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1970-11-06 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
FRIOA'f. A~N~ NOVEflilBEf ,g, ll 970 .. Wl..&N0.111.; •HCTioa..4f ...... A Cold Front \ ",.,....,. Becky Carraway ·of Norfolk, Va.: fs a fashion con scious .you.ng lady who 'likes bikinis. Jn fact, she likes them so much, she Jns1sted on wearing her polka dot model Thursday in spite of a cold snap along the Eastern Seaboard. It's enou'gh to give you goose bumps. California Jobless Rate Rises; Labor F or0e Less SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The jobless rate in california increased from 7 .1 to 7.2 .percent last month reOecting .• na· tional economic slowdown, according to the State Human Relations Agency. The agency said Ttllrsday that the unemployment level '4continued to renect the national slowdown in the-economy af· feeling particularly the defense-and 1pace-related industries." State oiliclals also said the auto workers &trike in Detroit bad a slight et· feet in California. In October 1969, the jobless figure was only 4.6 percent The unemployment total for Octo~ was 508,000 -the same 1s the Seplemtser figure. The slight rise in the percentage was due to a decline in the total labor force in October. The employmenl figure ror last month was 8.12 million, a drop of 89,000 from the previous month. . . The state agency said the ~aJor 1ob nductions were ln manufacturing, down • We•tller · Skies will clear up satW;day and turn sunny ' f~ Sundaf al?'l:g the coast, with •temperatum ~.to g locally I/Id "'P to 7S further ~ land. INSWE TODi\Y An comes to Newport Beach thi.s toee k with on lsrtul e:z:htbit at Hoag Memorial Hospital and a galleru 1how at Fashion l1la'l1d. .- Detail.a tn todav's Weekender, ....... 11 .......... ..Jt ~I• 1• _....~ 1i Cllilldllllt Ull t MtliMM ....,. •J ~ J\-44 ~~ CWfttr 11 c..Mklo n ""'-"'" ,... ~-· ,. ~ 1t·t2 =·~ 11 S'9dl MM"' 1'-11 °""'""' 11 ,......,... " •ll""'l•I ..... • "'""'"' n:t: ..... . , ... ~:. ·-=~ lMn tall! ~ IJ ;.f'N.n t.t ~ ' ............. ,,.. ~...-.-n •'I'' I . ·' 53,000, and agriculture, down 52,000. "More thall haU of tbe reduction in manufacturinl occurred in the canning industry where temporary workers were released as ·~ season tapered off," the age ncy said. . The reductions were partially offset by a 30,000 increpse in gover nm ent employes, resullng mainly from further gains in Public lducation as the fall term started. Smut Crackdown Nets Costa Mesa Father and Son A Costa Mesa father.son team hu been indicted along witb 12 other men in a ·federal crackdown on allegedJy obscene and JlOl'llOil'llphlc-malelial dls1rlbut.d via Lqs Angeles, smut capital of America. JoseRh Reitano~ 57, and Lucjan J. Reitano •. -.23, are ·cbarged with mailing obscene advertisements and transporting obscene ti!ms to sii Paul, Minn ., from Los Angeles. The elder. ReltanO bu been arretted and Cbar8'?d-belore .in co~ ~th his ad1,!lts-only bookstore ln Sa nta Ana, which police charged Jreaturid films and even plastic and rubber sex organs. .--A federal grand jury meeting in Los . Angeks lndicted the 14 alleged s mu t dealers, charging they are responslb'le fOr distribution 1lt-li10i'i than sa million pieces of pnograpby. · . ''Extreme ..... 1 ll<livlty ln ewy form," was the way, U.S. AUDmey Robert L. Meyer euphemistically phrased !ht evidence which led to the indlctmenu. Charges involved included federal tax evasion among other accuaat.lons, tOme carrying maximum penalUes of tflv~~ yeers In prilol>anct111>to•flO,ll00°1lne!l~1 each COWtL •' • • ID ane • • .. • • • . ... ... • •• . . • • • • • .. • ' • ' • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mesa Girls ·Recovering In Laguna Cave Rescue .. Terrori-sts ·Pusher· ·Ele~ted ' ) . -. . ' -, ' ' Set Bombs Drug Detiler Wins Justice Post . In Tel Aviv By United Pre11 Iatmaatloul Terrorists struck in the center or Tel Aviv today, exploding two bombs near lh!! main baa depot crowded with Israeli holiday-goers. 'Ibe bold atta<:k came only houri after the renewal of the U.S.· initiated cease-fire in the Middle East. The Israeli state radio l!'lid at least 11 persons were injured in the expl~iOft-! near the bus station in downtown Tel Aviv. A high-ranking police officer said the two bombs, consisting of about half a pound of explosives ·each, exploded almost simultaneously. ' LAWREN€E. Kan. (UPI) -Phillip C. Hill emerged·from obicurity Thursday to claim election as justice of the peace. Chances are he'll never be obscure again. Although he didn't tell either the voters or the politicians who he was or what he did before Tuesday election, he has told them now. And they might not like it. "Mainly I earn· my living by peddling dope," Hill said, "and l suppose I'll ~p on since you can't earn much as a JP arpund bere." ' Hill, 23, says he sells "all kinds of dope except heroin. I won't have anything to do with that stuff. But I sell LSD and mescaline and almost everything. There's not much money ill; .marijuana · -too . much of it growing around here.,, "If he's a damn hippie, I don 't know anything aJOut it,~· the Douglas County DemocraUc chairman &aid. "I've never heard of him. "Anyway, J thou1ht the office of justice of the peace bad been abollsh:ed. '' · , The office ·has not been abolllhed as Hill. a universlty dropout can leltily. "Just make a mental note of his name," said Attorney General-e~ Vern. Miller Thursday, "and how long it Is before you hear lhat he has been &r• rested." "I'll put an undercover agent on him.'' said Miller, who before winning the at· torney general election on a strict law· aJld-order campaign waa the Sedgwick County sheriff. "I got busted last summer," HUI said, "for breaking curfew." Twq justice of the peace posiUons were up in the general election. By custom, the Republican candidate geU one of the posts and the Democrat the other unless a third candidate conducts a wrlte-in. Hill filed as a Democrat the same day he registered to vote and his party never learned who he was until after the polls !See PUSHER, P11e I) The Arab-lsraeli cease-fire I i n e s , however, remained silent .with both sides agreeing to an extension of. the truce put the Thursday midnight deadliae (5 p.m. EST). Israel has set no time limit, but raid it will not shoot !int. Egypt laid today K will oot exteod the cease-fire beyond Feb. 3. Jordan abo aakl it It will abide by tbe utenaion. recom· mende<! in an Afro.Aaian reeolution ap- proved W~y by the U.N. General Assembly. County Land Developers Injured -in Pl:ane Crash The high-ranking 119liCe offictr in Tel A group Gf • .prange .h<:oi.inty land Aviv said a deliverj truck "'parked 11-devel.t a~ates is <recoverfnt to- legally near a movfe house apparenUy day juries suffered, In ~ne of two prevented a heavier cUUllty toll in carbo Y plane cr11:sh~ m rugged ~Y.'LJ2P)~_bea11• it acted u a northern California terrain since Wednes-- men injured )!! lbe ,\Vedn~ night crash were treated for acratcbes and bruises and would be re1eased today. Emerg~ney • j'"-f•,._. Team Saves · "1 BARBARA KllEIBICR ' . °'""'~,. .. ,,.,, Two teenage tuna'(aY girls fro.m Costa Mesa are recovering at their homes to. day after a harrowing midnight rescue from the rugged cave area in the bills behind Lagtina Beach. More than 20 rescue workers. three county-fire--department• units from1 lCl Toro aoid Llpfto Hill.., Sheriff's deputfeo and Laguna Beach police were sum· moned to the scene ·above Canyon Aerts Drive late Wednesday1 The aJann was sounded when 1 15- year-old boy, also a runaway, dashed Into the Laguna Beach . Pollce Department shortly after 11 p.m. to 1ay that his girl friend waa "having a seizure up in a cave." . After alerting .county fire unit! and an ambulance, a Laguna of! I c,e r ac. companied the frightened youngster baclC: to the Canyon site, just outside Laguna city limits. Whlle the ambulance waited below, regular and volUnteer firemen sciled the steep hillside and found not one, but two girls, aged 15 and 18, In oeed of medic.I aid. The 16-year~ld seizure victim, believed to be epileptic, had fallen and Injured ber hip. Her friends late11 tokl, Sheriff's deputies sloe had been "lhl'ee dlys without medicltion." ' shieJd aplnst tbe flying abrapneL daliiers in the -second-crash were ;led 'Ibey included the pilot, ruck 'lbeston. 'Unlibe . .:... .. _·:.1, 38, Santo Ana, •John llunn..-48, OL -r<UreUI · ·--The bus station was crowded with lnltantly. - workers-leaving for· the loog Jewilh Eacb·accident·tnvolved bUilders and in· weekend /WhJcb begins' at lunchtime on 1....:. doo b rd Friday. A similar bomb esplosion at thei vestors returning uvm out r o 1 ays tn Oregon and occurred while the planes same bus staUon about two years ago were In guided to instrument or rad io killed one penm and injured .everal landings. dozen more. The twin.enxine Aero Commander own· 'lbe entire aro was immediately seal-ed by Dunn Properties Corporation ed off. Witneslrel Aid tn111Y Arabs were ovel'8hot Ukiah Airj>ort Wednesday nigbt. takeo lrlto Cllltody !or questfonlng " (or banked nortbeast and paocaked mto a their """ pr-. They laid the n-i ' forested bill. TUslin, Wayne Calahan, 40, of · · Westmlnsl<r and Ray Smllb,' 38, of Women ·Stri;'. - Garden Grove. ~ Dunn is president of lhe firm that B k . · · H • • bears his name, with branches at 2009 E. ac' Ut awaii Edinger Ave., Santa Ana, and 111944 ·HONOLULU (U PI) _ Fed' up . with Kalama Rlver Ave., Fountain Valley. women 's lib? Try "Man's Rib." Theston biked froni the crash scene Attractive lli· Shupe ·bas aet tip Ute five miles northeast of the airport 'MnJra.. group called 1'Man's Rlb" tbJs week u 'a day morning to summon help for bis tribute to happy womanhood. of the crowd waa t<u:bemeJy angry." A "'1WiHngdie Comanche m Is s e d Tiie lemlrlst 1tlacl: come ohortly Eurd<o-Arata ,Airport 'lbunday .., companions and telephone-" lnformaWon Mn. Shupe set up a booth In Han Utt about the crash to federal aviation biggest abopplna ~center and ulEld - authorities. passersby to ·;'VOit yes if you enjoy beiJtC bef<ft the return to !Jroel of Pr<mler' dwlDdllri( fuel, clrtled, ron oUl of gas and Golda Meir from visits to the United slllmmed irlto an ocean bluff below the Stal•, Canada and Britain. rtmray on die finaJ approach. Mrs. Meir told an airport news con-_ _!'utborttielll at Ukiah HoepK.a] said the r......,. Ila! Wlii!Oippem 00 the EDP" Uan' side of the Suez CUal will cl<cide wtletber Itrael abides wltll the llanclst(I\ ciluse In the renewed tJiree.moolb c:e..o: IU.. Sbe also reaffirmed that lll'Ml WOllld not .,. .. to ....... -!alb In -York under U.N. -Gunnor V. Jarring until Egypt remcmt the Sovlef... built anttaircraft rnillllel -I ~" were moved cloeer to the sua ca.I in- llde u.e.~ ---ibl -fire 'Wblcb beclD oa AU(. 7. ' SYLVIA PORTER'S .. {~ . COLUMN DELAYED Sylvil Pods'• current series detailing how to If" money a. income taJea will not.be pilnjod lolllly be<aU.. of space r .. qulreD\11111. . The fourth 1rtllle In lbe series will be publlahed on MonU)''a flnan,cial page. • He Uid ~he• miMed the nurny 'fririle a ttrr." · .. making an imtrument landing appro.ch tiahtr· two signed up In the nnt "'° at the height of a heavy rainstorm, wbile hoUn and dozem more hive followed. ~flight from Eugeoe, Ono., to °""8• "W-. wl>o lip up for Mon'1 lllb ., Coun Y • oat --as ~ ene1111, 1IUt lee! ..n Dunn •nd his wocl1ta hid IPOlll ~that we were plucked from Ille rib - several d.ays hwltlng In the °"""" to his lieori mid lblt oar U...' would bo waocb. . · · ' ' : -polntlm wttbout him," oays 111'8' Sllupjo. Despll< their minor Injuries, Ibo Aen> -ol four and 1 ,,-- Commander was demolilhed when II husbond 11 deln ol ~ II Ille struck the low hill and ripped tluwclf'the uni.-t)r of H1'1111l. trees, sherifrs deputies sold. Women who Ulinl< of' the-1ves beb!I Vlcllna in tbe Eureka crnb 11\unday uMld merely as sex aymbols we "etdler were ldentlfitd u P. 8. Howe, vice pra~ kiddizlc tbe1111elva or lettiq man tlb dent of Palo Alto-Salinas Savlnp ind ldvantagt of lbem," Mn. Sllupe aald. Loan AasoclaUon ond l\'llll1m G. Krum-"U'• never been a problem 1!1111 ..., (See CllAlllD, Pap.I) • don ii.'' I • r:-::""":.-:~----------~-c-;-==~---===-. ------.. ' .1 llAILV PILOT $ Red China Recognized By Italians ROME (AP) -Italy, Ille MediW. ....,.. anchor of Ille North Atlantic 'fnoty Orgllllzation, re<opized Com· munlst China today. n.e defection of another U.S. ally from the anti-Peking camp was announced after a meeting of tbe Italian Cabinet at whlcb it ratified the 11 re em en t negotiators for the Italian and Chlnese governments concluded in Paris Thurs· day ifter 21 months of arduous give and take. San .Juan Capistrano Ousted Official Asks Hearing The rectnt suspension of San Juan lt\e council wN right and proper ~Ille Caplatrano's admtnbtrator-elerk Ernest they are &II honest men and none have Thompaon by the city council is stirring l>'rsonal gripes against Thompson. "They up more <if a q.ap than the departure of looUd at the job tieing done\aod weren't the awal.!pw& satisfied.,'' he said. The dat. !or Thompson'• •pub!~ h<arlng He furtller sfated .that tile re-place- ls e:ipected to be at at Monday's 1 p.m. ment"s stlary will depend on his eJPfl'· meeting of the 'council. The ou.sted of· ... Jenee and quallfleaUoll! and that a eood ficial has formally requested a hearing to man could save the city two or three whic~ he is legally entitled under the times the salary by exercising good busi· tenns of his contract. ness practices. The contract also states that despite "The charge of one-man rule is any defense made tn ThompiOn'• bihilf, 1udlorout. Thfre are five men on the the council's decision will be final . council with their own opinions and their So the anticipated public hearing is own ronsciences. As for the charge that I being looked at as a forum for public opi. cost the city money , that's ridiculous. I Nationalist cliinese diplomats in Rome and Milan were packing to leave for Formosa. Officials in Taipei said tbe Na· tionlist embassy in Rome and the con· sulate general in Milan would be closed and the staff Withdrawn within two nion and members of the community are chaUenge anyone to make a speeilic _ already looking foova_rd ,lo it much like charge and then I'll answer it." they would a three-ring circus. Ulwe said that Thompson does not weeks:-.-.,.. The break was not expected to affect relations bttween the Vatican and Pres.i• dent Qlia.ng Kai-shek's regime. The Na• tionalists maintain an ambassador to the Holy See, and a papal pr<>-muncio is assigned to Formosa . Saddleback Selections The shift also is not expected to affect Fonnosa 's small trade with Italy, con• sisting 13.rgely of motorcycles and small electronic parts. 'lbe Nationalists still maintain trade relationJ with Canada despite Ottawa's recognilion of the aunese Communist government on Oct. L!. One of these Saddleback College coeds will b'e tap. ped as the school's 1970 Homecoming Queen Satur· day night "7hen Gauchos meet San Bernardino Val· ley College Indians at Mission Viejo High. From left are Anita Becker, Mission Viejo; April Morgan, Fountain Valley; Rhonda Ferguson, Coronai del Mar, Di~nne ~ardy! Tustin, and Trish Thomas, El Toro. Saddleback will welcome back its only grad- uating class -the Class of '70 -during homecom- ing, which takes the theme. "Those \Vere The Days.'' Italy Is lbe.8eventh member of the IS. nation North AUant.ic Treaty Organi.ta~ lion to come t.o terms with Peking. 1be q_lhers are Britain, France, Canada, the Netherlan<ls, NOfWay and Derunark:-Hunt-Murderc f;lemente Chief's Son Government sources said the recogni· tion could have come several months earlier had Jt not been for the uncertain political situation in Italy. Italy changed governments four times while the negotiations were going on. Trial Recessed As End Nears Hit With Burglary Rap As in the negotiations prior to Canadjan recognition, one of the chief issues in the Chinese-Italian negotiatioris was the wording of~tbat part of the agreement referring to the COmmunlst claim to Formosa. Informed sources said it was •greed that Italy would say "nothing against and nothing in favor of" Peking's claim. The Ita1ian:.and Canadian governments consulted frequently while the Ottawa 1overnment was carrying on parallel talks with Peking. in Stockholm, and the aOurces Aid Italian., diplomab wefe .the authors of the formtila by which canada' "took note" of the claim to Formosa without endorsing or opposing It. Socillift i-Vice Premier Francesco De Martitlo ~cted that Italian recogniUoo of Communist China would accelerate economfc·tles between the two countries and aid Italy's chronic balance of paymtlltl deficit with ·Peking. Bill t leader of the COllSeMtivt Liberal party Giovanni Malagodi, said the move w..; .. new evidence of Italian weakness to C.Ommunist pressure." 1be unual resolution to throw Na~ tiontist-OdDl-«rt -of the United Nations and bring in Communist China was sub- mitted to the General ~mbly in New York last Monday. It was not clear what effect Italy's move would have on the -· Newport Cable Executive. Dies Newport Beach Cablevision executive Fred Webber, 57, collapsed and died Tb~y during filming cif a panel dlscwJsjon at a enlion of his pro- fession in Coronado Mr. Web , w o lived in Huntingtml Beach, was ap~arently stricken by a heart attack ur1ng the California Com· munity Telev i,on A 1 soc i a ti on con· ference. He was d' r of marketing for the firm owned by Foote-Cone-Belding a na· tion&l advertising agency and jom°ed the 1tation three months ago: By TOM BARLEY 01 tH 0.llY Pllel SllH By JOllN VALTERZA 01 tH 0.llY ~llol SllH An arrest and clamorous court case more than a year ago returned like a Jurors in the Orange C.ounty Superior ghost today with the arrest in Dana Point Court murder trial of Willia Dean Hunt of of 23-year-old Steven Murray on charges Newport Beach are today enjoying the of attempted burglary. f·~ d f h -• h Murray, a Costa Mesa resident. is the 11.,. ay o a t re~ay recess in w at son of San Clemente Police Chief Clifford has ~n a month-long trial. Murray. Judge William Murray sent the panel The young man's arrest in April of 1969 off to its three-day break at noon Thurs· -Jed by his own father -involved four ·day with the instruction that jurors-counts ~f .narcotics violations ~d a ~our· should return Monday morning to hear mon~ Jail sentence served in solitary confinement. final arguments by opposing lawyers. Sheriff's Capt. Jam~s Broadbelt said Testimony eoded Thursda y w i th the arrest 1ate Thursday night stemmed stat.ements from rebuttal witnesses call· from the complaint of a woman who saw ed by Deputy District Attorney Melvin two men at the rear of a Dana Point J f tb ·-·t· J d residence. ~ ensen or e pro;= ..... ion. ense~ an Deputies on patrol stopped an a ,o defense at,torney Sidney Innas Wlll ad· matching the descripUon given by e dress the jury Monday after which Judge: caller and arrested Murray, of 25.1 Murray will give final instructions to lhe cabrillo St., Costa Mesa , and Robert Gi!- panel fen Robeson. 19, who gave his address as · • . the Dana Marina Motel, Dana Point. Je~sen 1s expected to ask . the Jury to The two men were booked at Orange convict Mrs. Hunt, 44, of 2615 Harbor County Jail on the charges of attempted View Hills Drive, of murder in the killing burglary -a standard claalfication in on Dec. 14, 1968 of yacht broker Willis prowler arrests. Hunt, 56. Broadbelt stressed, however, that no Jl was stipulated early in the trial that the death penalty will not be an issue in the Hunt case._ Jensen will ask the jury to accept the prosecution argument that Mrs. Hunt plunged a foot-long butcher knife into her husband after the couple had quarreled over the· conduct of her 13-year-old daugh· ter. Dru. Hunt, blood· streaming from his chest, staggered torthe patio and died a short time later en route to the hospital. A police officer who investiga ted the killnng testified that Mrs. Hunt admitted the slaying while he interviewed her. Orange County's Measles, Kept Under Control ' There hasn't been a reported case of rubella, commonly known as German measles in Orange County this year and the health department hopes to keep it that way, Dr. T. J. Albert, director of the in· feclious diseases division. says all children under 12 are urged to be vac· cinaled against the diSease .• The disease is especially dangerous to pregnant women and their offspring, often resulting in birth defects. DAILY PILOT The la!l witnesses called by Jensqi testified that Mrs. Hunt was a violent woman and a heavy drinker and that her husband loathed any form of violence and avoided trouble of any kind. That testimony was offered as trcbuttal to defense claims that Hunt abused his wife during their marriage and struck her on more than one occasion . It is expected that Jrmas will ask the jury to acquit his attractive, black-haired __ cll~nt or ..aUhe m2St. re.turn _a verdict of involuntary manslaughter. Dr.~ Albert said the vaccination of younger children is urged so that they will not bring the disease home to their mothers or older sisters of child bearing age. the llealth department's--free-vac- cination program at schools is b e i n g directed at fifth grade girls, Dr. Albert said "If they haven 't had the disease by then we feel they shou1d be vaccinated as they are nearing the child bearing age." he reported. "However if they have had the disease that is the best immunization possible." ....,_, l•Mii tfllltl..._ ._. He has argued that Mrs. Hunt was a )Mnc ha~ h•r.I• ,..., victim of hypoglycemia -a condition c.. MM• s.. a-.... related to diabetes -at the lime of the ORAHGt: CO.l-ST PtlBLISMING <;OMPAMY killing and Ulat victims of the di3ease are J:obi rt N. w.M not, in its worst manifestalioM, responsi· 1>m1c11111 w,r1 ""bll&l!cl' ble for their actions. J.clt R. Corl.,. Defenae witnesses have testified that ~ ,.._.. • co.n.r.1 M_.., Mrs. Hunt bas not been able to recall the iliom•• Koml actual stabbing under hypnosis · a n d EdHw .. trUth-drug"-sessions anct-this loss -,,f 1\ot111s A. Morplih10 memory could well be produced by her MINl9lnl Edlttr .,. _, p ,. , hypoglycemic condition. - IWll...;:;.::eM.tr•UllOt Mrs. Hunt took the stand in her own om-defense during t.he trial. She testified that c.t11 M-: m ••' ..., '""' she: had no recollection of the actual stab- ,,....,.. •-.N 2%11 w.1 ....... aoui.w,.. b;na and did not realize her husband was ........ ~: 2ZI: '"°""t AVWll.ll ~~ "'°"'"""" a.di: 11111 ~ ao.i,_,.. mortaUy wounded unUl be collapsed on ltA ~ •....,,. E1 ~ RMI the patio. From Page 1 CRASHES • • • Women in child bearing ages who have not had German measles should see their physician for a check up blood test, the health department advises. From Pag•.1 PUSHER ... closed and he had reeeived 6,000 votes. "Secrecy was the NCret of my suc- cess.'' he said:--__....... • theft apparently occurred at I he resi dence. Broadbelt said that arraignment on the c~arges has not yet been scheduled. ad· ding that because of lhe .nature of the in- cidenl and arrest "evidence still might be lacking for a solid case." It was a probe l~d by Chief Murray in March of 1968 which led to the arrest of his son in the driveway of the family home. After the arrest, younger Murray ~elped eii;pose a 100-pound-a month mari· Juana smuggling ring, He then received the jail. senten~.e on charges of transporting -marijuana. Three yea rs' probation were included in the sentence Since then Steve Murr ay had moved io Ca~son City, Nev., to work in a manufac- turing concern w_hich subsequently laid off most of. its enlployes. . "He has lived in C.osla Mesa since then," the chief said today. "He's mar- ried and has a life of his own . "One has to wonder, sometimes how Jong the linkage in the public's mind has to persist between a grown son and a father who is a public official." The chief's anguishing role in the narcotics· arrests became a grave personal crisis. INTRODUCING • On the sidelines are numerous rumbl· want the public hearing to get his job ings precipitated by the administrator's back but to let the community know what suspension. is going on: A group of Thompson's supporters met fn the Ken Ulwe home at 27792 Camino Santo Domingo Wednesday to discuss ihe quality of their city government. Ulwe said the group is looking into the legal procedure for recal,!lng city councilmen and are sending feelers into the com· munity to see how much support there might be for such a move. Ulwe made particular reference to Mayor Tony Forster • .and his role in the administrator's ouster. He said there has been a personality conflict between the mayor and the administrator and that it is going to cost the city at lea!l $20,000 to find a replatement for Thompson, a person who would not even be familiar with the city. "The city has had one-man rule," con· tinued Lowe. "Tony does what he pleases. Besides that we have reason to believe he has cost the city several hun- dred thousand dollars in flood control money.'' Forster told the DAILY PILOT that he believes the judgment of the majority of British Garbage Gets Picked Up As Strike Ends LONDON (AP) -Britain's six-week garbage strike ended in a snap settlement 'fhirsday, Preparations began immed· iately for clearing the mountains of rol- ling garbage piled high in the streets of London and other cities. Union negotiators and em p I o y e r s reached agreement within hours of a court of inquiry recommendation that the 770,000 municipal employes -including garbage and sewage workers -receive nearly all they had demanded. As 1.he 65,000 strikers prepared to go back, a union official sa id : "Some people can be working this weekend clearing up the mess." " Supermarket Giving Away Perishables SAN LEANDRO (AP) -A supennar- ket chain, its warehouse closed by a strike, offered $300,000 in perishable meats and produce today to charity. Lucky Stores Inc .• which operates 170 discount supermarkets in California, Arizona and Washington, said the food - would be given away to accredited charities-between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Beef • poultry and lamb -one Week old -and bananas, tomatoes, lettuce · and o t h e r Uem!I are included. Lo c al 29 of the Office and Professional Workers Union, representing · 150 employes, struck the food chain last Monday and more than 1,000 other employes refused to cross picket Jines. The union says the dispute prim'arily con· cerns fringe benefits and a cost-of.Jiving escalator. In a full-page newspaper ad- vertisement, Lucky sait it w o u I d give the food away "rather than have it rot." The firm said it had made the "largest wage and fringe package" effer to the union in the chain's history. Picketing at the chain's distribution center here affects ()niy the firm's 22 stores in two Northern Californ ia coun· ties, Alameda and C.Ontra Costa. The markets remain open, manned by supervisory personnel. Gangplank Topples NEW ORLEANS I AP) A n overcrowded gangplank was blamed for a shipyard accident in which three men were drowned and about 20 others in· jured. • ' For the first time, this fine line of upholstery is now ovoiloblo lo the West. One of the finest producert of upholstery in the country, Sherrill will be t new ex· perience in viewing quality furniture. An unpertlleled selection of fine fabrics coupled with craftsmanship unmatched in the same p rice category. If you are in need of upholstery, be sure and come in to view this exciting collection of moderately priced, quality furniture. me, 54, employed by Pacific Shore Property. Hill said he ha~ the "unswerving sup- port'' of Democrats "Without their know· Ing it. They just assumed I was another °'mocrat" He llsted hl.3 campaign expenditures as $1 for the filing fee and "a few dollars In bribes to people to ketp their mouths DEALERS FOR: HENREDON DREXEL -HERITAGE I ' Krumme WI\ air the conlrols as the pl•ne passed over lhe Humboldt-Men· docino county line and was pieked up for radio guidance to the al.rpOrt atop an ocean bluU. ClrclJng again ori.r mllilne the runway once, the plane ran out of gas and Josl too much a!Utude ·in ita glide, •lamming lnlo th• bluff and plunglfll 200 feet tp the around. The mtn had \aktn o!lfrotn Drltan. a hamlet on the upper Klamath River, where Ibey bad been lisbln(. shut." · Hill ,.id being JlllllC!' of the peace should not interfere with his dope ped· dllng becaust beln& a JP ''doesn 't take much· time." • "1 plan to inan-y ptOJ!le, Including homosuulls. and tftaybf hear some cj.vil cases. 1 can hear cnes involvtn1 sums up to $1 and I flcure my friends are eotng to file a lo( •f tulla, mali11y lgllnat the pig• and that Uk.'' NEWPORT BEACH 1727 WMtcllff Dr., 642·2050 OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 " INTERIORS Proft1aloft1I Interior LAGUNA iEACH Do1l9ntrs Av1l11bl.._,,.ID-NSID 345 North Co11t Hwy. 494-6551 - OPEN FRIDAY 'TtL 9 Teft ,,,_ MW .. ON9fl C....., J41.1ld . ' -I 't J ~ ' ~ ' ~:. j ' j ' ' c t l I . I I I r ' ! '1 I· I ' . 1 ,, I '1 ' ' n I • ' ~:' 1 ' j ' I d t r I I l I f: I l .... ·---.,-, Hu~tington Beaeh EDITION . . • Today'• Fhia~ N.Y.··Steft• I '• voi:. 63, NO. 26', 4 SECTIONS, 44 PA6ES OR:AN&E ·CClU f'ltlD~Y. NOVEMBER 6, ]970 • TEN CE!m . ' Supervisor Pay Hike ._Sti:rs Ruckus~-fn County By JACK BROBACK 01 llM Dlltr Pll9t Steff OUtaoial Orange County Supervi!Or Altoo E. Allen OI Laguna Beach today defended a 96 percent pay raise voted for the · five-man board, while taxpayers 0fauncbed and fumed. €aunty Counsel Adrian Kim>er, meaft. while, warned of a new angle in the con- trovtny: aupitrvbora may get no-pay at all for awhile yeL Tho ·w1iote l!oppin(·mad laaue centers OD J>Wlle of ~oo IJ Oii Tueaday'1 • mem!>en that bo thlnbJl>ey.~ ballot off on major decilk>al Jib !be oJrport Alleo'I lllCCeSIOr, mth ·DI 1 tr I et and the lnarporatlon of the c:l!J oflntoe Supervisor'<led Rooald Capoen had until the new board tabo . ofl1oe In some strong feelings cm the Sllhject of the January," the apolrwntn coalinued. 95 percent · pay rallt, a spokesman "The new aupi!rvieor thinb i~ ii in- r.,ealed this momi,ng. conslstent foi !be board lo puob tlirwlh a "He beli"es that there· Is a good pay lncr<aae Joist bef0tt they g0~ He possibility that this move may be tied lo ·feelt II ls llJ.liilied and•allhougtibe ls·nol the1a<:Hilat two members of the·board deftyi11g that ocime in<rnaerls·deaa•ed, are~." the spokesman Bl.id. he would like ~to 1isee.. an 1r1biued,. ol>- "He1hal beeo telling people and board ject group of«illztna.stiidy•the mattor," tbe ....... n.uld. . . "Qlpoers baa pointed out that In the bUllnea world,, when raises are con- sidered, comparbolll .,. made with other Ind-. He 10!!1" you jU.t don't jllmp Into these 'tilings>'' Ille spoJcesman added~ ''lie a1ao feels It wouJd1be faien in· . to cons!del:ation 'that Ute voters of Orange Coun,ty tuned down Prop. 12." xuyperuld Jts, p.Uaale, ccttJd· mean that the aipel'\'ilOn In unclwtered coun· Ua, .. llke orange County, would not be paid wllet1 they lake ..a.. /- action to set their own ..iaom. He aaJd tbe pl'OpOlttlon WU I · tm- sUtutional amendment and · the tbte Constituti011 supereedes any previout ac-- tion by the legislalllrea that formerly have set the pay 111le for aipervilon. At the earliest a1 new ordinance, eouJd not be passed until Tuesday and It Would ndt become law witil » cla)'l later. If there's i. movement to collect~ for a rtfertndum to block tbe aupe~ · actloo, 45,!llO •ilnahlrel of ...,i.tend voters must be collected within ~ days of1 any salary ordinance by the board. J Allen, whose term of office expfrel Jan 4, laaued a statemeot on the conlroversYJ lodoy. i'Altbougb I have no aell·interelt la esllbliahing new talaries for the board of. aupervlson as noV. allowed by atata Jaw, I have always felt that it wu unfair tbat tbele aalaries were ~tabliabed at lbl !Seo PAY llllE,.Pqe ) . .. Hot · ·Iss·ue Fla.res Eµll-time Mayor Plan to Be Revived ....... ,..., ..... ,. nnT c...· S•mg Wecather ~ ;A ' • • ' By ALAN DllllON or -. ~ l'llM 1tett 'Ibe proposal for a full-time, elective mayor of Huntington Beach, narrowly defeated at the polls this week, will be kept alive. The question may be put to the voters 1n a .special. election early next year. Councilman Al Coen said this morning that the issue will be brought up at the next council meeting, Nov. 16. "U no other cowicilman raises it, 1 Beach Council Caught Up in s~~ •• iJ...' ·}" ·. '> . ....... ,. ........ a.-,._. ·~ft" a~ ......... , . ~ ~ .mil!'••' w· W · \ . . ~· ' Tk ...... 11'ittrOll' .•illl 'Ud "" . JI • ill ~ ..... u. Arl • ~ .~·,.to' u ecqt':-.ee;•~ -' I.!'""'' "J'fO. . ' A few raindrops falling on his head dl~n't deter !his ~ insignificant aritotints ct iitecii>1ia'ilon. siill, lt was the first 1ign of rafn ·for moire th&ii Seven months -aince last March. Weatherman aays weekend will, be clear. ''~ procedure wouJd blve been for the council to instruct me at a regular, public meeU.na: to draw up an ordinance on salaries and for the ordinance to be given a public bearing later and tbe11 voted upon," City Attorney Don Bonfa said. liurfei' this morning, as he headed toward the waves near Huntington Beach· Pier. A atonn front teased Orange Coast weather watchers today, but drop- Young Pollution Fighrers Flay Flush Sysw1n All kiiid1 of debris may go down tbe atorm drains in Huntington Beach, but several youngsters are not happy with the way they are flushed, The wash occurs when the city turas on the hydrants and flood! out the ltonn drains that have been abut off during the aummer. v.'bat happens ts that cartons, cans and bottles are spewed out in the sea, brought back by the tide and then picked up by beach crews. But although the beach is soon awept and tidy again the process does not please young polluUon fighters. "The beach is cleaned but what abou~ the sea?" asked Eugene Boriick, 17, in laklni the youngsters' complalnts lo the. city council. Borz.i.ck and Buffie Holding, 16, told councilmen that they felt a screen should be filed to the pipes llO the debris Is not flushed over the sand ind lnt.o the ocean'- "It isn 't a big problem, we know,'' Bonlck said. "But we ·have. to ·start somewhere." City Administrator Doyle Miller did, not like the idea of atlachlng screens Ito the :JO.inch pipes lhat form the storm prain system. He expressed concern that the dralns may become' clogged and pointed out that lhe city would be liable for any damages that would result. Harbors and BeaCbes DI.rector ·vmce Moorhouse said that tbe problem , also arises after every storm. But he ex· plained that lhe debris is picked up promptly alter II Is ""hed beet on the beach. "We remove 200 tons of truh a year from that beach," Moorhouse 1dded, ad· din( that be loo WU ~ with ocolOJ;Y. BonJck, a mmlber of the ecology club at F.dison High School, said that he and t.ls friends were not satisfied that lbe preterit system was adequate and rtilJ he.Id out for a screening fixturt. 'It's the sea we are conettned about," he Wisted. The councllmtn suggested he and hi s group ~t with Moorhouse to dlseu&S the problem. • Residents Petition Land Swap for Valley Schools. The question was prompted by. the ac- tion. o( county supervisort who 'met in a closed-door RMion with County Counsel Adrian Kuyper Wednesday to instruct him to draw up an ordinance bo:ostin& their llalaries from 115,000 to 129,268. 'lbe butlly called COWlty meeting followed passage of Proposition 12 which By GEORGE LEIDAL was built wjlh state funds and "the state allowed IOptrvisorial boards to set their ot ftM o.11y 1'1191111H would want ita.mooey back. Huntington own saJaries. If residents of the Fountain Valley por.o Beach would·have to bond t.o buy it," he A provision or charter amendment K, tion of Garden Grove Unified School speculated, noting t.bat that district has which also asked whether tbe citizens District are successful with a petition had difficulty ·pasang·bond eectiOnl in wanted a full-time elective mayor, would drive they may f(l'Ce ·ooe of the "aticklest reoent·yea:rs. have allowed city councilmen to set their transfers of school territory" In coun.tY M it stands now, the aimeiallon prcr salaries by ordinance after a public hear· history. posal has .been eDdorsed by a forma l ina:.1be amendment was defeated by 163 The land swap -tnvolvlng GGUSD's resolution of the City of.Fountain Valley votes. newest high school and ~wo eliµnentary to the c.ounty Board of Education, Mat· "Certain safeguards were built int.o the acboots _would take nearly one-eighth of thew noted that this ii an informational amendment that apparenUy the new GGUSD and join Jt to the Fountain Valley item only and requires no action from county provisions do not have," Bonfa Elemintary district. The high school county ~· 1ald. ·presumably would be operated by the However, if resident& who are seeking The safeguards included the re· Huntington Beach Union High School signatures are· &Uea!ssfut, h district to , quJrement or a public bearing and ap- District which serves the portions of receive the territory mast hold hearings proval by two thirds of the council. Fountain Valley not 1n the unified and decide whether to accept it. Huntington Beach ,councilmen presently distr:i While Fountaio-Vllley'-Sapt. Michie! receive a salary of S17S a month plus $125 Petitions from residents in the con-Brick was'reluctant <to comment until the a month in blanket eipenses. No decision had been made on what the tested area are being circulated In hopes petition wu presented foriQllly, be'said silary ahould be but It iJ believed that that 25 perqent ol registered voters will his adminiatntion was pte~1.for the moll councilmen felt the $175 figure force acUon that WU not likely 1o have pouibility and had B&ne)'ed t1'e BChoolli should be t 1eut $300 the resulted from con"sideratton by lbe three in the queitiooed • area lo. determint wou1a be : . Huntinctoii' aeaC:":: ~ school boarda involved. enrollments.. general Jaw and not charter city. Council Robert Matlbrw, director of ad-He noted that If ·all procedures for 1p-salaries in 1eneral law cities are based ministr~tive services for coanty,tchoolJ, __ _p~al were com~~by,..1Dec• 311 b!!__on-P9P!i1la.llon. _ desdibed~th erritory as -a 'lttaJor-dfslrict~ could"liki over "UM! 11'1 JUiy 1, Critics ol the amendment had · Pointed transfer." Involved In the shuffle are a 1971. out .that no aal1ry limit was set in the brand new high school, two elementary GGUSD Supt. David Plf.Dler, said he proposition. When the proposal waJ .. first schools and three sites owned by 'GGUSD. had not been approached bY Brick or of. considered by councUmen it contained a Alton B. Morse, assi.5tant superin· flcials or Huntington Beach high school proviaion that no present member would tendent of GGUSJ! noted that Los Amigos (See llCllOOL, Pate I) (Bee SALAJllES, Pqe ll Si~ for Bomecomitag _ These are p~cesses for tonlght11 Fountain Valley· !llgh School Homecomlna football game against Estanct• ol Costa M'esa. Cirts (from left) are Jan Kato, Paula Speir, Sharon Murpb,y, Cbrlltlita 'Al- 'T ' ,. ~ -• ~ -... ,., -c zate. Jariet Seybef\.anll ~betb .Domio. ·14iu 'Altate. the , sc:llaol'• Mlll••ll. Fjeld, Servlce ex· change 11udeitt fn>lll"~oli>nlbll, ii an honorary prin- ce11. Qutn will lie ilnnouDced il ~ . , ' I ( will," he said. "I will prOJ>OSe that 1 citizens group be appointed to study it and come back wilh reoommendatiooa oa all thiee iuuea in the amendnient." The three questions tn the amendment which Jost by just 16.l vo.tes were whether the city ahould have a full·time mayor. whether councilmen should be allowed to set lhelr salaries after a public hearing and whether city departments and boards should be under council control. "Perhaps_ a special election might be held nen spring il we have had su!Oclent atudy on it by then," coen said. "We want to make sure that everybody UD• derstands it and Jell. the -· ... , time." ~ Councilman Jerry Matney said today that. he believed the council ahou1d look into the possibility of hirint a consult.ant to write the job description. "We need to define the role more," Matney explained. ''This laa:t time we bad lo J'U!h Into It." Posher. Ele~ied -. . . Drug Dealer WiM Justice Post LAWRENCE , Kan. (UPI) -Pllllltp C. Hill emarged <roni obo<llrilY ~ t. ~~ u jqllJoe "'1111 . ' ~ are htll,'Dfttt ·M~· acaln. .. ' \ .... AlllJwP•llO clldJl!t t.D either lbe·-or the poUtlclans wbo he·-or what Ill did -· Tllesday,eleolloll:'ht lltil tolil them now, And they ·mllbi<polllllt'll. · "Mainly I earn my Jfylnl ijo ~ dope," HW tpld, "and J. IUP.i)qM 'll bi on ttnce you can't earn rri11Cb 11 '' J around here." Hlll, 23, says he sen. "all kinds of dope except heroin. I won't have uytbina: to do with that atuff. But I sell LSD and mescaline and alna:t everything. There'& not much money in marijuana -too much of it srowinc around here." "If he's a damn hippie., 1 dlo.'t know U)'lbbig ai.o.it IL" the llouglu County llmodraUc dlllrman said. "I ... .._, beard of him. "Anyway, 1 tboqht the office of iu-- of Ille peace had beeo aboliabed.'.:, _ . ~ The ol!Jce bu not been aboU.b;rMr." mu, a aplwntty dropoot ,can testif,y. ~JQlt I mate. I 'mentaJ DOte of hiJ nam~." Aid Attorney General-eleet Vern Millet Tbunday, '"and bow long it is before -you bear that-he bas been ar· rested." "I'll put an undercover agent on hlm, •• said Mlller,. who before winning the at. torney general election on a atrl~ law4 aJld.order campalsn wu tbe ~ County aberH!. . ' Terrorists S~t Of£-Bomhs In Middle . of_.Tel Aviv By Ualte4 Preti IDla'natloul Terrorists struck ln the center of 'hi Aviv today, exploding two bombl near the main bus depot crowded .. with 'taraell hollday.gocrs. The bold attack came onlY. hours after the renew1l of. the U.'S,• inlUated cease-fire in the Middle Eut. The Israeli state radio said at leut 11 persons were injured in tbe uplolions near the bus station in downtown Tel Aviv. A high.ranking police cfficet said the two bombs, consistJne of about haU·a pound of explosives -each, exploded almost simullaneously. The Arab-IsraeU ce-.fire I i a e s , however, remained silent with both 1idel agreeing to an esten&ion « the truce put the Thursday midnight deadllu (5 p.m. EST). Israel baa 1et DO"timp"limlt, but said it wlll not shoot first. Egypt said today Jt Will not extend the cease.fire beyond Feb. 3. Jordan al8o aaid It it will abide by the utenaion, remm· mended In an Afro-Aaian .raollltioQ ap- proved Wednesday by the U.N. Geti<rol Anembly. The hlgh-rankln1 pollc;e officer In Tel Aviv said a delivery truck par~ ti- JegaUy near a movie ~ appmreiitly pmoenled a hea•ier cuualty toll In today's explosions becaua& It lcted ' u a lllield against the Oy;ng lbrapnel,' 'lbe IJUs-statlon WU crowded with Workers leaving for tbe lq , Jewllb weeka>d which begins .al 1.-aa Friday. A l1milar bomb uplalloa al the • SYLVIA PORTER'S ·· COLUMN DELAYED . SJ>lvta Porte'• current aerla ilotallliw hOw to ave monay on tDcoml tum wtfi not be printed lnday becaUK of apace ~ qalremonts The r;,;;rtl, article In the mleo wlU be ..J!Ublbhod nn Monclay 'o financial pap. . ' . • • same bus ataUon about two years ago killed one person and Jnjlll'ed aeveral dozen more. The entire area was immediately seat. ed off. Witneues said many Arabs were taken into custody for questioning ~for their own protectll?n. They said the mood ' of the crowd wu "extremely angry." The terrorist atlack came sborUy before the return to Iarael of Prtmiey Golda Meir from Yislta to tlle United Stales, Canada yd;Brltaln. Mrs. Melr told an airport news con. ference that what happens on the Egyp. Uan side of · the Suez Canal will decide whether brae! abides with' the standstill clause In the f.newed lhf•moolb ..-fire. . • " ..... We•ilier. • Sides will cleU' up Salurda~ and lurn sunny !~ lluilday alq the coast, With tempetalure1 rising ~ ta locally and up la 75 further i... lond. INSmE TGDA V Ari c:c>m" lo N1WpOrt BIG<~ Ulil -k wl!~ .,. !noel ,.llibfl at Ha.(I lf<moriol HOlpitai nd a ~IJ!Ow al r.,IUO!. lolafl<I. ~"-mi rodaw'• Wt~r. -.. -. _ .. ' ' 1 CSlflllMf -lt-441 --.,....... ..... ,, ___ .. "-~ 11 . -. =--·f :=: ...... : '"-" ... ,, -" .. ......,. ti -. _....".._,, Jt••"*" ... . ..... ,, .... ... llldr ....... ,.,, ,_, .. -... -. ....... ""'" ,,.,, --.. ..... ... p.Jt I r'lll---~-::----:--.._,,.----.,---------------------- 2 DAl\.V men' H FrlQi, ~--6, Im! ' In Seal Beaeh U nil Awll{keil~d - -. For Rec ·all -· Fight II)' ftVDI NIEDZIELSKI --~""''-" The Good Government Group, a dor· "8fll Seal Beach organization formed in 1963 to COl!lbat gambling, has be<n ~wakened to aid in tbe CWTent recaU ~t agalnst veteran C.ouncllman Conway J. Fuhrman. • Mrs. Tom Blackman, wile of the nanizat.lon'a n e w p~dent, said the GGG, aa it Is c:ommooJy ret.md to by Deal resldenb, was reactivated Thursday r._mm1Y In fJoance a lootnil>i courl ba~ The group will ustmllate the pr<>recall '8.ve OUr City organlution in carryln& l1rough Fubrman'I r<eall which WU In' llat.d July 'ti, the same · clay Fuhrman md two other counctlman voted to fire City Msno1er Lee ~r. Members of the group have hired Loo lngeles attorney Glenn R. Wat.son to ~lion the Appellate Court in Sail krnaniino to set Jan. 12 as the date for he recall election. That move was sparked by the coun. 91's inability to set a date for the ,election luring a recent councll session. \\'.Ith Fuhrman ahltaining, the date was lead1ocked by a 2-2 vote. Meanwhile, however, a majority of the livided council has been successful in ob- ~ining the services of lawyer Russell W. lledsoe to contest more than 6,000 lignaturea already cerilfied on the recall tetition. These council members, which include llayor Mortm A. Baum. Thomaa Hop.rd, as well aa Fl.ihrm&n, have charged tr- Students' Switch. To Valley School District Okayed regularities In the collecllon of the •lll!Jlur<I which Include alleged decep- tive tactics by the peUtJonen. Both Wataon's petJtion and a 40-pqe argument are now awaiUng dis~ttioa at the Sail · Bernardino Court. 'Bleclaoe recedtly defended former gambling hall operator Wllllam L. 'Robertson during a lengthy business Ucense. revocaUon hear- ing before the Seal Belch City C.Ouncil. The 71-ye.ar old Robertson wa1 aqultted OR ·mlscoaduet chartee-sWTOUnding -hia .. - Marlpa , Palace dance ball by a S-2 city councl1 vote. Robtrtloli !Oil a baWe with the Good Government Group in .1152 when it was su_.iut , In e1tabllshlng a tou&b anU· 1ambllna ordinance in tie clly. Parsons Air Findings Under Fire By L. PETER KREIG Of tM 01llr L"illl Sl1H The Orange County Airport Com- mlslion may reject the entire Phase II nl the Parsons Repcrt on air transportation. C.Onunis&loner Robert Clark suggested the report be thrown out Wednesday nigtit after peppering Parsona company official Stanley Watab with an array of. questions that led the man in cbar1e of preparing the study to admit the Brea site recommended. for a futUTe general avlaUon fa'clllty la almost totally in- ad<quato. uTbla,'' Clark said, "leaves me with terloua doubts on the validity of the rest of the report." · The study, commissioned by the Board of Supervlson at a cout of llt0.000, wa.,. The children in nine homes without a supposed to recommend sites for a new school are welcome to join Fountain commercial )etport, a general aviation Valley School District. ·• airport and a recreational airpark, Trustees accepted a petitJon Thunday Walsh, co~ the entire ae.ction of tight from the nine resident.a who want to the report devoted to the Brea airport 1witcb. from Ocean View School District was .:Virtually a waste of time. recom· :O Fountain Valley. . mericlert the county instead concentrate The bomel are. in the far notlhwest on develo¢.ng Loi Alamitos Naval A.Jr rorner of an ·area bounded by Heil and StaUcin into' a Joint-use facWty for private Plamer -. venues, and Busbard and planes. J.lapolla .stmts. · Wa!Jb said there Is no optimum 111'1 Their children attend Fountain Valley'• · left r~ Orange County fem a aeneral avia- rlllllll'i'•lthool, with permialon of the tlon alrpoti. Ocean View School Diltrlct, because He aaid the Bell -Cihyon lite recom· -~I e ii no Ocean View ,chool they can mended for a commerical commuter jet- " stly i;esch. · port la the only •Ito lelt In Orll\le COWltv J>oundary cbanie la ~pooecl by accep_!I~ f'!I' that \)lll"J)OSe. Ocean Jla!<, but It won'i becilme 'l\llal -Cejll there'• no way to 1•t to I~" IDW 1111ri>ved by the Orance Coi1ntJ quipped comrnloaloner Roger' Slatoa of Board ii lllcmcation. Hliiltlnglnn Beach. ' Clark, who lives In Brea, ahot ad- Front P .. e 1 SALARIES ••• beneflfinmi a raise but tbis clause wu de.Jetel-----· ~nfa also stated today that he did not eooslder cUscasa:ion of an ordinance. by councilmen a ~table basla: for an ex· eeutive ..U under the Brown Act. "Wby do you need an e.ncutlve session lo discuss an otdlnance when all the ordinance does is set the amoon.t?" he uked. · · · : Bonfa also pointed out lbat il dlarter amendment K had been approved it would not have become effective until certified by the Legi1lature and therefore the coUncll could have waited for a regular meelin& to have the ortdinance prepared. Both COWlcilmen Al Coen and Jerry Mainey agreed this momlna that this Is the route the city council would have taken. . "Tbat'a what would have had to be," ,P>enO>lllllWlled. DAILY PI LO T Cu.HQ! COAST PUlll.llHiNO COMPAN't Reilett H. W.M Pl'll!Mnt eM "'*lllMr Jack R. C111l.., Vlc.e ,,."'!d at.cl Gerlorat ~ 1'1101r1•• K1evll IE'lltl' 1'11e1r1•1 A. M11""'1- M1n10111D IEfl:or Al1ii Dirll" W.t o,.,... COunfY hltrw AllMrt W. latH .......... 11111" ........ ..., ___ _ i 17115 ..... a.iliiar4 Mailia9 Atlit .. I ! r.o .... 790, t2'41 I --1 a....,,. 8eldl1 m ...,...~ ..t ___ ~teM .. ~•W.....,I.._. ......-i ~1 1111 Wist ............. ... n Cllll'llfllt: • ,,..,,,. II C:.-. bit ditional boles in the Brea re.com· m!Jldatlon. . .. . .. He said Parsom. had used J~year-old label COii fllutts; It neglected the fa't thlt thtee acbools have juat been buJlt at ~ end of the propqaed i:unway and th1t a 'main drainage chaJ:lnel runs ltl:ht across it. These problems alone would Tesult in more than doubling the estimated $6 million cost for developing the airpOrt. ~On top of that,'' he uid, "the airport cuts off every east-west road {'laMed in the city, including a freeway ." .Jt would eo1t a million dollar1 a mile tn ·relocate some of Ule thoroughfares, be slld. •• There was more, the city has built a sewer and storm drain line through that area that would cost an additional $1.25 million to build over or re-route, Clark pointed out. Clark said Uie city of Brea would have to change tts entire muter plan to cope with the airport. "It ts obvious you did not use the latest lnfon;naUon available in preparing your recommendations for this airport,'' Clark said. , "I£ thla ts a reflection on the balance of the 1'iport. then we have some serious ques!IQnl Oii the rest of It." 'l'1lt commiulon did not delve into any other recomme.ndaUona In detail and said hearings on the rest of them will take place nut Tuesday and ThW"Sday at 1 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors hearing 1"0m. Elmer Barnett Services Slated Funeral swlces will be held 5aturd1y for Elmer E. Barnett of Huntincton Beach, .who was killed Monday In a car cruh in the Cajon Pua. Mr. eamett. 44, wu bom tn Orange and sraduatad from Santa Ana High School. He wu a veteran of COut Guard service during World War n. and aerved J with the Air F6rce after. the war. J _ _ '-• He was a partner In the B and T .! ... ~. WMt .__ • __.,... Plpelli1e CO. of Garden Grove. · ~ .. ,_._. •t.... ,,_ He was also a member of the. Santa ~~ •: ':.., ....,";:: Ma Eilts Lodae. _...,_ ,....,. v.-• ..,.. w11111 '-The CIUfoml• Highway Pat r o 1 ~';.r-r. ;:r .:': ;:""'W:: re.ported that Mr. Barnett was fat.ally in- s:;r:~c::=.. ....._.,.. • •• jured when his car collided wtth allruck L T_ll••• 111 t7t4t '4.,...111 at the suminlt of the pass. r'!" w CllJI 141-tm He Is survived by his wife, Lila Q-ane 1a r 1 M11w11·t 1 ui.u11 Barndt, a son Edw•rd and a dau1hter ""' .. _ ---Pamela, all of the fsmlJr home, 10032 "' ----. ....., .. ...., Stoneybrooke Ave., HunUnaton Beach; = ~-: ... -;: hfs father, Pemel Barnett. of Htmet, and C:..-;:::.n .._.. ... di two b~rotbtrs, Pernel 0 . and ~!ton, both _.. ...., c.1 • ::;r:• .., of New~ &ach. l...:::::-~•:• •:~:!"•:•::·"'~i.'Il~-!•:•~•-.:lf·;.;,.,":'J SeTVlCll wl11 be held al 10 a.m. al tbt. • BeU Broadway Chapel, Com Mesa. I F-rotn P .. e 1 PAY HIKE ••• whim of the state Legislaturf. ;'If we were a charter form of IOYtrD• '- menl there-.ii no questiQDjp my mlild but that the salar)'. ocbedule would be lied in 'with ,Ilia\ of 1t11e JIJdlcJary as in Lo-< . Anc•le1 County," Allen continued. · Los Angeles supervisors are paid ap· ~ prox.imately ,$32,oOO a year, the same as Superior Court judges. '-'Jt has be.en · the retpoDJibiUty. of ·the • grand jtiry to make reco'tnmendatiohl on i the salary level of the board," Allen ad-·f. ded. '1Jn the eight years I have been in ~ office, these recommendaUons have been :'"; ' con_si.stently ignored by the 1 t a t e :1 legrslaturt." . -r• "No do~bt the present salary scaie of·--: supervisors is very, very low," added :_! F o urth District supervisors, newly· '"! elected Ralph B. Clark. '"Otherwise J -! v:ould pre(er to say nothing more at this time." Clark, who w·ill take oUice Jen. 4 ad-: ded however, 11J have· received dozeM of :: calls on this subject blaming me and I ~: had nothing to d.o ·wilh it , of co:Uae. I ~ h~ve eno!Jgh as an Anaheim councilman :: without interfering with the Board of :- Supervisors at lhis time. . • .: Hush Hush, Sweet Satellite "M,ost of those who called me agreed ..:-: that the present salaries of the : supenrisors afe too JoW, but ~dded -that ;!. they thought the!; .95 percent raise was too :: much,'' Clark safd. · :.- ""' "As it stands at this time those on the . : -: What was supposed to be a hush hush launch of an Air Force Titan 3-C rocket bearing a super secret spy satellite .obviously was the best known secret in Cape Canaveral, launch, see Page 5. Fla. For story on today's . From Page 1 SCHOOL ANNEXATION • • • district about the annexation. However he said the anneuUon attempt "wU being promoted by a small group.·• "The loss of Loa Amigos to the GGUSD would overcrowd olher high acboola in the district," be said, "and create prob. lems of racial imbalance. . "It is mlaleading," he charged, "to in. dicate that Los Amigos eerve.s only Foun· tain Valley children." The school at- tendance area includes portions of santa Ana and Garden Grove as well . SHUFFLING SEEN Thus, GG USO would have t o redjstribute children who now attend Los Amigos to other high schools in the district, if the petJtlon move la approved by the County Committee on School District Reorganization and the C.Ounty Board of Education. The County board may approve or deny the transfer request , Matthew explained. At stake,. according to the city council resoluUon, It the desire for "comnumity integrity" which would "be Improved by adjusung . boundary lines so that au residents of the City of Fountain Valley are with the •-Fountain Valley School District." COMMERCIAL AREA GGUSD officials noted that lhere Is a commercial area yet to be developed that is attractive to the school district in terms of assessed valuations. Neither di!trlct Ls listed among the "high wealth" districts of the county. GGUSD r a n k s 25th among the largest districts in California in terms of wealth, but is the eighth largest in the state. Paynter doesn't buy the argument that school district boundaries should match city lines. "There isn't a distr ict in the ,CQUnty that does. GGUSD contains portions or-an of nltie citles,"lle noted~ - Matthew agreed that there are no districts which have idenUcal boundaries with cities. "I don 't see any relationship between lhe two," he said. Construction Starti Ag on New Valley Hospital Construction started this week on Fountain Valley's first hospital, a $4.5 million, 114--bed complex. lt will be ready for patients sometime ln m.id-1971, according to Dr. Richard Ayres, spokesman for the 28 doctors who are building the hospital. Each department fin the hospital ls designed to hand1e eventual expansion to a ~bed fac ility. • The hospi~I is located at Euclid Street and Warner Avenue. It will contain two nursing units with 91 ti~ fp( _medical.,surgical patients, a separate pediatric wing with six beds, and a separate Isolation area for upper respiratoi-y and post.surgical care. A fully monitored intensive care and coronary care unit ls planned for eight patients. 1bree deluxe suites for patient and spouse also will be provided. board will have to face their Constituent& : for th~li' actf.ons,'' newly. e 1 e ct e d ::-super.visors aaid. ' : ... T~xpayers · throu_ghout the county ·'are · .: furrung over Wednesday's.decision, but no ~ one has stepped forward to lead a .• referendum or recall drive . Secretaries in-tbe supervisors' offlct1 .: said the telephone calls continued to pou? -~ in. today as tber. ~d most of ThW'Sday '~ f~m . citizens PfOtesttng' the proposed ,.,\ raISe in supervisors' salaries to $29,289 a year. Board members currently are pald $15,000 annually. A new angle in the COJttroversy Joern~ • ed today with the ruling by County ~ Counse~ Adrian Kuyper that t he '• supervisors may not get paid unW a new salary schedule is adopted and perhaps not until 30 days after that. From Page 1 Scho~ls Studying 44 Applicants A special screening committee will begin revie wing the applications of 44 new educ.ators interested in the top job at the Huntington Beach Union High School District Nov. 13. But when the district will hire a man to replace Dr. Max Forney, who retired last August as superintendent of the 52-square mile district, is still anybody's guest ac· cording to Asst. Supt. Scott Flanagan: Further, county trustees may direct that an election be held to' determine the sentiments of people affected by the transfer. This election may be held dltJ1. In the ·u.1 In be transfefud 'Or throughout the dla!licts •Heeled. The la~ ter option, if choaen by the County Board of Eductaion, would mean that voters in all of the OOWD, !lunl~ BeNll' Union H!lb scliool' District alid ll'ountali! Valley elementary dlallid mllht vole cin the sh!IL county ··Trustee Don Jordan, wha represents ball the Garden Grove district and all of Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach, old that in past transfers of ~ool lands, the county board usually urged local boards to agree among themselves. 'Ibis option seems to have been by pas- sed by the residents see~g petitions Brick said . ' The Tadlology department will consist of two major x-ray rooms, one equipped for special procedures. An isotope scan- ning r.oom is also included. The pathology laboratory is planned for all standard laboratory procedJires. The position was re.advertised in ~ber after a previous screening com· m1ttee was unable to select a superin· tendent from about 72 interested persons. . I Orange County's Measles Kept Under Control There hasn't been a reported case of rubella. commonly known u German measles in Orange county this year and the health department hopes to keep it that way. Dr. T. J. Albert. dlnctor of the In· fectious diseases division, says , all children under 12 are urged to be Vac- cinated against the di1ease. The disease is especially dangerous to pregnant women and their offspring, often resultJng in birth defects. Dr. Albert said the vacclnatJon of younger children is ur1ed 10 that the.y will not bring the disease hOIQt to their mothers or older sisters of child bearj.ng age. . The health department"s free vac- cination _program at schools is b e I n g directed' at fifth grade girls. Dr. AJbert said "If they haven't had the: disease by lften we feel they should be vaccinated u they are nearing the child bearint age," be reported. "However if they have had the disease lhat la the belt lmmuniuUon possible." Women 1n child bearing aae.s who have not had Germari measles sbOuld aee their physician foT a check up blood tell, the health department advises. Man Enters Window, It's the Governor! ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -"I woke up In the dark and there wu a man cllm~ bing in lhe living room window," said the 17-year-old babysitter. "l was scared and about to 1cre.am when I saw it was tbe new covemor,0 said Joanne May of ,St. Paul. Mlnnuoli Gov.-<lect Wendell R . Anderaon sppanaUy had forgotten his kty tlidlon nllh~ aectlaltaUng his entry throulh the window eorl; Wednetday mornlllC. Ando-llld he rant Ille doorbe.11 .eve.rat Umt1 but wu not able to awaken the babysitter. wt)() had 1taytd up lite watchtnc election returns. Girls Selling Cookjes Girls from Huntington Beech H J g h School Will dole out cookles aqt_cake un- til s p.m. today •t a stand tocfted on the corner of Brookhul'll Slrett 11lif Adaln• Avenue. 11te money from their bake 1111 will be 11"'1 to aupport Glrla J.eque ac- tJvltie.a on their campus. Jordan feels the board policy has been to call an election "to allow the voters to decide. Seldom has the county board stepped in to dictate a solution." he said. Hospital facilities will also Include a 1,000 square-foot emergency treatment room equipped to care for eight patients simultaneously. Flanagan said lhe new committee may Tevlew the papers of the earlier aP" plicants as well before recommending any finalists to th e board of trustees for interviews. INTRODUCING . • • For th. first time, thi' fine tne of upholstery is now av1ilablo to the West. One of the finest producers of uphoktory in the country, Sherrill wnl be a new ex- perience in viewing quality furniture. An unperalleled selection of fine f1brics coupled with cra~smanship unmatched in the same price cetagory. If you i1re in ne.d of upholotory, be 1uro ond como in to view thi1 exciting collectioo of modorately pricod, quer.ty lumitur. • DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE 7etl. " INTERIORS NEWPORT BEACH 1n1 W1tt<llff Dr. 642•2050 Pref111len1I lntodor •-•s N LAhGCUNA llACH • OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 Dotf1nan Av1llal>l-"ID-NSID -ort oast Hwy. 4""551 - ' .. - M • OPIN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 -.. 0.-,. c..., 140.1161 ------ ' --• . " ~ I . . ... ·------....-------. ---.. -. ----.-.... ----.---...... ·-. --. .. . ·------- DAltY I'll.or 1 · • ·seenes ~ :Youeu-Never .See TV on Joblessness ... 111 Italy, China Establ~h Diplomatic Relations R()l.1E (AP) -Ilaly, the Me<liter· ranean anchor of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, recognized Com· f hlunisl China today. The defection of another U.S. ally from 1 the ant i-Peking camp was announced •after a meeting of the Italian Cabinet at which it ratified the a g r e e m e n t negotiators for the Italian and Chinese governments concluded in Paris Than· day after 21 months of arduous give and lake. Nationalist Cblnese Ctiplomats in Heme 1i and Milan were packing to leave for l . Formosa. Officiah in Taipei said the Na· J · lionlist embassy in Heme and_th~ coo- &ulate general in Milan would be closed and the staff withdrawn within two weeks. The break was not expected to affect rrelations between the Vatican and Preai· dent Chiang Kai-shek's regime. The Na· tionalists maintain an ambassador. to the Holy See. and a papal pro-muncio is sssigned to Formosa. The sliift also is not expected to affect Formosa's small lrade with Italy, con- sisting largely of motorcycles and small electronic parts. The NaHonalisls still maintain trade relations with Canada despite Ottawa's recognition of the Chinese Communist government on Oct. 13. Italy is the seventh member of the_lS- nation North Atlantic Treaty Organiza· lion to come to terms with Peking. 'Jbe others are 'Britain, France, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark. . Government sources aaid the recognJ. lion could have come teveral months earlier bad it not been for the uncertain political ·lituaUon in Italy, ItaJy .changed governments four times while the Degotiations were going on. As in the negotiations prior lo Canadian recogniUon, one of the cbief issues in the Chinese·Italian negotiations was the wording-of that-part or. the agreement referring to the Communist claim to Formosa. Informed sources said it was agreed that Italy would say "notbing against and nothing in favor of" Peking 's claim. Sen. Mnrphy Got Idea From What Tunney Did I By RICHARD P. NALL Of lfle Dally l'llel Sttff "The President and Vice President and most members of the cabinet came out and tried to tell Calllomiam how to vote ••. "And I'll tell you something, Californians like to make up their own minds." "r Thus spake John Tunney, elect.ion night. Wild cheers followed from his supporters, many of them young. Rate Jumps In October . SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Tbe joblas ' rate In caurorn1a lncreued from 7.1 to 7 .2 percent Jut mooQI re!lectinc a na· . tiooal economic alowd~, accordfD& to Ute Slate Human RelatiDDI Agency. . :: -The at""Y said Tbundoy Iba! the ._. µnemplDyment level "continued to reflect the national slowdown in the economy af.. '!, fecting particularly the deferuie and ... 1pace-related industries." State officials also said the auto ·. workers .. trike in Detroit bad a slight ef· 1 feet in California. In October 1969, the jobless figure was •i only 4.6 percent. •, The unemployment total for October was 508,000 -the same u the September ~ figure. The slight rise in the. percenta&• , .. was due to a decline in the total labor tJ force in October. ' The employment figure for Jut mantti was 8.12 million, a drop of 89,000 from U. previOWI month. .. ; The state ac""Y laid the 'majar foli 'l ·reductions were in manufacturlftt, dowD .,.-; 53,000, and agriculture, down 53,000. "' What's Goi1ig 011 Here? "More than half of•tbe redactlm In .. manufacturing occurnd in the cannlnC 111 industry where temporary workers were i.1 released as the season tapered off," the agency said. ·,, The reductions were partially affRt tiy . \Vh at Is the man at the l eft doing \Vi th the lady's compact? What does the man above have in those suitcases? WeU, the man with the pancake make- ~P is television newsman Robert Pierpoi nt prepar- ing to go before the cameras to record President Nixon's departure from the Western White House. The man 'vith the suitcases is a Secret Service agent, hustling !tom helicopter to Air Forte One across a patch of El Toro MCAS runway with the first family's baggage. These slices of life were re- corded Wednesday as the Nixons left SY! Clemente for \Vashington, D.C. a 30,000 increase in g1>vernment empl1>yes, resulting "mainly from further ~ gains In public education as the fall term '. started. Founder of State Descendant Dies County Rapid Transit Under One System By JACK BROBACK .. ,. WASHING T 0 N '(AP) A phosphate -Is used In leaded gasoline to FRESNO (AP) -Amia Mae -Jg!ILo Massachwetts researcher says new stop spark-plug fouling caused by the Richart, great granddaughter of the cnly • evidence from experiments with mice lead. president of the CallfDmia ~ Fiii · · suggests that men who breathe 8 Repubtlc, died Wednesdi.y in a rest bome. chemical used as . an additive in leaded Epstein said 'Jbursday the chemlcal ap-She was 88. parently caused a mutation in the male H t di th G wm•--• gasoline may be unable to father healthy er grea uan a er, en. WJUU • children. sperm. The result was males treated with Brown Ide, helped found the Republlc 1n • the chemical and then mated with un· 1846 d elected 'd t cl Dr. Samuel S. Epste1·n. or the l t d f I an was presi en rea e ema e.s were unable tD produce Califorru·a -. sta·•-· ·-~ the I Children's Cancer Research Foundati'on b · '11 M:: JOli-:u u 0 On em ryos capable of living outside the after the Mo:lcan-Amertcan War. Sperm 'Affected by Leaded Gas? in Boston, said the chemical -trimethyl mother's womb. Funeral services will be Saturday. '4 The Orange County Transit District , r"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... iiiii.,,;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;i;~~i;iiiii;ii~~~~~~~-~ was born Tuesday. What is it supposed to do? How will it get into action? Of tfl• DlllY l'llo! 11•11 Proponents of the new entity, approved by the voters 2.11 ,977 to 174,231 Tuesday, said it would: -Bring the total county rapid transit problem under one system. Presently there are individual francbiles in various cities, plus the RTD buses from Los Angeles. Most bus fbma , are losing money. -'Provide an 1gehey 'for county participation in regional decisions and systems development. -Implement a short term solution to our mass trailsit prDblem. -E§ta.Q.l!~fl _![l~g_ency capable of presenting all of the facts to the public and implementing action fa,vored by the public. \Vhen and how does it get into action'? The passage of the measure Tuesday Immediately created the district. But that doesn't mean immediate action. First a board of directors must be ap- pointed, two by the county supervisors from their number, two by tl}e county League of Cities and a filth ni.ember by the first four. M. IOOn as these appointments are made the transit district is a fact of life. 'Ibe directors are empowered by law to levy a tax up to five cents per $100 assessed valuation. They may also Incur a bonded In- debtedness with the approval of the voters of up to 20 percent of the assessed value of the district. The district covers the county and the present assessed valuation is $3.9 billion ao the transit en- tity could conceivably sell bonds valued up to $780 million. The district may also Issue revenue bonds payable solely from the revenues of any facility or enterprise to be ac- quired or created by the district. They would also require a vote of the people. The final PoWer of the di.strict ls to ac- cept contributions or kians from the federal or state governments or any department, instrumentality or agency of either for the purpose· of financing the ac- qujslUon, construction, maintenance and operatJon of transit facilities. . ' ' . ' • I ',I • : .. ·• .. .. ' . ' i ' l • ' l It was funny 'really. Tunney was right about the Nixon administrftion throwing in everyone agalclt ·him but Manolo Sancfiez. the Pruident's valet. , They were trying tD save their good old song and d_ance m;;in, affable Sen. George Murphy, 68. The act bombed. The Board of Supervisors decided last August to put the district question to the voters at the strong recommendation of the Orange County Trarullt Committee. I I THE FUNNY PART was the 36-year-old winner's carping about facing all the administration top guns. Had Tunney fOrgotten what he did to his first political opponent --siI-years-ago?- Tunney, then 29, was tunning In the 38th Congressional District for the seat of one-term ReP.. Pat Minor Martin, )'OUthful, goOO-looking Riverside Republican. Martin was about 38. He and his supporters attempted to tie the carpetbag label on the youlh- fuJ Easterner. Tunney was, it was said, part of the liberal Kennedy van11Jard sent out to the tules to capture congress1o:ia1 seatl.' Senatc>r Ted Kennedy and Senator-elect TuMey were chums at law school. TH& KENNEDYS, the Rooaevelts, LBJ, and about every other Demo- cratic big gun began arriving to tell Cali!Dmians in the 38th district how to vote. The son of a great fighter and every inch a fighter in his own right, Tunney was too much for Martin. Tunney won and then in the next couple of camPatrns knocked olf lightweight oppone$ wllh ease. And In.the interim, Ile seemed to get along with the conJervative farming interests 1n Imperial and Riverside counties pretty well. • Then came the prelim with George Brown for the Democratic nod. Tun- ney -whose image was leas Uberal than Brown's -won the decision. THE MA~ wl~ Murphy didn't reaJJr seem Uk-e the battle of the cen. lury. Murphy had betn staa:gered earlier by the Tedmlc61or lollfttlftus punch. Even with Ni:1Dt1 and Governor Reagan in bis c«ner, be Just eouldn't •land up to the youUilul Tunney. So we have a new champion who Afl Cllilcnians don'l Uke to be told how to vote. Thi! group, headed by Hubert L. Ferry of Fullerton had been studying the transit problem for many years. Formation of the district was backed by the League of Cities, the UCI-Pro)ect 21 Study Team on Transportation Need,,; the Orange. ·COunty Chamber of Com· merce; the League of Women Voters and the American Auociatiop of University Women. Only opposition t.o· tbe district came rrom traffic engineen of several county communJtle:s who urged further study before submitting proposal to the voters. Orange Counly Road COmmls!floner Al Koch bas been one ol lhe biggest boosljl for a transit district. "Mass transit facilities as they exist in the county ·are fragment e d, un· coordinated and non-continuous,'' he not ea. "They offer at best only a very limited 1ervlce restricted by artificial boundarits and are unabl~ to meet the demand for movement In meaninCful tranaportaUon corridors." Koch points out that formation or the dlstrlct make the county eligible for -federal Urban Mass Tr;wportalion AdminlstraUon funds. ZENITH 111" HANDCRAFTED ii DIAO. The HAWTHORNE •l2002J Gracefully slim "super screen" portable. Deluxe Video Range Tuning System. 20,000 volts of picture power. Monopole an· tenna. · ZENITHIN' HANDCRAFTEDLS- n.ARUNOTON. 82211 "Super screen" portable In· vlnyl •cl•d metal cablntit.lle· luxa Yid .. Ranie Tun ing Sys. tom. 20,000 volts of picture power, DIPol• antenna. . ZENITH -Makers of famous CHROMACOLOR TV AND APPLIANCE HARBOR CENTER 2300 HARBOR COSTA MESA 540-7131 . . ; . • .. • •' I 1 .. • f DAILY PILDT Analyses Analyzed ~~ OL •• ( ' ~ . -4~· .. ;'l want to make mytell :: perfectzy clear ..• ' , Uy DICK WF.ST ; WASIUNGTON (UPI) -Last week"s (. election has by this time been pretty f thoroughly analyzed. So what we need ~ now perhaps is an analysi1 or the analyses. . • The major conclusion 1 draw from the • 1.776 election analyses l have read is that ~. the election was highly unusual in that it bore out everybody's .predictions. The election also represented a victory for bOth sides, of course. But that is a fairly commonplace. Political history of· • fers many examples of both sides win· f-ning an election. ! Elections that bear out everybody's predictions are, on the other hand, •, relatively rare. ! (I am not referring here to predictions of winners in individual races. The predictions I have in mind concern general election trends.) AS I ANALYZE the election analyses, I : : The Lighter Side ~ find that my own prediction was about • ~ 99.ff percent accurate. I had predicted a swing to the right among liberal voters and a swing to the • left by conservatives. Except for a l handful of exceptions that prove the ruJe, :" that is exactly what happened . In virtuaUy all races where o l r i c e s changed hands, liberal incumbents were defeated by candidates to their right and : conservatives were replaced by can· didates to their left. :-The instances o( liberal losing to some- = one even more liberal, or a ocn· -!-aervative losing to &0meone more con- servative, were almost too few to men- tion. Think about that. And what does this bode for the • republic? Well, some analysts say it ~ means that Americans are engaging in ~ cross-polarization. (These ate J. ~ e ~ analysts who had predicted a movement : of vt1lers from one pole to another.) ~ OTB.ER ANALYSTS say il means that ~ the voters are becom\ng polar\led in the ~ middle of the road. (These are the analystJ who had predicted middle-Of-the- road polarlzation.) · .., And still other analysts say lt meaM : the voters are becoming polarized around r the same pole. (These are the analysts • U~IT ........ Remarkable Likeness They say everyone has a double -but these two are about 120 years apart. Charles Francis Adams, a descendant of President John Quincy Adams, po ses next to a portrait of his noted ancestor. The painting is part of an Adams exhibit in the National Portrait Gallery of \Vashington, O.C. It was also cause for an Adams family reunion. Egypt 01(s -2nd 'And Last' 90-day Truce Extension By United Press lnteniallonal Egypt said today it will not extend the Mideast cease"fire with Israel beyond Feb. 3. The truce, also agreed to by Jordan, was extended for 90 days beginning at midnight (5 p.m. EST) Thu rsday. Israel has set no time limit, but said it will not shoot first. The Semiofficial Cairo newspaper Al Ahram said today "urgent instructions were sent from Cairo yesLerday tThurs· day) to Foreign Minis.fer Mahmoud Riad in New York to inform all U.N. delega· tions unequivocally that the United Arab Republic has accepted an extension o( th e cease"firc for another 90 days on the basic condition that lt will not accept a renewal for a third period under any circumstances." There were no reports or clashes in the early hours of the extended c~asc·fire. Foreign pool correspondent Jimmy Lederman reported from the Israeli side of the Suez Canal front at El Qantara that only the clank and grind of Egyptian trucks and tractors moving on the other side of the canal could be heard. No apparent measures were taken by Israeli commanders except that the Thursday night movie for the troops along the canal was canceled, UPI correspondent Thomas Cheatham, who visited Israeli positions along the canal Thursday afternoon, said the Israelis had worked hard to improve their fortifications and they were ''virtually indestructible." Israel notified U.N. Peace Negotiator Gunnar V. Jarring Thursday it would not resume talks despite a General Assembly reS()Jution passed Wednesday urging that indirect discussions with Egypt and Jordan get under way again. Israeli Foreign Minister Abba S. Eban informed .Jarring of his country·s posi- tion. Jarring also met with Jordanian Ambassador Muhammad H. El·Farra and was meeting with Riad today. Officers Killed lrt Iraqi Purge After Coup Bid , ___ .,._who-had-predicted monopolar polariz.a- .Quebec Charges 27 Rounded Up. I In Terror Hlint BEffiUT, Lebanon (UPI) -Ruling Baath party leaders in Iraq purged the a.r:med forces and executed military of- ficers arter reports that two high~ranking commanders were planning a coup. ex- iled Iraqi sources said in Beirut Thurs- day. ~ tion.) Having everyone polarized around the ~ game pole is all very well for May Day dances and that sort of thing, but it is not .• neeessarily good for the USA. • ; For one thing, it (acilitates the spread ~'t or Asian nu. : So I am pleased lo re~ that my : analysis of the analyses unco"·ered a ~· trend away from polarization. The new :· trend is toward equatorization. Christmas Stamps Depict Five Sc.enes WASHINGTON (AP) -The a ix-cent 1970 Christmas stamps went on sale :· Thursday and for the first time buyers :-had a choice of five pictures. : In addition to the traditional Nativity : scene, there are four stamps depicting ; .antique toys. Pictured are a locomotive, : la hobby horse, a tricycle a.nd a doll bug- • IY· MONTREAL (UPI) -Jn a special jailhouse cnurtroom guarded by rifle- bearing soldiers, the Quebec government brought charges Friday aga insl 27 persons rounded up during the suspension of civil liberties in the kidnap crisis. A 23th was arraigned in Granby, Que. They all pleaded hmoccnt and some or the prisoners screamed obscenities and insults at the judge. Ten persons, including five prominent Quebec Separatists, were charged with the federal offense o( ''seditio us con- spiracy intended to bring about a changC of government •.. forseeing !he use of force, wilhout authority of law.'' They in- cluded the fiery young lawyer who represented the kidnapers in negotiations with the government, a ranking Quebec labor leader. and the two men recognized as the chief theoreticians and '·in- tellectual fathers" of the militant &eparatist movement. They said a group or officers was shot in a confrontation with party chiefs . The Beirut reports coincided v.-ilh ac- C<lUnls in the semi-official C a i ro newspaper, Al Ahram. of a bitter power struggle it said was now going on in Iraq. Al Ahram said six army officers were ex- ecuted by firing squad in the course of an altempt by Sidam Hussein. vice president of the ruling revolution command council, to gain control of the country. The newspaper did not say' who the of· ficcrs were or why they wtre executed. It said Vice President Saleh Mahdi Am- mash was lhe next person to be purged following the ouster of Vice President Hardan -... kriti tv.·o weeks ago. However, Ammash arrived In CairG Thursday at the head of an official Iraqi delegation for ceremonies marking 40 days mourning for the late President Garn .. ! .'.:xf.!I Nasser. Fall Paints Pretty Picture :- ;• Most of Nation G.raced With, Mild Days., Cool Nights '• l . C•Hfornl• ! I itt HtOl'ld 111v of drlult 11111 ll!ttr"'H· ~ fl!l'll 119hf rtl" IP-ell CMl!tl tr· l i 111 et loutNr" c1111or .. 11 tadtv wltll •. M "''-'' Jlllln 11111 wt.,•Hir ttmPl'l'thlr11 UH<"ltd fof k lu•llAl'. : !'I Tl'lt 1tttltlltttlon "''' conllned ~· ""'ti" to Ille C0111!1I trtt tnll f"-NI· ! llotwil Wfflfltt Strvlct ~If 11 wtt ""' : ~ rllll'f t -Jl!tr '1an! l:lul t l'lltll 1 111· , WH dltful'tlllt'ICI lfltl 1r111..,.11., would I •1n1111te. "II .ort ef Mnd 111 tfld' wilt 11111 :f'J' ee11 out/' t l:lutttll 11101111m111 11111. 0 lltlflfll! fl!ltll rtl!ffll lrom .M ti , t i 511111 hrtotrt to .lS 111 Lot A""'-'• ,II ti Ml, WlhOll 111(11 l•t~H 111 llUf• btrM tl!d llll'Wtl'IOUI Or•llH Cou111v. A 30 -Ctill dltMt of rtlll ..... ••kttd for .... , ..... '"''"'""-•• 10 ttrctftt lol' Stt~v •. Tiii! 111111 '" lOI Allttl" Wfl fO<'tealf t i 10 wl!flt : Ille 0¥trrllfht flew Wit .-:,.c11d It be ' ... ' • "f LOS AHGELeS ANO VICINITT • Mo.tlr clolHtl' wllll -lltM r1ln j et frlule lt!!ltl'lt dNrll!f .,. .$ttllr· dt¥. Low ID'llttit J1 llltfl Stttif'dt'f 1S. Cl\tflet If ,,,, tl«<Mllrtt to lll - ctn! torlltfll. ,. -Cflll "'"' $1fu•· .... J ll'(MNf CottCl~TIOH TO M.!'ICl(.AH ll°"Ol'll -LM!ll Hrll* wi... 11lfl'tl .... """lllllt ....,,. r.c-1111 wtlllfl¥ ~ " .. ,. Vtott 11'1 ~ ,.,.,,.,,.. I '""* wtltt -llirlu)t .,-Mtfll rtlfl .. ltlld M lofty. llWlltM tfld clQrlmi ""' 4 s.1u...W ~. um. "'"-•tit•• ·-· INTllllOll ANO OESEllT ll:EOIOf"S -,. Wltfil l't•ltl>lt ""'" ~ .,.,. ~~ lllMllN. W'""' et flfMI ~In tP ... illbiiht. A "11tlle ....,. kV• !MY. HW. SllllflltY ""'Ill' I" 10s litlfll, ... ...,. """' ................ r.-n. l-""""" 1rl ... -... .., .. ... .. ._,,..1...., .. ' PtllYl(W Of MC>ll MlTtOMAL W£A1Hlll; SERVICE TO 1 :11 A M, (ST fl· 1' -10 Coesfal P•tlll' loUM• ~''· llt~f \'t rl•blt llitl\! lflll rnornlrMJ "°"'' toectmtn~ watirr1Y 10 lo l) kJ16h. I~ •IH··-· locltv Inf ktvr11&~. Hltll -¥ 61. C01i1!1I '"""'"'urtl r•filt• from 5' ..... lrilt/1111 •ernott•lu••t ··-'""" u "n . W• .. r ltmPl'll\l•t '1. \ V.S. Summa..,, •Y UNlflD 1"!t1u INT•ltNATIOMAL A p111w~1 -1tler 11t11rn of mild Cl1•t tflCI COii! 111,111< ll """"'' Wll' 1crou mot! Of Ille rwouon. '"' Nt110f\1I Wfffl'ltr Mrvk t ttVI tl'llt "'f't" ol ""' 1111 wt.lhlr llleltlf <Oll•lrt...-Into "" ............. t"""'''vr.-u•I• ~'' ••CIO>'ld !ht C°"""" •tMM '-2• •• Alt · mow. Colo . It 61 11 N~1t1. Ctlll. Tiit WNlllef' tt'l'V'k:t MIC! •n ........ !1111111 11'91! •t L Ill.f l\' 1 .. lri lodtl' In tlw MNll\, I-l<Mtg.c;kr '"" Nonfl (l tllll/lfi II lttt IOwtr MlJ.IAIPPI \'llo ••• Mot11¥ 11111,.., -Iller Wt' I" !flt 11lt h1•t I•-~ All111llt CNtl 1t1 ltt I'll •hi G,.11 Ltk" tNI fllt to11!"wt''· wl"' --llurrlt• I" ''" nctffl!o 1•4 A-lllClll•11•. Temper•furu • ., UfOYllO ~ltllSS INTllltNATIOMA\. T•moerttur .. ... precto11ttlon "' 1111 2•-tiour llrlod tl'ldlrl!I ti • •.m. "1911 L ... !'ff<. AllK,oaut1rqu1 " • A!l&nlt ~ ~ !ltktfllltld • " !ll•m1rc-" " !111111 " " ·" !IMto" .. " ·" !lrt1Wn1vlll1 • " CMctto " " Cln<l11"1ll " " "'"'~ " • °'' Mol1111 " " o.irott " " Fort Wtrlh .. " ·-" " tl1ltn1 " • Honolul11 u n .... l<tllHt (tty " " ltl VHlt. " " LOI A>1t4118 • " .. Mltml ". " M '"llH!lqfil " " Norw 0tle1111 .. " Norw Yo.ti " " , .... "''"' " " ... .... ., " •• O•ll•'*"• ~!ly " " """" ' .. P•lm S.0.!ftin " .. P1:ie l!Ollla " " ·" Pf\ot<'ill " " ~!"~" " " ·" P0t!1111!1 " .. ·" •told co, " • lt..t •lllH .. " ·" ··~ " ., .IO ~c•ttntnl& " " "' kit L"l CllY .. " !.111 Olfolt n " ·" '" f ft lltft(O " " ·" Seoltt~ •• • ·" TMl'ft'ltl ,, .. W11fllt1tto11 " • r Sanctuaries Attacked S. Piet Marines-K11 ife Into Cambodia SAIGON (UPI) -Aboul 3.000 SOUlh Vietnamese mari¥s aJiced into C&m· boc:lla near the Plain of Reeds about 75 miles west northwest of Saigon at dawn today ln the third major invasion of Com· munlst sanctuaries there in two weeks, South Vietnameae spokesmen -a n d military IOW'OOl said. The Marines linked .up with other South Vietnamese troops already id Cambodia and wlOi four Cambodian battalions in one of the largest operations in that c:ou~ try since the initial invasion of the sanctuaries late tut April, sources said.. U.S. artillery and aircraft were be- lieved. suporting the operation but U.S. spokesmen decllned:coolinnation. South Vietnamese spokesmen declined to reveal the exad location of the borcie't ' penetrations on grounds no significant contacts with Communist troops had yet been made. But tJie operation was sprung from the headquarters of the 44th Special Zone at Cao Lanh in Kien Phong Province. The zone was set up to control operations In the plain. The plain is 1 manhy area that ac- quired its name during the Frtnch col· onial era from the thick carpet of swamp grass. reeds and floating rice that covers ii. It has been one of the most troubleJOme sanctuary areas and in· filtration routes for Communist troops moving to and from the key Mekong Delta area where over a third of South Vietnam 's poptdation lives . Spokesmen said the south Vietnamese were on a-"search and destroy" mlsskln in Cambodia to ferret out guenillas and their supplies. Sources said lbe operation might last 10 days or longer. The spokesmen refused to say how many South Vletn~e were involved, but sources said the border-<:rossing force in· eluded six 50()..man battalions. · 'Ibere are some 20,000 South Viel· namese now in. Cambodia. Ground action inJide South Vietnam continued light and scattered. American losses were reported as two killed and Mven w~ in • atrin& of contacta In northern add central sOutb Vietnam. The Americans repened ~lune nine guerrillas in lhe dolla and lhey discovered a, four-ton cache or <:om· munist rice in the north. , South Vietnamese forces ·kllled 25 guer. Tillas, also in SCattere11 engagements, and South Korean forces killed another seven, spokesmen said, · }he Americans also an no u'n c e d withdrawal vf 785 more Gls from South Vietnam, including a battalion of Jong range artillery that had been suPPofting 4tL division operations in the ctntral highlands, and a 4th divisJon signal com~ pany. The division is due to be home by Christmas. And U.S. spokesmen said U .S. Aircraft losses last week - a total of four planes and helicopters -were the lowest since the current record·keeping system began in 1968. This WM attributable, howtver, to bad weather most of the week. which sharply reduced the level of operations. ' Enjoy the holidays ! : A kitchenAid Clishwasher will wash your dishes, soak. pots and pans auto- matically, and dry everything with sani- tized. fan-circulated air. Choice of built-ins. portables or dishwasher-sinks. KitchenAid dishwashers work reliably year after year. 'They're made by the world's oldest and Ja"rgest manufac- turer of commercial dishwashers. Get a K~chenAi il Disposer, too ! Grind• finer. f••ter. quieter. Eny to install. Disposes of ev· trything from bones to stringy veg9"bles. Continuous or batch feed rnodM. ~ horsepowet-molor .-- Anti-jamming. Built to lest. Buy a KitchenAid Portable today, use it tonight! *TERMS BANKAMERICARD •· NMCll no Instillation. Connects quickly to w1ter ond poww. Wheel tt IWl'f when dishes are dent. 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Upright 2 2995 Freezer.-2024 ---------- l{anges & l)ish\\ asliers .S339.9S Self-c l_••_n_;n_•_•_" ________ 29495 range ( 1 only) 5579.90, Deluxe Classic 44995 ,Range with Hood ( l Only) ------ $ 189.95, 30-lnch Gas Range 13995 (20nly) ------------ $294.95 dishwasher 24495 (l-only)------------- S l19.95 disbwuber 799s (2-ooly) ------------ $354.95, 3Q.Inch Classic:Gai-R.ange 2999_5 (Sli8httfDamaged)Avocado (10nJy) -~ s25.9l Duct•d 12so !Uogc:Hood ----------- $49.9l, Ducted 2 2 so RaageHood----------- $62.9l; o.Cti... 399s Jt.ageHood ------------ $8,.9l,Dueted 4250 a...,.Hood _________ _ s294.9SFrontloadins 21985 Oi1hwaihtt Pott11ble ( 1 Only) ----- S 11995, Top Loading Porta bl~ 7 9so Dishwasher (2 Only) -------- $179.?l Top Lo.ding o 13995 DishwasM.t (2 Only) -------- ars 5l4U, ~OllUClt 41110 00. • f~. Nowmbor 6, li70 DAILY PILOT 7 FREE COLOR TV 12-inch Portable TV,. 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Giant Jl.o<:k·A·S11c:k Riogi'nbndt ••.• 2.74 AtcractiveBaby&i~;··········· 1. 9 .f ·399 Colorful Kooky Cooks•-------329 FlavorfulTootSweet _________ 299 S34.99FoldingTable 2788 "'ith Attached Seat1 ----~----$5.99, 79·Pc. 388 Fishing Seu .....,,..-------------. $10.9 8 Women 5 88 Wet Suits ---=~~~c.---7.""--ccc-,.,---- Bo"'·ling Balls· Hard Rub bet 141b. 151h. 161ffl.. R .. i;. s 111.'>'.i llei:.. 52~.')) Res. sz~ •15 S l2.88 Sl4.88 S 18.88 Were 29c to 39c! Lollipops Saturday 1 Sc Ea Only! ' • cnoose llower,clown f...:eand (w_irl. AltoHdlowcen'Popsif•"a.ila.ble. ISc Delicious Fig Bars Sarnrd•y 2 Lbs. 5 5 c Only! Stock upon (roab deliciom fig ban now at Se.rs wbilcquanti· tiet II.it. I-lard\\ ~ire \1alues'. S6.S9toS7.99 Rebuilt Mi:·in.RatehetWrench _________ _ 299 399 2997 2499 999 $7.99 to t9.99 Rebuilt 1/2-Jn. Ratchet Wrench --------- "4.99 Cn!tsman 40-Piece 3/8" electric Drill Kit $39.99, 1/4.Jncb Electric Drill ------------ $17.44,Crafumm ·Sabre Saw #2773 ----------- $7.13, 7-PieccScrcw DriverSet#.t;I085 ------------ SA VE 50%! $4.99 Latex House Paint 399 s .... d., Gal. 249. Oaly! Yo.r c:hoic. of cxteriot or in~ p.in1 in d-.wnaai ... hit•. ~6.-'9-Exrerior Latex P•in! .•. J .24 Gal. s 1.s9M.,a1k ______ NOW 97·c Spn1 Earunel _ !3!:::ned Paint Sprayers s 19to$119 SA VE $70! $319.95 Water Softener ·~thlnpdeaooi 249••' without effon. S279.9',Aammadc 21988 Waa:erSo(tectH # Gl70------- S239.9l,A_;, 199~5 Wat:u Sof'ttaet # G 125 ------- Sl 19.95.Maaual Water 6995 Softtaef (30nlr) As ts _______ _ U .19 16x2l ·..,.a<e 79c Filtcrt(l Only) ----------- $219,Swimmins Pool '100 with ladder, Filter (As l s) ------- st94.9S, Skle Diocharge s 115 Cooler (A1 l1) ----'------- 3333 B.ristol in the South Cowit Plu:ta .. • • I , • • • . • • • • ' . DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I , ·' ' A Full-time Mayor? ' Almost hall of tbe Huntington Beach citlzens who voted Tuesday appear to believe that there is room for Improvement at the top of the municipal government. ll is also reasonable to believe that many of those who opposed charter amendment K that would have given the city a full-time, elective mayor felt there was room for improvement in the way the issue was pre- sented. The fact, though, tbat the measure was defeated by only 163 votes out of a total of 32,113 cast seems suf- :ficient guarantee that its S\Jpporters .will qot. drop lhe proposal but revise ft. / · When the question is reOpenld it would seem wise for the council to invite guidance from civic groups on hoW the position would operate. - The most Commonly beard complaint is that Tues- day's prqposal would have created a figurehead with no coWlcif vote except in unusual circumstances. Hence there was no way he could set polJcy, nor would be have bad a record that voters could follow to ·insure that be was not abusing the position . Time was against the proponents of a full-time mayor in the last election. .Time will be on their a!de now. Let's hope they use it to make some constructive changes. For. a 'Beautiful Library With the exception of the tower and central build· tng on the Huntington Beach High School campus. which seem destined to be pulled down, there are no civic buildings in Huntington Beach whose architecture is truly outstanding. This situation seems certain"to improve. The pre-., Jiminary designs for the civic center at Mansion and . Fire Fighters Dear Gloomy Gus: .. :: Have _Earned ·-PublicThanks t'1:\'.f"'' ,._. ···--·--. ---·, Main streets are impressive and more recently city of .. ficials have waxed enthusiastic over plans for the new $3 million ceatral library. Architect Dion Neutra has presented a bold. lni•t !native design that will make tlie most of the library s setting, the 456-acre central park. It will be a glazed pavilion with the two-story building sheathed in a re-. flective glass to mirror the Jandscaping. Reflective pools and streams drawn from the waters of nearby Talbert Lake, interior plantings r.lu s a rich infusion of daylight all will combine to b end the structure into its natural surroundings. Most impressive, however. is that it fits into the cost estimates; such realism is not always readily dis- played by architects. The plans also provide. for ~di· tions to the library but these will not be built until th~ need arises and the funds budgeted. The first drawings of the library will be unveiled for the public and city council on Nov. 16 fn the coun- cil chambers. All residents should try to iee them. Team Needs a Leader The Huntington Beach Union lligh School District ran a good race in its bid for a 69-cent tax override but it lost. But the many vol_unteer workers should not be discouraged arid remain organized in case-a special election is called to save the dis trict from what wouJd be a catastrophic drop to an 85-cent rate next July. The workers can take sati sfa ction from the fact they have started the long , uphill climb to change the district's image. The trustees can boost the image fur- ther by giving high priority to the appointment of a new Euperintendent. The team needs a I,eader. H • . The ·Wuiner Supreme Court '••tice's New Boak Douglas Repeats. New Left Cliches Justice 'Villiam ·o. pouglas's book, POINTS OF REBELLION, (New York: ; ---~. ,,. ~,...-' • • ~ rrl· • t' Haf,,a,ka 'fa, . started Jn' the experimental college, so that by Seplember, 1968, 22 courses in this area had been incorporated into the regular curriculum. '~-a, ' ;·, ' _ ,;.~~ Mailno:x· !·.. •·11 r-,,.~.,.. • ·" I Literacy is not a prerequisite to voting but residency laws make it necessary for the voter to be in the right place at the right time. A citir.en's address is more impor- tant than his capacity to vote ra· tionally. · · -L. D. Random House, $4.95), remlfids me of a remark made by a studen t to a beaded, bearded fe!lo\v st udent, "I see you ·re trying to be different -like everyone else." '· ~' . :«4 •.i'> .'i • Not fru.stration but the prospect of pushover vjctories and total control of the program (and the money involv~) led a group of black and white radicals in . the fill of ''68 'to present 15 "ooMtegoliable'' demands (some reasonable, some absurd, some illegaJ) which they tried to enforce by beatings, sit-ins, fires, bombs, classroom disruptions and a student strike. Are these the only ty.·o choices ? Was dissent suppressed at Berkeley or San Francisco State or Columbia when police were called? Of course not! These schools became the objects of police con- cern not because they had radical students or pfofessors, but because those views were expressed in violence and in flagrant abuse of the rights of others. U the violence-prone bad been right-wing radicals, there would tiave been no ques.- tion about the use of police. 'r ,.. ~ ... """'""'"~ __ ..,.,,,, Lefter• t'ecdtn Gt'e welcome. NormaUy i.oritus should COftt>t1/ tMit' messages in 300 words OT less. The right to condem« letters to fit space OT eliminate libel is resenied. All l~t ter1 must include: signature and mail· ing addt'ts1, but names may be with-- held on Tequest if sufficient reason i• appat'ent. Poet711 will not be pub- lilh<d. To the Edltor! Public thanks are due to one group of the most highly trained ~fire fighters :in California wOO have been overlooked in the press reports of the recent fires that have ravaged our state. They are more than one thowJand men from the California Conservation Centers jointly administered by the Department of Forestry and the Department of Cor· rections. Trained in the techniques of fire fighting by member! of the Department of Forestry and highly skilled, these men worked a minimum of 12-hour shifts (much Jonger when ''hot spots" demand- ed it.) They.are paid at the rate of 50 cents a day. IN THE LAST fire emergency there were 24 crewr of I~ men each available in six different areas in the south fighting fire! for nine days. In Orange County a crew set up camp at El Toro and fought fire in Trabuco Canyun. Other crews functioned in like manner. Camp for the Tecate fire was set up at Barrett. The Laguna Mountain fire had two such camps at Morena and Monte Vista . 'l'he Cuyamaca Peak fire had two camps at Pine Hills and Cuy amaca State Park. In addition to these crews in the south, eight crews (100 men in all) came down from Susa nville and fought the Malibu fire for nine or 10 days. 'Ille talks these men per£onned are in- valuable. We·know there are many people who jolD us in thanking tbem. MR. AND MRS. EDWIN C. MORGENROTH .Dellflhtfal, Refresflln9 To the Editor: Al~ ix:ffrfton and one v.•ho has also retumed to the Old Cotmtry for .a visit this Unmer, I Jee! that I must comment Bu Geol"!Je ---· Dear George: Did you ever w1dcb girls walk? The hipa or 10me of them go up and down and ·others seeni to rotate. Why is this and can anything be done about It? P.S. You1re doing n great job in providing • rew chuckles in this grim wo.rld. Ketp It up! A.L.RANDALL Dear A.L.: 'l'bonb -!or the last part ol the Jetter. Al. !or the first part. I went out to do 10111e ,....rch. and llnd that the h!po or which ,.. spook are usually accompanied by some &UY wllh a nrUt right Cf'OSS. I can still, boweftr, ~ to type through my left eye and the 1welling in the rilhl ... ii better. (Som<UmH I undcrslAMI 'cm; tometJmes I don't H e t g h • h o, another day.) . ...-- Tbll fMtul'I nfJllEN """"" \'ftW$. .... JIKIUlrltr ttllM 11 ?tie ---·· S...il .,_ M -.. OJMmr .... ~ PLllt. on Tom Bar)ey's article in the DAILY PILOT October 3L 1 can only say that he must have selected some very unlucky places to stay at in England on his late visit. Personally, I found it delighUul and refreshing that things were • so little changed over the years. 1'he troubl e is that people get so used to the material things enjoyed here with the tilgher stan· Qard of living that Europe seems so much more austere when they retur n to it: WE FOUND PRICES for £ood and meals very reasonable, service was good and accommodation very comfortable in every place that we stayed in and courtesy and good manners se:cond to none. I remember that Hitler said, in 1939, that Britain was ,decadent but she is still there and he is not so what does that prove? I was not aware that strikes were the prerogative of Britain: did I not hear, on- ly th.is ·morning over the radio, something about a mea~ packer's strike? AS TO THE buildings: yes, some or them loot out of place but some people like them i!nd there was a tremendous chance for experimentation along those lines after the destruction! My son, a college student, recently completed a three m&iths tour or England, Wales and Srotland and found few, if any of the things Barley com- plained about. Well, there will ahvays be an England for me and it's so nice to go home to! DOROTHY G. FITZSIMONS Tom Barleu, county 'llews reporter and fnU!ic critic for &Jie DA ILY Pl· LOT, t'e turned to report his disap- pointme1ot in a vacation vi!it to his nativt England after an eight-year ab· sence. Ont concurring letter resulted. Reader FitzSimons is the onty dis· senter so far, -Editor A911inst VNICEF To the Editor: I 11ote your editorial stand ravorlng UNICEF. and 1 wish to comment that UNICEF is the same old racket -comes out every year ·on Halloween and Christmas to beg for money. \Vhtle many groups likt the United Way sincerely strive to help worthy projects like the &ys· Clubs. along comes this UN ICEF to cut ln and con lhc cltitens out of some money which is sent to the heads or foreign c:ountrles -the Dons of Latin Alnttica, the Sheiks of Araby. the puppets of ne"lf member1 of the United N1Uon1 and many a little African "king·• of a hunary bunch o! human vertebrates whole sole ambition is to get on the gravy train ; and these foreign n!C.ipients are not requim1 to give any accounting as to where the mooey goes. Il is Just handed to them by UNICEF with no questions asked or strfn&s attached. ~tl-•th~. Cbotlty, if you wtll , begins ot home, but UNJCEF strives to ta~e it abroad , and the money you give t.o UNICEF winds up, for the most part, in the pockets of the a~:i .. ·o mmUoned Dons, etc. S, G. VNDlNE Mr. Douglas · -has adopted the rashionable, dissenting youth culbire as his own. He is trying lo be different like everyone else. Hls dissent is. therefore, the exact echo of everyone else's dis- sent. He repe.ats all the cliches of the New Left, solemnly and portentously, as if he were thinking them up for the first time. None of them is subjected to the slightest analysis or criticism. All our problems as a nation are blan1- ed on an evil , aJJ .powerful "Establishment" that prevents the food stamp plan from helping the poor, that pollutes our envtronmerit, th a·t dehumanizes people, that has a vested in.- lerest in the continuation or war. This is the kind of social diagnosis that can be heard any day of the week from radical student orators. Let me analyze some more ol the things Mr. Douglas says. "THE CASE AGAINST the university is that it is chiefJy a handmaiden of the state or of industry or, worse yet, of the · miµtarY,-industrial complex.. • • The. un1verslty becomes a collect.ion of tecbni· cians in a service station, trying to turn out better technocrats-for t he technological society." Here ls the typically elitist sneer against students who go to college to im- prove their lot. ·But at San Francisco State and many other colleges, public and private, most students are preparing eagerly for a career. They want to become ac.countants, • engineers, home economists, JiliYSiciabs. Should the university ignore t.heir desires? Should v.·e be teachin g them to overthrow the system histead? "\Vhere grievances pile high ... violence_ may be the only effective response." Many besides Mr. Douglas have £alien for this one. SlnCe San Francisco State has had its share of violence, I hope I am entitled to comme11t on this argument. LONG BEFORE I BECAME president in November, 1968. San Francisco State, in response to student interest. had started a student-run experimental col· lege. The administration was persuaded. v.·ithout violence, to give credit for many of its courses. Black Studies we.re also The results of all this violence were as follows: 1. The establishment or a Black Studies department was forcibly delayed. 2. The 22 courses transferred to the new department went down the drain because there was no new department. 3. The · department, when finally established, quickly d i s I n t e g rat e d because of continued violence and threats of violence exerted by radlcal blacks against nonradlcal blacks. The college had to start a Black Studies department all over again in the fall of 1970. VIOLENCE IS NO DOUBT, as Mr. Douglas says, "the only effective response" in some political situations. But It sure as bell doesn't help education! "There are only two choices: a police state in which all dissent is suppressed or rigidly controlled; or a society where law is responsive to bwnan need!." HOWEVER, IT IS the practice of New Left propagandists to confuse police con- trol of violence with the repression of ideological nonconformlty. It is shocking to find Mr. Douglas falling for this shab- by line. The ultimate irony of !\tr. D_9uglas's at.. lacks on the "Establishment" is that there are few people who are more solid· ly a part of the Establishment than a Supreme Court justice, One wonders what he plans to do about this? Will he write another book to say th at the Establishment is not hopelessly evil, because it includes people like him? Or will he resign from the Supreme Court? The semantic solution to Mr. Douglas's problem is simple. He could simply stop using blanket abstractions I i k e "Establishment," V.'hich by explaining everything expla ins nothing. By S. I. Hayakawa Presklent Saa Francisco State douqe Nixon Is Keeping Soviets Guessing \VASHINGTON -Richard Nixon and Andr_€:.1 Gromyko, whose dark physical reseriiB\ance has mode Gromyko the butt of Kremlin kidding, engaged in 93 minutes of verbal sparring at lhe White HoUse the other day. The' two men joked about their looks and talked amiably about world pro- blems. Gromyko as- sured UM: President of Soviet coopertition· in achieving peace in lhe Middle East and in reaching a s trate gic arms agreement. The So- viet Foreign P..linis- tcr also ,prom.isff· that the Ru ssians would stop construction or na\'al facilities al Cienfuegos. Cuba. The visit was des· cr:ib&d as "friendly." But alterwards, President N i x on remarked to intimates that it Isn't what the Russians 11ay but vrhat they do that counts. No doubt Gromyko, in his privale report to the Kref1llin,. was eqUa lly cynieal. • · · TllF. PRESIDENT has deliberately sought to keep the Soviets guessing. to lhro\v them off balance: to make them .... ·orry v.·he:ther the u.S. might be capable of "lrrational or unpredictable" acUon. Just as they thought they could an- ticipnte his moves, he ordered U.S. troops into Cambodia and surprised everybody. World leaders watched apprr:heNively later as he moved naval forces into strik- ing position during the Jordan blow-up. No ooe could be sure be wouldn 't in- ter\ltne to save King Hussein. This v.-ould setm to be a page right out of the Soviets' ov.'ll book or strategy. If lhe enemy could be trained to e1pect a C€!rlaln pattern Of behavior, the Sovl,:l.S reasoned as did Pavlov with his dogs. then they would be throv.ii oU balance by any surprise mo\1t. I ll"l'URNED re<enUy from visits wlth world leaders In Asia, the Middle East and Europe. I asked y.•hat they thought of Nixon's style. Some leaders were favorably impressed with his gamesmanship. 111 like what he did in Cambodia." President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines told me. "I acquired a better respect for the man. ';He gambled his entire future on the Cambodian move. and this single act makes me respect the man -the fact tllat he could make a hard decision. I am sure this was an eye-opener for the Com- munists." But other leaders, who asked not to be qlioted for obvious diplomatic reasons, felt Nlx:on's high-stakes world chess game was too dangerous. Despite his ex· perience in international intrigue, said one head of state, Nixon is playing an amateur's game, not one that a real pro- fessional would dare to pla y. ALTHOUGH HE MAY keep the Com- munists off balance, agreed other skep- tical leaders. Nixon's style creates too much uneasiness. The response to an un- predictable amaleut, they said, could be the wrong response, especia1ly in tense situat ions such as exist iD the Middle EAsl and Southeast As.Ia. Intelligence reports indicate that the Prtsldent has been sUC<eSS!ul, at least, in Quotes· EllttD Franst:a, Uplud -"ln a day when the democratic procus is in a sorry state, the good fight must be to try lo rtgain peace nnd sanity ln our society as well 11s backing (or. OW' aolditrs 1n Vietnam and cambodla." outmaneuvering the leaders in Hanoi. His boldness in Cambodia surprised them. "They regard this as an act of a strong rather than a weak leader," said an Asian defense minister. Agreed another high-ranking Asian: "They consider Nl:t· on as a sharp operator." Tile North Vietnamese leaders appear to be quite dispassionate in their air praisal of Nixon. 'They may heat up the air waves with denunciaUons of bim, sug- gest intelligence reports, but they make a cold, calculating appralsal of him. THIS JS Al.SO true, apparently, of the Chinese who lash Nixon with rhetoric but take a realistic view of him. 'llleir American experts are excellent and give Peking an accurate picture of America. Premier Q)ou En-Jal, however, is con- sidered to be more realistic than old Mao Tse-tung, who is governed by his own wild dreams. North Korea11 Kim 11 Sung is even more rabid than Mao. Jn Pyongyang, the American President is reviled in private as well public. Intelligence sources describe Kim as a fanatic who rarely sees beyond his own bleak mountains. In his isolatiOflt he baa developed an. ir- rationally harsh view of Nixon. perhaps the most distorted of all world leaders. SOIJTll ltOREA'S Pmldeni Onmg H .. Park exprt:lled only qualified admb"ltlon for Nbon. ''He ts a noted statesman." Pork told me. "He Is doing a spl<ndld Job of IOIVirlg compln: problems ... But 1fter thele laudatory remarks, Park began a guarded critique of the PruktenL "One wonders U the Nixon Doctrine wu arrived at too lwtlly," he said, referrlne to Pmident Nixon 's doc- tripe of dlatng1gement. Park mettly expressed out loud the private concern o( other AsiP.n leaders ovt:r the pull·back of U.S. forces fr om Vietnam and Korea. "" "The doctrine must be adjusted to the lntemntlonal aituaUon as well as to the domestic situation Jn the \Jolted Sta.lt.s," said Park, implying that the Nixon 1Joc.. trine was the product of domestic politics. The North Koreans were plan· ning provocations, warned Park, to test Nixon's character. PRIME MINISTER Sato, in Tokyo, spoke of Nixon with oriental flattery. "I have a feeling of great friendliness for Presi dent Nixon. I remember vividly Richard Nixon, as Vice President, saying that the Japanese Constitution was a mistake that was im posed by the oc- cupation. That impressed me." India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi shares both Nixon's pragmatism and his pagion for politics. Each came away from their last meeting 'fl'lt.h a favorable impression of one another and e:tchanged public compliments. Their mutual ad- miration. said insiders, was genuine but is wearing of(. RJchard Nixon has said of hlmsetr that ''foreign policy" is my strong suit." Some world leaders agree; others do not. The final verd ict can only be written In history. ' --iWWW- Frid a y, November 6, 1970 Tht editorial page of the Dcillf Pilot seek! to inform and 1ti~ ulate t'ecuUrs b11 prtsenting th.ti ntwspaper'1 optniom and com- menWf\' on topic1 of Interest and sianificane£, by providing a fontm for the eqreu1an of 1 our t'tadtr1' opi11ioR1, and bv pt'C!'ttnting the dh1f't'1e trltto- point..s of informed obserwrs ond .tpokeimttl on lopic.s of tile If doy. • ;, I I ' ~--= ---- •· " -.. ~ • < BEA ANDERSON, Editor ,rllllr. ~ 4r 1Wt -.. P"' 11 Sympho ny W r it te·n· · ·· Plans for a Symphony of Lights will be detailed when members of the Huntington Harbour Philhar· monic Committees of the Orange County Philharmonic Association gather for luncheon Thursday. Nov. 19, in !be Old Ranch Country Club, Seal Beach. The combined luncheon of Admiralty, Islander, Marma and Starboard groups officially will welcome new members into the organization. Mrs. George T. Hersh Ir is serving· as luncheon chairman. and revealing plans for the annual Hunting .. ton Harbour Boat Parade ~· 12 and 13 and the third annual cruise through the bJilliantly decorated chan· nels Dec. 14-Dec. 20 will b:e Mrs. John Silver. chairman of the board for the combined groups. ' Innovations for this cruise will include the contri· bution of passenger launches by Doug Bombard of the Catalina Cove and Camp Agency. The launches, .capable of carrying 35 people each, will provide cruising in comfort for passengers during a 45-minute tour. \Vith four of these launches in action simultaneously 140 people per hour will be able to enjoy the cruise. NEW MEMBERS CAROLED - A warm welcome to new mem- bers will be extended and details of !be annual Christmas Sym· phony of Lights announced when !be Huntington Harbor Commit· tee of !be Orange County Philharmonic Society sponsors a lunch· eon 'Thursday, Nov. 19. Gelling Into the Yule mood are new mem- bers (left to right) !be Mmes. Edward Strickler, Ronald Malecki and Gene Wolter. Waifin g f or News Mailbox Contents .Intrigue Students 'The mailbox is !be main object of interest for nine Huntington Valley students these days. Their applications have been submitted and·now the wait begins for notification lrom the New York headquarters of American Field Service Jntemational. If they are selected, their names will be added to a roster of more than 1600 students who were sent to 52 foreign countries in the Americans Abroad summer and school year programs last year. From Huntington Beach High School is . Mary Ann Moreno. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Moreno of Huntington Beach. President of, Girls' League, Mary Ann also is a member of AFS Club, Gir~' Athletic Association, California Scholarship Federation. La Raza and the Youth Action Corps. · ·- During the sununer she worked for the Recreation and Parks Department teaching underprivileged and .retarded children. Also selected from Huntington Beach High was Ellen Lichen .. ttein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lichenstein of Seat Beach,· both teachers. An accomplished young musician, she plays the cello. teaches guitar and si~s with the HannonaJres. Ellen is a member of the UC[ and Youth Philharmonic orchestras in Orange Countf. Presi· dent of the AFS Club, she also is aHiliated with CSF and GAA. Representing Edison High ·School are Sue Pestolesl and Kevin Jesch. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pestolesl, bolb teach· ers, Sue plays. t.be drums and is active in all sports as a member ol, GAA. Lc!:st summer Sue 3nd her sister Dinah participated in the For- eign Study Lea·gue and.for six weeks toured five European.countries comparing cultures and governments. Surfing and ecology are !be special lnteresls of Kevin Jead!, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jesch of Huntington Beach. He aJSo plays trumpet and piano and wilb !be help of a younger-brolber and his falber, he ls in !be process of building a 14-foot do!Y. A TASTE OF Tltl\,"VEL -While Ibey anxiously await a decision from American Field Service Jntemational headquarters in New York, Americans Abroad candidates Sue Peslolesi, Mary Ann Moreno and Kevin Jesch (left to rigttl) sample some of !be.di!· ferent dishes Ibey may be eating if selected lo participate in ellber the sununer or school year programs in a0lorelgn country. Representing Fountain Valley High School will be .Bruce Ke.,. nedy, and Marina High School hopefuls are Patricia Waters and Craig ChaHin. Westminster High School candidates include-Alilelia'Gonlon and Susan Trukken. · · Double· Life Leads to Twice the Grief for Survivors ·DEAR ANN LANDERS: A few weeks iit>. Mark the men 1 .... about lo marry, dlered a heart attack IJld dropped dead 1ir the iti'Oel. TIM pbllCO-phoned Ille ~ listed on his wallet ldentlflcatlon :Ira u "next of kin." lt turned out to be iber pickup who said, "I hanlly - !he guy." She did, however , lead therii. to ilark's sister, who called me. Together ire. went to his apartment to gather his .etonglngs for disposition. I wai crushed and heartsick when we Slscovered letters and pictures from a~ least a dozen girls half his age. There were several notes from married women, u well as makeup, underclothes, hair rolkrs and other persma.l items ap. porOailJ left behind. Mark's lister [ell IO ' uol ........ -..... -Im• oometblllgto them, bull declded lo mind __ .., -.,, .... -..... porlml MIC -•<1 •J-olld to-"'~·00:-I did the right lblog. -,_ •ad duop .. oMJod. •1 .. DIM ~ daaw for ..... Shau.Id I~ ::: IDIDetbing? J~e teen Remala friaMly .. rtrnrmt • ... --~---.Jbt,.. Mk_lo_lllO.JI -u ••·~·Id·~-,.•••·-·~·•~~__ woo'! feel rejoeted. aioon1 on 11181 llor f' --. --·~ ~ ·---·~·w--•--on fllllet'liil lioll'"lfller ~-... -• -ldeoo • who. wve Jllll u bewildered aa I. -~ fedloa ud 1be 11 ......,. r.. -& r. 'DtAR ANN LANDERS: !1 it.normal advile me.-GRAND·FORKS, NJ>. ..._ · 90rry '[or mo abe wu unable lo utter a playingtl>eameldnd·ofog1me. None or: for a ,7.yar.old girl lo get·-.ily.•il· 'DEAR GRAND: Kkll on tined ee word. ua tnowa when death will 1trlke UI down. grmslve With a 2kr 30-year.okl mm? l awfllly YOl:ltl tMle day1 -tlaub (or At Ute wake J was ccmumed by (et). lngs of anger and betr~yal. r felt no grief, only bitterness. The tears J shed were: for The wise penoo Is prepared for IL Peo-didn't believe it unUI this liltl flJrt -Id I .NY NO lbub) lo TV, rodlo, pie who lead lll!Crtt lives should consider crawled on my..Jap_, began pushing f:irse1f moties, 8ctvtr1Jlfaa: ud Jnt oblervl•S those who love them end leave no . opinll me, lln>l<ing 11\Y heir Ind pettlrig cooplet la pabllC porb, .. ,.. -I ,.,,. evidence behind. ll my letter belps spare 1my face. That kid ls more ~ at een, everywlterr boy mfftl girL Im my myself, not for him. just one woman the agony I have su.f. .,~thin J wu at 17. · opinion J08 Heald Uve eo1qmented to My clergyman's counael and \indnesa fered, It wu worth the pain it took lo The chikii'tnother,lnd dad were tn lhe Utt partatf • tH c•lld'1 · llll'ftlh'e saved me from total collaple. 1fe sua· · write it. 'nlink.you, Ann. -ASHES IN room when she behaved this way and beblvior ud •aestecl tblt tltey dllc:ul gested thal I wrlle lo Ann Linden lo the KENTUCKY they didn't say one word lo ~f they It wt,. • lpadolllt. ,_ hope that you would print 1117 letter 11 a lhlnk It's cute they • lo llave their II ,.. '-"' cr1W11 oe ·)'oor i., waniin& lo atber foolilb mm whO.IDOJ be DUil AllllES: atn•1 .,_ --·--l wa·!Gpled lo ·Ill'' opll, let ..... - ---II I CONFIDENTIAL 10 NEED A HELP· ING HAND: llavo you loolttd et !he bol- tOIJ\ of yoUr sleeve? J recommend IL Do y6u feel UI at ,,.. ••. out of It! la everybody having a good time bul you! Write for AM Landers' booldeL "The Key lo Popularlly," mcloeJoi wttb '°"' roqu"1 3$ ct11ls In cobl-ud a long, .U. -· stamped ......... la ... of !bl DAILY PILOT. • I· I .. ------·--·--~------.. ' .. ' . -..... ~.-;,; -.--.... --. -- ~ • • $ • l DAILY PILOT frldly, N"'mbtr 6, 1970 ~ i t I ~ i1 l ~ l Town "HQ/I Po<I• AOOlhO<Bann" ':ia1e. . .. . . . . ·-... • The, P<>Pular To.l\'ll Rall Series b~lngipg_ n~ted eer-get ~their money'l!l.:eariy are (left io right) Mrs • sonalilies ·lo-Laguna-Beach:.tal:lbii .jn January. IS. .. Rober! Mal:Yin..and Mrs. Jack Rey.narc!. Thuey· "sold out 11 according to Mrs. Robert Malone, cbaif'" note for next year, the chairman adds, ls t•order man for 0the sponsoring As sistance League ~f La~ e~rly." guna Beach. Posting notice for those who failed to _, "' ·-. ...... ·~. ·- Pla,ys for Living--·. --··-·-· Relieving Press~res · Crises ., umc;~ • modern w.. t11e-Trip~~ UJuotrallng society wllll•be portray<d In pattn1a1 beartbi'eak' upon the lour slqe produCli<ml begin-diso>_veey tliat '·children · uae nin,g Tuesday, Nov. 10, in the N • Gold West Coll r ... te drugs, OD Tuesda,y, ov. 11 j en ege """0 r. uswee.t Potato Vlne," · the Sponoored by the Family " -·· ...... To avO!d · dl~pOtntment, ;p~vi brides are remindeil .lo have thllr weddln1 stories v.;ith blaclt Slid white glossy P.bo~ graphs to the ONLY PILOT W01nen 1 D• partment .one week ,before tho wedding. Picture$ received after that time will not be used. " " I ' ' P. Horoscope Sagittarius: Don't Neglect D.ecember Wed~ing Planned . A ~. S wed41ng lo ~ p1-~Y l!everlf S TURDAY Cb••-·-•···. -... lflocl AlJeD and G<orge -fnmklJA . A . -•--· ~ •-1 Meil-'-·· f San F-·-'·-ltome, environment, prop<irl!. _, o ·-~· NOVEMBER 7 Witbbeld final judgment. c News ol the lorthcomlnC By SYDNEY OMARR IJBRA (S.pt. 13-0ct. 22): event was reveal<d by the ARJES (March 21·April 19): Your ability to evaluate needs brlde-elect's parents, Mr. and What you now know can be Is accented. Family member Mrs. Robert W. Allen of • utlll!ed jn l""u·ranp en· plays paramount role. Share I · p 1 1 h r· ··• knowledge. Be w1·111·ng to make rvtne. aren s O . er 1ance deavor. Broaden horizons. are the Rev. and Mr!. J. Reali:.e that your potential ls some concessions. If you give, DEBORAH MERCHANT Fr kl. M H d I • you can also expect to receive. an in c e n r Y o great. Don t permit an Y Enga .. ment Teld Clearwater, Fla. ' penon to downgrade )'our SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Miss Allen is a . .graduate of future. Don't be fooled by one who of. eosta Mesa High $chool and TAURUS (April ZD:May 20): fers proverbial sure thing. M h t attended Orange 1 C 0 a 1 t Some lriencll may have money Realize you are not likely to ere an S College. 'She~is 3-majortll ' dlfferencet. Key 11 to be in--receiVe something for notbinl. member-or-Joti's---'baUghteis' depeodenL Gain inspiraUcm UUliz.e past e x p e r I e n c e • 11 Bethel 157 and bolds a BA from usoctatlon with Ariel SAGlTrAlllUS (Nov. 22· Te News degree from UCLA and an MA ' penon. lltfule to be boUEd Dec. 21): Temptation is to degree from Sao Francisco down In petty argumtnls., delegate duties. Overcome it. ~ State College. GBMINl (M1y 21.June IJ): You could be io a loot'1 News of tbe ensacement ol Her future~ IJlteoded ' -.i deception coold be In-paradise U you negled bulc Debonh Marilynn Mordlatit the Univer.iity of Akron In volved -connectlld with legal issues. Heed voice of P:· to Rldiard Patrick Fletcher Ohio am was graduated from agreements. U YOU feel uneasy peri.ence. Disc ard s n a PP Y was revealed during a di~n Fernando Valley 'state · ·about commitment, I e e k jingles, cheap solutions. party in the Huntington Be' ch liege where he was af .. 'delay. Accent m prestlce, CAPRICORN (Dec •. 22-Jan. home ot ·the bride-el 's · '· 'ated with Tau Kappa civic duties, &eneral atandlnC 19): Light touch accompli~beJ parents, Mr. and Mrs . Phi Epsilon. in community. more th a n heavy.banded H. Merchant. -. The cerem.ony will take CANCER (June 21.J\lly 22): thods So I ii Communicate with one It a me . n1e re a ves may ToasUng the couple were place in st. James Episcopal reveal confident 181 in-Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Church. ' distance who may be able to formation. Key is to know Vernon of Huntington Beach, recommend fine physician. It t· 1 1· sh' h s ua ion. re a ion 1p as run mother and stepfather of the Unique question can b e ··~ 14-" course. benedict-elect, and Mr. and answered if you are versatile. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. Mrs. Ed'Brewer and ?\-1r. and Initiate lnvestlgatlon. 18): New approach could Mrs: Richard Allen, the . LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): It · flt. B · resu 1n pro tress . m4 • Couples' SiSters arx1 brothefs.. llon't be impatient. Some of d d of th ... acti the rules, regulations are for epen ence . ou ... ., on. in--Iaw. A friend may be &omewhat of -M;-M.....J...-. and her your own benefit. Tbls ~ f' · 1 drain. v-... -~-· be bvt a 1nanc1a "-U\IW w~ fiance are -..... ........ of Foun-not o <NS, 11111 It to call a bait. "'e~,...,-.-~, ff · -become tncreaalngly clear. PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): taln Valley ,... ~-· e" Educator To Speak On Nature Obtain blnt from CUcer Cy suvq In the U.S. Navy. cle high; judgment and In-NO date bas been aet for the Natur a Its t and a>0o message. tuition are 1barp. Career wedding. .' · · • VIRGO CAur. 23-Sept. 22): aspects are not. especially serva_tionist ~aul W. Colburn Permit otben to set pace. Be solid. Some dilays could be of Laguna Hills will address concerned with BeCUrity rather favorable in long run. Realiie • members of the Cavalier than apeculation. s o.m e-this-and-resporul~acco_nllngly,-GA r,1str+lOS-.Chapter..C.~fil&!!!!mes xvn h I IF TODAY JS YOUR . Century in Old Brussels Betrot a BIRTHDAY you generally Arr'iy"ing restaurant on Tuesday, Nov. -tend to be fntro1pec.uv.e. ~~y 10, at 12:15 p.m. to. success Is spec1aliiation. Colburn taught biology for Fin~ out w~at appeals to you Christmas will come earl y 39 years while serving as Servke Aaociali9n •for · ·:the story of a young, unwed fourth year, the aerl_es· tit!E!rl rriother, on Tuesday~ No'v. 24; Plays for Living pOrtrays Ind "There Was a LiHle Bo)r," familf problems and affers a play of parentaJ:negiect and new approaches to Solutions. 'hi.ck of communication, on Each production begins at. 7:30 Tuesday, Dec. L J>4 111 •• 0!>d..IJ..openJ,o the public .More than 10,000 r<!ideni. as a servli!e. }tave viewed the 3d'·miriute For engagetnent , announceme11-i. Jt ts Imperative that the story, a'Jso · acComp.anied ~Y a black and white .glossy picture, lie sub- mitted six weeks Or more before the .wedding date: If deadline 'IS not me~ only a story will be used. Revealed . -rum stra.1ght for goal., Re· for members of the Midway director of the TuCker Bird cent marriage ~r business City Woman's Club when they Sanctuary in Modjeska Can. respo~slblllty will Prove gather at 12:30 p.m. on Tues. yon. w hi I e director, he The initial dramatization is, •.plays which use professional "Tomorrow Is Now," a 8ctors and a~.tr~ses •. and <!fC. revea.Ung portrayal of campus followed by-' au d i·e'n~:e unrest and the generation gap. discussion Wlth the leadership Jt will be followed tI-J' "HoW of a Family"'sEirvice counselor. .. " ' ·-' -' O\d Curiosity Sale Benefits , Lyric , Opera · Laguna Beach, ·op e ra League's Old Qurjosity Shoppe Sale Will offer man.v treasures including white bisque music boxes, a tall white lamp witll blue porcelain base, brass bowls and a large, wide-eyed doll. . . Doors at the LagWla Beach Woman's Clubhouse will open at 9 a.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 10 and 11. Closing Ume is 5 p.m. Tuesday and ·f p.i;n. Wednesday, Co-chairmen of the event Afternoon Ceremon\ links Pair An afternoon ceremony in her parents' home linked in marriage Mary L 0 u i s e Rowland and Robert Michael Murphy of Costa Mesa. Parents of the br!ae ate Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin· Franklin Rowland of Cost.a Mesa. The benedict is the son of Mrs. Laurence Murphy of Madison, Wis. which wiU r~ funds for the ·LyriC Opera ol Or8nge County are Mrs.''Geotge it. K. Bryant and Mrs. William Hinwood. , Heading .onQltlittees wilf be the Mmes:~tariley Eichstaedt, je~ley!·, <;. Sldney Johnst6n, women'•. accessories; William Brugier;:.:~~n·s· d{esies; Robert ·H.·CIO!i'll, linens, ind Anthobi'.:Or!indella, lingerie and '~$'.. : AlSQ. ~departments will .bl-; 'tlii ·Mmes.. John Berme1, ,Jx10U and record!; Robert ~; Lawson, children's •lothlng; Zachary . "'~l•~J<.. ·furniture ; Wates··wallace arid' W·illlam:,,-· W·h.J.tman, housewar~s. ,and Edward NelJ, finance:· · · .. Melinda Rowland served her ~ sister as maid of honor during. ' tbe double ring rite. . 1 • The benedlct f!i«d llonald Jones to be best mad. The new Mrs: Murphy' ls· a • graduate of Emn,cia High School and Orange Coast College. She is a, junior at califomia Slate College at · Fullerton. Her husband was e<lucated .. ln Madison and ·served four years in tbt Marine C:Orp3. He is attending OCC. Tbey will !<Side" In Costa Mesa. , ........ '. ! •• ' ' 1iUSAN 5'1'ANTON '.Eii1i.a9ed Holidqy Nuptials In Offihg .·· · . . To-llelp, fU) ;r.qui.-ents on both wed- din~ and engagW.~t (alorles, fotlli1 an , avrulable In all m·lhe DAILY P!LQT ofllces. Furttier (jOOUol!"' wnr tiO auwerid-lfy- Womeii's section atafiTmemben iat ~ . or 494-9466. " · Go/den Key Program · ··.Easy · ... <:raft~ Shown ' A demonstration of craft Jack Greeley waa elected lterrui . which are· ·l>Oth at-president aDd ·Mrs. Miller, who tractive and eaiy to make will alao was fashion 1 how ·comprise &tie 'Pfoiram wb-..n chalrman, fint vice president. memb,en of Gol<len l{ey of Last monulls Pwich Bnmch H1ll!!tn(tQn Bea<J> meet at 10 W)\h Fashions nettod ap- .i.m. Tueod ay; Nov: 10,. In the ~xlmately:$3!0 for Ille Ollld hoJI\" ol M,rs. G~ay Milli;r,. Guidance c.nter of OraD11e Tlie meeilng, , which will County which Golden Key feabirt MJsS Karen Stopher, is helps to support. wen to. the pubijc, ~rding Members' and two pro- .to pr6gram · chafnnan ~frs. · fesslonal models showed the I~an N1UTagon,. .COffee and audience a large variety Of copki-es. will be serv¢ by Mrs. easy.care fashions. Golden Charles Wright, hospitality Key members who modeled chalrman: · Included the Mmes. c y Following . the ·.re5ignatlon •of Pet-erson, Ray Morehouse, ?t1rs. ,Willla,m .1iaima1 11rs . .,, S~erwood Baily, John Inn· ·· "" higer and James Hughes. Mrs . Morehouse a Is o assisted Mrs. Robert Holman with refreslunentS. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd J. Craft benef1cial. day, Nov. to in the clubhouse. perfected the hummingbird of Huntington Beach have an-TG find GUI ....,. •• luelcY fer nu ,,, "The Spirit or Chri&tmas," a feeder, donating the ~50,000 nounced the engaa:ement of _.., •nd 1oY1, .,.. IYdllf"I' Ommrr'• one.act comedy, ~Ed by gained from its sale to the ~-da"""'•r Dianne E'·'·e-11oG111et, "*'" Hll!tt '°' M9lt mild .... ~ ... _. "'6'-' ~ w...,_,. s.1111 blr'trldmt. an11 ~ ~ the Drama and Fine Alta Sec-sanctuary. Craft to James F. Record of ;:,~"~ :::-.:'C::r~A~~! tion, an elhlbit of Creative Associated for many yean ~·t. of ... benedlct-e1--£ tlort.-Nl'lr-Vart; N.V;--1tDI • -cratt-and·a-pnsbawing of the with Audubon Society_~_ A""-.i~1wi 1.111; 1':\:1. items to be on ·sale at the servation projects, the former are Mr. and ·Mrs. Howard J. Boutique B~ on Oec. 12, teacher is currently president ~ ol Long Beach, s pea ke rs will be Included In the day's of the Orange County Divillon Miss Craft ii a graduate of events. of Retired Teachers. St. Anthony's Girls' H!gh Hostesses for tht d~y will be School, Long Beach and at-At Podium the Mmes. Fr<d Wolle, Arthur tended the UnlversJty of . Roherbeck, Roy Honeycutt, Miasourl. Mrs. Charles Peirson wlll Urban Kleinpeter and Laverna Her future h u s b an d · Sflawbrldee. graduat<d from L<>ng Beach open her Anaheim home on Polyteclinic High School ind '!'Jl>rsday, Nov. 10, far 1 an enclnee In FL meeting o1 tbe Oronge COunty Belvolr, Va. Speakers Fonnn. A Dec. 26 weddlDI! u ~@isUng bet' at Ille 9:30 planned ht Sta. Simon 1 a.m. gathering will be Mrs. Jude Catholic awrdl, Hun-Leo J. Friis and Mra. E. H. tlngtori Beach. Kemen. Toy Ideas Form Talk Toys will be the topic Chapter Meets Mrs. John Bower will open her HunUnaton Beach h o m e for an a p.m. meeting ol Garn· ma Alpho Nu, Beta Sigma Phi OD Monday, Nov. 9. Mn. Bob &a will ... i.t and Mra. Jim Mc<lrath will dellvu a (l'Oll'am, Poetry !Mo Mmic., Mesa Rebekah Tbe History of Newport Beach -Then llld Now will be 81vn by Mra. Kemeth M. Smith; Coeta Mesa's E&rUer Yeara will be dellvtred by Mra. GWlrdnC Butler and Coota Mesa and How Siio Grew will be ~ by Mr" EUii Porler. pretented to members and Ev-fll'lt and third Tues· Books Sell The parking lot of the California Federal Savings and Loan Co., Costa Mesa will be "wall to wall" books tomorrow with a Serendipity Book Sale, -Ed by Iha Costa Mesa Friends of the Library. Books, ranginc fmn en- cyclopedlas to stoeyliooi:r, will be on sale from 9 a.m. to f p.m. Proceeds will benefit the equipment fund. Ajj)UATIC PLANTS gtiests of the South Coast •. ,, Christian women'• Club at S • 8 • day of the month menben of ALL vA1111T111 er.es eglns M R b • h Lod PACI-IC aOLDFllH fAIMS noon on Tuesday, Nov. 10, dur· eaa e e •a ge 14'12 11>wa11os lng a luncheon ln Ben Brown's La Lec2 Learue of Cotta assemble ln Odd Fellows Hall, "~~~;:,~,~~';:" restaurant. Me.sa is begtMlng a four.put .iC..iiiiit1~M~e~sa~,~·;,11~P·~m~. ;;;;;;;;;;~:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ George B. Murray. manager series in the Advantages oftl or corporate planning for Mat· Natural Feeding at ?;'5 p.m. FA C I A L $ tel Toys, Inc. will describe Tu~ N o •-~- '.me Of ih. I.test Id ... In guay, ov. 1 , 111 w~ Newport Beach home or' Mrs. Enjoyed by glamorous movie, 1V toys as well as examine the G st.an at leading beauty spas. Lecturer , Sees Stars toy manufacturing Industry. L . .J;;, 1:!:;e Is a nonprofi~ JOSEPHINE BLACK R.E. Court Stella Jo:0w°::n~~~::::,;::m i!: ::=rian or...-for (714) 538-9551 ..=:-.:::.., Astrologer and columnist ' Members of Court Stella :;::: ::Je:i:~in~ho w I I If~~~~======~=======~~========~ Carroll Righter will Address Maris 1441, Catholic Nuraerycareat50cef!taper members of the Monday · Daughtera of American meet family wUI be provided for Morning Club at 11 :30 a.m. •on eicb leC01ld and fourth Mon· preschool children In the Monday, Nov. 9, 1n Ben day at 8 p.m. ID St. Joachim's United Methodlst Cb u r ch , ':Own's restaurant in South . pariah hall, co.ta Men. South Laguna. .... guna. Righter, who has a degree in law but became Involved with TAX . PRIPARIRS asfrology while argl.!lng the vaUdlty or the subject, will ialk on the topic, Stars impel This "(.ear, Your But Po Not Compel. Tax Ex.,.rlence Can A question and· answrr r- perlod will follow•the \ecturc. Mean. A Lot More Money. During a noon' 'lunch , fashions will be modeled rrom Muriel M'Lady of Laguna We're look ing for men end women with et leest Niguel. one yeer's previous experitnce in • tex office. We· went tralntd people encl we're willln9 to p•y Stargazers erlrti to 9et them. Gathe·ring , ' Hith•• hourly ••••· • 1 '~ SPEOACULAR S,.Cl•lly .. ..... fort111 ... 1-'111h· , .. , ...•... ,, I• •TMK •UY T8 eOt Mytoo lnwy SHAG CAIPET .....,_ .. lfftnlf 11'1n11ftlltlot T_. nslk...iSatlo. -192$ Chapter Se~ :two Meetings Looking to the stars: .µi: be Hlth•r bo~u• poftnfl1I. Mt. and Mti .. Cbarlet B. the Fourttaln Valley \Voman't Pl111 tn eJCtr1 bonU. for liceur•ey. Stanton Jr. ol-Coroaa.deLMat,. Olul>-11.4,p.m~Gn Monday, -'.. ;, 11 .. •n•i• te ,,., ... , ...... INSTAlLDI ........ lltnyl'ltl&~ 'have announCed ~ Jn&aa:e-Nov. 9, when ·It meets in the ment of their daughter, Susan Fountain Valley Civic Center. You 1upply the •xperi•ne•. ~ No~ember meetings Stanton to Robert E. Wilson, The owner of a Balboa Our compits do 111 the m1th1matlcs ftr you, However, .,. on lhe uleodar for Xi llOCI of Mr. llld Mrs. ~ank L. speciatty ohop, Mrs. Rllland 1 'k k' 'th 1 Epllloa Pli ~.of Be~ Wttson of Coat.a ~.Ha. 11-tartin wll) speak on astrqlogy you mu• ~ wor 1n9 w1 peop •· Sigma Phi • The coupjt )f plal)nlng , to -lhe •Y•lem Of ll1e plaMls M -•~ .,.m '!her t 1 •.:d · Dec. 21 , In OUr Lldy and atars tn rtlaUon to each •n rt 11 A • • ·S • eJuu.,;1• g1 • h.A£M of •-Is Catholic .-'her Ind .~,. ln!lu•nce on r:u ~r pt mt. t• no ulrnw. om• y••~rouna oppor• p.m. on ~Y• Nov; to, for ~· ""•"' vi. w"'" 1 bUline9I ...aoa in the ~...Newport Belch. human Uvt8. Mn. Martin also funitie1 1"v,.i,l1blt .. Brief low·f•• tr1lnin9 protr•m. NftllO!\ Beadl ·-of Mra. . Both o1 the -ll'e Ctacbcs aalrology as a .a<I~. , ~ Churclillokl O,. 'l\lt.-l!adUllU of Corona 4el M'1 . tt .. t-• for Ille, evonJnc ~ 1·"' . 1 dly, Nov. 17, ,,_Ill!~ Hlih ~I and ti. ED11lbll .<•ill be the Mmd. Fred Fu!Jk, ~ --l'i~t 10 ~ •-12111 40·1421. "i•"-m•!IOI •octed by • m1)0!I. Sbe . II aitendlnf , Kenneth Esterline, W a y n e , . , • , , Mn. Frank lleei!'Wlll,\leclnit. Clllf'"'1a .Atlte College 11 cu..,n, 'Jim Grundy, 1111 11 N E•V I $ T I p.m. in the Co8ta M .. home Long Beach and he is 11\!Jdylnf Hackerott llld JI ab er , • • SUGUll FREE --.. of°""··-·-of Any Carpet 1WS.. l1l1Sl ~=- of Mn. Nathan Mervlsb. at UCLA. Hamlllon, '-;;~:------------------··r..--------·-------------------1 f I' • .. \ -.. Fo1111tai••. V8Dey _.-J ., ~ ..-----":--- N. Y. ·Steek• ' ED 11'. l'ON . . . ¥0t. 63, NO. 266·, '4 SEYTIONS, 44 PAGES ' . ORANGE COUNTYi. CAl!IFQRNIA r, ·, i:RIDAY, ~eVEMB~R 6, '.1970 TEN CENTS ~ .. ... ., ,. r ..... . . Supervisor Pay Hlke· Stirs Ruckus . - -I . , .Con·nty By JACK BROBACK DI llM ~ l!!!ILSl1ff Outgoing Orange County Sllpervisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna Beach today dt!ended a 95 percent pay raise voted for the five-man board, while taxpayers launched an<Mwned. County Counsel Adrian Kuyper, mean· while, warned of a new angle in the con· troversy: .~pervisors may get no pay at all for awhile yet. ' The ·While boppi111·mad i.uue centert on passage o( Propos!Uoa. U on TUesday's ballot. --- Allen's successor, tilth D l·s'l r i ct Supervi.s<r..elect Ronald Capsers had some strong feelings on the subject of the 95 percent pay raise, a spokesman revealed this morning. ''He believes that there ls a good possibility that this move may bt Ued to the 1act that two members of the board are reUriilg,"'lhe spokesman uld. "He has been telling people and board members tlUll be>thinb•lhey,lllouJd "'!Id off on m:ajor-~•-Hke the.J.u,.c.rt 1 and the (noorpontionl!l·tbe dlY of ·Jrvqoe until the new board-t.ltes oftice .Jn January,'' the spoUsmaa cootbulcL "The new aupiel'Viaor-..thinkl:~ it ·la. In- consistent 1ot the -.! ID pu» ~ a pay lncreue jull before 'they ,O..i: He feels it•ls ill-timed and allhouah he •II not denying !bat "''!'< ~ 1!. ~. he would like to ~;"' untilaa;ed,~ iect group. of citiz.ens.llUdy the'Dlaltl!r." . .c. the spokmnan aaid. \ "Capien bas pointed; out that 1n· the buslnea· W9f)d.,.'wbea "'raises are con- sidere«t, ampariaons ·are made with olber 1hdUSlrlea..He feeli you juit ilon't jump Into these thinp," tbe ,pbsman added. "He also feel1 It woutd be taken in- to consideratioa.thaL the veters of Orange · County-·~ l'ro!!· 12.'" • KUJPe~1 said .. ft! passage ... eould mean th• the ~rvisors In unchartered coun,_ Ues. like· Ol'll)le County, would not 1'!- .. paid unless they lake "°'"'. Immediate action to set their oWn'-ularles.' fie ·uicf the propot.ltlOri Wu a CM- stltutional amendihent and the .t.te Constltutloti supersedes any prevlow: IC· tion by the legislatures that formerly have set·the pay scale for supervilcn. Al the .earliest a new ordinance .COi.lid not be pused unUI Tuesday and it would not become law until 30 days later. lf there's a movement to collect nunes tor a referendum to block the superrilon odjcio, 16,1111 •ipahu<s of l'fljlteftd votera mwit be collected wJthin '° days of any salary orilinance bi• the boird. Allen, whose lemi of office expires Jan. 4, IUued a statement on the controversy today. • . -tAltbouch t have. ·no 1eU·.interest tn eatabllahinc ,,... aoJaries for the boon! of supervistn u now allowed by date law, I ~ve alwaya felt that it was unfair that these salaries were establiabed at Lbe (See PAY llllE, Pap l ·Hot -isslle Flares Full-time Mayor Plan to Be Revived .By ALAN DIRKJN 01 fllt IMllY '*°t S1tff The propo8al for a ·full-time, electJve mayor of Huntington Beach. narrowly defeated at the polls thi! week, will be kept alive. The question may be put to I.he voters In a special election early next year. Councilman Al Coen said this morning thit the issue. :ovl!I be brought up at the next council meeting. Nov. Ui. "If no other councilman raises It. 1 Beach Colincil • • • • U!ngh~ Up~iIL ' will ... he said. "I will propose lhat a ciUcens 1rot1p be: appointed to study it and come back with recommendations on all·three laau. In the. anlendn\ent. •P - The three ques:tions in the ameni:lment which lost by just 16.1 votes were whether the city sho&Jd have a full·time mayor, whether councilmen should be. allowed to set their salaries after a public h:t\lrin& and whether city departmenl.5 and bOarda should be under council control. . "Pe.rbapa a special election ·fni1ht be held nut sprin1 if we have bad sufficient rtudy on It by then," Coen said'. ..We want tO make sure that everybody tm- dustarids it ·and gets the message next time."' Councilman Jerry Mabiey said. today that be belieVed the council should look into the pombillty of hirlnf I COlllUIW!t to write the job description. "We need to define. the role more,'' Matney explained. "This last time we had 'to rush ih'° it:"' · Pusher Ele~ted Drug Dealer~ W.ins-'-]ustiee Pos t- Salary ' Q· WZ; . CAWRENCE. Kan. (lJPI) -Phllli11-C. "ll be's a danin hippie, I don'l lolow . · ' : H~ emeried fro~ ~ty 'ntUndly to any(hin1 1bciut tt," the Douglu County W ks Hu..uniten Beach, 't . cl.11.m eJect.ion as Justice of the peace •. , i Democratic cbainrWI uJd. "l'~ nner 1 • tll ·", , , ... ' Wf·:S'* ~ , ~ rah he' ·-~~~J · · _ j; heard G( him. •• • ·• ,, . :'~~}i:f~~aa ... / '\' •· "~itii\"W"' > ·< [,f ,o ., •·· 1 "AnyWoy.IlliOoahttheotlk:e'ofjulllca· · H· ·~ramendmen.t had ~· didWt.tel'eitber'JM.WliterT ofthepeacebadbetnaboliabed" , b..d" · ·--. ' or the politicians wbo ht was ·or whit ~ · . · · • • 1ta1&.Y·Pt1.\1.,,.. • .,,y..,,. ~ p · ~""" _11 nd did before 'Tuesday e1eetien, he h;tl told · ~ olftct hu not ~. ·~ u Storn~11 Weat•er -.:.:,!ft,~·~· . ·, ... : . I •• ' .. :t ,t: \ r:;r r:·~.,~:;:.~r:~~y~~..:~ .1~1~1 ~':;r'U:!,y~·~~ ~~j~UIJ~!ty~~~~-hil 'A 'few ramd!;<'!Js' lalung.on.bi,head idn'~detklliis · p.ij.;,nsJlnilwt•amoaiif:s: <¥ pqclph.i!!bn .. Si.iii. ~~ ,.,,,..~ "'"'1a .lilo.O .,_ filr · dopek HlH•raid, ~'1 """:: nu :~ :'i:: ~...,:!~.:,,:;-:-:= riei;: iUO'er:thi,.m~il-he~~ to cirdlthe',..a\.es · was Ute ~fntr'1a;rn Of raift· fbt 'mbte'".'tban seven _the~ _ lhltruct ~-•t _a rqular,_ ~-~"can ·~i m .u ~ ___ before-you tiear.' U..t he has been ar- tiear. HuntinitOJi~ch-P.iet:1A·'stor .froiit 'teaJid morithi•-:-since IBst~ArCh. :Wealb:eCmarr, ;say.s -publ!Clmtetiag to dNl"J 1lP ~11 ardinanoe Hill. 2.1~ uys·he aells "•U ldndl of dope rested." 6,range. Coast, w~thet"wafdlers t ay, ;bu~ dro~ w,eekend will •be clear.. M 1aaJariea and for the ~ to be except heroin. 1 won't hava any.thing fD "I'll put an undm:Q.vtr agent on him," I· 1iven 1 public hearin1 ·later and then do with thlt stuff. But ,I tell LSD anl said MiUar. ,who before winning the at.- .,. voted upon," .City ·Attorney , Don Bonfa mesc:aline and almost' everyililng. There'! tome'y ,eneral election on a strict law- Young P ollutio:ii Fighrers Flay . Flush Sysre1n All kinds of debJis may go down the atorm drains in Huntington Beach, but Jeveral youngsters are not happy with the wiy they are flushed .. The wash occurs when the city tuns 011 the hydrants and Ooods· out the storm drains that have bee• shut orr. during the rummer. :.at happens Is that cartons, cans·"and bottles are spewe4_ out in the sea, brought back .by the tide and I.hen picked up by beach cre1•· - But although the beach ill soon swept tnd Udy again the process ioea not piease young pOUution fi1hter1 . "Tbe beach is cleaned but what about the sea?" asked Eugene Bonick,, 17, in ta king the youngsters' complaints to the city oounci~ Borzick 11.nd Buffie , Holding , 18, told councilmen that they felt a screen should be fi:1:ed to the pipes so the debris ill not Rushed over the sand and into ~ocean. "It bn't a big problem, we know," Borlick said. "But we ha ve to Mart K1mf.Where." .:~~y Admin istrator Doyle Miller did not like the ldu of attaching screens to the 11).lnch pipes that f0nn the storm drlaln system. He e:1:pressed concern that the ~rains may become1clogged and point~ •ul that the city would be liable for ,any damages that would result. ' • d p • • Land said. not much money in marijuana -. too and-order cil:mpaign was the Sedpick est ' ents et1t10.n . 1be queollon ..; .. prompte<hby the ac-much of it &rowing arpund here.'" County therllf; Uon or minty supervisor!:· who:met• in a f • · · cklled-door aesaidn with County Counsel f V II · s h I Adrian' Ku)per Wednesday. to iNlrucl wap or a ey c , oo s ~:i:r.=rr"!'.;,"$15~=.:.lin( 1be bastlty called coun)Y meeting folMrnd passage· of Proposition 12 which By GEORGE LEIDAL waa built·with.state funds and "the rlate allowed 1Upen'iloriahboarcb to set ,their °' lk 0.1+, ..... s••tt would wanl ita:.money~back •• Huntington own ulariu. If fesidents of the Fountain Valley·por· Buch would have to;baild to tbuY it," he A provision of cliar1er amendment K, tion or Garden· Grove Unified School · 1peculated, .noting that· that •dis;trict has which also aaked wbether the citizens Di.strlct are suCcessful ·with a petition had ·difficulty• pllling bond elections: in wanted .. full·time elective mayor. would drive \hey may forct one Of the •'stickiest recent-yean. have allowed city •councilmen to·set their transtf:rs or· school' territory" tn county As lt stands now, the une1ation pro-aalaries by ordinance.after a pubUc ·bear· history. posal bas been endorted by a formal ing. The amendment was defeated by 18.1 The ·land swap -i'nVJJlv'ing GGUSD 's resolution or the Cify of.FOuntatn Vall~y votes. newesl high school and itwo1 elementary to the County Board of Eductti:m. Mat-"Certain safeguards were built into the schooll-w0ul(I take nearly one-eighth of thew noted that .WS: :ls an blformetlonal amendment that apparently · the new GGUS1' and join it to the Fountain Valley item only ·and require8 no· ·action from county provisions do not have," Bonfa Elementary district. The 1higb· 11ehool county trustees.. said . presumAbty would be operated by tne However, if res~ wbo are aeeklng The safegpards included the re• Huntington Beach Union 11Jgh School signatures are aucoeutul, ~ di1trictt to qulrement of(.a -public hearing and ap- District which serves the1 portions of rea!ive tbe1territoryo.nlust'bold bearinp proval by two thirds of tbe council. he un!lied ~~'-·11 Huntington Beach councilmen presenUy Fountain Valley not in t 1 and decide .-imt:wia-to--accept "-recttve·a salary' of $175 a month plua $125 district. While Fountain. V.illey supt. Michael • montll inl blanket expenses.· · Petitions from resident!• fn tbe eon-Brick•was ~uctant to,cadrment .. until tbe No dedlion·had bhfl made on what the tested area are being circulated .in hopes petiliorf~ preaenled ~y. be saJd salary ahould be but if ia: believed that that 25 percent of reglstend voters will hla admini"'1'ation wu ~ for tbe most councilmen felt the $175 figure force action that was not likely to have poaibilfty and had survt)'.ed tM. achooll ahould• be at least $300, the amount it resul~ from consideratiOn by the lhree in 1he questioned are1> to cMtermiDe would be if Hmitlngton· Beach were a school boards involved. enroUrnents. general law and .not charter dty. Council Robert'. Matthew, director of ad-He noted that-lf ,all prooeduret for a~ aalaries In general law cities are baaed minbtralive services for oounty achooll, provaJ were complete by' "Qec. 31. ,bi! on population. . described the territory as a "major district could take over the area July 1, C.r1Uca1of the amendment-had pointed transfer." Jnyolved in the ahufDe are a 1971. • • , out that.no aallry limit was tel in the brand new high school. two elementary GGUSO Supl ~Dlvfd P•ynter, aitd .he propoaltlOn. When the proposaJ WJllS flrat schoolii and.three sites owned by G;GUSD. had not been apProached:bjlh'lck or of. consldertd by cOuncilmen it contained a Alton B. Mor,se, assistant auperirt-ficials: of .HuntiUtiin Beach hicb-ac:bool provisioft that no present member would lend"11 of GGIJSD noted lha t Los Amll!oa (lee DOOL, Pille 11 (lee SALARIES, Page II ... Terrorists Set Off Bombs In Middle of Tel Aviv By United Presa IDLeraatloDl.I Terrorists struck in the center of Tel Aviv today, exploding two bombs near the main· bus depot crowded with Israeli holiday-goers. The bold attack came.only hours after the reilewal o! Ute U.S.· in itiated cease-fire in the Middle 'Eut. The Israeli slate radio said 1t least 11 persons were injure<t In the exploatona near the bus staUon In downtown. TeJ Aviv. A high-ranking police offiefll" said the two bombs, consisting of about half a pound of es:ploslves each, eiploded almost simultaneoualy. The Arab-llraeli ceaae-fire I i n e 1 ,. however, remained silent with both llde:s agreeing to an extension of the truce paat the Thursday mldnl1ht deadllle (5 P·Pl~ EST). Israel haa set no time Umit, but said It will not shoot first. Egypt aald today it will not extend the ceaoe·flre beyood Feb. 3. Jordan 1116 lllcl same ·l>us at.atiOn abOOt two yWs qo killed one penon and Injured 1everal doien more. The ~Ure area was Immediately seal· ed off. Witnesse.1 said many Arabs were taken Into custody for questionlng or lot' their own.protection: They said' the mood ·· of the crowd'wu "es:tremely angry." The terrorial · atl.uk c:ame ahottly before the return to Israel of Pr'emier Golda Ille~ tnim vlllta to the lJnJted States, Canida and' Brjl.ain. Mn:1 Meir told an airport news con- retence that what hapPens on the E~ tlan ·side of the Sue. Canal ·•ill decide -Jarad •bides wtlb•the atandlllll clauR iii· tbe rene,,ed three-month c:eu. • fire. Jl lt will abide by the enention, recom- mended tn an Afro-Asian reaoluUon ap-· '-- proVed Wednesday by the t/.N •. General Assembly. The hlgh·ranklng police officer in Tel Aviv 1ajd a deljv~ ~~le parked , j]. legally near a moyle house appareoUy , ~vented a heavier cuualty toll in Welitller . " , .. Skies will clur up•S.lunf~ and turn lllllll1Y ., .. '&niday •klol' lllo coan. 'Wltb tamper1ture1 ming to' a locally and up 'to 75 furlbir ID-• land. I 1 ' today's ~k>alona beeiuae ·it acteii:1 U a • ahield ai•inat the Oyinl lhrapnel. INSIDE-TODAY . , ' - t ' Harbors and Beaches Director Vince Moorhouse uid thl]t the problem •ISC\ trisea after every stonn. But he ex·· plained that the debris ls picked up promPtli after it is washed back on the beach. 'llll!' bui ltellon waa cioWded :with· . ...r11ers le•'<lnl for .the , \'!'ii J- weebnd wblCb beglnl •al. liilii:lilliile ... Fr\cfay." A 1imU.r bomb' DplOolon 11 the ~rt ComOI to Newport 'Jl- tlfl ... ek 'IOlth•dlmirl nflfbll al H°"'1 llemorlal Hoapitlil ""4 ., "We remove 200 tons of trash a year r.~ lhat beach," Moorhouse~' ad- thlt he too was concernea With .J. 'ck, a member of the emJocy club Hlg11 SChool, nld tlUlt be and tnen.!J were not aaUsfied thlt the t system was adequ1te and ltlll tut for 1 screenlna fixture. 1'r1 the •• we are conctr:ned ·~" be inststed. Thi councilmen auggested ht and' hls 11"'1' moo\ with Moorhouse to di>cuss the problem. . • ' SY.LVIA. PORTER'S . .. .,... , 4'QOllerv-111oto ot Foshton 1t!o11d. Dttoill m toddfl'I We•kc11do•. ; ..¥' •• .... , ......... ... ClrlllW.a ' M ..... ,_ M Ct;w • ....... _.. ... " ... -~ 11 c... ........ .... ~I:=-~ t·~ ....... 1~,~' .... • ;;;;.i" • ,, .. ,, ....... • .......... ., ............... , .... -~·II ............ N ---.,~,.,.. ...... u-11 ' ' • • ~-----· .. ,~.... . .. •• • .. ~ ......... 1 I •• .1 ~ i \ % DAILY PILOT' H l' • . In Seal Beacl'a ,__...._,, . From Page 1 -• Unjt Awa~~n~d::· For t ltecait· Flght.:1 P:AY HIKE ••• whim <1f the state Leglllaturt. ~'If we were 1 ·charter form of 1evern· ment th8re is no que1ti9n tn my mind but lhlt lbe aolo!Y oclledult would lie 1W In wt\11 that Ill the judiciary u 11 Los Angeles Couftty," AUen..contlnued. Los Angeles supervilors are paid ap- proximately m.ooo a year, the same as Superior Court judges. • ' " ' ,. By llVDI NJEDZIEUlKJ .... ~ ........... The Good Government Group, 1 dor4 .,..t Seal Beach organization formed in 11151 lo combat 11mblin(1 bu been JUwabned lo old Iii the ,cumnt recoil · t\Ovemeri~ actinlt veteran Councilman Zonw~ J, Fuhnnan.. Mrs. Tom 'Blackman, wile of the "aniution's n e w president, said the 6-0G, u it ii commonl)' rolerred lo by bell reaidentl, wu reaotJ.Vated 'nlur1day 1rimlrDy lo ftna .. e a looming court boJ. le. The ifOup will auimllato the pro-recoil Jave OUr City orginizaUon in ~arrying flrougb'Fubrtnan'1 JUAll which WU in- ti.Ued July 27, the same day P'\lllrmtn md two other councilman ~ted to fire City Mana1er Lee llilner. Members of the group hive hired Loi \ngeles attomey Glenn R. Watson to ~tion the Appellate Court in San ~rnardinG to set Jan. 12 as the date for be recan election. That move was sparked by the coun4 tit's inabWty to set a date for the election luring a recent council seesion. With ruhnnan abstaining, the date was leadlocked by a 2-2 vote. Meanwhile, however, a majority of the livided council has been successful in ob- 'aining the services of lawyer Russell W. lledsoe to cQntelt more · than 6,000 1ignaturea already cert1fJed on the recall tetition. These council members. which include Wayor Morton A. Baum, Thomas Hogarci, LS well u Fuhrmtn, have charged ir· ... gu1ar1Ues In Ille collectlotl of the aiplltuno whidl Include •ll'fed decep- tive tactics by the. petitioners. Both Wataon's petition and a 40-paa:e argument art now awaiting dlspbsition at the Sin Btrnardino Court. Bledloe recenUy, dlfended former 1am~Un1 hill oper1tor ·WlUJam L. l\Obertion·durlng a lengthy business License revocation hear· ing before the Seal Beach City Council. The 7)-yeor old Robertlon waa &lplltted 011 misconduct chlrga 1urroundhi1 his Marina Palace dance .ball by a J.2 city coW\Cll vote. Rol!ertoon lost a boUle wllh !!le Good Government Group in 1912 when It,_ wu !UCCe.uful in establilbini a tou&b IDti· 1•mbllnc ordinance In Ille city. Parsons Air Findings Under Fire By L. PETER KREIG 01 1M 01111 ,llol Stiff The Orange County Airport Com~ m1alon may reject the f!ntire Phase Il of the Paraons Report on air transportation. Commissioner Robert Clark suggested the report be thrown out Wednesday night after peppering Parsons company official Stanley W11sh with an array of queationa that led the man in char1e nf preparing the study to admit the Brea aite recommended for a 'future general aviation facility is almost totally Irr adequate. '"I'hil," aark said, "leaves me with 1erlous. "°ubt. on the validity of thf! rest of the report." The study, commissioned by ~e Bo.ard Students' Switch To V alky School District Okayed of Superviaora at a coast of ll~waa The children in nine homes without a supposed to recommend sites fo a new ICbool are welcome to join F.ountain commercial jetport, a ~eneral av ion Valley School District. airport and a recreational airpark. Trusleel accepi.d a poUtlotl /l'buuday Walsh. concedln,c the enlfre oecllon of light from the nine residents who want to the re?Ofl devoted to ,the ~rea 1irport 1witch from Ocean View School District was virtually a waste of time. recom· l k> Jij)untain...Y.alley mended the county instead concentrate _ The homes .re 0in the far northweJt~. on 'i!evelOplng toe Aliiiiltifl-:-m-var Air ecimer of an area bounded' by Hell and Station into a joint-use facillty for private Warner avenue a, and Bushard and planes. 1,_ Kagnolia streets. Walah uld there Is no <1PUmum • . ..., 1 'Illeir chlldren attend Fountain Valley's left in Orana:e County for a aeneral av1a- ra.mura School with permlulon of the lion airport. Dcean View School Di.strict becauae He aaid the Bell Canyon site recom· here ii no OCUn View ICbooi they can mended for a ccnrunerical commuter jet. taslly reach. port ts the only lite left ln Orlll&e Countv The boundary change ii unoppooed tiy • acceptabl• for lhat l>UrpolO. Ocean Vlew but it won't beClOme final "E:zcept 'there'• no way to aet to It." 1ntll ippro,Ved by the Orange County quipped commissioner Rote.r Slates of Board Ill EducaUon. Hunftn~n Beach. CllJ'k, who lives In Brea, shot ad-- From Page 1 SALARIES •.. benefit from a raise but thll clause wu deleted. Bonfa also stated today that he did not consider discussion of an ordinance by councilmen a suitable buts for an e1· tcutive Hsaion under the Brown Act. "Why do you need an u:ecuUve session lo discuss an ordinance when all the ordinance does is set the am0W1t?" he asked. - Bonfa a1so pointed out th1t U charter emendment K had been approved It would not have become effective until cerUfied by the Legislature and therefore the council could have waited . rw a regelar meetl.nJ to hive the orldlnance prepared. Both councilmen Al Coen and Jerry Matney 1greed thll morning that thi1 ii the route the city council would have laken. "That's what would have hid to be," Coen cotnmented. DAILY PILOT OltAMO& COAIT PUll.tlHIMG COMP,uiY •• .,,,, H. "'"' ,,. ........ ,. .... J11k It. C11rl.., Vkl ,,_....,Ml .._.I Ml~ 'nl•m•• k••Yil Edllrtr T11oin•• A. Murphh1e Ml!lllllnl licllM Al111 Dirki11 Wtst OrtNll CM!ty hi• Albttt W. letff --................. 17171 .... ~ ...... .,., M1ili111 AMftl": P.O. ht 7t0, t2MI --~---!-...,... .... -c:. .. ,..., -.... ...., ..,... ......., ... dl1 ll'!I w.t ..... ...,._,.I .. II ~t aJ,..,. a& c.lliM ... ) ditional holu in the Brta recom- mendation. Hi uld Paraons had used 10-year..(Jld land cOsl flgurio: It negleci.d the I.ad that three 1cho01& hive jurt been built ait the end of the proposed runway and that a main drainage channel runs rl,:i:ht across it. · These problems alone would result in more than doubling the estimated '6 • million cost for developing tbe airport. "On top <1f that," -he said. "the airport cuts off every east·west road planned in the city, including a freeway." It would cost a million dollars a mile tn relocate some of the thoroughfares, ht said. There was more, the city has built a sewer and stonn drain line through that area that would cost an additional $1.25 million to build over or re-route, Clark pointed out. Clark aald the city of Brea would havfl to change Ill entire master plan to cope with the airport. "It 11 obvtout you did not use the latest lnfonnation 1vailable in preparing your recommendations for this airport," Clark said. "lf this ls a refiection on the balance. of ~ thf! report, then we have aome serious que1Uon1 on the rest of it." The commlaaion did not delve into any other recommendations In detail and said hearings on the rest of them will take place next Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. In the Boord of Supervbora hearing room. Elmer Barnett Services Slated Funeral aervlcu will be held S.lurday for Elmer E. B1rnett of HunUn1ton Beach, who wu killed Monday ln 1 car crash in the Ct.Jon Pus. Mr. Bunett, +t, wu born In Oranae and graduated from Santa Ana High School. He wu a <Veteran of Coast Guard service durlng World War n 1nd terved with the Alr Force after the war. He w11 1 ptrtner tn the B and T Pipeline Co. of Garden Grove. He wu a1ao 1 member or the Sant.a Ana Elks Lodge. The C.llfomla. Hl1hw1y P a t r o I reportod that Mr. Barnett waa fatally In· juttd when h1I car collided with a ttuck at the summit of the pass. He 11 IUNlved by hla wilt, Llla Crane Barnett, • ton Edward Md a daughter Pamela. all of lilt family bomt• 1003I Sl9neYbtooke Avt., Hunttqton Beach; hla lather, Perntl Bamet4 of Hmm, and twO brolhen, Perno! G. on4 !1""1, both of N""""1 B .. ch. -' Servi.., will be htld at 10 a.m. al lh1 Btll Broadway Chlptl, Ccata Mell. 1 Hush Hus~, Sweet ·-Satelli te "II hu been' Ille respon1l~illty ti the 1r1nd jury to make recommendl:lion1 on .: the salary level of tbe board." Al,len ad-: : ded. "In the eight years t have bef!n ia :.; office, these recommendatJon1 have been :• ~sistently ignored by the • 1 t a t t : : legtslaturt." • , ·. :" "No doubt the preetnt 11lary scale of .. ; supervisors is very, very J<1w,•• added -: F o u r t h District supervisors, newly· • electf!d Ralph B. Clark. "otherwise t would prefer to aay nothing more at this time." Clark, who will take office Jan. 4, ad- ded however, "I have reCf!lVed doaens of calls on thla subject blaming me, and I had nothing to do with it, of coune. I have enough as an An1heim councilman without intorfering wllh the Board Ill Supervilors at this time. "Most of those who called me alJ'ffd that the present salaries of tht supervi1on are too low, but added that they thouaht the 95 percent raiae wu too much," Clark said. "A• It lltlnda at thb time tbooe on-lilt -:' What was supposed to .be a hush hush launch of an Air Force n~n 3-C rocket bearing a euper aecret spy satellJte obviously was the best known secret. In Cape Canaveral, launch, see Page 5. Fla. For story on today's :ar~=~! ~c~~~.~~~~~~ ~:-::~ 1upervl10rs Nld. - Tnpoy~ throughout Ille county are fuming over Wednesday'• decision, but no one has stepped forward to lead • referendum or reeall drive. From Page 1 Construction Starting on New V alky Hospital Secretaries In the 1upervi10r1' <1ffice1 said the telephone calb contJnued to pour SCHOOL ·ANNEXATION • • • In today as they did moet of 'I1n1rld1y from cltilens protesting Ille propoeed raiae ln supervisors' salaries to $2t,2G 1 year. district about the annexation. However, he said the anne:zation attempt "was being promoted by 1 small group." "The Joas of Loa Amigos to the GGUSD would overcrowd <1ther hilh schools in the district," he said, "and create prob- lems of racial imbalance. "It ia misleading," he charged, "to in· dicate that Loi Amigos serves only Foun- tain Valley children." The school at· tendance area includes parUons of Santa Ana and Garden Grove as well . SHUFFLING SEEN '(hus, GGUSD would have to redistribute children who now attend Los Amigoa to other high schools in the district, if tbe petition move lJ approvt!d by the C<lunty Com~ttee on School District Reorganisation .ind the County Board of Education. , The Qlunty-b<lard may approve or d@ny the transfer request, Matthew explained. Further, county lruttees may direct that an election be held to detennlne the sentiments of -people affected by the transfer. This election may be held only in the area to be transferred or throughout the diltrictl affected. The lat· ter option, i( chosen by the County Board of.. J!:ductalon, would mean that voters in e,U of the GGUSD, Huntington Beach Union High School District and Fountain Valley elementary district might vote on the ahifl. Orange County's Measles Kept Under Control There hun't be:en a reported case of rubella, commonly known as Gf!rman measles in Oran&e County this year and the health department hopes to keep It that way. . Dr. T. J. Albert. dire<:lor of Ille In· fectious diseases division. says all children under 12 are urged to be vac· clnated a1aln1t the diJease. The dlseue ii especially dangerous to pregnant women and their <1ff11pring, often resulting in birth defects. Dr. Albert aald the vaccination cf younger children is urged so that they will not brin1 the disease home to their mothers er older 1l1ters of child bearing age. Thf! health department's free vac- cinaUon program at schools J1 b e i n g directed at fifth grade 1trl1, Dr. Albf!rt said "If they haven't had the dlseue by then we fee] they should be vaccinated a• they art neuing the child bearing age," he reported. "However ll they have had the diseue that is the belt lmmunlution pose Ible." Women ln child bf!arlng ages who have not hid (1erman mea1IH should see their phys}clln for 1 check up blood test, the health department 1dvl1es. Man Enters Window, • It's the Governor! ST. PAUL, Minn . (AP) -"I woke up In the dark and there was a man clim· bing in the: llvlng room window," said thf! 17·yf!ar-0ld babysitter. "I was scared and about to seream when l saw it waa the new aovemor,0 aa1d Joanne May of St. Paul. Mlnneoota Gov.-elect Wendell R. Ariiferaon •pp&.,.nUy hid forgotten hJa key •ledlon nlJilt, 111C•S1ltltlna hla entry lhr<>UJh the window early Wednuday mornln1. Andenoil l&ld .. ht rang the doorbell eeVtrtl umt1·but ...... nsit ablt to awaken the bll!Yaltter, who hid ttayed up late ••tcblna atection ntwna. Girl~ Selling Cookies Girts fr.om Huntin1ton Btach H I g h School will dole out cookies and cake un- til 6 p.m. today at a it.and located on tjte comer of BJ"OOkbunt Street and Ad1ms Avenue. 1be money from thttr bakt u l1 will be ulled to 111Ppo!I G~lo Leacue ac- tivities on lhelr campu1. At 1ta~, according to thf! city council resoluUoil, la the de1lre for "community intecrlty" which w<1uld "be Improved by adj\lltlng boundary linf!s so that all residents of the City of Fountain Valley are with the Fountain Valley School District." COMMERCIAL AREA GGUSD officials noted that thf!re is a commercial area yet to be developed that is attractive to the school district in terms of assessed valuations. Neither district Js listed among the "hlgh wealth" district.. of the county. GGUSD ranks 25th among the largest districts In California in term! of wealth, but is the eighth largest in the state. Paynter doean 't buy the argument that achoo! district boundaries should match city lines. "There Isn't a district in the county that does. GGUSD contains portions or all of nine clUes," he noted. Matthew agreed that there are no districts which have Identical boundaries with cities. "! don't see any relationship between the twt>," he said. County Truitee Don Jordan. who represents half the Garden Grove district and all of Fountain Vallf!y and Huntington Beach, 1aid that In past transfers of school · lands, the county board usually urged local boards to agree among themselves. Thi! option seems to have been by pas· sed by the residents seeklng petitions. Brick said. · Jofdan 'feels the board policy has been to call an election "to allow the voters to decide. Seldom has the cou nty board stepped in to dictate a solution," he said. Construction atarted this wee:k on Fountain v8t1ey'1 first hospital, a $4.5 million, ll.,.bed c<lmplex. It will be ready for patients sometime ln mid·I971 , acrording to Dr. Richard Ayres, spokesman for the 28 doctors who are buildlng the hospital. Each department In the hospital 11 designed to handle eventual expanalon to a 25().bed facility. The hospital la located at Euclid Street and Warner Avenue. It will contain two nursing Units with rr beds for medical·surgical patients, a separate pediatric wing with six beds, and a separate isolation area for upper respiratory and post-surgical carf!. A fully monitored intensive care and coronary care unit 11 planned for eight patients. Three delu:ze suites for patient ind spouse also will be provided. The radiology department will consist of two major x·ra y rooms, one equipped for special procedures. An isotope scan- ning room is alao included. The pathology laboratory is planned for all standard laboratory proce"d.ures. Hospital facilities will also include • 1.000 square-foot' emergency treatment room equipped to care for eight patients simultaneously. Board members currenUy are paid $15,000 annually. A new angle in the colttroverty loom· ed today with thf! ruJlng by Cciunty ~ Counsel Adrian Kuyper that th e supervilcrs may not get paid until a new salary tehedulf! is adopted and perhaps not untq 30 days after that. From Page 1 Schools Studying 44 Applicants A special screening committee will begin reviewing the applications of '4 new educatora interested in the top job at the Huntington Beach Union High School Diltrict Nov, 13. But when the district will hire a man tit replace Dr. Max Forney, who retired last August as SUPf!rlntendent of the SZ.aquara mile diatrlct, la sU11 1nybody'1 guess, ac- cording to Asst. Supt. Scott Flanagan. The position was. re-advertiled in October after· a previous acreening com· mittee was unable to select a superin· tendent from about 72 interested per10ns. Flanagan said the new committee may review the papers t>r-thee-ti'U~ pllcant! as w@ll before recommending any finalists to the board of trustees for interviews, f tNTRODUCING . . . 7 n ' S/ierri// 1Jp/io£fer'J For th. lint tima, thi• fine ~"" of upholstery i• now eveileble to the West. One of the finest produc.,1 of upholstery in the country, SherriR wnl b1 a new .,. perience in viewing quality furniture. An un~raneJ.id selection of fine fabric'-coupi.d with cr•ftsm•nship unmetched in the same price cttegOf'y. If you .,.. in nted of upholstery, M sure ind com• in to view this Heiting collection of moderately priced, quality f umituN. DEALERS FOR1 HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE NIWPORT BEACH 1727 Wutclilf Dr, 642·2050 O'EN ,RIDAY 'TIL 9 INT E It IORS ProfM1ionel Interior Dftll'ttn Avallabto-AID-NSID " LAGUNA llACH "45 North Coa1t Hwy. 4944551 OPIN flUDAY 'TIL 9 } , ' ' ' t . -• • --• l ,1 VOL 63, NO. 266, 4 SECTIONS, 44. PAGES FRIDA y.._ NO~i· 6°;)97o 'nN cENTS"' ..... -' . . • • Supervisor Pay .Hik_e ·stirs· . ' .; ' . . .. .. ... RuckU~--'.in, €oUilty: ' . By JACK BROBACK Of tM o.lf'r ,llet Jtatt Outgoing Orange Coonty Supervisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna Beach t<>Uy defended a 95 percent pay raise voted for the five-man .board, whi.Je taxpayers launched and fumed. County Counsel Adrian Kuyper, mean- while, warned of a new angle in the con- troversy : supervisors1 may get no pay at alJ for awhile yet. \. The whole bopping-mad issue centen • ' '· Hunt Trial Jury Gets 3-day Break . By TOM BARLEY Of "'-Daltr Pli.t Staff Jurors in the Orange County Superior Court.murder trial of Willia Dean Hunt of Newport Beach· are today enjoying the first da_y of a three-day recess in what has been a month-long trial. Judge William Murray sent the •panel off to its three-day break at noon Thurs. day with the instruction that jurors should return Monday morning to hear final arguments by opposing lawyers. Testimony ended Thursday w i t h statements from rebuttal witnesses caU· ed by Deputy District Attorney Melvin Jensen for tb.e prosecution. Jensen and defense attorney Sidney Irmas will ad· dress the jury Monday after which Judie Murray ·will give final instructions to the panel. . -Jensen is expected to ask the jury to convict Mrs. Hunt, 44. of 2615 Harbor View Hill! Drive, of murder in the killing on Dec. 14. 1961 of yacht broker Willis H1111t, ii. · · : ·"-It WiS atipw.t.d ~ly 1n the lrill that . (See HUNT, l'Jp IJ Newport Council Sets Business License Hearing The controversial new business license ordinance will be introduced at a meet· ing of. the NewpOrt Beach City Council Monday at 7:30 p.M. in City Hall. The ordinance, which provides a new fee scheduled that has come under a hail of critisism..from members of the bus.i· nesi commtt111ity, may be amended be- fore it is passed to second reading. Several alternate proposals have been · advanced, but the council in earlier dis- cussions has resisted accepting any of them. The main target by the businessmen, Including the N.ewport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, ia .. the Pr:ooosed gryss re- ceipts tax on ·~t majcrfty ot commer· cial businesses. The council will take addilioul testl· mMy on the ordinance at the Monday session and will likely pass it en for a 11econd readh'it at the Nov. 2.1 meet.iJ'lg. · City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt said this morning he wUI be prepared to offer suggested dratts of speclflc changes if ) the council asks for them. One posslblUty that will likely be dis- cussed was advanced last mOllth by Councilman Donald MclmUs. ~e ~ posed that the commercial and industrial · classUications be combined and b o t h taxed on· the basis of'number of employ· es. "' p-of ~~~ l2~'!1 Tue!!laY'• ballot. • Allen's succeuor; 1flfth D i·s t.r t ct Supervisor~lect Ronald Capsers had some strong feelingl on the. subject of the 9S percent pay 'ni&t, a spokesman revealed. this morning. "He believes that th'ere is a good poesibility that this move may be tied to the ract that t~ piembers of.the ~ are Tetirihg;" the spokesman•iiaiCI. ;- "He has been telling people and hj>ord ' ' ' membera that· he thlnb !hey ibcilld bold olf on major dedllom ll1re the airport and'Uie .....,,..,licin al' the dty of 1rvine until the new board •takes t olfite in January," the-spobsman c:ontin~. "The new tupervllor think.a: it is in- conslsleilt for the boar:d to plllh throOgl> a pay increase just before they gO ~ He feels ii is ill·timed al"l 'lithoulh he I! not denying that some lnaUse i1 deser.vtd, he would lie to .., .. miblued, .o. ject sroup ol citil.eos study tbe matter/1 - the IJIC!l<,.m111 !114. "Ca)lien-has'pOlnted out that to the buairieu wor14, 'when raises are. 'CUI• daetea~ coinpar1sons are made With other incluatrlell: 'He feela you just d0n't junlp into tbe8e things," the spokesman addtd~ "He alJo feels it would·be taken jn.. to cotWJieraUon I.ha~ f.he voters of Orange Coontf turned down Prop, 1.2."' K~r: said it& passa11e could· ·mean tqat the superv~ Ip ~cbi.rtered ~coun ties, 1iU, ·0r1n1e County, would not be ·' h Airport COmpleX Shown Newport Planners View 200-acre Development The Newport Beach Planning CommiJ.. sion got lts ftnt look' at one of 'the largesf - commercial-inaustrial development.& ever planned in the city Tbursday riight. Officiab of the Emkay Development Company outlined their .designs · for the Newport l!rujott,,a JOO.acre deve)opm..t near Oruge County Alrpart that will m. elude a #room hotel , three restaurants and millions Gf dollars in industrial and office comp&eus. The Planoed Comll\U!>ity development Is propoaeil on a tract al land bounded by succuMBs AT BALBOA HOME Bal Islanders Gr•c• Simpson Ho.g . MacArthur Boulevard, Jamboree Road, PaUsacles Rold (the 'future Corona de! Mar-Freeway) and Birch ·Street. • Offlcials,of. Emkay, a subsidiary of the Morrison-Knudsen Company, and project architect Ernest W)Json disclosed details of. Ute-lll'Qiect for the first time at a pub-lic hearing in City.Hall. There was no formal oppasitlon offer!d although several Planning CommiSSion members said the fact they hadn't been glveft-'-a preview of the plans i t a study sn.aiOft ·disturbed t;bem. :: -~~. . . Ask Rejectj.on _ Ho~pitnl Figure Of , lrvine Pian Mrs. Grtiµ Hoa-u 1 ••. Q!l~~ .; .• ~' . ,l!'J Mli~=:·tff:~)\ J S'uccumb1 qt ,~'00 ·: ~1a::~ ~: · • "--1 l*!lnl-,..,-. ... Mn. Grae< SlmpsOn _l!6"r~ied eirly Instead .. overall i tud1 ~a1 walltfli>ot this morning In lier BoJboa iioihe fol,Jow-proper!letl ta the city. , • ing t lengtby illness. She wU too ·y.eara The lrYbie ComJ)any 1&id it wasn't old. , . . ready to. say anything at the public hear-. Mrs. Hoag was the widow 9f the late ing on the commercial ~wharf Jjniject. Ir· George Gtant Hoag, after whom Hoag vine Plannlng Administrator .Jflmes Tay. Memorial Hospital.is named. lor stepped to the microphone and ,Aid Mrs. Hoag and her husband first came so, ,then Sat down. · to the Harbor Area in 193&, when they Taylor wanted a two-wetlc: delay, "to rented a home for the summer on the allow addJtional traffic studies'" resi· Peninsula. Several years' liter they dents wanted and got a rour~week poet.- bought their home at 2102 E. Balboa pooeme111t to' Dec. 3 On both propou.Ja, Boulevard. so they could' hire traffic esperta of their Following Mr. Haag's death in 1948, own: Mrs. Hoag took over many of bis projects _ Island residents didn't wait for the 'cm- which included aiding the Boy Scouts. tinued hearing to let their feelings be She became presi~ent of the ~oag knowtl, however. A four·hour barraae, Foundation which donated SSOO;OOO for,the .ending.at 1:15 a.m. ensued. coostruction oC the Newport Beach They especii.Uy doii't like the planned hospital.. wtiai:f deve-19Pmf!'.lt,. a proposed · siJ:•1cre She continually provided assistance to aboppln1 Ud reatauraot complex extend· the hospital which opened in 1912, Ing ...-1y Along Bayside DriYe from building the nurses quarters whtch is oow Marine ,Avenue and fronting on·the North the conference center Balboa Island channel. She also helped th. Orange· Empire 'Ille nearly !00 realdenls atlending the Area Boy Scouts>bliild their headquarters heann~ allo Indicate unuJJNty in their and afded in the installation of a water opposition to the 820 apartme!1f. units well at the ·u.t'Valley Scout Camp. ~anned along the bluffs overlooking Bay~ Mn. Holg also provided-financial side Drive, the new man-made Promon- isla to ••-"""bo • ..:.. G' I Cl b. tary Bay, and t!lelr laland. ass nee , UllC nat r tv-, tr Ir. u • They argued th.It .._propoRci densities, the Harbor Area. ~ys Club; 'the Newport traffic a..t the elimination of a pi.lb lie Beach Senior Citizens Club and man)" vlst.a from the Coaat mpway w o u 1 d other tocal·charlUes. -..-' aJpificanUy deteriorite the area. A member of ~ws Presbyterian Irvine'~ ';t'aylor, w11o· said i!emoliUon of Church In Newport Beach, she and.her existing sl!1Jctures oo the ·~le would be, son, ~ge Grant Hoag 11, gave• funds gin lmm~_ately a~y. pointed' out for the Chapel on the church grounda. that about 25 percent Of the land is al· Mn. Hoag wts also a ~me~r·of,the , ready f.ODe:d ,.fM commercial develo~ Th\U'llday Moming Club, P,E,O~Club, and meot .. Tbe rest is Nidential~ wu,an ffot1orar>'Copo .deon.n-.. "That's ~ke the 1111 waginf the dog," , (S...llOAG, ra.11~ (llee WllAllF, Pqe I) ·\ '' . \ \-, ; .... '• I ~ -::!·:-... -' Nixon Appnints Newport Y achter To New P.R Post . . . .NewPort Beach's Jack RiChardson went to Washington, D. C. Wednesday. He · has· bee'n' appainted to a federal lu\llic reJaUons post by the Niton ad- ministration. He doesri't know what the job Ii, Richardson, 42, formerly owned and operated the Richardson Y a c h t Broker,ge till Bayside Drtve, adjacent to tbe entrance to Balboa Is!and. Most recently, he has worked in public relations for the Great ·Southwest Corporation, parent of the Macco COrporaUOn. Rlcbard aaid his appointment foll ows "years of aupport for Preskient Nixon" and an assignment (wo montha ago on the staff of press secretary' Ron Ziegler. He said the latest job isn't the only sud- den and myateriow federal appointment he's received. · He discloled this morning that be had been al~-~ return 10. WQhlngton by Ziegler after the ·President's summer trip to the Western Whlte House in San .. Clemen!•· .. '.,I was ·there five days and getUn& ready to· come home when Ron said, 1Yoa're leavtni for J;\ome.' " he rilate<f. ' "Jt turned out I was• serving with the President's adyance presa party and I wound up ROlftl to Rome, and Naples lllffd' ol Nlloo then to Madrid, London and Ireland wttb !Um:-" ' The conunlssion continued the public hearing to Nov. 19 to allow time for ad- . ditional staff study of the ·plans· and ,mm. cated an additional continuance· may be netessary before action can be taken. Emkay proJ)OSes to develop 143 ·acrt1 of the land into a musive complex of of~ fice buildings , light industrial uses attd · an "automobile center'' hbusing as many a! eight new-car dealerships. ' Wilson said the company has offered to make several acres available to the city for a. flr'e staUon 11ite. No Surprise By L. Pl'tE~.Xlll&G Of lflt Deltr ,_ ..... - . The property, owned by lhe Lockheed Aircraft Corporation of Burbank, ls In I!!: unclassified .zone. . . · . · Wilson explained the lancfwill· be dtvefi Joped:inlo a 11e11mpus.type"·•P1ei withl pianJ "°" calling for buildinC• 'ftlll!nl between otte· and, m· Jtodea• bi&h:·· • , Commission .Jpembert ~ Jndio.ted tbeJ, are enthused aliout· lhe·~ Cllair- man ~ohn J. J•kolkJ.i. Jr.1 called ·it "a, project ol ir.mondou9-mapitude Iha( will have lremeDdoua benefit to NeWport Beach." . . ' • ... I \ .- To thO surprise of no one, iJie c6uilclI or Communitlei ·of-lrvine Thuiil!Ay DJl!>I formally and unatilmou.sly endoriea the Incorporation of the propo.sed ctty of Irvine. "!Vt• llll't' w!th the cacmty pllnillni illil'• filidlDP lhel 'Or-Coilll!Y bu n. 1rt1cu1atod 'ldilai· ~'de.r ii'owth policy and l1c:b any ~ wltll ,._t ·to ~~lopmenlllnleiJ!,J\''DllCIL would WTJ out auch' goals and J)olicie1,~ But the ac~on was accompanied by criticism. of Orange C.OUfltY PIMQing of· flcials for suggisting progress toward that in'corporatlon bt slowed. Co u n t y Planning Director Forest Dickason, in a preliminary report on.the proposed city issued thit: week, had ;m. dicated his staff may recommend signifi· cant dela,Ys pending future studies. 'nle council, which endoned ltl '11 study committees' fact.finding reports, virtually all of · which recommended In· co.rporafiOn, dia not tiiie iindlY to Dickason'I comments. In fact, John Burton -CCI president, said he was "shocked" by some of Dickason 's admissions and questioned the competency of hi! staff. · - he said ... The · 'wortflng · was taken f r o m ~~~~1a =~g admission," Burtoft iakl, "bl.it wtiat'1 even more shocking is that it is ,beil)g used as an excuse to louJ Up those who have'arUcalated goals, who have a growth palicy· and who have a development strategy." · Continuing, BUrton charged. "We· are very• uneasy about the county-Pia~ Department's · Jevef of ' competence &o determine oUl futil.re. · ' "Further~·'. he said, ''a<:quieScence to the county propoaal would deny citlzenll of 'livint their right to self-determination, relegate them to second-clas.s. citizenship and, in effect, would \aay that thole saml people who recently went to the polls are Incapable' of managing their own affairs. Newport N,ational Bank S iws in FiWJ..~e Fraitd -· Newport National Bank officials and Dunlap il)dentified ha the complaint as the bank's lawyers are today trying te the repre'lentatlve of Bonded Cadillac\Of unravel an auto flancihg operation that Alhambra and the ' man who sold a could cost the bank, its officlall .. number or cOriditional sales conlrac(f ea calculate, as much as 1175,000. -· 'autos to N'ewpOrt ·NatlonaU A Huntin&lon Beach man who operated a Cadillac, agency ~ Alhambra is ~ ol fjve defendants named in the Ortnae County· Superiori('pw:t acUoo' fJl!!d by the bank. That lawsuit -. ll00,000 In damages ... from three indiY!dllals, a finance company and a finp at •Y~ .. dil- tributors. • Judge HBfR!on G. Scovill!:! bas· gnmted. the bank's request for· a'. 'temporary restralning .order·on the 1ctfviUea ,of the defendants, A hearing lilto the illeg<:dly fr,audulent operatiqn bU beeD. ICj>eduled for Nov. 12. • ~ Narqe(i by the bailk ·in Its lawau)t 11"1 Robert. W. Dunlap ol ljuaUng!On '!leach; Theodore Khoury, J._ CUrtle. Wm Cout·auto dlslrlbuto,o and &uotj ·Ac- ceptance Company. ,. • r- .. SYLJ'IA PORJ'EWS COLUMN DEljAYED I Sylvia Porler'a --~how to 11Ye fnoney oo inooJ.ne &izel Wli1 not be printed todl)' beca"" of ·-r• qutrements. ¥ Ordfe' ' Skies Will cle11r1 up S8lurday and turn IWlllY for Sunday lloiii( lhe coaot, with temperature•'llalnll to 18 locally and up to 75 fW1her Ii> land. INSmE TODAY Art comes: to NttllpOrt Btac'1 this weele \Oith an Israel ~hibit at Hoag ilt11\0riol llO<JiiMZ and a gallc!'fl.lhOW at Farlli<ID l1land. Dttalll ill t<>dou'• Wtd't!ld<r. " " ' .... " . ::.:. .:..... ~ -" ""91111 ,.. • ,..... , .. ,, -.. ............ _..11 . ' . ARTIST'S CONCEPTION INOICATES HOW IRVINl'S 'IALIOA wHAR, MIOHT LOOK Vlow 11 ,,_ 111 Isl ...... Loolclfll Nerlh AeN11 Ch-'1 lrltl .. I~ 11 I-Rllht -said he lhlnU his -pot! will' be , with t11e ..,.ly.created Nlltcmal 0oe.-1phlc Agency; bu~ it 'n'llY be 'wllb -the Dipirlmerit of Houaing' allol Urban Development or the Depart· -ol Health. Education and Welfare. '"i lholikl know: in a week or eo," ht • ~11<H1opeflilly. The foUrth arUcli: In the -w!Q'bt pllblllhed on•MO!idlty's l!nlnclil -· -. ..,,..."._...,, ' -., • \ . ~ ' I • • ' ....... Jl!,..e J PAY HIKE ••• , •him ot tbe llltt Lecl&lawre. "U w 1Nl'i a ebarter farm of 1ovem- men1 b.e,. II no quea!Joo ill my mind but tllal ... alll7 ---Ill lled Ill wtlll .. ., tbe ~-•• ,la. Loi ....... CaomtJ." Allen contlniio{ Los Aqtles superviaors IJ'e paid ap- ptuimately $3l.OOO a JW, the same as ~ CDart jtld&e$. •n bu -Ult respomibllity ol the IJ'Olld Jury to make recommendaUons oo tbe Nlary livtl ol the board," Allen Id· dee!. "In tile eipt yean I have been ill Gftlce, tbMe recommendations have been <""'l ... •llY lpor<d 'by the at ate lljlllalurf,. "No -the pnotnl Nlary l<lle ol supe.rrllon ii very, very low," added F o u r fh District sopfrvtsora. newly· elected Ralph B. Clark. "Otherwise I would f"fer to oay nolhin& more at thll time" @rt. who wUl take office Jan. 41 ad· Cled howevei, "l have received dozena of calla on thll subject blaming me, arid I had nolbJo& to do with i~ ol _,., I have eDDUlb u an An.abe.im councllman wllbout Interfering with the Board of SUpervloon at thll lime. "Mc.t ol ~ who called me qre<d !hat the -t lllWiel of the 1uPervilors are too Jow, but added that they thought the 95 percent raise waa too much," Clark said. "As it stands at this time those on the board wW bave to face U!elr conaUtuents for their actions," newl'y t 1 e c t e d 1upervllors aaid. TalJ>lyers throughout the county are fuming over Wedneaday's decision, but no one has stepped forward to lead a referendwn or recall drive. Secretariel in the aupervisora' offices aaid the talipbone calla conUnued to pour in today u they did most of Thursday b'om citizens prote.sting the proposed raise in aupervi&orl' aalaries to ,29,21119 a year. Board membm: currently are paid $15,000 annually. A new aqle in the COltrOVmy loom· eel loday with 1he rulill( by Coonty Courlstl Adrian Kuyper that t h e supervilors may not iet paid unUI a new salary schedule is adopted and perb1ps not until 30 daya alter lhal Smut Crackdown Nets Costn Mesa Father and Son . A Colla M-llllW-aoo ftam bu been indicted akin& with 12 other men In a federal crackdown on a1legedly obscene and pornographic material distributed via Loa Angeles, am.ut caPltal of AmerJca. Jootph Reitano, fl. and Luciin ' J, Reitano. 23, are charged. witb mailing ·obsctne advertlsemtnts and transporting ~ fllma to st. p~ ljinn .. ,1rom Loi A111111. Tbefiilder lftitano bu beeo ll!Ttlled llDd charaod be!""' In connectJon wltll hla .adullHo!J boobl4re.lll Santa Ana, wllk:h- pollce dwpd lealllr<d films and even plutlc and rubber ae:r; or1ans. A federal IJ'•nd jury ·meeting ill Los Angel" Indicted the 14 alleged 1 m u t dell.en, charatnc they are te1ponsible for dlatribulloo. of more than 1ix mUUou pieces of pornography. "E:rlreme ltXU8l 1cUvity ln every form," wu the way U.S. Attorney Robert L. Meyer euphemlatically phroaed tho evidence which led to the lndictmentl:. Char&es tnvol\red inclutted federal las evasion among other· accusationa, some carrying malim~ penalUu of fl~ yean ill prboo llld· up to $10,000 fine for each counL Black Marine Sues SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - A 21-year- old black Marine Janet corporal filed suit Thursday in federal court asking to be d\scharae<f 00 the arounds blacks should not have to serve in the U.S. armed forces. DAILY PILOT OllAHGt: COAST l"U9LISHING COM,ANY Rekrt N. Weff ...... i..m ll1MI "*'"""' J11k ~ C11rl1v Vic.I Pl'WlfMt el'Mll C.W1I MtMfW TltNJ1•1 K11ylf lflllr Th•''"' A. Mu,,hi111 M~lnl l"dltw L ,.._, Kti11 ~ ~ City Editor' .... ,. ..... OM.. 2211 Wnt lelke .. ul1,1rd M•lli111 AU,..., P.O ... w lt75, 9266J °"*'· ""-c . ~ti Meut • 'W•I 11'1 •1rM1 l.AflN MM111 m "'""' ,._ , M~·l•du 1"71 a-c11 ""'"",_ ilett C ....... : .. fllltfl'I a1 C1m1M It.Ml •• \I .... ...... ' Newport's Graffiti Wall \Vhen workmen were building this large retain- ing wall along 2000 block of Bayside Drive in Corona del Mar last summer, several wags Otiserved that jt would 'be a ready-made slate for graffiti writers. The wags were right, judging from this section of the wall below the former Irvine home in Irvine Terrace. Wall was built to keep-cliff from sliding into roadway. Holiday Move Date Seen University High School Campus 'Ready by Christ1nas' As far as the move inta University High is concerned, "It's begin{ting to look a lot like Christmas." That's what Tu1tin Union High School ()Ujcials expect they ·n be saying after a meeting Monday with architects to nail down the date all buildings at the new school will be ready. Supt. William ZOgg said once a date Is set, vendors supplying furniture and fix· tures for the new high-school can be &iven their notice. "Same vendors want .Fin~cing Method Sought ·For -New Police Facility ~ Newport Beach, CU~ Pouncil Mon- day . will consider financing methods for the. plailned $2.3 million police admin· islr,.JU~.:t¥ilding in New~ Cepler. The polite facility Js uJid to be the fin:t segment of the '8 milli9D ~le comp lei to be locatecL1be:r.e.. - · -'tilt city muat be committed to con· atruction of at }east the detention faclli~ ties at the site by Dec. 15 in order to aaUsfy. ao obllgaUon to the county it used to attract the new Harbor Judicial Dis- trict court facilities to the comple:r. No rflnndWll l'ould be requlrtd u- der thli method. The poalbillty ol iaaulll& 1hort-1mtt (five-year) warnnta to cover all or P,lrt ol tho , ....... ·-by Couiilll-man Cart !Cynlll, la not allowld bi ""' llw, tbt conau!Uaa !inn llald. Bal 'Isle Alleys May ~t Study ' InauguraUon « a full-SCAie study of al- •5 days warning." Delayed by a sheet metal worker• strike last summer, the University Park high school was to have been completed by next Monday. Among things delaying the completion have been delivery of tile for the roof and door frames, Zogg said. Officials have noted in the past that it would be difficult to move the students and faculty--1ram Mission Viejo high where they are sharing a duplicate facili- ty on a balf-day basis within a two-day weekend. Tbu1, the longer Christmas holidays are more likel y to be c h o s e n for the inove. But final word on the move is due Mon· day, Zogg said, followin& the meeting with architects. Gangpl~nk To}'ples NEW I ORLEANS (AP) An overcrowded gangplank wss blamed for a 1hipyard accident In which three men were drowned and about 20 others in· jured. ............ ~ ·---~™f" ..... -3't'.J'•t'7 -'4 IMsk Kid.JMl_P Suicide Threat By Suspect Told :: The accuaed lddoaper of J. G. Lusk, ta.year-old nephew of wealthy Newport Beach contractor JOhn D. Lusk, threat- ened ta commit 1uicide after his 1ppre- hension Saturday, District Atty. Rw Berber bu asserted. Serber succellf~ly araued sgalnat a reguest by the accused , Ralph T. Potter, 22, of West LClS Angeles, for a reducUon in his $100,000 balJ before Judge Donald Dunian in H a r b or Judicial District court. ..- He said Wednesday in court Potter has threatened "atlber to commit suicide or try ~ escape for the purpose of being shot and ldlled alter hla meat." Potter's lawyer, Public Defender John Bovee, had asked (or a rtduetlon of ball r to $10,000, calling the higher figure "pro-:; hlbitive." : P()tler, whose wife, Alice, and mother _: were in the courtroom, was deacrlbed u ~ a man with a stable baCkground and no .. • previous arrest record by Bovee. ; POtter ls bel111 held on two count!, a :; charge .of kidnaping -for ransom and :; armed robbery, both of which Serber ~~ stressed carry life sentences. Potter ·• pleaded innoa!nt at his arraignment. A preliminary hearing to deterntlnt lfl'OUnds for binding Potter ()Ver to Su· -: perlor Court for trial will take pl.act .: November 13. Clemente Chief's Son Hit With Burglary Rap . • • • An arre1t and clamoroua court cue more than a year qo returned UU a ghost today with the arreat in Dana Polnt of ~yea(...o<1l.d Steven Murray on chartes of alt.empted burglary, The young man's arrest in April of 1!169 : -led" by his own father -involved four ~' counts of narcotics·vioiations and a fOUJ"s · month jail senten« 1erved in solitary: confinement. Murray, a C'Altl Meu resident. ls the 1011 of San Cl~mente Pollet Otlef Clllford Murr1y. ~ Sheriff's Capt. James Broadbelt said the arrest late Th11rsday night stemmed : from tbt complaint of a woman who ullf' :. two men at the' rear of a Dana Point :· residence. Fund Campaign Gets Slow Start In Harbor Area From Page I HUNT ... the death penaity will not be an issue in the Hunt case. . ; Jensen will ask the jury to accept the : The Harbor Aru United Fund cam-prosecution argument that Mrs. Hunt ! pal1n 11 off to • relatively slow start, but plunged a foot-long butcher knife iato her' campaign offlcl1ls have ei:pressed op. husband after the coople had quarreled Limlsm that their 1oal will be met. ()Ver the conducf of her 13-year-old daugho In his flrat report since the campal(n te Dr r, u. qiened Oct. 7, Robert Helld, 1eneral Hunt, blood streaming fram his chest. • campaign chairman aaid that about one staggered to the patio and died a short filth 0( the total campaip toal of M12,000 time later en route to the hospital. A has been railed. He said the fipres are police officer who investigated the klllnng down five to 10 perrent from previous testified that Mrs . Hunt admitted the years. 1laying while he interviewed he .. r.~==---Heild, executive_yjce president of The-last-wltnesses-callm-1>'" ensen Jmperl.al SJvlnga and ~iitton..--te,-stified that Mrs. Hunt was a violent (formerly Newpo.rt-Ba1boa Savings and woman and a heavy drinker and that her Loan) said "I'm sure we will have a good husband loathed any form of violence and and successful campaign with the type of avoided trouble of any kind. That people we have working. I don't see hDW testimony was offered as rebuttal to - we can mlu." defense claims that Hunt abused hill wife " The Harbor Area United Fund il'I a new during their marriage and 1truck her on organization formed this year by the more than one occasion. meraer o~ the Cotta Mesa and Newport It is expected that lrmas will ask the Beach Un1ted P'unds. Jury to acquit hill attractive. black-haired Helid !lid the money being sought thl• client or, at the most. return a verdict of year will be used to benefit 30 Harbor involuntary manslaughter. Area agencies. Of the total amount. He has argued that Mrs. Hunt was a . $188,000 11 earmarked for youth service, victim of hypoglycemia -a condition ·seo,3M for he1tth services, $'16,085 for related ta diabetes -at the time of the family services and tl0,861 will go for ad-killing and that victims of the diseast art ditlonal aervlce1 out.aide the three 1eneraJ not, in its worst manifestations, responsi- categorJH, ble for their actions. The city's flnaocial consultants, t h e firm of Stone and Youngberg, has recom. mended the issuaoce of genenl obliga- tioa bonds for the bulk of the projects, but since these need voter approva~ an alternate method must be adopted for the police building. leys on Bal~ Island may be ordered by the Newport Beach City Council Monday night. INTRODUCING • . • ·A ·recommendetlon that Newport Beach 11ttk to establiah a joint powers agree- ment with the county to form a separate bonding authority to sell bolds for the police facility has been advanced by both the consultants and City Attorney Tully Stymow:. From Page I WHARF ... countered Col. Harry SeUm Franklin, 111 Jade Ave., wha said "a noise problem that never oould be resolved" would be created II the project Is allowed . He atjd the property should an be zoned for residential purposes. Thomas Houston. president or the Bal- boa Island Improvement Association, summed up the objections, chargin,q the proj!Ct is "contrary to sound planning." Ht said, "it destroys th e integrity of the R·3 zoninJI" and asked the exislln( commercial district be rezoned to resl- deP1tial, url{lng at the same time the Planning Commlaalon "make such other studies of waterfront prooertles as will beneficially ierve the public Interest." Houston cited two major problems he aald would be sl.enlllcanlly aggravated by t.be deWtlopmen t. "Th.ii lnter~Uon or Bayside D r I v e and Marine Avenues Js already overly COJllMled and the Marine Avenue bridge, the: only access to the Island, ls over- )Olded. inadequate and alnladv dangeroos to pedestrians and blcycll1t.1." Leroy Kroesch. representlna the Is· land businessmen. ·added &im!lar testi- mony. "P•rldn,I, bridp modlficaUon and traf. fie congestions JX'Oblems, which now are at best only tolerable, require soluUon! before further ttevelopme:nt can possibly be undertaken," he 1aid. Resldenl& and Planning CommiMiOn membtrs alike e1pre•std concern abriut lhf! additiona l cars to be dumetd on Pa- cific Coast Hlehway btcauae ()f the apart· ments. The commissioners also voted to ask the city council for Jllltructioos on 1 Parkl, Btacbts 111d Recreation C o m • ml&&lon recommendation for acquisition of a portion ()f the 30-acre point apart- mtnt develol)ment, hopefullv adjtrent to Jamboree RMid, SQ a "window to the bay" ctn be mtlntalned. The council will have before It a rtcom· mendatlon by Public Works Director Jo- seph T. Devlin for the Planning Com· mission to i~iliate such a study. Devlin said most of the problems cen· ter around two areu, Intersecting alleys and access to garages In the alleys. He pointed out in many cases It Is Im- possible for automobiles to make turns from one alley to another without cross- ing pri vate property. One solution to this problem, he sug- gest.I, Is for the city to 1cqulrt portions ()f various comer lots. Devlin no ted that the problem of alley access to garages is already under study by the planneni. He noted the city could try to enact strict set-back requirements Involving parked automobiles but said it is JM»Si· ble the courts may find lhlll ille1aJ. Newport Cable Executive Dies Newport Beach Cablevision executive Fred \Vebber, 57, collapsed and died Thursday d11ring filming of a panel discussion 1t a convention of his pro- fession in Coronado. Mr. Webber, who lived in Huntington Beach, was apparenUy stricken by a heart attack d11ring tbe Catifoml1 Com- munity Televlalon A s s o c I a t I o n eon· ference. He was director or rnarket1n1 for the firm owned by Foote-Cont·Beldln1, a na· t!ona1 ad vertlsln1 agency, and joined the atatlc..1 three months 110. From P .. e I HOAG ... of tbe Hoag Ho.•pltal !~tllary. Funeral services will be held Monday at St Andrews, with the Rev. Mr. Dallas R. Turner or the Community Pre1byttrlan Cllurch. Laguna Beach, olllciltfq. She leaves besides btr IOQ, Geor1e . OU-.. grandchtldr<n, Gaora• Grant Hoa& Ill, Honduras, Mra. Qw1u Wamn Smltll Ill, Santa Monica, and Staphen Hoag, Laguna Beach, and two -t erindchlldren. For th. first time, this fine Uno of upholstery is now avaUable to the West. One of the finest producers of upholstery in the country, Sherrill w~I be a new ex• peritnct in viewing quality furn iture. An unparalleled selection q_f fine fabrics coupled with craftsmanship unmttched in the s•me price category. If you are in need of upliolotery, be 1ur1 end oome in to view this "oiti119 ooloction of rnod1r1t1ly priced, quolity i.na.... DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE " INTERIORS NEWPORT BEACH Profftaleftal lnterl0< LAGUNA BEACH 1727 WMl<llff D•., 642·2050 0..ftntn Avallabl._AID-NSID 345 N-Coal! HWy. 494-6551 OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 . DPEN ·fRfDAY 'TIL 9 ..... , ....... ·-.. a..,. c..., .... ,HJ_ I 1. -~-=--~--"""==-~~~=------------'-·-...:::::.:.=:___ _ _:_ ____ ~___j_j !0111L L1HLT!.1i111ncnt Buys ,. : \"'; . :· " ···. ',• ,. . 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(2 Only) -------- $64, ZIG-ZAG H"d s44· and Control (I Only) Kenmore C.Oosole *24 SewingMachinectlsed) ---------· SI69.2S ,AutomatkZl.G·ZAG '124 SewiGgMaclltne(l0nly) ______ _ s19~s.s...;oa.-. •14 H.-ksHOnly) --------- $29.95, s.w;ng '14 CboU (I Onlr) ---------- S5Sewing MKhioe Au. •1 Seu(6.0nly) ~·----------- $89.99, ZlG·ZAGConool• s54 Sewi"'8 M.chioc(l0nly) _______ _ S7.95 Electric S4 Sci9'0n (60oly) __________ _ S84.91 ZIG-ZAG Pomble $ 5 4 ScwingM.cbine(.f Only)_. __ ~---- .Costa Mesa ONLY I Sears Electra 11 Dune Buggy Saturday Men's, Womens'$5.99 Only! 2 688 Cold Weather Boots Saturday 3ss . Only! R11t11 up ~o. 7 hou~~ On ove:rt11Jht. 'fi•e flcece linit1i; ruhbet i uihio• ch1r11e. Sttct thth forw.~rd ar solt.lnblicko11ty.Si£tl 2 lhru \?, ''"'"'l'M Model 86SO.. Gr.-11! ·1·., 0'111• S/HWli'"& GHlb Ch/II. ( Melod, Pu•h Chime l.iukSnoopy , ••• l.').t fi)her Price Toys : · · · · • · · · · · • · ·: 2.44. Ctr;11;.., hlod•• •• ?.14 . G••flt Rock·A·Sr1ck Jliop •11 hndi ••. 2-7' AtttactiveBabyB~i~··········· l. 9 .f ·399 . 329 · Colorful Kooky Cooks. _______ _ Flayorfa.1 Toot S1'·fft 299 Ol.99.foldinsT.ble · ; withAtuicbedSeats 27~ SS.99, 79-Pc. ~ Fishing Sets . · 88 5 10.98 Women't .83 Wet Suitt --;:-e--;::=';';'.=;;::;=:---Bowling 811Jls -I lard Ru.bber .,lb. 151b. 161bt. ""II· $11.9' R•s-S2.t.95 Iles . IZ<i.'15 $12.88 s 14.88 $18.88 Were 29c to39d LOilipops Saturday 15 c Ea Only! • C:hoo!e ~er, clown fli&Ce :uid twirl. AltoH.UO...ecnPopsifi.Yait.b°ie. 15<: 1 Delicious Fig }3ars Saturday 2 Lbs. S 5c Only! Slock up .. fr9111.ddiciom fi& bus DOW M San while ...-ri· tial-. ' · ' ' factoq' MCOGd hammen: io a wide L•· sonment of rype1 iocladiq claw, ho.IL sledp a..d •uch mcttt. ·- $6.59 to$7.99 Rebuilt %-in. Rarchct Wttneb _________ _ 299 399 2997- 2499 999 S7.9'JtoS9.99Rebuilt . J/2·1n.Ratcbec:Wrmch --------- W .99Cnf......,10-P*o 3/8" electric Drill.Ki~ $}9.99, l/'·lnd. Electric Drill ----------- S 17.44, CWtsman SabreSaw#2773 ----------- $7.13,-1-Piecc: Screw Dri•tt Sec #41085 ------------ SA VE 50%! $4.99 Latex House Paint 399 Saturday r -'l. 249 Only! \..Td. YOllt dDea al "1triolf or ....... pli11Ela~Mflllwfii.. SL"49·1ia1erior Liu ea Pai111 •• , ,, J" Gu. S L59Meb.lic 97 Sp .. ,E ..... 1 ______ NOW c U 9 •S>69 . . s19 '119 RO<Oad;tioned Paints.,.,.., ,to SAVE $70! $319.95 • W acer Softener K~ thfop "'°""' 24911 •rrhout effort. $21'!1.95,,la_.;., 219". Wattt5oltener#G170•------- S239.9S,A.-;c 1999' 11'-Sof<!oer#GIZS-------' =M..,.a!Wu" 6911~ (3Golr)A•h------- S3.19 ·t6x25 Purmce 79c filtutJI·Onlr) ---------- a2191Swimmiq:Pool '100 wi~I..dder,PiltJ(Atl1) ------- S 191.91, s;de DUt:bu1• S 115 Cooler CA• I•) ~~--~------ lH.\ Bristol in 1he·South Co1t11 Plo:t• • - I I .. • . . : I . . . • • ' ' ' DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE ' I Civic Center Financing The Newport Beach City Council Monday bogin1 the very serious task of wresWng with the alternative methods of finan cing its $8 million clvic complex at Newport Center. There are any number of variables that , durln$ the stages of deliberation, must be plugged into a decision. First, and foremost because of the time element, the city must obligate itself no later than Dec. 15 to builc;t at least a new jail U not a whole police adminis- tration building. _ That date was established by. the touniy !!Card 'ol Supervisors-as a' deadline tot preparation of' a lease agreement for land adjacent to the civic center to be used as a district court s.i te. As part be its enticement to the county to attract the courts, the city bad promised to provide joint detentioo facilities. There are any number of ways to finance the pQlice building, as 'well as the remainder of the project._ A pay-u-you-go program saves high interest. costs, but it also requires a lot of _available cash, a luxury item Newport Beach doesn't have much of. The most common of all funding methods are gene- ral obligation bonds, which can be secured at a lower rate than other bonding methods. . . These require voter approval, however, which rules this out for the police facility since a referendum could never be held before Dec. 15. It is aoUcipated this method will be used for the bulk of the project, especially if a Supreme Court deci- sion ruling that ~nJy a s~ple ,!11;8J9~ity,, rather than the present two-thirds maJor1ty, 1s liaiJded down as ex· peeled. The council can be expected to turn to creation of a bonding authority that could be formed under a Joint powers agreement with the county. · The bonding authority could Issue bonds, ltsell, to cover· the cost of the project, Ulen lease the facilities to the city until the notes are paid. ' There are several other, more expensive, ways the complex could be funded. Still another variable that may be considered by the council is the possibility o! committing to a joint· powers agr:eement, then before the funds are needed in early 1972 calling a referendum on general obJlgati~n bonds. U the voters turn down the bonds, thl!1 City could ' fall back on the joint powers authority.· It all sounds complicated. And it is. But time is run- ning !or Newport's city fathers to fathom it all and make a decision. Five Medals at One Time The rare honor of receiving five of this nation's highest military medals, all at once, went to a Newport Beach Marine last "Week in ceremonies at the Marine Corps Air Station -El Toro. First Lt. John E. Rhodes, 211 31st St., was presen· ted two Silver Stars and three Distinguished Flying Crosses. You only have to be a hero once to t!arn one of either. Simple arithmetic say_s, that LL Rhodes is quite a Marine. The Harbor Area should be proud. N The Winner Supreme Court Justice's New Book .,.. Fite Fighters Have Earned Public Thanks •Dear Gloomy Gus:· Do~glas Repeats New Left Cliches ·. Letten from readffl are welcome. Narmall'JI writus .ihbuld ccmvtv t!ttir rneasages in 300 word& or less. The rloht to condense letten to fit space or eliminate libel i.r reserved. AU let· ten must include .rignatvre and mail- ing address. but namts may bf' with- held n request if ivfficient ""'°" is apparent. Pottrv 1Dill not be pub- !WN<I. To the Editor: Public thanks are due to one group of the 1llOlt highly trained lire lighten Jn Califomia who have been overlooked in the pras reports of the recent f1re1 thaL have nvaged our state. They are more than one thousand men from the Callfomla Coolervation Centers jointly adminll&ered by the Department of ForestrJ and the Deparbnent of Cor· rectlons. Trained tp the techniques of lire lighting by members of the Department of Forettry and highly skilled, these men 'Ao'Orbd a minimum of 12-how' shift.s (much longer when "hot spots" demand- ed it) They are paid at the rate of 50 cen1I a da y. IN THE LAST fire emergency there w~ 14 crews of 15 men each available in six different areas in the :;outh fighting fires for nine days. ln Orange County a crew set up camp at El Toro and fought fire in Trabuco Canyon. Other crews functioned in like mahner'. Camp for the Teate tre was set up at Barrett. The Laguna Mountain fire had two such car11111 at Morena and Monte Vista. The Cuyamaca Peak fire had two camps at Pine Hltts and Cuyamaca State Park. In addition to these crews in the south, eight crews (100 men in all) came down from SUMnville and fought the Malibu rire for nine or ti dl)is. The \ab Uiese men perfonned are in- "Valtu*le. We know there are many people who join ... iD thanking them. MR. AND MRS. EDWIN C. MORGENROTll J\'ea:spaper SahlG!Jf! ToU.Bcltor: RepnDng: newspaper n)vage a! reftr. red r. jD Ille DAILY PILOT of Oct. 30: The PTA of' almost every school in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District bas a newspaper drive once or twice a year h1 order to raise funds for a school pro} ect tbat will bene!U the otudenl!: We at Presidio ·Schoo\, 1001 Presidio Squate,·Costa Mesa, in Mesa del Mar, would .. -grate!UI for all the papers we could collect for our drive next Dec. 1, Lrom % p.m. to 1 p.m. nc funds received will be used to "°'* ... ldlool Library Resource center which WM blpn and ls sta(fed each day for tM -of the students by PTA -. MRS. STREETER G. KING President Presidio PTA ..,._.,.,.,, Rerreshl•11 To .. -, ,,. • •·BrMoo ud -who bu &1oO ff(amp' to the otd CountrY for 1 visit tbll -I feel lliot I mu.st comm<nt 00 Tam nori.y1 -In tho DAILY PllDI' October 3t. 1 Cllll onif 111 that be must have ) ' ~ The Newport.Mesa Unified Sdlool District bu many outstanding ele-- mentary; principal s. What is the district going to do about the few inferior principals? -A. M. 0. 'T1lh IMl\lr. reflleh , ....... ,,..... ..t -1'11Y ...... .. ""' _...,,,. lellll -~ -..... """' Deir 1'1191. selected some vuy un1ucky places to stay at in England on his late visit. Penonally, I found Jt dellgbllul and relreshing that things were so little changed over the years. 1be trouble is that people get IO used to the material things enjoyed here with the kigher stan- dard of living that Europe seems so much more austere when they return to jl WE FOUND PRICES for food and meals very reasonable, service was godd and accommodation very comfortable in every place that we stayed in and courtesy and good manners second to none. 1 remember that Hitler said, In 1939, that Britain was decadent but she is still there and he is not so what does that prove? 1 was not aware· that strikes were the prerogative of Britain; did I not bear, on. ly this mornlng over the radio, IOmething about a meat packer· s strike? AS ' TO THE buildings: yes, some of them look out of place but some people like them and there was a tremendous chance for experimentation along those lines alter the destruction! My son, a college student, recently completed 1 three months tour or England, Wales and ScoUand and found few, if any of the things Barley com- plained about. Well, there will always be an England for me and it's so nice to go home to! DOR<Yrl!Y G. FITZSIMONS Tom Bar~JI. county ntws ,.eporter and m usic criUc for the DAILY PI- LOT, ret"rntd to report his disap- poin~t in a vacation visit to his native Englnd after on t ight-11ear ab- sence. Oft~· concurring lttter f'tsulted. Reader Fit:tSfmons is the 011!11 dis- stnter so far. -Edito7' AsallUt 111\'ICEF To the Editor: I note your editorlaJ stand favortnc UNICEF. and l wish to comment that t"'NICEF' is the same old racket -comes f!'lt -evf!ry year on Halloween and Christmas lo beg ror money. While.many groups like the United Way sincerel)r strive to help ~Y projects like the Boys' Clubs, along comes this UNICEF to cul in and con the citizens out of tome money which is sent to the beads of forelp countries -the Dons or Latin Amertco, tho Sheika of Araby. the puppets of new members of the United Nations .met many I UWe African ''king" of a hungry bunch or human vtrtebrates whole aole ambWon Is to get on the gral'}' train; and these fore:lgn rttlplents ar~ not required to give any ICCOUZlling u to whim tbt money 1oe1. ll ts just handed to lhem by UNICEF Y.'llh no queationl uted, or strint! att1ched. Oocumc::ta prove th.la. flhllrlty, U yoo wlil, )>egios 1t home, but UNJCEF atrlv,ts to take It •broad, and "tbe money you give to UNICEF winds up, fol Ult lllOll part, In the poci<ell of the 1bove menUoned Don:I, .etc. S...O. UNDINE Justice William ·o_ )>ouglaB's book, POINTS OF REBELLION, (New York' Random House , $4.95 ), reminds me of a remark made by a student to a ~ded, bearded fellow student, "'I see you're trying to be different -like everyone else." Mr. Douglas has adopted the fashionable, d~ting ~uth culture as his own . He is trying to be different like everyone else. His dissent is, therefore, the exact echo of everyone else's dis- sent. He repeats all ihe cliches ol the New Lefl, solemnly and portentousJy, as if he were thinking them up for the first time. None of them is subjected to the slightest analysis or criticism. All our problems as a nation are blam- ed on an evil, a ll -pow e rfu t "Establishment" that prevents the food stamp plan from helping the ~r. that pollutes out environment, t h'at dehum anizes people, that has a vested in- terest in the continuation of war. This is the kind of social diagnosis that can be heard any day of the week from radical student orators. Let me analyze some more of the things f.1r. Douglas says. ''THE CASE AGAINST the university Js that it is chieOy a handmaiden of the slate or of industry or, ·wone yet, of the military-industrial complex: •.• T b e unlversity becomes a collection ol techni- cians in a service station, trying to tum out better technocrats for t h e technological society." Here is the typicaUy elitist sneer against students who go to college to im- prove their lot But at San Francisco State and many other colleges, public and private, most students are preparing eagerly for a career. They want to become accountants, engineers, home economists, physicians. •Should th e university ignore their desires? Should '"e be teaching them to overthrow the system instead? "Where grievances pile high ... violence may be the only effective response." Mnny besides Mr. l)Quglas h,ave fallen for this one. Since San Francisco State has had its share of violence, I hope J am enU tled to comment on this argument. LONG BEFORE I BECAME pruldent in November, 1968, San Francisco State, in response to student interest, had started a student-run experimental col- lege. The administration was persuaded, without violence. ·to give credit for many of its courses. Black Studies were also started In the ezperimental college, so that by $eptember, 1968; 22 courses in this area had been incorporate'd into the regular currlcuJum. Not frllStration but the prospect· of pushover victories and to1'} control oi the program (and the money involved) led a group o.f ~lack and white. radicals in. the fall of '68 to present 15 "non-negotiable" demands (some reasonable, aome absurd, some illegal) which they tried to enforce by beatings, sit-ins, fires, bombs. classroom disruptions and a student strike. The resulta of all this violence were as follows: 1. The establl!hment of a Black Studies department was forcibly delayed. 2. The 22 courses transferred to the new department went down the drain because there was no new department 3. The department, when · finally established, quickly d i s i n t e g r a l e d because of continued violence and threats of violence exerted by radical blacks against nonradlcal blacks. The college had to start a Black Studies department all over again in the fall of 1970. VIOLENCE lS NO DOUBT, as Mr. Douglas says, "the only effective response" in some political situations. But It sure as hell doesn't help education! "There are only two choices: a police !late in which all dissent is suppressed or rigidly controlled; or a society·wbere law is responsive to human .needs." Are these the only two choices'! Was dissent suppressed at Berkeley or San Francisco State or Columbia when police were called? or course not! These schools became the objects of police con- cern not because they had radical students or professors, but because those views were expressed in violence and in flagrant abuse of the rights of others. If the violence-prone had been right-wing radicals, there would have been no .ques- tion about the use of police. HOWEVER, IT IS the JH'actice of New Left propagandists to confuse police con· trol ot violence with the repression of ideological nonconformity_ Jt is shocking to find Mr. Douglas falling for this shab- by line. The ultimate irony of Mr. Douglas's at· tacks on the "Establishment" is that there are few people who are more solid· ly a part of the Establishment than a Supreme Court justice. One wonders what he plans to do about· thls? Will he write another book to say that the Establishment is not hopelessly evil, because it includes people like him? Or will he resign from the Supreme Court? The semantic solution to Mr. Douglas's problem is simple. He could simply stop using blanket abstractions I i k e "Establishment," which by etplainlnQ: everything explains nothing. By S. I. Hayakawa President San Francisco State Colle1e Nixon· Is Keeping Soviets Guessing WASHINGTON -Richard Nixon and Andrei Gromyko, whose dark physical rese mblance has made Gromyko the butt or Kremlin kidding, engaged in 93 minutes of verbal sparring at the Whi te House the other day. The two men joked about their looks and talked amiably about world pro- blems. Gromyko as- sured the Presl~t of Soviet cooperation in achieving peace in the Middle East and in reat'hing a s trategi c arms agreement. 1'he. ~ viet Foreign Mims. ler also promised that the Russians would stop construction or naval facilities at Cienfuegos, CUba. 'The visit was des- cribed as "friendly." But afterwards, PresideTil N i x o n remarked to intimates that it Isn't what the Russians say but what they do that counts. No doubt Gromyko, in his priyate report to the ·Krtmtin, was equally cynical. THE PRESIDENT has deliberately sought to keep the soviets gue!Sing, to throw them off balance. to make them worry whether lbe U.S. might be capable of "irrational or unpredictable" action. Just as they thought they could an- ticipate his moves, he ordered U.S. troops into Cambodia and surprised everybody. World leaders watched apprehensively later as he moved naval forces into strik- ing position during the Jordan blow·up. No one could be sure he wouldn't in- tervene to sa"Ve King Hussein . This would seem to be a page right out or the soviets' own book of strategy. It the enemy could be trained to expect a certain patttrn of behavior. the Soviets reasoned o.s did Pavlov with hla dogs, then they \\o"Ould be lhrol"n off tmlonct by any au.rpr:lse move. I R£TURNED rcccnUy lrom visits ~ with world leaders in Asia, the Middle East and Europe. I asked what they thought of Nixon's style. Some leaders were fa vorably impressed with his gamesmanship. "I like what he did in Cambodia," President Ferdinand Marcos of lhe Philippines lold rTle. "I acquired a better respect for the man. "He gambled his entire future on the Cambodian move. and this single act makes me respect the man -the fact that he could make a hard decision. I am sure this was an eye.opener for the Com- munists." But other lfaders, 'Ao'ho asked ool to be quoted for obvious diplomatic reasons, felt Nixon's high-stakes world chess ga me was too dangerous. Despite his ex- perience in international intrigue. said one head or state, Nixon is playing an nmateur·s aame. not one that a real pro- tesl.lonal would dare to play. AL THOUGH HE MAY keep the Com· munlsta ofI balance, agreed other sit~ lical leaders, Nixon's style creates too much uneasiness. The response to an un- predictable amateur. they said, could be the wrong response, especially in tense situations such as exist in the MJddle East and SouUleast Asia. Intelligence reports indicate· that the President has been sucoessfW. at least, in Quotes Eileen Fransen, Uplalld -"In 1 day wti,:n the democraUc process ts in a llOrry state, tht! g&ia fight must be to try to regain peace and sanity in OW' society as well as back.Ing for our eoldlen Jn Vietnam and Cambodia.'' outmaneuvering the leaders In Hanoi. His boldness in Cambodia surprised them. "They regard this as an act o{ a strong rather than a weak JeacIBr," said an Asian defense minister. Agreed another high-rank.Ing Asian : ''They consider Nix· · on as a sharp operator." ThP. North Vietnamese leaders appear to be quite dispassionate in their ap- praisal of Nixon. They may heat up the air waves with denunciations of him, sug- gest intelligence reports, but they make a cold, calculating appraisal of him. TmS fs ALSO true, apparently, of the Chinese who lash Nixon with rhetoric but take a realistic view of him. Their American experU are excellent and give Peking an accurate picture of America. Prem.Jet Chou E~lai, however, is con- sidered to be more realistic than old Mao Tse-tung, who is governed by his own wild dreams. North Korea's Kim 11 Sung is even more rabid than Mao. Jn Pyongyang, the American President is reviled in private as well public. Intelligence sour~ describe Kim as a fanatic who rarely sees beyond his own bleat mountatns. In his f90!1Uon, he has develQped an tr- rationaUy harsh view of NIJ:on, perhaps the moo! distorted of all 11rOrld leaden. soure KOREA'S President Oiung Hee Park expraaed only qualified 1dmlraUon for Nixon. "He ii a noted atattsman, ·• Park told me. "He Is doing I oPlemlid jOb or solving complex problems." But alter tbele laudatory remarks, Park began a guarded critique of the Pruldent "One wondtrs if the NIJ:on Doctrine was arrived at too hlstlly," he 1tld, rderrlng to J>resldl!:nt NI.Ion 's doc- trine ol disengagement. Park mirtly expressed out loud the private concern or other A.111ian leaders over the pull4Jact of U.S. fortes from Vietnam and Korea. ,;The doctrine must be Adjusted to the intemaUonal situation as ~U A.<i to the domestic situaUon in the United St.ates," • said Park, implying that the Nixon Doc- trine was the product of domestic politics. The Norlh Koreans were plan- ning provocations. warned Park, to test Nixon 's character. PRIME MINISTER Sato, In Tokyo, spoke of Nixon with oriental flattery. "I have a feeling of great lrlendllness for President Nixon. I remember vividly Richard Nixon, as Vice President. saying that the Japanese Constitution was a mistake that was imposed by lhe oc- cupation, That impressed me." India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi shares both Nixon's pragmatism and his passion for politics. Each came away from their last meeting with a favorable impression of one another and exchanged public ctmpUments. 'Ibeir mutual ad- miration, said tnsideni, was genuine but jj wearing off. Richard Nixon has said of himself that 11foreign policy" is 1ny strong suit." Some world leaders agree: others do not. The final verdict can only be written in history. ,.. • ...... ~. Friday, November 6, 1970' Th< tdilorial page of the Dallp Pilot seek$ to inform and stim- ulate rtaden bN prcaefttina thb newspaptr's opfni°" and com- mentary on topics of interest and significance, by providing o forum for l11t ezprearion tf ottr readers' opinions, and br presenting the diven 1t vitw- points of informed observers ond .spokesmen on topic1 of tlw day. llA>bert N. Weed, Publisher ' ' ' • > i • n 1 g • .. •f g > 1. 1t I· • ·s .e e 1, ~ "s p • ' • d • ,,. tC ,. !t " ·1 " !y .g • "" ht is tY le .i ii- .rt ll " IC in • ' ' ' ' . -~- C.OLLECTlON GROWS -With every passing day before the an- nual pre-Christmas toy sale at the Ticktocker Thrift Shop, the col- lection of toys grows with new donations which are repaired by National Charity League Juniors. Giving approval to a few of the I Appointments Now Available toy_s to be taken home by new friends are (foreground, left to right) Tiffani Wilco"x· and Dawna Coon and their mother Mrs. George W. Coon Jr. and Mrs. Rlaph R. Wilcox III • Guild Plans Clinic For County Children Plans are being completed for a free hearing clinic Th1,1rsday and Friday, Nov. 12 and 13, in the Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Santa Ana, by the Orange County Guild for the Johq Tracy,Clinic. Hearing tests will be given by appointment from 9 a.m . to 2 p.m. each day, according to Mrs. James Campbell, chairman, who stated that the tests will be conducted by trained audiologists of the clinic. Accepting appointments are Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Norbert Myers, who both may be reached at 544-5119. Funds for the screening are raised by the Orange County Guild dur· ing the Peacock Hill NBtiontal Horse Show each May. Guild members-also staff the clinic and serve refrestµnents to children being tested and their. parents. · · Organized. by Mrs. Spencer Tracy in 1943, the clinic has as its pur· pose finding, encouraging, guiding and training the parents of deaf and hard-of hearing children. The clinic offers many seivices including consu1tation. obserVation and testing ,a demonstration home , nursery school, correspondence course, psychological counseling and a teacher training course. Parents of young. children are advised by clinic officials to take ad· vantage of the screening program since training is facilitated by the earli- est possible detection of hearing problems. Outgoing board members of the guild 'vere honored during a lunch- eon meeting in the Disneyland Hotel and new officers were introduced. BEA ANDERSON, Ed(lor ,,...,, ..........,. .. ,,,. " , .. ,, ·Inventory Appeal,ng ""l , .. ' A toy collection to rival any department store's at Christmas time is being assembled for a pre-Christmas sale' in the Ticklocker Thrift Shop, Costa Mesa, on Thursday, Nov. 19. The 1o ·a .m. to 2:30 p.m. sale is an .annual i'ffatr. sponsored by the National Charity League Juniors of NeWJ>Ort. Chairmen are Mrs. Charles D. Potter and Mrs. Charles R. Fedderman, who are being assisted by the Mmes. Robert Hawkins, George W. Coon Jr., Barry von Hemmert, James Thompson, Donald Schisler and James T. Creber. Proceeds will be given to the John Tracy Clinic Demonstration Home and Nursery .School which adjoin the thrift shop. Supported by the NeWJ>Ort chapter, the facilities include a speech therapist and nursery school director. . The Junior Auxiliary of. the chapter maintains an emergency fWld for purchase of bearing aids for chil· dren in immediate need. Toys' for the sale have been collected and repaired throughout the year by the Juniors, who will accept donations at the thrift shop Monday through Saturday from 10 a .m. to 2 p.m. Further augmenting the collection will be the ad- mission fee to a cocktail party the weekend prior to the sale. Guests will bring a toy to the party in the borne of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Donnell. • • ' . ··. • :r.·rrs. Douglas Moran will lead the guild during the year. assisted by the Afmes. Roger Marsh, John ·Stanley, Richard Marvin, Wilbur Hawley, William Hill, James Florance and Stephen R. Schwartz.. Also Introduced were eight new members, the Mmes. George Brigge- man. Ronald Perkins. Richan! Musson, Richan! Dlrrlcq. G. Tapley Taylor Jr., Eric Roberts, Pal carter and Alan P. Bales Jr. Hopes Burning Brightly for Raising Scholarship Funds The scbolUship fund.of Coast·Wornen's Club will be enriched witlt proceeds from the' club's &Mual boutique sale scheduled for Sat· unlay, Nov. 14, at the Markei Basket; Costa Me sa . .Stocking stuf· fers and gifts for evezy·member·of !he.family-will· he available as -· ' . well as decorations and holiday table arrangements. Walling for Santa to bring their share of the gilts are (left.. to right) Mrs. Richan! Morris and Mrs. Arthur Hoodenpyle. · Doyble Life Leads to Twice t.he Grief for Survivors ·· DEAR ANN LANDERS: A few weeks ago, Mark the man l was about to marry, auffered a heart attack and dropped dead Oft the sfi<et. The police phoned the penKIO listed c:rt his wallet Identification card as "nest or kin." Jt turned out to be ANN LANDERS ~ 1ncf radhll It coald bt tbe most im· po-t ti.1·-el,my ruden did to- day. naat )'OU' clergyma for 111· ietd.C diiit· you. write lo me. -It was aa .. --DEAR ANN LANDERS '· '-' it normil a bar pickup who .safd, "I hardly know . iorry for me lhe fts unable to utter a lhe guy." She did, hoWever. lead lhem to word. Mark's siJter! who called me. Toget~ At the wake I was consumed by·f 1-we went to his apartment to gather his . _ ~ belongings tor disposition. -mgs of anger and betrayal. J felt no gner, onJy bl(leiness. The tears I shed were for myself, not for hlrn. · l was crushed and heartsick when we discovered letters and pictures rrom at least a dozen girls haJf his age. There Y•ere several notes from married women. 1s well as makeup, underclothes. hair rollers and . other personal items ap. par..U, Jell behind. Malt'• sister fell oo My clergyman's COl-1 and ldndn<SI saved me from total collaP8'. He ~· gested lhal I write to Ann Linden fn Ute hope that you would print my letter as a w11111in& to Giber loollab mswlio -bo playing the same kind or a game. None i:J. for. 1 7-year-old girl ·to get sexually 1g- us knows when death wlll strike us down, gressive with a 25-or 30-year-old man? I The wise person Is prepared for it. Peo-didn't believe it unUI ·this' . little 'llirt pie who lead secret Jives should consider cra!'led on my la~, began "pushing her~tf those who tove them and leave no~, against. me, stroking TY balr an~ sfatting evidence behind. Ir my Jetter helps spare my'race. niat kid is more experienced at just one ,,oman the agony 1 have 81.1£-7 LMn• I was at 17. · ' £ered, it was worth the pain it took to The child's mother and dad were in the wr ite it. Thank you, Ann. -ASHES IN room when she behaved this way and KENTUCKY they didn't say one word to her. J! they think It's cute th ey need to have their DEAR MllES: lleta'o-1111' lelll< -~ llllllllned. I Wll tempted to II,)' • something to them, but I decided to mind my own business. Now J'm not sure I did the right thlng. Should I have aald something? I1ve seen the child behave this way wllh other men who were juJI as hewildeftd .. I. Please advise me. -GRAND FORKS, N.O. DEAR. GRAND: KJdr are turaed 11. awfully Y ... I lite,. dayo -IU.U lor , 1bould I uy NO thanb) to TV, radio, movies, advmtlfng and }list obtervblg coUple1 la 111bUc parts, 011 tbe atrttt cor-ner•, everywbere boy meec. 1trl.-lll my opinion YOU:I al:touJd bave cornmenled' to die parenta oo lbe cllhd'1 aqrt11lvc lilbavklr and aapested tbat Utey dilcNt It wl~ I 1pecl&llst. If tH youngster -cr1wlt on your lap apla, kl lier lulow Adi llUavl« ii ' unbe<oml•I· Siad oip, walk wltlr '8r .. uotltcr room ud eba11e a.. Abjed. Remafll frleadly ond ,.._. IO .W WOD'l fed rtjeclecl. Quces ft -.t ... OWD fadler bu llol pa lier ......... aJ; leclloo ...... ii UOIJ1 . --.... l<a!IGo. CONFIDENTIAi. TO ~·A ll!LP• ING HAND: Havt ~you,lociled it the bolo tom of your sleeve? I m:ommend tt. Do )'.OU feel Ill at ease ••• out of It? Is everyt>ody having a good time ~ot you? Wrlte for Ann Landers• booklet. "The Key to Popularity," enclosinc with ,our request S5 cents in coin 1od a tooc", telf· addressed, !!tamped eovelope In care If lbe-.DAILY PILOI'. " . • -- • ' • l •1 I I 1· • DAILY PILOT Friday; N"""bef 6, 1970 ' Horoscope _____ , Sagittarius: Don't Neglect ' SATUllOAY eba• IN duo. ftof lllMI NOVE"BER 7 -. oavlrooDllDI, -v. m Wltbbold !ftlll JvdpMn~ 111 ayDNIY O~ WM flltpt. a-Oct. 13): UIU (Moreb ll·Aprtl 11):,1 Your 1blllty to naluato noadl Wbal you -bow cu bo 11 accontod. Family member utllbad ID lool....,. an-1>1111 par1mounl rol1. lltaro December Wedding Planned A Qlci. I w14dtnl b ~ ~ b1 lllvtl1Y Alltll -~ ,_ Mclladr)''of ~ 1::~1~r 0 1 d 1 0 borllotll. lmOwladse. Be wllllnf to mok• '-• I )'Olll' poi..,tfal II -CCllClll&om. II )'«I pa, '& parmlt 1 ;, ·y you cu olso 9-' lo receive. do-·· 1our IOORPIO (Oct. 11-NOf. II): DllORAH MlllCHANT l"1a11-Teld N1w1 cllba~ avent wu rovaalod 111 Ill• brldHlect'a -II, Mr. and Mra. llobort w. Allen or lrvlna. P.-, of ~ flanc• IN 1111 JllV, and llln. J. Franklin M c H 1 n d r 1 of Clprwat.r, Fla. Town Hall Posts Another Banne.,.Sale The J>Opular Town Hall Serles bringing noted per-' 1ADeliUes. l<>_Y!&\l!Jll Be•c!l .•~8.f,_t\1!•,'i'a1~anh u~ty 1ts __ 111old out," according to Mr1. nulJ'Cli't "' o e, "ua r-man for Ute sponoorlng Aaoiltance Le•811• ol La- 1\111• Beach . Posting notice !or Utose who !ailed to Plays for Living Relieving Pressu.res -· · · crtaes of livlllg In a modem Wu ii.. Tripi" nfus!ritl"* • oociety will be porlrO)'«I In ponnlol 1>eartbrealt -the . four lllage producUona bopno dlleoVll')' 11111 ~ ·Ull ' nln( Tueoday, Nov. Ill, In the druP Tut~ Nov 17, Golden West Collep Cenllr. ... ""l'otalo : Vlbt • : ~ . llpamcred by !bl '""'"' . • . . . • . llervlce A!soclalloh for the lloiy. 'of a Yo<mf, unwed fourth year the •rlet titled mother, on Tuesday, Nov. 241 Ploys for ' Llvinl POriroi-1 . and ''There W'8' Utue Boy.' f1"111Y problems and offcrj a play o! paroilt41 neglect and new approaches to IOlutlOI'!•· lick of communication, on Each production begln's at 7 :~ Tut:Jday, Dec. 1. p.m. and Is open to the public More . than 10,000 real~ent1 u a service. have v1~ed the »-m~nute Thi lnltlll drunallzltlon II .. plays which UM prolt111onol ''Tomorrow b Now," a 1eton and actreues, and ire reveallng portrayal of campus followed bY ~.a tfd.1 e.n_c:e mrest and the generation. gap. discussion with the Iead~r.shiR II will· bo lollonl bf ''How ol a F~ ~ice oollj\lelor. ..... ' " ' Old Curiosity Sale Benefits Lyric Opera get 'their money in eerly are (!ell to' rlllht)' Mrt. Robert Marvin and Mrs. Jack Ra~ '.The koy-not·e ·rot· next-year,·llie· ch&frmlli ad"dl; ·11 ·••oraer early." •' . To avoid disappointment, pl'OlptCl!v• ''brides are ·reminded to bav1 llltlr, weddlnc · 1torle1 wlUt black ihd white llOll)' P.,btlloo 1raph1 to Ute DAILY PILOT Women 1 D• partment one week before 1111 wOd~I· - Pictures received after--ihal Um1 will nol be Ulld,' For engagemen~ annoupcem~tttl It i• Imperative that Ute Stbry, also accompanlad by a block and white glo"y picture;' lie 1ub- ·m1tted six weeks or more before the weddJng date. Jf deadli~e is not met. only a story will be used. • · · · · To help !Ill ri;gulrementa on both wed- din g --iind 1~ngagerQe'nt stories, ·fOmls are avBJlable 1m :aI!Jil .lllLDAIL Y PILOT ol!ices. · Furt111r Ci:' f.W be WWWed by ·Women'• ,.+.ff lilemben ·a1 ec.tal or4~~ "":.· ' . • Goldfn Key Program1 UI (Aprll IQ.May IO): Somt lrttncla moy hav1 DIOlllY dtf-X.y ii to bo In· doplDdenL Gain inoptr1Uon Imm IA«llUon with Arlol paraoa. Rtllllt to bo bopad down In patty ll'fllllllnll. GIMINI tM11 It.June IO): floml dlcopllon ""1ld bo 1 .. 'fOlvad -connectad with 1t11l -1111. JI )'«I flll unaaay lbout commlllnlll~ II I k dlla)r. Accmt .. pnallp, clYlo duUa. pnorll ~ In community. ./ ,CANCBR (June II.July II): Communlclto with one at a dlltanc:t wllo Illa)' be abto lo recommend nno pbyllclan. Unique que1tlon cen b 1 answered If you are ver11Ul1. Joltlate lnve1U11t1on. LEO (July JS.Aug, 11): Don't be Impatient. Some or the rules, recut1Uon1 ire for your own benefit. Tbls m13 not bo obvloUI, but It wlll become lncre11ln1IY clear. Obtain bin& from ea- '": !AUf. IS&pt. 13>: Pmnll otbon to aet pact. Be concomtd with oecurttjl rather Ulan lplCllllUoo. I o II' t ( Betrothal Revealed ti.fr. and Mrs. Floyd J . Craft of HunUn,tori Beach h1v1 an- nounced the engagement of their daughter Dianne Elaine Craft to James F. Record ol a.-.!. Pannla cl the bonadlct•lect IN Mr. a Mn. Howard J. -otLqlllacb. Miii <hft la a .rraduato o! !II. ADUmy'1 G1rll' Hiii> -· Loni Buell and al-tondld Ibo Unlvmlty ol -· . Lipa lladt Q p 1 r 1 Wlllch wll!;<~ 111111111 !or tbo · Hor rui;:,. h u • b • n d """"''•Oldeurlaoltylboppe ''llyrtc()ptilaofqtl!ll'e~Unty .. E·a:s1 y':C·r·afts ·show' n =t• Hlsh~Be~ Salt will oflar 1111111 trusur• are Mn. 0.:f.~:., H. K. ~ryant an _.,_.... IChool In Ft. . ·and Mrl. w lllnwood. . ~.. • ... ftlch'illl wblto bilqtll Dlua!C u-•••• 0Qlllllllttoe1 wtll ba , dcm U I I Belvotr, Va. -· a tall wltlto lamp ,nth lhi~E\li81anley Elchstaedt, n on1tr1 on o era t Jack Greeley w11 olectad A Doc. :Ml ~'eddlnl I• being btua por<llaln b1111 br111 j~; 'ltdney Johnl!On,_ lt~m1 which ~rt bollt a~ 2re1ldent Ind Mro. Mtller, who planned In Sts. Simon and 'bowil llltd a tara•. WJdHyed liOiiflll'i "'~~ u; Wlllliiil tricllv• and auy ta mak' will aloo WU!aiblon' 11fow-;lud1 Catholic Olurcil, Hun· doll. ~~::-«r*et: ..,.P.JM. th•' procram wl\en chalnnon, flrat vice prtoldent. tlnaton Beach. Doon al the Lquna Beach ~~ '~!, lln<ina, •ml members of Golden Koy of •Lui monlh'• Punch Brunch Woman'• ClubbouM wlll open Anll!elil'· 1, lJnprle Huntftll)on Beach mte& at to With Fuljlont net!Oct _ ap-T j d at I a.m. on Tuaaday end and ......... ., . 1.m. T\i<\tdiy, Not. 10, In tha j>rollmatelf l3IO lor Ibo Clllld Oy eaS w-,, Nov. 10 and II. MIO osit1lt~Plrtmanla ilo!n• cl Mn-,Gr11 Ml~or. 'Guidance .Center o! 0r1n11 CIGl!nlUm•taap.m.Tuead•y wU1 · .. lil~.11i.:: "" John '""·1ntet•··. wlilch ·w111 .. Count•·-0o1c1en · x.· Form Talk and 4 p.m. Wadnesd1y. -I. boob · and l'ICOl'do; •• • ' , • Dooi bo fooled bf Ol1I Who of• !en proverbial oure tblnl. Rnllll you ... not llltoly !o NCllft -.thins for •otblnl· UUU. put experience, · IAGl'ITAIUUI (N... 11- Dlc. II): Temptation II to del•to cluUea. Overcome It. You could be tn a fool'• poradlla If J«I n•slect bulc i-. Head volco ol ox- parlaoct. Dlacard ID a pp y llnc!ll, chup ao!Ullona. CAPlllOORN (Die. !Wu. It): Lilbt toucb accomplllbel -· Iba D boavy-lau41d met.bods. Some rtl1Uvt1 ma)' ravel! eon!ldenlhl In· fonnotlon. Key 11 ta llltow lltuat!on, "l1tloolhlp bu run lllcourH. AQUAlllUI (Jan. SO.Fab. II): New 1pproach could reoult In pro!lt. Streu In· dependanca of tboulb~ action. A !rlaod m11 be somnb1t of a ftnlllC!al drain. Know when to call a bait. PllCBI (Fob. It-March IO): Cy<lt bflb: judp1lnl aod ln- ltdl!on are lbarp. ca- all!ecll are not taplda!IJ IOlld. -dllt1I could be favwabll In lonl run. lloallM lbll and ruponcf-.. IF TODAY II YOUll 1111\TBDAY you 1enorally tend to be lntr01pecUv1. Key to 1ucce11 J1 1pecl1lls1Uon. Find out what appeal• to you -alm 1traight for JOll. Re· cent m1rrlage or bu1lne11 te5ponslbility will p r o v e beneficial. Speakers At Podium 1tfrs. Charl11 PlltSCln wtU open her Anaheim home on Thursday, Nov. 10, for a meeting or tile Oran1e County Speakers Forum. Assisting her 1t the 9:30 a.m. gathering will be Mrs. Leo-J. Fri~ and Mn. E. II. Kersten. The Hlltory' ol Nawport Beacn -Then and Now will be giVtn by Mrl. Konnellt M. Smith'i Cotta Mesa'• Earlier Yeari will be deltvored by Mrs. Gtmninc Butler and CoN Miii and How She ·Merchants Tell News New1 cl the ,...,.ment ol Doborob Marilynn Men:hln& lo RldWd Patrick Fletd>er wu ravulad durlnc a cflnnor porty In .. llunltnaloo Buch homo cl the brldHlecl'• parenll, Mr. ad Mii. Plllltp H.Mordlonl. Toutlns tiMI oouple wera Mr. and Mrl. Robert W. Vernon cl HunllllflOn Bead!, moU.,r and ateplather of the benedtc:Hlact, and Mr. and Mr1. Ed Brewer and Mr. ind Mn. Rlchll'd Allen. t n e couplea' 1Jt:ten and b:other1- ln~1w. Boll! Mm Men:hant Ind hu. flanct art puatu of Foun- tain Valley Hllh 6chool.11e ii aorvllW In !bl i!.S. Navy. No c!ato hll -Ml far 1111 waddftll. Christmas Arriving Chrlstmu will come early for membel"I of the Midway City Wom1n'1 Club when they 1ather at 12:30 p.m. Qn Tues- day, Nov. 10 In the clubhouse. "11'1e Splrtt of Chrl.atmas," a one.act comedy, presented by the Drama and Fine Arts Sec- tion, an exhibit of Creative Craft and a po-Int! or tho items to be on sale at the Bom.lque Baiaar on Dec. U, wUI be Included In the dly'1 events. Hostesses for the day wilt be the Mmes. Fred Wolfe, Arthur Rollerbeck, Roy Honeycutt, Urban Jtlel.npetlr and Laverna Strawbridge. Chapter Meets Mrs. John Bower will open her Huntington Beich h o m e for an 8 p.m. meeUna cl Garn· ·ma AJi>1ia Nu, Beta S1ema P!>I on Monday, Nov. t . Mrs. Bob &.. will assi>t and Mn. Jim McGrath will dll\var a procram, Poel!y Into Muotc. Miu Allan ii a puata of Colla -HIP 1t:11oe1 and attondad Oranp Coa1 t Collep. She la • ~ollty member of Job'• DturJiters Belhel 117 a bollla · a BA d°" fl'om llCLA l1ld an MA d--trom SID Fraoclaco State Collap. - thellar~~Ae:i~ Ohio ud was plduetad from San Femando ValloJ Stole eon.,. -. Ito "" al-!lllatad wltll Tiu X a p p a l\:\ltllOG. Tbo ...... r __ ... ,, wlD llh p!ICI In SI. J11111• l!ipbcopal Clulrdl. Educator To Speak On _ Nature Nat•ralhl and con- 11rv1tloalal Paul W, eolbum cl Lqtma HUii will - membon cl 1111 cavallet Cbapllr, Colonlll Dlma XVII Century in 011 B l"U I I e 11 rut.aur1nt on Tuuday, Nov. 10, at 12:15 p.m. Colburn t11t.1ght biology for 39 year• while 1erving a.!I director of the Tucker Bird Sanctuary In ~fodjeska C•n· yon. W h I I e director. he perfected the hummingbird !aeder. donatlna tne ll0,000 gained from its sale to the sanctua ry. As3ocialed for many years with Audubon Society (!& :tervation project!, the Conner teacher is currenUy president of the Orange County Division ol. ReUreif Teachers. Books Sell The parking lot ol the CaUfomia Federal Savinp and Lotn Co.1 c.osta Mesa wi ll be "wall lo wall" bookl lomorrow wiUt a Serendipity Book Sale, sponsored by tl\I Coe~ Meaa Frie~ oC the Library. BookJ, rqln1 from ~ cyclojledlu ta Mor)'books, wilt be on allt tram t 1..m. to 4 p.m. Proceeds wJU bendlt the equipment fUnd . CH!lalrman of the avenl Robeit 1 . Lowaon, cltJldrlD'I future Mm Karin Btopller, ii, helpo lo lilppot!. ' clothln(: Zochary Mailby, open ta the publlc. acoordln1. Mem~!'I ..... · two pro- f !Urnltnn: Wllu wlll-.imd lo (>l'Olmll • obalrmln ~· f-1onol ·tnodtla lbo1vad the Toya wlll bo the topic Grew will be dl8c:uaed by Mesa Rebekah A Q U AT I C tod to -~ and Mrs. EUii Ponc. A ternoon W 11 ll am . ,W bl t m tt1, Ivan Nart11on •. Cqllea •lid 'ludltnct it laq1· vartaty of boullw1r11, ud Edward Nell, cookie• w\11 bo' aarvad by Mta. euy~ flllltfona. Golden IW-, •.. Chorl11 Wrifht, · bolpltillty Key ~ who modeled ~ ·-· .. -· r:-. fin! and third or-P LA N T S ol Ibo louth Cout , •• , U.n Womm'• ctu!L et S ' B f doy cl tho monlll ...,bin of '" """'" er1es ..,, ns M-Rob•-•h ....... PACl•IC '°'""" MlMS , dlalrmon. . Included Ibo Mmet. C y ~ecremony-. ' .Fol\owlnl the r<alfnltkm of Potoroon, Ray MorehouM, noon on Tueldar, Nov. 10, dur· -., ~ 1tNt •DWA1tD1 In Jun hlon In Be e ' usemble ln Odd Fellows Hall, NOITH or •ot..IA ' I c ' n rown I La Lecbt ~ rl ~ll eo.ta 'MtJI, at • p.m. Wl$TMINITI• '-I Mn. WUllam 'HaMI, Mr•· Snerwood Bally, John Inn· : • lnt:tt and J1m·u Hulhea. re1t1urant. Mesa I• buinninl: 1 four.put -.;i~ii;iii~~~ii;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;iliiiiiiiiiiii Oeor11 B. Murray, man11er aeries In tfte Advantq11 ot1I · L' k p • Mn. Morehoun 1110 In s a Ir Leet• •rer . ISSlstad Mr~ llobtrt Holman \.II with re!relhmonts. of eon>0r1te plannlnc for Mat,. Natural Feeding at 7:45 p.m. FA C I AL$ tel Toyo, lnc. will daocrlbe Tu-' N 10 In th I ,. I t t Id I -~11. ov, ' o 1ome o wit I 11 eu n Newport Beach home of Mrt, Enjoyed b)' alamoruu1 movie, 1V toy• 11 well u 111mlne the 1tara at le1dln1 beauty •fll•· All anon-cm1mony In bor plnll!I' born• llnlled In· ,...rtap Mary Lou I 11. llowlud and Roborl Mlchall ~ ol Colt.I MIN. PU'lllll cl tlll brido IN Mr; ud lln. l!oojambi Fran!llln !lowland ol Colt.I MNL Tbo -II the 100 cl Mn. IA....,.. Murphy o! Ma-. Wi.9. Melinda Rawland served her ·-.. maid or honor duriDf the double rlnf rtte. 'Ille blnedlct eked l>onlld Jones to be besl man. 1be new Mrs. Murphy Is a graduate of Estancia High School and orange Coast College. She ls a junior at CalJlornla State Colltge al Fullerton. Her hulNnd WU educated In MadllOll and Mrv1d four years in tbe M.artne Corps. He ii at1'adlnl OCC. '1'1117. will nlldl· In Cloeta ,._ • Chapt.r Set• Two Meetings ,,.._ , ..... WSAN st ANTON Envogod .. Hol~day Nuptials . In o ·ffing .Mf. and MIL C!tarl11 · I. Stanton Jr. cl Corona di! Mar havt t.DDOllnOlld the · tnl•1• ment ol their da0chter, luian TR Not_... -1np Stantoo ta ·Robert El. Wllaon, are ,. 1111 ..-lor XI ""' of Mr. and Mn. l'rl1\ll J;. Epdaa I'll OMpar aC Bita Wi\aon of Colla Meta. . s•-· l'!IL -' Thi ""'.Pie ii plllllloC to M;.i.m will pt!Mr II I w•d Dec. 19 In Ollr Ladf p.m. m 'l'lmlla1, !fol'. 10, !or .~eoo o! A ... 11 Cll\Jollc a b.a-...... Ill the thur<H, Newport Bu1h. . Hewplrl _.. ...,. aC Mn. BOllt of the botrollle\l arc Mllrt ~1111., O!i, Tuel-"aduiteJ of a.ro.a de! Mn ., . No'I. 17,~lrid . lllP Sd!ool l!'d It'~ Engllsh .,&,,. -t by lltfjol'I. lhe" II 1ttendln1 11n. Frank Roed llePi II Calil....ia St... Cloflop ·•I I p.m. In the Colt.I M,llal>oln• Long e .. ch and be Is atudylnf of Mn. Nathaa Mervlsh. at UCLA. , Sees Stars toy m1nw1ctur1na 1ndu1try. L.~ <;::,~ ;, a nonpront, JOSEPHINE BLACK R.E. Jo~~'° w°I'm~~~:~;iu ~ no.-1an orpnilalloa for (714) 539.9551,.::::;.~:.:.:;:,. V1111 entorta!nar1 wbo w ti 1. ~m~o~then~-~=====~~~~~~~~~~ Altrolo1ar and wlumntot · Member• of• Court Stoll• " nd nterwn Ir Carroll Rlfhlor' wtll · addra,. .. Maril 1141, C 1tbo11 o 'PN~ :. .. at aO eanla par membon of th• Monday · Daucnter1 cl Amll'lcan meel ramUy wUI bo provided !or Momlnl Club at lhlO .a.m• on toch ......i and fourth M°"' pn«hool cltlldrtn In tho Mondoy, Nov., I, In . Btn d11 et I p.m. In St. Joachim'• Unltad Ml!bodlll Cb• re b . Bro"ll'• "'taurant In Soutl! par111t hell, Ooota M-South IAIU!ll. LIJIUM. . ' . 1..:.~~-'-~-'-~~~-'--'-..:.....~~~~-11 R,llbter, who has• ~BM In . low but bac1me lnvolvtd with TAX PRIPARIRI utrolol)' while araulnc the r~r~ th~ ~,;~~~im~l Thi• YHr, Your . But 0o Not. Compel. , Toi E1aarlei!C!• Can A question and answtr ,...... · · M . pirlod wlll 1ouow Jhc loctur~ Mean A .. Lot More oney. During a noon· lun c h , fachtons \\i ll be modelocl from -~1urlel it'Lady Of "LagW\il We're loo'kinq' for men and womtn with at least Ni guel. on• y111r'1 pr1vlou1 eiptri•nc• h1 a ~lie efflce. We Want tr1ln1cl people •ncl wt'r• willlnt to pay Stargazers .. 1 .. to 9.1 thom. .Gathering HJ1hor hourly ,.,,, Lookln1 lo tlM 1l1ra will be H,l1hor "''""'. palonllal. the Fountain yaH,ey ~on:i1n'1 P1u1 an 1.tr1 btn111 for 1cc.urecy. Club .•I I p.m •. on· Monday, . . , Nov. I, when U' metts .1J1 the Fountain V11ley Civic Ctnter. Y~ 1upply t~t txptrl1nct. 1'e o~ of a Balb!>a Our ccwnputtr\ dt 111· th• '"'th1metlc1 f.r yeu1 H~tr, opedltty lllop, Mrs. llol1nd I I" 'I Ith I M1rtln wl~ •PH~ on utroloa you m"• '"' wor11 n9 w P••P •· -the C)'llm of tho pllnets Ind at•l'l In rell tion to elcb Fiull tr pert time. Att n1 b1rrl1r. S•m• yea,..rtuftcl ''IM"' other ~ the.Ir tnOuencci on 1 ht4J1'1.a~ UvOI. Mrl. Atruiin 111.so tuniti•• evtll•'-'lt. l tl1f low·f•• tr1lnin9 pro9r1m. te•<jlt• ptrolol)' os 1 aclenco. • · HI>--· for tne evenlnc 1 ... 1 21 will bo the M'1)"· Fred Funk ..... -· .,..,,... 1111 1flect 12111 41 ·14 • 'J(eN)tl.h .EsterUne, W • y n 1 · t • oii-.. Ju. a.undy,. 11a, 8 I N I Y I S T Hackerott and Robt rt Hamilton. • SPECTACULAR ....... ., ....... lor U•I••'-• 1'1111 Two Tea• IHety 11 n .. •••••~ti ., ..... , ..... • .•• , ....... y,. ... """' r.-y SllAI CAllPlf - ... , ... effenll 11'1 • •Ii to tlio Tm .. sa..ism.. -y 99 s.,.. '"" -ltU INSTALUD lad ... ..., .... & llW ............... 54749ts Sllll UD PRll WllllP•ohw .. ef_ .. _ -... ...,.c.,... 1W 11. llliw Sl -·-11111111 • hit' t .. l 1M '"· ' 'ti • I \ I I .. . • • Costa Mesa ~ . . .. . vor.:. 63, NO. 266, .. SECTIONS, # l!AGES • . ... ' . ~·. • • • FRID~'t; NOVEMBElt '· )970" ~ . . " ~N :CENTS ' ,. . •• • . . .. .. SuperVisor Pay Hike Stirs RuckuS 1n Coliii~y . . . By JACK BROBACK Ot tflt De11Y '°Utt Stttt · Outjoinf Orarce County SUpervllor Alj.on E. Allen If !4iguna Beacb today defended a 95 ~nt pay raise voted for the five-min board. while tlxpaytrs faunched and fumed. County Counsef Adrlln KuyPtf', mean- while, warned of a oew~angle in the eon~ troversy : supervieors m1y eet ne pay at all fqr awhile yel '!he-wbole boppln&·mad ilaue ceoters c on passqe of Protioaition 12 otf'fnesday's ballot. · • · - AUen'1 IUCCeUIX'.~ fifth D i.1 tr I et Supervilor-elocl Ronald. ~""" bod some mr..g feepnp oo llle,Mlbjecl of Ille 95 Percept 1 pay ~. a •kesrDan revealed thll JDOnilng. . "He believes that there ii a good poosibill{y ~t this !\""'• may tie·U~ to Ille fad lhat two l\'tmi,n of !lie bojird ar~ retiring·,?" the spotesmmiaa'll. ~ "lle bu been telling people lllCI bed ~' -.. members that he ·thlnka Ibey lhouid hold off on major ~-lib tbe airport anc1 11>e \n<>Ol'PQnUoo olJlae city or Irvine unUI the new bOlrd-.takes oftice in Jan.uari:," Ille apOloesirlln-. . '.'nit new' 111~ thJnb It ii ln- conliltent for the boaid to 'poi,h lbr<iuch a pay incr.ue jusl belon Ibey p ouL He feels Jt ii Ul-llloed.and allhougll-lle !J not denjlos !bat .... -la deserved, be would ,Jlb to let ari, unblaaed, ob- ject poop CJl ·etu.& cohidy Ille fUlilor," tbe apollaman· aald. "Capaen bas pointed out that in the buslnesa world, when raises are con- sidertd, comparisons are made with other industries. He feel.S you just don't julnp into these things," the spokesman added. "He alto feela ll would be taken ln· to consideraUon that the voters of Orange County turned down Prop. 12." Kuyper. aald Its passage could mean tblt the auperviJOn In unchartered coun- ·tlei, ~ Orqe County, would not be pa.id unleM they tQe some Jmme&tiate action to set their own aalartel. He said the proPoSitioa wu · a con.: sUtq,..Uonal amendment and _ tbe. Nte. ConstJtutiOll super.ct~. any pttfloui ac- tion by the le&1S1ature1d liat. former!)' have set tbe pay scale for .upervilcn:. Al the earliest a ~ otdinDce ~ not be passed unUJ Tuelday mid It willld ·not become, law untll 30 clays 18$1r.- lf there's a movement to eoJJlct> Mmll for a rolerendum to block Ille "!IPt!Y!-a . .. Mail S1nut Charges Hit TwoMesans Mesa Runaways Rescued 'Cave Dwellers' Hurt • in Rugged Laguna Area· • ·~ A Costa Meaa r'atber-son team has been tndi~ along With 12 _other men in a federal crackdown on allegedly obscene and pornographic material distributed via Los Angdes, smut capital of America. Joseph Reitano, 57, and Lucian J. Reitano, 23, are charged with mailing obscene advertisements and transporting obscene films to St. Paul, Minn., Crom Los Angeles. The elder Reitano bu been arrested and charged before in connection with his adults-only boobtore in Santa Ana, which police charged featured films and even plastic and rubber sex organs. A federal grand jury meeting in Los Angeles indicted the 14 alleged s mut dealers, charging they are responsible for distribution of more than six millioa pieces of pornocraphy. "Extreme sesual activity in every - form," WU the_t•Y y.~ Attorney Robert L. Meys-<lljlhimlill<olly . ,.,._ tho evidence which led to the indictn}ents. Charges involved Included federol t,.. evasiog amonc ~ accuAtioal, nne carrying maxlroum peoaJtiei of [iVjl years in prison and up to $10,<m fine for each counl SUCCl)MBS AT BALBOA HOME Gr•c• Simpson HM. Hospit.al F!gure lly BARBARA KREmfCR · OI tlM D111Y Pltlt St9ff ~-teenage nmawaY 11r1s from Costa Meu are recovertpg at their homes to- day after a harrowing mldrllght reacue from the rugged eave are1 in the hills bell!nd Laguna Beach. More than 30 ~scue workers, thrtt county fire department unita from El Toro and Laguna Hilla, Sheriff's deputies and Laguna Beach politt were sum· moned to the acene above Canyon Acres Drive late Wednelday. Tbe alarm was sounded when a 15- ye.ar~ld boy, al.Jo a runaway, dashed into County Land Developers Mrs. ~.a£e 'RfKl.'g HUrt 'ht~ash ·t Succum·bs at t(Jtf . A _, of orWo r.wii !ml deft\aPmftt UioclaDlll II ~ te- Mn. Grace 61mpeon Hoag <lled e11°r) day trim ~ lllffand in W of two this morning Id. her Balboa home folli>w· car~· ,pUne erubes In rucged ing a lengthy illness-She was 100 years nortbera Callfcpll terrain 1ince Wednes· old. day. Woman-Granted-Mrs. Hoag was-the widow o! tbe.Jate __ Fliers Jn Ille , second crash were killed George Grant ijoag, after whom Hoag instantly. Memorial Hospital is· named. Each 1ccident involved builders and in-Nuisance Delay Mrs. Hoag and her husband first came ~e.!Jtors returning from ou~ holidays to the Harbor Area in 1930, when they 1n Oregon and occurTed while the planei . rented a home for the summer on lhe wtte in guided to instrument ' or r1dio Jn Costa Mesa Peninsula. Several years later tbey tllldiop. A 60-day reprieve has been granted a Costa Mesa woman whose cluttered pro- perty is threatened with being declared a public nuisance. Mrs. Wanda Klippel, of 2004 Meyer Place, was in the audience Monday as her attorney, Selim "Bud" Franklin, bargained with couocilmen for more time. No actual hearing was required, since Franklin and city officia.18 agreed during prior consultations that her overgro..yn yard , containing a variety of 11tored Items, Is indeed a nui!antt.- She was grante4 30 days to clean the front, 30 days to' clean the rear, and ordered to take care of some interior pro- blems during the full time perJod. Franklin saJd aome plumbing and elec· trical problem1 exist. SYLVIA PORTER'S COLUMN DELAYED Sylvia Porter's curmrt series detaillr).g how to save money on income taxes will not be printed today because of spice re- quiremenl!I. 1 ·The fourth article in the aeries will be published on Monday's financial page. bought their borne at 2102 E. Balboa 'Ibe twin~ngine Aero Commander own· Boulevard. ed by Ddrin Propertiet C4fporatlon Following Mr. Hoag's death in 1948, overshot Ut1ali Alrpoi't Wednesdiy night, Mrs. Hoag took over manv of his proWU banked nort.beat Ind pancU:ed-into-a , ·-foreoted, hill. which Included aiding the Boy Scoots. She became president of the Hoag A twin~ine Comanche m 1 s s e-d Foundation which donated $500,000 for the Eureka·An:ata Airport. 'Ibunday en construction ol the Newport Beach dwindling fuel, circled, ran out of gas and . hospital. slammed into an ocean bluff below the She continually provided assistance to runway en·tbe"flnal approach. the hospital which Opened In 1952, AuthortU.. at Ukiah Hospital Aid the b ·1A;.... ...... ...~ .. -1...1...ir. 1-men Injured in the Wednelday ni,tlt w '""fi w~ DUl'leS q....u 1.eo1 • will\;" ao now ub ~-led f •-1...:0:· __ ., the conference center er wert w~ or scr.al.Un:S ~ She alio belpod the Orange Empi'L_brul,.. ud would be releued today. A'l'ea-BOy ScOUta~blilliftheli'headquarters They incloded tbe pilot, Rick Theston, and aid~ in the JnstallaUon of 1 water 28, ~f Santa: Ana, John Dunn, 48, o( well at the Lait Valley Scout Camp. Tuatm, Wayne Caliban, 40, o I M H alJo nrtwided •-anc·a· l Westminster and Ray Smith, 38, of rs. oag ,..~. uu 1 Garden Grove assistance to ttie Harbor Area Girls Club, Dwm Is • 'dent f ••· firm th t the Harbor Aru"Boys Club, the Newport . prw . o u..::: a Beach "Senior Cit.iz.ens Club and many ~hill name, wttb brlftCbes at 2009~. other local charitits._ · Edinger Ave., ~ta Alli, ind 1«*0 A member of st. Andrews fmbyterlan Kalam1 ·River Ave., Fountain V11ley. Chureh 1n Ne~ Belch .... and her Tbeston. hiked from the craab &eene BOD, George GrMt Hoag U, ,ave funds five miles nortbe~ of tbe 1lrport 'Iburs- for Ille Chapel oq the ciwrcll rrounds. clay momtnc to -help for his Mrs. Hoq ..,,,, alJo 1 member of Ille companlonl llld t<lepbone lnlorm•tlon Tbunday Momlnl Cub1 P:l!.O. Clob, uc1 •boot Ille er~ to federal aviation WU an llonoru:1'Copa de 0... Patm>ess authorttJes, ol tbe lfoog•llootiltal A...Ulaey. He Mid be mluod .the """'ay while Funeral 1ervicel wUl be held Monday makin1 an instrument landin1 appro.eh 1t St. And:reWl •. wtth.tbe Rev. Mt .. Dallas 1t the height of'1 .tieavy ralm:torm, while R. Turner ef the Community Prt1byterlan on a fiieht from F.ucene, Ort., to Ortn;e Church, t.iipna.Beach, officiating. (See CIWlllES, Pase I) Pusher Ele~ted Man Picks Up, Rapes Teenager In f.osta Mesa . Drug Dealer Wins Jµs~ . .P<Jst . . .~ LAWRENCE, Kan. (UPI) -Phllllp C. "JI bt'a a hum . hippie.• I doll' ~ Hill emerged from obocurity Thursday to an}'tbinC aboaM~" tk•lloiilu County. claim e.lectlon u juaUoe of the peace. Democratic cha1nnan Mkt. "l've never Qiancea are he'll never be obscure beard of him. ··::~h... ... h be didn't tell either the voten "Anywax,1tbougbtthtomce,of1'lltioe ~ of the peace bad been 1boliabed." or the politicians who be wu or what he The office bu not been abou-L.-.a u di<l before Tuesday eiectlon, he bu Jold -them now. And they might not Uke IL -Hill, a university dropout c~ testify. "'Mainly I mn my Jiving by peddling "Just make 1 mental note. of his dope," Hill said, "and l suppoee.1'11 keep name,~· aakl Attotoey General-elect Vern OD aince you can't earn much as a JP Miller Thlll'9day, ''and how lon1 It is at0und here." before )'OU bear lhat he ham been ar· Hill . 23, says he sells "all kinds or dope rested.'' ut'ept heroin. 1 won't have anything to "I'll WJt an undercov!r agent on himt'' do wilh that 1tllfl. But I aell LSD and A id Mlller, wbo bdoft Wfm111f the a~ mesc:aline and almost everything, There's torney uneraJ eledlon on a ltrict i.w- not much money in marijU1n1 -too and-ordtt campaip. wu tbt Sedptck much o! It 1>owk11 arowicl her<." c.un~ ~. ,/ - " Colla --....r llltd>hl•q wltll her1JZ.year.old l'rllod told pellce "l'hur .. clay olle wu nped bY a belpedacled, mlddleqed i,,. wllo drove to hls aplrl. melll and blandlabed them wltb beer. Tbe 3'7e&Mld aald &be was. lllrtpped and 1U1ulted wtien lier )'OWller com- panion lefl to UH Ille botbroom alt<r d.rtnkln& two can1 ol. beer. She ns examined Ind tre1ted 1t COsta Meaa Memorl!tl. l!oopltal fo.llowlng, the mt~ locldenloo a acbool bollday to wblcb ,_,,..,. ~ n>IJll!ng around town. ...... Pollce ha¥0<r-14d1Y , warned ol tbe d1111ers ln¥olftd -,..., llrlo thlD!lb ride&, dlfq U., lllllllber ol r&Pll llld at. tllllpled n1111 tlllll'iilalt. the Laguna Beach Police Department shortly after 11 p.m. to say that bis girl friend wu 11having a aeliure up ln a cave." After alerting county fire' units and an ambulance, a Laguna o f f i c e r ac- companied the frightened youngsltl_r back to the Canyon site, just outside Lagwia city limits. While the ambulance waited below, regular and volunteer firemen scaled the steep· hillside and round not one, but twet girls, aged 15 and 16, in need of medical aid. The l6-year-0ld seizure victim , believed to be epileptic, had fallen and inl•r.ed her hip. Her friends later told Sheriff's deputies she had been "thri!e U,1 wittwut medication." . The other girl, attempting to help-, bad tumbled down a 3G-foot cliff and 'lnjurtd both 1egs. 1 "At first," said a county firt depart. ment spokesman. "It looked as lf one might have broken her bac?k ind the · other broken both legs." In an operation that took an hour and 1 half, both girls were strapped onto ilt&ers and carefully carried down the hllllide to the waiting ambulance. :r; .. At South cwt CommunllY Rolpltal, examination revealed· that bOtb. had escaped witboot ltrioul injury. 1'he ,111- year-old·had "hurt her hip act may ba,,.. been through_ an epi1eptlt 8'llure.'' a hospital spoketman said, lier friend wu treated for aevere conlllaloos al botll knees. The runaways were turned over to their parents by Sheriff I depu~ in the early hours of the morning. The young11ters, who will be charged with trespassing, apparently were trying to set up bouaekeepinc iD a.cave, officers pjcf. Terrorists Hurl Bomba ' . lit Tel '..4 viv .;-~-r.;..~ Temrllta atnlclt In tho ... i.r al 'l'el '.AOtr tOday, nploiHni two -neat iii< main bus dell!'! crowded wltb la'aeU bolldiy-goert. '!he bold attack came oolJ boun a!ttt tho renewal of Ille U.S.• initiated ceast-flre in the Middle East.· 1be Israeli state r1dlo aaid at least U persons were injured in the eiplolionl near the bu.a station in downtown Tel Aviv. A hJgh-rll1ling police oflicer said the two bombs, consisting of about ball a pound of explosives each, uploded almost simultaneously. . -.... The Arab-Israeli cease-fire 11 n e I, however, remained ailent with both aidd agreein&-to lft ute.naion-of-ihe-trucl-pa.sl-- lbe Tbursday mldnlght deedlloe (5 p.m. (Set MIDEAST, Pa1e I) Market Held Up In Costa Mesa A bandit team of two men, one who pulled Oft 1 cheesecloth hood and t h e other with a·peace symbol on bis jacket, robbed a lone Costa Mesa market clerk of an estimated '300 early today. Elie M~ Taggart, 19. told i>Qlice he wa1 approacl)ed in ttie ThrifUmart, 2701 Har· bar. Blvd., at 2:'5 a.m., and w11 riqini up a cigarette aaJe when the stickup was announced. -"You will be wise to take the money S~~ming Eagles . , Eitancla High School•songleaders expect to be right on cut· tOnlght ·when Eagle foOtball team challenges Barons of Fountain Vallajr.Jn a "must" game for both schools. Girls are (counterclockwise fi"bm top left) Rosie Van Scheik. Alita Kelly, Melissa Syl!CO, Kris{~ Krisher, Margie Campbell and Marty Stephens. Game is scheduled' for 8 p .m. at Cap Sheue Field on Huntington Beach High S<:boOl campus. Willia Hunt Murder Trial ~ury Gets 3-day Re~ss. · By TOM BARLEY Of Ille DellY Pitt Stiff • Jurcn In the Orqe County Superior Court munler tllal of Willia 'Dean Hulrt 'of Newport Beach are today enjoying the Unt day of • three-<11'1 recess in what bas been a montb·long 'h-ial. • Jucfce William Murray sent the panel off to Its tbree-diy• break at noon Thurs- day with lbe lnstructldn that jurors 1bould r<lum Monday morning to hear llnal arguineuta by-oppelln1 la,wyers. Testimocl1 ended Thu-y w•i t b· .. ,. I .. ·• statements from ·rebUttal "wlh l!I ~ ed by Deputy lllstrlct A-y ·Mefvin . Jensen for Ille pr01<C11tlon. J_, and defense attorney Sidney 1nnu will ' ad- dress the jury Monday after which Jod10 Murr1y wlll give final instructl,ona to the panel. Jensen Is elfl)ected, to .uk 1be jury to convict Mt1. Hunt, 44, of 2815 Harbor View Rllla Drtve, of murder In tM llilling on Dec. 11, 11111 of yacht broker Wlllll Hunt. se. J It waa.1tlpul1ted early In llie trial tbal • (See llUl'l'I', Pap I) • • .U:t," said one bandit. • Tagart aaKI he did not pull the knife, bqt warned that he· carried one. Tbe victim ' described one of the rob- ben as long·haireif, with a beard llld moustlche0 while tbe second WU clee- a}iaven. 0r .... lt'Ntller Skle1 ·.w clear up Saturcl01 and · tum IRIMY for Sunday •toor the cout: with temperatures rtalq ta II locally al1d qp: ~ 71_furtber In- land. INSIDE TODAY ' Art come1. ta Newport ltoc1' thb week with aft llf"Gll czJlibit 4t Hoag Memorial HOIJ)ilat and a gaUtrv 1how at Foshion ltf4rw1 Detail! In today'1 WH}t...r.r. -" ce.11w11i. ,. °""~ "" t c~ .,,.. ._.. . ~=I•~ -" .............. ,...... ''"'' -.. ............ ,, -. JMrflltl ......... 11 -.... :.-=. 11 -c-. ;;' ........ ... _.. ... .... M9IMtl 1•1• -.. ---. _.. """ ,,.,. --.... .,. " ... - c ' 2 DAil V '1LOT t ........... 1 PAY HIKE ••• whim of Ille atate Lt1P111ture. j'Jf ... were • charter form of aovem- -1l lbere is no que'1JOll in my mind but -Ula .-,. ~ .. w.wa be tied In with that o1 •tha jiollclary 11 in IM Anplts C.U.ty," A1letl continued. Los Allaeles supervlsora are paid ap- proximately $32,000 a yee.r,\ the same 1;5 Superior COurt Judges. '1t l>aa bOeo the mponalbWty of 111e · grand jury to make recommendaUons on the salary level of the board," Allen ad· ded. "In the elibt years I have been In office, tbeR rtcommendaliona have been conslstenjly linOred by the • ta t •. Jeglstatuie. ~ · "No doubt the present salary scale of,. suPtrvilors l\s very, very low," added F our t b District 11,1pervi1Qn1 newly• elected !lllpb B. Clark. "Olberwlae I would prefer to llY DOlhil!i more at this t. .. une. C!llfk, who will take office Jan. 4, ad- ded bowever, "I have received doaens of calla on this' 1ubject blamliig me, and I had nothlq to do with It, of coune. I have enouah u an Anaheim councilman without interfering with the Board of SupervilOn at this time. "Most of those who called me agreed that the present salaries of the supefvisors are too low, but added that they thought the 95 percent raise was too much," Clark said. Storniy lt'eather "As it stands at this time those on the board will hive to face their constituents for tbtir-actions,•• , newly e I e c t e d supervisors said. Taxpayers throughout the county are fuming over Wednesday's decision, but no one has stepped forward to lead a referendum or recall drive. A few raindrops falling on his head didn't deter this surfer this morning as he headed toward the waves near Huntington Beach Pier. A storm front teased)- Orange Coast weather watchers today, but drop- ped insignificant amounts of precipitation. Still, it was the first sign of rain for more than seven months -since last March. Weatherman says weekend. will be clear. Secretaries in the supervilors' offices said the telephone calls continued to pour in today as they did most of Thqrsday from citlunl prolelting Iha proposed raise in superviaon' salaries to '29,269 a From Pagel · year. MIDEAST BOMBING ••• Board memben curnnUy ore paid $15,000 annually. A new angle in the coatroversy loom· ed today with the ruling by County Counsel Adrian Kuyper tb1t t h e supervisors may not 1et paid until a MW salary schedule is adopted and perbapt not until 30 days after that. Cyclist Injured In Mesa Crash A Newport Beacb bicyclist was lnjum 'lbumlay whoo struck broa<tlide by a car pullin( ·out ol Colla Meaa oervi<e o;tab. . Judy T. GOidberg, 20, of':IOOS W. Ocean Front wu taken lo Costa Mesa Memo- rial HOlpl1aJ where •he Wll lr<!ated and ' EST). Israel has set no time limit, but said it will not shoot first. Egypt said today it will, flot extend the cease·fire beyond Feb. 3. Jordan also said it it will abide by the extension. recom· mended in an Afro.-Asian resolution ap- proved Wednesday by lhe U.N. General Assembly. The high.ranking police officer in Tel Aviv said a delivery truck parked ii· legally near a movie hOuse apparently prevented a heavier casualty toll in today's aplosions because it acted as a shield 1gainst the flying shrapnel. The bUI staUOn was crowded with worker1 leaving for the long Jewiah weekend which begins at lunchtime on Fridly. A similar bomb explosion at the same bu.s 1tation about two years ago killed one person and injured several dozeD more. 1 'lbe entire area was Iinmedlately seal. released. . . ed off. Witnesses s1id many Arabs were Police said she was. riding south on taken into custody for questioning or for . Su~~or AvenUe when hit by a c_'1' driven their own protection. Thpy said the mood by PhWl R. er.mm, :15, of &'II Jl>lnn St., • If Pf~ WU "extreme!y(angry." Costa "'· The accldlnl"""""'"" ••.+ · ,.. _.. 17th Stroot. . ,-, .. -; r,' 1 . 6 Iraq Officers Die From Firing Squad CAIJIO (AP) ...: Si~ Iraq! officer ha.ve been .executed by firing .squad followin1 Jor,....,.ie political trials, )he new1paper Al Abram reported Thursday. Car Hurts Girl In Costa Mesa Daahlni across the street after alighting.from a bus, a Costa Mesa girl was struck -by a car and injured Wecf.. nesday in front of Paul1rlno School. The terrorist attack came shorUy before the return lo Israel of Premier Golda Meir from vi.sit,, to the United States, Canada and Britain. Mrs. Meir told an airport news con· ference that what happens on the Egyp- tian side of the Suez Canal wltl deeide whether Israel abides with the standstill clause in the renewed three-month cease- fire. From Page 1 CRASHES ••. County Airport. . Dunn and bis asaoci1tes had spent several d1y1 hunting in the orecon wood!. Despite their minor Injuries, the .U.. Commander was demollahed when Jt struck the low hill and ripped through the trees, sherUf's depuUes said. ~ __ _ "' Vlctima In Ii. !:~ cruh Thur-were Identified as P. B;lfowe, vice pres!· ·dent of Palo Alto-Salinas Saytng1 and IAan A!sociatlon and William G. Krum- llJe, S4, employed by Pacific Shore Property. Krumme was at the controls as the plane passed over the Humboldt-Men- docino county llhe and wu picked up for radio guidance to the airport atop an ocean bluff. Mesa Sets Auto Noise Crackdown The Cost.a Mesa City Council reminds motorists to make sure their auto muf· flers are in good repair. A crackdownrhas been decreed on vehi- cle noise -such as ruptured mufflers, radical exhaust systems and other such infractions -as the result of an Orange County Grand Jury probe of noise pollu- tion . Mayor Robert M. Wilson mentioned also Monday in asking police to toughen enforcement of California Vthicle Code clauses on noise that an ordinance on mini-bikes may be in the offing. He said the latter would involve their operation on private property. U.S. Planes Pulled From Thailand Base BANGKOK (UPI) --All American planes have ~n withdrawn from Takhli Air Base nQrth of Bangkok, a U.S. Em busy spokesman saJd today. The disclosure was made along with an announcement on the progress of a troop withdrawal announced Sept. 8. "We don't have a single plane left at Takhli," the spokesman said. He said that four squadrons of F105s on the base have been deactivated or deployed outside Thailand. Huge Development 1 Newport 'Project .. ' • Plans .. un;veiled The Newport Beach Planninl Cominlf. alon 1ot ita first k>ok at one of tbe lat8eal • -commerclal·lndustrtal df:vtlopmefl.ts ever planned in lhe city· Thursday night. Official.$ of the Emlray ~veioprnent Company outlined their desil"I for tile Newport Project, a ,200-acre development near Orange County AirPort that will in. elude a 400-room hotel , three restaurants and millions of dollars in industrial and office complexes. The P1annedi.Comm1.tnlty development ls proposed on a tract ol land bpunded by MacArthur Boulev•d, Jamboree Road, ' Palisades Road (the future Corona de! Mar Freeway) and Bitch Street. Officials of Emkiy, a subsidiary of the Morrlson-:Knudsen-.COmpany, and project architect Ernest Wilson disclc>1ed details of the project for the first time at a pub, lie hearing in City Hall, There was no formal opposiUon offered although seveul Planning Commission members said the fact they hadn't t>een• From P .. e 1 HUNT •.. tho death pe~ty will not be an Lmie In the Hunt cue. Jen1en wW uk the Jury to 1ccept the prosecution argument that Mn. Hunt plUl)ged a foot-long butcher knHe 1ato her hUJband alter the couple had quarreled over the conduct of her 13-year.old daup. ter, Dru. Hunt, ~ood streaming from his chest, staggered to the patio and died a short time later en route to the hospital. _A police officer who investigated the killnng testified that Mrs. Hunt admitted the slaying while he interviewed her. The la.st witnesses called by Jensen testified that Mrs. Hunt was a violent woman and a heavy drinker and that her husband loathed any form of violence and avoided trouble of any kind. That . testimony was offered aa rebuttal to . defense claims that Hunt abwied his wife during their marriage and struck her on more than ~occasion. • It is expecTed that Irmas will ask the jury to acquit his attractive, black-haired client or, at the most, return a verdict of Involuntary manslaughter. He has argued that Mrs. Hunt was 1 victim of hypoglycemia - a condition related to diabetes -at the time of the killing and that victims of the disease are not, in its wont mlii.lfestatlons, responst. ble for thelr actions. Defense · witneues have testified that Mrs. Hunt has not been able , to recall the actwil stabbln& under hypnosis a n d "truth drug'' sessions arKi this loss of · memory could well be produced by her hypoglycemic condition. Mrs. Hunt took the stand In her own defl!!nse during the trisl. She testlfled that she had no reoollectlon of the actual stab- bing and dld not realize her husband was mortally wounded unUI he collapeed on the patio. • giveQ a preview' of the plans '.at a' stddy ...atoo disturbed them. ~ Thi commission continued the public .;.~ hearing to NOVN19 to allow time tor ad-:: ditional staff study of the.plans and lndl-~ cat.ed an addiUooal continuance may be ;r necessary before action f8R be tiken. :. Emkay pro(lOSes to de•elop lU acres .=: of the land Into a massive complu of of~ .;, fice buildings, light industrial uses and ;; an "automobile center" housing as many ~: as eight new-cat dealerships. • Wilton said the company has offered , . to mike several acres available to lhe .. : city for a fl.re station site. ::.: The property, owned bY the Lockheed l':· Aircraft Corporation' of Burbank, ii in an ~ uncla,.sifled zone. ':· Wllaon explained the land will be deve-·:---: loped into a "campus-type" complez with .;! plllDS now calling ror buildings ran.iina :: between one and six stories high. _.;.: Commission rpembers ;nrucated. ~y ;; are enthused a~ut the proposal. Chair· ;-: man John J .1Jakosky, Jr., Galled it "a f project of tremendous magnitude that ~: will bave tremendous benefit to Newport : · Beach." ~· ' Mesa Coltncil ' . -- Awards Plaque . -. to Doughnut Man ·:: A Costa Mesa doughnut man who has waged a solitary fight for legislation to improve quality 8fld availability of treat- ment for venereal disease has !teen ~ honored for his efforts. :1 Archie M4f1?1, proprietor of The Doughnut Man, 698 W. 19th St .. w1s pre.sented a plaque before the Costa Mesa .. City (',ouncll Monday by Committee for --: the Eradication of Syphilis Inc. President ·t Vernon Mitchell. "This was just an ordinary businessman and family man who was alarmed,'' remarked Mitchell. "This is unusual for just one man." He explained that three separate measures were adopted by legislators u a result of Mann's correspondence on the VD problem, directed to politicians. EDC Schedules Aluminum Drive • " ' The C..ta Me.a High School Edu.,.. • tional Dev'elopment COuticll (EDC) is · • sponsoring an aluminum recycling drive Nov . 9•to 13 at the school. · · A large trash bin will be placed on th~ school quadrangle to collect CN!hed aluminum cans, trays, pie pans and other items made of alumJnum. Proceeds from the drive will benefit school projects in· eluding a film festival. speaker's bureau and a photography festival. " In a dispatch from its Beirut cor- re&pondent quoting dlplomatJc sources Al Ahram ,.Id the move wu an apparent ~-alternpt by tha-d•puly-chalrman-ol-the Revolution Council, Sedam Hussein, to "tighten his: pip ~ the current stru1gte , for power in lraq.." AJ Ahr1m did not give the names or ranks of the officers it said were executed. Laura P. Davis, 6, of 3004 Harding Way, wu treated for a chin cut and abrulons on both legs at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital and released. Circling again after missing ~he runway once, the plane ran out of gas and lost too much altitude in its glide, slamming into the bluff and pluneing 200 feet to the-ground. - INTRODUCING .•• I I League Meeting Set An organiZIUonal meeting of the Co!la Meaa Recreation Department·sponaored Women's Basketball I.ague is scheduled -Nov. 18 in civic center offices. G1me1 wW be Tuesd1y nlibl.< begin- nin1 the tirat week in January at the Cootil M... lll&h Scbool boys' gym· nalium, according to Toni PopoYil.<. DAILY PILOT ORANI• COAST PUll.1-.INO COMPAW't l•Hrt N. W1M '"'""""'Inf PMlllllll' -• J1t1c I. Cttrley Vitti~ lnl o.i-1 ,..,,..... Th111111 K11¥il -11itM11 A. M11rpf.i111 #o\fl'lllllfll 9dlt01' ---Jao w ... hr ,.,..,. M•ilin1 M4,_. P.O .... 116', t26t6 --~' w..u an-... .... , 1eu1-fd ................... _ ................. """ .... ........ ... c....... ....... ~bal Police said the driver of the car, Linda J. Wood, 16, of 3005 Coolidge Ave., was not cited. Man Enters Window, It's the Governor! ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -"I woke up in the dark and there was a man clim- binl in the living room wlndo.w," said the J7.year-old babysitter. "I was scared and 1bout to scream when I saw it was the new governor," said Joanne May of St. Paul. Minnesota Gov.-eleet Wendell R . Anderson apparenUy had foraotten his key election night, neceultatlng his entry throueb tbe window early Wednesday morning. The men had taken f>ff from Orlean, a hamlet on the upper Klamath River, where they had been fishing. Orange Man ·Held In Wife Shooting An Orange service station operator was jailed by pollce early this morning on Suspicion of attempted murder following the shooting of hls estf'.anged wile. Police said Phillip Naomi, 47, was ar- rested at Chapman General H08plta.l where he hid taken his wife, Wanda Lee, 40, of Garden Grove, shortly after he had a11e&edly shot her in the head. Her condition wu reported 1s 0 stable but guarded" by hospital aides this morn- ing. Newport National Bank S·ues in Finance Fraud Newpor~ National Bank officials -and the bank's lawyers are today trying to unravel an auto f111ancing operation that could coat the bank. its officials calcuJate, as much as $175,000. . A Huntington Beach man who operated a cad.iliac agency in Alhambra is one of five defendant.a named in tbe Orange County Superior Court action filed by the bank. That lawsuit seeks $800.000 in damage& from lhree individuals, a finance company and a firm af auto dis- tributcn. Judie Harmon G. Scoville has granted th,-bink's request for a temporary rtttrainln& order on the actJvltJe s of the del•ndanl.<. A heorlng Into the allegedly fraudulent operation has been scheduled for Nov. 12. Named by the bank In It.a l1w1ult are Robert W. Ounl1p at Huntln.&ton Beach. Theodore Khoury , Jamea Curtis. West Colist iluto distributors and Surety Ac· ctpLtnce Company. Dunlap ls Identified ln tbe complaint as • the representative of Bonded Cadillac of Alhambra and the man who sold a number..._of condltlonal sales contracts on autos t~eWPort National . The ~alnt alleges that the ot.ber defendants entered into a cOnspiracy with Bonded Cadillac to fraudulently finanei! vehicles actually sold by them throua:h Newport National. The lawsuit states that they wrote up their sales on Bonded Cadillac con&racts and di scounted them to the bank. Bank officials assert they took action through the eourts ·when they learned that many of the holde~ of conditional sales Contracts were allegedly being \\.'&med not to make payn1ents to Ne"'-port National and· were being urged lo sign new contracts. The lawsuit indlc1tes that since last Ju· ly 27 the bank tiouJ;ht 200 contract.a from Dunlap. Jt further states tbaL the bank became aware on Oct. 9 that 100 con· tracta have not been sold by the Hun· tlnJlon Beach ril1n but hive been handled by Curtis and Khoury. Sfierri// 'l/p/io~fe"I For the firtt time, this fine line of upholstery is now 0V1iloble to the Wost. One of the finest producers of uphoht.ry in tho country, Sherrin wi11 be a new et• perience in viewing qu1lity furniture. An unparaneJed selection of fine fabrics couplfll with cr1ftsmanship unmatchod in tho s1mo prico cotogory. II you are in Mod of upholstery, be suro and come in lo view this erciting collection of moderately p<iced, quo&ty furniture. . • -· . ' I • . • .. , . . '' ' • ~~=~=====:-:-;::-:-=~~~~....,~~!111'111"'--------====-----=------·-~ a__. ·-- • • • • • . lo11 1L· I 1HtTt.1i11111c1H Buvs I •;: '· .. ' ,. ·~, '•1699,95, 23-lncb Colo' 3 7995 Coatole TV (I Only)-------- 1649.95, 23-Inch Color Console TV 5 2995 Contemporary Styling, (I Only) ---- . $599.95. i>lnch Coloi:: Console TV 3 499s ~. fontemporvy Stylin1 (I Only) ---- ... 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Side by Side 39988 with 1cemaker#69050 ------- $139.95 Companll.efri.-or 10988 If 594 13 ----------- $464.9519Cu.Ft.SidebySide 37988 Oeluxe#69052 --------- $4o4.95 18.4 Cu. Ft. Top Ff'HMI' , 3 7988 & lcernaker # (J()S42 -------- $179.95 15 Cu.Ft.ChettPree:z:iirt 15988 # 1120 ---===~---- $279.9522.ICo.P<Cbatl-24988 #1062 __________ _ Sl99.8815'Delus:eChettFreezer 15988 #1021 ------------ $179.88 10.2 Cu. F<. .15 995 Chest Freezer 1013 -------- $ 169.,5 10 Cu. Ft. Upright Freezer 13995 #2012 ----------- 15.3Cu. Ft. Upright · 2 2995 Frttler * 2024 --· ------- F~dv ...... mbet 6, 1910 DAILY PILOT 7 ' • F·REE COLOR TV . .. 12-inch Portable TV;Moocl 2038 ~ill out coupon and deposit in Television'Department NAME --------------· __ ADDRESS ___ ~---------- CITY ------~--PHONE Do you currently own a Color TV DY es ONo No Purcb~ Necessary; 'Pe'nom under' 18 and ScarS employn and t heir families not cligi~Je. 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I.ooc1..,.. 21985 ~-le(IOnly) ---- $11~-95. Tnpl.oocliu1 Poruble 7950 Dilbw-(20nly) ------- U7'.9lTnpl.oocl;ng 13995 !Mb..-r(20.ly) ------- $39.95, Upri1hr $24 VacuumCleantt(20nly) ------- S Ul9.95, 1.6 HP $84 VacwithPowermate(60nfy) _____ _ S49.9S, Pull Sia $ 3 4· Kenmore·Uprite'1 (4 Only)-~------ $399.9,, Commercial · $ 3 44 Floor'Polisher(lOaly) . S299.9S,Cominercial S244 17-ln.FloorPoli1he:t(lo.ty) ~---- '-'l'\\ i 1n~ ,\l.tl hi11L· \'.tlucs • S66.KemoM~r."rub(21e0nl ) •24. Sewing .u11ne. . y ------- $64, ZIG-ZAG Head $44' andConttol(IOnly) ··-------- KenmoreCobsole • •24 Sewi11gM11Chiite (tfled) -------- $169.95,Au<omacicZIG-ZAG · •12·4 Sc:win1 M.chiM (I Only)------- $19.95, Sn\'.i•I< . '. • 14 Haooclu (4'0nly) --------- $29.95, Srwing S 14 Cheir(IOnly) ----,~-----. · SSSc:wiag.M9ChUMAat..· { •1 Sero(60nly) ___________ _ $89.99, ZIG·ZAGCoooole · t.54 Sewing Machine (t0nlr>-------- $7.95£lecuk $•4 ScU.Ors(60nt1>----------- S84.95 ZIG-ZAG-ble •54 Sewin1 Machiae (' OnJ1>------,---- . -Costa Mesa ONLY SAVE 5Q%L~ Latex House Paint ~,1'1 Gal. 249 Yoar chiM« of .mietior M i111trior piMMi11-....--4!whitL 16.,,_Eltt•riol' LM:l'ir P1in1 .•. 1. 2' Grl. I Sl.59Metolic _______ NOW 97c Spny Eumel · 139 '°-~·'· ' · · •19,.$11· 9 Recoaditioaed Pai•t 5pnyen __ _ SAV.E S70! $319.95 W ate• Softener ... M<pe<hinpcleoaer 249 .. ..,,thout effort. • 9279.95, AalDniMiC . 2 ln811 W...,Sof-•#Gl70·------7 --, $239,95, A........,.;c • 199" W-So'-#Gll5 -------. SJ 19.9't Manual 'W11ttt 6995' Solt.oH(lOnly)Ath------- ll.1916'2l1.....,.· -----79c 1;1-(l()aly) -----..,----- 1219 SwimmioaPool '100 witbli..w.r, Filter (Al Is) -"'~='---- 1l94.9l,9ide Dixhup -•115 c.oulu (A> lo) ---~-+----- . .. .3~33 Bristol in i+ the South Couc Pltw1 ,. • • • ~ I • . • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL P~GE / -· Mesa's Postal Woe·s The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce currenUy is seeking from its members comments about service at ·the Costa Mesa Post Ofilce. Postmaster John Klu· giewicz says he welcon1es the study and pointa out that any information he can obtain a~ut possible faµlty ~~· livery can serve to improve service to Costa Mesa c1t1~ zens. We hope this is true. \' . • . . . • Unfortunately, the DAILY PILOT's report to tho chamber or commerce will be a negative one. In the past two months, we have l\CCumulated 164 pieces of mail that should have been sent to other Costa Mesans -but arrived at our post oUice box by mistake. They read like a who's who of Costa Mesa and defy all logic as to how they arrived in Pott Office Box 1560 at good old zip code 92626. Someone out there at ~626 apparently thought we were the mail-collecting agency for such as these: Nabers 'Cadillac, Theo Robins, Jensen Marine, Robert Hilll, Costa Mesa Watu District, Costa Mesa police, Pennyaaver, K·Mart, Police Chief Roger Neth, Tecluu- color, Inc., Hyland Labs, Donald A. Mccartin, J. C • Carter, Costa Mesa High School and about 100 other friends and neighbors of our community. . • • . Perhaps it woilldn't have been so unseWing except that we had presented the post office with a similar JJst two months previous -that one with lfi8 examples of mail that came to us and shouldn't have. Our worry, of course, is this: U we are getting mail that belongs to someone else. isn't someone else very likely getting mail that should have been directed to us? So to fellow citizens. Nabers Cadillac, Theo Robins, Jenseri Marine, Robert Hall, et al, if you wouJd like to swap envelopes and packages with us , maybe we can find a mutual meeting growid each mornmg and ex .. change items. Come to think of it, perhaps we'd better arrange the meeting by telephone -or leave a note with your DAILY PILOT carrier boy. We think he can get the message through. .• We have come to the conclusion that one of the Fire Fighters Have Earned Public Thanks Lttter.s from readers are toelcome. Normallt1 writers should convty thdr tnt'1sages in 300 words or less. The right to condense letters to fit space· DT eliminate libel U reserved. Alt let· ter1 mW"t include signature and mail- fng addre11, but names may be with- lield on f'equest if sufficinit reaion :t appormt. PottTJI will not be pub- lish<cl. ro the Editor: Public th~ are due to one group of lhe most hig!ly trained fire fighters in California who have been overlooked in the press reports of the recent fires that ~ave ravaged our state. They are more than one thousand men from the California Conservation Centers jointly 1dminlstered by the J;>epartment of Forestry and the Department of Cor· rections. · Trained Jn the techniques of fire fighting by members o! the Department of Forestry and hlgbly skilled, these men worked a minimum of U·hour shifts {much longer when "hot spots''-demaftd.. ed it.) 'Ibey are paid at the rate of 50 i:ents • day. Dear Gloomy Gus: The Newport-Mesa Unifjed School District has many outstanding ele- mentary principals. What is the district going to do about the few inferior principals? -A. M. O. Tiii• ....... reflMtt ......,.. ...... .,- _...., """ 9f ,... -••rrr. IMtl ,.... .... -.......... Diii)' """· selected some very un1ucky places to stay at in England on his late visit. Personally, 1 found it delightful and refreshing that things were so little changed over the year~ The trooble is that people get IO med to the material thlnp enjoyed here with the higher stan- dard of living that Europe seems so much more austere when they return to it. WE FOUND PRICES for food and meals very reasonable, service was good and accommodation very comfortable in every place that we stayed in and COOI"tesy and good manners seeond to none, I remember that HiUer !aid, in 1939, that Britain was decadent but she is still there aod he is not so what does that prove'! I was not aware that strikea were the prerQgative of Britain; did 1 not hear, on- ly thil mondni: over the radio, IOIDeth1ng • about a meat packer's strike'! AS TO THE buildings: yes, some of IN THE LAST fire emergency there the look out -" la b • --I •ere 2'4 crews of 15 lnen each available m uv P ce u~me peop e .. like them and there was a tremendous tn six diUerent areas in the south fighting chance for eq>erimentatlon along those fires for nine days. In Orange Cod untyghat~Jj·ne..after-the,destrud.ionl crew aet...ip camp at-El-Toro an fou fire in Trabuco canyon. other crews My son, • college student, recently functioned in like manner. Camp for the completed 8 three months tour or recate fire was set up at Barrett. The England, WaJes and Scotland and found Laguna Mountain fire had two such few. if any of the things Barley com· tamps at Morena and Monte Vista. The plained about. Cuyamaca Peak fire had two camps at Well, there will always be an England Pine HH!s and Cuyamaca State Park. In (or me and it'1 so nice to go home to! addition to these crews in the south, eight DOROTHY G. FITZSIMONS crews ( 100 men In all) came down from iusanville and fought the .Mallb.u f@ fer Tom Barlq, 'county ·newt reporter Dine or 10 days.. ond fnuaie critic for the DAILY Pl· The tasks these men per(qrmed are in-LOT. rttu1"ftld to report hi! disap- ~aluable. We know there are many people pointment in a vacation vi.rit to his ,mo join WI in thanking them. native England after an eight-year ab-- MR. AND MRS. EDWIN senct, One concurring letter re1Ul!ed. c. MORGENRCYI'H Reader FltzSimon.f is tht only dis· senter so /Of', l\'eui•JHIJN!r s.r.,119., ro the F.dltor: Re1udlng bt.'Hspaper salvage as refer. rod to la the DAILY PILOT of OcL 30: l'be PT A of aim.oat every school in the Newport.Mea '¥lied School District has 1 newspaper drl9' MCI!! or twice a year I• order to ralae ftmds for a school proj- ect that will benell\ lhe stutienl!. We at Presidio School, 1001 Presidio Square, Costa Mesa. ln Mesa del Mar. «ould be mo1t grateful for all the papers we could collect for our driv~ next Dec. I, "°"' I p.m. to 1 p.m. The luodl -1ved will be used IO stock our ldlOOl Library Resource Center wbidl wu bepn and ls uaffed each day r.r Ille .. of the studenl! by PT A. cnemben. MRS. stREE'IER G. KING Prealdent l'f<sidlo PTA Del .. lllt/111, Jlefrall,I ... ro the E4ltor: A> ., a -Briton ond ..,. who bas ,i.o r<lunlod to the Old CaunlrJ IClr • llOlt lhll IUllUntr, I feeJ that I must commtnt 111 Tom Blrley'I artldt In the DAILY PILOT October 3l I c.t11 anl1 181 llMll be mus! have , -Editor Ag•l11St Vl\'ICEE' To the EdJtor: I note rour editorial stand favoring UNICEF, and I wish to comment that l.llJICEF ii the same old racket -C{lmes out every year on Halloween and Chrl.stmu to beg !or money, Wbue many grout>" like the United Way sincerely strive to help worthy projects like the Boys' Cluba:, alon1 cornea this UNICEF to cut in and con the citizens out of some money which ii 1mt to the lleadl of foreign countries -the llooJ of Laun America. the Sheiks of Araby, the puppet.I ot new members of the Unittd Natiool Mild may 1 litUe African "ltlng" of a hungrJ bunch of humu vertebrates •hole IOle · amb1Uon ts to get on the gravy troilt; and thele fOl'elgn recipients .,. mt roqw..;i ti> five ony 1CCOU11Ung "' to -. the money goes. It Is just banded to them by 1.INICEP' with n~ ~ ulled or a!Tinp attach<d. Docwno!a prove tbla. O..rll)I, It you will, begln11t borne, but UNICEF -to take H abroad, and the money you give to UNICEF winds up, lo• the OIOll partc. In the pockell of the above mentioned uoos, ttc. S. G. UNDIN& world's ecology woes -the disposal o~ trash and wast~ material -can be resolved by placing stam.ps on tt and sending it through the' Costa Mesa ""Post Office. In all lik.ellhood, from our experience, it will l)e lost in the process. No Billboard There lle said he was from.Beverly· Hills, but only a Phil· adelphia lawyer would be presumptuous enough to tell Costa Mesa an-Other billboard will benefit its skrllne .. Costa Mesa city councilmen r efuse4 \his Week to allow an old structure for an advertising projection screen to become a billboard. · Nobody likes to say: We Told You So, but the DAILY PILOT questioned the wisdom of permitting the· Mitra· lux screen venture at Newport Boulevard. and Superior a year ago and it failed before six months elapsed: Costa Mesa officials are to be commeDded now for taking a strong stand and planning to tear ·down the towering franie instead ,of replacing one eyesore with another. Five Medals at One Time The rare honor of receiving five of this nation's highest military medals, all.at once, went to a Newport Beach Marine last week in ceremonies at the Marine Corps Air Station -El Toro. First Lt. John E. Rhodes, 211 31st St., was presen· ted two Silver Stars and three Distinguished Flying Crosses. You only have to be a hero once to earn one of either. Simple arithmetic says that Lt. Rhodes is quite a bfarine. The Harbor Area should be proud. c Supreme Ca11rt 'Justice's New Book Douglas Repeats New Left Cliches. Justice William 0. Douglas's book, POINTS OF REBELLION, (New York: Random House, $4.95), reminds me of a remark made by a student to a beaded, bearded fellow studeri t, "l see · you're trying_to be different -like everyone else." Mr. Douglas has adopted t b e fashionable, dissenting youth culture as his own. He is irying to be dif(a-ent like everyone else. His dissent is, therefore, the exact echo of everyone else's dis- sent. He repeats au the cliches o( the New Left, solemnly and portentously, as , if he were thinking them up for the first time. None of them is subjected to the slightest analysis or criticistn. All our problems as a nation are blam- ed on an evil, all-powerful "Establishment" that prevents the food • stamp plan from helping the poor, lhat pollutes our environment, l b a l dehumanizes people, that bas a vested in- terest in the continuation of war. This is the kind of social diagnosis that can be heard any day oI the week from radical student orators. Lel me analyze some more of the things Mr. Douglas says. "THE CASE AGAINST the tmiversity Is that it is chiefly a handmaiden of the • ' state or of industry or, worse yet, of the military-industrial complex. -. . The university becomes a collection of techni- cians in a service station, trying to turn out better technocrats for t he technological society." · Here is the typically elitist sneer against students who go to college to im- prove their Jot. But at San Francisco State and many other colleges, public and private, most students are preparing eagerly for a career. They want to beC{lme accountants, engineers, home economists, physicians. Should t h e university ignore their desires? Should we be teaching them lo overthrow the system b1stead? ''.Where grievances pile high ... violence may be the only effective response.'' Many besides Mr. Douglas have fallen for this one. Since San Francisco State has had its share of violence, I hope J am entiUed to comment on this argument. LONG BEFORE I BECMIE president in November, 1968, San Francisco State, in respo1\5e to student interest, had· started a student·run experimental col· lege. The admJnistration was persuaded, without violence, to give credit for many of its courses. Black Studies v;ere also started in the experimental college, so that by September, 1968, 22 courses in this area had been incorporated inkl the regular currlculum. Not frwtraUon 'but the prospect of pushover victories and total·C{lntrol of the program (and the money in_volved) led a group of black and white radicals in the fall of '68 to preaent 15 "non.negotiable" demands (some reaaonable, some absurd, some illegal) which they tried to enforce by beatings, 11\..ins, fires, bombs, claSlroOID disruption,, and a student strike. The results of all this violence were as follows: 1. The establishment of a Black Studies department was forcibly delayed. 2. The 22 courses transferred to the new department went down the drain because there was no new department. 3. The department, when finally established, quickly d i s i n t e g r a t e d be<:ause of continued violence and threats of violence exerted by radical blacks against nonradlcal blacks. The college had to start a Black Studies department all over again in the (all of 1970. VIOLENCE IS NO DOUBT, as Mr. Douglas S8f11, "the only effective response" in some political situations. But It sure u hell doesn't help education! "Tb.ere are only two choices: a police state in which all dissent i.s suppressed or rigidly controlled;« a 90Ciety where law is responsive to human neem." Are these the only two choices? Was dissent suppressed at Berkeley or San Francisco State or Columbia when police were called? Of course not! Tbe!e schools became the objects of police C{ln· cern not because they had radical students or professors, but because those views were expressed in violence and in flagrant abuse of the rights of others. U the violence-prone had been right-wing radicals, there would have been DO quu- tion about the use of police. HOWEVER, IT IS the practice of New Left propagandists to confuse police con- trol of violence with the repression of ideological nonconformity. It ls shocking to find Mr. Douglas falling !or this obab- by line. The ultimate irony or Mr. DolJglas's at. tacks on the "Establishment" is that there are few ])C<lple who are more solid· ly a part of the Establishment than a Supreme Court justice. One wonders what he plans to do about this? Will he wrile another book to say that the Establishment is not hopelessly evil, because it includes people lite hlm? Or will he resign from the Supreme Court? The semantic solution to Mr. Dougl11'11 problem is simple. He could simply stop using blanket abstractions 11 k e "Establishment," which by explaining everything eiplalns nothing. By S. L Hoyabwa President Saa Francbco Slate Colier• Nixon Is K.eeping _Sn.tlel-8 G_n_essing WASHINGTON -Richard Nixon and Andrei Gromyko, whose dark physical resemblance has made Gromyko the butt of Kremlin kidding, engaged in 93 minutes of verbal sparring at the White House the other day. The two mtn joked about the.Jr IOQks and talked amiably about world pr&- blems. Gromyko as.. sured the President of Soviet cooperation in achieving peace in the Middle East and in reaching a s tr ategic anns agreement. 1he So- viet Fcreign lt1inig.. ter also promised that lhe Russians would stop construction of naval fa cilities at Cienfuegos, CUba. The vis.it was des· crlbed as "lrkmc!lJ.'~ But afterward&, President N'l 1 on remarked to lnUmatea tl\at It Lsn't what the Russians say but what they do that coW1ts. No doubt Gromyko, In his private report to the Kreml in, was equnlly cynical. THE PRESIDENT has deliberately !!Ought to keep the Soviets guessing, to throw them off balance, to make them V.'Orry whether the U.S. might be capable of "Irrational or unpredictable" action. J~t as they thought they could an. tlcipate his moves, he ordered U.S. troops into Cambodia and surprised everybody. \Vorld leaders walcbed apprehensively later as he movtd naval forces into strlk· ing position during the Jordan blow-up. NO one· could be sure he wouldn't ln· tervene lo save King Hussein. Thi.t would seem to be a page right out or the So\•iel'i' own book of strategy. U the enem y could be trained to upect. a certain pattern of behlvkfr, the Soviets reasoned as did Pavlov wtth bis dogs.. then they would be thrown of( balance by any surprise move. I R_!=TURNEI> f<ccntly !rom vlsil! .. '\ outmaneuvering the leaders ln Hanoi. His boldness in Cambodia surprised them. with world leaders in Asia, the Middle East aD<t Europe. I ask4l_d what .they thought of NIIon's style. Some leadera were favorably impressed with his gamesmanship. "I like what be did in · Cambodia," President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines told me. ''I acquired a better respect for the man. "He gambled his entire future on the Cambodian move, and this single act makes me respect the man -the fact lhal he could make a hard deeiSion. I am sure this was an eye-0pener for the Com· munists ." ' But other leaders, who asked not to be quoted for obvious diplomatic reasons, fell Nixon's high-stakes world chess game was too,dangerous. DesP.ite his tx· pericfice in internaUonal intrigue, said one head of state, Nixon l.s playing an amnteur's game, not one that a real.pro- fessional would dare to play. AL TROUGH HE MAY keep the eom. munlsts o(t balance, agreed Other step. tlcal leaden, Nlxon'• style creates too much uneaslnes.<i. The response to an un. predlttable amateur, they said, t"OUld be U1e wrong mponse, especially ln tense siluaUons such as exist in the 1.tiddle East and Southeast Asia. Intelligence reports indlcnte that the President bas been successful, al least, in Quotes Ellttn Frnmi, Upl1t1d -"'In a "'day when the democratic procesa fa ln a sorry state, the good Ught must be to tij to regain peace and sanity tn our society as well as back·lng for our aolCUers in Vietnam and ClmbodiL" "They regard thb ss an act of a strong rather than a . weak leader," said an Asian defense inlnister. Agreed another hiah·ranklng Allan: "They consider Nil· on aa a sharp operator." _the Nortb Vietnamese leaders appear to· be qullie dlspasaionate ln their ap- praisal of Nlnn. They may beat up the air waves with denunclaUons of him, sug. gest intelligence re~rts, but they make a cold, calculating appraisal of bim. TIUS IS ALSO ttue, appsrenUy, of the Chinese who lash Niion wHb rhetoric but take a realbUc view of him. Their American expert.a are excellent and give Peking an accurate picture of AmerJca. Premier Qou En·lal, however, ls con. aidered to be more reallstlc thin old Mao Tse-tung, who is governed by hla own wild dreams. North Korea's Kim n Sung ls even more rabid lhan Mao. In Pyongyang, the American President Is reviled in private as well public. Intelligence fOUl'CtS describe Klln u a fanatic who ~arety sees beyond bil own bleat mountalnl. ln his l9ol1llon, be has developed 1n tr-ratioUlly hanh vteir of Nixon, ~perNipo the mool diltorted al Ill world leoden. SOUTH KOREA'S President Chung Hee Port expt'Olled only qualilled -lraUon for Nllon. 11He la a noted ltltesman," Park toJd me. "He ls: doing a splendid job o! oolvlng cunplu probt.ma." But after thele lautiatoiy remarks, Port began a panted critique of lhe Prea1dent. 'jOne wonders if the Nixon Doctrine Wll urlv<d at too hsstUy," he 11.kf, referrtq to President NI.Jon's doc· trfne of diR11.111tment. Park mertly exprused out loud the private conetrn of other Altan leaders over the pull·baclc of U.S. forces from Vietnam and Kore•. "The doctrine mUJt be adjusted to the lnternaUonal sltuation IS well as to the domestic &llu&Uon la the Uoltod Stales," said Park, implying that the Nixon Doc- trine was the product of domestic politics. The North Koreans were plan· ning provocations, warned Park, to test Nixon's character. PRIME MINISTER sato, In Tolcyo, spoke of Nixon with oriental Dattery. "I have a feeling of great friendliness for President Nl.xon. I remember \llVldly Richard Nixon, as Vice President, saying that the Japanese Constitution was a mistake that was imposed by the oc- cupation. That impressed me." India's Prime Mlnister Indira Gandhi shares bolh Nixon's pragmatism and his passion for politics. Each came away from their last meeting with a favorable impreasioo of one another and ucbanged public compllmenl!. Tbelr mulull ocl- mlrallon, llJd lnsiden, WU geautno but fa ftarlng o!I. Richard Nixon has said of himself that "foreign policy" is my strong suit." Some world leaders agree: others do not. The final 'verdict can only be written in history. --W- Friday, November S. 1970 The edllOrial page of th< Dailv Pilot 1eelu to inform and 1tJm.. vlatc rtad«n b11 pruentlng thl.i new.rpaper'1 opftafons and. com- mentart1 on top!cf of inttrtit and signiftc<mce, bu providing a .forum for t1te •t%J)Tesstcn of our read~r•' opb1fom. ond bu presentfno the diDtirse viero-poi~ts of lnjonned· ob1ert1fr1 and spokumen on topic1 of the dav. Robert N. Weed, Publisher • I I I 1 " 1 • a f 2 • ,..kk! csy;c: ~ ·~ } .• • YOL 63, NO. 26', 4 SECTIONS, « PAGES FRIDAY, NOVE~I~. 6, 'I~ • ·,- ·-'J'od•~·-n.ai ..-,...~ -~ ,,. --I ~ ~ .,.___ • I N.Y. smell. TEN CENTS ' . . • • County lrRnsit District 'Uiider :on.e Systein , '1 \ I I I By JACIC BROBACK or t111 EN111,.,._ nlfl' The Orange County .'I'!..~sit District waa born Tuesday. Whit-is it supposed to lo? How will it ;e;t,in1o action? Propol}ent.s J>!.-f.he new entity, approved by the "9lefS 231,977 to 174,%31 Tuesday, '8.~VWQuld: ,...-Bring the t0ta1 county rapid transit ritoblem uru:!« one system. Presently ~e are individual franchises in various dties, plus the R TD buse! from Les Angeles, Moat bus firms • are loaing money. -Provide an agency for county participation in regional deci&iona and systems developmenL -Implement a shcrt term 10lution to our. mass trafll!t problem. -Establish 1 ~ !!&eDCY · ~patile · of presenting all Of the facts to ·the, J>Ublle and implementing action favored by the public. • When and bow dlfea It get inltJ action I • Tbe -of Ibo -ui 'l'Uold'1 inunodiaiely created the dlWlcl. Bui that doesn't mean lmnMjtlttf _ICUon. First a board of ~ muo1 be ap- pointed,, twe . by tbe OMtty aupervilorl lrom their ·OlllMet, i. by Ibo county Leque of CIUoa and a llltll -ber by the firlt four. - Aa 1D011 u thele app:J••w• .. ma.re Ibo trllllit diatrlctcj. facl., ur.. Tbe-. .... _. _ ...... ·-• • of any facility or tnt.erPrilt tQ be 1 ac- quired or created by LtM: ~ Tl)ey would also requlre 1 ~ott of1the ~e. . The final power of tbe d.isb1c:t1Ja:' io ac- cept contributions or l9U11 .. frorJl the rederal or slate gO~nmeqta or any department, instrumenta!Li)' or ~ey-of either·for the purpose of floal!cing· tbe l<!- quisillon , coruitrµcUoo , ~ and operation of transit lacilitlu., · 1 The Board ol Supervilon decided last August to put the diatrict~tlaa to·tha •( .mm at the •trona rociimmenilatlon of the Cl'ange Olwlty Tr-C«nmlt1ee. Thil l'OUP; belided byllllbert L. Ferry of Fullerton had been atudyln& the trlllllt problem for many yews. Formatloo ol the district .wu hacked by the Leagde 'Of Cltles; Iba llCl;Ph>jed 2l Study Team on Transportation Needs; the Cl'ange County Oiim!w of Com· merce; the League of Women Voters and the American -lion of llniwnity Women. . " • error1s s om VIV . I ' San .Juan Capistrano .Ousted Official Asks Heari~g The recent · s115pension of San Juan Capistrano's 1administntor-clerk Ernest Thompsori by the city council is stirring up more .of .a flap than tbe departure of the swallows. . 'The date for 'Thompson's public hearing any-defense made in Thompson's behalf. the council's decision will be final. So the anticipated public hearing is being looked at as a forum for public opi- nion and members of the community are already looking forward to it much like they would a three·rin1 cin:us. I mtethi' of !lie <;o~t: 'l'he ousted of· JI Is e,pected ,to be set at Monday's 7 p.m. ficial bis fol'tn'aily !".'!"isled a belting to ' which 'he , is .Jegaily' enliUed under the I I terms of his contract. On the sidelines art nume.rom.,,rumbl· ln. ~· ......... i'·"'j{ftt-·1 g . ,.:'It """ .. we r auspenslnn: ... . 1 1 \ 1 Tho "'°tract also itates that deapiie CofC Lauds A gtOUp or Thompson '! supporters met Jn the K~ Lowe home at· rrm Clmtno San\o Domblgo W-ay ti> dJBcuaa the quality of their city governmeat. Lowe said the group ill looking into the legal procedure for recalling city councilmen and are aending feelers ilito the com- munity to see how much_aupport there might be for ·auch.a move. t Clemente Sewer System Lowe made particular reference le Mayor Tony Forster and his role in• the administrator's ouster. He.uiitthert ha!: been a personality conflict between the mayor and the administrator and that · it Capistrano Beach Chamber of Com-is goinc to cost the city at l~t $20,000 to find a replacem ent for Thompson. a merce directors have voted to commend person who would not even be familiar the City of San Clemente for its non· with the city. polluting sewer system scheduled to "The city has had one-man rule,'' con- begln ,shakedown operation this month. tinued Lawe. "Tony does what he Chamber President Jim Elliott said the pleases. Besides that we have reason to unanimous vote iJ a recommendation to believe he bas cost the city several hun- lhe chamber general members to be dred thousand dollars in flood control presented Nov .. 11. money." - The board will also ask the members to Forster told tbe DAILY PILOT that be recommend to the Board of Supervisors believes the judplent of the majority of or the County of Orange _that ~~ ap-the council was rlght aod_pro~r because i)ropriate step$ be taien to-secure itii11lar-u;ey are ill bOnest men ,and nooe have reclamation disposal throughout the personal gripes against 'M>ompaOh. "lbeY county. looked at the job being done and weren't The board recommendation includes a 1atisHed," he said. request that the supervlaors take action He further stated that the repla~ to insure that the ..regional sewage ment's stlary will depend on his expel'· disposal arrangements proposed with ~ ience and qualifJcaliollJ and that a good counties of Riverside and San Bernardino man could save the city ,two or three stress reclamaUon rather than oct:an out-times the salary by exercisiq a:ood busl- fall disposal. -ne11 practices. ~ DR. BEASLEY EYES TOM WHO CATS AROUND SCHOOL Ol'l'ICIS Bawlll•kerad M•-Haa GI..,, Up Mice Te Anuma lxaculivt Reio • , .... __ • Blasts. Come • After. Tritce ~ .... . . Extended .. ' . ' ' ' lty II-,,_ IDieru-Terroriali atruct tn the ""119' ol Tel Avjv. tod111 .. "'Pilldin&'. two, hombli ·near the main bus depot· crowded wlth llraeli · hol.idly·goeh. The bold attack came anly boon . afier the renewal of the 11.S.· • Initialed ceue-fire to the MJddle•jtut. ~ 1be Israeli state radio said' .*it leut U , ; pe/aoOa ~e tnj\jt<d ID '.tbe ~ ""' lh41. liQI· .tl!Uoo· tn downtO.iii 'Tel • '\ A.vtv. 4 :hip.rUktnc )ICIUCe .mc.,,r llid , . Iba'"·~:~ Cll,all!UI JoalCa pl\IDil of expioalvea each, explacloc\ ~ "'1••··~)'.. '., ... . ~-l. TM Al'ilfflriieU C.-firt .!.~• e • , -ho•l.f•.-nm11..a .uent· wWi DIKll .1.·u-_ __..,_to la·-til die tfuc[j,;i tlie ·'lllllnday mldllfiht -"• ($ p.m. .,. Iaratl. bas .. t no etime !fmlt, but aafd it w!fJ·no1 ohoot lint. , · .. ' ' ' . . ~ .... .. , • #• , ... , • • , DAILY JO,'LOT•,._..,., •• ,~. l.Aatlaer,ed Over _,Be,..eeo.,.ing .. , . -. ., · .. ., · "-~,~· · ' ' I • • \ San-Clemente Hlglt School students ·are-right on lng'tug-o-war in-Old· Plaza Park cllztuued:oili6mii·"' target With their whipped cream containers. They · coming ·parade. Homecoming queen' a'rtd cOurt•wW · were in a froth ovir tonight's homecor;ning g~me be crowned at halftime in the Triton-Dia~lo ~ganie.' against Mission Viejo. The tussle and a nipe.rend; ... 1 -' , : ' :. ' -..... ' •• ,. 1 County 'lk!!pping_ -Pusher Ele~-ted Rye Grass Seed OnBurnedAreas ' Rae<dlng of the fire ruaged hU)a near El TOro and· in Tr~ Canfon has begun by !lie Staie Divlsioo orFore!iry. Rye grus II beUW 11C1u."1 !rom light pl.,,.. wliJcb are uling a bulJdoud airstrip la'Ol8 Trabuco· roeu. CoWrty Fire Warden Elmer Olierman hu e!tlmaied th< ~ o( the project at ; $4,11111 .. He aid the ..,.. gria w!Il apfout before the wner rains beg!n and U the rainfall la gentle ·and pnlliellt the ...... will grow enough to prevent beavy erosion. Osterman said the September fires burned more than 2,B acna in the COW>· ty. • I Drug Demer Wins Justice Post LA WREN CE, Kan. (UPI) -Phillip C. Hill emerged from oba:cwity Thursday to claim election as jU!Uce of the peace. Chances are he'll never be obscure agilp. Although he didn't tell either the voters or the poUtlcians w~ "'.IS or what he did before Tuesday election, he has told them now. And they mi ght not like it. "Mainly I earn my living by peddling dope;r Hill said, "aDd 1 SllPP,Ollt I'll kttp on since you can't earn much as a JP aTouftd heft.'' Hill. 23, says he aellJ "all kinds of 'dope eicept heroin.!. 1 won't have anything to do with ·that stuff., But I sell lSD and mescaline and almoat everything. The.re's not much money Jn marijuana -too much of it arowin& around here." ' .. "If he's a damn hippie •. I ·dgn't knqw' anything about it,'' the Douglu CQunty Democratic chairman said. "I've .never· heard of him. · .L • "Anyway, I thought the Office of j111tico of the peace had been abollahed." The office has not ·~ aboUIHd u Hill, a university dropout,can ~. "JLl!t make a mental ncttl' of his· name," said Attorney General•liectVe(n Miller Thursday, "and how tq-tt is before you bear that. be bu Jbeea '1· rested." , "I'll put an undercover Hent,m him," . said Miller, who before '!'liming the a~ torney general election an.a stridtla•· and-order campaign wu ·the SeQwict County sheriff. · -. - To111 ID Exe~utive Post . ' . ~. Capo_ Cat Ru~ School District Central Office BJ PAMKLA lWJ.AN .... ..., """"' '0ae member of the Capislraoo Unified Scllool lliltrl<t'a central llaff liltea to 1ieep in polled plants. He'a 'Jam.· a bewhltkered rour·footed gentleman in an orange and w!;Jle 1111' aiil..wbo ··~ over1' tbe N~U•• Glllce alMpll,f.,.. lllOl>lhl·ago, Tom.:Wll broalht to1hJI new home1 bJ't& maintenailce man to atch '111ice In . the w.,._ But that ,..,•t 'ROOd erooulh for a cat witli n:ecutlve ~ .. . -' He '<t11icldY, found a l"T:JDta the acl- miniltratlw office and inlo 0.. hali1a of the atalf1 "No one tnowl how' lie ... ID and ciut at DIP~" aaid 51Wao llll1,.~ et • ·'~ ' ' Superintendent Truman Benedi<:t. "The dOors and windows are always locked." But be manages iL. jlllt as he mana1es to ~ food fro;n v.ariOW!I se<:retarles and aboll and medical w. from School Board Clainhan' Dr. Robert .Beasley. a . Veterinartan..-' I • ' ' 'A~ a~boank.medlnp T.oin troepa ·i Cloea Wfk:h ai\'D!. 8-ley ' and , 'be <ojher tna&eel. J When. be '.1 ' ' aatiafled that, they'N l\Oing •. lqod )pl>, be ' concentrates on pocmcing at ~ 1 nllce or 'the anklal ,of ~ n!poriera. • Bui -of the .lillle Tom ~ ..... 11111 up bls -fol bit mJdni8ht proW\a. • Ha. 11111 . parl!cular ahoort -e he aiOepo. He en be found in a drlwer in Ibo.payroll olllce, a tarae potted piallt Ill i" -' I Egypt .. id today it will ndt Wend ·the ce--are beyond.Feb.'!. Jordan aiao aafd ft ~ will abide by u;. ·exten110n: recom- mended in an 'Afro.Mian ,...futlaa ap- prov..i Wednesday by the 11.N. General Aaaemi.I°. . . . ..~ '·' . ~e. •98b-ran&1n1 police officer in Tel Aviv said a 'dellv:ery truck .parked U. Jeplly near a movie bXlle apparently ~ a· baaviel; ..-lty toll in today's explosions because lt acted u a ahl~d against the·fiyin& ahrapoel. - The ,.bus ltation· waa cro.,ded with worken leavina for the long Jewllh weekend which begins at lunchtime on Friday. A similar bomb n:pbion at tbe same bus statkn about two >'"1'I qo killM ·one penoo ancl injured aeveral dozen more. Cap_isirano CofC Has ' _,_ U.S. Flags for S~I~ Capiitrano Beach·'Chaniber of ·eom. mt11at's Flag sale cbap:man, Ruuel llenchman, b uldw midenla and businessmen of the beach community .to fly llnit<d States Flap on Veterw• Day Nov. 11 . · -- Hehchman. in an 1pp1al to the dlamber'1 board of.~ Wednelday, said Flag icJi, at $!:\Iii will tie told by hla commiltee in Ibo dwnber office. .Mta Dohel\)"· Park llojld. and in . IC""W'I Hard,..,., 14211 Doheny Park Road, both Jn Caplltram,Betc:i. · . llenChman'•·~ bU told llO naga in a year-lone drive for ''diapiay of the colon ID Cap!itrllllO ~·" I • 0r ..... : • • • • I ~~~~~";::;;;~-;-~~~~--_,.--......,'"'=~-===:;;;;-=::-:=-.:-=~~-~.__...,~,~~"""'iiiliil"' ""' .. . . ·- I DAil y ,ILOT SC • Cltl:ens Fame • ' ~' ..... _ ' ' ,, • • • . Supe_~visqr ~·F,ay·~ Hik~ .. Co1nt~stetJ;.J, -.. ' lly 'ACK BROllACK ........... leMSIMf . . -OUtaolq Orange Counly Supervisor Al too E. Allen of Laauna Beach t~y. defeDded 1 16 percent pay raise voted for Ibo --. w1'llo llxpo)'tfa 2nd Arrest For Chief's Son in Dana By JOllN VAL'l'ZRZA or 1111 D.itr """ ...., launched and fl.m\ed1 COuDty Counael Adrian Kuyper mean· while, warned of a new an11e In bit con· troversy : supervlaors may 1et no pay at all. for awhile yet. The wbole boppine·mad lllue ce.ntera on passaa• of Propo1it1oo 12 oo Tuesday'• ballot. ' Allen'1 sueteSSOr, fifth DI s l r I ct Supervi&or~lect Ronald Capsers had some strong !eelinp on the subject of the 96 perCent pay ralae, a rpokeaman revealed thll ~- "He believes that there ta a 1ood posalblllti ihat"lhll move may be Ued to the fact that t-.o members of the board are retiring," the spokealhan uid. "He bu been i.lllng people and board members that he thlnb they ahould hold off on rmjor. dedllona like the airport and the il'loorporatton of the city of Irvine untU ihe new board takes office in An arrest and clamorous court caae January." the spokesman continued. more than a year ago returned like a "The new supervisor thinks It is in· &hoiit today with the amst in Dana Point const.stent for the board to push through a • • Countians Injured .In Crash ' 1 A group of Ora~e Coi:inty land development associate. is recoverlna to. day from lnjurie!!I suffered in one of two carbon-copy plane crashes in ruued northern Callfornla terrain since Wednes- day. Fliers in the second cruh were killed instantly. Each accide nt involved builders and in· vestors returning from outdoor holidays ln Oregon and occurred while tbe planes were in guided to Instrument or r'icho landings. The twin-engine Aero Commandtr own- ed by Dunn Properties CorpotaUon overshot Ukiah Airport Wednesday nl&bt, banked northeast and pancaked lnto 1 forested bill. A twin-engine Comanche m I 1 1 e d Eureka-Arcata Airport Thursday on dwindling fuel, circled, ran out of 1u and slammed into an ocun bluff below tbe runway on the final approach. ol -Id 51... M char"el pay increase juat before they go out. He _..year-o ... ven urray on a feels it is ill-timed and although he is not of attempted burelarY. denying that some increase 11 deserved, Saddleback Selection• Authorities at Ukiah Hospital said the men injured in the Wednesday ni&ht crash were treated for scratche1 and bruises and would be released today. Murray, a Costa Meu realdent, ls the he would like 10 see an unbiased, ob- IOll of San Cle.mente Police adtf Clifford ject group of clUzens study the matter," MOrray, ' the spokesman said. The young man'• arrut in April of 1969 "Capse.rs bas pointed out that ln the ~ Jed by hll own father -lnvolvld four business world, when raises are con. counts of narcotics violations and a four· sidered, comparisons are made wilh month jail stntence served in solitary other industries. He feels you just don't One of these Saddleback College coeds will be tap. ped as the school's 1970 Homecoming Queen Satur· day night when Gauchos meet .San Bernardino Val· ley College Indians at Mission Viejo High. From· left are Anita Becker, Mission Viejo; April Morgan, Fountain Valley; Rh onda Ferguson, Corona del Mar, Dianne Hardy, Tustin, and TriSh Thomas, El Toro. Saddleback will welcome back its only· grad- uating class -the Class of '70 -during homecom- ing, which takes the theme, "Those Were The Days.'' They. included the pilot, Rick Tbeaton. 26, of Santa Ana , John Dunn, 48, of Tustin, Wayne Calahan, 40, e f Westminster and Ray Smith, 31, of Garden Grove. ,. Dunn is president of the finn that bears his name, with branches at 2009 E. Edinger Ave., Santa Ana. and 109'0 Kalama River Ave., Fountain Valley. confinement. jump into these things," the spo kesman · Sheriff's Clpt. James Broadbelt said added. "He alto feels it wOllld be taken in- the arreat late 1bunday nlcbt stemmed to consideration that the voters of Orange from the complaint of a woman who uw County turned down Prop. 12. ·• twa men at the rear of a Dana Point Kuyper aald 111 puaage could mean residence. that tbe supervlaon in unChartertd coun. Deputies on patrol stopped an auto ties,. llke Orange County, would not be matcblna the delcrlption &Ivel?-by the paid unlen they take some immediate Holiday Move Date Seen Theston hiked from the crash scene five miles northeast of the airport Thurs- day morning to summon help for hll companions and telephone inform1tton about the crash to federal aviatien authorities. caller and arTated Murray, of 25S 8cuon to 1et their own aalarin. Cabrillo St., Coeta Mesa, and Robert GH· He atld, the proposition was a con- fen Robesan, It, who gavil hia address as stttU.Uoiall amendment and the state the Dana Marina Motel, Dana Poipt. ~tlon 1uper.c&a any prevlous~•c· • J University High -School Campus 'Ready by Cliristrnas' Hotel Ordinance Reconsideratio;n Set in Laguna 'lbe two men were booked at Orange tion.~bt 'th; ·i,.aiataturea that formerly County Jail on the' cbarget of 'attempted have Rt-the pl)'.ICIJe for aupervlsora. burglary - a standard clwUicatlon ln At tbi earlie1t 1 new ordinance could ~Bowroadler .... a:71te1s~.-... .1, however, that no not be puaed unut Tuelday and it would ui:: " .. ~ not become law wrtll 30 days later. theft apparently occu.rred at th e If tbere'• e movement to collect names ruldence. for 1 referendum to block the aupervllors llroldbelt lllld that orraJcrunent on the action, 46,lllO"afpatures ol reglllered charlea ha not yet been od>edllled, ad-voters must be colleci.d wilbin 30 days of diq& tliiit bec:ll"'° of ll)e nature of lbe )n-any ulary Ol'dlnance by the board. ddent and uieol "evidence otlll migbt be ""'°"-term of ollice eaplres Jan. lack1nl fOr a I01ld cue." 1 4, iis11e4:1 ltatament on the controveny It ,... a .piobe. led by Chief Murray In todAy. . ' Mardo \i 1181 which led to the arreat of "~ I" htte no oeU-lnlerest In bia ""'.la the clrlvewoy of the family eotaN!dii"I -llllarlel for the board of hoine. " \ ~ u 00.W allowed bf state Jaw, Aller the arrut, youocer Murray I hive ahraye IOll lbat ii wu'unlatr lbat belpecl espose a 100-pQW>d-a month marl-lbeie ularles ....,. esllbllabed at tbe juana muuUnl •1111· "" Iba! recel~ed whlo);ol' lbe •Ille Legillaw... tbe ltll senlen<e ..m i;bmes . of , "'I,.,,_. a cbarter forq\ of pem-trllllP'l'lilll marljwma: 1't&I -yan' ~-11 .no question In my nllnd but probation nre Included ID the lentence. thlfllii llllary schedule would be tied ID SID<e lliea•steve Murray bad moved to with that of the judiciary u In Los Caraon'Clty, Ney., tP work In a manufae-Angeles County," Allen conUnued. WrlDI .concern which subaequenUy Wd Los Angelea oupel)\'llo1s an pald ap-of!.:'1 b'! 1~..:'P~Y~ll Meaa since praxlmai.ty 112·:0~ -,,.r, lbe oame as Supe~.Court j ' then," the 'chlef aald todly. "He's mar· ~--beeo the ~n1lbWty of the ried and baa a Ille of b!I own. · griiid jury Jo make r"611U1WhdaUons on "One b'5· to Wonder, aometimer, haw the 111ary.·~1 of the'·bolrd," Allen ad. !Olli lbe linkage ill tbe public's mlnchu ded , "In t11! el&llt yean I bave been in to persist between a crown son and a office, tbeR re<:OmmeiklaUona hive' been father who ls a public official." collllltent1y tcnored by the s t a t e The chief'• anguilhlnJ: role In the legislature.'' narcotics arruts became a crave "No doubt the present salary scale of penional crllls. supervisors is very, very low," added "II m~ kid bu lo 10 down the lubel, F h o· tr" that's Ui8 way tt has to be. I had to make 0 u rt 111 let 1Upervi10rs, newly·· •-~-•-"b ··'d t lbe Ume eleci.d !Ulph B. Clark. "otherwise I the ui;:,,......... e _. 1 · wou1d prefer to say nothing more at this "I bave done profeulonally what t time ., lbouihl . bid to be' docie. In lbe llnll c•:.. , •· . ill •·• olfi J I • anelylla: you hive to do what you believe~ uu-...._wuu....w 14Ae ce an... • •-- ii ~ You have to aeparate your ded howev~, "I ~ave rece!vecl doiens of rsonal feelings from your profenlanal calls on thlS subject ~laming me, and I :es ,, had nothing ta do with It. of course. I · have enough as _an ~1heim councilman without liilerferlng with the Board of Supervisors at this lime. Gangplank Topple.s NEW ORLEANS (AP) An overcrowded 1an1Pllhk wu blaqied for a shipyard accident In which three men were drowned and about 20 othert in· jc::d. DAILY Pl l01 "Most or those who called me agreed that the pre.sent salaries of the supervisor! are too low. but added that they thought the 95 percent raise was too much,'' Clark. said. 41 As U stands at lhb time those on the board wW have to face their constituents for their actions," newly e I e c t e d supervisors aa.ld. tupayers thrOuchout the county are fuming over Wednesday's decision, but no one bas stepped forward to lead a referendum or recall drive. Secretaries In the supervisors' offices said the telephone calla continued to pour in today as they did most of Thursday from cltiun1 protesting .the proposed ralJe in supervisors' salaries to $29,269 1 year. - Board memben current1y are paid $1$,1100 annually. A1 far as the move Into University High 11 concerned, "It's be1inning to look. a lot Wte Christmas." • Tbat's what Tustin Union High School officials expect they 'll be saying after a meeting Monday with architects to nail down the date all bulldinp at the new IChool will be ready. Supt. William Zogg said ooce 1 date I! set, vendors supplying furniture and fix· Laguna Building Permits liicrease ,, During October Building ligurea in Laguna Beach Inch- ed up sllght!y In .October will> lhe i,... anCe Of 42 building perm1ts for construe· Uon valued at $280,752. This compared with 21 permits In October, 1969, with a valuation of '241,000. Total construction value •for the year to date continued to lag, however, reaching only $2,219,210 for 42(1 permits. compared with a valuation of $5,510,158 far 440 permita issued In the same period last year. Major commercial structures ac- counted for th~high 1969 valuation. Four permits for new one-family dwell· \ngs were issued in October, 29 permits for ,retidential -and commercial altera- tions and additions and the balance for walls, fences and miscellaneaus items. State Class Set For · Bus Driver_ A woman bus driver far the Capistrana Unified School District has been chosen ta take a special Highway Patrol course for bus driver inslrUctors in Sacramento. Miss Patricia lrving will receive at least ·120 hours or inst.ruction during a course which will strm classroom training needed by bus drive.r~, com· prehensive bebind-lbe--wheel lra1nmg and teaching techniques. The in!trucUon program is spamored and paid for by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the catlfonlia State Department of Education. The course mark! the first time the state has held classes tor potential in- atructors for achoo! bua drivers. Clemente Woman Faces Hearing on Child Beatin~ A 2 .. year<ild San Cle.menlt W011\tn a woman babysltttr 1hovln& the children facn preUmlnary heartng Tunday on out of a car. char1es ot felony chlldbeaUng lnvolvln1 Investigation after the Initial call late her folD'·ytar-okl IOfl and ll·month-old la.st week however, revealed that the dl!llhter. children had allegedly been be1len by Jucly Gile Haye, of 112' N. El Camino Jhe~ molher. Real. allegedly belt and abuled botb The Hays woman's husband, 1 M•rlne, cblldNe at t2at raidenoe, an apartment ls poalb!y on lea11e ln Oklahoma, officers bQu11. SllJd. His n•ct whereabouts ts not known. Police lhvnt111ted the cue after The chlldftn ~e plactd 111 c1re ol neilhbcn callld reportinl seeing Dond1 foster homt1. Mrs. Hays rtmlined In DUlf Mqen, t, with two black eyu and custody. ,.,.. bnllloo on b!I lice. DoltcUves Nid Ibey found old oc:an of lnnltJCaton tater d I 1 c o v tr e d prtvlout injuries on the boy'• back. abl'Nfont, bnd1e1 and po'slble boma on Formal ch1t1ts in the ca~ were tµed Paula H1y1, II monlhl. -in Souib Oran1t County M~p~I Co11rt lliltctlttl lllld tbe motlier originally Hrly lhi1 weet. 'l'u...Say 1 helrlng 11 auai.d the lnjurlet bid been cauled by •chedultd for t 1.m. •• ' tures for the new high school can be given thell' noUce. "Some vendors want · 45 days warning.'' Delayed by a sheet metal workers atrlk'e last 1ummer, the University Park high school was to have been completed by next Monday. Among things delaying the completion have been delivery of tile for the roof and door frames, Zogg said. Officials have noted In the past that It would be difficult to move the students and faculty from t.1isslon Viejo high where they are sharing a duplicate facili· ty on a hair-day basil within a two-Oay weekend. Thus, the longer Christmas halidars are more likely to be c h o s e n far the move. But final word on the move Is due Mon· da y, 7.ogg said, following the meeting with architect!. A long-delayed ordinance restrlctinl occupancy by minors of hotel and motel rooms in Laguna Beach will be back on the city council agenda Dec. 2. COlln· cilman Edward Lorr said this week. Loren Haneline, owner of The Sus- VacaUon Village, told the council he had Bluff Restaurant OK'd been asked by the Hotel-Motel AMocia· tion to inquire into the fate of the pro- posed law, which the hotel owners felt would be "beneficial to the city." Propoeala for construction of a bluff. top restauraut overlooking Dana Harbor were approved Wednesday by lhe Orange COllnty Planning Commission over pro- test! by several residents. The 8,300-square-foot structure IS plan· ned by Restaurant Adventures for lhe east side of Street of the Green Lantern, south of Santa Clara. Planning Commissioner Harold Ekman Lorr said action bad been postponed of •·"Jh Lam• •-'d ha"• f because o! the vacation of councilman ~ .-na ...... a zone c ''tie or the bluff area wauld be undertaken by Roy Holm and the subsequent absence of the planners. The area Is zoned for multi· maror . Ric~ard Goldberg, ~ut the family use,_but Js masterplannedlor high~g~~t1~w11l be _up for corwderaUon density residential and commercial uses. again Dec. r---. Dr. Rager Sanderson, spokesman of the The proposed ordinance would ban oc- Dana Poi nt Incorporation graup was one cupancy of hotel rooms by minors under opponent of the varlance at t~ hearing. 18 unless ?ccompanied by an adult parent "A complete mixture of business and or. guardian, and by more tha~ flye residential leads to unhappiness on every· minors under 21 un1ess accompanied by body's part," said Sanderson. an adult. INTRODUCING • . • • _Shet:~i// J4!i.o~ler'I For the first !Ima, this line ; .. of upholstery is now oveilable lo tho West. One of the finest producers of upholstery in Iha country, SherriU wi11 be • new ar- perience in viewing quartty furniture. Alt unpi1r•Reled selection of line lobrics coupled with cro~s1Mnship unmelchad in the some price celagory. II you ••• in nHd of upholstery, be wro ond coma in lo view this arcilin9 collaetion of modarotely priced, quoroty I · •. - DEALERS FOR: .HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE NEWPORT BEACH 1727 Wookl!lf Dr., 642·20SO OP.IN PRIDAY 'TIL 9 INTERIORS • "· ' I , • . • • ( I , • • I -. Lag~•.•~a Be~eh . -.. I I ~DIIIO~ . • -• ·- • • • . . 1 County Transit ~iSti;~~t/iJiider O:rie System l \ I I l' I By UCK BROBACK ' Of .. °"" , .. ltllfl' The Orange County Tramlt llistrict WU born Tuesday. What is it IUppoged to do? How wlll•lt get into action? Proponents of the new entity, approved by the voters 231,977 to 174,231 Tuesday, said it would: -Bring the total C'OWlty rapid transit problem under one system. Presently there are individual franchises In vartous ciUes, plus the RTD buses from Loi WO Laguna Sf!hool• l Angeles. M<wt bus finnl are looiDi mooey. . -Provide .. 11eocy for county participation In rqional ·declllom ud 1ystems developmenl -Implement a ibort term 90Jution to our mau transit problem. -Establish an -capable of presentillg all of the fact.> to the public and implementing action favored by I.he public. When ud how dOesU cet into action? Insurance Rate Nearly Doubles Insurance rates for the Laguna Beach \Jnified School District have aJmost doubled during the past year, aceording to Dr. Charles Hess, business 1uperin· tendent of the district. Dr. Hess says that the district is paying about $.19,000 per year to insure all of !Ls pioperty agaln.ot fire and properly damap.ud to "'8ure lfle --=1 llalbsl liatillity. During .the lall acliool year, be uya, the srice ol. the eomplltll eov•qe wu only about 12%,000. Another problem with lnsuruce lhil )'ear, Dr. Hesa says, ii the fad that ant company will not insure the entire district. He says that this problem is not unique in Laguna Beach but ls faced by almost all a<:bool districts In the country. Dr. Hess says the company that in- sured the district last year. Insurance of North Ainerica, cancelled its policy with the dialrlcl oo Oc~ I" 1'10, llndlng jl no I....,,_.,..,.,._ ~cheo1 diftrlclt. · · 1'The policy was to e1:pirt on Jan. t. 1'71,'.' be rollteo, ~ INA ClllCelied be- Ion! that date. Becauae Ibey cancelled ihe policy early,. be says Uiat INA m u s t cover the scboot property unlil another The J>ISlll• of ~ ......... Tueodey immediately aeatecl the dlolricl. Bui that dOesn't ..... immediate acii<io. First a board of directon'ftu.ilt be ap- Pointed, two by tho c:Owity _.iaora from their number, two by the ...m\y Leaguo of Cities ud a flflb ·member ·by the first four. As 100D as lheat appolntmeata· art made the transit diltilCt it a flit ol' lif8. The· directors arf '"1i>ol'ei'l!l li1 law ID -. ..,.. --' .. ---- • • . ' 1evy a tu up to five cents per •100 uieaed valutlon. They .. y llJo' incur I bOllded I!> debtedneu: with the appr.ovll· of , the' voterl of~ to 20 w ~of the uieaeil value of the diaµict, ~ d,lstr~t covers . the ~y::-~ th&t~\ aaeaed vaJultim W-$.1.t bUllon;.,1ht· transit in-, Uty amid 10f1Ceiv1bly aeli bondl valued up ljo' '780 ,million. , ' • 'Ibe dlStrict may ilao ilsut-revenue bonda· i\ayable !Qlaly fro!n J!ie revenu .. • _., es:cue ' of any facility or enterprilt to be ac- quired or created by the Utrk:t.-Tbt:Y would also require a vote of .the people. The final power of the di.strict ii to ac· cept ~ntribuUons or &oa1ll from the federal or . ,state governments · or llJY department, instrwnentality, 91' agency of either for the purpose olfinancial: the ae- quisition, conslructJon,·maJnten•r:x:e· and operation cf transit facillUu. The Board of Supervlaors"declded rlast August to put the diltrict 4ue1Uon to the • . -Ill . . " . - ••• < ... voten at the 1troog rec:ommendatloo cf the Orange County Tramlt Committee. This group, beaded by Hubert L. FerrJ ol Fullerton had been lludylng the lranall problem for many.~ears. Formation of tbe~diatrict wu backed , by lbe Le .... ·ol·Cilleo, the UCl,l'rojecl "21 Study Team on Transportation Needs; the Orange Qiunty Chamber ol Com· · merce; the Lea&Ue of. Women Votera Qd the American A.uoclatiOn of Univenity women. . ~ave Runa~ays In IAl_guna Get Help By BARBAllA KllDlllCB DI tllt Ollltt ,.llM Staff Two teenage runaway girls from o.ta Mesa are recovering at their bomn tq. day after a harrowing mid.njstlt NICU8 from the rugged cave area 'In tbl bllla behind Laguna Beach. More than 3) rescue worken, three COWlty fire department uait. fropt El Toro and l..aiUft8. Hilll, Sberiff'1 deputies and Laguna ~ police ,..,. ""'t . -to tlle .c.n. ·-Clllym -• Drive late Wedneact.y. -l: •. !"--',/ .. '!'be alarm wu llOllnded when a U. •. • yeaf-old boJ, ilao·a runa.wa7, dubtd Into llie Ll&una llncll PoiJ<e ~ """"1 after 11 p.m. to uy that his ctr! friend WU "having I lei:m'e up in i .--------------company-lo-found-to-pick-up-tho-policy.--cave.'' Terrorists Hurl Bombs In Tel Aviv But the district· has met with a problem In -fini:Sing anotlier~Stififle'e-eompany .~ Dr. Hess says that the coverage has bad to be split among several companies. "No one company will pk:i up t.be total risk on a school district anymore," he says. Consequently, the district has in- sured one third of the district with Fireman'• Fund and most of the re- mainder with various companies. After alerting county fire Ubllt and .. ambul&nce, a Laguna o f f i c e r ac- -compinled the fflgtttenedcyoungoter baa- to the Canyon .a.lte, just outside Lacuna . city lirnJts. While the· ambulance wilted below, rtgular and volunteer firemen scaled the •teep hillside and found not. one, but hr9 g1r~~ ated 11 and a, ·1n need of medical • aid.-. .. By United Press International ''But 13 percent of the district's coverage bas not been placed yet," fie sayg. Pending placemert of the final seg· ment of the coverage, INA ii providing insurance coverage for that portion of the policy. , ,. ·. . . The lS.year-old seizure victim, believed -~'-'.."'---.;~_c;.'-!,__:.~-.c...!.-'-----_:._------ArtY ,n;OT...,.....if"T~-.;-fo:be'-,PiJeplfC, !iiarilJifi liijfiiiil''liif"""--' Stormy w· eatlaer.. '. . bip. Her friends later told ·-· Terrorists struck in the center of tel Aviv today, exploding two bombs near the main bus depot crowded with Israeli holiday-goers. Tbe bold attack came onl)' hours after tbe renewal .of the U.S.· Jnitiated·cease-fire in the Middle East. The Israeli state radio said at least 11 Per900S were injured in , the aplos.lons near the bus .talion in downtown Tel Aviv. A high-ranking police o[flcer said the two bOmbs, conaisting of about haU a polllld of esplolives each, exploded almost simultaneously. The Arab-Israeli cease-fire 11 n e • , however , remained silent with both sides agreeing to an extension of the truce past the Thursday midnight deadlbte (5 p.m. EST). Israel has set no time limit, but 1aid it will not shoot finL Egypt said today lt will not extend the ceue-flre beyond Feb. I. Jordan alao aaid it it will abide by the utenaioo, recom- mended in an Afro.Asian resolution •P" proved Wednelday by the U.N. General Assembly. The high-ranking police officer in Tel Aviv said a delivery truck •ked iJ. legally near a movie house apparently prevented a heavier casualty toll In today's explosion.s becauae it acted u a shield againll lfle Dying lbr1poel. Another new problem wit.h this year's insurance coverage, ay1 Hess, is that the policies provide for 110,000 deductible for fire damage. In the event of. a tire, under the blalliet policy, the district muat pay the fin\ 110.000 worth of dama&e out of Its own funds. The policy lut year provided for ll,000 deductible. The lot.al cost of the insurabf!e, he says, amounts to about !our cents of I.he $2.60 tax rate assessed .on the tupayen: lo support t.be schools. "People ~re paying more than one per· cent of their toes going to schools for ifl.. 1urance." Hess notes. SYLYIA. PORTER'S COLUMN DELAYED ... Sylvia Porter'• cumiit aerlea detailing how to 'uve money on income toes will not be printed today becallle of apace re- quirements. - The fourth article In the aertes wiU bl published on Monday'• f!Mrrial page. Posher Eleeted Drug Dealer Wins Just!µ Post LAWRENCE, Kan. (UPi) -Phillip C. Hill emerged from obocurity Thuraday to claim election IS jUlllce of tbe peace. Oumca are bt'll never be obecw'e aglin. Although be didn't tell either tbe....,. or the poliUcla111 wllo be w11 or what he did before Tuesday electinn.-be bu told them now. And they m!J[>t not lllre IL "Malnly I earn my livtng by peddlinc dope," HiD 111d, "ud I -I'll keep on lioce you cu.'t um .much u a JP mnRJnd here.'' Hlll, Z3, says he aells "all kinda of dope ex"'l)t heroin. l won1t have anything to c1o with that stuff. Bui I aell LSD ud mescaline and almost everydllna. There'• , not much money in marljt11na -too much ol lt crow inc ll'OWld bere .• J "lf be'•-. damn hippie, r don 't know anything about i~" the Doqlul:Oiinry Democratic chairman 11!4. "I've never beard ol him. "Anyway, l thouPt the office of )lulice of the peace bad beeo abolllbed." Tbe olflce boa not --.. lllJl, I ll1Jhellil7 ~ CU lllllfy, "Jllll 'llllkf • --(f( ldl name," llld Attaner GelMnHlect Vern Miller Thundo7, "and' !low lonl II Is beforo )'OU bur that bl bu been ar· rated." •·1·u wt an uodercover apnt m him," aald Mill.-, wllo befon winning the ·~ to<lley _.i.-· .... -1a ... .~ campaign wu the: Sedcwtck County lllerllf. I " " deputies .lhe bad beeft "tbJ'et.' da}'I • • • 1 t · · · wftbciut medication." · A few raindrops fallilag on bis head didn't deter this ped insignificant amounts of precipitation. SUlf, it · surfer this morning as he headed toward the waves was the first sign of tain for more than Seven The other girl, attempting to help, had .near Huntington Beach Pier. A storm front leased · months -since. last March. Weatherman says =b~~P~wn a 30-foo~ ~f and ~ured ·Grange Coast .weather watchers'\ today, but drop.. weekend will be clear. "At first," said 8 county fire depart· Laguna Follies Said Best Ever A deligh~ openinC niaht audience pac°ked the Laguna Beacb Hilb School auditorium Wedlleeday as1'tbe Art Col· ony•1 fDllrlh "Frlctured Follle1" hit the boards: The rolliclcing variety sflow, performed by talented amateur. from throu1hout the south county area, was pronounced the "best ever" by fam of earlier Fol· lies. ''The music is iood, the C'Olltqme, are beautiful and the comedy ii hilarious ," most viewers agreed. · A fund niaer for the South Coast Com· mUDlty Hoapilal Auxllliry "Fractured Follle1" will be repeated tonight a n d tomorrow night with curlaln at I: 30 p.m. Police A:rrest Employe ' ' In P~rcrnacy Burgkiry . . ' . . . . After a qulclc but· thorough In· veaUgatian;·Laguna Beach police Thurs· day atrested two suspect.s In the Wed- nesday night burglary of Park Forest Pharmacy, in Laguna Beach. Police identified one of the burglary suspects as an employe of the dru,g stort, Pamala Ogle Henry, 19, of Z.fe38 San Juan Ave., Dana Point. The other sUJpect 1-ken Into custody In the case wu idtll· tif~ by police as Gary Lee Moore, 22, of 'tM same &ddre.sa. Police allege that the two suspect! entered the pharmacy,. at· 220 Parli: Ave., sometime Wednesday night .and. took about $500 in cash and several wrist watches. Police speculate that the two entered the building through tbe roof. An inventory by J>ftarmacist Ron Pickard reve{llcd that no drugs were take:Q from the dnlg storage area of the pharmacy. According to officers, MOOre was ar· rested at his hom·e shortly after hoon Thursday. PQlice claimed that one of the wrist. watches believed · taken in the burglary was found in his' residence. Library Plans Unveiled " By FllEDl!IUClt llCBOEMEBL ........... """"' It won't be IS niucl! a library as it will be a piece of sculpture. ·That's the-arllsllc· ....,smen1· Lacuna Beacb·arcbilecl Fred M. Brill• gave to • his plans for the new county branch library in Laguna Buch. He unveiled the nmderlDp Thunday night at a meeting of the Friends of the Laguna Beach Library. 'Ille l,Ollkq .. re-lool structure wlII 11t on tlla .al1e ol the -t library, ovtr tlle upper ball ol i-r Part AVtnuo. It wlII extend over 'U.. "trtancle" adJ- to the -Office. • • -Parkin& for 34 can wlll be loo!ted on .,,,.,,.,, lave! about when the J1ft8!1 library llanda, with the -lllfldlitc ..... llleverinl over tha ._. Other 1111111 wlII be located aionl tho alle7 ........ . from Lapa Avenue. to P~rk,Avenue. The building lttell will ultimately hou>e 35,00G ldultrvolumea and 12,000 children's hooka, pl~ recordl, -~ell, Ind audio visual equipment. , ~ wtll enter-the-building throuih a Arte &arden coort, about the 1lze of the court at the' preaent library. Heavy linclscaplill ud craptilcs wtll be -to accent !be -ding ballding. >f..tde the lllhry. along With the llacka wDI bl l\Udy' .-, ID aduil """'"' )pa!, a chlld:ra'1'readin1 1lcM!ce, and ~ tlill lkyllgbll. ' ' Thi ~est of tbe two lkyligllls wW -30 !eel from floor level, picking up the -llaht, w11lcb. acc0ic11nc to .Jlrilp, "~ the beat fer rudln(, •, 'l'be m11ller akyllpt Will 11"11 the -..,•, mdtor ma. Bolll the adult and chlidttn loungea will Ila,. _, to two lddltlonal pnleD courts, for reading or rel.ulDJ . Unique archJtectural desiin, color com- blnatlorui, and graphics will mike up the Jftterk>r ·decoration. •• ' ' "We at.o had one comer thlt would be !be" perr.i:!Pt•<' lot a SW<dish ntejilace, IO we 've put one ln 'aftboulh tf.'1 not !D- eluded In the bud(et, v . ...,_.ted t¥ obVloualy·pleued flrlip, "Tie wlII aloo have a kJoel: neor tbO CODI« ol tlla blrlldlng which 'could' conlaln ~' liu11tt1D bpard, a dilplaY, cue, or new:l!ookl·" • The building will be air' condltlooa.i and . carpeted, Ille architecl noted. •And 'I'!"" of the air concfltionln( plpoa wtD 6e,.J.1. ble '"' Ille roo1.. --all Ibo -wtll be-undqniubd .• Al apecllled In the ionlrac:t, the ~ Lllguna -CWnbet of Com-wlll receive lit lqUIR •ftll ol• _, within Ille M1f lillll41DI: ment spokesman, "it looked aa U one might have broken her back and the other brokt;n both legs." In an operatloo that took ·an hour and a half, both g.trl! were strapped onto litters and carefully carried down the hillside to the waiting ambulance. At South Coal\ Community HOlpllal, examination revealed that bOtb bad esulied without serious injury. The 16- .Yeir-old ha4 "llw:t ber.hip and may have been through an epileptic .etzure," a hoopilal spoltmnan .aid. Her lrlend was treated for ,ie\ti!re eoatulions of both knees. The runaways were turned oVer to the~ par..,ls by Sherill's deputi• ID the early hnun of tbe llJOr1lln(. · The younpten;· who ·will be charpd with lrespasslbi, _....ily were trying to' set up boulekHplnc in I Clfe1 officen said. 0r .... ; ' j 2 OAILY PILOT SC Ftldq, Nouts• 6, 1970 . .) . .... :.-.. r .1 :ii .... .. .•. .. , I ' Supervis°Q.~ ~~y Countians \. ., . . . Hike • ' ~1 I.\") Contesf~d':~ . ·~ ' ~ II)' JACK BllOBACK • Of ... a.llr Pllef Steff Outcolna Or&111e County Supervisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna Beach today ~ended a t5 percent pay raise voted for 1111 fin-"!'"' botnl. wbllo tupayo1> 2nd Arrest For Chief's Son in Dana By JORN VALTll\ZA Of ... ~ Plllt.,.,_ . ~·· . 1auncbed and fumed. Cowtt,y Counael Adrian Ku)'Per, mean- while, warned ot a new angle ln the con· troversy: supervisors may get no pay at all for awhile yet. The whole boppU,,-mad issue centers on pasaqe of Proposition 12 on Tuesdly'1 ballot. Allen's successor, filth. DI stric t Supervisor~lect Ronald Capsers had some strong fe;elings on the subject of the 95 percent pay raise, a 1pokesman revealed ttlil morning. "He believes that there ls a good possibility that ·thla move may be tied to the fact that two members or the board are retiring," the spokesman said. "H• bas been telllnl people and board membera that ho thinks they should hold off on major decisions like the airport and the incorporation of the city.of Irvine until the new board takes office in An arrest and clamoroua court cue January," the l])Okeaman conUnued. more than a year ago returned like a "The new supervisor thinks it is in- 1bost today wilih the arrest in Dana Point consistent for the board to push through a of 23-year-old Steven Murray on charges pay increase just before they go out. He of attempted burglary. ' feels it is ill-timed and a1UlO!Jgh he is not 'denying that some increase ts deserved, Murray, a Costa Mesa resident, Js the be would like to see an unbiased, nb- M>n ol San Clemente Police Chief Cllf(ord ject group of citizens study the matter,'' Murray. tJie spokesman said. The young man's arrest in April of 11169 "Capsers hu pointed nut that In the -led by bis own father -involved four business world, when raises are con-' counts of narcotics viol1Uom and a fCJUro sidererl, compariS<lns are made with month jail sentence served in solitary nther industries. He fee ls you just dnn't confinement. jump into these things," the spokesman ' Sheriff's Capt. James BrQadbelt said added. "He also (eels It would be taken in- the arrest late 'Thursday night stemmed to consideration that the voters of Orange from the complaint of a woman who aaw County turned down Prop. 12." two men at the rear nf a Dana Pnillt Kuyper said its passage could mean residence. that the supe.rviaorl in unchartere4 coun- Deputies on patrol stopped an auto lies, Ute Orqe County, would not be matching the descripUon given by the paid unless they take some Immediato • caller and arrested Murray, of 253 action to set tbelr own Waries. Cabrillo SL, Costa Mesa, and R<lbert. GU-He aaid the proposition was a con- fen Robeson, 19, who 1ave his address as sUtutiOnal amendment and the state the Dana Marina Motel, Dana Polnt. Con!titutJon rupenedea any previous ac- The two men were booked at Orange tion by the Jegil:lature1 that fnrmerly Q>unty Jail on the char&ea of attempted have set the pay scale for supervisors. burglary -a standard clWificaUon in At the ealltest a ·new nrdinance could proBrwoalerdbearrlt e,s~: ___ .,, ~wever, that no not -be paned untJJ TueJday an<! it would w:-~ not become Jaw unW JO days later. theft apparently occurred at th e If there's a m~ment to collect names residence. for a referendum to bk>ck the supervisors Broodbelt aald that arrli&M""t Oil the action, ~!80 lllinatum of rqistered cbargea bu .!IOI yet been ldlodulod, ad-voten llllllt be eollected within 30 days of dlnc that betl.Uli ol the nature of the i~ any aalaey ordinance by the board. cideot llMI arreet ·~evidence still might be Allen. whose term of office-expires Jan. lacking far a solid cue." 4, issued a stateMfDt «?11 the controversy It ... a~ led by Chit! Murray In today. Mll'Ch pf liel"wbk:b led to the arrest nf "Although I have no sell-interest in hll .,,{ 1a -:ta driveway <lf the family establlabing new aalariea for the board of home. aupervleora es now allowed by .. ltate law, After the arrat. younger Mlll'l'IY 1 have always felt that It wu'unfair that helped expoee a 100-pound-a month marl-these aalariea were established at the 3t1ana mwa:ung ring. He then received whim of the state Legisla~. the jail tentence on charp:a nf "U n were a charter f,~ of aovern- transpcftlDc marijuana. Three ytan' ,ment tbbe ls no question lD my mind but p:'Obltion were included In the aenteoce. • that the salary schedule would be tied in Slnco then Steve Murray_bo~J<L_wlth-that-ol-tho-judiellll)'-u In Loa Carson City, Nev., to work ln a manufa~ Angeles County," Allen conUnued. turlng ~cern which subsequently l11d Loa Angeles supervl!ors are paid ap-off~ of its emp_loyes. _ proximately f32,000 a year, the aame as -"He bu""ilved m Costa Mesa since Superior Court judges then," the chtef said t_oday. "He's mar-"It bu been the r9ponsibility nf the ried and bu • life of bia own. grand jury to make recommendations oo "Ont has to wonder, someUmes, how ·the salary level of the board " Allen ad- lon1 tho llnka&e In tho publlc'imlnd bas dod. "In tho olght years I~ •• been In to persist between a ~ ~ and a office, these reCcmmendaUon1 have betn father w6o la a.public official. consistently Jtnored by the state Tbe cblol'1 IJllUllblnl role In tho le&iJlatur•." Saddleback Selec~ions One of these Saddleback College coeds will be tap- ped as the school's 1970 Homecoming Quee~ Satur- day night when Gauchos meet .San Bernar<Uno Val- ley Colle,ge Jildians at Missioz\ Viejo· High. From left are Anita Becker, Mission Viejo; April Morgan, Fountain Valley; Rhonda Ferguson, Corona del Mar, Dianne Hardy, Tustin, and Trish Thomas, El Toro. Saddleback will welcome back its only grad· uating class -the Class of '70 -during homecom- ing, which takes the th eme, "Those Were The Days." Hol-iday Move Date Seen University ll,igh School, <;ampus 'Ready by Christrnas' As far as the move into University turts for the new high school can be ' . High Is concerned, "It's beglnnlng to look given ~Ir npUce. "SOme vendors want a lot like Christmas." .. · 4$ 'days warning." That's what Tustin Union Hlgh School Del1Jyed by a sheet metal workers officials expect they 'll be qylng:Alter' a 'itrike last summer, the University Park meeting Monday with architects to nail , 'bJ&h school was to live been oompleted down the date all building! at the new by next Monday. achoo! will be ready. Among things delaying the completion Supt William Zogg said ooce ~ date is . haye ~delivery nf .tile for the roof and t d• I · f I"'·-and fix 1 door frames, Zogg said. ae ' ven on supp ymg um iw"' • • Off" ·a1 •· led . th t that ·1 , 1c1 s , ... ve no 1n e pas 1 would be difficult to move the students and faculty from Mission Viejo high where they are sharing a duplicate facili- ty on a ba1I-day basis within a two-day weekend. Thus. the longer Christmas holidays are more likely to be c fi o s e n for the move. But final word on the move is due Mon- day, Zogg said, following the meeting with architects. Laguna Buil~g . Permits Increase During October Bluff Restaurant OK'd Building figures in Laguna Beach inch- ed up slightly inLOclober with the issu- ance of 42 building wmlts for construc- tJon valued at $280,752. This comwed with 28 perm.Its In October, 1969, with a valuation ol $241,000. ' Propoals for COMtruction ol a bluff. top restaurant overlooking Dana Harbor were approved Wednesday by the Orange County Planning Commission over pro- tests by several residents. The 9,300-square-foot structure Is plan- ned by Restaurant Adventures for the east side of Street ol the Green Lantern, south of Sint.a Clara. Planning Commissioner Harold Ekman of SOuth Laguna said a zone change for the bluff area would be undertaken by the planners. The area ls zoned for multi- family use. but i1 masterplanned for high- density residential and commercial uses. Dr. Roger Sanderson. spokesman of the Dana Point Incorporation group, was one npponent of the variance at the hearing. "A complete mixture ol business and residential leads to unhappiness on every· body's part," said Sanderson. 'Injured In Crash A &rouP of Ora111e Cllunty land development as10Cl1tes ia-TeCOVerlng to-! day fiom Injuries suffered tn one ot two carbon-copy plane crashes in ruaed northern Calilornla terrain since Wednes- day. I Fliers in the second crash were tilled Instantly, · Each accident involved builders and In· ' vestors returning from outdoor holidays in Oregon and occurred while the planes were in guided to lnatrument or radio landings, Tbe twin-engine Aero Commander ()W!l· ed by Dunn Properties Corporal.ion • oversbot Ukiah Airport Wednesday night, banked northeast and pancaked into a forested hill. A twin-engine ComaDCbe m i s 1 e d Eureka-Arcata Airport Thursday on dwindling fuel, circled, ran out of gu and slammed into an ocean bluff below the runway on the final approach. Authorities at Uklah Hospital said the men injured. in the Wednesd1tY night crash, were treated for scratches and bruises and would be released today. They inclu.ded the pilot, .Rick 1beston, 26, nf Santa Ana, John DuM, 41, of Tustin, Wayne Ca1ahan. 40, a f Westminster atXI Ray Smith, 31, of Garden Grove. Dunn is -president of the firm · that bears his name, with branches at 2009 E. Edinger Ave., Santa Ana. and 10940 Kalama River Ave., Fountain Valley. Theston hiked from the crash scene five miles northeast of the airport Thurs· day morning to summon help for hi! companions and telephone information about the crash lo federal aviation authorities • Hotel Ordinance Reconsideration Set in Laguna A long-delayed ordinance restricting occupancy by minors of hotel and motel rooms in Laguna Beach will be back on the city COllllCil agenda Dec. 2, coun- cil man Edward Lorr said this week. Loren Haneline, owner of The Seas- Vacation Village, told the council be had been asked by the Hotel-Motel A.ssocia· tion to inquire into the fate ol the pro- posed law, which the hotel owners felt would be "beneficial to the city." Lorr said acUon. had been postponed because of the vacation of councilman Roy Hnlm and the subsequent absence of mayor Richard Goldberg, but the legislation will be up for consideration again Dec. 2. The proposed ordinance would ban oc- cupancy of hotel rooms by minors under 18 unless accompanied by an adult parent or guardian-' and by more than five minors under 21 unless accompanied by an adult. narcotics arr~ ~ a ~ave "No doubt the present salary scale of t----per ..... IDll:al..,ll-crilia. . tubes supervlaors-is-ftry, very IOW." added U my tid bas to Co down • Fourth District supervisors newly- Total construction value for the year to date continued to Ilg, however, reachini nnly '2,219,210 for 420 permits, compared wlth_i.salua.tlon of II 10,IJI for 440 permits issued in the same per OOtast-- year. Majnr commercial structures ac- counted for the high 1969 valuaUon. INTRODUCING • • • ' that'1 the ·"~fit 'bu to~· l bad t:o make elected Ralph B. Clark. "Oth~rwlse l tit• cltellloo, "'aald atthe umo. uJd re to th" t th" "I have dOne profeukmally what I ~o "pre r say no ing more a 11 . thoul)lt had 'lo be done In tho final time. Four permits for new nne-family dwell· lngs were issued in October. 29 permits for resldenUal and commercial alter•· tlons and additions and the bal&nce for walls, fences and miscellaneous lterrui, ana.lyala, you haw: to do what you believe Clark, who ~II take nffi~e Jan. 4, ad- is rlglil You have to Je:parate your ded however, I ~ave rece!ved dozens of penonal (eelinp from your professional calls on this sub]tct blaming me, and I ,. had nothing to do with it, of course. I ODii. have enough as an Anaheim councilman Gangplank Topples NEW 01\LElANS (AP) An overcrowded gangplank wu blamed for a sbfpyanl acc.1den.t in which three men were drowned and about 20 othe.ra in· l'-':d. DAILY PILOl llewpttt ... ttw:•lql• ... ....... --·-c .... M... S. Cl IJli: ou.HO• COAIT l"UM.ftltlNG COMPANY loMrt N. W..4 ,.,. .............. J1C1c a. ~::.!'J Vk1Pr91dnarA ....... n.111" K1rril 1•1w no11111 A. Mtt,t!T .. ~E•Hw fU~frl•nl P. H•ll IWlllOr .... c.Ql .. W ·-'•" Miii: • _,"' '"" llf.wport ... di.I ""..,. .. ~. 11111 ...... .....,,.,. a.Oil 212 ,._..A-H\1111~ a.di: 1111S a-'t ........ ,,,_ 5M ~ .. Nlr'Mt'&I (IMIM '*' • • ' without interfering with the Board of Supervisors at this time. "Most nf thole who called me agreed that the present salaries of the supervisors are too low, but added that they thought the 95 percent raise was too much," Clark said. "As it stands at this time those on the board will have to face their constituenta for their actions," newl Y e 1 e c t e d aupuvisors said. Taxpayen throughout the county are fuming nver Wednesday's decision, but no one has stepped forward to lead a referendum or recall drive . Secretaries in the supervisors' offices said the telephone calls continued to pour in today u they did most of Thursday · frolli cilib:ens protestfn& the proposed raise 1n .,pervisors' salaries to $29,269 a year. Board members currently are paid 115,000 annually. State Class Set For Bus Driver A woman bus driver for the Capistrano Unified Scbool District has been chosen to take a special Highway Patrol course far bus driver instructors in Sacramento. Miss Patricia Irving will receive at least 120 hours nf instrucUon during a course which will stress claS3room tralnlng needed by bus drivers, com· prehcnsive behind-the-wheel training and teaching techniques. The Instruction program ls sponsored and paid for by tbe U.S. Department of Transportation and the caiifornla State Department of Education. Thfl course marks the first time the state has held classes fur potential ln- atructors for school bus drivers. Clemente Woma11 Faces He~~g on Child Beating A 2~year-old San Clemente: woman a woman babysitter shoving the children facts preliminary hearing Tuetday on out of a car. chartes <lf felony childbeating involvln1 lnvestlgatlon after the Initial call late her four-year-old aon and tl·mooth..old last week however, revealed that tM . d1111hter. -chtldron had tllegodly baen beaten by Judy G1l<ill)'I, ol 142f,N. El Camino the ir mother. Rul. lilqedly beat 1ni! 1biued both Tho Hays wom.on's husband. •Marine. chl.ldtta at the raldence, an apartment is poulbly on leave ln Oklahoma. officers houle. said. His anct """eab0\11111 not llnown. Police lnvetilgated the case after The childrtn wtte plactid in care ol neiabbora: called reporUag teeing Oondl fosttr homes. Mrs. Hays remained ln Dulr Magen, 4. with tWQ blacll eyes and Cllltody. etYd bndaea on his face, Detectives 11id they fimd old scan ol tnYesU&attts later d I 1 co v t r e d prevloul Injuries on Ute boy'a back. abrasions brulla Ind pooatblo bums on Formli chlr&ea lo the cue wm filed Paula Ha)... 11 ...,thl. In South Ou111e Counly Munldpsl Court Deledlv" 11ld tho mother ori&ln11ly early this w"lt. Twday'a hearlnf 11 uoorted 11111nl\lrill bid baeo uuled by schoduled ~or I 1.m. Sherri/ f 1Jp/io£fer'I . ~,·~ ~. L , s'r. " .. 1· r ·· ----. '; .', I . For tM lint lil'M, this fin• nne ol uphoktory ;, new ovoilable to the Wost. Ono of .tha finest producers of upholstery in the country, Sherrill w~I be • new el• perience in viewin9.qu1Hty fumiture. An un,,.ralle'-d selection of fine fabrics coupled with cra~smamhip un matched in the s1me price catagory. If you are in nHd ~f ~hoist!")', be surt and c.omt in to view t+iis e1citin9 collection of mod1r1t1ly pticed. quartty ( DEALERS F.OR: HENRE1>9N -DREXEL -HERITAGE NEWl'ORT llACH 1n1 Woatdlff Dr., 6>42·2050 or1N PRtDAY 'TIL ' INTERIORS " LAGUNA llACH 345 Norlh. c-1 Hwy. 4'4-45.1 I OrlN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 ..... ,. ,... ... ., 0.-.. c..., .... ,w I \ I r I I I I \. I ' . . . • . .. . • . . ., . \. I I 17 I I I I I . ' __ San Clemente - .. . • • .. ~~81'ul• .. •aal---1 Ca isirano EDITION ·N.Y. Stoekl VOL 63, NO. '266, ~ SECTIONS, 44 \PAGES ORANGE COUNl;f, CALIFORNIA • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, ·1970 TEN CENTS • County Transit District Under One • • • System By JACK Bl,IOBACK ·01 .... Otflt flll91·fllff The Or.ange' Cciunty Transit District was born Tuesday •. WhBt is II supposed to do! How -will it get into action! Proponents or the new entity, approved by the voters 2)1,977 to 174,231 Tuesday, uid it would : -Bring the total county rapid transit problem under one s~tem. PresenUy there are individual franchises in various cities, plus lhe RTD buses from Los Angeles. Most bus firms are. losing mone)'."' -Provide an agency for c~ty participation ln regional decisions and systema development. -Implement a short tenn , solution to our mass transit prOOlem. -Establish an agency ~capable of presenting all ol the facts to the public and implementing action favored by the public. When and bow does it get into a~on t . San Juan Capistrano Ousted Official A~ks Hearing The recent suspension of San Juan capiatrano's administrator-clerk Ernest Thempson by the city council is stin;ing up more of a flap than the departure of the swallows. The ~date for Thompson's public hearing Is expecf.ed to be set at Monday's 7 p.m. meeting of the council. The ousted of- ficial !las formally requested a hearing to which he iS. ~gally entitled under the terms of his c:ootract. Tbe ' contraCt also states that despite CofC Lauds Clemente Sewer Syste11i any defense made in Thompson's behalf, the council's decision will be final . So the anticipated public hearing Is being looked at as a forum for public opi- nion and members of the community are already looking forward to it much like they would a three-ring circus. On the sidelines are numerous rumbl- ings precipitated by lbe • admiDistrator's suspenslnn. A group of Thompson's supporters met in the Ken Lowe home at 27792 Camioo Santo Domingo Wednesday to discuaa the Q,ilality o( their city government. Lowe 5aid the group ls looking into the legal procedure for recalling city councilmen and are sending feelers into the com- munity to see how much support there might be for such a move. Lowe made particular reference to Mayor Tony Forster and his role in the administrator's ouster. He said there has been a personality conflict between the mayor and the administrator and that it Ca•istrano Beach Chamber of Com· is going to cost the city at least $20,000 to r find a replacement for Thompson, a merct directors bave voted to commend person who would not even be familiar The passage of the. ~ Tuesday immediately created the dlatrict. But that doesn't mean Immediate acUon. First a board of directors mwit be ap- pointed, two by the county superviaon from their nwnber, two by the oounty League or Citiea aod a fifth member by the first four. As soon a.s these appointments are made lhe transit diatrict ii a fact of lift. The directors are empowered by law to levy a tai: up to fiVe cents per \100 assessed valuation. They may al.so lncur a bondea lJI.. debtedness with the approYaJ of tb.e voters or up to 20 percent-of the assessed value of the district. The district covers the county and the present assessed valuation ii $3.t biJJion so the transit en- tity could conceivably sell bonds valued up to '780 milllcn. The district may also issue revenue boods payable solely from I.be revenues Lathered Over· BQtnecoming of any faCillfy or enterprise to be ac- quired or created by the diatrict., 'Ibey would also require a vote of the ·people. The rlnal power of the district is to ac- cept contributions or , loam lrom the federal or state governments er any department, instrumelitalitJ or ag~ of either for the purpose of fJnancing the. ac- quiliitioo, construction, maintenance and oper.atlon of transit facilities. The Board of Supervisors .decided ·lut August to put the district .question ,to tba e ' . "OAIL Y 'ILOT ,,_.. _,, ·~ Y~ "' ..:. . ' . vote!'1 at the 1tron1 recommendatlm of the Orange County Tranel~ Committee. This group, headed by Hubert L. Ferry Of Fullerton had been studying the transit problem for many years. Formatkln of the district was backed by the League al CiUes, 'tbe· UCJ.J>roject 21 Study Team on TransportaUon Needs; the Orange C.ounty Chamber of Com· merce; the League of Women Voters and · the American Aalociation of University, ~women. • VIV Blasts, Come After.Truce Extended By United Preli llltenlatloul Terrorists struck in the center of Tel Aviv today, eqiloding two bombs near the main bus depot crowded with llraeU hciliday-goers. The bold attack came only hOurs after the renewal of the U.S.• inltiated cease-fire in the Middle East. The lsr~li. state radio said at least tt persons, were injured in the explosions 1near the bus station in downtown-tel ;1 AV-iv. A htih-ranking polb alfl~ uld t tbe tWe bo'Qbl ~'"'"" ol .>1!!!!11 ~all I ~' of . ~t;:a~acb,. aploded almolt slmulla~_. . • , TIW Ar~~·~;~ :. hoWfVer,·nm•initd IDent.lritb botlraktel • qnielJ>g to ........... ti. the truce put ~ 'l'llllnd:r n\ldnllhl cie.cru.. (S p.m. ~). llfl lllJ .. I DO lime llmJ~ but flJd It trill not abool .fin.t. . ' F.aPt •ld·loday It will not m .end lhe ' ...,.fire &eyond Feb. ~· Jordan a!!o uld ll)l ,will abide by the extenlloo, reeoin- mended lil an Al~~!an resolution •Po p.roved Wednesday by the U.N. Geitral Assembly. the City of San Clemente for its non· with the city. polluting___se~er sy,stem _scheduli;:'!-d _t~o~~"The-city has had one-man rule,'' con-San.Clemente High School stude:Us are right on begln shakedown operapon this month. tinued Lowe. "Tony does what he target with their Whipped cream containers. They iQ( lMg-o-war in 01'1 Plaza Park climaxed a hon:te- coming parade. Hofnecon1lng queen and: court :WilJ~ be crowned at' hal!time in the Triton·Diablo game. The bJch-ranklng police olfl<or In Tel Aviv said a delivery tnJCk_ parked ii· legally near -i""nxwie holjle. appanat.11 prevented a heavier casualty toll in: today's erploskins becauae it acted .. u a shield against the nylng obrapnel. . The bus station .war -crowded;. ·with workers .lea Vint • for the -tlong-Jewiltt weekend which begine at hmchtbne ·on Friday. A similar bbmb 'uploskln at tbt same bus station aboat "'twO ')'earl qo killed one penon lftd, 'lnjurei:I aevera.J Chamber President Jim Elliott said the pleases. Besides that we have reason to were in a froth over tonight's homecoming game unanimous vote is a recommendation to believe he has cost the city several bun-' against Mission Viejo. The tussle an'd a rope-rend-the chamber general members to .~e dred thousand dollars in flood control -=~====;:_..:.:c:.:...:.:;:..c=;_:__.;:_.;:__::.... ________________ ~---'--""-~ presented Nov. 11. -'!t. money." The board will also ask the members to Forster told the DAILY PILOT that he recommend to the Board of Supervisors believes the judgment of the majority of of the County 0£ Orange that all ap-the council was right and proper because propriate steps be taken to secure similar they are all honest men and none have reclamation disposal throughout the personal gripes against Thompson. "They county, looked at the job being done and weren't The board recommendation includes a satisfied, "-he said. request that the supervlsors take action-He further stated that the replace- to insure that the regional ~wage ment's stlary will depend on his exper· disposal arrangements proposed with Y1e ience and qualllications and that a good counties of Riverliae and San Bernardino man could save the city two or three stress reclamation rather than ocean out· times the salary by exercising good buai· fall disposal. ness pra~ces. 1 • DAILY 'IL.OT ttaff ...... DR. BEASLEY EYES TOM WHO CAn AROUNO SCHOOL OFFICES Blwhl1k1recl Me1cot H11 GIY9n Op M'c• To A11um1 Encutlve Role County Dropping Rye Grass Seed On Burned Areas Reseeding of the ftre ravaged hills near El Toro and in Trabtico C&nyon bu begun by the Slala Division al Forestry. Rye graa ii beJnc ocallared from ligbl. planes which are usinl a bulldozed aintrip across Trabuco meu. c.ounty Fire Warden Elmer Osterman has e1timated the cost of tbe project at '4,100. 'lie said the rye graa will sprout before the l!'inter ninl begin and If t.he rainfall ii gentle and penJalant the gra1& will grow enough to prevent beavy erosion. 0.Iennan iald the September fires burned more than 2.-~ in the coun- ty. . Tom • ID ,. Pusher Ele~ted Drug Dealer Wins Justice Post- LA Wi!ENCE, Kan. (UPI) -Phillip C. Hill emerged from .obscurity Thursday to claim eJecUon as jusUce of the peace. Chancea are he'll never be obscure again. Although he didn 't tell either the voters « the politicians who he was or what he did be!ore Tuesday election, he has told them now. And they might not like it. "Mainly I earn my, living by peddling dope," HUI said, "and l suppose I'll keep en aince you can't earn rp.uch as a JP around here. '' Hill. 23, says he sells "all kinds of dope except heroin. I won't have anything to do with · lhal stuf(. Bui I sell LSD and ~and almoat everything. There's not much money in marij~ · -too much of it growing around here." • "If he's a damn hippie, I don't'1mow anything about It." the Douglas Count:Y Democratic chairman said. "I've never heard of him. · "Anyway, I thought the 'Office of justlce of I.he peace had been abolilhed." , The office has not been 1bolbhed u Hill, a university dropout c~ testify. "Just make a mental ·note cf his name," said AttOrney General-elect Vern Miller Thursday, "Ind how 'long it ii be fare you bear that-be bas .been , Al'- rested." , ' ''I'll put an undercOver agent on hlm.'' ~Id Miller, who before winn1nc: ·tbt at-· tomty general electlon on a, ~ Jaw .. and-order campaign wu the .Seqwick County sheriff. Exe~ntive Post ,, . . dozen more. ' · Cap~strano CofC Has U.S., Flags for Sale Capistrano Beach Chamber of. eom. merct's Flag 1ale cbalnnan,-Ruae! Henchman, Is 1skin1 residents. and b"~tnessmen of the beach cOmmunlty to fly United Stales Fla11 on Veterans' DIY. Nov. 11. ·11enCllman. lo an appeal to the chamber's tioard of dlrecton Weilnesday. wd Flag klla 1113,91 wW be sold by bia committee In qie ~ offM:e, 34112 Dohe11y Park Road, and In Kenny's . Hmhiare, 34291 Doheny Park Road, bollt, In Capistrano Beach. . Henchman's commtttee bu sold 150 fiap In I year.Jq drlVe for ,"dllpJay Of the colon tn.<;tplatr~ ~ch." • .eru,. C.1• Sides wW clear up Salmdal' and tum 111nny foe SWlc!ay aJooa Ibo coatl, with t.mperaturu rilln& to • locally and ., to 7S further ID- laod. -.. ~smE TO.D.t.Y •-- • • ' • ' • 2 OAILY PILOT SC Frid.IJ, N-6. 1970 -· • ' . ' ' ' • ·. -Superviso'~ .'Pay Hike Contested~ ' ..-~--. By JACK BROBACK Of ... Dlllr Pl .. I Slt ff Outgoing Orange County Supervisor Alton E. Allen or Laguna Beach todBiY defended a ~ percent pay raise voted for &be five-man lxla.rd. while taxpayers 2nd Arrest For Chief's Son in Dana By JOHN VALTERZA Of tllt O..IY Plat Si.ff An arrest and clamorous court case more than a year ago returned like a ghost today wiUt the arrest ln Dana Point of ZJ..year-old SteVen Murray on charges of attempted bW"glary,. MtuTay, • Costa Mesa resident. Is the son of San CJemente Police Chief CWford Murray. The young man's arrest in April of 1969 -led by his own fath er -involved four counts of narcotics violations and a four· month jail sentence served in solitary confinement. Sheriff's Capt. James Broadbelt said the arrest late 11Juraday night stemmed from the complaint of a woman who saw two men at the rear of a Dana Point residence. Deputies on patrol stopped an auto mat.ch.lng the description given by the caller and arrested Murray, of 253 cabrillo St., Costa Mesa, and Robert GU· fen Robeson, 19, who gave hi s address as the Dana Marina Motel, Dana Point. The two men were booked at Orange County Jail on the charges of attempted burglary -a standard classlflcatlon in prowler arrests. Broadbelt stressed, however, that no theft:-.. 4pparenUy occurred at t h e residebce. eroadbett.aaid that arraignment on the charges bas hot yet been scheduled, ad· ding that because"ol the.nature of the in· cident and arrest "eVldence sUU nllght be lackin& for a solid cue.'' It was a probe led by <ltlef Murray in March of 1961 which led to.the arrest of hia aon in tile drive.way of the f&mily home. Alla' the arrest, yowiger Murray be.iped exPose a 100-pound·a month mari- juana mwggllng rlng. He. then received the jail ae.ntence on charges of tranlPldna: marijuana. ~ ~·· prol>alb! W.... include!! In !lie oen~. SJnce then Stave Murray had moved to canon City, Nev., to work in i manuf~c· Wring concern which llllboequenUy laid off moat gf its e.mploye.s. "Re.-baa lived in Costa Mesa since then," the.chief said today. "He's mat· ried and has a life of his own. 0 0ne bas to wonder, sometimes, how tong the ~ink.age in the public's mind has to persist between a grown son and a father who is a public official.'' The chief's anguishing role In the narcotics arrests became a grave personal crisis. "U my kid has to go down the. tubes, that's the way it has to be. I had to make the. decision," he aa.id at the Ume. "I have done professionally what t thought had to be done. In the final anaJysis, you have to do wbat you believe is right You have to stparate your personal feelings from your professional GDeS." Gangpl!lnk Topples NEW ORLEANS (iJ'I An overcrowded gangplank was blamed for a shipyard accident in which three men were drowned and about 20 others in· j1.-·:d. DAILY PILOT .....,., ... .......... di C-M- ............ .... ,._,...., s.n ""' ORAHC<li COl\$T PUILISHIHG COMPAAV lto\t•rt N. w.n ,.._kl#ll .,.. .. MllllMI' J•ck It c,,1.., v~~•4<**a1~ lhom•r Ka1Yil It Ifft 7hOt1111 A. M11rp~i111 Mant9\n3 EOIJor launched and fumed. County counsel Adrian Ki.typer, mean- while, warned of a new angle tn the con· troversy : supervisors may gel no pay at all for awhile yet. The whole hopping-mad issue centers on passage of Proposition 12 on TUesday'1 ballot. Allen's successor. fifth DI strict Supervisor-elect Ronald capsers had some strong feelings on the subject of the 95 percent pay raise, a apokesman revealed this morning. "He believes that there Is a good possibility that this move may be tied t'& the fact that two members of the board are retiring," ~ spokesman said. "He his been telling people and board members that,he thinks they should hold off on major ilecisions like the airport and the incorporation of the dty of Irvine until the new board taKes office· in January," the spokesman continued. "The new supervisor thinks it is in· consistent for the board to push through a pay increase just before they go out. He feels it is ill-t imed and although he ls not denying that some increase Is deserved, he would like to see an unbiased, ob- ject group of citizens study the matter,·• the spokesman said. "Capsers has pointed out lhat In the business world. when raises are con- sidered, comparisons are made with other industries. He feels you just don't jump into these things," the spokesman added. "He al.90 feels it would be Laken in· to consideration that the voters of Orange County turned down Prop. 12." Kuyper said its passage could mean that the supervisors in unchartered coun- ties. like Orange County, would not be paid unJess Uiey take some immediate acHM to set their own sa18ries. He said the proposition was a con- stituUonal ·amendment and the state Constttntio11 supersedes any previous ac- tion by the legislatures Oiat formerly have set tht pay scale for supervisors. At the earlleat a new ordinance could not be passed untll Tuesday and it would not become Jaw until 30 days later. U there's~• movement to collect names for a referendum to block the supervisors action, 46~ signatures of registered voters inuat be collected within 30 days oE any salary 9rdinance·by1he board. Allen, whose term of office expires Jan. 4, iuued a statement on the controversy today, . ~·Although I have no self-interest In establishine new salaries for the board of superyilors as now allowed by state law, I have always fell that l · yeu unfair that these salaries were established at the whim of.Jhe state Legislature. "Jf we ~ere a charter form of govern· "1'•1!1,,!!>t~ la no questton In dly mlnd hut that' b:ie salary schedule woufd be tied in ;,with JAlt of the judiciary as in Le>! Angeles Oxmty," Allen continued. ~ Angel~· supervisors are paid ap-P~Itma~ly $32,000 a year, the same as Superior 'Court judges:' "It has been the responsibili ty o( the grand jury to mike recommendations on the sal,ary level of., the board," Allen ad- ded. "In the eight' years I have been in office, .these recommendations have been consistently ignored by the s t a t e legislature." • "No doubt the present salary scale of supervilors is very, very low." added F o u r t h District supervisors, newly· elected Ralph B. Clark. "Other.wise l woul.d prefer to say noth.ing more at this time." Clark. who will take office Jan. ~. ad· ded however. '"I have received dozens of calls on this subject blaming me, and I had nothing to do with it, of course. I ha ve enough as an Anaheim councilman without interfering with the Board of Supervisors at this time. "Most of those who called me agreed that the present salaries of the supervisors are too low, but added that they thought the 95 percent raise was too much," Clark said. "As it stands at this time those on the board Will have to face their constituents for their actions," newly e I e c t e d supervisors said. Taxpayers throughout the county are fuming over Wedliesday's decision. but no one has stepped forward to lead a referendum or recall drive. Secrttaries in the supervisors' offices said the telephone calls C<>ntinued to pour in today as they did most of Thursday from citizens protesting the proposed raise in supervisors' salaries to $29,269 a year. Board members currently are paid $15,000 annually. I Saddleback Selections One of these Saddleback College coeds will be tap· ped as the school's 1970 Homecoming Queen Satur- day night when Gauchos meet .~an Bernardino Val· ley College Indians at Mission Viejo High. From left are Anita Becker. Mission Viejo; April Morgan, Fountain Valley; Rho~da Ferguson, Corona del Mar, Dianne Hardy. Tustin, and Trish Thomas, El Toro, Saddleback wUl welcome back its only grad· uating class -the Class of '70 -during homecom- ing, which takes the theme. "Those· Were The Days." Holiday Move Date Seen University High Sch~ol Campus 'Ready by Christ1nas' As far as the move into University·, High is concerned, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas." That's what Tustin Union High School officials 'expect they'll be saying after a meeting Monday with architects to nail down the date all buildings at the new liChool will-be-ready. ___ _ Supt. ·William Zogg said once a date is set, vendon supplying furniture and fix· Laguna Building Permits Increase During October' Building figures ill Laguna Beach lllch- ed up slightly in October with the issu- ance of 42 building permits for construc- tion valued it $280,752. • This compared with 211 permits In OCtober, 1969, with a valuation of $:141 ,000. Total C<>nstruction value for the year to date continued to 'lag, however, reaching only $2,219.210 for 420 permits. compared with a valuation of $5,510,158 for 440 permits issued in the same period last year. Major commercial structures ac- C<>unted for the high 1969 valuation. Four permits for new one-family dwell· lngs were issued in October, 29 perm ill for residential and C<>mmercial altera· tions and additions and the balance for walls, fences and miscellaneous items. State Class Set For Bus Driver A woman bus driver for the Capistrano Unified School District has beeh £hosen to take a special Highway Patrol course for bus drive r instructors in Sacramento. Miss Patricia Irving will receive at least 120 hours of instruction during a course which will stress classroom training needed by bus drivers, com· prehensive behind-the-wheel training and teaching techniques. The instruction program Is sponsored and paid for by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the California State Department of Education. The C<>urse marks the first time the statt has held classes for potential in· &tructon for school bus drivers. tures ror the new hl&h school can be given their notice. "Some vendors want 45 days warning." Delayed by a sheet metal worker! strike last summer, the University Park high school was to have been completed by next Monday. Among things delaying the completion have been delivery or tile for the roof and door frames, Zogg said. Officials have noted in the past that it y,•ould be difficult to move the student! and faculty from Mission Viejo high where they are sharing a duplicate facili· ty on a half-day basis within a two-day weekend . Thus, the longer Christmas holidays are more likely to be c h o s e n for the move. • But final word on the move Is due Mon- day, Zogg said, following the meeting with architects. Bluff Restaurant OK'd Pro~ls for construction of a bluff. top restaurant overlooking Dana Harbor were approved Wednesday by the Orange County Planning Commission over pnr tests by several residents. The 6,300-squa re-foot structure Is plan· ned by Restaurant Adventures for the east side of Street ol tile Green Lantern, south of Santa Clara. • Planning Commissioner Harold Ekman INTRODUCING • of South ·Laguna said a zone change for the bluff area would be undertaken by the planners. The area is zoned for multi· family use, but is master.planned for high. density residential and commercial uses. Dr. Roger Sanderson, spokes man of the Dana Point incorporation group, wa s one opponent·of the varia nce at the hearing. "A complete mixture of business and residential leads to unhappiness on every- body's part," said Sanderson. • Countians Injured In C1·ash ' l A group of Orange County land deYelopment associates is. recovering to- day from injuries suffered In one of two carbon-copy plane crashes it'I' n1gged northern California terrain since Wednes· day. Fliers in the second crash were killed Instantly. Each accidP.nt involved builders and In· vestors returning from outdoor holidays in Oregon and occurred while the planes were in guided to instrument or radio landings. The twin-engine Aero Comm1nder own· ed by Dunn Properties corporation overshot Uk.lab Airport Wednesday night. banked northeast and pancaked Into a forested hill. A , twin-engine Comanche m I s a e d Eureka-Arcata Airport Thursday · on dwindling fuel, circled, ran out of eas i nd slammed into an ocean bluff below the runway on the final approach. Authorities at Ukiah Hospital sa id the men injured in the Wednesday nlght crash were treated for scratches and bruises and would be released today. They included the pilot, Rick Theston. 26, of Santa Ana, John Dunn, 48, of Tustin, Wayne Ca lahan . 40. of Westminster and ,Ray Smith, 38, of Garden Grove. Dunn is pr:esident of the firm that bears his name, with branches at 2009 E. Edinger Ave.. Santa Ana. and 10940 Kalama River Ave .• Fountain Valley. Theston h.iked from the crash scene five miles northeast of the airport Thurs- day morning to summon help for his companions and telephone information about the crash to federal aviation authorities. Hotel Ordinance Reconsideration Set in Laguna .4. long-delayed ordinance restricting occupancy by minors of-hotel and molt.I rooms in Laguna Beach will be back on the city council agenda Dec. 2, coun- cilman Edward Lorr said this week. Loren Haneline. owner of The Seas. Vacation Village. told the C<>uncil be had been asked by the Hotel·Motel Associa· lion to inquire into the fate of the pro- posed law, which the hotel owners felt would be "beneficial to the city." Lorr said action had been postponed because of the vacation of C<>uncilman Roy Holm and the subsequent absence of mayor Richard Goldberg, but the legislation will be up for consideration. again Dec. 2. The proposed ordinance would ban oc· cupancy of hotel rooms by minors under 18 unless accompanied by an adult parent or guardian, and by more than five minors under 21 unless accompanied by an adult. ' For the first time , this fine line of upholstery is now «!chard I'. Jtel llUlll onntt c.nr u nor -C.11 MIN: J30 Wnl ley Strtel Clemente Woman Faces ovoil1bl1 to the Wost. One of the finest producers of upholstery in the country, Sherrill wnl be a new e1- perience-in-viewin·g-quality-furn·iturt:-Mlln-par1Heled selection of fine fabrics coupled with cr1ftsmanship unmatched in the wme price catagory. If you are in nMd-of-upholstory, Iii sure om! come in to viiwtk'~il~ "caing collection of modoretoly p<iced, qu1Gty Nll'J*f auc11: mi wnr .. .., aouin.N • Lao.-l•d•: 2U F-1 AVtnW H_.1~ a..d'I: 1711S lwdl ~ a.n OWNn111 as Nor111 1.1 c....... 1t1a1 Hearing on Child BeaJing_~- ~-.,---r--,;A-24-year-old San Clemente woman OAI\. v l'ft.OT, .... ~ 11 ~ ... faces preliminary hearing Tuesday on ....... ,..,_,, II ~ ~hlf'f ~ a.. ..,. 1n ..... o11T11M1 tw "'-~ charges of felony childbeating involving ......,. 1N1c11. C.• ..... ""'""""'' her four-year-old son and IJ-mont!Hld e..dl .. ,.....,. ~·-· .... Wlftl .. ~-· *'",_, °""*' °'"' PW!Wllrlf daughter. r.i='i:!'1:::..::;-..::, ::.22~ :! Judy Gale Hays, of 1426 N. El Camino .., '""'· ca. MM. Real . allegedly beat and abused both ,.,.. .. rn41 au.oat children at lhe residence, an apartment Cl tfW Maj11 I I '41-1611 boule. ._ er ra Al 111 u1 Police tnvesU,ated the. case afttr Tai 1a111 .,...... neighbon called rePortJ.na aeelng Dondl '*"""'' 1wt.1 ~ °"" PIM¥llll1 Duff Magera, 4., with two black eyu and ~ .... _, ...._ ... 1r11-. "'-·1~ I..•-fa •'-"'I _..,,.. ., ......,.._.,. -""'"' ttYert ""~on 1ua ce. "' 111 •• •z:r ....... _.. ..,.. lnveltla:aton later 411 c o v e r e d = .:_ ~.i:wj ,....... .... abrasions, bruises and possible burns oa ...,. c.te...., a 11 .,., .., Paula U.,1, 11 montht. ..,,... v,. .....,, "...-a.n _.,,.,, Dettctlvts safd &he mother orlgtnally tnlftwY .. ,.,., ....... -.. ....rtff lbe Injuries hod been caiued by a woman babysitter shoving the children out of a car . Investigation after lhe Initial caJI late last week however, revealed that the children had allegedly been beaten by their mother . The Hays woman's husband, i ?tfarlne. is pcwlbly on leave in Oklahoma, officen said. His exact whereabouts ls not known . The childrtn were placed In care of roster homes. Mrs. Hays remained ln custody. · DctttUvts said they found old scars or previous Injuries on the boy.'1 back. Formal charges lo the case were fll~ In South orange ·C.Ounty Munlclpa.I Court early this week. Tuesday's bearinl Is scheduled for 9 a.m . ( DEALERS FOR: HENREDON DREXEL -HERITAGE NEWPORT BEACH 1727 W11tcllff Or., 642·2050 OPIN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 • INTERIORS .J'rolot1lon1I Interior O..lgnors Avolloblo-.AID-N51D " LAGUNA llACH )45 North Coos! Hwy. 494-6551 OP'IN fRIDAY 'TIL 9 ,._.Tel .._, ....... 0...,. c...., M .. 1JU ..... ... ~----~~----------....ii!_ • ' j I I DAILY PILOT JS Useci.Jurn.iture -1~~~~~~ A varldy ol uoed futnllurelj; wW be dfered for sale from 9 IMmlUL CLOTMa • • • t\lew Officers -Auxiliary , Breakfasts A-ssume ·· 'Duties Mrs. Martin Stellnor, Jn. t<wurer; Arnold Ari!, ca> comlng worthy maU.O ol ducti.ia ml James' Graham, Harbor Star Chapter Mii, .. UllltClatt eonductrels. °""' $llglltty OMd a.m. lo I p.m. on Saturday, a1 11i. """'° un't Mir • • ... •• 7 In ~-M v--1& ~ 1n 1119 "'"" 111'-. ,,ov. , -aa ciUll;: n..1r ~ -v-·Got• A b re a k fa I t for new Untied Methodist Church. members Is ....... -Mred ....._.by tile ..... 1ehaol THI SICOND TIMI .HOUNI ......... "I"""~ ..,...., ...... .. •· INI SI., CMt8 .,_ by Lu Ayudlnlel, luxUiary of ;~you~th~sroup~~· ~aa~l~e~pr~oe~..a.;:' ~~~-~~,,~·~· ~-~·~·~-~~i !he Fanilly &rvice Auoc:ll· will ben<iit Ill tttasury, Uoo'" ~ B<ach. • -Order of the Eastern sta,,_.,IU Othon are the MmeS. C A.- receive the gavel durlni Pflonfat, cbaplila; · Madtline ceremonies Tuesday, Nov. 10, Yearsley, manhel: F1orence in the Seafaring Maaonlc MacGlnlUe, organist: William Mn. Dudley Boyce wJll open her Huntlnlloo Beach ho~ at lO~a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 10, for the event. Max Moods Modeled Mode1ing Peter Max dresses from the exhibit now open in the Newport Harbor Art Museum are (left to right) Mrs. J ohn AndresoQ and ~irs. Craig Combs. More than 500 museum me1nbers and guests previe\ved the Peter Max display which includes sheets, pillo\v cases, to\vels, textiles, clocks and kitchen utensils, all-vividly-designed. Peerin g Ar ound A TRIO was encircled in the Hitt, assis tant secretary of C. J\1arlins of Whittier. honor spotlight · during a he:i.lth educatioh an d welfare, Others attending were Leon luncheon party aboard Frank and he r hu!band. Robert. S. J.,yon and J\1r. and Mrs. Jay Mu!Jer's Mojo. They "·ere guests of the Albert L. R~cd of Newport Beach. Mrs. George P. Yardley,1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. who has recuperated fron1 major surgery and is back on 1 the job at the Balboa ijay 1 Club, shared honors With Muller and J ack Fugilt who cekbrated their birthdays. j Among guests attending festivities, which also included a cruise around the bay. werC' Gen. and Mrs. Curlis LeMay,1 Adm. and Mrs. Oli ver Maq uin, 1 Col. and Mrs. J\fercdith Shade, Owen Sull ivan and the l\1essrs. 1 and Mmes. Robe rt Yardley, Don Woodward, To mm y Webster, Ernest Saflig, 0. \Y. Richard and Morrie Smith, TEN PROVI S IONAL members wCre acccpfcd by Mano Con Amor Auxiliary of Children's Home S o c i e t y during a membership coffee in the Park Newport Spa. They are the Mmes. Herbert Miller, Mark Moss, James Hodge, Thomas Phillips, Donald MacLean, G a r y Schwandt, Edwin Van Dell , C, Glynn Annstrong, Lawrence Norton and Jay Gegenberg. ORANGE COAST residents who are members of th e Montebello lligh S c h o o J graduating class of 1961 are being asked to contact l\fissl Sherry Barber, 14116 E. High St., Whittier, 90605. A 11}-yearl reunion Is being planned. SPECIAL GUESTS at the Comlr.g Nov. 7 Family ~ek.{r Con Spend :~~~~e;;~icofo~a~~~;~ I ~~s Money .i Califomla were Patricia Reill] l;i;,51 ,, ;~ M Experts give advice on cutting the costs of ' .. em ber:s -••er.y.d.cty_e11pend;1ures and h.ow tQ set up Q I\_ '1 I -. ~ Welcomed .f!.,t;v. budget. • Six new members will be ' welcomed Into Beta Alpha Xi Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi al 8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 9, In tht Costa Mesa home of 1.1rs. Peter Sjodin. I They include lhe Mmes. •· RIDIN' EASY -Dennis Hopper, director of ''Easy Rider," tell s ho\v he pursued bis career doing his O\\'n thing. It's the cover story this "1cek. e BABY PUNCHES CLOCK -Medical break· through in indurcd labor coul d end those mid· night dashes to the hospiW and make havil)g a baby a ''nine to five" job. Franlt Bardenheicr. Douglas t Elmer, Timothy Ke I I e y ,I Robert Lipscomb. A 11 e n 1 Mlrbut and Hanle Schmilton. • Miss Leslie Murray, an elementary school tea cher, ""ill I hare her experiences on al European trip. THE . BEST •••d•rthip pollt prow• "P•.tt• 1 flub" It on• of th• world't l'l'IOtl All Coining Saturdhy in ·the I DAILY' PILOT ,J 1 ,op·ul'tt comic tlrip1. R,,4 lt ~ c1,11., 111 the DAILY PILOT. "'---------'·"-~~~~~~~~~~~~-iii , Appleby, Adah; Albert Kuhn, Temple, Newport Beach. Ruth; Walter Po 1taft1, Installed with her during the Martha· Roy lngmund""' a p.m. meeting will be Peter Electa,' and Alice Ellsworth: Pat Camey, a 10C!a! worker for tM eervtce, wll1 diacuss ways tbe auzlliary can uslat Family Service. Nutmeats will 1uy-c,1r1 1ctiv1 wear for meft ind boys Jansen, worthy patro1, and Warder the ~es. William Johnson, Abo ~at.eel will be Johnson, assOc1ate matron: Carl Kovell, U!IOCiate patron. Mia Nancy secretary; Syvllla Ce f I 1, Ann Collln90ft, Esther. and be ookf, and proceedJ will benefit the serivee. Xovetl, sentinel. Sewing Hints Hostes"' for the year will be the Malet. Bemlee KnitS, Martha Strolsee, Aris llandall, Ruth Stevens, Robert'. Blunt and Richard PI ct-a 1 r. Ingmundson will serve as naa bearer. Coffee Poured F.or Residents beige ••• lrls ••• l1v1nd1r purple ••• wine ••• c:.oc:.01 new h•ng-tell colors Suggestions le< lnstalliniJ Unique Invisible zippers will be presented by Miss Dorothy Gawenka In Penney's, Fashion Island at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. tomorrow and Wednesday, Nov. 11. Otairman for the tn. stallaUon Ii Mn. Jansen. DemraUont art being ar· ranged by the Kovelb aM Mrs. Clifrord Lewis. The refreshments are being plan. ned by Mrs. Arvella Hen-- d~l"IOO. A. get-acquainted coffee for new resldtnts of New po r l Shores will take place at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. fO, in the Newport Shores Clubhouae. ·····~·"••"' . . ........ ,.. "-7 f•Ui .. lala!MI. MWJOrt kid '4+.I071 ~ Included will ·be a method for applying neck facings by machine and suggesUons on how to handle more dHflcult types of fabric. Sponsored by the Newport Shores Women's Social Com- mitlee, the even~ wih include an art. and 'crafts dllplay by members. . .. . .. . c--.L5Lnn ouncing._..wn..__ __ 1.-----l Sales to the PUBLIC & TRADE Cxciting r/ew Concept .• 0Gvenl " . tn 'ff!erchandijing / NOVEMBER 6, 7, & 8 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. DAILY ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS Newport llvd. at Fair Drive COSTA MESA Don't miss this exciting premier showing of tile oll-new world's first World's Fobric ond fashion Trode Fair and Gift Show. Get !he jump on Christmas buying al this fab- ulous ''instant department store," bringing together fab· rics, fashions, accessories, gift items, and a profusion of other proauds from leod ing manufacturers and distributors throughout the world. Many items at special pre-season sale prices! Take advantoge of this rare opportunity to view and select from one of the most fantastic variety of items you moy ever see in one location. Join the professional buyers as you take your own "jet 1er' shopping tour of the exciting world of foshion, fabrics, gilt items -and much, much more. THERE'S SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE -Mom, Dad, the kids, ana the granillolk's. There's fun, too, wilh live entertainment, fashion shows, and special demonstrations throughout the day and evening on three fashion stoges every day. For your odded enjoyment and reloxation, there's the Paris Sidewolk Cafe, the Hawaiian Hut feoturing Polynesian delicacies, and other refreshments. It's fun •• , it's excitement • , , it's a one-stop viewing and shopping bonanza. Bring the whole family to the fabulous World's fabric and Fashion Trade Fair. HERE ARE JUST SOME Of THE ITEMS YOU CAN SEE AND IUY - FOi Tiii f&SHIOll MllDD lR11t W-'t f••h'-• Jew.lry l An ... •I.It • c..,1.,,.., & ..,,., Clolhet • 1'9'1'.W Ho .. !1011 S.Clltll • .... • Wl11 • Htllf.Slr• h1hltft1 • ~ & '-ill • Ml11l1 .. Moils • AfN Prl11h • Mtal-Sl)'lt1 ' u..,..i. • lollldt, "'"'" -· NI M lln-IMI Jew.lty .t All l'-'t t C•1to111 c.ot. 9' At .. • hvli'll.,. It••• • M1nka11 W r.ry...;.,. Ctafla • S,...19'1 '911111.,.. ""' c.m.... .... ,.,,., kKH "" Cnlli. tttltlM'I I M lfkl.i "°'"" • ,.._, Oltritr u......i awi...., Gtf. "" JIMf;ltl .. FOi THI MAii t,000 l•l*ffll h ilt.., fhlt S/lw. '•" IWlll' .. celort ' tlr.1 • ""' '°"" • ,.,.,,., W..t hM llcKkt • SweaN" tr.. Gr-• t ....... Cyd11 • fo1h!oii AcmNrltt • IM•y Ottlw , .... for .. Mn, FOi llOMI AW• ltwf111 MtdiJM1 t M\llow N,., tf ~ fro• "'°""' lfl• w .. 14. • Mtl"'°'Y lhtMft 1 l••Vf}' V"'"M111 ' $,e<ltl Chrl1t..1 Gift """'la • ,.,.,.,,.., c-41"'"" • tt.w.lllfl ,.,."' • "'""' w.t ••M• • ""'"'""' .t '"""' ,..la ,... "'" ""-., "" QMM, FOi THI llOMI DICOUTOI ""'""'' fl'Olllll • Hoilcl-" s,.n11• r11r11J. ""' • U,hoitlffy • Mculllf N.w W•lw l•ch • ••i•t••f """'...,. Cite:•• • C1t1Mon1 • ............... • D-'opft • Int_.;. o.- .,_ C-..._h • C.,.li"t ' l ildl"' Allflll. -• """ o.c.otlrlt Pabrict • Mor.. FOi MRYONEI Pl!l ....,._~_._...,.,....mm.e~,,._--·'--' PWJ HUHDHOI OP ITEMI AT PAHlASTIC Pft.RASOH lAVIMC~ Mmi11lon: Adults $I, Chidrtn 150c-50% OFF WITH THIS AD II DAILY l'ILOT SC , l.EGAL NOTICE OV-ER--'f.HE COUNT-ER I_ C_q__mp.let~ew York-Stock-List ' Market J - • • • , • • . • • • ' • • • ' • : • • , • • ' • •• • • • • • • • • I ; I j/ ' I ~· ~,_,~-,_.,..,..._.~·-•-T>••••-••":'•1>•-••--•--•""·••--------------·--------------------------~-~~-~--~~-~··--~.,. .. • Pricl•J, Nowmbtr li. ltl10 SC Friday's Closing Prices-Complete New ~ork Stock Exchange List • DAIL v "LOT I 7 ..... ..., . (M1.) Mfllt L-C"-Cllt. ; . . • ., Republicans Capture Guam AGANA, Guam (AP) -The first elected rovernor of Guam : is Rtpublican Cirlos G • Camacho. the last man ap- pointed lo !be posL l!i;iofflclal~ returns Tuelday .. showed lbat c.,,.acho and hl.t • n.IMing mate, Kurt Moylan. tallled more than eo perttnt " the vote, and that Re'publle1ns ' · gained several seats ift the single legislative h o u s e • Clmacho's De mo c r at i c challenger was Ricardo Bor· dallo. ·' Radiation Level 'Safe' • • ' ' ' • • 11. OAft.Y l'ILOT , . .. I" • .. ' Fa\rorite~. Ready for azatlan :Ra~e yj!04f. MDnCB L ' . . . -. .......... +.-- 'Popcorn Duo' Vie For Outboard Crown ....... . .. " LllGAL NOTICI: T.-tto'Tte• TO ca•DITOl:S su,.••to• COUllT cw TM• • STAT• CW CALll"OllJlllA '"°it,' TM• COUNTY M OM .... ,.. ... .... ..,., ~ . l!sta.. f1f AMIEE L. II S, ,..," Ortcffud. ~ LEGAL N<n'ICE ClltTt•ICATa 0,. •USIHlll NOTtcE ti Hfltl"IY GIVl!N tD l'ICTITHXll NAMI cnditor. of fM .-.. H1M111 TM Vfldtnlwntod .io.. C.rllfY l\e ... -.. "'-'·•II "r-llllvlne e111111, - dudlnt 1 !Mn•-.t 1730 LeodOi• rw ealcl ~ .,. """'''"' to "'-.~ It •• Cot!• MtN, Clllforni.. l.lfldlff' ,,. tl~ wltll ,,.. _,,, -..dletl, '" flle '-'lcii . , .... ·~ -ot WEIT<C CON· ot .. ""' ot ... ·-... , .... 4\ $ULT4HTS .nd *'-f uld firm II corn-t. "'9Mllt """'' wlfti t1111 -HNd ., IM folk:IW!ne ..........,. wMM ~ 19 ,.,. !Jftlltf'sl9nM et t11e ·, MIM In 11111 and.~ Ill ~ 11 .. fll hit 11ttor,..,1, OltEl!NllliltG foOtWI! MAGEE, 247 Soutftl lkwrty Orl,.., -C.rl J. ClvncMI, 1230 ~ny, l'I HIMt, C•llfornle rotn. wllldl 11 · COlll MIN, C•llfwTll1. 1ti.t:1 of bu1l111S1 of tfll v"'"nlto'* 1n 1n Def9d Octoblr~~-Jt10. ,...,,,..,. ...rni1n1,.. .. tfll nt111 of ..., C1rl J • ...........,n dlleldlftt, wllllln tour ,,_,.. 1nw .... Sf1t. of C•llfornl1, Or-C:ovnf'I: first 9\lbllQ!klrl of ttll• notice. On Ot!Cber' 29, 1'70. beforl IJlll, I ClfN ()datlw 14. t91t Nolll"I 'ubllc In Mf fpf' 111d $! ... , OOUGL.AS C. StMMCINS .--Hy -....rtd C1rt J. Olino:l11 E•KV1'Df' of !!It WHI of kNIWft .. -to bl Ille .....,_ wt-. frll llloW llMNd dtCMWlt. -ts •ubl.c:rlbttl ta Ille wlt11111 111-o•••N•••• a MA91• ltr'vmtfll llld ~ "' lll'Ktlttd ,., ,... ...,.., DrM ' .. , . ., tM 1111'11. ..._,, ....... c........ ,.,, lUALI Tlh tn*I U..... ""' 1 Mtl'T It Hlon"I • ....,...,. .... •natw ·, l~ Notlrv l"vtttc • c1nf0rftll l"vbllshld or1,,.. cont DllPV Pflo\ ~lflclNCl Ol'tlce In Odllblr 16, 2J. a .,.. No1w1illtt ~ • .... i.... wnt\I' 1'11 ltl7·71 My c.,..,.,,111klrl l!olrn · """· '" 1m l"vbM"*' °' .... c:o.d DltlY !"!lot, LEGAL N<n'ICE Octoblr JO 111111 N......,.,., 4,, IJ, 20, l••~•n!._~-:c:;::-:-:::::::::::::~""'~~~!j·~-:::::::::~~::::::::::-:::-::' t· ,....,, LEG, AL NOTICE C:lltTll"tc:ATI 01' •USINISI "IJt: l'ICTITIOUI NAMa , ~; •-mn .. ~~:='-do .. ~·:!· CllTl,ICATI OP •us•Nnt. LiwVlll 9Hdl, Cl. '2Ul, vr.Nr ,,. nc. l'ICTITIOUS NAMI tlliov. firm llll'M of U.OiJNA Ofl'ICi' Tfc9 ""°'t'lllirwd ci-cwtlf'I IM II -IQUll"MENT Ind tt11t .. Id fll'PTI 11~·· lhlctlnt I Minns II 3'11 Cl'llrrY •--· .-if of 1t!1 follawlnt __,., • Lonw INdl, C1llfotl!l1. vnOtt .. tic-In f\111 •nd PIKet of Hrlklwll:e lllloua fl"" llllN of CUSTOM CONTltOL ft fll'-1: , , '. LAKE HAVASU CITY, Ariz. and racing, trained as an auto COMPANY 11'1111 ""' .... 11"" 11 _. oou.111 A. ... ,., _, Clllntfditti · -Tall, dark and handsome mechanic in hlgh schools then =: 1~ tv~lld~ :C. ':'!-:: •d .. Allltltlrn. c1. ,.. ... "" 1 tolkrtn• MIOo!c I. P1'11, MG2 Clllntkltw ·~ Leif Borger-sen of SeatUe, worked as a machinist with HoW,,.., W•"'· ,,. .._,,. A-.w. A1111111m. C•. ,_. • • • Wash., driver the past two and Precision Engine Specialists c"'-t1el Mir, C1111. OlfM ocro:;,:1' ... '"'"' .. ,.,"' one-half years of Notre Dame, 01'" .=i.:.,'d 1"' ""-''°" 1. P•rtc • t:. the big unlimited hydroplane LEGAL NOTICE St~ ~t1;. 0;~;t' =' _ , i~~',,~~"c%t~t$~NIA. · th t I -· ---· . th 1970 • Oii Ottobe!' JJ, 1ne. ...... ..... 1.41 • a p a ... -.:u aci..v1ru 1n e Nof•rv Public In •1'111 ..,,. .. M s11"" Not•rv Publlc 111 ltllll for .. 1c1 st.lL Gold Cup at San Diego and Sf. P-)flll "'-1111 -'" Howll'd W•l'd knoWll ,..,..,...11\' __,,, Dovela•"' P•l't W ' <•1tTl,.ICATE o" IU11N•s1 to ,.,,. IO br "" --• ..._ -.. • cond in the National High ~ l'ICT1t1ous NAM• 1v~-1t1W to:;: wtlt!trc 11111nrm1rit n :!~ 1~111: :_r;:: 1~ ~· Point Stan...i;.,,.s will be at the vrcder~nld don certllll IM 11 COii-K nKVNlf "'9 -· "" within 1,..1""""" •!Id ldtMWllO.•• , ..... '6 I duc;llnv II bus1neu II nu E. CO.If Hl9t.-(Sf.ALI llllll" l>:KVfld "" -throttle in the $60 000 Out-w•r, coro111 d•I .v.tr 2"25, c111fornll, e. A. HIGl!lllE IOffklll Sffll ' board W Id Ch ' . hi und<tf the flclltlou• tlrm 1111111 of allVCA Not1rv l"vblk • Wlfomll Donlltt'I W Je'l'C or amp1ons p MANAGEMENT co. Ind 11111 .. Id firm l"tfnc:IHI OftlCI 111 Nolll'll l"vi.11c c~n ...... Nov. 21-29 here on the 15 COl'llPO•cid of "" .1o11ow1ne pe;'IO!I, °"""" CovrdY Prlftd,.1OM~1n 1!• ~-· d RJ. Who5' n1me 111 lvtl Ind Pllce of RN-Mr c-rni.io.. lixpt,_ Ori-C-IY _, . ....,.ora o ver. denc• ls 11 fotloWs: AUl'llft lt, tt11 My c-mron Eolr• · " u. 2S b ch I 1~ l!lryson IE. Hickman, lWI Cr1nbtMll: NlfftS • N•ll SePt n 1,,4 .11 • .uvrgersen, , a a e or, 13 er .• s1n11 ""'· c1111. • A""'-• PutiiWcwl Or~~ c1111 Dlll'I P1JirC. teaming with racing 'star Ceted Oct:-• 15. lf7t kmt ~~ ........ c.• Oclotllr '"' 11. a .,,. N .... .,,... IJ' Johnny Adair, rt, Seattle, in 8 STATF. OF c'Imo~·Nrl~ 11 Pvblllflld °''"" COlll blllY Pnet ltJD ''11-7'J 16-foot, four-inch Barracuda OllANGE COUNTY: N~"' ll. • ,.,, im 2171.10 LEGAL NO'l'lCE i..: tuRnel hull packed with twin Pu~lc~· ~ 'i::· !rJ0 ':11'::' i:.=:,r;:., ___ "LEG=:::AL~~N~OTICZ~-"'"----1---;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;-;;;-.u;----:~ M . The two lllPHl'ff l!lrnon E. Hlckm•n knawft to" T441fl OJl'OlilfANC• NO. '9-ft ""·' ercu:Y engines. . . ml to .,. lh• "''°" whos• ... '"' 11 IUl"•IUOfl COU•T °"' .,.... Alf . otl:DINANC• 01' TN• e'WT comprise the Popcorn Racing subscribed to !tie within ln1trument 1ncr STAT• o"' <ALIPOl:JllA ..O• , COllltc:tL DP TM• cl't'r' 011 COO'& ... Team.· ·. ·, .. "-,,,,',"',.".,,lie UKU!ed Ille "'"'· TMll COUNTY cw. OllANel M•U. CALll"OINIA, CNAJ1101"91'.tlllj(to , . Ill. iW76'4 ZONI .. OP A l"ORTIOfit Ofl LOT ...... ... _ !act they -'U be -M•rv IC HMry fltO'TIC•-ell-Jll.,tlU,.. ·W llSTl110M -fllawl"ORT-M•IONn T•4CT·-·~ .lllC _ ... --_ ........ --Not•rr-Publlc. c1fitomta llOI: "'1tOIAT• °" WILL AND JIOR •. •1 TO CIO. ... p,eting with boats 21 to 23 feet PrlnclPlt Office ln LaTTIRI T•ST"'!!llNTAltY . n. Cltr C-" et' tt11 CllY fA 'OW." Jong poses no -rry !or the Or•"" CounlY &11 ... ,Gf lLOYO 0. IUCH.i.1tDSON. M .... """"' Ol'd•ln n '°"°""~ ;..,:.1,. .. v Nov. 2'-ltn o.a..-. IECTIOf\I 1. All !filt -lion of "IN tWj) f'ubltslled Or1n,e COIJI OlllY Pllof, NOTIC:I! ts H!ltEIY GIVl!N flimt, O. fol.,,,,.,,. tlelcr1bed "111 pr_,.,~ .. : "W' e' ~11 be aboard one of Ott~r JO Ind Novtm-.. "' 13, 2t, EU!*' RlcfM;....., .... flied hlA-!11 • """· ,..,.., Pllc:IOlll 1111111 lnc:IVOIOlll 111 !fie 'I~· WI 1JJ9 20»1'11 !Ion fof' ....... of wlft 1111111 for. --.,, z-, fl wit: ':11' the smallest boats in the raCe Len,,,. T .. ,.,.,..,,.,,,. .. "" "'".._, '"'-· ~ a "" " '-"' 1'!'·".i ' LEGAL N-CE rl'lt,_ 1 .. wllldl " midi. for fW1t,11r ..._,, Hll9hll, .. "'" '""' ~ but It really moves and we v •• -'kv••l'll· 1111111 ""' "" rtrM 11111 Nee • m 9oo1:; 4. -u of M11e1111~ -•-·Jd make It ,.. •--~Ing for "' 1111r1111 "" -,,., """ Ht ..,... Min In ""' office 11 ""' -~-~ aiKN • ':"'1-.:M • P-ltl1I N--27, ltJO, 11 t :• 1.m., Ir; the RICOl'W ti ..aid C""""'. -~"'Q. a lot of driven,, predicted Cl!ltTll'ICAT• o .. •USINUI COVrtl'P(l'!'I "' Owl""""" No. l °' Mid Ex c: E .. TING ,,.._._ ...... Borgersen who has been rac-'•CTITIOUI NAM• . covrt, ~~:~ Cantir. Driv. w"'· Ire ~"""' 222 INt tlmtol'. ' • Thi Wrcdef"llgned doel (~·· -""Sib: _llntl . ......_C.llf« -SECTIOH-1.-~---...... ..----tng-torntne-yea • -auct11iiT1M1riiii1r1trc°'."" Ave-. Oitid 4..JfJD. "'SKl'ton mt.•"' t111 Mv111c1,.1 ~·l!'f-· 11. sta~-· driv~g·runa~·ts .c.11 Miu, C•tltonlll, vncMr-Ille lie> w. E. .. JOHN,, tfll C:ltr"' c.t• Mell, Ols!l'kt MW-0.:1 MAZATLAN FAVORITES -Three new yachts are eying handicap honors in the 930-mile Los Angeles to Mazatlan race which gets under way Saturday at noon. Top left is Fred MacDonald's Columbia-43 Encore and top right is John Hall's Columbia-39 Jig Miii~ ........ Time, both flying the colors of-the spofuoring Los Angeles Yacht Club. Bottom photo is Herb John- son's New ZeaJand-47 from San Diego YC which re- cently placed second overall in LA YC 's Harbor Series. IWN Ui uuu tlllovs MPM of A .. H TV •!Id 11'111 Mid C-tr·C1tr1t of .... CllY el CMll MeM .. ~ and followed with stock hydros """ 11 comPOSN of !ht mo-1,.. __,, KNUl"I" .... ,.u,.,, •INndld 11r ,... lddlllon t111r1t11 Gf '9 71'1'1re and -k b I wtcow lllme In IUll •ncl PllCll ol rftldenc• 1-. •• _............. .... ..... .. C1.C:P lrH tlelcrlbttl"' kcilon 1 lwrHr. · crac er o x Iii •• 1o11ows· Wlllltlw, c. ....... ""' s£1CT10N 1. Th t• or.11-t11111 ..,. classes Htctor V. so11. "" wntrnl11Ster T .. , ntn • .,... tllfKf ...i hr 1rc 11111forct111111r 1•1 .._.,. • • AVlllUI. Cmllo ~. C1lllomll ... ....,...,. fir........... from .9'1d •""'·Ill .......... allllll ~JV He became 1 mecharuc for c11..i 0c1~. u . 1tn . Pvbl~ ON,,.. e.-t 0ccr1r l'!11ot. ,... ~1r1111111 "' 111twc 1u1 "'"' ~ N Ire D Unl'mJted ' 1967 Keoclor V. So11 ~ '-7, lJ. IM '°'~'° flle ,....,_ twllOI Wit bl ""bn..-.· 0 ame I ·In STATI: OF CALIFORNIA. -llllCI'" In 1111 OttANGE COAST DML..,. and test driver for Notre ORA'.NGE c:ouNTY' LEGAL NOl'ICE PILOT. 1 -°' _,., c1rm.· Dame ID• 1968 ~-big the 1968 On Oct. 1,, 1t10. twtora '"'· • Not1rr llell, "'"""ft Plllllllfled In tfll •Clft'ot' • UM! . Public In end for 111d Sii~, pet161111!r P'8IH COlll MJil, -'-"'tr wlltc JM ~: d d ~ampaign_. he took[ oy~~ asblullt :":.:111111e~to~ So~::n~T':u':.c~ri.:: CIRTIPICAT• 01' IUllMIU. :: ::"'.::~~"" .. ~ C:OUllCll ~! Tra eWlo n s p time dnver 0 WIC g lo lht wlt~ln lns lrvment ll!d Rltr!OWlede• --"'ICTfTIOVI llAMa ll'ASllEO ANO ACOl"TEO 11111 fM,llla'°'" . 1· lied hlch be the td lie UtcUlftl Ille llme. • ... """'"ltnld do 'Centi\' "'-" .,.. " .. _~,. 197', .7 ... un Im w ars (Offict.l sean conc:lvctl .. I bnlrcnl .. 1....a hkKli ROl!ll!ltT M W1Lst1N ~ Hot Time at Dinner Flames Rout Y aclitsrnen at Biltmore By ALMON LOCKABEY Boa1iDg F.dltor Several hundred yachtsmen and 1.heir wives and girllriends ,'received a fiery sendoff Thur~ay night at Los Angeles Yacht Cob's tradittonal in· struction dinner al t h e Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. When 1.he guesls le.ft the BillmOre Bowl they walked t h r o u g h smoke.filled cor· ridors, dodging streams of water from the "overhead." . Outside, the hotel was com· pletely ringed by fire equip. ment, police and o t h e r emergency equipment. Guestl at the dinner were completely unaware or the fire alarm until they walked out of the meeting. While fir emen were searching throllgb the second floor or the hotel for the source ol the Ore and heavy sm•lkc>. LA YC Commodore Jlm _Eddy was emceeing the gala se ndoff ror the yachtsmen who are :scheduled to hit the •tartfnl line oil the Los Angeles b re 11 kw a.t er Saturday at noon. Fifty-one yaohlt Is the ol· ficlal """1t ol the ltarllng flttt In the 9'0-mll• dash down the ooast ol Baja Calllomls and ..,,... the Gull ol Cal~ornla to M.,.tlan oo the mainland of r,t:o.Jco. · ' orr1c1a1 ..,,.,her r-asta for the 1tart of the race tn- dlalA! that the n .. 1 wlll be sped on tl)•lr way by l:HI ' knot nortbvo'est winds. Principal speaker at the din· ner was Roberto Gori.stizo, chairman of the ltfexican com- mittee who, along wilh Clark Sweet of Newport Beach, was instrumental in starting the race in 1961. The race has grown from the original entry list of nine boats to the present limit of 50. Two well-known yachts win- be competing for first to finish. They are Jim Kilroy's 73-foot ya"'l Kialoa 11 from Newport Beach, and John Mcintyre's 72-foot yawl Barona from Hunting t on Beach. Likely candidates for eor· reeled time honors include two relatively new boats from Newport -Fred MacDonald's Columbia-43 Encore a n d John Hall 's Cohnnbia-39 Jig Time. Encore has been heavily campaigned during the pa~ by a syndicate of owners, U.S. Launches MacDonald, Herb Riley, Bill Lawhorn and D i c k Ball- tennan. Jig Time is a recenUy launched boat which has seen competition only in tune-up races during the past month. Skippers and crews rectived a cheertng note at the banquet when they were infonned tbat a tropical stonn off ~1aiaUan was veering out to aea and dissipating Itself, Lead yachts in the fleet att expected to arrive In Mazatlan about next Thursday. Local yachts entered ln the race Include Ai Schoetlerl_!L!.l.l's Ana Marla JI, Bahla/C(>rln- thian YC; Bob Beauchamp's Dorothy 0. Newport Harbor YC; Int ermezzo, Stan Wllliams, NHYC: Jin k er, ClaHc: Sw~,. sailing Io r LBYC; Peter Graot's Nalu IV, sailed by Andres Gerrard, AcJipulco YC; Robert Grant's Robon lfl, NHYC; Al Cassel's Warrior, BCYC. Escort vessels are Don Gumpert!' Westward, Dick Steele's Bob Homme Richard VANDENBERG AFB (UPI) and Nonnan Neeley's La -A modemlted Minuteman Siuta. Westward will be the Jntercontlnental Ba 11 J s t 1 c ctUef communications vessel Missile wu launcbtd at 6 p.m. ror the neet. Thursday from thiJ coutal Progress of th e: race will be military ba!Je. 'Uowed by a ham r 'I d I o The 11\WJUe was re:ported on etwork }Ytdc:h I n c I u de course do.m the western ttsl 'estward, Carroll Hudson's range. San Diego mldent& WBef\AfA, Newport Beach, reported the Minuteman left 1 Dave Atk!n!, Los Angeles. and vapor trail visible in that a!'P'I. Gaspar Pnmedo. Mazatlan. • New Dealer For Erickson Tradewinds Yacht Sales is the new dealer for Ericson sail boats in the Baltimore area, according to an announcement by Del Walton, vice president of Ericson Yachts of Santa Ana. Tradewinds will h a n d I e Ericson's complete line ol eight fiberglass a u x i 11 a r y sloops, ranging from 23 lo 41 feet i.n overall leagth, and il'lllll $4,500 to 127,950 In base price. Tradewinds Yacht Sales ls owned and cperated by VI» cent P. Trovato. 11umber U-7. The past season Fanrc1t Pr1e1 SI., co111 ,,.,..., C1111oNJ11 • .,,....,. t111 fie> "'-ror orttM c1tr of ' , ' h k d hi be t ----1 Notary Pvbllc • C1tlfornl• llllolll fir'" IWll'lt Gf PACIFIC GENl!IV.l Coll• M ... e rac e up S. S ~v1u Prlnc11111 O!Hce 111 co . 111d JMt .,Id flrl'il •• ~ ot ttw ATTnT: and promptly was Dred by the o,,,.., countr ,.,,., .. ,1119 "......,.wt.. "'""' ·111 "'" l!ILIEl!N I". PNrNNl!Y v-' h" MW Cornml1slon Eulrt1 1 P -of rnlcltnee 1r1 n '911Dw1: Clfo.. .C .... of the C!lv of COlll Mf11 II r.-boal S owner, s 1rley Men· Orlobfr ''· ».JO Ind Nowrnti.r ,, H1rrv •T. Conlillrc,,... NI. Trt1 w. STATE OF CALIFOltNIA , ;t. delson McDonald of Detroit lt7Q 1tl"7Q 11111 St~ Cot!• MISI, (•111, ,.,._... •• COUNTY Of OltANGE , • • Slltlel. 7'ol NI. Tres W. 11111 St. C ... 1 CITY O" COSTA MESA ) n Borgersen took it in stnde, LEGAL NOTICE :;i::; ~"' "11 1. EILEEN '"' PHINNEY, c1111 c:i.rt" ncalling he was the fifth HeTrv T c011111111 fht cttr .f/11 ca111 Mesi •nd ••«fld• d" boa d N tr D 1'-1t111 Tl'lllnl• •R Stldtl Cltrlt of JM C:llr Cevticll of Ille C:ltr of' river a r 0 e ame ClltTll'ICATI 01' •USINlll 11111 Gf C111torn11" Or• e-. C:ost1 Mel. lltrl!br cll111'Y Ill•! the •bov9 since Mrs. McDonald started ni. ,.1ct1T1ou1 NAM• °" Oct.,. ~ ,,~~"·'"'· , ~--= ::= ~::,:: racing ht um. dvc:•inP "':""i!~i'::s"":' :iU'"'it= 'l..::'" :':Z.1~ ~ "T ~ ·~ '*' '' • r111111r -"'* "' ""• c1~ "These things happen " he 8.llbol 111el!d, c1111ornr1, vrllllitr .,,. fk-"'*""' It. SfMlt kNIWft .. iM-"' ~ Ille eo.mc11 "' Ille CllY of c1111 Mft• PMkl 11t , " ' • tllloid firm nlflll tit SICYU.ltlC IN---..... """* 1~ WbKrftlwf ta ~ dn of Oclatiotr. lt7'. "" S&Jd, and the main thing lS TEAIOfl OESIGN Ind 11111 Mid ltrm 11 IM wtthlll """'-' .. m-""'9wl et I'" ... ~ ~:'c~ ·,-. t•-t other unlimited hy...__ COll'l..-d of ""' 1o11-1ne "''°"' ~ """ n«VtM ,... -. 11 •Y 11U11C IUl '".~ 1'111111 In lull Ind Pie« of rnw.nc. 15 II (OFFICIAL SEAL) ~ .:"~ ... ""'ro1r:.:t .:~r. lt7' bt owners know I am available. folfewt,~ MARY IC. Hl!NltY AVIS• COUNCILMIN· Wlllo!t. W1Slrl, Leif's father and tmele are Slvlldr• D. M1vrle, Hl\.'i Rubf AftN ..... ,., PW!k -Clllflnlll Pl .. ~. SI. Cill~. top lu~ Jn •·-U but 1!11lbol t1lllld, C1lltornl1. Prlnc. .. I Ol'lke Ill NOl!i:I· COUNCI !JI· """"""' 111ers o>cocl e, c1t.c1 Oct. 21, 1t11. 0r ..... c.rctY ••siNT· coutte EN · Noni pelts and skins were ntt to hls $'91• of~::::"1~· =~ C:OOlllfY• ::, c;rr~ btl'" EllEl!N P. PHINN'EY l liking. M a )'!>Ungft:er, he 0n Oct. :it.•t7', w,iw. ..,.., ,·N°''" ll'vMllhwl 0 °''"" c"" r>1cu.,. p11o1 .&~~;,·c:.,:;~:r,.c:t.tt ·~ showed nN>fl!rerie for enlriftMI PVblk lft Incl for lllld Stilt. Hr-1\y orn..r D. Jt lfld ""'""blr f. JJ, C:llY tit Cltfl ~ r--""O""'-_...,... s1nmllr• D. Mlllrll ~ " IM 1m 1'7J.7' Putillll'IN °'~"" c-1 o.nr PMtif~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "' ,,,. ...... ,.., L '· ct .. •• •• ' ' • " .. .. • • .. ·,•j , ,• ., ' _, " u ....._., " .... t'(] ... ~' lilt flt ~Tum nn rri •• .. mm m m •: .. ••• CITY Of COSTA MtlA, CAl,.f~I 1'.#Hrllll Olfll'l"•"l' - lllSTRICTm MAP -~ --·'"~ Gil " • l .. . ' .. . " ' ' t J:f ~ ~ .. ' ~. '., .... ..... •rf"' ,_. :1 . '> ,;>_; ' ·~ ·~~· • • • • n:· -· .. . ,. ... . ~· ... , :-'\\ ,.._. __ ~· -~ .. .... r::r -... L.,· .... .... ".i11 1 11'!; ~; ;. .. :!tt .. Q " ~ ... ~ ... " •• .. .. 1 .·, t " • s~enes DAILY' PILOT ""911 h'"""' V.-.U Road Widening Okayed Over Lagunan' s Plea Laguna conservationist James Dilley has questioned the environmental effect of the "gro'.''ing spread of asphalt and the removal or needed trees." Despite his plea, the City Council voted unanimously Wednesday to a do pl a resolution requesting widening of Laguna Canyon Road to a four-lane artery and to approve proposed extensions of Campus Drive at · Boat Canyon and Alta Laguna Boulevard at Top of the World. Defending the proposed request to the Division of Highwa ys to improve and fund the canyon roadway, acting city manager Joseph Sweany said it now car .. ries 12,000 vehicles a day and, despite previous improvement, has been the scene of 40 accidents with four fatalities and 27 injuries in the past 18 months. A major problem. Sweany said, is the fact that the road is used by both fast commuter and commercial traffic and slower drivers en route to and from Lei sure World. The latter frequentl y drive on the pav- ed shoulders, he said, confusing other drivers and creating a hazard. He said he is certain the Division of Highways is not ready to spend a great deal more money on the road, but prGo bably would try to develop the existing paving into four moving traffic lanes, us. ing open space already created in flood aintrol work for emergency shoulders. Even when the Laguna Canyon Freeway is built, Sweany said, the Can- yon Road will be needed to carry local traffic. When Dilley said that cities "have the right to resist encroachments by state and county road departments," coun- cilman Edward Lorr said the im· provement in question ts being requested by the city and not forced on it. "It should have been done long ago to save Councilman Roy Holm, a staunch con· se.rvationlst, said, ''I have to concur with Mr. Lorr. I am most concerned about the paving of the stale and the proliferation of highways, but we do have a critical prGo blem here and we must weigh the values involved. I would su pport the resolution." Vice ma yor Charlton Boyd said he too is concerned about conservation but, "Weighing aesthetics versus safety, in this case there is no altemaUve." - Sen. Murphy Got ldea From What Tunney Did By RICHARD P. NALL Of JM Dally l'lt.t S"ff "The President and Vice President and most members of lbe c1binet came out and tried to tell Californians how to vote ..• "And l 'U tell you something, Californians like to make up their own minds." Thus spake John Tunney, electlon night. Wiid cheen: followed from his supporters, many of them young. lt was funny really. Tunney w1s right about the Nixon ad ministration throwing in everyone againlt b1m ' but Manolo Sanchez, the President's valet. They were trying to save their good aid song ind dance man, affable Sen. George Murphy, 61. The act bombed. THE FUNNY PART was the 36-year-old wlnner'a carping about facing au the administration top guns. Hid Tunney forgotten what he did to his first polilical opponent slx years ago? Tunney, then 29, was run rung In the 38th Congreuional Diitrict for the seat of onc·lerm Rep. Pat Minor Martin, youthful, good-looking Riverside Republican. Martin was about 38. He and his support.crs attempted to tie the carpetbag label oo the youth- ful Easterner. Tunney was, it was said, part of the liberal Kennedy vanguard tent out to the tules to capture congres&io:ial seats. Senator Ted Kennedy and Senator-elect Tunney were chum s at law school. THE KENNEOYS, the Roosevelll, LBJ, and about every ether Demo- cratic big gun began arriving to tell Californians in the 38th district how to vote. . The son or a great fighter and every inch a fighter In his own right, Tunney was too much for Pitartin. Tunney woo and lhtn In the nut couple ol campaigns knocked o!f Ughtweigbt opponents with tllt. And In the interim. be seemed to get along wUh the conservative farming interest.a ID Imperial and RiverSide counties pre.tty well. . Then came the prellm with George Brown for the Democr1Uc riod. Tun- ney -wh°"' image was less liberal than Brown's -won Ule decltion. THE fttATCH wllh P.furphy didn't really seem Uke the battle ol lhe ttn-" tury. Murphy hod been staggered earlier by the Te<:hnlcolor 11olarplnus punch. E\•cn with Nixon and Governor Reagan In ht.I comer, he Just couldn't stand up to tht youthful Tunney. So we have 1 new champion who &a)'& Calilomians don't like to be told how to vote. • F•doJ. N°"mbo. 6, 1970 $ DAILV PILOT J : • on . TV South Coast . Gets Office Of County South Oranae County 1eeken of ' building, plumbing, beatlna and electrfcal' permits no looger must travel 50 miles to' · Santa Ana or wait for them to come bY. mall. A new regional office cf the Depart· ment cf Building and Safety has been • cpened at 3014.1 Crown Valley Parkway in · Laguna Niguel: • Located on the first noor of the new • South Orange County Region.al Civic Center, the new office handles zoning. - plan checking, grading inspections and • residential structural inspections for . South county communJUes. . A bookkeepini and validating machine • enables the regional cfUce to luue pehnits, a task formerly bandied by tbe Santa Ana main cffice. "The rapid growth of South Orange ; County created the need for a local office to maintain a high level of service with no increase in cost," a county spokesman , , said. While the Laguna Niguel branch was opened la!t spring, the addiUon of staff and new equipment mates it fully func.1 tional. What's Going on Here? Clemente Band Waits, Gets OK \Vhat is the man at the 1eft C:loing with the lady's compact? What does the man above have in those suitcases? Wel1, the man with tbe"flancake make- up is television newsman Robert Pierpoint prepar· ing to go befOl'e the camefas to record President Nixon's departure from the Western White House. The man with th e suitcases is a Secret Service a~ent , hustling from helicopter to Air Force One • across a patch of El Toro MCAS runway with the first family's baggage. These slices of life were re- corded Wednesday as the Nixons left San Clemente fqr Washingte>n. D.C. San Clemente's municipal band won a last·minute approval this week for a Veteran's Day band concert in Old Plaza Park Sunday afternoon-a reque1t m1de late on purpose to avoid the chancea of a - demonstration, Its spokesman said. YMCA Names Rod Carpenter New Director The YMCA has announced the ap- pointment of Rod Carpenler, 7.8, as ex- ecutive director or its South Coast branch, serving Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, South Laguna, Dana Point, Capistrano Beach, San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente. Carpenter will assume his duties Dec. l, making his headquartera at the Laguna Beach YMCA office 465 Forest Ave. A native Californian, he attended Bakersfield schools and was graduated from UC Santa Barbara where he ma- jored Jn history. He did graduate work in recreation at New York University and in business administration at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New J ersey. He joined the YMCA three year:; ago in Bergen County, New Jersey, serving as a recreation superintendent. For the past two months be bas been on the Y staff in Santa Ana. Carpenter has worked extensively in all areas of Y service from Indian Guides to 1enlor clU_zem11fOU})'. He said the prifl..· - cipal concern of the reorganized SoUth Coad YMCA will be service to resident families and students in the school di!trlcl!. One 11tep ln emphasizing help to local students has been made already by staf. Ung an office of the Youth Employment Service on the Laguna Beach High School campus two afternoons a week to match students to available jobs. Book Fair Set At Dana School For Next Week A week-long exposure to the enjoyment of books will begin at Dana School Mon- dly during an annual Book Fair. Storyteller Richard Owe, author ol two published collections of stories from tbe mountains of southern United States, will move from classroom to classroom through Dana School all week, weaving the wonder of person-to-person stories. Storyteller Chase will bring the booklair into the classroom by making rtories come alive. More than 500 titles wlll be offered dur. Ing the traditional evening of the fa J r Nov. 12 in the school clifetorlum. Parents and the public will be shown films of children's classics including "J>addle-Ta...The-Sea" and "Mark Twain's Mississippi ." a.ue will present some of the stories from his boob, '"'lbe Jack Tales" and "The Grandfather Tales." Of the wee t. Jong PTA-sponsored event, chairman Doris Walker 11aid, "Sinc:;e the urge to read starts with e1- posure to ltoriea, in this year'• fair we hope to reach every student with the wonder of stories and joy of reading. We know that the child will want to read or own the book oooe be re<ls the sl«y ls hi&.. Story by Dickens Will Be Published LONDON (AP) -A ltory or Christ that Charles Dk:k"11 wrote only Jor hi.I children Is being brought out here Mon- day. EnUUed "The UJe or Our Lord," Dlckc:is wrote il In 1849 with no lntcnUon ol 'oavtna II publi.sbed In book rorm. Festival to Name New Directors Names or the three successful can~ didates for seats on the Festival of Art.s board Of dir ectors will be revealed at the general member-ship meeting Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the Festival Forum. Incumbents Paul Griem and David Young, along with artists Hal Atkins, Bennet Bradbury .and David Rosen are running ror the three board vacancies. Director Richard Brooks. whose -{erm l'Xpirecl this year, dld not file for re-elec· tion. ... -•. u_,_,,..,~i-;~,_it'' ·' ,..;".,,.ZENITH 12" HANDCRAFTED OIAO. The RAMBLER• 8U31 Compact cabinet. Deluxe V'ideo • Range Tuning ·System. Mono· pole Antenna. ~ America's most distinctive '"su-*1191 per screen" portable. Deluxe Vid.eo Range Tuning System. 1,6,000 volts of picture power. Monopole antenna. ZENITH19" HANDCRAFTED 01>.a. Frank Nauretz asked for city council approval for use of the park SUnday for-· the hour-long concert at 2 p.m.1 then ex .. plained why he wailed so long to ask. "We chose to do Jt this way to avoid any involvement by out,.of.town in-- terests," he uld grimly. The permission, apeciflcally was sought · to use a public address 11ystem for the aMouncer's use during the concert., Nauretz said. -I ZENITHIH' HANQCRAFTED LI-. TM HAWTHORNE •82002.i Gracefully slim "super screen" portable. Deluxe Video Range Tuning System. 20,000 volts of picture ·power. Monopole an· ttnriJ. The ARLINGTON • sma "Super scfeen",portable In vinyl-clad metal cabinet. o .. luxe Video Range Tuning Sys. tem. 20,000 volts of plelurt power. Dipole antenna. ZENITH -Maker• of famous CHROMACOLQ~ TV AND APPLIANCE HARBOR CENTER 2300 HARBOR COSTA MES.A 540-7131 • ' f ' I J! ' I .. 4 IWLY PILOT Ana~ses Analyzed ID ' ~~ 'l•want to make m)'lelf perfectly clear ••• • ily DICK WEST W~lilNGTON (UPI) -Last week's election has by this time been pretty lhor6ughly anaJyzed. So what we need now ' perhaps is an analysis of the analyses. The major conclusion 1 draw from the 1,Tl• election analyses r have read is that lhe election was highly unuSual in that it bore out everybody's predictions. The election also represented a victory for _both sides, of C<lurse. But that is a fairly commonplace. Political history of· fers many examples of both sides win· ning an election. Elections that bear out everybody's predictions are, on the other hand, relatively rare. (l am not referring here to predictions of winners in individual races. The preqictions 1 have in mind concern general election trends.) AS I ANALYZE the elect.ion analyses, I The Lighter Side find that my own prediction was about 99.44 percent accurate. J had predicted a swing to the right among liberal voters and a swing to the left by conservatives. Except for a haMful of exceptions that prove the rule, that is exactly what happened. In virtually all races where o f f I c e s changed hands, liberal incumbents were defeated by candidates to their right and conservatives were replaced by can· didates to their left. The instances o( liberal losing to some• one even more -liberal, or a ocn· servative losing to aomeone more coo. servative, were almost too few to men· tion. 'Ibink about that. And what does this' bode for the repUblic? wen, some analysts say it means that Americus are engaging in crcJ&HM>larizatlon. (These are t he anal)'ata who had predicted a movement of V9ters from one pole to another.) OTHER ANALYSTS say it means that the voters are becoming polarized in the middle of the road. (These are the analysts who had predicted middle-o(-the- road polarization.) And still other analysts say It means the voters are becoming polarized arouDd the same pole. (These are the anal~ts who· bad predicted monopolar polari.z.a· tion'.) Having everyone polarized around the same pole is all very well for May Day dances and that sort of thing, but it is l')Ot necessarily good for the USA. For one thing, it facilitates the spread -or A!ian nu. So -I am pleased t.o report that .my analysis of the analyses uncovered a trend away fmm polarization. The new trepd is toward equatori.z.atioo. Chrisbnas Stamps Depict Five Scenes WASHINGTON CAP) -The six-cent l9'1G Christmas stamps went on sale Thunday and for the first time buyers had. choice or five pictures. Jn addition to the traditional Nativity BCene, there are four stamps depicting -antique toys. Pictured are a locomotive, a hobby horse, a tricycle and a doll bug· IY· Remarkable Likeness They say everyone has a double -but these two are about 120 years apart. Charles Francis Adams, a descendant of President John Quincy Adams, poses next to a portrait of his noted ancestor. The painting is part of an Adams exhibit in the National Portrait Gallery of Washington, D.C. Jt was also cause for an Adams family reunion. Egypt Ol(s 2nd 'And Last' 90~day Truce Extension By United Press International Egypt said today it will not extend lhe Mideast cease-fire with Israel beyond Feb. 3. The truce. also agreed to by Jordan. was extended for 90 days1beginning at midnight (5 p.m. EST) ThUrsday. Israel has set no time limit, but• said it will not shoot first.· The semiofficial Cairo newspaper Al Abram said today "urgent instructions were sent from Cairo yesterday (Thurs- day) to Foreign Minister Mahmoud Riad in New York to inform all U.N. delega- tions unequivocally that the United A,ab Republic has accepted an exte~or the cease-fire for another 90 days on the basic condition that it will not aocept a renewal for a third period under any circumstances." There were no reports or clashes in the early hours (If the extended cease-fire. Foreign pool correspondent Jimmy Lederman reported from the Israeli side of the Suez Canal front at El Qantara that only the clink and grind of Egyptian tnJcks and tractors moving on the other Quebec Charges 27 Rounded Up / In Terror Hunt MONTREAL (UPI) -In a special jailhouse courtroom guarded by rifle· bearing soldiers, the Quebec government brought charges Friday against 27 persons rounded up during the suspension of civil liberties in the kidnap crisis. A 28th was arraigned in Granby, Que. They all pleaded innocent and some of the prisoners screamed obscenities and insults at the judge. Ten persons, including fjve prominent Quebec Separatists, were charged with the federal offense of "seditious con· spiracy intended to bring about a change of governm ent • , • forseeing the use of force, without authority of law ." They in· eluded the fiery young lawyer who represented the kidnapers in negotiations with the government, a ranking Quebec labor leader. and the two men recognized as the chief theoreticians and "in- tellectual fathers'' of the militant separatist movement. side of the canal could be heard. No apparent measures were taken by Israe li commanders except that the Thursday night movie for the troops along the canal was canceled. UPI correspondent Thomas Cheatham, who Visited Israeli positions along the canal Thursday afternoon, said the Israelis had worked hard to improve their fortifications and they were "virtually indestructible.•• Israel notified U.N. Peace Negotiator Gunnar V. Jarring Thursday it would not resume talks despite a Gen eral Assembly resolution passed Wednesday urging that indirect discussions with Egypt and Jordan get under way again. Israeli Foreign Minister Abba S. Eban informed Jarring of his country's posi- tion. Jarring also met with Jordanian Ambassador Muhammad H. El-Farra and was meeting with Riad today. Officers Killed In Iraqi Purge 'After Coup Bid BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -Ruling Baath party leaders in Iraq purged the anned forces and executed military of· ficers after reports that1.wo high-ranking commanders were planning a roup, ex· iled Iraqi sources said in Beirut Thurs- day. They said a group o( ofricers was shot in a confrontation with party chiefs. The Beirut reports roincided with ac- counts in the semi.official Cairo newspaper, Al Abram, or a bitter power struggle it said was now going on in Iraq. Al Ahram said six army officers were ex· ecuted by firing squad in the course of an attempt by Sidam Hussein, vice president of the ruling revolution command council, to gain control of the country. The newspaper did not say who the of- ficers were or why they were executed. lt said Vice Presid ent Saleh Mahdi Am- mash v.•as the next person to be purged follow ing the ouster of Vice President l-lardan "'1kriti two weeks ago. However. Ammash arrived in Cairo Thursday at lhe head or an official Iraqi delegation· for ceremonies marking 40 • days n1ourning for the late President Game.I .'.!xl.!I Nasser. Fall Paints Pretty Picture Most of Natwn Graced With Mild Days, Cool-Nights C911foml•· A ~ 0.Y of drlJJ .. •nd rni.1"!'1'111· ffftl l!wM r$1"!1 di~ CCMltl•I 1r• _.., of SOUllllf"fl C•lllllml• llld•'I' wllll °""' •In 9fMI w1rmer r-m"r•tum -~fol" .. iv ...... ,,,. "9CIPll111oft WIS COftlhlM """ ..-.11v to ftll (Nitti 1r11 trod 1111 H1· t!Mll W.IM!' Sorrvlu .... II Wt• flOI ,...11y • --,,.,,, but • 1'1lwll t ltl- flld9 '''"',.._ 111tt •rt0utnr -•d .iu1 ..... "II -' of eotd In tnd wlll l111t -• euf,-" • ""'""' tlllillffll'l•l'I ••Id. 111""9!1 '°'''' ..... ,_ .:N •t ,, s..tt• .. ""'"' 1o .n 1n t.os """"''· .ti .. , Mt:-wn-tnd1'1C'ffl-lfl 9111"• botf!k .,,_ Htrouthol.rt Or1t'IM Count•. A JD Hr~I c111..c1 of r111'1' •a• ~ fOr i.tt tod••· ··-'"9 ,. '' -""" ...... ,.,,.,.,. n.. 11111'1 ,,, ._. .......... well fllf'llU•f •I ~ wft)IO -ttit l'tlnli.tlt .... WM •MCIW '' M ... 1,.0S ANOElES AHO VICINITY Motn'I' (lol,o(fy wit!! -111~1 r1rn .... cltlldt' 1'0fli.tlt t1Hr1flf Oft 5'11\lf• dllY ........ tOtl'-111 !7 1'111111 St1\lrUY 1S. ~ of ft!!\ .,..,.,,, to • '"' ~ .. ltM. • "' c.nt .. ,,.. .. , ... ,. ilrf,.0,HT COl'ICEP'TtOM TO MEJtlCAN IOJtce:lt -llfl'lt "'''""' •lllCk flltllt -i" """"'"" """"' ..,,,.. .... "'""'''"' tt " It kllllh In tl!tf,_ 11.111\lrdtr. (IM'I' wlilll -!lrllllo,V titlht rtlft 1f1111 'fw }*!ff¥• .,,Ith! 111d <lffrfflt M , • ......,, .,.,_.. l lnl• ttnlclilt'tflln -· lf'!Tlll'°" AHO OE&l!llT 11•<HOHS -Jlt" w1!J1 ,,, .. bis lli.tt cliMU tl>d COlllldmillle Wllll!l"f. WIMY II t!m.1 l1t Mtii-lt. "-II .... ~If ~tur• .......... ~ "'"'" "' "' ,.,,11 \ttl'ln't'""' '""' •• .,., .... , ....... l.nrt i.Ntfll '" .... """ ....... ~. •flf ................. • l PKtlllWGfMOU MlllOMAl WtATHtRStRVltE TD 7:00A.M tST Jr ~'f •10 Cocat.i P1rllY 111n!IY tOdl.,,_Ll,111 1r1rl1Dl1 l'llf l\I olrld l'l'llf"lflf "'°"'' bK0!\11111 w111.,.1v 10 to 11 k.-en !n 1l1trl'lllO,.. todtY '"" 1tlurfl~. tlltll ""'~ 61. Cotlltl ~111r11 ''"" lrom 5' .... 1111111d ltl'r!Hr•tures ''"'' ''"" U 10 n. Wtlll' t111•u11r1lur1 ''· SNN, M-n. Thi~• •lllOlll'r ~ llloh t:XI '·"'· • 1 ~ '°"' 11:00,111. 0.1 U'JUlllO"-Y -ttlnt llltfl l tOO ._,.,, •,J ltlnl IOw lt~JO 1.m, f,I ~9flll "'"' •:oo '""· •-• *""' ·-101• '·"'· 0.) $WI llfMf fl1••·""' """''"'""· ~ alltfl 1111,,,.,,, llfl tl:lt ,.11'1. V.S. Summar11 I Y UNITID P1tess INTlllNATIONAl A ple•1•nl .-.•!Ill• 11oll1trn ol "'ltd dl1') ·•lld-COOl--fllftill Is lltldlr WI J 1crou '""''' cl 11'1f: natlort. TIMI Ntllan1fl Wttl!llr S1rv1rit tlYI tt\11 flrt!tll cl fl!lt lell Wtllhtr ""°'1111 «11111-IMO 11\t "'ttl!ffld, Ttt11H••!11re1 tlrl'I' IOO•., '""fld 11'1e COi/Mr~ ran'td I~ n 1t .ai1• ff'IOW,, Colo .• 10 •1 •I NHdltt. C1Hf. '"-' "'"11\wr ~erv1Ct 11ld :an Ovt"' nloll! 1•011 w1• Hktlr 101tn 100•• In 1111 IOtl/11, lrom IC'.t!!lvt~., 1/ld Norlll Ct r0Hio1 to 1~1 lower Ml11fu l1111! 1'11- lt•. ftf>e11lr l\lllM' Wftlllff Wll 111 lht ll>~f\lrl fnlftl l!lf Al!antk e,_,, 111•~ IO ,,.. Crul l.tktl I/Id '"" IOl,lll\'f'lf'f!, w!lfl 111me tnow fl~"fll In 11\t llOr!f\. 1'1'1 APIN11t111tllt. Te1nperat11res IY UlotlTIO Pll!SS IHTEllMATIOM.al Tetn11'1"•TU•t s •nd 11rect11t!1lloll tor ll1t 21-l'!Our period tl'ld!no 11 1 '·"'· Albu<tutniu. ""•"'' 8t~irr1ll•ld a 11,,,1rt1r. Bol~t 8~!011 "'-"'"Ill• (llk tllO (l...:111 ... 11 Oe11v..- Dli .JMl114l 0.tf'llll Fo.rt wor111 Frrs"" H~len• HG11o4Ul!I ICt ll••• c 11w Lts Vttl• LO\ ,t..,gt lt1 M!1MI AA ln.,..""11, Ntw Orl,l!IS Now Vort "'"''" "'"'' Ot••1roci Oll:!tllO!IU (111 O<"flt /\I P•lm !orl11~1 P110 R11t>tr1 P~t1(• PlU•bUrtll ' "ot!l•'\d R11>!d Cl •y Ref 81Vll ·-$1(rl,.,tftll! SIU U-t Clt'r S..t1 Oltvo $lift Fr1iw;hco , .......... Tll9rm1I Wttlll,,,Ut<I Hl9" Low Prt<, tr · ~ . ~ . " • » 15 •1 ,.1l ~ A1 .09 . " % " $1 '' 61 3t ,. 31 •1 JI ., •1 " '' ~· )' _, 73 I.SO ,, I ) ~ " 11 s• .01 " n " » '' ,, " ~ " '' I? 51 ,:U 12 " ,, 3• If M u -53 .lt •• !t .. " ~I I t n '' .. " " " M M .. " n " I! 51 • • ,, ,, • • ·" ·" ·" ·" ... .~ ... ·" • S·anctuaries Attack~d S. Viet Marines K11 ife ·Into ·Cambodia SAIGON (UPI) -About 3,000 South , vTetnamese· marines sliced into cam~· bodia near the Plain of Reeds about 75 mlles west northwest of Saigon at dawn today in the third major invasion or Com· munist sanctuaries there in two. weeks, South Vielnamese spokesmen a n d · military sources said. .The Marines linked up with other-Soutp Vietnamese troops already in cambodia and with four Cambodian battalions in one of the largest operations in that.coun- trY since the initial invasion of the sancl).laries late last April, sources said. U.S. artillery and ai(craft were be· lievOO suporting the operation but U.S. spokesmen declined confirmation. South •Vietnamese spokesmen declined to reveal the exact location of the bordir penetrations on grounds no significant contacts with Communist troops had fet been made. But the operation was sprung from the headquarters of the 44th Special zone at Cao Lanh in Kien ,Phong Province. The zone was set up to control i__ oper•Uolls•in the plain. The plain is a marf.hy an;a that ac· quited its name during the Freocb col .. onial era from the t41ck carpet of swamp grass. reeds and OoaUng rice that covers it. .lt ~s been one of the M06t troublesome .sanctuary areas and· in· liltratton rout.. !or Communist troops moving to and from the key ,Mekong Delta area where over a third of South Vietnam's populatiOn lives. Spokesmen 'said the south Vietna~ were on a "search and destroy " mist,ion in Cambodia to •ferret out guerrillas and their supplies. "Sources said the operation might last 10 days or longer. The spokesmen refused to say how many South Vietnamese were involved, but sources said.the border-crossing force in- cluded' six 500-man battalions. There are some 20,000 South Viet- namese now in Cambodia. Ground action inside South Vietnam continued light an~ scattere.d. American ltmes were reported as two killed and :seven wounded ln a string of contacts in JK>rlbern and centraJ SOUth Vietnam. The Amerioans reJ)orted killing nine guerrW.s lh • ti>< .delta aod they dlscovertd a lour-ton· cache of Com· munlst rice in I~ north.' South Vietnamese forces killed 2S guer- rillas, alSo in Scattered'eogagements, and South Kofean forces killed another seven, spokesmen said. The Americans ·also an noun c e-d ' withdrawal ..if 785 more Gls from South Vietnam, including a battalion or long range artillery that had been supporting 4tl. division (lperations in the central highlands, and a 4th division signal com• pany. The division is due to be home by Christmas. And U.S. spokesmen said U.S. Aircraft losses Jast week - a total of four planes and helicopters -were the lowest sinCe the current rec:ord·keepiiig system begl:ln in 1968. This was attributable, however, to bad weather most of the week, which sharply redure:f the level of operations. --·---. ttiflt i• :,,,,,, .. Ell Enjoy the holidays! ~. A kitchenAid "dishwasher will wash your dishes, soak pots and pans auto• matically, and dry everything with sani• tized. fan-circulated air. Choice <1f built-ins, portables or dishwasher-sinks. KitchenAid dishwashers work reliably year 1ftet year. "They'r& made by 1ha world's oldest and largest manutac• turer of commercial dishwashers. Get a KitchenAid 1 Disposer,-too ! Grinds finer, fe1ter, quieter. bay t~poses.of ev .. &r(thing from bones to stringy · vegetables. Continuous or batch' feed models.~ h0f$9p0wtr motor. Anti-jamming. Built to last. Buy a KitchenAid Portable *TERMS BANKAMERICARD •· today, use it tonight!· NMd1 no Jn1tall1t1on. C_onnects. quickly to water and power. Wheel lt away when dishe1 are done. KitthenAld Portables are available in front·loading • top-loadlrlO or convertible models: Wide choice cf COIOB. • MASTER CHARGE •· TIPTON'S REVOLVING HEADQUARTERS FOR KITCHENAID DISHWASHERS AND DISPOSERS TV HARBOR CENTER . 2300 HARBOR AND COSTA MESA . . APPLl·ANCE 540-7131. - • - I I - • I I - Nine Saved In Ocean; 6 Missing -PORTSMOtml, Va-(UPI) -Nine persons who rode out a savage early winter storm in a life raft were rescued today, but" six others were still miss. ing from the motor vessel carlbbean Mist -which ap- parently went down in heavy seu. The U.S. Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Center said the Duke University research vessel E as t w a rd found the nine survivors shortly after daybreak about 220 miles east of Morehead Ci- ty, N.C. A Coa!t Guard cutter on the scene reported sighting debris in the area where the Carib- bean Mist was last reported. The Eastward was only · about 40 miles away Thursday night when the Caribbean Mist radioed that ft <Was sinking in "'super-bad" weather and that 25-foot waves had splintered the lifeboats. Gale force winds up to S5 knots raked the search area · during the night but the Coast Guard said the weather moderated after daybreak, with slx-foot seas and 20 knot winds. Two Cl30s and two cutters, the Chilula and the Depend- able, were searching for ad- ditional survivoni.. The CllO pilots said when they first reached the acene Thursday, there were sea · swells reaching 25 feet high • and winds .w~ gusting. at 57 mph. • Photo Fltablaes Recounts Loom In Many States ~ WASHINGTON (AP) -A dlcalions that we have won, tedious recount of ballots may We are !lttlilg htre in an. be required to determine win-tlclpation of victory," he said. ners of major raoea Jn five With all 4,400 1 n d la n a states as a result of paJSet-thln precincts reported and all margins in Tutsday'1 general ab5entee ballob co U n t e d , election. Hartke had a 4,249-vote lead Al stake -with Democrats over Roudebuah. leading in all five -are "I frankly do not anticipate governorships in Oklahoma, a recount." Hartke said. "I Rhode Island and Maine, a know, and I think they know, Senate seat in Indiana and a that I have won." Howie seat in Kentucky. Under c:riera of Gov. Edgar A alxth race was settled D. Whitcomb, state police Thursday wbe!n De m o c r at !ealed every voting machine Sander Levins conceded defeat and ballot box ln Indiana in to Republican Gov. WUllam cue a recount ta demanded. Milliken In Mtchlgan. Stale troopers also are QUEENIE ly Phll l11terlandl Jn Indiana, Democratic Sen. guarding ballot boxes m Maine Vince Hartke, a liberal and a ' where Democratic Gov. Ken- key target of the Nixon ad-neth M. Curtis Ls clinging to a t.::2!:::::!!~~=~!.:::.::::==:.::.:::.:;::;::::.:::::;.11 miillstraUon, claimed victory flB&.vote lead over Atty. Gen. HAh, wen, another glorious day in the history of the over Republican Rep. Riobard James S. Erwin, a Republican. J.B. Beasley company with no monkey businees." L. Roudeblllh-A recount of the ~.ooo _.:::.:._::.:.=:::.::_::2:::...:_::_;_ ___ __:_ _____ I Btit Roudebush refused even votes cast ln Manie s 692 to talk about the posslb!Uty of predncta will begin Nov. 23. a recounl "We have In-Rhode Island Gov. Frank Secret Super Spy r Licht, a Democrat, hold! a 2,710-vote margin o v e r Fo~r Key ~~=e::f.;i f Sawllite Lofted Car Plants coonted. CAPE ~EDV (UPI) -\ 1r 1r 1r America's lnightlest military P rocket rared tnto space before 0 kay act M · hi ' dawn today carrying a secret IC gan S super spy satellite equipped to DETRotT (UPI) -General flash-an early warning of a Motors and the United Auto Governor :sksile or orbital bomb at- Workers, b\ the 52nd day Of a· Tl\e 1,8()0..pound spacecraft strike which has Jd.led more Re-el. ected ts the nrst in a new generation than 400,00I workers, an-of early warning satellites nounced seU!ement Thursday that, as a secondary role, also of contracts 't five plants -DETROIT (AP) -Republi-.will perfmn general ,-nililary four of theti at the "key" can Gov. William Milliken surveillance and w~tch for faciliUes needed to resume withstood his opponent's heavy nuclear tests on the Asian con· operalions c:iiJce a national advantage in populous Detroit tinenl ' agreement Js\reacbed. and won election to his first The Air force cl¥sifled the The satellite's pr l mar Y missile detector, according; to "!ource!l close to the program; is a powerful telescope design- ed to look downward at the in· visible infrared r a d i a· t i on emitted by rocket exhaust. It also carries a telescopic television system and sensors to detect nuclear detonations in the atmosphere. FBI Seizes East Coast Gamblers The five settlements brought f~ll tenn by a razor-thJn mar-mission \'(secret" ~though th e to 71 out of 1!6 local plants in gin. . , program has been discussed the United Stites which have With 5,79S of 6,041 P~~ publicly ,by Defense Depart· settled th~r l~al issues. Two counted Thursday, Milliken ment oflicials and has been of seven local bargaining units had 1,2512,393 votes, or 51 per detailed in U.S. trade publica· in Canada alM have reached ctnt, to Democrat Sander Le-· WASHINGTON (AP) -The tentative agreqnents. vln's 1,219,785. An Amerlcari lions. FBI, saying it is breaking up 'The four "key" setUement.s Independent party candidate, an organized East Coast came at the Fisher Body No. 1 James McCormick, had lS,Oll J d R le gambling ring, announced the in Flint, Mich., with 5,900 '°t~~ually all of the unc ' • U ge U S arrest Thursday of 22 persons ~rke~, Rocrester Products ed precincts were in De it, in eight states. D~v. m Rochester,. N .Y . ' where problems with pr ess-The FBI announcement said Fisher Body in Pittsburgh, ing at punchcan:I hallo con· four other persons are being Pa., with 1,!'t.,~kers, ~d tinued to hold up tabul on of sought in connection witb F1int, wHb i~orkers, 'lbe Levin was beating liken M~Angela Davis who has telephone facilities for making ChMole' enih\t plant wu tbe ' nearly 2 to 1 In De it and been Id in an isolated cell in book on sporting events and first engine Plili in the giant it appeared Milliken w ld end ttie ,. nls boUse of detcn· horse races. organiz&Uon to' reach agree-up with under 51 cent of tion · ew Yo~k, was ordered FBI Diredor J. Edgar ' needed over 70 per ce. t of the finerntnt Thursday by a resulted from FBI in- vote in Defroit to ha won. feder4f court judge. vesUgalions and were based ment. \ the votes. Levin wi have rele from solitary con~ HOO'Yer 5aid the a r re st s T ~ MilUken, 48, beca 1 gover-J\)dje Morris E. Lasker, on indictments returned by Herol• n • re .... t nor in January 1969, when wtiO feSterday ruled thal the federal grand juries in '.Boston ft former Gov. George Romney ...... h and Ha~ord, Conn. I ed •-us 26-YS--ok! Miss Davis' rig ts 1111. res gn to U<;l.vme .· '. secre-~ b h Hoovtr said the alleged tary cl. Housing and Urban De. we e being violated y er . 11· I lved velopment He was first elected se tion f r o m o l h e r gambling act1v Jes -· nvo lieutenant governor in 1966 and prU..ers, signed an order for 00miUlo.~boos ofkds~llaropers with 0 tedso-callln· Spiked Candy Kills Boy, 5 I ly ed •"te her ti) be allowed to li'lc with prev OU3 serv as 8 Si,a \ r several different states. DETROIT (UPI) - A five-razor blades In them. ,.se~na~to~r~f~rom~Tr~a~ve~'""tii;iC~lt~y~, --iith;ieifiguiil;;;ar;;;pior;;;ison-i;;pop;i;;;;u;;;a;;;1oiinii. ----------.1 year~Jd boy who carefully On Monday, when Kevlnli sorted his halloween candy lay weht to spend the tUght at a in a deep CQlna Thursday relative'• home, he ate &am.e three days after eaUng sweets of the candy. laced with heroin and quinine. In the morning, the relaUves Officials at c h I I d r e n s ' could not awaken him.He was biopltal here said Kevin taken to the hospital. Tosten was in critical con-A food and drug ad· ditiin. aw-eating, breathing ministration iiiiltysis cl. some heavily and showing no response to stimuli. He has ol the candy he had brought been In that state since Tues· wilh him st>owed It contained day morning. heroin and quinine in Powder The boy's mother, Mrs. Jdea form . Foster 31, said Kevin went "'Ibey've got to rule out trick~-treait.ng with his older halloween," Mrs. Foster said. brother Saturday night. . "It's tio dangerous for kids. When they returned. the Something's always happening 'children. heeding warnings to and oow it'& happening to my make sure their candy and ap-baby." plies had no razor blades or ;::;;========;;;;;II pins in them, carefully aorted the candy. They thI<?W • out everything: that w a s im- porperly wrapped. "Kevin even threw out the apples," Mrs. Foster said. "He thought there m1ghl be ON THE TUBE..- F.f t M kit tuld• to whet't lritppt11i119 Oft TV, ,.., TV WEEK -distriltutod with th• Sthlrdty ..i1tt .. of tho DAILY PILOT. TAX PRIPARERS This Yecr, Your Tax Experience Can Mean A Lot More Money. CARAVE LEe WATCHES by BULOVA start at s10 95 and stop at nothing to give you accuracy and style ' Yes, Caravelle quality is priceless .•• and prices start at $10.95. Bulova builds superb value lnlo every watch. backs II with !heir guaranlee. Each Caravelle has a finely crafted, shock resistant, jeweled-lever movement with an unbreakable mainspring. Buy the prie-eles~s watch with the llny price tag ... CARAVELLE by BULOVA W•'r• looki"9 for men ' end wom•n with et l•t•t one y••r's pr•viou1 •xptritnc• tn • f•x offic•. W• __ : w•nt tr1in•d ptopla and wt'r• willin9 to pey • axtrt to 91t them. Hi9h•r hourly rat•· High•r bonus pot•ntiel. Plus en •xtta bonu1 for t ccurtcy. You supply th• •xp•rTtnce. Our computers clo ell th• mtfh•l!l•tics fOr you, Howev•r, you mu1t lik• working with ptopla. . Full or ptrt time. A9• no berri•r. Som• yaa,..round oppor- tuniti•s availabl•. lrltf low-ft• trtinin9 ·protr•m. .. --........... -12131 4U.1421. BINEVEST ' HUMTIN•toN Cl1f1'I ..... w... " ............. lfJ.JSl1 t •• LAYAWAY FOR CHRISTMAS ISTAIUSMID 4J YU.ISi ' ICAll • usn1 CHA••• HAllOI SHOPPINfl CINTll IJOO Heritor ..... Cot .. M ... J41·t411 . .., .. 0"1t MON .. THUIS. • fltl. 'Tll t ,,M,, frlday, No'l'tmber '-1970 DAILY PILOI' 5 %ut§ ... only at melica's . . .......... ' . ' .. ~ . . Cf..,afkest ' and please remember.M ONLY HOME SAVINGS backs its guarantee of the highest rates anywhere on Insured sav· lngs with assets over 3V4 Billlon Dollars, over three thousand million dollars above the average. ONL V HOME SAVINGS pays interest to sav- ers at the record rate of over $392,400 dally. THE MQST POPULAR of our many types or current accounts 5% Passbooks ... your working 11ccount. Interest Is compounded dally, paid day- In to day-ouL Yearly yield Is 5.13%. 6% Guaranteed Interest for minimum terms of 2 years on deposits of $5,000 or more. With dally compounding, the yearly yield Is 6.18%. 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Persons under 18 and employes of Sears, Roebuck and Co. and Allstate Insurance and their families are not eligible. WINNER NEED NOT BE PRESENT \X 'on1en's \X 'ear Were $28 to $70 Free Hose With Women's Knit Dresses Control Panty Set Sorn<day 5 QM Qff Sotu•doy 3 99 OnJ)'! 70 Only! · Jl.rs.Pnce lmpotltd l11li10 l<niu in mlDJ' Frire tl.49 Cantt«• replaeemeot 1ryl..,,,color1.. booe. ,\riu ts' Drru OrJ>I. H111luy DrJ>t. Were $2.59 Te.xrured Panty Hose Fashion colors. Children's sizes------- Juniors' 100% Orlon ® 297 Acrylic Knit Tops ----------- Sportswear Oearance 2 5 M 6QM Off M;5'e•'and jun;o.,;,.,, _ 70-70 SI5-S19Misses'CarCoats 1197 assorted sryles, colors --------- $6.9')-$13 Fashion Handbags 397 in assorted Styles, colors --------- •$().$ 12.95 Buxton Walleu 340 625 All leather. Many styles, colors - Children·s Umbrellas 97c in prints and solids $1.59-$2 Ski aod Knitwear 5 9c Ear Warmers, ski caps -·--------- CUTS3on$4 Cotton Shifts Saturday Cut 50%! Were $6 Capri Panty Girdle Only! 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Adds, .,,.hUKrs ind maltiplia. Ou1- H1t1diq low pritt. Si.1iH.ry D~p1, Save$5on$17.98 Port. Hair Dryer Saturday 1288 Only! 5 po1i1io11 hr•I conirol. E1111ry -.·h ... I, nlil dl")·er. caw. C~•ratlM o~pt. s1H.95 12488 Adding Machine ----------. s 104.95 Sears 7488 Typewriter ------------ $89.95 Floor Mode.I and 44ss Demonstr1tor Jogge.n --------- $17 .98 Heated 1288 Rollers -------------- $ 12 Wood Ply 6ilil· Veneer Trunk------------> 98c Sears Trash 4"'·~,. CanLiners3-Sizes ----------':./ S9.9'>C.diz 497 Tableware ------------- S2-S2.50 Scora«e and 144 Travel Vinyl Bags ----------- ChriitmasTrtts 500f. 111d OrnamentS. r Off Reg. Prices 70 77c-SL 2 AJ Lot Yarn ear I · $2.29 Ho g 129 Cootdin ed fabrics, yd. • - $2.29 tton 1111 fl..aone.l Yardage, yd. Sf.SOtoa3.F81hion 77c_ Colored Watch Bands --------- Sl·SJ7,500..;1ne• $1-•2-·3·. 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Frld.ly, Novtmbtt 6, 1970 DAJL V PILOT 7 12-inch Portable TV, Model 2038 Fill c:-ut coupon and deposit in Television Department NAME ADDRESS _ CITY PHONE ____ _ po you c urrently own a Color TV DY es O No No Purchase Necessary. Persons under 18 and Sears employes and their families not eligible. Winner need not be present. Washers And Dryers ~ ~====::::::::= ~ S!·i9.95.(1-CyclcAu1on111.1 ic $}98 \\liishcr 1120650 __________ _ S!.f9.95 Ken1nore SJ 79 (;1u l)ryer #M7911 __ ---- Sl2?.95,Kcnmore $98 Electric Drrer #60200 --------- S 19'J.95. Auroma1ic SJ48 t:lcctric Dryer H6071KJ --------- S2~·i.95, 6-Cycle s188 Auton11uic Wa~licr # 106 lfl ------- J 179.95, l·Crcle Gas .SJ48 Dryer #70SOO ----------- S 189.95, Automiu ic SJ49 Gas Drrcr N 78700 __ S304,95. Au101naiic $2 3 8 Wushcr /120800 ---------- S l89.95,Z-S1>ecd SJ68 AutonuuicWasher N20·i00 ------- S 194.9S, Au1on1atic SJ68· Cias Dryer #70604 ---------- S399.9S, ElcctricCombinaiion $298 Wa.!iher, Dryer #80SOO -------- S249.9S. 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' • " •' DARY PU.OT EDITORIAL PAGE _Up to-Supre.llle _Cour.t ___ , __ ...... • • -lcking a two-thirds majority vote. the fate of a •25 .8 rnillion bond issue literally bangs on the justice scales of the U.S. Supreme Court. The money needed to build school housing -par· ticularly in the burgeoning Saddleback Valley -re· cei\led a majority yes vote, 52.6 percent. In California a two-thirds yes vote has traditionally been needed for bonding. The state Supreme Court ruled that majority support suffices. The highest federal tri· bunal will make the final call, possibly this year. The need for the school facilities to handle the soar· Jng growth in the district is sitnple and clear .. farents and students no\v on double session at Mission Viejo High School could vouch for this. The youngsters are bein.1? educationally short changed. The conservative· Tustin district traditionally has had tough sledding passing school finance measures. Perhaps, in this instance, the Supreme Court is the light at the end of the tunnel. U not. district officials simply will have to return to the -voters with their carefully documented needs and try again for the funds. It is to be bOped for the We of you.rigsters this does not become necessary. Postage Stamp Gala The thunder soon shifted to the elections and Presi- dent Nixon's activities in San Clemente after gala, day· long ceremonies heralding tbe first-day issue or four major antipollution po stage stamps in San Clemente. It is too bad that there was little time to enjoy the well organized day ol events, masterfully planned by the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce Dons despite short notice. Now that the elections are ended and the President has returned l,o Washington, we.might reflect once more on the day at the Western White House when Postmas· ter General Winton Blount dedicated the four new slamps . The Dons left no detail of the first.day issue event incomplete. Besides the soeial events, the host group handled the sale of ~.000 first-day covers, coordinating efforts in 20 sales centers throughout the city. . Not only did the all~male group donate counUess hours of time, but their families pitched in as well. San Clemente, fortunately has had practice at gala formal occasions. ll paid o!f late last month. Back to Original . ,, , ' . . Laguna's charming Pepper Tree PaseO'; • (1tUng a beauty treatment as the first project m a.:· w com- munity beautification program launched. by 1he Cham~ ber of Commerce. 1 '->.. The 35-year-old building in the 400 block Of South Coast Highway houses an intriguing collection Of little shops on either side of a quaint walkway. It Is being re. stored with the financial cooperation of owner Fred Richman and the talents of designer Cr{lig Corbett. Coats of paint have been removed td' reveal original brick. New lighting and ironwork will be installed, the picturesque roof renovated and fresh paint applied as needed. Idea of the Chamber program is to pers~ own- ters of some of the Art Colony's older. but still 3ifiactive buildings to freshen them up, using energy, imagina- tion and a minimum of cash. , This can be particularly· effective in Laguna, 'vberti many older structures can contribute their original " charm to create the "village atm·osphere'' planners and citizens agree could become the town's principal at- traction. s • ;)i'ire Fighters Supr~ Court Justice's New Book '-. Have Earned ' . Public'fhanks Dear Gloomy Gus: Douglas Repeats New Left Cliches Letters from readers are welcome. Normally writeTs .should convey their messages in 300 words 01' less. The right to candtnse letters to fi t space oT eliminate libel is reserved. All let· ttrs must includ« signa tuTe and mail- -btg-cddress, but names may be with.- held on request if ruftimnt reason is apparent. PoetTJI will not be pxb- lish<d. To the Editor: _____enblic thanks are due to one group of the most highly trained fire fighters in California who have been overlooked in the press reports of the recent fires that have ravaged our stale. They are more than one thousand men from the California Conservation Centers joinUy administered by the Department of Forestry and the Department of Cor· rect.ions. Trained in the techniques of fl.re fighting by memben of the Department of Forestry and highly skilled. these men worked a minimum of 12-hour shifts (much longer when "hot spots!' demand- ed it.) They are paid at the rate of SO cents a day. IN THE LAST. fire emergency there v.·ere 24 crews of 15 men each available in six different areas in the soulh fighting fires for nine days. In Orange County a crew-set up camp at El Toro and fought fire in Trabuco Canyon. other crews functioned in like manner. Camp for the Tecale fire was set up at Barretl. The Laguna Mountain fire had two such camps at Morena and Monte Vista . The Cuyamaca Peak fire had two camps at Pine Hilb and CUyamaca State Park. Jn addiUon to lhese crews in the south, eight crews ( 100 men in all) came down from Susanville and fought the Malibu Ore for nine or 10 days. The tasb the&e men performed are in- valuable. We know there are many people who join WI in thanking them. MR. AND MRS. EDWIN C. MORGENROTH DellfJ•ttul, _Refreshing To the l!'.dtlor; As an· n·Brlton and one who has also retWTMJd to the Old Country for a visit thla iunmer, l feel that 1 must comment •• George---· Dear George: Did y&1 ever watch girlr -..:alk? The hips ol 1<>me ol them go i'P and down and others seem co rotate. Why Is this and can anything be done •bout It ? P.S. You're dolng a great job Jn providing a few chuckJC! in this grim -Id. Keep It up! A. L. RANDALL Dotlr A.L. : .. 'lblDb -!or the 1 .. 1 part of the i.u.r. N fQr the flrBt part, t 1"Cftt out to do -,...arch, and lind that the hips of wbJcll you rpeak are usually acu:>utpcded by tome guy with a swlli rllbl ~. I can 11111, ,,,,_,.., ... 10 type through my lefl eye and the ..,..llfng In the rl&bl-bbollor. (Somdlmet t under1ta11d 'em: tomeUmes I don't. Helgh ·ho, 1110ther day.), 1 Literacy is not a prerequisite to voting but residency laws make it necessary. for the voter to be In the right place at the right time. A J:,itiz.en's addreSJ is more im!>or· tant than his capacity' to vote ra· tionally. -L. D. .,... ...._ """"' """"' ....... ... -r11Y ,,... M llN --r. S."4 ,_. "' _ .... M GlMl'ft1' 01t"' o.llY PINI. on Tom Barley's article ln the DAILY PILOT October 31. L can_only aay that he must have selected some very un1ucky places lo stay at in England on his late visit. Personally, I found it delightful and refreshing that things were so little changed over the years. The trouble is that people get so used to the material things epjoyed here with the higher stan· dard of living 1hat-Eqrope seems so much more austere when they return to it. WE FOUND PRICES for food and meals very rea90nable, service was good and accommodation very comfortable In every place that Y.'e stayed in and CQurtesy and good maMers second to none. I remember that 111tler said. tn 1939, that Britain was decadent but she ls still there and he is not so what does lhat prove? 1 wu not aware that strikes were the prerogative of Britain: did I not hear, on· ly this morning over the radio. something about a meat packer's strike? AS TO THE buildings: yes, some of them look out of place but some people like them and there was a tremendous chance for experimentation along those Jines after the destruction! My son, a college student, recently completed a three months tour of England, Wales and Scotland and found few, if iny of the things Barley com· plained about. Well, there will always be an England for me and it's 90 nice to go home to! DOROTHY G. FITZSIMONS Tom BarUy, county news TepoTter and music critic for the DAILY Pl· LOT, returned lo repoTt his disap- pointment in a oocation visit to his native England ofteT on eight-yeaT ob· sence. One concy.rTing letteT resulted. Reader FitzSimons is the only dis- .1enteT so jaT, -Editor A9elKat VNICEF To the Editor: 1 note your editorial stand fa voring UNICEF, and I wish to CQmment that tTNICEF Js tbe same old racket -conies -out every: year on Halloween and lltrlstmu t<rbeg ror money. While mtlllY groups like the United Way sincere ly strive to~ help worthy projects like the Boys' Club.<!, along comes this UNICEF to cut in and con the citizens out of some money which ls sent to the heads or rorelgn countries -the Dons or Latin America, the Sheiks of Araby, the puppets of new members or the Unlltd Nations Mnd many a llttJe Afr ican "king'' of a ,hungry bunch Of human VtrtebrattS W11oae aole ambltlon is fo get on the gravy train; and these foreign rtclpients arc not requittd to give any accounting as to where the money goes. It Is just l\and<d lo lh<m by UNICEF with no questiool uked or 1triDg.s attached. J>ocumc.ta: prove lhls. Ch8rlty, If you wlll, beglns at home, but UNICEF ttrlves to lake It abroad, and the money you give to UNICEF winds up, fo1 the mOlt part, In the pockets of lhe -a!:)\": oent.Jontd Dons, ttc .. ' S. G. UNDINE Justice William 0 . Douglas's book, POINTS OF REBELLION, (New YoTk: Random House, $4.95 ), reminds me of a Temark made by a student to a beaded, bearded fellow sh~dent. ','I see you're trying to ~e ·different -like everyone else." Mr. Douglas has adopted the rashionable, dissenting youth culture as his OY.'n. He is trying to be different like everyone else. His dissent is, therefore , the exact echo of everyone else's dis- sent. He repeats all the cliches of the New Left, solemnly and portentously, as if he were thinking them up for the first time. None or them Is subjected to the slightest analysis or criticism. All our problems as a nation are blam- ed on an evil, al l·pow erful ,;Establishment" that prevents the food stamp plan from helping the poor, that pollutes our environment, that dehumanizes people, that has a vested in- terest in the continuation of war. This is the kind of social diagnosis that can be hea rd any day of the week from radical student orators. Let me analyze some more of the things Mr. Douglas says. "mE CASE AGAINST the university is lhat it is chiefly a handmaiden of the . ' state or ol b'idustry Or, worse·~t, of the military-industrial complex. : . The university becomes a collection of techni-· cians in a service station, trying to turn out better technocrats for t h e technological society." Here is the typically elitist sneer against students who go to college to im- prove their lot. But at San Francisco state and many other colleges, public and private, most students are preparing eagerly for a career. They want to become accountants, engineers, home economists, physicians. Should t h e university ignore their desires? Should v.·e be teaching them to overthrow the system instead? "Where grievances pile high ... violence may be the onJy effective response." Many besides Mr. Douglas have fallen ror this one. Since San Francisco State has had its share of violence, I hope I am entitled to comment on th.is argwnent. LONG BEFORE t BECAME president In November, 1968, San Francisco State. in response to student interest, had started a student-run experimental col· Jege. The administration was persuaded, v.·ithout violence, to give credit for many or its courses. Black Studies were also started In the experimental eonege, so . that by September, 1968, Z2 courses in this area bad been incorporated into the regular cwtlculum. Not frustration but the pro1pe<:t of ·pushover victories and total conlrol Qt the program (and the money involved) led a group or black and while radicals in the fall of '68 to present 15 "non-negotiable'" demands (some reasonable, some absurd, some illegal) which they tried to enforce by beatings, sit-ins, fires, bombs, classroom disrupUons and a :student strike. The rtsults of a1J th.is viotence were u follows: 1. The edabllshment of a mack Studies department was forcibly delayed. 2. The 22 courses transferred to the new department went down the drain because there was no new department. 3. The department, when finally· established, quickly d i s I n t e g r a t e d because of conUnued violence and threats of violence exerted by radical black! against nonradlcal blacks. 'Ibe college had to start a Black Studies department all over again in the fall of 1970. VIOLENCE IS NO DOUBT, as Mr. Douglas says, ''the only effective response" in some political situations. But it sure as hell doesn't help education! "There are only two choices: a police state in which all dissent is suppressed or rigidly controlled; or a society where Jaw is responsive to human needs." Are these the only two choices? Was dissent suppressed at Berkeley or San Francisco Stale or Columbia when police were called? or course not! These schools became the objects or police con- cern not because they had radical students or professoTS, but because those views were expressed in violence and in flagrant abuse of the rights of others. If the violence-prone had been right-wing radicals, there would have been no ques- tion about the use of police. HOWEVER, IT IS the practice of New Left propagandists to confuse Police con- trol of violence with the repression of ideological nonconfonnity. It is shocking fo find Mr. Douglas falling for this shab- by line. The ultimate Irony of Mr. Douglas's at· tacks on the "Establishment" hi that there are few people who are more solid· ly a part of the Establishment than a Supreme Court justice. One wonders what he plans to do abou t this? Will he write another book to say that the Establishment is not hopelessly evil, because it includes people like him? Or will he resign from the Supreme Court? The semantic solution to Mr. Douglas's problem is simple. He could simply stop using blanket abstractions 1 i k e "Establishment," which by expJ.ainin& everything explains nothing. By S. L Hayatan President Sao Francisco Stale Colle1e Nixon Is Keeping So·viets Guessing \VASHINGTON -Richard Nlxf'ln and Andrei Gromylro, whose dark physical Tesemblance has made Gromyko the butt or Kremlin kidding, engaged In 93 minules of verbal sparring at the White House the other day. fl'he. ty.·o men joked about their Jooks az'td talked amiably about world pro- blems. Gromyko as- sured the President or Soviet cooperation in achieving peace in the ~1iddle East and in Teaching a st rategic rums agTeement . The So- viet Foreign ?.1inis- ter also· promised that the Russian s would stop construction of naval racllities at Cienfuegos, Cuba. The visit l\'as des· cribed as ''(riendly." But afterwatds, President N I :1 o n nmarked lo intimates that it isn't what the Russians say but v.·hat they do that counts. No doubt Gromyko, in hls private reporl to the Kremlln, was equally cynical. TllE PRF.SlDENT has deliberately ~ought to keep the Soviets guessing, to throw lbem off balance, lo make them l\'OM'Y 'l't'hether the U.S. might be capable of •·trrational or unpredictable'' action. Just as they thought they could an- ticipate his moves. he ordered U.S. troops Into Cambodia and surprised everybody. \Vorld leaders watched apprehensively tattr as he moved i'laval forces tnto str1k· ing poi;ition during the Jord:in blow·up. No one couJd be sure he wouldn't lrt- ter\'enc ta save King lJussein, 'lllis wou1d sctm to be a page right out of tne Soviets' own book of strategy. Jr the enemy could be trained to ·e;ii:pect a ttrtaln pattern of behavior, the SOvlel.• reasoned as did Pilv10v with hi! dogs, thtn they "'ould be thrown orf balance by any surprt.se.movt. I RETURNED recenlly from \tisits with world leaden in Asia, the Middle East and Europe. I asked what they thought o! Nixon's style. Some leaders v.·ere faVOTably impressed with his gamesmanship. "I like what he did in Cambodia," President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines told me. "I acquired a better respect fo~ the man. "He gambled his entire future on the Cambodian move, and this sing le act makes me respect the man -the feet that he could make a hard decision. I am sure this was an eye-opener for the Com· munists." BUt othCr leaders, who asked not to be quoted (or obvious diploma tic reasons, felt Nixon's high-stakes world chess game was too dangerous. Despite his ex· pcrience in international intrigue. said one head or state. Ni:it:on is pl8ying an amate ur's game. not one that a real pro- fessional would dare to play. AL THOUGH RE !\IAY keep llle Com- munists off balance, agreed other skep- tical leaders. Nixon's style creates too much uneasiness. The response to an un· predictable amateur, they said, could be th e 'ATong response, especially in tense situations such as exist in the Middle East and Southeast A.sill. Intelligence reports indicate. that the President has been su«essful, at least, in Quotes Eileen Fransen, Upland -''Jn a d•Y when the democrntlc process Is in 1 eony state, the good fight must be to try ~to regain peace and sanity ln our IOClety IS well a!! backing for our aoldim in Vietnam and Cambodia." outmaneuvering the leaders In Hanoi. His boldness in Cambodia surprised them. "They regard this as an act of a strong rather than a weak leader," said an Asian defense minister. Agreed another high-ranking Asian: "They consider Nil.· on as a sharp operator." The North Vietnamese leaders appear lo be quite dispassionate in their ap. pralsal of Nixon. They may heat up the air .,..·aves with denunciaUons of him. sug. gest intelligence reports, but they make a cold, calculating appraisal of him. THIS IS ALSO true, apparently, of the Chinese who lash Ni:ion with rhetoric but take a realistic view of him. Their American e:it:pertl are excellent and give PekJng an accurate picture of America. Premier Chou En-lnl, however, Is con- sidered to be more realistic than old Mao Tse-tung, who Is governed by bis own wild dreams. North Korea's Kim n Sung ls even more rabid than Mao. In Pyongyang, the American Presldeot is revUed m private as well public. Intelligence IOUl'Ces describe Kim a1 a fanaUc who rmly sees beyond his own bleak mountains. Jn his laolaUon, he has developed an iJ'. raUonally harsh view of Nixon, perbapl the moot cllBlorted of all -Id leaders. SOtrl'B KOREA'S President 01un& Hee Park expressed only quallned 1dmir1Uoo for Nlxon. "He ls a noted statesman.'' Park to14 me. "He ls doing a sple.ndld Job ol 10M111 comi>Iex problems." Bui oner -l•udatory l'tllW'ks; Park beean a KU•rded crtUque or the Pre1ldenl "One wonders U the Nlion Doctrine wu arrived at too h1sUJy," he said, rtferrlnt: to President Nilon's doc- ttlrie ol dllengagemenL Park merely erpreastd out loud the prlv1fe concern of other Asl•n le•ders ovtr Ute pul1-b1r.lc of U.S. forces from Vletn1m aDd Korea . "The doclrlne musl be adjusted IO lbe lnternaUonal sllu•tlon aa well as to the ' domUtlc slluaUon In !be Ullli.d States," said Park, Implying that the Nixon Doe- trlne was the product of domestic politics. The North Koreans were plan- ning provocations, warned Park, to test Nixon's character. PRIME llllNISTER SalO, In Tokyo, spoke of Nixon with oriental nattery. "[ have a feeling o( great fri endliness for President Nixon. I remember vividly Richard Nixon. as Viet President, saying that the J11panese Constitution was • mistake that was imposed by the oo-- cupation. That impressed me." India's Prime Minister 1ndira Gandhi shates both Nixon's pragmatism and bis passion for politics. Each came away from their Jast meeting with a ravorable impression of one another and exchanged public compliments. Their mutual ad- miration, said insiders, wis genuine but is wearing of!. Richard Nixon has said of himself that "foreign policy!> is my strong suit." Some world Jeaders agree: others do not. The final verdict can only be written in hil!Or)I. ---i~ Friday, Novtmber 6, 1970 Tht rdi!on.I pag• of the Dailv Pilot 1eek$ to inform and stirn.- alm:e reader1 bu pre1enUna thil: newspaper'• opini0111 and com.. mentary on topics of intere1t and 1ianlffcance, b~ providing a forum. for &ht e~tms.1ion •I 011r readers' opinfon1. on:d bt1 presenting t'he 'diver1e vfew- po~ntt of informed ob&ervers and spokesmt"n on topia of the c1au. Robert N. Weed , Publlsbu I -• . ' (lldOJ', N~6, 1970 DAIL V PILOT I _ Ships Still Tl1reatened by WWII Mines f • CHECKING - Vas lan lice ... '°"" ical · .,.. I in . If ing ,.,. lew ,,,,. ol ang talr at- :hat 1lid- n a lers . he the !Vil, Or :1? ,.., rtop k e ""' .... leot ... r ' toe- s tic: lan- lesl :yo, "[ for idly ing ' . oc- •dill his •ay ible ged ad- bul .hat •me l'he in I '· . ' ' I I l . • •UP• Sleep · Is ~etter Without Radio On 2 Coast Men Given Posts Two Orange Coast men have been named council members of the Orange County section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Tuey are Dr. A. J. Vander \Veydcn of 4800 Surry Drive, Corona del Mar and Carlo Tosti of 2801 Cassia St., t-;ewport Beach. Vander Weyden is employed by McDonnell 0 o u g 1 a s Astronautics Co. and Tosti \\'orks ·with North American Rockwell. The 1,500 member local chapter has se le cte d "Technology and S o c i a I ResponsibUJty" as Its program lhtmes for the coming year. ROii IN DANA POINT J!!t 'ON DISPLAY MILLS TELEVISION AccuColor-RCA's new system for colof television. Model-for-model, dollar-for-dollar the most vivid, most lifelike, most consistently accurate, most dependable color in our history. And our most automatic. First RCA brought you black-and·white television. Then we pier nee red color. Now we proudly present l.\ccuColor-a system that combines the· three features you want most in-one set consi st· ently accurate color, fiddle·free luning and strong. dependable performance. Performance that's backed in writing~ Here are the major components that make it all possible: 1. An AccuColor Tube. Computer-designed for opumum color accuracy and sharper, more detailed pictures. Each AccuColor tube has RCAs own Permachrome Shadow Mask. II prevents dislortion of color as the picture warms up. You gel consislenl color hour aller hour. 2. An AccuColor Automatic Tuning System. Its fiddle· free color because cril ical con1rols are automatic. RCAs Aulo- matic Fine Tuning locks in lhe correct signal on aJLchannels . And AccuTint-our one-bullon aulomatic-gives you more na t· ural flesh tones and co nsislen l color on all channels. 3. An AccuColor Chassis. In RCAs.AccuColor '·New Visla" sets many lubes-and in "Trans Vista" models a// tubes-are re- placed by advanced solid slate devices; the most reliable. most long-lived kind of components used in lelevision lcxlay. The Problem with AccuColor. We know it sounds too goocfto be true. So don't believe ifs everything we say it is. Be- lieve ifs everything you see ii is. At your RCA dealer's today ------------·· --------. 'illCCUCOLOR l'MTS AND LABOR COVERAGE-BASIC WARRANTY PROVISIONS. RCA's new Purchaser Satisfaclion program -"PS" for short -provides lhal tor one full Y.w! from the dale of purchase. RCA Corpora· lion warrants to the hrsl relail purchaser Iha! it will pay all laborchargestorrepairof detecls in 100% solid state Accu· Color "Trans Visla" models (~~ on AccuColot "New Visla" models) and will make available replacements tor any detective parts. (If lhe picture tube becomes detective within two years. it will be exchanged tor a rebuitt picture lube.) lnstallahon and sel·up, foreign use, antenna sys· rems. and adjuslmint of cuslomir controls ate not in· eluded . To oblain warranty ·benJ!l1ts. contact your RCA dealer or lhe service agency of your choice with your Warranty Aegislration Card. "I would't be surprised if lhere are many in the AUan- Uc-c::artled there by wind and water," said the Defense Ministry. Britain's coasts are. virtually clear of the menace. Lengthy sweeps by the Roya.J Navy bave taken care of the worst of the problem-explosives drif· ting over from EUfDpe are the main danger here. The northern European coast was mined much more thickly thaB British coastal waters. · FREE OVER 24 YIAIS IN THI ljAllOI ARIA DICK Of PLA YlN6 CAIDS JUST FOi DIOPPlNG lN The Blrrie, "New Vist8' modll FP·52S AccuColor rNQir. in a comoacl lable model w11h big 20·· diag. picture tube Fea!ures l•fei•ke. accur a!e color plus l•dd!e t1ee 1un1ng. TM Pt•w 111 rt. .. ,._ Yilll" model GP-t24 RCA AccVcaor TV with the cnarm ol Federal Period styhng AccuColor • E)CIUf9. tube k>r extr;i sparkle. AccuColor chassis includes many .sohd slatede\llC8S tor grealer dependabilily. Plus RCAs AccuC.olor IJddle·lree toong system. ~------- See it now at your . dealer Phone 644·7650 The RHburn, "New ViU" model GP-590 An AccuColor console at a budget once. Brilliant. ll!ehke color on a bg 23 · d•ag. p crure lube. Depcodable perlorrriance plus accurate ~uloma11c tuning. • oornoo It.:. AcCUCOIOt(<i . n. -. .,._ Vllll' --Tho..u~male AccuColor. Giant 25 .. diag. picture tut:» .. V.Wi color. liddte- tree 1unno and a chaS.$1$ lhll's 100% acJlid $1818 tor long, s1rong. dependable oerlormance. Available in .,tiQued Forest Oak or Canlilta P9can veneered cab nets .. ----- l 141JICC.-Klfll.., AccuColor@) • • • _, ... 4ft·J61t "6-1744 IJJ.JJ1t, ' I . -· .. -' ' I }I I ' • ' . • ' I • ' ' I I ~ • • • ' : • • : ~ :. •' •• -. ·J :i I' ll )' ·1 I ' • I l ' a Jl)l?Al[V PILOT ' Gruesome Knifings Described LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Tate murder \rial defendant Leslie Van Houten told or stabbing people who were already dead and code(endant Patricia Krenwinkel spoke or dragging around a body. the prosecution 's rinal wlt.ness testified Thursday . over the vehement protests ()(the defense, Dianne Lake, a 17-year-old former member of the "f.tanson Family," was permitted to give an "edited'' \•ersion of admlnklns she said were made by the two young memebrs of the hippie cult. She said Miss Van Houten told her that she stabbed Leno LaBianca and his wile after FAJlflf..V CIKCllS bir BU Keaiee "I don 't.like this kind . Couldn't I havo corn on tho bano?" Magazine Official Arrested Top Polltleal Deflelt Tunney Campaign $600,000 in Re(], BEVERLY HILLS (UPI) -lb! handsorie yuung senator· debt would have been only the black. Rep. John V. Tunney has electµid during an interview hall of what It is now. That's Democrat Jess Unru h, ~·ho LA HABRA (UPI) emerged from his impreuive whlle relaxing in the secluded because many persons who lost to Gov. Ronald Reaga n William Robert Russel , 44, victory over Sen George Mur-Beverly Hills mansion he 1 ed din b .... , h U mlill 1 was arrested Thursday on 14 phy with a massive campaign oan money, accor g to y al.IUU• a a on voes. counts of gra{ld theft and 15 debt of $600,000. r~y said he spent ap-the Riverside congressman, said he raised $800,000 and counts of corporate security That's about one dollar for proximately $1.2 million dur· said to ''forget it" if he lost. spent just that. violations in connection with every vote be collectJ!{i more ing the Jong, very television· Tunney said he piled up a Tunney said he plans lo pay the now-defunct Sunday Mail than the Republican senator. oriented ci.mpalgn. About hair $300,000 debt during the June back the loans thrttigh tra- private mail service. 1t's also one of the bigges t of that represented loans from primary and doubled it dur-ditional means -soliciting Office.rs said the charges campaign deficits in the Pis· people who asked to be repaid ing the fall. contributions al fund raising stemmed from the selling of tory or California politics. after the election. By contrast, a spokesman dinners and cocktail parties. dealershlps for the Sunday "It's really incredible. ll'S Ironically, If Tunney had for P..1urp:hy said the ousted "The same old way -there Mall, which produced a weekly about half of what we spent," been be1ten by Murphy his senator's Campaign finished in ain 't no oU1er way," he said. maauine and other ad-~-------'--------'---'-'-------'--'-------------~ vertising materials. The investigation which led VOICE OF PROPHECY they were dead. She also said -------------------- that ~ilss Krenwlnkel told her to the charges was initialed when some 450 persons com- plained to Los Angeles and Orange County orricials that the company discontinued iLs deliveries after they purchas- ed the dealerships. Authorities said the In- vestors bought nearly $2.1 million worth or dealerships because of the alleged representation that they 'vould earn from $200 to $300 a week Southern California Crusade she dragged Abigail Folger in- to the Uvlng room at the home of actress Sharon Tate. Miss Tate and four friends were killed at her borne in August. 1969 and the LaBian- cas were k.llled at their home the following night. Miss Lake's testimony came arter Judge Charles H. Older ruled she could testily with certain portions of her account rererring to the involvement or the other defendants deleted. Sbe had . been questioned for four days before that with the j~ absent. Irving Kanarek, attorney for Charles Manson, a c c u s e d mastermind of the killin1s. protested that such procedurt aUowed the state to tell MiSs Lake exactly what to say and not to say. Older ruJed that he had no reason to believe that the prosecution had acted im· properly but haif followed court instructions to inform the witness which portion s of her story were admissible. Miss Lake also told the jury that Manson. 35, told hls followers they had to be "will· ing to kill the pigs" to start a black-white revolution. San Jose Probe Set SAN JOSE IUPI) -A com- mittee of the Santa Clara Grand Jj.lry has begun in- terviews to determine whether a fu11-scale investigation is "·arranted into the violence at President Nixon's rally at San Jose last week. Leonard Winston. chairman or the jury's crlrilinal com- plaints subcommittee, said his group interviewed seve r a I .. very cooperative" San Jose policemen. but declined to comment on what they said. State Sen. Alfred Alquist (0- San Jose). has requested a full-scale investigation of the incident. He says he wants to d('termine if there was a con- spiracy against the President and his party or whether local authorities failed to protect the President. Davis Land Grab Occupying Indians Seek Agnew's Help for a few hours work on Sun- days. as "the largest distribulion point of obscene materlal in the United States." DA VIS !UPI) -lndiam trying to seize federal land in California have appealed both to U.S. District Court and Vice President Spiro Agnew. The telegram demanded Tburllday that Ht acres of surplus alnd near Davis be awarded to tht "Deganawidah Quetzalcoatl Univenlty" and asserted: ··vour refusal would comlitute another breach of faith, tolally ip>ring Pftll- dent Nixon's July fl, 1970, message to Congress p~ mlsing us self-determination." Before being declared surplus, the land was used u an A r m y CommunicaUooa Center and the Department of Health, Education and Welfare plans to turn it over to the University of California. Jn their suit at the federal coort in Sacramento, the In- dians aaked a restraining order to block that trllJ!ftr and for a review by HEW of the Indiana' application for &be site. A press aide to the vice president, Victor Gold, said, "we have no knowledge of su ch a telegram." Agnew i1 the National Council on Indian Opportunity's chairman. The 640 acres near Davis is one of three sites seized by In· dians in this state. Others are Alcatraz Island, f o rm e r federal penitentiary in San Franclaco Bay whlcb ha1 been held since Nov. 20, ·and some 50 acres near Santa Ron, which was once a foreip b r o a d casting informaUon service installaUon. ous.t tribesmen from the Alcatraz, Davis or Santa Rosa lites, although government 1pok111men say the Indians have no rights tbere. HoWever, Pit River lndians who took over national fortst Jandl near Mount Shasta have been arrested. Pit River lndJana contend that 3.5 million acres of Califom.la Janel were taken from them IJ1e1ally during the gold rual1 bul .Jwlge Robert F. Peckham in U.S. District Court in San Francisco ruled against them last month. "It ii clear u a matter of Jaw that the Indiana have no rlghta ln thll California land," lhe Judi!• declai<d. Man Shot In Battle Candidate, 23, Double Loser MEMPms, TeM. (AP) - Democrat John Garavelli, 23, who wound up loser in his race for s ta t e representative, ,received his Army induction notice election day. "I guess they didn't have much confidence that I would win," he suggested. Had Garavelli won. his induction probably would have been postponed until the end or his term. II \I 111'' ( OSTA MESA J EWEU\Y l:' L()A,t\J WHOLESALE OIAMONDS GOLD. JEWELRY BRACELETS 82.SO Gold Pieee Bing Set la 141 POMONA (UP I) -A NECKLACES suspected probation violator RING You'w• Se•11 It Adw1rti11d For S250.00 was critically wounded when DESIGN he allegedly tried to shoot a ANO .sheriff's deputy early today. RESETTING The suspect, Lamont w. A.PPRAISALS Wtlls, 28, was reported in critical condition at Pomona ~~~~: Valley ·Community Hospital with bullet wounds in the lung TRADE INS and spine. ESTATE Deputies said two detec-ITEMS lives, acting on a tip, went to a coffee shop to arrest Wells CASH for violating probation on a LOANS conviclion of possession or CATALOG d angerous drugs and DEPT cultivating marijuana. ' ,,, It $125 Hffe for 5HO,-COM'""· SEE VS ~lllST David Smllh, 2'!, one ol •'!;;;========~! dozen Indian students at Santi Rou Community College, wbo occupied that bast Wednesday night, said it should be turned into a "native American culture center." WI IUT, WHAt QUALltY DIAMOND AND GOLD JIWILlT At SINSllLI PllCIS No effort bu bHJI mode lo s A L E HAYI TOU1 TROPICAL FISH HUGE STOCK PACll•IC GOLDFISH FAlM 1"'2 IOWAllOS HOR1'H O~ •OLSA Wl5TMIH51'11l I RJB NEV'1 POio' l 81 VD ..,nwf;rnwr. r n'1t .,._E\A f· ~• ~ M~•hJ• < & 'od•oy r1, .,, 60:t-7741 Com~encing ' SATURDAY, November 7 at 7:30 p.m. . STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION PREDICTED EVENTS AFFECTING THE LIVES OF .MILLIONS, ABOUT TO BE FULFIWD IN TH IS GENERATION , KENNETH LACEY 'of London, England, Ev angelist, writer, world traveler and outst1nding expositor of Bible Prophecy, explains the mysteries of the Revel•· tion in twenly·lwo fascinating studies. NOV. 7 through NOV. 28 nightly at 7:30 p~. EVERYBODY WELCOME SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 14362 Willow Lane, Westminster ij.\j The Big M is big enough tQ protect your interest with the nation 's highest rate-on insured savings-you can choose from 4 insu~ed guaranteed-to -grow savings plans. o But equally important-cares enough to give you very .personal service. o Why not open an account today ... and meet the people who care. MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATl.ON Coron• d•I Mlf offlo1: 2H7 Eal Coal HlllhW111 / f7H010 Olhiit offi<ea In Covina. w .. r Ar<adlL Puadena and !llendalo • ' .:i ;< ~ . • • • ' . • . . '· ' • .--.·-::--:ir-;---;--~c-~.,--~~~·~··-,,,,,..,,ffe"'~"·""•',.'""''"'·""''"'""""~"""""".,.""'"""""",., .. ,.,.,....,..,.., .. .,.,...,.., ...... ,."'!,. .. ""..,,.,...,., .... ,.,.,. .. ..,.., .. ..,,...,,.. .. ,.. .................. ,.. ...... .. For the Bi rths ...... wo.t.e M•MO•IAL HOIPITAL -n Mr. •l'ld Mn. Tt<"•Y ... ,..,, HJt w. A11rw• No. 4, 1111111 At\t, t l•I, ~. •NI Mrt. Al.Ill Trl('f, 106 l lM>l'I AY1t111e, Ml-1 IHch, 1lrl, Mr. ~ Mr1, C"-r1" Plllt11111, 1:11 V!o- 1erl•• C11t!• Meu, 1lrl. Mr" t..cl Mn, P•UI Cf1)¥, uoi S.rtn•dti TtrriKt , Coron1 HI Mir, •lrl, M•. 1..a Mrl. JnM Gooett, 7)(11 P•r• O•lv,, S..nll An1, b0¥. Mr. Ind Mr1. WUlllm W!11n1r, 2709 Amtrlc•n. Cosl1 Mn1. 1lfl. Mr. 1..cl M ... Wlllllm L. l(.,,.p, Sltl Rov1l1 Awn11•. S1n!1 An1, t lrl. Mr. 1..cl Mtl. Wllllr 511&dlt, 1CMI W. w111oro, cost• Mew, b01. Mr. 1nd Mra. J°""' Moffitt, 1o.t7S P1r1~HI Clrcle, Fountlln V1ll1~, bo•. ..._ Mr. i nd Mr1. llenriell> Subl, 11161 &u>hlrd, Hun•1"910n ll"cl>, -· Mr. 1nd Mr1. °'nnl1 O'H1lr, tJ.I Otl · Mir. CMll Mne, 1lrl. Mr 11'1<1 M,.., J-ph Aas.I, ttn Mlc:l>ISl•n Avtt1111. Cost• Mff•. b0¥. Mr. 1nd Mrs. Wflll1m Gulley, '7!11 1111.. AYIMUI. Hun!Ll\910n 811do, .... Mr. i nd Mt1, Donoold A-IOll. 2211 Goio.n Circle, Ne....POl"I &la<l'I, 11r1. ect..,u M• ind Mri. S1"'.aot Oel911to, lUS1 Wl>llt S.l'ld Oftw, T..,.!ln, bov. Mr. •nd Mrs. An"'°"Y Wlllle, 15462 Flor'""'• OrN1 HunlLnllon l111d1, "" Mr. 11'1d Mr1. lt~rd IC1pn1r, 2'431 M0!'1n1 Or!Yt, M111lot1 Vlelo, -· Mr. 1nd Mrt, Jam11 IC. St. Jolln, 1W f!Hn AvenlM No. I, Cott• Meil, 1!rl. Oc ...... U Mr. •nd Mr1. JOlln S. &ooll. 101t Ml•llOll Ori•• No. c. Co1l1 Mil•· tltl. Mr. •nd M,... llllC111rd flu11er. JM Am1lfl OrlYI, lrYIM, t !rl, Mf. 1nd Mra. Wltl11rn R. 8t1n, 2GIJ Tu1lln A\ltnlM. COii• MIP. bay. Mr. •nd Mr1. f1111llo G. HolQuln. 2116 GrHnvllle Sl•ff!, S.lllf An1. ofrt M•. 1nd M<1. c111rle1 M. Ando"4!n, ••1 C1lllhll Drl\11, NIWPO•I llel(ll, bo .. Mr. end Mf"I. ci.ren« o. Miiier. H~ MITqUtlll Cl•cle, Cost• MltH. bov. Mr. end Mn. lllobfrl G11-ooe1, ,., S<;o!I Pl•c•, co1r1 ~. 11•1. Mt. tnd M'I. J1m11 L. AMrtll, 2GH l111tl1 Pl1c1, Cot•• Mtu. bcv. Mr. ind Mr~. 1C1nn1tll E:""G1rd,..r. t4n M1dll0fl No. 1, Wtt!1T1ln1t1r, 1lrl. Od-•U Mr. •nd Mr1. G1r1ld Ptlf"IClll, 11021 H1ter1town Clrt11, Hunllnelon l111c11, t lrL Mr. •nd Mri. Gtottl Holl, 161-1'!11 Pl1ce, Co''' Mell. 1lrt. Mr. ,,.... Mn. TllOl'fllt S111n"ln, 341116 5. R1mont Ori"'· s.n11 .v11, bOv. .. -u Mr. •nd Mn., EOWtrd N..,t;ll, 1K5 v1Utlo Clrclt, COSll Mfll, t!rl. Mr. ind Mn. M1n1MI L. Tor~11, 7111 N. Euclid, :S.nl• Arlt, bov. Mr. Ind Mf"I. Gordan lt1ch, 1111 f11rk.tilre L1"4I. Newoorl ll11c1>, olrl. Mr. t nd Mrt. Pl'llllp Nortll(Olt. 2Nol Jt •• 111..,d, Co•ll Meu. 9lrl. Mr. 1nd Mrs. Jolln Zinn. lJUO Las FIC<"tl, Fountt ln V1lle1, boY. Marriage Licenses LAS VEGAS, Nev,. -M1rrl111 1lce<11e1 lu u&d h1<1 lr1tlude: PRICf-LEWIS-Od. 11, ll utv G., ;o, al Lent l101c11, tnd M1rlorlt, JJ, of Huntln9'on ee.c1>. HULL·SUll!:--Ocr. 11, lll1 ioh L .. 50, of Huntlll(ltan 8eldl, 1nd Mot1nle L .. 51, ol 5tnlf Ant. V I TT ET 0 W • CORTEAL--Ocl. lt Tllom11 Lee. Jr., 16. ol Ort net. •nd Lindt JOYCf , 72, of Cosll Mtll. SHANOLE·LEVIN--Ocl. 19, OonllO AU1n, 14. tl'ld Lll'ldl G•rMll, 7l. boll> of Hunll119lon llttch. IELL~ELSON-Oct. 1t. Ht r o I a Edw1rd, 11 , o1 N-rt s .. ch. •lid lleverlv Jetn. )6, ol G1rdtn Grove. SEIFElllT·K ENALEV Oc:I. lt, w 1m .... L •• 11. •nd P1rne!1 Ann, 10, boll'I DI Hunllr19ton l111cll. 1-!ILL-MtLL-Oct. 11, Lud1n C., 11, of Cimo Ptndleton, rem•~lfd Helen N1dl11t Merry, 11, of t1unll"91on IHCll, CODIC·MOORE--Oc;I. l l, Jeck Edw1rd, ?6, of G•ro.t,.... i nd O.rlenf, rt, o! Hun!ln1ton Buch. ,,._ORR1$-t10YT--0c!. 27, L•rrY Lt9, JI. •nd Do•li M1y, "· botl'I cl Founrtln Vall1¥. kN!LL·ICNtLL-Ocl. ?J. J1ck S., ,4, •1m1rrlfd Norm• Jean, '!. bolh 01 NewPOrl l111cll. I VCHElll<ONFORTl-Dct. ?J, R~h>ll P1ul, 41, tnd Join JS. bo!ll ol Hun· llt>glon Be•ch. MILLElll-BROWN-Ocl. ?J, Vlc!or. d . 1lld M1rlon E1htl. .u, bolh or Wnlmlns!er. TERWILLINGER·SWETNAM -OCI, 1J, Wlllltm Robert, 1', end Nl(kl. 10, both of Cosi. Mt11. W"-GNER-NAVE -Oct. ?), ICtnnttll Leon, 11. •lid ca1hy Sue, 72. Do!ll or Weolml111!1r. ELLIS·MC tNT llllE-OCI. 1J, 111111>/I, JI. t M Olt llt G., 11, boll> of COl'OM dtl Mir. NU N ZJ AT A ·SULL!VAN--Ocl. ?l. Mkhlel J., JJ. 1nd Join L .. 11. bo!ll Cf lHUl\I llelth. GllllNT·AOAMS--Oc;I. ?J, JHM E1r1. 56, of y.Jteloa, ~..er LYnM C., «!.of Hun- tlntlot1 ~aci'I. . DUNTON·SAo:.'fTER-Ocl. ,,, MINI>' Ill. .. ,l, of Anaheim, 11'1<1 Svl\ll• A .. 16. Deat h J\'o t ices OlllAICli C!lllord F. Drtkt. 6il O.k SI .. L•eun1 l11c1>. 0111 of dHlh, November 1. Prl· v'1t Yr\llcn wl<t lltld TutldaV. Novtm• btr J, 11 McCormick L11un1 811c1> Mar· !u1rv Chtotl. Prl\1111 lnllrmtnl. Dl•t cied by MtCormlrt Leoun1 811ch Mortuary. ST. CLAlll Eudor1 St. Cl1\r. J!9U Vlr9lni1 Ave., South L11una. S1rvlc11 l>IN!lne II Mc- Cormick L11un1 811ch MortUlr'I'· Wl!llER John F. Wtt>et . '1ll2 Vlt Str11!1 L~ne. Mun1l"91otl ·lle1ch. D•!e o! OH!/\, NoYtm· IH!' •. SurvlYtd bY wilt. Ann J. Wtbt'1 &on, J1Ck F, Jr.1 lwo 1l1!1r1, Alm1 i nd Miry Colt, boll> o! C1n1da. $ervlct., Momlty, 11 1.m .. 8111 8rotdWIY Chlotl 11111 llr0tdw•Y Mor!u1ry, Olrtdorl. ARBUCKLE & SON We1t<~lifr Mortuary Ui E. 17th St., Colta Me1a ........ • BALTZ MORTUARIES Coro.a• del ft.fi r .... OR 3-9450 Cotti Me1a ........ ml J.U.U • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa u 8-IDS • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 17tS t..pn1 Canyon Rod. ffl.IMll • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery Mortuary · Chapel l5IO P1cWc View Drive Newport Btacl:I, C.Ufornl1 lf4.fl• • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7801 Bol .. Ave. Wtttmioslef ... ltWSlS • IHEFFER MORTUARY Lapn1 Beocb ....... 191-1135 Su cte.meate ....... -...100 • SMITH5' MORTIJARY 01 Mllll Sl lluUn .... Bucio - Record o# WttlMlrltltf. RICAJI00-1.fWls-oct. 14. Don. Q, ol P~. ,,.. ff""" a,, "'-of LH -lllldl . WJllGHT<DCIClll.ELL-Ott. :t.(, Sii" mlHICI A:IY, U. t1141 M.frt llU IOflllt. 11, kith ot Cot.It Mf"s.. SIMDN·SHE'AREJl~r. l .. l.tlltf. n. ol Stntf .-,JWI, aNI T1m1r1 ICay, 20. of Hunllll(l lllft llHCI\. t•ENMElll.·Sl"lllO .. KLE-<>t1, :t•. Nl!W H .. n, told Emili• R .... bOtll II Coll• Mtu. MAlllTlf•Po'OllC-oct. 2~. II-Id G., t7, of C11tt ~w. Ind Ttont C,, n, flf HYnllnt1lon •••c~. • Split Districts Are · Unchanged ' SANT A ANA -Late votea from counties did not change t.be outcome of two con- gresslonal and one assembly district which are shared by two counties. R~p. Richard T.Hanna, (0- Anaheim), was returned to Waabington for his fifth term Schmit.z (R·'I\lsUn ). defeat John Lenhart, 190,ff7 lo 86,11&6. * * * Nevi ns W ins " 4th Distric t DAILY PILOT J.J . ·~ wilh a 19,000 vote mar11n over ot l,705,571 to 1,328,515. Board Seat Jarvis led in Orange County · second·Ume c h a 11 • n g • r by 213,801 to 198,486 with all William Teague of Garden bul four precincts counted. Grove. SANTA ANA -Although Nevins, who has held hl.s Totals for 34th district failing to carry Orange Coun· seat 12 years, was one of four incts I both Or d ly, Dcmocrat _Ricbard.Ne.\'ins. Democrats heading for a prec n ange an sWE!ep Of ·all ·co-n•·-_.._ .... seal! '1n' • --'"• le .,_ was retumeft to his 4th LC!l•cu .LAQ ~e s counlms show Tuesday's elecllon. H loo ••• T llO ..... District seat on the State anna, •""'•: eague ,;aov1. Incumbe nt George R. Reilly, Board of Equaliiation by a boa Rep. Craig Hosmer, (R·Long a rd member since 1938, lopsided co unt over Beach), whose 32nd district b Republican challenger Howard defeated Republican Lee laraely in Los Angel•• County J · Tu d Bagdonas in the 1st District, ' • ..... arv1s es ay. SSl ,219 to 2'25,881 ; incumbent · ~Zoo' Aid s Crippled Children ORANGE -A small gray elephant with flowers in his nose, a dragon with a crooked , their whimsical animals to be tall , a· fat caterpillar and a bright and cheerful, not stalwart moose have been scary." but includes part of Hun-With 92 percent of the John W. Lynch defeated his · tington Beach, Seal Beach and precincts reporting, Nevins 2nd District R e p u b I i c a n . ·the Sunset-Surfside area, won had retained his Orange-Los challenger Root ComeiUe o[. Traffic Toll I Totals Three In Co1mt y created by local high school The animals were sculpted students· for the Easter Seal in )frge forms, with im· Rehabilitation Center. aginatlon given free reign. Us- The colorful papier·mache ing boxes as a base, the menagerie, a gift from the art students pasted layers of department at Marina High paper over them and then School, greet both crippled painted them. handily over bis Democrat op-1 1'An..;g;el;;e~s;;Co~u;;;n;;ty;,;se~a~t;;b~y~a~v~o;¥;_~0~a;;kl~a;;nd~,~b;y,;a~n~8~t;;•;3;;m~ar;;;g~in~. poneht Walter Mal lonn ee,li ... 115,020 to 42,964. NEED A DENTIST? - children and adults each Exterior designs, a~rding morning in the lobby of the to Thomas. were then added to Traffic fatalities in Oran~e center at 1800 E. La Veta, the animals and shellacked in County totaled three tti1s Orange. p I ,.. c e to give them week. all stemming from Marin's art students. under permanence. For a final Assemblyman John Briggs, (R·Fullerton), recorded 60,487 votes in the 69lh District Orange and San Bernitrdino counties to 26,074 for his Democratic opponent James Slaven. Results frOJJl 301 San D'lego County precincts in the 35lh Congressional D i s t r I c t • previously reported, saw John EMERGENCY PLATE REPAIRS YO~H::.T Tuesday accidents. the guidance of teacher John touch, each animal was given A 6-year old Fullerton boy Thomas, built the fantasy a personality of its own died Wednesday of injuries animals as a special art through ribbons, fa 1 s e suffered when his bicycle was department project. eyelashes and swishy tails. SLIM GYM struck by a car Tuesday. ,;Th kids 1 · 1 in "'It 1 tr· t 1 ht" l.08EA0111tt1a11:r t VlltY ·aooy• FillinCJs - Pentothal Extractions -Credit Fullerton police said Very! e OOK a spec1a . was eve a lf'S s g , IH J w1111• Hackens rode his bike in front terest in the fa ct that the end said-center r e c e p t i o n i s t Dr~ WAn of a car driv en by Barbara result or their art project Audrey Harris who spends Piii Jean Lopez o{ Fullerton. She would be enjoyed by small eight hours a day with the af· HDMt: DlMON1t 111AnDH COSTA MISA 267 E. 17th St. -Phone 646·1882 Was not Cl.ted. children," Thomas s a Id. Oicted children and the new TELEPHONE.WALT Th h hf ti I (714) 13f ·S77S Jon H. Vorisek, 37, or1_'..:' '.""''.:.Y_'.t~o~u!g~t".'U~Y_IP~'"'"~"":'d".....!.m'.':e:'.n~a!ge:'.r~ie::_. ______ ...':==========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dissolutions Of Marriage FllM ()cMllw t "-nd~rlQn, J1"e M. 1nd G1rrv 1"r1nk Suominen, Jolln Lturl 1n<I S1r1h JIM ~t~~kJ, e.1:1;:::!'r1:"'i~e".'~ JOl!n Ed· A~~:!. !:otw1rd JOl\11 1nd Ll~t 11111 Oarnot"U, C11htr!n1 Loulu '"" Mtrtln Jalln • Gr1y, Vlr1lnl1 A. Ind IC1nntlll Jalln Conro1, M!tl>tel P. ·,nd M1rl1 L. Huston, Sl>lrln A.nn IM W!Hl1m R-rl Y1rdt•1fr, Glori• J 1nd Arnold M. Curl. Su18n Mr,ril •i>G John Jt mt• JOnl•-N•tll•n .i 1nd E8rll .... llltt1IL MlrY Julll •M WllUtlT' Clllrl11 8rook1. Lur-Mte and L1wr .. .:1 Ltrov , Crabb. WUl8rd Earl Jr .• and IC1tl>leen B•fro, Carol Ann and Ch8rlt1 Ow~v.-.. Erdflt1n, Allmet Emln 1nd Je1nlcf An1 Jord8n. L1ure1n1 Virginia "'" Melvin L~I• Clausen, O,,rltn1 AlKlrfY Ind Eu ... 1141 Marlln L!vlno"on, R-rl R. 1n<1 B1rb1r1 M1rlt • -L1slst1<) Lt8not1 M. 1nd RQMrl L. While, erllY n N. ind lllebfrl C. Erltk!On. Slterrot1 L. elld Dtnnl1 Gene ~l!~t'ie.Jr'n1~i ~~ .~~1R:'31t~1 Shew, C1>1rlol!e Mtrlt alld John Cl1vton EUlott, Herbert Francli 1...:I Oolorf!I Je1n Hul1ev, Karen AnM and W1lltr J1mo1 l\~ker. Shtl!t and Slt\ltn M1ulm1n Rkl'l~•d• Ravmond Ind Cynlltl1 Wl~arvet. If, Ju<l!ll> Lea tl>d Orton " Lonvvevan, Allee Lo1T1l111 11'1<1 Arthur Antltonv Anaheim, was killed in a spec· tacu\ar cra sh Tuesday night on the Garden Grove .Freeway at Magnolia Street, the California Highway Pat r o I reported. Offie£rs said Vorisek en· tered the eastbound lanes at Brookhurst Street. He was driving west. Vorisek was hit headon by a car driven by Larry H. Badgewel\, 2 9 . Orange. who was slightly in· jured in the crash. Earlier Tuesday, a Tustin man was killed when the van he was dri ving went out of co ntrol, rolled over and crush- ed him on the Santa Ana Freeway north or El Toro Road. Highwa y patrol officers said the southbound van struck a curb and rolled ove r killing Richard L. Newton, 32, or-1632 Melvin Way. · Gets Post Lacev, Sand•• AnM' tnd Slt\len A. P~1;:~/:;;· sam R••"'""" •nd svbll SANTA ANA -Orange ,..,~,~~~~r·· Ja11<.e Ann •'?" Roi•"" County Administralive Qf. •n•""'· PhUllP M. •<Id s111ron s. ficer, Robert Thomas, has Periua. Elblu!.I ~~nl'i1 L. be en elected President of the Perrin, Glenna Sue ll•'ftnl ind lllobl!rl J1me1 Orange County Forum of Town ~~=r. Jll":r1~k:·F~':nd111~;:.P.i.. Hall of California. P•ttr .. Vl<llt! C1rplo '"" J1nw1 Potte• 0ow11n1, e 111r 0t1•1ottt 1nd w1m1m 1lle members of Town Hall Pe~:;r;.i:i'~•rb••• J1ne 1nd o ..... ,,.. meet monthly for lunch at the ~£.o~':'~ LJe: ::: 5~;:::."t,~I Disneyland Hotel and to hear Evins, 01n1e1 N. and C•nda<t Ci t ,::p:r:o:m:i:n:en=t=spe'=a=k=e=r=s·====.I Fllnnt<"Y. OaYld &er111rd Ind lnd•1 LUcllll Fraile• Terri L\lnn 11'1<1 Wendell ,_.., SllUl•r. LeooN1rd J .• Jr, and Donn• M. Wrltntj 8t11y F. Ind Wltll1m A. Gruwt I. llllch•rd l . Ind LIMl!I Ill. Wiik,, NorlT\on Akl>!.on Ind Pim Ardelle Sanllll, Frink 1M Paullnt llloH HlKISO!l. Cl>•rll/11 II. Ind t10Wlrd L. Br""'n, J1net M. end lllonaold w. SWHnt"I'. Alber! JOSfpl\ e nd Ann Evetvn e·rown. Clarlce e . and J1m1• P, ~~:~.J:,~.~~ '~~l~c:..,n Scltlotssm1nn, M1rv M1r1h1 1nd Thom1s JOlln Can!rfU. Evelvn Lee •nd Jamn Linn• Ztllmrr, Je1n l . tl'>CI Rod!ffr Wiiiiam ~~~:~· 9:~/~ LG:r71u:,<19e:.J· Forti! Du•~•m E•tan, Garv,1,;:c~cf;:.~1'r'11 LH Youm;r, Sl>lrlet A. "'" Lkn'd ll. Horrell, Ann P. I nd Robltrl I<, ~r:~·:wr:i-.;: ~~.,:,nc111: 111::,tN~V:'°" Gllll1m. Ann• lee 1M 3,,btrt M"d l~'i'~~·. ~t:1:,: ~r:.,:;:1!'..J·1111bt l ol1 Vf'nne, Sheron Ann 1nd L1wrtnc1 E1rl W.mtn, Gu&d1lu11t Id HIYWPOd NIU COll~y. M-rle J, C. tnd Robttl L. Prulll, lllaMrt L. 1lld ,.,..,,., Leu Sltley llec.ky Ann 1nd J1m11 T!mall'lv Gullmon(I, Dorol~y Ele•nor 1 n d Thom11 H1nry LOPlr, ltl'!'IOfll M, 11'1d Pfdro OoiM, Ptullnt M. tnd JOl'ln EmtrY VJ\'IT E D S T A T ES J\'AT IO J\'A L B AJ\'K SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH NOW OPIN SATURDAYS t te 1 P.M. MON .• THUIS. 10·5 P.M, PllDAJI IO·l P.M. f7141141°1211. LHoted 111: S., CHlt Pla a, Cotto Mesa A•I· Vl(I ...... -M111qer E. H. LEVAN ~o\\\l'att Our Low Prices! CLOSE-OUT .ARTISTS DRIVEW .A y S·MOCKS PAINT . as~ (Jn 5'1) Gol. 45" x 12 Ft. COTTON RUNNER 2.65 JUST .. 1.65 PARKING LOT . STRIPING P.AINT 3.75 Gol. Buy LocaOy •nd S.vo WALKER PAINT WORKS 116 W. 16th St., Cute Mo10 • Now ... at Everywhere you look you'll find a better reason to own here. Abudy noted as the new "in IPOt" in Col t.I Mesa, Country Club Manor now ofl'en you even more with this limited t ime offer of 63 interest! This is p<>S1ibly the lowest rate available anywhere in Calilomia and since there are letM th.an 40 deluxe homes available at Country Club Manor we urge that you visit t.he Ml• cent.er as soon as poeeible. - REMEMBER! 6% INTEREST AVAILABLE! COffer expires Nov. 29, 1970) This Ia Not rn.tze.d Merchandiliel Fint Quality Homeo Samnmdod by the Lovely Fainn.ys of the Senta ADf: Countzy Club. from $J4,950 MOt)ELS OPEN DAILY (714) 540·5558 ountry Glub LUXURY FEATURES AT NO EXTRA COST! • Electric Garea• Door 0pe,,.... • Golf Course VMtW Lots •Front L.andecapinawithSprinklets • Concrete Patios • Block W alla and em.m.ttaJ Iron Fenclna . - YOU OWN THE LANDI -• -· RYNESS-SMITH CO./UNICAL ...__ ___ _ • I • t •• ' ' ~ I ' • I .! • ' • I I I J • \. ~--------------~ --·-·-----------------------------· --~·- • Jf DAILY Jl'ILOT rrrdu, NMmbtr 6, 1970 • -- of a·n extraordi~nary 'place Unique/ Breatbta~ng! Vast! ' );' _;, /J WORLD'S LARGEST . -1;:-w!' • o.ur-vast MAIN SHOWROOM SALON bn111h1aking display vignettes i:ovm1f8 3 1-2 llN"tS, •• J AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE! *JOIN TNE FUN of first week excitement! *OVER 350 Custo m Decorator Settings olive with exhilarating color! ·*14 SEPARATE FURNITURE DEPTS. including, Accessory Boutique, lamplond, Teentown. Ameri· can legacy Shoppe, Comer Groups & Den Korner ond other exciting sections., •• see them olll *DOZENS OF EXCLUSIVE QUALln LINES not for sole in Discoun t Houses . .. . ~~-_,.,,. J ' SEE· ~er~S yOUR Klnd of filrniture Store be 4S!i~~~OME WITH We putitall FURNITURE WORLD! PAHtHLOT ACC-DAm· 750 CAIS WAREHOU.SES High style NOW ••• at last a GRAND OPENING with a meaning. SAVINGS on QUALITY FURNITURE has really arrived!! This is a place like no otber place ••• TOTAL SAVINGS has really arrived •• ! If you hove the_tasta for eltgont stylt.ond quality, but woni to ovoid the.bile of high prices then.you ore reodyfor_CllfC. .. .COME SU .. , .MOIE SRECTION than you dored hope, PRICED LOWER than you ever thought possiblfi at the loi'gest INDEPENDENT (cnl locolly owned) Decorator Showroom in the U.S. Truly unique! No other store in California showtoses such a breathtaking variety of NATIOILU NAME BRAND furniture for tht home and offers EVERY DAY LOW PRICES ON EVERY ITEM. An Experience in Dynamic Decorating Ideas See endless variations of intimate, livable, reol-life groupings ond seltingflhafShowyou howto make the most of home, personol"lly and best of oil, your pocket book. H you hove browsed the for-out decorator stores or you·hove window-shopped the plush expensive stores, it's AU ovoiloble here at a FRACTION of the cost , •• and you con PAY LESS but still achieve that exciusive just·right decora- tor look. It's worth a trip for dtcorvting ideas alone ••• I Come see, during our exciting GRANDIOSE.OPENING for a truly EX· TRAORDINARY PLACE! • We're Really Customer-Oriented NO ONE CAN MATCH OUll SA'llNGS ••• or offe~ you the worm~ personal attention and concem that serious dollar deci- sions regarding furn itu re require. Shop at CHFC with CONFIP. ENCE • it's YOUR kind of Warehouse Decorotor Showroom. Bring the family, shop leisurely, receive attentive '1flSwers to oil your questions. and best of all, SAVE MONEY. We INVITE COMPARISON regarding price, and above all, S.E·R·V·l.C·E. We're the BIG Store that's not too big to CARE ABOUT YOUI ~:;::::::::::=::=~C~H~~z;:::::::::::::::::::::::~~ our policy tacll purchase INCLUDES: • DllftlhoNHtupNl>DB..MRY.fachpilttillp1ttld .... Mftry. "• mlASAYIHlonC&lllemlrpit~ • NOLOHWA1Tllllllugt2·W--...Sloct. • AOYllTISID SPICJALS ·AR od.trtiMd --itcho<I of ...... lobrics ond wood stftction wh&rt possible. • CUSTOM OIDEIS •••SP KIAL lllUISTSthttrlully raiwtd. *ENORMOUS SELECTION PLUS Huge 2·Wore-v"u're lnv·1ted Come See' house Bock·up stock for HMONG-WAITS . tU • • • • • CllDIT ·We accept BankAmericonl, Mmer(hqror·CM' own CHFC hwaMng Chargt • olt finonc:t thorvts clearly stottd. • IUAIANTllD PllQS •Wt will not IN ~on identicol items. Ask aliout our 30-Dcry Gwromt Prict Plan.. w ••• 11 ...... FUlNITUl( fASHtoNS COii ltu '"" ••• n. Goldti11 ho lt uf l111ufrlly ond fai• Pl..., 11 11111 oll¥t of!d In doily OfN'llliol! wt CHK, r-,lt a ... frlt11th -11'10)' 11ol ho•• s t! .,.,, Wt ll'lay bt lo'1•· but all peno1111el ••• troi11ffl .,... dtdkoltoll lo M uf *A DECORATOR SALON where yaa pay WARE· HOUSE PRICES! ••••••••• ••• • •••••• •••••• •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • · THOUSANDSof . DOLLARS in DOOR PRIZES NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO WIN JUST COME IN AND REGISTER .-s~~Olll ... s. S-JIUilallS"-_..Oll._W #N#G ............. Qioioo QIPOllllOlllll ....... OIMilolllOW .... -................ °""' a..••C.111 ............ N-•O.- -• • ...... s. w.mu ,..., ""'"',... _ a.. ........ ... ..__..._..,. ._,... ....... "' W#l'llClllJ ... ~--Stl _,"" ................ ... _ ..... ,,a.--.. ~=----~d.t- <llCIUTtlll7Ltphli .... 5'"* tAllJOll 2 ..... ~ .. """' CCMlt_nMM1'Mitt&"-lOt.O. 1-' . .IOIM.,,_c.-ol ......... WTIOICALI Jk,.,,..,,....i.. ............ WlfJTl ........ ( ....... U. l.MK)l\OOI CALI ...._o.......I Qllolo ....... c • • ' Wlo 1-. llCMU:OSO.-.~ OUilo , _ --·~Jod .............. ~ -~uai ..... <..-.. , ........ ,,..,,... ... cw.. Ill.UM.a,..~ .. ~ "_.....,_...,. . ...._OI,.... .!Mims,..-..._"' WlllllW#l~a. .... tWtMQ .......... lllla • 0. Acs .... WI '1)•""'1...-.•--~hl .. ,/.._ tr ' • •GREAT MIW N••• t/11 • li,,ttl lo ,,,,je "'ert"4"'4i111 bisloryl ,, ... ;., fi•ll. Th111, ol <OllrN, M ltl do , ......... (}1111/hy Dt<-l#S•wroo• ,., PlllfTlll WAllllOISI PIKU PLUS JOU 1ttwlNotJOU WANT ... Ht l•ltwHf JM IN CAILOADSAVINGS ____ ,__.,.... -....., ...... dirltf " .,. in awlolll lots ,,_ ... --.. niorbtt. 2.GIANT WAREHOUSES Meld•••....,......,"°"', .. .... '*-... ii .......................... ~ ---MULTl-MIWON $ $ INVINTORY 0whutl2 .............. ......,~ .. feel, y.u c• Mk• "°"' lllH'f:iltM ..._ with ,.. TODAY!~ ........... T• ._ ,_.. ,., """' ............ 0-. a... ....... ... ___ '-_ n..-. AUSTOCB lfQUANmY, :::Se.Clnt.Warner & Harbor·• Santa Ana ~ . • ' ,_ I ' • BARBARA DUARTI!, -- f11ct1w, ... __.. f. 1t1t I , ... 11 Stars Shine In New Role Five new stars entered a galaxy presided over by Laguna Beach Junior Woma~'s Club during a ceremony utilizing this year's theme, A Galaxy in Harmony Serving Universal Needs. Receiving a silver star from Mrs. Carl Manus. president, were the Mmes. Harry Bithell, Roy Franson, Donald Hodges, Robert John- son and Lewis LaBonta. · . Club members joined the initiates in affinnlng their goal to work together for benefit of the community. Projects adopted by Juniors for the year encompass goals of youth, health and conservation. Principal project in the youth category will be the establish· ment of a girls club in Laguna Beach. Members hope to draw out com· rnunity feeling through an opinion booth at the Festival of Issues next week. In the health field, members will continue to work for a location for a well baby clinic -a project adopted last year. Ecology is the third major program established by the club. With the Art Colony dependent upon the tourist industry and clean beaches, members have selected an antiwater pollution campaign as their ecological endeavor. Not to leave out personal effort, Junior women have decided to become physically fit. Many members have joined a health club in order to exercise together and serve as morale boosters for that last situp or pushup. Another group has headed for the courts to pursue the ·sport of tennis. STARRY-EYED -New initiates (le!t to rignl) Mrs. Donald Hodg- es and Mrs. Harry Bithell are welcomed into the Laguna Beach J unior \.Voman's Club by Mrs .. Carl Manu~, pi:-esident. Stars sig· nify a silver star award for fi ve new members who will work with the club in a series of projects planned under the theme, A Gal· With all these activities In mind, Juniors also are roaklng-plans for fund-raising projects to fulfill a $1,000 pledge to South Coast Com· munity Hospital. axy in Hannony Serving Universal Needs. · Frame Masterpi.ece Art Group Sews Up Creative Carousel Now thal rnembers of Mission Viejo Association of Artists and Craftsmen know how to create stitchery, they can sew up a bag full of plans for the upcoming holiday season. In the process of completing a series of tapestry \vorkshops un· der the direction o[ Mrs. Helen Richards, members will be in a whirl of activity beginning next weekend. Arti sts will don their best hostess gowns for an annual Christmas Carousel in La Paz Plaza on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 14 and 15. The carousel from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. will feature an art corner where young children can create works of art, a bake sale and an artists' exhibition area. . . On Thursda y. Nov. 12, members will gather for lhe regular monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Linda Vista School, Mission Viejo, for a program on baroque framing presented by a representative from Aaron Bros. Art Mart. As almost-masters of stitchery, the club has been introduced to the fascinating world of needlework by Mrs. Richards who attended the \Vorl d C raftsman's~onference in Dublin last summer.._ An artist-craftsman as well as an instructor, Mrs . Richards has traveled as far as Arizona and New Mexico working with adults. She hs participated in 21 shows as featured artist and was honored by.bav· ing her art work purchased for the permanent collection at Northern University of Arizona in Flagstaff. ' . \ Mission Viejo Association of Artists and Craftsmen is headed by Mrs. Edward Carter. 0ther members of the board include the Mmes. Bob Grose. vice president; William Eames, recording secretary; Ed· ward Rosenzwieg, corresponding secretary; Irving Stewart, treasur· er and Sven Rorst, publicity. A STITCH IN l'IME -Arti~t Mrs. Helen Richards dem- onstrates creative weaving for Mrs. Edward Carter. president of the Mi ssion Viejo Association OrArtis_ts and Cra!tsmen. The art group is learning how to. create tap- estry during a series of workshops conducted by Mrs. Richards who turned her talent to the field after study- ing arL ' Double Life Leads to Twice the Grief for Survivors DEAR ANN LANDERS: A few weeks ago, Mark the man I was about to marry, suffered a heart attack and dropped dead on the 'street. The police phoned the person listed on his wallet identification card as "next of kin." l t turned out to be ANN LANDERS ~ a bar pickup who said. "I hardly know sorry for me she was unable lo utter a the guy ." She did, 'however, lead them to word. Mark's sister. who called me. Together we went to his apartment to gather his At the wake I was consumed by leel- belongings for disposition. ings of anger and betrayal. I fell no grief, I was crushed and heartsick when we only bitterness. The lean: I shed were lor dJscovered Jette.rs and ,ictures from at myself, not for him. least a dozen girls half his age. There ~1y clergyman's counsel and kindness were s1tYeral notes from married women, saved me from total collapse. He IRJg-~ well ..as makeup, underclothes. hair gested that l write to Ann Landers in the rollers and other personal items ap-hope that you wou.ld..print..IQY~lttter as-a perenUl__left behind.HMarkla-aister felt-to -warning tOOU:ie.r foolish men who may be • playing the same kind of a game. None of us knows when death will strike us down. The wise person is prepared for il. Peo- ple who lead secret lives should consider those who love tbem and leave no eviden<:e behlnd. lf my letter helps spare just one W<man the •PY I have suf· lered, It WU worth the pain II took lo wrlte IL Think you, Ann. -ASHES IN KENTUCKY DEAR ASHES : llm'o·y_. letter - -- and reading It cwld be the mott Im· something to them, but I decided to mind portant tblnc some of my readers did to-my own-business. day. nut your dergymaa for IUI· Now I'm not sure I dJd the right thing. Should l have aald aometbing? I've seen gestlq that you write to me. It wu aa the chUd behave this way with other men exe:!elleat Idea. who were just as bewildered as I. Please DEAR ANN LANDERS : ls it normal advise me. -GRANO FORKS, N.D. iinlittembii. Stana ap, walk wt& Wt. anotlter room alMI dlule .. 11bJtd,t llemabl lriadly aad ,.._.1 11 lllo ..,. .. ~feel rejected.~ are a.It Mr cnra fadttr bis IOt Ch• Itel' •*"'late af,. lectloo aad obe la llllqry lot male ai. lallloa. ror a 7-year-old girl to get sexually ag· DEAR GRAND: Kids are hinted • gresslve with a 2Xlr 30-year-old man? l awhllly yoUI Uaese d•)'I -tbiiblor-CONFIDEN'l1AL TO NEED A HELP·· didn't believe it untll this Uttle flirt sltoaJd I 18)' NO dwlks) to TV, radio, ING HAND: Have you kloked •t the boto I crawled on :ny lap, began pushing herself mo\lltl, adverUIJnc aad just oblervlas tom of your sleeve? 1 recommend i. against me, stroking my hair and patUn1 couples ta P91i1Je parkf, on die ltreet COi" my face. That kid is mort uperieoced at aen, evea)wllece boy meell PL la mf Do you feel W at eue .•. out of It? 11 7 than I was at 17. .,...,, Joa "'""' U•e CMUDeated .. everybody havlng a_ good time.bu& rout The child's mother and dad were in the tbe parata .. die cldkl'• agreulve Write for Ann Lander•' booklet. "The room when she behaved this w•y and btUvlor aad .. Ueated &bat &bey dileus Key to Popl.1larlty/' enclotiftl with your _thq didn' say-one-WON! lo 11er~u they-IL•Ul L_..11o1 · -request :15 cmtaJn coln.aad..Llaal-- think !l's cute they oeed lo have their H De 1-ttt cnwll ea y_. !all addreaed, llamped .,•elo!io In CIA fl beadl aamintd. I was tempted lo "Y qalll, let Mr k----la the DAILY P!Wr. - Friday, Novtmbtr 6, lt70 --~-------------··------. -.. -r- HorOSCOpe Sagitta~ius: Don't Neglect SATURDAY NOVEMBER 7 By S\'DNEY OMARR ARIES (March Zl·April 19): What you DOW know can be uUllzed in Jone·rpnge en· deavor. B r o a d e n horizons. .Realiz.e that your potentlal II (l1hl. Don't permit an y ~ tp downgrade y o u r future. TAURUS (April »May 20): Some friend! may hive money differences. Key is to be in-- dependent. Gain inspiration from auoclatlon wltb Aries person. Reruse to be bogged down in petty arguments. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): cbanps ll't due. 'Ibey affect ~. enviroornent, property. Wttbbold final judgmenL LlllllA (l!ept. 13-0d. 22): Your ability to evaluate neeCls Is accenled. Family member playa parllllOUlll role. Share koowledae. Be wUllDg lo make some COllCtlliom. U )'OU llve. you can ello upect lo ncelve. !KlOllPIO (Oct. IJ.Nov. 21): Don't be fooled by one who ol· !era proverbial sure lhing. Reallie you are not likely to receive something for nothing. Utilize put experience. ~~~~~~~-~ ~ DEBORAH MERCHANT E111090mont Told Merchants Tell · News December Weddiryg Planned A Dec. I weddlnl Is being plamed by llewly Allen -. Qoorle Ft.nkllD Mdlendry of San Francl!co. N e w s Of the fortbcoming event was revealed by the bride-etect'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. -W. AJlat of Irvine. Pmnll of I\"' fiance are tile Rn. end lfra. J. ~ McHea·dry of Clearwal<r, Fla. Mia Allen Is a grid"°" ol Co8la Mesa Hlsh School and attended Oran(e Coast College. She is a majority, member d. Job's Daughters Bethd 1$7 and holds a BA degree !run UCLA end an MA degree from san Francisco State College. t Town Hall Posts Another Banner Sale Some deception could be IJ>o wived -connected with legal agreements. U you feel uneasy about commltment, 1 e e k delay. Accent on prestige, civlc duUes, general atandinC in community. SAGITrAlll\Jll (Nov. 22· Dec. 21): Temptation is to . delegate duties. Overcome it. You could be in a fool's paradiae H )'OU neglect baalc issues. Heed voice Of e:r~ perience. Discard a D a pp y jlngles, cheap ~luUom. · CAPRIOORN (Dee. 22-Jan. 19): Llgbt touch accompllabo more t b an heavy-handed methods. Some relatives may reveal confJdential ln· formation. Key ls to know situation, relationship has run its course. New1 of the ert118ement or Deborah Marilynn Merchant lo IUdwd Patrick Fletcher was revealed during a dinner party In tile HunUnglon Beach home of the bride.elect'• pums. Mr. and Mrs. Pbillp H.Merdlant. H.,. future husbond attftlded the Univenlty of Akron In Ohio and was graduated from San F«nando Valley State Collere where he was af· filiated with Tau K a pp a Epsilon. .The popular Town Hall Serles b~ingi~g noted pe~· sonalities to Laguna Beach startmg m January .ts .. sold out " according to .l\1rs. Robert Malone, cha.ir- m an for 'the sponsoring Ass istance League ~f La· guna Beach. Postin g notice for those who failed to get their' money in early are (left to rlghi) Mrs. Robert Marvin and Mrs. Jack Reynard. The key· note for ne xt year, the chairman adds, is "order earl y." CANCER (June 21.July 22): Communicate with one at • distance who may be able to recommend fine physician. UnJque question can b e answered if you are versatile. Initiate investigation. Touting the couple were Mr •. and Mrs. Robert W. Vernon oI Huntington Beach, mother and stepfather of the benedlcf..elect, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brewer and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen, th e couples' sisters and brOther>o in-law. The ceremony will take place In St. J amea Eplaoopai Cbur<:h. Plays for Living Relieving Pressures · • • • Crises. of living ip a modern Was the Trip?~' illustraUng society :will be portrayed in parental beartbriak upon the four stage prod uctions begin-discovery that children . use ning Tuesday, Nov. 10, if1 the dhlg.s, on· Tuesday~ Nov. 17; Golden West College Center. ..·sweet · Potato Vjne,'' the SponSl)red by the Family Service · Association · for the story of ·8 yoUng, ·Unwed fourth year, th~ serl~s titlecj.. .mQther, on Tuesd~y. Nov. 24, Plays for Living portrays ·and "There Was a Little Boy," family problems and offers _ a play o( parental ~eg~~ and new approaches to solutimur. lack of commurucat1on, on Each production beglns at 7~30 i 'Tuesday, Dec. 1. . p.m. and ls open to the public More .than 10,000 res~~ents as a service. have vu.'!_wcd the 30-m~nute The initial dramatization is plays which us~ professional "Tomorrow Is Now," a ·actors and actresses, ~nd are revealing portrayal of cam.pus foll owed b_y a u d 1 e n c_ e --"'='°'esraiiat:fie generfil.1on gap-:--dl s-casston-w1ttrthe-leadersh1p- lt will be followed by ''How of a Family Service 'COunselor. Old Curiosity Sale . Benefits L y'ric· Opera • Laguna Beach 0 p e r a League's Old CUrioslty Shoppe Sale will offer many tr:easurCs· including white bisque mU!ic boxes, a tall white lamp with blue porce lain base, brass bowls and a large, wide-eyed doll. Doors at the Laguna Beach Woman's Clubhouse will open at 9 a.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday. Nov. 10 and 11. Closing ti me is 5 p.m. Tuesday and 4 p.m . \Vednesday. Co-chairmen of the event Afternoon Ceremony Links Pair An afternoon ceremony in her parents' home linked in marriage Mary ---L o.ul.s e Rowland and Robert Michael Murphy of Costa Mesa. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Franklin e---oowland-of-Costa Mesa. The benedict is the son of fdrs. Laurence Murphy of Madison, Wis. Melinda Rowland served her sister as maid of honor during the double ring rite. ~ which wil1 -raise funds for the Lyric Opera of Orange County are Mrs. Gebrge H. K"Bryant and Mrs. William Hinwood. Heading committees will be the Mmes. Stanley Eichstaed t, jewelry; c. Sidney Johnston, women's accessories; William Brugg~re, 'women's ~~s; Robert-H: Ci'oweU, linens, and; AnthOny. oflandella, Jin°'g:etle and sportswear. Also overs8eing departments will be the Mmes. John Bernie!, books and records; Robert E. Lawson, children's clothing; Zachary Malaby, furniture; Wales Wallace and \V il liam Whitman , housewares, and Edward Nell, finance. The benedict asked Donald t Jones to be best man. Slntrt Phtlt The new 1ttrs. J\1urphy is a graduate of Estancia High School an d Orange Coast College. She is a junior at California State College al Fullerton. Her husband was educated in Madison and served four years in the l\.1arine COrps. He ls attending OCC. They will reside in Costa 1'Iesa. ' Chapter Sets Two Meetings Two ~ovembcr meetings are l::tft the calendar for Xi Epsilon P1li Chapter Of Bet.a Sigma Phi. Members will gather .at a p.m. on Tucsdny, Nov. 10, for a business S<'Sslon in the Newport Beach Mm~ ol Mrs. Robert Churchf'eld. On Tu,.. day, Nov. 17. a program and busln.,. meeting conducted by Mrs. Frank Reed wUt begin at· 8 p,m. In the c.om Me.ita home or ~trs. Nathan J\1ervish. ' SUSAN STANTON Engagod Holiday Nuptials In Offing }\1r. and Mrs. Charles B. Stanton Jr. of Corona del Mar have announced the engage- ment or their daughter, Susan Stanton to Robert E. Wilson, son of' Atr. and Poi.rs. Frank 'L. Wilaon (If Co$!a Aiesa. . The couple Is planning to w~d Dec. 26 In Our Latty Queen of Angels Catholic Church, Newport Beach. Both ·Of 1he betroftled an! graduates of Corona del Mar lilah_School ~ are English majors." Sbo 'Is aUendJng Californla Stale College al Long Beaeh and hi! 111 studying at UCl.A. . To avoid disappointrp.ent, pl'Olpective brjdes are reminded to hSV!f' thelr wedding slories with black and while ~lossy P.hoto- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Women 1 De- partment one· week ·before the wedding. Pictures received after that time will not be used. For engagement announcements it I! , imperative that the S'tory, aj.so accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be sub- mitted si x weeks or more before the wedding date. Jf deadline is not rnet. only a story will be used. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding-and-engagement-stories-:-fo rm are available in all Of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Women's Section staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. Golden Key Program Easy Crafts Shown A demonstration of craft items which are both at- tractive and easy lo, make will comprise the program when members of Golden 'Key of HunUngton Beach meet at 10 a.m.-Xuesday, Nov. 10, in the JiOme or Mrs. Gray Miller, Jac k Greeley was elected president and Mrs. Miller, who also was fashion show chairman, first vice president. Last month's Punch Brunch With Fashlons netted ap. proximately $350 for the Child Guidance Center of Orange County which Golden Key helps to support. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Don't be impatient. Some of the rules, regulations are for your own benefit. Tbls ma,y not be obvious, but it will become increasingly clear. Obtaln hint from Caacer meuage. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22): Permit others to ·set pace. Be ·concerned with security rather than speculation. S om e Betrothal Revealed AQUARIUS (Jan. ~Feb. 18): New approach could result 1n profit. Streu in. dependence of thought, 1ctlon. A friend may be somewhat of a fmanclal drain. Know when to call a bait. PISCES (Feb. !&-March 20): Cycle blgb: judgment and In- tuition are sharp. Career aspects are . not especially aoUd. Some delays could be favorable in long run. Realize this and respond accordingly. IF TODAY IS YOU R BIRTHDAY you generally tend to be Introspective. Key to success is speciall!aUon. Find out what appeals to you -aJm straight for goal. Re· cent marriage or business responsibility will pr o v e Mr. and Mrs. Floyd.J. Cran beneficial. of. Huntington Beach have an· To ,11111 ou1 'Nflo'• 1um '°" vou '" nounced the engagement of l'nllntv llld t11V1, onkr S.,dn1v Orn1rr'1 the. d ~· o· El . bol!Ji:ltl, .. S.t crel ~Hlnt1 for M"l "Mid ll'-au6 .... er ranne ame-w0men." stnd b!tthdate and 50 cMll Craft to James F. Record of to Omarr As1r11to,v secr111, 111e DAILY ,,... ____ _. PILOT, Box 3J~O, Grind Cet1tr1t 51 .. t.Nl~Vl"U, lion, Ntw Yark, N.Y. 10017, Parents of the benedict-elect are Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Record of Long Beach. Mlss Craft is a graduate of St. Anthony's Girls' High -School. Long Beach and at. tended the University of ~· Her fmure hu sband graduated from Long Beach PolYt.edullc High School and an Oiiglneering l!Chool In Ft. Belvolr, Va. A Dec. 28 wedding is being planned ln Sts. Simon and Jude Cathohc Church, HWl- Uogton Beacll. Toy Ideas Form Talk .Speakers At Podium Mrs. Charles Pearson will open her Anaheim home on Thursday, Nov. 10, for 1 meeting ol the Orange County "Speakers Fonnn. Assisting her at the 9:30 a.m. gathering will be Mrs. Leo J . Friis and Mrs. E. H. Kersten. The History of Newport Beach -Then and Now will be given by Mrs. Kenneth M. Smith; Costa Mesa's Earlier Years will be delivered by Mrs. Gunning Butler and Costa Mesa and How She Both Mia Men:hlnt and her flance ore graduates of foun- tain Valley High School. He II ,.rv1ng In the U.S. Navy • No date has been aet for the wedding.' Christmas Arriving Gbristmas will come earJy for members of the Midway City Woman's Club when they gather at 12:30 p.m. on Tues-- day, Nov, lO in the clubhouse. '"l11e Spirit of Christmas," a one-~ct ~m~y, presen.ted....by the Drama and Fine Arts Sec· tion, an exhibit of Creative Craft and a preshowing of the items to 1)e on sale at the Boutique Bazaar on Dec. 12, will be included in the day's events. Hostesses for the day will be the Mmes. Fred Wolfe, Arthur Roherbeck, Roy Honeycutt, Urban Kleinpeter and Laverna SlrawNidge. Chapter Meets Mrs. John Bower will open her Huntington Beach h om e for an 8 p.m. meeting o( Garn· ma Alpha Nu, Beta Sigma Phi on Monday, Nov. 9. Mrs. Bob JlAlSs will assist and Mrs. Jim McG<ath will deliver a program, Poetry Into Music. Educator To Speak On Nature Naturalist and con- servationist Paul W. COiburn of Laguna fills will address members of the Cavalier Chapter, Colonial Dames XVII Century ln Old Brussels restaurant on Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 12:15. p.m. Colburn taught biology for 39 years while serving as director of the Tucker Bird Sanctuary in Modjeska Can-- yon. W h i I e director, he perfected the hummingbird feeder, donating the $50,000 gained-from its sale to the sanctuary. Associa ted for many year.t with Audubon Society con- servation projects, the former teacher is currently president of the Orange County Division of Retired Teachers. Books Sell The parking lot of the California Federal Savings and Loan Co., c:osta Mesa will be "wall to wall" books tomorrow with a Serendipity Book Sale, sponsored by the O>sta Mesa Friends of the Library. Books, Tanging from en- cyclopedlas to storybooks, will be on sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Proceeds will benefit tho equipment fund. The meeting, which will feature Miss Karen Stopher, Is open to the public, according to program chairman Mrs. Ivan Narragon. Coffee and cookl'2s will be served by Mrs. Charles \Vrigltt, hospitality chairman. Members and two pro- fessional models showed the audlence a large variety of easy~are fashions. Golden Key members who modeled included the h-1mes. Cy Pe~rson, Ray Morehouse, Sher\\.·ood Baily, John Inn· inger and James Hughes. Toys will be the topic Grew will be discussed by Mesa Rebekah A"' U AT I C Mrs. Ellis Porter. T presented lo members and Every flrsl and third Tues· p LA N T 5 guests of the South Coast d ol th .month "--of ALL VA•ISTllS Chr•·t1·an Women'• Club at Seri"es Beg"ins ay • mtm=• • 1 , • • ~ T d N O d Mesa Rebekah Lodge PACIFIC O DPISH A Ma noon on ues ay, ov. 1 • ur-assemble in Odd Fellows Hall, "~Tl"'g~:,~t, Follo\ving the resignation of Mrs. \Villiam Haru1a, Mrs. ing a luncheon in Ben Brown's La Leche League of Costa WISTMl'iJn•R restaurant. l\-tesa is beginning a four-part .;eosta~~M~eas~·~·~t ~! ~p.~m~·--~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ George B. MWTay, manager series in the Advantages of1I or corporate planning for Mat· Natural Feeding at 7:4~ p.m. •. Ac IA L 5 Lecturer Sees Stars Alrs. Morehouse a I s o assisted Mrs. Robert Holman with refreshments. tel Toys, Inc. will describe Tuesd N 10 In the _ . some of the latest Ideas in -ay, -ov. · ' · Enjoyed by glamorous movie, 1V toys as Well as examine the Newport Beach home of Mrs. stars at leading beauty apa.s. l uf t ~ •• Ind try L. E. Gates. JOSEPHINE BLACK R E oy man ac u. ... us · The league Is a nonprofit, • • A~o on the program will be · ····~•-f (714) 538-9551 -·---,, ~· ... Court Stella John Wimber, a former Las nonsectanan orgir:u~ or ·~·- Vegas-entertainer0 wtio-w-i-l·l :-~mo~lher~s~.======~===================~ --Astrologer and columnist Car'roll Righter will address members of the Monday Morning Club at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 9, in Ben Brown's restaurant in South Laguna. Members of Court Stella speak and entertain. rr Maris 1448, Cat ho I i c Nursery care at 50 cents per Daughters of American m~t family will be provided for each second and fourth Mon-preschool children In the day at 8 p.m. in St. Joachim's United Methodist Cb u r ch , parish hall, Costa Mesa. ,south Laguna. Righter, who has a degree In law but became involved with TAX PREPARERS astrology while arguing the validity of the subject, will talk on the topic, Stars Impel This Year, Your But Do Not. compel. Tax Experience Can A question and ans\..-er M period wm 1o11ow the lecture. Mean A Lot More oney. During a noon lu n c h, fAshions y:ill be mod eled from Muriel Y..1'Lady of Laguna We're looking for men and women with at laast Niguel. one yeer's previcu1 experience in a tax office. We went freined people and we're willing to pey Stargazers extro to 901 thom. Gathering Hi9hor hourly ••••· . Looking to the stnrs will be Higher bonu1 potent11I. the Fountain Valley \Voman's Plui an extra bcnus for eccurecy. Club at 8 p.m. on J\1onday, Nov. 9, "'hen it meets In the • Fount:iin Valley Civic Center. You supply the experience. The O\\o'l'ler of a Balboa Our computers do all the methem1tics for you1 How1v1r, specialty shop, Mrs. -Roland 1 l'k L· "th I Martin wflJ speak on astrology you mu1 • e wor111n9 w1 peop •· -the syst em of the plantts and stars in rtla~on lo each Full or pert time. Age no barrier. Some yeat·round oppo,. other and tttclr 1nnucnce on humnn Jives. Mrs. ),fartin also tunit le.s avaH1ble. Bri ef low-fee ·tr1inlng program. teaches astrology as a icience. · , Hostesses for the evtning · will be tbe Mmes. FreCI Funt. Far -• 11""-hlo call ...... 12131 421-1421. Rtpl'Mlth Estcrllnc1 W a y n e Gib.ion, Jim GrUndy, Ray Hackerott and R ob e r t Hamilton. . ' l•ITOCll••9YTO ... .,.. I.only SHAI CAllPIT . IJlljWC..~I ll's • Nii to 1111 T .... SPECTACULAR ··-- S,.Cl11ly ........ for Uwl••-11111 Two Toa• l111ty h flHtat11•te ,,., ... , ...... ................. 5'7-3993 " • INSTALLED lllCW11 a_.,, .. & .-.. ••un -•us FREE WllllPMd:••eef~-..... ·-of A"7 Carpet 1 QI Se. Mall st ..., ....... ._.".._ •··----.... , .... -----· • • • . - • l L --.~o..-•..-nrr-1 .. ..... ' .. -., Max Moods Mode led Modeling P eter ?i.1ax dresses from the exhibit now open in the Newport Harbor Art Mu seum are (left to ri~ht) Mrs. John Andreson ·and Mrs. Craig Combs. More than !)00 museum me1nbers and guests previewed the Peter Max display which includes sheets, pillo\v cases, tov.,els, textiles. clocks and kitchen utensils, all vividly designed. ---::-":_ Peering Around A TRIO was encircled in the Hitt, assistant sectetary of C. Martins of Whittier. honor spotlight during a IM!alth educalion and welfare, Others attending were Leon luncheon party aboard Frank an d her hushand, Robert. S. Lyon and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Muller's Mojo. They \Vere gues!s of the Albert L. Reed ol Newport Beach. Mrs. George P. Yardley.,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;<,/ "ho has recuper.:itcd fro01 1 major surgery and is back on the job at the Balboa Bay· Club, shared honors with Mu!ler and Jack Fugitt who cel'f!brated their birthdays. I Among g u e s t s attending festivities, which also included a cruise around the bay, were Gen. and Mrs. Curlis LeMay ,I Adm. and Mrs. Oliver Maquin, I Col. and Mrs. Meredith Shadc. 1 Owen Sullivan and the ri..lessrs. and Mmes. Robert Yardley, Don Wood.ward , Tom n1 y Webster, Ernest Saflig, 0. \V. Richard and Morrie SmiUl. TEN PR OVIS I ONA.t. members were accepted by Mano Con Amor Auxiliary of Child.ten's~ liome Society during a membership cofree in the Park Newport Spa. They are the Mmes. Herbert Miller, Mark b1oss, James Hodge, Thomas Ph·i ll-tps, Donald A1acLean, Gary Schwandt, Edwin Van Dell, C. Glynn Armstrong. La1vrence Norton and Jay Gegenberg. ORANGE COAST residents] wbo are members of the Montebello High S c h o o I graduating class of 1961 are being asked to contact J\.1iss Sherry Barber, 14116 E. iligh St., Whittier, 90605. A 10-year reunion is being planned. SPECIAL GUESTS at the homecoming picnic for alumni' of the University of Southern California were Patricia Reilly - Members Welcom ed Six neW members wUI be ' welcomed into Beta A.lpha XI Ch.apter, Bela Sigma Phi at 81 p.m. Monday, Nov. 9, in the l Costa Mesa home of Mrs. Peter Sjodin. Ny lnclulle the Mroe.t. Frank Bardcnheier, Douglas Elmer, Timolhy K e I I e y , Robert Llp5comb, A 11 e n Marbut and Hank Sch.mitten. Miss Leslie f\.1urr;i.y, an elementary sctmol teacher, will Com ing ~ov. 7 Family 1%ekly ·.-· Yo u ~·Spend Less IYf oney Experts give advice on cutting the costs of everyday expenditures and how to set up an effective budget. • RIDIN' EASY -Dennis Hopper, director of "Easy 1Ud.er,'' tells how he pursued his career doing his own thing. It's the cover story this week. • BABY PUNCHES CLOCK -Medical break· through in induced labor could end those mid· nigh t (lashes to the hospital and make having a baby a .in1ne to five" job. hare """ experiences cm • All Comini!: Saturday in the l European trip. _ v ~-r='=;;=R:;E':;:B:';ES:::::==i.!I - •·•d1r1hlp poU1 prOYI .. ,. •• 1'111t1" 11 0 11• of the world'• most po1>ul1t corliic-ttr!p1. Rtt4 It cl1ily 111 tti, DAILY PILOT. I DAILY PiL9.T I . ..,, ~· ... ... .,,.--------~ New Off ice rs Assume Duties ' Mrs. Martin Slelgner, In-treasurer; Arnold Arlf, con- ductreu and James Graham, woclate oonduetma. othel'3 are the Mmes. C. A. Pitoniak, chaplain; 'Madeline Y earaley, marshal ; Florence Auxiliary Breakfasts , coming worthy rnftri>n of Harbor Star Chapter 568, Order of the Eastern Star will receive 1.he gavel during ceremonies Tuesday, Nov. 10, tit the Searart.ng Masonic Temple, Newport Beach. Installed with her during the 8 p.m. meeting will be Peter Jansen, ,worthy patroa. ud the Mmes. William Johnson, associate matron : Carl Kovell, aecretary; Syvilla Ce f is, MacGinitie, organist; William for the event. Appleby, Adah ; Albert Kuh11, Pat Carney, a 90ClaJ, worker Ruth : Walter Po1tan1, • . . Martha · Roy Ingmundson for the service, Will discuss Eleda,' and Alice Ellsworth: ways the auxiliary can ~ist Warder. Family Service. Nutmeats will e11y-car• edi¥e wear for Also seated will be Johnson, be sold, and proceeds will associate patron, Mlss Nancy benefit the serivce. tntn encl boys .. Sewing Hints Ann Collinson, Esther, and Kovell, sentinel. Hostesses for the year will be the Mmes. Bernice Knies, Martha Strolsee, Arls Randall, Ruth Stevens. Robert Blunt' and Richard Pickaar. Ingmundson will serve as nag ~arer. Coffee Poured l>eige ,, ;Jrft , •• l•vender purple, •• wine •. , cocoa new heng-ten colors SuggesUons for installing Unique Invisible zippers will be presented by Miss Dorothy Gawenka in Penney's, Fashion Island at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. tomorrow and Wednesday, Nov. II. Chairman for t h e in- slallation is Mrs. Jansen. Deoorations are being ar-- ranged by the Kovells and Mrs. Clifford LA:.wis. The refreshments are being plan- ned by ?drs. Arvella Hen· derson. For Residents A get-acqualnte<t roffee for new residents or Newpor t Shores will take plaee at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, ·Nov. 10, in the Newport Shores Clubhouse. Included wiU be a method for applying neck facings by machine and suggestions on how to handle more difficult tYJ>eS of fabric. Sponsored bY, the Newport Shores Women 's Social Com· mittee, the even~ will include an arts and craits display by members. .. .. Sales to the PUBLIC & TRADE 6, 7, & 8 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. DAILY ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS Newport Blvd. at Fair Drive COSTA MESA Don't miss this exciting premier showing of t~e all-new world's first World's Fabric and Fashion Trade Fair and Gift Show. Get the jump on Christmas buying al this fob. ulous "instant department stare,'' bringing together fab- rics, fashions, accessories, gift items, and a profusion of other products from leading manufacturers and distributors throughout the world. Many items at special pre-se-ason sale prices! Take advanla-ge ofthisrare opportunitfto-view ani'lselect from one of the most fantastic var iety of items you may ever see in one location. Join the professional buyers as you take your own "jet seY' shopping tour of the exciting world of fashion, fabrics, gift items -and much, much more. THERE'S·SOMETHING FOR EVER¥0NE -Mom, Dad, the kids, ana the grandfollis. There's fun, too, with live entertainment, fashion shows, ond special demonstrations throughout the day ond evening on three fashion stages every day. For your added enjoyment and relaxotton, there's the Paris Sidewalk Cole, the Hawaiian Hut featuring Polynesian delicacies, ond other refreshments. Ws fun ••. it's excitement· ••• it's o one·Jtop viewing ond shopping bonanza. Bring the whole family to the fabulous World's Fabric ond Fash ion Trade Fair • HERE ARE JUST SOME OF THE ITEMS YOU CAN SEE AND IUY - FOR THI •ASHIOll MllDID loltltl W0111111'1 folhlont • J."lrf & Al:tet• -i.1 • Co1111-1 & ..., (lofllet, • l1Mcicil Howalia• hctt.•• • kop • w;,1 • Hllll-Sl•• fto1lllo!l1 • l'oilcMt & ,_.If, • M111!1 to Mcul1 • Af,. "l11h • M.a'-i $lyltt • Ullf.,le ' M<tell, •Mii -.. FOR THI Gin GMI ,...,,,. "' All G!of1 • C4"1Nt Cocrtl " At!llt • to.1111119 IOI • Mtal<wtl ft Polyll11le11 Wlllt • 1pp1• '91wtlflta .,,.. c-;,.., • 1111· ...,,.. ......... Cndi. Hold'" • Afllfl(i.t( ,,._. • ,_.., Olllw-U.wt..i Clwill-OW. kit "9clalt. FOi THI MAii 2,000 l111pen.d SllllJ !or 11111 Show • 'ull ,.. •' celor1 & tll" • Sf«t Coott • llllpelftN Wool 0rt1' $loct1 • Sweo!trt fro• G,.._ I $porn (y<l11 • ,a1h!011 A«tuorlt:t t Mlll7 Olh., 111.,1 hit !ht Ma11. FOR HOME RWllG Sewl119 Mod1!11111 • r.bvlow Nfflf .t r.bricl trolll Atoul!C !tit Wertd, • Hol~ l<ocod11 • l<faV'J' Y11fttM111 t Speciol Cllrlifllllft 011'1 r.llrk. • 1o1y911e1 c-c1nwi.. • HowGn .. "'"" • IMMd Wool lltfl4t • Hvndrtocl1 et l~llk fUrlu rr.• t-y C..-ef lhll Glob., FOi Tiii HOME DICOUTOR hr1111v .. """ • "°""~ lpC111bli ~·· 1vi". • Uphlt...., • .U.l<tt .._.., Wcrm IN• • l111paort.d ffa!llll!IOH Cloe•• • C1nlt'°"t • '"" lot ~ • .,...,.. • 1111•'1111' 0.----c.... ......... c.,.tftot • ll(lfchetl Appll- "'"'' • ,.._ ~ hobrln • More. FOR EVERYONE! "" ...... --r "°"' fw ••(llf111 ,,._ PlUS MUNDUOS OP mM1 Al •AHTAmC m.seASOH SAVINOM Adminlon: Adults $1 , Chidren SOc-SO,, OFF WITH THIS AD • LY-l'ILOL .J!l ' ·r .... ' -~----~----..-~ -----. ' .. . ' .. . . ... --------.---··~·!· .............. . • ' • "H . ' . ~ .. -· -• • • Jf DAii. Y PILOT s Frld>f, N.,...blf.6, 1970 l.EGAL NOTICE • OVER THE COUNTER Complete-New York Stock List • lflarket ' • ' ~-·---~y ·~---~"':>o~~r 1.,,..,,, •'- 1~70 DAILY 'ILOT Thursday's Closing Prices-Complete New York Stock Excliange List ~!. - ,• . ' ~$ .. ,. -•l ~ !,J ~-• ' .. ' ... ~ , . . -... ' , ., . ·: t ... • ' " . ' : .. ' .. , -'· "" , ~ " "' " ' ... " ~· "' Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List . ,. ,. ... \ -- ,.,. .. .. (M•) Mitll Lt• CllM Cllfl S11H N•I, (Ml I Hltll L .. ci... c~ .. Thieves Forget Half of Booty " ' " ' I .. , .~; ' ... "' •' "'' •• ·•~ .. . ., ··~ .... ,, . ' YORK (AP) -Tbe East Side aparlmtnl art works-valued al than SL mlUJon -all -~~ sured. But the burglan •• w who broke in left more than :;.~ hair the bonanza scattered on ; .. the floor. __ Police sald the tbleveai who • - ransac~ed the apartment .,,01 Bryon Caran Jr. early Sunday took eight paintings wortb lm.000 but left 1700.000 worlll • ,,, " •• , of art treasures. Seoul Cancels School Trips • SEOUL (UPI) -'l1le ~ " Board of EducaUon toclAy bl!!-,. ned school lrlps foUowtnr t... 1 hlfl>way acddtnta Ian -k In which 19 _...,... ~U- ed on llUCb t1"11111-, • • -~ ! . .. -.... -... . ....... ~ -~ ,. -. ~ . .. ~ . --.... ---' ---~-~----·o· ---.,.--.,....~-·~·-·~-~-~~-.. JI OA!lY PILOT Frid.,, N"'-6, 1970 LEGAL NOflCE Favorites __ R .eatly for M~zailan Raee 1 ~ • ' . ' f • - MAZATLAN FAVORITES -Three new yachts are ey"ing handicap honors in the 930-mile Los Angeles to Mazatlan race which gets under way Saturday at noon. Top left is Fred MacDonald's Columbia-43 Encore and top right is John Hall's Columbia-39 Jig Nfllhcll_...._ Time, both flying the colors of the sponsoring Los Angeles Yacht Clubr Bottom photo is Herb John- son's New Zealand-47 from San Diego YC which re- cently pla'Ced second overall in LA YC's Harbor Series. Hot Time at Dinner Tradewinds New Dealer Flames Rout Yachtsmen at Biltmore By ALMON LOCKABEY BoaUng Editor Several hundred yachtsmen and their wives and girlfriends received a fiery s e n d o f f Thursday night at Los Angeles Yacht CUb's trad.ilional in· structlon dinner at th e BiUmore Hotel in Los Angeles. When the guests left the Biltmore Bowl they walked t h r o u g h smoke-filled cor· ridors, dodging streams or water from the "overhead." Outside, the hotel was com· pleteJy ringed by fire equip- ment, police and o t h e r emergency equipment. Guests at the diMer were e<>mpleteJy un:iware of the fire alarm until they walked out o( the meeting. \Vhlle f Jr e men were searchlng through the second floor of the hotel for the 50Urct or the fire and heavy smoke, LAYC Commodore Jim FAdy was emceeing the gala se nd o ft for the yachtsmen who are $Cheduled to bit the--starting line orf the Im Angeles breakwater Saturday ;u noon. , i'ifty-one yacht& ts the-of· ncTaJ count of the starting fleet. In the 930-mile dash down the c:out ot: Baja California and acroa the Gui! of Clftfomla to Maiallan on the lnllnland ll lleillco. O!fJclal -ther fore<Mts for the start ot the. race Jn- dic•tt that ·the rle<t will be !'ped on their way by l~I knot northwest winds. Principal speaker at the din- ner \vas Roberto Goristizo, chairman of the Mexican com· mittee who, along with Clark Sweet or Newport Beach, was instrumental in starting the race in 1961. The race has grown from the original entry list of nine boats to the present li mit of fiO. Two well-known yachts will· be competing for (ir&l to fin ish. They are Jim Kilroy's 73-foot yawl Kialoa Il from Newport Bea:ch, and John Mcintyre's 72.fool yaw I Baruna from Huntingt o n Beach. Likely candidates for cor- rected time hoaors include two relatively new boats from Newport -Fr<d MacDonald's Columbia-43 Encore a n d John Hall's Col..nbla-39 Jig Time. \ Encore has been htavily campaigned during the past by a syndicate of owners, ,. U.S. Launches VANDENBERG AFB (UPI) - A modernlttd Minuteman lnter<onllnental B a 111111 c e-wu-launched-at·f p.m. Thursday from this ooastal military bMe. ·-The mlssilt war teported on COW"St down the wcttttn test range. -San Diego residents reported the Minuteman left a v_apor trail visible in tbat 'ar"!t. MacDonald , Herb Riley, Bill Lawhorn and D i c k Bait· tennan. Jig Time ls a recently launched boat which has seen competition only· in tune-up races during the past month. Ski~ and crews received a cheering note at the banquet when they were inform.ed that a tropical storm off Maza Uan was veering out lo sea and dissipa~ itseK. - Lead yachts in the neet are expected to arrive in ·Muatlan about next 'l1u.ll'ilday. Local yachts entered In the ract Include Al Schoellennan1s Ana Maria ll, Bahia· Corin· thian YC; ~ Beauchamp's Dorothy 0, NewPort Harbor YC; Intermezzo, 'Stan Williams. NHYC : J l n k er, Clark Sweet. sailing f o r LBYC; Peter Grant 's Nalu IV, .sailed by Andrts Gerrard, Acapulco VC; Ro~ Grant's Robot\ Ill, NHYC; Al C-l's Warrior, BCYC. Escort vessel, l'lN! Don Gum,pertz' Westward ,, Dick Steele's BoD Horome Richard and Norman N"et:Jey's La Siesta. Westwanl will be the chief communlcaUons veuel fOf...tbe .nee _ Progrtss ol the rac. will be followed by a ham r a d i o network which l n c Jude Westward, Carroll lfudson '1 WBeRMA, Newport Beach, Dave AtklM, Lo! Angeles, and Gaspar Prunedo, Mazatlan. For Erickson TridcwiOOs Yacht Sates is the ne-w dealer for Ericson sail boats in the Baltimore area, according to an announcement by Del Walton, vice president or Ericson Y acbts of Santa Ana. Tradewlnds will h a n d 1 e Ericson's complete line of eight fiberglass a u x i I i a r y sloops, ranging from 23 to 41 feet in overall length, and from $4,500 to $27,950 In base price. Tradewinds Yacht Sales Is owned and operated by Vin- cent P. Trovato. Bank Race On Satu1·day Newport Ocean Sa 111 n g Association will wind up its years aCUviUes this ~eekend with .the· 14-Mlle ~ Race Saturday and the annuaJ breakfa.sl meeting and Com· modore'a AppreciaUon race on Sund<y. The 14-.Mlle B<nk race-wm take tbe Ocean R a c l n If , PaclDc HMdlcap, M l d I et Jlru!I R><lng and catamaran flee( from the starting lliMi ol Balboa Pitr to the LUuen Sta Mount -an underwa~ peak -of£ the east tnd al Catalina· Island and back to tile fintlh lioe off Newport Pier. ' .. . . 'Popcor·n Duo'. Vie For Outboard Crown P.JMl7 •. LEGAL NOflCE Cl•TIPICATI OI' l\tSINISt •. ,-JCTITIOUS N_AMI TM 111'1dff'•l1Md do artlfv tMr ire• CllTIPICA:a":.! IUSINftt. ~~17.:ctt~i~,Jli~=--~'ft'Z1 •1CTITIOUS MAMI tltkM firm """'' of LAGUNA Of'FICf> The Unde~lllltd don artlfy tie b CCll'I-EQUIPMENT ll'ld_ tllel Nici fltr'll II~ ' OVdl!W I IM.lllnelf II 291• C~rv "'-· POSH of fflt frDllowins De~ ...... ~. Long •••ell. C.lllornl1, unftr tl'le ffc· I •·11 "" -"' -•--llllou1 firm fYtl'M of CUSTOM CONTRO\. :n;:~;v • P •-.. ,..,.._ LAKE HAV "U CITY, Ariz. and racing trained as an auto COMPANY '"° ,..., u 1e1 "'"' 1• com-DOll91•s A. Pm ._ a..ftfl-·· ""' , POMd of 1l'le followlns .,.,,_., ~ It n.Jl'ttl c. .iacw ~·. -Tall, dark and handsome mechanic in high schools then neme 111 NII lll'ld 111i.c1 ot '"ldtrlce 1s es d •• " m. · · • u ' fallow1· ~rkln I. Pert. NOi Clllldlcleiir ltd,, · Leif Borgersen of · SeatUe, worked as a machinist with HaJ#•rd wen:i. 734 POP,.,. ".,""", An•l'lfllm. C•. tte04 :":..·,. h d . h t d p .. E . s ']"• c ... ---c111 O&ffd 0d.1f,lf7(1 Was ., n ver t e past wo an rec1s1on ng1ne pec1a is..., ~ ....... 1 · 0oue1n 1.. P1rt: ·• " one-half years of Notre Dame, O•tt1111HN~t;' 3;, U7' Me'.rlOll 1. P1rt: t'· th bl I. · d -·d I LEGAL NOTICE Stile o1cc:'l'~arnl•1'0,.••• c-....... STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ·~·,. e g un lmlte . ")' rop ane ' ... ........... ORANGE COUNTY: 1) O!I Novemblr J, lf7(1, before m1, • Oft Octo!Mr 13 1970. hfor9 fM' 11•' that pla~ second in· tbe '1970 Not1rY Public. 111 end for Mid St1te, NottrY Public 1~ •nd for Hid tf.it,:· Gold Cup at Sa111 Diego and se-P.Jtlll per'°"'11v _.rec1 How&rd win1 kl'IOWl'I penonall., ~ Oawllls A. P1rt •:i;:< CERTll"IC•TE OF IUSIN.,S lo me lo bot ll'lfl Plf'llOll wtio.1 nem1 Is bo , . cond in the National High FICTITIOUS NAMe: sublc'lbed to lh• wllhl" l"llrvmll'lf •nd :.::-. 1~111 n!:" .~. ': lo ' ,: P ·nt Standings '111 be at the TIM! undel"ll111\e'd don urtlty "" ti -&<:k110Wled11td "' l)(f(Uf'ed the M<n9. "" w1t111" lnstniment •nd .~ < 01 • W ducting 1 bullneu et 2333 E. Coast Hl111\. (SEAL) lhtY nKVlrd l'hll umt ' • throtUe in the $60 000 Out-way, Coron• de1 M•r mu, Canrornle. C. A. HIGBIE IOfflclal seil) · bo ~. W Id Ch ' · sh' under ll>e fictitious l!rm n1m1 OI BRYO" Not1,.,. Pu_b11c • C1lllornla OofoltiY w }fl'ICI • ,' a." or amp1on Ip MAN ... GEMENT co. •nd thit Hid firm l"rlnc!Pll Off!~ In Nol1rv Pvbtk, ~llfomll·· 1: Nov. 28-29 here on the ts comPOs.ed of 1'he 1o11owtno ""'"'"· O..inge Countv • _i_. PrlnclHt Offic. 1n 1) oJor . Who$& Mmt In fu!I ..,,. PlllCI ol All· ~ Commlulcin E•~ Ori"" CWnl't .... ' C 8do Ri\ter. den<:• It IS follows: . A111111! If, lfn My Comrnliilon Eoll'll ; I ·, Bo · 2S b ch I t Bryson E. Hldlman, 11#1 Cr1nbrte« Mtom,• & M ... 1. Sfllf :n 1974 '. • ., rgersen, , a a e or, s Dr .. sanl• An•, c1111. A"'""" F>ublfll'led 0r~,.,; cooost 011tv Pli*f'' teaming with racing 1 t a r c11tci October 21, 1910 ::r~&lallf C.llf Ocioblr '" 2J, • •l'ld "°""""" :ilt Johnny Adair, 27. Seattle, in a STATE of ~~m0~·N~;.,O;men Publlllled Or1""i coe11 c.11.,. 1"1101 im lf!S.i..5 18-foot four-inch Barracuda Oll:ANGE couNTY: N~1,1J,70,'7J.1m . 2m'·1'11 LEGAL NOTICE LI ·: l'h II ked 'th . On Oct. 2t, 1910, before-· 1 Not1rv LEGAL NOTICE ,, •,, tuMe u pac WI twin l'ubllc In •rid for ,.,.Id Stale. per-nv OltDINANCI NO. ,.... ·z?_'. Mercury engines. The two ~e-loreo:r be 117r:"' ii::rs!1ct..;:,: 11.:::· : IUPl•10• T=.,. 0, '"'' AH ORDINANCE o.. TNll Orr.t~ comprise the Popcorn Racing sulttcrtb!d to ""' within r~1trum .. 1 and STATI: 01" CALll"OllHIA~lto• COUNCIL o .. TN'I!' CITY ~ ~.· Team acknowledged lie e~ec:llfed !he Mini. TNE COUNTY OP OllAN91 MlllA. CALl .. OllNIA, CN.\NOIMS tMI ' • (Ofltcl1I Stall • ..._,A-41Ut ZONI ... 01' A POllTION 0" LOT~. 'J'!le. f~t they wll\ be ~-~;;:;.... K.p~n~. C111rorn11 "3'~·..::. .. ~r~1,•w1tt :~1T,:g: . :~~~~ .. ~IEIOHTI ttACT"·" <,• ' petmg with boats 21 to 23 fee t Prlncloal Off!.:. tn Llt'Tl•s ThTAMIN'l'A•Y ~~ . ,.,.._Cttv-CovnClf-ef-tfll--ctW·at-CfliM . Inn• poses no wor,..,_•---"'--Or1niie County Ell-'! or LLOYD 0. RICHARDSOH, M@I& ~ t11nbY Ol'd&ln " loll-: fin;;• -,,---•J ,iur u~ . Nov. 2•, 1972 oec:NSfd. SECTION 1. All t111t POrllon of" ... ~ two Pvbr!sMd Or•1111• Coed Dotiv Piiot, NOTICE " H~•EBY &!VEN ""' ICI. flillewlnii dncr!bed •••• "'_;;:; .... . "W, 'Il ~-bo rd ·r Octo111r JI •nd November " 13, ?O. EUnoi' Rldllrdtoil to.11 111111! l'*rel" , ...,._ PllrllW plKH and l11Cluded 1n Ille q.:cfl' ;· e WI ue a a one o 1910 . 20»10 tlon19'"p,,...i.orw111&M1ortuut1nceof zartt,town: ~~,:-4 the smallest boats in the race Ltll•i:. Yntem.ni.rt to ttie "'11r-T Tf'le'10U!ht•11ertv 3Cllt '"'of t.ot'lt(M""• ·. · ' LEG" NOTICE ttfe~ lo ll'tlldl I• mtdl tor further Newport H&l1hts. es "' mep f9COl'Md -1 but 1t really moves and we ~ P•rtlc'u••"· ltlld th1t the ttrne •!Id •I.e. In took '· ""' u o1 Mlmi!l•~L. shoUkt mike It interesting for ot t1ear1111 t11e .. ,,.. 11u bell! NT flll' M1PS ht n-. ot11ce of flll 'C:Mitrp' _ . ,. . l".)fOll NOYl!JlbU 27, 1'111. &t t :30 a.rn., 111 !he Recordt!r o1 .. ld Countv. , ,.;; -a 'lot of ·drivers, predicted Cl!RTl,.ICATI! 0,. BUSINISI coul1'floof!t of Dep1rfnl.m No. , of Mid E )( c E .. T f NG fherefl'!l!l'I •• 1h .J, Bor0..rcen who has been rac-l"ICT1T1ous NAME court, 11 100 c1v1c cenier Drl.,. wnt, 1n '°"""'"''mv m "" trierO!OI'. , · :io e":'~ The llnder"•lon@d -certify fie 11 -the at... ot Slnta Ari.. C1 t1i-nl&. ·SECTION 2. Purwuatt fft the """""'-l lng,for nin·e years. ductino 1bu11neu "1116 0ranii• .-.ven~. · O.tld Nowmtoer 4, 1m. of Sfdlon "311.• or the MUO'llcl11.1I ('ellt~ ' H tarted d · · g nabou•· Cost1 Meu, Callk>rnla, Undtr !he fie-W. E. St JO_HH, lfte (tty of Colli M"-', Dl,,,,.kf,Mlill.P ... , e 8 nv.in nt l.Oli tltlous name of A & H TV and fhll uld Counlv Cler11 ol fhe CllV !>I Co,ta ~• 11, ~!l'~ and· followed with stock hydros, firm 11 cornllOSed ol the k>Uowlnii fff'Wn, KHU''" ·~fWI KNVl"I" •mlfftdtlt tw tilt .c!dl!ron ~ tl!\Mlt ' 71'1 d k b whoose neme In full ind 1111ce or rato.ne. IMN I. J'tlllMtlMli. If., lull•• Cl.CP area dffcrlb!d I" 5edlOll i.~bo ,. • 1 re al'I crac er ox 11 is fo!l-s: W111tt11r.· C111ttnN ""'· SECTION 3. Thk Ord In~ sl>l n -classes Heclor V, SOU, 2l9f Wtstmlmltt' Tth (21n"""" lffld..,., bl In fl.Ill !or~• fh.rrty.f»t. • · Avenue, Cosll Mell , Callfoml1 A"""'" fW ..........., frlim end 1rter lb Pln"e, end pr He. became a mechanic tor D•trd Octoblr 1•. 1m. Pu~•'!fd Or9nee c-1 r>1ll't Plkit,, "" ex.rr.i1on of fl"-'t ns1 ~ • Notre Dame Unlimited in 1967 Hec:tor v. sou Novembit 6, '· 11, "'° 201~7' tlle 11•n1111 the~ iti•ll bl J STATE OF CAL IFORN IA, nne.o In lht Oll:.-.NGE COAST J: and test driver for Notre ORANGE COUNTY : LEGAL NOTICE l'tLOT. • 'MWSNPIO' or _., :;sa • Dame In 1~• Du~•g the 1968 On Oct. u, lt10, bllore me, a Nilt11Y t1on. •rlnled 1no 1>ubt1s11e<:1 rn ttte a · r '"1V. •.., ,Public In and for tnld s1111, Pe...-tlJ Cosll Mfl1, toHllM!f' with 1111 n• "tf. campaign, he took over as full eopeered Hector v. $Du, kn0'4'r'I 10 mt to •••T,.fC••'•-o• '"''"''' "" membtl"I of"" City COU11CO•nt11i111 ; · · f th b I be The iitrl«I whose Mma Is subscribed . " • for 1nd &tlfnsl The f.llmf'. time dnver 0 e g lo '"' Wltll!n ln11Tumfnl and •tknowlHll· .....,. PICTITIOUI NAM• PASS.EO ANO AOOPTEO "'I• ll'llf~·· unlimited Which •·ars the @d he e:w:eeulrd !lit M1m1. ,,.. Uflderwlllnfd Oo ctrttty ""-"' .,.. or NoYtrnbor. 1'70. , 1.;·-. uc (Offid-.1 $Nil ~11)1 & llVlllllU &I 166J.8 aallcodl lt OllERT M. WILSON 'I. number U·7 The past season Ft"nle Prlc. St .. Coste MIN, Celllornle. llnder "'9 lie• Ml'l'Or of 11>1 City of , ~ 1/·ri ·• h ck d • hi •• d Nol•rv Public. c111m11i. flllelit fl"" namt °' l"ACIFIC GINEiltAL Coit1 Mesa • .: e r8 e Up S Ut::St recor Prlncroel Office In CO. ,•nd n11t uk:I llrrn II ~ of Hit ATTEST: .·-ti: . and prompUy was fired by the Orange Countv '° .. 1 .. 111111 "l"IOl'll., """' lllll'tft 11'1 fltll EILEEN ... PHINNEY ' ; .. ; ..... ' , . My Cornml1slon Eutrn P -or rnlcltnc9 art a• '°"-: CllY Cle!'ILofJl\e: C!h or COtta Mat .,,. boats owner, Shirley Men-Octobtr 16, 23, lD •nd Nowmber '· Herry T. Conlllll\,. .,.. '"· Tl'll w. s'l'AtE -OF CALIFORNIA 1 ,,,,.,, • deiSOD McDonald of Detroit 1970 1t1A-1U 11111 St., COii& Mffa. C1Ut. Tlloma• R. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) . . . Stldtl, ™ Ho. Trn w. 11111 St. (Olli CITY OF COSTA Mes.-. ) • Boflersen took 1t in str1.de, LEGAL NOTICE ~;:t g:::!ber 22, ,.,. 1, EILEEN ... PHINNEY. c11Y c1to1t fl/I recalling he ·was the fifth Herrv T c..-n" "" cnv of C01t1 Mn• •nd "~· d · bo ~ N t D P-11171 Thomei .R SlllMF Cltrtt of' lh1 City Cour•c:ll of ~· nver a ar" o re ame Clll:Tlf'IC.-.Tl 0,. IUStNass '''" "'c 111 1 • .,.. ~~...... c~t• M"•· her..,., certify""',,.,. I "-M Do Id t rted '" 1 ort1 a, 11191 """"'".: •rid tor"8!n.---Of'dl.._,,ct No 10-.a"'Wlli' s nee IYll"O'!. c na s a ,.ICTITtOUS NI.Ml ~ Octoblr 22. 1f1Q, blfor1 ,.,., I lnt,Clduc.d arid -.Sk:lttrd -11o11 by - racing in 1962. 11,;~~11911"!"'~:1::!1 d:' ~:!1~~ 'l:'.; "'~1i:u:~::,, ~':,.., '°;' c-=,.:~::; tlDft ~' • ret'ut1r mm1119 of "'-CITY "These things happen," be B••bolo Island, C11ifornl1, under n.. I~ Thomas R. Siedel known to ;.... 11 bl "" ~~:,:' '::., Cl';i or =,Merm.held : 'd " d th · th' · flllous flrm n11n1 of SKY~JIK IN• per-.s •w!loM n.mn are wbKrl~ to !he llff @d ' a SB! , an e m~ln Ing 1S TERIOR DESIG "' •nd fllll Hid If"" Is Ille wflf'iln IMlrum'"t 1nd .0.flllW!tlNd &f :~u1e'r'~:d :i:~"'c~~ ~~: that other unlimited hydro etimDOSfd ot 11>t k>liowlt\9 "rson. whoK "'" uKVlwd ''* f.llmt. 1>eld on 1111 2f>d d•v or Nov1mblr u 10. ..,. W .. r kn WI am available., llf<n9 I~ fl.Ill •nd place of mklt1lc1 11 •• (OFl"IC:l"L SEALI ,... loltowl"' roll au YOll : • 0 S 0 • follow.. MARY K. HENRY AYES• COUNCILMEN· Wiison. Jor11 Leif:s father and uncJe are S&undr1 b . M1urlr. 121\.'I RubY Aw., No!llV l"ublle • Cl!tforllla ~lnlcle).. SI. Clltr · M. t fu . , I b 8et* lst1nd. C1lllol'nl1. Pr!ncklll Ol'llcti In NOES· COUNCILMEN• Htf!lfYlf'tl-Op rr1ers in Seatt e. ut Otllld Oct."· 1'70. • Or-COU!llY ABIENT: COUNCILMEN· N- its nd k. S e 0 t t h' Slundr& D. Meurlfo MY COnunlnlill l ol,.. EILEEN p PHINNEY pe a s In W re O O IS s111e or c1111orn11, or1noe Counl'f: NoY. 2•, 1tt2 Cl 11 · liking. A!J a youngster, he On Oct. tt. 1910, brfore me. 1 Not•l'Y l"11bl11Md ora111t Cll.llt Dlt1ty fl'llot OI \; ct 1t!.~if':~ Cltft: showed preference for engines Public r~ •nd for Mid s1011, Pff'S0111n1 O<'ltblf' n. • •nd ,._btt '· 11, Clty ot Coste MfM ~ IPHITlll Slundr& D. Mturfe •nown to mt 1911 1'7.S.70 'ubll"*" Ora~" Casi O.lty "11of,, Howmbtr " Tm • _,. ·-.... __ .. "'"" ... ,.,., .. _ .. ,., ...... -· ............... , .. __ _ ...... ~ ............. '°\, ... . -......... _ .... _ -·-.. --... ·-... .... _, .. -· "'" " •• .. •• " • __ ,_, .. ,. .. " •• L .. •• ·' . . " l ,, OJ'T OI' COSTA, hl(SA, Cl.Llf'CW&\· ..__,,_..., lllSTRICT'NG MAP - :.·~r:ry . V ot~d .C.Y Y oun.g. A~ard .. : . e Distance . ' NOON IAP) -An long - geturlg_ near their, linJil! . new edition of Jl"Ol"'ll_lve world u.ta, puti!Jslje8 Jn London by the • 'tlooaJ Amateur Atbletlc Federa- (1.\AF), · 8bow1 that the momentum · · breakina: evenb of 800 meten er is-llowing down. bool: list. all world r.cords ,.t Jn and fJdd tbl1',century. · pole vaulters soar h1aher and , dl5tince records • are · stayln& ed for ' longer peiiodl than the~ tb~ Here are some examples: ' ·too-meter nlart has bttn lowered 1 .(wice .in the last 15 years. In the It WU lowered slJ: times. . ' records for 1,500 meters were between 1952 and 1960:, But since t.'1 Herb E11iOtl ran 3:35:5 In the ' Olympics of 1960 only one man - .Jlyun of the United states -bu loll Ji with 3:33.1. ' ·record for ~.ooo Dlf:ten: -a less . t -has stuck for four years now at Jazy's 4:56.2. When the Frtn- . set thit time in 1968 it was the record Jn five 1ears. 3,000..meter . mark was «;racked :litnes In 1115 but bu ~ ..... since. J(lp Kelno of Kenya llill It wllj> 7:39.S. &ii>lrast the boot allows the pole ,ricord goJng up Steadily year by -alnce Am'erlca'1 :sob Seagren came. · ·scene la 1966. . fact 'the edit.rs couldi\'.t te.p UJI the pole vault records. Two more d markJ were set as the book was. ··Printed -17-11 by Wollpng q of East Germany last ftlODth .• l&~W. by Chris Papanieolaou of ·· 'iwo weeks ago. · d jumpers are Jeapinf ahead too. ' Beamon•s faotilstic 29=-2l,i at the cO ·01ympi,cs ·or 1968, was the ninth ~k Jince 1960. That meant more ~ ji&mf> records in nine years than in ' ious 60. Clarke of Australia, who retired ·· big Ume track and field this n, dominates the long distance · of recent yell'S. r Cluke bowed out without aetting ,-oVer-all world record for world set 17 world tn1rks in his career. Zatopek of eucboslovakla set IS in years after World War JI and the nd90' ~aavo Nurmi of Finland Jet 19 k 'Iii the 1920'1. ' . LA PAZ, -.(AP) --The -~c~,.. bu been bealm, .... fl!lUDdi1, )1 - and --led by two~~. area men who ... o\"el'-all booorl tn the Mexican 1,IOO off-road rtee"wllb 'a .-.! UJ'De of ·11 boun, ltftD 'minutes. Jlrlnci MIDer ol Cost. M-crulled Into this ..-on lbe llp of the "!iPd Baja Penlmula· early 'lbursday behind the -. . / wbotl ol ·a Volbwqen .buQle to ·-eye.it, !ll&inl1 l>tcavte of lnqlr..- the fullo.wbeel v~ llllit of :IO:ta·HI to lj>a roa1e.I · , Jn 1i69: · ..._.. 1f'le:apoeted•to poet olllclal Vic 'Wilson of c.lta Mela dreve the. · "!"'-.today .... ; ' ·-. ' ·,.lmJer. for the nm half-<>! the raee lbaf -OliJy 11 ·it. m -had lilllobod tho· · - -nm by 'llillndO)' evellinf bul -wbo begu Jn Eavnada· and · covered 112 lmted late w-y alternoon aun miles, lllOll of It dusty, rocky trail. had lime to arrive ben! wlthlo the ta-hour Unollldally, the record fell in eac:b of llmll _ eight clullflca\ions Jn the fourth annual Pamelll Jona, former Indianapolis lCIO winner from Paloo Verdes, and bis Legendary Cubs Hurler nav1C1tor, Bill stroppe of Loeg Beac:b had a ~-lead and apparent vie>-. · tOry -their Ford Speclal -dela3ed by mec:bukal cUUlculty 130 mlieo -tho llnilb. Aller repaln, they llnlabed In •:11. Succumbs to Illness Early reparta Aid the Jt111e1 StloWI eorbadabrabnulebulbla- la!« related lhal llal -. air -· and ·-loci: ~ -the HOWSTEll, .Calli. (AP) -Olarlle Root won more than 200 pmes u a ma- jor league plkber but he'll alwaya be remembered for a gopher blll lhlll llllde bll!eball legencl- Root, wl>a died here Thursday •t 71, WU 'tbe ~k:tlm of Babe Rath'I .,eaJled.. abot'' bomtir In Ille 1"12 World 8erla. ID bis rellremeol ysn as a caltle rancher aDcl antlguO lhop _.i.r, tho ,..,_. adt;ago CUbl lilbl-hander -. remirbd .be .... tired ol· bell!C the "goatt•· or tbe story, which ...-to lake on n..,; embelllilnnent. with · eac:b rei.lllng • Funeral and burial -... l!Cheduled for 1l!O llilvor-halred Root, who succumbed Jn a boopllal alter a loeg Il- lness. He lived In nearby Palclna. The incident that doged Root for tho rest of hill Ille loolc place on a chill1 October day In Qllc:qo during" the tblrd game of the 1932 Series betw11n the New York Y-and the Cubl. Ruth, wbo alrudy had hit a u.r-rwt homer off Root, came to .hat In the fifth inning with the ocore tied M. Root lol two quiet called atritel. Then, ac:cordlog to the aUiey, Ruth rai. ed bis hand Ind polnlod towanlt ..,.. terlleld. Another ....... bu him poinllng with bis hat. . In etlber case, It WU lnterpretod by the bowling aowd as meaning thal be ..., goJng to'bit the-nut plldi over the,..,.. -Ind that b uactly what he did. The Yankees ..., the game, 7-1, ad · ,...t oa to win !be Series In '-tlralll>t- Rool eoatended that all Ruth did wu nold up one !lager to Indicate be still had delaJ, . one alrlke left. Tbere wu oae acddem In whldo CUb manager Charlie Grimm had atnl another version. He recalled that pitcher Gay BUib was heckling from tho dugout w1>en Rulh·pomtec1 at the -and ca11- ec1. "You'll be out there tomorrow and we'll eee what you can do." s... enougb, llalli started the nm pme and lasted -third of an IDDlq. . Most serious lladents of the l&Jllll a-with Root's -.. bul lhal wu the fall bome nm Ruth hil Jn a World Harold Clements of M1ll Valley, Calif., suffered 1 bn>Jren arm bilt sill! .trove bla VW buaie 471 miles flOm c:bec:kpolni No. 2 to La Purlslma where be was oOw. to La Pu for holpltal treatment 'Ille WlitJoo.Mlller team will· pocket alJoul $10,000 cl. the $111,IOO In cull priJel and ...tlngency money for placing ftrlt ·over-an. .. ,_ DITROIT'S DRISCOLL ROLLS IN 12J.10f WIN OVER BUFFALO. -.......U In ·17:15 WU -VW bugle dl'lven by Chui:k Alldride or Garden Gnrte, and flleft Rieman ot Detroit (]~-.Ing Coste Meoa. Walker Evans and Shelby r• .... Mooe-both of Rlveralde,. were rllhl behlndlnaFordpickupclodredlnl7:U. Th ' ' D k f Li ~i.:~=.....-. ey re a c.ac o ars, •ellldes Ingvar Lindquist, Sbennan ow, Ca!U., and John Jbinl, Los Angeles, ~4-~'~ln= S:ays Distraug· . ht. Harding_ •ehides -Ev1n1 and Mongm, 1'ord pickup truck, 17:12 (old record 15:0'1 Jn 11111). ' . . ETRO-' ~ P.n>daclloa t-wheel dl'fve bucciea _ D u (AP) -u~ University of p1evances apim1 l!anliog: John w.-"-'•• V·"-Calli .~ Detroit Athletic Boord voted unanimously L Deceptive recrultJng practJc:u. ·-• • ..,.,. _,, " ~N 'lllursd-"'""' to ~~ Unl.verrity o! Larry Brlgb~ San Diego, Corvalr Ban--, ...... ..,,.... • :I. L1U1e regard for JnJured players and dlto, ll:ot (old record 21 :1t la ltll). Detroit bukethall coacb Jiro Harding -Inadequate .medical allenlloo. Non-production two-wt.el d r J ' e whose entire 16-man vanity basket.ball S. PbyslCll abule of the baJJplayen. vehlcloo-WilloeandMl!ler, vw bugle, team has refused to play under him. . 11:0'1 (aid record 21 :ot la Itel), In a brltf 1btement islued ane"J a 4• No laltb In oae's abtllt)' to adjust to Production four-wheel drive vebiclet 1peclal night meeting in the univenlty'r colle1e Ille. Bill bone and Gene Hightower, J-Memorial BulldJng, the board said It has 5. No regard for a player's personal ll:OI (old record 20:.ta Jn 11111). advl.led unlverslly president Falher feelings. •·--··-NM-JlfOlhlclioo lour-wheel d r I v e Mlkolm C&mn of lb unanimous support 6. lnsullinf ,.... .... , vehicles -Robert Sieva't and Dan · !or Harding and "ncomlnends that be They &aid their grlevuca date bad: to Widner •J• of ~-•-ac1o s •·-Colo •··•J•-" cU lut year's aeason. Harding's flnt u U ot , -~ pr.,.., ., resume -·~ pra ce as soon as I I I • Bulc:I< jeep, 11:16 (old record 23:3' Jn poalble." D coacb, when a 1imllar revolt developed 1-l over 0e~ ~p_r a_c ti.c_1 __ -• The U of D-oquad, three white and IS Motorcycleo up to 125ce -Steve Hurd, black pla,.n, announced earlier Tburs-...,ions, ht of Condon Not Even Giveaiooys . . Can Perk Attendance URGH (AP) -Tllo tlondan, I prole11iaa1J basQtbt.IJ , hive tried el'W)' limJnict tram Clbs to nowen to lndlH:e taoa to to their boma-gama. !,too, .. cept for .... nlCl>I -..... were no st-lfl or l(Jnmlcka and 1ou lhon "° -up. Bul--=Martylllab bu ..... -'ly the best m. -t :r all: """-· --Blab toot oat a llllDl-sU:ed ad In the t...imce 1111 been a~ginf ahoul dty -per mid o11.....r lne tlcll:etl to anyone who tilled oal Ille _, blank for the Nov. 17 -with lie Mliml Florldl1111. .. And wt'll ~ bands &o t!flttrtaln1 special prbn and we'll mab II an ... e111o1 evonlnl! or NdolbaD and -talnmell," BIUe'1 ad ..,-. Blab, wt.o bu IJ"!!I, • ,.m In pro Y011K (AP) -Haolt Bauer -U ad bakatboll, ...i haw a bit to -n 'lbmlday -u. or the -1n his bleed. In•~ him He was bnlafhl here JUI AUlllll from uer to Manage · or Loop Club York Metl -~ manager the Atlonta Hawka to port up a saalnc ir Tldewaler, VL, farm club Jn the -Bublboq --..,., tloul Leque. llleft -at the Plpm. I former ltlr outfielder for the ffe Cll1ld bit aiow bf1't • "chlDme" ore y:_._ In their cham"'-"p and adm!Hed plalntmly In his ad tllal .. .,.~., ..,....._.. be "hM not done I llOOd Jab," laier monager of the lilt World So far. to boool a-. ll1Ue bat pioll Balllmore Orioles, Kansas City )!lven away 1.ooO cup cUoa al --· nd, sat out the lt'10 ..-He ISO wwth ol llowm at -· and laot n r...i u Oakland lll&JllCtr late. -t admllled ,,.. 8111 cldld _,a ~ halloween eoltume. 1.1111 ....... Durlnc lbe pine, wlllch ~ ahoul Mell altlo ....,..;..,. that Oluclt S,OllO, Blake even bad a-·• - , 'lilil ~ Tldewalor In ll'lt, baD foul sbootloit cont.It at the hall ad uo!ined to lake over as .,..rded 1JU111pkln pies to 1llo ,,_,_ r of Marlon. Va., In the "P:.';. The le(lovfr plos, be ladllllly ..,. to -Lel(ue. the sparll wrttert. Moalebello, and Doq Smllb, San day thal they would not play buketball "The pn>bleml whlcb drove as nearly ,.__,._ DKW :n • (-'• ~ -~ to the brlok 1u1 year llilll prevail," tho -·---. • : -~ -:-at the un.._"" 1mW Hard'•• b nplaco In Itel) ··--•, "'6 pb7<rs &aid. . ll«ifll, and the legend could never be • eel as coach. Harding, wbo eo1cbed the ~. burled. MoWeydoo over ll5ce -Phil Bowen, Olarglng Harding with "phyolcal abuse Plpen of the American Bukelboll Born In Middletown Ohio Marci! 17 Chino, and Mike Palrlc:k, Corona, ll:SI of the bOllpbyera" and "lnsullinf "-la Ille, Root broke Joto baoeball with nm: (old record 2ll:Sl In lilt). languap," they aenf a letter to Father uo1ven1ti;;' of=::."! ::a~ Haute In 1921,· went to the SL Loala n.e -ytc:tory by EYlllll . and Cam>o adv'•'•• him of their •J•-••--• M--byonly aW One---·-~pllnariao .. Bn>wm In 1923, and Joioed the Cubl In over a Chevrolet plcllup -by lloanlo They complaloed In tho letler that He -a bani Uno on Monday when ltlll alter two YWI with Loo Ange111. Beyers and Doq Roe, boCh" of Las Harding'• "lallure \o 1'<0glllse .. u lbe team'• IS bJaclt pt.yen boycolted He pild1ed IS ,..,. for tbe 01bt1 and ~. N.M., wbo f~ lourtb ...,. human beinfS wllh human feelings, w1nt. pracllce °""the smpemtou of two fellow lad a career .-.! of •I-Ito. Ho all. ·and cauaM ua moment. ell paycbOlop:al playm, GerlJd Smith and Du Aaft, ~led lnbuWorblsld ~In !tit, 1"2. 1'flth "'1lNlf at fl:OS ,._ A. Jt, MU1or depmllon." At the Ume, Hardinf relUled to divulge I--11131, t •-• WU DO wiDI of Whltlhlr, Ind Bay Broc1: of Hollywood Harding immediately denied I be 1111 ,._,. for suspending the two and line loaes. in .a Ford plcllup. c:barwea and, acconfJng to the De1n11t pfa)'Ors. Root's alllilit)' for adYenity lint ahow-F'lnimlnl -In the ~ IW1>-l!'ree Pmo, called his pt.yen "a pock of A delepUon of 15 piiyvr, locludinC ed up In the 1921 Serles, wblc:b tho wheel _.. •ehlde clau wJlh a llan." He placed them ill under -members of tho -.. team, Plllladelpb!VtbletJcs won In five..,__ , 211:51llmewerelllc:bardLee,11eme1, and auspemlon., -With Father camn w-, "' ~ wa(b<Mllnf aloa( In the fourth Lee Kuoaler, Brawley, In a VW sedan-He &aid that U they would not play u , dlacua' lhelr .,,..._ wllb Hanfinl, tame with an M laad la the ..-Ji In-. llporbman .. ct.r J ..... Gamer of West long u bo II l'Olcb, "they. won't nmaJn bllt 1llo preoldeol -. no declstiln ... ninf """' Hack Willoe loal· lllo Dy balls Loo Aopla, teaming with Cliff COieman on the teat' lontf. I .. the bead basJret. cept to ,_....,.. that the playon lall: In the.,.., 'riie Athlellcs scored JO l'IDll in of llante Manic&, were tblrd In -blll l'Olcb and will be for lhe l'UI U... to lla!diDf -If. lbe !ming !..-I IH victory. dlvilioft drtYin& ID -Ila -In )'tin." Tllo l&lllO day, HaMJns aid be lllaulbl Root pul bis arm around the -inf ll:M. He added tl!at "under no drcumllancu the team had two -: Wlloon and aid, "lly balls haft -The Fard Broot:o of C&rl J.-., will I quit." "We m&J -lo lorpl Oll1' IChadDle dlupped before, llac:t, Ind lhoy'll be llemol, ---pnidaclloa At an a-pnu coa1ennco campletely. -ad that's a - dlupped qaln." -di!.. veblda at •:IL '!'llanda1, the pliJera prodlii:od a ·1111 Ill ""!fblllty," be Aid. -· Indians~ Huskies in Top Pae-8 Duel ' Soillllem C&I llprw lo .,..U..la 1111 .--.! for Wllillnclm Stele. Thal Is, N for both. Cooc:b Jalln llcKay, bl& bid for .. -ol llllb lfnlPI lrlp lo Iba --bhmlad by __ .,. -• -. ~-c.r, 1111: "We rapoct Wubirl(tGa -TlllJ -~---....... -1a1r, •• -plartiw up lbn ta ---playq In tho COi--. After I team lolm b)', llJ, SM, • WSU did I& UQ.A, a ClllCb cm bo • -far U1 ~ ... llp Iba~ •==::::-• ;.----------.... ---· -----------·------------···------~-----------" .. ... . . . . ' ~ . '"" .. .,.._,..., .. !e DAll.Y l'ILOT Fr~. Ncwember 6, 1~70 ., Estancia, FV Battle for Survival • By ROGER CAJUMIN Of fflt DeltJ' PW SIMt ·Tl* •mocrt crucial football game in Estancia Hlgb's history and a vJtal stepping. stone for Fountain Valley's quest of the Irvine League championship is on tap tonight when the two contenders Jock horns at Huntington Beach High School. Game time is B o'clock and an overflow crowd is eipect.ed lo jam Huntington's Sheue Field early. For Eslancia's 4-1 crew, lt's anoiher must win situation in order to stay alive for a piece ti the loop crown. l( coach Phil Brown's Eagles can win, It's-No · Tuneup, • Says Ali a three-way tie ror the title ls JXM!Slble provlding Fountaln Valley in tum knocks ort Edison the following week. However, coach B r u c e Pickford's Barons ($-0) enter the contest a three-point favorite to add Estancia to their list of Irvine vlctlms and enter the Edison clash with \he Wldisputed championship at stake. Fountain Valley's narrow advantage might be traced lo the kicking game where t h e Barons JX1SSeSS place.kicker Gary Hernandez. Hernandez is a proficient cltra point kicker ar:d is capable of field goals inside the enemy 20. Estancia, on the other hand, has experienced diffi<:ulty in connecting on PATs -the on- ly loss coming in that depart- ment -a 14·2 defeat by Edl!On (f>.O). Both teams employ the ball control style of attack but they do It in contrasting waya. Fountain Valley's punishin; ground attack is g e a r e d arowxl the full-house backfield of Rick Hartsfield (190), Steve Mohulski (160) and Steve McKenzie (115) backed up by the quarterbacking of Rick Power and Ken Shibata. ·Estancia, meanwhile, utilizes the. I-formation with diminutive tailback J I m SChultz (145) !he leading ball carrier, averaging 17 carries per outing. He's racked up 490 yards in 102 au.em,t.s and six touchdowns. Estancia appears to have lhe upper hand if the passing department with quarterback curt 'lbomas in the fold. Thomas has ri~ enemy defenses for 704 yafds while completing 40 of SZ tries. 1111 primary receivers are Lee Frie<lersdorf and Bob Kllstt. Both teams have shown the abllHy lo execai. w II b precb!oo. Fountain V1Jley bas loot thr<e of only ..... fumbles in five clrcult v~ tortes while Eltancia has bob- bled only •i• limes, looinl lour. Ed1l!lon capitalized, recover- ing both Estancia fumbles .. route to ita win. ,,_.... \la!lt'r 115 McA&llrt ll!l 1tS Owttl T 175 ..._l<ttlw G 110 '°"11 c ltO KtllllNt G lfS Willer T 1'5 H"Mlldti E 115~ Q 14!1 M<Keru:le a 14'0 Mal'Mll•ld • lU Htmlltlll I -,,,_ -_ .... .... .. _ va11 vi.--· ,_ ...... .. _ ..... Vikings Seek 3rd Position Chargers Rule Edison Favored ' Over Mustangs stormed to five toucM>tt11s a:nd a s.z average on JOI trips., Delene:ively both t e am• stack up fairly .... In .. ....u yardage allowed. Bui F.dioon holds a huge lead -..1v<1y. 'l1le Chargers have 1.......,i 300 yards a pme Ibis year while Mesa bu totaled JG per outing. ·-<--ne ••tdt • .... .. 211 MortwnMft ' GHMrt "' ......... • ··-.. 115 Noble c WHllM'ftt "' 1'5 C..rtw G -... llO G~•-T Mllllr ... 1'5 Flslw E .-.. "' 17S Hlnol.-• ·-... 115 Maollf't • Woff ... llO Wl\olft • -"' 16$ McN1y • -"' Top U.S. Gymnasts In Oil City, instant replay TllE TRUE OLD:SJYLE D:NTUCII 80- 1 • ------· --·----- At Pius X Monarch s Tabbed / In Angelus Fray Mater Del ls fa vored over Plus X 'High School's Warriors tonight In . Angelus Leegve fo0tball warfare which isn't :i'!!Urprlslng. :.· "'The action will take place at ·•· •PJU.S X beginning at 8 o'clock. i').''Slnce 1964 the two schools .-. ' ._, ::~Sea Kings, ,. Griffins '<: ~Collide -· .. The general consensus is that it will be a high.sco'ring affair. That's the way Corona del Mar coach Dave Holland and Los Alamitos mentor Frank Doretli sum up tonight's lrVine League battle at Western Hlgh. Kickoff Is at 8. ' ''We have lo score a lot of \ ,J>Oints to stay clear,'' says \iHelland, "If they play our \ 1ame there should be a lot of : ..points scored." :x.·~retti adds, "we don"t '"'='.-ant it to be that way, but if ;;,.•we ·don't stop their passing 1.: game it very well could be." ·.'1 ; The .Corona paeina: game Is .'!cared around quarterback ~.,,lte!th Samuels and receivers Karl Kl\lefer and Carlo Tosti. ~;'.-.Samu"els leads the area prep ':";_kams in total offense. ·He's ~·OOlllpleted 66 of 137 aerials -~. t:bis season for 1,075 yards, ; ... ,, .. ... : · Killefer has five touchdowns :.Jo; bis credit tbls season and is -l!t~recarded as one ol the top receivers In the Orange Coast '.i.I\.,., Tosti caught three TD ·~passes last Week in Corona's ~ .:4$--12 victory over Costa Mesa. ~~· .'ifhe ·running of John Miles gives the Sea Kings a balanc- '"ed at.tick. -:-ti Los Alamitos gears its or- . ·renslve attack around senior ~.·'halfback MHre Hixson, a 145- "'".r)>Ounder. Hixson, almost a . .fi:Ule bet to malte all-Irvine :.:· ~e honors, has been 4 ·'.averaging about 125 yards a ~:'pine rushing. . ..... '· l.4s AJarnitos, In an attempt ,,..Jo improve its passlng game, ..,·(Will start Terry Stupy at f.l"~erback against the Sea ',_j(inp_ Both teams come into the ~e with 3-4 marks, but Los Alamltos has lost its last two whlle Corona has a two game winning' streak. Holland firmly admit s that his team has a lot of momen- tum going. "Right now we're pointing for a winning season. We're playing for pride." ''Los Alamitos Is one of the better teams in the league. They have some fine personnel and lfixson is one of the best backs in the league ." adds the C.Orona oOach. Says Doretli , "we were •ery Impressed with Corona del Mar last wtek against Costa Mesa. tt has a much better team than its record in- dicates." (tl'I ... llt1 Nott 111 IClll~r E l t' H•lltll'lt T 1.0 WatlM G UO DeMlll1 C 111 Zlmrntrrnan G 'JOI ••ml.I~ T Jt' l!!!I E 1JJ Sarnt1itlr Q 14' Mlln I 1'2 Fitrl'•ro 9 1~1tlllrd-I LOS Al1mli.t Jtdr.11111 110 Btnli llS Q11ri.e 11.0 Antlera<m UO Cuton !IS Ecl'ltrd 195 C•1111ron US """"'~~ 11<1 "41-IOl'I US Jcr.r1ro 16G Strutk 11<1 )lave met oo the gridlron sl:c times and the Monarc~ hold five victories with the 19:>8 game ending in a 7·7 Ue. The DAJLY PILOT favors the ~1onarchs by nine po_int.s. Coach Bob \\'oods isn't cer· tain the Monarchs art that much of a cinch to win. •·u we go over there lhinking we're going to have an easy time, J think we're in for trouble." Plus X, under coach Tom Christopher. has a former starting quarterback at the important tailback position and he is the leading runner for the Warriors. Oa\'e Koos, a 195-pounder is the Warrior runnlqg star and Ohistopher doesn't make it clear whether he was needed more as a running back or whether sophomore signal cal· ler John lIOi:>kini w a s responsible for the move. "Hopkins has done an outstanding job for us this year," Christopher says. "He is a good passer and he directs the team well for a sophomore.'' Leading receiver on the squad is split end John McNamee. Mater Dei is sparked by Bob Haupert at quarterback where he not only passes with con- sistency but runs. the option play with finesse. Rocky Simpson is his trail· / DAILY ,ILOT ll•tl "'" TAILBACK TOBY WHIPPLE LEADS SADDLEBACK AGAINST BERDOO. ing man and also the team's----------------------------------- leading runner with over 400 yards this season. The two lines averaqe abou t the sa me with Plus X holding a sliihl two pound per rhan edge. The TeCOrd shows both t-eams losing to Bishop Amat and St. Paul in Angelus League action. Each holds a league victory, Pius X over Servile (13·12) and f\.1ater Del over St. Anthony ( 4 l · 8 ) • Tonight's battle will determine a third place finisher in the circuit, in all probability. Mlltr Del Pl~I X 115 Nan•v • 9uku "' 100 Ba•!~ ' 9e1r "' 16S B111t>tt G V•nLletOP "' 175 Melt ' 811Mt ll '" l9S Hetlern1~ G Fl9Ye<l1 '~ 210 ICem..er ' Po~len "' us N1nrv e McNlim"I '" 110 H1~11trl Q HOPki~ "' 16 s1mo1on • O'NtUI m lkl W0Uk l1Wi<.1: • ·~· "' 205 Shtldon • Art.1 "' Close Battle Expected Between Trit()ns,,Diablos If banter between coach Bob llivner of Mission Viejo's Diablos and his San Clemente Triton counterpart Tom Eads is any indication, tonight's {8) Crestviev; League football bat· Uc between the two teams at San Clemente is an even con· test. The DA.IL Y PILOT grid odds have the host Tritons listed as thrce·point favorites but t.be final score could well end up even closer than that. Mission Viejo had some line \\'oes in a 24-6 loss to Villa Park last \\'CCk and Hivner '''asn 't too happy about the performance or his front align- ment. He says. "we had a mental problem against them (Villa Park) after having been beaten, 19-14, by Katella on a long boi:nb with 30 seconds left in the 'game the week before. "We did move the ball well In the.re. HJ!,'s a very cool kid who hangs In lhere lltld doesn't panic." EaM is et1ncerned about an eight-man defensive front which Mislon Viejo \Yi\I throw· at his grldders. He notes. "the best part of our offense has been our run · nlng gan1e and that eight-man! front is hard to run on. So, we'll probably have to go to the air." I Golden West Defense Gets Big Challenge against Katella but after last week 's performance it's just difficult to tell our strength. You just can't move the ball \VithOul blocking," the ex· University of Washington quarterback adds. San Clemente stgnal caller Keith Gibson (165) has clicked on 34 of 90 passes for 384 yards and bas thrown i!ight in· terceptlons. ''"''1111 Yl1t1 110 Prt l!WOOCI :ios Z~tkewl~i US LtCl1lr uo Scl1r•on1 17$ M1rll" S1n Cltmfllll F. All1vTe 17S 1 A:omero 215 G Ande•""n HS C Mlddtn US G 90\ltr 110 The Golden West College defensive unit will be put to the acid test Saturday night when the Rustlers entertain Los Angeles . City OJ liege in a Southern Californi a Con- ference football outing in Le Bard Stadium on th e Orange Coast College campus. "If we can put 13 guys on the field, they'll only score three times," defensive coach Don RoWe s.ays. Fred Hoover, in charge of the defensive secondary, says, "Lhey ~en't going to score any 32 po in_ ts against us." The 32 points he is referring to is the average sco ring out· put for the Cubs this season in s.ix games. Head mentor Ray Shackleford fetls the gam will be a 'higtrscoring-affair - "They are an extr ely good offensive team _,;4S lln record indicates. They have good size and gr;a( speed and we will have 1.Ci play a gQPd football game/to win." The Diablos' junior tailback "If they had gone for a Aundre Holmes (165) was held touchdown instead of the field lo just :>a yards in 14 carries goal, the game could have last week and Eads is afraid ended in a tie." the Mission Viejo swlftie wlll return to normal form (620 As it was, Rio Hondo scored yards in seven games) against late to win a 28-27 decislon as the Trit9ns. Belichesky kicked two and had Says Eads, "You can take a another blocked. team like Orange ( t h e Crestview leader) whlch bas \\'ith Rio Hondo rolling along good overall team speed and u•ith a pair of victories over quickness. the rusllers and Cubs, Satur-"But as an In d Iv Id u a 1 . day night's battle c 0 u I d Holmes is very quick and hard determine a second place to catch once he gets loose. We hope to contain him -finishe r anti possible first that'll be our first goal." place tie should Rio Hondo Eads doesn't think the falte?::. P.1isslon Viejo talent stops with Go! n \Vest and LACC have the speedy Holme"' etther. "Their quarterback (Bob) ca lost two games 'while Dulich throws very well even inning four. The two teams though he didn't have a good have met on onJy one oc· game last week {five in· caslon. The CUbs copped a 14-0 tcrceptions). the third year dl.'Cision last year to topple the Triton mentor says. Rustlers from title contention: ''Holmes is thei r first threat llS '"'°'' 1'5 G1tv1n US Dullch IU Hol.,,.t 160 Ltvoort UG Jon11 T lu•ee• 215 · E And1roo" HO 0 GIDMln 16$ ~ McN11111r1 1191 9 Morrl1 1&$ • ''""'"" llS Football Standings ,..l l WAT LIAOUE WL '''" ICtnllldl' I O 1'2 ... Sunnv Hl!l1 • I Ill '' j S1v1nn1 I I HS 17 F~llt•lOn 3 1 " .0 L1 Htbrt 7 l I f 1J Tr"" • ll tS LO"'llJ .i ll !SS l u.n• 1'1r\ • O t U JU T""r•-•Y'I Seo .. IC_.,n.ay JI, Butn1 P"~ 0 T011lt~1"1 Gt lflll LI H1br1 ¥1. lniy 11 Fullt rlon S1¥1nn1 v•. Sunny Hlll1 II •-'•rtt. ,.,,., .. ~·· ··-F~lltrton VI, LOWltll ti LI H1br1 SALE AQUARIUMS ·All SJ,., PACl,IC GOLDPll H PAIM 14'11 •DWAICI HOlllTH 0 1' IOLIA W•ITMIHITll Shackleford isn't planning but they are capable of throw· any changes in the Golden ing that Jong bomb with Dulich \Vest lineup with Sieve Griffith1_:2=:::.:2=::::_.::.::::_::::::::.:':==================' directing the attack at quarterback and C h a r I i e Asked if•lle was making any special preparations to halt field goal kicker Broftk o ~ .... Whipple o! Saddleback Belicl>-,sky, Shacklt!on! seJ<!: = _, t . "I hope the field 1oal • qe ranks No. 2 in sta e doean'l enter into the sltua· 'or college rushing Buckland anchoring the run- ning game at the important tailback position. 11w Saturday night en- counter in LeBard Stadium is the annual Homecoming clash for Golden West. 1'12 lucky families can move in November 15th. lilies, according to the JC .lion. But" ft hurt them in the eUc Bureau. last game wlth Rio HondG.j ~~J~b £ootblU games 011;::=;;;:==::;:=============::rl ~ • . 24, Whipple has ~ yards :~ "183 carries. The leader is '. l)i:tvester Youngblood o t · YUadena with 9'6 yards {142 1~ies) replacing Whipple Jn lhit spoL Colden West's C h a r 11 e ·~land ls •illhth with 627 :"Jtrds in 134 carries. :ft:'r •n~llll ' ilk., ''''"' t.1Ut.. ~,.-.."!!-1!~blold, ,,,..,.. • ~- '"71 ...... 1 Sffdl~li. ,., 11' •1111,., o Miio V1lltl' 1S2 Pf . •. 11\UtlmwY, C--152 IOI S. ••rl!9r. u Y111ff • 114 1ll O!herl -I. tuc:"1nd !Golde<'! We111, 13"M271 t. v1t1o1111 lMtr1 c111111. 1• ... ee1y..o1r• ectin wur . 1 ... ftltn •nd boys .II new corduroy fl•r• 1ection it111l11Nrfc1t4 e IMder •"fff• ' ·~ .. ld1"41 ....... ...... .......,. 'Y -. (and prob.bly wUl!J D On N....,r,., 15th the Wst1'1 newest, rno1t 1leg1nt trawl frailer perk wiU open S m~n: from f1bulous P1lrn SprinlJI. H1rt, Y" can park your tr1iler on one of only 142·ov1nhtcl 1p1ees. Evan if -there.,. '4 in your f1mlly. you pty only $5 • d1y Of' $JO per weak••• which indud11 wafer, electriclty • ..,...,, swimming pool, lu•urious dubhou11, 1howen, Jock.,., i ncl openlnt soon..ffOl'.e sm•ll ,..), your own 11-hole 9olf count1 • .A(id bring your bott,. • the-cWiMi •re biting. a Whit ' w1y to •f*'CI yow lrlisure ••• in Amerie.1"1 lftOlt.famtd d1wt planr-.!-P11m Spri"9'. M.ke your re11tV1tiOM now-. ' FrldQ, Navt111btr 6, 1970 OAll V PILOT J J Says Tucker Gau chos' ·Fletcher RetW"ns· Orange Coast, Mounties Even Saddleback CoUege rootball coadl George Hartman is breath.int easier thls week . 'nle reason Is simple - starting Hneb:icker a n d fullback Rocky Fletcher Is ex~ pected to be at full lilt when the undefeated G a u c h o s engage tough San Bernardino in a Mission Conference crucial Saturday night at ?!fission Viejo High. Fletcher injured an ankle In the Gauchos' victory over Southwestern two weeks ago aild sa\V only first q_uarter du- ty against Grossrnont last v.·eek. Orange Coast CQ.llege's re- juvenated football t e a m figures to get. all it can handle this Saturday at Mt. san Antonio, according to OCC coach Dick 1\lcker. "When you break them (Mt. SAC) down, they're as good as we are. Jn comparing. scores they're just abciut even with us. They lost by seven to Golden West, lhey b e a t Harbor and lost to Fullerton by seven," says tbe Pirate coach_ "We figure It will be a SG-50 game. They have a real fine passing a t t a c k • Their quarterback (Joe Gomei) is a big kid who threw 52 passes against Sanla Ana (in a 34-13 He is an importanl cog in loss). He's averaging about ~ the Sadd leback machine. passes a game. Fletcher goes both ways . He "l personally think it will be a wide open game," adds not only Is the Gauchos' top Tucker. linebacker but also is one of The occ mentor says that the better blocking fullbacks the Mt. SAC defense isn't so in junior college footj)all. bad either.· "They we re" tied The Gauchos' success this with Fullerton al 7-7 last wee k season has centered around with seven minutes to go when a long touchdown pass beat lhe running of tailback Toby them .'' \Vhipple be h In d Fletcher's Off their last two games, the block ing. Pirates do not figure to halt£ a "We e:ii:pect him lo be back greal deal of trouble moving 100 percent th is week," says th e ball. Hartman . Against Santa Ana t\.\'O Freshman Steve Divel filled weeks ago the Bucs·racked up in admirably for Fletcher on 333 net yards ( 193 on the olfense last week, but he ls not ground) and Jhen came back the two way threat. last week to roll up 396 more Vajbuena bas rushed lot tl2 yarda in the la.9l two games and has added another 189 passing. MaUlas ran for 74 yards against Santa Ana and had the best performance of any Pirate.· back I his season again.st CetTitos, picking up 121 yards in 25 carries. "We're really playing good.'' says Tucker ... , just hope we can keep il up." Mattias and starting full- back Tony Ventimiglia were both injured In the Cerritos encounter. f\.lattias has an arm Injury but will start against t h e P.1ountles. Ventimiglia (knee) hasn't suited up au week and isn't e1pected to play Saturday. Artist Polo Team Wins Coach George Carey used every player on his team as La guna Beach romped to a one-sided 19-4 water polo vic- tory: over El Dorado in · an Orange League game Thurs- day in the winners' pool. Scott Sumner. scoring six goals. and Amory Ware, hit.- ting five ,' led the Laguna Beach attack. They bad plenty of help from a dozen other teammates, who were poured into action once the game became· a runaway. The Artists now boast an ~ record. Hartman will also welcome (291 rushing) against Cerritos. offensive Lackie Brian Whit-Quarterback Gary Valbuena bread back this week. He sat and halfback Bret Mattias out the Grossmont game with have really been the sparks. strained ligaments in a kne-:!. -;.;;-----:~iiiiiiiiiiii--iiii-;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ... ;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;iiii'i Hartman figures .that t~e~r Gauchos will ha ve to play one YW BRAKE or their best gamos of lh•I 5 p EC I AL se a s on to beat San Bernardino. I "Any team that can beat 1 SouUiwestcrn can b e at anyone,'' says the· Gaucho·! coach. Reline • WhMt• Machine 4 Drum• Overhflul 4 Wheel CyllM1r1 »AM Mlle UllCIMlllllMI O~rlllfM CHOT P•O-lllATIOl $39.95 "They are really. a tough ball club. They are as big as' G1ossmont. 'nley also have. sOme great breaka~ay run-: ners. San Bernardino has· always been able to move the1 football and they've scor~d more points than anyone in1 the confe rence. I YW SHOCKS -------.. ------$7.95 lnstaRed 100,GOO mlle guaranteed (not pro.rated). , wE_"oo ALL FOREIGN CARS. • DISC llAU SllCIALIST • COSTA MESA STOit ONLY J111 H-'-ltwl. S49-4122 tit 14f·2219 ALL AMERICAN FOOTBALL FORECAST BROUGHT TO YOU BY 'THE ALL AMERICANS' AT HARBOR AMERICAN Your Authorized AMERICAN MOTORS Dealer NEW 1971 SPORT AIOUT $2594 D1liv1r1d i" Co1!1 M111 Ordtr Your1 Tod1y N• l cml• dnrl•, Int 1rnilt ltt telk fr•111 "'9 All .t.111.,lcOM. Tith Is ltew H•rt.lr .t.....nc ... pleb """ tMs w ... : 1-TWS l--ITANFORD 1 14USSllSll~:PI. 11-SAN Cl£GD STAn J-..HDTRE DAME 1-MICHIGAN 12-ARIZONA STATE 17-GEORCllA TECH :a-DHIO STATE I-ARKANSAS 11-AIR FORCE 11-HOUSTDN 4-NEBRASKA ~S.U, 14-ALABAMA 11-WASHINQTON ~Tl!NNESSE E 10-A.UIURN 15-U.C.LA.. 29-NORTHWESTERN S1turd1y, Nov: 1 -M•Jor Coll1111 Ohio~ " Wl9COntl11 " Penn St1t1 " M1ry11nd, 7 I.Jr fOrOI " OniSQn " Prine.ton " t11rYlfd " Al1blm1 " LS.U. " Qu1nt1eo •••lft111 20 X1vC<111r • Arlzon1 Slit• " Si il JOH Sl1t1 " S.n 01190 .Slllt " ,acl'lc • Ark11111e " "" • SOUtlllrn Clllforrtll ll W1shlnrtOI'! 1111• 7 Auburn " Mlnl11lppl Slltl n S.M,U. TUi i A&M .. 80fltOI'! Coll111 " 8ulf1111 ' St1ntort1 " W1t/"olnrton " Boston U " A:ut&tr• 1 "~ " = u 8-lin• u1Mn " Ohio U .. Ten,,.,_ " C.roll!M 1 Brl~•rn Youns " COICHldo Stal• " Te1111 " 8~10!" • Cit torni1 • " O:f:' Slltl " T1J111 Trteh " T. U. u Clnci11111U " N h Ttu1 " Tol«IO " Ne>rtNrn llllllOI• • Citadel " Ch•ttlnoop " Tul<lllM " Ml1ml, FIL " Cotpte 20 l~Mll " Tu>u " Wlch/t. 7 C01or1d0 " "~· " Ut1h .. U'-h St.ti " Colloectlcul " Wllllam 6 Mel)' " Yi1J1-.,. V.l'.I. .. "'""" ,, ·-LI WMt Vi1.RJ. " E11t ClfOllflll 7 Dlf'tmlllllh " Cotumbl• , W11t1tn lehi .. l'I 11 Wnt TIUS ,. Dilvldson " Ufl}'l.tll • y,~ .. hnnsv1v1nl1 a """ 21 Wake P:ONll .. otlltr Gl mH -f ir WHI El l'l!IO 11 w,::1n1 .. ,.10ridl aur. ,. Cm-,. c.ntr11 W11l'llnlt0ft " Sin p:,.fld_ Sia• ,. Glorll• " f"lorldl , G«i'li• Tech " .. ., 1 Chico Stlit. 21 0.Vll " c11"""ont " UY1me " .... " lndl1M " f"u1t111on .. Rhrtf11CM • K1nst1 St1!1 " OkJ1hom• Ill!• 11 Kent s 1111 " M1,..h1U " H1w1(i " N1Y-c!1 (Liii V. .. 1) 7 i<1ntucky .. V1rt<lertUt ' t11yw1rd " Hllmboldl 1 Mll,.ch.,._tt, " Hot~ Cn>se .. Ke1mey " • Col~do Minn • Memphl1 Sl1t1 " LOU Pllll " Lona Seith " Fres110 St1t1 " MJ1m1 !Ohlol 21 O.yton " Htv'"*-(Reno) 31 E1111'" o"''°" , Mlehlpn •• llllnoll " Hew MIJt!Co t11'1111d$ Ja B!lllOO ' Mk hlpi\ S~I• ,, l'unh" " Norttiern Atlro~ ·ll E11lolm N9w MNklo 1l Mlssi»lpci' " ........ " N6rtl'ltrft ColonidO &outlMrn c.lofMO • P.clfio lllth9'8n " • MlllOUr " 0111111011•" .. Col"t of l(hiho Nebr1s11a .. low'I ~II 1 Pu .. t SOt.1114 21 U.S.!. , ... N ... Mt•tco .. ··-" Rtdll ndl " Occld1nt11 Notth Clmt1n1 .. Y.M.I. • S1cnrnt1nto " S.11 Ff111CJ94') U No. CtroUM $~11 " Vlr1Jrtl1 " Sin '•mlllldo " Cll roty tPomo"'1 Nottti-t1m " MlnntaoCt " S.nta larblrt .. Les ""•'-Not,. C.m• .. Pltllbu1•t1 ' Wntllm WUhlf!lkln 'K E11tlrn W111'111atofl Whittlw 15 ·--PROFESSIONAL FORECAST s,u.y, N......,., ' PHILADILPHIA •• 21 PITT11Y••H •••• 21 ST. LOUIS ••• , •• J4 SAN Dtl•O , , •• 27 U N ••.t.NCISCO 27 •• , .••..•...• 20 "-,.,. ,,... •• 17 ... ,_ ••••••...• 11 DMMt •••••••• 24 C•k_,. ...... , . JI IUHALO , •••• 2J ChKh11tetl • , , ••• 2.1 DETIOIT ··"·· 14 N.w Ori ...... , 17 ll.t.NU S CITY • • 24 H...._ , • , ••••• 10 LOI AN•f llS • • JI A.._. • • • • • • • • 17 MINN hOTA •••• l l W•il•1t., • , •• 11 Mw Ted 61.t.N,TS 2.4 Dell-. • , • , , ••••• lJ M"4et'. N•....._, t , • 7 12 21 " OAlllAND • , ..•• JJ C....,-4 ••..•• 20 IU.LTIMO•I , , , • JI .,_. hy , • , , .• "- Stop In, tt ll us what you think of our foNCettl HARBOR AMERICAN Am.fem MolDrs AUTHOllZID AMlllCAN MOTORS DIAUR 1969 Harlsor Blvd., C.M. 646·0261 • I -.... ,...___,_,.~ ... -.i.__,,u.,..., ''"'----' - l -' ------- -------• -------·-· ··---------"l ---- - - ----·-·-----------------~---------------------• -------~---------~-~ - - p DAILY PILOT F ridar. N""'btt 6. 1970 ·-Misswn Viejo · Tourney ... ·' --A · First for Patrolmen • 'When the C.Jebrily 7demorial (loll Claaalo Is held al M-Viejo Cowitry Club this ~end, it will mark .a first ,in the f!()-year ~t«y GI the calilornla ~U6n ol Higb- lbe flnt rour yean el tM 1'°9 car competl- d•. • • • • WOY -Patrolllien. -... ,_ ' t ftie· event is . being staged to. rabe money for U)e-widows and orphaos f\md of_ tbe as- eocialion and this is the first time Uns group has been associated with such a venture. Pri"' ...,.y In the <11-lnl SupemaUOD- als drag races at Ontario Mot«-Speedway Nov·. ~!2 could exceed a quarter ol a million dollars. This guaranteed purse b: the large.!>'t ever offered tn drag racing. Sgt. Vern Alexander, president of the asso- ctition , is looking for • large turnout and N)'S; Under terms of its agreemeat with OMS, Mattel, the toy manufacturer, will sponsor the competition now known as the Hot Wheel' Superna.Uonals. The toy company has become known In major automobile racing w.itb driver spon- sorships and with an exclusive arrangement with OMS for the manufacture of. toy racing equipment bearlnl -lbe Ontario M-Speed· •'The Calilornia Association of Highway way name. · Among the drive.rs sponsored by Mattel are Doi ·"'11lt Snake" Prudhomme, recent winner ol hJ.s ~ third national drag.racing championship, and Tom "The Mongoose" McEwen. five-time bolder of the national speed ·and elapsed time drag records. HOWARD HANDY • • • • Pl"trolmen Is deeply bO[J(lred and grateful to ·Lhe many celebrities, golf professionals, othet competitors, corporations and organizati~ who ha ve unselfishly helped to put on this c!J&ssic." SIDce 6t 1111 Olympie· Games tbe west coast Ian dOmlaUed tlle water polo acene and~ ceadl F..d Newlud at UC Irvine bas an answer to tlle slbtltioa. ·"fte lt.lgil tcbool program out here Is tre· mead.Gia• and we bve •Id a jamp Oil the ... 1.o1111e .... 1ry -ol 11111. The event was prompted by the deaths of four young patrolmen who were brutally slain April 6 near Newhall Their wiliows and seVen children will benefit from the golf classic. ''But Florida b ,.U, 1trong rfgllt now and It II oaly a ma&&er of Ume utU tltey catcll up wltll· ... " Newland feels. Mean•blle, ltewever, be Ila banded to- gether toe of the top collegiate teams in the country ibis year ud perilaps for .everal years at UCI. • • * • <Dan Gurney of Costa Mesa lnay have tt• littd from active driving bul the track wbere be made history isn't forgettlng him. 'Gurney will be the bonored guest at RJver· 5iile ln&eraatlon~ Raceway SUllday, Jan. 11 ft'ben the out Motor Trend 500 mile race is ceeducled. The Anteaters tangle with die UCLA Bruin1 Saturday mGnlillg and widl Cal State (Loag Beach) Wednelday &o clole out the dul meet Muon. After tllat ft'• &be Wed Coal& Qam- pions~pt ud.&lael. die NCAA toarnameat I• Loa1Beach. Dan. is a five-tlme whmtr or lite event ud drove the course as .l.bougll be owaed it ~- Sllould &lie Anteaters defeat UCLA for the secend time this aellOll SICamlay, tbey would be oddt-Go favorttn IA Ille NCAA ouUn1. :CdM Star May Pick ,Stanford Underdog Uni, Bosco Tangle By POU. ROSS Of TM DailW ,iltl Sl1H University High with four wins under-its belt in ita JniUal year of existence, finds itsell the viclim ol circumstances Sure handed Jim Plunkett is and a solid underdog tonight qijoying his final season as a (8) when the Trojans invade Stanford Indian. Bel1nower to battle St. John : But, there are other ex· Bosco. ~ teuent quarterbacking pnr The game was billed as a ;pects down ·on The Farm and junior: varsity encounter but Chances are they'll be firing coach George Massick of the -.. _ fuilets to a glue fingered Bosco Braves says his team Grange•COast area prospect in considers this a v~rsity game i couple of years. and will be so accorded in ; 'Ibis area receiver who Is their record book. ~ore than likely to be wearing .Further c om p 11 c at i n g te Cardinal and White ~ol· University Higti's bid for a JOwing his 1971 graduation fifth win jn ,seven free lance from Corona del Mar High outings is MaSBick's intentions School is Karl Killefer. to. play first string varsity r The 6-0, 16S·poWld senior players who aren't seniors - slill hasn't finalized on any totaling eight on the defensive .jecisions about which college side and five in the starting he'll matriculate at, but he's offensive lineup. certain it'll be a four-year And although Massick says sChool and Stanrord is at the he won't use his seniors, they '9P of. the docket. will be suited up and on the You see, Karl's parents are sidel~. both alums of the Bay Area Coach Jerry Redman of institution and they'd no doubt University, however, says his· like to see their son go on to somewhat banged up team has greater glory at their alma the ability to upset the Braves mater. providing his Trojans can ., At the moment, though, maintain good field position, }l>ung Killefer is intent on pass well and keep from mak· htlping coach Dave Holland's ing the big mistakes. S'ea Kings finish out the cu~ Leading the senior-less Tro- rent campaign with a couple jans is quarterback Tom of wins. Walker, ·a 145-pound junior After seven contests he has who has passed for 513 yards 04 on 28 completions in 5% at· jNlled in 36 aerials for 7 templs for a 5.1.8 percent yards and four scores, the k longest coming on a 6l·y~rd m:nci he's run for 125 yards Play in a recent game agamsi and a 3.f average despite (charley hone) nursing juries. On1 will not play. Call is the leading rusher in Redman's fu!lbouse-T forma. tion with a S.5 average on 57 carries and six touchdowns while Gill has racked up a 9.5 stat In 261rips. Ong was the leodffig ball carrier for the first half of the year and presently owns a 4.0 average after gaining 221 yards. He was also counted on for linebacklnl and placekickinl duties. Deep Sea Fish Report trlSWHl•T (De~_.,. Lodttr) -S1 1nt1..-s: 111 bonito. '' rv<:k cad. 31 blon, 11 blorrKl.lda, ' h1lltM. IAl1'1 ~J -n -11!•1: 21 be•r•Cudll. 121 bonito. '7 bf'•· 1 rel1owt1 u. 20 m1cketel. 6 r~ cod. SAlll 01100 (Mullkl•I f'lw J -4' envlen: 12 velkMTall, 63 blrracuci., lot bonlhl. 33 blll. SAlllTA MONICA -17 •nolen: '2 ban. 2$ blrr1cud•• I bonllo, 1 h•llbul. PA•ADIS• COY• -tn,lers: 100 ctllel bliU. 24 Wrrac:udt, 12 b;lnlto. \.OM9 S•ACH (htmellt Pilt'I -17 111,i.rs: 170 bonlt11, 20 meek-I, 31 "r<ll. '""""1111 ...... 1111) -l1 •nolffs: 1 bl"-54 bontto, (Peclllc SH11'11tfllM) -'5 •1191ers: 2 blr· rite.~. N ClllCO be..,, » bDlllfo, n 1'0C~ cod. MA\.lt\JI -17 111111trs: lD4 ~k. cod, 10 bonito. OXNA._D -61 11111let1: U! -1, "1 roc11 cod, n llnt cod, " bonito. ;i M !lbul. Fountain Valley. yards lost at•·-pt'•• '-pass • ~u u>& W OC•ANSIO~ -32 1111ler1: 31 ti.r· -However, Killefer is worth included in his rushing stats. ••cvd•• 201 bonlio, 11• .,._ 1 Mille iri_s weight in gold on the ._~ ,ruMJ·ng aspect of se• to...,. t2 11111ttvt. • ~ •~ •ll!IOftDO -d 111111t-rt: 1 Corona grid scene in more University's game plan could venowt-11 • ., ti.•r•cud•. ts to.11, 111 than just the receiving depart-be at a severe handicap with bonito, .ui rvck cod, 1 caw cod. SAN PIO•O CNlflft'I IMMflllll -11 menl fullbacks Dave Ong (br~ken 1notirr1: 11 rock cod, 2 Ung cod, 5 'H011aod notes, "in addition hand) and El Call (shoulder c•llc'O titss. tO being the very best receiver pointer), and halfback Bob Gill ti!~=. ~L:=~!~ •. -.., 2:.:;.o1•n: 12' J~e ever bad, Karl has about i--------------------1 _:_.r:::~ in our SilY<r Raider TAX PREPARERS 'The veteran mentor explains . tiUs system, "we giye these 11tls year. your _ -poinls-.for__ every _good Tax Experience· Can downlield and point of attack 0 ..__ A Lot Mor Mo lllock. m ... n e ney. ·•"Only six defensive players and four on oUense have got-W•'r• loo~ing for men •nd women with. •t least ten these points and Karl's one , • • . • et tbem,'' Holland adds. on• y••r s previous •xper1enc• 1n • tex office, Yi• Among the other notably went +reined people •nd we'r9 wining to pay good .points aboul Killefer. xi 1 1 lh · · Holland goes on, •'be• s • r• 0 9' em, tverytbing you can ask for as a coach. d il b High•r hourly rate. '"He's not oc e, ut yery . • spirited and he has a mind of Higher bonu1 potent11I. •. own. Karl is also faatasUc Plus •n extr1 bonus for •c:cur•c:y. under pressure., • 111 haven't seen some of the ether receivers in the county, You supply th• •xp •rienc•. :Ut!!:~~ ~,..: m~i~for Our compu,'•r• clo all th• m1th1Ntiu for yov. Howev•r, !'J)'body" yo11 must l•k• wor~in9 with PHP.1 .. H;;n;;,a adds Iba! bis ace spill end ha& good speed, 1 • • . "But, he's even rater when he Fu I or pert f1m•. Age no b1rr1er. Som• yeaNeUnCI oppo,.. riu to be. Klnd ol. Uke having tuniti11 availtbla. Brief low-f•• fT1lning P.totr•m. 8verdrlve." -ICillefer _, llWt playing _ -toolball unW bill ........,.,. 1'or _. lofurm.._ al -:CZlll 4U.14ZI. )'.tor Ind he orfClnllly broke In • a comblnatioo quarterbacl<· defensive bldt Gli the lleo BENEYEST ttam. f -~-.. --- P.irates In 64-56 Vikes Win Dual Meet Title . . r Marloa1s Vlktpp highlighted Westminster won both the Muatang freshman Nick Priest individual victor who saw'f!_il area prep~· dnmtry ac.. Junior varsjiy (17-tl) and (10:51): ream lose as ·C or·o~-a Uvlly 1buro!fay by dumping frosb.aopb (23-.17) races with ·Edison captured the jayyee' monopol~ fiY< of the 'lo;> Triumph visiting We8tn\btller 18-39. Winning efforts from Bob division, zs..30, behind a win~ seven places. _ • and c•pluring tbe SuNet Al•am and Doug Tallmlln. ning p :26 clocking )> y Sea Kings D)c~ Day (l:tt), Ollljl8• Coul co 11 e-g e • s League"• dual meet cham-Jolin Ho I o o m b (10: 12.2), sophomore Steve Reed. Bob Delaa<y (10:00) and Jqlln bask tbaU · • • p;oosblp. Rid; F1emin1 (10:13), Craig Fountain Valley's Wayiw. ylennoij._ (10:63) ·went · w e team •got 1ls first Jn·-SUntet dual host c~ (10:25) and Denny Cline Leeds (10:04) was lbe in-i 'th teammates Conrad Clar) lasle ol oulaldo competwon Newport Harbor'• Tars'atop. (10:211) look up the lop four dividualwinnerag_ainojE~ ~-:11>) .and .Jobn -Ahy n Tbunday and responded with peil lbe Hunljnglocl Besdl. apols for coadl Bert Donald's · cia bul coadl Tom Fisher'• ( :ti) gping • sb<th a'fii.d a .84-56 ,wift' over LA Va11ey in ·00,rs, ~6-39. Newport crew in~tbe Tars' win Eagles parlayed four 'o1 the ~. ··., a scrimmage on tbe losers' Intkvm._eLeaguem,eta,loop .overvi&i~Hunlington. ~xt sir pJaces .~to a team .Corona look the jayv~ court. -leader Costa 'Mesa beat in· -ooer coacb Paul Wood had victory for tbe visitors. with John Tingley winninf ID Coach Herb Livsey's .OCC vadiiig Edison; 17..:19; visiting John M 0. ( 0·30) Second through sevent h 10.57 Pirates have one more scrim· F.8tancia prevailed over Foun. i;::::er~oe wtte!ie~s (~0 ;39) places were occupied by Terry M:~on V 1 e J 0 , s id mage befort·openiog the ltro-tain Valler, 25-34 and Co~ona . sandwiched around the Tars' Haun (,:-10:18), Steve Radennacher was a fiht 71 s<asoo ··NOv. • 27 al El de! _Mar npped Los Alanutos, Tim Rudy (10·34) to complete Schureman (E-IO:l7J, Clyde place finisher In 10:47 d'-'PJ!o ~· ~ :umi.:.= 2DfCrestvlew dual found San the top seven: . ~~~)~FKe~~~g= bis team's overall loss. ~~ Beach City CoUeje,·beginning Clemente stopping Mission Newport also won the (F-10:43) and Mike Jones Radermacher was fo~ at 2. '. Viejo's .booting Diablos -jayvee& (21-29) and frosb-&>ph (E-JO ·~) by Bill AY':' (5-11:04), nDt wl\lle"Laguna "'"' bumPe<i by (27·26) wflh HonUngtor(s The ;1£aii1es also took lhe Smith (S-11:07), Bob Garcia B In 1'1ursday'a outiog 'the: hoSt Sonora, 21-35, ·in Orange ~rucc; Alvarez top runner ~ jayVeet with Mike Silva win-(S--11:08), Gordon Roters pe~rr::!ces ~~ .J.~: ~~. ~ action. ~l:~e::,O:!u!':wportu.! ning matVidual honors in 11: 17. {M-11: 10), Steve G iv i ·n (11), Paul Holmes (IO) and Mai'!fta wrapped .up its first . • rm ,Lqs Alamitos slar Randy (M-11 :13) and Tom ..iililll Tim Conroy (ll)~ Duane Dime ever ~t ·~I meet crown Jatter, race. 'DunJeVie (9:32) was another (M-11 :19). added nine. Holni'es '.andi'DiffJe will) ·.itl win Chief.·--perennial Co&a Mesa , prepped for I . . . iiiiiiiiiii are returning lettermen 'ind tiUist Westminster.~,--..... showdown for the' Irvine dual Cate (Hunlinetm BelCb) and The Vikings of coacn ·Jack meel Ullj! Monday aplnot Conror (Corona clel Mar) are Rowan hoged live of the iirsl Santa Ana V·a,JJ e y by incoming freshmen. seven varSity spots with: thoroughly powdering coach Marina stir Dave Lockman John Whitney's Qiargers. · · -Investment Opportunity ·- OltANOE Co.&IT f'41 setting a record •on his home Mesans Bob GolliDkk and 9600 ACRE RANCH BEST DEER-DUCK·HONKER·FISHING $5000 TO $25,000 INVESTMENT PRINCIPALS ONLY. Ct ff HolmH Oltfl• Con''' ""'" "''"""" Gos#lll•r Auillfl 11 " "' course of 9:42.5. twins Tom and JohnlOlswang ! ; ~!· _Bob Brickner (M-9:54), finished in a three.way ~ ! ,r ~b,~hillips,(M-10:02), Kevin deadlock for· the top spot in 1 o , Coleman-(W-10:07), Ken 10:05 (a school record) while ! : : Mar:tyn. (M-1Cl:34) D a v e teammate Doui'MacLean was 1 , " Mll!er ·(W-10:20) and Jay fourth (10:19) ahead of w;::~, ,! ! J Rogers (M-10:28) filled out Edison's Mike Alvarez (10.:31). --"-'-'"_'-_-_oc--'-c-~----_:_":......'':::'":::'..:':_'_the top seven. John McClure (10:f4) and PHONE 557-9700 . ' • Tough,·retsilient Duragen• .,ubber tread for long mileage. • 4-ply Nygen• nylon cord body c·ombats bruise impacts, runs cool. IMPORT& . SPOR-TS CARS . SAFETY-JET TIRES FROM GENERAL WHITEWALLS 00 ... SIM ...... •x. Tli:, Si11 _ .. BRAKE RELINE· $ 49'~••1 U.S. Cm -w ......... Is: • Smart, match-mate whiteline styling. Volkswagen e Porsche• Volvo• Hillrnaft ·e Renaitli · • •.n-.. 4 wllffh • l9b1ild all ltNll:•·Qtl~ • ,.,. & Tl'le 4 ...... , dni-e l.,.t; frMt wkll bHrhtp e A~fi..t ltNll:-. NthlN fl1ld e l•.cl Tnt Yo1r C•! XT TIRES- tor CAMPERS DUNE BUGGYS JEEPS 10·15, G70xl5, H70xl5 HEAVY DUTY· DEEP TREAD TIRES FOR RECREATION VEHICLES WE HAVE THEM! FLATS REPAIRED FREE! WE WILL REPAIR ANY GENERAL PASSENGER TIRE FREE-REGARDLESS OF WHERE PURCHASED OR AGEi lon OP: ··NON·SIOD TRIAD Pl\11 State I lo,c1l T 1:1111 IACH Kraftreads NOVEMBER SPECIAL! {General Tire's "Factory System Retreads) "'~ RM'l11N'11 "-COMI IN FOi YOUI EXPERT 3 pc:. Wind 'n Rain Suit ... ... I'•. ex. Tu .. dl ti .... ,_ .... lllldtw•lt. nnu -1isx1s MJ•ll-1'1SK1• 12kl•-1SSX1• S'tl!IS-.... ll .... IJ-7'1111:J FREE FlAG DECAL WHEEL ALIGNMENT M0t.f U.$. ctr1 Witflo\lt Pow•r Equipm111t Don Swedlund saso llleh• ..... • H'9h Yhlblllty • / COMPLffi CAR CARE Since 1959 Houri: 7:30 to 6:00 Dilly ·' . ,...,,, N"'-6, 1910 - E E E A Complete Guide ••• Where to go • •• What to do • •• Alternative Learning Set for TV Critics of our public schools have said that the present educational system 11 failing in its attempt to educate our children. The outmoded rules and pro- cedures and irrelevant subject matter have killed the initiative [hlldren have for learning. Education ha become llUcb an wiattractive experitnc!e that many chilctr.n are turning off lj> school. AM this is especially true ln the black and Chicano communities where school's ir· relevance is even more obvknls. "Leaming Alternatives,.. KCET's ise- cond human affairs special. explores alternatives to standardized learning tonJght at 7:30 p.m. on Ch!lllnel 28. .R6st Jesus Trevino takb viewers on visits to Uu1!e "·free schools'' in the Los Angeles area, where new and different approaches to education are in operation -Play Mountain Place, Studio Watts and the Los Angeles Free School. Founded 22 years ago 'BS a nursery 11chool, Play Mountain Place now offers-a creative learning environment f o r chi'ldren four to fourteen . P h y 111 s Fleishman, founder and director of the gchool, explains its philosophy toward children and learning. An important feature of Play Mountain Place is its emphasis on parent participa· lion. Parents meet on~ a month to discuss how (he ldeas and techniq__ues of child-rearing used at the School can be put tG use in their own home life. In one of these meetings, parents are shown in a role-playing session , attemeUng to gain insight il]to their children's problems. Studio · Watts employet a unique master-apprentice learnin1 method to teach dramli, dance. music, creative writing, film .litd photogf.a:rphy, tuition- free. Founded in 1915, the• tudio also of· fers community-sponsor . events, auch as the chalk-in_. speakers 'at city parks, and drama festivals. 1 Home vieweri see a Urie-screen slide presentation descrJbing t~ Studio and its work, produced by the apprentice. students with the aid of Studio director Jim Woods and the Junr· Advertising Club of UJs Angeles. Another teaming attenfauve, the Los Angeles Free School, ~ its approach on the understanding that the most valuable kind of learning is learning bow to learn, how to grow lwith new ex· periences. and "how to be open to new Ideas and interests. ' Similar to Play Mountain Place in that th e students ha ve a morning meeting during which they decide their activities for the day, the Los Ang81es Free School has an enrollment of some 60 students. Be.cause of the diff icultfi in leasing the building where the school was housed last year, the students have been meeting in a public park. They are seen In thei r al fresco setting complaining about the problems lhey en- counter when trying to study in a public park. while their director. Ed Moritz. ex· plain to them his difficulty in secu ring a building. An outdoor algebra class and student improvisation scenes also are shown. The one-hour program in color will be repeated. on Channel 28 Sunday at 7 p.m. WEEKENDER · INSWE FEATURES -Friday, November t, 1170 Holiday Cruises to Mexico, lrijls to the South Pacific and other warm climes along ·Nith myriad olher travel news ltem.!I may be found on Pages 24 ·ZS. 1Vhetl1 and Camping O.nce Tbeater Coute11 Films Delapl•ne Wins Prlu V11illltn1 Wlkkr!llels lltl•p!Me sU Lalo Rey Mtuloa Travel V1e•1 Olt 0N1 Aboll Gale lo Fan ..... " Page 24 Pa .. H Pap24 Pap !4 ..... u r,...u Pare 15 Plltl .... p, .. . , Gt.kle to Mov~1 Uve Tbealer P ... lt p, .. It Pap It Pop II lllP•ll Pop II l "Wiid Rollert" Art for Bltod Kntti'• llerr)' ,..,. !Apa• Art , TEN CdMMANDMENTS DN STONE, MOUNTED ON VELVET COBBLER ev ROZNER ROZNER RABBI SKETCl,I Israel Art Set .at -Hrrag The· art and culture of Israel will be shown this Saturday and Sunday in the Conference Center of Hoag Memorial Hospital. Newport Beach, under the .sponsorship of the Harbor Reform Temple. This is the first festl v-al of its kind to b held in Orange County and will run continuously from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. The vibrant folk songs or Israel will be. sung by Arie Shikler and a wine lasting session" will be hosted by the Carmel Winery of Israel throughout the event. Su nday morning pastries and coffee will be served. Art exhibited will include painlings, wood carvings, prints, sketches and sculpture by Israel artists and many of the works will be for sale. Several valuable pieces of art have been donaled and will be au ctioned off to the highest bidder at 9 p.m. Saturday. Fund s raised by dona tion and sales at the festival will be split between Hoag Memorial Reach Years Fund and the building .fund ol the Temple's school. Tickets by donation, $1.50; at the door. Hollywood Backstage Art Gallery On the Mall In Newport Fine art where the people are will be- come a reality with the launching Nov. I of People's Gallery, a cootinuing on-the- inall feature at Fashion Island, Newport Beach. Forerunner or a nationfide program, People's G,llery will offer showing! ,of apprOximatelY, ~enlarged reproductions of the works of such famous artists as Rembrandt, Toulouse Lautrec, Frederic Remington, Vincen t Van Gogh. Piet Mon- drian and many famous contemporary painters and photographers. The st\()wings, acheduled to change every four weeks, will feature the works /of one artist in sorne instances and or *veral on a specific lheme at other times. The etchings of Rembrandt are to be highlighted exclusively in the first show- ing beginning next Monday. They will be. followed by the very appealing s}.l:etches from Lewis Carroll's work, "Alice in Wonderland.'' and then by the western art of Remington and Charles ~. Russell. Originals of the fine arl have been made available to assure true reproduc· lions, by major museums including the Chicago Art Institute, the National Collection o( Fine Arts of the Smithsonian lnttitulion aDd National Art Gallery in Washington, D.C., the Boston M~um of Fine Arts and the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth. Reprcxluctions of these originals will be made by various processes-lithography, sil k screeri ot collotype. Reminiscent · of the gaily postered kiosks of Europe, three-sided "triosks" of contemporary design will display four- foot by six-foot nproductiona of the work along with fine current advertising poster art Metromedia, Inc., sponsors of People's Gallery, has spent four years and $1 million In advance research and Planning for this revolutionary method of bringing hitherto unavailable fine art lo home communities. Ross Barrett, group vice president of Metromedia, revealed that extended tests of public acceptance of the<1t Peoples' Gallery concept were conducted by his company in four major Southern California shopping centers 1! months ago. Reactions were so favorable. he S aid;-that-the company was-encouraged to proceed with plans to oiler the pro- gram on a regular basis, first In Southern California and then in other major cities throughout. the nation. All art is being &elected by distinguish- ed panels of art experts chaired by John Entenza, Chicago, Director of the Graham Foundation of Advanced Studi es in the Fine Arts . A similar group of panelists also will review au advertising art to as.sure.consistent high quality. For complete authenticity of In· formation, captions will be written in short easily understood prose by art ex- perts, including curators ind aMistant curators of variout nationally recognized museu!TUI. ' SELF·l'ORTRAIT ETCHING BY REMBRANDT IN 1641 lntettmlsslon· WhUhMovies Would You LikJ to See Over Again?. By TOM TITUS I "Battleground.• • 01 r~• 011" r 1 .. 1 '"" \ Best western -No argument here. Not Quick now, what would you say are the only is there no compariaon with 10 greatest movies ever made? "Shane," but it's exceedingly difficult to · That's a pretty tri cky question, not to come up with a suitable runner-up in this · mention a bit subjective. It stands to particular category. reason that to render a proper answer, Best comedy -Currently In re-releue,' one would first ha ve to have seen all the and deservedly so. the funniest picture great movies ever made. Or at least ever put on film has to be "It's a Mad; those with some claim to fame. Mad, Mad, Mad World." A distant second What it boils down to is, that the only would be "The Russians are Comijig, the ones who could give a qualified ~nswer Russians are Coming." would be 7f>.year-old movie critics:-So Best adaptalloa of • Broadw1y play - let's phrase it another way: if you had a I~ missed the Oscar. but lh~ coli.imn'1 chance to tak e a seco nd (or third or choice for best movle or all time is rourth ) look at any 10 flicks you've ever "Who 's Afraid of Vlrginia Woolf." which seen. what would they be~ faithfully transferred Albee's stunning The question caroe up in the office last four-hour play to a two and a half-hour week when' a glan~ at this week's fJlm. television schedul e revealed two films Best enlertalameat picture -It's cer· which would score high on just about tainly ''old Hollywood," but there's fe\f anybody's list _ "Shane" and "From flicks in its field to ms.tch the sheer en· Here to Eternity " -both being shown on joyment of Cecil B. DeMille's 1952 Oscar, the same night. winner, "The Greatest Show on Earth." , Now t would be hard pressed to count Best biblical movie -For thoae~r you, who'd list "Ben Hur" or "The " at the number of times I've seen these particular attractions since I was usher-~hr~t:n1frr~,!: t~~t'!~~~n:~~ J:t1~~· ing in a movie theater when they first .1 ca me out in the early 50's and have tuned spectacular "Quo Vadis," which .missed Jn on them repeatedly on the tube. But Cinemascope· by one year and featured' they're two p~ctures that just haven't lost the fantastic but un-oscared performanCe' their navor and , sure enouRh. J was glued of Peter Ustinov as Nero. ' to the TV aet Tuesday night for the best Best antlw•r movle -Since I llstid a double reSture of the year. war movie category and today the shoe 11 Which brings up the question of all-time on the other foot. it's only fair to give favorites -not necessarily the best equal time. Heading the lilt it the film' movies ever made , but the onea you could which probably started the whole trend, "Dr. Strangelove." sit through 10 or 11 times without strain. Bennett Clan in New Book By BOB THOMAS Auocltltd Prtts Wrllw HOLLYWOOD -For two generations the Bennett family fascinated American audl~ces with the ir acting prowess and _,ma~i:ap_liyes,,_ Now their story ha":l=n captured in an et}grossing book b sutvivor or the famous Bennetts, J . "The Bennett Play· bill,.' coauthored with Lois Kibbee, \ll tho! rarest of thutrical memoirs, a book ol engaging £rankness. Miss Bennett, who car· rles on the family tra- dition in the daytime television d r a m 1 :~ . ._.., \ 1 • • bark Shadow•," JOA11 ••tn1•TT seemingly tells all. Her ct.ndor ranges from the Bennett failing for alcobOI to her o'ft! 1eandal, in whlch her husband shot bu 1genl In a jealoul rage. • nu: FAMll.Y tri dltlon In the theater dat.es b1ck 200 years, but q,e nrst n .. tlonally !mown· star of-tho clan WIJ -Richard Bennett, the ~llllnt, matte falher of1Join, ~ and B1rb1r1. Ills combating of tanor•nt rovtewen llld Insensitive auriiences became legendary. For the critics Ile had little but SCi>m : 1'George Jean Nathan ls as Insidious 1 virus as ever skulked through a stage door . . . Then there Is Smart.Alex Woollcott; he is a plumber.'' Audlcn·ces-leamed to expec Bennett's dressings-down. At lhe. end of an unsuc- cessful run of "He Who Gets Slapped" In San Francisco, he stepped to the footlights and said: "Do you see that little boy down there? His mother ~ht she was briJ18ing him to the circus. Well, ladies aOO gentle.mtin. that little boy is going to have. a beard down to hia navel before J play this 1.d. town 1g1.in!" • The Bennefts were just as colorful offstage. The father 's binges often !)\Ide the prints, aOO liis daugtrte'rs' romantic escaptdes often ·made headline.,. JOiln Bennett calculates that her parents and their three daughters aCCOW'lled for • 14 ma.niages and 11 divorcetl. Joan, the youn~cst of the girts, was a figure in the b1ggeal ltnlltton. That came in a. Beverly 1 Hills parking kit In 1951. • Her hushand, p...lucer Watter Winger, hid been-in ~lllate;-tarply be<:au.e of the failure or his embtUout ••Joan of Ate.'' 1tarrin&·lngrld Bergnu\n. To produce a clearer overall picture, J AnyWay, you get the Idea. Everyone first set up a list of 10 categories and has h.is own list and th1s one could in-• • He became lntentely Jealous of his wife's these were number one on my personal elude other favoriles, such as "Giant,''• d "On the Waterfront'' and "Stallg 17"· r.gent, Jennings Lang. h!l para e: from the 5<l 's and "The Grad uate," "In: Jr r J I I'll Best American hlstorlcal dr1m a -Not " filU see any more o enn ngs, the Heat of the Night" and "M'A•S•H" n . · overlooking the existence of A little thing kill him, said Wange~. ·Miss Bennett cailed "Gone With the Wind," i'd have to fr om the conlemporary fne . writes that Lang 1od his wife had been , go With "From. Here to Eternity." This Then again, there's the 10 worst movtes good-fr~nds -of -the Wangef's, .and-he-1m OSCar winner had everything going evcLmade--=.-but_.lel'.I not goJnto..-that right now. helped her find acting jobs -'' ''By then, for il -a superb cast and a strong script becaute the Wangers were In dire flnan-centering on a crucial period in this na- clal st~alts I wu taking anything and tion 's history, the days Immediately ' . preceding Peart Harbor. everythlnc that came 1n the way of • Best forelp lilstorlcal ctnm1 -Direc- work." tor David Lean has all the marble3 here. 'Dirty Dingus l\lagee Opens in Hollyw.ood She and Lani W!rt talking business in Of his three standouts In that fled, Ute 8 r•rking lot oppotile hia offict one day cho ice here Is "Doclor Zhivago," one of J'rank Sinatra, George Kennedy and the most beautifully filmed productions Anne Jackson star In MGM's "Dirty when Wanger appured with a aun in his llS well. Runners-up are "The Bridge on Dingus Magee," a new comedy·weftttn hand. She recalls: the: River Kwai" and ''Lawrence of opening an exclusive eftllltment on "I HgARD Jennings aay, '[)(ln't be Ar&bia." --' ~ 9Y m 10 11 adlic' silly, Walter, don't be 11iUy.' and ht threw !kit m111ic1I -Even after U viewings, Hollywood Theater. . ue hJs hlndt as If to ward oU 8 bl6w. there's still nothing like "West Side Lob Ndlleton •• Jack Elm and Mk:hele Then there were two shots." Story,'' the moat moll Ing lyrkal drama CMey co-star in the aaeenplay by Tom ever pul on film . The tecond choice Waldman. Frank -Waldman and J°"'* Ling recovtrtd from bis wounds and would be most olher J>OOPle's first p\ck, Helltrt wbich pil$ Slnatni in the•Ut.le nM Wagner wu Imprisoned for three the box office. champ "The Sound or of Ma·gee against Kenntdy 11 Hoke, wlll months. Miss Bennett didn't divorce him Music." bears the brunt of rnoA of the t1eapedel. until 14. year-later -"beatute or i heer Bf:st.war mevte -A dltflcuJt fie.Id with Produced and directed by Burt X.. pervttsent:u, he wouldn't grant it some exceptional entrl,s, but none carr· nedy ~hose last comedy •rSuppon Ycair without a fight, even ~ hil penonal .ying; the stature of "The Caine Mutiny." Locei Sheri!£.'' was one ot last year'• blg.. Jftteril(Slay elsewhere:, andl wan~ no an aU-itar mash Which should-have gcst boxofOce-IUCCMMI, Ult film.JI ha. more st.uMing controvenles in public tor given Bogart his second Oscar. Others ed on Davkl M1rkion'1 IMJ\"&I, •!nte the we ol the children." coming high to mind are "Stala1 17" ond Ballad ol Dtnsus Maaee." '- I I • r .. l -- , • ~---------·-. . -· . . .., -;---. ~-. -.. --. ·, ..;...-,-~_-;;;-:, . .. "..I . . , . . . •.···----------~.--· -· ....... ,_,.,.. • DAILY PILOT Cousteau Colamnist Wins -S-enes Aboard Delaplane Gets T1·a".7el Award Stan Delaplane. w h o s e latest in a series which began travel column is carried each -!_n 1942 with the PuJJt7.er Prize Filancilco CORvenUoo and Visitors Bureau. ... week in the Weekender, has rn!' bis coverage of an abort.iVt!,[;::=========;;;; Th' ABC. Tetevlsl.on Ne tw orks ' award-wiMln g series "The Undersea World of Jacques COusteau'' will launch Its 1970-71 season Nov. 24 , at 7:30 p.m. with a television first. a simultaneous showing on land and sea or "Tragedy of the Red Salmon." At the same time the hour4 ROD SERLING been awarded the Trans-secession attempt by countiH PaClfic P a s s e n g e r con--·in California and Oregon. He ference 's first Travel Writer's has won the Natio n a I Award. Headliners' Award twice, In His 12-article series on a 1946 and 1959; and lhe Pacific cruise to Hawaii Was judged Area Travel A s s o c i a t i o n Award in 1962. He is the the best on Pacific ship travel author of five books on travel during the past year, accord· ing to TPPC's Troy s. Gar-and is syndicated in nearly ~ rison, who presented the col· ne.wspapers. umnist with a $500 cheek and Judges included Jack Vietor. .COSTA MESA ntAVEL "Aw1rd Winning" Prlnce11 CrulM1 Rapr1sent1tlve 1968 '-1969 646-4431 a mounted ship model. publisher of San Francisco 230 E. 17th ST. NEW BREED -Model Nancy Ferderer is live 14 bowsprit" for new 26-foot HouseCruiser distributed by Traveleze Travel 'frailer Company in 11 Western states. The company claims the traUerable unit is one or a new breed of house boats which is "completely seawonhy," .,.. long do c u mentary is · Hosts Film Festival premiered on the network, a _.;..:.:..:___:__ ______ _ film of il will be shown as part or a "Jacques Cousteau Film Festival." personally hosted by television star Rod Serling aboard Princess Cruises' 420· passenger luxury cruise ship f>i:incess Italia. The ship will sail from I:.os Angeles Nov. 2U on ,an 11-day Thanksgiving voyage to Mexico. The prese,ntation was made Magazine and Marge Booker, COSTA. MESA at a reception in the San Fran·. ~N~e~w~s~O~i~re~c~to~r~of~T~h~e~S~an~:::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;:~ cisc<:l Press Club, of whichlr Delaplane recently was re- elected president for his se- cond term. Garrison said the selection was made by a panel of judges from among 17 en- tries submJtted. Houses 'Seaworthy' New H0.1ne Cruiser Big and Inexpensive Houseboats have long been of two kinds r big and ell:· pensive or small pd cheap. WHEELS ··d We !Muld mention in pass- ing Lhat, even though the Housecruiser is r a t e d as "seaworthy," we do not recom· Serling, narrator for the series, wilt also g i v e passengers a behind-the.- scenes glim pse into the-world of television production. 'Wilderness' Series Set On KCET Delaplane's award ls the TRANSGLOBE TRAVEL BUREAU INC. OllJICIAL AG£NT FOR PRINCESS CRUl!tlS 1MI NEWHltT •LVD.·COSTA MESA 111.VINI TOWN c;•NTlll. AT Uct -....... FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS DINERS FUGAZY TRAVEL 2075 5o11 Jaoq11i11 Hlll1 1111. Newpert lffclll 644-4600 Few, if any', have been "seaworthy." Those that ha ve been able to ride a lit:tle chop were in the upper price range. Trailerable houseboats have seldom b e e n ta' luxury units. or .J;Jt ~AMPING By JACK KNEASS mend taking stallow draft vessels intended primarily for inland water navigation on a cruise to Ensenada. In m.ilking "Tragedy of lhe Red Salmon," Cousteau cap. tured rare undi rwater footage of the complete spawning pro- cess, which ends in death for every salmon. The program was filmed in Alaska and writ· ten and produced by Andy White. KCET's •' 0 u r Vani8hing Wilderness" serie' visits the Florida Everglades to reveal how that famed wildlife region is threatened with distrucUonll,,===============================' because of man's tampering suitable Co r ' even moderate- ly large bodies of water. Now the J1 _.. trend changes. One of the new ones is the "Travelez.e House. Cruiser," a 26-foote!' selling at the $10;000 level, trailerable, and meeting all U.S. Coast Guard regulations. It has approkimately the same equ.ipmeqt used in a Dmice Theater Opening I travel traiier -and is quite liveable when on land and being moved from one itrea to another. > Nor, in our opinion, Is any boat suilable for stormy weather that lacks portholes and possesses large expanses of glass that cannot at a moment's notice be protected with steel shutters. But it is nice to know. it caught in the middle of Lake Mead by a sudden breeze, your houseboat stiould make it back to mooring without too much difficulty. * Chevrolet may not have Because Trave\eze has been in Ule recreational vehicle field for 40 years it has a Chain of established dealers \in the wemern states. T h e HouseCrusier will be sold throug~ ttiese recreational vehicle dealers, or so we are told, even though the design of t-he fiberglass HouseCruiser is by a Sun Valley boat building firm -Sea Lion Yachts. been the first manufacturer to embrace the recreational vehi- 'i cle field , but its grip is strong now -and getting more pow- erful every day. In the past the annual 1'Trailering Guides" ha v e always, regardless of the manufacturer, come out when the buying season was well un- der way. This year Chevrolet sent its "1971 Trailer Guide" out early in October. Copies should now be available at any dealer's sales lot. -Dance Theater of Orange The 12-page booklet is well Count y launches its second worth chasing down. ll has season \Vith presentations of trailering tips, such as the one "Swan Lake -Act II." .. Suite dealing wi.th engine cooling: "'\.: Espanol" and "The Emperor 's facts on altitude and power Nightingale" Nov. 14 and 15 in loss; weights; power teams Anaheim High Sc h oo I for various weights o( trailers: Other Cousteau documen· taries to be shown on the Prin- cess Italia will be "Desert Whales," "Unexpected Voyage of Pepito and Cristobal" and ''Sharks." The seagoing film festival was planned b y Princess Cruises i n con- junction with the series' co. producers. Metrom edi a Producers Corp. and Les Re· quins Associates. The $20,000,000 all-first-class Princess Italia has closed· circuit television in every stateroom as weli as a 175.!. seat theater. The Nov. 20 Thanksgiving-holiday sailing. with fares from $395, is one of a regular se ries ,of three-to-14- day cruises to Mexico on the Los Angeles-based 1 u x u r y liner. Ports or call will be Puerto Vallarta, Acapulco, and Mazatlan. Chakkis In TV Debut auditorium. recommended ~uipment with David Panaietf. son of option code. .. ,nUmbers : truck Musical comedy star George Chakiris has been signed by MicheJ Panaieff. art isl i c STEFFANIE POWERS trailering recommendations, execuitve producer Fr a 0 k director of DTOC, will dance Guest Artist on Program and a listing of trailering ac· Glicksman to ·make hi s Swan Lake and Emperor's cessories available (of course) television dramatic debut in Nightingale. The Y o u g e r at the Chevy dealer's. This "The Target" episode of with the natural water system, this · Sunday at 8:30 p.m. on Channel 28. AlihOugh much publicity has been given to the ruinous el· fects of a proposed jetport and other possible projects upon Everglades National Park, very little attention has been paid to what is happening. to the delicate water system on whieh the glades depend for survival. Everglades National Park represents only seven percent of what had been t h e Everglades region. North of the park boundaries, 1,208 sq uare miles were drained for farmlands, and another 1,345 square miles were divided into three state water conservation areas equipped with water control levees. But this program, entitled "Will the Gator G 1 a d e s Survive?," shows the many ways in which control of the water for man ·s purposes has proven disastrous for wildlife. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ••• RESERVATIONS MAY CO. WORLD TRAVEL IURIAU Coste M-lrd leftl JJ3l llllSTOL ST1tln S46·tll1 Oil 546·3444 OR Lakewoct6-lrd &...el , 5100 LHewead ll•d. ME l-0111 Oil 661·4471 Panaieff has Ileen principal Days In May," and "Wild, last includes a H igh w a Y MGM-TV's "Medical Center," dancer of Los Angeles City Wild \Vest". Emergency Kit with flares, starring Chad Everett and Ballot and the Oukh tomsky -Roberta Lubell is a dancer which every motorist should James Daly. which Harevy Ballet Classique. trained by V a 1 en t i n a own. ~H~a~r~l_"i•~di~·re~c".til!ln!g·:_--,__,,c:':==:=::::;::::;::::;::::;::::===='I William McDermott w i 1 J per e Ya s 1 ave c ' George Included in this booklet also I· conduct a full orchestra for Balanchine and An at 0 1 e Is a list of av ailable engines both the 8 p.m. performance Vilzak. She has performed with applicable data. The at· Saturday, and a 2 p.m. with American Ballet Theater, t~ntive reader will note the elementary and junior high New York City Ballet and , reduced 8 . 5. I compression performance on Sunday. Jerome Robbins' Ballet USA ratio. and the horsepower. McDermott bega n con· and with dancers including About all that's mi ssing are - -1 Jacques d'Amboise, Edward ducting with the ongin a Villella and Arthur Mitchell. the prices of the options, Ballet Russe de ~Monte Carlo which would be useful in· and has conducted;for the Jose She will dance the Swan formation to the custo mer stu· Greco Spanish Ballet. the Queen with ~avid Panaieff in dying the material at home. ~n b 11 t Holland-born ballerina danced i\ '/. '·"····· -./:.. .,_..,. '"" ~,6· ... 1 ... ,,{,..~.si'.t· ... i,, .. ,,-1.>li."'"'·P.>· ~·"" .Ji! •• r" .. ., ... ,<-.,,_,\"-"'""" ,,s,~~-. eM;c:. has appeared with ~i!~~~e :,ms~~~~:. sr1~~ s HI p Pl NG FRUIT' f~;f.:~:·:1 Get a perfect vacation going. And canting. Stay at the Princess Italia-the best the Lola_ M~ntes. Jose Greco Angeles City Ballet and the • ~ t''.J~;;;:1 resort, country club, discotheque. and health spa between here and Acapulco. and_ David Lichtne dance com· Oukhtomsky Ballet Classique. f·;,~'\i Take a gctting"thcre getaway. Let your ocean view cabin do the traveling. ~\U·~:·. pan1es. 1 -.Joance Theater of Orange You c;an say "Merry Christmas from California," and it only fak•s a . ·> N b k k N s t" 1 d Pl r :1::J11 Panaieff will dance the role County was incorporated as a pho n• call. f' :~ J ,v~y iang~a~~sfia~~:rro~~~~~I~ 24~ r~o~~; ;~a~~an° c~~~:U~~~r~;a~p·:R0': with f~~*~ of the Emperor in "The non-profit. tax-deductible com-Just tell us whet yo u went to send, to those shivering relatives beck ea.st! ~ '.' !'; continental service. -~~;'l Emperor's Nightingale '' with pany in August 1969 to main· W•'ll t•as• th•m with labels thef read "Rush to ................ U.S.A. Kee p refrig-t ; .. :,' P.-;\~1 three female. guest artists, tain 8 dance CQmpany in I •rat•d, if is 90 degrees in Newport today! t ~ · .~::.;~ Your days are adventurous. you r nights are romantic. You'11 swi n1, sun, dan ce, ~;::t~l Stefanie Po~ers. Ro b ert a Orange County which \viii add ~J " ·· enj oy four gourntet n1cals a day. a shov.'boa fs contplcment of live ~t~I~~~ Lubell and Joyce Vanderveen. to the cultural enrichment of WE SHIP GIFT PACKS. WE SHIP ORANGES. ;~;::'·'~·'. entertainment. niovies, deck games, a gala social calendar, an d delightful ?;!{4\it Miss Powers is best known the community through en· W• ship jams, j•llies, gourm•t packs of ch•e1e and d•licaci•s. Just ph?n• r ~I/:::· nc\~' friends. Fare includes round-trip transportali on, stateroom, ali meals, ~;.~~; as an actress having played tertainment and education. the address, we. do th• r•st .. U1• your Ba nka,m, eric.ard, or Mast~~ Ch~rge. o~ ru.st ~:· ··~~: anLI cntcrt~nmcnt. ~t,1~~, the "Girl from U.N.C.L.E." on In recent auditions Pam ,·,mply •ho•ge 1t! Commercial eccounti to sp•c1al customers 20 ¥. off 1n 50 ;).-';ti.-~ i;: .... ·:·~ I ... · 1":j": And then the re's Mexico. Puerto Vallarta and Mazatlan on the 7-day cruises. :;.~':"i,:'• television and most recent y Thormoeh!en or F o unt ai n un iti or mor•J l'.;i~·:~ On the 11-day trips, it's yo11ri'acht-like cruiscship attracting the i·ct set's f~~ appeared in Walt Disney·s Valley, Janis Taylor and Bon· ~ !i":i-~ envious e)'CS in Acapulco Bay. On the 13 and 14-day cruiscs, i·ou'U al so ~fl "The Boatnilu.'' nie Owen of Huntington Beach, :L'o=~~~ ri ;i;;t~'~ fic~ta in Manzanilla. ~~;~ fo~~11~:1 ~a~=i~f;nw~e~a~~! ~~~~ T~~~e~f ~~s~~;~';~ ~-CLIP THESE COUPONS AND SAVI! M.-.r .i ' ~;.t··~ Take a week. Take two. Take a Princess Cruise to MCAico for ~~t1\t was eight years old. She will Grove and Marla Mal1,szka of 29c In Mo1t Plec•' , , , 9c •+ Newport Produce ,'.","",,,. ""' ••. !!. f r,;..,:: !Oll" ". 41 , -(I {"· :.; /o pure vaca on. J:f.~ ~~ dance the role of death in the Santa Ana were accepted by • • • • 8 • • • • • • • • • • 8 • • • • • • • • • • •a •.... . ~ ( /l':':W:'.lj Emperor's Nightingale. the Company as dancer .----NIW_CJtOfl' NOWI • T.h•J!r• Net,Hc-H•r•I • They'r• NOf 2fc-Hertf-• ~j fl<~~~+ Call your travel ag~ or Ptjp~c~s c;;ruises: . 213) -380-7000 ~ ~ years dancing star of lhe Dawes of Stal Beach was also AVOCADOS CELERY • LETTUCE • °' "' · --"a1111ief(-was or--m&ny members. Apprentice Lynn • 1.,...11 • T••ty • Lare• 24 SI•• • cr11, HHct • t"; I~~~~.'.· i;ol~,loJsl!·;r;escrui'ses -,-,,-, w-,-,.c-,·,,-,-, .. ,-. --------~ -· Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo accepted. • • l~ Angeles, Californ ia 90005 • wiUt whom he completed three Stephen Laiarus or Anaheim • • 9 I 9 • I feel a crui~ comina on. Please prod me wilh world tours. Since se{'Ving in will be piano soloist in the • 9C EACH • C EACH · • C EACH • Nov. 13, 20, ec. lS, 29, persuasive Princess brochures. world War JJ he has "'Orked in Suite Espanol. He will play • Llmlt-S • Llmlt-S • Llmlt-6 • Jan. Jl, 22, Feb. S, 19, 0 ~iexico 0 Alaska/Canada tht Los Angeles area as an ac-"Bolero" and "Seguidillas" by \ With Thi• coupon • With Thi• Ceupan • With Thi• C•u'8n • Mar. 8, 19, Apr. 2, 9, 26, D Pariy Cruise tor, choreographer -and dance Albenlz and aDd .. 0 La Noelle • • • 111 • • • • • • • a • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Iii M 7 14 J 4 "------------tea c her. He may be del Encierro" by Gimenez. ·' ay , , une . r<membered for his lelevislnn Tic kets are ob (a i •ab I e COUPONS EXPIRE NOYIMllR 11 $425* to $1 ,395. and Movie roles in "I Spy", reserved by phone: 6.17-4449 or t Th•i• r•i+aurants d•m•nd th• fine st for their cu1tom•r1. ·Thet's why they ftefure Special 3-night -l>Dl'»'----------- tITT/llAll}t1P---~----- '"To Rome WUh Love'., '"S."n 6.1l·S9IO. • NIWPORT PRODUCE! P•l•o•;,. thoml Tiit Flllttrmaft, Newport; The Orphen· Christmas Party Cruise ..... L•9""' e .. ch; 1,.,1 .... Cool• MoH; Dtlooty"I s... Shanty, Newport: Char· Dec.11, $159 to 5280. Tl,li\"(l. .. ~!tT---------- Prlnce$ CruiseS so -MICHAEL H. SIMONS, D.P .M. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS PRACTICE Podietric Medicine -Foot Surgery CHILCREN & ADULTS MA•INA MIDICAL·DINTAL CINTll fllt Al.t.~14UNrtN•TON llACH sum 1 ,,,.,111 ltt Chill~ N•wporf, and ov•r 200 othtrs, Howlbout you calling u,1 •L11•"tr•PrlteJ1p•(•••1ll1b1~011iiOllM!-'lil!"", ·1 Spolfl ;yoQ for any l>tlr~r \·11ratil'n 1 "Orange Count11's Fa.steat G1'owing Product Organi:GUpn" e NEWPORT PRODUCE ~ I Opta 7 lleys A WHk 7 to I p.m. 261' NewpG!t llouto...i " Tllo P•lo'"la ....... 67Sol71S 67Jol711 61M2t1 "SS Yr.nr1 oJ Prod.vet Know 1101ti" "WhtTt qualit11 fs the Ordt" of tht Hoiue" -· The t.i /V 111.lll it of Italian Rc.aiitzy. I }.ft:ti~o • Alaslio/CanoJo • Pnrty Cn1istt '---------------'----·------------- NEWPORTER TRAVEL & TOURS "SEA PRINCESSES DO OTHY & BETTY" 6'4 4 • 0 3 6 0 ------'----'•-------·---------····---·-------. .."-' -. ~--~-~~-~ •• L ' • ·- I • • Travel Nadi,. Fiji Warm Spot By STAN DELAPLANE NADJ, Fiji -Th(l north-south Pacific traffic comes through here at midnight. Jets from Hono- lulu bound for Sydney. Planes from Sydney and Auckland headed Ior blue sky morning in Hawaii. lt's a lively airport at night. Free port liquor and cigarettes. Japanese transistor radios. French per- fume. * You must overnigbt to catch the morning DC-3 down to Suva or a taxi to the beach resorts. half· way down the unpaved Queen's Road. Best hotel is the Mocambo. A medium dining room but a breezy coconut bar. The Fijian is the posh new resort down the coast. A sleeper: Man Friday. About $9 double for a bure (thatched hut~ on the beach. Do your own cooking. Shop in a Fijian village store. Kerose~e Jights. If you like warm, native, get-away-irom-11- all life, this is your cup of coconut milk. * ''We h•v• beards, long hair and like to go bar• foot. Wiii we have trouble getting on • plane to Hawaii?'' I 've seen barefoot boys with chic riding the inter-island planes. I also 'saw a stewardess get pretty hot at a boy who took his shirt off in the plane. Leaving Honolulu the other day. a security man was hauling off a boy. He tried to check through in his underwear. M.y bunch: Wear sandals. Hippies get some hassle in Hawaii. Why practice on the way over? . * ''Can we bring leis home from Hawaii? How long do they last?" 1 If ·you go out to the airport by taxi, you can stop at a string of lei seller's buts. II you go out by bus, there's a shOp in the airport. But it's more ex- pensive. * The lavender vanda orchid leis last best. White pikake and ginger are most apt to go up .Cheapest and long lasting are waxy white-t<ryellow plumeria -about $1.50 a lei. Ttll your friends to keep leis in the refrigerator when not wearing them. Leis are worn on the shoulders. Same length banging down in back as in front. * 'My wife and I ~th paint. We would like to I ive cheaply overseas ••• '' Greece, Por1ugat:· Spain and Ireland are your cheap countries. There's quite an advantage on in- come tax for Americans livin~ overseas. Number of artists and writers\} know have moved there for that reason. EventuaUy I imagine you pick up local taxes. (Most people Jive in Switzerland. Maybe there's a tax reason.l Ireland does not tax money made in the arts. 1 '* ''How do you dresl for J1m1lc• 1t Chri1tm1s?'' All those Britis -type islands are dressy. Jacket and tie in the~· vening. Casual clothing day- times, but expensive' gear from the best shops. I never see the cutoff ue jeans of Hawaii. Jamaica has some dre11s. shop in the tourist areas. But the price is high. I'd do my shopping at ·home. (For Hawaii, go light. Do j your shopping there. At the Ala Moans shopping center.) * ''We ire going t~ England for Christm11. This wave of hijackings his me nervous •• .'' The airlines have been giving me quite a search lately. Baggage goesi throug.b some kind of detec- tor. I had to walk through a metal detector. My flight bag searched by hand. Had to identify my- self three times by Wssport before boarding. Pret- ty sure one plane calried a guard. Have a martini and fly fearlessly. * "Where can we get cards for the gambling clubs in London?" Ask the hall porter at your hotel. The man with the crossed keys on t he lapels of his uniform. Ask nice. And the nicest way to ask is to hand him a pound note. ($2.40 U.S.) * ''Do you tip in Russia?" I did. Sometimes they took it. Sometimes no. Officially it doesn't exist, but chambermaids and porters are encouraged by ".souvenirs." Cheap ball- points. Cheap dark glasses. Kennedy hall dollars . People on the street want to buy the clothes off your back. Button-down shirts send them up the well. Illegal to sell. Gills OK . * ''I don't think all of our baggage will go in our room aboard ship ••. ". The company gives you baggage tags. Some of them keyed so you can get into the baggage room and into what you tagged that way. * ''Will I be able to use my hair dryer in Europe? What .bout beauty parlors?" A transfonner for your hair dryer will weigh 15 pounds -you don't want that. You can get your hair done anywhere in Europe. d one well and probably for much less than you pay at home. Have your hair done at home. Then get some fore and aft and side pictures of it. Those coin automat photos will do. If you're having language p roblems, s how the pictures. HUNTERS BOOl<S THE WISTS FINEST IOOKSTORIS FOR 120 YIARS-SINCI 1151 NOW IN SANTA ANA AT FASHION SQUARE 66,500 ~ .. ,.,.....,kl ,r-JJ~OOO u.....i Grtetlot c.41 IAIGAINS GALOlll OPEN EVENINGS ''l'IL 9 P.Jlf. l•vttly Ht1h e ~ Jolt• e Pho111l1 e S•l'I Ft•11c.l11• RARE CHOIR BOOK Library D1y1 Exhibit Friars. Set Library Exhibition The Franciscan friars at Old Mission San Luis Rey, near Oceanside, will offer the public a special opportunity to examine their library col~ Jections or rare books, ancient documents, and p ri mitive photographs from the mission's archives, in a two- day ex:hibit this Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday, and 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Sunday. It is a privilege offered tG students, teatilers, librarians, native soris, newcomers and all persons of lively in· le Uectual curiosity, Fran- ciscan friar guides will be present to explain the unique collection. All are cordially in- vited. Students a n d professors from the University o f California campuses at San Diego and at Davis, as well as Occidental College and the University of Mexico, have been using these. resources for research relating to t h e hislorf of San Luis Rey Mission and its environs. Microfilm copies of some cf the criginal records of the mission's archives will be on display. or particular interest are the rubrics of the padres' signatures w h o s e intricate designs reflect the baroque in· fluence current in 18th century Spanish art. The signatures, although still-legible, were ob- viously designed to d e f y casual counterfeiting a n d serve as authentic seals. The Old Mission Library was the first library in San Diego's North County. A partial Inventory of I t s holdings can be seen penned on the fly leaf of one of the an- cient book s by Franciscan Padre Antonio Peyri. Dozens of the original library volumes will be displayed. A special part or the early book collection is a 33-volume set identified by the brands on the sheepskin c:overs and the still·legible signatures inside. These books are known by these and other special mark· ings to have been used between 1798 and 1834 by Padre Peyri and his Fran· ciscan confreres. The oldest book In the col- lection is a small volume on Jaw printec.i in Antwerp in 1575. More remarkable is a Latin translation or the Bible dating back to 1584. Its tiny, but sti\!-leglble type. was set by Christopher Plantin whose Antwerp shop had the ''Typographer to His Majesty King Philip t of Spain". Another book, nearly 400 years old, 1s a history of the world printed in Spanish at Salman-- ca. Spain, in 1595. Historians are uncertain abool how the San Luis Rey collecUon survived seculari:r.a· Lion or the Old Mislion in 1834. San Wis Rey Mission is located on Slate Highway 76, three miles inland f r o m Oceanside. 'rldoy, N"'mbtr 6, 1970 OAJLV PILOT 2$ Travel Views Mexico· Chri-stmas Cruises Slated P & E> Lines' 42,000..ton There will be she 11-day Oriana will embark on her cruises. with fares starting at third cruise season i n $425. -Ports of call will be December, January and Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta and February. Mazatlan. Departures will be The Christmas Sun s hin e Jan. 11. Mar. 8, Apr. 16, June Cruise departing Los Angeles 4 and Sept. 13 and 27. December 2§ is almost fully Five seven-day cruises wilt booked and sale for the re· via.it Puerto Vallarta and maining two cruises, bot h 23-1'.1azatlan, with fares starting • day sojourns to the Caribbean at $295. Departures will be are moving briskly. Apr. 2, May 7, Aug. ZT, Oct. 22 In January, the Caribbean and Nov. 12. Carousel Cruise sails for * Puerto VaJlarta. Pa n a m a , A comprehensive, fun ·pack· CUracao, Barbados. 1i1artin· cd tour of the South Pacific in- que, St. Thomas and Acapulco elud ing visits to Australia, on a cruise that has been pro· New Zealand, Fiji, the Samoas grammed to allow passengers and Tahiti is being offered by maximum time between ports F 0 reign T 0 u rs , Inc .• in for shipboard activit ies. cooperation with Air New The February three.weeker 7.e.aland and UTA French aboard Or:iana s a i I s toward Airlines. pre-Lenten festivities i n called the ''Bula'' Tour the Puerto Vallarta, Ba I b Ga . Fijian word for welcome: the Cristoba1, La Guaira (on thl' trip includes ~ days of island beach side of Caracas. the hopping throughout the South high plateau capital city or Pacific beginning with an Air Venezuela),• St. Tho n1 a s , New Zealand flight from Los Barbados and CUracao . Angeles to Sydney, Australia. ORIANA MEXICO CRUISE COULD INCLUDE TRIP TO BRIDGE Ship's Officer Explains the Complicated Instruments to Visitors Entertainment on b o l h After seeing the s i g h t s cruises will feature combos. travelers will tour the nation's two crchestras, singers and capital at Canberra. followed other specialty acts. Another by two days In 1'1elbourne, one plus will be the easy to watch of Australia 's most interesting from Oraian's five open decks. cities. But passengers \vho wish to do In New Zealand, the group Sound, lhe capital city of Wc\1-F iji. the Tslands or Samoa and the trip by land one way may \Viii begin the tour in ington. the thermal won-fin ally Tahiti. The second of 26 arrange it. Christchurch traveling to derland of Rotorua and departures through 1971 will For both cruises. first class Southern Alps for a look at the Auckland. the c o u n t r y ' s leave Los Angeles on NGv. 29 hotel accommodations. round trip air fare from the West Coast and many meals starts at $1 ,595.90 for the 28-day trip with ex:tension ,of t b e tour available. tickets will sell for $1.130 up; fantastic Tasman Glacier than largest city. and the next on Dec. 20. tourist, for $580 up. In addition on to Queenstown, Milford Next are the lush tropics -The fare, including deluxe to transportation, the ticket1------------------------------------------- price includes meals and entertainment. Shore ex· cursions, whi ch can b e purchased on board, are extra. Reservations may be made now through a travel agent or at any P&O office. * Princess Cruises will offer special 1970 Christmas and New Year's cruises as well as 20 other cruises to the A1ex· ican Riviera during 1971. The Los Angeles-based line will also offer five 14-day cruises to Alaska and Canada and nine three· and four-night Par- ty Cruises to Ensenada, Mex- ico. All cruises will be aboard the luxurious 420-p assenger Princess Italia. First of the "Party Cruises" will be a three-night pre- Christmas sbopping cruise Dec. 11. The holiday season wil! begin with two festive cruises: a 14-0ay Christmas cruise, departing Dec. 15 with fares beginning at $550, and a 13-0ay New Year's cruise leaving Dec. 29, with fares from $495. Ports or call.on both cruises wilJ be Acapulco, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta and Manzanillo. Other 14-day Pr inces s cruises to Mexico are slated for: Feb. 5 and 19, Mar_ 19, Oct. 8 and Nov. 19. Thirteen- day cruises will leave Jan. 22, Apr. 9 (Passover), May 14, and Oct. 29. Actor Lands Smitty Role Wendell Burton has been slgned to star as Smitty in the film version of .. Fortune and Men's Eyes'' dut to begin pr~ duction on location in Canada next week. Burton made his film debut starring opposite· Liza Minnclll in "The Sterile Cuckoo." More recently he starred opposite Eve Arden in the national company of "Butterflies Are Free." He made theatrical debut in the title role of the San Francisco producti on of "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown." "Fortuoe and Men's Eyes" is a Cinemex ln\ema- tionat (Canada) Ltd. produc- tion in association with MGM and the Canadian F i I m Development Board. The film will be directed by Jules Schwerin from a screenplay by John Herbert, author or ft original stage play. C•l•Lr•tint 011r Gr•MI Op•11i11g IO'X. Off011r Alr••~Y Low Prl<•t -Th1ou9h Now, ltlt <>18! What rottld be more exciting? A festioecmise to the sparkling Mexican Riviel'll. Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta and Mazatlan -vibrant, colorful and charming. The wmther will be-peda:t iD M.exial, 'With clear, sunny skies and balmy Uadewind& So sail away on a IQ.day adventme that's more than a vacation. Enjoy the elegance and convenience of the SS Mariposa, your luxurious floating re!Ort hot.el And delight in a staff whooe only concern is your comfort. (On the first cruise, dance the night away at a brilliant New Year's Eve Ball at sea!) The first cruise departs December 30 from San Francisco, from Los Angeles the following day. The second cruise departs from Los Angeles JanuarylO. Fares begin at $560. CONTACT YOUR TRAVEL AGENT FOR COMPLETE INllORMATION. Or mail this coupon. Ships of U.S. reci1trY, Matson Pnul Tuom-. Cmioe Coosa!Jant Mnt.eon Linet r,23 W"" 6lh Stroet. Loo Angeles, CA 90014 Tolcphonc (213) 626-0501 01'/167/N06 Pk!f:lle ICDd me all theinfcnration on your two lo-dryauiM!!'to sunny Mexico. OW NAM1'------------~-- ADD111El!JS,...~--~~--~~~~-~- CYTY----------------~ ~ STATl!:.-~~---------ZIP=---~ TllAVE'LAOENT~---------~--- o.~-·-·-··------~·-···,··-·-·---~--~~~--~~-··--~~-----------·······················..J ·- " I r- -----------.---.. --.......,,---.-·-~--.,..--,-. -~ -.-.,, . ·~---___,......----~-----.-___ ..,.._,,-_____ -- 7 • . 1 ~z;•;;o;•;1';v;;•1;'o;r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;F•;'"";;·;";o~;m;""~"~·~1~91~0;;..,,""',.,..,.,.,..,.,.,. .... ..,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.~,.,..,,,. .... ,..,,.,,.,..,.,..,,.,.,..,...,,. .. ,.,.,.,.,.1'1 OUT '.NI UT By NORM STANLEY ORANGE COUNTY'S RESTAURANT, NIGHT CLUB AND tN TE R TA IN M E N T SCENE /' l "' .. -r New Villa Roma Four hundred years ago I.he Venetians had the greatest cuisine of any nation. Which puts the ~tal ians considerably ahead of the French on the tune icale of developing the art of kitchen magic. As a matter of record, in 1533 when Catherine de ~1edicis married the Duke of Orleans (who later became King Henry 11 of France)..t. she brought Italian chefs with her to teach tbe r·rench how to cook. France went on, of course, to create its own highly-regarded fare b~t the fact remains that the Italians' \vere in there first. CULTURES UNITE AGAIN All of which is by way of leading in~o an· inter·· esting twist where th~ two cultures get mtertwined again in the new action at an old Newport Beach restaurant. The Villa Roma, 445 N. Newport Blyd. Jt's a vvholly different operation here lied lo recent changes in everything from. management to decor. With the new owner responsible for that part of the tale concerning a contemporary French/ Jtalian relationship. UNIQUE FRENCH BACKGROUNO Taking over the proprietor's rein~ at the .Vi~la Rome-which will continue as an Italian speciality house for the time being-Len Murchison moves into the picture \vith a highly unusual backgTI?und. In that he is probably one of the few Amer1ca~s who ever O\vned and operated a resta_urant in France. That was some years back 'and, while he's continued to keep in touch with the business, there CASA GARCIA NOW OPEN 24 HOURS SPECIAL NIGHTOWL BREAKFAST 11 p.m. to 8 •.m. NOON BUFFET 11 to l DINNER 4 to I I COCKTAILS 6 •.m. to 2 •.m. Featuring A11tfln_tic M•xlCOfl Didi~ 1712 PLACENTIA· COSTA MESA FOOD TO GO-CLOSID SUNDAYS-646·61J4 fTatteois' CONTINENTAL CUISINE F•mous For FLAMING DUCK Open 11 :00 A.M. -Closed Mond1y HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORN IA 181 51 BEACH BLVD. 142-1919 DON JOSE' Now Appearing JOSEPHINE COURREGU L-~~-1-~~~~~DU01~~~~~ !formerly or the DI castro Sisters) e COCKTAILS e Enchilada and Taco .......... -.. , .. $1 .35 Chili Rellilno. Enchilada _ ....•...•.• $1.50 Ser"4 wltll ale., ..... T•tellltes -4 S.... 9093 E. Ad1ms (•t Mlgnoll1) Hunt. Be1ch 962·7911 ·MOl{l'S MOll'S COffllSHOP o,.. 6 •• te II ,-.D.ily VOLCANO ROOM L.unch end Dinner 01ily I TIKI LOUNGE NOW Al'PIARING 2"4 llG WEIK HIGHT YOUNG STAR MICK FIRZZELL MICK FIRZZELL MICK FIRZZE~L MICK FIRZZILL MIQC ,lllll:LL T""-f ..,. S.."6.,. AN INTt•TAIHMINT MUST I ~DO PALISADES RD. COSTA MESA 557-1466 ......... ,.. . ...., .. ., o,_.. Ce1111ty Al,,.n FASHION, SHOW Every Mondey 11 Noon to I :3 0 p.m. Try Mffl't O- MA.UNA KU COFFll MOKl'S TIKI IOMI krvld In • ~rnl\ Pl,...ppi. HAl'l'Y HOUl. •ft ' DAILY wllh HO! t-lor1 -'Ol\IYfft IAN9UIT FACILITllS Cl..1b1 ot Groo;p' 110 *• 55 ,,;..pie. Al10 Rei••"-' for l'riv1le I Holl.lty f'1r+i11 t ! t .............. l -,el ......... j ~ have been several other excursiol)s Into quite varied fields. Holding down a college professorship at the University of Alabama and operating a small elec· tronics factory. MENU TO GROW Now that Murchison is once again into the full- time role of restauranteur at the Villa Roma, per- haps we'll see something of \Vhat happened food- wise when Katherine and Henry got together. Which is quite likely in view of his eventual plans to ex· pand the present menµ \vith a nwnber of continen. tal dishes. Scanning the menu. \Ve found the new Villa Roma is currently offering an extensive selection of great Italian favorites . Spaghetti more than a dozen different ways, ravioli, linguine, gnocchi, riga- toni, lasagna, fettuccine. cannelloni, pizza, veal specialities, chicken cacciatora, scampi, ·lobster tail a la fra Diavo lo. REMODELING UNDERWAY Further, the extensive remodeling and refur- bishing undertaken by Murchison has greatly alter· ed the former atmosphere and appearqnce. And in tine with the old adage "Rome wasn't built in a day," he indicated th ere's still more to come. :IA · The Villa Roma is open for dinner and luncheon service. Week.ends also feature Jive entertainment. Ocean Toad J ....-__)As architectural \Vonders go. the structure nousing Newport Beach's recently-opened Oc_ean Toad would create quite a sti r given to any kincl of OPEN FOR LUNCH Intimate and Oeli9htful FRENCH RESTAURANT OINNER 5:30.10 ~.M . CLOSED MONDAY Corner of ltudolpll Md lrht.I Cost• Mn• 140·3641 EL MORO The Fil1est Jn 1Uexicnn Food At1d Caehtalls LUNCH AND DINNER MARIO SANCHEZ -.~--"-'-ARD-RIS-l:"ATJN-GUffAcR---- EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT COME AND SPEND AN UNfORGETTAILI NIGHT WITH US. 16655 PACIFIC COAST HWY. SUNSET BEACH IDirfttly Ac.rou H1t11ti111to1t Horff111) 846-31 77 For Reservations Vlalt the nltW HENRY'S· AIRPORT FAMILY RESTAURANT "We Like Kids" NOW OPEN DAILY 11 :30 A.M, to 11 P .M. Enjoy lunch or dinner in the relaxing 1t. mo1phtrt of our completely remodeled ;,nd newly redecorated dining room. NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT ON .THE HAMMOND XU SUNDAY FAMILY SPECIAL ,,,... Soft Drink• For The Yo1,1npttrt 2200 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Food To Go 642-827.4 --__ _;_____J ---~--- public use. As a restaurant ft falls nothing short of a Frank Lloyd Wright five-star spectacular. FUTURE SHOCK? Beyond any questi9n one of the most dazzling modern buildings it's ever been our pleasure to see, we walked in and started wondering if the 21st Cen- tury had arri_ved three decades early. Or if we might not have inadvertently entered the full-scale mock- up of some future space ship-the general effect being somewhat in keeping with the concepts artists render for flying saucers. The ceiling and floor sections of the circular- shaped building are joined by a vast unbroken ex· panse of windows. The upper portion opens addition- ally onto the sky through a large and also circular skylight rising out of the center. The glass sides in it create a kind of open ro- tunda appearance. while a massive chandilier hangs suspended from the beamed roof overhead. Roughly three qUarters oi the circular floor space is given over to the main dining room and the remaining quarter is partitioned off to form the cocktail lounge. SPECTACULAR VIEW In addition to the wildly futuristic design of the .,, structure, it has been placed fn a setting that would be the envy of anyone seeking the ultimate vie'v site. The upper reaches of Newport Bay in the Ma- rina Dunes. Seated at nearly any table in the restaurant. daylight diners are afforded a -sweeping view of waterways, boats in movement or riding at anchor, and the surrounding blufis and hills. At night. since our initial visit was a midday luncheon outing, the whole thing doubtless takes on still another ex· citing quality with myriad twinkling lights. Turning to the bill of fare, we. considered every- thing among the Toad's dozen or so offerings. Rang· ing from corn bee£ on rye or bar-b-que beef on a RICKSHA COCKTAIL LOUNGE HAPPY HOUR Mon. thru Fri. 5 to 6 LADIES NIGHT fri. •IHI Sat. 10 p.m. hi 2 •·'"• Temple 6arde11s Cl1lnese Resta11ra11t 1500 Ada11t1 I.At HG!rborJ Costo Mnll 540,· 1937 540·19ZJ _ _;•~,;;;:;;,, OPEN: ll :JO •·"'·to 11 p.111., S1111day ttlr• Th111nday 11 :JO GM. lo 2 •.m., Fridoy elld Sot11rd.-, ALL SMILES -Jim Gray. Jell. and John Mcintosh of Far West Services, Inc., operators of the Reu- ben restaurants and the ReubEti E. Lee are happily celebrating the 10th anniversary of Reube;n'~ New- port all this week. Its been a happy assoc1at1on all the way around -for patrons and owners bun ($1.50 each) to sword!ish 1$3.95), 'TOAO'S BONES'ITASTY Our ultimate choices, ver~t'tasty and eminently satisfying in all particulars, were Toad's Bones (meaty prime rib bones cov red with a delicious bar-b-que sauce and served wi French b"ies, $2.25) and the Reuben Sandwich (~2.10). Both were ac· companied by cole slaw and Rickles. Checking out the dinner in~nu in anticipation of an evening visit in the near fut ure, we noted a selection Of 14 entrees. All setved with salad, hot bread, butter and choice of b~verage. Continued 'bn P~e 27 THE WHISTLING/ OYSTER PLAN NOW ANO MAKE 'n f,.°~. _!\'· RESERVATIONS FOR I ,! " •. YOUR HOLIOAY PARTIES :~/ Groups of 25 fo 10 ~ --Wll!<lND ENTEl1'AINMENT Wedding Receptions ~Jf.(A I PacfAc 11~~~~14~6·33~" 7Jilf_llf!T64r11~ . ~~'w!:~ :~cH •rsr!::~~~:s ;marto laolo i!inner.;~~~,! p.m. We Serve ll.S. Prime Easteru Cor11.fed Beef Exclmive111, NOW -BY POPU~R RE9UEST Perso11all11 Selected A11d Aged OPEN ON SllNDAYS " In Our Oum Cooler "!! A Three Ge11erafio11 Family Tradition -Est. 1921 Starting At 4 P.M. FAMILY· STYLE •MENU COSTA MESA'S MOST POPULAR COCKTAIL LOUNGE RICHARD'S VILLA VIDA FOOD AND COCKTAILS YOU WILL ENJOY AT SENSIBLE PRICES PL.A TE LUNCHES SERVED DAILY THE FAN.TASTIC EDNA AT THE PIANO BAR Dining Room Closed Mond•ys 719 W, 19th Street COST A MESA 642·5619 BOB BROOKS <~ / DUO '~ •c30·8:30 0~ OPINING MON., NOV. 9 \l 'OR A .. RllF ENGAGIMINT MGM RICORDING ARTISTS .,,,_) "X. S. BAGGAGE" J" o/f :i);;J;"~t (: f'IE~T tEAOt CAl110il:NIA ' - Specializing in Continental ai;c:J Italian Cuiline Veal Dishes, Sea Food , Pasta, Piz1a BUSINESS MEN'S L~CHEON MON. THRU SAT. -11 li..M. to 3 P,M. 14201 REDHILL . TUSTIN ONE ILQ__CJ._SOUTH-OF SANTA ANA Fll lWAY NEXT TQ STATER I ROlHERS Now-Tue. thru Sat.-8:30 to 1:30 TIM SCHAAF TRIO Happy Hour Mon. thru Fri. 5 to 7 P.M. -Wltll Hon d'oev•rn Fashion Show Fridays 12 to 2 Closed Mondays Beginning Nov. 2 S1t1ci•li1in9 in S••food And St1ak1 ""ith th• Oce•n Al Your T•ble IANQUn FACILITIES 317 PACIFIC COAST HWY. HUNTINGTON IE.A.CH R111r••tion1 Acc1pt1d 5l6·ZSS5 GOOD THRU 11·11•7' Free Beefburger 100o/o PURE BEEF •• "· """ lfTTUCE-TOMAfO-Pl(l(Lf 111'/' Oft• 1111. ... "rlc1 llJCI a. GOI ~!Ml Ont''" Al,. F1J1ur"'9 (llk•1111 e 1"1\11 e M.i 0..1 1 Clflm Cllt-.lw e Mlrlmp e TtrMlt W Clllh CHOW BELL • O\llll COUMTElf Sltl\llCI ,OOD TO GO Pll"~"MT IDOUMO ROOM t576 NlW,OIT ILVD •• COSTA Ml~ Olfl9911tllr A('MI Ff"llTI Oflft~· Cfvftly Ftlr 0!'Wfljll p~~~·. 548-3172 --~-----~- • ·--·---------------------·~--:""'" _______________ ..,..... ___ ~-.. -. ,, •• All You Can Eat All the cliicken. you can eat, served with salad, mashed pota .. toes. giblet gravy, hot roll and butter. c BROOKHURST· & ADAMS HUNTINGTON BEACH WEEKENDER . ' Continued from Page 16 Pritne among tbose:._prospects_ were beef kabo b, PortofiDo shrimp, broiled center cut pork chops top· sirJoin, teriyaki, New York steak, and·filet and' too. ster combo. The 1atter is tabbed at a high of $6.25 and the lowest price is $2.50 for ground sirloin. OFF BEATEN PATH The L_estaurant is l ocated pretty much off the beaten path at 103 N. Bayside Dr., in the Marina Dunes, Newport Beach. Don't get discouraged if you don't make an immediate sighting because the rew_a;:ds are many fQr making the effort. Traveling south on the Coast llighway. turn left at the signal on Bayside Dr. (right if motoring north), and proceed approximately one quarter of a mile on the rather twisting road through Bayside village. At the closed gate to Newpo rt Dunes veer slightly left and travel directly ahead into the park- ing lot. Lunck is served at the Ocean Toad starting at 11, Monday through Friday. Dinner kicks off at 5, seven day a week and continues to 11, Sunday through Wednesday. Thursday, Ffiday and Satur- day the service continues to midnight. The cocktail lounge eatures entertainment and remains open to 2 a.m. Friday and Saturday nights. Casa Garcia • Talk about unexpected luck. Every under tak- ing of recent times to check out reportedly great Mexican food has invariably turned into a journey of serendipity. Last Tuesday's dinner outing to the Casa Garcia in Costa Mesa proved to be no exception. Since our survey uncovered a surprising array of dining re- wards. · Frida,, Nowm~ 6, 1970 OAJlV PllOT 27 O ·UT 'N. A ·BQU.T Right off, lhis·restaurant has the added attrac· tion of being in one of those out-of-the-way places. ln this case almost in1he--1boonie.511 insofar as the average location an out 'n' abouter might expect. LOOK SHARPLY Prelly much in the heart' of the predominanUy industrial district on Placentia Ave .• the neighbor- hood shouldn't be any deterrent to those primarily concerned with good food. Because Casa Garcia is a standout in this all-important department. Once inside the atmosphere is also distinctly ingratiating. Rather like a comfortable old house lhal ha s seen many years of pleasant family liv- !ng -and np\v st.ands .. open for the public to share its \varmth. Jn an earlier time the building housed a German Jiofbrau type of establishment. Several faint traces linger, and in combination with all the recently added Mexican decor, strike another note of un· usual charm. Partitions create several dining areas and they, in turn , are separated from the bar that runs along the far right wall from where one enters. An im- 1nediate r ight leads to the service counter that's only used during buffe t lunch hours from 11 to 3. The luncheon menu, incidentally, features non- !Yiexican fare with a variety of sandwiches, hot plates and several daily specials. Mexican food is restricted to dinner service between 4 and 11 night- ly, except Sundays when the restaurant is closed. Our dinner visit got under way by scanning a bright yellow menu which offers roughly two doz- en entrees and combination plates. As well as numerous a la carte items and side orders. I SIDE ORDERS Among the latter are such Mexican favorites as . tac'os '(beef. 45 cenu;· chicken 60-Clntsf; chili re· - Jeno, 65 cents; pork tamale, 55 cents; cheese en- chilada, 45 cents; bean and cheese burrito. 45 cents·; guacamole dip (small· order, $1, large, $1.50); al· bondfgas soup', 35 cents. Combination plates range from one tamale, rice and beans, $1.25, to taco, enchilada, tamale (with rice and beans), $2.95. · The first of our two entree choices was macha- cas, an exceptionally savory shredded beef cooked with fresh tomatoes, onions and scrambled eggs. Also included for the $1.95 tab...were tortillas, rice and beans. Carne adob~da was the second selection, a dish that met with a nod of approval equal to the machacas. This culiruij'y delight" consisted of tender sirloin steak, simmered in the Casa Garcia's special red. chili sauce, and served with soup, potato salad, rice and tortillas, $2.50. We never cease to wonder ho w good Mexican restaurants manage to inject a little something in the preparation and cooking which brands their food with an indivj.dual flavor. Whatever the range of possibilities, the Casa Garcia has obviously land- ed on one that's singularly distinguishing. Those prone to prowling any time of the day or night will also find the place a haven for odd hours eating. As dinner rings off at 11 p.m. a nightowl breakfast starts and continues to 8 a.m. Cocktails are served from 6 a.m. lo 2 a.m. and there's food to go. Genial proprietors of this spot are the person- able Garcia Brothers, Trini and Dave. Their highly· recommended Casa is located at 1712 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. You ain't heard nothin' yet • • • until I lfqilt 1llnr.at 3Jnn Visit a bU of Old Japan .. j you catch the mu1lc of th• TEDD McKEEYER TRIO DIRECT FROM HONOLULU The MADISON COMPANY PRJnCE ~f..L .. I WllGIES RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF REDONDO IEACH KING HARBOR. (Only pl•<• you c1n dance in the center of a herbor we ever he&rd of) , • , AND you c•n ll1ten or d11nce, or both put together , , , l91lnnlng Nov•mber tth Suncloy .... ch I 0 lo Z @MIYAKO . LUN~~5g~~ ;_p~~NERS I ' FAMILY RESTAURANT SEAFOOD_. STEAKS DINNERS llOll .2.75 lei '4.t5 OPl:N lllm i. !Opm (doMd Nonclap) SNITA NIA: 15975 Hart.or llvd. 139·6170 II blixk N. ol Edl"rt') mvIEftA. IU:&TAUltMIT- contln1nt11 Cuisine Cocktliils Serving Luncheon and Dinner Monday through Soturdav. Closed Sundays Wo are located next to the May Co. in South Co1st Pla11. JJ)J s. lrlltol Coste w... S40.Jl40 _HE.NRY'S AEROPUERTO Glf~D OPENING SPECIAL NOVEMBER 11·12 ONLY Any Mexican Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . $2.50 Any Steak in House I Reg. $5.00 I . . . . . . . . . . • . . . $3.00 Complete with salad and potato Birria llk!r~B-Cj)I, Beans, Rice .................. $1.75 CHAMPAGNE WITH All DINNERS \ ENTERTAINMENT -SHONA BISHOP DUO Corner P1liHd1s end-Birch, Near Or1.,..-__County Airport No Retorvilions 545-5579 .• PIZZA HOME DELIVERIES -HAVE CHANGED A LOT SINCE THE ' OLD DAYS . '-------------------- EVERY EVENING, except Mond11y1, I p.m. to 2 a.m.. In our 1pankln9 MW cockt1il lounge, over .. looking th• m•rin1. Dlnlnt Room 4 Exciting Menus 6 p.m. to Mldnl9ht at popular prices >REDONDO BEACH 260 PORTOFINO WAY 379-8481 FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER! $4.50 MONDAY THRU THURSDAV Live Entertainment THURSDAY THRU SUNDAY ,:wa: TAtE a the WHAtE 400MAIN,BALBOA_PE JNSULA • 17141673-4633_ BAL-PORT LOUNGE Proudly Present THE HONEY BEES HELEN & ._ASS Thun. thru SOt., 9 P.lf. to 2 A.M. SUNDAY JAM SESSION 5 to 10 P.M. - Open 7 Days -7 A.M. to 2 LUNCH and DINNER SUNDAY BRUNCH I 0 to 2 HAVE YOll TRIED "IARl' -IN THE KITCHEN? 4507 W. PACIRC COAST HWY. -cNEWPORT BEACH---675-4200 HOLIDAY PARTllS CATIRID IY THI INN All EXCITINGLY DILICIOU~ AND UNIQUI C•ll" Nancy OIHn for m•nu w ... •nd_;rtcn. look now for your group or club's December Lunchton P•rty. + -Up to 75 ,_,,1. - BUFFET LUNCHEON 11,30 to 2,30 Mon. thru Fd. * Monday Night Specl•I . Complete Prime Rib Dinner ...... _ .................. -....... $3.25 * WMnescl•Y Nltht Speclal -chTmp•gfte end Str ... ...,, ..... __ .... _ ................. ».25 I 3295 Newport Blvd., Newport Beech Reserv•tions 673· I 374 · cM'ar.IJU! 'Jlestfnltimt cNew Dimensions in Dining cNew Menu and Cuisine cNew Personalized Table-side Service Reservation 644-1700 #a:)~ efmt Nf'NPOIT au.Of, CAllFORHIA. D1ncln1 in tho SwlnsJn1 lido lounp THE BERLINER German Famfly Restaurant Fiiifou1 For ·sAUERBRATEN with POTATO DUMPLINGS Enjoy A Wundtrbor Time Al Our ·BRATWURST FESTIVAL SATURDAY, NOVIMHR 7th Starting At 1:00 P .M. Mutlc tnd Dancing With The EDELWEISS , Cj)UARm FROM BAVARIA k_!t1rv1tio11t Suttntecl Open Dally '"' Dinner From 5 P.M. CLOSED MONDAY CHILDllN'S MINU ~ .. _a.rte lllU llACH ILVD, TOWft & Country Contw ~~ HUNTIN•TON_llACH _,., -....... oo :ftiMlllO--"C:::;J -- ' KI 1-3303 ' 33 Town & Country, Orange \ sunday BRUnCh 11a.m. to 4 p.m. !FM~ 3!!01 EAST CoAST HtcBWAT CaloNA l:IEL MAI, c;...woamA PnONl: (7J4) 675--1374 c,.Airporter qnn "Hotel . Wh'reTlt!P" INNPcople ?.led MEDITERRANEAN DININGi ROOM C1:1ptol11's Tobie CoffH Sltop CUoret Cocktoll lo1111q• ,.11IGrl1rnm1111 •1111 01ncl111 MHthlt •11d lo11q111t Ro•1111 -nrTon'l.r1'CA:R1llllR BLVD. N~:\VPORT BEACH. CALIF. J.J.LIY DST I PRESENTS JEFFi BRADLEY Slngtr -Guitarist IHroct Fn• Ch1cl•llOti'1 rt.rbeY Cl11b MON. THRU SAT. FEATURINCO DINNERS In the Sen F1a 11ci.,o M•nner UCI OP UMI ITIAQ • SIAfOOD Set¥ecl ""ith Fithet111•11'• Witt,. Soiir Doutlt Ir••' S TO 11 NIG":JTL Y IUSINUSMAN'S LUNCH 11 :JI TO I SUNDAY llCTCLI llUMCN 1010 I OftN MIT DAT Oft tMS, OC•AN ADJAClfllt TO MIWP'HT ll!',J'4 PIS" JtO• w. oc.,:N .f!\9-!f!, NIWPOIT llACft ' . I I ,• J • . ' .. , I • -.,cc-7 -.... ~-;;; ;;:o. -.---------·-' .. ' • -Ja DAILY PILOT frldlr, --'· 1970 • Guide to Fun Chamber Orch'estra fo ·r Youth .Set at UCI NOV. f • 7 CHAMBER CONCERT -UC Irvine Chamber Orchestra, directed by Peter Odtgard presents premiere performance Jn the Concert Hall of lhe new Fine Arts Village, 8:30 p.m. Frid•Y and Saturday. Complimentary Uckets available by <alllng 83U617. NOV. I · II PADUA PLAY -"Conclerto Maicano"1 a musical tour of Melico will be at the Padl.UI Hills Theater oa Padua Ave. in Claremont through Nov. 14 at 8:30 p.m. Wed-sat. with matJnees at 2:30 on Wed. and Sat. Dining room <lpen for lunch and dimer. Reservations -1-626-1288. NOV. I· I FABRIC AND FASHION FAIR -A Fabric and Fashion Fair la being be!4 at Ille Orange County Falrgrouads, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa through Nov. 8 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Entertainment, fashion shows, gift· il.e.ms, sports equipment, home decorating tips and demonstrations, and stretch and sew session are all on the schedule. Tickets, $1 for adults, 50 cents for children at the door. NOV. 7 TEEN CLUB DANCE -The Westminster Recreation and Parks Department will hold a Teen_Dance in the com· munity Center, 8200 Westminster Ave., (for Westminster teens) each Sat. from 8 p.m. to midnight. AdmWion, $1. for members. $1.50 for non-inembers. NOV. 7 YOUTH CONCERT -Music for chamber orchestra pro- grammed for young listeners will be performed Sat., Nov. 7, in the e<incert ball of the New Fine Arts Village· on the UCI camp1,1s. Peter Odegard wHI conduct the two perform· ances 8.t I :30 and 3 p.m. sponsored by Leaming Unlimited. Tickets, SI for youths; $2 for adults may be reserved by calling 833-2304 or purchased at the door. NOV. 7 AND I ISRAELI ART -Festival of art and culture tncludlng tasting of Israeli wines, folk music art display and auc- tion, from 2 to 10 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, in Hoag Memoria l Hospital conference center, New- port Beach. Call 67~7230 for ticket information. NOV. I FILM SERIF.3 -The Newport Harbor Art Museum Is pre- senting a fUrn series, "Civilisation," at the Balboa Theater, WORLD FAMOUS Sintt 1922 ••• Exotit PolJntJiafl Jri11ks Strttd i11 d troPi<dl p11r11Jist SUPERB SEAFOOD AND STEAKS LUNCHEON SERVED 11130 A.M, lo 4 PoMo fOR RESEAVA.TtON-$ < 592-1321 16278 PACIFIC COAST HWY. HUNTINGTON BEACH FINEST SEAFOOD AND OYSTER BAR IN THE SOUTHLAND 630 UDO PARK DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 675-0100 We Batie A"'""" Fantll11 Designed I ..r AMERICAN CUISIHI YOUNG SISTERS f,.,,., l..1 v ... ,. St•rd1i1•t WU. ..... SUN, l tJI ,. l:JI 968-5050 100 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Tbere wW be two films per showing with two screenlJlia ett at a and 4 p.m. Tickets tor incllvidual screening, $2.50, may be purcha.sed al box office before each show, if seats ai:e available. For Wormation ar ticket orders contact the M'useum, 400 Maln St., Balboa ar phone 675-3856, during hours it is open. NOV. I BENEFIT DANCE -A March of Dimes beneUt dance for tttns wUI be held In the Mall of the Huntington Center, Ed- inger at Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, Sun. from 7-JJ p.m. Tickets at the door 75 cents. NOV, I JAZZ CONCERT -Jazz Incorporated wlll hold the last con- cert or its current season, SWl., Nov. 8, In the Moose Hall, 7409 Lorge Circle, Huntington Beach at 2 p.m. Four hours of live jazt will feature Matty MaUock and his All Stars: The Johnny Lucas Blublowers and the Jim Hession Duo. Admis- sion $1.50 members; $4 guests.!' NOV. I CHILDREN'S BALLET -Ballet for Children is being staged by the Laguna Beach Civic Ballet.Company, Sunday at J:30 and 3 p.m. In the Festival of Arts Forum, 650 Laguna Can- yon Road, Laguna Beach. A humorous version of "Thls is Ballet" plus "Sunday in Vienna" will be presented. Tickets, $2.50 for adults, $1.25 for children. Reservations may be made by calling 494-7271. NOV. I TEEN DANCE -Benefit for March of Dimes featuring the "Crystal Garden" in Huntington Center Mall from 7 to 11 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 8. Tickets are 75 cents, at the door. NOV. I · 29 ARABIAN HORSE SHOW -Kellogg Arabian horses are show11 2 to 3:30 p.m. Sundays through Nov. 29 at Cal Poly, Pomona. NOV. 10 • 11 TREAS URE SALE -A sale of treasures called "Olde Cur- iosity Shoppe Sale" will be held Nov. 10 and 11 from 9 a.m. to S p.m. Tues., and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wed. It is sponsored by the Opera Leaue of Laguna Beach and will be staged at the \Yomen's Club, 286 St. Ann's Drive, Laguna Beach. Pro- cttds of the sale will go to the Lyric Opera of Orange County. NOV. 1% • 19 CIDLDREN'S STORY HOUR -The Costa Mesa Library, 566 Center St., Costa Mesa, will hold a story hour for pre- school children at 10:30 a.m. every Thursday. No charge. NOV. 1% DON COSSACK DANCERS -Lions Club of Garc:len Grove sponsors Cossack chorus and dancers, 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12 ln Garden Grove High School audJtorium. NOV. 5 ·NOV. It SI'ORY HOUR -The Mariners Library has scheduled a story hour each Thursday at 2 p.m. in the multi·purpose txTRCMD.T Wet STOCK • [\11111~&1'UI10 PICKWICK~ ~2~!~!'.! M0-11t l 1743 MD·~ll}-•-... "·,-.._ IDllJWOM (213) "° Ulft COUGAR ·COUNTRY IN COLOR ......... ,. at.ry •. ,. '""' , ... ... fill.-il wftti .... ttm .......... uclte-'. A fll111 for the fttir• flJimly. WI•KOAYI: 4:JM:JM:JO SAT. lJ: ... t :lM :,...:JM:M i VN. t :1M:»-4:JM:Jt I'll•• l'AlllCING @m~ l'la•:rA\.l.u.NT Hf! WIST COAn "IOH•AT NIWPOIT IUCM 014) MUD11 All &'IS MllllITUI G111tr11 Audlu1u1 ""' All MlS •0111nu1 ~1•t1U1l Gui4antl S1199t111• ""' . ® •o 011( UllO(• 17 lDIUITlD (A91 ll,.11 '"IY Yl'l tn UrlllR 111:11) ••.......................•.. """ill !111'l-~ ......... ... ........ o ... .. .... -...................... _.._ Real Cantonese Food e1t her• or t1ke home. STAG CHlllUE WINO 111 2111 pl. Newport Bt1ch OR;ole 3-9560 o,.. ,_ .,..... hlty 12·12 -frl .•• Sat. 'tll J ..... room, 2002 Dover Drive, Newport Beach, The stories are geared to Youn& children. NOV. II CHAMBER MUSIC -The Laguna Beach Chamber Music Society will pre~nt the first cancert of its series Nov. 14 at 8:30 p.m. witb the Virtuosi <U Roma performing In the Laguna Beach High School audirbrium, 625 Park Ave., La· guna Beach. Tickets at the door (il available) adult, $4.SO; Students, $2. NOV. II CONCERT -Paul Winter and the Winter Consorts will be hearc:I in concert at Calif. Slate. College, Long Beach, Sat., Nov. 14 at 8:30 p.m. in the men's gym. Tickets, $3 raay be re:ierved by calling (213) 439-0401. NOV. 16 • Zl CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK -National Children 's book week will be celebrated Nov. 16-21 at the Costa Mesa Li· brary, 566 Center St., Costa Mesa, with a book display and BALBOA 673-4048 OPIN 6:45 '" r. •• , .... a.rMI Pnlnaula •••••••••• v ROOO!T RECFOOO KATHARINE ROSS ROOO!TBWE SUSAN CWIK "TEl.L'ntm WIW£.llat.IS HUI:'!.. _ MoL ttirt1 s.t, ··DOLLY'' .. 7:00 and f :JO Conth111ovs S1i111dcry Fro .. 2 at Regular Pric•t "A FILM OF IMPECCAILI! lllLU.NC:E" -Jove:• H.b.r, Syndic•i•d Colurnniat Mart Crowley's ··mm:~ INTlil: mNu·· AO-Gf*ifl.ii~ /\N.fio.oJ~~~ """'~ ••••••••••••••• EXCLUSIVE INGAGEMENTI * SHOWING NOW * AT TWO THIATRES "***Yr* BRIWANRY CONCEIVED, BRILLIANTtY DONE! DEVASTATINGLY FUNNY!" ''·JOI' 'ir:t111tt TD MO WITI 'IODD Alli CLDl'l"-Tlmo MogBloe ''THI I IAID I co. HIT or ST .. tlT SWISTMIAIT" (II BOX OfOOOPEN 6,00 P.M. OA~Y. SAT. & SUN. s,30 P.M. 'JOE' SHOWN AT CO. HIT AT 1:45 p.m. 6:30 p.m. - •' m6J ................ BOX OFFKE OPENS OA~Y AT 6,4S P.M. SAT\JROAY AN!l SUNDAY AT 12,45 a bean gues&lng contest all week. On Wed., Nov. 18, there will ht 1 film for teachers and parents, "The Lively Art ~ Picture Books." On Thllrl., Nov. 19, at 10:30 a.m. there will be films for pre-schoolers and at 3 p.m. films for grade school and junior blgh school students. NOV. ZI CfDLDREN'S BOOK WEEK -The Mesa Verde Library. 2969 Mesa Verde Dri\·e East, Costa Mesa, will hold a puppet show Nov. %1 at 10 a.m. A puppet making demonstra!ioa wJll be followed by an original sketch presented by Bernice Bar· low. Puppeteers range in age from 7 to 9 years and have all made their own puppets and props. .. .............. , ................................. .. : -C:Ollutt IO¥. \IT... : : Ta-M4N fROM "UST llDll" : : "FIVE EASY PIECES" : ~ •.........••......................••.......••••• .: 'eJmfitl!f!~;:a~~-~, ~ ....... AW.IAlfTA ... s Sinlrrr1:00-3olS.$i:J0.7o4S.10i00 EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNll INDOOR lHEAlRE ENGAGEMENT 11111111111111i11111111111111111111111 "GREAT MOVIE MAKING" -NEW YORK TIMES • , "Actress o.~-~ her way to --- an Oscar!" -LOS· ANGELES HERALJ>.EXAillNElf "The Benjamin perfonnance is brilliant!" -ARCHER WINSTON NEW YORK POST "A bold uncompro- mi sing look :~ at the fe elings and facts of marriage!" ·~· -SATURDAY ·~ REVIEW diary of a mad housewife a frank perry lilm st11rri"g richard benjamin · frank langella carne snodgress. """'"' •••leanor'Perry ·ALSO- "Where Eagles Dare" ~ •lso UTHE LANDLORD" ' \ • I ' } ' . I I { \ ' '1 ' I ' • • \ ( \ -...... --.. ----------~-- F'rld•y, N0vtntbfr 6, 1970 DAILY PILOT ,e9 l"our Gulde to Movies a@m 111 """ ._ <C> RodnlJ ~nprlleld, M11Co111 Rob· 'Jo·e'· ~Portrays Great Silent Majority ; ~ ' ~ :. . NOVEMIEJt I ... ! .,... ,, .. (C) Editor'• N o t ' : T h I 1 fantasl~s and realities. or an Didi c..tt (C) Sh!rl'f Mite\ m.oti«e guldl fl prepared undergraduate student who tit •nd Norm•n rtodlwell 111111. bu the film& committee of drops out of school. Don ID ht T., Tllri tflW Up: "I .. liliid tbt ,,.11t,• m•dt in 1926 wllh Harbor Council PTA. Mrs . Johnson , Dianne' Hull and W1lll(1 Beel)'. N~oei ~ailtt1 Is prtsidenc Michael Greer. 1 Netkitr1JA(Cl and Mrs. William Ware M•A•s•u (R): lrreverent MIC Nft141rvk:• (C} (60) D•~id Reubtn, 0.1b111 retd<ln inti TM Allen sti ... (C) (901 Jerry Shtne iutst. is intended as a reference Army Surgical Hospital during The Bawallaas IGPl: Sequel to "Hawall" starring Charlton Heston and Geraldlne Chaplin. hovers and Other Strangers (GPI: Com~y inspired by a far.cy wedding, Gig Young cast as the father of the bride. runaw•y Indian in 1 9 o 9 , Robert Blake, Rob<rt Redlord and Kalherlne Ross. WUSA (GPl: Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward star in film about ·an • itinerant disc jockey. TEENS AND ADUL 'IB the matchmaker, Jn this lavish musical set In New York at the turn of the century. Walter f.fatth.au costars. ~ On a CJtar Day (GJ : Movie version or the Lerner-Lane musical starring 8 a r b r a Streisand and Yves Montand. The le~ttr immediately after the fitte indicO:tei the rating givt·n the picture bu the Motion Picture Codt. Tht Motion Picture Code And Rating proaram m.av bt found on the motio'11 picture pagt_, l :DG lllt""' (t) (60) Jtrry Dunphy. l2:00 8 00 Mm Crlfflli (C) Di. i! committee chairman. It comedy about the Mobile fJ EVE McQUEEN-"THE O Movie: ''Thi•• "•nnJ Op1r1" in determining suitable the Korean War. Elliott Gould. * HONEYMOON MACHINE" (music1I) '6~ur1 Juraens, films fOT certain a g·e Donald Sutherland and Tom ~toate Walsh (GP): Lee Marvin portrays tough cowboy who lives to see West outgrow need .for his kind of man Jack Palance and Jeanne Moreau. Jee-Station Zebra (G): All·!-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= · 1·00 ~00 ... (Cl · Sk · PAULA , PRENTIS~lor · Aif.Nltllt an: .,., Titer,'" groups and will appear err1tt. OSI•· 0Clm; Mevit: (C) Tiit .. Ind H•rta ••d Cottlllb" ind weekly, Yo ur Views arc Savages From Hell (R ): t1o1tn1110011 MKflini" {comedy) '61 "l•tlJ Wk.• solicited. Mail them to Mo-Motorcycle drama. -sth'• McQuee.n, Jim Hutton, 1:301JMowle: (C) '1'ou111 f•IJ"(weil· vie Guide. care of the Tell Me That You Love Me, P1ul1 Prentiss. Bri1ld Ballen, ern) '65--Rory C1!11<1un Ylr1fnl1 DAILY PILOT, Junie Moon (GPJ : Liza Min-i let s .. rt (C) (lOJ M•to Rlcti1rc1 Arlen Lon Cheney. TM Flintstones (C) (30) ' ' e , nelli, Ken Ho,,.,·ard and Robert It T•-n • Thiel (CJ 130) ADULTS Moore. star as three han- -ttod1ei>6d1e LIMit• CCI (30) dicapped people who meet in a "Cocker Sp1niel Pu~pies." Angels Die Hard lR)l flslter f11nilr (30) Motorcycle drama. hospital and live together when . Jtotldere 34 (C) (601 The Boys in the Band (R)·: they leave. Tiie AIDeflain West (C) (30) NOVEMBER 7 Penetrating story of homosex-The Traveling Executioner· Tutfo de las Estrtllu (30) uali·ty starring K e .n n e 1 h (R): Stacy Keach in the title Ncw1 ii Ult Round (C) (lO) I tr I · · 1:30 candid C111tr• (30) Nelson. ro e ave s a prison circuit ne flrint f111H1 (C) {30) 7:00 ls11nriM SlllUt« {C) The Diary or a Mad around 1918 with his portable Kllow Yw AnUqa (C) (30) CiJ(l)tr;,Heale l Jtcklt (C) Housewife (R): The dlsin-electric chair. s. Slcllrtty (CJ /M111lclll (30) @(]) Rthldlnt Dr11io11 & Mr. tegration or a New York mar· The Walking Stick : David Tiie Desert Report (C) (30) Toad (CJ H · a d S t h One More Time {GP ): Suspense-<:omedy about two London nightc)ub o w n e r s . Sammy Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford. The Revolutionary (GP ): Jon VQight follows the path of idealistic universit y student who becomes IJ violent revolu· tionary. Ttll Them WUUe Boy is Here (GP): The search for a AIC Ewellinr News (CJ (30) Bozo the Clown (CJ Richard Benjamin. EggarM!nATaURsusEpenTsEeEthNrSiller. l(arl M alde1i 1:00 CIS Evenina Ne'll1 (CJ C30) 7:30 DustJ's Treeflo11$1 (CJ The Grasihopper (R ): Jac- male_ spy drama about a nuclear submarine's trip to the North Pole on a rescue mission. Rock Hudson, Ernest Borgnilfe, Jim Brown and Patrick McGoohan. 1be Out~f-Towaers (G): Disastrous experiences of man and wife '"•ho go to New York from Ohio for a job interview. Jack Lemon and Sandy Dennis. Pacific Vibrations (G): Surf- ing film by John Severson. %00J: A Space Odyssey (G): Fascinating film about the history of earth's formation lhrough the development of man to travel in space. Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood. FAMILY IN THll W.llTMIN~I!" C~!'f'!'1 • • EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY WALK·IN ENGAGEMENT f11rMas d1l Amor 130) I Mr. Wishbone (C) riage. Carrie Snodg ress and emm1ngs n a m an a m NBC NlchtlJ News (C) (30) ~ ~ m Woody WoolfJld:er queline Bisset plays a Cana-AND ADULTS Wli1t's My U111? (CJ (30) 3 Motor MtllM (t) A Fl.stfull o[ Dollars (GP): To Star @ (j) I Love luq (30) ol tCocil & Hls friends (C) dian girl who seeks excitement d A , le•I tlle Clott (CJ (30J 1:00-IS Ci) Bu11 lunn1/RNd Run· in the United States and finds Italian·ma e mer i c ci n loot B11t (C) (30) n•r Hour cC) narcotics and prostitution western (with English dub- --n! .................. _.~ Hello, Dolly ( G): Barbra Streisand portrays Dolly Levi.I-:;;;;;;;; Cllrist the llwln& Word (C) (30) B ~m m To111lt11ltry (Cl Joseph Cotten and Jim Brown. bing ) about a loner with no I 'R ' Saf; '=r:n~~! M1rl1 (SS) Cbl:i(~L•ncelat Llnlr, Stetd "Joe" (R): Joe. a factory name. Stars Clint Eastwood. It overs . DISCOUNT . n.t 51rl (C) (30) I Marvel Suptrtieroes (C) worker portrayed by Peter The Good, the Bad and the PRICES 7:30 a @ The Interns (C) (60) T1le1 of Wills r1rao Boyle, and Bill, a rich ad-Ugly IGPJ : Spanish-Italian Karl Malden h1:1s been sign· Dr. S•m Maf!;h (Miki far rell) h~s 1:30 IN Ci) m Tht Bu11loo:s (C) vertising man played by Den-western starring cl in t~ed to-stati with William Holden EXOTIC FISH 1 herd time prac!icing p1olesslon· Campus Prolllt Eastwood. and Ryan O'Neal in "The Wild a! detachmen! w~en ht realizt1 • Movie: (CJ "Revolt ol Ult Mtr-nis Patrick, cope with what is R ·• Bl k Ed d man ha is treatin1 was the •uail· cen1rfu" (adventure) '62 -Vlr· brutal and ugly in American Hang 'Em High (GP): Clint overs,_ a a c war 5 MANY TO CHOOSE ,flOM ant who brutally slugged his wife. ginia Mayo, Ctnrad S1mm1rtin. society. Eastwood i! a Deputy Marshal P~oductlon ror MG f\1 .. Edwards e TROPICAL FISH e KOi 0 m Hip Cb1pa1r1I (C) (60) I Cisco Kid The Magic Gardtn 0 r who hunts vigilantes who tried ~ill produce . and d1rec.! .the • DISC • FEEDERS "Too Lite Ille Epitaph," Cumi (CJ f 1 f h l I KYPD (Cl (30) !:00 a S1llrl111 ' lh• 51oowi1 Stanley Sweetheart (R); The to lynch him. Im rom .•s own <1r1g1na ORIENTAL tm@ m Tira Budy Bunch Coolin ( I screenplay with Ken Wales co-ISB G •ftDENS ( ) {!OJ ·111e Treasu11 of Sierra DID 00 ED Dr. Dollttle (Cl producing, Shooling will begin F " AYenue" IJ 1To11 "U de M •• ( • Th on the film .location in OJ>tfl Tun.· ,, •• u .. · 111.·51111. 1w 0 Mililtn $ Movit: (CJ "'Jlftvei teryf ~;2~a:r11:C::. •n m)'I· Uve eater Nogales, Arizona early this '"' Htw~z,:1:-:,,~~"1 Mue Too Late" (comedy) '65-Mau1ee11 O ~ lJ) Jtrry lewis CC) month. !:~~~~~~~~~~~ O'Sullivan, Paul ft1d, Ctnni1 S!e· mill. Movie;_ "Cuna Ho'" (drl· vens. mt) '43 -Rand<llph Scott, Noah I • •bl Rabb• s "The \Vi!d Rovers" casts I Trvtti or Ctnsequences (C) (30; Betry. "Return Gt Mtnll Crirto" DVISI e It tars Academ y Award·winner Daniel 800111 (CJ (60) 1 (adventure) '4~uls H1yw11d. Malden as Walter Buchman. Cinem• 30 . Mlllkl y ht.bras A L M u) tough , aging ranch lord who Nt Cree en Its Homllres (30) h110r111111 Lltlr111 t aguna 0 ton rules his cattle kingdom with 7:55 Cutst!on de Serundos (60) !:JD mrtie Pink P1tk CCI grim jusice. Malden won an Lurninr Altern11ives (CJ (60) I Tr-.. Ht1111 (C) 1:00 Ylrrlnil Gr•h•m Show (CJ (60) (HI (l) lll1 Doubledlcbrs (C) Oscar as Best Supporting Scheduled 11.1esh include Jolin Oa· Movie: "Pl111dlrtn .r. hlntld A . G1ort1 C. Scott vitlson, Jane Keane. Rudy Val lee •b" (western) '59-Cclrinnt Cal· "Son of Nllty" the stage at Laguna Moulton ctor in 1951 for an un· ''PATION" ( GPJ and 8111 Daley. vet, Skip Homeler, John Clrro11. A revue is on stage at the Playhouse. 606 Laguna Road, forgettable portrayal of the 0 IHl m.m Ninny ' th• Pro· I Arrlll• et ... Nifty Theater. 307 Main St.. Laguna Beach. Playing Tues-aging bachelor in "A Streetcar W11k Nlgtlh-7 & 10 p.111. lessor (C)(30) .. Tha Great Bro•d·lO:OO R~Joslt &. 1111 ,_,clll Huntington Beach, Fri. and day through Saturday at 8:30 Named Desire." and has been Sat. & S111t.-Contl11uous 1 P·•· c&sl of 1936." 6 m H. R. Pvfnstut (C) s t 8 30 th h N •• gh N 2t c II featured in more than 30 films.Ii~;~~~~~~~§: I T• Tilt the Truth (C) (JO) Hot WllHI• (Cl at. a : p.m. roug ov. p.m ...... rou ov. . a Uk! for Tod•)' (CJ (60) · cwle (C) "Snep Cuns• 7. Reservations -536-9158. 494-0743 for information. in his career. O'Mundo Joven Joven de Jo• (wes!ern) '62-Alex Nldiol, "Indians" His credits include "On The • ...... I · Luci!• libre I I South Coast Repertory of-Waterfront," "One Eye d ~-(C (30) 1 c "Rhinoceros'' f 1:05 a1) Ludl1 llb11 (55) 10:30 8~t11rl1m Cl*tnrtlln (C) Golden West College drama fers Arthur Kopit's historical Jacks,,, ''Baby Doll," "Ruby •••"" 1:30 fJ 9 00 He1dm1sttr (C) {30) 6 ~ 11«1 Ccrmes the students 1·n lone•-'s soc1'al When headmaster Andy notices Cn1111p 11 = h "'-V drama. Wednesday to Sunday Gentry," "PaITish," and "The satire, T urs. -Sat. through B" d o1 1 ., THEATEI coach Jerry's steedy l~ncll dates OMowle: "Junal• Princtu" (•d-N 7 t 8 . A 1 , at 8:30 p.m. through Nov. 28. 1r man Acatrai.. ......._ ~i wit~ mini·sklrt•d t11cher Mi!s Mc· venture) '36-Dorothy Lamour. ov. a p.m. •n c or 8 Call 646-1363 for information. .-~----------~·''•i ... IT co•n __ ._., Atdl• (Maureen Artbu1), l\t trles to l lW SkJ H1wks tC) Playbox, 15744 Golden West "David and Lisa" · co•""• otl ,. •• ., ... , .. needlt Jeny into 11king htr oul 11:00 Arctde's f11ntio11M (C) St., Huntington Be a ch . S•mmr Dain Jr. a1td to dinner but JUI)' seems too shy. ' 6 m Kot Do1 (C) Reservations -892·771 l. w e s tminster Community 0 ~ @ £l':) N1m1 of t111 51111 Tlif ttlrdr 8o)i1 (C) Theater presents drama of Pster Lawfor4 111 f---(-C-)-(§o)-''~itlle-Berr---Oied Rurt• ~ Mevil:~•-~Siep-dte-Wer-'"ld1-----pr-oblenryonngsterr,--B-730-p:m. t, ..... WIRIC! ... 0111111(-;oii.-Ll nine." Rober1 Culp 1uests as a (comedy) '49 -Lent Lynn. J Want to Get Off" Nov. 7, 13, 14 and 21, in Finley People Magazine reporter who goes I Mino • MlllO Rtrtdltre · It Mexico to !ind out why 1 10unr . , fiesll Muklne Fu 11 er ton Foothghte~s School, Edwards at Trask lndi•n took the life of bis boy.11:30 , @(6J @t)J111bo (C) present Anthony Newley's hit Ave., Wesuninster. Call 897-011111" hood friend. (iiJ 00 AMlritln l1ndsl111C1 (C) show, at 119 Buena Vista Ave., 8315. g OlDI D ~ rll tiD TM hrtridl' f1rn: Dick Clart hosts, Brian Hyl•nd Fullerton Friday and Saturday "Cactus Flower" ! Im!! llr""-i llr (C) (J6) ''Danny and the Mob.' auests. 1 .. tHAPiisre m FLIP WILSON & g Movil: (C) "rowdlr Rtwtr" at 8:30 p.m. throu'h Noy. 14. Ana·Modj~ka Players offer Ah• PlctYlnlJ *FROST-TOGETHER! ~adventure) '5l-Rol)'Cllboun,C<ir· Call. 527-4415 for Ucket mfor· lhe romantic comedy Nov. 12-JOHN VOIGHT m DIV!d frttt Show (CJ (90) flip mne Calve!. mabon. 14 at 8:30 p.m .. in the Ebell ·Wilson. Jimmy Webh, and Sun-OI No ~ret •n IOI Hoillllr• "Haney" Club, 244 N, Helena St., Ana· Acaffmy Aw•rd Wl1111« 111 j '"" Ch;ld '""'· m '''"''""' (C) The invisible rabbit takes heim. 'fHE REVOLUTIONARY' USA Poets (30) .~ 1Dr•111e1 (CJ <301 lr=:~~;~~~~:~;~~;~~~~~}.;~l\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~;;~111 Loa Bn1rly de hrtl'lille (30) "Nothing short of excellent"-Sylvia Drake, L.A. Times 1:00 12:0019 @ Scoobf·Dol CC) ".,.Gripping The Theatre" -Tom Titus OCDP fl MARLON BRANDO Mone: "M•lll ti the Corllki" *Great as Johnny Rio ( orrorJ . '64:;-Charles V1nel, KO PIT' s '' IND I ANS 11 "ONE EYED JACKS" D Mov1t: For Wllom till 1111 . folls" (drama) '4~1ry Cooper, Wed. ttrru sun. FOR RESERVATIONS CBS FRIDAY MOVIES lnrr!d Ber1m1n. 1:30 646·1363 1J 9 m CBS Frid1J Movlt: (CJ 0 Suspenu Tlltctre (C) ''Twid ''0111-=l11T J1cU" (drama) '61 -Cup 1nd Lip." Mulon Br1ndo, Karl Malden, Pina I HolkSly IC) Pellicer. Italy Jurado, Sen John1on, , • Dram• tie 11 Sem1n1 Slim Pickens, Larry Duran, Sam 12:30 ~ (j) Tiie Monk••• (C) Gilman. JI Mondo (C) O Tll• r11citJH (C) {60) Movie: "SomNhtr• 1·11 nad O @®'m Tlr1t Girl (C) (30) You~ (drama) •42--e11rk Gable, ''lhert Sure Are • Loi o! Cards in L1n1 Turner, Robert Ste1tlin1. St. Ltuls." m irts World (C) (!) Ftlorry Squed (C) (30) Howard 1:001J (j) 0.utlrdly & Mutlllf (C) Duff tt1rs. John Milfo1d auuls. O 00 a> NCAA Foo!Olll (CJ I Dlwld Slllllrlntl (2 hr) Washln1tan at Stln!ord. 30 Minutes (C) (30) 0 Movie: ''Tllt Lltffe fuattlvl" lnb'ir• (30) (dram•) '53-Rictiie And rusco. · Natectr• (60) I Hn1 5un, Will Trawl 1:30 ~@ (ii) I.owe, Allltrlun Style . Stori., of Suum (C) (lO) 1:30 Q.i C[l The Jllbens (CJ 0 """* (C) {30) B1xter W1rd. Chl111J1iollshlp Wmtlln1 (C) CE> mm;aa Tiit f1!111lou1 SIJ:. Freddie Bltsale, Pedro Mortlts ind lltl (Cff60J Th• 1Y1nts of 1968 Krippler C•rl Heis!npr i re ICh ad· ire hithllehted, lndudin1 the l11g· u!ed. k t111ths or Sen1tor Rol:ler1 Ken· c..tdlnn )' Mllllu nedy ind Dr. Mar11n l ulher fl:in1; · Sup. (C) the c1ph11e and rrlurn of Ille Pue-2:00 Dulty's Trftltoust (C) blo; 1nd the wilhdr1w1I ot Lyndon · lnttrnlllon1I Zo111 1C) B. Johnson from political lite. · T11tro f1111Hl11 I Mllllcalt/P•tlor's o.~ (C) (30) . SN tfl• USA (C) P1rwtor1rn• (30) 2:30 Stfl!S lo LNmlnt (C) 10:00 9 @ • iJ;) lr-.clrtn's World · HIP & WMd (C) c ) {kl) '1A Team (If On1-leqed · Wagon Tr1J11 (C) Acrob•ts:• Metrollledi1 Preanb: "Hl~totY g lit 5 News (C) (60} o Drat R11:Jne.'' D Oll Cil·fDTOlll Jon• (C) 160) 1Doll1r11 l Stn• (C) Tom's specl1I 1uests 111 Ptrl)' , Yarltdlda Muilaln Ctmo inti Debbi• R17nolds. 3:00 TM New SMllty (C) 11le Slint {C) (60} , AtriClltbire UM (C) 5.wp Pirtnlm NIWI (C) (60) Z.111 Crer n..tr• Lt f1111m1 (30) lllnp ol Co111edy T-.cme-40 (2 hr) UndtrdoC (C) IOI Jlhns ,.._. (C) (30) I Mutlcal1 (Cl Tf Maklt OU.rt (C) (30) Mel0dll1 it Slernpr1 ID (i} ED Nm {C) • The lit Pkme (C) Ci!! ToirTOft Tllla? IC) · • T•tre dll S1ba6o .m News (C) 3:15 Dmy &. &olillll (t) Mtrte: (C) "Rid MoMnllln" 3:30 Movll: (C} "Hell lint t. (1dvenlur1) '51-Ntn ladd. LNllMr'' (well.em) '60 -Audi• tD Morie: "TN Lui A111')' 111111" Murtihy, Felicia ftrr, Steplltn Mc- (dram1) '59-P1ul Munl,· Luther Hi lly, Robert Middlelott. Adler, Sttsy P1lmer. IT..th & Ille hllu IC) ID lrlnle: '1lt1d to f9'l Al1110" Olldoon With Ublrtr Miit• (western) '6~en Cl11k. 'Mr Pie (C) I F1kt Gilt (C) (R) "M1yday." C'Jllldrt11'1 GotOti How (C) bt1 fllocfll 1 las Oltet Lldll Ill P1tlll~ 11;)0 9 (j) Jim (C) C1H ... ef tilt (C} SOUTHS~ PUlWH IN YOUR POCKET TROPICAL FISH Largest SelecUon ol Sell unwanted ltema witll a DA.ll.Y PD..Or Tropical Fish & Ouaifitd Ad. Supplies to the area . N .. Ju-tt.M PHONI tll W, WILSON, COST a MIU , ... Jl'al,.,llw fl•,, ... ,,,, 642-5678 •r1•0, llU~ri:n ~· -~ U+dl tlltnJM ttre,... OHie.i ......u. 'i/;1! Jbuth Coast Repertory NOW S"o-for tft• 1 tt tlm1 •t A191110, Prl~ Walter Matthau Louis Armstrong Charlton Heston In '"THE HAWAIIANS" EVEcSHOW"STARTS 7 CONTINUOUS SHOW Sot. l S111. from J '''"' BARGAIN MATINEE 1.us1 •o• 11no•••fl0f Every Wffnesday, 1 p.m. ---"ONA CLEAR DAY YOU CAN Yves ftMl•-~n*.,.."' 8& -1!1 Montand A FOREVER" ALSO CHARLTON HESTON -GERALDINE CHAPLIN "The Hawaiian' s" 2•1h & FINAL W!.EK I "AIRPORT" e (GI Color ,:111 • Chtrhon H••"'" ''THE HAWAIIANS" CGPI Color ................ ~·--111-1.-1 CYCLE e PSYCHO e COLOR "ANOl!LS Dll HAflO"(fl )-fllUI "SAotAGES FROM HELL" (Ill \.lncltr 17 mull bt with ~r•nt CYCLE e PSYCHO e COLOR "ANGILS Oll!l HAltO" (111-Jh.ll "SAVAOtS PROM Hl!LL" 4fll Undtr 11 mu11 bt w!1h Pll•itnl aarllrt Strt!Und • COLOR "OH A CllAR DAY YOU CAN SEE FORIVIR" (0 )-,1111 ''THE WAlKlHO STICK" COP) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• \ANJA A .. n KARBOR BLVD OlllVf IN ---~-111·1211 OMfil Ktnflldy-Color "J:IOlAO" IG,l-PIUl "THI Tiii.AVELiNO EXl'CUTIOHER IGl"l ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ................ ·--·-· tM-1212 ·----·-Ml..011 S1111m'f O•v!t Jr.-Colllr "ONE MORI TIMI " IOJl'l-Phlt ''THE llEVOLLltLONAflY" ~ IJ.tllltiYI Dr1YI Ill llMWllll fl'lul HIW/11111 • Jet~lll WMCIWI,.. "W.U.S.A." !GI") C+ler-pl~t "l'lrtl IAl.L JUNOLI" !0') Cllt, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• -llJ.<ll.lllYI l)rf>:"I Ill SIMWlllt "JOE" lfl l All C61t1' ''THI" .'llAOIC OAllOEN GI' ITANLIY $WIETHEAllT" (fl) Unf•r) I ..,,;u H wrr~ 1Mtlftf •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• --...... loU4.1JJ' • • ,~~r-• .• -, Monte Walsh. · • 15 what the West · · ·was all about. LEE ,r .... ,,. ~llOXTI: WALIB" ARMIW..t.m • '•011""'..g .. 1.... ' . JEANNE MOREAU ·JACK PALANCE 2nd FEATURE Davra-Hemmln91- in "THE WALKING STICK" "'M·A:S·H' IS THE BEST AMERIC~N WAR COMEDY SINCE SOUND CAME IN f''-P.t11rl,.1 Kiri. e Ht .. Y0tt1r -'~ONE-OF JHE YEAR'S FUNNIEST COMEDIES." "ABRIWANT PICTURE!" -Wlt<ltff 1'"18,,. t&o Allfol .. H•tt'W-t..,,,i..., -Rkhard Hor"'9fr, Lor_...,.,., ''" ,,... "DEL!~~!~ I l...A_,.., .... ~ -------..:·t.CMRSNf:J~ STRANG£M 9!,llllU"'1 ..... •-llUIWl·ic-.~ ·-CIOl.IWMIO•D-·----.,,IUIUl'·-JllO;tON·tlOlllll~·"""t ll(.0#.,..0$_· -·-·-----·-· ... ·--·--·;;;·---------·--·-·--·-· .. -·-· .. ----. 'ii1• ,_,._., __ _ ""'•-----P:CLvtlvl! lMMCIE""v.rtr ------ 2nd GREAT WEEK! li!M -Phone' 639.a770 · .• . ' I ( . I • DAILY PILOT JACK BENNY -The So. Calif. Cancer Cen· ter will benefjt from a concert Saturday which has Jack Benny as guest artist. Jt is honor .. ing KFAC's Thomas , Cassidy, at the Holly· wood Paladium. ·Singing Teacher At Knott 's A school teacher who has been voted "most promising vocalist for 1970" by the International Academy of Country and Western Music, is this week's featured performer at Knott's Berry Farm. Donna Fargo, 25-year..old English teacher turned en- tertainer who captured the "most promising" tag, even writes much of her own music for her coast to coast air pea ranees. Since Miss Gargo's first record "Would you believe a Lifetime" made the national charts two years ago, she has gone on to what looks like a promising future. She will be performing In KnoU's covered: Wagon Camp this Saturday night at 6, 7:30 and 9 p.m. Tonight at the same show hours, the TEX will present brand of country music. On Sunday Wells Fargo Unlimited will take the Wago Camp stage at 2, 3:30, 5 and 6:30 p.m. Along wilh these special shows, Mex ican melodies will echo through Fiest.a Village with the Fred Hernandez Trio on Saturday from I to 10 p.m. with the Conjunto Papaloapan Saturday from 6 to 10 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 7 p.m. Knott's Berry Farm is located in Buena Park at 8039 Beach Blvd., just two miles south of the Santa Ana Freeway. La guna A1t Show Sig nup Nea rs End Time and space att running out for those llrtists who have not as yet signed for a booth or panel in the forthcoming Christmas sale scheduled for the first t h r e e weeks in December at the Laguna Beach .Art Gallery, 307 Oifl Dr., Laguna Beach. ti1embers are uf.ged to write im· mediately to reserve space. The Sale will open with a swinging party on f?ec. b for the artist members. The affair will take place at the annual art auctkln which has been moved up to June. During the Holiday ·Season aale...-artisls will donate a portion of their sales receipts to the Associa· Uon towa~ a remodeling fund for the Gillery. Acceptal>le work! In all categories may be ezhlbtted and the f:xhibitors may set their own prices. The Affiliates of the Gallery will bold a Qir!stmas boutlque sale at the Sime time in t.bt Entmol ol the Gallery with -----,,.any-hand crafl<d ---decwallom ag,.,bl,.,e.~--I ·UCLA Student Featured on TV Former UCLA 1 t u d e. a t GWj>nne GUfQnl bes been sip ed for ' flalisred role in '"Ibe Target,. epllOde of MGM·TV'• ''MedJcal Ceottr," atarrU.C. Chad Everett and James Dal which Horv~y Hart Is dlr ting lor CBS-TV. . ' .. , , .. ' . ., .. . , ..... ftldq, --6, 1970 'Touch' .Art Show for. Blind at CSLB . ' . . "Dilw"'*"·· tbe f i t·S t traft11nl exhibition of oculpture In the world design· ed for the blind to touch and the sighted to see, opened at CaWomia State College, Long Beach, this week, in Gallery c . Cal.State Long Beach Is the only college. to host the ex: bi bit. give an -tic and ·varied experience through t.be ~ ()f touch. such masterpJeces as the 3500 year-old Egyptian "User-llet and his Wife, Kha" and Renoir's ''The Smith11 are· included . These art obJe.cts emphasize a variety o f materials. ranging from the . hardness of granite to the coot and oily quality of jade and the warmth of wood . In 1 IJ!llque manner. A map In Braille will introduce. the blind visitor to the Gallery. He will be· guided ,from pedeltal to pedestal by a continuoua walnut rail. Attaehed to each rail is a description in Braille of the work before him. For the sighted . and partially sighted visitors there are Iden· Ufying labels In large prinl. equipment and books I a Braille and large print. The Department of Health, Education and WeUare award· ed the California Arb Com· mission a research granf in the amount of $25,000 to establish lhis touring art gallery for the sighted and blind. Captured Created by the Cali(ornla Arts Commission, "Dimension" features 2 9 works of art tent by major museums in ca.lifomia. The ~pture bas been selected to Because this is an op- portunity for the blind to "see" through their fingertips, the exhibition will be laid out A recorded message (made by Comm!Mion member Irene Dunne) introduces the visitor to the exhibiUon. There is also a study center with audio "Dlme.nsion" will conclude lts year-Ioog tour when it closes on November 27 at CSCLB. Tours for classes or groups can be~·arranged by calling the School of Fine Arts at 434-0704. · Rick Ely, flanked by British captors, is brought to· Eric Braedeii, playing the new llessian commandant of Chester in "The Hostages" s e gm e n t of "The Young !rebels," Sunday at 7 p.m. on Channel 7. ea national Y11nl Hammond Theregoe1 my invite tolh• Lu.mberm•n'I club dinner. TULIP OR DAFFODIL · .. : · BULBS 3fA. Ll1len. how can you pa11 up beauty lot so 11111• money. Pu.t lh• bu.lb1 ln now ond you.11 he •O pleased wl1h the pretty flow.r•. com• aprlng. WELLER SOLDERING ' GUN KIT NATIONAL 1/2 HORSE BLACK BEAUTY GARBAGE DISPOSER 2777 One of lhe moil powerful on•I you. can buy Jor the money. Got our name on It and we 1tond behind the ;u.orantee -(way behind). . . " . ' \ ' ' . ' ! r 10 Foot x 10 Fool Metal Building Clean out that garcrge now. You 'can have the nicest looking garag• in town. Handy Fibber Magee (You remember him. don't you?) tool shed holds garden supplies. tools. trunks and junk you don"t dare throw away. In baked e namel, g reen a nd white or ta n a nd white. You put it together. comes with easy to follow 6000 page directions and Jots of luck .•• HAMILTON BEACH ~ ELE~~~:.~, •• ~~~~ el quality, You. con 1ha.,• a ham 10 clo1e you. n•Y•r hear U yell ouchl Good way to pr•Y•nl wa1te of meal and to tear• olt relaH••• who eat loo m•<h. 917 GAME TABLE LEGS /You. molr:e th• lop and we'll Mil you. lh• l.eg1. Make a card table. or ;am• !able lor cheap. Got th• locking brae••· SET OF 4 399 ' MUN~Y 3 QUART POPCORN POPPER Nol only'~ yo• . moire a buc:ket of popcorn. you cttn warm boltlea, heat 1ou.p, and do a lot ol lhlnga wit h lhla. Gla11 lop and.·the i;oni 11 In th• deal. 2 99 WITH CORD LYSOL BOWL CLEANER ANMIJll L RYE ,,' .~ •. ~-. ·.· . ' Who would think that we'd haYe 1u.ch a Jamoua name In our plac:e. [Yen a1 a kid I knew lhat thla 11 the stull that really work1. Spruce• up the john quickly. ANNUAL RYE 99c 10 LBS. The •inter gro11 for bringing new Ille lo eroded 1pol1. bare •po!•~or llH all O'f•r lor added ~u.1bne11. Hold1 •V9rylhlng logelher until •prln; ·-------g~g•t•back 11p. YOUR CHOICE JANE ELLIS WALL MURALS J( you don't piek up on this deal you•re not in th• market far a pretty wall for cheap. Hand printed giant murals that will make the entire wall. Jn choic·e of color combinations too. -9 FT. P:.l.RIS SCENE ~..,.---.1.uT.JU.IAD_ -17'! REG TO 74.SO • I • ,. AdYerti•d apKial•~ ---Ncrrember 11. 1970 (lltat'• Arml1t1c:e Dap so let's make• true-. olray. Don't tight the help.) .. The price ls M good thl1 w"k l won'l 11af' tbe gu.f about Mlling me the broken bag• at hall off. (Laugh if you. want. but II you watch the pennies. lhe dollar• tali• c:ore of themsil't'el.) 67cn. BAG HAMILTON BEACH CAN OPENER AND KNIFE SHARPENER 1~C::=::::::::iLa~ddl11. you. know what an appliance 7l liklli lhl• eo1t1 al moil ol the place& e.o you don'l nffd m#lo "pu.11·· II up. U you would like one you.1J buy th\1 nnd that's all 1ber• l1 lo It. 897 PRUNING SAW A litll• thing we threw In. GGI teeth like a crocodile. Fo\d1 lor \afer 1torbge. P:u.n• now ond you·1r get nicer growth and lolioge 1111 the 1prlnj. Judy. 11 lhe_y bu.llt ho111•1 li51.bt you. wouldn't nffd 1he1e ;adge11. bur ••• 1h•1• hnY• 1tde I01.1.,•r• too and can conduct the hot olr •h•r• 1o11 waat ll(put oae on my brolhet-ln·law'1 mouth. pleau!) " .. .. . • • • •• , .. . f ' • • • • . ' • "i' ., " • '• -. I • • - .· • • • • ! • • • • • • r ' f " ' • ~ ' ' •• ., ~: . • • . • ·. ' l . " •. •• • • . •• " ~· .. ~ • :-; • I J . . • " • -.-. I • . . . ' ! I .. ~ .... L~· CHRYSLER I l'LY/tfOIJTH! lltfl'ERTAL JIJ C1. 111, •.• bfi ... 4 ...... c. . ... ,...... hWff Fro11t IWK ..... "' , • .,,., s ...... 1 .. . lucllet Seatl, CM- soi., Soll41 Shlt9 P1sh a.m.. lodlo, Ylllyt Top, Decor Gro1p, T I 1 t 1 d 'Wl..W.M+d, 1'ber Gl- lelted Tim. FANTASTIC CLOSE -OIJT SA.VIN GS NOW! On entire stock of re- mai~i119 1970 Chryslers and Plymauths. HURRY FOR BEST SELECTION I ... EXCITING NE~ 1970 BELYEDE~ COUPE• s.,;.r. RLZICOEl15J4 3 BLOC KS SOU TH 2929 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ph. C714J 546 -1934 Of SArJ DIEGO FW i '68 YW BUG '66 Plymouth '67 PLYMOUTH '69 PLYMOUTH . '69 Pontiac SPORT FURY SPORT FURY SATELLITE LE MANS COUPE 2-door-H:T;-VI, •Ulo.; _2 !1.!!.. H.T. __ Vl~fo .• R"&R, P.s .• -ve , •11lom•tic, r•dio, Aufomelic,-RIH, po"'· RIH, P.S. low milt1. Fact. air. lmma cu!.,h:. er tle•rinq, eir condi· IVWM044l !XZJ0671 heeler, power deeri11q • ticini119. IT~04t I ¥invl roof. IXKH677) thift. $1195 $1195 $2095 $2295 ' '64 CHRYSLER '66 PLYMOUTH '65 CHEVROLET '69 Chevrolet '67 FORD Town & Cou11try w1• VALIANT IMPALA NOMAD GALAXIE SOO tcin. V-1, .•Uto~. RIH. SEDAN 4 DOOR WAGON ·-~2 or. H.T:'-'I, 1utom.-;-· power 1te1rin9 • & cylinder, •l111d1rd VI, •ulomtlic: tr1n1· ,br•ke1, •ir condition-mi11ion, redio, h•-.*•r, VI, •ulom•tic. redio, tic, r•dio, h•1l1r, po,... . 1119. tRRJ9961 tr1111mi11io110 he•l•r. h1•l•r. fZMX9301 •• 1te1ri119. f 163051); .IS LU0171 pow1r 1t11ri119, I ttlY 679) Air cond. 5695 5795 $795 ~995 $1195 / -' I • '63 CHRYSLER '66 Chevrolet '65 Dodge NEW YORKER IMPALA COUPE MONACO S•d•11. v:1. ailhi., -It VI. •ulo"'•lic, r•dio, Vt, a ulo111afic, R&M-;- IH, P.S., Air Cond. t.eeler, pow•r lietri 119, P.S., P.I., eir cond., lllNl711 !SZH7511 •invl lop, P.windowt, • te1h. ( SVZ471 f $3 95 $1195 s795 '68 MERCURY '68 PLYMOUTH '66 Plymouth CQUGAR 2 OR. BARRACUDA FURY Ill HARD TOI'_ VI, •u+om•tiC-;-RIH, \II, eutom •lic, rtdio, v.1, 1utom•lic:, red;o, power d1eri119 • h11t1r, P.S., P.I. ITSP-h1•l1r, power 1l11rin9 . br1•11, •i• c:o11d., ¥inyl 167) !WEC8941 top, IVWJl64l ~1695 $1795 s9 95 '69 CHEVROLET IMPALA Cilflom 2 dr. H.T. Vt, 1uto., RIH, ,,5., P.I .• Feet. 1ir, ¥i11vl lop. (YOT I07) $2295 '68 PLYM.OUTH VALIANT 4~door t1d"i,n. v;1, •u- tomtlic, R&H, F•ct. 1ir. IVOT911 I . $1395 • '68 Plymouth SPORT FURY CONVERTIBLE-~ VI, •11tom1tic, r1dio, t.11!1r, power ''••ri119. IVTP6421 51295 '67 PLYMOUTH Fury Ill 4 DOOR H.T. VI, 111tom1tic, R&H, P.S .. 1lr cond., ITWJ~ 0511 $1295 ' . ' . • . ..,. . : . . • .. --- • • 1: Ir l? '\•l l 11 I .. .. I: ·: • " l • • ,l • • I ' ' . I • f I'. • • •• • • I: ·' I J 1, ' '• " ' ·' • • • • t ' • .. ·l . l . . i • ' ! ' • • . ' • • ) ' • . • • • • . . • • • • • ,• .. : ·i .~ 32 DAILY PILOT Frldlf, NMmbtr 6, 1970 .:.TUMBLEWEEDS •• • ~ Ll'L AINa TO 0JT El<PENSES 10TH'l!IONJi:-WE IS~NUIN' 1'H'.+eaboA'i~ " SALLY IANANAS l'M', WHAT If \00 wa\E Al4IE AND ACCID!:NTl\U.Y LOCJ<EV ly T~ K. Ryan JUDGE PARKER " ' :· · CAll MV OtAIFFEUt NIP i, :MAVE HIM PrlVE 'ttJll MOllG, :. : LIZ! r.M. GOING TO 5PENP ; ·THE Ml&MT MERE! I HA.VE . ~E WORIC. TO PO! ' .· . ~ ~ ' • "&..--fl' : ACROSS :·1:1 ~uslctl s\in , . •5 Btt•k ':s'. 0 Not bar• -n· 9f foot --•14 PuUtr's ~· target ~·1 5 Gr1ek lttl~r {:=lo '-!umt rical Jc·· pre fiit ,.:;:i1 tlord :"{· tkprtssing J • sorrow , 18 1ndu1ge in . • high ''" ·" oi.9-Chin a 1 JO Dishonest • .,, • person 54 N. A111edc an lndl1ns 58 Sp!nish trt e of reSp!Ct Sii Self liO l oc 11ion li2 N. American CJ pi\al &5 long·Ltgl}td Rodent • &7 N1vig1tor's inslrumtul &9 Gland: Comb. form 70 Roman road 71 l.l urder: Sting YOURSEIJ' IN A ClLL?! • llt &n a .Cl Gul11blt persons: 2 word s '. ·! 22. Fath!r '..t i4 ,VIie abode ~ is ·TY p.11rt ::.. i.7 ldtnUJying 72 Can vas shtll1r 73 Group of athletes 74 .t.1ticl t s or furnitnrt 75 1talitn city 11 E. Indian 12 Having ex isltd longer 13 "Lorna -···" 4& "I don't be lltvt it!"; Slang , :;. : -qua lily J li9'Nativt or . "!•: China ;J.:9z..For111ln9 tool ·"'~•)) Intention- ·;\·. '"'" ... ~· Jtl'ltltn ;-';l'4 FloW< · :;i lS" C hotH '"''40 Wood · ~:-'~z Country in ~·'!· ltlmalayas .:;.:)4 Moon • ·~'"l"S F1111 lnlnt :;.~:· 'Jl&llll! ·:::·:;1111k~ ~~.,~· '?i~'!i ,,; Gtntlt ••• O"W01111n of • tht cloth :~z·Wl!flf.\act •;;.<"_, In tl\oughl '-":~· .... ,,,.. ...... -r.,-."' ••• . . . \ .. '•. + ,~.:.-· 21--do111ini 48 Time or 23 Fir! yt~r tscape 51 Did 20 Oest11iy e'!I ClrJ)tn11y 28 Duck wo1k l Fish 29 Bont : 5) Turn 2 "D am11 t omb. for 11 54 Rtlinquish \'anlttts" JO Ltadrr of off ict: character Canadian 55 Marble 3 flt1tibl1: r1btlllon 5& Asian na\i oi Obsoltlt 31 Outcast 57 Bus irirss. 4 Kind of JS Hockey t SIAbllSh· g1ass J;Joa1ie . ment 5 Mert statistic 61 Time framework 37 Construction pnlods ii -Min's pro ject •3 Left the nlc knlfllt. ·Ql'oUps scent 7 Constellallon J~ Part of "4 Cost of 8 Bottle size the body SOllltlhit\g: 9 An emolion 39 Desert Stang 10 Emulale leatu1e Of. Part or Nancy 41 Gambling the body Greent gamt "I Inquire of DOWN 2 3 • .!. ly Al Smith • YEH , 'THAT ·UNCLE OF MINE ·--+1E WAS ALWA'>'S +1APPYFUL ! GORDO ly Harold Le Doux · MOON MUWNS PE""INS HELlq ELMO? TAKE CARE OF Olli: PIDl\.EM RI KANSAS CfTY ! t"lL 8E MERE AT TME a:ACE WMT11116 FOR YC*lt ~PO«T! ~·~~=i.J.~i.IM II·• ~) ... , .. • • • MISS PEACH l ; By John Miles ~s ~) • . .. "' ... • • • • • ly Mell -ANP T HEN, M ISS llWACH1 M AlrCtA HURLl!PA STE'A DY STRe!IM Of' INSULTS' MJW:.JA HOW COULD '!OIJ PO A TU/NI; Lli<E THAT? • --·AT M E FOR FIVE FULL M tNUTff t (:'r.: . ' i l " ~ STEVE ROPER ' I'M JU5T' ARTICULATE / 1GUE55. ly Saunders and Overgard ,..---'<O'"'-i 6/!T/11/0n 11<!.IKr-M~ 1'000 SHOULD SE IWlll/Ci f(lt! US ATTlE Nf\CT CHECK l'Oll<TI HEll CllNIT>fil IP -WE TUIN NORT>t I .QJ O'I THE 5EWKE 111tJCKS 5IWiE l/ATTEllY. ~ MOT 6tD. AWUt.' M YENt! TIE~ ~ ttClS THE ClrACK COPS"D NE\'t:I? ~RE ~ SAWED C#F lOOIC TI-ERE ., TME BOTTOM! A MILLIOM ' L YE .! ' .... __ MR.MUM 1y·A1 Capp I • ~ ly Gus A.._ =t1'0! M IO NO . 'll>l~'r"' ly Rt11JM' BOiien ~ }.IAl./8E lllE: CCU I> ~OFF - 'l()Ofi: PAWJT:S. ~ it. lll'IU: ! DENNIS THE MENACE • \. ... ·~ I i WI I .1 l ' ' t· I I • I I ! l . ' u I :1 .. ' . • • • • j • • . . ' • ; " ': I. :· ' 1: " , ·: • • '' ' " J ' I . • . .. • •• ·' ~= • • ,. ; • ' l::-_..;,'7-;...:;.;==:......::H:.:O::::U:::SE=:S=...!:.FO::;R~IA~LE'~ HOUSES FOR SALE H'-'O;..;U;..;S.;;;E.;..S.;..F.;..O;..R..;;SA;..;L:..:E:o__.:.;HOU=.:.Sl::;S:;...:..FO.:.R;.:...:SA=Ll;:;_,.;..HOU=;;.;Sl::;S:;...:..FO.;;.R;.:_;:SA=Ll;;....;..HOU=.:.;Sl:..:S;..F;..OR:..:· :..;;;SA:.;;L:.;l:.....(H'-'O:..:US=l:.:S;..;F;..;0:,oR:..SA=L:.:1:..... HOUSES FOR SALi' r, 0-rol iiiiliii-:~-~i!iii~1ooo~Goniiiii~·~re1iiii~iiiiiiiii~1~1>~ooiiFo:••;,.;'~·'~;;~ru;1000::: -··• . 1000 Generot 1000 o-••• 1111-.1 1DDC1 q.ner•I 10000-___ ,._, _____ 11_oe1 216 ORCHID $IOO TOTAL DOWN EASTSIDE Dana Paint lnc:ame Homfi ,. FHA. v .. buye,..., lhl• H 2 TRIPLEXES CORONA M A c N A B I R v I N E lenific 3 bodroom-., in FAMILY OME . .. .. .. .. . $63,950 • $66,500 .,.at Com M ... Ar'8. Pay. 3 -., 2 "''"'· dandy iu F3o~:PLEX · · · · · · · • · · · · · :. · · · $69,500 DEL MAR • meot will be'"" than"'"' den, icitchen wHh built-Im DROOM HOME . , , . , ..... $30,950 OPEN 'SAT & SUN '°' thb "°""· H"•-~ incl. di.hwuher -Pi,.; a Brand_ new. Large buildings w/deluxe own· . with k>ts o1 bfts. Tu;ide is bla 2 car prage •nd ~ ers umts, ocean views, xlnt location. Take ad-.1 • 5 Serving Newport Harbor since 1954, twenty-five experienced lttshly painted and .. ..,, ............... '2l.OOO -vanta~e of good rental income + property For those woo Jove Ule charm for occupancy • CALL Phone &tS-7111. • y~~~t ~~~~:,e• due to the new Dana Point :.!.~~· . .:~.!~ ::,~ esidential salesmen with o~er 270 years of service. Walker & lee OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND and guest cottage to provide PHONE BUILDER 642-4905 OR an .xclllng challange lo tho FINER HOMES UP TO $60,000 SEE AT 33792 COPPER LANTERN decorator mindl'd. You'll · DANA POINT love the cozy glow or the DOVER SHORES BAYFRONT ATTENTION DOCTORS fireplaces in living roon1 and ta'mily room and you'll be thrilled at the roomy 67x118 ~iiiiiiilllmP.~~ii!iji!ij~ .. ~ lot with lols o[ .play room II !or children. A RARE OFFERING CALL 673-8500 Elegance and grace in this new 4,650 sq. rt. custom home. Spiral staircase from tiled en- try leads , to tremendous master suite and sitting roon1 with fireplace, 4 bedrooms, J:tuge family room. spacious kitchen with del1ght- ful morning room. $179,500. Open Sat. & Sun. 505 Morning Star Lane Close to Hoag Hospital. ·Quiet location. All one floor. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. Cath,dral beamed living room ceiling, fonnal dining room, hu&e gourmet kitchen plus swimming pool. $511, 750. PWSH BAYFRONT COTIAGE From th is immaculate, super-cJean 3500' home. you have a sit-down view of jetty & b_ay, where boat action is busiest. 3 BR., den .. w -bar, formal dining & large yard. $169,500 BU1 Comstock OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 BALBOA -ESTATE SALE 1344 WEST BAY AVENUE Luxurious 5 BR. bayfront home. Beautifully decorated. Pier & slip. Proximity to New- port Harbor Yacht Club. $168,500 Cathryn Tennille NEW LISTING PRIM!, RESIDENTIAL AREA A gracious, c'h~erful, quality custom blt. home .. Meticu~us planning is evident throughout. Two bdrms .. 2 baths & form . dining rm. in main hou se. Guest apt. with 2 bdrms. & bath. Beautiful court.yard en· trance. Bayside terrace with pier & slip. $165,000 Kathryn Raulston UDO ISLE CHARMER Delightful modern on Via Genoa. Three bed- rooms. ea. w/mvn bath. Separate dining room. Truly a Homemaker's Dream. $89,500 -Tenns. Gene Vreeland HARD TO PLEASE? Then see this gorgeous custom blt. _ 4 __ BR. ·+ sep. familynn. hbme ill~fwport'"s finest area. 2 Yrs. young -31h baths -custom drapes -quality w/w cpts. -panoramic view -asking $89,000 -E-Z Terms. Art Gordon LUSK-HARBOR VIEW HILLS · 4 BR .. 3 Ba., family rm .. kitchen eating area. 2 Fireplaces. 3 Car garaJ?e. View. ~1ost favored Sandpiper model. Wet Bar. Fee. $68,500 Al Fink NEED A LARGE 4 BEDROOM? OPEN SUN. 1-5; 2700 LIGHTHOUSE LANE. See this deluxe 4 BR. + F .R. home. Over 2600 Sq. ft. of luxury. High cathedral ceil- ings -frplc. in mstr. BR. Now $67,500 Bud Austin THE ELECTION IS OYER And this candidate was elected to serve you. 4 BR., 2~ ba., super-size fam. rm. Cov.'d. porch/patio. reflect. pool. Huge lot -Fee land! $65,000. M. C. Buie 2 UNITS-CORONA DEL MAR SOUTH OF HIWAY -$59,500 Walk to shopping. 2 Bedrooms. l 'h bath· 2nd unit has 2 bdnns. up & 1 down w/1% baths. Good .~locgat~ioQJnh·--------M~l'YLOu Marion "LmLE DREAM HOME" Jn Corona Del Mar. 2 BR. plus convert. den w/2nd frplc. 2 Baths. New carpeting. Love. ly yard. H&F Pool. Owner anxious. $49,500 Belle Partch PRIVATE BAY BEACHES Bayshores is for you if you enjoy privacy. Charmin~ Cape Cod home 'vith custom de- cor. 2 Nice bdnns. plu's den plus din. rm. Lge. South patio. $49,500. Mary Harvey ENJOY THE VIEW Harbor View Hills Best Buy! Lov•IY 4 bd· rm. home in move-in condition. Room for pool. Only $48,500 EASTBLUFF--F'IXER UPPER 4 BR. 2 Ba. home located on cul-de-sac. Large, secluded tree lined yard. Perfect for young children. Out of town owner wants ofier! $42, 750 Harriett Davies OPEN SUN. 1 ·5 32? CEDAR Beamed ceilin~!li & beaut. sbag carpeting - liv. rm. w/flreplace. dining room. 2 bed rooms, wood paneled den, 2 b~th_s, wal~ patio, 2-car garage w/elec. opener -va. cant & must be sold thls week. $27,950. Carol Tatum ' "Please call for our picture btochure or current listings." 1541 NEWPORT CENTIR DR,, N.I. o THEREAL 1 ,"\. ESTATERS '-L' • j \1 IRVINE TERRACE The Beat of Everything. 3500 Sq. It. ol custom quality home wi lh exquisile panor. amic bay & ocean, day & night view; w/lge. hid. & lilt. pool, lgc. patio: 2 kins siZe bdrms. plus convert, den: storage galore. L:;e. family rm. \\'/\\'Cl bar, bJI. in BBQ. View dining rm. &: living rm . 3 Car garage. Shown by app'f. only, CLIFFHAVEN 3 Bdnn11. 2 bath~. On lge. Jot. Near 5Chools. An ideal fam. il,y home. $48,500. Solis bury Re,1lty Il5 MARINE AVE. 673.0900 BALBOA ISLAND Continental Special FREEOO!\t 1-101\.IE with an extra room plu~ a double garage. remodeled kitchen v.ith hand finished v.'OOCI cabinets. F'HA or VA, OK. $25,750 Newport •• f•irview 646-8811 (•nytime) NEWPORT HEIGHTS SO. OF 151h-$30,700 Unbelievable In Ne"'J)Ort Beach. View, Lg. BR's. t'or- mal dining rm. Huge panel led fam. rm. with cathedral beam ceilings_ 2 fireplaces + BBQ. Che.tTy kit chen. 2 baths. Custom buill. Terrac. eel yd_ Patio, Hurry Call (71<11 962.~. 1-"0REST E. OLSON INC. · RLTRS. 19131 BROOKHURST AVE., HUNTINGTON BEAO! Doll House NE\VPORT HEIGHTS _ just J'('duced lo $29,950. Cu le lirsl home for young couple or "green thumber". Profusion of tree:o1, plants, shrubs. Will Trade Lovely big 4 and [an1ily \vilh -s[M.U'kllng-pool-in-Back-Bay on quiet cul-de-sac. Want triplex Costa Mesa or Nwpt Bch. $500.00 DOWN COSTA MESA 3 Bedroom S21,500 flurry on lhb; one • No down to vel,, $500 Down IO any. body • Ju11 painted inside & out. Ovenlred lot In a nice area -YIOn't Lllst! 546-8640. Open 'Iii 8;:JO Pl\1 2629 !!arbor. C.J\f. MESA VERDE PACESETTER Greatest value going in 3 bednn &: ~paciOta family 1'00nl, aiu1ume high balance lnen wUh no !Gan ftet. $34,95o FuJI pri~. Lovely crpt11 &: drps. run bltn kilch. en. Trea1 you~lf & 5tt thi1 OLD WORLD CHARM! With new world luxury! Antique hand carved doors from a ·Villa in Spain open to a 10 foot atrium and water view in this magnificent 5,000 sq. ft. home. Three fireplaces -exten- sive use of brick and terrazo -leaded win- do \vs -5 bedroom -41h baths and many extras make this home a modem day pa- lace. $169,000. NEWLY COMPLETED BALBOA POINT o ceanfront! 3 view bedrooms, high ceilings , 2 story. Sweeping white water and coastlice view. A one-of-a-kind real value at $150,000. BRAND NEW 2 story bayfront home -5 bedrooms, 41h baths, f!\ffiilY room, formal dining room. Your selection of carpeting and decor in~ eluded in the askinf price of $150,000. Open Sat. and Sunday, • 1 Linda Isle. GRACIOUS CAMEO SHORES A rare and unique Theuerkauf designed home perched in a picturesque "Garden of Eden". setting overlooking the jetty. $11~ • 000. Call Lois Miller for appt. to see. 67~3210 SUNNY !VAN WELLES ATRIUM MODEL Four bedroom home with unusual pool and unsurpassed view across upper bay. Tile floors in living areas. Lush carpeting in bed- room areas. Beautifully landscaped. Only one year old. $110,000. NEWPORT ISLAND-PIER & FLOAT Attractive home for couple or bachelor. 2 bedroom, 2 bath and den. Fabulous kitchen, fireplace -built-in BBQ on canopied water- front terrace. $96,000. Shown by appt. Please call Mrs. Fay. HARBOR VIEW HILLS-LUSK Entertainment special! 3 bedroom home on huge lot. Expansive patio with slumpstone walls surrounding giant 40' freefonn pool with jacuzzi. By appt. at $55,000. CORONA DEL MAR South of hiway on 45' lot just over a block from ocean in prime residentiaJ area. 3 bed· rooms, 2 baths with built-in electric kitchen. Asking $45,000 but out of town owner is anx .. ious. Bring your offer!! Please call Tom Turner. SPARKLE PLENTY On a quiet corner in Cameo Highlands this lovely jewel radiates beauty from its fertile gardens to its unusual while brick enclosed patio. A delight for the four bedroom family. A steal at $43,600. Open Sunday 1:00-5 :00. 4701 Dorchester. UNIVERSITY PARK Charming central air conditioned 3 bedroom home with family room . Custom drapes and carpeting. Garage would make excellent studio or billiard room as· it is fully carpeted and has many inset floodlights. $37,950. Please as~ for Joel Smith or Tom Queen. MACNAB~IRVINE REALTY COMPANY 1080 BayaiH Drive, Newport Beach •75-ntO 901 Dover Orin, Sutt. 120, Newport•Beach '42-12U ~~ General 1000 General 1000 General loOO chneral lOOD FAR OUT BEACH HOUSE Luxury & com!Ort by the sea. 4 bedrooms- 5 baths. Entertain in paneled family room atmosphere or formal living room, both have massive fireplaces. Watch the Spinakers sail by from the glassed patio on the roof. There's a special income feature, too! A rare value at $69,500. POOL HOME-$27,500 It sparkles ffom the new roof and paint jo b to the pool. Can't afford • pool - Try this on for size ... 3 Bedrooms, covered patio, Solar heated pool. All in top condition. EASTBLUFF-5 BEDROOM 'vith sparkling pool co mpletely fenced from huge back yard. 3 luxury baths. formal din- ing room, elem. & high school in walking dis· lance -$52,000. PHONE 646-7171 G•neral 1000 General 1000 SUMPTUOUS As a Thanksgivin~ dinner is this ideally ar· raneed-for·enti"rtainine home. Guest room & ba.41 down , 3 spacfous familv bedrms & bath upstairs, 2 story living room with 2 story fireplace. View from every room, $89 ,· 000. Open Sunday from 12:30 to 4:30, 1906 Santiago Drive, Dover Shores. DOVER SHORES One year old Ivan \Velis home with oool &f view. 4 Bedrooms, 3 baths, larj!e panelled family room, gently sloping lot, beautifully landscaped. $112,000. NEWPORT SHORES The popular "A" Frame 3 bedroom. sharp and well kept, $32,900, 2113 Lugonia. Open Sunday 1 to 5. ROY J. WARD CO., ltealton IC>Ji Merinen Drl .. , N.I . 646-1550 Dover Shores Offlc• Pel6 Barrell Reaft'J prs6snl6 SHORE CUFF LARGE LIVING room with ocean & jetty view, dining room , 2 fireplaces, breakfast room, wet bar -3 bedrooms, 3 baths, care- fully tended gardens with sprinklers. Total· ly immaculate & comfortable. 1506 DOLPHIN TERRACE WANT CHARM -spaciousness -custom de- sign and prime location? Visi t this lovely 3 bed room home in Irvine Terrace Saturday & Sunday 1 to 5. Well priced at $54,950. 1124 SANTIAGO SPACIOUS & GRACIOUS -Dover Shores, quiet elegance enhanced by full Back Bay --View:--Ro"omy-center~i!Jand kitchen, ...dining_ room with view. family room & 4 bedrooms. Open Saturday & Sunday 1 to 5. 403 ·16th PLACE CONVENIENT LOCATION. walk to schools & shopping from this near new adult occupi· ed 3 bedroom borne, o_pen for your inspec- tion Sunday 1 to 5. Office Opon S1tvnl1y1 & Svnd•y• PETE BARRITT REAL TY 1605 Wntcllff Dr. N.11. 642-5200 ------- Gener•I CHOICE BAYCREST HOMES 1906 HOLIOAY ROAD 3 Bedrooms. Large family room with bar. Pool. $69,500. Open Saturday & Sunday 1-5 2027 SHIPWAY LANE 4 Bedrooms, family roornrpool. $69,500 Shown by appointment only LISTED EXCLUSIVELY WITH one! Call MG-llSI, Herha~ I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ReaJton. J.: I ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .JJefen /J. :lJowJ, Realtor '~134 541U7 G.ner•I 1000 Gener•I -----------------II , 11111!! Generel llOI Help "'· · • ard let ua help SHARP NEWPORT SHORES NO DOWN TO VETS SACRIFICE· $11,IOO YoU reach )'OW' ~•I poten. . • tlat. Cttll today for an inter. 2 Story, 4 BR, English 5tyJt. 2 BR., dtn, 2 ha, Obi. gar, + L.Ce:' 3 Br, + 20x20 rumpus 2 BR. Larst fenced tot. Extra v\ew 5'6-231& 18 M~ old, Prime loc. Walk. rm. for extn. car or boat. rm. Newly painted in ._out. 1hl.rp • must .ell NOW .. all • l~ dist, to Wc1tcUU Plaza, ?-{ear beach. • • Block walled rur )Id, lldwd. tetmal .. Behoofs. S h o r ·f escrow. $2$,:'m nr.. rnA tinn1 allOV.J\. Cilt Pattlc:lt Wood 54S.1m $38,000, G11r1• Wllll1m1011 1ppr~l8'd " IM,Goo. e Biii Haven; R11ltor ~EAN 'SMITH, RL TR . REALTOR Porl'<lft Riiy. 642-1771 ~ru E. Coalt, CdM 11>-3211 MONEY IN YOUR 400 E. J7ih, C.M, &itl-3%i5 673-43SO 64S.IS64 TH~ SUN NEVER SEl'S.., For an ad to .. u lll'llWlll POCKE'\l Call &42-5678 &: cha~ It. Ouallltd'1 action power. Pilot Oualtled the clock, dial fO=!!!· IUSY ·IUSY ·BUSY ... al_ 279> Harbor Blvd. at· Adams 56-9491 Open 'til 9:00 PM THL Pl:Al· ~ I S ['i\'T'l f..i;: Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ""' ..... ....,. .... ..,,. ...,. ,.. .... z •••• -.. ....................... ____ , ...... ..... -~a. ............. l9y MIMll I I ..... ....,. ill .....,.. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. ...,.. '"-'-'.,.. ..._ ........ .,,, ............. .. .... ~ '!'hrMff .... tWt ui-... MMy. HOUSES FOR SALE (2 11oc1 ........ s1 328 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar · 673-6510 (Sun 1-5) 531 Catalina Dr .. Newport Beach ) -10 (Sat & Sun 1-3 (2 Ir. Family or Oenl 2021 Port Weybridge (Harbor View Hom· es) Cc!M, 642-6472; 673-3488 Eves. (Sal & Sun 1-5) 447 62nd Street (Newport Shores) NB 67~930 (Sat & Sun 1,-3) :rn Cedar (Newport Shores) NB 633-0700; 644-2430 (Sun 1·5) . ll Bed,_,,) , 1506 Dolphin Terrace, (Irvine Terrace) Na. 642-5200 (Sat & sun 1·5)_ · 2748 San Carlos Lane, Costa Mesa -: 54&-2367 (Sat & SUn 10.5): 2039 Irvine Ave .• Costa Mesa · 644-4910 (Sat & Sun 1-3) *1215 Pembroke Ln. (Westcliff) NB 644-4910 (Sun 1-5) (l Br. &. Family or Den} • 216 Orchid, Corona del Mar < 673-8550 . C Sat & Sun 1-5 )', 226],Golden Circle, Newport Beach :; 673-8550 (Sat 1-3):: 1915 Mariners Drive (We!tcllH) NB " 641-5200 (Sat &·Sun 1-3):; 266Z' Clt'<:le'Drlvo (Baysbores) NB <: . 642-9194 ; -2950 (Sun 1·5):: '*1906 Holiday Road (Baycrest) NB -:· ' 644--0134· 548-1357 (Sat & Sun 1-3):: 881 Sandcastle Drive (Harbor View HlU.j;: CdM 833-0820 (Sun 1-3);: 1610 P~derosa (Mesa Verde) CM :' 546-5440 (Sun 12'5)-" 2261 Golden Circle, Newport Beach 673-8550 (Sal 1-3) ( 4. Bod ........ ) 4701 Dorchester Lane (Cameo Hglnds) CdM, 642-82.15 (Sunday) **505 Morning Star Ln. (Dover Shores) . NB 642-11235 (Sat & Sun) · *172i Galatea Terr. (Irvine Terr.) CdM · 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) . '**11 Llnda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB ' 675-321 0 (Sat & Sun) 1130 Santiago (Dover Sltores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) *4627 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 642-11235 (Sat & Sun) (4 Ir. & Family or Den) 1124 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) * Skylark Lane, Newport Beach 17548~1 (Sat & Sun 1-4) VJa.Marina (Ba.ck Bay) NB 673-3663; 644-2639 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2324 College Drive (College Park) CM 548-7729 (Sat & Sun 1-4) 1906 Santiago Drive (Dover Sltores) NB 646-1550 (Sun 12 :30-4 :30) 9432 Gulstrand Circle, Huntington Beach 842-6691 (Sat 1-3) 5801 Trophy Drive. Huntington Beach 842-6691 (Sat 1-3) 2700 Lighthouse Lane, Corona de! Mar llJ3.0700; 644-2430 (Sun 1-3) 410 Morning Star (Dover Shores) NB . 644-4910 (Sat & Sun 1-3) 1112 Nottingham ·(Westclllf) NB · 644-4910 (Sat & Sun 1-3) 1606 Antigua (Dover' Shores) NB 644-4910 (Sat" SUn l-3) • (5 11oc1,_,,., '**1344 West Bay Ave., Balboa . 833-0700; 644-2430 (Sun J.11) 1347·Ham!>4hlre Circle, Newport Beadl 642-8235 (Saturday) **218 Via Udo Nord (Lldo Isle) NB ~ 64U235-(Sal & SWt) 1922 Port Provence Pl. (Harbor View Ho- mes) NB, 833-0820 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *1033 Mariners Drive (Dover Shores) NB, 64&-1550 (Open Dally) DUl'LEXES FOR SALE (2 & I llodrNm l 422-422 \ia Fornleaf, Corona del Mar 67S.2101 (Sal & Sun 1-3) (2 llodrNml Heh) 521 Carnation, Colona dol Mar · 673-6510 (Sun 1-3) ll I<. & 2 I r.) 501 & 505 Marperlta, Ccl,M -67~ '--(Sat" SUn 1-3) I \ ' I • • • .. H._DAILY PllOT Frid.II, N-6, 1970 111USH POR SALi HOUSIS POR SALi ttOUSIS POR SALi HOUSES FORSALE HOUSIS FOR SALi HOUSES POR SALi -:-HOU"'-'-S-'1:-S_F_O_R_SA'--ll=·lcHc-OU-.,.S_E_s _Fo_R_SA_L_E=I HOUSIS l'OR SALi! 1·~··~ .. ; . .,~~~~~IG~~ll>~ll~•~•~r•~l~~~~1~•~1;•~·~·~··:·~~=~11=001~Goo~w~ol~~~~1~1~11~0~.-~-~W~.~;;~1~•~ II ~G~·~-~.i~~~~l~OOI~ 6-ral 1• Newioort llooch 1100 Unlwrtlly Park 1237 * .... * * * * * ir 675-3000 3 Bfmll 2 BATH lipm;,ft11'-t-••7gi9. ,;;r11affiie1tii1ii111ijjllXEi. -1For=.11ne;;,Ei=~~usf.=::~1~ ....... ;;;;;;I *. TAYLOR co * 5~. ma.NJU~ THI NUMllll TO c,&LL WHITHllt lllfTICEl18 C8IDI. . ' ..... ONE wr FROM OCEAN II ..ie..-....... In Univonlly ' • Yw ........ ially Invited to BUYING, SELLING OR LEASING 'lblakthe~s ......... ::: =:·!~i.~s'~ :;! ! :~.':: l view .,.,. NEW tm Model CORONA DEL MAR $22,500 poo1,,,,_ and.,_ Venle A ha..-unit. Xlnt """'" *"" YOUt -''· CONVINllNT LOCATION Home, elepl>ll,y deeorllled So. of Hwy. Neat ·" clean 2 BR., dln.-111L A: Reolty bu an ... ...._ tlon. Top.,..,.,. IMns or ·1...,... 3bdnn tamrm,Weatcllffbome.Gtul Alumllhod. brltfst, f02111 .hOI?)' "T ·ln a. "Plctui, Book 1b1s ..-..., -.,.._ .....,tl..,_ Priced from;";~~· '" 20, . •for'entertaiD!iig. Close to shoppll)g, 1chool1;· ~~m ho-· ·w1c11i""'• :!.:_ Setting''.. Z9bed for ·ex~ unit. AJlt:. $42,500 domlnlmum la localed In the $39,900 1o 154.!M wllh 3 and 9., · lff,; ..., 950 ~~ .. ~ ~-_, atta ot the beautiful 4 bedroom,, 1 0, 2 • ..,... ~•A ·~ 'ritNV.-..;tiroi.e '····.·--···"oPeiisiin.W:OO ~-~~~ ... the.he~~.~~ CAMEO HIGHLANDS -. .... 11o """ ..... only Pace~·-!Wpublfcs " ----=~~~-.... ~ • •---IAI'• View!! Spacious 4 bdrm. & family,rm. borne. ftve years old, It bu built.. Cust<nhomet, CaJJ uamw~ Ne•r Newpert Pe•t ortlet NEWPORT HEIGHTS . wUI surely •make you want Owner leavinf area -must sell this week. tn kitchet'I. dou~e garage, we'll go take a dip! Beamed ceilings, large rooms, space for to live in Dover Shottt, Price reducecf to $45,950. Call for app'L, it's 1400 sq. ft. ot living aree. PRIVATE ROAD 'trailer or boat. on~·-er "bclnn home. Open Dally 10 AM to 5 PM a pleasure to show! plul manlcum!d grounds, [mmac 3 BR. d din rm ~·., v .. , 950 1033 Mariners Drive pool, tennil oourt: & recrea· ' • en, · " "I ' I '' I .. I .. I I I ' I ' " I -· -1:1·1111111' 11t w.mm -Bklc. Uniwn!ty Pv1< Day · ·uu101 Nlthfs Good storage. Perfect for couple .•.• ..-, Uuat 10Uth of Galaxy) SHORECLIFFS tion room. See thJs for sure, 3 bath home on lee. fenced ,531 Catalina 0pen·Sat·SUn 1~:00 IYaD Wells & Sons Three exceptionally good bµys with 3 to 4 1r. 1n model conm-i-===-.==--I ~":';,!',;00,,:t;!1 _1"-rv'-'l"-no"-----'"lUl--'-I ' ~UXURY LIVING & ENT-ERTAININO · · b!lrms. -ranging. from $60,000 to $121l,OOO. -Rlu. COSTA MESA dens: dbl prage lo lhop. BY Owner, condo, nr • Tnie elegance throughout. Built without re-Roy J. Ward Co, Please call for details. SPOTLESS Auoc. pool"""""".,..._ Uni...,,lly. 2 Br, bl..., ' ,gard to cost by cllJcriminatlngown•r.wbod.. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS . . • CAMEO SHORES $31 000-~ .':!"..!' .~ .164.)C!). ~ ..!'!'· 2 patios. $25,"10 : mandecl only th• finest. Eirtra large comer 1933 Mor!nen Drive 646-15.IO i!esJ., ~ti.on. QI.homes we'.Ye had lo ,.,,,.. • ~ --IPP t. ~··· site: with ocean vlew..Plusb-bar with view of (Open Dolly) time, rangjng from f/6,500 to $150,000. Most 26211-. c.M. Hm ls the home you've wa1i Bill Gn1ndy, RHltor I ;========I spacious patio, pool and garden. 4 Bedroom•, likely, we have SOMETHING to fill your ~--~iiliillii~-..-..-• I ed for--High School . Bae~ Bay 1240 •panelled den, 5 baths & i-der nn. :r.; eed Jraiical Hideaway ~s~ c1e,: 7V'4 o/0 -4 BR-POOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL :-:live carpets, drapes Ir: decor. Ei:ce ~~t n · s. Family rm. _ ... __ , _ ___,, ,..___,1 ell.,,__ --i«-in For lllle by owner. 4 ~r 2 terms. Will exchange for smaller home 1n HARBOR VIEW HOMES One mile to the surf and de--groundsandpricedfu;:'";i; v~st ·;;-;;;: & BA home 1 c . Fanna.J. mrung Cameo Shores •........... , ..... , ... $175,000 "Portofino Moc;lel" -much upgraded. 4 BR. aiCned for graclous living, aale You must see to ap. atorea: Fee title New car. rm, frp • cpts, dry'. JIOWft' ·• IAR OLD! & lam. rm. home. 3 Baths. 3,000 Sq. ft. of lhll 2 ,...,. 3 bedroom home ,..;,,. . H . Jut • •-;.._.,_ vac., a>v.,,... patio, fenced SPANISH 3 Y 111% DOWN living· space. 19x40 Heated & filtered pool. bas a panellod den wilh fltt. P le. """· wont · -" ~.pes, -..,. nn. ,.... room for pool Reduc- 3 Bdrm, DR Spanish styling. Front cr;pl,7rd50. NEW LUXURIOUS, IP8cioua Price reduced \o '63,900 place, cove..-patio, gag FOREDSIALT E645-0303. OL'SON x1nt """'5r."'J.j-,.occpy..; $49. P·ho~~ ";~~,!_mmed Convenient locaUon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .,.... home PIUI One Bdrm, apart. BBQ "' e•·· kit·"-and 1 __ ~ 20.39 Irvine Ave. Open sat-Swi-1'5:00 ment. CAMEO HIGHLA.NDS ran~;;:; .:i,.,.i;;;';,..1 !n REALrollS ' '-BEAUTIFUL DOVER SHnRES. THE HOME otte,., lrg. •n· 4718 DORCHESTER -OPEN SAT. & SUN. a unique t:opfe.i ,.-. 2299 llARBOR, C.M. Beach Hideaway c.,....0 dol Mar 1250 · -r try, Living Rm. wilh ""· !~.·Least expensive 4 Br. home in Cameo Good temU avalllbte '"' --.<"0..-=..,.--1awm1ng l·bdrm. "'ti-"'"--'-.....,-'------I ·Want a Brand New home! 'nlen see this dra· P1W. lh,... Bdrma. Two Highlands. Shows like a 111odel! Realistic at new -"'take..., 6% BALBOA rm. Move-In cond. 5""t OPEN HOUSE J:ljaitlc 2-stry living rm, 4. ¥nm, stl:Jdy, g8;?· be.tha, Din, Rm. (with BIN '45 950 VA loan.. Priced under re. walk to ocean &: cbannel. CORONA •cfeir rm w/wet bar & formal D.R. ISiand kit· buflet and China ctooetl, lOx ' • • placement oost. S41.9'0. IS. LAND Room to parl< boat m-trall- chon & 3-car garage ............... $108,ooo ao: Fam. Rm.wtlhF,,..ptac:e BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC. or.1211.1S0w11hEZflnanclng. DEL MAR DUPLEX 41U Morning Star Open Sat-Sun 1~:00 • Elect_ BIN Kil. cpli, and 675-3000 • COATS MORGAN REAL TY and mod Ide·' .. Magnlflcent 3 BR, ho~ 67• ,.,9 Spacloua em, .... " FAR FROM ORDINARY! dn1oe•. Room to build 673-6642 ~ for lhe owner ocoupo\nl. A THE APARTMENT otters a1~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!"!! · WALLACE BY OWNER 4 B<lnn. 3 bath, family ldtchen. Attractive 1arg, rear Ll.nng Rm. w!lh G 1 1 lOOOG 1000 REALTORS HARDESTY WESTCLIFF AREA ~:.,";"'"'°"'and 2 S: ext. Quiet Westcllft st. cl06e to schools. fireplace, •Paci°"' bdrm.I;;;;"';;;-;;;'";;;'";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;";"°;;;';";';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~-I REALTORS •• '"-· & · lib .,9 950 BIN kit. and dinette. Open 5•., ngs 4 hr, frp!c, bl"". ~Is.-· room 2 halh """'""""unit. S~v.,-ping mam rary. · · · · · · · · · · · · .,... • e 962-4454 e 675-2166 sprinklers, pool . sized yard, Toi> qualit)"construction and l ll2 Nottingham Open Sat.Sun 1-5 :00 Three car garage • al.I aer· oft j " 1 ,~~~~~~'!!'!!!!! --=======--• Nr schoo1~ You own land. ~-·~"'-•'-................ t. p,... vices&: uWiUes Ir-gar. Front . J. REPOSSESSIONS ~ ~~• ---s VE llAY ISLAND' ONT VACANT ently under OOllllltruction. ID ., EXCLU I landlca~ lncfoding "'ink-' WATERFR s--~"-·•· •--· ~1·oy Hawaii right here In the Wonderful ten. Se~parately !•need ttor tn a ::J e ~-, pain•~led"' ~"~· ... """', ONLY $31,500 be llnW>ed In mld-Decem-""' s E TE F ONT HOMES PALACE new y .. carpe . • 612-lfill 612-9996 her. Come take a look at :m ·World of Newport! On Bay Island! TeMis yards. Loe.led "'" eo.ta PRE TIG WA R R • • & 5 bdnns. Some wilhl-,-:=="'=..-,,--1 and 003 M·-·~te. '·ct;J)ark w/trees, flowers&: birds. And NO Mesa park.and downtown., Pitt&: slip to accommodatl! pools. FHA-VAconv. terma, *·BY OWNER* Open .~&;.-Sun l.-11 ' 'raHic. Call us to see this older 5 Bl\ home w/ Pl'!c<d to·,.u .CALL TODAY SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 4 BOATS up to 50'. Enjoy from $17,000 lo $411,000. WESTCLIFF AREA C.:U &m550 Pie. r & slip •..•••. , ....•. • ••• •.· •• , .. ,$187,500 FOR DETAILS. I Linda Isl• Drive the ultimate in luxury living Co!lins &: Watts Inc. 3 hr, trple, bltns, crpts, drps, ~ I M. M. LA BORDE, Rltr. a.nd entertainl.ng in this cua.. 8843 Adams Avl!, 962-5623 sprinklers, 2~ ba. Nr : 2 MASTER SUITES -$12',500 64&-0555 Eves: 646-4519 Under construction. 4 BR., 41h ba. home. tom built quality home, 4 schools, corner lot. '0 THE REAL "-ESTATERS "1emendbus ·view! A great family home in Family rm., study&: 38 ft. liv. rm 2 Fn>lcs, bedrooms, 3 be.tbs and for-3 BR + den 2 BA brdwd ·* Only $39,500 * immac. condition. 4 Bdrms, fam rm, sep-cptg. & lndscpg. . .................. $164",840. mal dining room. Very Jiv. 11n crpts drps dbl gar-fi4&.3895 or 673-2065 -orate D.R. & 3'h bas. Occupancy for the Holl· Your Cho"1ce 26 Linda ,,,. D•lvo able fam!\y room wllh""' ... • acc:eU lo,,..;,,.... f.,,.1--.Ll'"D->o•A=R"E'A--................................ 1 · fireplace. Best buy in the boa.ts trlrs etc &side CM. 1'-. 'Block to Oc.1n days. Corp. owned. 5 Br. 5 bath home lacing Har· $128 ooo · • • Pier.Pool & Priced right ~~ ..1606.Antigua Open Sat-Sun 1-5:00 ~:Eie~::f ~:Jl;':~~ bor Island. Jacuzzi & sajlD&. COmp. fur:n. ""'c alt ' • th :O-i:McCardlo, Rltn. Charming 3 B•. 2 ha condo N;;;;•~.=~· ::;;,;, .: ~:, SPACIOUS EXECUTIVE HOME _ fonnal .W,.. ,..m & dbl• for lmmed. occup. W/dock $200,000 : 0 eswor y J810 Ne':!!rt 7729 Btvd., C.M. Sacrifice $49,"111 one won't 1 .. 1! · S Bdnn, custom home. Form D. R. A living -1c, 111-e 1BlO or. ft. home -Ted Hubert & Assoc. • .. 1 Ill ug ~ "' -• • 52 Linda Isle Dr. 3471 Via Lido 67>8500 l'OOl1l you won't believe. Ca ....... <rJ ,.,,.~ locatedjustlblocktoME.SA CUst 6 BR., study, 5 bath home w/3 frplcs., Co. • VERDE PARK arnU block> . 1 & * BAYFRONT * DOVER SHORES Bayfronl -· PERFECT HIDEAWAYI S6f 500 circular stairway, decorator •e ected ca~ • b 2 I 4 b .. ~:.-=-. 1 toCOUNTRYCLUB.Llving &drapes Shownbyappt .. 10 REALTOR $10,000REDUCI'ION!! yowner. s ory, r ... DELANCY .P.ferlooks famous "Arch Rock"! Charming ts more enjoyable here, your • · •6' • Newport Beach Office Must eell 3 Br. home in prlv. de~ or 5 br, 3 ba, eepara~ e8nyon home in Corona del Mar W/VU of sea children attend the ftnelt Waterfront Lots 1028 Bayside Drive area Pier/float for 40 ft. ding rm, also lge breakfast REAL ESTATE a-«Urf! schools. Let Us help )'OU ere. No. 76: 3 car garage. Reduced to ••.. m.ooo ' 675-4930 boat: Now only $59.950. :;. Ex~mel~ ~~ •• ·:.: OCEAN FRONT-$115,000 ato a boaul!lul living ,11ua. CAYWOOD REAL TY · rmh .th 5 tlon. No. 44: 108 Ft. on water ........... $150,000 Open 031 . ., ....,; w. Cout Hwy .. NB 1"'""=-=· ::--==o.-- i\uthentic New England fa ouse w1 N'IChOIS Real Estate ,1 * 541-1290 * NEWPORT SHORES 2128 E. COAST HWY, lMtims den & 4 baths. Abundant storage. For compltte Information on OPEN SUNDAY $26,500 . ~Warm '&: hospitable + breathtaking VIEW. all homes & lots, plt•M call: 32B AfilSO Lovely 3 Bdrm., xlnt coDd. Corona dtl Mar ~'521 2671 &.y Short Drive Oose to pools, tennis. 644--7270 ·I ·· . CORONA DEL MAR VIEW BILL GRUNDY, REAL TOR Encuttve s Bedroom 4 bath, Caywood R>olty 513-U!IO I !!~!!!"!"'!'!!!!l!'!!!'!'l'!"~"I ~new 4 bdnn "Broadrnoor" trl·level w/ W Dovor Dr., Suite ·3, N.B, 642-4620 Newport Hol9ht1 family oriented hOme. Snnk-PLUSH DOUBLE DELUXE OPEN SAT/SUN. I-$ tapµIy rm & formal dilling rm. .•..•• '19,500 comer of Beacon . en living room, lam family Mobile Home. Fu:rn1shed. ON 174 Shorecllffs Rd. ;,: -LINDA ISLE LOTS I short block from room w!lh bar-IMl»e. Court the WATERFRONT $14.750. Beaul!lul area, ht time 1!11-l==~;f;~;==~11~G~a;.,.;r;a~I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1~000~ I General IDOi Clfff Dr. patio, Mlt BR baa view of «Bat Ofr 673-8152.° 675-3277 ed. See this one! $75,00) 1:4n· us regarding 2 fin• waterfront sites. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 By°""'' 136."111 Bay. A bargain at $85.000. SALE .OR. LSE/OPTION 2 1911 Soadrlft •LOa$ehold. Prime location. $611,500 & f/5,000. $25,995 EASJBLUFF • Spacious 3 bedroom 2 hatb, Dick """' Reolty luk "" B v Irvine ~ • . CR£AMl'Uff Dlck Larry) · Homes on 1 lot. 2 R. a· Terr. 3 BR. + t""'" '!'.·: BROKERS & SALESMEN llv!ng room wllh f!?eplace, 'i!lif),.'JA'Jl"" Eves 64z_2940 cint. By Ownor. 66-1691 162.000 ' · f · ed HUGE LOT PLUS larle dining area overlook-' OWNER 24~1 V1'1t• ·Hoga• Wohave an opening or one expenenc man OPEN DAILY 1 5 1ng 8'cluded 1ana1 BY • or .woman lnourResidentla!Div.Applicant 2615 •·m· boo N·B -U EASY LIVING f, Whal ~y •--built ,,; ,_NODFHAOWNFOVU.RPA',~v l)llktobeach.Now The81ulfa,3BR .• $32,"10 bed h 911 ' • • )IOU're after, then don't mls• carpeuo'6, ""'"...-"" · ~down · .......:.n.. 3 Br 2 Ba 642-7523 co 'Jimst possess integrity, enthusiasm & ambi· a 4 room orne Spac, 5 bedrm w/vU!w of this fantaatic adult oceupied electric kitchen. Garage ott 2-3 Br, 2-2 Br. • • . . RBI N tlbfl ·to match our own high standards. If tennis club, pool & park, home 1n beautlful University alley with electric eye open. Fortin Co. 642-5000 Newport Heights 1210 · • yon are a professional, interested. in a beau.. 2 run baths, Iarre tamll)> aose to shopping, lge cov. Park, The cond.IUon is jUl't er, Nicely landacaped cor-MARJ IN tif.ul ofc. in finest location, working w/con· room, paradise In landscap. ered patio, freshly rede<.'Of'. like new, yet It's fully im-,,!er.J.° .. t. ,,,.,01., .... Costa Mesa 1100 * G.l.-FHA * •.e.nial associates, we are interested in meet· '-~ covered patio frelhly al.ed iruiide & out. Ready to __ ,. wllh .. --·-1e --~ tt "'15' ' move into .. fast escrow • P•v•.:u ..,w .,.....,, n. * TRIPLEX * Lovely 3 BR. home; 1% ba., REALTORS 644-7662 l}lg you. painted -room for boat or Vacant! ance landscaping &: fully 3 BDRM + S5 950 Down Owner wiU help F .A. heat, frpLc, 2 Patio l -""7"-====~--1 , . . ''Our 25th Year'' trailer, only 7 yeani ol.d. No automated sprinkling ..,,.,_ .' ,:, 1u ha 1 bs Db fr * DUPLEX * ' ' call oda tern I Id 'll f 1~".::: finance. 3 ..-BR., n • ea. s a . I, garage; rm. o "" down 10 vels - 1 y. c h -B · "' e >'00 md ~•· GUEST HOUSE Bllna w/w cpl 4 dnpe• 3 boat & trlr. Needs .ome OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-5 WULEY N. TAYLOR co .• Realton 546-0640 Rltr. as uyers •Paclou. roomo ... horn• Car.;.,. w/all~y •nl w.ill. palntl""",.... worl<. Un-422-422'12 FERNLEAF ~t is ideal for entertafn. ONLY $22 ,995 to sho~ churches ~chocWI der $30,CW. So. of Hwy. SHAKE roof, .;.;.;_p02~TI ~·EN~°Ef1" Hills Road MM9lO FOR YOUR HOME ~:'°~'!,. w1.:,. wet~ Home + Kll"t 11ou ... SHARP & o.c.c.' Priee 134.iiso? MORGAN REAL TY we<1 brick, CHARM. Home ~~" . , Need 2, 3 & 4 bedroom homes m: y 't :f. 3 Bdnrui 2 Bath in freshly Call: Patrick Wood 545-2300 673-6642 675-6459 & Income. 2 BR, & l·BR. *~ .. · * * * * * * · 2629 Harbor, C.M. -tryWlluls on a 30•day lisU_ng =t vnu'ge~o;':y $321~ painted main house, fG~st • Biii Haven, ~':;..1 TAX .SHELTER-TRIPLEX Walled patio, Lovely land-------'---I -come oc: appr&1se #-' • house has panelled amily 2111 E. Cot.st, CdM "''~.u. 2 br units leuehold land. acaptng. $44,000. ' • F.H.A. 61/J•f. LOAN your property fret. ~ COATS nn. + Bdnn +~'ti~~~~ FIXER UPPER $39,500 by owner. 838--7494 SEMPLE ' $20,500 PRICE & serves both, A re .......... a ..... •· 4 Br., xln't residential area. Real Estate 675.2101 l·G._o"-M"'·'°'ra"-l----l'--000-G'-o'-'no-.r_a_l ____ l_OOO_ TOTAL payment tor thil ' WALLACE Hurry Cozy trplc, bltns, tam. rm&: Newport Shores 1220 2515 E. Const Hwy .• CdM ICE' NEAT' Nim• aharp 3 bedroom home ill . REALTORS DIAL 645-0303 access for boat or trailer.I--------iiiiiiii .... iiiiiiiii;;;;ii;;;;i;;;;;;! N ' ' ' $!16.00. Subject to FHA loan 5414141-FOREST E. OLSON Quiet tree"""' cul-de-.. c • OPEN SAT/SUN. 1·5 BAYFRONT LOT One of the sharnest homes in Mesa Verde. with 6~,· annual pereentnge 1860 Newport Blvd., C.M. (Open Evenlnis) REALTOR walk to park&: flChools, On 447 62nc1 St. 2119 Bayside Drive $.Bedroom, 2 bath, family room with an add· rate. AU appUances such as CALL 646-3928 or 545-3483 2299 HARBOR. C.l\f, a 1st come baals • Pi,950, 2 BR'. 2 Ba. large family rm. 8S Fl bulkhead, with pier ed 5creened in aluminum patio. Large cor-washer. drye•, re'..i~erator. NOT BRAND NEW FHA or VA terms available. Lo · ·••t' Prlv te .. tio area. $220 IXX> (Fee simple). -~ C _._, Ma ' Call 545-8424 South Qm:t m....... a • Bill G• d RI B'et lot with room for boat. Has a ,18,000, all also included. WHY CAPE COD oronca... rs al Beachlivingatitsbest-surl-run y, tr. _gcro_assumableJoan._Tbere~s much more RENT u you are? Submit LJtt1e Money Re tors. ~ pool.tennis anyone? 833 Dover Dr., N.B. 642-4620 fo<'only $30,500. )'O>U'downpayment.SELL. CHARM BEACH-$17 500 **YOU'LL LIKE BOYD REALTY ' . ER ANXIOUS. A N Y 0 NE WestcliU comer lot with Maker r to love & live in this well 3629 E Coast Hwy CdM TWO UNITS: Spac, 2 BR -· ''REAU Y UVE" QUALlFl&S, abundan~ 18"'.iseaping, Bay A one bedroom honae plus Not new. but only 8 yrs. kept • 3 bed":'1 • 2 ba • *' 67~5930 ..j; house &t custom 1 BR gar. k S · 3 w I k & L \Vindow m living room Tv.·o bltns • lonn dm • frplc + apt. UNIQUE. $ 51 , 5 O O, In a villa,e at University Par .• pac1ous a er ee . guest apt on R-2 lot • • . )'OWll'.. 3 large bedrooms. 2 patio fam nn: space for -L-Phone 642-8713 or 644-8105. , t>edroom. 2 bath family room home. Use of charming fireplacu, Iarg; ONLY $32.900, Let the rent full baths Family. room. boat/pool! E-cide Joe. $27,SOO S.yanvres 1225 =='~"""-'"'::,,;.:.,:,;:.:::::,1 le. rts Im . ls d Realton covered patio and very pn-from thla unusually charm· Gourm t Jdtche th I test SO, of Hwy, 3 BR, 2 BA. pro. nnis cou • sw mmg poo an recrea· vate reh yard. An outstand-Ing Income---· .. Y the e . n "'1 a Tabor & Atsocletes BY OWNER: Cu1e 3 BR. 2 fesslonally decorated. 3 car i: ... nal facilities included. There's much more 2790 H.lri>o!-Blvd. at Adams ... ~ ...... ..,. elec bul!t·tns Enclosed pa-64• =-·--BA. f / 1 , ___ ,~ ~ .,,., 545-0465 o •ii g PM ID& buy at $49,000 and excel-way on this excdlent invest. ' · •th _..,.,.. ---.. am. rm, w w crp "' •--~. ·~ ~see for •30,500. pen 1 tent terms available. ment while )'OU watch the !~n~us='eTU: ::;~ BY OWNER Reduced to ~94huge pa.Ho, ::.~ . 28 UNITS MESA NORTH ' property vll11e •<>•r. ca!! "' Call today <TI<l 962-5585. $m1 below rnkt vllu, 3 BR .,,. o< _L_ld_o_l_•l_o ____ u_5ll Located near large shoppilll; fa M wood a days ' !tcellent investment in top location and top center, schools and San : t:!.v op~tun,! ~~ c1:! FOREST :i:.,~LSON JNC. 1-un:• $28; FHA ai OPEN HOUSE Spacious Lido Home Cotidition. You must see. to appreciate. Call Diego freeway. Park. ptcnlc make )'Otl money. 19Jll BROOKHUisr AVE ~% 557-1653 SUnday 1 'tll 5 Prime 3 Br. 2 ba. sillg]e for complete information. Asking $325,000. grounds, tennis courta and &7:J.8Sf(I HUNTINGTON BEACH ·• Sl.4 % i..oAN. Take • look at 2662 Circle Dr., N.B. story. 3 SUnhy pa.Hos, On loads of fun near by, Well -'=~~=:;;---I th.ii Expanded T-Plan! l street lo street corner )at · ::· PhOM 546-2313 For Dot1i11 k•PI Th,... Bdnns.1% hllh $39,500 0..... lot. Pymll $181/mo. WHlcllff 230 I<%. lleduoed to 181,500. \O ]THE REAL "Z)l ESTATERS -••• d;:; ... .:IN. ;~~~ Colesworthy 4 BR + FR °"""'" ,...21,.. *MUST SELL * Prim• Lido Nord SELL AT ONLY $26,500 IT'S GROOVY 1206 PEMBROKE i.N. 5 t!:t ~m::S· ~:u~ = WITll FHA/VA TERMS. OPEN SAT/SUN. I~ + POOL Plush shag I ~t & ooved OPEN SUN. I-$ Deck pier" noat F°' ap. M . M. LeBordt, Rltr. & Co. 2411 Vie Marina N~ ~:icb ~rs f':! vinyl. VA·FHAor10% Down Reduced to $42.500. immac. p't. Cau: 6(6...0555 Eves: 548--3265 REALTOR at u-• "'• 1 !I • • S22.950. Owner: M9-l897 3 BR.. 2 Ba., try 10% down Bill Grundy Reeltor Newport Beach OU~ v1e ...... v1ew! Back Bay, Quiet Uy n:~..w~H~~= .. 2 BDRM bowie • apt. 63 x or leaae/opUon. 833 Dover Dr. N.a. 642-462) 028 Bayside Ori CUI. de UC street Lee. 4 BR. plus ·""' ~ '6" • 168 Jot R-2 Xlnt loc. E-Z University Realty 673-6510 • BALBOA ISLAND 1 6"15-oi930 ve-& atudy; custom bit. by own. We5tclW Shol>ein& • All tbl! trmJ. 10%' down. Vacant. 3001 E. Coast Hwy .. CdM PRIME TIP I-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~; J -Pr1-• below v A ..... and ooJy minutes to the ....... _ 37, E ·~ Open'-======== 1• "" .. ..,.. . · ....-beach. Priced under mar. vw • ..,r. .. • .w<n. 11·u Iv ltv p J. 12-OF LIDO ISLE MAGNIFICENT =~!g·~°::~miut lctt for quick~. Better 1~ ~ d .. n •n a..-. ~' Be~ut.1:1 BR., 4% ba. home 1• 0-ral IOIO Apt. OVtt ganp Room ID bulld. . wport a.ell HEAP BIG TEEPEE HARDESTY ..... _ YA 4 REAL BEDROOMS, SEP-REALTORS ............... ARA.TE LARGE FAMn.Y _. Sat 1-5 ROOM, LARGE KITCHEN '7S-2N6 1..,-reducedtoV.A ......... WITll ITS OWN EA11NG l• ........ ~~~"!";;;o;I ~"' $32."10 3 k,. bed-AREA. LOOlled In fln.,.etl-PORT WIYIRIDGE rJ... JamuY room 2 baths dl!ntial commualt)' d• to Httbor View home, Monaeo u.s • dl'ftin ldtthen wtlb Park.I· A IChool • yau may m*l Cuiltomlttd. roof, en. td!t<m lndo<llnl lhe ..rri&-.....,.. lhe 1oan or m.ooo "" -• ._. Quldl .dt.<--i Uled bl1ck bar-at"'"' and pay only $181 OCCUl>&J>CY. Seec •2021. .._. All on a 100 It wide P" ~· P.L'T.1 • CIJRT DOSll llealtar lo(o:'W'lth a aecluded priVale " I """°· c.me-lllll rAll.'~l NUm EVtt. m.341111 ly at 2'61 COU>-da.UJ 1138 W. C..ot Hlr....,, orcallm.8. _!!!!! ee.. THI: RI r,r, O " .. I" I' ,."'-J \ r.~, .... 1'R. -Bay, S.A. HK"-Jtlll ........ CJ<. -$23,"10. I hr. ""'Ml !loon, I.•------""• I top conc1. use )"OUr er or -Oooortun!tles ntA termo. Exel, 10naum Ill _,., Wut Adt. R.E. Ml 2-29' Owner built home In ExJus:1ve Cameo Sbore1 Hop master B.R. suite + 2 pst B.R..'1 I: p\l\d'a Paneled den .I: bar Lanai room with l'OfJP'f booded fireplace Complete. host' 1 ldtdle.n For pool.skle enlerWntnc Reduced In pri~ now 1175,000 R>lll ... ''Our 25th Year '" tht Harbor Ar••'' 673-4400 6H-J639 bu.rt)' 3 BR/2 BA. New•)' eoor • Wllb 56 ft. water frontage. Call' 673-3663 • DIAL ·-i.,. fenced ynl. Immed. Occ * RESIDENCE * Room fOI' lll'l!e host l!!ps. 4!I Ft. lot on Noni> Bay. ' BR. 3 BL home; PRIVATE Plilftoi.A FLOAT. HARDESTY REALTORS 67S-2N6 SEE YOUl'l JlEALTOR FOR YOUR BIG FREE NEWCO~lERS KIT FO EST E. OLSON $23,900. By°"""" 5$-2361 OF DIGNITY Plic:e $"111,000 R Open -Daily 1·5 This criop clean Spanish '1Yl• Biii GNndy, Rltr. REALTOR 3064 ~lol'W)'. Newly/deter. Of 3 bedroonu w/catbtdral .833 Dover Dr., NB &l2-4QI 22911 HARBO_!!, C.M. _ $27,SOO, llealtor. ceJ11nD k tucked away In • j '!!!!!1~~~~!!!1!!!!91 =======:::! community or fine homes. REDUCED LIDO WATERFRONT -. Vordo lllO It's....., to dellgbt the moat Immac. 0 BR., family rm. e APTS.420 LIDO NORD -deal. It can be ,...... 1 .. lot ,..,., 1o '""'l 8y $1SO.Olll Price with 7!1. lit DIVORCE SALE f"' only 135.000. app'l only. T.D. 6 Beaut oan. un!t1: S!>a<. s bedml. A fam!\y, 3 • d h•tt 193,r., 6--·•utll.room. hllhhomeon ... c:omerlol. re I LIDO REALTY INC 80 Ft. OD swtmming buch. Owner 8l)'I Rll NOW! VA "77 Vla Lldo 673-7loo WDl constder trade ~ boat tmna, SUbmlt otttn. •sklng :a."::'."" 115.000 .... ' Por..,. r:~.50 642-ii71 Univ. ~-:J.,, 1rv1,,, ~l"!lon Baach l4Gll Bill Grundv, Riff, IMMAC Eariy American 3 ca!I Anytime -MODERN < BR. 1% BA, &'IS Dovu ,,,.., NA -Br-F • -'" llllO. -Condo. 121."10. 5% % Fl!A l!fto:..• .. ., ._, • afRJSTMAS JS ('Omiftg! Sell transferable loan. 962-504(j COLLEGE Parlc-4 hr, atmc C<>lorado Ln. 516:.2803· )'OUJ' unwntecli Items • p~k ~ COt'Tlft' lot. $29,900 U1&--)'0IU' FOR-Sale by owner. ! BR UJ) tut euh Oiru a "Dillir * MU'sr=""SE=1 ~L ~TH~l~S-\V_E_EK-1 OJ ar rnA t""115, Eitd. h9e, 1~ ba, Ml!M Verde Pllot Class.1tled ld •• l t 'i 4 BR/3 Ba. Owner AnKloui· Klnpat'd RE. MI i-2222 area, $2S.5001 5t&--1662. eaq .• call 64~71 * Agt: 64>1070, 002-T.J.24 .;_. • ' •• ,, ; ,. I . ' ,. • • • • ! ; • l • . • ' .. ' ' ' '· ' . • ~· •• t:: . . , 1, ,; I· I: " .·- ' •' ' ' .. " . ' ' ' . ' :- • •, ' '. '. ·: '' :· . '' . •• • • .. ,. .-- --------------·----- I Triday, No"Hf'fibtr 6, 1970 DAILY PILOT HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS Huntington Booth 1400 FOIH\toln Volley 1411 Hou .. • furnloMcl RENTALS Hou1e1 UnfumlshM G.norol - RE"!TALS H<iu-UnfurnloMcl RliNTALS H-UnfvmlshM -JllO University Pork RENTALS 4pts. Pumlshocl RENTAL~-RE TALS Apts. Fumlthod==--..;.Apts.=:..':.."'"="';;;;W:.;.;;;....._IH -Huml"""" ....., -Huml......, ....., BUY LIKE RENT and pa.y only $198 per month lot everything when )IOU as- awna aubjeet to 6%. % GJ loan with 1onJy $6000 down. Owner will CIUTf 1t second if you're abort of cash. 3 large bedrooma. new carpets It. drapes, one blook from new marina and park_ Walker & Lee Real!Dnr '7682 Edinger 842-445.5 or 540-5140 Pool & Clubhouse 3 Big bedrooms 2~ balhll dl.ning room. e~g area I~ kitchen, walk In pantry, new carpets, patio & dble gir. age. What a buy! $23,000. I.ow down FHA. REAL ~ATE HUNTINGTON BEAO: OFC. 8'14-5311 Open 7 days -8:30 to 8:30 $19.iiOO 4 Br, 2 Ba, fifulOO' fenced lot, bltn electric range & oven, forced air heat, 7 YJ'S new, w/w carpet, drapes, double garage, landscapecj, sprink. Jen. Your down will handle, payments less than rent. coot•-· 2100 1 BR. Jloule. Fum. *RUG RAD NEW Meadow lfomes Ilse, 1""2 &dulta. No pets. 2,0Z) Square Feet, w/2 SllO mo. 6f6-t281 SPACIOUS 4 BR, 2 BA, aep, frple:'•· Talbut Ave • Loi family room, + workshop, 'nem.pos, F.V1y Ost st. W. Newport a.ech 2200 • hu.re yard for kids, $225. r!v""Ra'11.ld). Price $M,950. Lo ON THI BEACH CAu. TODAY! e. 96Z-2150, 6#-1310 Nice 2 BR winter rental. 12)5/ * BLUE BEACON * . mo, Ne:ar Jett)'. Good beaeh. * 64>0lll * • BR, ' ba. """"'· ·~% Dick ..... ReaJty 962-2421 *RUMPUS ROOM FHA loan, Al cond, all ex-\VATERFRONT FOR 'l1-IE YOUNGSTERS, tras, prime loc, $24,950 By 2 BR 2 BA I~ only $3fiO mo. fenced yard tor the pets, See onr 968-1357 Pete 'narreit R1ty 642-ollM this • Br, 2 Ba. home the whole family can enjoy, $225. Leguna S.•ch 1705 Ea1t Bluff 2242 ~1ANY OTHER LISTINGS! C & S $PffdY BY owner modem adapation Oecofator1s De~ight RENTALS • 541-9365 91 old CaJUomla Mwlon Orlg. mod•! hoose. 2 B•. '""' * DOLL HOUSE cbann. Mexican tile pavers level, 1 Ba, 2 car gar: AvaU Door 200o 1;q • ol Jlv, &n!a on lease $295. 644-0458 LOVELY l BR, 2''BA, IQllil In oversized 2 br, 2 bQ casa level. W/w crpts, RIO, pa. bit around OJ!.en air atrium. B.lbH !300 tic-, children ok. $185, HUR- ' BR/2 BA-tc. Uv'c I: dln'a I rm, dbl I pr, ls yard, $225/mo, LSE.. 5f,8.P4 Aft ' pm. 3 Br, 2 ha townhla w/pool, i.rnmllC. Almol't new. Birr., crplJ • ckpo. Untum. StJ3. f\lm, 1225. 6f&.Jf)63. 3 BR, 2 BA, Condo •. blms. ibel dahwhr. '220 I mo. Crptl, drpr, 5«).llSJ. or M7·16i8. $ BR, den Monticello townhouse. Vacant. &12--080 att 5 PM. '13." E • Side. 2 BR, patio, g~. Ip Uv 'g rm, child ok. 541-2573 ADULTS. 1 BR, court $90. 2038 Wallace, "A'' ~3934 • 962-3448 8' hiih walls encompau 115 RY! 2 BR. l:loute. Crpta, drps. aclot. Wide-brick walk leads 2BR-M.odern. WlnterMason. *BLUE BEACON* $145/mo. No pelt. 1 amall al~-·de bri k _, C. Beardslee 1600 Parway, * 64, "lll * baby Call ·~-· ¥•06"1 c u.uumna to Glendale. 12131 243-5316 crv ' '"'1"'••.w. !ront entry. Gas • logged, AW 4 BR. 213A House. * Fa "I S • I OIEERFt.IL 2 Br, p.r, no a1'clled l.rple. glows In 15'.XI~==-~-~--ml Y peCIQ pets. Adults. 1141.50/mo. Just For DON'T DELAYI CALL US TODAYI cF=~~.~ ... ""' Single Adults 4 BR, 2% baths •••••••• $350 South ~ Oub Js: • whoJe 3 BR., mo, to mo, ••·• •• $350 new way ot Ufe designed S BR, 2"9 baths • • •·• • • • $300 just for alngle people. It's S BR. 2 Ba. tnhoute • •• • UtO lun living with wann ey. • ed h•11 namlc oelghbon. 1t'1 a r I $750,000 Clubhou11t w I t b be_alth club, aaunu, 1wlm- w 1ng pool, party room, blJ. REALTY llard1, Indoor golf driving Univ. Park Cenler, Jr1lne raflp, tennill oourts, pro "l:lllCa=:::tti=Allnytl=:::me=:::i=-=:::=:::=:::tl shop and resident tennll pro. ill Single, 1 & 2 Bedroom Jux. ury apartments wUb all the modern COllVTnlencn •vail· abJe. Furnished &nd unturn. lahed. 3 BR. 3 ba ............ :s280 3 BR, I din. rm., 2 ba • , $325 4 BR., fam. rm. & din. rm. a!NOnd., TuctJe Rock $3<0 3 BR. 211 b8 .......... 1296 WE HAVE ontERS 'IL.I I 1 II:! MODELS OPEN DAILY ]() A.M. • 9 P.M. RENTS FROM $150 to $350 • 30' il\v rm Dark oak cabi· ~fATIJRE Adults No pets BRING THE CHILDREN & m W. WUson. * 548-2802 net$ lumish all eled kitch-avail to 7•1· 2 BR, frplc. pets to this sharp 3 Br. 2 Ba .SUARP 1 room amall house, NEWPORT BEACH en. From dbl garage Cul. carpet S200 mq. 673-ls.56. hole~:. .~ve$l85, crpls, drps. 1tv. /refrig. Partly furn. it05 lit Westt:m Bank Bid&. 880 Irvine Ave. . I I ---I 11'11 lur llgan Mark III supplies con-,.._-cu ,..... ill pd M8-ft680 Unlvenlt:y Park atant soft water. Take over Lido lt le 2351 MANY MORE i.rSTINGS! u ' D11y 133-1101 Nigiht1 Irvine & 16th ~ Quinla 1.J/ermo6a · -~ . ..,, ~ Casual estate living. Enter La Quinta H.,.. -I mo.sa's lush.green atmosphere & stroll tree-~; lined walk wava to your apt ~ ·:·· ;:i • All UTILITIES INCLUDED • • ~ 1 BR. Uni. $150 -Furn. $110 2 BR. Uni. $175 -Furn. $210 1• 3 Spac. fir. plans, decor. furnishing.: live 1 . 1 within romantic setting :w/fun or privacy.: Terraced pool, pri. sunken gas BBQ's w/ : seculded seating compl. w/Ramada & Foun· ,j tain. ~ * Color co-ord. kit w"/ ind irect ll9htin9. i/ G * D•lux e ran9e & ovens * Plush 1ha9 crpt1._ ;+: * Bonus storage •p•c• + Cov. carport . ii·~· * Sculpfurect marble pullman A tilt baths '" * Ele9ent recre ation room. ' 1 FURNISHED MODELS OPEN DAILY ' Blk from Huntington Center, San Diego Frwy .• Goldenwesl Colle~e. - San Diego Frwy. to Beach Blvd., So. on - Beach 3 blks. lo Holl; w. on Holt to .. · , LoQuinlo Hermosa 714: 847-5441. • 1~~~~~==~~5!!!!51 .' Cotta Ma111 ClOO Newport Beoc:h 4200 ' '. ownen 6% % loan $56 500 C & S S-•y 3 BR, 2 BA. pool. 1" play ( ) "' u .. -, • . 5 BR., 411 ba. wnlodmnl RENTALS e"""':••9•u rm .. 2 "1>la. crpt" ckpo, 714 ~-CASA VICTORIA C.a.11 493-4847. home w/dock, on Lido .,..... ~ bltns. $290/mo. 968--0249. 3 BR 2% be., townhse, cpt lz * $25 WEEK & UP * l MESA MOTE~ 3 UNm Nonl. 11500 ""'"" * OUT OF SIGHT '.~.~~Dec.,,;.!::, opBtlo~-~ SOUTH BAY CLUB Nl E2W& l3 UBXR~RFY AP$TI~~ Kllcben. TV's, maid aervke. I , 3 BR. 3 Ba. oU-wa!er 'home Metll Del Mar 3105 u.a .... ......, "" .. ~. Y ''"" , a-rom w Heated Pool Three blocks to beach. 2 -1 furnished .•. $450 nionth $125. NEAT 2 BR. Choice E-833-2955 aft 6 pm. Furn &: Unf. Adults, no pets. Bedrooms, 1 studio. Spanish Bill Grundy, Rltr. 642-4620 side location, Private patio. 1----------1ALi'10ST new 3 BR, 2 ba, APARTMENTS 525 W. Vlctori11, CM 1 .~==*~6'6-~968,.._,-1-*-:--=,-• art:hitecture. Excellent con-I-===="'===== Tot or small pet ok. Vacant! MES.A Del Mar lge 4 BR Atrium. frplc, patios, bltns • • • 1 ;:;=~P~hat~~ne~S~4l~465~1-oc--WINTER Rental • 2 BR, 1 f dition. $4,950 Gross Income. Balboa Island 2355 *BLUE BEACON* ~:;'1~1'"001. for lse. Pfi(I, mo. Incl refrig, dbl gar, f 310, Life where tho fun Isl !SPACIOUS2 .. --'--m-N•·,... frplc, very clean. $175/mo.Jj REDUCED to 139.950. Call. * 645-0111 * ......,...... 833--0569 DO:Wuu "" Jncl util . No 1tudenbl, 222 3 BR furn h.se avall for fain!-CLEAN 4 BR + family, =:':':;:";':::====;~;l •iOi;;;;;iOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiio furniture, Brick snack bar-35th St. Can be seen_Sjl.t & O~an ly only unlit June 15. $250 LOVELY 3 Br. home w/w cpls, bltns, '-le,"' B "8 3240 beautiful kitchen. Ca-rpelecl. Sun or Cal.I (n4) 982--7821 w/large fencecl yd, Just u., llC"-•Y eFREE APARTMENT Chil .. -n ' •mall "''' • mo incl util. 209 Opal. Call schools, $290. S»-lSIK> · ...... " "' eves _. , I f R·fAL ESTATE 673-4554 great for families, tor only AVAIL Nov 15, 3 BR. fncd eRENTAL SERVICE welcome. No lease required. NEWLY led 1 b Pl , ! . $225 per mo. Call agent, Newport Beo~ 3200 y 8 , d • u Pp er b 8 y. 351 Victoria Apt 2. Ct.1. 'd aJ I r<looaJva r. ·•1 ' ll90 Glenne"""' SI 1010 SO, Bayfront: 4 Br. 3t~ _5'6-4_~'~"====~--I ~ * 1135 * 1 e or one or coupe. i 1 962-4471 ( :=) 54M10J 494-9473 ~· .. ~16 ha. waterfront tromc 1z 2 Br. BEACON BAY Ne\vport-Mesa Sehl district, Slnil•• e Bachelors 1 Laundry faclllUel. i120 mo : GI NO DOWN l--===c=-=~-1 -ba . ..,..., apl. Dock LANDLORDS!! BAYFRONT 1:ni mo, 515-2121. • mall Fomillos • :; Fum. ~Is. ''"'e, Incl otil. 673-4468 I ' "·"nn. 1• b8ih, lmmaeu-EMERALD BAY Bill Grundy Rllr. 642-4620 N C dra •• C-· clet. ~-, -•• I :',,-· crprmts, •~rpsk •00"1rport OCEANFRONT 2 & 3 BR., : Da.I ' Just listed! Altr, traditional ew. arp. & pes; v..,w ..,.. ... _ nM ~~ DAY </ WEEK </ ?.10NTI:I · ~ a u our I ,_ G i~• W th · 2 ' ""'--"'-"""'---"'-----' d' t I 1" w lSlh New Y """'· ar_. ~Pl • ; late ruout, elec kit., beaul 3 BR. 3 Ba., Sep_ liv. rm., Laguna Be11ch 2705 Vacancy Problems Ended 01 the enhre bay, Car gar. 1 ' iscoun Pan. 'U-• Oceanlront. 675-5893 o r • carptg & drps, lge cor iot, din, rm. & tam. rm. FREE supply ot qua!Wed 3 BR., 2 ba. Exquisite inter. SPAC. 4 BR., 2',S ba, LAGUNA BEACH ., 494-9436 St. 642-11511. S27..8)00. , I clese to everything,_ ns Emerald Bay $75,000 Le11se/Sale Furnlshad 'tenants at no cost 10 you. All util. pald. $.5CIO Per Fireplace. W5 Per Month NEWPORT-BALBOA 675-8740 tVALUE -2 BR. $14.5/mo. 847·8507 Eves: 968-U78 Shown by app't. Love ly Beach Condo Ask for LEE or OLA month. ALSO have furn. 2 BR du· ANAHEIM-ORANGE 776-6018 HEATED POOL. Crpts, t:OCEANFRONT -W~r· • m ., Bill Grundy, Realtor Avail Now for lease thru 832•6600 ., , '7WOSO o ptnlyex, SNl15 P'1r mo. Adults Ndrpa, dshwhr. Adults only. ~dn~,onf~. ! &i'~ ; ; """': 11:, • 833 Dover Dr., NB 6424621) June or longer. 2 BR, 2 BA, • • o • 0 pe s. RENJ FURNITURE o pets. 2295 Pacilic Ave., , 1 ;_ ! 14.{;1 ,?.!.~ OOEAN VIEW Home, 2 Br., upper with living, dining * FRPLC LOVERS -•••· •I CL,& WE HAVE OTHERS CM. 548-f.878 SAIL-INN MCYI"EL • i i -•••...,. _ ,. 2 Ba. w/multi-use room. kitchen areas main floor ov-l!URRY FOR THIS . Neat 2 :Eo:L ~Q:RA~~~J:2 * DIRECT 1'0 TENANT Acapulco Apts, attractive, Adj Bay & Beach. O.luu ~' Bltns, appliai'lces, comp!. ei'looking beautiful po o I . CLIFfo'liAVEN 3 BR, yrly, 1 ~===,--,,=,-,==-I 24;Hr, Delivery Pool, Util paid, Garden rms fr in.so wk. 6'f>.tMl · ! r. ~u:.i~ixi,~ ~ m;:s:~~ carpeted. Balanced pov;er Large 2 car port plus stor-~~ic~~;~y :.~ $~~· drps, $325 Incl. ganJcner. CORONA DEL MAR lOO% Purchase Option Jiving_ Adults, no pets. 1 BR. Deluxe Pool-side Apt. J · l5 900 home, $31.750, 10 + down. age & completely laundry fa-CAU. US-\VE HAVE MORE! 3 BR view home. Irvine Terr. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, DR, pa. C.Omplete l BR Apt as 1 BR • $136 & up. Newly decorated. WestclW. r 1 • · bedHeated pool211• .. ! w 0 1023 Katella. 499-3006 or cillties. All beautifully & C & S S--' $5.50 Inc, gardener, tio, garage, Central loca-Low 8, l'2/mo. 1800 Wallace Ave, C.M. $185. 642-6274 · , : story, 3 rooms, ...... ttlS, I I t f lsh-' 1· ....-Y We have othen -Call .. _ ·~ ' formal dining room, family 492-4084. comp,. e e Y ~frnd ."~·, '"0nen,s, RENTALS e 541-9365 .... tlon. Re:!a. no pets,_,.,. per JO.Day Minimum • ASSUME; 7% LOAN • 2 BR. Bc:h apt. Winter or, 1' I room w/fireplace. carpets 1z SAVE RIDALTOR'S FEE_ 3 c ina, cte. 1 eSJre · Y month. Agt. 615-4930 or * WIDE VARIETY Costa Mesa: 2 BR House yrly. See at 107 Hi&bland '1,' drapes, Vicinity Brookhurst BR, 2 BA furnished South 100 steps to private beach. $1.10-NEW. Util pd. 1 BR apt. 675-4847 Eves. CUSTOM FURNITURE + (4) 1 BR apt.. Room 2 _N_.B_.~646-<;~-!89~·-.,.,_~...--1 : & Indianapolis. By owner Laguna home by -Tennis court & 2n~ pool a]. Patio, putting gm lz pool. 2 BR, lmmac, cond. Adi ts. RENTAL more, $56,000. Gross '6.500. 1 Bedroom tum. ) 7 after 6:00 PM 962-7~. owner. View, deck, lot, open 50 on property with gorg-Broker S34-6980 No children. $220 incl. 517 w. 19th st., CM, 548-3481, -"'~""~°"=~~=~~= $150. month yearly 2:l02 1· ~ooks llko A Movie S.t, tr ~level with ctUantity of ==~~~~if~~~~: ~y -~:;~aron~u;::u:~: s~~:~;;ai: l~~is.n~.;J;. 315 MARINE AVE. m.6900 gardener. MHl603 aft 5:30 SWINGIN' i ·,,.. 2 BR. FURN. $155 Ocean front Apt. D NJI.: I ' ~l6S3. shopping, eac. $325 month, & t k Bkr 534-69SO BALBOA .ISLAND 3 BR, 2 Ba, nev,,ly dee. Lrg 2 • Pool, bltns, cpts, drps, no BALBOA BAY CLUB winter basis, Will consider pe 0 ' • · t'QR Lease -3 Bdtm, 2 Ba -car gar, frplc, new crpts & SINGW children, no pets_ 325-J E, Furr> bachelor. 548-3268 I DRAMATIC ocean & canyon le~ • purchase or outright $135-2 Br. triplex. Children & huge tamlly nn. "'et bar -stove. $275/mo. 675-2672. & roUPLES. We have furn-, -l1~1~h_P_l.~·-C~M~·-"'-~-2138~~-I========== 11 ' vlev."S from this close-in 2 pet ok. pool (malntenan('.(' included) , . Corona de1 Ma r '42So 1 br, 2 ha home. Beamed ceil· sale. Adults preferred. Refs. Broker 534-0980 1 B Ibo 3300 \shed apt1 frOm $100 up. $135/mo. Dllc mob home ings, 2 frplcs & Jge living 4$-7152 Af,f or 837-0791 any. ~~~-=:~ ~g~':~~ _a __ a _______ 1 Some w/pools, 110me all util v.•/cabana, compl furn, htd 1 BR, furn, lncl ulll, ~. glass lz mirrors. Owner in rm. Riker, Cannel & Assoc. time. Costa Met a 3100 included _ Nr. shopping 3 BR. l~ BA home on Pd. Take your choice. CALL pool. Adlt!, no pets. Four pvt patio, cpt, dose-in, Paris. lowered price '6.000. 497-1420 CLEAN Small 2 BR house, center & park. _ Newport Ne\\o-pt. Bch. pensi. »25. NOW! , Season's 2359 New P 0 r t • J01 1Ai Lark 1 p u r Ave, MARINER REAL TY CAREFREE Hillside house frplc, close lo town. OLDER CLEAN & READY Highland&. $325/mo. Call mo. Eve: 213-443-4393 C & S SpMdy '1"18-6332~1":;-' -;;;:;;;;;;;i;i;;;;;;;;;-1~833-~1~44~1:._. --~~· ,:,: ,.:·~ 842-$41 w/spectacular ocean view. PEOPLE ONLY. 494-9323. 642-1983. 3 BR, 2 ha, l blk to bay, RENTALS e 541-9365 $135. 3 Br. Exp mobile home. 1 BR. apt. newly cprlf. & } ljiiijjiijjiiiijjiiiijijjiij•J iss.ooo. RENTALS · 10 move in now ............ B ,;,,:E:.A.c;UTl=F~U~L-hume--,,-w-ee_p_tn_g_I Balboa Penin., $350 mo. APARTMENT B* S~lr ~che:lo;__•h 1331l»-E2 painted, fl60 mo, plliP • 1 11 Bethke Realty 494-~ Houtet Unfurni1h9d Quiet street. Pets OK. view of bay. 3 Bdr., 3 bath, * 673-7421) * RENTAL i:th St, Qr ~-2-1265or132 incl. 644-4423 ~ LISTINGS NEEDED! Harbour Realty Doris Drake 846-4153 BUILDERS CLOSEOUT Credit rejectJons place 7 hOm. es on choice lots on the mar- ket again!! 3-7 Bedrms, 3 & 4 baths, bltns, crptg, shake roof etc. from $33,940. RANCHO LA CUESTA Brookhurst & Atlanta, HB. 963-1338 Open 10 am.& pm $25,500 Almost any terms will buy this Huntington Village 3 bedroom hOme. &autltul tile baths, large palio with brick planters. Rex L. Hodges, Rlty 847·2525 =-=---4 BR plus LRG DEN Only·$31 ,9501 GI/FllA terns! lmmac. Big yard, Block wall, sprinklers. HAFF DAL REAL TY 842-4405 REPOSSESSION Prestige 3 bedrm Spanish afyle home With center at- rium &. step down living rm., needs tender loving care. Rox L. Hodgos, Rily 847-25=25~.-- 1-·s2"'1".1"so· Appraisal Large 4 bedrm home near Marina Hi, huge Dough Boy JIOI?!, bri~ your paint brush, Immediate possesskln. Rex L. Hodges, Rlty 147.2525 FOR sale by owner-4 br, 2 ha, encl. patio. $2.J,800. $6000 down, aJ'. r,4 VA loan. Owner will assume 2nd, Prlnclpa.ls only. 847-9j58. BY Owner -61At. %. Comer condo 3 br, 3 bn, pools, ten· nis. $21,000. Very cl9n. 962'l891 ~!;1~:~ed =~7,1_Go_;_no_r_o:_l _____ 3_000_ Nf :,;xiR~;I s::':.::~ :,u~~~~.1:i ::.:°:m~: Huntl,..ton 8e11ch 3400 $70.00 & UP 1 =W~·~w_u.o_· ~··---~"'~71~·---1 20f B:~~ull6:dtopooJ;,:. f elec. gar, door. 494-9640 546-9521 built-ins. BRK '425 mo. ALL SIZES • ALL AREAS NEW delwt 2 BR duplex, Adults Sl.8,;. Jse. 673-821!'.· '"'""'-'='======,I * A RARE FIND 540-)720 5 BR & de"· ""'"· '""'" FURN OR UNFURN encl gar, petto, bftno . I · IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! 1,C'=-='=----~~~ I dstiwshr. fenced play yard. ASK .FOR BONNIE' Westcli1t area, 1 195, 1 BR beautitul upper &tit. ; 1950 SHARP 3 BR. 2 BA. Stove, Gorgeous 3 br home on quiet FOR LSE: In the BluUs. $275. Eves 847-#48 6T.>-1849. w/garqe &: deck. F~ ~ CJ'Pls, drps, frplc, xlra lrg cul-de-sac. New crpts, 2 Brand new 'J'WNHSE: 3 Br, 4Riiii:M:-'ii4R;;:t.;;;;;;d".;;:;;:J--=,.'l!,:32~-7'."I00!;',~---1 unfum, $175 I mo . .4~7ff) : -Lanv--;.-,,-,-.T-AN_G_LEW--00-D-,·,I patio, fncd yrd. Pets & child. mllilive [rplc's. Huge fam . fam/rm-pool-2 Blks from ~ BDMJ, l !Ai Ba, fenced yrd, HOLIDAY PLAZA I BR. Water & gardener SMALL Furn. hach. New ~ Condominium h l t 2 bed & ren ok $195, rm., all bltns & 2 sparkl!n3' NB· Tennis Club. $3.30. By $250/mo. year's lease req'd. DELUXE Spa(!!&us l BR paid, Adults only, 00 pets. shag cptg. 1 adult. us. mo.. • ; a s arp s ory,. rm CALL tiS.\VE HAVE MORE! b th 121-CaJI <1" ooo• OW "'"2221 fl 5 3IJ Call 846-5875 or 84&-6047. I t $135 H ("' I '$105. 978 W. 17th St. 1 3 bedrm, available now a s. :i mo. ., J"'"O'U'I ~~"'~"c,;;~~~,;.·~-='~· ,,,I ==========I urn ap . ea .. .,.. poo. 548-6954 613-9991 from 9 to 4 only:.. ,• "take over" loans. Possible C & S Spettdy South Ole.st Realtors. LEASE OR LEASE OPTION F t I y II l4IO Ample parking No children-I ,:~~:_;· -::--.,,c:o:;:--.;::;-I ==-======"'=z , RENTALS e •••9•" ~o,-v=1 ~N~G~~T~O~~H"o,,-N=G C _,_ oun II n II ey no pets 1965 ~mona CM 1 BR. Lrg closets. Pool. Balboa '.·•-', Jease--Option on 2 bednn or .,..... '1IU i\I 3 BR. TO\l'nhouse Onuu-• • · Shu ff I e b 0 a rd • Ne . / - try $1500 l'.{own & owner will RENT e A e HOME KONG?! "The Blurts". Pool, i275. 3 Br. Fam rm., din. rm., l/d U"' pd •••• • Let 'be ~-· M "' "1>1", bl!••, •---red CMla ~-10 CIOO cp rps. w · iOO'I OCEANFRONT 3 BR, $ni. ' carry :nc1 TD. $95. & UP • '"i""' 'J anage-_5.1&-=~'··~~~-~~=.,.----,--· I ._ .... ..6 ....... '" •---~------!'onrovia Ave, CM , • Larwin Realty,. Inc. ALL SIZES_ ALL AREAS ment Division of South 2STORY. 3 Bl'. 2% ha condo. patio, lndscped yds w/front1 Also 1 BR. $125. UtiJ: tit- 962 .1:988 anytime Co.1.St Reallon solve your lmmae"'•"· 5 w 1m m 1 n g & back sprnklr sys. 2 car RE!lr1ARKABLY f"URN. 2 Br. apt. Close to all eluded. Winter Lse. ~. ..,. FURN. OR UNFURN. problems. For appoinltnenl pool lzi.u benutiful grounds. gar Avail immed $26() mo UNBELIEVABLY llhopplng. Adults only. No BAYFRONT l 1z 2 Br Jllm ' Apartments for ASK FOR JODI C'all 545-8424. Adults. $275/lae. 6t6-2740 835-l22t be 0 twn 9 am.s:30 pm: EXTRAORDINARILY pets, Inq. 179~· Rochester, apt. Ulil pd. Winter or Jiiy. ! •-lo 832-7800 3 BR 2 BA •· ..i-Aft 6:30 pm 968-5223, Mr. BEAUTIFUL ' CM. Grey Goooe Apt"~ { -l9I0 1,-,,.--,.,.,--,---,,~--c= • • crp.._o;, ,,...,s, THE BLUFFs-4 Br, 2 Ba V I D'I G •--Ap --==~==-----------ll Br kids/pets OK ... , •• $80 ii-pie, family rm. S2:iO. Condominium. (nr tennis Reich. 11 Hre 11r-ts • WINTER RATES * 1 BR nr 15th St heh w/pa.tto Weitbay Income Homet 2 BR hm kids/pets .... $100 Walls·McCardle, Rltrs. crt.) Pool. $325/mo. 644-4869 FOR Ue. Immac 3 BR. 2 ha, Adults, no pets 1 BR. furn i125. Bachelor'• & carport $130/mo tll ~~ ; TRIPLEX S57 500 2 BR hm kids/pets OK . , $120 1810 Newport Blvd., O.f in Talbert Village, Nu shag Putting green, waterfall & iu 5. Adults, no pets_ See: Incl util. 675-1573. · • ' i · • 3 BR 1--.1 f k;d 1140 ""'.......,, 3 BR. 2 Ba., CPta. drps., bpi., ..... I.I &: d"""· "1>lc & bltns. 1t1Tam. fiowe:l'9 everyWhere, ?.1gr. 2135 Elden, No. 6 CM. Best Eastside Costa Mesa lo. '""':' or s '···•· • .....,., ,...., · I 3 r.-"' ·~ 45• I bllll _. BACllELOR APT for It ........ •r' 3 BR 4 ki•-l OK II" ~~~ patio, poo . """" aarage. 968-8004 att 6 & wknds. poo, rec. room, aius, 130 Wk. l pe•, w/kit .. .,-=:, -f'"T"""' cation. "Homes with an in. ""'· pe • ·• · "" CHARMING 2 BR duplex _,, util pd. Penlnsula 'atei. -m•" 356 E 20th St r--1a 4 BR u!U pd ............ $190 • ' . Rllr. 548-6966. ========='I BBQ's, Sauna, furn.-unfum, Maid ser, linens, TV. & tele. 185 673-6790 "" <..<D <:rpts, drps. bit-ins, gar. 1 ---,TH=E,--,B"L"'UF=F"s--s11nta Anll 3610 Singles, 1 BR, 1 BR + den, SeaLark Motel 2301 Npt /mo, ' .. • .t-~1esa. ·Builde~ 6424005 Horse ranch 'v/coiTalll • .S22S Child OK-No pets please. hi 2 BR. From $135, See it! Blvd Ct.I 64&--7445 WATERFRONT-T•-· '1 b• STAR*LET 77'-7330 I'..,,· Drive by 210 Cecil PL 3 BR, 11Ai ha, pool9, nr sc s 3 BRIZ B Lg ••• '" = ~ & hop' 1285 ""24"" * A: . fen1.'"-u 2000 Par101ll! Rd., 64Ul670. * SECLUDED cFront) Call 646-7535. s g, · U't'f"' .u. .... N hi' unilS w/dock. $63,000. Prin-==c-'c~'--~c--'--yn.1. r: IC I, Between Harbor & Newport cipals only. Owner 673-2662 ll3C • COZY l BR Bungalo\\'. ATTRAC 4 hr +bonus rm. BbEAUNT view,!5/dBR lueLe, 2% Call for Info; ~186 • 2 Blk N. 19th. aJ Just remodeled. Close to a, ew cps rps, ase t 6 pm. Crptit, drps, garage, Small schools & all shOp'g needs. '395 mo, Ea.stblufl. 644-5862 RENTALS yarcl fortot.Availnow! $235 mo. 336 Cabrillo. NEWPORT Shorel-3 br, 2 Hou1e1 Furnished * BLUE BEACON * 548-8774 ba, pool &. clubhse prlv. 2000 * 64>0111 * ~,-B~R~_--,G"a-,.-,p,,-a"'u-o.--,c,-,-,,-.,· I S2Ml/mo lse. 213/681-1278. * NO CAR? '"" stove I r<frig. Qu"t RENT • A e' HOME w AL K TO Shopping & tropi'cal setting for adults Newport Heights 3210 $95.00 & UP School5, spoUess 2 BR, frnc. only. 1 blk to shops. 2 Br, 1 ha, trplc + extra rm ALL SIZES • ALL AREAS ed yard, aar. Children ok. SlG9/mo. 6464430· w/bath. $225 mo, 1 yr ~se. F1JRN. OR UNFURN. $125. 1 Br duplex. All-elec range, Ca11 64&411B for appt. 531 ASK FOR JODI CALL US-\VE HAVE fl.10~E! ttfrig, drps, crpts. Mature. E. Modena. 132-7800 c & S Speedy Quiet adults. i t35. 1944 CH~R-1-STM=A-S~IS-com--;..,-!-Se~lt * C Cott RENTALS e 548-9365 Maple. 548-4360. your unwanted llems Ir: pick ozy age 11=u U pd 3 BR · t 3 BR. 1 % BA. 3 <";hildren ok. up WI cash thru a DaUy NEAT 1 BR "' xi _.. t · trip ex. --' 8Tl ll PI Cl lfled d I ' . nt Joe. Chlldrt':n &. pet ok. Fenced )'aiu. Oarre . i ot ass a •• t 1 Fenced yard lor privacy.1 __ _!B~m;:k~e'!:r_;534-li980=~~'.--.."==:1200=:/:mo=:. :":5-:':"'=:· ===-.t·'.=':'="=·,:,eal=I =642-0618===== ONLY SllO/mo. 1~ -CALL US-WE HAVE MORE! Gener11I SOOOGeneral 3000 Gener11I C & S ·Spoedy 1-""--------------------- RENT/'LS e 548-9365 ~ROOM cabin at S!oneman Lake In northern Arizo.na near Flagstaff . Completely furnished except for linens S75.00 per wttk plus cleaning deposit_ For further details call 64&-3730 attrr 5 p.m. Rentals to Sh11re The Puzzle with the Bui/t./n ChucHe •••••••••• Lagune Be11ch 3705 $6 nlte up $27.5() wk up * FOR LEASE * STUDIO & 1 BR Apll • Color TV, pbone serv pool Lge., unlum, fam. hOme, 3 e Llncfll! maid 1erv aVau, BR. 2 Ba., din, area; mM-e Childr~n &: pct section 11lve brick frpl., bit-In klteh. * SUNNY ACRES * W/W Cpts, It drapes. Newly 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-9755 decor, 1 Yr. lse. $325 Mo CLIP THIS AD MISSION REALTY 494-0731 : • ' ========='! good for $2 on n1ghl'a rent or $S on week's rent. Duplexu Unfum. 3975 • • • • • • • • • 1 NEW Duplex. 3 BR, 2 BA, bltlns, dishwasher, shag cpls, drps, 1rplc, dble gar. 2 QUIET1 .. Eastside pa.Uos, corner lot. Very Lrg. furn. 1 BR. $160. private. 1 blk to bank & Prl\/Rle patio. Frplc, Locked shopping, rmr gate to put .,...,. Adulta only no pelo trailer or boat In yd. $250 1--.e. • · mo 1541 Wintergreen Pl, 1 blk.west of Harbor&: Baker. Mgr, 146 Melody Ln., C.M. Call 642-5039 before 9 AM or '11" 9 PM. • $35 WEEK & UP NEW Duplex. 2 BR, 2 BA, 1 Br. or Studio. tum w/ blt1t11, dishwaaher, shag compl. kit, Free l\neni;, hid cpts, drps, garage, patio. 1 pool alr-cund TV le maid blk to shopping. Fenced yd. eerv' avail • $185 mo. 1541 Wintergreen · Pl 1 blk west of Harbor l 2080 Newport Blvd, at 2llt saker. Call 642--5039 before • 642-2611 • 9 AM of after 9 PM. B/Amcrlcard • M/Charge lido Isle 4U1_ BACHELOR Apt. Furn . 1-"=-""-'-----'-- drps, W/W crpts, pool, priv. DELUXE Beach Apts..i)Lt'JL: balcony. $135/mo. 557-6682. Stove, re t rig , g-ar. $200-$250/mo. 320 Nord. 64.2-4097 or 535-fi696. 2 BR, w/w cpl.I, drps, bltn R/0, spir strcse, frplc. $195. 145 E. 18th, 557-6682. e BEAUT. Bach A 1 Br. apt, i29.50 wkly & up. 2 BR, adults -no 14lU:. Furn., incl util. 546-CM51. Conveniently located. •. FURN Bachelor & 1 Br. I ~~*-*~:._610-_:_5'19_3_*~*=-""'-'"I Exceptlon11lly n lcel 1 BR studio type apt W/out 2110 Newport Blvd, CM kitchen facilities * 67>1238 * BACHELOR apt for adult work'g person, nr 17th St. YRLY, CUTE 1 Bt. ,Sew Shop'g, r.lS incl u t 11. kitchen. irro lncl, @!'•· 646-7582 6r;>-2975. 1 Br. $125-pool, 11pac, Adults, Huntl-ton 'Belldl ... kleal !or Bachelor, 1993 ... Chureh, 548-9633. FREE RENT-2 wb. New 1 . LGE, attrac. be.chelor near Br at heh. Quiet. $150. 1""* o .c .c . $135 mo_ Incl util. 995 I. you'll re.nu Pvt declUii-t. Valencia. 540-9680. ... ~:784.ltth. 536-ltiJ,. $125-2 BR Trailer. 1 or 2 adults only, no pets. Utll in· 8 DEL LAKE MANOR e cluded. 642-3375. 2 BR sep houie Sl60 Studic:M3as &. waler pald.,CalJ l~~llg~~3~B~R~a~p~t.;1~14~fl·,~·~-~ after 8:30 pm, 646-U>S. 19151 ~-Patio. Adlta. Paraons, CM BACHELOR Apt. Ulll . ~ •· -============I NEAR OCEAN! ' ~ -•-LINDBORG CO. .... ... Ne.,..Ort-Booth ~-* 1 & ' BR. CrpU. di;; 1------1 ___ 1_4_10-lcoNGEN I AL Woroan_. Fount ain V11I •Y empl'd. days to •hare nice home w/2 ottiera. Pvt rm . H.B. "'20 '11.!kly/Mz..B'iilO be.f 2 pm. QUIET 2 BR. yard nr shop'a, $13.S--l BR Ftlmlshed. 2 adull1. no pell. $135. Quiet adull1. Near storeL COUNTRY CLUB LIVING blttll. 733 Lake. ~ ~-· Luxury glll'den apts, offe.rlng e AT OCEAN -Adult lMn&. • compl. privacy, btaut. Ind· t BR $150. 2 BR. '175. ~ .r scpg tr unparalleled recrea-Rec nn. DJ 12th St, H.B. I tlonal facWtles In a oountty $1lS. MOD. 1 A 2 BR epis, 1' club 11tmoephctT. Furn or drpa, nr beach. a •calf. Unt P.'Odtll ope.if 10 am·9 536-4261 or 841..stm • , l\10DEL llOUSE; Cr Pt 1 -W-A~NTE~~D-,-.,-de-rly-. -,.-.~...,- thru-out, dtJll frnt I rear lndscp. B 1 ~ k / w a 111 , lady to shr my lowly rWll, C•ttied.ral cellln;:• p rJ ce apt, CM. No a -amok r r . $34,950, Lo _J,Ji t IR ate . MJ..&132 Wimer .l San Ricardo, r.JIJ MO, girl OYel' 21 lo share F.Vly. CBrw Brookhut1t lz 2 BR Me. C.M. an!t, day -Euclld: Opp! Coif Course) 646-WI Ca.rot. 968-3673. 644--'tSOJ BAOtE'LOR w/dog wants to Share. lPl or house, etc .. Call Ko 4!K-Sm or 49M864. TIR.EDot lhatold ~y It's.. ttaUy not that M.rd to repl1ce. J1.11t watch the tunllturt I mt»eel~ C'Olunw In the OUsllltd Section. - GlR.L to share luxuriOus apt w/2 other girls. Split ~ + utD. SU-nm Sl,lARE beaut. Met:t Verde hm w I .2 work'a adlta • teachttJ or? $JO(f"~a. 54S-322'J fj PRINT NUM8£REO LETTERS IN THESE SOUAlff.S 8 UNSCRAMBLE t£m•s 10 I GET ANSWEt SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATJON 9000 M8-88l5 aft 6 pm. 1985 Pomona. ~ 2 BR duplex apt FURN. Bachelor. No Furn or Unfurn drinkers no pell.. Util'1 & Aft 2 pm: 548-2873 gar, 1664 Tustin Ave, C.M. RENTALS SMALL Sl&i)trw untt, older ~Fumlihitl adults 181 "'°· an u111's • CALL...._. Gawral 4000 BEAUT!rulJ..Y FURN. I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.12 BR. Hid pool, adWll. no >' from· $35 Wk, pet,, SIM/mo. MZWO_ pm. Rfont1 trom $145 to $310 • OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS 1700 16th St., ?i8 642-8110 Sant• Ano ·4'211 ' 1 BR. a.lr-cond, 1dlts. llO t pet>. UOJ'1 od--St<tl ino. of Ml-9!!a ' ; Charming Oceanfrt • VP NOW R.entirc~ Br furn, ad WATER.FRONT w/pitr " lne . id loc. rec rm. hid pool. No no.t IR bolt. 2 BR/l Ba. LHUiftA 8Mc:h 4715 f apartmenti; J n • ma chlldn!n. i140/mo, 646-5824. Furn/unturn. Yearly/Win. ~ • · l ;;;~ ~~ :U~ ;11 tot u:i~St.c;Of>-~lncl_;;,.:.__;u:;tll,-."s"ma"u"-',,-,'-1o-,·I ter.-3691~ Finley, Appl I BR N. end. ~ blk .. i· v \LLAGI! INN •doll mnn. Nr. ll<h • A Adlt.. No Ptbl. !m-1134 or bch, Idly Ille!!. Adults; 1110 1 UGUNA BEA".lf 4M-!M36 Newport. 64U583. 673-8249, up. 494-MIB, 83CM237, • , , BALBOA INN lc*'-OCEA="'=N°'F=RO='N-=T0--1,-"'BR=,· I ~,-=BR.-=-:,,.+."blle":"'to""'"bt-ac""1"-=S18!1= Sl'UDIO A1>4, •W "'1i" I< IL\LBOA 615l'740 Yeei'ly $175/mo, Month. thN June 15th. beach, but .. ~Ital. 61W258 9 to t pm OWNER. 675-.1&42 ** 8;1440 '*~ _ , .. • • .. ' ... i .. l .1 I :ti DAILY PILOT MliNTALS Aph. '""'I"'" Ui-oBHch -·~---~ - RENTALS RENTALS "r!!: Unfurnl"'od Apia. Unlurnlohod RENTALS -RINTALS - Apia. Unfurnlohod Apts. Unlurnl"'od • lrvlno 5231 lrvlne , 5231 RENTALS RENTALS Apt1. Unfurnlohod Apts. Unlvrnl"'od Hunll~ Booch 54Gll HuntlnglOll BNch 54Gll RENTALS Rooms fo,. Rent 59'5 *$15 per week-up \vfkif. REAL ESTATli Gtntr•I lnduslrlol Rontol -4105 ~,.,, -5'°° ~ ~·ch 5200 'ta£:seach ?t!olor IM has a 2*:idllflll inner 00W1yan:I 1 !Wblc:h leads down to the lrm'f fUU size heated pool Jlo_l)Uilent-1 B'ttakfut l.11 ,e,vect to gtttSts in this Pf· den stttlng. Units range h&n $100 per mo. Ir. up. baily maid aervice. 494-52St PRESTIGE LOCATION •' --.. fiunlinglon Chtns. $21.50 per \Veek-\lp COMM'L 4 indUltrial &patt A.pt.s. i tOTEL.. 548-9155. for lease on San Diejo h')' ROO!'t1 &: bath for empJoyt"j fir Laguna NiiueL Delta lady or student. Kit<:tdi Eleetrtc.' 831-1400 MARINER S9UARE APARTMENTS immediotely adjocent Wesldiff shop- ping center -ha s o Townhouse ovail- oble ·featuring private residential of· mosphere. 2 Bedroom. Woter, gos & coble TV included in re nt. Kitchen bu ilt-ins include di shwasher & disposal. woll to woll corpets, full length linen drapes. Coll Bob Buckley ot 645.0252 or c ome by MARINER SQUARE Custom Garden Apartments I, 2 & 3 BEDROOM FAMILY UNIT NOW OPEN prlv. H.B .• 968--6737 aft S P,l;r! 3.Room industrial ottice, W. PRIVATE Room Ji; iiji) '16th St, Newpcrt Beach. w/pvt entr. ·Single 1ctult '85/mo. * .,.646--1714. DELUXE bachelor a p t , eie...n. carport, ldry. UUI. tµ..m. · '97-1056 or 4M-5810 • CUSTOM FEATURES: Central Recreation Aree-Swirnmin9 Pool ' W.ding Pool, & Saunas-Pvt Garden Patios Color Coordinated Drapes & Carpeting- Soundproof Walli & Floorinq-Blt-in Range · &.Ov1n-Dishwa1her-Ceremic Tile Ba ths Open 81em & V1ulted Ceilings-l/1 ~lie male. ~ per wk. 673-57~ N~W Bid.I, 1368 to 231» ft LARGE Comfortable RQi>tf, Nr. Bahr It f~.1 )T near sboppi'ne c@n te/z':. Jiole"ase=o.:iSlill=:l:.van.=:,:&4M<l!::=:;:,·=I S15/wk. * 00-1r:iS. Loll 6100 Sin Clement. 4710 1-"U~lSHED Bachelor ,parunenl $100., S 5 O . depoSil 492-19TI. NOW LEASING! Pork-l;ke liv;ng for fomi· lie s with children ond adults. I, 2 ond 3 bed- rooms, furn ished or unfurnished. Shag car- pets, drapes, air condi tioned, with self. cleaning ovens. Complete $-400,000 recrea· tion club in three ac re park. Pools, tennis, volleyboll, heolth dub, teen facilities o nd a pre • school! Ne x t to shopp ing and golf course, n ea r U.C.I. and Newport Beach. From $150 per mo. At Son Diego Fwy. ond C ulver Drive in Irvine. Phone 833-373 3. To The Beech. 21551 Brookhurst $trfft YNG College C>t 1rol'king gitt. Bal lal. Kit Ir TV nn, tele. SG5/mo. 67rr3613 ~· Renlols < 5999 VIEW LOT $2,950 'FULL PRICE 1;D:::=;••:.::•i· ..:-P..:0::1"';;;.. ___ 47.:;..;40;1--Aportments. 1244 Irvine Ave., N.B. SJ.N'GLE, 'lV, heated pool, 2 • Dlk..from bcb. $3.S. wk. -~·1~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~1 mo. Dana Marina Inn. 3Wl c t u-10 5100 Cost• Mes• 5100 (S. of Hamilton) Huntington Beach PHONE: 962-4458 Huntington Be•ch 5400 Sant• An• 5620 LGE attic spe.ce in garagl!' le sp for camper or spe.ee? Also 3 used rugs w/pad$. 549--3229 • GARAGE for rent-single. H.B. area. $20 mo. 64&-2681 Owner Must SoR Lot 24, Block 45 Arch B11ch H•i9ht1 l19~n1 Be1ch Coast Hwy., Dana Pl OI • ,... Furnished or Unfumished GARAGE Space for rent Write 18140 W. Ave. 1 Bedroom Sl&l furnished VILLA MARSEILLES large clean & dry· inquire D, ' ·ncaster 93534 R&NTALS * * * * • Quiet Adult Liv ins Owned and· mtnaged by The Irvin; Company 2 Bedroom S150 unfilrnished BRAND NEW 125 23rd St. or 613-9687. ui '-'-'Apts.="-'U"nfu"-'-rn-"-l"'="--1 El Puarto M11a Apt1. 2 BR, Shag cpts, bltns, beaut. 2 Bedroom $165 furnished SPACIOUS 5 (21 LAGUNA BEAOi view •· lndscpd. $170 mo incl all,I'~~~!!!!!!~~!!!~!!'!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!~ 3 Bedroom $175 unfurnished 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apts. REAL E TATE lots -owner will tina.nce. Oonorel 5000 * * * * util. Adults only, no P"ls. a kd , t 7 Gener•I /"\.. •.;.;;;.;;.c;;.;..._____ I •-• • t pen .,.,. ays o pm, Adult Living --""=;;..:;'------lv"Tlr/Agnt 545-8424 1• , -room "'P •· 241 Avocado St. MG-0979 Huntington BNch 5400Huntlnnton Be'och r.t-. Sat. 1.5 or by appt. F & U 1 APARTMENT $130 up incl, utilities G • -urn. n urn. Income Prooorty -• NOW RENTIN • 7731 Elli11 • oUice D\io.hwashe:r. color coordinat-----------IAcre•ae 6200 RENTAL ~.:u"1Qu~1 ~=!:~ ?ltesa Verde Atta NEW Ou-••••••••••••••••• ~c:~~~ ~f~:~:s ~t::";~:~ ed appliances . plush shag e ASSU?ttE 7% LOAN• 10 Ac. So. Calif. $10 dn, $10 ·,$70.0D & UP Ott street Parlnnt;, No pets. ~~~e~~:s;!~hrblj15d:;~ * GRAND OPENING.• * ler, etc, Owner 847--0932 • carpet· choice of 2 color C.M.-2 BRhouse + (41 I BR mo. S99S F/P, L. Shewfelf, ALL .SIZES. ALL AREAS 1959-1961 Maple Ave. hookup. Also lrg 2 & 3 BR 673-32SJ. scheme9 • 2 baths • stall apts. Room 2 more. $56,000, 326 \V, 3rd St, LA FURN. OR UNFURN. Co!lta Mesa in 4-plexeS". 546--103.f SUNDAY -N~v. 8th, 11 to 5 pm CASA del SOL shower11 • ri.irro?'ed "'a.rd· gross $6500. 54S-4D59 213:623-5101. ASK FOR BONNIE l'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!°J 7~~:::.;:"";;;i"'-o.:;::::J 6 NEW APARTMENT robe doors • indirect light· 40 AC. ,,.A~A,., Mob"-Ho-. r 9UE e • NEW LUXURY Un!urn 5 · l k"l h b ·"··t B 11 R nt I ,~ ~·~ = .. ~. 132-7800 • MARTINI 2 bl k f ing n 1 c en • re........,, u Mii e • -Paved frontage, Next to "gi apt. I •. 2 BR. Shag ~ts. oc s rom CX•an b h · l r ced ~ - ndl ~ "' Ch · al ow pts ar • uge prtva e en Millkln developme"' SAC•. I,.•. , Park-Like Surrou n91 d s Pool BBQ rec hall 225 arming, casu , n a · 1 h l--"-. • DELUXE 1.2 & 3 BR A.PTS. rp • • · ' 16th Sfrfft at the beach. pat.Jo • P us oui=cap1ng • SI'ORE 23X40 for I s e.. tor s 19 o o Ip e r aeni. encl. gar. Adults only, no H nti' B h 1 BR F si ·z hrlckBaJ·-B-Q's·large heat.. presently fashion hide·a\\·ay TE&'dS: 714: 682-'~=7 L ;,E· NT"L FINDERS Aho FURN. BACHELOR ~... u nnton eac . rom , I '"'""'=-'-""'~~-"=~-1 ..-r.. "" Htd Pools ~-':I 2 BR. From $2lii er pools & lanai. dress shop. Son1e fbi:tures, r Go (;.... Frff To Landlords ~rv :;:t!'>s : Adults only, __ 21l_7_7_Ch_u_l_,_s_t.~64-2-<4--70-t Fireplaces -Spacious Bedrooms -Private 2Ui61 Brookhurst St, HB 3101 So. Bristol St. Avail Dec t. 333 E. 17th St., La.VJ ;an:· $5 ;~·NWri!: i-:-645-0111 rs pg n55.2 BR,Lrg:L.R.,.beam Patios-Caq>ets-Drapes ...... Built-ins -(714) 962-6653 (~i Mi.N,ofSo.Coas ·Plllla) C.l\1.ti46-866l rowhea~dageAve. 0San I:::., -. im Santa Alla Ave,;.;~ ceil'g, panelling, lge i;undk, Closed Garag·e -•-undry Rm. ADULTS. Santa Ana HARBOR BLVD. fro nt . Bernardino, Ca. ~ 4J1W.1ttt..c..te ,.. .. Mgr, Apt ll3 e O'<.,. cpt!ii/drps, Adl ts. 548-7234. .uct • * HERITAGE APTS PHONE: 5574200 19 x 37• w / nstroom. 2110 =========! * THE SEVILLE LG. 2 Br. w/p a tio. UNDBORG CO AYAH.ABLE NOW "'!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J Harbor Bl•d. CM. $200 mo. R 6240 B~lNO N,,E\V ~Ix 2 ~r New 2 Br, 11,i Ba \V/ gar. Cpt s/drps, stove/re!iig, • 17401 ~Ison Ln, H.B. -ALL NEW year's lease. 548--0783. -"'._E;:;;..•..;W;.•;;;nt=ecf;:.._...:;= u•P ex ap · r-i LV . pa ' Adlts, cpls, drps. fncd yd 646--2168 536-2579 Lrg Alb'8c 2 Br From $139 BALBOA I!. wanted from ·•---~~ .. r $17;:, 356 E. I W I G-pd gar. Adlts, no peb, . K•·d··· ok. All extras. Pool. P··t PARK PLAZA OFFICE, STORE, near N'pt. :zoth s\:rc.M. 642.-400:;. ~~" .~~· tr <"Unr . ••••••••••••••••• ". R bld • Scpara!e Family Section Post Oic. 2 Rfns., 450 sq. ft. o11·ner home&: income, must ....,.,.....""" Newport Be•ch 5100 patio area. ec g. Good pldng. Sl20 m 0 be xlnt rond. 213: 247-2121 Co,1ta' Mes• 5100 =~~E v~~o~iaA~~ Ave. :~ ---------. Ntwport Beach 5200 Corona ct.ii Mer: 5250 S4T·S335 or 847·~446 1 ~~~~th ~o~·e; ~~ rA67 J "G~rn~ham==Rl~ty'-c646-~24.-l_<~· ~-BUSINESS and 2 BR, Studio condo, 2~; Ba,,_________ '* FRESH AIR 2 blks E. Bristol & Mac-DOWNTO\VN Costa Mesa, FINANCIAL t BEDROOM Unit. Private WILSON GARDENS APTS f l wash/dryer pool 1 building 50X90. Prime loca--"-"==;;.;.;;:.. ___ I Ratioo fireplace, drapes , 2 BR unturn. Newly dee. rp c, · • 3 BR, 2 Ba. cpts, drps, bltns, J BR. 2 BA. Crpts, drps. \Valk 3 blk.s to Beach~ Arthur. nr S. Coast Plaza Busintll 5'°~-' L.R. carpet. Near New "Ctpt& le drps. Spe.c sauna. Dover S hore s refrig. $250. 2 doors to Stove & refrig, dshwhr, BeauL big 2 le 3 BR apts. (714) 545-3214 I.ion. 548-3401, Eves: Opportunities 6300 Haf"bo}. Adults, no peta. grounds, Adults, no pell. :-~· Adlls $150. eves: ocean. 642-9242, 6~TI79. garb. displ. $250/m o. 11>/w crpts. drps, bltns ex-""======== l;;;M>.8-l=':c";--=o-=:--,== _;::.::.:::;~:;:.:::.:: _ _:= Rtterences. $105. ( 213) $140 mo. 2'283 Fountain Way 2 BEDROOM in quiet area 6Tr:2698. CC'pt te[rig. Sl50 & S?l5. No Tustin 5640 CORONA DEL Mar. 660 Sq. WE DARE YOU! 2'4--2041. E. (Harbor. turn W. on 2 B~. Unfurn. Crpts, drps, enclosed garage. Immediate •2-B"R".-02-;:-1>•" • .-bt"'tn::s-. -:,..::-l'°r"""ig, pets. 536-1711 i----------J Ft. E-Z parking, prime loc. To .check us out. We are a d W"'°"' patio, pool, bltns. S160. .t 1150 .... ~95 Adults. no -··. Alm-t =n'=E°'o=EC=o"R"°AT"E"o"""-;;2--;B;-::,. DOWNING APTS Realonomio Corp. 675--6700 highly referenced co. Man 2 BR. bltins, crpts/ rps,1_:.c:;:::::;,·:,_~====~I Seacllff ?ltanor Apts, 1525 possesson · .... "" · r~.., ""' P.v(fiiatio & garage. Quiet MODERN 2 BEDROOM Placentia. S48-26S2 ask LIDO JSJ...E.Lrg Bay View 2 ="'~'~·-=6~73-~5-:ll_l~-~--duplex, CTPts, drps, stove, CORNER of WILLIAMS & ~ta';f= Jfna:::~o:'d Nri.• · Tri-Plex. Mature Patio, shag carpets, drapes, about our discount' plan. Br, study,. 2 Ba, crpts, dtps, NOW $165/mo. lse. Lg upper gar. No pets. Ref's rcq'd. ALLIANCE. S~S190 2 BR. Office Rental 6070 1 d . "ults. Sl!ll 719 Scott Pl GE kl'·"· nc 10 S"e d 2 B '·/d / f / Avail Dec. 1st. 54()..4925 2 BA.,~ sq. rt, sound. prool. :=:::--:--==----route ocate in commercial "'"' . . .,.,..,n, e * BA,,_ONT * frplc. S295. 642-G807 r, cp.., rps re r range, "-MW and factory accountl. Cash Driye by ~ then call: garage. Laundry. Color I~ gar. Adlt!\ 704 Narcissus eves. FIA heat, pvt patio. Adults. SUPER-DELUXE QUALITY necess!U}' fQr immediate ~ antennas. Near bus. $148. Furnished & unfurnish· E It Bluff BEST l..ocf tion. Lrg new 2 ?lfORA KAI -2 BR. Patio. l\.'Igr . 16507 Alliance 1·2-3 room, up to 3,000 sq. start $1900. For more In-' * $170 * Adults. llll E. ~ ed, •tarting $295. a 5242 BR. 2 BN. $225/)T. around. Pool. \Vasher &. ldrye~ or phone Owner 646-5501 ~ oUice s:es. Immced. toe. formation write g iv l n I 3 ;,R, 1% BA, patiO, blt-ins, VILLA MESA APTS. ~~~~6'1~2-~2~202~~-~ll_________ * 548-7983. hook-up. 8181 Carlie d, 11: pancy. ange n y, name, address & phone No. r · I ~ ;;--;;;;;--,---;'"'""-~-.,-blk E. or Beach Blvd Coll Laguna Beach 5705 Airport Irvine Commerc. ~. drps. Ask aboUt our 2 BR, Priv paUo. Htd poo . 3 BR, 2 BA, delx 4 plex .apt, NEWPORT BE "CH 2 BR. J BA. w/frplc. Garfield). 962--8994. Complex. adj. Airporter Instan l Food Supply, 22527 dimurtplan.880CenterSt. 2 ca.r encl'd gar. Children r 1 bt-" d "" $175/mo. No children. 00 ~~~-..,-,."'""===·1 -==--------Hotel & "·stau-nt. ban"·, CrenshawBl,Torrarice , ,, ... ,. l rp c, u .... cp ' l'Jll'I, nr Vlll G d • 1 2' B 2 ba t Htg C•nt0 rgp ·Ee ·~ '" ~ cai,·r. -~ ~ welcome, no pets peue! Hoag Hosp. $220 mo, Inq. .a ra!'a a ""p s. pets.* 673-9183. r, ap nr .. ~ · TACULAR oceanfront Sail Diego & N'pt. Fwys. =.JW NEW TOWNHOUSE $165 mo. 719 ,V. Wilson. 4150 Patrice Rd. 642-4387, Furnished. Five bcdroomi1 & LGE l br apL New shag Bltns--<lshwshr, din·g af'('a, 2 BR, 2 BA, putting green, UNCRO\VDED PARKING Fish & chips-Ideal for family 2 ~;.11Ai Ba. le 2 BR. Crptg,1.,.646--1'5~!=-,-.,-,""-;;-=:-:: 642-lm. den, with balconies above .•, <.TPts. drps, pv1 patio. pool. adults oo pets. $350. LOWEST RATES busines! or inve!tment. Pvt d:rJ:il,,.-seU cleaning gas ov-* * NEW 2 le 3 BR. Shag 0e~3~B~R-=. ~,~!·i~B='A'°.-poo-l:-. -,,-;e-w·.1 patio below, Gracious living ~':,.~· $1~~a. s~~~ei792retrig, Adults only, $lG3. 530-0l93· 49~2354 or 499-28Sl. Owner/n1gr, 2172 DuPont Dr., 01vner must sell immediate . . en; "f!nd gar. Patios. 548-6900 crpts, dwhhr, gar. Only 3 from $275. Close to Hoag & quiet surroundings for NE\V! Never Lived-In: 2 &: 3 LOWER Large duplex 3 BR Rh. 8, Newport Beach. Jy. Orig sold fDr $25,000; will m ·W. Wilson. neighbon in )'OUr Bldg. 1-losp ~1281 Eves ; lamily with children. Near BDR:YIS. Nr. Beach 2 BA, din rm, patios, cptg, 83J..322J Courtesy to Brokers sac for fast deal, $5,000, Will Mew DELUXE 1 BR Child ok. Nr. S. Coast S44-3G66. ~~m7 de! Mar ~igb&~~!· Lido Isle 5351 *Agt. &irrl070 * d4!1's·n,9Perr. l.'Ond. Day1 DELUXE oUc. suite, grnd. take car, real estate 'or 1 in ''~ h hr bag t Plaza. " 2 . trep ace, wet ar u1 · __ • S130 • 2 BR, crpts, drps, ;rt-},... , eves 494-3458. lrade. Call George 557-6288 ~et ds w • s crp s, 540-1973 'or 54~2321 LGE br Iacu\g ocean.· in ~itchen app.liances. Will 2 BR., 1 !-i ba., fpl.. clcc. bllns, dshwshr, garage. Aft I "o'°'E'°LU'°'XE="2"'B"R"'."'''°B'°A.~~~--ew-, floor, has o1vn entrance and or 642-4527 dq1i:-S:.~ Sc!;6 sZs..~ * QUIET Adult couple only. :;~io, el~I kit. S~~·/ ~rr:;3: ?Prunder unfurrushed or tum. bit-ins, incl, refrig. 2 Car 4 pm, 847-31Z7 elec eye gllnlge, ldry. :.,es~~ft.D~t:l~~.d~:!i _E_S_T_AB_Ll_SHE_D __ M_anulac-__ , l,.=::;;.;::;..:...:,:.-,:.::.,=.-:cncl::;-1 2 BR. No pets. Drps, crpts, c. az y iture purchase. garag~. S300 ?IIonth l BR, near beach, crpts, 491-1056 or 494-5810 turer of women's swimwear 2 BB;.PO ba studio apt. e , dshwbr, heated poo l. 673-14 . 835 AMIGOS \VAY 644-2991 Lawson Realty 675-4f£2 drps, pool. adults, no pets. ========= oUc. Desk spac & recept. & sJJ(:ll'Uwear wilhea pvt pty K.U'·· trplc, pvt patio, Sl.30/mo. 2'295 Pacific Ave, *GOLD MEDALLION Coldwell, Banker & Co. Tradewlnds Rlty 847-8511. Den• Point 5740 $185 mo on lease, inc air-to factor shipments, Possi- pukng tor camper or boat. O.t 54&-6878. Dix 2 Br 2 Ba, CID. bltns, Mansging agent 833-0100 Balboa Island 5355 ~~;;,,,, u. ti!., crpts., drapes. ble opportunity !or Jn. Qiildren OK, no pets. 634 · eiicl gar. S17S .• 548-3708, • LGE 2 br apt..Crpts, <lrps, ---------~~- J11pni!ton or call 548-9380 3 LG Br, 2 Ba, new cpts, 67J..23TO. t-.~N=E~W~D~E~L~U~X"E~.~ IYEAitLi': Bay Vie1v. roomy bltns. Avail Nov 1. NEW duplex, 2 BR, 2 BA.I ~P~R=E~S'=T~IG=E~O~F"F~l~C"E~ v~s:nent inpi!us~;s n: ' drpa:, no pets, chldrn ok. Av! 2 br/2 ba, lower. 6 Yrs old, 962-8578 spacious, Avail. early Nov, •·or· THE BAY" ng t pnrty, ne -HARBOR GREENS Nov. 1 $165, 545-7245 aft 5. NEW, Deluxe 2 Br. 2 Ba. 3 BR, 2 BA Apt tor lease. bltins & re!rig .. New sh1tg I ;2;--;B"R'".-c"rp:OCt,:-. '-d:;:rp=,:-.-;:;ra;:,;;ge:-. No pels. 499-1675 aft 6 prn. G·-.. STUDIO APTS 3 BR, 2'.' BA, •harp, ·-~. dbl. garages + outdoor Jiv. Incl spac. master suite, din crpt_ 675-5207. Ctosod gar. "Children & ~1v"A'L"KC:-:~t=:--:;2:-;bc--;;-2-;:bc-At Lido yacht aI'lchorage GOING busines5 for sale. ~~' • -IUD • -1 •195 area. S_290 To S3(l0. nn le dbl garage, auto door "" $l40 °''°l65 to s ores, r, a, l room • Ground floor Badt:l: 2, 3 BR's, uuua . drps, fncd. Avail now. 791 Amigos Way 67:>-3930 opener avail Poot & Rec. 2 Br. Unf apt Balboa Is.land. small pel ok. . (W....., • cpts, drps, ds11,·hsr, patio, Air cond .. crpts, drps. iiom~:o~c~~e ~f!..: ~_!'tenon Way, CM.t_mo_._,._,.._8_79 ___ =_ YEARLY. 3 BR. 2 Ba. ,v/w area N. Bay[ront. Yrly S225 1no. 3 Br. Condo. Bltns. rerrig. fncd yd, gar, $175. 496-4912 E-Z parking, Util. paid f 34000 FP Terms ~·u 1 & 2 BR unf. $150 & $170 util Cpts, drps, bli"ns, patio, l.i ·• FROM $2G5 e A\'ail Dec, 1. 675--0021 wash/dryr, cpts, df1)S. $185 $125 per month a·~~ii. Day~ 54i_j722. eve L~ 1 BR. Ava.ii Nov 8, Lrg incl. Children ok. 307 b!k 10 ocean. No pets. 865 Amigos \Vay. NB on lse. 54S.140:l or 646-6762. Rentals Wented 5990 117 Lido Park Drive ;;43-S64J. 2 Bf.t. Avail Nov 18. Carport Avocado Apt 9. 64;,...o934 $27::.lmo, 642-948:i flt,.no.oed by Huntington B•ach 5400 e NEAR OCEAN-Beaut 1----------NeWpOr! Beach 673-1060 ---------t . _,Fro $135 A kour -t~-==~=--~~t -~ R Sla5 2 SEM IRETIRED Englis h e PIZZA-Italian food, &; ·~· m , s NEWLY Dec-2 Br, upsrain:. , WESTCLlFF . 2 BR, WILLIAM WALTERS CO. Spanish bldg. 1 B . , t . h 2 tt Finest Prestige Loe. .,,~__,,.,,,.LAS. DELI. Oo -••·. rlt~t lan 1846 Placen Cp ts d dbl Ad Its ,,. BR. $150. 219 15th Sl, H.B. roup e \Vil very snia .,.,.,...,,.. ..... .., -.. if;{~ k ~pt J1. • f.l~. is1?~iola ~673-~'. $175/mo. Adlts, no pets. SPACIOUS 1 BR. Lrg patio, ON BEACH I. well ~haved dogs ""ish to Irvine Complex Beer & \Vine. Established 14 --... .---Avail Dec 1. By Appt. entry hall. crpt~. drps, 1 &: 2 BR New apts. Frplc's. rent or lease unfurnished 2 Personalized service to fit yrs. S.C. 492-1221 * :J.iE\v-EASTSIDE (1) 2 BDRM apt Unfurn. NQ 54.8-7533, 5':18-6515. dhsher, pool,-nr. Fashion a 2 BR unf. Flum $225 Near Ocean! Patio, Adults. br house or cottage in South your ncedii. Your own oUice. ~n !or inspection 10 to 4 children, no pets. 2 BR, 2 BA. bltns, crpts, Island & mrkts. $17 5. c;-2 BR Furn. r·rom $2S!; LINDBORG CO. 536-2579 Orange Cl)ast area !South sec'y to answer your phone. lnve1tment t •& 2 br' alt facilities, 324 E. Call 642-584& drps, S170 mo. Nr Hoag 644-5298. c, rpets.cJrapcs-dishwasher 2 BDRMS., 2 baths. Cpls. & LagUna south\.\·ard). !ltax. Elli! sec'y services avail. Opportunities 6310 ~St~064&9490 2 BR, crpts, drps, blt-ins.158 Hosp. lnq. 4150 Patrice Rd .• -2~B~R-.-lr-pl-,-. -,-"-,-.,-to heated pool-sauna-tennis drapes. $140 per month $140. a TI1onth. Very clean Ideal for mfg. ~ps, individ. -===:;.:.;;=--":::.:! SPACIOUS 2 BR. Cpts, drps, Tulip La. Adlts, 837·2967/ 642-4387, 642-1171. pool. S200 n1o. 801 Domingo. rec rooni-ocean views 847~332 or 847-4;;sJ and quiet; R r fer enc e· s ual bus. men, slsm. 540-6373 INVESTORS WANTED! · Kl "5375 114· available, 496-4123 or Callafter'lpm. · ca.fPJ:f!. Child ok. S135 + ,,... · :J. 2 BR. crpt'd, drp'd, dshwhr,1 _"c.'"c.~..:c.7_7.______ p.~•ic am ple parking. 2 BR IN 4 PLEX, $130/\\10. 642-887~. .. 1741 WESTCLIFF OR. 830-8317 de~·n14 College Ave. No. 2 Br. Apts, bltns, crptR, drps. bltns, frpl. gar. On Beach.1_________ Security guard~. \\./\V CRPTS, DRP S, Prim Joe., store or offices 1:. 6f6..0677, clean. Jnquir!! la:i2 A Yrly 642-3978 aft 5 pm It Corona del M•r 5250 HUNTINGTON NEAR SCHOOL. 6-16-2577 UCI \1·oman Piuf .. responsi-3000 sq •ft @ 20c, grnd floor , •G ".BR. Crpt. drps, 1 or 2 Coriander. ~5268. wknds. 2 BR. D•·p•. cpts. blt-iM. ble, no pets, wants pcnn. Lot 01 pkg Wal/pan·l cpts ~Yds· ~k ..,~,. .. $140 + dep 2 B Sh Bltn R/0 ~B;:--;2"B""'u=1•B•1=-==·I---------PACIFIC pr•···ol• patio. •t25 mo. 1501 rLntal un furn or sen\i·furn 1 drp's. ai_..,.:. ... Ow"'r "'·~g.9586 "" o · ~~~ • · r, arp, s, • 3 r. a._ 11 • lns, ctpt.'I, BAYVIE\V • ... .,, BR. apt or house, quiet, vie1v '"'"v•ou .... 1'98 '. Maple Ave. Nu. l. refrig, crp1s, drps, carport. drps. $2:50/mo. * Call . 711 OCEAN AVE .. H.B. B AJobama. ()31-7210. or lrces, non canyon Joe. * DELtnrf""l:tOOOm oHice. 6J2-63k. No -ts. Upstairs. 968-1455. 540-7573, aft 5 968.8658. F~bUloUS l.Tl·level \\'Ith 3 (7141 536-1481 b d f I & •· ==~~~-~"-~I viey,·11 of Ne\\'J)Ort Harbor. 2 BR, 2 a, cpls, rps, pa 10, Begi:i Dec. IS.22nd. Write or Adjacent to Airporter nn 2 rut. 1¥.. BA, sharp, crpts, LRG 2 BR. Pool. $150/mo. LIDO Is!Hhoice 1 Br. Lrg 2 and den, 2 baths, built· ins, Ofc. open 10 an1-6 pm Daily encl garage, no pts, $140. ca11 l'\fiss Judith Tend ler. Orange <;nty. Air port , drP.S, . approx 1m sq ft. Conv. shop'g. 313 E, 17th llv rm, gar, rir shops. U;e service porch. 2 patios, mas-Managed by !">36-4946. Center for Lat.Am. Studies. Carp., drapes, music, air· ,\vifl: now. $160 mo ., Pl. CM 548-6532 Sl75/mo. * 673-5148. sive beanied ceilings, slate \VJLLIAM \VALTERS CO, =========0 J Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, cond .. etc. $125 ~'fonth 54~'.19 floored entry &· taniily room. I !!!~~""'!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!"".!!! I Fountain Va lley 5410 (4Jj) 642-2088. ,83.l-0101 OR 83J..0144 atAIJ'l"IFUL N•w 2 Br. Newport Beech 5200 Newport Bo•dt 5200 Trem•ooou, "o"'" '"""t" Huntington Granada ALL NEW FREE * DESK SPACE """' drps. adwts-no 1"'~;11.~~iiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiil & •ropes. $4oo P" '"0"'"· VALLEY PARK * 222 Fo A 374 • C Woodland Pl. orll 6 month or year \ease. l BR. J.'ro1n $13J rest venu' ~~7~. \VALKER & LEE 2 BR. 2 BA. Fron1 $lj,J f"or FA~1ILIES with pre. RENTAL SERVICE Laguna Beach LGE ·.J br, 1% ba, crpU, REALTORS Sep FAJ'\11LY SECTION for sCllOOI children only. TO -4!M-!MGG drp,. dl!hwshr. Downstairs. 646-77.lt children under 5. 2 & 3 BR and 2 BR Studio OWNERS & No pets, 2 chlldren ok. Nr .Just South ol \Varnf'r $100 to $21~ MANAGERS BEAUTIFUL oftices, air, ~hoOls. $100. S4N215. on Golden \\rt'~f. ~l.B. 1T2:"i6 South Euclid. fV Call 5•9365 carpels, pane.led. Facing 3 BR. 2 BA, \\'a..lk in closets, • (714) 147-1055 (J u!t South o! Wan"ler) t.1ATURE lady needs furn. 1 Beach Blvd. Call 842-2525 or .c1~. crp•-. -· Adults. ..,,~ (714) 54M785 B "· 5 all d call owner (2U) EX 4-0015 ,.-" .., .. f'REE RENT-2 wks. New 1 r. •~<;e or apt. m og. collect. tJ6.i/mo. Ref's. 540-0154. Br at heh. Quiet. $130, Look "··1'°v"E'°E'°'D-oolt-c-&-re=ap"·~-.-."cl"'ean"' 1 Nr. transp. & shop'g, C.i\f. 1st TD loan 1% INTEREST 2nd TD loan Tenns hued on equity, 6'12·2171 545-0611 Servin& Harbor area 21 yn. S•ttler Mort1 .. 1 Ce. 336 E. 11th~ Mortgages, Trust Deeds 6345 \\'E HAVE TRUSl' DEED * *BUYERS* * 54&-8450 or 5J9..631ti Ml 6-fi822 or 548-9457. OH TEN ACRES & you'll rent! Pv1 d<'ck/pat. 001 the treasures & tr11.!h -$100 \Vritc Daily Pilot l3ox DESK SPAC:E ..! i: PEuiXE l & 2 BR. PARK NEWPORT 1 A: 2 BR. Fum I: unturn 2(}4.A 14th. ~3 G-I 319, tum inlo cash thru a Daily i\1·2008, 330 \V. Bay, C.~f. 305 No. El Camino Real PRIV. party wants 2nd T.D. G.hSen Apts. Blt-ir.i, prlv. Firepl&Oll I prlT. patles / 673-1784, Piiot Classified ad. 642-5678 TEACHER lit son 1\•ant 2-3 SGn Clemente on Mesa Verde home . Have MonoyWantod P,.tio~· htated pool, frplc. Poob.Teanb.Contnt'lBkfst, -·~ BR home in llarbor J-fi 492-4420 1 ·cy p lO% · A'.dul':.'$145 mo. s.t6-5163 High on • bluff o verlookin9 the water, 7 900 Sea La.ne, ow '4f.MI Fountain Valley 5410 Fount•in Valley 5410 ~~~6~a around Dec. 1. * DOWNTOWN H .B. 54t: ' ay s]~~ 1~ .T,OWNHOUSE * pools 7 t ennil courts $750 000 heolth (KacArthur Dr. CN.C Hwyl Rem-01-• otc or shop, blk 10 CHU RCH W/Xlnt c rod ·,, 2 /Sl· JJ,i BA, crpts, drps, ' • ' FAMILY of 8 dcsit't's 1-ental OCf:;, L~dborg Co. 536-25i'9 record needs $30.000 to ;,t~ ;/'dull$, SI6S. 134 E. club and Spa. Bachelors, I or 2 bedrooms. CORONA DEL MAR in Coste l\1e!a area. Up to finiSh build ing, Will con- ¥elodf Ln. 5f8.1168 NE\V J Br. ·3 Ba. 101\·er du. JJ~ ~200. P.O. Box 372, Trabuco • xt.NT OIJlce Spece Now sider any offer, ~79DO. • Also 2-story town ~ouses with 2 or 3 bed· plex. Frplc .. 1vasher/dryer, _ canyon, Cali!. Avail. LIOO BLDG. 33SS · '2 BDR.\f. Beam ceil· Via Lido, NB. 673--4501. ANNOUNCEMENTS - ••••ll-. All rec El I • k"I h • t b I complete bit-Ins. Enclrn;c<l e • LANDLORDS • ,.....-·oe. rooms. ec r1c 1 c ens, pr1v1 e e cony · & Be Ufull Ci · and NOTICES tlf&tm'el. $165. f.dults, no patio . garagf!:. au y FR.EE RENTAL SERVICE * NEWPORT BEACH v1c 1-._..;.;.;;..;.;;.;;;;;.::. ____ , I .._Call now 646-0013. t or pa ti o. From $175 to $'450. Subter· Mtndscaped. Year lease at Broker. ;134.6982 Center, 300 ft to 1000 . ft. Found {fret Ads) 6400 : 1a .381 w. Bay Street e S300 per sno. Contact ~ Answering 4 Secretarial. ranean parki ng, elevators, optional maid •• 0 t • i\IATURE Relisble couple 671>-1001 a LA c K Sha r: g y toy 1 ·s)t:·l BA. Garden Unlta, t, 111-IOw oun a• nd need unfurn, house w/dble ~Oi;FTO;;l;,;C;;E'F;:or:-::,..::,::-t,•$60;;;-. ;;Fu::rn:: coc-a-poo type. Taken to Qhag crpts. drpt. ~whr, service, convenience shopping. See 7 " rar. Max Sl50 mo . 642-023$. u-•·-Utll 333 E iti.l1o .. beam celllnp, frplc, -MWP n a.a or mWTI, pd, · Dr, Stockton, CdM. Pound. 11.,.. :l650 Elden. ;n--OQU alt bHutiful model eporlmenls, open 9 a .m . Mediterranean Style tu•ury NEED COM BACH 17th St. 01. 64:.-24.50. 673-9'57. 7 pm It. sun. $165/mo. * COROLIDO APTS * * 6/>345.l * CORONA DEL MAR 2 Solid white pt Ptnian klt- drp -rport. to 6 p.m. daily. Other times by 1ppoint· 2 BR Sludio. Uhfum, All 1 & :? Btclroom5 -% Batba ~s· .S RMS 1100 sq rt~ R!."d fi!'. 2 tens about 8 weekl old l 2 BR. Cprts. 1• ca elec, dsh11,•hr, dbl carport & --_R_oo_m_•_fo_r_R_en_1_·_--"-' BA. Ci t>, Pk&:. 6n.6757 blue Rea cotla.r Vic Dam!! t .. ~ yard,. Sep. unit. l or menl. Located 1t J1mbor11 a,,d San 1,.. poot. S190 & up. 613-3318 Adult Ll\1nl --========= J -2 ebildrcn. no pt.la. Furalsbed ~ Unfurnbhed DELIGHTFUlrNr.wly dee. -St 0 1 ~1407, $110/mo. 6454191. Joiquin Hills Roidi, in Newport, iust 4 Br, 2't b;I Studio •P'·' !unny uP$trs rm w100 1c. In Commercfel 60IS "o""•"RLIN="c,e-=B"lk--&-wlti-·te BR' 2 •• ~-cp•·. Cleam. 714 Gold e nrod . •Pool ~ hllppy ad1t hOmf-. ·Manyl---~-E------,,-1 ftmalcdog,vlcM•...i~Aw., ~~·~"' ~ I d h ( ) M~7-13 ~ DELU... ~lbt"e or o ce ..,.... 4..--, bllnl, SJ73/mo. Nr north of Fashion Is en • P one 714 $31$1 mo. rt lse. a • • nut.-1.li.-~ xtra.,1 Empl. li1dy SlOO. ~Pft.ce klr rent or k!:a•e. app. C.~I . about 3 "''ks aro. Call ~kill£. No p e t ~. art!i~8003. e Sii•• C•r,c11 5'16-6740. 'iiG-:a fl. Addi. 700 sq ft 645-1286. 5"0-4.ISS. 644-1900 for le11in9 info rmation. 2 BR, 2 Ba. Qcesn tide of • rri.-r...u,, -:i ~ I LGE. 11tU'&Ctivfl: room w/pvt "'&rehouse alto avail. itS ~J"A7M"E"SE"'""'K"Jt_tc_o.-,-.,-,..-~f1 I 8 r $150/ ..._1 Hwy, Nlctly decorn.IM. • a..-c.,..,., i • ' bath. Prefer working lady. wanted, L..apn• N 1 g u el mos. Vic H.B. Call to ldt!n. r. un · mo. n--MORG '" REA'~Y e-•••2 • a,...., c.11..,.· · -~ .. , " -•1• ~.. tl!y ... • •• J:tec .& wtr pd, Adlts, m tu" .. , ·~ .... ,....,. "eaa ... erue area. "7~. InduatrlaJ Park, Crown ~1._ ~It. M£$A MANOR.. 1Cl Park Newpo_rt 3 Br, 2 ha upper duplex. Nr 9065 Slattr Avta111 I ~ 1 4:: Br fut Bl la: clot.ets pvt Valle1 PkWy at San Diego lv"'1"'cc-, "'s .... A'".-=11"',,-, "'lcl"1 .. -.-(-pt-.1 WlltOll Avt .• CM, ~'1405. btach & mkt. No 'Ptll, S21l !',n\' I\ '"-. 'Yrotl: I , tnl P41. 3 blka to b;ch bay f'\\')', i\1on--Fri lG--5 s:u. .. L.130, Sl i.me!.M!), Jonc-hllrfld, 2 ... _ 'A rf f mo. 401 Jasmlnt Ave, Cd?>t. .., !.,r.1lm:r .. i!.i"' .___ 673--lo;l aft ti 11111 'E.Y! 1 1~ 6 or sat 837'"9S97. n\ale. M&-4131. , , BR. Unf\lfn, Upe;l&JP, pa men ·s si.• _"ll!.• !it...4J~ Crptl, drps. S130/mo. tn-• UPPER 2 Br. 2 Ba, attrac & ~ .. I 1' URN . Roont~iS-$85 00.\L.\reRClALrlNDtJSTRIAt. PURSE-Corona. ltla:hland5. lant ok. 363 W. WlllOft St. bri.cht. No yng chldrn. 613 Prefctr collcg11 1tudcnt. Stb rtenra.ls S<IO gq. It, to 2800 sq. ldenli(y. 6i3--1099 19 a.m ... 12 ~783 or S43-0'i$> • N•~la.'!u~. fi'/5-..iT20. St, H .a. 6't2..sl20. ft. llc to JOc. 496-1840 SC. a.m. I'. I I I ,I ·I ,, * I * * ---------r--~---~~----....... -----------------~--- • • . . • • ' ......... •' FriNJ, ""'""" 6, 1970 • DAILY PILOT 37 SEllVICE DIRECTORY SEltVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRICTOllY JOIS I '™'LOYMINT JOU I '™'LOYMilf Jn•• a EMPL<>Y-NT, ~·· I " fM' ' jt Bobvaittlnt 6550 Eloctrlcol -MAID SERVICE 1 ~ JoltWonlM, Jo .. Mon, W-7100 Jobe Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobe Mon, Wom. 7100 ; NEWLY LICENSED ELECTRICIAN, Sm&ll job&. DOMESTICS . W-• 7ll20 C1oao1na Woman 1-no • Machlnlot C'OSTAMF..SAPR.&SCllOOL malntet».nee It repai rs . FMI Like• Oui19ttt EXP .Aot/pta'/ aec/r•c . Ntpelhome,Two&..hrdt,ys 18th & Monrova. % day + Lic'd Ir Bonded. SM-.5203 Have a MAID hf )'our bottle J*yroll Gan. omce Met. weekly or more. $2 hr A Jo)lll day 1t111ions. Plan. -• -to llVe Jn tozo 11 low u SJ.ti). dulln fl&ll/pt dmt ffS.14Dl. tnnlP. -.ll09. ENGINE LATHE -MACHINIST -~~~ Md procnm, hot luncbea. Floors "'5 $350 per mo. -,... DAYW<»UC w-81t a * COLLECTOR * ~ ~\. ~ ¥. hn 6:30 am-6 pm, CARPET VINYL TlLE dtttd at our ottioe or tn Sun ,$2.00 IJ;w. Expedllud Exptrienced tn c)Ofe toler· · $l8 wk, •Compare.! 642-4050 LIC OONTR FREE l:ST your home, Plea.te Call, and lcleNot•" --. f'lNnce COMPI..., -08. ance ahort run work involv- • Or 838-5231;' * .. ~ -* ' (213. ) ~ ~ "'-''--•y . ..._........ ~ ........-.... AIDES ..... eannlncenoe, aklp.~ Ir: demand collec-inc cutinra. with ability to DEPENDAllLEold ~~man wl3 ... _. elderf.1 eare or lamU7 an. tiont, make tetuJll, yr desires .J I ve · I n G.nlening 6'IO Maintenance --Homuiaken 5t7.t881, HUNI'lNGTON -9 HOUR DAY-ba.,.,_ • """"°'k I ~~~!!!.--~~·1;;::;;:"';:="'-:;;;;;-:::::; . . INTERCOMMUNIT't More 1"' home than WAI<>· * LANDSCAPING * HAVE Mop -Will tn.wl J-L-"' W 7100 HOSP ~7328 Wil'lldows, tloon ~ screen u-:.1t1n, em. -ITAL- • New la~s, 111.wn removal, repa.trs ~7, f96-185t . ---------Call 8'7·7807 or apply -45 .HOUR WEEK - -PROFIT SHARING - ~ . _, __ Wh•ddyo Wont? W ~ddy• Got? SPECIAL CLASSll'l ~TION l'OR LICENSED Child care my renovating. All ph ase s'l"'""""'""="=i:== ACCOUNTANT. Small ~n't. Penonnel Dept., lm2 home, &2tS l to 5, Moo thnt landscape ins1all & deslgns. P•lnft,. hotp. Hoepital ........ pretd. Beach Blvd., Hunt, Bch. J. C. CARTER CO. NATURAL BORN WAPPl!RS Spoclol R· lo S Lines -S tlmH -S bucks Fri. Lunches & nwl<'ks in. Lle'd contr 12 J ' ~..- eluded. Vicinity of Baker & c::::::::;:;:...,,·=,,"'=;:nc-;:.;-o-x_p .. l:-;P;::a;::po:::;rh:;a;::nt::-:1:: .. =::::WO:;:-:-Nttd not be CPA. Salary COSMETIC SALES: Fa.n· Bristol MM038 536-1225. open, Contact Mr. Sage tutic New Product, Guann-&n W. lrnt ST. . ' AL'S GARDENING * FxrERIOlt-INTERJ.OR * IWZ..2734. teed Clltntle, 546-3904. COSTA f\.fESA SERVICE station ,aaleanan. ~ ,_ •UL•S -AD Mi.llT CLVDt: Wll" "°" ..... "' ,...... ~ . .,.. ..., •• ,..._ \VILL Babysit: My Mme; f Gard w ' be und Cu Cn4) 548-3422 full time, experle,nce!l. Neat l ~ Prel inla ._. v; or ening_&smaUland-oat erbid! stom ADVERTISlNG-lmmedop-DENTAL Aaslstant, ,.· appoa•a.nce· •• ,._ '• )-YOU• ,eitM IJOll/er IM'*-_ 4-f llM.1 t11 .,.,.,.._ s-HOTHINQ l'Oa SAL•-1Liois OMLTI n\ll""V yn, 1c: acapl .. lll!l'Vices call 540-5198 work, fully m•••. Finest ..-... i"' for,_ .. ,., • ~-cha'-'.L. ~" -wo111:1 Atlantic Ir Magnolia HB. ..-_..,,...v .... • .,...... '"'"'""• •Re ~. exp, "'-· .. • -i'" emp1 ....... mechanical, Apply ;2$90 To Pl11ce Your Tr11der' P11~11diM Ad PHONE 642· 71 536-8977 Serving Newport, CdM, Cos-paint.II. Frte eat./color ~~ J2..$3.50 pet hour + pret ~ Beach. CallJ.;o~;o::-:;...;c==.c.:::~...:;:::::-='"' N Bl d .:;:.,::c..c·-------1 ta Mesa, Dover £¥res, sulUng. Local reh. Lie, generous b:mutes · I corn-4!M-3596 for application. * * ewport v ·• C .. M. .i WilL babysit in my Corona Wmclltt. Bond, Ins. 492-5338, 5fi9-08ll m i s s ions , Pleasant MEN and WOMEN SERVICE Sta. Pump Isl. at-' del ?.fa.r home. 2 yrs & up . Profess. Garden Afaint. No Wasting telephonl! work. Call Ir ap-Dpn'AL ASSISTANT. tendant. Exp'd pret'd. Over ; 5 Units in L.B. \VIII take new or old TD's or a house from H.B. SO, lo San Cle-- mente, Can adtl hse in L.B. ('Jr ex. separately, Bier. 54;).9451. Blue Chip stamps, mod cam. era for antique, cld, odd cameras, lens, & photo stuff. Box, stereo, Leite, Zeiss, EK I..eica. Pvt. collector 962-5278 HUNT. BCH. 3 BR, xlnt Con.. do. $7000 equity w·iJI show 12% spendable, Wilnt late model car. Agt 536-2:'i33 or M7·TI76 34 Ft. Cabin Cruiser; tip top cond.; t\vin scre1v; Joaded wilh extras. FOR hou.11:?, units or T.D.'s. OWNER 67'"...t259 Trade $3,000 e11uity, 3 br, 2 ba Lake Havasu home for p-operty or ? CALL Eves, 673-4712 16' ALL glass C.C., 36 gal. tank, 75 hp Johnson, $1200 Val Need Harley Davidson cycle, full dress or ? ?? Smith 893-9839 or 492-6754. g.3 Bed roon1, 2 bath Units ln N.E. Costa Mesa . WANT trust deeds or Home and up ' to 4 Units locally. Quintard Realty, 642-2991. HAVE oceanfront duplex, 3 BR. 2 Ba. ea, Want T.D.'s, ~d, house. PYRAMID EXOIANGORS ~ 67~ Antelope Valley 40 A, beaut west .side. Make good railch Eq for home, unils, comm. or late auto, 01\'11er 1177 El Camino, C?.1. 546-5941 3 BR, 3 BA home on 11th fairway of Palm Desert CountrY Club. F&C, apply $28,500 val. toward income property, agt. 4!J2.8508, Have 3 br, 2 ba Mesa'. Verde T-plan, existing $27,500 F1iA loan. Will trade $4500 equity for TD, auto ot ? Bkr, 838-6341 eves. .. * * -~-c ·~·O C ZONED, 4 + acres, Free & Clear, $13( XIO. TRADE for income B"1anced mo;'{.;enced +WALLPAPER* ply now! 54""5501 • .1369 Ex><rl•nced Humi-PART TIME :io. "'°1 E. Coast Hwy»ot =ba""ckc-:"~"'-c-· 6;_1;._c.;_;_~--l~~n. 7e~· t ~f~ · 'wbeo ycu call "Mac'' Newport, Suite F, C.M. Beach. M7-«n0 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar. :. or : WILL Do babysitting day or pest, diteaae, weed control. Sta-;lt14 646-lnl AGGRESSIVE, Swift, briJbt DEPENDABLE GIRL fULL TIME * 615«i'U * ~ REALTOR nile, C.M. area-8anta Ane. Cleanup jobs, &t6-5893 ffou8ea:, docks, ·boa ts, young men to park can Jot to babyalt my Imme STUDENT A.Nist teach, lite ·~ 548-1111 _A_,._. 548-4362 _ _;__· _____ ,MONTHLY la wn main-flagpol es, #lything restaurants. Sony, m long Aftetnoonl 61&-5414 REXAIR INC. h9ewotk ~lO tin wk. '1 ~t;E-",__~N~lgu-,~,~Go""'"1t~c="""'--OULD CARE my ho~. any tenance, New l~wns &. everything reasonably hair, &4Z-lll5or,6Q.4'123. DRAPERY Mfa:,.1tm., exp'd ANAHEIM DIV. ; ::=-Pe~!~=:· j 1 uded can.von vu of aae. Near Faitview & sprinklers installed'.~ roto-painted, Free est. 646-9752. At tra eti ve, O\annlng, ovetlock oper. Imm op. , G e.ys, lake & clbhse. Ad&m1, C.M. 549--0752 tilling, trees & &hrubs I INT or E X'T ER I 0 R energetic girl• for va1et Beach Drapery 900 W, 17th Now Hiring THE DAILY' PILOT Trd comm, TD's, mltplx Babysitting _ All ages removed. 548-5924 PAINTING. Loe. ~L JM. puid~ hoeteues, 642-1315 . SL, C.M. Evening work 6:30 to 10 PM bas an open1na' for an exp!ri. ~ \n mt area. Owner 645-1021 ll6 Monte Vil!ta., C.M. AL'S Landscaping, Tr e e MED. Ser v i e e. Fne or 642-4123. EXPER'D. Gu llta att., me-. NEW BRANOJ enced, joumaliat In ita WO. t .~~-*~.:.640--425>::..:=---*--· I remO'Val. Yard remodeling. estimates. ~O. API'. C1eaning: Woman chanical work. FOfttlt Dona. EXPANDING TO men's department. Applicant 14' S~ _boat. 45 horse, !\olerc. WILL babysit, my home, 5 Tl'u1! hauling lot cleanup: p A INT ING : Hone at needed, exper. Own transp. van Chtvron Sta., 26988 Qr. ORANGE COUNTY must be able to ~1 w :de~r~~Io~rOtW~ days 'week. Nt. So, Coast Repall' sprnklers. 673-llOO, Guaranteed work. Llc'U., PenonaJ ref's, 642-1224. tega Hwy., Su Juan Cap. TOP STARTIN·G· PAY. write clearly, nndel~ I , ..... Plaza. 557-8887 LA\VN ca.re. cleanups, trash local ret's, Call 675-5740 aft BABYSITI'ER Needed! usentfals c;d ~~ • 1 val Alpro~72 val. Babysitting in my hauling. F.V., H.B., & 5. T.I:..C. For 3 Sm / ChJdm, EXPERIENCED Altft'Btion & We need 22 men and v.'Omen l~t, Top company ~ • · Costa Mesa Home, evenings. Westmstr. area, Free est. PAINTING &r Paperhangirll'. 1:30-5;.30 Mono.Fri. Will co~ Counter woman for Dry with all types of work back-fits, good salary, attracftve coSTA MESA C-1 COR call 646-4m 847-5802 Int. .\ Ext. Rea90nable. sider llw--in. Aft i: Oean!ng Store Apply m erounda. No experience nee-new quarters. Apply Jn writ-, 90xll7 -2 bldgs vat $68,IXXl NEW Lawns, re-seed. Con1pl Free estimate, 646-7081 54()....4700. S, El Camino a9i, San Cle. eswy, as company training ing only, citing experienoe; Eq S42'>oo. Income $445 mo. Brick, M11aonry, lawn care. Clean up by job INTER & Exler painting. CAB Y S·ITT~R, Mature mel,'lte. ·492-5U4 ~.1:1~:i foa:'y e:~t G~~tlon ~-~ For hi desert, Cal or out-ot etc 6560 or mo. Free esl, For info .,.___ , · 'd Yi"Oman. 1 or 2 4aYt It oc-FEMALE Cook A J · ............. ~ ."""......... ...-~ ' state. . OWNER 646-8558 897-2417 or 84&-0932. ...-.~ est. Local ttf '· ~ic: cask>nal nite1. Hunt , · PP Y in position, M11St be ovtt 18. aonnel Manager Bo:i: 1511), t BRICK * BLOCK * S'l'ONE I -'"-,,CC,~...:.;.:.;:::;_= & lfll, Call Chuck. 645--U809 Harbour (21!) 59l-3007 person. Mesa lM!es, 1703 FOR INTERVIEW cALJ,; ())stn Mesa ealit G31, Pride tOwnen;hlp 4-plex By the hour, after 5:30 NCLE~N U~ SPEi;t~ST Ll'dMEDIATE Est. on quality BABY~ needed. for Superior Ave, C.M. SATURDAY "lJJ AM to S ~M WANTED: ~.needle l" in Tus . Comer lot, pool 642-1948 * &15-0758 .ew ence .repair. ow-interol:exterpainting.Apta, my home, Newport It 19th GENERAL OmCE. c.Il , 77~7251 . power machine operator. & rec , exchange land, Briek, block, stone. Patios, ing & edging. R ea 5 · homes CC' just a room. Jack, ll't'll, ll:SO 1o·I p.m. Call aft' ,Lorame, Wn:tclltt PetDmel * * SAll.S BY OCHOCK. can ~ i units, Tf..'s, house or ? entrance ways, No job too 548-6955. 837-6!1'l5, {213) 43(1...2866. 6 5CS-8782 ~ncy, 2M3 Westclitt Dr., Men 675-1823. . • ~ ( Moore Realty, 673-3101 small. 646-7825, Ref furn. WHAT Grows up -must cut PAINTING • Ext ... Jnl 18 • . NB~ 64>2770. MEN 60 UP $100 WK. XLNT. accom. to coDep ._ 'l Aircraft& Parts Bus will CUSTOM Bri c kwork , down, Lawncare $8.50 moat yrs. exper. Ins. Lie. Free ~y~ =·~ HOMEWORKERS WANTED PLUS BONUS dent, exchangto t.b1d duties Sac, ovr ~ S MM inveritory: Planters &: Fi1'l'place. Reas. lawns, <l96-lS54, 49&-44l7. est. ACCOlllt. Ce i i 1 ng s . heh. ~~S after 7 PM. (Elm!Jope Addttaen}. AS MARKET SANT AS 615--0310, 548-n97 -I For 1 •"-units.land-TD'• IW&-"'23, 84"'•~. 841--$2.50 HR. Landscaping, 968-9126 Ruah 1••""'-A, telf·ad-Good ap-uanco, lluent YOUNG man to~--·---. ~ ~u 1 ·ng ·ti. , Ex BE Distributor of _,.,~ ,... """" ._.... yacht .. ~ computer trade. c ean1 .·pain ng, e c. -*PAPERHANGING drea1ed envelope. speech A: you'~ hired. Lo-carpet cleaning. Part time l JP. 54B-> 11'1 ext 434-89440!H Co~rl-'5911 ~pejiii'-~re~l="~b;I';· ~Jo~h~n-i64&-i,;;;!l50~S~ .. 11&~P~AINTIN~~~G'.;·.,.;*~~968-~242S~I noo--polluting products A: LA NGDON "-WORLD cationa in many are., of Or. to, •• ~ ••• -_cc;.;;'..,=="";.;;.;••,._• __ =.;: Own Bosa workin1 -..on ....... ....,...,_., -EXPER. Hawaiian Gardener , put-time 67>8725 in.AUERS, P.O--. Box a.nge, LA. & Riverside Cowl-I =========~I 12 Units, prime loc. Santa CARPENTRY Complete Garde nln g LABOR&: Mat I. Inter & Ex-~:~Redondo heh. ties. -School ... lnstrvc:tlon 761!D • Ana. 7X Gross. $50,000 Eq. MINOR ,REPAffiS. No Job Service. 646-4676 aft G pm. ter. $10 per room. Free elt. BE a TRl.cHEM instruct.or. ....uu. -••o North Polo 521·•u1 • Trade for $50,000 to S00,000 Small. ;;;;;;;;;,,-:;;;;;;:;;;;;;'i;;;i;;;;;·l2"~1!:;-"'38~!!.·..'...,_~7~046~----'NO kit cost. Laura ' •-home. Tageoos & 0 t~~~~ EXPER. Japanese .Garde~t, INT &: EXT painting, Ex-S.U-9!m, Lola 96)..tMO ' •HOUSEKEEPER. live in WE TRAIN & TRAIN TO BE i\· · t OwnerAlrom 673-3430 complete yd sel'Vlce. Reha. perl need t &: ts $9 Hunttnaton Harbor. Own COsn.IME FREE H E ' 54&3175 H no answer leave &: neat. Free est. 642-4389 ---~ ,.,:_ ~t..~. · BEAUTY ! Receptionlat • rm, TV, Must be exper'd a -... MOTEL MAID eaYJ quipllllnt 1 Have va&nt & improved msg at 646-%172. H. O. •EXP J Gard .-• _.... Girl Friday. Lite apeak ~lab. Salary $200 OPER T --I MJ. inco'.1;.WANT: Rl lot Anderson . apanese ener. McAdams Painting SeN. secretarial. Must be to $300 mo'ly. Pb: M6-01D6 pftltne Sall Inn Motel A OR -, 0-home. •ta! ·-a. Now-==~~=--~-Maintenance &: Clean-Up. Int & Ext ~ ial ....... bee.utiful. amb•'lkm, Ir: '-67>1841 .__ __. F ... . ' ~. • ...... REMODELING & Repair 12-6 pm-826-2910 er. er. ~...,e ra,.... er 846--4666 ......,rov-or •th · pert Beacll thru Dana Point. specialist Comm'!, reside~ on apt&. 6t$.3645 sharp. Exp'd er will train. HSKPRS Empl. NITE Jabl.tor. Apply ln Learn to operate buildozeiao • 6'1U809. tial. Paneling, ca bi nets, •ae'!n~EN~ se~:.t: PAINTING: Inter. Ii; Ex~. F'l1ll or part tbne. P.O. Box Georg Allen :~ ~ person. Mese.,. Lanes, 1703 drag lines, cranes, acraPeft: ~ Have real estate to trade; ~marlite, formica. Ca 11 Exp JaPanese 548-8255 aft 6 Very tttllMBble. 645--0818 l0026, Santa Ana cy l~B E 16th s A SUperlor Ave, C1M. loaders, trenchers, e f c. , R-3 lots, cqttmercial & acre-64~7598. ' aft 6 PM BEAUTY Opera.tor, Corona. 547...o395 : ' ' ' Nunini • ". Home study prepares "JOu ~ age, N. Orange Co, Want CUSTOM WOOD\VORK C:,E,~ •. Cl•Roiu:uoptill. tree. Ha·-~ymmklan'. S & H PAINTING del Mar, Dor pt time, with HOUSEKEEPER tu SUPERVISOR, RN.-for re!ldent tralninC at'ctm" : Npt, wtrfmt or boat to 45'. Fu 1 b _, • • uu or withoUt following. can . . . · ma re. 3 to ll:30 shift.', mOdem facilities in Miami, • rn ture & Ca inets odd jobs. Reas. 64fr5848 & Ccmplete Remodeling serv, aft 6:30 PM 673-0968. .Llve-m. 2 childn:n. from p-~ Lld Co •• '-I ~--·d H' hi _,, I Ownr524-{262: eves528-2372 548-4235 or 645-0044 --~GICRD'EN'iNc;--l . ..'.5.16-~2~ll~1:,0o~'~642-~1~403~==-' Nov 16th thnJ. 19th ..... ,. 0 nv.,..eacen ,....,.,, a. ig Y _...caner I ~=~=~====~ GARDENING ' 846-2157. . Center, 642.-8044. '...._ls open ambitious men. 1Jbj. I Bushwacker dune buggy, '61 R E PAIRS-ALTERATIONS. By Experienced Japanese * PAPERHANGING Betty Bruce v.ersal Heavy Omstroct1Do ' VW ~ new tires & --CABINETS. Arty r;iu: job, * S48-022S * & PAINTING. * 968-2425 HOU SE WIFE Wanted, 01:-D!:R male Pizza Maker, s°chooa De t 1203 501 'N ; mag w~ia, linmacldate 25 yrs exper. 548-6713. m fl telephone 90liciting W hrs niahtl. LaPl:ca. Mia, 16947 ~'· p suJ 2Js. sX: Sl.500 val, fOr vw. small car SMALL JOB Complet~=r:!~ Service Plasterlne, Patch, • i:J6 C.,xec per day. Joe, 536-2533. Bushard, v.v. can after 11 Cal or t(ara> 'lJll - or ??? 49:J..8508 SPECIALlST ' 962-4914 R.,.tr 6111 •HOTEL MAID• AM 962-6404 . SC , -· : ' What do y(ll bave to trade? Call Gordon· ~ Agl!n~y Pftmanent ,Yftf"n>w>dl OPERATORS-SineJe needle. II List it bere _ in <>range ROOFING GARDENER·EXP'D * PA'IOI PLASTERING _;V4 .,., ~ ~ll!M Exp'd only. Top pay. AIRLINE County's llqest read trad. & All Home Improvements. * 675-4952 * All types. Free estimate. lllM ~~~. ~~·~ Produc-SPCAHCOOIFLICS'\.. • --. i' ing post -lnd make a deal. Free Est. 536-1059 Complete Yard C11rel Call 540-6825 410 W. O::ut Hwy., N.B. ....._ * * JIM 540-4831 Plumb!.. -By appoint. 11<6-3939 COMPOSER OPR . ·* PART TIME * Day & Nlrh! a...M'-<~ * Cerrient, Coner~~ 6600 Ge•·ral S.rvlcos ,,_ BOB'S s.tM.,,, knowOpen, Exper. req'd. n• MLo~~~t BG~~KFridPG. N 54.\.6S96 ; :·: •• ~ ,... _, PLUMBING REPAIR Ult pasteup Nice ~ ,._. ..,., BY. 0 610 E. 17th St., Santa~ ... .!) l\t:y Way, quality home/;,;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;:/ No job too small l?'OUP • typing, Good job, benefit& It !!!!!!!!'!!!~!!'!!~!!1!!!!!!"""91 AN, NOUNCEMENTS repair. Wallt. celling, floors • N •--'th · M kc Bl 0 I ~ e 6f2..3128 e "HOME OF THE BIG BOY" ewport '"'llU ms. ar . oome, LEARN T FL'( , and NOTICES etc. No job too small. I ' 30Cfi Harbor Bl d CM ;. =.:::::::::7'---~;;;l.~543-~t~""~·--=~ KAREN JOY DRAINS Plugg<d? Dratntna TRAINEE-COOK Porsonno Agency • .. · • Low raie. private thnl . ._ i Found (Free Ads) 6400 Penon11l1 6405 CONqtEI'E, All types. Free slow? Expertly cleaned $9. Neat a~arl.ng iOOd char 133 Dowr Dr., N.B. * PRESSER, part time, meT'Cial. Call after 5:(M) SD , t Sa · b ak' haul 24 br aerv. 5.1>-3854 NO EXPER!EN• CE NEC.· 6'2.-3170 e.xp'd. for QUallty •uk in Tues., Thur. and Fri, and tf.I ! * MASSAGE * " wmg, re. •ng. · · -"KNOWS" Fountain VaU Ph week nd& 830-4319 SAUNA * WHIRLPOOt; in&al~ Skfpload1ng. ScrvJCe & Roofl ff50 Many fringe benefits fl68...3556 · ey, : e · ~ ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES Black Leather key case Santa Isabel and Orange Identify 646-6481. BOXER Brov•n with white on Newport Blvd and 22nd St. 642--7334. Lost 6401 Lovely Girls'. Plush tacUIUes. qu ity. 548--8668 Bob. & I'll Tell YOU In "I lnte~ 41~thS Cp~ Daily ~:rG F=? ffr r Open 7 dii.YJ, noon-ntidnleht. MORE Ccncrete patio for LEE ROOFING CO: Roofing• • • · · Recepl. Soc'y n.-1exlc Chilcken, 61>"''"""" .~ 2930 w. Coast HWI, Newport lest money. Artisti c settlnc. Saturdays TV GUIDE of all types, recover, Equal oppty employer to 11.ua ... ~-. .........,.. , t Beach. 548-3608 Lie .• call Max at 644-0687 .........-~ repe.ita, roof coatings. Llc & ~ ...,_ MERCHANDISE ,Oil : I CEMEN~ WORK. no ,.. b too THINGS "'"' h"'band d"" boooed since 1917. 64:1-1222 * IUSIOY * .. • -.. No Sllb ....... Xln't 0'""''-,~! SALE AND TllADE:-:-'. . T ha do -est.a co, • new expandu46• • .., small, reamnable. Free not ve !ime to . ! BEFORE Y(J{l buy, ca.II T. D NI ht • Top benefits, Call Miss Eliz. Fumftvre lilxt' ~ Estim. H. Stu.Dick, 54$.8615 M a i n t-repalt! Anything. Guy Roofing Co Recover 11Y1 or I 1 abeth, 557-6122, Abigail Ab. • • l CUSI'OM CONCRETE 545--0nl. spe ci alis t, .645-Z180, ~ bot Personnel Aaency 230 . , BEAUTIFUL male Irish Set· -PATIO-DRIVES-ETC. •ABABA • 548-9590. Apply In penon W Warner Suite 211 Santa URGENT! Must eell ·tfd.i ' { ter, vie Laguna Beach, Own. ~~:1;'!1! f~ 2. m~::e:: Free estimate. 675-5516 SECRETARIAL SERVICE RE·ROOFING. shingles &r REUBEN'S ~ PERSONNEL kia.. ' ' weekend: white. gold ~ ~ SWINGERS! New Orange Co. Gulde. Free info OCSG, P .O. Bex 2111, Anaheim 821--0193. ers very attached. Very nice pymts. 15 mo. left. 642-39'1l DECORATIVE CONCRETE Efficient, confidential, reas, rock. Repairs & ano-coating. SERVICES~ med bedroom set .erta mat-, te"'-·ard. Nam~ Bogart. 17 aft. 6 or week-t>nds anytime. DRIVES· WALKS • PATIO 673--2002 Anytimt>. No job 100 small. 897--42'23 AIRPORT R.E. S11le1 646-0033 tre!IA " box sprinp; &!!em j mo. '69 Laguna tag. 548-5784. CALL DON, 642-8514 X·SECR.ETARY wants typ-TRISH kOPKINS Full ,or pt time. 615-7414 maple hutch and drop Jfff · ~ PLEASE HELP! "WIDOW Would like to meet I====="==== ing. Spec's a specialty, ex-Sewing '"° '88 E. 17th (at Irvine) C.M. dining tables It ~. l gentleman 60. Write P. O. 'Contractors • 6620 & f' 5f9--0l92 4047 MAC ARTHUR, .1:112•1470 RELlABLE Babysitter for 2 white & gold codttail ~ ~ $10 REWARD Bo ~~LB Cat 90801 per re s, QUALITY Y • -• NEWPORT BEACH -Id M ~ 1 ~3 30 • \ X .8.NOOI. . • • ouv~ iu\VBYI yr c, o~~~ .. :;Jl.r: , tables; c hair •, IJml:alal , Small b1'0wn curly poocpe, RAIN gutters ins t a 11 e d , wanted Dressmaking • ' Lake Forest ~7 lam • lot t ~-- female. Very friendly, ~n-ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Rainy RaBOJl here aoon. alteratkm.. Ke.y Say, 17'3 CASHIER. Exp d, for fine • • • JANITOR . ps "" s c ~ wan l • H Phone 542-7217 or write to GENERAL Bldg. Contractor Free est. Reas! 968--2208 Ora-Ave., CM. &&5--1292 womene clotbi1* store, part "111 time Experienced Ex. RESPONSIBLE ~ Bebysit-di.shes I: much more.~ .I swers to "Ro-Berta.' .B. P.O. Box: 12'l3 Costa Mesa. will do remodeling, altera· ·-.~ tlme/Xmaa, ~ po11tlon <:ellf!flt ~ary and con\pany \er/Mothers Helptt 2 am istrano Mo~ Park. !lie area. 536.2(135. ~.· ,,.""atp1ul "'P8b1,,.'' 0i<>t"'c • H1iullnt 6730 EUROPEAN drffsma.ldng allO open for exp'd, No benefits. Call for appoint-chUdren, my home 11Hi Mon Valley Rd. Sp, Z S:J.11. • i CALICO Cat vie Three Announcements 6'10 613'.-1235' m • · all custom fi~-Very phone calla please. ment 540-5000 Ext 30• A: Thurs. Top P11 644-4li65 493-4196. • ·, 't Arch-~fonarch Bay. Had =~=---=~,....------,-----1 reuonable. 67l-1849 Baclcsmet, No. 25 Fuhion JOSEPH MAGNIN CdM. MUSI' sell houseful o1 ...-I. fl ea coll11r w/10 . MY Way, quality home T.N.T. Cawn Service. Al ti '42-5145 Island NB *RESTAURANT HELP Medi ' REWARD. 499-386.1 or FREE repair Walla ceiling floors Garage clean-ups, haul!ng& terll ons -' EqUal opportunity emplo)'ft' r--i * new terranean f\.lriJ.. $ · · ' light moving. 5 4 8-5 8 6 3, Neat, aecurate, a> years e"P. CASH FOR. CHRISTMAS """"""e, part time, over 21. Spanish king-u bdrm eet:s: t 494-8989. etc. No job too small. 531_3729 • Dressmaking • Alterations Nov . 9th , S u. r pr i s e LlMITED No. or penn Call alter 1:30, 54>-1686 8' velvet aota • Jove.eat; ... MALE Silver Toy Poodle BOA TING 5f3-1o1M Cbrtsbnu promotion tn... mcidelina positions avail. Gd • Game set; HJ-back nlvet w/small blk cltcle on back. GEN'L remodeling &: mai nt. MOVING, Garare clean-up & ~lgned le suit you. eluding CASH .\ GIFI'S tot kloks a mm:t. No expett. ~p "" aeml-retired' decorator chain; Cofte9 ·: Vic. f.1'ariners & Antiqua COURSES No job too 11ma1 1, lite hauling, Reasonable. Call Jo * '46-.&446 proepect:lve dea1ers a: reQ'd, l.A.G 835-3501 !:;~,;.~be~r2 v.:r:,:; t~ble set: Pictures; Lampp; . : Way Sat nite, Reward! Small Boat Handling Llc'd/insured. 615-8183 Free estimates. 64:;..1602 l\lelts. C..U Shirley 988-9425 Etc. All kas flan' mo old. • 548-6883. by GEN'L remodeling & rnaint, YARD/Gar. Cleanup. Tiie, Cer11mlc "74 CARRIER ~!n~c~:~~B~:: =· Part tlme , Pvt pty, Pleue call ml i' I.DST in vie: Springdale & U S p Squ d No job too s mall. Remove trees, Ivy, ttuh. •Veme, TI>t Tile Man• t CM &IUJ66 9U--2386 Whittier, · · Chinook. HB .• ., med-'2 • • ower a ron Llc'd/lnsured. 675-8183 Grado, backhoo. 96"-'145. Cu.i. work. Install A repaln. BOYS ap. . . FURNITURE --. fem cat, dark brn, tiger Remodeling * Additions HAULING It Cleanup, trees No job too srni. Plaster Lunch M...e to 3 pm. Salta d1lplaJ ltUdim, model .... ~ ~ rnark'g, 894-5843 Tuesday, Nowmber 10th KARL E. KENDALL &: shrubs removed. Free patching, Leaking shOWer WANTED Small Dinner Houae. tt, deoon.IDn ... nceJl•tlqn.' ~ LG. Alte.red M/Grey & Wht 7:15 PM Licensed-Bonded 548-153'1 estimate. 548-5924. ttpair, 841-1957/~. Prefer ftltaurant exptt. '8Ptnlab 6 Medltiern.ntte i cat. Lost ]0/23 -Vic: (bring pencil & pape.r) Additions * Remodeling TR.ASH " Garage clean-up. CERAMIC Tile \Wtk, Free for the CdM 673--7'122 NOW!! R 0 FURNITURI .. Golden"·est & J.1cFadden, United Savin1s Ass'n Ge:i:wlck a: Son, Lie. 1 days. 110 a load. Free es! eat. No job too arnall. DAILY PILOT MAlD WANTED; Llv•in, Christmas• Cash 1144 Newport 81., c.M; ~ H.B. Flea collar. 892-6867 Community Room 673-§1341 * 54~2170 Anytime, 54&-5031. 536-2-121 aft e: pm. EnaUsh IPt!akine· N.B. every nite ~til 9 · ' ~ ffilSlt Selier, female w/flea Orange, Calif. e ~IOVING.CLEAN-UP &: _._ .... ~... -D~~San ~tan &M--51)8 after 6Pm ~ or 6 : = :S~ Wed., Sal ls Sun.. "dl I ~ collar, vie. \\-'ave St., N. O" '~'G':Dcoffi;Sn.2!:, * Carpet Cluning 6615 HAUµNG. VERY ~EAS! TrM Service "" --Capistrano Mi.ch. "\ MAKEtimo ~ ~ wag~t>t in you" own home, DECORATOR'S. $.1lO cuatin .. tAguna. Name Portia. .._,, """'''" * f flOY: 646-fi629 * * Contact Mt. Seay at 1 · _,a w.tributor <if For details csll madebedqftadw/boldtn, REWARD.4M-76j,1, ~~~~=~ursT~~~ r 1 M Cleaning Setv1ce HAUIJNGSPECLAL! ~r:;::~~n:::,::.~ DAILY PILOT ~men~J:anef:S-: tn4>847-6405ews,' likenewS100.N•c:u*1m '. e RE\VARD e l0.l2, atCoSOUth Bay Club Holiday Special, Cetti-Foe.m-w,.m,,:!a6n .... °'.;'~garages for spraying, tree scaplng, ' San Clemente offtof met.ics. Mt. Ult9. 6'J3..5212. 1outa1Ulanted ~~·=2 twin ~ black & chrome lkpd Tennis u.rts by one cf er, dries in 2 hnt, 5J6.3508, ·-0 -•.r"'IW<.P l.lc'd &: Iha. 675-5750 305 N. El Camino Rtll MALE-male.· Mu•t •-~ Xlnto•~bu,,..._.. _ _. t bike, "Ltg!c", &16-5639 or Callfomla's leading tennis 5.'fG..22'-17. C9UQ> over ii~ uSJtER: SANTA a..AUS A: J need _.ff. Yt, "'-• · l 673-4568. lnstructon, South Bay Club CRPTSIWinckw."J • 3 rma & Houaecleanlna 6735 Upholstery "" CARPET 1 l&Pb. cle&nlrw E'ITES, DOORMAN. Apply help In filling Chdatmu 6'$-0930, M&.U31. • LOST male Boxer, needs tennls pro Tony Prodan & hall foam sht.mpooed + -ffd na; 'l'IIEATER fF o X), orden for the f.abulous MUST acrifice houeeful of · medlratJon. Reward & no his assistants. For further compl window v.·ashlng botlJ WINDOWS &: ,.,.a.Us washed CZYKOSKI'S (Oly-kof.fty) bua. N s exp. llleimM. South Cout PW.a C.M SUM GYM. Hn flex...lncm. bet.ut, MecHten'lMan fum. ' questlofl!ll. 495-4265, 496-2475. info, 64~ for $37.50. 827~182 aft 4'.30. Firs, slrlpped, tealed & Custom Upldltery, 1831 JO% on l!'st, i.l hr on the 54&.2712 ' ' hi.th m.1111 tture. Hide. a • bed, lfVlns ' 1 ~~;;~~~~:;:~~ liiii;~ii;~~lab;;c$L& I waxed, "'° ''''°'""· c--.-Ne w Po r. t Blvd, CM. job_ 49'-sm or df..4664. • nn ~ .. _ ._ M""-' I~ ----COTTONT-shirtfabric$1.49/ Dlamond'"'" ....... tClt ""'n" -.... JI!'"" to::= METElll.RIADER 0 ••to"Eam Chrl1tma1 ,~··•11•""n•-• j' ....... ..., --.. est. d•u/nile 61'3090. 642.-145(. 1,.;tt.11.L1R!:N to model ~ -,,._ i ..... _ -...• yd. Ukea.t~C.M.Knlltlna, Autumn Special <v ...-forwaterdlltrictin-•thern money pat lime. Sarah ..... ~·1PI· p ....... ~ "<"•.;• American Knits. 20»-A N. 400' $1>. FrM Est. Mtiil Cleanlng: Service J085 & EMPLOYMINT Saturdeys fer clothing store. 0..0... Clo ·--be-ab·! to. O:wtntry hlrfnl now. No m.:_ Pvt pty. Pleue call TM: } ........., .. ~ .. -,._ ....,_ ,.,.-.., -'"'""""' 11.-OY'e1' 6 Yl'lt no e ....... r. • ..... , • ---• ._......, v ... .,. .... _1_.....,,_ ~--64S..J31f-_ ...... ..., .. ,.1!."Q>V.'!S,Jl2Q.r& et£,. ;lob-W -,..... ~..... · wat, no ct.I, Free tn.i .. 1 .... · ~~ • .;;;:;:"-=';=~:,;;==:;~::;..I •-"· l e nte.__,Pn.flnm: Outlet wcdtoutdOon all weether ..... _ · 1 FULLY LICENSED * SE•VICE DIRECTORY STEA<'\! J ot ---t cl•anlng. ~•A ~mmc'I. 518-4 ll W on • • For Into PH' -LANDLORDS Att-L!o , .....,.,.,d Hindu SPlrituaUst "' -.. ~ om 7020 835-351>4. -have lood ~hip A -' miMlaU,_ --·2 -• 1 1----------1 By Cla.rKan:, nation-wide , able to work wllh fiaurea. SEAMSl'RESS Wanted-,~ '""' _........... -Advlce cn all matlert. A I .a.-ltrvice.Freeest..642-4055 Landscaping 6110 i ~Gl~,laundry, ,.,_,1~a-~t•·eenl • Jnduatrlal machine~. Ofitn accepted, "3 J.,o\'l', MarrlAge, Business ccount nt · ._ WOULD lJke to do offiee lrOn 1. dean I• Chanae beds. U .... ; ~ • operator. Call for intttview. t>odae Dart w/tlr, nut be Readings given 7 daya a--------Carpet Laylnt & EU ROPEAN Landscaper work ln .eo.ta Mesa area. 1 da.y per week, N.B. $1 • • ,6~ • JIOld. 1610 w. Ccut Hwt. • week, 10 am • JO pn1. Sm bu!!lne!l:~ootd dependable, Repeilr 6626 own deatgn .l v.vrkmanshlp. dolng tlhng a: poulble Ult ht. Rt.t'1, own trans. Rtt>t.v MATURE mall, penn. Ir: S NB. 645-0!m, ~u:n. · ~ 3:1.lN. El Camino Rea.1, accw-ale & reas booketplng call 496-3383 eves. ~o eJrper i-ene t . BOK MJ)(J9, Dtll7 PUot. J30 draft tnmpt needed by ~~RE= Lg Chtiit of Drawn . t l--~S.==n~Cl~c~m:!o~nt~e~--l '=d=one=?=Wll==l=p=l=ck'=Oup=968-l07=:08 1 EXPERT GARDE NER-mo. m&in-' W. Bay, CottaMtll. fl.tmlturt dtliP store for -lr..bl DI tx• HENREDONtilvtt-bl11t Cl& 1. ~~36. <9i-«176 CARPET INsrAU.AT!ON l<nan<»<l"n Ut>'ll"fe "t HOUSECLEANING, Exp.. COASTAL AGINCY toll-tnstallallnns A ,._ -"'° e. Type_!>, tom-tocl. Oriclnai""' MASSAGE SPECIAL .. Nowport A Corona del Mu A membal' ol !&lod duttOs. Exp, pref. S&I-~ll10.ndAn80:.,.~ .::,.~:: .$500 • Soll mw lor _.,. • • Dou.~, .__,1-..s.rvlee '50I A: REP.AIR. 646--091, alter 61;1.m. 397 .. 7735 area, .J...-,_ -... _' , sntn•-A: Snttl""' Inc. Call '92-f131 f ....,.. ~-. f>6W<o ~ ,.. .••• "• CAR I"'=""""======! .,. ........ -a&..a .. ,. .... U')' ope1\. or tb' •m~ Calli 673-1853. • i He & g,,. H•"1th Club PET LAYING MAID SERVICE 6111 p.m. Tho W0<1t1'1 L•rtut appt. t-1:_30. • cou.ECTJON ot ,.,.. A $tpe.rate .\\·alk In Saun•'s Jot WilL take ~ a mall, c.A. Pao 60-Z"lO PRACTICAL JNnJe 'wlsb8 ProfessloMI MATi1Rk altffi' "i\'&nted tor TH£ . "Yebnw Pqtt'" of ramous or\a\Nl pt.In~ A ! , '1adlc1 & Gentlemen M7-78i'9 eaU tn blcfs. etc, fOr 2 or 3 -EXPERT LOCAL-Qlrt v.'ant1 ro ·clean bea pAtlerif or ilderty, 10.rit •mpleyment S.rvh:e church fllDWJ'7, Sun evta, dNtlfSett .•• DMbt P !i 1o t lmported lW!nb, btmltifU&ii .. ~4J.I Beach DlvL. (corner prof men or O)nln.clon;, CARPET INSTAU.ATION apts &ptiv,OOmes.Gdrcf't tflf's, yrs ot exp. P h: 21SIOHarl.JorB1.0t 54l)..fOS$ M\llt bt depe,f'da blc . Sorvlce 1>lrfictory, Ottck ti. tramed.l&lOW.eo..tH'lfl'. 1_.i_st;..•..;•;..".:.>.:.H:..B:.._ ____ , c51;..!l.:..m9::;;:..._ '-----=".:REP=.:AIR.= __ ..::;'*-'D::..:=•.:....:•:..,..:.=':.·.:."':::t";::;.' .:"2-::.:1224=·-54~2738. Harbor Blvd. at Adami -~ tor the m'Vlce ~ tteM. ._N_.e;..·------- Penon11ls ) I I I . . . -•. ---1 ; • DID!MT Frlda7, N-6,.1910 ~I-•-T'~I Ml ltCHANDISE l'<llt "'-ltCHANDtSI l'Oll MlltCHANDtSI FOR MERCHANDISE f,011. --w SALi ANO TRAOI SALE AND TRADE SALi! AND TRADE SALi AND TRADE F...,.lhiro IOOO Goroto 's.r. ton Muslcol ' • Ml-10,_s , -MltcoN•--- . . "Inst-· . 11251-------,---------11 .or.,;,,... used,.qullted ANTIQUES, Fllml .... 1--------* SPECIAL-"-SAVE '* STOP &"SWAP nonf .. Scot.-_ $125. tluawar" tnboan! boat SET Of ...,. drum>, red, 00% ON LABOR 543<101 Matcblna love•t. $75. parts, 3 dirt trail bikes '&: Brand new, Muat 1el l LIMITED TIME ONLY m3 J'iewport Blvd., C.M. 530-&ut. trlr., good cond., beca.uR of· ee.r problem1. Reupholster YoUr f\lmiture (next to Tony'1 mdg Mal) COMPLETE Maho.a:any reuonabJe. Eves, S6t Ir 1 ,,,.1225-=·='"'"'==-='''-~~--I ANY C'OUCH. '50.00 Used furn; stoves; Rdrta'a; bdrm,aet$75. Patio~ -Sun. 96&-674t. • FENDER amplifier in ANY atAIR. iz;oo "Misc. t&bl• ~-bencbH , $ 2 5, 8 AR GA IN S Ga Io re ! xlnt cond. Labor only • "I! we don't have whit you 64,..1329, ' Cloth ing, ti.rrniture, $1~ ~· Cboosln&oneolourvastae· want,vie'll getit foryou" SPANISH Dlnil1l room ·table liflsceUanoous • all mil&!: 120 BASS profeulonal model Jectiona: or fabrics. FOR SALE, ,(J) 4x6' display A: chi.IN. Spaoi.sh dreuet & ro Sa.~.~ PM. Sun. 9-6 PM Cellini Acoontlan, s~s. REVAS UPHOLSTERY is.lands fa> ea. <I> 8' &!ass mirror • .2 , Spanish niaht ?~ ,. .. .,!Ui1P ~ CM Pho~ ~'lOOi alter 5.p.1p. 305 PALlf, BALBOA showcase $40. (1) 4' wood •lands. Call 61:Ki0'4. _,...;nav. SaUsfactiOn since 1954 card rack $10. Misc. wire DRAPERJES, new &: U9ed, 20" GIRLS bike, pwr mower, P l.,... ·a o.....,. 1131 673-2794 racks & price card holders. ........,, ..,.. do<ora«>• vacuum cleaner. frp l c ... AUCTION * Metal 3 ""'~ <Usplay rack tabrtcs, from 0$11 .to $55. screen, misc turn. & garden • ORO.(N'S .e Jiiii $1D. 546-7379. &15--09.30. 646--1231. tools, Fri I Sat I SUn. 3942 Now' 3 famoul brands F.ine Furniture "uSE=o""""'LAP'"'"'"'m"'AR=Y'""""EQ=U"'IP'°.11 WE BUY used furniture, an. Legend C I r fHuntlngton in 'l location & Appliances 20'; Highland Parle diamond thfues' ·blic.a-brac oriental Harbour) 592-2958. ./YAMAHA AUcUons Friday,, 7:30 p.m. •saw, u.sed very little. (1) nias.·~ 'OIJ ~painullp._ cau URGENT -Must Sell! M?-' CONN _W_i~y's Auction Barn :II" Roc_!Pf0la11. used 1 time ja-u.&~. jave motorcycle, u se~ -./-'IHOMAS 2075%'Newport, CM 646-8686 only, for Ale reuona.ble, · "l' ... · l/tn(). tent -banjo -Plus Huge s&vinp on floor models Behind T • Bid Mat'! &15-!909 • CUSTO~I designed couch Ml-1~--Fri. _ sun • .,....,. J..ay.Qwav now for Christmu ony s g, · · =="'""'~~~~-~'II .... '"""' ---""'\' MOVING to Apt. Must sell w/ matching chair, w i JI Gibraltar, CM 546-7547. &: save. Many trade-in& 1or BEAUT. eoppertone, kseo~ almost new lawn rno\.,.er, 5aeritice, '1most new firm NEW ~ & ed as low as $150. pa~t. beer bar w/tan stoVe. picnic table, sprklni, dbl bed .• 673-9355. tional •--& books for: Open Sundays U-S · relrig,, ._cost $395. sell $200. stroUo-ehr, Encyclopedia 8 ...,.,.. Djlily til 6 -Fri til 9 Wet bar, sink &: cabinets ' Sofa, bei£e, 3 chain, 2 at below cost, Sat&: Sun on--w/hardware, never used. w/9 yr unlimited ref Drextl end tables, 5 cock-Jy. 1701 lrvine Ave (between COAST MUSIC Rust-linen c:ouch &: match. service. Odds, ends 642-3178 tall tables, used l Yt, like ))tti & 2'lllt Stl, N.B. NEWPORT & HARBOR ehr, Dinette table &. 4 chrs. 75• WHITE .nnvl ...-1~ new 546-4798 Costa Mesa * 642--2851 ••·v """' ~ · 14 CU· Fl' copper tone Very reas. 557-3331. chain-link fence. 4' Jrigh. SAVE ·$600. New Bassett Frigidaire rebig, 21" B&W ALLEN ORGANS 14' CRESTLINE boat, trlr, Includes posts &: gate. $100: 10-pe din'g rm set, Must eona>le 'I\T A: misc Items. 'Ibe_ rµusiclan's choice for 40 hp Johnson eng. Xtra Caij_ 613--4803, sell. Pvt pty, 962-5444. 2217 American AY,!, Apt A, borne, school, chm:cb. Ex-eqpt, $375. F i ber g l a 8 s POO="'~L__,ta~bT\,-.~8~.x~<~'.~l~l25~.-1~,-d' II HlDEABED-Beige t w ~ e d CM. 642-1658. . elusively in SO. cal it. at sbeets: Oat-& Corrugated, balls & .CUe sticks 64l-Sl84 complete, gd eond. $'15. BEAUT mtl spinet piano & GOULD MUSIC CO. a§900ted-sis, very cheap. aft. 5 pm. 545-0)9 aft 5 PM. bench $300, big cash Since l9ll C'hild's desk, chr, $7, Gold. =;-==-,=-==·II 8• Ct1SI'OM sofa wia-... register_ $45. Refrie. _S50. Lg 2045 No. Main, S.A,, shoes, new, sz·8 $5. 846-51164. N.B, Tennis Club charter '-~ '· ~ 1•--) lik * 547-0681 * membe1"Ship. $325 + trans;. herd casters & 10 cushions. &1.1""W11J1.1 .,,.,-.... s e new LADIES ......nnner golf clubs ·· on J:A ~ Id ""'6' fer fee. 642-2413, 5'1~. Xlnt cone!. nas. &14-1936. ........ . Ba win $50. Ladies leather golf bag l -===-~----11 GARAGE SALE PIANOS a ORGANS 120. W•ber B -B·Q •HOSPITAL bod-like .. w. OLD Fastiion, folding chain, in rows S.acros.5. Xlnt cond. 846--0273. ~ New & Used w/roasting ring ; 25 . $55.SO LI 8-1922 Many household items. WARD'S BAIJ)WJN S'nJDIO Charcoal caddie $5. Black 2087 WaUace ·Ave. C.M. MUST SELLll 1819 Newport, CM 642-8484 vinyl recliner chair $50. FIREWOOD RA"(f~, jUicer,~ s;et. Phone 147..0116 OPEN StJNDAY 6#-ll58. REASONABLE Electro ux, draft size 3 Hait bone motors SS ea; 1 AFTERNOONS HO train layout, 6 elec. * SlZ--3013 * 18 clothes, more 53G;«l65 Craftsman bench &aw $35• 1 1 "w~AN=T-~TO=-B~UY=-, -U~ ... -. swit<?hefi, elec. turn .tbl, new * NEED MONEY! WILL 12 PC. Chinese mod. din nn Concord tape recorder 00. Steinway Baby Grand piano. dual loco control, mtn, t~ SELL-FRANK HAMILTON suite ;400. Lrg bamboo $150; Ek. 2965 Babb St, Please 'call 644-4521. nel, bridge. Wired for 2 PAINTING. Call: 549-1514 * bre«kfast set $150. 64(t..0158. CM. !!40-2241. train operation. Mounted on CARPET layers. M.ve &bag 8' SOFA, good cond ~· LIDO tide moving sale Wind Tol-lslon 1215 4x8 board for fold ui> in d"al B&_. V! co~le TV. $30. 4 'N Sea belly boan:i, ·an-•• cabinet w/bulletin board on crpts e direct. exp in- k1tdlerf chairs !$20. 846-6i970. tiques, 3 bone ootboard, RCA COLOR TV revenie side. $125. 646-2165 ~140 can fin. .5JS...8m, 3 PCE Early Amer. Jlv, set; Detailer. Sat-sun 9-6. Cub 21" Beautiful walnut console BDRM set; headboard, ~,~.MM=-m-o-vi'"·e-p-ro"J"oc~t-.,-!20=,-8,11 al! or part. )Valnut Motorola only. 217 Via Frienu, NB. W/iemo~ control, Original ~me. mattreslJ &: springs .mm Bell & Howell movie stereo & cab, 496-2M5 * Fri, Sat 4: Sub. * CO&t $700, Now l25o cash, $50. NHe stands ;15 ea, ~amera SlO, Geiger counter FINE quality 1' aofa & chair, Community Garaie Sale Cal.I: 613-8853. =r ste~ ·~=k m: $35. •mall boat.$35 firm, neutral beige, xlnt cond. Furniture & appliancel. MAGNAVOX 21" color TV, Car •b!reo 4 speakers $35, 531-7294 Both·for $225. 493-4196 232 Robin Hood Pl., C.M. Al cone!, walnut, reasombly 50 tapes ;2 ea & misc items. • O RIG I N AL Don a l d OOFA• 6'..&" Biggars con-GARAGE Sale -TV $5,skls· priced. 645-2358. !Q-2127 a1t 6 Armstrong paintings (of tempoi'ary good conditloii. ~ $2.50 ea. Mini bike~· NEW 18" ·Philco Prtbl, <dot' ACROSONJC Ba1dwin Piano waterfall in Hawaii), 4x4, S35 quick ae.ie 644-6259. bike $5 & misc. &K-5965. TV, Won as Prize, Cost & bench ~.i..n. Dinette-4 chra $5000. 642-0054 .. 2041 Port Bristol N B $329-will take $185. 673-2804. ....,., • rTALIAN PROVINCIAL ' . ' .& ·hutch $85. Maple rocker SIMMONS Hlde-.a-bed sofa desk & chair, Good C!Ond, NEIGHBORHOOD Ga r a g! 19" Portable TV, $35. S40 }Vasher. ;75. Antique $60. Birch end/tbJ & lamp $9j .. 642-'2426. Sale Sa·t & Sun. 11)-5 1585 11" Portable 'IV, $35. Sec I d'esk ;75 17083' $20, Gas log $20 *'DANISH TEAK Dining Coriaea PL (Mesa Verde) ===*=C=all==5<8-'529==·=*== Roundhl!J Dr, H.B. 846,-08()9. * 833-2116 * Tal>le & g chairs. $200 or1,0C,:,M,c.·=,.-~~~~~~ 21" COLOR·1V console ;125: 2 End tables $3.50 each. Very Bst of:r ·6'13-8593 * GARAGE Sale Fri, Sat I; Hobby Supplies l400 Chicago King coin-operated sturdy aqua blue couch. • · • Sun 9 to 6. -Hoosehol;d bowling machlne, au t 0 • Good condition needs clean- ::D f~ Green, near new. 3 furnis}rl~ &: mix items. MAKE $100; twin bedt: $15 ea. ing $25. C.osta Mesa 64>2633.' chain, ottoipan. tables. 3060 Royce CM M0-31)48 * 536-4465 * ' · YOUR OWN dresser. $15. 213/598-4147. WANT TO BUY! VW bus 416 LARKSPUR CdM, misc · BEAUTIFUL. natural dark with good body & interior. Off~ FumlluN M18 furn, pool table, desk, elec ROCKMEN! ranch mink straight stole, Engine unimporlllnt. Any typewriter, antiques, Fri like new, Pflid $1500, sell year, &12-4689 •-~-~-------1,"°-~"su"""""""°'·-=~~-BUY $700. Call 5.57-3149 aft 5:30 R=E=FR=1G~.~,~11~cu-~1t~).~u...ze--,·.11 Rean'd 3tx6CI wood clel:b. SALE Saturday :2905 Palau. Sat & Sun. (23 cu to used 8 mo Sl6t.50 • ~·d·wood arm Hart 6kis, bar 8tocik, radKt, WALL to wan· used green Recliner ottoman, Danish. rotary eb,airs, $29.50 • We boob, LudurH. llmft drum, A -~·1579 ha the 1arp1t lelectioD ~.. wool C&flM!ting in good con. .:...1voree, _... • '8 . cYmbak. port. stereo, nig. dition -~· 60 yards for 113 CARAT • 35 pts, total ot·used office furn ill tbil MINI BARGAINS Gange only $30.00. Call 54i..ru!O wedding set Never been us- area,.Mc Mahan Desk Sale: Hoosehold, T ~y11 , KIT any time. ed, Cost $375, Sell $175. •-N -~ Blvd. Clothes. 6942 CMia Circle, TABLES & matchi""' Can. 544-0617 -:.:":~ HB, 847-%250, Sat I: Sun. .... ,. ===,.-===,.--,--·II -$20 taln's chairs, % keg beer SOORAGE SHELVES: for GARAGE Sale: Misc. items. • dispenser, Matching retrig, sale. $3 & $4. 54~3212. 287 Offfcti 'Equipment I011 Golf balls to bedstead~. Stainless steel Tables. Best Nassau Rd, CM. # Nov. 6 &: 1. 18402 Goxlwm C o nta ins : Rocks, ~aint, 1 _0_fr_. _833-3526 __ • ______ LOUNGE chairs ;100 a pair. IBM , mOOel B e le c .\,Ln=·="-·,,8 ,..· ,.84_,,2-4228..,..,,-,,-,--,,..,. bi"Ush, lacquer finisher, BEAU'l'IFUL Chr istmas Electric rotisserie :$1 o. typewriter $165. Underwd USED Furni~ Sele. Sal dowel Jegs, glue. cloth & natural m ink coat and 646-0523. Olivetti port. typewriter $25. NO';'· 7, S.5 PM Mesa Verde paint remover. "We rewire matching hat size 10-12, like BOY'S St;lngray bike S2S. c8ll ~.9833 Ul)tted Methodist Church, old lamps too!" Charles, new, reasonable (714) Call after 6 or ~kends: · Baker & Mesa Verde. "Omli" Cockle · 394 Hamil-536-8736. . . ==--'-'~~~-~~~ ~2952. Store Equipment to12 MOVING-Oarage sale, lrg ton St., Costa Mesa. 543-7430. HIS & Hers Lucien Picard 211 ·.~M-A~RK~~V-ruz,.·-eo~oo;"'-~tio-.. -"·ll variety, also f\lrn. at best jewel. Compl. Pola r oid Complete. $50. ICU--STO~--M_W_RAP __ CO_UNT_:ER_I offer: Sal & Sun 104, 1824 camera w/all xtru, model **646-0365** •·'DISPLAY FIXTURES. Santiago Dr .. N.B.-646-9833 Sportlna Good1 1500 350. Won on Lei's Make A 1e Deal Sae 838-6TI'8 Col umbia, Twosome , · * * 646-0045 * * NEIGHBOR Garage Sale Sat *12 . GA. Auto. Good, all--,,=·=,,,·=""'=·,-,.-,-TANDEM f J>d 175 f=;=;-';=='""'='====J & sun. 10 tll 4:, 10193 El Ce~ around game gun, $69, 20 KELVINATOR Freezer, top Lido Isl'. ~7ss.co ' :>. HC;.lai.hold Goods I020 _tro Ave., F .V. Green Valley ga. single, $25, Bolh xlnt opening, $60. Combination . _ Tract. 962.-0067. cond. 842-4526. rad io /r ecord player, The 6 D°JtAW. chest $17 2 dr. 15' COM-&ll lo.-3 pm. Linens, SAVAGE 3().-06 left·handed 4x Packard-Bell, $30. &>fa, 6~~· ~fl:lg$691 Likenew~ babyitems,dreasesl2to14. t!COpe, checkered stock. bro\\'nUphol,$20.642-3364. eht $69 Dinette set, sew. 3400 Seabreeze. Xlnt, ;100. SM-2209. SOLID maple dining tbl& nladt. tables, misc from 2X ANTIQUES BRASS GLASS SURFBOARD 6,10., Rick 4/Windsot Cbrs ;7j. 6x9 Vogue Bldg, 2.130 .Canyon Pictures ii.30 Wesf. Ocea.~ roundtail, very good eon-\Vool Chinese hoo~ rug DA I LY Dr, SU~~7!;ct8na. 8-4 Front 6T.l-Zl99 dl.tion, 545-0623. $40 Lmps & Bkcse. 673-6087. 1,.,Sa"t"·=".,.-="'"'·-::-;-:-_-'"'s-F"M"'""l"'IL'°'YO"'O.Gara="re,,....-"'Sal"•-=========' IBRINKTUN Pool table $75, LQ'l(_ELY .couch el'I:! tables 175 21at St., CM Mfscell•MOUI MOO Admiral color TV, console fishing J)Oles and rods elec-SAT & SUN $75. Child's lge swing get .. --:':-49'J-9975 e CA.RAGE SALE: Moving; condilkml...,. uni' exterior . trle frp1c log. Call aoon ' 1-3 ton Day & Night ait $2?. 545-5412 after 4 pm. p I LOT l ,=:~;;;~::;~='i==;==='J ,_ "e .. 2 APPROVED commerciaJ used fum & M1111c. 330 Snug mounting, 23JN, sing I e H-~-Rd NB • .,1134 fire extinguishers. recently G~ra,e S•I• Mn ... .....,,-·• · ~ · phue $150, 1-150,000 B.T.U. charged. ~ each or 2 /or . . e TOOLS, baby furniture, Day & Night furnace, e>:· $45 675-3145 HOUSEHOLD Furn1sh1ngs: misc 5602 Casile Dr H.B terior mounting $100. l·Gaf. =~·~==-·==""'== ding' table, 6 chain. ~ills & Fri, ·Sat & Sun. ' ' fers & Sattler combination • KILBURY SPACE HEAT. ORANGE pad; PhyM a n t 1 q u e Joo·:========~ furnace & air conditioning ER, newly overhauled. $65. ~leaf: TV, radios &: Appll1incel 1100 unll 100,000 B.T.U. furnace, 673-8936 after S. pin. record player; firescreen, 1~~-------3 ton A/C unit, 230 V, three BLUE Chip Stamp books drapes, & tools (new): cur· COLDSPOT d bl dr phaee, exterior mounting. $2.50 each. Leather jacket COAST'S tains, l!impe, d I 1 h e s, re fr i g I f r ee ze r, $225. $250. Contact Mr. Laney or SID • .Bed $15. 675-0922 glassware, 2 washers as ia; Frigidaire washer & dryer, Mn;. Greenman at the DAI-PATENT For sale. Child's eltctrical ' wpplJes, swlt· $125. 540-30f8. 3060 Royce, LY PILOT, 330 W. Bay, chair set. 1 d" che1, motors, etc. 9 " 5 CM. Costa Mesa * 646-1397 afie.r s * f ea 1ng Sai.. Nov. 7 .. 540-4195. "°1=SUP=ER=m=o""dlx,..-. ,..=.-=Fri'"'·,.-. CAMP!l==~oRA=T"'E"D'"'o"'u,-;:H,-,and~ ==~-="-"'~'--~I E;lqlhurst Ln., CM. dain: elec. range; yellow; Lotion for brick laYt:rs $5. FOR Sale-Heavy duty swings *CARED' FOR ITEMS used 2 mo. Sacrifi"' $125. '"' "'" fl."" Onlm filled & '""'• 963-9028 . Marketplace * FOR SALE! * • 496-2686 <lr 49.l-4196. promptly. Betty Wood, 25&91 -=---,..,-,,..,.--1 \\'!1nut dining table, C()tftt e REFRIGERATORS . Santa Ana Ave, Coata Mesa. Firewood For Sale tat¥· end table • baby auto All aizH.All colon-All 5'8-0516. 540-9887 swin~. ~at seat A, ~ker • Reasonable. li:==========-'=========:.!.;=========JI Wom~s\\ mat~·~ cl~: *-* 6*-7820 ** es Sz: ]J)..1.2.14, Men s,5% .,,,,. ___ ___. shirta • Lut yn Chri1tmu VISfA· ~ gu • ...,'6,,_11 ............ decor Corning ware. £: clan clean cond. n;. Gas vented ware.' MAN1' MORE ITEMs heatt;!'• ·wortar: perleet, '110. NpT LISTED! CALL' 1.:c54;;.s,'"'-::;;,,' ~~~~~ &t6-004S e DRYER. CE elecb'ic. CVERYT..imG, Fr. Prov. Brown .• Good o:indition, $3$. q . az. bdrm. ...ute, ladies 1,519--3&4===~======= I :-, ~ :: Jti:~ Anti~ 1111 ""'Si-.il'e, .,_~ .. too ~1 , GUNS. ---Edl'ed-"°"'poos & clothH. S:.t. A Su n · • other uirusual "'items. Come Cbate&u Blane 10091 Spat» " browse. ~1933. 2340 No. !"OW. 'r .v.. BroilkhUrlt " 4 Newport Blvd, Coeta :gllla,_96&-4111. Mesa. BRlJNSWICJ< c.I<bnl1 "Pool I======== I •nl .. all/acces. AKC Toy Sowlnt Mochl-1120 f'oo4ln . Oarine~ colrl< • -ps. MISC' Clotb<I, toys ,; SPECIAL -_ J\tewares. SilT A SUN. 1970 Singtr Touch+matic. D» CUEu.E DET A l L Beaut walnut coblOlie, 131'.50 SBOP lOl 11'111 St. llB. •,·-========J diE 8Jlyt\me -...U. I"' ~ATJtA--lh•·tt Muslcol - £¥er.v neJgbbar °" -.tfttt ln1tn1m1•1 11U .,..u,. "'Y>.., 0.lotfo•. Ji STRING GIBSON J'.Urn, Clotl>i.., ·-.. ~ ~·It ft-~-· lt*itia maitlhl ... Gtmetf ""' ar: ._.---. . , etc. frrfO fW'lk, Sat 61).. ';.°' Best otf~t. · PLUS l).j, 3103 liumMl'l Pl., wt of 1tr1np . . l~ .. Mi-2911 * ·--·------------- . -~~.~ . -·· .. ~. I Are You I . Letting Cash Slip Through Your • • 1.ngers I See If You Have · ~ny " ,. Of ·These Things A WANT-AD .f . I. Stovo 2. Guitar 3. Baby Crib 4. Electric Sllw 5, Camera 6. Washer 7. Outboard Motor I . Stereo Set 9. Couch 10. Cl11rlnet 11. Refrigerator 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sewing Machine l 4. Surfboard 15. Machine Tools 16. Dishwasher 17. Puppy 18. Cabin CruiHr 19. 'Golf Cart 20. Barometer 21. Stamp Collection 22. Dinette Set 23. Play Pon 24. Bowling Ball 25. Wator Skit 26. FrHztr 27. SultcaH 28. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. llicyclo . 30. Typewriter 31. Bor Stools 32. Encyclopodlo 33. Vacuum Cloner 34. Troplc1! Fish 35. Hot Rod Equipm't 36. Filo Cabinet 37. Golf Clubs 38. Sterling Sliver 39. Victorian Mirror 40. Bod-m Sot 41. Slide Projector 42. Lawn Mower 43. Pool Table 44. Tires 45. Piano 46. Fur COit 47. DrtPM 48 •. Linens 49. Hor .. 50. Airplane . 51. Orvan 52. Ex1rc:yclt 53. Raro Books 54. Ski Booh 55. High Ch1lr 56. Coins I 57. · El-le Trlln JI. Kiiton 59, Cla11lc Aui. . ~· Coffoo Tallie 61. Motorcycle 62. ·Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV Sot 65. Workbottch 66. Dlomoftcl Wotch 67, Go-Kart 68. Ironer Ill. Camplnt Troilff 70. Antique FumltUN 71. "Tapo Ricordor 72. Sailboat 73. Sports Cor 74. Moltnsa ~ s,.. 75. l"bollrd s, ...... 76. Shotgun n. Sat!dl• 71. Dart GtlllO 79. Punchinl "9 80. Biby Corrltge 81 . Drums 12. II.Ill• 13. Dosk ' 14. SCUBA ~r I These ., any other extra things around the •- can be turned into casti with Cli DAILY PILOT WANT-AD ' so Don't J.ust,. Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 64·2-.5678 " .. ~ . ·-~ ~ •• 4 i ... , . l' ••• .. . -, .. . • ·: .. . .. . ... ... . . . ~ : . " .. . . .. . .. .. . ,·• . . . ~-: . .. .. ' " "• . ... • • --: .. .. :,; . .. . ' ' '" . . ~· ... , . " . ' .. . " " ... ~ . .. • .. ' . ". ' • .. .. • .. " ' . .. • ., • ' . ... . '.. .. .. . :: : -: • ' ... :l ' ... ~ ,. 'i I .. • . ' . • .. .... ! .. . . .. . ' •1. l ' ' • • " ' . • .1 .. .. . .. . ' . . ... •• -. . . ~ . .. . ' . . . j. . .. ~ . ..... .. . • • '-. • .. ·-. I .. .... .. -_, ! '. .. .. . . .. ... • .. , • ... .• . : ' . ' . · .: .: ' ~ ... •-:;.·' . ~·::i ~ i •.·· _. . •... · ; '.1 . : , . -' " " ' ... ! . • " . •' ' . ' .. .; -. • • . • . ' . . . ._. . ' " • · l . . . -, ' ' . :~ " . ' "I . •' ... ·\ . .. • . \ .: • . . . . , • • • . ' ' •' • ' ' • ' ·: : :: . . ·-· •,.:_. . . . , ... . ' ,_ --.. ••• .. " .. ._. . --. .. ' -~: •. ·: • ---.--,_ -,.:-.:-: • ....,.-".'. -:.:-:. "'."::.~ .• !':.:-::-:~:-:--:-:':'."-:-:"!':.".,---:-:--:--:-:':':':":".:"::~,._:-:_-:-:". ~-.,._ -:: •• :--.. Frlda.Y, Nowmbtt 6, 1970 DAlLY rlLOf 38 .,-.-. . -. "DML'Y · PIL'OT · ·--'.J TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIO TRANSPORTATI... 1 RAN>l'OICTATION MObll• -t2GO Motorcycl.. 9:lllO , 'rrvclr1 !!!!' ·Im,_.... -.. - ::~·~=~:.:R FREE l0 YQU ·. _TRANSPORTATION Booll & Yochll - ·~l~ ,• •• ·-. f: :~ ... .. Misc. W•ntM UJD l'M a 1 wk otd kitten & the _____ ...,., ____ 1 tas; to go, a ball ot grey fur · CLASSIFllD INDIX SMALL paint spraY outfit f.roin bead lo toe, It's gtl't· ,.. DIAL DIRECT c4.t-5c7a wantod, -~le! ""' lonely h•re all alone, u:t?1111?J:i•1•11JJ>; nn.n.tv1 THllll STRIKE 'POWER APISTIN HEALEY. ~· ... : • .1• •• · '"* MU'Tf6 ifi•+ .will ~body pleue eome l~'.i,~'~•:,;•~ut:!.!..,::":1c0:,;o:""~;•;..-~;"~A=•=l•:"'-:-::.._~J=--,.-:-~=-' ,-,,,,---;::I & take me home? 962-5.179 '--• Want to buy· a pla.ybouse ln 11/T ~ie:ce: FOR SALi Ml~. RENTAL• .,, aood coriditf n. SCR·AM-LETS ANSWERS Cuddle -Roach -Felan - Beside -ENCORES GRAND ed~ We have a eoot. stock ot :., ... , lD70 GMO Camper truck.I. Buy now, bN.t tbe price ralae. Allo Camper combtn. atkml and uaed tnicJw. AUSTIN ~MERICA --·-· ---All- • . • l ii-¥.: '";:::::::::i::::.m: 11:;.:1ATI, '==,_;84;;'7:.-4::984§•;,:al::· t;::er~6;--:;-;(2BM~~ ar!i31cs~; MnA NL MA• .............. 1 ... tllCCIMi "°"nn .......... • WANTED TO . BUY, I' ljties 2·male and 1 femaie 6 Mat. vaao• ···-······" .. 1111 l llSINIU ll'RC.IATV -aU~l .... ,.1 ... _-. do9r. ~ weeks ·will be small d"""'. "I played "my electric gultat until 3 a.m. The man neltt door kept knocking on, Ute wali f9r ENOORES." OPENING ~fl~~ E •••IC .............. lUI 1R=r.• PARd -· ....... ....,.... v e,o t•ACM ............ 1W IV '••liltAL .............. -536-8996 543-0496 11/9 M•tlMT'I .......... 11'1 Ofl•IC WM. ........... "11 ==~,_,,--,-,---,-,-,:1====,,..,~~,--~ ;========= QOA COVES ............. 1n1 a• IA&.._,,.,.., ........ BOOKS Needed. Annual book BEAUTIFlJL' Black male $oil•··to -IO T IM09•S ........... • ff.H.. .• , .............. ·-'e Lea·-'a·t San Clcme_._ ,.. __ .:, C'l.-.l.a-' ]1 -·· ---------~-IT ,. .. ,. .............. 1m lllOll I~-..&. ........... ~ • ... • ....,. vc-1·111cu1· "'Jgl'"'''.1., '""'" __ ••S .................. TDll 1.0Tt _.,.~~-r· .. ··-·.,. .. 11• library or call 492-1209. all ~. great w/chUdren. No reasonable offer .,. .. SNOllWI ................ ., .,. ....................... 11• ' ' ONLY to good ho me . WU(CU'" · ··· ........ ., 111t en...-... _.., ..... "II turned down .._._ "'"""'""' ........ llll r.i ' ....... ,., ...... -FREE TO YOU 499-423! 1117 • u"" COLUMBIA n 1tNJt••lrTY PAl;I( • .......... k , o............... • bl k maJ i•VJNa ...................... '= t . a -'.l.:..: ...... a. .. TTEN, ac fe e. Part e •• LAPWORTH 24 U.Ck ~Y ........ -........... 1 'OlldlH~ OP .-n • .,..~.., YOUNG female sm 5haggy Siamese. Eves. GfG.463TW9 ~~ •• .................. -= 1c:t,:ta1•Ail!•i ::::::::=:: dog. Very hippy, gentle, at-peye:· and LIVESTOCK e " ~~UGHBRED 1•YPl9 T••!tAC• ............ t:MI ......,....,. ............ an feet. Love"s eV·er'ybody., __ ~~-~-~-----_.., ML MA• ............. •11&&. ""~· ..... ftlf p rl ' I ,,_ pl I -25, Fast! JAUOA Pl!tUNSULA ........ -.1• -.1. ,, ... \ ....... ,.. e ec or .0 uo:r 000 e. Pett General t800 e " ERICSON 23 ~ON IAY ............ -... •= I. 4-. ~·~ ... 1;.:-......... I Will ~ to h-a ve , ,. • __ .. _ .. ,_ ' .,__ ISUNOI ................. I B11N $ '.;le-:. ' _.... 2113 N tlonal run.,,...;.. ..... E ' ~= 11&.1. ................. lan -• -' -a,_ .....-.u~\..~. mergency YACHTS ROYALE INC. llM'fUffl~k:•.oeA"'4 '"'.'.::::::U: !~ . Al; ~ -, , CM . 11/9 !!!~ss fO~:_-~crifice . of :1912 H ••• ~10 uwt•N•ToN MARaoua ..... 1• •U o TVfltT111.,,.. 2 ADORABLE 4 mo~ old kit-~ prirJJe ... uuu._.,. & eqwpt. w. coast. wy, Q'l'1"JIJ Soturday & Sundoy Nov. 7 & I Live •ntortalnment a fr .. refr••htnents ADJACENT TO ffiVINE AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE-BEAUTIFUL! NEW $300,000 RECREATION CF.NIER ~~,..:::."'t,ALL•Y .......... ~= r -:;:T D '" .... '.:.::: tens :1 gr tiger striped, ll~Call--536--'24_1 __ -, __ SAVE $nl. 15' S&iling Dory •AL •-"c" ................. 1 ... INYCSTlf:NT •• ...... =: lovable' Jong haired pt ;.. 1 · _ (glass over plywood) sloop SPACE RENTALS .,. ••ACM ............... , .. 1-:-0:.1 · • ......... ~-..... p efsi&Jl fiutfy nced good ... a• """ rlg w/salls. Only $1295, FROM $81.50 RO•N OROWI .............. lat ... '"'"''"'"" -·' $]495 N 642-8905 • tlACM .................. , .. ~~f . 1 ...... ~:··:=· bome.•548-8015 B~n 1-9 pm 2 Siamese Sealpoint kittens reio;..,ar • ew IN ADULT PARK D .................... ,. •'ilt°4 1.y1 '"' "'* only 11/9 ..i.. t... • •n:: h WANT good 22-25' sloop. -PETS ALLOWED-••COUNTY ..... ~.......... .. ......... °" rea....,-.., go ~ eac . !')Uf;@I! COUNTY ............. •,..• 'WAN-. . ::::..., MUST find a good home for 673-4310.' · Prefer Col., Cal. or Cor., Models on DI I y NEW0 USEO.SERV, r.ll"Lnn.n ft"[,.~:_1TAT~.:::;::::::::::::ui1 AN'Mc~·~·,=INTS our familY pet. A '.bea~tiful · under $3000. Pvt P ty • •Pa ~em-"™~·~~ .:::::::::;:;::::~:;: '· 1.W 0 ICES · spayed female.cat, Grey & Oogi ,.• 1825 ,_6'_4--06>4_~·--=--71 'S-EXAMPARE LE-HERE 1.t1.t. .................. 11H ..:00NO · • ._ white gOOd dispOsitlon has FLIPPER No 794 yard ,t.NA MOTL ............ 1• Lon i ..... 1--. .. ;;;:.'.':.::·; .. .-had a'u llhohl 968:-4l9T • 1116 3.TINY Toy Teacup Poodles, dolly & rove~, .,,;.,, Call DOUBLE WIDES Low~ low mile. Like new. !J!AlfO• .................... •·1• Pllli1 ·•................... · · 2 wht. l •champagne, 2 ....,..,., dlr, #908442. Will take trade l.~1= T'UsT1N··:::::::::::::::l:::_ :~."'T°i: ~\~.~ .• :!::::::::;:~~ YOUNG IJdU;lt spayed long , females. J. rnele. $ 751...:.64;:&-..:21.:.M;:,,~~~~-'--Total 'Electric or finance private party. Ca1J ltlAllllM .................. ,. PUM•• ...................... 11 hah'ed· cahco _female & w/papers. '50, w/o papers. e CAL-28 ,(Gas Available) 5464052or49+6811. UNIYERSIT:t OLDSMOBU • _1 ~I ll! fl 11 l : !l111pul l i 2850 Harbor Blvd. 3100 W, 0... ffW)'., NA Costa Mesa • 540-9HJ Wl-9405 NOJ11t * '66 CHEVY VAN * BMW w/camplng unit, •&h. NEW TIRES, PAim A SHOCKS Atdhorind D!i. $1600 or ob', 4M-T136 SaJea • Service• Pu1I '64 CHEVY, 6, stick, 8' bed, ~-~~~.~WI !·.OOJ'i= camper 9hdl. ~· Roy • ......, ... _ _.........,. •• se-9405· or ~ -sat-:-..t:Ul-NoOn ·~ Intcrnatlooal. ·Excell•nt COAST IMPORTS eondltion. $595 or best otter. Of ~ CoUht)t lhc. 49C-923S, 6.8 pm • 1200 W. Paclflc Coast 11WJ !50 CHEVY PICK UP $200 or 60-0f06 e ~ . Best offer; Gd. concl, * .673-9134 * 1906 FORD-1 Ton 9' P IU bed, 4 spd. 1700 Superior Ave, C.M. 645-1691 1956 FORD Pick-Up, Runs great. Needs body work. $175. 673-4868 Ol' 673-6727. '64 FORD window van, R&H, reblt eng, new paint. Trade 557-4540 CORTINA 0 '67 CORTINA GT 16l!O. ** ~ DATSUN '68 DATSUN PICKUP ~ .......... ,, ~A.NYON ......... ~= ll'AID ITUAl'f .............. 1411 orange and wht n!Utered 557-3331 213/691·9997 2 .... . .............. , l"Ufl.ll•AL Dl•llCTOll ....... "'11 ' br., 1 bath, comp!, with 1970 NEARLY brand new UNA •••CM .............. 11'1 "Lo•tns "'lJ male loves children. To ;:;s;;;;===-==-=~ =====-'."'.'.=,,....=·• II u 01111. MJGU&L ........ -.. '/: ca•o <ill' THalACi:''.' .. ,'.',".'.',' •• ::,..11 good home 548-0813 ll/6 rvvDLE ~UPS AK c;: NEWPORT'20, sacrifice. Im· carpet, drapes & app ances SUzukl 450 mi helmet Ji•ps 9510 ========= 111adlo, hcat.,,, dlr, , o.-i: (WPP 762) Will take car tn ¥1'.fi~:~=~ ••. ,, ... _ .. ~111 IN Ml•ORIAM ............... MU · Adorable silver's, w/qu1et mac. $5750. orig rost. Sell Lg. a~i~gs, both side & Must ~11 $625. Da~ 83M>fJ6i -------trade or finance prlvat!i party. 5!6-4052 or '94.QlJ. , :=·:~AN CAPISTRANO ....... ,: ~=:l1:; ~Wrn .. :::::::::t:: FREE _,to . qua! al h 0 m ~ temperament. Toys & l\1in. for $3095. 213/249-1941 Full skirting-Tax & Dave Jones eves I wknds '57 Jeep FC 150 P.U, 4-wbl tAPIJTltANO ••ACK 1 caMni•Y c•nn _ ......... 11 Shepheiu mix m e swee 846-7078. LIDO 14 No .. 202! license-Completely set·UP 64&-4584 ' drive, xlnt shape mech., O:CU.~IDI. .................. :~711 ,.. !AL -P~kS ........... .ai 548--0813 ~93 11/6 ' 2 Malo $.ilver In slips * $1095 $9999 Like new·'6!1 Hodaka Ace 100. needs body work. $800. '67 Dotsun WCKJOn ONt' f'OINT 1: :••;0•11s .............. tut disposition fenced yard. io~~, t·~u~;~:'.'.'.::::: -~fl, s ie~tc9".'.'.':::;::.~ :"HAPP~ESS Is a. Wann kit-' Poodle Puppies 5.57.&32 or 546-4153 SEE THE FABULOUS 300 firm, Both street & dirt I =B<&-=2305==· ======I lllS-T M ,,. TRAVI! · ..................... .-AKC Reg LEMAN Jo 12~ Fl'·-!••• 30v., CORNELL -·1~. """I'-•-'-, CdM af.1 · Automatic. (UDE 591) •-~ DOMltllU ......... Ala Tlt.&llSPD•TATION ....... '441 ten" dbl your happiness • -""' ""•&"" • ........ ~ ... y ""'" """'"' .Ull! R t' Vehi I 9515 _... """r•u'T'2!'.~fs0:0~"i:i.a·::·;:l:: ~uto T••MsPo•TATIOH ..... ...s,. w/twin tabbies 8 wks. 646-0142. 333 17th St. good cond. Resdy to sail AND MANY OTHER ter 6 pm ecrea n c n fice? Will ~ hde or ftD.. ... .. ...... NOTICIS ........... • 6-"'55 --private --· r.n ~ ' Gl!•MAN a TUTOlll.,. ...... ._ 546-7308 11/7, LABRADOR Retriever& Ger-away .• .,....,.. eves. MODELS INCLUDING HONDA mini trail SO, bored VISIT OUR BIG """""-_...,,., -~~~ALS SERVICE QtlECTORY KITTENS Orange gray man Shepherd pups 2 mo's 17' v~nture. Immaculate! SINGLE-WIDES out twice, straight plpe. RECREATION S464002or49C-6811. ~1 HCKI! .. Fuml1hecl ' Af.OUJtrrtNG i:·~J.c········ ... Ult tortise ~11 blk ' & wb'. old. $15. Call Sator&tt 7 pm Sips 4, Head. Sink. Slip. FINANCING AVAILABLE i~~~~•.;,95-o'5377=~-~ CENTER DOT DATSUN • ' ,::J:t~to"'iHAall :::~:::::: :J:~~"':ll~1.1a~·p#ti·.:f So m e w Jbt u.e" eY e s _ wkdys: 548-39'l8." $159!1. 962--0689 MOVE IN e '68 ·HONDA 3.50 WE,AREnrE OPEN DAILY' '°'"" 'MISA ................ ,,. ASPMAl.T, OH• ""'"""""' ....... 548-0813 11/7 • DACH SABCYI' For sale, good con-TODAYI ·--bl-. v~ good--·. SHOWCASE DV"' -· AND M.llU. oaL MAR .............. 11H AUTO R•P.&l•S ............. a.a -· SHUNDS, Reg .x.-..-.un "' ~·J .. vuu ~ MSA v1110• .. ··---··--11101 AUTO. s-t hllt. ...., ltc. '*..,. ND good home fenced yard AK C. Ch a mp 11 n e , dition. $150. l'°"I JEFFREY RD., Lo miles $475. 644-0057 FOR SUNDAYS COl.l,1'01 .. ARk .............. 111 9AIYllTTINO . .......... n -"ful °' ou * 67"737 * -N•Wf'ORT IEACK ............ 1211 BOAT ,MAll"TINAllCI ........ uu lor young lovable sm breed oo:auti • vi6-40'f't. Eves: .,..., IRVINE HONDA CL-350 1970, Low El Dorado campena, 18135 Eeadl Bhd. 11•wPOIT KOn ............... nit t•tctC. MASONRY, & .......... beagle -dog loves 540-8902 9020 il xi t _, $625 Mini Homes, Chaui& Mounts H •~ n •• ~ •i•o•T sttoRl!S .......... mt 1u11N1:ss suv1~ ........ t1a ~ .,~ • I ==""'·~--~--" 1 Power Cruisers 14 Ml. ro. or m eage, n c:ouu. . mi. ......... ~ ~~~rs:A.si·:::::::::::::::: ~:~:r:: .:.:::·ft·::::::::.":m 5 bildren: 53.5-6959 r EMALE German Shepherd, SANTA ANA FRWY, 842-3979 alter 5 pm. and Balboa Motor Homes. 142-7781 or~ winc\o1F~ ............... m1 c1.t1Ml!TMA1C11••rr ......... ,,-D gd b6me for very pretty ·spayed, 1 yr old, Good '28' OONZI, custm made, 2 cALL COLLECT 1966 HONDA 160 CB. Good CHOOSE FROM '71 PICK•• u.111vll!1s1TV •ARK ........... ttfl CAR,.INTERIN• ................... miniature collie mix male watch dog & pet. Some yrs old. Just completely Cond $225 SHELLS TO COMPLETELY ur ................................. COM .. T. -............ -. Ing ·~ ... -_, t ki d boat 714 832 8585 . SELF-CONTAINED Moo-. •A.CK IAY ... -............... 2* CMILD CA••· Lia..tl .... _ .... ,. dog. 1 yr. bsbrk loves train '.,.,..,. ~... overhaul1:11. l() a n ' • • * * 646-1540 * * -~t·~LU,P .................. = ~~=~~~t:l1111N1 ·:::::::::::: children gd watch dog. BEAUTIFUL. rare toy Fox galley, head, slps 4. great1-,T~rl~p71.~w~.~ ... ,-c=.-... --.. .. .-·l---...61~Y'°AM~AH~A~l~!O.--$210.00 to.$9895.0Q ' Used, Low mites, dlr, Step 1•V1N'I TIR•ACI! ........... '!Ml CA•PIT U.'l'IN• ...... ,. ... 536-4277 11/5 Tenier puppies u Kc fishing boaL Speeds over 50 Try Before You Buy With Our bumper, Coronado mtrron. CO•ONA Dl!L. MA• ........... ml ORAPl•llS ........ -. ......... t&ll h r ; roQ mt range, Expensive C.Ontinental • Paramount $100. As is. 5005 River SI. Reasonable ~nta! Ser'fice Radio, beater, (774 CAX), tALtOA ....................... DOI o•MOLl1'IOM .................. • 4 FEMALE ldft.ens' long camp tne. Intelhgeht. kiv. __ ., .,......,......., •etVVI ID finan-Barrington e Universal N.B. 548-130T after 6. THEODORE Will -•-ol'-tn-L1DO 111.1' .................... un DRAf'TING Htr'ltcl •••• -.... ...., haired ·1 whitt: 2 gray and l ling companions 54&-2153 "'"' &V• .. -~ .,.,....,.. Flamingo • Gen•ral t..._ u.:r car •AY llUNDS .................. lffl El..•CT•1c11.1. ... ·................... • ' ' c>'•g Will co•••'de• trade '70 Y•m•ha 125 E""uro ROBINS FORO .,. ti··-••• -· -•ALHA ISLANO .•..•..• , •. ., EOUIPM•NT ·~·LI ....... "541 blk. 6 weeks old. ARC TINY TOY POODLES . '"' • .• Lroadmoor. Star .......... .,_......... -;x::~~~J~:.ll:~ ... :::::::::=: ;~~':° .. ::;:.:::::::::::;::::::.= 833-1690 1119 APRICOT -2/M-1/Fem. 673-5022 or 67>8303 Hillcrest e Cambridge ~:~ ~~r ~~~2 2060 Harbot Blvd. _494=-6811=-c'=--:--,===-:-·I $aa1: HACK ............ _ ... w. 'URNAr• •ll'Al•t. l!!e. _,..wt EXQUISITELY Beaut pup. 64&-5924. '67 ALGLAS 33' Twin Screw. CHAPMAN Costa Mesa • 642-0010 70 DATSUN LDNO'IUCM ................ 191 ll'U•N1TURaR1.rni1t1N• . 1.,-.,,,=~-.,,--,.--~ Fully Found Jncld'g Xtra * '66 YAMAHA 305 * ORANGE couNTY ............. iii aa1,t111st1n10 "" PY 4 mos. black &: white. * AKC Toy Poodles apricot, Ga' T-·"·. ·Aski""" $23,000, MOBILE HOMES Xlnt cond. $""". '67 International SANTA' ANA .................. • .UDINM . ., ........ '611 !Part terrier Needs~ yd I mal 11 · al ' ''·"M •-e ~-~~--""" WSTMINSTI• ........ -...... 11 OSN•RAL SllVtcU ........... . . • . e, em e. 646--0849 .uAIQ N. niU·bor. S.A. Call after 6, 548-1307 Scout 4-whttt drive. R &:: H, MlD'l't'.t.Y CITY ................. 1£11 ORAOIN .. DllCINOr••••"•"'"... Loves children. 494 1117 836-6818 • '114/531-8105 .. saNTA'ANAM•toMn ........ ,._ ouu .... , ................... "" ~ '69SPORTSTERengi.ne,elec-Funlntheaun? VHH960, COASTAL ................ : ..... Al GJ:I!•"· TMUM9 ··l._.,,_,. ••. 1111 ~ PUPPIES 6 wee old: 2 IRISH Setter PllPPies Grand S--' <kl Boats 9030 Tripi• Wid1 Cornell Sl 888 LAGUNA ••ACK ........ : ..... ma ~· SHOP . ' ...... L .......... 1111 'blk/br and 1 bro-J.nl )fother ham . 1· d 'w bl .,.....-... trical " n?ar tire. Call LAOUNA N1•u•L _ ........... 1191' HEALTH CLUll .............. 11211 · c pion s re , e yn Hillcrest e Flamingo 492-7911 ask for Ken K MISSION v1•so ·---""'"' 2111 MAULIN• .................. 11>1 pt Cock e r Span le I . blood line $125 00 541}.1542 * SKI BOAT: 16' Glaspar. p ...... mount • Universal ' Ml E 4 Door Sedan, used («13A.VA) dlr. WW take trade Ol' ~ ance private PM1J'. Call 546-4052 or 494-a811. '70 2000 IAN CLEMl!NT!: ........ j,,,,.J1ll HOU51ECLllANING ............. 61U 54&-4310 11/9 . . . 1/B 0 /8 W / tr! Xlnt ...... * 1970 H d 350 * SAN 'JUAN c1.P1STRAN0 1. ..... 27U 1Nt•Rto• o&coRAT1Ne ..... 1n1 MINIATIJRE Doxie pups 6 -• r. Barrington • Broadmoor cm a M CARTHY tAP!fTRAMD •IACK ··-····,,. IMCOM• TAX ................ 1141 FREE To qua! home'a month ··-. Cond, $1500. 642-1329, Eves; Co•t>'ne•lal • Star Xlnt cond, $550. 893-5621 c . L"--. ~ .. ---· -DANA l'OINT ·-...... r··· .. tf41 llON, OrMIMJINI. --........ 115' i lP; . Wlll:i old, AKC. Must have 67&-1748 lNt! ~ .. ,,.. _, BCl,I '"" .... IOV9•s•o• cDUltlTY .. 1 ....... 1•0Nu.. . ....... ~::····"" old male cat, Pt uss1an fenced yard 1-637-335.5 General e Hillcresl '70 TRIUMPH 500 cc, 3 mos 104} dlr. wm take car 1n t'loCATION llaNTAU "r "".1'11 tNIUU.THl9 ····-· ,.,., ...... .,,. Blue ·pt· S l·• m • · e-;, Ex-· · · · • '69 GLASSTRON jet drive CHAPMAN old. Excellent c on d it io n BUICK !UMM•• R•NTALI ........ 2'11 llllllR•NCr ~ ..... : .... : ...... mt l : ~··w1 LAB. Retriever Pups . tradeorftnal'leeprivatepu-GMOOMINIUM ........ .o ...... 'IKI 11i1v•sTl8AY..._ ••. '711 traordinarypet. °" . runabout, marine radio teJe. MOBILE HOMES $9()0. 536-72!M aft 5 .. ~ · ..... 54MCm or 4~1 ~ ...... I!. "u•N. ........... en IANtTORll.L. ................... ,.. ~ . k' AKC Reg!S. -champ Ii~ hone t 549-3695 aft 5 ~Beach Blvd. y ~ l!N1'ALS i JWWILI:,! U0PAll. •tc. ........ ..,, BLACK fem-grey maJe •l-Christmas Joy. 6#--0505 P • e c. · 12331* s. 71 ,a_'5.'J0.2930ch.Blvd.,*G.G. HONDA 1970 CB 450, like at San Diep Frwy.. JS69 4-DR atation -- c f I L... UHOSCarlN ............ ~.. tens & multi Mored full I,-,===--""~~~-e1r Gl-.. -h .. Ole J[ i l'l:O!:: ----,~· Hou1ft Un um lr19U •.oc:KsMn" ........ -............ ., Aldrl AKC Miniature Poodle Pups ~· vy n-new. ~,,., • 8!H-334l .. 53.LJ«SO Auto., r&:h. Red w/black ........... ! ... MAIO SWRVfCI .. _ .. ,,_,, 11121 grown cat. 785. ch, • board/outbrd, Xlnt cond, 831·211T m' 499-2366 int 14 000 i 1 ' -•·M••······· ...... 1 ........ _. MAsoN•Y·••c1C ............... HB 847 -., 1119 black, 2 male, 1 female, 8 ............ ~........ WantToLJve rn '67 land Crul~-• · . m. owner. ....,., ' .................... , MOVlfllO a nouo• ... ' · --......:>.> I -•""""'· ~'~ S BU'TACO l~ r-> nd _. fl<:G!: 646-7849. l3ll CIW E :D•L w.• .............. 11• ll'AINTI..., ,. .... ,, .. ·::::::.a. . ..,-· wb old. 673-2256. COSTA ME A ,_. ·~c uuuu co · • .....,.,, Vl!•D• .... -........... 2111 PAIJttTIN8,..._ .... 1 ......... ,.,.. FEM~Catwi-.,tancoUar . Local spaces available now! $175. Must Sell. Street or 4 wheel drive, hardtop with Dr, N.B. ••• '"RIC ............ ·2111 PATOOS • -and ~ coll•• !Ilk/bl" with POODLE AKC, A pr 1 cot• Mari.no Equip. 9035 D' 1 •= -.. -u •--& •'nch (UZI!'"') I -"~'-""-~~~~-..,1 :::;:~ ==~~ ::::::::::::=: PMOTooU.i'ffY '''.::~:::":--:;::.m stri;d"iegs B;,iokhurst and male -3 months. Shots & 1--~-~~----If you are serious about buy. ir · '",,....,...,, ,.., lH\l" "'' • ...,. '69 Dabun ' 510, i door-, 4 .. IWPO•T SKORl!.I J2ll PLAITl!•INO. ... tell........... Wormed $35 642--0657 FOR SALE irijt a motiUe home .• .Now•a1'19=••°'H"O"'N"D=A,....,125=,-=2800=-m"'i'.1 $2499 ~~ radio. and beater. IA¥SM0•1s ....... ::t:::::::nn ';,'-~M:~:L.ttit9"'""'"""'·:: Adams HB 96HS.54 1111 · · · 23 lb. LEAD PJGS the time to see Good condtlion, $275, After BILL YATES ZDV 082, $1295. lJM =:L.~::••s.:::::::::::::::: POOLS•Rw1c:1. ............... lt'lt FREE kittens/ 2 maie & 2 ~I ~Pf'.::S h-:t $2i; Mal:, CALL 642--0542 BAY HARBOR 5 p.m. & wknds . .f00.-4292 . SLEMONS IMPORTS. '17 uM1vsas1TY PAaK ........... mJ POW< _tw••••N• ........... "1t f mat 9 t.. old Sec at a wt w 1 e. wee ·I~===~~,_,...,,.....,~ MOBILE HOMES N W Wamer Santa Ana. ftv.llit• .................... -.. =:ft.::~~~.::::::::::::::::: .!.,.., eK.tne w'.'1' 'u B Watchdog type, 84-7.7536 FOR SALE: Boat trailer 16 llONDA 1970 Mini Trail 50, VOLKSWAGE · ' IA.Cit •1.Y ............. ~ ..... :na •aoio R tn. •~ "" 0"°"1.. r /,.ve., •t· · or . ft to 18 ft 1425 Baker St. (at Harbor) like new $175. '68 1600 ROADSTER . EArT •LUFP .................. JM2 REMoDeL':o .. A:EP'Aiii'"..... 842-z.143 ll/6 MINJATIJRE Do~ pups, . c M 540-9470 32852 Valle .. ltoad NvT:: n111tACI' ............ := ••MCD•LfftlCI, kfTCUNI .... fMS 2 FEM kitt 1 all blk long purebred, 8 wks. Red-i2a. I ==*==Call==543-=1337==*=~ Ofl'la esa 642-2751 aft 4: 30 p.m. Satr Juan 'Capistrano tO.l(INA OEL MAR ........... :n• SCISSORS IMA•••• ............. ' < tM, Cell 546-1026. I' '69 GENERAL '70 TRIUMPH Scrambler-500. 837-4,!J00/493-4511/496-2261 Read to ' d1r C\VEZ no) iiALIOA ................... Dll ~:= MAaiiNi''HPAiii:S = h,air, 1 sm. grey w/l eye. . Boat Slip Mooring 9036 Tro h Used 2 ' •M5 Willy_,~ ... · ,: .,. ·----UV ISU.fllDI ............ -... tul 5SP.TIC TANKS. .._.. atc. .. ffd 642-8416 11/9 • AKC registered Samoyed Mx43'. Dishwasher, awning, -p y mos ..... ' "1NC uo: llUIU-~ft.OJ~L~SUND":::::.:·::::: .. : ;~~~=•cowtaOL"···""'"= 8 WEEK old cockapoo puppy male, 5 mo old. Well train-15 TO 30 ft. ~lips avail. for skirting. Set up In Hunting. 673-35W, 675-3049. . C~mper1 9520 P.~~ party. 5f6.4052 0: "IWP"ORT Wl!ST .............. nn To•• c---i .......... ..,. Lo-""'" bl ck •-to good ed. 675--0~06 power boats. Also d...., ton By '""-Sea. Rent $75. <>TUD.U. =:g:::~g: ~~~~~u1 ·:::::= T11.•: ..;:.;;_a ·~·::::::m1 i::te. f6i_~7 .. ..,., U/9 PUREBRED Minia. Poodles. storage for boats & traUe~ $9250. ea'1~oeTony 53l-85TI. Auto S.rvlce New '71 Datsun '65 I)atwun station wapi. ~TAIN Vl.LLl!Y .......... >Ill ;:~:...t:.::ic:..-., ... ii::. .. : .. : Black & a ricots. Reas. Bayside Village, 300 E. PERFECT a Parts 9400 toor OHC Pickup with camp. radio and heater, OSE 651. o:5"i ::"cf."ovii ·:::;::::::::::::: Ull'llDLIT••' ..... .-.... ,. • .,, . .,,. FRBE tpuwles. Real cute. 846-3.51'2. p Coast Hwy, N'pt Beach. !---------er. Sal~ pn·CE .s2oo9 dir, --$695.00. JIM SLEMONS IM· L • •'EACK -W•lDlltMt . .. .. . .. ... ···•· ... .,,. 1Q'I '"'°. WUson, c . M •I ~-~~~-~~~-u x 57 in five slar idult * * 1,000 BLUE ch 1 p PORTS 417 w w ................ w11i1oow CL1a111ni• llft7 .l.Uf ~ St nd d Poodl M I WISH to tra'· 35• · (& 43827l) Will take car ln • • arner, o ""'COUNTY............. "'BS & EMPLO .. Y ... M ... E .. N. T "-6939 11/9 • ar 1 a e ue a moonng park. No pets. ldeal Joca. Stamps! Yours with lube, -s.,·1a •-,..,.,.,ANA .................... • ""' AKC Cha t k 7 · for a 50' mooring ad u & •11 job w kd trade. Will finance private1,,;;;;;-=======I wrstMINSTI!• ................ •\• .IOI WANTIO, -............. ~E Kittens. While. From . mp soc • mD !. • • tion in Costa Mesa. Ph. 0 .. er . ee ays MfDYiAYCITY ................. Mf .1oawANTlfD ............. :1m ~rirui the 2.SOCIOc '** 64&-0045 ** justment. Ph 347-6932 ool· 646-86l2. after 5, Sundays ll lo 4. party, Call 5464052 or ENGLISH FORD SANTA ....... M!:IOMTS ......... xa JOB WANTEO mo r. ean1----------Ject. Baysbor R' hfield 200 w 494-6811. CO.UTAL ...................... J7'111,,., Ml!N a WOMh f. .......... Jlll Bl CdM 1117 H 8830 ~=~-~.--..,--=,I '63 Skyline 10x55 w/blt·ln Coast H!,,, N"s ' ' •---------·I U.H.,.1aac .............. SCM~SatNITllUP'f0" .... 1'11 ~ • -or111 •SL1Pavailforupto36' "J CAMPERSCarpenren1 -~~¥:=. ~:i~:L. ............. = Jo• "'•.,.1.ut10tt ............ ,.. WJlITi Siamese, J yr. also cruiSt'r at Newport Towers. heated lanai. Pt tum, compli,vw=~e~"'1"--o=--ood-,~C~-..-d "Mini-Van" Us Mall Truck, * '58 ENGLISH FORD .-•c:i::•MtNT•-~·---::::·.'..mi TM.!'llEARTCmHAALND .. l'E .... , .. 0 ... R1* \kittens. ages 1 wks. IDEAL for riding: Well· S4" ,332 Jndscpd . 2 storage sheds. In ng ne, on• pd $100. Motor runs pod. UN .,u..,. CAPtST•ANO Jn5 i' 534-5705 ll/7 trained gelding. 0 w n er ;r-o established park. Jmmed • 642-0443 • '6l, 3 5 • auto. trana. $4ro 646-511! t"'*"flTllAfllO •ucM .... -•.. m1 · ·S~LE AND TRADE moving ·644--0279 •PVT dock for u.P to 28' occ. Call Roy 545-7766 NERF BARS. NEW '"· 3025SamoaPl,CM54~ .• DA..?!t..t01NT .................. SJ• ll'URNITVRI ... !.. .............. SWEET Blk & wht female · · motor boat.on chanriet. ...,... FORD fac van camper, 4-FERRARI -'): ! ' . ' . , • . • • • . • . • • l • • • . • -~ ' -' " 1 •• • " " • ,, " .• " " .• • " " • • • " . ' . • i I I I ~..t;i~~''f,';:,.·uitN.'';.','.".":: .. = OP,.tcl fURNITU~ ........ ::"" cat. loves kids & dogs, TRANS~RTATION 673-~ aft 6.... QUALlTY BUDGER: 17x50. rosr $70. -.I I 5 to &h ·~·· R•NTAU .......... ms O,f'IC• •OllllPM• ......... I 546-7308 11/7 ,... Nr: Bch. Full Price $6950. +•673-8593** oyu, S pg ' pop p, r ' --------1 RINTAL:t U4;~ :=:::::;., ·:::::::::'": SMALL Lo bl rt 11 Boats & Yachts 9000 Sp/rent $65. 536-6668 VW PARTS $1475. Trade 557-4540 FERRARI ; 'lt A, .. s. Fuml1hod 11.R IGUIPMINT ... -......... 1 va e a • n Boat Rentals t031 ,..,_ ___ ,_ Tra 1 1 • Sacrifice 61 Metro Van N-Im-· Ltd, ~ 1 m····::::::::::::::::::: 5:!£-E .. :;:~::::::::·:: ~· togoodho~;7 FREE . Rent A Sailboat ~1~~:·~,:;;t,cr;""U:;'Paru. ~~~Ill Chev, VS, bunks. Oean! ;;-eountF.~Yau~··--_+l-t ~R~i ... ci:t ·::::::;;::::::= •PL.IANCU ; ............... ·"" CUTE kittens l/male & Cal 25, ·'eepa 4, Ml• -·Ip. new marina. $5300. 4~2381 $450. 548-0226 Ir.eel dealer. t 'H.' -"'' .,NTIOUIS .... .,J ........ -... 1111 BOATING ~ , .,. Trailor Travel -·• •nv••ERVJ~p.1.-,._, R o.... .......... SIWINOMACMIN9 ........... 1111 2 I fem. Very pla yful. $40 TAKE OVER PAYMENTS ' 7'1U Dune B•-les 9525 ~ .....,,.. An1..;. I T IHORU ............. MllSICAL. INIT•llllln'T ,,, ... ITU , ped, S30 per day, wkdys; '68 BROADMOOR 12X56 -•• 3100 W, Cout H"7, 1 ,'ti., •aaii:'·.:·::.:·:: .. :: ''""'"'°' • OffAllj ............ 11• 646-0361 1116 COURSES per day wknds; S200 per wk. TENT Trlr, Constellation --------·N-Beach •• ' - llAD9' ........... t ............. 12'1 CREAM~1o-• •··-·t Lcssonstncl ......,...,6,. DutchOean! model, Xl•t co·'. fully 5~' SALE WI· .... V"6. ! • .................... raLllYISION ................... atl """' '""' s,"'f>U em. Small Boat Handling · ~. t nu /9 19 642-9405 541).1'164 tO:..."':IL Ml.a ·:::::::::::: ~J'~a.~~\~lftli~" ........... g dog, med. size, friendly, by i900 down & payments o equip, hydraulic brakes. Up to 50% off o·n bodies, Authortzed J'ernrt DeUer :PA ...................... CAMERAS a •outPMiiirT".' .. :,. loves children. 496-4473 11/7 U S S Boat Charter to39 $l06.l 7 per mo 644-4149 parts &: acce&90ries, Sat • l 'to-P;U.NOI ................. 4311 MOltY SUP,LllS ... ~ Power quadron Jluntington Bch area '"'"""""'===-""'=-"'"'-1 sun only. Bodies as low as llLI , ................. as1 ILl'ORTtNO MODI '.'.(:;::::::::. GOLD and white long-haired • , AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER *Dir, 545-8241 * 'GR COLEMAN Tent Trailer, FIAT ISLAND .............. 491 l lMOCUU•S. tcotl"U .... - .. -bob~'·tail 7 toed cat. ~!!;~~~~:::~~~! used 6 mo's. $475. or best $75. Short, lull length," pick' ----------1 ... TON •PCM ............. M-•sL• --.... """" 30' CRUISER -A .._ __ .__. Blvd " I.IN YA1.1.•T .......... 11111 -.,_ '"/"'""'"' 547 •-• 11/6 Tu"""'"" November lOtb 3 NEW MODELS oiler. 642-1180 ups . ......,.. ..u ... 11:1111 • n.IV'UVI ..... = MISC. WA"'8D ...... ,. ......... 11 .._ ~~. 0 714/64•)579 • •--~I 7J4 ~JJ51 .................. lilUICMIN••Y. -~; ......... 1111 7·15 PM ,,. ,... .... ""' rn.. ! .....,.. • •ucK , ., .............. L'*•" . " 11 .,.. FREE 11mall orange kitty • 12X60 · 2003 24XOO I • ~c:-'= ............. = STOlAN ·::::::::~'.~:::::::::::.,,. 'Very tntelligerrt! Urgenti (bring pencil & paper) 32' Twin--screw Chris Craft In cool C01ta Mesa's delux Trailers, Utility 9450 e SAND RAIL • ''THINK" M1t11T1• .. ::::::·:.::'.'.'.'.4'1t ::~~INO MATn .. u ....... :;:: St&-3665 11/9 United Savings A&ll'n Sips 6 '* Delux boat Greenleaf Mobile Home Park 4x8' BOX TRAILER Corvalr powered, comp. re. -:':;'t~N~~ .. :'.::::::::::::::=: PETS ·ind LIVESTOC!_'•a~RAN=~c~E<0=--..1o""l'l!d-:-.--m-o1"•°'k"1t""ty"",1 Co=~~'Yea1~m * 54s-2434 • ~ * ~'""'~~Wh~1t~ti~er~Av~·~;;"~~~1350~,=~Good=~co[nd~i1~1ob"~· ~s~"~·= built eng, sand tires, Misc. /IJllm~ II .: 1 . .....,.,AMANllOKTI-.......... Pl'Tl,..Nl••L.""""'""'" needs good home . · • · Fl I L 9150 +64Z..9873 + wheels 2eitrafronlends&: rus:rm ............................ CATI ............. \ ...... -..... -u 6 SACRIFJCE due to illnes ' Y "I 11'°"1 ~44 2 br. walk-ln closets. access.'AU..tor$45o. 737-6449 5 ::::~·:;:::::::~:::!$ ~i~~·:::;·:::·:·::·L.·'.·:M·::::.N·:·O::: ~::aD-Collie mix,~ ~~!°8b~is~; ~ l-.;....L..:E;..A_R_N __ T_O_F_L_Y_ . ~:~ly :.· i':~C:cpC:.l.T"ru=c"k-"1 ____ ..._:9c;.500.;.;· -•=l="='=g=p=·=M=·=· ====I NEW 124 ~:· DIMO . t -. '" Vll.Hl --····--4111 CALIFORN\A · watch dog nol pxi with ·Ev!-·' Lark Low rates, P. nvate thru com-.,,A,,.7909 '70 TOY~A HI LUX Pl~ .. ... ! .ct.llMINT• ....... •n• . •••••• ..,, • 1nuue motor Pu6h-alt 5 -u• c~ I rt-• A·~· -'·NAN CAPIS,..ANO ms NUR .................. children 492-7344 lU7 • merclal Call er ·oo pm mpo -··-YRAffO ••ACM ..,. Ml MM I NO •oou ........... ·-. button 11hift. Only 60 hrs on . . . ll 2 UP Under factory warranty. ~ ft•-4141 PATIOS .......... -..... -..... eris FREE •u-1 wkr; cocker boa! • moto• Sho",_,.. Tue11, Thur. and Fri, and on YEAR 'round beach vlng. r-~·t tell •••-·-trom a ---------·I i x.';k,·;:::::::::::::·::.,.. ;,~;=:..1·:::::: .. :::· .... ·::·:: ~1e1"1e';rlers,21l'isLen~ rondl .., Hea~~Juty .. ;;,"; weekends. 8304310 ·brSELL, 17!~;~ ~·otMUtesrr. =:o ..... Pn~ ..... to..,aell.""OOQ MBZ '65-230 SL COUPE: 11711 MACH II.A. l) 1.~~~~ .. .::::.::;;,:·;::·:·:: J~N~ATION Dr., C.M. s.to--068.S ll/9 w/extra wneeJ & tire. Salt '200 645-3017 ~ "' ·Lie, iffivIV.'°Ctuck 1V:;;~ ~i:~75~:;...~· ftfwf. Jtl l .r.._~LUS Iv I L _ _. • t::..Jr. • .. :::::::::::::=: OVERSIZED Gold recliner. tank. idldt '1 -~~Sl4•75 makny Moblle HomH 8X30 Sba.l!lta w/10X15.cabana Inc., 445 E, Coast Hwy.,. N.B. NE'93'W~Sleft 5!1,-R ... .. ~·.. n rn ,.,.., · l"Owt.a 11unns ............... 67'">-7204 eves 1117 extras nc mn:u. ta e:J NTEMPO '6T'.>-0900 ext 53 ot 54, · ALFA ROMEO -~ •· -. .. ...................... SPllD-&IU MAT .............. . everything' Call 54.5-00>4 co Uv'g nn, nice yard, + Acilt1=~~=~~="-.,... llVU'll'U 1#11SA .................. 11• ao.&.T T•.&tt.I•• · ........... ,... FREE kittens, 3 t Jger eves&: w~s Pk. 646-3703 eves '61 Ford P.U. w!'lfn· eu in ---------·I •••P• ................. 111• to&T ...,, .. ,,NAllCI _ ...... -trlped, Lovable 8464600 un · "'=='='='======! eng, auto trans Clea~ Wlll ltJ •••c:.,, .......... ..-=~"~~:t~re .......... = -. 1966 SEA sin1 1s· 155 hp COMMUNITIES 9225 kc best n:. ~ 1964 ALFA nomeo Jtull• '" FIAT uo SPIDIR :u .::::::::::=: aDAT 11.w, MOOlbte·:·:.:·; .. :,.. sruo10 Couch fair condition Buick OMC Marine Engine "B-'-lcy;;<.c_l•_•'-------I ;hllllpa ~ e:t trla-i-0~ Ve 1 o c e helden, lll nun 1P11o ............. ·• to.t.T s•ftVlcn .............. "" 543--6328 afta 2 PM un complete! bl• tru' • ._, cama,'duaJ 45mm 'Ntbers. 5 24,000 miles. lrnmaCul&le! sin •••k •..• -..... OJI' •DAT •••TAI.I ............... ,.. Y re .. ex · 0 LAGUNA HILLS MAN'S l!k-Schwinn "'---1 H~ "---1 & Balboo pd .._ "'-~ .,._ .. ,_ L.--'--4 ~ y ....................... MAT CKA•T•ll ........ -........ 6 WEEK old male kittens to $1195. Call &U-9JQ3, after 5 -........... ..,,, ........... . s . ~. tnnl. """'"""'m)' NIU-W. ·-1e1_, • - :.Jau.t"' · •· ............. M ""tt'" SOI.Tl .................. good ho S48-J316 11/9 call 540--0557 23301 RIDGE ROUTE DR. C.O~tlnental. Very good con-'66 GMC, V6, 2 tonw/16' in-rblt. New'Plrentf. Slf.3'111 <XUB-17'9) on MA• ........... = '°"' MCWt• ................... a me. CAUJ 830-3900 diti?J'. $3.). 64&3518. au.lated van body, 33,000 $12" .•llU.NM''.'.'.'.'.'.'.':.'::::::::; =:.·~::t:o ":.:-::::.:·: .. ::: RABBIT hutch call aft 6. '61 URICHSEN 25' Cabin Prestige· adult copununity, mi's Good tires. !fi7-G:lt AUSTIN HEA' ev "fRIEDlJllll" DO .-. ................. _. •11ct:1.n ...... ., ......... ,.. 5«)-9390 1119 Cruiser. Slpe;6, SO Hrs on adjacent to Leia u re Mini Blkff 9275 ' · .,., ~ isu.1110 · ··~....... "" t. .. lO!itl ........... "'na .ri. •• :..a.. i>-v E-Im World. Beautiful sur-~t .t Sun • NUllJOl.•TOflt ••ACK ........... ... MOMD ................. ... ... ,,-..r ....,.: ng. • ndJ ll I --11n1 ._. .. c-HI ..,. wALJA:Y _,. ...... M•• ..,.... .... _ ......... nn TIME FOR mac $4950. 513="-3693 rou np, a uxury ap.. GEMlf'll Mlnl Tran Bike c AMP ERS .. carp enten ,67 Sprite ___.. IT"'•• , •ACM .................. Mil CL.WS ................. ms ' pointmcn t.s., putllng: aftert. 50-CC. bJKE NEW $22S. "lllllnS..Var:r." US Mail TtUck ·•1'!1116 • !UT.611( ucN .................. • LJCT1tc CA.,................ 29' FANTAIL Monterey, hobby &hop, muCh more. $42> i\\W .::::::::::;::=: n;~::"T=~i:::.:::::::::: = QUICK CASH Sunk today. M la. where ll, SANTA ANA Clllt bt')m 6 A 8 pm, 5.77-7325. ·~3 ~~A;tto~~ ' speed, ,,.. 'OCIJot " m -inraa ................... , tttc: .............. lst $200 takes, 54Q....¥20, • • DELUXE mini bike 3 hp, red ' (35i6 BEi:.) ..._., crrr ................... ,. ·~ ~YKh.\St,im-. ... :' 675-3977 4080 W. rntST ST., S.A. w/cbrome. ·n CHEV 'Fick Up. 'Sl Cad, $1295 '"Flit UO.,.... A =Niietrn':::::::::: ~••fl.Ii., na\11. .. :.:::::;;,..; THROUGH A • 44' HOUSEBOAT, x In • CAu. 839-3880 * &12-~ * Ja}(y earn. BAM f{)'dro, ~ new tins, All/PK r11a11.nt..,.., ............. ,.. ., FAMILY communlcy, &bun• beadc!rt II> mileage $3)() or DON BURNS -.N.. -•·-,_ tAMPllU ..................... ,..,. Uve aboard, Slip Avail. &noo or rtertatlon tot RODDY S hp Briggs.Stratton , • -• ··~"'•1 -· ex._ VWoY" ~~h~~·::::::::::i DAILY PILOT; 10' ~=~ar--:~1=i. ~v.•:i-utf= =;et. GQPd a>DCLS70. ;~ei:· ~~place Ill l~~r=:,, ~-L~ CU) ,1.., .... """,' .. '" .. iiioi -.... ~···-··--WANT AD A .....,..ny, $50. Bl()' the mobile home NEARLY new Bonama mini town. Tbt DAD..Y PILOT JU#tS.Dfc.,dmG'.1'\'e'yy,y, urllll'Mllml'M AMTitun.~iil:::::::;;.,. *' :Alt 6: 6J5.<&19 '*' or your chol~. move !>lk~ 3 hp Brigga A Stratton Cla.aified section. Save •66 AUSTJH' ~ Sprite. rllll.llL.::.lm& •AC• CAD, .............. in to any Ont ot our enc. a~ moaey, tlme .. ·ellor.t bJ Mo•-..;.-..ii~ •• new lmt llACll ...... .,, • walf'fl• ........... ...,... """ ............... :.1 KA!'AJC $91 E1~Tom -tadnc ''OPEN" fii:kl WI" .. T"'----~ •·• • ssr.-•::.::•• ::::·::.:··: -~~"b.":.. 1 .. :::::::::::::: 642 r.1!78 ~""~;1,.;,,. •pi..,. l2S-NOW REN 111Gi.1. i MINIBIKES •b•••ln r '""" , ,.... tfm.,.,..,,, "'"" • uwe taAILtiR COUlm "" l.VTO t.IASl"9 ... ~ .......... "'. ...,., ...:o..,..w.>0 . m * ~\93 • annchair, work. $495. 833-0436 J . j 1 ' ' ' l I , I ' I ,I •• \ I ·• jL DAILV PILOT F•ldar. N,°"mh<r 6, 1970 / , '"Tml-=sPOl~~T'""A~TnlOH~-~T"'RA=N"'SP"'O"'R'"T"'A"'T"'ION"'---:'"T"RA .. NSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION • TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION '\'llANSPORTATION ,,· 1.;.;;:.;:,;;:;;..::o:.c:;.:..:;:;:;__,1.:.:.::.o:.:::.;.;o:.:.=.;.;.;:.;c.;.__1~=o.;;.;...;""".;.;.;.;~ I --Imported Aulol -lmportff Aulol 9600 lmpo<lod Aulol 960Q lmpo<lod Aulo1 -lmporiod Aulol ~600 lmporiod Aulol 9600 lmporiod A-' H00 1_1..;m;;;po<l--od-'--A-uto_1 _9_6lJ0_1 . FIAT JAGUAR KARMANN GHIA MERCEDES BENZ MG..; OPEL PORSCHE SAAB TOYOTA JAGUAR '68 K '67 MG 1100 '68 Opel '65 PORSCHE' ··-"""" y fl HEAD"'UARTERS arman 42.<Xll mtlet ........... , .. , w 356 SC Coupe, with ''"""°!. -• ..,.,..,, • ..... BILL MAXE ~ -~.,.!'...._.JAGUAR hcate•. lmmaoulate. An ""' Sonot Coupes In Stook .... -......., _,,..,.-._.. believable price! {UNA-689) agon Earth gretn, with lugage Orange County's Ne.,.·nt Dlr. ITIAIVWTIAJ ~. ··-••~ ~ ID Ibo antln Hu"" GhelQ $699 Redio, hcate•, • ....... rack 6 ta,l"...!,<"-YCC"'5 COAST IMPORTS M!M --_... ---"FRIEDLANDER" (WPM 106) Engine Lt In box, ..... , 11111 BEACH B'Vl> --• -°""""°' m"'t be aaaembted. CHICK IVERSON • • DEMO SALE SALES 1J7IO UACH !Hwy. HI $699 of Orange County Inc. -Hunt, Beech 147-ISJS . D70 Flat llf Spart., epe. SERVICE 100% Warranty. Radio. 893.7566 e 537"6824 VW lax> W, Pacific ~wy, lmt N, otO:ut Rwy, on Bell Radio, ........ ,pedal ... PARTS l'op$py .... IVZZ 086) MG NEW-USED-SE RV. BILL y ATES 54~3031 Ext. .66 "'67 &4Ul406 • jTIOIYIOIT~ .. ..._ pin •trip\ng. ndl&l BAUER 1699 .___... - -• VOLKSWAGEN 1910cosr11ARBO• •RfESABLVD. SIMCA • --· ti..., :OW$2m:::. BUICK - - - - -• '71' HERE NOW'· ·~ '" MGe '" MGB 32852 v.u, """' '64 'C' Coupe sE~ & DRIVE ~-i 9625 Garden Grove Blvd. IN \\lire whee_l.11, over drive, both \Virt' whecls radio heater, 4.. San Juan Capistrano '59 SU.fCA, nm& lbut ntedfJ A FEW RE~tAINING 70'aAT 531-Tm Call Collect COSTA MESA Harbour v .w. to~ .... d ... hcate" ~·-· '"""· A fine •·••mobilo! 831-<B00/49J.4Sll/49'}.22GI Strong engine. (RSP 812) ""'" 115 ., """ oo... CLOSEOUT PIUCES! '69 124 Sport Cpe. 2U E. 11th Street A fine buy at this low price. llSS.770) '10 OPEL G.T. 102 hp, kPd. Priced to sell, Day: 837-7112.I alt 5 : 518-17«> 18'lll BEACH BL. 84'""3S (#10614) $1199 Red' <500 ml, L!ke New $2595 644-810l ""A• L••.;';' C ...... New paint A ,,..,. ====== HUNTING'l<IN B"':CH "fRlrOWDER" "FRIEDLANDER" 1299>. 644-2300 DON BURNS SUNBEAM l~R;;'":;;.. ,iy! (Xl.W 235J HILLMAN 11750IEACH IHwy.191 PORSCHE 52495 MERCEDES BENZ "~~·: ::,~~" "~"'' • 531...,. Po.,•h• Audi, LTD. '66 Sunbeam Roadster 1966 ""'""" c.M. ~ NS •;g HILLMAN H"""e W/'67 NEW-USEO-SERV. '69 911 'S' 11631 Harl><>• Blvd. 636-,2333 . •n COROLLA w·~n =, DON BUR Sunbeam Alpine eng, duaJ --------•.......________.. · " JustS.ofGnrdenGroveFwy. N-· -tqt ... loP, -· ~n cubs, headers, custom inl MERCEDES 220-S, lowner, ·~ LIV'U'VU .... .... new air, 4 spd. Must sac ... ~ Poncho Audi, LTD. Good cond. S<&-0850 . . Jo ml ... JJke new, .... T, ------~---~~~ "'"""~==~~~ Demo! 5100 act""1 mllet, 5 '68 912 Targa titts. !si'hl<l Only Co. ""· Only 100 mL l225tI 13631 HarboJ' mvd. 6J6.m1 a.ir cond, AM/FM, leather ......_......_--.,.. '55 l.!G TI' 1500, beautiful speed trans., mag wheel.a, $1295 962-1030Pr1Pty. '"';6S.7al c;.-,SPYGDroEveRFwy KARMANN GHIA t:~·iJ:!. ~06 ConJ • ~MING~ rond, 11~1810 ~~. ys;::i.,..:::~ • .. ~i1~ ~e'%~r. DON BURNS TRIUMPH '62 K 'ti6 MERCEDES ~ SE '671.IG1.-lidget·19000miAsk. lrff'rlor {#3012241. ~ p h Audi LTD --. ......... dlr. arman ronvt, auto, AM·FM, to ml, IU ing $1400. . BILL y A '(ES $4995 ,,.;·::= .. :.. IDvd. 1116-W '68 Triumph G.T: .(TQC 568) Will take"" Jn ~.'.,,,j."" $10,<Xll, $3,600. ~'FRIED' "'DER'" "'""88 VOLKSWAGEN DON BURNS J..,tS.o!GardenGnneFwy. 6 cyl Coope, Radio, w"", trade or finance private par-Gh• LAA 1964 Sunbeam Alplne ConvL wheels, red paint, Sharp. ty, 546-4052 or 494-6811. IG '61 Mercedes Benz 4-dr sedan 117se •EACH iHwv. ,,1 OPEL 32852 VaJle Road Porsche Audi, LTD. top, hrdtp, tonneflu 1oover. Low miles. (YEN 414). ,... : SE~nroor1-~~~ea~; NJ~1m:o.~1~ 83~~~:9~~~':~ ~18.H:,r~!~vg"ro!!6"~ Fine cooo. $595. 4944468 art $2395 .. Ai~ ,JAGUAR ... '70 XKE Roadster Midnight Blue. Radio, (IPR 346) i!:~u1:;;~ ::" """· btk ~ '68 Opel '64 Porsche Cpe. '62 Porsche Cabriolet 'pm "'Tow""""Yo. TA·I DON BURNS wired inter, new tires, 1----;=---Wagon Red finish, AM/Fl.I. Porsche Audi, L TO, Lo ad e d, with hardtop. Chrome wire wheels, AfoV FM, #12257. Sacrifice! Will take older car in trade or $899 11550. 642-2559. MG IGCD '31l m.., ltnoh, AM/FM. 1968 TOYOTA 13631 H"'"°' Blvd. 636-2333 Sale" Sel'Vke, Parts Fact. ·~s""1 nd35" o!BHT 758) BILL YATES (131 BLO) ,..,, s .•• Garden Grove Fwy •• Did you ever think ot irwap- ing th.at White Elephant in the attic for something you can use! Try the Traders Paradise column tn the Dal- ly Pilot Want AdJ. Imm~ia~C:~very, BILL YATES Sedan. Radio, heater, auto. ~66 TRIUMPH TR-4A :."".::'~~~~'!: Harbour V.W. '66 XKE Cpe, showroom 1B7ll BEACH BL, 842-4435 cond,. red, blk fnter, wire HUNT~GTON BEACH whls, lo ml. 673-2086 Call today .. ~ tomorrow! ANY Da1" is the BES!' day to Fast resulta with a Daily nin , . II.ft ad! Don't Pilot Ca.ssified Ad . .Di.al dmy: .call toda.y, &12-5678 direct 642-S67B -NOW! J1etuport Jl111p ll l'l~i 3100 W, Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-9405 54G.1764 DON BURNS VOLKSWAGEN matio ":'"'nilision. l1,<Xll 4 ....... w"" whee ... now . 328.i2 Valle Road VOLKSWAGEN actual miles, Lie. WAR052 paint & interior. I.R.S. R.- San Juan capi.atrano 32852 Valle Road $139' dio. heater. Real S . ~ ]36Jl l-larbor Blvd, 636-2333 837-4800/4934511/499-2261 San Juan capistrano CHICK IYE.RSON (R.PI.,..9(1l) ;:~;: Porsche Audi, LTD. Jus1 S. of Garden Grove Fwy, '8374800/493-45111499-2261 YW . $1399 , DIAL d. ,,0 VACANCIES c .. t mooeyl •~-==--~ "FRIEDLANDER"·_· ll'E!Ct • .....-~8. Charge Rent your house, apt., SION! 'M c PORSCHE, new paint, ~ur 11~· Uien sit ~k, and bldg., etc. thru a DaUy Pilot leather in ter., gd cond. r:o~R6GB~~ futen to the phone nng. Classified ad. $1995, Mr. Block 536-7714 OOSTA MESA 11750 IEACH IHwy. lft:' 89J.. 7566 • 537-6824 u . .oaoc1;;.;;..· c"-"'-''-'-'------u_,..._c_._ .. ____ 990<l __ u_.oc1_c_._,. ____ 9900 ___ u_.oc1_c_._,. ____ 990D __ u_.oc1_c_._,. __ __;·.c9900=._;u.:..oc1;;.;;..c.:.•:.:'.:.'---'-=i '66 912 Coupe One owner. (TAX 289). '69 Toyota U"'U"Ll"l.I'. '66 TR·4A YOU'VE GOTI A DRIVE COMET! PORA NIW DRIVING THRILL COMI AND MllT THI •ITTIR SMALL CAR POR 1971 •• MIRCURY COMIT. Lowest Priced Mercury. Eaiy Maintenance. Great Gas Mileage. Short Wheelbase for Parking Ease. family-Sized Interiors. Sporty Looks. 3ALLNIW MODILS INCLUDING A 302Y-81 ORDIR TODA YI LOVE AT FIRST DRIVE USED CARS '67 COUGAR V·I. ..... ..-. ,_. _..., ,_. !• dix lnln. rodio, """"· ... II ... 'lfts. MMd "°"' ...... Wl'Wl, ... "" '69 Riviera 2·DOOIHT. Y-1, -· '""''· ltcM<J W ..-.......w,._ . .-.. Mt rt•, w~lrt.,..11 tiru , ""II ..... _.....,""""' _,,, """ 3544 $1356 '69 MERCURY $2799 '66 PONTIAC $ ~II 2·• (•""'· Y·•· .... l• M1m!1 ~ Y·I. "*-...__,Pl""' ,.....,,,..,illfl!'"'kn,, ~<""-.,,_1 .. ,p'w"'lltok11.t1clie. hHlll', 822 IJIA/fM ............. """ .,. ........... W9'. .... elo'Mo ...... ,_,,, .,..71 • W.uMt . OPIN SUNDAYS L $ SEE ALL THE NEW 1971's IN OUR SHOW ROOMS· ' TODAY! FABULOUS DISCOUNTS ON All REMAINING 1970's FULL PRICE NEW1970~ MARQUIS - 4-DOOR HARDTOP $1103 OFF WINDOW STICKER NEW l 70 COUGAR 2DOOR HARDTOP FULL PRICE '$2995 $3895 DON BURNS 2 Door Hardtop. Automatic, factory alr cond. Low mile- age. (XOB 981) $1998 Porsche Audi, LTD. DON BURNS 13631 Harbor Blvd. ·636-2333 Roadster. British r a c 1 a.t green, (YRD006) ~ I $1595 DON BURNS : JU.Rt S. 01 Garden Grove Fwy. Porsche Audi, LTD.\ '65 PORSCHE 912 Red 001 Harbor mvd. 636-2331 Porsche Audi~ LTD. S.spd. Make ofr. ~6-0178 Just S. ol G~en Grove Fwy. 13631 Harbor Blvd, 636-2333 '66 PORSCHE '70 To ota MKll ,.,,,s.'.'GarnenGroveFwy._: s brown Y '66 Triumph Sp1t f 1re, ] ~PE" (!12. . ~~· f door. Loaded, factory air. removable hardtop, radio with lilack 1n~nor. Brand Only 5,000 ralle.!. #RT63147 and heater, TFA 354. $995. : new Pl!rreUI tires. XYJ474 Still under .warranty. Take JIM SLEl'ttONS ™-PORTS, $3399 older trade or small down. 417 w. warner, Santa Arll. , CHICK IVERSON ::ill~:":':..~;.,!~~ TR-4, 1963. st .. w/Whlle YW ·494 7506 hard tup. i1so or 'S!iiL oD'. or · · 540-4711 aft 6 549-3031 Ext. li6 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD, C'OSTA MESA '68 Toyota Corona Coupe, automatic, radio and heater, WIJ 169, $1395.00 JIM -==~====I VOLKSWAGEN '66 912, RED w/blk inlet'., Coco mats, L oad@d ! Desperatt! Tom, 673-2050, eve: 646-4440 SL.EMONS L\IPORTS, 417 --------!·. W. Warner, Santa An&. 11t '6' GREEN VW *· ~ GOOD COND. $800 ,. '67 Toyota Corona, 4 door, must see to appre<:late. Llc. TYZ. 819.. $1195. J 1 M SLEMONS IMPORTS, 417 W. Warner, Santa Ana. e CALL: 548-8233 e . • , SEU.ING Your boa.of.? "List" with us .. S?ll it fast. Dally Pllot Qass~. 642-5678 Imported Autos 9600 tmported Autos * '68 BUG: lD mi. Cond. Moving-Must 544-1866 Eves * 9600 Imported Auto• Insurance Too High? ~DRIVE FIAT! Fiat 850 Spider '. • Wlit11 you 4,; .. , th• Fitt •50 Spidtr V"U ,,, •• ···' •' ,.,.,. Clf cr,r .. 1119 witfiout d•nfin9 yo11r bud9•t, You f•tl tht ro1d •ncl 1nio1it, Perticlp~ft In lht tngint1ri11g of• r11lly fi11t 1port1 cir rlcle. Ancl yo11 •now why • S.>icltr 111h only tw-it'1 th1 pl•c• to bt • couplt! Goocl to linow th1t wht11 you cir;.,,, f i1f it'1 -II th•rt; tht ntw 58 hp o .. •rhttd ••I .. , 1ngint, clt1h t1chom1t1r, th• fully 6diu1ttbl1 ~uclrtt •••h, *'• f1ont wh1•I di1c brtli•1, redi1I til•t 1H th1 fully 1y11chfGtl•1h•d fOll'·•P••d 1tick 1hift. G.t th• joy of clri .. i1111-nowl X1nt s.c:.. 9600 ... ' ., " ~·· ... ... Fi.ts coit less to insure. How does F~t do it for the price? Hurry! Only 7 Executi•e Demo's Left " t•llTD NIW 1970 l50 SPORT COUPE /.M lt1dio, lt•di•I Tir•I, All Flet Edr11 At No btre Coit. #29171 , 4,700 •ctu1I "'a ••. SALi PllCI $1895 Biii Jones' 11•1sm·N1W 1970 124 SPORT COUPE ~M/FM ltl$fio, ltdl1I Tit• .. All Fi•t Equipm111t, #0127.., ... IAU PltCI $2995 llGISTEI NEW 1970 FIAT 124 ''S" !AM/FM R1dio, lt•di•l'rir•t...: All Flit Equipm•11f, #117~ l~O . SAU P•ICI -. $1895 ·' F I A T > ~ B. J. SPORTCAR CENTER·, • 2133 HARIOll. COSTA MISA ~91 Visit Our Huge New Parts & Service Oept. 16 Stell• S.rvlclnt All Sports & Forti Cars l I ' ! ' • • .. • ! I t • • • . . . • • . -- . ------------ . ' ' ; : ' .. ., . ' 1 '• ' ·. : l '· l l . ' j • • I· ' • • ' 1 I I t • • . • • . • • • I I 1 Friday, Nowmbtr 6, 1970 DAILV PILOT 41 TRANSP!mfl1'10N TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TltANSl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION fRANSPORTATlON TltANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION fllANSPORTATION ~_;..;_'-'-''-""~'"'-~-1·-----~-----'---~ U1.d Cari -lmperttd Ctro -Imported Cort -Imported Autoo -lmP'!rted Autot -R-Cera, Reds '620 Autos Wonted '100 Autot Wonted '100 Uttd C•rt -1-"'-'-"-----'"'-''----'""''1~-""~'""--'-'-'-'----'~ _.;.:.._;.;_;...;. __ _..;_l·--' .... --...,,----- .1lOLKSWAGEN VOLl(SWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN RACE Ctr -140 hp, "65 WE PAY TOP WE PAY CASH WE BUY 1..,."";-;-;--;;;;;;~-·I----=-----Corvalr ena. w• pan lt CASH CARS BUICK I • '66 vw e '&t VW CAMPER: Gd aaspe.mkM:I, W/transporter 11!11# LEASE '62 VVI Cond. 11095. '"ll Wo"'t tranuxle trlr. Alt 6 I""• FOR YOUR CAR ~-~ '69 Electra 225 7 IAllP' =6'5'=1=465=.====== I 2100 Harbor Blvd. 66-0-166 Full pov.<er, air cond., viJO'I 1 1 YW IUG * * .. ..,,., * * lor ...., ..,. 6 1ruckt )lit CONNELL lop,.AM/FM, C•lOCllM). • • Seel !======== Sport Ctrt '610 call"' lor...., .. 11ma... $3788 1~~ an · $49.'0o Convertible voLvo ·~:.·~,.."":.: ~~ .. '.~ ~ROTH CllEYROL£J ~~081'-!' BuicK MIKE ·tm'iO Warranty. Radio. Per Month paint, good interior. $560 Ask for Salet Manqer er.ta Mesa MS-1.DJ ~~~I~~~· 4 Dr. McCARTHY .• ~.. CRUF °''' AT 'niwportaUon Buy! ~ firm. 494-2725. 1flll Beach mvd. "'""""' * Coll "" 1-HW>"·-Beam Auto LtHI-n10 -· --·~ BUICK .~ -,· $1077 BILL YATES Radio. CSKU 891) --· ... l ==-=7""7"-.;-1 ' $487 1HIHK Antlqutt, Cl111lcs 9615 84'1-Gll"f Kl "'1331 --------l'68 Rlvfora, au factocy opt'•, VOLKSWAGEN ~'VOL O' LATE MOOEL LEASE map, tanda"'oP. °"•"""" f··· 323:52 Valle Road .! ~~F:!1!~1ndow coupe. CADILLACS A NEW 1971 er. tit whl, Aft 6, ~76. 1SS50 Beach Blvd. at San Diego Frwy. ""'1341 • 531-'450 K·;.rbour V W San Juan Capistrano H b V W 544-2457 WANTED PINTO • • • 837~""1493-45llf<99-2'6I ar our . • "FRIEDLANDER" Aut .. Wtnted 9700 t.'fi ~it $S~;.0~.:no· ~~~~~· B:.~ '68 VW 18TU BEACH BL. 842-443.l 11n1 ••aa. UtwY. •1 GENF.RAL MOTORS CAR Squarebac.k HUNTINGTON BEACH 893-7566 e 5.17-6824 IMPORTS WANTED $E CHUO<: TRAPP OR .Ji::,~°:., 11M, with ...i '"""''· n•w 1960 VW BUG .:=:.0-=:n ~;"; :;"u";~:,' N~be:c c°:diik!'c: ••-r• lire1, 500 miles on new fac. R.@d, w\th mag whetls, Yiide .._...._...._.. Avi;ov OT Vans, Kombl• t·-··"'-. VUR8!9 oval""'· "'w •""""'guru-. VOLVO BILL M~· TOY A ""' HARBOR BLVD., -t -.1 -.. ~.... ... lB88l Beach Blvd. Colta ~1e&a. '-· New & Used $16" ant"" ""$1,, ...... JITl1• H. Beaoh. Ph. 8'7-11555 5'<l-9100 0pe, """'"" lmmtdioi.,Dollvtry CHICK IVERSON CHICK IV"RSON ·~~~ ~~~EN~,l. WE PAY TOP DOLLAR "HICK 1vERSON vw vw" A FEW REMAINING 10·, AT TIME FOR FOR TOP usrn CARS 'or ""UICK CASH u your car is extra. clean. open eM RENT A NEW 1971 PINTO $4 DAY AND 4¢ MILE P\IT A LITI'LE KICK IN YOUR NOW 'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT '69 BUICK Electra 225. f (Ir, Air cond. De!ttt gold. Full ym. TUt atrg whl. 4 way . seat. Sharp! Pvt Pty. ttfust sell! 546.Dl8 '66 1UJICK SABRE: Lo ml, Xlnt cond. PIS, P/B, F~ air. $1500. M&-6560 Call Sat It Sun, '70 SPORT WAGON -t..illle new, ps/pb, a.ir. $3500. 545-94lll Ol' 6"--0637 " VW >l~3031 El<l 66 .,. <7 CLOSEOUT PRlCES 'P ,.. U• lint 1910 HARBOR BLVD. .,..,.,, E>t. 66"' ., fJJ••M [ •. ..:. THROUGH A BAUER BUICK LIFE! WANT AD 642"5678 '67 Riviera. Excellent con- d ition. Vinyl top I: emu $2450. 54G--OXl6. 549-3031 Ext, 811 or 61 1970 HARBOR BLVD. . . cosr A ?o.fESA "'68 vw Squareback . . 100% Warranty. Radio. Fully Equipped. {WTF' J7ll '$1650 . Harbour V.W. 18711 BEACH BL. 842-443.l HUNTINGTON BEACH ·~ VW Sunroof Immaculale condition. Yellow with pin stripping, new tires 4 en&ine guaranteed for 90 dll.)'s. Lie. YPT905, $1099 CHICK IVERSON vw 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 ™RBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '68 YW lug Needs soap &: water. {YXR 794) $1199 BILL YATES VOLKSWAGEN 32852 Valle Road San Juan Capistrano 837-4800/493-4511/499-2261 VW LEASINw e Tax &: Lie, Down ' ~.87 per month • 36 · month open end lease ' 19'11 VW Bug , AT CHICK IVERSON .. vw ! 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA ME.SA , WANTED l1l pay top doua~ for your fOLKSWAGJ:N today_' Call ,amct. a.sk for Ron P:lnchot. ~9-3031 Ext. 61).6',•. 673-0000. Vf' Fut Back '66. Private party. Best reasonable of· kr. 536-4936. ·iJ VW, 24,000 ml. ?o.fany mu. s1soo. .: * 642-5919 * 'iii VW Bus, Sundial Camper, ritw eng & tires. Xlnt cond. ~afl6 ·J VW Bug, $600. Green 817 lfQC • no C~!Ty. 2415 16th $ .. N.B. &. 1959 VW Ghia. Runs ·;t;1 good, Ph: 642-2938 or ... ,,.,. ' BUS w I '67 eng. Seats, dio, extras, clean. Reduc-. lo $995. 544--M34 ;J , • '66 VW Bug $800 d&ia· condition. Call after 5, 644-"'7796. ~·'VW Bus w/1500 eng., Wide clU'm whls Gd, cond. t;l,f9381645-2284. ·ii "l\V Sqback SIA. wag. tild; 646-4924. 198lJ Ray- ~ Ave., C.l\I. "ID VW Variant (sqbkl, auro, ~ England. 3000 mi 's, \1~ ne1\·, 51:,...1m : -.\. i\1UST SELL * t 67 V\V Sqrbck * $1200 ·~66 '~wiuG ~ Midlterranean grttn. Rart lo, ~ile wall ti~s fXEW493J ~ $1195 :OON BURNS .tor1che Audi, LTD. 13131 Herbol.· Blvd. 636-2333 J"t S. of Garden Grow Fwy. '&If. VW, new Hre11, new 1';-kes. many ~ extras . .?"nt Cilnd, $975, aft ~. 5'16-0085 Vi: '63. sunroof. Gd, cond. "75. Private party, 8'i-3235 ·i VW 2 dr. Rebuilt enK • . , i;xcellent tran!'ip $31S ' • 962-1782 • iii Camper-Body bent, but rditor Ir: Interior O.K. $650 o< oHer 673-29&6 a VW bug. red, still unclu ........ .,. Xfnt """'· """· •=· Squa~ck Varian\:.S SACRIFICE * ~7-«IJS . COSTA ?ifESA 1970 llARBOR BLVD, t.Uft. UUIO 234 E. lTlb St, .64 vw. good cooo. a10> .61 COSTA MESA IMPORTS DAILY PILOT C..ta M•oa 54S-Tl65 vw. sm. MAKE OFFERS. --,,,,.,,.,vw="B"'u"'G,.----i WANT AD TRADER'S PARADISE s Call 67~5867 aft 5 pm . Extras, xlnt cond. 673-8370 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 llnes-5 times.S bucks Uud C•r• 9900UHCI Cara THEOOORE ROBINS FORO 2060 HARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA 642-0010 'TO SPORT WAGON -lJke new, pa/pb, air. $3500. 5'5-9419 or 644-0637 - The SALE Is ·On at CONNELL 111 CHEVROLET••• 1 O .. H.T. fm meculale, hl1,k c i r wifh Yinyl roof, ona owner, ri9ht mile1. Elie· tric wirtclow1 ind 111h. R.1dio, clim1to con• lrol 1ir, tilt 1fo1rin9 who1I -9or111ou1 cir with one owner factory w1rr1nty ro- m1inin9. Cheek thi1 cat 1t IZDIC-4101 thi1 price. Kelly ~hol11111 price $6'475, s5599 1968 DODGE CHARGER 2 dr. H.T. Air conditioning. redio, heater, powar steering, 3000 "'iles, sure nice! •nd it's cheep. IVTT· 1251 $1899 1963 BUICK RIVIERA Gorgeous white car with baige interior has all the electric good· ias wit,h good air • hi rubberJ " LOOK LOOK LOOK! INZAOl41 s1299 1965 VW BUG Radio, heet1r, stick, naer new tires, clean throughout. e real strong car. Belonged to the men• agers son. I PIV450 I 2 Or. H.T. R•dio, he•far, power staerin9, eir conditioning, strong ~olor, hi rubb1r •. ISKD9391, 2 Or. H.T. Air conditioning, r•dio, heater, power st1ering, a reel fin e <••· .IVVMOl I 1. s2199 2 Or. H.T. Radio, h11ter, powar steering, eir conditioninlJ Naads • home • nice car. ISIS250J. s1399 ONLY AT CONNELL CHEVROLET ~ --·~--~-. . ·----} ~1 100~ .. :~~.~ANTEE \ • ~! FOR 30 DAY S j I • : T"ei ,,,d hA !!f r"f loo' 't r"OO CO~! 10 '(0<:1 1' j o,, •·oK~ "''d rar 1 1 ~.~ ....... -t-···.,-.··· ~-~ . ~, *THESE CARS CARRY · CONNELL'S lOOo/o GUARANTEE IN PARTS AND LABOR 1970 CAMARO 1970 IMPAlA -30 DAY 1969 IMPAlA Radio, haater, power ste•ring, air conditioning. low low miles • r•· meining factory werrenty up to 5,000 miles on engine, trans., rear end. like brend new. Oeelar I 00 •1 • 30 day guarantee, l729BBXI 2 Or. H.T. Cpe. R., H, •ir, P.S., P. B. Low low miles remaining f•ctory w•rranty up to 50,000 miles on engine. trans. and rear end. 100 ·1. deeler 30 day guaranty. Factory fresh l905AFCI. Choice of aight. 2 Or. H.T. Powar steering, power brakes, fectory air conditioning, low low miles, • real sharp cer. I 00 1. 30 dey Connell werranty. IZVL180J, Choice of three • Choice of three! s3195 s3299 2 Or. H.T. Sports Cpa. Autometic1 radio, h•ater, fectory e ir condi. tioning, power steering • sherp red car you'll buy it! 1•3947"4) s999 1966 CHEVY BEL AIR Cpa. Automatic, radio, h••ter1 power steerin9, •ir conditioning, lots of mil•s I aft here. I • P2 I 95A) s999 1967 IMPAlA 2 Dr H.T Radio, heat•r, •utom•tic transmission, powar steering, nicel Low milea9• sharp! 100 1. 30 day Gonnell 4uarantea. ITPR900J. '69 VW BUG AM/FM. I owner beauty. less than 9,000 mil••· l228ASKI · VANS PICK-UP TRUCKS 25 IN STOCK EL CAMINOS i965 Chny Yi Ton Pick-up R1dio, he1ter, 1ulom1tic, V/I . Needs 1 home, loh of 1t1ile1 lefi• here. luy whole• 11!1. (.:SJsJ.Ql91 $899 1965 Dodge Yi Ton Pick-up Y/I, t1dio, h••l1r, 1licl;, New p1inl, 1fro119 truct. You will uir1ly buy thil be1ufy. f545.7771 $899 1967 PLYMOUTH J dt. HJ., $499 196J IUICI 2 lfr. H.T. S,.1.. $499 rotll•, IMtem, 4-s,.n ICi&S.JIZJ N41e, ........ •'•llM1'k. IHZZ.Jtl) 1961 IUICI 4 lllr ..... _.k, rHl1, "-"" "'• ·-.-.... $599 .i, c_...-., fHOM-'JI) 1t6Z CADILU.C C,.. De Yfl ... lffle, hMt- .,, ,.._ ""''"' ..,.r .Sr CM!• $599 dltle111.,. P • ..-. • W. 10Alofl6J 1967 Ford Yi Ton Van R1d io, h11!1r, V/I, d ie\:, ntw coler, hi tubbtr, 9ood tllr11 out, 1974-696) 1960 CADILLAC Cpe. De VIiie. Radio, llMt• *'• ,. • ., ....n... $299 f.IKX-tOOI 1911 lllNAULT 4 Dr. Seti ...... teed~ ......... $499 r.;le. l #IOIObJ 1967 El Camino ·The ri9ht o"el V/I, power 1t1erln9, 1u• tom1lic; tr1n1., t1dio, lle1t1r, f1clory 1ir condition in9, i:l11n, cl1111, cl11n, Tlli1 i1 111 b11y! IUSY.J971 $2099 1964 YW 1u•. lM c.,, Stflltt Nlllle. I MIC·711J $599 1961 MUSTAN• ...... .....,., J 799' ........... _........ $ 99 1#1 IJOc.J 1967 Chevy Yi Ton Pick-up New color V/I . R1dio, Ji.et1r, 1tick. 11:111 nic1. IVf<f.JIOI $1699 1,61 COIYAll C-.. l..O .. ........ , ltkli:. IUMD-,72J $199 1'H COIYAll. 2 0., H.T ...... $599 ....,_, f .,,._,Nice. 1,1 .. 1761 2828 HARBOR BLVD. 546-1203 COSTA MESA I I \ • r • l I ' i ' t ' c ' ' • . " • • • • ' ~ ' . ;. " .. ... .. . .J:' ". " ". ·:· ". " ·: .. .. l~~ ' . ·i::~ .,_. ... ". .. '" • 1 • l...;!@!'<-~D.;.A.;.IL:,.V~P.;.l.;.l.0::;1 ___ ~~~-F~r;:;lday;;,;., :.;"°":;.: mbrr 6, 1910 if. TllANSfiORTATION TRANSPORTATION' TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTAylON ~ANSPORTATIO!l;, Used Cers ""' t900 UHd Cart 9900 U1ed Cars 9900U1ed Cart '900 UMd Cars t900 UHCI C1r1 9900 Used C1r1 9900 Uttd Cari 9900 Ultd Catt 9'°9 -------- * TRUCKS * CAMPER~ * VANS* RANCHEROS * * SPECIAL DISCOUNTSI! * BRAND NEW '71 USED CAR ---+,_$2034 ClEARA-NCE TOTAL $69 TOTAL DOWN MONTHLY PJMT. PYMT • 36 MONTHS '59 VW BUG IPTP9JS) '65 GALAXIE Auto., P.s .• R&H. fTYV2471 '._ $,388 500 CADILLAC CADILLAC CAMARO CHmOLET CHRYSLER ll----..;._---l--...;:.:...::::.:.::::;..;.::__1 _ _..::..:.;;:;:;..;;:;.;:_~ -~--...c.~----~;;.;_----I '70 El Dorado CADILLACS 70's ~~";~;:.,:~.~~::.... 70 CheveJle v .. ~h:,r;,.'!:i,~~.:r,:!d.,, Full Po~r -Loaded. auto, tr'alll. etc., etc, (W-2 Door Hardtop, Automatic, heater, many dlx, extiu. <521 ADC) l1r9e1t ·stoclc: of Quality 618) 1 pcwer akering, AM / FM (JIN989) $6988 Cadlllocs In Orange $159S '""'°· bucket ,..~. vinyl $575 Detailed, Serviced .l MIKE County O.taile<I, Serviced & top. (026AGBI M C Cpe o.vw .. , Sed. O.VlUos HUNT\'N~JN ';'EACH BILL YA "fES C ARTHY ~ ~~f.:0 Chry1ler· Plymouth VOLKSWAGEN BUICK PIAusLLManSAy LOtheE rpl'\ne,R ·ICC.ED"· 1':,5\"~'~ 81~iB. 32853 Vallo Rnad 155.50 Beach 81vd. I::======== San Juan · CapUlt.rano at San Diego Frwy. NABERS CADILLAC I· 8.11-4800/493-45ll/$226'.1 894-3.141 • 531.w;o CHEVROLET '68 El Camino '68 Cadillac Coupe de Ville. 1 2600 HARBOR BLVD., 1--------(881228) owner.• !lilly equlppod. Lo COSTA MESA Chav. '61 lmp1l1 SS $1399 Reo.d,y To Go HUNTINGTON BE.\Cl:I Ch ry1ler • Plymoulh 16661 Beach Blvd., HA ~ 540-5164 • 842--0631 • • 1965 2-DR Chrysle'r Newp>rt. New tires, Jtl}J. Xlnt cond. 646--7335 '1 • COMET .. . ' -.. ml, like new. $3990. ~72'M 540-9100 OPEN SUNDAY 327, V-8, air condltlontng, ;;:al;::",,'-;,'==~~-power ""''" power b"koa, BILL YATES 'SI CALIENTE: ~Or hrdtil. '64 FLEE'IWOOD, Immac, 1 ·~CAD, conclv, •• EI Dorado 1~ vinyl roof, auto. trans. VOLKSWAGEN V..S I auto., P/S, air. Xltlt family sci. Mech .lll.nt, Nu pwr, mate contro • Many extras. (WFS597) cond. Pvt Pty: ~2213.-. ' tires. Must see! $99-'5, AM/FM stereo, cruise con-$1775 ~2 Valle Road 675--0621 trol, tilt & tele, ateering T"' whl, guide-mat1c, twilite Detailed, Servicect &: San Juan capistrano CONTINEN ~i '70 CAD Coupe de -VWe _ sent, $1995. 642.2413 ot Ready To Go 8J7~/4~5Ui499::2261 7500 ml. Llke new. 515-ll548 HUNTINGTON BEACH '70 Ma1·1bu SS .,, CONT. oedan. Blk w.l,b/I<. $6000~~·==~~='~~=328 'fi6 EL DORADO CONVT Chrysler. Plymouth lthr. Executive 's pel'!()n&l '68 CADILLAC Fleetwood Air, AM / FM, Al 1 16661 Beach Blvd., H.B. V8, loaded + air cond., pow. car 1n absolutely ~ Brougham. Sacrifice $3500, leather/int. Gd. Cond. A 1 __ S<0-_;1~&1-•_842-0031___ er wlndows. (872 AGO) co1ld. 644-7014 alt 6 il * Call 61>-4153 Real Buy at $1195 Pvt Pty' · ftj $2995 ,I CAD ·ss cov; 1u., 1n1 • ..,; 64>-23t7 _ '69 CAMA~O Bl~L JONES'- -,CORVmE ~! Im, f iilr, f .... load<a, ex 168 Cad El Dorado, su .. , VS, automatic, metallic bl"', BJ. Sportscar Center 1-------+. cond. $1850. 499-3652 Mist, comp! equip, Stereo . _ _, t · '59 CORVETI'E custom~, ta d -" -, "-~ 315 air COuu., power s eenng, balanced blue printed !Zf, '.66 Fleetwood, X1nt cond, Lo pe e=, nu .... o::s, ~· . dlr. (QBS 241) Will take . t.. mi 's, $2300. 644-8292, (WPH597) Call Ba.Yshore tradeorfinanceprivatepar-2833 Harbor, C.~t 5404491 Must see to apprec1a~r 644-5924. Motors, 642-4011. ty, 546-4052 or 49f..6811. '69 CHEV $1700or bestofr. 968-0347283.\il~· MUST U ·-Be !if··' NOVA 1000 CORVE'ITE HP • 1969 Cadillac. Doctor's ae • .,._..,,. au w '68 lbevelle Malibu, 2-dr { all '68 Cad CdV v· I t "" B EI N G TRANSFERRED, Xlnt cond. Make offer. l' ear, extras, · my op, hrdtp, 327, 4-spd, .. ,,000 * .,. ~o• * , 644-1&11 or 6'1rHM51 l~ather Int., al~ new mi's, Shtu'p, Must sell, Best MUST SELL. Xlnt cond in-\======~===~IFI 1968 De Ville. Black, leather tires-29,000 ml, 4 . offer. 673-1247 side & out, only 22,000 ml COUGAR 1.~i, int. AM/FM stereo. AlJ ' '69 CADILLAC COUPE ",67C:::CH:,.,;EC:,VE,CL~LE~~M-a-t~i-b-u-. I Air cond, radio, 3-spd trans, xtras. 644-2871 Air. White, Leisure World, PIS, auto V-8, radio. 40,000 bP.ater. w/w, tinted giass,l-.--1,.,--CO-U_G_AR_._Xl!l_..t.I CHRISTMAS IS coming! Sell $4350. 337-7856 * ml. "250. Pri, Part Y · rrii;~e::e~heck this out! mechanical cond. New nf)- your unwanted items & pick 'SB Cadlllac 4 dr hrdtp, gd .:'"":;::::"';o;'-~--=,,,.-1 B38-Slt3 ber. $2100. :J up fast cash thru a Daily cond, gd tltes. $175. Call '58 Chevy.Wagon 348. Call days 6424045 , $b9 i1 the loi•I dow11 P•V1T1•11t 1rtd $69 i1 iht lot11'mo11th- lv P•Vlftenl includi119 t111, '70 lic•n11 •nd ell fin1nce ch11r9e1 on epproved t>redll for 36 "1011iht, Deferred P•V· men! price i1 $2518.00 i11cludin9 •II fin•nct ch4r9•1, t1:ir- e1, '70 l;ce11111 or if yo11 preft r lo P•V t>•1h, !ht full t>11h price i1 011ly $2155.70 including 11111, f•JI, '70 lictn11 :IRIOWIOb778. A.P.R. 11.75 ?'.. ' '64 FORD FIOO 8 ft. Styl11i~e. !R2867bJ Pilot Classified ad. ,it's 540-2029. $180. 1967 EL Camino, auto, RIH. l --::~2SC""'~;-'rl _,, SI' =~~=-----Low miles. 1700 Superior 1968 COUGAR XR7 '1 11=·"'=·=·='===-=567=8'====~Dl;:al~642-56711~;;,;,;•,;clW!<e~~·:;;l=~==*:=;83~S-~71;::M~*==' I Ave, C.M. 645-1691 custom vinyl top, GoOO co;jf. ll~ii;iiii;iiiiiii~iiiiiiii~t600iiiiiim;~lm~po~rfo~od~~A~utoo~i;;;;m'6oo~iiiii~lmiiiipo~rt~odiii;~A~u~lo~1im;m9600~~i -;;.;..;.:.c.,~~~CH~-~E=VY~~n-~ $1650.~eves •: PIC'-UI" BRAND NEW 1971 MAVERICK -' $2188 FULL PRICE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY #IK910122793 BRAND NEW T-BIRD 1970 HARDTOP $3788RJLL . PRICE SERIA L NO. OJl3NIS5915 BRAND NEW 1971 F-100 PICKUP $2488 FULL PRICE $250 DOWN PYMT. $78.68 .~:·r. $2 50 ii the foi•I dOw11 p11ym11nt 11nd $78.68 ii th1 tot11I 1T1011thly p•ym1111! indudin9 +•K, '70 llcen1e 1111d 111 fi11•11ce ch1r9•1 _on .11pprov1d credit for 36 mo11iht. 01ferrid pey- rnen! pro~• 11 $1082.48 includin9 ell fin•nce char91t, t1:ir- et: 7~ l1cen1e or if you preftr to p•y c11h, !ht full c•ih proce 11 only S2630 including t1le1 '••, '70 licen••· :l'FIO. ARK07265 A.P.R. 11 .75 %, BRAND NEW 1971 RANCH ERO $250 DOWN PYMT. '64 FORD FlOO Pickup. 8 ft. bed. Style tide. (oi22867Gl '66 CHEVY VI, •ulo., R&H. CRUY605 ) CHEYELU $688 '65 T·BIRD Full power, 1ir co11ditio11, CPCA2'19) '68 OPEL. «••m• Powder bl ue finith, l11nd11u top. !LOK4761 '67 MUSTANG R11dio, he•lar, P.S. IZKY4b71 '67 FORD CUSTOM 500 V-8, auto., pwr. Sir., eir cond. R&H. (TXV696) 988 :~~,~~,E,!• IMPALA HDTP. $988 R&H. !GTC7671 '68 OLDS 88 R11dio, heeler, 1ulom1tie P.S. (YYL6271 '66 CHE'V P.U .• • CAMPER 'I. T. Fleehide with 8 ft. c11mper. ( SSObbCl $988 "" ""· $1588 Heale,, '"dio, 11ulom•lic, IV32229l '67 FORD '67 PONTIAC Bonneville. Full power, includin11 feel, •ir, aulo, lr•lll., P.S. & P.B., pow~r teah & windowt. R&H, l11nd1u top. I UKCJ87l '68 PL YM. GTX HDTP. V-8, auto., P. Sir., Radio, l11ndeu roof. llXOA81SI '69 TORINO Sport roof. v.e. IZVZ7S5l GT ..... _$8_2.2 __ 6_.~_~_·T ..... :6.~ r~~R ... L .. ~:~ $ii:i 79s $250 i• !ht lot.I dow11 P•vmtnl •11d SB2.2b it the tol•I int•rior, lende11 lop. \J:>b64120177l I $2588 FULL PRICE ..,011tfilv peymenl incJudi119 la11, '10 licen1e •nd all fi11ane11 t.h•r911 011 •PP•Oved <:red it for 36 monlh1. 01ferred P•f· rnent pri<:e i1 $3211.16 including ell fi11 •nce ch1r911, lex· el, '70 licen1e or if you preftr lo pev cesh, the full c1th price i1 onlv $2735.44 i11ctudin9 11lt1 l1•, '70 lit>erue. l:IA46L119127 , A.P.R. 11.75 %. BRAND NEW 1971 TRUCK & CAMPER ~50 ;Ci-Ton & El Dor•do C1bovtr C•mptr $3488 FULL PRICE $250 DOWN PYMT, $11 l.75 ,:'M0i. $250 i• th. tot•I clown P•Yf!lellt end St l ].75 11 'tt.e tot•I Jl'IOllth!v p•y1"ent inculdi119 •••, '70 lice111e •M ell fin111ee Cchort•• OJI •pproved 'critdit for 36 111011++.•. D•f.rritd P•V· ..,ent prlee it $4345.00 lncludih9 •ll fl't1 1nce ch•rte•, t•K· ••· '70 lic;e11•• or if vou prefor to P•Y c1th, the f11U ceih prlco It 011ly $361).48 inclu4in9 11le1 •••+ '70 licen••• ffF2SARK2072l: •10297 A.P.R. 11 .75 % • -- '69 Mustan9 •;g~~ $1988 v.e, f11cl, 11ir cond .. r1dio, hlr. (::1997931 '69 VW VAN Pop11l1r l·1e•I Kombi N•er 1111w t~ru•oul. (YWS75 I) LEASE A NEW '71 BRAND NEW 71 PINTO FULLY FACTORY EQUIPPED s51~!. BRAND NEW '71 LTD 2 DOO• MA•OTOP •ACTO•Y All CONDITION V-8, 1utomalie, power Sleet· ing & brakes, radio. heater, 11nted glau. whitewalls. $102!!. ;4 MONTH OPfN fND llASE SAVE AT WILSON FORD TODAY WE-HAVE JHE BEST SELECTION OF BMW's IN ORANGE COUNTY • 1600'• • 2002 REPEAT PERFORMANCE M ,~-»\ 1 ._.-, I ' ' ' ~ ; A ·, / • 2500 ..... e ALL COLORS e ALL MODELS • 2IOO cs e IMMEDIATE DELIVIRY 96% of BMW owners repeat the purchase. Maybe you should find out why. See us for he free booklet, ''33 Re1sons Why BMW is Better". Or ask for the key you'll get the message. PERFORMANCE SPECIAL '63 vw Completely rebuilt Poriche e119"ine. Litt H1111 200 mile1 •90. R1dio, he•ler, tranti$- lorit1d i9nilio11. 150itl4 Goodv••• Wide Ov•lt with ''"9' end Citur•n to J67 tiret in front. Plut "''"V• rn1ny r•ci119 optioni. '70 VW CAMPER 11 OV AC/DC outl11t, refer., wtl• through t1•lt, beautiful c1mp1rl l ow mil•1 (319BINI $AVE '59 KARMANN GHIA "CLASSIC" C::o11v. 29,000 ori9i11•I 111ilt1. This b1•11tv i1,;n '68 TRIUMPH Spitfire Mk Ill with • r1mov1blt hardtop, wire wheela, ovtrdrive. IZN,J-2941 TWO TC'I CHOOSE FROM 1howroo"' cond. throughout. Ori9i111I p•inl I' inlerio,, redio •nd h•eler. IGFU-9461 ISO Spider, 2 .dr., radio, he•ltr. ultra 1herp! (wn.6161 LIKE NEW Two '69 BMW't 2002 e11d 1600. 4-spetd, fully equipped. R•dial tire1, priced 10 low, you would,'! believe it. f#J647J (1'.f970l $AYE '68 MERCEDES $2195 2000. Air c.ondilionin9. Complet•lv rtbuilt e119ine. . Radio, he•ler, 4-,peed, fine mtch•11ic11 co11d. !YXU-9851 '.69 BMW. $1995 R1d io, heeter, '4-1 pe1d, Factory equiped. CQAA·927) ' PLUS A LARGE SELECTION OF DOMESTIC TRADES TO DEALERS AND THE PUBLIC AT WHOLESALE PRICES I mporttd Autos .Joe Berlottl'• T&M MOTORS 8081 GARDEN GROVE BLVD. SALIS OPIN SUNDAY PART$, SERYICI TUIS., THURS., TILL 8:00 134-2214 IV2 n. L of .._., 192·5551 96001mported Autos 9600 Imported Can t600 4 SPD. $875. DODGE ;;, * * 548-4193 * * ,. '61 IMPALA 348 Cu In. Quad, 4-spd. Gd ColXl. $300 or &It Ofr, 673-7347. '67 EL Camino 41. ml. nu tires AM/Fl\-{ 327/4 speed $1900 642--0719 *** '62 CHEVY Il *** RUNS GOOD 494-7318 U95 '68 DODGE Rt: FULL POWER + factory +Jf, Low miles. Must liqu~te immediately, h:t $2099 b~. XEU354 ,i:i CHICK IVERSOM vw ' "I •'·· ' ' 54g.3031 Ext. 66 or 6t 1963 4 door Chevy Il, new 1970 HARBOR BLVD.:• paint,. tires, seat covers. ,65 DODGE Dart GT \Ci, Asking $450. 492-3399 ...... ,.:._;;c.,,::,,c--'C--'-'C.::.:.'---R&H, PS/PB, auto. ..,_, '65,'V8 Stn Wagon, auto, new mags. }800. 673-9428. ::. tires, <lrig owner, xlnt corxl. '• '61 Dodge 770. Auto, P'1il)' $895. 4~3548 60,000 mi. Xlnt cond. $.1$Q. '65 CHEVROLET IMPALA 644-8197,.Pvt ::~ CLEAN, NEW TIRES, $750. '66 DART GT VB aiitb * 49UJTI3 * w/factory air, r&h, Pl~~~ 1964 EL CAMINO. New owner. $950; 962-6824 . engine, tire!, etc .. r&h, air. Xlnt cone!. 646-7335 '69 CHEV. Nova 2 dr. Radio. 6 cyl, Stick. 7500 ml. Like new! $1750. 549-1364 • '&I Chevy Impala con- vertible. Very clean w/good tires. $625. 557-3615 CHRYSLER Chrysler '67 Newport V-8, power steering, power disc brakes, auto, trans., etc. (TU~~-- $1275 · Detailed, Serviced & Ready To Go HUNTINGTON BEACH Chrysler -Plymouth 16661 Bea,ch Blvd., H.B. 540-5164 ' • 842:0631 DESOTO :·; . ' '56 DeSOTO 4-dr, all orig, new tires & shocks, 27 .~ mi's, see to appreciali; $500. 557-8208 Sat & sun j~·~ FALCON . .. •, ;::~ " J ,, 1965 F AIL'ON 4 dr sed. ?11_~ brks, auto trans, gd tinili1 Good cond. $495, 673-3103 ~s I FORD . i " ATTENTION BUYERS: ~~ ~~ ~l~:iu,:~~: i% ~ Sellers also \\•elcome. :~:i Call lXIW &IZ-44ll ~1' Auto. Referral Servlctt: Chry. '62 New Yorker '&I GALAXIE SOOXL· Buckie D~. 4-dr. Sedan with factory seats, auto/fir shift, P/J:; atr rond., JXl"'er steer./brak-P/B & air. $525/Whsl. $47'.l e!, auto. trans., rad·,/htr. 548-7920 :•1• (PLR017) _ ~I $495 '65 Econoline camper Vii(: Detailed, Serviced & Xlnt cond, New block, ~~ Ready To Go Bef 6: 673--0064, aft ~! HUNTINGTON BEACH &16-l!OO. .;~ Ch I Pl th '63 Ford Van. Delux ~ r:ys er· ymou Wgn, lo mi's, mags, 3 sea~' 16661 Beach Blvd., H.B. xtra tanks, top rond, M . i, 540-5164 • 842--0631 sell, Onr 847-3444. ·;{' Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos ALL '70 OPELS MUST GO! . " "' . " .. , ·" '• ~· :' THIS MONTH AT DRASTIC REDUCTIONS 1970 OPEL GT Only 9000 miles . (047-AGEJ . Reduced to s2995 • We have a limited stock of Coupes, Wagm!_s. Some automatics__eoo1ilable. G.T.'s Ralleys and Station , ' ! 1a;2 :;;; 111~;;\f ,II lll~VD. ' . ' (J}AUIRS., . . BUICK1NCOSTA i 111 'Xl~I :\"f~~l~f)N lll~ACll :;,Jft-77aSft , -· 842-6611 ·-r, Lf ~-Dl rr ? A r.~ ro i o P ,.,. 7 DAYS • SERVICE OPrN TUES . THRU FR1. 8-S, MON . 8 TO 9 234 E. f7th R., Cost~-Mesa • 548·7765 -"""'"""" ................... ~~~ ........... ~;..,;;,.;.,;;;,;..., Sf!cbllri111t '1llll1l JAGUAR -=----..........;: ', --~--------- I I ' : I. ll r ' • I, f. !· . -p i F ; ' r I' > r • r. • ~ -• • • • '· ;;, "· '· •• I, ,, ;i; 1 ' • . . • DAILY PILOT :l • TllANIPORTATION TltANll'OltTATION TltANll'OllTATION TllANSPOllTATION Fri~, Nowmbtr 6, 1970 TIA,;.;=NIPO=;;.;ltT=A;.;.T:..:ION=--I T-"ltAH=:..:Sl'O;..;;.:ltT=A-"Tl:..:ON=--l •:T-"UHS==PO:;.:lt:..:T.::::A;;.;Tl~!!=:T!!~~~~!![::j!! Cort "°° UMdCort _ u...,coro -UMdCora -UMdCora ,,.. Uaod Coro • -UMdCora -UMdco,. • FOID FORD FORD • OLDSMOllLE PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH PONTIAC PONTIAC T-llRD ,,!64 FORD WAGOll .:,~·~ .. cu.tom soo • TOP llWI '66 Cutlass '63 Plymouth Wagon '67 Fury 1960 PONTIAC '69 CataHna ~.Z:,~T-,:e; (.;_, __ ......... Au•·-attc, ~ ~. = =~ lcr 2 Door llardtop C.OUpe, Aut~' Radk> automalic Po we t 6 eyl., radio, ~attr, ltand· r-.:p~~1tEh ValiL~~ .. ltlo 2 Door Hardtop, Red. VS, compl power, 315 mDea. ....:a.i -"""'"" ...... ....u d./btr tirea 1\1 matlc, power stef'rinr, n · ~ • anl, Belonged to little old ~"' .,..-... · r "v'"' n. automatic, po\\·er steering, $ 6 3 O O, L I 1 t $ T 15 O radio, MWlt be ~n. <ORT· itra.s. (~) · aey CLEAN USED CARS dlo, beater, (SLm24} steennf, powtr Y.indows, baMtr, extra clean! (UKN. irl&:, po\\·er slttrlng, JIO\\"f!r air cood., radio. <YPZ &19) 1J84N101904 Cl.II Bl>-'1 ~> $n5 See """" Brown $999 .~ coodll~olna. CllFXB'IO 108> Sacrillci 1899 Full br&k", nd~ '"" heator, $2499 Moton, 64J'40ll I $795 Detailed, SerYicod A THIODOR• ' $799 1'11ee. WW -(IV!. """ .pd liru and bodY. Ex<eL 1988•THll!ff>tRBlRD " :;ooN 1u1Ns HUNT=~ ':eAcH ·~~ ~ BILL Y ~TES 11LL YATES ~~alt'%.:-« ~:U:": ~"::. ":.':~ 11LL YATES ~.°!~ION._,, .1 cPorache Aucn, LTD. Chry1lor· Plymouth eo.ta .._ VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN 1251>. "' """ 011"· cau VOLKSWAGl!N ... -,....,,,. ;;;;;,; ~ · 13131 Harbor Blvd. U6-23.13 IQ.0010 32852 Valle Road 646-0M betore 3 p.m. 32852 Vali' Road • 1-IDRle -., 1"61 Beach Bh'<l .. H.B. 3211M Vallo Road PONTIAC • ' ""rk & tuneup, iwoo or olf. ' tf'I s . ol GM!en c .... Fwy, 54!>5161 • -'66 FAl"' '11( WAGON Sa• Juan CapiStrul><I San Juu C.plltrano '70 Le Mans Sport San Juan Col>llb'ano er '9<-S6l2 dMll5 num 837 ..... / ..... SU/499-2261 837-4800/"""51l/499-2261 :"7~llOO/"l-"U/"9-_2'61 ·~. T·Binl ' ll'l''~ertlble. 1 1tl2 Ford •talion wa.ron. Rlt 191.» Falrla.nl! •utomatic, 289 1969 OLDS 88 Royale. Sac '&I PONTIAC Le ifans. -Jli--Auto _,_: V ~ H, automatic. Meclwllcs eng. New paint. rea1 clean. Automatic, powtr steering, $3250. Must see Ulls one! '69 BELVEDERE \\'agon Ollve finJ1h, automatic, dlr. • . ·• new _..... ery •""'" 'l 'apecial. Phone 968-521C after See to ap~late $100/of. alt' cond, stereo ta~. dl.r. •_,.A.... «•J3J3·, c "'' PIS Auto/trans, RIH, 5 yr White w/ turquoise Interior, Powtr steering, 14,000 mile1. I.AMI <nnd. Begt ofr. 846-G8l5. • 6 p•1 1 ••••~alts· ....,...""'' .... o-• bucket seats, auto., po\\-er ('°' AGAI Will'''',.,,., ·" · er. ~ · tTAY 279) Will take car 1n ~,.,, •=o \Varranty, 8800 111L $2500. Uo't t 1""~ T Bird oonvert F\ilJ. .,._.....,.,., strg, xlnt mechanical con-trade or finance private par. ·· :.w • ' pwr '66 COUNTRY' SQUIRE trade or finance private par •. 68 Olds Cutlass. PIS, r&h, Pvt Pt,y: Aft 5 • 545--4369 dlOon. Very clean inside le ty. 5-16-4052 or 494.&Sll. '66 RA~1BLER American & air, lo ml. Xlnt cent 10/P ... P/S P/B, air. ty,546-CC62 or494·6811. faQtory air. 25,00) mi. 1967 1'Ury 111, 383 enatne. out! $750. 16985 Edgewater "'&&00· C.ood cond!Jion, $1195. S49-J638 '-;:'l;.;;o-;;v;o;;--;;;;;;<;:=; liXlnl;Fi,,;Cond;:.:::;_· l'illOOi:=.;'.,Om.3503~·;,:::·,,-I '67 LTD Clean, $1950. "6-2305. auto, a1r, P/S, P/B, 2 dr. Lane, Huntington Harbour, *1968 LDIANS ->..'lnt cond. Autor;natic, f195. 91¥D11. 1960 T Bird Convertible 1. •ec 9JP"'9 station Wqon. $1095. s.iS.-2430. aft. 6 pm. NIJ...l285 Extras! $2095. e BEST OFFER e 1""""' "llW bd., 11'0. Alr-.. -·-.d~.~ Olds Cuu.s.. Good LlKE To inde! Our IA~kREPOSSESSION S6!""25altor~ 'STµD.~KER 493-3341 962-a:JGI, \linyl top, low mllt1. (ZVZ.. $125. • ~22 transportation. Trader's Patadiae column ii 1961 PonUac Tempest Le '65 &f,11r. Ventura. a.Ir, Sell Che old •tuft Buy the new 1=;========-"'======== I 315) \VW take car ln trade for yoo! 5 Lines, 5 Days h>r P.tarui 2 door hard top, Call etc, Xlnt cond. $7'5 .r e ~ ShNlllNker $50 •tuft You can do both thru , ~;;;C;o;rs;;.;;;,;;;;;,;;;;"°°;;;U:;Md;;;C;;o;ra;;;;;;,;;;;-;;;;;. i or finance private party. DAll.Y Pilm WANT ADS! $5. Call today ... 642--5678. &42.3111 ext, 241er24.2. '* 5'8-6310 *' /.-213/59M14.7 * DAILY PILOT Want Ada. t S46-4DS2 or 4!H-6811. , , 1 ·~ '66 Ford Cortina GT 4. cyl. New Cars l . Xlnt OOnd. Ne\Y tlres, good l===='::::::::::::::::'::C::::=".:::'=:":::::::::::::':::=::=:::::;:.:,::,:_=--_;,=....:::;:;::..::::;::...._,.._..:::;:::;:;::..;:::,: ___ .:;::=.:,::;:;::..;::;.: ___ .::::; pt.int, good interior. $560 1\rm. 4M-2725. > . ~·. ' .~. . .. . •'. .>. ~ ,, . . ' " 1969 PONTIAC CUSTOM S J 4oor h1r4i a,. Ftctory t ir, IJOW.r tfotr• 1111, toirbo hy4r11111tic, 1ilw1r with ~11ck hittrior. IZDX672) $2795 1'69 PLYMOUTH GTX 2 dr. H.T. Only 11,00Q 111Ht1 '" thl1 "••utifr.rl 9eld cir. '4 .. 0 VI, vlnvl top, .. uck1t 10th, rt• , oll io, ho1tor, 1ufo., pew1r 1t11tinf. OCVH. 1 111 $2895 1961 LE ~NS 2 Dll H.T • Vinyl to11, 11•••r 1fft1i119, lo• mil••t•• .1Yl'Y060} $2195 1969 GTO 4 SPEED Only 12,QQO 1t1ilo1 011 thl1 botutiful V1r· litre 1r•111 euki111obJI., C71'4AFXI $2795 1969 CHIV. ~LllU 396 F1tt. tlr, 1'1111!: vi11yl +.11, 1p1rkli119 vtl• lo• e1terier. ,tZKFISt71 $3195 IN11RNATIONAL '66 lntematlOllCl.1 Scollt 4 wheel drive, hubs, AM/FM radio. Whlsale Kelley Blue Book $1~. On ule this week only $1099. CHICK IVERSON vw 549-3031 Ext 66 or 67 19fO HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA MERCURY 1970 Mercllf'Y Cyc:lone Competition orange with con- trutlni black interior, only driven 7000 miles, still in factory warranty, Full fac- tory equipped il1cludlng .f .~ trans. Llc._128ASJ, ,.,. $2399 • Cl-llCK IVERSQN vw AT JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY $ (ONE DOLLAR) Over Factory Invoice ON ALL 1970, MERCURY MONTIGOS 1111 That'• Rl1ht Only One .Dollar Over Padory. Invoice. Fadory Invoice Displayed On All Montogo 2 Drs., & 4 Doors. ONLY 11 Lin, HURRY! . .. 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD, COSTA MESA IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ·ON All ' . · ; 1961 BONNEVILLE 2 Oil H.T. 1969 MERCURY Marquis station "''8g(ll'I· Has &ll ex- tras includi.ng air. Im- maculate cond Lo mi's. Prt lJtY. $3100. 642--20'16 ' . . ' . ' . .. ' • ' - " •' ' - ;; ,. ~i ·::: ,. "· Feclory air, ltctl ••r with low lflile19 .. G•I• wit!i 9el4 inltritr. IWXG6211 $2695 1970 G.T.O. 2 •r. H.T. l11ulllul 901• with 1111•11•tt4 vinyl ftp I i111terter. F11te,., eir nMi· tienint. 111277651 $3895 1967 MUSTANG 2 + 2 390 '"'I ·• r1•i•, ht1f1r, P41Wtr 1t1er. £11:- ctpfitn1Uy nice lo0 mile19e cer. CTXTt41• $1895 1970 LE ~N5 SPORT 4 dr. H.T. Every een1ti'l'1hlt e1drt '" ttti• eaecufi'l't ctr. 011ly '4,000 mile1, I 11720fl, $4195 1969 CUSTOM "S" 2 DR. H.T. Vi~vt .. ,, 11ew.r flteriltf I br1k11, turlio hy4t1Mtllc tre .. mi11ie11, light v1llow, Ex· co,tle1111I 01r. IZLHOl61 S2595 CLOID SUNDAYS '70 CP Wagon-Loaded Teacher; 847-9418 Eves. MUSTANG '68 MUSTANG Like new? Automatic, poMl' 1teerinz, new ~ dlr. fWJB 609) Will take trade or finance priva~ party. 54&4052 or 494..GBll. V~ti~S!~~~Jr. new tlrea. (QTY 124) Must sell by Sunday. Will take ltnwte Cl' finance private par. ty, 546-4052 or 4M-68U. ·~ MUSTANG Q\nvt, 6 cyl, auto, 1 owner, goo(! cond, '31» or best oUer. ~~ aft 5 p.rn. 'f,6 MUSTANG V-8, PIS. auto, R/H, new brBkn a: tiru. Xlnt mm. must aee. !J63.J493 *'68 l\fUSTANG; P/S, P/Disc Brks, air. stereo. "TOP of the LI NE.'' 67Wf&, 1969 MUSTANG conv. $2'100. -~·speed, stereo, radio. Ex· cellent cond. 497-1308 ; j\';ROY CARVER ~ROLLS -ROYCE *'69 MUSI'ANG Mach I. 351, air, Hpd, full vwr. 1iert0. Reas. 642.-2886. '6S Conv. RfH, pl1/b, V-8, Auto, 29.000 mi. $1095. 64&-8817 day, 548-5289 eve. ·~MUSTANG 1 ctmer 41,000 ml. 6 cyl. •tk. \\'hite, blu int, R & H. $845, 548-8477 ·- I . 2925 HAlllOR BOULEVARD, COSTA.MESA 546-4-444 ¥ ou've Seen The Rest Now See The Best! '62 CORVAIR $369 '62 CHEVY II WAG. CM!pl ... ly ttb11ilt •111l11e, New pei11t, rMl ie, hetffr, 1u .. mtfic tr11111. A fi11e littl, $995 '65 CADILLAC De VIiie $795 1 ;w;.;";.;•;'1:1:•;•<"'·4:4711~· .,-=~.,,---= s•••"· full 11ower, .11r. '62 FORD G1l1xle 500 $595 ••to h•r•· IHHD·12ll 2 ''· H.T, ltcU•, httttr, •11teltlrilc tr111•. '66 DATlUN WAG. tl 195 Vtry c~Mlt c1rl IRYS.,17) • .... i., h .... ,, .... ,..... "''""' '67 vw IUG $1195 ptlntocl. Llk• MWI lSIU·t6t) R • L ,. 4 "' -.. -• r, •tpe ' , NG $ 111w p1l11t, uc1ll111t co11• 67 MUITA 1795 ..i1t1e11 tllr•-tioutl IXTE-2211 Avt.fnttlc trt1t1. V/I . 1 y Ll'NT $ l••I cl•all ctr 111• 1till 6T A "" 189 vllll•r f1ctory w1rr•11ty, 2 4r, H.T. •••io, h•tter, I VW,_·7171 air co11 .. ltiolli119. le1I -----------1coolc1rl 1JTU-f4l l .~~,..rr,;,.~~-,,---=-c--= ~i~~~.~.~~~.~.:i~pll• $79 5 ·:~i~~~~.~~~.p~~~ $179 5 tr1111, V /I , ru11t 9re1tl A c11t1 little cir aft .. i11 I AZJ(.J 161 t1:c1lle11t c0Mliti•11. I UQN·Of5 I 2100 llAHOR II.VD. COSTA MISA fflolorJ 645-0466 --~~--~ ~--___ __,_ -- 1971 LINCOLN -MERCURYS ! •,' WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION! NICEST USED CARS IN ORANGE COUNTY. . . Over 50 'l'o Choose From f 64 CONTINENTAL 4 Dll. 5999 -f---Full power, faclory a.Ir, Runs good. clean. Uc. RAC 889 • I f 69 CONTINENTAL $3888 ' 2 door Hardtop. Ful1y luxury equi1>r>ect Full power Ir. factory . air. Landau roof. Exceptionally clean. Lie. XSR 852 f 68 CONTININTAL $3555 Cpe. The esaence cf luxury, fully power equipped, leather - Interior, factory alr, Landau top. Ste~ tape tilt steerln& wheel. l.Jc. XEW 331. I I 66 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN $1055 Station Wagon. VS. automatic transmission, radio, heater, power · slttrlng, etc. Runs good. SAA 866 I I f 65 CCMET CALllNTE ,66 Convertible, Automatic trans· mi3s1~Uio, heater, ~er steer! , power brakes, very clean.~ AB 885. '65 OLDS 91 '1188 4 Dr. Hardt Full A: com· plete power°&;cludlng tilt wheel. Btautiful condition. REG 736 I I Automatic trammlulon. pow. '67 COUGAR er steering, factory a.ir, ndio. heater, xlra clean. (TUX190) $1666 Convertible. FulJ power 1nclud· I 68 CADILLAC ing Iactory a.Ir. Lie. VZD 123 $3591 . I -__ L _ I 68 OLbSMOllU D• ft $2333 2 Dr. Hardtop. Automatic ~ transmission, radio, heater, power 1teerln~ctory air, Landau roof. aculate thnt-out VGY 989. f 66 FORD GAi.AXii .,,, 4 Dr. Automatic tranmdnlon, radio. heater, ~r 1teering, · factory air. CRTR487J BETTER IDEAS MAKE BETTER CARS AT Johns-on.son (1 Milo South of Son DI-frHwayl n.ooo©®ILOO ©®oovaoomoo'ii'b.\I!. • aJb.\IHliK m · 1mim©oomiw • ©®lIDrl&I I COSTA MllA I ....!::.:!I::!,-~40·S630 2626 H•alaor llvd. 642-0911 · .. - ' TRUE GElVEK.4'.l'IOlVS 11¥ '.l'RE AVTOMOBll.E BVSl!VESS . THI OLDUT ISl'AIUIHlll' "FACTORT Dtucr· UNCOLIMAllCUR'I' DIALD ' IN OU.Nel COUNTY ' • ' I ,I I r \ I . . .. .. . . ~ r • • • • SHARPEST. PENCIL -IN THE · WESJ • lET US. PROVE 1IT ! . ~ ' Have a Nice Day! .VOLUME IS o·uR ANSWER TO BETTER. BUYS! ~We Stoek ·More! ·V:1e Sell.:·More! You Save More! B0y Yours Today!! • '2·5·. o~c:! '63M~"-' PA YMINT MONTHS ' FOR A NEW DRMNG TtfRIU, TEST DRIVI FORD'S NEWEST BmER IDEA FOR 19711 ' . VISIT OUR :Blct RECREATION -CENlER · WE ARI THE SHOWCASE DEALER ·· POR · · . El Dorado eampen, Mini Homes, . Challis Mounts ucl Balboa Motor Homes. CHOOSI FROM SHEW TO COMPLETELY SEl,fo . CONTAINED MODEIS si 1 o~ao TO S9ats.oo Trj loforo You lluf With Our R11n~W. -.i SorYlce - MUSTAAG SALE 21 to dt1111 '""""''5 .... ,,. ......... c..-, herdtops, COftoo vortlW. OfM12 + 2 Fnlllocb. Somo wltlt 4 ..,..re; -•Ir - dltlonlnt ..... ·-· ~ .. UAMPLE: 1965 MUSTANG HARDTOP Aute!Mfl-. ,...... ....,...,, . .;,, ._..ffillll!'I• &.-' Mn ... ·CPCTOltl OUR PRICE $1096 NEW 1971 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY large Selection ' Of Colors and Equipment. USED CAR S A LOoaFuR 'Tl1NiMisll~ - CEN~~AR~~ }! J!Slllll! STILL MANY 1970's LEFT TO CLEAR Example S.vlnp: Eumplo Savlnts: lxemplo Savlnts: BRAND NEW BRAND NEW BRAND NEW 1970 1970 1970 MUSTANG TORINO GT T·BIRD '2.0R. LANDAU SPORTSROOF 2 DOOR HARDTOP $4149.20 PACTOIY -$4696.95 PACT. $6679.00 LIST LIST $3411.91 ..... $3851.25 ..... $5267.02 PllCI PllCI ' . '1121161) (131751} f0414NI I 1709l' ' FINAL 1970 DEMO DISCOUNTS MUSTANGS 2 DOORS FASTBACKS MACH l's LTD's 2 Dr. Hdtps. 4 Dr. Hdtps. TORI NOS ·GALAXIES. 2 DR. HDTPS. 2 DR. HDTPS. 4 DR. HDTPS. XL HDTPS • 2 DR. GTs CNTY. SEDAN T·BIRDS RANCHRO 2 DR. LANDAUS GT WITH AUTO. TRANS., POWER THREE STR. & BRAKES, AIR CONDITIONING TO .CHOOSE ONE FROM ONLY " . LTD-GALAXIE· TORINO SALE Many to chOOH from. -'65 thru '70 Models. Sport roof1, fOnnals. 2 d-& 4 door h1rdtops. Full _.., •ir conditlonl,,.. w1 .. ranties 1v1i11ble. EXAMPLE: ' WARRANTY 4000 MILES Oil to ~YS c...,. ..... 11111 .. ,... ............. .... .... ,_ .... PLUS ................................... .-, 1969 FORD LTD 2 DOOR HARDTOP ......... 1..m..-•11 I 1rt, ALL OFHRS C Air conditlonin11 AM-FM r•dio, Lendeu, p•w•r, 10M mil•• IXTJ263l OUR PRICI $2196 TRADU ACCEP11D , '65 MUSTANG H.T. ~196 kMio, Met.r. eir coMitio"4. low 111ilM. (Z'flt771 PAID -FOR OR NOT '66 LTD 2 DR. H.T. v.1, •uto., RlH, P.s .. •ir con d. (VCJJ92) ~396 -~096 '67 FALCON SEDAN Fee.fory .quipP,.cl• k•dio, h11t1r. ~1zxw122l '6-f-M~~'~h~ ..... 1.-.. ~ ,._ 1tnrl119-IXSS464J. $2396 '66 CHARGER. ~296 Fu_lly •'llulpped, 1ufo1111tic, t•M ,.,;1,, ITZM2Jt). • '69 COUGAR CONY. $2396 V-1, ••fo., Rl~wer 1t .. riftfo L. 111il ... wen-••tr ..,,n .. cYY11os1 I • "CORTINA GT ,396 69 4 o,.H, ,..,;., ~ ... w. Lctw ... u..,.. 1ms111 • '68 GALAXIE 500 2 dr. H.T. R&H, •uto., P.S. vinyl roof, eir cond . 12UT9211' '63 lAMIUR CLASSIC 660 $695. ~~u;w~:."ili·.;,':.'.:i~;~:.-illN789l . '70 BRONCO SPORT WAGON V/l, 4 wh11I Jriv1, tpec.111 fir1i end wh11l1, b11utifu1 '65 HONDA 160 MOTOllCTCtl s295 ""' "' wha. ,,;.,, Rom•;"'" of tho '"'°"' Low miles. ____ w_"_"_""_ .. _.u_''_'"_o"_''_"_"_m;_'"_"_"_;, _'"_"'_' '_°'_"oo_> ---Fine shape. (SY7213) ,-64--PO-N-,Tl-AC---------=-s-::6,-,9·:::-6-= '65 4 dr. H.T. Full power. Ak condltionng. (PKN883) · '66 CORYAIR s995 ' Excellen t rncchnnkal condition. Auto-I 67 malia transn1lssiOn. radio, heater. (TEY198) '6. 7 =T~!~. ~~'!ow" •le.,lng. $996 (RFR973l " · I 70 ""~ .... "" n ....._ c.. ..._. .. "'*'""" 7 AM To 9 PM MON .LTD HARDTOP · VI , •ufoll'l•lic, P.S., RIH, eir .. conditioning. !WtG560) T·BIRD LANDAU 2 d r, H.T., Fwll pow1H, •ir conditioning. IVD2019)' VOLKSWAGEN Appx. 14,000 mil11. Fully 9<111ipp1d I041AGHl 7 AM To 6 PM TUE-FRI . • ~196 ~896 • '< " ' • • ;