HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 - City Position in Opposition to SB 54 (de Leon) - Handout�, Uy5i 812o l-1 ' t:1.Ell, CITY OF GLENDORA CITY h1ALL l626191.1.82tk1 Gy�bHA���I 116 F'asl I nothill titt-tl , Glendora, Cohfornii 91711 trwtt.r:r.gleratlura.ia.us April 13, 2017 Y Y� The Honorable Kevin De Leon Senate President pro Tempore California State Senate • District 24 State Capitol, [room 205 Sacramento. CA 95814 RF.: Senate Bill 54 (As Amended March 28. 2017? - OPPOSE Dear Senator De Leon: The City Council of the City of Glendora voted untutimously to oppose Senate Bill (SB) 54 at its April 11, 2017, as it would restrict local law enforcement's ability to cooperate with federal law enforcement partners. This prohibition would unduly increase the risk for every community in our State to be less sate as criminals are released back into them when they could be subject to an immigration enforcement action thus keeping them away from future victims. State taws, the Trust Act, already governs when and how a local entity may detain a person subject to an immigration hold. SB 54 would prevent the safe and orderly use ol'our jails lir agents to apprehend those subjects for immigration enforcement action, Instead, it would require immigration enforcement agents into our communities in order to search and find the persons they seek. Clearly this will force those efforts to be widely cast into communities and further making the responsibility of our law enforcement to provide service to be all the more difficult as the trust and cooperation chain is broken. SB 54 uses a very narrow list of violent felonies in which law enforcement may notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the scheduled release of persons. Violent felonies with SB 54 do not recognize assault with a deadly weapon, shootingat an occupied building, rape where the victim is unconscious of the act, rapo by intoxicating substance and exploding a destructive device or explosive with the intent to injure as just a few examples of horrific and violent crimes that would be excluded. PRIDE 0F THE h00T1.11LLS The Honorable Kevin De Leon SB 54 Notice of Opposition April 13, 2017 Page 2 The City of Glendora urges our State elected officials and the Governor to Oppose SB 54 as it will surely create less safe communities and impede law enforcement from carrying out the difficult job of protecting all from being victimized by those who would want to harm them. Sincerely, CITY OF GLENDORA Gary Boyer Mayor CC: Covemor Jerry Brown Assemblymcmber Blanca F. Rubio 48th Assembly District Senator Anthony J. Portanlino — 251h District Glendora City Council Kristine Guerrero, League of CA Cities Ilissa Gold, CA Contract Cities Legislative Analyst Joe A. Gonsalves & Son