HomeMy WebLinkAboutRestaurant Association BID Agenda Packet 07/26/2017CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH RESTAURANT BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AGENDA 1600 Newport Center Drive, Suite 120 Wednesday, July 26, 2017 - 9:30 AM Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Members: Phil Crowley, Director John DeFrenza, Director Bruno Massuger, Director Matt Meddock, Director Dan Miller, Director Jordan Otterbein, Director Kenyon Paar, Director Christopher Roman, Director Ronald Schwartz, Director Jim Walker, Director Vacant, Director The Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District meeting is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District agenda be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the Business Improvement District and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District. The Chair may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. The City of Newport Beach’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, we will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact Mary Locey, Management Analyst, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible at (949) 644-3031 or mlocey@newportbeachca.gov. NOTICE REGARDING PRESENTATIONS REQUIRING USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT Any presentation requiring the use of the City of Newport Beach’s equipment must be submitted to the City Manager’s Office 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA AND NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are invited on agenda and non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Newport Beach Restaurant Association Business Improvement District Board of Directors (NBRA BID Board). Speakers must limit comments to three minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The NBRA BID Board has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. IV.CURRENT BUSINESS 1.Approval of Minutes (Schwartz) Summary: Review the draft minutes from the May 24, 2017 meeting. Recommended Action: Board to approve the May 24, 2017 meeting minutes. Attachment - Draft Meeting Minutes 2.Election of BID Officers for FY 2017-2018 July 26, 2017 Page 2 Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Meeting Summary: Board to accept nominations for President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary for the FY 2017-2018 term. Recommended Action: Board to approve the elected officers to serve the FY 2017-2018 term. 3.BID Financial Reports (Swain) Summary: 1) Review of the BID financials ending June 2017. 2) Update on BID assessments. Recommended Action: 1) Board to accept and file the BID financials ending June 2017. 2) None Attachment - Financial Reports June 2017 4.Nomination to Fill an Open Seat on the BID Advisory Board Summary: Board to review the received applications for the NBRA BID Advisory Board's one open seat. Recommended Action: Board to nominate one applicant for appointment by the City Council to the NBRA BID Advisory Board to serve for the FY 2017-2018 term. Attachments - Board Applications 5.FY 2018-2020 Strategic Business Plan Update Summary: Destination Consultancy Group to present the final draft of the NBRA BID's FY 2018-2020 Strategic Business Plan Update. Recommended Action: Board to approve the NBRA BID's FY 2018-2020 Strategic Business Plan Update. Attachment - FY 2018-2020 Strategic Business Plan Rationale Attachment - FY 2018-2020 Strategic Business Plan Summary Sheet 6.Marketing Report (Dennis) Summary: Update on the summer email campaign and current marketing, promotions, PR and social media. Recommended Action: None 7.Industry Update (Dennis) Summary: Industry and community events Recommended Action: None V.BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) VI.ADJOURNMENT Next meeting September 27, 2017 Page 1 of 3 City of Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes – May 24, 2017 Newport Beach & Co. 1600 Newport Center Drive, Suite 120 Newport Beach, CA 92660 I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:43 a.m. II. ROLL CALL Directors Present: Ronald Schwartz Muldoon’s Irish Pub Christopher Roman CUCINA enoteca Jordan Otterbein A Restaurant & A Market Bruno Massuger Back Bay Bistro Jim Walker The Bungalow Restaurant John DeFrenza Crocker’s The Well Dressed Frank Quorum Achieved Directors Absent: Matt Meddock Sessions West Coast Deli Dan Miller The Village Inn Mario Marovic Dory Deli, Malarky’s Irish Pub & Stag Bar + Kitchen BID Administrator Present: Polly Peak Newport Beach & Company Guests Present: Katy Dennis Newport Beach & Company Michelle St. Amour Newport Beach & Company Lelsey Swain Newport Beach & Company Dina Alleluia-Carr Newport Beach & Company Don Anderson Destination Consultancy Group Jim Mosher Resident III. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA AND NON-AGENDA ITEMS • Mr. Mosher wanted clarification on the 4/5/17 minutes Item #2 Closed Ballot. • Ms. Peak explained that it was a written ballot and we would change the wording in the minutes. • Mr. Mosher also wanted the names of the members that the board approved put into the minutes. • Ms. Peak provided the names of the members who were approved on the final vote and confirmed by the City of Newport Beach. Page 2 of 3 • President Schwartz requested the minutes to be amended. IV. CURRENT BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes President Schwartz requested a motion to approve the minutes as amended from the April 5, 2017, meeting. Motion: Director Otterbein moved to approve the April 5, 2017 minutes as amended. Director Massuger seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Schwartz, Roman, Otterbein, Massuger, & Walker Directors absent for the vote: DeFrenza 2. BID Financial Reports • Ms. Swain provided an overview of the BID Financial reports ending April 2017 that were prepared by Newport Beach & Co. • Ms. Swain informed the board that they will see a breakout on the next financials of prior balances and late fees. President Schwartz requested a motion to approve the BID financial reports ending April 2017. Motion: Director Walker moved to accept and file the financial reports. Director Roman seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Schwartz, Roman, Otterbein, Massuger, & Walker Directors absent for the vote: DeFrenza 3. President’s Report • President Schwartz introduced Don Anderson from Destination Consultancy Group to go over the Strategic Plan. • Mr. Anderson explained that he could not talk to every board member so this is a Draft of the Strategic Plan. • Mr. Anderson presented a draft one page summary of the NBRA strategic plan, and provided a rationale report for his presentation and board discussion. • Director Walker had concerns that the format suggests that Newport Beach & Company/Dine Newport Beach will be the only marketing firm for the NBRA and that Dine Newport Beach is a part of Newport Beach & Company not the NBRA. • Mr. Anderson said that the NBRA and Dine Newport Beach both agreed on them coming together at the last meeting. • Director Walker also had a concern that Newport Beach & Company fees were going up. • President Schwartz said that we could look at other marketing companies at the end of our contract or go into a long term contract with Newport Beach & Company. • President Schwartz deferred final approval of the NBRA strategic plan to the July Meeting. Page 3 of 3 • President Schwartz suggested that the NBRA and the DineNB logos to be combined. • Ms. Dennis explained that we would not combine the 2 logos as 1 is for marketing and the other is for the association. • President Schwartz wants to make sure that the stakeholders understand the relationship between DineNB and the NBRA. 4. Marketing Report • Ms. St. Amour went over current projects for DineNB, and an insert about the assessments that will go with the annual bill. • Ms. St Amour provided information on the following: o Website stats and getting the NBRA involved with the charity Food Finder o Catering Guide for the DineNB.com website o Culinary Journey video produced by NBTV 5. Industry Update • Ms. Peak reminded the board about the June 13, 2017 City Council Meeting. • Ms. Peak also reminded the board about the Western Foodservice Hospitality Expo convention in August 2017. • Presidents Schwartz announced that Ms. Peak is resigning from the NBRA BID Administrator as of June 30, 2017. • President Schwartz would like Ms. Peak to provide a document of primary responsibilities that she handles for the NBRA. • Ms. Dennis will be the point of contact for the team who answers to the NBRA Board. • Director Massuger suggested the NBRA promote an industry night for the employees who work in the restaurants. • Ms. St. Amour will send out an email to the stakeholders about an Industry Night. V. BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS, WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEMS) • None VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. The next meeting will be Wednesday, July 26, 2017, at 9:30 a.m. at Newport Beach & Co. Current Year to Date Prior Year to Date 06/30/2017 06/30/2016 Assets Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents NBRA Checking 91,874.47 0.00 Undeposited Funds 400.00 0.00 Total Cash and Cash Equivalents 92,274.47 0.00 Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable 30,434.50 0.00 Total Accounts Receivable 30,434.50 0.00 Total Current Assets 122,708.97 0.00 Total Assets 122,708.97 0.00 Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Short-term Liabilities Accounts Payable Accounts Payable 29,386.06 0.00 Total Accounts Payable 29,386.06 0.00 Total Short-term Liabilities 29,386.06 0.00 Total Liabilities 29,386.06 0.00 Net Assets Net Assets General Fund Balance 34,814.75 0.00 Total Net Assets 34,814.75 0.00 Net Income 58,508.16 0.00 Total Net Assets 93,322.91 0.00 Total Liabilities and Net Assets 122,708.97 0.00 Newport Beach Restaurant Association Statement of Financial Summary Year To Date 06/30/2017 FY2017 BUDGET Remaining Amount Operating Revenue Program Revenue Restaurant Association Fees 194,800.00 189,000.00 5,800.00 Restaurant Association Late Fees 24,849.75 6,500.00 18,349.75 Restaurant Association Special Events 28,700.00 25,000.00 3,700.00 City of Newport Beach Matching Funds 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 City of Newport Beach Grant Funds 9,000.00 10,000.00 (1,000.00) Total Program Revenue 297,349.75 270,500.00 26,849.75 Total Operating Revenue 297,349.75 270,500.00 26,849.75 Expenses General and Administrative Expenses Operating Expenses Operating Expenses Office Supplies 1,078.05 0.00 1,078.05 Postage 604.20 0.00 604.20 Bank Fees 1,980.27 0.00 1,980.27 Membership Dues 300.00 500.00 (200.00) Governance Meeting Expenses 2,691.47 2,000.00 691.47 Total Operating Expenses 6,653.99 2,500.00 4,153.99 Total Operating Expenses 6,653.99 2,500.00 4,153.99 Professional Fees Independent Contractors 8,280.00 8,000.00 280.00 Bloggers 8,750.00 12,000.00 (3,250.00) Marketing Consultant Fees 66,000.00 60,000.00 6,000.00 BID Administration Fees 18,500.00 18,000.00 500.00 Financial Services Fees 13,500.00 18,000.00 (4,500.00) Consultant Operational Reimbursement 14,486.00 12,000.00 2,486.00 Total Professional Fees 129,516.00 128,000.00 1,516.00 Total General and Administrative 136,169.99 130,500.00 5,669.99 Advertising Expenses Advertising - Consumer 35,381.80 50,000.00 (14,618.20) Total Advertising Expenses 35,381.80 50,000.00 (14,618.20) Marketing Expenses Community Relations Community Partner Events 2,625.00 2,500.00 125.00 Event Marketing Expenses 34,473.14 55,000.00 (20,526.86) Event Operating Expenses 7,803.10 5,000.00 2,803.10 Research 4,888.56 4,000.00 888.56 Total Community Relations 49,789.80 66,500.00 (16,710.20) Marketing Collateral Collateral Production Expenses 0.00 6,500.00 (6,500.00) Total Marketing Collateral 0.00 6,500.00 (6,500.00) Digital Marketing Social Media 0.00 2,000.00 (2,000.00) Website Maintenance 0.00 5,000.00 (5,000.00) Digital Advertising 17,500.00 7,000.00 10,500.00 Total Digital Marketing 17,500.00 14,000.00 3,500.00 Communications/Public Relations Media Relations 0.00 3,000.00 (3,000.00) Total Communications/Public Relations 0.00 3,000.00 (3,000.00) Total Marketing Expenses 67,289.80 90,000.00 (22,710.20) Total Expenses 238,841.59 270,500.00 (31,658.41) Net Income 58,508.16 0.00 58,508.16 Newport Beach Restaurant Association Statement of Activities Year Ending 06/30/2017 Year To Date 06/30/2017 Cash flows from operating activities Net Income 58,508.16 Change in Cash from Operating Activities Depreciation 0.00 Amortization 0.00 Accounts Receivable (30,434.50) Grants Receivable 0.00 Prepaid Expenses 0.00 Inventory 0.00 Other Assets 0.00 Accounts Payable 29,386.06 Deferred Revenue 0.00 Other Liabilities 0.00 Intercompany 0.00 Net cash used by Operating Activities (1,048.44) Cash flows from investing activities Capital Expenditures 0.00 Purchase of long term investments and other assets 0.00 Investment in Subsidiary 0.00 Net cash used by investing activities 0.00 Cash flows from financing activities Debt Proceeds 0.00 Net cash used by financing activities 0.00 Increase (Decrease) in Cash 57,459.72 Cash, Beginning Period 0.00 Cash, End of Period 92,274.47 Newport Beach Restaurant Association Statement of Cash Flows $ 114,539.33 $ - $ (22,664.86) 91,874.47$ $ 91,874.47 $ - 91,874.47$ Total Checks and Charges Cleared 29,887.27 $ 800.00 Name Memo Date Doc No Cleared In Transit Subway - Old Newport Blvd.06/28/2017 5276 $ 500.00 Sprinkles Cupcakes 06/30/2017 208223 $ 150.00 Sprinkles Ice Cream 06/30/2017 208223 $ 150.00 800.00$ -$ Name Memo Date Check No Cleared Outstanding Pandora Media, Inc.05/25/2017 5049 $ 1,999.41 Richard J. Manning, Jr.05/25/2017 5050 $ 250.00 100eats, LLC 05/25/2017 5051 $ 750.00 iHeartMedia 05/25/2017 5052 $ 10,696.25 Newport Beach and Company 05/25/2017 5053 $ 16,164.03 May 2017 Merchant Account Fees 06/02/2017 $ 27.58 MHW Strategies 06/30/2017 5054 $ 500.00 Richard J. Manning, Jr.06/30/2017 5055 $ 500.00 100eats, LLC 06/30/2017 5056 $ 500.00 Newport Beach and Company 06/30/2017 5057 $ 9,000.00 Radium One, Inc 06/30/2017 5058 $ 12,164.86 29,887.27$ 22,664.86$ Total Deposits Checks and Charges Total Checks and Charges Total Deposits Cleared Deposits Outstanding Checks and Charges Adjusted Bank Balance Book Balance Adjustments* Adjusted Book Balance Newport Beach Restaurant Association Reconciliation Report As Of 06/30/2017 Statement Ending Balance Deposits in Transit Account Summary Account Activity Date Description CreditsReference Number Date Amount Date Description Debits Date Amount Number Date Amount Number Date Amount Number Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount Beginning balance (5/31/2017) Credits Total credits Debits Total debits Ending balance (6/30/2017) Contact us: Analyzed Business Checking Account #: DEPOSITS CHECKS PAID ELECTRONIC DEBITS DAILY BALANCES 023 0830L 2CPROCESSR FEES SEP 84870014392254 CITY OF NEWPORT BE CCD Account number Minimum balance $113,739.33 Average balance $118,328.68 Avg. collected balance $118,302.00 5-31 143,626.60 6-2 143,599.02 6-2 Preauthorized Debit 27.58 6-5 130,153.36 6-6 113,739.33 6-28 114,239.33 6-28 Deposit 500.00 6-30 114,539.33 6-30 Deposit 300.00 5049 6-5 1,999.41 5050 6-6 250.00 5051 6-5 750.00 5052 6-5 10,696.25 5053 6-6 16,164.03 $143,626.60 Deposits (2)+ 800.00 Electronic cr (0)+ 0.00 Other credits (0)+ 0.00 +$800.00 Checks paid (5)- 29,859.69 Electronic db (1)- 27.58 Other debits (0)- 0.00 - $29,887.27 $114,539.33 800 773-7100 Orange CO Airport Office 18111 Von Karman Ave., Ste. 100 Irvine CA 92612 cnb.com Page 1 (5) This statement: June 30, 2017 Last statement: May 31, 2017 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH (RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION) 100 CIVIC CENTER DR NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 Thank you for banking with Orange CO Airport Office FY2018–FY2020 Strategic Business Plan Rationale DRAFT COPY For BID Board of Directors and Staff Discussion Only July 2017 Report Outline 1. Introduction _____________________________________________ 1 Background _____________________________________________________________ 1 Three Assessment and Planning Goals _________________________________________ 1 Plan Methodology ________________________________________________________ 2 Expected Plan Outcomes ___________________________________________________ 2 2. Newport Beach Restaurant Association Current Situation __________ 3 Recent Accomplishments ___________________________________________________ 3 Key Issues _______________________________________________________________ 3 Main Challenges __________________________________________________________ 4 3. Newport Beach Restaurant Association Purpose and Directions _____ 5 Mission and Operating Norms _______________________________________________ 5 Value Proposition _________________________________________________________ 6 Vision Statement _________________________________________________________ 6 Strategic sGoals __________________________________________________________ 7 4. Newport Beach Restaurant Association Strategic Intent ___________ 8 Three Year Priority Initiatives ________________________________________________ 8 Strategic Performance Outcomes ____________________________________________ 9 5. Appendices _____________________________________________ 10 Newport Beach BID Board of Directors and Administrative/Marketing Team __________ 10 Planning Documentation Reviewed __________________________________________ 11 1 1. Introduction Background The Newport Beach Restaurant Association (NBRA) is a nonpartisan not-for-profit and business improvement district (BID) funded cooperative group formed in 1995 by the City of Newport Beach at the request of the local foodservice industry. Every foodservice establishment is annually assessed a mandatory levy by the city government with proceeds directly provided to the NBRA BID group for marketing purposes. It should be acknowledged that the marketing call to action of Newport Beach foodservices is Dine Newport Beach. Total budget including additional income from special events and city matching and grant funds over the past few years has been approximately $300,000. The subject plan is an update to the original FY2014–FY2016 Strategic Business Plan prepared in early 2013. It has been revised by the nine-member Board of Directors along with advice from the NBRA administrator and Newport Beach & Company marketing staff. In addition, like the first plan, further insights were provided from an online survey of the 430 association stakeholders. These planning discussions focused primarily on the association’s present challenges, purpose, value proposition and new and/or enhanced priority initiatives over the next three years. Three Assessment and Planning Goals Three strategic planning process goals were set for completion. 2 Plan Methodology With the previously agreed-to strategic planning process goals, a detailed information and analytical program of work was undertaken over a four-month period with three expected NBRA organization planning outcomes. The Program of Work (February–May 2017)  Review and analysis of past NBRA secondary documentation including original strategic plan and executive summary, annual reports and other related planning materials  Conduct of two NBRA Board of Directors strategic planning sessions on April 5 and May 24, 2017  Administration and analysis of an online stakeholder survey in March 2017 which had a very low response rate (n=14) and considered of limited value  Over 10 follow-up personal meetings and telephone interviews with NBRA Board members, and support staff on strategic issues and new opportunity initiatives from March to late May 2017  Documentation of above results and final strategic plan contents Expected Plan Outcomes 3 2. Newport Beach Restaurant Association Current Situation Recent Accomplishments From the NBRA Board of Directors, support staff discussions, and the online stakeholder survey results, five primary accomplishments of the association mission effort over the past five years were recorded as follows:  Innovative and consistent foodservice BID funding for the association since 1995/1996  Restructuring of BID stakeholder categories and fees  Effective Dine Newport Beach consumer marketing program  Influential promotional presence, both online (DineNB.com) and offline (consumer e- newsletter)  Successful growth of the Newport Beach Restaurant Week event. Key Issues From the NBRA Board member conversations and the pre-strategic planning survey responses, six major organization issues, either expressed as an opportunity or a constraint, were identified, not in priority order, as shown:  Better understanding of association purpose and beneficial activities  Unclear relationship between Dine Newport Beach and NBRA  Need for a clear and concise value proposition statement  Enhanced profile in the Orange County and California foodservice industry  Various operational labor-related concerns and NBRA positions  Ongoing stable funding support from the City of Newport Beach. 4 Main Challenges From the NBRA Board strategic planning meeting, the following priority-based opportunity challenges to effective association consumer marketing, stakeholder communications, and management now and into the near future were determined. 5 3. Newport Beach Restaurant Association Purpose and Directions Mission and Operating Norms The following NBRA formal and informal mission statements were modified along with associated organization norms at the initial Board strategic planning session. Norms  Inclusive: being representative  Collaborative: engaged as partners  Productive: having influence with results  Strategic: being visionary  Accountable: being transparent 6 Value Proposition In addition, the NBRA Board reviewed its stakeholder value proposition as follows in order to communicate more clearly accrued benefits. Vision Statement Similarly, the NBRA 2025 vision was slightly revised for achievement over the next eight years. 7 Strategic Goals Associated with the mission statement and the strategic focus of driving new consumer demand to its foodservice stakeholders, the four long-term NBRA goals were confirmed. 8 4. Newport Beach Restaurant Association Strategic Intent Three Year Priority Initiatives With four strategic goals in place, 13 priority-based program initiatives were identified to be implemented over the next three years as follows. Goal/Initiative 2018 2019 2020 Marketing and Promotion Enrich website/social media engagement with inclusion of videos   Execute a mobile marketing strategy    Implement an integrated media and public relations program    Stakeholder Communications and Education Clarify and promote the NBRA-DineNB relationship through intensified communications  Investigate and promote new allied partners/investors   Develop new event sponsorships   Provide a needed professional development/training program    Community Relations Increase DineNB presence at selective community events/festivals    Engage regularly with key city/county/state entities on foodservice issues and activities    Setup clearinghouse mechanism for charitable causes  Financial Resources and Administration Continue BOD and staff succession planning   Prepare an aligned, metric-based annual marketing and operational plan with budget allocations    Engage consulting services to formulate strategy in securing grants and future BID funding  9 Strategic Performance Outcomes Four broadly-based organizational goal measurement metrics were determined as follows to record effective DineNB and NBRA returns. 10 5. Appendices Newport Beach BID Board of Directors and Administrative/Marketing Team Board Ronald Schwartz Muldoon’s Irish Pub Christopher Roman CUCINA enoteca Dan Miller The Village Inn Jordan Otterbein A Restaurant and A Market John DeFrenza Crocker’s “The Well Dressed Frank” Mario Marovic Dory Deli, Malarkey’s Irish Pub and Stag Bar + Kitchen Bruno Massuger Back Bay Bistro Matthew Meddock Sessions West Coast Deli Jim Walker The Bungalow Restaurant Administrative and Marketing Support Team Polly Peak NBRA BID Administrator Michelle St. Amour DineNB Marketing Manager 11 Planning Documentation Reviewed Destination Consultancy Group, NBRA Stakeholder Survey Results (2017). Newport Beach & Company, Destination Marketing Plan (2018 Supplement). Newport Beach Restaurant Association, BID Annual Report (2017). Newport Beach Restaurant Association, Strategic Business Plan (FY2014–FY2016). Our Mission The Newport Beach Restaurant Association is a non-partisan, not-for-profit and BID-funded cooperative business association that leads the brand marketing of the city’s restaurant and foodservice experience for the benefit of its stakeholders, community residents and visitors. Branding the Newport Beach dining experience through the promotion of its restaurants and foodservice offerings. Operating Norms Inclusive: Being representative Collaborative: Engaged as partners Productive: Having influence with results Strategic: Being visionary Accountable: Being transparent Our Value Proposition The Newport Beach Restaurant Association leverages its core BID investment with higher returns from special events, education and advocacy programming and DineNB brand marketing efforts. Our Strategic Intent FY2018–FY2020 Our Strategic Focus Drive new consumer demand to our foodservice stakeholders. Goals Marketing and Promotion To enhance the city foodservice experience through targeted marketing strategies, event programming and operations and expected returns. Stakeholder Communications and Education To regularly communicate to stakeholders on NBRA promotional and educational activities. Community Relations To inform and influence local audiences on the value and importance of the city foodservice industry and NBRA activities. Financial Resources and Administration To operate as a fiscally responsible organization with sustainable revenue flows and effective governance. Our Vision The Newport Beach Restaurant Association is a strong stakeholder marketing group extolling the city’s DineNB quality foodservice brand experience. Our Challenges 1. To fully engage a cohesive BID stakeholder group through a recognized value proposition committed to effective association communications, strong community foodservice events and influential education and advocacy activities. 2. To raise the overall awareness of the city restaurant and foodservice experiences through stakeholder supported high profile events and resident/visitor programming. 3. To achieve consistent association direction and leadership through an agreed-to organization strategy, effective governance and stakeholder dialogue, and new productive partnerships. New/Enhanced Strategic Initiatives Increase Marketing Awareness and Conversion Enhance Stakeholder Benefits Elevate Community Profile Ensure Financial and Administrative Effectiveness  Enrich website/social media engagement with inclusion of videos  Execute a mobile marketing strategy  Implement an integrated media and public relations program  Clarify and promote NBRA- DineNB relationship through intensified communications  Investigate and promote new allied partners/investors  Develop new event sponsorships  Provide a needed professional development /training program  Increase DineNB presence at selective community events/festivals  Engage regularly with key city/county/state entities on foodservice issues and activities  Setup clearinghouse mechanism for charitable causes  Continue BOD and staff succession planning  Prepare an aligned, metric-based annual marketing and operational plan with budget allocations  Engage consulting services to formulate strategy in securing grants and future BID funding