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1971-07-17 - Orange Coast Pilot
aze \ ' , DAILY PILOT * * * 10~ * * * ~'''9fill ., •'A~'"" 'r_'f:ldl'.t l l ' · I VOL. M. Mii. 17" I S•CTIOMI, JI l"h•I • • Police Eye Nixon Happed SchmiiZ Bl.mu China Trip Idea · W ASRINGTOll (UPI) -l'r..ident N-'• °"11r'"""" Friday cl\arsed the chief f:Xecu tive with "surrendering to intem1tional communism" by ac- cepting an invttation to visit Red t_:hina. He_ aOO ·a c: cu 1 t d Niion ti! rid.in( on a 20-year-old reputation as an ant1<0mmun1st batt1er. Rep. John Schmitz. R-Calif., told newsmen he was so angry a~ler heat· tng the. President's nationwide announce!ll~t that_ be phoned the. Wh1~ House and inlonned an aide that he would not JOln a cruise on the Presidential yacht Sequoia he and other lawmakers had been scheduled to take tonight. . "And I won't accept any more invitation!! from the white boost," $8Jd Schmitz. "You might say I've disestablished diplomatic relations wlth the white house as long as this policy conlinues." . . . Schmitz, a proud member of the ultr~ co_nse.rva~1ve John Brrch Society. was elected to the house in November. His d1str1ct 1~cludes <?range _County where Nixon 's San Clemente home i11 located. Schmitz described Nixon as "my most famous constituent next to John Wayne." 100-acre Brush Blaze Blackens Laguna Hill,s A brush rirt thal scorched 100 vacant acres in Aliso Canyon near Laguna Bearh Friday was contained. buL not exlin· JUished early this morning. More than a dozen Orange Cou nty fire fighters remained on watch at 4 a.m. 10 keep the blaze fr om rekindling . At one time 130 fire fighters from the Orange County Fire Department , U.S. Forestry Service and the Laguna Beach Fire Department fought the fire for four boura. No homes or structures were th rea t. ened but county firemen said a change in the wind could have shifted the bla ze toward Top ol the World in Laguna Beach. The flames covered bru sh-like ground In a · rocky terrain in the hills behind Coast Wead•er ' Sun and tun-seekers aJong the Orange t.oast can expect more of the ume type of weatJier with night and early morning low clo~ds and fog. clearlng to hazy sunshine. Higha will b< in low Ill<!. INSIDE TODAY The 1inaing Carpenter.!, for- mer Oranae: Countion..s, w~ose: ho1inti11-9 folk-rock hrne.t liove soort:d to nt:ID htiQhU. a re /t a· turt:d o.s host.r of a new 1um- m.tr TV st:rit:1. T~ir 1tory ond i>«a of their nttD shqw U i'I TV ~.Week todou. Arch Beach Hei ghts. (.()unty fir emen said the rough ground and baffling winds made it tough to control the firt . The blaze ign ited 11boul 1:45 p.m .. F'ri · da y, but fire invesligalors doo 'l kn-0w t.he cause. Laguna Beach firemen, using rutted dirl roads, were the first to arrive at the site. "Flames shot as high as 30 feet in the air. at times," said Laguna Beach Fire Chief James Latimer. He termed it a. "devil fire." Dry brush in the 1rea grows from three reet to five feet Jn height. Latimer 1aid the area has ~ a popular hang out for hippies and something of a rice track for motorcyclists:. At the peak or the blaze, there were 16 pumper unlts from various agencies fighting the fire . along with flve bull· dozers and six air tankers called in to so;ik the brush from the sky. An inmate from Orange County JAil wa s hurt when he cul hi:i; anklt white fighting the fite , but firemen ,;aid the injury was not serious. Though the fire was lermed "contain- ed" this morning, county officia ls warn· ed that it still had some bot tpotll. County officials ' also warned Laguna Beach residents and any other curiou1 · person! to s~ .away from the fire 11!.e. Fire lnvestiJia tors will t11ift over tht · charred land today In an attempt to find the oriJin 111d reason for thre blau. Singer Tom Jones 'Most Desirable' HOLLYWOOD (A.f) -Singer Tom Jones hu been named the most desirable man in the workf by Ule HoUywood BacbtJortlte Socl:tlt'• 'lf"Np:of 1t.arltta. Jones, nam~~· for: hlB ' • m a I e magnftism," 11~ waft Wt year, a apokeoman aaid P,tund~ OlbFr winners in the annusl coolut wer~ Frank Sinatra, Sandy Xourax and Elvis Presley. • a I s Nixon .~s Solon &hniits Blasts ,China Trip Plan • lr:vine City Scuttling Thwar.ted By TOM BARLEY Of tM 0111Y ,.Hot Slaff Santa Ana's bid to haJt the creation of a vast new ci ty of Irvine met disaster Fri~ day with an Orange County Superior Court judge's solid rejection of nearly every argument presented by the city's lawyers. Judge Raymond Thompson's ruling, Issued after two weeks study of the arguments raised by a flurry of lawsuits, clears the way for further incorporation action of the Council F Conununities of Irvine and endorses the Local Aguicy Formation Commiss ion 's approval of ln· CO£l>Oration plans. ,Judge Thompson refused 't.o issue a writ of mandate that would have halted the in.- corporation movement for at least a vear. He criticized the city's argument ihat the Irvine Company should have ~n held tn an eight-year-<lld egrtement af fecting the 938-acre "promised land.'' "The fa ct that a city and a property n>,1.·ncr made some agreement with respect to annexation cannot be a!lnwed to frustrate the legislative inlent to bri ng about orderly di!velopment of local communities,'' Judge Thompson com· mented. "The agreement relied upon by Sant.a Ana is invalid for the reason that it pro- ports to bind future city councils to legislative action contrary to public policy." Judge Thomp&0n ruled. Santa Ana had contended tha t the Irvine Cunpany promised in 1963 that the city could annex the 938-acre 1ector on I.he city's soulhe.aste'm border.s in n· cltange for the city's cooperation in other zoning matters. He points out In his ruling that "if con· ditions had changed and the present city council now looked on the annexation as undesirable it could not be forced lo honor the 1greement reached between the 196.1 city council and the Irvine Company. Judge Thompson citu the Kno1.·Nisbet Act as a California law "intended to bring about developmen\ of cities in a maMer most beneficial tO the public in- terest" and applicable to the difPute·rail- ed by Senta Ana. JU<lge Thompoon made tt cleat that the city does 1till have a valid pain' of law in its IJ'IUlll'-Ilt that the Irvine Company ii guilty o:f brea.ch of 9X1tracl. The 1rvine Company'• leg al 1ction in oppo1ilion to that claim was derded by tM judge but he gave the rompany 20 days to amend ill reply. But the judge made it tlear Friday that the i1sue i.s one "''hich will not be a11owed to ailed Ute in· corporation movement of the c.ouncil of Communities of Irvine. CCI chairman John Burton's argumei'IU: in supp>rt of his grrup's In- tervention in the lr\line Comparcy-stnll ~na !ult were upheld by Judgt Tbomp!IOll. • His ruling appartnUy clean: the dec:U (Sfe IRVINE, P•&e II _, • • • Slaying Suspect . ·1 .•• , . . ' , • •All.Y P.l .... T ....... Pa8Slng •peclator 1eem! to·,think lf would be ~ fitting way ·~ 'spend •'•··oa.mmer day as ,Qonn' Piere~. 20 of Hiinlillaton Beach contom· 'pt:'\csfa.a'a!J allOarcilherratomofiql. ' ' • I '·' <' "'.'.''"' ~ ¥ . ..,, '! ~. ,,, '· 1 t 1 . . l I I • ! • "' •. \ .. • • J. ,... ~ .. ... • \ 1,1 . M~ns ,G~t 'Hot' Stare.:·· • . I ' 1 .. .. • "' , • • ca;l. "ll!eaa ~ija' roped oU a SO.foot ' "I lilted the lid Iii tha ....,.Jn~de,;,u section Of Vld'«la Street for two boutl • a aealed metal ~talner wltll • )Ockal early tl!is momlng when a hem: marked· -Ulp.. '1t looked rel1{' Goode.aaid. "radio M!Uve material" w1s discovered Police lmmedlattly, roped oil the ire.a on the 1~8Jr1lk-in fl:ont of 525 Vlctori•. llnd phoned I.ht Oranae CoUnly HtaJth •1A cltluu .caned ua •abQut • itr~e DepartmenL Goode said 11 phya!cilt bol on ""the 1ldedwalk in fnmt· of his · •rmed wJth a pigtr ()Ollnter w11 ~ 1Ptrtmenl," Sgt. Robert Goode uplain-mediately 1t:nt out. ed. "Officer Jlm Farley went to the ad-''He checked the area with lht selaer. elms obovl 12,11 am. •nd phoned back then cbeciorl tho boX but aoth!nl reg;.. that the1 bot dld.11ay rldlo active.:· . ttred," ~ aaid. :.We final& opened "T!lmo I 'Ylt!l;lt' out·to take a look.~ -IA.Id the mt:W c<lntalntr ·and found. It empty. u Slf.. 6'>ode.1"l& 'f!i. a .styrnfoam boJ wllh Goode aald he dOem't knQW why the a;11lp OC mper atfadie\1·111<1 tha radio 1<-IM tat•. ; (It< HOT BOl(, Pap J\ Did Killer Seek One As Victim? NEVADA CITY (AP\ -Slwilf'1 de- tecUves are keeping an eye on a ma.n matching the composite drawing of • heavy-set slayer of two persona at an isolated campground on the Bear River. Detectives declined Friday to name the man, adding an aITest was not expected until after this weekend. The newly released composite drawing ahows a heavy-set, middleaged man wear· In~ glasses, with bags under his eyes and th inning hair. One report -unconfirmed by author!· ties -was that lhe man under surveil- lance had been seen near the campground Monday night when two persons were hacked to death and three were wounded, Donna Fitzhugh, 25. and Jimen Satan, 29. also known as John Simmons, were killed by a 200-pound man who witnesses 1ald grinned and made animal-like sound! as he swung a sickle or ma chete. Martha Parker, 25, remained in critl- ('al cond ition at a Sacramento hosp ital. Kenn eth and Jean Garbe, also wounded but less seriously, aided tec hnicians in putting together the drawing of the sus. pect. Det~tives theorized the killer may have J?One to the camp to kill one person and Mrs. Fitzhu~h or Satan were killed aimply because they "got in the way." Investigator:i; pointed out that Satan lla<i been armed with .41-callber and .38- c11iber pistols. one of them under his pil- low. The .41-caliber pistol W8!1 belleved taken bv the killer. The killinf!s occurred in Nevada County just •cross the Placf!f County line, about SO miles northeast of Sacramento, * * * Corona Lawyer Compares Deaths, Announces Suit SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The a~ tornef for m1s5 murder sugpect Juan v. Cjrot}a said Friday there weie ahn'U&r. 1tle1 bet'Neen this Wt:ek'a sickle al~ytnp l.n the sierra foothills and the is knHap his' client is charged with. • • Richard Hawk also said be plans to file fihe arrut damage suits next weet on behalf of C.Orona, 11, a farm labor contractor, against Sutter Coonty and Jtl officials, Corona was indicted Monday on 25 .caUnts 11 the alaying.s Qf Jllnerant farm workers whose bodies, backed by a clea.v1r or machete. were found tn sravet along the Feather R!ver near Yuba City. He ii being held at a jail In ... rbf M1rysvill~. Hawk said there were limllitSUel be- tweea thot1t: killtags and tbe deathl ot two persons this week at a campim.ind U milts · from Yuba City In tbt Sierra foothills. A heavy.set man sl1shed tbf1m wilh a sickle or machete. Thrff othert were wounded. 1··· ,~--..... ~,... r1.T,~..:~-~ . ---. - j ' 2 DAl1.Y "LOT "$1"""'1, ,J,ty 17, I '1 I WORLD'S FIRST GABENSTANG!L JUDGES BUI Ski.Its and Pete· Hender10n 2 Garbenstnngel Judges at Fair The world get.s its first chance to ~ a pair of 1arbenatugel juda:ea Saturday ni1bt at the Oranae County Fair. But, as the old .vaudeville 1•& 1oes. that aln't nothing. Tbe two guys who are going tll be the g11.rbensta.ngel judges pt to be first, too. They bave never been garbtnstangel judges btfort. :But Skile!J and Henderson (who dropped their respective · first names, Bill and Pete. out of thtir billing years ago whtn they first 5tartM to make peo- ple laugh profession&tlyl have been about e verything else-anima te or ill· animat&-that there is to be durine lhtir contintnl-apan· ning career. The comtdy tt:am, in fact, does so many different voices and soun& in the course of a typical IS.minutt 11ppearanee tilat it'a hard to ttll what they don't do . One thing tht fUMymen don't d<l, thou&h, is to tell jokes. Their incredibly f I e 'I i b I e voca..l talent.a allow them to recreate soun~ rangin&; from bird call! to 11.ut.o races. They do a dog: raet: (forward and backward ), conjtll't up a ttu'm on a whalinJ upedition, simulatf! boats of •ll kinds from rowboat.5 to f)Ut· boMds. And yet they can switch with fluid eue into a glossy musi· cal attitude in wtlich bill Sldle11 will prove his expertise on drums , vibes or piano. Pett: Henderson Is 11ccomplished on piano. bass, violin, snophone anl tuitar. Bot.b show virtuos- ity on a variety of homemade imtruments .11 nd Bill is the master of the concert tire pump. These are the "hometown boys" who made it big, having launched their show business careers al Orange C-Out College only a ftw years ago within Jess than a mile of the fairgrounds amphitheater in v.·hich they v.·il! appear Salur· day night. And they have agreed lAl return again to the Costa Mesa area on July 31 to help judge the world 's first Build a Better Garbenst.angel Contest. South Coast Plaza and DAILY PILOT officials, recog- nizing the streak of mechani· cal genius that runs through their maniac! machinations. have invited Skiles and Hen- dersoo to eyball lhe Rube Goldberaian contraptions con- testBnts will have entered ln the contest by that date All garbenstangels will be on display and running full lilt at t0:3ll a.m. on Saturday, July 31, wh@n Skiles and Hen: derSC1n-tJ'le world'11 first pair judges render their dttislons Of\ th e; b e st bu.~lt garbe.nstan&ela ln the ·wofld'1 flrrt Build 1 Bet ter G1rbenstangel Contut itnd Int.trilational Rallye. "It will be no Jess a momtn· tolU!I occasion than whtn wt first mounted 11. podium to recreate the landing of the Quetn Mary at McFadden's Wharf." said Skiles. And ht may be right. Harbor Character Boats To Set Sail August 28 Newport Harbor's aMual lmp\ausible extravaganza, the Oi.aracttr 8-011.t Parade, hi.$ been scheduled for Autu!l 28 at 2 p.m., it was announced tc> day. Officials of the Ntwport Harbor Chamber ol C..om· merce C.Ommodort5 ' Club. sponsors of the event. said the unlikely 11.5 sortmenl of schooners and skiffs thil'i year will take a pagt right out t1f • ford. Dick Stevens. B i 11 Coulter. lklh Walker, Tom Evans and l\wb Hilborn. Princess Grace Has Solution lbefUnnles. CHICAGO (UPll "Re-Living lhe Comics'' will Princess Grace of Monaco be the theme flf the 10th an· Friday urged mothers tll nual parade. breaiitfeed their babies to help eommemoralin& each year's encourage the family r•la- cast of characters are 10 tionahlp and thereby combat perpetual trophies awarded to what sht called "this current tbe beat boata depicting the wave of public indtttncy." theme. chamber m a n a i e r The royal mother of three Jack Barnett 11id. came to Chica.a:o to address La ibefe are special trophies Leche League lntema tional. for steam boats. best costum-an organization founded by a ed crew• and animated f[turea group of mothers in Fr1nk Un and displays. Park. 111., lS years agn to en- "'lbe •Sw1bbieal Swab a' courage other women in 1ward will be presented at a breasUeedin(. 1peci&I coatume judging to Htr serene hi1hneu. looking take pllce at the Balboa B•y 1& slim and youthful aa ah@ Club at 12:30 p.m. on Parade did in her film carrer as day,'' he &aid. Grace Kelly, told the news BarMtt df!fl.ned a ch1ractt.r confertnce she believe& all bolt 11 "a velllll (If individual women a n d ' l)Art.lcularly ch1tacter tJtber lhrouth il!I mothers could do Mlmething «1l1MI du1'ft 6r •1*111 about decadence in society. dtcOfaUon or adapt.k>n.·· ''Really, just watchina &ome He a&Jd qualUICIUOn for •.n· of the television commerclala. try tt Juclled strictly on the hearing some or the 80!'\ga ability et lbe bolt lb "add to be.inc tung, magat.i.nes, films, .... _ eirvirOnmtftt and en-everything, it seems to me -nothln1'1 ucred anymor<,'" tert1J11ment of the puticlpentl. Prineesa Craoe aaid. "It mult be ln lhl bound& of "Jt'1 kind of difficult, l •ood tulo ." ht addtd. llllnt. In brlnfln& up chlld"n t.tl try to rtve them a sense of AepatraUOn deldllne 11 values with all thla ell)OIW'e AUCUll JO~ appllcallons for to everything bein& debased entry l'ftlY M 6btalned '1 con-and made ridiculous." 1act1na the Cllambtr ol O>m-;=:========! mtrco olfleo, )111 !:. C.Out H!pway. Th o ConunadorU' ""'"' mlttoe In cha,... ti U.pllll the butt and ulJon: .Ot11t \I Silly Bananas Reilly Is ... B•n•nes, That Is compooed of Goo•i• Wood-!:::::=======-=:!' ... ~~-·-.--.,.. "-~~ • I • FRESH' I CRISP POTATO CHIPS 14 OZ. BAGS 3 i '1°0 2 d•y• only Tosly, fresh (hips for borbecues, picnics and summer parties. Spe· ciolly pric•d. Save new! R . TOPS Our R ... 1.9'..:. 2 dayo •nly Colton, poly••t•r or n-r 2 •3 Ion tops, long sle•vts; meek turtle, tvrtl• n•ck- line1.Sol1ds,strlpes.<l·l <I. FOR SPORT.TIME SKIRTS Our Reg. 3.96 -2 d•ya only Cotton 1klrt1, p•oaonts, 3 0 0 scooter skirts, hot· pant looka,pc:inel fronta, 7•12. ,..L_ If R ... 4.t6 long skirts 3.66 '-'"''11 STEEL CHAIR Ou• R19 . 4.16 -2 doyo ..,ly For c.luba, col tog es, cord toble seta. Blue. bronze, tonge rin• or ovocodo •no me I fln lah.Sav. nowl Gulf. Ute chilrc®I starter CHARCOAL STARTER 27' 2'' 27< Ct. 3.33 s+.rt1 your 110 llre1 quitk "Wonderboll" of aofld l·pc. end hot , monopr•n•con1tf"Uctlon. DAILY 10 to 10, SUN. 10 to 7 IMSUUTED PICMIC BAGS s ... ~ M ... Only 296 R19. 3.97 llxl2x9" Cclorful vinyls include wet look . Fib1r9l•1' insul .. ticn -zipper. Men'• No-lrrm Sliort Sle•v• SPORT SHIRTS , 3i 55 or 1.77 ••· 1, MEN'S NA VY OXFORDS Our leg. B.44 -Sun. Only c;..,.,;,,. leothe• """"" 5 6 6 loat oxfords with milt- IOry toe. 8'oclt. 6~ • 12. Alto wide wldtho. 0-V. UI REAM FREEZER Our log. i 3.BI· crtom frffi:er it. ligkt •• quo,, oloctdc le•, o· 44 and eo1y to l'lof1d l'. P'olypropylt n• tub. Save1 Chore• If SPECIAL ITALIAN SPAGHETTI SUN. I MON: ONLY SIRVID 11 A.M. TO S:lO P.M . Italian Spaabettl with meat sauce. p1rme1an cheese, cre1my co I 1 a law, roll and butt.tr! I llYLOll OR TERRY SllEllER SOCKS Reg. 381 -44' ~·27' I ... Cotton terry sneaker socks 1n while only. Ny· Ions, no-bond s!yle, in beige only . Sizes 8· 11 Y, • FLAT AND FITTED MUSLIM SHEETS lt•f· 2. I 2 Twin Reg. 2,JJ Double I f,~ Fitted '!~ Fitted On Sale -2 days only Save durin g this sole on long-wearing white cotton muslin sheets and cases. Reg. 97~, Muslin Pillow Cases 84~ Pr. ' ~ .. r,,. ".,.,; f ''··;;:r;;~ CHARCOAL BRl9UETS Buy 11verel he g1 •t this !cw Kmart price for •II ycur 1ummertim e berbequin9. 20 Lbs. 2 deya only WOOD SEIT Rog . 1.07 1.97 74' Wtilfe bok.d-on enornef fi,,. Non·st ing ontf·pt rt.p fronr.1 lah, Non-ruat ploatic Ming•. Use it •v.n ofter ahovlng. L.IMll.il Qwtit~ ~ to °""""' • t-.n. l'lllt wt. ' ., I r '1 , t Weekend ----· ----.. ..., EDITION • VOL 64, NO. 170, 5 SECTIONS, 7l PAGES .. . ' ' •• ., ' -Dally Paper TEN CENTS Santa Ana Bid to · Scllttle 'Irvine City Fails By TOM BARLEY OI "'9 ~ ,Utt Sl1H Santa Ana 'a bid to halt the creation nf a vHt new city of Irvine met diia.ster Fri# day with II\ Orange County Superior COurt judge's solid rejection of nearly every argument presented by the city 's lawyers.,. Judge Raymond Thompson's ruling, ISfUed after two weeks study of the arguments raised by a nurry or Jawsuit.s, clears the way for further incorporaUon •c,i.lon of the Council F Communitie$ of ll"llinl and endorsea the Local Agency Formation Comm.is,,ion'& approval ol in- corporation plans. Judge 11Kim~n refused to issue a writ of mandate that would have halted the in- corporation movement for at least a year. He criticized the city'a argument that the Irvine Company 9hould have ~n held to an eight-year"ld ag~ment af£eq.ing the 938-acre "promised land." "'The fact that a city and a property owner made some agreement with respect 1o annez:ation cannot be allowed to frustrate the leg~tivt intent to bring about orderly devtlopment of local communities,'' Judge 'J:homJ:$>n com· mented. '"The agreement relied upon by Santa Ana ia· iii.valid for the ru.son that it pro- port.s to bind future C!lty coqnclls to legislative action contiary to public policy," Judge~ ni.led. Santa Ana had contended · that the lrvine"Cunpany promised in 1963 ~t .tbo cii> <OU!d ..,,,,.._ the ~r on the dtY•.1 .. ~tern bo.rdm in u~ (!'han&e for tht city's ·cooperation in other zoninc matt.us. ~ .. u ciolt In lila flllinl tli.f"if con· ·. .J!l!!ll .. ·. . . . . dlUON hid Chanaed 'and the present city -. . . ~ . council now:looked 'on the ~lil?" .as Wlde!ireblt , It· cpul~ noL be forced to bcOOr the aireement reached ,betWffn !hi< 11&1. <11)1 d>uncll . and the.:Irvln• COmpllll'i ... JudJe·'lllorn--cit& the Knb1:J<iibet Hills Scorched 10 -acre Brwh Fire Contained -by 130 Firemen . A brush fire that scorched JOO vacan t acres in Aliso Canyon near Laguna Beach Friday was contained, but not extin- guished early this morning. More than a dozen Orange County fire fighters remained on watch at 4 a.m. to keep the blaze from rekindling. At one time 130 fire fighters from the Orange County Fire Department, U.S. Forestry Service and the Lagu11a Beach Fire Department fought the fire for four hours. . No homes or structuus were threat- tned, but county firemen said a change Sickle Murder Suspect Eyed; One 'l'arg~t? NEVADA crry (APJ -Sllerilfs de- tective& are ~Leg an eye on a mu Matching the composite drawlnf Of a hta,vy-set slayer of two J>e:rson111 at an isolated campground on the Bear River. J)etectives declihed Friday to name the man, adding an arrest was not expected utilll after tNs weekend . The newly reloosl!d composite drawing &hows a heavy-set, middlea.ged man wear- ing glasses, with bags under his eyes and thinning hair. One report -unconfirmed by authorl- tie~ -\Vas !hat the man under surveil· )gnce had been seen near the campground Monday night when two persons were heck.ed to Cleath ind three were wounded. Donn! FHzhu~. 25, and Jimen Satan, :IJ. also known as John Si1nmons, we.re ki'lled by a 10!).~nd man who witnesse!I said griMed and rbadt animal-like 90unds as he swung a sickle or machete. -Martha Parker. 25, remained in criti- cal condition ;it a Sacr11mento hospital. Kenneth and Jean Garbe, alf.O woundE'd but le ss ser iously. aided technicians in putting together the drawing of the sus- pect. Detectives theorized the kill er may have J?one to the camp !o kill one person and tttrs . Fitzhugh or Saran \l.'ere killed simply because they "got i:i the way." Ji;vestlgators pointed nut that Sat.an harl bf:en armed with .41-calilx-r and .38- caliber pistols. one of them under his pil· law. The .4l-ealiber pistol was believed taken bv th!' killer. The killlnii;s occurred in Nevada County jwt across the Placer County line, about SO milu northeast of Sacramento. * * * Corona Lawyer Compares Deaths, Announces Suit SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The at- torney for mass murder 1uspecl Juan V. Corona said Friday there were simila r- ities between this wtei'1 aiekle slayin1s in the Sierra foothills i:md the 2$ killi.Jlgs his cl~t is d\ar1ed with. Richard Hawk alto said he plans to file false arre:it damlge flU.ltl ·nm week crt behalf of Corona, ·'11, a £arm labor c:onttactor, against SutUr CCllnty and ill olficiall. . Corona. ;wu lndJcte4 . Monday on 2$ eountS ill. the sJaylng, d ~tinerant ftnn workers whose bodies. backed by a cleaver or m1chet.e. were found in graves aloog tht Feather RJver near Yuba City. He is being held at a jail in nearby Mar)l'sville. • Hawk uid there were similarlUta be- tween tbOle k.iUln&s and the death! of two ~ thL, week at. a 'ClmPITCJU'rid 25 miles from Yuba City t11 the ""Slefr11 fbolhllla. A he11vy-11et min •lathed thtm with _1 a~Je ,or macMtt.. Three othtn ""' wound<!d. , Tbt attorney, who w.u •WdJlnc·legal 4ocumenu in the California· Supreme C.OUrt in j)repAratlon for fl Una ol 'a motion .tir a dlaJlle of venue. AkJ bia Milt would bf: for $:iO million. I in the wind could have shifted the blaze toward Top of the World in Laguna Beach. The flames covered brush-like grQund in a roc.ky terrain in the hills behind Arch Beach Heights. County firemen said the rough ground and baffling winds made it tough to control the fire . Tbe blaze ignited about 1:45 p.m .. Fri- day. but fire investigators don"t know the cause. Laguna Beach fir emen, using rutted dirt roads, were the first to arrive at the site. '"Flames shot as high as 30 feet in the air, al times." said Laguna Br.ach Fire Chief Jamu Latimer. He termed it a ''devil fire ." Dry brush in the art& grows trom three feet to five feet 1n heiiht. Lallmer said the an.a has been a popular hang oul for hippies and &Omethini of a race track far motorcyclists.· At the peak of the blaze, there were 16 pumper units from various agencies fighting the fire. along wJUi ftve bull· dozers and six air tankers c.alled in to &oak the brwih from the aky. Nixon Rapped · Sc.hn:r:!;i. Blmts Chi~ fr;iA J~ .' . WASHINGTON (UPJl -President Niz:on's Conv~ J.ridiy chtrpil" the. chlef executive with "Jurrendering to lnternaUonal ~ml"f\IJllilm" 'by ac- ceptln1 a11 invitaUpn to visit Red China . Ht .allp~. e C:·U • e 1.iml· of J1cUnl on a 20-year--0ld rtputatlon as an antkommuftiit"&Wet. · · Rep. John Schmitz, R-Calif., told newsmen' he was ., . gry lfler Jlear- tng the President's nationwide announcement-that he phoned the White House and infonned an aide that he would not join a cnµse on. the Presidential yacht Sequoia be and other lawmakera hid been scheduled io like tonight. "And I won't acr:ept any more invitationl from ille wkite house," said Scllmitz. ·"You might say I've disestablished diplomatic relations wilh the white house as long as this policy continues." Schmitz, a proud member of the ultra cooservalive John Birch Society, was elected to the house in November. His district includes Orange County where Nixon 's San Clemente home is located. Schmitz described Nixon as "my most famous constituent next to John Wayne." Man Hurt in l(idniiping Accuses Ruchell Magee SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Secret grand jury testimony which became pub. lie through 11 defense motion in the An· ge l.a Davis case sho"'S that A prosecu tor wounded in the Aug. 7, 1970, Marin Coun- tv shootout ha~ teslifiecl that Ruchell Magee was the killer of Judge Harold H. Haley . The testimony before a Marin County grand jury la.st fall was partially made public earlier thil year. But portions or it dealing: with the killing: of Haley were ordered suppressed. by the Marin County Courts, where the prosecution of Miss Davill a.nd Magee Is being hekl. Miss Davis, the %7-year-old former UCLA f1culty members, Comr:nunist and. black militant, and Magee;who ·.vas al•. legedly one of the four kilnapus of Julge Haley, are aci:used cf murder, kidnaping and conspiracy ln connection with the sliootout. Halev ad three k.ianapers were killed and Ma~e.e and Assistant District At- torney Gary W. Thoma~. al~ 1 hc;>Stare. WPrt severely wounded in the shootout. Te.!timony by Thomas to the granl Jury was revealel when lawyers for Miss Davis attached an unedited copy of the grant jury transcript to a petition filed with tbe state court or appeal Thomas said the 1ddnapeni took him . Julie Haley and ·three women juror1' captive, fQrced then outsile the Marin C<Jonty Ci•!« c.m.r Ind il]lo• 1'1tlloW" van. · Fire' St,ation Bur.ns He said the van, with kidnaper Jon.a· than Jack10n driving, moved forward a 61lor l li!tance and then came to "an abrupl haJt.'' "t saw him (J11ckson) with a revolver In his hand r~ach out the window," the prosecutor testified . ''I then heard - heard what 1ppeartd to be the sound or a shot. Then I heard other shots. '·Immediately after tbe shot!, ~{(. .Jack!IQn brought his hand back in1!de the van and k was-had whal--hlood on· it anl immetlattly"looked at'Judge Haley. .. A.t tJW; time, I· 111w Judge Haley's head bkliwn to the side." Bruc9-Bales, Marin County district at· tomey conducteing tbr: iiand jucy te.lti· mony, ltsked. Thomas if be 11w who ehot the judge. "Ye11, I did," Thomas replied. "WhO Vias Jt'! .. '"Ruchell Magee," 'Ibomu said. Westminster, Whittier ~udges ~t County j91>s. • SACllAM!N'ro. (U~t) . ...,·.w~r Municipal Jud&a Jtmfll K. Tum& bas be~ appointtd, by Gov. Ronald au, •• tti a newly-creattd ·.Orq• CoWttY , Suptrior COlµ't. . , , BEVERLY ~HORES Ind. (AP) -F~,_ The go"'"""' t.riit-Y ,allo I~ men Were ftghUng 1 b1az.e at the. Beverly Jerrold 8. OUver, T Wtitttler •ftOfney, Shcret fire statioo Friday when Olli. of i tO .the Norjll• ·or'"-"· C®nty .hlaic:lll the lire trucks jmi4e om•sti.d down' .1 , Municipal Court, . · · • 1 ' ' ~ and rolled ~ide-wder Ila own• T.umer. 42, a Repablkan. wttJ me.iv• ~er. a 1alary ot $33;385 1mu1elty., ·A rutdM't Ti.., Oat •nd bod-) ablau. V'.t rtuelt Of; LACU!ll '8'1ch, hil b11 ltttod on. th< crept 1bout a feet before n..,,,.n -Weatmlnator mvmCtpol "'1!1cll:.O.-:i- ped it by pUttlq block> In fionl·of ffo. Qli"ter,14!, 1100.1 ~i'a, ·iolCOeolli wheels. llel!>ite ettorl3 by 1boct 1 douii JoC!ge K<Mtlh E,.Leo, .mo.?i· compani es from neer town.•, the Vif. elevaj.ed to Ole Oranae rCOwify' • untee.r firehou1e and '7n al the ~ 1 CoiJrt_ Olivet' w1U1 r~~ 1 n· ' flre11Uckl in tht9 Llko Michigan wbiar· lllaty of $1t.'121.."llio U..;tictle... " ban community ....,.. tot.I loom. Jn souUJm ~-• 'oo. ~ . . I l > 1'!1----~.-.· . I •• An inmate from Oranie Colpity Jail was hw-t. when he cut hi.a anl1e while figbtinf tht fire, but firemen JI.id tbe . . . . :_, . . lftJllrY WU not"ISlOW. Though the fire wu. tenned .. contain- ed" this morning,. county_ afflciala warn. ed th1t il atJJt:hl4 .. .,. bot~- County offlclala lllo: w11iitd . LlfWll ~ ruideota· and any other curious penoa to~tay •way from the fire site. Fire · ln1'esU&aton will aifj,; over the chamct· land · lolf.,y. In an"attflllpt to find the cricin mt. reason for the blaze. Last Class A Boats Finish. ' . ' . ,:.~tfm~' 1llt Iii! !Of tbt'Cllu A ~ti in tlll 2,Sift&t 'Hdmlulu race' 4ri~· •i::toM tht DUmoact·Head finish nlgtlt Friday. 1lvin: t!)e flnt JO 'in overall standlnaa to the "bil buc:kel!." There were 14 boal!ll i11 Class A .1nd the la1t ta inch across the Iin.t was Larry Doheny'• 'IS-loot ketdt Kamalii from Los Angeles YiCht Ch.lb, Kamalii finlsbtd at 7:11 p.m. PDT. Aries, 1kipper~ by Ruas Wird (If La- h1ina Yacbt 'Club tinishea .the ~ 5:11 p.m ... ,tlnly 46 minutea.ahtad of-COr~ nelius Biuyntttl's Stonny,'an entry from Hotlond. Nalu JV, 1kippered by Frank Rlee of Newport .Hlrb« Y1cht Club llnl.!bed i t 2:49 p.rn. Leading Clns B. bu t still 177 mllte: at sea Frhi.ly at I a.m. w11 Encore. co- skippst(.-by ~ Blattcrman and Bill La'll'borft· of Balboa Yttbt Club. Jon Alidron'1 Ca.1-iO Ar1onaut from Santa B:rbara moved up to the top of CJ•ss C with 274 'mlles tO go. Roderic Paik's Ca1·36 L'Allearn from RK:hmond V1ch't Club etill Pung onto the Class D l'tad with 371 mile1 left . A IOOk at the time allowences indi- cates thit !'IQ.yacht was likely to upsel Windward Passage on the handicap sea.le, even if there ii a diltict improvement in the well'ther. Windward ·P1aaage gives En~re 2 days •. 17 ·.hol.p'I. SO minutee and JI ste· Mds. Pneare raJ'I out al time at I p.m. Frlday. . • . . . . With a•thfte day, 10 hour lime •llow- anc.-. ohr WP, AraonSut ~d have ru~·oll•of ·til!ie 11·11.m. todly. Sht hed 271l1Jlla'fo""'Frldly11I1.m. with.no wind. . • "". . . 1\e CJJS. :-o' "U:aders. L'AIIerro 1.11d Ptdadts, ~~Ye a: four~ay. 47 minute a~ fn 'time allowance. nty'ba\re untU··ttmlfbt at '11' o'tlock ta make It. Act .u -1 California-law "Intended · to brinl about development ·of . c!Un in a. rnaM&"" most benelll?lal to the pubflc ln- teres_t" and applicable to the dispute rajs.. ed •by Santa An•. Judge Thompson made It clear that the eliY ~s still have a valid point of la w in its argument that the Irvine Company is 1utUy .o( t,reach of contrlilct. · 'Mie'. IMne,Company's. lifal-acUOn In O~l!On kl ~thit claim Was dCnit.d by thr> i~ ¥be ,,,. !lie ~company 20 -··-.. Set. $,,il, days t.o amend it& reply. But the jud1e made lt cle&r Friday that thelissue ls one which will not be allowed to affect the in· C"Oeporalion movement of the Council of Communities of Irvine. CCI chairman John Bu r lo n ',s arguments in support of his group's in- tervention in the lrvine Company-Santa Atla sutt were upheld by Jltdge Thompson. Hi& ruling apparently clears the decks (See IRVINE, Page 3) DAILY PILOT,,_. tr LM l"eJllll Plsslhg-1pectatdr seeri'Y to thihk it would be a fitting way to spend ·• sun;uner daf as Donn& Pierce, 20 ol Huntington Beach contem· p1a~s·'a. s.ai! aJ:?oard 'her cati.m aran. Mesans Get 'Hot' Scare Costa Mesa Police roped off a SO.foot 1ecUon of Victoria Street for two hours early lhis morning when a box marked ''ra~Jo active. material " was discovered en tbe sidewalk In front of 525 Victoria. "A· cit.iuin calle4 qs ·about a 0!tran:ge bot on 'tbe · eidedy.ralk in' front of his apartinent." Sgt. Robert GOOde ~xplain e4, "OfflCer JI~ ~-rltl' went to' the ad-dttu .,pout ll:ll .m. and pl!oned bsck t~I ~ "bi>~.4ljl I y-f<diO .. c)iYel" · • n. .. l·Wetlil>u ·l<f(Ve alook.:'··,.id. Sgt. GOO& ..... tt.:.a a 1tyrofoam box with a sif.P·.o~ abatbed and the radio ac-tive· 4-1. , · '"I lifted the. lid of the box lnside wa~ A sealed metal container with a locked top. lt looked real." Goode said. Police immediately roped off the 1re.1 and phoned the Orange County Heallh Department. Goode said a ph ysicist armed with a geiger counter was im· mediately sent out. "He checked the area with the geiger, then checked the box. but Mthlng regis- tered," Goode: said. "We finally opened the metal container and found it empt;,i." Goode ·said he doesn't know why the (See HOT BOX. Pace 21 eouc Weatller Sun and fun-seekers · along the, 0..ange C!.oast -can expect n\ore-0(1 the r.ame 'type of .weather withJ lli<t.u\d.earlf morning low ctoudl •and fog~ cle,a.r1ng ta h~·sunshilie. H!g}ii wiU be in "loW •• · INSIDE TODAY . The singing Carptnt1r1, for· \tttr ·Orange CounUam, wl\osc ~ Mnnting fotk-rock htnes Mutt •oor¢i to, ntw ·h,eiQ~ti. a.re }•~ t1lrt4 '04 h0tt.t of, o ntio iumi: , mer Tv aerie•. Their 1COr1P'ancf· ;,thot oj lh<ir ftM" 1"°"1 is In TV . Wt~ ·iodal/. -r 1 • • ~ Sltutf.V, JulJ 17, lt11 WORLD'S FIRST GAllENSTANGE L JUDGES Biii Skll•s 1nd Pete Henderson 2 Garbenstnngel Judges at Fair The worlt! 11ts its first chanc.e ID lff a pair of 1arMDstan1•l jud&u Saturday nisht at tbe Oran1e County Fair. But , as the old vaudev ille aag goe.s. that •in 't no thine. The two iuys who ll't gol.n1 to be the 1arben1t.an1el judges &et to bt first, too. 'I'hey have nevu b e e n aarben.stangel judp s before. But Skiles .and Ht11derson (who dropptd their respective first n1mu, :Bill and Pete, out of their billlnc years a10 when they first .st.arttd kl make pea.- pie laugh profeMlonaJ.ly) have bee.n about ever ythin 1 else-animate tlr in· 111imate-th1t there is t.o be durin& their ctlntinent-span· ning career. The comedy team, in fact. does so many different voices and sound! in the coll!se of 1 typical 15-minule appearance that it's hard to tell v.•hat they don't do. One thini tbe fu.nnymen don't do, thoul;h, is to tell j(lkes. Their incredibly f 1 e i: I b I e voc.M talents allow them to recreate sounds ranging from btrd calla to autll races. They do a do& race (forward and backward). conjure up 1 .tarm on a whaling upeditlon, &lmuJat.e bo1ta of all kinds from rowboats t o ~t boards. And yet they can switch wlth fluid ea.5e into a 1108.!ly mu1i· cal attitude in which bUI Skiles will prtlve his expertise ori drums, vibes or 'Plano. Pete Henderson is accomplished on piano, bus, violin, 1uophone a.n1 iuitar. Bath show Vtrtuos- ity on a variety of homemade irutrument.s and Bill jg the mast.er of the concert Ure pump. ThMe are the "hometown boys" who made it big, havin1 launclied tii•ir 1how bwlness carffrl at Orange Coast College only a few yurs aao within less than a mile of I.he f1triround.! amphitheater In whlch thty will appear Satur· day niaht. And they have aareed to return again to the Costa Mtsa are• on July 31 to http judge the ~rld0s first Build a Betltr Garbenstlr!gel Contest. South Coast PJaia and DAILY PILOT ofUclals, recog - nizing the streak of mechani- cal aenius that runs through their maniacl machinations. have lnvHed Skiles and Hen- derson to eybAl.l the Ru~ Goldber1i~ contraptions con- tertant.s will have ent.ert.d In the e<>nt.esl by that date. All garben1tangela will be on display and running full Ult .at 10 :30 a.m. on Saturday, July 31, when Skiles and Hen- derson-the world's fir'!t tiait judaes ~ndtt their decision& on t he bes t built 1arberultan1el1, ,1n, tbt war1d',f first Build a Bettet Garben.stangel . Contest and International Rallye . "It will be no !w a momen· t.ml! occaskln than when we first mounted a podium to recreate Ole landin1 of the Queen Mary at McFadden's Wharf ." sa id Skiles. And he may be right. Harbor Character Boats To Set Sail August 28 Newport Harbor'• annual \mplauslble extravAgtnza, tht. 0111racter Boit 'Psr&de. hu ~~n scheduled for August 23 at 2 p.m .• it "·as announced to- day Officials or the Newport Harbor Chambtr of Com· merce C.ommodores' Cluh. fipC>nsors ol the event, said the unlikely a ssort m e n t of achooners and skiffs this year will take a page righ t nut of • the funnles. fl'lrd, 'Oic'k St.even~. B i ll CoµJter. Bob Walker, Tom Eva.ns and Rwh Hilborn. Princess Grace Has Solution CH I CAG 0 CUl'll "Jle-Uving the C.Omics'' will Prinei!ss Grace of Mon1C() be. the tbeme ef the lOth an · Friday ur&ed mothers to riual parade. breuUeed their babies to Mlp Commemorating each year's encourage ~ family rt.la· cast of charactt.rs are 10 tioral\lp and thereby combat perpetual trotihies awarded to what 5he called "this current the but boat! depicting the wave of public indecency." theme. chamber fl1 an• i er The royal mother af thr~ Jack B1mett &aid. came to ChJcago to addrtl.!I LA Thert are speclAl trophies Leche Learue lnternatlonal, for steam boats. best costum· an organization founded by 11 ed crew1 and anlrnlted ligurts group of mothers in Frankljn and cfuplaya. Park, JH., 15 years ago to en· "'The 'Swahhiest S w abs ' courqe other women in award will be presented at a breasUetding. gpe<:iaJ costume judaing to Her serenf'! highne&s, loo king take place at the Balboa Bay as slim and youthful .1s 11ht Club at 12:30 p.m. tn Parade did in her film carrer ss day," he said. Grace Kelly. told the news Barnett defined 1 character conference 1he believes All bolt as "a veMtl of individual women a n d . particularly char1ct.tr' either tlll'OUih ILll mothers could do · something ert,maJ dealp ar special a boot dec1dence in sociely. decoraUon or adaption." "Re1lly, just watching l()me He nk! qualification for t.n· of the t.tlevlslon commerclalJJ , try ii juda:ed strictly on the. htarlnc some of lbe son1s ability of the bolt to "add to being suna:, m11azlnes, fllm1. the environment and en· tvtrythinc, ft .ef.lris t& mt t t t ta In men t of the nothln1'• sacred anymore." participant.a. Princus Grace &ald. "It must be: In tM bounds ef "It's kind o1 dlfficull, I 1ood taste." bt addtd. think . in brinflng up children JlesiatratlNI dUdllne: 11 to try to a:ive them a senae of Auiuat 3> •ed •ppllc.tUoni tor values with all this e:rposure .. try ""' be 6l>lalMd by ...,. to everythln& beln.c d•baS<d t.ad.iftt the Chamber of Com· -='="=d=m=•:::d<;rl;::dl=ClllOU>~~·=··==I mtrct office. 1116 E. CO.IC ' illC!Jwlf. S.lly s •••••• Reefty Is •.. B•nanaa, That Is The Commodcrea' com· mJttee In ch.arc1 ef keeplnt tbe boltl and Nilor1 afloat it com~ ti Gtor1• Wood·!::::::=======-::! ~ ~~···-~~:=-'"':'-, ---··-...-•··--·••Na~·--~-P'Jio. I il r"" It• a.•.--"'-.... -- ~ fRESll'I CRISP POTATO CHIPS 14 OI. BAGS 3 i •1°0 2 d•ys only To sly, fresh (kips for bcrb•cu•s. picnics end summ•r partl•s. Sp .. (\Olly prlced.Sov. now! RT TOPS Our Rtg. l.ff - 2 dey1 only Cotton, pclyest•r or ny· • Ion tops, long sleeves; 2 3 mock turtle, turtle neck· llnes.Solids ,stripes.4·14. FOlt SPORT-TIME SKIRTS Our llleg. 3.96 -2 days only Cotton skirt1, peotonfs, scooter skirts, hot· pant 3 0 0 locka,pon•I fronts. 7•12. R•t· •.96 long •klrt• 3.66 Chart• It ' ~ STEEL CHAIR Our Reg. •.66 -2 days o"IY For clubs, cotlag•s, cord tabl• sets. Blu e, bronie. tangerine or Qvacodo enamel fin ish.Save nowl GuH. Ute chan:OGI starter • CHARCOAL STARTER 2Jc 296 UcOt.. . 3.31 St•rti your 19Q f1rt1 quiclc "W d boll"' ol 1·" 1 t 1'111 hot an •r . to. ·pc • · monoprene tonltr11Cti•n. DAILY 10 to 10, SUN, 10 to 7 Rog. 3.97 13x12x9" INSULATED PICNIC BA.GS Su". A Mon. Only 296 Colo rful vinyls include wtt look. Fiber9lt11 insul ttion -zipp•r. Men's No-Iron Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS or 1.77 ee. MEN'S NA VY OXFORDS Our leg. B.44 -Sun. Only c;..,,,;n. """""' ..,,,.,.. 5 6 6 lost cr.m-fords with mili- ktry toe. 8'ock. 6~. 12. Abo ..;de ...-. °'"'»"&I REAM FREEZER Our lleg. 13.11 c.r 9Clm fr .. ier Is lioht •• quc,t .,.,,,i, k•1 o•• and •osy to hondl•. Polypropylene lub. SoWl C1't.or1• If SPECIAL ITALIAN S~~GHETTI • SUN. & MON. ONLY SIRVID 11 A.M. TO 1:30 P.M. Ttallan Spa&J>etti with meat sauce. parmesu cheese, creamy c o I • &Jaw, roll and butler! ----· llYLOll OR TERRY SllEAKER SOCKS Reg. 3.U -44• 2Jc I ''· Co!!on terry sneaker socks 1n white only. Ny· Ions. no·bond sryle, 1n be ige onl y. Sizes 8· 11 :'i , ' . ' ~ FLAT AND FITTED MUSLIN SHEETS lteg. 2. 12 Twin lteg. 2.J;, Oouble I f.I~ Fitted I!~ Fitted Save during this sole on long-wearing wh ite cotton muslin sheets and coses . Reg . 9H, Muslin Piiiow Coses 84! Pr. 20 Lbs. 2 day• only ,.. ____ _ \ -.- ------------.. Nf;\•an Reveals War Tops Agenda ·For China Talks SAN CLEMENTE !UPI) -Presidenl Nixon will discuss peace in Vietnan1 as . one or ttie "foren1ost. immediate" topics .he will take up '.\'ith Red Chinese leaders )n Peking. White House olfic1als confirm. l\1ain!and China 15 a main war arsl'nal for North Vie!11am and the recent n1oves toward belier Sino.American rel aUons obviously open new diplomatic .il\'enues tor ending the war. . A ranking \\'h11e House aide, tatklng ·to newsmen Frida y, rtfused to speculate on what impact Nixon·s \'isil would have Oft the Vietnam War. But he said the m'Ain purpose of the visit is to seek a rriore peaceful world. and added · :·Jn a quest for peace in the world, peace in Southeast Asia has lo be a foremost immediate objective." The Pek ing visit is expected to take place some lime early next year, well before Uie 1\1ay l date mentioned by Nixon in hls announcement, the White House said. The President. elated over his diplo· n1at1c coup in arranging the first visit by an An1erlcan Prrsldenl lo mainland Martha Likes Nixon Trip's Brotherhood tONOON (AP) -1'1artha r.1itchell a~ p~oves of ~sident Nixon's China plans. she said Friday, because "we should an try to get together and be brothers ancl sisters." f\frs. Mitchell Is ln Londo " with her hllsband .John, the U.S. attorney ge n- eral. for an American Bar Association n'\Celing. "Toclav. we have an element in the t'nited States \\•hich is \\'Or~e than Rus· ~ian Communi sts or any other kind or Communists. bC'cau~e they arr tryi ng to orerthrow the government by force ," she as~erted Asked to eJ;iborate. she sair! she was referring to "the underground ·· ··1 thiok 1\'e no1v hal'c becon1c almost nnf' world." she added. "Then:-1s no reason lo ha ve these l1!tle n·11r.,_ v.•i!h lhe weapons '.\'f hav e today. •·Conseque111ly. I think we should all lry to j!et together and ~ brothers and sisters. Com munists or non-Communists.·• She made the comme.nl wl¥'n asked It she approverl nr the President's plan !o vi<;it Peking. Explaining, in view or :inti.Communi~t remark~ ~he ha~ made in the past. she said · "1 have chan11:ed rlra s!JC<llJV On m,V rePJinll~ J hal'e chnnged my minrl com pletely:' \VrDrinr. a bright .i;:rrrn clre~s. l'lfr~. 'lllrhcl! "tood in lhe midrl!e nr her 27th· r1qnr s111te s111Tnunderl bv Hriti~h anrl Tl.S, nP\1·~m('n . ~hr chatted vi\·ariously ;:ih011t thr fllJC'C'n and other topics. ifrs. ~1itchel1 surpri~ed :S'lm<' Br iti~h f'&w~mrn \vhrn ~he said Buckingh11m 'Palace wa" be!ler pro!rcted than thr. \Vh ite Hou~e hera1t•e here "they have h~rbed wire outside." l'ro•n Page .I HOT BOX ... hox-wh1C'h really w;i.~ a container for rarl10 arli\f material. hut empty-was R~andonrd on th<' :.1dewalk · Somronc mav havr !aken it frorn " n1ed1cal olf 1cr. '1oun d 1! empty or pa ll- 1rkr-f! <1nrl dl11npC'd 11 " Goode 1heori1e.:t. "It :stifk)k r1erybl)(ly up /nr a11·hilr. f"~per1a :1y 1ho~e 11 ho ltvrcl 1n nearby ,;p;irtmen!~ I 11a.~n't .~11re. I thou ght my ha ir m1ghl fa)) ou t." Goode said. DAllY PILOT "'""""" .... -·-s. Clsas Is Oll'°'"IGI: COAST l"UllllSHING COM.rANY lo\ert t>I. Weed ,.,...._,, •"' 1•1,obll1P!ef' J •• ~ "· c~.1 • ., V•CC "'~"'~111 •r.d Gt"t••I Mt"60W T~•,..•t· .:;, •• ;1 Ed,,., l ho"'•' J. • .Mu1phift t M_...., l"ll!>r C~1 1lt1 H. loo1 •;,i.,,J P. N•ll """'•"r M""''"'* .Efl•or• °""" (Otll M.u: l.111 Wctf • .., 'Stl'MI .. __, 8eet,,: .DJl N-1 .... 1_'111 L.ov..,.. a.cfri: m ,..,..., "-...,..,""..., l ftC/I: 11•1~ llOKll _ .... San (ltffltrllt; JDS NDtlll £1 C ..... ll•I OA!LV PILOT. wl!li .... \di~ CM'l'lbfr.-.... N....,·PfPll, 11. pilllllt-f•llf llllC'tPI illft.. Cit., In 1tpor."' edl""'-for LlllUn4I hod\. "'-' l..cl'I. eo.i. ...,.., "4111'!11•••• ... ltocfl. ,......,,.In V1lltf, 'Sell C..,_lt / (•ploi, ........ Jtfdltlt~ ..... wl"' -,~..,.,tt «!UIOn.. Prlftclflll "1nl ... Clliflt II •t no w"' ''' srr-... , c.tt ~. , .. ., ..... f714) t4J-4J21 C*'"M-4 A4fftfk,_. .Ml0 N JI s.. ,.._..."All o., ...... : 1 ... ,,.. .. 4fJ-441t '"""'"'"· ""'· °"..... (Wit-~ '-"""· .... -........ _.. .. _ Hlllrlll -""" w 114oM'llw: l'lh ..... ,.,., '" ••Pd..,_ 0'""9wl lfKISI ,,.,.. "'*"" .. ""'"'19111 _.,.,. China, winds up I l2·day r tJy at h1~ Pacific Ocean fro nl villa Sunday and will fly back to Watih1ngton . I-le schetfulW sepa rate mceungs with congressional !eaderJ of both parties and his cabinet Monday morning to amplify his China policy. After ope11.ing remarks, Nixon was ex· pected to turn Ule briefing over lo h1.11 national security affairs Qd viser. Henry A. Kissinger, who made the secret inp to Peking that arranged the invitation. Today, he awaited a report fro1n Dr. Jerome K. Jaffee. his an11-drug abuse adviser. who toured Vietnam. and other Asian countries. to survey the enent or heroin addiction among :J.S. troops heN?. The chief executive held a National Security Council meetinJ: for one hour Friday, apparenlly on Vietnam. China and the Middle East. The White House refused In d1~c!o~e any of the ~ubsla11tative talks cove-red in Ule Kissinger se~sions with Red Chi~se Premier Chou En.Lai cluring hf.': 49 hours on the mainland. But when asked v.•he!her Chou harl brought up the question of a new Grne va conference to settle the \\'ar in lnclo- china. a White House official. \\'ho de· clined to be identified, said he clid not \\·ant to talk about spee1fir~. "\VI' will have to let events speak for lhcmse)vP~." The official also insisted that the U.S. si ncerely hopes lo end the war at the Paris peaee table. He flared up when asked 11.·hv Kis.~ing<'r had not contacted Le Due Tho. North Vietnam's special dete,v:ate. or Madame N,iwye11 Thi Binh. the Viel Cong forl'ign minister "M·hi!e. he was in Paris. Bolh Communist delegates had said they \\'0t1ld be 11.·illing lo meet 11.·ith Nixon's fort>ign poliey adviser. The Official tolrl reporlrrs that ~issinger has "insisted through all per. 1ods ... tha t the :surrst most reliahlc and r:iost .desirable way of ending the war 1n V1et11am was through negotia· lions." Furthennore, he said. Kis.~in,1ter m;iin· ~1~ed this position ''when it was being ricl1culed and v.·hen people said that !hl're was ::ibso!utely no ~sibility or negotia· lions." Forms Readied For Fest Board Open Positions Nomination forms now arc 11veilablf: at the Festival of Aris <>fflce for candidates for three upcoming vacancies on the Festival board of directors. The terms of board president \Villiam D. Martin, Mrs. Helen Keeley 11 nd O. E. Bud Schroeder expire thi.~ year. \Vhile it is anticipated that all lhree Y.'ill be candidates for re-election to lhreC'· year terms. oone has yet made an an- nouncement. Candidates must submit of f i c i a 1 nomination forms bearing the signatures of I~ Festival of Arts member~ in good ~landing. A member may sisn ~nly one nomination form . Ballots wilh names of the nominees will be mailed to the membership and the results of lhe election vdll be announced ;:it the annual membership meeting in 1'\ovembe.r. Hoops, I Win 0"11.Y PILOT Sl11! .. ~,. HIS SUCCESSFUL LIFE HAS BEEN ROOTED IN BEAUTY H11rry Macres, California'5 Original Flower Child Flower Powe1· Fair Florist W orhs Year Round By TERRY COV ILLE Of I ... 0111, .. llOI ill tf At various stages in his life people have called Harry Macres, Jr., "1'1r. Petunia,'' "Mr. Flower Show," or anything else indicating his thumbs are green. Al 67 he might be called California 's oldest flower child -he's cert.ain!y one of the best. "I grew up wilh flo-w·er.;. My faU1er sold them and I was in the business at II," says the Greek-born producer or the flo\\·er exhibit at the Orange County Fair. He's been arranging the best flower!ii lor the annual Costa Mesa evenl more than 20 years. But Harry Macres' talents aren't hmitrd to just Orange County. Each year he designs, arranges and oversees t I major flower sho'.\'s. in· rlud1ng the Los Angeles County Fa ir 1n Pomona. the Great Western Exposition in Los Angeles and the Farmers Fair in J~emel. . He ~"'-•'!W'l.Mlfi!'i! Q! nor~ shops 1n Oran~ C6\iritf."1i6t '\tints !t made clear he no longer owns or operates an y shops. ''I just arrang~." says Macres, con- fident his skill speaks for itself. "Six months during the winter l spend all n1y lime visiting growers to sec who docs the best job_" flowers for his show are orcl~red lhree to four mon!hs jn advance. One set of roses Bl the Orange County Fair has 40. inch stem~. a rarity. 1'1acres has the singular cli.stinction of having designed Orange County's n1onu· menL to himself, Jn 1967 !he fair c:Dm· missioned him ~esign the flO\\'er ex- hibit building. ... \\'hen it was finished. fair di rector~ quickly named it the Harry Macres, Jr., building. He arrived in New York al lhf" age or ' .. OAll.Y .. ILOT S111t ,lleto 16 Lo meel and uncle and a brother who 01vned flower shoj)s there. "Yoo know. 70 percent of the flov1er in· dustry in New York is O~'Tied by Greeks," he chuckles. He arrived in Anaheim in 192 1, quiekly set up a string of flower shop!>. sold tho~e several years later, then set up another "'Iring and :sold those just a few years <1go. "One of my first Anaheim shops stil l carries my name." says the Santa Ana resident. Another fl O\\'Cry credit to his success is :i string of 28 noats built for the Ro~f" Paracle 1n Pasadena. all o[ thrm firsl place winners in their class. ,\lacres' ne·west work will be the landscaping of t!Y.: intf"rior or the new Los Anl!cles c0nvention center. At the fair he dqefn't tell peoli!le h<;iw to arrange their 'lndividucil nOv•ers. hut he designs the overall concept, tells them how much space they have to work with, and picks only the best cu~ for exhibit. ··Y.,1e have more flowers per square fool al thi.'1 fair than any of the i9 fairs in California ,'' he boasts. ''I[ people want Lo see my Vlork. jusl con'lC on out ., Peace l:orps Hoo111ing \VASHINGTON tUPJ) -The Perice Corps expects 26.000 volunteers this year, a gain or 7.000 ove r 1970. Director Joseph H. Blatchford said Fri. day the increase marks the first upturn in reques!s, applicaUons and volunlecrs in five yurs. S,ltltl'df)'. JulJ 11, 1971 DAIL V PILOT :J Rail Talks Set Nixon Mediators Battle Walkout WASHINGTON 1UPI) -The Nixon Ahninislration brought union and man- agen1enl negotiators back together again loday lo try lo end a decade·old fight (Iver v.·ork niles that en1pted into a "'trike 1d!1ng .ia.73~ employes of the Southern and Union Pacific Railroads. Meanwhile, ocgutialions in the tell'- phone ~alkont were expected lo last throu gh the \\'etkC'nd. Assisi.ant Labor Secretary W. _ Usery ,Jr., the top government mediator, said he hoped to get the issues resolved be- fore the s!rike spre<id. The United Tran)l. portation Union (UTU) this coming Fri· day could walk out on three more rail· roads. Pickets 1vent up at 6 a.m. local lime Friday, 25 n1 inutes berore a 12-hour all· night m;ira thon bargaining se55 ion broke down. UTU President Charle! Lun a, \lo'earing a gray.stripe shirt and puffing a cignr. st.alked out of the Labor Depart· ment declaring, "the strike i5 on.'' As pickets ;ippeared al major termin· als of the tv.·o lines, other railroads began implementing changes in work rules which lhcy said ~·ou!d grea11y increase cfficien{'y, but elin1inale thousands of rai l jobs and reduce lhousands of pay check5. Despit e !he n1les changes, a spokes· n1an ror the association of American railroads said no wildcat strikes had hit the othrr lines . "The men seem to be ,1·orking under the rules:• the spokes· man said. Luna said lhr \\'orkers v.·ould have to Clemente Fiesta In Full Swing With Big Parade San Clementc'5 ann1;a! fie~La La Chri~· tianila 11.·as in full swi ng early today wit h one of the st11te's largest locally. sponsored paraclt"s to be followed by two <lays of carnivals, a special play perfom1ance, concert::; and other ac- tiv i!.ics. The parade with hundreds or entrif"s was scheduled to traver~e the main !'!reels or the city Otis morning beginning at IO :JO o'clock . The parade route wa s easterly up Aven1de Del ~1ar to El Can11no Real and north to Plaza Park. Throughout today and Sunday " carnival 11.•ith g11 me booths and rides will continue at Old Plaza Park. The cC'lebration marks the firsl ChriS: tian baptism In Califomi11 which took place in a canyon inland of what 1s now San Clemente. Aclivitie.~ srhcduled lhi~ afternoon. evening and Sunday include : A fashion show at 2 p.m. in Plaza Park: il 7:30 p.m. concert by the Royal Cavaliers Banrl at the park: a special performance of "Don 't Drink !he \Vater" at the C:ihrillo Playhouse nt 8:JO p.m. On Sunday, the Kiwanis Ranch hreakfils1 is from 7 to 10 a.m. in lhc parking lot of A!berl son's J\1arkel ; the fiesta midway f'Qntinues throughout !he day. climaxed by the Va nce Colvig varie· ly show 11t 3:30 p.m. in Plaza Park. tighten their belL.o; and ket'p struggling tCJ elin1inate lhe rules that will "wipe Otl t over a hundred yearll of collective ba~ gaining benefits ." The renewed talks were scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. EDT today at the Labor Department. CCI Chair1nan Lauds Ruling Over Acres Chairman of the Counril of Communi· lies of Irvine John Rurton today hailed Friday's legal decision that scutlled a bid by !hf" city of Santa Ana tn halt or delay ineorporation of the future city ol Ir vine. Burton chA ra rterizecl the action A.~ "machinations Qf ~prcial 1nl.erests groups such as Santa Ana.'' In hi s statement aftrr lhc court vie· lory, Burton sairl. ''For. myseff and on behalf of the CCI ancl the lhousands ot peoplt' that signed prlitions -and are in fact the real proponents of incorport1· lion -1\'e are very pleased with J udge Thompson's decision. '·Jt vindicates our belief in the 200· yf"ar·old tripartite system of government and constitu!ional guarantees or civ ic laws uncler ~·hieh '.\'e have always oper· ated_ "We 11.·ish to express special thank~ tn t~the ~OIN. organization whieh has pro- vided f1naoc1aJ support for the necei;sary legal actions to assure us our rights: as a free people. "F11rlher. v.·e rommend our chief coun- ~el. 'fimothv Strader, for his understand· ing of the !;nv and hi.~ astute, intelligen t pursuit of our intrrests.'' f'rot1i Pa11e 1 IRVINE ... for further action towards creation of a super rity on 53.000 acres that w\11 ht home. CCI supporters say, for some 4J!l .OOO per~ns. .J urlgc ThomJl50ll conceded that Santa Ana can again raise the issue of 1L~ OOun· daries at a LAFC hearing scheduled for Aug. II. ''The det.erminalion made by J.AFC ,11nd !he determination which wil! be made by lhe board of supervisors are not subject to ;udici at interference in the absence of fraud or some other e.x· traordinary circumstance,'' Judg e Thon1pson said. The Aug . 11 hearing was called !o ex- a1nine Sant<l Ana's further n1ove to ;inneX' !he 938 <1crcs thal are ;1t the heart of the cit.y's dispute with both the Irvine Com- pan.v and tl'le incorporation proponents. City lawyers refused to comment Frf- day until thry have had an opportunity Lo examine Judge Thompson's ruling. l earn how ... offend • Simplicitys Fitting Presentation CCKNOWYOUR CORRECT PATTERN SIZE" Come 1n and lear n how lo choose your correct pc1. •e•n i<.:e bv figv1l!·lype ... how 10 JOYS lirne ond worl:: bt V\1n'1 0 8~uiC Mv~lon OS o liltin'.} guide ~ Simplicity 1u9ges" 1ho1 ior the best 8osic M~.n fit women wear on eFiectiv!!: foundation garment and e J11T1p/e bol1( d•ess. lrying o IT!Uslrn over o Movy¥IOQI or doub!e~oit will l'IOI mtoblish o trua pattern 'Size. So pl&ose com& Pfepou1d! Pion fO attend one cf ovr P19$efllalioos: M .. d•y, July 19, 1971 , 11'001.m. 2,00 p.m. Tu•ad•y1 July 20, 1971, 11 :00 a.m. Miss T ryU• Klingman Simplic•rv Sryhst. will be ovo•loble for consultation foltowlng 90Ch soulon. $~ l ltM pDlll-'"'loll llf ......,, ~ ,,,,,. Cit•• ~ C.llforrM.. MKI~ .,.,. e11tr11r n.n ..-111.11 ~ ..,.11 It.I\ -"'"'' ..... ..., .. ii... ....... $1.tS ~. Barbara "Baba" 'Pascoe, 12 of Costa 1'fe~a demonstrate11 the ~tylc that led her to v ictory in the city Jfoola l~oop competition (girl.!! 12 to 15) a t Costa Mesa Park. She integrates the "Stork'' into her free- 3tyl-performance. She will represent the clty in regional champion· ship competition Aug. 21. Fl-SHION ISLAND NEWPORT IEACH ' ----------=-----· I ..... -!"...,,~---,,..,_ .. -... --....., _.,,.~ • -~-·-r"9't'......-., .. _ -~~ ' ' ' .. .... -&::;:!._. ..... -- j •' 4 DAil" ,lLOT •• •• ' Pulpit and Pew "Take 1bl1 Lo\·e" la the themir: of the Sunday morning sermon to ht preached at Glad ndlals A11embly Of God, 15th and Monrovia, Ne w p o rt Beach, by Dr. Ge:orge 0. Wood. past.or. The sermon i5 the seventh in a 5eries of ml!ssages fr om the Gospel of John. Dr. Wooer~ theme in the 6 p.m. \\'Orsh ip "''11 be. ··1s the '\'·oke on You?" Sunda y School, v.1\.h classe~ for all ages. begins at 9.45 a.m The outslandmg youth chair. "His Kids under the direction er Tom Newman will present a sacred concert al the Four- ~qu11re GG:spel Church. 173~ Orange Ave. at 7 p.m. Sunday night. The.re will also be an Arter.Clow Service at 9 p.n1 . Rev. Robert 8. Jacob!i will speak on the topic . ''A Bag Full of Holes" for the 11 a.m. :P.1oming Worship S e r v i c t . Sunday School al 9:45 a.m. \\'llh bus lransport3t ion pro- vided by calling 646-1517 or 543-9733 before Sunday. The Wedntsda y Family ni gh l features a Youth Service and Bible Study for .adults at 7:30 p.m. Chapel of Spiritual Truth 1416A S. 1'1ain St.. Santa Ana holds Sunday services 7:30 p.m. at which Rev. Kenn eth Steelmon v:ill lecture on "Religious Progress. Follow· Ing the services, R c v . Steelmon and o!her n1cdiun1s present "''ill give personal Spiritual messages lo all. Also starting Sunday special heal· ing services \\.'Lil be held In the Chapel from 7 to 7:25 p.m. Socia l pe rio d and refreshment s f o 1 l o w i ng services. Wednesday evening starting at 7·30 P.M. fo r all that are in t e rested in E.S.P. a message l'ircle will be held 1n the Chapel. ~Jesa Verde U o 11 e d l\1et bodisl Church, 1701 Bakr.r Street, Costa Mesa, ·will have '"·o "'or.ship services this Sun· day at 9 and 10:30 a.m. Dr. B. Lothair Grttn, lhe new minister. has selected .at his sermon topic : "The Ylay \\'e. See Ourse\\'eS." The Sunday Church School .,.,·ill meet at the 9 a.m. service.only. There "'ill be nursery for both services. "Bound In Chains Yet Sleep- ing Pl!acefully" is the sermon 5Ubje<'t at Harbor Chrl5tian Church. Dl~ciplts ol Chri~t. meeting each Sunday al Ha rper Elementary School, 42:, E. 18th SI.. Cos ta fl.1esa. \\lorship service is at 9.45. Nurse ry Care provided. Dr. D. \V. ~lcElroy is the minister. "A\i\·e to God" \\'ill be the top ic o/ Pastor Robert W. Larsen's sermon this Sunday at the 8:45 and 10:15 a.m. services at the Gral'r Lulher:a n Church of Huntington Beach, 6931 Edinger Avenue. Nursery care 1s provided A "fellO\\'Ship-l!our" \lo'lll he held at 9.45 a.m .. bet"·een the services. lor members ;ind guests to enjoy coffee and refrt:shmen1 s. and friendship. July 27th, Grace Lu.l.beran Church will present Dr. and Mrs. Dale Miller who will lead a review and diseus.sion of Charles Relch'a "The GMn- ing of America." The public is invited to attend this program which will begin at 8 p.m. at the church. At 11 .an1 .. Pa s tor Willis J . Carrico of the IJnlvtr~lly Baptist Cburch, 2252 S. E. P al i s ades Road. Santa Ana Heights. California. \\'ill deliver the fifth message in a se ries en- titled . ''The Oiety or 1be Holy Spi rit." The 7 o'clock evening service. will be a message, en- titled. ··A Churchy World and a Worldly Church." Rev. Charles L. Rose will be preaching during the morning worship services, 8:30 and 10 a.m. Sunday at Community United Metbodl1t Church, 6662 1-feil Avenue, Hu nt l n g ton Beach. Church School classes are offered through second grade at the 8:30 hour and lhrough sixth grade 31 10 a.m. Thr Senior High Class meets at 8:30 a.m. and the College and Jun ior High Classes meet ;it 10:00 A.r.t The United f\lelhodist Fe\lo\.\·shi p groups meet at 8:30 p.m. During the 10:30 morn1n~ \.l·orship Sf'rvice at Failb Lulheran Ch11rcb, 34381 Cat!e Portola, Cap istrano Beach, Rev. James Knotek will ex· plore the fa.miliar expression, •·1 didn't plan it that way," in vitw of God's plan for the Otrl.sUan 's life. Fellowshlp. CoUee time will follow the worship aervlce. S u n d a y Scheol cluses for all 1ga - pre-schoolers through adultJ -begin at 9:15 a.m. Ahyone who is interested in ''The Work and Power <lf the Holy Spirit" is cordially invited to attend the Adult Bible Class. ''Talking With God" will be theme of Vacation Bible School, August 16--25. Wed· ne sday, July 11 , the youth of Faith Lutheran Church will hold a joint afternoon bes.ch party with the youth of St. Paul's Lutheran Chur c h , Laguna Beach. Bring a sack ll.lheh. Fo r transportation, meet at Faith by 10:46 a.m. Newport Center U a 11 t d fl.tetbodlat Church will ha ve F r ed Peterson, C hur c h Lay Leader, preaching at both worship services this SundAy. The 11 :15 a.:n. St:rvice is held at St. fi.1ichaels and Al\ Angeles Episcopal Chu rch, Marguerite and Pacific Vle\v Drive. Corona del Mar. Al 9:30 a.m .. the wor ship is .al Balboa Island Community Melhodisl Church, 115 AgAte. Balboa Island . Don A. Bassett , Pastor, v.·ill preach July 2Slh. A Summer Hymn Sing wilt be held Sunday at the IO a..m. service of worship at Christ LuU.eru Church, C a m in o Ca pistrano at De.I Gado Road, Capislrano Beach. The con- gregation has submitted their favorite hymns and about IV hymns have been selected from these to •in& this Sun· da.y. They will include old famil iar and favorite hyiTlM. Putor Ackerman will bring a brief mess.age on "Glorifying God." Our Chrislianita Pre· School will have a float in San Clemente's La ChriBianita Parade on Saturda.y. Mr. Joe Schacht and friends "''ill be design.Ing and creating the float for the parade. The Pre· School is a cc ep ti ng Ip· plications for 21~ ta •~" year olds for lhe new year begin· ning in September. St. John the DI v ine Epl1copal Church, 2043 Orange Ave .. Costa Mesa will observe early Holy Communion at 7:30 a m. and also at 9:30 a.m. Al 9:30 1.m. special music will be rendered. films lrips for the boys and girls and nursery care will be prov ided. Resurrection t. u I b e r a a Church. !18!2 H a m i lto n Avenue. Huhtington Beach, schedulrs summer \\'Orship at 10:30 a.m. Ar thur R. Tingley. Po.~tor, 11 il! speak on '•The !Sloe PULPIT, Page 5) • Missouri Synod Lutnerans ' Nix Split, Women i11 Pulpit MILWAUKEE. WiJ. fAP) - Rt. p r e s entatlves of tht. Luthtr1n Church • ~1iMouri Synod has rejected 1 nocx1 or demands il break Ues of worship v.ilh a 1ister dehOminat ion , the American Lutheran Church, Bui a go-slow warning wa.s rai.,,ed about the relationship. After a prolo n1ed debate, the synod's governing con- vention reject~ a move-ursed by abou1 150 congregations that ,;pulpit and 1lt1 r fellow.ship" with the otht:r denomination be suspended. Delegatell voted overwhelm· jngly to continue the boltd, "'hich commits .sharing of the Lord's Supper and sharing cf pastors. but net ta e1pa.nd im- p!imentation of it until certain problems are cleared up . The outcome was a vicl<Jry for moderates in \.he con- s er vat iv el y oriented denomination, whose 2 .A million members spread across the country despite it& regional name. William Van Duzer, a Lans- ing, fi.1.ich., attorne:y. brouiht tht: issue to a head with 1 Door motion to end relations with the 2.a.million member ALC. ..It's up to us to show them their errors." he szid. But his proposal was defeated, and the .alternative course approved. The convention decided to remain in the Lutheran Coun· cil in the U.S.A. a cooperatl\'e orga nization of three major Lutheran bodies. But i t ordered a review o( the coun- ell's handling or doctrine a nd decision on the mttler other matters. deferr~. The eight-day con- "rhe e<1nvention a\:;o 15 cor.-\•ent1on runs through Friday. sldtring a move t.o sharpen its On another 1s:;ue, the church own controls on belief. reaffirmed and made mort The "iron fist" i.s how the absolute ib ban on women Rev. Dean Leuking of River ministers. decla ring the "word Forest. Ill.. desc ribed the of God does l'IOt permit 1neasure that would b ind v.·omen" 10 serve in 1ny ~mbers to COO\'tntional doc· pastoral capacity. trlnal dtfinitlonll. He has commanded women to "keep silente in the "lt's not Lutheran," he ao. churches." since "Adam ¥•as dtd, recaTiing assertions by formed first, then Eve and tht 16th century Protestant Aciam w:as not deceived, but reformer Martin Luther !hat the Yloman "''as deceived and councils could err and none becune a transgressor,"" the could bind lhe conscience. resolution said. quoting Paul Others said the measure \\'OUld allow for the most ex-· and Timothy in the New Testamenl. tensive regulatioru on 1n-The LSsue of women"s role in lerp retations of Scriptu re of the Church :al!o fig ured in tht any mainline Pr otes t an\ 1 · denomination. proposals to h II t UJ• tercontmunion 1o1'ilh the The Rev. Robert tllc!\o1iHer American Lutheran Ch urch, of Okauchee. \Vis .. maintained which recently acted to allow the llle p "''as nee:ded to cu rb those who ha~·e .. troubled the _o_rd_i_n•_tion of w_o_m_e_n_. __ _ Church for so ma ny years ATIEND "'ilh various abuses." "Tht only reason they tan- nol agree is that they arc nl'll submitting lo the Holy Spiri: ;• he said. "They are not finding the true light." The measure \\'OUld 1n?.ke convenlion resolution s on doc· trine of ··binding forte."' and forbid any expre.ssion of di!1tnt except th rough oHiti;il chanlltls. with the a1Lern31h e of quitting the Church. At presen t. Lutherans (II " obliged to acct:pt only :hC' Scriptures and thei r historic confessional creeds. After an hours debate. ;i THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY FtnEENTH A.NO MONROVIA , NEWPOAT BEACH 9:45 A.M.-SUNDA Y SCHOOL 11 :00 A.M.-MORNING WOR SHIP S1r111011· ··rake This Lot:P" Tc.r:t: John 3:16.21 6:00-EVENING WORSHIP Sermon: ''Is the Yoke on You·• Tt .r:t: lrl atlliew 11:28.30 Dr. GH'1• 'O. Waad, Paalllr -'4'·''10 ,. .. sc""I "'"' lat Gr""' 111,,.mer t11r1<~"""' FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD 140 E. 22nd St., Co•ta Mesa -548-3761 E. W. Phillipi, P•1t or t :JO A.M.-Chw1h Schaal 10110 A.M.-Pe1ter PhHlip1 s,.oki11t "OIHt..101 •r Oppart1111lty" Jr. a, Pre•Sc.lle•I C•n1rcll -H11rMry Cart Awell•ltle Poster PhUll" t,.•kl11t ''NON·ltES.TltlCTID" TUllDAY YOUTH s1•v1c1 -8:00 l'.M. HOUSE Of MAHNA Howport•M ... Pre.tclloel -A••• 2111 .s -6:JO A.M. to S:JO r .M. Phe11t -641·ll2J HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, Cost• M•s• 141 ... 704 V. l . lllllll:TWICK. P•11tt JIM l llllGLITlllll, Ml11llltr ti Ytuia llOtfllf •· UST tt;. Ml11i1!•r •I •due.,ltn CA ll L GENTllf'f, M1noi11r t i Mu"C -SUNDAY tERVICES - ':41 A.M.-S1111doy School 1 O:SO A.M.-G11e11 Speoktt Chaplh1 Dudley lty4 7:00 P,M.- Clirlst Amb11uodar'1 D11y COSTA MESA CHRISTI AN SCHOOL Pr .. st,_.1 -li(lndtr1t•ftn -E..,,,.,n!t,., -Chi*' Cito AllenJ lh e Church o/ '/jour C/.oice Seventh-Day Adventist Church 271 A•.c:ede St., c .... MIM JtMtl'll "· Jtff...,.. ,.,..,. '-'~" '•lo\.1th School . . . . t :JO •·"'· U.erni111J Wer1111p .• 11 :00 ..... 1 l'rt yt t M1.tin1J Wtd., 7:10 I'·'"· CEN~L BIBLE CHURCH 23rd StrMt •t Or1n99, Costa M•sa -548·5303 ltew. frff R. Mon., , .. ...,, MMhtt Wtr .. lit-IO:JO •·"'· _,.., .... , klleal t •·"'· SuNr ll"Olll'I Worthlp.7:00 ,.1t1.-P,.yet MMtl11t Wecl.·7:011 P·"'· SABBATH SERVICES AELIGIOUSSCHOOL harbor reform temple R,t.8118EANAAO P. KING mtttintait SL..._ Episcop al Chureh a 3209 Via Lido, NMporl Beach • for lnlot"mt1*1: Clll 67S. 7230 TEMPLE SHARON 'T\e uti•mllw .,... .... hr tti. "tit• Harhf ,a,.. •17 W"t H•111ll'M, c .. te MDM CHRISTIAN SCIENCE \ CHURCHES lllAMCHES OF THI MOTHll CHUICH THI FllST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCllNTltT IN 101TON, MASIACHUllTn "SACRAMENT" Sundoy, July 11th Costa Meui-First Church of Chirst, Scienti1t 1110 Men Ycrtlc Dr., Ca1tc M•M S••d., Scllaal -9:11 A.M. Ch11r&ll Sefwlct -11 :00 A.M. llMdln9 II••"'· 1110 111 ... Ytnlt Dr. Huntington Beach-First Church of Christ, Sc ientist 8th~ Ollwe. H1111tl1191011 l•acll Sw" .. .., Schaal -t :JO & 11 :00 A.M. Ch11rtll-•:JO & 11 :00 A.M. l:ndl11t Roo111 -l:ZI Moi11 11. Newport B•ach-First Church of Ch,i1t, Scientitl JlllJ Yl• Lida, Newport leac.h Ch11rt.h & tu11day School-t:OO·lO:JO A.M. lfll .. lllt 100111, lll S Via Lid• Ntwport Beach-Second Church of Chri1t, Sc ienti1t JIOO Pacific Vie• Or., Coro11t del Mar Ch11rtll' Su11d11y Schoal-10:00 A.M. l:eadi119 1110111 -JSOO·I Coalf Hwy. Woril. l•e11l111J Ttstl111011y Mntl11gs -I p.111. -A.II Chwrtht'I All arc cord1al/y n1 r1t rd 10 orrrud lh r clir•rch service s and enjoy lht privileges of the Readrng Rooms Chlld C•re Prowl4ff AT ALL Sll\llCll OP HlWPORT IE.ACH -IDl•cl11ID1 l MMtl111 R .. 11l•rly Har,., ll•'"•11tary kllttl 411 L lllil St., Cott. MelD Church School .......... 9:45 A.il-1. Morning Worship ...... 9:45 A.~!. Nol'Mt"f & IU1ufort•rtH ~ Phone: 642·2725 Minister: Dr. D. \V. McElroy CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WILSON ST., COSTA MESA ....... H.a-u4 hl"lcw SUN DAY MOPNING l llLE STUDY •••••••••••••• t :41 A..M. SU NOAV MORNING 'WORSHIP I COMMUNION •• 18:41 A.M. SU NDAY EVENING WORSHll' •.••••.••..•••••• , 6:10 P.M. WEDNESDAY tVENING lllLE STUDY ............ 7:JI P.M. NUllllY CAii PIOVIDID W, Whft Henl1ttlff Jth• Lte"o1'11 Mi11i1ttr Mw1le1I Dtrttler Phone: '45..1191 D•y or Night FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1111 CLIPP Dll'tl, NIWPOIT IUCH A NEW CHURCH WELCOMES YOU Or. Huhtrt Davldton, lnt•rlm P11tor 1tt• .. •Y ScMel-9141 A.M. Wertllll'-11 A.M. • 71'.M. WID. IVININ5 -7:JO P.M. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Main & Adams Streets Huntington Beech FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Vic.tori • & Pl1c1ntia A'f't . Coite M111 J•"'n I . l'l•P<Y Mo11l1l•r Rod11iw McH111Jll Y•u•ft Mlnlt"r 'arly Y<ttoM• &::it •·"'· ll~lt IC~HI f ,)t •·"'· Mtt111111 WtrJ~I, U:O t ."I. Ytlll~ 0,..11,1 ' '·"'· v .. ,,... 7 '·"'· N11rsrr11 Core Provided 141-4771 S41·6l41 COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 611 HELIOTRO~l Werihi11 -11 A.M. Chu rt h S1llo•I -11 .l.M. Or. l'Mlll• G. Murt•v. Ml~l1!tt 644 . 7400 Newport Unit.y LOllElll D. PLICICllllOEll , 1•11•,.ltt tlewari•11of hl"'fko-11A.M.l 11 :15 A.M. Sw nlla y Scheol f&r ,u •t•• -1:41 A..M 1 ltti •lllf lrYI..,, Nt•parr loack OHi'• -64•·1111 DJA.L·A·l'IAYl lt 64,.Q,Jf THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcome• You. ST. JAMIS, Jltf Vie Llllt, Ntwp•rt IHlll 1:10 A.M. -Hely l111h•1l•t 18:00 A.M. -,_,..11, Wel'tllll' Ml .. ·Wffll H•IJ C•1111T1••let & H04llf1t ~le•• TllHlll•y-10:11 A.M. Tito 1•1'. Job P. Malty II, l"tM -PlleH: •71 .. JI• ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave .. C.M. So.drf' 7:JI & t :JI Ch•'9• kllfft-t :JI Tlltnll.,.: 4:JI & I a e.•.; Holy 0cys • ........ .. 'lk.,, Tllo KOT. J.a.. W. D_I ... -...... 141.0116 NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 798 Dover Or. LI 1.3431 Tllo ln. Je-. •· lte.la. ,., .... Tho 1: .... l•11al .. Willtt, E•rly Wtrohip 1:00 '·"'· Chrieti111 Elllwct+it" •:II•·"'· Ft1livt Wtn~i l' 10;)0 •·"'· Nurser11 Cert Available WILCOME LUTHERAN .CHURCH OF THE MASTER 2900 Pacific View Or. Coren• clel M•r DR. WILLIAM R. lLLIR Phon• 644-2664 t 1H A.M. '-Hr Wenlll, 11:00 A..M. s .. u., c.,,.. ...... 11:ff A.M. ,_ti,.. Wri., PRINCE Of PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M .. Y•* Drhe & Net s-.t, c .... M..., c.Qf. ANOltEW C. ANOfRSQN, l"lfltr lulltl•'t' SchMI: t ill -Mtrll1no wenlll•1 •i• e1111111:11 Pri11ce af '••C• l11tktre11 Scllciel -Mir1 lttl.er Oli111, ,ri11ti,el Offli:t 1'110111: 14f·0121 Sc6iMI Pho110: 14t-ll''I' -=---=---==-~ 0 ~=-- CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCllNCE .. __ M__. CfWrdl or U•"-' OOfdl ......... k ..... """ Nitti. SUNOAY ll•Yt<• ............ lt1• 1,M, Mln!1ftr •• Albtrl •11rtot. It.&. .. ,. TNI lalll ClUI OP NIWil'tlOT llACK tll l•lllot• llW.. ..... ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH 18182 Culver Drive Unive rsity Park, Irvin• Kew. Htrbtrt N. Niermann s .... ,, Schaal-•:OO A.M. G ~i111r 1erl'ice -,:00 .l.M. f111T1llJ S.rwlct -I ll:JO A..M. lll·llll NMrsery Cart 1)3.Jl46 A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NEWPORT CENTER WerihiP-11 :15 A.M. .. It. Mlchetl1 ll'iKopal Chw1ch Mt1t~trhe •t l'oclflc Vi•w D1. Cert11• .. ,1 Mo• Ph111•; '71·9f50 Coil• Mtst FIRST UNITED METHOD IST CHURCH r'th St. l H1•bo• 81,d. Church Wor1hip -':lO & 11 Ch urch School -~.)0 541-7727 Ct1la Mt•• Narlh MESA VE~DE METHODIST CHURC H Mt•• v ... ~. J. 11~., St. S4,-t7 1t 'Wer1hip I Church ~·~e~l t !OO I IO:JO A.M Fcunlt in V•ll•v FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 11225 l u1}.,,d 162-25t 3 Wt rihip ' Ch urch 5<\.ool ,,JO A.M, Mi~uttr ft•ll R. 1o1 ,11 ,, H,1 11!i11glo11 ••~eh FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHU RCH 1711 llt~ ~!. SJ6.J517 s .,.,~~· -' 1 s ' 10 :10 ''"' ,.,v (•ro r.!1 Morn1~~ C~~,e~ School -,.15 Hunt;n,+on looeh -Ntdh COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 1>1162 He.I A•t . 841-'~lll Wo,.h1p & Church School ~ 10 ' 10,00 A.M. 1,.;~, -E••f l lulf UNIVERSI TY METHODIST CHURCH 8JJ.!1Jl 13 •71 C11f,.,, Rte.I • llo •r•• ly 0••~• Wo«~;r ' Church Scheel <J 'IO:JO A.M l •9un• l••eh METHODIST CHURCH 211112 w .,1.v o ...... ,,, Sou•n LOQU• • Worth•p ond Church Schoo!-JO A.M. A ~~-lOl l CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA 1400 W. B1 ibQ t Sl•d. 611-1 805 W1,,hiP-t:JO A.,M, Chvrch Sd'lool-9:30 l 11 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Presbyterian 11112 M ..... n. I Near Adol'lltl H1"tl11tta11 It.ell RO'f. D••tld L lelMrts, l'aattr S .... .y W•rt>tlp: •:ll A.M. Cilurdl Sctietl: t :JO A.M. Offi•i 1111 J Matnolio tt. rll•ri.: •~l-4t41 Church ofthe Covenant 2110 f11l rwl1• ltad. Cettm M ... l r11co A. k111r{e, PaUat ltlMor WDN6il11: l :IS I 9;JO A.M. Ch1rcll kllett •:JO A.M. "'erie: 545-4)04 Community Presbyterian Church 411 ftr .. t A•e11.,., Lit•" lemcil Dr. Ooll9' A, T11r110t", P.sttr hllMy WtnM,: 1:41 ·,,JO ·11 A.M. Cll11rch khael: 9:JO PhtllOI; 4f4·7551 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church ''° St. A• .. r•ws •a-4, N•wpert lteclt Clterl" Hen.rt Dlcr ... flel .. , l'fltor W...W, & Clltrcil Sclloal: I , ';JO & 11 A.M. PlloM: 646•7147 St. Mark Presbyterian Church C ...... ......,._ & lettW.tf Drl ... CffeM ~ Mor J.fHf .. ,..... llrl. ... t .. w~ & c11ec11 khal -':St A..M. n-: .,.,..,,41 UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2JS2 S. I . PA.LIU.DIS lOA.D SANT.A ANA Hll•Hn SUN0•1' ICKOCK. ...., ...... WO"I"' •VJNtNe titff Kif' MIOWI•« Sl•..,1c• WIONllOA1' •. : .••. •"-w1111t '· c•mc. ''"' A.M. 1"• li .M. Pt• P.M. ,, .. , No. °'11rt.ll ,.,,_ MJ.Mn' OAlLY PILOT S Opening Set in 1973 Irvine Luthe1·an Collee:e OK: '--' aftd '• Pulpit Pew (Coath1u~ f'rom Page 4} Problem Of Righ teou.snw." Ann Misel i.!I organist. Lloyd Danielson i.s choirmaster. Summer Sunday School ln- clude.c; Nursery care through first grade~ at 10 :30 a.m. Grades two and .above wor~hfp wi th their parenl~. At the 10:30 a.m. service or I he Unitarian Uoh•trsalist Church of Co&ta Mesa, 1259 Victoria Street, the guest speaker wlll be Mr. Herb Sep.J , psycholo~ical consultant and counselor, who wlll speak on "Alternate Life SI y I es .'' Following the service will be a coffee and fellowship hour where members and guests v.·ill have 11 chance to get ac· -quainted and tn discuss the morn ing's service. Nursery care is provided. f:mphasizing better corn· municalion between the gener- li nns. Dan1e! \Vhiteside will develop his topic "Wake Up! Look at Pop Cu11ure for What It Says Siiiritually" with the use of slides. contemporary music and current literature at the Thur~day rneetinf! of Psynetic11 foundation. Mr. Whiteside is producer of the James W. Newman Corpora- tion's PACE activities pro- gram wit.h c-nnrerences all around the world . This pro- gram is to help people strengt.hen and d e v e I o p themselves in every area nf their Jives. The reg u 1 a r meeting. open lo the public, will be held at the foundatinn headquarters, I 135 Wes l Barkley, Orange. al 8 p.m. Donation for members is $1, for non·members Sl.50. A solemn Novena in honor flf St. Anne will open on Sunday, Ju!y Ill al alJ lhe ma!les at St. Anne Church, 340 10th St .• Sen! Beach, Calif The Novena wi ll cont inue at th e !I o'clock dail.v rna!'.~es and will be conclud<'d oo the feast of St. Anne. Jul\' 26th. Father Richard T G;iui, SJ of El Paso, Te xas will con- duc1 lhr Novena . F'alher (;aul is a well knnwn visitor to this area and will be v.·elcomf'd by his friends . The public is in- viU!d to the Novena. Vi'or~hi p Servlcf's at Fir~I Baptitt Charch, Huntington Beach an? held at 11 a m. con- ducted by lhe pastor, the Rev. Willis J, Loar"~ message for Sunday, will bP ''Thr~e Shepherds nn a Hillside." Church School i!; held at 9·30 a m for children and adults or all ages. The Board o( Deat'ons, along v.•1th a quarter- ly business meeting will be held on Monday at 7:30 p.m. ln rhe .Junior Classroom of the Educational Building. A 11 members of the church are in- vited to attend thls meeting. On !his Friday, July 16th, Mercury Savings of H.B. will be puttinJ: on a luncheon fnr our church to raise money (Clr our Cam ping Fund at a dona- tion of SJ.25. ~1en. women and young people in high school are invited to attend. A guest speaker \Viii give a brief talk on flllr cnmmunitv. The time is 11 :30 am. at Mercury Sav- ings, 7812 Edinger. • The. sermon topic of Dr. Henr\' Gerhard , minister of the Church of Re 11 g I o u 1 Science of Laguna Beach, for Sunday is "~1an, ln Spite of Himself." \Vorship serv~s are held at 9 a.m. and l l a.m. at. the church, 20062 Laguna Can yon Road. Families with children are especially invited tn anend the earlier service. Junior Church for ;ill ages through high sch()()l is in 5ession during the 9 11.m. service under the Instruction of te achers trained in Science of fl1 ind. Baby care is also of- ferel during the 9 a.m. service . Thursday lectures are . ~ponsnred b.v the church <il Leisure \\1orld Clubhouse Two at 10 H.m. Newport Unlly Ch u r c h, mePt1ng Sunday in the Senior Citizens Bllilding. 1Wl and Irvine A\·e .. Newport· Beach, will hear a sermon by Re v. Loren Dale Flickinger en- titled, "Free for Nothing" al lhe 10 and 11:15 a.m. services. Thi' pastor"s message at the ti ;i ,m. s("rvil'P Sundav ~t flr~t Baptist Church. 10·7 W, r-..larguita, San Clemente. ~·ill 'Jesus People' Need Large Churches' Aid EDITOR'S NOTE· The fnlln1tn1g piPct of npinrnn '"?~ 1rr1/lr11 hi/ DAILY PILOT p_m ploye Dorothy JnycP 1111,f) ha..~ bern kr,.pn1Q n •ff).~r 1rn1rii on rJ1P rPrr11t devP/opmr n/ n( the so-cnl/erl "JP.~11.~ 1\fovemer11." Tins 1s her romm1>11tnry Bv f">OROTll\' JOYCE • or !~• D•ll1 Po,.1 ~TO I! A recent phrnomenon has hero the spr1ng1ng-up of non- traditio11a! Christian church grnups -the ".fesus propJP ," home Ribl l' study group~. and other informal YClUth churC'h assembl1f'S i\lany nf lhf'!'P l'l!lrrrr, dt'rl1ca!f'r1 Christian ,group~ arP in ner.d of fund !!: to carr~ out their m1nislry, v.·hich intlud,.~ n1eC't1n,i.: not nnl,v .S("IT1"1tu;il. h1it the physical and mal!~.rial needs of the .vouni;: pf'flpl e. SomP havP become d1scourAged and had !n disband. '{ct, the traditional churches are content to remain in the.ir "IJU!e cocoon~." taking pride in thf! amount of mnnry sent annually to foreign missions. each comptting with Lht other in amounts allncat.e.d r-.tinisleri'I in their pulpits decry the drug menace and moral decadence with iL~ parLner crime, and are glad that lhe young people in their non-tradilional approach are doing something about it. bilily to suppnrt frnancially a movemenl that reheves Ho1v is ii they do nol al the same ti me fetl a responsi- lhem of the responsibility to do v.·hat they ha ve been un· 11ble t.o do within their f1Jrmal church structures:' lnvar!ably, "·hen approached by representatives nr i'IUCh group!!: for support. the answer is . •·we will be glad tn help in ;iny WA Y we can. but our budget is too tight to help financially. We are stru~gling tn mett our o,,,.·n ohli· gal inns." Declining mefnbership is nnly one of their v.·oes. S!alis· hc.c; continue to show that pCQplp are ~laying away from lt1e. formal churches in droves. \\'hen will the churches raise 1heir he.ads out of the ~11nd and recogn ize their respnn.c;ibill!y as 8 local missioni!lry outreach and divert so me of their foreign mis~ion funds In the vital hnmt" mission right in their backyard~ .Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world," but His mini15try v.•111 al home and knew no boundariell. M 11-1&-1r.11 t .... lit 10 llW-51111.. Jul' II. L•• ~ 1 te 7 l'M • ; .... -.11,,,,.,._ .................. tllllorOMr,.... • Ml!ol111oft l lJ$. Cft11dtfft 111"11 .. 12 ,,.,,. -- ' ' I be "The Chr1Stian View of Marriage" wllh evening topic "A ·Politician, A PropheL and God's .Plan for the Nations .'' Sunda) school ls 11t 9·45 a .m. Cbrl11 Chapel , a member of I.he llnlversaJ F'ellowshlp of Met~l\tan Com munit y Churches is a leg a lly chartered assen1bly serving U1e Orange. Counly homosex- ual commuoity. ll mttls Sun- da_1'! at 7 p.m al l.he Un!lanan Ur1Jversalisl Church, 1259 Vi("- toria St .. Costa Me~a Sermon St1nday is "Out or the Dep- Uls " Christ Lutheran Church. 760 \"ictoria St.. Costa alesa, f.r.hedules divioe w ors hi p services at 8: 15 and 11 a.m. with the sermon by Vicar Rod- ney Hilpe rt entiUed "Chri~t f"an Satisfy Our Deepest Desi re.·• Sunday !iChonl is at P 30 am Fairview Baptist Church, 2525 Fairview n oad. Costa fllesa, schedults \\·11r~hip Sun- <l;iy at 10 a.n1. \vi !h !he f.Crmon by Rei• ~1rlv1n Taylor f n!itled "Can Anyone Be Perfect ~" ChurC'h school is at Hl:30 a.m. At 7 :'!O p.m Sun- day , there will be i:1n "Open Sh are and Care" meeting at the parsonagr Thr group v.·111 l1~ten to black evangelist Tom Skinners . Lutheran Cbarcb Of The l\iaster1. 2900 Pacific Vie\\' Drive, Corona del r>.1ar offers two hour.s of \\'orship at 9 and 11 a.m. Dr. Wm. R. Eller will deliver the message "~fore Than The Law." Special music Is being offered bv the members of the choir ·during Summer Vacation. "The Person of Faith" is lhe aermon topic or the Rev. Norman L. Brown on Sunday, al lhe Plymouth Congreg'a- 1100111 Church 11f Newporl Harbor, 3262 Broa d Street, NPwport Beach, al IO Am. worship serv ice. Sunda y Srnool is held al the same time. ,Pa.,t.or James G Alain o( N,e~n Harbor Lu I h l!r• n diurtb, 798 Dover Dr .• f'twno'rt Beach, has chosen for his sermon for bolh 8 and 10:30 111,or.ship service.!I oo Sun- day. "Our Common Debt of Love". At !he 9:15 am Sun· day ~chool hour. the Summer of Surprises ( S. 0 . S l con- tinues \with a Potter _v Demon!lration by Mr. Don Moeller, who l.~ ceramics teamer A!. Ne\vporl Harbor Hig h School. This program will be for both adul ts and chil dren. ··or. Lu ke ·· will be lhe sermlln topic al the 8: 15 a.m. inForTnal wnrship service, and "In An Apple Orcha.rd" will be the serm1J11 topir al the 9:30 a m. wor~hip service. The Rev . Bruce A Kurrie \\'ill rleli,·er both sermons at The Pre~byterian Church nf the Col·fnant. 2851> Fairview Road, Cos!a M~!a. Church school \\'ill be held at !he 9.30 hour , Regular child care \\ill be available At bo1h services. fl•. Ro~rrt \V asher. p;ue~l preacher for the las1 three Ru1•d11ys &l Comn1unily United f\l ttbodlst. C hu rc h , lil I He1iotrnpe Aic , llunt1n&l•1n Rtach, Will prr ~rnl fnr hi~ fln~I sermon, "S1rrn>:th fnr 1"oday." Dr. Washrr has been ~enlor niinisler of lhc c;ardcn {;rove First Me lhodist Church for 16 years. He is now ac- ti 1t ly engaged 1n working wit.h Crlltlcil of Churches. com- mtlnlty groups and minority buUding rnn.tractors in pro- vi"°g adequate housing for lo>( and medium income pefsons. He al~o ~rves a1 A memhtr of the Board of Grifernors of C h a p m a n Ollegc. W~ship Services are at 10 A.m. v.·ith child-care. ~11mer Church School Is alsn ;it lO. On July 2..'i and August I. <"haplaln Harold A. MacNe1lt, \Vlllg Chapb1in at Jrd Marine Air Wing. El Toro, will be ()Ur pul pit speaker. lu..strated the basic Oneneas or the human race that "Ye art the fruits oI one tree and the leaves of one branch .'' Pamphlets includ ing "Man, One Family," -· 8 ah a 'i Teachings for a Universal Faith." and "Life a r t c r ~ath" will be available. Que.stions are invit.ed . Ta Baha 'u'llah who Hr cla ims to be, the Universal Prophet for all mankind? Lutheran Church of Our ]\ie 1l, Past.or Sa\·ior, '.!00 E. San Pablo, San Clementr, took action la~t Sunday to issue a letter of call 10 a young seminary graduate who, should he choose: to ac- cepL this local challenge, will have primary responsibility in the area of youth ministry and family life. The Pastor said Rev. Dav 1'1tcholas. \•,.ho has served at three Sou t h c r n (. a l i r · f n r n i a churches. has taken over pa::;loral duties of Sadrlleback also that the summer schedule \'alley Baplist Churth. or church school and adult meeting in O'Neill ~:le- classes beginning aL 8:45 a.m. mentary School, 24701 \vilh worship at 9:30, provides Sandoval l.ane, Mi ssion the opportunit y for some in- novations. AL the request o( Viejo, Bible classes are nne of the n1embers of the at 9:30 a.nl. \V1th \\'Of· &lard of Commissioners who ship at 10:45 am. and has taken part in a simila r service the previous week, 6 p_.m_. _______ _ PasLor Lund scheduled an in--- formal Holy Communion service For next Sunday morn- ing to be held at ft a.m. The congregation will meet to- gether again this conUng Sun- da~·. ror a fam ily barbecur at 12 :30 at Rancho Ca pislrano. Lagunan's Work Slated To Be Sung A sacred compn si!.in n for mezzo-soprano \\'tltten by He.nrietta Crosby of Laguna Hills Leisure World will b~ sung July 25 al 11 a.m. in the Geneva Presbyterian Church of Laguna Hills. Well-knov.·n opera and con· rerl artist Jane Wes1brook will be the featured soloi~l \\"ho will introduce lhe new composition to a special choir recngnition service. ·I'he 33rd Psalm was \hr inspiration for the composition which is titled, "Let All the Earth Praise the Lord " r-.1rs. Crosby, former mu.~ic consultant in the 0:-:nard schon! system. is the com- poser of many musical v.·nrks fnr srhool children. the mn5t popular of \\'hic.h wa.~ an operetta called · 'S u g a r Brownies," whit:h she al.~o directeri on several occa.~inn.~. The ram1ly of Mrs. Crn~by will join Mr. and Mr.'i. P;iul Wes tbrook after the service al brunch in Ben B rown'! Restaurant. Included will be I'l1r. and Mrs . Lloyd Se1lsPt, h1iss Dorthea Glasoc, and ~lr. and Mrs. Fred Crosby. Baptists Set Bible School Activities The FirsL Southem Baptist Church nf Huntington Beach, 16783 Graham Street, will con- duct a Vacation Bible. Schoo! from Ju!y 26 to July 30. The School will begin each morning al 9 a.m. and con- clude promritly at n o n n . Chil dren from the ages ('( three ~·ears old 1hr11ugh 1hc. eigh1h grade are invited 1n at · tend. Aclivi11es of each day will include Bible s1udy, wor ship . hand\\·ork, recreatinn. a n d refrcshn1ents. A picnlc -.1•i!I conclude 1he dav's activities on July 30 Fam;ly Night will he held at 7 30 p.m , .July 30, al 1\·h1ch time certificates !or ;itlt'ndance will be awa rded and handwnrk d i s p \a y e d , There fS no ch arge for al· tending the school. Pre-reg1strat1on fnr VAca- !ion B1hle School can he done during the \\lrek of July 19-2.1 e11her by calling the church a~ !845-3535!. or stopping by the church office which is open fro1n 9 tn noon d a i I y . Reg istration day will be held on July 24 . frnm 10 111 11 a.m. \\le request th;:it the parents accompany their child nn reRiSlraLion day. The V;ication Bible School will be under the directorship of Mrs . Evelyn Lea of Hun- tington Beach. Lear11ing Of Religio11s Will Co111e Soon-Solon The Lutheran Church-~·lls· sour1 Synod will build a new four·ycar Lutheran college at lrvine with an additional grant of $2 million enabling the school to be opened in Septem- ber of 1973. The action was ap- proved by neariy l,000 dele- gates attending the national convention of the Luthrran Chu,·ch -Missouri Synod here on Tuesday. The Irvine college had been pl anned by the. Lut.herans !Ince 1961, but this 1s the first time that an npt:ning date had been confirmed and a defini te amount or money delegaled ln Further resolution , the Lutheran l:<lnvention resolved In call a president 1m· mediately for lhe new Concor- dia college and to encourage the nearly flOO congregations Young Seminarians Raise More Questions of the Lutheran Church-Ml!- sour1 Synod In Califomla, Nev• ada. and Arizon a to initiate • •pecial fund-raising program to assist in the conslrUction or the college. Prior to the convention. the Synod's national Board for Higher Education and the Sy· nod 's Board of Dlrector1 had recommended that con.!lll'UC· lion begin on the Irvine cam· pus. The 220 congregation.!! or the Southem California Disl- lrict had voled a year ago to support lhe rievelo pmcnt or a Lutheran college al Lrvine by recruiting students, by special prayers in thr Synod's con- grcgation5, and by providing 1non1cs for thr construction or LA Sl!'.:RRA (AP\ -Six stltution must be flexible if the college, years ago 80 high school-age they are lo .survive the chang-The convention accepted an boys lived at the Divine Word ing limes. amendment from :.he floor Seminary, studying lo become "Those of us v.·ho teach the that resolved that the priests. Today the student seminarians or act as spiritual [. u theran Church-Missouri body stands at 16, and those adv1strs reallze that what' we Synod continue to use t.he Lhat remain question Catholic say wit! not be accepted just fac1ht1cs at California Con- dogma in a way that would because we are in a position of cordia al Oakland until they have been unthinklible less Authority," says Fath er are no longer needed. The than a decade ago. Caff rey. ''And a 1th o ugh Oakland fa ciHtif'S will ii rl}- ··1 think a priest shoul d be somelinlcS il's hard. it's good bab!y no longer be used for a able 10 gel marrie d if he for all of us to be questioned:' futl college program after the \\'ants to. And I think birth l11s order, he say9. is con-opening of the new college al c:ontrol should be up to the sidered relatively \lberal. It Irvine . individual." says pat ric k allows the youths to attend a For some lim r reriresen- Daniels, I~. or La Puente. Catholic high school ou tside !;iti1·es from N o rt h er n "I think it should ~ made t.he s e m in a r Y encourages California and Sou th e r n cl ear that the church con-them 1o attend dances :i nd California we r P discus.s ing riemns racist attitudes. I can't football games, and despite a whether t.he new Lutheran understand 11·hy the church ban on dating during lhe four·year co!!e,l!e should be hasn't been more out.spoken ," school year. doesn't admonish located in t.he San Francisco says t-.1el Vigil, 17, of New them to shun the opposite sex. Bay area or 1n the Orange ~ico. "Thal would be foolish," he County area. The nalional con- Vet bolh boys remain tn say.~. \'ent1on settled this question race Lhe task of completing "\Ve don't want a boy lo by approving the Tr v I n e high school, four years of col-enter the seminary because he development projt>ct. Th e lege. one year of ·spiritual can'l make it wilh girls or Lutheran convention a I s <l training and four years of stu· can't mix with p e op I e ,'' resolved to commend th ose in dying theology before they are Father Caff rey explains "We Southern Califomia and the d · d · h · v.·ant a well-rounded boy who California-Nevada District for or aine int o t e missionary order. chooses a vocation because. he their united efforts towa rd the One who has chosen tn wants to." establishment of a four-year leave. Rene r-.lon tr ilh. Ill. of Yet m;,iny of the boy.c; soon colJege 1n California. Garden Grovf'. offers an e:>:-feel the strain. especially The L11theran Chu rch · pl::in::ition . around girls. "A lo! of times Missouri Synod is the large~;t "This ha s helped me more you just keep quiet about Lutheran group in t he than anything J've ever done,'' yourself." says Rene Monlrilh . Southern California are a. says ~lon1rilh, \\'ho i-' aiming "Because wi!h so n1an}' ----- at a medical career aftrr four girls, lhe minute you men1i on years at the sem inar'.I'. "I! has you'rt 1n the semin ary, there's BUSINESS AND bu ilt my character and I knnw thi~ awkward silence and sud-PROFESSIONAL m~·self better than 1 l.'ver did denl y 1hcy 11re comril etely dif- befnre." lerent around you" GUIDE Nol only tht seminarians1------=------l\..-..,.:;~:.;,;::.;:;,. __ ..J MATTRESSES • are changing . Leade rs like the Rtv. William Caffrey. director nf the semin11Jry. recognite that both they and the ~n· Temple Sets Membership Drive Fete • MATTRESSES IOATS HOMIS TU.IUU It 's a hot '""'''" ...... Cd• M•• MtrttNU c •. J I S I 2110 N•wport II"'. u y a e at Liberty 8·1303 Huntin9ton1".--u-P_H_o_Ls""T-E-RY-~• Center's 1 ------- cool mall Mesa Upholstery Liberty 8-4781 2)$0 N!WllOIT ILYD. /I 8ahA 'I Booth al lhe Orr.nge Cqunl.y Fair will offer ln f~mation to everyone In· ter!mled in learning more ab t t.he Baha 'i Faith. The tilt e of the booth will iJ. LAGUNA BEACH ART GALLERY SUNDAY IN THE OUTDOOR AMPHITHEATER 8 P.M. ONG KONG CUITOM TAft.Oll & IMmMAIW l'dMANINT IN SANTA ANA 10.000 hft-41.,. c-._ -1~ Goot••-M~ol ... ,_ suns '135 NIIMI IJll1 .... -c ........ tltk1 'IU.lL Nl(f Rt t. llOW w. '"" ..... $•~ ... 1111 ........... , •• "-••·· "" .... , ,, C..•-·· .......... . &11\ WMI , ,, ••• I ! It I~'"' ........... 10 I "'••~.I hol""' f\11001 holllo l•lto lnllo~lt e...., o--... --:- l •lt '"'' 11.1 •. lf.l'O-ll ·-·""' ... •· SAVI U, TO 50 '/• .. llfoll<I 1.,1..,... C.•••• --l,.h1, .,,.,,_.,, SI .. ••, I•\,.,, 7,0l'IO rlN(ll ll!lllll '"111(;$ 0 WI rtT ANY Slit •' WlllC DIUVflT • r111 AlfllATIONS • IAIT PATllllNTI 307 CLIFF DRIVE MOUL TON GALLERY SUNDAY, JULY 11 MONDAY, JULY 19 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. both day1 CHAGALi, BASKIN, ROUAULT, DAUMIER ' MAHY OTHEllS AJIRNtGCD BY .,_...,.~ f[llDJNAND R01UI tAUElllES IALTI MOllr, MO • Taina's Tahttians, F•1cin•fin9 loc•I group of fi•ry i1l•11d dancer1, 1ing•r1 end nativ• mu1ician1. Cem•r• D•y Tod•y • ~ ~ ,• •I .. • ' " .. .. ·-.. .. ' .. ' .. .. 1 1 J ' • .. I • Co I I I I ent Page I • I Upper Bay Land Swap: A Tale bf 2 Tax Bills Sy TOAt BAllLEY OI -0 111, ~llM 111!1 T"ow> tu bills are aboul to cr0&s the d~ ol Irvine Company Pre.side.nt William R. Mamn. O!le is for ne.arly $7 million and the other it for .a sum just short of $1.5 miUion. Bolb npresent tues calculated ftom t.he 1971-72 asse6sments of Orange County Assessor Andrew J. HlnshAw. And both will list "the lrvlne Company et al " as lbe county's debtors. The resemblance ends right the.re:. They will gtt sharply contrasting recep. tions from the determined ~ad cf the OOUllty'a ma jor landov.11er. ·-111 --..... m-....... -TWllllMl,Olll'MID tt.!I SfCllu.NQI cx:unY 0 • ..,....IAM!la ---.,.,,.._......., OWNERSHIP BEFORE TIIADE TR! 17 MJLUON tab will 10 to UM! company's accountanti far verification of ltA accuracy u County Tu Collector Hobert L. Citrco'1-rtekonlnj of the aiant C9.!'1J>allY'I tax burden on it. vast acrtage, Appl"ftVal t'l{ the many tu houc~ that comprise the figure will mean Mason's slgnatUt'f: on a cbeck made payable to the Courity of Orange. The $1.5 million bill. like it.s two idtn· tlcal prtclecee.sprs, will go into a file. No 1peciaJ lile. pending or othe:rwi&e. "Jll!l a file," said a company 1pokesman . That Sl.S million bill repre.sents what ·-!i!i -........ 0 -...-•rV>&&~ OWNERSHIP AFTER TRADE Various ariras of owners hip in.. Upper Newport Bay tire tdent1fied a..s existing prior to the Irvine Compan,y'i proposal for a tidelands excha~e with Orange Cou11.t11 01'. Ma11 20, 1963. Upp tr Bay would have been owned a.nd. devel~d. like thu a.fter th~ much-dtba.Ud tidel.mt.ds exchange. Statements by cou·1ity officials hint tltty may now /auor wildlife preserve in bay'1 upper reache1, They Go Ape When Video Turns to News From GF, a Germ.an New& A.rency Gorillas at P'ranldurt's big ioo are turning on and tun ing tn -with TV . There's a twofold idea behind the alter· noon and early evening diet of U:levision fM ilie zoo's eight apes, a project launched two months ago. For one thing. ioo officials wanted to help the an imal! overcome the tensions and depression, \\•hich mark lhe.11 behavior during the tolder months and is apparrntly trig- gered by the l!ieasona! dropoff in at· tendarre by peopl e. On the nther hand. the. program tJ forming the basis of a behavioral study. A research paper is to be \\Tltl.cn about the e~periment. The project has already prnduced a number of observati\"lns. ~'here.as the J JX younger gorillas In !he famlly are held spellbound by programs with large do~es of optical turbulence, Papa Ma tze and Mama Maku!a are audio-o riented : they like loud programs. The aptic.s don 't makt. much impact on them. . .\11 eight apes share a distaste for on• type ol program in parl\cular . the news. Dated History Bay Controversy Through Years The present status of tile Upper Say dates back tn May 25, 19111. when the State of California granted tideland! and submerged lands of Newport Bay to Orange County "to be held in tru1t and subject to the conditio n tha t a public harbor be developed for purposes of com· merce and nav igation and fishing." Here are some highligh t..s from its SZ· year history: -!\1AY 26, 19Z6. A !av.•su1t hled against the Irvine Company by Orange County brought the ruling that alt land8 above the line of mean high tidf' -three bay islands and part of the patrnt !and~ - were judged to belong to the Irvine Com· pany. All other properly went to the county. -JULY I. 19.>7. G<!vernor Goodwin Knight approved legislation w h i ch permtt~d the ell'change of filled Cir reclaimed tideland~ lo Orange County for privately owned adjacent !and.s (lf f'qllal or greater value. sub\t>Cl to lh1 Stat!!. Lands Cnmm1~s1on's apprnval -J\1A Y 20, 191i3. The first lnrm of th& land ~V.'afl was prr~en!.ed to cnunty superviwrs by 1he lrvtnr Company - 2Q2.7 acrfs nf Irvine upl11nds fllr !Sl.3 acres of filled cnunty-ou'ned tide lands. -AUG. 26, 196.1. Plan amended t.o 418 2 acres of lr\"ine land for 146.8 acres of county land -MAY 6, 1964. Proposed trade now stands at 450 acres of Jrvine uplandJ for 157 acre• of county tidelands. Approvtd: by th e boa.rd after a public bearin& a.ftu 1upervisor1 le&rned from i;tate appralsu Bernard Evana that they would be S3 millio n better off by the swap. -AUG. !5. 1968. St.:lte Lands Com- mission refuse(j t.o approve the exchange. -SEPT. U, 1967. State Lands Com· mission now accepts the swap aft.tr a hearing featuring strong opposllion by conservationist groups. -NOV. 1!, 1961. County supervisor s approve transfer of Udeland.5 and recording of deed. -P.tARCH, 1969. The lrvlne Company suel!i the county to test the ''alidity of !he land !'A'ap -APRIL, IHt. Six Newport Beacll homeowners enter the lawsuit as tn· t.e rvenors against th e Irvine Company. -OECE.\fBER, 1910. Court rules that th e land swap is legal. -JA~'UARY, 1971. Re,·amped county bnard condemns !and switp, caJ!s for review of exchange-without wa iting for appellate court decision. -titARCH , 1971. Supervt~or~ re1ect land swap. Advise Irvine Company that ex change no longer applies -AP RIL, 1971. Irvine Company sues county. Calls for court recognition of .argument that county cal'lnot back out of the Upper Bay deal . -JULY 9, 1971. Tax Liens on dispu!Pd Upper Bay property climb W nearly S5 million. lrvine Company refuses to pay. .------------.fJtA -,. "fan In San Franet.eo'------------, -.. Bay Area Folks Sweating for Peace By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -Now the:y·v._ gem too far! On 20th Ave In the Sun.Mt Sunday. Nick Ger11.cimo.!I 1potted ~ s.ign outside a house readlni "Garage Sa 1 e - Upgt.alrs". , .Ha.s the IRA been ma.king bomb threat& against I.he Brllish Consular offices oo the nlnth floor of the £qui.tabla 9u1ldin1? [))nald Stokes.. Her Ma· jesty'1 Stokesman htrt. ~Ues sangfro1dily "We've had two threat& in the pagt year, one a COU· iiit of months ago. We just ts:nore them'' .. , Dr. Bernard Barrett of ff.n.acola, keynote .speaker at a re- cen\ medica1 convenlloo here. is aulng the s . f . Hilton f(Jf' S2'1S,OOO. Amon& other thing!. he'1 a bit mltttd because an Ull mgr. burst unannounced Into his r o o m , equinted at hi1 wife in bed tDd uked : "Whn llTt ynu?" ..• • • • Dll. HAROLD ROBINSON of Mendoclno. OOged by 1mic boom11 1n Ute ma. wrote W Hamlllon Air J"Oree B1Je .1Dd rectlvtd a cowUcl<ll r<ply from Capt. J"""PI> -- "'· Corfie!d Jr , as follOW! 1n part: ''The :urcraft was deta.lle:d to a classi fied mls~1on of such sens1tivi· t.y that even ii v>e knew the def.ail:!! of the flight we "'OU/d nol be at liberty to discuss any 11.~ts. We can only beg your understanding tha t such mW.ions ~ t55t.ntia.J to nation .. J defense. Let me share with you a Oline.st: prov,rb 'The mort. you swNt in peace. I.he less you bletd ln war:·• Quot.atioM from Ch a Ir m • n C<lrfield? • • • THE A-fYSTERlOUS East Bay : on glorious Monday, Cynthia Kelly and Sue Reynolds. who v.·ork In a nearby off le!, dKided tn e.at their lunch in the pretty littl"' psrk •rrm.s from OakL1nd's Clly Hall. M they were ptl'(hed on the roun- 11.!n ledse. daintily f'~ting their finger r.andwiches. made nf re•I fin.gen . alons ca~ ttw> gardwv" 1(1 uump. "''ou can't e11t he-e. In lact. yoU can't BE here. This U a showcase park -\fa not 1 pa.rk for PEOPLE !" So, Cynth ia a.nd ~e. •~iddenly r1dlc11iied, orsanlm:f a. ., 11t-ln there ... Shortly be fore Congr. P~tol Pete McClo:skey and h.is family moved into the pool hou&e on the Athertnn e&IA.te of Mel Lane, Che Sunset mag tycoon , for a month'• vacation. Me\'a 14-ye:ar~ld daughter. Whitney, posted 1 sign outside the house readina "East Wing ." Her only worry : "Whuc are the. Stcret. Service: m~ 1oini to 1tay?" (not so fast there, young l•dy). • • • I! THERE mort pl"e6I freednm ln Saigon than he.ff.~ A politic&.! CQJ • umniJt. on a daily there wrote last week that he wasn't 1urprtsed to learn the U.S. Govt. lied lo the ~ pie "because our eovttnment doe.s it all the Ume ·' -tncl be im 't in Jail yet. . . Sign in a SebuUlpol 8upennarkel · "Please 8e Sure: Your Baby is \\'earing Diapers " . . . ADO GREAT quott&· "We weren't goftl& t.h!t fast. \\'efe •e, Tom'! .. Lady driver to pet cal ~ front &tit when told by Highway Patrolman "they .. were drivinl in uctS1 Of 100 miltt: All bout. ,Volatile Stew Cooking .Up In Steel Tiff By RALPlt C. DEANS ldltor/1/ ..... ,t.~ ·-"" WASHING TON -A militant union, a profit..poor induslry and a iOVernment nervous about the effe<::~ of a strike or an inflationary settlement -these are the volatile ingredienlo; at work in !'leg o ti At Jons betwee.n the Gnited Steelworkers of Amenca and the nalion·s steel indumri es. In the opinion of many econom ists, the llea!lh of the aeneral economy is riding on the out come. The union v.·on pay lncreaSE's or about 31 per cent for can-manufacturing workers on March 14. and for aluminum workers on Junf' I. It ha.-; declared this i.!I th!!. minimwn it vdll t.eek for 450.000 steeJv.·orkers Ol'er the next three year.:;. beginning Aug. l. The. old contract ex· pires July 31 , Steel companies argue that their prof!L~. nexl.-to-!0;1,,e:st among 41 in· dustries last year. wou ld be wiped out., The companies warn that higJier labor oost.s v.·i!J have to bt passed oo to the. consumer in the form of highe r stttl prices. STEELWORKERS' PR£SIDE~'T J. W. Abel respond~ that his union members have been "derent guy~ a little too long:• \\'age increases of 16,3 pe.T('.~t won in the 1968 contract have been cut almost to nothing by a 14.3 pe rtent increase in con· sumer pricu . The union's position is that 1\ is chasing inflAtion, not creating It. President Nixnn Wov.·ed his concem about the negoti3liona by calling the barsainus ltJ the White House on July fi. the day L&lks began in Washington . He pleaded for a "'constructive aetUement ," one that would improve ~ com- petitlvene5S of American stttl 1n world markets. lt was precisely in that arena that the. st.eel industry has made. a dismal ahowing In recent years. Under the Impact of ''voluntary'' quotas. lmport.5 have de:clined in volume aince 1968 when they reached a peak of 18 million tons and accouated for nearly 17 pe.r cent of the sttel oold in the United Stat~ that year, But the pictur«' 15 mislead ing. Most of America's sales abroad arr low-val ue semi-finished pro- ducts while an tncrMsing share. or im- port.a is made up of sla.inle.ss, high·alloy and tool i!ileel. With these Ngh...prof lt specialty ltenu, fortlgn producers dra.ln off a dl~roportionate amount of ltltal revenue while &Uyint within prelCribed tonnage llmil!. FOREIGN STEEL ii $20 to MO a ton cheaper than American steel -for ~eral riasons. Wages are lower in Japan and the European Cmrunon M&rket -the source. of most steel en· terl.ng the United St.ates Raw ma1.erl1I$ are either about the same price or lower. But the biggest factor. according lo I.ht domestic \ndwitry. i1 that f()Tt.ign pro- ducer~ receive l,!J.t brt•ks and 1u1Midy help from their rovr.mments It la aenf'rally agr~ that withou t sovemment help for U.S steelm11k tr?i. an !nr.:rtlM in productJtrity i$ the only way they can C<Jntlrrue to pay hlih w11:ge1 Md yet mtet the furefg?I competitioo • Hin&b.aw aay1 15 tlit Irvine Company'• tax liability for tht uplands traded three yea.rs ago to Orange C:OUnty. The e<iually detenninld a.sse.s.aor has never recogniz· ed a.s legal I.he swa p o{ 450 acres of Jrv1ne lan d.. for J57 acres of a:runty-ewn· ed tidelands. The new ~Ill , aays Hinshaw, pl.l.!!hes I.he taz lien up to nearly $5 million. Nearly $500,000 in penalties and inlf'rest cliMges on the. unpaid la.1 bills havr been added to the three-year delinquent tax laliy car- ried on Citron's books. "There's nflt much I can do about it." Citron said. · A!J these delinquencies are reported to the Board of Supervisors and if the Irvine Company chooses not to pay Its tuts that'a the ir privilegf'." "THE TAX LIENS are not the Irvine Company's problem. 'lJiey are the coun· ty's problem,'' Is Mason's sole romment on the lSJue. He reject~ Hinshaw 's ai;sess ments and the tax figu re they produce as mean· ingtesa since. a company analysis of the Upper Bay problem stales. the assessor has "ro-m iogle.d county property and pro- perty still re!alned by the company and it i.s not possible for the C<Jmpany to determ ine its proper tax.'' "There m11y be co-min gling but most of It went on three years ago when the Irvine Company and the county mad!!. this giant land sv.·1p." says Hinshaw . "'The comp1ny included a lot of county land and trust lands in the pa.reel it transferred and the whol e vaguely oullin· ed deal immediately clouded the title o{ the acreage involved . "It was purely and simply illegaL'' Hinshaw said. "I said 50 at the time and a hundred times since and event.s. I think. have borne me out." SO, FOR THE third year in a row. Sl.5 nullion in ta:res goes unpaid whlle both sides in a dispute that has produced months of crn;:tly courtroom action glower al each other across an Upper Bay chasm that seems unbridgeable. Orange. County !lllpervisors this year tort. up !ht agreement reached between the bo:ird of 1965 and the Irvine Com- pany, an underst;inding reached after almost 10 yrars nf debate on Irvine's plans lo dtvPlop the. Back Bay on Jines Ulat would include fac ilities for boating and recre11t1onal pursuit.~. It wa:s always the intention of both sides lo le.'.'!t the constitutionality of the exchall{e vi a a planned lawsuit despite the State Lands Comm issi on'B approval of the venture In September. 1967. a rul· lng by the •tale agency that was soon to be challenged by lrvine '1 vociferous op- ponents. THE TESTING T™E came when the lrvine Company carried out its first dredging operations in the Back Bay and sent th e county the resul ting SlJ,19'1 bill , County Auditor Vic Heim, acting on in· structions. refuse<! to pay ii. Th;it blll. like the Upper Bay taxe s. rt· main! unpa id today. Heim and the county were sued by !ht lrvine Company and the stage was sel for an apparently amiable lrgal exercise vvhich wnuld result, both sides were con· vincrd. in reco~nition or the land swap as legal and constitutional Jind paymenl. of lh11t first vital bill. Enter Frank and Frances Robinso11, Judi th .a nd Wesley Marx and Jnan and Harold Coverdale, three Newport Beach coup!ts who b!astetl the Upper .Bay e:<· ch.a.nae as illegal and a de-atli blov.·, if it was carrie<f out, to the. ecology of the area. "l!HEY '1'ERE GR.ANTED perm1ss1nn to fntervenr. in the d1spulf' and that act.ion -~st about the only one offered 1n tht>1r fav91' by Superior CQUrt J11d~e \l aud! Owtns -launched lln 18-mnn th Oatfle in v.·hlch th e in1ervenor~ pum])f'd t>VPry dol~r they could rrom residents concf'rn- ed ·about tt"te future nf wha t h<i.~ been d~ribed R! the last havrn of many fo s of ...,•ild life uniqur lo the .11 rea . rl records ref lPCt that /hey lost their I g balUe ju~t llP.\'f'TI mnnths agn when Jlidge Owl'!ns declNe<f th! land «wa p to ~ valid And upheld the 11rgument of the lrto'int QimpMy and the county. HAT VE RDICT IS awa iting the t:x· a.mi.nation ol the appellate court a.nd homeov.·nef!· 1ttorney Philip Berry. PtfSident of the Sierra Club 1it the time be fought the. Uppe r Bay lawsuit. is prdparlng hi! trial brief for the. higher cour1. B~t act.kin of & po!1t1ca! nature has d~ a great deal to convince more than Serib' tilat lhe Irv ine Company has lost I~ !Ong ball.le lo develop the. Upper Bay. Supervi.snr11 William Hirstein and Alton E. Allen left the board tind with them went the majnrity that had always rr.cognized the Upper Bay swap~ a good one 19f the counly. Supervisors Ronald Casper1 and RAiph Clark came in and with supervisors ftobert Ballin and David Baker the:y re· j ~ed the Upper Bay ext hAnge. order~ the prepar,11tion of 11 detd that put the land situation back wht:re It w~ in l96:i and made further noi.¥11 that led the Irvine Company to fi le a Jaw1t1it demand- ing declaratory re.lief. THAT LA"'SUIT I!. aw111ling trlal. ln It. lht company asks the cnurt to ruli-. that the county can not back: out of the deal Md sito\Jld be held to (t It 'A'\11 bt many dAYB before a rulm g 1s rt11 ched on elthl'r lawsu!t. And '-•t h d'Q' of delay means the. •d· ditiori ol S4 .000 to the tax liens th~t mu~t be paid by sonitorie to me day -or l!!Sa lly cancelled Clll.EF Al!Slll'!ANT County Cowls<! Clayton PuW WOl1't venture 1 gues,, on who will have t.o clear the rtlGUJ'Jling lieNJ but he d0ts describe the Upper Bay llllld swap and the resulting maze of asse~s· me:nl and boundary line& as ''jwt about the most complex and confusing thing I \·t: ever s~n ." "Someone is going lo have lo sit dn..,,·n and straigtiten a ll thi.!1 out,'' he said, "But neither .!iide 1n the issue '4!ems at all keen to do it and Wf.' ha11e this same patlern every year of llimhaw bilhng lrvine and Irvine ignoring Hin.shaw." Superviwni' Chairman Robert &U111 agrees but he points out that the. preSf'nt stalemate •·can Of\!y go on so long . "In two mort. years. the land involvEd can be seized by the State Of Cali!orrua and can be sold to lhe highest bidder," he said. ''The tax liens v.·iU have to WI c!eari!d then but it will be surprising 1f this situation isn 't resolved before that time. "ALL \\'E'RE GETI1.NG from the Irvi ne Company right now Is a bunch o! rhetoric." Battin said. "In our eyes, thl! deal is off and th ere isn't much point 111 their acti ng on the assumption tha t l'-'!I might be prepared to change our minds '' Hinsha w agrees but quickly 11dmits th11t the Irvine Company has "some juslifica· lion'" fo r its l'lrgumenl that land lines in the total Upper Bay area are fouled up and that it has become almost lmpo~siblt to sort them out. "'But they had as much lo do with that as anyone, .. he adds. "They free ly plotted county laod with their la nd and they don't seem to like it H anyone else plays that kind of game.'' Supervisor Ca spers, l11. a recent speech to Orange County Town Hall however . flatly declared that the assessor's mo\'1 tn co-min gling Irvine and pub lic land~ into one big tax parcel in all likelihood means the resulting tax liability puzzle can on ly be un scrambled h1 the courts. Could the issue be resolved so that th11 many local agencies who once drtw revenues from the di~puted lands can once again look to injection of the tai monies inln their budgets? "f DON'T KSOW," said Hinshaw. ''\Ve'll ju~\ have to v.·ait and see ." Those agenc ies, among them the riev.'port·Me~a Unified School Dis1nct and tht Coast Community Col!eg8 District. were hil hard when Hinshaw tv.o yea rs agn Jumped the more than liOO acrf's in the Upper Bay into one giant parce l or land. A very aN\ry County Counsel Adrl111t Kuy per <Juickly warned the board that 1t could mean ''a gra ve tax loss'' to many local agencies that traditionaUy h • v 4 drawn tax revenues from the $1.6 milhori generated by the 11rea. He accur.ed Hinsha w of taking t.ht \l.'hole Upper Bay sector as nne assess- ment sector in an action which failed lo Tecognir.e the exis tence nf pa.reels over which the lrvine Company had nPver had control and "'as never likely to have con· trol. THE BIGGEST SUFFERER was the Newport-f\.fe.sa Unified School District \.l•hich immediately had to conlemplatt. 1 future in ""hich the hoped for Upper Bay tax v.·indfall of nearly $600.000 \\·ould not play a part. But as ii lutnPc\ out, cnmment~d businel's manager Roly Schnierer, much of the impact v.·as /;Oflenerl by passing of an overnde I.his year that included thl! S:).18,212 lost by !he Upper Bay tax lien ha~~Je. "We wnuld, of course. be only loo ha~ PY fo acctpt any t;ix monies that m1g1't result fr(lm a re:solulion or the problem " Schnitrer salrl "But "'e have rere11·frl some form n[ compensation for a losJ that really concerned us t11'D year,o; aso ... CHANCELLOR ~OR~IA,\I "'ATSO~ ~aid l1 is "in1po.~s1hlr to tstimale" the t::&:· lent of th P financial damage done by th P. lax lien 11Tlpai;se to hi.~ Coast Con1mun1ty College District because of the recent "and fnrlunate'' revamping of the 7~ ~quare-mi)e jurisdiction. Their last pay. ment three years ago amounted to SIJ.S.000. "\\'e have nbta1ned addllional funds lhrou~h !hill iclion lhat hl'Ve certainly helped to offstl our Jnss.'' he said. "I don't think. on lht wholr, lhat it has made 1!1 Lhat much difference \(I us." Other agencies have had t.o adjust their budgets to compensate for the situatio n rreated by lhf' Irvin e Company.Orange G:iunty confronlat1o n and It seems likely that they v."ill hr1ve to continue to do an until at \east 1973 -rhe y'ar that the slate must step in In seize the Upper Bay anrl declare i1 unownerl l:ind. By lhat time. the tax lien will be well over th' S8 million mark -more than the trvlne Company p8ys annually for Hinshaw's ai;sei;.~ment of all Its other Orange County 11creage . ''We'll wa it and s~." says Hinshaw. ''Receive and file," says Mason, ____ t.11 Saturday, July 17 . 1971 The comment page of the Da ily Pilot 11ee.k~ to inform and sbmuJ ate readers by pres~nting a variety of com- mentary on top ic~ of inter· est and sign1(1cance from tnformed ob.servers an d spokesman . Rob.rt N. Weed, Publisher ! .- ' • • n ' ' t • 'O ' ,, y • n • ,,, er d n· ho ct • 'Y nt ed ch ol ha '" ~ .. e 1ty eot '" , .. to d• nly "I .. eir ion g• <iy •• th• •Y •ii '" for er Good morning, boys and girls. and welcome to anolher Saturday of fun and le.ami~g 'l'"i!h Uncle Len and his fr iends Carol a.nd Ask Andy. To start out just right, let me poi..ol out to you that '"''- have an v:cellenl Ask Andy cohunn toda y in which he discussed the making o f a.rtificiaJ gems and the making or something which we see .every day and take for granted-glass. Also <Jn this page is an ex· cellent story about the rugged lun11.r landscape our newest ~· astronauts Will be exploring. O They hope to answer some ~~:r~~~n~i~~~~e~~~~;.our .\X!!l\\\t1b£)Jff.c3(aS1.\1 l t t1\\r( \{l t I (l 1£ The old mail sack wa.s kind ~----------------------------------, of flat this week . Uncle Len got some drawings -all of v.•hich were very good-but almost no riddles and absolutely no poems. That Kennedy ha!! dollar will just have ll:l wa it for 50meone who \vanL! to take the lime and ef. fort to do a winning poem . Don't forget that those prizes go to winl'lers in riddles and poetry as well as 3lt. As you may remember from * PRIZE WINNER * Mlcbe~e EcbenlQue. 101,1,. 1157 Salvador St.. Cost.a MfSa Any child under U can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. He.re's all yoo do: (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 51h inches wide and " inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture.. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and addr~s on bact of. drawlng. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa MML Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. last week, we were talking L-------------------------1 about great vacations . Well that v.111 be our topic this week, too. \Ve have mentioned vaca· t1ons to the desert. mounlams and to other parts of our oa· ti on. \!.'ell lh1s week, we will talk about some othe rs v.·hich are just as fun. flov.·ing music. Many pmplfl hei'e live a simple but pro- dllctive life in the midst of huge \and.s-unt11.mecl and spmetimes unpopulated. Bu t, of course. there are many big and beautiful cities here too. S...11 ye111 ll!ll•tle111 t• A•• A.1uly, c/• Ore"'' Coat Dolly P11et, 101 1 s•O. C11t1hl M-. Collf. Perh2.ps the most tun. and interesting vacation is by boa~ or plane to some distant land. There are vacations to Europe with Hs many interesting cities and fascinating coun· tryside. In Eur.ape 1heir are art ga lle ries and museums which' trace the enlirf'-history of man y of our forefa Lhers: Or we can go 10 the Asain !;inds: \VJ!h their ma n y mysteries and be a u t i f u I haunting sights. sounds and smells. There are beautiful and inlerestin~ people tti meet and wonderful things to see and photograph. Actually, boys and girls. anyplace on our whirling gl obe is a. v.·onderfu! place ll:l visit on vacation. Someday I hope you can get to see some of theS'e places. Ne'it week, we v.·ill finish up our discussion or greaf vaca- lirins anri gri fin tn a nf'w and even more interesting topic. •~<h' s-~o~ t L""'l'lelt ?O.vo•u""' ie1 D' •~e w .. i. t ool! Entyt11>p..i11 10 lt •t~9rd ""'-'· f 9t !!, O! t1DU"tlo"I• T~'"" ..,.. "11 •u~11.,.,. Bow do they make synthelic gemli? Tbe earth creates gem g t on t s fr o m common minerals. taking plenty of time and often using immense hea t and pressure. The ir qualities and colors depend llpon the different ingredients used to make them. Synthetic gems are made from !.he same ingredients as natural gems. ln some cases. natur e 's methods are copied to make them -though 1n less time. Some of these man-made st.ones are equal lo nature's ewn and at !east on e is superior. Another beautiful svnthetic sem created in the Liboralory is truly manmade. So far as v.·e kn o"' it v.•as never cre;iled hy na!ure. Precious gems a.re cry~tal minerals. hard and shiny bright. Diamonds are made. of carbon atoms arranged in firm laltice crystals. Precious rubies. emeralds and other corundums are crystals of alu minu m oxide. colored "·ith metallic impuritie!'. The basic ingredien!s are easy \n CQmP by, but it is· fa r from easy lo arrange their a1Qms and mol t.cu!es in l11t11ce crystals. In 19(14. a French chcm1s~ perfected .11 method for mak- ing synthetic rubies and olhe.r corundum gems. His Verneu1I proces~ still ls use~ lo m~ke them In 195.'i. American sciPn· tists found a method to mak e gyn\hetic diamonds. The Verneuil process uses the super-heat from an Oll'· yhydrogen n11me for maki~g synthetic rubies, I he in· gredient.s 11re p o w d e r e d aluminum oxide with a trace of chromium oxide. 'l'he basic Ingredients are about 52 per- cent aluminum , and 47 I ptr- <."ent oxygen , the trace in· gredient adds the ruby red color. When the pigmented po\l.·de r is mel!ed in lhe hot flame. it .splatters a rain of fragments. The hot particles 11re captured and coaxed tn build a st alagmite-shaped crystal. This is callerl a bnule and good boule crystal c~n be cut 11nd polished just hke a n11tur11 cem . H ow e v er , building these syn1hetic gems is costlytand tediou~ and many attemptl 1"111Ult in poor .1tone.s and out-rtght failures. Synthetic rubies. sapphires, emer&ld.!1 and other cor· uncturru 1tre made In the same manner from the !lame basic tniredienl lhough othe r met&llic lmpt.nitiff are added lo cre•te the.ir dlffn-e nt c(ll· ers Other methods may b4' used to cre1tt ')'nthetie cor· undum crystal& in molten alumina under enl'lrmnusly b1gh temper;;ilutc.,$. Synthet.ie ~emnnd1 may be creA{fld' trnm 1;11rDon1cefillJ -in- gredients in a special !urnace. The material is subjected la pressure and tremendous heat. After all that trouble and ex· pense, this produces l'lnlY flaw· ed and dark little diamonds suitable only for industrial use. Recently someone an- nounced a: method to create synthetic ge m q u a l i t .y diamond11 -but apparently I.he secret process is too valuable ll:l be re.vealed in detail. \\le can C\'Cn go In Africa wilh its jungles. There are • modl'!r'n cities all e\'er the Dark Continent now but many areas are still vd!d v.-ith roam· lng beasls of prey. We could go lo South America and Mexico to see the happy people and their ln the meantime, l hopr you all eniny wha tever \•a.cation you v.·ill be having and cnme home safe~y. Be sure to send in some great riddles and poems, too. Art.:mention!I lh1s ~·ttk tTl· elude; Nic ky KincNd . 10. Costa Mesa: Ltsa Houk , 7; Jeff Jones 10. Pasadena; Jon Jones. 8. Pasadena and Marilyn Budzinski. 9, Costa Mesa . l\1an-made copies 4'f nature·~ rusty colored rutile ge.ms are -----/7 /J. built from po\vdered tinanium LarO{ ~ Corner llXide. These synthelic ruli!es are made by the same old RIDDLES d JOKES Vecne"H prnce«. Some of an . !hem are. br ighter and more transparent than nature"s own And a certain syn thetic gem called strontium tatanate has not been found in nature. Creating synthelic g e m stone~ JS a costly flpe.rat ion re· quiring highly s k i 11 e d crafLsmen and Jab condition.~. The man-made crystals are * PR IZE WINNER Dear Carol. \.\1hat has big ears, a long tail and a trunk? 'UO!ft:> .,,. l!luo1 ' uo l5u1 01!1 esnow 'lfl :JeMsuv M1rllf" l~ll""'kl, f , 1161 Ce"ll"• La"'' (•Ila Mata perfect copies er the natural L.!::====================::::'.J gems. Sometimes they h11ve fewer flaws and brighter col· ers. This may explain v.·hy a superior specimen of man- ma de emerald ma~· be almost as valuable as a nattJral one. A~lflf •·~~· t World lllMI~ Olo!MI "' S•"dV c_,,,,., ...... 1. M C<ranl. All· b•me. i,,. ~~' <>u"'t'o" How do I.hey make glass: J\1ak ing ~la~s is a special sort of baking. oat the sorl of baking you do in the kilchen. The ingredien!s are rN"ky minerals, chemicals a n d sometimes traces or metals. The heat of the furnace must be hotter than hot. There are thousands of reei pe~ for mak· ing different types of J:lass. But always the 1f1Rredie ntl must be melted !ogether ih l fantastir.:illy hot furnace. The sim pltst kind of glass is made from sand. soda anrl limP - and the furnace melts tllese ingreditnt.s tog eth er. When the mixture is mrlt ed, l! i~ A tacky sub5lance somewhat like m n I rl a b 1 e pl:is1ic II is tnn hnt !o he !ouched by human h11nd ~. But" it mu.~t be v.·orked 11nd shaped be-cause as ii cools lt \l:e!.• hard. It ma y ~ l'lqueezti1 throug h might y roller.~ and prP!istd intn flat Sheets. ft may be pressf!d and .~har>ttf In molds. Or machines m111y blnw air Into the w11rm pli111 ble glass to make hollow boltlts. Student Na1n ed To Fraternity Charle5 0. Hartm;in, l!jAl Tr;ide Winds Lane. Newport Beach. has been inll14ted info the Phi Seta Kappa Soc iety for academic excellence dur. Ing June commencement rite~ Cooli11g Hot Dog \Vith the temperatures to Council Bluffs. Io"·a soar· lng to near the Joo.degree m&.rk re cently. Laur ie Jl.1itkey. 13, took time out lo lift her dog to a water fountain in the park for a refreshing d r i n k of water. No. 1 on .the Coast ' Hometown New•p•per Is Th e DAILY PILOT &t Harnrrl Unil'ersity, Cem-'====================~== bridgt. Massachusetts . .. .:: S1t11rday, Ju!1 17, 1911 DAILY >ILOT t YOUR. NEWS QUIZ PAIT 1-NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL Give yourself 10 polntll fDr each correct answer. 1 A propoaal made bytbe VI et Cone repreaent&t1ve to the Parl• peace talks ha• promJ.18d .• ? •. if the U.S. withdraw• all itl 1o:rce,1fro;m VietN.am by the end of this ~ar. ·a-witbdra.wal of'~orth.,V!e_tnameae lroop1 b-relea.ee of American POW• ci-w.l.thdraw&l of Viet~ iorcea 2 Foreign affaJra advisor (CHOOSE 01.'E: Henry Ki•singer, Wlllllln Rogers) laat week visited government leaders in Thailand andlnd1a as pa.rt a! a fact-~ mission tor Pre';1deot Nizon. 3 Management and la.bor repreaentativea from the 1teel lndu1try began contract ta.LU in Wubing- ton, D.C. A contract covering about 450,000 1tcelworker11 exp1re8 (CHOOSE 0.NE: July 15, August 1), ' The Apollo 16 a1tronaut1 latltweekbtlp:n1.fu11 .. &c&le countdown rebea.rsal for thel'r moon launch o;cbeduled for (CHOOSE ONE: July26,Augun6) 6 Famed ja.zz trumpeter •• ? •• died lut week at the age of 71. PART II -WORDS IN THE NEWS Tue 4 points for each word that you can match with Its correct meaning. 3 ••• ..J.nt t1at1 ve d•.revolt & ..... unilateral ... unfalrnelt PART Ill -NAMES IN THE NEWS Take & points for names that you can correctly match with the clues • l ••.• .Xuan Thuy 2 ... ~Curlis Tarr ~ •• -.Mrs. Nguyen 'I'h1 1l1nh 4 ..... Potter Stewart a-Viet Cong negotiator at Parts Peace talka b-SoutlfV1ett1ame•e ne- goUator at Pa.rll ~Direc tor, Selective Service Sy 11tem d-North V1etname11e n~ gotia.tor at. Paris e-Aesoc1a.te .lutllce, U.S. supreme Courl 0 VEC, lrte., MldilOrt, WhcDNln A B Teat Yourself Htft'll"t t11•P'lt··"" ..,.,...,_ lfl lllt "ff"'I"' tld _,..,, It fwtl "' 1111 ~111 er II« •-"to0ota lo• ......... T•k• llllt _.., H....., 0...11 lro "" ••!v•cr et .,..., ,..,, -h•lu doll'! tYWI ,......, JI ltt 9- .... 1 ot "'' t•ll'•lv kt\O'" ""'*" l'OU ~ -) ,.,. '" -n;c.11 !"OW ... ,.., .. ftlDl1' ...,,r, '°'"' .,. "' Ill• ""'°'"' ieoJtr. DM'T tMet -Aftlwtn tHNr (-Me -J .... .wtl.. M•tch word clues with their correspond- ing pictures or symbols. 10 polnla for each correct answer. / F . !~';i 1"dUlltry •ea<>U-~AH ator• warned. a.pinat 1 n fla tlona ry wapo- price 1Dcreue1 e 2 ••••• 26.th Amenctroent atve1 18-yeai-olda votina: rlghta 1n all election.a SALT 3 ..••• J ohn Newcombe•n winner at Wimbledon D "····· Pentqon etudi t!lald u.s. lwldirect TOle ln b:i:"ea.kdown of th1a 19S4 aetUement 15 ••••• Poetmsster General Winton Blount 6 ••••• Arm• talks resumed.in Bel11nk1, Finland '···-Ellaworth Bunker, u. S. Ambusador to SOU.th V1et Nam 8~·-· GENEVA ACCORDS Pa.t llatzdorf iaetworld reconlc! 7 feet.6-1/' lnclle• E 9 ••••• NATO nation planl!JnC to estabil6lldiplamat1c rela.tlon• with North Vl etNam 10 ...... Defeoae Secretary Kelvin L&Jrd. toured here lut week HOW DO YOU RATE? (Scot. &clt Sldeaf Quiz ·s.~ret.IJ) 71 to 8> ~lnh • Good. 61 to 70 p)1nt1 • Ftlr. HJ '« Under 7?? -H' IN'ft~ 91 to 100 PJlnh •TOP SCORE! 81 to 90 PJiat•.• brc.llent. FAMILY DISCUSSION QUESTION \\'hftt e!fecte do you think thel8-year-old vote may ba.ve on elections in our country? THIS WEEK'S CHAl.lENGfl MG I COll V.'h&t city will bost the 1972 DemocraUc conven- tion? ---------------------i.!'••l !W•!W :39N~TIYH:> 11·01 !j ·e !3-1 :r-1 :, .• 1v·s :o·t" !H·E :1·t '9 ·1 :ztnO 101WAS q·s !•·t" ~•-( :3·i :p-1 'Ill J.l!Ycl •·S !~·) !q•( :•-t :p·1 'II J."ll Yd 6 Ul'Jjl WJY ,.ow ·~Jlt5 ,. '1"01•S !•E 41nf·t" 1i Jtn6n.., .. t :J•&u!''!)I 4JulH•l !q·r !j J."llVd Apollo May Unlock Doors Volcanic Mystery to Be Studied by New Explorers CAPE KENNEDY, f I a . (AP J -f or agf's ,o;cientists havP argurd v.•helher. all lhf' moon 's· craters were created by meteor impacl. or whether ~ome are volcanic. The Apollfl 15 as:!rnnauts may make an fln·lhe-spol settlemenl of the question. The .o\pnllfl lfi launch is r;cheduled for Monday. July 26. During their e;{ploration llf the Hadlf'y·Ape nnine landing fi1te. Dav!d R. Scott an d J11mes B Irwin will examine two areas th;it might be a.~sno1ated Wilh 11olr:in1~m ThC'y arr 1hf' Had\Py Rillr.. 11 l.2 fl!l -foot .11nrge that meanders fnr 70 mil es in the Sea of Rains. and a fi!rnup ,.,f craters known as the Norrh Complex. pholoraphs indicate I he s e · craters miRht be dor mant volannrs. During two of their three ex- cursion.~ lln !.he su rface. thi- a~tronauts v.·11! drive !heir four-wheel moon buggy to rlif· fPrent spots on the rim cir the mile-wide rille . .. We 'll col1ecl 5ome samples al the rim and make obse rva- ttnns," Scott said. "There·s: 11 gnod bend right there. nettr Elhow Crater. v.·h1ch will en.:ible us tn lnok down into 1hP rille :ind photograph both Slrlf.'<; \\'p"ll USP R f)(l()n1m lrn~ "The ril!rs art' rnunrl manv pl;ices 1111 thP rnnnn. ~n ii ''nuld he 111rr In know wh;:il 1h,..,. arP 10 ~ry 1nA In rrc11n ~1rur1 1hf' h1~1nr v nf thr muon ," Senn expl11incd · 11,. nn1rrl lhf'rf': are m;:iny !h"or1r~ :1hn1Jt lhrir format ion. incl udinlit w:i1rr now. lava flnw , the flow of hnt gases due to volcan is m, col- British Migration Set In Su111111er Sun Search LONDON i AP ! -The An· nual Brit ish migration in 1earch of the i;un is starting. The. kid~ are out nf !c:hool and they along \\'1!h their pa rcnt.s will ht> wrapped up in a tour packilge. and rlrliv,.red In some hotel on the Med ite.r· raneAn whe re the ~un shines more, hotter and che1per. Lflst Y'f!air 5.75 m i l I in n Bri1on." went abroad fnr their vacation~. And 3.22 rn illinn ef thrm v.•en! on one ef the hun· dreds: of pa ckl'lgetl holldays ef· fered by tour eperators. flTht! 'rta!on is simple," s11ys 111 spokesman fnr the As· eoctalion l'lf Brilish Travel Agents "The. cost of the package is ju~t a llttle more lh Olln the cost or the ~ir fa re ii you buy It your~elf " Tnm Gul1lck. man a g Jn g dircctor of Chirk~n~. is a prl.me r~5-e ,,r packaged 9un Clark~nns i~ the largest nf lhe Br1llsh tour operators. Gullick in 19!!9 cartied 1,800 Brilnns In forel1n vacalions. Now 12 years l&ler Clark~ons figure t1 carry 7~,!!!Jt B;~~*rd, I • 1ap~ed lava tubes or open fa ults. "We 'll be looking f 8 r &!ratification that could in- dicate a series of nov.·s," the Apollo l.C.. commander 1aid. "Even when we get there and look at it. I don't fhink v.·e're going 111 he able to tell 11·hy il'!i there until we gel back and the geologists study t h t. phot ography and ~ampl,.~" A.~ked 1f he had a pet tt·,,1 rv. Scott said "If I had In I 1n one dirl'clion. l"d ll'an tri" ard a l::iv a channel, but l'rn not surr " lr"in d1~a i.i:rrr~. ''The 1hing thal's prnhabty a~ain.~r lhr la.vii f101v lhf'nty." h<" ~1111l . "is tha t 1hrre·s 01'1 pond1ni;t or drlta v i~ihle at thP far Pnfi or lhf' rifle. Rut t W(ln"t n1.11ke 11. J<!UP~:o;. The olht'r prednmin11 nt lhPnrif'.~ ;ire th:i t ir wa~ pe rh:ip~ a frar\ure znne along the edge t1f the ba.~in 11r that ii mii;!hl havP been caused by 111 high speed lnl:ll fl ow allsnci11.ted with volcanic ac- tivity." A~ 11. resul t of analysi~ af lunar rock.s returned to earlit.r Apnllo crews. mosl moon gtologisl.!I nnw bel ieve Iha! at one timt there "'a.( vnlcanlc acti\'iry on !he moon. Some -- say there may still be some. There are still a few holdouts who !ean to the meteor-only theory. Apollo 15'~ bvst chance of provin g the vnlca nn theory v.·1J! be al N(lr\h Complex , a tv.·o-mite drive frt>m the Ian· ding site. Photos oblaincd br un- manned Lunar Or bi t er e.:ile llites indicate ! t v e r 11. 1 cra1Prll 1n the complex are ~imila.r to Vl'llcanic: fea1u res on Parth. espccially those in Ha11•a1i. i\·1('!f'nr·~nui.:ccf rr::i tcrs ;ir"!! ~11rrnundrd hy l1Phr1.~ tossed out hy thr lmp;irl_ But lhe ;:i rell :irnund the N or t h Complex cr::itf'r.~ 1s rC"l;itively ~month. which rnuld be the Tt'$Ull of l;iua flow . "They ;ippcar lo be con· !'lr11rtinn:il cra1ers. built from \111lhin, r;ithC"r lhan destruc· trnn;il Ii k e mr1ror-formed cr11lcrs." Senti reported. \\'ill they bf' able to tell on thr spnr if the craters are volcanir? "\Ve've ~onf' thrnu,Rh a lot ef tra1n1ng In make that judg• men!." Irwin re p I J e d • "Hopefu!ly we 'll rind evidence ef 11 lava flo w v.·hich wf)uld be an immed iale clue." 4il (- "' "' .,......., .... "5T-"'"'' .,_., ""-""' "',.,. 7!Gt'ci .. 11v .... · .. '7l "'""'-""" ,.,.. ••. TQdo>Y -~ ~l<x, •JWolOI l I • DAILY PILOT S1turday, July 17, 1971 Real Estate Questions and Comment By Rea ltor Randall McCa•dle ... Las t half of the Year• 1--riends ha\'e tol d n1e ho\'' much thev like these brief talks th<ll are n1ade up of short \vords . They use the talks to sho\\· that one can clothe thoughts in short v.·ords that 1nake ~en se. 'fhere see1ns to be a trend these da\'S to\.\ arct the use of long \\'Ords y,·hen short y,·ords coUld be used just as v.'ell. -• - .... •• " , ' J,,eis11re Ti11te --- ,. I .... l? Referrals Play Part· In Selling "Ask the man who owns one" Wa.'i the slogan of a now. defunct !u1ury automobile, hut the phrase was credited with many sale3 in the ca r's heyday. In real estate ci rcles, nne of the most effective ways of at- tracting new home buyers is by referral. This mea ns lh&I. a friend. relative or business ac- quainlancr re('()n1mends lhal you investigate a pa rticula r tract home , ..,,·here he probably li ves. Mission Viejo Comp an y. currently enjoying recor d home sales at ii..'\ 11,000-acre master-planned community in southern Orange C.'-ou nty , has a.n enviable re('()rd of rrlerral· prompted sales. Short v.•ords get right do\vn to where v.•e live and v.•ork. 1'hev se t out y,•hat we feel and what we have learned frOn1 life . Take the last half of the yea r on wh ich "'e ha\'e no \v n1ade a start. The last hal f of the vear is the ti1ne to look back v<'ith thanks in our hearts. \\·e have corne throug h ti1nes of stress and strain . The world has been ful! of n oi~e a nd strife . and the end is not yet. Residents of \Vestbay 21, a reccnlly • completed 30-unit apartment tomplcx in The last half of lhe year. too, is the right time to Costa l\.1esa, will e njoy hours o f relaxation in the development's outdoor \ivlng r.1ore than 60 percent of lhe new homes at 1tission Viejo have been sold as the result of a referral. according to Philip J. ReiUy, President of Mission Viejo Company. r;how faith and hope. \Ve all need faith in the true and area, \\.'hi ch includes a large heated swimming pool. a \\.'hirJpooJ and gas barbe- l.he good . \Ve need hope to take us through the da ys cues. One-. l\VO· and three-bedroom Ba!anced Po\ver apartments are offered al Thi.s is twice the natio nal a verage for such sale.~. ac- cording to Sanford Goodkin , one of the West's foremost ex- perts on real estate. that lie in front of us. If u·e lose our faith and hope, we _\_V_e_sl_h_ac_y_2_1_._1_s_1_1~_._2_1_s1_s_1._1:_u_s_t_e_a_s1_o_r_N_'e_'~'lc.'o_r_t_B_o_u_le_v_a_r_d_. -------- are hound to go do\\.'n. No one can kno\1' \Yhat he \\.'ill have to face through this year. \Vhat \\'Call can do is lo 1nake sure that each d a y · \1'e clo the best we can do. \.\le should hold our heads high and use each day in a "'a y that will make our li ves of use to the \\•orld and thus bring joy to those \\•ith \\.'horn n·e live and trork. \\"hen we think and act ln that way, our lives \Viii be rich and full. •All the n·ords in this article are one-syllable "'ords. Where are all the people coming from? Where do people come from when they come to California? When they move from C.1lifornia where do t hey move to? I am ff!Ually curious what states have been powerful enough to attract people away from California. S. T., Newport \Vhen people leave the slate of California their first choice of a belier place to Jive is the state of Oregon. The second c hoice is a little further north-the state of \Vashington. Third c hoice for those leaving Ca lifornia is Texas. More people co1ne lo ('alifornia frorn the state of Texas than fro1n any other s tate. Ohio is lhe second largest contributor, Illinois ranks th ird in the an1ount of its popula ce it sends to Caliofrnia. New )'ork ranks fourth, Mi~hlgan fifth. our neighbor Arizona sixth. P~nnsylva 111a se~enth. \Vashington is eighth on the lisr \\"llh Colora do ninth and the sunshine state of Florida is 1enth. Editors Note: Randall R. T\lcCardle is the President of The Real E staters, an investment analyst, college lec- t urer, and author of "Real Estate in ('alifornia." Send your comrnents and questions to Randall R. Mccardle ,...." The Daily Pilot, P . 0 . Box 1560 Costa Mesa Cali· fornia 92626. ' ' Alto Capi strano Sales Accelerating Quickly Ninf' mo re hon1rc; art' being rushrd lo con1plctio11 at Alto Capistrano, \'iew-sile de\·clnp- n1ent o\'erlooking the J)an Point Marina. it h.<1s been an - nounced by Dick llallrnark nr Nova Realty. sa!Ps agent for the prestige home:'f "Our sales pace hf'rr. wi1h r lel"en hornes alradv sold, has forced us to acce.!erate our completion rate." Hal lmark liaid_ ""1" had rxprctrd thal liales ""'Ould ht <1! tht>1r prak 1n AL1 gus1, hut a1 !ht> present ra\f' ii looks like ..... e 1.1 1!1 be clQstnR ot11 lhen ·• loan fer.~. to purchasers.'' Qualified With 3 and 4 bed room~ ;ind 21z lo 3~ baths, the homes nr Alln C a pi st r 11 no havf' permanent Vil'ws over the rnarina and out nvf'r thr Paf'if1c. UnCerground utililies assure that no 1.1•ires or uti!itv poles 1nar the 1·iews. · Priced from $41,000 1n $49.950. the one and tv.·o-s\orv pla ns hal'f' fron1 2.040 In 2,552 s11uare feet of h1·1n11: arra. ·rhry are en mplr!e 1.1·i !h drr~, :;h;ig rarp('t and drapcrir~ !hriiu J.lhnut. l\1rdallion k1trhr11.~ 11 1!h d11uble self • elran1ng 11 1 rri~. ~·rr:in1ir tile k11r hr11 ,-..11111Pr~ ;ind ~h,,1\rr .11T<1~. 1·11ll11ri'd 111:1t'hlr rlillm:in~. :'lnrl 111 0 .ind thrrr-r;ir ;ilt:ii·t1rd Thf' nine hon1cs nflw bt>inJ.? completed reflr<'I thf' rno~t popular fraturf$ 111 thP hon1r~ Til'IW av::iilablf' for 1r111nrd1al f' of'r11panc~. 111' rrnph;i~11r<! '·\\"e find ;in rxrr11('111 rt':H·llnn 1n the fart that thr~r liotiu·~ ~:ir;ici·~ 11'1111 i·ont-rrle dr1\'rc; are so rnn1pl rl r thal a f;n111 lv '11 C' ~land:irrl fr.iturrs can niol"e right 111 . :irr;ingf' !hf' lhf' ~a ir.~ 11ff1rc for Alln furn1!Urf', and s1;irt \1\\n~." C:1pis1r:inn is 11uick!v rra1'hf'd Hatln1ark said. "Orrp sh11i.: frnn1 ;ill of Or;ing;, Co1111ty, carpeling is J;iid ovrr ht'<ll"\' Tnk+' the San Dirgo Frrrv•<1~' f;tclding. draprrir.~ arr J111ng, to 1hr C:i m1nn ~:strrlla off. and el'rrything is rP;id~· tfl ~11 rilmp in Sa n Clr1nente. then Most of our hu.1·ers herr h:n r J.(n •'<1.~I !n lht' No1·a Realty ()wned homrs brforf'. and lh1'\' s;ilc~ olf1re :t1 6.10 Camino rle Rpprecialr the fart th:i! thrrr 1.os Mar"~-Models are open art> no hea1·y out-of-porkPI ria lly 11ntil du ~k Townhouse Life Good At Tiburon Sales ha ve passed $6.5 mil- lion this year at Lar~·in's Tiburon townhome community in Fou ntain Valley, where 11 new fifth unit of J n 9 tnwnhomes has opened for sale. "Our huyrrs realize that to\\·nhome livi ng can oflrr rnuch rnore th:in convenlinn:il housing," stated Stan Henl ine, Tiburon sales nianager. ""Ou1· strong sales record indicate~ hov.' much people apprl'C1ate the con1·enience of mau1- l(·nance-free li ving con1binetl 1.1·ilh full ·sca!e rel·reallonal facilities in U1e co1nn1unity. "J\l ainlenante at Tiburon is handled by proressionals, in- cluding the upkeep of the hon1r exteriors. lawns, parks and the fi1·e pools and other re c re at io n a 1 facilities," Henline said. "llomeo1.1·ner!! don 't ha\'C the wnrry or da ily maintenance chore~. !'O they h;n·r n1ore leisure time ror rccrra1ion <lnd tr<i vrt "' II o meow ne r s are !luto- mat1cally rn e in b tr s of Club Ti buron, which. offers a l ull calrndar (Ir recrcation:il ;ictiv1lirs. A !argr cl11bho11se is av.<11lab lr for social gathering~. dan("es, and parties. "The key lo Tiburon's suc- 1·r ss is 1hiil homeowners c;in b" ;:is act1vr as they wish Tht>v r;in take :-idYanlagr of our ·activitits and facilities as !hey rhoosc." he 11ddrd. Tiburon'.<; fi r.~t 1hree units totall ing 22R lo\1·nhomes are entirely snld ou1. and onl y eight homrs remain unsold in the fourth 11n11. Ti h 11 r on lo11·nhfln1cs ii re prired frnrn $24 .990. 11·1th 1011 FHA ;ind \'/\ !Jnnn<'ing availablr F i \ e df'Cnr11 tnr-furni.c;hr1t n1ndPI~ arr on di~play ;:it T11hurnn. w11h 1.'i c11s11nrlilr r~lrr1 nr.~ rl rs i ~ n r c1 and <'(lf)rc!111;111•rl bv S!rwarl i ' \\loo.Jard. i\ T. A . l.;:irwin'~ :t\\"arc1 ·1\1nn1n~ di rrctor of en \ irnninenlal dc.~ign . The onr and two storv 101>.•nhorncs oflrr two, threr. n.r four bedroorn p\;1n.~ F:;ich h;:i~ 11 ~ own privale, fenced rear y;ird patio. !1.1'0 rar garage. <'entral ;i i r con1111ion1ng. parl1:il Willl·ln-walt c;irpeting, and di shwasher rl'l!its staring th<'m in the fa cr ~llJJll••••..;••••••••,;;,••..;;;;;;;iiii9:~ !hi> minute thr" buy " P VA. Thr al"ailabilit 1• or fi"4 JM'r· i•Wt:$t COTin• ~ "'"' 1'""1""n 1;""0 ""' ""'" PANORAMIC VIEW tinue!l In be a s\ro nii: 1nct>nt11f' fo h"Y· the .,eot MINI. "The HOMES&HOMESITES ne"'·spapers :ire carr.\'ing 111orr anrl more stnrirs about ho1.1· 1 lntrrrst ra!rs arr ri~ Ing llli!llin .' ht> sairl . '"hilt. ~n far 11\ le11 st. v.·r ran orfrr th:i1 11amr !llronR financing. wHh no Real Estate Winner ToJd Sitm Giesy Ilr. • senior al M1rin1 High School, is the winner of an es.say rontesl sponsored by the Huntington Beach-Fountan Valley Board or Realtors on "The Adv11.n· laRes ind Responsibilities .of Real Est.ale Ownership." The conte11t "·as open lo ~tudf'nls attending schools in lht Huntington Beach Union High School I>istrlcl. Sl'Cond a11d third palces were awardrd t0 Alire Jnck1nan. ~iwn High , and .Jim P a y ton . 1 Marina . hoth !'ieniors. The ""'innin1rt eSSAY ~·ill be ~r~it>w 1 telecl nrwpoup of homei ind 1nco mp1rable v1evw ~1\fs above the Sou1 tt 111111 Counhy Club. ~tomes11t'S ar11~1111· b!e for tuooin corutruct1011 or invt'Sf• ment. "O ne-nl-1-kind"' custom homes 1· 'Mil youf impect1on. Y, 1e1e: tst11n lrnm $i5,000. Proud homes from $59,800. Big Ca11 yon Sales Near $9 Million '"These referrals played a big p::'.rt in helping u~ lo achieve the best mon!h in our history in February, when we sold 225 homes," Reill y said. Mission Viejo oHe rs a number of programs for residents .... tiich not only sell them on the community, bul Is there a market today for facl it or!ers a new corporate keep them sold, according to luxury hnusing in Southern life-style -a home in 8 Reilly. California'.' "i\1ore Mission Viejo privatf', secluded area that is children are participating in There definitely is a Big just minules aw ay from organized sports than any Canyon in Newport Beach, Orange County'.~ major finan-other community in Amtrica, where nearly S9 mil lion in cial and industrial centers. on a per capita basis," hr sales B n d reservations of '"'fhe proximity of Big Can-said. He noted that there Is an homes and homl'.~itcs h;i ve ~·on to Newport Center and d" b f L"t been recorded since the the Irvine Industrial Complex ~!~cz::;~~ ~~~e~~~ ,:~~s. ~~ prrl'ate rcsidcnli<il <·01nnl\in11y rncans busi nessmen can spcnrl v.·ell as many ba.~ketba ll, being de1·clopcd by The Irvine less lime commuting iind football . volleyball and other Company opened last monlh. more lime with their families sports 1eams. Fr;1nk llughes, Irvine 's vu.:e or their fa vorite recreation,'' Each new home buvcr prl'sident in charJ.le of residcn-he said. receives a distinctively-bolind ti;il de\·eJopn1ent. said today Currentl y lc:lding the sales homeo1.1'ners manual which s:lles are running more 1ha11 6 parade at Big Canyon is provides information about the n10111hs aheat1 or pr<ijer!ions. Richard B. Smith, lnr.'s area. landscaping tips, data on Big Canyon, \\'hith Iles in Broad.moor llon1es projec!, appliances Md the capabilities the shaduv.· of N ~ 11 port v.•here more than $4 5 million of the Mi ssion Viejo customer l"enters financial pli.lza. is a in hornes l'nve tx-en sold. serYice department. The $60 n1illion dc1eloprncnt of Four fur nished models .ere manual lists schools. ·rne lr1·ine Cc:.mpany. J.'or:i\ now open at B r 0 a d m 0 0 r churches, clubs. sh o pp in g point or the project Is lhe lTomes-Big Canyon, located on facilitic.~ and introductory ol- pnvale Big C:1n\"on Country Braeburn Lanr. near the in-fers from area merchants. Club, ""'hose golf co u rs e terseclion of San Joaquin Hills Reilly expla ined lhat the fa irv.•ays wind through \hr 390-Road and ~1 a c Art h u r community is totally balanced. :i r rr rommuni!y and serve as fioulevard. ~pac1ous four and and includes products and .e va~t greenbelt for the area. fi1·e bedroom homes art> nf-servicf's, as v.·ell as rccrea- Jfughe~ auributrd Big Can-rrr('d in the $75,000 to $)00.000 lional facilities which Elppral yoo 's success to dale In the price rangt'. lo a broad range of resident. ~~~-'--~~~~~~~~~-"---"-~~-! For Sunday Skippers and Weekend Hackers r. ... . ..-. ...... . ••• :~ ... ':.;....=. +-- , .. , '·'-' ... , .. l•~•IOG ••~• """'~' ·~ ,, . ~ ...... - :::i... _, __ I ,,.. ' .. • , . • ---·~ AL TO CAPISTRANO Or, if you rlon'I boot or golf, you're still only five m inutes drive to the beoch. And, +f that's too energetic, you con gel out your b inoculars, referpe !he so1l b oot rotf!S and rote the 'urfers. When you live of A!to Capistrnno, therf!'s something fo r everyone. And lhe custom-quo!i ty honies ore o d1 ean1 to come home to ofter o long doy of the office .. ,ofte r o ll, we're only two m inutes off the freeway, so comm uting is eosy. There's no sot rif1 ce in quality or spociou~ness in you r view-site home ot Alto Cap1~lrono . lhe~e are big home s ... l!ve ry one is w ell ove r 2,· 000 square feet ... (Ind !he lypicol floor pion above outlines just $Orne of 1he 1op-q uol1ty $londord features. We think we hove the best home volue anywhere, and we know our finonc· ing c.on'I be beat. b-3/4 % with norrnol down! Come see! $43,000 to $49,950 5nntl'.I A.-.o-Snn D••Qn r NV In (omono f;,!t ,.ll n l11 •nnlt ,., S(ln Cl'"m""'"· 1hen l•.f1 nv•• the fr ,.eway IO "'1)f'\ (lt!u ,. I'l l Nnvn Re1:1l1y. ,. .. ,10.,~,. '"'Q""' OT 630 Ccm+no d• Liu M'ltP\ Models open Doil y Phone 830 -9230 entered in a sti.le-widt C'fln lest I ~ ~ _..,,., ..... panwed ... ~'· 1\w;alltorru• ~~~~iil ... Wii!;;li! .. !!!_~ •• ~.;;;;;~!!!!!!!!~~'\"!ll!f!I~~ . ReaJ Estate Asslmitton-~.. -'*-7 t --T . -~\=.~.~~ -. ' -.--~ ·--, ,-, .t _T ' ' .. •, "-·--"'1 · ·111ere ·are· many ' reasons to buy. a home in the Highlands at Laguna Niguel. But you'll see the best one when you look out the '"window. {. About all a v.·indow is good for in mo.st homes i.I., I to let some light in. But it's different in The H ighlands at Laguna ) Niguel. l., The homes in the Highlands are bu ilt high up in the hills, so v.·hen you look out the u•indou·s you get a view of all the surroul"l.d ing countrys ide. From the \\'indo-w·s of these homes you can look down on the valley below and see al! the "'flatland"" communities. Across the valle y you can see the Santa Ana Mountains. Modjeska Peak: Santiago Peak; Los Pinos Peak. It"s quite a view. Don't overlook everything else while you're looking at the vie)¥. A view isn't the only thing you get al'. Laguna !'\igucl. \\'c ha\·c miles of beaches. \Ve have a privat.e beach club ("fhe Laguna \.igucl Beach Club}. We have the El Niguel Cot:ntry Club, \\"ith an !&-hole ~If course that's rated one of the three best in ~thern California. ~!he Dana l'oint Marina and Yacht Oub is right no.1: door to 1.aguna Niguel. And for people "V.:ho live in the J--J1Wtlands, there Is a private club for Highlands residmt.s only -,.;th a large clubhouse, an 85-foot swimming pool, and a playground and ricnic area. What do homes in The Hichlands have that 11ordinary" homes don't? . These homes are t,,,o, three, and four bedroom home!i. • 'tOu "'ni l find that the designs of these homts .11 re unusuall y \\Cll lhnught nut. "fhcre arc no awkward areas. 1'o ··~..iunk,·" rooms And alt of our iiome.s ha\'c c:..lra details thats.et them arart from "nrd1narv" homes. Details like electric door openers on all gdragcs, a cho1c.c of t ile and carpeting, c.arrcttng throughout the house, sprinkl ers in your front la>.1n, front yard and side ~ard fenc1ni.;. and lands..:.aping fron1 the strret in front of :-.our home all the \\.ay up to your front yard fence (-..·c call that ""S1rcetscap1ng··). These e~tras art only a partia l hst of "hat "'c give )OU. There ~ much more. Homes in The Hia:hland1 are priced from $26,500. And we'll Uke your old home In trade. 0.ir rriccs arc reasonable. \."cry reasonable.. \\"e should also mention that prime rates have just gone dov:n. w \\ c can give you t he \011.:cst rates a vailable today. These are today's rates, not )"e.5lerday"s rates. . \Ve slso haves 1 radc-1n program. \Ve JI take your old home 1n trade for a new home in The H ighlands, and save you all the time and worry of lryinjl to sell it. How to set here 18ke the San D iego-Santa Ana Freeway (H111;hv.ay 5) to Cro-..·n \'alley Parkv..·a_y. Folio\\-· Cro-..·n \"a!ley Parkway to !'tguel Road, and turn· ni;i:ht. !..:rep ~oin,!t unlll ~OU come to The ~ighlanch. If Youd like to call us a'oout anything, rur n·um~r is (714) 830-5050. • I l I • The Highlands @in Laguna Niguel• Anot.he:r Grt.1 t Community by A vw Community Ortvciople .. _. ............... ~ ,, -~'~'i _,,."" • -" .... .. ' ,, ~: . ,_ ... ·~· ,, \\ ...... ~.-· ··--• -'Y<'f(' . -·-'( ;', .•. • . ·-----.... -~ ... -··-·· .. --·-------· " - - Walk The Peoplestreets. . Jog on them. Ride a bike on them. Push a baby carriage along them. Stroll down them on a summer evening. Sit down on them and read a book. Irvine peoplestreets. Greenbelts •.. that's what most people call them . They're grassy, flower-edged, tree-shaded. Relaxing for grown-up people. Safe for little people. They're designed to take you places. To the park ... to the swimming pool ... to a party down the street. Greenbelts are part of the master plan for Irvine 's 53,000 acres. A plan of complete neighborhoods -villages. A plan for people. A plan th at is a valuable part of any house you buy at Irvine. Come look at Irvine's villages. Beautiful homes in a better envi- ronment. The best work of eight of California's most respected homebuilders. Come to Irvine. And bring your walking shoes. Where living is B11utlful J ... /ff" ' JJ! ..... ' rv .. • --: ' -:-·-'""' - 1. Walnut Vill1ge Homes From $27 ,500 By Wm. Lyon Development Company 2. Greentree Homes Fror1 $24.995 By 8ren Company 3. University Park From $25,995 By Stanley C. Sw;irtz Crirriri,1·-,·1 '4 . CulverDale From $23,995 By Robert H. Grant and Compr.ny 5. President Homes -Turtle ~ock From $611 .500 By M iddlP.brook-Anderson 6. Broadmoor Turtle Rock From $32.990 By Richard B. Smith. Inc. Deve :opf'; 7. Harbor View Homes Fr:'.lm $29.495 By Bren Company 8. Harbor View Hills New unit July 17th E!:t lusk Homes 9. Tho Bluff• . From $30,850 ByGeorge M. Holstein &Sons I- Saturdtr, July 17, 1•11 In Irvine. , ' -(0~1 ... Ml~ ... i , "'" -1--- , • • • • . • Flowe1· Child 'This young beauty is preparing for the 17th Annual SQuthland Jfome and Garden sho\v slated July 30 through Aug. 8 at the Anaheim Convention Center. The shov1 v.·ill feature a wealth of ne\v products for the home. 30 Ce11tu1·y Parl\. Home s Ren1aini11g Thcre·s only 30 homes left at Century Park. lhe completely "·ailed-in. private JJO-homc community in f'' nu n ! a in Valley. According !o lilen fl. Brengle. vice-president of PBS Corporation, Century Park is !he last development Jn !hr area offering quality homes on big. useful lots. "The continually rising cosl~ "r land have rnadc il 1n1- poss1ble for another Centur.v Park to be duplicated." nO\('Ci Brengle. ""1hen you (Onsider the moderate price of our quallty homes coupled ,.,,ith to understand why homes ?.l Century Park are In such de- mand." .Situated clost lo rec>reat1un .11reas. shopping ctnters. and i;chools. Century P;irk boasts an ideal location. Beach and boating lacilitic:; arr JUSI :11~ miles from lhe community, and Mile Square P2.rk . :11. 640- acre recreati'ln laci lily rs a Jive-minute drive a11·ay . Still under dcvelppn1ent. !he park wil! include a Jake. model boating pond. historic villagr. children·s zoo. picnic and barbeque area . .11nd playground upon complctiun Residents can enjoy, within lhe ron1munil y. 1he landsc?.ped grounds and pla y areas of Cordata Park. Uuill at a cost of $100,000. the park \1•as donated to the cit y of Fountain Valley bv P BS C.Orporalion. The San Otego and ~anl<1 Ana Freeways as \\'ell as six major shopping cente•~ a1 e "·1thin close orox1m1l y of Crn- tur\• Park rr:;1den!~. \\"rth1n .. •:aiking d1slanct 1~ a nf'w ,.lrmrntarr ~rhool and Foun- 1;iir1 Va!lr\' !!1.1:h Sr!l{lOI Hoth :ire parl "nr th1· h1ghl\ r.iH·d l'ount;Hn \"i'Jh 1 'i (' h 11 u I S\s\Clll (l!lr «I llu lllll' l rh:-lr1r1 :-111 !l1r 11.11 1011 '"\\'r \](Ill I Hh l IJuilli 11111111 , :ii Crnlur.\ Jl.ir~ bul 11 1· 1lc~1 gn 11el\ p I an n <' d t'o111niu111t1r.• 11·1th c:on ... cn1rncc a nd con1 - for1ablc liv1n~ 111 ni111d ·· Brengle said . "'Crntury 1';1rk rs what we like lo think of as a • ·romplete com1nun ity' -of- fering attrac11rc fealurrs lor the entire family."' Priced lrom S2t~9:;. 1he home_, include 1n t hr purchase pri~. t·edar shakr root.<;.. firep\a~s: bca1ned 1·c1\111~~: rountry kitchr n~~ ~ll'p-<101111 living room~. prJ1n 1n:i ~t r1• ~1111es · pr11;i1r rn!rir<;. ::11111 ~epariil" rec-rral1nn rn1>n1~. Plans ranE?e from three-to-five bedrooms in one and ty,·o-story designs. Oceanvie·w Park Has Great Vie1.v There are not many com- munities which have a view of lhe ocean and its own park. with homes-That sell for Jess 1han $40,000. Howe\·cr. in Costa Mesa. at 19th Street ;in \Vh1tlier Ave .. Ocean vie ..... Pt1rk features such ho1nes. Priced from '33.950 to $4;>.500. buvers have a choice of several ·four bedroom-three bath homes in large two-story designs. All of the homes have every luxury amellity and a~ finished to the point where all a buyer has to do is move in and begin enjoying 1\. .. \\'c"re rather proud or the way these homes have beeo ac- ct>pled." said George D. Buc- cola, president of the building co1npany developing I he 67- home community "\\'e have a 2.5 acre park right in the center. which i!I beginning lo take shape no,,·. and families will be ;ible to mov P in by Lhc start of sum- mer. so the children can get to school in the fall." he added. Buccola emphasized the fact tha1 these homes were kept cool all year by the ocean and lh;it even !hough they .... ·rrP 1·lose to the ocean, the land 1• a~ not leased .. \\'e can·1 say i! strong!~· r nough. but homeowner~ here actuallv 011 n thi' land. which 1~ 11u11c a bit. considering lhr lur ,111on.·· ,atd Buccola Tht'r(' :ire· not 111;1111 nl t11r ~f' h1111H•\ lt·11. bul t!H)~(· that ar·p ;u-·· lnghl~ de~1rablr 1•1th ,f11ni' h;1\'1t1g r~1n1plr.tr privat'.\' hu1l1 ag:-11 nst the bluf l~ as lhr,•• ;;1·e. while others ha\·r ''1c11s of 1ht• p;1rk _ Bui:cola has been hu1ld1ng hon1es 1n Southern California tor 1norc than 20 years. Jn ad- dition to other communities now being developed in Cer- rito~ !Cerritos Vi 11 age ), Orange \Country Estates,. and a lu.~ur'' bavfront con1- mun1ty or 12 lfl!~ and four r·uslom h on1 r~ r ailed Yacht sm;in·s CQ\'C 1n Newrorl Rf'<1rh h,. ha• hu11t surh landm;i.rk~ ::1\ !hr '\t\\·ror1rr lnn Capo Villa Hoines Are A Breeze Marke t for Condominiums S urging I By SYLVIA PORTER In town houses 8! well as four liable to pay a monthly mortgage lender. It ls not k and six-unit apartmenl•tO'A'Il maintenance charge for the yours. A~ 'A'e move into the pea h "I houses. and many of t eae are entire condominium complex. (3) Since you are the actual period for home bu ilding, It --'-· · l C0•1UVffiln1ums 00-And both the Federal Housing owner of your C<lndomin1um, seems increasingly likely that '"h I' · I ed he " a s invo v w n you Administration a11d the you h&Vt' th~ ri ght tu n~rit, we will build around 2.000JXlO buy a condominium? How Over the re<:enl warm week-new houses this year -finally does a <.'Ondominium chffer Veterans Admirustrat1on back resell or gil'e 1! lo anyone you ends. niany house . hunting a new all·time high. lopping fron1 a cooperative' \\'hat are mortgages on condominiums choose although otht•r faniilieJ have commented on the previous peak year of 1950. its key advantages? just as they do on regular o .... ·ners often reserve a r1~hL the welcome relief provided by when nii!!ions of World War 11 Jn general, buying a con-houses. • of first refusal. By cont ra.~t. lhe cool ocean breeze .,.,·hich veterans and !heir young dominiu1n is very much hke Now to five key differences with coopera!ive apilrtment .~ Families set up housekeepmg c.. di· ho s bet 1· d / "reels them as they near San .,,,y1ng an nr nary u:e. ween a coo pera 1ve an a such transactions a ni n ~ t • L d F• 111 their own homes. h h 1 I 1 d · · lh . 1 Juan Capistrano on the San afl ~ llnJ You , t e pure aser. ge ega con om1n1um -e vita parl always require the consent nr Diego Freey,·ay, reports Al For hundreds or thousands 1itle and are responsible for of this column to n1os\ of you others in the deal. Callan!. sales manager for N H d iif home and a Part men I pit)'ing property taxes. When (!)A first difference, as one 14) \.\--ith a co11dominiu n1. yn1r Capistrano Villas. a Westport amcs ea seekers, th is new home will bf' \OU bu y a condominium land wag put ii recently. ls !hat a may deduct on incon1e tax!',, Home Builder.,. Inc. develop.. a condoin111ium. 1! rnay be a !own house or an "cooperalh'e is a batch of peo-not only the niortgagc intcn'sl menl. Rick Schierho!z has been 1-.:ven dunng the taibpin in ap.'.!rtment or a vacation cot· pie who own one structure A you are payin~ but al so your .. Many people tell us that it n<Hned gtneral managtr for housing durint: the past Jew tagel, you make lhe usual condominium is a balch of properly taxes. was hot all the way through the Laguna Land Coinpany of years. the rnarkel For con-down payment, as!lume the people who own ;i batch of c5f If you own a t:on- Orange County, but 11 fell like Irvine., it was announced today dominiums surged relentlessly usual mortgage and paper ~tr u ct u res .'' Usually. dominiuni 111 a ,·acation rcsorl, so meone turned on the air by company President f\.1ark ahead -and for several very work costs. Along with thr cooperatJves are st r i r t 1 y you can renl it 10 ot her~ _ conditioner just before they Gumbiner. l'alid reasons. slructure iLSelf. you buy (and aparhnents; condominiums and if its primary purposr is reached the first Capistrano 0~~a~:~ne~ s;~?n ~~~~:;~~: do~i~ii~~!Y~~ ~sa i~:i~a~~r; ~? ~~r~ iau ~arec ~f mth~u~~~; ::i~e~ (~~~:l~y s~:ra~~u~:;·)~ ~~:r~:~c~di~~~~:~:e~ftl~r~~~ offran1p." Gallant said. and investn1ent management tied ·to the overall apartment facilities too-which could in-apartments or vacation cot-able to deduct your expenses "Because of the beautiful firm before joining Laguna boom: the estimate ·ls tnat elude equipment and "extras" tages. for repair s. maintenance. weather here, and the new Land in 1969. A graduate in-more than 40 percent of all 1971 ranging from elevators. laun-(2) Unlike a coop, if the depreciation. e1c. Dana Point Marina and duslrial engineer. Schlcrholz housing starts ""ill be dry rooms and garages lo whole condominiwn project The quality of your managr- Doheny Beach State. Park, also served as a consulting apartments and a I a r g e gardens, golf course. swim· fails finan<:ia!ly, you are not ment could determine whe1her both within easy cycling engineer ror various manufac-number of these will be con-ming pools and marinas. held financially responsible for or not your investment give~ di stance. some families are luring and aerospace firms in dominium apartmenls. \Ve Jn addition to your the failure. This is the pro--you long-term pleasure end buying a home here for vaca-Southern California. also are experiencing a boom mortgage, you are normt1Uy blem of the bank or other profit. lion~ and weekends. .Many1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'-~~-=~~~~~~=-=--'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ other! are choosing to make relllxation a year ·round pleasure, lo escape the smog ;ind th ose so a r i n g tem- peratures of inland Orange County on the private patio of ~n Apartment Home or in the backyard of a Garden Home." Aparlmt>nl Homes. priced as low as $15,995, are available in six one-and two-story models with two and three bedrooms. Each buyer receives 11 full deed lo his home but Is free from landscaping and exterior maintenance worries. A homeowners association pro- vide! these services. Garden Homes are free- standing homes on individual lolls which are compact to m1n1m1ze maintenance, yet large enough for a pool. Available in five models with !Y.'O to four bedrooms and a ('hoice of one-and two-story plans. these homes are priced from $21,495. "\\lilh either choice, the minimal nlainlenance 1neans increased leisure -and that's 11me to enjoy the pleasures of the beach, the marina, golfing. horseback r id i n g . and sat1water fishing." conrludes Gallant. FllA. 'FllA-VA. and <·on· vcntio nal terms are available for all homes. Capistrano Villa!I may be reached by going south on tile Santa Ana or San Diego Freey,·ays, laking the Junipero Serra exit, turning right to Camino Capistrano, then lc(I to model s. Resiclential Builders Mee t in L.4. 'rhe Young Home Builder's Council and Re side n ti a 1 Builder·.s Council will hold a r-01n bined monthly meeting on 1.londay even1nR. July t9. 1971. at Thr Rodger Young Auditorium 1n Lo.~ An geles. This 01re11ni: 1" open lo all ' Thr nicet1ng \1·111 fr aturr twn flf ()1r rno"1 knowled[!C <lble and 11rl! ~rl!lwn n1or1g,1pc b;1nkcr\ in lhr \\'r~tern Lnil<'d Stntr~ \1 1 l{obrrl ~: J\lo rg a n. l're~ident and ("hief t:xecu!1vc Off1ct'r. Thr Cnlwr\I Cornp:-.ny, a11d J\lr. All<in ~~-Arneson. Regional Vice President for lhe Western Region, Federal National f\·lortgage Associa- tion. y,•ill discus.~ trends in mortgage and prospects for mediate future . 1\londay even101(s dinner meeting starts with cocktails <11 6:00 P.~t and dinner a1 ;-oo P.fil. Interested part irs may call the Bu 1ld1ng lndu~tryj l\~'".nc1al1on office~ ;it 1 ~13 • 1 i;u.-.i77 1 ror rescrv a t1nn.~. / l'r1ttd from -li;'..",.!)(}() (only 10% drn.1-n f!~.l'ment), I'ac.:if1ca ]J oml'~ fralurr !\\O, 1 hrf"f' a 00 four iy-ilroom n11>1ll'!"<; \II 11 h ,.11-rll'\:I ric hi t ehl't1~. < ;1r1"'l 1 nl{ 1 h l"Ol.1 l!hQOJ, pl'rl ,1 ! (• p.11 1r.<. l .ora1 r d iri :1i,. t "l h11 ~ hill : :i hn\r '••fl c ·1, nu 1111• ll 11.'h ~. h r..1l. J';i, 1fh .1 i 10111<•, :d ·•I HfTI t ·l'I"\ I .H 11!,o I"\ l''\11 ' nr 1h" l'oui1i1·fl!1.n1 ,:1 t1<l 1~r<11h Iii ' n11 n11 I• I 11)/Jl I l;t1 1.1 !'o,!111 i[.,, I"·' ~il-111 1 -,,,,1.11 \,, ... ,," ,., I"'''' ,.,1. ~'" 1n.\\, ·•l"l."'~'d • ,,·1•r• ,,,i ., \J 'l~"l"I ""'""'' ".,,," ''I tn nl>i.•nl H"' <tl1 \<1 ("0< ·I 1, I 11n• "11d tl\u~·' rill•-Pill ~rul I Ii<' • ;,\r t.'t lf • up. !'•• ••. • f I "" :1 1 I TOii . .\Y ynn '"" .•• ~. ;"ur~rlf " ;:n-at de:•I nf ... ;,.Ii. , . ' c Bl!fLT BY SAELTEC IN VENTl"RF: WlTlf U.S. FIK."SCTAL 1RJ stereo 103FM the sounds of the harbor Jd~~7 youve never heard it so good • ·--------.=.-_.,......._ ---------1~ ---:---·-··--• ":....----I • -... -.. -... Sideslww Banned RESIDENTS ELECTED . -Two Newport Bf' a.ch As Company Fare residents have been t l.ct.ed lb the Board of Dtrttlora or USC's President's ctrclt. a support group whic-h aasist!I the College ef Lelter1, Arts and Sciences, the Graduate Schoo l, and the \Jbraries. DEAR ANN LANDERS: r sympathize with the mo ther of the 15-vear- old son and the 16-Vear- ol d d alt g h Le r W h o couldn't be left alone in the ho11se because they might kill caC"h other. lier letter gave 1ne the COll ragf' to \\'rite. \Ve have lwo childr(>n a!~o-a hny 14 and a girl 13 . 'fhey don't beat each nther up but they do something el se that both- ers both my husband and me. \Yhene\'er we have guest s !hey start arguing. Their voic!ls grow louder 11nd louder -and then a me -r a 1 Ii n g becomes disgr11 ceful. Even if they are in another part or the house the guests can hear evl!ry word. 1l doesn 't bother Ul ese kid! that the y have an a.udlence - In f.!lct they frequently start these argumenb et the dinner l.!lb!e when guests art present. What should we do? Plea~ don't 1ay they will outgrow it. \Ve. can't wait that long. Thanks. -CARSON CITY DEAR CAR: Sil dow• with yo ur two loudmouths abd ttll them U..t ta lhe future they will settle t.helr dirflcultil!s In priv ate. because tbt ne1:t time they pul on a noar 1how for gueatll they wil l bolh be ordered to opposite sldea of the hou1e. DEAR ANN LANDERS : l v.·M shocked lo read your ~tatement th1t "a good mar- ri1ge cannot be destroyed by a third party." I am at the present time watching it hap- pen to my best friend. Her husband is 1 fine Christian man -taught Sunday school for: 12 years. A ruthless hussy "'ho we'nl W work for him has him wrapped around her lltt!e finger. She already has di- vorced her hu sband and is pressuring him lo get a di- vorce alao. The judge award- ed her custody of the children , so she has lo!it nothing. I'm sure the ma I e menopause was a factor here. If il Weren'l for this sex.pol he \11ould have agrttd to counsel- ing, but she has made him fttl like a young buck aga.i.n and he loves his second childhood. Please ch ange your advice, Ann. l know for certain thil marria ge wa.~ solid, beautiful. and as pt!rfttt a.~ it could hRve been -unt il thi.~ vixen eame along . -CLOSE O B~F.RVER OEAR CLOSE: No one knows what R marriRge 1~ llke ercept the tv.·o people who are In It. And ~nmrtimt'~ one of THEM doesn't t.\en know. DEAR A~N LA~DF:RS: Shortly l'Jler I ~raduatf'd from high school I becamt en~ag~ tn a nice fellow. ! rll rail him Tnm.) Tnm 's older brolher anrl his \\'Lfe were a very ,;14•cet CflUplc Rnd I'm sure lhey thought,. as I did, thal nnc d11v I \\•oulrl marrv 'fnm \\'hen !heir b;1h1 \\'"~ horn !hev u krd me !fl ~ 1hr 11.od- m1lther. J \\':l~ hnnnrrd snr! .~r crpted. A fr11 n1n111h.~ 1.11rr Tnm 1nn1r1t 1 .. nno11ir'r 1·\I\ \\'e 11aw r;.1rh nlhcr lr~s :>~id leS$ rrr11ur111\v ;.in1I aftrr i<;ever11 I mnnl!IS 11 r h;:icl 1n ;ir!- rn lt. that v.r were 110 longer 1n love so wr broke up. For lwo years I srnl Christm•s i;iifls lo 1ny god· child. Then I marr'1ed an out- nf-!tate man 11nd moved to the coast. I 1topped sending my godchild gi!Ls al that timf'. Now I feel g\.lilty and wonder lf I should resume the gift sen- ding -or should 1 write and ""Y I feel they ought to .!tlecl 11oml'flnc el.at! It's U!rte yews .!!inre !ht.re has bf.en any rnn- 111r! between u.s. WhRI do you g8~·~ -MONTREAL Q lll::AR Q.: IA'a\'t things A ~ th,.y Arf'. When you married •nrl mnvt.d away, lhal "'a~ It. To ree1t 1bll 1 h ix>m- mnntcatlonp; after thr~ years nl silence , would be •wkward. It ml(ht alao rRlse 14me qites- th1n1 -1uch 11, "la •he trying 10 get back with Tom?" t~ it lroho1is m 1 disease'? How can lhe alcoholic bt. 1reated? ta there a cure? Read Ole booklet "Alcoholism - CdM Grad Ge ls Kiwani8 Gr11nt Hop@' and Help," by Ann Landers. Enclose 35 cents in O'l!n with your reque.at and 111 long. stam~d. self.addressed envelope in cart of the DAILY PILOT. New board members are : Jt1yce 0 . Zikas. 1207 W. Bay Ave.; 11nd Sue McKeever, 1524 Keel Ave. Suntan Lotion 2 n. 411. "" .... 79c 1.39 BIGIOY IN DODI/OUTDOOR T1nnfllfloti011 l 29 18" Table BBQ ltLTlk • "Dixie" Paper Cop DISPENSER wu~ 20s1l. c.,s ••. 1.:1ca1 27c tor use io ttJa llathruom fll ~i1cben. ='"',dll'lllll'"S:=.."":":..:.w"::r~:<.,,.::i_::=::.:::.:'l., LA WANE Magic Turban Wrap·pr~a! tlin~s to itself! Keeps your hairrlo 1 09 beautr shop fresll •iih t ell~ light. ht-1.2J • - •1NNER Power Submarine PROCTOR-SILIX 9 Cup Coffee Maker Beau11lul ae tllru t1e~r gl1Ss folly 1t1•tic fleci1ic p!l'co11tor. A'a.ldo ~!Olluolloso II IDIOV, Spray/Steam & Dry Iron Maty Plocl01 -Visilllt 11rater IMI fill. Pltntv ol steam tor easier irnnin1. Clear •iew hetl. Easy to see fabt ic dial. Avncado Nrldlt, cNome cover (I 12931). P•ocro•.srux2-Slice Toaster ~llali~ wit~ hut Stl!CliDtl lijr 1U101Nt1uu1 be.b 111111 frtl• and frnze« "IGISICf ..,.,.,-las. Avocedt & "* rr• pw!s. . ' " ,,. ., __ ,.. ___ ... DAIL 't ,ll ftT l_I Whites Adopt More Black Babies CHOOSE FROM PORTLAND. Ore. (AP ) - An Or11on adopuon agenr-y ••Y• 1 nationwide survey showf Ulat the number of black blb1e1 adopttd by wh ite fa1niliu in 1970 tripled over J ..... Ore&on. ln Wtshln.aton , " spokemu1n for Ole Department of He1Uh , Educ1tlon and Welfare &aid the :!lurvey was llrnlltd but lhat the Lrend shown was valid. minority rice babl11 needlnlt blacl, Puerto. Rlcan and homt!I than can 'ver bt pl ac• Ollcano children ar' in fn~ter ed. But in many 1tatts, he 1d· homes Ulrt11.1ahotJt the Urt lltd ded, minority rte. children Stat.es and Mf:d ptP:rmanent A CHOICE SELECTION TODAY are easily plaeed. home.s. Old11 and Stimmel have sug-Olds, wno&e survey o t l"l.1AJl CM..L 54f-ttOll Nationally, more th11n 1,200 black. babies wert adopted by white families in 1970, com- pared to 700 such adoptions in 1968, said Charlie 0 Id Iii , associate director or the Boys Md Girl!! Aid Society of "Five ye1r11 ago we didn't drum of fi1ures like that," "ay11 Stuart Stimmel, director of Boys llnd Glrl1 Aid. Olrls laid severll stlle11, no tably New York and C1Hfomia, have flr more ~ "''"" .... gesll!d e11tabli11hment of a na-adopOve pJact;mtnt agencies tionwide organization to take Jn the United States covers on· the backlog of c h 11 d r e n ly blaclt children. said that in nttdlng homes in one 1re1 and 19'70 011r-thlrd of •!I b!11ck send them to an area where htblu: put up for adopllonl Oley can be easily adopted. •ere placed with w h J t e Stimmel said some .W,000 famlll~"~·-------~========~ AT Hea1J du!v caavas wi~ 2·plecl! sl~milfllm pole. BriJbUy striped colors. . ,_-nat.-Picnic Jug "BBQ" TOOLS AHNDIOCK.,. CILro111! f'Jaled Steel with Colllf Pl.ast~ handl~. . 1J 'hlf..s. Willi stio1l6er po1ri111 sp11t. Beyerage ""' ., "" '" 1 66 pil:lio llo. •179t 11(.2.11 • "Sporter" Ice Chest llow an ice lr&e chest you Qa tllie w!!ll you ••• hwe llle lid, !hen popiton ••• ,tlU haveover a 2 79 day's relrir,enition ifl hand. I Sl'IO • • 11" Sktwtrs • 1f' llQ F•rlt • 1r J1r1tr MEN's "MooNTAtNm" Sleeping Bag • laJtl11 lnl' •hll& Still tltllUiMIJ .at s,,.,. :\ll18" OOni ccltir, Cll14 eriat colloo llannel. 100" 1111u111H11 separeti1g 1)fper . • & striq. 41tllO. fflUllllG Cbaise loallge -:;a> Fi¥e IXISition folding *'"11111111 t\llSI yjtll tooler posl leRS-6il6'" webbi~~. Phstic (1111\$, 111!51.I (llainboW) ""'· 411~ lta!11r1MHsfff , ••• ., ••• It k fH )'lllr dMlll ,,.,... • ... 7 89 1.89 • "f' d nt" 2v, ... IXO e DINTUll ADHUIYI (llAM T•e ,11stic cream ~t Mlds 6enturtt • llO&il& llScl .... ~1UI S17 COLOI EJlargements "'* ltl)lft ywr 111!&.tliYt ••• ~ 20 ez. Slit ' "lavoris" MOUIHWASH -~ ltt..UU...-t•t T•dt. 13 OL Slzt "STYLE" HAIR SPRAY •i•hr, S9"f, 11ct1IH 46m.UQUID "GLORY" RUG SHAMPOO 28w.UQURI Mr. Clean All COOL 11 01. Size Palmolive Rapid Shave ••11 t1r, N111t~•I Mid., a•• U11L 10'!. OL SIZE "Jubilee" KITCHEN WAX SPRAY Family Size "Drive'' D£TBIGDCT Car Seat Cushion Allis•• -"ll•Jtrlal llt•tl" M~e w11h tt;ple weive pJ!ll'lle4 flbtr. So air !lows around yeu while you tlliOY I ~alt Me. As~td colOr~. 2.98 DRUG STORES A[fillEJ PlaCe To Shopl • ~ ~ Otbblt Sh an non, 17, dauahter or Mr . and ~1rs. Sidney llr Shannon oJ 615 MATtaolcl Ave., Coron'i d'-1 Mar, hlll been awarded 8 $200 Xlwenil 'CfUb scholttahip, 1),• rttent 11:radu11te nl Coron.1 del Mar High School plans lo 1ttend the University nf Orrgon In the l11U. taolu 9.99 ... 1,1;;.--lt(. UI age toi, I.II 99c ornt •AM T01DPM· -...,_._ -·-------= . ..-._ ~ I T1" c ~ I I• l l Pisces: Watcli Your Leo SUNDAY , JUL Y 18 By SYDNEY 0.\1ARR Perceiving potential n~ portuhily is 11 typica l Sagit- tarian trait. On positive side, nat ives of this zodiaca l sign ca11 look above and bt'yond 3?- parent obstacles. On negative side, ho11i·ever. niany Sagil- larians ten! to procraslinate. to worry about drtails, to see trees but overlook 1he fore~! Sagilla rius harmonizes with Aquarius, Libra. Aries and Leo. ARIES tMarch 21-April 191: Visit from relative coul d cut short personal travel plans. Be gracious, no matter how dif- ficult. You may be seeking a re.var in not-too-distant future. Capricorn individual is very much involved. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Conserve financial resources. Plan ahead. Refuse to commit yourself to outlandish scheme. Personal relationship n1ay be put to test. You are no persons' door n1at. Act hke you know it. GEr-11NI !May 21-Junc 201: Ne'>'' enterprise leads to added responsibility. Rid !lelf of gloomy atmosphere : bnghlen surroundings. Stres.~ n e w s tarts in nC'>'' directions. H i g h I i g h l indepeildenct, originality. You will win. CANCE R IJune 21-July 22 )· You m;:iy feel restricted by mate, parlner. Kc.vis to fulfill obligations wilhou1 brooding. Others look to you as example. Be aware of legal ramifica- tions. Protect self in clinches. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Avoid hectic pace. Some cor- ners must be turned wll h greater caution. Message will become increasingly clear. Unique friendship could pose special problem. Sense of humor is your ally. VIRGO (Aug. 2.1-Sept. 22 1: Adhere to pinciplcs dcspi!e temptation to do otherwise. Structure of family base is in- volved: ?.ccenl .~cnsr n f values. Red !ape 1i; due to un- Langle-this makei; roo m ror you a1 top. LI BRA ( Srp1 21-0l'l. 22 + Avo id jump1n~ to ronl'ht~1nn.~: gras5 is not <'nerrssarll~· ~reener al rl 1~1anrr . F'ami hari1.e \011r~f'H 11 1 1 h basic i.<;..5UP~ · Emot1on;il ;in- chnr is dur 11'1 be lifted. Gt:minl may br d1recLly 1n- volvecl. SCORPIO (Qcl 2.1·t'onv 21 1 Heallh of re lative m;iy now be of direct concern . Harmonize family relalionships. Ta.ke in- ventory: check budget. Ynu can beautify surrounding.~. Gift could help in this dirtc- tlon. SAGlli ARIUS 1 :'-lov. 22- Dec. 11 ): Money matter should be held open rnr discusaion. One c\nse lo you supersensitive. Be forlhnght wilhoul being antagonii;tic. Time is on your side. Play waiting game. CAPRICORl'J !Dec. 22-Jan. 19 J: You gel solid support from those who perform special s erv i ces. Ynur personal qualities are ::1p- p r e c i ated . compli mented. Doo'1 kick toe in sMd---arcepl in gr_acious, ma lure manner. You1r:e enLitled. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 11): Keeping stt:rels now cbuld lead to'controversy. Ap- plies upeclally to relationship With member of opposite se1.. U fortbriiJll, you can Lum ap- 1 Plftl>t defeat into victory. ~ Integrity. 'PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): ~... deal on home ba ,. materiaUz.es. Leo is involved . One who oUer1 counsel ac- tually ma1 be In need of same. DbCrimln1l.e between Sl'-'JBCity arid mere preknse. Age may aot eqllll wltdom. Double _STAINLESS STEEL SINK • 33"x2 2" s'toinless steel double compo rtment 5ink • Self r~mming • :F~ucet & Strainer not included •A remod eling.project that'll really please Mom ( REG . $29.95 WOWI SAVE 110:001 Rustic-Weathered SPANISH SHELVES Custom mode of solid wood: Cor\led, distresied a nd aged. Trimmed with brass noilheads. Buy wha t you need & create yo ur own shelvirig spdce. • Brockets Single '2" Rtg. $3 .59 .• Double '5" Reg .. $6.98 .• Triple $799 Reg. $10.97. Shelves 36" •3•• Reg. SS.39 .. 481' Reg. $7.29 .. '5" 60" •7•• Rig. $9.59 .. SAT. & SUN. ONLYI HO-MAR VINYL· TIPP£0 UGS I SAVE $4.00 GWMING llUI COlOI STURDY snn KIDDIE'S FltAMISI TABLE & (HAIR SET 1• I , • , Matchlns . 3, Plete· Set • Su~e.t0.'~41lf.~M ~f·.f.o~r fittle ones-builf to' to ke cH th e wear,ond+?trf1ril1'• ktds ~n giy• ~hem. . • 2(1'. •qUbro .foldii\g klblt wit~two foldi~g 's ' ,cho1rs.. _ , . · · •All mado of llu~y. tubu lor •IHI. •Table top &-1.at.s covered in easy ca re, washable vi~yl . RIG. $9.99 . 5 !! ""' ..... SAT. & S~. ONLY! ' 2144 W. LINCOLN (200 TAIOt WT or U.OOKN~) 'HONI 774-1300 17;200 •11'~001CNUUY ltoel YAUI IOUTM Dr WAU•J -961-3311 ' . SATURDAY ancl SUNDAY JULY 11 a ·;,, ONLY!'·. .... \ .,, " SAVE! 330/o OFF ' Standard size red cement bricks.-for planters, walkways; build your own "G reat Woll!" REG. 9c SPECIAL PURCHASE! ,1/a '' x 18'' x 36'' PEGBOARD "Perfect For 'Round Home & Shopl" • Extra strong rigid panels. • Hon g tools, pots, pans -paint 1 THE LOWEST PRICE IN TOWN! Kin gt ford' CHARCOAL BRIQUETS • Select highlond hordwood. • Smokele11, odorle15. RIG. 99c JAVI 30c-69~.,~ ... SAT. & SUN. ONLTI them. • Big savings to our customers. ..~...,.,ut--Tro,kal , REG. 59~ 25~ SAVE 50% .·llO~~t .. ILLEA • Fo.t gte1Wlftg.-Co"~be ttoined on wclb, potio, roots, etc. •Sold ond Jploshy IUntll'ltt bloom•n . 110. ,,, 79~, ... SAT. I SUN. ONLTI LIN-BROOK HARDWARE LUMBER ._.,..,._ -'F-... ~ .~~ ---~-...--• •'. r:~ . ' I ' , ' ·- 7 S1turd1J, JulJ 17, l'J71 -' DAJLV '1LDT J:J Nicklaus -.Wel·comes Chal·lenge, Lauds Trevino NEW YORK (AP) -"l don't like for anybod)I. to1~l i;ne," Jack Nicklawi laid Friday, •Q(.ltnl thlit bl '9elcomtd tbe Jate5t chall~e from Lee Trevino for No 1 pro golf honors. ''l have more desire now to win than I had )m. YP£S· •SQ •~'!!, l U>int, i.t of it is aue to Trevino. Nicklaus was ln towri for a whirlwind geries of press conferences and television appearances in the interest of next week's $250,000 We.~tchester Classic in Harrison. N.Y. Atlanta Duo Too Mucl1 For LA, 3-1 ATLANTA (AP) -Ralph Garr's third liit of the game, a run-scoring single in the fifth inning. snapped a 1-1 deadlock and knuckle baller Phil Nick.ro recorded his loth victory of the year Friday night as the Atlanta Braves trimmed Los Angeles, 3-1. Ncikro started the two-run rally off Don sUtlon. 9-3. when he beat out an in· field single, advanced lo second on • JulY 11 July 11 JulY lt Dodger Slate All ••met .. ltl't fMfl DM .. n II "r11"'e Deoltlt" •• "111"11 .. h (1) u.cil.., I I l'l!hlt1u·~ ll :lf 1 m. ll:fl 1.m. J ifl p.m throwing error and scored the tie.break- ing run when Garr laced his single to right. Garr then stole.second and scored from third when Hllink Aaron rapped a gacrifice fly" to' rlght. The Brav.es took a 1-0 lead ic the first on conrecutive mng1es by Felix Millan, Garr and Aaron and a safrifice fly by !11ike Lum. Los Angeles scored an unearned run in the fifth on an error and singles by Tom Hal!er and Maury Wills. Niekro, 10-8, held the Dodgers to seven hit.s. Garr was ejected from the game alter the seventh, apparently in a dispute with third base umpire Tom Gorman, v.·ho had confirmed that.Garr in attempting to check his swing, had struck t1ut in the seventh. The loss went to Sutton, who gave up 11 tuts before leaving for a pinch-hitter in the eighth. . The Braves stranded four runners in the first three innin&s. missing a chMce to score in the foUttt\,;hen·JacUOn.sing)-. ed stole second, and tOok tl\1rCI. 911 ~ throw-· ing error. Bur .Marty Pert!, atlem;>tlng to squeeze. Jackson home, bunted' into an inning-ending double play on a soft liner back to Sutton. LOS "NGl:LES "TL"''"" .. ' . " .. ' . " Will•. " • • ' ' Mlll•n, " • ' ' • 8 vcl<n•r. rl • ' • Garr . " • ' ' ' Oovl•. " • ' • Oldl•r. ' • • • • Allon. " • ' • Aoron, • ' • ' ' ,..,~.,. " • • • Ev~ni, lb ' • ' • Crowfof0. " ' • • • lum . " ' • ' ' L•lt~vtr, " ' • • • w111iam1, ' ' • • • Kolle<, ' ' ' ' • J•c~,a~. d • • ' • Sulloo, • ' • • • """'· " • • • • Voltnlin•. •• ' • • • N•~•··o, • ' ' ' • Ml~'<tl>n, • • • • • To!ol " ' ' 101~1 » ' " ' Lo• AnOflt• -... _ _, •oo .. ~-' """"'" E-KAll•• >. ' J•c'"""' W•lll 1 OP-lOI An9-,,., ' L08-lOl Anat•t• 5. .. u,.,1, .. S8-W1llt, J1ck>0n, G1tf. SF-LUM, "I"'" A11gel Ho1ners S11ap Cuellar's Streal\:, 5-4 The California Angel~ .<:napped l\1 ike Cuellar's 1 l-gamr winning streak Friday night. rocking Jhe Baltimore lefthander with a pi:i1r of home runs enrou1e to 11 :l-4 victory over the Orioles. Billy Cowan and Jim Spencrr jolted back-to-back homers 1n the sixth and rrlief pitcher Lloyd Allen socked his first JOJIV 11 JulY 11 Jul~ " Angel Slate "ft •1rnn Oii KMl"C 1n11 AnO"I• v1. 8•Hln10r• ,linot!1 v•. (ltve+1nd Ing.tit VI. Cltvtllnd 7·55 "m, S:ll om. 1 ll pm, big league homer for the decisive run in the seventh off reliever Dave Boswell. Allen recon:led his eighth save of the geason, pre!erving Clyde Wright's ninth victory in 17 decislorui. Cue llar now 13-t suffered his first loss si nce' May 12:. He worked six innings and was touched for seven hits and four nrns A llcn came on in the seventh when Balllmore scored twice to s I i c e California's lead to '4-3. Mark Belanger opened the rally by roaxing the seventh walk of the game from Wright. After pinch-hitter Chico Salmon flied to left, Don RufordsiAgled to chase Wright. Allen surrendered run!scoring singles lo Paul Blatr and Brooks Robinson before reliring Frank Robinson and Dave Johnson to'.curtail the threat .... "",,,,,.. .. C"Lll'O•N1" .. ' • • .. ' • • 8uto111. " • ' I ' "lorn••· "' • ' • • 11111•. cl ' • ' ' II.Iv,,.., c! ' ' ' • 8 11.ob!n'°"' :. J • • ' McMullt'ft. • ~ • ' ' DoVt nor, Pr • • • • (OWi<\, " • ' I ' l'·•~bln1<1n, 1b ' • ' • ···"· fl • • • • J""'.cn. ~ • • • • l!.t~l'Ollklt. ,, ' • • • Atll..,mcl. " • ' ' • Gll'U"1l•l. !I ' • ' • E!cl1•l>r"· c I • ' • ~--' • • ' • Htnllrclit, ' ' • • • 0 '8r1Pn. n • • • • ll~fl,,. .. " • ' • ' W•l9h!, • ' • • • c ... 111•. • I • • • Alltn, • ' ' ' ' ~'"""'· .... ' • • • !k>twt!I!, p • • • • ... "" . • • • • $....,..,., "" ' • I • Walt, • • • • Tott! " • • • l~fol • "' ' 11111,,. •. , '" .. ..111 -. (1ll1Wfilt "' •• !Ow -I 0,.-<tlltenllt .. La....t•ltWno!O "· (olf"'r~I• f 11-llt~, 11""'1. Hll~ ,, a..>ctr 1~. l "I 1, $-fll;~•rM, D. ~ tJ:- lltt1 ...... Tbe tournament, with ib $50,000 firtt pri1.o, • b( ........ ~Uoa betlf ... 'ft . (j1<teo~ o111, Mor ii> win the fOOflobig pro tiUr-s twke ckr, .and the sensational Trevino, who tw won the U.S., m~ Britbh,Opens in the ·-!!Jl>or ~··· ' Tre'vlno1s l garrte's nevi cover boy - the most exciting personality since Arnold Palmer Jlarted his Charges In the late 1950s,' lo bt super!eded by Nicltlaus In the 1960s. "1 th.1nk it's a&od (or golf," said t Nick.laua. who was threatening to turn the • Blfl'liir" -~ Nkklaus and Gary Playet -into the Big Me-Nicklaus. "And l don't worry about it as long as one of. tht players is mystlf. In fad, I m ol.we1"""" u." , 'Nl~au.s warned that it would be • mistake to take the threat of Lee Trevino ' ll&htly or lo regard the Super Mex 's re· cent splurge as a flash in the pan. "He is one heck of a golfer," Jack COO· ceded. "l have always thought so, even ·. : ... ll IOrn!' people said he had a bad 1wing and woukln'l last. "I think &e has a wonderful swing. Jt Is ifOOved. It ls always the same. He knows what he ls doin&. with it. That's why I suggested thatiae not boycott the Masters befause he felt his game wasn't pat- terned to the Augusta National Course. ''That's sl!Jt.:'l:Je an play any course in the world, &nit' Win on It. ~ Masters - sure, be can win the Master1, uio." Nicklaus scoffed at the toggestion made .. by some critio that slow play •. .1 P®~ ,JQl.chhle reproduction of this pi<;t.ui:e Jives you I quadruple look as St. Louis' Matty Afou ~ldes into Houstoa$~er Jobn Edwards during a recent game. . . ~~. Nichols, Lotz Tie for Lead; Trevino Falters CHICAGO (AP) -Lee 1'rcv1no shot himself out of it while B~y Nichols and Dick Lotz nx.ved into i fie for the second-roond lead Friday ,in 'the $150.000 Western Open golf touma,Tiertt. ''1'1·e 10t no-chance,'' sa'id 'ftev1no. who was gunning lor a fourth· vi4ory in ri\'e ~ttks unlit he. sUJmbled blto ,with his se· -rond straight 7:>-tilrce o~·er par. The 148 tolal left thf', U.S .• Canadian snd British Open champion JO strokes riff the pare set by IAilz and N iopo~. Nicholas . .11 club pro from Akron. Ohio. but a c:ons1stenl money winner \\'hen he plays on the lour, had the day's lx>sL round. a four..undcr-pe.i 67, includin~ i'l bogey on the final hole .that cosL him sole control of the top spot. Lol.z,•w.inner of two tourneys l11st year, had to scramble over lhe lal!it sill: holes for his 9 and a share of he lead. J ust ooe s1rokf: back at 139 wrre Aus!.f'a!ian veteran Broce Crampton, the first-round leader who slumped to a 73 when he fnissed 10 4reens, and young Jerry Heard, who had a 68. Dale Dougla&<i, 72. Babe Blskey, 69, and Phil Rodgers, 71 , were lied at 140. Bi Hy Casper, one or the pretour+tey ravuriles for lhe $300,000 first pri1.c, managed only s 72 and was well back in the field. "I hit the ball jusl about like I've been hitting it for the las! month," said Revino. ''But the gra.~s on the fairway ill sn lotjg you can't do anything with \.he h.1 11. You get nothing bu! flyers out of ii· you JUSl doo't know what the ball is going to do. "But that's the way the cookie crumbles. I'll be back tomorrow." Trevino had five bogeys. all but one of them when iron shots flew over the green. His 148 total was just good enoogh to nlake the Cut for the final two rounds today and Sunday. '°"cftl'd •Mff>ll l~1d•rl o...~ °"'" ~f\I"'""'' Olcli Lot1 llollbl> nlctiol1 8'oJCt Ct1ml>!~ J•rr• H61111 O•IC Oouli11u Pll!!ll~ 81bt Hlllr.IY 80'1 G•...,. 1-"" ..... Frink 8e1rd MK MiLt- 1.••'l' Whllf J !rn J~••n -G-l<rln<IOn Jul1n &or"' -·~ ~ Ml•cl'ltlt C.~• Ll!,ri.r Jflfwl 1.-0lf "'"·,..,..,., .,.. "'' I I J.11.000 ... """'~ Newport's Attlesey Wins;- J(app Refuses Pact, Quits DURHAM . N. C. -Newport Beach's Kim Attlesey had a lop effort of 20-1 to capture the women's long j111np In Friday '! U.S.A.-Pan African track and field meet. l\,iss Allle.sey, a recenl graduate of Corona dcl ~iar High. fin!stted ahead nf Africa's l\1oduvse Oshikoya (l!Hl..t l and Alire Annum i 19--71n l and Judy Durham of the US A t 19-61 •J. The Untied States mr.n·~ team estah- Tished a clear superiority nver thr Alri-•• cans, v.·ho v.·ere competing as a learn for the first firne. American Sprinters and hurdler~ led 1he v.·av !.cl a 54-30 lead over the Afncan men aflf r eight events In !he tw(}(ia~· pr<>- gr;im. t:.S. winners inc)11dcd Rod ~1ilburn in the 110-meter hurdles (13.4 1 •• Jim Green in the 100 meters ! 10.IL John Smiih 1n the #JO meters ('4fi .6\. Karl Salh in the shot. put (64-IO~·~\, Bouncy l\1oorr in the long jlllllp (26-0l/4) and Steve Prefontaine in the S.000 meters. A spectacular misjudgment by Africa's Mirus lrter gave Prefontaine the viclory. With 600 yards to go in the race liter 'unleased what appeared to be a scorching kick and Jett llle field pehind. But as the Run eounded for the rinal lap. lfter 5top- ped dead and Prefontaine trotted lo an casv but larnished victory. Ifter apparenlty had misunderstood lht number· of b~ rem11:ining. e Kopp Pn<'I<• Bngs AMHERST. Mass. -Quarterback J~ Kapp packed his ha.gs and qui.t tbe. N.ew England Patriots Friday. refusing.lo s1gn A National Football Lcagu@ standard players' contract. . In a brief statement, the club said : ''The Palriots have been nolified by the commissioner's oHiCf' that JO(' Kapp can- no t work out with the club until he signs 11 st:indard players' contract." • i\1e11,con1be Tri11111pl1~ WASHINGTON -\V1mblednn cham- pion John Nl'wcombe of Australia do'"•ncd Andres Cimeno of Spain, 6-4. 4.6. 6-4. 1n a ho1 , humid battle. Friday an<! mol'ed inlo !hr semifinal round or the Sf>0.000 Wash1n11:ton Star International tennis tou rnament. Newcomb(> wil! f11ce e.1gh!h- sF.rled Marty Reis~cn or Evanston, Ill., In the. semifinals today. P.1r.~scn dcfcalC'd unserdrd ls1nait El Shafe1 of Egypt &-1. 4.ti, 6-4 1n the other QUflrterf1nal match of thr \rrNer bratkel S1 an Smith of Sea Pine, S C. the No. 2 seed, 11cored 11 cu~-fro111-beh1nd virtorv over sixth-seeded Cliff Drysd:ile or Sou1h Afric;i. 0-6. 7·6. 6-1. ln the other quarterfinal or t.h!' lop br;:ii;k et , Ken Rosewall nf A11slral it1. defeated Dennis Ralston of Bakersfield 6-1. 6-4, ultimately will tear awiiy his nerves and bring his career to an early end. He allo discounted the theory that Trevino, .who at 31 is the same age as Jack, should Jul longer because .he 's only been playtng big time golf four years while Nicklaus has been incompetilion since he wu'ti. .. For years. I've been readtng predic- tions a)l6ut me burcing myself out at an early ' sge," Jack said. "From Sam Snead, Gene Sarazen and Jimmy Qemaret, who said slow' play would 11et me. "I don't pay any attenUon to any of them, I think I've done all right ao far, Who can say how long • man can play? It depends on his personal hAblts .. nd hi1 desire. ··As for me, I take good care of my" If. I keep In shape. And my desire to win Is still strong -stronger than ever, They say when you get older you lose con.. cenlration. I'm sure it will happen to me. "But only I can say when and where - and I don't see It coming M>On.'' Tries to Rebound Brumel Possessed By Determination MOSCOW (AP) -Al J1. Valery Brumel was r iding high as the world's greatest high jumper. He had just set in July 1963 the world record or 1 feel 5~t inches -which just fell -and then won the gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics in 1964. But on Oct . 6. 1965, a~ he drove his motorcycle along a raJn-sHck highway near Moscow, the machine flipped over, landed on top of him a ni:I shattered his right shin and ankle .. , and ... many thought -his career. The Soviet Union's best doctors thought he woold never walk again without a limp. But he underwent 31 operalions, hobbled around on crutches for two years and finally in 1968 was mended enough to start training again. Now Brumel is 28 and a determined man, possessed by "l single thought: "I want to ... I can ... I must jump." "Nol a single person believed thal I y,•ould make a comeback -not a 11ingl• one. They don't eve11 believe it now," Brumel said in an interview. Soviet Lauds Record Ju1np By American \:10SCOW (AP l -Valery Brumel, whose high iump record of 7 feet, S~ in- ches was unchallenged for eight years, had nolhin& but prais&. today for the American who shattered it, Pa t ~1atzdorf. "Tbis called for courage and Matzdorf proved courageous, ;:is he added to his own best result eight centimeters at once,.. said the Soviet sensation of fl.1atzdflrfs 7·614 efforl . Brumel, in an interview in the Soviet newspaper Sovetsky Sport, said, "I would like to t;:ike thi:; opportunity to con- gratulale the gifted American jumper on his record." Matzdorf. 11 21-year-0ld University nf Wisconsin athlete, set the new world record July 3 in a U S.-USSR track meet at Berkeley, by jumping 31/• inches higher than he had ever jumped before. Brumel. who made his mark also at age 21, said he expected it lo be beaten. "It was set long ago, wh ilr-sporting results are now advancing apace." be said. \Yhite Brumrl heaped praise on 1\-latzdorf, he said that Soviet jumpers Valentin c:avrilov. Kestulis Sha pka and others could do JU~! as well "'So now ii 1s for nur sportsm!'n lo pick up the glove in lh1~ tough comprlition wirh Matzdorf." he said. Bru met. \\'ho wa s crit1tally injured in an auton1obilr accident in 1965, told the intcrviev.·er for Sovelsky Sport that his (Jersonal goal for thr year wa5 seven feet, "not ror fame but to overcome myself." "This i~ lhe height where in Jumping big gport begins.'' he added, "and thi11 means Lhal it i11 from this height that one starts Lo respect 1neselr as A sportsman.'' .. But I have made a comeback beea\Jse of stubbornness, because of curiollily, I want !.cl see how high. I can jump. Two meters? higher? Now every centimenter is a \'ictory for me and l get pleatUf'e from my victories and my work." On Jan. 23 at the local meet in MCll{cow. Brumel cleared 6-9"1 in second and third tries. "If I had nol believed in myself then I wouldn't have returned," he said. "Now my coach, Yuri Chistyakov, 'a:lso believes in me. . I have the time and I a.!so have the will ," Brumel said. Brumel figures he has five good ·lears -until he is 33 -to make a comeb«ck. He cited ot.her athletes who played along after many thougtit they would be has-beens -the legendary Soviet socCer goalie Lev Yashin who retired last year at age 41 , Md Igor Novikov who was a member of Lhe Soviet Union's lllQdern pentathlon team at the Tokyo Olympics at age 37. "What has age got lo do with It?" Brumet asks. "I repeal. I still have time. I can wait. You simply must have tbe conviction that the bar will not fall ..• timidity spoils a sportsman. Sporl.'L fans like persistent people who will not tolerate defeat in a single battle." Brumel's major idol is American N<!gr& Jesse Owens, who won four gold medals for the United States in the Munich Olym· pies in 1936 and punctured Hitler'• theories of Lhe physical superiority ol lhe white race. ''He was .11 fearless sportsman," Brumel said. "He had the guts of • sportsman. He won in spite of uiythilig." Golf Sl1aft Kills In Freak Mishap ~10NTREAL (AP) -Rudolph Roy, 4.1, flf suburban LaSalle, was killed this week in what police and golfers consider a ene- in·<'l·mill ion accident. lloy w11s on the fourth hole of the Mont Gabriel Golf Club nor!h of Montreal wittl three playing companions when he drov• his tee shot into the. woods. Instead of losing a stroke by brinsing the ball back to the fairway, he decided lo play !he ball from !he rough. Members of the foursome told police Iha! when Roy went lo hit his second shot. the shaft of his club snapped. The jagged shaft and club head struck a tree and rebounded toward him, lodging in hi! stomach. Roy was taken to hospital "'here he w;:is pronounced dead on arrival. Blue Wins No. 18 OAl\LANf) (AP ) -Oakland's amazing Vida Blue we;ivrd a one-hille r for hia 18th victory of !he se11son Friday night, a~ the ·A ·s, striking for al! their runs irt the first inning, silenced Lhe Detroit Tiger.~, 4-0. Blue, 18-3, gave up only a fourth-inning single to center field by Tony Taylor. Be ~truck out nine to bring hi~ major lesgllt: leading total of 197, It was also his 1i:xlh shutout this season. Mlkil' !Jllttll1dl •oti !toM ft·ff-UI 11 .. 1-1.111 ... 1>-1.1' 111'-!Jot M·n-1• ff·ll-1..i 11...._UD 1'1·11-111 61·1""-1•1 7'·1'11-10 7•16-tn 1wt-1" J0.7)-1.U ..., ...... d J).N--lll 71·7'-!4 "-1'-•'1 . n-n--1u n-n-1u '1·' t+4 11.n-1~ n-n-1u 11·1)-f .. llOVICE BULLFIGHTER ANGEL A OAME 15 GORED IN MEXICO CITY. ~ .,. ..... ~-,:..."" ..... ~-·~ ""':._:_ ----...... ~--·----.·-,.....1+. ... -._ ...... ~. ----.-· 11f -··--~ ~ .-i-~ .,,..,. . ......... ~--.; ... ~ .. . . . . . ' ,_ • j ...... -.. . ;~ .· .. · . -.J' DAJLV PILOT S1turd1.1. July 17 1()71 ·:·;·· .Ji'rosla·soph Loop • I • .!;": • Goals Aple11ty •• h1 Polo Action Deltnsts took 1 back seat in Friday night's Costa Mesa Recrtalion frosh·soph water poll) action at Estancia High. ,f.fltr the four garnes had betn completed, a total of 76 toals hiul bl! the nets. Tha!'s "'··an 1verage of 19 goals per . a~mt · ~ Coron a del f\.lar H1gh's -· yf'arlings had !he biggest feast. a 21 ·2 ~·1rtnry Qver Bolsa Grande. In other gamec;. We~tm11s1er blitzed Foun1111n -\'alley. 14-..1, Nev.:pnrt Ha rbor edgtd Santiago. l t-11. and l.o5 Amigos downed ~11ss1on VteJo, 16-1. Rich Ar mstronR v.·as the big , gun for Westminster, slam· ··;'ming in six goals. Tea mmate Jrnin f rankhousc countered with four and Toin Tringham had tow. Ken Blakel ey and Dt>ug Brandtman each scored , Bullfights ~·: Returning ·To Sea -The bull fights move to the ·.,aside this Sunday when the •,. ni11th eorrida of the campaign · :ii sl.aged at the beautiful arena. Plaza Monumental de Tij uana. Matador Alfredo Leal has starred in his two prrvious Ti- juana appearances this sum- mer. Leal cu t an ear May 16 In Tijuana and v.·on two lht're on May 30 .. "1 ario St'vllla this season lou11:ht the brilliant Fourth of July corrida. Th e bull 's life was sparrd July 4 after an e xc e 11 en t con- frontation between man and :bull. ~ ··This v.•ill be the 'Tijuana · debut for the fl ashy 19-yt'ar- . old Span iard, Curro Vazquez, • noted for his class and ebulliencr . lie has starred . throughout the ~1ex ican and Spanish seasons the past two •. )'ears. The lamed Santacilia • lT.anch promfses large and 'hra1·r b{11\s. Tht' corrida v.·ill start al 4 p.m. in the popular %2JJOO-seat p1•1.a opened in 1960 si x miles 11\'t'St of downtov.·n Tijuana. ~Jotorists mav reach th is pl:1za by travelirig wrst on Se- cond Street from down town Tijuana or by taking lhe~road paralleling the border fence. Ill though heading for the toll TOid to Ensenada. .. Drags Hold Marathon A 14-hour drag r acing 'marN.hon i.\ on lap !his · weekend at Or;;inge County Jntrrnational Ra cev.·ay. The lengthy prograrn brgins .11 J pm. today w1lh OCIR 's regu lar v.·C'tkly hanchcsp and ch1.~.o: l1n1r tr1<1!s pre<:rding ·_final~ frnn1 7 .10-10 :JO Fea tured in the ni,l!htcap un- .'ttl ~ a.m. SundP.y will bf' B1 ~ , \Vl ltie Rob1n~n and dn1·rrs from his Street Racers. Inc. 'g·r.oup. -V.'h1\e the slreet r<icrrs v.ill "how thrir warf's in llJM'f'l<ll m11tch racrs durin.i; OCIH 's la te sho\1', 111 .. tort·)tlr rirlr-rs will also ha1 I' 11 rt1<1ncf' to JOln in on the nocturnal doings The s1ars of thr s1rret racer'll show are the lo w riders. ex1rnsi\·el y custom1zrd ffhic!e~ wh ich h11,·e brPn fit- ted with hydraulicall)-<:OO- ~ lJ"91led suspensions. While obviously more show ·Cars thPn spttdy racers. the (ow riders perform many .uhUJual stunts. i n c 1 u d Ing .: flCl'lpe racing and d11ncing lo · mU5ic played over t~ OCIR • ; public .1ddre11s system. ,, ' ·~· -· ' " o~ for the Lions. W~tminllter jumJWd to II l-() lead at the end of the fir~t quarter and hel d a com- ID!inding S.l advantage 11l the half. Coruna drl ~1ar really had ii easy with BoL~a Gr11nde. The Sea Kings scored rive times ill the initial period and splashed Jn eighl 1no1·e in the second for a 13--0 halftime lead, Greg Loitz paced Corona with eight goals. ,,_1ean~·hile. A1 ission Viejo had lo \\'a1t 't1I !hf' rinal period to se11re its goal. but by tha l time Los Amigos had the game v.·ell in hand. Brian McDougle hit the lone Diab!o goal while Mike Terreri scnred 10 times for the win- ning Lobos. I.As An\igus he!d a 7-0 lead at the half and enjoyed a 11·0 th ird quarter margin. 1'hf' fina l game of the niJ:ht was the lightest. with Ne wport ha\'ing its hands full with tough Santiago. The vi('torious Tars took a 3- 2 edge at the end of the first stan7.11 but Santiago came right back to hold a 5-4 ad- vantage at the hal ftime bre11 k. Alter thrt>e quarter!'! it wa~ 7-7 with Newport outscoring San- liago. 4-2, in the final period. Ne v.·porl was led by Tom Feichlman whl'l s c l'l red four times John Barrett , Bart Smith and Ro n Smith each had two goatll for thf' Tars while Greg Horman scored once. Frosh-soph action contint1es Monday night at Estancia with Gard en Grove and T r o y meeting at 6, Estancia facin11: Va lencia at 6·50 and Santa Ana Valle y and Buena Park clashing at 7·40. In AAAA div i.~ion p!ay ~1on day at UCJ. Newpo rt and Su n- ny Hil l!' meet at 6. Co~ta ;\1e~a battles Lakrwood a1 7·40 and Corona del 1'1ar hosts Downey at 8:30. ~o scheduled ~1 on d a y night is the AA division at Costa 1'1e.sa High. In that leagur. Fountain Valley races Troy Ii i, Marin a mixe~ it up with ~1i!i!iion Viejo r7:50l. and Edison hosts La Habta (8;40). Checking Area Golf A lri o composed of Da ve Shepherd, Don Smith and Dnn Roberls fin1shf'd with th e low team Iola! of 118 I 11 s l Saturday in the n1cns' club menl at Meadov.'lark Country Club. Roberts and Sm1!h joined forces v.'ilh Perry Palmer for !he second 1eam low at 119 \1·hile Shepherd, Smith and Ed Shphrrd recorded a 120 for third tram honors. In the Sunday portion of the same tourney. :i team lov.· (lf 116 v.;1s turnt'd 1n hr Jack t.!ri\,U!lfn. \'trg1I P} lan1 anrl f't'rtY lla nstad \1·ith Dana \\'.1dr, Chuck .Jornrr and J!ar- rv Caulkins earn.1ng lhe second Jov.· tram a""·ard at JJS. P~l;inJ. Han.~!ad and Hon Cabl e :.hot 119 for a third low !earn f1n1.-;h Sunday. Thrf'f' class winners in the l!fd1cs' 1uw net loumey la5l week \vere class A· llrlen l-olnullnn : 8. Barb a r a Dunhan1: and C. J oyc e Thie ln1an. 1'1rs. Moulton was also selected as wome n golfer of lhe monlh . Mens sv.·etpslakes play is slated for thi s weekend. El Toro Flight winners in last week's v.·omenll' ci:oss country play were Carolyn Soltes in A fl ight , Lea Dibella in the B grou p and Sue Roberts in C flight. ••11k1Mt1lctr4 • "'11+or "'"''' J f!.lt.., bl1R4, 111wporl c 111!1r 644.1010 -~ ·~,....t ..... ".,..'\l'-'1'?' --·· J lf,' ....... ·-__ ... '.!.. u . " TheA~Palmer Method HEAD SHOULD TURN WITH YOUR SHOULDERS The 1dv1ce to "keep your head down•• i• sound, but it can rC.. strict your •wina: if you carry it to an extreme. The golfer in Jllustntion fl has done just this. Hi.a prolonaed at1c:nt ivcnc1s .,_,ilh the bill his caused him to Joscclubbc:adspeed, and tbus d istance on his shot. Jt's rinc lo kcc:p your eye on the ball's position durin1 your do'A>'nswing and throu&h impact, but you should !cl it tura. under with your shoulders 1s you 1win1 through lbe hi tting area (Illustr1: tion #2). Just be sure that it turns, rather than lifts. J 1. e.c ,.,,....,1'l.i...-.i"' ... PUT POWE.R BACK INTO YOUR SWING!-With th1 h1tp of Ar{!old P1lm1r'1 lllustr•tld boo1111t, •·TH Shol1 and F1irw1y Woods." S1nd 20• a~ 1 stlf·Hdr .. Md, at1rnp1d 1nv1lope to Arnold P1ltr11r, In c1r1 of thi1 n1w1p.ep1r. Racing Entries llll .1 .... 11111 ,Olt IATUltOAY, JULY 11, ltt1 UO OIY Clo•• II 1'1•!. ,.-1,.1 "111t 110 "·""· t1 Hl91'1tlv Ooo;•ll e" hi I l~d ltl<" n If~•"• .., "~ • "" •••" ,ll lT llAClf -l~ y1rd1. J YPI• f)ld• & 1111 Cl1lm ln1. ""''' '2000. c11.,.,,1n1 p ,;t• 11600. ,.,.,, "'"'' ll'oa•I 11' L<>H••"" IP.,n1rl !JO su~ c.~011 tSml!"l 110 OutU M"°" IWll1on) l XI "'" o"~ ILIP"•m! 116 J,H·• o..,,, l(:r111bvl l U D•1•nd !N•l1r) Ill fll1<k Aau••l11• !"•lt•nl 111 Mr P•IO 8M (H•<T ) 11' Trut C•n Fly l.t.d1irl 1!0 Al•1 fltl~l1 P•ll•o !et "flm r (Smltn) 111 F o\! 0••~ 1>-i•d l !l1 flit Gr•nd•aav IW1h.,.,) l lO &urn! lrig• IC11r11e111 11 1 SIECOHO RACI! J~n ~1rd\. ) VII' e>lo• I. u~ C•llr 8•..t (111,,,!nv. Put~• 117tlll CtalmlnO P•ic• 171'li'Ml LLKOY 8•t! J"' IWouonl 111 L• Jooll• 11'.,n.rl lit Fl••• To C.o (lle>h1ml I l l Mr Su" ll"' {C~rao1 0) 119 Win Gaw eov ICra•bY) 111 51••1. Gol l•a•lr) Hi 5wlnt ono l,• !Wl!1on) lU M~l<I l'tnv•I (l(onn•!~f 111 C~k k•~OOl'f lW•<dl In M<. Mon• ID<f'lfr ) 119 THI RD R.t.Cl' JSll Yltdt. , ~fi r fllO\. _..llow•<>C•1 """' '7100. Nn Mt" !.-(W•ho~l 110 M""", (:a11 .. n <Drov«) 117 [)"1!109 (,,fl \liPhf m) Ill Ile Sv•• Moon \Porne•I 111 M< '°''"''"''"' 1 eon••I 11 I R-f \ Qu,9n (Hl'l) Ill C,.. El!a t(o!Oa/o) Ill Go C>ol/bl t Go tAO•lr! 11'11 ,OURTH 11:•c £ '°° Y•rd•. 5 ~··· <110• l UP (ll lMlnt , l'uru S)/OI), C111nur>O l'flC1 \'(IOD. lh• M• Je>• !Wor<ll lllot>ll• Chorort (B•nk1l Cam• On[)..,;. l•O•"' Mid,.•Y Mlll11 l''••n••I Se>ur Cilv !D,.••d Mlflw•• 0 •"6V (H•rl! R•ti•I (norll• IWl l>nn) Llho Poutt ILl•~f"') "' ". " ' "' "' "' '" '" ••~TH ... ,. -11a YO"li l v~., eldl .. up . ..,ll-•nc••· p.,.,e 13SOD. s ...... , •• B•r Miu IA<lo lf) 1" C,-ln!f nllOn• tC1rdo.ll) 116 llrvt1'1 l'hot~ (5ml"'l \19 5,..mre>clt•I COroyorJ 171 ""!Pl• (He•tl 111 J•~• Cut• ll•r (ll•n~1l 111 Vnclo Wn (Li...,•m> l lf M•rc!r.o (W•tdl 111 .1.1 .. Ellt lllt Gab?lv'• Be>• (Por,,.r) 111 (ln(ler 81rd (W•IM>nl 111 SIXTH R .t.CI -15(1 Yf rdl . ' Y••• oldo. ,a.11-•nco•. Pllf\• Sl~. Thi Jann Dl•on. 8rOOl!f (W•h""1) I It Mid Po"o ILIPhf"'} 111 Bid Bid (Wf rO) 116 Go Ge>"""'"" (l'..-ned 119 Miu Tinv W•lc~ ICerdOlll 116 Ne> !Ull\ 8ov! II (Hori) 116 Sir Wln••lo1 (McDon•ldl 117 Queenie C"••tt !Cr.,,,bvl 119 "•<hut• Moon 1s1n11n1 111 ll\J"tr Cult llar (.t.O•lr1 11f Alu l!llt lbt1 ll1>t•ino ROC••I (W•li.on) l it II""'"'' IC•":lo••l 119 lllv• Pl•••v•• ILillh1,,,1 11• SEVENTH l.t.CI' -ljO y1rd>. l "'"' o•d• & uo. _..11cw1nce1. Purit ll~. Tnt P:ov Bell K•W•A~ a., "loo (D,.V••J 1\t Hojllorlt• (Horii 11' 0D•nlfl9 G11n IW•t><>n) !IS V•n•ou• (Adeln 1\1 1 •ut.i•n Min Sm•!"I 1 It Dee Movnl IP0<nfrf 116 Wil<" Chl( lLlp,,fnl\ l\t Nuovo Mu<~•"-"• 4C•rdo1Jl lit F1;9MI lOI' l .t.111""') In EIGHTH R.t.CI! <00 ~1rd1 l Y••r old•' UD p,,,,. i!O 000 rn1 Cn•<IOU v tv. U \,.dll• l!•G l~!r~u•\l 116 n •• ,non<I ~""Jo.. IP•rn"I 111 Lf<IV A.<1Vrll !WA'-O~I I~ YO~,,. IH•<I) (nM~" RI< lO••yor) O..~we1n 8~• ~loaal< I "loo R<><""'" IC.•,<10101 ... "' "' "' "' NINTH 11.t.(E JJ.11 y•t~• J ~·~' old• " UD <l••flhng, PVIU 1)'1)(1, (l••m•no rr•<• 1)51)(1 G<>OO'" l,.,g j {.'0'~1) Ill (,e>ld L•• Mar~ !P•rn••l 111 l!o••' L•~v f!UQ 1 ••l••D~l 1\.1 l>•d l\lfd J• 111oeln1on1 !II 8•''""'"' (W41l•On) 111 I"' 81r1n U.ion .,nl ll? M0<10 0,AI (Wa<dl 119 H•'1 A II"""'" IP•rt1D• II? L<>!l ftM I Or••I' I 111 Los A la1nitos Results ,tl4tY, July 11. 1'11 Cllu & '"" ,l ~iT tlACI 40Q vo•d•. I Vttr .,1a, ana ~• Cll•,,,1n• Pu"• t100!l Lt y ..,ut !or L11t !AO•"' J OO lQll ~00 Hu!ll•n• !OY 1 {\Ot uoh"! 1• 60 619 l~ro c.~ '""' CC •,ao1•1 '•o Tl ... ( JO I 1D .O.I \0 l>AH Aoll P><~ Monr-1 Miil. "f ,OO•PG Bf" 9 11 0"8•• TU" (h1rorr. l\oo•~" '" llov'• f.rfV E•al~ ~f ll/lolf .,[0 l"1~ G•lnd, M•rt< 11 "~" C,old 1"0111 On .t.!ul $1:(0ND 11.t.CIE -Jin '""' t volr e>ld• ( l••m•"• Pu••• 11<!10 Did\ i nd 110 {.l•I"''""· Pu"I lJl)l't(]. I'~•'• F'r~ IW•hOnf I 00 l 60 J 00 Alltu••"< !O<e;,•l 3 Ill 1 <0 "f~o E•ol• (a.na1t1 l ~o T!ME. -•I t1 I ~. AL ~O g j\N Runn, ~DOG~• ac •. M1a.,&v lom. '"'"'"11 Rot•tr MOl•h• No '"""~'' E IGHTH R.t.CIE •llO Ylfd~. J v•~• e>la\ "'.'"• '&!)00 '"' M""llf (,...,.,. Pa,.um 1 Pf<n~•l l60 1.0 T •O "'"~'..., (no• 1wor,.n( •?ti • rn O•r~ N O•n<l'I !Cto•bYI I >(I TIME -JO I, 10 Dt•meAdl ,.,., """"" '...;k•I ""~"· JD M • Rol n MAn, Du""• Ct>DV No •«o<<""'· -- Aquatics Love Affair Tar Lefty Throw s l(eepsEuhankGoing 3-hitter By PHIL ROSS 01 tlM 0.l!Y Pllot1 lltN Ja mes Eu bank has developed such an affinity for being in or near the Willer in hi~ SS years on thi!'I planet that it probably .,.,·ouldn'l be much of 11 surprise for son1eone to sug{le!'I\ hr take a physic~I ex- amination with the possibility of uncovering fish-like gills and scales as a part of his physiology. A Los Angeles real estate broker by trade, the Corona del Mar resident spend.'! a healthy chunk of his s pare time defyi ng potentially back- brf'aking wa ves v.·hile body surfing at The Wedge in Ne wport Beach. But that's jusl an isola ted example of the love a£fair wh ich Eubank exhibits toward the deep blue drink. If mermen did truly exist, Eubank could be first In line to receive a designation as such. For in addition lo a religiou! att@ndance at the dangerous Newport body surfing spa, the Corona aquanut is attracted like a magnet to all and every form .of swim -related activity, Eubank's latest claim to fame is his recent wholesale collection of expensive hardware at the Senior Olym- pics at Los Angelf's Swim Stadium. In that meet he picked up five gold medals in the SS-59 age group with victories in the JOO 11:09.7), 200 (2:36), '400 tj:4S.8) and 1,500 (24 :03.l) freestyle races while also • swimming the opening leg on •· a winning 2:04.6 200 freestyle relay effort. Following Eubank in suc- cession on the rel ay unit were Santa Ana Valley High 11qautics coach Paul Herron, USC swim mcn!or Pe I e Daland and one-time "Tarzan . ..,. .• 'f ... J" ' • Newport H.arbnr \e!thander Ne il Burl tossed a !hree-hltter In pacing the Tars lo a I~ vic- tory over Corona del Mar in Huntington Beach baseball •c· lion Friday night at Cbsta Mesa Park. r,. another tilt, Co.5la Me~a dov.·ned Fountain Vi.lley , 6-4, at ll un11ngton Beach. Burl struck ou1 12 an d walk- ed one and had li!lle !rouble setting down the Sea K1n,l!s. NewptJrt's 'f;irs ~ot their on - ly run 111 !he fourth when an error allov.·ed Bruce Wingerd le score from third. Meanv.•hile. Costa Mesa·s Mustangs scored four times in the sixth 1nn1ng tn ove rcome a 3·2 Fountain Va l!('y lead. f'ive v.·alks and singles by Ke n Peter~en and Sieve Sharp highlighted the f.lesa r11lly. (OITA Mf:$A U ! .. ' C!ark, JI> ' D II 1bl ' ' ' . ' , ' ' GolOtll. 1b 1 1 C~•l•!mto, II> J O !.ch•110<>, P·t l 1 I a•vm1. lf·t l o Gl~•ov. c 1 o F r1•1101I, <> Q I "'""'m, rl l 1 Z•hnlec•0<, u 0 0 5ht rD, U ? 1 DuUv, d ·ll l O TDUlt n f l'OUNTAIH VALllY 14) • • • ' • , • • • • • • • , • • t b t " rlll 9••1oard. d ·l b CoH611, lb E<klor , 11 Cal•m.tn. c1 Hun!or. ti S1llor, o -lo"'" rl F lnkl••· •l·e Bornh•td. lb Zlmmor, lb Au11ln, ?b Mol•t •, o L....a~nbtck. U Te>!th Co"~ M!.'41 Fo~n1,1n V&llev . . ' . ' . , . . 11 0 0 ' . , . ' . ' , ' ' ' . , . , . ' . " . • • • ' • I ' • • • ' • • ' • • • • ' • • • • • ' .. 101 OO•O-' 6 1 1700010 -• I 1 COION• OliL MA ii !~I 16 • " •ti J 0 0 0 J 0 ' 0 J ~ ! ~ ' 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 ' . . ' . . , . . of the Apes" Buster Crabbe, - who came out from New York to compete in the meet. Copping trophies for his in- lhe-water frats isn't necessari- ly a rc1·rlalion to Eubank. AREA AQUANUT-Corona del Mar's James .Eubank readies himsel f for a racing dive inlo the Balboa Bay Ch-.!b pool in Ne wport Beach. Eubank recently copped four gold medals in the Sr. Olympics s...,.·im meet at LA Swim Stadium. 11111<'" cl P&rO~r. II P•lmn ,0 Etlek.,,n, < Ji~d,.w•. lb D•Mill•. lb Jonn•on. '·' Se•••. 1b-<! Clinti., r• Donn"'. 1b M1 11, lb Grlo•bY, lb Total\ ~l!W"Oll:l Ha1n .. m1n. lO !o..,m•n. ?n Woo v••· II w'"""'"· ., Whit• c ' . . ' . . • • • ,, 0 l HAllBOll ~0 l b • " ' . . ' . ' ' . ' ' ' . , . , • • • • • • • ~· ' • • • • • • •• ' • • For instance. he 's entered the annual l.a Jolla Ocean Sw11n si x liTTlf.'S in the o\·er-45 division and, lo and behold, hr's v.•alked off v.·ith that 1n.1ny first pla ct> lrnphies. Confining nio.~t or his local swi1nming workouts lo the H:ilhn;1 Bay Club , Eubank con- t idrs that he r nnrmously ('11- joys .... ·orkin~ out H1 the v.·arm lrnp1cal watrr!'I v.•hile vaca- tif\ntn,1: in Hawaii. Howrvrr. hr dors admit lh;il. wliile no! p~rti('ularly 1·ottnn1ng tn co 1 d e r tem- peratures. he'tl compete in more frigid water races if he has 10. "I swarn in ;i !wo·rnile ()("ran ra<'f.' 111 Santa Rarba ra on a course laid out aloni:: thP. beach there," hr says. "And let me tell vou, it v.·as darned cold tf\o: Snmr1hing like 63 degrees in the ""'ater." In spite of !he knee-knock inJ: cnndllions in the dri nk al San- t11 Barbara. Eubank ;ilsn 1nan:11:rd to n1:ikr off v.·1th thf' 50-anrt·O\'rr title thrrr Another biJ< v.·1n 1n Eubank's ""'atcr polo performer for Corona del Mar High in 1968!, F:ubank couldn't f'\'('n shi.ke his aquatie Jove affair during a Coast Gu11rd stint in World \Var II . lie rlalx>ratcs further. "l ""';;t~ a lifeguard in Los Angeles Colln!y back in the ·30~ and then entered the Coast Guard. "I \\'as ~tat1oned in Wilin- inj;l\(>n and sorne British of- ficers caine by our base to recruit underwater demolition ''olunteers si nce they we re so h11rd hit in Ille Mrditerrane11n . ''Th('y chose lifeguards for 1he ;ob~ brcause v.•@ knew m;in y nf thr su rf co nditions." Eubank chalked up some in- teresting travels \~1h1le logging his duties .:is an underwater demoJltinn ~prciahst (UDT I for thr OSS I Office of Strate,'l1c ~er\ ices\. The \\'edge. ''Why? "I'm just waiting for a south 5wel!. That v.·ay, l feel I'm doing my bil for humanity," he concludes. (,Ill, lb a~n, D 1-1.,r..., ... ••-ct l•c~•1e, u F<111~·. " To!al1 ' . . ' . . ' . ' ' . . ' . ' ,, ' !Or• tr lftftl""I Co•on1 fkl M•• ~'"'""'' Horbllr ' .... ~ 000 100 k-1 Wrestling Result s • • . ' . ' F&11ollln \Ifill~ lltd !ll) (Uj 01ld1n Wu t M-'¥'uf>ln1 (l'J '"'"" ~· lortoll W11!mln1ltr lll•t lr (J7) Pl) •••~1n 100 -Ot vl' IF ) M;: M l•lUdl IG) f .( 111-Hv!T•d !Fl <+ot P. M1t•lno IG\ '" l)t-R. Brown (G) de( ll;am~ (Fl 9. Orov1 ''-M•l•1•e• JWI wn~ bv l•ll 109-WPll\ lW) won hv .:ttt •·'· ll~-•1"'"'"~ INI won bV 1111. IJ'l-Ft•nk~OWlf (WI v.on bv di< J.t 1 •~-l'luw~r (Wl 1011 b• f1o( 1·1 H•-l•nn•" tWI won bY det &·J. 109-H•oiey IWI WO" b• 1orr111. ll•-5m,•ll fWI lo•• bv tolt. "'-Mot1n 1J') dt t M M•r1lot IG) ~::=~~~~t~r.,.rww'o~o'i::v nr111t<. O.t &-l ,. ·"• 'F ,. ,. H¥Y '"••nit~ IW/ won nv •111 1,..-Mo,.~1., l et( n&mr" 1...,1 0.. We\lmlh• r Rod !H fl! Col!t Mei.t S 1 .. -!udQln (F\ doc Ho,,,..I l(,1 / \ ) " M'!I~• ((\ d"< Wornmock fW I 6- •. ;r.-F l"klt~ IF! d<'c M. Brow• IG) 1""-Nn m•lr ~ !l9-(;u11 ic,1 "0" &v ,0,,,,,, 110 No"'"''~ 1M !rchrr ~<-1 won b~ 1or1e 1 1n MCCt n /WI f!ec ~.,.,. (ll 1.a. Hv•-Mlll,, !G! "'"~·a "o"'•ll (Fl ll• .... "'"''" :l< !•9-Moan (Wl det 51«~'"" (Cl 111-0. C~M un 1111 '•un101• \0~1l•Y l !MI 1;; No m••tr• M Stlt•w•ll 1r 1 o., ~0"'" (! 01 l 10• No m&I<~ ICl't--MOQ•• IF I won OY lo·•·' 1/t ... 0 m•lc~ 1\t-Lo""'"" IFI aot BP<'''°' CC) l 119-No "''"~ ~ l"'-Mo "'8'cn Ill Hu~•n (I'! Dione<+ OD'., !(II Hv~ No mar<• "' -~ ~-llt w.~. !(I Ott M•"·" ~ l n l"-!8""t l (C) dfC Hf tn•"OOI tF l ..,l•n"I"" Jao 1c1,.10••1101a SQO ,.., 111.i.ri.0Mr•111 ,.,.,~ l•Ol •O l '"'''' ~t•rQo 1Po•ntr) &Q(I MIMTH ••C£ l,.;I v••a' J •••• ~Iring v.as la~\ )Car'~ two-mile n1"' " ""· C••"'"~0 ""' .. S7.00. He rmn~.:i Rrarh-:'l-1anhatlan lie ll'nrked in such placf's 11s lov.·er Rurm;i, Cr\tlon and the Rahamas. .:i 1 J ·tropical-like v.·aterinJ! -~mt.~ wherr !he ~ea is genrrally w11rn1l.'r than in olher parts of Jh r Riobe, u !. \<t-(<a.• JC• O•< ... ,~., <-1 •~ l~l-t:.•"~ ICI nf'(. Pv" ~, 1 1. !It -S!•cn•n 1(1 w~n ~· '~'" r GOLFERS Wl!lo lo,.·H•ntilc1,1, l'rocuc1 Al T"• l lM( Il l 10 •LS{l P~N ,.,,. l •'11h. C.•~111.,..•n J•I 0"•'"' Mi n ~no!~" C,,,_ 1'11•, 0·0,.1 ,,.,,,, Uo lloht, Qt,,. ~''"DO•~ .. SCll.t.TC"l~O !"""'•·• Looi, Noon1wln k. M< (o• l\ar, ..,nO• C.o. o Ni•~ll• Dou~•· l·l • Ya•u• I•• l "" and 10 -lomllo• J1; ,,..1. 1n ,to. THlllO ll AC£ t•O ~·rn1 l v•"' e>I~' •"d Yn Cl•,m1n• Pu•u 11160 A•.,uO P•QUl \lfd IH•rll ()·~"· oi: •• 1•0•111 M•no ~IO)Y IC•o•~•) l lME -"6 }10 .O.l SO l!AN P•"" llY• Ldllo Ml" Bvo. •nc~or 1'1••· f!rol ~u!url!>. M~C~~·~~HEO -r•r>•"• lm•e•. 01!.0~~;H.,.,~"cc:1:1.;in!10 ;•;,~' 51&." On• lo<KI Ofil,. CStrlU\\lll.~0 I NI I 51l FullMoonM1n !W .. ~I 6 IXI • . .O Yo 010<• lPff"'d l Ml TIME -•I l·IO. .t.LSO lt.t.N -ldo R,.,,, Cut Ff( A<•• P'o•v Nf'IC. Mr. P t r.ort11lty, Ma t «l l<h•I. ,1,TH R.t.CI 4(111 varo1. I y11t' ol<I• '"" "" •11.,...nc., """" llSOC. 111•>11• !Llon1ml 11.60 J.60 l.JO S<>'hl Rt>ekf! ll't•nt•) f,Qll l 00 H•n1l1I tlldt lrl 1.00 TIMI!: -,JO 1/10 ALSO 11.t.N -J ot lnlu", l1ll•tl'1 Ou••n, Mr. Ll!llo OKll.. Mo oc<Uch11, "XTH 11.t.CE -S" ~11d1, l 111r o•O> on(i vo . .t.llOWl<IC" l'ur\I 11JOO. IM Eer lV lll..,lml 11 • .i !Ot!I •llO P•OlfftOVI Glfl l,ll!ll1&nl I 60 ),IQ "f°"''"'' Chic• l!tnk1) 2.IO TIME -.11 //\0. ALM! R.t.N -Wiiiow ll•~vto!, w i tch lloc••t. llt~I• ... <Ulo.Jn!, ~ I b t I T,.,,ur•. T rl1~'• !1rrt<1. M1ndtll•• 81\c5i~t CHEO -5o~y S•~•"· Doll· 111 f•r lov, _..lt Mllu llr I), 1$ •~•dll w.;;;-:-l!l rly tntl l-l'r.1-101t o rl, ••II in.M. 11\0IHTM !IA.Cl -•11 ~· .... ~· ~ YOfr TODAY IS THE DAY TO LEASE A 1971 CADILLAC OH Te"' Lv~"" 1~11'~•.,.I , 10 4 19 110 Rr·arh s1-1111i. \\'hile !he bre;ikers which dance ;:ilonR the Oran,l!e Coast 8ren·1 quite a.~ wRrm. F.uhank \viii conti n11f' !n body surf at 1~0 I' Mlll"' IFI coo"' "''""'n tc• 1 n I NEWPORTER INN PAR J GOLF COURSE Sl.00 with thl1 Ad wttk dAyl o" co'"''' 1"''·•N11 • 110 1111 • •O Thr fa!hrr of :-;nn.c. 24 and 20 l<o•n '''"""'" r•~•") ) 10 U'l-Rlt~•Y ((\ won b• '""" •, T!M f II ) 10 ~t'ilrS r.r ai;:e lhi~ ~OUOi;leSt 111 >n ~~.., ~'••o• (""'v•. ,~ ... ~ snn .. Jrrr~. 11·;i~ :in ;il!-CIF' Oo'IJ•~, So>on! Gr•1,na, En Pon•, °'f ----- t-+Y•-G•"" IC\ w~n ~V IN'•" H•nlint lO" (Ill 1~f f'•<lh<• (For• I I Jufit~. U l>•tlf, l·Tom l..~0~" I )·t••"'"· d••~"•o l, P•ld Ill M. l·(O•"''~' & •·TO"' Lye•~• dN~~N I, l'•ld 1111 "· HB Rider Wins Again Huntington Beach's Rick \\'oods cont inued to domin11lc motorcycle action at \h (' Orange County Fairgrounds Friday night. Woods not only captu red thr scratch main event. but won ;i match rare and a\sn plare1t second in the hand icap m111n behind LA 's Larry Moon. Woods ""'ill race Sonn y Nut- ter (Topanga) and Steve Ra51 (Van NllysJ will vie against Larry Shaw tf'ullerton) 1n m11tch races tonight in the Fair Derby eliminatlorni. Racing begins at 8: 15. THE BEST Rr11d"r~h1p p n l l 1 pro\'" ··rr11.nuls" 1s nn" of ihr \1nrld'~ mns t popu!i.r comlr ~t r1~. Rr11<1 H d11 lly In th" DAILY ru..rrr. Ba,seball Standings ~ATIONAL LEAGUE East D!vhlon W I. Pet. GB r ittsburgh 59 31 ."56 Chic11gn 4!1 41 ,;;« Ill Ntw )'nrk 47 41 .5.14 11 St. l.liu1s -48 43 .527 11 1; Philadelphia :19 52 .429 20Yi t.1ont rcal :15 56 .385 24 ~, Wtsl Olvt~lnn S;;n Franci~co 56 :111 .6'Y.I llod j;'.tri; 50 42 .M.1 ~ Houstno 44 4.'l .494 lfl \1 /\ll<inta 45 49 .479 12 C1nc1nn ati ~2 52 .447 l!i San D1rgo 3.1 59 .359 23 , ;l~l~'I IHullt S1, Lou" I , ... ""''' 0 HO<J•!D>" I "'''" Yo'" < C"l<AGO 11, ""·l•~•!n~lo, A!laot• J, 06tl••" 1 1'1111111.roh J, S•n O•"D t S•n r ra"<l•or •, C!~tln•t!I l Tod•Y'I 01,,,K 5•t1 Di•H IMo•m•n O"l u "•'~°'"'~ JE'llU. I• I! r~lllMl~I• (rrvm111 J·ll •I (htC"9G (J~~k '"' l l I) Mon1 ... 1 (Mt.t.n1llY l·n I! 11. tou11 {G•n•Dn •·ll nil"' °"'''" !.t.1,••~Mr 1 l!l •t 1111•~!• !Stn"' 1•Jl San ~foncl!loOll tM1r\c.h•I 11).JI •! Clncont t( IMt· C.lo•~lln •·l l nlotll! N•w Vft1~ 1~ .. Y•r to.11 •t l•lo!n!on COltr\fr lJ-11 ni,111 AMERICAN LEAGUE East Dlvllion W L Pct , GB B111timore ~6 33 .629 Rost.on $1 :17 .5110 411 Del.roil 47 41 .s.34 81.i J'itw York 42 48 .41i7 J4 t, Cleveland :i9 .52 .429 18 Wa shington 35 5J .398 2<P·'l O;iklanrl Kansas C:1ty i\i1nne!'llll'1 Anael~ ChiC'<l.(I ~1ilwau ktt "'e5t OiYislon M 31 44 42 " .. 4.1 51 39 411 :la 49 'rll tY'I llt1ul1' •n•OI• < ~•""""'" ' Cl•¥•1•"'1 I ~"""' (ny 4 Ook l•n~ •. 0•1•011 O C••r•on '' W•1~1noi~n o llo<fo<> 1. /~lnntltl" • Mow N"'k I. MUw•ut.• f T0111v'1 01""'' .6.12 .512 .461 .4:'17 .~411 .437 D•!•~tl ICel~"''" l•6l I! D.•t1"'11 /"11ftl•• 11.11 11•111""'" C"1lmt r 11·•) •I All•llt M11r•ll" ,1·11> nleM N""'••111a. JC~rbln •·•I at W1il'lnt •&n (5~•11fn """ JI\ ~lo~• (1•¥1111'<1 (P•11I I ~l •I l'•m-1 [<!• P~flllu"<'! ,., (Mcaoe 1 ..... 1." 1"'\ •I N•w Ynrt lk ll"'• I.I\ Mll"'•!Jl•• ti'•'""'' 1181 '"" JI~ •ll fl Btit&n L ... i>t .. J.J •na Clll• 11) fl <ley.nl•M lSTH ANNIVERSARY SALEll BIGGEST & BEST YETI DEAN LEWIS 1966 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA Mod•rn & Compltt• S1rvic• & Partt 01pt. 646-9303 540-9468 Modern Body Shop for All Cart Orange County's Lareest 11.nd Most Modern Toyota and Volvo Dealer OYllSW DILIVllY SPICIALIST1 !TiOIYIQIT!A! ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS '71 COROLLA S>ICIAL $1777 DE MO. tJ ~'l'I I ! . Sfl THI ALL NIW TO'l'OTA CILICA Sl"T. CPL IMMIDlATI DILIVllY ~ VOLVO 1971 DEMO $4098 164 SEDAN ,A ,.1.,,..,,,;t , --~di11, H••I•• l)J11 USID CAI SPICIAL $995 1t61 TOYOTA COIONA H.l . llldit. Ht•t•'. < S~tf! !\01 1' t'7l ,,_ ~-,P ... !..:..· •• -,....,. . ,,,.,. • • >I.'--· ., --~ . . ' ., I • ' ' ' • G ' ' ' ' " ' • ' ' ' ' J • ' ' ' ' .\ __ . ....:: \ Me11 in Service l\rmy Private Skphen J Stnll.2 son of Mr and Mrs H 1Jph W Stoltz 925 Jumpero Costa Mesa recently com pit led the ru st phase o( trammg undC'r the modern vc lunteer armv held e.x perimeal al 1' l Ord Arrm:m 1\tlchatl A Horn s n ol Mr and Mrs Alfred A Horn or 13~1 Sutter Drive Wt'stminster has completed b;is1c Lr 11n111g at Lackland "' R It x Ile h IS been ass1gr11 d to Shl'ppard AFB 1ex f(ll training in aircraft mamenan<:e Airman Horn a 1!170 g1 aduale cf Westmmstcr ll1gh School all ended Orange Coast College Costa Mesa Randall E Pake son of Mi' and Mrs W .E: Chapline or 217 < alle Sonora San Clemente LEGAL NO'nCE LEOAL N01'1Cl'! ~ 11»6 P 1\Gt I' IJl,U '•CTITIOUS IUtt•US ,.nmous IUllNIU 1'1CTITIOUS IUl!Nlll ff.AMI ITATIMtltn NAM& STATINlfT l4o\M& llATtMllfY Th• fOlltwtne _ _. are eo nt Thi tollOOlllne Mr*ll • • dolnt Tiit foltowlne W10nt at• """' buslnt"\I "' 1111• neu •• bual-o c ' 0 n.m llrookllutll No Ill Hun-RBEAltCH $EltVICI INOU&T•IE5 0 I" EN DAI Li MAINTENANCE I nt1on lh•ttl Calfl 1'031 Capl.ireno LIM HuntlntlOI\ Htt"'CIE 271)11 ,,,.rec.et LtM Mlu loto r P1t ... w l P•~omo , l s J I IHCP\ C•llfvrn • ,,.,, VIiie 11 ~llV 11 No l&l Hunrlntlon lttcfl St mutl Ga v Wofnsb 2 J 0) 2 LYlt 0 l'ffrCV 21134 Marlacal Lttll C.tl , CtP •tr•no 1.t ne Hl.111tl11t1on •••Ch Ml\sloft Vlll11 II en• d c W(D•I• , »• llroo~IMtl Ct ornl1 Cll""I) Ji. Slltllev UIM Ttrr- NO '4 Hunt nolon ll11dl Callf Ha'1fet tt11th Wof~y 2 20 U Orlvt MJU.IOll Vltlo TPll• but ntu Is be nt condu<ttd bY • CtPl•tnno 1.-Huntln1ton ltaefl Tllb bvsf!IUI 11 btfnt concllicted llY • P11rln.rshlp c.11 tontl• G«leral P1rtnar11111,. It h• d c w~~t.r T11' bva neu 11 "'*"' r-ond1Kled Dy Lvla 0 ~ttY Th 1 ''• amtnr I,.., ""111 the Ceun v hutbtnd •nd w I• Clltton A $1\ttlev C 1 ~ of O anlll Coun1v on Ju y 1 lf71 SAMUEL 0 WOINSKY Thia tltlamtnt flied wlltr !ht CovnfV Bv lltvtrlY J Mtddo,1t 0.-UIY County Thi• attl...,tnl I led wlln 11\t CounfV Cle k Of Orllflt• County Ill JulY t. lfn Cl•r~ Cler• Of Otani• Coun1v on Julv 14 lf71 llY 9ftt'I J ltr911tn DtPUf'f Ctuntv Put1tl1P1ed Oren" Coast 0111V l'llot Jul'i IY &IN.,IV J MaOdoll o.turv Gountv Cler• 1 lot 10 11 14 ll 1971 115-71 Clel"<. Putillalled Ortnta C~st 0• IY fll Publ IMd Ortntt Coast O•I y l"llof Ju-July 10 17 ,._ 11 1'11 1114'11 LEGAL NOTICE Y 17 14 31 •nd AUDUll 7 1971 ''" 71 LEGAL NOTICE ,. 11•24 l'ICTtTIOUJ IUllHIU JI 1\t .. NAMll STATfMflH I' CTITIOUS IUSINl!H TT t to ow nt H son1 • " do nt HA.~ STATIMINT bus ne.s "' Tn• Ill ow ne pe"ons are LEGAL NOTlCE " •111 l'ICTITIOUS I Uill!lllU NAMI tTAllMINT Tl>t to lowing pltfaona 1ra dolrlt butlMU " , "'' PlC'TlltW• .U•tMnt lltAMI nATIMIHT T"-fol io.f 11t """""9 1r1 dOf f'll IMlll IMU Tiii , '1111 fltCTITIOUi IUllNIH NAMI tTAT9MIHT followtrw """°" i. •01,.. butlMn Saturd.tf July 17 1971 LEGAL NOTICE ' nm •ttflTIOU• IUSINIJS HAM• aTATIM&HT r.llowlnt Hreon la clofnt buall'Ul f>AJL V '1LOT J § ,. lwat "Ct ITI0'1S llnlWIU HAM• SUTIMAlllT Tiie ftl!OINlne ~· " ...,. Ml-IS •• '°ViAMllfT MAltK'£TING CO 2149 AH P'ONG S llESTAURANT 211 ll HAMIUltGf!!lt .. AMlET lSd Adan a I a 1 INVUTMINT C()MflAN'I"• W la '•lml Avtnw .Antllflm lu<fld AVtn<H Anan.lm Ca ltorn a Avanvt (OS!t MUI (al tilt lie 725 Oomlfl .. Dr1vt Ntw,or1 ltedl. U as Ctllfllf'nlt fJt01 Ah Font 1 A •tlelm 1 I rn ltd A"O.A COltl'OltATtD!f (a Ct lllorn a fU60 "YltOTltONICS GOltPOltATION 13'91 NE rt~I r8'1Clp r t16ltl40 Vtn1ur1 811/d eorPOtel on) W I aM I 11Ut6rll. USO aavilde W La l"•lmt Av-• ,.,,.,,. m nc no •11 ' • r "-Iva Cor-• dal M.T'"alll ..... , Calllornle '2IOI r~1, bv1lntu la conoucrad by , llmlltd h • bu1IMU 11 conauctecr bY • -""E ~· .. 9 ·-Thie bllalnn• Is conclu<ltd ~ parl11<1rafllp llOrallon dnt M llluroc.k USO ..,.kl• Orlv .. Cor-1tfon flrt~t ttne a Ptrtntr .AllDA COAl'OltAJIOff Corona cMI M#ir C.111 f'M2S w l"atrlelt MOtlarrv SY ''"'°" l'ona fl •• dml Saul IHn llo!Mrl I. Hench lCIOO M•dlaon I' ~ Prt•IOMt Thia ttat•mant w11 mad wllh tile .cou11-Th • lltl•rntfl wn Ill.cl wllll ftte Caun L•tuna •••ch Caltt f'USI th a •l•l'lmtnl ••• f 1..s w 111 Ill• Coun tv Clerlt ot Of•"ll• Countv 00 Julv • T r 1trk "' Orange Cou"'y on JlllY 1 Tiii• lki•lt>eM " btlllf CONklelad ltY • Iv Cltfk el OranM CwnlY on July 14 1'71 1'71 G.,,.,., "•rlntnlll• 1'71 ICOl"ALO ANO MAltlC Attn, tJM.OC Ednt M llurecJt llA• au av & e1tou ... Otflll•lc 1..,11.,,,, MINSkY •A• 1111. 6 au Do~ AltvL Thia • • 1m1n1 tllad w1111 '"' '"'"'" " 1 Hiit c ,.... ... -1 *Sault! Hiii s1-1 Cler-ot Ortllft C011nlv on July 14 1'n Hitt L-lffdl lwl..,.,d •WW y a, 1 ... r..,i .... I ·-By hv•rly J Mt4dooi DIPUIV C.Unlf L\'-.N (.all ...... ft142 U 17.()( I.to A ....... Ca1Utn1l1 "'14 Cler- ,....,_ lllU n•.i14 l'ub lallltd Oranw C6ar1 DtllY flllot PVbll•htd Or1nM Coat! Oal Y l'llot Ju Pubflllltel Orange Coe:st Ce IY l'ltot Ju- n1t.0e Jutv 10 11 14 31 1'11 ''" 71 fy " 17 2' 31 1971 IH HI IV 17 14 31 •l>CI AUIUll 7 1'11 tU1 71 flubllshed Of•l'IM CO.II Oally l'llot Jutyl----------------1·---------------1 ______________ _ 17 2~ 31 end Autvst 7 lfTI 1'71 71 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ,. nm f'ICTITIOUS IUSINISS ,. mu " 1116' "CTlllOUS IUSINIU "CTITIOUI IUSINlSS NAME UATIMINT NAME ST.ATIMENT LEGAL NOTICE .. 111" l'ICTITIOUI I USINHI NAMI STATl#INT WESTCL FF TRAVEL 'EA\/ CE 1929 bus neu es W• c ,, 0 •• NIWPorl llHclt C• It ALL FOUR 7064 w OcHn Fl dont u ltOXIE S LADIES WEAlt 453 Ho NAMa ITATaMENT Loera AnaPlt m C• llOfnla Tiit followlno 1>ert0<11 • ~ clOlnt buslnts1 The to ow n11 tttrtON .,. dolnt Tlla to k7Nlng Pt<SOl\S lrt doma buslnua bua neu u as Tiit IOI ow nt Ptfacw\a .,. dOln.t blltlllelt .. 91660 NtwPOrt llt•c.11 C1fll Tllom.u A Ool>b t J (Gen Gary E G ay 1004 W 0c .. n Ft Pe Int ltttl wooo •Wn /4Vt Tus n N•Wl>O I BttcPI Ca I Cal ' M•rc ne am ~ W Oc1111 l't 1ho• A Dobb • L d Pe lne l lt!7 NrwPOrt 91Ach Cal I Count Y Cl\Jb 0 G •ndelt Ca f John L Jonu 101A W "" COS"I• TPll~ bv•lneu s be ng conducted by • Meu Cal r L mlled Pa tner•hlo Tt> s bu1lncu la btlnt conducltd bv • T A OOllb ft. J P• nenn 'I' Th 1 > tl~mMl I ed w II Ill~ Counly Garv E G ay C trlt of 0 anoe Counrv on Ju Y 14 "" Tf\la atelemtnt llltd wllh lh Counlv 8v Bf!vt Y J Maddo~ Oepulv Coun Y C er~ o1 o 1n11t Counly on Julv 7 1911 C erk BV 81vtrly J Maddox OtPUIY coontv Publlst>ed o anat Coa•t 0• v Piiot Ju c e k IY 17 :u 31 •nd AU9U$ 7 1971 tS.S-71 Pub SP\ed 0 •noe Cotsl O• tv l'llol July ____ , 10 17 24. Jl lf71 113.7 11 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE CASA ELlllOA "" tnd ""'Crttconr STERLING DEVELO,,MENT co Avtnue Bu•"' Park C•lllornla ll7f4 Bud\ l oulev• d Wes m "''" EOWAltO HEltMAN ENTERl'ltlSES H INC J. Catltorn a corPortl on t6 No 111 fltlm C•nvon Drive l'alm Sorlno• Cal ' '2262 TPI s bua na1 Co POra1 on conducted Edw1nl Harman P es dent • Tn • •I• trntnt was t Id with the Coun ly Cltrk ot Orantt Cou"ty '111-0C flubl •htd Ofl'ht• Cotsl 01llV Pl ot Ju IY 10 17 24 J\ lf11 117 ... 71 LEGAL NOTICE 81t1DGE& l'LA5TICS 11113 Condor Avtnut Fount•fn Vt tY Ct t ll>rn • flTOI AltOll Indus lo Inc t California <.Ol'pot't tlon th • bus nus II conducled by a ~Pt' PO<'•tlon Oonald fl Clerk Se<Ttfl ry 'thh •111•m~nl wa• r ltd wllh lht coun IV Cltrti: of Orantt County Oii July 13 1'11 Marvin Ho nu 1 uoo wr 1111 Road Cal lorn a lYnwooel Ca I ornle FAME ENGINEE .. ING INC • A v• H•nu 11500 Wrlllll lloed Ca torn a cori>0r11 on DOI C1mw1 LvnwOOd Cello nle O ve Newl>O'"I lltech Ca tornl1 Joseph Sflt w 6412 C .scent Avtnue Th • bus ntu s b4 "' conducted bv a llutna Perk C• torn a Ca lfo n e C<><PO<•I on Ide Shaw 6fll C tKtnl Avenut FAME ENGINEEAING INC l 11•n• Ptrk Canto n t • Ctlllornlt corPOrtlloo Tf\b bus neu 11 conducttel bV A Gtntral K W Ce laM Partn•ull p Sacnnuv Marvin Hi nes Th a 1t1t1mtnl I ed w th tflt county This sta tman was t led with the Coon Cl• k Of 0 1n111 Cou• v on July ' 197 H l..OC Iv Clerk ol Ort nte Counly on Ju y 6 lly Btve ly J Mtddolf DtpUIY C:ounrv ,.ubl stied Orange Cout De Iv P fol lf'1 Cit k Julv ,. ,. 31 I nd l<UDUll , 1971 197•11 ADAMS AND lltADY Atlys K11m•ach D•Mat'C .. f("a'' ---------------14101LIM11 .. cll &IY4 -~Ullt m •nd Chfllln11wtrtll L111e llldl Ctllftml1 Attornevt a r Law RUTLAND Nl!Wl'OltT l!EACH COM flANY 11«-1"6 ltufland ltotd NifWllOl't l e.ell Caflt0<n • UNITED l"ROl'EUIONAL P'LAN N ING INC a Ct lfqrnl• C:orpot.ilon lo&af W '" e llout.vMd Svlte J40 Lo~ An0t es Cal lornlt 90024 G..,.raf part- "" Tn s bu• neu la conduc1td by t LlmllM P1rtn1r111 p . J U N IT E 0 PllOFESSIQNAL P LANNING INC llv Albert Alflker Thi• ata1emtnl -s lllod w tll tilt COUil' tV c • k of O anot CouniY on July ' 1'71 ICAltNI & ICAltUIAN Attorneys 11 Law has been comm1ss1oned a se-FICT1rnfu~1'~ts1Nl'U " 11617 "ICTITIOUS IUSINISS NAME SlATIMaNT " "'" "ICTITIOUS IUSINIU MAME STATllMllNT Tiit lo(low "' P• sons art doln1 llu1 neu un.oc JJI N1wp0rt Cenler Drive Publ ailed Orange Cout CtllY I' ot Suli. NumMr fOO ' 11US Ju v 10 17 lj ~ 1'71 tm.11 Haw,.,, a .. <h Calllorn a f2UI LEGAL NOTICE too w11shlre 1.u1ev1re '""' 1Ji4 Lt1 A11t1•l11 Callfetlll• MH T7l* tond lleulenant upon com NAME STATEMENT Tiit i o low ng Pf! sons ar• dol11g buslneu as AIC!l SAl..ES 21J1 Franclt Lane Coate "'':I~T:o~A:~fr.':NV' Pul>Ushed 0 anoe Coaa1 D• y Piiot Ju Pub stied OrtnM Cotlt Oatly "llot July 10 11 24. 31 1'71 1'0t 11 plet1on of the U S Air Force a• Tiit ioOow '" Ptnon• •r• do hi Mesa Ca II 926U T 1 11 d 1 [.EGAL NOTICE IY 10 17 2' ll rn 1 .. 1 71 ---------------lurlant M W0tlhnoton 1831 Francis bvsh~eu :,ownt .,.rsoni • 1 ono, _______________ 1---------------LEGAL NOTICE Heservr Officers T r a 1 n 1 n g Corps program al San Diego Stale college Keith W Martin son of Mr and Mrs H A Martin of 5411 El Dorado Drive Huntrnglon Beach has b e e n com m1ss10ned a sctc nd lieutenant in the L S Air Force upon completion or the Air Force Reserve 0 r r I c e r s Trammg Co1 ps program at t he lJn1vers1ly of S o u t h e 1 n Ca!Jfornia Lieutenant Martin who also received his A B degree m physics has been granted an educal1onal delay rn reporting In active duty so he can com plete graduate study He was also recognized as an oulstand ng M ROTC cadet and presented the American Legion Gol d Medal Io r scholastic achievement lack W Tucker M1ss1le Fire Control Technician 3rd Class husband of Lynn Tucker and son of Mr and Mrs P N Tucker of 5201 McFadden Ave Huntingto n Beach JS presently allenrtrng the Naval Preparatory School in Bam br dge Marv land LEC.AL NOTJCE F 11 •7 f CT T OUS llU.S NESS NAME STATEMENT 'Th• to ow no pe son s do ng bvs nus as r ~GAL NOTICE " 11 &4 FICTITIOUS BUS NESS NAME STATEMENT Tiit ol ow ng oe Joni a t do nv I> s nn "' W LOCAT l=IREWORKS CO 73•t W Le Pt me Avenue Anaheim Ce tornla •2801 PYROTRON CS CO~POllATION 23•9 w La Palme Avenue ""•Pie m C• lo n a 9280 Tl> s bustn~• I• conduc ed by A Co POra on W Pa r ell; Mor artY P es d•n Tll s ' atemen w~s I It'd wl h I e Coun v Cl~..-ol Orange Coun y on Ju Y l' 197 BEAii ltUIY & GROSS 11302 Lono Buch Bovlevanl Lynwood C1llfornl1 f02U T1lohon1 Olli 774-021' '311 oc P bllsPled o anu Coa• Oa Iv Plfnf J u v 17 14 31 and August 7 1971 1976-71 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEGAL NOTICE " "" l'ICTITIOUS BUSINUS NAMI STATEMENT The fol ow nt persons • • do n1 bus ness as GALLEON G FTS JJJl B slol SI tel Cost• Mesa Ca lfo nla 92616 John 0 and Morga et C Chacones 13611 R~I nd Or ve Tus n Cel I 91680 Th s bus nrss Is be na conducted by en nd v dual (husband & w le) John O Cfleconas Margaret C CP1acon11 Th s s a t'mtnl t ltd w Ill 1ht Countv Ce k ol O an11e Coun y on June 79 1971 By Be 11' J Be erren Deputy Counlv c. k Pub •fl~d O M~ Cout 01 y P ot Ju y 10 1 24 J 1971 1856-71 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE C TY OF FOUNTA N VALLEY C ton Sn• od Sec • a y 10 !he P ann ng Cnmm non Publ shed O ange Coes Del v P ol Ju y 17 1971 199<1-11 LEGAL NOTICE bus ness as M S CLEGG COMPANY 366 S•n M 1uel Or No Jll Newport Beac.h C• ton a 91460 Robtrt Mathew Clegg tOO Se• l•ne No S Nt wPO t Beech Cal to n a t2660 Mathew S Clegg 507 Aven Oa Lader• N ewPorl Beach Ce I forn 1 '2660 Tll s bus nt'u 1 be n1 cOflduct&d by • pa tnersh p s oned ROBERT M CLEGG Th s tlelamen I ed w h the Cou11tv Clerk of Oren11e County on Ju v 14 1971 bv Baverlv J Maddox Dtl>\lty Counlv Cle k Publ shtd O anoe Co.sl Oallv Piiot Ju v 17 24 31 and Autust ) 1971 1H611 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE 01' INTENTION TO fNOAGI IN T"IE U,LI' 01' ALCOHOLIC IEVlltAGIS Julv U 1'71 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Subled lo SJutnc• ol tht I cense •P- P ltd for notice s tlertbY o ven "'' tPle undeu ontd praposes lo H I 11cofl0f c bevernu •I !he premlsu described as lollows 3023 Crown Val ey Parkway Su a B4A Laourwt N euel COUTl flursuant lo such lnttnl on th• undtr sloned • epp ylng lo 11\t Oep1r1m1nt of Lane Costa Me&e Cal I ,UU NASCO (ll St\l llt Ave fl•lboe ,...,II LEGAL NOTICE -------------- Th s bvslnua Is btlnt conducted by an Robe I F Newt '432 Se vl e Avt l'ICTITIOUS IUSINISS IAlt JIU Ind vldual &elf>o& NAMI: STATllMl!"T SU,,lltlOlt COUltT 01' TH• Bu 1111 M Wo th ngton Erhtl'I A Sn I h Ol $1v a Ave The followlnt pe aons t r• clohl• f1At1U HATI 01' CALllllOltNIA l'Olt Th s sltlement fl td witll the Counl'I B boa bvslneu as CEltT ... ICATE' 01' IUSINIU THI COUNTY 01' OltANOI C 1 k ol O ann County on Julv 7 l'71 T~ls bus neu It bft nt conduced by • NO!tTH BREA COMPANY $46 Oct1n l'ICTITIOU5 l'lltM NAMI NI A-4ftt4 BY l!evtr Y J Maddox DaPUIY Covnl'f Pertnt rsll p Avtnut Sul Bue.II Calltorn 1 90740 Tht Undtrs gned dots ht ebY cert IV OltDllt TO SHOW C•Ulll C erk Rebert F N~we S dMV Wt nbe 9 <1605 A'l>Or Road lhal he Is conduct ng • ela I bus ness ts llE CHA.NOi' OJI NAMI Pub sh&d 0 •ntt Coast Oal Y Pl o ~ Tlllt , elemtnt f ctd w In lllt county lont Beech c a ltotn 1 tOllOI an ndlv dual t i 3442 v • Lido N•w1>0 Appl tel on for Chtnoe of Namt ef Julv 10 17 '' 3 1'71 11711-7 Clerk ol o anoe c:ounty on Ju y 7 '71 Ii• y s Coonen ~ Oclln Avtnv• lie.ch Cel fornla undtr tht tlcllllous N NA JfAN VAN HOAN LEGAL NOTICE " 1lt'7 l'ltTITtOUS BUSINl!U NAMI' STATEMl!NT Tht lellowlng persons are do n1 business u BY Beverly J Maddo• Oer>ulY Coun y au BNCh Ca torn 8 907«> llrm name ot "TOY HOUSE and IPlal 11 d WHEREAS NINA JEAN VAN &OltN c erk Mex Coontn 393S Counl v Club or va llrm Is comPOsed of ne to low no oarson .,., , Ont • f1m1l1 over Ille •ff ef n Pub shed Orante Co.st 0• IY Pl o Ju l ono Buch C• ltornl• 90a07 whose n•m• n II.I I and P •c• of etldence Years has fled • petition wlll) IPI• cit le IY 10 17 24 JI 1'7 IU0.71 Giibert c Ntt 612'2 Stiver Buch c r Is 11 fol ows tc>wlt of thl• Court fo an ordtt Chant n9 "" cle Hunt noton &each Cal lorn 1 "'" M cflttl T Will ems I one s namt trom N'INA JEAN VAN TPI s bus nus s bo no conduced bY 1 MacArlllur Jfvd Sant• Ana HORN lo TERRY JEAN ltOTH tentr•I parl~trsll p 92107 T IS OROEREO that all parsons In ---------------1 s tntd Harry s coontn Oiled Junt 4 1'71 le u ed n lht abovt..,, lled matter tP LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CltEDITOllS Gtntral Pa lntr M cf'lte T W I am1 our bdort th 1 Court al t 30 a m en NEWPORT &EACH ltEALTY '627 SUl'l!RIOlt COUltT OF THIE ,224 oc STATE OF CALIFORN A Aut usl S 1911 In 1111 courtroom ol Newport Blvd Newport !Hell Cal I STATI 01' C:ALlllDllNIA Pub f"'td O Anh CoHI Oe y p ol COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES u Oepar mint No l ti lht courtllouae 700 tl660 l'Olt THll COUNTY 01' OllANGIE Jllna 26 and JUiy 3 10 17 1971 l6JS-71 On June 4 1971 belore mt a Noury Civic Centt r Of'lvt Wa.1 Sallla Ant Betty St•Ph•ns 'll L•"woocl Orlve Ne A_.,41, I-----·----------P ub le In and tor u d Stele °" soni llv Callforn • and .now cau11 If 9"Y Wl)v Cotl• M~ Calflornlt. Estate of PATRICK o SHEA Otctued LEGAL NOTICE IPPetred M cllael T Wllllems known to Ill• Ptlll on for chant• ol nemt 11\ould nor This 1>111 nesa h btlno corld\lclad by en >JOTICE IS HERE&Y G VEN to Ille mt to b• !Pie person Whou nem• Is bt orant&d lndl\lldutl crtelllo • of th• abovt nemed dtcedent sutncr bed to lllt wl Pl n n1trum1nt 1nd IT IS FURTHElt OROEltEO that • Bttlv St1r>11an$ that 111 persons having cla ms IO• nit !fie I' tff7 acknowled;ed to ,,,. that h• •XICUled tht COP\I or this order to show cauH be This stettmenl flied wltll the Countv sold dacedent are re<1ulrtd 10 1 , them l'ICTITIOUS llUSINUJ same PUb llhed In Ille Del y Piiot a new1111"r Clerk of 0 anoe County on Julv 7 971 wllh !tit nect uery bouehers n lht olllce NAME STAlfEMENT W 1,,.u rnv hand and 1111 ol oen•r•I c cull Ion printed In Ill• C.oQn Bv Bever Y J M•ddox Oer>ury Cou•IY 01 th• clerk of tf)e al>OV11 en 1 ctd cou 1 or Th• follow n1 oarson h dolnt bu1lnt u (Of'l-ICIAL SEAL) tv of Orange Ca lornla once a wul fer Cle k 10 Prlsrnl lh•m wt 11 !Pie neceutrY ts MARY J DOIRON tour (4) succeu ve wee-• prior I• tlle Pub lshed Orente Coest Delly Plot Ju VO<.ICl>tra 10 Ille undeulgntd 11 the olf ce It fl FURNl1URE IUJI f!ucPI No t ry Pub c Ctlllo n a dlle stl tor llu rln1 en lht ptllllon. ly 10 11 24 31 1971 117.,71 of 111 Attornev PAUL A HANNA ~" Boulevard Huntlneton Beach Ctlltorn a Principe Off co In Otted JuM 2 1971 East 17 fl Sire.I Costa Meu Ce lo n 1 92"'6 Los Anoe tl Countv HARMON G SCOVILLE 91621 WI\ en 1, 1110 place 01 bys nes.> of 8tecPI Hun Ing on BucPI CorPO 11 on My Comm u on E•P ru JUDGE 01' THE the u...S.rslontd In 1 I ma It 1 pfflt lnlng • Ca lornla co POral on 155 9 Sou h Atfptr61',.1C4 f7l SUPERIOR. COURT Alcoho c B1v1 aoe C4nl ol for nuance LEGAL NOTICE 011 o o n• •PPI ca on of an a cohol c ---------------beve age I ctnSt Co I ctnsH) for lllut p emlses 11 to lows ON SALE BEER & W NE (Bona F dt Publ c E.s Ing Place I Anvont deslrlflG o protut !ht luuante Of such llcense(s) rnav e e v• I ed p o lest a anv oft ce of 1he D~• tmenl of A cofloflc Beve eoe Con ol or bv ma to ht Oepe tmen of A cohol c Beve aoe Cont o 1215 0 S rnt Sacram•nlo Ca o n a 958 ' so es lo be ece ved w Ill n JO days ol Int dale fllt proPO•&d prem ses we e first l>OS ad slll no g ound• fo den •I es p ov ded by aw The Q em su a t nor now I cen•ed to lh• •• e or a collol c bevt uu Tht lo m ol ve I ce on mo be oil a ned I om any o t ce of fht O~a lm•n John P & Mer • L Coslent no Pub 1htd O 1n11 Co.u Oa y P lo Ju y 17 197 1986-71 LEGAL NOTICE ,. 111'1 ,.ICTITIOUS IUSINISS NAM! STATEMENT Crenshtw Bouleve d G t rd 1 n a ..., COHEN STOICKE AND OWllN to Ille u ate ol u d decedent w Ill n tout Cn lfcrnle f02'9 ,. bl •hed 0 •nH Coul O• v plot ATTORNEYS AT LAW ';,'~:' •lier he II sf pvbl c.el M 01 fhls Th11 buslneu s conducted bv a cor June 26 •nd July 3 10 17 971 IMI 71 1212 N lroadwn Sulla 212 The tollow ng persons era do no bus nus u poratlon 1----------------Sant• Ana C111for~la '2711 Ollld Ju V 1l 1971 Rociert Font• ,,. Tll (714) U~·l20IS EONA OSHEA Vic.• p u dent LEGAL NOTICE Attornn1 ltr l'•lln'"" JACOBI INDUSTRIES 21S5 So Adm n sire r ~ <If In• Mualct p .. 1., and Garrell AtlYt Pub shed Or•ng1 Coast Da IY .. llol Ha h.sway S Sanla An• E• ete of ll>t above nemtd 011, Wllihlrt lfvd kit• MOt ,. 0124 June 26 •nd July l 10 17 lt71 1uir11 Donald E JacOCI 107 VI San Rtmo dt<edl!fll Los Antlltl Calllornlt '0917 ClltTll'ICATll 01' IU51NUS Newpo I Beech PAUL A HANNA fUS-OC fllCTITIOUS l'lltM NAMI Th 1 bus ness 11 belno collducled by •n AllorntY •t L1• Pub lshtd Oran111 Cout Oa v P ot Tiit uncle t tn•d dOes herebv ce lllY Ind vldue Har!lor Law lulldlno June 16 end Ju v 3 10 1 1'71 63171 th1t h• Is ccnduclln11 • r11e 1 bus neu as --------------- LEGAL NOTICE Donald E J t coDI Ot IHI 17111 SlrMI ---------------ti n nd v dual lJOO Nor h Ha bor NOTICI TO CltlDITOtU Th s sle1emtnl 11 ed w IP\ lht County Costa MtH Calll.rtlla t1U7 LEGAL NOTICE Bouleva d Coile Mese Cal lo n 1 '2626 No A-4"" Cl1rk of Orano• County on Julv 6 1'11 Ttl (114) S4'-1tol -.. H7t7 under 1111 1 ctll °"' 1"" nt me of TOY SUPl!llOlt CO\IRT 01' 'THll By Be IY J Baros en OtoulY Counlv AlltrtMY ,. A•mlnlal,.lrlx 1----------------1wo1tLO 81>11 '"'' H d f rm s COf'Til>OSld STATE 0 1' CAL ... O«NIA l'Oll Cit k Pub lshtd Oren .. Coe• 0• y plot J y .. '°" of the to lowl"ll Ptrton Wl\OSt n1rn1 In THI COUNTY 01' OltAllClll Published 0 anoc CO.SI Cally l'I ol 17 24 JI tnd Auoust 7 1'71 1'7' 71 l'ICTITIOUl IUSINHI ru and p ace ol rts dtnca Is u follow• EslAlt of ARVILLA l'EAltl OOltMAN July 10 17 ,, JI 197 1779 71 i----------------NAMll ST"TIMl!NT tow I e so known 11 PEARL DORMAN Otcus- lhe fol ow "' r>e son Is do nt but neu Rov I Berller Jr 2»1 w 11r11101 eel LEGAL NOTICE " "'" l'ICTITIOUS I U'INIU LEGAL NOTICE NAME ITATl:MENT I' 111U l'IC:TITIOUS IUSINIU NAMI ST4TIMENT Tht lo41ow ne person s do nt ., Illus nus The. tollow n• P' •on h do n1 business .. BEACON ltENTAL FINDERS 43! W P ERSONALITY LANOSCA,,ING CO 1t h Strati Co1 t Men IOO Pora Marui. P N•w11art &HUI Sii rlev E He d n to1 Camphor t7660 Stretl NewPO I eeecll John T Newlon 1100 "o I Mtr111tt ihll butlnus Ii btlno conducted bv t n Pl NeWPOr1 BHth 91~ lndlvldua Th s bvs ness I• bt no conducted bY t n Shlrl•Y E He d n Ind Vlduel Th 1 1tatemenr flltd w h tPlt John T Ntwlon Cltrk ol O ante County on Ju v ill• s••••ment t It'd w Ill lht Coun1Y Bv Beverly J Maddox OtPUIY Coun1v 7 1971 Covn y C erk of 0 enae County on Ju y 14 971 Cl k llY Bever Y J Maddox DtPuty Countv ~ub lshtd Oranre Coest 01 ty Pllol Ju Ce k Iv 10 11 24 31 1'71 114 71 Pub •hed Or1nu (out D• y P ot Ju ly 11 74 JI and August 7 lt71 19$.1-11 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE " 11171 •s •• FUANITUllE 17.,.. s W•ltf , Stockton Cal f5~ Not ce Is lltrebv olvtn to crctd fora •I " o "' " Oaftd MIY 29 ,71 the ebOYt nt mtd dactdant that 111 L• Habra C• llo nit 906~1 Roy E Ba ker Jr P• sona llov no clalrn1 H•lnat Iha 11 d Wh II tr Lt Htb t Coroortl on 1 ST.i.TE OF CALIFORNIA dteedtnl are r1<1ufrtd to I I• fllatn wttll C•I lo n • co po 11 on 155 t So COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES u h• necu .. y voucht s In lht ottl<e of Cren1flaw llvd Gtrden1 C1I torn a 0 t N Iha C erk ol Ille above ent 111d court er t02'f n Mn 2 1'11 bofo t me • Otar\' lo P uent them w 1h Ille naca111rv 'Th s business Is conducltd by 1 cor Pub c 1" •nd for 11 d Slate Pt son• Y vouchen 10 the ul'ldtrs tntd et lflA elflc• _ 11 on •oPH ctd ltov E Ba ktr Jr known o mo of Nouarnen Wetera Scot1 Krvettr a. ~-to bt lilt Hrson wllost name It avbtcrlb-s 1ned Robtrl Fon11tnt Id 10 the w thin lnsl umtnl ind R orden 445 So FltUlfot 30lll FIOOf Loa V ca P u end T us acknow edoed te mt lllat hi fXKll ad lht An0tle1 Ca t to0l7 Wlllch ts tflt Pl•c.e of This s • Mnent wu t ed w tn Ill• Coun ume bus nen of Ille ul>lltr• ened In all m"lters tv c 1 k or OranM Coun y on Jun• '' Wltnen mv hind a nd 1111 pe 11 n ng o lhe u alt ol H d deut11n1 1971 (OFFtC Al SEAL) within tovr months altar lltt first tulllltt MUSIC!( flE!Llll ' OAflltl TT MARY J DOIRON lion of thb nolltt Alt.rntY• Al Law No erY Public Callto n 1 D1ted Julv 7 1'7 Ont Wllllllrt llfvf Suite to• p nclpal Olllca n Arthu 0 Ap~I Lot An1tlH Cat torn a H017 Loa Anoe u Countv Execu o of rile Wiii of H d f'2JI OC Mv Comm u on £.tcplrea Decedenr Pub ~heel Or1noe COH I Dt llY ,. lo Ar>rll 14 1973 Nt111m1n W1t1n Scott Jun• 26 t nd Ju v l 10 17 1'71 16' 7l flt ... OC ICru•t•r a lllorun Published Ounllt Cotat O• ly P of 44J So P'ltu•'" at~ l'ltor Jun• 24 t nd July i 10 17 1'71 If.IHI Loa An11ft1 Ctlllornl1 ... ., AllOfMYI tor l xtcut•r LEGAL NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IUSINISS I' 11n1 1'1t-43•Y1 Pi.b lsflld Orano• Coast O•llY l'ffol Ju., LEGAL NOTICE fl lUU "tCTITIOUS I UJINIU NAME STATeMfNT Th• fol ow no persona art do nt bv• nt s! ftS COAST GLASS 203.S P lacent 1 Cost1 Mesa Ca lo n • '2621 G1 v G Jo den 2913 b lctr St Co111 MHe Colton e NAMll STAHMINT l'ICTITIOUS I USINllH bu~"':ua f~:ol!llnt persons • t dolnt Th• fo N::'n~ n:,T~o~alN~r• dolnv NOTICll 'toll ::::DITOU VEGAS "OOM U4 W 19 II St Cost• l>US ness as IUfll!"IOlt COUltT 0 1' THI! Mua Cal I WILL KLEEN CLEANERS INC ~lO STATll 011 CALlfl01tNIA llOlt OtVld Thomu '•ltt 770 W 11111 St llell Road Buen1 Park Celll THI COUNTY 01' OltANGa I" 0124 Ccu I MU• Calll Pair cla Cleveland f75'l Monlt Care H• A490Jl C!ltTll'ICATI 01' OISCONTl"UANC• Rulh Op_, Salte no w ll h $1 Clrc. Hunfln1ton Beach Ct torn. Esta • of flAUL c BROWN t kt PAUL o .. UH AND/Olt AIANDONMl"T 10 11 2, 31 m1 1.11J-n LEGAL NOTICE Cos t Mtu C1I I KeMt II C eve and '1!7 Monte Cerio Cl FTON BROWN ~ceued OP' l'ICTITIOUS NAMI Th I bus ntn I btlnt ccl'lduct•d by t C c t H.in no on Buch Cal lorn I NOT CE ll HEREBY GIVEN to Ille THE UNDERSIGNED does htftbV Pa tntrsh P Th s buslnus s conduc •d by In creditor$ or Ille t boYe named d~c•denl Cf I fy that tlfecllvt Mn 15 1'71 lh•Y GBSONS ORVETHRU PHOT01----------------Fronk l MtGev en 152 Cosla Mese S Coste /.Msa Cal lo n • SERV CE 287 E 17 Pl S Cos a Mes• c ... John S •nn•tt c; bson 3 5 0 wood Rrl Co ona de Mo CA Ma y Ir •n (. bson J \ 0 wood fl d Co OM de Me (4 Th bus noss s b• no co due. ed bv A Gene a Pi\ ne ~n r J~hn S c; b on Ma v H~ •n G b on Tn 1 tt P-m11-n t Pd w h h... Coun v c t ; n Oran9• Co n y on Ju v o 07 l\y B• y .J II• q t.n Ornu y Cou11 Y ( ~ ""t> •'1 n .,,o. ou D~ v J v 10 1' J 91 I EGAI NOTIC~ , 1106 c: CT T OUS BUS NESS NAME STATEMENT 1~~ n ow MQ Dt \On ' ~ dO 09 hUI Mf~S LEGAL NOTICE nt J 967 71 " 11154 "ICTITIOUS llUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Th, rol ow ng Pt sons • t bus n•ss 31 GAOABOU T •nd ASSOCIATES 8 son Avenut Newoor Bt&Ch 97660 p 0 Bo~ J67 NtWl>Orl ll••th •1061 Be v• T llauqhrn 737 B ion ""'* Newpo I Beech Cal 9'2~60 W I am L Vaughen 737 B son Avr Newpo Beach C~ 07uo Th s ous nes• ' be no conducltd by • Gel't a P& ne sh 11 W •m Va oh•n Th s s aftmenl I ed w II th• Covn v C e ~ o 0 •nv~ Coun v o• J v ~ n1 Bv Be y J Ba Q• en Oepu v Coun y c "'" P Ii shl'd O ano• Coo Ju v 10 17 1' J 1•7 LEGAL NOTICE I' OU FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMI STATEMENT The lo ow nv Pt son • do n9 bus ""u OePuly LEGAL NOTICE TPI s bus ness 1 beln11 conducltd by a oa nersfl o GARY G JORDAN Th s sit emon f led with the Countv Ce ~ or Oranoe Covnly on Ju v I• 911 Bv Bove y J Mtddox Deputy County Cle ~ Pub hhed O ano" Coest Da IY Pilo Ju IY 17 14 31 and August 7 1971 1t"1 71 LEGAL NOTICE I' 11US l'ICTITIOUS IUSINESS N"'ME STATEMENT fo ow no ,,.ISM Is do "' bus n•Js Rulh ()pt l S.ltt d vldua • Ill• • I Pe sons havfno cl•lrm eHlnSI Ill• ceued to do busln.ss undar ii. llti111oua Dav d Thom" St 1• Pa rltl• Cleve ftnd se d dec•d•nl are reoulred 10 I ~ h•m t rm ntme or TOY WORLD at 2300 N~ Th s sla emont I led w Ill Ill• Covntv This slett mtn wu II ed w th lllt Coun wl h Iha riecusarv vovcht s In the olf ct H• bor Boulevtrd Co•'• M111 Ctlllorn • Clerk of 0 a ntt County on Junt lO •71 tv Cle tc, of O t~ Coun1v on Ju v 1 ol he clerk ot tPI• abovo eM red cou t o wh ell bvs neu was torme ly COtl'IPO•ad ef Bv Bever v J Maddox Oeo IY Counly 197 o 1>rHan1 them w th tllt neuun v the to ow nr .,. son Wtiose name n tu I C t rk MIGHAIL fl IOWL•lt Ill voucht 1 lo lllt ul>de s on•d at th• off ce encl P K t of rHlden~e 1 •• lollowi. i .. Pub lshtd 0 •n0t Coo l 0• Y Pl ol Ju " AtlffntY 11 Lew cl htr • o ntv Not lhg•n & w f 10 17 2' 31 1971 17' n '°° Wll1hlro l oultvtrd Sull• 1214 Dav dson Inc 1010 N Mt n srre.1 Suitt Gamb ~S•Mrno Inc 1ta1<0 Stor•• u 1 Antti.s Ct llforn a to01' S n Sllnta ~ne Ca to n t '1701 wh ch h 0 vis on 7777 No h Ontt o SlfH T 11'°1 1111 o ace of but nus of fht unde 'gned In Burbank Ct l lo n • "'°' Pub shod Oun~ Co.•I D• y I' IOI 1 mAlltr1 p•r t n 119 lo Ille Ult 1 of u d W lneu rny Pland "1 • 4tfl dey et Jvnt " 11111 Ju y JO 7 1' 31 1971 1!07 71 decedent w lllln tou montha • er Int 1911 ft CTITIOUS IUSIN•SS I I pub cat on ol th s nol c. G~mb "Skogmo Inc NAME STATEMENT LEGAL NOTICE Ot ed JV Y 7 1971 Rasco Sto u Olv ''°" <In Ma y B own Adm n I t IK llV R J Bulttr Tilt fol ow n9 1>eraon• • • "'1---------------or he Es alt of th• 0 v •on V Ct Pref d1M bus neu as I' lllU tbcve n1mtd decedent STATE OF CAL FORNIA LEGAL NOTICE CAUFORN A MED Co\l GllO JP • l'ICTITIOVS llUSINUI NAOaL REOAN & DAVIDSON INC County of Los AnGelts u NOTICE 01' MAIUHAL S SALE WA,TERMAKER SPECIAL HS 1'.SI lll02 Gt dtn Grove B vd Ga den NAM! HATEMIENT Iv JOHN I' ICING Jlt On h, 4th dty of Junt A 0 lt'1 Ntwoo r Na onn Bank t c P • nt II H P •ctnl • A,vt Cos t Mtjt Cel' G ow C• 92640 'The lo ow n1 .,. sons • • do 1111 1010 H Ma " s1r .. 1 h 11 111 b•lo • mt tht uncle 1 eoed • N91ary Y W I •rn A Be tho om•~ J • • Ot t76'T Oon• d IC K1 v M 0 100 Cen urv bv ~ .. , • un11 Ana Caflfornla '"" Pvb t In 1nd tor se d Coun y 1nd ~l•t• l•ndan No 1S8A1 BY virtue ol exe u Thomes 14 Dobb t J nd v <1u1 ) I'• ~ Eest Lot Ano• U C:• 900!\7 LEISURE TIME .. SSOCIATES 1'1' Ttl 714-10-44ta •s d no ht • n dulv commluloned and ons ssued on Ao I 4 •nd Ju~ 1' lt7 12'29' Wood •wn Avt Tu t n C~ Otv d M Mo M 0 10je)) S No C 20th 5 reef NtWPOrt Bitch 141t•rnrt\ ftr the Admlnfst atrl~ SWO n Pt sonal y IP.,.a ed R J l utJer by ht Su1>• o Cou I Countv or o en~ Th s bus ntss s bent conducled bY •n ~ewlhn ne B vd lnvltwood C• 90XH C:e lo n • f'/611() Pu '"td 0 •nM Cou Oe Y P of Ju v known to mt to bt lt1t " aon wl\OM S • e of Ca 0<n • uoon a luctomenl on ll'ld v dv•I Bors 11 Lt v n M 0 tOS W Jllh $1 Richard Roc<o Morut n4 No C 10 17 14 J 1971 189'-71 neme s ' bscrlbed lo ,,... within n- ..-ed n tevo o Newoort Ne onol Bank T A Dobb ~ Jr lo Anot u Cl 90037 20 h 5 rttt Ntwporl !!Hell CA ,,6/IO ---------------slrumt nl and acknowledOtd le mt ltlat •• uc!omenl c ed o and 111eln\ Jae~ T Th' 'ttemtn t ed w Ill the C:oun Y ,., "-to H dt oo M 0 Joset>l"I Thomu Feotn $ 1011' ( LEGAL N<mCE ht •~ocu td ht ume ~0,, ot ( uutd APr I 6 1'71) 1nd w I em C trk of 0 •not C:ounty on Ju v 1' 197 II vd T• Un• C• ' 3S6 Ludene Wll I• CA '°'1>1 In w tness wherf!l)f I h•Vt l'lflrtvnto Ht A B• 110 omltf J c uutd Jun• ?f lt71 I By Bev• Y J Meddo• 0.PUIY Coun Y Thia bu• neu It conducled bv • Gent • No man E Int Nft son Jr 224 No c mv hand end 1ft Kaci my oftfc t i wt tP\t ~· ludoment debtors snowlno t oe bt Ce k Ptrtne th P 10111 St et1 Ntwr>ort llHCll CA f'/640 "f0t4 d•y •l'ld YU In !Illa ctrtll ctl• flrtl l llov• 171h •r>er or ~ .,1 u and SMIJ 0 ec ui lly Pub th..S 0 anO« Co.11 Oallv Plot Ju Done d IC kt ov MD Josepr. Thoni.s Figtn J l'6 No c ClltTll'IC:ATI 01' IUSINIU w fl en dut on wld iudomtnl on tf'9 d< of ht IY 17 2' 3 ind August 7 lf71 '5&-71 'M4-0C 71lth S reel Nt'WPOrl hech C1 '2660 l'lclltfou• l'lrm Name (OFF CIAL SEAL) lasunnce of >ad eucut on I 1tav11 evled flub lhod O 1nte Cots Da V Th • bu• neu ft conduc td by • eerieral Tl>• ul>dersle ntd does cerl ty !Plat II• ' MARY J 00 lt(')N uoon •I the r vhf ti • •nd In erut of LEGAL NOTICE Iv 10 11 24 31 lt71 P• lntrstl o conduct nt • rt1al buslntu Ca tn In No!MY l'ubllc Ca llornl• • d udvmenf deb 0(1 n 1111 o oo'l'N In No mt " E Nelson Jr d v dual! 22l E l1llt Slree Coste Mnt P nc P• 011 c• In LEGAL NOTICE Gen• •I Partner c~ tornl• 926?7 Ul\dl fie Cl lloU$ Los Ante ts Counly "° 1 on ht rounty ol O ~no• Siii• ot Ca l lorn• ' 11619 Pub SPltd Ort"Q• Co.SI "•lfv Pl 01 Ju v t rm ntmt ol TOY HOUSE 11>11 11111 MY Comm ulon E111t r• Robert FonlA nt cksC"' bed M follows fllCTITIOUS IUSllflH ,. .,... Uld I rm Is ccmPOsed of lh• lo t¥W A II I 1m v Ct p ts PARC:EL t Lot 1' In Block ns ol NAMll 11'ATIM•NT " ~)4t IO 11 ,, ll "71 1194 71 lno person WllOH namt n fVll •nd ttllCI P• 4 ""« Musick flHler-& Gorrllt Allys lencaslt s Add llon lo NewPQrl !!each Tiit lo low ne oarson la do nt bys neu •tCTITIOUS IUSINISS of rH dt11<1 Is u follows tow t p bllth d 0 C DfllY l"llot O•t Wlhlllrt atvd Suitt 200t es oer map rKorded n Boo~ .S o•H 14 •• NAMll ST.ATlMINT LEGAL NOTICE Peter J Ruse!> l..S Eatt Ulh Slreei J u u 'na J ~·":'10 ~;st19n '""'" , I04U LH Antt lh Ca ,0017 of M Itel aneous Mees In the off Ct of AJAX FUltNITURE STltlPPEllS WA lll• fol OWIM PtrJOll I• .,0 nt bv• ,,. .. ---------------1 Coslt MHa Cal to n t UM • u y FICTITIOUS BUS NESS nJJ OC lht Courrtv RKorder of H id Ort hllt NtwPOrt &IVd Cotta Mast Cel torn 1 ti I' 112)t Oeted June 4 1971 LEGAL NOTICE NAME STATEMENT Publ sh&<! O anot Coast Ot y Piiot Counly St~ of Cal lornlt I nd <om tl6U M14UltY ADAMS '11 S & U t II "ICTITIOUS I Ul lNHI Ptltr J Rusell ;~, lnl ow "II ,,, $OM Is do no bus nt u June 16 and Ju y J 10 17 "'' 1634 71 monlY know• ts nJO NeWPOtl atvd Leonard Aur "'" NtWPOfl Av• llrookl>unt An•h~ m (•I lorn. NAMI STAllMINT STATE OF CALIFORNIA as NewPOl'1 Beech C• lo n t A~ E Tu11ln Ct tornla Mtur co Abr1ms 2S4f ltun~M fl I CI The followlnt l)trsont art dolnt COUNTY 01' LOS ANGELES u NOTICI 01' SALi TO BLACI( ANGUS BEEF CO 16) I LEGAL NOTICE PARCEL 2 Tllet -1ion of Lot U In Thia butlnus 11 balne GOndvcted llY an An1n1lm C•I tornl• '2I04 bu• Mn as On Juna 4 1'71 balort rn• a Notary HIOHIST llD0•1tta> Pa kl de Lane Hunt nelon Beech B oc~ 275 ol $~1 M A or NewPOrl lndlvlduel Tll a bvalnaaa I• bel,,. eonduclad bv I n DONAi. ''"' l"omoN Av• (Otlt P11bllc In and for llld County •nd Stale Notice Is htrtbv • v1n lllfl Jttr"'"" Peul M lo VM dtt B<XM 161 I lie.ch H Nr mop recorded In floolc 4 ~IGNEO l!ONAltO AZAlt 11>11 vldutl Mtsa Calll 1>1rson1llY lllPttrld Ptltr J ltuscll b d• wl I be received fer Silt fo fM P• k> '" L•ne Hun n11 on Be•ch NOTICE 01' SALi 01' 1>e11a 21 of M scellanrovs M1ps In tht Thia statem,nt I lld with th• Covmv Maurie• Abr1m1 Oontld Crum••cklr lt.U l'omont known lo m• to bt lht Pl son Wtio'* h 11hHI bldder(s) or Ill• fol owln• 11Mll 'Th s busln~ss s b@fne col>duc td by en ltlAL PROl'EllTY AT off ct ol lh• countv rteordtr of H d Clerk at Oran•• County on JulV 14 lm Tl> a 1tttfment f foci w Ill IM C°"nlY Av• Coile M••• Ct 11 name 11 1uMc:r bed lo l~t w fl'tln "" ,<IV"""'"' whkPI "" bttn dtdtM l,.d v dua PRIVATE SALi 0 enH Cnu•tY •'•I• ol Cat lo n • llY lltvtrlY J Maddox o .. u v Countv Cltrk Of ora nu County on July 1 1t71 A trtd c c1,, un lf1J M•Y• st strvmant •nd acknowl•dtad to m• that 1u o us o Ill• "'4ds of 1111 Coesl Cof"no Peu M o Ven d• Bo111'1 No 561721 d~<r bed H ~ lowt !lttlM nt 11 IM Clerk Iv llevtrlY J MtddoK Of!PUIV County G• d•n Grove C• 1 ht e•ecuted tne same mun tv Collevt District 1h, ~ ~mtnl ed ..i lh !hf Cnuntv SUPE'ltlOlt COU"T Ofl TH• most Wes trly cornt ol Lot 1' H shown Pub lshad Orano• CCM1st Oa 111 Pl of Ju Cltrl< Thi• bua 11111 h btlne conducrtd by • W ln111 mv fl1nd and Htf IBM 1no SYSTEM WITH 6 IClfV Ct k 0 O anoe Covntv C)n Jun• :to 971 H"TI 01' CALll"OltNIA FO" on uld mep ftlenct NorlllHtltrlv lo the IY 17 14 21 al>CI ,August 7 1t71 IUJ-71 t l...OC Gtntfll l'ArtntrllllP (OFFICIAL SEAL) PUNCHES Bv Be v J llargs en ~o IY Ccxmty lHE COUNTY OF LOS ANGIELU mot! NortllerlY cor~r of sakl Loi 14 l"ubllsl19CI Oran" Coast Del V Plot Ju Oont ld CrumPtCktr MARY J DO ltON Sala bids w 11 be oe>tned and 1t11bKclY c • k In lh• Maller 01 th• EJta • and tPlenct Norfflwtsterly •IM• tllt tX LEGAL NOTICE IY 10 11 "' JI 1'11 1tn 11 Thia 11a1ern1nt t td wllll the couMY Nolarv Publlc Ce llorn • reed a oud tor seoren ttd II.ms 11 lr.t.d Pub ~h~'1 n •n.,. Coa\I Oa \I P ol Gue dlensPI 11 of J O Y C E E L L E 11 te~d Nortl!tttltr Y n• n u d Loi 14 c i.rk of Or1no1 County on July 7 1971 flrlnCIPAI Office '" on IPlt l'rol>O'•I Form et 11 00 • m ,.~ J v o 1 " \ 1971 18.S.S 71 HAYNE!> <A M no ) 10 lls nl• sect on wl111 '"•South tine of -----LEGAL NOTICE h ll1ver1y J Mtddo~ Otputy Counly lot A"9t II CounlY dtv Auoutl 2 "71 n tflt lotrd ltOOf'll, o' ----Nor ct 1 llt rtbv o vtn lh1t lh• under '9111 s n l Cnow lf.nown " '9111 Stree I 'I' llUI Clark Mv Commlulon Ex the o sir ct Adm nlstretlon e ulldlnt 111'1 LEGAL NOTICE atoned w I 11 •I or valt 11 • on or o shown on • mo or L-tncHl•r 1 Ad l'~C:.~"ios'!/A:~t-.~",.S/' l-------,.-11-,-.,------Pwbflahad 0r•t19• coul D•llV p lol Jutv Plru AP 11 1' 1973 M1m1 Avenut Coil• Men C.1~(11f" •I e Ille 7111 d•\I ol Ju v 1'71 •I !ht d on to Newpc t lluch H " mo 10 17 24 JI 1971 1111 71 fl'4-0C All b ds mull t>e dtllvtt..i to Itta llfflct pt ot co ol Geo oe W Bu ch J 417 S raco dfJd n !look S r>•t• U nl Tht follow no ,,.,IOll la dolnt bullMU l'ICTITIOUS SUllNISS Published Ortntt Co11t OtllY l'I ot the Purchas nt Atenl at tM tllevt ~ T mn H 1 $1rte sv • 1021 Loa .Anve u M sctll•n-s M1111s In tM oft u Of lht •• D IC S DONUT NO 1 1,. E 17 ... St T .. t fOllo~~"'MI .,::.:!~~~~. butlnHS LEGAL NOTICE Jllnt 24 •l'ld July J 10 17 f71 IMt..n d u1 prlo 10 tflt t ma '''for tnr °"*llllW SUPERIOR COURT OP' THE c 0 u "t v Of Los Ann.. $ t I" ot county rKorder of .. d Or•no• Coumy .., "' " In order to bf •II• bl• for consldtfttlOll STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOlt THI! f c r I , .. •~ W• t•rl Co1111 Mtsa Ct l I 11 LEGAL NOTICE p 1 F .... :"JJ...... 1 c:OUNTY OF OR.N""' CA torn • o lht h vhf'• •1>11 but b dde '•, o a or~• .. e.~• • • Y J E --"' •. II ' -"VE It ,. •"' E. N l • NDS'"••E roPOsa o "" '"" ,..,. ""' " .,,. nd bl 1 b d alono Hid South fine to tPlt moll •mes Munroe .. .,-r ... n • .._.,,. "' " "' " " ..... ,.. SU,lltlOlt COUltT 01' THI structlen1 tor bldd nt mer bt 111\N .~ NO A ... u • >U •c 10 con ,.,.. 0~ v s• E11ter1Y c~ne of lot 16 of H id l•n St nll Ant Callf SERVICE co IOUO W• nt r AV• A4 ITAT• 01' C:ALll'OltHIA l'Oll lllt Purcf111lno Dt1>trtm1nl Of , .... Dl•lf~ NOTICE' OF HEAR ING OF PETITION TO S pe or CoUrl 1 I lhl rft hl tJtla end n c .. tt 1 Addition lo NtwPOl'I leech Thie bvslMSI It balnt <onductctd tty an l'ounta n Val fY Ctllf lHI COUNTY 01' Oil AN el IAlt "'9 1 Ille bo dd 11'1 ftltllM<llfllit qoNVEY REAL flROflEllTY lensl ot said Mino In 1nc11 IO t ~lhttycerOf tlltnu Southwttlerly 11-the lndlvldual ltlcha l!tv n Jttltt 10>6G Warn., CHt N•lllW 1Mn7' su"..0:1t'fo•1tT~"~ltlt~P01~01tTSH• !m) .,:.,.,; r1.:i:•:,,:; bt lnsf'l(1M bit h h~ Matte ol ht E ale ot EVELYN 11 n rn P<oPt Iv I lu•I• n Ille ... «in Sovthanlertv I,,. of H id Lot 1' j9 10 J atnK ( MUMoe An A 4 l'ounl• n ValttY CalW SUMMONS IMA!lltlAOI) ....., • orlor 1pf)Clfnlment v KLE N OfCflStd Oranot Shi• M C•lllOf'n I pert cultrlY ·~ 10 '"~ M(ltl Sovtller y CetNr This fl•l•m1nr fllacl ""'"" tf'w County Thi• llutlMU h IM ne COf>ClllCl9d Illy en In re lht m•rrltM .. l'tllllonar DON STATI o~ c.lLl l'OltNIA l'Olt 81clt rnual be "(>Ofnlll nltd bY • No ce I$ h• .i.v 0 vtn lhftl ft htl "9 ot dts<rl~ as IOllow• to-wit 11\l'rlOf •nd thafte• SoutMHltrtv l lOM Cltrk of Of•"" Countv on JulV 1• lf71 IMlvfdu•I NA A JENSEN and RtsPOndlftl NOEL THI c:ou:~ .. Ui. OltANOI ttfflff.0 or CHiiler t clltdt mtft &:"'~ lhf' oelll on 0 DONAS v ELLIOT u E"'° AN UNDIVIDED V. INTEltEST IN AND .... Ettl•rlY 1 _ of N_. Av~-• •• l'I' ltVllflY J ~ DtPVtv County It I! Jert., C JENSEN t lo 1 ... c~•t Comml/ll1 ... COi......_ '-Ir EVELYN v TO .... ~ ·-c-...... ... -c o.. .. T .. ,. 1111-~ 111~ wllfl , ... County Eatat• " All.AN JAY OA~AGAN .... -· " ...... .. • ecurr >' of ~ Elltlt of teat to tn. ootnt Of bttlnnlflt a nd <elm-,..f~ " ......... ( "" •-7 lm To Illa RIHOMlllll Dt< .. lfll or Cf1" In 1n •movn 1101 ltaa tMft I KLEIN d~tfd tor 8n order 10 c.om lot t.S of ~•c:I 2S'/' H Pl' MtP monly knewn .. 2t>2 2"11 "'"' Publillled Oren" Coetl DlllY l"lltt C:ltrk of O.tnte ounfV on JutY fflt Hllft-r Ill• llltcl 1 pttltlOfl con-Of "'' total bid ,._, cMcll• .,. "" "11t • c~ tin contract for lt>t ~•I ot recorded II lloofl. 17 Pie. I and f Nawport 9fftll C.lltorn • tr 17 24 31 and A'*'91 1 1'71 1'6lo11 l'I' a.verty J MMdolc Dtf>lllY Covntv ~mint your 1111rrl"1 You m1y f It a NOTICE 1$ HEll•IY GIVEN to 1111 l<C-.fllllt DtttOSlb '1f wcc.•M bl~ <"rt• n real ttltl• entered 1,.,10 bv llW :acc~~;tc~~:rd!f ~r~~:. ~i!~t:' NOT ICE IS H!ltl!SY OtVEH Inn 1111 ---------·1CI,•'.!,, ... ~ Ort....., e ... t Oal"' l"llot Ju"' written rts.onM within thlrtv dtn of fht tt,':1'~r.·"~IOll":,,:•cl~r .. ~::::.: ckr(1l wlll bt .,,.1i.ci to Wit l'llf'CN• 04!tedent In Ill\ Ille! mt and FRANK E l'rkll1 Autulf u. 1'71 at 10 00 t'cloc-LEGAL NOTICE ""' .,_ ..... '' " dlf• fhtt fllla WMmtfl• I• ••rvad on vou tald ~I tr ""' 1 td 1 111, lh prlc• Otllat' dtllOtlt (lltt~a llld Cttfl 11\'frt CCIWLiY JR ANO l<AlHRYN ft & 111 of Callf«n • AM at tront of Covrltlou11 w wn1, _______________ 1_10_1_1_>A. __ ,, __ u_11 ______ 11141'1 __ 1 If YOU fall to flit • written rm••n .. with tM MGllM,!, ~hart fn ~ oJrc, 111 ,.turned within fUIHn tltn lfttr ttw COWLEY hll!bend •nd wile '" folnl Commonly know" 0 ll!fl Norma 1111) St City of Coste Mat• c.ovntv 011 I' tlit4 wflhln tucn llM• y-dtlaull m•v llt ., ,,,. cltfll: of the i bov• tntltlad court ., loerd of Tru11Mt t«it.i~ °' llfa!t tenan ' lit ll•cf •I "" CO\lrt lloom of ~=~s ~'::r, ~.~e lnc~!~7 ~,. .,. Or•"9' St••• ot C1lflornl1 I wlll 1tll •I ,ICTITIOUS IUllltlUS LEGAL NOTICE e"'•"" and "'-court mev •nlff • ludt-to 11t•1t1I ffltM with tllt nKflMrY l>ldl•) Wflfct• wlll llt on AutuJt 4 1m Oep' 1,,,.nl J ol !ht Superior Cou 1 of Illa U I S fl I of It Pllbl~ auction to 111t llltlltSI II ddtr fof MAMI STA TIMI NT mtnl '111'11•1nlnt lnlunctlve •r tlhff' 0tder1 voudMrt to tht undtrsltlltd at l"1t Offlt• All tXotnHS ol ttrllM tl'd ~.,. ~ •• of CAlllO ". " af\CI for "'~ Covnty ltla n ltd ,., .. on COft rm•I M .. ca.it In l•wM mllllllY Of,,,. Unltad Sll NI TM fol owlllt llflDOft " dolne bvslNU , .. -fllint dMtlOn .. ,.,._.... lllOUMI of Ill• ett«MVt MITCl11LL HAltT ANO 1111 rUPOM bllltv ., 11\ffUllMt(-> ... cit O &nve C v of S~nta Ana nn trlt 30th ~.:~~uc::." ~ndMob~!:• C:~dt~~-= all Illa rltlht tltlt tnd ln!wf'ftl of N kl .. •rCTITIOUI IUllNIH suPOrl child «IJ1WV child fVPWf If llltlSCO,. '1S Clvk C•nltr Orlvt Wttt u t" lat wfll lit ._, ta llt - div or Ju r 911 '' ' lO 11 doc.II • m..; 1 Oft Ill• or-"Y so sold Ten Hrunt et IUd9rnanf deMor~ In tlla •bow dft<•llltd It a l'UllNITU~I! 1'70 w Lincoln "AMI IT'AftMIWT torntY'4 "'"' com •nd •UCfl OfJMr rtlltf S.nte Ana Ctllfornla •2101 Wllldl 11 tM 1111'"9 valid retail •IH tex "'"""' C.-s~ d r .. 1 ~~ Y lo .,. (onVllY 1 amount bid to lit deoot ffll wllfl bid. _.,.rtv er M muc:ll tnerW 11 mav bt """,,."" Callfernlt '2IOI and 1672 w Tiit toltowffll p~SOM art dofne " mer bt tr1nttd ~ tM eovrt tllet Of lllltfntn of tM ulldar1t0Md tn •II It •'*"'"'" wtftl * • uatHI n ,~, Countv qi Or•nt• Sl•I• M llld• Of ofl•I'• Ill bt In wrltlM and Wiit n«•llllT to Mtl•IY .. d f'JltCUflon wlltl LIMoln Anaheim C11lfornl• naot butlMtr .. , II Y• Wllll ......... ""'~ "' .. " ma1!9r1 "'91lnl111 lo tll• Hlllf °' Mid Tiit llol•d of Trust"9 -,,,. Cf lo n ~ bf r.<t v.., 11 th• •fort,8 d ofllet ti •IY l«rM ""9rut and CDJIL Llnc»l,..Anelltlm Cor11ootton. t JACK'S HAllt ff ASH IONS &Ii W lfltl ftf-111 lflll mett., .,.., llltu1-fl • deaden! w1ltlln four moflftlt afltr Ille tltllt hi rtl~t An'Y 11111 Ill llldt Olf' '- P,I• rnc,. ' "''"by m•llf> n 111' 0~ 1 mr all..,. tllf t 11 f!llblktllon l1trNt artlf OatN at Co.ft MtM UllfO'nla JIJtr Call"'nla (orPC)fallM tS51f '• '1rMI Cotti M<!lt ~•11¥ ff tlltf Y-wrftNll ,.._... ff flrd Mtlutlon Of !hit notk• w~lvt any lnf0tmalltv "' '''""'"''>' 1• tlt)n on t"' hr 1ln tor tv IPltl eer lcu 1" 11e1-datt of "'• 11 ltn crenww llVd Gerct.n. Ce ltotnla J.c:• c. ltrnet H~ t h rnta 1'S1 •"" "'.,, N m• "' ti-. Deftd Ju111 SJ 1t71 Ille bkkllllt Al tQVIPfntnl It Mill Ill M Ot td v ~ Del~ Ju~ 1 19?1 Diiier<! 0 WI klt'On Martllal '°'" H•eMui Liii Costa Mtu Dated Mev 11 lffl llobtrt a Odtnlnt n 11/wtltrt I oondft~ WILL A .... E .s JOHN CURTIS Jt HAYNH MllnlCllNI Covrt Ortnt• County Th. bllslntu I• <ondlKltel bY • «If Tiii• bullMSI ,, btfM condUtttcl _., .,, WILi.i.AM E JI JOHN ,..,. [lft(utot l'aVM•nt '" lull Mlltl .,. ~,. llll9f Covn v C •"" 11111 C • ~ Gu• d '" of tilt li.lltlf Htrbor Juclld•I Dl1trle1 Hrllon lndlvfdu•I Sy W It. HonrY 0.PUt'I ol ,,.. Wiii ttt th• tnan AuctUJt 15 1t11 afMI "" "-lllllil9 o •Al~ suoe ~ Cou t of ... 1e1 M nor Al1111 A Pl•I• ltllblrt Fonftlne Jaclt C lerntt Jflffr.., O Kena 1bove namef dteecttnt ~ '""°"" f""" ttlt Ctll4w CllftillUI tit ,AUL HASTl,.OS JANOFSKY t Oter" W lvr~ Jr flltlnflff'i AtlffM'f Via Presldtnl Hlft'I' I la n... AlttfMY At UW MfTCNILL .• MA~T AHD lltlSCO the llmt of 11111 lltYl'Mtlf WllLK flt •11 $ Hlft SI Sia 1t1J 1't1 Wtdc.lllf Or M••ldl '" .. ' allf Oarr..i Attn This 1tat..,,.!'lf lla.d With lllt (ovnty 2711 I G .. tt ltlirY Silll1 IM 4U CMc Ctlltw Or1vt WH I O"n Au1111t 2 1'11 11 t0 I Ill. Allorntv ~r I'll 1lofttr Ltt A11Mlt1 C..llf ... IJ N...,Hft laKll CtlHwnla nMI OM Wllalll" Sf'l'f SI/tit .. ClaO, et Orantt C.Unty 111 l<t b 22 1'71 £-tMI Mlf Cl fUH SIMI l\M. Catlfw• '2"1 lld No 1i> Sit .Sltll1h Sttr nt SI Atlt,,.., "' ov .. dllft ,, Euna M 01• .... Alltt4 .. C•liftfotll• ,..,, h 1-11' J MaddO• Dt1111ty County ... ITI•l '1>JJ.. Ttf (7'141 ....., NORMAN e WATtON LOI ""'"" C•lifern • fCIOU not.()( Dtl'UIY nJ4.« (,lu• A~ ftr l'fltti-AlttrNY• .. ~-IClffW Slcty loenl '1f Tru•t• Pvt lh•d Qrantt Cot -I Dal v PI~ Ju• flub ~~ OrtntH Cotsl Dt llV P ~ l'ullll\11911 Or-Cl)aaf DlllV fllklt l'ubttilltf Oratlllt C~rt Oall'I' l'llol l'ubUfil*f Ottl!N Cq11t DtllY l"llot "ulllUshctd Or•11t• (OH i Dt ll't l"fll!lt Juty Publltllfd Orant1t c:.otrt Ot lfV l'I ot l'uttll111«l 0 -CO.ti 0.Uy "1'-'~ 11 H "• ''" 11 Jvn' ,. "' 1nd Ju y ~ 17 1•11 JU7 n Julv 11 '4 Jl tf11 lft.S.11 June ,, •nd JulY' l. 1e 11 1m 1633-71 June'» and Julv a lt 11 ff11 1'31-71 17 ''-ll •ncl Au•'"' 7 lt11 It,, 11 Junt n. •nd July l. to 17 1'71 ''" 71 Jllfv 10 17 ltn lfl).11 --.,,.. _,-.... • ---· .. ...-... ~ I l • OAILV PILOT I NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Week's and Year's High, Low, Close ... ..... , ....... -A&- • • ' ' I t r: • • f. [ • ! I ,, AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE ::: N ... ... .. .. .. ... .. Week's and Year's High, Low, Close ... 2Ho •• .. -.. ,gi: "' ... • • .... •• i:i ,I., l<llW V01'1C: .I.I'! tflollf~· lllr ~· .. -...... ,.,. wt~ L-.. • •• '" " ... lJ•• '" '" '" ,,. .. • " ' • '" "' •• .. ,. " ' . ~ ,. .. • •• " " '. " •• '" .. :n. '" ' '" '" • " ~ "" 1••• • " .. • ' " ' 'l l • .. ... " ,, J•lo " • ' • " • • • ' ' • ' .. IJ•1 ,,. " . ,j. " "' • " ' ,. ,• " " " " .. " 13"' ,j ' " ' " .. • • • " •• " " ' '! .. tr • • .. r.. " 'I • " " .. • '" • l. .. • " ". ' .. ... , .. • 1: •• '" "'" ~i ~ F " " ' . 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" ' ,. •• " "" '" " r-'" '" ' '" ' . • • .. • ' .. ... " '" ' • • ' " " " ' " " • • • • .. '" ·-,," +1 !O" -lo ' . .,_ • '°' .. ' Y.11'1 -j.' ' ' l\o -79" _, ' •• 1?'' -,._ 1')1 1-... ··-,. - '"' ,,,, _, ·-l!V. +~· • .. %)" +I ,,, '" -II ' ' 11. -• .. ' ' -· / .. _. ~~ -1 • 41 ~ ..-~ . -,..,, -I l • ,.. I ' -. '" ' ,. . .. ' 111<1 -\ II"' -'I -.. ' " . ,., _,,_'Iii " . .. '. -.. ' ' . ' . • • • • • ~ ,. ~ ,... ' ... 1~ -~ ,~. = l r :i l~ :t ~ -~ " .. • • " -. • • .. ' " AU~C I od ot O O • " July 16, 1971 • - -. • • . Ja •llAILY PILOT S.wrdl,/, Joly "· l•n Wla I , Lose I Fil1n Potpourri . . For Coast ,Fans By LEE PAYNE 01 1M D•llY l'li.t Slaff ~1oviegoers may choose between the past and the fu ture al local theaters this wrekend. The future i5 the Edwards Harbor Cinema's double bill, "Andromeda Strain" and "F'orbin Project." Mankind is p1lted against computers and germs from outer space. It's a draw. We vrin one and ~·e lose ""' The past 1s on \Piew al the need Helli Angels to k~p lht peace? Both double bills art worth seeing if enly to .appreciate our present vant.11ge point midway between our recent simpleminded past and the unpleasant possibililies .await· ing us in the not-so-distant future. If yoo have to choose one show . my vote goes to the Beatles and "\Yood stock" which is incidentally a :"pec- tacular achievement in the art of film ed i t i ng . But ''Woodstock" is recommended only for those older folks who won ·1 be offended by Joan Baez' beautiful rendition •f the ''Ballad of Joe Hill'.' M yswry Scribes Face Challenge HOLLYWOOD {AP) monlM and is still seen in Richard Levinson and William stock. Fa lk was Columbo in Linke were stumped, a11 two NBC World Premiere unusual condition for this Movies. talented and prolific team of Levinson laughed. "Now il';s mystery writers. a series. After this we 're going The problem was how to gel to do a musical and then an a visitor quickly through lhe opera." Jocked iron gates of an estate Levinson and Li n k e , when he hears a scream for partners since they were film help. critics on the cam pus NBC had so far rejected alt newspaper at the Wharton of the solutions offered as im· School of Business an d practical or illogical. The in· f inance al the University o[ cident is for "Colun1bo." one Pennsy lvania. no doubt will <Jf the tttree parts of the new come up with an acceptable 90--minule ··~1ystery Mo111e" to solution to the plot problem. be seen on Wedncsd&ys in the Although . Le vi n son ad- fall . Peter Falk plays the milted, "We have plotted detective lie utenant a n d crimes we couldn't solve. You Levinson and Linke are the have to have a perfect crime executive producers. every show. ll has lo be a real Levinson and Linke devise puzzle.'' similar puzzles for the seriesl-'-------------11 ~1e sa Thl'Bll'r . It 's "\\'oodstock .. and the Bealle's ''Lei JI Be." Both have become a.~ much a part flf history as Charlton Heston playing r-.toses. "'ho would have thought Woodstock could so quickly ~ome the Good Ol d Days when Jimi Hen· dricks lived and they didn't As for the kiddie1 , "Woodstock" features Jove, joy, nudity. drugs and dirty words so il is rated R. They can·! get in without a parent. 'Apple of Eye' they have created -"Colum- bo,'' ''McCJoud ,'' "Mannix,'' "The Lawyers" segrnent of lido -N.Mll -oo!M- ,. h~-IM• Joi• -~. J-1~0 S1111dcry fhrw nul"5day 1:00 p.111. Frldcry l Sot11rdciy •. l :lO p.111. Math1 .. Wed .••••.. 2:00 p.rn. Sat. M111thtM •• , • 1 :l O l I :00 S1111. Matl,,_ , , • , 1 :00 & 4:JO Celia Hanson and Carole Ann Walt with apple, emote in children's sh ow, "Rip Van \Vinkle," at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Show plays July 16·18 and July 23-25. ABC-TV Directs Its Cameras Toward Young-iii Attitude By RICK DU BROW "The Bold Ones" and "The Psychiatrist" segment of "four·in·One." They a Is ol wrote the Emmy·winningl script for the movie "My Sweet Charlie.'' Levinson, the tall member! of the team. said, "We Wi:'.nl tol see if the audience likes 1 puzzles, b~l lhe real c.halle~ge is to see if people will enjoy Columbo talking to people." Linke, who is short, dapper and y,·ears a Van Dyke beard. said. ··C-OJumbo is a kind of Paramount Piclures presents Sat. & Sw11. khed11l1 "lOVI" 2:00·5:50-9:45 "llAF" 4:05·7:55 KIDS LOVE UNCLE LEN Saturdays in The DAILY PILOT EXCLUSIVE THEATRE RUN A sta-yclbve... set against ~ thevibr::e cl rebelli:n HOLLYWOOD ~UPll ABC.TV has been known for some time as a youth-oriented network. Bul its new fall schedule indicates that what television is after these days is an audience that is young Jn its attitude, and not just in its age. 1'.1acLaine, Anthony Quinn, Arthur Hill, Shirley Jones, Jack Klugman. Tony Randall, Tony Curtis, Efrem Zimbatist Jr. and Roger Moore. This list could hardly be regarded as a nucleus for a youth corps - :ind so it becomes clear tha t it is the matC'rial that gives the network its dri ve !oward the "young adult" audience il wants, not the stars, who oh- viously :irC' the ball for the viewers who may not be at.· tracted by the st or i e ~ themselves. shambling character. He just for lheir second season. And hangs around. He is never then there is the "Movie of the shown at policr hecdquarters. Week" series, as well as a As someone said, he's the kind l'-i=;;;jijijijijijijijijijiiijijijijijijijijijijii new program it has spawned of man who track!; in mud on ll V.'ith its success, the "r-.1ovie or a sunny day." Consider the fact that ABC- TV's stars in the coming season include Robert Young. llenry Fonda, Shirl e y TOI" Mfr.JOit 1lUOIO l"lllVllW One., only -1:0 1> ..,, ,111.., "•ANANAS~ Play The Advertising Game To Win With This Rule: Get A Good Bird Dog Wl-tERE --,OW,Wi.IERE I~ MY WANDERING AD ToNIG~T? No problem here-we can tell you exactly where each copy of this paper is purchased. And our AB C audit report assures this paid circulation is all wool and a yard wide. No need to wonder about lhe lull measure we promise. But, if you do, just ask for proof, verified by the Audit Bureau ol Circulations. DAILY PILOT I I! Th• Audit Bureau or CireulatiOnt II 1 te!l·rtguletory t1ssoci1· .:>~o@' 1 1 D /II"'" tlon of over -'.000 1dverliMr1, ad.,..r'lising agencies. ar-d pub· :,• AB['I ,o: t11t1er1, and le r1cogniied u a burtau of 1t1nd1rd1 tor tile , . l.J ... prlnl medl1 lnd1.tttry, ('(ll~'\ • ABC-TV does, of coursC', have some shows frankly aim· ed at the young-in-age au- dience ~ amoni:: them. ''The Partridge Family." The Boh· 222." •·1..ove, American Style ." 222." "Love. American Style,' "The CourL~hip of Eddiro;; Father." "The ~1od S(1uad" and •·Tht Brady Bunch.·· But most of its shows are really aimed at the young or all ages. Among !hem, of course, are the Monday night prin1e time pro f o o 1 b" I I g:imes. which will be returning the Weekend." "Columbo·• Is not a whl). Robert Young has quite a done-It bu t a will·hc·get-away·I young outlook as ''Marcus with-it. Levinson 'aid ,1 \VC'lby. root D ," though he is "Every week we have a getting on in age. And Fon da 's murder . Everyone knows who show, "ThC' Sm ith family,'' at did it. Then Columbo knows !cast dC'a ls with topical sub-\vho did it, but he can't prove jects, though sometimes in a ii. It becomes a battle of wits. panfully si rnpl istic way. Jl's the classic pursuit." Mis!'i MacLaine. who will LL Columbo was fir st portray a globetrot!ing photo-created by the pair 10 ye.?J'S journalist, is knov.·n for her ago as a short story. Later very contemporary outlook. they adapted it for a television And Quinn 's seril's, "The Ci· anthology series with Tho1nas ty," is about a mayor v.·ho has Mitchell in the title role. Then! 1(1 deal v.·i1 h modrrn problc1ns. ii became a stage play and1 "Alias Smith and Jones" is a toured the country for six Western. bu t in the hip.lr"i~~;;:.;:.:~;•;l ton11:ue·in·Check n1anner. Klugman and Randall are !he well.knov.·n !'itars or "The Odd Couple." ~llss .Innes plays a mother -in ''The Partridge fan1ily ,'' v.·hich is ;ibout a rnus1Cill grour for rn ed by her youngstC'rs, and includes hC'r as a singer. THE GRANT OF ALL ROCK FESTIVALS MGM Anticipating Near Record Gains "Woodstock" ll.l.TID It ALSO THE BEATLES "Let It Be" I quarlcr of last year or $3.3 1nilhon. I Operating incon1e for the Continuoui Daily From 2 P.M. Adults and Jrs. 1.SO until 4 p.m . EXTRA -PORT THEATRE MAJOR STUDIO PREVIEW SATURDAY NIGHT 8,JO P.M. STARRING BURT LANCASTER • FUNNIEST PICTURE YIT .,,.., .. ~ oodJ D . ...1~ " a eas .. ,,. ..... " •OI E•n CoHf M.,y, Eil0l1Jlt,,~-· ....... ........ ~ COllO~A Oll. M~lt ~ ' ALSO PLATING THE llG ONE ' On April 21 , 1918 they met In the sliiet af France far rhe last time! HOLLY\VOOO (AP) -Net year-end profits for Metro- Gold\\'yn·f\1ayer Inc., th C' giant movie and entertainment con· cern, v.·111 be "al or near the highest level obtained hy f\fC.~1 in the last 25 years" says Preside nt JamC's G. Aubrey J, fir5t 40 \1'el'ks of the fisc:ill'~"l?l~li:l~~~:~~~~~;;;~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~i year \vas $5.4 m1!hon. or 91 r r nts a sharr. Cllmp:irrd with the year·earl1er per i o d 's O]lC'filting loss of 14 9 million. Aubrey made the prediction this week after f\1Gf\1 reported lmpro\'ed finanC'ial. resu lts for 1he third fiscal 11uarler and the first nine monlh~ Fnr the 1hird quarter. \1(;~·! reported it had an opl'rat1n~ profit of $706.000 nr I I rl'nts a sharr. compared \1·ilh an operatin~ drfic1t in the sarnr . Thr bC'st pro/rt .vC'ar for MGM \\'a<; 1967, when it earn· rd $\4 n11ll1<111 Aubrry d1rl no1 :-av by hoy,• m11rh the S l ~ n11ll1on figur(' cn1rlrl hr hrOrrr.d. but he says r'l:l raord1n;ir~· gaino;; from the .~alP of "assl'!s ll'h1ch do not l'On\ribute d1rec!I~· or suf. f1r1rn!ly 10 profit;ibilily" wrre inrludNl in making thr prrdic· 11110 iO " 'C arn al Knowledge' is a towering i ~ a chievement'' ~ -11•• 11...S N.Y. ~lly NI"" i " ·! , •M11:1'5.JB~ QnM ~MhllrGaifulild, Ann~and~. Cam.11~ -~.o " 'C•tnel. Knowle~ge' i1 one of the i be1t mov111 ever! ]; -L!1 $ml!~ Ctt .... JN111!111 i A_Q " 'Ca rnal Knowledge' is •n brut•l!y i •m•Jin9 & hon•1t f ilm'' -l"tl yMr M .. 111 ... I "'C•rn•1 Knowledge' i1 more pro· i 0 found th•n much mort •mbitiou1 q ·i film•' l t ....1 -\/IMMt C1111, N,Y, Tl- 1 ~ "'-"¥* f ~ ~' •""l'Otd .....-il ·•J••.,~•,..•~<~ ... _.. .. ~~~ ' (XCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY I NGAGEMENTI ' - ' THIEATRR -·--· ... ·· """ "'"' -... ,..; ... OM_ ....... ~·-.. -.. IOO O•', PREMIERE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT In e\~l)Ullc 's life t11crc's a SUMMER OF '42 A Roti.rl Mull O~nfR1'h1rd A f1oth Prodvct10o JEHHIFElll O'NE ILL· C.liRY C.RIMIS JERRY HOUSER ·OLIVER CONANT ... _., ......... .. Hl!MloVI f!ALICH£11 lllCH.1.FIO A ROTH -..... .. ....... lllOllEl'IT MULLIG.1.N lllCMEl LEG .. .l.ND ,,,_..,,.., ... "IRl~~---===~~--1 --......... _ . ··-1-...... _, ' ' •. ). . .. \ . 'Odd Couple' Pays Visit to Moulton By JOANNE REYNOLDS c1 !fie 011r. ~11t1 sr1u Streisand Will Star "The Odd Couple" moved inlo the Laguna Moulton Playhouse Wedne.sday night and it looks li ke their st.ay will be a successful one. Barbra SteiMnd will star in a motion picture based on the life af Sarah Bernhardt. The Academy ,Award-winning h1iss 'Stftlsand will portray the lengeod ary actress with Ken Russe!\ 1 directing his own Ecreenplay. Miss StreisMd's -com pany, and Mr. Russell's ccn;pany will co-produce lhe film for First Artists Produc· tion and will be released through Natio nal General. The Neil Simon comedy stars Paul Teschke as Oscar and Alan G. Hart as the up- tight Felix. They are an ideally mismatched pair. Teschke plays Oscar as an expansi\'e, eas.vgoing sort v•ho only wants to help his friend through the trials of a divorce. Hart's Felix is presented more like.Tony Randall !whG did the role for lhe television series) rather than a wholly original character. This may be due lo the fact that Randall created such a LAS VEGAS . DIAL I Westword Ho-World'1 Largest I Mctel -1,000 ll:OOIM Be+ween I StordU1t Motel &. Dotzrinlil New I !~~!?~Al~~ ~~,~~~ I YOU'll SAVE 1 Midweek Special: Now Lowest Summer Rates! I E:.tai11t• Value -204 !kw R'"'1, !.loablt Jetl, fret TV I TPU PAY ONLY $1.IO slollt, 110.IO"' 2 ptDple I Coiltlarll YalM -2 ifo•ll!t "'" stlrtilf at $12.90 lor 2 J OVIJ! ~ plh" J{o-.s & .S:~J, St•li•i lll $2 4Jdil.io,..,/, I On Fri., Sat. & Holiday5, 8dd $2.00. DIAL FREE. \ 1 FREE! BONUS FUN PACKAGE I! 1, lo<h "IU!' Ceupl* """'""' ,,.. t ""u' ,;;;,~""bl ru.,--,;;;ruc11~/ I fl[[ CASH' Fl![ DllHKS! S'ICl.t.,L M[AlS' flf[ ctlnS! SOUV "'1lS! . Jtfl CHIPS ~ t•ll PHOTO$! C.HAMPAGNl PARTY? A 11111 D<oy •f Fun! G•v•• •• " G•I A<qu.,,..1.d liov~o"<>" to lo• Vogoo f.,.. Koop .,11 ye u ..,;.,1 l I I I I I l' Ytu ••• 'W .. ~ •• "G""' oF tk1 liwM~ "' OY., 10 ,_WI h•l•I• ..... <lub1 ltt lhoa.o 1,.. be"U• 0<tiwhloo. I s:~~ tk~OodMw~~~: .... ~.?.V:. ... ;,,.; ..... ~.~.o;.~ ;!!~cl~~I~~! ~~,~~-El l .,,;~~. """ .i.ood. 0.ivo ;,. t<>d"l' • "'ali.• ,.,.,...."'""'' kw • '"''"'' '"''• I ) Cc"tc<t u> Dt f<>U< !rovo! 09'"' Pllll 1/1' l l I I I I 1~M (A\IF., ARIZ., UTAH, Oii:., IDAHO DIAL FREE (800) 648-6898 Anyt;me . ' ' . . . . : . I .... ~.;,,.., ... Wt~TW.A•D HO HOT;:, 701 ~ ....... c ... ,... ) 1 ,, ... j.,....,,, c'.m. ,~. !~14)~1:_1~1_:~~_:~~~~-~--'----------- JAMES TAnOR ·WARREN OATES · lAURIE BIRD · DENNIS ~LSON ~ ......... W\lfl.l•t!t-"'Rl(OU"·-.. .. W!l.l(OI" [!I .,,_ .. .......... ·~......... -·--· --.. ~.-·-·~ ........ " '°°"'T1 '4\l"tN. ,_ .. ""''("AH\ [Avc;+'I°" 0 , ...C"~fl \ !•IJOl«~'A \.NIYU!.lll l'ICl\Jf(•lf(>H(Cll()t' !ST EXCLUSIVE WEEll- .1NDTOP HIT· Geori e Peppard I~ "OltE MORE TRAIN JO ROI" good Felix that an y one wishing to do likewise finds himself Imitating the veteran actor. And ton11idering the fact tha t Hart really gets the pr«>- duction moving, one cannot really fault the perfonnance. Under the direction of Gwen Yarnell, the play move11 along .e t a good pace -something that is a necessity with Simon's brand of comedy. The supportine-players also deserve a good bit of credit ror the qoalily or the pm· Eckstine Appearance duction. Judy Hirsh as Cecily Pigeon is especially good. Her Host Billy Eckstine steps in with vocalis~ O. ~· wild platinum curls and bronx Smith wilh his guitar in The Jazz: Show which will accent were jll!l too much. air next Saturday on Cilannel 4. Helene Briggs, who plays -----------------------11 her sister Gwendolyn, adds .1 striking note with her wild purple dress. It's difficult to kn ow whether or not it was in- tentional, but in Wednesday's production, Miss Briggs and one or her eyelashes parted company during the crying scene, to the great deli ght of the audience. The poker gang is composed or Al Jones, David McAdam, Jon Briggs and Walter J. Dudek, all of whom do an ad· mirable job. For t his reviewer's money, thou gh, Jones was the best of the lot, providing a earthy, hardened touch lhat served the play beautifully. '"The Odd Couple'' will run nightly Wednesday through Saturday to Aug. 21. Curtain is 8:40 p.m. an this delightful production. PACIFIC WALK-INS All Color ll~ow !1•1l>lra StrelH•"d ''TtUi CWL & Tilt: P'USSY CAT" Plvo: "MAN CA LLl'.D SLl!CGI" Th• Enllr1 Corll•d ,\dml".,, '•r Prkt ti 0•• Adult Adm!ul••I Ct"lo~ HO!!m~n "HA"'llY Kl!LLl"'MAll" CCI') Plu• jo~n 11,ui!Ofl "THI" Dl!SE"'TE"'" 101') '"" ..... , .... • __ ,.._, 9W·JUl All Colar FH1'11y Efl1'rttlnmllfl1 "MILl.l~~ll~~r:~• Od°Ck" Plu1 j l)e Flynl\ "IAll!.,OOT l!Xl!.CUT1VI"' ,., All CalDr l'r•m=,~.~.- Elllil•te<N•I! Kirt. Oo</flll "A GUNP1GHT" (01'1 Phn P1Tty Ouk•, Sht•OI\ T1t1 "VALLEY O• TMI DOLLS" 1 .All COllr I/law Ut\!Uii" 11 M1tll 81 Wiii\ P1••~! "'SUMMllA. Cl' 'ft'' Pi111 """''Y H~m "WAIT UNTIL O,\ll(" All C1Jar snowl WOtdy AlllM "IA.,.ANAS" 101'1 l'lllt JDltll l'~ltlp uw ''VDH lllCHTOl'IN & &lOWN" (O~l r-:-=~-:-i -· --.. ,~.., "THltl'I A OllL llt MY IOU~" Ill "~ "THI YOUH• eA..lDUATll~ '" Plimpton Scheduled For 3 New Specials By RJCK DU BROW The headliners: Geo r ge Pli mpton, t h e profes.<;ional ama~ur who had thr ee delightful specials on ABC-TV in the past year -as an aclor in a John W;:ivne movie, a circus aerlalfst and a nightclub co media n -will be back in a new trio or shows on the same network in the com- ing season ... says ABC-TV: "Th e first show /Nov . 27) .• . is reminiscent of h is bestseller. 'Paper Lion,' and again Lakes Plimpton behind the scenes of professional foot- ball. This time, however, he wi ll train as a quarterback with !.he wo rld champion Baltimore Colts. and after weeks of exhaustive practice he "l! play against his old 't.eammatrs.' the Detroit Lions •.. The :r;pecial will be filmed at Lhe Colts' training camp ou tside of Baltimrire, and at Ann Arbor, Mich." P!Jmpton 's second special will rind him ''behind the wheel or a racing car. being coached by champion driver Jackie Stewart. Plimpton has been scheduled to drive in 1he Mexican 1000, an endurance. race at Baja California, llnd learn the gr ind of working with a pit cre>1'" . . for his third program. the middleaged daredevil "gors tn norrhern Kenya in search of ahmed. the legendary (']ephant reputed to be. the largest Jiving cre ature on land." When Lucille Ball returns ln her CBS-TV series th is fall. her son. Desi Arnaz J r., forme rly a regula r on his show, will no longer be a pe rmanent member of cast .. _ However, her daughter, Lucie Amaz, will conlinue in the series, as will longti me regular Gale Gordon ... Brig. Ge n. Jeanne Holm, fir st woman .ieneral of the Air Force. is scheduled to be a guest on !\!BC.TV's "Today" show Monday. The programs : The "Today" lineup for Wednesday is sc heduled to include a discussion of young people's involvement In vegetarianism. and fl representative o f gamblers anonymous. who talks about that o~ganizalion . .• NBC-TV's "First Tuesday'' program for Aug. J. entitled "An American Montage." is 11 collection of earlier stories "" the series -among them. segmenlo; o n :r;pirilualists, Janis Jcplin. military in· te l l ig ence. Vietnam repl acemenl~ an d ' ' J e s u s Freaks," those young persons whO suddenly are preaching the value l'.lf Chr ist and his beliefs. Two half-hour comedie~. bolh pilo!s for potential series, will be i;hnwn on NBC·TV Aug. 26 in an hnur entitled "Dean ~1artin presents" NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES tht wtbfoot wonder with tht 24 kerat layaway pf1nt + j . ,;<(. }·.,!>.,> .,...''r'I. ,....":;.~"'~'--;,,.• ..... ·,,.' ... ' :"' ¥ DeilnJONES sallll\j DUNCAH TfCltHtCa.Oll' .xie R.YNN 11lll!IROBEl!TS mGREOORY -1!:!1 -.. ---"·"" ___ _ ALSO EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT IOflQ.--GEORGE HAMILTON· SUE LYON .,,., KN/61/E& WQIAY51 "IVll ..... 7JOO' 10tJO HDUllTll" 1'4S SAT. & SVJf. "IVR ., ." 31J0.110CI & 10aJI "OUllfll" 11 .. S.J:lt & ai4J FRlf~ARKING S.1turd11. July 17. ltf71 D4JLV PILOT .(IP 'Mother Earth' Scores on Tour !Mt January the Sooth Cout ·Repertory opened a mutleal revue calltd "Mother Earth.'' The talented group that bu been presenting plays ln Colla Mesa for three yurs realized lU brigh:teat hit with aoftgs. dances and brilliant vlaual errect.s about au r ecology and what it may be like on earth by the 21st Cen-tury. The rame and fun or '-'Mother Earth" soon ~ched Los Angeles, and many people travelled to Costa Mesa to aee for them.selvu , and went home very happy and aoon lhe word 1pread. This spring ''Mother Earth" and the en tire youn1 company opened an enaagement in San Francl.sco, where aalin It received a warm welcome . On Saturday, July 31st, Jan\es A. DooUUle and the Greek Thea\tr Alsoclation art presenting "Mother Earth" at the Huntington Hartford Theater in Hollywood. The company, headed by Toni Shearer who wrote the music and appta.r1 in the revut, with R.on Thronson'• book and lyrics, will appear at the Hartford 'Theater th r o u g h August 21st. There will be three 1pecial p r e v I e w performances, with low-prictd tickets on Wednesday. Thurs- day and Friday, July 28. 21 and 30. T lc ket1 f Gr a ll performances. including the three previews a.re now an sale at the Hartford Theater box office, and mail orders are being accepted. HONG KONG CUSTOM TAILOR IN ANA.HllM J DAYS ONLY -J11ty 16, 17 & 11, llllOAY THIU IUNOAY Otn't mlu tlii1 oppotluftlty -Git mt1111r•d for Mt n'• •nd Wo1111n'1 Cu•lolll M14• Cloth11 l1om Hon9 Kon9 . w. Iii 1ny 1i1• -100 pe r <•nl '""''"''" 1~!iil1clion. Chooo1 from ov1r 5,000 of lke worl4'1 fin•ll ;,,.pot11d f1b•ic.1, i nd q1I cu1lo"" fitt•d in •nv 1tvl•i you w1nl in 1uih , d••Ull, i port c.01!1 i nd top <0111. s..,. JO•/, Ht 40-M .. tlllt Mlle llfORI SILK WOOL SUIT •• , , ••• , •••• , , • , •••••• , , l•S.00 SHARICSi<I N SUIT • ,. , , ••••••••••••• , •• • 15.00 ALL WOOL SUl f •••••••••••••••••••••••• •o.oo fER YLENE WOR.STEO SU IT • '... •• • • • • • • • • • •o.oo OACR.ON WOOL SUIT •• , , •• , , •••• , , • ,, , 55.00 CASHMERE WOOL SPORT COAT ••• ,,,.,,, 70.00 OO ESICIN TOP COAT '.. •• •• • • •• •• •• •• •• • •o.oo PUR E CASHMERE TOP COAT •••••••••••• 175.00 NOW l•S.00 55.00 60.00 57.00 40.00 41.00 60.00 t 10.00 ''' • ... lntmMI c•ll Mr. M. Tl lln (11 A.M. 1' f ,.,M.I All 1ui h mid ~. o• 11'\Dtlur•. hind t1iler14 •"' fully sil k Jin", !'tr 1Jpt!ntlfttflt Cl ll Mr. M. Ttltn 0 1 A.M. It t ~.M.) Howenrl Johuo11 Motor LMte lllO S. Horber llwcf. 7764110 UHA I LI TO VIStT I JUST Wt lTI! us AND •• CN out MAILIHO LIST TOL,\N'S CLCTHll!RS, P.O. llOX K_.11, KOWLOON. HOMO KCNO Stn"lnt Over 10,00ll Stll•fltd Cll..,!1 ler •~•• Jt Yt•l'I • 1 PREMIERE Orange County A ENGAGEMENT ln~cklifcthcrc\a SUMMER OF '42 ., i1t i ARober1 Multlgan/RlehnA.Roth '. ~ } ProduellOl'I 1 ,,, ,j .IENNIFERO\iEIU.• GARY GRIMES ',\) :· ~ J J(~~.!o.~SER . ouv=~AHT ~t Hl!lllUH AAUOER f'ICHAAO ,\.ROTH ,,,., --.. .._ .. ~ flOl£JfJ lllllUIC,t.N MIOlEL U!GIU.HO ,:, :·i', .. i -..... 'w":1' oo~a;::-1 ---,; £,_,;. :i-;;: A"-l-- 3rd GREAT WEEK -NOW AT All 3 THEATRES · __ ... __ -..... - 2ND AT IOTR Ill-WAT 3' & HARBOR 2 Alon Ark.in Audrey Hepbum ''WAIT UNTIL DARK" •• 2ND AT LOGE "BUENA SERA, MRS. CAMPBELL" ~TED G BUT MAT BE TOO INIE!!SE FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN. 1-2ND BIG THRILLfR "THEY MIGHT BE GfANTS" STH GREAT WEEK .mMll-..- ?:AllDROttEDA STRAIN 1!!1- , I Starrlnt Geor9• C. kett, J•anne Wo•dwercf ........ S1lVE .... at200MPH 1 "lllllllr • l • 0 '"' DOUGW d~OH"''°"~ " ...... l . • ' : '}'<'-" . '··. 1 JAMES TAn DR ·WA~REN DATEHAURIE BIRO· DENNIS WILSON ~ .,.~ lo Ut.rlVtA.SALP•CTU"E • Tt C>iN•C::O~Olll • C3' 1WO· llUIOCTOP 2ND TOP ATTIACTION GEORGE PEPPARD & DIANA MULDAUR 1N "ONE MORE TRAIN TO ROB" (GP HILDOYIR POSITIVELY ERcls l•es. 7/'lO STARTS WED. JULY21 2114 Tep We~ 01.y Htt •• ,.. 1--11 • Jet "'" "THI IAllllOOT UICUTrn .. "l ,000,000 DUCK" .a.. .t t:dw.,dl CffM-Vlitfe Mhl/011 Vlef•, aJ04ftt • • -\ CWllllam '9lok:m "ll;yan «Nu! "1Cut.l\4aldm .................. "'_ 2nd QREA T FEATURE ROCJ: HUDSON AMGIE DICKINSON ·~Maids all in a rr:HI" l!I~··-! "WIWl•I'' WEDNESDAY iiiii>JONES -OUION o118 R.'lllN 11lll!IROBERIS iiiiea GREm -~----~--- DAILY PILOT Amlhlk lo-.. Scott Set For Moon Excursion SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (UPIJ -Col. David R. Scott wants to be ia good shape when he goes to the mooD this month so he has a good reason to run almost three miles before breakfast each morning. "J don't know ho~· ,long it takes to run it . , .I just" go out ()n the beach in lhe mornir.g and enjoy the stroll along the beach," said Scott. the lean. athletic Corrunander <lf Apollo 15. The blond, six-foot space vetei:an runs at Cape Kennedy near the launch site and at Nassau Bay near his home and the manned spacecraft center. Scott, 39. feels the exercise will keep-Oim in kip shape for the 20 hours he and Lt. Col. James B. Irvin will spend ex· ploring the rugged Hadley- Apennine area, using their lander "Falcon" as a base. Maj. AlfreQ: M, Wo.rden will circle overhead in the com- mand ship "Endeavor." Preparing for space mis- sions is nothing new for Scott. Apollo 15, which is scheduled to blast off July 26, will be his third space night since joining the Astr<lnaut Corps in 1983. He ran to ~ in shape for a spacewalk that was cancelled in 1966 after the ill-fated Gemini 8 achleved the first space docking with an Agen!I' rocket only to spin out of con- trol when a steertnc~ fOCket began firing wi1dly. Scott's cool thinking helped avert a disaster and brought the Gemini down for an early la nding to end America's first apace. emergency. He was command pilot in 1969 for Apollo 9, the smootti- as-sillc mission lhat !aid the groundwork !or moon-land ing miasions like Apollo 15. Apollo 9 lliled a rendezvous technique Scott developed to dock the lunar lander ~·l th the command . and service modules. He worked out the maneuver for a masters degree in aeronautics a nd ·astronautics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Scott was every inch the al!- American boy -athlete, West Point scholar anrl son of an Air Force General. H e overcame boyhood a I I e r g y problems to follow his father in an Air force flight career. "All he ever wanted from the time he wa.~ a tiny baby was to Oy a plane like his father." his mother, t.1rs. Tom W. Scott of La .Jolla, recalled. His father is retired. All Scott wants now is to get on with what he feelo is the most interesting. challenging and potentially r e w a r d i n g moon mission yet. Since. 1969, ~·hen he was backup commander f o r Apollo 12. Scotl has known he would have a seat on the moon flight. I-le spent the yeani in intense study and training to master the com- plex 12-day mission he con- siders a "giant step'' in moon exploration. "Our objectives are reaUy greater because ~·e ha ve a new capability in the hardware and we also have the benefit of lhe previous three Clights," he said. "And , each flight we have to lake a bigger step." As a tribute to his self- de.tennination. geplQgists who have worked with .SCOtt on neld trips have dl!Scribed him as an expert 1eologist in his own. right. ·He and Jrwin will use the training to select 250 pounds of rock and 10il. lake thousands of )lbotographl and set up a eclentifJC atatlon. , Tllelr tlsk1 will be easier than on prevk>us missions becauae they will ride 22 miles fn a jeep-like rover Scott will drive. Ooc:Mlomlly Scott'! face nuahel wtth txcltement about the mission and the landing l!lile -approacf!ed over the 15,IXJO.foot Aperintne Moun· U.lns and rimmed by canyon· Jlkt Hadley Rllle, .aboul 1,000 fA>et. • Salurday, J11l1 17, 1971 ORANGE COUNTY'S · fENCING HEADQUARTERS! 6Ft.x15ft.Roll BAMBOO FENCING • For the look of the tropics indoors or out! •Natural colored bamboo slots ore firmly woven with stainless steel. •Provides p rivacy in your backyard. REG. $3.69 SAVE OVER $1 .00. SAVE $5.00 6 Ft. Aluminum LADDER ''Quallty That's One Step Above'' Utility V Heavy wall extrusions. Ii""' 3" tread & side roils. V Double riveted. Ii""' Mor-proof feet. Ii""' Pinch proof lock brace. REG. $14.99 PINE SHELVING e Helps you get it oil together in the garage, pantry, service oreo, etc. 4 ft .... 39° s ft .... 49° 6 ft .... 59° ' 8 ft: ... 79° 10 ft ... 99• --~ .. -..... _,:.,_ 1...--.... -~a; ANAHEIM FO~NT•IN Y~LLEY 2144 w. LINCOLN ltto YA~· ""'Of' ll:OOICHUUT ) 17200 l,.llQOkttuaST !He tAlll IOUTM Of WAaNlll V Keeps the dogs out • children in. V Heavy duty II gauge steel wire. V Thoroughly coated with hot-dipped galvanized. V We stock all the necessary hardware to complete your fence, even the fence posts. REG. 59• Running Foot 90 lb. Bag REDl-MIX CONCRETE ''Just Add Water&. Mix'' • Use for fencepo1ts, walkways, polios, etc. • Covers 8 sq . ft. approx. 1" !hick. REG.99c 9 Ft. Long BAMBOO POLES • Giant bamboo pole1 ore approximately 1" in diameter ond 9 fl. long, • Use indoors or out, REG. 33c -. • . ·~ 19~ l'llONI 77•-&100 , l'HONl 961·331 1 , WE CARRY A COMPLETE SELECTION Of CHAIN LINK FENCE ACCESSORIES I WIRE ONLY 'I•" Thick 4 ft~ JC 4 PJ. PARTICLE BOARD • Greet for lining goroges, cabinet feces -1001 us es, • 4 ft. x 4 ft. poneh ore .!/1" thick- they're elllro strong & economicol. REG. $1.99 99c Sa,. $1.00 Per Panel '/4 " thick 2 Ft. x 4 Ft. PEGBOARD • Greot lor around home ond shop. • St rong, y." thick--put 10..e up ot'ld gdyovrtelf orjOnileM. R!G. 99t 49c Hollow Cor9 SLAB DOORS • These doors will do double duty cu table top1, book 1helve1, room divider1. • Up 10 32" wid•. REG. $3.99 ' SAVI $1 .OC!.I, " ' Running Foot %''Shop EXTERIOR PLYWOOD • 4 ft. x 8 ft. weatherproof plywood for oil your ouside building projecls. • Excellent for wait 1iding, enclo1.-d. polios, etc. REG. $4.99 SAVE $2.30 2" x 4". x I Ft. PINE STUDS ~ • Great for decking, fencing, oil your building projects. • Surfaced 4 sides, e nds trimmed with eosed edges. 1/2" Thick' Ft. x I Ft. SH,EET ROCK e Construction quolity. • Yi" thick- opproved by VA & FHA. REG. $2.40 SAVI ,1.0.01 $140 • --....----.. , __ .. --.Z-. -····. -- . ,I I· ' ' ..-....---•-••; .. -....... ___ "'"'--· S..t.1H'((u, Jiil)' l /, 1971 DAILY "LOT 2fl IS AT LOOK AT FREE KEY OFFER BELOW ~~~~~~~~~, ' • With The Purchase of a New 1971 Pinto VACATION TRUCK AND CAMPER SPECIAL 1971 FORD FlOO PICKUP I~ I In. wheel b•se, I' b•d, ~ 1p••~. h•avy euty vinyl t•att, amp & od 9au9•1, I 175 lb. fr ont 1pr1n91, 1150 lb. rear 1prin91. AND WH~N YOU BUY A NEW 1971 PINTO •.• WE WILL PAY FOR ALL THE GAS IT USES FOR ••• '71 6 PAC CAMPER Sleeps 4. Fully Equipped Ind. Stow• & Ice lor ...... ,. To Ge. BOTH$ TWO FULL MONTHS HURRY! THIS OFFER. GOOD ONLY AT SUNSET FORD MUST BE PRESENTED AT TIME OF SALE T\.iis eff•r expires soen. AH 4aseline rn uif tie cl i1\:iursecl at Sunset F11rtl ·- NEW 1971 FORD LTD. OIDll NOW NEW 1971 MUSTANG FORD LTO 1 dr. ll1 rdtop. It h11 11! +ht 1lond1rtl aqui p mr 11! pl1n th• bi9 400 C ID VI lV 1 119in1. Vi11vl to,,, 11lr tl 1hiO <rui•o-"'eli< t.0111., w~i+t oidt w1H1, power 1i11ri119, oi• <e11d ilio11in9, AM rod io, li11t1d 9 1111 & wht t l <OV• .,..~1 1 1• FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED 1-TAX & LIC. NEW 1971 FORD STATION WAGON VI, i+tndtrd 111 uip1111d, !II t'V fual .,..;,,;., .. (.onirol, au+o,..1ti1 ire111,,.i1· 1ien, 1·411•!4 htl+..I white wi ll lir11, pow1r 1+11•i119, FACTOll:Y A llt <O"· oiitioni119, AM •1dio. li"trcl 91111 com• plrtr. ( IA40H21 s••l I . • • • • Demonstrators Now on SALE • • Over 37 To Choose It's w•ll worth howla9, It's • • suewdr1 ............. ,......... • From At Tremendous • All thlt and you cu us• Jt .. • key hold• ..... d '"· "'·· ,.. • SAVINGS • th• askln9l! • •••••••••••• TAKE VALLEY VIEW OFF RAMP FROM FREEWAY . WJ DON'T CAIE WHHE YOU IOUGHT YOUI CAI WI WOULD LIKE TO SERVICE IT ·SUNS£T D ---------~ .... .._-~~ .. ~~, ____ °"';__,-.:Ht••··~ }J.1¥· .. ----~ .. --•• ...__ '' .... ~~ . rr--1 • ·1..----i ---•·· ···-----·-----' I I l: Q IWL Y PILOT S•turd1y, Jut, 17, 1971 DICK TllAC:Y . . .. NOW WMIRI DO , '100 TlllNW I SHOUUI TOii 1TP .. • ~ .... TUMILEWl!l!DS ;' l.IMr'IP LIZARP, PMR 80Y, I 5ENT ' i l l J !- ' ~ • • ' . • ' ~R YOU ro ACKNOWl.EPGe 'THE WOllPfllFUJ.. BIRTflPAY PRESENT ~OU GAVE Mo! r::rf~' Mun AND JIPP ~l,L.O,Doc!SOR~Y l'l> CALL YOU !OJ THE M IDDLE or: THE NIGHT BUT 1 F EEL SICK' : FIGMENTS ' ' ! tt ' ' L, i: if PLAIN JANE \VOW! 1-lERE c.ot-1£S T~TOJTE i=RENQ-\ POOOLE!! ACROSS ") Dtslructlve TflANKS,CH<Hi. .. I FIOOr.il~D ITWUZ IPllll. P!~ 'THE MAN WHAT HAS EVER'THING-! 'JAf tf/H.i WO'W\ :Sl-4E€ BEAUTll=UL!! l Outbrc Ptnlnsula ' !:I -: Clit1p cigar: 51a"9 10 lt.!1ss Lo llobrlglda 14 Ptr\Jinm11 winds 45 Wt11y -47 Cud "8 Nrw Economic: PEANUTS to Anus 15 Ont Iha! is adort~ l b Bus!les l 7 Contrary to fac t l a Olovr r-: Enolish ~t 20 Movr abovt r~pidly 21 5-n~ll mar int Policy: Abt:r. SO Btcamt grn!ler in J!litilde SZ Noblrman .51i Point in an rcctntr ic crb it 57 St11 t : Abbi'. ' .58 Plays 1 7.17 '71 11kul t lt 7 RtflU\t JD Hav if'IQ bttn bC Prnll)<Wtigllt!.: S hfrct1nvs ICJ'mrrly Abbr. ~iral d•stast 37 Primr\1vt wiml ~J S~y ovrr ag~11 ~One's fatht•: inslrumtnt b5 n,~! w tn St~rJ}: 2-11..yds 39 F~.,.,~1 l•11i ,n!ly l O l •Q ' 5!an g 9~"'011nq 6~ DPs trl f,at11r' J J Jargon ten I er t111s!~c ·~'l 67 R•ver o! 12 ···-D,1me: 41 Pr nm~t·~ 22 ~1n,r~I from r~l~"'t p,1 . .-, whicl1 ~ f,~ $11~119~ r~l'1•~r~: o~ t1e~1 11•g, m'ta l can bt f,'1 R1~tr of H~des 13 ()·~11~~ lor 0.,~ f'xlracltd 70 l~wer i11i 11l(. nl ~~l::ir 46 Of tile: Fr. 23 Ctltsll1I body 71 Al1ic1n cat 19 5"'a\1 rlanl 49 Gasoline in 25 R()'IO.·ers shoot Bril11n 27 F1l9htt11 DOWN 21 C.iy or 51 Shott pit ce of llW'ly: 2 W'Ords Snuth Korea threaded pipt 30 Pung~nt lllYOI' l Anglrr's 24 M~~ltr of Edu-52 Potls 3l"Prstrr by con• 1ccesscry cal11J11: Abbr. 53 Eskimo nallY t stint scoldlnf. 2 ~ussian st~ 21> B11tf, petty 54 Abo1Jndin9 1r1 32 lll1n-to-m1n J Orylno agtnt: no~r"l IJ'PClpiUrt lon fights 2 wi;,"ds 27 Cozy 3 5 Sw1p 3' E" -4 Chns!i~n 2E Sp.tnhh houst 39 N. Amft'ic•n 38 Ccns\lher mi"\strr 29 N~tlJI~! Indians 40 ,Rf!!IOYe soktile 5 Chtmic al apt it1ide 61 ~~pit, fir ont 50 LONG. F~IENO .. ~.\\'E . A GODO 'TIME-. JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH D'll<IAAllT"E By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith O.K.lLLMEET YOU IN YOUR OFFICE IN 'TWENTY MINUTES! By Dale Hale By Frank Baginski ll4ERE GOES WCOD5TOCK o;.F lJ -"' £A6LE CAMP •••• :· .. ~ ~ IJ ~ -· : ~ I . , . . ' -· ~. 'mstitui "ts s111f i( JJ Stns1l i0o'1al b2 Causrd by ~col1tlon fi Ctrt~in ptdal hr~dlines 10 dtp1rt llEALLY? THEY~E ve1tv SCA~CE :IR" 42 Char1c!rr •~lrt m it1rs: 35 Nav~I wMrant IA Slate: Abbr. of sourd 2 words 0111,~r bS Droori ----,1 I J.» ' S"'IS 1-lE .JUST SPOTTED A /MX)SE, MSS PEJ\CH '! ; i I ! PERKINS AIWUND 1-<Elre ! " MOOSE? -----------. Ll'L AINER GORDO MOON MULLINS ANIMAL CRACKERS HOIJE<{, DON'r AKE A~~ '5UDDEN MOVES10I<! Rf.61 SfER RA!?. HE'S YER~ AMllTIOO$,, I AA , A:l YOU A!l 50UJTiL')' SWE.AR YOU 51\W "' MOOSE? By Charles M. Schulz HE HA$ NO DESIRE "'ll ENP vr !lflNG A SPARRO'.J .. ., '1 By Harold Le Doux By Mell :t HE!le8Y AIJ50LUfELY SWE•lt r E:lfHER SAW A MOOSE, OR TWO '7UY5 GC11NG W A MASQUE~DE PAf'.TY., 11 I /,;-:7 By John Miles t ,, I"\· fh .._,,,., .. j f ...... l)'>~l .. 10 J (I').~ .. ·' ' ~. Tm STIANGE WOILD ~ By Al c:·app • By Charles lorsattl By Ferd Johnson By Ra9er BoUen DENNIS THE MENACE •. ----·--·--·-·--- ' ~: ~-------···-------... -.. --.. ,. ____ _. ~ ...... _,. .... ,..,, , .... -............. . S.t!urdaf, Jiiiy 17 }q71 D"l V P!lDT !3 Everyone Hos Something Thot Someone Else Wonts DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Con Sell It, Fin d It, T rod e It With o Want Ad The Biggest Mark~tplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results I~'---[ __ ,_ ...... _,J~I ..._ -_ .. _ .. ~!~ I l~I General COOL POOL Large heated pool for tons of summer fun . \'ou'll like this 3 bedroom, family room home with all its carpeting, draperies, electric built-in kitchen, 2 baths and it's close lo school and shopping. !las existing VA loa11. Reduced to sell 110\v, at $:l3,950. * ltalcd •·X" This extra sharp. aln1ost ne\V split level 4 Bil , 3 B:\, huge game rin. family rm, 3 car gar, 3-ton refrigeration. ankle deep shag lhruout, cus tom drps. fa bulous drop li ghts. Profess. ld sc:pg & sprinklers .. A.ssume 7'~ VA loan. Q\vner anxiou s ~ . $42,650. * Best Things Con1e in 3's Like this l lh block from-the-beach "TRI- PLEX", has a 3 BR, 2 BR. I BR unit. Lots of shag carpeting, ne\v builtlns and in top shape. TERf\llS ! ! Get on the band \va gon for ..... $76.950. * Golf An yone? l·lere.'s a Triplex . jnst a "9·iron" shol from the Costa J\'lesa Gol f Course. Live in the own- ers plush unit \vi th its 3 berlroon1s. 2 ba1hs. fireplace, buil t-in kitchen. heavy s hake shag in all three units. \\'hilc the other t\\'O units produce good income. A. \Vinner at ~55.500. * $SS Stre tcher Get two for the price of one, in lhis n~wly decorated CdM DU PLF~X. Separate units, 2 oversized garages. close to :>hopping, Sn. nr the high\vay. i'l urry, they d on't \;i~I al $51.750. * (ash a Prohl.e111"! If you want to buy but feel you don't have enough cash · opportuni ty 1s knocking. Here's a real family sized home (3300 sq. ft.) 2 s tory, 5 super bedrms. 2 112 ba, family rm, formal dining rm, 2 fireplaces. VACANT and r eady for imnlediate occupancy. Lease/option -lo\V, Jow dO\VO. $43,950. General {Formerly Delancy Real Estate) 2828 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. General BAYCREST 1718 Marl in Woy (off Shipwoy) Open Sunday I to 5 Oulslanding 3 bedroom, 3 bath, separJte for- mal d ining r oonl. Family room \\'ith fire· place. Room for pool. . . . . . . . . . . . 562.500. DOVER SHORES -VIEW 1906 Santiago Dr. Open Sat. & Sun. I to 5 ~pacious 2 story entry sets the tonf" for that ;,open feelini:::" r verybociy '''ants. Custom 4 bdrm .. 3 bath, lrg. family rn1 . Vie\\' fron1 every room. . S83.000. ROY J. WARD CO., Realtors 1649 Westcliff Or., Newport Beach 646-0228 General 4 BDRM., 2 BATH $12,795 Bu ilt On Your L•nd -1313 sq. It. /i\'ing arra -All la th .~ pl~.'5tf'r -H&rd'>''OOd cabinets -Breakfast bar -Puliman ba th~ -Spaciot1~ warrtrobr~ JUST $9.53 SQ. FT. Planning~Design.f<lnanclng "1400 Homes & Apartment! built Qnce '57" CALL 537-0380 10666 \\'eslminster Ave, G.G. OPEN SUN 10 to 4 [!;) ~uf.AN. ~NQ -SALE-LEASE or LEASE-OPTION Rr,u111luJ tn-h•1rl r>.r< Ull\f' hu111f" • only 9 n1onth~ old. Ir SP.l\P.KLES' 2•. Bath~. .J bedroon1~ t ,\tas1er "1lh .~i·11ng 1oomJ. Ian1iJy r oon1, t1l'1ie enclosed, feril-etl park· J 1kc yard. 0Wf'l('f' transfrlT· ('d,. Quick pos.ses.~ion possi- blt•. $·11,950. Call 515-8424 iopcn eves. I -MOTEL- 12 L"Nl !"!' ~· COfFEE :SHOP 1 IG' x !82' t"Vl'nrr. r11a.)Or h1J;h'1 ay, Coif ff' ~hori lr>a~ f"rl. S~:JO. n1on1h. Asl>umr rx1;).1ing SS0,0011. l~t ·r.D. sw.0110 down. • R-2 Lot-55'x209' 1111h .3 bedroom homf', P.00111 i:.nd plans for rhrrr n1urr tu111s. sn.:i00. PETE BARRETT REALTY ZAP! PRICE SLASH 0111\f'r ~,1.1~. "SELL ,'>;QI\' ... .": BR. lan1. 1·111 .. Hi t' pool. \IJ bltn;;. B<";,IJ I. lnd~i·pd. \\", 'l(\:'lif/ Ju.~ury. ltr1tur•rtl In $-11.2,'i(). KEE P YOUR COOL In lhis 1n1n1ac .. 1 BR. hon1r: 1nagn1f1Cf'llT. 0{.'(';111 view. Conver!. drn, :: Patin~. S1 rrct to sire.Pt 101. Qt11 f'1 Cnrn<'r de! f\1ar area. Only S:ll.000. SEMPLE .1 \f.:!:ll ADJACENT WESTERN WHITEHOUSE ~,in C!('n1l'ntc-Pr1va1" BPaCh· General MACNAB -IRVINE Fl NE R HOMES PIER & FLOAT-NEWPORT ISLAND Priced for immediate sale. $89,500. Decora· tor's 2 BR, Den 2 bath hon1e. Fabul::ius kitch· en. Covered patio terrace faci.11g Balboa Coves. VACANT VIEW LOT-BALBOA Near Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Includes architect's plans-$25.000. NATURAL BEAM CEILINGS-CLIFFHAVEN .A. \varm rustic four bedroom honie. Jots of natural \vood and brick. Pool .size yard. J:irited belo\v Flit\ appraisal. Call 110\v to ::cc. SPECTACULAR NEW IVAN WELLS MODEL \'isit this oulslanding llC\I' lv<in \\lel!s Fllodc! llo1ne. Breathtaking Bay \'ic\1". beau tiful pool. .) bedroon1.<=. 5 balhs. luxurious family roorn \\'Llh \\!Cl b;ir. forrnal dinin:! roo1n. OPEN DAll.Y. 2006 f.alaxy. f)over Shores. SPARKLING SPANISH-BAYCREST Authentic old Spanish charm, Double d oor Spanish tiled entry. Sunken living room. splendid forn1al dining room, richly panel ed family room, Spanish style bricked court· yard. Only 4 years old. Call now to see. OWNER WANTS HAWAII EXCHANGE condo or home. Clamorous 3 BR-beautiful 'valled pool \\'/fountain -protected from \\'ind. \'ear·r ound sunning. for sale or rent Sepl. I. LINDA ISLE BAYFRONT \l"ith Pier. Slip. C"harn1, Prestige & Pr1vaey. 4 large BRs -4' i baths -fR \\I 1bar. P ro· fcss1onally d ecorated & landscaped. Open Sunday 1·5 p.m . .=15 1.inda Isle. $177,500. WANTED a family to care for my flo\ver garden. picnic on my beautiful patio, rhtldrcn to 1vatch 'f .\t . in my den, and enjoy the 1A•armth of my teil- lng to floor brit'k hearth, a family to love inc'! $27,250. MAGNIFICENT MEREDITH GARDENS 'l'ruly gorgeous ~ BR, 4:ul-dc-sac hon1e. Pro· fc~s1o nally deco rated & landscaped. Large F[{ w/Ff'. Please drivt' by 2005 1 !Vlid\and, lluntington BraC'h, then (·al l li?:"i.~21 0 for appt. SAN JUAN CAPI STRANO r:state s ize Jots. Panorain1c Vieu· uf Valley. J\lountains a nd Dana Jll. Fl·1arina. Several t 1.2 acre parcels in rolling hill s \11/casy access to ~.D. free1\•ay. l lorse'i \Velcomc. Plenty o( r oo1n for spacious hon1e, pool. barn, corrals, pasture. $21.000 lo $25,000 per arrc. RARE BUY ON LIDO ISLE Elegance con1bined \V/su perb crafts1nanship in this exceptional hon1c. Dramatic LR \\I/ cathedral ceiling -5 BR -6 baths -DR - den/library -FR -3 car gar. The ultimate in privacy on 3 estate size lots -Tremen- dous value ~2 1 5,000. HARBOR VIEW HOME Best buy, 01\·ner transferred lo Lh1cago. 4 BB -Fl? -DR -JJaler1no f\fodcl. .'-\vailable 110111 -no 1va1 t1ng -$:'i2,950 -including land . 1939 Por! \Vrybridj!C' Opf'n Sal & Sun. 1·5 p Ill . LUXURY AND VALUE Fine tonstrut.:t1011 -luxurv -"• tornforL ;ire blended rn lh1<1 4 Oil -~·R ·_ pool home \\' « 111c1v of \\"aler &: mountains. A spaciou<; artnnn lends atino~phcre ~'\· flexibil ity ;n th 1~ <'\t1 t1n;:: hon1e fnr you &· your po!>ses:.ion!'>. "02,500 MACNAB -IRVINE 642-8235 675-3210 f,'Onl communily, r:>.l·lusivc 901 Dover Drive 1080 B•yside Oriv• C~111us !':ihorf'. panoram1r Newport Beech v1rw Jo1, S29 . .'(I() ruu fee 01,·1wr~h1f1 or $19,500 pu1·-~ ~hasl'S 60 yr lcas<'hold. F lrx-General Gener•! 1hlc f1nanc1rw:-. 01vner·BUSl· fl('~s (805~ '.1Z7·l454· l---B-A_Y_S_H_O_R_E_S __ DOVER SHORES EAS TBLU FF Bl•aul. warrrlron1 cu~lom Vie w OOme. 1148 Santiago Or. '°"~ < ~ ''"'"•"·"floe. Be~ moy. '"'°'· O BR. 4 b,, B<"auliful 111<'w Jiomr o\"f'! .. pool; on 87 fl. 101, ru1f'~1 Ac'a ptabl'" fioor plan ror l(.>;1k1n.:; !hr Batk Bay. You 'll long wit lf'r v1"" of 1110111 r 1llplr or J;::r. lamil.1'. 1'>;f'n•ly lo vf' thr ronm,v ~ Behm I.· channr'. $.>9::.1:i0. By :\ppt. drror;n"d. By app·1. S~l.000 11a!n11t 11<1nrll'(I tlrn Srpar. BUI Grundy, Realtor Bill Grundy, Realtor atr •hn1n::: l.: k11 eh<'t1f'ltf' . .'I ll Buys1dr. NU G7;1·hllil '.Ml Bay~idr. NB ti7:1.G161 ~Pf'c 1:1l lighlinc lhruou1. For th.ii 11f'm-untff'r-$.JO, Dail.v Pilot \V11.nt Ads have l~il't:" .1a rd. C.>11n"r 11~~~1~11! try !hi' Prnny Pinchrr b.ir.:;ain.<= italore. rlf•l'll•. A.~k 111;.: only 'i.1..: .. hO .. l~,.:...--,--'------I -- \\"alkrr lfr Lf'f' \11 L,f'v1nr General G•neral 545.9451 1~G~.~ •• ~,.~1!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!',G~en~o~r•'l!!l!!!!!!l!!!!!!l!!!!!!l!!!!~1·-~$24,950--SHORECLIFFS BEACHES PRIVACY FOR EVERYONE Tht: childr'n ha\'' theU' bed· rooms and family room on one level. ~om and Dad·~ masll'!r bedroom. 11uitr on 1tno1her. Thi-re arr rlcck11: and l.erracrs to f'nha.nce 1n· dooMul-door f'nterttiinini;: 11nd beiril or all for Dad ·Ins tl\\.11 ofti~ AND II \"f'r)' 'pccial {"OCkrnil 1nuni;:c. lnt11 or house for $65,IQ). C111l Newport Beach Owner's Loss Low cltJ\\.'n, low monUily J>l'IY· men1~. ncl'lr bea<"h, \'acanl, clean. 3 BR. !.111' BA, 2 story homt:. lmmrd1ately poS.Sf'!I· ~on. Ne"'· ~hag carpets thru· oul. Con~ider tradf'. Lachenmyer Realtor no1\• for llJ1 11ppnui1mrnl Mr· 67J-8j,j(). to Call 616-:':!m i EVl'~. 673. 7:.i:I -INCOME - PROPERTY $'.{Iii. )'11tivc~ you Jn lfJ ljlJ<Jl•fl"tl lntyl'r SHERWOOD. REALTY 5 Bdrms Oen + Family Room Primf' Joca rh;in. Miit:"" family 1m, bw1r·1n range + ovf'n, fort.'r"CI air hcatin& unit, na · tu1al 1••ood c11.blne1~. Jlrt:'- plR('f'. bkr., open hi 9 pm. 5.W-I 72fl. TARBELL 2955 Harbor ~TURTLE-ROCK~ l3road1noor bratHy, l hrd· m-lmf;, 2 hath~. Br!!cr than nrw k only $-12,'100' CORBIN- MARTIN Go with these 2 Corona de! ~Jar ho1nes * 3 BR. & de n (or 4 OR .) w/sunset vie~,.. & poolsized _yard. . .. $46,750 * 2 BR. W/secluded yard. Lovely lanai & lgc . hld. pool. . . . !43.500 WATCH THE BOATS l-"'ro1n k1tch .. !iv. rm. & m str. BR. of th1 s :l BR. 2 ba . c;orona de! f\.'f ar bayfronl beauty with beaches on both s ide.~. . 1128.000 HOME SHOW REALTORS .lf.35 f..:W.1 Co1t~I High"'·ay Coron• df'.I ~IRr CALL 540~RE :A~L~T~O~R~S_...::::::.;::::,i...:..:~:..:..;._ _________ ~-~-' ----· LJf ------' ' i\) --- ·G·'-"-'-'-'-l~~~~~~~G-•_n_,_,_,_1~~~~~~-l .G_•_•_•_•_•_l~~~~~~·l * BAYSHORES * 1 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 I 2771 BAYSHORE DR. l'Hl\'A"I .. ; lit:ACll t'0,1\1\ I \"!TY.(1ul>f' to ,,nd.v b<'t1ll1. 1 lid1111.<=, .! 0<11!1s, .... pa1111r 1!111 ;u·ra, lg•'. 111 r<)oni. l)l•a1nrd re1lu1gs. 11·1 w i'PI • $.'i2,j(Y.I. ALSO OPE.'\l SUNDAY J.5 2531 CRESTVIEW DR Lgr. 2 bdrm. lgc. 11v. room, bnck fireplace. }'./\. heat, l!.linot>I n('\V <:pt • .~,:i<X>, I ' I * CllFFHAVEN * I KINGS ROAD f.',,.,,11,.111 lo1·allvn ·; lid,.111 I ,\• ill'n, '.' lo;ilh!< Pl.ll." ;.:tlf','I q11a111•1·c; ,(· h;dli 11 \'11·~\V. h••a tf'd f, l1l 1r1" rl l'O(JI. • • •!>id 1!11~ ~:1i,~~jl! MILLION DOLLAR VIEW ('U!-.1'0:\f AUILT bomf' load. f'd wllll QUALITY fearu11•s. ~ hdnu .. 3~~ bath~. /OJTIHtl din. roo1n, ran11Jy t'OO•TI. bf'autilully decorairrl, hr111 · <'d k filter/>d POOL. y,·ith .lacu-.::i:i. :l f'ar garage . Can be purchaM"o:I furnished or 11nfur11. i\lu~! be sho1111 by apr><nntmC'nt.CALL TO SEJ:.'. "C" THOMAS Realtor 1 '.':!1 \\'. Coa~t lh1y. '.1ts.:~·,~7 1 ·''"""I "'"'" £"" 01.~>"61:: G.I. REPO . COSTA MESA l Bf'dl'oom hon1P on hlli!" 101 "1rh fru11 Jn'"'· patio ancl a ~prrial \1ork .mop 11nd ~lnrai:;e roon1 fvr Dad. Boal X lra1l1>r a(·rrs~ IO rf';Jl' y11rd also. 118..~/~lo llll)'~ '111 Wllh $)1JM) '101\11 phi~ .~."12."1 1•lns1ng <"lls!. Don'I 11.111 .. ,. hr~flatf' $22, 150 N•wport •• F1irview 646-8811 I {1nytim•) ·M-ESA -VERDE -I $26,950 Paymrnrs Jr~~ than rent .!t S2J.1 11 ~lonlh, pay~ evf'ry. rhing. With assumahle h1.e;h halalll'f' i::-ovrrnmrnl IO<Ol. Ab~olutr!y braullful i11s1<l" 11nd ou1. Tref'~. f1~h po11d, ro1·f'1'C'd p;i110, oversrird u::ir- Ri:r. <l1n111g roon1, kilchcn r ei11ni.: 11rra. -' BPdroom 2 l),11h. Lo\\f"Sl prwr i11 .\1f'sa Vr1·dP Hurry, jui;! ]1~1,.·d. Call :11Q.Jl:11 (Opf'n f'\'f'.~I. * ** * * * TAYLOR CO. FIVE BEDROOM CAPE COD -179,500 S1l ilt:1ou:-; Story Book hon1e 1n Baycrest \l'l lh lge. run1pus roon1 & for1nal d ining r ill. ;\ dr111e-thru garage, Space for pool. Excellent area for youngsters. lm 1n cd. Pos.ses:;ion. POOL -PALMS -PRIVACY 4 Bdrm, DR, huge lot, incl. roo1n for boat & trailer. Centrally Jocated for schools, s hop- ping. playground. Pool area truly tropical. Auto. Sprinklers , . . , . . . . $55,000 1701 IRVINE OPEN SAT-SUN 1·5 30 LINDA ISLE -1155,000 l·:nJoy the prestige of tiv1n ).! on this e.xclusiy e 1sh111d , Spacious NJ::\V 4 BR hon1e \\'/fan11l y !'Ill, dining t"tll & .s tudy as· .s tep-dO\Vn LR . :!. Le vel i\la~trr I3 1l \V / fircpl. Private bath 11·/each bcdroon1 . 1 stor.\ Spani:-.h Kitchen . ll l.INO.o\ ISLE or 1~:N S.'\'r.suN 1·5 30 LINDA ISLE -1160,000 Brand ne\\' 4 BR hon1e \\l/fan1ily rm .. study ~~ DR. 2nd floor features a huge sundeck ac- cessi ble to all bedrooms. Just a touch or for· m ality here. Q\vner will cons ider an ex· change or lease w/option -$1,200 mo. LINDA ISLE -$250,000 'l'he ultimate in Luxury Jiving. R ich decor in beauti.fu l 5 BR home fac ing the lagoon . }<.,am . rm., formal DR .. 4 baths & plush po,v- der rm. heavenly air-cond. & pier slip. LINDA ISLE -$145,000 Char1ning and beautifu l~ Best \vaterfront buy! 5 BR. fan1. rm. & formal dining. All electric kitchen. \\'Cl bal' in FR. Italian tile entr y. Frpl. in n1.str. BR. Pier/slip. 107 LINDA ISLE OPEN SUN. 1-5:30 WATERFRONT SPECIAL! $135,000 EXCLUSIVE BAY ISLAND <'.harn1 & quiet atmos phere is a well kno\11n feature of this exclusive Island with park & tennis ct. Older but livable bay{ront home \\1ith 5 bedroon1:-. P iE'r & slip. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANC Y -154,500 ,., ('orona del Mar ho1ne plus rf':nlal in rear. l~ovety tree-lined slreet. 3 Blocks from ocean. J1earned ceil ings . .s hutters, ''"/w cptng. 515 POI NSE'ITIA OPEN SAT & SUN 1-5 30 DOVER SHORES WATERFRONT r;1a.111orous ne1v "European style" e xte r ior. 5 13drms. plus maid's roon1. 1.ar ge patios, pool, pier & slip, By appl. . lil75.000 CAMEO SHORES -11 75 ,000 'l'ry r . .;changing your s1nallcr borne (or this luxury 4 BR & den. f\.1ost beautiful patio. PO?l & lana i in area. Lge. rms. & qual ity built thruout. Choice corner site '11/vie\v, CAPE COD ON CRESCENT BAY Attention whale-\vatchers. s urf-riders. s un- bathers! Beautiful 5 Bdrm \Va ler-oriented ho1ne. Pegged firs . c edar closets. Sl 75,000. ''Our 26th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 21ll S41n Joaquin NEWPORT CENTER * * * * Hills Road 644-4910 [ y :'1.,':; I 1 Gon ... 1 I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii * * Gen•r•I * FlXER-UPPER TRl-PLEX ~p,1 11l~h ["f'ri t1lf' rnofr•d i l1f'rl 1'<)0111 b1•ilSf' I\ lllJ !, ~lllJ:)t• l•r dr1101n ,1p;,1•11111•11!' 1111 lli.'J(() ~q II lul. IJ11\1nln\\1I l.asl.•lflr of co~ta ~l i:s.~. Fii· !111'" ll·•I p<>r Cqs1a ,\1f'Sa rnas!rr plan. (),1·nf'r anxiou.~ 10 Sf'll . A-*lllJ:" l.\().~ :-\11b· mil all offer~. Qv.·nf'r l\'fll hf'lp finance 67]..s!iJO. \-0' THE REAL \"'-ESTATERS -' '' . ' ' . $21,600 3 Bdrm + Den P ete Barrell lea /t'J p•·ejen.l:i DOVER SHORES VIEW-M~~E -IN CONDITION. Elegant 4 bedroom. d1nin~ room and family room horne. 1\dult occ upied. Well priced at ~89,500. 1124 Santiasio Open Sun, J.S UP THE STREET NEW OFFERING -BAYCREST -Like new 4 bedrooms and family room. pool - heated and fil tered . lovely covered patio and sprinklered gardens. Fenced sid e yard fo r boat or camper. !69,950. For detalJ.c; - 642-4353 ··~lovt 1n · •'Ondll1011, ptrmf' !oca t1on. f'nlry hall, ~pd•'-I OCEANFRONT 1011~ riJ01n~ rhruou1, I 1 n" BASK ANO SWIM -in your front yard. <t1J1tlt1 ,v hu 1ll·1n r:in.i:" + 0'· 1 2 slory, 4 bedroorns, familv room and dining "11 1 11, .. h,,;,~hrr, ui f'r.~11"<1 roorn. neat and romfortable. R·2 planned to lq t1•h"n. p:11'11 l.1kf' yard. hrh., I ' ~ '" 1•120 ('Onvert to d•1rtex. $67,500. <!flf'n ti . /I.Ill )w• · TARBEL~L 2955 H"bo', CORONA HIGHLANDS STEPS TO BEACH ON THE HILLSIDE -Tn1n1at u!ate 3 2 ~!y. A-rran1e . lmniac. bcdroorn hon1e \Vith heated and riltered pool. ,·nnd. At\·ri.~ 10 pools. 1"11· riimil y room \Vith fireplace. covered patio 111~· .1 urt, J. llalhi;. $.U/IOO 'vith \Ve t bar and vieur deck Price of $58,500. CAYWOOD REAL TY 6306 "'· Coa<:t Hwy., N.B. includes land. ,_ su.i 29o -I BALBOA PENINSULA f DOVER SHORES BALCONIED BEAUTY -with ~ahlor· VIEW nia flair. Roomy 5 bedroom home built on 1 $8:i.OOO By 1J11·nrr........:.'>48·012~ two lots, buil t·in kitchen with londs of coun- ASSUMABLE FHA le" and cupboards. family room with wet r Only $·l6'l'.l do11n bar and pool tablr. 4 baths, large \\1alk-in • 4 hh:: IX"rlronm clo~cts. lot!; of storage -much, much more. • r11n1 ily r()(lm $1 25,000 . It Mr~a 1lrl ,\i11r ::irr.1 • Vr ry ~l\arp + / lf'f!!l • °'"""r n1a.v t.\fry smnll :!rvl TD + Prit'f' orih• SJ.~.J "1 10 0:111 516-2'.113 j .... Office Open Saturdays & Sundeys PETE BARREl;T REAL TY 1605 We1tcliff Or., N.B. 642-5200 Salisbury Realty OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-S 530 KINGS ROAD ('l1Uhavf'n, N.B, Nier 2 BR. A· il1·n houu• \1'1!1 lrade tor aJ>I . Ill" tllJJ)l"l<' *BALBOA ISLAND-k ON RUBY Strps lo No, Bay IU'. choice ~w1rnming tx-ach. Cu!'lom huilt . decoraror's call)Cl!: & dra(lf's. Gorgeou.~ J.sland home. Garagr $trrssed far apl. (.;REAT POTENTIAU ON OPAL I \r ."'1. Bay. Nice ol<l<'r Mme ,11!11 n1•. nrw 11ual!ty 2 BR. 11nt. rrn· 11·a.v 11"'-~ 1han ,.,.. 1 11la<"t'lll• nl o·nst .t-u11nf'r v.·1 t <lll'I",\ 11!1• 11'\l'I d!•l'd, ON DIAMOND .! fl••1 ln~11n hou~" on front ft[ 1<1• 11 i1h nr<ll' 11r1v 2 bdrm. a1Ji "'4'1" olouble garage on rf'a1·. Ullerrd '\<1.y bclo1v ft· p!a•·l"'1n1•n1 •'Os!.~. $59.JIJO. LITTLE ISLAND On Abolol'K'. Very JJicr & llfl9.f 11• a pin 2 BR., 2 Ba. )'f'Jd' '11lt1nd home plu~ Vl!J'Y niar 2 BR. Rpl. Just reduced ;7,500! ... ON GARNET Nice duplex, just redllt'ed 110,00'.l for immediate Nie. Th ts will not last -call ust Salisbury Really , lli MARINE AVE. ti7J..6900 BAL.BOA ISLAND Country Eleqanc:e In Mesa Verde 3 Bdrm. Home I Lt., Bath, covered patio, a,r. pr1:o;., drapes, quiet i;lrttt, iz~.500. Term:o1. Roy McCardle Realtor 1810 NC'v.'Jl')T1 Blvd., C.M. 548-7729 D-;ilYPilot Wan!Ad.! ba.W: bar1i11 ins ~a.!orf'. HIRJSI" E Ol.SO\ "' REALrORS OPEN 1 Dt\ YS A \VEEK 1 ACRE RANCH COLONIAL I 4 :-DEN + 4 BA "HORSES" WALK TO LAKB BACK BAY AREA Unbchf'vablc! Quiel tree linf'd St. to lhi.'5 gorge- ou.~ "old 'vorld charm- er." 4 1nas;;:ive bedrooma -1-huge paneled family room! 2.Y picture 1vin- do1v in Jivin.(!' room "'ittt unique fireplace. Lar~e 2JO sq. ft drcanl .kitch- rn. Wall or J<]&ss opens \o f'lrvA.tcd patio with spr.ctacular vie1v. Zoned for horsrs. Truly tl show- plac". Great area for children. i\lust sell quick. DIAL 645-0303 BANK SAYS SELL Rtduced Tkou1ands SPANISH $29,300 J:\" ~'ORECLOS URE ! ! VACANT?! Bank want~ " ra ... l ~rll. :J bii; bed· rooms.. Extra large fam- ily room. Sharp end cleen 3 yf'Br old homr, Caqwt~ and drapr,s in~ ~uded. Completely 111.nd- l!CApe<l. Huge • huge •II fcncf'd in yard. Ext.s ting 6 ·~ '%-loan con br as~ l!lllmed \\/Ith ]IJ\V dOWll. Also -<"xccllrnt reli- nnnc1n11: ava.llabJe. Don't 0f']R)" DIAL 645-0303 HlR[\I L Ol~O\ " NFA' ro"'' _____ ;-:. -;:, ~~.~a~-l~ly~-:::;;P~,i~lo~='._:_:~=~~-=·-=-•i:f:_l•: .. :cl: .. ::._:'..·~,=': .. ".:_,"'"',,,'ho,,,',,,· c ...... •• .. M':.~..1l_ t I • I . ' Sit~, Julr 17. 1"171 CALL FOR OUR PICTURE BROCHURE OF CURRENT LISTINGS OFFICE OPEN SAT. I. SUN. IAYFRONT -REDUCED Beautiful Bayshores bayrron l \\'/6 bdrm:i;., fam. rm. & den. 63' Terracr overlooking the boating fun. Will C'onsidcr ~'rly. lease. 0\vn- ers have purchased ranch so 1111! sacrifiC"c. $159,500. ~lary l·lar\'ey ON .A .CLEAR .DAY ... or night, you t an see forever from lhis char m ing 3 BR. l.usk /·!arbor View home. Near best school s. ~hop s & the beach. Ex - clusive. $62,950. La\'cra Burns 120' ON THE WATER S99 ,500 In secluded Balboa Coves. Pier & dock. roo1n for 60' boat. 4 Bedroorns. 3 baths. Lovely South patio. Oversize garage. Lots of park- ing. Fee land. 01vner an xious. George Grupe GARDEN OF EDEN Seclusion seekers onlv need call on this one! Three's perfert rOr this 3 bedroo1n - 3 bath -3 car garage, on best Baycrest street. $74.950. Fee and FURIOUS to i;ell ~ Bill Con1stock EASTBLUFI' LUSK HOME Just \\'hat you have been \vaiting for! 5 BR .. 3 Ba. Beautifully landscaped. Formal din. & large fam. rn1. Quiet, no traffic i;treel. $59,950. Harriett Davies FABULOUS VIEW From split-level 4 bdrm., DINING room & family r oom. \Vith 3 car garaee. In Harbor View. \\/ill show anyti 1nc. S74.500 I-Jarry Frederick 10°/o DOWN PAYMENT Award winning ''University" model. in a prestigious area of University P~. 3 B~ .. fam. rm., sep. din . rtn. Great brick patio; lovely corner greenbelt location. S47.500. "Chuck " Lewis NEW BA YCREST LISTING Exciting Ivan Wells atrium home. 4 Bed- rooms. 3 baths. Lavishly decorated. Si tuated on a quiet corner lot 1v1th a large fenced pool. Ne\\' v.·et bar; fan1 1\y roo1n . Eileen Hudson VIEW l'ROM THE TOP Set this lge. 3 BR. '.!. bath ~!arbor Vic\v home that O\\'ner sayi; ''sell at once". Sep- a rate formal din. rn1. & sc1Jarate fan1. r1n . with fireplace: blt-in k it. f{edu ced lo sell now, only $48,500. J\1.ake offer. Art Gordon HARBOR VIEW HILLS Lusk Sausalito. with 3 BR . 2 Ba .. on fee land. 3 car garage. garden &. patio. Home is br igh t & sunny. \\'/great kitchen-fanv."" room. $62.950. Al Fink SPECTACULAR VIEW & LOCATION Few steps lo sandv beach in China Cove. Corona del ~far. 4 Bedrooms. vie\v from all rooms. Extra large loL Beautiful livin~ room \\'ith sun deck. $98.500. ti.1ary 1..ou ti.1arion EASTBLUFF - 5 BDRMS . Great tv.·o·story home for large family. 'rhis popul1r Lusk model ha~ co1y family room \\'/fireplace. 3 car garagE' Rig yard. Roorn for pool. $64,950. C:athryn ·rcnni!le NEED MORE ROOM? "'~ have i 5 BR. hnn1c, located on a "OOd st. in Ba vcrei'l 11 al ~n hai' formal din '" rn1. Fam. rm \\" frpl . 11\". rn1 \\" f1repl;ire. Priced to sell' $:JD.fl~O 1'1. ('. Buie UDO ISLE BAYFRONT PIER & SLIP I?eli~htful is a cood dc~l·ri pt1on of thi~ <h::;· tlncttvt hon1e. Thi.;; ho1ne 1ncorrorates ev - ery item required by the 1neticulous O\\•ner for gracious l1v1ng :l Bdrms .. 4112 baths. $187.500. Gene \'rceland FOR THOSE WHO LOVE A VIEW & FRESH AIR Just lllep~ 3\\1ay from I.he beach is thi." 3 bdrm .. 21h bath &: fortnal dini ng rm. hon1e. located in a most desirable area. ~fa~nifi · cent vie\v of ocean &: Jell\' F:xtra J3r_ge lot for expansion. No11' br<1111l full y landscaped. $89.500. Kathryn Raul ~ton EASTBLUFF-VIEW Owner trans.-4 RR . 2 ba. home "'/1 ge for· mal din. rm, Xlnt kilch & brkfst rm. Se- curely fenred ya rd. S!ll ,000 Ca rol Tatum OCEAN VIEW High bean1 c·eil's. & 2 frplcs. are dis11nctive features of lhis 4 BR . 21r, ba home. Bes t le.itch. & br\;:fsl rm you \\'ill ever see. 3 car gar. 169.500. Belle Partrh. UNIQUE OCEAN & COASTAL VIEV: Enjoy thi~ spectacular scene a~ '\rell as charm & comfort in thiii: 3 BR. plus maid's rm. home, Only !!leps to l..aguna's best swim· Jn.int beach . re~~ed hd'\'d . flrii:. Priv. patio w/)anat & frplc. Owner '''ants offer. S85.000. Bud Austin UU700 644-2~ • 550 NEWPOR'F CENTER,DR., N.11. -. ' I l'RIME LOCATION Quality CUST0~1 three bdrrn. l1vo bath hon1e 1vith Din/rm & Step ~av1 ng Kitchen. Large rear Lv/rrrt. W/Frplc. tlARD\VOOD FLOORS & carpets thru-out. J)bl Gal'., lrg r~ar yard \\I/Fruit trees. Best f.a st Side location, cul- de-s ac St .. near modei'n \\'ESTCLLFF' SHOP· PING fEN'l'KR. :\ must !>Ce at S36 .500 \\·1th 10 ,.o dn. HEARST CASTLE .I\ la COSTA ti.1ES . .\ . _ Posh 16 x 32 S\\ 1n1· 1ning pool surrounded hy aggregate and heavy cement patio. Ch arn11ng 18 x 20 ra1 s~d floor Cabana. Complete "'1th 1ve t bar. refr1g- rrator and bath that doubles as a guest roon1. Inside yo ur home you'll be rle lightcd \vith a stunnnig rose\vood entry, del~1x carp~t1ng. drapes and extra kitchen cabinets quieted bv cork ceiling dining roorn. Jl.!any extras: All ne\v plumbing, teran1ic and t~mpered safety glass enclos ure; three charming b~d rooms. 2 11:i baths. Colored concrete drt\'e leads to ?rlodel Carpenters garage "orki;hop. OUR BEST VALUE A'I' $38.950 -Q\\'llCr \1'1\1 help !inaner. MISS PERSONALITY \\1111 be disappoinled if you don't meet he~· 1oday. '!'he archite<'l \\'rote ''\VELl~O~lE' across the front of thi.~ gla1norous 3 bedroon1. dining room home 11•ith fire pl, hrd/w !loo.rs. l'pts. and drp~. Tree lined street -choice E . .\STSlDE LOCATION Near schools and \VESTCLIF'F SHOPPING 1·enler. A must sec al $29.000 CHARM PERSONIFIED llar rnonious eolor schen1e throughout. I_! you're tired of looking. let us sho1v you 1h1s immaculate Four Bdrn1.. Fam. Rm ., T1~0 Bat h home 1vlth glea1ning carpeted electric kitchen. Double garage. breeze \\'ay. \\"P.lt landscaped including p_lanters. Top i\lES".' VERDE location at a price you can not pa:i.s up-only $42,950, 1rith 1or n do\1•11. ALL PURPOSE - RECREATION ROOM r::: . .\STSIDE COSTA i\1ES.~ l ocatio~ · ~ctive family addition. You'll en,1ny_t h~ 17 x~2 h.igh beam ceiling Fam. Rin. '"1th 1nd1rect hghl1ng, built in se\vin .,. center and n1an~· other extras. Add to this a 'three Bdrm. 1 :~4 Bath home 11·/ fireplace and detached Ohl. g~rag-e \\11 al ~ry access. Centrally located kttc~en-~crvH'E" porch. \'acanl . irnmediate possession. Pr1red to sell at only $29.9.'iO. SHERWOOD FOREST Robinhood place ii; ~ quic1 tree-lined cul-de- sac in EAST COS'rt\ ~1ESA . Your ("hildrcn 1nay play safely ~nd \valk_to excellent sc·hool.~. You 1vil! appreciate the fine ri1od.cl llome con· d i lion: almost Brand-New, Quality sh_ag _car- pets and draperies hy lJ~rrelt f ur.n1 sh1n gs. Relax in your 141'2x19 fa mily room. Easy care J andscapina-sprink!er~. C'omf" sec and br 1·harmed. f'hree bedrooms. I :~:. baths. Only $33.500, 01,1,1ner will help finance. !SALESMEN NEEDED> Big ~ hNJroom t10me v.ith FOR:\IAL 011"\ING, kuchen r11!ull;" a rt•ll 11nd big slC'P• I uov.11 tauuly room. TRIPLE> CA lt GARAGE maktt tor i 11lr11!}' uf slorage or work- :ol"IUp 11rl'a. Close to n1a)Or shopping 111id easy rreeway 11N ·r.>.!t. Take O\'rr V,\ loan, 111th total nionthly p<iynllS'I 1 or S~~l It's all ~our~ for ~JG • .Ul I ~w::f::E I ~REALTORS ! --S~&-4141 - (0ptn Evtnings) --MESA VERDE-- HEAVY 111th a 11~ht prire you ran'!! 1 r~1 <t Prnlrssionally tlPror- llll'd [tvP bedroom m<ins1on \l"Jlh ~ti hath:r<. Df'<'p p1lr "~ho1.1;" rlll'Pf'llng with gor• !:'"ou:r< rnatC'htnf?: dt'Rf"I"~ lr!eal k1ll'h{'n arrttnJ:Pn1rn1 I 11·11h .. ro11n111'' dining room . llullr Pi1lns \lerrlr stonl' lirP·, 1•!?..rr Thi~ hon\f' i~ immacu. l11IP 111 Pl'"l'Y lif't<lil JI 11 ou!d I)(' a p!easllrf lo -;hn11 ii to you. l\l'ar .'llPsa Vr!'rll'1 C(l<.Hllry c_iuh. /\ssun1P !he prr >l'll! lo;in 11'1lh ~011r rl<°l"'ll p·1} 111rn!. CALI.+ Walker & Lee P.PaliOI'!'; I ~1!!0 llarbor Blvd. 11t Adan1~ ~l.>-OIG:i Open '!ii 9·00 P:\1 I EASTSIDE C.M. , 2 HOMES ON LOT, fl rral b11:1 11ho wan!~ adclPd u1ron1r -h1·r in on<' ;ind let ' tlir o11lC'r hell'I make !hr pi\Y- mrn1<. Spot!r~~ ~ lwdroorn.I 1 ', h11th hon1r + 2 bedroom. I b11 !h. These arr clean units! 1111d ready lo movr 10. A cnnd 1n\·c~tmrn1. r .s. 1oom 1 In:· ~arrlrn . Lachenmyer Realtor ' OPE'\; 7 DAYS \\.EF:J.\ j 1~::) "''"POJI Rlld .. c ,, \;!.1 :;~I!~ ]•,\•'~ hlli :il)\9 I CAN'T-FINDiT7 I *\\"IL!~ Bl "ILD .vnur d1'<';11.1 • !101n r. l!av,. ~1a/f ro1· rnm-1 p1r1r h,1111r piH'kacr. P111 .11u1r •'onl1•lr1H·r \n nt•fl 1!'1 \I'll.I~ Of ttUahJ) l u~tOrll h111ne bulld111~. ~,. .. r\a1nple or prnrluc·i "l .1006 t:o11axy, Do\·rr Shoi e~. I Ivan Wells & Sons ~ 646•0555 • 642.211 1 • I 220 E. Stvt nteenth St. ~ (E.17th St. Shopping Ctr.1 1-J llMlll COSTA MESA EASTSIDE RUSTIC I EVENINGS CAL L 5S7:30S6 OR M 2·7438 Gen er 11 ] G;;;• n;;•;;';;•;;I ·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Mean Old I Yo ung Executiv es Qual11 .... h IJ \ J ! HJCJ.\Or:Y nrJ,Ji·:, lllih! hr ,,.1i1 1111- 111rd1"lrl~ '1\1111'1' ;t 11.\11>u~ ;\"•'II' \'J'll'~t>I flf'~\.\' ~iiRkf' r1,,.•I. l •r.1:r hrrlroo111~. •rrr1'!1"d l;in.1 :. lt<1n111 Ill l•111ld ;irldi:1.-u1~1 'Y'nllll 11011 II illl\ In •h'•Pl'lll~ S1111r1 \ 111 ur il l \!! ~JO '.'11hru11 .111 Mother·ln-Law? \l11g1ul1 t·cn1 MOl ho111f' 111 i1 11 Yo•11 '''11 1•1la11J:" h~r 11\lfl)r j•f'l"'-OU1 ~ht\' (;1\ I' hi'!' ;t I ho1nt of hl'r ()1\·n: SrpMr~t,.d ' lrn1 n l"Oll h~· 11 1r1 rl p.d 1" ! Sllr ;·;;o 11~lk lo Hlr !II"''" [ t tll'a1·tir• \ •·•1 1n1;.:111 ,., rn lr11n1 lo 101 r )111' Thi• 2 110 t!JJl!P\ ,·~11 Ir ,\"Ill 101 Sl9.l.l0 (jj:\-S.-.:)11. j CJU, $22,900-- 4 Bdr., 2 Baths l;11n1r ill'f'il. V1nr q uallly con- r•llltP -l1kr ~"tlln~ .'O{)(t ~'1 ti 11 1 fii n1ily \i1 in: 1 llrt!1">nrl1 ~1 , Rath~, :I r;ir I i::~1 f~ll'I .q r t>On11 < rnn1h, plH_IN°\O •lll. Thr 11llu11,11r 111 1r1·1·r;;l111n An<I 1111al11~· 1,1 - 111": ln1n1ril. Ml'>' r,,ll hr ;ir 1··11\1;rd T~kr 11n ln11 1n1r,r,1 •. 11r F ii \loan n1 n11111r .IOIH Ir 1 1l1 • \ 1•1,!)()(1 ~ COATS ~ WALi.LACE REALTORS Open Evening s e 962-'4S4 e struction, t ntry hall, d1n1nr I OPEN HOUSE SAT &. Sti:-i' I I room. 5J!llCIOU~ l1vin:: roon1, 1.:, 442-161h Pl, C."1. (Ea~!- plc!urr 11·i ndoll"s, la11:e m•~+ .'1l0f'1 Rr;i111, "~fll'CU1.Jly CU!'·, I ·1111 l "nlt •ltl !11! ( lpr11 tc>:n HIRIT AGI ~ l lAI. lSf.111 SAVE MONEY flr 1hl< 4 hrill'•'IQ111 + lfl'n f>I' 1 hr\(1~)()11\ :: i')~lh hnn1r 1n ~lr •a ~·rrdr Llri::r ~rnnr ru·rplace, BcauhluJ fro111 ,.. rr~r ya rd~. Only $37.9.iO. Plrn:,e 1·1111 lnr 1n.<prf'11on • :i-16-2313. \-O'THEREAL ,'"\.. ESTATERS ' ' ·, ', I' l ' P \' ll'r Oedroom. drr!'~ing roont, 1 10111 hull! BurC'l..1lf1. ho111r. ~ I hu1l1-1n nri.ngt> ovtn & di~h AR 1 Ra. lq: Jori11I d n1 ri11 4 BR, plu~ ram rm. Elkitrh, wa~hrr bt•k, opr.n 'til 9 l: 2 !Iv, r111~, )of~ of -;1111.~. lg l(lt. S3J.9:JO. 011.·ner. 10"< 1• n1 .J:n 1720 Leon Vibert, Rlt r. On 21 47 A.<.tPr Pl. 54R.-.D371. TARBELL 2955 Harbor ~1l~·OJ8.~ • tii:l-6:,?A An~·11m,. Tlitra.<.trst dra"' in tke \\'!'~ f·a~! nsut!s •r"" Jt:!ll a phOne O°iHJ Pi1ol \\'111nl Ads-hAv' .. 11 O;iil_v Piln! Classifi,d I r11JI 11w11y . 6~-5678 1 b;i,rg11.in11 g&lort. 1 Ad . 642-567p; $~R~}A-~£tr~· Th• Pun/• with th• Built-In Chud.le O ll.or10~ i.tt.rs a4 fti• four K,o,.,bled ....,.di b.. low to for,., four k!l'lplt -d1. L RODFIL r 1 r 1 r 1 LHASFEl t r I r I I 1 ' I· I SYHUBI ! \ As soon os a gfrl ge s er r I I I • divorc•, she v-'• bock h•r . maiden aim: to gtt o new - I LELWOB 1'lll.-'"' 1--r.-."-:-o:CT-,.--f V t.°"'Pl•t. 1tw dlvdJ. qllOled I' I' I' I !)'Oil::~:,~::..~=~ 6 '~INT NUMtlllEO r V lEITf.tS I' I' I' I' I' I' I' r I I I I I I IONJ I I I I • Open Houses THIS WEEKEND II.Ml' tfli1 ••HY orlh.,.Nry wltti y•• tlil. w ... M4 • Y•" t• ••11'*"J"11fl11t. All the IK_,I .. lbtMI Mlew •r• ""''"' I• ••Htef Mtoll llr ..._rthi•t .,, .. w•e+"• 111 tedey'1 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. P•tre iu .......... , .,.. "·-f•• •• 1 •• , .. ,.... .... •rttollll ,. Ii•• •11cll l•for11• .. ri•11 111 tllh c11IM111• '"'" Prl lll..,. HOUSES l'OR SALE (2 Btdroom) 1312 Dolphin Ter., Irvine 673·855-0 (Sal & Sun 1-5) (2 Br & Famil y or Den} **K ·.-\nchora~e \Vay (Lido Park) N.B. 675·1748. !27,500 !Sat. & Sun. 1·51 530 K in~i; Rd. tCltffhaven) N.B. 673-6900 ~Sat. & Sun. 1-5) (3 Bedroom l 41 2 St. Andre\vi; Rd . (f\'pl Hghts) N .B. 046--2414. S29.500. fSun l·SJ 2101 \1 i~ta I-~ntrada A\'e. i\' B. fict4-5975, $42.000. (Sat & Sun 1-5) 174~\ i\'e\v\and St . 847·7li2. S26,900. lluntin~ton Beach !Sat & Sun 11-6) 26\fl Cove St. 1fhina Covel Cdi\I 675-7225 lSat & Sun 1·61 2459 Or<inge. Costi'I ~les a 546-:?313 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 27:! Alber! Pl . Co!';ta l\.1esa 54(;.2313 (Sal. 1·51 712 Larksou r. Corona de! ti.1ar 6i3-"!2:!:! · (Sat-Sun. 1-5) 2:>16 \i"ii;ta {Bayshores) NB '175-4000 (Sat. 1·5) 2303 Valrhill, Ne,1·porl Beach 640-3255 IDatly 1-5) **124 r rysta1 . ..\ve . Balboa Island 67.'l-0597 1213-277·3832 1AU ,1·k.) 220 Kingi; Pl (('\iffhaven) N.B 642-8235 . S38.930 1Sa\. & Sun l ;;~R \'ista <~rande. ·r1ie Bluff ~ fii'.l-8550 <Sat.·Sun I··'' **200 1 B<'tys1clc Irvine. Ne1vporl Beach 67:.1-8550 I Sat. 1-5 I 200."i B<'trranca (131uff:;) 'NB lfij-6000 1Sat.-Sun. J.,j\ 582 Tr::iversc fosta J\lcs;i R75-49:l0 tSun \-;'i) (J Br & F•mily or Den) 72:1 Cameo Ilighlands Dr . Cdi\1 675-7225 (Sat.·Sun. 'J-5) 228 (;oldenrod. Corona del J\lar 675--7225 (Sat.-Sun. 1-5) 520 De1\nza (Corona l·lgl ds ) Cdr.·f 675--7 22.5 tSat.·Sun. 1-5) 2501 ()C'ean 81\'d . Corona del l\.1ar 615-7225 t Sat.·Sun 1-5) 2016 P<i lo m<1 , (~0~l a l\\esll tii3-tiG 12-6i5-6459 I Sun. 1-.l:i) ~(ti \ 1ri. :i.lcotone. 1.ido 1,1e. N.F:. 213-.117-1253 ~66 .')()() JSat. 1-:i) '.!~2 Princeton J)r ~College Park) \~1 S45-32f,O , ~29 950 1Sat &. !-lun S.5l 20:lt; <·nn)lllOdnr<' Rd li~~·-15R9 S52 .. 500 r Barcrest l J'\ B f Daily\ * 1 i 'll\ P en1brokc 1.n fii.1-2 101 I \\'t!lcliff) N. P, 1Su n . l-5\ ·l9il Picrron1. ('0 ~1a ~l csa 675--5930 (Sun. 1-5) 171R 1.l :irlin \\":iy raff Ship\\•ay-Baycrestl N B 646--02.28 (Sun. 1-5) 2401 \.'i<i 1i1arina, I'\e,1•port Beach 67:J-2222 (Sat.-Sun. 1·51 Sil Senate Sl .. Costa ?llesa 040-1151. S21.500. l l 17 Pf"111broke (\Ves tc!iff) fl i ,').. :1000 [Sun. 1·5) N.B. 1Sun. 1·~1 10312 r.1nnilor. lluntington Beach 962·332.J. S31.SOO 1Sun. 1·5\ JQ4:l San1ia$:O. J\'c 11'port BtJch 646·7171 (Sat. 1-.'il 2402 Or<"h1d llil!. Costa ?11e!'ll. 646-7171 !Sun 1 -~l *'.!9:15 .lava Rd . \l\.lc~a 546-5990 Verde l f'.J\f. (Sal. 10-ll 1318 Santanell:11 /Irvine Terr l N.B. 675·6000 ISun. l ·~\ (<4 Btllroom) 2024 P nr1 \Veyhridgt (1-larbor \'ie"·) f\.B. 675-7~25 (Sat.·S\ln. 1·5) 2100 Dovpr, Ne,rport Beach 646·7171 1Sun 1·5\ *1701 Irvine. N.B. 644-4910. 155.000 I Sat & Sun. 1.5,301 (4 Bed room & F•mily or Den) JG43 Santiago. Ne"·port Beach 613-6642 ' 675-6459 [Sun. 1-5) I 006 S~ntlago 646-0228 642-5200 Or (Dover Shores) N.B. fSAt. & Sun, 1-51 tSun. 1·5) 2220 Arbutus ( l'~astbluff l N .B 644-2430, $49.950 ISun. 1·5) 2927 Cassia IEastbluff ) NB 644-2430. $52.500 I Sun. 1-51 *313 Irvine. Ne1vport Beach (,'S e\\'pOrt flls) M2·3600 fS<'ll -Sun. 1·51 17611 Hastings. fCulverdale) Irvine 833-3401 , 534.500 1sa1.-Sun 9-61 20291 Carls bad, Huntington Beach 546-2313 1Sal. 1-5) 2751 Tern Circle (Mesa Verde) C.J\I 541\.2313 (Sun. 1-5) ~l Highland Or., Newport Beach ~23 1 3 rsun. 1·5l 974 Sandcastle, Corona del ~Jar 615-3000 [Sat.-Sun. 1-5) 3076 Gibralter 1~1esa Verdel. c;..1 545-5946 (~at. & Sun.) C4 2 16th Pl., Costa r.1esa 548·0588 . 673·6534 ISat. & Sun ) 20082 Beaumont ('irrle. l-runtington Beach 646·7171 (Sun. 1·51 28fl7 Elle.~111ere . c:osta tllesa 646·7171 2147 Aster Pl.. Costa Mesa. !Ea stridge\ 548·0311. S33.950 1Sa t. & Sun. H) **8 Linda Isl e. N. B. 64449!0, 5155.000 1Sa1. & Sun. 1.5,30) 2724 \Vavecrc/t rBroadn1oorl ('.i\I. 642·8235 ~Sunday\ **15 Linda Isle Dr !Linda Isle) J\1.B. 642-8235 {S unday)..4 1939 Port \\ie.vbridge (!-!arbor \'le\vl 642·8235, !52,950 !Sal. & Sun.) 369 Vista Ba.va /Back Bay) N.B. 6i5--32 10. S47.950 jSunday) 14 Bedroom & Family or Den ) 2006 Nt1utilus (Baycrest) N.B. 675-6000 (Sun. 1·5) 2024 Balearic. Costa tl·lesa 546-5990 I Sa 1. l ·51 202!1 tl landarln (J\lesa Verde} r 1\I. 546-5990 r Sat. I0·5 \ ~Ill r;ohlcneve 5~f~5990 . l ,\lcsa \'erclr) (',~! !Sun 10-S) 291.1 ("rit;rl pa St I~a.~1hluff 545-~451 1Sun l-41 117.i S::in i\J an1no ('osln :.lesa 546·23J.1 1su11. 1-51 (5 Bedroom! **22n \'1a T.idn t\1rrrd, !\ 8. 494-64 15, $189.000 /Sal & S1111 \ (.5 Br & Family er Oenl H.B. 21421 Pen.~acol a Circle, 968·3942, $36,900 (Sat & Su n.) **107 T,inda !~le. N.B. 644·4010, Sl45.000 (\jun l ·~1 ~n) **210 Evening Star iD01·~r Shores\ 1\1 R 642-8235 1Sunday1 2006 Gala-xy rDover Shore~). 1': B 642-8235 rD a1ly) 1900 Port \Vrl'hrirlf:!e Plarl:'. N B li44 -4960, S59.900 !Sun. !-~\ 2424 Jlrr1l1day Rrl 1'-'r11 pnrl r:each &16--ilil 1S<1t J-.·11 (6 Bedroom) * +-72 Linda l.~le Dr t Linda Jsl e 1 :\' R. fii.\-lil61 !Sund ay) C TOWNHOUSES l (3 Bedroom) ~1.1 KC'l':-.ln;?ton. l~untinglon Ar<11 h fii,~-6G42 . 6/:i-6459 l~Ul1 J •. ;) !DUPLEXES l ( 2 81droom & 1 Bedroom l *·11 4 Goldenrod. Co rona d el l\IA r 673-65 10, $59.500 lSal.·Sun. 1-:i) ~2.1 Jasmine. c·orona del 6i3-6&42; 67.5-6459 i\lar [4 BR & 2 BR\ (SlHl ~J .i.;)1 !1 1 -.i Po1n ~Ptl i a . roroni\ riP.I ~~ar 1-5) 644·4910. IH,500 1Sun. 1·5.301 (3 Btdroom l 1 Btdroom ) 621 L<irk s pur. c·orona def l\l~r OiJ.6510. $65.000 /Sa t -Sun 1·5) HOUSE & INCOME PROPERTY 12 BR I. l BRI t27 Iris. Corona del Mar 675·1540. 675-4561 1S•t & Sun. 1-5) CLOTS FOR SALE l **164 1 Bayside Dr. (Yachtsman's Cove) N.B. 642·8235 1Sal. & Sun.I !CONDOMINIUM FOR SALE! (2 Bedrocml *\\'l!stcliff at Buckingham .U5 646·7684 1Sat & Sun) .. , .. , "* •W.t.rlr•flt .... , •• , .. , w ...... , •• , • --... -.... ; --·---,... ........ __ .,... •' ,.. ....• -• DAJ lV PILOT' :sr I~ I ,_,., .. 1 ~. s~turd.iy, Ju11 17, 1•71 G_•_n_•_r_•_,l~~~~~~.....:G~e~n~e~r~a~I~~~~~~-General liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Coste M••• " Breakfast To an Ocean View South of the highway on Hazel Drive, Corona del ~Jar. 'fhis is a beauty if v.•hite water crashing on rocks is your thing. Large 4 Jevel, 3 bedroom. 21:l' bath prestige home. Lower lev~! perfe<:l for father's v.•ork shop or ar· lists rc1rf'a1. Priced at $97,500 ... Quick por;session 1f desired Eastern Charm For !hose lJsrrl lo large bedrooms. kitchens, anti srace he1u1crn nC1ghbors. Perfect for the large far111ly 5 bedrooms. 4 baths, break· fa st ronn1 and d1n1ng roorn and Texas size S\\•1mn1ing pool. 2 story, Harbor ~fighlands area Better take a look quirk . $65,500, Customized Westcliff 4 Bc>droorn, 3 bath home. llas lovely master sullc with high bcain ceilings: Bright and gay living roon1 \l'llh neu• plushy carpets. 1....ots of color everywhere. Electric built-ins, harbequc and flC\\' df sh\vasher in this effi· c1cn~ kitch_en. Gracious living in a lovely ex· ecu!1ve neighborhood. Lou• interest loan can be assumed. Asking $55 .900. Bayshores CharminR. larJ,!e 2 hrdroorn heach cott age. Open beam ceilings. cozy v:ood burning fire- place. Squeakv clean. Q\\•ner \Nill finance. Coles\vorthv e'xclusive $35,000, better see it today. Freeway Special 3 bc.droo1n plus Bonus room <bi~ enough for a pool table\ is sitting prelly right on you r \\'ay down the San Diego Free\\'ay. Excellent assu mable s~~' r· financing available. total paymc.nt in«luding taxes and insurance less than rent al 5206.00 per tnonlh. All right bargain hunter -full price $29,500. C. F. COLESWORTHY & CO. R11 I E1111., 675 -6000, 2~•l E. Co1•! Hi9hw1y Ceroni d1I Mir, C elifot"•• THE BRENNEH'S l-lANGOUT Dorlor and Mrs. Brenner really have a hang· out! Their living room. dining area, kitchen and farnily roorn liter;illy hang out over the enlire Ne\vporl Ba.v. \Vhatta viev.r! .1±3 and '"hat a home: 4 bed roon1s; impressive. yet casual rntry \Vay; unique yet livable living room ; <·olo rful in1crior courtyard and first c!as~ neighborhl)od to n1atch .. lust llsted by UNIQ UE in !·!arbor \'1e1v Broadrnoor. GOIN' 'fO SA\' FHANCISCO Departn1ent :>tore executive David Connell, has been recalled to the Bay .o\rea; Sak's \vants hin1 ba ('k! and hi s delightful 3 bed· room Irvine Terrace hon1e is being markeled by lJNIQl iE Spar1011s living area; ~olorful papers: lots of louvered shutters plus a cool ?.nd serene back yard. Vie'v David's home this weekend at i3IB Sanlanella. but cau· lion ! Don't spend all day going ga ga over the antiques. UNl()UI: llf)Ml:S -BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc. 111 or write for your frff copy four Homes For Living M1g11ine. NEW SERVICE! Exclusive with l~ay & Beach -"Nal'I. MuJ11. List" -we ere affiliated v.•i th approximately 300 offices across the nation. therefore. \Ve should be able to help you bi.1y , sell or tr ad a a home a!1no.'Jl anyplace. LOCATED AMONG BEAUTIFUL ..• ... trees. ··Lake J··orest." Spar. 3 bdr1n . ho1n~ \v 'sep. fan11ly r1n .; open bean1 ceilings :'l brick frplc. \.\lalk to clubhouse activities. Price S37 ,900 BAYCREST-BEST BUY 4 Bdrms .. family r1n. plus dining rrn. Xlnt • value & available no\\'! ........... $39.950. UNIVERSITY PARK Owner transf., will sci l \v1th N O T ~I I N (; D 0 \V N ! l·le \Vil I pay all closing costs & carry paper for hr s equity_ \'er.v c.·Jean & \vell kept 3 bdrn1. & fa1ni!y r1n. plus brkfsl. rm. & \Vet bar. Price , . $35, 750 BILL & DOROTHY POLLOCK .. have ouli:;ro\vn their lovely 3 bdrm. & f<imll.v rn1 . hon1e ; close to everything in \Ves1c1iff. Jlrice only . . ...... $49.500 .... VACATION LIVING all yeAr ton,i:. on one of Ne1vport's fine st be<1rhes. \Vatch lhe \Vaves roll in, especially from !he upper level living rn1. & balcony. O\\'ner \Vilt finance at . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.000 675-3000 2407 E. Coast Hwy., 675-3000 CdM Charn11nx c~1ot111tw homl': -M "" Quif'l ~irl,. \l.'Pll 1·11rrd !or -Ready ~·rur sorrl('(lnf' !lrw to Joie & Rnni.: your f'llHnt bru ... h and tfinla, 1h1s one ll<'ed.s ll••l p. f'njuy GOVERNMENT REPOSSESSION Op!'n Sal & Sun 1-5 or C1'l"at po1entu1l. B11.: l b<•d-Call llft 4 l\ir drt11.ll~ rc.,111 on largl': lot untl h1i;. 6o\6-i2.'i9 hig v.·ork !>hop in re11r. ~~--. ----- Rn.1n1 Jor 00111 11n1l c11.1npf'r. Coll•g• Po1rk F1dl Jll'll'f' only $22,I:ii. w11h -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; S\000. down paym,.111 lo any• f • one $1,ll,ll pt>r n1u!'lth p11.y~ PVrrythJni:. C1ll 5-10-1151 IO[lf'l1 f'l'r~ l. H(Rl!AG( .tut uun --I LIVE ON A HILL f.nri::eou .. lXO drgrf'f' \'it>11. N1•11 l'a1'pl't1ni.: lhn1•1 UI. l.i!l'):rst yflnl 111 l-.11srhlufl. All 1h1s. 1111h 4 latli:' l>rd- 1\)0m!'i and !orn111l d1ri 1ni;: $4:1.500. Call ~1:rs.t2·1 \open t'l'C'~./ \outh ~ {~ oast n ~· Own1·1·. l RR, 2 AA hnmf', du111111: room. 20 x 2'i' flllrl"lf'd larnrly roon1, tU'll 1'p!.< pa1111 1luiJ•1U1. ('01,10111 d rps. 20:.0 s11. r1. 5·\ !>'It \ !.)an $'{·1.'l'IO, '.110'.!.ff,17 2~11'1 1\ndovrr Pl. Uslt"u HouSf' ~t. &. .Sun. \l'e L.J1·r 1'hH1 J10111r: ! Corona del Mar HONEYMOON COTIAGE SOUTH-Of. THE· HIGHWAY llow about this in Col'Ona rjrl LOVE IS ____ 1 fl.!ar'.' A sharp :l bf'rlroon1 1 -ba!h ho111t> only a short walk (;i'f'rn ro!lin1t lawn~. hikr to ll1e \)('B('h, A :o;uq1risin1e !rail~. 1e-1111i.~ t•n111·ts, 11 1•11111-\'lllllr <11 unly $~2.~. For 1111 rnun1!y pnnl. Hild, nn y111i.! api)lflllllnt·nt to sre t·all worft; C'ouplr1I 1,11h lh1.~ 673-S:iiO 1oday. hf·111111i11I, 11n111;11·1ila!<' 3 BD ho1ne in !hi• Biol!.~ and unly S-1:1.~JOO ti'i':l·Klill. \-0' THE REAL ~ESTATERS ,<I ' •• • '·' $24,950 5 Bdrms 1-0 THE REAL '"'-ESTATERS "· ''... • I'~ CORONA DEL MAR Duplexc~ south ol h1gh\\'6Y, S~1.~i0. ·1'\10 s~parall' bu ild· inJ.:"s 11 Hti a 1 ari<t l lx-droo111 BPI . budl 111. 1·lusrd garage~ 1111d slso a /1rcplac:c • A W.t:L !:>.elusive. Walker & Lee 2043 \\1!'stcl11f Drive 6'16-7711 Opl'n 'tll 9 P~I Look No Further JI Thi• i4 ll • for tha1 1harp. • C1nderP.·ll11 <I l!Nroorii, 1 1 , ' 011Jy .$28.500. you '11e hf-f'n looking lor, On cul·df"·lllC, I 1·J~ 10 alores, 5i,, 'l~ 11uum· ahle loan ,ltr, n1011va1r,.J ~ell·j Pr . 11·y1ng tn rrl11'f' 111 Cata- lin:l' Four111 hf'droon1 COfl· • vrr1ih!r In dlnin11: nr r11 m1ly ruom, l)kfi;t 11rea, VA no rlr.wn 11cN."ptable. * RENTALS ~HAl~I' 3 AR. 2 RA, f\l'W· po11 Shnrrs. :2 ~h•lrJ hlO(·k~ 1 1 .. !lf'f'1111 Yr·rounrl S29:l. I ~·r·n-.:1~1r~.n2Rr..1 1, BA,. H u 111 l n g \on (.'ont1nen· tal ln\\"JJhnuSI', .S IM. t:AJI. . , :i.1ti-.&o. t:i()() Arl11m!t AV!':., ( '. :\1 I 9 HERITAGE 1 · • ~ IOI. '"'" HALECREST -I NORTH COSTA MESA11 1\ v1•ry !1111• nt:1Khborhood ~n j h\'1• 111. 1\lsu ir11·ludcs cluh · houlif! an1I sw11nn1lng pool in the area. This hnrne ha~ 4 spac1uu.~ lK'drnon1s lCH·atf'd jj 111 !'Par of the lwiosr. ll11Ke j \11'111~ n10111 ll'ilh p1 c1u re11 111nt1111r. Couu1ry sly]f' k1lrh·; I en 1111h 1l1)0rway In ..:rr11.I Pill lol 11·hil•h lS !illl'n>Wlrlrd , b11 ll'OPll·at Cat1rQrn111 l1:1ncl· • s;•ap1ng . l,;l's no 111Q11ry on lj tl11.~ one. Al!lf1 ~-HA Tern1s .• J'll hr>t we ran gt>t sf.>llrr 1 hJ PJY your coslll also. CAU.. Walker & Lee 2i90 !!arbor Bl1•d. al Adams ! 545-1»65 Oprn '!ll 9 PM 1 -SAVE $4300 + By 011rlf'r r.1rsa Vf'rdc Nnr1h : ' REALTORS R•1 l E•'~'•· 675-6000, 2441 E. Co11t Hi9hw1v. 675-4930 * General General Oen + Family Room Prim!! location. Hugr fan11ly rn1. hu11t.in r;111i;e + ov!"n, fOrC'i>d Air hcat1~ 11n11, na. t11rill \\ood (';lbinrt~. lll'f'- piacr. hr\., open 111 9 pr11. ~()-l72fl Castles In The Air 11; yr olri. 1:11l-dl'·SRC !nt en 1 i'lnnrla C1rt·lf'. 3 hr, ~ ha, w/sunkco Ron111n tub. Ca-1 lh~'d1'11J cc1l1nl!,~. rxtra lge • Ja 111 nn 11·/L·ur1•t>ri k!lchen, l bll11s ,I:, f()()(I crr11rr. Formal tl d i n.~ l1v 1·111 1' Jrpl<'. r.111ny • r11s1..,111 ('\11·as: solid walnut 1 Coro"• d•t Mir, C1liforn i1 '2615 '"°~--,,--~~-N_•_w_p_•_rt~B_•_•c_h,--~~~~~l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lll!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!I General General General * * * * BAYSHORES * * * TARBELL 2955 Harbor SANOPOINTE Dl'RlllallC ·l-bf'dr11nr11, 1 11 bath 1\.\'!l SfOl'Y $(U\'('<l IKl11\e lll ()rRn11,e c.Junly's 11111~1 1·011- \•'nwn1 k>1::111vn. 011ly une y<•ar ol<I liul lull.I' 11 rn! b.'.•1t l1fl1lly ia 11dsr<1fH•d, 11t'Jr s1·!1(1(1ls. p11rk~ J, p 111 y J::l'OlllldS, :~ lllllllllf's 10 :\ !rt•f'· \\il~s, ~Ulh tu;1st PIR Zil., Sl111K «11rpo;.·1inl{. /11·Ppl111•1•, $;1\~IOO. 011'0f'r !\l'!lint; priu- 1·1poil.~ n11lr. ~1Ili-3i11 . Arr al\\'llYS huil! by somrnnr with a drr11rn. Let .~our 1trran1 hf>rnnlf' R rrah1Y whP11 vo11 build ih1plr!i or f1111q1l1•~'\1•<1 on lhC>sr 1oc, ()n!y Slil.~iOO. tij:i.s:,:,() oflnJa .!JJ£ PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 12 Linda l1le Drive Elegant nc\v 5 BR. 41.h ba. home \\'/formal din. rm .. Cam . rm .. \vet bar. Impressive en- try courl v.· 16 ft. rnahog. <loors ... Sl79,5()0. 51 Linde l1le Drive Home on lagoon. S BR., 41h ba .. v.•/4 frplc~ .• jacuzzi tub. hdwd . flrs ., sep. !iv. rm .. din. rm., fam. rm. & brkfst. rn1. _.. , . $175,000 72 Linda Isle Drive Traditional 6 BR .. 5t/J. ha. home on lagoon w/dock. Furnished. decorated & lndscpd. 2 Mstr. BR. suites. $200,000 furn ., $175 ,000 unf. 92 Linda 11.le Drive Beaut. 5 BR. 4 ba. home w/formal d in. rm. & family rm. 3 Frp!cs. Outside stairway. Built-in gun cabinet & bookshelves. $145,000. WATERFRONT LOTS No . 44: 108 Ft. on \Valer . No. 7R : 3 Car garage. Reduced to No. 88 : 108 Ft., \vith plans .... For Complete Information $125,000 $ 77.000 1145,000 On all homes & Iota, please call : 341 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR NEW LOCATION At the entrance to Linde 11.le Bayside Dr., Suite 1, N.8. 675-6161 DOVER SHORES-VIEW ~neclac11lar front ro1v hon1e in exclusive Dover Shores. 4 Bt'drooms, 31/2 baths, in· eluding hui:;e master suite \\·ith solariu111 - !orinal dinin~ rno1n \1·\1b vie\v -k1tthen \Vilh arljoining VlC.\V brC'akfast rnnm. Billiard room. \'ie\v side pool \\ Jth adjoining jacuz7,i. Large reduction in price -1101v $148 ,500. CORONA DEL MAR South of the ll\1\'., on l 1 i lots -clean 3 bedroom hon1e, cloi;e to beach & lihoppini. Formal dining room - yard with fruit trees. $47 ,800 . HARBOR VIEW HILLS Lusk bu ilt canyon VJE\V home. 3 Bedrooms & family room \Vith fireplace -large lot - 3 car garage. $57,300. Gener•I HARBOR COMPANY REALTORS "SINCE 1944" 673-4400 l..(lvely 3 Rrt. 2 Ra. hon1e. ParqUE'l flonrs or luxuriously t'arpcted throughout. (~ustom paneling and shutte rs. Extra large _garage. Open Saturd1y 1 :00 to 5 :00 2516 Vista NEWPORT HEIGHTS Out of this \\'orld viC'\I''! 2 Bdrm., 2 bath: l'xtra lgc. fanuly look1ng secluded patio. rm ovcr- $54 ,500 * BALBOA ISLAND * ULTRA MODERN BEAUTY 4 Rr., 2 81., G1r11e 1tre11sed for extra unit. Perimeter heating plus many other conletnp· orary features. Shown by app'l only. $79.500 HOME ANO INCOME Newly carpeted. 3 BR. l Ba., v.1ilh fireplace. 2 Br. apt. plus guest room and bath. Sin~le garage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • $63,500 COZY COTT AGE 2 BR .. 1 Ba . f1repl 11·e. V2 l,ot. Prime location Lowest priced island ho1ne ....... $32,500. GREAT BUY I..o vely ren1odeled brick home. 4 Br. 2 Ba., Fantaslic patio. Obi. Garage. Room to add 2 Br. Apl. Shown by app't on!y. '58.500. CLARK SOMERS REALTOR 306 M•rine, B•lltoa lsl•nd 675-4000 iPORMEll Y STEPHENSON! REPOSSESSIONS Sp:ark\1n1t 1·1'•1111 ho1nr~. soml:' newty pa inted A c..rpeted. 2 l. ~ &: S bdrms. Some wl1h non!.~. Jol!A-VA conv, t'rms, from $20,000 In $40,000. COLLINS&. WA'rrs INC. llMJ Adams Ave. 962-552'.I $29,750 As1.ume 5l/4•/o Loen 4 Bdrm + F o1mily Rm. Rear living mrnn wilh m11s- s1v• handi;nnir firPplarro. larR" rn1ry hall. dining rnom, t!11('k ilkt·rlf'w carJ)f'I . in11:. huilt-1ns, park-like y11rd, :,.10--1120. TARBELL 2955 Ho1rbcr ---Balboa lslo1nd --A DAILY DIP Plus a rt"l.1:.:1111!: 1.~ hour In ytiur \'l'fY OWi\ Jat;UU.t & )U\I II lt't'I hkP a kin.:: :! 111l'P hoint·,.:. Ing loi, 1,init• S<'l' 314 Coldcnrud. 01wn S;1r. &. ~\I!\, 1-'.'1, Univertity Re•lty 3001 E. Cst. 11"'1"· e'Tl~lO -nv O\VNER. $46,9:,0 427 IRIS, OPEN lG-5 J !!"P furn homNi on lol. ' Ji<1ne!1ni::. pal10 w gas b11r-b· 1· '!. t'11upt Jr1d~l·p11g tront, r,.11.r & u1r1u111. ;:lti,000. Cal! , ar1 6 vr 11 k11J~. Pr1nc1pals , PRICE REDUCED lmrnrdutle O\'t:Upant:y, Rl· niost 111•11·, nr So. Coe.st · · Plll'la. Clran l Br, 2 bR + 1 lri" k1h•hrn. h1·1ng I.· family • or dining nn. t 'ully l111'l11-I at.•ped, cov 'd paho. ronl-1 Si7.e yard , $3:1,500, Z9 Chry-• enne, OpPn Sat. Sun IL J::ves. 646-70:!6 atter S pm. Prime loc, so. or hW'Y, &. Out1tendln9 Location rental arra, Short walk to 4 br, 1 ba, lge kitchetilrl1n'g bch k shpg. Must sc('. area. frplc, brick P-"11"· I 6Tj-1540 or 675-4561 aft 5 trPN. corner hou.w w s1dP or v.·k-ncls yarrt rnr boa! or trs1lrr. 2 I Newly LittMI Duplex n11nutes 1n n1ajor ~hup·J!: J Poi,,""SibiHties! A.re you iri1er· 1·en1rr IN"eway~ 8r•hon!.~. !'!fie.:: in a dup!r,11 So. of !'IO ar're park: $31,.'iOO. I Coast I-fwy. "'ith e. good 5"16-.'\0llfi. "'1ew? Jr so, {'ll.11 · l ----o-F-F=E-R_E_O~---I G. H. Robertson BY OWNER 675-:t-4~0 Rra!lor 6i:l-7295 2 on a Joe. rront home J Bil, CORONA DEL MAR roun1ry kit. Lt:e lam rm + HOME & APT. many xtral!. 2nd home. ii;:r OPEN HOUSE 3 In choose fron1. Lrg 4 BR 2 BR -1-service porch. Li:e ALL WE&l([f trt·levri homl' + 1 BR apt. yard ~-0111J,llelely Je,,1·r1l. fulrr "LiHlr Jsland'• Gl'm lO'!-dn. $6.1,500. Room fnr pool or expe.ns1nn. 124 CRYSTAL AVE. PERRON REAi.TL CO. ldral Joe. A.~kin&: .S4Llt50. &12·!771 &12-0l~rl or 645--0874 ar1 6. Your nwn "IX'Cllll hoUsf' -on -=~-I li!G~o~ne~.~.1i"'""""!!!!!!!"""'"""G~e'"n'"er'"•'l'1 """"""!!!!!!!"""~1 --H-A_R_B_O_R_V_l_EW_ OPEN SUN. 1-5 2036 PALOMA I Gener•I MOVE "IN" AUGUST DANCE UNDER THE STARS 1\•1 !ho> r1M'i< r>f lhi~ ('1"y~l<'ll p•~1I 1111d l!'l;irif><l with r>\- r11t~. /u1<1 "•n drn. fTIJodrrn k111·h1'n, firl'plal'P, tl1sh\lll~h ,.r 1111 rnnrr. A~sunll'' )fl\\ £n\ I l!'IA!1 or (I~>' yn11r VA or rHA rill.ht ~. S27.500 1n111I , ~·uur (l\\n llJw1·111t 1!1;J111lfl _l -~ll~A~R~B~O~R~V~l~D~V lllll..~ * ME-SA°VERDE-.- Y+'llr 11n11hl t•r·o;.•rt N."llldenN! Allr. 3 BR, f;im. rm .. I Yr. 4 hr, 1 ba. on corner /01 11•/ \\hH'h 111'f1•nl,: hr11Jrhflll lln· i;>ld . Cnn1p rnrp. iMM·J'll'I 3 mRllJre lrl'f"! & ~hn1h1". 1.,1n11l 1<·;1 1rd J111111: 1n 11' pw-C<'lr i;:Ar S.'.9.9;,cJ Incl. land. Ne-1\·ly t•rp1d & J}A 1nl<•d. * * * * LUXURIOUS tun..;;qur sr11 ~1ift1 sC'll1nJ{. 2 01111r1· 644-!:1.~1 4 . 01\'llCr fllll\JOU~. \~'ill llll f' hr- "'"ry ,\rv. ~:ni.:l11n1! lr11d111nn ---------low t'llA Rppr1t1!1;9J. Trnn~ * HOMES Co•l11 M11u.. \la1•11111, Jmm l'd. ~·11rr1'\ air 11.~11111!~· ,.m11.ll 111 J'l"S~r<.~. :t !.: f'11 n1Hy rm 4 Bedroom Bayrrest home. \rith fo rmal din· ing room. beautifully paneled . fam ily room with walk·in wel bar. 1..arge palio. Lush land· scaping. Perfect selling for garden party. H•v• Opening for Real Est1te Salesm•n JERRY FREUD-CHARLES ARNOLD 318 E . 17th. Street, Costa Me1a ~EAL TORS 646-7755 Gentr•I Sudden Transfer! vo,ant ~,.wly listf'rl rnur htorlrnom 8' rlel'I h'lmt ln nnr QI Sew· f"'rt 8Pach's fi11e!t! 111'f'11•. Th11 homt lr11.h1f'f'!t heautilu1 nPw 1hBi raryl('lini;:, ·lari::,. i·nvttfl"<I p11!tn, "cpurnlt l'hlld'll y11rtl. room rnr bna1 nr tralll':t. rlRrk room 11.nd m11ny nlhrr ff'alllr('~. Prir.f'd fil{t\t for fasr JRll'. Hurry on thia ooe $39.950. Call ~ll. Genero1T *TWO TRIPLEXES* $75,000 Eech 2 Apt,._ h11 11 .. 2 bdrm~ .• 2 'hiith.•; t Apt. hllll 1-hdrm. t h11lh + l':Xtra &lf!l"tlin..: rm. 11'/hath. New C'arp .. rPrf>nt- lv rffl{'("or. Strps to beach 1n Nrowpnrt . Call: 67J.31i63 &42-m.1 E.'vrs associated BROKERS-REAL TORS 202S W Batbon 67J.J66J NEWLYWEDS DREAM ~l'\l'Pf1r1 Bt-1t1·!1. mu ""'1 th 1!1; Trrrll1r :i.re11. &nit • in~. 8foll,..r"1 nl.'w hnlll" will lor oflf'. Thi~ Pnrt11f1nn modf'! rAl"Jl. $.· c:lr·11pl'~; pools11.f' Jot. r•11riy ,.nn11, -"" 1·1111 u~ •n h11s "110H11:h mom fnr u pool. Ofrt>rrr! fl'IT" S37,~ '"' rh1$ nf'11t 3 hl'dr•l(lm Cn- rl11ldrrn·~ pl11 y 11rc11, 1)1'1!1n 323 JASMINE 1011111! .'\tylf' propt>1·1.1, 111 frir •n11"rl11.'1n1nl(: PLUS Ch11rmin11: fiupll'x. Jmmac. bfoa u1H11I •;r~a Vrrrll' l;rr11r yard l!!lt ovrr. !rs 111~1) pm· ('.<'Inti. 2 Bdrm.~, 2 h11 s nel1hborhoocl~ Only .S.,l.~ fr:o;s1on11lly di:>C'nra!rrl. :l Ocran !11<.lf' C)f l-1\1'~'. Re11.r larJ:P hrdroom11 Rrw:I lnts of 11pt. rt'!lt('d for S2fXI mo. H111ng arr11 romplf'tE' thr Pl•'· f''rnn! 1~ \'aC'anr. Qu!C'k po,,.. lure. A~kin~ ~l.900. Call to ~~!';. r.nnc1 trrm~. ~!l,!f.l('J, co: rs · WALLACE REALTORS PJt:f' 546-2313. 9603 KENSINGTON -S4&--4141- (0ptn Evenin9s) 1-0 THE REAL \"'\, ESTATERS ' . ·. ' ·. Try to Beo1t Thi~ ilf'rt!'5 OOf' IO 1111 up -'.'/f'Nts p11 int al'll1 ~mr l'ilrpe11rw,: bu1 it'1 .S.l.000 uoclrr thf' nf'"I Jo1vf'!lt pr1cr<l 3 RH, 2 Ra home in Nl'11 fl"'rl Shnrf'!i. What a har~Aln 111 on I y $26,:j()(), Wllh nl'xlh1!! 1rrrn~. Cal! 546-511!10, l:lOO Ad~m1 A\'f>., C ~- l~=l BAYFRONT APTS:- Vista Of.I Lido. Pll':r I Slip 11vail, From $31,500. Sell or Hunt . 8f'11ch. ~fll'SS tn11'11· hou:o;e. Cll!JI . c11rp!'..: .. nr 10 l"f'il. us!'d brirk trpl. Blln'\,I~!"'""~:""!!!! .... "':'"':',.. Rrrri~. & v."R~hrr1rlry,.r in· New Sharp [istinrj C'I. Quick ros.<i<'~.<i. t.: l{O"d rt- nall<'in..:. C'nnJP & sr~ n1,., FHA-VA Terms 1948 SANTIAGO Nn rtn\l·n to 11 V"t or 1111! tl'rms :-.;r,..,,,-port 8PH1·h. Polynr~ian lo auit , Thl~ homt> 1111~ 3 Bclr. ~tylr: IX'11m ('ei!',11., inrl()Or lam\ly J'i'IOTll !v 2 ha1h11 plu~ fountain & fl!lh JXind , Er1el. 11 f'harm1n11: kill'l1rn wi1h flO"'I. 4 RR, f;in1 . rni., 3 plrnry nf ('Upl)nRrd~. 1i1r ha's. Jo.:xpan~Jl'I' \l~W of tv1y. )'Arri !JAJI 11priJ11(irr~ lroll1 J, Y"u O\\'!l th" !~nil. $!1fi.OOO. 1,.1r p!u~ ,¥\'f'ral lovely u!l('{I MORGAN REAL TY hrr.k p111n1rrll, \ltll"l'y on 673-6642 '7S·'45t t,hla 00411 rr\('i!d at jutt REAL BUYS '"'·""· coll ""4m . Owner's Want Offers \-0 THE REAi, "'\.. t:STA TERS 2 Beodroom1 s1s.sool-'=='?c'=""'=oc== Walker & Lee Rrnk..,. fll 24,lfi> 0!' a40-~1·\fl Costa Mes• :l Brrlr~1on1 1 hath, l11r~e-1111. avail. S.l0.000, Call M.l-!'1946 ini:: rn1, d1n1ng ruon1 1·flfll· MESA VERDE or :11:}-1!.:17, hu11u1on ·~ llh llrll'k l1 rf'"-CUSTOM HOME O\\'N~:r_t_M_O_V_l_N_C __ , 11IHrr, \\'1111 1n \l'Hll hook-ON GOLF COURSE Must sell 4 RH , 21~ RA, r115~s. Bri C'k r11110.~. fore a11d At :w.o Capri Lane fO\'tl'rd & f'n<•ioJ.~"d p11110 al! · no n111lntl'n11nce. Dt>· Now under con.~lruc1inn. Call u11 and be 11urpri~l'rl 11 t l1ched p r1a:1t With m11irl'111. 5 Bdrms. J'1 bllfilll, Huge lo\I', low prit'I'. Glen Q11rf'n, T'f'On'I , f'ol"t"l"d 11lr hr11t. Pt'('~· mstr, bdrin, >,1•1rh beaut. II ER IT AG~: RE AL li~1ou~ Sourh Raylrnnl 11rr11 view of clubhou!'<e & gull ESTATE ~1151. only YRrTl'\ Imm l.tM> beach. ...... .. ,-.. E"~•·I lo•mol din-.. v .. ,.,. ··•-e " e BY OWNFJJl-3 hr. Z ha . :i BDRr.1s., 3'-, ha 's .. family Aii:king S7 l.~J()(). Ing I'm. l"1aid'1 qtrs. Com· J6x32 pool, 350 gq ft c11hlln.1J 4-,-1 ,.9 """ N1C'k Jo11nn1df'11, Re11l1nr , .• , -W•-•ook top. 2 Stone LIDO ISLE 1·111 .. 1 !. OL 1. , . ..,,,, 71 fi7 ([: " '" ~ w/wM bRr, relrie • •2 ha, l BDR,\o!S., 2 oa·~ .. 3;'i fl. lnL 4: 5· .i!17 :?1~: 277·::SJ7 trplt11. & dozf'ns ol ortM>r 1ha11: crpl1'. custom rlrp~. At f'lld nl l~lc. S:l!I.~ BY 0\VN F;R quaHty katu!"e'I!. °'w copper plumbln11: & NEWPORT HEIGHTS Lilrl,. I~l11nd . f:xN"ptional OPEN SAT. l·S PM niany more cu~tom 1"np1ex; 3 2·bdrm. unHi; wuh qi11d ity home in aarden lil'I· 1-·or 1nformat10n <:all realures. $38.500. 54&-1740. l'n<'1. 1o:11r111tes. Choice t1n1C. All "Ir<'. 2 Bit 2 BA. WESTLAND REALTY llel~hti; area. You own 111( Offf'N'cl al 11ppr.~I . 613-1060 . ---,,=-=~40-;o,16 =~- litnd. Balboo1 Penin1ulo1 COSTA MESA Walker Riiy. 675·5200 WEST SIDE STORY 3:\Jl \'111 l.1rl•\ :-."r11·Jlllr! Rrarh 4 BH. l Rll., .,.., I '.I' ---1·pt.-Kr11n1rr <'Ull1. bu 111 Pr1et'1l lo v-ll II\ $2.l,~J(I \Vilh -OPEN'SAT/-SUN. 1-S hon1, -appr, 2.100 StJ. rt._ hiRtiVALoan\l·ithtoca!pay· 2401 Vlo1 Marin• CX·ran View rrom 2nd floor: rnC>n11 of $16:1 per month. 3 BY owner, 4 BR, 2 b11. Cornrr lot, RlJOm fnr •.,. pan1P1ton. feonl't'd yard, 2 hlk lo llf'hools & 1hop 11ing renler.oi:, A111;umablf' .FHA loan, S23.500 . 642-(M5. PANORAl\11C OCF.AN Vlt•:\V N'p1. Bf'A('h. Rack Bay Vif'\\', FPL, ~-A he11I ; i11 ~ hH-lri h\ll!e lleth,)01111 wilh IU)<Ur-3 hr, rif'n, 2 bll, p11tio. 3 Bc!rms. k clf>n: lgl', y11rd. kit. wllh Jl{llid B irch ious hath. Huge kilcl~·n "'lth c11b1111111. Pr!vfll'Y, Ire y11rrl Xlnl for t1nlert1!nln1. rablnett. Many o1ht'r f')i· lotl'I or cupOO&ro llJMlct. New lde11l lor children &: J1('1R. 712 L•rk1pur tra.~: pe.tlo; dhl. g • t. carpeti111t a.rid dra~ lhru· $2!1}i00. 714/7ri>-9'1SJ. 1919 Corona llf'l Mar. Outnnln2 3 STl.500. out, Great fcutW yard l•lr \Vh lttlf'r A\'e. hdr·m .. rrplc. R·2 Lot, room 3 BR . .t.. drn homl'. f'lf'<'. blln the kids. Submit Your lfown l --N-0-0-0-w-n--~E-.-,-1 -5-;d-.-1 to '-·1Ud. kit "·mod 1969 .. ,·,w 1-m ••ymf'nt After ifllilll'!'hOn, '" · '"" · • • "' ,... By owner. 3 br, 2 bf!. C11n ' .,, THE REAL ''"-£STATERS Only SZl.IXXl. nn miflprint or Je11~. 5 Bedroorn1 $2~.CXXI DON v . FltANKLIN ma~ler BR., plu1 income Walker & Lee hf" Mid w/no1h1t11e down to $36.900 REAL TOR urilt over dbl. gar. $6.l500. GI. Pymnb $!19/r"!io. J9QR S Bdrm + Den • 67J..1222 • COA~ PROPERTIES co. 2790 ll11rbor Bt\'d Ill Ari11m1t Orlnjlt-A\I•. 642-2157 ·. '. 4 ledroom -S25,9SO. "Ith ~ bath~ Y"'~ Covf'~rl tncloHd patlt> makt~ excel· li-11t pl11y l'1>0m N!"st and rlt•"· ownt":r 11nxint!~ • 11'11\'- ll'li IN-II. C•ll mw 11'1 'rt l.'()O Adami A,., , f :\1 ~I&-~ mi1take. 0Mf' to the bl':ach George Willl1m1on 11nd nnly SfiiO totAI down . 673-4350 645-1564 eves invMi! in your family's tu-Reeltor 1Urt NOW. Walker & Lee 1 " Room to Uve th1"' hilt' 4 ~mom1 ~ Brokf'r hath hrauty • J)f'r1rtl \11nd· ~~2-44.'ii nr :>41).5140 araptna: • 12 x 1l 11ridNt f'n· .~--~----! f'ln~rl \11n11i • ml nu1,.~ to ASK US to 1how you !rt'f'wlly~ . •nd S<M.rth Coa~t 11111 luxunnufi. presti11:e. 4 Pl111.11 • rrR hf'rtf'r th11n ""w bfo<lrm hom,., Plf'nlv of 11t S37,500. Phnne 67~.stSfiO ~JMrl' for 11 pool . J-'11ntashr hnmt f!'lr rn1rrlalnlni::. ""'· * 39 UNITS * *Petti W•lk.,, Riiy.* Anahfolm. fix Gmlll!. 1-RR'I 1617 CtnUnl':la. L.A. • \-0 THE REAL "'\.. ESTl\Tf.RS S.17.~.000 • f:.IJll.\I Tl'rn'IJ 121.'1 • 77fl-~ln .. • Bl':droom• m .500 S Bedroom..~ S.t.2,000 & up Al10 H•v• Rentals CAU. ANYTIMf; Lachenmyer Re.1ltor $24 000 l:>l E. Baltic. Blvd . ~>{)4tf; 0pt"n ~111 a J"IM I ~=~=-oC=~~=-~I Huge Family Rm , m4l .,,_,,.'° rou.tcE PARK 1 ""· ' * SHARP · SHA1':1" * BA J'11m nn. Many f'"<tr11J.. Pr1me loc11 tinn. Trtlnsfr!Tf'd 4 Id + D + ON THE POINT * Wh@re l"{u, C*n you find 3 OwnM'. :'12 J'rioctton Dr flwntr. 2 11tory ele;:1100', rm en CHARMING, lmm11c. 2 bdrm. RR .• 2 bA 'i, den + fam ily S2!l.!r.i0 I.ow down ~l26l'J rMms ~hrouiho11t. LtJxur1oui Fo1mlly Rm, + 3 ••· home. Brlek frpl., he11.vy 1 ~.,,......,, ..-..... "'· • '·· •• I lo rm. or .,,.,,.,.,.... . 'I" n ""' . .,.,n :t-J, room!" + t'lntt"lll. l111'Rf' Ownrr truufe""d! En1ry •Mkt rool: dtllaht ul P.I · OPEN SUN. 1.5 w11ll tri v.•1111 <'ll17>"'llng In 1111 h•ll rl1nh11 rm. fittplac:1 of Only $47.700. ••9 p · 1 • CUTE l br. 2 bt. PAlio. II 9 3 BDRM. J '·•. ~m, Tor· -ltrpon lt:r yard. Sm down or k1tchrn. hkr, nprn I pm n11111ri1l hr1ri( tJ b11h l1Cil· 11 nu BOYD REALTY Call &1S.l9"l8 Eves. 6T3·757S ~. •" i7"". I b II I h"· tll _,,,. l\o , Rik 1 h11.rhor •••11n1r $1119/rno pyrnn11, *WATERFRONT* TARB:ElL 2955 Harbor ;y~m u~o.~;20 11 " open ~~;~.i;;N' .. j\1 1ust ~f'; to llP· 3629 E. Coast ~hi)'., Crl:\I S2~.00'l Ry ... wner ~1~9. TARBELL 1,ll H.rbor ••-. J,,,, rl'dur't'd tn S.iO.!Y.JO. 67S.5t30 2 Ar. l11r"" •"· ftn<'trl ,.d-. Hnml': with pif'r Al n<>11t . 4 ORAN<:F.: PARK AREA •· .,, ----" BdM'nJ1., 2 M.'a.: hur JM!lo ~14 ACRf. Vit.:\'l --110111~-0,-1 h~ JONf.S REALTY 67l-62IO EMERGENCY! 1·lou 10 M:hclnla It ahopplnrt. It n1mpu11 rm. Only $68.000. 1/(,1t"iF:S (')1< 1trr11nbrl!. Som<'r"lf'i rncxtel 2001 W. Balbn•, N.H. Nef'd 4 RD + Orn or Room S16.00l'.I. m Co11a Ml':~• SI . CA FUN HOUSI) Cu11om 2,000 IQ ft bom• "'/m11 ny f'11tr11.!I;. Sci': 111 4 BR. rlf'n.) hll . Nr RArqu,.t !or otfi"". Prrltr w/pnol. 646-91 3_6. ___ ~---i 2001 \\'. Ba.Ibo•. N,H. $4~.000. ()ptn Hou .. Sun t~a. lllOO Club ' bo1t ramp. $:19,500. Ml.Hi! be l atory, rH. a nd ,/ BY Own<'r -MEAA Dl'i r 11r1!nud Exrh11ni:fJ(.' ! 17171 Ar~rl'! Rll·d , II B. Ftf'11l!llt'!. ,. • ii~"'""""'.,41,·::.:.~:!.!tr,, *"' JONES REALTY f\7.l-!1110 v .. t.~ M mnnr\l llnwn. Pt>rt WPyhr1d;:" Pl. N R. nr 1M11r1h11ll Rf'111ly ~1~ Jn A·I 11M'• UJ'I to S&.'i.000. MAR Rit 4 AR, r tR, 2 Ba, HQ~SE H~ntini,? \V atch th; t11..~t result~ 11rl': J'l~I • phont' • ~10LZAHN RCAL'l'Y * j •·11H lnr 11pp1 Ll'11~e hnlrl fir 11nuS•:l·lunLin1t~ \\'~\cit th" ('11!! l"lutrh F',..,.n,11·11, Alf'll. 1 n11 :1111~ • ~"r~-th 11 r p : ()PF.N HOU SJ·: Ml~~"-· --.~~~1_1 ~·-~~'Y:._· ~··~tz.M~_,_71~~-·---_,,-~ .... _.1_-_1'~22----Ir•. M4-1:'l!\11 f)v.-nt"r OPEN1iOU~E:..c~~l.!lm._ .!.!.A-13 1' .,r ~~·Olit; . J.}2.._7 ~ _.~1.~·!lJS'-* ?'•· .. ~,_ .. . ... ... .. I 1' I ·I~ ~: .. :a • :-' ,. ; ... ' :- ~ ' -: " ' ,-:,,, .. , " ' ~· :~ ' ' •'< ,•, ,., 1,- • -·' ·'. .. • ' ,, '• '' .. ... 'I -· .. • .. . ' -,. I \, ,. ~ ' " •' ,, ' , . . .. OAl~Y PILOT I~ ~! -_ ... _ .... __,)~/! _ .. _ ]~[ I~! • I~! _ ...... _,,, .... Beech /iEiliTi0i..,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiliTi0i,i0iiiiiiiiiiiii_i J ~~gton FIXER UPPER 4 BR + Huntington Beach VACANT AND WAITING Huntington a.ad. ·1. I L•gun• B••ch r L•gUn• Be•c:h BY ()\\'Nr:1t-Trnnsll'r;rrtH s TiiE EXCELLENT VIEW hr, 3 hu. Nr all ite\llf., .9:iK"t1J Of ot.'t'an, t1lv & hills ~l!nt Llc:lo Isle Newport Beech * BA y FRONT * I--..... _._,,.......,,;-:::,.,,. I """ "'"" ~ "' n , Llrio THE BLUFFS GARDEN KITCHEN ~aturing a fabulous garden kitchen looking out lnto a superb rear yard. 3 lge. br., 2 ba., 1800 sq. ft. of luxury li\'ing. MORE! Cathedral ceiling, central air cond.. crystal chandeliers. drapes. automatic sprinkler sys- tern front & rear, sunken garden w/gazebo patio1 and on, and on. This one ov•ner gem mu st really be seen lo ap- preciate. $43,500. All terms, FH . .\-VA-Con ven· tional. 24421 836-1580 Corta Cresta Dr .. El Toro 837-1787 l1uu~r Set & Sun. $38.!m BEACHCOMBER ro11d.; l hdrrns., 2 l>!lths. Nord. Lee. d1n. rm. w Jril . · 2 Bath Areas Lol'rly four tx:d1,1<Jn1 honu· !i6.'l-!i!~1:l. FOR TIIOSE \VllO KNO\V Lf:e 11vin• & Jam1ly rms. w/ llbn,,, """" ' ""· ' 1 '" L"1nda Plan avallAblc rnr 0<·cui»ira·y uri-Huntington Harbour $231750 oo loan qualif1ca11on. r-;.,ar, TUV.'NllOUSt: 1</riock. 2 T111n ~1zrrt hdnnl<. 1<'h11r ttim + freshly pa1ntrd. Bil, 2'-. 1111. AU 11.1>11l1ance11. bt irk f1rrpl , f0Rr>·1A[, D!N-Owner an.x1oim. Bkr. 84<!-25.15 t'ul! r111'11f'!inR & d rp~. 2-<:ar ING 3l'f'il. NE\\I p;11nl out-J,:ar., <iOl"'r nrienrr. 24" ill ip nn ~trlr, A-B·Q 111 h·1rk yard, Chr1.~1iana Bay, $42 .S'OO ~ oovrred p11110! Nrt'ds your 7!4/~46-2776. tPnder Joi 1nK carr. ldral l ;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~\l-1-,-v-;-n-•--------I huy /or 2".l lD-2 buyrrs -1, J()w, loll' rlu11n p;1)fiH'n1 '. r ull price s2;1,7~. Call 11-17-1221 SEYMOUR REAL TY 3245 IDAHO LANE LOWEST PRICED ·rut; SEA, AND II AV F. frptr., 1>.'rll plannPrl ki1rh. mairf~. Lge. pier &. s!1p. t"i\Ll.EN UN 0 ER llEJt w/loed!li of sklrage & h1·k~t. J\1AGIC SPELL, lhi!li ('hit.rm· bar. Be1unitully Jurl~rpd., 1n.i;: home is ll'll" tullhllment w/lii;t'. view pe.1lo 11rr11. Xlnt of a life ti1ne drtam. Mystic Hills loc. S~6 . .'iOO SPRAWLING SUN DECKS WHITE WATER VIEW $200,000. ' J Rdrrnl'i., 2 harlui. J·sty.; bOU>ORb loweon jw:a. 1 walll!d patl(I. Arlult ) occu- ru:oLtCNI p1erl Cul DI! Sac loqation. 3416 Via Lido 67:l-4562 Light I< airy. Dtt0r11.t.pr tx- * LIDO'S BEST* tra~. Qu ick JlOSM!SJ. Gn !h15 wfiron rails afford A SCEN- IC OCEAN VIEW. LoC"a!Pd 11 short distance from the bPact1. Minr cond, 2 BR. O\\'n your Jowl!s1 prict'rl "parly Blu!U" own 11 pt. Lgt. H&·f' pool. 4 BR. J ha 60x90 $7!1,500 hom!!. Try $3[l.900. aose 10 ~hopping & hf.ach. 3 BR, 31.-, i>a. 45x88 $94,JOO $23,:.00 ~ BR . 4 ba. 90x~ $1.3.i,flOO : ft FAMILY POOL HOME 1 LIDO REALTY INC. 6 ,. -._ 4 Sptciou"' bdrms., 21 2 baths. I 337" V111. L1rio, NB -•[ ': f1 , .. JI' 4:r. l1v1ni;:-, fa1n 1ly & rl1n1nit * 673-7300 -*--1 ''~ . : ../._,~} rms.; l'hrery k1tch. w/lnarls ' BAYF'RONT he<ot buy -::' r e alty 1 17141 Rr;u·h B!1d. 1t1s:-n A~·h l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•••••••••!!!!-Op1•1t "til 9 l'i\f Costa Masa--1 Huntington Beach .\lu~I he s-1ld -f'RV. uni~ s111:i00. St:bn1il 1)n •~IB\"!'n l!u1!:1! f111:in1·l11.:. J l~f·<I J>~llH~. fan11!y -o! I 11 I II>-: r~•lUJ. 2 rir~·plan•s. 2 halh~. ~1uwk 1~1~~..s~ .. 111. (':1l! \lr. llano~. :-:.i1u1h l\la.<1 Jt1·al- -1 Hilrrn., family TIT). pn. 1he n1ar1i1'I, 111 U111ver~!ly Park. 1'T Balhs, 111111~ .• 2 lrpl1"111. 11 111 111,1r. IMln11.1. ONl.Y S :O,:it~t. Call u~ l1.Mt1y lo Rr1~nrly rt>niorleled & redf>c· Ql'lllPd nrw 1111\v rarpeling & ttr~po>s. UNIQUE LIV. R\1.1\ASCO?.Y ux; BUHN- IN(; Flftt-:PLACF: JN ~·1~:1.flSTONE ll t-: SI r; 'I. i::l1<l111!: 1:lass door,; Op('n In 10:111u d••,·k~. <11:,~AT~; Tlt"- t ".'\:'llY CIJ!\NllEl.JEH.<;;. ol 1·ahlne1.11. Comp. lndscprl., hranri rn"">I' Lido t fH-land\ 5 '"-:>.,.. wfl~r. lff'('~; C'nrl. }itrd BH. 4 •~ RA. p1Pr I< !<hp 2111 \"1~ra !)pt Oro \I 1th !~. x 30 lltfl. I< lilt. pn<'ll. Many fPa1urP~ SHm.flOO. 220 ;\'~,1·por1 Rt'ilt"h 1-~~~~~~~~~ $29,950 No<·t> 1l1•ek .ft par10 11r1•:i,. Nord. 011nrr. 494-641.l. r,11 .Jl.1.l &11-09·,a Eves ASSU:l.1E n1y 6' r l;J loan.1 Total 1>yrnnl incl la:.es & in-TRI-LEVEL f'11•ani• Br11~. nlo.~t J)(l11ul.1r pl.111. :t B1·1l1~11u11, \I llh 1h~· '''•'IU~l\'1• g.1nh·f' kilrhrn • 'lJob"\lp [hl, !'r•a1·1(lu.~ rrn11xlrl;>d k1tc•h1•n, \l'lTll C'J-:ltA .\\lC 'I'll.~:, HUILT . IN ltANt.;~'. & ()V. !:Oil(! ot'1Khhorhooc'I clO"le to ,.,-1..-.01.,_ •rn~---I MeH Vude I _BAY FRONT -POOL sur $164. $6000 t11s.h rrq'd. \"ao·;inl ~ h•'drou111 3 J1alhl', Ta~ ~111 2nd. 51~-.Jll.''6. _ 1 3 ··ar g;1 ra~t'. si•p 0 ar:i!t· f•ir- SAVE $$$ hefol"f' ifl' !1slrd, 2 ma! 11\111:.: l')!.1111. ).;:ollt•t) . hr bouSf' nn lrg Io t, fnrn1<1L dll1111J.: roon1, l«n.e Eas!siclt'. $21,000. 2401 Norse k1tch1•11 11·11h up,c:rar!erl lhrr- Ave. 548-lf.i78. inn huil1in app!1anrt>s, al~o All 111orl••l'n t•l1•1·tnc ;111pl1-__ WOULD YOU BELIEVE! <ttw~·.~. ~lll"'r rau11ly n~1111 11,111 f1rt·r•!., srparall' 111a.~1rr IM•rlr111. su1tt'. J~rofess. l;inr!- s{.·cipt-d, fruit 1n•r-s, i;prink- ]rr11 fronl ,ft back. Ol'l:'rsizcd dbl gar, "·11.\k lo bt>11.t h. A 1·11,·;i111 ~ twdroo1n, dosr !<1 ()('f'f\11, shu11p1ng and si·hoo!~ 111 a chon·e arPil. All !rrnts and J!!°l{.'ed IO llt'll. AC -- -11rnltor .. SINCt: 1!~16" 1st \Vl's lrrn Bank Bldg, U1111·1·n1i1y Park EN, E'J'C. I.gr hrr;1klast lll"f'll. II llh P!Cl;URF: \VJN- J"J(l\V I.OOf\JNt.; TO T!!E :-;i-:11. Thi~ pif'turP prPtty ho111" i~ a DEC'CHlATORS OREAi\l. Olff'rl:il !or only $31 ,500 FULL PRICE 4 "'1;( ~ B\' O\\'N~:R: .1hr-2 b11, lii.n1 '""-~n,-...., ~""'<V rm. 2 frplc, -80. COt<$\" .. ~ t I ' hl10~, foc<! aourt1,L.AOJ>t.t,, cau: c P P' , ~ .... -..._....c;-.,. As.~11n111hlr !>\.% • .jgg..7800 • $19.900. 671-~. yrrl. Loan. Dover Shores with J boat ~~er~ on lhe 11a1Pr. This bra.ut1!ul p11lacf' ha~ t 111 o 1nasll'r s111.r•1 plus 3 tll1ra hf'l"lroon1i::_ 5 ht'a.u11 ful baths. ThP f\nPst or c11qlf"t1ng .!l1·ail· f!h!P 11 ilh !ol'rly drapes matf'hin.-:. A huize kirchl'n ynu ml1st i;rl' to believe in· rludf'!I" 3 freriet"!;. Owner niu~r .~Pll rh1s Wt'f'k R1 under !hf' value 1<'ith R spectscular price of $167,500. CALL Dover Shores *BUILDERS OWN* Unique features &. old world chann 1n this cus1. hlt SHOW HO~E wh ich could not be l't'plarC'rt /or $\W,000 . Comp! priVR!'Y 1<'/ \\"81<'r view from Rlmost evcry room. 4 frpk·i;, 412 811, 4 i·ar gar. Sp11rit'lu.~ '1 f hi.-:h L'ell- ln~. D11·rW'r 5-Ul-724!1. -~--Fountain Valley COOL POOL IH&FI U:i1•ely 4 Bl1 + larJ;:e f11.1n1ly r m. 1 BAl"liROO.\IS! .i\1nny xtr·a~! Prir'('(j ril!hl ! HAFFDAL REAL TY 842-MOS £,·es: ~11 -2446 Huntington Beach 4 BEDROOMS V •. can!. $21,000. 2 B11!h~. elrc· tr1c builtin RIO. d i~h11"ash er, stai n!~~ i::leel sink. rl1n- lng room. !argP J1v111g room, air-rond. f'A hi. rarp<'I~, dra(X'~. laundry a1·r11 ">l'ith tub. ol"ers1zrrl rlnuhlr g11r· Rgf'. 60' X 100' fPneer! and lan<l.11caperl lnt. \Valk lo ~chool ~ 11nri ~bopp1n1?:. nice nrighhorhood. l' 1llage Real Estate '62-4471 ( ::::. J S46-81 Ol • t•at111g area. Separair lar!:c d1•n \1ith \l!"l har, full w/w f1ri>plar(' . .\laster bf'droom your scni1tf'. SUlle 11·1!h SPparale fnrmal 'l'' COLLINS & \VATTS re1n•a1 ba.lcony, upgradl'll I 8&13 Adanis Avr. Hunt Bch 11• w carpels, drapes, $49,900 1 962..4471 ( :::~, 546-8103 96t-j~2.1 Cati I --------;1----.0--.=~=~--I · · 1 CHOICE •.• two lovely CLOSE TO ll pool homes, e xcellent EVERYTHING t62-4471 ( :=J S..6·110J I areas. 3 & 4 Bedrooms Srhoril.~ •. ~hopping&· frwy A.re $32,950, and $33,500. right nrxt door 10 this Jove- Assume loan or sub-lr. biR 2 sinry homP. l RR SPANISH \ mil. .f.. hu~r srp fan1 n11 .rr •. :{lO MINI-MANSION LEADERSHIP R_ E. ,,,,_,,,:1:1 ·51:,otc.1 Days 833-0101 ~ights RELAX In 1h1~ s 11ar1ous 3 RR. 2 .ha., separitle rlin1nsi: r m. town- hou~P. CJrrestory windowi; & skyl1gh1~ illum1n11tP every room. All this for $.16,j()(). (ired hill Jlt:ALTY SF:E TOOi\ Y' GONE TOMORRO\V• MISSION R EAL TY ·y .. Laguna 9$1;i S. Cna~t H" Phone (714) 494-0731 EMERALD BAY A char1111ng, luxurious new hon1 ... Panoramic ., c e 11 n J l'IPW Soft wnnrl ~one.11 in ' npt>n br1111' celling~ !... pan· t>lin~. 18 x 71 Din. rm.: li;:r, fam. rm.: 4 bdrm~ .. 4 3 UN ITS \ iP\V rlf>Ck~ ·. $1 50.000. I ""'"" 3 h-pk•. 4200 SQ. II.: n11n~ hornP Turn@r Associates \\'rr duplrx. ]ll'f.i N fnai;t H11)1 .. Lll.1:una P1np trf'Ps. I 494-1177 Anytime o IO beach. Lagun-_-Niguel Al 1-hdrni. Char Newport Beach NEAR BAY Pnnl !llZe bt-droom, l:>ac.k)•arrt. largl': l , 2'.\i ha!h homt> PX- ra mtly room, fire- ilt-ins, crpts, drp~. agP, shake rool. xiou~. Only $32)100. tra largt> pl11.ce, bu Ohl "' Ownt'r 11n Lac Walker & Lee 27!!0 H;irbor Blvd. 11! Adams ;,r)-0·16~' Oprn '11! 9 P.\1 l WESTCL-IFF VILLA Carrlrrr living at its bi-st. Lrg 2 BR, 2 ha eonrto. Obi '842-4466 & 968-6800 Real Estate :1000 !>fl. H. 1n-lt•vrl r xrt·u-SELLING___ by McVay Univ. P11r1t: Ctnler. lrv1nt 3!1211 E1·f's. 67.1-1.·,7;, rtnor r n 1 r y. ]anr!scaped r11·" honic 11·uh 11 pool. t"•iur Cail Anyli1ne RJ..1-0820 ~/"'!O .I SAT/SUN. 1:5-,.,.,11r1y:in1, Olympir • site II -C11t fi ll>-. an HIGH ON A HILL OPEN plu~ srriaralp ne Surround!'ll hy \\'alkiog 1hstnnc Only $.T.l.~.OO. Ca lw·dr.10111, II ,:1n11ly rno111, YOUR HOME? 2 3 & 4 PLEX vroe. ort Weybridge J•>()I. [)h] garagr. Corner of plus a hug1• ha.>;4•1111•111 n11n· ~~t t'<' app1~11s;1l • \\'r huy '" I MM~:iJ I AT~: Oi·i·upani·y REAL ES y TODAY \\'r~li·ll lf & Buckingham. pus roon1. !Is prit'rd for a 1•11111 tics. l'rrsona\ ;1llenl1011. '!'hr ('CJ1Jily in you r ho111P T UR"!'LE P.OCI.;: 4 Rl1. 21; 6-\6.if>~t qu1ek .~alr. Hkr. R-12-2'.i:!!i 2.i Yl"ll. l''\pr'ri1•11(•r. -~111\<I put ynu in a 111CP AA, 1neliul1ni:: land s~a.~iOO 119() Glenney In Tomorrow -~=-=--~=c-~~- COLLINS & WATTS rrn1a1 t1nlt. or nlake offer. o"·ner, 4!H-9-17l o rto. Jlarbor Virw ~MUST SELL * !J6:.:;:;2:i Evrs. fi.J2-Q.l2i ~!r1.!C1.13 5-1,·i--01:-.S EMERALD B 4 ha., ">l'ilh fami ly RY 111\-~F:R -'----1 Real Estate x;;:1-:nx. el'lCPC!.. lndscpd. &. Bf'~unlul Bl11!fs 2-100 sq ft ;.ii\V I-: '.';.~ \ULVElt[)Al.E -Sac:r1fiCf" $:.9,900. fnnrl11. 11rw of 11·ater &. 1024 p TATE Xl nl 4 Hr!nn. 2 ha. homl! ">l'ith BU re S1. 111! hl1n~. $:'\!l.!t:il Move ~>4!1-0:\16 Laguna Niguel Realty Noth1ni.: t LOT -830-5050 496-5791 4 BR ~ AY Lido Isle rm. All I rll"f'r!l"atf'd Ui11qur :'\ Rrt. 2 BA hnnir by McVay h.v owllf"r. s:l.\.~. 2 i;!y, 4 F111rst .i:, latfPs Show Realtors lights. Gl'rrn Brit i<'r. Fab· WHY RENT? i·rducrd $1 .00<1. ln 52fi.!100. ,---· RR, 2•2 AA, m;iny f'Xtra.~. 1127 F:mPral ir Hou~ehunt ing" I 16 11\ r! R rt f'<l m $600. TOTAL COST l'\rw 4·rp1~. '"n\·rrrtl pnlln. e \l"lFF: RUNNING \\/ill 1·arrv 2rwl. K13-3'101. Bill Grundy Co11st Hwy., Cd1\1 ~;'.~. ~14-1;; o/'s.~~0173. 4 Redrn1. V,\CANT, 111l 1.:rp1d, l.1ndsraprd for eas.v i'arr AR.OliND \\1rh bar! Cl . 34.1 BaysidP. N' 675-7225 --THE BLUF~F~s=----' d d 2 1 d 1 '.'llany rxlrns. Rv owr1rr. To r lu::1h1l11r, lmk1ni: for H Laguna Beach 6 5 61 rp . car .1:ar, ai-.:•' ynr · ~ri• i.1111 lM7-717i. .~hi<rp 3 h<"rlroon1 2 b11th l . 6 AUTIFUL BAY 3 BR .. 2'2 h11. spli! lr\·el close In The 0<.-ean. Like new _ 2 o h · · h ·1 F • I d mnrl. Cllll at niwe CUTE .•• newly decor-bnn1r~ SPECTACULAR hon1P, OCt'llf"I ·.~1ory nmf' w1rh 1mmo i!f' mnh1 I' ranc1sc.1n mn.,.,I. mrne . COLLINS & ~VAl~rs JNC. I ated 3 bedroom. lO"/., • OR-ynu c1111 .·~~u111f' !hr I.· ca11_vor1 v1P\1, unuliually I 11 orr;ir1 \'1c11', m;iny 1reP-", 8rR111 . 4 RR.,~ Ra. hnmr 2 homf' 2 BR. 2 BA. rtrn, firP-pos.~ ..... ~. \\'ill cnns1r!rr 1rade !";on. only S2S.900. C11ll I -<I ,,,,,,,,1,,,., rrralrd .~RR, 2 RA, lanl rm. nalur-frplc~. 5'i It. \I'll/P r fron!ai::..-. I pl. f11rdrn rm. pvt hf'h .. ~lip or ll'ase/npronn . 962-5523 Eve: 6-12--0-127 down. Vacant. All this-pra~ar · * By OWNER * -I fo• , 19 ,SOO. .~1;.s.;::1 by tugh bf<11 n1fil C1'1l1111.:•, 1 111 rock f1 pl, nr;ir srhool• 1n Roo1n fnr h1rfl' bo11r slips. 1 ' 111vall. $1i.:ioct. K. Anrhora~ Ownrr 'as:-1.. r11\I rrank I ~ Tlll-: f~r11I F.s1:1:1r \1ART 11-ulr (''\fl:lllsP nl Rla<s & "• Top n lhe l\orlrl .'ll"('a Goori Prir·r i::.oo.flOQ. \l'ay, N.B. 011,ner 675-1748 f71 !I ~!l!l·Z2:\~ II r I "I J" b LEADERSHIP R . E . II\. 1111 . .,.~.1 .-~-h-II fif't' llN'd lnl. :t Hft. 1J!P 1 _f111.1nr1ng~~ ~!l-l-:w'_~i-Bill Grundy, Rlt_r . ~~~·1_2'!1. 1 c·n .'itDP.-rt~io--h-,-,,-., 00 .s(j I 1ornr, .> Jr, ·• a. 842_4466 & 962_1420 . ,._ ,.,, r. 11· Hill ~-, .. -_ _ __ ·-i ,, ~"' li,:P l)P1tml'<! LR, all ~l;iss nn, 11 /w 1·rpli.:, dr'f/s. frpl1·, n •t·r. l~~nn. 2 RA, 2 111de I \\'{}()US Co1·r. Modern 2 BR. 1 :t-11 Rn ysidP. NA 67.l·fllfil AAYCRF.ST Beauty' J AR, w/\'IPll'. 4 or '1 BR I.· family hark of h~e. Show1ni:: Jnp. I llOU~F 11 ·r ~ \V 1 h the ,. n v '<l p ;1 1 i o, h l t n •. frpl ~. 2 111r ro11d., f'l\('I. /'IPll', \\'nlk tn he:ich. Ownrr O\\"~E:rl -20:t Vill M;>nfon... 212 RA, li.mily rm. FPP + pnol . Np1 HI.•. Sfi~.!IOO. lllfl~rpng-. Su('lf'r clr11n neigh· Of'£N" 11~1~~~~g~lu~~. l'.raul1full.1 ln<l.~rrwf. $2/l.IKJO lndry. $1~.00'I. lllwrr Trm· 1nud l!Pl\. Sl2.950. 4!1;'r-~1a7 I :t hr, 2 l'>A . Ofl"tl Thur• thru ~imp\•. Rnnm for pool Rhrvt11 M111f11l Rltr. 642-3600, borhoort. 812-7245 hn11. S·17-S0.12. plf' Hill.~. 49'J-:\<l~.A f'l"P~ Sal. ]-5. 213/l77-12:l.1 $j2,:l00. 642-4~ or 633-0022. 642-4121. ( Vif'W lot 912 Via Lido Soud Home d Bay Ch;:irm1n.1: i;1nflP-~ty. ;\BR. 2 '"Armcha Realtor h,,. home on 90 II. lot. Used 35.1j E. pr. BMtch hrirk front, lge. patio. I S9f..nno. ON BE excrpfinn-Tip of Lido Isle Chllrming ~--.. ---·-" ' • ·- ·. ' . ,._ --·-·~1· ... ··-· ,4. • , ....... ___ _ -I ' ;1 S•turdi1, July JI, 1~11 DAILY PILOT 27 [.__·~_ .. : .. __,J [i][ ·~:; .. l !il ~[ -·~_·:; .. ___,J [i] I --·~·' !~[ _ ....... 1~1 ~1 ~ .... "~.~~ .... ~,~~1 ~[ ~ ....... ~,,, .... ~,~~![ ......_"' .... )~1 [ ....,_, ...... )~ 1;D;up;l;e~x~u~/~U~n;l;t•;~~~D~u;p;j;l~;x;•;•/~U;n;i;t•;~;:~D;u;p;le;x;•;•/;U;n;l;t1;;~~~1 !~M;one;;;y;t;o;;L; .. ;n;;;:.:;~2~40~ Houaas Unfurn. I 162 ,,.1. 1&2 sale 162 1 •• ••••• ................ ;;::.-;;m;;mm;;m;m;;;:.-;;;;.-;mm;;mm; ... m;;I LOAI"S! LOANS! LOANS! G•neral 11 V.'fl give U1' most. Private ,:-~--------- • • • • die:nihM. Buy, tradt, a.eU. "The Devil Made Me Do It" ;.~' N':;,~-;;,~.;'" .,.. . , sell my -4 pl exe• fo r the rock-bottom price of .. SSS,000 ONLY $6,000. DOWN ... new carpets, big rooms, fireplaces, rages. Next to City Park and School. enclo•ed ga - Open HouH Saturday & Sunday 12·6, Warner & 01k, 2 of Beach Boulevard, Huntington Bea ch. "What You See Is What You Get" LEADERSHIP REAL ESTATE 842-4466 • .-..for Sale BY ownPr this wcckrnrl 31.., BR 2 bath on \\'111Pr ex:clu are-a J22-'J2nrl St N.B. \.VE STCLJF'f-3 hr. 2 bl!. Move-in con<!, Fixrr-uppcr price. $11,900/ofr. 642-20.19. • ... * BY OWNER·BLUFTS Condomlntum 4 BR. :I BATH. Call 644-2~. Newport Heights On 11 ht-au11rut MrTIPr. A da rl1n1:" n)rlrr 2 hffirm-<lpn.J RA • home. J\.1n.~r unu."t1al Bk:r. 646.5.WJ E:VES CHAR~1!NG c11.~tnm J-Br:-2 1 811 !ihiUif' ltf'f'l', IO\'f'ly carpt'l1ng n\'rr h'ltrlwnnrl, L~. Orick ltrl'pl F\('an1rd li\'ingTn1 1\·r.rm) r-11,.<111111 p11nrl~. f)rl!chrf11l rrrnH·r 1n r11.n· upk('rp cR1·rlrn1 1, 11rrr )01 646-1.l.~1 RY-n1~·nrr -N ,. " l y flt'cnrll!<'d, lmn1ac 2 hr. lii;r I fan1 I'm, li:-r ln1 Shnv"n by app!, princip:il~ only . $2!J .• i0.'.J. 64~2182 San Juan Capistrano CASITAS CAPTSTRAl"O I Ll!tlr in n11.m• (lnlv! Thr~e townhoust"..S have all the in· ii:\-l'dients of modern l1vin1:". MOtlern ki!chrn~ 11·1 rh h il!-\n R/0, dishwashen1 & hghtf'rl ~iling~. 2, 3 I.· ~ hforlrooml', 2 /; 2i,o, 1'>;1.ths, 2 CllT ;i<\tlU;!I' .... Bfoaurilully kept grounds & pools. • • 8 UNITS 16 UNITS $1.\2,CQO Owner \\'11! srli \\'anrs trade. PVl'. 847.7560 • Coast Pa\mbroker M2-3(.02 Money Want.t • B11rhrlor apt, man nnly Util pd S90. fl4f\-.1736. VF:RY Nice I Br rlplx. Quirt Stp by 11:&.tAl!f'lli Arl1Jl!.~ nvrr 30. no per11. :i.tR--1021 ---1 • • E:\""rn.A It" I br, lurn I SllJ n1n. MR M1ssKm Dr. (Ir M64:l.19 . t·U RN. 2 Br 1p1 U1U 111,.• 1 paid. JltiO per mo. '1111-8 ~1aple St. >18-:K>ll. EA.IT-lliidt I br it:llrden •riL Si l~. Quit.I, maru~ adul!~ R,.ls. ~8--8007. ! Huntington Beech_ La Quinta Hermosa Cnmpl~I,. kilchrn, pli,111,. 1<rrv1r,., h•alrri pnfli •rv & n1;i1rl llir>rvif'I" np11on11 Studio & 1 Bedroom 1F. n1ill'~ lo Nr"POrt Brach j miles In Ols11ryl;u1d! 531-3930 !JO: SQ. Harbor Ntnra An1 lBelwf'rn MrF':irlrlen & U:hn;:'rrl 36!. ONT~ ACRES J ... 2 BR. rum, .. Unfurn. Fireplaces I llf'iY, patloe. Pools Tennll Conlnl'J Bktlt. 900 Sea Lane, Cd?-.! 644-lSll j r-.tacArthur nr Co.ii.it HWy) ' f, \ I I ' -.. .. .'b.ulV PILOT ----.r "' A.fl•rllTM'nh kw Rtnl -' ~ #,p1rtmtnh ID< Rtnt [ 9 ] I ApMl<m~tl f« II~ J ~ --·- 365 Apt. Unf_u_ •• _. ___ 3_6_5 1Apt. Unfurn. :us r Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unfurn. 365Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apts., Apts., IApFts., u I •10 IJ ::--.,.,----------Fum. or Unfum. 370 F U f 370 urn. or n urn ... Costa Mesa Costa M.sa Costa Mesa Newport S.ach Newport Beach urn. or n urn. -;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;; si'l:1~o)Y(ciAfti)iiNi;::-r;:;o;:,fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !1 -c-.,-,-.-M-.-,.------c-.-,,-.-•• -.,.------l·Hunlin cton Beach --------• SJ A Y ARJ)F.NS -POOL m. ORLEANS APTS. ADULTS Q,'l:[.Y , 2 & J BR. Aviul. Pr11·111f' p11- t10, ponl • lnrl11•. l11 unrl1•y ffl i'. I (N1 Orani.;e Cll. A!l'porl , T11i;. tln a'. l71h SI; nr \\'esrc!IH1. 1741 Tushn, !"fli;la. \!1·~11 Mgr. I•1r.~. 1'hn1nr,on lil2·1! ·1 *** LIKE LIVING IN YOUR OWN HOME .•• ~ Br, J 1 ~ U;, unluro. L'pi.,, clip~. rnt>l. fl1'!1" W ILSON G ARDENS Apt• Ph. f..12.tiSl 1 11 1: l p111. FAIRWAY VILLA APTS. * Spanish Elegance I 1 .. ~.~ ·~;,;,"'"N .. ;·;-;;·~ NOW YOU CAN AFFORD Quiet Adult Living 1i:~"i~nrl Si. 612-'6·1; NEWPORT BEACH 2 & 3 BR 's :"r11·11te p>!IKt pool • Jr11l1v. ]il'lnrlr.v fac.' J\r.-1r Or1u1ge Co, Alrporl & L'C'l Arl11lt~ (111].v. 21H!~ !'\,111 r11 Aua \li;:r .\h·s. Jr111i'l111n, :..U)--ti115 A1e. Apt 3-A .<:;h11,i;: cpl e drps • hlrn.'I Beautlfu! Pnol • Ali Util Pd 2 BR. $170 ,\duhs only-no pel! 211 A1·ucado ~t. 6·16-0979 NEWLY DECORATED ('hann1n~ l Rr rtu 1Mrx . :'>.1•11· «rp1s, 11rps & J);!llll, U..vf'ly riark J1k;> ~urn1unrhlltr."_ HEAUTl ~·uL s1.:.9.,i0-$169 .. i0. 2 BH. lrpl<.:. bt'flni '"'il, p11!11\ Ad11Jls only -nn pr1s. Rrf'5. 2354 Santa Ana Avr 61:1-039:'. .:.!-RR, 1 RA GAROF:N lln1t~. l':h111,: Prplg. <irps, 1h•hr, p11 l1fl, br:im cr1lu1g.~. lrplc. J,tilr, 26.iO Eldrn ~1•-.~12:1 s11;:,1.\10. EL CORDOVA Qu1r1, 11h1!t1r1• RdUl1s onl~. $130. COOi. up tri rrrlrr 2 Rr, $1::0, ;1 11'-ti!l:MI. v.~11 111'\\' drps, Hllns, (!u .. p. Enj~y $750,000 health club & spa ; 7 pools, 7 tennis courts. Bachelor, l or 2 Br's. Also 2- story townhouses w/ 2 or 3 BR 's. Elec. kitch- ens, p rivate balcony or patio. J<~rom $175. Subterr a nean parking, elev, maid service. Full-line food market, dry cleaner. beauty s.ilon v,iithin complex. 7 beaut. niodel apts, Y an1 to 6 pin daily, other times by appt. Jamboree & San Joaquin J.lil ls Rds. N. of Fashion Island. 714 : 644-1900 !or leasing info. PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS AptS. e QUIET! 1---. ~11r nr shop~ & flCC. Pern1 ' ·1·1r I •-'! "I' I \ , , 11<!1!•, no pt>I~. 5-18-00:19. ''l'""'!'!!'!'!"!"'""l!!!l!!!l!!!~~~!!!l!!l!~"-1!!!1!!!1!!!1!!!11!11 . . '" • "' • ,U\UI'}' / P s :l Br, drfls. Ill'"' 1·rp1'g. Hakf'r ! . . - ----1' 11• h11hr..;. \Ir;, <'k•<rrs & ••!fl· ,t lli!rhor ,,hop'i.:. Loc·kf'cl BF.Alfflf. UJ. 2 Br, 1•,, Ra ~nf:Urn. 365-APt~Unfur"I. JU.S l••.tnf~. l11x11ry sh.1>:" •·r•pi ');, i.:;.r. Arluli~. no J)('ls. S14jl Stuc110, nr"' rrpl.~ k paint Newport Beach h1•11u: rr1• f11ril ,c;, 1'001., rno !>!:).l:il-, or 6•ll-07:iJ. Drp~. bl111~. carp or r. East Bluff Park-Like Surrounding Adult< • So rw-1s. ------Sl60/n10. N11 pi>ts-1 1·hild ----------· - QL"IET • lJELlJXf.: :..'(JOI l'h.11'lt• Si, 6 1:!-HjO HARBOR GREENS ok. %18 ~~I c:in11no, 54&-o.1;i1. NEWPORT BEACH * BRANO NEW * $!:ti. 1 BR. Frrlc, 1nrl()()r/out ~·2 & J BR APTS --GARDEN & si:uoio APTS 2 BH-:-QU1r~arnJ,;.~-fn('{! Villa G ranada Apts. k1tcheo, heatPd pool IAC1'05,S -- Summer is 9reat FUN at ••• MERRIMAC WOODS Pr.· pai1os * l!fd PoOI! .~HF!, 3 ht1, hlhns; 3 yr old. B~ch. l, 2, 3 BR 5 from Sl!O. y<1rrt, "11trr paid. '1nfanl F(lUr bedrooms with baloon. fJ'()m S.A. Countrv Cluh l. l\'r shop'g * Adu/is only li1~l Jr 10,1rr c1L1plr.; tu11I. •10003;elcrson \Vay, C.M. 01\. \\'alk Harbor Shp.i.: ie'I l!lbove de !wlow. Gracious Si-P 111 :l<f.1.12 s11 n1a Ana Ave. • Martinique Apts. \l 11lk lfJ bc>1ch, shoppln~. a-Ii-0 Cnlr« 36ll "R" Avocado SI, J!\'ing & quie! a11rro11nding or ('Ill\ ;l;i7-02ll. Liveable luxury with all 1777 Shn!a Ana Avr . C.\l si ·hrKJ!. t:;is, iialPr, _i.:ar•h'ri-"(;AB!.F:S'' & "SF:VE!.LE" C.:'11. 5·1:.-C.OR7. foi· family \\'ith ehlldrrn. DELUXE 3 BR, 2 BA 4.pl,,\ These COftVenienceS pf US more! :'lff:1. Ar t 11.1 6'J6-5.).l2 Ill.\.!. Cpls/rlrps uu•J. \'r. j2 RR, l '" BA 11/i.?11r. Adull.< Nt:\\'LY OECOR1\TED Near Corona del Mar High Afl!~. firP pl, erpts, <Jrp~. e Clubhouse e Pool e Serene Atmos phere LARGE 2 BR. 2 BA:-l.'~a.-.~~ S;J>IJ/n1n. ;,09 ~cat·1a.( C1'lps, drps, hlr·l11<, Jrncrrl 2 Bft 1</gar. Sl:\O. V.'111rr &hool..Firrplace we: bar& rl1shwshr. Nr Hoa1.: Ho~p. e Socia l Life •Indoor & Outdoor Sports APT Ul'ST.\f/t-\ h7.'l-4 ... 16. /ldul!s pref r!. )d i1 /p:111n. fi.1!i-'ll~O. pd. 1.iiii Or;in~e A1•r iAl hu1Jt.in ki!r.hen afipliances. $2.~0/i\1n, adult~. &12-4387 or Cl ,111,n"N 1 1 *COROLIOO APTS* 2.1:i1 onuw Nn. c si.·,:i i 'all hiwn ! .i:. 5 636.4i 20 !!.35cA1~t1 G1os8wA,v 644.2991 612_1771. 1 & 2 BR's W /terraces 1 • ,.,, \ •t:L 'O.\!E: ' . <" • "h'"" 1 •" • c FROM $140 $275 · l'lt St111lo · (._ tf<'rtlc1l'I · !f,l!JSanlaA11af\,·rt\n I Sl.1,1 ----"""~ ''er o. t ,\JJ rlrctric C..1!d /\1t>dllll1un ' · . 1 ~ " ~ •. s. __ _ _ --AVAii. i/'li'i, plPAsanl .'v!rsa Managing Ai:ent 511-5221 * OCF:ANFRONT _ D!x z 0 kllr t1 I $l.~J & Ll P. D~l1lls hr. f rplr•. * NIC E * \l<'rde 2 BR, 2 h11 . Cp1s, -~--Rr, 2 R11, bl!ns. sunrif'"k. Adults Onlv 24,; S A A Dl>l l'<it"'"r! LARGE Pool. Hunl•ngton B cL ' · oo anta na ve. (. 11 6_3~J:i-g 2 Rr, i'rJlt~. rlq1.<, h:ilt•11n.1o'. rirps, Bins. l:'J6:l Caraway ea n rrw i:<nr. nn Penlnsula. Mod e ls Open Daily 642-1131 Afternoon -;; -' ·:..'._· --l·x·krd )!;Ir Nr t.u~ k tl11'-nr. . • S~'ii:·1 ilHJ .• 1·rnrl)'. l\1'111] 11(111 42S Merrimac Way, Costa Mesa PARK )Ou r car & l•Rlk. 11r Mlrf', .\illts·, JIO IM'ls Avltll -------KIDS wf'll'O!llf'. A!1rar 2 Br. ....1 , ~ '* 3 Rr!. 2 RA. nru; dr1«. II . ,1 .. ; J RH, 2 na, rlrlu.~P. Fil!ns. $159 P ool All rxl••• 17'6''· A""'"· no fW'I fij;1-l:,,..., Apts., I Apts., rrp1~. Bli11_s. P11 11'" 2 Br,2Bil,OCanlC'eil.:\lany ~ -· ---· 11c" 1' <'J> • .,rps, 111 r. A Kf'rlson Ln, g.12-623.i, ••. 2 BP.. 2 BA p1 & urn. or Unfurn. 370 Furn. or Unfurn, 'Sl6?!/mr>. 6 ·1 ;i-4&t7 or ,,.~ ~~"A ,,, .•• 1 e REGENCY e p1111n, gar. Like nf'w . 96&-7310. 1irp~ Rltn~ 1~ !ilk hil), 1 o----c--------370 nn•;i n, nr shop'g, NPw apl~. tJO\\ l.1 11111 n• ,;.].11. I Sh 1 ~ 1 I ·• • I -1 RG C F o • I · •"'· "''"" · i.,u._ri e. l\1 • C R S I General C I M ___ '4.l· • •. •Jr .l ·•·• 1>J. , . • • 1 .1 , ---1 \\ l Art ap!.~ "'/frplr, ___ ___ ___ _ -----------:J.lo-v:\21. , •. 11•3 •1 •• 9 • :'\,A. 2 R, l Ra .• hag 9fi2-4lRO. NE , l>lk O(ran $2::0 5-1~-2.Q;2t). I os • esa REDECORATF:n. lr,i:: 2 hr, VJ~:\\•-nfR,,y::-,..\111~a~~hr \1f1 i· Sf' f \ran. 1.:a~ oir3~17 J BR, 211 ba ~rud10, f'pl'1,:. d.~h11hr, 1 hlk lrom bPach 3 RR/2 BA. hltn~. sunrlrck. ;-:;,;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;:::;:::;;:;;:::;;;;;;; nr11 cpl.<, dpc, hlln~. 1•h1lfi rlui)lr, Palin rl"('k ~>. ,,1 ~\~ 1\~.1;·· <'l'IC gar pa 10· rlqi!i, liltnJ<. $190/mn Nn Sl :il. mo ~,16-6810 or t213; ~tt>p!i In hf'arh nr b11y 52R.; PALM MESA APJS _ UJeBl:iBJIU 21 OK. $1 JO. i66 S1111ll1n111r hi•\ Ai·ailAu.c:l s2:JOnio · 1 ·~~~·. _1R~60-l)f':s. 998 E. Cam i no . .11R-,)6:11 .. 10716rhSr. n1n.yP11rl.v.Rrr's.&l;).-187~. • XP1v BrAulllu!GaniPnApart-642-7:1!.i. • · · '+ ' .r ·· .l ;,46--0<l:il ---------------p p p l _~r!:::_ ti /J-67,·,:i. __ _ 1---* -$170-*. ~----· . , ___ LCE 2 BR, 2 Ba, s!uclio apt , 81\YFHONT AP"r.': 2-:l br Rilrhelor tinfllrn ...... S\3.i. mt>n1s. r1vare atJOS, oo. 2 Bt>drnoni. 2 h111h. arrns.~ 1hr Ff)R h'll.<"-I.•"• ''"' 3 ,, 2 , I Df,LUXF: 2 Br/1 ~ Ra. <:pl~. 11•/pAlln, rnd i:ar. 1111 hHn.<, 1Tpt~. drapes & ref. $290. & 8 ,, 1 1 4• Spa. Gara>:P, Luxurfnus Slrf'r! fr•Jnl "ark ••ara,,. ' 11 "· 3 Rr, I~ Ba, Pilll<'\ bltn~. rlrp~ ~to1·p rl.<h11ohr '"· I I . I ·I CI I J •'I" 61"'7)2 itf'ne nr urri ········$I ·1• J;indsrap1ng Arlttlt~. no""l!i. '' ' "' h;i lrpk tTpl< flrp< p·111n I . ' . · · nc 1Y ~!I P "" 1 "I'" Up. ll.C:I. '.,..., · · -J BR 11nfurn Sl~ll ,,~ Bui11 111< s1.·~·> ""I' nin.I · · -. ·· ' _· c·rpl s. drp~. Ask 11l~1u· our Sml rhilrl ok. Al'l 8/1 .$1511. 1 1 1 '· 11 ~ ''' ,.19 =-~ -.......... ·. f urni.<tit>d, Unft1rn1sht>d, ' ,.. Qu 11•r ltli' so of h11·1 l 3'" I I S'" C sm 11" 011· · ""· ' ...,,,, • \.\'f'STCI IFf' 2 BR A""I'' I Rn l"rn 1-•n 11,··, 'j.li-.'Jl~4 ;\lr. Dr i\lar I _ :... ·111 I r 15rn•mt P 11n. "" enlcr 642-7~:ill -----" • · "u · -u ••• •• •• • '" • • • 2 BR -$173. 3 BR. $25.i __ _ 1110 1\v111l 1Jn", li1,'l-64.l.1 Si., ('~1 . 11!2-!':I H) 2 Ar<, 2 Bf\ sl11d1n, N1•w!y nrily. nn fll'I~. $1R<l/mri. 1728 2-BR unfurn ,,.,,,,,., $11i0. SHARP 2 BR-$13S i <::l'\Cl0U;; I BFf I 1 1 - -* BE1\UTfFUL 1 & 2 BR. drrnrar1•d, rrll'i~·liHns, !'"! Rrdford L11. ;,1~-i~.1.l. 2·BR furn ....•... from $17j, · ' · rr t. ~ O\'<'. 2 Hit cpl~ r!rp• hllns rnrl ,.. c· rl A ---·I Bl!n.<, hlrl ponl. Arllb. ll<J rr rr ii:: + ni ('l'~Pf"if i.;:ir 2 ,. , · 111. • A 1 1·. · • .. on1rmpnrary ,nr en pts. palin. nr ti.'"."h. Tr<ideivinr!s New port He;ghts • POOL ""'IS.ll~E Ra v !i12-!1.'1io ' • ~.!I .I '111 ~· fl(I f>l'I<. P:111n.~. frpl 1·~. ""')].RI RI "II •SAUN,\ ,.,_ . . _j ;idl1 . J.~e. SllW rno .. i\1,111 S/l. 2!llfi Prppf'rlrrr ,-~ ra ly ·-~.1 . 1-------"----- LOVF:LY 2 In·. 1•~ ha s l11ri1n f,'lf\--IO!l:'i __ I J.n Apl I), nr r·;;ll all 6 pn1. $1 :i0-Sl6:'i. C11ll 5'16-:'illi.t .-:1-lir, I', h11. lnwnh;;;, * 4 H;\1 !!.\, 1 nr 2 emplrl or • JAC'llZZf Arl I' I r' I I -UN FU"N J Rr $1''/mn '•>I ~f"rlll l'f'11rPd, 1st & l:.s1 , VI(' l:ilil ~lf'.~il flr. S11nfa Anil ll "· ll<l ll" f'. 1' PH lfl, FO!~ l"il~c-Orlu.\e r1p11· All !;, 11 :•rkrnds. :•,i-7407. n.J • ·'·1 1 11/blln.~ 1nrl rrfnR. w11~hf'I' ponl. i ;i:t \\'. 181h ~( . .\li,:1 ,.1,.,. 2 R"., l I',,. Jill /lrHI~. no [lf'IS. s~o St (!J'yrr. Pvt pallO. Sl1l). CIH:V .t. Orar1.i:p fi4fi--.iS~.1 e\'P. ,-. ~ P~:1.u:-:t: 1 hr rluplrx-Q~ !}-0. I l 'nni.su·ut·tf'tl \'I{'\\' nl hn.v & r rnlPr SI. &12-:iS4R. .~~l-301 ~1 alt :J. Newport Shores -------l"!~1n• 111!11 1!~ Slo1P. rrft•1,i::, 8Ar!IF.l.0R 11 rrfni:. S I~-, 1wl';1n. 1\dlls only G'13·C:Pt2. dip<, 1111 i·!'pl, pa l ii• •• i;ird. $17:1. :"'>'1·;\\' 2 Rr: APT. 1 flit Clr1111 ,r,. 111rrac C!'pl~, llll'l Ul ll. :\rl11l1 [r.lj \'.1lcr-.1 JH:. 2 11,,~i1,,-;-r-rh+plt•\_ S110 llli'-101\'i or R3"1-0~61. 1·,1 E 21<1 .'>t drpi;, hl l-11t•, 111 r /cond, 11r. l'Nr URN 2 Rr/2 811 . Yr's C'lll 111· Rakf'r, .\lt>11dnl:t rlo.-.• h) hf'i•t'h .f.. ~hpt: S::OO ]~Ii.I ,\1 ;ipll'. e f;.l{;-.~f;f,i; • .~1·hn"l'. shop'g ,'(, p11rk. Kuls I j1·a.~r. :"ipl Shorr<. Rik to * • ST''NNli":<' t' I ' 03· 2'1" I ,7--~s31 • 2 Bil. I'.· R . .\, <</11---;:;,.;, ok N<) l'f'ls. 8:!1}-1;•111 bra•·h. \'1rw 49-1-!l.-1(12. v.' ! •• an f't1 :ip. 111•• <) .... ,.},)(.'I)'-, ,t-\)., 1.1)\'l·:t.Y 11\\IU'I''~ fh·IH'l.P l'lpl l Br. ronl-rf't'l'f'llll011 r<l(IH\ I'\•~. -2 hr., i·~ h:1. l;<P riPll rlrps, g:ir l\rt11lh $1""1 :?:n61~\VAll~Aui.:. 1. -I Ill!, C'!t~ & San Cl;m--;nte 11~0. li\;·,.;t·~".O Fu r11. SIGfJ, '! Ill!, <:rp!s, (•0111J)lf'H•ly 11 /lr'plr, ._hllJl: 1•qu~. shur-~nla An<t A1"· (' \1 11.,11rr 1xt. Child & P"l OJ\. I __________ _ ;--f"°RH. 11ppPr. hlln~. r pl<. 1!r:1p•·•I. l•ltus, ,l!.,Jl\1<1~h1·r, h•r ..... ~ J .. 1rly tllJl•. t'.!00. $1 2~. Ch•;u11ni: nr P" t rtrps, r-0 pell'. 11:::1 mo. :i6S ,1111 lfl!·.111un. 6-1r .. :1:l!H li!\4'~~9 Ea5t Bluff _nrpo.-.1! ~.1r .. 1mi0 nr_"1·1:l-~·lo:l FOH 1.t:ASF: 2 RR APT In ht>111·h. $1."11. n10. * 492-442:-1 • ~ \\'J!'lfln~}4:=..0ih0. __ \ Hr. J1, i.: 1'111, kit ,r, rl1n'ii • I R1!r~p1~11~ BEACHBLUFF APTS. 2 BR: 1Tpti;, 1lrps. ;.!r_$Chl &I a rra. s_l!ll/111;i 968--A \\1. 1 ~l'npirril llOfll. 11:1 F.. 18th N~:\VI.\. dri'tlr111r rl 2 hr/2 h11 1:l & 3 ~i ll, 2 BA, pool. p11_t10, 'l BR, Avenida R:o1a shop"' -cenl('r. s1.1.. /110. r ~II~~ .-..I~··'-·----...::.:: C.\I. f>.12-4lit'l.1. --I UJl stairs apt. Bltins, f'rpls.I flW.~r _:hnpplnj.;. ~.'2_·3_?3~:__ S.1r ClcmPntf' 4!!2-5.i1 3 67:1,-~1·1.> 13 HR. 3 HA. $1!(1, n10. Al<;() 2 It • EXT!ll\ l£P 2 t>r. 2 h"· il1'JY.<, 2 •·11 rJ)(1r1s. f'O'll. 1 2 Ar. Duplr:>.. Nf'ilr IK'llf'h. Sa-;,fa-A~a --3-Br, 2 Ba $165 RR, hltns. t 1:15. n10 .I rrpl~ k drps Sl ~l rnn. 976 1 Chilrl ur r"r OK. $'.r.)() mn Crpts. drps, 1'10""· No llC'ls. 1028 Va!i>nl"ill. liIB-T.-..17 C11 1·pnrt.~. :,16--fl10~. ;\11><slnn or 64&-!'l~!l. rhont>: fii.'>-60~-JJ. S14'1. '.'l.16-~:Kl7. ,;;:;:::;;:;;:::;;:;;;:;;:::;;:;;;:;;:::;;;; Apt. Unfurn. 365 1 Apt. Unfurn. 361 'pt. Unfurr.. 365 1Apt. Unfurn. 36S 2-nr--r1LlP!rx-, -rrp!/rh·p~. CAN'T BE BEAT l'!l!ins. 1<.11rha1<.r rl 1.-Jl I. rnr!osrrl i::ar. Cell : R42-217J, Newport Beach Newport Beach Ne wport Beac h Newport Beach SINGLE STORY Save your car -:t'1 001 !nr: Just re11.ch tor your phone & call 011 ily r dot c.ai;~ified &12-5678 Chargr your ad -today! Apts .• Furn. or Unfurn. 370 i:,1 E 2l .t:.1., C.\I. f;.11i·8filifi Huntington Beach e OCEAN VJF;\V-FROM $1 ~.'1. l Br. furn or urifurn. lASA 1'LAYA, 14th & \1':.lnlJt. Call 5.1&-&~fil fast reJ<ul!s 11r"e j11~t a phone cali away -642-5678 Apts., Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Costa Mesa 2 BR. NI) rhildrrn nr prts.. \Valrr paid. $1:,,0. Ca!! 962-8374. Areyou ready ----2 BR. $140. 842-8365 for Gusu clal Sol ON BEACH! NEW APTS I Br From Sm 2 BR From SID 3 BR F·rom $3 75 F urniture Availablt Car1>«:ts-dr1tpe~-41$ w.Jher heated pool-saunas-tr nna f('(' room-ON'an view1 plltios-ia mplt p!lrlcin1 Sl"CurUy gUards. HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 711 OCEAN AV~;., H.B. t71~J 5.3&1487 Of(' oprn 10 11.m·S pm Dally \\'ll.1.lt\,\t \\!ALTERS CO. RESORT LIVING Luxury apt llvlnr w/ $1 m il. lion recreation., .1wtmm1ng, !~nnis. billiards, u.nd vol- le\.hail, health cluba, 111una1, clubhouse. p11rty room, rtS• idP 1rnni1 pro k pro shop I.· much more. Single!, I ~ 2 HR. Furn/ Unturn. Ren!1 from $1~5 ... No lease rt· qu1recl. Modtls Open Daily 10 to 8. SOUTH BAY CLUB (JUSI f(1r 11nile people > Ne11·por1 Beilch Irvine & 16th. 645-D550 OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS !resort living lnr adults) Nt>1~port Beach 161h t.:_ Irvin,. 64U170 e NICE .-- Tl1e most beautiful vielf of lhe hllY & r>rr;in In l.hc- Hahor 11rr11 . 2 RR. 2 BA 11rts. fnr lra~r . f>.\2.2'2Q2 Santa Ana VILLA MARSEILLES BRAND NEW SPACIOUS & 2 Bdrm. Apts. Adult Living F urn. A Unfurn. Dishwasher -color coordin1f. ed appliances • plu~h shag carper • choicr o! 2 CG!or sehemf's • 2 baths • 11aJI 11hower11 • mirrored tt.'ard· rohr donr'I • Indirect JiRhl· ing Jn k1 1chrn . bre11k1a~I bar -huge privare lenced patio _ plush landsc11ping • bnck Bar-B·Q'11. l.&rie heal- ed JMX1l1 & lanal. 3101 So. Bristol St. (JA l\li. N. of So, Coast P laza) Sent• An• PHONE: 557-1200 Rent al• L1gun1 Beach South Sea Atmn~phere 2 BR .• 2 BATI[ C11rpets & drp~ Ai r Conilit1onrcl Pnviitt> Patin.~ HEATED POOL Plenty ol lawn ! Rooms 400 ,~,~~\tt '~'''~~~ Announcing the quiet opening of Bayport Apartments ••. for adults Now, above Corona del Mar, in Harbor View, .!I step from Newport Center and Fashion Island ••• there is a private world !or edult!t. Bayport. Dramalic ar'chiteclure a nd handsome interiors make this new group of apanments uncommonly at1rac\1ve. Each apartment offers you the privacy ol yout own entrance and palio or balcony, the comfort of deep shag c arpeting, 1he convenience or sell-cleaning gas oven, d 1shwashet, disposal and spacious storage. You :ilso have a choice ol interiors-with fireplace, paneled living room, or vaulted celli ng , For your recreallonal p leasure, Bayport has swimming and thera· peutlc pools, and gas barbecues. For ease o f sho pping : the nearby vill age center of Harbor View. Bayport ensures quiet and privacy by offering only a limited number of apartments, from $195 to $250. One bedroom, or two. One bath, or two. Gas and cable television are complimentary. And the slightly less quiet opening of Bayview Apartments ••. for families Bayview -all lhe features o r Bayport and lhen some. Views of ocean, sailboals a nd sunsels oll Catalina. Grassy pla ces wher8 children can run e nd shout. Enclosed pl ay eiees in s ight o l 8 cheerful laundry room. And not fer away; excellent achoola 1nd complete m edical and dental facilities. Bayview offers two anQ three bedroo m l!lpartments, e11ch with two full baths ••• lrom $245 to $32S per m onth, with complimentary gas a nd cable lele'lis ion. Bayport for adults. Bayview for families. The quiet places above Corona del Mar. Mr. Arnold E. Tinker, resident manager, Invites you to ln~pec t Iha epartmenl!;. Take MacArthur Blvd. fr om the San Diego Freew11y o r Pac1f1c Coast Highway. and turn soulh on San Joaquin Hills Road. For more 1nformetion, you mey call Mr. Tinksr al (71 -1) &4'4-5555. ' NF.AR BEACll-Nf'1V I I.· 2 BR .. l'r. ha. llf'OI. Arlulrs. :-lo pet.~. l .... e. 217;, S. Cn11s: Hwv. 4!H-4~81 (lr :.211-6713. rURN ~m111I pli!C'f', nr hr11r h. \\'rrk or n1nn1h. 1 rns~1hl" 2. Rf'spon.~1h!r . 194-4'100. Lagun• -H il ls Carport & S1nr1-1ge 1--llDDFN VILLAGE 2.'iOO Sou1h Sal!a Sllnta Ana e ;;...16-1525 J He111rrl fl!ltll:t S•"f• ~,,. F"">'. j : wtiy not live at !he r111;;7i;;;;:~J::J beach, and en loy your Si n Diego F 5 • pulling green, gym, volley wy, ! ~~~1~.o~:~~~o ~a~~~.m~~ Z hard room and cluOhouse. ( ROO:'ll fnr rt'nl, Eal;thluff. Siii ffi(1. Frmale studrcnt I pref,. rred. Noll--fim~r. 1;ara.c:r , pool. ~~ pvt ha. fi-12-27:-.6; 644--4864 a.fl 5: 30. ( l..11r1,:e f'luhhnusl! r lc. BBQ 1 lhild C11rp CPntPr 1,-8--2-8--.-,--.--Great nrw 1 2 & ~ Rrlrm! ' R. A, 'Jll ' rlr>1pr•, SOUTH COAST For a 1 ela~1ng relrea! yo11 have your choice ol one or rwo hec!loo m' fur- n1snl)t1 and unfurnistled. each w•!n 11s own pnvate patio, fireplace 1n lwo bedroom, e levaiors. dish· washers, caroets l!nd I B~:AUTlFL'L Vif'w, 1, blnck rn fk-P11n. S25 \\'k .r. up. ~ Sf'll\'IPI\. CD.\1 . -----1 R00'1 fnr rrnt. kit privi!I· Ouf~•rlr rnr. Sllj, ~r mo &12-il\~~ Sal & Sun only. pon! 11sr, r1 "·'>hr. dh! i fl r. VILLAS 194-2661 , 1131.22 1~. Lido Isle _____ _ SPAC!OU!', lovr ly 2nr! nnnr ~p l, ~ br, 2 h11. hlln•. <1 ~h"'~hr !, 1·,,fr11:. lrp!rl, rlrpfi 2.1•ar IJ'.~1'11RP $~iS nn l~P St.own h.1 Arpr ~44-21).l.~ Mesa Verde DLX 2 ·" .1 BR, 2 811, Pl'lrl i::11r. $150 & 11p Rrn1~1 Ole: :lQ!l.l :'1!11r r Ai r :~11>-1nJ4. 1\\',\I! .. no"· nr\\•ly t1rr, 2 RR Rlt. in .. rlrp, ~hflg f'llr, Arlh"!! tlf' prl.<. Sl·IO ;.,..iQ.27.\(l ------Newport Beach * Steps to Beach * 1 BR. 2 ha, bltns. 0Cf'tn \'1P,1 , Arlulr,, only, Nn ~Is. Yrly $21,'J. A1·111l. no.,.·! • • • * * .l AR. 2 h~. lllln:t Chilrlrl"n wrlmn1t. $.1(() \'rrirly. Av111l- 11h!p n(l\\' Call. 673.Jl*i.1 &11-215..l Eveo;. associated BROKERS-REAL TORS 2025 W Balbaci 67J•l66] P AR.K N EWPORT- APARTMENTS 8af'hrlor, I nr 2 Bf'droom~. 11nrl Townhou!'<'~. Sp11, pooh, 1rnn111. Frorn $17.i. A rro~• l1T>m ~·11i;hinn l.~liinrl 111 .111m- borrr It Siron J011Qu1n H ill~ Hmd. !7141 644-l!lOO, e NOW-OPEN-. 204~2 Nlnt11 Ana A1·p, Sp!lr· JOU!J 2 RR, 2 FIA .,./frplr, pri PA!l(l, IJ'111rl11 nf cll)<:l'f~. lltrl pool 11\ci'O!'s frnm .S A. C-nuntry Cl11h 1. Sl!rl, 5.i7-Q211 .SF. . .\Cl~l ~j\\11nnr -Ap~ RR 1" R11 rhelnr 11p1 lrpt•, rlrp11, hllnll, CRttl rl1~pn•:tl. 1 ': RA r1·1 p11! 1n. t.i2.i Pl11rrnt 1 ~ Alf' A ~k 11llnu1 nur 1!1~r-nu111 :~1~26S1 NPT-1<1-w!rlrnt 11. /ptrr UOI /\f11rArthur Ill1·d. 5-1&11823 QUICK CASH THROUGH A WANT AD DAILY PILOT 642-5678 ('BJ drapes. Ind all ut~llies (...:J:.._..:.>~'-.----=::'.J••I p1 id e~Cl!p! l•ghTS Ask lor F11nt1stle-11/ front ju1t Commander Rettl"O,. $1•5. Meriager (7 14) 962.{;653 fi{)()\f hnmP privilrgrs - rr~rinn~1blr woman or work. inc. c-1rl fi1:;..1i:;,\~ alt ~ Sl.i f'F.R .,.k np 11•/k11 $.lO 11f'r>h 11p. 11p1~. f..10TEL * .)-1~-!l7;l;, 21661 B1ookhurst Street H11nl>no1on Beach, C11lof. -.. ... 0 Nl('F: ~l<'CJ1Ulj1 -·:.,,_, &.-11rl1111 PMI. Nr rm !or 1 hfo.oJrh. $.'JO Apt. Unfurn. 36S J Apt. Unfurn. 1 lllll ::..~fi-1 742. 365 Apt. Unfurn. Newport Beach Newport Beach Newport Beach manKer square apartments ANNOUNCES THE AVAILABILITY OF Newport 8Nch TWO AND THREE BEDROOM UNITS FOR ADULTS DESIRING TO LIVE AMIDST BEAUTY BY THE SEA IN THE PRESTIGIOUS WESTCLIFF AREA OF NEWPORT BEACH ••••••• , FROM $230 For Information telephone Mr. Robert M. Buckley, Meneger et (714) &45-0252 or wrlle to The Office Of The Manager, Mariner Square Apertment1, 1244 Irvine Avenue. Newport Beech, Callfornle 92664 I l ii) l I l JouALITY APARTMEN;s j . -· . ' I ' .... 1=;::;;;;;;;::====;:,_;;::;::::;::=·~· ~-~-;;;:;;-;;-:;-::,_:;;;:;;.;~;;;:=;;;:==:.;;;;;." •-·· ;:;;;:;::;;:;,_~ fln111 .l RR 12 A~. lrpl -Tt!Pl'dl'i-li. ..-,-'f'ry-1-st:--1::~-=;::=.=:::::=======·=·:.... ___ ::_::;.:-:~:::~-:..=::-==::-::.:-==== -·. -1--· .. ' ~,,_,.,,, I ~~~~~~~~-4>-~~~ I - SA\'R "£ASH! S.1u.1rd.,1, Jul1 17 , 1971 DAILY PILOT f9 l~I ]~[ 1~1 [ I Room1 ao lndustr1•1 R..,t.1 4SO Rentals Wanted 460 Personals S30 Found (free .1ds ) sso I Found (free ads) 550 Lost I ROO~t k priv ha. kHch NEW INDUSTRIA L UNFURN 4/5 br hou.o;e in E.\\'P. MAN\', ~1Al'iY YOUNOsmall blkmaleDox-fOUN0-11 pair or 1---------- pc1vtl. Pool Jacuu 1 l. &LOGS. Nwpt Bch. wi;t ol C:O.s1 I THANi.::S •'OR RE IN r. lf'-Tt>rrt.r? V1r Ba('k Bay /our-month-old cars a REWARD for return °1 i"'Y sauna 5o1;,....71g1 *COSTA MESA* Hwy. Yr lease. Re~por111blt ~··~HA GREAT FRIEND. arta Rtd Ilea coll1r. blark ma.le &· 1 'iJ'ey !'olotoro!a2-wayradio,orinlo I ·~ 1·16 & 17 0 tan1 . 1-659-2367. Cl.AD I WAS AROUND &12--442~ fema.lt" in vicinity 0 f re lllh.Ja or wh eraOOuts . ~,,J.,_._.,......1 Summer R•ntals 420 ~ -J ~ sq It un11s. ' I Lo 1 b •11o1n Lldo .,. PrJV&le 0U1crs, plenty ot GARAGE for 1toraa:e . also WHEN YOU /\'EEDED foUND 7-J.>-Tl Beagle type Jumine Avenue mrth of 5 1 t ti • VIC LAGUNA Beach !or rent parldng, ntar SD Frttwa.y. nttd workJ.hop 1p 1 c t S0h1EONE DURJNG THOSE ff'maJ,. rlo& Br, wht k blk Coa~I Hwy. ~eed nnt prove Shipyard Conta.c!, David LOST -Iri&h Sett•r, tt malt. ans Ill "Red ". T a 1s removed. W.11 .etn Maf. '°uente &: Tr1buco, MilliOn Viejo. Children u p • e t , ~ward. 830-3n9. c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 llEST llllY s-? Aug. Magn1li,ctnt1y !urn. !ge C. NAITRESS REALTOR 646-2290 or 673--0102. LONELY Tli\tESi PER· V1r Baker L HArbnr possei;&ion. Phone 6'1·1-TWI. CJ"O$by, c/o Alan D Croll, ,\1ffllterranean style villa COSTA MESA 6'12-1-185 HAPS OUR PATHS \\'JLJ... .'l.i7-66l0. 1rso Small blk female. do& ~ll~N~~~~D!NO QUES- wllush garden on orean· APPR"'"' lOOll 1 CROSS AGAIN . I LL FOU"O "· b 1 11o/bm lef't, short tuur. Also f S b ·~... · sq. t · 1 I~ NEVER FORGET YOU " b.,., & rown rg ron~ j uprr coa.11tall \'~~·~ 11o•arehouSI' & sloragl'. L!,.c Pt.r1on1ll A.. llL\l'A\'S C. · 1 malt-rlnt. Look~ !1kt II • ~mall ~Y dog, 5haggy LOST-2 zold weddu;z rinzs w! .aoonie!I overoo ...... po"·"r t1\a1I .\1·1 zone. I~. . 'W Shepnerd/CoUu• Vic Vt<" ~1agnol1a &. Garlield, \\'htle iwimmin t a! privare IM'ac:h &.· OCf'anfront per sq. ft 23-4 Vicloria. c !\I. Rl'oov.-ned Htndu Sp1rJtuahst ' Bush11.rd, H s. 962-2631 II 8 96&-2143. Capistrano &h, Ca.rn100 sah \\'a!Pr pool Sleep~ 8 10 0 1. 640-7103 E \" e 5 ·1 I Advice on all mAll<"rs. . S\VEET 1 -----Cap1s1rano & c.oast H11oy. to. :vli:>riern kl!cflen I.: 11.p-,,.~;..,,14 ' 'Autotransport•tlon 52S i.~11·l'.:-.!&rr1ag•,Busines.~ VIC . ~!.trntrs Llbra.ry -'bind a'rty killtn ~nerou1 f'f'ward. Ch r is ,,...,...."" · Lti ti 11 ktrT 01, ntr found vie \'V arner &. Raitt. pH1u1ce~. r'or !ht lnle -----R'"ariings i l\'tn 7 days 11. \ Y P ra ~ I Do"·n1ng. 7l~t.l32-l6jl. ll!'Slht lf'. S2100 4S<\-.'.11)1) M-1 1.28() sq 11 new hldg CAR Pool_ N"'•pt-dnrwn L,\, iu'.'tk, Ill a.ni. 10 Ill p n\. ?111Y ca.JI i nd 1dtntJ!y :.. A 1"1ll br destl'Oyf'd If ool ""'=,.-,,.__,.,--.,-..,.--~ 11o·/off\cr, lsre rt~r dllOr, 1"1.~7 IT T _ 31,' El C R 1 .~S-2.'.\lli I claunerl. 4~-9930 d & y s , GREY !!'male cal, 4 mo '1. 4 BR. J hH, nr i-..~ach, ll/R l'o \Vh 1 • C:\1 1 11 n irr 1r~. summrr, • - . amino ra. • :i.tl--S~7 '"VI'!. Clrar flea f'Olla r . Vu~: Q, f; ~n.o". "'••h•c "·-c. tfl er ~t. · 11 so -~O anl-1 '.U)· win!t>r 1 am -~ San C\en1rntr :Y!ALE Sra!poinr ~111n1,.SP, -----Ch h S C -.,., "•"" .-"'3 ' Logan Sl, C:'<l . !.iOO ~q I! . ' ' Tl d BLAC'·· m•I• mi•. urc I, '.\!. 64:.-J-. alt LOST-Yna bti&:e Siame.e vie PetersOn Sehl, H.B. Unl'lap. pychild. ~. -------- lt111tructlon llf!l School•&. Instructions 575 I I 2 ool !\" s, CdM p ll 11n\ ('\f II ll)S 4!12-9136 49'!-00711 \II' Sohln11 \\'ay, La.tuna ,.. " poodlt rp c. . ' S!95/mo 011 .1•. li l&-.'i():lJ, ,'1""2~n · ' Sn·a11·htrrv blond m 11. I "' 5. 67:>-0023. ......~ "'' F.XPERIENCEn __ , _Beach Ctill f'vt~. 4~-.'i!l9-l ., =~~-=~--~ Autom•t•d Teaehl--l'\es&!li--0681 ---- -\nck·a-Poo \.'1r £5tanc111 Hi LOST Frm Blk poodlt ··• * ~ALB01\ ISLAN 0 RENT-\l-:--l.-112.i sq-f1,-S11i \\!LI. r1rl\P .-.nur car barl. P Housl'-s111~r~ 11~a1J t;~~:>l~n-~1~:o~:npt>~ ~;' •r hool arr~ f>.12-971!!1 atter 11·/1-,.ht ches1 . "'\l 1iisy", Va·· Center• ' HOTEL. Apl!<--R.oom~. By A 1 1 11_. rasl 11rter Ju!y 2lrr1 ro1l"Ctyoor ome ·prop 61,,-~~., , · ~.:llf\.-SJ4~bl'f(lrr.i I ll!h St, HB Rew a rd : Av1auon GrouM School.Open D1'y/\,:rrk or M onth. ml 11· \'Ill,, Au.i: _ 51 c'-;,i;i Prrftrably 10 Svannah. Ga . ,.. :rrent l{l('aJ rrf s · ,,...,.,,~ ---.----, 5.16-2709 evenings & weekend1. Lo. -~ . ____ 67:.-,-illli nr ..,,. ro1. "1c . o;,......,ri . <or •~ra1 on~ 1 fOUND-Purrbrerl Stamest 1 ' • , · ~=~~--·-~--ca cu at e ranr e oun,.r ',' ''lJ J1~11n. . n. 1, ,1•, ,~ 1 T 'T h ,,,q ,,~-4 I 1 ,_ d T -.. ---Pl EASL rla1m found la~t · t"" th o c ., CL''AN 8,_1,. •pt•., .... ,;., ___ -----_ 1 1 '."">'lll·-l6l1 ".l11ek1!'' I ki!ltn \n :-< R. 6i~2677. \1Pck in '.\lay. \\agtlly rall LITTLE bro\\n dog female Atrport. 19;;31 Alrpon. WQ i:. ~ u ""' u•,. ~~=~------____ -1 i;lrek blk ftmil.lf' do~ \Vht looks like A m1n1-sheperd South. All counes FAA I#" rm! S!'P-~ bch. $7j/wk ~ Re ntals Wanted 460 I I ~ OCTOBER t·rsL y(luth lollr .'.\ FOLINO -Blond PllPPY 7114, I on rhest. Vic Paulanno !Ch. Ansivtrs 10 !hi! name of up. 31J E. Balboa Blvd. f .,1ncial • I wks Ams. ~unich, Zunch. I 4700 :'\eptunf', N 8 5-18--6862 1 ~G--06l.'.I SCRUNT 67z.-.3~l. provttl. PH: M0-8930. 67.1-9!l4J NOTICE S789 incl. Lv 91:ll • st11y I --· --------~= MACRAME REALTORS g, RENTERS in Euro~ up to l vr no ~dd FOUNfl lar21! iur1!e Call to lost 555 LG . IRISH ~tter, ~1 , &rinning and inter. 2 hr. •.$6j \\."EEK & UP STEPS 1 ~1765 · !denl1fy. 54~161!1. I Hunt. Harbollr area. 3 yr5. class, Tues evn. lftlall fff TO BEACH The hoUllni office nf Uni\ .. ~~. P•rsonals 530 air lire. · ~Al 1 11 , whJ!t' mark on chest . · fi.lj-4110 sity of California. Irvine 1s PREGNANT:' A dopt 1 on . 'JRJSH = ter ma ' , YTR· S·l6--4203. Studio in G.G. area. Phone. OPENING tor FOO<l Service t .'>p11n\'lin1 its Jlstin;: servic<! ~ I aboi .~on. ,, as e ct om y TIME FOR Lost fl.1ev.·porl 3 wkg. 11go. 1 ~~~--~-~--for details • 539-3862 or !or olf campus ~ntals. Real-. L.COHOLICS Anonymou5, counselin&: g, information QUICK CASH Scar on nose. 1vht mark on BALD 1vh1te Canary lost v1c 539-7087. !llllna_~~r. Call fo r appt. tors k private owntrs are Phone ~2-7Z17 or 11o•r1te fi42--4'136. ~!de. Reward 67~5934. 1 Peninsula Polnt. T ---P-IAl_N_0~-1 -fX<l"JN-=s--·l .':3S-3J9J . enrouragcd r,, lJ~t 5Ultable P.O. Box l223 Costa il1esa . THROUGH A LOST -lr1sh Setler. 6 mo 67~3 Be. .. tnners learn b a 1 I c a : PLEASANT 2 b ·/ r1 l h ' --i\1ASSAGE 11 relaxing PC\ ., · .. r . .,., l ' . a ma1·ried & sin,r::lt s1udfnl~ &. .J.t\XON the ~1agic111n -11 perit nCf' 1638.l o Rol~a DAILY PILOT old, v1c :-.tcG&UI:"h Sehl. Seal ~ Ylo~. o!d German Shepherrl theory, sight-reading, etc. !urn , Sl90 "k. l"r heh, ~hPi , ! "r ll ! I y iicoommodanon~ hour ol n1a~ic for chtldrens I Chic11. Rd H B s.t6-i??2 Bch Rellarrl. 2131431-~267 mate. Lost ln 1'.iesa Verde. Call Bruce 546-4478 alter 6 ~~mna rlrl :-.lar 67:\-3l21 I ''11h us. \Yrlle or phont for pll.l'l it-s Si 494--3669. · ' ' · ·--· WANT AD 01· ·131-3306 I RE\VARD. 546--4478. p m. 2 Bdrm nrar Balboa. orran 11 11st1ng form from . Hous. I•••••••••• ·~~~~~~~~=~ ---------- ' b'l. "'"I by wk ocl mg Ofloee. Llbcocy Admi"· l•ll , I nionlh. 6i.i-::.810. 1srra!1on Bldg, UC Irvine. A 1 1 R 1 ['f)'. T R t ~ l.•p•·•m•_-''.'._"''_•••l ~~'~ 1 1~1 1 [A rt •·f -J[tJ I ....,~, 1 plrtman • or en Ap1r1rn11111lorRent ,l,p1r1mer'IU or en 1 ,, ~ -Ap1rtments !ar Rent ~ P• men ._. or ~ BR cotr;:i.ge, $iO, "''k, \\'r~I rvint-, Calif 9£.,.,.., Phone: I ....,. · C ,1 ... ,...._ i71.i1 ~:\.1-6812. ;---------~1~------~-~I ~mmmmmm;;;m~ 'mmmmmmm;;;;m; ~-------.•. "o pf'ls, Ut:pDSll rrq. =-;: • I ·===~:,.i.H,l.16 ---LA\\" STUDENT v. ~ n ts Apts I ~pts., I Apts., I Apts., I Apts., Apts., \VATERFRONT hom~Slps ~;~·. ~~~11:·,1 ~a~:~1 ~:11~ Fu.~n . or Unfurn. 370 Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Furn. o r Unfur n. 370 Furn. or Unfurn . 370 Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Furn. or Unfurn. !l. Sm l>oat slip, l&:f' pallo. ~2:.!l ll'k. Aug 7-21. 67,'l-67.17 ~!udtn! hurliz,L StP11.rly job. Cost• Mesa Costa M•s• Costa Mesa Costa Mesa Costa Mesa Costa M••• --------,-.--\\1111 tlo some rerltto. \'r.1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.-·1 LGE homP, sips · f';r h11y ~ lsr. Nrwp-Bal·Crl:v! Area.11 '"?°an. 301 1\lvarado P · nr. hl'ach-hAy. Can w1ti! for 613-2·116 I "intf'r rental. Ph . .11!17-7791 • * ll'f'ek Or ~1onth 3 B!ks after ;. from Bt'ach_ I BnR. Linen~ BuS-E·-,-"--.. ~,~.-,·1·-,-,~.~, furn Call 6~4-20~~-rhldrn netrt J-4 hr h.!:e or Renta ls to Shar e 4-30 condo.' 1n. Cd:-.1 or Bluffs, ..,,..,,.__ -1 1 !l/\/11. $300-\:.t)(l f "'/Slip ii pl"TSSlblr 1 1'.·110. vr ls "' • RENTAL TO SHARE ? 644-.J2l:l • \\"p can help YOU• NEED ROOMMAT E? \V,. ran hrlp YOU. 100' BEACO N * 645-011 I COMM'L ZONE I BR Housr .. $17~ 2 BR Housr .. $240 Xlnt lO<'at1ons. ~ parking. BEACON * 645-011 I COLLEGE stud!"nt or 11o•ork· COUPLE w/ l chlrlrn del!itt in~ n1an, pref unOrr :10, ro n1ariat1:r apt unit~. 2 yts wantrrl 10 sharr branrl nrw "'-fl. Ref's. Call anytime.I ho111P 10 C11p1str11nn Br~rh. 6~2-i"!'l.\ll I v11ultf'rl cri!1ng. frplr, :l hlk to heh, S!lll. a mo 4%--il726, C11ll 64:!-5'!18 Now! Pl"t ~-~~--1 SHARE my 11ater!ron1 home "/dock. !lfan, JO..fiO Y"ar5., Sl.)()/mo. 6i~l31. $7.), 1-htk10t;-_"_'_"_"_'~k-1ngj roomm11tr. 202 14rh St.. ApL C. H B. unn! 4 pm. -1 440 ----Office R ental CLASSIFIED HOURS S:OO a.m. 1n 5 p.m. ~·londay lhru Frid1ty 9 ln nnon s~1urday Advt rt1i;rrs may pl11ce their ads by telrphone -M__,0-D_E_R_N_O_F_F_IC_E_S-ll COSTA "!llESA 0ffICE * COSTA MESA * 33o \V. Ba y $7.'1 ,(, $110 J)('r nio .. Sc. Cali!, ~·1r~1 :-..-ationaJ Bank Bldg., 1 2JO L. l7Lh 51, C.:\I 642-1.~i -NE\\;~,\·~N°·f~nt Off'iet;-1 S~•.1 lo S-1.1.i Mnnl h 1 ,\l>ovr Thr l~landrr , :t~l Ra1~1n,. nr , i\'"p1 Rc11ch Rill Cru11ri} Rl1r. fl7.'>-fiJf>1 r1 ~,SK ~P.'IC'l' ava1!i1hle $.'iO n10 \l'i.JJ pro\·1de rurnit11rr ar s;; n10. Ans11;rru10: ser. ice a\·11:l11bl,.. 222 Fore~! A1·,., LA~na 8('11ch. 4'.!4-9466 LUXURY OFFICE SUITE ~·1nf'•I 11r'1 n( h;irt'lnr /..- O('t'an 1n .'\r,1por1. \"rry 11J- !rar 111r rrn1al nn i;lJh-lra~f'. \~'r rl' s111rk' 67~·74·10 ! DE:sK space ava.Jl11.ble $.101 mo. \\'ill provide furniture at $.l 010. llnswerifll: i.ervlce available. J787~ Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach. 642-4.121 PRO~'ESSTONAL Sidi;. 45c ~q ft. Atr·cond, erpts, drps, .:d p1rklng. Xlnl loc 350 E. 17!h S1. C.tl!. PETF; BAR- RETT RLTY &42--4lil DESK space 11va.il11.ble $50 mo. \Vill provide turnl!ure .11 1 S:i mo. Answenng sf!rvice "val111ble. W5 No. EI CAmino Rr ~I, S a n Clemente. 492-4-420 * NE\VPORT BEACH * Acmss from Civic CPnter. A.r-Crpl'sr-Prk'a:. 300 lo 1000 sq. r1. :rx:. DeeOt-e * 673--.i8fi2 lli70 SANTA ANA A\il-~. C!lt >·rom 300 sq/11. lk sq. rt. liT.-...2464 or ~1 -:,032 I ce~X~Ll~N~.T Of"FlCt: SPACE now ~v11il. l.idCI Blrli:, 3:155 /1a Lu:!o, N.R. 673--4~..0I. 642-5678 NEWPORT BEACH 3333 N"" fl<')rl Bh'd. 642-5678 HL":'.\'TJ:\f;TO:\'" "BEACH 1787:> Briirh Blvd. 540-12~0 I..A GU:"\,\ B~;ACl-1 22~ Fnrrs• Ave.. 49·1 -9466 S..\'\ \l E~IF.'.\0Tf: 30.J ;<.;. F.I Camino Real 492-4420 ~n P.Tlf COL:\'TY' dial fret 5·10-1220 CLAS SI F IE D DEADLINES Df'adl1ne f0r r0riy &. knl~ is 5 :30 rim. thr day bl'.- !CJrl" puhlicat1on, f'XCt"pt fo r 1'.-londay Edition 1vhcn rleadline Is Satur• day, l:.! noon. CLASS IFIED REGULATIONS ERRORS; Ad v('rfis~ shnuld chrck lh('ir ad!\: daily & rrriort l'rrnr~ imm~di1trly. T HE DAILY PILOT Assumrs li11bi llly for th(' fir~l in· cnrfect insertion only • CANCELLATIONS: Whrn killint" a n 11.d b,. sure to make 11 rt-cord or the KILL NUMBER g1vrn you bv yotJr ad 111krr 11.s rrcc1pl ol you1· r a11crl1 1linn. Thi~ kill num!x'r must be-pre. ~rntrd by t he advrrtlser In case ol a d l5putc. CANCELLATION ("jTI: CORRECTION Of" NEW AO BEFORE RUNNING: Every effort i1 m11 de to kill or C<'lr rrct a """'' 11.d l h11 l ha..11 bern ord,.rrd, but \\'!': cannot g1111r•n- tt'r to do 10 11nti! the ad C.ROU:-iD floor execull\"l' nf-has ap~a rcd in the PA· f1rr spar,. for rtnt -Co.ur p('r. ~'~"-''~'"-N-.B~·-64<-~-"'~'-~" 11 DIME·A.-UNP. ADS: Business Rent•I '45 Thest-•di; a rt ii:trlctlv A TTRAC 1tore I< ofliee !lp11cei; tJO k up. Dwn1wn . Nin Juan CA pi!tranti, nrl mi.~~ion 4!13.-1 Ll.1. STORE-18'x4(t' -A-I loc 1R7.1 1/arhnr. atr< 111111 ,\1on 1st Quint11rrf fo42-:r.1<11 SllOWROOM mfg-A--nllire c&sh In advan~ by mail o_r a t 11.n.v one of our of· flees, NO phont' orders. THE DATLY PILOT -rt- ~ervl's thr riaht to <'Ills• ~ify. edit, crnsnr or rt-- full,. l!l ny 11dvtrtist:menl. 11nd to cha nae It~ rates l. rt'aulatlons without prior notlcc. ~p~cr. Close to LA1:11n11 Inc CLASSI FI ED S!lO. Tn $3:-.0 tlfn ~M-Mi.'13 MA ILING ADDRESS ''\V !llTE f:J,EJ>HANTS" r. 0. Br'lx 1560,. Ring Brothers Invite You to Visit Mediterranean Village The ch arm of Old World Spain awaits you in Cos ta Mesa at Ring Broth ers' Mediterran ean Village. The country is the setting where quoin t, b rick-tile d courtyard s and pathways wind over streams and ponds to the door of your villa apa rtment. Ins ide, b eamed ceilings, wood paneling, color· coordin a ted drapes and carpets are enhance d by imported grasscloth wa ll coverin gs ln warm, na tu ral to nes. Wet bars and fireplaces add to the cordial atm os- phere. Large patios anr:! balconles provide spaciousness and light, The recreational facili ties incl ude nigh t-lighted tenn is courts, swimming pools, a gymnasiu m with separate health clubs for men ar.d women and billiard and game ro oms . Th e location of Mediterranean Village is id eal -con- ve nient to all of Southe rn California-minutes from the Pacific Ocea n and Newp ort Beach, overlooking the Costa Mesa Cou ntry Club. A twenty -fo ur hour security system ass ures your privacy while you en joy the se renit y of living at Mediterranea n V.iJlage. 1 bedroom 1 bedroom & den 2 bedrooms UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom tow nhouses From $140 From $1M From $170 From $196 -ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT NEWPORT BEACH RENTAL OFFICE OPEN IO A.M. · 6 P.M. 2 400 HARBOR BO U LEVARD , CO STA MES A, CALIF. 9 2 628 PHONE :(714)557·8020 T:l>·bl-~ .. __,. illl!t ·-o::-Jt;:;::~i4=~~~~~!2~i'~:-·:.-~;:-:.4ftr---------------------------------------· --·--------!!'!!!!!!!!!' ca.U 11w~y ~G4l-ij67I ~ ................................................. ~~~~ .. ~ .................... ~ .............................. .. • J. L -~ ~ r ' , 1 I I I ' •I ' i j • ' I ~ • .i.11 17 1971 ~f[ -.M""'."' l l5J [~--J~[.~~~.)~ C &......... ![I][ -·-).[Ill [ . .,,,_, 1 ·,: )[ll]I :.~·-![Il]f , -·-:·al ~~1iiii&iiiiiiii~:.jjjj c;.,.pel S.rvic• Eloct•leel P•intl"t & Help W•nled, M & F 710~elp W•ntod, M lo F 71& Holp W•otod, Mio, 710Holp Wented, M lo F 71~>ie; W•nted, Mt 11711:' (' trvctlom . 575 ~ Carp.!1 Oeanina:' LlC'D FJettrlclan. m.alnl Paperh•nolnt ,; J;;:&i;;1 Swim Leuons Ava: We room S& Krv A.190, resid. lnduitrlal. PAINTfNG -Ext;.tior .. I 2 ~lcs $1.!i. S.C.A A. RepalrU\i Ii iMtallattoru. 6U-4474. ln1erior. Papethanlln& & I'. e &73f7 e Free Est. 64>J.'l.17 ELECTRICIAN, Uceraed. light carpeo1erint. Fttt I ~ C•rJ)9nter bOnde:d. SmAll jobs, m111nt. estima1t1. Ye:ars up. C&lJ f J ~ · le repairs. 5t.S-S2ll3. 64&-3431. ! : ...._ ... Pih CARPENTRY Gardertlne ·r.:o Wastina: . . MJNOR REP~. No Job . * WALLPAPER * ( .' Too Small. Ca.bb in<t inb1ru· N* L~NOSCAMPlkNI G * When you call "Mic" , t B•bytittint a.a:es It o t er CA nets. ew ... wns, 1p n enr. Ill'· Ma-1444 6411•1m ~5-8115 lf no answer leave hors, J>!ll10S, renaos, walls. INT & Eirt p . . COSTA MESA ms&:· at 64&2372. H. O. Llc'd oontr. M111t!:r Charge. , , ., . e.r. ~Ml· And 13 1oc il6 l22S .,,.c , ins. Frtt e:gt. .,... yrs PRE.SCHOOL enon. yn exp, · exper. Chuck, local refs ~al ~u Pma;ra.m ANY a.z ):lb. Re,Sid., CQmm 'I, AL'S GARDENING 64~. 1!:.t I.· J\fonrovl&. ~ day + Indus., Apts. All types for iatdenina: '1. am a l l l;v~·~n:;:::'--..,.-~b'""'°"~l-::c full day 5e.'6lON. PJ..a.nned work. Rras Fret est. landscaping M!'rVICft, ca.LI IN . Pa Pr r a n 1 n t FO&Tam, hot JU/\Chta. Aj:ei 962-1961. . 5'()..5198. Serving Newport, speci&J15t, 11.·ork su&rantffd, U AM 6 Pt.1 CdM Ol&ta Mesa Dover tree 1!:51, D&n Schwartz • hl'$ 6:3o ' • · CARPENTRY .by local man. ~s Westc!W:. ' 547-5846 or 846-2112. SU ~1r.C0~1PARE! 6'2-4050 all kind&. ttte e:st., call ' BABYSITTING my home, P'ter 3:30 p.m., 5J6.l&t!. Protess.ional Garrlenrr INTER. It E.'ITER REstn, =~="'-'-_,-,,cc;c;.,,.,~ITre:r work, pr u n In Ii?, Comm, Apu., ACC()U.S ce.11. uytlme, many yn. exper. EXPER. re:.mod e.l1ng, iprink!e,.., d l!&n up ,.. b!, ~)TS Pxper. {Ast Ael'Viet I.nvinr catt. Fncd yd, to.)'5, b 1 N ca iMls. ~pa.trs, rnaJn · · t> I a n d s cap I o'. Geo .... e 847-4121\. lunch. Reas. VI c ! or l a all R '"' I====..,.--.-.,--,.,.-.,, Hartn,r area, C.t.t. 64.j..1473. ~~00 sm . e il I . M6-5893. PAINTING-one: •IPl".Y l'lousrs I will babyg1t for you in my home. 2 blks. 1rom beach, · JAPANESE i&rde ning only. Bra.nd name paint Cement, Concrt:• Al!:.l'V1cr. Monthly rAte S22'i 847-8858. Mold Miker CERAMIC MODEL MOLD MAKER IMMEDIATE opportunity ••• le• sklllod (cr1ft1m1n) mold m1ker txperitnced In: * F lbtrgltss layout * Epoxy toollng & l1yout * Injection molding * Pl1sttr molcl m•king PREP (;OOKS BROILER COOKS SALAD GIRLS Don the Beachcomber now accepting applic1tion1 from men and women , lull or part time everyday (ex• cept Sunday I from 9 A.M. • b P.M. APPLY AT DON THE BEACHCOMBER 3901 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar H•lp W•nted, M & F 710 Help Wenttd, M &,F 710 I Help Wanted, M & F 710 -------1 ..:''-------1 I Mature Hoit••••• fene!d ya.rd. mea!J. Prefer ---------- Excellt.nt st•rtlng 1.1l1ry ancl company btneflts. EXP'D barmaid, nl!I!!, Age ITT JABSCO PRODUCTS TO JNTERVlE\V 34 or over, Carolr.s, 810 \'.', IMPELLER PROCESSOR NEW R£5IDENTS GenerAl clean-up. Re I . Pla:iter, Patch, Re,air RE.SID. Concrete Specialir;;ts. Reasona.ble. 642-2239. 3 yrs. or younger. ask tor ~. 536-7768. BABYSITTING 1n my home. ~II 1-J.' Fel\Cl"d yard. Bnstol & P a ut .1 rino 557-8622. Father I. Son T tam . LAWN maint. & clean ups. • PATCH PLA.ST£:RING 539--9456 anY,timc. Complete saw sharpening, All types. Free t~mates • • CONCRETE. Floors, trees for sale. Brown & Call 540-68 J)lltios, drives, sideWAlka , Sona, 968-1046. Plumbing slabs. R!"&.5. Don 642-8514. AL'S Landscaping. Tr e e Pl b' ------~·----1 , od I' TAKAS & Sons um IJ\J CEMENT WORK no job too removal. \a.rd rem e ing. 1 'd bo d·• , . b,l r Trash hauling lot cle&Ilup. ir , n '""• r PIP e 1mall, rea.sona e. ret . . kl, 6~3--\l6G remodel n!'W COMI f're:e: Estim. H. Stutlick, 54g..g615. Repall' spnn ers. ' . es1 646-8340 , C1ll for appt: Barblr1 "'-'chand 213-644.0411 Ex. 2405 5150 RoHcrans Ave. H1wthorn·•, Calif. Equ1I Opportunity Employer BABYSIT my home, Met.a dti MAr. Bab1e1 1>."elcorne. Xl11't pl~ fllCLI. ho4: lurt(Ms. Cert. teacher, reis. 549--(1726. PATIO Specia.Us1s. Add * LAWN SERVICE * 1...::~·""'"""""'°"'""""'°";;--BABYSJTJ'IN'G my home, distinction 1D your home Front yard $10. per' mo~th, PLUMBING REPAIR lri tncd yd, hot mt11.ls, day \\1th & cu.stom patio design. back yard lllso. l~eed1ng, Nn job 100 am.aJI Help W•nted, M & F 710 Help Wented, M & F 710 6' nile. 642-5299. ed especially for your home. yard cleanup. !162-86U. • 642'1l2R • Qu•lity. Exp rri e nc e . Exper .• Japanese: Giirdene:r COLE PLUMBING Career Opening BABYSITTING 24 hrs. all 24 · "'ll'l Satis.la.ction. Eason "-Sons Compleie yd llf'r\'lre. Neal hr. service. .,..... 1J •i'S· Big &: fenCf!d back & 1· F t M" •J89 Construction. 548-0769. . Re ie . ree "5 · _, Remodel &. Rtpair yard &12·1592. LICENSED DA y CARLAges PATIOS. walk&, drive, install EXP . Japanese-Amt'ric;an ff AND y MAN r~-...n ..... new lawns MW, break. Gardrflf'r, Comp!. gardening • ~!:": .".1 Lifetime opportunity with (top Ranking Company) for Executive TyJ.le salesman. Age 28 or over. 2 -year indiv1dually super· vised ProfessionaJ Training; Insurance: Na· tional Sales Promotion. Send brief resume to . 3 10 10. 54~ for est. "'-clean-up. 89J..Ol:JO. Pier. & plumbing abihtie•. 646-1738 re.move:. Work guaranteed. 96A-0657. . Business S.rvic• QUALITY Ceme:nt Work. Let DICK'S GARDENING 1~~.-"-~~~~-- George: do it Li c 'd . Rt'Sidrntial-CommrrcisJ Sewing/ Alttr•tlom: TYPESETTING 40c inch bonded. 64.>-1£95. Oe11n·Ups. Ph. &12-0173 Alterations -642·5145 P .O. BOX 1850 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. 92663 1.8.J.1 . compose:r. .Se: t, CONCRET'E WORK CUSTOM la1•.'n M>rvtCe. 10 Neat, a ccura!e, 20 ye:an exp, pMled, corre:,cte:d. Fast, No job too !mall yrs t:.'<ptr. Avi lawn $&-SS Tile accur11!e 1trvi("'I!. Advertis· 642--0478 Frrr Est. \\'eekly. 646-7215, 847-5969. .._...,.---,-----, Equal opportun ity Employer -M & F ini Artists. 673-9181 NB . Contro1ctor Complere Gardening CERAMIC til t new k •·c-a~rp_e_t_S_o_rv-;~c-e----I Service rl'!mOdeJ. Free e11t. Smlll H 1 W -.J M & F 710 JQte'J'S Carpet & UpholAtery CleAMTS. Extra Drl Sl-ampoo tree Scorchgua.rrl ·{Soll Ret11rd.&nt1). ~greuers & MI color hrightent'T'S & IO mrnu1e bleach tor "-'h!te carpetli. Save your money by saving me exlrs trtps. "''ll ..:Je.ui ltvi.ng rm dming rm k W $15, Arry rm $7.50, couch $10. cl.a.i.r S5. 15 yn. "'"P· is what ooun ts, not method. I do '.1-'0fk my11elJ. Good ref. 531.0101 . * * * ADDITIONS to Com' I ·l-'..:.:'::....'.:::::::;·::._:::::..:::.::.....1;.:..::c,::::.:c..:_:.:c.. __ _ Free Esti~11.tes fi73~UM jobs welcome. 53&-2426.. e P i1,nt911, I Help Wanted, M & f 710 Complete Service, plans, EXPERIENCED Japanesl' Tutoring BARMAIDS-Exp'd, Apply 'In ---------- estimates . .roe ftoll't'. Cen. Gardener. M;1;intenAnce & SPANISH TUT6'RiNG. Per i'o n btwn· 1·2. pm. I DENTAL assistant, d111trs1rle Contr. 64Z..5997/646--9203. clean up. 537-8874 . Al! 11.ges 673-2380 Moo-Fri 11t the lire.en I ,._. prPvenrivt rontrol nursP. MY \Vay, quality home LANDS CAPJNl;.Pruntng-Ll~tern, 1930 PlacenUa, I Chair e.xp. nee. Pt>nple ' repair. Wall!, cri!ing, 1loors Clean-up. Sprinklers C.i 1. I OMPnTerl pr11.r1i re. 9!i2-24.l6. etc. No job too sm<ill. repaired. f'ree P~t . ~7-0070. I! t I) B.ARTEN DER, par! time DISHWASHER 547--0036, 24 hr ans. M'l"\'. Japanese GArdener E""'°ynwit _ "'t I :J2.8-88S!! becwttn 1 & 4 PM . J\fust b,. elf'an t,, neai, O\'l'r Additions * Remod!'ling Exp'd. YArd \\'nrk BEAUTICIAN WAn!l'rl. Rusy 21. Apply in per!<(ln, Surf k Gerwick &. Son, Lie Cl!"an-up, Pl11.nl!ng 646-0619 Costa ~1esa shop. Ne"' Sirloin, 5930 W, Coast Hwy, 673-6041 * 54~2170 EXPER Hawaiian Gardener Job Want.cl', Fem•l• 702 graduare~ welromt. SundAy NB. V CANCIES ,,.._ ne ' Complete: Gardl"ning Se:r· &. ~vtnini work. C&IJ mngr, l cD~l~ST=R7lB=UT=o~R7S-.-.,-o-"-d~.-,~,11 ~ bou ....... st Imo y. VlCe. Kamalani 64646i6 MATURE woman 11.• ant s ~HI. Bilsic H Protein nt your Ill!:, 8P. ·• s~re ' short trrm care ot Cflf.. BEELlNE F'11shinn9 need v · bldg., etc. thru a D&ily Pilol COMPLETE lawn k i arden· al 1 ti 1 CdM-1'"13 ltamin. 64&-4523 CJ.usitied ad. ing service. ~re:~~v::i. f'~i..oo7~. hetp. High pmttt Nn Cf!\!. or DOCKMASTER Jim 545.0405 tiely. No i n v~ A I me: n t. * * * . . LIVE in mothers helper. 2 176-7:\74. S.1;,-01~1. t.A\\'N il-111..mt. Hauilng, l_ll!:W yra, exp. Drive: & cook. A I -:C::.::c""'.:=;..;,~~-- l1\\'0S, clran.up, pr1Jn1ng. Studeni Mid July _ end l)f BOYS 10..14 free e1t. Cali 546-7379. · 61,..9_ to deliver JU1pl!r1 in the: San NEWPORT AEACH R!"&.l rslii!e m;1;nagrmPnr ro seeks 1nd1vidual Tn .:i.:<.~1."1 11.'lth CUS!Omf'r ~l'J'VICP & 19th Sr, C.M. Some exp. with ha.nd fools 1n -Part Tim~ EXPERIENCED m&Q !n ririll prPsSf'~ r~uired. Cnod CAR k TYPEWRITER NEC. makr bOAf coven1. Top bent'fits k working cnn· I Call 547·3095 diHon~. An equal op------------11.ages. 642·3T89 portunity Pmp!Oyl'r'. 1485 r MATURE couple for Apt EXPERIENCED h!!avy du~ Dale Way, Costa Mesa. I l\1gr. ror ~2 or 26 l'.: N.B. m11.ehinf' oper11tor for boa1 , Arfult.<. Cl.11 (714 ! 64.rU!iO. covers. Top wa~s. &t2·37~ J, C. PENNEY CO. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST; f'&.shion Island EXPERIENCED Ca.sualily Insurancf' G\rl. Call 842-4449. f IC Bookke:eper Ex~ Src'ys E~crow orticer Ser.'y 10 Pr,.s Spc'y ln!'i\lrance: Accounts JM.yable Jr Sec'y '""' tn S700 $ffiO to S6:"'lll '""" """ 14;o Havf! opening~: Perm. part time sales Coffet shop cook Exptr. furn 1o1lesm11n vocf'I. working condition, out11anding bent'l1ts apply in person 2-! f'ashion l.sl11nrl, :-J R ~qu11.l oppor1unuy employer LATHE WORK Thi~ jnh 1s .:i. joy! Wprlc 11.•/hanct~nm e Dr't in morll'rn oHJr.t> in · Mt 11.• med1c11.I rf'nlf'r. Tn $500: D IJ Mat'~' l.Rr. :W}-6(155 COASTAL AGENCY :1790 Harbor Bl 11.! Adams. ~!"n \\'ome:.n AIR • Ins lnsu1•anoe 1'riunee Payroll Clerk NEWPORT '·""'I S400 =i""ooo,·:;,"';c";,..' '":.· ..:'.::' "'=cc'.,.m::-.= $425 ll)QKING fnr more lhan ju~\ MANAGEMENT TRAINEES $600 pPr month Pertonnel Agency 833 Dover Or., N .8 . 642.3170 1nnlher job7 Help olhers to enhanr.I! !hl'1r person11.l beauty ln "Bel'l.utiful Idea..~" Div, of GPn'I Fnods, No t:Xp. net". No floor ~ door. Exec. National compa ny open111g new office ilt Laruna Bneh. Perma~nt posihon. Perio. die pay incre11ses. Must b!" 11v11H immf'd. l.\'t will tram. F/C BK Fr•• $750 po.~. avail. 842-2664 . through TB, Person11.ble. Sal· LOOKiNG for several ex· I Fnr inrPrview c111l 4!H-7873 IU'Y revitw in 90 days. iwrienrM, m1!1Ure cleaning I Mon ni: Tues, 9 am·l Jim, &11.ch IU'f'~. m11trnn11 for hig'i demand 11sk lc>r Mr. Ariock. EXEC Socy FrH $600+ comm"d'I b" 11rl'."•·1 $35 PER DAY Sharp. skiUed, pre!ly, rnr Nrwpon 11 l't'a. P11.r( f1mr., controlll'r hind rlevr!opmcnl, 1 r vps ::.46·5:122. M . ~ h · 2 Pn, women &. children 1vr Na er.rig ner. Rus · LVN Calif Lir. Full or p/ xrra. k b1c p.arr~ Inr r1ocu. PCEO~:C,~~s;L tim" 1 am·.l prn. I mtntary. 121.lJ 461·3051. AGENCY Huntington Beach EXPF.:R motl'!I maid, Live In Convalescent Hosp. j ir rle~irl'd Good 11.·a•" Bank nl Amf'r. Tnwer 18811 F l "d A · · · or• • ve. • * ..: ... 97 •• ** The <'if~" OranRf'. 7.35 IS ,.., ;),) 1<.~:<..R.161 or h39-60.'lll H .B. 84 . I MANAGEMENT TRN. MAN, pii.rl timl', ('leaning Yr>11ni;: 11we~11!ve m. CttJI l'VI''· \Viii train, l l hour. il-1!'1'. Schmirll, We.9tclitt li4f>...1412. P"t':"nnnl'l A.S:!'ncy. 10(3 FEi\1ALE, Gen'! office 11.•nrk. m!'11I' furn Contact Mr. Sm1Th, ln11nf! (Oo11.11t Cntry Cluh. 67:i..9tl\. ron y~ur new job B"" A-1 Pl'r~nnrl A£('ncy. "<XI ~. El C11.m1no Rral, San Cl~m('n1r. Man•g•m•nt Sales ,,r,.!tf'f'htf Dr., N:R . 6-tS-2770 TRAIN TO BE AN MT/ST OPERATOR INVESTMENT I 'll COUNSELOR ,, + tnp hf'nt'.tits. Ai leut Trader's Paradise l\Ci:F:>N"lli;-sn.-;;iii;;-;:.-l=''"~m:":;m~·~'·~~·~::"C.~'~· --,cc:-· I a ...... , .. •.·-'"'" C.plll· ,, k . . CLEA.1'1' U 5 · I · t "r .....,, " " .,or m11.rnttnance:. al maJnr P .Pe c 1 1 1 1 PRACTICAL n~ cook, f'raM and Capjslr11no BeAch Marins compil".\, P<Jsitlnn hauling odd JO~s. new lence , , •m•-••'· hou~kee,...~. R 54""'55 " r--uea requires minimum 2 ,vf'ar.~ Lilf' & repair.· t:ll!. · b•bysitttr. &42-9449 D. AILY PILOT '~==cc GAL. FRIDAY bonkkttping, typing. $50 000.$100 000 .l yr.\ t'f'Sfl(lniubtt it:neral ' ' ! ntf1cr 11.l)rk. THI:: ,\.10ST SUCCESSFUL 1 HUNTINGTON BEACH ,,,. !INIQUE COMPANY IN I UNION HIGH SCHOOL 9'.J" \,ew lot. ~uda Dunes CC , Palm D@sen or townhouse, Ne.,,.l>OTt Bua.ch are11 or ~ 67J-n28 + + 2o Urut Profess'.on.tl Bld1. v.'lll &c~pt Trust , Dtedi!. or 7 ~ to nev.' loan. Broker. TR.ADE C-1 !of in the htart ot San Oemente fnr late inodel Cadillac-, CAil n4/496-t 491 •BA YFRONT &: Dock 3 BR. 3 BA. 195.000 Value FOR · 'T#usl Deeds or trade for ~ ~ ;\'b. 2 Balbo3 Co\'f!S. N.B. Owner 675-43.Jl. l ~ acre Sprague River. Or. eion }Of. Beaut. rn!J)."Slde Na &JnOK k fe w people. Sl500 eq for Je11.·elry, car, boll!, antiques or submlt' 673.Jl802 \VJLL take small houR-in Orange CG. in trade nn l411e modern borm-. 11.1Lh \)Ol!M vitll.'. tn C".api1trana J!.each. 496.5957. Want 14 to 24 unit! • Have Ui.000 e.q . in 2 homes, F V. It Tustin, maU pro!-pectu~ ti:t Charles Quinlan!, 1~71 Harbor BL. C.M. Lf.r Bch 9 U on tnrte 50' x J'r 101.J. Yr rr Sl4.:WO, As- sum. 6'li 111. Trade eq for 1.i TDs an lmpr S. Ca.I ptoop, 4!M-S68a. ffome or dupkJC. Takf: 2 1 8aUI mobile bomfo ft>r 4 units. Quintard Realty. un Harbor. C.M. &42·29'32 RA vir; s.s100 2nd T'N•t Dff.d l on San Otmente ~ · WANT bouM. duplex, tn· pk:x ln Cotoaa dtl Mar. MA Tou.M R.1. TY Mf>.43.17 Will trade 11\l,IXIO eq In I~ new mme "" P.I dlW'9I Iii GrtMdl !fill.A lor CJd. hrmt or r-.nu.l prop. LalTY ~In MS&U. fSi Ford Rousc!car. stlf<'l')G· t&ined , dUl.l whttla. radio, TV, 11ereo. value UXXJ. ,..,,p far b8t ullt»at otftr or !•? 83.1-al. 4 lines times dollars rxperience 1n boat nr rl()Ck I running ~mall .11g11:rf"SSIV!' General Services AIDE4 for Convalt;5ctfl~. 492·44:l(J maintenallCf'. Perm.11flf'n! pn. nfl!C'!', No. Oni.ngr Cn. Call PERMANENT&: tint. h!f'.:i.r.h· elderly care or family cart. CLERK TYPIST II sition. SPnd r(!mplp1p rP!· IA1ra1rtt", \Vc~!<"l1tf Pf>T';'l(lnnPl es and hair dos 11 your Homemakers, 547-6681. Um!! including ""'IAr.v rP· Agf'ncy, 20~~ Wt"slriilf Dr., home, male opret"11 tor. Mr. Help Wanttd, M & F 710 Oct•n View quirement. Write ria.~.~lfif'rl N.B. 645-2770 Diutil!:I for appt, 9684387 tnr'----,....--,,.,---School Ol1trlct 111 •49, Daily P1101, P.o.1 -~G=E7N~E=R~A~L~C~L=E~R~K~-1 ttl, call 536·1531 1t1rs. \'an.I' ABLE i11AN ~10/Mo Bnx l~, C~ra 1\1!0'sa, C~l!I Openlng 111 H.B. olc. ir ynu ri l !12626. I ~ erpoo · H11ndym11n 1YPt n t e: de d . 12 Month poltJtion 1n maint I=~==------r:an 11.ccura1e 'I type ·llJ wpm TIUNGS by MOOM'· Lt. elect, Must have kno\>.'\edfe ot dept, a.ruwenn& phones, IYP· DRAPERY Op('ratOr! & mr~rested 1n 11.·nrklng for tU I U A Exp'fl Clas~l" Orapf'ries, """'"n""' ,., .. ,, •• , -w / plumQ, Jenee . e • ns n1. painting. plumbing. err. P. lni reports, forms, ttling & a "' ,,-•.. ., " " "'-· ....... C'arpentry paint e rt. ply Rental Readier. 569 \\1, rtcord kttping, 45 "'Pm. 1 _,.,._._,_s_'~"~'~·-"_'.B_._"""~~1-43_1_.1 X1n'1 work1n1 oond "'-ben- LOVEL\. home: &. pool in 545-08:rl. 19th St. Ci\! Btw: 1 & 3 pm. high idll grad, 2 ,1:rs cil'r1· DREAM JOB t'!1t~. Atusa. t"ewly dttorated.JiH~e;u~l~;n~go------1 ................. iiii~~~ cAI. Application must ~ PRF.:STlr.E N1111nnal hrm Call PerSC1nnd 842·7751 Equity S12.550. Trade for ----------\ACCOUNTING CLERK tiled PPn;onnr.I Comm1~~1on nf'f'rl~ 10 wnmpn t" lf'arn /,, home , lot or~ in Orange Co. YARD, g11.rag~. cleanups. Ole, 7912 \\'arner Avr , HB lrA1'h Prnlessinniil m~kl'·Uil lintgarrl lnsurancf' <.in'lup (ho."Tier ·Agt. &H.()'TT;;. Remove tree!, din. ivy, 2 Ye:&N clerical .accountina, Sy Ju.ly 21st. ~arn1n.s: rAn~" sr,oo.3900 mo. An ~.;ri11al Opport11nity R·2 lnr in Ro.semead, sp· ~4~~~o ad er. bac_khoe. AP or Rece1v11.ble er .)Ob COAST COMMUNITY E'<!'MJt"-" pn"itinn al ," Employer prCIX 5Sx160. dear. Tradr l~====·~~--~~-I C'Q!t. TyPf' 50 .... p.m. eltc· COLLEGE DISTRICT Rvail fnr Y0Ur P"rl'<ln~I 1n. f,!RL ,,.no rP11.ll-,-.-.,-o~l.•--,.to 10, ••m• ;M Orange Cn \\'ANTED ~mf'Qne to takt tnc. ter\'lf'". c111! f),oh"trf'5 \Vtl~nn • I hl'lnn11; m lrg . busy lam1ly tn "' hll5 2 1mmf'di11.te opl!nlng~ fnr CN-ntrlAgt l\'Y from our ya.1"1 Call in!Prm~ia!e fypiM cl!"rks. ~·!~,1~ hPJp 11/ h~P"'nrk k klrl5 In 6-14--07~ SID-2279 to m11.ke yotir b1rl For Appn1ntmen1 a; evr. hrs per 11.·k. Appl y * DRIVERS * P'CChAnl.':" for pn rm & Al1!"r !I p m. Call Industrta.l R!"latlons 3• Ad 1 hnarct in mod h n m ' , I TRADE Ill acres, Io v e I Y·=~~~~--~--I Personne:I Off1Cf', \, 10 · "TRA"H • o 1 17141 494.9401 No Expen'ence f*l~fi·1~1 Bort"eiO Spnnp for apts. '"' "' an1.r:e r e~n-np, ama Av"., C.i\I g34.5;og commercialor~7 Pd11 y1.SlO.!rlllild.fl'f!ees1 COLLEGE GRAD N I GJT!Lrr 1rl11 y-PftY r-;;-fT I d r .irr Anytlffil' M8-503L TELONIC ecessary. !'Pr/pa,\ Unu~11al '1ppor1. ~---~. O aima Adjuster trainee ('101 ~fll~I havr cle11n Calli. <iriv. fnr llmhitiou! ;:al. 642-~~12 Agent 644-0715 HAULING. cle:.a n up, odri aalel J. Solid Ca.rttr opp!)' ini record. Nnt und~r 25, l\R. H11.ve 3 C1Ctan!ronr duple~· jobs. Ha\'e large \'An. Ynu 11.·/leadini insurMct Jlfm. YELLOW CAB CO. !"!! \l.'snt ho11se. condo, TO's name I! 49;Hl-16S. Industries lr'IC . £xception11l !)<lid tra1n1nR 186 E. Hith Sr_, C.M. or Arrowhead cah1n MOVING , g11raF;"e clean-up 1.: Lo1guna Beach prori·am. Salary to S6.':lll plu~ (;1Rl~1°'rla y .l d.v.~/wk. I<. 30--!'i:flO. Sn111ll n!flct . Cnn. tr. r.1u~t hr 5hal'P. :~11-3154. THE TNVESTMENT FIF:l.D DISTRICT NEEn~ TALENT & CA· rllr;11ppllrarion !:t.v 4;30 Jim, REF.:R l\1!NDF.n r.lEN & 7120/il Call ~-9.131eX1231. \VOMF.:N TO JOIN OUR EX· NF.:\\IPORTER Inn netds PANDTNGSALESF'OR'CE. i m~n ;.11,rde ne r !or YO U'LL RF: TRAINEO IN AL/. PHASES or· fl US J. NES.'i THROUGH () L: R f'OMPA.'1lF.S TR.,\INING PROGRAi\1 CilJIDEO RY I D ,\ \' E LOOKINCiLAND. FINANCIAL l;..°\.F.ST:'llE~T A~ALYST, R. F.. BROKER • . ..:riirr lmn1PrlH1trl,v • CnmpRny <'~r Pl"ln • f"ull Fr111~r fll'nrf11~ ('ALI. NOi\' TO START \'fll 'R NF:\V F:XC!Tli\'Ci CA · REER \\11TH E:ARNINfi POTF:'1T!Al.'i nr S.i/l,(/()O. Slll0.l'l00 PE:T! Yl-:AR !:-1 rQ\1:\-llSSJO;..;S & SER\'!CE fF.:E!". CALL NOW 547·6771 PPrmsnrnr position. No ~. C'll.ll! fllf"ii~P.. apply t" p<!rsnn. A~k lllr Mr. Ellis lh~ad G11.rden.,rJ Jl07 Jam· blln'P Rd, N.B. NOTE TELLER Experie·•ced "' COMMERCIAL TELLER -UNIT&D - CALI FOR NIA BANK 201 Avrnida De:I M.a.r San Oe:ment.11! '92°5123 Equ~I Oppor. F.:mployff NURSE Aid8 -Exp'rl. All ~hilt~. PPl"Mlnnel Depr, Hnti.1 Hosp1!al, N.8.. Rich lr11o·1n Real!nr lite hauling. R.ea!o()nablro Equiil opportunity emplo~r car & vrpe:n~1. Fe:e pr!. hy 67.';.fiOGO ff'f'e estlm&tes. 64.'r-1602. emiitoyer, Irvine ~rsonnr-1 NB vacant 2 sty 3 BR 21.s CLEANUP. ~arar g,_ y1rd, ACCOUNTING CLERK r.@rvice:s "-Agf!ncy, 488 E. BA, bllns, ~11.· crpts. Eq Lile hauhnR. k gil.l'flt"n1ni;:. to CPA JI..! 1 UITI<" (II' l!"l· 17th 111.t lrvtneJ C.i\1. S19.000. for TD's !01, sml •• Call 543-!lil\ •• r <I i \ ai T'f'S,_,,~l'IC'e & _ .. _,_·1_47~0~·------ ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN P!'rlorm hrP11ri~N:11nR k f"hf'f"k·nu! nl dtgltal f'l!"'C'ITl)n. u Cll'C\1111')'. M;iy be l'°"qllit· ~ 1T! provide m11.1n1ena.nc:e '1f r l!"f'lrnnir f"lf'('ulfr.V .tr l:t documenrat1on. Rpqu1T'f'1 e1 1~iu1 2 yrs nf 11ppl1c11hie f'.rrtronir *S~r /,. 2 Yf'l< nf f'duc11!10n l11 th" tield or elrc· tron1r:s tM-yond high sr.hool. --HANDYMAN--Ask: for Mr. Bergman .lack nl all trAdes, l\llJI tr11.in. "Ciiml'l:ll'l:ll'l:l:l!m~l'l:li; Prf>ftr early rl'tirffi milJ111.ry • PROFESSIONAL phon e solicitor • Dana Poml, S&n Clemenre, Capistrano art1. l\'ork in )'Our nwn home. Be!t deAI in ln!a.. Phone 8.15-146.1 bet\\·ten 9:00 a.m. 11.nd noon. h ~ C \t LA~hf'nmver ter e 11.1 ing e:x,,._ i COOK EXP ER o. 1ndJ\'1duA) ll'llh 1111blf' !'m· MANAGEMENT RJ~" '"" ~;..,;,JEvt' 6'iJ·~tl Housec\eening qu11.llJi"1111orut to. ~ Ne.w· • • .,...,.,,,,~ port Cen1rr Dr. SuJte ~15. Muf:t be nve:r 21 . Apply in 2 of !ht tJnest coin laundra· H/CLEANING I< WlNDOW Newport Beach C..llJ 9'.l660.. pet"li'ln, Surf k Sirloin, 59JO mats, Orange Co • sho11.·s \\'ASHING E:XPER, O\V'r\ ' ' ' W. Cout Hwy, NB. 35'Y, ttturn.tradr !or Must>, TRAN S3 j(I P H CALL COOK-hou1ek~pr, ~ - d s y land or~ Bch 11rt>a. 6T;,.7225 !W7-3637 AFTER fi P.M. ASSEMBLERS week. for elderly coup\t>, c . nr M4.{16.l7 t:\"'S. fl:ltsa Clean1n&: Service M. 646-904\. 1\-tLL tnd!" 16' Ch~er Carpets. Windows, t1ror e:tr. Asl<flmbl~ l!:'ltC1MC' • mf'ch· _C_U_ST0--0-1-,l<~-<l-,-,-,.-,-1-1-,-,. l.oAn Star ~llll boat with Re:sid . /.r Commc'I. 54Hll.1 An1cal rlevi~s &. suthtissem· Apply in pl'rson bl1t"s. lnferprets asstmbly Personnf':I Depl, H 0 11 1 PE:R.IPHERAL FI US!NESS trailer as partill paymen! 811.y !.r Be11.ch Janil'OriAl rl r ~ w 1 n a A, gpeettieallon Hosp ital, N.B. EQUJP/\tE~T. rNC. for 1910-71 VW bils. Cr_,ts, "'1ndoi\·s, 11!'.X'I'!; e:rr, pr1nt,1; p11r1~ llst. I Yr ,,..t -CU-S~TO-,-,-U-P_H_O_"_S_T_E_R_E_R_ 17112 Armstrnn2_ ploymen l t'"N>rrl. Musi h.ave good lnc11l 1'1"1'1. Xl nt O>. lknehD;. Co. Pd r"". Irvine reNOn11f'I sPrvtet>!o II.· AgPncy 4R8 E:. 17th iat lrv1neJ C.M. l>ol2.J470 HCITEL-F'rnnl ofc cashlP.r muM be hott'I expl'r. NCR 4200. Apply in p e r 1 n n NPwpnrtl'r Jnn. J 107 J11m. boree Rt!. N B. .>4~l Res. &: Comm'!. ji46..1401 , ... v1n11~ e1ertrn mtthAnicAJ wAnted, Top pay. Clmnr lnrlustrill.I Oimplf'l'I\ HSKPRS Emplyc pay~ ftt. Have house, 2100 sq Jr "'' Thorou&:h 11ssembl.v es per; Soldt!rl.nr * * ~) * * Silnt11 An11.. CAhf. 92705 I ' \\.II t"' Ctror•e Allen Byl11rwl A.tt'n-5~ GI Nin on 11. I Iv HOUSECLEANING S.20 techniques. DENTAL ASSISTANT X·MlLITAR\' OFFICERS BET\VEEN AGES 25-30. lF YOU HAVE RF.CENT· LY RETlfRNED f ' ROM VIETNAM WE HAVP. A JOB THAT )!OUR I.EAD· ERSHTP QUALITY WILL FIT RIGHT INTO. YOU WILL ACT AS A RECRUIT· ER FOR A LARGE LAND OFF'JCE MANAGER fo r d151l'ICI nffict o! II.If C'Om· prl'~r k c o n 1 r r u e t 1 o n "q uipm!"n! nutntilacrur1r. Musi h11ve P.'(JlULPnct . Loe r nunrain Valley. Forw&rd f'f'~ume !() C111~1itif'd Ad No. !Mi, DAiiy Piiot, P. 0 . Bnx IN VESTMENT CO. INTER· l.i6-0, ('05111 Mes. 926·26. VIEW PEOPLE l\'HO RE-I ~o=P~E~R7A~T~O~ru~s~.7,,-,~1.-.. -.,71-,1 SPOND TO OUR ADS. PxpPr. GtYtcf f!ll.Y, •t!"&d,y f'AN'T RE AFRAID TO work, pA!d v 1 c at Ion .. MEET 'OBJECl'TONS, M2-.Vl72 NB. eQUtty fOr car. boat, trllvtl1 &12-3718 &1~25ll. for Appointme.nl CHAmSIDE • Busy oHice, Turn E11.!!1 on Alton off Rf'd ~vi-0:~8 E. ISth, S.A. tra.Jler or any7,thi~! ~f,.,~1111. Masonry Cal! lndustrill..l fte\1,uons #)fl'le Saturd11.y·s. F'rlns:I! Hill 1.1 bl~ Nnrth nt "'A:tc· ;;,;====o=-~,---1 • Salary + Bonui P!11.n value. 645-51 , ·"'"""""" C . .. {714) 494--9401 biont1tiL"I. Hunt. Bch, Atta. Arthur . Rr<f Hill 1'llt'l'!et· HOUSEKEEPER Hvr tn. e Pluth Ofrices P11.rt lim.-Or!iftSmatl <;,.IL Mon July ti 714/67>~ J SRI •· BLOCK & STONE tionJ turn righ1 1111 Ann· wile rlt('f)ll~trl, 2 rhlld~n. e "'t'ng• n •• ,.1 •. 5 AC. Lancast•r. Ave, • "'· Ph: 3'6-3."'40 8 11.m-6 pm. c Q'<'" " •• uw .... ""ovv D1:o1~ 1AL uti!;tant-Ne"''J>Orl 1,...,..,..,..,..,..,,.....,,.. .N1~167 e.vt!~ or wkends. PURCHASINli AGENT I ,..~ _. baJ <o.<~. 67.-, HOURLY -642-19411. TELONIC .,. .. "" strnnt;. ~~e 9 -14, ~ or • Stan lmmMl11.tely S80, mo. Pttler Or•nie Movlng oTthodonl it of f ice ESTIMATOR-c•LL NOW c rt H~KPR-nuru! !Ud, a.~sist In "' Shttl met.t.I, d!es; hu-rfw~ oun~ prope: y. ,\fOVlNG -For your local or Chalrs1dt. Appr o:.: 4 E'lectmnir cahine:! mfg exp. c11re of quadrapJeg.ic renl. 547-6771 ~cktrouftd. Some Pf'Odilc.· s.t9-U71 lone d11tance movlni, call lndu1tries Inc. daytf\\·k. Top PIY· Liberal MIL 5Pf'C'B, prttis'ion taler· lvn. Lnvel)o lof)paralt (fin. unn !llehedulina; 8X'p, he:Jpru!. Have :ti units near D~· OK V•n &. sict•&,, Yout Laguna BtaCh t11n·1e· btnetill. At.t '°"30. 1.nce!, Alt 5; 613-0951 . trvint hrlDln~ land. 6 X Crou. 1ocaJ 1.llied a.rent. PaU,tlzed Equal opPortunity tfll~ ~·req'd, 642-2636. lrvt,..., Personnel e HOUSEKEEPER e A•k for Strvlcts It A,ct-r1cy . Want .'T'rUl:t Detd1 &torqe lllto avall. S31~. Df;NTAL a11L Front dl'&k Suv:it::l"S k Age:ncy Male or couple, Ortental l ::;:M::;r:, :K:e:n;t:;A:d;a:'":': WE. 17!h t•t trvtMJ C.M'. ~n.nud Exchanron Pilntl & APPLY NOW flx'.part rtn'lf 1xp~ Sharp, fri*ndlY rirt 4A8 E. 17th ta1 Irvine~ C.M. pttl.: 2 •di.llla ln family. M2..t4fn · Rr11l!or• 675-MIX> P ngh I food &ervice help on '<Vknd1., ..vfneal appeara nce '"l'IO 642·1470 lovely homt. Com fortshle RECEPTIONIST ' OR 8 Units. Xlnt income. aper •ne ng Call 83&-1103 111 1 P;m llkea ~p~. 64.2-9!M2. EXPER{ENCED Rea.I E61111e: [ h~in quAr1tf'1 Rt t • ~, Ntwpon Bnch tlnn ~ Tradl'rquityfor:l8R.2BA PAINTINGf~~rina, ll!AUTO lttechan1e--prage, 3 DENTAL RE EPT. 1ale:.m11n WR/lftrl. R11r,. l'lP· 5AJ11ry Qf)l'n, NS \\!rite J'l"('tp(ionl.tt wHh mtnlmW'4 motiile bomr, t'IT l BR Yn in Harhor are11 Llc k shift, p11.rt-t1me. xrri htlp. Df:ik only DfoN.tl expcr ronrtunity tor riahr 11.ctive c1AJ,[r!rd an Nti. !J!I. Dl!llb· Of 2 yn; ~ritnci'>. Pltu- hon>*. l.\'ill takt' '2nd TD lo bOndetl. Rf'f'' furn &12-2JS6. 9fi&!.01l.l, µj, Mon-Fri. n~s Somr SAi, SAlllr) 1 f)('~n. Call for a.pp!, Ellrn Pilot. p 0 . Rox I~. Co~lA •.n! ptl'I0111Ult}' & a.bill~ m adJ ~y. 96'.2.Ql!I. PROF'ES.<;;tONAL Paintinii • Bllnkin& Oj')tn, lrJna:t bl"nellra. H.e. I C-, i\!11hont".'' Rrll..11). ·192·614.i i\lt'M, C.a/lf. 926~. h11ndl~ bu•y tif!:lk, which In; WORTH $17,!'60. · B.lull lntPr•r -rt.-r HON"~! 11.'0tk. * TELLER area. Ph. li46-J.i;l0 RA~l -6PM J.:XP~:R 1r1f'<iir'l] rec-f"rt!ioni~• HOSTESSE~ V.'ANTEI'! rlur1"t u~" at dlc-laphrint I oCran ,.,,.11., lnl • fnr tr\J~t LlC I; !n~ ~18·27:i9. i;4;,.:;.i;i0 F.lCp 'rl , Apply 1n person DENTAL A s~ I~ TANT 1 /; ~~" y w/kmwl"rlltl' "' 12 yn11; 1Ad1!'s. If ynu'rt n\lf'r hr111·y typ1ni . " ~Cf'ISll)'. ~1. 11utn ~ "''hAt ";"r ~ p A INT 1 ~II n n ,.--; 1 Newport Natlon1I ~ f::olp'tl. full tlml', Rl'rl'p-1hrttlh11rnl N-nrl N"~11m" to '2fl .\r~ nld. moritl·!YJ'lll & in· EXECUTIVE Xl111 Wflrk1~ ('('lnrli tlnn~ 4 fair. 116'7 Ai l"Tnnrr e:;r iuarAn!P!'tl work Ll<"'ii. Bank tit1nl8l-A11i~•ant. O\tr 25 II P.O. BolC 1296. r\""'por! ,,.~~! 1n ml'rlln11; th~ 1Jubllr P•Psonn•I Agency Cn . hi"nr fi!~. Call; 644..ns& Quintard !tl'Alt~. M2·299· An)' Sll " Jnh ('all 67~17~0. Superior ,t. P!1r,.nt111. N.8 &M-.,53~ , Brh. ~2661'1 _ k mAk1n,1t top r1n11 Br . 4.lO \\', Co11o.rt Hwy, ;\i'Fl Brw: • ..,m '" noon. Turn unusrd 1Wn& ln!O goiCkjA ~ \\·ant ad 1.1 ~ A~ wan! td is a ootl HOUSF.: Hl!_~ll~ ~ \V11trh th11 ...,nti1r t Arnf!rlr.tn Be.-iut~ L.S~!.11 tJ ·u__.1;H~o~"~"§·~"!!""~n~ng~'~W!&~tdlt:""~~ ta.I , ~ .,.... ~nn;'iir-'_..._ --~ 1ri''*fml~ ' -t.'ll;;.lf!!H'""'·-llll=>U!!!:'=;..·'61;=" ... ffiil=.. -_'ll_hl11_1t11rt_.,1_11_ ...... __ ·-_,,,-,...,~;,;;;;-;;;·~;;;;;;;jiiliiiiiOiiii1"!! J 1. • -- • -- _ ..... ,~T"' . -,:.-·--' .. · ... ~..-.. . . . .-' . f--~ . r· !!!!!!!!!!!!! ·'!~!!'!!!!!~~~~~~~ ~~~~~!'~~~~!!!!! ~~~~~s.tttrdU~~· J~~l~l7~, l~m~~~...._~~~-~Dlll~Y -~.,!!1• .. ......:.-Jl rl ''"1 10•• J[iIJ ~·~.,,ij;-;;;;;;;;~ff~;;;·. ~ ............. ~-~I~;;. I -=1[§]! '-_ ... ____ -][§} I -.;;~~-~I ~ .. v.. -111 [ _ _...,... ~ ·=Wanted, Jl-i F TfO H~lp Wanted;"----' F 110 Mtquei( IOOAnt4ues IOO G•r• Sali ',,. 112 M11w11......,.. 111 Mf•ce11aneoui J l Jnes, 2',1'lmes, '2·00 1 ;C~eiitiiaiii!iiiiiiiiiiii9~&12~1 SHARP GALS PATIO Sale -The N~wporl MOVING WantM 120 I COLLIE, yr old ~P. •hots. RECEPTIONIST· Looking !or a permanent lb PUBLIC NOTICE lpl•r~_,_.;:~ uws In es, A Enrlre hlo9ehol'd mua1 IO by STUDEN'l' wants dectro"';r I :i,~ 1:1~ net «Is 1 Id ~~~S· =~r ma~ Jit; SECRETARY s!tbo, boutiQUe alt&. Must ro~w ..... 0"?en'1 Oub Sunday: Admiral de.JtJJ( 1 V· rqu1pmrnl 10 rtp&tr !or u pay, lemaifl Sl50, b~. Tep !:xperie~ i\ri. ttont oltlct bt.exper, ~ .l p1/linW po-By order of Russ Ciphers & Assoc., Western att havh~ lhrir annual ocado 2-iitle relrifl-frHzrr, p1acfK't . 642-69119. :l48-0M7. blood Jlnr, M0-6985 10 To appea.nrq It ptrlKlnalifl', 1HJOM avail. Call for 11.ppt. Liquidators has been commis,sioned to liqui-garqe 111i. tin Sat I. Sun, M11.ytag auto was-her Krl -Jo'REE 10 ad horn~; &11u1 3 :w PM Ir nd I 1111 ortic'. &>rwt rw.im~ Thr ,Look 644.£600. dpte at public auction the templete inventory .(uly 171'1 ,.._ l!th lrom v~ilflto.r e!ec dryer, AdmJral I Music.al lnttr um•nta m wht kl1tel'lli, pt Pvt.Ian &: l l "·-'·---•-•_w_•_•_·-~iJ4=" or cl.II : J. Fffl:lriclr Ml.tefy SANDWl~H· MAKE ~ (ff one of Southern California's largest & fin-l/)Bm-Spnt at 311 Santa Ana dt:4hwairht>r -AU 1111 quali1y t r t er -a r Y · • 642-4818, Dogi &. A&aor., Inc, 2172 Dupon1 SHORT ORDERS est antique stores. APPROXIMATE1 YALU-I Ave, N.B. horne of ~11"1. J . !urn; Tultl!!d rrd •ofll, NJ-.:\V ·' Dn.im Set~ rymbtll ~3885. Drive. Suire 1.'J, Newporl Wo nll.t\ W<Ul!rd lo work a! ATION $75,000. \Y. BrobA{'~. Chlt1r1, Straddle loune;rr 1"11!· rrd .•Pfllrklt. Weartier J\i l\g l ;;eciEcAcU7.T;:;J"r;",.~S.~t"t<·,----,-,-8 DALMATIAN pupa, AI<C. Bt-aeh. Ca 9266-t . Ph. 833-2923 lunch coumer, preparing (';A.RAGE S.IP.: c pc ~ti'-dh""r, living room 111blf"ll, ~~•dll JB!i. '46-l:ll3. lot 01 -.oom. Gd bird doS, I Chatl"p1on bred, Atftction. . AUCTION tlonal, r'lria. ina1-Ulml>!I. WA.lnu1 mllrbleitop SIGNET SPJo:CIAL obl'd1ra!~.m" .. ". I •It" protective, Show 4' n....-..ioni111 • Sttreta"'', 1 s,.nriwit+>M & short ordenr, b N Wol -•~ J~ • ·~~· '' 40 H k N S. ll'f'llllf'S/bx 1prgs ehrumr u £'!, . Rul bemoob, CLARINET Xlnt ('()fli:I. Ir.I> i;el, ,..,,,. ••-.. ~-offire. Sho•lh•-.. nnt r. \\' . n t nil!! or '" t k' · * BLACK beby buMy ~ .,..,, no S k din'~-lbl.•, {'hest11, Mttny n1tnt1t 1ng-"'x !J:clrm u1 111· ~79 alt 6 pm ra MlDWAY KENNELS netttMry_-496-5163,499-2241 .un wur . No split 1ih1ft~, o1htr Hf'm.~ 67~5612 or i:ll1dt>11dt"l"!tSer,J'Qlrior t'llrlf' Off. F ·1 I bus t'"ll!!rd home~. Call 3,30 _.,00 Mo·. C!l"an modf'rn Junch coun· 2 Nl"-HTS N GHTS _ ~ · • ice urnr ur• 644-3896 CdM German Shepherda. Pet ..t. " ter. Apply Undbl!!rg Nutri-"t' · l I 1 N IGHTS 644--.'\,ll.:'17 7Al3 V1111a Hutrta ht1tdbu1ttrl, lwo ~i-awrr E l · · ihow atO<'.k. BoaJ'd a I I " 'd M F riday n it•, J uly 16tll, 7:30 PM thp Bh11!~ • che11111, l nu1rl>lt lop 3-dra"'-qu P· 124 C Adorable p11ppit~ need a •-·'•· _,.u9. J\es1 ent a nager non, 111 '"'ar 01 the Ta y ... .,.,, ...,,......,.,. II' rld -t 1 S.aturday n i'te, July 17tll, 7: JO PM l'iEIGHBORJICX)i), G,,, •, rr n1tP stands, klnK-ll Koy-tood home. ca!I now, I,... ~'", Z1 "·rt· odwt •"··t-0 . -"!ON', on IO"''t't eve-. 0""1Cr. 1 I ,. h" ::.AD ~~ sr BERNARD P•-Y 18 m.o v• """ "" •-· • Allct1oneer's note: This is the finest !ielec-o Ion mat11"'* & box spring!ll, rr • pa.1 11on~ igh . .,.,...........,J. · . ... .. • m'nt in Col!lta MrM. Rrply Sotuh Coast Plalll Shopptn~ Salr : ! , pool w/pump, SW. l<1n, •Prf'ad, doubl• ....... l"~i Al!IO JO' high, l.c~ quanh1y old. fine Swiu line. $2t:I. •tatinr expf'rlf'ncor , mania! Crntl'r. in Cost& ?.1esa, As.JI t ion of antiques ""''e h ave ever llad the oppor-4 bll( n1u111h. """1\•e-l d1nl'ltt """ '"" alum. c-hanl'I tr11.ck "''t'""' J Kit1en~. 2 mo, nu l'hot. bn...: I ..... ,,.. -Al c h tunity to sell at public auctioh! I( you a•e a t·hrl", $20 ra. MISC'. ~t "" headboerd " fz'lln1t, liilf'n trnd No r.tl blk & 11 =~-~-~~~---t 11tatu5, inr'ClnJe fl"'Quir'l"mP'Tllll •ur u ara, """ bl1tnkPls, pil!O\\·~. Oit paint-part1fiotlf,, $;,(). 67;)..3866, JO '"" DlJ'. ' gl'n;, GERMAN SH 0 RT H A.1 R ,_ c ollector. antique enthusiasl or dealer ; Don't 6tt91 Vail Or.ron1t H B .. Nr .....,....., ~ I and baC•Kf'Ol.lnrl. \V r l If': SHARP GALS . h' in..-,, kiK"llf>n uit n••l•. Pot•, A.M to 3 pm "'·kd11y~. I ""P"-AKC champion 1irtd. m1s.s t IS auction~ ('.otrlen"'·"'s1 It SlalPr " rREE ood .. -Ou.t1itif'd 11d •96. Daily Pr-CASHIERS/HOSTESSES Pan,;, ~1a1,.•arf', l;.JassM:, ·P ianoi/Organs 126 I 10 i homr., p1trr S6.1. Ready to go, 96i-.381l. Jot, P.O. Box l;,s(), Co11Ut Ovt>r Ill Full• P/Tim• Hl'"-HLl'"-HTS l.AGUNA Rr1tch . ~foving. p 1 • Chihuahua & l t rr1er ----~~-----t "' .,.. '-=" tu·. a!lo urn, Sil.It "''ater I G12.-4HlS, ;,..14-311&.i. · • Tiny 2 lb Poodlts, Yorlcitl M~sa. Cl.lit. e Avail. Wkel'lds. J Locauons G II t• Ed . o· . . 1~~1'('h". ttrm,;, fur n 1 1 u r r · hshing tarkll', Dinghy l\'/ * Super O,gan Salo * _ or Malre-se •I ~tud. AKC 0 ,.._ un co ec ion , 1son 1n1ng room s u , t e c"'1 1ng, e1r. 972 L 11 tlA"fPSTER 1 I ROBJNSON'S ha1 oJ)("ning rangl" '--''· 001~. Lad1Ps OOWhng ball, " • , mat-: l mn. l.easr 11du!1!':. ""'""-2100. METRO CAR WASH . t I Sh II h . lrotll Maril M n ·t····d· <'' 1/t1 • 5 .. H Trad,·11111, UlO!l:I fi~m ,.,,-. ~ tor display man. Exper xln 't VIC ro a , e c airs yn o roe " "· ., "" ~1Pn's do1h1ng 5Jie 46, 11hoi',; " '" wuh ne-:w 3-story c11..1:t co. beneht~. Apply ptr~n-2402 So. Bnsrot, s .. t... from S hirley Temple movie. Train (steam 7118 l'l-.6. 111~., !2·0. Lad irs, <'lothi~ f'I, i uper clean, I ot •kind 67:1--3338. 'I GERMAN Shepherd~. 11.ll I t. & d ) !':::-1nr. la!Psl n1oc1tl.~. H-100'1, whilt AKC. 6 Wkl old "-~ 10-5 !\ion -f'ri No. 2 SHARP Girl very rood wilh m 0 v i e "Poor Little oco1no 1ve t en er PURPLF. vrlvrl wra Sw; 111~ 10, 4 TV .~t~. +many E-JSJ, T·200'i. C-:t, R'f·l A· UNREA~ killl"n~. 6 wks olrf. bf!11.utitul 64&-4710. F.ubion Js!A.nd N.8. number!. Apply, l63l Pia-fro1n movie "Ryan's -n•11.!nut rlininR "r1n su1tr. n101'!' 1ttm11 too nu~rous JOO'•, ~1_3,10 C-'l. LV, ,vr8ny Orange &: white, bl11.ck,i ====·'-o-~~~--·I t c M Rich Girl'', Ch airs Jo::xpress", C 8 n n 0 n table ope-n& to 8':..3'9'', "''6 10 mennon, ltJ;:tr. 548_9697 GERMAN 1horth11.lr pointers, 1""'." .. "•·-· .. · .......... ,..l from movie ''Return caissons (Civil War l'h111r.1 S75, 32!!2 Nrw York t'.VERY11iiNGl\1UsrCb-' w;U>.di,,,pkn.Al.'IQLowry 2tamali>s, AKC. 1• Ave, C.~. I.": PRtCTD m SELL f'AST &. Conn. Have 11, d11y al thf' 6 \\'k old kiflenll, extra darl-* * 89.l-94<15 • • RE PRO TYPIST SERVICE CENTER to Pe y Ion Place", type ), 2 ships from b,..ach &: ahop wr!h us. Low-ing, <.'Ompletely box-tr1t.ined. AGENCY Carved settee. movie "Tora Tora" ~1F.SA Verde-\V11lnul/gla~~ 673-534fi, •.34 Ralboi:i Co~. f'~I pricf's. Tt"rrnll. \Vil l 646-0793. ST BERNARD Pup~. AKC . * Sec'y $SOO. 11 .Japanese cruiser, 1 drum 1ahlt. new ; dri>ssrr; NB. 18"h1nd liowanfl! Rf'~-trade. Open Sun. 1 ~.4 HAM-.C:.C:...:C.:."=,---~----1 Xlnt n1arked, $150 k up. SUn Litf' S/H aome mnmruclion U.S. tanker ) toy~. tltc. guir11.r, book~. t11u1'flnl on P11cific Cna:otl MONO ORGAN .~-.·uo10.<, p Cute puppie~. t... Mon only. 962-3728 l"··v v mrt· . ·-t I N• ,, ' 11rl Lab. MlXl'd ~1010 E "·If mRtchbnx !oy<, 3312 ~" .• "" t ~~" o w-2R" 0 Coo~ l'••y Cd'I "" ". SAMOY'·p G••m a ·n ~xJ>"r. , ..... pul <reat bosses 'OVER 500 ITEMS P LUS OVER 500 ITEMS Bl d ... r. ~ • rn 7""7 • ., 0 Alab#ln1a , C.:-.1. •-•~73·t6. port " .I &1•·'930·. '1 ' ...,,... "" Sh•ph•~ P"P•. IJO ••o" Part t im1, on-c•ll pub-* S•c'y L911al $5SO. 5 b · .,.,.... .. 111 " ,., llc1tion t y p i n a. R•· F:xce!. s. Calif. Co. ugg1es, Penny scales. P ianos, Hall trees, BUNK bed, mrlsl detector, Sa.le •ta.1·1.~ lO!ln1 $u11d11 y cscUcM·MC::E~R~C-L_E_A_R_A_N_C_E_] MtXF.D Sht'!pherd pup, k111 .. ~ • * 548--fi167 * • q u Ir t 1 60 W .P .M . Req. gw. exper, Pumps, Iron s love. Ship's w heel, Swords, Hi-Ii, Misc. Sat only, 11116 Carden Hal·I -SALF. childr"P:n . 3 mo old. To good ST BERNARD, femall" yd 'o&d W.'k f'.m h."d W''.t· * Rocopt. "IS. Tractor w 1 lrailer. Oak tables. Carved chairs r., , t,, , . ltR homr. MZ>--098~-c . 1_ .,. ~ C d 'd · · Ii:" w ~i. , School Nlw11i, Sttln10.•11y, Balrlwin, --~---~ " ORnac.' I .,.,, or bl!!st · ten copy, und•rstand f'"ront OHi~/Know PBX ,..0rd arve SI eboards PLUS PLUS PLUS many !1·16-119\. "'urlirzer, Gr1tnd, f'olln, 6 \'1K. old Cockapoo puppil'~. fPr . 67;>-78711. _, 1 •1 marks and li'no * Steno/R•c•pt. $400 other items too numerous to mention!!! ·c--cGcE~-SA~-----1nv1IM1; e-vrryQne 10 t'<>mt 10 All ". i·~· & 11fff'C'l1on11.te "-healthy. =~,=~~~=--~~1 ~ ARA LF:-Sit1 9-5 ... J 1 1. · R 1 rn, r~lc. 4.:>J up. RF.."N-S4°"'~. I BF.AUTIFUI~ AKC tt&. sable Goof! I . Gootl Pho -*'"" UY PShVAi. Of f'lt .,...,...,., ~ustlf ic.ation Mu a t yprst on M Tn venlory h<is been moved for the convent·-!li'1.1 Nigh11ngRll', t 'oun1Rin TAL.'\, PLAYERS, 1-'ri@ndly I ==~=~~~~~~~ collit 11.1 stud. • F & F p · for Sur, B11rg1tin~. \111("1ud· AOORABLF. k·11 1 bl k ... reproduction ty n-rl'p l"f! Oirnons ence o( this 2 Night Sale to ·. VO!lllPy. telephone-inlor . • ' ""~-ar . 8~5255 " H I S h ff in" S_i,.., Good~. Hou'!f'-t 6 k Id T . i.;g ••narienc•. Posi-• •n c a t r ,. .,. FIELD'S PIANO CO. 11,tr. w !Io . r111r!l'd &. r~ 644-4911 BOB'S AUCTION BARY llPrl S.i: f'ln!hf'~. mi~· hold Good.,"-School Sup· 18.\l N1!11•port Blvd. Wf'11nM. 545-1520. SILKY Terrier fem&le pap- tion ·requir•s 10-20 ll r s. l11'm-"'. 222:, Marl• St, C '''· 1· • tt ~ •d 1 lt J mo -1• Sho" AKC P 1"s" u • ..,r !I 0 em". Cosoi. Mtsa 714/64;)...1250 KITTENS-Or11ngp py. · ""' ... . a w•ek _ or mor• as SERVICE StaLion man ~·rr k Sal. Pltn!y ul Pa.rki11e:. Comt -----1 i gPr . $1~. 5-16-4276. nHd•d 1n pe.ak work. wanl,d. l>fl'chanrcid Psp 204 W . Ch apman Avt ., Orange. (714) 531-1 141 GARAGE S~AcLc>c:-~·;-fri, Sat orw~ Come 11.ll! Lf'l'~ Mvt WOULD YOU--IVPanl'd k hox trarrlffi. ~BcAoScEcNcJcl=s--r-a·~--A°'f-,c;c,c,-,-1 PrefPrrl!!d. Appl>· ,. -•··"" I 'I W I f N k Sun. 616 Cf'nlrr, Costa l11n h'flm !l till ~. Sal, July BELi EVE 5-1&-2134. brl'Pd. AKC Pu P 1 / 1 l u d . Pi•11M .apply in person 333.1 Harbor Blvd. " .-'"''" mr e •s o ewport F wy., 1 m ile East FREE O G PLEASE: J d ho at Wad' Johnson Chl'\'ron, f SA F J 'I Me!la . II. E~l ~1onrovja, Nt.wport • R AN Lf;SSONS ~ ne-e " mP. Te-rmll. Call 4\1 638-2236.: ~048 8 -1 1 Co M 0 ' • wy., mi• Nortll of Ga rden BPach. a.~ long a11 you like! No rt&-Orw.nst' m11lt C'ltl, very , r1s o, sta esil., Gro v• F r•ewa y F"URNITURF., rnyR /, m i~c . 1\fOVIN_G_A_b_c,-M--S.-1-1 iA1ratlon. No oblia:atiun. Ju.st 1.:..''c".'"'Yc·c'_,..c:..::°'c'c'_· ~---GREAT Danrll--AKC rer. Pet Costa Meu. ATLANTIC RESEARCH SERVtCE ~talion. e.xpf'r. ·-::~:=:=:-:------:;::;---;:---;:--------I !l032 Bobbie Cir, H. B. ' • ma · ' u111 , · ! Come.. Monciays 1:3(] pm lt show quality. fi wk.s. Act only need apply, full time. Appliances Ba2 Furnitur• 962-R679. Air w'ek. ! }I". old Deluxe H/G b~avy COAST MUSIC 4 D1t.rling Kitten11 7 wks old l11s1. 714/jlS-3094 alt 6. 29688 Ortega Hwy, SJC, ....;c:.,. _ _:._:. ____ _::: IJQ GIGANTIC )'fl.I'd ,,all'. Sal. I, duty Ill lb . .,.,,her, e.xctl!Pnt w•nl goo.1 homf'. SAMOYED malts, P"PPY Go t h 1·nnditinn Sl?.1. 1\vin a ir-..,-:--;;-::-,"'~"c'c·~28=5ol~---54."1-3350 **SILK SCREEN • 11.uo \\'II.~ ('r $~j . BEDROOM lao1ps, good Sun. MS-4118. 39 Albrrt Pl. ;-l o~=~---~~~-* SETUP & OPI-.:RATE * \VPs tingho11:o;P r!rr rtryrr ('<>n<l, S."l Pa. S pc MPdi1. 1 , C.M. 'Pring bPd wi!h headhoard k HAMMOND, S 1 e I n w a y, MALE dog, part Shepherd Prt'cision \\'k. 54!-;).tJj to 9.30 $~5. Roth ,1::no<1 rond, l?Ui\1'., pecan bedroom scl, Sll!I. h·11n1t, rlr1tn, l yr old $40. 1 Y11m11h11.. N'w & used p11.rt Golden Retnivtr, lrg. prn & rlr livrred. !l 4 6-8 6 7 2, Bf'aut. new sludio <'OU{'hts, I Hous•hold Goodt 114 ruslorn nek bed table~ S20. pianOll o! most makl's. B's! Good w/{'h\ldren. 543-7R80. · 1147-111\,i. bu!slrrs, coverlelh'.~ ,t.1 ~ti~r. :i.4().-96:.?ii. buyM in SQ, Calif. at Schmidt 1hot5, AKC. Kll-27fil -----1 SCHNAUZER p11p~. if00m- in1:. ~ll1rl scrviC'f', trrm5. * ~'16-0839 * Syst•ms Division A division or th"' Su!quchanna Corp. SJTIER \\'antPd 3 rlay.~/wk.1 iniHchlng swag lamps, S7!1. FANTASTIC blk k whill' t-:VF.H.YTlllNG ¥OPS thi.~ Music Co., 1907 N, Main, your home in or nP;ir C<>n-Furnitur• 810 UF~·. llllG Jlai'bor Bl\'d 1trPa ruio:~. fix!!. !1,.12: l'Pll 11l'~k. Dining llf'1, Cnnn l __'._'\~_!:nR_. ___ Pe tt tl'ld ~' ]["Li ] REAGJ.EPii"Pz AKC, 5hotl & 21ury Park, Fountain Vallf'y. CJ.I. :i~S-!H."i7. ' lovl' seat. 6i:~:zs12. 01·g11n. La1,y Boy rtf'linPr., "'I.UTE: \Vurll1r.er sPinel l ;;;;;;;;;;~-~~T"I~ I parx-r.~. 2 male ... , $2j, Call 13/6!l7-IJ66. --~ ,. 1· t I bl · · !47 21!1-1 _!:qual opporluni!y SALES -Ml'n STOP!!! 1 IN A MI LLION SOFAS-all kinds-11hilP lhr'' M iscellantous 111 .~ltt'ro, ·111 a P:ot, :->twin1: P1•00 -· · TEACHER [l . n1arhu11', L11111p•. ]111~1: 1001~ f:xf'l'I. N:lnrl, s.·IOO '•1CACLCT~E=sE~---,---,~. 1n1r11: 11H1111 srl t 'uunlry h1,,;t 12.·i ra. Oc<'aK~ion:;I P•ls, Gen•r•I 850 1 ' • pupp "~• '° " Act.'!'<'di!cd for k1nOeri;:a1·1e11 ~·rf'tl{'h ('\l~torn ('rllflf'd liy <"hltlJ'~. 11 hill' thi>y Ja~t. S'I ANTIQUE ~ ~~ra~P 1lem~. llon<1~ .. J:iJR ) *..:~-II~_•___ whilr, lov11.hll' flu II rir Jur. ACT 11•1 prr-,;i•hool: to .«ta1:t 9 Lt f111n1111$<lPt'l'lr11tnr.,..:.OJJd nn•-~';1 r:n.t 1alil•·s S4 f'a UF~· e e ~)l~ Ln. N.B._54R-32\il .• _ 1 FOR 1111lt uprighl RPi'k\\ifh f'ARAJ<F.IT 714/:,,16-2316, ~36-4'1Ri l.l hr~ v.·k. SJ."' mo. C•ll 1,0 ,· ' • 'I I t• 1· t · p· "-• ' ~ ------,., '' plr, &nltqUr 11111.~h. Hlli,.,,_11"' JXS;, llarl)UI" Bl11I, t;,\\, )I'. 0•• ~ennW!l'P f'Pl'IJ'!r lllM. '"~ft' rond. S\9;, IV Cltgl'. "'" Al\C Whi!f' Toy poodles Sall"'amindedpen;;on,sttlor appl.5.'IG-64561ttr 6pn1, 1 iil~h .IN 3"C'"\8' \\'('XI, pa :11i!-~ ... 7, AUCTION 1h·y .. r $G:i.G~:r,lrig.,hou~f' <fi42-71~ 5'\R-6.iCfa t C1ttl 5-IG-9626 * Ch11mp linP, s:io. 1 Yr Old LOOKING & y~Jf. a reid rarerr op· TELEPHONE .-,,t, .·~-me d ' I 1 :>.()" 11 I ------- xi f I I "" e11 . n1a11· 11111e 1·/11;'!', w,.U \VAL.NUT huh•hf'r • SC"i-vrr. nr 11 P • · • P1'" y, 1·ro~lli· op KONN CJHGAN z, RENCH BANTAM rhic~ Sl. Gl'PSP mall', loo. a-l.'>-4400. PoJ1l1n1ty. • nt u ure or 1 · C -11 be 9 & h "" $1).'J. F. 1 l I k • ·p F. JIPI~. ll l\\'t'l'O 5 uni.:plalP&1·t1p rai:k,s11Jr. hkl'l!P\\·,s;,9,Jp<'.lltnf.'llt' Sv J lyll 11 ,ntrPy <'Pi!.O •~•1 XlntConrl $400 Go~linR; S.t D11ckhn,1ts S2 . MALElrlJ'.h!'rltPr.IOwks1 ~l"n~e~~~;~;~.Klls~~11111~ J\1nn lhni fri. 645-J833. hoard fi"6"X3'fi " hr. An np-!Rhlp k <"·lla 1rs, $12. ;; I~' • I n ., It U I I ' f o.a km, '°111''P, "''hl1t Norgf' 36" $:l(J. rvt pty· 54~-J~-I 2612 Mesa Dr. (Uppt'r Bay1 all 5ho!s, AKC, champ lint . • TELLER. fi'l!'hln1ty loQ\\r!Tlll!'\llf'atl-d ••"ll• ta bl < h 1.1• ,'i.•rwr 111~;. UIS•) II', .. 2114LOnl111e11l11I Ci\.t , . be in rxt"e.s.~ of $250. prr -n·k. r.. • e • i· air.~. . .1. 111hlf'~, 1·ha1r.11, 1'P1Tl'tarif's, -~----~·on ~lf'-Old upright Piano, COCKATIEL, }'OUn&: m1t.lt, S\00, fi7~!S N(I c-tnvRss1ng or "111rit1ni;i:. Pos1!•on a\'ailahle for prr-l1f11! ~r1r!roro\\11rrsh1p furn. ur~-, 1AA.l llarOOr Bhd, China ('losrr, hall 11'f'r~. WA'fCI! Repair Sun11ner $1 7!!. Co.11t11. l\tes1t. $1 J. IT'S Reiten house time. Blgo lntervirw.11 h~ 11ppcunrn1('11I Ill;\ l~rf,!l\ltl [lrll'P nf Sl,fMHI. ("\T :~1R-94.i7. f1·rr11·h Pt'f)\', l1v rn1. V"ll · Sperial! s~.~ Clean, adju~!. 646-09:'>4 •• ~~-7011 *. '"''' aelectlon f'Vet! ~e th• ,•;unablt, wrll ~mrd ind1-Orii: ms1 Sl ,1100. Pn. p11rt), pol1 h 11and~rd veme: 1.11 --------------,_o_nl_.v_•~-l~•c'="o"~"Yl". ll.1~2771. ~·irtu 1 with 1 ~· 6 /I.I 0 VI ,'\l G I o Oh 1 o, tr1. Chin 11. l~Jll'~trir~. s • mo n · UPRIGHT P IANO f'or th1tl item utwler ISO, DAILY PrLOT Cla11ltled ,. ____ a p easing IJ'C't'~nr1· ...... 1. filfi. 1 only. Coast Pawn k SALESGIRL t d b £1'Pr)·lh111g n1ust KO J lo an1p~. p1,·1urrs, lo1i; nl i.;:1As5 · I 1 th p p · h u ctJon now ! !I. 1ty 1tn a 1!i!y ~o 11nrk lll'l('f'S, Nn l'~nh! ·0 r~rt'1 ... t•ut, i·1trnh·1tl Rrl gl;is~. Jrw<>lry. 2416 N, w po r t, I J:f.i. fi44·0~~' j~ry~~·~•~n~o~y~~"'~'~-~-~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~:! F'ull hme po5ition lor l.~r 11pl \l'l'll wilh thP pohlir. Trlll't' J:. · 642 840~ I S ti G d . 11. \" _, • 1·e fu.~e1i. Sarn-6pm, 304~ M11ny 1no1't> i!rm~ roo 1111m--• por ng 00 I 130 1 @ ltas1na: 0 l("f'• ·~ef'~Jlu f'X!)f't'ien~ rPqu1rl'd. Xlnl ea l!ll I 'J I ,,.,.k -·•, r •• , ••l••y + k. d' · .. Cr1111l Avr, C.i\1, 549-389:1.. rn1u.~ lo rrwnllon, Optn for LIITLt~ Ml'tropo\1t11n plt1~ 1 " -~,," '-"""' "' \\'Or 111_i: con 1t1on~ II n" I our famous G . commisi;io11 !or responsible lring1> benefit~. Pleai;!" apply Nfo;\V swivel bucket cht11r~. l~Sfll'Clion 9 Rm, :\1111 to 5ale rx!r11bl t>ngln~ & Pa,.. I~, CSOLT lll&l Arm.v w/hol!l<>r I '1 per50n, C11.H 11rternoons for ln IJ"l"SOn 1n Mt'~. Jrcdalr, C'7/ ("J $19 I'll Like nl'W rn.1shrd trnir. , por!a e pm f'<IUlp., rlltl'r. lli.i. Coll Bffby Dt11.,t;oon ,I DIME·A -LINES 11pp1, G L ENDALE J h e J J'll.fJf} velvrr livini; rm chaifs S25 AUCT ION HOUSE v;,r1·, Ptr. 23TI Cornell Dr. s:ooii S·t!iO. Coll lll60 A.rmy ,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;~ (714) 557-4800 FEDERAL SAVINGS ff RPclnrPr l'hairs 8~.Q~· :w1:, \\'. IVarlll'r, S.A. ~).10-94.'10. Rich. Conv. $17~. Mi&c. Win- SALES !ashion oppi'lrtunity 2300 HARBOR BLVD. 1 PIP;isp h11y ni,v ho11scful ol $49 up. u~·F. 1AA~ Harbo; ~'l'l9·72·1J • :.Ol 7-77."l.~ CAKE D F. C 0 R AT I N <: chf'zter.i. 546--7i!27 SINGER vacuum -l"ltRner-1 GARDENING ~Quipment ~·· StArt • carl'tr ll'/BtPlrne COSTA r.fESA Jurn1111rP ."Piiing 1111, Make A!v1t, C\1 . 5illl-9.1;i7, 111"• block "':~~·a~vtf'~ Uniq ue-CAkf'' dt'.<;.ignM with TV, Radio, HIFi, S12. fll1!' icrtrn an<1 100111 lf)(ll.11, r1tt{'hl'rs, trimme, Fa~hionft. Be your own boss. Equal opportunity Pmployrr ~lf'r. :t4~~,_~~ ,\fUST J\10VE' SRcnliCf' nf'at JOHN S BIKES ~·oU in mind ~ No Party 100 St•rH 136 $1 2. J di.~hm1s1rr~ $10. $1~. I ho6f'.<, $1-$10. !..arider SJ. i Comm + 11• ~ r I\ r n he. * • TOOL MAKF:n*• - 1 2 OLIVE v1n.'l k "''1llnuL ron-11rw m11trh111jt ."Ola S.: I NEW 1111-i:r nr 100 ~rnall. Del11.ll~ S:?ll. 3 rlnuhlf! i;ink JauC'crs 494-0020. ( '.?13/430-3~~ or 714 893-2.117 * OR TOOL k DIE * !Pmp. cha11•.•. An1111ue 11·h · tovrsl'Rt, ~onf.!Sl7.P hl'd, .-of---.~:l--2i1\ or ~.l!l--63\0_ 1971 ZENITII It Admlritl J.'>-S10, 2 TV 11t11nd.\ $.l-$.1. SwtNG .YI anrl 2'1idf'r. rrlta • AALES"'OMAN • :.48·.'>43~ •111 9:JO p.in. <lrrssPr &. n1ar<"hini;: ni;:,.~ Irr !..-f'nd 111hlr.<, Cd.\1 1trea I Columb ia • P r emium 1'HOUSANDS of dollAr.<! or tlo~e-oul s1tlt . Pricl'd btlnw \V11~krr h~«in $.'>. ~. rlN'k · hri1vy duly galvaniztd pi~ ~lATUft f: P11.rt tlmt' TYPIST-Arel ,.1 .. rk 1 dai·~ 11/lx'ricl~. Old oa k \' a'h • P1•1 p!~ fi7;,..~.~~-·-----Sreyr ' Rom a n a f I e c 1 r on i c ~ q pt t. ( !hi' di11t~untel"!I + lr"'e rolor r1td1f)i $4-$!'1. RPm1ngton j 12,1_ of!M-D610. • stan! Xl111 1.,,11d 1, , .. ,,. 'll Tf-"-' d lOs?<1.<Sll~.~s:zin.oo 1\ltd ir 11ltD ~n11teQpt. •nl t nn a ln 1 t ~tlerl IY""'vr11er 1t"'1 1·a .'o;I' S2:'i. ·c~=-YounR ,\1AtPrn1ty Sh<lpll l•k, m11~1 bl' ;ihlt 10 11·ork ' • · · r ' , . \\ I • hi1n •w·n, N'~srr ~.....,i •<><. ,... BA"). JI p t"'' thl k 6 •hi'" :.<iS-2"13 t , II 5 i:,..,-~ .... """ ... f!·, Df'all't',o. & who! e, 11 I , r 1 "''/ron.'lCllt . J'ull st'l"'ctlon if RPcord turn ta h ! ,. 1:1. .., ~lro "1-f' IP r 1>0 n So. C'n11J<t rla111., rM ·~ only Slit ,_, sun. Ci1tl ~1rs. ~1)'et, ___ . ' • · ·' · I \1 /n11n·1u". ll'11~nrra<i . '' ~ . .. . .. t r 110 ., .~pd.~, 1nrn k \\'0111e:n 11 rlron1" you hurry~ y .. ~. wf l1tkl' Sunbl'am hi:rrr rlry"r SS. ur UXI' _' nnvtrlR . Baby . r~;:>. 1 ·"' ·""" lraul'~, crlfrr d1•cou11r tor i .19101J Ch11nnf!f Pl11cr, N. B. . ·"'· ~ ···"'· <A Lr~~lAN \\•antffi-Sl200 S.19"--0l i7. 01.JVY. llr!l i;ol;i !'.· lovr <r111 for ~-1'1. 96S--~.~44. s:,1 .. ~.1-,0 -.. 1_9,24 •It S • 1 luh Sl '" "•• •e•t ll ~ mo E~flf'l hrlphtl, hu1 001 \\',\!TRESS. ni·Pr 11, f'\P"f, ~~11,",~,'_',,·,'b",","1 .11e.111"1','~1 ,'1 '.t1 Garage Sal• 112 -REPAIRS-------ra,;h & 1<rrvice wh11t "'" R'JI 67~-160."I. f\antwl'! c-nh mallrt'u $3. ~o 9.,2 " " , ,, " " ,,NNIV~:RS.o\HY Sal, . '.)(),..,. c-I I I I · · · · •" ' •, ~" • '·~ mnd ni~-l2:;1; 11r fill :r.121 \\'p dn 1'\Pf'rl 1<'p1t1r nn nil. ~·,1 k S11l. July lfith A· '-'" GIRTS l t1 b" '"" ner-rs1arv JU<>-p••I m••·•1·-o-·1 ' ·1-·o I ARI. •·oto• ·rv. o-.,,,, ---- --------rn • 1112 "'°"' Pn r11m• t"·t S E C RETARY 1tpl)f'ar, Cnntllfl VII'< ("n~. R{•A :?~" t 'o!nr TV C<lunty'1 111.rge,o.I 7.Pnith ' ,. · •f)I'"' icycl"' i::ood fl!.~11rounrt I! $4 .:ill. 49+-ffiil, OJ D k k I ( I 11 11 n;Rk"' 6' n1fl(l,.ls 17t!i 9 A.\1 .. l PM . Hrfresh· 1'(111d11ron $2.'l. 8.13-'lfi!li -_ --. M11rkf'tini;i:man11.i:t'rrrqu11"PS Sh1ri Ahoy_ P.1'~1. LRgun11 • oa i1:in11 111111111; i1 /,rr11('f' pllllf'.' $70:1, 2.1.;ijN ~:l\'POfl.TftJ.\ln C:\I n1,.n1 .11r1vPrl.S.'1-r;1·rhrrrt d,.a!rr. 902! Atl1111r11 a1 --------2frl1Rounrlhrif'k ~ h • _, "/II , ft~Arh. 4!1-1-"'7-" rno1n ,;rt. l.l!r 1hl, ,.h:.1r~. 1111 ,,•t•I B•r'.''' I""'"'· S.11''1. · Mo,-1. 11 R ,, ... ~~ . .., SYl.\IANIA TV Slll. DPep fry ~.' ('tilt .' M'C".11 "'""PVl'k>p,-.1 .-. "' £u.•• ~ '"" I NEW HOURS <l•v'" t 1~ \111•" S1 H" "" 1"· · · · .i.i:.;, NPw •nlr hstR. l><I'"·. St2 .• '".· ----bUffPI , •·11pho11rd .t. srr,·ri• ~ "'l , I< 1, I 1-• ·'•·· ·' " · • .~. -$1 ;,ti P11.1n11n, S~ rr StO .~ typif\' skill!. tn 11~s1st In lhP \\."ANTED. (']P11n1nr< "'lmlln I I 4 t' "'~ i·i npng 1 r'f'f'ZPr i.l ll'l-1 I--<h-STJS"REO~J971-11nrl11 iml'rl 'R,:,~,-bra• '.",'·-SJ.· ,:,~~k.•'. i E!PrlrJC' ~rvrr $!7. fi4ft--0141. ~ 111• v rmiort, pn~1rr ,.,., · t)('I! 11111ss<1<>rr.,5:1'l f:4~ :i1~•1 I 2pm !n IOp1n Mon r · ·• n1nv' 11.ny 1111{ ynn l ,. • .~• -~K> . J l'lfll"!'llflnnl"OfAnr~!:.hhshru , 2 rl11y~ "rrk, i'\rll'pl\r'I •"•.<ln•••·l•o•.l.l9.,,0 ,.,,,,,. __ .. v-I •,···,t.,·,,,,~.-,,,',00:1,,,•,·• 1,.,y in 1111~ i•nl<•mn 110n lav • 11w11 ~·-r.11rr 11 rd h · I ·1 JI " \VI "' I " ~ · h · [ l11rl1<',, f!llllliry r·ln!hl'~ 12-1 ·1, Rf:CORO<'nllt'rl1on,11 p. Ul £i'fl\VlnJ: p rrtrn111("S S1nrP~ ... rPll. c~ 642-242~ /Ill' l" \1 I ).\1A .• s ba·~·< I' i\rlll<[ll" c II I .1 JO tu1·n•a IP, A\1/~',\1 •ttrl'(), comp11ny al Irvin~. Xlnl rvP< --· - -ll'!l & •Jrsst·r! ·"'' l)lrf pP:il'I -ti[>-47'i0 !nor,.6 ~a a !er : p.m. rar!ln " l1tpe pl11.ytr. Air JJ .• ~2Q. R1N! l"A~P. nnor IYP"' riro.~11natrly l.'i(J I.P's lrnm \VOl'kingron<lltions <'f)mpN'--,-l,\10V1Nt'"; ou1 nf ~111 1r, j\111•1 hanr!li•!! knii·r .•, 2,_1,. ,-_ll'ill Tllkl' "l'r'llrlP-111, .~16-1 4 · l ptlkPrll \\'/"rO<•~v".,I S:l.:-in . La1inrtry c11r! :il!'. rnrk l•l ela.~s1c11I. hhJl'll~ . ·· \\ArlD ·"""y-rrrpt 111 11ursin,i,: I '' -' .... •; !Mi.R--7001 · · hPllSIVr hrnt!i\3,,, slimul~I -Al'Pa 7-.1.' -~11. PPrsonnel srll f11r11 & ortds },, f'r1rl~. C11 !11lp11. E11~thJ 1.it r. h14-lii2·1 • AUCTION • !'JN(;L~: li:ltfi!J<' don'r, ~6'f;" •y~!tm. sr111 hr11nd 11~11', I . . ---Jll1.1., rlllnrlrlfll' from 2.'i-S~ tng \\fll'k. Startrni;: ~al 11.ry tn f)tpl Hoag Hospital NR (';;11·agr ~~11' i;t11.rl!n1o: July SATUTUJ/\Y onl,\ -:q.;,, 111!h h11.rdwAl'f' S'.l'.1, 1'w•n 1tnJd lor 5.119 w/warrAnty, T\\1JN headhn1tnl, wh1lr l'in_l'l r11.('1l, Bnxrrl rrrnrrl Mif!'. SFllO rtl'pf'n.iing tipon qual-· · 17 642--.l!l.iL .\n 11"11 $:{0, 9'2.1 Snn<'lr;i Rd . CM P11,y oll b•lanr• ol $120 or S6. Torlr!lcr .~w1m Aid."; huh-1.l-lfi. NnvPlty !11.rnr.~ S1-S2. 1flc11t1ons. I~ RF.:DF.CORAT IN(;-A!l lvpr~ · ·~'"""' ·· fmall paymrnl1. Cred i I •>, r1n1t, 1w·I .AK r~r·h. ,. ,,. ,,.-tac:· ----hqu,,s, also mi~r. Snnlr HOUSE r.•~ ·741 bl "-t '"-"•-•·h•ok• J"-b Ol• J 1!Pn1~. n;r.rne your o-n·n [ t " (If lurn1111rP I.-Rppl1anrt~. prrl'" f-02 Acaci1i, C<1,\i 23·· COLOR TV. Carousf'I llrp1, 393--0~1. Tri11lrr hilrh tor mP<l•utn ,..,.w ng m11cro1fll!' JlO. 01 DANA MakP nffPr. J90-1 J\1olok31 Aurri('Hl! PVf.'ry fri, 7 pm Prnj. ~:i,c. rallf(•, Powrr 21 .. COWR TV _ J\f":otl •~lr_i·_ord 1-!· 644--0524. typrwritt'r SID. ~rurda ~1~:NS clothing, crih, dlshell', I' .. --and Surul•y lfl-:. 207 Pl. C.:\f . 5.'>7--0109. urn. AppJ1 . AnllqlH'~ ~R•I . ~f iM:. Sar-Sun. 246 F. li&rrHict , J9.'i; J!I .. por!1tblt SPEAKERS in l>aff<>l!I $2:.. ' . ' 800 lfl\r pun<eA, Jt'"''elry & Iota or JOl:l W, \\'arner, S.A, \\'llMin, C.\l /hi> d •·r· 21 , B Sit""" 1 t "I SIO ,1 . Nl'wporl Rlvrl., N!'I. f, C.M. t:RON\" WurlittPr ~p in "' ! t"· ltS 0 1 S A w n ra 10 .... 1; · . &W • ·~., 11m An e .. 1n1 Pl••" P•"· •·m"I. l'Vf'ry ,,.n.:.. g • I, pt \I tt-''' ht• J 11 ' ,. " I n!'J{lln, 1<lud10 ltl'P twin bed.~ 0 "111 • fl , _ig 1 BEAUTY d10p ~uipme_nt: lable model $20. 642...'1621. bikr Pnginr l HP S15. 9 Antiques Laboratories 10-,0-V-E_R_N_O_R_·,·v-;,-1-hm-p-,-,. 1 k u1bl,, RJRplP l'hl! .. t c. C.~1 . 642-i957· _549·22~1 • ~1-1733 E\'tr)'!hini: f"()mplete for 1 ~~RF.ot;,1"r,,~1h, bPs!. re-tl11of7" rapl'..irnd 15rtl"L~ >tOl CAMPU5i DR. tiql.M" rlr~k $7!'1; AntiquP \1'/rif'i<k 644-5ft.119 SAT k Sun .c~ m PI f' I " I LEAVING lown-hkl' 0 new GE m11n ,.hop.• Co.~t $2500; n c TPac 40lOS, Pionef'r SX9000 Of .1" tape $5 tarh. 673-944(). CARBURETOR 4 barrl'l for L Tn t•orn :mo nr11r ntw 12'5. Kllf'e bollrrl nl'w $20. Kf'n-rRVINE. CALIF. g 1n g1 e b rd, "'a Jn u t , SOLID chcrn"·•"ood din1nc 17u~POOldcl"1~"~~1~~ii & "P-tllx wa.shPr: Piltin rablt $7~/bt&t olr. 557-062!!. amp, MA M W •l)f'Rkeni, SNOWBIRD 111.il boal hull Equ · I I P ianN."!'. -• ·""""""88. U12 \\'/umbrell1t C chrs· 21-~B bl 7 I .$25 $48-49~ mr>l'I" m11ni;:lt irnfW'r S25. Al opportuntly f'mp oyer h11nd-lini,ht<l, S40. 54!1-~~ 11~ chr~. C'Rn•P<l ln11t Dorst! LIHM', C.M._ Wlnd!'<Or ar~i t'h11.ir~; v.•;l"krr 4' x 6' PLA:ii'J'. llkyl'\te k · tumr 6 5::'>878.:._ on Y .,·.,;;;jj;;.cy.:;;nS. l ~''°'~~R~ov:•'..'.'.A~v~•::.·~'~'"-".::"~:_· _1 SECRETARIES Applianc•• 102 dP~ti:n. Chrll TIPrti "rail! l1x-I bl . k lrRmt' $50. Pr. cu~r . Fr,nch SONY Slrl"f'O c . R'' I I p GJRL'S 3 tpttd hi('y{'le $2'i. I d S"il 5'11\..3!!07 ~:STATE !'.alt: Re.Irie, mt~<" ".n111 111 "· l\'11' f'r lllanl,;: rloor", Rcrtl'rlS, rr11mes It i :tl Origin11J oil PR/ADVERTISING 1----------r . . . . . • ' houM>hQ ld. Sal pm, Sun w1ckrr l"fll'kt1trl t1thlr · ··1 " Rrrorder. Mode-I TC-124CS 644-1769. . paintinu CONTRACT AOMIN. KENMORf; 11.u10 w•~htr 17(!, OIN!Nr.--;i111,--:-whirr 1111h11n 19RZI Brookhur,r, Apt 6 D, -hllpt bookniM! I.. rl"'~~ un;t. ~111~h··art S4J, :.4~·--f 1100. 67~1!1 •ft 6 HOT wati>r hratPr ti1nk s:r.i.; S~lr.i. St'11~t11.pt1, nowerS T"e-se poiritions r"'quir~ l'X· ~·r1gidaire 11.utn waAhf'r $60 Prov, 1 lPat l~hlt. g l'h111r~. H.B. .2 arra rui1.•. r hanrtrlitr. l'AY:\1ASTER chf'ck wnt'~· 23" MAGNAVOx-.....,lor TV. R11rbe-que S.l. Typing chair anrt olhrN! l'ill"S !Ix 10 lo 24 ccllen! ryp1n2 "'-~h hd rRJI· Both 11111: model I ' d· I ''r!t-hfin,rrl. Chinn rAhincL 2015 PORT Prnve-:nre Pl11rl' i\1•~c. Ph. R?.1.-12f>6. ~u1-fho11nl, 2 full s1zP btdi! la Taki" ovtr payl,;, $19.67 mo. S2S. l)P~)( 12.1. Coltman ,,. 4~ S11t11rdRy Anrl Sund11$' 3 •u!l.r ,,, dtli\"P:_~' ... ·.): ~" r:,n1,·. Rraul 5rt , S12:i. !>tf,..~4 __ -c I ---llll~f' 1 1,,111~. 67:,..21!12. fi40-!1181 . l11mp 19. CR r p1trl~ s1-11;;, 2 _,_,1_t_-.1_1_,,_·--------I ibilifll'& + 11.t lr11.111 . yr11.rs '"" ........-vu -Jliirhnr V1Pw Home~. Thur~. * AU T ON * --.ecretArial r:<p. IM7-~l 15.' CANOPY h<lnn 11e1, good Fri. SAi. Many valullble CRIB, while l\'/m1l t~ <lrR\\'!!r •'l}f'1tl l>/Ack $$. S1rp I Wfl!TE f'AhlnP! 72" hi&:h lB" .COLLINS RADIO ()'KF:EIT I.. MPrritt J!'ll~ cnn<l, A 1n11ttrr.~·'· _,Int eond. ltrnil. FhW" f"un1ilure !'-11rollf'1' $7 WA!riut crib like l11bl'1t Jl.i 11 p1t1t. R!onrle <lrtp 12" ll'irte c ~htlve! 197 J MBORF:F RI VD ,.. _ _. 11893-0IM.l 1tfl 3 I» l\'knd~. & A ppliancr~ r1r11· 520. :i.4~l!!. )[I l'1th1nPI s10. 119 .14th St, l1twn lllirling <loori ll.~. 3 llV-00 A • · , · r11nirt, """'' mndition, $YI GARAGE SA 1P-R 11 nJ: I', Auclkwt J-" ld'a 7 00 frff t• You N NE\\'PORT BEACH nr hi'~! ofr. C•ll •It 6·. MUST i:cll nsltt•hY. elf! chR ir • 11, r Y.,; p.m. e TOO~-&HOUSEHOLO Pwport Bf'ach. fi75--09Zl. inR room ch11.ir1 I quilted ]t"(1nrr, 1lhl hf'(i &. hrlbrcl, W d A t B Equtt opportunity tmploy~r "62-9646. ~ 011omRn /,, love!lf!11I. Xln1 AQ\latiuni~. miM'. :-:;111 k Sun, in Y S Uc ion a rn FURNISHINGS. J261A Ruby J LlnM; 2 Tim••, $2.00 BABY 11utom11tic: 1w1t1i:: -S~ prin!, l chartrPUAe, i SEC.A.ET ARY : for a 1hArp ALMOST TIP\\' _ Ice-makM" cond. 5.?,fi.-6792 902 S, Virltt. S.A, 11.19--037~. 207!1~ Ne-wporr, CM 6"16-MiA!i Av,, Balboa Island, St,am Iron Jl. Eltrlrlr. c1tn 6o1Atur11I hJ"O(·a<it i111 eaeh. t1¥n•rnlc gmup 'tYho ni:ord:ot r'tria -~lf df!lr'nlllin1t • FOR 11ale Cl'Y'!nl rh11nriP1i<'r. ~10VINC: t1utom•tir walrr Betlind Tony'!! Bldi M•t'I REM ING T 0 N t:leelric l.OVABLE BROWN A: whlll' "P""'r rwiv S:,,!11), l ~l7C a.II like nrw. you frl ~w mo<l,rn httl2. Whill' -LAii Mnrl dot>re, uphol.~Ntft'rl mrkt'r, chr & 110llllC't, hand mowl'r, rirl~ MOVING Still', Simmon• hi-c1lculalor 10 key $75. •Polled puppy. Nffd• i ooi bedipread 1-4 'ach, &by BUILD-11.-m11rl llt'f S l , p\uR oftlcts. Nn ltt on th\11, PhOne Sun 644-2167 t10fa . firl-f141~. bikr, Tni11r. !um. l~462 r\.tr, bnlslf'ri A covtr $:.0, • 642.-556.\ Ir homt. M&-2169. lr-'111 l\lz any •iit dnnr S.i. Racerifi<" tr•ck $1.50. Cal t ot~r fH' joM. $,.'a}. l~ r t I "-' I M,. T ._, ,. v -2 ~= M11yt11g [)('. '"'·t'! WA,hl'r ·'" BABY rr•nd p•-••• -ooh, Baby clolt1f>!I 25e-S2.50. Cot-aide-r lt1tf'k e1. ,.._I • ·- c e:I H 54Q-.li(I;"' '''" l'Ollt-rtt tf'lria. 14 ru JllDE-11-r..-u, ove~at '" a,manuu. · ., = -,,.,....,, GE b f ...... ...., TOBIAS. ]ollablf> 9 mo. Ire IAhlt top M. Oi11.ptr Nii ..., ....., ... a.II H M1 a,Yf'~. ,,., fl, SS5. 1934 Chnrcl'I St, C.M. ·$¥i9.50: 1' couch J42.50. BO!h p AT 1 0 u.lP-Relrl,, srovt, ' rom rnetion re r 1 f · 11terM cab1nr\, Re11.110n11tilf'. Kttshond m ix, T~rTirlc. kid ce~sorll'S S2. Cox g111 an;!ne COASTAL AGENCY Dt likt 111'V.' 642-11171. rN'f't.f'r w/mllera. Mrtcn 494-4976 S.1. Lari"• tnfltl.I trunka for plane $4. Mlnldna:on maker 2790 Harbor Bl 11t AdAm~ 11 fi.'16-fil~. w11.Wr, d r Y"' r • ml~r Plecrric ro11~t,.r, l"AhlnPt .&-do((/watch dot. 545-4873· 11ora•t--tlhippin1t SS e-:11ch. 2 S3 Bobb 673.-3004 . e MAYTAG ttftltir m!!.n ha$ CHAISE loona:t S100, Hidf>-a-furniturt. 307 Dlamond Ave, hroilrr, riu:den tools, m ilM:'. CABIN FOR RENT FREE to )'OU-I male Guinta co«« pols S1-S2. Tr11.y 50c. . y . St:CRttAltV~ Front ott~ "'aaher xlnt cond. dMv w/!l(J b<"d 90fa S?!i. t....zy hoy S.lboR Isl11nd . .'Will Rn)'AI Pll'lm Dr, CM Mammoth Lak~ by Dt.y or Pir. Mex.lean Chrl:o1tma .. ttff ~. TIRES 670x13 ffil 1lripe-: Gll w/,.'tll egllob lshl"d C.0. S da)' ruat $00 5.11-11637 mck!"r, Mug $3.l. 548-64~. AVOCADO .-ctronal. '1·Pt ~. WK. S!ttp1 7. 5.11·337C. Ca.II ~'V>-4.~ Mnvif! lif_ht S4. 675--0553, • X 15, V.1/~IW. 2 far 152. loc111k>n • m11 n,y hl"~fils. · · . -H Hun')'! St11.rt $51)1. KF.NMORE 11utom11tlc:, A-1 Four room1 o! din 5t't, Bar 11oob, Ch11lr,, TRUCK I hna 1 fni.exl'r F'UCHSlA.~Btiske:t a M Bu1h MOVING Abro.tl. Good A• Qulltt'd llahl ,I01d ~ ~vy duty ~ holl" truclr Call Jean Brown. ~ oond. S60. ~ F"URNITIIRE MO,\·r1". Toot~. /\11 1 c , portablr, lrrr7.l'S 30 hour1!, Vul@tlf'~. ~ Ekttrr Av., ~. free to lood a:ood condition 11\. 240 £. wbttls 17 f'Arh . llravy duty COAS!AL AGf:NCY • 64.1-.:'12S3 * EVf:RVTHING! 642-5611 ~l>l6-n07. arm l"'onitlll'on , $iii). Co.11111 Meiuo. home . s.0-96~. 161h PlAct No. S Ot Shnlf'•pliltims$8eaeh.11 ml(l Harbnr Bl a! ArlarM 15 CUBlC ft f,...,.r.l'r rht~I ROUND l•hl0 (,h;i;:;: PINF: rupbottNI & f'l!rly pine 4~611. ·11 SMITH . Cornru1 Pl~. f"LlJFF\' while lrittt na. 7085 543--4690. ~~~~sl~n~;k 1~":k t~;: ::. SF'J"'.UR.m' rual"lf. ~1tn .luAn C.ootl con dil l on, SJO, 1 "''hilt F'orn11r~. nAu2Ahydr-. Wrlls f'•l'21. rirsk. C:F. •·•~hrr. \Vnrklnit ron-l)'pt'tYritrr. Uk:e new, $100. flamlnro Dr, C01tl11 MeM. 2 Motorola c11r radio fM SJ:'!, r !Pr SIO. 4 x c picnic tahlt 2 C.po. nvf'r 21. uniforn1 A-' 54~19· Xlnl rontl, $'.ill ~!l:il~. ~1'1!-~l~l llition 11r"\ <1tfrr. StrrHI rr-fi'1l-2'4~ M&--41.519. AM SlO, Sun la.mp SI~. bf'ncht' l7 all. Part11blt ha.ir f'QUlp. turn., 493--1192, al! 7 Rl'h1kt'J'lltor. L(,o " Clr11n. :1 ROOMS FtrRNITUrtf:& LADIES {' !11 I h In r ' 1111 t'fl'l'fll'r ~8Yl'I hi>~\ ntttr. DIN ETTE •@I fi chair• s;;-;, rRr.f: In ltnnd hllrne, part ;,.~7392, flr;rrr Sl. COp!)l!!.r plaqua ss: p.m. S..H-rlPl~tinit: S4:. I ArPl.TANCE:.S. Xlnt rontt. I "r1.f'~1'rry rt11'°'1nAhlr 211.l ;,.i~ nr 5.l1-71fi..t rorm1ca 9611-0077 934$ Vilht bo11t r l f'tf'rm•n Sh"Phel"d .. 22 CAL rin ... Sf'11.n mt'lf'lf'l All "'-'t'l'k llfi21 KAntokoa Ln. SFkRETARY for •il"fl4'lr1 e fi.ifl.-7nl e ~i.'i'i-4~. ---·-= C'olg11!f' llr. c:~ ~9714. ~ECTAL _ SkHI 111w•Nn. 77 f'>acirir H.R. F'tmalr, 10 rr,n, old.1'6l-l3A.~ 2.'i, "xt'f!lJ~nt r.nnditlon $25. H.B. 962"'9\l. 11.t'@I CPA Bookkttpin1 exp GE Df>luxe IO.'&g~r. l cyclt'~2 ~. POSTtR llhl bft.d \\'/8 HTG H.a'l'bour-Optn Sitl k N Nn. .1ifi7, mn,tnr,.llon WHEELCHAIR 5611: hedal~" J DECOR.ATTVF. Photll'lbr: M~T7•. swtNG itt, df'h.IX~ with rtq"d . SAl.ary Op!!n. C11.n •f!d 4 w111r r ]l'Vtl~. l.oncl '1ra"'t r f!J"f':~51'f A· l!!l~...._sun. Mi"('· 110me furn. pool type-, $&.;. 847-2634, 16392 t'Ommo<it $30; v.:fti(er t1~. Cl.nary l1!1ntl ~•l« J'41m. rl'\vtn mattre&Ael + tm hortt.rlttll"t llndtlldt.2 yrs _ -COn4..J55. 'M&9M' _,. J.00,-&l<t-lUl ~ -lr\l«~ • ·RoM-Lrt;-ffB,--:-Ca"'-~··----hf'l'Wt\'t'" ... t1·b; .... HM8--• ,.9iprtnp ~2(1._ ---(ll\:t 110. ftt~-~----~- 'J} .. ---"T" .... ---- • ' I t • i ' ft I . I' ' 1 I II , I~ I t l ,, 'i •, '1 I 1 j -- . ----' -. -·, --,J •• . -. - II DAILY ,ILOT Here'1 How You Can U&e Out Famous Dim• • A • Unes our. famous DI ME -A· LINES FIVE CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU e Brint tMm or m•il tk•m with corr•cl c••h to on• of our '4 conveni•nt offic••· e No liveitock, produce or pl•nl1. • No t ommerci•I td, ellowed. e NEWPORT BEACH .. 3333 Newoo rt ':vd . e LAGUNA BEACH • , , ••• 222 Forest Ave. e COSTA MESA .......•... 330 West 8.1y e HUNT INGTON BEACH 17175 Beech Blvd. e SAN CLEMENTE 305 No. El Ctmino "-••I 8 Eich Item mv•I be prictd .,jth no item over $25. C•••I JJ i.tten ••• Jl'Hti ~' II•• Mor~ f\\AN'S bicycl,, $1D. Ci<"hH 2k -$3.50. N~ china.wart st! tor 8, $10 .rirurine• and Dhne·u·Ll11e t)tl gla11"1u•e 2:X--$2. G11mt1 " 1oys 50c--S1, Old !pool twin Pret!edlt1g Page 1 h•adboafd SS. Book~ 1x. 2 ful7 J>f'd•I ... $10 I: S:?cl 11.n1ni11b Si-$3. 2848 <'atalpa. I D<li; r,nc1ng s:i srul!W _~9-1.)75_. __ _ ---~:11.,.!blu//, NA 644-16l4. KITCHEN <hnelle 111ble S~ WASHERS S 10-$1 ~. 6 Quldoot p11,io ll1hta $10. 2 V. W. V111 leJt door $9. VW PORTA.Bl.£ 17" TV $25, KARASTAN rut, 31,J ft x 5~ CHILDREN~ r&111 bonl! Aild ~chain$!i tach.96:2-9660. O!.shw11.1htl' s:. work1, tra1hel/\$1ndearryd l Sl5. head lia;ht $5. CQ2 BB ~8-2171. ft. Bul'nt orange 1·olor, rain l~••~ S l -St .~O MIMEOGRAPH m a r.htn , $25. Let!rr-foldin.t n1achlllf' $25. 1-;li"rtri{' ll\)il11.r S25. ~r"1n~ t.lach1ne SH). Snak~ 1·agr $10. NAug11.hyt!t: clu11r S1. ('h,.51 ol dra~ni $4. Pon1i111: Jrd ml"mbtr $~. Ping pone tab!t 11.rnl paddles pistol, new S9. 847-<t91J, IR-\c' AcRo~0=,-,-,-,1-,ch-y-rt=t~lcl ~50 b"1nae 1111 11.round, l'xcelh•nt 011ldr('11 ~ lift l•ckrl.~ SI Ponllac r·•ar end housfnx SlO. Nf'w powPr vacuum S?l. 2 Artific.i;il treea 115_ B!ut yd. 642--0384. condlllon S2:'l. ~:r.3433. C11 me5 1¥>-Sl Strip!lrl wino; axlt>i $1.'i, 2 lloor turn11 crs S5 Dishes IOI'. Chrll1fn111s lrtt 11 ntiqut <if'gk $5. lronPr l lO. ------------ME o!U ~1-,-1--z;-rl~ J,wlnx :seL Sl:l. ChU<lrl"n·~ S~ 2981 C I D CM 2 MAPlJ:: ~1ni;:lf' l1tadboard1 h :iJ SI JO C l>qUl'I srl f'•l·h. blith tub s:i. Iii '" 6 lu11: · · I.')' on r· • ·' · S!rrrn S:IO. Blender SL cat s2 50 upholstrrPri "1ng ch a 1 r , 1" airs · r-· · 1 C.htv Whf!f'l l:. lirf's Sj, r12h1 ~n12. --nr do11: <'11.rr1rr S4. P1cturt S5 r 11ch. M11plt> <•h11 1r . ,ooc:1 ro n di 11 n n S!i SJ ::io. Camplfll good, pl11tPJ . C k I d -0 D1 v1rlrr Stj(l. Corlrr tablt pots J!k-$1.11, r 0 r 111 bl • rear ht\ pie up tn er 12 !a11n n1owtr1 Sl ANI trame11 SJ. Mtll"11 rlo!hes, 0 1. 1 ,1 .'.4~77:1J $1 :m 10 ~ fi4.'>-:.024 , SI JO ·,.<'f'f' and . f'l'rH! $2:;(1, \\~lfl' 1111<1 gnl! SlO _ _ __ __ ti9-0.i!I; 510. 2. 4 ·,'t.~· 11·oodtn c10l1bll' Sl2,."l(l Pn11f'r mowtr, nf'rrb 21rl's Sl-S2. Adding maclune ~lOVP $10. Picnu· IAhlt rounrl I r1f'n1ni~ 11 nd \l t'l'kc~-Ovtn hn!rr 18. 2 ll MU,i:h f 4 s ... ·1\·el barstools $) tarh. REi\DY 10 finish 3 dr11w,.r B\J ll:T-I N_-0-,-,-,,-.-11 h1tf'-G~I~ huns.: .,.·1nd<l11.s S!O Pach, A 11.C1r~ S.l <IS forrt n11ck Sl.i Curtain~. dr11p1<! S.'1 72 x 72 $7 51) :"'tf'lltnt r l RA-8-,.-LINE-crih SI~. U"tlu bar ~rnols SUl rarh. f.1rtal remrd !ablt Sz i·hrsr 110 -t dra11•rr rhr.~1 Ira.me dos.: OOu~" t j ' I _h'a11:._n11sifion S20_968-GJ~'·-1 _1._1ghnna h"lur's s:i. 2189 tr•·nk~ 17 j(J 2 small li-unks 1 rorta,·rih SIO.-·"-Plac·p" G II ~--" d I k h lr1·5 11 nd Salllrr $21\. Al II • I 1 "\I " "" ~ Sh~.~hlllf' .,..fll'if'l kl! S.1 .~: i'lnHIU1Ki r11i>P r r~ · "'" $13 ~ t1ra11Pr 1•ht-s! $If. All "isrr Allf'1'1us !ll"f'! "' LUGGAGE r11t·k ror sl11t1nn u~ in,'· · S'I h Old d k S' 7 d d SIO fl I h tl11 s.~ lnp $2.i 1!11rri•1<VV! 11<11 1' lorn1 1ca top~ 11r'if1 Tr1111f'l -A1rt •1r l'Ond111nnrr \\heel~ $2 rach, i::~rl.v "ll~fln S\tl T1m1n,i.: hghl SlO. A°NTIQU'E-.1dr11\\'f'r <'h('st s·h,:111..: ... : bo"I~ c!-, ~~t·h ;~1;)() ~nd s·i.:~. R~~ ... _, -~·:,1~1,r c-an1slf'r vacuum 11nd 11 1. h rlbna d s·1 -~l Al $'al "'(lvrn rf11ni.~h /old1nir: Ch 1 4 2 R 11 " .-~· ~ 1achn1Pnt~ t J.i. }. 11 < ! ,. r :m'b,•li•1 , h-1, ~1 } ~;111;,',",",1 ha1111111r" .S1111otlf' twd pan~~ i·hair SlO. M'!-J.17'2. ! 1~·,•1 ',,' , ""<b"''~~rr s"·,~ Oa.~h Aauir' $10. Al1to 1a1·h SI~ <'arprt1ni;:, nt-utral 11' :-.: t:ngJi~h loun,1tt "hair lramf' $"4 .'1(1. ltardv.ood <'hf'SI. 1 ba:.~,.1~ .iol·-:iclt·. Chl'l~lnuis ' 11 .,. -·1 hraflhoartl $J. \\oode n wor11 -nia .. 0 "' .... u -• $10 RPtJ'11c111hlP c·lolhrA llrl<' 11' Sl"l JO l'!' " l l' Slfi SI C•rnprng ,,,._ho,, ;)()(< rlr11wtrs $!'! :1(1 Sll'Qllrl' 11 1111, SI Small hnal tra1ll'r $Ii '--nnh S.'. I\'--•, .. ,.,.,, JAPANESE fl 12) Oht ~6-:'!SSO. S 0 l hulbs jo-<-:!Oi._. Chrislm~~ nut- '"""' ·' UO<J .. " rl t · SlO 2j I! tow chain 1 .. Jukrbo:>-rrr11rrl pla~'l'f 1111)} Rar-h-qur 7:1r Car• hfod SI ! h81·k ~f'Rt $10 :l() IJJvrlv 11 11-1 r!0'11" 1!,ithls S4, \Vo od Car r11rk nr11 $.-, /\~!>nnrrt 1 •·•h•""I 14 VII '''' s.• •. 30'6 <fnUhll' h11rr,I .~ho111:un Sl~ CARP~r I SI -h I '' t , s· T>"I' , rt SIO 'I I · h ' bl 6 h • I "' ~ c. i;ampr~ 1'8{' .. r11!. •·11mp •·O!. ·1· '' 'l'Nlr" ·ela 1eP I:: esl 1 Child~ Enryclopt'd111 12 nque U" dn111rr I' f''t rlrrssrr!., fi di·a"rnr anrl 2 l1sh polr~ J<k·-s-,. .\"" !\1ll}hrool;, (';\! .'140-S7i9. 2:l rtt!P S17 ;.ll. ~ pis tol $2"1. Good 11.s!IOrtm,nl, ~om' ~11\V $1 "1 2 11"" 700 x 13 Ill'"~ S2 Gold t>!IOman, i4"" l!t · v"i"mo• 11 ~ V • ru u Ill S25 Ffrnch Pr n v 1nr1 •I stud1n rnuth !'O\l'r 11 nrl - -. ---1 ('un r11rk S:l Cannon $2'.-i 11..: B "" "'' ra h1npt5 $~IO. \\'h11t ~dri11·rr bolsrrrs S7 .":II La i at(lri ~ink BABY ltPm~ Crih, m11.11r~~5 ~ 1 Sl · · r1rap!'ry hafr1Warf' sa.mplt.~ I S'i.l ~! V1c1or111. 'n. , S:'l Ant1qur trunk, fl'('-S6.:10. Braidtd rua~ 50f'-!l . 1 rhrst, \a111iy 11nrl n1gh1 r1r,.~.~tr S'.!O. Hana inr pull l l. Therm.rtoc" ov,.~ SZ:l and hun1 pl'r pad. ~ti $~. ivi 11'ar pin~ · \Vrll~ $1 r&cti. M7-tl42. ti6(J(1 C :'11. J11ns;:u!ar S5. l smAll 1napll' Jron rAck 75<.'. LMiP y11 rrl st11 nd $2,l f'ach 6'12-ll'IA, lamp l lO. Largr hlim: \\alkrr $1 Ba1h1nttlt' ST rar,1to hads;:es SlD. Po"dl'r W11n1f'r N" lt:!. H B. 12-6 CEDAR ~t'lul!Pr~ S:l tarh. .1<tr10ls SI 50 'arh .l !a.rgr &n-umbrella framf' $l lrnn1nt t <'Ill al!t.r in. S..1urriay. All dra"rr Si :-;111~ .anrl bnlTs Ele,ctrH: s 101' e iop s25. Play~n 1111n pad S4. ~-f'ffl horns S4-Sl0. Modf'I T .r nrd pm., Sal. k Sun. J uly 17 Ii: \\'indO"' shadts $10 rach. riqu• po~ls $1 ;)() ra!·h. 3 hoant 50f'. Ona houst $!. 207 wrrk RSO IV. 191h, CM . X..-2.ir p 111n1rrs ~ca11olri lo"4_8-664--'-~'-· ----=-,~--11n1t play tablP S5. Swu..g· ;:~tr$!lira~~ia;20.do~11~~l~i; JR. Chr<~s lablt $20. Girl 's ~.,':'g~~l e ones !.iOc t ll ch · 9th SI ._J~. D W ~;LL -T" ch ""'line $20. Croqilt l .srl $3.j() .• \1nv1f' 1 YT. old ""'Ing ~f'I S20 Bilhy nn111t 1c $2. N t VI' r rn 11 r LIKE 31l Uo ' ctolh•• silt 10-14 ~ S.1 ,., _,., ~ t"n' ' 4 6 • g ~rrrrn s.~ ;)() Host' nn rtt!I b!' Ba I 11rtion $7~. 1pringliPlr1 O:!AJ nrw llll n wa tr · • · -· · TOASTF.:R SLj(). Popcorn " -up me f'r . rRr d S.1. by cothr~ roller and r.nd !ables S20 box mag~ Sl .~. Drrringrr h~atrr S:l.'>, 7932 Nt wm&n ShOf's, ~ii' 7 & 711. 7:X--$1 . CAMPERroo!venrs$4, Dou· mir.k'r S.1. El1>clric htllttr cyhndtr!. Low And h1.i:h S~50. Washin,i' n1 11 r·hi n" z:x--7:ic. Hs n,;: Trn 1'-!ihil'!S 11e1. F11ll box i;pnngs 11.nd frllml'5 And l>lrrtl s.1 l'~i·h . St., 1147-80:'17. L11ht fixtures $25. DrAptll bl, Cf'r11m1r eoatrd ~tnk.~ Sl lrnn $1. Girill "charger" RPM scAlf'. 41i" mPlrr tin.~~ 51k. Srraw hf';:H•h m111s .'>Oc-7~ t-lR.IPrlllly ponrhn frarn• S1.l. ~·ulJ inrlf!rspn-. 120 D;•h• I~ Book 11 "''lh '' 17 I" 3'" r V 17' ·1· • 0 h 0 ·" d g ~n!l nr .. ,, Sm11lt C02 i·a.rtrid<Pll 4 ror CAR top J,gga"' rack · "'rll '" m5 · "11sco · blkl' in xlnt 1..>0nditinn, 111'w a!'t . 'ry ll<'r11rarP ,J .. lC ··11,. · oouy 1111 11. SJ. 9xl2 \•'hllf' rui;: Sl.~ l1kr 11rw SXI. Dint tte ~l'I " ""-"'-h "'nm f' n '! 5" r d J I _.,91 °-II HB "'gin'-fnr r~d1n rnntrnl R " II 125. Spr111gliclc! :YI, .Ofi h11 rrrl 42"x6()" lit!> •!11 11011 wagon "'"'-·""''· Par · ,,ua ' nme or iomf' nr 1 ~Pal 11.nd a1s~y hllr S17. ~"~ . .,..,merv1 t, . -, 010-hro1lf'r Sf! "ma ran-11 1111 h•"h"·ok< 12,<. 939 1 I I 1"17 SI $'1 SJ' 17 I .J ~•~ ~"9' I $-,. ''''' • •M " S.'i. G•·•n·' ,,....,~,r1n, rod S."i. Si:J, w--~..... pl•Y-" s•. {' n! lP!i, Jll~IJ ,,.. • -• -1·11mpf'r .}. VO I 1Jn<1f'r' !lf>~-J:17!1. ,,,,,,,....,., J. p anl' ""'· ,~pr11y p I • vasstQ!Pl:l/'lgSJ Bo.vX:l.iu-l'""l•mo"li•,118961-.'971 ' u,,,..., """'·" ,.. .. ~ 61'"31-lh t SlO J h -------=~ ,,. --L' Ill "' " -,\ c I 2· N R11d1f'll! $10, Sof11 $1 1001 I "t-U I. ~f'll I'll ('f~ ' Cl'(: P.Sl 1-• f I SNARE r1r 1 Bl s racklP ~.lf'-•.ll" •"11 m p llllvtr·~ !11nl 11cn lie s,1, nf'11. $2 ;.(). ,----_ ,--,-.... -i111v11~ ~ 111gs ;}(". rw ---r--h 36 .. lif'nn rixiurf'S S3. 400-I~ GREEN n1a1ch1 nor go a · anr · un . ut P J:lC'-lJc•. Bif•vc!t ha skl't~ Fl 11 s <in " 1 ·hM'•~ 25o:.' • l::T or 3 cam()f'r Jllc s "'·I lr111hr r 1o:ur1 ~line or 1·11f-long, gond (>0nd1t1on hut COF'F.EF: pnts S.i unr I ,.h ir 12· rach Ai1fiq\1r oA"l!h 10"' crmb11I 1·on1plP!I'. " · -· r•<'h J•<·k. ,.,. <'hem>c" I -R d 1· tri11I~ un1vrr~al fl'w SIO 8 '1 $l-S2 \l'nrlri r.lnbr and bMk n"cf'11•1ng hl•nkri." 2 ,·, e. ;u r1, 1n;: ~ll ;tp SI ~,O. l\'f')} hrlll< rirtrl.• rPcovPrir1g S I 0, h!Jw l ~Pl S.i. rl~r 8 ·'<: • , d -h 1 96 " Inn' J<tick~. hru~h'"· 11rni s111nd. ' !O l WomPn ·~ r!nthlni: sizr ll "a iri ra,.. ~ w 1 " ' ---S.i. P1clur·f' fr/Imes J:'lc-7ir Port11hlr rlrctr1r hl'atrr S..1., lnilrl S~ · .'-,rw ~rt ,t.11())( :ii<'. l!lOO l'holJl:U!I 1•rload1n~ :l1fi-767.i. I Parh. A~r ~!ool~ S4 f'arh . Sf 1. _ 1 · 1 b llnfl Ji~" widr SI., form.111 1 nrw rnnd1l1D!1 S:l~. tl r;>-,'>SJ8. rt''h., S" ('ol•m•n lo>ll••" SI I I" -----1'obl• ••d 7 .. ,,,,,,SI. "·•t -.i. Sr! nl go! cu~ SlO. · ---------Sn111ll pla.nlf'rl and fiOI~ o--d.< '"P'''-O•I P•••>I •<th•< ' ., ''" " kit l:Li.. Olrl lock.• 1 -h " ' ~· I -7 ° 1-713 37'1!09 oc SO'"A "·d b I ' •r ' ' -·· t'.1AN"S Ome11:a 11·111c 110 1 rlrl 13 89. ~I ll 11.n SL ~'027 :'11aple A\'f'., C.i\I. i<11.e -n_ :u--,,_ . r -.,.. • rown. !t,ps •.. ic-2.ic \l<'rd Sf>t'il}f'r SI l~JC C,\I 61.i-!074. s.>. !"f'W t "arbrrware C<Jrff'f' nag11:tr $7.:Jll llun11ng kn1IP .~fl'BP $20, Binocul11rs $S, :,,_f'r . ,) 1111r . 64&-lj()7_ I _714-S42-.i.fl·6._ 1 _l1kt nrw S20_. 64&-JR.14._ --Clot h~~ nie.tal han1""r $2 -----pnl SIQ. \\"wkPr 1runk SlO. S2 Pre~rnla!ion rasl' for ' "' WDODF.N u·ork hf'nchr~ 71 Victni111.n 1ahlP S'lO. Oak bl~r.k powdrr ll:Ull SIO. 1.rari 9~21Rl. __ BUCKET SMl lS, hli.ck 11.nr1 ROCK!Nr. CHAIR, Dani~h 1 DUNCAN P~yr,. ncr111~1o~a~ S~/CKS. ?· 10 ~ 15 ;\1t.H011 Adjuir;t11We drts.s, lorm $10 f .. ei x J lrtt S'lO l'llrh V.'onrl 1ablf' Sl H ;JO. Table $6, l TV hall~ ~l-.l!I c&libt>r Sl-Sl :'iO HARD rock maplt s!rp enr1 1 Sl7 C tu 11 .. 1 stylr "1)()(1 nranl!:e S2l table S20 l:ollrr 111h e I 11m& $10 ~nrd 1ra(·t1nn Aqu anlln1 11rms 2 ~c S 1 a Ion' is 11n1 th S 2 0 . ,,.,,., <.'-. D>""i>•g table SI~. 1 hi ·-11 nttqut , '' f'll n ,.h, 1 "' 1"1'. d : .. :.-~·~n d-•-' b'''' koob• 36.' ~!Pp f'nd r11bl,. S.l Sfn~ll eri.1 I hars, i;:ood eond1uon $l0 Bu ml}f'r Jll t"'k SI Roy'~ 1,ood ,...,.-" pf'r 100. Z1pprr itun rugs 11 f'S #-1 pf'r piur, . I ~1rrrin11: w r r w n r ~..-~"" '"' • ·-hl s2 Li!. Sl N . ;,.u)--~10 644--1S087. ---in ,i.:111 salt 11•ater aquarium S2-$4 . Small f'lf'clnc n1otor "·h1tt jrirl.~ d'sk S.i. 11dnhqUf' edapmr \ol S9.50. ·37 Ford " 79'1 Sl _ Kllchen rloor.1 1~ " l3"ml~ lO 1' r11. lr11~ . ''°'"·"~c·--_,-,--ccc--cc:I hu1fr11ns;: klt ,llnd totll.~ Sfi 2 V.'Ol.IAN 'S wt1 •ull small S10. 2.i 2al 11qu11num S:orl. Si. \Vhilt toilf't 111'81 ;&. 111'0CAdo h11th ho}' l'l'S.~f'r radiMlnr $9, ('hrome 11 .. gliiss pl'lnel 24" x 76" SI. : ain~. • . Cf' c1c ~ CUSTOM mad' lal\ bAr grill ti1bachls S6. Chilrl"s gizf' S25. 64a-!2!J.I! P1rlurr lram~s Sl lo S-'l .• l HlngH \Oc-50c. Constnir· S!O, ~1&-0lil t'ord/Ply. rims w/l!N'.~ Casi iron l\'Ash basin Sl 50c. Ch~ir l: 011nmt1.n SID .lltools $12.50 f'ach. 21 " Black c1ratint t11hll' S:t Lawn fOR salr-3 Sl'Jf'Mf Sl1ngrAy l\itchrn <'hAir.• s5 ''-2 1ion brae's 25c. V1t"', S2 C11r LADY Sunbf'am manieurist; 1'i-Sl·I N"huill r.1 n p • r P11 in!f'd w«id rl~sk. 1R .. x ~I r S2.:10 .. ~;73.'i 11 1~ nre~ 11nd 11.'hll' TV, ''" 11 ! nu I sprinkler~ :i0r-s2 :io. GaNll'n bike $25. 646--'11!.l D1ninF; ch111n SJ.50 '-fl . Oak Jaek :lOr. She ll Slandarrls [1k' ntw $6. 53&-3818. •ltern~tor $1 4. fi7l-6376. ;,.i·· x 23" S.l. !o\1tchtn tablt la c1 Al!. l Chill~-s :~1~; :::s c1b1nr! S:l.l 19'' pnrtahlr !ntJlS :..t\c-$4 1847 Rngl'r CRUTCHES $7. D1\'1der S.i. Colonlal 111blt Si Pole lamp $10 P1crurf' S.'i Pair Bull .fight prcturf's S.l Pu!l--rrut cloths l1nr SHl. 3l\J Trinil), Cf\I :i.i7-i6~l chair S4. Chi!drtns rha1rs Sl 11.nd braektls 1 0 c _ 2;. r. --___ _ :11" x 48". 2 ltaves $3. Bi>ige an po e~ .1. u s black and whit' TV Si IB~f Bro~ s1l\•erp!11le ~'rv1ct fnr tn S.'i. Sil\'er srrvf'r S17.;.t). Hamilton Br.ach ice c:rushrr 2 V.\\'. doors $5 r Ach, 9 x 12 COOK book~. txcf'llfnt ron-lnling'-<;hiir SJ. Walnut 11nd skis $R Girl's 2<)" hikr typf'ivri!t>r S:l:'l. Por!ahlr ~. rxtra~ S20 U.S. f!111:: " _ .. e~ Tbl ''' rl'd1ha2rug S5.Doubl t s1nk r1i!ion 7 ;.o c-S 2 . Suzi,. 1 110 ~11 F" J81h St Ci\.! d~" $1.::."l. ~-uf'I p"mp lflr fi1 ~ rrn ~l!l.uu ..... 11 '"~ ' o s;i. Anchor OOlt~ :x-. /\r1-radio cnnsolr S:i. P ywnoii --> •• ·• • s1tr,.o S2.i Al hum !tan ,,.,r S-Cl h h II 17 ~ 0 -1 "·ith f11urf'I $7.50. 18" G.E:. lloml'm11kl'r irP f' rt" m '"~ •19' R d 1 d 7. Chev.v :\1ahbl1 .~2 ."'ii N-n·1rr::: ""· ot '11 11 er ·""· ""' i·u11l &ble bench l1gh1 JI. Drlll 1·• x 4' x ~· ~-Van~1~ .,..,,.... ecnr p a...vt-r sr11.n ¥ d h '' Cl 2. to port11b!1> TV $:lj, 962-2191':. n1Aktr, like nPw S2. Cnn-· d -p 1-earl S21'.l 91)2 TahHl Circ.Jr . 1~ r~ · assware .x bits 10c. Fl1t~h light hiill>.~ ~11.e~ redwood $4. 01 heavy GE Au1omat1c 1•• a' h i n JI: owrr rotary rnowPr .1, 11s I"'" B "-· I T" IN ,-temporary tabl" lamp J.1. I S "" HB 962 211~ /,JU. llmlJUIJIUl"ll llrOunr ~lf', l.11r,, Si7,~ !i sh ln 'I "'' bi's. 1nntr spnna. rlr.d:or"A•orkbl'nc:h S,i.2714 n1&chtne S2 5 . n .. n I~. ·land !llW~ :i>r-1,,.,, -.. hi I I S1-_._1 d 11 ._, Dark wnod rontl'mporary Eld , c I 7 C d ---------la e P 1111> JI: as11 top ~ . .,.-~wii•f'b 3 /or :it·. 2 douhlr q111l 1tr1 w1lh st11n .~ f'n Av~ .. C.:'-1. .')"1o-:'l14.1. w1ng-har.k c;hA!r $j, L1dn arpen!trs evtl S . ar t n 2 Garage doors 37 11nrl ~lfl. L!ITLE gfrl "s t'lnthr• sizt of 4, ""P' p11.1trrn milk h 968-1~10 sTrt·,o r 11binPI $1.l. Hoovrr I ------1 1 'iOc ~1 H hh r ni si "' stalnlrs~ !ilcrl commercial r 11r • • • • ___ ''""'''"r \l~f'tlUni $.It. Pi<'-SCRAM LETS b;lr fi71--2:1.irl nn.~ · -, -n Y P 1 1 Aluminum. 2 p!81" >:Ill ·~ 4-5, line qu11l1ry 111 ijoorl s;:!a~~ $17.~. Silvrr tr11 sr1 . - - - -----2 ----lc--1:.C Chilrtrrn·~ ~ h Dr 30 28 t hl t d s· . :.or S~ s1~c sink~ s2:i. ~·orniw~ TAPF.:STflY 2fl X '.:.It S .j(l, 30 iurt.~ 1111n plllqur~ '.i(lc-s;1. • R E Au T 1 ~· u L c lf\!hr.~. · · · _ · · j . x a r op~ or oor~ ,, ronrl1!ion ~--S:"!. ti42-i102. S1 2.;;o. Baby lff'mJ<. I I~,{· coverrrl tablf' !np .11. 1 •~· x X 67 S~. ~1::&-~U. i\1an·J< hlark r1rrss shnr!i. ANSWERS wnmr11 ~ s11r ~-1 0, !1kl' nl'" li;in.s:rr 2.1r Qf'111rh11h!P r·Rr (;oo~r nl'r·k !8 mp 11 nd j GOOD-hrn~n ch S2' N Sal nnly 191~ f'rdera . , · 4.4, 1 1 1 II 7 ----- 1 n111Tnr fnr tnw1ng S :l nthr r kind~ S!-tfi. 6 Tablr~ i>0u ~-· "11 --· ----rnr a .llTl( ~ · n11111 AJ\1Pl.IF1F:R for r1ef'tT1r ~i1.e ~. ii:ond r-n11dit1on S.1. SJ-S:i. fi·16-~•:i61 0 -<'t d r ,. LE c-ON'fC rn"ip0 1•"' I ·1· · -Kitchen 11rm.~ 2 ,; c -5 0 ,, II s· II d h """ 110 ''"&r:< r t~·l'<lrl.' rrss orn1 ~. • ·'" .,u " " RIHl.~ ramrrl $1 ~1. 11·111 hn.~ -1 Si ll "e I 1.,,, ,,,,,,,,1 ... ,, l•bt•, fie-S'.O <'e•m"•·a -' an ag~ ··-~·-, · h 'd • 11:111 ar . •o.r .. J: )(lW r1 ~ " " , . ., TAN ~n ra ~ " " "' Srt11rk Lady ShRver :SI. "" 1 I I • -S 7 S2CI. Ttrr l'h11 1n~. fi70 x 15 VTV:'-f SZl. C-R ri 'If' "' s1H'lng~ and n1allrr~s sr·1. . ilaini i;:roiip $IO. Rook~ ll nrl ~1orid _ Shf'ar _Bushy _ l:"!O .... -1111 r u hll.1~ • .1c -SlO R(lflkra~r llntl 1\ouhlr s1i.tn11llnu;rr S1:l.Qvrrsluf-11 d s· \\' lf'll,nrPd~rixiri1o?$?.shOll'll IBll LOUS I Fro <"l'lbinr!s""1n1.:m3Chlnl' 1;nl'r11·~ Rndll:t /or 2. 7:'1<' Hantlmadl' 111\f'n l ow t>J ~ S711~-~-r)•'r J. 1Jot 1'11~" 11'11 rf'rord~ 10r ,. ,11 r h, In\,; :l~c-S.1. Contrmpor11ry P 0"' -• F. on •1 •· t:ltt lrlr flonr wa~rr S.i T\' 1Jr.<1pe• l"· o•>d s 111 ,11 I! L._1_1,.1,. I 0 ,,. ,, b<>d, 1·Jr11n $11] f ull 1·hil•fs rl'rl dmir $20. 011k r1rP~Sf'r ,,., Ft •tk t t 1 . k A h I "'' o~· ",(\(' ~i r '"' " 'u 11 f' t' r '~ AssnrtPd 1·hilrfrrns cln!hf's tJphnlstrrrr1 ~Wlvl'I roe-rr ~ lrOOn lll< II ll:lrl Jl:PIS rr slanrl 1.1. Elrctnr hlankrT, n1r to l tr1k" :-"'". 7 srhonl ' · · \\·orld Enc.vclnpf'rl1a $ ~ $11 P1ctU/'l'J< & mirrnrs hroorn s· ,, I I II k . .., .. ,. h h '· h I " ~" mn11 rr Sil , A.n11q1.1f' al11s~ ~. m a 1· o lt'~ 2:l(·-S.~. :"'t!Pde dlllll:fl boolJ< 17.~ Old boy'~ b\ .,, ~n , IVl)rf'f', s t gets 8C'K f'r •w••>. hi''' S' .. 0 -ohlP nuillf'c1 d k II 11 1· ~mll.11 \\'Pbt'Or l11pr "''\'Qrlfrr S:i-Sl0 .11<1 GoldPnrod, l'f'lll'. <1 k $! Ba b-d '-"' ., !'~ -~. f'i./·r cnt N111f I inn " VI Sf'S 11nd holtlf's 5Qr-.$J0 r.v1ng l'At . r-q11f' nit·n~ sizr ll \l'Orn onrP SIO, SJ. %() Chrypn,nf', C.M. m11.1 f'n 111m : tn gel A nt11 beds.pr"llcl, ll l'OCllr1n S::i •<h Chld' ''"''' SIO Girt'~ 26" bike $10. ll7:l-6JO!I. fork~ 2:X . 4' hond c•cvrrt ~-'" 9176 _ LOUS L" 0 ,, 1.1"'·. 1 1 ' r ' · 1 s r 1 Copper rra.~s SZ.-SY.O. OlnnPr f ormit•a k1lctitn tahlP 40 :\ . .....--"' r<:. Li!.!' /n c ·e JF ? ·r..r 7· s u \\' c1 h lndnnr ro!nr ar1h•nn11 S5 TAB·I-.'-3·-. • s~. , •1,. n001 w---',. l>>d>·,,, 120 Ol•I r If'~ uni rm~. · 11· • • 1 •· -.x-·ma on f'r orse pla1f'S, unusual 1ypes ~ '"-·">4J Ldr "'"''' · :r.iv.1t hlv,·nch111r~S7.T ... in ,_, ANTJQUF:wood work i ng h !hi IJ •h hi F.lectri1· 1\1.'-BnhPr s;;. Small pilln.,.. Sl. Rattan lnun.i.te lin·afory ~-r; 1er 1r 1 l' GOLF cluh~. b1111: 111~, 1'ar1, " 11r. uc ac $J. llu::h chair S4 S1lz 11t 1. Aeaunful hfll::trlt Sl-Sl.'i. I-P _, k hf'<1 rramP Sl Spa n1~h n1Rht m,.n·-~nd "'Qmf'n·~ Jt,.I~ pli.nr.~. hlock 11nd mold inll: !"14fi-O.'i7J nP"' 7y ?.)i.""2 Ja\'a, il1tsa L'.le-ot ,1,,_1,.. 01~ ... tons Jl.11.Sllw ·1 111"'! A••• rar rhflir 12a. Tir' rhain.~ Sl. ~w11th cuvrrs :lf" Rl7-7fillR 7 1 s i· 17 11-o. 8 r_ .. ~ '" ""' l 11hlP.~ $10 f'arh,or or " s1:.-s25. t"our\tf'll cluh pro--.l, ...... th Thoma., rlay COl."."lAN , ... ,,,., ,.,, \lrrriP. ;,.16-821.'i. ''"-S .'. "·m•-,_ ·''' S2. Pnt bf'Jl1rd l'ln1 e $1 ~ Room r1ivirlf'r, rx8" SlO. HAYS 2800 . r.1• n n " ,. _ , ,, "" "" Flour,.scrnl l1i:h1 S.1 Slot Pillow And 11!00J SI.~. . lb clutrh S21'.l. 9fi2-6.112, 2()142 Sp1ndr111 Ln, -has;: only 111l11ntic ma kt S.'i. r!ock SI, :'llany unusual onrP S.l. Two li Inch 11rts" RECORD player aflrl stand. 3 p1y11·noO, ;ill i:.111! p\rrP~ CM' !rllrk S•I lli0 >: !,'i t1rr l.!!f'EI' pnn1 and lr11.mf' SJ.'..O. Fly\\•httl SIO. ";)j.'.'17 Chf'vy 11.R_. __ --! PhOIC) m11nu11I ~ 2:X-t ach. ALr df'COr11tur itrm~ a nrl "nrk-R :.Oi, ~.4."1 $6. ,<:;p '" l n 11. ~pPrrl Capl'h11r1. pta,l'S llnd llk>-\l:iO l rnn ~tQnr ch1nA and n m S.i .l h1rlo":f' llsh ne1~ ~:x('r-Geoit ~:xf'rrl.~f'r v.·\lh bf'llhouAinii: Sl5. Sllll'lf'r "11 h ODD lahlrg S5-S2:.. L>lmp~ lr11ll1t rulr~ 1 n ~1 r 11 rt in n ing hoat .11.f'a r ZX-S2.'i. ~lid mach1n11: motor S1 Bcr111 pan ~ounrl~ hl'atitl ful s 2 :, , :.or-SS f oals, larJ1:~ i;ize Si S:i 11.ll. l~ Sal-Sun. JOO~ ;ittaehmenl SIO. Two prinl~ 1 11 ""' !IOlenoid $lO. N"w S:1-S I 0, R onk s l n r, ! hnok~ ~rl and mAp~ 2;:i in 1111 brlls~ Jlh~ail SllllP5 fiOr. ~lid rllf' S~ 2 hoa l n11rs 5;, Sri'rr1111;/s 1·h111r. like 11rv. l'r>l"ri of h11r<fl'r>nil S2.i !02 \ B&bh St. e.:_.:-.1. llrlfl !ranif'~ S2 l'ICh. R'l_3l , ftbtrgllls5 f'l1ll ll11' !'()(lltn>o: li!.H i:la.~~llillf' :'ll!'.S,', f'hi\1r~ I s;,, SlidP projrclor~. 2 X 2 tirlls.!i plaqur~ nl nlli !iatlin::: Al11m1nun1 I 11 d ri r r S!i $10. Olr1 ..-hair, woot1 r n. Linr1rn Pl. C 1\1!. 54~J!207 Sil "' lllld It durnil s:i-$10. \Iii'! l11r11:f' dr.~k J:l.i, 1111rl roll 11tm s:i-s1~1 Pi\(·!1. .~hip~ ."ilc'-S4.:io. Olrl bra.~s 011 ,<\lumlnuni ··01 Sl. r1c r1irr ~11·11·r1~ till~ pa1nTf'd \<Iliff'. -p----, d I d :\JEN'S blkf'. 3 ~JIC!. r.oori llumn11ngb1rd, Fo un!a in 1h~1r1hu1or S'J:i. <Iii !.~ ;qnd n..,.,.,,10.,, .... ,_.St-ll.-,,•oi2 Rrfll'x prn.irctor S.t Silvr r hurn1 ng l11mp~ 11nd b11sr~ I Id S·I. Id •h · f l ·1 ,111r !lfl'Prr fllll 11n1nr co llOn ·····---in:r~f~J:"Or~lld~y Sunud~y. ""~J~lor~ IO. 1·1Fl "~247" Anlll'llP C1r IJR.~46-379~. chrnrr1f' mlfrl' urn ~PIJl:OI '1·1 ronzf' down 1111 fi·l1'-1~i'00.2·\6t"lo"rr.C'\I 1 rnom!'Jrhrrlrnon1 $ln.Ctil· rapr~ -.;;., x __ ndf $\:l~ ~~56.~ v II 9626460 Sal relay $ I ',,. •n • , . .,, nr; $:\-S " R h 1 ~··rrr n nr .~1 r.~ l\(l\I r nwr in an11)' 1 .d 4 ~ 60 l\'llh 4 har J<1nol~ S2!'i Flnopl11r1> __ _ _ HDllry 4 hhl ('lll'h, i·n.-1 $6~ -• -----sri·\lllll: urn for \.\'1rn11.n·~ $l]. S1ni;:I' douhlf' 1:1nrt tr1pl P _ _ --frr tllh:lt Si n Dtnial prck. match1ni<: twtn snrrarl S.> ~ llCN.'Cn S:l5. liolrl vr1nrrt 1n1 r-SUNDAY only !! 1111d"11 I nf'11. ><ell for S2.~. 1966 ~27 SCUBA f'quipnient. rrgulator ('[IJh LISI' $10. sunhl'll m ··nf. !'Opt blO<"k~ SL;,()..S6. ~1a nlla CROQL IF:T srt • .<1x playrr,, _ Twin f111 f'ri 1·cri 111·1n lpnn1rl ror .j(k· D1shr~ fnr 11, $2i r:rys1Rl 8" round l'O~f' ho11·I CO!'\'l't!P alumin11n1 h1-r1.<rr S2:J. T11.nl; $2.i, Sp1<ar gun~ frr Jtillslrr $.1. Twro suilrr 11nchor ll nr, All rl l amrtrr~ 11r>11· Sfi.JO. fi4~-2'2tl7 I ~!111 In l'arton $.l. :'11attf'! $2. Kin'! s1z r 1>l11nk&t S.i Cha1r.1.S.'i,DraP"~S:1.Ror1~ S l!l.Rr !ri11:rr11t11r,\\'nr~ 0. msn1D d S15.&\4-48fi2,R5k · • ··· ' 'liil!;RA!o":r Sl i\111kf'-up lu~:-l nplo 1 ~1nchl'"3c-·:"IC t ftlKF:, 11,"1rl'~ 2·1" l'\('Pilf'nl 119 !1 $z··r 2·:n \lnc<11.r!llPn !prea , 1 ~-k .2 r I si; $10 $1'1 Surf suit SlO l 2. I ----1'1n1:rr~ \'lhralnr. nr w, l'ORll I' I " d c· 11 Sl !rnn S,l Saturd11y 10-4, O!ri Mapll' 4 pnstt>r hf'dsr ead Cor Slf'\'f . C<IUI:" l('w f"i;,:11!11lnr Sl.'1, IZlllfe rll~f' 11. P lcnir b11.skf'l. 1 1 Old Png1nP rf'/llm i;:aUO:f'S r n nrl i I I 0 ,, $2:1. .Tl~~ ' ~--'1' J' ."I-,) • _ hrrry S:'i ~111i:: ~''" quiltt>d 29.;6 Bimuu Pl.. CM. Sti. Maplt t11.bl' with 2 J OIST-! 20r \\'r t suit~ S I ~': SW.1 Drpth I 1"0 handlr~ Sl Laundry S2-S20. Bfaut1lul ("11sLin1Z~. \\'fl.~hlnll:!On. C'i\1 I '62 MGA bucket sr111s l l2 I ~rn'11d. l!rrcn anrl \1h1tr ----1 lf'11l'f'~ 11.nrl p11d~ i1~ 1'11 1n iang,.r~ earh izal1 i;:r S;i. f in~ S.. Nl':w imm sink. 1 .. 0 ~ p ! .t n I c1111t ship book f'nd~ Sin. .FAN~'.!0 .• ----Sofr lnp Sl 4-1> · 1' Ir,. flor11 I ST ,1 !'Olu1 :'-111plr h~r NEVER UM'rl .\1 \r ro n 111 ht 11 dbo 11 rd Sl.50. ll'eld!ns; rorl 2c f'a rh. lh Mask S~.:.O. Snnrkel ~ s1,1 ~'"'"'' lyp• s;. Vinv.I sra1 ' \\'ood 5hl? modrl ~ SS-Sin. 2 Spf'Pd w111rlnw i1hf'tls $7 f'llCh 9'fi" 1-\t'Ok1 ~lool~. f'),('r!l<'nl Ct'lnri111nn VTVf-1. ('OIJf $44 . ."J() "111 prrss111·p ho):11' $150 f'll C'h tr.;:, d f $9 ' '1 " ~ fan $12. 32.14 W11~h1ng1on , Ibo d s2· Wi--il021 rl f' 1 i z.: .119~ :.,191 Rlut/gr"Pt'n h11ng1n11: l1 n1p .1h 11 . L -., · rvPrs Sil ety vP~t · • ru•hion! 14 x 18 50c f'l!Ch. !.J1mps, tahl,, rtoor, v.·illl C ~ur ar .1. • _-___ S11 rach '2 :'-lapll.' ~tu "n1 ~5ri_>_"_or .J. •• • •• • $17 Anhqut oil l11 mp S:l. St>t wi 1 tln,1t. ~ull uux nf rr i]· Tank .1t11uge S.'i, Boot11•~ Sl . 1117-.11111.' 11nd h11 ng1nlo":, mostly ~n]1rl _ i\l \\'ETSUIT. near new S25 rlr~k $10 rarh. Child'~ ANTIQUE nit Pf!Lnhng• SJ;, nf fi 40 ot. bttr Jle1ns wi!h 1112 111" S! 50· 2 I Ark~ tngin" 9()(11 Jnyez('llf'. eornrr ol --tira ss $1-Sla. All stz('s of HIGH chair S.1 Ch11lrs SI Roy ·~ snnaray $15 14 inch ~prinl:'.-lnrni hobhy hnrsl! $1 atxl S2:1. Vrry nlrt l11r~f' Knight r1f'Cor1111on S2.50 !lOc ellch. Old fi vol t hnni r.111g no!1a 11 nrl Jn y z r I I P . I ICE crram ""1· 2 rhair~ llnd 1.:111AA fishing: fl(),ltt~ Jron1 I rach l/and tool('rl lo":Un ra~r ho} s hikr SlO M.'>-:'i70'j 0r r a~ 1 n n & l ii.Ole s; brass r11ndlt"st1ck~ s2:, f'arh f'llch S12 ~l't. Small rounrl :ioc . Spotlis;:hl :-'rCk-. Sump I hrl"'f'Pn f'h8pm1111 a nd t11hlf' s2.~-Girl's !hOf' ~kalr~. i\ll(hnt.v ].~l;in<1 . .rom,.. "'l!h $:'!. Bo"l111g b11!! an1l b11,i.: s:,. 1 CROSS\fAN--C- 7 -- 1 1 - 0 -Rtinkc11~, S-1 \1td!lln1 """t Old China anrl .i;lllS.~ Sl-$'..'O !11bl~ s:t P111n!t d J dr1111opr I punip, 11·1 hp S.l 2 !rallrr 1.:111rU11 in C.11 rden r.rn\'r , T(ly Toi "hrel~, f'llSf' S2Q. tn1T1ra1e m~cr11:i1r kn1'1!1 10f.' .1 lamp~ 16 :ii r~ch C~m-~\/l._.4fiiJ l 0 . . 1rikP s:.i S1('rl pat1n l11hl P SI Old kl')!> $~ ;,o ll nrl S3 50 rti<>~t 11.1!h hulrh tn11 $10 hi!chr( :Jlr f'll<'h (.;11.! lank ------13!1--r h 1-;-; c:irl'J Sch..,,tnn St 1 n 2 r a Y ~ SJ:i Old hrass bnunrl mcrcia.I hair <11")rr S20 Cur------P1r1ures 1:1t.--Sl l\f"hmt Vf'ry olrl hinp:rs S2 rarh Inlaid m~ho1tAny a n!iquP I 18.,.n mo"rr :.ck' G,\1. powrr BF.t\tfTll'l"l. h1kt S~!fl l'oltdium rlnll: houst h11 1~~r ·~3 Sohd f,r11~!i l! 11wh hoa rd S~1 Gold ih111r 11:1 HELP for th:r Pldl'rly -rrrnrd p1a>rr S~. R11h1 ~ f.lasse.ch11~rrrr~ 1n11s;:111.1rlf' lllde rhalr $20. Crall ~up-I ~lf'Pnns.: r>umri :iot'-4 ~fll'f'ri J ~nlp, wh!IP , rt r ror a tn r S7'i1 Cnrntr lxxlkra.•t' Sj, 1 ~ \'r>ll <i"rk Jr11.n'h \J~h! CnnihinatLnn rar1ro, rPrnrri h11!hl11h .21'11h 11n11 anr1 r111.<· ~trl'lllf'~ \.,. ::irar~ P""~rl lor .J 11nuary 17!¥1, $fi (11pP flllrs 2:>r-S.i H n u~r< ho lrl TR ~hill SI. 2-.?-'J'" "f1l1\ ;~~l~~r~~::~ \;ry !all 1"11·11"~ 9 1:1 x 1) 11hltr \\1111 l \rr~ $2:> G1"ilj"JJ>l1ns;: !l.flf'ho r .<1nrl ola.vrr l'('>lfPr !11hlr l~: .. 1~1S I'd /l'lll,.t ~tal Sl:l fiil-7226 1no.,.rr Sl'>. I.a mp~ s; -~\ Cnd llihtrr lir;i~s 11 nd N1p -111"'11M!• '.?~·S2 2103 D !'11 111a bar~ :iflt· rR<'h Boi. i·rmrnt 1 1 ~hililr 1'"'Y 11~11~.:~ Si .ill rl!rh nf 4 tor $'2:>. ('!lm-,•h111n S4 Elt>•"lrir "k1llf'! Svh 111 Lanr, NB. :i~R-.l:lfil Sof,\~i;:Ofld ,·nnrl111on -slnl lmn1n;: tv>11rd 11nd rrl\Pr 5·, f p<'r Slo li71 ]'I.\\ C'l.1 '48-184~ S 11<'1 t'UIC1r Sl Rn 11 nt nr 11 A•. n•r ·' S2.). n1f'r('1 11.I fr rt1illPI' S2 YI s11<·k I 11nrl ,,...,.,1rr Sl ~ f'11 C'h An· -1'1<r-r·nrrr~ iahlr• S."• ~~!"h Criti S12 HO\mfll'r $2 \\'h11~ -· '· --fin~. · · .u l!..Y rnan1IA roll" S.l ;o 1h f>I ''n ~1nnrw11.rr lan1p, ""<h11 hl,. "lrrr mll!llll'P 1~ hAR ~1111 TV, r,\('t ll r nr rondi11nn $2'.1. 1 MESH p1<1~'!W11 $4 .<;trollrr nnl) ~ ~hllrt, Sl"•. rr11 nlrl, riri·f~rl ' ·· · ' J 111111• ~IOVf' h11 ~f' Si Jl;inri Tll tlk \'ll ruum ('lr;inrr. ~\-f')a1·rnn ht d arn1 rhillr $1.l •01!nr1 rhrrn1al qu,.r n JI?~ Si l..Ar.l:f'\rhr 1 011nm~n nn('(l:\,.;~s2.l R-rlrll\\l'f ,,nup!~' nai!~s:, ij-JO' lahlPla n1p~. :\mhrr. Rr11<~. lanir sin lntllt1I hihe ~~( \'llCHlllll rll'll!ll'f s~ 1a t·h1nr n1s SJ1 <;1rrrn :-\11 11 ~1 1nr krr l \() ~l'1t ln11; h1Anhr·T S1 lt11rrien 1nnl•S., C'llSfPJ"• t ln Ha11s;:1n1; IAn111 dc"~··r,• l'I R'""''·< '..r-llk-. 1 •trppHli; J!nnl'~ 7·,r r' I I' I 1 I ll\ ~; (ill~ IAiin m1'1"tr . Sal-Sun S~1-2~1!1 If S2" • t rh111r rhrsl S:' H1h11(hi $2 ar1rt \~ r.ik ~hrll S.l '\r.i ' c L\ '~'" "Arh u -rrt rilrprl \\!I .J!)r n P, \11 ~i: "'~~-1111,y ' Pnr111hlr rr•'fll'rl pl11,\e r 110 -i1 11lfl I 1rr "" Slr>r,..n lll"l\ ~-•• , $6. N1111nn111 t;Fflfl"i1(1hlr<.1f\c ,..,, .. _._ .. ,1 .. l"·-S". ,,,m··. r n I I ,,. '"CTIO"AL-4 -<-I I "I d k ••h '' \'"·'('~ 2Y 1;1.-•!! r ar l'A<fln Col"lll!lll IAlllf'l'O J • --~ ~ ,.,. • r• Rn\ i·PrAnHr 11lr ,)lh fill\ ot 11 1r t'IPnl;:i 11 1np.< "· f;-lf.-:,1~!1 s ~. ;~ . 01er t . 1~11r V ~., r an .•[lf'a rr 111 f'll C'h "'1r>r $~.All nirllll In~·~ 10r $1 R:!1 ~ntt111:n •1r111r l'ln.•ri~ S!. 2 iia.~lltl p~1 r Anihl'r, r1n" 1An1f\( -/\nlrlt('llrl ~t)lr. 11 ,.,.<1~ $~.\ 10A.\I fi·lfi-J:i2."t SIO 411 En1rr~on ,..;1 l..:11r_f' Tbr rmn~ i.r r hr~· srrPrnrtoir l \ IJll"f':P p1rrr Jtd "\1 ."'"-no~-, I I' Oii I h V 1\CUU~l~r-Sl.lt fl.11"1 !P SI" ;•<•""I -----)lrh\l'l'n 20th -'"rt 21sl nil S~'..0 ·1 ~Ill " lo;isl rr S: • ~'"""""" hn ·r~ iflr 'R I "> 111 ~... . >. ' i:rys111 •· 1na, rr!'o\·rnni "· .. ., -."·" ... 'f"Rf'l'"\' -1 " pbl ll'i;:la.•~S.' •. n~:-.--1:1 1 .: ---------•• -.,.I ' (I. ·,h ,·',"","', "llr11111!1!1'r·or~rnr1lt>nl.\~llrl pN)jf'l"lnr sl~n<1 ~1·d ~. S1.i n r,-,,,-A"'A-,,-.. _,-s2.·,_-o -,-,-_1_ ·',''·Yr. ,," .,run~£, •• r.,. T1J.•!111 Rlrnr!rr s: fil'('nl'rl~. l~f\!1n ---PIV ,\N Si;i(I 2 rll'f'IlrllH<P 1~n.1: '\fl\r~ "1 I .~. Ri.<.<rll..-~rpf'l~""f'P"rS7.0>" .,.,.,. """ ~ •10r, .,.1 srl ~rp11 r111r _v --anrl ~lrrrn 1.r ~ "-.(k·.\\ BOY'S 16 '" hl('Vf'lr IL• (,1rl '.•' r·h~'" .~. f'll rli. ("nlrrP 1~hll' I r ach S1n11ll rl('t•Tnr rHJnln l rRy~ $1-$.\ !lo.~'111 nnr111 hlr I I ,. I bl 11 2 '' o,,,,,,, .. I ''''"''' '" .,.. ,,,, ... ~ A:'<l !QllF. 11111 h11 r k {'hllll", ,. r,~1ln11 11q1111nun1 rnmpel', 1111t a r · .-•• ~ • .. r ·' Ill.Ill<! ·•1 " Rfl\r.< or rl1~h<'<, f>OI~ 11 nr1 26" blt)'C.lr $2,). :i4~-.1'l jfl I",">. ,.,,._, 13·,,1·,· I' 12 I 10 , , 1 '''''"d 1, '-f 1_,pr l'.ri!Pr "f'rfPrl S2'•. (.:11<1' I k S' •d hi , t 11· "'~ ""77 Jl" C hr1gr $2~ 64;,...i:J,1!1. • ... '" " ~ '" 'II r" ,. l1kt' nl'W $12. !\101111' ~rrrr n 11 ~ -JUSI ~ '-nil' A .l n.m-uJ . l.} l\IC -------pa n~ Sl pr r ho\ r:1rl « :!O 'IOTORDLA --pl • ,., ,, SI ,,, 11' I" ,, .. ,,,,, , ... , p,,, ... ,,., ·--.. $:'!, T ,l ""llTllf'r lllhl, 5.\ ,., I "--k h I sro B II ,. ,, -\ HOr I I I ~-' ' i• rr.,,,,, 11yr, ,... lf'~ -· · · " <. "' "" • 1 '" 1~·· .'l 48' S9 i•l'll.:tn~ <M ~' s f' If'~ issr .._rn1rr I',·"'. 1 1111 tr ita l'r uvvs l'r, l"iike ~r1 Ro~·~ 20 · tlli;r Sl", SJ.1. GE pnr!abl,. ~!rrTI SW. \\ 11~011, ('\1 Ch~1r~ fnr ~hop !Or r11i·h . :-i11111ll lnl1t1n1: •'Pffrf' lahlt, rolnr in 1 1 h S!O T\1·111 ---------' ~oorl !nr nil "" ho 1 I -------lfl"O \' SI h hl~!·k $10, ltahlln "'hilt 1 •l•'mr11 1or "'8ll'r r rr ru· rnonl · _ l JV!PROVED W 1\l Nill'.\' 1 nr li p. 1 nrw rrcaorrd ~t:i\.10 111r LRr1ie~ hrr.;innf'rs ii:n 1 ""1 li"'"'i·Pn101(' 7.Pnl!h Pf'l'l~hl f' ·' \\ huhcap~ r a r !'1J~loo1 tran1r SIR . fi42-ii9:l;.. !'18tlrts~ /l.lld spnngs Sl.i.1 11nr hor S7. Apprn•rr1 Iii~ 22(lv_ S'.!11 Doll; bt'd, l~rgf', pllln~ llrl'" llOr111•h ('lntl\r\ $15. Push 1n<'l11r~ S ~. SQ. A i\l!.~'t-.I !'lock radio Sl:i. M~l~l "ork hr nch lr1101f'. n111rhlr \ll$r $2,i, Pa•r han,i:. ---0 . h S1dt 1·h11 1r Sl ~. End 111hlt S·1 prcsrrvrr 17 A"•iorlf' llhrll' \<lf"krr SI Shn11 r r rlori1 , r!·~7• 2 l ~" rl!dlll ~""'~krr~ 67•7·u f I d s·1 9 h I '"' l'mp<, .~h11dP~ "'hil ' 1111rl Cl.OTl!ES k.--$10 . 1~ I'! h R ri " ood I '" ....-,....., Pn"'"IT1df' ('111, ..-h1ld~ s1;., \rr~ ~ ur }' , r 11 r w f'f' ~ II Sl ~ 1 !A hit l11mps SS Par c i:,c. rarh. Tn1on sh~ll 1.x14" .i: cone! lion SI.~ Dos;: 11 1r ilnd r nr lostr~ s1:, <'~1·h. \Ja1· ELEGANT maho,1t11ny 548-376.~. --7Jc-$2 T1tP~ :i0r ,.~ch. B<ix i::nlrl $.i. LarR:e fr11 n1rd pir-:lf'-SL S11 nrt11.·irh Jl:fl ' t I S4 C b 'I h > d. \11rmr \I 11 h inrludt• btl!lrry i·hargrr I Elf'ctric fry ing plln Sl.50 TV rot nn nv~ ruf . I lnf' S7 CDlor i;hdt trllys-holrl.~ s 1pp1n~ cr11 r. me ium s11.r rn \"ll~· 111rrr8f1 ir11 nrrlvri· blark !f't~ini; S20 l'nlor TV . 11.• 111 S1'.i lrnn $2 nf dl'Apf'I") hook~ ;,t)f'_ t.1tn'~ lureg, Spanish p 1 C'll 11 ~n' ••mol• c 0 n 1 ro l $1 :.. SJ. 642-.1939 30 slides TDC :.!O!' r11ch. Pair $~ 2 (l("('asion11I 1YP" •·hair< 2i-XTAL SJ~ rach Slit-Sun • ,,..... gnl! rluh~ l l f'ach. Buncllt of f"~nch l11ndsr11pt S:,..$10, ----~ S6 ;o rarh. Pull do•\'n brir.s~ 217 VTV\1 Sl."i. ~,,....,.l;,... 1 ..,.7_0_0_ Chlldee"'• 11tror, 2 :1r . 16' ROAT.<:::, gl11~~ fl\'Pr ""'""'• 9xll" S1111n Jl<l lllt1ng~ nn 1 nnl) l 1 [)nr.,rl L11rll'. 1 r orl ' IOr. f:IP r!r ir "''.....,,, " lamp $1 Bird c11g• S4 BACK tor 6 11 pirkup m1rk RA°R\-~ri h 11nrl-m 11.t1Tr~~ S l~~' \\'nm,n·• 11hor~ :Z5c--S2. lln'l rr¢~t~~<1 "'ilh '71 IA~~ 3:!:J. I ~rtvrl St.j() Car Jilek Sl . I · · · h1k n. QI Rak,r, 3 hou(t \ ...... J)l'rrolaror. ">Ork~ l:'fll'.l(I SI. SILVER ChnsfmA~ trf'r ~· K•'U•h-k•. ".",. <·,7-4:'162. Br1,.,.s /.· Srrannn rot11"" Beauur,1 llsh pla lt r r 54R-70_ll of f lllr\'1f'"'· 112. 811ck to hArk b!'J11! Arar1n1r 11t "11t Rllll ta1111:,. I fj r1 $2. ,...., ~ ,., "" • ·~ - cui;hions S.11:. Douh;r hPd R.ond •'nnc11t 1n11 s2;.. 642-jlX)fj. ~11,~._-l:'.,ar ,;::,. '0"1~i,;hll u~~,~ I ('flst $40 stll ror S:J. Bn"l1ng Bl"E. S s· 1 .... -~06-111."n mo ..... r. 2r, S 2;.. 9'ix21 · S2. Sunbf'11m m1,~l'r 4 DRAWER dre!Al'r 1\·t!h1PDRT ABLE 1Y,.....11'r11rr sin -------- ' ,,.. "'''-"' h II B "-k · d p rt "' · :.-~"-fi7'i--fiF.:7 d bo1>I •• Rl11ss plalf' S2j o..-.k.<heJf • ,.. • •prirti S2 Boll! l11rldrr $\ ARl'IN 17\ "d II rt ,-.,. I 11g . arr .... r I\ ing II ----. l. + JUlCf'r 11n ~). °'~' orr.~ ........... 1l•e1 s ,, s1rrf'n . nl ""'I l'ni:111,.. a llpl Pr J . ra1rr I'. 1100, .• 1 ''"'""m Sl•, --------d-d t ---A"·I bl I!" d th I d S75 \\' k '"' ·s ... · ~ Tr111npol1nr, ll~ IS $~ ·-.~ k SI B h I 11 ., ' " QUALITV COi" ff'~ .. s, /tmm WOLLEN!'AK lurr,r .... nnr Ill f' Inf) Ill . Il l !':ASS oors .. or · Gu1!11r S.J. Elf'rrnc •Ullar. 5"s-4800 "hilr lll'I' rnr,,_.:~ T-"" ~ !rdlinJI: 11 Yb !K"ll~ s•'I \\'~rm11111, tr11v Sl , Th1nl1ne ~l;o;c~7-!t.$~--l·_,,8'12-1 9~.--I rllmrrll S2.l. i<:nrtllk Rmm + lrf~ S1 l ~w S~l\an1a l;il'nch $:l T11blr . 4 chairs sttrl Sl:'l. Ell'o<ne •l•nrlA-' I -------~ ___ rr1·ar 111'\tr S I 0 , nr~ 1•rtiih1. 611 y PCJO_ • ''''''' 17_ ,47_1_,67_ _ C <•m>'"•d•l l•mp 67;._'=""" S"~. Aluminum IOU\'f'n S6 "' SPA.1'\JSH r11d t11hlr~ 111!h 642-flll.ifi J.-11r2, pla , ?X. ~1xtul'I' '' ROOM r1ivirltr S7S . 1 1 0 n. PrQJt ctnr SlR E:lt<'. l "'" __ ..... .,..,,..£., 1,~t.n house r1oo r! Sl 1!:111111.r S2~ Likf'lf'lf' ku~ ll'T'OU2:hl trnn pad. \ squ11rr "ll"llP' !Or ,..11rh Rubbl'r T.f'-Zf'nith TV on ""'l\'l'l Suollf'11m v11ruum •I \•ll'lll'r $3 H 1-1nll'n~11y 11m p BE A llTl~"UL uphobre~ S2 ~ ~ ~!. J')ll lll! t>11rkr l\ .1 :":urlbo~rd•. rx('l'l!Pnl ron· I iOc T I d S7 S!OS!:ll' rrd"·oorl hr'd $7 h11nr1 11nr1 2 rnuo<t S20 f'~rh dilnn s2,1 r Ar h.. ~f.-2932. floor m111 fnr f'hr vy , i;:(lOd h11.~r. 11•ork~ ltkt nf'w S2'l. l!:l"l'f'n, F'tl'nrh Pmv1nr111 · . a wa Ii.pt rf'mr tr · ru6tnm orc11~1on11I ch111r 1 ho $2 2 ft '.lf1r l'll('h ''nnl kruurri Pa.r k11rrl RI-II 11t«rf'O s1:1 ___ -----__ Sl P111r llilf'f'I~ a nd rtX1f' RtniotP ~·nntml for ~11.mt rhAir. rl'c~n!ly 1Jphnl11"rrd 24 hr Vapon,,r $4 . Nrf'd~ rf'unhol~tf'rlna. p.<1 1d w11.gon or ~ .cq p11nrhn $20 PC1I P l11rn p S:l l 'ND"R"RO 0 -'d h kl , bl to 16 oq II plywoorl. lir, ~ylv11n1A TV hlnnr1P r11h1nr1 r. " UNO f P 'ri ' r I ~-Bia ''"ood 'pool &. :Z SXi. Murph,v brrl . liprin,,. Sl \ RArbeC'\Jl', hl'llV'.'<' <'tut~ I ranQ:l'/11'.rn rl'a llS •tr $2E1, srl! S12 G~: pnr1A P TV sl11 t1rJ SJ. J'1.~hif1.i: r>nl'" · 7717 ,. '" n111h05:11 11.1. 1r11k M'ran~. all SIO Olri rrr!Ar ··hr'I S~ "'""· 2'.j(J', $25, ~•a n lw1n hrl'ldbo11rtb. ™'"' $2 11 nr1 n111ur~s.~ ilookc like $2. Cnloni1I br""" l!ror s:ti nun111 1n n!I.)' TV 11.·nrk~ bu1 nr~rl~ !IOn1r S:l. Gu11i.r 11 rn r 11nrt ~""a.ktr ' m~nnr lfk"-SI Solid \u111hrr ,... U'f'~hn£hotJS'" \'ft•'ll<Hn Si, fii3-39ll"l, l'A t ll. l•illi h11.rrlu:arr, nrf irll~S tlrd ) $2CI. 67:>-2121. ll'lnlp s1:1, n~ m 111 SI: I (In ~:11sl. M.~ t"Ppll lr , s1:1. J plt'f't ~l'I S2~. B11Hr ry l:"Ult~r l'l nl p $\2. Fl l k -! I C h 1 b I I ! r Skyway l\1&aagf' $15. 2 Snow ~horl block~ •nrl 1011R ~trip, Sp11n1sh Kn1i;:hl ,1at11t: Arid onr 1" ('"1 111~ '1 inr rA•· S\\'IVE"L lo""'" 1•111111 ,-,-.,-. f wh 11'. l'\1tOot111 ,rorrap ICA SUR"BOARD 8.-1-0.. P 0 r 11 P YP"Wn rr, x-'li2 Chrv 4 door frnnl rloo~ Pl 1~ SI 6·1"237", 716 E -1h s~. PQr1l'll>lP ('lnlhr~ l1nr Sl n,..,k $2.'1 T\\'fl OllllChll\.R :.or f'Ar·h. ·rf!.flnl~ h11ll1 1~ I I" • • !Uptr f'l'llr n1 rnnr11tlo11 $'.!O. Tn.v S1 0 front hood $10. Rt11r lil"l'l 6 s:..-1;) s:t AYt(')i ·~ -. v-• • ~v h•11r $1 2 Pr>11·rr 111" n Odd k1 lchr11 <'h~1ni S'l .'1 hanif)f'r~ S.l. t'i rt-p l •r r t 11rl1 21'~ Del Me.r, C.i\I. ~tllhlr. ~for N'Kinnrr~. Ni:-.: vin)·I 11p!)(ll~ll'rt1l S:1, .\ll!'k 1111 SlO. RPllr r nri S2f1. 11u1·~,.r sr1 S.1 ;.D. Pl11.•t1r c.'1· mowrr sin Str11 111.hl r111.nr 11nrl J:: 11rg11n S11l ! b1rc1 llf'rN"n Sl2. R'rortl ('llblntl ~8-:112.1 S~-494-7.\;)8 , Oiv11n, chair & ot101n•n. Au!o tnnl'mLc~lon i 2 s . h11hy luh Sl .ill Vapori1.rr AERIAL gurvty map of $fl Hip flask. "rrli'tlg .\~ ta1.:e11 ~1'1r;S2 c·" r Pr t $1 2 Porcf'lain ('ah inti Sli. PORTA°Hl.F. TV Mt. R'Ol'Mi F tr RN J f" U RF:-rouch Si. ~turdy lr11ml' S:Ml. Ari drt1."· !162-l1ll2. S~ ."ill. Vsrn onct r lrcrrir Or11n.1t:P Cna~I S25. Dralhng: 1"1r('wnorl h 111ke 1 S.~. l"''''""r i FIAth 11paN' • I I '" 1 1-1 I ••Oh".''"'~ -k•c s,·,. ''' ini;: lablt.. 11r1juAl11hlt SJO, :-iunhf'11m l'.'.lti •'f"IO~rr $.~ 111blt S\5. PrnJtctnl' K'.l'f'tn Pol11.rr11(! can1t1•a. and 11r -,... -Spniyf'r~ ,..., f'A f' 1 r11J I ('()ndillOn S2.'1. <:Art irnn b11lh •• ,. •v ""--12 SHI I i>' P Vl'r i;;hrh·r• $2 .-~ R11lh r•n• 1:.c tllch. \\'lllrr ,111k~ tub SIO Rn!J _ a • way bed rl ryrr S1.l. lro!linsi: hnllrd $~ Rird r •so:r S2, 962-R:i7L RAB Y crib, springs. ma1-f\111ny curtain 11r cs -. .,n lr1t5 s1:; C1mtr11 triporl <'f'J<~r11'A Pnl~rniri utili!y <'11h1nl'1 S7 .1 11rn1 s2 :iO l..alln '"'rrprr Sl2 SlO:),i R.:R llnn Sltf'I drum• Colfl'f' tabl" SlO. llydrolllt LADIF'~°' 2fi"' hik-;_:-t:{ltl\'1-f'O~ !rru. t xc:ellrnl conrl1tion ;;j7-9123. S..i Cftrd 111blt 11nrl 4 ch111r~ Sw1n2rr $4 J ~a11 bnrJ;t~ Sl c:Nr.lN , t o.Id . S2:J 'llt'h .Jul_v :101~ R Ip 1 D (\l 11hir1pool S2:.. H211rp1f'('r.~ rlHion $20. R.42-6721. $12. ,Jump ~a! Ji nd inf~nl !'AT-Sun Boy"9 11nd 11rl'9 Sl~ Ro~" hrdroom chart S~ ""eh .S.t. onl)'. 167j Tu~t1n. 17-18. 3~ Nr11' York A1·t . · · O}'JI 11 m r · · S1 .'ll. l.i aallon aquarium 17· • 0 Co ---r11rr1rr, toi $~ l\1teh('n uhli-s b"k s1· h Bf'H hcdroom chalu loune' $\'l CM 1961 Harlf'y Duo-a:lidf' par1~ ;, l•tlon Aqu11rium S J . ~JO. T. v. SI · urh ELECTR1c-ran-b1ow• rool or 2 2 d • lln&Tay 1 ,. ·1 f'll r 'I ' C.M. . JI I0.1.'i, 642~989 ~nd c;:halr Sli. Commtrrial ry hlRh ch11lr S . r1 JO ms~aatr SID Ba!h 1ub jf'l F.Rrly Amrric11n mirror, -----------1 ~--1 _ , SIO 2 ar.d arr,..~80r1,.s: r r D n ! m••I ,, ... ,1,, .. 1 , ..... ,"·c hoC S3. lArgf' Cllrptl with rlnck.c S.l rarh. 81~1rll "'"' SI ~. 7,, hp ,pgine S.i . J'x4" $l :i F'lorh cagr S.S. 2113" TIRES hkr nrw S.i r11rh l rrut.c ~f!Cu•I' mnnr whrtl w ith .tood flt'f', hrakf' -----"" ' '"'' .,.. p<d. ,oM rondltk'ln SZ'i, I I l ..-.i Ch •• ~ 13 4 10 4 BOX ~orin11a 11 1th e11.r h 11.hit, s'<. ll•od _,, ... ,,SS. o-.,,1, Masitr Shampoorr · 3 pi«:es ol lu""•"t 5()-ro!lt livlng room rha~ s:zn · s""'" !\'Y frlll1sm1~s1on acn•· ,-e><ll · x in, .._ Ill. forks Sin l"ronl lent\l'r ,_, ,,..,_ i:... l!Andmowt.r S3. Bathroom r· I 13 !. --s2· F rd t ~ tn 2 10 hf ~N lilc tw in hf'd, l'llth "'°11 St;.. 00f' Amrrican JOlll 117. ~&1-lrtp ll<'e SCN'tn · Pach. Smalt rlldl() SJ Album Sm111l magat1nr t11 b11' SS J. o 11 \I "m 11 I 1 r I ...• ~ ~ ....:, !Or It SIO "'ind.d\1rld S!> Slid-bl'd ha~ rhild'A !!Ible ~I· <h>o' ch••< 112_ B , b y porlahlt •htlv1n.11; •lllnrl~ trllvf'r~t rod11, 2-!lfi", 1-l,ll!l'·, 66 &.~t H,·mns SI , j O , ColnrNI pic-tur, t' h i 1 d • 51 !r11n.~mr~~1on S2n Tnul5lJ!Or 1· m 11""" ..,.... ~ fllPb11r~ S.'! Hf'111U1.11;h1 S2 from nnnr In Cf'Lllni bo""•ltn1 "120' I 15 G ·• k 20 Ml d S10 "64 V·' 4 ii: 4 fl. aluminum ~lid\n.11; H•odl•h•-"''' IPv,. ... 12 t11rhf'r1 B~hy cnb S:l. Cr1b ctothf's :W--$2. Pll'ly f)f'n S2. .,. ·• 01 · · 811Jf'n n r , Rtd11·ood plll io t11bl, S.1 E:ncycloped11 Ml ('II Sfi. , 62 r ~ .. to 7 .... ia n~ .... k I I ·~ ·~ mattr"''" SJ. Sm•ll w•lnu! c,, ~· "· Boby "·th <•>h ~horll 511' It S2. ~16--ilJ/t. aOOv•I and I s111 , lot S..l Eltcle•t lrllCf' cM.rger sin. PIMurMl SZ.S.i CerlllT\IC~ T 1.11.iugt pan ~ S -S20 f on window S3. Tral '-t ram,. Nirllllf' !<1'111 120. Rtar ltndf'r '"" -IJf\ -----------67" "9' S?" h _ _. b n! brd $7.:ill. Wood "'lndo•·-$1 SI~ 5'&-lllS. honkrA» "llh sl\din.11: 11.111~! S2 ('\othin.11; :X--Sl. J b<lwlinJI: EARLr Amtrlc111n rouch. LarJ:' hookc11Y S.1 ~,,, J. Sump pump i.nd molor $10 ~-$2. St.,..1n;: m11 cl\int ~-Nu,~,~ 1 P;~~s S..'>-ST.1 RMI rool lelt SI. Box tilf' Sl r1non l4 Molor hols1 har S~. h1tll' SWlO Lfllmps 11-SlO m11kt1 intn ]/( hf-fl $2.;. fix9 V\V-~t;:--lik' ntw S I~: ~2 Oll'vv C'h11.sr Dr. H.R fi73--0'2.)1 1 rw 11try Con•A1r SlAt" !it-t'tch. T(lilet S.l PATIO rh111rt . 1uhul11 r .•!rP\. 20272 :~prurt, nN Pal•!Ad"~ Enrl !.11hlr~ S6 Plllr Rt mrd h n nkPrl ru si: h rDwn t·ron1 ti<lnrl $1.t. Rr•r rltr k nt11.r H11milron 11nd Bush11rd BACK-to .11chtlol d~;: ~~rr~~l,.r Sl·S IO •;i 9 _·i;~ Dlvinll: hnerrl s~. C.£ •\"f!Clld1'1, ""h1tt', !Wn nnly s~ :\S7~::~ ! ,.)bum• !(Ir Rf\rlkt ~2;, hllck.o:rounrl $7 :i-0. 5Jlll:Jr I Sl2 . Tl!'f'! 11Nt ... h p P 15 !!M-4276. I hlousr, llnd c'Oat~ tn.J~ I _r; p1Jrl5 s 1-s 20. rtfr1tt'raror. works SS. Pf't f'llr h 1 ~~-i. Pa1Jt•n no Avr , TR-3-11~rt~ r11rbur11tor~S20 ~;nt•yrlnJ'l"rl\11 J2 Rro<ikc·11~" I ti:111""nnrt hrrt $2."i inrhtrl lrii: t:N~~ _ !'.162-Ji.111 _ itOF~;tAN r11rl10 $1 ;,(I, ~1nl rlrt"-"f':S SI-SJ hlnuH·~ 'il'lr SJ Ml-,1AAi _ ------ra ii:r~ S2.:,0 f'll f'h. Solid r.~ ~9-... M.i___ _ , r;r nt ratnr S7. Tr•n.•m\~.<rf'f\ Slfl /.;1ng~11,.. hr11r1hoarr1 Slfl It~~"·. 11,(l(ld 1 n..a:.d 111011 WOOD ~rR111tr,. 24 \ l ~ ' 1·1 f h1~r fnrri s:i /\qu11rh1m 11r-<·n~1~ S.1 1n S·l 11nr1 S.i 2 PIECE \'rl'-'t l IPC'li nnlll w11ln~ tloon< SJO r11rh. 26ll 00\.JBLF: ht>n. tnor! 1Vlri lnr f)Arl,J $1~ n1ittrlbul11r s~ Typ1riJ1: 111hlf' Sl. N r w !lli2-.'l!A.. I llif'•I fnr renrk hrnrhrt ~1 f'f'(51'\rlf'' t 10 \\"1111 ,111rrn l~'tlmf'n"J thf)I''. Sllf'~ 1''1 $22 ."!O rach. "'11 ~,Ir \\'f'1tP!ln1!t r l'I . c.~1. Siie. rl ltinn, \'inyl hP11<'11lo~rr1 $2.\ I F:n111nr tll'l<'k Sl"1 Othtr {'l'tlf'h,lf'r1 1·r~I.~ u; !l-\6-9107 seim·1NN •l!n~r11y r xcl'lltnl ""l"h. Pnr18hll! TV ~S1.'i,' Amp s:. C!ll'lpl)f'r fork~ fnr + 11 n<t ;•I ':lie Jlllir. .117 t: llf'pAra1,.l.I' Sn1i\l) \'t il"PI !'bl. _ Dr.t.wor l .12.50. 646..."i.'if6. p11n1-.$M2j. -~109...:., j or $1-16-92~!1. , j rondlL.~-962-.1.BM. _ d llU-17&2,._ ==t~• '·'ill M9..lJ1~. _ ... j _Ba}:C.\f ~18--0!13·1.~ • ~ j rl\Aor-SJ.;,. '4~~lf.W -~ ._ -..;-.. .. -,... • r ,,._ ¥' -. • _..,.. -· • - ,_ ·- -·· -~· ' -. ·- ~. Jul1 17, 19n DAILY I'll.OT SI JIB [ ...::Ol:.=... ]~~[-~"'I'~.~:'-~~. ~]~~1~[~, ....... ~.~ ..... ~][ii]~~ 1 rl.___r~-~~~]~~1 ~[~-~ ... ~-~l§J~1 ~[~ ~._~ .. ~ .. _ ... ~~l§J~[~.~-.. ~ .... ~,~~~~J i ~-~ ... -~]§]~I Dogs 154 Bo.ts, Power 906 Boat•~ Seu · 909 Cycles, Blket, 1 ~M~ot;or;;~-;;;;;;;1~40;1;T;r;u;c;ka;;;;;;;;~~96;2;1 ~A~u;to;s;,;1;m;po;rt;;od;;~9;7~01 11A~u;t;o;s,;l;m;por1m;.,m~;97;0:1 :A~u;t;os;,~l;"'flO;;;rlM~;;:;,!~!D!I -. Scooter• '1S -·-DARLING .. , Chih""''"" 8 USED DEMO BOA TS SEE THE ------CONDOR $1015 CLOSE OUT FERRARI RAT wlu old. "A'hht. Al&o 1oy 1 f Hiergl11.s1, dbl huU, flOI&· "SL'IN$SHOT" 1900 International Sc e u t. poodle pupp~, reasonable tion. ll'l ' lt'ogth, 5' ~' '° MPH THfHI Hard &: Sofr Top. 4 Wheel. Al 0 The y11.cht that's not a boat. SALE so free to 1ood OOn1e. bram, cathedrlli hull. Oiti1re SAILING MACHINE ff NDA SIU. CORWIN FORD Drive hubs. lWF'RJaJ) .white kitten. £42 --18 13 , or colors. As 11 conrl. Jave Orange County Fair Oran&eCounty's CondorD!s- .. tr!butor, 2.10 s. Main SI ., ~34·3885. f SSS. $300-$450. Cll.U 642·9464. Recreationel ''fRIEDLA• NDER- • OLD ENGLISH SHEEP 20' 1/0 Cobia w1trlr & can-Vehicle Arta Orange. CIO!e to three ma· ..Demt Lemi.t W VOLVO ~GS Mille & female I vaSf'S. 120hp Mercru1ser. L ighthou•• •-•U.Cll (WY • .,, jol" freew1ys. 63'9·1850 Or ..U.:C. 6 wla o!d 11KI Xlnt ooOO Sl;iQO 968-8006 Landsa ilors Ltd. 537-6824 e ll!IJ..7566 K.. 7-0444. beautitul $350 K' rm 11 aft ;, &r wknrl~ I ~780 Tr a ilers, Travel 945 1-1-966-"-"'-bo_•~·-c_._M.c__ ... _·~9.103=· I Riggs. Ph .'i46-5990 or 2-3 , c II R J s CR A ~'T CJ.AS.<:i!C VESPA 125 cc w/windshieJd. 546-2759 I 1 Saihf'lit Dinghy Branrl new rond, Only 1,000 1-. sc~sM•N T 1 ovrr-nightf'r Chrysll'r !'OJ:, !!\.'ti Dyer. r-.t ah 0 g 8 n Y mi 962--0950 J v' 1 ,.. r 11. 1 er AKC n!g Samoyed pupp1f's I M \\' rarl10, d1recl1on finder, 1 ~pRti·akP IO' Cen!l'rhnlln1 __ __ Chf'mk-al Por1a Pot. 12 volt /or Mii'. H<1~ ahot~ & hfiad, l.-O~Prs, slt'l'ps 2 NliJ !air S200. &l&-9144. · 650 BSA A63L Lightning '69 and JI~ hgh~. $650~ or hes! d!'wrlaw1 remoVf'd. 7 ll'k~ Rearlv In go! SJ99~. 673-4496 , . Lo milPagf', xlnt ('(Jn(!. Make nlle.r ;,.18-R.<!95 -or 131-21€.! 1 RECREATIO.'J CEJ\'TER old. Cal.I 548-ij!l;i, Bo ,· R I/Ch I' 908 J,l ~ IBERGLASS Sa1tbo11!. nlff'r. 6i:t-~!Xl.i or ~.177. IJ' SCOTSMAN Tr A l I f' r ROY CARVER I I a I, en ar r Roon1y &r fa.~t, unstnkahll', ----' , ftC. AKC Regi11errd Colli, Pllp-------. <' n ni P 1 t 1 e , Call Sran BULT ACO l SO CC I ChPm1rll] Pnrt11. Pot 12 Volt I 2925 Hubor Blvd i ples for 111.ll'. Tn..colnrerl ~al 25 + Catllna 27 £i.l-.l9B2. S-1.i() Rehu1ld. 11nd l\Q hght~. !J,st offer. Costa Mts& 546-4444 Price s:io.00-s1no.w . Ha\'l' [ Gllarantee the 1011.est rates 1n • &12-0612 e S4ll-&995 n1 ;,.iJ-2164. hid !I ll ihot~. 962-4117:1 So. Calif. "Ca.Lhna cruis-F LI PPER -5265 GIRi ·s 26 .. hk ood --S.=xiO '60 FORD ~, ton -stick . . --ing club". Locar1nn NP.wport 8' dinghy 96,li.7667 •' . 1 t'". R: mo· SEAR5 . .SJPeps 4, plus f'X!ra[ 6 Telephone box dead - • HI. SPORT CARS $1795 1968 f'"iat 124 CPI Radio, Heater. 4 Sptt<i tXCK529) $1395 1968 MGB Rodstr R.adlO, He11.1er, 4 Speed (XDAlSJI $1295 AKC M1n1a1ure poorlles. 6 Harbo 7141968--48-:IO f 1 · , d1r1n11 ; boy~ .Stingray, gd zi~n !f'nl. lei' che~r "133.000 or1,1 mi ·,, ll1 1iplendid moa. Wel!-tr1tinf'd. 2 leU. r. or in °· Boa ts, S llp1/0ock1 910 cond. $15 Paeh. J4.HR19. ~atrr $:iM. 49-1-6022. rond. 536-fi646 1969 Triumph Mk Ill Rodstr Se'U for h piice S7S . .36' FL \'BRIDGE Crui5t'r, L'QR R ' · '''' 1970 llONDA Trail-00-. J<VV>. RENT 111' nt>w Nomad self =~==~~--~-I &12--0326. I Sips 6. fully t-qpd inc skip. r Pnl; · Vll.TIOUS ;7'N ' • EL CAMINO. La'll:<t motor ho11.1 sl ips: $75, S95 & $110 miles. $205. ron! Also 18' rireb11.ll . lartorv hf-1lter. & a.ir l"nncl : POODLES ·c . 2 $135/day, $700/wk . ,, . 28• R 1 •~ '"7' ., -AK ., m1n1, 64&-00XL ~10. Balboa Pl'n!n. • .,.i.r 4 J * _ _:,::~ f'~. O'I<>""·"' · rad1Q, air lift s 1 3 O O. mo, chnc hrn Show qua! , f.,_ M1rl1ae.I Rltr. 673.688() Ronan1.a ~lin1 Btke 16' Al~JOA TRAILER !'W'W 67j. :-930. Stud serv, 11.IJ co lor5 Boats, Sail 909 TRADE 1 1--. Franlf' SIO '-'llh l'ngine: R\\ning, Gr! rood. L"'" " 2131424-89()4 -I pnv '1p or O(.' " •• I . '7't\J Ford P.U. V-8 1.1athead, · HELP' I can't ~wim \I/on a ca~111nal use of 18-2~ pn'-'er • ~l.),)J • $450 * !>i!0-8M7 good engint>. Nttds 11.•ork. IRISH SETTE~S 8 wkll old 12' Koralle Jr. sa1lhoa1 Ju~t ~a1 Aal. Isl. Ev e 1 \\'HITE 10-spd bike wltnfant '70 15' Trave l T tlr $300. or ~st offer. 8ll)..5672. Ch~mp bloorll1~. AKC reg. deh~ered _ Sacrifice S450. fii :l-747:> ~rat. 4 month~ Dld. 2J.IO $100 * * 96&·9741 1955 FORD pickup w/utihty ~~~ .. Show k p!!L 644-ll6l 71~/;"J26-J&1.-. 1 BOAT ~lip avail. July lst, for I::lden, Apl R, Ci'w1 1 Auto Service Patti !~9 ""d. Sl50. 1----------1 14' LARSON '70 .sailboat I-60'-70'. Wide ~lip. TRIUMPH 1970 Trophy 50(1, , ' 6-t&-4154 Hor1e1 856 1 lrai!er. 2 set ~Jls. ~~nl 673-660f, SR2:l. Yamah!I J!l70 , 175 PAINT & BODY 1965 CHEVY Van, Camper R.Bdio, H!lller , 4 Speed !ZAE:\Cti) $149S 1968 Tr1llmph Glli Cpe Radio, Heater. 4 Speed t WQW6i~J 51395 1967 Tr1umpb GT6 Cpe FERRARI AL 'THORIZED SALES .. SERVICE NEWPORT IMPORTS 3.100 W. Cout Hwy • Newport Be.11.ch FIAT '67 850 CPE. 4 SPEED ~ Speed. ITAPLIJ ·~ Spyder. Good oond. By Owner SllOO. 4 l 0 Emerald Bay, La(una. Bch. 494-$)22. LOTUS LOTUS Atrl'HOPJZED SA.LES '-SERVICE NEWPORT IMPORTS 1100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach JAGUAR $69S I 1968 JAGUAR 2+ 2 '£.Type, 8 111 Jones 1Uck, a ir, new brakes It. B J SPORTSCAR CTR. ' """h. Imm•<. ''""· Coll . . i ~·~"~-~"~"=~--~~~' 1.133 Harbor, CO«la lo.1esa '1960 r-.1ARK 9. Auto. P/S, f 540-4491 whel'I discs. Sun-roof, new lront M!ll.tA. Very good cond. SiOO. Priv P ty. 646-91.f.f. e Complete Stock cf mas a ThlNll: SM "FRIEDLANDER" '69 JAGUAR 2•2. Auto, a.Ir. 17.000 ml. Xlnt co n d , 557--8817 11.tt 6. . "'.0:~0-..,----.,.-.,.--, I eond, USPd ll•ice. S,1.){J. SLIP ~PACE AVAIL !CTI\ $4:JI. 962-5936 SPECIAL pckg. $1000 or bs1 olr. Call: Radio, Hl'atPr. 4 Speed LEASE beaulltul 4i Arab 962-7~· / 25'-:IO' .SAILBOATS Mobil9 Homes 935 . . 5.'16-4719. (YSB9~l 1J750 If.A.CH ILVD. S.ti/mo. Oprion to buy. SCHOCK-hutl! Endf'<i\'or 26' * 67:1-6606 • Thf' hnr~1 pain! ~b .vou r;i" !Hwy. Jt l I 968-4il. I No 40. Xlnt conrl $4200. SL IP TO 30'--CONTEMPO-I J:"r!. Re.1:ular Sl.1:, pl us SIO ·i;3 DODGF. 314 Ton P .U. 893 7566 e 537-61124 '6:l J AG 3JI SEDAN. Auto, Orig. Xlnt mech. $l!IOO . 675-4.177. JENSEN :;11 l'R 01.o QUARTER-&12-11~ days; 61i-5J03 * * 615-2~10 • * LAGUNA HILLS bodyo ""N''LY ..... $'0 1•15 ~~s/w;;1~~·: ~9.c 1 11 ! flemt le.miJ '68 -124 Sp!. Cpe. j ___ J_E_N_S_E'"N---·I HORSE Fll.J,Y. f'vrs. ---2::~101 RIDGE RO UTF. DR. Xl~T '61 Ford 6 P.U., UQL AUTHORIZED S250 * 546-379.11 SNIPf: V11ral y11y Nn. JS.120, Boats, Spe.d & Ski 911 (Corner ot 1\foulton Pk'-''Y~ Good 'tt] end ol J1il,v, 1971 r VO SALES:. SERVICE' r , d S.19.), ~·84C9 5.9 pm f Radio, healer . sharp, mag /ully equipped, I mm a c. 21· CRU7.0N. fdl'al f11m &.· f'l'!!llJ:e i du.r mm1 .unit)' A • BAUER BUICK $\J7j, fish html , hiiit tnk, r-.farlin Jactnt lo Leisure \Vorlrl_ '67 Dod!lf' C11.mpPr, pop Top . 1966 llarbor, C .. \I. 646·930] wheels, (\\'XJ.188), .... _,_~J~~-t JI• ,e l C11tl 5-18-19'.li: I rllr, 60 Gal i;:;1,< cap ll."i HP Bealllifu1 ~11.rroundings. all l\la ·.~ l'xtras. \V ho I es 1 I e AND MANY MORE I-Sl49S I --..._ ...... , Y. SalP or trade. tslarxlPr 24' Chr}~lrr Crown. $17~0. ilL"<Ury 11.ppo1ntmenl1, Ther-2':l4 E. 17th St. price. &16-269S. 5.i7-4MO. '68 TR 250 • '66 Tiger • '68 B ill Jones' l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;; I ~atlhnat, inhoarrl motor, 6i.'.-7:J()6. apeut1c pool• bSaW~n~.s, e,",'" I Phone ~srar-.1~!~ fur 'fi!I fORD '2 ton. VS, itick, MGC GT • '69 SGT • 'Th 8. J, SPORTSCAR CTR. I' ooci h &12 -106 . .. c1~ gym, tan1 ta l'~. • llP· Gem top camper. Explorer BGT e '64 VIV e '69 Auslln wy. Gen•ral 900 g s aPf'. •·1 ·-.-1~ 3 ROSTON \VHALF'..n :U niuch much more! pollltment. 548•7165 llki:· smi. 5-!&.4acr1. Amer1ra • '68 Austin Hea-293J Harbor, Cost!I r.1esa Ne wport Beach. !--~-------LIDO 14, good C'(Ul<lition. I h~ John.'>(ln. l\1any Xtra~. ~ beaut. furn models In 4 :O.llch!!lin strel radial tu·l's, lt>y Spllf' e '6.l Heal!'y 3000 14' Fiberglass $700 541-2288 days: 968-0624 Xlnt ? l'(lnrl. A<k1ni;: $1 200. park.like setting. I 22:,.15_ 11.!most ntw, $41) Auto1 Want•d 961 • .67 Toyota. l\!k Ir • 69 540-4491 "IVEED It .l reap" . .cle&ll Excel!e 1 l t • ~ Volvo · 1 0 vo • ' A -....l \Vant &d 11 a --1 turn into cuh thru a O&lly ~ R unabout . """~· • fi4.-287fi. C\LL 8:10·3900 -Or 830-7900 rach, 67l-62j7. WE PAY TOP • 1 V I .,1----------1 out the ttt11.sures &. trash - lnclu r n con<.1.ion. . LIDO 14 No. 2101, tra ilPL 2 CRUJSALONG. irbDard mtr., CASH Porschr. ln~;;ment a;vvu P llot Classified ad. 642-$78 T .~f!S 1~P. Mei .cLU'Y ·1;,o· 1 se!s sat!~. racr J<Par. Ex I 22·1 Viii Lido N0rd, L1dD NEW HOUSE OF IMPORTS 1~--~-~~-~= r~t tr,_ hife rushiDns7. lue o:in;l. 1 71,11 846-95.J2. I Isle: 21l:2iQ...1547/!l:l4--0920. I 01'.uxe 20.\~2 2 BR, crpts, I Autos !or s.ti I [M·) 81'ach Blvd. ti! !he San Die go Autos, lmportttd 970 Autos, Imported 970 ex 1ngu1s f'r, ra1•p. S OO or -------------d !' FOB 1·650 Besa. offer~ 64fi..8<l1R KITt: No. 14.1 l'xcrll ron. 70" mini sport ski hoAI \\'/411 rps, app ~. · · · 3· ' I Frwy. (lJ 523.7250. Best offer~ ~-SOlS I A r -,:11·11~ \nclurl. lr.111Pr SliOO. I hp i'ilrrcury erig. fl~k1ng . , . for Wed can & ll'Uck1, just BENTLEY nr besl cash offer. 645-1446. SHiOO. 644-1 19.i llX·lfi rtin1ef' of decnr. Appl g. G I 950 c11.ll us for tree estimates. STEVE Wiboo Shoc~Goec. -~ I °' 2 BR. fo.h. $.1.<'ill. onora GROTH CHEVROLET 6' ~ailing rl1nghy, oar.-;, lf'r SAILBOAT R11rga1n 1 0' \VC'.~lrrn ~1ohlll' HQine.o;, 12ll .69 Austin AmttiCll, nrw May 1952 Bt>n!ll:!y. Very good bo11rrl. rudder, n111~1 , ,, .. 11 Trimaran "·i th ~;iii & gr11r. llrJi l N 11,-bo, •19 63~ I rond. Run~ good. S6.000 or • ' T I 1· n. · ' '• ""· • · "''· W, 1970. ~_;,'(rrl rond New A~k lo• Sal•• Man•g-~ail, $175. 5411_270~. Only S48. 6i:l--0,19J r'n1por ' ion """' ,.,. be~t olfer. 546-3n8 Wknds 14, . --. . tirf'~. Rf'.<t 'llfrr. ~1~1·467"/. lB2U Be11.ch Blvd I Pl 17' BOSTON \VhRIPr w1:~; At.PEX-A!uma Craft, E x c lus ive Res1dent1al , ~ . • _0_cY_·--=~=o---- HP ' rycle Barcat '"Ill:, '111~1 ~PU nn11.: ~:r..o P ark, Newport Beach I l!lfi6 }nrrl Bronco, Sl.250 Hunnni'ton Beach BMW ,... __ _. 6'12---464.1 , /ltr 6 ''" Campers, Sa le/ Rent 920 R 21 1 1,.2• b hrm. Extras 11. v 1 11 • b le , 847-0087 Kl 9-3331 ........,., cnnd ,., fully rqu1prl, "' 1111.1 rr, ~-' .1 ra 11.na :..i1•1560 - S3250. 67~:x>:l. ALCORT Sunfish ~flilhQii l •59 Dodge y2 Ton PU c·usiorn hi!, 12x:\O pallo. . . . • ANNIVERSARY •SO 8' ,\fASTF.RCRAf"T ilingh.\, I rrd, _ hhf'ri:-lrtss. rar rool ~,ion. ,11111 fl. n\'Prhr;ut camfi· Yrnrrrl . Br1rkfod. Rna1 !"lJp~. Ant1que1/Cl•111cs 953 AUTOS WANT ED Fiber!lli<ig~, Mr~. rl<llly. SlJ. carnf'r. .S32.i. ;;;l"l-~i.~S~. er, slrrps 4 1,. rrtngr H'f! P r1\. hr11r h_ Rrrrr. h<1l1, H J C --:-Top dDlla.r for clean used 646-(1,389. :'>IETCAl.F lJ fl : 2 srl~aj bnx, o\'rn, "'Ired, ,.1c., 'vei. hi:llanl rm. Rrnr S9.i mo, QfSe ess arr1age c;:or1, ~e Anrly Brown. WOULD Pf'~n 11rlvrr1i~inii: Chinl'se Junk lnr 1ale in bay pis c;,.IJ 673-2:128. .s&'JOO. 714: 673-1094 1vkn<1~. THEODORE ~illl.~. Ju.~I patnll'li. Comr elrrtn. Call 5.'i7·!1792. -----~""1 $2.'in Callfii:\-.\0()(). F:\CTORY d i r,.rr rlealrr PARADTSF. in Lido ~rea I 1902 OLDS ROBINS FORD HOBIE C.AT 1~:-NPar-n;;:I l\111J<')1•v11y &r 1!11.H Pint, rroi.~ hr. 1 h;1 lrlr r,,_ rab11.na. • 2060 HARBOR BLVD. I s~9· Mi9 \\" lFith SI C \\ f'llllo. i·irw ~unrlcrk, pvt Shn"'pircl'. 2 1peed!1 !OO\l'!lroi COSTA MESA 642·0010 12' hnat f;I ~ HP Jnhn«on SAIL NO. ~00~. _'· .i._ • _· -' ._ ' ._ bay be11ch. Arlll lt ll'Cllnn. motor 2 S'-'IVl'l ~eat8 11rwt •fiiJ-Fi7l.l • I 'f\7 DOIJGI·: -Full farror) ""1~ ,11Jlnwrrl, ld•al retirf.. plu.'1 revf'rw, Cl inlon motor. ANNIVERSARY •SO ---p t v 8 t ,.. £meryency brake. Musi he oar~. S200. fi7~29:W. • .SABOT-l 1r olrl xlnt •11niprr np op, -·au o. rnPnt or v.·knd n>!rrat. A• k . • 1. rl 6' Ii 26911 ~ seen. Ta e SSOO horse in I I Bo.ts, Malnt ./ ronr:. sm. I-~1__!.:_ It--··· furntshrd $9300: unru r n tradt (lr c11.sh. REMTACAR Service 902 Cail 644~2!;ll; 1 TON STEP VAN 1!1.14 ChP\', $0000. ,\fake offer. 67a-5474 • ' ~"°'=-------SAROT -Likr nr w. ral"ing 12IV sys. f/glas In . Sl20tl DOLL HOUSE ~ -tu_ .. __ . PINTO W/AUTO. Automotive Excellenc• & ROY CARVER, Inc. 292~ Harbor Blvd. Cost11. Mtsa 546-4-444 '611 BMW 1600, RIH, 50,000 m i'1, $1500. • • 646-7907 * .. DATSUN COLLEGE i;tudenl• do'" 612 31"1 ,_ .. g boom, boa1 COVf'r, $27;,. Call _·_-_'_:::_ __ $1,119.'i. !or this newl y TrRns. $5 day, 5c mile. boar m,.int!'nRnfe 11.·nrk; 7141-1-27 1 ·s.·, CHEV\" 2100 Harbor Blvd, 64J.04fi6 DOT DATSUN ,1. 1-6 . P 1 CK -UP rar....,!rd n1obile home nr THEODORE .. i.nttn". v11.rnL~hin,, hoHom "' PE ·• ".ABOT CAMPER. CDn1p le tt.ly ocran. (BL96llO), Westl'rn 1931 FORD AAA 1~ T, F.;x ROBINS FORD 0 N DAILY cleaning, f'IC. C11ll Bill .. ttf't '' · • 6:00 pm 492-7544. SCHOCK-BUILT $1iii rrlinishPrl. !lfi2-flJ.l9 M.H , 1113 N. Harbor, S.A, orig. cond. 2JM m iles, d~,.J 2D60 HARBOR BLVD, AND · e 6i.l-25.i9 e J)()f)(;F. .611 PoP-lop f"U~1,,01 1139-6350. rears. 4 s~. tr1111~ nr1ve COSTJ MESA &IZ..OO!O SUNDAYS FrBERGLA.o;;~ REPAIR.ALL ---Ml t d \S OOO JR CO T O G snywhr~ $750 54fi--7l!Z7 18Sl5 &ac.b Blvd. n'PES. Big or smllll·inshoJ>-1 LIDO 14 & rr1r. ~711. Vrcy l"amprr, n eon · · A ND Tf NIN ~ D B I 956 It.1PORTS \VANTED H •i-Be ch outshop. 20 .,,~ l'"<P 714 I gl)flrl cnnd . .l\1ovinst, most ~g m1. S32001'1h' fi44-.~-ifi-Thi.~ ha.~ 11, :>lus nr1v <'rpt ,t. ~ un• ugg •1 Orange Countiei wu:'mi_•;n ~~ 536-f,6"6, 2'\Jl4.~S4l9.· / _sf'!I $10fll.__'.l-_18-6fl92. ---Cycles, S ike s, BH, 10x60 f''L Ii\' rn1. S.1()(1 TOP S BUYER e I JOO 14 N lfX'XJ t.ood Scoot•rs 925 i,n"'n. IF'.Ulll601 \\' e ~ ! '" r fl 1970 DUNE Buggy-Glass BILL r-.1AXEY TOYOTA 1970 DATSUN 1600 re d 15' outboArd '-''/tr11.1ler. 3:, ~ N ~ 1 · Ss9. ~Ill 1213 N. Har bor j horl y,1rrPelll'i:-al.l..r;:f't1rf'S J888l8eachBJvd. roadater $1190, Se@ &I HP. h11 it 111.nk. )(Int rond. 6m7, ~ ..... -0 ai er. ,-,, '10 SUZUKI Z'iO ~a\RCr rl11l Ri9-f.,'till. k rhrm nm5. Top. i'ol11ke o!· H. Beach. Ph. 847·R5.i) Coron11 rlel Mar Tire & Tt:il'· $695. ~9-:16.)11. I .rl.~•'· 11nd i;! l'Q Ul p f''CC'f'U (Vinti TRllTLER ror Utl• or rrni ff'r . 962--4547 \\IE PAY TOP DOLLAR 11.co Srrv1ce. 3601 E. Cst Boats, Power 906 · P CAT S.'l.10 (lr brst cash otrrr \1 /nf'11.' rabana. 11rms~ from SANO BUGGY Pram<". 51!1 up >'OR TOP USED CA""' Hwy or CllJI 64+-5292: 111 1\ rare w/tra1ler · """' 8.l-8~4.11 l!l!f 6~j..6(j{)-f\,l :•-144fi h;i;. In !rtr-l1 nl"d park 2!112 fflr Corva1r. S20. or br.s1 of-Ir your r1tr b extra clean, __ •-----------! l9&9 l'i1od!l 38 F l. Pe~bmke __ s ..:_·_:'.:____ '-1 I 1!170 YA~/\l[A 2.'in. prrfPr! \\ ('o:;~t H"), i::.pace ll. r frr '.i.'ii-44~6 stt us ll~1 1971 240Z, lo mile!, fully s~ns ~rdan. TwLn 26.l H P 8' ~AILING DINGHY-Comp] rnnd., .'MOO mi, S600. or hrs! fl-!fi--.112;;.ii. I T ruc ks 962 BA UER BUICK l''\Ulp. B"!I offer or trade. fWC V8, Koh[l'r 4K\\1 0111h1!f'rl. Alm0sL 11f'v.·. Br~! offrr •19:'>-;,!j2j .\flkl". ~~UST ~PU h A 1-231 F,, 17th S1 I 6l8-44Jj !'\.'ti. ~ner1110r. sh1r ln ~horr , nffrr :,,ijl,..672(1 1----·---~ ' · · .v ui;:. '1' '°"==~=--=-,,----,-1 " . 1970 y h 360 MX C--" d··' Cln~~ lo h0 •plla' C(')S!.t \1•~a ~8---7165 SILVER 1970 O!lf.•un f"nnv f1thomell'r, ADF' outr11iR:l'N - ---ama & "~'"' riU. .--.-,.. ' $1395 plus mnrl'. /\~kin $J2 5IXl KITE No. ME. :\1.ot mnd. V~-.Xlnr cnn<i. S.12~. :l.')6..68.i'l F. shpni;: rPntrr in Arlull 1~ f" rd Ptrk·i L.\\'.R. V-~. A utos, lmport•d 9 70 2 IJOO f'ng. N<"\\' wh! \•·~ll~ -VOLVO DEMO SALE 2 DR. • 4 DR.· Watons • Domonstnltors 6 TO CHOOSE FROM UP TO $JOO OFF USED VOLVO SPECIALS '70 Volvo 1800.£ Cpe, '70Volvo142 2 Dr. '68Volvo142 2 Dr. '65 Volvo 122 Wagon f4H. ........ f\IM.IJ '68Volvo142 2 Dr. '68Valvo1800 cpe. $3695 $2795 $1995 $1095 $1795 $2295 Dean lewis Volvo 1946 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 646-V303 < ' f Prl 1 ~P:;von. Si2;i, Call ht\\'n -------prtrk f.42-5M2 11fl 1 pm ot 0 IP Xlnt cond. 642-77>47 1111 6 P~ Phollf' 612-001 0_. -----f'-ipm. f;.J2-!l!i~fi_ lq71) HONDA 173 &ramhl::· &12-36.17, Rarl1n, Hl'BIPr, Auto. ·~?92 1 ----------1 ---==-=-~=---1 TRADE l'QllllY in 22' Luhr• --nr1\ ronrl, In n11lr,_ $11J. -I AlfA ROMEO FERRARJ 1~~--.---c-:;--;-.;.-.-,:::::--;:=::::;::0-in.o lnr 230r(' diri bik, 2 l",.,,1; 1 1~· C:;t;irn~r:;n. tr"flilf'r, VP r) :.4R-i2~3 or :i.IR-.Wlli .11 EXP,\i'\00 -to"'' t(l vl'lut 9••• LnirWi -A utos, lmpottitd 970Autos, Imported 970 8 · ' 1~~1 s~rrrr1rF $1.'ll _ -----. Int or lf':'IVI' In n 1 <:''" UUl tA.lllD S99:l-AmPP('• GT l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;[ 0111 h11.~ n.v hr1rl i,:r, ~IS ' •• ft46-2 · 11 • • J.Af)lt:S :. ~IW'"rl S(ll\\'lNN rl c M k VOLVO t' ~·A -flomf'Q '66 ""'llta ' R~phca-(;!aS."1 lnrl.v Ii r;i.rhn, h~11 IAnk. dertfl -.-.. ---R1kP. like "'"', 5'ii r11l l o_w nr ~.'1 n · · P ~ r 'I · .~ f1nd,.r, s:allr.1, e tc. o ...... .SA ROT r111ly e'!UiPW'd, xln1 M4-1~-hl.t--\fi22 ~rr1 n1 l.T only ~.000 m1 A 2R.1.v11 :i48·61~2 1 CHECK THESE $1700 ~1.'142. I cnnrL Sli~1. . Motor Homes 940 1ri~fi Harhnr. r :\1 fi.'\lj.'.l.\03 ~tr'll &( Sl500. ;>48-9727 After Cali todRy -Sen IDRIOrTOW! , -:i7~03 * f fHh F. "011 1n rafflr . St1ne,r11.; ------Ii p:;,f Fut ru;ults with a Daily 16' Gl.ASPAR-X1 nl rnnl\. ~~~ _:__''_ __ ·_ !yf"', hliir /<ilvrr Nr \'rr J964 ford Eron<Jl1n e 1~~~~~~~,-,-~- l9fiS. OP"n h11y. Jde11.l for SABOT W /T RA ILER I riddrn S.10. IMf>-!f.il R. \\'ANTED: A rnr1r1. or V11.n-w 6~ 200 CJD Png. D1111Y Pilot W11.nl. Adi h11.ve =!~:, ~~~~ N~!! .Dla.1 VALUES fishini;:, .d(ln d1v1n11:. ikll ni,:. !_2'2;,, * fi7;..J()47 }9f;~;il()cc-Rnvlll lnfirlrl ~1mil11r Jrngth, wtll l'XCh nr Linrrl &r. crptd . E'x1r11 nice b11rgains galore. ~ HP Merl", C.ood ll'lr, Kiio w /trlr x lnt cond 0 1 bk ,· nrw se!t rnnr v11n , pop up :i40-7~7~. Autos. Imported 970 Autos, lmport•d 970 • ll' 1 r , no ru11111ng, II $=>{\ h75-0621 -;;;m-;ITT;;;;;0;;n:i1i;;;>Qo'icl<[p:·;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l1 Sl05(l, AJ.<;t1 4 HP h1err 0fB. RF:ASONABLF._ 6iJ.871.1 nt'f>d~ work Sl:J.5. 1147-M:l.l. lop nr ~r .r..•.f''· • Turn unu9erl Hem8 lnro quick - Sll5. 644-2U9 or 673-7.j58. ~O'DAY TEMPEST .. --.,..... CRll 642-5678 Now! cuh, call &4l-567h __ _ e MINI Bil~~ .• 5 hp. ~Pf'r1iil --------1 ' USED DEMO BOATS s~ • 540.4115 htur• Make oiler. cau Auto Servic., Parts 949 Auto S•rvic•, Part s 9oi7 1 dhl hull. nor 111ion. JJ'7" R'" .. ,,, \iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji\I length, 5'81,l '' be1m, c11the-Sell irlle ilem!. now! Jlr... I ,.~ SL~UHullJRS4~. ~l~~~94~:e ~~t=~~!:ow'. 990 :::0::1~:: sell! 64J-56Jo jl DARE ~~ DIFFERENT I fl yb r i dge Sporttiahtnn1n. 2.VI HP V8 G~ymarillf'. SS T11r!1n, nrw cover5. "'"i ll '"'llJl t or sailboat. 675-7463 even1n1r~-I 13' Ted Wiiiiams fl.~hinp: 5k1f/ v.;/7 HP f~v1nn1rll', Great runabou1. S~. C11!1 brwn 6-7pm, 642-!l6AA. 17' 1969 CHRYSLER 15.l Hp 1-0 m11rlne rl'rlio, run r.ovl'r xln't cond. S299!i. 673-231!l. 8' Cu~tom H yd roplant:. fbra:Jtrl. J} !IP Mrrcury. Musi aee to apprec, 673-171.'i eve~. :\2' TOU.Y BY Owner. 1966 T. S., F, R .. @>Ctn.I. Imm1f". Best orr~r I ov.-r SlJ,000 ~ USED CAR Summer Sale Now EXAMPLES '68 Ford '69 Pontiac: '69 Ford '70 Toyota '69 Pontiac: '70 Ford '69 Buick TOIHNO LI MANI MUSTANG COIONA CATA LINA CPI. MAYtllCI ILICTlA 121 $1699 $2299 $2299 $1799 $2299 $1999 $3399 esa.w e1 so3 'PATH .1oq.1eH S1:6(. 'H31V30 MWf! 03ZIHOH.LnV "JNI 'll3AllVJ A.OH lltllOM Ho.LOW NYIHYAYll * CAPRI * Immediate Delivery!! NEW 1971 CAPRIS IN STOCK IJtfJtfEDIATE DELIVERY '70 I.O. Reint.11 trl·hull, 18.5' O.M.C. 75 hra, trailer, S300>. Pvt pty. 673-3111. I lJ' Clu1lc 110. 11n Men:, w/1\r , x tr as . S1995 . 1 Ml-5902. 11' SJ<TP JACK. )Cini rnnd. l.oe.df!d. C11ll Tt>d Ro~en;. 67~. I 18' LYMAN 120 Mel't'ruber l fO w/lrlr k lull NJVl'rl. Sl99S, £7~8 or liol2-4641. I l!AY BOAT -17', ~~f"W tlttlllll .. J\YJ W!f!lth~1 All H1v• Automatic Tr•nt., Power Accessories & A ir Cond., Etc. MANY MORE '915l!SS9W 941196 11.nOA 'A9~ 1141 JOI ~SB JO ,;J9~98 6! M~8 A4M SUOS'e9ij e:e: .. '1e1~ooq e&JI e41 JOI sn ees ·11 41!M oo 01 Jeo I! pue ·001 euo 9Al!4 ueo noA ·eu 1oua M~8 e pe4 eue1d S!H I JOHNSON & SON I Mac Howar::z.b AUTO & TRUCK LEASING 124 Harbor Blvd. •f First, Sa nta Ana l •l11 hone 53 1-0607 or ll,-1'600 T>'lr Olkr. 675-¢1~ .,..., .. _,. ____________ _ 0 .l.OHS f)l8 Y SYM NOllYI Gii ;IHJ. AHM ------ I I Mii• l 11n. •f In l"'t• ,,.._,, Lineoll'I Confine nt1I e Merk HI e Mercury • C ou9et 2626-HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MUA 540.5630 ~2$11 .. ---"·' -... ---• • '70 V:,.T~~~:~ t:l• 11•w. l64 1IEO ! CHEV. SPORTVAN 4o Lyl., 1ui.,, h i nt., ,.die, rsz1 1111 • , 69 v ... ":':.,.s,~~.~~.~~~cK h••I••· (ZA M40tl VW BEATLE Ori 9ln1I blue with wl!il1 inl1tio•. (ll:YE1 12 l e '67 OALu~~ lr~n~.~~~NT II Nic1t !451 CTQl TOYOTA CORONA ' Aule. y,;,.,,. Ait Corid., r11:Ho. lik1 111w. (XNT7 l•I RANCHERO Aule. tr•n1., ••di1, .t.ir, Hur,.,! l l i lZtCl MUSTANG Au~. tr11tt., l1die, fTEZt•f) TOYOTA WAGON 4 ·~-ff . r1die. Cl1•l'I !ZNJ512J VW BUS N•"' !'•int, 111~1 ,a.,d. I Pl ·627 1 $3599 $1699 $1199 $1799 $899 $1199 $1699 $1699 $999 $1499 $1699 Harbour Volkswagen 11711 l•ach Blvd. _Huntillgton Beach • 142-41U .. ' I ., ' ' • ' • ' I 'f ; l • . . • . ;O> ". ' . l I I , ... . . . . -.. .. - DAii. Y PILOT ......... l§J I Autos for s.11 1§11 l§l1~I ~_ .. _ .... _,]§)I Av!" for Silto 1§1,I~ ._ ...... _-~!§] I .,........ l§l1f ......... 1§1 Import.cf 970 Autos, Import.cl 970 Auto1, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, lmport9d 910 Autos, Jmport-4 970 Autos, lm'10rted ----1---111111 970 A_u_1.,_._1m_po_rt_od ___ "°-I Auto1, Imported 970 VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE . KA!tMANN GHIA KARMANN GHIA KARMANN GHIA MERCEDES BENZ ~~--~-,-,~.,,.,--1~~,_,,,--...,...,,...,~~ MGB TOYOTA 191Q KARMANN G Ht A • .,...... $l90I). Good """'· c.n ~=· '62 GHIA Am/Fm. dt&Il, ruM ok. Offer/talk • 646-2524 l;ve9 &ue HUlltlq? Watcb the The faatMt draw in the West ·OPEN HOUSE Ullwn.n. Call 6U-$71 li: Saw! ·57 Karmann Ghia, New brakes, batU!ry, muUJer, Enrine irt•t. 673-8309. Turn unused l!em.!I inl.o quick cash, c1.ll 642-5678 AND MANY MORE i '69, XI.NT cond, R.adio, Orig '56 180 • '511 220 S • '59 720 paint, 1,2150. '66 PORSCHE 911 s • ·so no s • '64 220 s • 6T~ * + 673-3000 AM -FM, rad.Jal tires, l"t'd ~ 100 C • '65 l90 D • '67 '69 MGB Roadster .. ,,..rb. • '68 v..,... v. ith Q~ck ilrteriar. DAG5CXI. ~ s • '67 250 s Auto AM-FM-radials-wi.rl! v.·hls. Only - 2XJ S e '69 2l'.:I D • '70 Sun fun. Call 54S-2882. $2399 DEAN LEWIS TOYOTA 1971 To)'Ota '69 YW SOUAREBACK '66 vw Radio. Heater, 4 Sptt'!I . Auto trans., e 1r cond., radio ('l'RHI7GJ This one Iii a beau!)'. ZW-$795 2:il C Cou~ e '70 280 SE • 1----------' '5B 1~ SL e ·~ 300 Gull-PORSCHE No mor.@y down on My o! $1777 Autos, Import~ 861 · $lltt ~ Bil l Jones' No moo'> down oo ~Y of 8. J. SPORTSCAR CTR. 970 Auhls, Imported Demo •5991 970 970 1=::::0::::===== SANTA ANA !Tl@ VIQ!TfAl DEMO SALE! 1971 COROLLA COUPE Thi• 1'71 D1f!\e h., ,;. t.oni!i. lionin9, AM r1dio, plu1 full f1ct • ..::iu ip!"l111I. 1180 Thi1 D•ma kit n•"'' hid p1rm111111t Iii . p11l11 i nd ;, oold wit~ t•l'll •ini1111 f1c:tory w1rr111ty. * NEW CAR TRADE INS '66 VW Sunroof Very clM11. IVZS6,ll s.da11. lYXTl611 '69 Datsun 510 '66 Toyota R-.d1 to roll. I 55Ll96) * $895 '68 Toyota Corona 2 Or. H.T. Awto1notlc tr1111t., air co1uf. IWXL8771 $1195 $895 $1450 $1595 '69 Fiat Spider Liiie New. Only 19,600 111llet. f29SAGI) LARGE SELECTION OF NEW TDYOTAS Ready To Roll OP'IN l ;JO to 9 W•••dey1-'T;I 5:10 s.t. l Surt. s • .-.ico Oopt. Opo11 Mo~. Evo1 . '7i l 9 SANTA ANA ~· "'" ...... 1c.o·• ""ii \ . ! .. -•! • ' lT!OIY!()lT!AJ i -i ....... Ill .. "' , 417 W. WARNER • SANTA ANA • 540-2512 980 I .,. ing e '62 190 SL e ·59 over 150 MW & ll!ed cars on hAnd (011 approved cre-~G~ E OF IMPORTS WE BUY USED dH l. o\'er 150 new & us~ cars on hand Ion approved cre-1 193.1 Harbor, COKta f.!esa Ko Down Payment $65.31 mo.* s .. oh s:, .. ,, •he s. o ... , Porsches Bill Maxey Toyota frwy. i!J 523-72::£1. 1S881 BEACH BL. 847-&.>5.'i dlt; 540-4491 8111 Maxey Toyota 1--, -----< 18881 BEACH BL. s.11-sJ.~.1 69 VW Bu9 DON BURNS HUNTINGTON BEACH 36 e 1967 PORSCHE 9U-mos Deterred paymenr HUNTINGTON BEACH 1 Yrar \Varranry. This bui;:-pnce smt.16 or cash prtoe $1895.85 Incl Tu,,,_ Lie. APR 1969 DELUXE bu~. 39.000 I 1.1.·a~ O"''ned and dr1vr n by ,. $3695 &15-5951 14.5S%. •on approved CN'di!. mile.~. !how room rond !;.dy tha~ gii ve it JovehMd --===07~--I MA ny XtrA.s. 1871 Irvine / care. 4 ~pe'-'<I, radio, es_i- Xlnt cond. PRESTIGE SUNBEAM factory Direct 5&1.es, ~rvice Ave N s 646-4-lS r r, Unted glass. IYXS96.ll ---------1 ' · J · $1444. Garden Grove Lin- 13631 Harbor Blvd .. G.G. 1964 Sunbeam O:mvt-hrdtp; &. Pa.rt!o, 1966 Ha.rbor Blvd ., XLNT '71 VW roln-MerctJry. Garden Grov,.. (JtJst s. or G.G. Frwy.) new eong1ne, clutch, paint. Cosa M~. 646-9303. CAMPER B!vcl. at Brookhllrs! 636-2980 636-2:!.33 C1>mpl redone. $625. 642-8258 1969 Toyota Corona, Allio. I P-d brks. Ft.Ad ., lo m 1. $3095. '68 YW BUG PORSCHt AUDI -~.1~0-p='o-=cR:,.sc""H=E--:--"p'"'E~U"-""'G~E='o""'T'--'-"I 26,000 _miles, clean. s1,zoo. . 54&-Mro ~-9 pm i li ·----:-'.~------/Owneri Personal 911T 54~J2. 66 VW. rompl<'t ely customiz-MG now 1968 TOYOTA C ed . Make best ~I I'. I Radio. Hea1er. Real Ni~. for .sale. Immacula te green 1962 PEUGEOT. ExC1!:llent . o~na, ~u!o, " ' IV'SS561 At.m-IORIZED finish with black intenor • tra nsportation car. Good At-.f!F'.\i, M1ehe!1n titts, 83J...J209 eve. 64.:.-3120 day 1 SA.LES & SERVICE Mag Wheeb, n1d1als, radio, condition. 642--1469. xlnt c:ond. $1195. 642-5612. ask for Gary. , I $99S NEWPORT IMPORTS e-tc. For demonsrration, cali l -':'.'.::~~~:;::;,---1--~T'MiR>iliiUiiMCiipiiH:.---1956 BAJA bug 'f.6 trans Bill Jones' 842443'. Hocbrnu Vo11o;.-,,. TOYOTA '1reot l•g•!. im k v'°; 8. J, SPORTSCAR CTR. en • 18TII Beach Blvd. Allk Ave., N.B 646-4519. I 1"' ""'°' ""d•pt, flk. 6'5-'69 TOYOTA SEDAN '68 TRIUMPH CT 6 * * '64 VW BUG-XI" t 2933 H.ulm. "°'" """ APCI. <'One!. S700 or btosr offt'r . Call 540-4491 Ne1vport Beact. "6.1 PORSCHE "C"" coupe, 2 Door, 4 spttd, Radio. Heat-Radio, Heater, 4 Speed, _&l_"-"i<J;;;;;c;3c;;.==,-,==c-=='°""--,=~~-I ----'------1 new ena;. tires, exhaust. Ex-er. Dead Sharp. (022AGC) (XNJ604) 1970 V\V BUG, G1tEEN '62 VW Bus, w/'6,1 reblt ena;. 3100 \V. Coast Hwy. -(.ifti THINK m ,,~,, ''FRIEDLANDER" UUO ll:AC" (HWY. If) 893-7566 • 537-6824 eel. cond. &rrv. records. $1095. $1495 XLNT COND. Gd. cond. Best olier, alMl $2.i.JO or offer. 493-0089. $l6.i0 *"* 671-74~ '64 V\V Bug, needs eng, m . • Bill Jon•s' otherwise. xlnl cond. Besr ·68 PORSCHE •u. ' .,.. llf•Ul$ 8. l. SPORTSCAR CTR. • "' sue-""'"' "'"" No ""'" ,,,_.,11. 39,00'.I mi. A;\l/F~. new ' dents N ti b k & ==-~---1 tires, (TI1J M;r.3828 alter 6 m....... . 'ew res, ra es r GE N UINE l O\l'n!'!r 1111, •• ?Jll Harbor, Cos1A fl.!eM master cyl. S~75. 4M-6379. Te-achcr's. '68 VW. Only ~· ~ Laguna Beach 540·449 l V Bug 1966-Xlnt cond. 28,000 local mi. See to ap-* 1969 PORSCHE 912. Orig 36 00'.I i 1800 0 900 So. Cst. H;ghw•y 1--=;;,-===~--1 · m · · prceiatc. 67l-J784. v.·ner. 31.000 ml. 675-7225 1 THE TRIUMPH C ll 54D-4633 ----1 or 644--06.l7. 494-7503 * 540-3100 VS S a VW Bus '64 Trans, '&I 1475 '69 TOYOTA CPE. TAG 1003 V.W .• oclg. owooc. oew Cmv•fr Spyd" '°'· '""· '67 r.1G 1100 sedan e l963 PORSCHE-A:-.1tF:i.t NOW ON DISPLAY sun roo!, xlnt run cond., 64&-97()() 11'kdays Alt 6, Sat. '.'.lust sell. S.18-6132 Good cond. J\lust sell. Take Come in for a test drive! goort tires. $395, 536-6619. belorr 4. 'GI J\IGB-GT Candy Apple best ofter. 540-8l08. Radio, Heater. fZADS361 FRITZ WARREN'S XL'.'IT COND. '63 BUG S695.1 --=.~vw=~v7A;~N~.,~,~.~- recl, m int rond. $1,'M '57 CARRERA Speedster. $995 SPORT CAR CENTER R/H, good rires, 642-i4S2. Camper uni t, Ne-w brakl' Original o ... 11er 496--1891 Vr:ry clean. Bill Jon•s' 7'..[} E. 1st St .• S.A. 547-0764 44:! 62nd St. NB. sys ten1, Gooc1 trans. Good MGB-GT, '68, Overdrive, . e &16--63l9e 8. J. SPQRTSCAR CTR. ~pen ~aily 9-9: closed Sunday '66 \I\\' Squareback xlnt. rond. $~00. 557-9080. A'.\1/fM, tape, new radialf;. 7() PORSCHE 9i·f-4, !ow .59 Triumph TRJ, Good cond cone!. Kew tires, Sacr i!Jce VOLVO -:"~'~'c-'7ty~·~"-:,..-."•lc-. --==-1 =~;:l ike new. l o\vner 2933 Harbor, Costa Mesa. $350. $875 cash 642-3358. 1959 MGA GD. COND.I====~~~ 540-4491 • * .. ,..455 * * 1961! vw ""•Good"'""· 1, '67 VOLVO 122 S550. * 54().6090 '67 TARGA 912. Low miles. 1 VOLKSWAGEN own;r .. Mu~t sa~ $995.1 MGB O'-''ner. Lthr, extras! Beaut. 4--DR, 1970, lo mi's, tape 548-5551 al< 5 673 5000 rond. $4100. 644-5936. deck. mag "''heels, wide1---------' · 4 Dr Sedan, Radio, Heater, ---------ll;o,;;-;;;;-c.-n:;:::;::;--7-:-::· I tre d Pol gl h 111= l.9S9 V\V B d v '51! V\\', xlnl mech. rond. 4 Speed. lliQX581) '65 MGB. comp! rebuilt, ne1v 1970 9ll-T Por~che. S ap-R Y as res, .,.,. us, tt . l'ry $285. $1095 lop, roll bar. paint. $1.:lOO, pe11.ranc.e group. Perteet. 67.:.-2765. clean. Sleeps 2. Dealer Call Gttg ~2_2866 7 000 mi 644--1129 Call 642-5678 Now~ rel.ail Approx. S2450. Priv firm. 646-9256. ' · p~rty much Je-ss. Stt to 980 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 970 believe. CAii 642-5320 or Bill Jones' 8. J. SPORTSCAR CTR. '66 V\V Fastback. new t-ng, baltery, ~tarti'r. paint. Very clean. S975. 833-12:i8. iiiiiiii!!~~~!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjiiiiijiii~jjiiiijjiijjiiijiiiijiiiiiiiijiiiiijiiiiiiiii 4~~1108· i---,~6~9~vw=-s~U~C~--1 ·5s v\v Bus. srand nrw 293.'.: H11.r bor. Co!ita Mesa '71 Firebird lolr C""dl!l°"l"f, f II ! I V Io c Io r y eQulPC>ed wltfl ovtomo!ic tronsmln l<>I'. l)OWtr l!Hrl~ & br1-t11. {?2&11ll!C912!) ~=-$3807 '71 Firebird '71 Firebird ~ully tor1orv equlDD<'d. V·I. 11.rtO"'Ulr. ••o "'"'Il-l Ion , air Ct1Ml!lonl~o;1 !lnl"" ol•n. powe r ••eer· ll>Q 1...:! f'(>Wer bro~"' ••· n'a & ~eo!er. l22.l811l10t-"" ~::. $3643 '71 Firebird '71 Firebird c .... 1 • r rooic•I ~ ...... •~,.""' & e>leto11r. o\lr CO,,ChJ!O~l"lj. V4 , •u!O-mt!iC tr•n•min lon, tin!· "" ol•u. '"~"' & he11tr. (2'Ul1L1Ml"l6J ~::, $3661 '71 Firebird v..a. 1u!ometic 1,.n1ml1· Aor cor.d1t-lng, tint Air condlllolll";, v ... 1u1&- 1lon, po~r "'""119' •nd 111111, au1om1tLc 1ron1mll· m•lic tr1n1miu le,., paw. br•~fl. 11r coftd i!lonlr>g. •Ian, v.1, power 1t..,rln11 .,. '''"'"l"CI & bra~••. tint· tttlll'lL.llOSIJ) .i. Power 11.-.~a. l!1d ' ..:I Q\tu. {12Sll1L10920fl & ""t•r. !nSll1L1090llJ ~ $3643 ~::. $361 5 ~::. $3542 •••••••••••••••••••••• SEE IT NOW • • • • • • • • • I ON DISPLAY! THE ELEGANT ALL NEW GRAND PRIX ''HURST PONTIAC'' I • • • • • • • • • I '69 Firebird '"~e<! ""...,,, ''"' 1 .. 9, """'"' ~, ...... v•nvl •00'' L-cfn•t I ZX X llt l $2388 '69 Grand Prix Wl!ll vl~vl k!fl oftd air coMlllo"l"g. -fr 11oorinQ 1nd ll<lW· •• b'-•~••· pow•• W•<ICIDW>. !YWT Olli $2999 '70 Chevy M•!lbu. 'adlo, 1-1u t . .,, A.u!cm1!1c Trt M- "'I 1 •Io ft , Power St"rln;. Pt>Wtr llrl~t<. At• Condi· t'°'1 ln9, Vinyl Top, j50Q il.l'Y! '66 Mustang lll1d lt> &. hel!tr. Au+om•••C r r • " i.- "''"'oo, A" (01'dl· j,o,.inQ !51\Y J.S.1~ $995 '67 V.W. 5QU1 r11>1c~ • SPffd. r1<l1t>, llN lor, t¥ct l• !tnt ~uv a r tlll• low low proo. PSI! 11•1 $1097 '68 Wildcat Wiit\ 1 utom1 1l c 1r1,.1m!u 1on. i:>owt-r 11e .. r r no. pawtr b••~ ... l•clorv ,ilr, pawor window. •rol f()pp.,j wltll • "'""' roof. fICA lttl $2895 $1997 ··,.71•P•in.to'""" ont1ac lftl Tlta11 4,000 Mii" 4 ·~ "'"'1'1'111· 1lot1. rtdlo .i. 11111- tr, (tlJM CIH) Only $2188 '69 Ford CUSTOM 4 .,,,.,.. 1«11n. vi, I UIO., -· 11-• lllO. CHI lfl) $1299 C:•l•ll""· J Doe• H1rd!oo, llodit> .i. He1h1•. ""lome"c Tr1n1.,,1u ia.. Pow- I r 5!H rlno, l"owtr •••kH, Air Conlll· tio'lif>g, 0~ I XOI $1997 '69 Cougar A111om11lc tr1n1m1 .. 110tl. PO~• jlfff• lno, vlnv1 roof. l•c· '°"I 1/r colldlllon- 11$. IXVI 11'1 $2598 ij=iiiiiiiili:iii~1 motor, Nrl'. hrakrs, S12JO * * :>11!-2505 * .. w/mai'. wheels, dl.r. (YXU-I --~.-------{ti} THINI 787; 11395 Ml pnoe. Call '64 VW BUS 'VOLVO' 540-4491 1966 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ""646·93-03 ._::-""-----.,.,..___ ~!14-.~4!. vw WESTFALIA x~~! ~-G ~~~ C~3~~~ Al CAMPER -Goo<1 oood. l'OO. '4H<2.> "FRIEDLANDER" $1795. 671-39-17. I '69 RUG-fr.t/A:i.1 r II di 1:1, 1l1st II.I.Clo !HWY. ll'i '61 V\V -Reblt eng, nrw I vinyl top, m ;i.ny extras. 893-?566 e 537~ clutch k hrks, trod tire~. $10:i0. 1'radf'. 646-2fi9B House Hunting? \\'atch tht $450. 645-0S94 I Sell idle items now! [ OPE:\' HOUSE column. Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 FREE '65 FORD • fKUW I Ulll'fl' ·~ v.1 ...... 11Nre.s21ut ~ '66 AMERICAN ~ 6 <ti."""' ,,..,,. '"''"'Y oor <o•d·T•0'''0 r•d•C.~••!or, ...... _...., 'l>•olll10C ll4 '70 CHEVY MILUll v.i. ...... lr"M'. *""" .,.. ~r.. ......... 11 .... ... y ll.000 rniln. "''"° 195 '62 RAMBLER Wllotl Avr.. tr11t11 .. rel10, htoltr, R11111 ~ ll•I 1'"1ft~-!IOrt "''"" '175.DO VALUE SUNROOF BRAND NEW '71 HORNET $2199 # 153059 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BRAND NEW '71 AMBASSADOR STATION WAGON DISCOUNTED $)006 31 f<!l:11tryair c(lfl(l1~ •• •l•or••q, ~Cwor (d;U) bro•n. l"qooqt red:. ''$'3195 '65 MUSTANG v a, 01110. "••1 .. ~ ... ,, l"t<~ ""'••11 -3lOAV1 $599 I '69 BUICK Jl\1111• f«""TO .. <Olld~ ... pn.or, ......., rool. •MJr"' tltr•o. !!I! lller111t wlillll(, l1Xn62 $ 951 '69 Pl YMOUTH tOIDlllllltl v.1. au!f. l•on1., ptvrtr 1!ur.., lXllCS9 ' -r ' . -. -' ~·_ ...... _ .... _!§1 11 ~ _ ..... ..,_ .. ,·_J §J 1 ._I _ .... _ .... _ .. "_Ji§JI ........... Satutd~. July 17, 1971 OiJLY1 PILOT :If; 1§1 I ·~....... l§J l . ,,,, ... _ l§J l -...... l~§J~I !!!!!!!!! ...... !!!!!!!! .. !!!!!!!! .... ~l§J~·~t ~ ........ L. ;;;;~~1..;;;~~;.;;;;;~~~~~~;.;m~ 984. Auto•, .New 980 Auto•; ~•w 980 Autos, lmportw:I 970 f Auto•, Used 990 Auto•, New 980Autos, N•w 980 Auto•, New -------VOLVO AND MANY MOREi 1-=:-c------'69 Pon111n• Lem11n! e "AA DEAN LEWIS Pontiac GTO e "66 A111ba11· 1111rinr WlllV'n e '70 l\l11vPr1rk VOLVO e '6701ri1'iCutl1.~~ • '62Cad DEMO SALE Coupe e '70 Chevy hnpal11. HOUSE OF IMPORTS 8P1'ch Blvd tit th,. S. Diego I $2998 '"''" "a' u"'1·c'" .. K I 1971 Volvo 144 Sed. Demo • 7360 $3098 1971 Vol\'O 1~2 Sed Demo • 3268 $4098 19il \'ol\"O 16'1 S!"d 1968 Buick Skylerk Cu.st. 4 Dr. H.T. 2!1,000 !\fTLES A1ir11 -~1\•e Arlie \\'h11e f1n'~h 11111! l"ll11ck landau l'nr>f. I rqu1pped \l'llh auro t1· .... 1s, I rarhn, tiealt>r. pn11·er !IP<'r· I in2. ell. l\!111ntainl"ff in "'li!..P I fac-tory DJJ'f"<'I Sale~. St-n•1ce 11"" ·· romlirion. 1\\'LHfll:'fil k Parts, 1!146 llarbor Bl\"rl . Sljl:''i Jnhn~n !.: Nin :lfip;I C '· 1 ,..r.cro1 llarhnr A!vd .. C~ca J\ole~11. l'"tn .> "1l1J-:i"l11. Autos, Used 990 7!i!l R ;ie"-~G~s-=vi-ny-1 ,-.,-. f\I .<:trrl'n. rhnn 11·h1.~. A/C. WAGONS lull p1vr. F.VPS 6-14-4080. . PVT ,;;;;:-c .. -s,,, s<.w., Excrllf'111 conrl. $8:io. 1 fi12-74~2 62nd SL NA. '" Coleny P1r~ V!, eulo, 1u11 ow•. olr IC.VP ,.,, "' Town " Coun1•y J .. ~,, r ~, P I!. VI. &ul11 1 1•, (VNI" jll\ $899 oc HIGHLAND MOTORS --·--'64 BUICK Riviera. tur, lull p!'l\\rr. Top condn1on. $825., -193-383~. CADILLAC 1966 Cpe. De Ville FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING I FVLL LEATHER INTERIOR I PaddPd top. tu!J po"·er incl. tilt & te!e~C'Qp!c steering, I ;;1£'reo, A,\l/F:'l1, elc., etc. An except1onal buy~ 1SBS· 3'W I $1888 NABERS CADILLAC 2ffiO Harbor Blvd. Costa L\-1Psa 54().9100 '69 CAD CJlf'. De Ville. full p11•r , 811 rllx. Pxtras. Xlnt I conrl. Ori~. O\\ nPr must sa("r!flC'f' fur imn1 edi 1 l e ' salr~ $·1200. 644-f/l\7. I T 96 7 Cpe. De Ville I FACTOR\' I AIR tONDJT!O:--.'ING FULL LEATHER INTERIOR full po11pr, v111y! top, lilt & I t1~1rscop1c sieenng:, A:1>1 / F:'l1. n111ny othPr deluxe ex-I tras. (\IKP211l1 I $2444 I NABERS CADILLAC ::NJjl(/ Harbor Bh·rl. Cn~ta :\fr."<!. ~>10.ftJ OO 1 "6."1 F.I Dor.'1"'1 ConvPr1 1tile 1111 P>:lrac, ,:h1111>, $1600. Call SI0--6690. CLOSE-OUT OF ALL REMAINING '71 MERCURYS BRAND NEW 1971 COUGAR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY l ANY BRAND NEW 1971 MERCURY MONTEGO IN STOCK-WE WILL SELL FOR 30/ OVER DEALER /0 INVOICE! OUR SELECTION OF 1971 MERCURYS HAS NEVER BEEN BETTER. IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO MAKE OUTSTANDING SAVINGS RIGHT NOW AT ••. NOBODY BEATS OUR. DEALS!! BUY FROM ••• Orange County's Fastest Growing • Chevrolet Dealer JOHN CONN!LL "NO GIMMICS -NO GIVEAWAYS JUST 21 YEARS OF HONEST DEALING" • DON'T BE MISLEAD BY ALL THE LOW PRICE CLAIMS -YOU CAN GET AS GOOD A PRICE HERE IN TOWN . WITHOUT NEEDLESS TIME SPENT SHOPPING FAR AWAY! EXAMPLE: BRAND NEW 1971 Vega 411 -Not Striped B••utiful yellow 1xterior, AM rad io, h••*•r. tinted qlt ••• 878 btlttd white watl1, et<:. 123727)) 19831 OVH 70 VECiAS IN STOCK-ALL 10 COLOlSll 52150 IMM~DIATE DELIVERY CONNELL CHEVROLET . 2828 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 546·1200 • WI A"HCIATI TOUI IUllNISS CALL US NOWll Pho•• 557•9220 INSTANT CREDIT YOU llHD AllD STIU SAYE YOU MONET 1.lf you ore new in California 3. If you ore new on your job 2. If you owe money on your 4, If you ho•t little or no cor credit Ill Ml TIT TO &IUHI TNI CllDIT AID TOMS YOU lllD SO THAT YOU MAY Orivt Horne Today in rhl cor of yaurc'*tell BRAND NEW '71 SUNDIAL VAN CONVERSION 'FOR ONE SALE.t,1 COLOR OF YOUR COICE4 PRICE rn1 whet I, '""'" & Mot..-, Ser. # GH 4 1Kl~101 JqQ d•11: b•oku. re-:1. uoh, Ml f(Kt ... iuljl9od. BOTH $537200 FOR fULL . PRICE ONE DN. PAYMENT OF 5199 MO. PAYMENT 5130 l l•t~-~o ..... S1J0<> .... __ ;..-1 .... 1i:-..i o1t<...., ... ~ .. -..... lot Ml-. Do!.,..H"""" ""''" J~ft ........ l N-. i.lt <n!iri'.o" llhf n...-1 IO• l O•...,o.AMMUll Pll(INTl Gl IATI 11.tt"- ::~ND '71 DART IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ~ $2198~~E ~ 1199DOWN Se r. If ll29BIE12005 152 MONTH FOR 36 MONTHS !\9' I• l(ol .. I "" PY"'' 1.1o• 11 tntol fftO PY"'I Incl ,. •• ""'"'' & •II <•"V'"~ c~••O!• Pn •etor crfdl! IO• 3' mo1 D!!fe"ed pymt price " SJ6!l lncl ta• & llcenu C•\~ prkt lll411 Incl. Ill & l•cen1e. ANNUAL l'l!llCl!NTAGl tl!"'TI U.11~ '65 DODGE TRUCK ONE DN. PAYMENT ' ONE MO. PAYMENT IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Yes, you heard right! We wi ll paint these adv. new cars the color of your choice! . BOTH CARS!{ V-8, rod10 & heoTer, w/w !ires, 8' bed. 530975. FYllv l1tlery ·~~·pp•d. Se•.~ 01 4AS l bJ04lSJ $498~ $75 DOWN $2198 $75 MONTH PRICE '2S DOWN 125 MONTH FOR 36 MONTH! '1J 1, fo>l•I ~" ~vm! II. SB h m•ol mo rvmt ""' •••·I'''"" II. •ll t•"~lno '~"'0'' nn ~n~· t "~" In• '18 mo' Dofe""'d nvm• ~"'' I< 1~1S ln<I. 1•~ &. '•c•o.• C•·~ n'''" '11& lnol. !&•I. llc•nu . ANN UAL PIRCl"NTilGI ltilTI 11.0"f, Ill ,, "''"' dn l>V'T'' •"1 '11 1. •o••I m~ O'I.,,, Jn(I ··~· l .. •n1e & •'I c1r•v1nq cnor~~' on 100• ''""''to• y, "'""'~' O~•e••ed o~ml proco f\ S111J Incl '"'· l•C•n•e & l<n1nc• <"••1•• C•l" n•I'• I• 111<1 Incl. t•~ &. ll~enit. ANJOUAL l"ltl!CINTAOI It.I.TE 1!.60 ... IOADRUNNll IMP'ALA ".T. )83 Y·I. ~I?. 1rvn1 .• fo"ory "" coftd~'°";'"'' ~Mill, Meo.,., ....,ilt''"1Jll in.. ....,.., __, Y·S. etl!O. l!"IPN. -n-'"';i. ruclio. bealtl", -11ter..-.g, vinyl roof. red. llU<lu1 _,., MltTMGkW ... llH17{091591Cf ~'""-16-ll!IA <en!tr<O<IM>f• 130AfY S)698 FUU P'RJCI '61 OPEL KADETTE '70 FORD $696 '66 MUSTANG '67 PDNTIAC 2 DI. H.T. Allto. l!\lflf... radio, lleo!er. b.cktl W!Oll Y:OOOI v.1, 11'.HG. """"· '«llf'Y .~ ~"· ,,.,.... . ., I-~. f<Jdio, heotw. IJVl(924 $599 FULL P'llCE OPEN 9 AM TO 10 PM ...... lllm!! 7DAYS A WEEK '69 DODGE '67 CHEVY C"EVllll Ai.•r "~r 1.oodiu,~.2S0£1'Q"'N'Y971 $599 IUU Pll(f -. ' -~--r----~ ' ' ' • :1 • . .. .. ' ·- ) ~-- . . • COUGAR XRl SAVE $725 . ...... ..... RUN FOR YOUR WIFE!! AND YOUR PINK SL" TOOi 1111 urs our OF 1111 UGI WFIE CLOSING OUT OUR 1971 STOCK IYllYTlllH GOW tw! UAHONIW'7'1 MAIQUIS SAVI •1100 NANO lltfW 71 LllCOLI SAVI *1500 SAVE AT THE SIGN OF THE "COOL CAT" -• °"' ........ GARDEN GROVE LINCOLN-MERCURY "The Most Unique Automobile Agency" Gardi~d~rove 636 2980 IROOIHUIST - .. ~ . .. . .... • ...._._ ....... _ .. __,!~ I Auto1 for S.le l§l I ,990 Auto1, U1ed 990 Autos, UMCI 990 Autos, Used 990 Autos, Used 990 -------CADILLAC CADILLAC CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CONTINENTAL L•r1•tt Seledlon OF LUXURIOUS CADILLACS Jn Or•nge County 1963 thru 1970'• ·~ 2600 ltARBOR BL., COSTA MESA 540·9100 Open Sunday 1970 El Dorado LESS TIIAN 14,000 MILES FACJ'ORY AIR CONDIT!ONrNG F ULL !LATHER INTERIOR V1n}1 lop. f''u.11 po11·rr inrl. 11!! & rclcscop1c lltf"tl'lng, door locks, ml>!l:t !"very dlx. xtra & "Tht: ,\faster ot the Roa<l.'' !6l5BQE) 1969 Sed. De ViUe FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING F ULL LEA'nlER fNTf~R/OR Vinyl !op, fllll po\\'er, door locks, 111! & tf'lf'st-np1r ~IP•'f· 1ng. l!i!E'fl'O, (•le, IXSllj0SJ $4333 NABERS CADILLAC 21i!JO Harlxlr B!l'r!. Cosra ;\lrs;i ~\.Iii 9100 CAMARO 51 395 l!lfi7 lhrv11 Camaru 11;,JVlrllp V-R, R.1!11n, lf('fl !•'r, AUIU, Po1>er Stf'Prlllµ_, I \'OE719J 'fi! JMPALA 4 door h.r. Air. '68 Impala 1970 Continental Coupe all r-.:tras. C1ean, gO."'i<I rond . , 1:XCE1vr1 0:->ALL Y S!J:Jll Day 67>-4j62; ~vc J~·:::i n11~!'S f. I ownf'r & CL/-~AN 67S.."l7f'4. · 1>nl '" '2ri;:1 He-a::; Srr1k1n;:: Burgu1l(ly Mist l1n-m1un en11nre, 11r .... ulojl. I ·55 NOMAD, ITJugh, 95'ir Factory \Varraniy, \I.I!, a utn 1~h. hlat'k 1111!d11u 1q fh on;::. 11phnlsh>ry, 283-runs Jrans, faC'toryairi'Qnd, JIO\',-rnaleh1ni.: 1111rrior ~.riurpp,.rl l111P &l:r-0668. ..r lllef'ririg r;Hlin, ht><1 l»r, '1111! ihe r1nsel. full powrr •70 NOVA \1•111tf'11.·alls 'vinyl,,,.,..,:, 11111 .1 ,r:, fa1•1(lry 111r of rotJrse 11ilk Pd ~la.~~. ,;,h,,<'I L'{/\'Pr~. fa •··' ~ll'J'f'O li1pe syi>ll'll), NPW Polar 1vh 1tr 1•nlor • .Sk,v Blul' Tory n ir ('O!lr!, !XDK7~lfi l. 1 1n'~ pli1~ 1n1u·t. 111Hr'r .. "cot 1·1nvl tiio' 'll'h rnatl'h111~ in· $lili2 Gardrn r.ro\'e 1,111• ,{· dr11 r 11HS br;111tllt1J tlir lf'rinr. 0111.v 16.0flO n11Jr5, 6 · ll\ll;11 . 1601 AR \'1 Sl'+j,1_ 1'0ln •. \1rn·ur~. f;;in-Jrn r1l. nut'• rr,,11!1. r11fi10, Ilea!-Grr•l'f' Blvd. a t Brookhursl, ,J.,hno;()n ,t· Snn, '626 llarhor l'r, 11r1t••1\ cla.<;1<, 11hr•'I rov-f\:\6.29~. Hhd Coi~ta ~l••o;a :.iu.:.i;.;io •'!'!<, 0:1J7HF.:\l~ I r.11.nf'r. ----------1 1; rd•'I! t.i·ove L1nfnln 'll'r-FOR SALE - r 111·_1' (;arrlrn Gnl\f' Biid !!II Malibu Chevelle Brr.ookhurst. 636-2981) '6.l CHEVY ll 3 i.eal \\'11s;:on 1968 '6 7 Continental T;1oo; Clir h11.,o; .I ~f'll r \\flrT~n- 1.1. -\1 11~1 srr 1•1 llppt'Pl'l"f". \_\/1 \l'l\fl $.'\'19. fll!'IOry 6 C)I., au10., P .S., PB., lou. 2 door. <;nlol 1111h hlack Lan-.\rr Corid, full flll\\rr, rarl1o, l w lu-,lh'f, 11!11tf'll·itJ1,, \'ln)! ll lllt · lltn.' n1 1Ie11 c r F:xceptionally ditu 1np, hl;r.1·k 1n1f'l'lor. Po11 -Wll t.UliO ,, 11~•/, t1nhd cla~~. 11 h,.rl clr1n1. ~l&-7i64. rr i.ll'rrinc, R & II, s i.,:l(J VOLVO 1..-i11·r~. 1;arrll'n <;r1J11e L1n- l-7 CHEV'' 2 d•. "'w 1,,,.,1 ("'1!111 r1nan<.'e. Call 1714• I 1 • "" • <'•In • \!rn'Ur), , ,11 rrj,.n lOOi 11 hn C \l ft-Jft-<rr ~ ,!',, t1rl'.~. 4 spd 1r11.n.~. Xlrll io:4S-:l:llO.~=~~~= l.im\'" Rlvrl , at Brookhur•!. ..,'._ <ir r, · · '1~ cond. s::,o nr h•! <J lr. ,,7 OIEVY Sta \\'110:. '67 Vet , fi.36-?'"JljO 196!1 CAi\lARO, ~:.o 4 ~pd. I • 5:l7-ill'(K) • :l27. ff hrad raC'1ni.; cam. --~~==~=~--: r>lany Pxtra~. Xln• cond,. • ·iri f'HEV. lln ala 2 Dr Olfy h1ch ris~. rlua! Carwr l CORYAIR [ Nabers Cadillac 2'600 Harhor Blvrl 540-9100 $1900 Qf make o 11 I' r. I . ~ ~ p ArR. rlual point Ignition. 1. . . , ) !l62-llflfi7 I '.\f'W ,,27 rn2. I "r. Stf'er. ,(. ,,,,,d .. ,,.. ,~... ~, .. , .. ,, __ .,. I rr F. s Corva1r tllonut '61 1 · · · hrakr~: 11u10. Briiul. In-' '" ~ " ~ "'' .,, C'\1\RO •70 4 1irr~-nrw hanrr...', nerd~ A1110. RflL Sh11rp: RP11.J; 1:11.f11a ;'· :1rf'.~. ,, __ .~. -~p<t. l+'l'l''r. $79J. R'2.-'.l!l1fi. p11 1n1. A'k111~ .$GOO or bt>sl I <'<·nnon11ral $2'9:> f I r m: '71 COUPE DE VILLE po!'litraelion. JfJ71-VEGA-!'i!llllon I ,-7-f '!tl • -d d I < -·1 S21 7;'i. 641--7~.~1. oflrr i;.17.;1111 ·1 " i.i -._.,.. P.' nny ·""" mie:;.1--=~~. l\f;ll-1.n;ulrrl. Orii:; rngl . -1-1~-41·01c,Vc~,,R~\'t--cRc,cH- Corporat.ion prroaiden!g' CHEVROLET s:~.-J~l; ~~l'.\2~.fiol\-729.t '70 .... 1Al.IRU Vinyl f:oql,l .. ~, • '; . 0111~. ~-'J wiles' private car. Like new ---Al1lon1a11l". f'n"~r f'rakr~ ,r,, "ra~1: ~no< ronfi. S ;, . .._..... 1 in every respec!. Call Kent '6 ! l.\lP 9-pii.~~ 11 !.:11· P/h, Strf'r111;::, ,\1r 1:i()O AFY 1 5~&-3.,2_:.__ I Allen &42-4435 !or demon-'fifi Brl Air 4 <lr ~rlan al'" l'I•, l\.(·ll, "'110· Nu tran.~. VF.RY SHAnr. Pfil\En l ~63 Corvair V.t1n strat1on 1111pointmrnt. '&1 !mapR S.<:; C'nupr' l••lli hi k..;, lirr<;. S~i!'!.'i. frM -2!!l7. FOR Ql'l\1< S,\LE. $1!1'~. S200 Srd. de \'illP ; 11/air f.t ~lnl !'ond 6lli-:)·1ll 'fi."1 Cl!~'.VY ,\1nl 1hu "i.:n-Au!n DLR ~1·1&-qJli. '• f\42 .0fi12 e i loar!f'd~ 27,000 :\fi. Jmmac. -.,-1-v.-,,-1-1--;,chba-{·kCJ>I'. 110 !rans, P/.~. Vrry l:ood cond , JiTIOELi:A:\11:\'o-:_-4j.I c.·u in, Sar., Uf'R'Cnt $:Ille $4,195. hp $22.;/l ur Br~1 lnqUll'{' S7:.0. 96~-\4,10. !urbn--hyclro, a ir c on ri , 67~5726 1.193 firrlla11<I<; f'l. C:'-1. 'fifi Capnl'f', Riii, Air <.'Ond, :<lrrro, nHll?S. Xlnt ronri. QUICK SAL~. "66 Cad Convl. S!l!l.'i 00 Good rond . .I , S3200. li41---0'.'.60 or 5.18----52Rl AU acces~. $1375. Custom f'1hC'rg]RSS G'r =~c'~'-"'-'"'_701·1_*_* __ 1-'-''-'"-'-"-'-"------1 • • G<l~TiO ** Chevy. 28.1 V-11 Png. ~S-61J2 We'll help you sell! 642-5678 980 TI.VIE l!J 2 Timo Mogulo• THEODORE Qv;rility ealef' ROllNS SR. Aword for 1971 CHRYSLER '66 New Yorker This Car !'ihow11 thf" besr o! cat-r, harrl1op, \'-S. auin tran•, air rond. flll"rr !'lfl'.'f'r- ins::, ro"rr hr;r.kC'~. p<l1>'f'r 11 1ndow.~. powf'r :;;ral~. ra- dio. hf'a ll'r, 11·hilrwalls, 1inlrrl clas~. v..•hrl•I •'r'l\lrr, 17.1\7..17~1 $11R.\, Ga n lrn {_jl'fl\'r Linroln • ;\lrrc·111·y, G11rtlrn C:rn,·r Rlvrl. 8 1 Rrnnkhu1·.-;1. 6:'\6·:?!l~rl. 1968 CHRYSLER 300 HT COUPE CORVETTE I :o'."'-C:o-----1 '\'rtte '00 p1111rl~. 454--4 ~!"'i. i r rs. P/R, P/\\I, Only Rill'IO , mi'". $119J, Pvt P !).1 fi.M -7411. 1969 convr:rr1-: Conv. h.p., Ai\f/t ·r.1. rarl1al!. * 67~i524 * COUGAR '67 Cougar XR7 IT'S CLEANUP TIME! NEW 1971 FORD F-100 STYLESIDE PICKUP Vri"/ ('lr;111, ~harp ,\11r1· l:nlr! llH~t l 111i~h \1'1 !h IJl;itk ]i11\- dau lop & 1ntrnor. r qt11pfl('fi 11 1th auto trans. r.1d10, hral- f'f, po1>rr 1-lrrring, poll'<'r hrakrs. ]a11rlau roof, <'IC. Pnrrd lnr i1u1rli salr. iZVX- 20!1 Slfi73. Jnhn~nn & :.On, ~26 H11rbnr Blvd., C~ta :'llt':<a. 5'10-:16~0 Hardtop, Farlory \\'an-.:i.nty. ('Cn5olr • BeautirL!) m11tch· JO;( l!'ll:!hrr interior, V-~. Auto tr11n.•. f11rtory air ronrl. f11111·rr Sl<'rr1n,1:, pow " r 1d1srl J1nlli1'~. r~rl1n. h,.111- rr, 11!11IPll'all.'i , v111yl roof, l1nri>d t.;lrt~s 11hrr! 1·n,r1~. 1\JP .\!.ll 1 ·S17.119. <:ardPn ( iro1·r L1Ht•)ln -\Jrrc!jTI' (~;~n1rn {_jfo\e Blvd. ~; Hru"khurst. 6:l6-2'1!!0. '69 :!-DR -hrdtp~ pri(~ 11uu·k M ir, f:koaut 111aroon fu11!<h 11 /n1<1I• hing uphnl.. hu•·kf'! !-.ra1~, Far 11ir, Auto 1r;ins, llf lf, P /S, P /B. A r.-.111 brau1v, ~altt pri('Prl SZ1!1(1. t Yn:i.1'11 L;n·rnd"r ra ~trnrr Cn. 884 U'. lSlh Sr. C~I. fi<lf>..~/!R6. GET SEPTEMBER DISCOUNTS IN JULY! Hundreds of 11•w 1971 can and trvcb that rn111t be solcl before th• 72's .,,.. riv• now at flltOI yf!!fK end discounts. Come In while selections ore fuU! PLUS 50 GALLONS OF GAS FREE! IUY WHl!H YOU WISH, WE WILL PAY FOR IT! LEASE A 1971 MUSTANG MUSTANG-H.T. "'· ...... ,._ •Nerl•'ll• rtMlleo. $99so J4o MO. Ol'IN IND Lt.I.St RINT A PINTO fA.uta. Ttans.) $5 DAY 5¢ Mill Demonstrator Sale! STATION WAGONS-lTD'-.GALAXllJ- TOalNOS-MUSTANGS-RANCHllOS SUPER BRAND NEW Torinos Hordtop11-S•don11-GT'i ovn FACTORY INVOICE PLUS TAX & llC. ON ANY TORINO IN OUR BIG-STOCI( BE SURE TO GET YOUR SO GALLONS OF GAS FREE . BRAND NEW 1971 MUSTANG MACH I DIAGNOSTIC CENTER SAVINGS! ANNIVERSARY <119 Rom eir •"q., Sport Inter, Grp., c ,u;,,,m•+i<, Conv. Grp .. P S., Pw<, O"t 8rko .. 1:1! whe~I, ~Ir co~d AM FM 1 l~r~o. P·win· dow •. 11 0005'1 1 IObS ll 0... 1 JO wit.I tnh for ,.lleblllty, perfo•-K • -4 Mffty, 111 j .. t JO inhnttn, f11I wrltt.. ,. ,.,. hlcl.oH'. 50 GAL. CAMPER SALE EVERY NEW 1970 CAMPER $50 OVER FACTORY W-Stkr. SSSS'I A11niv•r,ory Prk• 546'1'1.50 SAVE s959so RIGUl.AR 59.95 SPECIAL $7 .50 WITH THIS "D FREE GAS JN STOCK S(ASHED TO INVOICE IUJ SILICTION-.NO DIA.Lii ADDED CHARQ.IS-15 MODELS TO CH OOSI FROM . W• Are Tiie OrorNJ• Co1111ty Show Cale De•l•r For El Dorado Comp<r"'· RENT A CAMPER-Reserve Today for Assured Dotes PLUS FREE 50 GAL. GAS. 50 GALLONS FREE GAS WITH EVERY NEW & USED CAR & TRUCK SOLD ( FLEET PURCHASES ) EXClPTEO MUSTANG IALI M•ny fo choo11 fr o,,.,, 'bS l~ru '70 model1. Coup••. ho rcltop•, con,.•rlibfo e nd 1 +1 fodbock1. Som• with 4 1p•.d1, •110 ••r c:onditio,.,in'it ond oulomolic: m.,d.lo. EXAMPLE ' 1970 MUSTANG fut!y focolory 1quippe<I', 1rir11. l t'l'IACGI OUR PRICE $1996 '71 PLY. BARRACUDA '69 CORTINA G.T. H.T. VI, t ula., P.5., RIH, •ir 4 •P•"' tr1n1 mi11ion, low mil11. co..ditioni"9• U~er 5,000 mil11, l ZVCOl9) W1rr. •~•il•b!e. fl91CXH ) $1095 $3096 71 PL YM. DUSTER Sport •oupe. Lew ,..n.,, r1i:l io, h•1tt•, 1tit~ 1hifi. !99 71SY ) $2396 '66 OLDS. CUTLASS 2 dr, H.T. Full pw1r. •it condO. VI , 11eod ,..1111. !WIJ- '69 FORD 4 dr. t 111I. t••p t h I int11., +u. lone, cl"o"'• tr;m, VI, 1ulo., P.S., Good mil 11 . !4721Ell $1496 '69 CAD Cp.. de Ville H.T. Full pow••, f1tt, <1ir. AM - FM , ,,;,.yl roof, crui1• ton+rol, t:h -t1!1, whl., 11ood tir••· ! Ill. ASGJ $4296 SAUS DIPT. I Ml Te f PM MOIUl.I I AM Te' PM IAT HOUIS 11 AM Te 6 PM IUN ,URCH.I.SI IT WHllll YOU WISH ••• WI Will PAY FOii IT! ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED TRADES ACCEPTED '65 '65 '66 PAID FOR OR NOT! GALAXIE 2 DR. H.T. R&H. 1ulom1lic. 1ir <:onil., power 1t1o•i n9, '&od mil11. I NDA14t ) MERCURY WAGON Colony P1 r~. Full po\o l /, <1l1 t ontL, 900111 mit11. l fRH770 ) CHEVY STA. WAGON M1 1ibu. VI , r1dio, h••••r. •uto,..~l!t , po ... •• ol1t •ifl9 , 9ood mil e•. ITEX6311 $896 $896 $1096 ---· ----~~~-------:,~:~~~~i~t~d~:?~, ,, •• ,;,.,, $496 '63 '69 G.eod ,.,11 ... l01C164) -------------TOYOTA WAGON Crow,., "'i• tondilionin9, r1d;o, h11it " fY ~S858 1 $1796 Seit Pric1t Good for 72 Houri. C1r1 Sub j.ct I•,,;.,, !-1 11. FORD -lTD-GAlAXl!-TORlNO-WAGON SAl! _,,_ ...... ,,_ 'U ll•A'tl fllKolLS,Ml ,...h, lo,,..h, 2 -l ~ '-~ & ...._ f.il "• "· olr , .. ,mi..i... """''I" '"'''~IL EXAMPLE: 1970 FORD CUSTOM 4 dr., 1ulo., P.S , r.B. R&H, <0•rp eh, ch1omo '""'• goed W 1rr1n!y ,.,,l,blo, IJ50S'1?l OUR PRICE $1 596 '66 CHEV. WAGON 1,.,p1l1. RI H, oulo .. 1ir, P.S .. Geed ,,,;1,,. IT PA 'l 401 $1096 '68 V.W. BUG Futtv l1th1ry •flu•p,otd. 1104- ISKJ $1096 '69 OLDS 88 01111 Cu,tom 2 D• H.T. ~ull power, f•t•o•v .o:r. Good m"••· 455 1nq. w turbo. !YCl6JI) $2796 '70 THUNDERBIRD 1 tlr, H T. ~ull po...-•• 1•1 CO!!· .li•ion•n9. qood m+l11. (411· AGE i $3696 '69 TOYOTA H.l Co·o~• 2 dr. ;.11111,,,•+it , ••d•o, ho ~l•r, Jo ... ,.,;1 .1. tZUP. 105) $1496 '69 DODGE CHARGER R•d '" ~••l•r ""'" P.S ,.;, <-~nd <loon on9 , good m ilet. 11171. AZG) $2196 PARTS-SERVICE HOURS 7 AM To 9 PM MON 7 AM To 6 PM TUI.NI C07M=E=T-- '&I ComPt Cal1rnt" 4 sprl, V.S. fllag whrr<l~. /lfu~! Srll! $?!"11/hr~t nffrr. 5:i7-211!1. COUf;/\R ',;R, .<:;11rnhc" R"~! ~l{X){l_ ~36-$:94 2. Xln! ro?rl ol!Pr ()Ver DODGE CONTINENTAL '69 Mork Ill 9,.11ullful S1h·rr K· Black. ha~ only hrrn rln1·<'n 3!,()1)(1 m11f'o; hy n" nrr. fu ll ractr1r~ •1 ~1T;1nly, /arlnrv air 1·r111rJ. Strrrn Rarlln, hri!lf'f, 11·hi lr- 11;il!s, 11n.1 l rnnf, l1ntrd gla~•. 11h.-.rl ro,rr~. <YPE- ;;1·" s:.n.11 t ;arrl,..n Gl'fl1·e L1nmln -'lr rcur;.. (;a11Jrn Gro1·" Ah·d. 111 Rr11o1khur-!. '.\'OT/CE n~-rl\'TF:i\'TION TO SELL AT PURLJC At.:CTJON ON Al'GUST 4, l!lil 111 2:00 P\l. l9f>.1 nnnr.~: R .s~ PA~ ~22 <l2 !.1H;1;:7) hrr n:;:-:200. Pl\'mo111h, L1rr11,,. nllm· 1111.,s Chrysler- 21l2<t H11 rbor Hl\'rl , Cnsl~ \tr~~ FORD--1 lf\66 ECO:-;'OLINF.:, ~Int rand. SiiO, or n.-.~t 011.-.r. l><l.'1-.l~l '68 Continentol Coupe 1~1 f; .\ L 1\ X I E :iOO, V.Jl, TU:-!!, P S, -.:)nt c•ni¥1. l-150 FrH·tnrv \\.-1rr-.1111~-. (),·ran • filf,.,li® • Turqun1~ r1n1•h, \J.1 •rh:no; '01 FORO~r;;;-1'-,-,-, .-,-.1 !ratlwr 1•11,.n••r. !'hnw R"'11 :i.l1i~t;in1r~. k Tnr1n•·~ Hr nz nf ra:· I' oi· ''r1· .\ r ( '"1rl, 1 Cnrp. 141.p !O~-o.-,:,~· FUii Pn11rr, f:~d1n, !,r:11r r wh1fr\11tl!~. I "'I 11.,.' I 11: rri ::I~~"• 11 11,.1•1 , ''' "T' 1\'!!Z%01 ~.'1:1,, 1,,ordrro i'lh-1 r~,\L.".\'~ Yin, P.i.JI, \]1.1 "'nrl 'l'll. • F. \r,._ ~·~1'l ,.. v ... (,1""' t.1111·,,ln • ,1,,r,·111,, 1"1"1 rnrol r:~~' h "tn ~ P/1, j;,il'fl< 11 Crn1r Rhd. al r.~·11 . S7rfl Hl'fl<ilihllr•t fi.1fi.Zf!.i;O .i·!~-'.'.~'."11 11 ft ~ -----------___ , '69 CONT'!. .\lark Ill, Takr F:-.:r1·11t1\'e ~ prr~nnRI r11 r ·1;9 0\1rr pyn1n1~ I l nr11ni!. 4 <Ir . '"rv low _f>O.l-21<1_ • ~11.o.1fi2 _Milf'acr_S ~.i~. \'i'i,:!fi·12:_ 1%11 LINCOLN Conl111rn!al. lllli! FORD \:i P11•s \~'asron. R /H, 11.1r . full JYl""f, P.111t•1 (;nnd lr11nsport11 tlon. S295 J,!fi $1000. p,.1 pty. J;.\\-fil~l. !1rm. 67'.1-22."ili . Autos, Used 990 Autos, Used---~~• LOOK! WHAT WE HAVE FOR YOU 150 USED CARS TO CHOOS! FROM "67 CHEV. II WAGON ,:. ( yl. 'tit•k •litfT. A l'.""rl 1 alur t'lll . !1,AF9fl71 '66 FORD WAGON V-R, R\ll n. 1 r11n.~ .. rn\\Pr ~!P .. r- lni.r, r.-:1·r\l,.nt f1t m1ly tran.spor- l a!lnn. ISVUl451 '67 COUGAR V-R. 11111\l. 1ran•, fi!rlnry 11 \r cnndi1innint:. JlOl>'l!r litl'l'rin;1.. IVGY99.11 ''7 FIREllRD V·R. au!n. tr11n~. fa rtnry air rondltioning, p!'l\\'rr st~rin ~. f"l\\'Pr 11·tndo11·s. Landau top. iVER500J --~fr --7---------· , --· ' -----~~---.... ·-----~-------..-- 1970 S..o> "" b ""' btat ""' "" care. '"' &rn. °'" Auru Whit trans "'" rory .,,. Sal, • So .,,.,. '69 Coun tory Auto. " B Low 1 H1ah Popul \\i th "'"'· brake ing I rr. r • So Co.t• I ow"' tiful Facto tran.s, dio. IXDK Grove Garde Brook 1969 F Radin Steer! !"' H '6'1 cu Aurom '"'" nne. P01''T PINTO hr1kes m 1. 4 take 842-.)(}4 '66 M Air C Buy DAVE :J.1~01 ·71 Lo ml. nres, "'indo roxtra5. '66 Fo po .... ·er. :<nnn aft. 5 \I A.'J '6 4-.spd 1nr ch 'h,-, L flpnw t\Tf.~, r nnrl l!lfiO F F'\'PfyT Ii pm. '6& LI d.,.k )JO\\'ff ·~. 1'6-1 COOi'. 'Fi3 Co pm>.-er, 1970 s Sn1ar1 u.·lth b lrfln!, n,.w Ii 1nr. i:'aln, ( ~nn .r, 81\'tl., '70 ~-A Jmmt11~ 22.lE. t y•ar tr-an~. ,., It hr&kPl pn11•er "'hi~w ed f lR IXX Gm11e G~rde """'"" ··-. Salurddy, July 17, 1?71 DAIL V PILOT ~ [ ......... 1§1 1 1§11 ........ .,. l§J I ....... ,.. l§J / 1 ......... 1§11 1----990 Autoa, UMCI 990 Autos, UMd t90 A1,1tos, Used 990 Aut.._, UMd 990 Autos, Used 99U A1,1tos, Used FORD MERCURY MERCURY MERCURY MUSTANG OLDSMOBILE 1970 Ford Galaxle SOO 1969 Mercury Monterey ---------1967 M1rcury Colony 1970 Mu1tan9 1 Door 1962 SUpe.r gg WF! -A.tr, pwr 2 Doer 2 Dr. H.T. 1971 Mercury P•rk W•gon Hardto,.. ieal&, wndws, •tr't RadlO, MUST SEW.. VEl'tY CLEAN Colony PArk SLe Pr1~. Attracllve tulip SUPER SPORTY rood tirff. t:iOO/beat otter. &.uutul Llaht Jvy Gold F tri· Av.vd wiM1na MArqua af)'l· 10 Pan Waaon, Step up to ye:How with &addle tone in· Beaunt\11 Royal Blue Metallic 1 _Call __ ........, ___ . ___ _ I.sh with aold interior&. d&rlc in&:! Ptipular Brifhh pttn the bnest. Thia ataactlve t6ior. Auto rra.ns, radKi, finish with wtilte "-Landau Sacrltlce '62 Olda, broWn t&ndau rool. Equip.. meta.lie t'rJah with. goltl ;an-light yellow told exterior heater, factory atr, power roof, auto trans n dlo, heat-Good cond, $1&5 ped with auto trans, radio, dau roor. Equipped with Wlth natural •ddle interior Atffril\J", powf'r bra.kt$, ett'. er, poWtt a:reeflna, fa1.c air ** M&-5865 ** htaTer, power 1!eer1ng, tac-auto trans, radio, heater, : like new. Equipped with (TXTIO) $1345. • Compare cond . ~e and drive th;& tt"'l -.68--C-U_T_LA_SS __ c_~-,--Xl-nt tOI') !Ur cond, This attrl!.c· power stttring, power b111k· it all auto tntns, Radio, this pr~. Johnson & Son, bfoauty today. f0f9 ADG ) n '' d I <-• · H "" H ho Bl d C . ........, cond. Air, P/11, P/b, ma&"S, tlYe car re ects exce enl 1!11, •11' t"On , "'c. ,,,.._.e pnc-eater, Auto temp &Jr Cond, ar r \' .. OIJl.a Sale Priced ~· '"· Johnnl ca!'f). Ask for demonnn.tion. ed. 4ZWfl51 ) $2245. Johnson Power Stttrtng, power W.esa. 540-5630 &.· Son, 2626 Harbor 8.vd., I -R&H-=·~'•~m=i·~"=,...,,,=='~· ~- (395A UH) $3075. Johnson & &r Son, 2626 Harbor Blvd., Brakes, .Powe-r-Windo1o1·s. 6 ---''--M-"U.c.:,S:::Tc_A_N_G__ Costa Mesa. 540-5630. PLYMOUTH PONTIAC '6!1 Pontiac Cu1tom. A/C, Full pwr. VS. 2 dr. Needs paint. Make offer. ~94-2334, I ~AMBLER I Son. 26:16 Harbor Bl~·d , Costa .\ttu.. 540-5630 \vay PowPr Sr111!, Tilt Steer--"--'--''--~s"1-Cl9~S~=--1, ~------- Costa Mesa . 540-5630 '71 Monterey inj! v.·hee! 11.nd much more .69 MUSTANG Gntnde-Vmyl !967 Mum.na Han1 top. RA· * • '&i FURY n. ~. Air. AIR co nd i 1, 0 n ed 1969 For d LTD Includ ing rool rack L1k!' d p d•o, Heater. Pov.·er sc~r-PIS, P/8 . Rambler. Goocl tln!'I '62 1 k ' n -l'••·"trp V • ,,,,_ :op. air ron , 1, P i h. 2 0 HT ' 1 " • ..,, ""' nf'1>.' 1n evP"" dl"lail. 0 -, anti •".iO • 962--2708 b ·'· 1-r. . • _, ·J '""" aul(I. J?,000 m1. Xlnt cone!. 1ng, Ai· Cond, Ma£ Wheels,1 --"-~'-'--=_c.._c:_ __ --'-~-'-'·-"'=~·_.:"'.::'-cc'::'.::«::_-__ BEAUT !Fl'L T r11.n~. lar ior} a ir l"t'ln,,, H•st driv" today 1J7!CJE 1 f,.\IHi?Ofi !UJP445) pnwer ~trf'l'l ni;:. pi1>.t>r 1tt1 ... 1·1 Johnson & Son, 3626 Harhor ==~=--PONTIAC T-BIRD I BUT O\IUST St:LL brakes, r;1rl ,l'l, hf'11tPr, i1•hlte-B!"d., Cost& 1'-1ts1. 5'0-'6'" 1 ·~ :>!U!'TANG 289, aulll, "'eaJt Lew• Autumn Ruar 1'1n1~h 1>. l ' h _ _, "" ---------1>.al!s, vi nyl roof, llnl..-u ---.,=~~----S!m , 6.°t Old 88. 2 dr. ale. '69 GT().Like new, f"ully -~ "''h.ite landau ronf. '11'" glas..~. w~ cow-rs, Factory '71 Monte90 SIWIO . 11 11! help tina.nce. loaded. t.lake otter. Call alt NEW mutllttrs, pa.mt, tra111 trans, radio, heatt r, powr r \\'arr11 nty, tt77Cffil Save Hardtop, Fa-""' W11. .... •r~. 49&-59:17. VOLVO 6pm wkdays, 54&---4m. &eA al, upho!, tuneup, A!r, s~rl!ll". pov.•tr hrake.~. far-G G ''y'-' •• '-' =~--=~~-='I uto &r f'lectrtc. $450 « ol· tory air cond, and more. ~f'e ~~'ro~~fe~~~ Ga~:~ Ml!d. Grttn F inish & inter· '67 )tustang 289 Silver -Elk 1946 HArbor, C.M. 646.9303 '70 GTO, 4-spd. Air, P /B, fer. 26 Boll\·ar, l.Jrlo Trailer and drive today. (KNJS?l) ·~-.. 1or, V-8. auto trans, factory vinyl top. Dlxe int. AM-FM. P /S, 17,000 m1'1, Immac, Park, N.B. 673-7337. Grovf' Blvd at Brookhurst. d n-1-·-·' '67 MUSTANG 2 + 2 GT •""-"" .,,~ ~~o <-• Pri-d 1"15 Joh"'""" · BJ. con , JX>"'"r lfleer1na. ._,, 161.1 ..... o~r 64S-la)6. .......v. u.>.P"l.....,, """'e '-" ui • .,....,., 636-2980 =~-~---~--1 r.1int condition. 289 V8, =~~~-'------, 11962 T-BJRD, metallic gray, &: Son l626 Harbor Blvd · JXlV.'er cllsc brakeg, radio, '68 Convertible -4 spd, pv.'f '70 Catalina, auto. p/1, vinyl land full ~-'•r-·. uo,mo. ., MERC 'fi6, !.le a.ir, full healtr whlt wall ·ny1 11.utomatic, pov.·er l!itttrint k au, poY.'eT, lo m1. VJllL& u L-..,., -..., VI-_ _, • e s, vi extras, new titts-, Jo mi. disc brakes, factory tape top, 15,0C(I mileg, a t r . Xlnt rond. wue·a car. ,69 FORD W pov.·er. new tire!, .tuu! couu. roof, tin1ed glass, wheel n290, 644-1S48. i;ystem, low mlle&it. CAndy 842--416811.fl 6 pm. 837--A097. agon 962-0950 covers, Save $S$. imCOT) =-~-~~~---1 ~.cc..=.;:_ _____ _ Co ,_., S · 9 p F . . $3224. Gardion Grovt Lin· '6.S '.\f USTANG , 289 cu. in. apple ~d. Must &et! to 11~ 1965 GTO, power f'qu1 pped. T-BIRD '63. Full poW!!r, air, un .. , quirt, . II.SS, ac· 1970 ~iarqul1 2 DR HT. •• 8 I ' -" ,. ---· p~,·,,,, AJt<C 6 P.M. A•·. •oo c I -' -' -p. w. -t A ' c ci'c' · v 8 coin • f.1ercury, G&rrll\n ¥-• x n couu, pr .,....,. ''"-' ' • clean. ~faire orttr. Aft 5 Aory ~ on5i ioning, p • ' powder hlue, ai:r, full pnv.>er, G-.. , Blvd. 01 B-kh"-., -'-""-"'-· -------"=l>-4095_.:ccc.·______ W/many xt.ras. 537-M·ll. pm 645--0376 UIO ., ruwer !f'!'rlng. nw-$32:11. Pv1 Pty: 645-:"l016. •v• '"" """ ,. ,.'.C::_'c.:::::_::::_:·.;:__ ____ I er Brakes, Lu,;:gage R<.ck,1 ---------::--1 -"'C'"':'-'!.":'.'~0-------1 '65 '.\JUST ANG 2~9 V-8, auto '65 Pontiac GTO. full po1vior. 1956 T BIRD. Ntv.• nre5. niow Low Milt-~. (SKG-H2J Fo. RESULTS you can De-·53 COUGAR Vinyl to p, trans, PIS, Nf'w 11rt s S~. OLDSMOBILE a.Ir, lo ml, 1750. or ofr. Call uphnlstl'ry, f'X Cl'll<"nt con., VALIANT VALIANT SOMETIMES WE GET CARRIED AWAY! w. put t uch lo"" litrlll• t19t 011 0 11r Cl rl ih•i If'• goi"9 lo b1 tou9h to "'•k• • profit •. , buf it '"''"' bit••~'"''+.. you I T1k1 • 1pir1 iri ori• of th1t• G111 l uiclc1 or o,_r, tod•v ••• .,..,.,·11 c1rry 1w1y • 11ic• bu1ullo of 11¥ingt. ~---~ $AVE pend on, Call ~e Su~r-Aufornatic, Power Steer1n;, 67:;.{l!lJR._ ------all ;, 96&-;,,sf,O. d1t1on 11400.00 . 6-12-446~ Salesman .. Daily P ilot f ac!ory Air (XYZ1J9J $2497. 1968 MUSTA!\'G, V8, yellow, '64 CUTLASS, auto, aood '67 f!RF.BIRD. aroc1 cond, '61 THUNDERBIRD coni• Since 1933 -Stli & WAinut .,,"' Harbor American 646-0161 l -16V HARBOR. CO~TA ME'iA 1969 FORD COBRA 428 CID Clas!lfled 642-5678 -place Beaur1rul Car DAVE ROSS f'xcei conrl, $1400, tir!'s, $5.iO., 496-4829 Alt 6 ne1>.• 111·f'~. $1450., 496--4829 your 11.d k chara:e !tr PONTIAC 546-8017. fi44 -6689 1,·krlayz b all day wknd~. alt 6 l.· 1>.·knd aJI day. Autos, Now Autos, New 980 $195 or be&t offer. 545-4879 . Huntington Be•ch ?""\.:.:::= 536-6588 H11h perlormance. 24.000 mi. Pop"'" L•m• '""' f;r l•h AT v.i th bl11ck interior. Auto trans, radio. hea ter, po"·er brakes, e1c. If vou are look· ing for 5peed chPck 1h1~ O\'- <"r, IZVZ2tll l $144.l. Johnson & ~n. 2626 Harhor Blvd., CONNELL CHEVROLET THIS YEAR Costa Mesa. S.W.5630. CUSTOMERS HAVE SENT US 28% '70 Ranchero PREVIOUS 1 ""'ner • 22.000 mile-s -Beau- tiful Harvest Gold F inish. Factory Warranry, V-!1, auto OF trans, factory Air Cond. ra- dio, hearer. tinrcd glass, {>.."l)K726 J $2777. Garrlen OUR USED CAR BUSINESS. ISN'T THAT WONDERFUL, Gro" Lm;otr -""'""'·THANK YOU OUR BANK DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY JUST ONE Gardion c.rove Bl\'d. ar • """''h"'"· '"·""· OF THOSE CUSTOMERS. WE FEEL WE EARNED THAT KIND OF RESPECT. $11 95 1969 forrl Custom St-clan , v .i;, Radin, Hf'a!r r. Auto, Po..,,·er Steering, iZXU?OOI . ~ean·LeuriA W ' VOLVO SO WHY DON'T YOU. • • • • • 1'69 DODGE DART SWINGER 2 Door H&rdtop. 6 cyl., radio, 1tick. Sure ChPap ~ fYQB44fi J 1>1£ Huboc, C ,\t. '46-'l3113 B u y '69 CUSTO:'tf 4 Door , V-8, Automatic, Pfl\\'t r Steering ; WHERE YOU ARE TREATED LIKE A CUSTOMER B&FOR.E ANO AFTER YOU BUYI '69 Impala Cust. Cpe. $1999 1969 Belair $2299 I 971 VEGA COUPE Aut<:1 .. Radio, Low miles. (674tZGI lt70 NOVA COUPE R11dio, Power Steerina:. 6 cyl . AUi(). tra.ns. (2S1AUU l 1970 NOVA 4 D<>o r Sedan 6 cyl .. Aulo. traru., Radio, Real ru ce. l350ASQ• 1969 Nova Coupe $2191 1262BELl Hurry for this one. Sil9?. [)AVE ROSS POJ\'TIAC 546-!!01?. B u y PTNTD 1971 2000 ('r, rl1sc hrakes, racing green, 7.000 WHERE YOU CAN, WITH CONFIDENCE, REFER YOUR FRIENDS TOO GET A SQUARE DEAL! Vmyl roof, auto. trans .. power steering , ra· dio, dead sharp: (ZVE 381) 6 Pass. \Vagon, auto., power steering, radio, remaining Factory Warranty. (ZCN 881) V-8, auto . trans., power steerine. radio, razor sharp! (ZNV 969) m 1. 4 spd. Qllal1!1ffi ht1ye r 1 ta.kt over $6:1 paymcnts .lr-----------------------------------------------------------------------------,,,1: W-;il45, 1968 MALIBU 1970 CHEVY 3/4 TON PICKUP 'f,6 MUSTANG Automatic . Atr Condition1ni': iSA\'35.3) Buy of the l>.'!'Pk. Sll.M. DAVE ROSS PONTIAC 5;16-,11017. ·11 PINTO-r.1ust sell!! Lo mi. maas & good yP.ar tires, 4 sp. R/H. flip out ..,,;ndo""'5, tinttr! glass. All Pxtras. $2400 64.'l-26.\1 aft 61 '66 f ord G11.Jaxit' 390. A\1 1 po..,,·er. Air ronrlillonlng 11:=.n l '.'C1rm SchocklPy 548-5661 a ll. 5 VAN 63 EC0:-10. Nf'1>.' V~ - 4-spd hydro, SlHlO or trarle l Jnr chopper or \"\''. ArL 4. 67.'i--04()6 I fi LTD 4 rlr. R I H, FIJl"v.Pr, a ir. r.1 1rh ,.J1n , tirP:<., nt"w hatt, p111nt , ~~ rnnri $695. f;.14-22.~.i 19ti0 FORD ('.fl n 1 f' ~ P 1'!'~'1h1ng \1Drk~ $100. Alttr 6 p m. 5.i6-803.1. LINCOLN '68 LINCOLN Cont 4 dr, dark green-landau tnp. f ull po:i>.1·er + a.tr. 12750. Pr1. J>M· r~. ~1685; SJ.'\--3176 1'164 CLASSIC ContiMnlal conv. $j95. ~:'1-0052 ·i;3 Continental. Clean, all pov.·ior. &lit otfer. 673-?4Jl MAVERICK 1970 M•verick 2 Or. 4 Door Sl"d11n, Hardtop. Radio, Po"•er Stel'ring. Auto. Trans., Air Cond. !VTP4351 $1899 1968 CAMARO COUPE \"-8. Radio, Auto. Trans., Pov.'er Stl>erina. l Careful Ownrr-nice c 11.r. (\\'lD787~ $1699 1968 CAPRICE 4 Dr Hardtrip Vinyl Ro1Jf. Au1n. Tran~. Air Cond, Radio. Po11er Strrr 1n!;". 1XEV.'8JlJ $1699 1967 CAPRICE 4 Dr. Ha rdtop Vinyl Rnr\f, Au!o. Trans. Air Cond., Radio. Po"·er Stte r ing, Beal1ty. CXEW8931 $1499 1971 CADILLAC EL DORADO GorJMUl ,.,1d ""'fOld vinyl top. All the coodle&. The car Is immaculate. t023DEAJ $7950 LOOK HERE!! 1958 MERCEDES BENZ 4 door seda.n In restorable condition. Oria:lnaJ thru· oul .. (fIZ477 I 1964 MALIBU COUPE 3 Speiod. 6 cyJ., Cheapie, lots of transportAtion here. (Al044AJ $499 1963 CORVAIR CPE. Auto .. Radio. IUOJ791 l $299 RARE CAR 1961 CORVAIR 14 Door. 24.251 ar t ua l mJ lios1 , Ca r ig immaculate, ha5 radio, Hi&h rubbtr, Atito. Trans. (FWS25.5l . Gr-at Va.J ue. $599 1965 MUSTANG V-8, 3 Speed. Radio. Pov.:er Stetrin1 INRB27SJ. Nice $899 SALE PRICED -1966 PLYMOUTH FURY 1970 MAVERICK Cl'E. 14,000 MI ;;niart Com...,htlon .... !Jo""· 4 fi oor hardtop. Excellent. Automal1c, radio, a ir cond.. V • S 1 k R d' G '" J ~ lOO?"n 30 day p11 rts & la Mr v.·11rrant.y, ISKD309) -a, t c · a 10, orgeous. (UUJ490l 1969 FORD TORINO COUPE V -8. Stick, 3 Speed. Radio. Steal 1ome here. C665CPHl $1599 1967 MUSTANG COUPE V-S, 4 Speed, Radin. Right 1'1iles. CUCJ1351 $1199 1967 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Buy a nlce car cheap--\'lnyl rciof, air, lhr "h"lt' b1I. rP23~01 $2299 1969 DATSUN WAGON E:.:tra n1rr Lr>w :O.liles, 4 Sfl"l"d Trans. Buy a bar;iain hiere. (YXV198 J $1799 1967 PLYMOUTH WAGON 9 Pus .. ha~ Air Cond., PO"•er Steerin1. Power Bra ke1, Radio A11tn Ch,.11.p! fUJG243J $799 1970 FORD 1h TON PICKUP V-8, Stick, Radio, lAv.' Miles, Extra Clf'an. !57251AI 6 Cy! .. 4 Speed, Radio. (986191) $2999 1969 CHEVY 1/2 TON PICKUP Air Cond , Pow"r Steerini. Rad.Jo. Auto. Trans., Sharp Condition. IP2171 I $2399 1968 CHEVY 1/2 TON PICKUP V·S, Au to. Trans., Radio, Custom Sport C&b. {16l06Cl $1899 1964 CHEVY '!2 TON PICKUP 6 cyl., Stic k, Racllo. rP83564l $999 1966 JEEP WAGONEER 4 whttl drlvio. Autornauc, radio, new cu condltkm. CRRZ688l. $1799 1963 DODGE 1/2 TON PICKUP V·6, Sh11rp, l ownior. R11ht m!les, Auto, Trans .. Ra.· dlo. (F30499) 1' !lh black ~tripe. J speed '""'· nd;o, "'""· 4 h"rd ' $1 099 $1499 $2599 $999 r.w "'"· '""'"" lrtn-1or. SH-a.nd drive. a b.-.r -gain. !27JAS\I.') $!7~5. John. 1 ._ _____________________________________ ..;. __________________ ;_ ______ ;_ ____________ ,, M>ri & Son, 2626 Harborr Blvd., Costa Me!!&. 540-5630 'TO MAVERICK. 4£ilXI miles. lmms.culate $1800. 646-5738. 22S E. 16th St. C08tA Meu . MERCURY '69 Marquis 2 Or H.Atdtop, Lime Green, 1 ynr warranty • v.11, auro ttan-. lactory air cond, pow. '" 1teerinc. powt:r fdlle) bn.ke&, po'N!'r windows. pat1<er ae•t•. r11d10, keater, <A·hi~all,, vinyl root, tin!· td 1tlllll'5, W ht: P J f.'.OVl"f'I, J XXBAA2l $11¥.1. G.'1'151'n Grove Linmln • '.\.lercun ·. G~rdtn Grovio 81vd. al Brookhun1. &16·291o. ' 2828 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA • -:.._...--) --------~-·-:----... -·----•• I, -----'. ----1-. - 546-120 ' ----' ' --...-.--..-.. ---=.. "------ • I • I - • f ·' • ' -I • I DEMO'S DEMO'S '71 T-BIRDS -,, .' • l.___o-----..y_ER_75_T_·O_· .. _CH_· O_O_S_E_· F_R._OM_' ____, ~. """· '71 PINTOS '71 ' GALAXIE's -.. USED CAR SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Hardtop. VB , •utcimetic. IOVE704 ) '7'1 LTD's '71 WAGONS EQUIPMENT TAKE YOUR CHOICE e AM l otlt. e Vl11yl 1-f • T111tH tla• e WM~ co..,. e fro., & ,.., tl•llljltlr t•er4s • Accut trou, • DIM ~-.. • """' cl11ty bottery e locty SIM Mo~l11t e C111•011le11t.o •ro11p • W~lte Sl4twall Tlr.. a L11ery D.&or 6rou, • f.itl 4-wo IHI' leef • ,,.*f'f91 .,.Mp I 69 LTD ' ... ''""' '"' "" '67 VW ~~~~!~~~ ... "0' ,,,, s1377· s 5 7 7 '68 Pont1·ac ~;;:.~.~::~~~~~."·;:;~. $197 7 II-•· -I!• "'•!b, ll.ooo orog. ------------------------• , .. m1i... "°"' . '71 p· • t 2000 -CC $2. 1· 77 '69 M t · s2077· '69 f VAN -...... _, ........... s2977 ' ID 0 A\llO tr•n• radio llNT'r wh1t•w1ll us ang •ui.. lflllS., ftUorv 1lr aw>· . . fl rfl; cilro..M' trim. C;lt&lll) ' . . lllltio~l"9, r11'io, 11 .. ttr, ('1'011 • · • ~. l l'rt, ~ t ic. fllft..C) 1 · . · r ... ~~ .. ""::::=--.....,_-=-: -. ----~-.. --........ ..,.-;~-.. (• \ I I • r~-----·--·-----·---. ·---.11 •• _'j'I...:. ~J/I ?- ( ,. '*"'' ' ' • ' ' " ' ' -I DAILY PILOT ORANG£ COUNTY, CALIFORNIA AskCJhem'Yourself FOR SHELLEY JJlllVTERS, movu aclf~!J I Mard llwl you toanl or plan to go to Doctor Nif'hon'1 /amou• co•· metic rliruc in S acil•er· land, lo K"' youth in- j ectioru. J11h a1'1 th, .tory?-Nan~ }oh1Uo n, Manche•ter, N.H. •At one time I had definite plans to go. But I didn't. I wa~ a llttll' nl'rVOU!I al10u1 trying anything so drastk as taking shotll which would alter the hormont's. Any- how, I have l'ince found that by refrain- ing from drinking and taking care of my complexion, I feel and look as young as l probably would have anyway POR PRISONER #33321, pro/ts.tiorwl bur~lar Robu1 Earl BnrnrJ, wlw turol,. "Ar~ )'ou a/,. from Bur~lars ~" /ram brhmd bars J1lhat art' th(> bf'1I • • 1 plarf'• It> hidP ~nlu- nble• in lhtt! horuf'?-E. L .• Coe-on, Flo. • J have founn m•inry hiddt>n at thl' bottom of ~t'win~ marl11n.-s, in tyrwwritl'r casl's, in .. idt' ramerns, in rmpty handaj!I' cans, stufff'd up chim111•ys, liurird undf'r dothm~ in "losrt~. wrapprd up in sorb, towels and -1hect<;, in liampers, 11ncff·r "arpel!', henrath TV set!-nn1l radios, and taped under drawn-. anri do<;f'I <;hf'lv"'· There's no 11aff' plare. Put your faith in good loclti; ant.I a larm•. FOR FRANK. MrCARTH )', producn o/ "P(lttt1n" I onrt> •nw thl' movif' 0 Pnllon" ndvl'rluPd a1 "Pntt()n, n Salulf' lo a Rt>bd." llow did you /rrl about lht> titlP?- L. M. Brown, TPnnuk, N. J. • I foufthl air;atn~I 11n rxplanatory "ub- title such al' "Patton. Blood ann (;u1~" I wanted "l'atton" period Nnhndy knl'w "Shanr" or "Gilda." Uut whrn rrleased, the movil' was rallrd "P11t1on : a ~alutf" to a Rrl~l." l hr(l,~t'd thrrn In lrt thf" suh·titlr disappr1u and it did. But in England it i~ still t•alled "Patton: Lust for Glory'' and I don't ltkr tlrnt 11ny heller FOR CEORCE PEPPARD. ar tnr Hill, IV.C. I u"'lf'r1tand you """" •n"'4' id(>n• about the "vfol(>nt youlh" talk in W United S tat"•· If true, w hat are lhey?- Larry Quinn, Chapel • It',., my s tump in th(' 'lame way as Jane Fonda ha'I hert1. The people read ahout rotten kid" Lrrnming violent and bdieve it. But that's not the majority of FOR LOWELL THOMAS You mwt have met many /amow and intere1ting people on your many trip3. Name three that impreH ed you the m o3t and why.-Mildred S tork, Canton , Ohio • l've known all of our Presidents during t his century, with the ex- ception of Harding. The two who impressed me the most were Teddy Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover. Aside fro m his difficult years in Wash- ington. when he was the victim of a world-wide depression, Mr. Hoover stands high on my list because he was responsible for saving the lives of more human beings than any man who ever lived. As everyone knows, or should know. this was in the World War T period when he came to the rescue of the Belgians, and then in the post-war era when he provided food, medicine and so on for countless millions who were on the verge of starvation. Nearly everyone expects me to put Lawrence of Arabia at the top of my hst. And he does belong near the top. Due I could put 20 or 30 others in the same 11pot. Lawrence was the most glamorous personality of our time. The third name may surprise you. Explorers are nearly all unani- mous in crediting the Australian Sir Huber1 Wilkins with being the ahlest explorer of our era. Wilkins was a modest man who didn't make nearly as much noise about the things he accomplished as some other explorers have. He not only explored the Arctic, but was an au- thority on the Antarctic as well. H e made the fi rst airplane flight to the continent at the b(l!tom of the world. kuh th,.y'rt' talkinjl ah11ut. For evf'ry vio. lf'nt rli<1sident under 21 thl"rf' arf' thrrr men in Vietnam und1'r 21. eiitht 111 the armed .srrVtl'l''> 11,ent'rally anrl 99lJ in :\menra who 11nder~tanrl thl' mira1'lf' of thi" n1untry arHI art> not \tOlt'nl dt'· c,1Jent!". 1>1-.-1<1en1·r j, tlw rreroir;atr\f' or th1· frf'r man h111 \'t11ll'n1'f' i-not FOR DEAN MARTIN. Tl SIM are surf' wr can rrrate rhe 10aml" atmo~ plwrr by thf' uqe of stork £011tajte, n•er prn1cc1ton" and skillful sf't drsrgn FOR A.MANDA Rl.AKF. ol TJ"s "GunJmnf..1" /11 th.nt rPal hPPr lhnl th" DoC". Mall r>illon and Fe.tu.11 drink in th1i Long RranC'h 1-itJ . loon in "Cun11mok r?" -Kurt Wf'in~il'rl, l.nnAin,:, Mir h. • It sure •~. FOR JEANE DIXON, cuuolosu r J111aen a boby'a birth u /arced 10 day• early beca1Ue of dte moth. er'a heallh., MJhich •ign o/ tM sodiac appliea-- tke natural birth datf' or the early one?-Mr•. Fay CarLPr, Parma, Idaho • I use the minute of the actual binh, as do most astrologers. However, in some <'Ountries the time of the conception of the child ii. the determining factor. FOR LEO/VARI> 8CHECTER, author o/ "Thc Jocks" and t:ditor o/ Jim Bouton'J hook, "Bnlt Four" You •ay "The }Of'L" ie a book about •porl• by n man who MLl'• •port1. IJ'hy d o you hate •port1?-}ohn Riu1eU, Utica, N.Y. • I don't hate s port!< as .su('h. Tbne arP m illion~ of 1wopl" who gel a lot of good •)Ut of playing golf and tennis, foolin~ around a baseball diamond on wet"kend, . Thne"• nothing wrong with that-Just a" thl'rf'1 " nnlhrnf! wron~ with mf'n dedi- cating rhrm•wlvf's In sports like track and field, workrng hard and lonJ! for no1hin~ mort• than 1hr ~at1sfac1ion thry p.rt ''"' 11f triumphing ovf'r the dock and ovl'r ('3f'h othrr. ThP krnd of sports r halt> art" thr or~aniud profrssinnal sport« w'hfl'h milk thl' Amt'rirnn riuhl1c out of un. rn11ntrJ m1ll1on .. of dollar" a year end rr111rn only phonmes!' and greed. I ha11· thr pt"oplf' whn tell us it is un-Amniran not tn !lupport thf' l11l'al "flllft"-franc-hi"'' anri lhf'n mo,•r it around ac; though ti wrr<' a Ooattng ('rar gamr. I hate the proplr who h8H' tumrd rnlleite football tnln a Y&'ll lerm "Y"ll'm for pmfrssional fnothall I hair rhr 1•0111111'"-who in"i"t that ~hort hair '" 111'"' to godlinf''" l ha11• thr chf'al<. anrl thf' J!llmhlf'r-., and tht> itraftl"r' an1l hot eyl'd b11s111f'!'Smf'n "1th thr rl11mrny hand~ whn rl1111rr or "flnrl' rn Amc111·a. Ann if all that mean" I hair "Ports, rhen I plead g111hv. Jllhnt d o you think of m oviP6 •o /nr fU youn/(· 1tf'r• art' ronrf'rnr d IO· day?-Mr1. f:. L llou, San Hnnordino, <:nlif. • I don't l'Vl'll f.,1 mv krd., ~r· tn "'' movi r.,! Want to ask a famous penon a questlonr You can throu~h this column. Send y~r que•llo11, IM'•ferably on • postcard, to As" Tham YO\lrulf. f a mily w .. ekly, 641 Ledngton A11enu<0. New York, N.Y. 10022. Don't loritet your name and addr~u. We're sorry, bvl only th~'" qu<0sllons published can ~ a nswere<t. ft~e dollar• wlll be paid for each one used. FOR WIU.IAM ASllF.R, prndu, rr nl 1h,. "Rr11 111 hrd" Tl "lhn11• I hovP ht>ard thnt you h.n 11r ran- """"" plaru lo film riftht "Bt>acilrh· (>,('' epuode• in F.urop" nnd Britain. J11hy did you dnide '" do thi•?- M. L. JacLon., Atlantic CiJy, IV.}. • Bc1·a11~e no producer today ran morel ly afford 10 take his '<h(lw nut of Holly wood. Thr rmployment ni<ii'I tn Ho lly wood today 1s surh that we mu~t rail UP<>n our initcnuity to ket'p all produr. tion al home. It "'ould be r.heapf'r to pro- d1rl'e thoac eight epiM>d('<i in Lon<infl then here in Southern California. But we Family ffteekly The Newspaper Maaulne July 18. 1971 LEONARD S. DAVIOOW, Cha irman MORTON FRANK, President and Put>ll1her W. PACE THOMPSON, V p and Advert1a1na o,, Adverf1s1na Mar . Donald M. Hufford; Mar~et•ne 011actor: Sid Laye~ New Yor/I Sal ea Mar Gwald S. Wroe; Re111onal Sal<0• Mar • Robert J. Christian; Western Adv M11r • RuSMll L Sparlla; C h1caeo Sales Mai Joe frazei'. Jr.; Oelroll Sa lu M11r ·Rich aid T. Flynn; Soulhern Adv M11r ·Steven J. Ahmuty Put>l1ahor Relal10n$: Robert 0 . C.rne y and Lee £1111. V P 1 and Co·Oirectors: RoMrt H .... rrlott. Thomas H. O'N.i1, Mana11e1S I MOA T PERSKY, Ed11or-1n.Ch1el REYNOlOS OOOSON, Ma11aa 1ne Editor JOHN E. DAVIDSON, Ari Oirecror Women'1 Ea11or. ROSALYN ABREVAYA f ood £d11or MELANIE OE PftOFT Auoc1a11 £d1tor1: Hel Landon, Miiton LournMrry, Terry Sctta111el; PHr J . ()pc,enhelmer, Wesr Coasl Art Staff· Helen Hamilton Produi:tlon Melbourne Zlpprich, 01tector, Newapaper S ervices: Promol1on. Robert Francia Foley, Manaaer; Martin Banker, Merchandl11na. C.role VIiar Stelnhandler, Coordinator Edilorlel & Ad.,.rt1ainc HHdquartera. 641 Leltl~on Av•~,._ y°"'-N. v. 10022 ~ 1971, FAMILY W£EllLY, INC. All rlahta reeentect You are Invited to ma/I your quattons or oommenta a l>out any m aier/a l In family WHllly Write lo Service £dltO¥, Family WH ll/y, 6'J Lulnl'(on Avenue , New Yori!, N. Y. 10022. · 20mg."I Winston 20 mg."tar".1.3 mg. nicoune av. per c1gare11e. FTC Report NOV.70. ' . New See-Thru Music Box plays Award-Winning ~~RAINDROPS KEEP FALLIN' ON MY HEAD" PALM COMPANY. Dept. S497, 4500 N.W.13Sth St., Miami, fl•. 3lOS4 I I I I I I Please send me the Music Boires checked below I understand II I am not delighted. I may return 1tem(s) within 10 days for a prompt and complete refund. Enclosed is check or m.o. for You May Charge Your Order , ___ --- --Lucite Music BOlll'S ( tt 11149) @ $4.98 plus 6~ postaee J Send C.O.D I enc lose $1 goodwill deposll and will pay postman balance plus all postal charges. 0 Muter C11ar1e A.Cct Ho. __ lnte11>e111!. Ho. (P'lnd abO•t JOYr name I Good lhru LJ 8M1Mmerlc1rd AccL Ho. • MA<;NJFIU•:NT IMPOICTEO HAND-PAINTED CERAMIC White Doves of Peace Music Box plays ~·People Will Say w~'re In Lov<"'' Two artfully·crafted white doves perform a winged waltz to the poetic strains of a classic in modern music. Artistically craft· ed in finely·glazed ceramic. the wings are wide-spread and beau- tifully detailed to show oH every layer of feathering The silken gloss of the graceful birds 1s heightened by a soft , soft under tint of powder blue They are poised atop a forest green srnlp tured base Perlec:I on d1<iplay 111 the bedroom, den, living room; and only when you see 11 there wi ll you fully appreciate its charm. Lovely 6H high OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED THIS SEASON Supplies are limited and orders will be filled first come, first served so we urge you to order right now to avoid disappoint ment. This 0He1 will not be re- peated this season r -- - - -MAIL 10 DAY NO-RISK COUPON TODAY! - ----, I PALM COMPANY, Dept. 54 60, 4500 H.W. 135th St., Mi•mi, Fl•. 33054 Please send me thf Mu51c Boxes checked t>elow II 1 am I not deliahttd, I may return 1tem(s) within 10 days tor a 1ta111e. ____________ _ full and complete refund Enclosed IS check or mo 101 I i Ad•eu ____________ _ Oove MUSIC 8oaes (II 1258) '"' $4 98 plus 65( POSI I U ~nd C.O 0 I enclose $1 goodwlll deposit 1nd will City _____________ _ pay POstm.tn 1>1t1nce plus 111 postal chlraes I O Clleck here for # 10238 '"RalndrOPs Keep F1llin1 Suta Zill °" My Held"' Music Bo• (not shown) @ $4.98 (Add 54•• u )() O•Of• 1 ... ,., llo•n ••• o•I• ,, ~ ••d w• II I 65¢ posuae) on · '"" 00\tllf f •h• mu\•f bo' n\.Jh \ , •O"dt''"' t•"' L-------------------------J QUIZ/By John E. Gibson How Much Do You Know AboutLoveY True or False: When it comes to marrying for reasons other than love, a woman is more likely to let her head rule her heart than a man is . (See answer number 5) Love may not make the world go around. but 11 certainly has a lot of human beings gomg rn c ircle\ This true-false quiz. reveals the findtng'> of the experts on a number of questions you've doubtless wondered about. l. You're never loo old to fall 1n love. 2 . Whee you fall in love with bOmc- ooe, the odds are better than even that he or she i~ falling in love wi1h you at the same time. 3 . Wo men are more likely then men to fall in love with 'iOmeunc JU<;t OC· cause of his look.:.-"He's so attrac tive," "I can't resist those deep hlue eyes." 4 . The average girl hac; h ad more e~ penences in the love a nd romance department than the young man of <;1milar age ha-. 5. When ii come' to marrying for reasons other than lnve. a woman " more apt to kt her head rule her heart than a mJn I\ 6 . Love is an impMl11nt factor in determining how Ion!? you will live ANSWERS 1. True. Conc;cn-;u<; of c;tud1e\ ol groupc; of men nnd Wl1men, ageu fn'nl 65 and up, has demon~trated con elusively that. as far a' the capac1l y ,,, participate in love and romance l\ concerned. age is no limit-and nn man is old until he /eels old. And 11 survey of 300 of the oldest people in the U nited States-aged I 00 to 121 - sn owed that many of the old'lter'> were involved m love affairs a nd co11rtc;h1p~ and maintained a lively and enthu'lia<,- tic interest in the opposite sex. 2. True. This doesn't mean tbat there aren't cases of true love now and then which are unrequited, but studies of a cross-sect.ion of engaged couples at the University o( California showed that 4 F trn11/11 H e"kly, Jttllf IX, 19it in almost two-thmis of the cases both fell in love at the same time. With slightly less than one-third of the couples, one fell in love fi rst, with the other following some time later. It was a gradual falling in love for the vast majority. Only about one out of every 15 fell in love at first sight. 3 . False. Sociological studies of more than a thousand men and wom en at the University of Pennsylvaoia have ~hown that women are much less apt to be influenced by physical appear- ance than men are. Twice as many men as women reported they were "very ea<;tly anracted" to the opposite ~:t-provided they were good-lool..- tng. Probahly girls realize this, and that~ why they <;pend as much time a<; they do making themselves as at- tractive a" possible to men. 4 . True-according to the findtng<; of a Un1ver;ity of Penmylvania stud), which showed that · age for age. the number of romantic experiences (fall ing tn love, becoming infatuated) for female<; is greater than for males. But with the approach of the middle 20"i;, th~· invci;tigation showed. the men he- ,!?in to catch up with the girl<; and ''the difference virtually dr<;appears." 5. 7'rur. Jn one s tudy, for eirnmplc. men and women students of a lead ing univcmty were sslced whether thev would m arry someone they didn't love. tf the per.>an had all the other qualities they desired. The vast major- ity of the men answered with an emphatic "no." But no t so with the gtrlr-less than one-fourth of them replied in the negative. 6 . True Studies show that couple\ whose love for eac h other endure\ throughout their lifetime Jive ap- preciably longer o n the avenge than those whose love is frustrated. • s d th ith he he It e of re at ve pt ar- ny re ite k- nd me al- of he le. ng ey n't er r- an he m Jes res p- an TESTS PROVE FOOD ACIDITY REDUCED* Independent Testing Laboratories. Inc reports "the foods cooked in La Bisquera show a substantial reduction in acidity compared to conventional utensils " Billerness. fats are drawn out : m eat. fish, poultry stay moist. succulent-in their own juices No basting! Now treat f,1mil~. guc~t., tn 1h.: krnd nf gmirmc1 dinner they'd l'Xpcct 1f lhey were gue,ts in a tahulou'\ Italian pala:::.n.' Accept the applause graciously ... then tl·ll admirer. that lnr hunclrrds of year'>, the method of porou., carthenwiue cookery y<•u have JU't u~ed ha' hccn a carclully- guardcd Italian secret ... that ..:vcn now, 1t 1~ zc:ilou~ly guarded by countlc~' gourmet cooks. It's all amazingly true. What they do not h:.i vc to know i:-that you have ut1lizc<l a Fanfa\lic "~O-l<l'cipr" Hcl'ii1l'-llO i111.:r<'dit nh c~ct>pt )OUr ml'at-:111d )Oil don't evl'n hot her to ha'ifl'! I 1 Bi"''' 1H 1 dnc' '°'" 1l,1vo11nl!. \11111 tender 111n).'. for 11ll1 nat111c\ \\a\' d1:11\\ 011t b11 1c1nc-.~. :1r1d,, fat\. lch ta\tC you ncve1 Jri:am1:<l "''I\ then· t:omc throui,:h unma,~c<l. 11ndil11te<l . Stea ~'· l hup\. meal loaf. hambttri,:e1 '· fi,h . ..:h1dc11 t.l\tC "nf11ll\ rich I yet } 1111 :1<ld nn fat I . tC\t} (}'Cl I ()II o1dd llll \flllC) \LICculcnl I yet ~ Oll M.ld nn. l'lalcrl . lcmlc1 1:vct }1H1lnld1111 ""ltl·n.:1,J No l1a-.1111g nl·cucJ, not even for meat lnaf' ~cc hox Jh11vc tor tc-.t\ h\ ,111 111depcnJcn1 1c,11ng l.1hora tmy-thcn \diil'H Y 011r o~ II h 1h11I0 11<, J(t'\Ull!. Oil I op of An~ Sfml' ... l'r<'v<'nl '\1l'at Shrinkai;:l'! N 11 1111nc llll"\\\ oven l l<'.111 llP' \0111 ~ifl:hrn -.t;1\' ~11111 AnJ Y.hcrc 111d111.11v h111il1n!! m11't 1111 ~ l11c high hc.11 . -.hrivclini,: mc.11 bdorc }<•11r \t.'f\ l'.\'C\. I a Bi,411cr.1 hroih to per fl.'cl ion O\ll'r me dium heal on ""> \tovc ga' or clc1.'.11 1r Rc\lill ''"' meat ,hrin kai:1: ... with I /\ A1s0111 R.\ pa~ 1111..! f111 11,cir in no tune fl .it ! l\1t.1chcd rover rrcvcnl' ITh'"Y· dangcrou' •plnllcnng lf:indlc' .1rc hl':tt ~re'l\l ;int . c;;ervc'\ up a {!CllCfOll\ meal for IY.<•. Cit-am ea,i ly in hot watcr. Free IO-l>a)· Home 'l'f<I AI. ·1 ry LA AtS<)lll k /\ for your morning hacon 01 ham ... for luncheon hamhu1 gc r~ .. , fo1 whatcvt•r the butt her ha~ on '>t1lc fo1 dinner! If you ulln'1 lid vnur chop' (and everything else you broil ). your munl'y wrll be promptly 1cf11n<lcd. or all rha1 !!l'' t:<1nrcllcd The Delizioso war to Pan IJrail !JD~ !enderize without fat, grea~e water or softeners Free Gourmet Recipes Included O VER 200,000 SOLD AT $9.98 LA BISQUERA: Complete with $ 7 95 simple instruction• and FREE: Continental Recipe• NOW ONL y COLONIAL STUDIOS, Dept. LB-'20 20 BANK STREET, WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. 10630 1--t1M 1!§'•t!MSS.t•N·M11•Hts•t--9! I I COLONIAL STUDIOS, DEPT. LB-20 21 Bank Street, White Plaln1, New York tMH I I I i PI PeRP rush ---Le Oisquere(st '" 7 .9~ each (µlus :'St JHl>lug1• ond honrllmg/ I. I a m not delighted. I may return for refund I I Pn<.lo~e check or I money order for -----I N Y rcs1den1s orltl .'iole• Tux (No C.O O.'s) I I I I I I I I ,;ddress ___________ Ap1 ;r ---- C11y _______ .<;1ow ____ Z1p ____ _ < 1111 OIVlSION OF BEVIS INDUSTRIES ·------------------· Whether off on a trip, or buzz- ing around home, she's the kind of girl people like to be with. Active and ready to be part of the fun at any time. Even her mo nthly period doesn't get he r do wn. She's smart. She uses internally wo rn Tampax tampons. They give her complete protection and I the freedom she needs to , swim, ndc, or wmg away on a vacation anytim e of any month. Tampax tampons m alcc a girl's life so much easier. Rlglit from tit• start ... r1w1, ~•f' •• • ,..,,,.,. "T A"'~--· .,,......, ... o tr.;• AlltC -·o~ ONL-"' .... T ........... IN Cl'),.,.C") ...... T~D ~•LMC~ ......... A Teen-Ager's Story: "The Eclipse Stole My Eyes Eye victim Ann, at center, stands In front of her perents. wtth sisters Salty, 15, Wt. and Nancy, 3, In her father's arms. AU morning on Saturday, March 7, 1970, Mrs. Marie Turner had cau- tioned her family not to look into the sky that afternoon when, for a few spectacular moments, the moon would move directly between the sun and the earth to form the last major eclipse visi- ble in the United States in this century. Scientists had warned that staring at the sun in total eclipse could cause blind- ing eye bums. As an eittra safeguard Mrs. Turner had pulled the shades and moved furniture to block some of the windows in the big white house on Main Street io Tipton. Jnd. The family had hoped to watch the eclipse on TV. But the picture recep- tion on their old set was badly dis· toned. "We'll 1ust have to li'\ten to the announcer describe it," MIS. Turner decided. But for Ann, al I 'i the oldest oi the three Turner girls, that wasn't enough_ Because of a scientific and religiou'i curiosity (c;he had heard that an eclipse had occurred during C'hric;t\ crucifiit· ion). she was determined lo sec the exciting pheno meno n. On the msc of going to pop popcorn. she darted intn the kitchen and through an unc;haded window gazed in fascination for four minutes at the darkened sun. "I planned to tum away if my eyc-; started to hurt," she recalls, "hut J didn't feel a thing. When I finally stopped watching, I saw a big bright spot in front of my eyes. like you do sometimes after a flashbulb goes off. After a while, it seemed to fade away." For Ano Turner -a soft-spoken. pretty, gray-eyed brunet with long hair and a trim figure-that was the begin- ning of a strange journey into the dim world of the nearly blind. And even ' F amily Weeklr,1, Ju.111 IR,1971 stranger than the journey itself was its sudden and sur),rising climu amid stunning pain nine weeks later. Doctors call what happened to Ann then "a medical phenomenon." She and her parents call it "a miracle, a gift from God." Either way, she says her extraordinary experiences have taught "I planned to turn away from the sun if my eyes started to hurt--but I didn't feel a thing." For Ann Turner--.a pretty, gray-eyed 15-year-old -that was the beginning of a strange journey into the dim world of the nearly blind. And even stranger was the jour- ney's surprising climax amid stunning pain nine weeks later. her values ma ny people never team in a lifetime. They have also given her the strength to face what is. becauc;e of un- related recent developments, a fright- ening and uncertain future. Ann first realized there was some- thjng wrong with her eyes Saturday evening after the eclipse when she went to a horror movie with her 14-year-old sister Sally and a cousin ... At one point the other girls screamed. and I said. 'What are you guys yelling about?' They said, 'That pool of blood,' and I said. 'What pool of bloodT I suddeoly noticed that when I looked at the screen there was a kind of gray hole in my vision." On the walk borne, she hesi- tated crossing streets because the gray hole blanked out the traffic lights. But she figured the problem would disap- pear after a good night's sleep. "When I woke up, I rolled over to- ward Sally who was sleeping next to me--and l couldn't see her fac.e." The gray spot seemed bigger and darker. Jn church, she was unable to read the hymnal, and when she looked toward the pulpit. the pastor's bead was iost in the void. "I was stunned," she recalls. "I just couldn't believe it" That afternoon, Mrs. Turner, notic~ ing that Ano stared vacantly past her whenever they talked, guessed what had happened. And Aon, in confessing, cried out that the blind spot was "get- ting wider all the time." By Monday, her eyes were red, run- ny and hurting, "as if burning needles we re being stabbed into them." Fran- tically, Mrs. Turner began calling eye specialists. Several examinations pro- duced the same hopeless conclusion: the conc.entrated infrared rays bad severely burned and scarred Ann's ret- inas. About 90 per cent of the inner "seeing surface" of her eyes was "perm- anently damaged,'; with no medical cure possible. Ann was left with ool y partial, peripheral vision, allowing her to see oo more than vague images of large objects out of the "comers" of her eyes. "I thought of so many &au· tiful things I'd never see again," she says, "and I just went to pieces." Even as she cried., however, she re- members sensing a fticker of faith that some day, somehow, her vision would be restored. Meanwhile. she told her- self that she had to accept responsibil- ity for her tragedy and. rather than wallow in self-pity, build a new Jife. A~ the days p'5Sed. the adjustments By Charles and Bonnie Remsberg And God Gave Them Back" 133 Other People Who Made Ann's Mrstake A survey by the National Society for the Prevention of Blindoess shows that 134 people suffered eye injuries from last year's eclipse. The survey turned up some interesting findings. For ex- ample. although it was predicted 1hat the largest number of eye-damage cases would occur east o{ the Mississippi, in the vicinity o f the path of total eclipse-this rheory did not bear out. California had 22 cases. the largest number among the states; and the eclipse was only 35 percent total in California. The number of eclipse 101uries reporte..J by stare i . Ari- z.ona-4; California-22; Colorado--3: Conneclicut-4; Florida-7: Jllinois-5; lndiana-7; lowa-3; Kansas-I . Kentucky-]; Maine--I: Maryland-3; Massachusetts-1: necessary seemed almost eodless--and inevitably frustrating. She was unable to read, no matter how she twisted ber head. An honor-roll student, sbe had to leave Tipton High School and begin studying at home with a tutor, who read the material to her. To learn to walk through the house without bump- ing into anything, sbe spent days feel- ing her way from room to room, mem- orizmg tbe location of every doorway and piece of furniture and the distances between them. Even then she often stumbled and fell on toys left on the floor by her 18-month-old sister Nancy. Ann's eyes were so sensitive to light that she bad to wear sunglasses even when she was indoors. And even then the glare of sunlight shining through the windows sometimes caused her so much pain that she burst into tears. When Ann's mother ran into the kitchen, Ann was squeezing Nancy and swinging her around and crying over and over, "Oh, Sissy, Sissy, I can see your eyes! I can see your beautiful eyes!" Attempts at recreation almost alwa)"l ended in bitter disappointment. Once she tried playing volleyball with some fnends. but she kept ge1t10g hit by the ball. "She'd twist herself into the awfol- est configurations, trying 10 see the TY set.," recalls Mr.1. Turner. "But every time <;he'd end up just h:iving to listen to the sound." She <;pent more and more time alone in her room, iust lis- tening to mus ic. About a month after the eclipse, Ann thought briefly that her prayer~ for re- ~tored sight had been an .. wered Grop- ing around the hou~ one dJy, she sud- denly thought <;he could see a photo- graph of her baby sister 10 the living room. E~ciledly, her mother ru,..hed her to Dr. Samuel Thompson. an oph- thalmologis t in Marion, Ind., who was familiar with her case. Their hopes mounted as she seemed able to read an eye chart in his office. But then -;he completely fatled other v1s1on tests. The doctor gently explained that she wanled so badly to see that her mind was play- ing tricks on her. Her memories of the photograph and !be eye chart were momentarily so vivid, he said. that she believed that she was actually seeing them. To reality. the scarring on her Michigan-I; Minnesota-2; Missouri--8: Montana-I: Ne- braska-I: Ncvada-2 ; New Hampshire-1; New Jersey-8 . New Mellic<>--1; New York-7~ North Dakota-I ; Ohio-2: Rhode Island-I; Tennessee-I ; Texas-I; Urah-5: Yir- ginia-12, Wisconsin-8: Wyoming-1: Puerto Rico--2. retinas was still visible, a nd she still had "very great visual impairment," with no hope for improvement. "{ went back home," Ann says, "and tried to live from day to day, always hoping that somehow on the next day my sight would start coming back." But as the days dragged by,-each as dark: as the one before, the hope be- came "just a straw to grab onto." Then, early in May. Ann suffered a new symptom: recurring headaches that sometimes lasted two or three days and occasionally became so excruciat- ingly painful that she had lo be given sedatives. On May 5, she was in such agony that she couldn't do her lessons and spent most of the day in bed. The next moroing--<>oe day short of the nine-week. anniversary of the eclipse- she awoke with a headache even worse than before. As she bad every morning since the blinding, Mrs. Turner asked, "Is there any difference in your vision?" And Ann answered. "No, it's 1ust the same." A while later, lillle Nancy asked for a drink of waler and Mrs. Turner, busy with housework, asked Ann to gel ii for her Ann had felt her way into the kitchen to lift her w;ter to the sink. when Mrs. Turner heard her scream "I thought maybe she'd burned her- self again." Mrs. Turner recall-;. ''But when I ran in. Ann was squeezing Nancy and ~inging her around and crying over and over, 'Oh. Sissy, Si'i<iy, l can see your eyes! I can -;cc your beautiful eyes" " Pausrng only long enough to squeal that her vision had suddenl y returned, Ann began E?rabbing medicine bottle-; from rhe kuchen table and rc-ading their fine-print lahcls. She looked at the clock. an<l shouted out the lime. She raced through the house, dc<>cribing in detail everything she saw and •ma rching up newspapers and reading ~tori~ aloud. ··we hugged each t'Hher and cnecl and prayed and cried again," her mother say<;. Quickly they called Doctor Thomp· '>On for an examination, trying to choke back the fear that Ann might a~ain be hallucinating. Bur this time, aft er ex- haustive tests by the ophthalmologist and other specialists, there was a differ- ent report. Doctor Thompson an- nounced that Ann had experienced an inexplicable "medical phenomenon" which bad abruptly restored "nearly normal vision." 'The doctors can call it what they want," says Ann. "l be- lieve God touched my eyes." Ann celebrated her recovery by pul- ling her eyes to work. She spent hours in the yard. down on the ground, look- ing closely at grass and flowers. She shook a glass of pop and joyfully watched the bubbles rise. "I even had fun doing the dishes. J could see the food on the plates and watch it wash away. And I could sec Jots of people smiling." A few days later, she returned to school. She was nine weeks behind in some o f her courses. but she caught up in three weeks and finished out the year, mostly with A's and B's. Now 16, Ann has completed her junior year in high school. A Ir hough her v1!.10n still blur~ occa!>ionally, she i~ ahle to read and see sharply with- out ~e aid of glasses. If all goes well. officials say she will graduate with her class. She hopes eventually to become a docror "to help other;." Bur her own medical problems are by no means al an end. La~t August. she and her father, a welder, were in- volved in a car accident. Ann suffered two ~kull fractures. She was recovering from th<Xe iniuries when. in Septem- ber. she suffered a sudden attack of muscle weakness so severe that 'i hc could not walk or sit up. During five weeks' hospitalization, doctors could find no connection between the attack aod her siege of near-sightlessnes.s They diagno-;ed the affliction as myas1hen1a gravi1i. a little-under'llood di~a~e ::ip- parently caused by c hemical defecr~ where mu,.cle<; and nerves interact. With medication, Ann is able now to walk again and 10 engage in mc)<;I normal teen-age activi1ie1;. R111 c;he con· 11nuec; to tire easily and somclimec; hu' ,1ifficulty eating. 1 ler future is shro uded 1n uncertainty, for myrtslhcnia can he· come totally disahling and can even he fatal if it <;eriously involves the vital muscles of swallowing and hreathing. But Ann say' rhat what she learned during her ordeal with darkness has given her the courage to look ahead with hope. "J feel that J grew up almost overnight. I learned to live life one day at a time and not to take anything for granted any more. No mailer how bad off a per;on is, there is so much to be lhankful for_ The problem is. people so often think they don't have enough and deserve more. Actually, they al- ready have much, much more Chan they rcaliu ." • Fnm.1l11 Weekly, JMly 18, 1971 7 CLEANS DIRTY, GREASY GARAGE FLOORS ANO POWER MOWERS GUHi( LABORATORIES, INC. st19 W. Mtll, Clllult, Ill. IOl)I BACKACHE Aching Muscles You long to ease those pain s, even temporarily, untll the cause Is cleared up, For palliatlver or temporary, pam rehef try DeW It's Piiis. Famous tor over 60 ye.rs DeWltt's Pills contain an analgesic to reduce pain and a very mild diuretic to help ellmlnate retained fluids thus flushing out irritatm& pain causing bladder wastes. OeWltt's Pills often succeed where other.; fall. It pain persists alweys see your doctor. Insist on DeWitt's Pills ilW~ll CJ;,u;; • IUY DIRECT • 20 DAYS FREI TRIAL Body Alds $29.95 up. nny AIHn·the ur; Behind· the-Ear. Eye Glm Aids. One of ltr gut selections Battery prices tow ast2 00 for six Ho 675 Ho salesman will call Write:• LLOYD Cor11 *- Dept rw . 905 9th St .• RottfOfd. 111 61108 .. ~..,,··· 9~ /l~. ~ ~''l:.~-~ '1110 ''. ~-' 7~ I. ~ . ~-• ~', .... ..;.~·-,,.·-·,'', -, ~~ " I -?e · , 5 foreign coins, free WP woll ar:lually send you free, ... ld"m <;t>en roon5 lrom Turkey, !,p;iin, Auslroa, f'onland anrt Somalia. JIJ~t 10 !WI ymir name lor nur ma1ltn1' li~t An,! we II 1n1.lu<le 011r hig lree ra1a1ng 01 u11n~. oaper mon!'y, tollPrtor's ~um>lles 5enc1 nam1>, aO•lless and z10 to Uttleton Stamp & Coln Co .• Inc. ()<>pt ST·20, lilllelun. N H 03561 TR•ASUR• find burwd itold •llvn cotn• lf'"MIRU'n- ~ p.,..,..,, wf "'"""" W'* ,_ ,,_ ~ 1':__.~_, ... s191s R•LCO 0-131 W 77011 PHOTO CREDIT Pae-171 Gene Trlndl, Globe Photo•. PQ9e 9, Wide World Discover a smoother menthol. King Size. 18 mg. "tar." 1.4 mo. nicotine; Lonq $11'1!. 19 mo "tar." l.3 mQ. nicoune av. per cigarette. FTC Report Nov. 70 © 1971. Brown & Wilham son Tobacco Corp. Spect1'Um/7 THE DOCTOR LETS YOU IN By Arthur S. Freese How Likely Are You to Get Gallstones? Thie; tiny pear-shaped o rgan, the gall bladder, which stores and concentrates bile is nestled under the righ t side of your liver. When gallsto nes form here (mainly from the c holesterol in your b ile) rhey can produce some of the wo rse pa111 known to man-and it's a re- markahly cnmmon conditio n. La't year an C'\t1mated hal/-m1/Jio11 pE·ople 1111der- we11t surf.:N'\I /or 1:allsrona, hospitalizing them for two wec~s and coc;ung ,.ome $1 .200 eac h. Before the age of 40, juur u111 of fll'e 1·" tims are wo111e11, bur the percentages even our thereaher and nearly threc- quarrer; of U\ have -;to nes by 70. Fllperts anticipate prevention or treatment without surgery by 1980. ·--------THE DIET WATCH By Harriet La Barre Moral: "Half a Loaf Is Better Than One" Who ever -,aid you have to eat a whole o ne? A whole what'! A whole anything orange ( 50 calo- riec;). apple (c;mall o ne, 64 calories), or banana (mediu m. 8 'i caloriec;) In fact, any ho ld-in-the-hand fm11 . Peo ple cJI J whole orange, IOr instance, o n the <.ame princ iple ac; \om e people climb a mountain : 'Became 1t"· there." Out you 'd be c;urpri<>ed how many caloricc; you c;ave by eallng hall, am.I a11v .imo11111 ~;wet.I mean' that much less fat around your w:11,1. under your chin, an \•whrrr. Wic;est procedure " w clll the fn11t 1n halt wrap 1he not-to-be-ealen h.tll 1n 3 tWl\I l'f pl.!Sttl wrnp fc1r l;itn, then C:l t the 1>1hcr half I rv h.1lvinc och er li'nd /\1 hrc:ikf:l~t. tor in<>tancc. ltll .in c1A!hl 1'llncc gla" w11h fnur ice cuhe" and fo11r 1>1111cc' nl nrJngc Jll llC. It lnoJ...1 ltkc eight ounce~. and lhcrc·, .1 P'Ychoil)!!1cal feeling that ti 1.1 eight ounce' h111 ww're 1a\•111}( 5 5 rnlortes! ECO-QUESTION By Dale McKelvie Q. 1':rrry yrnr. thf'rr (lr l> IHNrrm11 o/ nphi d 11 on our r o11r11. limn r11n '"*' f(PI r id of thf'm with- ""' ruin!{ d nn f(Pr oru itu1>rl iridf'11' A . Trv l<Jdvh11xr They have a v'-1rac1ous appetite for aph1Jc; and will consume rhem happily by the thousandc;. C heck your local garden center 10 see whether you can purchase some trom chem. or or- ganrze a "Ladyhug, Bring 'em Back Alive H un t" a mong the children in your neighborhood. Pay a penny hounty per bug, or offer a priu to rhe child who captllrt!s tht. m1JJt Then turn them loose on your rose bushes. and let them go to work This will ~olve your problem w itho ut endangering your e n- vironment. , SPORTS MINI-PROFILE By Larry Bortstein If the Other Men Are Golfers, What Do You Call Him? Jack Nicklaus: In a Class by Himself Jack N1 ckla1" has been called the greatest golfer who ever hved . . Say-; 8 <1bby Jones. a former goll <.tar tind a n early Nidlau'i idol, "Arno ld Palmer and Gary Player hoth play superbly, hut Jack plays a game with whic:h J am no t fa miliar." When Jack was only eight in his h0mc town of Columbus, Ohio. hi~ father took him on his golfing ellC Lmions at the nearhy Scioto CounLry Club. Charlie Nicklaus, Jack's father. was a prominent druggist who had played professional football in the I 9JO·s. At the club, Jae~ fe ll under the tutelage of Jack G rout, who devel- oped the famou~ Nicklaus swing. pro hahly the most powerful in golf ... Jack turned professional in 1961 a fter c;wceping nauonal a mateur and collegiate compc111tonc;. "I was in love with golf even when I wa<, I 0 years old.'' J ack recalls. Spuming a hasket- ball \c:holarsh1p to Ohio State. he enrolled as a reg- ular 'i tudent anJ was graduated in 1961 w11h a oc- grec 111 bu\1nec;s ... The lollowing year, he defeated Arno ld Palmer in a playolT for the U mted Sta tee; Open champ1onc;h1p ... When he captured the Pro- fcsc;ional Golfer.,· AS'>OC1a11on at Palm Beach Gar- dem. Fla . earlier lhl' year, Jack hccame the fir<;I goiter in h1s1ory 1\1 twrcc win each ol •he c;port·~ tour m.i1or f\Hirn.1mcnts NllW 'I. Jack 'aye; he J1lc,11 '1 r.1kc golf a~ \en n11<>lv a' \nmc . . "I never ral.e the game home In mv wile Rarhara and 0111 lour k1d'i .. ( tinllnlJC' Jack. "I Jik.e tn fic;h anl.l swim with my kid!i." FAMILY FLAK "My d•ddy runs in a rat race with a monkey on his t>.cll. What does your daddy do?" PEOPLE AND YOU By Shirley Sloan Fader Crowds Make Cranky Men, Happy Women When plannin g your business meetings or social gatherings, it's useful lo know that crowded equals cranky-for men, at least, In tight quarters, men will become harsher, more competitive, and more dis- pleased wirh eac h orher. H owever, if you have lo, you can coop women together, and they will react l:apptly. Mixed gro upc; o t men and women are not affected either way. Recent psychological researc h supported by Ford Foundation funds has dramatic- ally d iscovered some of the effects of space on peo- ple by studying 1ury decisions. A n all-male jury i11 a crowded jury room. they d1sco~1ered, will pass a u- 11ere senll'nce. In the ~ame 1uryroom. an all-female group will be lenient-111U1e lr111ent tlio11 tlrn• wo11ltl be in a larger roo111. PET CORNER By Felicia Ames Hints on Getting Along with Snakes Snake~ may not be everyone's favorite pel, but they do appeal to an amazing number o f small hoys. If your child has his hear1 ~et on a pet snake, you c;hould he relieved to kno w that no npo isonous snake\ are among the moc;t innocuom of all pets. They arc quier. eat very little. and exhibit real signc; o l al 1achment to their owners. Ground rule\ lor c hild and c;nnke ~houlu be e'itah- lisheJ early 111 the game. /n 1i.rt that your d11/d krrp htl (1•'t 111 '"' ail y C<lf.:t' that has fl wmd 1trot1J: IC1tch. Snake\ have a 'ipccrnl :iptitude for ~ncaking 0111 llr unlatcheJ cages JnJ then p11ppin,!! up 1n we1rJ place\. '>n.tke\, like all an1malc;, 'lhould he treated with rr1p,•u A \.htld 'hnuld learn no l to ma~c <1u1e~. 1er~y nwvemcntc; wh1lh frighten 11 and he taught to hanJ tc it w1thm1t injuring 11. RecornmcnJcJ c;nakc~ f11r pee., 1 Try the gopher ,m .. llcr mcrnhcr' of the lwa lamlly. and ind1g1>~. HOUSEHINTS By Lee Pettee Prc,ervc n 111111g edges hy keeping knive~ awm• /rr•111 111>:/r lrt>ar and very hot water. Hand wac;h cul lery and dry well Mo~t handle' do 11nt tak e wrll to tl1t• tl1.1h wmhrr. T anmhed gold or plarin11m tnm on china o r gla'ic; ware can he deanrd wuh Hfrrr polish applird with spOnfl<' or c;ofr paper towel. Keep a bowl of sol;id or de'lsert frosty, safe and fc!it1ve by fornung o circle of ice in a prelly rin!( 1110/d. For eye appeal, freeze fruits and flowers m coloreJ water. Uu rin1111,d tray to catch 'melt.' f'nmilv Wukly, Julv 18,1971 ' ... . ... .. R e m ember th e firs t t ime you you wan ted to re-deco rate your house? A fe w scraps of wood. Some left over cloth. And t h e jo b was done. Of course, fix ing up your ho use now is a lot m o re com plicated. A n d a lot m ore expcn 1ve. That's where we come in. W ells Fargo Ban k. We'll help you get t he money you need to imp rove you r h o me. A nd we'll m ake everything as easy as possible. WEUSFARGO BANK w e lend m oney to grownup ho m eowners, sailo rs, pilo ts a nd travelers. O r m aybe you and your fa mily want to sail your o wn boat, or take a lo n g vacation, o r even fl y your own p lan e. Well, we h ave m o n ey for t hose things too. Just stop at the nearest offi ce of We ll s Fargo Bank, a nd ask. We'll prob abl y say yes. 10 BEAUTY /By Rosalyn Abrevaya Hot-Weather How to Stay I ) I '_} ~ .;:.."\ EXERCISE Isn't summer time to loll around? Not entirely. The body dcmand'i action to help it adjt1\I more quickly 10 heat, fend off cx- h.1uMion. In the cooler hour-;. there are hills to be climbed. beaches to he iogged, breakwater<; to clamber over Or lake 10 the pool. lnternattonal- ly t.imcd N icholas Kounov-;ky, the gr.ind ma'iter of exerci!.e, recom- mcnJ, e\erching in 1he waler, hc- cau<;e \'Oii arc 1ighter in ii. and anv cxcrc1-;c hecome'i ea.,ier. He ha'> de Vl\Cd nnc for FAMILY Wt-LKI v read- er<; tha1 '" great for the wai-.tlinc \land c hc'il deep in 1hc waler w11h leg-; tar aparl and arms w1dc~prcad Palm' arc vertical 10 the water and Jl"I helow 1hc !'.urface. Now lwt'I \Ollr hoJy w11h yo11r palm.., actin[! •'' paddle, aga1rl\t the water, fir;I 10 the ngh1. then to the lefl. coun11ng 10 I 0. the flr-.1 time. In succeeding day,. \Ou can r.11,e the count from 1 'i. then 10 '.!'i time'i. For general toning uf lhc whole body, Mr. Kounov-;kv recommends the tollowing: hold on- to the c;idc of lhc pool with hClth hand<> nnd floal on your c;tomach; ra1~c and lower hips: contract ah· dom1nal muscles: c;pread and close leg,, llutter and kick: practice hreath- 1ng-<;tanding in water only--exhal- ing through hoth nme and mouth. inhaling o nly through the mouth. 1"nrn1t11 ll'eekly, July 1 .~. 1971 Beauty Tips: Lovely and Cool ' All roads to continuing summer beauty begin and end on a health not e. Here are a few self-help aids in the fields of nutrition, hair and body care. SUNNING If you've been hasting 1n the sun thic; past month and are already a biscuit hrown. cease and dc~i~t or exercise some precaution. Here's what more and more experts arc -;:iy ing. despite the <,un'<; produc- ing Vitamin [) in the body and help- ing to build u p re:.istance to infec- tion, the same sunlight thac pro<luccs che attractive nut-brown c;k1n tone. cultivated sea,on after '\Cason, can thicken. wrinkle. mottle and age skin prematurely. Moc;t of the popular sunscreens block out the harmful burning ray' of !he c;un. bu! not in· definitely. For super<1emi1ive skin'> !here are block-out Jo11on'i that let vou Sl<1y 111 the -.11n without any uhrav1olcnt rayo; get1111g through The be\I aJv1ce '" lo tan 111s1 enough tl) ge1 a health}' glow Drvncc;c; i'> a danger on the darke\t skm. Use mrni.turii.er frequently, an after-<;11n hody Jol1on and a night cream on face and thrnat at bcJt1mc. One com- r:1ny, k cvlnn, help<; you program vo11r 1:.in with Sun ~ra. a new 'Ult1· ma· I I collection hy Charle' Rev~on. which coml\t'! of five rroducts that range from a <\Un-screen tannmg Lream to a hlock-ouc agent. FEET Summer " the 11mc t11 lih- cr.1lc and \trcngthcn the aprcm.lagc' 1ha1 ~uppm l yo11 Au:ording 10 the A 1 A . rr.1nv \lf ll\ 'o haller and ,1hu<.c our leer that 11'' a nnt1onal d1,grace Get a pnditllri't'" chcd.11r !lave a loot halh 1w1ce a day, lol- lowed hy a r(l11gh towel mac;\age. l>1'\card '>hoc, that arc causing dam- age. Walk on llptoc .... barefoot, to 'trengthen leet Try <;ome heauty :11ds · For Feet'~ .Sake--a group of foot product<, that cream. decath1" .md refresh. Or -;ample Dr. Scholl''> Foot Powder. a soothing cooling ~1wder that absorb'> e:itceo;"ive moi"- t urc. EATING Everything con\lantl~ cold-drink'i. hath\, food -11, not a direct route to cnolnc~s; better to altern<He with tepid temperature~. The hotter the day, the le"' alcohol should he con~umed. Alcohol re- duce'> tolerance lo he:.it. incerfcre'> w11h heat dts'>ipation by comtricting blood vei.sels and reducing circ11la- 11on. Eat light. mamtain an agree· able balance of vilam1m and min erals. high 111 proteins. tow 111 carbo- hydrates. What ahout e'<tra .~a lt in o;ummer'l According to medical op111- 1on. we already con~umc five to 20 llmc'i more salt than we need. an\· way. s111ce 11 1s 111 almmt all f(l()(j,, ~pecially the c:.inncd and lro1en· food variety. Extra ~all mcam water retention, not good for overweight. S(}-while exce\s1vc pcr.rirati(ln can cau:.e loss of energy, check with your doctor before popping <;alt pill<;. HAIR Summer humidity and frc 4uen1 swims can play havoc with your hair. While oilv hair benefit, from o;un light. dr y hair (and even "normal" hair) can turn o;trawhke from too much '>Un. Tl> protect your hair, cover 11 w11h ..i kerchief. beach haL or a 'iynthcllc wig. which c an be a ~uper hair re.,cuer C'hlM1nc and o;all water are drying. too: alway' rinse your hair after a <,w1m . Once or twice a month, follow your ~h.1mrou with 11 prnte111 -ennchcd cond111on- m~ treatme nt. the k111d designed to \lay on your hair 20 tli 10 rninutc\, then he nno.,cJ out f·or mMe fre (1uent u\e. 1hc 1e arc "1n,1;1111" cond1· t1oner"' that do their good work. 111 one to five minute'\ Breck hac; an exccllenl new conditioner called Sil~ ·N Hold. an aller-~hampoo le:itturi1 er. which gives luster, help'i control "fl y-away" hair. Elura, a hrand-new fiber for o;ynthehc wig-;, 1~ claimed to re-;emble the structure of human hair quite closely. W1gi. made (lf the new fiber will hold their preset in- definitely (yet, for the fir<it lime, can he restyled), are nol fa1ed by heat. can be color rinsed.• Fotnily W eekly, Ju.ly JH, 1171 11 .... SPECIAL OFFER TO OUR READERS Per roll with coupon from this ad only FAILURES CREDITED Offer ends Dec. 31 , 1971 r--/j--~----; :: a:--:Is o~l2-es~: ;od~=o~ ---1 I film I am encloeing $1. 25 with this special I I ~',~. ·. coupon for eech roll. . . . . . . . ...... $ __ _ --.:i O Here are ___ rolls of 20-exposure #126 I I Kodacolnr film I am enclosing $2.50 with this I I ~ 1!!:t · special coupon for each roll . . ....... $ I SllaNll NITII Total money encloeed $ __ _ I Hebron, IlJ · 60034 J uncientand failurefl will be credited. I I Dept. 1 I I MY NAME I I I I MY ADDRESS I L CITY STATE ZIP I ----------------------------· r I I I I I I L "Acid indigestion conquered by delicious antacid chewing gum? says cookbook author. . CHO DZ '>t~~~ANTACID M""DICATES LI KE A Ll<WW TtiAT ~ Chooz. The only chewing gum antacid. 'firiifl flt8Al"K ~O __ ,,,,,.....,,,, ..... ,...._. GOl>O '"'"--- No Nagging Backache Means a Good Night's Sleep Naaiiin11 hatl.ache, hf'atlwd11' an1I mu,. c•ulatr atht'~ aud C'1tin1 nu•Y 4."Hmt' un w1th uve-r-f'At."tt1on1 emu11unnl up1u·1~. ot t'\ltttl'<l&Y ~tr~& anti dram Ir tht" O f\ll:- JiC•na h&cka.cl1t.", with rf'hllc>'i!'l, "''~\ti(...,_~ nhitht1, ls Wtftr\nJ.C )'uu uut, ma.k1nt(" >'''" n1i"~r~hl~ autt irr11ohf, .• 1hu1't w1ut. 1 r\' lloan·,. f'1t1~ au Hl\tdf(t•,.dr. n ••t\fO ,._ •. lit>Vt.>f D11ttn'!<( PK'n ri•llC\'H'k Ju·t 11111 1u1 •ltUCKll\k llMckuche:o •~ 11ftt1n ttw t1nMW• r <:et l>nAh 0~ P111.. nut H t1tttHt (t1nnu1.c drttR hut x w"ll .. kn"" n •tuf'•f .. rfl "'"' 1•1h tl'W't "'H'Cfl'"'rully h) m1ll1ufl,.. fur 11vitr 70 )ear" St•t" 1( lhcy •lc1n·l t.nu~ "uu tht1 NHlW " .. rc .. mP rttlu..f ~ ... 1-•011- Vl!nif'n<':" aJ ....... ).A hu-. l>••Hn ... h•nc:e-,.,,,. More Se curity With FALSE TEETH At A n y Ti me Afraid fal1:1c l~lh will llroJ) 11L Ille wrung time'' A dt>ntun> 11dhC>;<IVl' l'Jlll hl'IJI. F'AST EETH• Puwdn g1 vr' lll'nlures a l1ml(Pr. firmer, 11lra1hPr h•>l<I. No morf' l'mbarrll.Rllmrnl wuh fAST~ET H J),.nturr .\clhPSIVI' Powder. F'or more Sf'curny and rom· fort. use F'ASTEETH. DPnturP!< that ht a re ~«ential to health 'Wt• your tlrntl~t l"P1'Ularly. CONFIDENTIAL POCKET CAMERA • CUPS INTO POCKET OR PURSE • TAKES 18 BIG 2 '• •2'• B&W OR 18 COLOR IN 2 x 2" MOUNTS e EASY TO USC • 1 YR. GUARANTEE e FEATURES PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE ONLY '" M ODELS SELLING AT 10 x THE PRICE I This is a remarkable little c amera a f'rench 1n vPnt1nn first usPd by 1he Pans police It •S small takes sharp pictures <rust aim and shoot) auto mat1cally cocks :ts ri1m 1s turned Cost ot film tnrludes rrtte processing and prmt1na --------------, PALM CO., Dept. 5665 4500 N.W. 135th StrH I, Miami, Florid• 33054 I Enclosed check or m o for 1 _ lllQI ~8 Por~,.t Caml''d~ 'S<l Q'> IArlrl h),• t)O~f I lllOl .'9 Color Films $l ~O .t0130 B&W f ilm\ $1 9~ I I I NAME I ADDRESS CITY I STAT.__~--:--=::--::=-==~ZIP~~~-~-~ ST AR PROFILE/By Peer J. Oppenheimer Barbara Anderson of "Ironside:'' "Why I Quit TV for Home And Hearth'' A year ago, when Barbara Anderson- policewoman Eve Whitfield on NBC"s "Iron· ~1de"-was interviewed. she said, "My only burning ambition is to learn how to cook so r can be a good wife a nd raise a big fa mily. I hope to marry someday, and I don't care if J ever work again after that." Of course. no one believed her-until she quit the series a few weeks ago. Why? To get the answer. [ interviewed her at the Beverly Hills apartment in which she lives with her husband of two months. Don Burnett. She was dressed in a tennis outfit, wore no make-up. no falc;e eyelashec; ("What a relief I") and tal ked about her new activ- ities c;ince she left the show: playing tennis at least twice a week, sailing every Wednes· day with the Ladies Nautical Auxiliary, cooking. cleaning house, painting. throwing parties for her husband (who i'> an invec;t- ment broker), and, mo:il of all, looking for a houc;e, .. For the first time since r was 16. 1 have time on my handc;," she told me. "When r c;tarteJ in the series, I thought we'd last two yea!':\ at the most. But it iust went on and on •· (The series. which <;tars Raymond Burr. has completed its fourth season.) "When you are a woman, with all that make-up. you have to be at the studio at c;ix o'clock in the morning and never get thniugh until six in the eveni ng. I like to work. but I can't see myself married to a series." Marriage has given Barbara an entirely new pel':\pcctive on life. "I didn't quit because I was hitter. As far as the series is concerned. I don't think it is the best thing on the air. hut it's not the wof"'it, either. J am iust not c;ure that acting is still my profession. When I was 16. I never wanted to do anything else. I never dated much, mostly bccauc;c fellows made me terribly nervous. r 'ltill remember my first date. I was in the I 0th grade. I wac; c;o c\c11ed about it that I got the date-; con- fnc;ed: r wac; ready a week early. :.ind I thought I'd been c;tood up! That wa" the onlv date f haJ that year." Actually, Barbara had a fairly nnrmal childhood . She wa" horn in Rrookl vn. hut when \he w:!~ c;till an infant, her parent<; . fohn and Kathleen Foc;ter. moved to the ~pr:iwhng c;uhurhs C\f llathor(l, Pa. (p0p11la- tion ~.000) Ry the time -;he w~" in high c;ch0ol. c;he moved to Tenncsc;ce. where her father w;ic; c;tationed in the Army (he later hccame a postman). Ba rbara was 20 when ~he forced her.,elf lti kJvc home. She headed lnr Hnllvwnnd. where her hlnndc good looks. <;tartlmg green eye-.. and petite figure ("I never \Cem to gain weight; r d0n'1 drink or !'moke or cat c;weets") had a lot to do with her quickly bcing snatched liy a ma1or ~tudio. She also had plenty of drive and talent. as proven by the fact that she won an I· mmy for her role in "Ironside.'' "It ic; eac;y to become narrow-minded in this bu.,iness." Barbara in.<sisted. "to forget that there L'I another whole world away from the camerae;. I want a fa mily soon. 811t right Barbara with husband Don: "I didn't quit because I was bitter. As far as the series is concerned, I don't think it is the best thing on t he air, but it's not the worst, either. I am just not sure that acting is still my profession." now. nothing is more fun to me than making curtains fnr our 25-fool sailboat." I've heard this kind of talk before from aclressec; who wenr back the moment an- other part was offered lo them. I think Barbara '<i chances of being jtLl\t a contented housewife are at least 50-50. Not only be- cause 11 was she who quit lbe iub, and has turned down all television and film offers <;ince lhen. hut hecauc;e (If Don Burnett I O\'ln l1<\ed to 'tar in the "Nflrth hy North· we~t'' 1clevic;1on -.erie" for NBC He retired on h" own vol11ion from ~how hu,incc;s eight \'Car. ago, It) c;uccecd in hie; prc~enr 1nh ac; an mvc,trnent hrokcr ) Rarhara ms1\ls -;he's home-oriented. "I like hc1ng married, and r can hardly wait until we find lhe right houc;e for uc;. So far, r must have looked at I 00 hou'ie'i ! Then I can get my rn11n1ry-French furniture out uf <;torage .ind really <1c t up house!" fhere 1c, much ~he can dn for Don ac; a housewife that "he could nor do 3'1 an actrec;s, c;he feelc;. "I c:tn help mv hU\hand a lot with hi" c:ireer.'' Barbara told me. "A woman ic; important to a man in investment banking. He doesn't ask me what he should buy and sell, of course. hut t can entertain, provide a good home for him. be in a gnnd mood when he comes home from work et night-which r couldn't if I'd been in front of the camera.~ for 12 hour<i! In o:her words -be a wife." • t9~· .._ r c-.. 1 'JI' Marl~oro ll030 CIOSIY, STIW, NASH I YOUMC four Way Street 41211 JU9I a.m HPDSTAI (2 record Mt) 33114 110-WAllWICI Very Dionne Sc-.t LP, ITR, CASS 17517 TMIU DOC MllKT Golden Biscuits DtmlllLP, ITR, CASS (2 record set) AU• LP, 8TR, CASS hca LP, ant, CASS " .,_,,,e, ~· , ~ ·• .. _.... . , >.. ... , ' ·~ . ,. 11111UH9SZUI 421M LID ZUPlllM l7Sll IOD MclUUt 43111 STAno NOS 42911 HCH Wll· 75002 JAClSOM I 5050l 1Ufn Blowln' Some Old Smoke 111 In The Bealnnina Bed Of Roses LIAMS Love Stci: Maybe Tomorrow SAIMTE·MAllE ll!Ma LP, ITR, CASS AU. LP, 8TR, CASS Smne LP, 8TR Mere• LP, ITR, CASS ..,, LP, 8TR , SS Met .. LP, 8TR, CASS Wanna Be A Ballerina 211151 IHTHOYH 42911 HCOI Wll· 42MI CIOSH STlllS V•1• LP,.8TR, CASS 21H7 lllllSIY-lln-330H IH & snv1a 447U SIHIUY IAS-Piano Sonatas LIAllS Golden Hits IMSH UOV Scheherazade Greatest Hits sn ts Real~ SOmettilnc Ywb LP, 8TR, CASs 32112 JOAM IAU Ywb LI', 8TR, CASS (2 record set) Vol. II AU. LP, 8TR, CASS 9INAr LP, I , CASS ..,, LP, 8TR, CASS Joan Baez 5 V ... LP, 8lR, CASS 30l11 DIANA ROSS Vaqw LP, 8TR, CASS 41217 llJIT lAUIP· Metn LP, 8TR, CASS 4llOO I . I . llMC live 330tt f'IHl BACH 33112 SUSAN SIMCS FHT Ofan\e Co!ortd Sky At Cook Coun~ ~it Stoned Guest SE.SAME STR([l SONGS J7137 fUP WILSON V-s-LP, 8TR, CASS llOtl EMOISON, LAH Scetit LP,8TR,CASS Decca LP, TR, CASS rtipped Out HC LP, 8TR, ASS I PAUIOI S•se LP, ITR 3a373 Ill I. TINA 43971 MR.IA MOOH CetM LP. ITR, CASS l-S. llllHllSID l8J&I nan.u 101tt 21133 IED ut1Y TVIMU Worllln' Look What You're Dolnc 115" VIRCIL FOi AMlversary Album Mtml LP. ITR, CASS Greatest Hits 12 record set) llhr LP UISEMILl Toa ether Bach at the F111more S..CI LP, IJR, CASS Yerb LP, ITll, CASS LIMr LP, 8TR, CASS Decca LP, 8TR. CASS TYPICAL ."EXTRA DISCOUNT" SALE Ila. Clll fll a.llCA $4.98 LPs neract as tow as $1 .96 $5.98 LPs Hef'Jle as low n $2.25 ~...,l, .. ~ $6.98 LPs averase as low as $2.56 .. r--r :;·-,: ~-= Savi111s of 63% or •ore fr1111 recent Club sales up YES• ••• •••••• ,,.,,,, to $4.42 per LP. Start Utese riant sninss now ... • -~C#ltlll, ,. -· ......... Ht after yo• fulfill your oblltatian like Ute otller l-.N Chl~S. "' .. 11,.11 ... 1 ... Ave rare I ,..,IJ ...,.U' TIM 11 list Club NONE! -.. • '"'· • -~ .. fll ii,... .... label Price Price c • , ....... -.. _.... Andy Williams-love Story Colum 5.98 2.25 zoo:..-~·~.:;:::~.~ AftH Murray Cap it 5.98 2.25 DOUAIS ~ -I ...... Ed AIHS-This Is RCA 6.98 2.56 r •'-' 2001 -A Space Odyssey MGM 6.98 2.56 ,,.,, ... , ........ Mary Tranrs-Mary War Br 4.98 1.96 ltO ALWAYS!!!!.~ .;:.•.:::, CrttdelCt Clearwater .... ~ .... Atwinl-Pendulum Fant a 4.98 1.96 '°"°"nu ,,, ., ... ,., . Miles Dnis-Bitches Brew Colum 5.98 2.25 ICCllW .... ( .. c-....,, tt tlllf'tl ~ ... YlS N(V(RI °"" I ....... -love Story-Soundtrack Par am 5.98 2.25 ICtollll Oii . '----.-.-· urn• _ ... ,,-,.... ... PerryCt•o-lt's Impossible RCA 5.98 2.25 MOW IOlllC 81111•rtck-3 Cap it 5.98 2.25 .,,, '°" ., LOllC ,_ ·-,, .. "'" ... , 109 ' .. . AITS ,_ .., •t<•-... SHt.lfla-Abraxa s Cn lum 5.98 2.25 lltlCllOll ..... . , ............. .,. .. Worst of Jefferson Airplane RCA 5.98 2.25 10_, .... RECORD CLUB OF AMERICA-The World's Largest Record and Tape Club Yes. t.-lce your Pick of tl'8M 11Wt hits right now! CtMJOM en13 St.reo LPs (worth up to $20.M) or 811J l ....,_Tepe(~ or cassette, worth up to$13.96)FREE .•. H your •lcome atft from R9cord aub of Anwtca wher'I JOU join at Ille law liMime membership fee of $5.00. You can defer your 11laction of FREE ttem. end chOOM from en UP9nded net lat8r tf '°"can't find 3 LPs or 1 Tepe here. We make this amazing offer to Introduce you to the onty record end t.pe dub ~ IUlr,...... dhcounb of 33'1>% to 79% on •II 18bels-wtth no obliption or commitment to buy anything ewr. As• member of tllta one-of .. -4dnd dub you will be able to order any record or upe commercialty enilable, on every label-fndudinl all muslcal pnfwetM:ea. No •...-...tic shipments, no cards to return. We ship only whet you order. Moneybeck auarantM tf not utisfted. M 7M •tl •tAlllO• Tap Root Manuscript U.I LP, I nt, CASS 411 52 WHO Tommy b2 record set) KU LP, TR, CASS 44721 fHHNTE ' TEICHH 10th Anniverury Album (2 record set) U111Ar LP 44757 I UT Of 'OltDDN llliHTFOOT U•IAr LP, 8TR , CASS IS71111£WU & SMIPUY lark.lo "-S• LP, 8TR, CASS n1n JOSO'M .. TME AMAZIMC TECHICOlDI IMtHMCOAT S~t LP, 8TR. CASS 2IOl2 '9t£5CMUA" CHANT T11£ASUltY Yerls LP, 8TR, CASS 42111 MAN Of LA MANCHA Origin•I C•st 9'11111 LP, 8TR , CASS U 1 IJ I . J. TWOfllAS Most of All SU,t LP, 8TR, CASS JJU 4 I . J. TMOMAS Greatest Hits Vol. l Sc:tft LP, 8TR, CASS 157tl CAL TJADU T1ader-Ade l _..1 LP, 8TR, CASS 42714 STlftlE• STIW AU. LP, Int, CASS tn1t STtPPUIWOlf Cold .._.6LP,8TR, CASS 11115 VHY IEST Of LOYllC' SPOOltfUL -...S• LP, 8TR, CASS 44753 TH f flC John t;arreycorn Must Die U.IAI LP, 8TR, CASS •JellnMWIUD Bqattl .. of Ille Presi*tttllMial,. 11114 llll.Aall leftover WIM ...._LP, Ila, CASS JIUl l'CllllUWIO 1112 Owertwe , ... LP. Ila, CASS J30l2 IEST Of I UffY 44741 MU BU•· 21111 ..... WU· SAllfTE-MAllE TMI 7ottl Birthday wtCI I'll Newer hll In (2 record set) Concert Love Ac-'n V ... LP, I TR, CASS (2 ncon1 •t) .... LP sa.t LI', ITlt, CASS llGH JOAM I AlZ wour YOU c a ar David's Album 1~ ft ft!~ V-a•LP,ITR,CASS CBARGE IT, TOO! -------------~----------, R ECORD C L UB OF AMERtCA CLUB H EA OQUARTERS V()Rt(. P£NNSYLVA NIA 1740S "°61 Yes-Rush me 1 lifetime Memberslllp C.rd, free AT LAST A 1£COID AID TAP£ Q.UI WITH llO "OlllCATIGIS''-OllY IEJUITS ! Ordinary record 1nd tape clubs malle you choose from a few libels-usually their own! They make you buy up to 12 records or tapes a yur -usually at list price-to fulfill your obligation. And 1f you forget to return their monthly card-they send you an Item you don't ~unt and a blll for $4.98, $5.98, $6.98, or' $7.981 In effect, you may be chJr1ed almost double for your records and tapes. IUT RECORD CLUI OF AMEalCA CMOS All TMAT! We're lhe largest alH•I record and tape club m the world Choose any LP or tape (cartrac:lges and cassettes), 1nclud1ng new releases. No exceptions' Take as many, or as few. or no selections at atl 1f you so decade. Discounts are GUARANTEED AS HIGH AS 79% Off' You •lways save at least 331/:i % You get best sellers for as low as 99C NO AUTOMATIC SH.,MENT$ With our Club there are no cards which you Illus! return to prevent shipment of unwanted LPs or tapes (wh1th you would have to return at your own upense If you have failed to send written notice not to ship) Wt s"ll •Ir wt11t ,.. erller. hDW CAN WE HCH All RECOllO H O TA'E CLUI RULES! We Jre the only m•Jor record and tape club NOT OWNCO . NOT CONTROLLED ... NOT SU8SIDIZ£0 by any record or tllpe manufacturer anywhere Therefore. we are not obllaed by comp•ny policy to push any one l•bel Nor are we prevented by d1st11but1on commitments from 01ferin1 the very newest LP's •nd tapes. S'(CIAL INTIIODUCTIMtY MEMIEISH" OfFH Joan R£CORO CLUB Or AMERICA now and take advantage ot this special l11t11d11etery MtlMtf· slllll Ott.r. Choose •ny 3 LPs or any l t•pe shown here (worth up to $20.94) and mail coupon with check or money order for S!> 00 membership fee I• small h•ndhng and mall1n1 fee for your tree LPs or tai>es wlll be sent later. If ,.. CM't fl_. 3 LPs er 1 ._. llere, ,.. cmi liefer,.. selec- ti• •41 dlH H fre• t....., list liter. Tt11s entitles you to LIFCTIMC MEMBERSHIP-and you never pay another club fee. Your savl nas have already more 1han made up for lhe nominal membership fee. MOW YOU C ... CHUCE IT If you prefer, you may charce your membership to one of your credit cards. We honor tour dif· ferent pl•ns. Check your preference •nd llll·1n your account number on tne coupon LOOK WHAT YOU HT • flt(( llfttlme Mellllllenlll, en -guarantets you brand new LPs •nd t•pes •t discounts up to 79% . Never less than II:! off. • AICC "111t Muter L' and T.,. Catalec -hsl\ all readily available LPs and tapes (urtridges and cassettes! of 111 1•1s (including tore11nl ..• 111 musi~I ca .. 1erl•s. • AICC Disc Mii T_,. C•I .. -The Club's own Maga11ne, and special Club sale •nnouncements which regularly bring you news of 1ust-1ssu~ new releases and "ulra discount" specials. • AIU ANY 3 SterH L's er •J 1 T•e shown here (worth up to $20 94) with •bsolutery no obligation to buy 1nytt11ne ever' 'UAIANTUD INSTANT SUVICE All LPs and t•pes ordered by members are shipped ume d•y received (orders from Ille Master C•l•IO& may talle a few days loncerl ALL RECORDS AND TAPES GUARANTEED factory new •nd completely ut1sfactory or replacements will be m•de without Question MOMY IAU CUAllH'TU If you •ren't .t>solute11 deh1hled with our dis· c.ounts (up to 79'%)-return Items •ittlin 10 d•ys •nd membership tee wlll be returned AT ONCC' Joan over one end one·tl•lf million bud1et-wise record incl tape collec l ors now ,... °' - Giant Master LP I Tape Cat11oe. Ind Ols.c I Tape Gulde at this Special Me4'1bersll!ll Offer. Also MftG me ttle 3 fltEE lh Of I fltU t~ wtlldl I 11.v. Indicated below (With 1 blll for 1 sm111 tNlllftl Ind tllndll .. ctllflt ). I enclose my U .00 llfetllfte ..,...,. berV!lp fee. This entitles me to buy •"Y lh or t1pe1 •t discounts up to 79%, phis 1 ~11 Mllllftl and t11ndllnc ct11r1e. I .,,. not o111111ted to buy 1ny r.c· onb Of t•s-no yelfly qw ta. If not completely dellahted I may return Items lbo¥e wlltlln 10 d•ys for Immediate refund of metN>erslllp t.e J flt(( LPs .._____.I ~' -~I I.___. Mr Mrs or 1 flt(( t&Pl Q I trK .. O unette or rJ Otter S1lectl• send up•nded list. Miss ----------------~ Address _______________ _ ~ I C1ty ______ St•le _____ i., __ _ a: "" ~ < ~ 0 m :::i _, u 0 a: 0 u "" a: All Servicemen write Soc. Sec.#------- CNM'E IT to m1 credit c1td. I am cur,iftl "'Y $!>.00 membe"h1p (ma1lln1 •ncl hanclh"C fn Of each r RE C LP •nd tape select~ •ill be 1ctded) O ecll Me: n Dl•n Ct• 0 ...... a...te 0 ... ,ic. r...rn• 0 .......,... Acct = ___ llp11 at1on Datt ---- S11n•lure_ C1n1d1•ns m11I coupon to •bove 1ddrn~. Orde•s to ~ ~en.iced from C1n.ci1. L-----------------------J RECORD CLUB OF AMERICA -The World's Lowest Priced Record and Tape Club An Amazing Buy for Only $1.98 GIANT 4ft. INFLATABLE GIRAFFE TOSS SET Great for fun on the beach , bazaars, etc. • 7 Piece Set • 4 Plastic Rings • 2 Inflatable Ball s • Safe Vinyl Co nstruction Lovable Gerald Giraffe plays ball as well as a rousing game of ring toss! 4 plastic nngs and 2 inflatable balls are included. making Gerry eligible for the "Athlete of the Year" award! 2 giant feelers rise skyward to catch the rings. attached to his ample middle there's a basket ball hoop. Lets everyone test his skill! Realistic iungle coloring 1s a cover-up for an otherwise gentle nature Toss him about, he'll bounce back for more. The most wonderful thing about this game is that your child (and husband too1) will go back to play with 1t, time after time and never tire of it! OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED TH IS SEASON Supply 1s ltm1ted this time of year and we do not intend lo offer this again until 1ust before Christmas To clV01d disappointment and to have fun this summer, order yours nght now- order 2 and we pay the postage! r -MAil 10 DAY NO RI~"-COUPON TODAY -, PALM COMPANY, Dept.5661 4500 N.W. 135th St .. Miami, Fla. 33054 Please send me the 1tem(s) checJ..ed below I understand 11 I am not completely saltsl1ed, I may return item w1th1n JO days for a lull and complete refund. Enclosed 1s check or mo for $ Inflatable Giraffe Sets (' 10098) '" $1.98 (Add 50t postage per set) NAME ADDRESS CITY STAT~ -ZIP_ n Save SI Enclose only iJ.96 tor 2 Giraffe Toss Sets and we will pay the postage Extoa set makes a wonderful gottl L--------------' Family Weekly Sewing Comer By Rosalyn Abrevaya Dress on the Diagonal '111 A cool-looking, smartly tailored silhouette, selected for its easy-to-sew features. boasts striking diagonal front-panel detailing. top-stitched for accent. It's back-zippered. can be made with short sleeves or without. Suggested fabrics: linen. a lightweight kn11 or cotton broadcloth To get your pattern. simply fill out the coupon below. F-300 Size 14 takes 31;. yards of 44 inch fabric with sleeves; three yards without sleeves Standard body measurements for size 14 are Bust 36, Waist 27. Hips 38. A PRINTED PATTERN Send to: FAMILY WEEKLY PAITERNS, Dept 41 37, 4500 N.W. 135th St., M1am1, rta 33054 ?LEASE PRINT Be sure to give zip code NAME _------~------ STREET _____________ _ CITY STATE -----------ZIP __ Send $1.00 plus 25 cents for postage and handling; cash, check, or money order. Sizes 10, 12, 14 , 16 (New sizing) F-300 f State Size 1-----' Make All Your Sewing Easier with These Companion Bargains O World's most practical dress torm--check box tor perfect fit "Ad1usto-Matic form" with Stand. Adjustable 8 to 20. Order 17361. Enclose $7.98 and 95e tor shipping. O Check box to receive world's finest sewing boOk. the 328-page "Complete Book of Sewing." Valuable hem gauge included-free! Remit $5.95 extra with this coupon. #53501 Family H"etokl11. J11l111 8, JP7 1 17 Here's the easy, effective way to trim ~wn waist, abdomen, hips, thighs! \ \ New 1n11atable Air ShoMs provide pneumatic ™ SUPPOM PIUS massage to help you slenderize where you need it most I OR\G\NA\..L ~9 soLD AT $9. ,, oUR •& pR\CE OnlY 30 oays B a (Try It foutr Risk!} WithO r--• LOOK SLIMMER, YOUNGER -OR YOUR ~-- MONEY 8ACKI MAIL NO-RISK COUPON TODAY I I T1111 m•y w•ll be the ••••HI mosl comloll •ble trlm-do .. n melhod you"" ever lrted All you do " 1llP into thue u 1ound1ng new 1len '1t11111ng ahort1 end lnll•le lhem wllh lhe hllle hand pump we provide Then merely do • le• 11mple exercllflt ho.,.ework or •ny uau•I d•lly acuvlly What happen• atter lhll 11 llkety lo amaze you The pufty, •nug-lllllng pockel1 ol air which 1urrounct you aClually work lo orov1de oenll• pneumatic supoon plus e«ec 11v11 muuge whlla they 011nere1e •ddlt1onel body heal Ova•M•eed Re..,lta! You'll notice lhe 1mprov•m11nl elmoal 1mmedl etely In lour vital era•• Ya1 we 11ue1enree •II Your lnll•l•ble Air Stlorta mu11 help you lrtm down your wal11. abdomen. hips an<I thighs mu11 h•lo you took •llmmer and younger. !Hier than you'd behave poulble or purchue price refunded wilhout qu~111on• SaYa t3.00f .. nd Nowl Take adven11oe ol lhl• unu1u•I no-risk oppor· hrnlly lnflaleble Air Shorts l'lere orlglnally aold el $9.99 Our dlract-by·ml ll price Is only $e 99 (You save $3 001) Ona size hla bOlh rMtn and woman. Sand coupon lodey/ (Mri,'Z,i; I; tp>()OM 11 H.,...A .. Oie9' L .. oo''"°'°" NV 11$10 JAY NORRIS CORP. Dept. l -600 31 Han .. A'ttl , F..-port, N.Y. 11120 Ple"le ruah me __ lnnetable Ah Shona @ S6 99 plua $1.000011sge end handling lot H Cl'l I understand I muat be completely nllalled wllh reaulla or I m11y return lhe Short• wllhln 30 d•V• lor mone.r. "eek Enclosed la n check or ( l money order lor tolel S-- (N Y ret•denia itdrl u ies le• ) I Print Name I I AddreU-- 1 City I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : s i.1e ___________ ..,1.lo ___ _ ~-------------------J ' 4.1 ,. They've loo~.., others. But this~• for them. Already the slicing through t : surf. And runnin with the wind. . - Their cigarett,~~, Viceroy. They w \ settle for less. · · _ lts a matter of ~~ .:taste. __ CWhat in theCWorld! ERIC SEVAREID, CBS NEWS The young leave Decorah, bot their hearts don't Everyone is a Norwegian for three days, when Decorah, la. (pop 7 ,000). holds its annual Nordic Fest (July 23-25 .) A hundred years ago every- one was Norwegian-immjgrants who settled there because it reminded lhem of home. Amo ng them were com- mentator Eric Sevareid's forebears. Says Sevareid, "Not a great deal hap- pens here. The young go away to crowded ci1i~. but their hearts never leave. Today more and more drift back trying to find the magic talisman of peace." Do you wonder what those squiggles on the medici ne prescription from your doctor mean? Here are some translations (from the AMA): a.c.- before meaJs; ad Jibitum--at pleasure; b.i.d.--twiccdaily~c.m.p.-as directed; h.s.-at bedtime; p.c.-after meals; p.r.n.-as circumstances may require; q. 3 h~very three hours; q.i.d- four times daily; t.i.d.-three times daily; q.s.-as much as is sufficient: ss--one half; stat-at once; ut dict- as directed. Now, the question is, cao you read the handwriting? Can you imagine life 12.000 years ago -right here io America? Some archaeologists around Middletown, N. Y., have found what seems to be evidence of community life way back then. Their tests o r cuibou bones and chipped-stone points indicate there was a Paleo-Indian civilization in residence about I 0,000 B.C.-people who didn't even realize they were New Y orken.1 Ever wondM" what happens to those big lottery winners? A recent survey of a dozen or so $100,000 winners finds that their life-style changed very little. Most keep the same house and job. Most prefer to bank their wind- fall for a "rainy day." Many complain of constant touches from chariti~. real and phony, long-lost friends and relatives. even old flames . It's the losers who must have all the big plan\ 10 splurge. Q.uips t:J Q.uotes CAT HOURS I hav~ a cat that 1 adore, But I would surely lovr him mon- lf he didn't yell and pad a.bout 'Til I ~ee up and let him out. But w~, when I t?Ct back in bed With sleep dc<1crnding throu2h my heed He promptly sUrts an awful din 'Tit I get up and leC him in. -Ad ,laid' CokPr The 12-year-old boy had acted up al the table. so his father sent him up to his room as punishment. His room was air-conditioned, had a tv set. a tape recorder. record player. radio and an electric guitar tn it. After a while the father told the boy he could rejoin the family "No thanks," he replied. "I haven't been punished enough yet." -Dorothea K ent A man wa'i taking a walk with h1\ wife one afternoon when he came 10 a penny 'icale. He 'ltepped up on it. dropped a penny in the \lot. and hi' wife picked up the card th.II dropped out. She read it aloud· "'You arc a brave. 5tron~ leader of men. endowed w11h unmual creative powcl"i and "triking appearance '" Then 'ihc turned the card over "ft'\ got your weight wrong, 100," ~hr said -Dan BPnnelf TALBERrs IMP-BUTIONS IT COSTS $2 .000 A FOOT so why do we call it a treew,1y7 He who is the last to laugh often is tht' hutt of the joke. -Lane Olingho11u RUTH GORDON AT 74 She'd rather be 10 years okier "Ever make a mi5take?" asks Ruth Gordon in he r new book with the self-eitplanatory title, "Myself Among Others" (Atheneum, S 10). Ruth Gor- don's mistake was, "I told my age. 'Don't tell your age,' said everybody. I w1sh I'd listened. At 74, I'm getting minor raves on my looks, but I'm caught in the middle. Who knows what 74 looks like? Who cares? But 1f I'd listened to friends, I could now lie and say l'm 84. For 84 the way I look 1s spec tacul ar " C<>nsiderinR tht' hiRh coH of mn f1- c1nes. the best cure fnr a hvpochon- tlriac is a trip to tilt' pharmac)'. -Walter R F,rha11~h POLITICAL PITCH SWITCH lie used to find r~ul~ were iood, \\.'hen spHking out for Motherhood: Ala'i! Wllh overpopul•tion, He now mast opt for moderation. -1. W . 81mnhPim V rl(r1t1hlc a .rn/Jstcmt 1' 11.frd fn ha/ l1w a <'11ifd's pla1e wlnfr it's nurn·d to unrl from lhe tahle -Lucille J. Goodycor It was the middle of the vacation season, and the hotel manager wac; t'lusier than a 11warm of bees None- theless, an elderly lady insisted on talking 10 him personally. He li fted the telephone receiver to hear her say, "l don't want to hear any nonsense about rules and Testriction<1 1 I insist on a reservation for a room for me and m y cal." "Yes. ma'am,'' 'laid the hotel man- ager. "With or without mice?" -Ruth N . Renlcl'I t ' I I Oates: Miss Universe Pageant final s will be held in Miami Beach and tele- vised nationally, Thursday. Annivenan.~ Prime Minister W ins- ton Churchill introduced the now- famous "V for Victory" in a radio broadcast to Nazi-occupied nations 30 • years ago Monday. Astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the moon two years ago Tues- day. The legendary Steve Brodie leap1 from the Brooklyn Bridge 85 years ago Friday. Birthda~ Sunday, July 18, John Glenn is 50, S. I. Hayakawa is 65, and Red Skelton is 58. Tuesday, Natalie Wood is 33. Wednesday, Isaac Stern is 51. Thursday, Mrs. Rose Kennedy is 81. and Alexander Calder " is 73. Friday. Michael Wilding is 59, and Don Drysdale is 35. Birthday People: Natalie Wood and John Glenn. "You just sat on my ant village!" N"" Cook Book • Publblitt'1 Prke $6.9S • Codt #69'-"0t._S America's fa•orfte coolt book: O•tt 15 IOilHoa copies sold! Nt,,.. tdltioo lfus yoa 1,500 priuwl1UJln1 rrclpes. w:iy1 to cue food blll~. skip.a·.\;tp me.la, party ldtu, uotk dWies from arouDd the -..oriel. 29• pkturfll- 15' in color. •.ooe btdo td emcrlt11 rad)' for bubot ust. t Books snap open, paJref lie flat, slip in and out easily ......._ • 5 sturdy meral rings • Page booster keep<' pages straigh1 • Tab indexed pages. ----- Oecoradlia Book • Publlma'a Prier $7.95 •Code #'H Hl9e..J ~win. Book. Publlsller'• hkt S7 ·" • Coclr #6'6-Mloo-t from the edito rs of B e ller 1 lo m cs a nd Gardens great IDEA books (Take any ONE fOr S }) when you agree to become a member o f the Family Book Service and purchase as few as two books at discount prices in the next twelve months. You may cancel your membership after purchasing only two books or by returning your introductory vol- ume within ten days if not delighted. BRIGllTEN your life! Release your mar- velously feminine urge to create! T ake any one of the Better H omes and Gardens famous ring-hound books for only $1 with trial membershi p in the Family Book Service. As a me mber you're entitled lo get won- derful books in brand-new. full-length, at- tractively hardhound volumes from many publishers-always at substantial discounts. All volumes arc fully described to you in the illu!.trated club bull etin, which you receive free each month. Discover creative new cook book!. ... full -color decorating volumes ... books on family health and diet ... guides lo fashion. sewing, etiquette ... new books on entertaining, marriage. child care, do-it-your- self hnmc improvements, gardening. So fol- low the example of America's smartest, most up-to-date women. Join the one book clu bde- '>igncd cspcc1all y for the modern homemaker ... and SA VE! Right now. choose any book on thi-; page -value to $7.95 -for o nly$ l . Mail the coupon today to: Better Homes anti Gardens Family B ook Service. 400 Commumtv Orive, Manhassct, N.Y. 11030. Ntw Cardtn Book • Publlshtr', Prkt $7.95 • C odt # 696-00040-7 Juu about nuy- lhin1t you nttd to llaow for btaul)' and care of any prdfll. ladoon o r out. Flowtn to fruJt.w - la""U lo landsoplnic -5011 und <'hf'mkala, to waltrfnR and prun-" Ina-all co•tftd In n - pen dttall. Stt how lo build ltrnct~ walk" '"'" poohklt 111rdt o\! Handyman', Book • PubUsbtr's Prke $7.tS • Codt :-696-0005~ Complttt monty-savlna 11Ulde to home malnttnanct. l,SOO pktun:s makt ii ta~ tu rtpaw anytblog. be:iullfy home wllh lo"'· rosl projtcls, do plumblna and tltclrical job~. install fl'llurts, UH all tools nptrtly! --C LIP ANO MAIL T HIS COUPON TODAY! PBS-45' -....e ...... ~p_,hok8wfb ''I o.p. 5", M Ce l'J .,.,.. .. M bnsrt. N.Y. UeM f Send -a.e 9dt« ..__ WI a.....,._ l'w-~ tNl&;u ad 1'lft _.-only tt.1"11> .so• .. • • I lllllCDlber °' ... a.. ... ~ 1taini17 bll ~ I lllre .. bo.r ... Plll8Y Jlaot ....... woftl: EMii ...u. .... ct.ab ~d---..... Qoloe, dllec:dllel • ..,.,... -.......... lf,.,. ...... CllrhUt ...................... h ..m '--to,.,. ............ I caQ1. U JOU di) Mt,,... .. Qll'Nlll ltlldion. a. .. akarM• ......_ or_.-* a& aD tt.1111 ...-, ,_ eeu • 10IW wbMI 09 a ~ PIO,,._. for d\a.t ~ Ya11 9q ntaf'll _, boolls JIN *> me wtii1i tD I bep after~ ... fQc 10 ..,._ AM JOO IMJ' ea11911.,_, ... ._.... .,._. ..., 1 -l'ft Wiob I a& IUW•.W Ille I &Ill .... nu t •' ,,._ ......... u ....... ....... CUAaAMDI u.,. ..._ ... wtdl dlil latrodilca, ...... ~-... ·-•it.,, ....... ~~ 10..,.... I _..,....wmbe-&ll. I c...•11111J o mnm...-ANDcA..,..,..."m'8..,. f c.--~ 0 ------»e ..... *"C.--- 1 ~••••••o ,..,....-.-c.-~-a.1e•••' 0 lnla9CWAlft>GAWl\SWG4....... I Baul)' ud tcOltOMJ' map16cemtty aatcbed In lt.-lndt of t'readn projttts. SH a.c,,,.. to mr ~. ~lloose <h'tr 1.80• lUUICradoat sho.., 110 ... 1, t'!:. c.t.•111117 0 ..,..._....,~.WMfl800ll I acctuOrfa. tofn tuntmrr Pf'Obl-a. atamorizt llC>Ne room h1 room. JOO pkftlra. .... ,...ofupnf~ to destp aDd ""' 'Wtlok 'Wardl"Obes, do 11lttnflons. tailor detlcalt fabrics. DK laft~ llf'Ofttslooal tricks for sports'Wur and Pllrt1 fulUoet! AllO: ho"' lo ""' canam~ -~ ~o•rn. loa mon. L ::--,, ea 'a: h1 ftp I ~~~~~-L--~~_!::!~l!.~-~~~~·ill WEEK l<a1tl'A and, RicluaJut. ·~ .ca-host wiflt, Al Hiltt ---·-COST A MESA SADDLE BACK HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY LAGUNA BEAC H NEWPORT BEACH SAN C LEMENTE WEEK OF JULY 17 ·JULY 23 NBC's . _L .. w..__. • summer series "4~ 'VUJt Own, l(ind, °&-"4UAte. ~esdays at Bpm •1 DkkWllMll WILION FORD a .. .-... Be•"' We all i.:l.'l a chuckk oul of the cr&Zt' ot the past tew y<'ars •.. Bumper Stickers ... It seems they have r<'J>laec•d t h<' i.:rcat old .. Bu1·ma S hllVl'" road ~lctns that help<.'d any of us over ::Jo ueneralion pass away the mUes ... Herc.• arc a f<'w ~ood· les submitted to us nv<'r the (18Sl months ... "THIS CAH SELF -DESTHUCTS U P 0 N COMPJ .. .ETION OF :l6th PAY· MENT" ... and one that n •nJJy 18 n •minlsccmt nt the old Burmn Shave ... '"SEE NEX1 BUMP· ER STICKEH'" ... 01· this otll' . • . "KEEP CALJFOTlNIA GREEN -BJU NC MONEY" ... The only b11m1lt'r s t ickl'1-s \\'t • have here at Wilson Ford Snit's In Hunting ton Beach an• thl' onc·s with a SC'ri<'s of nunib•1-s on lh<'m. ThrsC', '''h<'ll a1111li<'d \11 lh<' bum1 K'r of n nr\\ rn r mc.•an we hl\vc nnutl1t'r snlisfit•d cust omN'. This 1cmporn1·y Ji- C'<'nsc platr ns."ur<-s y11u thnl you havt• th<' knowlC'd1-:1· nnd icuarant~· thal '' l' provid1· you. our custnm1•r with lh<' fim-st in S<'rviC'<' and <'UstomC'r l'C'la t ions ... Afkr all: \\'(' 1'<'8117.C' I hi\ t ll nt•w n11t11mobllC' is morC' lhn11 Jlkt•ly th<' !4C'C'fmd lnr~rst sin~I" pm-chase you'll <'V<'r mnkfo. W1· fc'<'I you d<'S<'l"\'C' n II t ht• 1•11111·· lt-sy st•1·vi('(' we-can nnd do pro- \"id<' . . WC' havr l>N-n in I h1• o.utomobile bu~inl'ss for q11it1• sometime and plan t o be-n1·ound for a gc~ dt•al loni;tC'r. By ft<'t'· formtru: our commitm<'nt ''' you, W<' know W<' will tw Why not dro11 int1J Wilson p,;,.,j Sal<'~ l\nd find out for you1·sclf. THE DAILY ~ILOT, TV WEfJC, JULY 17, l t1J ' DICK WltSUl#S WILSON FORD SALES II .. " 18255 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH t7:1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DICK WILSON SAYS: '71 's ARE ARRIVING IY TH& TRUCK LOAD ! IMMEDIATE DEUVERY ! ! HUGE DIS.. COUNTS ON ALL REMAINING 1970's ! ! Extra Savings On Low Mileage Demonstrators -31 To Choose From COMPLETE 1971 CAR AND TRUCK UNI ON SAL& I BRAND NEW 1971 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ... .....,"""'"'"---..-- $1919 $65 TOTAL DOWN 'YMT. 565 TOTAL MONTHLY 'YMT. 36 MONTHS $65 ;, tJ.e lotel d ow11 pe ymenl •nd $65 it the tot•I monthly 111•v111111t i11cl..di119 te•. ·7 I licen11 end .II finence ch•r911 011 e111111ro•1d credii for )6 t11ontlu. Oefured peyment price ia $2405.00 i11cludin9 ell fin•nce cher9fls, Ines, '71 licenu or if yo11 pr1fer to pey ush, the full c11h price is only S2051.95 indudi119 1111 1 lea, '71 licen" J!'llUOWI S 1571 A ...... 10.64 'Y.. WATCH 808 HARKE'S ORANGE COUNTY REPORT FRIDAYS, 1130-2:00 P.M., ON CHANNEL 9 llOUGHT TO YOU COUI TISY Of WILSON FOID JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD HUNTINGTON BEA,CH 842-6611 SAUS OlPf. ' • "'· •• 10 , .• 1 h"f' HHICI 0'1"' '"' ...... '''·· • ··"' ,. s Ill "' .. ...... ··"'· ,. ' , .... 592-5511 6:00 6:30 7:30 8:00 9:00 10:30 11:00 l 1: 15 11:)0 6:00 7:00 7·30 9:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 6 00 7 00 130 8·30 9'.00 10 00 10:30 11·00 11:30 6:00 7 00 7:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 6:00 7:00 7:10 9·00 10:00 10-30 11·00 11 JO fj 00 7·00 , 10 9 00 10 00 10 10 II 00 I I 10 7 10 8·00 8 JO 9·30 10:30 11:00 11:15 11·10 SUNDAY, JULY 18 7 "The Tunnel of Love" (Comedy) '58-Dons Day Richard Widmark. Gia Scala, Gig Younf,. 11 .. G•mmer•. tne Inv nclble" 1scd1) '66 -Bnan Donle11y Albert Dekker 9 (Cl "Helen ol Troy" (drClma) '56 Rossana Podesta Jack Sernas 2 8 (Cl "J•ck of D l•m onds" (.td11enturet '67-George Hamilton Ca11011 Baker. Joseph Collen 11 (C) "fl,.. Down Below" ldram~I ·57 Rita Hayworth Jack l .:mmon Robert Mit chum 7 3 6 42 (C) "Two for the Road" 1comedy1 67 Audrey 'iepburn Albert Finney 11 .. It H•ppened One N ight" (romance I 14 -Clark Gable Cl.iud~lle Colbert. 9 "Adventures of M•rk Tw•ln" (drama\ '44-frednc MMch Ale"~ Smith 6 "We've Never Been Licked" (drama) '43 -Noah Berry Jr RobPrt Mitchum 2 (C) "The Perlect Furlough" (comedyl '59-Tony Curlis, Janet Leigh 13 "Port of New York" (drama) '49-Vul Brynne• Sc..olt Brady MONDAY, JULY 19 7 "Youngblood Hawke'' Part I (dram.ti '64-·James F•anc1srus. S~1 zanne Pleshelte. Genevieve Page \. 5 "The Wolf Man" (mystery) '41-Claude Rains l <>n Chdney. 6 "The u11end8r Hiii Mob" lcnmedyl '5? Alec Gu1•1ness, St anley Holloway 9 ''force of Arms" Cdr<Jma) '51 William Hol<Jen Nancy Olson Fran~ Lovejoy. 4 10 36 CC) "Eye of the Cal" (st1sprnse) '70· M1ct1ael Sarr..,1n Gayll' Hunnicutt. (leano• P;irker 7 3 6 42 (C) ''Who's Minding the Mini?" (comedv) '67 Jim Hutton. Dorothy Pro111nt.>. Milton Berte 9 "The Pearl" (dramal '48 Pedro Armendar11 Mana M a1ci11f's S "Northwest Mounted Police" (at111enture1 '4~Gary Coover M.1tlr leine ('11 rrotl 11 "E•rth vs. flying Saucen;" (sci 111 '56-Hugh M.Htowe lo11n T11ylnr TUESDAY. JULY 20 7 "Yo1.1ngblood Hawke" Conclusion Cdramat 64 J;imp<; F r.•nu•.c "" Su7anne Pleshette Genev•eve Page 5 "Son of Dracula" !horror) '43--Lon Chanf'y Louise Alt>ntton 9 "Maru Meru" (adv••nture') 52 f rrol Flynn Ruth Roman R-<vmonr1 Burr 7 3 6 42 (C) "The Old Man Who Cned Wotr• (Suspens••) '69 Edw:ird G Robinson Ma•t•n Balsam Percy Rodrrgu~1 Diane B;tker 4 )6 CC) "Boy Old I Get ~ Wrong Number" 1Comedyl 66 Anh HnpP Phyllis 011lPr ! Ike Snmmer 9 (C) "The King and Four Queens" Wt'slern) 56 Parker. Jo Van Fleet S "Sign of thl' Cross" ldri'm;i1 l;:> Frednc March C'l.l11df'llP Cnlbl'rt 11 "Inside Detroit" (drama\ '56-Denni<; O'Keefe Pat 0 B"t'" lrn,1 Carvt'r 1 l "Barricade" 1<1dventuret '39-Allc!' Fave Warne• Ba •Irr WEDNESDAY. JULY :?I 7 (C) "The Honeymoon Machine" fcomedyl '61 Steve McQ11e1>n On111tt Billlen Jim Hutlon 13 (C) "Wer of the Planets" t<oc1 hi '67-T<111v Russell 5 "The Mummy's Hand" cmystt'rvl '40 Dick For.in 10 "City Beneath the Sea" Cdrarnal '52 Robert Ryan M al.i Powr1~ 9 (C) "Battle Cry" (rlr<>ma) ''i')-V;i11 Hrf11" Aldo Rav 9 (C) "Shark righters" (drama\ 51>-V•ctor M at ure, Karen S!('f•f«' 5 "Unconquered" (lldvE'nl urel '4 / Gary Cooper Paulette' Godd.11<t 1 1 "Dante's Inferno" (mystery! '15-S~et1r!'t T1acv CIMr" 1 rPvm 13 "Riot In Juvenile Prison" (drama) 59-JPrOm~ Thor THURSDAY. JULY 22 7 (C) "Gypsy" f>11d I Cmus1call 'fi1 Natalie Woon RQ5,1l1nr1 R11ssr>ll 5 "Invisible Man Returns" Cmvslervl '40--V1ncl!nl f>nc e 9 ''The Wron(l( Men" (cjr;,mi\l •!,7 Hf'nry ronda I/en• M1IPS 2 8 "Sons and Lovers" (dri\m.1) '60-o .. an Stoc ~well WPrH1V H1llr• Trt'vOr H oward 9 "Sherlocll Holmes In W•shlngion" Cmy''"'YI 41 8<\s1I Ri\thbnnP 5 11 9 13 N1g1>I Br11r" "Th" Story of 01 Wan•ll" 1rt1.1mA 44-GMV Cnope• I"'·""'' ri • .w "Impact" rmvstPty ·4q 9, '"" Onnlrvy r lta R?lt"P"-"Strangers In the City" tdr~m.1' 6~ Rnher1 1,e .. 1.i,.. c,.,.,.,., D"IK·"'" "You Pey You1 Money" tmvslt>IVI 57 Hugh M• De•mntt l.111r Hyltnr f°RIDAY. JULY 11 7 (C) '"Gypsy .. Cunrlu .. 1nn tm11'-1r:tl fil N1t.\lle Woorf Roct tltnC1 R1' $Pll K.1tl M 1fd,.fl 5 "Frankt'nstelo Mt't'ls Wolf Men" my<,f(•rv 4 \ I<•" r h~nry 9,.1., I 11ftCI"' J (C) ··Romf' Advf'ntutt" d lm I ()' Tu·v ()nn.-thu,. Anj' p o.r .. iri ... 011 8 "P~t1$ Blu@s" dt,,mt"l hl P,ut Nf"wn1 u1 In.inn~· Wr•n11w,rd 9 "Troublt Alon~ the Way" rom~rlv r., 1 tnh .. w •vii" n. , "' RPf'cl 1 8 (C) ''The Disorderly Orderly" IT rd, f.4 r~ .. ~ hY•'· "'" .... Oliver q "Notorlou5 I 3ndl•dy'• mv~tP•v • -k.1n1 Nnv •• l-1 •• ~ t pmm11n o; 11 8 f•rd A<>t<ltrP "Cleopatr•" ' ''""'' 14 f"I 11•t1,.lh t oltwrl Hl'I"• \'/Ir ,,.., (C) "Orum 8eat11 u-1v•'"'"'''' 'l4 "' ,,., I H1C1 Audtt•.., U.•tlnri "Ht!r~ Come th# Girt"•• H l"u;dy '· ~ At•h Hno,. lcu '!/ M "'"' Ad,••1"' D~hl Rnv•m '"' Clnnnrx l J "Mutiny'" 1._1d...,,.,,,,,,,., 'l, M "" "'tPvrnc; Anfilrltl t _.,,..,h,,,y SATURDAY. JULY 24 0.PI ~ 9 (C) "Stranite Lady In Town" 1rtram" 5~ Anr1t~W~ 11 "In A Lonl'l)I Pl1CI'" ltfr.lm.1 ''iO H .. mphrey Ang;irt r.t .. r I r,, 'h"'"" rr..,nk I nvr1r1y 4 10 36 "At1turn rrom the Ashn" r1"1m 11 '(.'l Ma'lm111.•n <.,rht'tl ..,,, rn1111th~ (.gg<11 lrigril1 Th11lm (C) "The Monk" (dr~mi') 'I\') l.Pt'lrllt' M11h;i11s Janet I e111h "lifeboat" Cdrarni\) '4~-1 <llllll"h BM1kheat1, Jnhn Hod1ak 7 11 9 l s 6 7 "Mutiny In Outer Space" and "The Four Skulls of Jon•then Dr•k ... " "Julie, the Redhud" (com!'dv) '6?-0anlel Grtin. P11 ~c<'I Pl'lil "Beeu Geste" C11d11l'nt vrel '39 -Gary Cooper, Rav M olland "Younc and Wllllnir" (romant'rl '45 S11~an Hayward W1ll1am ~lnlr1,.n (C) "Dirk et the Top of the Stel.-." (dram;,) '60 -RohN1 Prf'ston Oorothv McG111re 10 "The Tenth Victim" 1(fri1ma1 '65 M"rct'ltn Milstrn1Mrn1 IJrsul.1 Andre5s l3 "Destination Se tum" <~r 1 Ill 39--Bti~ter Cr11bbe I 2 (C) "Aoc!I • Bye Beby" Ccoml'dYI '58-Jerry Lew15, Cnnn1r St,.ven5 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 17, 1971 WEEK ~ !PORT! H/tJHl/tJ/IT! SUNDAY, JULY 18 10:00 m Dodger Baseball LA. Dodgers vs Pittsburgh Pirates tn doublelleader 12:00 f) (8 Pinpoint Bowling series O Michigan International 200 From Irish Hills, Mich 12:30 f) (8 AAU International Champions Today's track and tield meet features U S A vs_ Africa. at Durham. North Carohnet 2:30 (10 Outdoor Sportsman 4:00 8 Rams Action 6 :00 · Sports Page Mal Alberts hosts WEDNESDAY, JULY 21 10:00 PM CiE) Box Professional 10:30 O 3 6 1 NFL Action "AFC Champ1onsh1p" THURSDAY, JULY 22 8 :30 ID Olympic Boxing SATURDAY, JULY 24 11 00 AM O (10) Major League Baseball 12:00 m Los Angeles Invitational Swrm Meet World and National rec ord holders compete in record breaking events at the Olympic Swim Stadwm. taped last Saturday Tom Kelly is host l ·30 8 Kick·Boxrng • PGA Golf Final rounds of the Wt•stcllester Golf Classic 2:30 ,10) Sports Challenge 3:30 8 Angel Warm-Up 4:00 Angel Baseball Calif Angels vs 8alt1mC11(· OnolP'> ;it 8;llt1 more. Maryland I M.V.P.-Johnny Bench 5:00 3 (6 ABC's Wide World of Sports Futbol-Soccer 5:30 Sports Challenge 'Calif Angels vs Boston Celt•c.~ 6:30 O Hollywood Park Racing The $I 00,000 Hollywood Juvenile Race for two year olds at s111 lurtoni;s 8:00 O Saturday Night Fights 10:30 rn Boll de Mexico COMPARE· Price, Quality, Reliability 10'x20' SCREENED PATIO Compf•t• Includes: • Ooto,.11•• Scroll Po1h • Slid1n9 Gl1111nt ln1trh • Wood-Gr•in kick Pl•tu • 10 Yur Scrun Guu•nltt • hirudtd fr•m1n9 ""•II S1rt•n1 tNo '""'' .. ti' •Cr•w• 1ho••n• ORDER NOW Ht ~'"" Dt•" 36 Me,.ttru fo t .ty UllOMl•ICU O MASIO CHOC( ROU UP AWNING ... ~~=.~=~~~.:"' Ht~ Ct"<-•' H•• 0Hlt" No l•tkl•r• te (h,.,.~ lAS'Y Ull' IAS't DOWN SANTA ANA TENT AND AWNING f\fnff> /,,.,,,,,.,J (,11u1mfl"f J /\fl'"'' /111 /1H 1 11111/ ,J,o,, 1 nom 220 2 S. Main St. Santo Ano• 545-0491 n11r llrnnr h 0//1rr oaANOI COUNTY AWNIMO CO. ... "' ... ' ....... o,... ... ,_.,, ........ . •2r , HAH OI au•D . ""'-"'°" -... '7•·•7n Page 3 THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JULY 17. 1971 DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY MORNING 6:00 8 (i' Summer Semester 6:25 O Edue1t1on Exchanee Q) Features ll:lS m Operation Gr1ndp1rents Tues Adoption Segment Thurs 11 :20 m fashions in Sewing 6:30 6 Odyssey 11 :25 8 18~ News Cf TV 8 Clusroom; Across the Fence Tues . Voice of Aviculture 11:30 f)18) Se11ch tor Tomorrow Thurs. 0 o rn The Who, What and lO) Today on the Farm Where Game Art James hosts. (0 Features 0 @ 00 Thal Girl 6•45 =" c dit Report O Tempo Regis Ph1lb1n. Ruta Lee ' u.1 ommo y m Lei's Rap 6:55 0 KNBC News ID Bill Johns News 7:00 f) (fl CBS News lohn Ha11 ffi Buy·line 0 m Today Show '@Cartoons m Thunderbirds @ Spiderman €i) M11ket Open1ne 7:3016 Superman O History of World Thulre O Futures m Yogi & Fnends @ Hobo Kelly €i) Stock Market Coverage IS:OO f) Capl11n K1ng1100 16 1 Hot Wheels O Ralph Story's A.M a Sunup Mel Knoepp O News Meyers/ Del Rio .\Ol Today Show 11 :55 0 (lQ) rn News AFTERNOON I,,, .. a ,.,., .... 0 m Joe Ca11g1ola's Memory Game O Can You Top This? Coolung Wed 0 I 3 I m CE Bewitched 8 10 Hews m Insight ffi Crafts Mon .. T1avel Tues Thurs . r 11 • Perspective/Stretch and so, Wed €i) The Real World m Cartoons 12:30 f) 8 , As the World Turns 8:30 (6 ) Coffee Break/Children's Teacher 0 0 et} Days of Our lives •• O Movie Game m Dennis the menace 0 ~) (6J ff) love, American Style @ Cumby ED Eight Steps Towa1d ucellence m High Noon Buffoons Tues., Thurs ID Dialing tor Dollars €i) Stock Markel Close 8:50 (3 1 News Dick McAleer 9:00 6 CU The Lucy Show (3l Seume Street 0 "Q1 m Dinah's Place O The Gallery 0 [~) hck La Linne m Movie· 'PP OayhmP MOlllPS @ Uncle Waldo ED Seume Street :: 166 1 70 9:30 8 8 Beverly H1llb1lhes 0 10 et} Concentration O Movie· See Daytime Movies f 6] Vire1n11 Cr •ham Show O O Movie See Day11me Movies @ Romper Room €i) Stock M11ket 10:00 8 8 family Af111r L3) Movie: See Daytime Movies 0 QJ m Safe of the Ctnlury Q) ft1tures/Publlc service ED Maegie & th1 Beautiful M•chlnt rri 10:30 8 (fl Love of Lile 0 @) g;) Hollywood Squaru (j) Phil Donahue Show Q) Travel Films 11 ;00 8 Wltert the Htut Is 0 [O) m .lffpardy 0 00 Galloplni Gourmet P•l •-4 1:00 8 18 love Is a Many Splendored Thing 0 io m The Doctors O Ben Casey 6; Galloping Cou1met 0 .._3 J CD All My Children m Movie. See Dayhme Movies €i) Charting the Markel I 30 8 8 The Guiding light 0 10 rn Another World 0 3 r6 (!)Let's Make a Dul ffi fash1on~/Hews ffi Commodity Report 1 40 ff) History of World Theatre 2:()0 0 a Secret Sto1m 0 [QJ et} Bri&ht Promise O Strange Paradise 0 }) @ ff) Newlywed Game O Movie: See Daytime Movies m Features/TtlV'!I f ilms 2:10 ED Educational Futures 2:30 8 (j) Edee of "iahl 0 ®l m Somerset 9 Famous Jury Trl1ls 0 Cl) @ ff) Dalin& G1m1 ID Roy Roa•ri 3:00 f) Gom9f Pyle O It's Youi Bet Tom Kennedy O Highway Patrol 0 (6) ff) General Hospital (i) Movie: See Daytime Movies. '10) David Frost Show m Pay Cards ffi Rocky and Friends rn TV Bingo 3:30 8 The Mike Roy Show D Mike Douglas Guest co·host Is David Steinberg O Sea Hunt ,~6) leave It lo Beaver 0 (J l ff) One Life to Live m Phil Silvers @Cartoons et} Cinema 36 3:45 €IJ La Comunidad al Dia 4:00 8 Mr Ed O The Rifleman ,..6 Banana Splits O J ) CD Password O News Batter Ward m News Putnamtr1shman @Porky Pie €IJ Futures Mon Thurs 4.15 ED Dos Gallos en Palenque 4:30 f) 3 Movie: See Daytime Movies O Father Knows Best ( 6 I love Lucy O Eyewitnes.s News 'io) Fashion 1n Sewing/Cartoons ID The Munsters ED Sesame Street Jr 166. J 70 ED Delru del Muro a!) features ff) That Girl 5:00 O News less Marlow O News Kevin Sanders r 6) ABC News Reasoner' "mtlh 8 NYPD O The Real McCoys 10 Petticoat function m My Favorite Martian ID Bozo's Big Top Show €IJ C111 con [m1ho Tuero CB £1 Pecado de Soha CD Galloping Gourmet 5:15 et} Editor's Choice 5:25 CB Cuest1on de Segundos 5:30 O One Step Beyond 6 , Perry Muon O ABC News Smith/ Reasoner 8 J News Ray Wilson O Candid Camera .JO) News Rinaker /Coupee m Dennis the Menace Q) Cilliean's Island ED Misterogers' Nelg11borhood ED Comicos y Cancionu et} Don Wilson a!) Natacha (E) Desert on TV SATURDAY JULY 17 L V E ~ I N C~ 4:00 0 Rrpertoire Workshop A musical half hour featuring singers Louis Hughes. flta Cox and Palfy Bay lock performing a selection of songs lrom yesterday and loday O Agriculture USA O Car & Track O M.V.P.-Johnny Bench (8' Anim1I World m Man to Man rn America in Space ffi Insight 4:30 f) Movie: "Fort Defiance (western) '51-0an~ Clark. Ben Johnson. O Faberge Album of the Month Guests are Ike and finn Turner 0 NBA Highlights O Celebrity Bowling 811 Spy 10 Man lo Man m Untamed World @ Public Service film EB Faith for Today ED El Mundo en que V1v1mos et} Navy Prologue (!) Movie Game 4 45 €IJ Pie Game Soccer 5:00 Q Chicano IHl Mvlhs ol lhe Southwest O Hollywood Par~ Racing Thr $1 75 0:>0 Hollywood Golden Cup for threP year olds and up at a mile and 1/4 O 3 6 , CD ABC's Wide World ul Sports D The Avengers 101 News S1hwanl/Chan1fler m Movie Greats· (C) "Fire Down Below" (d1ama) '!J/ Robert Mitch um Jack l emmnn Rita Hayworth ffi Mantrap EB Quest 101 Life ffi futbol Soccer ID Bronco S 30 D l(NBC Newsm1te O Sports Challenge 8 New\ fin G•1rdnn 10 NBC News @Treasure ffi Artists in Ameri ca EB Fi~her Family 6 DO 8 B11? News f.lrfP Hnh~1t\ Q ffi NBC N,W\ O Laredo 8 CBS News O Boss City to Men From Shiloh @ Burke's Law ffi Wa terfront ffi Burgundy & Morvan Scenic tour ot the French wine region EB Musicale/Davey & Goliath a!) Pelicufu (cont'd until 10 PM) 6:30 8 About a Wee~ 3 J Sports With Bertk1 61 PeJry Mason 0 '81 m ED EB rn 7.00 8 • m 0 A re exar1 care o · o . 0 m 1 "Ral ing.' Worr real I Ame @l m• EDI ED . rn 1 730 8 1 dre'll a ire has lain nerv O f dis Char Henr O f 0 1 ldra1 Dub I ~I a·oo o : m1 Belo um, m i EB • EDI 8·30 8 r susp m1g~ o · (C) f 111a) Kath flop~ f111ht or.co Wiit 0 Gu es Moor @I ffi I ra 1 9:00 8 by h area, fade: ne1gl m1 EDI ~· 9:3o e c (R) whos finds t1on O Eyewitness News '8) Stu Trek €l) Hobby Showt1se ID The French Cher g:) ChilC:ren's Gospel Hour er;, Edge of Eternity 7:00 8 CBS News Roger Mudd (3) Call of the West O I SPECIAL I Get Well Soon CR) A repeal of the documentary !hat elamines the high cost of medical care services 1n So CalH O The Golddiggers O Juvenile Jury Jack Carter guests 0 Death Valley Days m I SPICIAl I Metromedia Presents "Ralph Story's Women Are Revolt· ing." Ralph Story lakes a look at Women's L1berat1on, and what is really happening with the modern American female @ Championship Wrestling €l) Creative living With Crafts ID David Susskind Show g:) To Be Announced er;, It Is Written ffi Wagon Train 00 Sherlock Holm Theatre 0 Movie for TV: (C) (90) "The Si· lent Gun" (western) '69 -Lloyd Bridges. Pernell Roberts, Edd Byrnes, Ed Begley. A feared gunman 1s so horrified alter nearly killing a small child that he vows never again to load his gun. 0 News Larry Burrell @ Del Reeves Show G} Cine Mexicano 10:00 0 00 Minnix (R) Diane Keaton guests as a young heiress who be lieves her father's murderer is still at large ONews 0 Joyce & B1rb1ra: For Adults Only m News Ken Jones @ Oak Ridee Boys g:) Noche T1patias 10:15 ff) NIT Playhouse (R) 10:30 0 Playboy Atter Dark Frankie Laine, The Cows1lls. Sue Raney 0 T1rget m Movie: (2hr) "It Happened One Night" (comedy) '39-Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert @ News Bill Reddrck 7-30 0 (8-1 Mission: Impossible (R) An drew Duggan guests as a m1thon aue paranoid m1ti1a11sl whose son tias defected behind the Iron Cur lain with the formula for a lethal g:) Box de Muico nerve gas 11 :00 e C3l 0 0 (j) (i§.) News 0 10 er;, Andy Williams (R) An (6) Death Valley Da13 dy s guests are Phyllis Diller 0 Fright Night: "My Son the Vam- r.harlle Callas. Joan Kennedy and pire" and "It, Terror From Beyond Henry Mancini Space." 0 3 '6) Cl) Lawrence Welk @ Full Gospel Businessmen 0 Million S Movie: (2hr) "The D.I.'' er;, Chiller Theatte (drama) '57 Jack Webb, Don 11:15 8 Fabulous 52! (C) "Written on Dubbins the Wind" (drama) '57 -Rock g:) Mujeres, Mujeres y Algo Mas Hud~on Lauren Bacall Robert 8·00 0 Saturday Night Fights Stack, Dorothy Malone m Movie Greats :(C) "Fire Down (J Movie: "Death, Where Is Thy Below" (drama) '57 Robert Mitch Victory" (drama) '63-Pascual Au um. Jack Lemmon. Rita Hayworth dret, Michael Auclair ff) World Tomorrow 11 :30 0 Movie: (C) "Mary, Mary" (com g:) Consultation edyJ '63-Debbie Reynolds. Michael g:) El Usurero Rerinie, Barry Nelson 8:30 8 {TJ My Three Sons (R) Barbara 0 Movie: "Two Women" (drama) suspects a promotion for Steve '61 -Sophia lorrn Jean.Paul Bel might be 1n order mondo 0 1lOI er;, NBC Saturday Movie: 61 Movie: "American Empire" (ad (C) (21/1hr) "The Hellfiehters" (dra· venture) '4 ( Richard Dix. Preston ma) '69-lohn Wayne Vera Miies rostPr Kat harme Ross Jim Hufton J C 0 Movie· (C) "Rampage" (adven fllppen The slory or an 011 well lure) 63 -Robert Mitchum [Isa lighter and lhe eflect his perilous Mar1inell1 oc cupat1on has on lhP lives ot his 8 Movie: "Girl in the Black Stoel!· wile and daughter 1nes" (drama) 57 Anne Bancrofl 0 3 6 Cl) Vil Doon1t1n Show 10 Movie: "Because of You" (dra Gue~ts are leslle Uggams Dudley ma} 52 Jell Chandler I orelta Moore and The New Seekers Young @ Porter Waeoner Show @Movie. "Creal E•pectalio,1s" €l) Hour ol Oellveuince (classic) 41-Anlhony Wager rin €!)The Story lay Currie 9.00 0 8 Arnre (R) Arnie IS persuaded 12:30 m All·Night Show· "Untamed by ti1s boss lo move to a swanky Women," "lust for Gold" and "Track area. but his family's enthusiasm of the Vampire." fades as they bid farewell to their l :00 0 Movie: "A Likely Story" (com neighbors and "decrep1r· old house edy) '4 7 -Barbara Hale. 8111 Wil @ The Wilburn Brothers hams ID I irWAL I Bulldine the Bomb @ Movie: "Search for Daneer" g:) Hour of Power (mys tery) '49-John Calvert. 9:30 O Mary Tyler Moore Show 1:15 00 Ntws (R) Mary 1s ~ttracted to a man 1:30 0 Movie: "Entar lnspedor Mal- whose brother she used to date, and grit" (mystery) '67--Heinz Ruhman. finds herself 1n an awkward situa-NeWI hon with his parents l :S5 O Spuklng fmly THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 17, 1971 I Sears I v All-In-The-Ear Hearing Aids At A Pri<'~ You Can Afford BackPd By A Company You Can Depend 011 ·"AVE '.3 0 All-In-Thf"-Ear H.,arin1t Aicl& Regular $229 •All in the·car hearing aid is s 199 anconsp1C'uou' • l':asy to adJust and once it" adiui.ted there's no nel'd for further ad1u.,ting • t-.o "'ires <>r cord~' ''1hle Can't Come To Us? We 'll Come To You! Call Your Nearest Sears Store For Appointment Does Your Hearinll( Aid Need A Tune-Up? Sear' will repair any make or modt>I hear 1ng aid for one lo" price ol $39 95 GUARANTEE FOR 6 MONTHS c;uarantced to repair any mechanical failure that occur!\ within 6 month~ ol the dale of repair free of c·harg<'. Htarlng Aids Art Avall1blt at the f ollowln1 Sun Si•ru Buena Park C'omplon Eall Olymplt lo Solo EIMHle Glt'nd1lt> Jn1lewffd IAn' Beac:h PHa4rna Pin al JUmpau. l'omon1 South CoHI Plau Tornnc:r Vallrr A1k Abe11l Seen Couultal Cre411 Plaae P11e 5 2Vewc.JVlembers Elizabeth Baur (above) becomes a regular member of the Ironside team and Lynda Day 101ns the IMF of Mission Impossible when the two series return this fall The brown haired l)lue eyed M iss Baur will portray OH1ce1 Fran Belding a mpmber of Ch ref Robert T Ir onside '> (series star Ray mond Burr) staff a unit of the S.in Fr anc1sco Police Depa• tment A native of Los Anqeles Elizabeth is a product of the Talent Develop ment program at 20th Century Fox Studons For two years she played the role of Tere'>a 0 Brien on the CBS Lancer ser ot•s lronsodt> will air on NBC at a npw d.iy .ind t1rnr:-Tues days at 7 30PM Lynda Days role with the IMF-will oHP.1 her wide scope. utili11nq her willowy blonde beauty on some instance~. and 1n others sub merging 11 behind makeup She will portray a soph1st1cated, urbane young woman whose mastery of d1sgu1se is used 1n a broad range of unusual and hazardous assignments M iss Day started her career as a model and went on to commercials <ind co starred last season in The Silent Force serres on ABC Mission Impossible begins its sixth year on CBS thrs fall and will aor Saturdays at 10PM THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JULY 17. 1971 A· T • T ·E-N-T -1-0-N IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE: TIME TO BUY! PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS C AR OR IMPORT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on Tite New 1971 DATSUN EXCELLENT SELECTION J Deor e 4 Door e WCNJOM e •oo4tt..,, I ,ichtK DOT DATSUN 18835 BHch Blvd. Huntinqton Be~ch 841-7781 or 540-0442 OPEN SUNDAYS 1971 The 11t6t sexy car fNm Eurepe with th• ,rte• of • sub com11Nct SANTA ANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1 J01 No. Tustin Senta Ana 547-9183 Ol»Of' 11ntll t IJ·"'·· M ...... ,rt. I I'·"'-Sat. & Sun. ORANGE COUNTY'S [][QllY]~[!]~ EXCELLENT SELECTION OF THE ALL NEW 1971 OPEL BAUER BUICK IN COSTA MESA 234 E. 17th St. Cost• Mes• DON BURNS' PRESTIGE PORSCHE-AUDI AUTHORIZED CHICK IVERSON Your Authori1_.d VW Dealer in the Harbor Area @ Home of the Love Bug Special 44~ l . Coflt H.Y et loysi4• Dri•e. N I "l-0900 54'·)0 ) 1 Ht. !» Ht. S4 & SS B. J. SPORTSCAR CENTER HEADQUARTERS N•-U~e4-Senl~• Orange Counties Finest 2133 HARBOR, COSTA MESA DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 1966 Harbor, C.M. &U.9303 "_ .... ,..., .... _ ...... t•Kwtlvt & -tlreler -It l"ic• fer im ..... ielt dtliV9rf 13631 HARBOR BLVD. GARDEN GROVE 714 636-2333 540-4491 H~., .,..., Otlfy ....... ~ Ft.t~ Page 7 EVERYTHING FROM 'A 10 Z' July's loudest firecracker might turn out to be an hour of music and comedy w hich promises to bridge the generation gap, co- hosted by the Carpenters and Al H irt, pre- miering as NBC's Make Your Own Kind of Music, Tuesday at 8 PM. The New Doodletown Pipers, singer M ark Lindsay and the comedy team, Patchett and Al Hirt, the man ,.-Ith the horn (and the beard), •PJ>Un ftllJlarly u ~o-host on l\1ake Your Own Kind of Mauk. Tarses, regulars on the show, will be joined by other comedians and mu:-.1cal guesr st~rs leading off with Herb Alpert on the opening show. The show will deliver cveryrhing from "A to Z" by using each letter of the alphabet in each show to formulate the total pattern in- cluding blacko uts, cameo ap pearances, com- edy and singing by the audience a t home as well as the studio. Jack Jones, Jose Feliciano. Kenny Rogers and the First Edition, Fifth D1men~ion, Helen Reddy, Dusty Springfield and Mac Davis are a few gucsr stars who will appear on the show wirh ~everal orher "surprise" visitors including Bob Hope Cameo, blackouts. corned} anti <1 hig ac- cent un music and singing point to an hour of upbeat fun. A large part of that upbeat. e~~ -on-the cars harmony, will he furnished hy the Car penters, Richard and Karen, the broth~r-antl sister team which has walked off w11h the major musical awards during the last year. Not too many instrumental-singing groups break into the public charts and pick up two Grammy awards in the process, but that'-. what 1he Carpenter~ did in just a few <;hort months. Richard and Karen Carpenter moveJ to the top o f lhe nation's musi~, c harts ~hen they recorded "Close to You, and quickly repeated the accomplishment with "We've Only Just Begun." Each record sold more than a millio n copies and brought them two G rammys, o ne for Best New Group and an- o ther for Best Contemporary Vocal Perform- ance. R ichard. 24, and Karen. 2 1. were born , .... in Connecticut, into what they term, "a musi- cal background." Their father was a record collector so they grew up to the sounds of Harry James, Liberace, Spike Jones, Red Nichols, Les Paul and Mary Ford, "and everything from classical, jazz and swing to dixieland," says Richard. Richard was playing piano when he was nine and went o n to study classical piano at Yale when be was 16. while performing in clubs where he could pass as "a 26-year- old." Karen claims she didn't really take music seriously until s he was I 6. She met a boy who had been playing the d rums ~ince he was three and she became fascinated with them. Both Carpenters attended California State College at Lo ng Beach, majoring in music. Richard now does all the arranging, plays piano and sometimes s ings. Karen does most of the singing and plays drums. "A" IS FOR Al.PERT-Herb Alpen (riahrl I~ 1he firsl KUt SI star welromtd by lhr Cnrpenle,..., Rich- ard (ltfl) and Karen, 10 NBC'~ ne~ wmmn show, Makr Your Own Kind of Musk. They launched them~elves as the Carpen- ter Trio in 1965, w11h their friend Wc<1 Jacobs on the tuha ant.I ha.<-'> The c;ountl was described as soft rock but the group ran headlong into hard-rock music Thev formed a \econd group of six niu- <.icians under the name of Spectrum. hur the 'ound didn't ">ell Then caml' the -.ofl, upbeat-almo" nos- talgi1.-qualit} th.II c<wght two !!encrallon' in it'> path. and with a pu<;h from Herh \1 - pert. Richard .md K.1ren "'ere nn thl·1r "a' Alpert he;,ird .intJ ltl..cd their ~ofr 11phca1 harmony and 'llggeo;tcd the\' record "Clo<.c In You." Roth Carpenters arc <;1ngle and live with their parents in Downe", C'altforn1a To- gether, the six-foot Richard aml h1" "fivc- foot four" siMer tip the scales at JOO pound~ But the producer-director of the show. Stan Harris, J iscovered a way to "balance the <;Cales." Co-hostln11: fht' summer show along with the Carpenters is JOO pounds of a New Or- leans product called AJ Hirt. You just can't talk ahout Al H irt without talking about hi.s hometo wn of New Orleans. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 17, 1971 And many maintain you can't ralk about New Orleans withour mentioning Al H irt and hi~ trumpet. rn either ca.<;e, both name<; have become synonymous with Dixieland and Jazz. Al Hin, like jazz. was born in New Or- leans r n 1940, he left lo study classical music at the Conservatory of Cincinnati on a scholarship. (n less than two years, World War II broke out and Al served in the Army for the duration. Afterward, he returned to New Orleans. Soon the bi~ name bands called <1nd Al was off on the nomadic life of ORC ·nighr stands with such names as Tommy Dorsey, J immy Do rsey. Ray McKinley: Ho race Heidt and many others. During one o f hi~ -;tops in Lal> Vegas, Al and hi' w1k, the former M arv Patureau. became !>O home- 'ick they jusr packed up and went back to New Orleans. jeopardizing Al'!> career A nightspot calletl Pier 600 hcrnme Al'' new home and soon the cluh'!> naml'. with H irt's, hegan to grow Al'<; next c:ill lo 1 as Vega!> found him at rhe rop-hc "' ,1c; a \tar• D inah Shore 11aw him. liketl hrm. rnvrted him to be a guesr on her .,how ;ind hi\ career soared. Pier 600 soon became kno''" ,,, Al H111'<; place. and his trumpet hccame the 111wffic1al <;Cepter for the "king of jnn" As hi\ fame grew. so die.I he .ind h" fam- ily. The ~00-pounder 1!i the: fathe1 of e1gh1 , ranging in age from I I to 27 The H irt rrumpet ha' heen heard from major night cluhs to Carnegie Hall In one I 2-monlh period he had th ree "gold" recnnh with "ales totaling more thnn n million dol· lar<; each. Tell'vision and movil' appearance~ lnl- lowed. He rcceiveJ a (irammv, Art1~1 of the Year award from the M us1c Operator~ of America. ci1at10n!i from Billtioard Oise Jcx:k- ev Polls and Bil lhoartl'" Campu~ Mu~ic Poll, a Cashhox Di .. c Jockev award. four Gold Recorcfo;; from the Recording lmhl'try Ac;- sociat1on of America. and, 1n I 96~. he wa' pre coted \\1th an Honorar~ Doctorate de- gret: h,· the llniver .. it\ ol Cincinnati C-on <;ervaton of M U'>IC His \.\Ilk app<'al 1\ rcneued in h" 1.11rren1 hilling J' en hl"I w11h the: Carpenter" 11! !'<RC\ nt:\\ 'l1mm<'r 'how. Make Your Own Kind of l\111'>1C The Carpenter' ,ind Hirr can la\' claim to h,1v1ng hmlgcd the mu'1c.1l gen c:rat1on ~.:1p-holh ha\c .1ml1cntc' 10 provc If The N ew r>ondleto"' n Pipr~ hnn~ .1 ncv. IN1k tn their pcrfo1 m:ince" Their o;;1n~ing and d;mc1ng \.\di he il regular par! nl the 'how\ p.1nng The olf-,cn:i:n pacer fm the Piper' I' Ward F.lli,, who direct' their movl'ments and voice' to.lark I •nd,ay offer' ~omc of h1\ hc~t vo l"al accomplishment' a.~ well a\ a few new ~ongc; his fans have no t yet coll ected Mark will soon release a new single reftecting the name of the ~how, "Make Your Own Kind of Mu<;ic." A rising comcJy team, T o m Patchett and J ay Tarses. spell their humor into the fast- mov1ng show with comments, blackouts, and skerches geared 10 contemporary scenes. I 6:1 6:3 6:4 7:0 7:3 7:4- 7:5 8:0 8:3 9:0 9:1 9:3 10:0 lO:l I SUNDAY JULY 18 MORNIN G 6:15 m The Chrrstophers 6:30 m The Bible Answers 6:45 '91 The Christophers 7:00 fJ rs Tom and Jerry 'lo Heckle and Jeckle m Let's Rap 7:30 fJ 8-. Penelope Pitstop O Music and the Spoken Word '6) Directions O Day of Discovery ~Q) Woody Woodpecker m Yogi Bear and friend~ ID Sacred Heart 7:45 ID The Christophers 7:54 0 Storyline s·oo fJ 8 .... , s=P=Ec=r..,...Al,..,, Come Receive ID Faith for Today €?) Adelante con las Escuelas CB Buy-line 11:00 fJ Rapid Reading "Relaxation 0 Home Buyers Guide (6) Larry Kane Show 0 (3) Bullwinkle (8) Our Navy Today 10 KOGO's Corner ID Church in the Home EE Cine en Su Casa (B Yariedad Cl) Cine Mexicano 11 ·JO fJ Magic People "Ice Hockey " 0 1..~l Discovery (R) "Journey Through the Wilderness.'' 8 bne Grey Theatre 0 Movie: "Beast from 20,000 fathoms" (sci-Ir) '53 -Paul Chris t1an. Paula Raymond J.01 Movie: "free for All" (comedy) '49-Bob Cummings. Ann Blyth ffi Cine Mexicano AFTERNOON the Light Greek Orthodox ser111cc taped on Orthodox Easler Sunday 12:00 fJ '8) Pinpoint Bowling series O Hot Dog 3 Children's Gospel Hour O 10 Rex Humbard 0 Mrchrgan International 200 lop 6 Real Estate Open House rac~ car drivers compete ror a total O Campus Profile "Vtewpotnt on 1 pum or $95 000 1n a 200 mile race Nutr1t1on Stress and Oental De at the M1ch1gan lnternallonal cay " \peedway al l11sh Hills Michigan 0 Herald of Truth I ~ NOH Durrng lhe last 40 minutes a m Wonderama S'gment of the World Championship ID Revtv~I fires of Tennis from Wash DC will be 8:30 O Jambo telecast O My Friend Pookie 0 Movie: "Outlaw Gang" (west O Movie: "Violent Road" (drama) e~n) '49-Don Barry. Robert Lowery 58 -Brian Keith Dick roran (6 1 Movie: "Hell's Five Hours'' (dra ID Kathryn Kuhlman ma) '58-Colleen Cray Stephen 9:00 fJ Camera Three McNally, Vi c Morrow O Mrs. Alpha Bet 0 Movie: "Young Man With Ideas" 0 Day of Discovery (drama) '54-Clenn Ford. Ruth O Smokey the Bear Show Roman, Denise Darcel, Nina Foch. 'al Let There Be Light ID Essent11lly Su lQ) It ts Written (B Peliculas (!Ohr) Continuous @ Oral Roberts movies. EE Musica y Palabras 12:30 fJ '81 MU International Champions (I!) Panorama Latino en Domingo Today's track and Held meet fea - 9:15 m Dodger Warm-Up l ures lJ SA vs. Alr1ca al Durham. 9:30 fJ Torfay's Religion North Caroltna O The Christophers 3' Davey and Goliath /Feature O Gene Autry ID Rendezvous With Adventure 6 Movie: "City Without Men" (dra Et} Movie. "The Revenge of the ma) 43-Lrnda Darnell Edgar Barbarians" (adventure) '60 -An· Burhanan M1rhael Duane thnov Steele Robert Alda O Angie's Garage l ·OO J Across the fence 10 The World Tomorrow 0 Movie: "Santrago'• (adventure) ID Gospel S1ng1ng lubrlee .1, Alan I adn Ro\sana Porle~t.l EE uta Es la Ytda I lnyd Nolan 10:00 fJ S1eps to Lurnrng 10 Meet the Press O Challenge My Sermon ID News N1rlo. Carter O Hour ot Power al frente a la Vida O 3 Jonny Quest 1 :1~ 0 Movie: "Tall Tuan" 1wcstern) 8 Ca mei a Three 53 -Lloyd 811dges, Lee J. Cobb 0 Movie: (C) "Master of Ballan· I .JO 6 Soultime USA trae" (at1vrnture) ~ l I rrol flvnn 0 3) ffi Issues and Answ~rs Beatr ire Campbell 10 Insight 10 Consultation ID Voice ot Calvary m Dodger Baseball l fl Dodgers vs EE C.ltometro Pittsburgh Pirates (Doubleheader) 2:00 fJ Insider/Outsider Truman Jae €?) C1nciones ., Music• ques 10:30 O face the Nation (3) Gene forssell Show O Sunday Tom Snyder 0 Focus "YMCA Outreach Pro 0 r 3J Cattanooga Cats gram " CID Zooram1 (61 To Be Announted. 101 Comment (Continued) THE DAILY PILOT. lV WEE!\, JULY 17. 1971 Baby. you·ve never had it so good. Thi1 it no lime to 1ottle fo1 leu. The world 11nd a ll the 9 ood1t!l in it e1e yourt lo he•o Providinq you e re in the po1ition lo take od•an· ta9e of them. W "ich i1 whet '"• Sawva r Colle9e -of Butineu is a ll .,bout. Ther•'• no 1e.uon on ea.th why you shou:dn'I be out , ... ,. •n1ov1"9 The. rewards of ,t .. lled secreta rt e\ in attorneys' or docloll ,o:-,. 0H1ce1 eaecul1ve suites ' e nd the like So whet ue you wait1ri9 for? I (/ i Send for our free 1nformat1on pacltegci on secret.rial cereers and placement service tod"v r ' l!etler yet, c11ll the number below ri ght now And b egin the good life a girl li ke you deservu Sawy€r 230 S. Euclid An. Anaheim, Calif. 92802 (714 ) 778-2740 ----------------, The q ood life 1ound1 grut Pleau ''""I mp e ll d•do1h W ithout obt.9~l1on of COUIH' M"' M:, ........... '°"9• ...• Str6ef .•.•••••••.•.•..•..•.... Citv .•.••.•.•.•••• Zip ••.••• Phone m sawyer Business Colleges, Inc. 1971 .... ~ ' SUNDAY (Continued) 3:30 0 Newsmakers 0 Eyewitness O All About Your Car "Brake Sys· ® Movie: (C) "Qu&bec" (adven-rem " lure) 'SI-Corinne Calvet. Patric 00 Tarun Theatre Knowles (i) Face the Nation '.iQ) Big Picture iQ.l World ot Lowell Thomu m Dodger Baseball (cont'd ) Sec· m This Is the Life ond game of doubleheader between Q) Catunooga Cats Dodgers and Pittsburgh Pirates 4:00 O Movie: (C) "Saskatchewan" (ad @ Ask Congress venture) '54-Alan Ladd. Shelley ail Teatro familiar Winte rs ffi Film Feature 3' Movie: (C) "let's Make Love" 2:30 0 Belle! (comedy) '60--Marilyn Monroe Yves (3) Movie: "Behind the Wall" (dra Montand ma) '56-Tom Tully, Sylvia Sidney O lmpacto Host Manuel Aragon 1n 0 m Meet the Press 1erv1ews William Johnson Super fl) American Physical Fitness mtendent of the l os Angeles Uni O Movie: (C) "Give a Girl a Bre1k" lted School System (musical) '54 -Debbie Reynolds. O Rams Action Marge and Gower Champion, Helen O Suspense Theatre "Thal He Wood. Kurt Kasznar. Should Weep for Her " Milton Berle . o Outdoor Sportsman Carol Lawrence. ID Roller Came m Probe 3:00 0 The Siesta Is Over OF Troop Q m Comment Edwin Newman llQl The Saint 0 Robert K. Dornan Show Sgt m Consultation Maj Galen Kittleson. oldest enlisted Q) Rex Humbard man lo participa te '" famed Son 4:15 m Dodger Scoreboard Tay Raid last November. 1~ today's 4:30 Q This Is the Life special guest I O Ian Tyson Show (6) Celebrity Bowling Frank Gorshin -a-The Interns and Chns Gorshin vs Greg Moms B Pet Set Johnny Mathis guests and John Bernardino m Movie: ''It Happened One Night" B Family Frlm Futiv1I: "Poor Lil· (comedy) 34-Claudette Colbert, tie Rich Cul." Shirley Temple Clark Gable. Walter Connolly, Roscoe IQ) Pet Set Betry White Karns m Chiller m Burke's Law m Toroa m It Is Written Cl) Jonny Quest 5:00 0 Movie. (C) "S1nds ol the Kala- THE DAILY PILOT. lV WEEK, JULY 17, 1971 hari" (adventure) '65-Stuart Whit man. Susannah York. Theodore Bikel. O Melody Ranch Dave Peel Guests (6) Voya2e to Bottom of the Sea O Insight B Twilight Zone 110 News Schwartz /Chandler fi) World Football Soccer ail Carrousel Me1iuno m Agriculture USA ffi Bullwinkle 5:30 O Where's Huddles? 0 Eyewitness News fi) News Ray Wilson rlO) Movie: "look Back in Anger" (drama) '59-Richard Burton. Claire Bloom @Vagabond fll) Consultation g;, Insight Q) Discovery EV E N I N c; 6:00 O Big News Clete Roberts (3) The Brady Bunch O The Challenging Se• "Ocean· ography 6 J Dakta11 O Sir O'Clotll Movie; (2hr) "The Tunnel of Love'' (comedy) '58 - Doris Day Richard Widmark Gia Scala Gig Young a This Is Your life 6,, Sports Page @ Burke's Law fll) Book Beat (R) "Brendan. ' al new biography of Irish playwright Brendan Behan, by Ulick O'Connor 1s discussed. g) Leyendas de Mexico m Call of the West ~ Pelicutas (cont'd until 10 PM) Q) Buy-Line 6:30 O CBS News Roger Mudd. (3) Nanny and the Professor O Barbara McNair Show Guests include The I nsh Rovers Josh White Jr and Vanda King f"jf) Untamed World m Creature Feature: (90) "Garn· mera, the Invincible" (sci-Ii) '66- Bnan Donlevy, Albert Dekker fll) The Course of Our Times "The Weimar Republic." Or. Abram Sachar . m Passport to Travel ffi Film Future 7:00 O (ii Lusie (R) A Young runaway boy (Kevin Brodie) borrows a run away horse 7:30 (3) The Partridge Family Q m NBC News (6) The Prisoner B Death Valley Days @ Passport to Travel ff) Italian Te!ev1S1on Hour fll) Firing line m Lucecita Cl) Insight 0 KAL KAN PET FOODS * PR ES ENTS ANIMAL WORLD "Quest for Gray Wh ale" 8 8 Animal World Sc1ent1sts cap Run for Your Wife! BRANO NEW 71 COUGAR XR7 SAVE $725 = 558941 And Your Pink Slip Too! The Cat's Out Of The Ba9! We're ClosinCJ Out Our 1971 Stock Everything Goes! NOW BRANO NEW '71 BRANO NEW '71 MARQUIS LINCOLN SAVE$1100 SAVE$1500 -551 277 SAVE AT THE SIGN OF THE "COOL CAT" Garden Grove Blvd. AT HOO•HUUT 636-2980 GARDEN GROVE LINCOLN-MERCURY "The Most Unique Automobile Agency" Ga) SC'h• lion htr Tht' c> p 8;00 lure a young California grey whale, the only one in captivity. 00 That Glr1 0 ®) l!D Walt Disney (R) "The Wacky Zoo of Morgan City." Con· clusron. Accountant -turned-zookeeper and a group of youngsters fight City Hall to keep their zoo Hal Holbrook. Joe Flynn. Wally Cox 0 I $111t141. I Miss California World (2hr) Johnny Grant hosts as 40 girls are judged by Peter Lupus, Sue Ane Langdon and Fred Williamson Win· ner will compete in the Miss USA World contest. O Miiiion $ Movie: (C) (2hr) "Helen of Troy" (drama) '56 - Rossana Podesta. Jack Sernas. @ Three Pusports to Adventure m Pandor1m1 m Sports Challtnee EID Evenini at Pops €m festival Filmico 8:30 0 @> l!D Red Skelton (R) Vincent Price guests as a famous gourmet marooned on an island. 9:00 O ®> m lonanza {R) "The Gold· Plated Rifle •· A serious breach be- tween the Cartwrights and the or- phaned Jamie seems Imminent when lhe youngster rebels against attend · ing school. 0 rn 00 C!) ABC SUnday Movie: (C) (21/.hr) ''Two for the Road" {comedy) '67-Audrey Hepburn. Al· bert Finney. The story of two peo· pie, and the changes that take place 1n their marriage over a period of 12 years. @ Minority Community El) Manion Forum EID Masterpiece Theatre "The First Churchitls." (R) 9:30 O One Man Show "Jerry Lester." O News Larry Burrell. @ Joe De Silva's Open Forum 10:00 U Cf) Ice Palace Singer and danc er Carol Lawrence plays hostess to comedian Godfrey Cam bridge. skat ers Gisela and Terry Head and Billy Chappell and the ice dancers 0 @) l!D The Bold Ones (R) "Th Loneliness Rocket " A lonely wom- an is suspected of murdering a man she met through a dating O Action News O Community Feedback m News Ken Jones. EID Fanfare "Ame11can Odyssey· Dar As a Dungeon." Sorrowful mining songs are performed. m TV Music.I Ouart 10:30 0 The World Tomorrow m Movie: "It Happened One Niaht" {comedy) '34 -Claudette Colbert, Clark Gable. @ Weekend News Chuck Cecil ~ m Grtn Teatro ' 11 :00 U (j) News O ®.l News · 0 Rex Humbard O Movie: "Adventures of Mu Twain" (drama) '44-Fredric Ma rch, Gayle Hunnkull st11n1 as Kassia . .,·ho Alexis Smith schemH 10 1e1 her hands on the mll· @ KATHRYN KUHLMAN lions a rkh Invalid plans 10 leue lo * (IN COLOR) her pel cal~ In "fye or the Cal," on The NBC l\lond•> Nlahl 1\-l uvle at @Kathryn Kuhl1111n 9 P\I. 11:15 (6) Movie: "We've Ntver Been 8:00 U ,.-8 CBS Sund1y Movie: (C) (2hr) Licked" (drama ) '43-Noah Bee "Jack of Diamonds" (adventure) '67 Jr Richard Qurne Robert Mrlchum -George Hamilton Joseph Cotten 0 iJ:: News Maurice [vans Carroll Baker. Zsa 11 :30 U Movie: (C) "The Perfect fur Zsa Gabor Lilli Palmer. Marie La louah" (comedy) 59-Tony Cur1rs. foret A gentleman cat burglar meets Janet Leigh a rival thief named Olga while ex 0 'lo Sunday Toni1ht Show ecutrng a robbery on an ocean liner 8 Telepulse 0 (1)@ C!) The FBI (R) "Turn @ ~ovie: "Port of New York" (drb about .. frs~1ne 111es to frnd a ma) 49-Yul Brynner, Scott Brady wheel man · the tone survrvor of 11.45 0 Startime The long, Losl Lii a halt million dollar robbery before of Edwa rd Smalley" James Whll· Ure syndicate does more. Richard Crenna m Movie Grub: (C) (2hr) "Fire 12:00 D Public Service Film "He11tage." Dow11 Below" (drama ) '57 Rita Brian Kerth narrates Hayworth. Robert Mitchum, Jack 12:30 m Pay Cards. Lemmon Herbert Lom. 1:00 U Movie: ''N11ht Runner" (drama) @I Sflic1AL I Tht Crime of Our '57-Ray Danton. Colleen Miller THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 17, 1971 MARK LINDSAY JOINED THE GROUP Mark Lindsay, the multi-talented regular on Make Your Own Kind Of Music, NBC's summer series debuting Tuesaay at 8 PM, literally became a star because of television, Dick Clark, and a friend called Paul Revere. It was Paul Revere who discovered Mark, when Paul wu a mem- ber of a group called The Downbeats playing dates around the Boite Valley in Idaho. Mark sang impromptu-fashion one nigh t at a dance for which Revere's group was playing, and Paul sugested he join the group. The group left Idaho, came to Los Angeles, made a re- cordrng, was broken up when several members were drafted, and re- formed in Portland, all in the early 1960's. When they re-formed (and renamed themselves Paul Revere and The Raiders) they made a record. "Louie. Louie", which was released by Columbia records The record was a big hit and established the group as an attraction on the West Coast. In 1965, when Dick C lark was putting together a daytime enter- tainment series called Where The Action Is, a friend suggested that Clark audition The Raiders. He did, and signed them for the first 13-weeks. Lindsay was the featured vocalist. Thirteen weeks later, when contract time came-up. the fan mail Jor The Raiders and Lind- say was overwhelming. They were signed as series regulars, and stayed with the show for three years, during which time Lindsay and Re- vere catapulted to superstardorn-fame among the bubble gum set. Several years later Clark also signed them to star on ABC's Hap- pening, and between their TV exposure and hit-after-hit rc.:ordinp their fame became even more widespread. Now in t 971. Lindsay is established as a major recording star, and in addition to con1inuing to perform with The Raiders, is also pursuing a solo career. As n solo, he will be a regular on the new summer series. Make Your Own Kind Of Music, with The Carpen- ters. Other star~ on the serie~ are Al H irt and The Doodletown Pipers. • A songwn1er, composer, record producer, singer and major tele- vision star. Lindsay lives in Los Angeles, In a house high enough up in the hills that he can see the ocean, mountains, and all of the city. He is building a recording studio where he can continue to "paint with music", in his productions. He is 6'2", has green eyes, brown hair and is one of Hollywood's most eligible bachelors. Courts A hard look at lhe breakdown 0 (j ) News rn the Criminal Jud1e1c1I system Rod 1:15 00 News His hobby is music, writing it, singing it, produc:in1 it, expcrtment- McLe1sh narrates 1:45@ Movie: "Kon-Tiki" (adventure) ing with it. Television audiences will have a look at the "new" EE Color Treveludt 'SI-Narrated by Ben Grauer. Lindsay this summer, a mature, sophisticated youna performer .•• ,. .. 11 ' MONDAY JULY 19 For morning and afternoon lletings, please see DAY- TIM E PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 ID (C) "The Black Knight" (adven lure) '54-Alan Ladd, Palric1a Me dina. 9:30 O "Renegade Girl" (western) '46 -Ann Savage, Alan Curtis "Train to Tombstone" (western) '50-Don Barry. O (C) "See How They Run'' (dra· ma) '65-John Forsythe. Senta Berger Jane Wyatt, Leslie Nielsen O "Operation Pacific" (drama) '51 -John Wayne. Patricia Neal 10:00 (3) "Behind the High Wall" (drama) '5&-Tom Tully, Sylvia Sidney 1:00 ID "Tight Spot" (drama) '56 - Edward G Robinson, Ginger Rogers 2:00 O (C) "The Surchers" (adventure) 5&-John Wayne. Jeffrey Hunter Natalie Wood 3:00 (8 I "Sandokan the Great" (adven lure) 65 Steve Reeves 4:30 fJ (C) "l imo" (adventure) '54 - Fernando Lamas. Brian Keith. Rhon da Fleming ! 3J See 10 AM listing. EV[NINC. 6:00 fJ Big News Jerry Dunphy. (3 ) ABC News Reasoner I Smith O KNBC News Tom ~nyder. O Virginia Graham Show Guests lor special show on health care are Dr Michael De Bakey, Dr Eugene Schoenfeld, Dr Mitchell Spell. Or W1i11am Lotlerhos Dr lester Cole man and medical student Jell Harris I O Six O'Clock Movie: (90) "Young· blood Hawke" Part I (drama) 64- James Franciscus Suzanne Pleshette. Genevieve Paiie [va Gabor Mary Astor A younR w11ter goes tn New York where his editor tails in love with him 0 1 Spy ID The fllnutones @ Star Trek ff) Art Stud io. Too rn Not1c1ero 34 ffi Death Valley Days (I) News Jim HawthornP 6:30 (3 ) News 8111 Huddy ( 6) Truth or Consequences l 8) CBS News Walter Cronk1le ;1.9) NBC News David Brinkley m The Flyina Nun ff) Hodaepodae lodge ffi Tht Desert Report ~ El Prof. Saaitario (I) ABC News Pa1e 12 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 17. 1971 Jerry Dunphy was big news in Davenport, Iowa. He still is in Los Angeles. Weeknights at 6:00 on KNXT's Emmy Award winning "The Big News" and the "Eleven O'Clock Report." CBSS2 7:0 E * 7:3 8:()o 8:3 I) * 7:00 O CBS News Walte r Cronkite. 0 m NBC News David Brinkley. 0 HOW TO GROW HAIR ... * WATCH THE WOLF MAN! O Wide Scream Theatre: (90) ''The Woll Man" (myste°fy) '41 -Claude Rains. Lon Chaney. @ To Tell the Truth O Whars My Line? @) Dick Van Dyke m I Love Lucy @ (U Dragnet ED DEBUT Maggie & the Beautiful Machine A physical fitness series of exercises for alt ages Hostess is Maggie l et tvin wile of M.1 T pro lessor Dr Jerome Leltvtn rn Angelitos Negros ~ Miguelito Valder Show ffi Movie Game 7:30 0 (81 Gunsmoke (R) "Uncle Fm ney." Two hillbilly brolhers tu rn in I heir I 03 year old uncle for a $50 bounty on an old charge, then use lhe money in a scheme lo rob lhe freight office. 0 Ol er;, From 1 Bird's Eye View ''Sicilian Affair " Maggie and Millie (Patte Finley and M1ll1cenl Martin) become involved 1n a S1c1llan lam1ly feud when they help a friend sellle property afla1rs @) Movie: (90) "The lavender Hill Mob" (comedy) '52-Alec Gutnness Stanley Holloway 9:00 O Mayberry R.F.D. (R) Alice seems lo be emotronatly rnvotved with her harp teacher (Leonid Kinskey), who appears more interested 1n her money and cooking. 0 0 ED World Premiere Movie: (C) (2hr) "Eye of the Cat" (R) (suspense) '70-Michaet Sarrazin. Gayle Hunnicutt, Eleanor Parker. A young man wt h an abject fear of cats becomes the innocent go·be· tween 1n a diabolical plot to usurp an eccentric woman's fortune. 0 ffi (i) ffi ABC Monday Movie: (C) (Zhr) "Who's Minding the Mintr' (comedy) '67-Jim Hutton. DC>lothy Provine. Miltori Belle. Joey Brshop, Bob Denver. Walter Brennan. A money checker at the mint acci· dentally destroys $50,000, LB) At Issue m Felony Squid ED Realities "Sinai: The Mountain ot God " History of the legendary mounlain's relrg1ous significance lhrough lhe ages rn Sonrisas ~ Rosas par1 Veronica 9:30 0 l§ Doris Day (R) Oorrs trres lo save her old cow counlry friend (James Hampton) from lrrllering away his rodeo pme money D Bnter Ward News @ Quest for Adventure rn Li Cruz de Martsa Cruces 0 (31 ffi Let's Make a Dul 110:00 O _8 CBS Newcomers Dave Gar· D Million $ Movie: (2hr) "Force roway is host Guest newcom•1 1s of Arms'' (drama) '51 William Kay Bruce displaying hpr acrobat1r. Holden, Nancy Olson. r rank love skill and agility 1oy O News Kevin Sanders m Truth or Consequences D Movie: (lhr 40m) "The Pearl" m It Takes a Thief (drama) '48-Pedro Armenda11z ED Citywatchers Maria Marques ' rn Do·Re·Mi m News Putnam /r1shman 8:00 0 er;, NBC Comedy Theatre (R) "In @ Mantrap Pal McCormick guests Any Language " A lormer musical ED Current Ev,nts "Common Cause." comedy sl ar tries to rekindle her I ape of June J 4 speech by former career and an old romance while HEW Secretary John Gardner starring in an Italian art movie ~ £1 Tornillo Nanette rabray, Ricardo Montalban 10:30 0 Movie: (Zl/1hr) "Northwest and John Forsythe star Mounted Police" (adventure) '40- 0 ( 3 J ffi The Newlywed G1me Gary Cooper Madeleine Car roll 161 ll Takes a Thiel Paulette Goddard, Preston Fosler m To hit the Truth @ News 8111 Johns ED World Pru s rn El Drano de una Senorrta De· C'nle g) Yesenta ~Nino 8:30 O 8 The Lucy Show <R) Wayne Newton play~ a far m boy "tho warblrs only lo barnyard anrmals until I ucy d1scov~rs him 0 STEVE TURNS HAIR· * DRESSER TONIGHT! 11:00 0 8 rn News 0 10 ffi News 6' Death Valley Days 0 3 CE News m Movie: "Earth Saucers" (sci f•) 5b lowe Joan Taylor @ Beat lhe Clock ED Citywatchers (R) vs. flying HuP.h Mar O Steve Allen Show Guests are Richard Dawson. James I ranc1scus, 11.30 0 18 ) Merv GrtH1n Jayne Meadows and Davrd Bevans 0 101 m Johnny Carson 0 I J i CE It Wu a Very Good Year 0 (3 l 6J ffi Diel! Cavett The year (192 7) l rndbergh made @ Roller G1me hislory rn lhe Sp1rrl of SI l OUIS 1s reprised by Mel Torme. Special guest Rrchard Arlen talks aboul the ftrst Academy Award winning pie lure. "Wings." 1n whteh he slarred m David Frost Show IF.) Draenet I :00 0 Movie: "Young Mr. Pitt" (dra· ma) '42-Robert Donal, Phyllis Cat vert, Robert Morley, John Mills l JJ 0 0 LU (lo) News 0 The Gallery Johnny Grant and Connre Krng co hosl m Cisto Kid THE OAIL'Y PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 17. 1971 A BOXER'S PROFILE "Just before dawn, the Eastern sky backllghts ttie eerie form of an oil refinery. Ragged plumes of smoke and steam are silhouetted against the comrng morning Across the low. flat landscape in front of the refinery is a dirt road. lying be · tween an endless row of hrgh tension line towers. "Along this road 1s a man ... runnrng alone. The camera Andy "Kid" Heilman follows him from a distance. It 1s silent Gradually, the camera closes in on the figure. As rt does. the sound track comes alive with thumping footsteps and heavy, snorting, nose clearing breaths. The sound is close and 1mmed1ale. "lthough the image on the screen 1s still distant . " Thus begins the opening descr1pt1on of KNXT's Repertoire Workshop drama "The Prime of Andy Hedman," which will be broadcast Saturday. July 24 at 4 PM in color on Channel 2 Andy Heilman. tf you're not a fan of the f1 st1c arts. was a well-known middleweight contender f rorn Wilmington who hammered out an 1mpress1ve string of victories before hr s recent retirement. Anrl the Repcrtorrc Workshop drdrnd 1s a biography of Hellman , a North Dakota natrve who fought under the name of "Kid" The play 1s told in fla~hback and 1s a true story rrndered 1n the ;irt1stry of television Heilman. at 31 '"a relat ively young man But h15 experi ence and ring savvy couldn't compensate for the fart that there Me plenty o f other tough fighters plying the trade-1nd tlwy littvf' tile decided advantage of be1nr. younger His I.isl opponc>nt w.is ten ye.us his 1unior • The Pnmr of Andy Hf'llman" tocusec; on tile Kid s <IPc1s 1on to quit the rinp It w,1s c1 tt1ing he tho11ght dllout since hr'> next to the last bout which tw lost Hf' mc1dP l11s decision to quit <1ur1ng the lattrr 1ounds ol his f1 nJI bout-a bou t he appar f'ntly was winning He quit he says, "becau-.e I ran out o f gas " Hellman's face s1~1mps him as a fighter craggy scarred brows, the flattened .ind slightly bent nose. And the play c.,how-. how he got that wtiy II 1s bac;cd on d story by writer Charles Powers "The Prime of Andy Hellman" 1s based primarJly on his last fi ght. And there are scenes of many of the rounds through· out the play, as Hellman recalls his own feelings "The Prime of Andy Heilman" is a ditterent kind of d rama 1s that 1t shows how a man can bravely accept the fact that he won't end up a winner But facing t he fact makes the Kid a winner after all It's a play fans and non fan s should see ,.,. 13 TUESDAY JULY 20 For morning and afternoon ll1tings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 ID "Slave Ship" (adventure) '37- Warner Baxter, Mickey Rooney, Wal lace Beery 9:30 O "Rimlire" (western) '49-James M1llican, Mary Beth Huiihes "Out I law fury" (western) '50-Jimmy Ellison, Russell Hayden O (C) "Two Weeks With Love" (musical) '50-Jane Powell, Debbie Reynolds, Ricardo Montalban. Louis Calhern. Ann Harding, Phyllis Kirk. O "The D.I." (drama) '57-Jack Webb. Don Dubbins 10:00 (}I "Pickup on South Street" (mys· tery) '53-Rtthard Widmark. Jean Peters 1:00 ID (C) "Man From Cocody" (dra· ma) '65-Jean Marais. L1selotte Pulver Philippe Clay 2:00 O "Attack" (drdma) '56 -Jack Palance £dd1e Albert lee Marvin 3:00 I 8 "The Secret Seven" (mystery) '40-Brur.e BennPll Flor1Jntl! Rice 4:30 f) (C) "Dimension 5" (adventure) 6 .. • 0 8 0 A le FOR * e Xlnt food e Feat H rviu e Coc.ktail bar e Entertainment e Dancing nightly e Friendly c;rowd 143 w. ,. ... ~' Costa M"o '66-Jelfrey Hunter, France Nuyen. (!) See 10 AM listine, f.VfNINC 6:00 f) Big News Jerry Dunphy. (I) ABC News Reasoner/Smith 0 KHBC News Tom Snyder. O Virginia Graham Show Guests are George Lindsey, Sonny Terry, Brownie McGhee. Ann Miller. psychic Mark Reymont O Six O'Clock Movie: (90) "Young· blood Hawke'' Conclusion (drama) '64 -James Franciscus, Suzanne Pleshette. Genevieve Page, Eva Ga· bor Mary Astor Lee Bowman. Ed· ward Andrews, Mildred Dunnock. Kent Smith 01 Spy ID The Flintstones @ Star Trek ff) Art Studio, Too ~ Noticiero 34 m Death Valley Days Cf) News Jim Hawthorne 6:30 (3) News Bill Huddy. '6) Truth or Consequencu (fl CBS News Waller Cronkite 101 NBC News ID The flying Nun ff) Hodgepodge Lodge m The Desert Report CE El Adorable Prof. Aldao G) ABC News 7:00 f) CBS News Walter Cronkite 0 m NBC News David Brinkley 0 2 RED-BLOODED GALS: * Watch SON OF DRACULA Edward C. Robfnsoa portny1 an old m11n unable to con•liKe bll ton, Mar· lla Blllum, aod daualiter-le-law, Dl- •ne S.ku, di.at he bu bffa wthlftl to a brutJIJ murder In Wfhe Old Mmn Who Cried Wolf," on ABC's Mone of rhe Week, Tuesday •t 8130 PM. studios ........ 549-2103 THE DAILY PILOT. lV WEEK, JULY 17. 1971 O Wide Scrum Theatre: (~) "Son murder of an old friend of Dracula'' (horror) '43 -Lon ID David frost Show Chaney, Louise Albritton ID Dragnet (6) To Tell the Truth ED Fl•herty and Film "Louisiana O What's My line? Story" lg) Dick Van Dyke rn La Cou Juzgad• ID I l ove Lucy 9:00 0 10) ffi NBC Tuesd1y Movie: (C) ID (i 1 Dragnet (Zhr) "Boy, Oid I Get 1 Wrong ff) Conversit1ons With • Psych1a Number" (R) (comedy) '66 -Bob trist Dr Edward Sta inbrook Hope Phyllts Diller, Elke Sommer ~ Angelitos Negros A fasl talking real estate operator Cf) Movie Game hopes to publtc1ze-in order to sell 7 :30 f) I 8 Beverly Hillbilltes While -an isolated cabin he owns by of Granny and Elly May pursue worn· fe11ng 11 as a hiding place for a en's ltb action. Banzai. the karate French movie queen expert, moves the women ol his 101 Movie household into the Clampett man· @ Felony Squad s1on to do the chores ff) I SPECIAL I Sascha Brastoff "A 0 LIO) m Bill Cosby (R) "The Study in Crealive Contradictions." March of the Antelopes." Chet vol· Documentary on lhe accomplish unteers to become unofficial Seoul· menls of the former mollnn pie master on a camping trip that ture designer and international cer· never materializes. am1cs designer who left ii all he 0 (V (6) G) The Mod Squi d (R) htnd to hecome a se11ous metal "Welcome to Our City " The SQuad sculptor. tries to ltnd the lather of a 15· CE Rosas para Veronica vear old farm boy Billy Bowles 9:30 O Baxter Ward News guests ffi Treasure O Million S Movie: (2h1) "Maru ff) Artists in Ame11ca "James Sal Maru" (adventure) '52-Errol Flynn. ter." 1nlernat1onally known novelist Ruth Roman. Raymond Burr former screenwriter . and dtreclor Navy Commander leads mobster to eI) la Cruz de Marisa Cruces ~unken treasure then battles him 10:00 f) CBS News Hour for the diamonds O News Kevin Sanders m Truth or Consequences 0 3 r ii Cl} Mercus Welby, M.D. ID It Takes a Thief (R) The Contract Dr Welby be ED Fanfare "Amertcan Odyssey (Omes involved 1n the strained mar Dark As a Dungeon " r eatured arel ria ge ot " famous musician and h1\ mining songs performed at Eckley, wile Pa by Jean R1lchte Billy [dtl 1 8 TV 8 Reports Wheeler Meile f1avis B B King. O Movie: (C) (lhr 45m) ''The King and Tom Paxton. and four Queens" (western) '56- ~ Espectaculos <:lark Gable. Eleanor Parker, Jo Yan 8:00 f) Green Acru ( R) Oliver and Lisa fleet. Jean Wiles. Barbara Nichols agree to have their house painted ID News Putnam/ Fishman. free of chargei @ Mantrap Sandy BarCJn g1Jests 0 lQ) m PREMIERE Make Your ff) The Advocates "Should those Own Kind of Music Host-stars Rich· who left the country to avoid the ard and Karen Carpenter and Al drafl be allowed lo return without H111 welcome Herb Alpert dS spP fear of prison7" c1al guPst Also featured are reg· CE Festival Mexicano ulars Mark I indsay The New 10:30 O Movie: (2'/2h1) "Sign of the Doodlet own Pipers and Patchett & Cross" (drama) '32-Frednc March farses 8 CBS News Half Hour a! At Issue ID News Btll Johns 101 l<OGO News eI) El Dluio de u111 Senorita De· ID To Tell the Truth cente m Los Beverly de Peralv1llo 11 :00 6 8 g) News CB Nino 0 10 m News 8.30 f) 8 RETURN Cimarron St11p (R) 6' Death Valley Days (90) Stuar1 Whitman stars 1n west· 0 3 @News ern adventure series recounting the ID Movie. "Inside Detroit" Cr1rama) 1urbulent events '" thp Kansas 51>-Dennis 0 Ketle Pat 0 Brien horderland 1n the 1880~ PPrcy Her @ Beat the Clock bert and Randy Boone co star ff) Soul! M1n1sler Louis rarrak 0 JONATHAN WINTERS han " * TEAMS WITH STEVE! 11:30 0 l 8 1 Merv Griffin 0 steve Allen Show Guests are 0 '10' m Johnn! Cuson Jonathan Winters. tennls pro Tom 0 ffi ~ GJ Dick C1vet1 my Cook and producer frank Mc ID Movie: "Barricade" (adventure) Carthy '39 -Alice faye, Warner Baxter 0 (31 (~ G) ABC Movie of the 1Z:30 ID All·Night Show: "Battle Hell,'' Week : (C) (90) '1he Old Man Who "The Br1in Th1t Wouldn't Die'' and Cried Wolf" (mystery) '69-Edward (C) "The Deep Si1." G Robinson. Martin Balsam, Diane 1:00 f) Movie: "The Woman on Pier Baker. Percy Rodr111ues, Ruth Rom· 13" (mystery) '50-Laraine Oay an, Sam Jaffe An old man is un· (1) 0 0 @tl:Q) News able lo r.onvmce anyon~ven his O The G1llery Connie King and own family that he witnessed the Larry McCormick r.o host I Fe Ii~ Tl to th 9:<> 9:3• 10:01 1:01 2 04 3.01 4.3t I 6:0C m * 6.30 7:00 0 * WEDNESDAY JULY 21 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below. for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 m (C) "Safari" (adventure) '56- Vrctor Mature. Janet I eigh 9:30 0 "Ringside" (drama) '49 -Don Barry "Roaring City" (mystery) '51 -Hugh Beaumont. Richard Travis. 0 "Holiday for Sinnen'' (drama) '52-Gig Voung. Janice Rule. () (C) "Santiago" (adventure) ·55 -Alan Ladd. Rossana Podesta. 10:00 J l "Tumble Weed" (western) ·54 -Audre Murphy Lo11 Nelson 1:00 m "Queen Bee" (drama) '5!>-Joan Crawfor d. Barry Sullivan 2:00 () (C) "Hannibal" (drama) '60- Victor Mature. Rita Garn J·OO 8 ' "The Snow Devils" (sci Ii) 'lifi Jark Stuart. Amber Collins 4:30 0 "The Velvet Touch" (drama) '48 Rosal111d Russell. Leo Genn. Clarre Trevor 1 J i Same as JO AM listing. EVENING G:OO O Big News Jerry Dunphy. \3 ABC News Reasoner/Smith 0 KNBC News Tom Snyder O Virginia Graham Show Guests include Mary Ann Mobley, Ale1andro Rey and David Brenner O Srx O'Clock Movie. (C) (90) "The Hone ymoon Machine" (com edy) '61 Steve McQueen. Brigid Bazlen Jim Hutton Paula Prentiss, Dean Jagger fJI Spy ID CAN DIVORCE LEAD TO * DRUG ABUSE? TEENS CHALLENGE PARENTS m Alternatives "Divorce " @Mo-vie: (C) (21/2h1) "Witr of the J Planets" (m fl) 61 Tony Russell. I ranro Nero ED Art Studio. foo ~ Noticiero 34 ff) Death Valley Days CD News Jim Haw1hor11e 6:30 J News Bill Huddy 6 Truth or Consequences 8 CBS News Walter Cronkll~ 10 NBC News David Br inklry ID The Flying Nun ED Hodgepod&e lodge m Desert Report I (iB Los Aficionados en la Cornuni dad (£}ABC News 7:00 O CBS News Walter CronK1te 0 ffi NBC News Davrd Brinklt>Y 9 GET All WRAPPED UP * IN ''THE MUMMY!" 9 Wide Scream Theatre: (90) "The Mummy's Hand" (mystery) '40 - Dick r or an, George Zucco i HE DAILY PILOT, IV W[[K, Jl>LV \1, 1971 (6 ) To Tell the Truth (8 Dragnet IS host to Charlie Callas comedian m Mantr1p Alex Cord guests Joe Baker and regular, Connie Stev ff) Evening at Pops (Rl 0 What's My Line? ens. (iB Bo• Professional '.101 Movie: (C) (2hr) "City Beneath the Sea" (adventure) ·52 Robert Ryan. Anthony Quinn 0 (3) t§l rn Love on a Rooftop . (R) "Dave's Night Out.'' Dave de 10:30 0 Movie: (3hr) "Unconquerrwt.' c1des to take a friend's advice about (adventu1e) '47 -Gary Cooper, m I love Lucy ED Homewood "fhe Homeros .. The royal lam1ty of lhe 'lpanish gµitar perform a ccrnc:ert of classical and flamenco guitar music ranging from lhP baroque pe11od to the 70th his rrght to a nigh! out with the Paulette Goddard. boys. 0 I J ~ rn NFL Action 'MG Championship " @ Felony Squad @ News 8111 Johns ED Firing Line rn El Diario de uria Seno1it1 De· century rn Angelitos Negros ffi Movie Game (iB RoSils para Veroriica cente 9:30 0 ~ ffi ffi The Immortal (R) 11:00 0 (8 1 ~News "The Return" Ben Richards visits 0 'lo1 ffi News his home town and lrnds his losler 'b Death Valley Days 7:30 0 (S Men at law (R) Attorney father in trouble 0 J 1 ffi News David Hansen (Fo~worth) suspects fJ Baxter Ward News m Movie: "Dante's Inferno" (mys a client of withholding information @ Vagabond tery) '35 -Spence1 Tracy, Cla11e when she repeatedly changes her Trevor mind about divorcing her estranged rn la Cruz de Marisa Cruces ID Beat the Clock hushanc1. 10:00 0 '1i l Hawaii Five-0 (R) Monie ED Book Be1t "Born lo Rebel," by 0 ffi Men From Shiloh (R) "The Mark~am guests as a r.onv1cted mur Ben1amrn [ Mays Town Killer' Peter Lawford guests derer whom Mr.Garrett 1s trying to 11 30 .:;,i M G .,,. . : ~ 8 erv rr rn as an outlaw whose control ol a p1ove 111nocent In orde1 to save the O ("'-J h C trightened community 1s <·hallenged life of a prison dor.tor hring held O W~ ffi"~rck ~:~~tt 1n a show down w1lh the Vugrnlan. hostage n:'l M · "R' t · ·1 p · ,, 0 'J ( 6 '.T:"I Courtshi of Eddie's · . llC1 ovie: 10 rn Juvenr e rrson 1-> 1J.J P 0 161 ffi Four·m-One: MtCloud (drama) '59 -Jerome Thor Mar · Father .(R) "(verybody Needs a, (Rl "Ollr Man 10 Paris " An under-era Henderson . Broth~r [dd1e makes a deal with world t1gure holds the chief of de· the Riley brolhers-when their e~· tectwes PllSOner and forces McCloud 12:30 m All·Night Show: "The Man From pectanf mother gives birth. they 11 to deliver a m1ll1on dollars 1n stolen Laramie,'' ''Escape from Sah.ra'' lrade him the baby tor several toys money 10 an tmporter exporter 1n1 and "Target, Sea of China." 0 Million$ Movie: (C) (2hr) "B•t· Pa11s Susan Strasberg guests tie Cry" (drama) '5>-Van Heflin. Aldo Ray 0 News Kevin Sanders. 1:00 O Movie: "The Swordsman" (ad- m Truth or Consequences {) Movie: (C) (90) "Sh11k Fight· Yen lure) '48 Larry Parks [lien Drew rn Ensatadi de locos ers" (drama) 56-Victor Mahm Karen Steele. .d) 0 0 1 8. lQ' News 8:00 O 3 ' f6 CD Room 222 (R) "A Sort ol Lovrng " Teacher Pele Dixon suggests student faculty 1ap ses qons lo op ~ with lhe drug prob lcm~ at Walt Wh11man High m To Tell the Truth ED The French Cher ~ Luch• Libre CiB Nino 8:30 O To Rome With Love (R) Grandpa Pruitt 101ns th~ E.nd1cotts in Rome after selilng hrs Iowa farm 0 SID CAESAR & JIMMY * DEAN JOIN STEVE! O The Steve Allen Show Guests 1n elude C:rd Caesar Mill Kamen and Jimmy Oean 0 3 J 6 J CE! The Smith Family t R) ' Thr PPPI Group ' Bob. Del ~mith s son 1s torn between loyal ty to a tr 1rnd and becoming a fink whrn he Jverhears il classmate lhredlPn 111 vandal11e thP sthOOI a City in Motion ID David f ros t Show @Dragnet ED Just lall Hay N~nrr r<; sppc1ai giJest 9:00 fl 8 Me<htal Center (11) l he b1111vs on a young boy's body con 111r1(.I' Lannon that hrs par1ent 1s !hi' ~1ct1m or a beating instead of a fall a\ reporll'd hy thr pa1enl~ Robert l an~1og and Dyan Cannon 1111est 0 Charlie Callas brings * a ltttle madness to The Des O'Connor Show 0 !10! ffi Dts O'Connor Show Oes m News Putnam/ f 1shman I :JO 0 The Gallery QUALITY DEALER AWARD FOR SALES -SERVICE -PARTS MANAGEMENT -ADVERTISING CUSTOMER RELATIONS 18835 B£ACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH s42-na1 540-0442 Page l5 VIVE LA SEASON From their welcome by a gendarme doorman to their fa~ewell ~1th a souvenier French gift , ovrr 800 top agency personnel, clients,_ c1v1c dignitaries and stari. were treated to a royal "Monte Carlo" evening at KA BC-TV's preview of the new fall television programming recently at the Century Plaza Hotel Ho't for the gala evening was John J McMahon. ABC Vice President and G eneral Manager of KABC-1\f During the cocktail hour in the foyer o~ the hotel, the gue!>b mlll· gled among lifc-l>1Zed gold ktO!>ks upon which were French-s tyle post- ers sho~ ing the new Frill program!>. M r. McMahon and other ABC executives, including Elion H. Ruic, President of Ameri<:an Broadcasting Company, I. Martin Pompadur. Vice President of ABC and A <;\lstant to the Pre_,ident, and Richard A. O 'Leary, Pres ident of ABC-1\f Owned Stations, welcomed the gucsb to prel>Cntation which followed in the Los Angeles Room. Produced by Canbiner, Inc .. of New York, the hour-long produc· tion utihzed multiple projeclor<; and an ex tra long screen lo porrray the success story of ABC-1\f and KABC-1\f in a setting of no<>talgia. The presentation ended with a rollicking cancan number and. 3!> the lighls came up, the doors to tht: Beverly Hills Room opened to f lorr11<e /lendcnrm, \fur o/ Tht• Brntly 81111ch. n11d Eflon If Rufr. Prt·otlc11t n/ A tJC reveal a replica of 1he Monte Carlo casino, complete~' 1th 50 tuxedoed croupier'> prc\ld1ng ova gam1 ng table~ of_ roulelle, uaps. twenty-one and chrmin de fer. Gue\h were given chip'> to uw al the tahle, and to exchange later for door prize tickets. At the oppo,ite end, in the Santa Monica Room. gm~''" part(ili k ot a lavi~h F rench hufTc.:t h1ghl1ghted by a unique crepe~ ,uz.ettc h.nr Freddy Martin and hi~ orchestra played continental mu"c for dancin g throughout the evening while six lovely model' 111 canl an t:O\tumc' circulated among the guc~t~ John J McMu//011. l'ice President n/ld General Ma11aqc1 U/ KABC-TV. and /frl/IV Fondn, star o/ The Smith Fm11il.1. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JULY 17. 1971 THURSDAY JULY 22 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience. are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 ID (C) "Revenge of Frankenstein" (mystery) '58-Peter Cushing, Fran c1s Mathews 9:30 O "Western Pacilic Agent" (west ern) '51 -Kent Taylor. "Gunfire" (western) '50-Don Barry O "Julius CaeSllr'' Part I (spec· tacular) '53-Marlon Brando, James Mason. JDhn Gielgud. Deborah Kerr. O (C) "Helen of Troy" (drama) '5&-Rossana Podesta. Jack Sernas 10;00 ( 3 "No Room for the Groom" (com· edy) '52-Tony Curt is Piper Laurie 1:00 ID "The Other Love'' (romance) 4 T David Niven Barbara Stan wyck 2:00 O "Darby's Rangtrs" (adventure) 'SS-James Garner. Jack Warden 3:00 8 "Wu of the Planets" (SCI h> '67-Tony Russell 4:30 f) "The S1ory of Irene & Vernon Castle" (musical) '39-Fred Astaire. Ginger Rogers J Same u 10 AM listing. EVENING 6:00 O Big News Jerry Dunphy. 31 ABC News Reasoner/ Smith O KNBC News Tom Snyder. O Virginia Graham Show Cuests 111clude Jimmy Dean Wood y Allen dnd Dr Joyce Brothe rs O Six O'Clock Movie: (C) (90) "Gypsy" Part I (musical) '63 - Natalie Wood. Rosalind Russell. Karl Malden Paul Wallace. Belly Bruce. Parley BaPr Ra\ed on th~ memoir\ ol Cypsy Rose I Pf' 0 I Spy ID The Flintstones @ Star Trek ED Art Studio. Too al Not1ciero 34 6t) Duth Vilely Days CD News Jim Hawthorne 6 30 3 News Rill H11rldv 6 Truth or Consequences 8 CBS News Waller Cronk1tP 10 NBC Ntws David Brink•e1 ID The Flying Nun ff) Hodgepodge lodge m The Desert Report CB £1 Adorable Prof. Aldao CD ABC News 7:00 O CBS News Walter Cronkite 0 m NBC News David Brinkley O Wide Scream Theatre: (90) "In- visible Man Returns" (mystery) '40 -Vincent Prtce Sir Ced11c Hard w1cke [6 ) To Tell the Truth B Whit's My Lin~? @) Dick Vin Dyke ID I Love Lucy @ Dragnet ff) The Course of Our nmes "The Weimer Republic " (R) eE Angelitos Negros ffi Movie Game 7:30 f) r& Family Affair CR) Bully bids a fond farewell lo her doll. Mrs Beasl ey afl er being told she's loo old for such things 0 o 6t) NBC Action Playhouse (R) "A Time To Love " Maximilian Schell Claire Bloom, Nina Foch and Ralph Bellamy guest in this con· tempora ry drama or romance , money and motives. O t 31 (6) ffi I SPECIAL I This Is Tom Jones • . in Cool Country Tom Jones welcomes lo his sixth special ot the season Charlie Pride. Jimmy Tarbuck and Nina. O Million $ Movie: (2hr) "The Wrong Man" (drama) '57 -Henry fonda. Vera Miles Two people be· come caught in a web of mistaken 1denlrt1es ID Truth or Consequences m It likes I Thiel ff) Flaherty & film (Rl '"Louisiana Story " €?) Premiere Movies 8:00 O 8 Lancer (R) Wilham Windom guests as a Ihm llam artist who 1s saved by Scoll lrom a lar and feathe11ng only to go lo the Lancer ranch during Scott's absence and start a phony land boom lrom which he hopes to prof11 ID To Tell the Truth ff) Washington Week In Review CiI!) Nino 8:30 0 lo m Ironside ( R) 'love. Peace. Brotherhood and Murder " An avanl grade theatre group·s nPw production is stalled when a casl member 1s murdered 0 SOUPY SALES & VIN· * CENT PRICE! STEVE! O The Sieve Allen Show Guests include ~oupy <;ale~ Vincent P11ce anrl Or Jovce Orolhrrs 0 J 6 CD Bew1tclled (R) Mary lhP Good fairy · Marv the Good fauy 1mb1hPs w much brandy al fhP SlPphensPs Iha! Samantha has lo lahe ove1 her (hores lmoRrne ru• a guests ffi David Frost Show @ Olympic Bo1rng ff) NET Playhouse lhp Queen and th1> Welshman I '>th c~nlury flril aon 1s the ~Pllin11, 1n l'<hH h Calher1ne (Dore.thy 1.1110) widow of Henry V i!IORl'laly sows the seeds lor thP War ol lhe Roses Derek Godf1ev po1lray\ l\rr Ow~n N11 tiotas 'irlhy is 1he Ouke ot Glouces1e1 . .ind Gor don Wh1t1nR po1t1ays John. [lu~e of Bedlord EI!) Patte1n lor LIVlnR 9:00 O '.8 1 CBS Thursday Movie: (2hr) "Sons ind lovers" (R) (drama) '60 Dean Stockwell Trevor Howard Wendy Hiller Mary Ure, Heather 'iears, W1ll1am 1 ucas Conrad Phil 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 I 11.30 I I I I 12:30 ' l ·OO I f I 1 :1 s I lips. Donald Pleasence. The story of a young man and the affection· ate domination exercised over him by his parents. 0 @ Ci) CD Mike Room for Gr1ndd1ddy (R) "Karate Kate." l'alhy takes karate lessons and learns how lo throw her weight around. a!) Rosas par• Veronic1 9:30 0 o m Adim-12 (R) "Safe Job." A safecracker gels into build ings without evidence of lorc1ble entry FRIDAY JULY 23 for morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 0 ffi@ Cl) Dan August (R) 9:00 ID (C) "An American Guerrilla in "Bullet for a Hero '• A Santa Luisa the Philippines'' (adventure) '50 - war hero is found dead minutes be Tom Ewell. Micheline Prelle fore he was to appear at a tesli 9:30 O "The Heiress" (drama) '49 - mon1al banquet in his honor Ol1v1a de Havilland. Montgomery 0 Suter Ward News Clift. m la Cruz de Marisa Cruces 0 "Julius Caesar" Conclusion 10:00 0 (jOJ m Dean Martin (R) Sum ($?etlacular) '53 -Marlon Brando. mer host Vic Damone welcomes James Mason, John Gielgud. Oon Cherry and Donna Jean Young 0 "Young Man With 1 Horn" Carol Lawrence and Gail Martin are (musical) ·so Kirk Douglas. Lau1en lealured Bacall O News Kevin Sanders 10:00 'J) "Cave of Outlaws" (western) O Movie: (90 "Sherlock Holmes "i2-Macdonald Carey AleA1s Smtih 1n Washing1on" (mystery) '43 1:00 ID (C) "Count Three and Pray" Basil Ralhbone. Nigel Bruce (drama) ·55 -Van Heflin. Joannne ID News Putnam /Fishman Woodward ED Speculation "A Conversation 2•00 0 (C) "Jesse James" (western) With Godfrey Cambridge" .39 Tyrone Power. Henry ronda a!) Box Professional 3.00 8 "Terror of the Tong$'' (horror) 10.30 3 Dragnet '61 Geoffrey Toorte 0 Movi e: (2hr 45m) "The Story 4.30 0 (C) "Tension at Table Rock" lweslern) '56 -Richard fgan ot Dr. Wassell" {drama) '44 G~ry AnP,1e Dickinson Cameron Mtlchell Cooper Laraine Day 6 Checkered flag Dorothy Malone D J I rn I SPWAL I Strangers '" 3 Same as 10 AM listing. Thetr Own land-Puerto Ricans The first of a series of three spec 1als focusing on m1no11ly groups In Am1111ca lt11s segment was l1lmed 1n N~w York C11y and locuses on lhe po werful sense ol the community evidenced by this ethnic group ID Ne111s Bill Johns m El l>tario de una Senorita l>e· cente 11:00 0 18 ~ Ne.ws 0 10 ff) News 6 Death Valley Days 0 J CE News ID Movie: "Impact" t mvr.lPry) 49 -B11an Oonle\I)' I 11~ R31nes @ Beat the Clock rn Wash1ng1on Week Ill Re~12¥1 11·30 0 8 Merv Cr1ll1n 0 10 ff) Johnny Carson D J 6 rn Otek Cavett 0 Movie. "St1ange13 in the City" (1lramd1 '62 Reiher! Grnt1lr Ca m1lo OelRado @ Movie "You Pay Your Money" (mystery) 5 I Hu1th McDermott. lane Hylton 12:30 ID All Night Show: "The Burglar," "Wolves of the Deep" and "Knotlc on Any Door." 1 :00 0 Movie: "Roughshod" (adven lure) ·49 Robert Sterltr11~. lolln Ireland. Glorta Grahame. Martha Hyer 3) 0 0 l8) (10) Newa 1:15 O The C1llery EVENING 6:00 0 Big New5 Jerry Dunphy 3 ABC News Reasoner/Smith 0 KNBC News Tom Snyder. O I SPECtAl : Tomorrow Is Now Hugh O'Brra11 is host w1fh three astronauts to a group of rnlerna ltunat high school students for a tnu1 through lhe Manned Space C1 .ill CPnlrr al Cape KP.nnedy fla 0 Sia. O'Clock Movie. (C) (90) "Gypsy" ('.unrlu~•on (drdma) 6J I NatallP Wood Kati Matde11 Rosaltnd Ru~sell 0 I Spy ID The Flintstones @ Star Trek ffi Mt Studio, Too aJ Not1c1e10 34 ff) l>eath Valley Days m New< 11111 Ht1wll1n11w 6 30 3 News ~111 Hu1h1v 6 Truth or Consequences 8 CBS News WAii er C1onk1lr 10 NBC News Oav1d Orinklry ID lhe Flying Nun Er) Hodgepodge lodge m Desert Report CB Dueto en Pat1nn Cl) ABC News 7:00 0 CBS News Walter Cronkite 0 m "BC News Oa111d 81inkfey O Wide Scream Theatre: (90) "Frankenstein Metts Woll Man'' (mystery) '43-L on Chaney, Bel~ l ugos1 I HE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JULY 17, 1971 To Tell the Truth Stan Musial, on her visit lo Don's O Whit's My line? hometown. O Dick Vin Dyke ID felony Squid m I love Lucy ED HomewOild (R) "The RomeroS-" @ (8) D11gnet m 30 Minutes ED Thirty Minutes With • • • m La Cri1da Bien Cri1d1 ili) Angelitos Negros a!) Rosas p1r1 Veronica al Movie G1me 9:30 0 ffi (4) ffi The Odd Couple CR) 7:30 8 The Interns (R) The young doc •·1 overs Don't Make House Calls · tors are concerned with a variety Oscar becomes enamored with Feltx s of cases 1nclud1ng a wire pleading doctor an attractive young woman for the mercy lolhng or her hus Guest Joan Holchk1s will he a series band a go go dancer who disrupts regular next se11son hospital routine. and a monk who O Baller Ward News has been behind monastery walls ID Quest for Adventure for 40 years m la Cruz de Marisa Cruces (31 Movie: (C) (2hr) ''Rome Ad· 10:00 0 'iQ) ffi Str1nge Repor1 (R) "Epi venture'' (drama) '62-Troy Dona dem1c-A Most Curious Crime.'' [ng hue, Angie Dickinson. land is threatened by a cholera 0 (101 m High Chaparral (R) ep1demi~ after an infected illegal "Generation" Blue's efforts as an immigrant Is murdered by a smug artist are recogn11ed by a newspaper gling rinit. editor whose offer of a job con O News Kevin Sanders. vrnces Blue that it's time to leave 0 f°JI (6) Cl) Love, Americ1n style lhe ranch lor a new career. (R) 'love and Those Poor Crusad 0 r6 J ffi The Brady Bunch CR) ers Wives" "love and lhe Big "Where There's Smoke " After Greg Night and "Love and the VI P 1 is caught smolong and promises Re~taurant 'itars include Monte neve1 do ti aRa1n a pack of cigar Markllam. Dorothy Provine Tom ettes falls out of his poclo.et Provine. fom Randall, Julie New 8 Movie· "Pam. Blues" (d1amd) I mar Shellev Berman and Kaye Bal hi P;iul New11.m lodllnf' Wood lard ward O Movie· (2h1) "Notorious Land· O M1lhon $ Movie. (2hr) ''Troub le lady" (mystery) 62-Kim Novak Alon11 the Way'' (comedy) '53 Jack Lemmon Fred Astarre John Wayne Oonoa Reed ID News Pulnam/ftshman ID Truth or Consequences ID Mantrap Keenan Wynn guests m It Takes a Thief ED Sascha Brastoff: A Study in ff) To Be Announced Contradict1oru (Rl rn Estrellas Musrcales a!) Lucita Libre 8:00 D 6 1 rn Nanny & the Professor 10:30 0 Movie: (21/zhl) "Cleopatra" {R) The Unknown I aclor Bute h (class•c) ·34 ClaudPllP Colbert huvs Nanny an ex11ens1ve grit and Heniy Wllco~on pldn~ lo pav lor 11 bv winning a ID News Bill Johns conlesl ff) Realities ID To Tell the Truth m El Dairro de una Senortla Ot• m Sylvia y £nrique cente a!) Nrno 10:45 0 .29 8 1 Apollo 15 Report 8:30 0 Headmaster (fl) Je11y. who has 11 :00 f) 8 m News a malthless los1nR 1eco1d as a 0 :lol ffi News coarh 1s so ltum1l1ated by his track 6-Death Valley Days team that hP rPStRn~ 0 3) rn News 0 10 ff) Name of the Game (R) ID Movie: (C) "Orum Beat'' (ad SePk and Oestroy ' t e1I E11ckso11 venlure) 54 Alan I add AudrPY fo11HI 1 ur kpr 'iusan Ol111Pr and Dalton John MtL1ver ~tM 1n lf11s l'lram.i as @Beat the Clock Oan r JJIPll (RohPrl <;tack) goes to 11.15 rn Cinerna 34 a I nmpany !own to 1nvesl1Rale lllPll l .30 a Meiv C111f1n '1Palh ol J noted Sf ·t'nl1sl 0 10 m Johnny C11 son 0 The Sieve Allen Show D J 6 l rn Dick Cavett 0 6 C£l Tht P~rt11dge h mrly 8 Movie "Here Come the Girls" I RI RCl~tl '.nn1: I h~ rart111tges (t omedyl 5.l Bolo Hope rony f'1vr a r11ff' In ,, IPPn.,r,. g11I who Maritn Arlrnr Dahl ~ lu·1np hunted loy lhP pnlirr @ Movir· "Mutiny" !advenlute) 57 ID David Frost Show -Mdlk Stev.ns AngPla I ansbury @ Dragnet ff) Converut1ons With a Psychta· ED Just Jau I fl I Hoy Nt1nr e 1s spe tr•st rial RUr~t 12 00 O Movie: (C) "Trad1 of the C•t" 9:00 0 8 CBS F11day Mov1t: (C) (2hr) (drama) '">4 Robcn Mitchum. "The 01sorderly Orderly'' (comedy) Tab Hunter. 'f,4 Jerry I cw1s Susan 011vrr, Glen 1:00 ft Movie: "Or. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde" da farrell. Karen Sharpe. Kathleen (horror) '41 -Spencer Tracy, Lana f reeman The son of a doctor flunks Turner, Ingrid Bergman. oul of medical school. and goes to (1) O O ®) News work 1n a sanitarium O Movie: "Sina of Jezebel'' (drama) 0 r6) ffi That Girl (R) "There '54 -Paulette Goddard ~ure Are a I ot ol Cards 1n SI ID All-Night Show: "A Bulltt Is Louis" Conclusion ol a two part Waitin&.'' "Autumn leavu" and story as Ann meets baseball great, "The Lon& Niaht of 1943." , ... 17 SATURDAY @ Movies: "When Gangl1nd Strikes" (drama) '55 -John Hud· son "I Accuse My Puents" (drama) '44-Mary Beth Hughes JULY 24 €l) Cuerdas 'I Guit.mu a!) P1norama Latino MORNING 9:30 0 tlQl rn The Pink Panther / (6) Tiju1n1: Window to the South 7:00 8 Summer Semuter 0 m The Doubledeckers 0 O rn Tomfoolery Show 0 Movie: (C) "Wu Dfums" (west m Thunderbirds ern) '57-lex Barker Joan Taylor 7:30 8 Dusty's Treehouse E?J Arriba el Norte 0 rn Hec~le & Jeckle 10:00 0 (j) Josie & the Pussyut1 '6) Discovery 0 @) rn H. R. Pufnstuf O Bl1cl1 Experience (6) Real EsUte Rentals Tl Summer Semester 0 m Hot Wheels 1Ql Uncle Ruu E?J Lucha Libre m Yogi & friends 10:30 8 (fl Harlem Globetrotters 8:00 8 Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour 0 :lg) rn Here Come-s the Grum p 0 rn Woody Woodpecker 0 Movies: "Red Desert" (western) 0 (3) (6) Lancelot Link 'SO-Don Barry. ''They Were So i ) Chnter the Jester Young" (drama) '55-Scot1 Brady, 0 Movie: "Lord of the flies" {dra Johanna Matz ma) '63-James Aubrey O ~ Sky Hawks m Cartoons 11:00 0 m Archie's funhouse 8:30 0 0 rn The Bugaloos 0 @) rn Major League Baseball O Campu s Profile @ Movie: "Pride of the Blue Grass" m Cisco Kid (drama) '54-Lloyd Bridges. Vera 9:00 0 C81 5'bnna & Groovie Goohu Miles~ 0 @) rn Dr. Dolittle 0 (J:. Motor Mouse 0 Movir: "Treasu1e of Monte Cm · O Movie: (C) "Comanche" (west to" (adventure) '50 Glen I an ern) '56 -Dana Andrews I 1nda gan Adele Jergens Cnstal 0 (~ f 6) le11y lewis Show CID V1ried1d ID Movies: (C) "Fury of the 11:30 0 3 Thr H1rdy Boys Apaches" (wester n) 65 rrank l at1 @Movie: "The Killer Is more "Ad1m and £v1lyn" (drama) (mystery) '56 -Joseph · 50 -Stewart Granger lean Sim Rhonda Fleming mons E?J Mino a Mano Ranchero Loose" Collen 1 r:---7~~ -"REliiHoLSTERYSALel t "'\ 2 PC CHAIR & OIVAN $89 00 t 111ch1cle\ L•bor & M•ltri•I• I t ALL WORK DONE IN 7 DAYS t t 1E'o~sSTuf:Ho·L.sf'eRY t L: ___ 'f _ ----(~} _2.1_:!!'!_ __ j A/111110( \'frt/1111·1 of l'1w1/o Huo. 11 h 11 111111 111 11111·r/ \11\\ l 1111 \('/II' /IJ7(1 II i// /11111,J ()I (I ht•/ I I(/\\ I/ cllld \I i'fl/11' /(I lf11• I/,'\\ /\f111U11111•r1r1111!11• 1(1111111 oj rh1· \f111 1'11""'"' fl/-111111 l '11t.• c't111/ hroui/1111 / \1111111/11\ al JO/'\/ 011 ("/l \ * * * H11rl /1 r1 1111111 I 111 /)11fltt11 "" 1111 4 11( ·~ l hc I ',11 r>11011u1111 !lho1<. \111111tlt11 111 /1 .'.J ,,, ,., ltl l'\f 1/1111i: "11/i fol~ 1111i:1·r mu/ actor \fr /1 ,., I 11/'1 111'11 r l.'lfl'lll 1111 fmh 1111111·dm11 81·n11111/ Cnhhi111 1111.! tli1· 1•1•1J.1 4 II/Tl/ llc1't11 r--·------------, t YACHTS t : ROY ALE INC. : t COMPLETE BOAT SERVICE -Monthly underwater bot t f tom c leaning -Gelcoat Repair -Bottom paintin g . t f Light selvage. Estimates. f t Coronado & Yankee Dealer t f IROKERAGE LISTINGS WANTED f L 2'U W. <:oest Hwy . Newport hocll--7141 645-0110 ' ~---~~~~~~~~----~~~.- ,.,. 18 THE DAILY PILOT, lV WEEK, JULY 17 1971 CE Buy-Line AFTERNOON 12:00 O Scooby·Doo 0 [3) CD American Bandst•nd ! BJ B1tm1n m Los Angeles lnvitltional SWim Meet Tom Kelly 1s host of this swim meet lrom the Olympic Swim Stadi- um where World and National rec- ord holders compete in record- break1ng events EI! Teatro fantutico ([!) Peliculu (I Ohr) l2:30 0 (Bl The Monkees ( 6) Mobile Home Show O Movie: "Aider on a Dead Horse'' (western) '62 John Vivyan. Lisa Lu 1:00 8 Outardly & Muttley rJl Campus Profile (6) Movie: "fruh From Paris" (musical) '55 -Margaret Whiting, fotrest Tucker O Movie: "Redb1ll Express" (dra ma) '53-lelf Chandler Alex Nicol, Judith B1aun B rv 8 looks •l l earning @ Weekend News Nick Carter E?J Oetras del Muro ffi Film Futures l :30 O The Jetsons 3 I Voice or Agriculture O K1ck·Boa1ng B lntern1tion1I Hour 0 PCA Coll KH J's cameras cover the ltnal two rounds ol lhe West-I chester Golf Classic @Movie· "Yaqui Drums" ladven I ure) ~I Rod Cameron 2·00 O Dusty's T1eehouse 3 1 Ac1oss the Fence O Double feature Movie: "C1ll1-1 way Went Thalaway" (comedy) 'SI I 1Pd MacMutray, Dorothy Mc J Uu111• (C) "The Badlanders" (west ein) '58 Alan I add Finest Borg nine katy Jurado 10 Know Your Bible 1 ID Mo111r: (C) "Hell on Frisco B1y" (d1amd) '56 Man I add Joanne fl1 u I dwa1d G Robinson rn Sports Wo1fd CD Hot Wheels l:JO 0 lhe Gene London Show 3 Sketchboo~ 0 The Larry Kane Show o To Be Announced 0 Movie "Airborne" (flrama) '6? Uohlly O•amond Rober1 Chrrstian c d•O•~n Bv•d 8 Movie "Another Time, Another Place" I 111 Jmd l '>8 I ~no r Jrntr rdn (;nn11Pry 10 Sports Challenge EI) Wings to Adventu1e CD Sky Hawks 3 00 0 Con verutions With a Psych11· tr1st ll1 E dwarr1 <;ta1nbrook I J Movie: "Julle, the Aedhod" (1.umedy) '63 Daniel Gelin. Pas cale Petit O Movie: (C) "Two Rode Together'' (w~stern) '61 -James Stewart, Rich aHI Widmark. Sh11ley Jones 101 Science Fiction Thutre @ Mo.vie: "Kan:us City Confiden· li•I" (mystery) ·53 John Payne EI! Revista Musical rn The Big Picture CE Motor Mouse 3:30 O Our Americ1n MuS1CJ1I Heritage 0 Angel Warm-Up ~ Movir: "61me of Duth" (dra ma) '4&-John Loder. Audrey Long E?J El Mundo Esta Loco rn True Adventure CE The Hardy Boys 4:00 8 Repertoire Workshop "The Prime of Andy Heilman " The true story ot an aging m1ddlewe1ght fighter and his arrempt to retire after winning one more bout Andy "Kid" Heil· man is seen sparring and tra1n1ng O Angel B1seball The Angels meet the Ballimore Orioles at Memorial Stadium 1n Baltimore. Md OM.V.P 8 Where's Huddles? m Man lo Min rn America in Space CE Insight 4:30 8 Movie: "Cour1ge of Lus1e11 (ad venture) '4&-£1izabeth Taylor Tom Drake. frank Morgan 0 Celebrity Bowling Bl I Spy 101 Man l o Min ID Untamed World E?J El Mundo en que V1111mos rn Navy Prologue Q) Movie Game 4:45 EI! Pre-G1me Soccer 5:00 O Chicano (R) · Mexican American War .. 0 J 6 Q) ABC's Wide World of Sports 0 The Avengers 101 News Schwarll /Chandler ID Movie Greats· "In 1 l onely Place" (drama) '50 Humphrey Bol!art Gloria Grahame frank love JOY @ Mantrap E?J Futbol-Soccer rn Bronco 5.30 0 KNBC Newserv1ce John M.mhall I 8 1 News Jim Gordon 10 NBC News @Treasure ff) Bun11ku (RI 6:00 O Big News CIPIP Roberts 0 rn NBC News 8 CBS News 0 Boss Ctty 10 Men From Shiloh @ Bu1~e's Law ff} Waltrfront ffi The Revolving Door A luok al 0.11 >Y~IPm of rnm1nal 1ust1CP what s wror1v. with 11 and what can bf' dune to 1mprnvP 11 CID Pehculu tc11nl ti lo JO PM) 6.15 0 Angel Wrap Up 6:30 0 About 1 Week J Sports With Ber1k• 0 KNBt News Conference O Hollywood Park Racing The SI00,000 Hollywoo1I luvc111lc HarP for 2 year olds al 6 lurlonRS 6 Perry Mason 0 Eyewitness Nrw'l 8 St1r Trek ff} Hobby Showc1se ff) The French Chef rn Edge of Eternity CD Sports Challenge THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 17, 1971 PATIO COVER and SCREENED ROOM ------- FREE HOME ESTIMATE CALL 543-8217 2217 W. 2nd St., SANTA ANA FACTORY DIRECT PRICES INCLUDES • Plans. Permits • lns1allahon • Bu1ll-1n Gutter with Downspout • Deluae Roo1 9" Valance • 10 Year Scieen Guaran- tee • 2" Extruded Frame • 18"WoodGrain Kick Plate • Deltue Sl1d1ng Glassine Panels 100% BANK FINANCING WITH LOW, EASY TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET! WE SCREEN AND GLAS SINE EXIST ING PATIOS Page 19 See the Newest ancl Latest in High Fidelity Equipment at Atlantic Music Starting with the newest Space Age Tuner-the SAE Mark VI. This is the industries first FM Tuner which features a dil'ect numerical readout of the station frequency as weU as a large 3" oscilloscope for the display of tuning and audio signals. SAE MARK VI l ~- ( • T o~h-sensitive tuning knob • Butterworth-type IF filters • 1.6 u V sensitivity • Military Grade G-10 circuit boards. SALE ON NEW SHERWOOD S-7100 AM-FM SYSTEM! SHERWOOD S-7100 GARRARD ZER0-100 With Garrards NEW Auto Turntable -Zero I 00 and lancer S/C 3X Speaker Systems. The S-7100 " Sher wood~ most #dY•netd , .. u1or Wllh u+u Yhth ol 11 MS powor (I ohm\) •~d a 111n .. r s .. n1il1Y1l'f ot I t uV, th• S-71CG " PH1n9 the littcl EntOY lfle corw•n•"Ct" of ,~put,. '"' lwo •P«•tler IY~ le ms. two l•PC ruorde" plus a~ ontenta hon mullnt 1w1lch. All tho• woth •n oil.cl •alnut UH has a ,.,.,1ar prkt of ontv not .so. LANCER S, C 3X's ONE WEEK ONLY!!!! Garrard• NEW Zero lot au!nmlljc tumtablt lf•CludH such 1nnova1ton1 ., IS o.,ree vtrti- ut tr•clt•"9 adi111tmtnt, ma41Mtic •nli·Ml•I· ln<J control, itluminal<d slrobo~.,_ plus a 11 am•zing true t•1>9eo-t lone um. The 1"T911lar prou of IM Zero 100 1ncllldl,.. a base and Shur.. Mtl E cartrod9e II no. fS. Soundcral"men Larcer SIC l X Speaktr1 ut 1-w•v. 12" speoer sv•ltms provldlnf • llet response from l6 lo 22.000 KHI. Tht tront 9ri11.. os remov•b!t •11•••"9 for tub· •lotul.on of t1llttr dtcor•tor l•brics. The qu•lll'f of lhtu lint \,Pelktn Is 111911 in~ lor their tow rtguUor proct ot Sl,..SO ... R99ular $1S4.4S SA VE $254.55 SALE $59990 PRICE SALE •.• EMPIRE 1000 ZE CARTRIDGES 1/2 OFF!! UGULA•U99S SALE! s499s