HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes of June 5, 2017CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CIVIL SERVICE BOARD MINUTES -AMENDED Council Chambers 100 Civic Center Drive Monday,June5,2017 Regular Meeting 5:00 p.m. I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Talbot called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Civil Service Board Members: Maiqual Talbot, Chair Roberta Fesler, Vice Chair -absent Robyn Grant, Board Member Douglas Wood, Board Member Sharon Wood, Board Member -absent Staff Members: Barbara J. Salvini, Secretary to the Board/HR Director Andrew Maiorano, Deputy City Attorney Traci Mackinen, Administrative Assistant to the HR Director 111. FLAG SALUTE -Led by Chair Talbot IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. V. CONSENT CALENDAR A. APPROVAL OF CIVIL SERVICE BOARD MEETING MINUTES 1. APPROVE MINUTES FOR THE MAY 1, 2017, REGULAR MEETING. Motion made by Board Member Doug Wood, seconded by Board Member Robyn Grant, to approve the Minutes for the May 1, 2017, regular meeting as presented. Motion carried. AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Talbot, Grant, D. Wood None. None. Fesler, S. Wood VI. CURRENT BUSINESS A. ORAL REPORTS June 5, 2017, NB Civil Service Board Minutes Page 2 of 5 1. CITY-WIDE AND HUMAN RESOURCES MATTERS-Barbara J. Salvini, Human Resources (HR) Director HR Director Barbara Salvini reported: • The City's Community Development Director Kim Brandt is retiring on July 28. A recruitment to fill the position is currently underway, with assessments tentatively scheduled for July 18. Recruitment closes on June 12. A small retirement celebration will be held on July 27, from 2:30-4:00 p.m., in the Community Room. Board Members are invited to attend. • In May, the Recreation Department hosted a series of CPR/First Aid certification trainings for City employees. HR and Public Works staff participated and most of the HR staff attained certification. • Senior HR Analyst Sarah Rodriguez, Fire Captain Phil Puhek, and Assistant City Manager Carol Jacobs, graduated from the Cal State Fullerton Leadership Institute for Tomorrow program on May 22. • HR held two sessions of Reasonable Suspicion training for supervisors and managers the prior week. Supervisors gained the tools and confidence needed to carry out their responsibilities for maintaining a safe, secure, and drug-free work environment. • Chair Talbot's term with the Civil Service Board is expiring. Director Salvini shared Chair Talbot's past and current service to the community and the City, thanked him for his service, and presented him with a clock. 2. FIRE DEPARTMENT MATTERS -Jeff Boyles, Acting Assistant Fire Chief Acting Fire Chief Duncan noted Chair Talbot participated in the first Fire Ops 101 Academy. He thanked Chair Talbot for his support of the Fire Department and the City. Acting Assistant Fire Chief Jeff Boyles reported: • Fire personnel are wearing badge shrouds in condolence for L.A. City Firefighter Kelly Wong, who died following an accident during a training exercise. • Twenty-one people participated in the May Fire Captain's Examination. Acting Chief Duncan is interviewing five of them for two current openings. • Board Member Grant led the Leadership Institute for Tomorrow tour through City Hall during Government Day. June 5, 2017, NB Civil Service Board Minutes Page 3 of 5 • Fire personnel participated in a tree planting ceremony at Newport Heights Elementary in memory of eight-year-old Brock Mccann. • Fire personnel collaborated with the Police Department in the Every 15 Minutes program at Newport Harbor High School. • The Police and Fire Departments and Municipal Operations Department are developing an Incident Action Plan for the July 4 holiday. • Life Safety Specialist Matt Brisbois will be traveling to China for ten days to teach the Chinese government how to implement and operate CERT programs. Additional trips are planned to Taiwan and perhaps the Philippines. • The Fire Department is featured on the cover of the May issue of the Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) as the first agency in the State of California and the second in the country to implement the Health Information Exchange (HIE) network. • On May 21, paramedics responded to a medical call at a parking garage. Paramedics performed CPR and transported the patient to the hospital. The patient survived and invited first responders to a celebration of life. • While jogging on the beach, Lifeguard Alex Brandt came across a person in respiratory arrest. Lifeguard Jake Philpot and Lifeguard Tyler Randall arrived on scene and assisted with CPR. The patient's breathing gradually improved. • Newport Beach Lifeguards recently purchased two drones. One will be used to assist in the search of missing swimmers and to spot rip tides. It will also be used for the observations of marine animals, such as sharks. In response to Board Member Grant's inquiry, Acting Assistant Chief Boyles explained that Orange County EMS Director Sam Stratton, who wrote the JEMS article, wanted the accomplishment to be more for Orange County, which is why the article is not specifically about Newport Beach. While the article barely mentions Newport Beach Fire Department, the picture clearly shows the Newport Beach Fire Department patches. 3. POLICE DEPARTMENT MATTERS -Jonathan Stafford, Deputy Director of Police Services Deputy Director Jonathan Stafford reported: • Newport Beach Police Department hosted the second of the Distinguished Leaders Series and invited USMC Major General Andrew O'Donnell, retired, to speak about leadership. June 5, 2017, NB Civil Service Board Minutes Page 4 of 5 • The Police and Fire Departments hosted Public Safety Day on May 20. Personnel demonstrated Fire and Police capabilities. He thanked the Civil Service Board Members and City management staff for attending and showing their support. • On June 1, Chief Lewis led 18 Police Department employees in the Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run. In addition, 14 employees filled support roles and provided traffic control. • Three recruits are attending the Academy and doing very well. One recruit is ranked Number 2 in his class. • Two recruits have received conditional job offers and are expected to attend the Academy in August. • The Police Department hired three new Cadets over the last two weeks. Another Cadet is in the final stages of the background process. • Several Community Service Officer candidates are in the background process. They will fill part-time positions initially and transition to full-time positions. • In May 2017, there were 8,741 CAD events, a decrease from 8,847 events in April 2017. And compared to May 2016 with CAD events, May 2017 was down 188 events. • Through May 30, 2017, Part I crimes increased by 1.3% with residential burglary up 15 crimes, auto burglary down 15 crimes, and theft/larceny up 20 crimes. Chair Talbot remarked that Public Safety Day was excellent. The demonstrations were eye opening, particularly the demonstration with the K-9 dog apprehending the suspect. Board Member Doug Wood noted it was nice to see Police Chief Lewis and his family appear on the cover of JEMS magazine. Police Chief Lewis thanked Chair Talbot for his dedication and hard work on behalf of the community and presented a plaque to Chair Talbot. VII. CIVIL SERVICE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Board Member Grant reported she sent an email to approximately a dozen members of City boards, commissions, and committees through their newportbeachca.gov email addresses. Most of those people were not aware they had City email addresses. She suggested staff schedule training or send written communication about City email June 5, 2017, NB Civil Service Board Minutes Page 5 of 5 addresses. Perhaps staff could meet with members of boards, commissions , and committees and help them set up the email address on their laptops. Director Salvini reported staff had been working with board members to acquaint them with the newportbeachca.gov email address. She would discuss further with appropriate City staff and report at the next Civil Service Board meeting. Chair Talbot thanked staff and Board Members, both past and present, for their excellent work and for the opportunity to work with them . VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Civil Service Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:29 p.m. Post Adjournment Vlad Anderson, President of the Newport Beach Police Association, expressed gratitude for Chair Talbot's service to the community and the City. The agenda for the Regular Meeting was posted on Thursday, June 1, 2017 , before 5:00 p.m., on the City's website, public counter in the Human Resources Department (Bay A2) and in the Meeting Agenda Binder located in the entrance of the City Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive. Prepared by: ~-~ Traci Mackinen, Administrative Assistant to the HR Director City of Newport Beach Approved by: 1&0d!L~ Roberta Fesler, Chair Civil Service Board 2017/2018