, In first round ac· the Gauchos' potent I-forma-lion and the UCLA frosh won, tion. In last week's 21-12 win 15-2, in a late game. over Southwestern the 195-Irvine will face West Valley poynd sophomore carried the College today at 12 in a battle ball 48 times. for seventh place. \l/ade Arens hit a pair of And Whipple has a solid goals in the first ~ame and had passing 1ame behind him to anothe r in the UCLA contest. keep the defenses honest. Bruce Reynolds had one in Quarterback Chris Hector each game and Robert Mor-ris has tossed six TD passes en hit a pair against DeAnza with route to 30 completions and Jim Zupancic getting theothcr. h~ been intercepted only DeAnza and Long Beach twice in five victories. Cit.v Ccllege meet in the other Hartman is hopeful his half of the championship ac- secondary can offset the Grif· tion today with the winners fins' passing attack with playing at 4 for the title. returning starters Steve Smith1 ~~~~------- and Rusty Seedborg augmented by freshmen Rudy Holmes and Larry Hernandez. Fullback Rocky Fletcher is used prlmarily as a blocker for Whi pple's buJJ.Jike thrusts through the line. Fletcher. a 2()().-pounder, has a 4.0 average on 22 trips. Coach Clint Whitfield relies heavily1on his passing game. along with the defensive side Jed by end Jim Sulton (2251, linebacker Bill Ferguson (227) and a horde of freshmen. 11le Griffins start nine freshmen in the offensive lineup, Includ ing the quarterback, bot.h nonnal run- ning backs, and the split ends. .... _ Gm-I 1IO 01..-• O.nttlll1 ·~ n'Ll""'b<'ooil ' ..,. "' 205 MUMlll G ltl\~11 "' 1'S Mtdln ' D!~on '~ ltS lltOll'lflKI! G !tobe•IJ "' US Whllbrttcl ' Tftoml<ln .. 110 Geddes • S~ens '" llO HKIOI' • MIO!tan ·~ 'KICI "''""'' • WtKall •» ltS WMptJ. • b urllin ·~ I Bet You Didn't Know .llttm1mb1r lh•I 1•11111111 ,,. ef\1mplon1f\lp t•mt I" Utt wn.,. th<I Chlctto lt1rs bt1l 1111 w 1,hln9IOl'I Rtd1tln1 7l·I? ..• Wtll, 1111 lttlhkl"I lfl\Nt• IJ m101 MORE Flll ST DOWNS lfltn 11!1 1111·1 Old! • , • Thi olliclfl lllllt: Tiit l11r1, 11 dt..,n11 lh• ltc11kln1, Ill * offense, says coach Te d it0 Mc.1N11t-r • Ho1mt:1 i.s Mullen. On the other hand, lhe1 ;":':"':~::;'::;:::"::':':'"::'':::::'M::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;==;:I ~ Villa Park mentor bas been lt(I H .... I • SllllOft ·~ In !ht tlof d•J• H I01lll1t!, ct1cM1 dlO"'' lllOw pl1y1n 19 Wi!tr numlle,• • . Tn1y lhOl.l;hl ll WIUld bt ~llltr ii 1v1ryDOc11-P11tn"''' 1-d l1n1 -w11 eontv"'d 1blvl -w11 clrt"!'l!lt Ill• 11111 . , Ma•I lffm1 •IOn't t1'11 .,. •• 1.,. nul'!· tier• until !M inos, 1tt0 m"' ltley wtrt "''l' 1m111 11141 u1111lly ..,.." '" lht N<k onll' •• , Thi f'Vll tMlllrlftt lell!tl 11 -• tit nu!l'lllt,... •n 111111 1111 ••ck •!Ml ff'eltl "' ll!1lr llf· 1!11 w11 "°' Plnt'lll nutH ltU, • more than pleased wllh bis defe nse. ''l\Ustakes on offense have really hurt us. But we're a young club so this will happen. lf we give the same effort that ~·e have in the last two v.·eeks and eliminate the mental mistakes I think we 'II win," says ~lullcn. Hlvner Is al50 confident his team can bounce back from defeat 111y..c•r• •div• w11r lor Mtrt and boyt Thtrt l!IYI bt•n 1111 of , ... h~fl ltlloOI 18011>1!1 1111111 !n llt1l9f"I', 11111, Net In lht n e111, Hlt Mt nd Ptl'tt Hlnf\ lo 011111 n•• 1n11• ,..,. 11111 tn thtlr 1111'11 Delk Willier e ... I Oblly Ltynl! , , , W11ltr Wl"l an 19 IH<tm• In All·Amtrkl II SMU, t M Ltl'"t •" All-.t.m1rlt1 11 T1111, t!MI l1ttr, tf '""'"'· (Miit •IHI "<•mt Ml 1t1n In PN tllllltll ' • ' • I flt! 'l'H didn'I t-11111 Tll'I O'll'Mlnt1r. ·1111 ,.111r'1 k1lll," -II Im..,, .. tfr \'lltl' ti • ,,.. • ., 1111Ml1111 ptln -tM wt· ... , kt1'h llll'fll~ ht C1Uttnii., ,.., .... WE WANT TO WRITE YOUR PERSONAL th• .,.111., ., eur 1:11,1114•41 1'1•11'1 etc.ti•• INSURANCE l'referrM Ratff • • • lrMil Cenr1 .. HOMEOWNERS e AUTO GRIFFITH & ASSOCIATES 4500 CAMl'UI DR IVI, NIWl'OltT llACH PHONE FOR 9uor1 545.9411 ~1•kt111,,1,.,4 • 11111t1r cll•'f• 1 f11ltl1• hltMI, ••-,.rt k1lh '44·1078 • ~TAM O'~HANTER ....... Scotc!t WhlP:v .:.$5 6~ ... Q " b • ti 0, b; •• th m ts " m is m st cc C< th "t .. , ul w Jl( h; " u hi E Jl( "I cc " sr. fa d• ... io "' II fa t< ho Ir lo It " of lh Jl( J; B th hi fl. d< .. ,. fo P' ot a s g p r h 0( k If • sl f; p " 1 0 • ' F ' • ' ' ' ' ' • ( ' I ! ' ' • OAILV PILOT J { Mexican 1,000 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE tEGAL NOTJCE •.£GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Opens . Wednesday HOTtC• INVITING lllK Nollet 11 "'''°' vlYlll!.\WI ,,.. eo.111 ot T'"'•'-ot ,,.,. co.ur COtJ1m1i11111~ COii"• Dillrl<I ol Or~ C01111r1, C1lllornlt , wlM rt<th t Mlln bld1 ""' lo ll;J; 1.m .. Nov.mtwir II, (T~v! 1t111, 11 ,.,. Fund Purc11a11rie 0..1, ol .. Id 'Cl\Det ctlttrlc:T N loc:tlff ti 1310 AOMlll Awl'll!ll, C91t1 O. M ... , Ct11torn11. 11 wlllcfl 11..,. .. kl bkh -G wJll lit 111/0llclv 0..-. 11'111 rHd for! 01 encral Fund N1m1 PlllNTING Of" EVENIJ<(G COLLEGE 03 p II 1111.0C~Vlll!'. "P~ING, lt11 . ayro . SAN DIEGO (AP) -A pair fr ied Ohrdor!, 34, arter the 11_:11 r~:,:,~ ~..:," -;!!;~~: w~;: 04 Capital Outlay ~ of young Gtrman immlgront.s practlr-6 spin down the rou"h Si>eCUlc•tloni ... 111U1 .,, ,_on Ill• •nc1 11 Spec. Gas Tax Str. Jmpr-Sec. 107.1 I , !970 · I 1.~· .... ti-'.-m1v tw HCurld 1,. 1111 0Ulc1 ot lhe 12 S G T S I -S w 111 a engine n l111!1r re-hewed spine of Baja Califomia Purc.,.11M Agent 01Mio1c1>oo1 e111r•~'· pee. as ax tr. mpr ec. 21 7.5 built 1964 car 1·um"""' out · E•'1'1 0100.• 11i111• 11111m1t with 111• ~ • 13 Sp•c Gas Tax Str lmpr-Sec · 06 """' ''\\' d . . I Ctsll!tt'I (l'lt(lc (•rllllt!d ~~ Old· .,-. . • ahead of some 271 others in e were . riving 8 ong 01r '1 bonc1 m10. 01v101, 1~ •h•' ,;~tr e1 22 Street Lighting District CITY OF COSTA MESA ANALYSIS OF FUNO BALANCES Juno 30, 1970 Fund 81l1nce1 July I, 1969 $ 2,429,334.45 --0- 12 ,839.28) 315,150.43 ( --0- 677,787.89 209,2 13.62 Tr1n1fer1 In <Out) $(~fl 100,000.00 306,411.15 ( 7,500.00) ( 306,411.15) --0- --0- R•v1nu•1 (Exh lbll "B"I $6,606,065.30 --0- 3,020.70 266,415.11 7,500.00 6511,328.16 310;502.25 228.27 EXHIBIT "A" Expenclitur11 (Exhibit ''8'') Ad justments -,,,-~= $(6,~9.66) $( ;12 ~\26.60) ( 3,544.66) ( \64'.071.21) ( 693,070.34) 564,301.33 --0---0- Fund l1l1nc•1 June 30, 1f70 $2, 746,833.47 --0- 22,565.55 : 759,207.66 --0- \ 187 ,220.98) ( 415, 779.57)_ 248,828.30) 2. 100.00 426 699.35 272)87.57 ' --0---0-!}le.approaching Mexican 1,000 what we considered a good ~':.dc~~·~.~.~1:'~~1~~ ~::!:ie:n't ~:1•1~: 23 Veh. Parking Dist. No. 1....-lmpr. Fund off.road race. stretch of road when our bug "''" 11., H•~•n• 11-.1°'th•1um bid ... • 24 Veh . Parking Dist. No. 1-Acquis. Fund "JI 1·, bell. v d" ·d G II dr. d I h k gulrfn!te lh.tl IM OIOd1r w111 in ter Into 25 V h p . , N "I ~. d 4,241.88 4,969.76 --0- --0- 456.54 152.54 305.10 --0---0- 35.00 ) --0- 4,470.10 5,426.30 502.53 3,854.42 87,665.47 --0- 51 2,357.98 e e , sa1 o • oppc nto a huge c uc 1h1 o•OPooed C0!1t•1c1 11 the ~•m• " e .. ark1ng Dist. o. -mpr. '"""" hole. \Ve relt like we were :;:;0r~101a1~i;'·c•~:;:crv:;! ~,~~: ~~ 26 \1eh. Parkin g Dist. No. 2-Acquis. Fund 'wa'lo"'cd up by dust .. Ohr· lh• tlleck Wiii be 1or111r~. er In !ht Ctll 31 Dra inage Dist. lmpr. No. 2 • 1 ., , of 1 OIH\CI, lflt lull ium 1111•.0I wUI II'< 32 C'·I Sh · C D' ( J dorf's partner is Ernst toMeltl!<l 10 s•kl 1c110D1 dlll•ld, ll" opp1ng enter JS r. mprov. Ne blclll•r m•v w1111e111w 1111 bid tor • 51 Traffic Safety Schneidereit 31 . "'lod e1 rorh•ttve us1 d1v1 ''"' 11H1 52 II' t A F & I • ,,,. .. , to•,,.. wen1.., 1he .. c1. a er creage ees mprov. Jn the scralched-oul trail T,... a.,.,d cl Tr11i1f'f's r .. ~...,e• '"' 53 Golf Course c•lvllt9e ol rl!IKllnt tnv "ncl •II bld1 or from Ensenada to La Paz COY· to w•tv1 1nv 1'reau11rUl11 or 1 .... 91 Trust . l0tt1'1ll•I.-In 1nv bid or lfl Ille blcldl<1t. d crcd 1n 30 hours, more or NORMAN I!. WATSON 92 Bon -1911 Act Polo Billed lcss.'1 the tires or their Volks-~"' ~:=:.~-,.1~~;: .~ ... ~fll1!WS TOTALS 364.99 3,549.32 87 ,665.47 --0- 370,612.50 16,699.60 10 ,274.42 ) --0- -ll- --0- --0- --0- --0- --0- --0- --0- --0- $ 4,096,496.16 $ --0- --0- -0- 248,743.36 7,196.66 289, 725. ll --0- --0- $8,398,634.10 -0--0- -0--0- -0-' -0-( 317,074.31) 210.076.43 ( 18,373.60) -0- ( 283,174.29) 435.83 --0--0- -0--0- $(7,825,661.16) $ 175,336.21 ( 5,522.66 3,287.77) --0- --0- $4,844,805.31 Co1nehacl{ · h d PubllthNI Or111.. C&a1t 0111¥ Piiot, wagcn were joggled so ar 0c:1-• 11 '"" Mo"ttmblr 1. u10 ,OJ7·1' they tore through the fender," LEGAL NOTICE OJAI, Calif. (AP) -Think Ohrdorf said. EXHIBIT "8" CITY OF COSTA MESA LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE . " ltOTICE 01' OtlTllNTION TO t!NGAGll STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENOITURES back to another era : women l~c satd, We had double 1N THE sALE OI' ALCOHOLIC · k IEVERA I •~ "'ore petticoat-stuffed dresses sets of shoe absorbers on the • 0r:•o0or 13, ,,10 Fl,cal Y1ar End1d June 30, GENERAL FUND 1970 that touC'hcd the fl oor. gerdle-b k d th · h -d b k To w11om 11 M1Y. conc1tn: BC an e rig t SI e rO e Subltc:! lo l1•u•nc1 el 1111 llcttfl'-1 •~ men \\•ith long handl ebar mus-orr in no time at all" PllNI /or, notice 11 llt•tbv 11lw•n 111•1 ,.., REVENUES taches played polo on week-· ullder1lt>led P•OPO'lt'• 10 ie11 •lcollo!lc ends. The third annual race with :':1r!~~~·· '' lht ortm1se1. Ge1er1bed •11--P~ro-p-e-rt-y-Taxes That 19th I t more than $100 000 in N-izc 1•111 oet 11''"°· 0""" Pe!n!, eallf. l·tomeo,vners' Exempt1·on cen ury a . ' r• Pu ... u1nt to 111c11 111ren!k>tt, 111e un-mosnhere -sans ""il1·coats -mone y begins \Vednesday wi th dtnloMd 11 ""111v1~0 To 1111 Ot111•1mM1 Business Inventory r 1•~ • of AICohcllc ll•v~•flll Con!ret lor ls1111nc1 is being promoted on " mulli-motorcycles first off, rolJowcd "ti orlo!MI ADPllcal\(l<I o! An etcMoUc Exemption million-dollar scale in this at once by four-wheel ma· ~~~1-:: ~~c~:~.~w~o.r Uct<!HsJ ior '"'" Franchise Taxes shrubery-cnclosed mountain chines. oN SALE GENERAL. &ONA FIOE Sales Tax '!'-. , PUBLIC EATING PLACE community 75 n1ilcs up the ue hneup now includes 240 An•one c1e11r1no 10 ora1r11 "'" 1uu1nc1 Cigarette Tax coast from Los Angeles. JI dune buggies trucks sedans 0' •uch 11''""111 m•v 1111 • v••111"" 11'~ Property Transfer Tax . ' • • te>I t! 1nv attic~ <II IM 011>,.rlment ol the promoters ha ve thei r "'BY pickups and experimental cars, At«111atrc !lewereof co,.1rot, or 1w .... 1110 Transient Occupancy Tax 1'talley-ho'' may rep I a c ~ and 33 motorcycles. t':n,.~~1'11:7:n10°1 st:r~1i..c~:;~,~~ State Gasoline Tax "charge" in the sporls vernac· Among drivers e.ntered are c1uto•nl• u1u. 10 11 to be rtctivtd Licenses ular. Pa rne.Jli Jones, actor James :;!~7 ... ~ 0:;:e°' 1\~, a'!:,1;~, 11'= Fines $1,552, 186.98 67,167.00 16,918. 79 105,138.41 Polo has long been con•1·d Garner. Drino Miller Ag !\.Iii-~,._, !o• .ie~111 "s r>•owlllfd bv i~.. Perm1·ts --' Ttte: pr1ml1u ire not riow Ileen~ lat 1n., ercd a rich-man's sport. \\'hal ler, Andy Devercelly. Johnny .alt o1 11co11a11c i..cvt•tG••· Th~ ta•m 11• Sale of Supplies & Property v.•ith th e need for Jots nf Johnson and Ingvar Lindqvi£1. ~k~11~~·;:" ~:.:'!.,~"11\fd ,,_ inv °'" Renl of Property 2,551,868.49 341 , 181.05 26,663.19 37,950.00 178, 706 .86 202, 795. 75 38,768.98 174,344.99 629.75 37,360.77 232,223.93 972,774.74 54, 726.45 14,657.17 ponies . In Santa Barbara. polo Last Vear 247 drivers start· Al"'" o & Fl•"' r ~ ... ,.~ Interest has maintained an existence ed the. gruellinJ:: endurance ac':~:!~h~~ ,f~""91 caau Diitv ,!'~~~ Su bvenlions and Grants on a small field adjacent to te sl and only 97 finished. Fees and Charges U.S. JOI, the scenic coast The drivers will have 481 ____ LE_G,_AL.,,.,N.,,'OTI __ c_E__ J\1iscellaneous Inco me hictiway. hours lo complete the 832-mile •AR un N th J F me r th most IU,ERtOR COURT 01' Tl'll! ow e oe edele Co. or course over S-O o e STATE 0, c•Li1101N1A "o" Encino, has plans lo take the ru~ged tkerrain to be found -f THE co~:.T: .. ~~,,oRANGE EXPENDITUR-E-S poloists dOIAlfl the coast and arid roc -strewn expanses 0 NOTICE 01' HEARING 01'1 PETITION l-~~~~----Up the hill to 200 acres of plush d esert, lush semitro plcs. l'01t P'ROIATE ol'" F011E10H w1LL City Council . I . ANO fl'OR LETTEIU TllTAMl!NTAIY E l 1· C' country land. away from lhe treacherous hairpin moun a1n Eit•te 01 MARV FRANCES B1towN, ec ions-tty rush of cars headed north and turn s. •k• MA RY FR,t..NCEs w1L1<ENsoN. Attorney south. Luckily, 220 miles or the a~~~~E 1S HEREBY r.IVEto: 1n.1 City Clerk The musta'I'"". It 's ·n the course is on •·more or less'' iic-THOM,t..s 0· BROWN ~ •• 111t<1 11e••1" • Admin1·s tration ' " ~d Pflll!on for orob•Te ol to11 lan will 1nd tor fare of f\.1ichRel But!Pr, !he oro-rcptable pavement . say!! ri 11.uu-.cr 01 Lrt1er1 Tr~1•m,n11•v 10 "'11. Finance , r th k . I I' Im·· ores1·dent ,.., lhl' no~·· rt!trtnCI !q which h m~ae IO• Pl . 11•1ccr o e roe m11s1ca car ""· turther 11A•lk1111n. and 1~11 1~• 11 ... t i nn ann111g "!~air." an avJd nnlo pla_ve r !'oonsorin~ National OU-Road 111~c• 01 1>eirrn9 '"" 11m• 11~1 ~" "' Facilities and Equipment , .. , · A · 1· lo• NOVCf'!Otr l J. 1•10, 11 ,.,., ~ m .. In 111r ~nd founder of thC Shangri-La nac1ng ssocia ion. ,ou•troom ~1 °"1>1•1-nr 1>1~. l n1 t•'d Central Services Co . a r·1rm ... 1,,·,h •. ,·11 •cv elop court. II 11l0 c 1~1c Ctn!•r Orlw• Wt1!. In El t on· D t p -• · " " J.EG/\L NOTICE t~• cuv ot sent1 An~. r.111o•nl1. ec I' .IC a a rocess1ng fhP land for ('ouestri nn sr>0rls 011t<1 oc1ot>e• n. 1•10 General Administrative I . I b l"k h" I BAR ''" w. E. ST JOH N. t s 0 c ! e not Ing e se 5UPEltlOt COURT OF 1'1'11!' Cou~ty Cit·~ Costs in this country. STATE oF CAL1FORN1• l'Olt JosE 'H 1. ANo r rtsow Police THE COU HTY 01' OR,t..NGIE l&I N. Mtlll SI .• Sulit ~1 Fedele said only the Inter· ,., A,.7~ s11111 A111. c111t. n101 Fire nntional Co re in Oak Arook , NOTICE oF 1'IEAR1NG O'f P'f"TIT IOl'I !;::,.~~,..~: Pt11n1n1r Building Safety 111.. near Chica.iio. has similar :'.~~;:~•,:',i:1s\A:'E~'.i~vAND l'OJI Publl111td O••Mt Caa•t o.uv 111101. Ci vil Defense facilities bul !hat ''l\'e hooe E.ttAI• ol MAUO KIENZLE. o ..... ~ •• ...t. OU-• Jl Ind l'lovt~· ?, 1· lt!'n • NOT\CE IS HE RFFIY GIVEN _lh•I 1!1»•10 Communications to outdo Oak Brook right ROBERT H. i.:1ENt LE "'' 11~ 11e~'"' LEGAL NOTICE \Veed Abatement h('rE'. '' Petition tor "'obll'• of wm 1nd tor l••utnct ct L•U••• T.-t•"""'•"' tc ottl·l-------------1 Engineering He said the cost of laving 11-· . ..,1,.rfl'(e 10 wfl\(~ 111 m•c1t> 1111 ,.__,t111 Traffic Engineering lhc polo fields -!here v,.·ill be ~~::''o1°·,:~c;f~ ... ;..:My;.:' ~: : e:; <1:RT~ii~tT~:u~" ,.~u,1~1'1Ess Sanitary four in alt -will be around 1or Nov•mbf'• ll, 1t70. •1 t ·io •·"' · !n 1"" The unck•1lol!<I do c•n11v 1n•v 8•t (on· "'"'''oam of o ..... n ..... "t Nn. ~ ol Mid (!\ICll"9 I bllllnt'1 •I P.O. 601 JO. $1" Street !\'taintenance SI million. Architects Luis Bar• court. 11 11r1 Civl( ce"ler O•iv• wes1, I" c11 ... en1e, CA tHn. C•!llo•n!1, und" 1~ S p · ragan and Ricardo Legorreta I~ Cllv ot S•n1• An•. C•lltor"lt, lle!i!lou• tlrm nem• o1 WESTERN treet fOjeCtS 011td oc•oi..c• ,,, 19X1 STAMP ' co1 N 1nc1 th•t 1•1d 11, ... 11 Storm Orain-J\1aintenance or Mexico Cily are designing w. E. ST JOHN, camP<lltd ol l~t lollow!ng ...,,_,,, whole I'" d I I d th r· I C0tm!v Clfrlc ,..me• In lull Ind oltCtl or •tlldtn(e 11 Street Li ght Maintenance Total Revenues Council $ 21.540.38 10,391 .27 70,215.67 48,853.79 120,130.57 165.320.38 ll9,833.79 196.100.34 29,527.02 97,467.JO 637,323 .02 1 ,764.550.69 1,057 ,974.64 j79,263.84 20,729.81 235,143.70 9.385.68 226,793.25 186,970.36 412,162 .10 395.154.08 6.377.62 4,306.01 41470.00 $6,606,065.30 Bridge Construction 13.76 c111T11'1c•T• o" sus•N•i• l'ICTITIGUS JillAM• Project 64--Wilson St. The lltldflrs~nea dou c1r111v 11e ts ~ "V .d . I' bo Bl d dUCtlnt. bllllntH II ,,,. N .... _, 11"11., t I entng-"laf r V . Co1t1 Mtu, C1lllor"11, vn<ltr Ille lie• to College Avenue 139,032.48 1111ou1 ftrm n1rn1 o1 MESA CAMl'f1t · $ALE$ •ncl lh•I wlcl llrm lo comlDO..,. ol Project 70-Palisades "'' 1o1i-1,,. "'''°"· Wiiow n1m. In fu ll w 1·den1·ng-400' tO 1,200' •fld ~lffl OI tl11dtnc.• 1111 !ollOWI: Fr1ncl1 M. Gunn, 2'21 Vle Merln•t \Ves terly of Red M_, llt•"'· c.111. 011ed 0<1. "· 111t Hill Avenue 3,733.17 F•1nc11 M, GuM Project 71-17th Street and ~~~TNEG~.,c~t~;~~NIA. lrvl.ne Avenue Street & on 0c1. "· 1110. ""°'' ~-• Met•rv , • PuOUc In 1nd for .. Id S!1t1. ttlSDlllll~ Drainage Improvement 35.588 .35 •PHl•td F•1ntl1 M. Gunn k-I• m• to be lllfr Olf)Oh W"O" ntmf' 11 l~rllt• Total Expenditures $ 187,220.98 ea •o th• w11111,. 1n1•"1mlflt ,,.. ======i •<knowlt.dled flt ell:tculecl lllt ,,,_,., STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT c0ttlt1ii "'~~•v 1c Hfn...,. REVENUES Property Taxes Contributions from Non- Governmental Sources Subd ivision Charges Miscella neous Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Personal Services Professional Services Materials and Supplies Utilities $ 2711,918.59 26,205 .37 5,133 .24 245.05 I Repair s and Maintenance Allocated and Miscellaneous Capital Ou tlay 649.14 9,238.73 268.53 230,145.86 l ,519 .83 1,093.08 421.50 Construction -Misc. Street Lig ht Install ations -Misc. J\'linor 3,321.00 11nprovements 2, 170.61 $ 310.502.25 Not1N Pubtlc . Ctlll~I• Prlnc:lN~ O!l!ct In Ort..,• Countv Mv com..,lulM E••I~ Ne•. 1•. 1972 1'11b!llfl9d Ortf!91 C1111t D1llV "11111, Oc:lobet II, 14, JI tnd l'IO•lfllblr 1. lt lO l_,1·10 LEGAL NOTICE P'-lttll CERTll'ICAT• OP SUSIM••t l'ICTITIOUJ HAM• The -troltned C100t Ct•llf\I he la cet1-d1>e:llnt • bll1lnn1 t! '-'°° C1m,.,. Or1Y1. MtWPDtl ~•K'" C1IUornll, """"" 1111 rk- l!lilllll !!rm "'"" or AQUARIUS COM· &l-'UCTION COMPANY tntl llltt ... Id llr"' 11 (OfnPOHd II lllf trallowlflt Plftol!, """6i• ftlm, In full Ind !lilCI Ill rnl• dtnc:t 11 •S lolloWli Mltllttl V, H-r. 11121 Hewllbrook. $tn Dlm11. C1IH, De!tcl Oc:tooer JS, lfl'O Mltll1t! V • ..._,, ST,t..TE OF (ALIFORNl,t.., ORANGE COU NTY: 0<1 Oc:!cbf'r 15, ltl'O, befor1 "''· 1 Mol1rv P~Ollc 111 •ncl f(lr ••Id Ste re, oer.ontllv IP1>t1r1C1 MICHA EL V HOOPER ~"""'" to mt lo bt Ille 11t'9ori° whooe n1m• 1, tubsc1lbfd lo lh1 within lnllrum•nl fl'ICI 1c-nowltdtltc1 h• l~Kultd the 1imt, • (O/lltl1I St•ll Total Expenditures $ 248,828.30 CO"•!•nc• I. McD1<1ltl Nol•rv Puo11c -C1t11or·"'11 Prlncl•1I Olllc1 In VEHICLE PARKING OISTRICT No. I -lmprov. Fund o'"'" County Publ!1Mo O••nsr• Cot1t Dtllv Pllet, Octcblr 17, 111 JI Intl NCYl..,l>tr 1, 1f10 1'32·" REVENUES ' LEGAL NOTJCE Property Taxes _,.$===228=.2=711----~ •. -_ __.:_:__.:_:::__ .~ C•RTll'ICATll 0" IUSINEll VEHICLE PARKING DISTRICT No. 1 l'1cT1T1ous H•M• A · F d Thi unc11t.ivnet1 d-ctt111v 11e 11 --cqu11. un du<llnt • t1v1lna1• ,, 1ot Lirt.1-. car-llfl Mer, C•llfor1111. under ""' REVENUES nc1111cu1 tlnn n•"'• If IE.AWAY '"°" 456 i:.t OUCTIONS •lld ttwl Mid flfll'I 11 - Property Taxes .-'====·=~=i-" o1 "'• 1o11ow1"'' .. ,.o" ..._ .~ l>lml In 1\111 Incl PIKI fll f•ldel'ICO jt VEHICLE PARKING DISTRICT No. 2 '1 1o~:=;,. R. Tiuord, 111 l•rt-.ir, -lmnrov. Fund Coron• dtl Mer, c1111, ~ 0.lt'd O!;:!Qblr f, 1'10. $1tplltn 11. Tltlotd Siii• of C1H1o•nl1, 0•1noe C-f\'1 $ 152.54 Ott Oct, f , 1'70, l>tfl:rrt ..,., 1 Moll rT ~====:,::1 Publk In •NI lo• $flf $1111. "'""-lb• .;; tPi>t••ld S"'oMn R, TH!arf t-.. 1r • •re eve opmen an e irs OAVID s. TINGLER ., 1ot1ows· polo match is scheduled for 1st1 w111cn11 or1v•. s~n• :no Wll•v L. w.,1,r11e1d. ,13 E. s1" Ju•n. Ca pi tal Outlay J N'"""o" ••tc:~. c1111. nuo s•n cit"''"''· CA. t?6n, NI"• J••n Do\vntow n Redevelopment 367.56 REVENUES Property Taxes EXPENDITURES ,.,.. lo be lh• "'"°" w11o .... ,.,.,,. k • ~ anuary. Ttl: "6·0JU Westerlltld. 613 E. 5tn Ju1 n, Sin The polo fif'lds near Santa A1~::~~~!;.' ~~~,~~•""co••' O•llv Piiot. '&~;:"~~-Pt;~be',26;r Ulo ~ Study Barbara never drr\v n1ore Oc.t°'1t" 31 •nd Novemt>t r 1. 1, u10 w11,v L. we.1erll•ld 1'.1iscellaneous- 50,050.89 $ 35 00 tubserlbH lo 1111 wUllln lmlnimtnl l l'll Repair and Maintenance '=====·=l1ck1111w11'Ctf1c1 ... •~K1111c1 1111 .. 1n1. ..:. fSfAL! VEHICLE PARKING DISTRICT No. 2 ~:iZ.v11:~\1~0.~:111.,1111 lhan 500 spectators But tar~e _ '°33·10 StAI• 0,"'~:~11~~!i~.w;,1~~~e~~niv; Non·Departmental 3,936 .12 -Acqul1. Fund Pt1nclo11 0111c1 1,. Ortn91! Coun1r bleacher-type seals are to LEGAL NOTICE on oc1, 11, 1tio. t>tto•• "''· • Me11rv Total Expenditures rla•k the new lields. I------=::::::------' Pubnc In •nd for ••Id Srttf, ..et10~111v " ~OC>ferl'd Wlltv L Wu!er!l,ld 1nd Nini Jn addition . ind1Jor ::ind out-P-n111 Je•n w.-1,r11,1d ~now" 10 "'t ra be 11>e CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND I .d h I CERT"IC.ATF 01' 8USIHESS !>fr.On• wlla!t name1 •11 1ub1crlbf'd IQ door arenas \1•i I prov1 c un -F1CTtT1ous MAMll •he w!lhl" 1111!•11m1n1 '"" •<-riowl~Rtd REVENUES er ·, and J·umper"s courses and Tke 11n11Prsltntd dM• cr•tllv h~ 11 <~"'-r~v ex•cv•td 111~ Mme, . ~ll(!lno a bu1ln•~1 •I PQll 011\cf Bo~ '11. Wiiii•"' M. o~rr•ber•v R I I J f'\"Cn. yes. you guessed it, a co'""' del M••· tU?5, c1Uto•n1•. u"""' No1•rv P11n11c-c1111or"11 en a ncome Ille !lctUlolJS !Ir"' n1"'P (If ll:OZLOFF p • 1 I 01!1 I rox h11nt course. ENTE RPR1sEs 1nd th1r ... 10 11•"' 11 0;~r;::.,:• couni~' " Butler's love or the game "'"'""""' el l~f tollnwln<r llf"on, whos• Mv com ... l•1lotl E•Pl•tl d h. . .,1mt In lull tnd p!M:t ol rt•IClenc:e 11 ~• Or:!. 10, 1971 prompte 1m to stai;tc a series 1o11aw1· Publl•hed ortnll't c ... ,, c1Hv 1111o1. h 1 E r.i..11 v1~d1 ... 1r 1<011011. 1 sane of mate es ast vcar. ncour· Wlllltwnod W•v. 1...,.1,..., cimornit. J?6il• o9~otH• i•. Jl 1n<1 N11Vrmi..cr :;n.'~ aged by public re sponsr, 011eo o('"""' ,.. 1t1~ 1_' ------------ d A. V ""''°" Shan~ri-La Co. was rnrme to sT•TE OF c•LI FORNIA, gel folks here in!eresled in oi!N~,0~~N;~;· 19~. l!>!to•' ,,,., 1 ---,-,,-,-,-,c,c0-"·-,c0c,~,c,.,-,~-- polo. But apparently only the NollfV Pubtl~ l~ 10<'1 lo• ~·"' Si.It. SUPEJllOJI COUIT OF rHE rl.Ch can plaj". llf'5"0"1!1V """'eArMI M• AIP•l._ V!•(!lmlr STATE OF CALI FORNIA l'OJI Kozlolf ~nawn IO "'' le n... l~t' Pl"~" THE COlmtY OF ORANGE Ponies speciallv bred and w~~e ,..,,,, I< IUbKrlbf<t !o lht Wlllll~ ND, A.,,,,. trained for pOJO often rosl f'IQ,. ::~1•1Ua~~! Ind l(k<1owltdgrd he t~Ku!td OP~~!::;., of MILD R EO M. P,t.. TTERSON, 000 and the best one!' have been l01'tcl1I St•ll NOTICE n HEREBY GIVEN to '"' LEGAL NOTICE EXPENDITURES Fire Alarn1 System Additions A1edian Landscaping - Bristol South of Anton Heliport for Police 11 eltcopter Remodel fourth floor - City Ha ll Total Expenditures $ l ,593.45 210.31 341.33 1.399.57 $5, Ollll B t Lo~i•~ E. G1llt'1I•"' crtdltors o! lht 1bovt .,.m•d drc~d•nl kn own to go for , . . U NoT•rv P11~t•c . c1111or11!1 1n•t 111 oe•..,n• llAv!nQ c1•1"'1 •9•1"'' 111t SPECIAL GAS TAX $6,074.339.68 REVENUES Property Taxes TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND $ $ 3,020.70 REVENUES 3.544.66 Court Fines Contributions from Non· Governmental Sources Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Traffic Signal Modifications -Harbor & \Vi l son -Harbor & Gisler -Bristol & Sunno.,1:er -Fairview & Arl ington I 209,505 .82 39,237.54 I 46,916 .17 l ,500.00 680.00 3,600.00 if Butler's plans to build the Pr1nd111 Otflct I" .. id 01ctoen1 "'" rH11l•td 10 1111 '"""'· Or•rGt Co.,~tv wl!ll 1he ntc~•••rv vouc"'''· In 111e o!fl<,. \\'Orld·s polo center are to l;ikc Mv Cammi~•'"" E111lrts nl •~e cluk 01 !h~ 1tiov' t'nilt1 r11 coun. or shape. he'll ha ve to beat out his Puhll•ll..ci A<~,u;~~:· ~·;~,1 Ot!IV Pllnl. :~11;,'e',1,~"110 1'~:'":~.~~;~"~h:, \1~;·:~~;; father. Otloller ll tr\Cl Nove ... blr 1. I~. ~1. nl ROBEllT A. FASlMA N, 11'0 H••bo• STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND-Soc. 2107.1 REVENUES Traffic Signal & . f\'Iedian Modifications -Bay Street to Baker Paul Buller, one of the prime 1910 10~).70 lla~!rverd. Sul" Numbtr l01, CO'ill Mtt~ Ctlllo•nle t2•11. whlcll I• Ill• ~I•<• ol polo enthu!!ias1s in th is coun· LEGAL NOTICE bu11ne11 ol th• unc1"11'""" in ,,11 m~n•ri try' ' ·1ngle handed ly developed -----~==-----.,,.,,~1n111a to '"' t'1!A11 1! 11ld !ltc~d•n!. P..JINt within •O<J• "'011!1\1 1!!tr 11\t l\rJI 11uD!lt•• The Oak Brook Sporl ~ Core CERTIF;ICATE oF a1Ho1NirJs, 1!d" or !hi< nallce. one of the largest polo and l'ICT1TIOUS NAME O•INI Oc•=.:io· .... ~·~.11m1n h Id The ~"'~"lontd (Ill t•rlllv ,,...., 11• 1 equestrian areas in I e. wor conauct1n11 1 bu~ln~s~ 11 "' l•h s.1 .. Aot. Ex•cutor o1 '"' Wiii o o. Hurlln<j1&n Bt1cll, C•lllornl•, ul'IC!tr lht! •bovt ne"'f'<I dect<1111I Pro Cage Standings ... l••ltrn C1ntt••nt• l.ll•ntlc Ol•!llen Wtn LOii l'cl. I i ,,c-l ' ] .667 Ill• lltt;!lous firm Mme ol J &. S ln-P•~Per FIGU RETTES Ind 1~81 1•111 !Ir"' Is ctm• ROIEIT A, •ASTMAN, pa\"<! ot tl>e tollowln9 per.on1, W"O$f nto H., . ..., B111lt•••~, n•m•s In run t oll p!Kt• ol rt1\dofnc1 ire Suitt Nv..,lltr JOI, 11 tnllow!;• Colli Mtll. C•lllwn!t JM!' S A t Ttl; 171') SIMIJI Sco!I i<lnQ.1lfY Ptten, SU llh '·· G Alh,....v 111 ••..:"I•• ln•P'ro•Pfr I>. Hvnli~OID'O Bt8'"· Ctllt. Jlfl81 Ltt P11blllllt'd Ortnot Cl>lll Ot\lv Piii!!. Peltr•, S1• It~ s1 .. Ao1. 0, Hunllflt!on Ott-• JI, Incl Novtmt>tr 7, u . ?1, 611ch, C.tlll. ltlD l!Ml-m Ot~ Od. I, 1170 ~con Klno~i.v P•H,. Jtn.tt L!!'t' Pelett SMll ol C11llornl1, 0fll!Qt CGunlv: On O<lollfr I, 1•10, bl/ore "''· t NO!t.Y Publlc l~ •nd I~• ••Id S111e, Jttrtcn•llY IPPe1rf'<I Sl::oll Kl1191i.v P111'1 •nd JtM• 01 Le. P11tr1 ~nown le..,. !c bt Ille Pttlllf'• wlla1e nam'' I'' iubKrlbld ta ll'lt within 11~ 1"""'"""' tl'CI 1cknowltdttd "''t ••· LEGAL NOTICE NOTICI!' 01' RIOUl!"IT l'Olt C.ERTIFIG-T!ON 01' SEWEI TRlmlC "I " UHIT•J UP'PER NIWPORT IAV CtOSSJM(I CONTRACT t-U " State Allocation Orange Cou nty Allocation Condemnation Refunds by Orange County Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Project 67-Placenlia Avenue \Viden ing- Vict.oria to 300' N. oi .Joann St. Project 68-Victoria Street \\lidening- Charlc Street to Nc"'•port Blvd. ~ 125, 183.82 59,199.01 69,570.00 12.462.28 $ 416,309.23 276,692.01 Street on Harbor Blvd. 222,933.04 Traffi c Signal Installations -Bristol St. & Sears, Roebuck entrance Fence Relocation-Merrimac $ 266,415,ll and Fairview Rd. Palisades Road \Videning Traffic Signal and Street Safety Lighting-Sunflower and Fairvie\v Road TOPICS-(Traffic Operations Program for Improving Capacity and Safety) Traffic Signal Light Pol e I nstal I a tions-H arbor Blvd. a nd So:--.(:o,st Drive Total Expern1ituxes 37,944.86 695.13 136. 70 465.75 532 .66 1,550.00 WATER ACREAGE FEES .....,. VD."k Pl'!lllldtlpl'll1 Br»IG<'I IVlfA!t 4 J .(.U ' s .16 1 C•n•r•I Ol•l1le11 J•l ttuTtd •~ 11m1. 5 IOFl'ICIAL SEALI JEAN L, JOBST NG!•l"V PV~llC -C1lltor~I~ Prl"(l1>1I Ollie• '" O•tnt& Counlv COUNTY SAlllTATION DllTRICT NO. S 0' ORANOI COUNTY Project 73-Placcntia Avenue from 19th St.reel lo 330' S. ol 16th Street Total Expenditures $ 693,070.34 AND IMPROVEMENT FUNO REVENUES 69.10 11 1tlm0"• s l .iJ.S Cl,.CIMUI J S 11! Atf9"11 I .100 C!evelend 0 000 w1111rn Contortnc1 Mldwul 01vhlon t 0 I l'lflO ' ' ,IOI) ' ,., " M• cemmtsslon E)olr1t Mat(ll !, 191l NOTICE IS HEJIEBY GIVE N lhet Cou"IV S1n!l•!lon 01,trl(I NO S OI Or1nl• C6Unlv 1111 ll>Plltd !C I~* SI•!• W•11r Rtl0Urt•1 c~n!•OI B~Ard. PUllUtnl 1(1 The Pf"O•!lklnt o! Section 'llbl, F"<ltrtl Wtlllr SPECIAL GAS TAX STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND-Soc. 2107 .S Sub-di vision map fees EXPENDITURES P11blh~~ Or1no• COllll Otllv Pllol , Oc.t, 10, 17, ?~, Jl, ltlO 1171·10 Poll~!IOl'I Cont•ol Ac•. !or ,,.1111cMlon 111 REVENUES t~t' °""8•1m•n1 of ,,.. !••m•. Le• Anefl~1 1-~---~ ' l.EGAL N·OTICE o111r1c1. cero• o1 E,..1t1e•11. '~~' thn St ate Al\ocatlon-Water Well Lease costs , Stwtr Trunk "&", Unll·I, UPIM', Neweor1 , . s s MV Commlulon E•tlrn April f, U71 305 10 Publlthld Or•nt• Co11t D•l!V ~Uot · Oc:tober ta, 11, u , 11. 1no u u -1. LEGAL NOTICE .. ..,.,. .. CERTl~ICATE 01' •UUN ISI l'ICTITIOUS NAMI Thi 11ndenloflld dot• tlrtltv Ill It - OUcllM 1 1Ktslt1eu '' •10 32nd 11,..,r Np..--f •~•di. Ctlllornl•, uMtr Ille I'll lllloul llr"' "'"" of NEWPORT ILl!C s 248 743 36 TR IC co. encl .... , ••Id firm II,_ ' . ol "'t fOllaw! ...... ,IOll, """°" " .. ., •• ' lull tncl 11c1,1 ol ,111d1nc1Ii11 fcllOWe: s 317,074.31 18.373.60 F. F. SllPl>t', .in St10ll ltd .. lrwl"' <•lllornre ""• 011«1 0(1~r 11. 1t1fl F. I', SllPPI STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ORA.NGE COU NTV: 0<1 Oc!at>tt U, 100, bllot• "''· Noi.rv Public 111 •nll tor Mid S1e1< ltf•10n11tv •Pot•rtd I'. I', 11fPllf kllow •o mf to bt Ille Hrion w"°" n1m1 ! ~lll»trlbld !o lftl wllhl" ln1lrume11t t n . ~ckriowlttl9fd flt •~Kwlf'd 111, 11m1. (O/ilcl1I $t~ll Rtbl H. Ctn•tlf Noltr~ PuOllc, C•Hlflrnl1 Prl<1cln1t Ofll't In o,.,.,, Counlv MY Coml"llH!Of' E~11lr11 SH>!. II, 1,n Publlllltd 0•111111 Ce11I D•llv Pl!fl ()(!Ober 17, 71, J1 Ind NO•tmbtr ' ~ 1'10 lt16-JI • LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 1><1tro11 MUwtu•'t C~ICll'I' P-fll• s ? ,711 1 s 315 P'•tillf Olvllion 'I-----------R•• cro1u1,... contr•tt s.111 nv c0u"'1v Engineering $ 7,500.00 GOLF COURSE FUNO S'• p.Jt\M S1nl!1t!C11 01,1.ict Nft. s ol 0••~•' Coun• · P'·Jtl" ClllTll't<ATE 0 , ausi1r1•ss iv,•• ll~K•lbtcl below, w111 t>I' tQllduc•,.,, SPECIAL GAS TAX REVENUES CIRTlf:ICAT• Of' 1u1tMls1 \.ti A11 .. lt1 • l ~1n Olt" 5 a St'1 rt1e • I Prrtl1nd I ! Stn Fr•'IC1K6 J S l'rld1,•1 Rtt11!!1 '°''°" ,,,, r11e11n1, 111 .t11 '" .•U "' ,J7S llltt\rr.orl UJ, 'hll1dfl""l1 110 L111 A...,,1,, 1oc. au1•••0 tO (lllta1111 101, Sin l'r•r>Cl\CO t• CIMl-ll OJ. CllYtlt,.., II. if,tn!1 11.s, Perll•'ld 10.. OftlJ t•ma Kl'of(lu!IG ... f.111 Of~lllen In 1 "'lnM• wlll(~ w11f l'!OI vfol•i, ·~• · l'l(:TITIOUS M,t..MI : ,,,.·~,,,,:/,~!~!i:0.,'!!, ~!~,~ .._ 1, con· ::~!~ ::;/~:. C:"~:V,::1~: ~~~:;'~ STREET IMP ROVEMENT FUND-Sec. 2106 Greens F'ees ~~1',:'~''t~nt~: !~'\':. ~c0: 1,1 <tutliftf f bu11,,...1 •!II ~ B IM\1n•itoU1 tf\i Stilt of Calllor"!• $ 27&,756.50 HW"f. L11uf'll Bt1cll, C1l!femt1. l.lllder 111· '\ Avt .. 1'lu<111..,1011 11t1uo. c11uorr111, undf• Tll• o>•oltoct tontl1h o1 1111' (Ollll,utllllfl REVENUES Locker Rental 173.50 lltt!lb.o1 rfrm """' o1 JJ't "RT SHOP i11e llclllle.11 ll•m "'"'~ ol LAttRv·s °' tw& ,1.111e11 ttwe• fora. "'11n1 lll\Clfr State Allocation $ 312 949 22 Mt II 3 206 06 •1111 ""' wkt llrm 11 tor1·u1tlff ., "'' C.OLDEN FRIEO (HIC::ll:lfM •ncl "'•!Mid Ullffr Ne-ort Btv 1, 1 paint e11-, • SCe . aneOUS L , • fcllQ\ollne Hrto111, whole .,.,,,., 111 IW 11•m 11o c-001"" "'1~• 11'11""'1'" ,..,,.,., ""'1""'tt"' "'"'nor•~ o1 '"' <•"'1"""" Orange County Allocation 273.214.31 Contractual Payments from •'"'Pile" o1 •nkllflt• ,,, ,, fllllowl' w'""" n•-Ill lull Incl •IK• ol rn!ftno:.• or Pldllc C~ll HltftWI¥, TM •l'OHMoll D -R r d Jim E. s ... 1111, lliJ Lffllfll c ...... l1 •t;f~~~vou. 1•211 lltr1llldt Lin., -m1lm wll!"' lu•lfd . minimum epos1t e un s by State 2,705.19 Facility Operator 7,589.05 RI., L•t11111 •• w.. J•-c. ._ H. • ,.,.111 of •I~'"'"''" !ht tut""'™,_' ondemnatlon Refunds by •1» L"u"• c."'""· t."""' •11c1t Dtlld 10.)).'l i.t!Orft, (on••"''tl°" wUI ••.O.btf btfln 0 c 58 690 00 Total Revenues s 289.725.11 Dtfef Octoe.r ,,, 1t111 111 NoYfl'lt>t•"' 0ttem11er, 1no, range ounty , . J1mn c. •-L. H $ftY6u C-t'r!llll Hrllt't 1hovld tr'1Ulftll ta Jn Jll"I E, Sn\1111 St•t• ,, c11i1or"1' 0r1 .... count.• ltle1'1M11 A. 1.,..,..,,Mt, lbl(l.ou"' Of1!Cf'r. terest 10,764.44 EXPENDITURES s1111 t11 c.1110r111,. °''"" C01111tv: W1111 l.111 Pd, 01 Oft ()(tofw~ JJ. lt10. be!Ot'O 1111«. I Cel""'·nl1 R.,lontl W•ltr Gu•lllv Contrel ' .... °'' >I ••-"' ::=,11~u1>1~~~M·""1.v::' ::io,"'~!!: 110.:;;'. s.,,.,, "N R"*'· wt M.....,u. Total Revenues $ ~8.323.16 Administration $ 105,889.53 ,,;;le 1.i.,,,d i.7''w11t"'lt,':.'~,:!:::~ v1,..1111, FIOl'lf !t nl l(.,.IWt~" Nt., Vot" P!l!lllv•I~ Ctrollll• U!tft IJWl/.-111 M'"1"'l' -'Tt••• 1 ' .us ' "' ... • ' ' ' . ' W"I D!vl1!t<1 • • f ' ' . • • ' ' l'r~dt't'• •*'uU ,W ,Jl5 ... .... _,. ,,, -"' ·"' V1'11l"1t ltM, C1•ol1ft1 ti Onl\I 11m1j1tl'llodll .,,, , •-" '° ..,, to tw ,.., HflOll w11o111 ,.......,,,.., Suitt 1•. Rr...•tldp, c1111o,n11 Maintenance 177,284.76 '°"'''" Jim E. sm11~ •llf Jemu c J """'' It '"*'lttd to Ille wltlllft 1 ... '"°'' •llY rtl•••M ln!¢,.,,t!ltn or ~EXPENDITURES l onrwr •-n lo..,. It lit lht ....wll ' .• ••rum1n1 ll'HI •<•-•tc111c1 tte: '""'ut«t TtctloN"" '40""~tw· "· 1910 Total Expenditures $ 283 174 29 Wf'IOt, ~.,....~ 11' WbK•lb.d '0 111• w1111~ .. ""M"''· "'p~1.""',,, ••'•''"'t C<M111 o111, ,!.'," . .!: Proi·cct 57-Fair\llew Road • , . in11rv'"lfl' •M ec1c110w1tt1HC1 .... ., tl • F ( $1 l '""'" -•w • «llltd !II~ llmf, &11 <0 " ' tAL AL Construction-San Dieao ~ ROBERT A. OMAN lOl'l'1t•AL sl.ALl " .. • '" J••11 L. Jo1:t11 e Oorto!~r w. J,,,.u1 ~~:.:ci:i"~f~·1~•or111• Ma~e 1 Sharp Frwy to Sunflower S( 11.91 ) F'lnance Director ~o"" itubllt<•ll!or111• or.,,., CM!t. Project 61-Arllnaton Drive City of Cos ta l\1esa: CallfornJ a Pr!ncl1tll Otf!tt Ill Mr (:or!)mlHt""' £••''" fr•de·, Uso C ? 011n~e C•11n!¥ ""•'(" 1, 1,13 onstruct lon-f alrvlcw October 23. 1970 Mv co ... '"1'11e~ Eulrt1 ... ~',"',.•,","",-'~." t>•11' ,•••," o ·ime-A·Lt'nes Road to Newport Blvd. 8,865.13 PubUshed Orange Coasl Daily P ilot, October 31, 1970 ""bu~t-~-.~:· c .. ,, o.u, P111t ., ....,,....., "" ovem1Mr . • P j L 6"Ad A De...,_ ''• J I •1'11!1 Nl\'Mlllor '; " 1•10 ,,.,.10'"'==========='l--'r,o_::_e_c __ ~ __ a __ m_•_:__v~c_n_u_• ___________ 1 ____________________ _:2:00~3-~7:0 1 1,,. , ,,.1' ••.t.•• .. -~~1 Jf OAllY PJLDT S..tunl.r Octobtr 31 1970 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Summaries • • SilllrdA}I Octobtr 31 1970 DAil V PILOT J9 Yt. v l'I lfl L~1'1 • . . . . . • • COSTA MESA-NEWPORT BEACH SPACE & LUXURY $29,500 4 Jarge bedrooms, 2 baths, delightfu1 family room. Magnificent fireplace wins .admiration of all. Home- maker's dream kitchen with finest built in appliances including dishwasher. Covered patio. 1Pool sized grounds -landscaped to perfection. ' Apple Pie" order inside & out. (9945) 54-0-1720 $28 ,000 WITH 6% % · $1 73 MO. Payments -less than rent. Live in this delightful 4 bedroom, 2 bath home with a kitchen bound to please the most particular queen, built in range & oven -bright & cheerful. Beautiful patio with BBQ overlooks a lovely landscaped rear yard. 540-1720 4 BEDRM. • HUGE "REC" ROOM • $32,000 Owner helps with financing after a small down pay- ment! Prime location near everythiog! 2 baths, family room very convenient off the beautiful built- in kitchen with dishwasher. Utility room with added storage. 25 ft. recreation room awaiting all the en· tertaining & family fun . Many exciting features, walk in closets, entry ball. Love at first glance - please call 54-0-1720 4 BEDRM. -$33,500 WITH 6 Yi% FHA LOAN A lovely home with truly a park-like yard. Pride of ownership -excellent area near South Coast Plaza. Very spacious home with 2 baths, large family room, beautiful fireplace, luxury builtin kitchen, dishwash· er. Wall to wall carpeting, drapes. Covered patio. Only 3 yrs. new & it's a "honey." Subject to annual % rate loan now on property assumption! Monthly payments less than rent! (0144) 54-0-1720 WALK TO BEACH -$28.500 -4 BEDRM. Recreation facilities all within walking .distance, community club, tennis & swim pool. Very spacious home with 2 baths, 2 patios. Forced air heat, dream kitchen -built-in range, oven &: diabwasher. Ei· quisitely paneled living room &: dining room. Great terms -heavy shake roof modern. (0246) 54-0-1720. 4 BEDRM. -$27 ,900-JIO DOWN G.I. l'o buy -very spacious home designed for active lanilly living & entertaining. 2 baths, nice family room, quality carpeting. Immediate possession. Forced air heat, all electric built-in HAward" kit· cben. Dishwasher, Patio. Large home in excellent area. Make your terms. (9785) 54-0-1720 HUGE· HUGE FAMILY RM· $28,950 ·NO DOWN To G.l .'s or low down all others on FHA terms. Room for regulation pool table -have a "Ball" in the family room -handsome snack bar -sliding doors overlook a truly park-like yard. Owner is Ian~· scape artist! King sized bedrooms. 2 baths. Beauti- ful kitchen-handy features include dishwasher! Mesa Verde great location! 540-1720 NEBULOUS NEWPO RT -$28 ,950 - WALK TO BEACH! Walk to beach from this delightful residence -king sized bedrooms, 2 baths, family room. Dream kit· chen with built-in range, oven & di~hwasber. Ele.ga!1t fireplace. Patio. Charm Glow gas fired BBQ. Bu1lt-1n cabinets. extra shower in garage. Alley access FOR BOAT OR TRAILER. (9798) 54-0-1720. 5 BEDRM.-$34,500 WITH FHA LOAN! Spacious Bar Harbor one level execll:tive home! 2200 sq. ft. of convenience! 2 baths, famlly r?Om. Large family room. Plush new cloud soft carpeting, custom drapes. Water softener. Massive fireplace. Covered patio. Vacant-move right in! (0354) 540-1720 EXQUISITE HOME "ALL EXTRAS" $32,750 REDUCED $4500 TD $26,500! • Yi ACRE Lovely borne with charm unlimited ON A huge lot ideal for horses -raise your own vegetables or en~ joy the rarity of complete privacy. Located in upper bay area, near schools & shopping. Submit your terms ! 54-0-1720 $22,750 WITH FHA LOAN TO ASSUME Payment less than rent includes everjrtbing. Very attractive home near -(IAI mile) to beach! 135 ft. deep grounds -room for pool. Spacious bedrooms, den, luxurious shag_gypetµ}g1_!1ra~s. Price redticed $1,000 for immediate sale. Vacant -move righ""t:-in!"" (0052) 54-0-1720 LARGE FAMILY HAVEN-$32,000! Walk to all schools from this large family home with 4 generous sized bedrooms, oversized living room with fireplace wiMing admiration of aJt 25 ft. re- creation room where all the action will be. Light & airy built-in kitchen, dishwasher. Exceptionally nice utility room. Rich wood paneJing, huge master bed- room with dressing room & closet area. A beautiful home in a most desirable area. Costa Mesa. 540-1720 $3f.5DO WITH 6 Yi% LOAN Prestige area near Orange Coast College & huge shopping center. Extra s.harp home with 4 bedrooms, 20 ft. gracious living room enhanced by fireplace, family room, 2 baths. Oversized paneled garage - ideal for "TEEN" parties. Subject to 6% annual rate loan assumption. now on property. 540-1720 VACANT '.""" 4 BEDROOM -$28.500 0 Glen Mar" home means the most for your money! Quality -large rooms, finest appointments. Fire. place.-4 bedroom, 2 bath, family room -a kitchen designed to please the most particular "Queen" with built-in range, oven & dishwasher. Carpets, drapes. Near schools, shopping & churches. (0487) 54-0-1-720. LOOK WHAT WE FOUND! $24,950 -SUBMIT! Submit your FHA terms. Owner leaving country & anxious. Located near park & shopping. Cozy home with generous sized bedrooms, electric built-in kit· chen, refri~erator. Jr. estate sized grounds -very valuable with a huge garage -could convert to 1 bedroom rentaJ . Hurry -see this one now~l720. MESA VERDE BEAUTY -$29.500 Excellent home in fine area near schools &: major shopping. Darling 3 bedroom, 2 bath, family room (1600 sq. ft.) home with deep pile carpeting, custom drapes, rich wood paneling thruout. Lovely view home with a nice patio too. (0518) 54()..1720. BEAUTIFUL HOME WITH POOL! 5% %!! Price reduced $2000 for imme4iate sale! Very spa· cious bedrooms, 2 baths, family room. Huge jr. es- tate sized grounds with delightful covered patio, magnificent fireplace , APR loan now on property of 51A % may be assumed with $25 transfer fee! Many extras -water softener, re!rigerator! Beauti- ful swim pool too! (0595) 54-0-1720 What are the 15 Costly Mistakes to Avoid in Selling a Home? WMt...1t ~· 8, M"t -...pt te Mii '"' ..... utll ,... Ned nil Mell. RMI ..... ••therities Ho• 4Wd C°"'pltoll, M.Ci.A., end J_,. ZadltN, Ptl.D., --Ylhll 41.n- tfom tt.f c.-..,. yo1 ~...,,. ........ ....,. .... lt c._te Miii .. • ...... It h • fllCtdl .. MN te '"' *ltft today. Aftd It's ~"" me, Jat .. n I• .-c"'"' ' • • • .~ s , , , , .· HUNTINGTON BEACH-FOUNTAIN VALLEY .. ·. WOW! $25,750-5%% -S141 MD. Payments less than rent. Pack up now·&· move right into this deli~htful 4 bedroom, 2 baths, den home. Beautiful patio with ~uilt·in brick BBQ. RecenUy redecorated inside & out. Pr i me location. (0482} IK2'6691. 4 BEDRM PLUS BATH PLUS HUGE DORMITORY! -Imagine 2850 sq. ft. of the finest family living - great for entertaining too I Banquet sized djning room awaiting those holiday festivities. 2 majestic fire- places; executive built-in kitchen, dishwasher. Fani· ily room on upper level! Patio. Beautiful ground$ fil_th.!filig.klers. =-~Q.l.Q.~ul ~ !hru~s. Only 3 yrs._new! Submit all terms. '(0540) 114~ - RAMBLING ONE LEVIl HOME:....sao.500 WITH 5%% LOAN! APR loan ·now on property which may be assumed with monthly installments less than rent. 70x1Qi, ft. deep grounds. Beautiful landscaped yard. Oversized bedrooms, 2 baths. Gleaming hardwood floors thru- out covered by plush wall to wall carpeting. For-. mal dining adjacent living room. Handsome break- fast bar in kitchen with finest built-in features and family room adjoining. 2 large patio. Sprinklers. Immediate occupancy. 962-1373. $25,950 · NO DOWN G.I. Or low down Non-Vets on FHA tenns! Very desir- able home in like new condition. Carpeting thruout. Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 baths, family room home. Secluded rear living room. Inviting fireplace, cheer· ful built-in kitchen. Patio. Fenced grounds -neatly manicured & tastefully landscaped. (0557) 846--0604 SPACIOUS HOME WITH "HIDDEN TALENTS" So many extras here -you wouldn't believe until you see it! 4 bedrooms, 2 baths -superbly decorat- ed home with outstanding conveniences. Boat gate. Gorgeous built-in wile-saver kitchen, dishwasher, banquet dinin~ room awaiting th o s e approaching holiday occasions. Magnificent fireplace. Decora· tor's dream come true! $37,500. (04247) 842-6691. $23,000 WITH 5 ~ % AT $106 MO! Why pay rent when you can move into this adorable residence with payments less than rent & assume a low interest loan as you build up an equity in your very own borne. King sized bedrooms, all electric "Award" built in kitchen, carpets, drapes, refriger- ator. Pool sized grounds. (0564) 962-1378 BRING BOAT & CAMPER! $27,500 · 5%% LOAN! Ji. beautiful home -owner just spent $3000 on inter· ior decorating & improvements -beautiful carpet· ing & custom drapes. Very nice home with covered patio -exquisitely landscaped grounds -room for pool. Alley access for the campers. King size bed· rooms, 2 baths, family room adjacent a gleaming built-in kitchen. Prime location. (0592) 842-6691 TALK ABOUT SPACE & LUXURY! See this fantastically beautiful 5 bedroom, 3 bath, ramily room home. 2875 sq, ft. of superb family liv- ing & enjoyment! 3 car garage -full dining room awaiting those special banquets, all electric push but· ton built-in kitchen, dishwasher. exquisite hanging lamps, built·in dressers, bookshelves -many added luxury features. Submit all terms! Almost immediate possession! (0523) 846-0604 WALK T~ BEACH -$31 .500! S3100 DOWN! Owner anxious -submit all offers. Spacious 1800 sq. ft. home with 3 master sized bedroms, 2 baths, family room. Queen's kitchen with finest built-in features. dishwasher. Massive fireplace. Beautiful Jr. Estate rear yard -room for pool, landscaped to perfection! Hurry -this won't last! (0510) 842-6691 161 11 BEACH BLVD ............ 142-6691 5824 EDINGER ................ ...- HUNTINGTON BEACH CORONA-NORCO HORSE RANCHES AND HOMES ~r ~~~~~J;.5~e~~s~ R~~~i~J·s!~y6r~J~!~ with huge pool sized yard -excellent for raisin~ a large family. Let the children "Do Their Thing' in the hu2e family room -also ideal for adult enter- taining1 2 baths. Beautiful wife save kilchen with dishwasher & elegant built-in range & oven. Magni· ficent fireplace. Landscaped to perfection. There is also an assumable loan at 6% with payments of $170 $750 DOWN 01 221 FHA PROGRAM Fountain ·Plaze "t'·cafe free Jiying at its best. E:njoj communit,Y pool, beautiful grounds & recreation hall; Live in luxury in this 4 bedroom, 2 bath ~esiden~! . Owner desperate -will consider lease 'v1th option too. Hurry only $2~,650! 962·1373 CASA LOMA· &% LOAN · LESS THAN RENT! . 2200 sq. ft . of elegance & comfort! 4 bedrooms, J baths, massive fireplace in large living room over· looks a picturesque landscaped yard: Excellent pres~ ·tige neighborh~. Family room ideal for entertain· ing. Apr loan on property which may be ass umed - less than rent monthly installments! 846--0604 · "SHAN6-Rl·LA"$28,500 · NO DOWN! Owner anxious must leave. Priced right -attractive Glen Mar residence in most popular area -near , beach, shops & all schools. 4 spacious bedrooms, ; . baths, secluded rear living rcom with an inviting fireplace, family room. Rich wood paneling,. n~w carpeting, decorator wallpaper accents. Imm8culate condition ! No down G.I. -lo\v down all others! 962· J.173 ' $1 ODO BELOW MARKET! $23,500! Owner desperate! "Dutch clean'' -spacious 3 bed: room home . 2 baths. carpeting, drapes. Built-in dream kitchen with dishwasher. Nice patio. Must be sold now -any reasonable offer will be consider· ed! 962-1373 A BEAUTY-5%%·LOAN -S156 MO. Payments. Live in luxury and comfort at monthly in· stallments less than rent as you build up·an equiiy in your own home & beautiful land! Spacio'us bed· rooms, 2 baths, family room. Completely painted in· side & out. Pool sized lot. So many extras include, built-in stereo system, beautiful kitchen, magnificent Palos Verdes massive stone fireplace. Family room ideal for entertaining. Patio. Boat area -room for pool -park-like landscaping. (0439) 846-0604 FEATURES GALORE! $30.000 Spacious 4 bedroom, 2 bath beauty. Secluded rJ'ar living room enhanced by massive fireplace, overlooks a pool sized yard -\Vith flood lights to "Show Off'' the gorgeous landscaping by night! Dream kitchen with finest built·in range, oven and dishwasher. Gour· met meals taste even greater when served in the full dining room. Plush carpeting, drapes, automatic gar- age door openu. (0519) 842-6691 18884 Brookhursf Fountain Valley 962-137~ EL TORO • LAKI MISSION VllJO BEAUTIFUL NEW HOMES 4 FURNISHED MODELS 3 & 4 BEDROOMS ' G.l. OR FHA TERMS ' . Distinctive designs -choose· your own color schemes, carpeting & drapes. All electric kitch· ens, dishwashers, large family rooms. Decorator wall paper. Much more! $26,400 to $32,200! Please call to see! 830-6060. POOL? 4 BEDRM -$28,500! Now that summer's over -here's your chance t(). buy that special pool home at a real bargain piice: 2 baths. Safely located near schools & shopping. As-· sume APR loan of 5114 % or you can buy with No· Down G.I. -low down FHA terms. 830-6060. $26,500 -6% LOAN - $161 MO.! Only looks expensive & this one has all. the decor~to~ features you 've dreamed of possess ing! Spl~1oll.1 ,naster sized bedrooms, 2 separate baths, Beautiful patio. Al l deluxe, built-in features. Plush carpetinS-, drapes. Most appealing El Dorado home with air conditioning ! SJ0.0060. STATUESQUE 2 STORY WITH PAGODA POOL "' Family living & entertaining ideal here:. Huge re· creation room with cathedral beamed ce1hngs (28 x 30 ft.) -wet bar, refrigerator: Homem.aker's pride kitchen gleaming built-in appliances, d1shwashe~. 2 baths, huge bedrooms, full dining room. Ma ssive stone fireplace. Prestige area Costa Mesa. 540-1720. .-------------·-----,I mo. including everything -543-9429. 2200 sq . ft. executive beauty -former model home -shows better than new. Designed for active fami· ly living & entertaining. Gorgeous pool surrounded by {'atio & decking. Covered patio -truly lovely_ setting of tropical paradise landscaping. 4 bedrooms; 2 baths. All the luxury features. $41 ,950 with gre3t terms. (0447) 8J0.60§0 .. PRIVATE ESTATE "NEWPORT"-$57,500 Walled community living -aristocratiq in t!:very re- spect. Very, spacious 4 bedroom, 3 bath, family room home, 2 exquisite fireplaces. 4:0 ft. al~minum cov· ered. patio. Beautiful landscaping. EnJoy the club- house community ~1 , putting green. All the ad- vantages of Country Club living -yet estate sized ground• & privacy all your own! (0051) 54-0-1720 TARB ELL REAL ESTATE CO. P.O. BOX 1400, 16111 BH ch Blvd. Huntington Be•ch, Calif. 92647 ....... '"" • ,,.. c.,., of .,.., ....... "1 S C•rty M..._.• To AMiii le Wll11 A H-" NAME ' ....................................... . ADDRESS ••..••••••.•••••••••••....•.•••..•.•• I CIT Y ........................ STATE ··:··""" i 2955 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-1720 - • • HORSE RANCH - 3/ 4 ACRE $16.000 Darling (approx. 1000 sq. ft.) home. Buitt;in ·dream kitchen. Loaded with charm & livability -Great set· up for horses. 543-9429. MODERN HQME-1 ACRE-$28,500! , Excellent horse property, beautiful home with over- sized bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, built-in kitchen. 21h car garage. Custom home in finest area. Service porch. Mini orchard. So much here you 'll have to see! (0258) 543-9429. 2429 Ha111ner. NORCO Cltl""'ltti .. ,_, .. K•-1111 Llterul Toll FrH .143.9429 STATUS UNLIMITED! $33,00D·WITH 6% % LOAN. Exqui$ite Spanish design -owner has added $10,000 in luxury features. Cloud soft carpeting, custom dra- pes. Enter thru the magnificent courtyard. Well planned home for easier family Jiving. Master si~ed bedrooms, 2 baths. Patio. All the "Top Of The Line" built-in features in lovely kitchen. Dishwasher. Pool sized -park like grounds! APR loan now on proper- ty which .may be assumed. See it now!. (0456) 830- 6060 23331 El Toro Road 830°6060 ' j, I t i ' • • " I • . . . • • t ' • • \ --------------------------------------~--~ ------·-------------..,- . . • r ' • I . ~ . i • . • • . t • ' • . • • \ . ' . • ) . • • • ' • ' l ' . .. " • Dunton Ford Is Still Saving ·it's Customers ·oN BRAND NEW 1970 FORDS . . WE DON'T CARE WHERE YOU'VE BEEN OR WHAT YOU'VE BEEN OFFERED • YOU'RE SURE TO GO FOR OUR OFFER! DON'T SIGN ANY ORDER WITH ANY DEALER ON ANY NEW CAR· TRUCK OR USED CAR UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN QUOTED DUNTON FORD PRICES. NEW '70 MUSTANG 2-DDOll HARDTOP Pl US TAX I- LK. N ' c..-!171-· Jtl1 V-1. ...U·•""'"'· ,..,_ "'-" ~ 0. """""· 91-I .....,,,......Ml ........ ~-.--Modi""'o.(UIGAAl l'll)j SAVE $756 FIOM FACTORY SUGGESTED lllT.llL PllCI NEW '70 MAVERICK 2DOOR JOOClD.•/lllo!t. ........ ~• .... ,.. ....... hl!lfdW)W,{~ ••.-t<I-- ......... (0«9!1l73"ll SAVE $516 FIOM f.lCTOllY SUGGlSTED llT.lll PllCI NEW '70 T RINO N ' 0 New True & Camper 2 DOOR-FORMAL ROOF 2 DOOR SPORTS ROOF .... """¥.-.-.....;.,.c-.-• .................... ,.....,....... 6)1(_(()..•W -1.(.-o .• -.,.._.. ......... ,~--... •,oc;i.,L i"\"IO!r-· ffl.f'l(l ~..__, _____ J0 ................ -~ ........ - .-..11JU311UJ'tl) ,.., .... --...~"" to.-1 ~1)11 ·-~,.Mol l....., . ..,~...,..,....,i;....,-....,._....1110.u1n•1tt1 SAVE $736 '65 MUSTANG 2+2 V-8, 4 speed, radio, heottr. ZZV506 '64 RAMBLER 4 Or. 6 cyl .. auto. trons., radio. SAf740 fJIOM fACTOIY SUGGISTID llTAIL PllCE $1 0 16 .:~:.::, SAVE su~~~~10 $888 '65 FORD - FAIRtANE WAGON. y.s, outo. tr1tns., air tonditioning. poweS788 $fHring, rocflO, heater. NQF614 c:~?. M~.~,!~.~~ .. , .. ,,,. ,,. ....... , ... ,,, $12 ·7 9 UEW761 • •. . . '65 MUSTANG CONV. 6 cyl., stick shift. radio, heater. XDD937 '65 DODGE Dart 6 cyl., OJto. tron$.. radio. RGV820 $799 . V-;~Z..'1'J.~'J9f,~~, power sl•ering$1799 power windows, power seats;, whitewoll flr6, vinyl roof . . Uc. 384AFX '69 FlOO PICKUP 6 <~ .. stick shift. L<. X79918 SMwNr, Octobtr 31, 1 q10 pAILY PILOT ZJ IT'S EASY TO BUY THE ALL NEW 2 ~~~T.~~ !10~~~ .. foc.tory Air Condil1oning, power $ sreering. radio. vinyl roof. lie. VP J646 2 :~~-S~u~.~r!~~~r steering, radio, healer. lit.$ VHL295 . '69 LTD 2 Or. H.T. V-8, auto-Irons .. Foc.!ory A:r Conditioning, power.$ steering, vinyl roof. Lie. YRS521 '68 Inter national Jeep 4 Wheel Drive Jeep, Rad io, Heater. lie. XD(89d '67 CHE VY Impala ct Cpe. V-8, outo. trans., power steering, rodio, heater. lie.~ TYC606 c:.1v°a. ~:8,~~otlo.y Air Conditioning, full pow,,, $ rodio, heater, vinyl roof. 737AN '65 FORD PICKUP WE IEllEVE OUl DOWN PAYMENT AND TUMS All THE llST AVAILAILL IF YOU CAN DO BETTIR ••• SHOW US! ' • • , •• ..... ~ ,, . . ·-... DAILY PILOT s."""· Octobot )l, 1970 DICK 'llACY Chester Gould \ TUMBLEWEEDS By Tom K. Ryon • -------·--·--·---·····--l ·---·----··----- • ... . . ,,;,, ,,. -... -... ~""' JI.,. -~---- Mun AND JEFF JUDGE PARKER &IVE ~TJ.IE YES, I 'LL TELL 'IOU MOW UiGENT MAME MID I'll ™E MA.mi IS, SM)LEJl1! IT SHOllLP SEE A&OUT MAVE IEE"' TillEN CARE ..__~ &En!NG A OF LIKE YESTERDAY! TELEPM~E 'YOTE FIOM TME &e».lP, VIC.: PLAIN JANE YOU SlTTI NG POWW, SAOl.Eli:? I 'M GOOlG lO G1VE YOO TME INITIA.LS ... L.l.! -Hl\1 1111 -·--.. L.li!: .•• Fl"iOM. KANSAS C.JTV? YOU SUli!:E? By Al Smith By Frank Baginski \ \ .. · . Ll'L AINl!R SALLY BANANAS GORDO MOON MULLINS ~ ·--~·---- . AFTER A Y<AA IN V/STNAM, , A<;uy , i>OSSN1T · sc;.~s 100 l'ASIW, l<AYO.- ~ ANIMAL CRACKERS \I I DAILY CROSSWORD ••• by•-• Pow" I ~P_E_RK_IN_s __ _, ..------. ,---.,..------., r--By-,J"oh.-n_M_iles--, ACROSS 54 Bird Yrs!trday's Puz ~tr So l•1rd: 1 Fa ilure b Fil l with horror 11 'l/<1!e rin9 \f!C l 14 Willow l~ Dre nch lb Pai! of "1o be'' 17 FIOl lda .co"1m1.1nily 18 Platt s !er 1rtilici 1I cu:tiv1t 1on 20 U11ro~r 22 Part or the bcdy 23 Pro noun 25 Construct 28 Command tG leave 29 Air: Comb. form JO ••••• •• a d~lsy : 2 wo1ds 32 Domicll ' )4 Tr,e 39 Malet uniform: 2 wo1ds 4Z Puni shmt n\ for i 111 4) Btcamt lrss St Vt tf 45 Plc!ure transftt : l11form1! 46 Na1 ur a! gift s 49 l etttr ,50 Rtlationi hi p \G i pted of so und ' . 5~ Mr. • ., ll c ~ t 1 s A • 83\h9~lt L [ F • l • C • 5ti P l~11t lltf • y , l [). "w'm' Ull]ffil 58 Certify bO Pl,1trs for sports f "lflltS 63 Alto or trnor, t .9, 6ti Oct <111 pollutant ti 7 6 •II tie D1 plomalic J9rnt 69 Advance d !ll yf JIS 70 so~md of yo11119 l>11d 71 Della or p,,.,, -- DOWN 1 Rti11 I rs la1t unit 2 ···riil e: 2 word~ 3 "The Sc~d 't -·'' 4 ln(liJn sold1tr 5 Tht "E"of "0 ,£.D," 6 Cl11111 7 Ot tilt lo11r~t nu.1I1t / 8 Placr i11 pos11io11 ' --Wrd11t sday 10 Tho~t born undrr 1 ttr ta in s i~n ' ' I o [ •C ~f L, V( O[l (P (( 11 t 11111l.11a•·1tJ[ l Z P!Jce lor soorl s t 1'e11l s 13 Pt1\ 1n a new pos i\1011 19 Raises 21 P o~se\S i vt vi or~ 23 Anio1al h~mll tr 24 l ift rdth r llort 2b S~111 1rr it~! ion 27 Ncl '1.'ild 30 Parl of a b11i hi inn 31 0 Dl'S certain 'l.Oodwo1~1ny 33 Pronoun 35 Ftmi1111;t 11a1nt Jb Sl1m1dat ion 3 7 611111 38 fll,a11's hJt: lnlorm;il 40 State 10 31170 41 Dis tant: Con1b. form 44 M.1kr i11i anl' 47 Unh~rdtntd: 2 ~:ord s 48 [•plos ive 50 Mr. ·--: Jim Backus cha ra cter 51 T imt ol }'t ar 52 Youn11 prr sor1 53 Src1 r1td 55 "Two htarts tl1lt beat " 2 wo rd°s 57 Rivt r pol\11\a11 t 511 Al al1 1irrt bl Um t lined b2. Smr lttr's lnput 64 Kind of le1!1ic t 65 r a ci~I ftallHt I I ~,,--'1-+.-+-J-- 1 .111 MISS PEACH I WONOE/<: /F OFFICe/<: MC.CABE HA5 A LADY- Fl</eND? /---~ .(l DH.I DOU&T IT. H!i'S ALI.." I BUSINESS ... .'\;? ••4'_...__ STEVE ROPER \"INDICATE lo\E ~ MIN!' ENEMIES ! CEL/VER ME fml\ ltW ~EG !! I • By Mell By Sounden and Overgard IM: F'l!lU .MRS .lAE <,ooo fl/aJGll SP'OR"TS. Aj.( WILL PITCH IN TO MELP. I SE~ A WAY I All TIGER CAN GET PAlf Tl<AT TRIJCl< OM OUR &UCES.' SHOW UP, STUPID!!! • • , MR.MUM ~y Char!J Barsotti By GllS Arriola By Ferd Johnson MAYBE l<;AVE ~IM MY P~LAYIT> ;ICTIOll eoo. By Roger loUen ._:t cAIJ A"-WAqs -~p "'1'1!1itl'OfAl!'i' llJSAIJIT<,l / - DENNIS THE MENACE l " .f 'lkJM 1 TllE.1!£'S A MfAll LOOl(llf l'llTCM AT 00< FIOIT IXXlR!' i ,! --------------------------------------···-·-----;-. -----~ Plush Bayfront CottaCJe From thi s imm8CUiate. super·clean 3500' home, you have a sit·do\vn vie"' of the jet· ty & bay boat action ! Den, formal dining, large yard. $169,500 Bill Comstock ' • Estate-Probate Sale Bayfronl 'vith pier & slip. Five bedrooms, lhree baths, fireplace, FI A heat. two car garage. Approx. 3400 sq. It. :,15 yrs. $168,500 Al Fink The Impossible View! or the impossible dream! Charming home w /beamed ceilin~s. garden baths. Go rgeous landscaping -perfe~t for small family - private comm . w(beach, pools , tennis. 1115,000. Carol Tatum Fine Lido Home S21fJ' Lot affords complete privacy lo O\.VR· ers of custom S bdrm. home "'/large So. patio. St. to St. location. Just 1 house from private beach. $106,000 Mary Harvey HiCJhly Desirable Area Within Steps of Bay Harmonious blendin}! of charm & utility are combined in this Spacious 2-story home. This 2 bdrm., study & fam. rm. home pro- vides luxurious living at its best. Many uni· que features add to convenience & comfort. $97.500 Kathryn Raulston Open House S1•nday 1 to 5 P.M. 17041 BOLERO LANE , Davenport lslan~. Hunt. Harbour uraterfront -choice location -44 foot dock & pier. 3 Lge. bedrooms - 3 baths -spacious L.R. Immaculate. Ask· in~ $83,000. -EZ Terms. Art Gordon Corona Del Mar-View Elegant. fee simple: beamed ceil.. 4 BR ., 3 Ba., separate family rm. 3 Car garage, wet bar, two fireplaces, Fenced yard home. $68.500 Al Fink 51/2°/o Assumable Loan Custom 4 BR., 21fl ba . home on quiet st. Large fam . rm .. cov'd porch, sundeck, re- flect. pool: large lot. Near shoppi ng, schools. Low int. loan! $65.000. M. C. Buie View Home Only $48,500 Panoramic vie\Y from immaculate 4 bdrm. home. \Valk to schools, shops & church. Lovely, carefree rear yard. Eastbluff-View- 57000 Down Lovely Eastbluff view home. Greatest back bay. mountain & li~ht view. Immaculate 4 bed room; oversize garage. 3rd Car or boat space. Only $47,500. George Grupe Open House Sunday 1·5 2244 AL TA VISTA EASTBLUFF LUSK HOME 4 BR .. 2lf.i: ba. Large poolsize lot. \Valk to schools. church & shopping. Low down. Only $47,500 Harriett Davies .Where Else in Newport .• Is there a 4 BR. home with formal dining. bit-in kitchen. elegant decor. _great for fam- ily living & steps to the ocean? $44,900. Belle Partch Harbor View Homes Out of town owner says "SELL" his 3 BR. home NOW. Din. rm. & fam . rm. Beautiful· carpets & draperies. Immediate occupancy. $42.500 Cathryn Tennille Owner Anxious-$39,500 Immacul ate & homey, describes this air- conditioned 4 bedroom. 21h bath home. Breakfast area overlookin_g sunny patio. Walk to ocean. Good financinl,!. Mary Lou l\1arion Four Bdrm. Open House al : 2101 HIGHL AND OR., Newport. You will be PL EASANTLY su rprisrd. BUY NOW & be sellled for the HOLIDAYS, Come by Sun. after 12:30. Harry Frederick "Plf'ase call for our picture broChure a! current listings." 133-0700 '44-24l0 Coldwell, Banker 550 NEWPORT CENJER DR., N.I. FORMAL DINING ROOM ? Yes! & Much more! A view from the "Out- rigger Room". Sep. master ste, lge fam rin & go urmet kitchen. Fabulous garden. Broad- moor beauty. Just reduced to sell. $77.500 2716 \Vindover Dr. Open Sun· I-5 :00 OPPORTUNITY! I-Jere is your chance! Just received the CRV for this 2 bdrm. 1 ba home. East side of Costa l\iesa. Call us today for appt. $19,500 IN THE SPANISH MANNER! 3 Bdrm, DR home. Courtyard assures priva- cy. Owner says "make offer". $41,750 2039 Irvine Open Sat-Sun 1-5 :00 Roy J. Ward Co. EXCLUSIVK AGENTS 1P33 !\fariners Drivr 646-1550 (Open Daily) $800 TOT AL DOWN S1Wtday, October Jl, 1970 DAILY PILOT Z3 \ ! ! ! BUllQERS -CLOSEOUT! ! ! \ I Because of credit rejectionl': we have 'I homes avail- able t hat had been selected by early buyers • 7 HOMES ON CHOICE LOTS that ve ry in size from 3 · 7 Bedrooms, 3 & '4 baths, 2 & 3 ca r garages & complete with all built • in s, basic car- peting , sha ke roof & con crete dri veways -from $33,'140. RANCHO LA CUESTA AYRES HOMES SINCE 1905 MODELS AT BROOKHURST & ATLANTA HUNTINGTON BEACH '61-292' • 961-1338. 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. General 1000 Gener•I to F'Ji,\ • Vc1 buy('N; on this ---------1000 General 1000 Gener•I 1000 ------1 1trrlllc 3 bt.-chwm hon1e in RARE FIND great Costa ~lesa. Area. Pay. Eastbluff Large living roon1, dining Newport Beach LIDO WATERFRONT ment will be-les..<i than rent area, Tiled built-in kit. and Open Da ily J.5 APTS.-320 LIDO NORD for this hon1r. 11,uge yard OPEN DAILY 1-5 SCl'Vice porch. Extra lurge 4411 River Ave. $150,000 Price with 1'i• lsl ,,;,h lols or trees. ln.qide is 2615 Bamboo, N.B. step do1vn den "'ith Prank. Block from Ocean T.D. 6 Beaut. furn. units; freshly pa.intro and ready You 'll be happy \1·hen you stt lin stOl'r a11d B/N Bar·B-Near nt.'lll J king silt' bed-6 car garagE"s &. util. room. for occupancy • CA LL · o. ... _.. 3 •· h too Q •• I . I d" -F · · •-h llus ., ......... rm, .,.,1 n1e. lit'. "e'\' cp "· inc u 111g Mns. 2': bllths, rxlra lge Jiv. "" t. on sw11nm1ng ""'ac . Walker & Lee Redeco,rat('d in & 01.11. Bes! den. l..arg~ lenct'd ya1'd • ing rni .. 2 fh't'places, bltns, \\';•! consider trade for boat o( financing available. f<"as1 Two single garages. PriC<'d rerlecorati'd, new t.'l'PIS, dble Ol' maximum $85,(Q) lge, C rscrow~ Vacant? at $26.500 . ASSU!\tl:: S21,800 )!;ar., will 1n:1dt', vacant. BR. house. COMPLETE ELEGANCE I $129,500 Romanesque beauty is exem plified in this ~racious 4 bdrm home w/inner court. Vie\v from most rooms. Formal DR. den & model kitchen. Lux cptng & finest appointments. "'.,, • .., Lachenmyer Rlty GI LOAN. L h Rlty Bill Grundy, Rltr. 2790 Harbor Blvd. a1 i\damt 54 3-18.'I M. M. LA BORDE, Rltr. GC enmyer 811 Dover Dr., N.B. 642-46al 1;54=>=~=9=1 =0=p<=="=·=til=9=•=00=,=P="JJ•C~A!~~L~&~IB-~""'~!:!!!o~'~·~~~~M~6-0""=·~·======E=''="='=&~t674:::579 1 ;Ca;l~l ,,:;M;&;3;928;;.,~•~•·~-~~;>;3483;.;:;;~~~~~~~~~~I Gene r•I 1000 General 1000 General 1000 Gen•r•I 1000Generel 1000 1606 An ti gua Open Sat-Sun 1-5 :00 1.::.::::::.:::.__~-=:.==..:c..._~~~~~~~-~- DOVER SHORES -$108,000 1 Bea utiful NE\V 4 & den home bui lt just for you! Spectacular living rm & lge formal DR 410 l\ilorning Star Open Sat 1-5 :00 A RARE FINO -$62,500· "Lu sk" 4 bdrm home w/vie \v, Convenient lo shopping and schools. Pool area designed for easy maintenance. Great family home. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -$25,950 Iminaculate 2 bdrm home \V/beamed ceil- ings, extra closets & storage space. Original O\Vner. Lge yd. Just reduced to sell ! WHITE WATER VIEW! $115,000 2 Story 5 BR, 4 bath farm style. Warm & friendly. ·custom quality & steps to beach. OTHER FINE HOMES Westclilf 4 & F. R. Large yd ......... $49,950 Large 3 B.R. executive home ........ $69,950 81' 3 BR \Valerfrt. Pier & float ...... $85,000 Lu x. waterfrt duplex-3 BR ea ...... $160 .000 LINDA ISLE LOTS Call us regarding 2 fine waterfront sites. Leasehold. Choice location. $69,500 & $75,000 ''Our 25th Ye•r'' WESLEY N, TAYLOR CO,, Realtors 2111 S•n Jo•quln Hills Ro11d NEWPORT CENTER 644-4910 * * * * * * General 1000 Gene r•I -'-""-'"-----'-= 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH MONTICELLO CONDO. $22,500 Thill mainfenancr. fTI'<" con- dnininimum ill locat~ in the adul! area of 1he br'autiful Montecello complex, only rive years old. It has built· in kitchen, doul>le aarage, 1100 :-1q. fl. ol li\ing area plus manicumxl groundl', pool, tennis court I.:. ~ci·ea· lion roon1. Sre thi~ for wre, il's in mocltl condilion. 5l&.86-ID Rlrr. 2629 llarbor, C.i\I. HARBOR· HIGHLANDS $39,500 4 BR + FR +POOL Nrwport Beach lover!! look at lltis • 4 big Ddn'l"I~ . ram. Ii)' room • simrklllll? .POOi • plu:i; J.f11rOOr High $Choo! • \\'es!cllff Shopping. All this anc' only minute• lo Ille ])('ach . Priced under m11rket for quick sal~. Beo cr hurry. DIAL 645-0303 FOREST E. OLSON REALTORS 2299 HARBOR, CM BE A WINNER VA-FHA 2602 WILLO LANE OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 1-5 4 Bt'drooms, ]~• baths. buill- in kitchen and largt' living room \Vith brick fireplace are 11 l<"w of the many high- lights of this bright airy homP. Add Jo that a huge oversized garage wilh '''Ol'k- shcip area, pool sllt'd yard and boat & camper access.. PRICED AT $25.5()) VA AP- PRAISAL. Ci\LL 673..85:)0 • 6'16-7171 io THEREAL '"'\. EST A TERS HARDWOOD FlOORS J Big bedrooms 2 baths in the Hnlerrer:;t hOmes Wr only $23.:;oo. ~fake th is !hf' beJt l>u y for lht-money_ Lovely floor 10 C<'iling fireplace, ;ill bltn11 including dlsh"''asht'r an<l a large brick p:itio arc yours ror 1hc tak itig. 0"11Cr i~ offering &Z .FllA 0\' VA, tenns loo, At thi~ p1icc l· te1'm:oi, It CAN'T LAST LONG. co: rs WALLACE REALTORS --ll'4446M4141- (Dpon Evoni"f•) 1 ~~=====1 " LINDA ISLE LOT \\Ith Thi!: \Vlnntirs. \'ou'll Large welerfronl )Ol 1\1th lenm more v.'ilh our lndh>id.' 108 ft. on y,•atcr. Spectacular unllz('(f on-t~job tralnlnit Jona:' "'ater bay vie"''· Room p1-ogram. You II f'Arn mo~ ro. pool & e~ctptioMlly nnd "'Ork 11•1th r.xch1na;, largt boat slip, WDI con11kl· plt'R.tant pt'Opli-. Chl'd< u11 l'. trade for OICf.c':l lnntt out. Cnll 1od11y, • ~16-2316 range r.n.iillin; yachL Price \0 THE REAL ''"'\. ESTA1'f:RS s1<1;:.ooo. Biii Gr undy, Rltr. 833 D..iver Dr., NB 642·4620 THE REAL ESTATERS Se rving Newport Bea ch, Cost a Mesa, Coror. b d el Mar, Huntington Beach IT'S ALWAYS SMOOTH SAILINt;!t WITH THE REAL ESTATERS ToBuy-ToSell· Tolra_de Our professiOftCllty trained crew of JO to ser•e you better -problem '°"'"' who work for you. They Make it Happen Ade anyone wfto has done business vrlth them -Gi•• a call -You'll alway .. be tlad you did. POOL HOME-$27,500 II sparkles fro1n the new rour 11nd pai nl job lo the pool. Can'! afford a pool? Try thiK on for si;:r , .. 3 Bcdl'ooms, t'Ove rrd pa tio, Solar hcat"d 1>001. All in lo1J condltinn a nd best of a ll 11..<1Sume 5* loan Rnd 0\11n~r 1\'ill help flna nr.t'. Total n1onthly payment under $200. EASTBLUFF-5 llDROOM l\'ith sparkling pool completely fc;nccd from huge. back yard.. 3 luxury baths. rormaJ dining room. elem. & high school in l\'aiking distancr -$52.000. li16-7171 THE TWINKLING LIGHTS VIEW Of COUNTRY CLUI Vei;, a largf' 1500 sq. foot homr v.·ith a permanent view of Santa Ana C.>olf Course. Lar~e 76xl 20 lot zoned R-2. It's a buy Rt $24,500. CA LL TODAY - ;>46-2313 ) ,1·il\ fascinate you. Th!" fresh Ol..'t"an breeze ~'ill refresh you. and thr spacious 111ell-engi- nf!<"rcd floor plan 111ill please you. 4 Bl'drooms. 21/i baths. 1\·alnul cabinets, tinled glas..<i 11nd red brick pa tio, S57,500. A Lusk Harbol' Viel\' ftills Vir~· hnme. PllONE 673-8.'>50 NICE! NEAT! NIFTY ! ()ne or t.hr sharpest homC'S in !'rl1•sA Verde .. '] Bl'droom, 2 bath, fa mi ly room wit h an addr!l l'CrC"enf'd In a luminurn patio, l..ar.i::e corner lot with room for lx'1a1. ltas a $18.000, 5~' % a~~um11bll" loan. There's much 1norf' for only $30,500. 546-231J "REALLY LIVE" In a vlllag•' at University Park. S1l8cious 3 bedroom, 2 bath femily room homr. Usr or ti'n· n111 courts, S"-'lmming pool~ 11nd rttrrational facilities in- <"ludcd. There's much more lo see for $30,500. 546-2313 "OWNER ·WILL CARRY" A Si;;, loan with l Oti(, do11111 on lhe east side 2 bedroom hon1r nn an R·2 lol. Il'it a ba rgain a1 S25,000. CALL 5•16-2313 "ADDED FAMILY ROOM" MESA VERDE A 3 bedroom. :.! bath, T·11lt1n \vith an added 13xJ.9 family roo1n. Large Irregular back y11rd "'ilh buillin Bar-B-Q. Quirt cul-de-sec strN't. Fabu· Jou.~ homr for th<" ramlly. Call now. Only $31,950. 546-2313 · ONLY 10% DOWN I! LIDO IA YFRONT !! WITH PIER AND SLIP :\ bed!'oomi;, dining room on t.ido'g choicr North Bayfronl, Owner is int('restcd in tradlni;: for land in path or develop· 1ncnt. 646-7171. IRIGHT! FHSHI CLEAN! This like nE'\V, 2 year old home hall IUGH ASSUMABLE LOA N. .1 ~drooms. 2 baths, block wall around large lot. Price and terms should sell it immediate- ly. S30.80!). /\. roomy 1900 sq. ft. 1,·ith .1 llf'drooms, 3 baths. large sepa· rl\lr Faniily Roo1n and formul dlnlnsc room. Near new tu~h 1•11qJf'ting -extra lari::r lu ncl- i11·11111'd yen) \Vil h tQnli. or (.'011• r·rtt' 11.t a low. lu~·. $32,500 - Only 1 0"'~ down. f'honf' 673-SS:Kl In inspect. LOT IONf.D FOR 16 UNITS THE · REAL ESTATERS COSTA MES A 27•0 H•rbot llvd. 546·2Jt] INVEST MENTS 2714 H1 rbor l lvd., Suil•<iO Co1 lt M•1• -Hen 6 E1l1tln9 Unlts- Cout rHc1ors ~1ovini;: North -S1tt'1·ifh·•'~ •Go<·~ cash return *Tax shel l('!' •Tbp 1tpprecio lion 18'(. R1•lur11 11n minin1um do\\'ll 11,1yn1ent. Call Today. 646·7171., NEWPORT IEACH NO DOWN VA Check inlo t his outstandlni:: Newporl Belich winner. Jusl reduced to v .A. appraisal or $32,500. 3 large bedrooms. family room. 2 baths 111nd a dr~11..m kitchen with built-Im lncludlnJ Utt-refrigerator and u!K'd brick bar-b-que. a 100 fl. wide lo~ 4nd &CCluded pri11alt' t'Ovt'red patio, C.11 lodl\,Y to vr. thl1 rootny tw!auty. 67~ ----~~-----~-_,;;;....~~~~-----~----------------------- I . Si.turday, O«"htt Jl, 1970 LE-HOUSES FOR SALE HOJJSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1 OOOGenerll 1000-.ral MACNAB-IRVINE Serving Newport Harbor sine~ 1954, twenty-five experienced residential-salesmen. with_O'l.eL 210..Y.ears,of service. . . 1 \ FINER HOMES HOMES ,UNDER $60,000 fH E BEST OF EVERYTHiNG ON' LINDA ISLE Pier and slip. The epitome of elegance and gracious family living in this beautiful 6 bed· roon1. 51h bath custom home built by Jim Higson. Fabulous location overlooking Har· bor Island and Bay. $2451000. BAL BOA POI NT 4 bedroom, 3 bath beach home. Perfect £am- ~ly living. Patio convenient to family and Jiv- ing room. Boat launching privileges for sail- ors ! Great terms and anxious seller. Asking $59,500. Ready for offer. HARBOR VIEW HILLS-LUSK Adult livin' at its finest. 3 bedroom home on special 105 by 175' lot. Expansive yard for entertaining with huge concrete and slump- stone patio surrounding 40' freeform pool with jacuzzi. Lovely new landscaping. By ap- po~tment. '55,000. UNDER MARKET " HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES POR SALi! HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSIS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 0 ... ,.1 lOOIOMerel 1 1• -··· 1• Desirable Duplex . Located on E&Jt.tlde Costa ~feta, t.iar goJI OOW'le &: upper , 2 Bcdrms each unh wi h lge PLOCK WAU.. enclosed yard (J~OS). Prlc. ed to 11ell - $29,950 Terrific Triplex f'ri\'o,cy for all thl'Cf! 2 bed· nn units. Owner \\>ill sell to Yeteran1, NO DOWN. Have 2 tenants help pay YOUR 'A'&)'. $40,950 ;-- Finest Fourplex *6.6% AND UP TO $2,000 In l1ndK1ping_J _clecor1ting allow1nc• Buy now -& save! You can DO\V get a 6.6% , loan on a new home purchase at University Park plus receive up to $2,000 in all owances to decorate or landscape your new home. Choose from any of our family size 3 & 4 bedroom Village Three model homes, which offer up to 2400 sq. ft. Specially priced at only $28,995 I<> $39,995, these money sav· ing homes are ready for you to move into today. Drop by University Park now and pick the home that's right for you. UNIVERSITY PARK On The Irvine R.lnch 4.571 Grffnfrff Lin• Take San Diego Fwy. to Culver, So. on Cul- ver 1 block, left on ~1icbaelson -3 blocks TRICK & TREAT The trick ls ro !ind a quality built 2 &torv 4 bedrm. s bath home in Dover Shores with a vJew (rom every room. The treat is the price of this one, $89,500. \ LARGE & ~OVEL Y 5 Bedroom SI-> bath, fam~·1y room with 2nd lirepltce. Formal di.ning oom, \sland kit· chen, spectacular view. cellently crptd; draped & landscaped, $95,000. SPANISH TILE roof & garden court entry + panoramic view ot the Bay lends a Mediterranean !lavor to this unique 4 bedroom, 31h baths 1n Dover Shores. Large family room \vith wet bar takes pool t a b I e. Formal dining room + breakfast room, $98,500. ROY J . WARD CO., Realtors 1033 MarinerJ Drive, N.B. 646-1550 Dover ShoreJ Offic e to Village Three model s. G4lner1I 1000General " SENSATIONAL LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT OPPORTUNITY. \Ve are exclusively in- structed to offer this magnifi cent 5 bedroom Higson built home, \Yith pier and slip. Ask- ing 8225,000. Open 1 :00-4 :00 Sat. & Sun., or call for appt. 218 Via Lido Nord. Available for irnmediate occupancy. Top area in Baycrest at $54,950. Pool, dining room, plus family room. Decor \vith a flair . 5'6% loan. 1\lesa Verde area with OWnt>l'I 3 bedrrn, 2 bath unit. Live in "high grade" 11uarters and s1Jll have rentals Jor tax shelter. •Annual percentage ra'te. For further de· I ~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~;iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim tails ask any representative at Village Thr~ -*-*-l\l'EANf RQNT * * I .. SPANISH BEAUTY HARBOR VIEW HOME 2 bedroom, den, 2 baths. Beautifully carpeted and draped. Many extras. Owner transferred -immediate occupancy. Asking $37 ,500. Stanley C. Swartz Co. Community Bullder1 '-"'-. An MGI Comp1ny SAN CLEMENTE ' Beaut ifully built four bedroo1n, six bath Span- ish home. Ideal floor plan for entertainment. For1nal dining room. gourmet kitchen. but- ler 's pantry and extra large walled terrace. No home in the area has more custom de- tails. $139,500. HACIENDA · Four bedroom, famil y room. dining room, large breakfast room. 3 fireplaces (one in a dreamy kitchen). large. sunny atrium \Yith retractable roof. 3800 sq. ft. of superb quali· ty. Fee land. room for pool. ASSUMABLE · 6<;'"o Joan, owner will carry 2nd. $125,000. CORONA DEL MAR OUPLEX Best Buy in town! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths each. All electric kitchen. Located near Fashion Island. Shopping and beautiful area!. $62,500. WELL LOCATEO CONDOMINIUM NEWPORT BEACH 5 minutes to ocean and bay. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, split level, fireplace, carpets and drapes and built-ins. Separate laundry room -patio-3 car garage. $33,500. Owners ex- panded family reason for sale-would con- sider exchange of $13,500 equity for large home-Baycrest, Westcliff, Eastbluff on Har- bor View Hills. Please call i1rs. Fay for appt. 90' BAYFRONT RENTAL Former C&Jifornia Governor's 4000 sq. ft. home 6 bedrooms, 41.h baths, family room, dining room, pier and slip. Top Bayfront lo- cation. Annual lease $1200 per month. Call Bert Fehren for appt. 675-3210 MACNAB·IRYINE REALTY COMPANY 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120, N1wport Beach 1080 Baylide Di-ive, Newport Beach 642-123S 675-3210 $68,000 General 1000 General 1000 1 -~~~~~~~1 Newport BUSY-BUSY-BUSY 1------·1 •I Open Sunday 1-5 2784 Albatross Mei• Verde, C.M. Divorce Sale Spac S bcdrm & famlly, 3 bath hon1e on lgt' corner lol. Owner says sell NOW: VA terms. Submit oilers. asking $42, 150 Help UI •• ' and let Us help you reach your real poten. Ual. CaU today for an in1er. view. 546-2316 \0 THE REAL '"'-ESTATF.RS MESA DEL MAR New Listing:. 3 Bedroom, family room. f.ireplace, 1% Baths, w/w crptg., 3lx20 rumpug rm., dble gar with auto opener. Property clear, o~'1lf!r will fine. $31,950. PETE BARRETI THE SUN NEVER SETS on REAL TY Pilot Classified Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ·.~~~..,.. No Down To Vets K .. p tkk ltoMy tllffttery wltk ye• tllh 'tl'Mlt .. .i • yo• ,o liou .. ll•lltt ... All Hie loc.otto .. lbtM Mlew •r• dftcribed ht ,,_,., det911 ltt 9dverthl .. elw- wher• ltt r.doy'1 DAILY PILOT WANT .ADS. P9fr•"" ihowi•9 •P" ....... f.r 1e1le •r '-mt -•'ted fe ll1t aec.11 h1ferllMlfi" lit tlih c•I.-..... PTfffy. liiiGjjjonjjjejjjrjjj1 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjljjjOOO~G~ene;;;;r~a~I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~l OOOii;i;, Gener a I 1000General 1000 Large 3 bed1'001n + 20x2.o rumpus room. Nrwly paint. ed inside & out, block \\'&If. cd rear yard, hardt\'OOd noors. Hurry on thl'\ one! FHA terms, also VA apprais- ed" . Flea1 Estate, 675-6000, 2443 E. Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar, Calilorni a 92625 UN IQ UE LISTINGS 2 Bedroom, on the gol£ course. immac .. 2500 sq. ft.. lo\\' 1naint.. high privacy, 71h % loan, $66,950 (Phone 546-5990). 4 Bedroom, famil y home, top area, single 1tory, clean as new. $41,500 (Phone 546-5990) 4 Bed room, CdM, so. hwy, fix-up fun , char· acter, block to beach, $47,500. (Phone 675- 6000 ). OCEANFRONT DUPLEX 3 Bdrms .. 2 baths each unit; on 50xl80 ft. lot. Frplcs., bltns .• 2 double garages. Sep. patios. Xlnt rental area. Priced at $92,500 Call: 673-3663 673·8368 Eves. DUPLEX -WORTH SEEING Residence & income. 2 Bdrm. house "'ith fenced yard plu s 2 Bdrm. upper over garage. Patios. Walk to best beaches. Owner must sell! $36.950 Call: 673-3663 673·8086 Eves. PENINSULA POINT Ne\vly carpeted cottage. 2 Bdrms .• 1 bath. Frplc .. priv. patio. hfaintenance free yard. lmmed. Possess. Priced at $38,950. Call: 673·3663 673·8366 Eves. NEAR NEW DUPLEX Tn mint condition! 3 Bdrms .. 2 ba . lo\ver \VI blt·ins. S\vedish Crpl., cpts. & drapes. Upper 2 BR. 1 ba. Nice patio & sundeck. Priced at $55.500. Call: 673·3663 642-2253 Eves. assoc·ated SR $24,600 Custom 4-Plex Choice Newport Beach area, 3 BR & 2 BR units • excel- lent owner occupied & tax sheltet' property. $12,000 On. $75,000 -BAYCREST DOCTORS, LAWYERS or any profrssional nian 'vlll enjoy the separate sturty with shelves lo 11cconune> da le an e s!cnsive library plus an iden.l luX"Ury •I brd. i•oont home with formal din· ing roon1. la rgr fan1\ly roorn. magnificent n1rister bl.'droorn '!!!~~~=I suite and pool. The ullln1a1 c ~ for gracloos entertaining. : ·Pool. 3 bedroo1n . 20x40 pool, Pacesetter. in lop ~esa Verde locale. beautfiul condition. $39.· 950 (Phone 546-5990 ). UN IQ UE NEWS AND l ,Ge~·~··~·~l::-:::-::---:-~C:.l:::~~====::.::::::7T;DOO~I _ Owner ~·ill trade for s.mallt'r 3 BEDROOM PLUS XECUTIYE DREAM ;";.,..",!n.~·~ •• ;~''10"'" 0 ' Color ing contest ends tonight n•hen the moon rises ..... J im Wood bets his moustache that Estancia will beat the Sea Kings .... Dick Vernon is a bout to 1nake his first scale .... there's room for one more Unique Salesman .... there's a big home for sale in Shorecliffs & a little home in old Cd~·l for S28,000 ... ~lappy ~Ialloween ! ! If you read this ad call 675-6000, say "BOO'' and hang up ..... Real E:1tale, 675-8000, 2443 E. Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar. Calltornla 92625 General 1000 General 1000 SPANISH STYLE , E:xc:ell,nl COl'l'W'r location, 3 t...rae bedroo.in1, lomily & mod('m kllch<'n. Short ~·aJk to C3tho.ll( ('hureh-achool, park and pUbllc 1Chool1, I\ \l\'On(lt:rful val~ •I $31,500. Call S45-l424 SPEC BUYERS HOME + GUEST HOUSE ONLY $22,995 Jfom,. + l\ll!ft hou!!t. SllARP 3 Bdrm1 2 S..th in freshly paln1cd main house. Guem houle hat pe.nne\ed fa mily nn. + 8dnn +Bath. Patio ..,,,.. both. A ""1 bargain. liurry. Ditl 6ti-O)OJ FOREST l OLSON REALTORS Your <..,...., Eu"ldt! """ 2299 HARBOR Mt'118.. build 4 m1ire unit. + I · C.M. exi•llnt 2 btdrm l"tl:ntlif $'21.500. OR build ll lfnlt•i with o:l11lnc 2 btdrm nintal SEE YOUR REALTOR al $24,90'.>. For detall1 Jo'Oft \".,OUR Bid FREE S40-1l5t .Hentage Realtors NE\VCOMERS KI T OPEN JIOUSE GUEST HOUSE HOUSE $43 500 SUNDA y '" ' 11" 'LINCOLN LANE $23,000 This gorgrous !I.less. Verde OR CALL 673-&iiO Pacesetler is IN! most lm· Jn Costa 111esa, Uds honte sits on • 60xl20 f1, lot. II Ms 9ef>3r&le gUE"Sl qual'lers for moHW!r·in-\a\Y ur ~·hat evPt'. It's an unlleatable price -see ii! 546-8640 Rltr. 2fi29 Harbor, C.~I. 111aculare home you'll ever see. Decorated and land- scaped 10 delight lhe mot1t 'OTHEREAL '"\. ESTATERS 1 •, ,., ' par1 ieular buyer. Over 20001--'======== .sq, U. of luxu rious livi ng ; 4 rnaster size bedrooms. sep. arate family rm,, 2 tu 11 bal11s, Jst Trust Deed can be assurned a t 7$lio • you must see this home • ct\ll 3 naw. 546-S&IO Rll:r. $500.00 DOWN COSTA MESA BEDROOM $21,500 !furry on th\11 one -No dO\vn ..rarr.,..W-HOME & INCOME In \'els, S500 Down to nny- ln a privr1!p J'Ut'i1I !tf';trlng • 2629 Harbor, C.?.1. bod' 'a· Ju~~ pa.li~~~llnsldel & 11pat•t and 10111 ol !'hadt' 1~s. I ------'-"----I ou , \'t'l"S17.et uu1 n a n ce llon1ey, nenl 1hrN" bdrm11. tu't!l. • \\'on·1 Lal!I! ~ 546-8640 h\'O !).1th l10tn<' ll'ilh flrtpltH'e con AGE Rllr . ,\. picturt' 1•k!\\o' "'i ndo\\11, 3 Block.'! "' t'OOI Pl'cific: • 1ry PLV.S T II R lo~ f; CHOICE S2000 do\\TI • oivl'l('r "'ill !in. \VELL t>."EPT UNITS to PAY ii.net. c.a.JI $47-8.\11 ('XJM'n~ • \VllAT A BON. .rarr.,..W- 2629 Hitrbor, C.Al. l?lAL ESTATE MART US? Borh homt' ind unitt 5how pride o( OY>'nershlp and arc in 1rnmn.cula1e oondl· Back Bay • big 5 bedroom. lion, Priced 10 sell at onlY !!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I Fixer Upper $58,!JOO. ~1th rtnanclng avall. Needs paint, )'lll"d v.'Orit, able, COLLEGE Park-3 br. pool, s0me repair, Llsied $34,750 M. M. LA BORDE, Rltr. 2\'li ba, rove~ pn.lio w/in A but "yoor'' offtr may tflke 646-0555 E\ofl: 642·7433 out Cl''Pl. .r ini&.hcd gar., ii. Al!IO for LEASE WITll lnYestment Mlnded lllllc. fllA or VA. Doyle OPTION Co. ReAlfors, ~1t6.t Alter · 6 pn1. Chris Terc&ls Rental ~lS·!'l6l'I. Let1se 6 monlhl or lon1otcr. Tri plex, S-12l lnrun1e. lry $12::.0 ' neat, 1•acant, ol & fllmily In d<i~·n. <1 Block11 ro '*a<:h. I HOME + INCOME ~1c~a Verde. S260 lneludtna C:tll lili·8:\:U + \\'ATERfo'RONT &nl'tlcl'lt'r, .f Pn:::n .~ f l.OAT ~ i••·SllO R!Al EST ATE MART - + ISLAND fflwtillmtthlllfrW rqui.l $65,000 OlllGE Joo Forller Riiy •llm".._:~ • 6-16~10 HOUSES FOR SALE (2 Bedrooms) 4313 Channel Place, Newport Beach 673-6642 ; 67>-6459 (Sat & Sun 1·51 2511 Crestview (Bayshores ) N.B. 642-8235 (Sat & Sun ) 239 Ma~nolia. Costa Mesa 646-7171 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 12 Br. Family or Den) 2021 Port We ybridge {Har. View Homes ) CdM, 642-6472 ; 673-3488 eve. (Sat & Sun 1-0) 13 Bedroom) 1506 Dolphin Teri'. (Irvine Terrace) Cdl\.{ 644-4910 1sun 1·5) 2039 Irvine Ave., Costa :tvlesa 644-4910 (Sat & Sun 1-5) **17041 Bolero Lane (Davenport Island) I·luntington Harbour. 644-2430, 833.0700 17472 Zider, Huntington Beach 842-6691 (Sun 1-5) 2420 Cliff Drive. Newport Beach 548-7711 ; 646-8394 (Sun 1-5) 428 Morning Canyon, Corona de! Mar 673-2222 _ (Sat & Sun 1·5) \ (3 Br. & Family or Den) 2990 Cou ntry Club {Mesa Verde) Cl\.'l 64Z-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1915 Mariners Drive (Westcliff) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-51 324 Poinsettia, Co rona del Mar 673-8550 (Sat 1-5) 216 Orch id, Corona del ti.Jar" 673-8550 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 17600 Santa Domingo. Fountain Valley 962-1373 (Sun 1-5) 1654 Bimini (Mesa Verde) C?\il 546-2313 !Sun 1·5) 892 Cortez, Costa i tesa 546-2313 (Sun 1-5) 4381 Lancewood, University Park 546-2313 (Sa t & Sun 1-5) 3265 Colorado Ln., Cos ta Mesa 546-2803 I Sat & Sun 10.5) 9391 Portsmouth (Glenmar) H.B. 540-1151 (Sun 1·5) *1215 Pembroke Ln. (Westciifi) NB 644-4910 (Sat l·S) 319 Driftwood (Sboreclifis) CdM 670-3000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2920 Clay SI. (Newport Heights) NB 670-3000 (Sat 1·5) 346 Poppy, Corona del i1ar 670-3000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2033 Commodore Rd. (Baycrest) NB 646-7755 (Sun 1-0) 2499 Anniversary Ln. (Nr. Back Bay) NB 642-4498 (Sun 11·7) 4411 River Ave .. Newport Beach 646-3928 ; 540-3483 (Daily 1·51 (4 Bedroom) 109 Via Ravenna (Lido !sle) NB 673-7300 1Sun 1-5) 11 30 Santi ago Dr. (Dover Shores) N.B. 642-8235 (Sat & Sun ) *4627 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) **11 Linda Isle Dr. (Unda Isle) NB 675-32LO (Sat & Sun) 2101 Highland Drive, Newport Beach 644-24.10, -833--0iOO 1Sun. afternoon) 2244 Alta Vista (Eastblul!) NB 644-2430, 833-0700 (Sun 1·5) 20191 Imperial Cove, HunLlngton Beach 642-6691 (Sun 1·5) 5801 Trophy Drive, Huntington Beach 842·6691 (Sun 1-5) *1915 Chuba sco Dr. (Irv, Terr.) CdM 673·3211 ; 540-2300 (Sun 1-5) 595 Traverse Dr .. Costa ~'lesa 673-JZ ll; 540-2300 (Sun 1·5) (Newport HghU) (Sat~ Sun 1-5) *320 Santa Ana Ave. NB, 646-2414 "THE FINEST IN CYPRUS SHORES" This 1/3 acre, gated estate hi;is. a 4,400 ft. single level home. The formal l1vrng rm, fol"" mal dining rm, kitchen, breakfast rm, faJTlo' ily rm & master bedroom all overlook the sea. Add 4 more bedrooms, 6 baths, a 3 car garage, heated pool & private steps to the beach and you have a perfect home. Replace-- menl cost $250,000. Sacrifice at $190,000. Fred Barbour Real Estate * 1714 1 838-5440 * *2449 Windward Lcine, Newport Beach 646-7171 (Sun 1·5) (~ Br. & Family or Den} *1749 Skylark Lane, Newport Beach 548-8281 (Sat & Sun 1·4) 1718 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) NB 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 2-5) 1124 Santiago {Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2602 Willow Lane, Costa Mesa 673-8550 (Sat & Sun 1-5) ·*1424 Lincoln Lane. Newport Beach 673-8550 (Sun 1-5) 1912 Port \Veybridge, Ne\l1port Beach 642-8235 (Sunday) *1721 Galatea Terr. (Irvine Terr.) CdA{ 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) **505 Morning Star Lane {Dover Shor· es) NB. 642-8235 !Sat & Sun) 2716 Windover Dr .. Corona del Mar 644-1910 (Sun 1-5) 1606 Antigua (Dover Shores) NB 644-1910 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 410 Morning Star (Dover Shores) NB 644-4910 (Sat 1-5) 20612 Chaucer, Huntington Beach 962-1373 (Sun 12-5) 20521 Suburbia1 Huntington Beach 962-1373 (Sun 1-5) 2810 Serang Place, (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 !Sat & Sun 1·5) 2739 Canary (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 (Sat 1·5) 9432 Gulstrand. Huntington Beach 842-6691 (Sun 1-5) 8282 Furman, Huntington Beach 642-6691 (Sun 1-51 716 Cameo Hi~hlands (Cameo Hglnds ) CdM, 675-3000 (Sun 1-5) 1800 Irvine (Baycrest) NB 675-3000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1300 Santanella (Irv. Terr.) CdM 675-3000 (S un 1-5) 1724 Port Sheffield. Corona del Mar 675-3000 (Sun 1-51 865 Sonara Rd .. C.M. (North Costa Mesa l 546-4141 (S un 1·5) 2976 Ja va (f.,.Je sa \Terde) Ci\of 546-5990: 541H894 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 1877 Ta hiti (Mesa Verde) CM 546-5990; 540.1894 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 3158 Kerry Lane. Costa Mesa 646-7171 (5 Bedrooms} (Sun 1-5) **218 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB 642-8235 ISat & Sun) **222 Nord (Lido Isle ) NB 494-6415 (Aflernoons) **77 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle ) NB 642-4620 (Sunday) **26 Linda Isle Dr. ILinda lslel NB 642-4620 (Sunday) (5 Br. & Family or Den) *1033 Mariners Dr., (Dover Shore~) NB- 646-1550 I Open Daily) **58 Linda Isle, Newport Beach 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *1033 Mariners Dr., (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Open Daily) 9331 Cape Cod , Huntington Beach 962·1373 (Sun 1-5) *1600 Santiago Dr. (Baycrest) NB 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2764 Albatross (Mesa Verde) CM 642-1771 !Sun 1-5) 2615 Bamboo, (Eastbluff) NB 646-3928 : 540-3483 (Daily 1·5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (2 Bedr00tn each) 501 Marguerite. Corona del A1ar 673-8550 (Sat 2-5, Sun 1-5) (2 BR I. 1 BR l 422-4221-> Fernlea!, Corona del Mar 670-2101 (Sat & Sun 1·5) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE (3 Bed_,,I 9751 Port Royal Circle, (Villa Pacific) HB 54&-5440 (Sun 12 : 30 ro 5) HOME & INCOME () BR + :1-1 BR Aphl 2457-59 Santa Ana Ave., CoSla Me<a 646-0>55, 642-7438 (Sat & Sun 1·5) .. , .. , * * WllMffM..r ***'..a.-w....,.., • ----..------------------------------~· •. ,. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FO SALE ... IOOOGentral Pete Barrell Reaft'J pre6enl6 EXQUISITE LINDA ISLE P~:t.JSH carpet.$, 1\ISh decor, imn1aculate con· d1t1on. All the amenities of the verv finest of Bayfront home s. Just vacated -immedi· 10000.neral 1000 n Linda Isle rive -Open Sunday New S Br., 5 ba home on lagoon. Marble eqtry, wet bar, A /FM Intercom, Huge ms tr B~. has beam ce I. & own frj>lc. Large llv. & tatp. rms. w/fr Jes. w/deck ...... $185,000 ' HOUSES FOR SAL! HOUSES FOR SALE JUST REDUCED Now $36.750 -2000 sq . ft., 4 BR. family, din· ing, lge covered patio, drps, shag crpts, blck wall & wrought iron gate. Xlnt location near park, school & shopping. Now vacant...-make oiler. SPARKLl ~G VALUE S1turd11. Octobtr 31, 1970 HOUSES ,OR SAL E HOUSES FOR SAL E 100DGener1I DAILY PILOT !$ HOUSES FOR SALE "- • •' " ' ' l l . -ate-occupancy. 58 Linda Isle Open Sat & Sun I to S 60 L~Drive Newly listed. Prestige aterfront home. 4 extra lg. Br. 4 b . rm. Lge. liv. rm . & den ; 3 car gar. Beautiful patio/garden. Deck ~t $23,950, 3 bedrm. 2 bath, dble gar., lg pa· tio w /BBQ, corner Jot w /tall trees. Corn pl redecorated, new paint, new shag crpts. & _ drps. Perfect to move into -now vacant, :;ee anytime. FHA low down, terms. Our 25th Year Results thru Service I J JUST VACATED -WESTCLll'F NEWLY LISTED 3 bedroom, 2 bath , family rm home across from park. Perfect location for children, li brary-goers or-Westcliff shop-pers 1915 Ma ri ners Drive Open Sat & Sun 1 to S DOVER SHORES MOUNTAIN -BAY VIEWS 3300 sq. It. ol ~pacious living, 4 bedroom. dining room, fam- 1Jy room. 1124 Santiago Open S•t & Sun 1 to S Offitt Open S1turd1y1 & Sundays PETE BARREIT REAL TY 160S Westclilf Dr., N.8. 642-5200 ONLY $2&,• VA No -Down Th : trees, covered patio & the excellent care of this home makes this truly en. joy.:i.ble living. Located on quiet cul-de-sac street • please call WI right av>ay on this good buy. Anxious own. er will even pay your clos- ing costs so you do not have even one penny move.in e.'<- pcnse. Nichols Real Estate 546-9521 "HAUNTING" For a House? Open Daily 328 Alfso Newport Hei9hts corner of Beacon 1 short block from Cliff Dr. By Owner $36.!iOO Spacious 3 bedroom '.? bath, living room with fireplace. ~ill4ng--area-0verl.ook ing lovely secluded Janai. carpeting, dra.pes, built-in electric kitchen. Garage off alley with electric eye open. er. Nicely landscap.."<I cor. ner lot, 6464032 548-1444 MESA VERDE BARGAIN $26,900 & dock. By Appt. .................. $220,000 107 Linda Isle Drive t 5 BR-; S-baths: fam-;-rm-;-;--form;--di"°'. rm. 2 Fplcs. Rm. lor pool. Dock . By app't $145,000 26 Linda Isle Drive -Open Sunday Corp. owned. 5 Br. 5 bath home facing Har· bar Island. Jacuzzi & sauna. Comp. furn. !or immed, occup. W /dock $200,000 ** OPPORTUNITY ** RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIST Fast growing publ icly owned Cal ifornia c~ pany extends a rare opportunity to the per· formance oriented young man who is highly disciplined in the follow ing skills: 1. Residential sight analysis & land acquisi· tion procedures. 2. The planning, zoning & sutrdivision of land for single family in planned unit de-velopments:-·---·-----·-···----·-· LOWEST PRICE PAtlOSJUI.EILw/lge Jpt,_3 BR _&_family, ready to move into at $34,950. Crpts, drps, full bltns. $28,800 Loan is assumable. Owner moving north, must sell. SUPER SHARP 4 en , 2 BA, dining, bltns, shag crpt, dble garage. Full price $22,950. Top Costa Mesa location nr schools & shops. General 1000 General 1000 VALID URGENT NEED ! For quick action. Dollars at discount -owner leaving state! Thia 4 bedroom, 2 bath is a mus1. Submit all orfers. Daddy is already gone. Asking $31.500 -otht>r models have sold klr this price. Condition is ex- cellent. 546-~40 3. Market analysis & product selection tech· niques. --------4. FHA. VA & conventional mortgage finan· cing procedures. for further information contact PRESIDENT Your response will be held in strict confidence Write to : Box M 2015, Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay, Costa Mesa NR. Newport Hgts $21 ,900. 3 br on R-2 lot. Take over SHARP I 675-3000 $15,000 5%% FHA loan REMODELED ! The numbt>r to cnll whelher \V/$3000 down & aIT&J'lge a Zoned for HORSES. Only buying, selling or 1easing 2nd T.D. Exel. Kingaard $3000 do"'" will make this ATTENTION R.E. Ml 2-2222 lovely home y0Ut5. Ir you INVESTORS want a place lo raise dogs ~~~~I ~anfron1; well bll. duplex: Costa Mesa 1100 !hen lhis can be even a iiii 3·2 BR., turn, Beaut. be~ch. 1st mtE ON MARKET greater buy. Give u11 a ring General 1000 Fabulous Xlnt rental rtt0rd. Priced FOR SALE ... BY OWNER now and we will give you a right at $77.;J(J() OIX Gross). Custom built Executive type list of reasons tor }"U to see Baycrest 5 bedrm 4 bath OPEN SUN. 1·5 home. Panoramic vie1v. Im· tills one, 5-16-5-140 HARBOR HIGH No TRICK S here just TREATS, the prite 1ron't SPOOK you. BE'IiVlTCHING interior. LITTLE GOBLINS? Large rear yard for play area. Doti he AFRAID to call for the price • it won't SCARE you. No BONES aboul it. l.-01v dt'll\'n to a 61' 'i;, VA loan. 8'h'" It " not. Th;, ;, a SPOTLESS -$31 000 beautiful 3 bedroon1, 2 bath ' home in perfect ~ndilion &: 1215 NOITINGHA~I. \Vest-maculate 5 BR. 4 BA. wHh 11parklin;:: pool. Quick clift Neat &: clean 3 BR. 4: Gigantic rec rm y,•/\vet bar. possession available. Don't !an1. rm. You O\\'n the land. 2 _frplcs, 3 stall gar. On GOLDEN DAXS home located in the m?st Herl" is the home you 've desirable area. Step saVJng walted for -Harbor High built-in kitchen, 7 car gar-School District -Sparlcling age, bl()(!'k. \Vall fence, forced clean -3 Bdrms -Dining air heal. It's the lowest rm. Family rm. -J\lanicured price in Lt\e a.l'ea -so hun-y grounds and priced for quick -it \\'On't last. ~8640 Rltr. sale. You must see to ap. preciate. I.furry. Won't lasl. Dial 645-0300 /Ca... COATS 1 ~ WA~ACE 1 ~-'-6"1_H_acbo_,_._c._M_. __ I REALTORS --------1 FOREST E. OLSON REALTORS 2299 HARBOR Open Even;ngs I DUPLEX • 962-4454 • C.M • Horse & Dog Lovers \'.ith garages. S26.:JOO. Open House Sat 1-4 Well s--McCardle, Rltrs. HURRY ! ! 3 BR ~extra large), 11,~ bath, 548-7729 miss this one. $48,500. !~~~:~ ~~n~le:s:~~6~~! And Je\\'eled nights Bfr. · $49,000 loan. ;\lust see to apprcc. yours \\'hen )'OU buy lhis 546-2376. homey three bed r o o m Spacio~ 3 lx>drm Baycrest 3 LARGE BEDROOMS bungalow. It's u nu 11 u a I. home with 2 fireplaces 4: 2 BATIIS funclional and charming - large family room. Nicely 2407 E. Coast Hwy., Cdt.f BY O\VNER $2500 \~1ill handle. Has Landscapecl """"""""""""""""""' Spaciou11 fam home -Lr lot, 86' fronll.Jl'e. Beautifully formal dining area. large JERRY FREUD TRANSFERRED hu!.ep'd. o• S<:hl'•· v;o. IMog ""'m wHh r;,.pl•e<>. CHAS. ARNOLD 388 E. 17th St., C.l\1, 646-7755 4 BR., 2 BATH $11,795 EASTBLUFf .. \\'estclitl Plaza, cpl!, <lrps, excellent potentia.t. Cal I bit-ins, garbage diaposal, quickly t'(detoila 546-5440 dshW11r. Lge fam rm. 2 car !\lnvt'd oul of i;tale and lefl thi.c; lo~·ely, lo\'eiy home at 2200 Aralia in convenient ·Eastblulf 4 Bedroon1, family room f"orn1al dining area Spaciou!I yard $47.950 gar. Reasonably price1I 6'1Hl339. BEAUTIFUL ECONOMY PACK CONDOMINIUM ASSUME S3ft•/. LOAN $23.~ FHA terms Large 3 bcdroon1, •,vell 20292 Riverside Dr., CM I 1810 Ne"'poi't Blvd .~ C.;\1. elec kit., D\V, frplc. over-Harbor Vie\v Homes t'l\\'ncr Built On Your Land 1343 sq. ft. living area 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, dining located tore c re a 1I 0 n al New shag carpets It drapes facilitie11. Three bedrooms. Obie garage • cnr~r lot sized gar., FA heat. Call fol' COLLEGE Ps.rk-4: br, attrac has been trans!. & has to details. , corner Jot. $29.900 Use your move by Dec. 15th, Must TRI· REAL TY Gt or FHA terms. Exel. sell his bcau1 . 5 BR., J ba. i14: 534-32-11 eves: 892-3413 Kingaard R.E. MI 2-2222 home fast! It has a wet bar =========o.!c=========i in family rm.: self-cleaning 1000 General 1000 oven: fc>net'd, sprinklers '-"~-'-'----------------front & rear; lovely drape.o: WATERFRONT PALACE Pier & slip to accomodate 4 BOATS up to 50'. Enjoy the ultimate in luxury living and entertaining in this custom built qual· ity home. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths and formaJ dining room. Very livable family room with cozy fireplace. Best buy in the area at $128,000. 3265 SQUARE FEET ( + garage) 2 Blocks to OCEAN. Praclic- ally new CUSTOMBUILT SPANISH with FIREPLACE. Fresh as sp ringtime -in MINT condition! LUXURIOUS shag car· peting, DECORATOR shutters & window coverings. UNIQUE lighting fixtures, QUARRY & ITALIAN impo rted tile floors . * 4 Bedrooms (huge master suite) 21h baths. * Fonna1 dining + breakfast area. * Separate 16':x20' family room. * Pool-table size GAME ROOM. NOW : $62.500! . and YOU own the land! CAPE COO CHARM Westcliff corner lot with abundant land· seeping. Bay window in living room . Two charming fireplaces, large covered patio and very private rear yard. An out· standing bu y at $49,000 and excellent terms avaiJable. & carpt'g. & near pool & park. See it loday! $63,900. •red hill REALTY Univ. Park Center, Irvine Cal.I Anytime 8.13-0820 $25,995 HUGE LDT PLUS a 4 bedroom home 2 full baths. large family room, paradis.'.' in landscllP- ing, covered patio, f~sh1y painted -room for boat or trailer. only 7 year.'! old. No d01vn to vets -cllll today. 546-8640 Rltr. -Farr...-W- 2629 llarbor, c.~f. Doll House NE\VPORT HEIGHTS • just redu~d to $29,950, cute first home for young coople or "green lhumber''. Profusion of tree11, plant~. shrubs, Will Trade All lath &: plaster Hard\\'OOCI cabinets Breakfast bar Pullman baths Spacious tvardrobe11 JUST $8.71 SQ. FT. Planning-Design-Financing STANCO BUILDERS "1400 homes & apts. built since '57" CALL 537-0380 CLOSED SUNDA i. 10666 \Vestminster A\'e, Garden Grove Realtors ''Ou r 25th Year In the Harbo r Area" 673-4400 ATTENTION - BEACH LOVERS !! FOR SALE BY OWNER Call 540-1151 h\"t) balhs. 0....'net anxiou11 Heritage Realtors and will help wiU1 do\vn l ~!!!!!~""!!!!!""""""""~I payment. $110 per mo. in· TRD 4 br, 3 ba. fam rm, bi-eludes princ., int., taxei;: & level home, La Paz ,i;ec. inc. 546-;;.l-40 ).Jission Viejo for similar or sm home in CJ\'J (&side) or Mesa Verde. 837-8920 l UNITS-25'/o IT'S GROOVY PLUS RETURN Plush shag / crpt & coved vinyl. VA-FHA or 10'?~ Down $22,950, Owner: 549-1697 EASTSJDE dirty 3 BR, 2 BA. Wi!h high 5%. FllA. Will sell All 2 BR un\Js -convenitnt location, near schOols and shopping • garage • pool • asking $~.9::itl. O\\.·ncr "'ill REMODELED HOME ON 42' low down or? Owner/Agent can')' paper -a5~i~~: F.H.A. 61/2'/o LOAN OF WORLD'S BEST BEACH 838--6.141 eve11. make offer. .,,...,....., $20,500 PRICE FRONT PROPERTY-BEAtf. Open House Daily 1·5 TOTAL payment for !his Tl.FU~ NEW L!'VTNG ROOM 3064 raylor Wy. Ne~ly/decor. TEXAS SIZE sharp 3 beµroom home is 29 X29 WTTl-1 FULL FRONT $27,.iOO: Realtor. ~ ., _ _, ,.~ I ha 3 $1J6.00. Subfecl to FlfA Joan PICTURE \VINOOWS-COM. :J """"rm ,...,,.,c -a so s 1vi1h 6% annual pereenlage PLETE SECURnY FROM baths. Ideal for I a r gc rate, AH appliances such as WAVE ACTION-MUsr SEE Mes• D•I Mer 1105 famlly. near stnps & washer, dryer, tttrigeraror. TO APPRECIATE ENVI· LOVELY 4 BR. 2 BA, 1.-auL schools. lmn1aculate con· all also included. \V H Y 1Jt: RENT if you are? Submil RONl\fENT & POSSIBfLJT. landscaping, many cuslom dition, !raUic free living your dO'o\•n payment _ SEL~ JES. 3:"i79l BEACH RI':>., features. Assume $19,900. room l\'ith fireplace. A must ER ANXIOUS, ANY 0 NE CAPISTRANO BE AC H, 5% '7o 1'"1-IA. Pril'ICipalll anly, to ~ee at only $l8,9;i(). QUALIFIES, OWNER r~ Ex T DOOR $32,900 557-7533 day~ ot 54~40 N 0 RT H • TELEPHONE 546-5027 eves & wk-ends. Walker & Lee ,_• ... ~5'8'_. ___ ---- Rea.Jton 2'790 1-farbor Blvd, at Adam11 545-0465 Open 'til 9 PP.1 BALBOA ISLAND BAYFRONT 3 Btlrms. J baths PLlJS 2 Bd· rm, cottage, Privalc financ- ing. Will trade Jor Cdtl-1 nr Balboa Island irutlde prop. eMy, WILLIAM WINTON Realtor Me•• Ve rde 1110 VA NO DOWN OPEN' HOUSE I '--'"''---'--'-----I Extra Jarae 4 bedroom ,vith SUNDAY FROM 1 00 ll\tl\lAC. Early American 3 : 1,,.., famll" room adinlning 369 V• B Br-Fam/nn, $32,950. 3265 ~ •y 11•• aya Col rado Ln " .. '2803 kitchen, Located on quiet Custom built_. bedrm, plus 1--'---· -~--·--1 pool. detached garage, Back street. S800 for cost, "'ill Bay area, cul·de-sac .'!lrccl. Newport Beach 1200 move YoU In -only $32.000 . -~-------1 All bltna and clo1e to SI. NEWPORT BEACH .1oon • ;16-"'4-0 VIEW-$30, 700 JUST LISTED DUTCH CLEAN I Is this fine 3 BR in i\lesa Verde.. Has family room too Sparkling kitchen with b'.tn oven & range with dlsh,,·asher. 1%. baths. stall sho\\rcr. Park like yard is fenced. Asking only $28,9.50. 11()\\', ~5440 THE FINANCING IS SUPERB! Terrific 3 bedrm and family rooin plus large finished bonus 1'00n1 in Costa P.lesa. Ask $30.950. Yau ca n assume f'xisling loan of $22,200 and your payments Including princ .. 5% % int.. raxcs and insurance will be only S209. per mo. 546-5440 GOOD NEWS TRAVELS FAST Thought we'd let you tn Ol"I it. Plush modern 4 bedrm. 2 balh, loaded with extra&. Spacinus living r ao m. ·fire place, VA appral11a:J $29,9;,o. Owner will sell NC OOWN lo Vetll. Closing cotft abou1 $600. Call 00\V fcf location. 546-;;.w() ' OUT OF TOWN OWNER : 4 Bedroom fixer upper. Ell- l'ellent residential, quiiit tree lined street. Fami't mom, tirroplace. all b1tn4. VA no down terms. Best te1· $26.950. ~ BARGAIN I IT 'S ELEGANCE . OF THE DAY Lai·ge 1800 sq. fl. :llesa Verde 3 bedroon1 and family roon1.. PriC"ed under markl't -11·{' believe, at $34,500. Nice size ya.rd \\'ilh t'Overed patio, completely ft'ncctl . Home has all b\f.ns in kitchen, nlce quality carnets tbruout. 546-5440 VA /FHA COLLEGE PARK Large famlly, need large home. Then thill is the one you have been looking fur. Four large bedroont s +study + huge bonus rooo1 . A Decoratnr De l ight ! Landscaped "'\th pride. So just mnve right \n, lo Vets NO DOWN -In anyont> a ~mall do""'"· Call 0011· for further details. 5~6-5-140 ASSUM E BEAUTIFUL 51;4•/, LOAN Herl" is how you can become the-O\\'ner ol this tcrrifiC" lhree and .fan1Uy roozn hoo1f". closf! to •shopplnJr. \ViU1 $5.000 down. 0\VC 2nd. You pay Sl70 per month in· lrrer;t, taxes an 1t in- surance. :,.J6-iH10 SURGICAL LY CLEAN Located on quirl stl't'e! in J\o1eAA del Mar is thi~ ex· qulsitc 4 bcdmom home with bit-ins. Ready and \\1aiting for you to move right in. Asking only $31,900. dition? ;)46.:>140 MESA VERDE'S FINEST At !he unl:lt'lie\'ah!e prlN! of S.18.:)1)) -fnur hc>droom. 2 baths in im1naculate con- <lil \on, owner,; has adderl nian.v l":Xtras includes \\'et bar in family room, Uf'Warl- ed carpets & bltns. Call now for further delails. 546-;j4·10 HERE'S AN INVESTMENT \\'Orlh conr;ideratlnh 111 tempered wllh invili~ !'impliclty. lf you are an e~· ponent af informal livilJ than you must see lhls Jovel)· dPn with nice view nf tlio garden. 3 Bedrooms plds diniOJl room in Me~ for only $31,95(}. ~· ' 1 FOR RENT i La rge 2 bedroom apartmt -close lo shops and school . Included in price of $170. is nll bllim plus 11·~ b~I Call now tor informa . 546-5' ' ACE-HIGH VALUE It radiates chann a stability, brimming with the ne\\'est features desen1es a "Blue Ribbon, pinned uPon this 3 bed large fa mily room with \\' bar anil lovely large pool only $39.900. 546- HOME WITH VIEW of the ocean and miles light& at night. 4 Bedroom 8lep do .... ·n den, formal di iog room. Full bltins h eluding dishwasher. Corne lot for only $44.9j(I. 546-:>14 OWNER UNIT PLUS THREE MORE in beautiful locatit'ln of i\.1es Vel'de. Owner linit I! bedroom or 2 den + plu bltn over & range . All th comforts of home plus $47 per mt1nth incon1e. Come 1 us show you all l h bcncfils. ~5441 ATTRACT IVE FAMILY HOME f in good area, cl~c to shopl and school. 3 Bedroom, I a m i I y rooni. Hom• decorated very recently a~ in good taste. Al $30,800 ll t. lo\\1est priC('d home In th area. ,......~ i JUST REDUCED to n;.950. Two patios bo.ti1 covered, 3 bedr0om an<' linisbed bonus room _, 1•verything immacuate ~ assu1ne S25.600. 71-i loan l' Check into this today!!! 01vner liquirlating -ha!i 111'0 duplexe~. pride of 01\·nr.rshiri units. Owner has had no vacan<!y 11nri here's \\'hY II lnmmc now $510 -shoulri lw .---------· $660. A real buy on F:::i.~tllid<' of Costa Mesa. 546-5-1-40 WHY RENT ? OPEN HOU~E SUNDAY 12:30 to S BE SKEPTICAL ! VILLA PACIFIC cnndo- about the hon1e you buy IU'ld minium 3 bedroom - rrom 1vhom you buy it~ You cheaper than rent! Stop by -It is local· couldn't do better lhan 1hi~ ed just nnrth of Ham· extra large College Park Jlton. west of Brook· home. 2 Fireplace!' ex-hurst -enter on Villa quishe crpts, all bit-ins -Pnr:Uic Drive -t urn 1w're running out of aper:e. right on Baycrest - See all the olher desirable 9751 Port Royal Circle features as soon as you c11.n, (Is west or swimming YOU COULDN'T DO BET· pool 1 LOOK tOR OUR TER! !"146-j.440 '-•SlmGmN•l•l------111 ·' • Lovc.ly b\g 4 and family with sparkling pool in Back Bay on quiet cul-de-sac. Want trlplex Costa Mesa t'lt Nwpt B<h • 2'19 Mo.riM &.!boa Island 67So:ll31 2000 S<r. It., 4 bedrm, Jamily &: dining. drapc1 k !11\ag crptg. Sprinkle~ front &: rear, $35,995 : FllA. Don't _ mias this 01'1('! Cal1 Ra)' Value packed. CU11ton1 built. La.Th & plas{e r. Kfng sized BR's. Formal dining rm, Huie rich pine paneled den wlth heavy beaml!d ceilings. 2 fireplaces + BBQ. Bright, cheery kitcheo. Terraced r"C!lr yd. with 1¢1ude<I brick patio, Horry, wdn't la11t! Call (71•1 962-5585. PAUL-WHITE- Colesworthy & Co. - REALTOR Naw pert 8e•ch Offi ce IOU Boyslde Driw 675-4930 &$0 S110 Caul!, 5'10.1151, Herita.ge ---PORT WEYBRIDGE R<al Eslal•. GE REALTY Harbor View home, J\fonaco .,.~~~~~~~!! AdltrtlllltiilkCM model, Cu~1oml1.ed root, en· REPOSSESSIONS try; cupet A lndSCJll?. Quick Spukllng clcnn bomca, some BE LWEAITDHE.RTHE CURTDOSH: e:'ltor '."'';1~":1~~:..'=!"'w.~ PoOlt. :F'HA-VA CQnv. 1enn1. Earn commiuion do 11 a r a 642-&17:! Eves. 613-3468 from $11,000 to $40.000. \Villi" yOU learn ••• lndlvld. 1730 w. Cout High .... 'Ay Collin11 & WRtts Inc. tiallzl!d on·thc-job training. !!!~!!!' ... !!!'~ ... ~~ 8843 Ada.ms AW!. 9G2-5a23 U!o.rn mote· earn more. in CORONA DEL MAR SACRIF ICE .. Sl l ,800 an f'..XcitJ11g. ple1t!'nnl 1ur-Ulvl'I)' homt + income: un1t11. 2 BR, L:ar;e fcnced Jot. E!xtra roun<Ung. • 546-2316 On huge Jot, near beach. sharp .. must stll NO\Y • a u O THE REAL "-. F:STATF:PS $13S,OOD terms! Georg• Wllll1mson Call .Patrick \\'ood 54~.-'2300 Re•ltor e BUI H1v1n, R11ltor 67) .. 4)50 645-1 5'4 EvH 21.l; f:, Coul, OIM 613-32lt ) FOREST E. OLSON Inc. ft#nllors 19131-Brookhunt AYt. Huntington Beach OP EN SAT/SUN. 1-5 43 13 Channel Place BeRCh e»HAR:e. 2 BR.; xJnt for YoUr "'tckend ttlftat! Steps lo btach k ch11.nnet. Xlnt cond. l\aking $28,500. Good lmnt! MOR GAN REAL TY 673-6641 67s..459 CARNAHAN ~....,.........,......,.....::--~~ Re.it11 Co, I . .. 546-5440 -·- 1093 Baker, Costa Mesa - I ' RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS Hou111 Furnlahecl HouMI Unfuml"*' -~H.::ou::::•~H:..,:U::,n::;lu:::m:::::llh:::.:od::.. l-'-'H:;:;ou;;;•;,;•:;:;•_U;;.n;;.;fu:;:;;;.;m.,1 .. th_.od;_. / lUl Huntington BHc:h l<IGO 28 P1'll V PILOT ' S•turday, Oe1ober 31 , \q10 H sn 'Olt SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HoUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1;.:;;.::.:;=..:..=J;....::::::.:::.......1 1~~~~~~-1 ~~~~~~ 1200 University P artt 1227 Lido l1le • HOUSES FOR SALE San J 'J..•n C•pl1lr•no 172S Bilbo• 11l1nd 2355 General 3000 Coste Mesa 3100 Corona dtl Mer 3250 2415 MARGARET FIREPLACE Spa cious Lido Home LOW/LOW INTERESTI DRIVE Prime 3 Br, 2 bft 1dngte A 4 ACRE e1Jtate land or hone 1010 so. ~I: 4 Br. 3~ * Kids Pa-dlse S BR, 2 BA, fireplace. Near 3 BR. erpt!, drpt, am yard. }~our Bedroon1, • 2 Bat'hs · IN MASTER .SR story 3 Su11ny llilllos On . ranch, olee view, a.ncl otht"r ba. "'alerfront la)rne &. 2 Br. •w 5hoppl11g Centt.r, achoo!, SO. or }l\\y.' Yr lease. XI' PAOOOCK POOL i5 only one o( lhel S))«'ial 1treci lo &treilt come~ lat ~OW !",.°"1"'0n'Y P:15mfson"1' parctlt. $48,000: $15,000 dn. ::: ba. ganige apt. Dock LOVE' LA UGHTER nel!ded 4ltC. 1225 mo. Contact Lts 1,..1,,m,,1_,mo,... ::-61-::$--::9:::);:'.19";. =-.::ol A Btsl valut" -tK'atcd &: fill . r<'nrun-s ol lhls. love Y 3 BR k '4. Redu~ to $81,500, err1 IC ly •• ' will rtlea.w clear bid&. lite Bill Grunc(y Rltr. &12.-.IGro to ring tb il • BR, + rum-Jourden 54.5-5239. 204 \Vake 3 BR. 2 Bft. newly dee. Lr; 2 pool plu.~ 11helt£>m:I patio for townhouse ln Vil1'&ge Ill, tht P rim• L do Nord a BR, 2 BA. c:rpld. fncd, . for 100% financing. Bkr. • CHAR~UNC winier ren1&111, JKW rm. 2 Bath home, rene. F'ore1t Rd . car gar. trplc, new cri>t& & l'n1ertalning_ \\'OOd burning Stanfon,1 tltodel, I.he loc•tion S Br. 4~ I~ new 'Wiier HAFFDAL REAL TY 497-L210 or 493-1106 evt1. One So, Bayfront. 2 To 4 BR, ed yard. ChUdttn & per, ok. 2 BR hse, garap, Kit.rdentr stove. $295/mo. 675-2672. flt't'ph1.Ct'. \\11\V cnrpellng. Is "rcttl; Owrie.i: ~ bttn front home. Bcau.t. decor M2.1440S SI~ 1o $350. Aat. 67J..l200 $225, & '''a!er paid, cpl, 1 1m 2 BR & den, 2 BA. nearly va. ltuiullt~ ~illnk &1\\.'alkl!1.,; innsfi:rred. '11 $JS,ril0. Deck, pier·& float. For AP.* tl1UST SELL! 2~ yr old Condominium 19SO C & S Spudy chlld, 275 Knox St. 6-12~ cant. Thick carpets, $265 .1~~lll'K.'\" 10 tchooh. Ofl-• d hill p'l. Call: Executive homt', !KXXI' lo!. 1---------,-RENTALS • 541-9365 nfl 1 pm or Sat & sun. mo. tRtir unitl. IWS-2523 ~ " · Laf\\in's ''TANGLE\V000" L•guna Be•ch 2705 ~~t pe.ridrw for )'OUt boa I. 1111 Grundy, R•altor l\hu\y beo.uti ex11·a1! .S37.500. -~-------1 l BR priv home .••••••••• $65 POOL, 3 BR, 2 BA, l---------·J trailer QI' campt>r. Fruit 833 Dover Dr. N.B. 642-4620 \\'Ill allow S 500 for lnd&cpa:, a sharp l story, 2 bcdnn & L••••/Sal• Furnished 2 BR fenced for kld1 ••.• Sl20 playroom, wt>t bar, 2 trplcs, Huntington •-och ••-• Deane Garden "A" Pho"" 3 hedtn1, avRllable now / '" --lrt"Cs & fJOYo't.l"f. All 1h1!1: for REA'TY FIXER UPPER . • " Lovoly •·ech Condo 2 BR kids pets OK •••• Sl.W .... outside pool bath, I l30 ~ "· 1 · .. c-ves only.• 9611-3867. "take over" loans, Posa.lblt' 009 3 BR k / 0 l 011 Y ·-· ...... 11 or app J. u · p c 1 · s ,A .... _ '''" lo 0 AVllil Now fot: lease tlU'\I Ids pets K ... · 15() 968--0249 3 BR. 2 BA Twnhae. Nr heh. I< $('{', niv. a.l'k enter. l'\'Lnc pRCovus uumt on.,., t. ut BUILDERS & 1 , 1 Jease4ption on 2 bcdrm or 4 BR iwtm pool, kids/ Call Anyllme 833-0820 <lf lO\\'n owner wUI allow n\ea ors -try $1500 do\\<n iii. owner "''ill June or longer. 2 BR, 2 BA, 3 BR. 2 BA. ?\1esa Verde. Refrig/Range. New c:rpt. CAPE COD '""""""""""""""""""""""""""i S5000 tor decoralifll:. &e House &: vacant lot, 100' i'art')' 2nd TO. upper with livinz. dining: pets ····· ····" ....... Sl95 Fam rm, 2 trp.1 <:11. C'Overed ~o pf'ts. Pool. Avail no .... "Tiit> lltyle that al~ti.Y!i re-I ~ !his today•, V-•I Co. -·1 lrontagto, R-3, downto-.\'n kilctlen 1.reas main noor o\'· •BR delxe hOrle ranch •• S225 palio, bit-bu. Avail Nov 1. SlZ-4876 -. "QU r be I B k Larwln Re•lty, Inc. STAR 'ET T1'1330 ~==~~-~--1 main1 IN !" 12 •• East Co a at liwy., CdM !'!~1,~. llt'\el, ro e r , erlooklng beautiful pool . ... .,... $250/mo lae. Call 847-7004. SPACIOUS 4 br home nr 316 CATALINA DRIVE Irvine ~ 673-2020. .,,,.,.... "'' ffl-691& •nytime Luv 2 car port plus stor-4 BR, 2 ba, cu11tm College beach. IChools. Luxury Uv- of 4;f'. BR., 2 full barhs + BY o "!,.ii er. condo. nr OPEN SUN. l -S URI' & C'Omplelely laundry ta-* MR. CLEAN * Park home, t.lany extras. !nit Bltns, etc. 1 yr lse. SZ-;i() '• llilth on lo"'·cr floor. Univrrsity. 2 Br, bltns. 2-We1tmlnster 1612 Ap•rtm•nfs for cllltk>s. All bc11.ut1tully & lease, $295 mo. 54.()..-0374. 968-5453. Bt'aur. parque1 fir. 1n L.R. ea< 2 patio• 1~ 500 109 VIA RAVENNA Sale 1910 <VVnnJetely f11ml!hed, linens, NEAR EVERYTHING! Neal gar, • ~. · ~-·... DELUX new 2 Br duplex. 111 2 BR Condo, unfurn or turn. Charmins; patio lot' t>n!er-83,1..23j6, 4 BR. 3 hft. Near club BY O\\'tlet, 3 BR. Sm do'1o'Jl, b china. fltC . it det:lred. Only 2 Br, fenced, yard, garage. ,,, .. _ . d ncl 'd "" 1 l =========I 15 nd $200 1 f West •Y lncom• Hom•I BR 1 NC 11iE YOUNG. ur, L"C"aul patio, Y . e Bit-ins, washer/dryer, cpts, talnini;. An 1 caJ uuffit' 01· S&-1 500 p11.ymen u er · x n TRIPLEX _ 157.500 100 .!lleps to privale beach. gar, nr Wesfclif( 61.>-J.849. drps, frplc. "213) 430-S506 or the large fam tly. S~J .850. Cor ona de l Mar 1250 LIDO REA.LTV INC. \Vestminsler Joe, avail im-Tennis court & 2nd pool al· STERS. S125. • "'"d 1141894 "116 &at Eastaide Cosla r.tesa lo. C & S S---.1 3 BR, den r.t o o t i c e 11 o 1,.<.,2l,_31,_,<l°"l-_ll.12.,.._,=.,--=·. I Sho,vn by App '!. 3'77 V'o• L'tdo 67'7300 ' · ...., · so on property wit h gorg· .--.Y Ask for J\lr. Robinson 216 ORCHID ... ~ cation. •·uome11 wllh an in-eoos landscaping thru-out. RENTALS e 548-9365 lownhou&e. Vacant. 642-4280 4 BR 1'4 ba: Frplc, Xln'. 0 · R I o.o 1-come". l56 E, 201h St., Costa aft 5 PM . Loe, $240/mo/LSE a1·1s ca ly v-uo·""" CORONA M.d C't 1616 f.Aay IMX't'ss to ~uper mkl, i PARK & POOL Huntington S.•ch 1400 1 w•y 1 Y Mesa. Builder 642-4!m. shoPping, eac. S3'l5 monllt, * ON Jff( BEACH 3 BR, 2 ba. tirflplace, palio, 1 ~~~·-•-84&-~'-941_*-*-~-I Park Lido. 3 en. 2 Ba , kit bh-ine, new cpt /drps. pa!lo, POOL. & 3 GARAGES. En- joy th i1 home & pool "''ith no t'are or yard \\'Orie. Ask. ing $33.500. • DEL MAR BUY OF TttE WEEK: 3 Br. WATERFRONT-Thtte 1 br winter bllsis. \Vilt consider dbl garage. $225. 2257 6 Bdrm, 2 Ba, den, bbq. OPEN SAT & SUN PAY $112 MO. RENT? 2 ba, h\\'d nr., lg "dln 'g units w/dock. $6.1,000. Prin· \ense. purchase or ou1right Sl OC. BACHELOR apt, Ne10o'-Avalon. ~tn5. bltns. Nr. ~larina HI achl. area. Dbl / Gar, hlk / wall, clples only. Owner 673-2662 Y.le. Adults preferred. Refs. po11 Beach, All utilities in-3-8-R-. -N-•w_crp_l,-.-,,.-w-pa-;n-1.· I Avail no1v $28:1. 968-5700 aft ~ 1 • S OWN FOR LESS ~~e~~:B:;:~· S 21, 5 00 . a!! 6 pin. ·1!)9..2152 AM or 837-0191 any-eluded. gardener. $210/mo. 1988 4 BR. 2 BA home large yard, ' • 1-1 1 .__ ... __ ~~u _u,,m,,•,,· =-=c---,.--,-I * BLUE BEACON * _Po=m~°"~'=·,.*="~0.~900=1~~-I fe nced, near 5 Points. S:2'Ja. or . "'10ovc1 • ..,c ..... -m R!NTALS ~ -:: d 'h Of Id I h --' ENGLISH. •tyle home , * 645--0111 * AITRACTIVE 3 BR, 2 ba, 536--lm, 53&-1366. an \\.'an11 . an o er Relax & enjoy carefree Ii\'-Houses Furn s. -~~---~~""'"-1---'--'----Jlnlpt"rty. J\ spacious ho~e ing. Beach custom to\\'J)o. S•nta Ana 1620 <'hestnut panellng:, 2 lrplc., Somethi'ng Spec;•I l.'Clndo, patio. baJcony, pool, and guest roltai::c !o provtd<' ... _ 4 Qu . _, BR' G•n•r•I 2000 \·lew Jrom all rooms, ta ~ gar. S22S. 968-26'17 Santa Ana He1'•ht1 363C . ·. , .... me. een siz""' s. CUSTOM BUILT ----------llagsloM patio, oul-door 3 BR, 2 BA. bl'--. ,·nc1 • fill t'XClllng challange 10 thf' Gourn1et kitchen incl relrig ' " 2 ~d h d d "" dcrorator minded. You'll 11~ balh.~. Privalt' p001 and ~I l~-rnls, r w dnrs, * GUEST HOUSE barbecue&. garden. !lfatua-e GREAT VALUE FOR Sls:i. dsh\\•hr. $220/mo. tmmed. 4 BR. frplc, crp!s, drps, Jr~ CALL e '''•14141 '4•'---I EALTY Nt•r Nt•p•r1 P••t orflt• PRIVATE ROAD lmmac. 3 BR., den, din. rm .. 3 bath home on I~. fen('f'd lot. Lighl airy rooms, mani- ('Ured lal'•ns & :.,,Caul. gar- dens; dbl. garage & 11hop. Assoc. pool & putting green. Best buy In area. $64,500. Call 642-4620 for app't. Biii Grundy, R••lfor NEWPORT BEACH DUPLEX . Beautiful i;onig frtfl arra, Includes your o"·n boa! slip. :; A<.'Ct'Ss to small !181\dy beach. ' ldt'al as a home + incomr. or as a gl'IOd lnvest111ent in a high l'Cnl area. Slip can ac1..'0mmoda1e 36' boat . Hur- DIAi. G4j.Ol(l3 FOREST l OLSON REi\t.TOns '2299 llRrbor. c.~t. BY OWNER WESTCLIFF AREA br, frplc. bll!Ul. C'rpts. drps, .&prlnkltni. pool • 1.ized yard. Nr schools. Yoo own l11nd. VACANT. ONLY $3',SOD 612-161.t or 642-9996 -~~------- 71/• 0/o-4 BR-POOL o,1•ner·11 di\'Orte sacrifice in Baycrest near school11 & stores. Fee ti!le. New cRr- pets & tlraJll's, lan1ily 1·1n, xlnt tond .,gan1c rm. S4U'lll * PAINT l SAVE SS 3 Br, 2 Ba nr Back &.v. Open Sun . 2499 Anniven;ary Ln. Owner S30,000 . Evt'lS/"·knd11 6-12-4493. . • Low Interest & T•xes · CUston1 3 bi·. 2·~ ba. pool lanai. sprinklers. S46,500. ~ 548-035.'1 ,..,~~~~~--~' P LUSH DOUBLE DELUXE :\lobile Hom,., F'urni~hed, ON I ·!he \\'ATE:RF'RONT, $14.7:,0. or Bst . Olr. 673°8152. 61>3277 Newport Heights 1210 . FOR THE QUEEN Big 4 BR. 2 Ba prestig<' hon1e. BcAut dt'cor. lge kl! with ail bltns. r-.larble lrpl(', chandellen, lge li\'ing & din rn1 overlooking 20x40 POOL \\'/Iota of decking. Partial ocean view from ballroon1 11b.e bo.lcony, $55,000 or tradt' locally. CALL e •••·2 ,1• IJ.4'-"" ;EA.LTV Nt 1r N1wport Po11 orrlr1 Early Amerlc•n Cher m In thls 3 BR, frun rm, styled home. Lois of natunl p!11e 1>.'00dwrk. used brick fl'fllc, 1hinglc1. Big tl'fl<'S wlea:o:y upkflep yd, Drive by 43i'i lr- viflf! Ave, call for app1, $30,000, xlnt terms. Onr 548-5106. TA.'< SllELTER-TRIPLEX 1 br unl11 Jea.!lllhold land. $39.:1()0 Uy o"'·ner, ~7-194 all 6 pn1 11·kdys I ... _ 1 'if 1 th .. ,. c .._ new crpts rps adults only. Ref. AvaU Nov 1 Sharp 3 BR, 1tove, crpta, avail. 540-1151 or 567-7648. fenced yrd, nr sch 1 s . O\'e .,,.,. rozy go O e ciubhouse. Desirable arta. · • 1 •·-d ~--' "". 32 d-. l•n-d y·-. Child-· f. 1 · 1· I --' patio II: '"u.i Y """ume 4__..1 • .,., ... "' .... ., ·~· children ok. S250 mo . ll'C!P 8Cff ill IV ng tOOI~ a..... Very low dn and take OV('r 6~ nu loan. Tot&! mo. SUS XL.NT AREA! Shag carpet-&: pctg ok, 54.3-9930 eves. lamlly room and you 11 be Vacant. Full price $19,900. S4?-Wll E\' . 642-();127 ing, bu1 no kHchen. 1'10VE 2740 C & S S--'y Newport B•ach 3200 thrilled at 1he roomy 67x118 Hu."!')' Dial (7l4J 962-55&5. ' cs, . JN NOW! $85. D•na Point ,_..... lot "'ith lo!s of play room m Y C & S Speedy .-:--:------------! RENTALS e 541-9365 CLIFFHAVEN. 3 Bdrms. '°' ohHd""· FOREST[, OLSON l"""'l"41jff!iJ RENTALS e ""9365 TOOTHBRUSHALLUNEE ' *•LOVE NEST yeacly, .. lllJ l"clud;n& A RARE OFJo"ERlNG AT • t l '9.J •• ..... .,...-~~c.· to en.ioY my beautiful 2 br, gardener ONLY $79,00) lrx-. Rt'al!ors • ' 1w.ll RENT e A e HOME 2 ba + den home. Fines 3 BDRMS.. \•Jew home, Laguna Be•ch 3705 PRIDE of O\\'ntrship. l Br, 212 ba unlurn. Ocean view. Near everything. ~/mo. 494-6409 or 4!»-5167. 1..'0llll vu trom priv, patio le SNUG&: LOVELY I BR Cot-Iivine Terra c e. $550 CALL 67].8550 19131 Brookhurst Ave. $95.00 & UP H l. Be h L •~ h 1705 liv. rm. Adults: no pell. tage, Carpets, drapes. hugfl Jncludillg gardener \R' 'THE REAL un ington ac •9una 009•C ALL SIZES • ALL AREAS Sl15/mo, lease. •96-9563 fenced yard tor pets. $12S. "'e ha1•e others . Call us ~ ESTATERS $850 TOTAL INVEST THE >'URN. OR UNFURN. C & S Speedy ASK FOR JOOJ RENTALS e 548-9365 Salisbury * EMERAJ.,O BAY * 2 & denor3 BR, 2 BA ' .. t3l.7IOO V•catlon R•nt•ls 2900 ---===---· 1 -~;...;_;,,_ __ ..c. ___ I VERY CLEAN & apacious 3 HURRY * PALM DESERT -Fumahed b<dnn hom• with Jugo Lagune N;guel 3707 l -~S-E-E ~W~H~A~T~-i SEA SHANTY not le more! Re;ilt~ $300 mo. 49'1·8413 , $6,000 DOWN WILL IUY S21 CARNATION On<' of those C'orner Pro· vi ncial duplrx<'!I' be I o 11· Coast H"'Y· 2 Bdrm. each lroom to addJ. $46,000. Open Sunday. 4 Large hedrm.s, 2 full baths, IS REMINISCENT OF A BY. covered pntio, boat &: trlr GONE ERA. Delalled exter. , . .,.. -ior of OLD BRICK, CEDAR gate, tulJ price S-..150, V~-SlllNCLE S l 0 I NG ALL t'ant & ready. llurry on t.hi! WEATIIERED BY THE one. SALT AIR OF Tl!E SEA . Imposing, 2·story New Eng. land Archile<'ture. SpaciOU.'1 * PRIVACY PLUS in thi11 well furnished mobile home, Util . lnclucied. Only SUS. c & S Speedy RENTALS e 549365 $1.15-UTIL PO. l BR. TRAILER. Slnglf'" ok. Broker, SM-6980 854 SANDCASTLE TREE-SHADED GROUNDS Ocean & bay vie"'" a;pa.-"'1th "·It•-• p Jlo '·· J I========== cioufi 3 txlm1., family, 21,i R.EAI. ESTATE 5'"" n:u a · ...,.,;a · Rentals to Sh•r• 2005 ba. 2 frplci., rl'duced to HUNTII\GTON BEAOI OFC. ~ a few blocks from the I---------- S·l!l.500. Open Satl Sun, 1-5. 8~5311 beach. , .. 0 1 d 8 '" 8 Artlstice.lly dc11igned, 2 BO. pen nys. :.)\I to :30 328 rOPrY Rr-.1. &. GUEST APT. {could Hlll & oct>an vi<'"'". com· 0 be used as 3 BORMS.J floor plC'tcly n>furblsht'd 2 bd-VA 63/• Y. plan, ser.•iced BY 2 BATHS. rm .. shRke &: ust.'d brick. Your dO\\'n paymrnt 10o·i1J han-Unique, olde parlor·tYPe JIY, ~1ay IC'asc/oplion. Open die. Assunu'. S2J.OOO Joa n rm.. hns w/w carpeting, dally. afternoons. anyone quahlle5. payablf' RED CEDAR PANELED Unlversity Realty 673·6.'>10 $212 per inn Including taxes. \VALIS. USED BRICK, ETC. 3001 E. Coast H\\'Y., Cdr-.1 3 Bc>droonl, 2 bath, 2 yr11 & Af'f'ORDS A SCENIC ""'""'--======~I nt-1>.', 16x25 patio off 1hc lam. VIE\V OF TIIE OCEAN 324 POINSEnlA ily room 11·Hh pass thru Bright & sunny beach·~tyle 'CORONA kltcllt'n. Bl1n!I. crpls, drps, kilCht'n. HAS RANGE, plenty of 111orai;!l', dble gar-REf''H.IGERATOR DTSH-•1)£1!. MAR a.gr. large ynrd with 1Sx50 \VSHR., GARB. 0 1'.sP .. ETC. OPEN SAT 1 5 111d£> yard rocun for boat, trlr & 111ASSIVE BUILT. IN . • . or gardM. con1plctely fenc-BREAKFAST BAR. Lge. dbl. O~·ner wilt llnance thu1 beau-ed & landsl.'llpt'(i. garage. Thia chluming old- 1.ifully dr<coratt'd hOnie "11h 1, er home has to be the best only 15~~ do\171, On a drsir. buy in the Laguna area for able 45 foot lot close to '.~ ,.,. only ' ocf'an. 3 ix'(.l~m~. famitY 962~471 ( .... ) 546-8103 $28 950 FULL PRICE room, low rna1n1rna_nc{' yard ' HURRY ""'·off"'"'"""'"'•'";' FULL OF CHARM ON THIS ONEI veht<'l<'s. See 11 and you II love it, MISSION REAL TY S62.:io:! 4 llugc bedrooms, 2 baths, !JS:i So. coast Hwy., Laguna CALL 673-85j() pi'Clfessional landscapinJ.?:. Phone (714) 494-0731 a THE REAL \"-ESTATERS largl' fandly rooni, n<'W lyl---,;-;====.-- pa;ntod Joo;d, & ool. Hog• 5 BEDROOMS y11rd • no do\\'n Vets. lo'\' BAClfELOR to share Laguna Beat'h-frnt apt tll ;\1ay 15th. Straight only. $125. All 7 pm: 494-2764 PARTY Hm. $98 per mo. men. Kit priv. 5 min to bch I.~ fl'\\")'S. Cir Tl/ +. !!!iR-6946. GIRL 21 to 35 to look for and share nice house or a.p r. 714/626-5488 2200 D•corator's Dell9htl Original model house. 2 b1·. split level, I bo. 2 car gar. A\•ni! on \eiue lmmed, East- bluff. $295. 644-0I~ ON THE BEACH Nlcc 2 BR winter rentaJ. S22j/ 1no. Near Jetty. Coor! bearh, Dk k Berg Rflalty 96l.2421 2250 CLEAN & OlARMING 2 BR, huge frplc, beam ceil· ing, new cpl. Mature adults. no pets. $225 mo. 673-7796. 2 br. 2 ba condo. on yard, sprinklers, bltn s, 315 MARINE AVE. 673-6900 Shadow Min Country Clu fireplace for $240 per mo. BA.LBOA ISLAND BEAl.n'. Golf course view lain.yay. By Wk. or f)-10. Families <lnly. Call Agent l--8=E"A"C"O"N""'B"'A"""'Y,--· I from covered pat lo . 213:592-20TI eves. 546-4141 BAYFRONT Tropical .1triun1, Aulo nooc.: LEASE Only, Colle., Pk. 3 1ighting, music & Intercom RENTALS Houses Unfurnlshecl LANDLORDS!! Va cancy Pt'ObJems Ended FREE supply of qualified tena.nrs al no cos! lo you. Ask for LEE or OLA 832-6600 Honeymoon Cottage CHi\RMING 1 BR home. frplc, picture5QUe landscap. ing. Gardener inciuded. BEACH AREA. Sls.'i, C & S Speody RENTALS e 541-9365 * QUIET ~IVING YET CLOSE TO SHOPPING, for older mature couple in 2 BR mobile home. S95/mo. * BLUE BEACON * * 64S.0111 * $JJO RENT l bdrm, near Harbor shoppg ~nter, very neat condition. 546-9521 ALSO 3 Bdrm, w/huge game rm. "'/pool table, S236 mo. Resp. aludf'nls OK. 546-9521. Ne\Y. Carp, &: dr&pe1; view ' G d 3 br, fam rm, bltns. dbl f""lc, sys em. &l'Bge r opener. .,. of the entire bay. 2 Car 1ar. b< & 2 ba ~1 d & 1mmac. Newly pa inted. • c.,.s. rps · 3 BR., 2 ba. Exquisite inter. g·-·•-, m· "' 1325 / mo Covered patio. separate ........... "" ...... · "'ash area. All schools & All utiJ, paid. SSOO Per Adulti, no pet.I, 4!!s.2306. month. 1-==="='===='="I 1hop'g. Doyle Co, Realmrs. 1· • • 675.6050 C' uu. ••·w·111 a .. a. J Caplatrano B••ch 2730 Rt:r..i': 3 bdr., 2 ba., crp. bit-ins, lrplc., lndscpd, yd. 2 ~8-1J68. Aft 6 pm, Chm Ten!gla 548-9659. * Crackling Lags JN TIJE FRPLC. Is an invi- rarion to the tun·lovinK fa m- ily! 3 BR. 2 Ba. fenced yrd. Bring Jlt'ls. S210. C & S Speody RENTALS e 541-9365 2 BR mob hn1., 1 blk to bch, ln 5• adlt pk. $1~ mo . Frootit>r Riiy. Buena Park. 522.-1121, 821-3985. S185-REDEC 3 Br. nu w/w &: drp11, avail 11/15. Chldrn ·"pet ok. Bier. 534-6980. Cl.fARl\tlNG 2 bedrm, l bath, Ne"''JlOrt Hghts, t'rpt!, drps, stO\'e. rt.fri1.. adul!s, no pers. $175. 645-2423, &12-5200 Costa M•sa 3100 BEAUTIFUL hume, S\\'ttping child, $225 mo. 496-9613 for \'lew or bay, 3 Bdr., 3 batb, appt. hu1:c family rm., 2 patios ru.1 ========= so "''i th view. full dining rm.. Dana Point 3740 bullt·ins. BRK .$425 mo. ~a.1720 FOR lease -4 Br. 2 Ba, comp! redc<', new cpls, 2 STORY, 3 br, 2~i ba condo. drps. $275, mo. 496.5323, Immaculate. S \\'Imming 67.>-7348. pool & beautiful grounds. Adults. $275/lse. 646--2740. Newport Sborea-3 br. 2 ha, pool / clubhse priv. $240/mo, lse. 213/681-1278 e BLUFFS e 3 BR/l~ BA. pool Jl\U.lAC! s29:;. 644--2432 3 BR. 2 Ba.. cpts, drps., frpl., patio, 3 Car prage. REALTOR 54~966. WATERFRONT 2 BR furn. $.WO mo Pete BalTeU Rlty &12---1353 ntE BLUFFs-4 Br, 2 Ba Condominium. fnr tennis er!.) Pool. $325/mo. 644-4867 University Park 3237 Duplexes Unfurn. 3975 NE\V Duplex. 3 BR, J BA. bllins. dish\\'3.sher, shag ('pis, drps. frplc, dble gar. 2 patlos. corner lot. Very priva1e. l blk to bank & shopping, rear gate 10 put trailer or boat in yd. sno mo. 1541 Wintergreen Pl. 1 blk west of Harbor & Baker. Call 642-5039 before 9 Al\-1 <lr after 9 Pl\f. ..)I" ', '• • 'L ' •".' down l''HA, A steal at S25,99J Only $36.93:1. Large family Don 't "''all ~!! home on a cul de sac street, B•lboa 2300 * 2 BR. $145 TAKE YOUR CHOICE. 2 Beautiful 3 bedroom homes \'•i th fam i ly r ooms, fireplaces, fully crptd. all bltn1, and excellenl · lamily residential areas. 11) &I S27;> mo. and the otker at S300 . Call 545-8424 South Coast Realtors. 3 BR. 2 ba .............. $300 DUPLEX 2 BR. CLEAN & QUIET! Ne\\' w/w cupting lhruout. Bit-In oven & range, garbage disposal. Water & gardener pd. 1t1ature couple pn!f. No children or pets. $150 mo plus security deposit. Oriw by rJJ Scott Pl. then call 548·3036 aft 5 !or app't to OUTSTANDING OPEN HOUSES SAT. & SUN. 1·5 1918 SEADRIFT ln.·in\• Te1T. 3 BH.. + pool S62.000 2715 WAVECREST Broadmoor. 4 BR., view. S6-'>.500 2428 V ISTA HOGAR The Bluff s. 3 BH .. ~32,:«l CO~BIN MAR·TIN REAL E:STi\TE l!VNTlNGTON BEACH OFC. 894-5311 Open 7 days -8:30 lo 8::!0 SHORT ON CASH ir1 a l{ood neighborhood for gro11·\ng child ren, Family style buiU-in kitt'hen '\'ilh b1-enkfast nook. Dining room. fo~il"t'place. l Ba1hs. Larxe. double garagt', CALL - A-Olan REAL ESTATE 2 BR. Obi gar. \\'11.5hrr, 1h")·r r. S22!"l/n10. Yearly. * See Sat at 1734 r-.1il'amar Dr or F:\•es 593-42715 2 BR-:\lodern. \Vinrer i::cason. C. Bcal'd.!!lf'f" 1600 Panvay. Glt·ndale. ~213J 243-53 16 /\lso 4 BR. 2 BA House. Lido Isle 2351 The governn1rnt hats a special ll!IO G\enneyre St. :; BR .. 4'~ ba. "'atertront prograni to help you blly a •194-9-173 549-0.116 home "'/dock. on Lido home 11·i 1h as li!lle as $900 In exclusive El\lERALD BA y Nord. $1500 month. ?1' .lt'ss do\\·n. \\le have spec-at a hard-lo-believe price _ • BR. 3 Ba. olf·"'ate:r home 1ahs1s who can bt'lp you so 2 BR + convertible den 2 f\lrnlshed. , .$450 month don·t "'ait • call now and be BA honie _ 155.000. ' BUI Grundy. Rltr. 64z.-.1620 in your O"'n home by Christ-ENGLUND REAL &c;TATE \\'INTER Rental1. 2 BR, 2 REAL TORS ~7662 in&s! :us Thalia Stl'ffl bath. frplc. FA ht., $285. 4 * DUPLEX * Walker & Lee C.guna Boaoh BR & d'". 311 BA, l450. 494.8093 673-2559. 213; ~2853 OPEN SAT /SUN. 1·5 Rt'11.llors OCEAN VIE\\' Hon1~. 2 Br .. 422 ... 22 1/z FERNLEAF 7682 Edinger 2 Ba. w/mult1-use roon1. So. of ll\\'Y, $HAKE roof, R42.,.,155 or ;,.l().!'i140 Bl!ru;, appliante5. <.'(Imp!. used bnrk, Cll1\Hi\l. llon1r l--------,,,,..,.-I c11.rpeted. Balance<! powt>r \\1Rllcd J)llllo. Uive!y land-Packa ge JOl'\ Katella. 4~3006 or 2355 3 BR furn hSf' 1.vail !or laml· ly only until Jullt' 15. $250 n10 incl util. 209 OpaJ. Call 673-4554. CHILDREN & PETS 01\. f enced yard .. CrpL~. drpJ. * BLUE BEACON * * 645-0111 * * PENNY SAVER HURRY FOR TiilS ONE! NEAT 2 BR .. $love, refrig, <'rpls. drps & garagt, Little one ok. Sl35. C & S Speedy RENTALS e 541-9365 * 2 BR. $125 EASTSIDE, Costa ~I e s a . Child '~-elcome., !i10VE IN TODAY! * BLUE BEACON * * 645-0111 * RENT • A • HOME $95. & UP ALL SIZES . ALL AREAS FURN. OR UNFURN. ASK F'OR JODI 132-7800 !11 0VING TO HONC KONG?? Lfll the Property ?.lane.gt'· ment Division of South Coost Realtors solve )'OUr problems. For appoinbnent call 54j..8424. 3 BR, 2 BA, c:rp111. drps, frpl c, family nn. $250. 3 BR. 2 BA Apts. S160. Well1·McC•rdl•, Rltrs. 1810 Nflwport Blvd., 0.t 543-7729 SUPER CLEAN & sharp, 3 bedrm, 2 balh, family .t. separate di.ning rm, bltns, dble f&n\ge, Eastslde Costa l\lesa. $250 mo. Ca 11 Heritage Realtors, 540-1151. 2 BR. Car. Patio. Crpts. drps, ~to,·e / relrlg, Qu iel lroplcal setting for adults only, 1 blk to shops. $169/mo. 646-4430. S.\1ALL 3 Br l'lt'ar CounU, Club. Gas & \\.•ater paid, $155/mo. 837-1789. 3 BR. & din. rni., 2 ba •• $325 4 BR., fam. rm. & din. rn1. alr·concl., TurUc Rock $300 3 BR, 2~ ba .......... S295 c-lln h 1\,lid. ---,.l\l'11ll11r lat Wei;tern Bank Bldg. Univeniity Park Day 133-0101 N;ghls DON'T DELAY! CALL US TODAY! 3 BR .. m~. to mo .•..... $1",0 3 BR. 21.2 baths: ........ ""UXI Lease/option 3 BR •••••• $325 3 BR 2 Ba. tnhouse •••. S.140 2 BR. l bll.. house ...... $250 •red hill REALTY Univ. Park Centt>r, lrvlne ca.u Anytime ~ '"'· NE\V Duplex. 2 BR. 2 BA bltins, ,diah\1.-asher, shag t'pt1. drps, garage, patio. 1 blk 10 shopping. Fenced yd. $185 mo. 15-11 \Vinlergreen Pl, 1 blk we!'il of Harbor & Baker. Call 642-5039 before 9 A.\1 of after 9 Pl\-1. R~NTALS Apt1. Furnishecl RENT FURNITURE * DIRECT TO TENANT 74-Hr. Deli\•ery 100% Purchase Option Complete 1 BR Apt u Low as S22/mo. 31}.0ay l\linlmum * \VlDE VARIETY CUSTOM FURNITURE RENTAL 517 \V. 191.h St., Ci\1, 548-34!1 ,r,. i11con1e. 2 BR. & l·BR. • Try This home. $31.150, 10+ do\1.71. scoping. $44.000. . t for 492-4084. Real E~~a~:LE 675-2101 Christmas EMERALD BAY G•n•rel lOOOGener1I 2000 ""' From $35 Wk. ----::==::::;:::::::::::::==========::-----1corona del Mar 3150 Charming Oceanfrt & View ,;..;,--------· I apartm.enls:· linen &: maid 2;Ha E , Coli.lit llv.') ., Cd:\t $25 650 Just ll5ted! Attr. traditional ' 3 BR . 3 Ra ., sep, llv, rn1., l..g<' 1 .!!10f'Y, ~ hfilrm 'v/2 din, rn1. & fan1. rm. OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-5 master llize. ShRK crptt, din 716 t:rnerald Bay $15,CXXI 421 Mornin9 Canyon r1t . BBQ In ba ck yard, walk Shown by npp't. l BR. ninch 5t)'ll'. Shak(' 10 beach. Thill c3n't laat~ ~ Bil l Grundy, R•altor roo r, Nice yarrl, 1.ot~ of stor-MARINER REAL TY 11.13 Dover Or NB 542-4620 a1:1• A bOl'~flln ' ~·12.!>5-11 11n.v!Ln1c " DON V. FRANKLIN F,\RULOUS Oee11 n V i ew S@\\~M.-~£trs· The /'un/e with the 8uill-ln ChucHe 0 Reorronoe letttn of the four xrombled words be- SPAC. 4 BR., 21·~ ba_ serv, htd pool, all utll. Fircp\a~. $375 Per ~loolh Slli'll, sml family & tot ok. ALSO have furn. 2 BR. du-VILLAGE INN plcx, $1 i5 pe r mo. Adults LAGUNA BEA'JI 4~9436 on.!y ·No pc1s. BALBOA INN \VE HA VE O'nfERS BALBOA 61"~40 DON V. FRANKLIN REALTOR 673.2222 ASSl/fll.E :'I~ rl li\ n1or1g11!..'1' part't'I, lOOxtOO "'·/ut!I & of S21,000. Olllh out f•)r f""·ing under ,1·ay. $11.500: B•ycrest 1223 :::::::::l:C::1 Sl~i.900. lh~ated Jl('tOI, t "'O S:1,000 dn "'/fltood 1rrn1.~ on !-"""-'-'"--------1 '· BAYFRONT LOT ,;101-y, 3 bcdr(!Um:c, 21 ~ b!i!hs, ln14tnN". Bkr. 49-~IOO or r 1 ';~E'1 ~·;t ~di REAL TOR 673-2222 COZY 2 Br. 11.,. Ba. frpl e. fot'Cf'd air heat, part. fum. Gftrdener & "'"'ter pd. Vie"'" 11·11.lk tl'l beach. S·l25. mo. Call 6i~ll63 &.t or Sun. APARTMENT RENTAL $70.00 & UP SPANISH · fon11111 dln\rl,l room, family 4!17-1021 f\'t'!. 11 you '1-'ant ""'rfection, here 2119 B•yside Drive 1 I "-& 0 ,~ A8 Ft. bulkhe11.d, '\'Ith pll'r l'(ll)nl "'/ ircp 11cc . ..,...rpet11 $1500 D WN Jt ls In a beautiful, lmmat'· a.ren.. $220,000 (l'Ct: id mplcl. drl\tJCI, Vic.lnlcy Brookhur111 tl!&l{nitlceni OceQn Vlew lot, ulatc 4 IM!drm, l b&lh, fJPll.C· Bill Grvndy, Rltr. & lndian1polls. By 0"71Cr 8mall but level. S!l,500. Bkr, ~ hom". Cali today tor N 8 642-4620 nfler 6:00 Pl\t 962·7635. 497-UlO or 4M-fQ2 ('\'<'S. •~1 833 Dover Dr., . • "'· 4 BEDROOM JEAN SMITH, RL TR S'l4-. LA...,.c kitchen "'i th l.-un1 Nlgu•I 1707 ~ E. J71h, C.l\f. 646-32.;iS Lid I 1 1351 ,vw. '"' -• ";;o;;;;;';;•;;;;:;;;;:;;;;::;;;:;;;;;I anached . rnmlly ro0m. a;1 *\\'AS $JIJiOO now $2ll.900 Dover ShorH 1227 • hltn apphllnc:~!I, 5 }T!lr nr", • BRl2t• BA, Fam/Rm. 1.;;;;;..;.;.;..;:;;...="-----PRIME TIP 2 ba lh!. y,·au 10 1"<tll upts. CrptfJ. blllns, 1~ lot . eCUSTOM DESIGNED OF LIDO ISLE •h'P', l2x20 ""'~. '"'""'!, '""'""· BUUt fur utility f.c permRntnl Bc11u1. 4 OR .• '11 1>3. ht1mt' landscnpl'd. O\'t'1'5i1t'd dblt'f========= wattr & mnt vi~w. 5000 1q wl\h !i6 H. \1ntrr front11.i::<'. s::n!'f•g~'. 11'11lk 10 M"hools & Miision Vle[o 170I fl, conttmp European, r, ha, noun1 for lnr"c lio:ll slip!<. 11 •. J)ll}'n1cnl:c l<'~ill-----'----- l&t rm~ & hi ttllinltl', 4-car Pr1('!' S:ilX>.000. than l't1 fl.llXI do\\'ll, TRD ·1 br. 3 ba. f11.111 rm, trl· gu_ $UID,OOO. ~8-'rn9 I Clll Grundy, Altr . 1, IC'\·rl home. Lil Pai Mit', Did ...,., t\1!r lhlnk ot 1wap--t IJMTr 1>1·., ~A f1.1~-41.i21) illla.s10n Yl"JO fnr 1lm1h1r or 1~ f;n1 ho1nl' In C<\t 1J.:-.•idl'l or lfl8 !hat "'hit& F.leph&i\I In m Not'd "·••d ,,, .. 8,1._ 962-4471 ( =} 54 ... 11 OJ: ~IL·111 Vcl'd<'. 83i -8920. the aulc tor JilOmnthtna ,you , .,. ·• •· • can IJ&tf Tty tht Tradtn lront 5 hr ··~ bi., Fte ln_n;I. * !\!UST Sl~LL TlllS \\'RF.Ji ~EEO HELPT Look tot It J>uadise t:Olumn ln the Dal· Ami'~ bes! buy & lOC'llllon ol Oft 3 Bn. ()wncr 1\n:dooi· In Pilot Clwlfled. 1y POot Want Adi. " ;i, fin_ Ow·ner •M-&U5, * AJ:i: 54;;..JOiO, 91)2...1524 • Phone 64.)..5611 .. • • I RU COS · It_ f .. .'1111.J ;r1c-5r.:l,-u.-IR..;Olr-E;;.,l,..-11 ! Teller to · o holdup mon' •. :::;·~~-;:::;~· :;:·;:::~_,"Litten, Mlater, toke the books, r too, will yo? I'm -mv1tlf."' I it u G T 0 R I . 11·>1 ~-rl -ilr-., 1 ....;,Tl'-Tlljr-f O Complete !he thvclde qltClied bv f1Uino In •he mls:slng word • VOi.i develOI) l1om tlep No_ 3 b1lov-. 1 ,,.!Nl NUMBE•tO lftlEts IN 1• r 1, 1• 11 1 tHESf SOUA5es • -• • • - SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN DIME·A·UNE • "• • 3 BDRrit. 2 ba h:lwnhouse. shag C'Jl)IS, drps, elec kit, p:.tlo, s . (If hwy. S250 ft' lit. A\•l 11/l. 67~. 2 BR. + fam. rm. 2 Blks. to (IC('an. on Larkspur. $235 .\Jo .. utll. included SctLnlc Properties 67H726 NR. Btach...('harmlnt 1 Br. yrly $183, \\1ntr Sl50. Avail No"'" 309 Goldenrod . 673-l74it. LARGE 4 BR. 3 flA, lplif ll'1·t"I. Spanish dl'cor. S37J. lm mf.'d . orcupancy . 6''6--0911. 6~2~1771 2 DR, dt'.n, djn'a rm, frti]c, a wll Dec. lat, Adl11 only, ~ mo. 673.-6974. eves . \ -- ALL SIZES • ALL AREAS FURN. OR UNF'lm.N, ASK FOR BONNIE 132-7800 CHATEAU LA POINTI Deluxe furn. 2 Br_ apt. Pool. Close to &boPI. $160. Adultt. Tl( tiell . l!Hl Pomona. Av~. CM'' HOLIDAY PLAZA DELUXE Spt.clou• l BR. furn •rit S13.i, 2 BR + den f1 GO. Jlcatt"d pool. AmpJ~ parktnq . Ko chllclren • no Pfll. J96j Pon'lOnn, C:'lt. BUSIEST mal'kt!tplat"e bl ll"Wr., Tht DAILY PD.Dr ClualOf'd 5ect1on. Sa v e monty, time A effort shopplnr; from annr.hair. • • RENTAL~ RENTALS Apti. Furnished Apt1. Furnis hed General .tOOO Co1ta Mesa 1 -J-us_t _F~dr-= 4100 Singl~ Adults Soulh Bay Club Is a v.·hole new Y.'fl.Y of life designed jus t for single people, It's fun living wilh \l'arn1, dy. namlc ne1ghlx>r't. Jt's 11. $750,000 Clubhouse w 11 h health club. saunns, 8\\'im. Tl"ing pool, party room, bit. liards, indoor go!! driving rJngc, tennis court!, pro shop and resident tennis pro. Sing!<', 1 & 2 Bedroom lux. ury apartments wilh all !he modem conveniences a\·all- ablr. t'urnishcd and unfum. !shed. li10DEL" OPEN DAILY l O A.lit • 9 P.M. RENTS FROM $150 to $350 NEWPORT BEACH 880 Irvine Ave. Irvine & 16th 1714 1 64S·OS50 SOUTH BAY CLUB APARTMENTS . . . l ive where the fun isl ./ NASSAU J>a.lms. 'l BR. apt, Furn. ,{• Unf. Pool Ping-pc>nJC, BBQ. $had y lawnK. Chlldren uk. 1n F., 2'.!nd St. 612-31¥15 NO\\' Renlinx-2 Br furn, gd I()(', rec rm. htd pool. No <'hildren. $140/mo. 646-582-1. BACllELOR (lpt. Furn. drps, W/\\' crpts, pool, pri\', balrony. $135/nio. 557--6682. 2 BR, w/w cp~. drps, bltn RIO, !!pir slrcse, frplc. $19j. 145 E. 18th. ;).)7-ti682. e BEAUT. Bach & 1 Br. apt. $29.50 "'k.ly & up. Jo'urn., incl util. 5-l&--0431. $125-2 BR Trailer. J or 2 adults only, no pets. Util in- <.iuded. 6--11.-3.JT.i. 2 ROOMS, pri\'. Bath, priv. ('nfrance. Furnished S90 mo, 548-8006. 1 BR FURN $150/010. incl utll. Pool, ga1'. di11posal. Adults. no pets. &12-2383. FURN Bachelor & 1 Br. cf:a Quinla fiernto~a Casual estate living. Enter La Quinta Her· mesa's lush green atmosphere & stroll tree- llned walk ways to )'1lur aµL ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED 1 BR. Uni. $150 -Furn. $180 2 BR. Uni. $175 -Furn. $210 3 Spac. Dr. plans, decor. furnishings: liv e within romantic setting w/fun or privacy. Terraced pool, pri. sunken gas BBQ's w/ seculded seating comp!. w/Ramada & Faun· lain. * C olor c.o.ord . ~it w/ indirect li9htin9. * Deluxe r1n9• & ov•n1 * Plu 1h sh19 crptq. * Bonus 1tor19e spece * C ov. c•rport * Sculptured m•rble pullfnen & tile beth1 * Ele9ent recreetion room. FURNISHED MODELS OPEN DAILY Blk from Huntington Center, San Diego Frwy .. Goldenwest Colleste- San Diego Frwy. to Beach Blvd., So. on Beach 3 blks. to Holt; W. on Holt to ... LaQuinta Hermosa 714: 847 -5+11 Exceptionally nice! fs========='T'==========: 2110 Newport Blyd, CM BACHELOR apt for adult \\'Ork'g pc-rson, nr 17th St. Shop'g, $95 iocl u I i I . 6•16-7:>82 I Br. S12~poo1, spac. Adults. ideal for Bachelor, 1993 Newport Beach 4200 BalbH Island 4355 BALBOA BAY CLUB 2 BR, compl furn. Bltn kit, Furl' bachelor. 548-3268 new <'pts & drps. No chldrn, SAll.,INN MOTEL no pe~. $2'15 yrl)'. 673-{i94S. Adj Bay & Beach. Deluxe Huntington Beach 4tOO rms fr $37.50 wk. 675-1841 Chur<"h. 5'18-9633. FREE RENT w2 '''ks. New 1 2 BR.; 1,~ blk. to ~A.ch. $185 2 BR, l Ba furn. upstairs, l\ton!h, thru June 15th. Br at heh. Quiet. $150. l.AlOk hltn rang!', crpL~. No pets. O\VNER 675-1642 & you'll rent~ Pvt dtt.k/pat. S145/n10. 673-7178. I ~==--~=~-~ aM-A 14th. 53 6-1319, NE\YL-Y furn, 3 BR, 2 ba. 11 673-1784. BEAUTIFULLY FURN. blk from \\'ater. Ask lot 2 BR. Htd pool, adulUi, no An ita, Jones R~alty 673-6210 OCEANFRNT View SUndk. CoJll Mesa ~100 per~. Sl60 * 642-9520. New~r 11pae. dlx 2 Br. I ~~-o---~-~-•AT OCEAN SlOO & Sl20 for Elegant furn., bltns, patio, • • ri • • • • • • I S12l -2 BR i\tobile Home. business n1en, also lo\\'et" lndry. Nr !Shops & pier. $195. * SUNNY * Adulls, no pcls. duplex sm. 67;i....o92'l Adultli. l n[anl OK. 53&-2131. * ACRES * 132 W. \\lilron, Ci\t. 543-9577 DELUXE 1 BR 11.pl e DEL LAKE MANOR e $85 & Up. NICE 1 .t-2 BP.. $125 mo. 2 BR sep houS<' Sl60 * Motel·Apts. * Trailers. Adults. no pets. * OR 3-2677 * Lrg 1 BR apl. Sl·IO Studio & 1 Bedrooms l3.1 E. 16111 Si. Ci\!, 642-126:-i 3 BR. 21 ~ BA. family roo1n, f'Uol . Patio. Adlts. 536-6117 LOW RATES S:'\1ALL clean Bachelor Cot -lrplc. bit-ins, pool, $250. mo. fRF.E Ulil. Jo'urn 1 & 2 BR Day, \Vttk or·l\lon!h lage. OldC'r \\":>rking msn. &l>-2089 or 642--0300. apts, block to beach $85 to e Color TV, Air Cond. S75/mo. util pd. * ~2752. I ·L-R-G~l-B~R-.~G~,-,,,~,-,-,-Pl-,-.-,· I $160. 536-3777, 53 6-12 8 2 e Pool & Phone Serv incl. LGE, attrac. bachelor near Bay. Furn $200. Unfum $185 ~1366. e i\taid Service avail. 0.C.C, $13S mo . incl util. 995 Incl Util. 673-6741. =.-... ~=R~G=E~,~to~d~.,-.~.~,-..,~.-.. - 1 Signal So. of O.C. Valencia. 540-9680. l Bedroom furn. ocean, F'M, lnquir~ 219 15th Fairgrounds QUIET Bnchclor Ap t, \V/ $150. month yearly 2202 SL, HB. 2376 N~~·~~ 81\'d. gar. U!il pd. Close. to shop-Ocean Cront Apt. D NB ~,-.:B~L"K~S-,to,-~b<a"°'c~h....,1-=e~R". o-9 ;,; ping. * ~">'lS-3365. l Br apt, al!O Bachelor apt. Adult~. $150/mo. CLIP THIS AD. · · •l..JlG SUNNY Furnished $~$160 mo. Eves It am 536-0166 * 846-0246 ,t::ood for $2 on nigh!'s Bachelor. 494-2250, 67>7876. rrnt or~~' on 1\·eck·~ rent. 6·12-2:X,O. ~G-6836 1 ~-=-="-.._.~=~-~ • • a • • • • •• 1 1 ----------l Br furn . Utilities paid. l Bf!. Garden Apt. $98. Yearly $150. REi\1ARKABl.Y U~BELTEVABLY EXTRAORDINARILY BEAUTIFUL Val D'isere Garden Aptl Clran. Quiet adull. Ref's. 968-Ii93 26-13 Orange Ave. :>48-8007. l 2'""e=R~. ~,~ba-. ~Co~m-PJ'""nrr=o.-H=a. SlOO • INCL. util. Small apt everything. linens dishes. for adult man. Nr. 15th & Oceanfrnt. 1175. 6Tr1562. Newport. 6-12-5.)83 Yrly $150, 1 BR 11.pt, $11:-i. t RR. FUr. Utils pct. U1illties pa id Near SIOl'l'S, Qlliel adult. * JO.I 33rd St. * 1~8.-J Pon1ona.. Ci\I. 5'1&-072.~ 1----'-------- N rt B h •200 Coron• dtl Mar ewpo eac .. --'---'---- 4250 2' BR furl\ apt. No children, No peli;, 526 Main S1. !acros~ f1'om Library\, l BR. S150. pool. \\'11.lk to ocean, fn-sh paint. Adult.s. 220 llth SL, HB $135. MOD. I & 2 BR <'Pili, drps, nr bench. 409 Calif. 536--4261 or 8·17-5169 BACI TELOR Apt. Util pd, NEAR OCEAN ! LINDBORG CO. 526-2579 Lagun• S.•ch 4705 1\clults. no pets Putt ing gr('('n, \\'atcrlall & strean1 flo\l't'l"S evrry11•hcre, 45' pooi, rec. roo1n. hllliards, BBQ's. Sauna, furn.-unfurn, Singles, l BH, I BR + den, 2 RR . From S135. See it! 2000 Parson:s Rd., 642-8670. Bt'lw~n Harbor & Ney,•port -2 Blk N. 19th. COUNTRY CLUB LMNG OCEANVU Oplx, 1800 9Q It, 3 BR. 2 ba. pvt dbl gar, pvt pat balcony, imm occ, l't'f'•. THE Beach r.1oror Inn has a LIL'CUry garden apt~. offering beautiful innt'r eourtyatd con1pl. privacy. beau1, Ind-673--6087· \.\'hich leads dO\\'n 10 the Aca pulco Apls, attractive, scpg & unparalleled recrea-FOR Lease-Lovely furn. apt. lnn'9 fu]J siZt' heated pool. Pool, Util paid, Gar<len UonaJ facilities in a country 1 Br. Bay view. S240 mo. Continental Breakfa st is I b h F Avail Nov. l. 644-8097 llving. Adul!s, no riels. r u almosp ere. urn or I -~~=.;,,-==~=,-· I served 10 guests in this gar. l BR · Sl•lj & $150 Un i. r.1cxleli; open lO am·9 1 BDRM, $160 MO. den ~elting. Unl11 range 1,1',00 \\'alll1ce /Ive. C.'.\T. pn1. Rcnti; from $145 !o $310. Nc\\•ly decorated * 644-4423 from $100 per n10, & up. ,..... 2 BR. FURN. $155 OAK\\'OOD GARDEN Daily maid service. 491-5294 APARTi\IENTS B Ibo 4300 Pool. b!lns, cpl.~. tlrps, no a a l BR N. end, ~~ blk shop/ children, 11n pets. 32:>.J E. 1700 lGlh St., NB 1----------· I bch, ldry facil. Adults. $175 17th Pl., Ci\l. 54S-2T'.>l 6-12-8170 BACH.ELOR apt furn, up. 494-4488. 8.10-4237_ B Ye LIFF MOTEL Balboa Penin. nr <X't'an. Lge ! ~.,'.,,.=~-----'--! BR. Lr.; closets. Pool. A sundeck. Sl23/mo. 842..$1 48 DELUXE bacht'lor apt, Sh 11ffl c bflard . Ne ·· •LO\V WEEKLYRATES * aft5 pin. clean, carpo11. ldry. Util. cplldrps, Ulil pd. 188 1 Kl!chC'n, TV's, maid sC'r\'icc. -.~P~E~N~N~l~N~SU~LA~P~O~l~N~Tc.-.c I Jurn. 497-1056 or 494--5810 :'l·onrovia A\·e, C:'\t Heated Pool, Lrg 2 Br. 2 Ba. Carpor1. 1r \\!I NTER R1\Tl':S • 6•16-326j yea rly. S2t.J/mo. 1 j 4 4 1 BR. furn Sl2:-i. Bachelor'$ I BR. gar. J '":? bl ks to heach. l\1iran1ar Dr. 67~1358. $11~1. Adul1~. no pc!s. Sec No children nr pc1s Sl35 mo 1---------~ i\lgr. 21:'\:J Elden. No. 6 C.\1 . YEARLY B s. ch e Io r yrly. \Valer, gas pd· $125/mo. J BR. $165/mo. NE\V dclllx 2 BR duplex, :'!48-2l:l2. incl ut iL By the 10th St. bch. encl itRr, pati<l. bll n!!, BE,\Cll llousc duplex, 2 BR. 673-1109. \Ve s1eli ll area, $ 19 5 · 2 BA . 4 hscs from Ocean. •·,~1s•9. 2 Br. $250 monthly, yearly u .,. Ti! June. Sl5J. Util pd. E s I basis. 315 •. Bay t. nq. $.10 \Vk. 1 per, \\'/kit S35. 962-89&3. Apt c . 673--1521 or 548-ml. i\laid SC>r, lineni;, TV, & 1e!e. 2 Bedroom furnished Mobile •·aLa·k •'lol•l •~1 Npl · BAYFRONT l & 2 Br furn .,... • -' Jlnml". s1;JO/mo. Eld:?rly Bl\'d C:'\I 6~&-74..j:i apt. Ulil pd. \\'inter or yrly. VERY lovely 2 BR. 11/w C'()I. bltns. co1n1>L derorat<'d. pool. no chihlN"n or p<'IS. .'l-IS-:>376. $12.)-Z B~R~T~,-.~ile-,-. -·l or 2 adl!Hs onl,\', 111) pel~. Uti lrin. cll!drd. (i.12-1.l7~ •. adults. Bayside Vi1\agr. 213; Grey Goo•• AP". 675-6491 2-lj...4763. ....- l.OCEANJo'RONT -\\linter rcnlols. 2', 3 ,t· 4 RR's. Adultll only. • Call ti73-MR& OCEANFRONT 3 BR. Year- ly lease. * 673--4724 * Lido Isle 4351 DELUXE Bench A[lts. Furn. Stove, rcfrig, ga r . $~$2.'JO/nJ(l. 320 Nord. 642-4097 or ~1.'Hl696. ===- D•na Point 4740 SINGLE, TV, heated pool, 2 blk. from bch. $35. wk.· S135. mo. Dana Marina Inn, 34ll1 Cout Hwy., Dana P l. RENTALS Apts. Unlumis'1ed Gen•r•I 5000 APARTMENT RENTAL $70.00 & UP ALL SIZES • ALL AREAS Jo'UltN. OR UNFURN. ASK FOR BONNIE 832-7800 S1turd.iy, Octobtr 31 , 1970 DAILY PILOT 27 RENTAL FINDERS Frff To L1ndlord1 6-45.0111 4J5 W. ltfla.C-. ,.,... -BRAND NEW dlx 2 bt u1plex •ptll. Prlv patios, shag erpts, pr. $175 336 E. 20th SL C.M. 642-4905. 5100 * * * • El Puerto Mesi Apts. * * * • l Bedroom Apts. $130 up incl. utilities Al.90 turn, Pool le Reeftation area. Quiet Envlronm<"nl OU 11tree1 park.in-.:. No pet!!. 1~1961 J\1aple Ave, Cotla Mesa NOW LEASING! Park·like li ving for fami- lies with children and adults. I, 2 and 3 bed· rooms, fu rnished or unfurnished. Shag c.ar· pets, drapes, air conditioned, with self. cleanin9 ovens. Complete $400,000 recrea- tion club in three acre park. Pools, 1e nnis, volleyboll;'health clu b, teen facilit ies and a pre· school! Ne x t to shopping and golf Course, n e ar U.C.I. and Newport Bea ch~ From $1 50 per mo. At Sen Diego Fwy . and Culver Dr ive in Irvine. Pho ne 833-3733. DUPLEX 2 BR. CLEAN & QUIET! Ne\v w/w carpting lhruout. Bll·in O\.-en & Owned and m1naged by The Irvine Company · !"ft n& " • carbog e d i sposal · I "''"'""""""""""""""'"'"""""""""""""""""""""' I Wator & gardener pl'l.1----------1-----------I f.ta ture couple pref. No Cost• Mesa 5100 Costa Mesa <'hildren or pets. $150 n101---------- plua !ltturlty depoe:it. Drive * * NEW 2 &. 3 BR . Shag by 753 Scott Pl, then call crpts. dwhhr. gar. Only 3 548-3036 aft 5 for app'I to neighbors In )Wt Bldg. 5100 set-, Chlld ok. Nr. S. Coast • M Plaza. ARTINIQUE • 54().[973 ., 54~2321 Park-Like Surroundingsl-.-:--N-,O_W_R_E_N_T_l-'N'-G-.- DELUXE 1-2 1: 3 BR AP'I'S. Alto FURN BACHELOR i\tesa. Verde Area. NEW Du- Prv pall<>! ·• Htd Pools plexes. 2 ' 3 BR, blfnli, encl Nr ,;hop'g e Adults only KRr, paUo11, wshr I dryer 1m Santa Ana Avr CM ~KK>kup, Also lrg 2 & 3 BR M11:r. Apt 113 e fi46.5542 in 4·plexe1. 546-1034 WILSON GARDENS APTS NE\V 2 Br, 11:. Ba \\"/ gar. 2' BR Unlurn. Ne\\'ly dee. Adull~pts, drps, lncd yd Ne"' crpt~ & drps. Spnc "'' patio. \Vfr pd. Gardnr. grounds. Adults. no pels. ~JG..-.1 12'0. $140 mo. 228..1 Jo~oontain \Vny 2til~E Santa Arm Ave. Slj,"1 !'.:. (llarbor, tum \V. on 667-K Victoria SI. S153 Wil90nl. Sll5-S15:l DUPL~ 2 Br. walk in 2 Br. unfurn. Drps. crpt.s, clORts, "''IW crpta, drpg, 1110\-e, refrig. Al.SO l Br. 1tove, d\shmu1er, priv en-avail Nov 3rd. Ask about trance. Adults only, no pet1. our rl lscounl plan. 741-W. $150 mo. l st It la11t + sec. 18th St. 642-1158. chara:e & rer.. 646-6MO eve1 * $l70 * only. --o-'-===~==-~13 BH. 11,; BA. patio, bll-ins, * STUDIO APT. * crpls. drps, Ask about our • :: BEDROOr.i discount plan. 880 Center St. e 2 BAIB 642-8340 e ADULTS ONLY e HEATED POOL SPACIOUS 2' & J BR. Newly *LG 2 Br. bltns, rel.rig, Pfttio. gas ixt. f1'te laundry, nu cpts. 278 E. 161h SI. 548-9"69 or &12-0265. Adlts, no pets, 2 BR, 11..ii ha studio apt. t>ncl. gar., frplc, pvt pa ti o, parkng for camper or bo11.1. Children OK. no pets. 634 Hamil!on, or call 548-93*> LRG 2 It 3 Br. Crpls. drp.s, encl palio, kld11 \\"t'lrome. 1998 Apt 1 P.taple Ave. &12.<i.144 NEW DELUXE I BR Rangt', dlt1hwhr, shag crpts, clrps, gnrg. $150 & up. !'l40-l973 or 545-2321 * TOWNHOUSE * 2 BR, J % BA. crp11, d~. PBlk>. Adults. $170. 134 E, r.telody IA. 548-1768 FAIRVIEW k Talbert deluxe patio apt. 2 br, 2 ba, in- <iivldt18I ga.ragt". $170 . 968-6726 or 346-0399. l BR, 2 b11, modern, cpt.s, drp1 & blllVi, s11a mo, nr e\•erything, no p e I 1 . 540--41 6..'i. 1024 r.iiuion Apt D, C~I p:Linll•d. CID. Carport. Kids ~0-9608 540-1559 ok. 2214 College No. 2. LRG. 2 BR * $15.'i 646--0627. CasadelSol What California's all about.~: Walt to sunny beldies. Spbsh in cool ~lut pools. lnvl!t tht ' : t•nc over anto yaur own private temce ••• then unwind ' befon a Ct1Cllllnl fire inside. It's usy llvinc, Celifomla style Just a few bfocb ill front ffuntlncton Bach state Part. Case de! Sol for ldults-1arden apartmenU thlt autdo 1hemse1¥H in charm, convtnienct and -''"'""'· -Cm del Sol ts .. oasis of lfHMt)', 5*rmlll'ld'1111 deliehtful mission C'CIUrtYWs. With lllln'elous rterution area spr1• ' ~"'ill ""''""' ,_ corridor, ptrttq """ .Olo)W court and 11ifliatur• lake with bridre ••. and between the pools, our special rec buildilt(featurinr samas, billiards, 0 11 Ind loune:e. Enry ~iM apartment boasts at ieast OC!e patio. And mariy units hne woodbuming hrarths. Built-in kitchens llith di~washers and disposals. waH·lo-wall carpetirie:. dr1perits, c~artmented baths, master TY antrnna, laundries lilCN'e. ~IOfllt lockers •.• w. l1•i1ht d 1vtty ••h1v19 111t ••"• w• 1;ould • think of -th111 pri1;1d C 111 del Sol 10 ••110111blv. Y•~ ''" m.~. •u• c.,. 'f'OUf horn•. 0111-b1dtOOf'I r•nh lrof'I $152, two-btdtOOf'll from $215, unfur11- i1h1d. Furni1h11:I 1li,htly high••· Proft11io111Uy 1111i11· l1i11t d 111d m1111 91d Otl 1it1 by Prop1rly Rt 111 rd1 Corpor1lio11, • • ! ·' MODERN 2 BEDROOM ·lA , W/w "'{~'!;, ~)~· ri isposal, Patio, •lutg C""'"'lS, dra""'ll, I RBOR 1 Hg_111 Lrg 3 Br, 2 prv Pll , a 1.1 !5, oo pel~. -~ ~ Ba pv patio Jrnt1 1 2".H7 Charle St. 54~30 or 1-========================I CE kiteht'n, enc lfl1 ed 11 · .' i ., .... <'11>~. 1~ garage. LaundfY.. c 0 1., r b2 ·~· frpt,c. 1mmt.'<I. occt1p.1 ~&1~1i-~· :"~'=1.~~S~~~~jiH;;un~t;i;n:g;ton~~B~·~·~c~hi;;;~5400i;ii;H~u~n;•;i;n:gt~on~~B~•~•~c~hi;;;~5400i;ii~j antt'nnaJ. Nea.r bus. $148. S :J! /mo .• 14;....7:lfil. NE\V 2 BDH.M. Bellm ceil- Adults. l~ E. 201h 2 Br apt. \V-fl1dr in EX· ings, \\'OOd paneling. All rec VILLA MESA APTS. • Cl~ANGE for lite_ h~kpg .tr featureJ. $165. Adult.'!, no / / f' f 2 BR ~· u· H d I eh1lll c:are-2 1 n I o n ts, pell. Cal l llOW 646--0073. .....N'Un tttQ On • ,-,tv PA o. t poo · 64~ e 387 \V_ Bay Street e d 2 car encl'd g11.r. Childttn 1~""=·~~~~~~ l·---'--'---'---'-.::....-1 C G d A y,•elcome no pets pleaR! 1 .tr 2 BR unf. $150 It Sl70 ulil l BR. t1nl. $150/mo. Pool. lfltom Gr en partmeftts $lli!t m~. 719 w. Wilaon. incl. Children ok. 3 0 7 Elec It wtr pd A<illl no I 2 • 3 BEDROOM 646-l2SI Avocado Apt 9. 66--0984 pe11. At.ESA MANoR.' 241 • « I BR apt, "'P'"· '"'"'· WU'°" Av•, CM. 54~1405 FAMILY UNIT NOW OPEN bit-ins, garage. Close in. •Le 2 Br. WI pat io. CUSTOM FEATU RES: . 2 BR. UNFURN APTS $1.25/mo. 5'18-3209. Crpt1/drpr1 1fo,•t refrig. Centrel R•cr•etion Ar•e-Swimmln9 Pool1 e $135 TO $145 e NEWLY Dcc-2 Br . up11tair11. gar. Adlta. No P t>t 11 W1din9 Pools & S1un11-Pvt Gerden P•tio' Cpts. drps, bltllB; West1lde Cpm, drp~. dbl gar. Adults, 64&-7768. Color Coordin eted Drep•' & Carpetin9- Stephcn~ &. Kay 645-0122 $160. l814 Viola Pt. 613--7909. 2 BR, I ~" BA, llharp, crp!I, Soundproof Wells & Floorinq-Blt-in R1n9e LG. 2 Br Garden Apt. Patio, drps, approx 1200 sq ft. & Oven-Oi1hwasher-Ceremic Tile B1th1 __ _ ___ newly dt'c, cenlr1I hi, gar, Avail now. f 160 mo ., Open Beem & Ve ulted Ceilings-1/t Mile •Quiet Adult Living blt.rur. AdlL'\ S140. 548--6956. S.15--4879 To The Beech. 2 BR. Sha.a: cpt., bltnt1, beaut.i""========'..=========I 21551 BROOK HURST STREET lndacpd. Sl70 mo Jncl all Huntington Beach 5400Huntingtan Beech 5400 {S. of Hamilton) HUNTINGTON BEACH ~:\t.::,~.\:, ~~i,, no ~9 PHONE: 962-4458 , ~;."':',.T.:!w~Nr~,u~;"· The possible dream. drJ»;, self cleaning gas ov. en, encl gar. Patios. 548-SOOO All new 337 W. \Vilson. Cost• Mesa 5100 Newport Beach 11--------5200 Westcliff R.i.vera HARBOR GREENS , Huntington Granada :l BR, 2 BA. walk ln closets, w/w crpfs, drps. Adults. $165/mo. RPf's. 540--0154, Ml 6-6922 or 548-9457, 2 BR. Unrurn. Bitns, cri>t.a, GARDDf A STUDIO APTS '=·~;.:.:··;.~~~: Apartments. ....,,.,., LRG l BR. Avail Nov 8, Lrg 2 BR. Avail Nov 18. Carport & pool. From $1.35. Alk our dlacount plan. 1846 Placen- fia. SeC' P.tgr apl It. 2 Br unf-overlooka goll course Sll5 mo. A d t1 I r s only. 61"a-2211 or 646-6617. ' Modern as lomonow. Yet priced to fit your budget today. Charming, corivenient, comfortable. Tolal·function Designed, to do away with w&sled space, make room foe special extras. Like buirt-iri d1tssing rooms, walk-iri closets. Slream- lined kitcheris. pass·thru diriing counle1s. Arid l11xu11ous carp eting and draperies. Plus plivate pal 1o·leiraces. * DELUXE 1 & 2 BR. · drpa. Htrl Pool. 1800 We11cliff Dr, NB * &1 2-5388 * Gonleo Apu. ""·'"'· priv. * BAYaoONT * . pat io, healed pool, trplc. "'- Adulla Sl45 mo . 54rr5163 Furnished & unfvrnish· DELUXE 2 Br. 11;ir Ba ed, st•rting $295. ~tudlo. Bllnll, tl('W t•pts . 642-2202 Sl liO, No pct11. l ch!ld ok. 1-----------1 :~16--0451. 'l BR . Unfurn. CrJ>t~. drps. MARHIEOS Ch·t·' 1-pallo, pool, bllns. $160. 1 • -1 uren .J Seaclllf Manor Apls, 1525 off. Nusau Palms -2 BR. PlaN:!ntin. 548-2682 l 11 k Gnrrlens, Pool. SlJ0-..$160. about our discount plan. 177 E. 22nd St. 642-364:; Costa Mesa 4100 Cost• Mesa 4100 Costa Mts.i 4100 Newport leach l~~~~~~~iiiiii 5200Newport Beati!=h 5200 Su rrounded by 1reenery, each 11oup ol low haridsome buildings laces into restful courtyards or one of our lhree private pools (each with its own caba na ). $12.·i. r.fnturr. adults. 2 BR, e 3 BR. 21~ BA, pool, view. bl lins, crpts. ilrpa. Close to from $275. Close to lloug GRAND OPENING COSTA MESA'S NEWEST LUXURY APARTMENTS CASA VICTORIA 525 W. VICTORIA COSTA MESA !JUST WES1 OF HARIO-ILVO.J • fUlNISHID & UNFURNISHED 2 & 3 BEDROOMS FROM ADULTS-NO PETS e Imposing Ml1sion Sty!• e Petios • C erpeting e nd Orepes e Eleveton e launJ ry Room e Swimming Pool I Hee t•d I e Built-ins IG11-0uick Heet ) e Founte ins & l end1c1pin9 e R•creetion Rooms e Neer 19th St. & K.Mert Centers • Ges end W•fer P•id • IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY • l Phone 548 4651 ..__~-~ PARK NEWPORT High on a bluff overlooking th• water, 7 pools, 7 tennis court•, $750,000 hHkn club and Spa. Bachelors, I or 2 bedcooms. Also 2-•lory town hou••• with 2 or 3 bed- rooms. Electr ic kitchens, priv•t• balcony oc p a ti o. From $175 to $450. Subler· r•nean parkin9 , eltvators, optional maid serv ice, convenience shopping. s.. 7 beautiful model ap1rtments, open 9 1.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Other times by appoint• ment. Located at Jamboree and San Joaquin Hills Roads, in Newport, just n o r t h of Fashion Island. Phone (714) 644· 1900 for leasing inform ation. Park Newport Apartments Near beaches and .shopping, Hun ling lon Grariada Apartments we re developed and now p1ol essionally managed by Properly Reseacch Corporation. ror eas)' living at rents you can affoc d. The possible dream ••• come true. H UNTINGTON GRANADA APARTMENTS Just south of Warner ori Golden West In Hurilingtol'I Beach. New on• & two be droom1. Unfurnished $1l5·$I75: fo.o;sh•d $I b5-$2 I 0. FAMILY SECTION FOR CHILD REN 5 YEAR S & UNDER. Phoo" 847-'1055 " .. -.. ~ ·~! u~ HCNTINli'9t iltAilh\ mi ...... ..!::::=::.: ~~·~'''::·;;"~"'§'~~;::=~ Ito "1 .. 8100 Hos11 =>l•l-1281 Eves : s p!t, no pet~. <7 • a4•1-.'.!666. * LRG 2 BR, pvt patio, w/\\' crpts. drp11, bltns, gnr. LARGE delxe 2 BR, 2 BA. $135/mo. 5'18-1867. erpls, drps, bltns, O/W, S165 ,\: $18.'1. Adults, inf11.nt 3 LC Br, 2 BA. new cpts, OK. 642--1387, 612-1771 dllJ~, no pets, chldrn ok. Avl Nov_ l Sl6:i. ;i.t:,_7245 aft 5. DO You hnvc 3 fri ends?' r or $15 ea. llvt In beaut. new <I 3 BR. 2~~ BA. sharp, crpt1, BR. 2 BA. frplc, 2 car gar. drps, fncd. Ava.ii now. Sl95 bay & beach apt. 673-93:)2. mo. 545--41179 YEARLY · 3 BR. 2 Bil, v.•/w LRC 2 Br. crpl~. drps. bltns. ...,>Is d"''ll bl'--....,,;,.. l ' l-2 chlldren ok. Nr. sehl!! & -• ' .,. ' u.,,, ,,.. •v. ' hlk hi ()('ean. No ptl.'I. 111hop'g, $1-ti. 96'2-l~j $275/mo. 6-12-9-18& * • SPACIOUS 2 BR, 2 Ba, 2 BR. crpl'd, drp'd, dshwhr, pn!lol!. crpts, drps, bltn.<i. blt ns, fri1I . gur. 011 Beach, S150. 417-C F'tlrd Rd, C.~1 . Yrly tM2-3!nll aft ;1 pm .l 3 Bdrm, 2 Bnth $770/mo. wknds. 12',l.-A 46th St, NB or ll-10DER°"N,,....,l'°'ll<l""'"."'2"e~.-.-,.~ll~-4 • Agent * 67:1.7420 • gernge. No JX.'IS, Built-in1 •NICE J BR . Un f urn. $170. ~217 Oarn.1 Rd . F'irtpla{'(' Util lnC'I. 64&..\12."1. •Call !'liS-1671 • * G () 1.1> :\IEDALLION-2 OJ.::LUXE 2 BR, 11./.i bit, cpls, Br, 2 Ba. CID, bllns. encl drp!I, Atudlo ftPL AfluJt~. hid 11:11r, s11.;. tr S4A -3i08 , pool . $180. MS-9341. 673-23i0. ~~~=---·· 2 BR. 1613 S.nta Ana Aw. 3 Br. 2 81t. Unf, BltM, crpli. Sl50/mo, Crpo1, drps, slove/ drp11. $200/mo. * Call rel, 5'IW172 or 646-finlJ, 540-7573, 11ft 5 968-8658, $165 • 2 BR, Jge liv r-rn, lge 3 BR, 2 bu, c1111, drp~. bJtns. sundeck, cplJ, dtp8, bltns, rttrig. $250. 2 door~ to disp. AclUlll. 5'$8-7234. OCl'lln. 642--9242, 6T~7179. 2 BR. U~alr1, bltn RIO, LlOO lalf-<'hoicc 1 Br. Lrf rt".lrla:. No chOdren or pelt. llv rm. itRr, nr iifnp!I. L9e $1«1. 968-1433 $1'B/mo. • 613-5148. J BR. Apt. Furn or Untum, \VE~LIFF' 2 h:-c,--,-1-b<,..-.t No pets, no Children. 820 <'l'fll'd, drp'd. lrple-. Adu.lea. Cenler Sr. 642J.J8.18. Sl1:1 mo, 6'12--98-18 . • 2 BR. 11• BA STUDIO l BR, 2 BA. nu crpt, IM\il'lt. XL.NT COND! Crr>t~. llrps. Sundcck. pr. 1250/)'rly be • Pool ! $14~/mo. 646--0496. l blk ro OC"Can. G75-7G23. DAILY PILOT DtAtf! • A J llR. 2 BJ\ uni. crpts. drp.. • LtNES COit you ju1t pon-blk to octtt.n, Ye:1rb'. $2SO. nle. l d11. * 613-8088 . '-.11 DAILY PILOT Saturda,, October 31, 1970 -illENTAtS REN'fAl:S REN'l'A~S--RENTAL'5 RIN'l'~l.S·--'-- ' I Apts. UnfvrnllhM Apts. Unfumhhod ~ Unfvmlllhed Apts. UnfvrnltllM Apia. UnfvmllhM Newport llMch 5200 Co""'• nl Mor Sl5t S~nt• Ano 5'20S.nto Ano 5'20 Huntington Btoch 5400 WESTCLIFF ~autiful 2 BR, 2 BA. 1%iO sq tt. townhOuse. apt No. 1215.. P.tv. &1>0252 Q.C:.. .. ~v Ntwport Holqhts 5210 ~ NEWPORT Heighls ~ 2 ON TEN AO\ES Bedroom \.1nmed. possession 1 A-2 BR. Furn 6 Unttus 11"' Flrepla"'" I prlv. pa&a I ~~~ garage. . Poall.,...... • OoPtat'l Bkbt. 1=====·====:1900 Seo W.._ODI """'1l 5230 (>tacAranlr"" eo... ""7l CORONA DEL MAR $125-Beaut. furn . Kitchenette NEW 3 Br. 3 Ba. lower du. Bachelor apt. 11. Pool. Util pd. carport. Quiet. older pll!X. Frplc., wuhtr/dryer, gentile genOeman 0 n 1 y , complete bit-ins. Enclosed 642-2514 patio & garage_ Beautifully landscaped. Year kase at Back Bay 5240 $300 per mo. Contact p LE ASANT View~ResUul l C 175-&0il 0 surroundings in nice -•Ii? na.a. neighboriJJod. 2 Br, elec kit, htd pool. carporl & extra LRG 2 •-1 Ba bl•--full ""'• • u ... , y _,Pc:••,,·..:$;:165;:·'-• .:67;.:3_:·3600~~--,-I crpt'd, encl porch, near X"LNT Location 2 br, crpts, beach. $225 unfurn, $325 drps, heated pool. Adults, r.o turn. 615-4943 -. I fP"~';'·~I;,"::;'"· LI:;;._...,==·== 4 Br. 2~ ba Studio apt. 1~ Cleam. 114 Goldenrod . East Bluff 5142 $3751 mo. yr Ise. ~7573, aft 5 968-8658. NEWPORT BEACH * !MMAC. 3 BR DUPLEX Villa Granada Apts. 21h BA, convenient loe. Furnished. Five bedi·oomS & 644-8799 dcu, with balconies above ,f; • LGE 3 br, 2 ba duplex. patio below. Gracious living Bltns, dshwshr, ne\v crpts, & quiet surroundings ior drps, frple, encl sundeck & family with children. Near garage. 644-8302. Corona del l\i:ar High School. NOW $165/mo. lse. Lg upper Fireplace, wet bar & built-2 Br. cpts/drps/relr/range, in kitchen appliances. Will gar. Adlb!I. 704 Narcissus ccnsider unfurnished or furn. iture purchase. SUNNY 2 Br. built-ins 835 A~IIGOS \VAY 644-2991, reVcarp/drap/gar. Adults, Cold\\·ell, Banker & Co. no pets. $175 Jse. 675-4275. ~fanaging agent 833-0700· 2 BR. 2 Ba, Ocean side of Hwy. Nicely decorated. e PilEW DELUXE e ?o.torgan Realty 673-6642 3 BR. 2 BA Apt for lease. NE\'/ 2 BR, 2 ba & 3 Br, 3 Incl spa.c. master suite, din Ba. South of Hwy. rm & dbl garage, auto door l -~*~P;;:ho:;ne°"644-:;.:.:.::™:;:.':;.*--I opener avail. Pool &. Rec. 2 BR/1 BA w/!rplc. ""'· e FROM $265 e 1165 Amigos \Vay, NB r.tanaged by WU.LIAM WALTERS CO. No chldrn-no pets. $175/mo *67~9183• LGE 1 br apt. New 11hag crpt, <h'pa, stove Ir refrig, gar. $160 mo. 644-7792 SPACIOUS 1 BR. Lrg pe.tio, I 'B°'E~sr='7Loco"-'~ti-on-.~,,..~"-.,.-w~21 entry hall. crpts, drps, BR 2 $~'/ und F h. , BA. ""' yr. aro . dhsher, pool, nr. as ion * 54S-7983. Island &. mrkts. S 175 · I :7.°"'~;:::::C---,,,---°"I 644-529&. UNIQUE, lge, pvt, new 3 BR, 2 ba, bltm. cpts &: drps, Corona del Mar 5250 1 ..06c;73-0904~""'' :,:50cc"",.-"'cc..3 -~~I 1::::::.:::;::...;:.:o,;o:;,::;___ * (2) NE\V Deluxe 2 Br, 2 CALL 67S..3000 Ba. \Valk to beach! FOR RENTALS S275/mo. * &14-0266. ·s137 takes it all. findfls keepers. When you can find 1 luxury aarden aparlment IOI only 1137, sl.lrt kte~n& hou>o on tilt spot Al 111-new Park Plan, in Santa Ar& Al-too IOOd to be lnle. Bit kesll .-n oparlments, '"'""'now from $137. And loodod wil~ """ !hot mind )OUr CGmlort -niindinr )OUf bud&et. SUpet-connnltnce iitdlens with built·i• applO-lndadinf dishwlslw. Gobs of cl0$el •1*1-Ricll droperies ind carpotinf. Step out on your private tmace. Plunp into Park P.la~'s elegant PoOI. next to our irut rec iudd1nr complete with saunas and fun room. All yours, for tile taking. Unfurnished one. bedroom from $137, with similar flt savinrs on our two·bedrooms and lwo·bedroom studios. .AH professioN/ly main- 1oined and Ollftl(ld by _ Property Raelrcb :.:! Corporetlon. ...... .,. j _,,,~ Park Plaza Apartments 3824 So. flower Street, Santi Ant (714) 545-3214 Family Section Now Open .. S130 , l ' Ill\. crp... drpo. bltns, dah\Vfbi', prage. Aft '4 pm,.1847...:m.T l 6 I BR NeWl&ptt.. Flylc'a. _ ti_e_P. Oeeanl, Patio. Adults. Lll'fD'SORG CG.. , '536-2579 1 ~ near ~ crpts, drps, pool, adults, no pets. Tradewind.t Rlty 841-85U. 2 BR, Crpts, drps, ttove, newty painted; no pets, 1 child ok. $125. 962-3886. l BR APT l blks from beach. $135. 847-4461 or 536-1710 e LGE 2°bt apt.Crpts. drps, bltns. Avail Nov 1. 962-8578 2 BR, $135 Near school. ' 646-2547 2 BR. Crpts, drps, range. CIO£ed gar. Children Ir. small pet ok. $140. 842-8365. $160-2 BR. pool, pvt patio, gar, lockers. Near new. 1 child 1811 Glencoe, 8f2.:2834. 3 Br. Condo. Bltns, refrig, \\"ash/dfyr, cpts, drps. $185 on lse. 548-1405 or 64&-6762. Santa.Ana 5'20 VILLA MARSEILLES BRAND NEW SPACIOUS I & 2 Bdrm. 4pta. Adult Living Furn. & Unfurn. Dishwasher • color coordlnat. ed appliances -plush shag carpet • choice ot 2 color seheme9 • 2 baths • stall sbowers _ Jl"lirro!'ed ward- robe doors • indirect light· ing in kitchen • breakfast bar • huge private fenced patio • plush landscaping • brick Bar.B-Q's -large heat- ed pools & lanai. ·3101 So. Bristol St. (~S Mi. N. of So. Coas ~ Plaza) Santa An• PHONE: 557-1200 Tustin DOWNING APTS CORNER of Wll.LIAMS & ALLIANCE. $180-$190. 2 BR. 2 BA. 1200 sq, ft, 90undproof, FI A he.al, pvt patio. Adults. Mgr • 16507 Alliance l'.lr phone Owner 646-5501 Laguna Beach 5705 2 Bdrn1. Apts. \\'ith gal'ages. Avail. Nov. 1st. f"rom $18j to $225 per month. TBR-Dinette: Gar, \V/W crpt. 311 C. Marguerite ----.:-SPECTACULAR oceanfront I ;'1~15~i5/=m~o~o =S:=ho;wn:=;,;:Sa:;t;:-;;S~u~n~. l:H;:u;;nt;;i;;ng~t;on:;;;;B;•:;•;;ch:;;;;S@i;;;;~: 1 ~H7u~n~h:·n~g~to:n~B;•:•~c:h:::5~400~ 2 BR, 2 BA, putting ~en, fij 11.U ,\ 111 .. \t'll lll:.\1.1 \ ''"' I , pool, adults no pets. $350. Lido lllo 5351 * HERITAGE APTS 499-2354 o' 499-28>1. ON BEACH! AVAILABLE NO\V DELUXE 2 BR, 2 BA, view, LGE bay view 2 br, study. Crpt&, drpS, .f irep lac e . Lease, $295. 642--0807 17401 Keelson Ln, H.B. elec eye garage. ldry. !\' ' 'l I",~·: e 2 BR unf, Frofu $2'25 Lrg Attrac 2 Br }~rom $139 '497-1056 or '49-1-5810 2407 E. Coast H\\')'., CdM Q 2 BR Furn. Fr:om $285 Kids ok, All extras. Pool. Pvt *DEW XE 2 BR. Oce&n DELUXE 2 Br, beamed ceil· -TIME FOR C. rpets-drapes-dishwasher patio area. Rec bldg. view deck, 1 blk bch. New ings, frplc, bltru:. No heated pool-sauna-tennis 847-8335 or 841-7446 s hg ~rpts, drp11. refrig/stv. child/pets. 601 Carnation. rec room-ocean views SZIO QUICK CASH pc•io amplo ..,.king. * COROLIDO API'S • 2 BR Security gUards. SPACIOUS NEW 2 br, 2 ba. frplc, lge closets, shag crpts, drps, bltns. E ltt con- trolled gar, Nr beach. $175. $190/mo. 494-9835. Dana Point 5740 Studio. ""'"""· all ''"'· THROUGH A HUNTINGTON dsh..,,·hr. dbl carport & lrg 646--0841 or Sts--0131-NE\V duplex, 2 BR, 2 BA, 1r '"'RE~E7=RE,;'-NT""'-2'-"wC.k'-,.~N-,-w-1 1 spacious. Avail. early Nov. Pool. SI., & "P· * 61:1-3318 DAILY PILOT PACIFIC , 3 Bdrn1 2 hath E.xcellent lo-711 OCEAN AVE., H.B. cation.' No children, no pets, WANT AD (TI4) 536-1487 Br at bch. Quiet. $130. Look No pets. 499-1615 & you'll re nt! Pvt deck/pat. 1 ;;"';;J'~";"=';";·~A;;"~'":;.'='='~:_':;"="· o.c=========-Ofc. open 10 am-6 pm Daily t : !\'Ianaged by ~A 14th. 536-1319, 673-17/W .. 3 Br, 1 ~~ ba to\\•nhouse \\' 11 r p I c , \\'asher/dryer, elec range, oven & refrig. $175 mo. Phone 213/64~9910 Fountain Vall1y 5410 Fountain Valley ~ ALL NEW V8LL8YP8RK AP8RTffi8NTS ••• opens new doors for young families. Cre1ted exclusively fOf the family with children under five. Carefully cooside1inr their special needs ind lim· iltd budrets. Valley Pa1k's unique. With a p1iv11e Pre-School center situ1ted right oo the e:rounds, just steps away from every apartment. Operated and professionally stiffed by Tustin Couniry Day School, our st1te·1ccredited Pre· School frees mothers !or outside activities or employ· ment. Special comforts and conveniences al home as well. Super·modern kitchens with 1ppli1nces built-in , •. even dishw1shers! Private patio oc teuxe. e1tr1 powder room, hure w1tk-in or wall·to-w1ll closets in every unit. Plus lush carpetinr ind dr1peries. Cwered p1rkin1 with itorare . For fun, dip into our bir fenced.off pool, next to the recreation center. Or Wilk lo the 11e1t aew Milt Squire County Park. New opportunities for new p11ents. That's Valley Park. Developed, and now m1n11ed by Property Research Corpor1tion. vausv PSRK APBRTIT19NIS 17256 South Euclid. Just south of Werner in Fountain Ytlley. 2 ind 3 bedrooms, and 2-bedroom studio ap1rtmtnts now rentina. Unfurnished. $1&0-S210'P.'' month. Fo r famllles with pre·schoot chrldren only. Fur· nished modtts on display. Phone (714) 540-4185. 5410 \\'tLLlAi\T WALTERS CO. ,REDECORA TED 2 br duplex, crpts, drpg, gar. No pets. Refs 546--492;. evei;. Fountain Valley stove, NE\V! Never Lived-In: 2 & 3 req'd. BDRMS. Nr. Beach •Agt. 645-1070 * 5410 Fountain Valley 5410 :J.ounfaiM 1'lediterra11ean Siyl• Lu.sury 1 II % Bedrooms -% Botho Adult Livin1 Furallhed II Unlurnbhod N: y_. Ovtl1 AdMl1 GvMllo M Y Jl.~wdi11• I• the Slciri, Y To develop messoge for Sundoy, read wotds corresponding to rumbers of 'JOVf Zodiac birtli sign. Rentals W:1nted 5990 e LANDLORDS e FREE RENTAL SERVICE Broker, 534-69&2 The DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST'S leading Marketplace Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any _Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD Will Sell Fast! ~ 1. Stove 29. Bicycl• 57. Electric Tr•in 2. Guitar 30. Typewriter 58. Kitten 3. B•by Crib 31 . Bar Stools 59. Classic Auto 4. Electric S1w 32. Encyclopedi1 60. CoffH T1ble S. Camer• 33. Vacuum Cleaner 61. Motorcycle 6. Wa1her 34. Tropical Fi1h 62. Accordion 7. Out'-rd Motor 35. Hot Rod Equipm't 63. Skis I. Stereo Set 36. File Cabinet 64. TV Sot 9. Couch 37. Golf Clubs 65. Workbench 10. Cl1rinet 38. Sterling Silver 66. Di1mond Watch 11 . Refrigerator 39. Victorian Mirror 67. Go-Kort 12. Pickup Truck 40. Bodroom ·Sot 68. Ironer 13. Sewing M1chine 41. Slide Pi"oiector 69. Camping Trailer 14. Surfboard 42. lawn Mower 70. Antique Furnitul'9 15. Machine Tool1 43. Pool Tobit 71. Tape Recorder l 6. Dishw11her 44. Tires 72. S1ilbo1t 17. Puppy 45. Plano 73. Sports Car 18. Cabin CruiHr 46. Fur Coit 74. Mattress Box Spgs 19. Golf Cort _ 4?. Drapes 75. Inboard Speedbo1t 20. 8arom1ter 48. linens 76. Shotgun 21. Stamp Collection 49. Horse 77. Soddlo 22. Dinette Set 50. Airplane 71. Dirt Gama 23. Ploy Pon 51. Organ 79. Punching Bag 24. Bowling Boll 52. Exercycte 80. Biby Corrlogo 25. Wat1r Skis 53. Rare Book1 81. Drums 26. FrHur 54. Ski Boots 12. Rlllo 27. SuitcaM 55. High Choir 83. Dosk 21. Clock 56. Coln• 14, SCUBA Gear These or any other extra thln9s around the house can be tumed into cash with a DAILY PILOT WANT-AD so Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 + RENTALS • • Houses Unfurnished REAL ESTATE General ·------·-·--.-------- Saturday, Octobtt 31, 1970 DAILY PILOT 28 5990 Business Rental u~!1TATE ·~~::'!~~ -' 1'._!'1-lll!*!'lll-· .. !l'l-·*!'l-""!:Jlt!fiim-1111!1'. llltVICI DllllCT~ s11tv1c1 DIRICTORY SEKvlCE DIRECTDRY- 7""-""'"'-"------1-.:...:;===--.;... c-nt, Concm._66GO 0-r.I S.rvlcu 6612 Rooflnt ff.SO 6060Acro... -~ --------1 Trust Dooda ACS CONCREl"E. All type""'• l,;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;:;;;;1-------- OFFICE, STORE, nr, N'pt. Bch. Post Otc. &: Greyhound depot. 12X27, St> mo. lse. Graham Rlty 646--2414 Office Rental 6070 HEMP:T 80.AC M.3 ZONE ·--------.... Sowtns. brealdnr ... .,. ---LEE ROOnNc 00• .... n .. S • -"" • Sldpload!nc. s.n<Jco • KAREN JOY 01 a11 ''"'' ,. • o ... . .E. Area ···Mobile Home IF YOU have _,,.,., & ~.tr. -··'! re-'n t tin u •" k SUbdl ........ ""' "-ty, S.1a..aa&a Bob. _. , roo coa g1. c & •·:U • v. Gun Clu~ mont'"1y lncm ~ 5 -.. bo~ 1•-1"'7 "" -near H'wy A Stores. l2500 ~ by lat ..,~tf. ~ MORE Concnt. patlo for "KNOWS" ,......., ....... ""' · '"-•.a.u Aett. Ttmu Open. r. bier, &la-tSOl ltu money, A:rtllUc: aett1na:. BEFORE You buy, call T. Hou&holcter, 26555 ltlanhall, l,.,;;;;,~;,1;;,4"'v,;;~~TR=u::~""'o"'£"'£"'n""" -Uc .• call MU at 6"-0687 Cuy Roofing Co. R~ver H~t.Clllt. , .,.~ l Gt ~· , CEMEN~WORK,nojobtoo ~ specialist, 6-1 5-mo, SUPE"D TI4 927 Dia * * BtJYERS * * -·u. ........... ~ nuNGS )'OUr hll5band does Ms-9590. "'" ELUXE QUALITY • • 546-1-l!iO ar S39-6316 _ • -·-wir ~ ''C'C not ha I do' i ;RE-=R"-oo==.,--,-..-o--1 1-2-3 room, up 10 3,000 sq. l\i 1 ACRES ot 3 Iota, Oct:an -·~~ ~ F.stlm. H. Stunldc. 548.8615 ttpa.ir~~= :ny ti!'l~lnlt: nick Rel~~~·&:~~ UCl v;·oo1an Prol., respansi- blc, no pt>ll. v.'unL, perm. rent.al unturn or M?ml·lurn 1 BR apl or house. quiel. YIC\Y or trees, non canyOn loc. Begin Ott. !>22nd. \\'rite or call r.lils JIJd llh Te1~ler. Center for Lal·Am. Sludles. ===-=--------- Univ. ol Cal.. Berkeley, (~lj) 642-2088. • SEl\11-Retiredf Engll.!h (!OU· ple Yo'ith 2 very well behav- ed dogs wi11h to rt'nt or lease unfurn 2 Bednn house or collage In So. Ot·ange Coast area, (So. Lai:una south1vard) max $140 mo. \'ery clean &: qu iet; reference& avail. 4~ or 6.f.Z-887:1. * FREE * RENTAL SERVICE TO OWNERS & MANAGERS Call 548·9365 YOUNG, resp v.·01·king COU· ple want yrly ap1, unlurn. on Ne11·port PIO.nin . or ln Cd<\t !or $130 mo. 646-6734 evel!. TEACHER & tiOn want 2·3 BR hon1c in Hurbor Hi School al'ea around Dec. 1. 673-2916. , ... fl. office 1ui1es. lmmed. oc. "tyl. SeWl'l', v.-ater mettr, Mainey W•nttill 6JSO -*CONCRETE work: patlol', • _.... ~-""•· cu~ncy. Orange Cnfy. nr 1Chools. lo prioe. r.tov·I--'---------~ ...4._ drw.'8.Yt. etc. Li censed S4So-0820 Nojobtoosmall.897...i223 Airport Irvl~ eoinmerc. ifir, will aacrlllce. PhoM PRIV WMddy• Want? WhMdy• Got? Phillips Cement. 54~ _H_•,.•,,.ll!'tl'"""---'"".:61;..30;.; S.wi"I Complex. adj. >.irporter wll:dys aft 6 i: all wknd . Party wants 2nd T.D. SPECIAl CLASSIFICATION FOR CUSTOM CONCRETE _ Hotel&: Re1tauran1, bank• '114/'1'2S-16&t Owner 3931 on l\teaa Verde home. Have 111.1aTU PATIO.DRIVES.""""'. TNT 1..a· S I QUALITY Y • al " P••kDr ,.;.,.,._.__ .. ' lgt,equlty.Pay10%int. """ RAL BORN SWAPPERS .,.,.... c' · · wn · e rv ce. ouve ways San Diego &: N'pt Fw)'s. .... ·• .,_...,.....,, ~us:; &12-7000 Special Rite Fret Ktimate. 67>5516 arage cletu1--ups, hauling&: wanted. DTess.making • UNCRO\VDED PARKING 10 Ac. ~· Call!. $10 dn. $10 CHUROI WIXlnt c red It 5 Linet -5 times -5 bucks DECORATIVE CONCRETE light movina. 54 8·5 863 ' alterations. Key Say, 176.1 W\\'EST RATES mo. $99a FIP. L. Shewfell, record flffds $30.000 to llU'-IS -AD MUST INCi.VOi PRIVES. WALKS. PATIO ~l-.3729 Orange Ave., CM. ~1292 Owner/mgr. 2172 DuPont Or., 326 \V, 3rd St, LA •: · h b 'Id' \!"ill 1-Wtttt.,.. ._.,.. • .,...., a-Wlllt.,.. WW Ill fNft. CALL DON . .,•••1• MOVING, Garage clean-up&: EUROPEAN ->-~---'"""" "h 8 N •1.3:623-SlOt. ~nis u1 1ng. con. ,_.,ow• ,._. NA/w .... -. ..._. 11-., ..... .,.,.... _, .. 1 ~--~· , . ewport Beach, aider any otter, ~7900. ._,.OTHINO •011 u.Le-TllAOlt °""'"' ~iORE Cone 1 ti 1 lte hauling. Re8ll0nable. all custom fitted. Vuy 833-3223 Courtesy to Bro~rs 40 AC. Zoned. Moblle Uon1es. " re' pe. 0 or f'fff estimates. 645-1602 reuone.ble. 673-1849 S G Pa\'ed t.ron+a ...... N-t to ·~ ANNOUNCEMENTS To Place Your Trader's Paradise Ad leu money. Artistic setting. PRE Tl EOFFICE ._" ..... _. PHONE'42..s671 Llc .. callr.taxatS1·1--0687. YARD/Gar. Cleanup. Altltf"atlons-642-5845 "Or' TI-IE BAY'' l\lilHon d~elopment. SAC! and NOTICES 'I W al' Remo\'e tttes, Ivy, trash. Neat, accurall!'. 20 yeara e1fP. Al LldO y«ht ••cho-·• for $1900.lper acre.'-..;...;.;.;;.;..;:;::.;..: ____ O"r:'·'.ER. Granada Ifill• 2 2 b h lg I R "Y ay, qu ity home Grade, backhoe. 962-874.5. .... , •. ..,. TERMS n4 ro" '"~l 1 -r Ill', e ot, i\.-trside repair. Walls. ceiling, floors e Dressmakln"' -Altera•w...... l rom. Ground Qoor ' : : <IP-I..... Found (Fr" Ads) '400 11Y \'lew home, like new, 811!a tor 1m&lJ 1br11$, H.B. etc. No job too small. e MOVlNG-CLEAN·UP & Designed 'i: suit yoo... "6¥•~ Air cond., cnits. drps. OUt of Stite Pr-6201 LARGE Gray .kitten a...-rs $57,750 nl. 4 Br. 3 Ba. fam. Dr C.?t1. sultahl~ for retired 543-1494. HAULING. VERY REAS! Call Jo * 6-t&6U6 E·Z parking, Util. paid -r-,,,...~ rm . 1-~or Duplex or fi'me NB couple. 1-----------* *ROY: SIG-6629 • * $125 per month 10 Leve.I ac So. Ut(lh. S2S DN· !::.a be•=· ~('~a.i;~r S:: or CdM. 644-4571, 6:16-0439. 962.1940 01' TI4/65.l-1420 ,Contractors '620 TRASH & Garage clean.up, _T_lle-'-, _c_,_,._m_ic __ 6974 717 Lido Park Drive $2;} Mo-$2:,00 Full Price. flea collar. Fair dr. and Santa Barb, 12 units furn'd Tahoe R-2 Jot $14,950, Lake' , RE root 0 0 ELIN G A 7 days. $10 a load. Free est. -· - Nt1\\·por:. Beach 673-1060 Owner: S~T-9982 Duke 549-3297. Isl Vista tor clear·free hOme 1.1atthe\\'!1 view t2 Jols) 7 Iii.er SPECIALITY. Cenei-al Con-Anytime, 54a..roJJ. •Verne, The Tile Man• DELUXE oUc, suite, grnd. DOG ·Pt DascMhund. pt. to ~100.IXX> Capls, San Clem. $20,000, Klamath Falis 2% tractor. Fra.ncii P. Vapsy. "H~A~U~L~IN~'G""°&f'-.Cl=,~,~,-,-p.-,,.,.-5 Cust. \\'ork. Install &: repairs. floor, tias own entrance and R. E. Wanted 6240 Chihuahua, blk ~·I b rn Lai', Ne\\'Pf. CdM, acr, $1500. Exchange au or 642-5872 & shrubs nmoved. Free No job too a-ml. Pla!itcr. \\""tclitf Or. 1t. addreu, 1----------1 J)'\ark 'g, no collar or l .D. 2U..222-4.l09 I TI4-6n-;;.tl9 pt for Onig Co. Agt 646-J2S.51·C~EN=-.L-,.----,llna--&-m-""'-. -t. estimate. 548--S92-I . patching. Leaking shower 4.5C 61J. It. with P\'t, panel BALBOA Is. '."anted from Vic: Fair &. Fairview. Have $10,000 equily In '62 Che\' Van, reblt eng., No job too small. repair. 847·l9S7/~. oltc. Desk space & recept. owner horM &: income, must 545-3200. choice 40 acre Chrtatmas r.ew tires. panelled, crptd, Lic'd/Insured. 675-8183 HouMcleanlng 6735 .... ~ ... $18.'l mo on lease, inc air-be xlnt (!OOCI. ru: 247-n21 FOUND·. 0,•""• • •·h•'te Val,.y, ~. -~•I to 1,ade 1 'let ~1 •-• v 1 I~=~-'"""""'"-..;..-:....._ ---------·-TrM Service ..., .. .,. v•~ ..-~ 01 , re .. g, ....,.,, a ue GEN'L remodeling & maint. HOUSE OF CLEAN cond., ulil., crpts., drapes. BUSINESS •nd ft>:male tiger cat, Approx, 6 as down payment on turn. $1250. Exchange for land. No Job too s ma 11, Rooms for Rent 5995 _M_~~9586==~--~-FINANCIAL mo. old, in Newport West, hOUlle or condo. 673-0802 536-1131 • Llc'd/lnsured. 675-8lS3 DOES EVERYTHING 1----------* DELUXE 1-room office. Huntington Beach. 968-1360. 3( Ft Ca.bin Cruiser; lip....., WANT: 4 unlts for less). Or. Addltlo n---"'-· Comm'I & Rell. Oe11.nin&: R001\I Ior employed man Adt'acent 1o .t;...,.,..,.er JM A: Business ·-o: ns * 1 ""' 11.......,hlli 642-6824 Always Lce':c; Tree Servi~ Artistic pruning & removal, spraying, tree acaplng, Llc'd It ins. 675-5750 I ~~· 6300 S.\fALL White,{....,. 'i\lith black cond.; f\\.in tcttw: loaded ar.ge c.owtty_ H&\'e Costa ~rw;ck • Son. L•"c. near Doug " plant, Hut'l-o-ngo C"iy A•'rport "---'--lllH -• ... " · · _to,_.'"" e~s and mse. Flee. rollar with extras. FOR hOuse, fllesa home-, val, $30,000, or 613-6041 * 5'4S-2170 ;;;;~:;;;;=-..,--,,.---~ I tington Bch. S 14 I wk. Carp., drapes. music, ai.J'. and ha' y · •--and uru''" 0 TD ., TD . R •• WINOO\VS & walls washed. Upholsl_•~'J----~-c;.; 8!12-4293 ..,.,-c in. LC • ..,,.. ...... ~ "" r . . . . . 1. e .. tor _ Tni cond .. etc • ., .... a Month Santa Ana HelghtR, 546-4131. OWNER 675-6259 546-1698 494-5488 Ce_. Cleiinl"I '625 Firs, stripped, ualed & \\!ELL ful'n. 1·1n, pr\. ba, 833--0101 OR 833.-0144 ==~-----'---'Cl •r• waxl'd, rug cleening. Free *SAVE-SAVE* Kitchen p1·iv.. scp relr. SP CE fu'\t'ALL Black Poodle with COSfA MESA Cl COR HAVE lge., beaut. cu.stom f " & M Cleaning Sef'\l!ce. e~t. duyfnile 673-.3090. LIMITED Tl~fE ONLY' Dose in. 1.-len. No sn1okers. DESK A greeSa ," !<-A ·eledc collar.CIVlcb. ~:17,-2 bldg1 \'al .!!8·000. hOn\e, N'pl, Beach. Want Holiday Special Until Dec. J\.{eaa Cleanlnt• Service Reupholster YoUr furnlture 616-&i39. 222 Forest Avenus ' n a na ountry u . L"'t ;.i .000. Income .,....ft mo. improved investment prop. 22nd. 6c a sq, ft. Shag 7c. Carpt>1s, wlndo~;, floors etc. ANY COUCl-1. $50.00 I Arn a Japanese studenl 545-8893. For hi desert, Cal or out-or. erlY. EquHy $40.000. Pyra-Cerli·f'oamer. dries In 2 Res &: Commc'J. MB-4i11 Ai'IY CHAIR • l :?S.00 doing housework instead of Laguna Beach ia can be the most im-CREAl\f colored shaggy hair. ttatc. OWNER 646-8558 mid Exchangors 67>8800. hn. 536--3508, 53&-2247. Labor only paying rent (2IJ) 734-63Jl 49-1-9466 portant advertisement of ed med. size female dog, La. '62 Corvair '69 mtr reblt 44' HOUSEBOAT, Xln1. Live Dlamond Carpet Cleaning Landsciplng 6810 Choosin£' one of ovr vut &c· 8-4 P~I. BEAUTIFUL olficcs, air, your life-because i~ m~y guna NigUel nr Coast Hwy. tr&J\!JI, xJnt 0 body, $400 \'al, aboard, slip avail, Will take Autumn Special \l"Ctlon1 Of fabrics, ".••-I•. panolod. Facing change your economic pie-496-4473 Nicklo amusement machine car •mailer boat in •-de Aoo• s~. ~-~-1. GARDENER • month I y REV AS UPHOLSTERY R00:\1 & bath for employed '· ,,~ ture from "bleak" to · • .... ~ .., ,.. ,.,., """ lady or student. Kitchen Beach Blvd. Call S4Z-2525 or "bright." BLACK Cockap:XI found vie orig cost l80 ea, Trade for tor equity. Rcpair·lnsta1l. 645-1317. maintenance ~ clean up -305 Palm, Balboa piiv. H.B .. 968-6737 afl 8 pm call owner (213) EX 4-0015 Owners v.•ho now service ~ Paz Jr High, P/U or?! 774-1698 aft 5. * 54S.24li * STEAl\t Jet carpet cleaning. free ~st., a.lter 6 p.m. SaUsfaction since 195' $14. Near 17th & Irvine. rollect. ~".j~~;~mmi!~~~~ea~~ 830-2'722 Laguna Niguel Goll Coone "21~,.-.-.,--,,-, .. -.,-.,-Cb~,.,-,-,-.1 By CJa.rKare, natlon-v.ide I ... "='=-===-======= 61~2794 Costa ~lesa. Pre J er DESK SPACE full· time opera.Ion: with FOUND: . Small black cat, Jot. Secluded canyon w ol Underground utll. Great service. Free est. 00-4055 MAID SERVICE CZYKOSKJ'S CCsy·kos-k~y) employed man . 640--8716. l05 No. El Cimino R••I Company's financing. "'hlte trim, wlllea collar. 6 falrwayw, lake & clb~. view! $10.tm equity, Trade-6825 CUstom Upholstery, 1831 I Ju little as $600 to $1500 Dover Shores. 646-3091. Trd for l':OOl.m TD's mltplx for income, TO. or 'I' Carpet L1ylng & DOMESTICS Newport mvd, Ci\t. LGE, attractive room w/pvt Soln 4 S, ~~.,!nt• investn,ient in Ull profit FOUND Near Lindbergh In Hbr area. Owner 164&.1021 Owner/Broker 547-6469 Repefr "26 FHI· Like 0 ~---nl 642-145-1. bath. Prefer working lady. "...,.'"" producing r vending ma-Sc 1 ti bt oodl -l\fesa Verde area. 549-~. chines caon grow. hoo a 11ma ack P e }f11ve vacant &: Improved Lovely hiJh desert home, 6 e EXPERT e Have a MAID In your home JOBS & EMPLOYMENT 188 E 11th St, C?tt. Adjacent Time requirement Is 6 to male. 548--0746. M1 income WANT: RI lot acres, $30,000 value, Ex· to live in for as lo\\1 a.s $140. LRG-AIRY room. near to Sec. Pacific Nat'l Bank. 2 8 houn: per \\'eek along ALTERED Male Siamese. or home-. cOutal area, Ne'>''• change .for your property tlll':'l~a~lons $350 per mo. Services ren-Job Wanted, Men 7000 YOUNG man, 23, look!~ for any tralnt>e job. Willlng tn ~·ork. Peppy Budd. 645-0057 bcach ! pool! r .. Irs. }"enton. room office avail. incla all "'Ith a serviceable car. No flea collar. vie. Top of port Beach thrU Dana Point. Nev.'Porl. Laguna area, 1--,."°'==~~==~ de.red at our oUice or in 642-9933 or 673-2110 util. except phone. call pernonal sales cans. The \Vorld Laguna 494-7417 673-6800 494-4746 or 4gs.1331 CARPET LAYING your home. Please can. •St;; per "·eek-up \\'/kit· 64z..4210. machines do the selling for ' · · I=-~-·~,.--.,..---.,..,. =="'---'c..._-=:.....-1 C.A. Pa,;e 642-2070 chcns. $30 per \\·eek-up LGE prestige pvt ofrice for you. Just give good ser-BLACK And tan puppy found Trd 4 br, 3 ba, fam rm, tri. COIN operaled I. cleaning EXPERT (2131 266.Q5o Collect. Apts. fi.tOTEL. :>13-975:>. rent, Answering service =! near Kaiser school. le\·el hon1e, La Psz sec, agency in nc1v shopping CARPET lNSTAllATION LOCAL Girl \\tu1!11 10 clean incl. 2l92 DuPont Dr, Suite - - - -61G-TI87 ~lission Viejo for similar or cenll"r. \\'ill trade equity for •-REPAIR_. 6 .. "°l. apts &; priv. hon1es. Gd ref's Job Wanted. Women 7020 NICE Roon1. priv. home. NATl,ONALLY G. ,m hOme in C~l. E-side, or ho i i t ,.,.., .,. .. ............, •re••··••"·''· """·"2•1. kitch. privil +. Neo.r shop'g 1 _:U~t~, ~"~,,~;"'2'-· ;833-334=·~-~':.....~-ADVERTISED BRANDS L . Variety young dog. ml', rea es a e or -· · • " .,.... & 1ransp, C:'>l. 5<19-1061 * NEWPORT BEACH Civic di vision of Ull Ownei-kle.ntify! HB &: FV Mesa Verde. 837"8920 543-4l02: 962-912:5. PART time bookkeeping 11nd Cente'. 300 ft 10 1000 ft 1275 Profit Drive. area. 847--022.J eves. Have 8~~ Ac., com .. main Conunerclal 4 lsd units Sau. Painting, typ,·ng. •••ttk•·•s. Bo, COLLEGE Or v.·orking ~1rl. D U T 7-247 ELECT IC II P rh I "'" .. ""u Bal. Isl. Kll & TV rm. tele. Ans1verlng & secretarial. I am in::res:.:1n ~orr in-K~~S State University thoro!are Apple Val.; 20 It son tlngle\\'oodl $55.000 R IAN. Sma job1, ape ang ng 61~ J\1-~1 Daily Pilot, 330 West SG:'>lmo. 67:-r3613_ 6T.>-1601 formation about making nng m Cos!a .1'1esa. Bahia ~for p\\'r. cru11r. Want clear. Take Orange Co. ~!~l~na~. r~a • l -*F.-:J<T-'-ER-'~IO~t~t.~lN~TE"-R-l-O~R::.:;• Ba)'. Costa Mesa. FU RN. Room~s7;,..$85 1741 WESTCLIFF DR. money in the vending bus!-6t.>l500 lge. 2 Br. or am. 3 Br. hM". prop, or TDs. Roy J. Amt· Won 't be underbid! Custom AIDES -for convale5cenoe, Pr. t 1 u · ness. I have a car and 6-8 FOUND EnoJish Poi n te.r PY ram id Exchanaors son, Rltr. 494-7260. ._ -..... 1 11 F elde....i-..... ,_or ,.~ ..... -. Prefer college student. Sth 1m oc;.! 1 ore or o ice~ hours Jxtr week spare.time:; ide 'f ·ean 1 GlS-6060. ::,c::..c.=:...c""'"''----1 Pl..,. "'5 "''O•"· u Y guar. !nest '"" ....... ~..., ........ ... St, H.B. &12-8520. '!.:. xtl() sq-ft@ 20C, grn(fioor [] f 'cari'-ihvrit $fi00 in a _nll y: a t. 6:30 ~-~.,.--.,.---Home, l\fesa Woods C.M, 101 --C~A~.-'----VJNY-L. TILE palntt. Free e.st./color (!O~ 1ffo:rne~. w•, LOts of pkg. Wal/pan'!., cpt11. ,0,,,, 545-0333. Have .2 choice eatale Jots, mo's old SS.~ eq, FHA "-"'' . 11ulling. Local refl •. Lie, ;o.1AL£..Entire use of house, J •· u. Costa ~lesa. $lj ,\•eekly. drps, air"i.'Ond. Ch\'ner 548-9586 0 I ~an invest $1500 in a LOVABLE Cream-colored Sooth Paw:Jena; free & $28,000 loan at 7~~'*~· Trade UC CONTR. FREE EST. Bond, lnis. 492-5338, 549-0811 o~n. Wom. 7100 Call 6-15-l9S2 * DOWNTOWN H .B. route. B-1 male Poodle found in Santa. elm. Want impro"Ved prop. for Paudena area home, Jot • 540-7262 * _ Nd Wail.D'1t· I\' A Hg1 546-9723. erty up to $250.CKKI. or T.D.'s. 557-7653, I========= * WALLPAPER * ACCOUNTANT or F /C Misc. R•nt1ls S999 Remodeled ofc or shop, blk to ame .................................. ,_. na s area. ' Madge DaVls Rltr. 642-7000 G de I .1..1.aA , BKKPR. ex per• d, in ocean. Llndborg C.O. 536-2519 Address ~~ Grown >Aihite female cat Blue Chip 1t&mps, mod cam-ar n ng -Wheo )'OU call "Mac" preparation of f i n 8 n c I a I OFFICE SPACE avail. air . ·· ---...................... _.. found under Jl u n ting ton What do you have to trade! era for antique, old, odd * LANDSCAPING * 548-1444 ~1711 statements. N 0 n·p ro flt SINGLE car garagr \\'lelec-cond, janitor. aerv. music City ........ State ...... Zip ···-· _p~;'='=· ~>J6..4=':..::8'6=-=·-----IL!st It here -In Orange cameras, len11. & phot.o stuff. New law1¥ lawn removal INT-Ext painting. &b!.te &:: ci-organization w;cs fund ac. tricity. Lake. Park. H.B. . cl ~ -43 W 1 i·u S~IA><ESE Kl 1 . he County'1 largest read trad. Box, alereo, Leite Zeiss EK • • t r ... "' all oouoling voucher svg(e m. $2i ooz.7i 37 1n .s .. .,,,mo.w es c1 Phnnr ( 1 ."., ................... ' ten 1n t 1 and k dol •• ,.,,Pvt 11 1• 96.,·~....., retlO\latlng. AU ph ases Y icensL'U. yr11~xpc N" Dr. 64a-2820 vicinity of the Bl uffs, ngpogt-ma ea e • ...., · .co ecor "";.u;'" Jandsca"" lns1a1t & dcilg.,, Blll for free ~t. Gp-0238 if Ph: 642-9990 REAL ES fATE ~ 6'6-5268 i""iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio;; Generil JOO.OOO.IIDJ sq, ft. ·Dept. •8159A &1.i-1526. * * * * * * Lic'd contr. 12 yr1 Joe. exp, no a.ns, · Applicants/OUice OFFJCES, $60-$9Cl-$180, AAA WHITE Kitten found vie 536-1225. Houses, docks, boa ts, Income Property 6000 Costa l\lesa. 646-2130 CANDY AND Vista Hogar. N.B. 644-5193. --,AL7""S~G=AR=D=EN=l"N"c,.--I flagptiles, anyth i ng 1;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 ~c~offiiR~O~N~AiiD:j!E~L:iMA~Rl SNACK SUPPLY ,._1 ANNOUNCEMINTS SERVICE DIRECTORY for Gardening & small land. everythini ttaionabty I• 5 RM suite, stor & pkg, 2 ha, WE ESTABLISH Lott -and NOTICES acaplng :serviceR call 540-5198 painted. Frtt est. &16--9752. DON'T flGffJ 1100 ft d n, 613-6r7 ALL ROUTES DOG --BobYSl!tl"I 6550 5'rvlng N~tt. CdM, COO-r INT. or EXTERIOR sq .• gn • :i • ?.finiature Schnauzer-Personal• 6405 -··,,-INT1N 1No selling involve(!) Q'Pe, blonde colored male -----------ta Mesa, Dover Shore11, PA G. Loe. Ref. 1r.1. RENTALS Commercial 6085 Cash Ranuirecf with protniding lower jaw. NEWLY LICENSED _w_,~•~tc~tl~tt~. G,;;;<:;;Jir.;int."-l~M'!Eti;D~~S!:.e~r~•'!!t'!"'i_· __ ,_,.. -, *FULLY LICENSED * COSTA MESA PRE-SCH estimates. 646--0210 COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL Plan Olle • •• •• ••••••• $975.00 List aeen on training Jeaah OOL Profess. Garden Malnt. Check. thi.s ne..iv indusf'.ial Rentals 500 sq. fl. to 2800 sq. Plan f\\'O •••••••••••• $1625.00 in Emerald Bay. Name Ar-Remwned Hindu Splrltualiat 18th & Monrovia. Introductory Pruning, tree work, apmklr INT. & Ext. Acoustic cell· building in pnme location. ft lk to lOc. 496-l840 SC. Plan three .......... $3250.~ chie. Family broken hearted. ~Yict ~~matt~n. offer, 1st Wttk Free! Plan-&erv, aeration, t er t \JI ze. ings. $15 rm. Average rm Oll i ~=·"'::;:::;::==..0"'=== Excellent inco~ r,.... , low 494-9330 l)w_ gc, usine&A ned progni.ms, hot lunches, pest. diaeue·, weed control. $11· +paint. 543-2T::i9 af! 4:30 New 3 year leaSe at Sil 1. v• Rearlingg given 7 day1 a Age 2.., '--6 JO < Cl job <~ ·~ * Rocopt/Stono .• $52S Fait accur. typist/Ille SH/ cool head /busy run jflb * Typiat ....•....• $375 Cal'C('r OPPor. for gd typist/ f!arly hrs/learn new bus. iness. SERVICE CENTER Employment Agency 500 Newport Centel" Dr., NB Suite 200. By Appl. 644-4981 per month. \\-'ill nc1 app~xi-Industrial R•ntal 6090 hours_ weekly ~~k. <Days &: ij I r.t AL A YAN-~fale cat, w~-ek, 9 AM _ 9 PJ\f 118 ' ~.Cb"'" : am ... pn1, e11nup s • .............,.~ PA I NT ING : Hon e 1 t mately 11 %. Sales price, Even1ngsl. RefllhngandcoJ .. looks like long lia i r 312N. El Camino Real, wk, mpa~; 642.4050 MONTHLt J'aw·n matn. Guaranteed v.'Ork. Lic 'd. $108.000. ldeal invl"stmcnt C0Ml'l1'L & industrial apace lecUng money from coin op. SiameM; named "Lucifer". San Clemen~ or 8.18-5237-tene.nce, New lawns & local ref a, Call 67:>-5740 aft APT . Cleaning: Woman and hedge for inflation. For for ]ease on San Diego Fwy erated dispensers in Costa Vic Baycrest, NB. Reward. . 492-<9138, .G2-0076 LICENSED Child care my ~prinkler1 installed, mto-~':;.· ===-.,-,,,-.-,-.,,,..--needed~ expcr. Own tra.nsp. more information. please nr Laguna Niguel. De.It.lo. !ifesa and surrounding area. 548-5289. alt l pm . MASSAGE SPECIAL home, ages 1 to 5, Mon thru till ing. trees &: ahr\lbS PAINTING & Paperhanging. Per110nal ref's, 642-1224. call K, \V , Sniall '>''ilh Electric, 831-1400 (Handles nan1e brand candy LOST lOf20; blk. & fav•n 6 Dollar'!! Fri. Lunchc& &: 11nacks in-removed, 548-5924 lnl, &: Ext. Reasonable. BABYSITIER Live-in until Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. FOR L.o;e-SJOO sq ft prim• ~ 11.nacks.J. For personal Jemale Germ. Shep. pup, 4 He I: She Health Club duded, Vicinity of Baker&: AL'S Landscaping. Tree Free estimate. 646-7081 June. 1 child. House cJeat'l- 5'11·2621, Eves·'>'·knds 538-59il war c h ~ e 1pace-all/part. 1nteJ"\lle\\' in Costa r.lesa m°'·• .. Canada". vi c Separate walk in Sauna'• for Bristol. S49-4038. removal. Yard remodeling. INTER & Exter painting. Ing. 51,~ day1, S-10. 536-9711. ''"""""""""""'""""""""'I Irvine Ind, 1-tr. Bullard area. send name, address Corona de! r.tar. Re1~1ard. Ladies & Gentlemen 847.7879 BABYSIITING, day or nite, Trash hauling lot cleanup. Free est. Local ref's. Llc'd BABYSITI'ER Mon, Wed, 8 UN ITS, v.·ell-maintaincd. l ~Sl...a:;_c:o:3~t.7"--=c--c;;-: I And phone number lo r.-1u111., ~6l~l-880,;,;;~l~.~-~.,..---~ 1 17434 Beach Blv(. (comer lg fncd bk yd, infant Repair 1prnklen. 673-1166. &. ins. Call Chuck, 645--0809 Frt. days, my home Laguna on spacious 100' frontage, 2 2800 sq, fl. ne\\/ bldg. 1Y/lg State Distributing. lnc., 16811i..osr· Bl k & \'hi 1 of S\ati;rJ· H.B wel come. 642-529!1. CLEAN UP SPECJALIST Beach. 494-4918 after 'f PM. br ea, bltns. patios. encl \Vest Broadway, Anaheim, . ·. ac ; 1 le ~eme e EX IMMEDIATE Est. on quality g ar \Valk 2 blk s 10 17th St oGverheadc,"°"i ~A!~ mo. 2950 Calif. 92802 17141 778-5060 Siberian Hus.~. Y1c. of * MASSAGE * n!fioMlotl&1cr,88mky hom5e. Nr. Nle~ .. fe.nce ~?P•;~~ ~o55wing Inter & exter painting. Aplt, BABYSI'ITER for church · :~'~'~"'~·_,'.:'.·'.'.:_,·:-;:=::-·=~~I:;;;;,--·---· -----·-I Ne\\'JIOrl Heights, NB IRLPOO o.ns !'r l's &: .:ug1ng:. n.cU. '"O'"W' • homes or just a room. Jack, nurse .... , 9:15 to 11:15 ·-i;hop'g nr Nev.'JX>r1 Blvd. AHi "·"' "~" SAUNA * WH L Sonora Sehl •~1~ ., -·· NEIV Bldg 1-• to 2300 ft v'tv-<>.>v7 · Lov I · .....,.. =~. LAWN ~--e clean"-·-•h 837-<925, (213) 430-2866. ev•-Sunday St John the Approx $14,000 ann. gr inc. · .1Qll • \VANTED PART TJJ\IE e y Girls. Plush facllltJe1. ....._. • ,,~. ... '" · · pr ice : s 10 6, 00 o. Nr. Baker &. Fairviev.•. l yr TORQUE wrench "Snap-on," ()pen 7 :!ays, noon-midnight. MY home, fenced bk yd. hauling. F.V., H.B., &: PAINTING _ Ext.-lnt. 18 Divine Episcopal ChW"th, 21 l/m.82ll or 682-2849 lease. Sulliva n. 540-4429. R 1 . bl 1 lh' w/blk dial face. fell otl truck 2930 w, Coast Hwy, Newport ·111arm meals. Reas. 358 Westmstr. area. Free. e1t. )Tl. exper. Jns. Lie. Free 1 "c~··"'-=M"s-&1>6==-"'°~r~nl_n=p--I Bo 6 3 e 1a e person. or is s.rea Vic: C.M. ~ .. N.B. Reward. "~.,,. Hamilton C ~f 642--0829 847-5802 est Acco.,t Ce 111 ng' BABYSITTER 1 h,. -.B~k~r~. ~"=· ~O;. :;;•~';.:::.· ---1 k ti ·' d' b ..,. Beach. 54~ . . . • . .. ..... ·~ -Lots 6100 to restoc na on... i.~tr• 0· 546-""".. BABYS~"'" ~ JAPANESE La "· · · •-OOS.-9176 · Mon rr· c •• p $88 000 I~~;,_-------tlon Of COFFEE and hoti,,::,C,.-C:.::---~---ALCOHOLICS AnonymOUll. '' ''1~ my , ... me, n...,,caping • .::;~:;:;==~===-ings · 1• ·l••, h: Westbay ln~om• Hom•S VIEW LOT. drink products In (!Ompany REWARD '>''hi. b I a c .k I !I h Phone. 54Z..72I7 or write to reas, rates. tnfanls prel'd gardening 11ervlces. Call for * PAPERHANGING 64i..7648 aft 5 pm. Prl,•ate 3 bedrm residence + secured factory locations. EJ>lotches cat. fluffy tail tlea P .O. Box .1223 Cosla. r.teaa.. N.B. area_ 67l-TI82 free estimate. 548-79.58 or & PAINTING. • 968-2425 * BANK TELLER * (4) 2 bedrm apts. Estimated \\le are a highly referenced collar Bal Pe.nln. 673-.2634; B i k 546--072.t. LABOR&: Mat'!, Inter & Ex· Experienced. Ph: 536-9371 gross monthly income $1010. $2,950 FULL PRICE company, Excellent lmmedi· 673-8867 er collecl 68S-5lS9 Announcements 6410 r c ' Masenry, '560 NEW La.wna, re-teed. Compl ter. $10 per room. Free est BE DI s t ri bu 10 r 0 f JjC E. 20th St .. COlita l\Iesa. 11.te ca.sh income: for 4 to 6 LOST: Belge male poodle. •tc la~·n care. Oean up by job 557-8638. 540--70.JG. non;iolluilng product~ A. , ~"="~H~do~'="""24~oo.;i;;-~' ..,-,"°';--,;;~ hrs. twcekly "'ork day1 t1r Balboa Island, Sun. eYe. v .. ~~ °':'t ~.:.~.'° ;! ~ -Brick, block, itone. Patios, or mo. }·ree. est. For info I olNT~,..::;.::::;E;.XT;;;~pal:::,~,~;ng-. ~E=,-. 0 w n Boss work Ing ./·• ASSU~1E 7':fi LOAN • Owner Must Sell eves.) You may expand full Plaid collar, "Charlie". Jamaican shoe shine, Try entrance ways, No job too 897·2"17 or 846-0932. perienced, neat&. N!f1. $9.1 ='°="~..f='~""-'-7>-m5~---- Costa J\.Jesa: 2 B.R House time later wlth our expan. REWARD! G15-4lTI Bill'• 40c Jamaican Shfne, small , 846-7825, Ref furn. GEN Cleanup, tree & 1prnklr per rm+ p&lnt. ~29. BEAUTI! Receptionist • + !4) 1 BR apts. Room 2 Bl k S alon program if you desire. LG. Altered M/Orey le Wht 185 s. Coast, LaiW\8-Beach. serv. Rototill. l!andyman, McAdam& Painting Sa\'. G Jr I Friday, LI t " I more. $56,000. Gl'OSll $6,500. lot 24, OC 4 No experience neceaury. Cal. Lost 10123 • Vic: COTTON T-shirt fabric $l.491 Co1rpenterlng '590 odd jobll. Reas. 646-5848 • Inter. &: Exler. Speclal rales ae e re tar i a I . 'Muat be ' !>ID-4059. We will train. Sl250 total Golden\\-t&t & McFadden, d .,.. td CM K U CARDENING on apls. ~15 beautlflJI, ambitious, &: l=~======='i Arch Beach Heights caah requ~ For more in-H.B. f'leacollar. 892-61167 Y ....... eato · · nit ng, CARPENTRY By Experlenctd Japane:ae PAJNTJNG ln , ~, sharp. Exp'd Ol" will train. Business Rental 6060 formatiCln. write Piatributor LOST: Small blk kitten. Vic. American Knill, 2026-A N. MINOR REPAIR5, No J'ob * &18-0228 * : ter. • ""'er. Fun or part time. P.O. Box !FOR LEASE * BARBER SHOP* AIRPORTER· INN HOTEL L19una Beach Division No. 100, lUl \V. Brookhunt 1 Garfield. H.B. Tnstin, Orange. 637-ft20. Too Small. Ca.blMt 1n gar-=~_;__.:;;:.=::_,:.-~-I Very rea10M.ble. 64:Ml818 10026, Santa Ana Rob inhOOd, Stockton, calif. Owner hellrtbroken. 968-795.i T 1 1..1190 age11 A: other cabinets. EXPER. Japanese Gardener. alt 6 PM 180 •=A~T=s~,-~m="rm'°"'~IE~R~~O~R-1 95207. Include phone no. WST: All white. long haired -"'-°'-"'-L--------1 545-8115 If no answer leave complete )'d tervlce. Rella.1 ·*.=::~Pc;Ac;P,;,E~R-H~AN~G~E~R~* UPHOLSTERER for In- GOING ·business for sale .. cat. Fem • (PEAF) Vic: TUTORING in your home. msg at 64B-2J72. IL O. i&~ne~·~·~· ifree;p;;~'e,'~'·~6402~-'~389.-;;;;r.I ~P~rol~'~"~io~"~"~·'===~'46o~24<~9 tcrk>rs & canvas coveni. small coffee shop 42nd St. NPT. 6T'r3517. Cr.rt. teachf!r. Grade1 1-8. ~A-=nd="="'"==-,-=-~ •EXP Japane11e Gardener. S & H PAINTING P~rm pos. fringe ben'11. Writo .J 8140 .W. A ... D, Lanchuter 93534 ENJOY The winter in Palm Springs-\VUI sell my lot In Ot..-.ert Parle Estate•. Astun1e valuation ~. fl.lake otte:r. * 548-2125. Er-.iERALD Bay, ~8n view lot in pvt community. A~ prox TaXlll Jor Mle or R d, t M 0 0 MainteMnee & CJHbUp. Dov.~town Santa Ana Joca-SOIJD ·hi ~ ·-~ 1 ea ing 9ys ems. r . REM DELING """' Repair • Complet •·-·• ling.,._, l..Ake Arrowhe:ad Marina. . .._ l"P T w le ""'"'P'"'""• e-"''L~-t. ~-"'-·~ . tit c 'I Id 12-6 pm-82fr.29JO .. e <w-HJVl..le ..... ~. hon. .,...,......-. . . erms mile 5 mos in South Lt.-n•.vvo. v.u-....-1peoa s . ornm , ttl en. I ~:O,~ilii'~rif~'!if' I :~"36-~2l~t~7~"'~&1~~~1403~=· === l .OP~h~•ii(~!~H~1~33!~-~:ioo::::.:1 ....... 1 avail. Days 541-3722, eve guna' 4!$-29'79 tial, Paneling, ca btne1 1,1 Complete Yard Carel :Hl-5643. · Auto Repair• 6"0 marllte, fotmk:a. Call Jl~t 54G-4837 Plo1storfft1, Patch, BookkHper J\tAIL Order buslncu, ?t1ake$ Personals 6405 TOP vw mtth&nlc wwkl ~64;;'";,;;75;;98:;·,.---,,--==,..,-I • GARDENING service .l. Repair "80 &stab, firm seeking a mature you $ m 0 n e y! Total in. dayi will fbl' )'Olfi' car eve.n-REPAIRS * ALTERA· Cl~anup, Free estimate. &. capablt lndl\'ldu&J w/auto. veitmenl $395! Secuttd. SWINGERS! New Oranp inp. Call 54$..7986 TIONS * CABINETS. Any Elqt Japanese. ~18-8255 aft 6 * PATCII PLASfERING motive background. G~&t 64~2740. ~Q, cu:~ ~Int~ SERVl:E OIRICTORY size~ ope.r. 543-tltll GAR~E~~E~P'O All b'~I >~matts r:~~i!.1~.~ $500. Cell ~ to LH11 6Jll ~193. lolryslttl"f 6551 CUSl"OM Clb!neta ... moc1,1. COASTAL AGENCY 1 l HEALTH Spa membtnhlp -ins & additions. Stat~· Uc'd General S.rvlcet '612 Plumblnt 6890 2790 fWbor Bl., CM CALL FOR • tnd<. 111,500. Pvt Pty. APPOINTMENT 8*-l'33 * 13s.2no * I Ml C.M. 121.000. Cbmm'I loST=o~RE=--23X=~.oc--~,.,.=-.,1-.-.·.1 lot. 100' fmlg Beach Bl.. prtSf!.nUy fali hlon hlde-aw11y Stantor;i, S3S.® 6*.oo33 Vinco Rily. St TD Oan lo< ale '°' 2 Tm ...,. WlU. Babytlt! My home; •'°":::;:",;·,,:":;S-65;:;:;1;:,I·,;..._,,;:. =.,;19::,,-l .;;=;;;.:.;..;.;:'-'-'=-=o I Ot .. r ltt/fttt lolM •V>n. pym11. 15 mo. iett. 641-39'1J Pref lnf8n(t..S )Tll. Vh:: 1· CUSJ'OMiWOODWORK FJCPERT stntra.1 clean-up, PLUMBrNG REPAIR I~ JNTEftEST ait. 6 or week.ends anyttrn.. Atl anlle &: MagT!olla .118. l'uml~ A Cablneta garden In.a.. pat nting, No job too an.a1l , dreu shop. Sotnc fix tures. \ ,;:;;:;:;,;;:;;:,===== Av.II Dre 1, 33l E. J11h St.. 2nd TD Loan Myst<ry J"mP'r MIGHTY 5.!6-897l. 548-4235 or -!~001.~:J'i"I· 615-23!1 or' e 640-ll.28 e MEL:TON a'"pt alter ... , .. ..., e LOOKlNG· for a com-i>.i ,.....,. llO~fE REPAIRS w -·~ Corpontry-Ail Ty-• P111mbt-.. 1-tt1•al 17 u fir bad jump on third ttrHt. panion, For my 2~ )'? old . _... NEED typing done? We ··11> .... .. • ~ · • 0 C I $o. ' Tmm hued on equity. IOll Call Syd, MT-2491 do 5~.. , ,,.-;;&1;;•.:·27SS;.;;,".:or~&l::2<>506=::........-I .., ..... ~ Acreage 1,;:C~.·~··~·~~:..::~''""',,__,.,.,.-:.,HA.RBO!l BLVD. fro nt . 19 x 31' w / regtroon1. 2110 Jlarbor Bl\'d, Ot $200 mo. year's lrt1se. :">18-0783. , Of'FICE. STORE, 1K'ar N'pt, Pot:I Ole. 2 Rm.1 .• 4~ tq, It. Good pkinR. $120 mo l Graham Rill' 64G-Z114. ~ l A .. oranges; ml. o TIME FOR · ctn . ~· accurate, 1; RJ""'td<. g Yr. old .,..1 '" 642-2171 54M611 * * 5Sl-* S>IALL JOB "'"""'ble. 61&-<2311. ZI HR. Pl,mm.,., ttpalr "'"' cond. 135,000. Sub. .. ..... -.,... 21 yn. QUICK CASH CHIU> CARE ""' home. any SPECIAUST X·SECRETARY "'"" ,,,,.. .. moc1o1 ......... . Trm•-SfJ..311 Sattler Merfta .. Co. •ire. Ne•r Fah~lew "'1 _...:;ean;;o..:;Gol<lon~:,;,,·,c84&'54:,::.::'_::J:__ Ing. Spcr'1 s ~clNt)', ex· Call 646--3340 GOV'T lAnd, S5 •ere. 'Vrita: , ___ m_£_.~1~1_a._.s_ .... _•_., THROUGH A Adam•, c.~t. S19-0752 ROOFING per. "'-r •. 549--019'2 DRAINS Plugatd? Draining Land Packl&e-. 1113 No. Ar-Tul'TI tho!t Wbtte Elephantl DAILY PILOT e Wiii do babYslttlngi ol A1111ome JmpN\~m~ntt. 'RA"'°"'"'lN~gu-tt-,n-1--,-,-, ,-,-,-,-d . slow? 'Expertly cleaned $91 r owhe 1.d Ave . San tntocubthruaDlll)'Pilot Inqu!r.'D}VlctOrla,No.Dt, FrteE.n. 53G-1059 Rainy tc•f!On hf'nt .oon. 24hrlfil"V.~ ~"'"'°:::.:="':.;::'"'::·c..°'=·---._ot_m_~_,.._..une_·_a11_11~--"---W-A_NT __ A_D_--1r,...:c::.·'c:'·.:.As::k:...::lo<:...::M::ll:::llt""---DAILJ..lt1h1' WANT ADS! Fm: t-lt. lteu! 968-22>8 Oaasltlt'd'• aciiOft powt~ .. -'!' ' r-.J., + • * IUSBOY Doy• or Nights . Apply ln penon REUllN'S AIRPORT * 41>47 ?t1AC ARTHUR,, NEWPORT BEACH st DAILY PILOT S•turdlf, Oclobtr 31 , 1970 Here's How Yot1 Can Use Our FalllOUI Dime • A • Unn , "' FIVE CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU e Bring them or m•ll ttt.m with correct cash to OM of ow C convenient offfcn.. e No lfve1tock, produc• or pl•nt1. • No commercial ads 11lowed. a NEWPORT BEACH ..... 22!! Bolbo• Blvd. a LAGUNA BEACH ...... 222 Fortol Avon°" e Eech Item mutt be priced with no I~·.,, over S25. a COSTA MESA ............. 330 Wtol Boy c: .... u s.n.n ...... ,. ... a HUNTINGTON BEACH .. 17875 Booch Blvd. a SAN CLEMENTE .. 30S No. El Comlno Root LAWN mov.ws $5 . $25. 'l69t1 MATTRESS, Box ..,rlnr $10. ting, oriental motif, blue-BELLYBOA'RO $15, Spear GIRL'S 24'' Sch\.\'lnl'I bicycle MOTORCV-CLE' helmet ~ BOOKS %lc • 73c. Records w. 20th St. C.\1 Mattress. box .spring, m~aJ green $20. 968-7001 aun $12. 546-438S. Ul. Good rotar)I mower S15. price S16, 962--0661 25c • Sl. CurtailVI SOc • $2, IN • .::Ec:.W=m""'aho::...:g::..ony:__c7h•-,-,.-."f I frame Sl5. Relri&:erator, HEAD Sid poles SJO 54~214 CU~"TOM Made square danoe 546-4431 3 OISHMASTERS SlO • S22. Louvt>red •hullers 50 c · k emu top frttzer $20 ... U Ch · Punic1 75c, H ats~. Dl1hc11 dra111'i!.l"I $15 • S25. 2 \\'OI' 646-5289• • llAND Edger. nttds new dresses, aiu: .,_1-1 a colors NE\V Crant 3 piece lauce1 icago 11nk faucet SlO. '4 Sc • 50c. tland looined rugs benchn, 5 and 7' long S8. =~=~-----~ 1 h ndl $5 M0-2219 s:; E'ach. Pantaloons and for marble. top, I u c l t • deck ch11lra SlO. 2 fire fWr.2377 100 FOOT heavy duty 220 a e ' · slips Sl. All day Sat. and ha.ndlt>1 S2l. Lar1;e deluxe acret'fll $-1. $6. 2 ha.Ir dryers Sl · s9. 359-A Woodland Pl. amp construction cord, $20. DUNCAN P!\Yfe tll.ble •nd Sun. after 5 en 111·eekd1"" blackboard for child or of-~~. $5. Fl\-1 amall radio SlO. 6 of r or 20th SI. and Tustin WHITE i.i~-1d1e paddt'd h •--•25 " b ,. ~ ""16 2-llke new Ccleman ras c a .. i:i" • • a r er w •rt' 543-4716. fice 115. Fcldln1 chair 111•l!h 1hower ht-ads SI -It 6 eltt· DAYSTROM drop leaf table, Madboard S12.50. 2 ccuches $5 . Sl5. 3 cofftt tablt"I Sl .50 lanten11 1-SJ,50, l-$5. 2 rolliserie S2:S. Maple de!k POOL Table $25. Dinette iet v.rltlng arm $6. Car Driver trlc alarm clocks SI • $4. ch11\r.1 ~-\Valnut chest $2j, vitru1 china lavatorits $3 S25. Lealher kip cnd tables ma.gazlne1 lOc. BBQ Sl. Oak arm chair $8. 3 TV Full sittd box 1pring, mal·' • $3. Toys Sc· $3. Table •bind each. l • 6 foot aJuminum SlO. Walnut end !Able SJ. 120• TWin headbouds S2·50 BBQ $1. Tran&tormt'r 120 stand• S3 • s,;, 2 small tres5 $25, Walnut bookCA!t' 2 chaiN $5. Kitchen ta e. "'"" ~ , ·-trunk •::, Lamps each. Valet S5. Velvet pie-h "--~ d 1 1 2 _,___ $3. •5 ro 110 n !eve-I, new S15. ~219 .._.5" "" 1 ,. H ,. d-r ·~ lro volt• $5. 642~3163 b!U'bf'cue1 $4 • $6. 3910~ t'adW'!ln.i A"i rame 1 . ~· ~ ===~'-7--~-~ S~$5. BllU!kets, bedspreads, ure ....,. a r •J~ ..,, n-40" II I S aquariums $5 and S7.50. \VEDDING dress poie d' throw rugs SOc-$2. Dishes ing . boa.rd S2. Iron $2. ELECTRIC dryer. Kenmore Channel Pl, f\'B. 673-lfiOJ ~;ng la:e ~~ ~~1 10. camera S1 • $3.50. An tique mire wlth li.Jian lace full and pans Se-St. Night tables Refria;erater no. Garden $25. Tu-o deluxe car aeats Sl 8.~ti-1 REGULAR Bell and 1 -~~--~--~-~ framt' Sl5. Chest of lt'nglh S25. Veil with pearl 11 ~ h Book .,,, tools 5(1c. Stove $25. One nch. Lars:e \Vonder ho~ Ho~·e-11 aelt thread pro•-tor VW bumpers front and l'f'ar •-•• 50 •-I 110 ~. 1 'th ,...., eac ' cut .... Band •to C " •1 Sh It fer -74 w1 ....... 110 each. V\V doors. rom-UJa"l\'l'MI ,,.... , .ouX o crown , • ,.'O amps w1 Books lOc-$1. ~lt' lamp Sl. !\fan • . _ amt'ra , ...... • . u. ers 4G x n-S25. New alngle breasttd je111·elry $2. Old r-.trigerator, t.hadt'S $1 t'ach. Travel iron TV trl.yl $2. 3 step W~lbarro111'! $5 t'ach. Ne1v dew $5; Fondue set $4. dark dreis auit 39 long $25. plele SlO each. V\Y bucket ll works S15. Bo111·s and u-SI. 2 U&ed irons SOe t'ilCh. aluminum ladder s2. 6• lltep bait bucket $1.50. Ca~h box-!\faple n1rtit 1tand SlO. Dttp Pachlnka pln ball gamts seats $10 each. 7.75 x 14 rov.'S 51'.lc • $3.50. Thennos. 1 \\'oman·s clothes 5c • 50c. ladder SZ. New exlt'nsion es S2 n cll. Parak_eet nest beige area rugs 8 x 12 $15, 6 S25. 1l wlumt' 1 peed tires .and whttls for Ford, gallon St. Lamp SOC', Pool Baby clothes Sc • SOe. plank $5. Slttplng bags S:S. boxe-! 50c each. Bird cag• x 9 $1~. GE electric hair ttading cou~ S20. Sliding ne"' $10 t'ach. 2-2";)() ic 10 ~Ila bal~ sOc~~~1:: g:~h~;: is.~~t:.C:~~~ l~ E. 20th St .. Apt 2, c~t. ~an;12 ~l. D. A~im~ cages dryer $.i ~7377 metal cleset doors 7\.! loot ~~s S~~~~ x ~~ei;e' ;~ pot St.50. Lunch boxes 25c • 50c. Pottery Sl -S5. 2 lee 1 ~"~8-600--,2·_,--,~-=~ 1~1: Red~~ tablep8S~ R2i~:~ e~~~~e:;; $=~1:1>='25=· ~-=71395,..,.-,,--,-.--,-= 962-1782. 961 W. 17th St. T.x:. Box cf books $2. Guitar chests 50c and $2.50. Mesh OLD Wooden Ice box $25. 6 2420 Orange Ave., C.M. Matchlna; Captalll!I chain ST~GRAY bike perfect S25. C.;'o.1. S4. Fan Sl.50. Can opener playpen $1. Free cotttt, fl. ccokca5t. not wall type \VET Suit S2S. 642-3272. S15 t'ach. French ProvlnclaJ 64;>-1628 ls=u~R=FBO==A7R=o~7~'~1~25~.~w~.~,-,""";1 $2. Bo:< of sweeper part.a Sl . happy Halloween, Sat. only. S·t 2 small v.·all aht'lves. 2 coffee table S20. La1'Kf: BEDROOM set S20. 3 !ina;le O'Nt'il, Long John SlO. Wagon wheel twin bed 510 8th St., 536-3629 shelve1 each $2. 64&--0377. BR.AIDED Rug $6. Vacuum maple ba.nfin& ahe\f $25. 611 ~s S8 ea.ch. 3 six foot 549-975"> trame $4. \\1atch and extra TR u ND LE ~s , S25. 2046 Anaheim, C.NI. SJ. Rat traps SOC, De!ks l<ings Place, Newport iurfbcards S20 each, DIAL d~ct 60-5678. Charie band T"x. Tape recordt>r S3. Baseball pitchback, sandbox Sc-Soap or candy vending $7-$12. Unfinished cabinets HeighlJ;. orFm!ca table Si P.attan your ad, thu sit back and Punln 25c. KnUe aet S1.50. 2' x8'. swimminc pool Sl machine $10. 7-UP lOc bot· SJ. 2 Small couches and 1930? Motorola 3 band radio Formica I.Able $5. Rattan listen to ~phone rtn&! Box of patterns Sl . SinaJI each. Red chair. Joot stool tit' vending refrigerator S25. covers S18 .. Target atT0\\'5 and record playt'l' tn 40" aet $20, Dinette Ml $15. charcce.l grill 75c. Insulator SS. Dinette sets S:S • $20. Old l Oc snack vending machine 25c, 5. gal Jugs $2. Do~ble high c:abinet, no tubt• S20. Rubber raft 2 ma.n S15. COWl'5 50c. n . 2214 Collete woodstock legal carriage S25. 645-0861 . mattttss .and box spn~gs 546-5392. Hideabfd $15. 3704 Seashore, Avt'., Apt 2, C.M. 64&-0627 n-wrtter $10. Brittanica SUNBEAJM ,_ I S5. BuUding and bum1ng Ne~'POrt Beach 673-6578 ..,.,.. m .... •r. mxer lumber 25c-Sl. Lamps S2. ARTIFICIA L Floral ar· ' TV. 111·orlai good S25. 542-5936 ~~~~~~~. ~~~cr,a~ needs v.-ork, julCf'r at-Cable spools S2-$4. Books rangementa and lrult bc"l\'ls. ANTIQ~E glassware $1 to BUCKET seats from Ford -. t achment, meat and l0r-50c. Ironing bo ard 25 to choose from. Won· S~.Oillamps S20~ach.Old Thunderbird $5 each. 14·• -$1. \llomen'11 clotht's 14 vt'getable a ttachment. the amplifiers S4 Hibachi Sl.50. derlul Thanksgiving and picture! set cf 3 S25. Wa!nut Chrysler 111-httl!i and tires, throqgh 20~1 lOc • Sl. Boy's la lier and nlC!or work $25. p.,110... •1· _ 14 . Tu'--ch r I st mas Klfts, a.II library table S25, evenmgs J nd F rd lru k ~~ «itt 12 le 18 box $5 each. 'I g1 >I · t ~, "" • '"" Sa rd --• s d fit l!t'P a c c -i•a c 'IU'fln ype~ •• er $1.SG-$2.50. RefrigeratorSIO. cellophane wrapped. left tu ay .,,.. un ay. each. 645--0115 Sat. and sun. 846-3818 S2.'i. % violin, includes case 226 Albert Place, C.~f. from busines~. SJ.5Q-l15. 968-67« REEL type pov..~r mower ADDING mac h In e , Bur· and bo"·· nt>wly reoon-9-l2:30 Sat.-Sun. Valut'! to S35. All 11u~ •• ~,,=-~F~O~R~D~-.,~.~tio-,--woro--n $10. Electric dryer SlO. rough! lo column S2S . ditioned S2S. Wom•n's.white shapes and colon. Ap. par1.11 SI • $Zj. 'S7 Chevy Danish chalr $2. 968-7935 Eastman magazine load gold engagenient ring, will ELECTRIC Drill and drills polntment only 64~3666. COUJ>f' parts Sl • $25. movie camera 16 mm sz;. fit center 5lone or as>-Si Elecb-ic p-inder $3. Vise, Go-Cart • .,,.. TV' •1 0 962-4~ BUNK beds, maple S20. Lamp desk sturdy $4.flO. All proximately ~~ carat, aidt' 1111ivel1 $5. St:ainless st~I _.. 1 • · ~=~~~~--~- Dtts1 lcrm $3. Infant seat good condition. Call 494-3262 stones any small size $25. potl with lids Sl.50, Dishes 54.>-19U. M~PLE bed framt', sine!e SOc, all iood condition. WIG for sale: wom twice, Drawings, eriglnal 25c • S25. 10c-50c. 256-A Either, C.M. snJDIO Couch with <.'O"Wr ="=·="=,.....=--'~-~~-~ 646-1249 CORI $35. $25 now. 673-TI.50 Oil painting1 S2 • S2!;, SURFBOARD 6 , l l', S2'1. Girl's bike Sl5. Lad ies FROSTED human hair wig GAF SUPt'r 8 movie camera, origi nal. Girl's or wom•n's WindnSea szs. 540-53lO. · ~wlnn bike SlO. Man·a SIO. 962--066J cost $40, usf'd twice $20. ANTIQUE iold swag light plush cy>.at, leather trim SlS, 1 -~~~~--~~~1 bike $8. Books 5c-Sl. Po.....er D'°RAP==E=s"""3 -~,.-,5,,2.7, 7!-"'S"'l Movie-t'ditor and viewer. with ~n .a;lass. enly S20. thil! coat is like-new. 10 10 BJue Oilp stamp books lawn mcwer rttl -.. S~ pa oni · Twi b tabl I ns ~2.sb each. 642-1755. 1859 s c;_, C~M~ . 2 pair 52" $4._ 3 """'·' 47" Uled once $8 Admiral 9" n res! e amps gallon show tank, aqua SlO. • wan uue, , . long $3. Curtains 3 p&ll' 36 .. portable TV · S20. Trolled pair. Blonde human hair Electric peeler, potato Sj, DOGHOUSE ~· Deiux~ doll 6 H.P. Brl&p and Stratton S2. 1 pai r 36" Sl.50. 6~2207 brown wig, cost SlOO, S20. · wl.a; S20. 962-0189 Electric knife SIO. Pole h25uarA~~~ ~1onel train set eniine S2S. 833-2273. BRASS lw'•n •-ad•--~ 13. e>rarwe han(inc lamp $6. RAITAN hf:'adboards: double cabint't for abol-'l' toilet S5. s ,,.,.,...xllr"V '"" uua.ru Baby walker Sl. Car radio, bed size SlS t'ach. Baby T•lephone table $5. Metal ' . · 2 -Li" Chrome-whttls, wide, Pole lamp $3.50. OctagoMI Vlbrascnic Sl5. Set a f clothes 10c • 25c. Rugs, office d~sk S25. Matching GOOD Single bed, <'?mpl~te fit Ford and Chr)'!lf'r pro-lllmp lllble $4. 2 wood chairs Walter Hagen's rolf \\'OOdl drapes St -Sl5. 8-432 Dan-chair $15. 8' tangerine and S:lS. Dcublt" bcx spring and d1JCts, S10 ellch. 4 Shell, S• each. 2 mllple bedroom $25. Set of Wa1ter Hagen's bury Circle, H.B. 968-1763 .st0ld couch $25. 3 piece llt'C· mattrtu S20. 646-7221). \\'W, G78 polyester cord lan1~ Sl each. 675-2207 PILOT NEW packaffli l<i ngsl :c c 'GARAGE SALE: Saturda) Bnens Burlington nc>oil'Oll and Sunday l:Z.5. 1i block r;heet~ $14 set. Pillo"' eases north ot Coast lligh"·ay on $4 set. Beaccn sarin bound Heliotrope, Coro~a del Mar. blankets S10. Q ui It e d next to Community Church. ~pn!'ads SZ!i. \Valn ut 011 paint i ngs from S.1 t:iookcase S20. Qclrl lainp:i; S7 Clothi11g li'Om $5. Ari ob. • SlO. Lan;:e gold h·a111c if'cls S..1 10 S2.i. \\'rough! Iron multJcclored Harbor Sl't'ne SI to S20. Vacuu111 cl~aner $1.l . Walnut framed scene SIO. Jt'wl"lry front $2. Dishes, SIO. Club aluminum fryer, I ron1plete set, $2.;. 644-1929 ca!se~es s:i. 1\lt>l&I ~helvrs PATIO umbrella I a r I~ $5. Chin& SI • $5. All yello\\' fringed UM!d oncl" perfect. must d i1 pose. I paid $60, sell m . Call 847-5066 64-\--1693 BELLYBOARD. "El Pai]lO ... 1 ~11Nfbick,-w~.;~,h-,-,w-,~.~~-cl, like nl'w S2Jc, Rollawi_tY ri nd tires $25. Aqua .!iludio cl otht'sllne SlO. EI t" c:: Ir 1 C' rouch v.·ilh hnlstC'r :ind font ball S2.50. l\1isceUanrous ' l"C\'t'J'sibte cu:ihlons S 2 5 chitdrrn',; gamt's from 51k. Fold ing bed $10. Ceili ng Sl).-6.12-1 :\ 11""11 f•xture $4, Child 's car STOVE $25. RefriK"t'ralor for acat, black and rood con· garage. hfoverage S25. 2114 dition S5. 673-::.398, 67~S18:1 Continental, c;-..1 BEDS 2 hvins S:?.i each. Breafa.st hutch v.'i1h i:lass 1liding doors $2S. 2 Rucksack!! S5 each. Army cot Si Dresses 50c:. 411 Klngii Rd, N.B. \\'HITE rotRry electric 1e.,... ing mac·hlne and at- tachment! $10. Swivel t'lt"~k 1'hair S5. Life size mann!k in· $7.50. Travt'I clock S2. Roost>velt dime set in folder $9. 675-5258 NOW! NEW! ' :,:. 'P ~ \ . ... -... .... . ' . ~ ': .... •-¥1 ' ,,., .. :,. :··~ . -.. ,~~ ,, " . . . "~ .,,, 1¢' . • '•f .. ~ .. ..,.. irons S25. La.dies Zolf cart DINING room table v.ith 5 ttonal 14' long, 11ide 1!t'Clion1 4 l\faple dining cha.in SlO tires, ™'e 14", h~'O 15" ntlU'· 1· lWEEO aofa, S20. 962-30J6 11. 546-3860 cha•·-l 20. •-un·tv sh•·-· S25 t'ach. Cenlt'r 11ection S25. each. i\taph· coUee table ly new Sl7 ea~~· .,~!~''e=r=c=c=E=R=·=s--,~,-,-,,· ,---~0• ·~ ..x.. '"' Stereo, t"·o -...akeni $25. S10. Step end tablt' $7.50. TV pcpcom popper .,...~"""'"· 962_3036 --60 VOLVO engine S25. 1ikt' new S5 each. 16'' hand .,.,... FendeTI SlO • Sl5. Radiator, JTIO\\'er $8. Toys SI • S3. i\tagazines, old and new 5c -stand Sl .50. 497-1829. CHEST of drawers, dcuble ~I and shell SlO each. 847--0307 SOc. Tropical fish brttding vw Bui le'at~ and floor mat. SZS. ~ fat fryer SS. Elec-ROu.AWA Y ~· ~d sly!~ Other puU $l • $25. tank and pump $5. Vinyl S25. 546-96.\l trlc can opener Sl Floor with roil springs 1n mat-PENNY .,.,.., ,.~76 NICE 5 dra"A'"tr chest $20. tile, rurquioise, J::.O sq. ft. •""-64,, ~ lamp S2. 673-4387. · IT't'SS Sl5. 315 7th St. Apt. C, o;u......,.. Girrs frilly \'Vtlty. bench $15. Reel to reel tape GE Refripra1or ....., ~" ~14. H.B. DOUBLE bed $10. Baby crib and mirror, marching 5 l"t('()rder $5. Bar stools, one-BABY Car bed $5. Double SCR•AM-LEJS CJIA~fPAGNE h.'O p i.ece SlO. Chrome kltcben set. drawtr chest sz. 847-3366 s,;, other S10, matching. mattrns and spring S15. seetionaJ couch, loose pillow with six chairs $10. 54>3200 BEIGE blocadf' divan good Cestume j•v.·elry 5c -$5. Frame $5. Boy'1 clothes to 3 ANSWERS back and aeat cushion. w ry 2 COPPER tnys $15. Copper condition $25. Beige nylon Pocketbooks and hardcovers yrs Sc-SI. Pecan frame for good condition S25 each kettlt' $4. Brus lamp $14. 5 occasional chair S25. Ken-Sc: • $5. OCC text books Sc: • double bed S25. 67>-4138. piece, Decorative ch a Jn lamps S2 • SJO. Dt'lightful more automatic wuher two S12. for Art, Li~ral Arts, YAMAHA 55, fiO, so. 100 Ht'lmt't -Scour -Rouse -lamp $10. 968-2889 hard pieces fire \\'OOd S2S 8pf'ed ccppertone $25. Science, Englis h and parlll and accts!Orie&: 71 " Trough-SHORT 59 CADILLAC parU 50c oord. La.rte. fllbulous warm Whirlpool automatic washer Busine1s Majors. Recordt11 Akron! rim, front, !"W'w S10 ... Teller to , a holdup man: S25. 2 nigbt5ta.ncl.! SJ. RCA° ccats SS to $25, larce size, coppertcne S5. Plate glan and a.lbum1 5c -S'S. Lincoln Rear whttl with :i 25 x 16 Listen, lth!ter. take the bl k -• hit 1 ~· h A ' . SJ · " 36 --• II !lo Id " boo"-too w'oU a• !' 8.C ll.uu II.' e C0"50 e 'Y 90me cas mere. n 1ques m irror ,7J x . n~s pt'nny co t'C n, many e tire $15, Front ""·heel with ""· · .. Y · m $25. Girl's lhoe ideate!, size • S25. 500 buildt'.r's tile 4x4", resUver Sl.50. 19" Packard Lincoln coirui le -SID. good small knobbie $8. SHORT myst'lf. 4~s15. ker, good frame pink S6. 10 maple C'llptaln Bell TV wtth cart, v.·or\cs Famous brand shof'a, I. Righi 5ide case with. good 1970 &st !t'.ller by Reuben s . 94! and matn cha.in $4 .SO each. good S25. Copper planter $6. !\.tlller. as~rtf'd coloni, size 1 1 be S8 Left S4 \ 1 nd 1 SJ 'c;ir.;.,W'-:;;:;::-o.;o;--:::-:;:-11 cost $35. l\fapl e round table New l\1arshaJ1 '11 photo tin-9-11. narrow and medium auto.~ pu~p 60-80 clut h M:. ~~nut e tab e · 1DfNJNGcllairs S2.85 each. $8.50. 25 plctu'res and ting set cost $7.65 for $3.75. v.·idth SOc -$5. Purses real ~~ 11 ~ ca,:_ln · crank~ ~ · Ski and dlvtr top, slim, long frames fl -US. 1024 Linden Norge dryer ti mt' rs rx leather. some alligator j()c • ~ Ml" S4 ch 55 \VET SU it small $ 2 5 · 1deeves SJ.95. . Two ireen Place. O>sta l-itesa, lJ t'ach. Li1ht switches lOc $5. Chair and m&tching ot-gocx1'C:.nks:i;,~&nd ~ $:zs. 842-1039. rattan ch~irio; _S4 t'ach. 2191 8--0)7 each. TV l~ht 50c. suede toman. cost S200 f n r 80 sl:n'<'t pipe with header 4 8.55 x 15 tlrt! S7. 10 x 12 Harbor. No. 7a BUFFET, v.·alnut Danish golf 1hoes siz~ 91~D like upholstery $25 for both $6. Trail shocks. fi0....81)-100 gold carpet $5. 852-1039. KEN~t ORE gas dryer, 111t1rla modern S12. Sunlamp $4. new S5. Nt'1v R evere pie~s. Lamp~ SI -$10. $5. Yamaha 80~ngine in t'X· DAY Bed $10. 'fypewrile-r good S25. 546-1258 Eltt'tric Door polisher S4. automatic 5Uptr eight movie Univt'rsa.l M'llli ng machine, cellent rond.ltion, excellent, $25. 3 Maple bar 1tools s~ rREEZER $25. 548-8236 Ail ~ condition. ~9579 camera in original box electric new model SZ5. At-rrxier and piston S25 h 8j cl · 1' s3 5....,.. nevt'r used $22. Cofftt pot tachmenll and disk.-. fer em· no cy 1 · eac · cy e, '1ir s · BOY'S 26" bike $20 Room GAS stove S25. 613-0935 Sl.50. W ro u .a;h t iron broidery 11\ltches SlO. Jan: S49--6l47· ~rass ti~ !let $4. ~rought cooler, ~-orks good sio. SUil· SLEEP 10fa, foam rubber. magazine rack The. Spinning llnd glasses, clean le each. TURQUOISE Nau I ah Yd e iron hanging lamp $5. Maple case S:?. 465 fttl RG·71A/U brown atrlpe, 2 bolsters, f'ffl st. Early American St't o( dishes, 1t'rvice-fer 8 rocker S15. Larre table coffee tablt' S 7 · Can-a.ntt'nna wire SlO. 548-3236 ·~ .,. ~· 1 Ima 13 Th' · · 1 lamp, near new $7.50. temporary corner !able S7. <ITT'>'O-:::::':c:=T:"::'?C,,11 lcod looking. ~· ............,..., magazine rack like new $6. :r.: f' c · 111 1S a pnva e 5-48-GlS7• White marble top only for 3 PIECE sectional couch. in BRAND new baby equip. \Vhlte modern table lamp family in a pri\•ate heme. If corner or coHee table SZ3. good ahaPf:" SIO. 2 match.inc ment, complete $25. 549-0719 and shade like new S%. Cop-phone busy come to 1169 DOUBLE 1-feadboard. dark r-.t a r 1b 0 u 1 h 5lool S?. end tables .and coHee table, per planter and stand $6. 9 x Dorsel Lane. Ccsta l\teu... \\"ood SA. 6-t&-1824. 675--0186. all lormica with ~·aJnut QUEEN 1iie ~ltdllern.nean 12 oval braidf'd rug SIO. near OCC 546-3639 ! •2 h 3 •-ad•--~ 125. r.tetal bed . · BLACK And ~1-llte portable 4 T' h' _,1 •= 13 gra n • •ac . TV·s $5 '"" uu..iu f.te-tal suit case $2. Car DINING b fl 1 bl -• -· 1 ires, w 11•-w11.1 s °""' x · "'" Beds •'oh t frame $4. New complete roont U e . Onu, , v, remote ccntro. new Iota of milt'& ior that 200 . · Yd rame, Kirby attachments S20. 20 cooler $1.50. 842-3276, Hun-5 drawen, 2 compartntents picture newly reconditioned SlO 33 . r 11ngle S5. double $8. All day gauae single ban-el shot.run tington Bt'ach szo or le!ls. 543-2726 $25. Bell a~ Ho~'fll Su"!' ~~ph.ic maga~~~~ li:e ~Hiday, 2715 Golden Circle. $25. 12 gauge hammer dou· T\VIN bedl S20. Sht'ets 15c. 2 IT="'W~l~N~-,-b-,~,~,-.-•3•ix-.1""2. ~I.al 323. movie ~amen\ S2;>. nt'"' 20c copy. 2 Gallons ol 0N0B;-;,-cc:-=-.,.--,-.,~ ble barrel shot.run S25. bic~les $2.50 each need "~potless," S18 each. Phone K~ak 500 mcvit' projector a lkalyd rl&t "·all painl. Pfl]t FOLD N' roll serve ta.b!e, M9-0TI9 repair, clothts sb.t' 12, 50c -S4.M328 S25. both. llmm. Brown 11.:iol pink s4. One 1 a 110 n fW'1v Ideal Chri5tmas gift· BROWN naup.hyde couch $5. $5. Young bey's clothes 50c. l\10V1 NG : Power I awn stoic iV\t h nat~ral mink Pittsburgh sun Proof ex-Sl5. Borg scaltlL S 3 . ~998 Girl's teen ch')thes 75c -mow-er S2.0. Girl's bike eoocl pockt'ls S25. W1gl~ts $100 lerior eil pi1 lnt, French lt'ay Barb<'cue Sl.50. Bo11.•lirLg Sl.50. Pul"'lt'S T";xo. Shoe' Sl . ccndition Sl.i, Games 50c 1o human hair, l~rge, stylefl S2.50. 1 gallon Super Kem-b&IJ and bag $5. HamUlon LARGE men'a drelffr $15. Soaks 25c, 9176 l\tallard S2. 6. Atepladder $4. Clothes and cleaned. hke new SlO tone latex, French gray Bl'ach bt~nder S6. ~7358 Bar with stools SlO. TV S25. Avt'., rv ... 1 1 1 6• each. Rosebud brassed an. 12 50 C h 1. ._ "l!S CR 8 1 _, . Foldinc chairs, set of 4, $5. 1 .,.-=0-c=-~---~-1 50c to S5. Art1f1c1a Pan ' , tique frame for 1111'0 2 x 4" . . as on 1ne .._....,,, . T 10. •" $1J ... Drapn 558 Tra~ne Or. 54.>-7~ 8 TRACK fitett(I extension $.'i. SJlf'aker SJ. Skim board pictures $.lSO. i\1t'n'1 zhirts IRONING Bcllrd $1. 3 Ion 111i.~ trave~ rod 66 hangs speak~r S25. T111'0 10" 16 $3. Mask and linz S2. Raft Sc-SS liemt' brand ne .... -. hydraulic j.aek SlO. 646-1393. 44 F'renc:h plt'ats S 5. 5{,~J'~~ Er:~~U~,.; ~~r·=~2.~~· :::i; S2. Beach umb~ll& S2. Set l\1en's pants. 32"' v.·aist lor SERVING Cart $10. Brass !ISS-1486 548--0730 base lo.d mobil antenna. and Sun. 54A-Oll8. 420 man 5'9" 5<:45. rilen·s !port trim, &Ian shelves, casten GOOD Hollyv.wd bed SlO. Sl2. A.\f.f'r.I tape cartridge C4brillo, Costa l\1eu. jackt'l11, sii.e 38. like new S.1. like nev.•. 646-973..1. C!ean, v.·omen's gnll clubw, 2 BOY'S Sti~. sQOd con-runer Sl 5. CI battery SHAG area rug. blue. green, Pots and J>"nS 5c-S2 . DINETI'ESet.4 chairs S7.50_ v."00d11 .. 4 irons $14. Cl'oquet dition Sl.t. 2815 ?ttonterty, c l\ara:er eliminalor Sl 5 . 44'x67", erlginal $30, now Roasttr oven \\'\lh ma~ter Jnith radic and record SS. TY.1st board Sl. 548-3774 CM Apsco hL"Pf" t'mbos1t'r, with S15. Abstract pallt'lle pain-heat <:?ntrol SIO. Beautiful playr $25. Air cooler and REF Rt GER A T 0 R $25. 2 Gau.,'5 blk .... Schwtnn 16" tape S10. Genera.I tranceil-'tr 3 DR.A\VER unfinlzhf'd chest "'Omt'!n ! clolhe1,. famous moistureize.r Sla. Pictures 540-1769 $16, 20" $2(1. Sm all IHter SXI. ~" embolLsing with fonnica top SIO. P ie· brands 50c-S25. !1zt 14-18 Sl.50-$5. Patio table, um·l'RE=,~,.~,=G~E~RA~1'0=R~~l25~.~1637. T"efrieerator $15. 1 9 5 8 tape 6 rolls St. No SUnday hlre tram es J:x: -65e. Oral· tall. Some att short \\'listed brella and 4 ctwl't'i S25. E. 18th St. 6~7&20 Piaeenda. Of l!f:lllnt:. Ca.II 536-3021 ting board $2. Small closet and could be hi"~~ Jer Chrome dint'ltt' Ml. 4 Chairs 1-.==~~.--,-,,-,-- PHOTO enlarger $25. Lenses $10. 3046 Killybrooke, O.t sh?rler girl. 1l11s 1~ a S20. White and Id 3 Pllnt'I OTFJCE chair, 1tee.I ~· $25 ea<.'h. Condenser •I $25. ~~!~A~ti.;,~~== .~~ 540-9779 pnvatl'! tale In a pnv~te room divider ';12. Lawn swiv,\.'J, naugahyde cushion Nepti~ catT\ers S5 each. mint Ht St.n. 59 thru 70 2 CHESTS of dra1\'el'I, llOHd home by a private fam ily. mo"·er 1 yr old S7 2 &f"llt, rolls $20. Rolla.way bed 3 5mm camera S2 5. cent set sealed in plastic S1. and clean S25 each, Electric Come to 1169 Dorst't ,Lane, Redv.~ btnchei s2:50 39'" ~a tire as S2.0 . Telephoto lens .25. Movie Indian ht'ad cents 4/St. can opener S2. Site A ad-C.~1 .. nea.r OCC. 546-3634. t'ach. Patio tabl~8 llod l~lrhtwe1ghl car tap CUTlf'r cam•ra $1'. !mm movie Silwr $2.50. 15 BU ce.nt roll~ ju~1an1atic d~~s form SS on TV Set.s $10425. Bt'd aprings chairs S2410. Dl"t'sses and S.'l. R~cord 5tf.nd, holds 100 camera S25. Tripod SIO. 7?lc .a.ch. No sunday &elllng. stand. Sai er Su nd I Y · 11nd m11ttn:IH S25. lee cbt'st 11uits, size 14 SS. ~~168. SJ. S4 . .,..2S29 Tllm tank ·ST.Sil. Timer $5. Call S31H021 54S-5632 $3. J?11n s~. H&i.r dryt'r S5. 2 Conmle ndlo and l'f':N>rd JUNIOR Girl Scout uniform. Strow light $2:1. :r.ttter S6~1E Items nt'.w • makt' T\YO m.atchi~ mapl e BmU('r SIO. l.&mp Sl. Iron pla.)'t'r combinations .both sl1.e 10. no lrnn S2. ~tororcy- $7.50. ~B nlct! Jtifta, must 11ell all. bookca&e; he11dborird1 $20 S.1.:11). Bt-dspread SI. Flit' \\'Qrk S10 each. N~w 'vanity C'I~ Ure '2.00 x 17 Tl)(', FENCING mas'k 20c. BOOy Laddet ba c k chair S7. each. 5-«h3259. 3245 Oregon c11blnet SIO. Prt'lS!-ll'f': ('()Oker v.dth att11d1td H1ht int{ Sl~.1:=•~t&-;,36SO"":..,,=-::,-,=,,.-=· I I pad S2.50. 2 lloChoOI type Amber sla.u hanflne lam'P. A\'e, C!\1 S2. 8l"d fram~ s .... 646-4837 Hla:h b.ack fl<n.1 print chair 2 NE\\' BBQ"a $15. 811by trn- ddka S6 .-ch. Old LC Smith 2 nwmlha old ST.50. Cu~tGm CONOLON \\'Iller ski. like 110 Bro:irl\\·ay. C.!\t. In KtlOd condition S15. Dint!· l"la Sl 2. Aluminum itki poltt l;)lpew.'fittr (anUqoe or playl made ha ns In C lamp new with nice bind ings SU. F"RtGIDAIRE \Vasher S25. If' tablt S:ll. 6 dlnl1111: room $4, Ne~· ~l~trlc tooth brush .. CN)' lavatory t.m·I $2. beau!lful S15, Indoor plant ~7&41 '''Ork ~nch $2.50. 2 burner cM.lr11 S20. ~ reco rd SlO. Iron St. Boy's blkr, $5. 147-2285 SS. Maple wan phent' 510Vf". g&I 01' butAne $3. 11lbum1, 1"1)()1;, popu l1r. DnpeA, gTftn noor to ceil- kf'i'CHEN SETS $1S-$25. Hide-planler $2. 9 pittt' bont' BEGINNER'S cuitu, new Anvil S2.50. Plng por« tablt, classi<"al •.nd B to 1 d way lM(. 13' wlM S25. ~ .--bed sz. Comer piece $1tl. c:hlna. srt trcm Enitand S7. ~~J. p>d condition SIS. net pt1ddlt!f, balls ~. P ie-muaicP.ls S~. 646-(1145. 257 2 INn:RNATTONAL t:Nck corn tr p It c e S 1 ti . t...uz'e. milk glua fruit bawl tu re frame1 50c. Foldi.ns Orie St., No. 3 C.M. \l.'ltetl1 and tires s:l.50 nch. ~ter $10. Cldld'a detik $3, Wood and bran fNlt 17" PORTABLE TV, room to cha ir T5C', Bick packs SL 5 2 Box sprinp and mat-2 OJevy wheel1. 6 hole, 1S SS. Maple bookcate SlO. set.le •1ttt ll'P" $2.25. l"Ol)m s25. S4J....M29 pi~ iiet Shos>Smlth lathe trnws. like new $15 each, 2 Inch SJ each. 3 gurfboard Mtn. "emen ud ctilld~n ·1 F\o\\V' W§f:S and bowl' 50C' 1tCA 21" TV $25. Kenrt'!Dtt tools S2. Tv.1n bed" foam tall tt.blt lamps $l End 11\a.plnc: n cks. factory made ~ Zit • $2.!b. D"~ • St. Gl11.!1 and br'lll!I jt'lly m1na-le $10. Baby bed $S. mattress S20 t ach. Me.tching tablt' 11.nd coffee tabl« $5 2 $1.75 each. Dlntna: !"Otlm 25c • $2. Olt'p fr)'t'"r S-t &en-'tr $2.50. Bottin 111\1 CL~h l'Pg11tt'r $20. Cl\lorlne f.l11ple comer hlble $15. 816 .cold llvinr room tftaln $10 table $5. Eltcrrlc mou1n l.AtSt mlnr and bowl• $4. 1111'P41 $1 • $5. Plctt1tt1, maker $20. Pcrt111ble TV S25. \\1• 16th ~.t, C.~1. eael\. Cold divan $25.Ktn-llS _:.onepower or leq $1 • 3')222 Sunshine Drive l'f'&t' n ice lr9.mes $2.50. Artist n1 hUW!rt SlO. A~l.rl\l PORTA-Crib $1 2 Net fill)"P'f!n mott , .. Cltum $10. S!npr $.l. a.cs-.8109 alter 9 A.\1 or Mapolla and Adami. ll.B. cu1-'6m made. carved b"a!M radio SlO. Traml1tor radW! S12. Hir;h chair S7. T~sttr vAcuum •NI attachment1 bf.fore 8 Pl\1 96~117, 133-22~ $1$. Barrtl lhlLPI! S.1. 1-~lectrlc mo\l.·tr SIS. Slrill.:? herl1'00m lamps $3. 2 Sil'. Sf.I af di1he~ s.;.l:H~l'LL'°'M~A~N,--.,.,~,~~l~,,..,.--.,.,~,-,:l l 2 SOFAS a.~ l•blt la.mp $2.i ha.r tunu,ual} S12. 93&1 Cnn-Poi1.11hlt ltf'\\11l( machln.o !'Alll llt'ds. t':.:tr11 Iona: S2 Stalnlttt 1tttJ siervi(.'e for 8 1ran1mlssion S2S, Small JAi PINCHER CLTA'SSIFIED 1'DS WITH A NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES 2 TIMES $2~00 ANY ITEM $ ,, . OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e No Item Over $50 e No Commercial Firms • e Ne Copy Ch1n,.1 e No AbbreYi•tion• • CALL 642-5678 ASK FOR YOUR DAILY PILOT AD-VISOR AND YOU MAY CHARGE IT! 1 . " ' I . .. Qandelabri S2l. Vaff S7. tlnental Or .• 118. Sal. and Siil, CM1r $.'1. lleal lamp S:S. r11t'h. P.nrl tabl!! S•. Cof(ee $:1. Tt1ble 1aw ~~ hp molar f'lllhW $5. Trium,ph TR.'l Gll.M\\'lft 14 . Orfstrml J>llln-Sun. only. 96H623 I Ii E. 18th St., C,l\I . t11bll" SIO. Golf b11;a $8. 2 $2:;, Pv11.·rr machlnf', 318 hp p1'r11 SI • m. J\fotorcyr!t Ul"llJ $25. Qdldrt!n'1 play ~CHEVY pkk tip put.!i S1 • )!AGSOVOX porlablt SICl'l!O 11)'Jl"lr1J cwt1. 1lu 4() !'ti. motor and table Sl5. PQ\e and mini-bike pe.rt1 SI • $1'. thlnp $1. 6'J3..J209. 4i19 $25, S.t&n JI).$. l I 5S $25. Hedae lnmmer SlO. t10. each. Bed fra.me, new tamp M. Roll hall carpeting 673--11189. Pete before l, Ottht4 AW, Cdi.W Plaoentla. Of Dici1phont $20. ~ $7. 646-U15. $5. ~ attl"r ! PM 1.;.,--.-----------------------~I I ' I. i' -----------·---------·--------·------------------·--------·---·-----------·---------------~ DAIL V PILOT :JJ S.1tunt11, Octoblr Jl, 1970 SERVICE DIRECTORY JOBS & EMPLOYMINT JOBS & EMPLOYMENl JOBS & EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE POR MERCHANDISI POR MERCHANDISI POR Ml~C ISE PCR FRE E TO YOU Jobi Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobi Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobi Men, w...._ 7100 Jobi Men, WOfll. 7100 ~S.;.;A;;.Ll;;;....cA.;.;N;.;D.;.;.;.;T.;.;RA"""D;..1_.1 ,S;..A;..L...;l...;A_N_D_T_R._A;..D.;.;1_ 1.s:;cA;.;L;.;:l;..A~N;;.D_T;..RA..;._D_I_ SALE AND T RADE I~ CASHll R-F ULL TOO GENERAL EIH1'onlo MEDICAL Aul. \Vant..t. THE DAILY PILOT Furnlluro IOOCI Apf!lonc.. • 1100 Sporllnt Oeodt ISOO M ltcollonoou1 -i;::;,;.,,.1:,:.,,.•"= , Sl.15/hr, 837-3811 auembl.y, 10lderina & Bacic ofc. loternlll 111edlc.lne. 8 EA tJ T J FU L Ear I y n· YOU need a sood reoQI). 1 Pr, ht•d rnet&l lkll, 205 LOV ABIX Younl m a I e mlx. White w/blk t)'n I ! CARPET Cltanlng packaslnr. $1.75/hr. MlWon VltjO. Ex.pt"r./rd'1. ~°QJ:ranexptrl. Amerk'an quUled fl oral dllloned appli.nct, don"I cm. $40. 1 pr. KMUt Skit, pttk-4-poo. Gray w/blaclt OOfie. Low1 chUd rrn. Ftnc- S&lflman, Work on !omm. _645-=1,.021,_·,.,.===-=~ Salary open, 837--0472. e • 1 ln ttt~wo. dawnport. Scotchiuatdtd. mlq Dunlap'1 sidewalk salt 180 cm, J$0, 1 Rupp GT-300 nn: I muk Love1 ctilldrrn ed )'U'd. StA--081.S 1113 • Exptr. ne ce 1s. Call HELP \\'ANTED M/F /.:;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;~I men'i deputment. Appllca Xlnt C(lnc:I. $100 or best of· th\1 Fl'I. 'W 9, Sat 'lil I. 1nowmoblte '88 model, never nd1, ad home tncd yd. BU< , Wht m"• k•'tl•"" ti'f3..3090. SAIL LOFT must be able to re • fer. SH to appreciate. Rafrlgeraton, wathets " Ultd, $575. :W$-IO&D after 6 847...tl654 11/3 • ., ·- CARRIER BOYS WANTED for the DAILY PILOT Dana Point, San .:Juan Caplltrano and Cap\11rano Bead1. • Contact Mr. Seay ~I DAILY PILOT •S4G-3684 .. Sec'y L ... I $.575 wrlte dearly, underatand 54.9-l6Sl. · dryers, 1Vi I: dlahwuhen pm. • =========:I unu1111J 1trlped ftm. kitten ii: Divorce A OCd'J>Ol'&tf/ expeor, t.~ntlall of pho~hy le. Ira " 1 :1:<=::~=~--~~" I all wht snort hili' cat and llO?!.fE\\'ORl{'ERS \VANTED ntet!lkr)'. Top skill•. Santa lll,)'OUI, Top eomPMY bent-OlN'G Early American IOlld at • Cuon o the.tr P ERFECT cond. 2-13 Misc. Wanted MIO othen, 546-3566 Mf0nt '· CEn\'elope Addressers). fl cMrry, drop leaf table. or1&1nal OOlt. We dellwr 'i Wlnc.hffttr. Mont. Carlo ,, ,.. Ana. ''· aood sa.luy, attractive ruaranttt Dunl ap A"-\VANTED Port . a. Crib for 1 ""'°"""""'=-c--.-:cc-~=" Ru1h 1tamped, 1e I f·&d· MISS EXEC AGENCY new quarten , Apply in writ. l\utc'1 cabinet & 4 chaln, · ,. atock & chetktrlna. $ll0 dressed envelope . 4lj) W. ~--··~.NB 1., .. only, dtlns .-~-. ,j•~lnt~~"°'~"'=·~l=!2S=·-=A=tt-=li>~m='J~p",';lla~n<:~•~·0>~.~18~15~N''•,,WPO=rt~j;~"ijs-lltlti'i1~9;A;;:06'·io"~ru;:k l,~ba~b~y~,~ln~i'~ood~~~co~ndo:l-::tlo'C".".n. ll)VABLE Blek and br mbi LANGDON \V01tLD .......,,,., n~..-... ..~.._. ..... 644-1280. Yd, CM. S4a..T788 SU''"''''"'"ARD 6,10 .. Ri"k Rt11.sonable.546-4418 hrtd doc med u . hsbrk, TRA 6'6-3939 background&: education to TTR CTIV £ n.l'ov ~ loves kids rireed1 id home DERS, P .O. B ox Also Ftt Po1!Uons A1arraret Greenman Ptr· MAPLE dln'r nn table Ill 6 A A E -piece roundtall, very rood co"" $2l Cash paid for Japn.ne~ fncd yd. 891·1593 11/3 U2'1'-A21, Rt'dondo Beach, ..,..,..., .. _,..,..,.,..,~I &Onntl Managtr, BoX 15ro, chain, Xlnt corid $l!IO. wrourht Iron dinette dlnfna dlllo.n, ~S-0623. Samaun S'NOl'ds 894-5266 aft Cc.U r. 90278 Nuning . Co1tn llfesa, CalU. M626. Matchlna buffet $25. set. Neveri\1at top, tur-J:SKSi<i1"""s~AGLJE&•"'iSkSi<b~cbbooOOi~;J~6~P~>~l-------2'~"' HSKPRS E p1, f l•mm<EJ;sES::-(;O<i(iiJi I ,!""-~:':'383!!!:-~=~~~-quolse cu1hlons. $35. <New, . '. ' SMALL Int ra ttlt m r p&ys ee. SUPERVISOR, RN. * \\'AITRESSES • CocktaU Sl&.l.) 54&-20S4 arttr 5·30 pole1. Xlnt cond. Must ieU. pa sp y ou . Ceorge Alle n Byland Agen-3 lo 11:30 ahifl. and steakhooM. Experienc. 2 End table• $3.50 each. Very . , 8!3-~32 Reasonable! cy 10&-B E, 16th, S.A. Park Lido Convall!ICl!nt , nl 'I!'.... 1 11turdy aqua blUe-couch. KENMORE auto wuher., ___________ _;*_;;;."::"".:77:.:.:.6...::* __ SHEPHERD l\.Iix male. S\\'ttt dllpoa\Uon. Fenced yard, to good home. M&-0813 Ol' 836-4'93 ll/3 '547--0395 Ce «• o y . .....,. .. aJ opportun ty, Good condition needs clean-rood cond, $40. Kenmore• •HOTEL ?i.1Al0* nter. 64U0&4. young I single. l...aiuna ing S25 Calta l\1e .. 64~ elec dryrr, 8ood cond, $60. Ml1cell1MOV1 NOO ---------PITS ond LIVISTOCK 1700 I San Clemente oUlce Pennantnt year-round NURSES Needed for private Beach. 494-ZTOO ' S Guarantttd If dtllv . Machinery~ Etc • Position. 494-ll96 duty RN'• LVN '• • Pree .• WANTED: Sln&le need le Complete Bamboo et 546--8672 847-8ll5 ?i1UST SELL! Aldes.All 1hltts,CaJtanyhr. power machine operal'Or. atter,f, 53S.37~ e RE;RJGERATORS e ~o~:~;gs ~.~~D:~eer :u:~!:. Pets, General llOO l ' lJ5 N. El Camlm Real ' <92M20 1 CLERK-X·Ra,y dept, p t . , time, after noon sh I f t . ' Pel'90rtnel Dept, Hoq: H<>Ap. Ne\vpt, Bch. DELICATESSEN man, full timf'. See. Tt'rry, Jtt-Tlme Delicatessen, 495 E. 17th St. c.~'1. DENTAL a11l1tant .I chairslde. Children's Mn- tistry, Dr. Houe:hton . 847-2566. e DISHWASHER e l<"ULL Tll\IE Apply in pel'IOn only THE RIGGER l"o. 16 Fashion lsl&nd Ne"'POl"l Beach i;. " 642-995.S SAILS BY SCHOCK. C&ll -SOFA • 3 blue twef-dV• ·All 1lze1-All c olor1 -All 3 locker combo., 40 cup ~tusl be long-term or l..e1COUlle Nunes Re:rfstry 1 ~'~'$-=1823=·-,...,.--..,.,~~ 1 matchina: chait/otto, t'Y Reuonable. s ta 1 n I e 11 llHI perc. nerotiated purthut. Design NURSING ca.re tor elderly WANTED, twlp, put time, 3 load cond, Sl.25. MT-3St0 ** 646-7820 ** portable llquor cau, slide Productions &U-3'729 gtntlemen. Strokf/ patient, to 4 hrs. dalb', maWy to AD?i.11RAL color TV, gokl SUPER 1970 dlx. 30" Fri&•· projector I: cue•. canl1ter -"===.o.::..::.::.. __ In retum for room &: board C'OOk dinner for 2 or 3 1ara, Chair, step tbl, 110me daire elec. ranee: yellow; vacuum, human halr wl1 & + 1mall salary. ~1277. adults. 644-5577. ofc. furn. Reas. SU-2603. used 2 mo. Sacrifice $].Z, hair plltce, amall ~ FREE TO YOU CHINCHILJ...AS: Emerpncy Illness fOf'ces sacrUlce of 294. prime anlmala I: equlpt. Call 5.1&--2241 BANTAMS, Fine pell $2.:50. Geese, aood watchmen $5 '612 f.tesa Dr <Back~}. OPERATORSS1nglt nttdle, 496-~ or 493-4196. rocker, 2 lpMd tans, tin! Exp'd only, Top pay , extlnzul1ber and more B Pups need a heart to 1harc. Cats 1120 Schqol1-ln1tructlon 760U Office f'.umltuN IOIO Lg. 2·Dr ttfrlg/frffz,r, 847--0116. 8 wk• old, part cocker. I-"=;....-----= IJWlNE PERSONNEL RO~'S MFG. 863 Prod1.1c· • u to/defl'Otll. Coppertone bearle & pert surprise. 5 SIJUIESE Kltlfllll, ma I e 1 :""=-"~P_l.c,, ~N_.•.;.·~ ...... ~"308-~ TRAIN TO BE A Re.fln'd M.~ wood desks, finish. LIKE NE\V! sr.xi WHY BUY black W/wht marklngs, l lrost-polnt •rid ft mal e SERYICES•AGENCY PT-time clerk typist to \Vk , $69.50 • Rttin'd wood arm 673-3118. I.he floor sand.en, palnt 1pr1.y. "'hlte w/blk mark Ing s . seal~lnt 10 wks., $15 in aall!ll dept. Hg, &ehool Heavy Equipment rotary chain, $29.50 • We GE Rettirerator • trost era It tertillzer 1preaders :>-10-3053 atl 5:30 & 536-1193. 488 ~~~l~~ (~9::~)N~r.J. grad., type 50/60 \.\'Pm, tll in& have lhf/ la.rge1t Rlectlon fi~ \li'/lteezer. I mm a c you'll Ute only once. RENT "''knds. 10/31 I =sr~A~M=E=s=E~S.~ol~po~ln-t_A_Choc-_ 642_1470 exp. ntc. C&ll for inlet. OPERATOR 01 used ottice tum In lhll cond. Aqua. s12a. 613-9013 them.· .and save SSS. YOUNG Adult spayed point. Purebred. Beaul- 492-1153 Mrs, Gorualez, Approved For Vets area. UNITE:D RENT AU. Jong-haired calico female & healthy • H s e b r kn. $1!1 L!~U'!'M!!B~E!!R~co"m"pa""ny""ntt""a"•"a'l;PT;;,=,-;,:;;,m;:,:";,;i:ho;;;t;:o.,.=p;;h;:y"-;;r,::;:$h· Learn to operate bulld!!zers, 1\fc Mahan Oeik Antiques 1110 710 W. l9th St., Coita r.tesa oran1e &: whl~ ntutered 968-1216 Aft 7 pm. qualified person ,v I 1 h ion modeling after school for drag lines, cranes, scrapers, 1800 Newport Blvd. * &45-0760 * male, Love ch!ldren. To I========= lumber experience \Vho has attractive, wholesome r irl. loaders, trenchers, el c. &l2"'4:50 ANTIQUE SHOP FOR SALE STOP & SWAP good home, 518--0813 or Dogs 1125 done payroU & accounts l A.G. Ph: 83>3501. Home study prepares you ---------1 OR LEASE on Newport MS-6101 836-4493 11/3 -=-------1 ~lvable. 54>2026 liiiiiiiOiiOii ...... iOiiiiiiOiiOi for rtaldent training at our Office Equipment 8011 Blvd, C.l\I. 645 .. 1970, 31'73 Ne\\-port: Blvd,, C.M. LOVABLE Friendly bl k e DACH SHUND S , Jte1 Recept. Sec'y mOdem facilities in Jl;tia ml, ~1817 {next to Tony'a Bldr 1\f1.t.) speyed female cocker mix 9 A KC· Ch a mp I 1 ne · l\1AKE full time wages pl DRAFTING E · t ul ~.. Beautiful. 646-4UC. Evn: time. Be a distributor of to $500 F1orid3. Highly paid c11-reer quip. or e. ANTIQUE pine drop leaf Used turn; Stoves; ff:e .. ,.·s; rno. shotll, habrk, tov6 J>Utt organic food IUP· No SH necess. Xlli't oppor. w/ Is open ambiUous men. Uni-Universal XY mac h I ne • table, very old. $45. 6ll le J\1ilc. children. Ndl rd home fncd 540-8902. plements, clellners _ cos-e1tab co .• now expandln&. versal Heavy Coruttuction dr~ng table &: chair. Kin.rs PL, Ne \\'POrl Hei1bt1. "If we dOn't have what you yd fm-6139 U/3 BEAUTIFUL, rare toy Fox metlcs. ~tr. Liles. 673-5212. Top benelit1_ Call l\fll.1 Eliz. SchOOls Dept. 1203, 501 N. PhOnf/ 4~2112 an 6 PJ\f. WANTED: Grandfather & wanl, v.-e'll pt 11 tor you" l\1US'T' Find a good home for Terrier puppies. UKC l\fALE/Female: l\fust be abeth, 557-6122, Abl&ail Ab. Golden Clr., suite 206, S.A., mantle clock w/chimn . * AUCTION * family pet. Sr>aytd fem.a!e champ line. Intelllaent, lo\'-~00 YOU \VANT A :::.Ot Personnel A&:ency. 230 Calif., 92105 or (area) 714/ Garage Sale I022 •540-8746• cat ITl.Y with wht. Good ing comparrlonl. Sl.>-215.1 STEADY PART T I 'f E over 18 CASHIER, USHER.. ? F'·· ~-••-. \V, Warner, Suite 211, Santa 54 -7521 . "IE .J"w-,,., ... ~ dlsp. Has all shots POODLE PUPS AKC: JOB:" lntett1tlng survey E'ITES, DOOR?i.IAN. Applf Bi1rgi1ln Gi1ri19e Salt .\ APPllance1 ~397 11 3 Beaut/silyer'1 A b I k · s: 1 work fur "'omen. from TifE THEATER (FOXl, Ana. AIRLINE Si1t & Sun 10 to 4 S.wlnt Mechlnes 1120 Auction1 Frklay, 1:30 8 p.m. FLETOIER Needa a n:w \V/xtra heavy coats . ; home. NO SELLING. Good ~!!:17.Coast Plaza, c .rir. RECEPTIONJsr lor pro-SCHOOLS \Valnut dinlnc table It 4 Y" SPECIAL Windy's Auction 1rn home. l year old Gennan ~1078. telephone penionaUty need· ""°""' --• rn 1 0o t ACIFIC ""-I d • .• G "-I -""°'===-=-~-fesslo, ...... o ce n wn O\l'JI P Cnau·s w avoca o naup. 1970 Singer Touch-o-matlc. 2075'11 Newport, O l MB-8686 Shepherd mix. Lovn kids SILVER & CHAllu>AGNE ''=· uar. '" y. rate. Write ?<1ASSEUSE • Exp'd ,..__ta Mesa. Far interview & Da N' h C"--· h>·de seata $30· Jg whit 9-n . al POODLE PUPPIES : including phone No. to Box """" Y le \I t .._,s • e e oe-aut w nut COl\llOie, $37.50 Behind Tony'1 Bld1. Mat'J, and need• bif led. yd. Woman. Also trainff app'I 548-5287. Equal op-543-6596 drawer bureau w I mirror Mf>&238 , 546--9956 11/3 AKC REG. : i\1-2054 Daily Pilot, 330 w. can 847·1819 portunUy employer. San $20: r.'le.xlcan tuitar $7.50; FAMOUS ARTISTS S.O : Ba)'. Cot!ta ll1ttia. 610 E. 17th St.. ta Ana said lamp but $2; l&e S\i ' POWER Sewinr machine, *REPRODUCTION* FREE to good home, af. M 1(2, 333 17th Sl l\lATURE man, perm. & RELIABLE Woman to o•-·•d -•me ~. u ,-.. Hilton, rood cond. $140. 2421 OIL PAINTINGS feetlonate female 4 1no old GOLDEN ELECTRONIC -INSPECTOR- draft exempt needed by bab"'"'it 22/mo old boy, in LEARN TO FLY • ~ n..... """ .,,. 18-Al E 16th St NB I Lo ht Id RETRIEVERS ,_ plumbi na too'·. pipe "-••· "'"!8-0I · • -A Tftuured Cbrlstmas Gltt. pupp e. ve1 c re n. furniture design store tor Laguna Beach. Tues-\.\'ed-Lo1v rates private thru com. .. uu-.. ......,... . Short blk hair, brwn mrk· AKC 114~ delivering, installations & re-Thuts 1:30-4:30. Must be mereial. Call l..fter 5:00 pm ers etc. Assorted furniture · Mu1t See to Appreciate! ings P/Lab 540-0329 1113 ** lated duties. Exp. pref. Sal. re1ponslb le! Call 494-2171 Tuei., Thur. and Fri. and on & other Items all in aood M • I Ne.6f6..U'T7 or CdM-615-4698. · ' · DOBER.i\IAN PUPS. AKC. T txperlenced In sub-assflmbly, , \\'iring, circuit board 1.nd total sys I e m inspection chrckoui of comn1ercial pro- ducts. Able to instruct oth· ers. Should have knowledge ol in.proceq and recelvina: inspection. a.ry open, Call 492-4131 !or R.E. $i1les 646-0033 \.\'tekend11. 830-4310 cond. 1880 Whittler Ave.. rsica I STERLING Oatware KI n r FREE to good home with "''k.a. Shots. Wormed. $80. •PPI. 9-5:30. Full or pt time. 675-7414 BEGINNING Guitar. College Suite G, C.M, 842·88.SS nstrumenti 125 Richard by Towle, 12 place ~~?t~~· 2~~!s~u~ro~~~ Ph: S40-S638. \\'ell qualified individ. . uals should send their resume to: GATES LEARJET CORP. 18651 Von Karman Ave, Irvine, Calif. 926S1 ' 'qual opportunity employer EXP. Gas 1talion attendant 'fntehanlcal work. Fore1t '.Donavan Chevron Station, :26988 Ortea-a Hwy. MEDICAL office needs exper. 1enced medic&! transcriber & insuranct girl, S&Jary "- houn open. 499-~ 9-5 J\Ion- Fri. * * MEN ond WOMIN PART TIME FULL TIME REXAIR INC. ANAHEIM DIV. Now Hiring Evening work 6: 30 to 10 PM NE\V BRANCH EXPANDING TO ORANGE COUNTY SALES TRAINEES THE GR·ANT BOYS e Permanent Position • Health Plan e Profit Sherin9 e Full T ime Only 1tudent v.·/6 yrg experience. HELP! PLEASE! 12 STRING GIBSON 11ettln1s &: many servlna: a nd •liter gbots BEAUT, AKC Germ an Call Siisie 548-5484. Guitar: Greet S.Undl piece1. ValUf/ $1100, 1ell $£i0, 838-m9 ' 11/3 Shepherd 6 ?ato's. Champ. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Off duty Ne\\'JlOrl Beach fl~. Sl23 or Be5t Oller. PLUS 494-BlOO, 49Z-0464. DAR.LING 6 wk old kittens, Sired. ~ men will be collecting sal F'rtt set ot itrlnp. MUST SELL cu1tom·bullt beautifully marked grey or ., 2-BEAGLE PUPS: 6 able Items until November 7 *. 532-2971 * I'll" cabinet, 6-1MU curk> all ''"flite, weaned & Weeks old & lhotl. $15 to sell at the Oranre County AKAi 3600 Tape Deck: cabinet, 1tttllna silver coffee housebroken 962-5379 11/3 Each. 644-2999 Furniture 8000 Fairground 1.,.,·ap meet Oct. Sansul No. 2000 &mplUle.r. 2 service, Call att 7 pm, LOOKING For a gocx1 home. 2 P..llNIATURE pood~. 1 1.;.;;.;.;.c.;.;._: ___ __;..:..:..;. 31 &.Nov.1 and Nov. 7 & 8. \Vharfedale speaken: S?OO, 548-0012 NI~ le l\\ttt grey&. while wks old, No papen $20 each. URGENT! ll1ust sell this All proreedg go to the Har· 548-2162. ZENITI-1 20" color TV ~on-male cat, 2 yri; old. Adults 642-8098. 1946 Panon. CM \\'ttkend; whlte. gold trim-bor Atta United Fund. e FENDER amplltler in sole, Walnut, Xlnt plctvre. only. ~1943. U/3 AKC Toy Poodles, apricot. l med bedroom set serta mat-Please c a 11 · for pickup. xlnt cond, 60" Walnut desk. 2 pede1tal, FREE: 1 \\ita; 0 1 d Husky male, 1 female. tregs & box springs; Sl.Jem """--k ~•. ..~ .. -4 or $150 Ml-8496 matchlna; chair. Good cond. 836-6818 .. ~ .,....,, ..---.,.,,....,.,. 7S-4422 bla.ck le bro"'-n male pu~ 1 ~=~=~==~= maple hutch and w.,., leaf 546-0139. Fender gulter l C•H 6'1S-&JGO 6 pies. 10S De 1 Paclfico. AKC REG. SILVER TOY dining table& & Ch.airs: _.... e LEAVI NG STATE .,.,.hite & gold-cocktail end· CRYSTAL chandtller. lre """"' lh&pe, $150. 6'6-9059 Mo! ALI....NO\\,'; 4!12.JGU . 11/2 Poodle pups. Malts. b h . 1 antJ..... table lamp, 13 1-!UST SEU. · 2 MATURE,..,. IL Slam•"· $40 ** gg....2304 ta Jes; c a I r s, w1usua .. y~ Pl & 0 I F ROM R.oom1 ol Furniture-. .... .,. 111 APPLY IN PERSON lamps le lot! of &lass "'·are be:autiful Spode plate1, 12 •nol rg1na 120 TO p'•-ll• , Pens" l20 E J\lust leave dty. Do not AKC TINY TOY POODLES FR0~1 2 TO 6 MON-FRI crystal ,~,.ater glasses, olc'I '"' • . • . I d A P R.1 C 0 T -2/M·l/Fern. 11"" NEWPORT BLVD. <Ii.shes & much more. Cap. ship lanterns, five 8' trees • STOP • 20th St, CM Apt. No. 2 w,_:~.,._,.. to ea.tro11y13· "" istrarKJ Mobile Park. 32.80'2 MS-6002 ,.,..,,~ 646-5924 . COST A l\-fESA in deeon.Uve poll. Desks, COAST MUSIC I..::::'.'.:::=:..· ------1 -M-IN_l_A_T_U~R-E_D_A_CH=su=u~NO~ 1 Valley Rd. Sp. 25 S.J.C. chairs, !Ue cabinets. copy EXPANSlON SALE 2 Matchin& crib1, carrlq:e, 3 Tiny klrten1, 5 win! ol<I, S:.~.~.~~~;0~;!Y ,..!!~ 493-4l96. machine. Other lnterrst1n1 Fabulous Buys! stroller, car Atal, HI-cha ir, lookins for • home . S~PPIES.~KC, 499-M TOP STARTING PAY _,... '"''~ FURNITURE nturned from il~ms ~m ho1ne It ortlce. NEAR NEW iplnet & c'on. \Valk.er, baby bath-ETC. All 548-1823· 311 W. WUllOn, 22 Ing for a youn1. aggressive dlopl•• otudles, mod•I horn. 10 _10 4:30 Fri, Sal & Sun. '°le pla-· • ••. •-m •••,~ In T1"-'T""'. Cond Makt Ofr. Apt . 3. C.M. 11/3 LAB. Retriever Pups ' F C Bookkeeper Accountant to $800 \Ve need men and \vomen sllles representative to J1an· ._ Bo I Ooo T '""' u'U .,_ r v"' 7 HOME W ·• MI AKC R \ ham 11 with all type1 ol work back-die new development. Call e1, deco1·ators C&nct!Uallon. 151Z> nn e nc eJT, GRANDS refinished A ft. 968-7216 Aft pm. G : Shant.,,.. • x e d er s. -c P nl -•nd•. No ex-ritnce nee. "~-H ~ <•7~3 Spanlsl\le Mt"dlterranean Cdl\l. 615-1331 built, b 1o as ........ •-* SERRA TI{RIFT SHOP* erman ephetd puppy. _,=x.,.m~•,,.•~Jo~Y-·,.-=,,..-'.C'I ~rate exper. helpful, mlgr backgl'ound a mug!! Heavy "respon1lbllity, must be able to V.'Ork on own. Newport Personnel Agency 133 Dover D r., N.Bwi 642-3170 ;~ry. as com~y tra!nina -"-"·=".,.'.,,",.,··~·=~.,,·..,~=··--R D FURNITURE Frl-Sat·Su~ ti! Spm OR~S, excJUnc selecu:n Will have 111 '~ Price Sale; Very iweet tempered · *FEM. Gennan Schnauzer; is turnl1hed. If you qualify, SALESWOMAN 1144 Newport 81., C.M. Beaut desk i9;i: Crib: tee fo tht be1tnner a1 \\'C!ll Sat. Oct. list 326 11th St, 675--()245 1112 l ~i Yra. Standard. Papen - rapid advlU!Ct'ment to key for tine je.,.,·elry 1tore. Full every nlte .,11 9 hobbyhor5t; Porta~b; 2 as 1.ccompllshed orpn. H.B. Special Hl'I: 9 am.J pm. 2 BEAUTIFUL male kittens, =Al='•"'=°"=='""=·=-=='== I posltion. l\1ust be over 18. J& palryrt ultlme employmd f'~I. Wed., Sat, & Sun _ 'tll 6 EZ bake ovens; Pizza oven: lit OUld You Belleve" KIRBY Vacuum cleaner 6 wb, l blck, 1 ~e. H - , FOR INTERVIE\V CALL e\\·e es expcr es r. o""IN'i"NG room ,;et _ round Jots of other JOOtlles. Sill ................. from Sl50 rblt like new ruaranteed' Hunt~ Beach. 962-2718. ortel SATURDAY 10 AM to 5 P~I able. Apply in peraon, 2300 black table. 4 matching Lincoln \V•y, C.?i.1.-behlnd "EXTRA BONUS" Jo'ull trani-ne~ anac~nl1, $60: ll/3 ntOROUGHBRED . '1' hone I!!""'""""'""""""""""'" I 774-7253 Harbor Blvd., C.?if. Captains chain with -1d Paularlno School. lstorized new 111lnet organ $i~!W3. AMERICAN [Iyer train set. .. ldlng, profeuk>nally train. FIL.\1 CO. ne@ds extras: for * SANTA CLAUS •-I need 11"' GARAGE Sal DECORAT "" h t ti hY1hm' C pl I Ith •--k _, k ., O< stencil trim S75: French e • -... ,1 su oma c r · Ne Tenn!• Club charter om e e w ... -.. s, .... n, ed equitation . pleaaure. PYJ. ~~n Yi'Or · 1 ·A .G · ---------0h~.'>. .. In 10 fi,lllng 1 h., C~b·',';",, ... , Provincial coHee table $20, OR'S Treuutts & Junk. 419 n us WEEK ONLY •. S995 ~e-mbet1hlp Sl25 + trani-en g l ne , perm a n en I 499-2825 LE AGED "DY •u ... uo Large maple hanging shelf Orchid St., Cd.\f. Thurs-Sun. Open Sundays U-5 1,, 1, "A" 2413 MS-OMS. hackground, 644-1318 ll/3 ~ .GENERAL OFFICE ~~~D l.JTE CLEANi"NG SLll\1 GY~I. Hn []ex. Incm. $25, 611 K!nzs Pl., Newport day 673-1209. Dally Ill G -FrlJ til 9 e. ""* ' KTJ':1"ENS .. Variety of types, ":d~ ~~bi:!i:~ ~=. Jnsurange Background. Beach 3 TO 4 HRS PER DA y =h='•o.h~833-,C.-_JJ~77-,-----,-Heights. ~trsC LIV'G -DIN'G/Rm COAST MUSIC * NEED l\-10NEYI \VJLL \\'h1te to black, ihOrt I-Jong Rer bay gtlct 638-2198 area. Call UJraine, 64.>mo, 5 DAYS A WEEK SCHOOL teacher n tedsM c::,U~ST:=::.,.-m~fk-•~hou-.,-,~ul~ot furn, Camera equip, prtbl NEWPORT le HARBOR ~~~~~~':,.iin'Z fur. hou.e trained l-- ,\\'e!ltclitt Pef'IOnnel Agency, babysitter & playm1.te for beaut. ?iledlt!!ITean turn\hitt. garbage disposal. Oddi " Costa Mesa * 642-2851 · healthy. SJ&.7779 ll/3 TRANSPORTATION 2613 \Vt!!tcllUDr.,N.B. The F ive Crown• my 3 )T. old Son, 3 da,y1 a Hide-a-bed, . living rm, End9 6172 Shelly Dr .. HB. ALLEN ORGANS FUU. Maple bed sprln1 &: HALLOWEEN kittens -3 Boats l Yachts tool NEED HELP? Look for lt ln the Servlee Directory ~assilicatlons. \\'k, 9 to 3:30 Pl\1. (15-2339 bed •· •· din' 892-1154 , mattn:'ss, mirror drnsln1 1 bl •• 1 "· Restaurant rm, o.n:n • ing rm. ,,::;,:..;,:..;~~~~--111lfl mus>clan 1 choice for dtt1se.r. Tank type vacuum orange, 8""'· 1''M · 3801 E. Pacific Coaat ""'Y .. SEC'Y, N.B.-Fa!lhion Island. Lamps, pictures. etc. Pvt REPEAT Sale, Cheap•r hOml!', 1chool, church, Ex· w/all ... ,.15 646-5418 968·1345. W3 2 Fbrcll bar(ff, flat deck Corona del r.1ar. No ph, c-alls. Type 75 \VPM, S.H, 80, pty. Please call 714: !l68-99jl prices le more roodles. 4632 cluilvf/ly In So. Calli at .. ~ KITTENS Tortlse shell and 10'xl5', full outbrd cont:ol HOApital •dminlstratlvl!' ex-DIN. Rm. table &. 6 th!'! SleJTa Trte Ln, Unlvenit,y GOULD MUStC CO. POWER ,!00..wr $35.,' bar gray with blue eye 1 LP stove•. Ptrtect river • Jobs.--Mon, Wom. 7100Jobs-Mon, Wom. 7100 MANAGEMENT A Restaurant Management Career in Only 90 DAYS tr the above interes!.$ you·you are interested in our formal training program which is conducted in our Brad.ford House Rest· aurant in Long Beach, Calif. If you are willing to work to guaran· tee your succes sful future. we are interest- ed in you. Recent experience in food service is essential . You mu st be willing to relocate . $7,000. to $8,000 ANNUALLY WHILE IN TRAINING (3 to 6 months). Rapid advancement due to Grant's expansion in the restaurant indus· try. . After assignment in your own res- taurant earn $g,ooo. to $12,000. annually. Bene!Jts include Medical Plan-Lile Insur· ance_...Liberal Vacation.Sick Pay-Retirement Plan-Store Discount PrivU egHnd Slock Purchase Plan. PHONE F OR INTERVIEW AT 162·3317 W. T. GRANT COMPANY Gri1nt Pier e, Adami & Brookhurtt Huntlntton Booe!>, Collfornlo. 92146 An l!q&i11 I Opportu nity Employer. per des Ire • b I e. Xlnt w/match. butte!. x I n , t Park, Irvine. Since 1911 stoola $1;> each. 836-4493 u 13 ho\19e'boat, fiahirW rJt party benefits. Salat)' $650 min. or cond. Suited for exec. home, 2045 N Main s A. *962.-7024• bof.t. l w I alum. canopy, open dependln1 on present GARAGE Sale: Furn "' ml1c -o. ' . . " " (2) Pupplet: black -brown.. $1395. Other w/lop frame salary. Send re1ume to: ~i~r~~nf:' ~~~I.a~~ item•. Rta10nable priced: * 547.(1681 * 1'V I 23 Cont0le $35. 24 2 It. 3 mo'1 old 8354493 $1295 or best offer. Pvt pty. Herman Smith As~ or See 1300 Londonderry. C.M. Baldwin ~:'ns~o ~rE~~~h~~C~t~ . 1113 See btwn 9-5. Sat & sun at CAllf-Hospttal Comultantl, Londonderry, C.l\l .47 --,-62-ml_S_t_N_B_.-Ba~,-,-,-,.-ls 1 PIANOS & ORGANS CUTE kltttn1 7 w1cs bo:c Advance Marine TranlpOrt, 359 San Miguel Dr., Suite CITY TAKES OVER? 32ND student desk, 'w • d I 1 h New I: U1ed CARPET laten. lvive -•ha& I I.rained, call ~ft 6: 968-ms 2099 Placentia, CM. 202, Newp't Bch. No calls ST · CONDE ?i.t NE Dl fireplace, Mlac. Oct. 31-1. 'VA.RD'S BALDWIN STUDIO crplalll& deal dfil!"cl, .,!!P.,~~ 1113 CHARACTER Boal 215• dbl Hardship sale, all must iO 181 N c l\.l 6'2 ••<>• I can n ~"' ' • pleue. by th!~ wknd. 300 -32nd St., 9 ewport, · · -827-8740 · ' FREE Kflttns 2 buutilul ender, dle111l, head, bunks, SECRETARY NB. sn "JT• Applli1nce1 1100 OPEN SUNDAY calk!o •nd 3 adorable fluff depth IOUnder, covet1 trir. ,,,....., " AFTERNOONS 8 ?<L\f mov1e projector S20, 8 y $3200 ak ( l Good lkilla. Collere. Call J..o. SPANISH din, rm. cl"!denza, FR EE ZER : Ad mira l mm Bell A: Howell movie male• 67:Hi&Sl 11/3 -or m e 0 e r . ralnt. 6'5-7710, Westcllfl lnllt"'·d finish, SGS. Ire Mex. Up-Right 1~ Yt1 old, 16 cu ~~ING Grand Pia.no camera $10, Gelrtr count'r SKINNY-coal black, male kt~ 051~&-'84=~'·~--=~- Ptrsonnel Agency, 2043 lean style C(lilff tbl $50, end ft. 5 3 • Xlnt cond. $800 $35. •mall boat $35 firm. ten. Pa.rt Si&mete. 548-4615. DORY-Excellent 11' Dm-y \VHtcUlf Dr., N.B. tbl $15. 644-2058. $125. *** 548-1517 ** 613-0211 **" 531·7294 11/3 w/almast new 3 HP SECRETARY-Exp'd. for TRUNDLE beds w/be1t SEARS 2 door tttrlrerator Teltvlslon 120J ND Gd home tncd yard for VIRGO Kltttn1 wlhquarlu1 ~~· $250 complete. auperv\M:iry pos. ritu1t have Beautyrest mattresse1 + 2 S40. Electric nnp $35. Ex· med s:i:. mixed bred dog:. moon& I: Gemini &C9fn-=~:,--·...,--.,.--,--,,...,.. top typing le SH ~·1: min holster1. Xlnt eond. $75. cellenl. MZ-1039. RCA COLOR TV Hl'brk. vn.tch dos:. loves dan11. Phone &42-5650. 10/31 12' Fibera:lus boe.t w/trlr. !,~co~ b~';a~Pre~ 642-3416 MOVING To Europe: R.etrlr. 23" beautiful walnut eol180Je children. ~31' 11/3 KEN?otORE Washer, cop-Nr new 7 "P Elka, ttmote ),lATCHING club ch a ir•. Xmu trff, pony laddle, w/ttmote control. Orlctnal ZEN'ITH 21" B/W TV, ex. perto1', 6 yn old . l&nkhlo °$?75 &f.~:or , r~;~U~~-E BENEFIT whlte s· nau1ahyde couch, coffee tbl1, etc. 839--03'4. cost $TOO, now $300 cuh. C"Onditlon $50 Apt 11ie atove, 543--0190 10131 cu9 ns, · · -CONSULTANTS-tables &: lampa. J\1ake offer. WATERtTE water softener, Call 613-8853 for appt to lff. ' burner w/oven, ex. cond. S H E pH E RD-Lab , blk, 19' RUNABOUT, 1 f II M.rt. Sandenon 83>5217 592.-1587 or 846-2459 like new, sacrifice: $300. '66 RCA color TV on $50. M&-5468 female, 8 mo, all •hots, aft \llellcratt l60 hp l/O, all Wknd&: 64>.1062 mov•ble cart, 36"H, 36"W, BEAUTIFUL JO w • • k I 5 30 "'" "~ 10 extru. Uke new-Saerlfk:e, SERVICE aiatlon saleiman, 1.tOVING mu1t sell: Duncan : pm: .,...,...~ /31 714/687""813 ew1. full time, e:xperlenced, Neat Phyfe ding rm set + 4 ch·,, .. A OM IR AL Coppertone oriC cost $460, will Mil SllO oranae striped malf! kitten BIG Pupplei, ~'Collie, blk A .,..;c.c,~~==:--=--, I In 1. P p e a'ra ne e _ Ltte X!nt cond Sl60, Beaut bullet, electric ranee, like new con-fnln, or best offer. 536-7954 to good home only, 83&-<f.493: \\'ht. Pleue call Car 1 • 44' HOUSEBOAT, XI n t, mecll4nlc111I. Apply: 2590 modem $120. 6~1 dltion. $100 * ~T-9416. 21" EARLY Amer. Color 548-0813 ll/3 642.-442' 11/3 live a~Ms,.~ AV.all, Newport Blvd., C.P.1. S' sota, hllVtr \Utd quilled REF. 20' dbl dr. fro11 free Ztnlth TV oofllOle. $l95. Call EXCELLENT f'rla'ldt~ 2 FEMALE k1tte11!1 orange ;;.;.,;;;..-. ................ I flonil, Scotchguard~. sus. r • top copper tone $115. ~7791 -wuhe.r $50 Apt retrtr. ex· and white, about} Wl!tkl S1llboit1 fOIO Sr. Accountant Matthlng Iowaeat $75. , JW Kirca Rd NB. 19" portabJe TV $3l cellent $50 2ll' Continent.a.I, 646-4021. ll/3 -'---------1 $tS0 53Q.$331 NORGE 'GU dryer, (OOd 12" UHF-VHF 'IV ~ CM CROOVY ldltens, dla: dop SAVE $200. 15' Salllnf Dory Abil ity to supervtse, C.P .A. SPANISJI Dtntnc room !able cond. $SO. Delivered . * Ml-o6S29 * GOOD Ulld aot4 nylon outdoors and )'OU, &42-3848 crtu a over plywood ) aloop backcround + internal au-le: ehatn Spe.nlsh dre11tt, 54&-8672, 847-3115. carpetlnr. Approx . 15 %157 Pacific CM. ll/3 rta w/sailJ. Only 1129:\ dltJ. D.P. helpful. mlrTor .. 2 Spanish nisht WESTINGHOUSE rtrtr1atra. HI-Fl l SterM 1210 )'ds.-$75. Call 613--23!16 l'tflllar $1495 New &IUllO!!i Nowrirt •• ~. Call ~ -0 ,,..,,,_.,.,.., •"-~ FREE one mixed up _~pp~y. CAL ~ N _; -•-1 ~ .., a........ ..,,_,.,,_, ™ $50. Vita Sphere Jllktr * STER.EO Compontntl; RIGINAL .....,_,....., ...... .,_,, &ood w!tb cbUdftn.139= -. ,-.. ..,.-~ . .lV't ,,..., '""'~·""" Personne Aeency WE BUY used tum1ror., an-~. 646-1393 AM/l"M Tuner. Amp,. A new. sell tor htlf. Finn. ..._ •A<J!IU W Dover Dr., N.8 . .....-. ..... b"·· ~, -"·tat o E , n-~ ~--r n--1 01 * 646-3S8t * "J.'iifliwiiekiwi'1f},;...,-~*~84gl·~29!!Ug•::-=;' ~....... • ... -..-vn • """"n 'KE FE • M'tn11t chrome ~" ... 119.,.~ • -• • PAJ\T slamfae ldttel'll. a '42·al'70 rugs. oil pra_lntlnp. Call top p.s l"IJllt. Very clean. fer Call: ""'1869 ELECTRIC SH OP PING we-el(I old, 6t6-46.Sl UIS ~· like new, R d n& lftl', 642-3445, 6Tl--831tl BRAND New Web co r CAl\T $1!iO ~ yard dolly, $IOO. ~~EPH~~h;:'oril:l\1~2 !':. FJVE piece m1.plt! butterfly DRYER. GE electr ic ... re1 r1val" eolfd state **6'6-5370** 3w1c~~~1~te1r,r· 6 1 =-~,,'~=-.:-.==;;;-,;;;:I .. a-'-lirne. C&II or come In dinette .et $75. In IO(ld, Brown, lood condition. portablt 1tereo. 2 )T, l\W'· CUTE Cuddly adorable kSt.-' • NEW 8' FlBERGI.A.SS ;--'~1. 11169 Newport Blvd, cond. 6'13-«l81. SJS. 549-354! $60 369 E. 11th St 0.1 1tn1 tree to aood home SM~ Bltck Poodle, rood SABOT. $90 No. F. C~1. SOFA&:: LOVE SEAT $2j(). BLT'IN Oven, Cook·ToP A e MOTOROLA. A ~l ·Flo-1 549-0127 11/I wit!> chlldttn MWS93 W3 call m-<lllt TRUCK mf/Chank . ~luit See at 776 Robin Hood Ln, O/W. All CUrry In color. ~~ni pla.,yer 11ereo hi-fl, l'' TRAILER, Hklt-a·btd, FR.EE Kittens blk I wht Ir e tr VENTURE .. Xlnl IBT\\';:;. 8 p.m.l 642-9"'° Xlnt ..... -... Alt •: ..... """•g $40. TV, Com/Re''"'•, F\l:m I: wht m.alt. 84&-Mn 10/31 co.bin, head, awe, Newport ha\'t own tool1 I dlesel ex· ~ .. ,..nu ., ~ ",. per. Apply In penon 1343 TILT-BACK divan. ol ive •MAYTAG MM11ct man bu Call 548-2991 MISC! -..3&41. TABBY TWIN t ~:eeks <>Id slip. $1199. ~,-,c."=--- 1.opn, C.l\I. tweed, lib new, $50. W111hcrt, drym In match. S • Oeod 8500 F irewood l'or Sa le 546--7308 l0/31 • CAL·21 TEL An1werin1 Strv. Exp, * 6'24171 * Nit, beSt l\l&r. ~t-8&37. f!tting 1 !M0-9U7 KITI'ENS, all blk -part 2U/891.s991 pret'd. F'I or pt Umf:. SPA.NJSfl G1me tbl ' i cht;,' ID:m.IG/freie1tr, dbl <tr. 4S" GREEK Kntt Madlfne, • i:;oo DELUXE NJACRA Siamese, 13&-4-193 l0/31 SABOT For l&lf, rood ~ w/tn.ln 11ualllled &bl over llkf new, $200. S~nlth COf· Norte. !2" ..;de x 6S'' hi. S30. Exttllent condi t l'o n RELAXER OIAJR. $350 Bl.JC Poodle, 10 mo, hsbrlm, dltion. $1.SO, lOfPh; ~ fet tbl '50, 546-2380. Pink. Stlt-de.l. $7S. Q3..0792:. 646--Sttl, Mlfk. * • 5'&-Ull * * all shots. tT.Ml:M 11/3 * 11MT3T • ' r I ... ". . .. I\ f l ~· Slturdq, Ottobtr 31 ,,1970 :ti Dlll Y PILOT • TiANSPORTAT IOH s.-9010 TRANSPORTATION T RiHSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Melillo -9200 Motor Homn 9215 Trucb '500 UNllELIEVABLEI COLUMBIA 23 Wa:. $J6oo ........ now $299!5 . CORONADO 25 Was SOOOO ........ Now ~ LAPWOR'nl 21 INBOARD Wu $5600 •••••••• Now $4!m TIIOROUC:HBRED 26 Mobile LiYing at Its Best Wt.1 $$700 •••.•••• Now $4500 IN JRvtNE AGRICULTURAL ERlCIDN 23 PRESERVE--BEAUTCF'UL' Wa11 $4000 •••••••• Now S3595 • All BtautlM! ?ttust &Ce! ?.!Wit ~II!! YACHTS ROYALE INC. 291: W. Coa.st Hwy, 645-0810 CONTEST 27 SLOOP DEALER'S OWN YACl-IT Super Sharp Denio: Ship to Shore Radio. Inboard Aux. Sumlog, Compau. Cloc:k, Baromf'lf'r, Sii.Us, Etc. 6'2" Headroon1 SEE TO APPRECIATE REDUCED $3,000 Holl and Y•cftt1 /Newport (TI 4) 644-0139 ALL NEW 16' HOBIE CATS NEW $300,000 RECREATION CENTER SPACE RENTALS FROM $11.50 IN AOUL T PARK -PETS ALLOWEO- NE'\V VACATIONEER for '71, 19', Your lM~Uon IJ>. Vil~. Scott'•· 914 N . llubof, S.nta Ana. a O:IEVY fil'EP VAN: 1954>- 2 Ton. 4 spd. Good Cond. S800 531-~I Bl eyelet 9215 24" BOYS 118; 3 spd girls $30; 3 11pd, i>Q)'s $25: 10 Spd- Sch\vlnn $40. Stingrays, etc. 334 De.I Mar, CM 642-1212. ~WINN 5 !ipeed hoy's bike, Sissy bar & J'llms horn. like new $50, 962-6515. Mini Bikes 9275 GE:?ilJNI Mini Trail Bike 50 CC. LlKE NEW $2?5. Call btv.'TI 6 & 8 pm, 557-7325. Motorcyclet 9300 nn..l'V'VI TNINll HONDA ... '60 WIUYS J EEP 4 WHEEL DRIVE Pickup truck. <L26083) $895 ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 2929 Habor Blvd. Costa MeM a.1~1934 '70 TOYOfA HJ LUX PICK· UP Under factory wal"T&llty. Can't tell llUa one from a nf!W one. Priced to gel), $1899 L ie, 275VIV, Chick Iverson lnc., 445 E. <:oastHwy .• N.B, tir .>-0900 ext 53 or 54. . '66 Chevy Van-6 cyl. 17 mpg. 'Vood paneling, re.big, &ink. Sips 2 + 2. New paint &. rubber. S1350. 968-1598 '64 CHEV. P.U. Chrysler engine. Good Ii.res. Radio & heater. Excellent! M9-067-t an 5 P~t • TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION T RANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ... -. "" A.utot 9600 Imported Autoa 9600 Import.cl Autf>s 9600 lmporhd Cars 9600 Im por ted Autos ffOO AUSTIN HEALEY FIAT MG PORSCHE TOYOTA '68 Austin America Sedan, Automatle, Excellent condition. CXlX 416) Priced to sell. $895' AUSTIN AMERICA Saln, Servkt:, Part.I J.mmec!late Dellvft'J All Modeil J}rllllJOll jlJnpo l'I ~, 3100 W, CoM.at Rwy., N.B. M2-94~ 501764 1964 Mark III 300'.l. DID. Radio. Xlnt tlre11. Good cond. Sl350 firm. 673--4169. '6' F lot ISO Spider '67 MG 1100 Wpeed, new tlrts, AM/FM 42.000 mlle1 C.ipttd, radio, '68 912 Targa n.dlo, sport exhaust. cxzu. heater. Immaculale. An un. 5 speed. Low mileage. Tape 8311 bclle\•able pri~! tUNA-689) deck. (700 AKTJ Priced to $1599 $699 .. u. "FRIEDLANDER" "FRIEDLANDER" $4995 DON BURNS 069 Toyota 2 Door tlardlop. Automadc, factory a.ir eond, Low m~· age. fXOB 981) $1998 DON BURNS 11710 llACH (Hwy. Jt) 893-1'66 • 531- ~ '69 124 Sport Cpe. 1J7H IU.CH (Hwy. Jt 1 893-1!;66 • 537-6824 NEW·USEO-SERV. Porsche Audi, L TO. Por><he Audi, L TO. 13631 Harbor Blvd. 6.16-2333 136.'ll Harbor Blvd. 6J&.l3S3 ~ Ju:t S. of Garden Grove Fwy, Just S. of Garden Grove-F"'1'. 4 $peed, New paint. A beau· tY! tXLW 235J '67 MINI $1995 '64 PORSCHE TRIUMPH 356 SC COUPE J1rtuµort 31Jnport ') Balboa blue, chrome wheels, 1---------·) "'""' 11 .... "'"'"''"" ,,,,,_ '68 TR 250 ditlon, Lie, XOG997 $3099 $2495 DON BURNS Porsche Audi, L TO. 3l<ll w, Cout Hwy., N.B. CHICK· IYERSON 13631 Harbor Blvd, 63&-2333 642-9405 540-1764 VW Just S. of Garden Grove Fwy,1:..::..:..:;:.:... ____ '-'-'---I '69 124 SPORT CPl .,..,........ llllNl :O':r.~s~~. lea MG'' COSTA MES/. 5 speed, radio, heater, Im-'' 1----==::.:.:::::c=:.....-- maculate condition. 1v-xz.. • '64 'C' Coupe 127) S 3 5 Strong engine. (RSP 812) 2 9 ''fRIEDLAND£R'' Priced lo""· Canary yellow, 6 cyl., ma.a t)'JM! \\1lecls, radio, ski rack, tonneau boot + convert. top. l• 13062) $2295 DON BURNS Porsche Audi, L TO. 13631 Harbor Blvd. 636-2333 Jus1 S. of Garden Grove Fwy, ALL COLORS FREE DEMOS Pricel from $1195. \Vinter Racing starts soon! MODELS ON "FRIEDLANDER .. '4'l' INTERNATIONAL ~~ ton P.U. super clean, Runs "BMW BILL JONES' 117M t EA(M tHWY, ,., $2595 B.I. Sportscar Center N~:m;o.'ftli'v. DON BURNS '66 TRIUMPH TR-4A: 4-speed, wire wheels, ne"' paint & interior. 1.R.S. Ra· dio, heater. Real Sharp. CRPL-9011 Xlnt, b1usl stt. 646-3340 --------- CAP'N EDS zm.w. Cst. Hwy. NB 645-2244 PARTNER wanted, 113 int. in shari> COLUMBIA 29 SAILBOAT. Aux 30 HP, lilps 6. galley, encl hd, xtras. J/3 int-$4000 valu, rul<e oir. DISPLAY -EXAMPLE- BRAND NEW DOUBLE WIDES CHEVY '66 ~~ T. nu radiator, clutch, tires. Needs short blk, Best over $600. 962-3178 '65 1'""0RD F-100 Pick Up. Make oHer. Good cond. •962-9650• 646-6300 er 644-8397. Total Electrii.: lc'"o~lu-m-.,.b"ia~Oo~fe_od_,.o-r-29'=· I (Gas Available) • 1969 CHEV % ton Pick- Up. ~lom cab, r&.h. Ask for Frank, 557-8639 * Clean '65 Chev. 6 cyl, ~~ ton Pick-Up. Sips 6, 30 HP inboard, SIS 2 br., 1 bath, comp!. with radio. dlnghy w/ outbrd. carpet, drapes & appliances. Lg, awnings, both sides &1 Full rac'g, xtra.s, $9500, 714/ full skirting-Tax &. ~T. 494-7735. $825 finn. 548-1093 1956 FORD Piek-Up, Runs great. Needs body Y."Ork:. $175. 673-4868 Ot 673-6727. • ~~~=-=---'~~=""'" 1 license-Completely set-up 1]6' GLASS Sailboat S295 l4' •ki boat w/35 hp Joh"'''" $9999 '70 Honda 450 '31 CHEV P.U. New chrome, tires, bait. Original Very clean. $425. 642-9799. molor v.·/trlr, $450. 61~3277 or 61Hl52 SE E THE FABULOUS 1--------1 30X55 CORNELL Low, low miles. Like new, dlr. C.Omplete \vilh eamplng trailer. •908442, 'Vill take trade or finance private par. 1----------1 Power Cruisers 9020 '28' DONZI, custm made. 2 yrs old. Just completely overhauled. 1 of a kind boal, galley. head, sips 4, great fi~hing boat. Speeds over 50 200 mi range. Expensive and gorgeous $0000 to finan· cing. Wil l consider trade.- 673-50:12 or 61.>-8303 Speod-Skl Boats 9030 16' SKI bt>at·7D hp l\1erc, elec start hyd control . Big whl trlr. $395. 642-9799. Boat Maintenance 9033 • BOAT REPAIR: 'Vood or Glass NO JOB TOO SMALL. Call Tom 646-0914 BASIC H used tor boats, cars. hoo.ses. Non pollutlre SA VE $$SS 837-5292. Boat Slip Mooring 9036 •PVT dock for up to 28' motor boat on channel, 673-2662 aft 6 pm 2 U-Slips, 4 way tie. 16'6"' '.'< 40', $135/mo. J5'x38' Sl20tmo. Ag!, 613-6880. Slip for 16' boat $2 a It * Main bay * 67'.i-89911 * Bo.it Rentals 9031 Rent A Sailboat Cal 25, sleeps -4, fully tqulp- ' peel, S30 per day, v.·kdy1; $40 • Pf'l' day wknd1; '200 per ·wk. Lessons incl. 968-4840. ANO a.tANY OTIIER l\10DELS INCLUDING SINGLE-WIDF.S -FINANCING AVAILABLE- 14851 JEFFREY RO., IRVINE % MI. SO. OF SANTA ANA FR\VY, CALL COLLECT 714-832.as&S TURN KEY COMPLETE PACKAGE The following units complele "'/full skirt, 8x30 awning, JOx30 carport. steps, 6x8 shed, sales tax & license. AU units ~ new: e 24X51 GENERAL (562771 .............. SlD,375 a 20X57 FLAl'illNGO {5685) ••••••.•.••••• $11,450 csJ~:r.~.:~~.T~~,57;; • 20X43 STAR (57006) ................ $7975 • 24X63 PARAl\IOUNT (14198) ••••• " ••••••• $14,650 CHAPMAN MQBILE HOMES 1206 N. Harbor, S.A. * 714/531-8105 * CONTEJ\1.PQ. LAGUNA H.!Lk<i 23301 RI.OGE ROUTE DR. ty, Call 5"16-4052 or 4!M-68ll. JHpt: 9510 Y Al"\fAHA "80" Good for dirt only. Webco head, knobby tires. Extras $165. 64:)..21-W '66 JEEP TRUCK' 4 wheel drive, 327 v~. heavy duty suspeMion. ( +7905.JD) $1599 Dorsa Motors 18621 Beach Blvd., Hunt. Bch. 142·834G-M2.a640 Recnat'n Vehicl" 9515 1970 YAi\1AHA 250 Encluro Lo miles, Xlnt cond. 1 VISIT OUR BIG S550 641>6781 RECREATION HONDA mini trail 50, bored CENTER out t\\iCl', straight pipe. \VE ARE THE 4~5377 SHO\VCASE DEALER FOR '68 Triumph Bonne\•ille. Top El Dorado Camper!, end just rebuilt. Ell"cellent rood. S775 or offer. 5fi7-6J12 l\1ini Homes, Chassis Mounts and Balboa l\1otor Homes, '68 YA~1AllA 350 cc, SOOO CHOOSE FROi\1 mi's, Xlnt cone!. StlELLS TO COMPLETELY =,;*o;":c8-'i0207:::8;..::af"'l .,'.4-'p::Cm:C*'-,-SELF ..CONT A IN ED MODELS J10NDA 50 dirt bike -knob. $210.00 to $9895.00 bie~, 11procket • great !or Try Before You Buy Wilh Our kids. $90. 499·282='i Reasonable Rental Service "69 Yanu1ha Z'iO YDS J. THEODORE REAL CLEAN t125. ROBINS FOR!;> Call 833-2302. 200) Harbor Blvr!. \\'ANTED: Hon rl a 250 Scrambcr FRAi\1E \V l th pink slip. 6-12-143-1 eves. 1967 TRIUMP H 500 cc $650 or trade for van. Cosra a.fesa. 642-0010 '67 International Scout 4-wheel dri\'e, R &: 1-1, Fun !n thl' sun! VHH 960. LAG UNA llIUS ,, Prtst.ige adult community, ==~~8~4&.4~332~=~~ adjacent lo Le.i!iure World. HONDA Cl...-350 1970. Low Beautilul surroundings, all mileage, :'<Int cond, $625. luxury appointment.!l, put· 842-3979 11fter 5 pm. S1888 MIKE McCARTHY BUICK ling green, hobby shOp, '67 Y&\1AHA 180 much more. $100. As i!i. 5005 River SL CALL lm-3900 N.B. 548-1307 alter 6. \Van! To Lh•c Jn '70 Yamaha 125 Enduro Boat Ch•rter 9039 COSTA MESA Dirt. Low m\IPai;:t? 1---------Local spaces available now! ~lake offer 962-178? li""i5() Beach Blvd. al San Diego Frwy. 89-1-3341 • 5.'U-2·150 32· tv.'i~w Chri~ Crall Sips 6 * Dt>lux boat * 5-IS-2434, 636-4034 * F ishiiig Boats 17' GLASPAR. new 85hp Johnson engine. Ne\1• lop, frlr I.: many Xtras. Priced for quick &ale. 5'18-5205 evl!'S. U ~u lll'1! serious about buy. I========'=" inr a mohile heme, •. Now'& Auto Servlt:e Campers New '71 9520 Datsun the tlme lo see & Parts 9400 BAY HARBOR MOBILE HOMES 1425 Ba.ke r St. (at Harbor)" Costa MeS& 540-9470 Trlple Wide Cornell HillttC'st • F1amingo Paramount • Universal Barrington • Broadmoor '1 GOODYEAR Pol yglass 160(' QI.JC, Pickup with camp. G70Xl·I ""'Ide ovals on new er. Sale price $2099 dlr. chrome reverse rims, only ( •· 43827:1) \Vilt take car in S'200. 893-6460 1radc, 'Viii finance privale ,.:::~;;:;:.~.:..,~~~~·I party. Call 546-4052 or VW Engine, Good Cond. 494-6811. • &12-0-i43 • Camper Shell S75 '60 V'V Bus body Fil~ short bed P.U. Flying Lessons 9150 Continental •Star Gef)('ral • Hillcrest ""'fdisas~emblNI engine. No e 646-3'15.§ e trans. Sj(j. a!I is. 548--0819 HUNTER"S Spectal! 8' LEARN TO FLY CHAPMAN V\V PARTS cabo\·er camper ~.; tl::>n Chassi!:, Transmissions & ChC\'Y "66. Auto trans, R&H. Low rate.&, private thru com-MOBILE HOMES rnercial. Call alte.r 5:00 pm. 12331 Beach Blvd., G.G. Body pa.rls. 6-12--0443 Sl9:JO u·ill talk. 963--2423. Tu~. Thur. and Fri, and on * 714.1530-2930 • \\ttktnds. 830-4370 --:...:=::=.:=~~-Trailer, Travel '425 '&t Dodge A 100 \\'ilh portico, 6 cy1, slick. $1200. 494-3377 or 494-4731. Moblle Home• 9200 PERFECT l.2 x ST in five star adult park. No pet!, Ideal loca- tion tn Costa Mesa. Ph. 64G-8612. 24x60' Wntem'.!r, 2 br, 2 be., v.'tt bar. Xlras. Compl se1 up, adul! pk. 968-4684 or • 96,2.-9866, 1-J.8. LEA vtNG. mu11t sell or 11.dume loan. 1m f!<I, 24X50 Vagabond, 5 Star park, JIB. x1ras. isee to app, 8464144. pets ok. BOUGHT A houst. T-.1UST SEU. 2 br home on Nt'A'J)Ort Bay 17x35 t90 mo. F\lJl price $3IKIO or olr. 67>-0331 '63 Skyline 10x55 v.·fblt-in heated lanai. Pt furn, compl Jndscpd. 2 1to:qe sheds. 1n t:Ulblilhed park. Jmmed occ. Call Roy 56-1766 NICE home: NT-. Oubhs.e & pool. S<eclllf Mobil< l'rk Sp No.6l.~ a NEARLY NEW: J2x60 2 BR. Cholce C.M. Prk. ** 60-1350 • * A COMPLETE .;.;..=;.:....;.;.;;=-.c..c=. PACKAGE TENT lrlr camper, al~ 6, 24X~ UNIVERSAL foam mattresses & spare, Completely setup on your lot, =SJOO=~· ;833-3929:=:=:":=":=•;,:•:=m== equipped w/ 8X30 awning, l0X30 carport, complete Trailers, Utility 9450 5kirls, .&ales tax & lie, c,.-',.:7';.:TR::c..;A,IL_E;;.R:.:;c":.<"ic,l _oo_n,;.".;.r.;.:2 Sl4,650. (•24.1861 rA'w tires S140 Call Dan MDi~t:~~ES S'i>-<'72. 1233l Beach Blvd., G.G. • 7 t 4/53().2930 * Triple Wide CorntU ConUnental • Paramount Trucks 9500 STRIKE POWER Barrington • Univer&al \\'e have a gooc.. stock of :lc·:1 Jo'lamingo • Grneral 1970 GMC Camper trucks. J>roadmoor • Star Buy no,v, beat the prlct tllllcre1t • C-n1brldge r/Asr., Also Camper combln.. CHAPMAN ations anrl u.sed trucks, Dune Buggies 9525 ONr: o! the Origi.na1 ~1eycn; To"•d's. Has raced & finish· ~ in 3 Baja racts. Compll ,v/F'ord V-4 eng, roll~e. 5 Gates !Ir~ & spare paMs. Nttd!I rewirimi: &: starter. A~king S950. 644-0tl~ Aft 6. e DIRT ONLY! RUNS GOOD, SJj(I. * 67~20;,.1 Aft 5.· It Imported Autos ALFA ROMEO MOBIL E HOMES UNIVERSITY '63 Al.FA RO,tEO 1600 llJ6 N. Harbor, S.A.. $p)'tler conv., 45,000 ini. on * TI4/531-8105 * LOS eng. R·H, trans, top xlnt .. 24"57. J BR. 2 BA, ilinl"", 0 MOBILE """' .. ~ carod '"'·Call 41 .... 4!t2~ collect. carport, patio, porch , stonge 11bed. AJC cooler, 2850 Harbor Blvd. '69 Spydtt, red, stereo 1ape. d.ishv."asher. S39-UiO or Costa l\fesa 546-9&40 LIKE NE\V. $3500 S31~'l879. l9lt FORD. VS. autornalic I ===*=646-8590===*=== '71 24X51 GENERAL tn.nsmiuion, pov.·cr steer· A THING Of BEAUTY! Ing, pov."fr brakts, a.Ir coo- ~ at d\Uon lng ~'Ith If I "''a y CHAPMAN can1Pt"r CNiser. Just the MM ILE HOME S thlnJi: for the cycle group. Dir. 511'>-9&!0 ar ~10 1~ N. ttarbor, S.A. • 714/SJl..SIOO * &I Eron. 40,IXXI ml. cnic. xlnt. 1----...:.:c..:;.;.:,;;c_ ___ I New paint lirts sttreo & '69 GENERAL mon! '"off. ot 610 JoAM• 24x.U'. Dishwasher, awning. No. 8 C.~I. AUSTIN HEALEY '67 Sprite 4 spttd, The color ls red. t:t.i6 BEL) $1295 DON BURNS AuUiorized Dir, ~!es • Service • Parts All l\fodels to Choose From Service i\fonday 'till 7:00 PJ\1 Sat 'till Noo n COAST IMPORTS 01 Orange Count y Ine. 1200 W. Pacific Coa!t llwy 64.Z-0406 • 546-4529 283:: llarbor, C.M. 540-4491 -Porsche Audi, LTD. '68 FIAT 850 SPIDER 13631 tlarbor Blvd. 636-2333 24 000 .1 1 ul , '61 MGA 1600. New paint & Just S. of Garden Grove Fwy. , mi es. mntac ate. . 1 & bl Radio, heater 4 • ,peed. ,tires, 8 50 rw:w,e~g, u"b. 1 '59 PORSCHE (XUB-TI9) • rans, ~\V in . ., ro ar. $)695 "FRIEDWDER" 1"'·S3="==· 89='=:=1 ==G=B==I 1J750 IU.CH I Hwy. Jtl ,64 MGB J1rtuµort 3\iuµ o r1 ') 893--7566 • 537-6824 CORTINA -=-=-:::.-=-:. \Vire wheels, radio, heater, 4. 310!) w Coast Hwy NB Good ---------speed_ A fine automobile! 6"Z.9405 • "S.W:.1764 '69 Cortina. <I spd. I ---------"~I <ISB-TIOJ concl. 25 mpg Must Sell! $1199 '60 PORSCHE cabriolet, 1600 Sl""/olf•r 61'><190 llBBD "FRIEDLANDER" :"..:;, wi!, ~,::· ':.:: DATSUN 13750 l lACH fHwy. J9J tires, new paint, Ai\1/TI.f, GUtO •port ltd 893-7566 • 531-jw;I lik• new, can ho .eeo '68 Datsun NEW·USEO-SERV. •• 2089 ""'"" BJw .. or Authorized Sales • Service WalJOft DEMO SALE ~ phone 645-1982, 9am to6pm 1970 Flat 124 Sports Cpe. . . '66-9U Red: Nu l\1ichelin Low mileage, automatic. Red Radio, heater, special eX-'67 ~lG_B. wire v.·hls, radial tires chrome whls: Just with black interior. ExCt'I· hau•t pin •ttiping n1dial ply. ti~, Al\1/Fl\I radio, taken in trade r.or boat, but lent condilion. Priced to sell. • • $!6j() 6 3-&198 d h Will ' (\VAH l9J) tires, :ow miles. 1 • nee cas . ~c. al $2795 '66 MGB $3200. Pvt pty' 831>-5161. $1395 9625 Garden Grove Blvd. ·'Vire wheels, over drive, both '64 PORSCHE Poppy's 537-7777 Call Collect IOP!i, radio, heater, 4-1ipeed. $2395 ==========1 A fine buy at thl& low price. -(•70814) J1 rltl!J o rt 3\tnp o rt s JAGUAR $1499 ~~-----~I 11>09 N Horl'>o• 01 17th <,t. ~o~to L'1o--S11 SJlQ "FRIEDLANDER" JAGUAR "'"HACH I Hwy. ]fl HEADCj)UARTERS 893-1'66 • 537-6824 ,,.., W, eoa .. Hwy., N.B. -tNy-" Th<-only aulhortzecl J AGUAR ~ &12--940J 540-1764 dea.lPr in the entire Harborl------------=""',==,-==-=::....:=1'67 PORSCHE 912, l\1JNT Area. '6-1 i'>1GB New top &: paint, cond. 46,000 mi. Lemon "Leader In The Beaeh Cities" Compleft: ZIMMERMAN SALES . 2145 HARBOR BLVD. SERVICE 5*-MIO PARTS BAUER DOT DATSUN BUICK OPEN DAILY IN su~~ys COSTA MESA 18835 Eeach Blvd. 234 E. 17th Street Huntington &1.ch MS-7765 __ ..,_._77_8I_o_• -"-"°'-"--1 '70 XKE Roadster '67 Datsun Lo ad ed. v.·ith' hardtop. Chrome \Vire \Vheel11, AJl.I / Waqon Ff\1, •12257. Sacrillt"C! 'Viii Autonta1ic. {UD:!: 591) Saeri· lake older car in trade or "'ire wt1ls, orig owner, i\1usl yellow, new radial, $4,100. sell. SU.SO. 633-5253. 644-5290. '61 PORSCHE Cpe 1600, orig OPEL onr. xlnt cond, Al\1/Fi'>1, 1----------1 $1800. can finance. '66 OPEL 71"89....," WAGON • '63 PORSOIE CONVRT. REBLT/ENG. Automatic. radio, heater. Li. * * 673-7290 * * Cl'nse TAX065. 1----'...::C:..:.::.:. ___ _ $988 MIKE McCARTHY BUICK SAAB Auihorized Dealer Sales • SeNice e Parts Sonct Coupes .Jn Stock Orange County's Ne"•c11t Dlr, Jice! '\'ill lake trade o.-1in-finance pvt ply, Call Sid dlr 155.)0 Beach Blvd. ance private party. Call 54fl.3100or49t-7506aftlOam. at San DiPgo FMvy. COAST IMPORTS $1399 "FRIEDLANDER" 1 l7SO I EACH I H'l"Y· J9} I 893-75Ei6 • 537-6824 L.rVU"LIV '65 Spitfire Radio, heater, 4 speed. Clean! •P11698 $595 BILL JONES' B.I. Sportscar Center 28.J,1 Harbor, C.M. ;!04491 '68TriumphGT Fastback. 6 cyl. engine, 111.· dial tires. CZSP 637) $1799 Dorsa Motors 186Zl Beach Blvd., J.lunt. Bch. 142·83411-842-8640 '67 TR4A $1595 J1rtuport Jl111µort~; 3100 \V. Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-9405 !>M).1764 '66 TR-4A Roadster. Brili!!h r a c i n' g green, CYRD006) $1595 DON BURNS Porsche Audi, LTD. 136.11 J1arbor Blvd. 636-2333 Just S. of Garden Grove Fw}-. '68 TR 250 $2295 J1rtuµorl JIJ11por1 ') 5'16-4052 or 494~11. 1969 KE c s· t ,.;.::....;,;;c_c.__,.;.:cc.:.,, ___ I X oupe -. 1 ver ex!, 894·3341 • 531-2450 ot Orange County Inc. 3100 \V, Coast Hwy., N.B. 1969 4-DR stallon wagon. red leather int. Chrm \\'irel --~~8~~0~-~--1 1200 \V , Pacific Coa.;,t Hwy. 642-9405 546-1764 Auto., r&h. Red ,v/black u1lls. F'act air. Perfect '6 pef 642-0406 e 546-4529 int. 14.000 ml. 1 owner. cond . P v l. ply. 1===========1'6.j TRJUi\iPH-Spo116525 s15!I» 648-'"" 1m cliu 714/83>-9Jlll. Wa9on SUNBEAM RPH 101. ""'-P•y, Dr. N_.B_. ______ '67 Jaguar 2X2. burgundy. Fae!. air oonct. (BHT 758) t---------1--=="..,..&-<_3"8-c-=--·I '70 DATSUN w / blk loath". Mich•lio $l 350 ,66 S b R d 1970 Tri"mph 500cr ""'' wire wht.. lo mi',, Im-Un eam 03 Ster Ex"''-rood. 3 mo old. 4 Door Sedan, used {603AVA) mat". $3700, pvt pty, 673-2222 DON BURNS 536-729-1 aft 5 Pi'>t dlr. \Viii take lr8de or Un-or 49'1-1451 nitci;. New paint, new lop, ne1\' '61 TR-3 y,•fMG-TD body. a~ privare party. Ca J I -"-'-__ "'-_.""----·I Porsche Audi, LTD. til'es. tSTZl~ 1 Only S!Ki or trade tdr ntotorcycle 5464052 or 494-6811. 13631 Harbor Blvd. 636-2ll3 $1295 or 7 673-1089. 1970 DATSUN 2'0-Z. Ai•. KARMANN GHIA J"" S. ol Cord•n Grov. '"~· DON' BUDNS --------I n1ag "·his. 1i00 miles. '68 Q I ~ P"'''" '°""· 67'-2319. '69 KARMANN · pe Porsche Audi, tTO. VOLKSWAGEN : FERRARI FERRARI Ne...,·port Impart!! Llrl. Or· ange County's only author· ized dealer. SAJ..F.S.SERVJCE-PARTS 3100 \V. Coast ll "'Y, Newport Beach 642.9405 S<I0.1764 Aulhorlzed F'emri OeaJer FIAT """"""'"" "THINK" llBBD NEW 124 CPE. DEMO $2795 ... ''FRIEDLANDER" 1)750 llACH ILYD. '""''' Jtl 893-7566 • 5.17-6824 NEW.USEO-S E RV. l.IVM"l.ft.I '68 850 Spyder Italian racing red, ~I a I whttls, radio, healer, 4. speed, radial tlm, lYQX· 660) Chrome "'heels, new tires & 1::631 Harbor Blvd 6.16-23.13 ,65 VW paint -l\1elalllc blue. lo1v Just S. of Garden G.rove F'wy. n1ileag~. (XBP205) \Viii lakel:========== I BUG GHIA " U'ade or finance private par. TOYOTA 4 speed ~ransn1i$i;ion, radio 1y, 546-4052 or 494-0811 and heatr.r. !XXD149) /.'.':C:::::;:::,:::.;:::.:::::'..'.,.=" l·---------American 01ag!I wide t11'C5 custom metalliC paint w'•h beautituJ lace work, YPU. 001. $1895 • ·70 oPEL cT, '""Ac. •68 Toyota i\·:ust S<-11 TI1is Weekend! Besl Of{er: 675-6197 • Automatic. Sharp! CXDl\t244l ATLAS '70 OPEL G.T. 102 hp, •. ,,.., $1199 Red. 4500 mi. Like NC\V Several other rustomlzed V\V to choose frcni CHICK IYERSON vw CHRYS LER PLv>touTH l=SJ09';=-·="='-=2300=·===,1Dorsa Motors 2929 Harbor Blvd. PORSCHE 18621 B<'fl<'h Bl vd., Jlunt . Bch. CMta ~'fcSA 5'16-1934 842-834()......142.8640 549-3031 E.\:t. 66 or 61 1970 111\RBOR BLVD. '63 VW GHIA '63 PORSCHE COUPE C.Onve-rtible. Recent viglne overhaul, hard to find ~ del. Radio, heat~r. 4 speed, H.udtop, gleaming metallic etc. sil~r. "-ith brand new in- $1099 CHICK IYERSON vw 54g.:i()31 Ext 66 or ti7 1970 lIARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA t~rlor. chrome \\"httls, ra· dial tire!!, M.t/FM radio, Lie. PXW982. $2399 CHICK IYERSON vw Si\fl.3031 Exi. 66 or 61. 1970 llARBOR BLVD. COSTA l\tESA '66 912 Coupe Ont! O\\'n~r. ITA.'\ 289) $3595 DON BURNS '70 Toyota MKll 1970 vw w .. 1pha1ia eam.,.r, -4 door. Loaded, factory air. lmO mi, AM/Fi\f radio, Only 5,000 miles. • RT63147 Xlnt condition, $ 3 4 O q, Still under \\·arranty, Take 64fi..9076 aft 3 P;\t older trade or ~mall down. e ·ss VIV Bug -Ai\1/F'M, \\'ill finance pvt. ply, Call i;ul)l'r clean. dh, ~1auf1' alt 10 ant 54().3100 I $1350. 675-43'9 Or 49+7506. e·66 V'IV Bug. Xlnt cond. 1111 BEACH Bl VD. Hunt . Buch 147.a5U I mt N, Of 0:wrt HWJ". on Bell !TIOIYIO!TIAI '71'• H E RE NOW I SEE & DRIVE TH.Ei\-f $850. QUICK SALE 67'.Hi819 • '62 V\V.X1nt cond. Sunroof. Original O\\'ner, 1o ml. $71". 675-0iSt '64 V\V Bug, !iunroof. l'tb'i! eng. New brakes & clutch. 1\-lake otter. 642-4047 '&I V\V Bus. '67 eng. Seala, n dio, :oclnts. Very clean. sum. ~4-$11-1 Tustin, Porsche Audi, L TO. A FE'IV REl\1AlNJNG TO's AT 13631 Harbor Blvd. 6.16-2333 CLOSEOUT PRIC£s! '64 V\V Bus. ne1\' 1500 en1 le trans. Xln't cond. Must sell. $875 or otr, 546-5619 • '67 V\V Bug-Good cond. Ntw tires, tape dttk. $1695 MG • '66 PORSCHE Good'°""· ""'' Ul/10 JUstS.ofGardenGrovt?f'wy. fl""" [n • ..:i BILL JON ES' 1 --------..L.)~~~~nslder any otter. IMPORTS sum. ea11 &14-utT '65 VW panel bus -1500 ccrn eng, $975 or best offer. i\lu11 M"JI. K. Block. 727 Yorktown, Apt 126, ll.B. B.I. Sportscar Center Sal ... s.~. P.ru -'-"-'------11966 "''""'· c.M. 64&9303 tmmedl•" 0.11\<ry, '65 PORSCH E 912 Red '70 TOYOTA'S 2S33 Harbor, C.~f. 540-4491 '67 SPYDER Super Sharp, '4 JPC'f!d. dlr. (TQC ;,,)SI 'VIII take Ctlr ln lradr or tin.!lnCC prlvale par. 1y. 546-4052 or .t94-68J 1. All ~todcls Xlnt cond, $3300. * 646-0l18 tn stoc:k.. lmmt!diale delivery. J1rll.1IJ0 rl ~l111p o rt s '6.1 S Xlnt cond. Extras. New lire$, chrm Mms. Offer . Will ~ trade ror VW. 817'56>1 11 lf,Q\S 11'0"'1<1"°'y_011_e_vc-,-,~h"10"•"0~1"',-wa-~-I Ul""lfS Ina: that White Elephant In ., '66 V\V CA.,1PER lo"'· ml., very clean s1m or be•! of. frr. 5J6-89.11 'TO V\\I Pop !Op CAn1per wftenl. 6500 mi"!!, many :<tras. lmmat", Be~t of fer. 642-3740. -COST A &IUA PARK SPACE: FOR RENT $55, 8'x35' COLUli,fBIJ\ •fl!MCO' Cov'd PfttlO Stsgj Term.& A\'lll. (}Jc No. 1klnlna. Set up in HunlinJii· IT'S Beach hOU1e lime. Blg- ron By The St.a. Ttent $75. ge11 selection ewrl See the Porsche Audi, LTD. $1400. 1969 850 ~rtl Coupe. 3100 w "--· II N.8 lhe atlla for 110mcthlng you • ....... t wy_, • CM u~e! Try the Traders Laguna Beach '69 VW b1~. dark blu~ lm· &42-940.) S4G-l1&4 P11.r11dlse column In the Dal· 900 So. Cat. Hiahw•Y · mac ootid, radio, cu~1~1 ~ ON7961l) * Dlr, ~1S-8:2AJ * t363· HllI'bor Blvd. 6.16-23"3 Good c:ondlllbn. Just S. of C3rdton Gravt ~')'., •897-97!11 * $9250. Can Tony, ~1 -8571. ~cllon nowt Cal l 642..5671 I: c~ tt.. ly Pilot Want Ads. 4M-7503 * "'54o-3l00 le.rlor. $15!l5, St&--7057. I i r ' .,, • • ... G I ( R : . I ' - B " I I • ( . " . c J• .R c' I! • -, . " ~ ' . • • ,, '" " ' -. I , ---··-----•' . . PILOT 33 ;,_. '~ 'rRANSPORT S.tu ... y, oe.-31. 1970 DAILV TRANSPORTATION ~EYIOLn ' fRAN5P0RTATIOli 'fRllNSPORTA JRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION " 1,,,ported A 9600 .;;lm=porled;;:.;;o=..C;:;a::rc.:•-~'600= Imported ,._ , '600 UMll C•rs t90ll UMll Cara "'° UMll Cara '90CI --------U1ocl Cars t90ll UMll Cara -VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO we BUY BUICK CADILLAC '67 Chevy SS C.!llYROLn '64 YW Gleaming white, with red !~ terlor, can tlnanee private """'" IJc, 865-BEJ t799 CHICK IVERSON YW 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA lofESA '68 YW AUTO MAnc Black with black inttrlor, ..........,, -w. wtl1 fin. ance private party. Ue. XEU-'12<, $1499 CHICK IYERSON YW e Cad. 'ff Sad. do VIII• '!; ~~'=; 1:,': °'66 CAPRICE FACTORY tires. ~w ntllea. cieanl 2-0oor Ji.T. S.S. Auto., radio, AIR CONDmONING (TVA 164) heater, power 1t~. ruu ........ vinyl !Op. Lw<ur· $1799 pow.r bral!t• fadory air lout cloth A leather interior. I 't Li cond., V 11 y top. C. O.W comlort aieatl, Sln'eO RUH Xll :;]~~;:=::1":: Dorsa Motors $1688 light aenttnel., power hunk 18621 BtaC'h Blvd., 11unt. Bch. MIKE °""""'• etc., etc. (065AGC) 842°l:MG 142-8640 CARS l.l'U'U'LIU --'"' ~ '69 Electra 225 TMUtl . F\IJJ. p(>"'-er, air cond., vinyl "'OLYO' 2100 ""' .... Blvd, -top, AM/FM, C•lOIOI), f '66 VW Bur tU·back ,.,.,, $3788 -new point $950. '64 <;bevy El Ml KE "FRIEDl.AHDER" = .. ~~~.._ 1795 · '""We. INWY n1 M~CA~lHY 893·'1566 • 537-BUICK BUICK NEW-USED.SE RV. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. ~ '66 RIVIERA '69 VW Bug 54!}.3031 Eli:t. 66 or 61 -..-.......--~ Radio, he:atu, Exc;ellent con. OOSTA MESA Auto., UH, power 1tttrlng lM50 Beach Blvd. at San Ditto n-....'Y. 8&&-3341 • 531-2450 SALE $4999 PRICE •64 Chevy SS McCARTHY Orange County's t..arrest Selection of Quality Cadillacs 327 VB, air cond., power steer-BUICK Nabers Cadlllac: Ing, vleyl top, ...... ... dltion. Priced to sell, (ZZM. __ __; _ __:.:_;,__ -A-~-w-nt-ocl---9700-1 & bra k e 1, air, chrome >l71 '67 vw lug u,-• wheela, L!Cente SYR 928 $1495 Clean! IVDW 1'1> WE PAY TOP $2388 Dors!8~otors CASH Mc~l~~HY for used' can • truckl fUlt BUICK 18621 Beach Blvd., Hunt. Beh. call u, for free estimate, B42-1:MG 142 .-GROTH CHEVROLET 1M50 Beach Bl\·d. at San Diego Frwy. '70 SPORT WAGON -Like 2f1X> HARBOR BLVD., chrome w~l1, new wide ntw, J>&/pb, air. $3500. Coata Mesa oval tires. (HGM Mll lM60 Beach B!vd. at San Diego Frwy. 89&-334J • 531.2450 ,..... .. or 6"-0631 5'"'9100 Open Sunday $699 . CADILLAC '65 CHEVROLET ''1 couPE '1>ev1LLE Dorsa Motors· IMP'L' CADILLAC FuU power, factory air, padd-"" "' e Ced, '67 Convertible ed top, leather interior. ater. 1862'1 Beach Blvd ., Hunt. Bch. 4 DOOR F ACl'ORY eo AM-FM radio, tilt steer. 842-1340 842-8640 V8, automatic transml11ion, AIR CONDITIONING 1na whet), power door locks, ,70 M lib SS radio. heater, power steer· Full power, plush full IUther twlll&ht .entlnel, auto dim· G U lng. (PHY51'9) Air cond. '66 vw Camper Lal'IJ• Selec:tion Of YW Canipen, interior, stereo, tilt wheel, mer. Very low mlleaa;e. V8, loaded + alt cond., pow. $895 Aak for Selll Manater 8!M-331Jl • S3l-2450 door locks, li&ht 1tntloel. (TJ'B561) er wiodo"''S. 1872 AGO) 18%11 Beach Blvd. e BUICK '61 RIVIERA . etc., etc, <VCIJO!•l SALE $3111 PRICE $2995 -AJUS Hwitin&toa Beach FACTORY SALE $2811 PRICE Orange County's Largest YaM, Kombls, • ' CHRYS '64 CHRY LU SLER wqon_ v.a. Town A Country auto., R&H, l>O" .l brakes, air (RRJ996) 1er 1tetrlnf conditioning $895 ATU s LYMOUTH CHRYSLER P 2929 Harber Cmta Mesa Blvd. ....~ ·COM n '64 CALIENTE: Z.Dr brd<p. V-8 I auto.: P "'""· Pvt Ply' IS, air. xtn1 --1960 Ford °'""'' . $215. Good -* 646-""'9 * CONnN ENTAL ...... Ex- na1 e1r in Fully loaded, Pop top, Brand ' · new engine. #Pll658 Buses, Ne'll! & Used lmmocllato Dellvory U7-Gl87 KI 9-3.133 AIR CONDITIONING Oran&e County's Largest Selection o1 Quality Cadillac! BILL JONES' LATE MODEL Full......,, vinyl top, ..... Selection ol Quality ".""ill•ca Nabers Cacllllac: BJ. Spartscar Center OIRYSLER PLYMOUnl inc ...... '62 Continental ecutiw'1 peno simply oubland Black wfblack teriol'. fully equ 644-7014 au 6 leather fn. $1795 lflLL JONES' BJ .. sportscar Center ~ 2833 Harbor, C.1\1. 5404491 l VW LEASING e Tax & Lie. Down • $50.87 per month e 36 month open end lease 1m vw Bug AT CHICK IVERSON vw 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MF.SA '67 VW CAMPER $1995 J1rwport · 3l111ports 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. ' 642-9405 541).1764 1 66VW ,BUG t.!edlterranean green, Radio, "'hite wall tirt-s. (XEW493) $1195 DOiii BURNS Porsche Avdi, LTD. ' 13631 HarDor Blvd. 636-2333 Just S, of Garden Grove F'Y.'Y. CHICK IVERSON YW 549-Jm Ext. 615 ot IT DTO HAJ\BOR BLVD. CDSrA MESA ''4 GHIA $'95 J2rtupo1 t 31111 p Ll l'[ ., 3100 W. Cout Hwy., N.B. 642-9405 540-1764 lpped.'1J)OO. AIR VAIR io. beater. 166) 8 E THY K CADllLACS bucket ,.,.,, chrome 1port Nabers Cadillac: :teOO HARllOR BLVD., 2929 Hubor Bl,d. WANTED wheel.&! AM I FM stereo, 2600 HARBOP. BLVD., Collta Mesa 2833 Harbor, C.M. 540-4491 Coata Mesa 546-1934 & ANY OTHER power doo• locka, tilt A tele-!§40.9100 Opeo Sund•y !§40.9100 Open Sund,y ,69 CHEV '67 CHEVROLET LATE MODEL scopic &letting wheel. Load. CORY GENERAL MOTORS CAR ed. w/l':xtra11 (XDI..584) 1969 COUPE de V i lle. '66 CAD, conv. El Dorado -NOVA SEE CHUCK TRAPP OR SALE $31.11 PRICE Nutme1 Fireml1t color. tan all pW!', climate .control, 8E1 NG TRANSFERRED, IMPALA '6~ COR BILL MAC CRACKEN <>ranee Qiunty'1 LArgKt 1'ndau top, A.\l /FM stereo AM/FM stet'f!O, cnnse ~n-MUST 'SEIL. Xlnt coild In-SUPER SPORT ~ Nabers Cadillac SeNtec~~ o1 ~~~iu.dill~ea ;:~~'~a~~Y u~~ :;; u~ld:_!~~. &t~::! :e c!xt~u!;.;~~Y3-!t~; ~!eu,~10r;;u\ue~· :~~ • s~6~d -HARBOR 8,!:VD., Gusrl Wlil w!Montee load levelers & sent,~ $1995. 642-2413 or heatl':r, w/w, tinted glaas, cons~, etc'. ITP§989) $58 Costa Mesa . ~HARBOR BLVD., front atabWzer shocks. Xlnt 56--0548. mi!t green. $1495 540-9100 Open Sunday ·C:O.ta Mesa :OOi Priced to sell. $4700. '10 cadlllac El Dorado, Glen-P!.eue check this out! MIK WE PAY CASH !540-9100 ap.0 SUnday ~ 060 more grey, rompl equip, c.n aft 2,30 pm, 838-5143 ATLAS '70 El Dorado 10• 000 mi · •. 15 ·" 0 M CAR '65 BUICK mo186>ls1 call ea""'"' '63 Nova C Bl..t. >Ny, 531-2450 FOR YOUR CAR E~ir,'.~'.s .. ~:l"';.:·~~ FuU ';°~~iic~ded. ·=·t~~~D' x1".' Wagon CllR~~~i..".~~ BUIC EJR 612 $6988 C.nd! Nu/tire•. 47,000 mL . 934 15550 Beach WANTED CONNELL 51488 Pvt Pt . .....,,,,,644-5924. 6 cyl., automouc. E'cell•nt Coota Mo,. MS.1 at San D"1!o MIKE y. tran1pN1ation car. (BSU292l rn pay top dona~ for )'Oll1' CHEVROLET MIKE '62 .CADILLAC 4 dr HT. Full w u1 take trade or tinance '65 Chevy, surf, ski, camper, 894-l34l • r 1a~G o oC: 7010 11ter s .... ffiMONZA ... 12!15 N.B. IJ7S.Di1 E'l IE • '70 . oy RY ONING fastback wttb els 350 V-8 ed 1n spark· VOLKSWAGEN today. Call 2328 Harbor Blvd. McCARTHY pwr, air. 5t&-2ll8 private party, 546-40.52 or van, 6'.ee~s!J:'· 1:5nc1~~~ C~ ~.:1',: ~ =~ WE°';~YM;P :~R McCARTHY ' BUICK "'°· .70 a DORADO ~661·CHEVROLET .57 Che"Y """'"· x1nt ........ '•mFrt, s.t .. '66 YW BUG FQRTOPUSEDCARS BUICK 4300miles stereo,fUllyequi~ Always starts, never fails! e '63 CORVA If your car ts extra clean, 15550 Beach Blvd. ped, SG.500. 492-1112 UK> 54G--0844. R/H, Xlnt sha Competition orange w Ith see us flnt. 15550 Beach Blvd. at San Diego Frwy. IMPALA COUPE • •67 Impala 2 dr, beige, 123 Edgewater, black lnterlor. UOH144 BAUER BUICK at San Diego Frwy, BSf.3341 • 5.11-2450 CHEVROLET V8, automatic, radio, heater, pwr atrgtbrka, fact. air. $1099 234 E. 17th St. 894-3341 • 531.2450 • Cad .... Cpo. do vm.1--------power''""''"'" CSZH751) Beout. rood. 675-3087 CORY CHICK IVERSON C.tla Mo.. Sl8-7'lS3 '69 BUICK Electra 225, f dr. FACTORY '69 CHEVROLET $1195 '57 NOMAD. Hlghnt off" ---- YW ll1PORTS WANTED Air cond. Desert gold. Full AIR CONDrrJoNING 132 W. Wilson, Apt. 1, CM • Corvett 0ral'l!'.e C.Ounties pwr. Tilt strg whl. 4 way Full leather lntet':lor, Cruise STATION ATLAS Sat-sun afternoon. Sting R 549-3031Ext.66or67 TOP$BU'ftR seat.SharpPv1 Pty. controI.tlltv.•heel,Automa. WAGON 1953 CHEVY. Good FACTO 1970 HARBOR BLVD. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA Must sell; 546-3086 tie dimmer, Full power, An ,__ •~ AIR CONDIT! •~•i Be ·• Bl d VI, autDmatic, radio, beater, OIRYSL"R PLYMO'_,, tranlpOrtat .... , ear . -· COSTA MESA """"' aua v' • 69 BUICK Electra 225, 4 dr. exceptionl.l value. (JWL6'l3) IZMX930) "' v •n. Call 5'8-8136. Sho....TOOmfresh '66 VW Dix, Bm., ttblt eng H. Beach, Ph. 847-8555 Air oond. Desert anld. Full ~ALE $1111 PRICE $1995 2929 Harbor Blvd. '58 Chevy IY•-o "'8, rcmoveable pan & elee sys., mnv to camper, CASH FOR CARS pwr. Tilt strg whi~ 4 wicy Naben Cadilac Costa l\tesa 546-l934 ._v .... engine. Finish hlfe W/plUlh lnyl interior. wfgcar. Xlnt shape, Pvt RUNNING OR NOT seat. Sharp! Pvt Pty . 2t'RlO HARBOR BLVD. •70 CHEVEU.E Malibu *~~Of* ling Ermine w •59 VW .BUCJ pty. $1485. 842-3651. * 548-4634 a.ft 3:30 pm * 546--?.086 COSTA MESA ATLAS 'Super Spt. 454. Ansen mags. 1-,,iir.-cE"'l"""Co-m-.lno-.M"•"'l"ib-u· 1 metallic blue v power steer., 1969 VW auto square back. 968 5 OPEN SUNDAY Going ovenffl. Make offer. All optloru. incl, . Radio, heate1', 4 speed, dlr. R.&H, new tires, xlnt oond. Auto La•slng 9110 • 1968 Riviera &: 1 port CHRYSLER PLYMOUnt 1 ~673-~1'4~8~-----11,A=I'=· =====64=~=:1729= I brakes, electric wlndoWI. (JZF 649) Must sell by Sun. $2'200. 613-8069 aft 6 pm. ----~---1 Wagon, Both clean, many '66 EL DORADO CONVT 2929 H bo Bl d J· Hydro auto trans. 5trtto day. Will take trade or fin-1 --~---~--1 LEASE options. S.1,000 ea. Pvt pty. A i r~ AM IF M • A 11 Col M ar r v ~10C4 1964 CHEVY Impala convert. CHRYSLER multiplex Ii: just 7800 care. 61 VW 2 dr, Rebuilt en&:. A NEW 1m 644-5576 aft 6 pm leather/int. Gd. Cond. A ta ~ . . SS. New ~ & tires, Good fully driven mUe1. C7514SQ) ance prlvh.te Party. 546-4052 Excellent transp S37a '66 Ch II eond. $750 or Best otfu. $5555 PRICI ., 491"811, • 96>-1782 . PINTO '70 SPORT WAGON ·Like "';al Buy at $1795 Pvt Ply' evy 673-3700, ... for Shan>o '62 Imperial SALE !LC"'""°=,...:.,=~-~.~ $50 00 mo oew "''•• ·~ S3500 64>-2317 · Nabers Cadlllac 1966 VW BUG. ra d 1 o. 1969 VW Bug: Red/Ext . • • 54s..9U9' or 6u.oori ,68 Cid El Dorado. SUwr 6 eyL, 3 apeed, wagon, dlr. '6& IMPALA Dlx Sta Wp. Loaded! Mult·.eU by Sund&¥. , PJnroof, xlnt mechanical. Blk/lnt. 4 spd. XJnt mnd. (36 mo.) l\1ist, compl equip. Stereo ndlo, (~ Zt.1) ~ill take Air, PS. R&H, Good cond. dlr. <TWZ 07&l Wlll take 2600 HARBOR BLVD. $900. 67S-5015, 675-8137. Like New! $1600. 548--8861 open end '67 Riviera. Excellent con-tape deek, 4 nu tires, $4,l75. trade or finance prtvatendaypar. Must all, S 1350 10 tte r. trade or finance private par. COSTA MESA * '55 VW SURF BUG, Reblt Aft 5 . RENT dilion, Vinyl top & ~tras (WPHS97l C&ll Bayi:hott ty. Mutt sell by Su . 546--&tOS ty. 546-4052 or 4:!M-68ll. OPEN SUNDAY engine. Good running cond . ./ '66 V\V camper bubble to., A NEW 1971 S:2450. 540-0206. Moton, 64z.....40ll. '-~~~°'~'9f.~!8~11~. ~;__1,;:;~~=.":":==:==::::~§~~~~":~;::=~~:;:;"""::I $225. 49<0682. ~ e"'"~ and body. $1600 PINTO '68 RIVIERA -Full pwr, ai•, ~'69 CAMARO I ~-• C 1 ~-1mpo~• •utas '6001mportod Auloo -6 """ .... -.. loaded. Leaving ('Ol.lntry. * LEAVING COUNTRY '65 l;;;;;m;po;;;";;;;;-;;;a;;;r;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;";;;-;;;~;;;;;;;;;~~:;;;~~==;;;;~1 -~;Fllr,w Ra~~i:Clf ~;~7:~·:AcR I FICE $4 !nAY $.1100. 49&-4533 Dana Pt. ~~.';g~~-Very clean. V8, air cond., power steering.II 7 Trlr(H,ltcb. $200. 536-2286. ** 499-4216 ** 4 MILE '66 2 DR, Sport Coupe. v..a, • dlr. (UYB 9'2) WW take Insur I nee Too H·1 1 h ,61 VOLKSWAGEN ¢ PIS R&H lo mi """ ,lot • Cod, 66 Cpo. do VIiie trado °' """""' privtt...,. e VOLVO PUT A • ..........,~ cond 11350/offer 644-6..soo FA(7()RY ..., o:.u.-::11or<""'11 l500 or Best Ofler! ... , ''""" · · AIR CONDmONING v · ....,.......,_ • • 646-5591 • KJCK.IN YOUR E Full"°""• all leathe!' lnler. '56 CHEVY "'' l ·•pd . DRIVE FIATI c. * '64VW Squareback.Clean, VOLVO THELc!,~~RE NOW'S TH ior tilt & telescopic wheel W/Hu.rat linkage. NU • · xlnt cond, $'195. '71's HERE NOWI Al\{ I FM ll&ht dimmu' Polyglaa GT tires. MANY * 540-7308 * ROBINS FORD <SBBn4) 4•to choose tram: ~fn:.~ $650. Pvt Pty : SEE . ORNE THEM 2060 HARBOR BLVD., TIME FOR T··-. k •• ··~ e '&' VW-Radio, 4 speed, A FEW REMAINING 70'11 AT COSTA MESA .._ your pie • owy, · • ,85 cileV Sta Wag. One owner 1500 eng. $595. CLO~EOUT PRICES 642..oolo SALE $2332 PRICE After 4 pm, 642-3293 Orange County's Largest car. White. Perfect con- '68 vw FASTBACK "Wt [f.wiA F;nd~L~)'O~ can~ QUICK CASH Selection Quality Cadillacs ~~~~5CM~l&38. W $1400. 548-2505 eve/wknd! IMPORTS Salesman .. Daily Pilot Naben Cadillac '66 El Camioo. 4-spd V8, 1970 Tan VW Bug Classified 642-5671 -plue THROUGH A 2600 HARBOR BLVD., Mag wbls. factory air, Must sell SlrO>. 61s.6691 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 your ad & char&e it! C.osta Mesa AM /FM radio. S 119 5, 540-9100 Open Sunday 642--5383. lil~m~po~rt~od~A~ut~as~;;;;i9600~~l~m~po~rted~~A~u~rto~si;;;;;ii9600iiii;~l~m~po~rtedii;j;ijA~uiihls~iiii-iiiiiiiiilDAILY PILOT '7~ CA~ Coupe de Ville •• ~ ... ~E~L~C~AM=lN~O-<~~SP~D,...&""11 7500 rru. Like new. STEREO. 15,000 ml. $6000. 644-0328 * AFT: 3: 301968-0353 * .,, "' ,. • WE HAVE THE BEST SELECTION OF BMW's IN ORANGE COUNTY • 1600'• • 2002 ·-'. 2100 e ALL COLOll e ALL MODILI • 2100 c e IMMIDIATI DILIVll 'H FIAT 150 Spldor, 2 J r., r•Jlo, ho•t•r, 1o1ltr1 1horpl IWTI-•t61 REPEAT PERFORMANCE M% of 8M owners rtpe•t tht purchese. M•ybo you should find out why. SH u1 for tho frH bookl1t, "33 RHIOnl Why BMW 11 Batter''. Or ••k for the key you'll get th• m••••t•· PLUS A LAIGI SILICnON OF . DOMDnC TRADD TO DIAWS AND M PU&IC AT WllOUSALI PllCD lee BerleUl's ........... -·-... T&M MOTORS 11111 GARDIN GROVE ILVD. IA.Lii Ol'IN SUNDAT PAl'TI. HIYICI TUG., THUii.. 11\.L l :tt -IV. ,. L .. _, ltUMI WANT AD CAD '65 COV, lthr int, am/ Im, f air, ( pwr, loaded, l?X cond. $1850, 499-3651 '65 Chevy 2-dr Impala, 283 eria. p.11., Clean, $750. * 536-3002 * 96001mparted Autos VOLVO AND TOYOTA TRADE INS . $1595 $1395 1961 Toyot• Coron• H.T. Cpe. R., H., 1961 VW. R., H., I, 4-•peH, r•1I nir.e. 1utom•lir.. R••I clo•n. (WIDOlll 1610AMNI $1795 $1095 1969 Toyot• Coron• H.T, Cpo. It, H., 1966 VW f •tth•ck. It, H., 4•1po1d. A11tom1t ir.. IXWZ174l IRYS7111 $1195 $1595 1961 D1h1J• ilO SM. R., H., 4·1p114 1961 Vol,.o 122 Wo10.., R;., H., 4°$po.J. IVEY6lO> Sh1rp. IVEJ21~1 -~--~----~ $1495 $1595 1966 M G I Rodttr. k., H., 4·1pood, wlro 1969 T.,-.to C.roll•. W11on, H., 4·1po1d. who1l1. tTEH9051 IXNL1461 $1195 $1095 1964 M ~ I Rochtr. R., H., 4·1ptM, wJro 1967 l..,.t, Coron• SN. R., H. Stick. who1b. l ll.AJA41 lVDR•l41 $1795 $1895 1961 l riimiph Tk4A lo41tt. 111:., H., 4• lt1D l1.,.t1 C•rot1• H.l . C,.. R., H., + ,, ..... IRS, law Mil11. IXDFtll) 1pood. (ltJACMI s1095 ---=s-=-15~9-=-5 - 196• VW. l ., H., 4·1peod. St..,,. ISYY· lt61 Tayet1 Coran• H.T. c,.. R;.. H .. 4- 0711 tpo.d, •Ir &oflcf. IW~61DI etut Ll.IDY IMPORTS Fiat 850 Spider\ e Wh•n you drh•o 010 Fi1t 150 S-icfo, .,.., 1ot tfio foof of 1port cir Cfrh•Tnt wtthouf J1ntin1 vovr llud9ot. Yo11 fool tho roo4 011d onJov It. '•rtldpot. In tho ''.':fln11rin 9 or o r11lly ino tport. cor rido. And Y•• lnMw why• Spl4or Moh only tw-it I th• pl1co to boo cauplo! So ... to know th1twho1t you clrlY1 •flit it'1 111 thoto: tt!o new 51 hp ov•rh1•cf •1lv• on9lno, d11h t1chomot•r, ti!. full't •cfju.t1bl• bvoli1t 1o•h, tho front wh11I 4l1c br1li:•1, r1di1I tiro• •IHI th• f11Uy 1ynchrolt'lod1M fo~t-•p•od 1tiek 111ift, ~.t thl. loy of drh•ln1-owl Fiets cost 1011 t o insure. How does Fiat do it for th• price? Hurry! Only 7 Executive· Demo's left U•ISTla NIW 1911 l50 SPORT COUPE AM k-410, Relfl•I Tlrt11, AU Fl•t E11tro1 At No btro Coit • .J29171, 4,700 oct1o10/ milot. SAU NICI $1895 BIU Jones' u•1nn JllW 1m 124 SPORT COUPE AM /FM Re4r .. lMiol Tirts, All filf flii•1,......t. •01 27· ... SAUPltCI $2995 ll•tsnt NIW 1t7D l"IAT 124 ''$'' AM/FM R1d io, RHl•I Ti,._ All Flit Eq•lptr11M. #111·· 140. SALi PIJCI $1895 I I A T 19H HARBOR ILVD. B. J. SPORTCAR CENTER .. -COSTA MESA ••a _ 2•n HAlllOlt, COSTA M•SA 544).4491 -Vlilt au. Huto Now Pam A ,.,._ ~. -. ........ iL------~1·~·:~;";•;lo;rvl;•;""::.;"";:;.:':"":r1o;;.:•~r~·~·~""~'.;;;;c...;,..._._,.. I ' U DAILY PILOT Saturday, Octobtr 31 , 1970 -rRANSPORrATION TRANSPOR•Al ION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION U,... Ce" 9900 Uted C•rt 9900 UMCI C•r t 9900 Used Cara 9900 UHCf Ca" 9900 Ustd Cara t9oo U1N C1r1 9900 Used Cart 9900 Used Cars 9900 DODGE DODGE DODGE FALCON FORD FORD FORD MUSTANG MUSTANG '67 FORD '68 Super Bee '65 DODGE * ""' r a! c 0 " Sla!Joo ... GALAXY SOOXL' Buok" '66 FAIRLANE WAGON BRANO NEW '70 \Vaaon. Many extras. Clean. seats auto/fir ahift PIS-MUSTANG d' he "95. 536-6885 P/B & air. $525/Whs.t'. $47::i. '68 Coronet '66 Mustang Automattc. paa<tr 1ter:rln&, vlntJ top, (VZE 835) VS, automatic, n .,, ater. MONACO 548-7920 AutomaUc, !>fl\\·er steerlnic. G'ALAX IE 500 . GRANDE (398 BERSll 795 VS, automatic, R&JI, P.S., FIREBIRD '67 FAffiLANE .-..~ ail' cond, atert0 tape, dlr. 2 Dr. H.T. V8, automatic, ra. OR04r1·~~ 351 ClD V8 Automallc, radio, heater. tRVK 84'1) $1988 MIKE McCARTHY BUICK PB · ~ I 1 • --------conv. '""'rp (TAY -1 Will •-•---· ,., dlo, heater, po"u ateel';,,.., • . ~~. · ·• air co ...... , v ny IOJl,1 • int 42 000 mi PIS. r&h "'" ...._ ..... --c Ctu Ii Po St MIKE P-windo11 .. s, & seati, (SVZ. 1968 Flreblrd 400. Beklw blue · ' · • · · trade or Jioance prlvat rnJ.. (VFY099) tSOma c, wer eE'r· $988 .18) book. Mint oond. A Ir• Xlnt mech. $950 JI rm. ty. ~., or 4!H~ .. l $1195 Ing, Air Conditioning, EJec. 84&-1165 ""~ · IJ•ic C I o ck, Instrument McCARTHY $795 =~·84~~:· automatic 1962 Ford elation wagon, R&: FORD Country Squire '$3 Gauges, Belted \Vhitewall MIKE McCARTHY BUICK J{, automatic. M~hanics \Vgn, 1B-pass, Xlnt coT}d. ATLAS Ti1-e1, Vinyl Roof, Tinted ATLAS '69 FlREBIRD 40Cl Pvt Pt,y. Special, Phone 968-52!4 after loade:d w/xt~as, pv.T brk~· G!ass. Radio, Wheel Covers. d lo ml. PIS, AM/FM, air, 6 P.?.f steen~ • windows • sea~. \Vlndow sticker $4080. Dis. BUICK I~ Beach 'Blvd. 15550 Beach Blv · vinyl top. Immaculate • N!W llrcs. 1 owner, SUIOO. CHRYSLER PLVMOl.rIH at San Diego Frwy. at San Diego Frwy. otRVSLER PLVJ\.10UTH $2590. 644-<H38. '70 MAVERICK See to appreciate. Aft 2929 Harbor Blvd. count l:i550 Beach Blvd. at1 San Diego FN'Y• 894-3341 • 5.31·2450 894-3341 • 531-2450 89-J.3341 • 531-2450 2929 Harbor Blvd. .69 Flrebird-Pvt pty. Lo ml, Jess than 9000 mi's, auto & 7pm/wknds. 548-6096 Costa f.tesa MS.1934 '66 DODGE Du1 270 2"" '68 DODGE RT Coot& .,,,. >16-1934 P'/pb, radio, air. vloyl lop. n<Ho, $1"', 6'.>!970, '""' ATTENTION BUYERS TOP OOll.AR $715 sedan, 6 cyl, Ml, auto, FULL POWER ·+ factory alr, DODGE '63, 4 door, R&H, Sports a:roup. Im mac. 548-l817. Let us help you find a xlnt cond, must aell, _ Low miles. f\tust liquidate auto, beaut. cond. 1 owner. 675-2966 wkends only. 1965 Fairlane automatic, 289 car at no eost to you, I $800. 675-5655 Immediately. lst S2WJ buys, $600. 546-9983. eng, New paint, reaJ clean. Sellel"I also v:elcom(!, 1 •70 DODGE Challenger 440 XEU354, FOR.D See to appreciate. $700/of-Call mw 642-4431 M•gnwn, .All exlras, "500 CHICK IVERSON FALCON '"· 646-5265 aft 6.-Auto. Referral Service mi's, J',1ust ~11. 673-2754 1967 FORD Econoline, needs e·r.o FORD Ranchero, Good VW 1--------'61 FORD Sia. Wag. 9 pasS.. .,. CLEAN USEO CARS See Andy Bro\.\•n THEODORE ROBINS FORD *'69 l\IUSfANG ?11ach I. 351, air, 4.spc1; full pwr, 5tereo. Reaa. 6-12-2886 • OLDSMOBILE •. OLDSMOBILE '61 '66 DODGE ?.fonaco v.rag. 9 '65 FORD Falcon 2--dr cpe, paint, $1100. or best offer. llrtt &. brakes, Clean, $295. New tires, brks, 4.000 Qll pass. Ftilly Ioeded. Under 54~3031 Ext. 66 or 67 auto, R/H, Jo mi's, Orig ~603c'..C"".,-"''-'Cdc,'~I.=~== 1-~-~"~'3~~~~~-1 valves. Good transp. 250 2060 Harbor Blvd. '67 Mustann book. 96Z-2757. 1970 HARBOR BLVD, Owner Xl nt, f795. 673-7030. Saturday ~ Otra;...A-LJNES! Pilot Classified. 642-5678 Albert Pl .. C~f. C.osta Mesa ' ":I CUTLASS "S" Autumn gold with black vinyl interior, V8, automatic, ra- dio heater new glass bell ti~s. po1ve.;. steering, under 24.000 miles. IWDU1131 SALE $2333 PRICE Nabers Cadillac 1~~~~==""'.:'.::~,,;;~~~~~~:::-=.§':~==~~~·::=:~===:;;~='::'~~====~~~~~~~;;:==:::::-~.-1-=,-;.i£42.00~~l~O==-l2 Door. Auto1nallc, power -C•rs 9IOONow Cira 9IOONow Can 9IOO Now C•r• 9800 Now C•r1 '64 FORD WAGON ''"'""•· V8, ndio. Ex.,,1. HAVE YOU Been in Johnson & Son's LINCOLN· MERCURY SHOWROOM LATELY YOU WILL BE AM·AZED AT THE BEAUTIFUL CARS WE OFFER FOR 1971. PRESTIGE & QUALITY FROM TO OVER • Mark Ill's • Llncoln Continental 1 • Mercury Marquis • Mercury Monterey Mercury Montego • Mercury Cougar • Mercury ' • Mercury C:apri IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON ALL 1971 LINCOLN • MERCURYS!. WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION NICEST USED CARS IN ORANGE COUNTY Over 50 To Choose From '69 CADIUAC DE .v1w Sedan. Luxury Wp. thru out Full ~wer lncl~ng factory air, tilt steering whee~ etc. Driven only 11,000 by original owner. Show room new, (VC?.1467) SAVE I 68 CONTINENTAL $3555 Cpe. 1be essence o! luxury. ~ully.pou·cr equipped. lcalhPr 1ntenor, factory air, Landau top. '69 CONTINENTAL 2 door Hanltoo. Full power &: Jactory air. Landau roof. Lie. XSR 852 '65 CCMn CALIENrE Convertible, automatic trans· mission. radio, heater, power steering, pt)\ver brakes, very clean. W AB 885. Automatic transmission, pow· '67 COUGAR ~ 777 er steering, factory air, radio, heatr:r, xtra c.lean. ITIIX190) '68 OLDSMOllU Dofho 11 s2333 2 Dr. Hardtop. Automatic transmisslo~, radio. ~ater, power steer1n~. fa ctory .air. Landau roof. Immaculate thru-out VGY 989. Stereo tape tilt steering wheel. Uc. XE\V 331. I '57 T llRD Ha.rdtop. Unbelievably sharp. This car is so clean. you must see to appr~te. It has auto--malic trllns., prnvcr st<"ering, radio, hPatf'r, etc. {f\VZ7421 I I 65 OLDS 91 <4 Dr. tlardtop. Full &: com- pletc power Including tilt Y.'heel. REG 736 I ' Convertible. Full paw"" lnclud· '68 CADIUAC tng factory air. Lie. VZD 123 I I 66 FORD GALAXIE 4 Dr. Automatic t r11.n~n1is.don, radio, heater, po\ver steering. factory 11ir. fRTR4871 BETTER IDEAS MAKE BETTER CARS AT SAVE $1188 $3591 $999 Job.nson .. ·son n.o ~©® n. oo ©®oo'ii'n oo ffi oo'ii' &n. • 1&00~ m • ~ ffi im©l!!l imw. ©®l!!l®&im 540-5630 COSTA MESA 2626 Harbor Blvd. 642·0981 'J'DREE GENERATIONS IN 'J'UE AV'J'OM081LE BVSINESS "FACTORY DIRECT'" LINCOLf!l·MERCURT DEALER IN OltANlil COUNTY • -.. --. lent condition. Priced to sell, tYVL 495l $1395 1970 ~ord l\laverick CPe. R, CONVERTIBLE H, stick. Loaded "''Ith ex:tras. . . Lo il 93l ANC V8, auton1a1.1c. radio w m es. heater. (UKV6331 $995 ATLAS ~wilewi& .IMPORTS 2600 HARBOR BLVD., Costa McM 540-ql(!O Open Sunday '61 Cutlass Wagon and 1968 oi.o·s 98: 4 Dr. vinyl/top, fabric/int. air, P/Seats, AJ'.f I FJ'.1, tilt/ vinyl/top, fab ric/int, air, &1·1-7022 Mon-Fri '69 OLDS Delltt 88 Royale. CHRYSLER PLYMOUTl:I Loaded! J'.iust sell. Asking 2929 Harbor Blvd. only • $3390. ~S.l3l3; e\o-es Costa l\lesa 54&-1934 ,c&I0-4;:;· ~'=""-=-=~~-.---,~I V8, JlO"''er stttrlng, new tires. BRAND NEW ,70 '69 OLDS Station Wagon. Air, 0'8o! (OZD 5341 MUSTANG ,,,,., 2 ... u. 13000 . $699 557-0155 D M t Sports roof. •OF02F108I03. ~'67"""0'°"lds-.-""F.ss=-. -,N-:-,-w-titt:c.::-,c,I Orsa 0 OrS 302 VID V8, Instrument brakes, tuneup, Reuona.ble. 18621 Beach Blvd., Hunt Bch. gauges, Cntisomalic, Belted '-=',....==Jl)=C='°='"='===:= I 842-8340--842·8640 \Vl':ile \Vall Tires, PO\.\'Cl' I . PLYMOUTH ~=~-----1 Steertni;, Air Conditioning, '69 Fairlane, pis, pv.·r disc Radio, Tinted Glass, \\Theel brks, R&H, Ind Ian Fire. CoVi!n;, Window s t I ck er T.0.P. s.t5-3089. $389:!. Discounl 1959 FORD CALAXIE $711 4 door Sedan $130 646-2'112 after 5 e '61 Ford, I owner, 78,000 mi's, Xlnt cond, Make oHer, 962-6989. INTERNATIONAL '66 International Scout 4 \Vheel d1ive, hu~s. AM /FJ',1 r11.dio. Whlsale Kelley Blue Book $1 200. On sale this ·week only $1099. CHICK IVERSON vw S-19-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. OOST A l\IESA LINCOLN Vs, automatic, radio, dlr. new tires. (QTY 174) l\lust sell by Sunday, Will take trade or finance priv8.te per. ty_ 546-4052 or 49-1·6811. '65 MUSTANG 4 speed, r::idio and heater. (OYS 634) $895 ATLAS OfRVSLER PLY1'TOUIB 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa f.'fesa 54&-1934 LI NCOLN Cont'!, blue, BRANO NEW '70 , .•.. •·•·· '''· '""' "'""· MUSTANG 546-325j • '69 Continental. All extras. MACH 1 Excellent cond. #OR05Hl47819. V8 Cruis-o- Sc'=""==*=*=*=='="'""="=4I matic, P0\1.'Cr Steer'ing, Pow. ,-er Disc Br11.kPs. Air Coral , MERCURY Cl>W lkltoo Tire" Rodio, --------1 Tinted Glass, Dt"luxc Belts '68 MERCURY & \Vaming Lighl!I, Argent S<ylod St"I Wh"I'. Wiodow Sticke r price $4329.95. Dis- count COUGAR 2 DR. HARDTOP V-3. automatic, radio. heater. powor slttring. (\VEC894) $1695 ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYi\.fOlITH 2929 Harbo!' Blvrt. $760 '58 PLYMOUTH FURY CONVERTIBLE V8, automatic, radio, heater, po'!-.-er steering. (VTP6U) $1295 ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYl\10UTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1934 '67 F.ury 6 cyl.. radio, heater, stand· ard. Belonged le> little old banker, extra clean! tlfh"N. 1081 Sacrifice $399 Full Price. \Vil! finance pvt. pl;'·. Call Sid dlr. 5-10-3100 or <19.1-1506 aft 10 am. '69 PLYMOUTH SPORT SUBURBAN Station wagon. V-8, auto., R...l<H, pov.·er steering & brak· es, factory air. fZW401), $2595 ATLAS OIRYRLER PLYMOunt 2929 Harbot Blvd. Costa ~fesa 5-16-1934 1967 Fury Ill, 383 engine, auto. air, P/S, P/B, 2 dr. sum. 54~2430. aft. 6 pm. '66 PLYMOUTH VALIANT SEDAN 6 cylinder, slandard transmia. slon, heater, ISLU017) $795 ATLAS CHR,'SLER PLYl\tOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa r.1esa ' 546-1934 Col!!a Mesa 546-1934 '66 l\fERCURY Colony Park 9 pass. station wagon. PwT. steer., brks: R.&H, Low mi.I=========~========! good mnd. $1.000. 546-0106 Used Cars ~l.06. 1-----------------1 ·s:; Colony Park Sta. \Vag. , Fully equip)X!d! Good cond. $85(1. 646-7907. '61 ?.1onterey 2 dr, T-Bird eng. Good cond. l O\.\'ner. $300 or best offer. 494-0101 MUSTANG '69 DEMO MUSTANG FASTBACK •9R021'~1t»Si'J6 Cruis~matic, white\o\·aJJ lires, rocker pan. ,., moldlnil!, conJJOle, poy.w st.eerlng, air cond., radiO, tinted glau, witt wheel OOV· e~. \Vlndow 11tlcker price ~.28. Discount $1338 '&.; ~1USTANG, VS, 14,000 ml. Estale sale. See a l Bayshorc Richfield, 200 £, Coast lhvy, Bids Jtcetpted thru Securtty Bl\nk 1'rust Dept ti) noon. Nov. 2. Attn: lt. \V. Fairchild. Dehlill on wlndo~stlckr.r . LOOK! WHAT WE HAVE FOR YOU 150 USED CAU TO CHOOSI PROM '6' CAMARO $2499 ' v ... A.UHi, '""'" POwer stetdn<.1. rtdkl, llffter, llnli!'d gllH. NEW CAR WA.RRANTY, '67 MUSTANG $1499 v ... A1110. lrtM., powtr stffr;,,,, rtdla, ~t..-. ''OK" in ...,,,ywtf, New Ctr Tr...i.ln. Llc....,se TSL-nl. '65 IMPAI>. CoowOltiblo $699 V .. , A~lafNllc tr-tnls.slorl1 rMlo, Mthlr. Ll«N• liUADX. '6' DUNE IUliGY $999 ' SPEED. A 6000 VALUE:. • VW ENGINE. Lie-• 11M.GG. i ! ) t ' ' l I ' ' I --------------------_,..--------- I • . S.lurdly, Oclobtr 31, 1970 ----01.JLV '!LOT lJ5 l~ _ Uud C•rs 9'00 Uud C•rs 9'00 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~p~L~YMWO~UwTwH= TRANSPORTATION . TRANSPORTATION -TRANSPORTATION - PLYMOUTH TRANSPORTATION -TRANSPORTATION -TRANSPORTATION -TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIOli TRANSPORTATION U1ec:I C•r• 9900 UMd C1r1 990CI Used Cirs 9900 Used C1r1 9900 U&ed C1r1 '900 Uttd C1r1 ttoO ' T·BIRD PONTIAC PLYMOUTH PONTIAC • TORINO U1H Cart PONTIAC ·1·· BAUER BUICK IN COSTA MESA "Specializing, • Ill Quality" BUICK CORNER We Haye The Finest Selection Of PreYiously Owned Late Model Bulcks On The Orange Coast. Choose From Many Models With Ju1t The Rl9ht Equipment Far You. '70 RIVIERA G.S. Full pow•r, f.tctory .t ir, AM· FM r•dio. pow•r door loc\,, chrom• wh,•11, 5,000 mil •1, "inyl roof, J u1t 1potl .11. t910849 J '69 RIVIERA Full pow•r, f•ctory .tir co11· diti oni n9, AM.FM r.t dio, \<(nyl roof, 1ilv•r 9'•Y wjth bl1ck "inyl roof ind m1ith- in9 inl•rior (X RS 768 ) '68 BUICK Sp•ci.tl, VI, 1utom•lic, r•• dio. h•.tt•r, pow•r 1!11 ri n9, C1•1m color with m1lchin9 in- l•rior. !WFTS60J l · r------- ' • • ' '68 LE SABRE Coup• h1rdtop, Autom1tie, R&H, pow•r 1t••rinq & br1lt,, f1,lory 1ir condition- ing. S1pphi1• blu• wiih cloth & vinyl inl•rior, I own•• IU· tomobtl1. (X OL440) '68 SKYLARK C u1lom I coup•. v.1, •ulom e- tlc, r1d io, he•t•r. pow•r 1!1e6nq, low mil•1. Nie• ctr, (WEF1971 '66 ELECTRA '4 door c111lom herdlop. Fu!I pow1r, f1clory 1ir con.titio11- i11g, crl.filt·control. low milt· 191. GOold with cw1tom cloth int•rior. I i · '63 LE SABRE ;, C u1tom '4 dr. H.T. 1 owner, • ~0.000 mil•1. A11tom1tic. r1 · 1 4io, ht .tl•r, pow1r 'l•1ri119 1 1 I br1 1!;,,, f1 ctory .tir 1011dJ. , +lonin9 , (fUO l'I ! ;· $1095 .. ' I " .. i.---·---· :' J• " ' I I I " •• ' ,. BAUER BUICK IN COSTA MESA E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 548-7765 r '67 PLYMOUTH '68 PLYMOUTH .66 BARRACUDA V-8 auto, air cond, p/s, disc brks, '69 PONTIAC • Pant. '67 9 P•ss W•t• FACTORY AIR CONDmONING FURY Ill VS, automatic, RAH. air cond. (T\VJ05.l) BARRACUDA now titt• l975. '"8-535S LE MANS P.S., VS, automatic, R4H, fXl\"er·1-•"'-'·-------2 DR . H.T. steering & brakes. air cond., VII, automatic, radio, heater, ... Dix. Ca!Ali~ 5111.Uon Wq1:1n, V-1 ena:ine, power steer., power brakes. Auto, trans-., rad., btr., wsw ti.res, OH vinyl top. lVWJ864) PONTIAC power steering, vinyl roof, $1795 '69 Ccaod PrlK Po"H"' UO· <XHKm$2z95 ATLAS dllu lop, AM/F/\1 S\t'rro, ,,.., wuKl•ws. """' "'"'· ATLAS $3,550 (XSX343) C a 11 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTil Bayshore Molon 642-4011. $1295 ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYM01JI'H 2929 Harbor Blvd. wheel, tlectrl.e re·.J' window, etc. <TSA-1131 ~ SALE $2111 PRICE Orange County's Largrst Seleclion o! Quality Cadillacs Nabers Cadillac $1195 1967 Pon!. GTO. R., H., 4 1peed, air Cond. Priced to sell. Ser. • 9'120. ..DrMLe.wi.t .IMPORTS 1966 llarbor, C.M. 646-9303 RAMBLER Cost11. 1\1rr;a 546-1934 '66 Sat. pis, mag11, wide tirts, b/s, coni'IOle, auto, Xlnt. SU95, 549-2156 2929 ""'"'" Bl,d. BANK REPOSSESS ION CHRYSLER PLYMOU111 C.OSta Mesa 546-1934 ,1967 Ponti11.c Tem""St V. 2929 Harbor Blvd . 2600 HARBOR BLVD., '61 RAMBLER. Stn.t lon MO · .-. Costa Mesa 546-1934 Costa Mesa Wagon. Good transporta-'66 PLY UJH Mans 2 door hard top, Call '64 PONTIAC Le JI.fans. 540-9100 Open Sunday Hon. $199. 492-82S9 after 5 642-3111 l'Xf. 241 or 242. '66 PLYMOUTH White w/ 1orquo;,,, ,,...,;,., '67 BONNEVILLE ':•"•'======= SPORT FURY '66 Ci·and Prix, fact air, pwr bucket seats, auto., po"''E'r 1 • COUPE atrr, brks, wnd"''B. Xlnt strg, xlnt mechanical con- ' FURY 111 Automatic, R&H, power steer. cond. $990. 494-5952 dltion, Veey' clean Inside & VS, auton1atic, radio, heater, ing, air conllitioning, (TR.z. *'64 Pontiac 4-dr HT. R&ll, out! $750. 16985 Edge\\'ater !Ml) fa to tr fpb Clean Lane, Huntington lfarbou r, P.S., P.B. jTSP867J <' ry a • Pf! • • 846--4285 $995 $1195 .,....,....,, ==~~ ~cL'°'E~AN"-"~.,~,-T=E=M~P=E=ST=--,,.,.. '68 FIREBIBD 350, radio. "'ll · t$300o .. hea1er. auto1n .. "''h i te ATLAS ATLAS ~~·. •;6-·7~\v pain ' sidC'\\·alls, Landau lop. Very CHRYSLER PLYf\iOUnf OIRYSLER PLYMOUTII l~!Pc;,la~~: ~~~: ~p~~: 2929 Harbor Blvcl. 2929 Harbor Blvd. Very clean. $750. 54S-4903. Costa Mesa 545-19.'W C<11. f\1esa. 54&.1934 * '57 PONTIAC * TRADER'S PARADISE 5 Buslneu OPoortun!t~s Runs Good * $125 lines·!).time~-5 buaks in Today's Want Ads. . 295 Kno;< Pl, C~1. 64&-9743 good condi!ion. $182.).~34,900 milt's. 4$-3535 '6.') Calallna Ventura, air, etc. Xlnt cone!. $795 . .. 54~10 * Dial 642-5678 & cha.r&t!!! tt 2 door hardtop, Automatic, air cond., power' steering, brakes & wlndoW!, (TEY9S2l $1888 MIKE McCARTHY BUICK 155.")(I Beach Bl\'d. at San Dil.'go F'n\'Y. 894-JJ.11 • 5.31-2450 Dl~1~A-LINES. 642-5618 T-BIRD '69 4 dr. Landau, full P\\T & air, tilt will, am/fm slrrt'O. $3195. 6T"'.r292T eves, or 644--05.'iO day~. 'i'i T-Birtl, orig, t'quip. llard &. sofl top~. Good cond . S121X>. 644-007~. '64 T -BIRD: XI n t. cond. 1''/r, air, l~"'·lk'r. Must sell O\' h'fldt'. All 6: 847-4921. e '6l T-Bl RD e GOOD COND * 54-0-52'21 T·BIRD '56 Clanlc, xln't BRANO MIW '70 o:ond .. full pwo-, new palot, ~ORINO · GT ttmov, top w /' potthple11, I ' Cot1t'l kit. Orl(. ownr, #OR35Hlrroo'l'.' 351 CID VI, 6T3-3J78. ' Al:-Conditioning, Power e '3!; T·BIRD e StCf'ririg. Po11o·er Front Disc Nu: Paint, 'l'itts, Brak@~ Brakes, Tinted Glass, Radio. Et.c. Call tor Info: &0-'1274 ~ Seals, cw~ Betted =====;;===::: " Whltewal; Til't!!!S, Visibllity TORINO BRAN'D NEW '70 TORINO GT #OR351'J04286, }food Scoop, 3.il VS, Cr1.1it10matic. Buckel Scats, Air Condi lionlng, Ra. dio, Tintril Glass, Power S1eC'ring, PO\\'er }'ront Disc C.roup, Laser Stripe. Wi.n- tlow :r;liCkc r $4215, Discount $751 Brakes. Visibility Group, -:::=======:::! Glass Belted 1'ires, Laser ;;; Slri{l('. Window sticker $4370. Discount $780 VALIANT '60 Valiant. Xlnt transporta- tion. $125 or besJ otter. 540.2639 eves & \\'kend1. TIRED of that old furnltureT l t'1 really not that b&1'd to replace. Just watch the furniture &: miscellaneous columns in the OuaW.ecl Section. 9900 Used C•rl - The SALE Is On at CONNELL 111 CHEVROLET••• 1969 CHEVROLET IMPALA 1966 CORVETTE 1964 CHRYSLER 1970 IMPALA 1969 MAUBU 2 Or. Hard Top Sport Coupe .. R., Fastback coupe. '427 VI w/4 Crown Imperial Coupe. Has eve~ l Or. H•rd Top. Vt, •ufo., P.S .• 2'Door H•rd Top Cpe. Auto., P.S., speed, AM-FM , elec. windows, rythin9. Joo r. origin•I thruout. In P.8., r•dio, f•ctory •ir. sfr011g c•r H., stick, 23,000 miles rem•inin9 9or9eous c•r with ne•r new ra· condition to restore. A collectors low, low miles-Some with vinyl P.8., r•cHo. f'•ctory air, stronc! c•r fact, warr•nty. IXTK909J. d i•I tires and it's sure chaap. piece. l PBBS 11 I roofs. l339ACGJ with I 00 r. 30 Day Connell u•r- ISEG901 I •ntee. Beautiful green C•r with vinyl roof, IYZV0781 $1699 $1899 $1099 $31 ·99 s2599 1965 DODGE PICKUP ¥8 1/1 Ton Pickup. New pa int, hi9h rubber, strong c•r, radio, stick. ONLY AT CONNELL CHEVROLET 1968 OPEL I ' 1$457721 s999 1969 CHEVROLET PICKUP 1/1 Ton Pick up. P.S .. a ir cond., r•· dio, auto., 350 cu. in. Has f•ctory warranty book 21 ,000 mi les. IPl 171 1 2 Door St•tion Wagon. 4 R., H., nice. tZKM54SI $1099 -. 1968 CHEVROLET PICKUP * Ton. Auto. trans., hvy. duty c•mper equ ipment, r•dlo, with near new rubber, e11 cellent condi- t ion, has 8 ft. Westways side di- nette c•mper. Sleeps 4. Nice. I P2207 I $2699 *THESE CARS CARRY CONNELL'S 100o/o -30 DAY . GUARANTEE IN PARTS AND LABOR s3199 1969 CHEVROLET PICKUP 1/1 Ton Pickup. Va, stick, R., H., nice. ll2779E I s2299 1967 MUSTANG 2 DR. HJ. A., R., H., P. steering, factory a ir, Week end speci•I. IUTL309) s1599 1966 CHEVROLET CORYAIR Automatic, radio, he•ter,, near new t ires with written 9u•r•nfe1t. I owner. Real low miles. C•r is extremely niee. I RRY538) $899 1967 OLDSMOBILE 4.4.2 .. VS. 4 1peed, P.S • Nice, needs a home. Hurry. IVFV0711 s1499 nu IUICK $4H 1962 CADILLAC S7H 1'65 CORYAIR 1968 FORD VS R•nchero. l ike sh owroom con· dition, h•s P.S ., •uto., radio, •ir cond. You should see this. Sure its I 00 ,-. guar•nteed. 1973 148 I s2199 1970 NOYA Coupe. 6 cyl. Auto. fr•ns., 7,500 miles. Showroom fresh. Rem•ini n9 factory warranty 5 yr .. 50,000 mil es . Last time for this 1Pll09) · ·s2499 $6H ~ Or. Sptell l, 1lr, ... S,, RlH. (Hllltl l CP.. d•Vlllr, 1ir, poW'lr, COAi '36) 110 H.P., 2 Or, qw., OPl'ed IP'IG 1111 1970 EL CAMINO .. 1964 v.w. $599 1'60 CADILLAC $4H 1965 CHEYROUT $Ht 1'0 t u. In, Vt. P.S., lt&M, fact •1r, • IClll .. 7,(ll)G m11u. R•ll'Wll"' Stk:ll, r.ctlo, 1 •Ml good ur. CP9 DIVlllP, •Ir, lull pllWfl', (JKX 900) ~ ton Plck119 c1mptr eqwl~ (SMtJ) Irie lttt • ..,1rr1nty. UltSJF J 1965 IUICK $599 lt64 COMn $3H . I HS CHEYROUT $m $3499 lt&H, I'.$,, 11M., •Ir, !HOM UI I WtVorl, R&H, Alfi•. (OKI' ftll 1\ ""• '"'"·• lt&H, VI. tSJJOJtl 2828 HARBOR BLVD. 1969 CAMARO Gorgeous or•nge 2 Or. Hard Top. One owner, new car trade in. R., H., stick, +•ke •'dVanta9e of the warr•nty book on th is one. IVNW- 025 1 ' s2199 1969 CHEVROLET 4 Door Sedan. Va. •uto., P.S., r•· dio, f•c+ory •ir, high rubber. A lot of c•r for only ,1899. IXVH408) ' s1999 1966 CHEVROLET PICKUP 1/1 Ton VI Pickup with stand up shell camper. P.S., r•dio. new rub- ber. Sure is a sharp truck. I 546500 I s1399 1963 RIVIERA E)(fremely nice with every goodie including tilt wheel, full •lectric, good •ir. White cer with beige in· terior, ne•r new rubber. You will sure like this one. I NZAO 14 I s1199 1968 V.W. BUG 1961 International 1966 BEL AIR lt1dlD, h .. !tr, l!lcil, e ... y Whol•· Srwl. • wllMI drive, Lcckln J door 1t111~. ll&H, P.S .. ltclofy wi.. (VGJQ2) hvbs, 1111 11111 c1nopy !Op wlf •It, low, IOW prk:•, IRPM60t! commrrcltt llr1$ .. 1plll rlim. ($])Qlf) $999· $799 $899 COSTA MESA • 546-1203 • 11 I I 3$· Mustang~ .. -' . • . ··-··--~ ' .... ··~ ..... 15.: . . Cal•JY ·stll.'~s . .. 19 · T-Birds ' 89 Mavericks-··· . . .. ' . ' . 25 Pintos .R " o ·L 10 Banchero$. 43 Ford LTD's 51 .... Pickups . • ._ , '• . ' . . -' -,. ·--". ... . -. Y e's, We , Have BHn Gef'.ijng New Fords By . The Dozens ••• AU Models All Colors And With Tile Model Run Build-Out They Have Been Pilq9 up_ •• • And Now. At Any '.-Cost They, Must Go. Bring Your Car, Your Wife, 'You~ Title -. ··~• We Mean. BuSJness .-.~ .-Yes, Drastic Price Cuts Plus-· . ----... ' . . Make Thi$ The '.Greatest Sale We .Havt,_.ffa~ In The Last Year ••• Don't Take Our ·word • · .• · •. Coine In '4nd .Make · Your o ·wn Offer • • • But Be Ready To Buy Because We -1A~e Making · Deals 'H· OP1L aAUT · 4~•d, bright r•d· •nd b••utiful. I J.(M). . . • ' . $1899 '61 ·Ol'IL KADm · · · 4 •p, biig~t rod. I WWK~ 171 $1699 '6' Ol'IL WA4'0N • }1·2 .. 9·9 4 'P"~· 0.Hrl b•;9•· IVTP7HI '61 CO.TINA DILUX '. . s· 119· 9 4 (p,.,.le:blU• w'ith.lug9•9• reek. IVZ¥i65·l . • . . "6T DATSUN'SIDAN · : . •,'.. $999 41 ,000 i1ctu~I mil•s, 4 speed.' IVGHOI!'\ · '64 YW 1Dtlm• 4 1pHd.,I PICOU I $799 . .. •d PORD COUNfRT'HD~N · .. s2· 79' 9. Full pow•r, FA. IXX~26I , '61 MERCURY M~4iO WAGQN,,. "1799 Full powor. FA. \VWD961J . _ '67 FORD FALep'N . WAG'ON $1399 Desert beige, 6 'cyl., A.T,!RIH. • · 1Ql69901 .. 'U .FAIRLANI WAGON $1699 6 pan. FuJI powor, F>..: 1.RPL2ll I . _ . · '64 FALCON WAIOON -.-. --~.,..-7·"°·"'"9·-7- 6 p•••· Bright recJ, beautiful ift~erior.. . · . · , ·IMPPIOOI . . , . 'H MIRCURT COLPNT PK. WGN. $2199 6 pass. Full power, FA,·New eng,, new tires. ITRS2741 'U fALCON S9UIRI WAG>ON 6 ,. .... v1 ,'AT, FA. 1116.IOlr 'H JllPSTIJI, WAGONHR 4wheeldrive,:AT. IPAEl08 ) $899 $1699 .. . . -- '70 MUSTANG MACH I Cobra engine speed stereo tepe, Raven black, low miles. 12 to choose from). l401ACHI '70 MA YiRICK 6 cyl., stick, R & H, Hui• blue 12 to choos• from). IZKY4321 'H TOllNO COPA VI, 4 speed, PS. FA, creem puff. 'IXXC78ll '" 1o1Usf4A• · . Cp•., Vt, stick. 12175 I '69 T llRD .. l1nd1u Cpe. Full po~•r with air. IXTS6141 '69 PALCON " 4 o,, Vt,,AT, PS, A;r. IXUHI '6' GAU.XII 500 · . Cp•, VI, AT, PS. larid•u·top, FA, FM Radio. l6411NOI '6' ·FOlD LTD landau Cpe. VI, AT, PS, FA, under warranty. IVGS308 I 'Lt MERCURY MAR9UIS Cpe. Full.power, Lendeu top, FA. ,IZLYl291 '61 MUSTANG VI, ~T. PS, 13 to choose from) ,'l.Wst/?~9·1 . '61> TORINO FASTBACK Vl;4 •p,.d. IWTE2621 '61 ·GAU.XIE 500 Cpe .. Tp, air, vinyl roof, mcon mist v•llo>:<· IW IZ9 171 '67 GALAJllE 4 doo" VI, AT. PS. IUIM3381 '67 GAU.XIE 500 Cp•.,FP,,A;r. IZVZOl41 '67 MUSTANG Cp•. VI, AT, PS, FA. 12 to choose fro.,). IVED4581 . $2999 2290 $i899 $1899 $3ttl . _. '$21.99 $2599 ' $2799 $28.99 $1999 Sl.99'9 '$2199 1 • $1.399 ·$1099 $:1799 '61 GAU.XII 2 cir. Vt, AT .. PS. lllo chooH I.Om I. IXEV245 I ·,~;$1299 '6l MUSTANG> Cpee. V8 , 'AT, PS. 13 to choose fr<>m'I; ISAM071 I '66 MUSTANG> 2+2 .Ji cy_I .. stick, stereo tap•, poppy red. ITFT40l l 'H FAIRLANI VI, J,.T, ~S.,ITEGl841 . '66 fAllLANI . 4 "S•d•n. VI, AT. ISZN14ll '66 LTD • Cpt. Vt, AT. PS, immacul1f1. · 'CfBF7781 ' '66 FOID CUSTOM IOO Cp•. VI, AT, powder blue. ISW5701 . . . $1299 $1399 '64 T lllD Full power, •ir, r•ven bl1ck. IZXD7971 '64 FOlD GAL.AXIi 500 Cpe. On• owner. IPRC702l 'H MOYA H.T. c,.. Vt, AT, PS,.fA, ~ark 9roan. IZDL9771 if POllT1ic LI MANS • Full power, FA, low mile•~•· IYDD) 'H IMPALA • 4 Dr. H.T. Full powor, ~A. IYRAl501 '61· MALllU Cpe. Vt, 4 sp, vinyl roof. IVHP1131 '67 CAMIRO SS .. Cqnv. ,V8, 4 1pd, v•ry swift. IWAB2661 · ''7 IMPALA 4 dr. VI, AT, PS, a ir,, 36,000 original mil••· ITRK0691 ''7. IMPALA CPI. VI, AT, RAH. IUUW7171 $1099 $599 $2199 $2299 $2299 $1699 $1499 $1699 f 1399 'H OL6S •ORONAD'O $. 15"9 Full pow•r, FA, FM 1ter10. ISJN7631' ~ 1', .... PONTIAC IONNlVILLE $' I 099 c'onv. Desert beig•. Exc:'.ellent c.Oncli-. 1;on. I RYB250 I ' . . 'H IUICK LE SAIRE . Vl,AT,15,PB. IZUJ3171 '66 NOYA COUP! 6 cyl .. AT. IZBll971 $1099 ° $1-199 '61 FOID '250 1{4 TON VI, AT, R & H, new 6 pac camper. (6l740AI '61 CHEVT If> TON VI. AT, R & H. l14441AI '61 DODCK, 1/1 ton •. (1495181 '61 .fOlD F 100 I . T Vi on. VI, "T, RI H, PS, FA. 19549181 '61 FORD fl 00 y, Ton. IQI05071 ''7 GMC 'Ii Ton. I 14520A I 'H GMC 'Ii Ton 6 cyl. AT, R & H. IUJ64171 'H IRONCHO IVDD.7711 ' ''5 'CHIYT ' ' • 1/1 Ton. IS38318-I '64 FORD f 100 1/1 Ton. I P88456 l 'H FORD 1/i Ton and compact. f P96130)' 'u FOID F250 l4 va, 4 •P-17701461 '62 CHEYT CAIRT AU I F6l224l I '62 FORD F l 00 Yi Ton •. l-E5J30 J . JI!?~ ·. . t~l\~~lll\ '6' PLYMOUTH FURY Ill $2995 $-2299 l $21~J$ 1499 $12.09 $1299 $1099 $.999 '•H CORYlm Convert, 396 Vl.'4 sp, new engine, bright red. IYVP 198 1 . 4 dr. HT. Full po.wer, FA, vinyl roof. IXXJl89 1. , $2399: '66 IMPALA ~ dr. HT. Full pow•" FA, 37,000 · miles. ITSU7391 'H PONTAIC LI MANS VI, AT, PS. ITAW212 1 '65 MALllU SS HT Cpo. VI, AT. PS , FA, ruby mtroon, imm1culate. I PCW7f3 I $1399 $1_199. $1399 : 'H JllP CJS 2195 1•,000 ori ginal_.mil••· IZMS94?1 . : .. 'H FOID ICONOLINI SUPIR VAi' $2699 VI, AT, RI H. 11569lEI _ • '6' PLYMOUTH landau Cp•. Full pow.r, excellent condition. ·c~·9040·1 - '$2999:, 'H·PLTMOU ·ROAD lUNNH VI. 4 sp, thorou9hly racOnclitioned. IXJMl8l I '61 PLYMOUTH FURT Hi Conv. VB, AT,'PS, FA. IWAM141 I . '61 CHRYSLER NIWPOlT Full power, FA, beautiful gr•en. IXDRJOl I $2499 'H DODGE · $1799' 'Corl'!et Cpe. Full power, FA, Vinyl top. IXCB 1171 ''7 DODGI! CHARGU $. 1'699 Full poWer, :Completely reconditioned. IYOBll71 . .- '67 CH1t·\'SLll NIWPORT $1699 : Full power, "FA. 1b1olutelr imm1cu· lite, entique White. IWE 7961 'H PLYMOUTH fURY 4 dr. VI, AT;PS. ISSDl59) $599 . WIN A . NEW Plkl'O! >Westminster Cblinller of Co1Jl1!1<ti:e is raUUn1 off a .new 1P?f Pinto. Mc per c h a n c 'e. Purchase your tickeu at the local Cham- ber office .... S<q>1><>rl J'OUf Chamber of Commerce. ' - D~l'lY PILOT ORANG£ COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FOR GEORGE P. SCHVU, Secre1ary oj Labor How la ;, JH*lbl. /or ...... ,e.ae1e.1.o-.b •ucl •••••••11•• •• "1Ae Ne1ro .,.. .. p1oy- "'4!Jlt r•C. u up" when ii u •1-',..' IA. Federal ,.., lo .. 1c qae•tiolU conurnift6 rtaefJ, reU,ion, or creed wM• ~,.. in opplieati.oM 01 IM HuMOn ReMJurtt• ..41enete•? -r. Trembley, Morino, Cali/. e Basic data on unemployment are ob. taioed through interviews conducted monthly in about S0,000 bouscholda lo- cated throughout the nation. It i• by miting these househol<b-in both white and Negro oeighborhooda-tbat the u - ·-.it of unemployment among the mem- bers of the two races ie detennined. When the U.S. CoYernment speaks of unemployment among Negroes, it ie gen- erally referring to unemployment among all persona who are not white. Over 90 per cent of these persona an 'Negroes. FOR DON KWSTERM.t4N, c~Mrol M.,...,,, Baltimore Colu ..4 --hr o/ y•n baclr llae plllller in /oollHIU beco111e q.U.. •ldlled U. ~ o• o/ boulMI• U. tile "coJ/ilM:on.er." riu. "'°""' force aAe oppo•'-6 ..... lo aalce °"er IM b.U back ..eer U. own fool line. Tl&eH ay•, llae pultl- er Idea ••rafwlaa tlot0nfNld. Fly IAe elur"f•1-.t4. J. S•W., E. i.... •inf, M kl. • The primary reason the "co&in-comer" punt haa gone out of style ie the advent o~e long-range field-goal kicker. The cof6n-corner technique wu uaually em· ployed from the area of the SO.yard line. Tod.ay, if a team hu to IUck &om that area, it prefers to call in ita field-goal specialut rather than punt to the other team. If the field goal goee oTer the croubar, it's a three-point acore. FOR BESS MYERSON CIUNT, T Commiuionu oj CoMumer Alt1in, Nno York City IFluta •laotdd • COJlo •••er 4o •Mn •lae •JH>la a produea aluta •ee ... no« lo be •Ml ii *'• a4Hrllaefl lo beP-Mr•. MU.. fired PotHr, DoroeW., C.. • The consumer should complain to the advertiser and insist that he me up to his advertisement. FOR CRVCK CONNORS, '" actor I MH M•NI you played bfw ...... ,,..,,.,,,,,u .. '"" •• "'-NGllH l>aeb.U, u IAu tru.P -Job RerrU, CfN· laoc1.o11, Olio cniemerourself • I played pro baseball for tbe Brook. lyn Dodgers and Chicago Cubs in the National Bueball League and p:ro bu· ket.ball for the Boston Coeltict in the National Basketball Auociation. FOB. IFILLUM G. CONFA.Y, wtaer.L Director, N*"' York Zoolo,ietll Society FA.1 u llae l.r1••• aft.i,. ...al dud ner Uoe41- Fra111c Cry•lal, Tren- 1.on, NJ. e The largest animal that ever lived, more mau ive by far than the largest dinosaur, i11 the blue whale, which can reach 100 feet in length and weigh 120 tone. FOR .t4JVDY FILLUMS How are '~ claOH11 /or your 1elet1i•lon •laott>P Do you lea.,• IM ~I oolee "' claoo."'f 11&e .. 1-l'r•11CU Bl.n.- 1.on, s., ..... , La. • Ou.r guests are chosen on the basis of their availability after our producers de· cide who they feel would beat 6t our show's format. Yet, I do have the fin.atny, but rm usually in total agreement with / FOR ILUD' BIWOD, DUtcw , U.S. Mi.lu Flay ere alJ '°"'1r &W. u,_. 19"' or hfore1 -J• ..... WIA, s.e.. ,. .......... , c.IJ/. • The series date on the face of each bill aignifiea the year in which the deaip of the note 'Wat a6opted. The aerie. does not change each calendar year. It chan1e1 only when the basic desi&n haa a major remion. The capital letter fol- lowing the eeriea year indicatet that a minor change wu authorized in a par- ticular aeries. FOB. GOJf. JORN J. MeKEITBEN, £oMififl'WI 11 II 1rM you pla11 lo •larl o 11&inl porty alwi1 tolll ent.r a cartdifl•C. ... ,,.. 1912 pruu. .... '""' reee~--llln. Jo.,.,. 0.11U, ,4.,dn, Tn.a e I met with Vice President Agnew in New Orleans last spring, and it wu latei: reported alter that meeting that I would lead a third-party movement. Thie wu an incorrect reporting of what wu actu· ally said. During an interview, I stated that if it took a thircf.perty movemeul to obtain equal trealJDent for the Sou1' I would participate either in the ttu ranks or in a poajtion of leadenhip. I ~ not naive enough to believe that a 'third. party mo•~nt could succeed in pre> Tiding a eucceufu) candidate for na- tional office, but I do believe that it could exert sufficient inftuence to affect the outcome of a candidate of either ma. jor party. FOB. JO,,tN CIUJJ'FOB.D I ...,,.. tA.1 )'Oii eNtrr yo., 1kir1 11.n Jru• N- i... yo.,. i11ee. Bow abo• in ,,.. /sl•nP -Mr•. L. Dowru, V fl. ~ N.Y • e That's where it will euy. I don't wear mjdia. and I have no intention of wearing the midi. Aa long u I've got legs, r.m going to show them. Wa•• IO uk a f•-pel'"9 a .-ntio9! v-a• ~ tla» cola•a, alld we'll pt lite •••er from the ~iM•I ~ 1-ft.is-ate-MINI 4(M9tio•, pttfa.~ly -• poal card. to .Uk 1'tleaa Younelf, Fa•U,. .Wceldy, 641 Ln.iQStC>B A~c., New YOC'k, N.Y. 10022. We cH-t aU-1.edp .-U-.. Ital IS will IN paW for c.ch OM ..N. What In the World! Kidney Care at Home Medical care for patients with poorly functioning kidneys is espeneive. They need an eight-hour blood cleansin~ one to three Poti.nf cond11ct1 b11slne11 while mocltine R11she1 diseo!ed lcidney1. . times a week with a special dialy11i11 machine. Hotpitala charge up to 1250 a seuion. Now some, like Long Island Jewish Medical Coenter, New Hyde Park, N. Y., are teaching relati•e11 of patients how to run the complex ma- chine at home. Over several montha, they can learn lo insert tubes into a vein (blood ftows to the heart) and ar- lery (leading away) ao the blood can pass through porous coils and filters, duplicating the function of the normal kidney. Prices. though not cheap, are less than in-boapital. For instance, about 12,275 to buy a mchine; or to rent. 1103.SO per month, in the case of the widely used Travenol machine. Some patiente who are literally kept alive by dialysis are able to continue work from home while awaiting kidney trans plante. Plastic Pollution Probably the big- gest headache for municipal incinera- tion systems is 1he disposal of plastics. They seldom di.integrate but corrode the burner and pollute the air. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Solid Waste Man- agement reports 300 municipal incin- erators are obsolete. Re<:eotly, Ralph L. Harding, Jr., of a trade a11110Ciation, Society of the Plastica Industry, toured Europe to find eome useful methods to pus on : "Because of a shortage of land for disposal purposes, those countries m"'' resort to burning. But modern European incinerators aleo serve as power plants. And plastics, which are petroleum derivative., make excellent fuel for this type of incinerator. Falcon to the Rescue The falcon has always played an important role in the world of the U.S. Air Force Academy. For one 1hjng, it is the mascot. Now the falcon baa solved a serious problem to aircraft and personnel at our Torrejon Base near Madrid, Spain. Until recent- ly, the base wa11 being invaded by an- other species of bird-lesser bustard&- wbich enjoyed congregating on runways and in airspace. In groups of 500 a day, they caused great damage to people, planes-and themselves, as they loat the battle of the jet engines. Since other birds consider the peregrine falcon their natural enemy, it didn't take too many lightning attacks from the ape- The la/con: Air Force Academy mascot cially trained mucolll to convince the bustards they could find a better home than a U.S. Air Force runway. ., f , ..... 2 ........ u. ·----- .. hail price ••• 511. Rea.ii pOc:c .,. ... ... llSTllY ., Pnalllm., •.c.un•.....,M.D. ..Ja.T.m....x, 91.D. ...... (l..u Plb tu.ti) FOUR FOR ONLY$) in a short experimental membership in the BOOK-OF-THE-MONTH CLUB• THE SUGCfSTED TlllAL: Yoa simply agree to bay foar additional Oub Selections or Altemata within a year at special memben' prices llZ. llea.il price S7.t5 ULM .... lmCOGlllll ., '18 Of'.,...,.., ooua.r.l'llaelll (&eGii IPlia 17 .. ) ta.. JOY Of COOllH ., !&MA s. !OIO.WU..,/ MAIJON .. NCllD OIOICnad (a-ii pcD 16.95) UI. l.eui1 pcice ••• ........... :-'!I -- m.TMECID'lm ICTIOllU'f Of •OT&TIOllS (J..U pric,e Ill) m .netwat .,..... ... : .. ..... _,...... .. .. , ... CJ.Clllil pnc:e ... ts) 111. 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Tbett is no obligation to pur- chase any particular volume, '2nd a convenient instruction form is provided each month so. that instead of the Selection you may order an Alternate -or no book at all, if you wish. • If you continue after this experimental member· ship, you W111 earn, for evny Boolt -of·tbe-7tfontb Gub Stltetion or .Altmuitt you buy. a Book· Dividend Credit. Each Credit, opon payment of a nominal smn, ohm only $1.00 or $1 -'°-tome- what more for unosmJJy expensive volumes or sets -will entitle yoa to a Book-Dividmd9 which yoo may choose from ove:r a hundred floe library vol· mnes available ove:r the year. lltis unique libr.ary- building system, together with the sizable discmmts on Selections and At~, enables members to save over 60,. of what they would otberwisc have to pay for books they want to read. and own. r--------------------------~, 900IC~a.., IMC. 210Pwli:A-., .... Y .... N.Y.1I017 AD-11-1 Pleue enroll me as a member of the Book-of-the-Month Club and send me the four volumes whose numbera I have indicated ln boxes below, billlng me $1.00 for all four volumes. J agree to purchase at le&1t four additional monthly Selections-or Alternates-during the first year I am a member, paying specW members' prices. My member- shJp is cancelable any time alter buying theae four boob. A small postage and handling charge is added to all shJpments. ::~r:::~i::r:::I .... __ ___.I I 11 I .... I __ __ : f----------("°Pl,_ ___ ..,...,..1,.'"'1o1..,.. • ..,...,,,.,.., _________ , ........ AUr------------------------.. -··· °'!! ~ ·---~-----L---------------------------~ AN EXCLUSIVE FAMILY WEEKLY SURVEY: What our Congresswomen Think Do the nation's Congress- women approve of the Wom- en's Liberation Movement? 'bo these elected Representatives en- done such militant efforts as nation- wide strikes, baraina into "men only" restauranta and ban, invading corpo- rate headqua.rters of businesses, and in- sisting on promotiooa for women, u weU u sit-in.a, marches. speeches, and demonstrations demanding equality? To find out, FAMILY WEEKLY con- ducted a special survey among these female leaders of pemmenL The re- sults indicated that in general the Con- graawomen very ddlnitely approve of Wqnen's Li~t oppose extremism. farticipating in ~r symposium are Repraeotatives Shirley Chisholm (D., N.Y.), Florence P. Dwyer (R .• N.J.), Edith Green (D., Ore.), Julia Butler Hanaen (D., Wash.), Margaret M. Heckler (R., Mus.), Catherine May (R., Wash.), Patay T. Mint (D., Ha- w,aii), Charlotte T. Reid (R., Ill.). and Leonor K.. Sullivan (D., Mo.). The two other women memben of Congress, Sen. Margaret Chase Smith (R., Me.) and Rep. Martha Griffiths (D., Mich.) could not take part because ~ 4 mal'ched In Washington, D.C., during recent notionwide "Wowwn'.r Strike for Equality" day. of illness or the press of legislative duties. Our key questions and the panel's comments follow : Do American women reaUy need "ll ... ratlon11? Geoenlly the lawmakers believe that while women's minds and hearts have been liberated, they need (as Rep. Mink puts it) "libention in the seme of being freed from the maoy restrictive laws and policies." Apparently dilagreeing, Rep. Sullivan thinks "the term libera- tion is inappropriately used because women have not .been in bondage." Rep. Heckler: "I do not believe the American woman is seeking libention from her respooaibil.ities aa wife aod mot.her. What she does demand is a fair opportunity to choose a mode of life that is fuUiUing to her personality." Rep. Green: •·Despite the tirelessly itented theme, 'You've come a long way, baby,' the facts belie it." Rep. Chisholm : "American women need liberation as full human beings en- titled lo recognition of their talents, in- telligence, and capabilities." How do you explain the "hm- lnllt" phetlOlllMIOft today? Responses vary, with some emphasis on the fact that the rising level of edu- cation and the increase in the number of working women have brought dis- orimioatioo more compellingly to their attention. According to Rep. Hansen, the explanation is relatively simple: "Women feel like being people, and they want to be treated as people in· all walks of life." Rep. May: "Vast numbers of women are suddenJy coming face to face with laws, rules, and regulations that par them from the education they want, the job they want, the income they need. The world has changed ao much in the past 200 years. The average woman no longer spends her life doing household chorea. There are thousands of laws on the State statute boob which were equitable in the past, but they are so very wrong in today's werld. Women today have different responsibilities, and their rights a.re unprotected." Rep. Chisholm: '1be upsurge indi- cates the frustrations that many busi- ness and professional women have been encountering, based solely on their sex." Alluding to popular misconceptions, Rep. Green asserts: "Some have mis- construed liberation as an antimale movement. Yet most of the women I have met who are working to eliminate • discrimination are married, and many have children. The struggle for equal rights for women is a human struggle-- not an antimaJe one." Do you believe the actlvtlta are lultiftably a,....yr Yes, say the lady lawmakers, refer- ring particularly to exploitation and in- equality in employment and quotas as well M tougher admission standards at colleges. According to Rep. Heckler, a female college graduate may expec.:t to earn an average of $6,694 a year, compared to $11 ,795 by the average male graduate. "A similar problem," she says, "exists in the factories, where females may be denied the right to overtime pay by 'protective' legisaltion." Rep. Dwyer: "Of working women who have completed five years of col- lege. 20 percent can find n.o better em- ployment than clerical, sales, or sim- ply factory jobs.,. Rep. Chisholm: "Similar wages for similar job specifications is not the rule in the world of wort today." Rep. May: "In the broader sense of sexual expression. I might ask, why should a prostitute be subject to arrest, ~~---~--~~~--~""'-----------~--.... ----.-.----.-.------------------------.............. of 'Women's1Lib' fines. and impriloomcot when the men who seek out her aervica are not con- sidered to have violated either the laws or the morea of our society." Rep. Sullivan: "So far u sexual ex- pression is concemed, I cannot a.ccept the demand for the changes in sexual liberties and the proposals and practices encowqcd by eome." 11 mllftant 11te.dnl1m" de1truc- tlve or C01t1ttwtlv•' Politically cautious, some of the lcgis- laton passed up this question or fineaed it. Five, however, did speak up. Rep. May: "While some of the recent manifestations ol the movement are dis- tracting the public from the real and honest iaues involved, they are at least focusing attention on the over-all effort. Despite the laughter some instances evoke, thoee who have been working for equal rights are welcomiQa this new publicity so that broad and deep public support can follow." Conceding that militancy tends to dis- tract attention from the serious legal discriminations and that some activities expose the movement to ridicule, Mrs. Dwyer believes it weakens the effort. Rep. Hansen: "A militant woman who looks like she bas never had a bath makes a very poor impression on either an employer or employee, wom- an or man. If she is charming and at- tractive, militancy woo 't bother men." Rep. Heckler: "U women are antag- onistic, if women foreawear their fem- ininity, then the campaian for womeo'a rights will be denied fruition. I have no sympathy with cau.aes that foster separ- atism of any sort." Rep. Sullivan: "In my opinion, mili- tant feminists are destructive because they antagonize many who m.iJbt other- wiae be helpful in overcoming some of the inequalities. I am coocemed that the portrayal of the Women's Libera- tion Movement baa done more to hurt the image of women than anything that baa transpired to date. I simply do not believe that the majority of women agree with the demands for libcrtiea espouaed by the. movement." economicalJy, oducationally, or in other ways in which leaal rights are con- cerned." Rep. Chilbolm: "Public attitudes• ward women abould be chanted to be coaniunt of the fact that antifeminism has been inherently an attitude in the American IOclety ." Whet lhoulcl IM done about cffscrllnlnatory ..... , All but one of the Coosreuwomen " come out strongly for the proposed Equal R.isbts Amendment, which would bar dcni.al of riahta "on account of sex." Rep. Re.id, a sponsor, points out that i1 is more than an elfort to insure equal rights for women. "It would impose upon them," she aaya, "as many reapooaibilitiea aa it wouJd confer rights. I believe this ob- ;ective ii desirable. For i.natance, it would require women to assume equal respooaibility for alimooy and child support within their means, as ia the standard applied to men." Mn. Sullivan, however, contends that adoption of the Amendment would be "at least a partial cause for a further deterioration of borne life and open up a box of mischief." Rep. Dwyer: "So many women's rights are in a position akin to that of a Ping pong-ball being bounced between the courts and Congreea. •• Among specific actions urged by sev- eral Congresswomen, Mn. Dwyer sug- gests that the President set up an"Officc of Women's Rights and Responsibil- ities," and Mrs. SuJlivan advocates equal- ization of Social Security bcoefita. Are WDllMNt In Congreu sub- lected to dbaiminatlon In com- mitMe assi.,.menb or In other ways? By and large they deny it, Rep. Reid remarking that "personally I do not feel discriminated api.nat." Yet Rep. May Family~/Novnnber I, 1970 ~ \ ' By THEODORE IR WIN actnowled,_ that "perbapt there ia a bias or prejudice from t1me to time." Seven.I of the lqialaton cite a pat- tetn of diacrimination within the Fed· eral Oovemmcot. Mn. Mink obael'Yes that lea than one percent of Ovil Ser- vice jobs at the policy-making level are held by women. Rep. Hansen is proud that she was the first woman in U.S. history to be- come chairman of an appropriations aulM:ommittee but no woman baa stayed Iona enough to bead a full committee. "I can't really see," abc says, "42S men in the House selecting one of 10 women to a job above theirs.'' Ref). Dwyer: "Fewer women have been appointed to responsible positions than in put Administrations. Respon- sible Administration officials have not only avoided the iaue but aeveral-in- cluding White Houae ataft membe...,._ are known to be positively aotiwomcn." 11 the current llbe1atton move- ment already produc .... results? Yes. say most memben of the paod. the movement bas already gained much for women. Rep. Mink: 'The addition of 1ex to the list of prohibited bui.a for diacrim- ination may have been dooe facetiously, but it bu led to court cues which have gained rights for women in the field of employmeoL" BeaKlea cues being brought before the Department of Justice, Rep. Chis- holm notes that the tactics of civil riptJ fighters are now being used by elementJ of tbc Women's Liberation Movement. What reforms do you expect In ................. future! BasicaUy, most of the Conpuswom- eo believe proaraa will come mainly throuah the Bqual Rlahta Ameodmeot. wbicJ\ they feel will ultimaldv be .~. passed. Rep. HanJen : "Heaven knows what feminist reforms there will be becau1e J am not exactly sure whether women will stick together. 1 am certain that any woman on earth will tell you that the problem ian't getting men to vote for a woman but getting other women to vote for her. Thia ia true in councils and legislative bodies.'' Faith in woman power is expreued by Rep. May: "When you bamaa wom· en's new awareoeaa and tnowl~to political activity, you have a great na- tional force to be reckoned with. Wom- en are just beginning to know their own power. Used comictly, thil areat strength could be the deciding factor in what happens in the future." Swnmina up, Rep. Patsy Mink evi- dently speaks for most of our Coqress- women when she says, "Removal of the arbitrary ahac:klea p~vcnting w~n from full participation ia really what women's liberation is all about." • Partklpatlng Conpeuwomen: Dwyer-NJ. Minl<-HawoU How can public attltvclea to- ward women be changed? May-W tuh. I Ht1111m-W ah. It'• difficult, the Congreuwomeo ad- mit and requires ''immense dedication," says Rep. Mink. Rep. May: "If laws are changed, then attitudes will change. Al with the strug- gle for equal rights, regardless of race, religion, or national origila, changes come sloiwly. Yet once the laws were changed, the public attitude ln general did start changing. One peraon may still have a bias or prejudice but u long as the laws protect the riahts of each in- dividual, then no individual will suffer Green--Ore. SuJllW11t-Mo. CIWlrolm-N. Y. • Rdd-111. . ... I "" ----------------------__________ , COLONIAL STUOIOS. DEPT. PA-221 .... ......._ ...... ......._1.._Y_.1_ PteMe send me lhe Giant Family Size "Self-Stlcldng" Photo Album for only $2.88 on full money bllck guarantee if I am not delighted. P1eae add 35' poetage with each order. Encloeed Is $ ....................................... . (Print c1 .. r111 . Haine ················································································································ Addrese ........................................................................................................... . City .............................................. State .......................... Zip ......................... . O SAVE! SPECIAL OFFER: Order 2 Albums tor just $5.49 plus 351 postage. Extra album makes a beautiful gift. ---------------------------------~ ''MAGNETIC'' PHOTO ALBUM ,. NO &LOIN&! NO CORNERS! CHAN&E . PHOTOS AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE 20 Huge Self-Sticking Pages Hold Up to 200 Pictures! Crystal Clear Prolecllwe Pagasl Spiral Bowlcl! Hard Cower! At last t Now you can change your favorite photos as often as you like ... rearrange them at any time .•• all without messy gluing or fussing with clumsy comer holders I Yell, this giant Photo Album that holds up to 200 pictures works automatically I You simply press the crystal clear protec- tive page-down on your photo, and presto ... it stays in place until you want to move It! Your pictures always look like new, never dog-eared or tom. Giant pages open out to a full 19• x 12" .•. big enough for your largest glossies. A real beauty ..• handsome lettering on outside ... richly padded cover in vinyt that wipes clean with damp cloth. Big, spiral binding for easy opening ... lies flat for easy viewing. A real find for the entire family! OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED THIS SEASON We urge you to order your own personal Photo Album now, while the supply lasts. You always need a good place for precious photography and the season for photos is now I So hurry, order today, this offer will not be repeated this season. --~~~----"---~~~----------------~-----------------------------------------.. 'Fhe Cat ho Stars on Tv He's a huckster named Morris even dog lovers dig him • • • By SHELDON MIX Ordinary cats ordinarily lead ordinary lives-even when they live through the full nine. But there's a plain orange tiger cat named Morris who's an extraordi- nary exception, partly be- cause of luck, partly be- cause he's not really as ordinary as he looks. His luck turned up five yean ago while be ·and numerous other un- wanted cats around Chicago's west- ern suburbs ~ rductant residents in a humane society's pound, tick- eted for death in the gas chamber. Animal handler Bob Martwick., of suburban Lombard, m .. just hap- pened to need -.. oraDIC cat as a model for a magazine illustration. He called the oearl>y pound to learn whether there was any such animal amoog the unwanted. Told there was, he drove over and daimed an underweight tomcat with a scar OYU his right eye. Cats are too iodependeot to ao along with anyone who wants them to do tricks, but some are williog to act as models. Ma.rtwick discovered this cat to be extremely workable. About three years ago, the former orphan woo the role of Morris, featured performer in a coatinuing .eries of cat-food commercials on television. Now he's famous. the star of tv commercials that cost between $10,000 and $2S,000 each to pro- duce, and the valued trademark in a multimiDioo-dolla.r advertising cuipaign to sell a brand of cat food. Llke any other ICrceD star, Morris bas his own canvu chair on Id with bis name printed on it. And unlike other performen wboee tv appear- ances are ratricted to commercials, Morris fCb a great deal of fan mail. Morris's role in the commercials calls for him to be a grump. As be often says, "The cat who doesn't act finicky loses control of bis owner ... But he's reaJly a lovable grump, and oft the set he's not grumpy at all. He's very afl'ec:tiooate. Martwick estimates Morris's age to be eight or nine. The cat is big for his age (about 18 pounds) and strong. His most impressive feature is his bead, which is full and force- ful. He likes to use it in giving and getting affection. If you·~ sitting at (Co7'ti•~d oa page 12) '' ·- [] BALL PHOTO s.m c.rc1 DiYfsloft Dept. 2038 ..._ All .. les, 90054 • P.O. Bo1 M084 S.. Frwhce. M119 •P.O. •1 7857 Enclosed la my (Plane check) 0 Cob' Negative O Slide 0 Cob' Print (Plus $1.00 •dditional for new neg.) 1 0 Black & White Negative O Black & White Print (Plus $1.00 •dd'I for new Rf18.) BLACK & WHIT£ 0 1swwo o ao .... $1..99 COi.Oii 0 10 .. $1.19 0 20 ,_ $L50 0 I •m orderin1 fr-umple only and endoslns 25¢ for l>ONI• •nd landlin1. 0 I am orderin1 photo Christmes c11rds now and encloain1 a check or money order which Includes 35' for shl~ NAME ADDRESS \ QUIZ Do You Understand Teen-Agers? Perhaps some of the current commo- tion about teen-age problems could be alleviated, at least in part, if more of us had the facts. Many commonly aaiept· ed belief 1 about teen·aaen pro\'e to be incorrect when ecieoti& ltudia are IDlde and hiltory iJ comultcd. The f olJowina true.-falte quiz provida information that contribUtea toward a bettw undentandiq of the teen·aaera around you. Teeo-aaen. too, will ftnd the quiz helpful in learuina more about tbelDldYel and their frieoda. 1. The col.Iese rebelliona of the lut few years indicate that tbil generation thinb difteraitly from thoee of the put.. 2. American tecn-qen who attend coUeae frequently move from comervative or middJe..of-the.ro.d political attitudes to far-left or liber· al attitudes. a. Lib today'• students, )'OUDI people of the put al.lo rcbeUed .,.m.t. the &aablishmeot. 4. Even tbouah atudeota in the put IOmetimea exprewd di•tiafactioo. only a unaJI numbs were actively con· cerned with lerioua prob- lam in comparison with the number who are involved today. S. The chanae young people IDOlt want to see bf'Ouaht about in the United States ii cbanae in people's values from material to social needs. 6. Today's tecn..qen are smarter about their health and IO do considerably lell clprede unotina than ti.e teeo-apn of the past. · 7. Research studies have shown that teen--aaen with emotional problems or who come from broken bomea arc more likely to amoke cipretta than their more fortUoate frienda. I. Many of today's students reveal their concern for im· provina IOCiety by their ca· rccr choices. 9. ~ta who enter coJ. By SHIRLEY SLOAN FADER Model 37t SugQelled retell St39.95 All V·M stereo is thought through just as carefully, even the least expensive models. Like the colorful portables we've just designed for today's colorful young crowd. A Aallye stripe on his, stereo bug on hers. And just $60. We have an ultra compact stereo (model 336) for only $100 with ideas some of the big ones don't have. Like you can listen through either headphones or speak~rs. or through both at the same time. Plugs into any kind of tape recorder, too. Open your ears and Voice of Music will open your eyes-about what to look for, listen for. pay for compact stereo systems. Our table topper is thought out the same way. It's a self-contained stereo, speakers and all, in an elegant Walnut veneer cabinet scaled 'for shelf or bookcases. All for less than $100. When you audition V·M, keep your mind, ears, and eyes open. Especially your mind. Because we're going to change it. And that's a fact. Model 371 is a true stereo system. Gutsy Solid State amplifier, V·M's own "Stere·O·Matic"• record changer, wide range stereo speakers-all carefully matched The Mind-Changers by and balanced to work beautifully together. e ~~~c~.~~POfltlon. Dfel+o..ter Freet c.n (IOO) 553 9550 _,time, .nrwhelet (1n Iowa, c.-colec:t: (319) 242·1M7.) lege today feel that campus pr~ teaton should be gjven the widest possible latitude by col· Iese admjnistrators. 1 O. Teen..agcn can protest c::er· tain aituatioDJ, but they have very UttJe economic power to eun:iae in supporting a cause that interests them. .ANSWDS 1. Faltt. Violent colJep riots that required police inteM:Dtioo have been part of the 1eeoe at Harvud, Yale, Princeton, the University of Virginia. and other coUep since the beginnin1 of the I 800's.. Many times in the past. colJese buildings were seiz.ed by protestors, guns were fired, bricb were burled, dyna· mite was set off, and property was destroyed. 2 . True. A recent national sur- vey revealed that 66% of the students polled regarded them· aelvea u cooaervatives or mid· die-of ·theJToaden when they flnt entered oollese. Now only 31 % of the same stu- dents believe in the con· servative or middle.-of-the· road philosophy. The othen lilt themselves as either }jb. eraJs or leftists. 3. True. lo 1922 the re- nowned philosopher, George Santayana, wrote that col· legc students "all proclaim their disgust with the pres· ent state of thinp in Amer· ica. They denounce the Constitution of the United Stat.es. the cbun:hca, the collega. the press . . . they are against everything-but what are they for? I have not been able to diMxwer." 4. Palu. The proportion of atudeota who are involved in political activities today is decidedly leu than during the 1930'1. S. True. Their aecond and third concerns are: a change in the political atrocture and racial equality. 6. Polle. A recent national survey for the Fedenl Gov· ernment reveals that since 1968 there. bu been a marked increue in the pro- portion of teen--aaen who smote cipretta. 7 . Tnu. Also, the question of whether or not the par· coll of a teen·ager smote is a contributing factor in the teen·aaer'• attitude toward amok.ins. When the parents smoke, there ia a ltroog Ukelihood their teeo·aaer will smoke, too. 1. Tnu. Wheo 2so.ooo freahmen were surve)ied at 390 coUeaa, their ftnt choice of a career wu that of teeondary achoolteacher. A large number expreued interest io caRiCn in IOCi· ology and social work. 9. False. A nation.al survey showed that 609' of college fn:sbmen believe collep ad· miniJtraton have been too lenient in dealina with ~ pus disturbances and campus proteaton . 10. Falu. American teen· agen this year are apected to spend a total of $21 billion as compared to S 11 billion in 196S. They have the means to put a grut deal of money into calllel that in· tereat them-if they so cbooee. • ... FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK ComP~ • Tlae popubrlty of 1auerbaat ia aalwenal. nu. b aot aarprlalag wt.ea oae eoaaldera the adaptabU. lty of kra .. to ao wide a variety of f oocl eomblaatio ... Here are reapee wldela laawe eaphlred all of kraal'• tanc1, taatalbiag appeal. Prepare the appetisers, atew, and ....... for paeete u well u for your family. Sauerkraut Stufting for Roast Goose 11-to n-lb. cooee <react 1-to-eoH welcht) 1 tableepooa butter or •ar1ariae Z larce c.iona, chopped 6 ~ cape drained aauerkrawt. anipped Z aediua applea, qaartencl. cored. ... diced 1 .. an carrot, pared ud ahredded I aecU .. potatoe., alU'edded (aboat 1 Ya cape) Yi cap dry white wine l to Z tablespoons bl-own npr 2 teupoou caraway aeed Y1 teupoon HUODed pepper 1. Singe and clean goose removing any large layers of fat from the body and neck cavities. Rinse thoroughly, drain, and pat dry with absorbent paper, set aside. 2. Heat butter or margarine in a skillet; add onion and cook until crisp-tender, 3 to S min. 3. Meanwhile, combine kraut, apple, carrot. and potato in a large bowl; toss until mixed. Add the onion, wine, and a blend of brown sugar, caraway seed, and seasoned pepper, toss again. 4. Rub cavities of goose with salt; lightly spoon stufllng into the body and neck cavities. Truss goose, and set breast side up, on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. 5. Roast, WlCOVered at 32S°F. about Jlh hrs., or until goose tests done. RC. move stuffing to a serving dish and ac-- compaoy with slices of the roast goose. 2 qts. stuffing Kraut Stuffing en Casserole Put feftover stuffing into a shallow cas- serole or baking dish. Sprinklt gener- ously with kow1I sapr. Overlap thinly sliced apples over sugar; sprinkle again with browa ...-. Set in a 3S0°F, oveQ until thoroughly heated and apples are tender. Company Kraut 'n' Meat Stew 6 Y1 cup• thoroachl1 drained aauerkraut, chopped Kraut liqaid (about 1 ~ cups) 1 lb. Poliah aauaage, cooked and ,:at in Z·ia. piece• 1 lb. fraakfa:rten, alieed ia half lencthwiae 1 Yl I ... lefton r rout meat (pork, beef, and t11rke7), cat in cabell Kraut-stufful roast f10<Jtt urved witll glazed yams is a delectobk holiday entrle. % lb. aalt pork. diced ' aediaa oaiou, coarsely chopped 2 tablespoou loar % teupoon MaMDed pepper 1 Y1 cape chiekea.eouo••e or broth l teupooa dill weed or caraway" Ned 1. Prepare kraut and meat as directed. In a large sauoepot or Dutch oven cook salt pork until golden brown. Stir in onions and cook until crisp-tender. 2. Blend in ftour and tcaSOoed pepper. Stirring constantly, gradually add kraut liquid and chicken consomme. Mix in the dill weed, kraut, and meat. 3. Cover and simmer gently until thor- oughly heated, 30 to 45 min. This stew may be prepared a day or more in ad- vance of serving and thoroughly ~ heated. JO to 11 servings Note: If desired, clean 1 lh lbs. frail ...-rooms and slice lengthwise through caps and stems into halves or thick slices. Simmer them gently until just tender, about S min., in the chicken consomme before adding coosomme to to the sauoepot. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. When stew is served, .. top each serving with a generous spoon- f ~of the cooked mushrooms. Deep Fried Kraut 'n' Ham Appefu.ers 3 tableapoona batter or margarine 1 onion, ftnely chopped Yi cloTe carlie, ai.aced 1 cup bely dtopped cooked haa 1 cap lnelJ chopped corned beef 6 tableapooaa all-purpoee lour Z cape t.hol'oachl1 drained aaerkraut, ftaely chopped l tablespoon aaipped parale7 Yl cap beef brot.ll 1 esc ' 1 cap •ilk 1 % cape all-pu'poee loar Fine dry bread cra•be Fat for deep fryiac lteated to a.1s•F. 1. Heat butter or margarine in a sauce- pan. Add onion and coot until tender. 2. Mix io garlic, ham, and corned beef until blended; heat thoroughly. Stir in the 6 tablespoons ftour aod continue cooking and stirring until well blended. 3. Mix in the sauerkraut, panley, and beef broth. Cook and stir about S min. until the thick mixture is thoroughly blended. Spread out in a shallow pan to cool. Cover and chill thoroughly. 4. Shape the mixture into 1-in. balls (refrigerate if not ready to continue with recipe). 5. Prepare a batter by blending the beaten .egg, milk, and flour in a bowl; beat until smooth. 6. Dip balJs into batter and coat with bread crumbs. Fry io the hot fat until well-browned. About 5 do:.. app~ti:.ers Note: For main dish service, shape balls larger than l in. Fo.mil11 W,.kl11, Nov•1nber l , 1910 ' Why should the calendar be against you? When it's time for your monthly period, you should be able to enjoy yourself just as much as you do at any· other time.. Convenient, comfortable Tampax tampons let you do just that. Because they're worn in- ternally, you can feel free to go anywhere, wear any-1 thing, do .anything. Be· yourscl~· There's no' chafing or irritation. And you never have to worry about odor forming or apything showing. Tampax tampons arc safe and easy to use even the first time. The coo~er-applicator is silken-smooth to malcc inser- tion comfortable. The removal cord is chain stitched the entire length of the tampon. And Tampax tampons arc completely disposable, applicator and all. So go a.bead and make the most of your days. All of them. "'"~ . ., . ....,.. -OW V.I e ., ..... ..,... W WOlltlll TAM,..,.. TAM~He AJltC •AOC ON&..V "e y TAMP'AX tHCO--T&O, "ALM•"'· MAee. ·-------.---------------------. I ~ I 1 I I I I I I I I ., .. I I I I I I I I I <r~ Yes •. ~~.i.~a R,;fi•lered R epre.entali"e lo "i•il me al my con· venience lo annoer my qu,1tio~ and leave m 6 a /ree Pro1pecllU. Add re ... _____________ _ City ______________ _ SIG~.----'--------ZiP."----- atualFruedu-ia~co..,..y eoiftDI..,. yoar 1f1011eY IOiah IM nMHle1 of all IM n lo maJce periodic fM'FCIMua ia G - • of forty conunoa .iocb of U.S. eorpo- ndimu tl1itla IM lto-pe of ClllTeM income and lofll(-ierna powd of die ...... •f yoar iawidaselll. Fotuailen II.,_, Fiued ,_,,be purcluueddu-Ofllla dee FIMMI'• ~ latwfnU!Jlll PLua• for .. U.ili•I payment of 120aad110 -per montla deereafter. FOIUlden Mutual Fund may a&o be purcluued ""'°"'" fttlaer of hoo /fesihle mdlwd. ~i: you --, tl1itla a naiaima• parcluue of $500. For a free PnNpedlU, mail the coupon beloto. BUSINESS REPLY MAIL Ant 0... ...,_,.ND. 2111, 0..-, Colofade F••den lllltul Depesitor Corp11atlew Fird lfflliONll 8-ali Baihli•1 DeleW1r, Colorado 8020Z . " -, f -, If You've Lost Money in the Stock Market .. • Here's expert advice on steps designed to reduce or recoup Josses BJ FAYE HENLE Despite the recent snap.to in stock prices, a great many individuals who own shares have sustained losses. Confesses a spokesman for the New York Stock Exchange: .. There is no w~ of estimating bow many people have lost money in stocks since the market staned down in November 1968. All we can uy is that too many people have lost too much." How much ia too much? What might the average loll be? Too much of a loss is defined by this spokaman u , "Any loss. A customer havina made purchues oo margin not k>o1 before the start of the market de- cline may have gone to tbe cleaners. Someone who bought stock 10 yea.i4 aao may still show a profit on his bold- inp." This dialogue hardly 1dls you how well or bow badly you aa an in- vestor are doing, or more importantly wltat you 1ltould do now. You can compute your own position by using key figures. Try this: For stocks: Figure what any stocb you owned were worth oo November 28, 1968. That is the latest market peak. And what they were worth last Sept.em- ber 4. U they lost more than 26 per- cent, the decline for that period regis- tered by the New York Stock Exchange index. then your loues are greater than the average loaes fOr stocks lilted on tbe Big Board. U the issues you own are listed oo the American Stock ExcbanF, the decline for that period is 34.4 per- ceot. lf you own growth-type funds. the decline in the same period is 29 .5 percent. according to the Arthur Lipper Growth Fund Index. Wat about recovery? Between July l and Labor Day, the New York Stock Ex.cbange's index rebounded by 13 .6 pe:rcenL That of tho American Stock Exchange roee 6.S percent. while those growth funds ~ 14.8 percent of their Iossa. Your ~er can help you figure loaes or gains over other specific per- iods of time. What you abould do now depends on: whether you need immediate cash or additional income, and moat important- ly, which kinds of securities you own, Jaye Henle is a nationally known ex- pert on economics and consumer fi- nance. She ls the authot of "350 New Ways to Make Your Money Grow'' and Is completing a new bootc, ''Your World of Securities." which specific stoc:b, bonds. or fundA. u you need cash and you bold the atocb of blue chip companies that rep- resent aucb industries as oils. utilities, finance companies, buildio1 equipment or product maken, or consumer goods, you can oft'er tbe9e u collateral for a penonal loan. The comeDIUI would be that it is well worth the cost of borrowing. Don't tdJ your good quality stocU DOW. H, OD the other ~ the stocks you own represem somo---oot all-of yes- teryear'• darlinaa: the atocb of high- ftyioa eonalomerate companies., of the lcsler-rated powtb companies, of the swingina ao-ao or "bedte .. funds. or of little-known apec::ulative companies, forget borrowing. The thing for you to do is sell. either eoouah of the shares to net you the caab you need, or the total amount with the thought that in the yean ahead you migbt ~P some of your loeees with other investments. lf ever there wu a question of your needing cub, you never abould have invested in tboee speculative iaues. However, before you eeU, review the stock of each company that you bold. The experts believe that some of these mueswillstillrecoverpart~thek loues. H the decision is made to eeU-and everyone will agree that it is much harder to decide to ldJ than to decide to buy--&Dd you have extra dollars that you don't immediately need, there are aeveral thinp you can do: You can invest in aood-quality blue- chip stocb repretentiog companies that can be counted on to benefit from upturns in the ecooomy, or invest in mutual funds whole portfolios bold stocb in these same companies, You will now be holding iMUeS upon which at aome future date, if you needed, you oould borrow a,ainst. Meanwhile, you would probably be getting a hiaher re- turn on your invested dollar. You can buy Government booda that, at. dUs writina. will yield you 7 to 8~ percent; hip-grade corporate hoods that offer you an 8 plus. even a 9 per- cent return, and municipal booda that would return you 6 percent. In addition to getting a nice return oo your money, many of t.hele issues are aellin1 well below par, the price at which they will be redeemed. Thus they alto ofter the chance for capital appreciation. lf you have enoush money, you might want to consider buying 10me stocks aod/ or funds and IOIDe bonds. If you have a modest amount of cub, aoytb.ina under SS,000, the ex- perts believe that the best place for thole dollars ia in a savings account. What should you do ii your concern for cash is not immediate. but thole paper Joues continue to deprea you? lf you have bles in good blue chip stocb or in funds largely compoled of thele iuuea and of bonds, sit . tight. Tbeee are the atocb and the fuoda that are leading the market upturn. If your loaes are in the glamour atocb of the ~ the conglomeratet, many of the electronic companies. or some of the office-equipment maken, stocks that you bought at high prices when measured aaainst earninp--watch itl The moment for selectivity is now! Floor of tM New York Stock Excluua.-on o Jayo/ ltavy loaudurlngrffent1llUftp. The experts feel that maoy of these stocks may not RCX>Ver their former highs in the foreseeable future, if ever. How do the experts decide which of such stocks to bold and which to sell? They a.re applying the yardatic\s that formed the basis for investment de- cisions in the l 9SO's. They arc lookina at balance sheets -aaln and not simply deciding to buy or hold OD the basis of current or anticipated eaminp of a company, which was the happy, almost slapstick method of the 1960'1. If balance sheets confuse you, learn to ask the important questions. ·The way the experts are thinking now, the mo1t important piece of information for you to determine i.a bow liquid ii the company in which you might in- vest. meanin1 bow much cash does it hold or bow much in ueeta that can be turned into cub overnight? Just because a company may be liq- uid and may have aood eamioa does not mean that its stock will rise when the ,.:.nera1 tooe of market prices it weak. It does mean, however, that you are holding a stock that bas value, that sooner or later should be recognized. Hold the stocks of companies like these. Sell the stocks of companiet heavy with debt or whole profit cannot be directly traced to increued saJa of product or service or greater eftlciency of operation. la it too aoon to learn any fessons from the loues you have scored? Exactly u it is diftic:ult for individu- als to face up to their mistakes, it is ditficult to commit the experu to cri- tique. Yet, numerous truisms penetrate the hue that still clouds the financial c.ommunity. Those who have invested carefully have, for the most part, fared better than those who set fast capital pins in ,speculative isauee u their goal. Greed eeldom pays. Bonda have come into favor with much smart money being invested in them. Thia is a further reason for de- presaed stock prices. Aa you are being urged to weed the weaklings and atreogthen your boldinp, so mergen and closures of flrms on Wall Street are strenstbenina the whole arena of the 1eCUritiea industry. You've been acorcbed, but IO have men far more tcbooled in the ways of finance than you. Among you both, the victon will ' be thOIC who stick with the best of their ICCW'itia and cootervativefy approach the cbupd climate of invetting for the 70. .• ............... --------------------------'-- The Cat Who Stars on Tv (Continued from poge 7) a picnic table oo Martwick's grounds and Morris is brought over to be in- troduced. hell stroll confidendy around the top of the table, nudging first Martwict's cheek with his head. then yours. He also likes to b\ltt hJs bead into your hand or fist. Morris carries himself proudly. with an' as.- sured air, as if to inform the world he has no intention of taking a back seat to anyone-feline or human. When the Leo Burnett advertising agiency in Chicago was auditiooing cacs for the Morris role, many were brought in but none looked grumpy eoou;. or proud enough. ''I was beginning to think we were losers until Mamrick brought bis cat." says MacKenzie Ward, the producer. "He wa1tcd into the room like Clark Gable. and we knew this was the ooe ... Last winter, after Morris was well established as a video personality, the cat:.food sponsor bought him from Martwict for the total be bad spent to board him for the three years the commercials had been running. Martwict continues to board the cat at his ktnnels in Lom- bard (for a dollar a day charge) and draws a handler's fee during the filming of the commercials. He es.-- timates Morris's current value to be about Sl,000. What moves Morris most is food. He loves lo eat, although he's mus- cular and there's no exoes3 fat on him. His favorite dish is seafood. es- pccialJy tuna and mackerel. Because be always seems hungry, food is the bait used Lo persuade him to do what the creators of the commer- cials want him to do and to keep repeating his act until they reel they have the right take. If the script calls for the cat to go from Point A to Point B, Mart- wick will place a small pat of sea- food at Point B aod Morris will go there. Tbe pattern will be repeated a Ccw times. and Morris win keep doing bis thing-and devouring the food each time-until he gm tired. Then. if the scene isn't locked up, be'U take a catnap before going through the routine again. Tbe set is the real test of Morris's uncanny ability to keep his cool. There are usually at least 15 people present. including the lone human model, Morris's mi,tn:s.s, who shows only her bands and feet on camera. And there arc always a number or onlookers from the advertising agen- cy. The producer. director, and the various technicians bustle about and keep calling out orders or responding to them. A big camera keeps moving io and out on a truck, wires are strewn all over. and the beat from the four large stage lights is stiffing. Nooe of this bothers Morris as be quietly goes about his business. fol- lowing bis nose to bis dishes of tuna. Even the most cooperative star will act contrary once in a whiJe. howcveT. and Morris is no excep- tion. In one commercial, the dialogue bad him saying, ''['II eat when rm ready. First I want to play with the St Morris. on cam~ra. making I~ pitch. drapes." But be just wouldn't play with the drapes, no matter what in- ducements wen: offered. and the dialogue bad to be changed to: 'TU cat when I'm ready. First I want to check the weather. I'm stq>plng out tonigbL" Morris's I 0 different 6CMecood commercials have drawn approving letters from all parts of the country. Many televiewcrs have written that although they rune out most com- mercials, they look forward to see- ing Morris. The validity of Morris's char- acteT is enhanced by the fact that Tom Rogers, who does the scripts for the commercials, owns two cats himself. Morris's appeal is not limited to cat lovers, however. Dog owners. too, say they dig him. Ooe day recently, after completing a commercial, the production staff decided to have an impromptu cham· pagne party. Morris strolled in and somebody poured him champagne. At first the bubbles made him squint, but be kept coming back for more, obviously enjoying the heady wine of stardom. From an animals .. Death Row~ to a champagne fete is an astro- nomical distance, but Morris hu covered it with ease. Though he's known bad days as well as good, be seems to assume that champagne is properly due a cat who never l<Jlle5 control of his owner. • World's Most Beautiful Conversation Piece .•• MAGNIFICENT . GLEAMING AUT-HENTIC BRASS CUSPIDOR The Ultimate In Collector's Masterpieces Brings Back Those Good Old Days To Home, Offi~e, Den I 100% SOLID ENGi.Wi ~I At last! The collector's dream come true! A "spittoon" (if you'll pardon the expression) that'll cause unending delight to all who see it. Handsomely crafted of aolid, mirror-polished brass, the cuspidor comes in two popular sizes : 714• deep by 7"4 .. diameter, and 6"4 .. by 5"4'". Use it as the perfect planter or aa the ideal accent piece for your den or fireplace ... it will surely be the focal point wherever you display it. Makes a wonderful gift! A renuine piece of All lntlrutloUI S,.._• f.uoclltloa, Ull. ~ Americana that will definitely become an heir~· loom in your family. SURE TO DELIGHT OR FULL REFUND GUARANTEED We urge you to order your Authentic Brass Cuspidor right awa'/. This is an antique col- lector's buy-ofa-lifetimel Be the first to own the world's most unique conversation piece. Choose the size most suitable to your decora- ting taste: 71' .. for only $11.95 or 6% .. for just $6.96. These prices are amazingly low, so rush coupon now. This offer will not be repeated this season. IMPORTANT NOTE! Unf~,dueto Hmtt.d suppMs. we cannot rwspond to entlque deeler'• quentlt)I lnqulrln. BecauM ol our low, low prices. these ,..,.. Br••• Cuspidor• f'nU9t be lo6d on • dlrect·te><onaumer basis only. COMIUIERS: Ru.It coupon now while supplies IMtJ MAIL COUPON NOW! OFFER WILL NOT IE REPEATED I J. Carlton's, Dept. La-81 I 1176 Ma4i90ll Annae, New York, N.Y. lM16 I Ya! PlNM n.h -8ofW a.._ C11e1>Won I• I the alM I han elM!eked llftow. I u...,.t&ad that If I 1 .,.. not _P._.. aaU.tw. I will rftar9 It and~ I lftOM7 wflJ k -pllWl)o NfundM. c ,l • ., .,".ft •11.n ", ... ,_ '".@ "·" I (PliiM" ~Me to eawr p.p 45" WJs.) I c-... ~: 0 DllMft Cluh 0 A-WU. z.,,_ I I O llbal«Clilarse ._.t, I ts........ I I Name 1 Acid,_ ________________________ __ I Ctq Sc.to I.Ip ---1 l 0 Ordtt TWO ot eltlMr •iw •IHI w• paJ poetap. ___________ .. hi '1t..n11te11r.··e1c111esti111,.._ •. ,,....._ HeJps Rid Lungs of EXcess Mucus Helps ... .-11111, restll"e free ... ill, reliewedisb111 ... COlllllilllllln1ezil1- This clinie·tested Pf9P8fation is called BRONKAI09. In one ta~ let. Bronlcaid combines an ex· pec:torant and bronchodilatOtS to attack the two majot causes of c~ion and wheezlna, Bronkatd Tablets quickly start actin1 to soften 1nd loosen ex· cess phl91m. This direct action helps rid your air passaps of sticl(y, stringy phlqm. At the same time, Bronkaid helps re- lax tightened bronchial muscles ind eases the distress that re- sults from stqnant air trapped in the lunas. Sleep Away Dry Skin If hand s and knuckles get so dry and cracked that 11othmg seems to help, try this simple treatment. Each night at bed· time, massage a dab of Cuti· cura Ointment Into the skin. Next morning, wash thoroughly with Cut1cura medicated soap. You'll be amazed how quickly your skin be· comes soft and ~'ll111"E"' smooth. OINTMl!NT PHOTO CllDITS c ...... O...lel s ... llonl. , ... 21 u. s. ..... ,., .. , ... ,.WW. w .. w. ,. ... S. ChoM, l .... , U-.y MoeoalM. ,._ .. 'kte•lot ,..,....., ..... 1 ...... ic1.1. Wtth Bronkaid Tablets,you enjoy amazin1 two-way help in one combination tablet. Bronkaid helpsyou cough up phlegm.clear cloaed air ~. restores free breathin1. You cough less; you breathe more freely, usily. For rapid relief of coughing and wheezmg of bronchial ~aes· tion and bronchial asthma, for relief that lasts for hours, get BRONKAI09 TABLETS today. No prescription required. Available at your local druptore. Drew laboratories; Div. of Sterling Dru1, Inc., N.Y., N.Y. 10016. Do Yo•r FALSE TEETH Drop, Slip or Fall? Don't keep WOft'J'lnc wtiether rour CalM teeth will come 1oOle a\ t.be wronc Ume. Por more eec:urltf and comfort, sprtnile P ABI &&'I B• Detl- tu.re A.dhee1'9 Powder oo 1our den-cu.ree. PABID'IB bolda falM t.ee\h tinner lonpr. Mak• eaUDg eutei-more natural. Mo aummr, ._,.. SJUtY cut.e. Den~ t.bat at ..,.. eaeentlal to bealtb. 8o eee rour dentla\ reculartr. Get euy-to-UM J'ABt'D"111 at all m-u. oounien. OH,MY ACHING BACK Nanlns beckadw, headache and m.._ cu.lar acbN and pain• 1n&1 come on with onr~:urtloa, emotional UJ)Mta, or eveJ"J'daJ st.-and tl:raln. It t.blll ~ sfns backache, wlt.b iwU..., a1H11l- nlcbta le -arias :rou out, rnaldns J"Oll mi.eerable and Irritable, don't wait, try D-n·a Pilla -an aaaia-lc. a pain ~ liever. Doan'• pain·,_lievlns action on nassins backache le orten th• anawer. Get Doan'• PUla -not a habtt.-rormlns drua but a welJ..known etandard ran-ecl.J U9ed 1~ull1 bJ mllllona ror oTU 70 Jftl'9. S-If th«J don't brine 1011 the aa-wtieome l'*IW . For con- YftlRiatt, ahr•JW b11,. Doan·• larse •••· Doctors' Tests Show How You Can Actually Help Shrink Painful Swelling of Hemorrhoidal Tissues ••. Due to Infection. Allo Get Prompt. Temporary Relief in Many Cuea from Pain, Itch in Such Tiuu~ Doctors ban f oand a mo.t etrec-tl•• medication that actually helps ahrink painful awelllnc of hemorrhoidal tiMues cauled b1 infection. In many cue•, t.M Ant applicatlona ci•e prompt relief for boun from auch pain and bomins itchlnr. · T.U b7 doctors on hund~• upon hundred• of patie nts ahowed this to be true in DW\1' cues. The medication the docton uaed wa1 Pr•porcatioft 89-the eame Preparation H 7ou can set without a pnacrtption. Ointment or auppoeitorMa. FIN Alarm Some people ery, ".DeUdoa.a1" At tJae light of lamina dWaee. Tiiey are, I own it, g'llllalory h.lghbrowa. Bat the eight of f oocl a-glitter Wida lame. make. me a-jitter, So I'll keep my tutee and eyebrow1. -Georpe Saar6..ds C.lbroW. QUIJ!S AND QUOTES The little girt had been standing with rapt attention u she silently watched her mother apply beauty cream to her face. Fmally the child asked: ''What arc you doing, Mommy?" "Just making myself beautiful," the mother replied. The little girl cootinucd her obeerving. A few minutes later she noted her mot.her began lo wipe off the cream with a tiaue. The child asked earnestly: "Giving up al- ready?'' -Lucille J. Goodyear Whm you start to qcustion your wi/~'s judgment, r~member-3/te married you. -Norma J. Nance "f d like lo see one of those new dresses my grandmother's always talking about.'' said the teen-age girl to the saleslady in the department store. The saleslady thought a moment and then sugaested. "You mean a midj?" "No," said the teeo-ager, "that doesn't sound right." "Perhaps you were thinking of a mioir' the woman suggested next. ' The girl shoot her bead. "A maxir' That wasn't what she had come in to buy, either. "Oh, now 1 remember." the girl said at last. "Let me see a 'Mercy!'" -Bert Kruse 0 An old lady from a rural section of the country visited ber prosperous grandson in the city for the first time. He was very proud of bis success and couldn't help make compan- aons with his childhood home and the way he lived now. The grandson took her to his elegant pent- house and showed her around proudly. Then they stepped out on bis terrace for a view of t.bc city from the 22nd ftoor. ''WeU, Grandma," he beamed, "what do yow think ef it?" 'TU say one thing," the old lady responded thoughtf ully. "You1J never have to worry about floods." -Dorothea Kent Hypochondriac: A man who has everything. -D . 0 . Flynn Honest Packmslns Soon hoaeety and trath will relp On eYery box and jar, Aild labela will proclaim jaat what The coateata really are. Now, if lhil movement 1pre~ The F.D.A. will .a.rely awim in The proteela lhey'U receiv~ When they apply thia law to women. -Annie Komor"1 Don't be too critical. Curb your rappetite. -Frank Tygtr ·'What'a bl4tk a.nd white, weigha 1,000 pound3 , ond luu a red ftaahing light cm the top'" 14 FatKil'I/ Wesklv, NovntJber I, l!l70 '. , r lnDilelJ It. Readers to Share Thu &traord·nnr,. Value-The Ideal Cl&riatmaa Gift! Deluxe Masterpiece Edition at Giant Half-Price Savings 14 Priceless Features Usually Found Only in $49.95 Bibles ....... r., ............... l)paf-, w ...... a .. • ... ., ant In ............ "9ltdl°' .... • M"8d on Flnelt"""' lmperlel .............. The Newest, Most Complete, Colorful,. Comprehensive and He I pf ul Bible in America ... to Inspire and Help All Your Family! ...... ,__ • ....._.lnll9ctlT._ofGlllll er x 11%• Sim ............ Emllnnd Coww • lntrodu ctl•• •end an Outline....,_, off.ad\loell • ,.._ llwt 100.000 c.ntar.colurnn ""' •iiCllS Here is an unprecedented offer for our Readers! The Bible of your faith in a magnificent oew Masterpiece Edition! Filled to overflowing with features usually found only in Bibles selling for $49.95 or morel YOURS AT SPECIAL HALF-PRICE! IMAGINE! An opportunity to e.njoy AT HALF PRICE this superlatively beautiful work! A Bible '° uquisitely and ca.refully printed-so filled with helpful guides and DeLuxe features-so com· pletely researched and edited-so sumptuously bound in rich padded covers with band-tooled dea.igm and page edges illumined in rich tones of gold-it has already been hailed throughout the country as THE LAST WORD TN BIBLES! To win the good will of our readers, we ordered a vast printing of this magnificent Family Bible. And now-for a limited time only -we offer it at LESS THAN HALF THE USUAL PRICE of a Bible of this size and elegance. Many Special hatures Increase Your Pleasure In Reading and Referrln1 to this Bible Everything to male the Bible a more living. vie.I pa.rt of your daily life has been incorporaled in this monumental work. A special section, HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE. shows bow to approach 1be Bible ro gain fullest value from its teachings. Another gives you a PrderTed Reading Schedule to follow. that relates key passages to each calendar date of the year. To add utra color, life and inlimacy to this entire work, you'll find scores of beauliful an masterpieces in FULL COWR! PLUS an exci1ing "tour" of the Holy Land and Paul's travels, in con· temporary color photographs! Jn addition, the thoroughly researched HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS lists for you ti't'ry r11cordt'd evt'nl in the Lift' of Christ. His moving slory unfolds year by year-even hour by hour! Over 3S.OOO Clarifications make thi& Bible more easily under· stood and apprecialed. In addition, you'll find Piclures, Pholos, Maps, and Related Reference Aids of every descriptiool Few Jewla 8Dd Catbolk Ra.len, lheir Bibles arc jusl as crowded with DeLuxe Features. Indeed all t.hrce versions of the Bible arc lavishly complete! Send No Money! 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Dept 2'7.2 1325 Walilt:b-t AIM.. AMury ...,-. M.J. 01712 I Dlpt. 2672, 1325 ......... jw .• Mbury ,.,., NJ. 07712 . I I ..,.,. .. • a Gin Ifie llant 2t" 1 42" PICTOIUAL llll.£ CHART #54'20 '" ruu I COlOl_,..M to llllP f'llU ""'*"I btly 1111111 «not. Also,.... ... fof NHlllll. I Rt([ Trlal TM( MASTHPIECE EDITION Of THC ltOl..Y 811lC-4n t111 Edition of My I Faltll, atecUlll lllOw. I ..eentaM Ills 1111111 ContalM All 14 of IN f'rlcelela I =-=-~•~at1r::.'1 c:f, ~.=:.:-~:-=..= ':;.~~0 = I I $5 llOlltlllJ for 4 ~tilt to ca.ptete loll price of only $24.15 plu lttl,...111. I I uw 1 fttlf 50'W. tO ,...._ price. Or, If •It '°" not -· tllM ulsf¥ I 11-'9 FREE! (Even If You Buy Nothing) Giant ~ .. x 42" FUll·COLOR PICTORIAL Biil£ CHART Includes 8 Biblical History Maps! ... PlUS 8 Art Treasure Photos and CompleW Time Chart. from 4,000 B.C. to 150 A.O., of Hebrew, Greek. £optian, Roman, Assyrian, Persian and Other Ancient Empires! rttum It and -llOflllM. tt Y• Wiiii I ""•• 1 ..., ...... •11U~• 11au CllMT c-.. , .. °""' tt: I 1 .. ", ._.... o umw C11U11 I a.11111111 ., y., ra111-0,5021110• JAMU o UIUMlttCMI I 0 n . O aal&. UPIUS I 150212 CATHOllc ._..50213 JEWISH 0 ..... cua I I ... .....Acd.., I I...,.. I I CJ ~::.m Cltecl ._ _. .-...., nus ........ C..:. .... : ,., I· L -~-"' ~..:... ~ ~-~ ~ .. ~ .. .!·~ ~ _!W~ _J 1 l I 2 I •&u"e om 11.ad that my daughter wcu too yount to notice I looud liM a fat, bu~red bi«uit ~re. And when 1 thinlt of it now, 1 lt.adn't even reached 265 pound. at the titM thu picture wm taken. Now loolt at JM at 136 poun<U. Sure u food to 1et into .tyliah clothe•, •peciaUy 1ince I'm only 32 yeari old. I carried my bridegroom over the threshold. Then I lost 129 pounds. l I Maybe you can ,et an idea of what my husband and I looked like as a couple. when I tell you that I've Jost 88 much 88 Charles weighed at our wedding. 129 pounds. Do you understand now why I was the one to carry him over the threshold of our first home? , Being fat had made me a loner through most of my school years. Mamma had a job at that time, and to ease her conscienoe for leaving my sister and me, she always pve us ice cream money. And I never oii89ed a scoop. Besides, I'd stuff on bread and potatoes and sweets and all~ of candy. I remember how much I wanted to be on the square-dancing team at school. But I was turned down. First, because I was eo big, I couldn't keep up with the others. And second, because I made too much noiae stomping around. All I can say now is, thank goodness Charles took me for what I was, not what I looked like. In fact, the only time he ever said anything to me about my weight was when I was expecting. He was ecared for my health. But when anybody said any- thing t.o me about losing, I'd resent it and eat more. Aft.er my little girl came and I went up to 265 pounds, even I was afraid. Of course, my doctor had 10t on to·me plenty of time&, but I never took By KatMeen Coffey -a. told to Ruth L. McCarthy his advice. But this time, it was me who made the decision to reduce. And until you make up your own mind that you have to loee weight, no- body can help you. You eee, I'd seen some of thoee stories in maga- zines about folks who'd'loet weight with the help of a reducing-plan candy, Ayds. So I bought the vanilla caramel kind at the drugstore. Later, I switched around to the plain chocolate fudge type and the chocolate mint fudge for variety: I took one or two before meals like the directions say. And Ayds helped curb my appetite. Why, on the Ayds Plan, I ate ·lees because I really wanted lees. Where I used to crave buttered bi8cuits, maca- roni and cheese, and potatoes, I don't have a hankering for them now. In fact, I've acquired a whole new taste for food, sin<:e I've got all those starches out of my system. While I was Josjng, I didn't think about how far I had to go down. Just that with each five pounds, I was that much closer lo my goal. And it worked. By the time Charles and I had our new home in West Asheville, N.C., I was 90 much slimmer, he ~ me over the threshold. Even my little girl notioee it now that I'm down to 136 pounds. I'll tell you thjs, it sure bas confused people. My mamma, who hadn't seen me for a long while, al- most cried when she spotted me in church. And my uncle couldn't believe his eyes. But the best reaction of all was from a lady cus- tomer in our st.ore. Charles and I used t.o deliver her newspapers. I'd sit one side of the car, tipping it most to the ground as I rolled up the papers, and he'd be on the other side, riding up in the air. Well, first time she saw me skinny, she didn't speak. Wouldn't, in fact. Instead she spread the word: "Mr. Coffey's got himself remarried." We laughed, when the news got back t.o us. But, in a sense, it's true. Because, thanks to the help of the Ayds Plan, Charles has got himself a new wife. Me. · BEFORE AND AFrER MEASUREMENTS ~ . Before After Height 5'6" 5'6 .. ,, Weight 265 lbs. 136 lbs. Bust ... 44" . 34 .. Waist 42" 281h'" Hips 49" 36 .. Dress 241h 10 ONE rREE SET of nMlll 100tcAba7ld ealet&dar1 C0"'4!1 1Cit~ ~A ad orthred. Tdla da.te a,.rtime. StGrt Gtsr moftth. Fit• all men' 1 100tcl- ba"4I. Set of lt in e"4m- pa.gne-.eolor metal ii 11.60. A"r qMGt&tity. Haur Cal - '*'4r, Dqt. FW-11, Haur Bldg., Scott Citr,Ka•. 61811. .411ERIC.4N FUC PEN ia awilabU to orgtit&isa.timu for fwftl!. ra,ift"ll· Sell for 11,· 1"q 5<H for rovr Of'""f'. Pa.11 a.f ter 11ou aeU them. !le- tMrn a•r not a old for I"" credit. For free "'"'i>U au broel&t1.re: CoUit&gwoodFvu Ro.Uing, Dqt. 8111-E, ProtJ- idence, R. T. 01901 . Weekend Shopper By SUSAN PAINE , EGO BUILDER-Your favorite photo can be blown up into a giant photo poster that is reaUy great for a family room or any room! Send black and white or color photo. 11/:2 x 2 ft., $3.96; 2 x 3 ft., ... 95; 3 x" ft., $7.96. Photo Poster, Dept. ED-116, 210 Eut 23rd St., New York, N.Y. 10010. COLORFUL nLM OJTEB -Kodacolor • film developed and jumbo printa are only $1.26 if you will send this editorial along with your ftlm. Any 8 or 12 ex- posure Eaatman Koda.Jc film. Failures are credited. Limit 1 roll per customer. ~~· '' You are guaranteed exce.llent quality. The offer expires on December 31, 1970. Send your order to the Skrudland Photo Co., Dept. ZE3, Hebron, Ill. 60034. FREE gift catalog has 36 pages of Christmas gifta -many with a religious theme. Alao itema for giving to cluses. Advent materials, books, toys, etc. from "Fuuy Books" to tape recorders. For free catalog, write : David C. Cook, Dept. FW-11, Box 366, Elgin, Ill. 60120. '• TIME TREATS -Buy or build docks! Easy to do, fun to give, kite are described in Free Cata- log plus movements, uaembled clocks, moon dials, and componenta. Detailed plans of two Grandfather Clock.a, $1.50. Emperor Clock Co .. Div. of Ritz Instruments, Dept. FW-11, Drawer A-T, Fairhope, AJa. 36632. RARE Chriatmu Kift -Here's a unique and luting-value gift for friends and f am- ily : rare, U.S. Silver Dollars! Uncircu- Jated, they are over 80 years old. Anyone would be proud to own and grateful to receive one. 10 for $33.95. Early American Coins, Dept. FW-11. P.O. Box 14400, W~t Omaha Station, Omaha, Nebr. 68114. Weeknd S~ item. a.re NOT a.d~g. If Pf"~lt ah0tem are"°' ovciil4ble ot •t"°"n, Of'der from •OMrcea U.ted. 0 11 U.S. Hearing Aids * * SAVE up to 673 "' ., ... , D U&.1'19-'6 ..... _,.. ·~i-tMclltl ,.. .. ..., ....... Uflll -c Ille ll~c ..., IM MJ ... ..,_ ........ _ ~ c.talM S2 ...... 17 flcl. I« ..... CllltU, 110 _.., -""""' ...... 1-* .. ilMlc)I • u.oo c... f1N« ........ dlorf9 .... Ill ~ -": • $3.00 Qllt;wlst ... .i "-'IM1t. ltHl WM.R IJM M ,ta -Mlf'll .. f Tl. l(lfO MO MOllO'I Mt ,_ -IM ... fma,,., ,.._SJ.• ..... C.OJI. "91· .... OrMillfSUOwMll_.,IM I ,.,11111-..._ (SerrJ, .. c.o.,D ... ~ ~ u.u-_.,_ ,_., witll ""'I· u.c .... ....i .....,..... c:.nMH DWI tYWtt1SW '*'".,. au. u . mn I COMPUTER MATE IS NOT I A DATING GAME We sucoeufully find 1>1rtnen for I m1trimony 1nd com1>1tlblt friendships. , All AGES -ENTIRE U.S.A. Absolutely confldent111 (&Ive 1141). Write for free brochure 1nd questlof"tn1lre. Our 11P11Uc '1-11-· w.tc._1 JCHI. I COMP~~~ MATE I t East 42 St, New Yorll,, N.Y. 10017 Itch.Itch == PW JUfJ·fMt relict frolJ\&DDoJtnc raw ftel"J l\cb cat.IMCI bJ teal•. dl'l' lklD, "older •1•" 11L10, cb atln1. ecsema, rub-. alleqtn-otber lt.c:h troubl-. 1et D.D.D. l"rHcrtptloo. 8ootblo1. coollDc. aotieeptlc . . . alda beallDc. Don't ec:ra\cb-doo't 1u.trer. Allt 10ur dr\Jgllt for D.D.D .. LlqUld or cream. "• ... , ..... 1lllf, Ill· ........... , ... .,.. -· ., ....... ..., ....... ............... ,I .. 11\111111111 .. 11 *" Culff,..r dtlllt frillldt .., _., .... Mtic.. ,..(( HOME n1Al. llO ... ,.,. .... Low • 110 .....,, ....., Mel l!:"''"· Order lllrect • ..... Write toM ' ff" eltellll Ml IMIHlft. NUTICl, Dllf. '60 • lo• RM7. MMtlll. Tn. 'nlll. "-· ........ ,.. f"IU • ...,.,.. c.i. tel•· lieaMMlllll•-~ .... -....... •hoe tA 14.IO II SH.00, ., -· II_,., t.r •· ....... :a.-111 .._...., i• ......... c.o. (al ...... _ s.r.lcol ~ Cal ...... ...... ........... .._,_b~llll ... · -" ,.,., •l .. w. w .., .., .. ., • MIO _. -119 1 c.i1ao.-_.., lltllt l'l.U$- f1Kl--..,. SI.ti -CUIDOOOll • c.i. c-n,. ... ,.... ... ...._ eM ....... wMM e....._ w Pww. Ua l'l.US -........ S4 00 -·· '"""'"' ....... ..., -· ~-i ......... _.._ ... ,.... *-·-l<I ,_ ...... Pl.US oH .... ... Celloc.ltl s-ic.t, 1'1.US ~ Olllrt _...._ le ....... ....,,, A _. ,.._ " -a10.U- -_. .... SJ.ti• Clolt S,.iat ,.........., Oleot .. P.• -trieolft ... --IMt11 llee, PRU mANT lllZ c:ou.a:noM1 DTIIA IOllUSI 8'Mt Sia Cel..._ CNltltt"I Sl.00 11 9SO 00 t< -· l'l.US GUIOHOOM ...... llU Miit I ·-· ~, t.r ~ 11.M. SAVl Mii lllOllfl 5-Sift Cal.__ calalte· '"' S22 SO II Sll$.OO t< -. Pl.US C:UID( 900lt, ott • r•r ... '"" --..i, ...., SUK.--., ..c ...,....,. It<.....,_ ......... a.ou TODAY -IUPPLKI UMITlOf .... " ......... -..... ~." ....., _. ....... AM 50C "· -i .. COO't --SlOO ....-.. ~USA .... P .00 ............... ~ llm-ID'i.MI .... UC. In 1110\ --'. IU ..... EOY iqif Oallor. __ ,....,.,_...,_..,....,..-ut& ---~;~.:.. ..... _ 6 (loft .... --·-· u..c.....-.. -.. _......._, ...... ___.,...., w...- ._.... c.--C11taw11 •n ._... ......... , ..... ..... ,., ... n.• .. ~.. -... . ,., .... , ..... ( ... ,.., .. -.. . ,.... • M.11 .. , , ... ,., .... ··-$56.tS -.... .._IO MIO llUO an Pobef"'t Warri~ ~~ ••Cllllllllt ..... S.Ctw,c.11.-=·--= * =.-:=-.= THIS IS A Genuine DIAMOND In Looka Only ••• · 1:!0'Ar:.. 50C A s~::·t Fool Friend....Fool E.,,.,ta Look ,,o.,,.,ou• WHltouf ii.le WNr ~r ti• dllMolld "Tiii PYlllCtsa" &ollt.lre rlq la Its Tlffllly..11• Mttll1& llld et1Joy 111 tfle tlwtll1 of ...,1111 tl1t tHI tlll111. Look lllle 1 Mlllloft ..• fffl llu 1 •lllloft •.• .. •lllltf1'1 .. 11111111011ll1 doll It, ........ .t i...t • $1,000 d .... ,..., 104' wlll .. ..-1111M heW It twfltl wltll • rell Miiied ...... I.A Wllllaace • . • ,., It CMtt Oftly I -11 trKtloll of lta ........iwe *Hlt•'1*t • •• ~1 a _,,,. .. ., loW •x. 50c • carlt ..... -....... rtlodl• plltld lloftd. (ID'ltl,...llM). Fleeted 3 c..t SIN tlllt 11 deullnc, lllltrMI -•Plftlllll. No ~ff ... MtM. c,,llM ca-.•• ot11Y ,.., Wiii lulow It'• llOt rMI llMI tfle i..., low llfle• l'Ube It I "llMISt" fot ~ loftrl. Irr• 1lltlbltl Doll't rltk wurllll ,_. 1q11nalwe dllll!Oftd rl1111 tlllM dltt· le Ufe. Order It lu.t OM tldl1 It our llltl'odllctofY price of ,1. .. plw ~ fot .... lllCI lllndt1111. ,1.M ~letl la lttract!W llft IMIL !bull ..,..., .. _, ............ -. .. c. ...... r----------------, • TDIY lWm ct .• ..,._ PW·l7 I I ,,,, ... ,.,. 1rW cenlt na.. 1.U. tll1J 1 I ElldeMct flM , .... plq 25' '*'· I I W11. hi 11111 fw "Tiii MMnt." I A.dJlllUible 1~ lllldlrl1ood If I 1111 llOt 1001' •tl&Med I Wiii retum wttlllft i I 10 dl1s few pf'Olllllt rtflllML ..._ I i...,.. I ·'"'~· -------------------- LlAltN Uf'HOLITlltlNQ AT HOME, 1pere time. Send for ,,.. lllu1. booll on femoue home ttudy courM for uptiof. aterlns 111 types furniture. N-met~ ods. 1tyles. Free tools fremes. Bljs In-come, delfehtful hobbY. Low tuition, Low terms. Veteran Ac>proY9CI. ~m Upholltery fnttltuJ!.1.. Box M-DSI Oranp. Cellf. 92-. ~. _,, .~ Announcing ~ TheAsthma .. ~~.. Capsule. .. ........ AsthmaNefrtn• Capsules. The most com- plete form of medication yo~ can buy. . . The AsthmaNefrin Capsule delivers more rehef-glving medication than any other leading tablet or spray. Relief that begins to work in minutes and lasts for hours. Each capsule contains 500 tiny pills which release a prescribed dose of the four medications an asthma sufferer needs most. Medications which open vour clogged breathing passages, loosen phlegm and clear congestion, rela>< bronchial spasms and help prevent allergic reactions that can some- times bring on or intensify an attack. This formula is so effective it can help you prevent attacks for hours, day or night. Ask your doctor or druggist about the AsthmaNefrin Capsule ... an asthma suffer· er's most complete form of medication. AsthmaN11frln A • .. 'I ... I Let's Draw•.._..... Pt.yer By A1111 Dat1UJow . JUNIOR The A.IA complete course includes 76 lessons. 280 giant art charts and complete art kit, including oil paints, water colors, f)astels, drawing supplies, special pens, tools, palettes, illustration board, sketching •• _ pape,r and many other 1 ~rt~ts' necessities. REASURE CHEST A question mark Can be a tall • Now you can give yourself a solid, fully-rounded training in Art -at home -in your spare time, for a fraction of the outlay you ever thought necessary. A complete down-to- earth course of basics in all the important art techniques of our time. Artists Institute instruction is so uncompli- cated, so much fun and so rewarding, you will be amazed to see the rapid unfolding of talents you did not know you possessed. this QUICK and EASY WAYI ART OPENS MANY NEW CAREERS Everyone has his own private reasons for developing his ability in art -self-expression, relaxation, just plain fun -but there are also a multitude of different, fascinating careers open to the self-trained artist. For example: magazine illustration, television art, advertising layout, cartooning, fashion design, department store art, architec- tural art, poster art, lettering,'l>ackage design, portraits and land- scape art. Artists Institute prepares you for all these and a number of others. Artists Institute supplies you with the basic toots and techniques including oils, gouache, pastels, watercolors, charcoal, pen and ink. ,-21 DAY -ARTIS~-;NST~-MAME~-o.;;.-;--1 TllAL 1628 East McDowell Road APPIOYED BY I ·I OFFER Phoenix, Arizona 85006 NAM @}) 1 I RUSH DETAILS on your offer of com-STREET & NO I I I I plete 76 lesson Art course including your big kit I I of lf't miterial for 21-"-Home examination. Cl'------------------1 • All REE AND POSTPAID -I I .. OIUUTIOll Oii MY PAIT. STATE 71P I L------------------------------------------------ Mina One From a six-letter word for something it's smart to do with your weekJy allowance, if you are to save up money for a special proj- ect, take away the last letter and get what your dog won't do if he has made up his mind to sit when you want him to move. (See Answer Box) Plus One To a three-letter word for a taxi. add a first letter and get what forms over a cut in your finger when it begins to heal. (See Answer Box) AU... of C.ts ,, _, '""' .. ,.., ~ .. ,.., , __ . "' \,)I,, J ) \(. Which two of these arch-backed cats arc most nearly alike? (See Answer Box) •• d .. -Thia What does a good little boy grow up to be? (Su Answer Box) Which two of the 26 alphabet letters are not used in this sentence? November is a jampacked month, with dcctioos oo the third, veteram quick--step- ping in parades oo the 11th, and Tba.ok.s- giving Day oo the 26th. with snow, hopefully. 11 (See Answer Box) You N•me ltl (Su Answer Box) ANSWER •ox '-·z 1C :u:llP'I ,...n -q~:-o-.. -afpnq-plpna :-0 -.w "lf"Pt'l UV :11'1 aw atPP!1I ·~· pu1r ~ !9111:.),. .,. v ·cawµ a»~ ill -N •.& Famil11 WNld11, Now....,.1, 11'10 I ~ I l\lagic Lady's Hose Holder Has Soinetbing Extra. Fbr a Limited Tune Onl OUr'fO Hose Holder Inc~ a Pair of Thigh-Hi Hose BOTH STILL 'f'» Extra: a 2 ounce undie that stretches to three times its size in both directions to slim you comfortably. Extra: exclusive knit-in 'cling-cuff' to hold your hose without binding, without garters. In white or beige, S, M; L, XL. The big extra!: One-size-;mn..~f ~~ fits-all;, stretch nylon, extra _,.. 1 _ long (Thigh-Hi) hose in M every package. n BOTH STILL $4.50 LW (XL-$'5.50). • ~ MAGIC LADY undies that slim r Exquisite Form Magic Lady Shop-at-home Service from your favorite store. Fill out this coupon and mail to MAGIC LADY. We will forward it to the s tore nearest you for proc- essing. Do not send money or check! Mail to Magic Lady, 14 Pelham Pkwy., Pelham Manor, New York 10803 --------------., STYLE f' 11 41 BEIGE WHITE Check 0 Charge I SIZE QUANTITY PRICE To1al: __ _ Handling Char~e: __ Sales Ta~: __ TOTAL: __ ADDRESS•-------- CITY--------- STATl, ____ ---t.IP __ _ Please onclu.Je hJni.lhng char11c ani.l sales 1~~ where appli,·able. L--------------~ MIN-WOMIN-COUPUS ..... c....... ........ WHI• YOU ........ =-~.:'..": -:::..~ .... UMltlmllMlnp? UNIVHIAL Metel lcNels tnlM ,., at "9tM n Metef M ... apn, C .. ft!!,_ ...... """"·Mette ......... _,. .... ..._ TrwlliM at MIAl~I llACH, Pl.A. er LU YIU., NIVADA. An ... Mrrie-.twttr ......... ,...., PRll lntNmatien .. u ... ,_ ...,. ..... ............ s..c. AMltfil , .. Wl1'DAlll-~ NMlllllllWl .. llllLL --------------... IUMIVUSAL MOTELICMOOU. ~ I tt1t&w.1 ...... -..na.111a I I Please Print I I N•m• I f Addren Age __ , I c 1tv sute I l =.!~-~'!.------_ =J How's Your Hearing? Chicago, Ill. -A free otf er or special int.ere.st t.o those who hear but do not understand worda haa been announced by Belt.one. A non--0peratinc model or the smallest Belt.one aid ever made will be given abeolutely free t.o anyone anawering this advertiaement. Try it to eee how it is worn in the privacy of your own home without cost or obligation of any kind. It'a yours t.o keep, free. It weighs le. than a third of an ounce, and it'a all at ear level, in one unit. No wires lead from body t.o head. Theae models are free, ao we 1urceat you write for yours now. ~in, we repeat, there ia no cost, and certainly no obliga- tion. Write t.o Dept. 4482, Bel- tone Electronics Corp., 4201 W. Vict.oria, Chicago, Ill. 60646. OO~~lM~!roit it@O~it FLUSHES UP 'ff) to sewer or septic tank • ~-- no dinJn& up floors. WllTI , •• lhf'HEltSON, IHC. • eox l5W TAMPA, FLA. llt.14 . ~ • Denture Invention - PIHORIS CAii MAKE YOUR CHILD ITCHY, l'IDGETY ~. ooee-plcldnc, a torment- 1111 Ncta1 Itch are often telltale 1iem of Ptn-Worma, ucly p&t'Ulites tbt medical expert. •Y hlfeet 1 out of every a penonaeumlned. ED tire fam- lliee may be nctlma and not know It. To l9t rid of J>ta-Wonna, they muat be kWed In the la'19 hlte.tlne where they live and inu.ldpb'.Tbat'aeu.ctly what Jayne'• P-W tablet& do ••• and here'• how t!'c%n do it : Flrat-a dfic coa~ carries the tablet.a into the bo-la before they dimolve. Then-Jayne'• mod- el'D, medically-approved lncredJent roes richt to work-ldlla Pin-Wonm quickly. euily. A.tr .. .., ,.,..,_,.,, Don't take ctw.oe. with danrer-oaa, bichly cootqioua Pin-Worma whkb Infect endre families. When one member le Infected. 1-ltb au- thoritiea •tronrb' advi8e that the en-tire famllr be treated at the -.me time. Get Jayne'• P-W Vennifuce •.• amaJl. euy-to-take tablebl .•• apec:ial air.es for duldreo aiad adull.a. Jumpina on • ch1ir won't help, But d..CON MouSE.PRUFC will! Mousc.PRuFE Is t he amazlna mouse killer th•t's ... MOST EFFECTIVI ... hH twice H much mou~·killina inaredi- ent H othtr IHd1na br1nds. And this inare· dient is recommended by the U.S. Govemment. CLEANEST AHO EASIEST~.._....__. ... just pull tab, !Nit feeds •utom1tic11ty. SAF[ ... cont•lns no vio- lent ooisons ... when used H directed, ule 1round children 1nd pets. OUTSIUSALL OTBllS COllBDllD _ ~ Accumulated ear ........... • ~ wax Impacted down your ear canal can muffle sounds. even c ause temporary deafneu . DeWitt'• Oil for Ear Use. made eapecially-to soften excesll ear wax for easy removal. qulck---"--=;;;.J ly c lears up thi s problem without risk of Infection. It peln Is present. consult your doctor. Otherwise, try OeWitt's Oil for EAR USE For ~· With "Uppen" and .. Lowen" For the first time, science now offers a unique plastic cream that holds dentures-both "uppers .. and .. low- ers"-as they've never been held before. It forms an elastic membrane that htlps lrold yortr dtlflurt.< to th, natural li5$1t1S of vou1 mo11th. It's F1xooENT"-a revolutionary d1900very for daily home uSt.'. So different it's protected by U. S. Patent f3.003.988. FIXODENT not onl y holds den- t un~s Cir mer. but it holdl.t hem _;_,;..; __ _ more comfortably. loo. It's so elastic you may bile harder. chew belt('r. eat more naturally. The special pencil-point dispen9Cr lets you pu l Fl XODENT exactl y where it's needed. Resists oozirg over and gagginJ . Just one application may last for hours. Dentures that fit arc essen- tial lo health. See your dentist regu· larly. Get easy-to-use F1xoOENT Denture Adhesive Cream at all drug counters - PATTERNS - By ROSALYN ABREVAYA An attractive, graceful silhouette that you can sew easily at home is perfect to wear for Thanksgiving festivities, whether you're the hostess or a guest this year. The charming A-line dress has a standup collar, with bow. You can make it in three- quarter sleeves or sans sleeves. Suggested fabrics; silk, peau-de-soie, or shantung. To get your pattern, simply fill out the coupon. F·S25 A PRINTm PATIERN t----------------------------------------1 S.nd to: FAMILY WEEKLY PATTERNS, Dept. 4122, 4500 N.W. 135th St., Miami, Flo. 3305' Si1et 10, 12, 14, 16 (New Siring) Send $1.00 plu1 25 cents fcH po1toge ond hondllng; cash, dtedt, or ~ cwdef. • STIHT ____ ~-~-~~------~- CITY--~----------------~ STA c....----------------------...ZIP·-------- fllEASE NINT a. 1ure to give 1lp CCICM Melle Al Y-SewMt hlier wifll "-e C•"lfl 111teft ._, I 1 D WcwW'i -• proatkal dreu '--ched: boll fw pemct fit "Adiu•to·Motk fonn." Adjuatobte 1 to 20. Endose $5..49 plua 55' potfoee. Send $2.'9 utro for 19"! stond. 0 Ch.ell box ~ receive -W-1 finest •-Ing boolt, the 321-poge "Complet. looft of S.wl •• Valuoble hem gouge 1ncludecf-frMI htnlt $5.95 eatra with this covpon. "9- ~ ---------------------------------------- ! I l V il1ually every tune that you spend money, whether at the supermarket, de- partment store, drugstore, or ps sta- tion, you're being ROBBED! You're bemg duped, hoodwinked, and swindled out or the full value of your money by a combination of deceptive 11elling techniques that include Maddon Avenue double-tall. mendacious sales- manship, and ingidious labeling and packaging ploys. Senator Wanen Magnuson, the most alert consumer watchdog in Congress, says.that decep- tive selling iJ today's "most se.rious form or theft, accounting for more dollars lost each year than robbery, larceny, auto thefts, em:- beulement, and forJnY combined... Sidney MargoUus, the dean of American consumer writ· ers, asMrts &hat .. Never in the 30 years I have been reporting on consumer problems has the public been as widely and steadily eitploited as today." And Ralph Nader, the nation's most tt- nowned champion of consumer rights, states that "Nowadays consumers ue being manipu- lated and defrauded not jlllt by marginal,fiy-by- nilht hucksters, but by America's blue-chip busi· neu rums ... ln short, commercial fllinflammery is rife throughoul the nation and the American consumer is bemg victimized as never before. As a partial antidote to this widespread fraud and deception, an intrepid, authoritative, new publication baa been launched. Its name is Moneyswocth. Moneysworth, as its name imptie•, aims to see that you get full value for the money you spend. lt rates competitive iwoducts as to best buyg (as among cameras. hi-fi's, automobiles, and the lilte); it offers tips on how to save mon- ey (they will auound ~u with their ingenuity); and it counsels you on the m&Ngement of your personal finances (tem. not only how to pin maximum return on your investments and <SaV· ings, but tho how to protea your money apinst tl'fe ravages of inflation). In short, Moneyaworth is your own personal conJumer autader, trulted stockbroker, and chancellor of the exchequer-all in one. Perhaps the best way to describe Moneya- worth for you is to list the kinds of artides U prints; Ean u" oa Yos S.•lap (FdJ a-., n.e New VA-Made Mlltbn: Aa E•..._ H ... ·-.wddM Odea ~ ..a E...- b ~for. PlltMre ~ ..... .., .. Pt.o.e CompuJ Tlllt Adv_,.. al• Swill ....... AttOtl!M- Over half a million sophisticated American busi· oessmen can't be wrong. "Co .... l•a FIH"-A regular department in which the editon of Mome,.wordl take aim at companies that are defraudina the public. V...te mt A111 ••-A comparison of tbe safety records of America's airlines. Free I.-., Free Food. ud Pree Mc.e1 fnm v-~s... SCOcb dlmt Are oe die..,_... De wlllio. ~......_Vos Old to~ .u..d Tlllt Moee)'IWOl'dl Co 1pdad•e-Details of a price-.cfiscount co-op (for purchasing typewriters. cameras, and the like) that Mow'"'_. sub-scn"ben aulornatic:alty become memben of. How Miida Are Y• Wotdl!-An amazinaly sim- ple chart lives you the answer in 60 seconds. Tlllt Ualk M1"ell a.n Aa.dl ud Co6e-A aupprcued report by a member of the President's Commission on Heart Disease. heteete• ToJe-A list of safe, imaainative, dura- able playthinp that c:qntrast sharply with the execratiom advertited db TV. n.e &c..-.. of .... m.k Ordatili ....._ MIP ......... .._. r.... lalh'NI The pri1a aie so low. if a ridiculous, and the quali&Y is a.en sublime. eea-. Yom" C... = to Do Vos ae.urtlll forY• C...-..W8ITllMlee; ~ ........ New ~ .. Mu.I ....... ........ ~ • Dnft l.awJer-PouiblY the mos1 impor-tant lift you'll ever prescnl to your son. c.lllms 18 • c-cta'a New ..,,...... Dolls ~Coate•• 1-A ttfUlar feature of M.._,. wor6 in which the op1nioo.s of Jeadina book. record, and film critics are tabuJated. CJd· Htt: Did A-na Onrread1 How eo h.J Art Wldio9t Gddms 17.--d "'U..,.fttdms"-Tbe mo5I revolutionary develop. meat in lood st.ores since tradina 1taJ11ps. AC--blG.wetDdleY-JIM Tlllt Uea of A1r Polhldoel Oii PotitecJ 'Ille Grat <Ma• 1111 G)'p-How rent-a-car com· panjes take the American public for a SlO-mil- Uon-a·year ride. "'No Loer M....a ,..._A list of cs funds that return the equivalent or an 89' profit at the very mo111C11t of investment. 12 w_,.. lo hi tM Tei.d Oii i',...._And ll ways to demur. Bow to.-..., Mftlkal i-.te wt._. n-. -A l\lide lbrougb the bewilderina conhWon of policiet. ........ SCodl of Yos ~-Nine wan to probe his probity. Lepl w.,.. ........ Tua ~wlC.....k' ~ Sal• C. ol lf_., -A new series of an· nual awards by the editOB of Mc.e~ Lwl ... esp III la ~a.-A& Sl.20 an acre, land down under rare. h.iah 1mon1 apeculaton. 8-11 C.. OiM c.. A list or lush cash srants available to enterprisins college students. Tlllt ._._.. a. Oii Laded GuollM-How it ahould affect your nut car purchase. A Gtdclt to Ltpl .uc.dolt-lncludina the costs in different statea. A.ad Now, Mlaow..e ...._lioa-An e~P<* of the damqe wrouah1 to humans by radar, elec- tronic ovens, and TV transmission. a.k .....,.-How lO exploit the new account "free silt" offers of banb. •barn C-p•tlo• Sllapp ... Tedml,..ee A col- lection in~theuse, by a hultlend•wife lC!am, of walkie-talkiei in oeiabl>Orin& supermarkets. Uh a:..we: A LeplDe4 S""-le-A Hartford ectuuy telll why be believes that "more than 909' of American policies are told throUlh mis- representation, deceit, and fraud." T~ Yos QM tM Vllhlt of M0M1-Wilb· out h•YIDI him ovel'ftlue it. 'Ille Free Go•a__, .._.. Moea Oftt9 0.er-ao.led-., cri Row to U...-. C1 .. •ert.d o...111m Ltairn Taxproof M..,_A collection of bilhlY creati9e,. little-known, perfectly lep) ajmmicb. Stockllol•111 of IM WorW, Vllllirl-On the need for shareholden to protect themselves apinst stoclt-option arabs. dummy-director appoin1. menu, and other such abusea by manalCfDICnl. Tiie Tndl .... tOd-RMtG...._ • lb for 0.....,.tce4 Dnlp-How to buy medicine by aeneric name. ,,. eo.t to • .... ., of ...... ,. hlldal ()Ike ArtlkW ~ U.S. CmtlH ..._ Rowto .... •A...altepoft Low.CO..~~· •1• e-to~ u MMdft lelt ..._. ...., ...... ~ 0. 8* for $38.W'-Tbe 10 most common door-to-door awindl.ea. ..No-Falllt"t......aa.M Arw Y• V••111•111?-A chart of prnailina waaa. job-by-job, acl'Oll the counuy. SocW !McwtCJ'• S,.111 hlea for Womea How to o.a..t • lwwt M)lneff u-lo u.. .. IWllWe, Lowt.Cotl , ... Oftal Fl'H) CWW.C.. C..-.. Gddllm Adioa 1.-Vos a-llN A4-Tipa by one o( New York's top edvertislna copywriters. c.ntA!1 Foo4 COIDI Tlllt AdYb al 8lli ....... -9wt M....,n' "'"' Z5 U-lllilM y.,. C. 8dl hJ fw Jf, et IM 5, ...... lt•Stoft ~Up• Vos 8odll Secwtcy Acco.m 'Dir• dlie Sparta-Bis bars.aim ill' boou, beer. AiiObrandy. Sfap Clilewtls tM Fmt-Row to read the oew labels on frankfurters. Row Pwofado .... ~a H ... 11lelldomldt: Back ..... ~ Colluioe --. ...._. Oii ........ ..._A cue of Government anti·trust impotence. ,._, Fe-reraoe.i Are n.tf ...._,_The find. inas of a massive five-year st.udy. Cld·--Tnftl VlaAJdillestM& 0-'I~ ........................... ...._Which brands coat less, and furnish more lisht. ::z:=e Prau , w-. Noe eo c• • ... Free Cllecb-A list of 200 banks that allow un- limited writina of personal cbec:ks. wtie. la DollllC. Dedld-The ten most common Corms of income-tu overpayment. .,, .. _lo,..... I n sum, Money1worth Is a hip, trustworthy financial mentor. It reOeas the. quint· essence or consumer sopl\istlcatiion. In format, Motteyrworth ii a news.letter. lt 11 designed for inltanta.aeoua communication and easy referilnce when you're shopping. It is pub- lished /ormiKhtly. Thia enawes you that the in· formation in Mofteyaworth will always be UP'te>- the-minute. You'll be r•di.na about nvoJu.. tionary new products dw:ing the wry week they're introduced. hoduct .ratings will appear precilely when you need them most (automo- biles and a.Uboata will be rated in the •prioa. for example, and Ouistmas &if ts and ski equipment in the fall). The dias-tchea, analyaes, and pro- duct evaluations In Moneysworth will ortainate in .New York, WaahingtoHb~d any place elle where conaumet news ia to develop. ln style, MorieyswortJt is concite, prqmac- ic:. and above all, 111eful It is aJao completely fortlwWht. Moneysworth does not hesitate to mme Tnnd names (Whether to laud or lam- baste them). to identify bis corporation• when they aouse the pubtic, and to quote the act..- al pdcet and ditcounta that you are enti~ to and lhould be pttinc. Moneywworth can If· rord to be this candid becawie it c.-rie1 no ad-~tiliftl whtlt.aev~: it i1 beholden to no one but iu NJOdw1. The editors of Moneysworth are a team of hard-noted, experienced jomnalistJ with con· siderable expertile in the raelds or conaumer in- lerest5 and quality periodical publshing. The editor-to-chief is Ralph Ginzburg,c:reator of mme of America's most flamboyant magazines. Mr. Cinzburg was the first editor to provide a plat· form for Ralph Nader to express himaelf on the subject of automobile safety. Moneysworth's publisher is frank R. Brady, generally regaided u one of the publishing Industry's shrewdest financiers. Rerb Lubalin, the world's foremost graphic designer, is Moneyswor1h's U1 director. Together. these men will produce the very first-and only-consumer publication in history with dutrismo. Moneywwortb ii available by subscription only. Its price ii SIO a year. Rowewr, n,tit now yo• may order a QleCial introductocy Outer Sabetriptiotl for ONLY '51 TIU II HALF PRICE!! MOROva, we ue 10 confJdent that MOIM)'I" worth will prow lndiapenaable co you that we are prepared to mako what is prot.bly the mo.t genero1&1 aublCription offer in publiahing rus.- tory: ft't> wil ab10l11tt>ly 11ttd u1tcottdltlonlllly 6Mf1Nllltt tlwl ~ will lttcnt1# the l>Ullhllliltt poWB of your lttcomt> by 111 lalt 15"-or we'll refund your money IN FULL. In other words, ii you now earn SI 0,000 a yQI'. we11 guarantee that Monerawortt. will inc:reaa the value of your inex>mo by"',,.,, SJ ,500-oi- you get your money t.ck. As you can tee, • subscription to MOM)'aworth is an abto1utely foolproof invettment. To enter your •ublcrlption, limply fW out the coupon below and mail it with $5 to: Moneysworth, 110 W. <40tb St., New York. New York 10018. We urge you 10 act al once. Stop beq robbed and start 1ettin& your MOM}'IWOC'th. i10W,4>ST. -.S~ g N.Y,.N.'t1001i I I encloae $5 for a on&-year 1ublcription I I to Mooeysworth, the authoritative new I conaumer newaletter. I undem.nd that I I am s-fina only HALF PRICE/. ~vet, I Mofteytworth guarantees that d will ln- 1 aeuo t}'e purchasing power of my In-I ex>me by at ieaJt 159' M I wlQ 1e1 my I money 1-ck IN FULL. I I I 1N~E I I ~ I I ADDRESS I· I I I CITY ·1 I I I STATE ZIP I I OMOHEVSWOffTH 11110. t M.REO. PENO. mfmwl I .. _________ .. GORDIE HOWE: Sports' Longest-Lasting Star The Detroit Red Wings ' great is starting his 25th year in big-time hockey Gordie Howe was just 15 years old when he was intro- duced to the world of profes-- sional hockey. A speed-skat- ing protege from the western Canadian province of Sas- katchewan, he had been in- vited to try out at the New York Rangers training camp in Winnipeg in 1943. The Ranger club wu composed of tough professionals, and when they saw the shy, slim youngster for the first time at the training table, they showered. him with ridicule and invited him to go "home to mama." Howe did go home a week later, and the Rangers have been ticking themselves ever since. Howe not only became one of the all-time hockey superstars, but as be begins bis 2Sth year in the Natiooal HQCkey League. all with the Detroit Red Wings, he has established himself as the most durable star in the history of all profeaaional sports. 1be 43-year-old Howe is the only 25- year-man the NHL has ever bad, and he has played more league games ( 1,624) than any other player. He holds the records for goals, ll1ists, and points scored (763, 994, 1,7S7, respectively). He is not strictly unique as a 25-year- man in major sports-Eddie Collins. baseball's Hall of Fame second bll.SC'r man, played 25 years in the American League, and James (Deacon) McOuire played for a record 26 ye.an, appear- ing in bit ftnal game at 49. Neither CoUina, nor McGuire--nor Ty Cobb, who put in 24 years-can match Howe as an iron man, however, for these baseball players played only spasmodically in their final seasons. Howe is at.ill a star for Detroit and sees as much time on ice as he did in bis earlier yean with the team. The 73 points he scored last seaaon extended to 22 the string of consecutive yean in which he bas finisbe<\ among the league's top 20 acorers. \._ Hockey is also a more taxing game than baseball and much more danger- ous. It's a game in which participants wear "knives•• on their feet and carry "clubs" in their bands, and it requires so much speed, skill, and stamina that the average career span in the NHL is only seven yean. By LARRY BOR.TS'l'EIN Howe's record for longevity bu been achieved despite injuries and ailmeota that would have crushed an ordinary man. He bas had two tnee opent.iona, and bad his nose and cheekbones broken several times. He bu doggedly played even when suffering from concuuiona, dislocated shoulders, smashed teeth, and blackened eyes. His face and ICalp have been sewed up many times. "One year I bad SO stitches in my face," be recalll. "That was a bad year. A good year ia when I have 10 or less." Sid Abel, Detroit's general manager, estimates that Howe's total stitches num- ber over 300. Howe's molt harrowing experience on ice came in March, 19SO, in the first game of the semi-final round of the Stanley Cup playoffs, hockey's World Series. The Red Wings were battling the Toronto Maple Leafs in a typically bruising game, and Howe was skating toward the enemy goal with the puck when a Toronto player came straight at him. Howe swerved, and accidentally plummeted into the wooden sideboards at full speed. He was knocked uncon- scious and taken to a hospital where the emergency-room doctors found him to be near death. A brain surgeon performed an op- eration to relieve the pressure on the brain. The player lingered near death for several days but finally survived the crisis. He was advised to take a respite from hockey, but he went right 1-ck to the ice the next seuoo and woo the first of his six scoring championships-more than any other player baa earned. Howe baa also been voted the NHL'a "Most Valuable Player" six times--an- other record-and has occasionally re- ceived mail addressed simply to ''Mr. Hockey, U.S.A." His success is due in part to the fact that he has the "perfect body for hockey." His ahoulden slope so sharply they blend right into his huge biceps, which ftare out into huge fore- arms, wrists, and bands. His legs are very strong. ''I conserve them by sitting down at places where I don't have to stand," he says. "Otherwise, I don't do anything for them elloept to eat moderately and keep in general good health." In the violent wodd of boctey, Howe gives as good u be gets. He's mauled many an opponent in close-up contacts. "A superstar Ute Gordie can't alluw Gordit Howe. 43. drlvts in a goal whilt crowd chun him on. Howe Is btginning 15th y ear in Na1ional Hoc/cey UQl/ut. himself to get beaten up by anyone," Abel points out. "His ri,ght to the r&P of No. One ia at stake at all times." Howe always baa been known for bis pugnacity OD the ice. When be joi.Dcd the Red Wings in 1946-dlree yean after the llangers dropped him-be got into a scrape in nearly every same be played. Gordie was one of nine children born to Ab and Katherine Howe. He wu nine days old when hia family moved into Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, from Floral, a town nine miles to the east. Floral was, and ia, a po elevator rail- way atop. Ab Howe took various odd jobs during the dil6cult Depression times to provide for his large family. "I remember Gordie's 8rat akatea," recalls Katherine Howe. "He was about five years old. A woman brought a grain sack fuU of clothes and thipp to our door, off erin1 to sell them for a dollar. We dumped the tbinp on the ftoor, and there was a pair of skates. Gordie grabbed them riaht away." Howe bea&J\ playio1 "aaodJot" hockey when be was six. OddJy enouab. he couldn't state well as a younpter eo be started u a plie. In ; winter in Sas- katchewan the temperature goes down ai far u SO desrces below uro, and the young gQlllie nearly became frozen aev- eral times waiting for the action to come to hia net. "I aot smarter, learned to skate better and faster and became a forward IO I could keep movioa around," be recalls. Gordie now makes his home in Lathrup Village, a suburb of Detroit, with bit lovely, blonde wife of 17 years, the fonner Colleen Joffa, and their four children-Marty, 16; Mart. IS; Cathy, 11 , and Murray, 10. Many people facetiously point out that Howe may still be playing in the NHL when all three of bis aooa are playing there. "I don't know about that," be says, "but I do know that if I find myself playing against them, ru be just u touah on them as any playen on oppoaina teams!" • Family ~ekJy Th Newspaper MagtnlH Nov nibn-1, 1970 LIOMAID S. DAVIDOW h..U-t MOl'TON NANK ~ NIM. ASHIY "'•-,,; .. , 8"e.r MAllUI N. TllNQUI ,.,, f)frHtor You ere hwtted to IMfl yvur questions or comment$ lbout any article or ldvertlwment that appeM1 111 F•IY w.ffly. Your letter will rectlvt a PfOfll9t answer. Write to Service Editor, Family Weekly, &U Lnlncton Awenw, New York. N.Y. 10022. ' l I This same lesson has helped thousands pt started in one of the world's best-paid professions. Its simplicity will surprise you. Try it, enjoy it, without obUption. You can learn in your spare time at home The demand for trained accountants exceeds the number available. Salaries tend to keep going higher. Why remain in a dull job with insulficient pay when you can prepare -in your apare time -for the big rewards which are being offered today by the accounting profes- sion? 'lb see the poesibilities for younelf, send for an interesting sample leeeon which demon- strates LaSalle's practical method of home training. This lesson is yours free. It shows how you are guided step by step through actual ac- counting work, how you learn by doing, bow you are prepared for the major accounting tasks you will be expected to handle in business. No previous experience is required for this training LaSalle's experienced faculty of accountants and CPA instructors starts you right at the beginning, then supervises, corrects and grades your work all the way -right up to training you to take a Certified Public Accountant eumina- tiOn. You train in your spare time -.at your own pace -without losing a single day from the job you now have. The oost is low. Which of today•s manr positions do rou want? Set your goals reprdleae of your pres- ent job. If you want to become a pro- fessional Accountant, Controller, Auditor, Income 'I8x Specialist, Government Accountant, or Pub- lic Accountant, LaSalle bas the program for you. You will be r given the training that bas helped so many I.aSalle students to qualify for excellent posi- tions. Many have aet up their own practices. For over sixty years, l•Sal.le has been a leader in business education by mail It has enrolled for training at home more than 2,000,000 ambitious men and women. That is why a LaSalle diploma in accounting is a re- spected CJedential. Mail the coupon now for your free sample lesson and the booklet, "Opportunities in Accounting." I.aSalle, 417 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60605. Mail this coupon today P------------------------------------------, ! .LASALLE AE~~~~! UNIVERSITY ! I 417 ..... D•..,.......,o..t.•111.CNa .. 1,....... I I ~.I want. free of oost or obliption. your sample lemon I I and illUltrated booklet "Opportunities in Acoountin1." I I I I MR. I I =··-·························«a..·~~·~~~;······························AGE ...... . I I I I At>DftESS ........•.... ' .....•... -........•.•...•....• ' ...........................• AP'I'. NO ... , ... ' • I I I I crrv ................................... ·····-·········-········"··· ............................ I I I I S'l'A'rB .....•...........................•............ • ........................ ZIP.................. I ·~ ~------------------------------------------~ ,. 0 This booklet also FREE Success reports from LaSalle graduates "My •lary baa quadrupled since starting '\ .... , the coune."-<it:0r1e R. Kelly, -W. Br-.e- '" ,., .... watu, MaHaclwutu. ~to my LaSalle~ •.. my aal- ary bu more than doubled."-Jtra. Mory Nyhr1, U. A116elu, C4li/omio. ''l now eem thNe and a half rune. my former pay."-Robert Pielter, Holbroolc, Arizona "My salary now ia over two and c:me balf timee more •.. than whal I started l.&SaUe tra.ininc. "-.Jama M. U mplai.U, Cody, Wyolflill6. o,,,.,,..m.,,., ......•... t.11., ,.,, ti• Accountinr ia a aareu that offers _, tbe Mme opportunities u men. Eam an independent income of your own. IASelle tniniQlf will help you iret started. No in~· t.enc:e with your pre9eftt job. --~ --· COSTA MESA SADDLEBACK LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON. BEACH NEWPORT BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY SAN CLEMENTE by Dick Wllsoll WILSON FORD -·-R.atln~ Beacll Scmecne recently reported that they had seen a read sign on a highway in China that read ; "Go Smco~hly on the greasy mud, fer therin lurks tha skid demon." An other road slgn, this peIScn saw in one of our south- ern statca reads; "You Must Pay For Yo·Jr Sins". Somecne neat- ly printed underneath, "If You Have Already Paid, Please Dis- regard 1hie Notice" ... Here at 18255 Beach Blvd. in Huntington Beach we have s:;me s·gns that we take great pride in display- ing. One is our Service Depar ~ mcn~ sign. 'Ih!s area cf our deal- trship is manned by scme or the mcsl cutstanding men in th e autcmc'.Jile main~lnance and re- pair bUJin:3s. 'Ihey are factory trained and know your F c r d trcm bumper to bump2r. No w "with a new Ford yur here, may- be the car you purchasad is etill in excellen~ condition, even if you did buy it cne, two, er three years ago. But remember, no- bcdy kncws yc:.ir Ford b e t t e r than an authorized Ford dealer for guaranteed service. We would welcome an opp::rtunlty tc i:rcve to you that we kn c w our busin~ss. Why not slop in to Wil- son Ferd next time ycu require rcu•ine service er major repair work? WE believe bc~h you an d your car will be glad you did .. THI: DAILY PILOT, TV WIEIJ<, OCTOIER 31, 1970 DICK WILSON'S· WILSON FORD SALES ------, FOR[) I 18255 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH --------- - -••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DICK WILSON SAYS: '7rs ARE AUMNG IY THI 11lUCK LOAD ! IMMEDIATE DELIYllY 11 HUM i)g. COUNTS ON ALL REMAINING 197011 I I •xtra Savings On Low Miieage Demonstrators -31 To Choose Front COMPLETE 1971 CAR AND TRUCK .UN& ON SALi I BRAND NEW tMMEDIATE DELIVERY $150::. PAYMENT U MON1HS .. TOTAL llNTll.Y PAY& nso 11 the tot•I down peymcnt ~ M> ts IM letel monttlly pe~ lncWlnl tall, '1i llceftee enil •II rinenel cherga on epproyed cndll for l6 mon!M. Deferred sie...-t Pl'la Is SHlUO lnc ... lnl •• flNnce dlerfll; texes, '10 llctnM or If you Pl'det' to pey ~sh. IN fvll catll Pl'lce Is only S21M lflcluflne .. 1es fex, '11 II· , cense. #l•IOWIOOltj ANNUAL ,..C ... TAe• •A't• n.~ TEST·DRIVE THE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. -18255 BEACH BOULEVARD -~·~ 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALES DEPr. t a .111. to 10 p.111. 1 0911 SEIYICI OPIN THs. tl1n Fri., I 0.111. to 5 p.111. Mo:i., I 0.111. to t p.111. 592-5511 I I , l l l J ) 1 10:00 AM 0 (iJ @ NFC/ AFC Football Doublehe1der (C) San Diego Chargers at Cleveland Browns; and Oakland Raiders at Kansas I ' City Chiefs. I 11:00 IJ a (I) NFL Football (C) Los Angeles Ra ms vs. New Or· leans Saints, live from New Orleans. I 1J Notre 0..me Football (C) Highlights of yesterday's game with the Navy. • 1:00 O ID @ NFC/AFC Football (C) (cont'd.) Oakland Raiders vs. Kansas City Chiefs. 2:00 IJ S.h•r• lnvlt•tlonal Golf (C) Tom Harmon describes the action from Paradise Valley Country Club as some of the top professional golfers shoot for the $122,222.22 being ottered in prize money. Defending champion Jack Nicklaus, who has won the Sahara Championship four times, is among the featured players. Others scheduled to play are: Doug Sanders, Orville Moody, Burt Yancey, Al Geiberger, Bob Goalby, Dale Douglass and Tommy Asron. (11) Cl) Grand Prix (C) 3:00 la (j) S.hara Invitational Golf (C) See 2 PM listing. 4:00 0 The John McKay Show (C) Coach McKay analyzes and discusses key plays in USC's battle with California played yesterday. Ross Porter co-hosts. g Bruin Football (C) UCLA vs. Washington State Cougars game played yesterday at the L.A. Memorial Coliseum. Q @ (])College Football-1970 (C) NCAA highlights. @ @ Gii Bishop's Locker Room (C) 5:00 fJ College Football (C) Grambling vs. Texas Southern. ail Futbol·Soccer Mundial: Santos vs. lndependiente. 10:00 fJ Sports Page (C) Mal Alberts. m USC Football (C) USC vs. California in game played yester· day at L.A. Coliseum. 10:30 fJ Sports Page Special (C) Highlights of the 13th Annual Los Angeles Times Riverside Grand Prix. ll:OO @W Notre Dame Football (C) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 6:00 U @ (]) NFL Monday Night Football (C) Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers. 11:00 g Bruins In Actions (C) Tommy Prothro analyses last week· end's game with Wa shington State. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 8:05 ei) Box International 1970 11:00 g Rams Action (C) Highlights of Sunday's game with the New Orleans Saints. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5 8:30 0) Boxing (C) Shoji Ishikawa (18 wins-4 losses) vs. Jesus Pimental (75 wins·7 losses-67 knockouts) in 10-round bantam· weight bout. (Tentative schedule). SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 1:00 U @ CV NCAA Footb•ll (C) Washington at Stanford. 4:00 g This Week in Pro Football (C) 4:30 0 @ (]) ABC's Wide World of Sports (C) 5:00 g R•ms Action (C) Highlights of last Sunday's game between L.A. Rams and New Orleans Saints. el World Cup Soccer (C) Brazil vs. Uruguay. 5:30 g NFL Game of the Week (C) 7:00 g Rams Football Speclal (C) "The Year of the Rams." Tom Harmon and a camera crew follow Rams quarterback Roman Gabriel through practice drills and other ~ctivi~ies as he pre· pares for an upcoming football game. H1stoncal footage of the Raqis action during their first 25 years in Los Angeles is also shown. 8:00 g S.turday Nights Fights (C) Tentative schedule: Iris~ King meets Lupe Cebreros in a 12·round event for the Cahfornla Welterweight Title. 10:30 m College Football (C) Cal State Long Beach vs. Fresno State. JACK N ICK LA US, winner of last year's Sahara Invitational Golf Tournament, will be competing again for his slrare of tire $1 22,222.22 prit.e in this weekend's (/013/ & ////)13th Annual Sahara PGA-Sanctioned Tourney at Paradise Valley Country Club in Las Vegas. Sportscastu Tom Harmon will be 011 hand to call the action over Clu11111el 5, /ro111 2 to 4 PM 011 Sunday, Nov. I. so no one does the back of your station wagon ••• TRY US! St•tlon w•1on1 , 0\99" Costa Mesa Car Wash (ACROSS FROM T. ROBINS FORD) 2059 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA PH. 645-1030 P•1e 3 Production has s1arted on the ABC Television Network's "The Smith Family,'' a new comedy-drama series star· ring Henry Fonda as detec· tive-sergeant Chad Smith of the Los An ge les Police De· partment. Portraying Fonda's wife Betty in the series is Janet Blair. Darleen Carr, Ronny Howard and Michael-James Wixted play their children, Cindy, BoQ. and Brian. The series departs from the usua l detective-crime format to touch on today's generation gap and problems of today's youth. It is filmed at Studio Center, Studio City, Calif., * * * * Robert Reed, one of the stars of Paramount Televi· sion's The Brady Bunch, re· turns this week in his semi · continuing role as a police detective and friend of Joe Mannix in a segment of the popular private-eye series currently being filmed on the studio lot. Paul Krasny is directing the teleplay, "A Day Filled With Shadows," for produ· THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 31, 1970 cers Ivan Goff and Ben Rob· erts. John D. F. Black -wrote the script, with revisions by Cliff Gould. Reed stars with Florence Henderson and Ann B. Davis in the family situation com- edy, now in its second sea- son on ABC, Fridays at 7:30 PM. Mike Connors stars in the title role in Mannix, with Gail Fisher, presently in its . fourth year on CBS, Satur- days at 10 PM. * * * * Comics Godfrey Cam - bridge and Jackie Vernon will guest-star in "Make Me Laugh," a story for Rod Serl - ing's Night Gallery" on NBC's Four · in ·. One series. Vernon makes his dramatic debut as a genie who prom- ises Cambridge, portraying an unsuccessful comedian, super-star status. Serling wrote the play. * * * * Stewart Granger, star of NBC's The Men From Shiloh series, was so pleased with hi s new mobile dressing room that he chose it rafher than a Jet to go on location 300 miles away .... i}_ WHEN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT • • • CALL l ~~ ONE OF THE EXPERTS LISTED BELOW! ~ J11 /'r 1C°'ARTIER'S~ ~~ \. ~ ~-·_,,J STEAM -<..i' ,. \ CARPET CLEANING Rus. Retes. Lic'd & Ins. 548-0807 e LIVING SOUNDe HE.ARING .Atos Proper Fitting Auurecf 3409 E. Coa1t Hwy. Cor ne del Mer 675-31 Dick RehaWs limousine Service AJrports, Harbors. Aeywhere 24 Hr. Reserv1tion1 Rates: 40c a mile Min. 20 miles 130-2404 Discount Oecoretor Will Furni~h Your Room, Home Or Offiu Al lowest Prices. For Information Call Christopher 836-4067 or 527-6506 Tilt floors 1tripped & waxed, carpet shompootd, windows deaned. Qual- ity strvic~ by professional janitors. Muter Charge ecupled. Irwin Maintenance Co. SAUNA * WHIRLPOOL Lovely !'lrl1, plu1h facllitie1. Op<'n 7 days Noon 'til Midnight 2930 W. Coast Hwy., N.I . S4R 36011 Special! Private Pilot LlcenM $550 F"AA & VA Approved Flight School. Aircraft Flying Service 19531 Campus Dr .• Suite 8 Orange County AJrport 54()..9656 THIS SP.ACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642-5671, e>Ct. 325 SUN BLOC GLASS TINT CO. SI NCE 1960 Glens Tl•ti'"I or Reflectlv. Fiim Reduces Heot -Fade -Glare FREE ESTIMATEll ALL WOftK GUARANTEED 616-2612 194-2117 HONORATO & SMITH Expert Lawn Service For Free Estima tc Call: 147-3620 or 536-4553 after 5 PM PROFF.SSIONAL PAINTING NC'a t Work-Fin<' Paints .lollcr-Brush-Air-ll'~: S1>rayini.:-Acous. CC'illngs local Refere1tces lo.., 'rl cH ROY VILLARREAL 147 1358 PET GROOMING REMODELING ROOFING SEWING MACH.-VACS. Bring Your A "P•odle Loft" to 9 T. POODLI PAD 301 5tft St., H I . 536-1160 (lfl fl'MI ef ll·Z. Mufflenl P11e 4 Custom Cablnef1, Furniture & .Antiqun. Refinishing & Re1torln9 645-0991 Thinking of Re-Roofing? ' • FrH Estlm•tes e ARMSTRONG ROOFING CO. 645-1671 New & Used 19 Yr,. Tohl Setisf•dlonl Repair & Service All Mabt SINCERE SEWING MACHINE 1878 Harbor-Blvd., C.M. 646-9742 70 Tl . :>n r1e rl· :>n !S. :ic 11· ng n, ig of :>h th 'lg er ln I SATURDAY OCTOBER 31 4:30 D @ CV m AIC's Wldt World tr Spotts (C) I Motllers·ln-Law (C) llt1111n (C) @ W1pn Train (C) Dlscovtr F1yln1 (C) (j) T1't Bil Movie; ''The Wilt? ol the Tor11dors." Peter Sellers. I Selected Fllma El Mundo tn que ViYim11 Quttt lor Adventure (C) 4:45 a;) PH-G•mt Soccer (C) 5:00 II Newsm1hrs (C) · lt'a Ac.adtmlc (C) Competing high schools are Downey, Glendora and la Salle (Pasadena). I R1m1 Action (C) Tiit Avtnprs (C) Movie Greats: (C) "The Eddy ucllln Story" (muslcal) 'S6-Ty· rone Power, Kim Novak. I Gllli1111's Island (C) Hob Nob Vfitll Bob Our V1nl1hin1 Wilderness (C) Qut1t for Ult (C) lnttm1tlon11 World Cup Soccer (9 Peru vs. Morocco. m Colltlt of tlM Dtsert (C) 5:30 I About I Wffk (C) • KNIC Nnatrvict I C) Nfl Gtmt of U1t WHll (C) Anltatb, Action l Advtnturt i "Bastille Day." Tonllftt In lAs Veeu Tiit Advocatts (C) CR) Asher family 5:55 0 LIVE HOCKEY! KINGS *VS. ST. LOUIS! IJ IUn&s Warm-Up (C) fVENING 6:00 I Tht Bi1 News (C) (60) · al @ m NIC News (C) (30) iiiip Ice Hocby (C) (2 1/4 hr) The Los Aneeles Kines meet the St. Louis Blues. live. O Movie: "Portrait of 1 Mob- ster'' (dram•) '61-Vic Morrow, Leslie Parrish, Ray Danton. I loss City (C) (60) Then C.1111 Bronson (C) (60) CV Saturday Movie: "Pawntt" (western) '57-George Monlgom· "..!L Lola Albright, Bill Willitms. @Ii) Muslcalt/Davty l Golltth (C) W Sterlin1 Th11tr1 (C) (30) 6:30 0 Ntw1 Conltrtnct (C) (60) Gov· ernor Ron1ld Reagan is Interviewed the first h•lf·hour, ind Democratic candidate Jesse Unruh Is Inter· viewed In the final segment. I Hobby Showcase (30) (6) Hip Chaparral (C) (60) flit Frtncll Chef (C) (30) (R) "Cake With 1 Hilo." Julla Child. I Ci) CIS Ntwa (C) (30) Clilldrtn's Gospel Hour (C) Ede• ol Ettrnlty (C) (30) Upbeat (C) (60) 7:00 IJ CIS £vtnlnc Newt (C) (30) Q Dtatll Valley Days (C) (30) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 14, 1970 m Metromtdit Pr11111ts (C) (60) ''Ci>mpany." Viewers will be able to "eavesdrop" on the production of an original cast album In thla hour special, that captures the tension, concentration and enter· tainment of the Broadw1y cut as they spend fifteen hours record· ing the words and music of one of lhe great musicals of the 1970's. Run for Your Ute (C) (60) Creative l ivin1 Witll Cr1fb (60) : Biid! Joumal (C) (60) Cl) Buct Owens (C) (60) • Faitn In Action (C) (30) · Box de Mtxlco (90) • R1t Petrol (C) (30) 7:30 ~Cl) Mission: hnpoaiblt (C) (60) The IMF attempts to clear an American businessman in J1p1n on charges that he murdered his Jap- anese wife. 0 ~ @ m Andy Willlt•a (C) (60) Andy's guests are Jonathan Winters, Smokey Robinson and The Miracles. and Jo Anne Worley. 0 @ CI) tiD let's M1h 1 Deal (e} (30) Monty Hall hosts. fJ Million $ Movie: "Rtd Rlvtr" (western) '48-John Wayne, Joanne Dru, Walter Brennan. @ID Selected Films (C) (30) 1:00 fJ cm Cl) m Newlrwecl Game (C) (30)Bob Eubanks hosts. m Movie Grttts: (C) "T1lt £.dcly Dudlln Story" (musical) '56--Ty· rone Power, Kim Novak, James Whitmore. OJ Mintrity Co11111unitJ (C) (30) Ell) The Blad Frontier (C) (60) "uodusters." The story of the movement begun by BenJamln "Pap" Singleton lo transport the newly freed slaves from the South 1tobert JWitehum ~obert "Wagner ne11onten 11:307.\flneolor1CABe· 'IV in search for the freedom of new ------------------------- land and spirit in the West. (30) Mary is embarassed about her Ruth Roman. 1:30 II Qj (j) My Thr" Sons (C) (30) attraction for a short celebrity au· til @ Sp o ti 11 ht Thu tr t (C) Steve, Barbara, Robbie and Katie, thor. Hamilton Camp guests. "flood ol tht Vampire." Vincent all dressed in black cat outfits, 0 (i7) (]) GE) Most DtadlJ Game Ball, Barbare Shelley. are driving home after • costume (Cj (So) "Breakdown." Croll ind ! (j) Award Tht1trt: "fnferno." party when their cir stills on • Vanessa Smith Investigate the mur· • Festival fllmlco: "Lt Gran dark canyon road. der of a corporation psychiatrist. ruL" Lupita Gallardo, Rene Car· 0 ~@ m Adam-12 (C) (30) Q News (C) (30) Larry Burrell. dona. "Missing Child." Officers Reed and 10:00 II a (j) Minnix (C) (60) Com· 11:15 IJ fabulous 52! (C) "Mldnlatit Milloy search for a missing child edlan Rich little guests as a LIS lict" (suspense) '60 -Doris Dey, whose disappearance becomes in· Ve111 comic Involved in the mys· Ru Harrison, John G1vin, Myrna creasingly serious as time passes. terlous disappe1r1nce of a gambler Loy, Roddy MacDowall. A woman 0 WELTERWEIGHT Wl'lo lost $230,000 et the casino finds herself beine terrorlred and * MAIN EVENT-ACTION! before vanishing. her life thrutened by en unknown IJ Saturday Nllht Fllfltt (C) (90) 8 111 5 ,....., (C) (30) phone caller. Irish Nat Robln50n vs. Atisteo Cas· Alt ol Aqaariu (C) (60) Kevin ~AIC Ntwa (C) tro in t o.round bout. Coughlin hosts. Guests include 11:30 · Loflman ' Bartilty (C) fJ LAWRENCE WELK SHOW Lawrence Casey, Chuck Trainor, Saturday Nlpt Movie: (C) * Halloween fun with Mari1nne Lamm, and Jerry Butler. ' Himtlfs" (dr1ma) '58-Rob· m Ntws (C) (30) Ken Jones. ert Mitchum. Robert Wagner, Mey the Welk Gang Ell) NET Pteytiouse (C) (90) (Rl Britt, Richard E11n. In 1952, 1 0 @ CI) GE) Uwrenct Wtlk (C) "The Ceremony of Innocence," World War II ice is 1ssi1ned to 1 (60) 10:30 D Robert It Dornan Sllow (C)I jet fighter command in Korea, I Country Musk TlMt (C) (2 hr) {90) where he turns a "ch1racter" into La Tormtnla (30) O I lflC!M I Witchcraft (C) (30) a top ace ind a fHr·filled young 9:00 ~ Cf) Amit (C) (30) Amie Is Larry B1d1er hosts a documentary min into 1 brave pilot. tossed into 1 dither when the In-on the modem·d•y practice ol 12:00 0 Movie: "Tiit Uninvited'' (mya- temational Lo1dln1 Dock Workers witchcraft and the ritu1ls Ptr· t.!!Y) '44-Ray Miiiand. Union strikes a1ainst his comp1ny. formad by its followers. 12:30 (iJ S,.1kln1 FrHIJ (C) Guest Is 0 ~ ({) m NBC Saturday Mow· m Movie: "Cast Thabtrt1ne" (dr1· JHn Monet, French Economist. It: (?) i1fht War W1ion" (dr1ma) m1) '48--Spencer Tr1cy, l1n1 Tur· m All·Nlpt ShOw: ''Son of Mtn· '67-John W1yne, Kirk Dougl11, ner, Z1chary Scott. Tom Drake, tt Cristo," "Th• Calendar'' and Howard Keel, Robert Walker, Keen•n Miry Astor. "Ride the Hiett Iron." Wynn, Bruce Cabot, Jo1nn1 Barnes. G) Ntwa (C) Larry MeCormlek. 1~00 fl Movie: "father Is 1 ltchtlof'' A parolee and former rancher seeks @Cl) Saturday Nl11tt Movie: ''Tilt (comedy) '50 -Wllll1m Holden, revenge 1galnst the m•n who Lona Ride Home" (drama) '67-Ch1rles Winninger Coleen Cray. framed him Into being sent to pris-Glenn Ford, Georae Hamilton, Inger 1:30 8 llNIC News (C) on and legally annexed hii lend Stevens. 1;45 Q) Mowft: "Mtplflctnt Doll" (dra· and the eold on it. I '·.~ to Trnel (C) (30) ma) ' 46 -Ginger Roaers, David ' Homewood (C} (60) (R) 11:00 D O NtwS (C) Niven, Buraesa Meredith. Hour. tf Power (C) (60) • fnllrt Niall~ (C) "Dlno11ur1t1" 2:00 IJ Movlt: "Myst«y Sta Rtldtf" PrtMitrt Movie (C) (2 hr) and "Titt 4.0 •11t." (mystery) '40 -Henry Wilcoxon. "'° Soll las Mujtres." G) Movie: "Fivt Stepa tt Danltr'' Caret Landis. 9:301J a (j) Miry Tyltf Moore (C) (dr1m1) '57 -Sterlin& Heyden, fJ II MOftdo (C) Pap 5 HSnow Bear," a two·fNrt adventure story, filmed entirely on location 1 : In Alub, airs on The Wonderful World of Disney, Sundays, No- vember 1 and 8, at 7:30 PM. The story concerns •n idealistic Eskimo boy Mmed Timko who, on a hunt- ing trip with his father, captures a polar bur cub. Against the advice of others, he keeps the cub in the village until she grows too large be controlled easily. Wh the now adult bear bre co ore ouse, she is nilhed from the village. Timko, too, leaves to live alone in the wil- demeu for a year In order to prove himself a man to hit father and the others before whom he h~s lost · face. hi•' Nancy (Renne Jarrett) and Adam (John Fink) suffer 0 through frustrating moments u everything seems to go wrong until their elaborate outdoor wedding, attended by the Pretklent of the United States, gets underway In "Here Comes the Groom," on NBC's Nancy, Thursday at 9:30. PM. Celeste Holm, starring u Abigail, Nancy's White House Representative and comfNnion-confldante, manages to keep her cool as the various mishaps unfold, and Robert F. Simon, co-starring u Adam's Uncle Everett, does his SNrt In calming Adam. l er 10 by re JO, se to ~rt 1is ... THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 31, 1970 A· T • T ·E·N· T -1-0-N IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT lHE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on The New 1970 DATSUN EXCELLENT SELECTION J DHr • 4 n .. , • w...-..... ..,. I Plcbps DOT DATSUN 18835 8Hch Blvd. Huntinqton 8eAch 141-7711orS40-0442 OPEN SUNDAYS 197' 1 CAPRI·· Th< blq Hxy C1'r from Europe with the price o' • ~ub compact SANTA A .. A I •NCOL,.,_ .. ir::-,ruRY UOI HO. TUSTIN SAhTA A~A 547-9183 Open unlit t o m , Mo,, F rt t p,n• h f & Sun THE FINEST SELECTION OF BMW's ,IN ORANGE COUNTY &' • All Models • All Colors · • Immediate Delivery _ • Soles, Service, Tues., Thurs. till 8 :00 Joe Berlotti's T & M MOTORS 1081 Garden Grove Blvd. 534-2284 • FR E El! 4 MoCJ Wheels & AM Radio with tfle purchase of HY ... llllBIJ e 850 Spldet' & Coupn e 124 Spltt.r &. Coupn e Soles--Servic-Parn -AUTO SPORT LTD. S.Ues e Service e Parts From Swed~n the .. SONETT Jmmediate Delivery Orange County's Newest Dir, COAST IMPORTS ot Orange County. 1200 W. Pacific Coast Hwy. Across from BaJboa Bay Club 642-().106 .. 546-4529 CHICK IYERSON Yovr AuthorilH VW Dealer in the H•@H Home of the Love 6v9 Speci•t 44S I . Ce•t Hwy. et leytilH DriH, N.I . 67J·Ot00 549.JOJI est. U .. ,. 54 & H SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport Imports is Your kind of place. Your Authori1td ~ Austin America Large stock of us9d PorschH Jags, MG's, Austin Healeys, etc. ntwport 1Hnperts 3100 W. CoHt Hwy., N.8 642-9405, 540-1764 In the Marbor Area th~ Economy Iii}! for the itJality mirlled. 2145 H•rbor, Cott• MeH 540-6410 -· -P•1• 7 -- SUNDAY NOVEMBfR j,-. ~ M 0 P N : ·~ C, 6:15 ID TIM a.rt.e••••ra 6:30IDTM ..... .,_.,, 6:55 ti Clvt Ua Tltla 0., (C) 7:00 II To11t Incl Jeffy (C) ID Mr. Wbllbont (C) 7:30 lhntlopt Plt1top (C) • TIA . Music & the Spohn Word (C) • H1r11d of Truth (C) Sacred H11rt IC) Ci) Cod la the Answer (C) 7:45 Q) The Chrlstophera (C) a~oo limp Unto My feet (C) Thia la th• life (C) C.tlledrel of Tomorrow (C) D1y ef Discovery (C) Wonderama (C) ltev!Yal fires (C) (1) Olvey I ltolllth (C) (j) Town Hall Mtttlna (C) 1:30 IJ Look Up and live (C) "The Native Alaskan Ill: Prospects." I Mn. Alpha ltt (C) Face to Fau (C) . Movie: "l rNkawaf' I mystery) '57-Tom Conway, Honor Blackman m KATHRYN KUHLMAN * (IN COLOR) I~ 00 llathryn Kuhlman (C) Tiiis Is the life (C) Full Gospel Rev!Yal (C) 9:00 IJ C.mtrl ThrN (C) 0 Serendipity (C) five youngsters visit Cabrillo Beach to study the diverse types of sea animals. Day of Discovery (C) Campus Profile (C) Country Mualc (C) ~ Revival fires (C) Oral Robtrts (C) Tom and Jerry (C) · La Familia • • Panor1111a Latino en Domln10 9:30 B today'1 Rtli1lon (C) 0 My Favorite Sermon (C) Guest speaker is Rev John Graves. Cal· vary Presbyterian Church, Wilming· ton. I Gent Autry Show ~(})Smokey the Im (C) First Baptist Church (C) Penelope Pitstop (C) 10:00 IJ Inside foetbatl (C) 0 f2l m NFC/ AFC Foothill Doubleheeder (C) San Diego at Cleveland: and Oakland at Kansas City (approx. l :00 PM). I Hour of Power (C) (j,1) (I) Jonny Quest (C) Movie: "Hidden fear" (mystery) '57-John Payne. Alexander Kno~. Q) Am11in1 Thrn ~ Ci) C.mera Thret (C) 10:30 I a Cl) NFL Tod1y (C) @ 00 C.ttanoo1a Cits (C) fllth for Todar (C) 11 :00 ti t1j (j) NFL football (C) L.A Rams vs. New Orleans Saints. O Notre Dame Football (C) High· lights of yesterdey's p me with the Navy. 0 CiZJ CI) lullwlnllle (C) THI DAILY ,.ILOT, TV W•EIC, OCTOaf!lt ~I. lt7t ID Movie: IC) "Mad Menat• hr· ty" (fantasy) '67-Animated feature with the-voices of Phyllis Diller. Boris Karloff ind Gale »arnett. I diturclt in tlM Ho111 (C) et.. en Su Cua Qatitn C.nt. Esta Cancion 11:30 0 @ (I) DISCO¥tfJ (C) "fast Freiaht to Nashville." 0 Mowit: "T1lt PiM Piper" (dra· ma) '42-Monty Wooley, Anne Bu· ter, Roddy McDowall. a;) (Jtrtllu en MIH d AFTFRNOON II;) Cln1111a 30 (C) a) Alricuttul'I RePort · 4:00 8 1 ltfc1e.L I NMr To Hear Ult Wind (C) (R) A study Gt the handi· cap _.ssoci~ with impaired hear· Ing-the inability to communicate . Nanette flbray Is hostess.. 0 Tiit Je•n McKay Shw (C) 0 Irvin football (C) UCLA vs. Washington State Couaars In 11me played yesterday at the L.A. Memo· rial Coliseum. IJ @ CI> a> Colltp foetblll-1170 (C) NCAA hi1hli1hts. 1Jl lezo UN Clown (C) 12:00 IJ Ho .... lu,en' Culdt (C) r, @ Gil lllltop'a locter ltoom Suapenw Theatre (C) "The i Threatening Eye." ~ flee tM Nation (C) I lnttllipnt Parent (C) ronco (])Stories of Sucuas (C) 4:30 II I IPlcl&u T1la of W1stlinaton Drama Domlniul Irvin& (C) 0f111 Le1end of Sleepy 12:30 ID Oral Robtrts (C) Hollow'' and "Rip' Van Winkle" @ (}) Underwar for Peace (C) come to life In 1nim1ted ve,.,ions of these two literary classics. 1:00 0 @ ~ i1':' NFC/AFC Football 0 lnsipt (C) "The Danaerous Airs (C, (cont d.) Oakland Raiders vs. of Amy Clark." The moral 1spects Kansas City Chiefs. of pollution are explored. William I Zane Grey T1111tre Windom, Jane Wyatt, Chris Connolly, @ 00 luues l Answers (C) Heather Young ind Karl Swenson Million $ Movie: IC) ''Cry for star. pp(' (comedy) '61-Glenn Ford, I a (j) Skippy (C) Mliko Taka, Donald O'Connor. Mothtrt·ln-l.aw 1C) Hne G•n, Will Travel 00 FllM ftltvrt (C) Clark, Michael Callin, Tuesday Weld, •,Victoria Shaw. A new hl&h school teacher takes more than ordinary interest in his students and is slugged for his efforts. D Collea• Foothill (C) Grambling vs. Texas Southern. I MN freM UNa.£ (C) CiUlaan's lslllld (C) CI) S.V.n Ms Theatre: ''TIM "'"" Crau of Wyemillf." I Hob Nob Wlt11 lob (6) Passport to Trnel (C) l?illla, Fran I Ollie (C) (I) ~Jlc~L I Tales of Walll· n I n1 () Fi111tr family Teabo fant.stico (C) Coll111 of Ult Desert C) Futbol-Soccer Mundla1: Santos vs. lndependiente. &) Rea Humbard (C) 5:30 1J Eiedlon Preview (C) A preview of Tuesday's California and national elections. OTIA Q) Animals, Adlon l Adventure (C) "Climbln1 Alaska's Giant." I Color Travtlc:ade 6 World Tomonow (C) ~na u.e Cuitar (C) (Rl NASA fll11 (C) EVFN ING I Tlle World ltyond Batman (C) Frente a la Yida (C) 4:55 i1':' Gil Knutson Political (C) 30 6:00 II Bia News (C) (30) Clete Rob· 1: II Outdoor$ With libtrty Mutual 5:00 O Inquiry (C) erts, Stan Duke, John Gilbert. ~~dd;~nnecticut Shad.'' Gadabout O "BECAUSE THEY'RE O TIA m Voice of C.lvary (C) * YOUNG"-Tuesday Weld 0 PARADISE MUST BE ~ (j) SUndaJ Movit: "Island Res· ft! Sunday Movie: "lecaustl * LIKE BORA BORA! ;·~11ttntario1 , Celtbridldes ___ IY'_r_•_Y_o_un_t_'_(_d_ra_m_a>_'6G--0 __ 1c11_· ___ D_Th_•_C_h•_ll_•_nat_n_a_S•_a_(C_>_<3_0> ~ I 1:45 II Qt) (j) Nfl TodaJ (C) 2:00 IJ TIM Siesta Is Over (C) Dr. Er· nesto Galarza Is interviewed. 0 SAHARA GOLF FINAL * ROUND LIVE FROM VEGAS! WINNER GETS 20-THOU! WATCH! O Sahara Invitational Golf (C) Tom Harmon describes the 1ction lrom the Paradise Valley Country Club as top players compete in the $122,222.22 golf tournament. O Press Conference (C) Assembly· man Jess Unruh, seeking to unseat Ronald Re1gan as Governor of California, guests. m ROLLER GAMES-ACTION! * T-BIRDS vs. DETROIT Q) Roller G11111 (C) L.A. T·Blrds vs. Detroit Devils. @ (])Grand Prix (C) m C.rrousel Mexicano 2:30 8 Sunflower Celebration (C) Movie: ''The Yellow Mountain" (adventure) '55-lex Barker. How· ard Duff, Mala Powers. 3:00 IJ lnllder/Outslder tC) An exam· lnetlon of black militancy. B F1mily film Festival: "Just Around the Comer." Shirley Temple, Bill Robinson. (I) Sahara lnvitltional Goll (C) Pattem for llvln1 I Chiller Toros 3:30 I Face Ult Nation (C) Rocltt Robin Hood (C) CI> Sta Hunt Gfue5day 'Weld "Beeau1ettheyre'Young 5:00 ,,.Mon KABC·TV ''Bora Bore Paradise." Erwin Chris· lian lives the leaendary Ille In this South Sea par1dlse. Fiims show the seld0"1·seen underw-»r wo1~d of coral. Bill Burrud hoits. THI DAILY PILOT, TY WllK. OCTO•H '1, "" r O The lirOOWJ Show (C) (60) Ch•r· lie Tuna is host. m Unta11ed World (C) (30) "World of Birds." (E) Hlft Co11e the Brides (C) 160) Ell) Book Beat (C) (30) (R) "The Dick.'' by Bruce Jay Friedman. Qj (j) CIS News (C) (30) @Ii) Hour of rower (C) (60) 6!) Cine en la Terde (2 hr) m Rar Seel., hfitlcll (C) 1t:E} Dar of Discovery (C) (30) 0 @ (6) m Woncltfful Wot1d ef Disn., 1"?) (60) "Snow Bear.'' Part I. Story of the friendship between a young Eskimo boy and • Pol1r Bur cub, Stars are Steve K1le1k. Rossman Peetook. and Pakl, QuHn of the Snow Bears. 0 ANAHEIM HALLOWEEN * PARADE! FLOATS! COSTUMES! BANDS! 0 I IJICtllJ Anaheim Halloween Parade (C) (90) Stan Chambers de· scribes the pageantry of parade held last night In Anaheim. Theme is "Cartoon Capers.'' c:J Million $ Movie: (C) "The ltotl· ant" (drama) '63-Burt Lancaster, Claudia Cardinale, Alain Delon. In 6:30 II I UfCilL I Jerrr Vlalta Nancy (C) the 1860's in Sicily, the Prince of ( 30) Songstress Nancy Wilson dis· Salina is shattered by the news of cusses her personal philosophy re· Garibaldi's invasion and knows the garding integration when KNXT aristocrats must bow to the new News anchorman Jerry Dunphy order. visits her spacious home in the (D Three Passports to Adventure View Park section of Baldwin Hills. CC, (30) '"Dancin& Beauties of 0 ~ 00 m Mett the Prtu (C) Korea." (30) fE Voie. of the Hour (30) 0 Barbara McNalr (C) (60) Guesb @Ii) Quest fOf Life (30) are Professor Irwin Corey, Tommy Hunter, Betty Robertson and The 8:00 Stalrsteps. 11 ED SULLIVAN: BOBBIE m Creature Features (90) "The * GENTRY & ROY CLARK Blacll Cit~" B~risKarlolf, Jacqueline IJ ~(j)Ed Sullivan (C) (60) WITH NOTHING BETWEEN THEM but a 20-year sleep in Wells, Juhe Bishop. Bobbie Gentry and Roy Clark auest. a Catskill MOllfltain glen and the memory of a parcel of fE Peter Gunn (30) I , Dutch elves and their keg of liquid magic, the yotmg Rip Ell) PolitiQ 70 (C) (30) (R) Her· 0 71 Mercury~ present Yan Winkle becomu tht old Rip Van Winkle seemingly bert G. Klein guests. I * THE FBI tonight. overnight, in "R ip Va" Winkle," which, along with "Tire ~Ci) f>re-El•ctiOn Pro11am (C) 0 @CD al The Fii (C) (60) Legend of Slupy Hollow," will be sun on "Ta/ts of W nsh- (60) ''The Innocents.''. Erskine investi· ington Irving," a11imatt>d special airing Sunday. Nov. I at I!!!\ The Golden YHrs (C) (30) gates the abduction of the 7-year-4 PM 011 CBS. 10D old son of a woman doctor. ---------------...... -------""".'."'-7:00 II lassie (C) (30) lassie fin~~ 3 m Movie Greats: (C) "111• Eddy the world headquarters tor training Ell) F1nf1re (60) "Georai• Brown perfect home for her one re_maining Ductlin Story' (musical) '56 -Ty· in judo. Sinas Kurt Weill." pup when they meet Jodie Tyler rone Power, Kim Novak, James (Jewel Blanch~. a fragile an~ Whitmore. Romantic biography of @CJ) Sunday Movie: ''TIM Proud ti) Teatro de Manolo Fabfeaas (C) unique young girl who talks to ani· famed pianist Eddy Duchln. and lit P'rof1ne." . (60) m~ls and is a true '"n.ature's child." (E) The Big Question (C) (30) El) Manltn Foru.t 10:30 0 World Temorrow (C) (30) "P1t· This Is part y11 , of 'The Saga of ·· rhe c·t11 Charter Revision Battle." Ell) Civlllsatiotl (C) (60) (R) ''Man enthood Without 1 Plan." Lassie's Puppies. ' 1 ' Th M Of All Thi " 0 ~ '6' ~ Wild Kinodom (C) fE Pattern for llvlna (30) -. e Hsure nas. I!) Wee~e"d News (C) (30) ~ l..!U CA:J • ~ c 30 (C) (90) Ul) i 1?,ic!M I Laa f'llert11 " Abfen (30) (R) ''Chase of the Caribou.'" ~ inemi (e) (M) Anthony Quinn hosts on 11:00 IJ fa CJ) Ntw1 (C) Canadian Wiidiife Service scientists al Ale&ril Musical (30) scholarship program. 0 0 Ci) NfWS (C) capture caribou at the Arctic Circle. S:lO O @ 00 m Bill CosbJ (C) (30) g:]O fJ News (C) (30) 0 Can YM TOii Titla? (C) 0 @ CD m llle Yount Rebels ''The Artist." Chet helps to promote m Ctv•lcad• of loob (C) (30) m Katl9ryn lultlUfl (C) (e) (60) "Alias Ben Todd."' Jeremy a promising young art student ind Host Jack "·se ind his ouest re· '""'nn Notre DI• feotblll pose,s as a British agent lo give gathers a good deal of exposure as -• WJ lllJ the enemy misinformation. Lee Pur-a result. Janet Maclachlin ind view the latest literary worb. 11:15 9 (I) ftt Qmt.,lten (C) cell ~uests as M~ggle Todd. Al~ Michael Ansara guest. @Ii) Ute for Ttday (C) 11.30 IJ M.W.: (C) "flir Wind te guesting are Patf!tk Horgan. Ml· fE World TolllOffOW (30) "Vortex I 10:00 IJ fa (j) Tl• CoowlJ (C) (60) • Jtve" (adventure) '52-fred Mac· chael Evans and Rick Gates. -Woodstock Outclassed." Din Blodler. lmo1ene Coca and Muney, Victor Mcl1clen. 0 IT'S HAPPENING NOW Ell) Our Vaniallln& WildtrntU IC) Seraio & Brasil '66 1ueat. Bruce 0 Sanday T0ttldlt now (C) (R) * IAN TYSON & Great (30) "Slow Death of the Desert Bell•nd ind David Somerville and O c.tWrll of TtlllOffOW (C) S kl d B. d & Guests Water." uplored is Anaho Island the Tom Haisen Dancers are tea-" I ..... ..u. pee e tr in Pyramid lake, Nevada. tured each week. (E) Movie: , Mike M • .,. on NASHVILLE NOW! m LI Tormenta (30) O @Cil m TM lold °"" (C) (comedy) 60 -Ttrry-Thomu. fJ Nashvlllt Now (C) (30) Guests g:OO II ®l (I) Gltn Clmpbtll (C) (60) (60) "~ower Play." Senator Stowe Athene Seyler. include Waylon Jennings, Sylvia Ty· Johnny Cash and June Carter, Bob Jeop1rdizes his cueer when he op-I ~ 00 lnslpt (C) son and Tom Connors. The country-Newhart and Jackie DeShannon poses . the party leader. Buraess 11~5 0 Newa (C) western program stars Ian Tyson I guest Meredith and Ann l ee 1uest. I . C "Al 1 and The Great Speckled Bird. O fH @ m Bonanza ~C) (60) O GET THE LATEST ON 12:00 0,~bhc Sen1ke FHm ( ) I 11- (E) Passport to Travel (C) (30) I "Thornton's Account." little Joe BIG 5 NEWS' S d tor. '"Russian Rhapsody." finds cold indllference when he * . an ers. CT CD lart•I• fE Tlthisls WWereitt11en(C()30()90) (R) Posi·' seeks help lor his injured father. 0 Iii 5 Ntw1 (C) (30) 12:15 0 Mewle: "Undel'Wlrld USA" (dra· Ell) 0 The Defenders (60) Martin Lin· fJ Sports Pitt S,ed1I (C) (60) ma) '61-Cliff Robertson. Dolorn ttons of the candidates and analy., dau guests in "The Secret." Host Mal Alberts is joined by 1 Dorn. sis of the election are featured. 0 I!!!\ ABC Sund1y Movie: (C) prominent sports fiaure In the first ~ F Ith f Tod (c) (30) 1 1az.1 1·.00 IJ M ......... : "Hell's Hortnn" (dr1· a or •Y I "The World of Suzie Wonr" (dll· half-hour. From 10:30 to mldnlcht ,...,. Dall 'ltelia con Amore (60) ma) '61 -William Holden, Nancy there will be taped hifhlights of ma) 'SS-John Ireland. Biii Wil· 7:30 II ~ Ci) Hoaan's Heroes (C) (3~) Kwan. Sylvia Syms, Michael Wild· the 13th annual L.A. Times River· li1m5, Hu1h Baumont. The Fuhrer issues an order requir· Ing, Laurence Naismith. A love side G11nd Prix. D Newa (C) ing that all senior non-commis·1 story set In the notorious Wanchal m USC Feotblll (C) (90) USC vs. l:•S llJ M"le: ''SMclttt (mystuy) ·39 sioned officers take command train· District of Hong Kong. Calllorni• in 1ame pl1yed ytster· -Henry Kendlll. ing and Sgt. Schullz becomes kom• t (E) Rendezvous W'tth Adventure (C) <1!I at LA Coll11um. mandant of Stalog 13. (30) "Kodokan."' Lee Green visits 11J Joe De Sliva (C) (30) ?:30 IJ News/Give Us T1Mt Day (C) ..... 9 DENTAL PLATES REPAIR AND RELINE WHILE YOU WAIT EASY CROWNS-BRIDGES CREDIT FILLINGS-X RA Y·S LOW TERMS EXTRACTIONS PRICES ALL ORTHODONTICS SENIOR INSURANCE ATTENTION UNIONS ! CITIZENS PLANS Ask us about our money WELCOME HONORED saving p I an for Un ion Members. E 1642-88141 • NEWPORT· COSTA MESA DENTAL CLINIC DR . THOMAS J . SM ITH & ASSOCIATES Open Evenin91 I-Saturd•y1 No Appointment Nece1ury 534 WEST 19th STREET COSTA MESA v, BLO CK WEST OF HARBOR BLVD. "WORK DONE BY UNION TECHNICIANS" ·I THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, OCTOBER 31. 1970 REGULAR DAYTIME MONDAY M 0 RN IN (, 5:55 tJ Clve Us This Day (C) 6:00 8 Sunrise St•nttr (C) "Urban Man and His Society' (Mon., Wed., Fri.); "Early Renaissance Art in Italy'' (Tues., Thurs.). 6:25 CJ Edutatlon Exchance (C) "Pow. ers of Children." Or. Caleb Cat- ~no. W Mornln& Prayer 6:30 I Odyssey (C) Psycholoo I (C) Educational features 6:45 Commodity Report 6:55 KNIC Newservice IC) 7:00 ~Cl) CIS News (C) @ @ m TodlJ St.ow (C) Debbie Drake's Danctrdse (C) Mr. Wishbone (C) Spiderman (C) Market Openinc : DEBUT Plapcbool (C) A series of programs produced by the Aus· tralian Broadcasting Commission, with hosts Darlene and Don. 7:30 ! NNS/A.M. Show (C) I Yoli l friends (C) ... """ (C) (1) C.ltootts (C) Stoel Martlet CMnp (C) 1:00 tJ 9 Cl) C.ptal11 Kancaroo (C) Walter Cronkite 1uests Tuesday. I MOfniftc Watch IC) Cartoons (C) Cl) Sta Hunt New York Stock EJit.hance /local 8:25 Community Bulletin Board 8:30 Mr. M•coo (C) Dennis the Menace fiumby (C) Cl) Sesame StrMt (C) American Exchance/Dow Jones 9:00 I ~The Lucy Show (C) 6 m Dinah's Plae. (C) fi rt alk (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. Jack lA Linne (C) C.rtoons (C) Office of Ute President ;;~ ;'cij .!~~tfbif~s (C) @ (i) m Conct11tration (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. m Movie: See Daytime Movies. Ro•per Room IC) (j) Thafs Life (C) Stock Marllet • Across tht fence, Mon.: Makincl Most of Maturity, Tues.; DavtJ l Goliath, Wed.; Parent-Youth for· 10:00 um, Thurs.; Youth Resourcts. Fri. ' a Ci) flmllJ Affair (C) m Sift of tlle Century (C) FOR WALTER CRONKITE ELECTION DAY IS 20 HOURS LONG If you insist on trying to follow CBS News CorresJ?Ondent Walter Cronkite around on Election Day 1970, you'd better arm your- self with a shaving kit, rapid transit and something for optical relief. Cronkite anchors C BS News' all-night, live, continuous coverage of the 1970 mid-term elections on Tuesday, Nov. 3 beginning at 4 pm. in color on CBS. Earl y election results will be broadcast on the C BS EVENING NEWS WITH WALTER C RONKITE, at 3:30 PM. Cronkite's preparation for the election cov- erage is lengthy and deli berate, a process that includes weeks of reading and analyzing be- fore rhe correspondent begins his marathon- like chore on the air. But such preparatio n for a major news event is nothing new for C ronkite. It could almost be considered sec- ond nature, since the veteran news corres- pondent has ra ckled similar in-depth projects for years, including other election nights, space a nd moon flights and political con- ventions. This year, Cronkite's long. long day and night will begin at 10:30 AM and most likely not end until at least 20 hours later-hence the shaving kit. He will be moving from office to newsroom to studio uncountable times-hence the need for mobility. And he wilJ be reading reams of material about the candidates and the issues, as well as the day's other news-hence the suggestion for eye aid. The man who has anchored virtually every major news broadcast for more than a decade will begin to prepare for his latest assignment on the morning of Election Day-eight hours before he first appears on camera. He reads the New York and Washington newspapers and checks the wire services and other press copy and reports from C BS News corres- pondents in the field, digesting the facts for possible use on the air. Moving from his office to the studio, Cron· kite will next slip into his slot in the news· room, where he actively gets involved in his news broadcast, collecting material for the Election Night coverage. Working closely with writers and editors, he reads and writes the scri pt for the nightly news and sorts info rmation which will be used during the non-stop presentation of election coverage, a broadcast that will continue until all the ma· jor races are decided. During CBS News' election coverage in 1968, Cronkite served as anchorman for 17 continuous hours. He observed at the conclu· sion of that occasion: "~ome beards have grown long overnight nod some hairdos are not quite as attractive as they were when we began." e.tl es. •rs ds :rs ~s es- · or m· YS- his :he !ly tes rts :he , a 13· in 17 lu- 1ve are we I f11tur11/Public Service (C) Ifs Your Bet (C) @ SunnJ TodlJ (C) Str1'!&! P1rldlse (C) Eduutlon1I f11tures @ {J) a) '9ntr1I Hospital (C) 10:30 9 (I) Love of Life (C) Out« Limits @ 00 m Hol!Jwood SqUlru Underdoa (C) (C) Peter M1rshall hosts. @ M1tinff: Don Rodewald. Budt Roprs • 30 Minutes (C) Mon., Wed .. 11:00 Ci) Where the H11rt Is (C) m Cinema 36; The Rifleman, Tues. 1 I Glllopina Gourmet (C) Fri.; ChaUenae (C) Tues., Thurs. · @ m JeopardJ (C) only. ovie: See Daytime Movies. 3:30 ft The Mike RoJ Show (C); News Gallopin1 Gourmet (C) ~ Tues. Tempo (C) Regis Philbin & O Mike Doualas (C); News (C) Treesa Drury. Tues. m Rocket Robin Hood (C) I Famous Jury Trials (C) @Cl) Darti Shadows (C) @Cl)a> One Ufe To l ivt (C) 11:25 6 lij (j) CBS News (C) Bozo the Clown (C) 11:30 6 ~ Search for Tomorrow (C) @.Popeye Ca~ns (C) 0 Qj 6 m The Who, What or I Cfmst the Llv1n1 Word (C) Where Game (C) Art James hosts. I . · NBC News, (C) Tue.s. only. I (fi) (I) That Girt (C) 3:45 · L• Comun1dad el. 011 Interact (C) 1 4.00 Mr. Ed; Election Coveraae. News (C) Tues.: Movie, Wed. AMEX Exdlanp 0 ID 00 m Election Coveraee, 11:55 ~ m NBC News (C) Tues. Ben Casey AFTERNOON a) Dark Sh1dows (C) News (C) Baxter Ward. Georee Putnam News (C) 12:00 6 Ludcy Pair (C) 1 The Munsters 0 eij @ m Words & Music (C) 1 (!) Mike Douit1S (C) Wink Martindale hosts. : Speci1ls I (fi) (]) Bewitched (C) • Reli&lous f11tures c C) Kines of Comedy · Dos Gallos en Palenque Tr1vel Films (C); Perspective,1 4:15 · AIH Nervo Show Wed. I 4:30 Movie: See Daytime Movies: I NYSE Report Election Coveraee. Tues. (I) Ann Gutdtef Show (C) News (C) Bill Bonds. 12:15 Stretch & Sew, Wed. Abbott & Costello (C) 12:30 fa (j) As the World Tums (C) I B1tman (C) (i1 00 m Days of Our Lives 00 JimmJ Thomason (C) CC) Macdonald Carey stars. I 00 The Three Stooges I Stum.JI_ the Stars (C) • Pattern for Living !:UJ llJ cQ} A World Apart (C) • Amor en el Deslerto 0111in1 for Doll1rs (C) · • Vamos 1 Vi1jar (C) Mon., Fri.: Stock Martel Close Usted y Polida, Tues.; Mexican Educational Proerams Ch1mber of Commme, Wed.; la l :00 ~ IT) Love Is a MlnJ Splen· Salude de Usted, Thurs. dored Thine 1C) ·1 A World Ap1rt (C) · @ (6) €?:} The Dodors (C) 5:00 · KNBC Newservlce (C) Jlck TennJ Bi& 5 News (C) Sanders/Fish· (fi) (J) (E) All My Children {C) man. Movie: See Daytime Movies. • flipper (C) Chartin1 the Martet (C) The Flintstones (C) 1:30 ~Ci) The Guiding Light (C) (U @ Gilligan's Island (C) · 00 m Another World-Bay : Cbarlie's Pail/Muffinl1nd City ( ) ~9. (j) The Munsters I Ozzie & Harriet • Government Film (C) (fi) (]) G} Let's Mike 1 Deal · Tieres del Ring ( ) • The Riflem1n Tempo's berywoman (C) · • Noticias Fuhlons in Sewing (C) · The Galloping Gourmet (C) Commodity Report 1 Tues..Fri.; News CC) Mon. 1:40 Cartoons (C) 5:15 ~(!)News (C) 2:00 ~ Secret Storm (C) 5:30 (fi) 00 ABC News (C); Election @ m Briaht Promise (C) I over1ge (C), Tues. F1ther Knows Best I I Dick Van o,tle (fi) (])'5) Newlywed Game (C) MJ Favorite M1rtian Movie: See Daytime Movies. Petticoat Jundion (C) i per (~ (6) This D1y 1970 (C) 2:30 (I) Edee of Niaht (C) ED Mfsteroeers• Nei&flborhood (C) · @ m Another World -00 News/Weather/Sports (C) Somerset (C) • Pastor's Om (C) I Divorce Court (C) · Comicos y Candones Ci7l CJ) a) Dating G1me (C) • Don . Wilson's Town Talk (C) ro, lfoeers I. Bewitched (C); News (C) Mon. Educational Features I 5:45 • Selected f ilms (C) 3:00 lij (j) Gomer Pyle • • Deportes t THE DAILY ,.ILOT, TV WED<. OCTOBElt 31, 1970 this: 1. You Wint Color TV 2. You Wint 1 quality brand 3. You w1nt • relia&le dealer 4. You want value Now-Look at this: BIG 18" SCREEN Move up to RCA Pprtable Color af..thla low price Portable Color TV with a big picture and a budget price. Computer- designed picture tube. TM "ICll W ICll New VIiia Modal £1'-'72 ta• dl•eon•I picture 533995 You don't have to be 1n audio enginHr to own ind enjoy this stereo module system. RCA has custom matched this 1tereo system for you. Mod91VS~ Fabuloua aound- RCA Stereo Module Phono/Radlo System 4 speakers. 60 watts peak power, deluxe changer and tuner. RCA Color Portablef" FROM s25500 SaAVING lllE M•AaO ll U li.• SINCli. l~S7 ProfHllOMI Service De,.mn .. t To Senlce Your EJectrHlc Products. 642-974~ .. .. 275 E. 17th STREET COSTA MESA OPEN MON.·Fll. 9 AM·9 PM ,... 11 MONDA Y NOVEMBER 2 For mornin1 and afternoon dstinp, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 U (C) "foaflrt'' I dr1ma) '55 - Jeff Chandler. J1ne Russell, Dan Duryea, Mara Corday. 9:30 IJ "We're Not Orwin&'' (comedy) '34-Bin1 Crosby, Ethel Merm1n. O (C) "Herculn Und11l11td" (ad· venture) '60-Steve Reeves, Sliva Kosclna. m "Dart Journey'' (dr1m1) '37- Vivlen Leigh, Conrad Veldt. Join Gardner. 11:00 IJ "It's 1 Gttf' (comedy) '34 - W.C. Fields, Baby Leroy. l :00 m "forbidden Strttt'' (dram•) '49 -Oana Andrews. Maureen O'Hara. 2:000 (C) ''Slntla10" (adventure) '56 -Alan Ladd, Ross1na Podesta, Uoyd Nolan. 4:30 IJ "Altair in Trlnid1d" (adventure) '52~1enn Ford, Rita Hayworth. AJ. eunder Scourby, Juenila Moore. EV EN ING 4:00 Mr. Ed ltn Cauy G) Dartc Shadon (C) llftw1 (C) Buter Werd. Geor1• Putn1111 Ntn (C) Tiit Munattrs (]) Mike Dout111 (C) : Specials • Reliaious Futu1t1 (C) · Dos Gallos en P11tnqut 4:1HI> Alu Nervo Show 4:30 I Movie: See Daytime Movies. News (C) Bill Bonds. • Abbott l Costello (C) lttm1n IC) (])Jimmy Thomason (C) I (j) T1la ThrH Stoo1es P1ttern for Llvln1 Amor en el O.sierto Vamos 1 Viljar (C) a) A World Apart (C) 5:00 O KNIC Newserviu (C) Jess Mar· low. IJ WILL SUCCESS SPOIL * SANDERS & FISHMAN? BIG 5 NEWS TIME! IJ 111 5 News (C) Sanders/fi5h· man. I flipper (C) Tiit Ainll1ones (C) fil @ Gilli1an's lsl1nd (C) Cilar1i1'1 Pad (C)/Muffinland I (j) Tiit Muns1trs &ovtrnmtnl Film (C) Tllf• dtl Rina I Tiit Rlfltm1n Notici11 ,.._(C) S:lS CV lfiws (C) 5:30 U Ci7l (I)(f) ABC News (C) Frink le OOTds, Howard K. Smith. Didi Vin Dpt Page 12 My Fnertte M1rtlan htticNt Junction (C) (i) n 11 Day 1970 1C) ilit1rectr1' Neill\bOrllood (C) I Ci) Ntws/W11thtr/$poftl (C) Pastor's Dttk (C) Co•lcos y Clndonts Don Wlbe1'1 Town T1lk (C) S:45 IE Stltdtd Filas (C) GI;) Dtportts 6:00 I Iii News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. MIC NewMl'Yice (C) (60) Tom Snyder. IJ TIME FOR FUN WITH * STEVE AND GUESTS! IJ Tiit Allin Sllow (C) (90) Bar- bara Rush, Carol Wayne, Tim Mor· gan, Kendrew Lascelles and John Duffy are scheduled 1uests. 0 @ Cl) (f) Nfl Moncl.y Nlpt Footblll (C) (2lA hr) Cincinn•tl Bencals at Pittsbur1h Steelers. The Steelers and their sensational rook· ie, quarterback Terry Bradshaw, meet the Bengals with Paul Robin· son. 1968 Afl Rookie of the Veer and the League's leading around gainer. Keith Jackson. Howard Cos· ell and Don Meredith describe the live action from Pitlsburah's new Three Rivers Stadium. 0 Get Snt1tt (C) (30) "I'm Only Human." Ma.cwell Smart plants spy do& Fang in a KAOS kennel. m Tiit Alnbtones (C) (30} m It Takes I Thief (C) (60) "When Boy Meets Girt." Suzy Park. er (\Jests as a defectJn& British scl· enlist. tI1) Hocliepodae lod&e (C) (30) "Walk on the Beach." I (I) C8S Newt IC) (30) Fishff Famlty Notlcitto 34 (C) (60) Wlnp to Advlftture (C) (30) Tutro de las Estrellas (30) 6:30 0 Candid Ca111tta (30) m Tiit Ayin1 Nun (C) (30) "Where There's a Will." The co.,. vent is heir to a lecacy. providinc nothing but a contract on a fighter. ~@ NBC Newa (C) 130) £1!) Joyce Chen Cooks (30) "Noo· dies." I CI> My F1vorite Martl1n (30) s. Security (C)/Muaicalt (30) Tiit Desert Report (C) (30) Ja ck Latham, Kim Marriner. m fu1it1Yos del Amor (C) (30) 7:00 IJ CBS Ennin1 News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. 0 m NBC Nialltly News (C) (30) David Brinkley, John Chancellor, Frank McGee. I What's My Lint? (C) (30) f Lon l1tey (30) INt tht C1odl (C) (30) 00 Re11an/Reinech Political <9 (30) fID Sptwl1tion (C) (60) (R) "A Conversation With Richard Ney," ex-actor, investment counselor, and author of "The Wall Street Jungle." I Ci) T ruttl or Consequencts (C) Cllrist tlM livin1 Word (C) (30) Rosario (30) Simplemente Mar~ 155) 7 :30 IJ ~(i)Gunsmollt (C) (60) Mor1an Woodward guests es a wounded outlaw on the run who is seeking to find his daughter before he dies. CJ m Red Skelton Sllow (C) (30) Michael Landon guests as the "rich· est boy in the world." IJ HEALTH FOOD FADDIST * A MURDERER? N.Y.P.D. 0 NYPO (C) (30) "The Night Watch." Jack Warden, Robert Hooks. Frank Converse. THI DAILY ,.II.OT, TV WllK, OCTOlllt JI, lt7t 0 MHllo $ Mevit· (C) "On tht! Doris and Myrna wind up audition· ftlrtsltetd n of Spic~" (adventure) in1 for 10·&0 dancin1 in their 'SS-Bill Willl1ms, Vir1inl1 Leith.I search for a lost manuscript. Martin Milner. Youn& doctor, pre· O News (C) (30) 811ter Werd. p11in1 fliers for outer space, runs m rerry Masen (60) into s1ran1e uperience when 1 .if'i\ Mutltale/rw.ol's Dttll (Cl (30) jumper Is hurt. a:1 m T~ or Consequences (C) (30) @m luucita (C) (30) CB Dlllltl leoM (C) (60) "Ona· 9:45 U ~CJ) G) Tiit Silent for~ (C) tha." Boone and Mingo tangle with (30) 'In By Nine Out By Fivt." runaway slave hunteB. The Silent Force investi11tes the QJ W111. It llttdl• Atte•blJ· syndicate's drive to control the dry .... (C) (30) Political Pro1r1m. cleanin1 industry. IE Citl••• 30 (C) (30) 10:00 IJ a Ci) Carol l11rnttt Sllow (C) g) ,.. Crt0 tn let Ht•bm (30) (60) Ricardo Montalban and Cass 7:55 GI;) Cutstlon dt St1un4M E.lliot 1uest. 1:00 Om Llultl-ln <C> (60) Carol 1J WILL SUCCESS SPOIL Ch1n nin1 gues1s as a waddlin1 * KEVIN & HAL? IT'S clown, a le11Y looker a la Marlene, ind u sever1I different mothers in BIG 5 NEWS TIME! 1 "Salute to Mom." The lhow also IJ Ill S Ntwa (C) (60) Kevin looks 1t what happens when you Sanders, Hal Fishman. cross a TV v~riety show with a 0 TUNE IN GOVERNOR Con1res.slonal press conference. * REAGAN AND THE IJ DON'T MISS VIRG· * INIA TONIGHT! TEAM for the 70's 1J Viralnia 8rall1111 Sllow (C) (60) B R111111/RtlnH1 THiii '70 (C) Robert Clary and Norm Crosby (30) Political procram. 1u~t. m Georp f'vtn1111 Ntwt (C) (60) I To Tell tht Truth (C) (30) £1!) flri111 lint (C) (60) '1he Rule Ci) RobL Matllias, CenlftSS!'llan of Liw 1nct Academic Freedom.'' ~O) Political proaram. ft!\ La Faallla (30) World "'" (C) (60) a;1 M1t1 of Vililn (C) (60) GI;) Ttlt.Cine•'I Arltfltltt0 (2 hr) La Cetquilla (C) 160) 10:15 U Movtt: (C) "Tiit Slle19un" a:OS GI;) Aqui Tra Patints (25) Part I (westem) '58-Glenn Ford, 8:30 IJ ,;;;a r.n Here's Lucy (C) (30) Shirley MacLaine. Leslie Nielsen. liE!1 ur.i H ..,, h ( 'th Mickey Shaugtlnesst. A soft.spoken Lucy donates .,,, 5 ouse wt · sheep owner brinp his lmd into out his permission) to a young! h h rt f • t (P rt 11 Greek couple to use for 1 wedding l e ea o cow coun ry. 1 t. resumes at 11:30 PM followlna the recep ion. m D1vlcl frost ShOw (C) (90) Mrs. news) Lyndon Baines Jolln10n and Dana 10:30 0 Twlli&ht l.ont (30) Valery auest. G) Bill Johns News (C) ( 30) (DOraanet (C) (30) "Juvenile-@ (j) Shtriod Holmes In W•lll· DR-05." Friday and Gannon dell ineton (90) with an abandoned ba~y. a run. m Cutrdal y Guitarm (30) away boy, and a youth high on dan-Nil rA'I l:.'W't C g:erous drucs. 11:00 IJ 1CJ ~ U01 Ntwt ( ) (9 (i) fHture (30) CJ Q) @ m Naws (C) GI;> iirauellto Valdez Sho• (30) 1J PROTHRO REVIEWS 1:45 O (f7) CD al Tiit Youn~ Latfytrs * THE BRUIN GAME! (?) {6o) '1he Glass Pnson." Pa-rolee Dom Acosta cguest Pete IJ lrulns In Actlotl (C) Tom"!y Duel) tries to take his wife, a dru1 Prothro . analyses list weekends addict. out of the city to a sani· game with Washington St•te. larium and is brou1ht before the U News (C) Bill Bonds. parole board. O Theatre 9: (C) ''Ille Kina 1nd 9:00 IJ QI (j) Mayberry R.f.D. (C) fo11r QuHlls'' (western) '50-tlartl (30) How1rd. who has been bra&· Gable. Eleanor Pariler, Jo Van Fleet, aln1 about his nephew. finds that 1 Barbara Nichols. the boy Is a school dropout whol m MOYit: "Call of tllt Wilcl" (ad· hates to ~rk. . I venture) '3~1ark Gable. Loretta 0 Q) 6 ~ ~orld . ,rremiert Young. !"Ollie: ( ) ltrltn. Alfl11' (drama)! G) Movie: "Two.Cun Ladf' (west· J()-()arren McGavm, Fritz Wuver, .56 p · C ti w·11· Bran Kelly Claude Dauphin. A prl· em) -euie as e, 1 tam ' · Talman vale spy Is assi1ned to hunt down I ir:r:i World Prm (C) (R) his close friend and uncovers an a:> . . under.ground movement of escaping 11:30 I ~ Ci) Merv Gnlftn (C) ex·Nazis and a blackmailing oper· · fa}@ m Johnny t.rMfl (C) ation. Movie G1mt (C) Lury Blyde~; 0 The fu1itive (C) (60) '1he Last M~i1: (C) ''Tht Sh!fPmlll. Oasis." Dr. Kimble is wounded. Conclusion. See 10:15 llstm1. Q) felony Squid (C) (30) '1he 12:00 IJ Movie; "Hazard" (comedy) '48 Desperate Silence." Kent Smith. -Macdonald Carey, Paulette God· Anna Capri and Virginia Field dard. {!!_est 12:30 m All·Ni~t Show: "Murder in the W R11lities (C) (60) ''Election Eve Red lam" (mystery) ·34 -Eric Special.•· Four journalists analyze Portman Maria Maren. the findinas of a Gallup Poll of . ' vot1n1 patterns in four "barometer' 12.•5 U Ntn (C) counties. 1:00 IJ Movie: (C) "Sharie RiYlf'' (ad· 130 Mlnutn venture) '54-Steve Cochran, Carole lntril• (30) Mathews. N1tadla I 60) IJ Ntws (C) 9:30 1J fB) Doris Day (C) (30) 2:30 tJ Ntws/GiYe Us This Day (C) TH• DAILY f'ILOT, TV W••K, OCTOal!R JI, lf7t She could be your child. Bright. Eager. And bllnd. . It's not a ve ry pretty picture, is it? But one that thousands of parents must face every day. What kind of future do blind children have? F ind out th is week on Channel 7 whe n Fred Anderson seeks the answer to this q uestion in a special Eyewitness News repo rt. Don't miss Blind Children. This Monday-Friday, Novem ber 2-6 at 4:30 and I I :00 p.m. Call the Eyewitness News team a nything you like. Except indifferent. eyewitness news kabc-tv/4:30&,ll:OOpm bonds/lawrence/nahan/sloane THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEI< 1'40VEMBER 7. 1970 TUESDAY NOVEMBER 3 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "W1sllinpn Story" (drama) '!2 -Van Johnson, Patricia Neal. 9:30 O "Moon Over Burma" {drama) 140 -Dorothy Lamour. Preston Foster. 0 (C) "The Bur" (fantasy) '63 -Renato RaS(el, Francis Blanche. m "The El-Mrs. Bradford" (mys- tery) '36 -William Powell. 11:00 0 "New York Town" (comedy) '41 -Fred MacMurray. 2;00 O "Never ~et Me Go" (drama) '53 -Clark Gable, Gene Tierney. m "The Black Boole" (drama) '49 -Robert Cummings, Arlene Dahl EVENING two computer innovations: A CBS News house estimate system. whereby the Republican-Democratic breakdown of the new Congress can be estimated early In the evening; and a computerized issues poll of all the Senate and House candi· dates. I D @ @ a;, Election Ni&ht 7~ (fj (cont'd.) NBC News correspond· ents reporting from NBC News I Election Central in New York City are David Brinkley (anchorman), reporting the national vote, Sander I Vanocur (Senate races), frank McGee (Gubernatorial races), Ed- win Newman (races for the House of Representatives), and John Chancellor I analysis). IJ FINO FUN FAST! * HERE'S STEVE! I O The Allen Show (C) (90) Edgar Bergen. Dan Dailey, Julie Sommars. 1 Marty Milner, Dan Parker. 0 Sia O'Clock Movie: "fastest Gun Alive" (western) '56 -Glenn Ford, I Jeanne Crain. Russ Tamblyn, Brod· erick Crawford. A peaceable west· I ern storekeeper tries to escape his reputation as a fast gun. • Get Smart (C) (30) 5:00 Tllt Flintstones (C) (30) LIKE WOW-Nurst baron Pink· It Takes • Thief (C) (60) ham (Sharon Ot Bord) Is provlna : Hodgepodge lod&e (C) (30) lhat tht almospht rt In a bla d ty 0 COMPLETE ELECTION * COVERAGE WITH SANDERS & FISHMAN! BIG 5 NEWS TIME! • fisher family (30) bospltal doun't have to bt cftpres· · Noticiero 34 (C) (60) sln1 by sportln1 tht finl nurst's 6:00 6 9 Election Covmee (C) (cont'd.) Walter Cronkite anchors the CBS all-night, live continuous coverage of the 1970 mid-term elections. Highlights of CBS News' election coverage this year will be · • Teatro de las Estrellas (30) I panlsult to be sttn on ABC's Iona· . News in the Round (C) (30) running daytlmt scrlt Gennal Hos· • pltal (dally J-J:JO PM). Like nurses 6:23 6 Election Coverage (C) (cont'd.) I across the country ~ht L~ findln1 it KNXT News presents seven-minute rou1h 1oln1 with lht mort slald reports at 23 and 53 minutes past mtmbtrs or the hu~pltal staff-bul the hour. lht pal~nts and )Oun1 doelon folly 6:30 0 Candid Camera (30) approve. I The Flyln& Nun (C) (30) I CUSTOM FIREPLACE SCREENS ( 7 DAY DELIVERY> Inside • Outside or Corner Mounts in Beautiful Decorative Colors in Many Finishes. Wide Selection of GAS LOGS FREE '5Tl~A TES GIVEN SANTA ANA TENT AND AWNING 2202 ·s. MAIN -545-0491 SANTA ANA Discover flyin1 (t) (30) S. Security (C) I Mus~le (30) The Desert Report (C) (30) fu1itivos del Amor (30) ABC Evenin& News (C) (30) 6:53 6 Election Coverage (C) (cont'd.) KNXT Reporter Jerry Dunphy serves as anchorman at Channel 2's Elec- tion Cenlral. 7:00 6 ~Ci) Election Covera1e (C) (cont'd.) Mike Wallace. covers the East; Roger Mudd, the South; Dan Rather, the Midwest. and Bill Stout, the West. D @ @ a;, Election Ni&ht '70 (f) (cont'd.) An NBC staff of 7,000 persons work with four highly so. phisticated computer system s. 0 What's My line? (C) (30) m "From Here to Eternity" * & ELECTION RETURNS! m Movie Special: "from Here to Eternity" (drama) '54-frank Sin· atra, Burt Lancaster. Ernest Borg· nine, Deborah Kerr. Winner of eight Academy Awards, this film is the dram~ of passions and violence of a group of soldiers stationed at Pearl Harbor lust before WWII. NOTE: The show may be inter· rupted for KTTV's Election Cover- ie. B-wt the Clock (C) ( 30) Kuila, frank & Ollie (C) (30) Christ the living Word (C) (30) Rosario (30) Simplemente Mari• (55) al That Girl (C) (30) 7:30 6 ~ Election Covera1e (C) I (cont'd.) Mannine the congressional1 issues desk-a new desk in the CBS News election set-will be Correspondent David Schoumacher. tiational Correspondent Eric Seva - reid provides analysis. D Q) @ m EJedion Cow.race (fj 1 contd.) A total of 505 races are eacompassed. They are 435 House of Representatives seat.s (all 50 states), 35 U.S. Senate seats and 35 governorships. 0 JAMES EARL JONES * STARS ON N.Y.P.D.! 0 NYPD (C) (30) "Candy Man." Part I. James Earl Jones guests. fJ al Mod Squad (C) (60) "Just Ring the Bell Once." line befriends a child whose mother Is involved with liquor hijackers. Guests are Brian Oewey. Miltie Lawrence. law· rence Dane and Linda Melklejohn 0 Miiiion $ Movie: "Stage f ritht" (drama) '50-Jane Wyman, Richard Todd, Marlene Dietrich. No Crto tlft 101 Hombres (30) I Daniel Boone (C) (60) fanfare (60) (R) Cinema 30 7:55 Cuestion de Seeundos 8:00 0 VIRGINIA HAS ANDY * WILLIAMS' BEAR! O Vircinia Graham Show (C) (60) Sc;heduled guests are Janos Pro- hadka. the bear from The Andy Williams Show; singer Billy Daniels and comedienne Patti Deutsch, the female member of the Ace Trucking Company. Singer Vicki Burton is in the new talent sopt. NOTE: KTLA reports Election Nipt Cover111 each half hour. Cut·ins will be from the Reagin, Unruh, Murphy and Tunney headquarters. Regular pro· grams are joined in progress from 8:00 lo 1 :30 AM. m full Gospel Businessmen (C) m lJi Constitudon (30) 8:05 ai) Ritmolandia (55) 8:30 fJ (ft) m .m Election Cove111e '70 (C) Anchoring the ABC cover- age is a three-man team-frank Reynolds. Howard K. Smith, and National Affairs Editor Wiiiiam H Lawrence. Audits & Surveys, Inc. of New York City will assist ABC News with research and statistics on voter trends. 61) Dr1gnet (C) (30) Eil) New YOfk City Opera P1n1I (C) (30) A discussion show. e;) Ui Criada Bien Criada (C) ( 30) * WATCH Ch. 5! LATE ELECTION CUT-INS All EVENING! 8:35 6 Election Coverage (C) (cont'd.) Seven.minute KNXT reports on local and statewide elections are shown at 23 and 53 minutes past the hour. Jerry Dunphy is joined by Political Editor Bill Ames. Sacra· mento Correspondent Warren Olney, Urban Affairs Editor Saul Halpert. and reporters Ruth Ashton Taylor and Paul Udell. 9:00 6 a 1970 Election Cover•&• (C) (cont'd.) To enhance CBS News' demographic breakdown of the vote, an election survey will be conduct· ed outside polling places. 0 Ii) m Election Nitht '70 (C) (cont'd.) Kay contests include the New York governorship race (Nelson Rockefeller vs. Arthur Goldberg), the Ohio Senate race (Robert A. Tait Jr. vs. Howard Metz· enbaum), the Massachusetts Senate race (Edward M. Kennedy), the (Continued) 0 er. 13· 11e :es 35 all its , ... JS1 ids ·ed ire IW· rn. It" 1rd iO) ro· 1dy els :he ng in lA •&• om ind ro- om (C) •&• •er· Ink ind H. of lWS on (C) 30) 'd.) iul 1wn 1he by :ra- 1ey, .ert. ~for .. ,. 1ws' ote. uct- '70 ude race thur race etz· nate I the THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, OCTOBER 31, 1970 ' • It's an unpredictable year with the whole House running, along with 35 Senators and 35 Governors. There's one unbeatable ticket in this unpredictable political year: the KNXT and CBS News Election Team. Start with, stay with Jerry Dllnphy, Bill Ames, Walter Cronkite, Roger Mudd and the rest of the team on Channel 2. ' Starti•lll al 4pm CBSS2 THE DAIL. y ~IL.OT. TV Wlflfl(, OCT08 !1t JI, mo 10:00 6:00 tJ 111 News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy., I Wl\at's M' line? (C) (30) TUES~~! (~~!"~ (Edmond S. Q MIC Newt (C) (60) Tom @ CIJ I love Lucy (30) Snyder. But tllt Clod (C) (30) Musklt), the Illinois Senate r~c:e O (i) lr1nded (C) (30) (Adl1i Stevenson Ill), ind the Call· 0 FUN & FASCINATI N HOmnoocl (C) (60) "Profiles fornl1 1ov1morshlp m e (Ronald NOVEMBER 4 * TIME WITH STEVE! in Cool Jau ." Rea1an vs. Jesse Unruh). 0 Tiit Allen Show (C) (90) Abbe I Ci) Truth or Consequ1t1cu (C) 8 A GRIPPING EPISODE! For morninc and afternoon Lane, Dick Kerr. Karen Black, Art Christ the Livlna Word (C) (30) * THE FUGITIVE! U1tin1s, please see DAY· Metrano 1uest. Rosario (30) D Tiit FusttM IC) (60) "Second TIME PROGRAMS. Below, U Six O'Clocll Movie: (C) "North Si111pltment1 Maril (55) ' t." D1vld Janssen. f i re by Nor111west" Part 1 (drama) '59 Thlt Girt (C) (30) Ci1J CIJ G> tltctioft Cowlftlt or your conven ence, a -Cary Grant, Ev• Marie Saint.' 7:30 tJ Q?) (j) storefront t.nyers (C) o (l) (co~'d.) ABC Newa wlll also the day's movies. James Mason, Jessie Royce Landis. (60) Tony Roberts guests as a draw upon the resources of the Leo G. Carroll, Martin Lindau. A deputy district attorney whose per. News Election Servft. a pool or· DAYTIME MOVIES Madison Avenue 1dvertising man is sonal relationship with defense at- ranlzatlon oper1ted by the three 9:00 U (C) "F'orevtr Darlin_.. (come· mistaken for an Americah n intehll!· torney Deborah Sullivan (Sheila television networtls and the Asso· • tence agent and from t en on !5 Larken) complicates the case in· tialed Press and United Press In· dy) '56---lucille Ball, James M•· life is in continual danger. Thts volvin" a militant Mexican-Ameri· lo · Id t b I 1i: son, Desi Arnaz. 1 h ·11 as produced and • tem1t nil to glYe ri p a u a n 9:30 O "R' .... 1 Croolled Milt" (drama) sp ne-c 1 er w can. ol votinr totals across the country. ,38-f~ces Farmer. directed ,.,by Alfred Hitchcock. Q @ Ci) m The Mlfl From Shi· m FROST AND COMPLETE I Get ..,mart (C) (30) loll (C) (90) "Lady at the Bar." * ELECTION RETURNS! U "Pitlls of Glory" (drama) '57 Th• Flintstones (C) <30> Greer Garson guests •s • woman -Kirk Douglas, Ralph Meeker. It Takes a Thiel (C) (60) lawyer who beguiles a Judge and 0) David Frost (C) (90) Guests are m (C) "Tiit Girt Most likely' (ro· (3) Stir Trek (C) (60) bailiff into working for her as she Burt Reynolds, Roaer Miiier, Dore mance) '57 -Jane Powell, Cliff ifcidgtpodie Lodge (C) (30) defends client Trampas against Prevln & Carol Burnett. The show Robertson. "Wild Animal Pets." homicide charges. E. G. Marshall may be Interrupted by election 11:00 O "Hold Th1t Blonde" (comedy) I Ci) CIS News (C) (30) and James Whitmore also guest. results. '45 -Eddie Bracken, Veronica frshe F ·1 (30) GJ Felony Squid (C) (30) Lake. NotlcJero";~' (C) (60) 0 JAMES EARL JONES IN fli)Tllt Advocat11 (C) (60) Advo-1:oom "1 Was a Male War Bride'' Wanderlust (C) (30) * DRUG DRAMA. N.Y.P.D. cates How1rd Miiier (pro) and Wll-(comedy) '49-Cary Grant, Ann Ttatro de las Estrellas (30) I O NYPD (C) (30)· "Candy Man " Ham Rusher (con) ar1ue the topic: Sheridan. News In the Round (C) (30) Part 11. James Earl Jones guests. "So that all m•y more easily vote, 2:00 G ''On Mid.. tcomedy) '58-U @ @ ·al Courtship of Eddie's should the feder1I rovemment be Andy n · h, Feli · Farr, Waller 6:30 · Candid Camere (30) I Father (C) (30) "Hello, Miss Bes· responsible for registerinf 111 eligi· Ma u. ~.. Tiit FlJinc Nun CC) (30) singer, Goodbye." Tom Corbett's ble voters for presidential elec. ·oo tJ ( "llnlOift (i) NBC News (C) (30) romance with glamorous jet setter tionst' •• • • -Adam : Playin& the Guitar (30) Valerie Bessinger cools when she • Ctlalltnp (C) (30) Ma (j) My Faworitt Martian (30) breaks a promise to Eddie. Su· llttrip (30) 1 • S. Security (C) I Musicale (30) zanne Pleshette guests. • Natldta (60) • Tiit Desert Report (C) (30) fJ Million $ Movie: (C) "Tiie !:JO • Ntw1 (C) 130) Bader W1rd. 5:00 • • fu&itivos dtl Amor (30) V.1.P.'s'' I drama) '63 -Elizabeth PlfTJ Mason (60) 0 WILL SUCCESS SPOIL I . ABC Evtnin1 News (C) (30) Taylor. Richard Burton. Louis Jour- ' Musicalt/Pestor's Duei -(C) 7:00 B C8S Ev1nin1 News (C) (30) dan, Elsa Martinelli, Margaret • Mldkl y Estrtll11 (e) (30) * KEVIN & HAL? IT'S I Walter Cronkite. Rutherford, Maggie Smith. Rod Tay. 0 COMPLETE ELECTION * REPORT WITH SAND-ERS & FISHMAN! I BIG 5 NEWS TIME! 0 m NBC Ni&htly News (C) (30)1 for, Orson Welles. Cross-section of ------------------------V.LP.'s who wait overnight in a l posh London Airport's lounge for a log-delayed flight lo New York. V.or<f-h bg V.or4'-hnlec:!<f-Each character's problems are re· BIG 5 NEWS HOUR! 0 811 S NIWI (C) (60) Kevin S1nders. Hal Flshm1n. 8 Electlon1 '70 (C) (60) Local election eover11e. B Movie: (C) "Sh1n1" (western) '"53-Alan Ladd, Jean Arthur. : Tiit Sin Fr1nclsco Mia (C) 160) LI FIMllll (30) • f'tstl¥11 Mtlluno (60) 10:30 1111 Jtlln1 Nin (C) (30) ll:GO 1~(30J..ction Covtra11 (C) m Elldion Ntw1 (C) 0 N tr ELECTION * CUT-INS IN MOVIE! D Movie: "Mr. Smittl Goes to ,.-atlllniton" (drama) '38 -James Stewart. Je1n Arthur. m R,W.~'M ::tws-SPECIAL * ELECTION EDITION! m Gtor11 PutnaM News (C) Spe- cial Election edition. GJ Movie: "Mlre.tda" (comedy) '48 -Glynis Johns, Griffith Jones. (i1) CJ) PlfTJ Muon Ell) flit Citizen Voter (C) An open· end analysis of election returns. I Notleitfo 34 (C) 12:00 MXT Election Summary (C) Movie: ''Odd Man Out" (dra- ma) '47 -James Meson. I (i1) CJ) l'e"J Mtton 12:05 G filNtr• 9: "ltbo'a Ghl" (dra· i m1) '64-Georra Chakiris, 1:00 II Movie: "Moss Rose" (drama) I '47 -Victor M1tur1. 2:GO 0) All-Nlpt S..ow: "Tht lnlor11· tr," and '1.011r Tebs All.'' • P•1~ 16 eJ1111 It el1111 It n 1 Ob solved for the better by morning. I Truth or Con11quencts (C) (30) eary Crant -i:va.)\tarle ialnt D1niel Boone (C) (60) Cinema 30 4Wednesday1>art I 'lbursday,,art 2 KABC · TV In color No Creo tn 101 Hombres (30) 7:55 ~ Cuestlon de Segundos 8:00 0 VIRGINIA WITH RACE * DRIVER DAN GURNEY! O Virginia Graham Show (C) (60) Shari Lewis, Hal Frazier. Mrs. Johnny Carson, and Dan Gurney are featured. U @ m1m Mah Room tor Grandaddy (C) 130) "Teaching Linda to Drive." Linda learns to drive secretly at a driving school while Danny nervously tries to teach her. 0) To Tell the Truth (C) (30) fD The French Chef (C) (30) "One· half Hour Dinner.'' a!) The Answer (C) (60) @E Lucha Libre (C) (60) 8:05 m Box International 19(0 (55) 8:30 1J ~ 00 The Governor ·and J.J. (C) (30) Housekeeper Sara, over· worked from the busy, electlon· year entertainment schedule at the governor's mansion, hires an assist ant, a former truck-stop hash slinger named Gina, who is clumsy and speaks orily Italian. fJ @ @ a> Room 222 (C) ( 30) .. Only a Rose.'' Elderly Rose Lipton wanders into Walt Whitman High on parents' day and threatens to become a fixture. Naomi Stevens guests. TH• DAILY ~ILOT, TV we•t<, OCTOa•R )I, lt1t m David frost Show (C) (90) Don ' aire businessman, is accused of be· ument the demonstration or11nlzed Adams and Don Rickles guest. ina a former Japanese officer re· to free Bobby Seale ind Jailed m Draanet (C) (30) I sponsible for extreme physical and Black Panthers on the weekend of Ell) Civili11tlon (C) (60) "The Hero mental cruelty to U.S. World War May 1, 1970. As Artist.'' Lord Kenneth Clark's II prisoners of war. McGarrett and @!) El Show cit Pedro Var111 (C) view of Renaissance Rome, city of his special police unit attempt to (30) '..'.l_ianls and heroes." exonerate Shi1ato from. the accusa· 11:00 Jll ~"News (C) 9:00 U ~Cl) Medical Center (C) (60) lions beln1 made by former mem· 6 • News (C) Guest Steve Forrest plays a brilliant ~m of .a U.S. Air F~ru squadron O R S NTS GAME! sur1eon who comes back from war l 1n Hawaii for a reunion . Also fea· * All THE ACTION! service with a drinking problem. lured are Simon Oakland, Joe Mar· O R .... lo C) HI hi' ht f Laurie Pran1e plays a critically ill oss and Barri._Atwater. a'!'s ""' n ! I 11 s O coed. 0 ~ 00 m four·ln-Ont: "San Sunday s. game with the New Or· 0 The BELL SYSTEM franasco International Airport" (C)1 leans Saints. * FAMILY THEATRE (60) "We Once Came Home to IJ(E News (C) Parades." Airport mana1er Jim Con· • Th,,••tr• 9: (C) :'Wiiy Bother To presents Ice Capades rad (Lloyd Brid&es) must protect 8 It . (comedy) 6~1ke Som· 0 @ CIJ m 0"1<1ll I Hllh· controversial General from demon· mer, Richard Todd, Judith Ander· lipts of the Ice pades (C) (60) strators and a lone assassin. Clu son. 11 • ,. David Janssen is skating host. Gulager co·stars. Guests are Robert ~ Movie: Fo~ce of Ev!I (drama) Florence Henderson is special guest Webber, Tim Matheson Ed Faulk· 48-Jo~n Garfield, Man.e Windsor. star overseeing the proceedings of ner. Mills Watson. Bafbara Werle Tm, .. ~ov(ie:t "S)~4ft,. liRirtbs rt DlllH t't an array of outstanding skatin1 is 1 featured reaular. a• ~Y~ ery ~ o e u • stars. They include Tim Wood, O GET IT FROM KEVIN ton, Vir11n1a Mayo, Bruce Bennett. Olympic Champion; Tommy Litz, @ (]) Peny Mason World's Free Style Champion; and * & HAL! BIG 5 NEWS! Ell) Eastern Wisdom end Modern the teams of Hans and Pepe and O Big 5 News (C) (60) Sanders/ Ute: "The Silent Mind.' George and Helga Valle. Fishman. 11:30 I ~ (j) Mn liriffin (C) 0 The fue;tivt (60) 0 @(I).(E Dan August (C) • @00 m Johnny Canon (C) U @Cil.&)Johnny Cash CC) (60) "Invitation to Murder." Au· Movie li1mt (C) (60) Guests are Burt Ives. Bobby gust's investigation of the murder (E Dick Cavett (C) Actor Geor1e Sherman and Melanie. of a teenag~ s~inger is complicated Segal guests. felony Squad (C} (30) by the vlc!•m s father, a newspa· 12:00 0 Movie: "Lucky Jordan" (mys- • 30 Minutes (C) (30) per columnist. tery) '42-Al•n Lldd, Helen Wal· • ln!rip (30) I The Saint (C) (60) ker. • • Natadla (60) liMrl• htn111 News (C) (60) @ (3) Didi Cavett (C) 9:30 • News (C) (30) Ba~ter Ward . ~uivari (C) (30) Ramblin' 12:30 m Alf.Nlllrt Show: "Dtvll's Can· Perry Mason (60) Jacll Elhott performs. yon," "Spysmeslm Returns" and BRACKEN'S WORLD DRAMA - Kim Hunttr aunt st.an as the writer In a busbanct.wlfe, writer-director team tbat splits up suddenly, in .. A Team of One-Leaed Acrobats'' on Brawn's World, Friday at 1 O PM on NBC. : Realities (C) (30) @m la Familia (30) "Brief Encounter." • Musicale/Pastor's Desll (C) tiI!) Telt·Clnema Espanol (2 hr) 1:001J Movie: (C) "Cybor1 2017" (sci· 130) 10:30&J1111 Johns News (C) (30) fl) '66--Mlchael Rennie, Wendell @m Sonri11s (C~ (30) Ell) Flldl Out (C) (30) "Mayday." Corey, Karen Steele, Edu9rd Fr1nz. 10:00 II ~ (j) Hawaii foe-G (C) (60)1 A 1roup of Yale University students I IJ U News CC) Shigato (Teru Shimada), a million· known as "May First Media" doc· 2:30 News/liive Us This Day (C) DAVID JANSSEN: 'SKATING HOST' David Janssen stars as the skating host of "Highlights of the Ice C apades," an NBC Special, Wednesday at 9 PM. It could be Jans· sen's last speciaJ for some time . • That's because this fall the actor makes a Jack Webb-produced movie for television, "Treasury Agent," which will serve as the pilot for a CBS series that could go on the air next September, or before. "I tbink we'll make a go of it," Janssen said of the projected series as -he warmed up for cameras photographing the Ice Capades hi~hlights in Atlantic City. "The Treasury Department really wants this series. I think they're jealous of all the credit the FBI has been getting on TV. "Anyway, Treasury's in charge of narcotics, the Secret Service, the Coast G uard, the mint, customs, engraving and printing. There are hundreds of good stories. Treasury is also involved with Inter- pol, so for variety we will be able to film some episodes in Europe." Janssen, a smooth skater, took a turn around the big rink laid down in ConventiopJiall. "The last time alyooe was foolish enough to pay me to ice skate was in 1945,'' he revealed. "I was 14 years old and I skated in a Sonja Henie movie called 'H's a Pleasure.' I had three lines." Janssen's first movie, in which he had two lines, was "Swamp Fire," a year before the Henie film. He played the younger brother of Johnny Weissmuller .. After both of these epics, Jarfssen grew up and graduated to starring parts and two successful television series: Richard Diamond and The Fugitive, each of which ran for four seasons. . "I almost donned ice skates in an episode of The Fugitive," Janssen recalled. "I ran onto an ice rink in one show, but the law closed in so fast there was n't time to put on skates. In my search for the one-armed man, I must have used every form of transporta- tion except ice skates.·• HAPPY HOST-Film and TV .ftnr David Janssen is the skat- ing host of the all-11ew "Highlights of the lcr Capades," air- ing 011 NBC, Wednesday at 9 PM. Page 17 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5 For morninc and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO D ... mains To le Seen" (musi· cal) '53-Van Johnaon. !HO A "1111 Me tM Town'' (comedy) 'li-Uoyd Nolan. D "Man Witll a Cuti" (western) 'S-5-Robert Mitchum, Jan Sterling. tD (C) "Heneydlile" (comedy) '51 -Judy Canova, Eddy Foy Jr. 11:0011 "Ho11t Felttters'' (comedy) '32 -The Mux Brothers. 1:00 m "LMy fro111 si.anpal" (mys- tery) '48-Rita Hayworth, Z:OO 0 ''TIM D.I." (drama) '57-Jack Webb, Don Dubbins. 4:30 II (C) "Tiie Petfect Furloup" (comedy) '59-Tony Curtis, Janet Leith. Linda Cristal. fVf N I N G 6:0ll R Ii& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. IOllC Newservice IC) (60) Tomi ~der. U Tiit Allen Show (C) {90) Joel Campanella, witch Louiae Heubner, Viralnia O'Brien and Eddie Albert • ruest. 1 fJ sta O'Ctoci Mov~: (C) "North ii Nertswest" Conclusion (drama) '59-Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint, James Mason, Jessel Royce Landis. Leo G. Curoll, Martin landau. A Madison Avenue advertising man is mistaken for an American intelli· aence agent and from then on his life is in continual danaer. I &et Slllart (C) (30) Tiit Aintstones (C) (30) It Takes a nlef (C> (60) (]) Stir Trel (C) (60} ~ae lodrt (C) (30) ''Nature Notebook." Notlcill'O 3' (C) (60) I (i) CIS News (C) (30) r.itter Fatally (30) True Adventure (C) (30) T•tro de las Estreffas (30) News In tlle Round (C) (30) 6:30 • Candid Camera (30) The Ayina Nun IC) (30) (6) NBC Nllhtlf News (C) (30) : The Frtnch Cllef (C) (30) (R) (() M1 flvorite Martian (30) • S. SecuritJ (C)/Musicale (30) • The DtMrt Report (C) (30) • Fu&ffins clel blot (30) AIC Eventna News (C) (30) 7:00 CIS E.enlnc NtwS (C) ( 30) · m NIC Ni&MIJ News (C) (30) • Wiiars M1 line? (C) (30) · ~ rn I lowt IAq (30) Ifft Hie Clotl (C) (30) @ Drapet (C) (30) : Eastern Wisdom and Modern Lift ~) (R) I Cl) Truth or Consequences (C) Christ the Livin& Word (C) (30) Rosario (30) SiMpl .. ente M1ri1 (55) That Qlrl (C) (30) .-----.... ae •mp. I I I I ' P•ge 18 > ,r ' Fine Quality PRINTING 642-4321 Offset & Letterpress ' ,, '~>lllll1ii5~iiiiiiii~;~:r£?!!:'::-s ... _______ ; "A Complete Printing Ser.vice" Free Estimates I PILOT PRINTING 2211 W. B•lbM Blvd. -Newport Be•ch I I I I I THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 3 1, J970 7:30 II ~ (j) fltail' Affair (C) (30) fold the chillina and dramatic mys Jody is distressed because he can't teiy of a room that has been shut eet Geraldine Hasllins to talk to tered for four decides. him, eat lunch with him at school 0 ONE-ARMED MAN TRIES or P!t any attention to him at all. * TO KILL OR. KIMBLE! B QJ Ci) m Flip Wilson (C) (60) 0 The Fucltive (C) (60) David Fllp's 1uesls are Rob~ ~oulet. Janssen stars. "A Clean ind Quiet Lola Falana and Robert Klein. A Room." special sketch, "Freddie ~ohnson. D @ CD(!) Barefoot In the Swin1in1 Bachelor," hlfhlights the Part (C) (30) "Down With the hour. Landlord." Sugar Ray Robinson 11 NYPD (C) (30) "The Attacker." guests as Paul and Corie's absen Jack Warden, Robert Hooks and tee landlord. Frank Co~rse star. 1--11 (C 30) D @ rn m Matt Lincoln (C) ...... ene• ) ( (60) "l.Dri," Dr. Lincoln's life is lntri1• <30> threatened when his $earch for a Nitaclla (60) 9:30 mentally retarded 16-year-old gi(I 0 Nancy gets married leads him to a hippie commune. Andrew Prine, Mary Layne, Arthur * despite a lost ring Franz. Kathy Canon, Holly Near. and a dropped cake. Casey McDonald, Sid Haig and B @@m Nancy (C) (30) Wright King guest. "Here Comes The Groom." Nancy B Million $ Movie: "Desire Under and Adam culminate their seven· tlie £Jms" (drama) '58 -Sophia week courtship in an elaborate out· Loren, Anthony Perkins. Burl Ives. door weddine attended by Nancy's I Trvth or Consequences IC) (30) father. Daniel Boone (C) (60) D @ CI)(!) The Odd Couple Theatre Bea~ IC) (~0) The 1 (C) (30) "I Do, I Don't." A woman Company Theatres prod~clton of a wearing a wedding gown goes look· new play by Don Keith Opper, ing for Felix when her husband·tO· "Children of the Kin1dom," is be doesn't show up for the wed. spotlighted. Guests include Opper 1 ding. Joyce Van Patten and George and director, Jack Rowe. j Furth guest. I Cinema 30 (C) (30) • I News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. No Creo en fos Hombres (30) , Musicale/Pastor's Desll (C) (30) 7:55 Cuestion de Se1undo1 (55) . Nodles hpati1s (30) 8:00 .. Qj 00.Jim Nabors (C) .<~) 10:00 . @@) m Dean Martin (C) Jtm s special auests a~e . M~n~1e (60) Uean's guests are Ernest Borg· Pearl and Julie Budd. ~10n1e JOlllS nine, The Everly Brothers, Sugar Jim and Frank Sutton 1n a skete:h Ray Robinson and Alan Sues. about a baby photographer, and isl g ~ s News (C) (60) seen in another sketch with Nabors D (11) CV m The ltal'llortll (C) as the ~t~er or a great potenlial (60) "White Horse, Steel Horse." football k1ckrng star. Ben Richards Is pursued by a posse IJ Yir1inia Graham (C) (60) and fletcher. Scheduled guests are Kaye Ballard, I The Saint (C) (60) John Meyhers, Victor Borge and Georae Putnam News (C) (60) Robert Green, director of fashions . la flmifl• (30) lfor ~!a~~r·the Truth ~C) (30) ~ ~;o)scope con el Pr~f. Horan- : Washington In Review (C) (30) 10:30 Bill Johns News (C) (30) • Creation Researcll (C) (60) : Speculation (C) (60) Yaaabundo (C) (60) • Rewist1 Musical (30) 8:05 ail Tele·Revista Musical (55) • • ii Tres Patints (30) 8:30 0 ~ 00 m Ironside (C) (60) 11:00 ~ News (C) "Check_, Mate: and Murder." Con-· 6 m News (C) clusion. Chief Ironside and his col· Can ou Top This? (C) leagues investigate a murder widely al News (C) attributed to political causes. Her· Theatre 9: "Pursuit to Al&iers" mione Gingold, Emile Genest. Karin (mystery) '45-Basil Rathbone. NI· Dor ~est. gel Bruce. Q (11) @ a> Bewitched (C) (30) Q) Movie: "Hell on Frisco Baf'' "Samantha's Bad Day in Salem." (drama) '5&-Edward G. Robinson, Samantha's marriage is endangered Joanne Dru, Paul Stewart. by a childhood friend attending the IE Movie: "law and Disorder" witches' convention ln Salem, Mass. (comedy) '58 -Michael Redgrave. Hal England and Anne Seymour Robert Morley. guesl @ CV Perry Mason Q) David frost Show (C) (90) m Noticiero 3' (C) Jack Lemmon, Buddy Hackett. Sam-11 :30 I ~ (j) Merv Griffin (C) my Shore •• John~y Rivers guest. . Q) Ci) m Johnn, Carson (C) IE Ot,mpic Bo11ng (C) (2 hr) Movie CaMe (C) EID NET Playho~. (C) 12 hr) "The al Didi Cavett (C) John Da Thr~e ~usketeers. by the Stratford vidson and the Right Rev. John E. Nat1on11I Theat1e of Canada. Hines. Bishop of the Episcopal 9:00 II Qj) (j) CBS Thunday Movie: Church guest. (C) "Tht Shuttered Room'' (SUS· EID The Advocates (C) (R) pense) '67~ig Young, Carol Lyn. 12:00 O Movle~ "MinistrJ of Fear'' (mys· ley, Oliver Reed. Flora Robson. Wil· tery) •44::.Ray Miiiand. liam Devlin, Bernard Kay, Judith I m Didi CaVett IC) • Anry. A young couple come lo the 12:30 Aif-Nifht Sllow: "Girl In the village of Dunwich to look over oods," "Days of Gloff' and their Inheritance -a house that "The Great Qilbtrt l Sullivan.'' hasn't been occupied for 40 years. 1:00 II Movie: "Slauatiter on Tenth Despite warnings from the towns· Avtnue" (drama) '58 -Waller people. they insist upon exploring Matthau. Richard Egan, Jan Sterl the premises. and eventually un· ing. Julie Adams. • 'O 'S• II id et 1e 1e 10 1 ) y s .. ~~------------............................. _. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 6 For morning and afternoon Ila tings, please see DAY. TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 fJ (C) "Pal Joey" (musical) '57- Frtnk Sinatra, Rita H1yworth, Kim Novak. 9:30 O "Ar• Husbands Nte.1$11ry" {comedy) '42-Ray Milland, Betty Field. Q "Th• Bashful Elephant'' (juve· n1le) '42 -Molly Mack, Helmut Schmid. QI "Aff1ir With 1 Strancer" (dra· ma) '54-Jean Simmons. Victor Mature. 11:00 0 "Amonc the livint' (drama) '41-Sus.n Hayward, Albert Dek. ker. l:(IO GI "DailJ Ktnyo11" (drama) '47,.- Joan Crawford, Dina Andrews, Hen· ry Fonda. Z:OO 0 (C) "Wadliest Ship in Ut1 Anw,.. (comedy) '61-Jack Lem· mon, Ricky Helson . 4:30 IJ {C) "Second Ct1a11u" (sus· pense) '53-Robert Mitchum, Jack Pal1nce, Linda Darnell. FV[NING 6:00 I "' News (C) (60) Jer'ry Dunphy. · DIC N~ (C) (60) Tiie Allen SMw (C) (90) Sia O'Clodl Movie: (C) ''lllt Honeymoon Machine" (comedy) '61 -Steve McQueen, Jim Hutton, Paula Prentiss, Brigid Bazlen. I &et Sm1rt (C) (30) The Flintstones (C) (30) It Tallts a Thief (C) (30) (]) S1ar Trek (C) (60) Hoclppoct11 Lode• (C) (30) "Cocker Spaniel Puppie.s." I (i) CIS News (C) (30) frater family (30) Notlcitro 34 (C) (60) Th AIMrkAln Wnt (C) (30) Tutro dt In Estrellas (30) Nnn In u .. Round (C) (30) The Aylnc Nun (C) (30) 6:30 I Candid Ca111era (30) 6 NIC Nlptly News (C) (30) : ~w Your Antiques (C) (30) Ralph shows how to dale furniture ithe construction. Cl) My favorite Martian (30) S. Security (C) /Musicale (30) TIM Desert Report (C) (30) Fulffivos del Anttr (30) A8C Eventn1 Nnrs (C) (30) 1:00 I CIS Ennin1 News (C) (30) • m NIC Niptly News (C) (30) • Wfiat's MJ Lint? (C) (30) (jj) Cl) I love Lucy (30) B11t the Cloell (C) (30) @ Cinema Showcase (C) (30) "Shenandoah." James Stewart. fil) Book Btat (C) (30) Robert Cromie discusse:> "Roosevelt; The Soldier of Freedom," by James Mac· Greaor Burns. I Cl) Trlltll or Corlsequtncts (C) efifilt the livina Word (C) (30) Rosario (30) # TM• DAILY ~ILOT. TV Wa•K, OCTOallt Jt, 1t1t , ... 19 J TH• 041LY PILOT, TV WllK~ OCTOallt JI, 1'10 Q) The Munsters Im P1tterns for Uvinc I Klltldolc:ope (C) m St1 Power (C) 12:00~ Scoobr·Doo (C) 4:30 0 Spt1ll Up (C) .. Mist of tht Gori1111' 0 @ Ci) (E ABC'1 Widt Wor1d 64-Charles Vanel, Bella I Gr Sports (C) M . m Mothtn·in-l.lw (C) g Movie: "for Whom tflt Bell C _...._ ·-----(C) Tolls" (drama) '4~ary Cooper.I m latm1n I ) 7:00 I Som.---• . Ingrid Bergman. ED Discover FIJillf (C) ID 00 m Htdllt ' Jtdllt (C) fJ Suspense Theatre (C) "Twixt 0 00 W11on Train (C) (jj) (]) Rtludlnt Drapn I. Mr. Cup and Lip." ~ (j) The Bia Movie: "The M•1· Toad (C) 1 (V L1r1mle nifieent Seven." Steve McQueen. SATURDAY AFffRNOON NOVEMBER 7 MORNING 0 KNIC Newstrviu (C) Gordon Graham. 9 NFl G1m1 of tftt Wet* (C) m Animals, Action I Adventure ~ "African Adventure:· Bill Bur rud's cameras capture a fasl·mov ing kaleidoscopic view of what Hie is like in Alrie1 today. fl) Tonifht In Las Vl(IS ED The Advouta (C) (R) a!) fisJler Family FVfNING I Mr. Wishbone (C) @ Sdlool D1rs (C) ~ flu.th lor Tod•J (C) Bozo the Clown (C) • Holid1y 1C) ~ 7:30 Dus~ Trttltouse (C) . I Drama dt 11 Sem1n1 m [] Mundo en QUI Vivimos 6:00 IJ The Bia News (C) (60) @ Cl) m Wood, Woodpecker 12:30 ta!) (j) The Monllees (C) m Quest for Adventure (C) I ~ Ci) m NBC News (C) (30) ( ) & II Mondo (C) 4:45 eJ Pre-Game Socur (C) llredo (C)· (60) I (fl) @ Motor Mouse (., Movie· "Somewhere I'll Find Movie: (C) "The N1ktd Spur" COOi McCool I His friends (C) You" (dr'ama) '42-Clark Gable, S:OO B Newsmakers (C) (drama) '53-James Stewart, Janet 8:00 eiil (j) Bup Bunny/Road Run· Lana Turner, Robert Sterrlina. 0 It's Academic (C) Competing Leigh , Robert Ryan, Ralph Meeker. ner Hour ICj fi3@ Firm Show (C) high schools are John Marshall Millard Mitchell. While on the trail R ~ 00 m Tomfoolery (C) m Sports World (C) (L.A.). Huntington Park and Loy-of a killer, a bounty hunter Is ~@ 00 Lancelot Un~, Secret l ·OO IJ ta!) (j) DubrdlJ ' Muttiey (C)' ola (L.A.). joined by an old prospector and a 1 1":f a~~ Suptrhtrots (C) • 0 (J.,ll 00 .m NCAA Footb1ll (C) 9 Rims Adion (C) dishonorably discharged cavalry· hies of Wella Farao Washington ~I Stan~ord. . ,, 0 The Avenaers (C) man in this savage story of ven· l :30 13) Ci) 6E The Buaaloos (C) 0 Movie.: 'Th~ , Little Furitlvt m Movie Greats: "ThlJ Were u· mgeanBcoess. Cit.. (C) (60) Campus Profile (drama) 5J-R1eh1e Andrusco. pendable" (drama) '45 _ Roberti ,, Movie: (C) "Rtvolt of the Mer· I HIVI ~un, Will Trml Montaomery, John Wayne. Donna Then Came Bronson (C) (60) ctnaries" (adventure) '62 _ Vlr· (i) ~otce of A&riculture (C) Reed, (V Saturdar Movie: "At Gun- &lnia Ma10. Conrad Sammartln. • SfOnts of Success (C) Q) Gillifan's lsl1nd (C) point" (western) '55-Fred Mac· I Cisco Kid 1:30 IJ Qj (j) The Jttso111 (C) ft\ Hob Nob With lob (C) Murray, Dorothy Malone. Gumb (C) m Championship Wrutlln& (C) I al I EE Color TrnelCldl (C) <tft> 9:00 a~ Sabrina l the Groovlt Fr~ddle Blassie, ~~dro Morales and ED Dur Y1nishina Wilderness (C) m Musicale/D1vey I Goh HI IC) Coolits ~ Knppler Carl Heisinger are sched· t(eRr> ... "Slow Death of the Desert Wa· (30) 8 @ Cl) a;, Dr Dolittlt (C) uled. I al Stertin1 Theatre (C) (JO) tery) '32..'...ceorge Raft. Nancy Car for the ~room." Tony Curtis. g) World Cup Soccer (C) Brazil vs. Hobby Showe111 (30) Movie· "Under~tr Man" (mys· @@ Fuure film (C) "Ne Room j a!> Quest for Life (C) 6:30 I News Conference (C) (30) roll. @E Canciones J Miwu Uruauay. (i) Hip Ch1p1n1I (C) (60) fJ (i7J Jeny llwb (C) 8' Scope (C) m Colleae of the Desert (C) : The French Chef (C) (30) With m (M. Movie: "Gun1 Ho" (dra· 2:001J Dustr's Treellouse (C) 5:30 1J About 1 Wttk (C) Patrick Em· Julia Child. m•) •43 -Randolph Scott, Noah I tJ lntern1tionll Zone IC) ory reports. ~ (j) CBS News (C) (30) Beery. "Return of Montt Cristo" ~ Double Ft1ture: "Follow a1-------------------------1adventure) '46-louis Hayward, Stir" and "The Medium." Barbara Britton. I el T11tro Familiar I Trt1 HOUM (C) m See the USA (C) Muslcl y hl1br11 2·30 I Steps to L11mln1 (C) ,1noram1 Lltino • · . Hip l Wild (C) 9:30 I m The Pink P1ntller (C) • Waaon Tniin (t) @ (]) Tht Doubl1decllers (C) Klnp of ComtcfJ Movlt: "Plunderers of P1inted • Dollars I Senst (C) A1ts" (western) '59-Corinne Cal· • • V1rltd1des Muslules vet. Skip Homeler. John Carroll. 3:00 I The New Society. (C) Qj@ The Prize P1rtr (C) • Aariculturt USA (C) @I) Arriba ti Nortt Zant Srey Th11tre 10:00 II a Ci) Joalt I Utt Pussyc1tsj Under4101 (C) i @ Feature Film: "Ml I "1 ID 6 m H. R. Pufnstul (C) Kettle." Percy Kilbride, Marjoriei @ Hot Whetl1 (C) Main. I Movie (C) ''$tv111 Guns" I Musiult (C) c· (western) '62-Ale. x Nlchol, Rich· · Melodiu de Siempre 1 ard Baseh1rt. • The I i& ,;cture (C) / m Luch1 Libre (C) . I T•tro def S.bldo \0:3011(3 Harlem Globetrotters (C) 3:15 m Dne1 I Goli1th (C) · fU 6 m Hett Comes U11 3:30 1J Movie: (C) "Hell Bent for '"""P ( ) leather" (western) '60 -Audie IJ Movlt: "JunaJe Princen" (ad· MurphJ. Felicia Farr, Stephen Mc-venture) '3~Dorothy Lamour, Ray Nally, Robert Middleton. Milland. I Youth I fife Police IC) 0 (il) (}) Sk1 H1wkl lC) Outdoors With Liberty . MutUll 11:0011 ~Arch It's Fun house (C) I • 6 m Hot Do& (C) ,ortly Pl& (C) The Hardy Boys (C) • Children'• ~.ospel Hour (C) ovle: "Give Me the Stars" • Luella en P1tl11es (C) (comedy) '49 -Leni Lynn. Will • Colltp of the De11rt (C) i fe. 4:00 O On C1mpu1 (C) ''Schools With· Mano • M•no R1nchtro out Failure." Education experts and Fiest1 M111le1na a psychiatrist discuss the role of 11:30 B f3) 00 m Jimbo (C) school authorities in turning their (jj) (]) Am1ric1n Bandstand (C) schools into places where children Dick Clark hosts. Brian Hyland don't fail , but experience the joy 1uests. ol learning. e Movlt: (C) "Powder River" I This Week in Pro Football (C) (adventure) '53-Rory Calhoun, Cor· • I Spy (C) inne Calvet. M1tromedil Presents: "History eJ No Creo en los Hombres of Drag Racina." Pace 20 Jame& Stewart Janet <teigh -0.e .Naked Spur 5atutday In color KABC·TV don lure 3ur IOV life 30) ur" net ~er, rail is j a lry en. Un· ac· IC) )) 'ith THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 31, 1970 BERNARDI: 'NO SHORT CUTS TO ACTING' "I have never known o ne actor who has remained in television or motion pictures a long period of time who has not had an extensive formal training for their profession." Tb.ls was opined by HttSCbel Bernardi, burly star of 20th Cen- tury-Fox Television's Amie comedy series, which airs Saturdays on CBS at 9:00 PM. "My training period lasted far longer than most others'," said Bernardi, "because I started when I was only six-months old." Bernardi, who plays the shipping dock supervisor of Continental Flange Company, and is kicked upstairs to become 'the company's executive for product improvement and plant safety in the Amie series, was born to New York stage troupers Bernard and Helen Bernardi. "I believe the reason I made my stage debut in my mother's arms when that young was because I hadn't yet been weaned," Bernardi laughed. Bernardi, who still enjoys a good glass of milk. claims he cannot remember when he wasn't an actor. "The first appearance on my own two feet, I can remember. I can't recall what we were doing or where we were, but I know it was a 'walk-on,' " Bernardi went on. "I was doing it all my life." He pointed out that the truly first rate stars be has known to be successful in the trade over th' years found no other substitute for learning than the tong way around. "'There's no short cut to acting," Bernardi claimed. Because be was part of a show business family, Herschel Ber- nardi-<alled "Hesh" by his intimate friends-had a truly, clas- sically peripatetic education in and around New York. He attended . \ STEPHANIE STEELE portrays Andrea N"vo, daughtu of Her- schel Bernardi, on Arnie, and DEL RUSSEL portrays Richard Nuvo. Arnit>'s long-haired son. 28 ~iff erent primary and high schools. "You might say I was a nervous k.id who had the compul sion to go to a school, any school, just because I saw it," he smiled, After his formal education ended, his tbespic activities brought Bernardi finally to Hollywood, where his husky build and swarthy features first ticketed him as a gangster-heavy. "It bothered me because gangster parts were the only roles J was called upon to do," Bernardi complained. "I figured I had enough versatility not to be allowed to remain in this acting ditch, so I started turning down those underworld roles." In the late 19405, Bernardi assisted Howard DaSilva in recording a number of Sholem Aleich~m stories and later toured in a one- man production of the Aleichem tales. In 1954, he succeeded DaSilva in the off-Broadway production of "The World of Sholom Aleichem," and starred more than ten years later as Tevye in the ~foaclway musical version known as "Fiddler on the Roof." And Lto,.fap the recounting of his familiarity with the folklore of ~holem Al'!ichem, in 1957 he directed the Lo Angeles production of "Tevye and His Daughters." \ SUE ANE LANGDON stars as Lilian Nuvo, wi/t> of Huschd Bernardi, on Arnie. "As a point to the young actors in television today,'' Bemardj stresses, "I think they should do all the stage work they can handle when not performing before the cameras. They should do anything to get on 'the boardj' as often as they can. This is the kind of basic acting training I am talking about." It was Bernardl's role as police Lt, Jacoby in the popular TV Peter Gunn series that broke the film makers' notion of him as a heavy and also won him a I 959 Emmy nomination. "The stage folks knew I was versatile," he said, "But the motion picture and television producers didn't." He went on to say that this role, although not comedic, caused 20th-Fox TV's Arnie series creator David Swift to consider Bernardi for the part in this season's big sleeper hit. But be soaked up many choice motion picture comedy roles before the "Arnie" pilot was shot. Besides starring in more than 700 Broadway performances of "Fiddler," Bernardi recently "all but ruined my throat" following more than a year's musical run on Broadway as "Zorba, the Greek." In 1964, Bernardi triumphed at New York's Shubert Theater as a gypsy, Cockeye Johnny Dembo, in the musical "Bajour." Still "soaking up'' time on the boards during his life-long training, Bernardi acted in the West Coast companies of "Only in America," "Death of a Salesman'' and ''Awake and Sing,'' plus stock appear- ances in "Born Yesterday'' and "Guys and Dolls.'' For Herschel Bernardi, there was yet anothe~ field to explore. And if it has been driving you to distraction wondering whose voice rumbled "ho, ho, ho" in the Jolly Green Giant TV commer- cial, the secret is out. It belongs to Bernardi! His is also the voice of the lamentable and always rejected Charlie Tuna. In the put, his "voice-over" work has garnered him two "Cleo" awards. So, pve-or-take a few yean, this means· Bernardi has been work- ing at his trade for six months short of his birth date of Oct. 30, 1923. That means nearly 47 years! "I would rather dissuade a person from becoming an actor than encourage him,'' he said. "Especially if there is little talent there to start with. "There are too many bad actors in H ollywood already. And there are legions more who think they are 'natural actors,' " he went on. "There are those who have natural tendencies to become actors, but there is no such thing as a natural actor. "So if this does not discourage one who bas no compunctions about hard wor~. reading until they ~ass out, spending seemingly endless hours in a good school for acting, and tromping the bOards in summer stock acting in one play, memorizing a second and reading a third, then who am I to deny him bis chance?" 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 ta IMJMetl Moy be used on envelopes os return address 1obels. Also very handy as iden tification lobels for marking personal iterris such os books, records. photos, etc. Label s stick on glass ond moy be used for marking home canned food items. All labels ore printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality wh ite gummed paper. Mrs. Christine Brown 969 Post Roed Code Mese, Celif. 92626 r----------- I I I I I I I Flll In th~ coupon, elip and meil with $1 .00 to: I Pilot Println9.Lebel Div., los I 175, N•wport IHeh, Celif. '2Ul -, I I -············------·---·-····------------·············· ···--······------·-·····-·--------------··------------- ·····-·····························----------···-------· le ture to 111• your Zip Cocle I I I I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L Page 22 ___ __._ --..--- FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LABELS WE WILL INCLUDE FID SET 05 PACKAGE MAILING LABELS. ,. -' I THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEt<. OCTOBER 31, 1970 WJE\ · .t; ·~,li!~f:. ~~T Evening Movies SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 6:30 11 "The Blick Cit" (horror) '34-Boris Karloff, Jacquelin• Wells, Julie Bishop. 8:00 11 CC) "The Eddy Duchln Story" (musical) '56-Tyrone Power, Kim Novak. James Whitmore. 7:30 9 CC) "The Leopard" (drama) '63-Burt Lancaster, Claudia Cardinale. Alain Delon. 9:00 7 (C) "The Wor1d of Suzie Wong" (drama) '61-Willlam Holdet1, Nancy Kwan, Sylvia Syms, Michael Wfldin1, Laurence Naismith. 11:30 17 3 "Th• Proud 1nd the Profane" ldraltla) '56 -Wiiiiam Holden, Deborah Kerr, Thelma Ritter. 2 (C) ''hlr Wind to Java" (adventure) '52-Fred MacMurray, Victor McLaglen. 13 "Malle Mine Mink" (comedy) '60-Terry·Thomas. Athene Seyler MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 7:30 9 (C) "On the Thruhold of Space" (adventure) '56-Bill Williams, Virginia Leith, Martin Milner. 9:00 4 23 6 (C) "Berlin Affair" (drama) '70-Darren McGa11in, Fritz Weaver, Brian Kelly. Claude Dauphin. 10:15 7 (C) "The Sheepman" (western) '58--Glenn Ford, Shirley MacLaine, Leslle Nielsen, Mickey Shaushnessy. 11:00 9 CC) "The King and Four Queens" (western) '56 -Clark Gable, Eleanor Parker. Jo Van Fleet. Barbara Nichols. 11 "Call of the Wiid" <adventure) '35-Clark Gable, Loretta Youna. 13 "Two-Gun Uldy" (western) '56--,.Peggie Castle, Wllllam Talman. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 6:00 7 "Fastest Gun Alive" (western) '56-Glenn Ford, Jeanne Crain. Russ Tamblyn, Broderick Crawford. 7:00 11 "From Here to Eternity" (drama) '54-Frank Sinatra, Burt un· caster. Ernest Borgnlne, Deborah Kerr. 7:30 9 "Stage Fright" Cdramal 'SO-Jane Wyman, Richard Todd, Marlene Dietrlch. 10:00 9 (C) "Shane" (western) '53 -Alan Ladd, Jean Arthur. Brandon DeWllde. Van Hefltn. 11:00 5 "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" (drama) '38--James Stewart. Jean Arthur 13 "Mlrand1" '(comedy> '48--Glynis Johns. Griffith Jones. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 6:00 7 CC) "North by Northwest" Part I (drama} '59-Cary Grant. Eva Made Saini, James Mason. Jeuie Royce Landis. Leo G, Carroll. Martin Landau. 7:30 9 CC) ''Th• V.l.P.'s" (drama) '63-Ellzabeth Taylor. Richard Burton. Louis Jourdan, Elsa Martlnelll. Margaret Rutherford, Maule Smith. Rod Taylor, Orson Welles. 11:00 9 CC) "Why Bother To Knock" <comedy) '6S-Elke Sommer. Richard Todd, Judith Anderson 1l "Force of Evil" (drama) '48--John Garfield, Marie Windsor. 13 "Smart Girls Don't Talk" (mystery) '49--Robert Hutton. Virginia Mayo, Bruce Bennett. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5 6:00 7 (C) "North by Northwest" Conclusion <drama) '59--Cary G"anl, Eva Marie Saint, James Mason, 7:30 9 "Desire Under the Elms" <drama) '58 -Sophia Loren, Anthony Perkins, Burl l11es 9:00 2 h 8 (C) "The Shuttered Room" Csusperin ) '67-C•a Youna, Carol Lynley. Oll11er Reed. Flora Robson. 11:00 9 "Punuit to Alglers" (mystery) '45-Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce. 11 "Hell on Frisco Bay" (drama) '56-Edward G. Robinson. Joanne Dru, Paul Stew1rt. 13 "L1w and Disorder" (comedy) ·59 -Michael Redgrave, Robert Morley. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 6:00 7 CC) "The Honeymoon Mllchlne" (comedy) '61 -Steve McQueen, Jim Hutton, Paula Prenltss. 7:30 9 CC) "Never Too late" (comedy) '65-Maureen O'Sulli11an. Paul Ford. Connie Stevens. 9:00 2 29 8 "Ont·Eyed Jack" (drama) '61-M<trlon Brando, Karl Malden. Pina Pell1cer. Katy Jurado. 11:00 9 (C) "Red Mountain" (adventure) '51-Alan Ladd, Uubeth Scott. 13 "Road to Fort Alamo" (western) '66-Ken Clark. Jany Clalr. 11 "The Ulst Angry Min" (drama) ·59 -Paul Munl, Luther Adler, Betsy Palmer. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 6:00 7 CC) "The Naked Spur" (drama) '53-James Stewart, Janet Leigh. 17 3 "At Gunpoint" (western) 'SS-Fred MacMurray, Dorothy Malone. 7:30 9 "A tiard Day's Night" <teen musical) ·~The Beatles. 8;00 11 "They Were bpendable" !drama) '4S-John Wayne. Robert Mont· gomery, Donnii Reed. 9100 4 23 6 "Tripi• Cron" (drama) '56 -Christopher Plummer, Romy Schnelder. Trevor Howard. 10:30 17 3 "The World of Suzie Wong" (drama) '61-WHllam Holden, Nancy I< wan. 11:00 9 "The Terror" and "Att1ek of the Mushroom People." 13 "Passa1• Home" (romance} '56 -Diane Cilento, Anthony Slftl, Peter F"lnch. • 11:15 2 CC) "Becket" (drama) '64-Rf~ard Burton. Peter O'Toole. J6hn Gielgud, Martita Hunt 11:30 7 CC) "A Very Speclel Favor" (drama) '65 -Roell Hudson. Leshe Caron, Charles Boyer. 5 "Double Indemnity" (myslt1ry) ._.,._Barbara Stanwyck, Edward G. Robinson. I 1e m le, Cy 1n, or 1$, Ir, le, ISS In· ne on 1rt. ·va lll. ln. 1h, lrd :va 1ny rol 1ne ert en. ler, >nt· my icy pel. .. >hn 51ie G. MUSICAL OPPOSITES It is going to be a meeting of two performing giants, two musical opposites. It will by no means be a contest or a challenge, but when the cool and relaxed Perry Como appears on the electrifying Tom Jones Show this Friday at 10 PM on ABC, audiences will see two styles as different as night and day. Perry Como is musical history and legend, dating back two gen- eratfons. He is the possessor of gold records for songs he has made classics, including ''Till The End Of Time," "Prisoner Of Love," "Temptation," "Magic Moments," ''Catch a Falling Star," "Seanle," and many more, with all his recordings having sold in excess of fifty ~Ilion copies. Perry also made a distinctive mark in television, and indeed, he is a charter member of that medium. The Chesterfield Supper Club, and The Perry Como Show, both long-running series, were great successes in the fifties and set the standards for the variety shows of today, most of which feature Perry as a spcciaJ guest star. And always, there is a Perry Como special. In the area of supper clubs, Perry chose to play the International Hotel in Las Vegas, his first club appearance in twenty-seven years. The reaction and response was so overwhelming, he was immediately signed for a return en- gagement which begins Tuesday, November l 0. Through it all, in all the decades of anxiety and hysteria, Perry has remained cool, calm and relaxed and his fans are legion. Tom Jones, on the other hand, is sensuality personified, with his own enviable million-selling records, weekly television series, and standing-room-only crowds at concerts and in clubs. His style is electrifying and exciting, and he too has gathered fans in the millions. This Thursday night, the two opposite styles will come iogether and there will be vibrations both frantic and relaxed. It is going to be a very interesting meeting. If all you wanted was a date ... you wouldn't need Discovery Dating a person is one thing. Dating a peis~n whom you can com- municate with is something else. And Discovery is the something else company-not just a computer in the back room, but a highly- trained staff of professionals who have successfully matched over four thousand people. So if you're tired of just another date, con- tact the something else company. PHONE (714) 633-9720 ~, I d. - -- -- -- ------- -I ~ I ISGOVBl'U One Cit.y Roulevard West, Orange Calif. !>2GG8 I ·'"~ 1 I A Division of National Sociological I · Inst itute Nnmo_ --------- ' Yn, I w11nt U> fincl out iC Di•~O••rry 11 rr11lly Atl•lrrll.'I I th11t <lilfuent! 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