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1971-07-21 - Orange Coast Pilot
' ' ,, Grisly Manson Case Details . POW Groups Could I ·inherit!) ·sso~oo.o • • On State De~1s1on anctuar or Groups May Land Funds Orange County's POW-~11A organlza- jons came in for a Sl.500 windfall today and they may gel a further $50,000 tf a ;arden Grove news sheet fail s to !i;tabHsh itself as a charitable organiz.a- :ion. Superior Court Judgr .I. E. T. "Ned'' ltutter opened lhe door £or the unsolicited lonation by entering a final judgment 1gainst Veterans News, 12.111 Chapman Ave .. Garden Grove. in favor of pro- ~utors who successfully sought a :estraining order against the news sheel ast >A'eek. It was alleged that Veterans News look n cnntribulions of at least $500 a iay v. ith the publication of appeals for Unds that would enable them to appeal Z> "1nternalonal personalities'' on behalf if Uni!ed States servicemen held lrisoners in North Vietnam. Suh~cnbers who were contacted by telepho ne and door to door calls were told .hat !hei r paymeats would ensure :rublication of thei r name!! in the 1evn'ipaper and would help to swell a fund ievoted to sec uring the release of \merican prisoners of war. Bovd Hamlin 43, of 684 Vista Lane. l.ag~na Beach.' was named with Jack .6,rmstrong. JO of Garden Grove and William Ystad. 43, of Orange, as prin- ~ipals in Veterans News. Judge Rutter warned the defendants that they will have to' qualify wiU! t.he state of Califomla a1 1 charitable non· profit organlzatjon it they hope to tontinue publication -as a veterana news .. . Set POWI, Page I) . ' or .. ge Coast Weather The weatherman predicts hazy runshine ag;dn today and Thurs- day with temperatures along the coastline at 70 rising to BO inland. Lows toniftt el"pected 8;f0Und 6r$ In both areas. INSIDE TODAY T hey com.t from oil walks of life and from all over th e U.S., but in World ivar JI , they faced death together in the skies ovtr German1,1. See story. photo, Page 13. f attt"" It M•"'l'I ,,1111, (..,._. Call'9,..i• I tt.ii..itl 111...., I Clloktl ... U, I Ot-C-fy I Cltull'-'11 4J.U s.m 11·tl C:Ol'lllcl .. Si.il Mttll"' M·H c: .. 11-1 .. T.....+.-. N ._.,. ... , ,.... • 1'11..,.... "'"" 1141"'1.-...t 2'-tr ......... • 'lfttl'I(• li Wik-AllN,.. ft tle,.ICf" M W~lt. 1111'1\fl 11 AIWI Lt-•t ff Wltl!Mll't ft...., •n """¥'" l .. JI Wm.I Newt 4 ew ort Baum Re~alled Teacher Takes District 3 Seat lly llUDI NIEllZIEUIU OI 111411 Da1lf f'JW 119'f A 39-year<ild high school tea'Cber becatne Seal JJeach's newest city coun- cilmin 'lllesday night after incumbent Morton A. Biiim was 003ted In a recall election. · ThomaJJ E. Blackman, 421 Beryl Cove Way, will take his aeat in councilmanic District 3 at the Aug. 2 dty council session if the electioo resultl are certified in time. Black.man. who teachefl in Loog Beach. garnered 540 votes in the eleclion whkh involved the city·s Hill area and a portion of Old-Town. His closest ctlmpetilor was t.1ike Knapp, another leacher, with 373 votes . Thomas Br11dy. the relired stockbroker \11ho supported Baum's effort.!! to .stay in office, but ran in I.ht: hope of continuinll: Laguna Beacl1's High Rise Vote Ruled Not Legal By TOM BARLEY 01 "'' Dtll'I' 1"11., SltH Hopes that a new high rise limitation law can be enacted in Laguna Beach sank to a low ebb today with an Orange Coun- ty Superior Court ruling in fa vor of the Art Colony real estate broker whn challenged the validity of the proposed Aug. 3 election . Judge J.E.T. "Ned'' Rutter deall the blow to the "Yes On Aug. 3" committtt by accepting broker Vern Taschner 's ar- gument that the proposed initiativt for a 36--fOOI. maximum height was in violatk>n Of state law and bypassed zoning and building codes applJcablt throughout California. "I think (committee attorney) William Wilcoxen 'argued very valiantly in op- posit)on to lht writ but I don 't think he got around the ruling made in this same court on an issue that also applied to Laguna Beach," Judge Rutter said today. That ruling, he explained. was the one made by Judge Robert Gardner in 1960 when the jurist. now a justice on the ap- pellate cou rt bench that may rule on the present case. ruled against the Laguna Beach Taxpayers Association in a law.suit that sought to limit high rise in the Art Colony lo 50 fee t. "That was my precedent and T don't think anyone got around it in the court hearing," Judge Rutter said. "I reached my decision Tue!d11y. but I 1\ept on it last nia:ht and I see nothina: !his morning to ma~e me change my mind." Wilcoxen immedl11tely !:randed lhe. judge'• ruling a1 an "intolerable In· lttference by the jUdicial s}'st.em into the right of Lagun11 Beach residents to con- trol thelr own architectural environment. ''Judge Rutter has, in effect, taken this case awa y from the jury," Wilcoxen said. ''I know what 1 jury would have 1aid in a case where I.he majority of Laguna Beach resident.. have ~ trying for 13 IS« mGH, P•re 2) ~ his envlronmeital, policl11, ran third wiUt 3IK vote.s. Mrs. Beverly Casam, a housewife, waa a dist.ant fourth with only 74 votes. The recall me.sure, listed u • separale Issue on the ballot wU: dklded by a 858-561 vote against Baum. 'I1le margin was 60 percent. Baum. a pharmacist and former mayor or the city, remained in oUM=e slightly more lhui a year. A rectU movemenl was started against him last July when he sided with CouncUrrl"en Thoma• Hogan! Atld Conway Fuhrman to oust Ci· ty Manager Lee Risner. Fuhrman was recalled March 30, Jeav· Ing only Hogard on the cooncil as member of the former three-way voting bloc. He will flee a recall election Aug. 24. Blackman, a supporter of the recall drive since it.s beginn ing, said he was elated about the elect.ion's outcome. ··Jt was a victory for my own work. But I look arOtJnd me and see all the people who supported me and it wa1 a victory for them also," he sc.id. "The city has been stagnating for the: past year. There have been too many emotional issue11. I intend to bring back some kind of tranquility to our city." Blackman i5 strongly in fa vor of the citv's Redevelopment Agency. an urban reiiewal board which was formed to con- demn portion11 of the downtown area.. seek ne\v ctlnstruclion. and apply taxes fro m the buildings for city uses. Baum had oppo.sed the agency on the ground3 that il would create high·rise and high-density develmpmenU: which would destroy Seal Beach's s ma 11 -tow n character and adversely affect the en· vlronment. "I accept the decision of the voters,'' aaid Bt.um this morning. ···We fought 1 clellll and competent campal1n. but un· fortunately there were not enough of us." Bau.n1 said he would continue to be in- volved in civic affairs. "but not any more than an ordinary citizen with• family ." "Right now t need to Lake a re.st for a while," he added. • Police Arrest Art Kunkin LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Art Kunkin . 43, co-owner of Alfred's Print tbop in the City of Industry, wu u resled Tueaclay night on charge!'! of printing obscene material. Autborltlt! said KunkJn was taken Into custody at tb"e office! or t.he Los Angeles Ftte Press, ol which he ls publishe.r. A munJcipal court w1rrant chug- ed that Ku.nkln, through" his print shop, prin~ obsctn!: material ln 1 newspaper called "San Franclaco Ball ." Autborllles a&id the tablokl 1r,.phically diaplayed v1riow aex· ua l acts. • • . • High Ris·e · Vote A, • l Holed Illegal For Art Colony atus a ? • U.S. Action Predicted By Caspers By L. PETER KRIEG Of Ml9 Dlllll' ,IW SI .. The U.I. Department ol lnlerlor will de1ignate part of Up~ Newport 8ay a naUooal wilWife aal'Jctuary within two weeks, P'lfth Oiatrict Supervisor Ronald E. Gaspers sald today. Caspers, a Newport Beach resident and promoter of tht wildlife preserve con- cept. saJd be didn't know how bJi an area or exactly where it wouJd be. Disclosing the pending announcement in a talk to the Marine Division of the Newport Harbor Chamber al Commerce. Ca1pers 1aid afterwardJ ··lhe area will be sm111l at first." An aide said lt could be: one acre, or three or five ... We don •t know," he said. Caspers indicated the .sanctuary would be near "the bird anter of the beck end of the bay." Cas pers also revealed he has developed 11 new development plan for the entire Upper Bay that he inlen~ to discuss with Newport Beach off icials ln the near future. He said hi!! plan incorporates long- range projections for an ~panded wildlife sanctuary. Cas~rs said the impending federal ~n- nouncement is a result of a re&0lut1on sent Interior Department officials by the Orange County Board of SuperviM>rs last year. He said Interior Secretary Roters Morton personally flew over the bay six weeks ago. , ''After seeing It and other areas.' Caspers said. "Morton declared he want.! to preserve the Upper Bay , Anaheim Bay and the Tijuana 1dough." Caspers' staltm.ent apparently. took Irvine Company officials by surprise. The compan y own! most of the land sur- roudning the bay. "We are unaware of I.ht. proposal Supervisor CUpera talked about this morning," Gilbert FergU10n . director or corporate communicatiOnl for the com- pany said. "Until such lime as we have 10me In- dication or clarification from the Depart. ment of Interior as to what tt1ey are prl>- poslng, It would be premature to react to it," he said. Capsers was not specilic about the pro- cedure to be followed by the department In acquiring any property. C11per1 said any deve1opment Pll!I will have to be endoraed jointly by the county and the City ~f Newport Beach. "We are mu tu a 11 _y re:iiponslbl~.'' Caspers declared, poinUng out tbe city controls the zontni around the wUre estuary. He said bla 1tudie! would also talre TecommendaUOl'll of the Upper Newport Bay Cooperative Planning Project into conalderaUan. The !1tl<r group ii I joint commlllte ol county, city and trvl.ne Company representatives doing· coooperatl\le ~ff studies under the aupervlalon of Caspers, Newport Beach· Mayor Ed Hirth and Irvine Company Pre&ident .. W 11 11 a m Mason. That group ll scheduled Ui recelvt a rtport from Ill it.all August t. DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * WEDNESDAY 'AFTERNOON, JULY ·2f, ·197 1 \IOL. 64, N0.,171.' llCTIONS, 16.f'AOd Sele~i.ive Curves .. ' ~ ., ~ ' • ' ' -' . " " , I : 0..< _,. ~ • .~ ,1-·.....t...l:.... . I • •''·It .. ,.,.• ..... ,T_ Gwria.sliYls:.25.~.*;.ariless Io.r F'rontler Alrllii~:Dtji'IU,,ls one of 15. Frontie.I'J~ewirdesses:'&fo.wed to. wear· ne bot pants cuUil •Afr .. · Jine,.hu:total :of 280· ltewafd..,es,:bul It wl!rJJi!lo:W,onlY gii!s ·with proper measurements andrshapel to! wear, the1out!'its. 'Family'·.Behea~ .'.fold: LOS ANGELES (UPI) -~ mell)))er ol Chules ·Man9on's "f~mUY". 1dmitted decapitating a movle·atunlman two ye.an; aa:o and deacribed the head as going "bloo\). bloop, bJooii'' •• it'r91led,iwly. a 1tate'proaecuror safd ·'tu-.1ay. Deputy Dlstr)ci /ollrJff"Y· BµrtrJn Kati m1de the cllarge In bl•'pP!!l!init sta~"I' at tne trial ~ S~ve' qrogan . for the murder of Don&Jd1' Sb:ir(t~Shea, a parl· time we1tem cow\OY a~tM whole bodY hia, never ue,n dlscoVen.d. ' , · !.i8Jll0n 1llo lJ cblrf'd with Sbe.1 '1 murder, along With that o! musician Gary Htnm1n. bu( his . Itta! b being helll sep2.rately and the Jwy has DOI )'et. been picked. The 36-year-old cult leader llr .. dy has been con.vlcltd and .. ntenced to death for the seven Tate-LaBlJJ!ca murder1. .__-_=.,...;; -=~. - "' --' ~ ··--~.· ...... ~ -----==-· _. ;-----~--. ---··--·--·~, -"'-~--------x-.. .,,;:;a... ~-::~ -· -------· -------• ' I, i; J OAll Y PILOT Wed MtdlJ, J1.1l1 21, 1971 House Unit Gives Plane Loan Okay WASlilNGTON (UPI) -The llouM Bankln1 Committee overrode J t 1 chairman today and approv td a hill to creatt a $2 billion emergency loan fund to aid the Lockheed Alrcrafl Corp. and other distressed ma)or corporations. About the same time, the Senate open- ed debate on an identical bi!l. Sen. \Villllm Proxmire ID-Wis.), the chief op- ponent, sought to send the propoaal back to eommitlet -forc:ln,g an early vote that would reveal the atrength (If the ~ate opposi tion. In Qrdtr to take up the Lockheed bill, St.nett Democrats, who are in the ma- jority, forced Republicans to agree to limited debe.te on a political campaign t;pehding measure. 1\ep. Wright Patman (D-Tex.), the lJ~ Banking chairman , fa v or e d guarantee of a $250 million loan to Lockheed but opposed creation or a largt:r fund to cover other big businesses . But l'Js committee overruled him and approved the Senate version on a serles of three \'otes -11 to 14, 18 w 16 and 23 to 11 . Tht first t\\·o votts were the crucial onttS, comin& on a propruial by ~p. Robert G. Stephens J r. (D-Ga.), to i;ubstitute tnt Senate bill for Patman's. The third vote wu a reutJne tally J n final approvaJ. ' The Senatt bill would set up a special guarptle board, hf:aded by tht Treasury St<rtl4rY, to ru1e on loan 1uarantet ap- plicaUom:. Elthtr cham~r of C.Ongress coul4 veto a proposed euaranttt -a Jll"OV~iGD Treuury Secretary Jebo B. ~nntl1Y. tht cMer proponent el a Lockheed ruaranLM, has said m•y be un- comtltut:ienal. The Republican minority wanted the Sena~ te turn itl lrnm'*late atteDUon to the finanCial plight of Lockheed , who~ bankrupty could occur by Aug. 8 if Congress leaves town early next month without having come to Lockhe~'s rescue. The Democrats . "'ho control tM Sena.le al'ld the scheduling of its debates, agreed to take up the blll under which Lockheed would receive a $250 million government· ~anteed loan -but at a prlct. The Democratic price was Republican atrffment to limit debate tci a sptcified number of houri on a measure the Democrats want passed -a poltUcal campaian reform bill. That bill, imposing ceilings on how much politicians can spend in 1972 and subsequent yean on advertising In their election campaigns. would be of greater 2.id to the debt-ridden DemocraU than to the afnuent Republicans. Without aereement to limit debate on amendments, the Republicans could talk the campaign bill to death without having to bear the oow: of hlvlng killed a reform bill. Pruident Nixon who vetotd a bill limltlnc only cRJnpalgn expenditures on te\evilion advertlaln& last year, is on record as favoring the general thrust of the MW meuure. The White House brouaht prenure on Republican Senators to a1rtt to a Ume Hmilation on debate on the campalln reform bill in order to gat tbe Lockhetd measure on the floor. That bUI gives a aovtrnment board authority to euarantet rept.yment of up to $2 billion worth lo&llJ to financially ail-inl flnm. Lockheed, abort on capital to ~lele building the Trlltar jetliner, would aet the flrlt loan. Police Impound 35 Fighting Gamecocks IA Habra police impoundtd 35 fightina cocks Tu.eaday that were found caged in a secluded field. Police Chief Lee Rivera said the birds were probably hidden in Orange Coun· ty to elude a gamecock roundup ln Los Anceles County where 1,500 birds were captured last week. ou.••• cour D~ILY PILOT .... ,... .... --c-11 .. "---·-S.Cl11111re otl.utM COAIT P'UaL""ING CIOM,ANY le~·rt N. W••' ~ ...... , .... '"""'.,_ J••k It C11rl.., Vie9 ~ ..C 0-rM Ml~ n-1....lc ..... 11 .. .,... . l"'9i11 A. M111,lrll" M ......... INIW Q•rl•• H. l••• ll1h1N P. Nill Aulf!Ml ,,, .......... ·-~ :11.' '}>"1 ';; DAILY l'ILOT Sl•!f l'tlo!• RULES ON INITIATIVE Judge "Ned" Rutter From Pqe l HIGH RISE. • • years to enact a mea.!lure that is simply in accordance with the accepted prin- ciples of local control. ·'Here we are treated to the spectacle of a stale that has so often expressed its great faith in the systen1 of loca l conlrol actually denying that process to the residents of Laguna Beach," the Laeuna lawyP:r said. Wilcoxen said he is determined to ap- peal the Rutter ruling but the tim ing o( that rulin& could destroy his chances of aeeking relief from the appellate court. It seemed likely that City Clerk Dorothy Mu1felt would be allvised today of Judge Rutter's decision and would im· mediately halt the mailing of sample ballets which contain the initiative pro- poaal to Art Colony r~idents. "We have to get to the appellate court with our challenge of that same ruling before Thursday night before she can stop the process." \Vilcoxen said. ''ObviotL~ly, we have been given very lit· tle time but I intend to move. right now to countermand Judge Rutter's decision." Judge Rutter's ruling was v.•elcomed to- day by real tor Taschner as "a victory for the legal procesa and an opportunity for aJI residents of Laguna Beach to now get together and work out a new approach 10 this problem . "l am certainly not vindictive about this," Taschner said. "and I want you to know that I myself am opposed to many forms of high rise.. .. But this initiative completely bypass- ed tht system of govemment we have to use to effect thetre changes." Taschner aald . ''lt was a poorly conceived measure a11d I hope that we can now 1et to1ether in Laguna Beach and perhaps reach a solution in high ri.M construction that will satisfy us all. Pedestrian Hurt By Backing Auto In Parking Lot Surjery w•s being performed this m«n1n1 on an elderly Costa Mesa man who suffered a fractured hip Tuesday when lulocked down by a car backin1 up in a parting lot. Robert B. r..1ltche\l, 85. of 728 W. 18th St., was listed in aood condition prior to sur&ery at Co~ta Mesa Memorial Hospital. Police said he v.·as hit at ll :40 p.m. in the lot al 535 Y.'. 19th St., when ~1rs. Barbara J . Allen. ·31, of 579 W. Bay SL, be&&n to back out of a ~tall. Neither party wa! cited or artual!y blamed by polict . since CaHfomia Vehi- cle Code !ectlons apply only on roadways and not on private property. Stunt Airman Still Flying Stunt flier Art Scholl heard 1 disturbing story over in Riverside this "'ttk that su1&e sted hls carl!ltr had come to an abrupt end. So be called down tc Costa M!sa to say -\Ike Mark Twain once dld -th• rumor of his death was greatly exagger11ttd in tenning him the ltte Art School in a feature story about Newport Beach dare.dev il pilot Skip Volk . The Daily Pllot reirets any em· barrassmenl to School at Ille result of the lntend'd mention of the \11.te Dick &hran1m, killed in an 11.ir ~how plane crash 11? ye11rs ago. Scholl said philosophically that th• same thinl has happentd befon. Police Solve Quiet Squaivk Coat• Me1a pollce rtsponded sw\tt.ly Tuud11 y to • dl~turbance of lhe. pe•ce call In a quiet, ctntral area retidentlal nel1hborhood. "Subject 1 complained that he wa~ belnr disturbed by two ch.lcktna," sald O!flcer Ed Sutton'1 lncldent report. ''Subject 2, owner or 111id chickens, was 1dvlstd and t'lated he would co mply. C111e clottd." Subjttt :t failed to 1ay how ht would comply. China Visit Mag11itude Underlined WASHINGTON !UPI). The tn1gnltude of the tuk Prtsldtnt Nixon faces on hliJ forthcoming visit to Red China was underlintd tod1y by conditlon.'I Premier Chou En·lai seerm to be setting for •·normalization" of relations with the United States. U.S. off icials said today. But the administration officials said Chou's vie\.\.·s, a1 outlined to a group of visiting American graduate students in Peking Monday night, came as no surprise to authorities in Washington. The sweeping nature of the premier's demands for establishing forn1al relations would appear at first glanc-e to be an im- possible package since they involve aban· donment by the. United Stales of !Qmt: of the loni·Stl.ndlng commitments it has with alllts in that area. The assumption herl', however, is that ht laid out his maximum position - v.'hich represent.~ everyUting the Pe.king government could want for an ideal ar• rangement from its point of view -with the full recognition that there will have tn be some give and take. in the negotiating process. D.\ILY ,ILOT l"~~!t by '•1rlck 0'0."IWll Among other things, a! reported in a cop}Tlght dispatch from Peking: by the Toronto Globe and Mail, Chou said "the greatest cry" over much of the. world was for t:.~. withdrawal from lndochina, adding that this might be "even stronger than the demand to restore the relations betw~n the Chinese. and American people!." Who's Out of Work? Indochina -including Vietnam , Laos and Cambodia -was only one of four major obs\8 cles that the Globe and Mall said Chou mentiontd as preventing normal U.S.·Chinese relations. He also talked of the U.S. commitment to Na· t.ionalist China. the si tuation in South Korea and what he referred to as revival of Japanese militarism. Passerby did double take Tuesday 'vhile strolling past for1ner en)ploy· ment agency office near intersection of Harbor and Newport Boule- vards in Cos ta Mesa. A spokesman for the real ty firn1 handling the lease said the employment agency has closed its Costa Mesa operation, but is still doing business in Buena Park. Antipollution 'Fox' Ha11gs One On Picasso's Statue · Peking classification of top priority to sett lin g the Vittnam issue by complete v.:ithdrawal of American forces ia no particular surprise here. despite some \\'ishful thinking in the pas t by U.S. A!ian analvs \s that the Chinese might be v.·ill· CHI CAGO ! UPI J -The Fox met The ing io exert some pressure on Hanoi to Thing Tuesday. ease its terms for settlement. ··The. Fo1" is the my1terious pollution Chou's remarks confirmed the Nixon ·11a I Administration &Latement that th e fot. waging guerri war are against husiness firms for be ing less than Chinese had sf't no precondition! for the fastidious about the environment. "The t-.1i1on visit but Ibey msde it clear that Thing" is a 51h.story·high mtue designed there v.·ill have lo be some very tou&h by Pablo Pica~~o and standing in the bargaining during and after the trip. Civic center in The Loop. As for Nationalist China, which Red Tuesday The Fox brought his efforts to China claims to own. and Peking's the world of art. refusal to accept any compromi se agree-He and l\vo helpers placed a 4-foot s1gJ1 menl for a ·'T\\·o-Chi na" membership ar-jn front or !he Picasso -\11hi ch mav be a ran gement ln the United Nations, these \l'oman. a baboon or som ething el Se, but are well·known poal~lons. . whlch 'most Chicagoans call "The Thing." Ho,,vever. by hinting that the Uruted ft was broa d daylight. Several people s·a.,... States. in addition to pulling o~t of \'le.t-, The Fox, including a news pa per nam, u'ould h~ve to remove tls force~ photographP:r. from the territory or other Soothe~ The. Fox' 11lgn showt.d Mayor Richard A.!l!an alllet wat his first aptelflc dem J . Daley -whose cffiCt is right across on that point. . C!1rk Street in the old city hall -plan· Marine DI Imprisoned . . ' . For Cruelty SAN DIEGO (AP) -A serg•anl has pleaded guilty at the, Marine Corps Recruit Depot btre to !:harges ol com• milting "indecent. ley,·d and lascivious" acts v.·hile a drill instructor in charge er as many as 52 recruits. Mr.tine Sgt. Terrence Joseph Elbert, 22. also pleaded guity to cruelty and mallreatment charges at a general court· 1martial July 13. Elbert v.·a.!I sentenctd to a dishonorable Clischarge. two year~ in confine ment at hard labor, reduction to private. and forfeiture of ;>Jl pa,v and allowances. He could have been sentenced to 114 years of cQnfinement . The Marint Corps discloaed in- formation about the caae v.•hen qnes· tioned by The Associ.tted Press. The ba~e public information offlcer said it i!> ~l arine C-Orp." policy not lo vol unteer in· formation on accused persons. Elbert is <·onfined here awaiting au automatic revi~1v of the matter by .he base commanding generPJ. The charge s again.st Elbert. included 3& sµecific stlons ol act.~ con1mitted betv1ttn Dtc. !B. 1970, and Jan. 12. 1971. The.Y were lodged by n1embers of the platoon he and t\.\.'O other commanded. The ot hers were not cbarged. Among the specific charges were hit.- ling recuits, choking them. forcing their heads into a urina l filled with urine, and ordering the mto masturbale . Half the 38 specifications were under the chtrte of 'vrongfully CTJmmitting "a \twd and lascivious act. ... " Some of I~ acts involve one or several persons, and others involvt the entire platoon. v.·hich ranged in size from 62 men at U1e beginning of training lo 45 when ii graduated Feb. L Recruit pla· toons often change in sii.e because of ad· n1inis1rative re?.sons and training Jag s. Elbert. wh o is from Elyria. Ohio, had been a drill instructor since October 1969. He is a Vietnam ve teran and recipient ro 1he Bronze Star, the nation·s fourth hlghesl military heroism honor. His civilian lav•yer. Phil McAdam. said Tuesdav. "In m\' opinion. he entered a proper ·plea." HP:. said that during appecJ~ he will concehlrale on winning a reduc· tlon or sentence_ Jl.1cA.dam said Elbert maintained his in· nncence until a few days before the trial, \\·a.s to begin. Then, he said, •'He. finally. realized that there was going to be a trial r.nd that !11ey did have witnesses and that 1111 of then1 1vere lherc." 1\1cAdam declined to say 1•1hether ht advised Elbt'rl lo plead guilty. Jl.tilitary psychiatrists twice examined Elbert, finding him legally sane_ However, McAdam said he will a.sk the commanding general to order another such examinatlo'n because or the previGus oocelons Elbert denied the accwa.t.ioM, making. iL difficult fo r the p.!ychiatrists t() make an evaluation. Also ne':" -or at least the f~at el , ning an aiI'JXlrt in Lake Michigan. A pres1\ons 1n some time on the 1ub)tcta -Unlted States Steel Corp. executive i!'! was a suggestion that the que&Uon of ·' telling the mayor: "Fe.el free to use the Sy1nphony Canceled divided Korea should be settled. and his lake, Dick -we do." coocem <lVtr Japan's military plans. Last December The Fox entered U.S. INCLINE VILLAGE. Nev. <UPI\ - Officials here said the Presldent was Stetl's offices in Chica&o and dwnped a The summer season of the Lake Tahoe well ~ware or . all. of the difficult and gallon jar of sewage end a box of dead Symphony has been can celed because ol potential e.xplornve. issues wblch h.ad to be fish, frogs and birds on the floor. List lack of interest. de alt with when he goes to Peking, and March, he t vaded a trap police 11tl for Vlado Kolitsch, music director and that was why he had urged congrtssm~n him after learning he intended to plug an u,1 T,1,,M,. general manager. said the symphony and oth~rs who_m he briefed to avoid outfall pipe from the Armour.Dial com-association malltd out 10.000 circulars speculation on JUSl .v.·hat .ml1ht. be ac-pany's plant at Montgomery into the Fo1 CHICAGO'S ,FOX AT WORK about its four-concert summer season compllshed during his Pekmg visit. . River. · Leaving His Mark on Pie.as.so and got less than dozen responses. Thi'! \Vhite House, after the enthusiasm 1~~;;;;;;;,;;;;-----------c=""j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;- "'hich greeted announ~me.nt of the plan· "•".nr,..,.,, ntrl trip. obviously ha!l be c o~ e conctrned lest a certain euphoria iret 1n, \tiding the American public tci expect too much too soon. From Page 1 POWs. • • ~he~t de,·oted lo aiding the P0~1-Ml A cause. Ht conliscaltd all the. funds collected by the ne\\·~paprr p@nding such a ruling and ad\'ised the defendants that if the y do not qualify h~ will tum the. money ovf'r to existing PQ\V-i\ilA groups. Deputy diatrict atlOrney Richard Sten· ton got the promise from the defendants before court opened that they wUI donate Sl ,500 to POW·MlA or&anilations "as consideration for any mlslnfonnaUon concerning the conntctlon by V1le:ran s N f'W!I." Jn\'estigat.ors belie\'e that the amount ronflsc1ted by Judge Rutter will total more th&n $50.000 when a final tally is made of the Vt terans News take. \1tterRnfi or,anizatlons thro\llhout the county ha\•~ den i('d any connection with Yett.rans News 1111d 11ave unanimou1ly condemned Its appeal fo r POW·MlA fllf\dS. i\trs_ Gary Carlson. office rnanager and treasurer for POW-i\llA lnternatlonal Inc. in Tustin, 11tat11 that her organl111· Hon has absolutely no connection with Vete ra.('11 News or the apptal launched by the news sheet From PGfle J MANSON ... to cut off the man'1 head with a machete ~nd he did so. They left the body u.nder some. trets. Katz said, ind later Grocan r1turned with Mime or the womtn members and smoked a marijuana cl1arette whllt tilt "&lrl•'' burled the body. Tht prtsrcutor said thtrt V.'lll a feud be!wetn Maruon 11nd Sl'\fla 1temmina from the fact thAt Shta's v.•tre wu • Ne&M and that Maneon felt the bl•ck race "'as Inferior. - GEM TALK TODAY by .I. C. HUMPHllU BUYING A WOMAN'S WATCH Her l i r s t concern I!> fashion. beauty, and being "diUerent." If you are buying a \\'Oman's \\'&tch , here are some helpful suggestions: 1. Fashion comes first. A gold bracelet watch can be \\'O rn days, yet be fashionable nights. Most women buy a Sf!cond . formal dia- mond \Vatch, and at that point stone!! become her main interei;t. Given a good \\'atch "'il.h trouble- !ree accuracy, te chnical fe atures mean litUe. :!. \Vomen don't \.\'Ml to look like everyone else. This is most true ot leenage girls "·ho buy \\·atches a1 they buy handbags, usually "mod '' styles which conform to their group Yet they still lf!tk status through latest tn the!it 1tyles. 3. Alhough fashion is first, acti· vity auch as beach wear mu1t stW ht considered. Because 1 'A'Oman'1 watch is part ol h1r style, you should buy from a dealer who will exchange (be- fore u•e) and ~ptnd time v.·lth )'011 for proptr selection. Come on in .•• Wt'll do both I -'~ -------- When you give her an Omega she'll oay · ''you shouldn't have,'' but she won'I mean it. When 1h• 1"5 !ht Omega n1m• on her witch 1h1'll kftow how m~h extra thought you put Into her Chtt11me•. Shi m'ey no1 rea!iza lh1! Omega w1\ch111 art U&td on 1!1 Apollo moon IJ!ghta 1nd In the Ol)'l'l'lpk:L Sht'l1 IOW ii ju1t for tis b&1uly, Lat•r on, sh•'ll low 111 endUrlng d•pend1blllty. And If th• u.y,, ''You 1h~uklpl\ h•ve,"' Ju11 you tty to tlka 11 back. 0 OMEGA /I. -t 41( -"'+!'!' er ft--ID!ld l"' t ltt. ~IPP~•Ut llCl 11CI ~ryt11I., 111· 1-1411: sell& pold 1fr~p w•1tt1 ,. ·''" J. · C. .JJ.umphrie~ Jeu1efer:I 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COST A MESA CONV5Nlf:Nl TE~MS IANKAMEllCAR.D-MASTI~ CHAJ:tll .. 14 f~R' IN IA.Ml l~l!ON PMONI 14•·1401 . -----, ... ·.-·· .._ ~-----------'---~~·----·· .~~-~ ..--.!.. • ----· vi -I P' be ID ~ an w y, co co lo w th re m N an cit co So co N ne th 0 I ' ' ~ls 1 bi if .. ~ s a n • I-=-: ' .. ~ Duntinjlton Bea~h Fountain Valley ' . ' VOL 64, NO. 173, 8 SECTIONS, 84 PAGES ORAN6E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 2 f, 197 f Huntington Planners Two major Huntington Beach housing developments were delayed !or two week! by the Huntington Beach PlaMing Commission Tu~day night because of a Pllg over estheUcs. The Issue : Are frontage road g preftrabl~ lo block wal]., as • means of beautify.ing a housing tract'! 'Ibe result: Both developers will have to wait until Aug. 3 when the commi.s!loo has promised to make up its mind. Members of the .seven-man COJlUlliS!ion became enveloped in a lively argument over the issue when Signal Landmark Co. entered its tract map for 183 !!'Its on the northeast corner of Adam.!! Avenue and Newland Street. Commisl!ioner Edward Kerins said he was annoyed that the plans did not in- clude • frontage road along Adams Avenue to make I.be development look tx>ner . "The frontage road concept 1s unsif"tly and a waste of land,'' Commissioner Roger Slates snapped back. He a.. ~ed that the city y,•ou!d have to maintain the streets and that such roads z.re unsafe for children· to play in. Kerins answered , "I don't cons!der it a waste (lf land . The road could have a landcaped median. l haven't heard.of any a um uste State Official 'Mesans Assured Route Progress By BARBARA GJUS Ot 1~1 Ol llY 1'1111 Stitt BamJnrd Frankland, assistant state p..iblic wor~ director, met ""'ith Costa Mesa·s Freeway Committee this mor ning and attempted to allay fears that the con- troversial Coasta l Freeway stalemate would delay completion of the Newpo rt Freeway through Costa Mesa. Frankland said. in speaking of state communication efforls with Orange Coast communities, "Ch1r efforts are geared toward the priorltiea: of the communitie1, which is, in your case. the completion of the Newport Freevoay. '' He assured Costa Mesa officials and representatives of a downtown redevelop· ment group that construction of the Newport Freeway wou ld be continued and might be e~pedited, if that is: the city·s wish, regardless of the lack of a coastal freeway. "The Ne\\•port Freeway will be con· atructed southwesterly as surrounding rommunities will allow" he said. Costa Mesa City t.1anagcr Fred Sorsabal. responfled. saying. "Our main concern is to see the completion of the Ne~'port Freeway. We have to look at our needs. and v.·e want to know hov.• gelling the traffic to Ney,'J)O'"t is going l() aUect our local street syslem . Auto Hits Bike; Beach Boy Hurt A se\·en·year-old Huntington Beach boy Is in guarded condition today after he v.·as stn1c k while riding double on 11. bicycl e Tuesday afternoon. Da vid Lee McCullah of ]7611 SLill Ha r· bor Lane is in Huntington Intercommun· lt:-r Hospital. Police said he was riding on a bicycle with Alex M. Kertis, 8, of 17622 Still Har-- bor when t.hey were struck by a car driv- en by Kurt M. Clemens, 20, of 818 Joliet St., Huatington Beach. Kertis was treated and released from the hoe:pitaL The accident report indicated the two boys were traveling westboollld on War· ner A~·enue. crossln,11' Springdale St::-eet aga inst the red light wher. the accident occurred. Oruge Coast 1''enther The weatherman predkts hazy sunshine aga in today and Thurs. day with temperatures ·along the coastline al 70 rising to 80 inland. Lowa lllnlght expected around 6S in both area~. INSIDE TODA V They comt from alt walks of life and from oll ouer the U.S .. but in World Wor II, thl'y faced. dtoth to17ether in the .!lk1es over Germany. See 1tor11, pholo, Page JJ. ."'""' 1' CIUH>n!ll 1 ~-I'" Uf 1 ( .. tilli..I U·M ,.,_, .. ,,.., ... '111 .. •fltlt'lll ~... • •~ttrlll!IMIM ,..,, fllMMt tt .... ,..._ . A~~ L•""'' n ""'"'" ..... , Mlli'HI 1'91W1t M Nlli91111 """ j Or-c......, • '""' ,,.,, lllKtr Ill-•" , .. tS Tll<MtlM )I ,._,_ h-tJ Wll"*" • w~ a111an1 n W-1111 W1•~ U w1-·1 N..-. .. n w.,,. ...... • ''Nev.•porl Beach claims il cannot han- dle any more traffic," c o n t i n u e d Sorsabal. "Well. that's where. tht Newport Fdeeway'11 going to end. Now , where does the traffic from Its tenninus go'.''' Frankland said that state highway engineers would develop plans for disbursing traffic at lhe city limits, pr~ bably using existing 11lreell, if no better solution can be found . "Largely. coaslal traffic is internally senerated. We have suggested to Newport (See MF..1ANS, P11e !) 1-yearTerm For Valley Mayor OK'd Jn a 4·1 vote Tuesday night Fountain Valley City Councilmen gave pre liminary appro1·ai to a measure limiting the term of offi ce of the mayor and ma yor pro tem lo one year. The disstnling vote was c.a.c;t by ~1ayor Ed Just who said ''the present system ta two-Ytar term for mayor ) is not doing tde job and this change wtll aggravate it even more." The ordinance was proposed by Coun· cUman Al Hollinden who said he has con· sidered it for some time . "One of the beauties of the ne>w law 1! that it does not actually affect anyone in office," he explained. Just's term of of· fice will expire In April and he would not have been able to succeed himself under the old law, nor will he be able to do so under the new one. During a discussion of the ordin11nce Hollinden noted the necessity of insuring that p:iwer and authority are not 1eparated, which might be the e1se in a twD-year term . "What we're talking about is the ability tn easily remove a man lrom office who 1& not doing the job,'' he 1aid. "Ir It were a question of illegal behavior there would be no question. But what I'm concerned about ls a man who gets carried away with the office.'' Hol\indcn admitted lhe r r e e w 11. y meetings. called by Mayor Jus!. bf-tween the staffs of Fountain Valley. Huntington Beach and Westminster 11.re an example of the kind of action he objects tn. "We could end up with one man mak· Ing decisions for the city when these decisions are suppo!ied to be council deC"i.,ions." Hollinden said . Just pointed out that the council already has I.he power lo removl! a (See MAYOR, Pa1e Z) Last Marines Lea ve LONG BEACH (AP) -The !last U.S. Marines from combat units Jn Vietnam have arrived home. "rll be thinking about by lour lor a long Ume ," Aid Sgt. Luke Petriccione, 2•, the last of 41 Marines down the gangplank after the transport ship St. Loui11 docked Tue!lda y. Pttriccione ~eirl he hopes t.o return to college when his tn· li~tment enda In ftve month. Marine11 have bf!en withdrawina [rom Vietnam since 1969 to~ ln the United States and Okin1twa . CANS PRESIDENTIAL GIFT Contributor G.org1 Brokate Red China Visit Ir es New port Nixo1i Suppor te r By GEORGE LEIDAL Ot !tit Dti_l:i" l'll'OI Ili ff A millionaire Newport Beach reaJ eiLale developer bas prote5ted President Nixon's proposed trip to Communist China hy discarding the plaque Nixon gave him as thanks for a $13,000, 1968 catnpalgn contribution. "'Right now I am very ashamed of hav- ing supported Richard Nixon in 1968 ," George Brokate told the Orange County Republican Central Committee Monday night. The 32.year-o!d former Marine Corps officer said Nixon has shoWn himself lo be "just another tricky weathervane op-- portunist politician. "lie has sold out the hopes for freedom of million!! of people in A!ia by going hat in hand to an atheistic dictatorship which has helped kill thousands o[ Americans in Korea and Vietnlllll, and which grows and r;e\ls dope to the youl.h of the free world," Brokate said. In 1966, Brokat.e volunteered for eom- bet duty In Vietnam, after be had com· pleted hls po$k:ollege tour as a Mirlnt captain and had returned to civilian life. In 1968, he was given a plaque in· scribed "with deep appreciation" by Nb:· on, Brokate said, for contributing $l3.noo to his Presidential campaign. The pledge waa the largest individual C(lntrlbulion from Orange County, Brokate i;aid. Throwing the plaque into 11 trasn can , Brok1111te said "I don"t want It., It is a sym. bol d the betrayal of frtedam and betrayal of the U.S. ConstJtution. Delay Housing accident! with frontage roads. They eould be a. showcase for the city." While Commissioner Robert Bazil backed Slile! on all counts, Robert E. Dingwall, president of the HOME Council, took the rostrum and argued that the block . walls sooner or later become "obactne." Qingwall said graffiti is smeared over them, that trees and shrubs are stolen, and that trash collects in the gutters • beceuse the streetsii.·eeper.!1 won't pick it up. "Ifs a l'itenle, ugly building ooncept," he said. The block wall. as envisioned by th e developer, would have .several landscaped indentations to break up the monotony of the wall. Commissioner Frank Higgins, an architect. suggested that the.se could be increased in number and in size. But the Ill ea Row Flares On Freeway Di scu ssions Fountain Valley city co u n c i I m e n reacted strongly Tuesday night to news the city slaff was holding meetings with st.a.ff from Huntington Beach on the Route 39 Freeway, Council members George Scott. Ron Shenkman and Al Ho\linden all noted they found out about the meetings through a story which ran In Tuesday 's DAILY PILOT. Nn t.clion was taken by the council, but City Manager James Neal said he would lfJfor•--uie councilmen of the staff freewa y meetings ao they could attend if they wished. Shenkman also propooed a joint mee!ing with the Huntington Beach COUJl. ci! on the frttway. "In light of some uncomplimentary remarks aimed at neighboring cities \\·hich have been attributed to Huntington Beoch council members by the local press, J think it's time "'e tried to im· prove our communication with them," he fillld . Fountain Valley councilmen are not the only gnvernmenta! officials to eii:pres.!I di spleasure over the recent free"'llY meetings. Mike Brick, Fountain Va lley School Superintendent. said he was not informed of Lhe meetin gs, and noted the district \\"OUld continue to oppose the current al ign ment of the fr~eway. Huntington Beach Councilman Jerry t.latney, "'hri criticized the staff meet_ings e.t I.he council meeting Monday night. suggeslcd council comm iHees be formed to y,·ork 11.·i th city staff on the fra:wa~'5. The meetings in question have been gn1n~ nn for approximately three week s, acrnrdtng to Fountain Valh:•y Mayor Ed Juo;t Thi' fir st onP 1n1•olvPd rcpresentat11 rs of Fountain Valley. Huntington Beach and \l/estmlnstcr, but Westminster in· di cated it y,·ould be interested only if a prnpnsed change were to affect the ~lign ment in that city, or if there were p\aniii to reopen alignment hearings. Just sa id the staffs are stu dying lhe possibility of moving the freewa y a few hundred f~t toward Beach Boulevard from its route along Newland Street. Ac· cording to the State Division of (See HASSLE, Pagt %) DA ILV l'ILOT Jiiii l'lllle RECALLED BY VOTERS Ex·Stal Beach Mayor laum Gunman Foiled In Huntington Holdup Attempt A !one gunman was thwarted in his at· tempt to rob a market in Huntington Beach and two Garden Grove yolltlll were held up by four men who gave them a ride Tuesday . The attempted market holdup occurred at about 8: 15 p.m. at Al's ~1arket. SO.SU Heil Ave. Owner Al Cas tro told police the man came m and wa.ite<I for customers lo leave befor~ confronting hlm. Castro said the suspect pulled out what appeared to he a .45-caliher revolver and demanded his monev. \\.'hen lhe store oy,•ncr told him "no way " the would-be robber fled the store. He was nol pursued . The two c.ardcn Grove teenagers tol d police they were picked up by four men whilr they were hitchhiking eastbound on Pacific Coast Highway near Beach Boultvard. Once in !.he car, the boys said they were threatened by the occupant.II who "'ere wielding a crescent wrench and • scre~·driver. Recall Organizer Files Law suit Against Baker One of two organizers of a campaign tn recall Orange County Supervisor David Baker framed his charges against the of· ficial Wedoesday ln the from an 11.n Orange County Superior Court lawsuit. William McKnight of Slant.on demand! In the complaint that lhe Second District official be ordered to repay to the county I.he expense& he drew whlll" serving for two years as chairman of the state's Environmental Quality Study Commiltee. McKnight. who claims he represents all Orange County taxpayers in the action. alleges that Baker was reimbursed for atrline lickeU and other travel e:s:penses by both th1 county and the state and that the supervisor hM nevcir attempted to re· fund the money to the cnunty. McKnight Is working with Donald J. SwenllOll ror Baker·s recall In a move· ment that has been condemned by Bt.ker ll!J "garbage." B11ker denies allegations that ht billed both the state and I.be county for t.he $6,000 expenses he incurred while work· Ing wit1l.Jlt'"'atate group from 1968 lo 1970. He stated tta.t his "bookkeepinl was bad, but my billings were legitimate and there was oo overlap or dupllcat[otll. 1 never got Ole money thesi people are talking about,'' he old. Baker added that he aaked the dlstrk:t attorney's office. the Orange County Grand Jury and the 1talt· Attorney General '1 office for an invut11ation of the aJJegaUoM aired 1gainst blm and Lhat he was cleared by all three aundea. But McKnight dem1tnda a r'hmd tlf "an amount fn excess of $100." Ht also asks the court to order the Hartford Accidtnt and tndemnlty Co. to pay $500 for each "illegaJ or fraudulent ac:f' committed by the supervl80f. The in~urance company i11llued the $25,000 fldeUty bond required for all coon~ ty supervlaora whtin they ta~e office. • ---· •. ::C- • i Teday'• n.11 ' \ N.V. Stoek.8 TEN CEtm Tracts commission ordered the tract map held to review the ent1Ie subject of lmprovin& the frontage. Eiactly the same 1mpuae wu r~ when Eugene Hancock, ol Newport Beach, entered his map for a 26.3-Jot tract on lbe southwest corner of Adami Avenue and Newland Street. A decl!icn on that matter was al.so delayed to kug. J. eac, Voters Tab Teacher, 39 To Council By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI 01 1111 Ol llY l'lllt Sl1ft A 39-year-old high school teacher became Seal Beach·r newe&t city coon. cilman Tuesday night after lncumben' Morton A. Baum was owited in .a recall election. Thomas E. Blackman, 421 Beryl Cove Way, will take his 11eat ln councilma.nic District 3 at the Aug. 2 city eouncil 1ession if the electlori re1ulll are certified ln time. Blackman, who teaches in Long Be~ch._ garnered s+o votes in the electlOD wh1~ mvolved the city's Hill area and a porUon of Old·Town. His closest competitor was Mikt Knapp, anoth!r teacher, w:itb 373 vote•. Thomas Brady, the retired •tocll:bmktt who supported Baum'a efforts t.o stay fn ~fice, but ran in the hope of continuing hui environmental policies, ran tnlrd with JO-I VOle.!1. Mrs. Beverly Casares. a housewife, was a dist.ant fourth with only 74 votes . The recall mea_,ure, listed as a separate issue ·on the ballot was decided by a 858-561 vote against Baum. Tbt margin was 60 percent. Baum , a pharmacist and former mayor of the city. remained in office sliibtly more than a year. A reeall movement was started against him last July when he sided with Councilmen Thomas Hogan:! and Conway Fuhnnan to ouat Ci· ty Manager Lee Risner. F'uhrman y,·as recalled ~tarch 30, leav- ing only Hogard on the council u member of_ the former three.way voting b!oc. He Y.'lli face a. recall election Aug. 24. Blackman , a supporter of the rec&l.I drive since its beginning. said ' e wu elated about the election's oulc . "It was a victory for my o . But I look around me and see al , people who supported me and it wi victory for them also," he said. "The city bas been stagnating for the past year. There have been too many emotional issuea:. I intend to bring back 50me kind of trahquility to our city." Blackman Ui at.rongly in favor of tht city's Redevelopment Agency, an urban renewal board which was formed to con. demn portions of the downtown area., &eek n.ew COO!ltruction, and apply taxes from the buildings for city u~s. Baum had oppoud the agency on the grounds that it would create high·rlse and high~nsity develmpmenf.oi which would de!!lroy Seal Beach's s m a 11 ·torn character and adversely affect the en. vironmenl. "l accept the decision of the voters," said Baum this morning. "We fou&ht a clean and competent campaign, but nn- fortunately there were not enough of us." Baum sai4 he would conUnue to be in. volved ln civic affairs, "but not any more U1An an ordinary citizen with a famlly." "Right now I need to t.alce a rest for a while," he added. Palestine Protests '1EW YORK (UPI) -A group of 40 demonstrators. r e p re • e n t I n g the PalesUne Liberation Organl:atkm <PLO), burned a carlcal.tmi of Kini HuaHtn ~ Jordan Tuellday to protest bis crackdowa on PalestinJan guerrillas. The demoootr1tion too< plato In lllt aldewalk in front of the Jordlnlla mission to the United Natons. ~T• persona were arrestad when &bey tried to force their way lnto lbt ml111lon o(fk:ea to hold a news conferetke. A police serpanf w11 bitten on thl finger assistinc tD 'the arrests. I j • I bAIL v PilQT H w14,.,q,, ""~ u. 1171 Bacl{pacl{irtg Students to Tal{e 'Final Exam' By RUDI NIEDZ!El.SK! ot ltle 0.UJ Pllt\ lt•tf I Si11r-!!Ye elementary 'achoo! chlldt<n from Huntlngtci'I Beach will go Into the wUdernes.s Thursday and lee ve not a trace behind . There will be no gumwrap~rs, no ha\f- ea.t.en candy. no foodpacks oc soap suds, or broken tztt limbs. It will take an ln· dian scout to find their trail. "We plan to leave Ute wilderne•s wild," says Dave Ferranti. a 2f>.-year-<1ld Spring View School teacher, who ls now teaching a 1ummer school coiuse on ··Back P•ck- 1111-" He hopes the f:lllhu&iaatic &rOU;p of ><udenl.t hll learned II• tlllll lllhn material well becauae the trip to Ca.mp Pendleton ii "a final etam without a grade." "Backpacking has been a bobby aod an interest with me for a long Lime ," said Ferranti 11-ho has been throughout Northern California wilh his cMva! bag. "A lot of people don"t go in for roughing it. Many of the kids don't get thi3 type ol e.xperience, so J decided to teaeh a swnmer course." "I had 00.ti:ou.ble coovlocina the Ocean Vllw Sdlc¥>I i>tflrict. Tbo lll4f' I 10 out. J lh Ult UINIO 11111• ll Mi by. people. who don't knoW how to eamp and wbt; don1 pros>e.rl)' prettrve th e en- vironment." Ferranti's course. divided into two sec- tioM because of extreme studtnt popularity, involves a study ol equ ip- men t. hiking techniques, a study of the environment and pollution prevention. Before goi ng to Camp Pendlet.on , his studenu took two warmup hlkea to prac- ~ Uldr art, a four"J'ftlle tr~k to Slater lAkt llld .. elJht·mllt J<umey .. &Jaret Beach. • At '1ie. lake, 1t wu discov ered that many of the studutl had never been tiabing blf0rt, JO Ferranti assisitd by impaling e8rtbworma on books . The enthusiastic casting technique of <lne <lf Fe rranti'& students also yielded an uncommon C'atch -a largt white duck v.·hich became ensnared in the line and was duly reeled in like a h!h. "The duck was flailing around and pro- testing loudly because it felt endangered. Prisoner Newport Assailed Groups May Land Funds Mesn Official Chnrges Freewny 'Backstabbing' Orange County's POW-MIA organi2a· lions came in for a $1.500 windfall tod&y and they may get a further $50,000 it a Garden Grove newg sheet fails to establish itself as a charitable organiz.a· lion. Superior C.Ourt Judge J. E. T. "Nerl' J=tutler opened the door for the unsolici ted donation by entering a final judgment against Veterans News. 12311 Chapman Ave .. Garden Grove, in favor of prQ<o g~utors who successfully sought a restraining order against the nev.·s shet':t last week. It was alleged that Veterans News took In contributions of at least $500 a day with the publication of appeals for funds that \.\'Ould enable them to appeal to "intematonal personalities'' on behalf of United St.ates servicemen held prisoners in North Vietnam. Subscribers who were conta cted by telephone and door to door calls v.·ere told tha t their payments would ensure publication of their names in the newspaper and would help to swell a fund devoted to securing lhe release of American pri soners of war. 2 Colleges Drop Fee for Health After Two Weeks A f7.50 student nea.l'th fee at Orange Coast and Golden West colleges has been dropptd, jlllt~wo "~ks •ft.er I~ hat\ been •dopted. Chancellor Norman E. Wat.son told lrustees of the Coa,,t Community College Di.strict the fee would have to be applied lo night students as well as day atudent.5 iO it should be dropped. District officials originally Uiought they could apply it only to the daytime ~!ude'nts, but the Orange County C.Ouncil t>aid it would have lo cover all students. The $7.50 fee v•ould have paid for health insurance, nW"sing service and e;ther heal th related services. \Va!.8on said most of the ni ght students are older and already have he1lth insurance so the fee would he unf air to lhem. School officials expected to pick up $82,500 from lhe Orange Coast campus and $45.750 at Golden \Vest by using lhe mandator\' f~. George · Rodda , vlce prt:sident of lhe l r~ttts, grum ble<! that the county counsel had not backed up his ruling v.·ith proof, but w~t along v.·ith the other three board members in eliminating the S7.~U heal th fee. \li'atso n ie id lhe district v.ould launch a thorough stud y this summe r of all stu- dent fee~ OltAHIJI C04fT DAllY PILOT OlllAHGE COAST ,lnlliMING CO/\l."il.N'f leltert N. Weeol Prnl!Hftr •llll 1'1JbH•i'Nr Je t~ I . C11rl1v Vlee '""ld .. t •NI ~ti M.....,.. n ..... , ic,, .. a l!llll!W nt111111 A. M11rplil111 MeMtlfltl 1:.i,... Ala• Dlr~r .. W•I O..• c:.n1v 14llW Allt1rt W. laf•t A-Ille l:<lllW tt...i.-..... OHk• 17l7J •••tli ..... 1 ..... 111 M1lli19 AJdren: ... 0 . 11• 7t0, 91641 .._ ....... l11-•to0: m ~ ... , """"""' c.,. ~: J)I Wnr ••r ,,,..... "'""'' l•Cll: :am ... ~ ...., ..... ,,, ""' Cl-lol: JIS "''°"" El c,.,..,1,.. llt•I 0.-llV '°ILOT. Wiii• ...,ldl 11 ~fllllf t1o1 ,......,,. •• 111 ,,,,..11,,_. C1•1•r ..,..,,, '- 1111., 111 -~•lif .. 1111111 fot' L ....... , ... di. N...,..,-1 ...... 0.11 Mlfl. MWHlnt"" hlcfil. '""'-''* V111tT. k"' Ci.-t.t C ... I,_ ......... lt~t•, litnl WI"' ..... ............ lllM. 'rlt!Clfiel lltlf\11"1 •'-RI 16 el l,11 W_. ,J1y ,..._, CMll MtM. " ,..., •••• 17141 ••l-4111 ' • By ARTHUR R. Vli';SEL. OI lht Olllr .. uot St•tl Dropping any pretense: at diplomacy, c.ost.a Mesa City Councilman Alvin L. Pink.ley Monday night portrayed Ne1o,·porl Beach as a totally untrustv.·orthy. back.stabbing foe on the Coast F'ree\1•ay issue. He delivered the di atribe in a terse, tv.'o-part position paper suegesting thr~ alternate methods of avoiding a backup of beachbound traffic. All v.·ould also make !he traffic pro- blems factd by Ne\.\'POTt Beach 1.1'\thout a Coast Freeway even more difficult to dea l v.•ith on surface streets. '·/\;one of which are an y good." he con- 1·erles of the thrl'e proposal5. "'Ille adopted Coast Freeway route is the only ansv.·er." Councihnan Pin kley -a long-time coasta l freeway observer -began b.v warning his statement ~ \\'OUld be what he termed scathing an d vi triolic (.'(lmpared to those made earlier by Hunt ington Beach Mayor of Hu1itington Set for Freeway Meet Hun tingtc>n Beach Mayor G e o r g e McCracken is be:ing invited to a tri·city meeting ln Coata Me5a Frida)> to map battle plans over the Pacific Coast Freeway. The meeting will be between the rnayors of Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa and Lagwta Beach, cities openly cam- paigning loci the state to stick to the adopted route of the freewa y. The frttway line appears in jeopardy bec ause of objectioru: to it by residents of Newport Beach and because of a ne11• i;tate policy of reviewing all free\\'ays along the coastline, even where routes have been adopted by the state High .... ,ay Comrnlssion . C:Ost.a Mesa City Manager Fred Sorsabal cogfirmed plans for . the tri-city mtednl ~in 'a report lo the Calta Me1<1 council this week. He said the meeting v.•ill be held to consider possible joint ac· lion by the three cities on the freew ay route. P4ayor Robe.rt Wilson will re pr(j_sent Coda Meta at ll'le mteting and May<lr. Richard Gold~rg wi ll represent Laguna Beach . During Monda y nighl"s meeting of the From Page 1 MAYOR ... mayor from office before his term ex- pires, but Hollinden countered that such action 1s "quite traumatic" and added "we've got to work together." This morn ing Just said he didn't feel an y of the discussion or the ordinance \\'as aimed at him . "I think it ties hack to the recall situation where seve ral council 1nembers came into office," he said "lt was a diffi cult situation and I thlnk lhev·re definitely concerned that the co1lnci l is not afrt':cted by similar pro- blems in the future.'' Ho\linden expressed a similar opinion today. "There is no vendetta aga ins t the :'llityor, nothing personal is \n1·0\ved," he ~airl. The new ordinance 1i1nit s the terms of office of prH iding council off icers a~ v.·ell as officer!=. of the Pl anning Olm- mission and Parks and Recreation Com· n1i ssion to one veer. Succession is allo1.1 · ed. but not to exceed two ye ars in any given four-year term of office. Train Derails; 22 Feared Dead In West Gern1anv ,f MUELLHEIJ\I , Germany (UPI) -An express lrain filled with vacatione r,; Jumped the tracks a'i(,:,shed inlo sev- eral house! near Germstn·Swiss border town today, I ng a htavy toll or dead and injured. Police said at least 22 persons ...,·ere killed and more than 60 injured. 28 se r· ioully, in "'"est Germany·s fourth Cata! rail accident in five months . T·he engine and all but two of the 14 e<>11che1 in the Switierland f!Xpress de· railed and rotlt1d down a \S·foot emb ank- ment. a West Germ1n railways spokes· man said. At least four of the dead, Including one child , wve in a house demolished by the cars. Several olhtr houses werr dam&(ed . The accident ocrurred in the Upper Rhine Village of Rkeinweiler. about I~ miles north of Basel , Switterland, 13 minutts after the train left Basel for Copcnh11gen. 'l'ht railways spokesman s<i id 300 lo 400 ~tSenKers v.•tre on t~ train. He said he did not know \.\"hat caused tlle deraJ!ment . Costa J\lesa coun cil, councilmen also threatened to sue Newport Beach and the state to recover money spent on studies of traffic flo ws based on th e adopted route and threatened to hal t all further \\'Ork on free...,·ay-based st ud ies. :\1eanwhile, Ne1vport Beach ~1ayor Ed Hirth ha! said thtit he feels nf'gleC'tt'd in not being invited to rhe 1nayor~· mee1ing on the free 11·ay. "If they v.·ant lo ta lk about Newport Beach and !he free .... 'ay it ~·ould only be courteow to invi te us»' be CQmmented . "\\'e "'ould like to rome to cxpres,, oor logic on what 1rc are trying to do." From Page 1 MESANS. • • Beach that they ha ve traffic problems nov.· thpt \.Vilt get a lot worse in the futW"e. This is \ut a small ·sample or what is to come. ' Prankland \\'ent on to say, ''lf Newpprt BeaC'h says it doesn't v.·ant a faciHtY. then it must lead the way lo reaclJ;ing a joint solution to the problem \ritlr'the other com1nunities. "This doe s not mean we will stop con- st ruction of transport fa cilities to the roast . IL is planned to expose new options r.o our engineerin g staff. \\'e niusl ron- sider all alternatives available and decide v.·hich is best for the (.'(Immunities \\'ith the co mmunities," he continued. "It's obv ious l h ~t "''e can't satisfy everyone 's needs by simply adding morl- lanes to the San Diego Free...,'a)', '' Frankland continuecl. "'t'ou can't divert all coastal traf!ic. PeQpJe are on the coast because the:y v.·anl kl be there. and they want to use the most dirf'ct routes to get there." -.'? From Page 1 HASSLE ... 1!1gh1.1·ays. ad justrnenfs of this snrt are pos~ib!e without holding ne11· hearin es. 11ie proposed ninve v.·ould get lhe: !ree...,•ay QUI or Founta in V a lle~·. \l'hich v,ou1d presum ably end that city's O{' po~il!on lo 11 Foun tain Valley staff me mbtrs are preparing a re port "''hich 1~·il\ be given to c·ou ncil n1en a "''eek before thttr Aug. 3 meeting . He S\Jiiested the conuci l wa il for tht report bf'fore taking any action to fonn con1mittees or hold joint meeting:; "''ith the ir neiRhbor city. Shenkn1an disagreed v.·ith Just. ''The tendency toward unilateral action ls a dangerous one ," he said. "\Vhat we need ma v not bt committees , but "·e a.re in- terested in s~ing thf' proper procedues are followed .'' Extra-galal·tic Life Unit Found By Top Expert \\' ASHINGTON (VP! l -The Nationa l &lence Foundation has reporttd for the fir5t. Unie that the elemenl.!i for creation of life as known on earth ma y exist In other pa rt!! of the un iverse. A 34-year-Old radioas!ronomer. Dr. Leonid N. Wf'!iachew. madf' the discovery of a molecule iden tified as OH, or hydroxyl. outJ;lde t™' mi lky way 1alaxy, tht foond11tion announctd \Vednesdt1 y. lnfenttP.llRr hyd roxyl wa s f l r s t AuthoriUrs ca!lM in ambulance s from do tf'ns of 8\l/TOUnd ing communi tiP!, two West German heli copters and Fr~ch !loldiers st.etloned nearby to hel p evacu- <1te the vir,lims lo !l(l~r1t:ils discoverrd t ight years 11go In the ex- lremely rar1Hed dust cloud.\ of the milky 1vay ga la:ry of 100 bi llion stars. Since then more than a dozP.n complex pre-life r.hemicals have ~n d~tecttd in the milky way, which Includes earth and the s•1n -----.. ---------. ·--v.-.;o...... ---·-/I r - Mayor George J\tcCracken. "1 will not be so kind,'' Pinkley declared . "The Governor, the Highway C.ommission and the city of /\Oev.'J)Ort 8'ach ha ve violated eve-ry code of ethic! that exists '' .. ~ewport Beach's v.·ord is absolutely 11·011hless , even v.·orse than a 1,·ooden nickel." He talke.d of tl1e beach city'! signing of a C<lrona. del !\far Free way agreement, af1er making one 11•ith Costa Me& <ln tying the C-Oast Freeway to Super ior Avenue, then breakin g the ralth. Costa !\1esa as a result moved the f\'ev.·por t. Free 1ray route "''esterly at. a futu re cost of $10 million more to the ta.~ paye.rs. pl us el irninalion or 1.0VO rnore people from the ir homes. He said this prevented many v.•est side residenU from stiling or borrowing on property, :-.-:;, well as causing the same thing in Newport Heights and a large area of Huntington Beach. Pinkley warned of a voters' backlash against Gov. Ro'nald Reagan for his ap- parent catering to the wishes of big. cam- paign contributors in Newport Beach. "Does the governor not reoJiu that Republican -and Democratic - votes in Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa and Laguna Beach far outnumber Ne'A<'J)Ort Beach's?" he asked . Pinkley offered three alternalives. the third of 'vhich drew a wave of IRughter despite his ang ry tone . Violate lhe Newport Fretwa y route as si gned if Newport Beach and thf' atatf' are accepting such action in the case of !he Coast Freeway, Jetting it dump into !he Corona del Mar Freev,·ay. "To MacArthur Boulevard . to Coast 1-ligh .... ·ay and across tha t miserlble twe>+ lane bridge into Newport. being sure that on ly local Costa Mesa traffic ente:rs at the Corona del t>.lar F"reeway," he declared. "l'hen hea~'en help r.:e1•tport Beach! "Second alternative -iMists on ~ present Nef'Por.1 Freew-.y ,to &,ay S!f~ "·est to .ltuper1or Avehue Sod Coait Highwa y. There will be no offramps from Bay to Coast Highway. Again, Heaven help Newport Beach! ·'Third alternative -Finish Newport Freeway on the old adopted route down J\"ewport Bouleva rd. taking the east !ide, dumping off at Newport Beach City Hall I Again, Heaven Help Nev.rport Be11ch ~ "The Governor ?.id Highway Com - n1lssion had better lake a long. hard look '1l the chaos they have caused." he declarf'd. ··Our highway con1mi ttee shou 1 d evaluate all al~mali1'es. meet fast and :>top the rape o[ Costa Mesa ," P!nk!ey concluded. t ' ' GEM TALK .TODAY by "" J_ C. HUMPHlllS ~SiJO'l$t"ji~Yl""a"'"""'~ BUYING A WOMAN'S WATCH 1-lt r C i r s t concen1 is fa shion , bea1)t_.,.-. and being "different." If J 'OU are buying a woman's <A1atch, here are some helpful suggestions: 1. Fashion comes first. /\ gol d bracelet ,,·atch can be '"'om days, yet be fashionable nights. hfost ,1·omen buy a second, formal dia· mond v.•atch, and at that poi n t stones become her main interest. Gi ven a good "''atch with trouble-- free accuracy, technical fea tu res mean little . 2. \Vomen don't want to look like everyone else. This is mo!l t true or teenage girls who buy wa tches as they buy handbags, usually j'mod'' styles \\•hich conform to their group 'rel they still seek status through latest in these styles. 3. Alhough fashion is first. acti- vity such 1s beach wear must still be considered. Because a woman's watch is p11 rt of her style, you should buy !rom a dealer who wiJI exchange (b~ fore U.9t) 3nd spend lime '"ith you for proper selection. Come on ln ••• we'll do both! h!e.'' Ferranti stud. lt was really tough to get hold of it," Ferranti lav1bed. 11iorough1y trained in lbe use of bwd.egradable soap.s, compass .and map, ~nakebite kit and other first <11d nems, <:lath ing , sleep ing bags and groundcover, the youngsters v.·ill be transported by bus to the Marlne coimp for a 2 p.m. arrival. Al nlebt, tMre wW be • cimplire and singing and the next roornlnc the studenL~ w1U set out for anolhtr hike to .. waterfall, "The ~larine Corps v,•ill put on a demo nstration of !iOme kind and we vdll set up camp. The n we'll lake a hike and do a little nature study at the sa me lime. l hope we'll be able to see some animaJ Ft'rranti hopes the back packing course 1Vill be included in the fall curriculum, it school .officials show a "''lllingne1s. "The school people' are reall y pr(). gressive. I feel very fortunate that they readily accept new ideas." he said. Aild so do 65 boys and girls who wU J go <ln lhe outing Thursday, D.!.ILY PILOT P~olO bf .. tfrlt~ O'OOnntll Who's 011t of ll'o1•1,:,> Passerby did dou_ble take Tuesda)' \VhiJe strolling past former employ- ment agency office near intersecti on of Harbor and Ne\\'port Boule- vards 11~ Costa !\Iesa. A spokesman for the realty firm handling th e lease said the employmen t agency has closed its Costa 1\-Iesa operation but is stil l doing business in Buena Parle ' Marine DI Pleads Guilty To Maltreatn1e11t Cl1arges ~AN DIEGO (AP l -A serge ant ha! pleaded guilr y a( !he ivlarine Corps Rt'cru1t Depot here ro charge~ of com- n1itt ing "indecent. lewd and lasci\'ious"' acts while a drill instructor in charge or as many as 52 recruit!. Mo>.rine Sgt. Terrence Jost':ph Elber t. 22, also pleaded guity to cruelty and nialtrealment charges a! a gen eral court- martial July 13. Elbert 1vas sentenced to .! dishonorable discharge . two years in confinement .at ha rd labor, reduction to pr ivate, and forfriture of all pa,r and allo\vances_ Ht eould have been sentenced to 114 years of t:()nfinemen1 The !\1arrne: Corp~ disclosed tn- rorma!ion about the ca~e v.·hen qu~ lioned by The A.i;sociated Press. When yon giV11 her an Omega she'll say j 1you shOuldn't have/' bul she won't mean it. When sh• 1ees tha Omega name on her watch she'll kno"' how much extr1 lhoughtyou p11t into her Chrlstm•s. She may not r11Hz11 lh1t Omega wit ches ara uMd on a!I Apollo moon lllghts and in lh• Otymplcs. She'll lov. II just for its beauty, later on, she'll love Ila endu ring dependibilily. And H she says, "You ahouldl'\'lfrltve," jut! you try 10 teke JI back. 0 OMEGA .1.-111< -..11 °' t~n.,.. ..,.Id ,.,1., t &M. S&IOP~l!te !l'lte<I t ryt1•l •• l 11S' a -U!( toll<! gclll •lrt1> .,."h· ,. J tl5 J. C. JJ.utnphri e.1 Jeu1e fer.1 1823 NEWPORT BL VD .. COSTA MESA CONVENIENl TflMS l ANKAM£11.ICAll.D-MASTfR CHAii.Gt 2" YEARS IN SAME LOCATION PHONE 141·3401 • --_...,, ___ _ • I • .. ' f b f T b c " w ll T p ,) c ni v le la s g fi M hi 0 n R F p T s I • a • • l A c A b b g c • p .. .,.._...,., O verride Chairman House Unit OKs Lockheed Loan l\' ASHll\'GTON <UP!) -The House Banking Committee overrode i ts chairman today and oipproved a bill to create a $2 billion en1ergency loan fund to aid the Lock.heed Aircraft Corp. and oilier distressed 1na1or corporations. About the same lime, the Senate open- CHICAGO'S FOX AT WORK . LeaY il')g His Mark on Pic•s.o 'Fox' Strikes At Pollution Through Picasso CHICAGO (UPJ) -The Fox met The Thing Tuesday. ''The Fox'' is !he mysterious pollution foe waging guerrilla warfare against busi ness finns for being less than fastidious about the environment. ''The Thing" i.~ a 51 1-slory-high statue designed by Pablo Picasso a nd standing in the Civic Center 1n The Loop. Tuesday The Fox brought his efforts lo lhe v.'orld of art He and two htlpet'! placed 11 4-foot 1ign in front of the Picasso -which may be a 1~·oma n. a baboon or something else, but v.·hich most Chicagoans call ''The Thing.·· II .... as broad daylight. Several people saw The Fox, including a new3paper photographer. The Pox' sign shov.•ed Mayor Richard .J. Daley -whose office is right across (;lark Street in the old city hall -plan· ning an airport 1n Lake Michigan. A United States St.eel Corp. executive is lelling the mayor: "Feel free to use the lake, Dick -we do." tast December The Fox: entered U.S. Steel's offi ces in Chicago and dumped a gallon jar of sewage and a bo1 of dead fish. frogs and birds on the floor. Last l\larch, he evaded a trap police set for hin1 after learning he intended lo plug an outfall pipe from the Armour-Dial com· pany's plant at f.1ontgomery into the Fox Ri1·er. "Ynu are watching The Fox, but The Fox is v.•atching you," his messiige to police said. Lake Tahoe Sununer Syrnph ouy Canceled INCLINE: VILLAGE, Nev. <UPl l - The summ<'r season of the Lake Tahoe Symph ony has been canceled because of Jack of interest. Vlado Kolitsch, music director and ~eneral manager, said the symphony association mailed out 10,000 firculars about its four-concert summer season 1nd got less than doien responses. ed debate on an identlcal bill. Sen. William Proxmire (D·Wis.). the chief op. ponent, sought to send the proposal baclc to committee -forcing an early vote lhal would rtveal the strength of the Senate opposition. In order to take up the Lockheed bill. Senale Democrats, who are in lhe ma- jority, forced JUpublicans to agree lO limited debate on a political campaign spending measure. Rep. Wright Patman (O.-Te1.). the House Banking chairman, I a v ore d guarantee of a $250 million loan to Lockheed but opposed creation or a larger fund to cover other big businesses. But l:is committee overruled him and approved lhe Senate version on a series of three votes -17 lo 14, 18 to 16 and 23 to 11. The firs! two votes were the crucial ones, coming on a propoeal by Rep. Robert G. Stephens Jr. ([).Ga.), t() substitute the Senate bill for Patman's. The third vote was a routine tally on final approval. The Senate bill would set up a Spt('ia1 guarantee board, headed by U1e Treasury Secretary, to rule on Joan guarantee ap- plications. Either chamber of Congress could veto a proposed guarantee -a provision Treasury Secretary J ohn B. Connally, !he chief proponent of a Lockheed guarantet, has said may be un- constitutional. The Republican minority wanted the Senate· to turo its immediate attention to the financial pli&ht or Lockheed, whose bankn.Jpty could ~cur by Aug. a if CongreM leaves town early next month without having come to LockhetCf's NSCut • The Democrats, who control lbe Senate and the s~eduling Qf its debates, agreed to take up the bill under which Lockheed would receive a •250 million governmenl- iUaranteed loan -but at a price. The Democratic price was Republican agree.ment to limit debate to a specified number of hourz on a measure the Democrats want passed - a political campaign reform bill. That bill. imposing cellings on how much politicians can spend in 1972 and subsequent years on advertising in their election campaigns, would be of greater aid to the debt-ridden Democrats than to the affluent Republicans. Without agreement to limit debate on amendments, the Republicans could talk the campaign bill to death without having to bear the onus of havi ng killed a reform bill. President Nixon v.iho vetoed a bill limiting only campaign e1penditures on television advertising last year, is on record as favoring the general thrust of the new measure. The While House brought pressure on Republican Senators to agree to a time limitation on debate on the campaign reform bill in order to get the Lockheed measure on the noor. That bill gives a government bo<trd authotity to guarantee repayment of up to $2 billioo worth Joans to financially ail· ing firms. U>ckheed. short on capital lo complete building the Tristar jetliner, ~'ould get the first loan. The House Banking Committee ha!! been meeting to consider a bill granting Lockheed the help it fleeds to avert col- lapse but not applying to any other firm. St1mt Airman Still Flying Stunt flier Ari Scholl heard a disturbing 3!ory over in River~ide this week thilL suggested his career had come lo an abrupt end. So be called dov:n to Costa 1'.lesa lo say -like Mark Twain once did -lhc rumor of his death was greatly exaggerated in terming him the \ale Art School 1n a feature story about Newport Beach daredevil pilot Skip Volk. The Dally Pilot regrets any em- barrassment to School at the result of 1he intended mention of !he \att Dick Schramm, killed in an air show pt11ne crash 1 lf.i years ago. Scholl said philosophically that the aame thing bas happened before. Ul'I felfl>"-11 EYE·IN-THE-SKY, Oi-ICE WITH CIA, NOW WITH KGIL Francis Gary Power• Still Keeping An Eye On Things Now 'Spying' on Freeways LOS ANGELES (UPil -Fr11ncis Gary Powers, the U2 spy plane pilot dov.·ned over Russia in 1960, once 11•ore pressure suits. cras h helmet and slashed a suicide needle in his pocket. These days Po\\'ers. a traffic spottrr nver the city freeways. 1vears e;ou shirts .and tennis shoes, "U2 can be a val\ey skywatch pilot ." the KGIL radio announcer declared Tues- day as he turned the microphone over lo Powers, flying high over the freeway network in a single-engine Cessna. Po.,.,·ers' life as a sedate, te;nporary traffic spotter for the San Fernando Valley radio station clashes sharply with his not-so-distant past as the Central Intelligence Agency spy pilot whose plane was shot down by Soviet antiaircraft missile. "There is sure a lot of air traffic \IP here," Powers said while wheeling over the city. "Fortunately, it's all friendly.'' r..lomings and afternoons. Powers, no1v 40 and the father of two, broadcasts traf· fie bulletins at 3,(1()().feet over the smoggy reaches of Los Angeles. His name still carries impact to his listeners. "Y.'e never thought much of you as a spy, but you're good al spotting traffic jams," said a caller to !he station . Powrrs 1i;as 1.200 miles into Soviet airspace in f.ley. \9fi{), when a surface-to· air missile destroyed his L<1ckheed·built U2. The <lisclo:;ure that the linited States conducted such spy flights over Soviet territory exploded chances of a summit c n n fl' re n c e betv.•een President Eisenhower and Nikita Khrushchev. After a Soviet trial and 21 months in prison, Powers was released in a prisoner rxchange for which the U.S. surrendered Soviet master spy Col. Rudolph Abel. Today the tanned. greying former CIA p ilnt chuckle s softly at the contra.~t of his m issions O\'Cr Los Angeles' snarled freeways and the ones lie conducled high over Soviet n1ililary installations. ··Back in n1y U2 dtly1' we didn't have any lraffic reports: mainly because we '~·ere the only planes lhal could fly at those altitudes." From e$pionage flights, lo testing Lockheed JC'IS after his rt>lease, to writing a book on his experiences, Powers feels his life has been full . Before he v.·as hired hy the radio station. he had only f\ov.·n three times this year. "I guess I didn 't rca1\y know how much J n1issed flying until this year." Pov,,ers said. · Laguna Beach Assured Of Freeway Schedule By PATRICK BOYLE 01 lfll DI UY Pi!ol 5!1tl Laguna Beach officials were reassured loday that construction of the southern portion of Pacific Coast Freeway v.·ould proceed as originally planned. Bamford Frankland. state assistant d irector of public work.s, met briefly this morning \\•ith city mc>nager Larry Rose concerning the free.,.,·ay pro j e c I • Frankland said the department v.•as •·concerned with the priorities of the com- n1un1ti~ in this area'' and tht-southern portion cf the freeway, as en1bodled 1n the c11y·s general plan . .,.,•ould be built The meeting \\'as prompted fol\ow;;,g a report July 12 lhot the entire freeway project \Vas dead .. Frankland had been quottd as saying !hat if Ne wporl Beach didn 't want the freeway ''Tha(s 1\ as f<1r V.'as 1•«e're concerned." Today, F'rankland said it had hccn a "typical misunderstanding." and that Newport Md CQrona del Mar Free\vays many peoplt had even thought the would also be killed. "We have always had to have an agn!c- menl v.·ith a city or county tti build A freeway,'' Frankland .said, "and we just don '! hnve one 11·ith Ne'.l'JXlrt Beach, There is not any way 11·c would build a frcew?.y v.•ithout the agreen1ent Qf the comn1unily." N('v.'j)Ort Beach resident.'\ recently voled to keep the free.,.,·ay from p<1ss1ng: lhrough lhl.'1r cotnmunity. Frankland said the st:1te 11·.'.l.5 beginning to reconsider the conct>pt of ~cr1·1ng ar<'a 1raff1r needs with norlh-~ou!h free11·ays, <1s the Co:t~t Free11.av wa s planned. ·\\Ir 1111ght to look al serving ma1or <!('r.!1 n:i rion p<>1nts on u lateral, cast . .,.,·est b~.~1s." he .1ddcd. S11('h :1 <'oncepl. be no1ed. 1·ould pos~ihly hr a snlulion to the Nc1\')Xlr1 Beach area traff ic prnblcm, "'\\I(' wJll ju.':.I h:lvt !o ha('k off and IMk al 1h1s one poinl on the coast fnr a ltrrn11tives to ser1·1ng lhc traffic needs ," he s;11d. Dig~ Rise Vote Killed Hope for Ceiliiig in Laguna Sinks to Low Ebb By TOM BARI.EV Of lfl• 01!1Y ~lie! Si.II Hopes that a ~\V high rise limitation law can be enacted Jn Laguna Beach sank to a Jow ebb today with an Orangt Coun. ty Superior Court ruling in ra v()t o! the Art Colony real estate: broker who challenged the validity of the proposed Aug, 3 electlon. Judge J .E.T. "Ntd" Rutter dealt the blow to the ''Yes On Aug. 3" committee by aceepting broker Vern Taschner'& •r- gument lhal the proposed init!Dtive for • 36-foot maximum Might was in violation <i state law and bypassed zoning and building codes apphcablt throughout California. "I lh ink (comm1ttt:e attorney) William \\'ilcoxen argued vtry valiantly in op- po~ition to the wril but 1 don't think he i Ol around the ruling made in thi!'I same court on an issue that also applied to LJtguna Beach." Judge Rutter said today. Beach Taxpayer~ Association in a lawsuit that sought to limlt high rise: in the Art Colony to 50 feet. "Thal was my precedent and I don'l think anyone got around it in the court bearing," Judge Rutter said. "I rtached my decision Tuesday, but I slept on it last night and I ice nothing this morning to make me change my mind." Wllco1cn immediately branded the Judge's ruling as an "intolerable in· terference by the judicial system into the right of Laguna Beach residents lo con- trol their own architectural envi ronment. "Judge Rutter has, in r:fftc~. taken lhi11 case away from the jury," Wilcoxtn said. "I know what a jury would have !'laid in 1 case where the majority of Laguna Beach residents bave been trying for 13 ytars to enact a measure lhat is simply Jn accordance with the accepted prin· ciples of local control. Wilcoxen said he is determined to ap- peal the Rutter ruling but the timing of th at ruling could destroy hi s chances of seeking relier from the appellate court. It seemed likely that City Clerk Dorothy Musfell wou ld be advised today of Judge Rutter's decision and would im· mediately halt the mailing of sample b~llots which COfltain the initiative pro- posal to Art Colony residents. "Wt have to get to the appellate court with our challenge of that same ruling before Thursday night before she can stop the process," WilC(lxen said. "Ohviou3\y, we have been given very lil· tie time butt Intend to move right now :o countermand Judge Rutter's decision." Judge Rutter's ruling was welcomed lo- day by realtor Taschner as "a victo1y for the legal process and an opportunily for al1-ealdcnts of Laguna Beach to now get together and work out a new approach to this problem- 4 3 STORES TO SERVE YOU 2300 HARBOR BLVD. AT WILSON JUST SOUTH OF # ·----·---~--=--.. DAIL V •llDf lJ Laws 01•tlit1ed Draft Lottery Answers Told WASHI NG TON (UPI) -The draft and the lottery: some tiuestions and answers. Q, How can they be having: a lottery now that the draft law has expired? A. Only the authority to call up peoµle for lnduclion expired The selective service system llvcs and breathes. and w!ll continue lo do sn unless Congres.!I specifically revokes the basic 1940 law treatuig 1L Q. The new lottery, when, where and \rho is affrcted? A. l t's scheduled for 7 a.m. PDT in the auditorium or the commerce department. 14th and Constitu\1011, \\'ashington, on Thursday, Aug. S. Men born in 1952 are afft'<'!ed. Q. How is it done? A. T\\·o clear, plexig!ass drums are fill. eel l\'ilh capsules -one drum with all 366 dates in 1952 and the other with number~ running from I to 3S6. As a birth date i11 drawn randomly from !he first drum. a number is drawn from the second. They are matched up and thi s process con· tinues until all birth dates and all numbers are drawn. Q. How do they n1ake sure it's a fair drawing? Who decides the order that the capsules arc put in the drums? \V ho pulls thezn out'! A. This tirnf', computers have bl'en us. tel by the U.S. Bureau of Standards to scramble both calendar dates and the numbers. T11•enty·five separate scrambled lists \\'ere made. and put in identical seal- ed envelOJ>f'S. On lottery day, one each of these en1·elopes will be picked randomly by \\'ilnesses, and the capsules will be stuffed Y:ith the birth dates and numbers according to those lists. After the cap- sules are placed in the drum -with an identical set of drum.~ filled in identical fa shion just in case they are needed - the drums are locked. On !he 5th, the dnims \\'il l be rolcited to mix !he capsules and, in the drawing, members of the Y011th Ad visory Con1mi ttee from various slates 11·iU alternate driiwing out the capsules. Q. !f you're 19 and your number is real low in the dra\\', n1ight you be called up pretty soon, if the draft law is extended? A. No, you don't have to worry about being called until next yea r. This lottery is strictly for 1972. Anybody drafted th is year had his lottery number drawn in Ju- 'Sure we shoul<I end uJ <lraft! They ca n vot11 no1v, can't tliey ?' ly of last year, or -for some whose deferments ran out -in December, 1969. Q. What's the outlook for getting calltd up if you gel a number of around, say, 150. A. Nelt year, judging from what the Pentagon has said about reducing draft calls, you'll probably be home free. This year. the high number so far ill 125 and chances are they won't get much higher than 11)(1. Q. What if you get a low number but get a deferment for next year? A. \Vhen the. deferment ends. you'll be eligible for call in what's left of that ccil- endar year (regardless of whether your number might have been called while yoll v.·ere deferred) in the same group that holds the same num ber that year - or right av•ay. if those with a like number already have been subjected lo call that year. Q. Well. if we finally shift tn an all· volunteer army. this lottery Uilng will all be scrapped, right~ A. \l/rong. Selective service still plans to hold an annual draft lottery -just in case a nat!onal emergency occurred and the draft had to h€' revived quickly. '• W 01na11 Voters 'Join Bid For Strong County Aide Tht Orangr County League of Women Voters h11 s joined !he county Grand Jury in urging !hat a s!rong col1nty ad- n1lnistrative office he retained, f.·lrs. F:Jsie Kroesche of Costa Mesa. president of the I.WV Tuesday, delivered lhe n1essage to the hoard. She sRid, in part: "\Ve support the retention of !he officl! of county ad· ministralnr as a n official appointed by the Board of Supervisors and bt'lieve he should be assigned s u ff i c i en t rcsponsibil1t.v and authority to coordinate !he work nf !he various departmrnts and have a staff that is adequate. for deP<'n· datile researth and evaluation." Th(' 11 otnen's league and the C.ranii Jury recommendations for a strong CAO fnllo11• an abnr\il'e allctnpt in January tn tire RohE'rl Thomas whn h.1s held the post for the pa st four years. i\1rs. Krneschc's .~tat<>mrnt referred to !hr fact !hat a suprrvii.nri.11 c:ornn·iitt('P wa.~ ncin1cd to evaluate the office but h<1d not fil<'d a report. S11prr vls0r David B:iker replied thrit the cot111nittr.c -h11ns('lf and Supervisors llona!d Caspers <ind \Vil!iain Phillips - had been rcquestrd tn study !he ofrlce fnr six n1onlhs .<10d th;il they would meet soon to decide on a recommendation to the full board. The L\VV message continued. "When , !he board in 1967 after fivt successive Grand Jury recommendations decided to appoint a full fledged county ad~ ministrator, it was in effect giving up the old fashioned committee system." It called allention to the position's "im- portance in county government and its cQnlribution lo continuity and stability •. \Ve cannot afford to be anything but modern," the letter concluded. Police lrnpouncl 35 Fightin g Garnecocks La Habra police impounded 35 fighting cocks Tuesday that were found caged in a serluded fi eld . Police Chief Lee Rivera said the birds v.·ere probably hidden in Orange Coun· ly to elude a gamecock roundup in Loll Angeles County V.'here 1,500 birds were : captured last week. • • . YOUR . • • • l«S! CENTER WITH FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS AND HELPFUL SERVICE. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN BOTH FRONT AND REAR MALLS. ALL ON STREET LEVEL. IT'S COMING JULY 31st • ' :· ' t • • • ' • ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " . That ruling. ht e•phtlned, w1s the one made by Judge Robert Gardner in 1960 w~n the jur ist, no~ 11 ju!'l!ice on the: ap- pellate cnurt bench that may rule on the present case, ruled against the Laguna "Here we 1rt treated lo tbe spectacle of 11 st11te thst has so often ·e.xpre:o;.~ed it.!! great faith in the system of local control actually dt!nying that proces:o; to the: reside:nt.li of Laguna lkach," the: Lllgunll lawyer !'laid. " I am certainly not vlndictlve about this," Taschner s.ai<l. "and r want you to know Uull I mysel! arn opposed to many forms of high rise. SAN DIEGO FREEWAY IN THE HEART OF COSTA MESA 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • ·--" • .. lWl.V l'ILOT \ \ •· I ~ps Barkeep, Give My Boy a Beer By 11:10MAS MURPHINE Of ..... O.llY ,11 .. 11111 Wtdnetdl.y, July 21, 1971 New SUdan Leaders Consulting .. BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -Tanks and armored cars guarded key lnstallations and the overthrown rulers of the Sudan today as the seven leaders of the new regime consulted on the. fo_rmation of a new cabinet to head Africa s largest na- tion. The Jraqi news agency said ll was like- Iv the new prime minister would be Maj. Farouk Osman Ha madallah. a membtr of the seven-man leftwing revolutionary council set up Tuesday. Hamadallah and four others on the council are pro-Com· munists Arab political sources said. The t~o-year-o!d government of Maj. 0 1500 Ml. SUDAN 0 KHAlTOUM UPI T1iUMl1o Viets Periled? U.S. Quits DMZ; ·Red Attack Seen SAJGON <UPI) -The U.S. command pulled it.s last infantry battalion out of the northernm-0st Quang Tri Province today amid predictions by allied intelligence of- ficers that South Vietnam would have dif- ficulty holding the area a&airut an estimated 20,000 Communists ma!3ed nearby. The withdrawal of the Ist Battalion of the 11th infantry mtant that fur the first lime slnce 1966 when the U.S. Marines marched in there will be no U.S. infantry along the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), i;pokeismen said. U.S. B52 bombers pounded North Viet- namese troops, bunkers, antiaircraft emplacements and supply routes at the northern edge South Vietnam Tuesday night and today, spokesmen said. Military source!! said two or the strikes were within • mile of the DMZ along which Communist troops have been engaged in troop buildup!!. SACRAMENTO CAWNG: Well folks, the California Assembly, in i~ infinite t.tisdom, hill finally done It now. They\•e voted to lower the age of majority from 11 tq 18. AD that needs to happen now is for the twin bills thus proposed to Pass the stale Senate and then get Sir Ronald's name on lhe dotted line. Gen. Jaafar Numeiry was overthrown by rebel army officers Monday in a bloodless <:oup which was over in 45 minutes, one of the shortest takeovers on record in the Arab world, said the man who led the rebels. Maj. Hashem Atta. Alta, pro-Communist, was appointed vice chairman of the counc il and commander of the armed forces. MAP LOCATES SUOAN; COUP LEADERS SOLIDIFY POSITION Quicke1t Coup In Arab Hi1tory Put Rein• In R•d H1nd1 Miiltary sources said about 5,000 South Vietnamese troop!! inside Cambodia started a sweep into C o m m u n i s t sanctuaries east of the rubber plantation town of Snuol 85 mile! nortl\ of Saigon. Both South Vietnamese spokesman Col. Le Trung }lien and U.S. officials denied that any new government troops had crossed the border or that a new opera- tion was under way. The withdrawal announcement came M hours alter allied intelligence ()fficers in Quang Tri told UPI corresi:>ondent Stewart Kellerman that the North Viet· namese were in the proceS! of rebuilding their military machhle in Quang Tri and along the DMZ and had massed about 20,000 men within a one-day march of an)' point in the province. Then, friends, you can figure it's all ~ver, Teenagers will be running the iw·hole •1amed state. Tanks and armored cars guarded bridges and major interseclions In the Sudanese capital of Khartoum and were at the radio station in adjacent Omdurman. Numeiry and four other members of the old revolutionary council, which seized power in a coup May 25, 1969. were under custody at military headquarters in Khartoum. Arab Rebels Take Over The troops involved reported no con. tact. They told Kellerman they had serious doubts about whether the South Viet- namese tst infantry division wnuld be able to hold the DMZ line, a string of firebases and smaller outposts stretching about 25 mile! inland from the seacout southwards to the valley of Ule Quang Tri River. IT'S NOT ENOUGH that they've taken tver the voting booths, your car keys and !he record player. Now they're going on kl greater things. 3 Embassies in Sweden Astronauts Gird For Epic Voyage To Lunar Hills There ere still U.S. units In Quan~ Tri -an armored calvary squadron assigned tn the 10l!lt airborne division and several batteries of big U.S. 175mm and eight.- inch guns dlat are part of the 24th crops, spokesmen aaid. Some wrong.thinkers will argue that tiose of us ·rar beyond 18 summers have louled up our -0ld globe so badly that we !ltight as well give the kids a crack at running it. Tbey couldn't do much worse. ~ besides, they do our fighting for ua, lon't they? Well, all these things may well be true. Rut you've forgotten that one of the tw,o •ills under question is going to allow the (8 year olda to drink. Horrors. JUST THINK ()f that. At present, if the 'eenagers around your house get to driv- rig you out of your skull, you can escape o the corner tavern. The jukebox is pro- ,ably playing something soothing by ~awrence Welk. After this 18 year old drinking thing 1asses, no more escape. The kid follows tou right into your favorite saloon, drinks rour beer, swipes your car keys and 8emands four buC'ks so he can go to a 'high class movie ." Besides that, the dad·burned saloon wi!\ lkely start catering to teen tastes. Good lld Welk will be junked from the jukebox inly to be replaced by the likes ()f The )oors. The Soft 11achine, Frank Zappa ind the Mothers of Invention. and that 6.nal insult to all vocalists, Joe Cocker. SOME OF THE Good People, of course., will argue that the whole thing is simply 1 plot by the liquor industry to cross the lips of our pure youth with Demon Rum. Well. rm afra id I'm enough of a cynic 10 believe that a whole lol of them have ~robably done some lip-crossing already. Besides that, when you look at what these teenagers have done to the clothing Ind record industry, you can pity the ~oor whiskey-makers v.·hen they have to 1tart catering to a whole new set of whims and tastes. ENOUGH ABOUT the drinking part of It. According to the Assembly bills. lhere·s going to be more to an 18-year-old ma}orlty than simply a free ticket intt't \he watering spots of the state. The companion measure also lowers the majority age to 18 for such things as ~!.anding trial. obtaining ma r r i age licenses, signing contracts, serving on luries and working as peace officen.. So it looks like some pretty important responsibilities are going to be heaped on the IS-year-olds too AFTER THEY'VE had a few tries 11t fury duty, marriage. being hailed before the judge or haYing somebody yell "Pig!" at them a! they work in a pol ice uniform, I kn1nv what they 'll want ti) do. Escape into the corner saloon, that'• what. Omdurman radio quoted Alta as saying other former government ministers were under house arrest. It was the fourth coup in 15 years of in- dependence for the nation of 15 million, bordered on the north by Egypt and on the east by the Red Sea and Ethiopia. Atta, Hamadallah and Col. Babakr Al Nour. chairman of the new council, were ejected from the government by Numeiry eight months ago on charges of collusion with the Sudanese Communist party - the largest in the Arab world with 50,000 members. Two other council members resigned from the government when Numeiry began a crackdown against the Communists in February. Omdurman Radio, quoting Alta, said when the signal was given at 4 p.m. Mon- day tanks rolled up to Numeiry's Khartoum palace and surrounded !.he building. The presidential guard laid down their arms by prearrangement. At· ta announced the coup's success five hours later. "It was very easy and took us nnly 4.~ minutes," the radio quoted Atta a1: saying. ln that time "all lmport.ant utilities were occupied." Typhoon Lucy Rips North Philippines MANILA -1'yphoon Lucy aimed 121)- mile per hour winds at Hong Kong today after lashing the northern Philippine! with torrents nf rain and high winds. Floods spawned by the typhoon caused a landslide in the Philippines northern- 111osl island of Luzon, killing three persons. 'This one is us in Northern I re land. The one with the brick ,. our guide.' STOCKHOLM , Sweden (UPI) Palestinian guerrilla sympathizers forced I heir way into the Egyptlan, Tunisian and Saudi Arabian embassies today and stayed for up to two hours to protest "op- pression of the Palestinian Liberation Movement" in the Middle East. The protesters left the Tunisian and Saudi embassies voluntarily 2J. noon, Jess than two hours after they had entered. A few minutes before that, however, police removed them forcibly from the Egyp- tian embassy at the request of Ambassador Zakaria El Adly Imam. Two protesters were arrested at the Egyptian embassy and when 20 othtr! scuffled with police in ?.tl atlempt to stop the arrests, five morM were arrested. The Tunisians anOSaudis did not call the police. ''We are talking. to them and we do not want to harm them as they are our brothers," a spokesman at the Tunisian embassy said. The embassies were ()cc up it d i imultaneously in A joint raid staged at Boy, 14, Barely Fails to Swim Englisl1 Channel DOVER. England (UPI ) -A 14·year- o\d American boy today ca!Tle within Jess than a mile nf becoming the youngest person to swim the English Channel, but strong tides forced him to abandon his nearly IS.hour effor t. "! am terribly disappointed," said Ri chard Crowell, of Westport, Conn ., after his escort boat brought him to Dover. "But I guess that's channel swim· ming. It was a hard struggle." Richard, who had set out at 6:'.17 a.m. Tuesday from Calais, France, had hoped to make Dover by nightfall, a distance of about 3l miles. He came within three-quarters of a mile of his mark when strong tides began carrying him out to sea. When he gave up the attempt. Richard wa s four miles off the Kent Coast. and had been in the 1.1·atrr 17 hours, 4~ minutes. The youngster's father. Albert Crowell, a tr01inin,11; manager wit h New York 's Cons(l\idated t:dison Power Company, ·walch('d the start of the swim. Along with his other son . \Villiam. 15. and v.·as there when n u.:hard \\'as brought to shore at thP end "The tide s went A:liainst him." Crowell said. "He's very, very tired and 11 little bit .~tiff in nne shoulder but nlhcrwise in good shape." Sun Scorches West States W ar1ning Trend Spreads; Thundersliowers Plague Gulf California A Wtm 11111 11'911(1 (t; «t/W(l9C1 19 ll"Md IWtr "" GtNI Plllfl• lo ttw GrMt L•ll;" ...i-w ilt> ~" •nTru110<1 9f coelw •lr In ..,, ""'""''" 1tltit11. Tflvfld•ftlorm• rvmblfod ovtr l!tlflien.1 o! IP>t Gull Co.11 •t1iorl, '"• w111 .. n mouni11n1 tlld In W.. norlhtrtl n<tiell t f ,,.. (ttrfrtl 111111. A col<! lr-onl lr&llld ovtr SO\/!h (tr• ollnt •o !JM F!O•!<lf P•iv>•""'' .....,,,. It ~"" l lllitltl•rv to """'''" Arll-ont ,t.t>Ql,..r <Ol<I lr11111 t!••IC"«I trom Mln,,.tolt lllrGU1fl <tntr" Noftfl 0•-•· It 19 ~"'' .. " MOtllt1"f. tflt ev•rnltfll ~ wtl lfl t i P~ll· loo&vrf. "•, whllo lt>o M1fl l vtt<Mv w11 110 1! lmttrlt l. (1111, l,.. !fmper•!Vr• In $ovl~•rn Ct llfot· t1l1 rMQ\td •114 tot !e<i&Y •hf' bV•nl"' "'"""'" IO"'t fiDt l <ld ..,... (IOUdt ., m1dd9y, Comtal l1t11t vtr••1'1t wlnt:l1 t1!9lll •ncl morn· lllll hour• IH'(om!n1 w•ttrlv I lo I' ~no•t ln 1tl•r110Ct1t 1-y tt!d T~11n. <ltV Hlth IO<lly 10. C"'"-'1AI '""'~•lurt• ,.,... trom '-' lo IS. ltll"'" tcmoer•!u''" r1t111 from LI 10 IJ. w.,.,. ltmper•tvrt tt. S11n, llfoo11, Tide• WIDNISD,t.V ift!)tlfl ~''" • 12 t ,m, • J Stt0nd low l 00 o.m. 1 J THUJUO,t.V F Int ~1111 Flrit 10'* JKOn<I fllt fl ltc:O'ld lflw ~VII l'h•I I !I f m, MOOll fll:li.tt S 0, I m 1100 1.m. ti 1 :JO 1 m, ·l.O t ,i' o.m. •.• J dom. 1.t 1•11 1"0' ~ "'· Ith I !I~"' Te1taoeratures ar UNITIO lo•hl INTllNATIONAL T.mPffolur1 tfld pr..:l1llt liet1 !10lf for a 14Alour i>trlod 1fldll'I• 1! ' "·"'· POT, 11 or-tp1rld bY ffll U.S. W11!1>1r llur"u 1t Son Frt n'.iito. Al~ullUl"IUI Ancllor•t• ,11 t11n11 ...... ,,11.1, l lomtrtk aol11 ••"HI" ClllClt'O (ltVtlt l\d D1nv1r -·· !urtl<t l'"or! Wortll 1'"•111111 Htl..,1 HoullM ll'ldl1n.1PO(i1 1(111,e1 (lly L11 v ... , LO• Ano.in Mlemi Btttl'I Mllwlu~H M•11,..1tooll1 HtwOtlMnt Now Vo~ 0•~11fld Om•ll• Poto lllOl!lt• ,.~ll1~t!1t~ll PP\0*111• "or11.,,~ l'tto:t f\lutl .. ~ S•C'l"'tMO SI LOI/II Stlt Lt~t Cllr S111 Dl .. o ~Ill l't.>"l:ltt O ~.,.. •• 11••111 •• Hit/I low PtK, as 1J .o' $.I 0 ,lJ •1 11 1 ~1 all •• J' •1 •l 7J •l 11 •• .02 14 '' " ,. ~ " " " ., '"' " .. ,. .. lW ., ~ " " ~ M •• .. '" .. '" ., lM " '" " " " ., " " " " " M .. .. " ,. v " .. " " " .. ,. " " " ., " ~ .. " ~ ~" ·" . " " . I ...... .. ---~· 10: 10 a.m. lncal time. A spokesman for the "Palestinian Front" called UPI from the Tunisian and Saudi Arabian embassies and !aid that "through this act we want to show our contempt for ... efforts to 6Uppress tbe Palestinian Liberation Movement.'' Police arrived at the Tunisian embassy but were turned away by Olarge d'Af· faires Ferid El Mou1di who said he would call again it the occupants started to make trouble. "This is not an occupation," Moul di said. ''The Arabs have come here to talk things over." A Swedish foreign mitiistry's :i;pokesman said the ministry i.5 keeping in tciuch with police but that no action v.·iJI be taken for Ole time being. About 20 Palestinians and Swedish sympathizers occupied the Tunisian etn· bassy. Twelve others forced their way in4 to the Saudi Arabian embassy and another group took over the Egyptian embassy. The Palestinian black, white and green flag with a red polygon was hoisted on all the embas.sies. The occupants aaid they will leave t.he embassies at 1 p.m. local time (8 a.m. ED'l'J. CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -While Apnlln 15's astronauts sought medical clearance for launch Monday, two large tracking aircraft headed for Guam today to support America's forthcoming moon landing expedition. -Astronauts David R. Scott., 39, Alfred M. Worden, 39, and James B. Irwin, •1 , were expected to pass their last major prelaunch physical examinations without difficulty. They have been living under semi-quarantine conditions for 16 days. The flight ()f Apollo 15 will be the longest and most demanding American spaceflight in Slh years. It will be sup- ported on earth by 38 aircraft, four ships and 13 ground stations. The moon pilots were in lht doctors' or4 fice when the tracking planes took off from nearby Patrick Air Force Base for their mid· Pacific listening post. Two more of the jet air force trackers will leave for Wake Island Friday. The seagoing tracking ship Vanguard 1ailed Tuesday for a mid-Atlantic ~tation. Bush mills. 1973 Exit Seen For Golda Meir JERUSALEM (UPJ) -The lsrae!l newspaper Ha'aretz said today Mrs. Golda Meir has decided not to seek re- election as prime minister after the 1973 general elections and has named Defense Minister Moshe Dayan as successor. The prime minister's office em- phatically denied the report. The independent morning newspaper, widely respected in Israel, said Dayan's candidacy was discussed by Mrs. Meir and elder statesman David Ben Gurion during a meeting Friday at Ben Gurion'1 Sde Boker retreat in the Negev Desert. Ha'aretz said Ben Gurion dismis!led th11 Idea of Deputy Prime Minister Yigal Allon and Fi11ance Minister Pinchas Sapir 11s possible candidates for prime minister. The paper said both he and Mrs. Meir favored Dayan 11s her 1uc- cessor. The whiskey that spans the generations gap. For 300 years, a whiskey from Bush mills has been with us. Charming us. Beguiling us in a smooth, polished and altogether 1ighthe<1rted fa shion. 15 generations have refined 11. 15 generations have sipped i t.Theverd ict: Nearperf eel ion. Bu sh mills. Full of character. But not heavy-handed about it. Flavor· ful. But never over-powering. Bushm1lls. It reflects the nast \Vi th a light and lively fla vor that is all today. Compare ii to your present whiskey. You needn't purchase a bottle. One sip at your favorite pub wlll tell you why Bushmills hds intrigued so many gen- erations. It is, simply, out of sight. IMPOIITTD BUSHMIIJS FlOM THE \IDRID'S OIDEST DISmun • I 7 F !I ' t· ,. ,. •• B fie Or In off th tw E Or .u ,; by !h f 5 d s • ce • n et u I. pl w -·--... • rt Beaeh Today'• Fl•al 1 EDITION VOL ~. NO. 173, B SECTIONS, 84 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 2r, 197r . TEN CENTS Upper Bay to Be Sanctuary? Caspers Says U.S. Will Make Designatwn . .. " ' ;:i: ~-'" ' . ' . DAILY r•LOT ,~~,. b'Y 1'1lrltk 0'0.ft"'ll Who's Otrt of Work? Passerby did double take Tuesday 'vhile strolling past former employ· ment agency office near intersection of Harbor and Newport Boule· vards in Costa Mesa. A spo kesman for the realty firm handling the lease slid the employment agency hast:losed its Costa Mesa operation, b~t i.5 sti.11 doing business in Buena Park. Recall Organizer Files ' Lawsuit Against Bake1~ One al two organizers of a campalgo ,to recall Orange County Supervisor David Baker framed his charges agAinst the of· ficial Wednesdfly in the from an an Orange County Superior Court law~uit. William McKnight or Stantnn dem ands In the complaint that the Second District afficial be ordered to repay 1o the county the expense.c; he drew while SP rving for twO years as chairman of the ~tate°.s Environmental Quality Study CommitteP. McKnigh!. who cl aims he represents all Orange County ta:qiayer.o; in the action, alleges that Baker was re imbur sed for airline tickets and other travel expenses by both the county and the slate and that Ille supervisor h85 never allempted lo re· fur!d the money to the county . McKnight is working with Donald J. fiwenEon for Baker's recall in a move- Library ·Board Approves Study For V .S . Funds Newport Beach library trustees Tues· day authorized City Librarian Dorothe1 S-hetly to (ind out if fedl!l"a! funds are available to belp pay for the propo!ed central library at .Newport Center. Cosis of the library, planned in the second pha5e of the development of the new civic center, are pre,,enUy estimated et Sl.8 million. , ment that has been condemned by Baker as "garbage." Baker denies allegations that hf': billed both the state and the county for the $5,000 expenses he incurred while work- ing with the Elate group from 1968 to 1970. He stated lhat hi!! "bookkeeping wa11 bad , but my billings were legitimate and there was no overlap or duplications. I nev er got !he money these people are talk ing abnut,'' he said. Baker added that he askrd the district .attorney·~ office. the Orange County Grand Jury and the s1a1e AUorney General's nffice for an investigation 0£ the allegation~ aired against him and that he was cleared by all three agencies. But McKnight demands a refund of ··an amount in excess of Stoo.·· He also ;1 Sk" the court to order the Hartrard Accident and Indemnity Co. to pay $500 for each "illegal or fraudulent act" comm itted by the super.•isor. The insur ance company issurd the $25.000 fidelity bend required for ;ill coun· ty supervisors when they take office. Lower Ne wport Bay Unit Meets Thursday A meeting or the Lower Newport Bay Civic District citilens' committee will take place Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. Tbe citizens• panel will continue i1 !! review of a proposed ordinance placing stringait controls on CMStruction along the Lower Bay and oetanfronL By L. PETER KRJEG 01 1111 r:i1•h> r 1i.. 111w The U.S. Department of Interl9r will designate part of Upper Newport Bay a national wild.life sanctuary within two weeks, Fifth District Superviwr Ronald E. Caspers said today. Caspers. • Newport Beach resident and promoter of the wildlife preserve con- cept, said he didn't know how big an area or '1actly where lt would be. Disclosing the pending announcement Trustees N rune Salary Panel Board Member By GEORGE LEIDAL Ot tfle Ofllt1 1'1111 t llH NewpOrt·Mes s Unified Schol'>! District trustees Tuesday night formally recogni.l· ed the eiistence of an impasse in salary discussions "'ith teachers by _appointing board mem~ Donald StraUsE to a fact · Jinding pant:l designe<i to clear the impasse. The midnight action folowed an ex· ecutive session. Earlitt in thE. board meeting, trustees adopted a salary M:hedule for lea~hers granting a 2.2 per· cent pay "improvement," an. amount similar to raise! granted other district employes. StraUfis, 55, is vice president for employe relations at B e c k m • n lnlt.Nmtnla Inc. A M ident of Newport Beach, Stralll5 has strved M Harbor Area schrol boardl' ·me. June ol 1962 "'hen be v.·as appointed kl the Newport Beach Elementa(y 4ntltrict board. He was elected to the unified district board In 1965 and again in lKt. Teachers representatives, who had planned to name their factfindinf panel member Tue!day night. did not have an opportunity to do !IO following the board's return from executive session and 12:15 a.m . .11djournment. Kinger y "Whitey·· Whiteneck. president of I.he Newport·Mesa Education Associ•· lion . had lefl the meeting. Sue Kent, member of the di!trict's Cerlif!r.11ted Employes Council, however, told newsmen the teachers had selected Dr. ,John Bright, a California Teacher!! Associa!ion (CTA) flaff member from Burli ngame . to stt'Ve on tM pene!. The impasse action by the teai::hers and lhe board brings to a halt further discuss.ions of t97l·i2 salaries in the certJf1cated employes council -the negotiating body "'hich has been meeting and conferring an pay and program pro- posals sought by teac.hera since Feb. 1. The im passe panel appointees will meet lo determine who will be the third member. The panel will then examine the pay issues and make 1 public report to the board. The finding! of lhe impasse panel are not binding on either the board or tel'll chers, under stale law. Te:achtts in the district will be paid the amount established in the board .s.aJ1ry schedule that was adopte:d Tuesday night. They seek a five percent c05t of living in· cre:ase. * in a talk to the: Marine Div isian of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. Caspe:ra said afterwardJ "the area will be small at first." An aide aaid it could be one a<n. or three or five. "We don 't know," he said. Caspers indicated the sanctuary would be ne:ar "the bird cente:r of Ute back end of the bay." · Caspers also revealed he has developed a new development plan for the entire Upper Bay that he intends to discuss with Newport Beach a1fic1a1a in the near future . He said his plan Incorporates long- range proje:ctiona for an e:xpande:d y,•i\dlife ~nctuary. Caspers said the impe:ndiOJ federal an- nouncement is a result of a re:aolution sent Interior Department officials by the Orange County Board of Supervisors last year. He said Interior Secretary Roger! Morton personally flew over the bay 1lt Boat Ties Cut Caspers Says Moorings Must Go Newport Harbor has become cluttered wlth boat moorings, Fifth District Supervisor Ronald E. Cupers said hxiay, telling a bre:akfast audience he y,•ants to get rid al them . He said he also doesn't like the: idea of private docks in front of private homes. "It's lo the point you can't get through the: harbor." Caspers said . Speaking to the: Newport Harbor Cham- ber of Commerce Marine Division, CRspers said, "I don't know what the Orange Cou nty Board of Supervisors can do. but as soon as things slow down I in· tend to ask for a study of the problem." "I personally feel we should get rid of all moorings,'' he said. Caspers said he didn't know how many moorings are on county itdelands and how many on city tidelands . but urged ci· t.y coope ration in the study . There appe:ars HtUe the county could do on its own ~bout the problem and will definitely nei!d the city's help. There are 1.266 moorings in the barbor, aocio"1inf te the Newport Beach harbor and tidelands department, and only 20 of them are over county tide.lands. Ca!pie:ra 1ald he ill aware the: boats mu!it bt put 1ome:where, and said be thought ad~uatt !lip spaces could bt created. "I can't argue that moorings aren't at. tractive: to those who uae: them," Caspers said . ''they pay hardly anything for lhem.. "That's why there are 10 many,," At the same time:, Caspers criticized Newport Beach for bowlng to political pressures by eliminating the tidelanda use fees . He gave eve:ry indication the county would not take the game position. Caspers said the: mooring Issue: "ign't on !he front burn er yet" and probably won·t be for a few weeks, until a new budget ls adopted and the County Harbor Department can take time from its studies of p.iblic aceess to Salt Creek Be:ach . Caspers touched an 1 variety of other topics in his 30..minute addre!ls. Ht oomplimented the Irvine Company M its basic plan for development cf the unincorporated land betwee:n Newport Beach and Laguna Beach and praised the company. ~ other major C"OUDtf lind- awners, £.bt lheir overall•"-eve~ plans . He said havlcg a few responsible land- owners rather than innwnem.is tn1all ownen made lfh job 1 lot 1u~. Parks Unit Gives Okay For. China Cove Volleyball After two hours of heated discussion with more than 100 J)e(lple in attendance, the Ne.v.'P(lrt Beach Parks, Be:aches and Re:creat ion commission Tue:sday voted lo allow restrict~ volleyball court.ti on China C-Ove bt3Ch, belnw 0 c e a n Boulevard in Corona del Mar. Commissioners unanimously re· i n· s1atled courts. but said playing "'-'nuld not be a!Joy,·e<:I from noon to 4 p.m. on "·e:ekends and holidays from June tS to Sept. IS. "It "'as a big issue." said PBR director Cal Stewart.. "beca use China Cove is such .11 small beach , ii is nol really compatible tn sun-bathing and volleyball playing at the same limt!." Spectators al the meeting repre.!lented both facUonii, with volleyball players against all restrictions and sun-bathers for total bane. "Hopefully now it Is all re.salved and there'll be time for both," Stewart said this morning . In anothe:r aclion. lhe comm is~ionera voted to notify the Harbor View Hnmeowr.era Aaaoc iali on that no tunds are available: for play(l'Olllld ~uipmeot acquisition In 1171-72, but It.I f*1Ue.5t& for the facilities in Buffalo Hill.!! Park would be considered lft the 1972·73 budget Robert W y nn To Address CdM Cha mber Robert L, Wynn. new city man.age:r of Newport Beach, will make his first public appearance in that position at the r.orona rlel Mar Chamber of Commerce 15th an4 nual inst.allalion dinner Thursday at the Jrv\ne Coast Country Club. Wynn. from Coronado, is IK:heduled ta begin his dut.ies hue Aug. 2. He will be guest speaker at the dinner, which begins at 7:30 p.m. fol!O"Nini a &:30 p.m. aocial hour. Mu.sic wiU be provided by Paul's "Jau 3". Officers to be in.st.ailed are : -Hal Pinch.in. president : Bob Aston, 1.91. vt~pmident; Don Wood. 2nd vice. president ; and Joan Williams, t.reasuttr. ''I am supposed to do a fent.ative time tcbedule to study the feasihillty of ol>- tairung federal money," said Mrs. Sheely, "but Wf' don'! know anything yf't ." Mrs. Sheely said, "lhe ne1t slep ls to wil:te for i11fonnalion" c o n c t r n i n g 1.mount... o( federal grants and the need tar matching st.ate and local grant11. Harbor Teachers Get Raise Other directora to be sworn in .11n1: -Bob Barthol001ew. Don Bolkin, Carol French, Grant Howakl. Gof'!ion Jl)!)e:!I, C'a.rl S. Kegley. John Sempif.' Mn . T. Duncan Stewart. Ele:anor Srnlth, Stuart Towne and Don von Geldern. fhe library l:mrd, which elected Or· 11\ke Coast College evening dirtttor Or. ~Is 91&kejy chairman, is still only dJlc:uulnc funding. said Ml'I. Sheely, be· caiJse "w1 have 11 long way to go" be- fok any speclfie plans will go into ac- tkin." fhe libr1try his been 1llocated about J.S •cries of the land ad jacent tn the planned city hRll &nd police facility, which are included In I.he projPCl's firsl p11.1 ... E1Um1ted funding wfll bond bsue Oct. I. 11 S7 milllon, first pha!e 10 be.fore the voWs in a ttfltatively IChtduled for The library will a\30 8eek f!deral rrants ta ~Ip defray the ~ out· Lat of Sl.S mlllion OV!1' a rive-year ~ riod for boob and 11.1ppUes. Trustees Make Pay Boost Retroactive to July 1 A 2,2 pe:rcent i•sab.ry lmprove:ment'' for all """"°"' <ll lhe Newp<n-M,.. Unified School District was approved Tu:esday night by· district truEteea. The pay hikes will be paid retroacUv~y 10 July l sinee the: board earlier this year reserved the right lo ltdjust salar· le!, knowing the 1al.11ry schedule would not be adopted until after the bf!ginning of the fi!ICal year. The 2.2 percent aalary improvement amounts to about $S(i(l,000 for leaching. Rdministra.tive and noo-teaching staff. That 11moont had been 11e1. askle for pay raises when the board adoptt:d Its pre- liminary budget , July Ii. Kevin Wheel tr. assistant superinten· dt!:'ll for penionntl service:t, told the board ~ 2.2 percent figure dMs not In· elude an lhe: raises teachers will gtt next yeat. Each step (year ol txperienct) Oii the salary achedule: offers fiv• clan Jt.vel1 of pay, according to the amallnt8 of col- lege inst.ruction a teach er has comp~ted. Increase. in nert year's saJarles rewll· ing from shifts along the sail.I')' schedule total $146,000, Whee.lu said. 11len. becauH teachert gain e1tra p;iy by moving up ane step on the schedule for each year of eiperlence with the dis· trict, another '340,000 will be p&XI bY the distriet fetr 5tep lricreasu. Totaling the ARl&ry improvement and the two typea o( p.11y ral!e:S 1utom.11ticslly granted for progreASlon on the 11!11ry schedule mutt.. In a S.4 percent lot.al PflY r11iae for teachera next year. \\'heel· "' •Jd. Tnnltee1 quM.ioned, and tabled. a recommendation th1t the sub«titute teaclter dally pay be Increased kl U7 from ·the ·Pl°e.Rnt $2S a day figure. Bc\ard member M·arton Be(paon gug. gut.ed the .W ,000 the aubltitute PiY ral!le would COit be dJvS"ted to the U· moeth teachlqg pay achfdtle to offer "in· ci!ntivea to teachers who have shown an Interest ln takin1 on more responsi bil· Uy." Selim S. "Bud" Franklin acz:eed with the ba&Jc 1ugge1tJon. but a1tta if 1Uch an ·incentive should be liltUted to the 12· month teacber11 . Donitld Smalltm)d, new board mem· ber from Costa Mesa. ltOtrd th·e $2 ra1~• foir ~tute1 amaunted ta an 8 per· ctnt lncre~se compared to the 2;2 per. ce:nt hike offered to other te11Chers. 1r the rai1e fnr ~ub8tltute1 1! not warranted by threatened dilffculty In attrllctlnc qualified tnibet1tutes, Smallwood contend· IS.. SALARIF..!, Pq• I ) Pedeiitrian Hurt By Backing Auto Surgery was· ~ina: Jl'rforrfl.ed U:U• morning on 1n elderly Coat.a Mesa man who auffered a fr'"ctured hip Tue9d.ay Wnen knocked down by a c.ar back.ln&.up In a parkin1 lot. R<>berl B. Mitchell. IS. of 71' W •. 11th St., was U&ttd In good condition prior to 5urgery aL CMta Mesa Memorial H°'pltaJ. Police said he was tut at 11:40 p.m. in tht lot at W W. t9U'I SL. whe n Mn . 811rbara J. Allen. 31 . of 571 W. Bl)' St .• be51an to baci out of a atall . Ntllher party was ctted or actullly blamed by police, alnce Califamta Yehl· cit Code sections apply only on rcAdwaya 11nd not Dll ptlvale property. week..s ago. "After seeing it and other a.re11," Caspe:rs said. "Morton declared he wanla tn preserve the Upper Bay, Anaheim Ba1, .11nd the Tijuana sloll$h." ' Caspers' statement apparently too~ Irvine Company officials by surprise. Thi company owns most of the land 1ur- rnudning the bay. "We are unaware of the proposal Supervisor Caspe:rs talktd about tbil tStt BACK BAY, Pase%) Mesa Given Assurance On Freewar. By BARBARA GIUS 01 !fie o.u, 1'1111 Stiff Bamford Frank.land, asslstlnt Olte public works director, me:t with Co5t.a Mesa's Freeway Committee thls momhl& and attempted to allay fears that the carto troversial Coastal Freeway stalemate would delay Completion of the Newport Freeway through Ca!lta Mesa. Frankland said, in speaking al state communication efforts with Orange Coast communities, "Our efforts are geared toward the priorities of the communitle:s, w~ch is, in your case. the completloo ol the Newport Freeway." He assured Costa. Mesa efficlals and representatives of a downtown redevelop- ment group that construction ol the Newport Freeway would be continued ai)d, might bt expedit.ed , if that ia the city's wish, regardlest of the lack of a coutal freeway. "The Newport Freeway will bl coo- ttructe:d southwesterly u su.rt~ communities will allow,..be said. ~ Costa Me:sa City Manager Fred Sarubal, responded, aaying, "Our lXll.in concern is· to se.e the completion ol th• Newpol"\ Fr~wiay. Wt have to loot at our ne6dr, and m want to know how getting the traffic to NtW}JOC't is Boin& to affeci our local a~t 1yatem. "Newport Beach claims It cannot han- dle any more traffic." ca n t In u e d Sorsabal. "Well, that's where the Ne:wport Fdee:way's gotng f.o end. New. whe:rt does the traffic from Its tenninUJ 10?'' F~ankland aaid that 1tate hi&hway e.ngine:ers wauld develop plan& for disbursing traffic at the city limits, pro- bably using eii:!tlng street!. if no better solutian ~an be found. "LArgely, coast.111 traffic Is internally generated We have suggested to Newport Seac:h that they have traffic proble:ma now that wUJ get a lot worse in the future . This is but 1 sm.aU sample of what is to come." Frankland went on to say, "U Newport Beach says It doesn 't want a facility, then it muEt lead the way to reaching a joint aolution to lhe problem with the other communlties. "This does not mean we will stop con· struction of transport racilitle:1 to the coast. It is planned to e:xpose ne:w options to nur engineering at.llff. We: mu1d con- sider all altemaUves available and decids which is best for the communities wltb the: communitie:s," he continued. "Ifs obvious that we can't utidy everyone's need.!i by a;lmply adding more lanes to the San Diego Freeway,'* Frankland con~inued. "You can't divert all coastal traffic. People are on the coast because they want to be thel'e. and they want to usa the moet direet routea to ge:t the:re.'' Oraafe w-tlter The wuthenni.n ptedid.I bliy ttlnsbJJl;e aaatn today •nd Tb~ra-· day with t.einpe:raturtJ alonl· the coastline at 70 fulng to Ml tnland. Lows tonight upected around 6:1 in both arus. INSIDE TODAY ' Thei1 c6mt from all walks of lift and from au outr th• U.S., bui in World War II, 01.ey f~ed dtlith taoethtr in tht •kin over Gtrmafty. Ste sto111. photo, Pagt l.t. -n ... -' -.. ' -...... ...... ~ c"'""...,.. " ~Ill ·-. ...... """""' ,.,, ........ l<I -. ...... l ........ ,, -.. ,..,, • -·'W ~ -..... ~--. -·-. -,··---·- ! •~ ·--.. .-=.;c·-=-=-~--.....;:; , _}~:{ ,# --• ' " I I I ! I OA.11. Y rlLOT • W•dnHd41, J,i, 21. 1•11 l ..... , • ' Transit Chiefs Hear Bus Data By JACK BROBACK Of lfl• O.Ur "ti.t ll•H Orange County Transit District direr.- tors hurd the fa cts on the hnancial aspect of bus service in the county Mon- day from lhe people who operate auch services Don Boyles and George Cordier, ex· Bauni Loses Seal Beach Recall Vote By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of Ill• O.Ur "II'" Sltff A 39-ye.ar~ld high school teacher became Seal Beach's newest citv coun· eilman Tuesday night after inCumbent ?11orton A. Baum was owted in a recall election. Thomas E. Blackman, 421 Beryl Cove Wa y, will take his seat in councilmanic Distrtct 3 at the Aug . 2 city council session if the election results are certified in time. Blackman, who teaches in Long Beach, garnered S40 votes in the election which involved the city 's HiU area and a portkln of Old-Town. His closest compelitcr v.·as Mike Knapp , another teacher, wi th 373 vote.!i. Thomas Brady, the retired stockbroker who 61.lpported Baum's effor~ to st.ay in office, but ran in the hope of continuing his environmental policies, ran third wlth 304 votes . Mrs. Beverly Casare.-;. a housewife, v.·as a distant fourth with only 74 votes. The recall measure, Ustf!d as a .!ieparate issue on the ballot was decided by a BSS-561 vote against B!lum. The margin was 60 percent. Baum, a pharmacisl and former mayor of the city, remained in office slightly more thM a year. A recall movement was started against him IB'St July when he sided 'l'-'ith Councilmen Thom.as Hog.ard and C:Cnway Fuhrman to oust Ci- ty Manager Let Risner. Fuhrman was recalled March 30, leav· tog only Hogard on the councll as member ar the former three-way voting bloc. He .wm ·flee a recall election Aug. 24. Blackman, a supporter or the recall dri ve since Jts beg!Ming. said he wu elated about the electio n's outcome . "It was a yict~y klr my own ~oi;;,.,B_}lt I look around me and see all the peopie who supported me and it was a victory for them also," he sa.id. "The dty has been stagnatln& for the past year . 'There have been too many emotional is.sues. I intend to bring bacl liOme klnd nf tranquility to our city." Blackman is strongly in f1vor of the city's Redevelopment Agency, an urban renewal board which was formed to con- demn portions of the downt(')Y:n area.. 1ttk new construction, and apply tues from the buildings for city uses. Baum had opposed the agency on the grounds that it woold create hi@h·rise and hiWJ-density develmpment.s which would destroy Seal Beach's s ma 11 ·I.own character and adversely affect the en- vironment ··1 accrpt lhe dec ision of the voters,'' said Baum this morning. "\l,'e fought a clean and comoetent campaign. but un- fortunately t.hrie werl!' not enough of us ." Baum said ht v.·ould continue to be in- t·nlved in civl~ affair~. "but not an,v more than an ordinary citi:en v:ith a family ." "'Right nov.· I need to take a rest for a \'i:hiJe:' he added. OIAN•l COAJf Oi\llY PILOT OJl ... HGE COAST ,.V.LISHIHG COM~.i.NV 11.oi••I N. W11d ,,.,,;..,r 1...:1 l"l,/Dlll,,.,- J 1t1r R. C.,r!ty Viet l"r'111i11 .. 1 •nd G-tl MtNotr Ttot111•1 K1•vil Elff!..- T•tl!\tl A. Mu•plii111 ,,.,._:"9 l[dltor l. "'''' I(,;., H--1 IM(lrt (>I\' l[Ol .. r Nt-.,.rt t..cll Offlc. lJJl Ntwport le ... l1v•rcl M1 ;lin9 Add r•n: r.O. lol 117i, '9266) Ofhf Offlut COit• Met•. U(I W111 l•Y l l<ffl UO-l•Hlrt: n:: '°'"' .i,~..,..., iottiilltl .. lt,, IMt ll· 1111; 1 ... clrt $oul ... t nl S. t!kMrllt; lb Horti. 11 Ctml110 lll•t1 T•,t1rr 17141 •4z ... 1·11 a..,..... ....,_,..i,.. ••1·••1• v ecut1ves of the South Coast and Sant.a Ana Transit Corporations. told a story of steady losses and discontinued service. They s;11d the South C'..oast Transit routeli fron1 Santa Ana tu Balboa and Laguna BeeC'h were stead~' losers and th!'! Santa Ana Tranliit o~ratinn v.·as so bad 1t ..i·as going to be discontinued on August 31 if the i:ity does not take it over The lwo local transl! companies are subsidaries of American Transit C:Crp. of St. Louis v.·hich operates 30 transit com- panie s in the U.S. Five of them are operated for municipalities on a conlratt ba!is. Boyles said. The transit corporation executive said his !inn was willing to oper;.te a bus system in !he county for the transit district. He said they did this in two ways in olher commwulies -one in v.'hlch they provide the buse11, personnel and management and the other y,•here the ci- 1.v or county provides the buses and the corporation operates them. He said entities such as lhe transit dis trict could get federal grants to purchase rolling stock. As to the financial picture on bus hne!'i in Orange Count_v. Boyles said that South Coast Transit was losing money despite a fare increase six months ago. He told of trying a route three years ago through UC! \Vhich had to be discon- tinued because of lack of patronage. He said the only reason the firm could afford to continue the service lo Balboa and Laguna y,·as a charter bus system on I.he side which wa5 profitable. Cordier, in answer to a question as to why service was provided only to one area in the county, pointed out that bus lines to Huntington Beach and E! Modena were cancelled in April. "The sta~ Public Uti lities Commiss ion allowed the cessation of srrvice. v.'hlch began in l!ltl, because the !ack of patronage "'·as so obvious," Cordier ex · plained. "\\'e tried everything. running thrOugh shopping cen ters, to junior col- leges, through areas of greater density of population, but nothing \\'Orked ,'' Transit Board Chairman Derek t-.fcWhlnney said he fa vored the di.striC't offering transportation services in areas •·where v.·e might make money as a starter. rather than just taking over los- ing routes.'' Broyles replied that his firm had studied the county thoroughly and if they had found an area where thfy could make a profit they "'ould bl'! servicing it nQw. He suggested that tbe tranalt district directors might th ink or serving the area of greatest need . The directors heard a presentation by Rohr O:irporation execullvef of Sin Diego ()~.:.electric, gas turhin" and' rocket trains wn>e h ride on llr cwhl"ons. The board took steps lo \in1it lhe numbr of presentations in the fut ure, hoping to make some solid decisions. From PflfJe 1 SALARIES ... ed. the $25,000 savings could be applied to lowering the dlstrict"s anticipated 20- cent tax increase. Trustees agreed more information on the effe("l of the salary increase for sub- stitutes is needed before action is taken. The adopted salary schedule provides $7 .339 a year to a beginning teacher orith a bachelor 's degree and a teachinjl ere· dential. A nev.· teacher \1•ilh both 11: bachelor'i; find a master·s degree and 60 additional 1Jnits of graduate study wil! bt paid SR.989. A teacher \\'Ith the sa1ne comb1nal1nn of rll'gr~ and graituate credit plus 12 years ' leaching expe:rlence 11·ould be paid $14,897. High school principals' salaries rangt: from $19.412 to $22,!2!8 a ~·ear. ,\fiddle schf'H)I princiP31S wil! (':arn from $17.527 I,, $20.334 a year and the range for ele· mentilry principa ls is from $16,492 to $19,298 a year. Trai11 Derails In W~tGennany, 22 Feared Dead MUELLHEIM, Germany (UPI ) -An express tra ln filled with \'acaUoners jumped the I.racks and crashf'd into sev. eral houses near this German-Swtss border IO\\'n today, Laking a heavy toll of dead and injured. Police said al lea~t 22 persons \\'tre killed and more than 60 injured, 28 ser- D.o\lt Y PILOl S!llt P~01o 'NEWPORT FREEWAY IS GO' State Official Frankland f'rom P09e 1 BACK BAY. • • morning," Gilbert Ferguson. director ot c;orporate communications for the Ctlm- pany said. ··until such timr as we have some in- dication or clarification from the Depart- ment of Interior as to v.·hat they are pro- posing. lt 11·ould be premature t.o rract to it." he said . Capsers 11·a5 not specifi c about th e pro- cedure to be fo!lov.•ed by the department in acquiring any property. Caspers said any development plan will have to be endorsed jointly by the county and the City of !\'ewporl Beach, "We are mu tu a 11 y responsible," Ca~pers decla red, pointing out the city controls the zoning around the enti re estuarv. He Said his studies would also take recommendations of the Upper Ne wport Bay Cooperat!ve Planning Project into consideration. The latter group is a joint oommittee or county , city and Irvine Company representa tives doing coooperative starr ~tudies undtr the supervision of Caspers, !\ewport Seach Mayor Ed 1-lirth and Irvi ne Company Presiden t W i 11 i a in Mason . Th.:it group is scheduled to receive a report from il s staff August 4. Two Car Buyers Get Hot Deals A couple or car-buyers a~ some11t·hat IPss th an happy today with their purchase~. both of 1vhich were such hot bargains they burst into flames in Newporl Re ach Tuesday Ch iC'k Iverson Volk~wagen employe .Joye!! Batt>~ v.·115 driv111g a new sedan to 1he car \\"8511 at 5 p.n1 .. JIJSt prior lo ru~ton1P1· delh·t·r~ v.t1e11 11 i11 n1ted ~0111eh(l 11 Fireinen respond ing tn 1he !'eene at liOO rxn·er Drivf' said thP interior wa~ guttrd but the engine \\·as unda1naged and they tould find no obvious caust of lhe $2,000 fire. For wh:itever sall sf action it n1ay bf'. H!chard Heston. 17. of 1965 81yporl \\'1y, suffered only a $200 loss "'hen his 1964 German car burned. He pulled off Back Bay Drive at Big Canyon Road at 1: 50 p.m., v.·hen th e fuel line broke and engulfed the engin• com- partment in names. He had juBt bouaht ii from his sister Shirlene. of the same address. accord.in& to firemen. 2 Colleges Drop Fee for Health After Tlto Weeks iously, in West Germ1ny's fourth fatal A $7.50 student nr(IJth ftt 111 Orange rail accident in five montlu. The engine and all but two of the 14 Coast and Golden \\'esr colleges has bt'el\ coac hes in the S\\'ltierland express de-dro pped, JUSt lwo weeks art.a' il had been adopted. railed and rolled down a IS.foot emba11k· • Chancellor Norman E. \V1tson told men!. a West German railways spokes-trustees of the Caast Community College. man said . . At least four of the dead. lnclud ing one Diatrlct the fee w<iuld hBvr to be applitd child. were in a house demolished by the to night studtn~ as \\'ell as day 1ludents •· I .... ed so lt should be dropped. cars . _.vera other uvuses were damag · D!strtct offic ials original!)• thought they Th e 1ccident occur red in the Upper Rhine Village of Rheinweller, about 15 could apply it only to the daytime miles north or Rasel, Swlturland, 13 stude11ts , but the Ora nge Cou11 1y Council minutes after the train le ft Basel for s~d it would have to cover all studen u. Copenhagen . The $7 .50 fee 1\.'ould have paid for The railway~ spokesin:in ~aid 300 to health insurance. nursing service and 400 passengers weTe on the !rain. He other health relattd service!. Wat.son ~id he did not know \\'ha t c1used lhe said niost of the night students 3re older der~ilnl.Cnt. and already havt health lnsur11nce iO the l\u!hori1ji>~ called In ambulan<'ts from fee would be unfair lo them. tloiens of surrounding communities, t.,..·\'I School ofrtciBls exptcttd t.o pick up \\'e5t German helicopters and French $82.500 from the Oran1e Coast campll! so!dier5 stationed ne.arby to help t vacu-and S45.i50 at Golden West by wing the ate tl1e 1·iclims to hosp1tals. mandatory fef, ------~ --·-----~ .J• -=-"" -~· . •so,ooo More': Prisoner Groups Handed Windfall Orat}ie County's POW-t-.flA organiza- tions cam" 1n for a $1.500 windfall today and they may get a furlher i 50,000 if a Garden Grove nev.·s sheet fail~ to establish ilseU a& a charitable organlu· t1on , Healt11 Council Fills 14 Slots; One Left Open The controversi al Orange County }lealth Planning CouncjJ has elected 1• n1embers lo a 15-member executive board, lea ving a spot open lot a medical association rt-presentat ive, The Orange County Medical Associa· lion has refused t.o namt> anyon" to the group charglng that it is '·politically con· trolled" and is '"dointnated by usrrs of heal!h serv1c;es ·• The differences between the medical association and I he conswner group 1\.'ere aired in r.1ay befort-an Assembly con1· n1ittee in a two-day hearing in Santa Ana. Appoi11ted t-.fonday night lo the ex- ecuth·e board v.·ere f\1r•s. Helen Keeley of Laguna Beach: Paul White, Sa nta Ana, president of the council: Victor Alleman, Santa Ana ; Mrs. Emest Johnson, Stan- ton: Cha rles He iser, Los Alamitos; Mrs. Al Campanis, Fullerton: Gaylord Hicks, Newport Beach: Municipal Judge Paul !I.last: Rodney Basich, El Toro and Elmer Montano, Ful!erton. The abo\"C ere consumer members. Provider members are Dr. Louis Cella, Santa Ana phy~ician and political leader ; Dr. Leslie Christensen. Fullerton dentist: Geraldine Lea, Orange nurse tnd Jame.!! f\1 cA!vin. administrator of Anaheim Memorial Hospital. 4 Newport Dogs, Possibly More , Stolen. Tuesday Thievery Is going to the dOi.!i in Newport Beach. with an undete.rmlned number of Afghan hounds including four adults worth $500 stolen . poli ce were told Tuesday, 1 School teacher Rita ·Fantling. ~I 421 Tu~tln Ave .. told Officer Ov.•tn Champion :>01neone rem 0ved four slats from .t backyard ft:nce to geln entry. The Joss includes Goldie, Pasha. Shi va and Buffy. according In Mrs. Fanni ng, \1·ho moved lo the Tustin Avenue address only a week ago. Buffy is pregnant -hence the un· determined statu s of the actual number l'Jf dogs lost -and was wearing a pair of Bitch's Britches wht-n list seen, police said. The item or apparel is a canine chastity belt, which is thl.s cue could conceivably be likened to locking !he barn door after lhe horse has been Jtolen. GEM TALK TODAY by J, C. HUMPHllU BUYING A WOMAN'S WATCH Her f i rs t concern ts !•sh.ion , beauty, 3nd being "different." ff you are buying a woman's watch, here are some helpful suggestions : 1. Fashion co1ne~ first. A gold bracelet "'atch can be '~'om days, yet be fa shionable night~. lo.1ost \\'on1en buy a Second. for1nal dia-' mond \Vatch . a.nd at that po i n t stones becon1e her n1ain interest. f:iren a good \\'atch \l"ith troub\e- free accuracy, technical featu rl'!s inean little. 2. \Vomen don·1 \\'bnt to look like everyone else. This is most tru• of teenage girls who buy watches a!'i they buy handbags, usually "~od" styles which conform to their group Yet they still seek status through latest in these styles. 3. Alhough f11hion 15 first, acti· vity such as beach wear must still be considered. Because a \\'01nan's \vatch ii; part of her styl e. you should buy from a dealer v:ho '4'il l exchange (be· fore use) and .spend time with you for proper selection. ome on in ... we'U do both! ·-~~ Superior Court Judgr J. E. T. '"Ned·' Rutter opened tht door for the. unsolicited donation by entl!'ring a [iJlal JUdgmtnt against Veteran~ News. 1231 1 Chapman Ave., Garden Grovt. in fa vor of pr(}- secutors v.·ho successfully sought a restraining order aga inst thf' ne\vs shet.t last week . It was allt-ged that Veterans News took in eontrlbulions of at leas! S500 a day with Ult publication of appeals for fw1ds that v.·ould enable them to appeal to "internatonal prrsonalities" on behaU of United Stales serviceml!'n held prisoners in North Vietnam. Subscribers v.·ho were contacted by telephone and door to door calls were told that their payments would ensure publicat ion af their .nameg in the newspaper and would help t-0 5well a fund devoted to securing the release of American prisoners of war. B(')yd Hamlin, 43. of 684 Vista Lant-. Laguna Beach, was named "'Ith Jack Armstrong. 30 of Garden Grove and \Villiam Ystad, 43. of Orang!!', as prin- <:ipa!s in Veterans Ne\vs. JtJdge Rutter y,•arned !he defend ants that they will have to qualify v;ith the state of California as a charitable non- prorlt organization if they hope: to c.:ontinue publica tion as a \'eterans ne\\'S sheet devoted to aiding the POW-MlA cause. He confiscaled all the £unds collected by the newspaper pending such a ruling and advised the de!endants that if they do not quality he will tum the money over to existing POW-MIA groups. Deputy district attorney Richard Sten· Ion got the prom ise from the defendants before court opened that they will donate $1,500 to POW-MIA argani.zatlons "as consideration for any misinformation (.'oncerning the connection by Veterans Ne~·s." lnl'esligators be l!e\'t that the amount confiscated by Judge Rutter \Viii total n1ore than $50,000 \1•hen a final tally is made of the Vtterans )'lews tak e. Veterani; organizations thrnughout the county havt-denied any connection with Vet.trans News and have unanimousl y condemned its appeal f(')r POW-h1IA funds. Police Arrest Art Kunkin LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Art Kunkin. 43. co-ovn1er of AJfre d's Print shop tn the City of Industry. was arrested Tuesday night on charges of printing obs c en t m1terial. AuUloriti~ said Kunk1n was taken into cus tody at the offices of !ht Los Angeles Free Pres~. (')f y,•hith he is publi!her. A municipal court warrant charg- ed that Kunkin, through his print shop, printed ob.!cene material in a newspaper called "San F'rancisco Ball ,'' Authorities said the tabloid graphically diSJ>l•yed various sex· ual ac~. Falter• Richard Crowell, 14, Wesport, Conn .. failed Tuesday in his atte1npt to be the youngest per- son ever to swim the Engliah Channel after coming agoniz· ingly close to his goal. SN story, Page 4. Planned Attack On City League President Fails A plaru1ed attack on Orange County League of Cities President Ed Jwt fall~d 'fuesday night when only seven city representatives. six Jess than a qucrum. showed up at a rump meting called by Stanton Mayor Dexter l·lemeon. .Just. Fountain Valley mayor, Monday cancelled a previously scheduled Tuesday night mee!ing saying '"Lhe organization :;hould not be jeopardized by one issue.'' He referred to the Harbor District con· troversy which climaxed three \Veeks ago wi1l1 a l:t In 12 league rote supporting an Assembly bill to put t11e fate of th e district to a vote of the people. At a mee ting lasl Thursda y ln Larun• Beach. members voted 12 tn 9 ta hold Tuesday night's specie! meeting in OraJ1ge. Just's cancellation was vigorously pro- te!ted by Hemeon who said he would con- ti nue l(') try to get a quorum of 13 members for a ffil!'t ting In !he harbor t!!SUe and \hat if .Just cancelled it he would ·take action to have him removed fro m (lffice.·· Uaby's Na1ne america NEW YO RK (AP ) -Yippie leader Ab- bie Hoffman and his wife Mita i re the parents of their first child, a boy they liave named amerlca -with a small a. ., Whe~ you give her an Omega sbe1ll 11y you 1houldn't have.'' bul she won'I mean it. • Whtn she sees !he Omega name on her wa!ch she'll know how much e•lre !llOugh1 you p111 ln1o her Chri1tmas, She m1y nol rerlize !het Omege watches ar111&&d on .!Ill A POiio moon ll1ghts and In the Olympk;1. Stle'll love n Just !Or its beeuty. L1le1 on, al'le'U lo11e it• enduring depenel1b!lity. And If she aay1, "YOll lf!Ouleln'I h1V'l!I," jvst you ll'Y to t•k• 11 b1ck. 0 OMEGA A-I OI: ...,"' or ~·n-1olid JO:• oue, s.,..,,.,i. '•~•"" uv-1.i .. sias I -1•1( 1el!f IOlf tln1 ""'~ ... SIU • J. C. .JJumphrie:J Jeweler.i 1823 NEWPORT BLVD ., COSTA MESA CONVlNlfNl Tl-MS tANK.4MfllCAll0-MASTll CHA~GE t.c 'l'!ARS IN SA.loll LOCATION PHONE S41·)401 .- ' Co po cil- 1 t. no T. fro mu c pro cep or In Ne 1 c., •m A !hr c be of c ' n Up Ne fut H ran wil c oou .en Oca yea H Mo w Cas In aod c [,, co rou Su mo cor pa " die me pos it ... ced in c h• an Ca con est n c Ba co ., --.. • ., N.Y. Stocks VOL b4, NO. 173. 8 SECTIONS, 84 PAGES ORANGE coumv. ·CALIFORNIA WEDN~SOAY, JULY 2f, -1971 TEN CEN:T$ Apartment Rezoning Bid Near OCC S-helved A rezoning applic1Uon for I 4 3 apartments oa 30 acres near Orange C:Oast College has been shelved tem- porarily to allow a Costa h1e.!la City Coun- cil·Planning Commission study ~sion on It. Councilman William L. SL. Clair voted no in a 4. to l ballot on tablin g the Henry T. Segerstrom proposal to switcb the land from an M-1 industrial zone to R-4 CP multiple density use. Upper Bay Sanctuary Status Set By L, PETER KRIBG Of rhl OlllW .. UM Stiff The U.S. Department of Interior wilt designate part of Upper Newport Bay a national wi!dlifl!: !lanctuary "'i lhin two weeks, f ift h District Superv isor Ronald E:. Caspers said today. Caspers. a Newport Beach resident and promoter of the wildlife preserve con· cept, sa id he didn 't know how big an area or exactl y where it would be. Disclosing th! pending announcement In a t<ilk to the: Marine Div ision of the Ne1vport Harbor Chamber of Commerce., Caspe rs said afterward:; "the area will be gmall al fi rst" An aide aa id It CC1uld be one acre:. or three or five. "We don 't know," he said. Caspers indicated the sanctuary would be near "the bird center of the back end of lire bay." Caspers also revealed he has developed a new developmeot plan for the entire Upper Bay that he intends to discuu: with Nev.1)0rt Beach officials in the near future. He said his plan incorporates long· range projections for en e:rpanded wildlife s!nctuary. Cas pers said th e impending federal an. nouncement ls a result of a resolution &ent Interior Oeparlment offi cial~ by the Orange Count y Board of Supervisors la!lt year. He said lnterio r Secretary Rogers ~lorton personally flew ove r the bay si1 weeks ago. "After seeing it and other areas.'' Caspers said. "J\.1orton decl ared he wanl.3 to preserve the Upper Bay, Ana heim Bay and the Tijuana slough." Caspers' statement apparently took Irvine Company officials by surprise. The company ov.'Tis most of th e land sur- roudn ing the b;iy. "\VI! are una ware of the proposal Supervisor Caspers talked about thi!! morning." Gil bert Ferguson, directllr of corpor atf" communications for the com· pany s11id. . •·until such time ll!! we have some in. dic11tion or clarification from th e Depart· ment of Interior as to what they are pro- posing, it ~·ould be premature to react to it.'" he said. Cas pe rs w11s not specific about the pro- cedure lo be followed by the department in acqu iring any property. . Caspers said any development plan will ha ve to be endorsed jointly. by the: c<:1unty and the City of Newport Beach. '"We are mu tu a 11 y responsible." Caspers declare<!. pointing out the c!tY ~ntrols the zoning around th~ entire estuary. He said hi1 1tudie.!1 would also take recommendatlom of the Upper Newport Bay Cooperative Planning Project into ~nsideration . Orange Co••t \1'eather The weal.hl!rman predicts hazy sunshine again loday and Thurs- day with temperat.ures along the coastline at 70 rising to 80 inland. Lows tonight expected around M in both art:as. INSIDE TODAY They come from oil 1JJolk..~ of life and from nil Oll l!r tile U.S .. but in World ~Var II, th Py faced death together in th e skies over Germnny. Se e 1tory. photo, Page 13. Sttll119 1:1 C1R,.,,,l9 1 Cllft\1119 u.. 1 Cl1ntl!IC t l·W C""'lfl 4' Cno•_.... 4' lotlterlll '"' I lftl•rlllll"""I tl·11 ,llltlM:t u Mt•M<-• Allll LI~'" tt Mtvlt • ,..t1 ...... ,.. )t Htt .... 1 """ I oP llltfl C..,,11ty • ,....,, ,,.Jl • ..._. Matt:ttt H·H f t ..... 111911 H '""''" , .. ,, Wltltltf' I Wtl-......... :H W~llll Wl"91 11 we-·1 H-. »n Wftlll Htl•t ~ I SL Clair said he is opposed to such high density apartments in an existi ng in- dustrial area. Orie area resident. Mrs. Lucille Waughtal , 2433 Colle;ge Drive, presented a lengthy paper att.ackini' the proposed units wh.ich would Muse up to 2.Z76 persons. She also filed a petition of opposition wilh 87 signatures complaining of den· aity, increased traffic burden on are~ •· iilreets and po&<;J ble school overloadillg. Councilman Alvin L. PinkJey pointed out lhe degr~ of propoged density in apartment! adjacent lo industrial land i! bad and hinted developers may face trou- ble. "Bul lhey have the privilege of ap- pl ying." he said. "And I have the privilege of arguing it down." replied Mrs. Waughtal, who also brought up lhe issue of a council·planning romm.igsion m t! e t i n g with the Segentroms recently. No members of the press we.re noti fied , but the four members from each agency v.tio were present meintain they did not vi-olate lhe Brown Act against secrecy in government . Mayor Robert M. Wilson and represen- tatives of the developers both denied Monday night that the private sessioo in- volved either the 30.acre re.woe or any formal decisions. Darren Groth, ol. Leadership Housing Systema, proposed builders ol the untts, also submitted a lt!tter from the Newport· Mesa school officials indicating that schools wouldn 't be ovt!rloaded, lf' Lhe project ·goes through. Vice Mayor Witlard T. Jordan moved for tablirig the rezone until thl! council and plal)flers. can r,view· It t.oteO>er. Groth said that would be a~ptabfe . Segerstrom & Soos cernpany uecuUVt John Louden added another denial relative to tbe conlideotia.I June 2J meeting held at the family compound. "Nothing has ever been uked for es- CE"pt in the legal, normal maonu 1uc!l at we are doing now," he said of the reaont hearing. Location of the property iJ the larseJ1 undeveloped corntt" ol Adams AVMUI and Fairview Road, now occupied by some light indastrial plant.a a n d warehoose operations. Pay Impasse Noted Harbor Board Names Factfinder DA ILY PILOT f'llvll W "tlrlde O'OollMll Who's Out of Work? Pa,sserby did double take Tuesday while strolling past former employ· mtint agency office near intersection of Harbor and Newport Boule· var.ds in Costa Mesa. A spokesman for the realty firm handling the lease said the employment agency has closed its Costa Mesa operation, but is still doing business in Buena Park. Churcl1's Apartment Plea Put in Limbo for Month A proposed 55-un it 11:partment complex on St. John The Divine Epi5CC1pal Church property ill in limbo for a month. v.·hile Costa Mesa leaders study the propose<! density of the project. Representatives of the church went before the c.lty council Monday night 1•:ith J . W. K!Ug Development Company representative Robert Howard to urge passage of their zone exception permit. Residents surrounding the J.S.acre parcel at the southeast corner of Bay Street and Fullerton A venue are opposed lo a change from existing single family zoning t.o mu!Uple density use . Church oHic~s need t.o sell the land and today's money market, CC1mparerl to We of the parcel. makes R-1 develop- ment a poor choice. according to Howard. The fact Bay Street will be a majo r Newport Freeway overcrossing when Route 55 is constructed, carrying a high volume ol traffic, further reduces R·I feasibility. Howard said. Letters from eight area residents were received protesting the zone exception permit. while 57 parishioners petitioned the city In approve ii .. Councilmen made it clear they view the ex1ent of denslty -one unit per 1,461 square feet -dimly "1 sort or p;et the lt'e!ing l"m standing In \.rand Central Station \11ith the train cominp;:. I can hear the whi stle," said St. J ohn ~the Divine Senior Warden Robert E. Johnson. The church leader. 3141 Carey Lane, argued at length in favor of pa ssage, after which church neighbors complained that man y parishioners like him live outside the immediate area. "Think of us. We have to live wi lh it." i aid one. Klug D' v e I o pm en t Company spokesman iloward readily agreed to 1 four·week delay for additional study, saying both buyer and seller are anilou1 lo cooperate and close the deal. C.OUncilman Jack Hammett moved ror the delay ind return lo lht Planning Department. wi th a CC1mment the density should perhaps be cut in balf. Recall Organizer Files • Lawsuit Against Baker One tJf two organizers of a campaign t11 recall Orange County Supervisor David Baker framed his charges against the of· ficial Wed~ay ln the from an an Orange Couoty Superior Court Jaw11uit. William McKnight of Stanton demand! tn ~ complaint that the Stcond District official be ordered to repay to the county the expensu l'le drew while serving for two years as chairman of the state'• Environment.al Quality Study Comm ittee . McKnight. who claims he rep resent s all Orange County taxpayer• in the action, &Jq:es that Baker was reimbursed for airline ticktl! 1nd 'It.her travel expen.!lt~ by mth the ~unty and the stalt! and that • the supervisor ha.s never attempted \ti re· fund the money to the county. McKnight is working with Onnald J . Swenson for Baker's recall in a move- men t that hes been condemntd by Baker •s "garbage." Baker denies al\egatloas that he bllled both the 8tate and tht county for the U .000 expenses he incurred while work· inR with the state lf'OUP from 1968 to 1970, He slated lh!t his "bookkeep ing was bad. but my billings were leg itimatt! and lh4:re wa.!I no overlap or duplications . 1 nevtr got fht money these people are talklng about." he said. By GEORGE LElDAL Of lbt 0.UJ "llof Stiff Newport·Mesa Unified School District trustees Tuesdey night formally recogniz· ed. the existence of an lmpasse in salary discussiol1l!I with teachers by appointing board member Donald Strauss to a fact- finding panel designed to clear the impasse. The midni ght action folowed an ex- • ecutive session. Earlier in the board meeting, trustees adopted a salary 1chedule for te achers granting a 2.2 per- Mesa Given Assurance On Freeway By ftARBARA GIUS Of "'9 DeilY "lltf SttH Bamford Frankland, assistant stat& public works director, met with Costa Mesa 't Freeway Comm ittee this morning and attempted to allay fears that the con· troverslal Coast.al Freeway &talemate "·ould delay completion of the Newport Freeway through Cos ta Mesa. Frankland said. in spe;iking of slate communication efforts with Orange Coast communilit!s, "Ou r effor~ are geared tov.·ard the priorities of the communities, wh ich is, in your CaJt. the complttion of the Newport Freewa y." He assured Cos ta Mesa officials and represtntat1ves of a downto wn rtdevelop· ment group that construction of the Nel'>·port Freeway wou ld be continued and might be expedited. ir that is the city's wish. regardless of the lack of a coastal freeway "The Newport freeway ¥>ill be co n· ~tructed soulh¥>·esterly as surrounding Mmmun1t irs will all ow" he said Costa ~!esa City r-.1ana~er Fred Sorsabal. responded. !'iaylng. '"Our main concern is to see the completion of the Newporl f''reeway. We hav e lo look at our needs, and we wan~ to know how getting lhe traffic lo Newpcrt Is going to affect our loca l street &}!ste m. "Newport Beach claims it cannot han· die eny more traffic." c o n t In u e d Sorsabal . '"Well, tha t's where the Newport Fdee way's going to end. Now. where does the b'affic from its tt!rminus go'?" Frankland l'iaid that state highway engineers would develnp plans for disbursing traffic at the city limits, pre>- babl.v using existing streets, if no beUer sol uUon can be found. "Largely, coastal traffic is internally generated. We have suggested to Nev.·port Beach that they have traffic problems now Uiat will get a lot wor1e in the future. This l.!1 but a small sample of what Is to CC1me." Frankland went on lo say. "I( Newport Beach say11 It doesn 't want a facllhy, then It must Jtad the way to readllng a joint solution to the problem with the other ccmmunltle1. '"Thia doe1 not mean we will stop con- 1tructioo of transport facilities to the coast. It ls planned to expote new options to our e.nglneering ataff, We must con- sider 1ll 1lternative1 ava.ilable and decide which is beat for the communities with the communities," he continued . "ll's obvious that we can't satisfy everyone'• needs by 1lmply adding more li nes to the San Diego Freeway,·• Fr11nkland conllnued. "You can 't dlvert. all coastal traffic . Ptople are on the coaal because they want to be there, and they want to 11&1 lhc moRt direct route! to itl there." --•'" _ ,.,· -. ~ ..... , ·----.'Ji.'-r •• • cent pay "improvement,'' a.n amount similar to raises granted other diatritt employes. Stt;auss, 55. ls vice president far employe rtlations at Beckman Jnst.ruments Inc. A resident ol Newport Beach, Straw! has served on Harbor Area school boards since June or 1962 when he was appointed to the Newport Beach Elemenl.!lry District board. He was elected to the unified di~trlct board in 1965 and again in 1969. Teachers represent.at ives, whfl had 'NEWPORT FREEWAY IS GO' St•t• Officl1I Frankland Health Council Fills 14 Slots; One Left Open The CC1ntroversial Orange County Health Planning Council hag elected 14 members to a !>member executive board. leaving a spot open f<r a riiedlcal association representative, The Orange County Medica1 Associa· lion has refused to name anyone to the group charging that it ls "politically con· trolled" and Is "dominated by uaer1 of health services." The difference! between the medical assoclaUon.and lhe consumer croup were aired In May before an A11embly QOm· mittee in a two-day bearing in Santa Ana. Appointed Monday nlght to the eI· ecutive board were Mrs. Helin Keeley of Lquna Beach: Paul White, Santi An•, pre!ident of the council : Victor Alleman. Santa AnA ; Mrs. Ernest Johnson, Stan- ton : Charles Heiser, Loa AJamllol; Mr1. Al Campan19, Fullerltln; Geylord Hlclu, Newport Be1ch : Municipal . Judp Paul Mast : Rodney Bas loh, El Toro &Dd Elmer Montano , Fullerton. ' The above are COO!wner members. Provider members are Dr. Loo ls Celli, SMta Ana physlci111 and polltlcal·ludfr; Dr. Leslie Chrb:leMen, Fulltrton denUJt : Geraldine Lea , Orange nurse and Jamea McAlv ln. edministrator of An1htlm Memorial Hospital. '\ • ----•• ptan.ned to name their factfind1nl pm¥1 membt!r Tuesday night, did not ba'N ID· opportunity to do so followinf t.be boerd'• return from executive !iessio" and·U:lJ 1.m. adjournment. Kingery "Whitey" Whiteneck, prwlditnt of the. Newport·Mesa EducaUon A~· tion , had left the meeting. Sue Kent. member of the district's Certificated Employes Council. haweve~. told newsmen the teachers had selected Dr. John Bright, a California Teachers (Sff IMPASSE, Pit' I) Mesa Council Gives Backing To Project 21 What will $&00 ln today'a CUITency bl worth In Ille 11't Century' • COiia Meu city fatbus ·' o, t e d oomeWhat du!>io<I!ly Monday nl1!1do In· vut lhe.t amount in an aiency studytni life 21st Century-style. Tbe grant wa.s approved ooly .after ez. tensive briefing by Project 21 reprMe:n· t.atlve Hugh Halderman. who hasn't found widespread munJcipal support. 'lbe organ~alion i! deeply invOlved with UC Irvine and provldea low-<X11t mn· sultation by experts in variOU! lielda.ol •toeial and eovironmehtal planning. Halderman said Project 21 ahould be consK:tered as a consultant agency. "We think Project 21 deserves city aup- port," be told counclbnen, wbo rl!lfuled to cons.idB the $600 grant July 8, uhtil. it could all be explained. CUrrentiy. Project 21 has three te&ml "-'Orking on three different topics, with 'funds covering their year-long periods ol lludy. Studies include Orange County popu1.a. tion goals. priorities which sboul.d be established in county health care aDd method! of low-income housing provlllon. "One ci our ,most important areas bu ~ in Oran,e County open apaces, '' Halck!rman told coondlmen relative to population 1oaJ atudy. He said funcb are available for at least one more study team due to leftover-cish from the t.hrte curr'ent program.e:, $1 ,500 pledged and dues: -coming ln ftom 71 membera. No study teairu have betn aeJected.for tht romlng year -they r.ope to flnancl three again -with a list of M potential topics: for thorough investigation. Councilman William L. St. Clair bu been invOlved in I.he UCl-bued 9Ndy °' low-income houainf, alon1 with thret Santa Ana city ClOW'lcilme:r!, all of whom were enthusiastic. '"How many ciUes have llkt no ta tblt request?" asked Councilman Alvin L,. Pinkley, wtJo eveotur.lly ·voled qalMI C..ta M,..., llOO puttctpalioo • "I knew we'd iet around to that q\11!!9' Uon," Halderm1n Niplied.drily. He oak! Anaheim ref.....t IO pArtlclpotf In financing the ·11udy leAllll pnporlnj waya ta deal witb 21st Century ~ along with a more reoent Santa Am ' denial. Councilmen thtr• voted 4 lo 3 aplllll Projecl 21 fwld porti<lpalloo. wWl.~ the lrlo Involved In ~ cumntlY ~ favonble ba.Uotl, it wu noted. "Aa IOOll AJ I gel CM< MtA ~ .tllf fold l 'm iOlnl to take a u1ek It. ~ Ana again," Hilderman told \be counc:il. Vice M1yor Wlllaid 'I'. Jardin flllalll moved for approval conlinleDl cc'Projed 21. obtaining 5ldfident rurlU to C'O\rer • loaot ooe projeci<d itudy. CouncilllWl Pinkley VQftd .a1alnlt .~ ••Ylni ht couldn't -"'-'or _, f city funds In the 2111t ~. wbnl..,. city employea won't ~ pay~nllb. -· ''""'"'--, _ --- '1 I ~·· ' f 041l V '!LOT c Wtdnndq, J~~ 21, 1971 H·arbor Teachers Get Raise Tr u.swes Make Pay Boost Retro ac tive to July 1 A 2.J pwcent 0 &alary tmprovemut" tor all employes or the NtwJ>Ort·Me!.ll Unilied School District was approvtd Tuttday ni&bt by district trustees. The pay hikes will be paid retroactively lo July l since the board earlier this year reserved the right to adjust salar· ies, knowing the sala ry schedule would not be adopted until after the beginnin& ol the fltc•I year. The 2.1 percent salary improvement amounts to about S560,000 for teaching, administrative and non-teaching staff. That amount had bttn set aside for pay raites when the board ad opttd its pre- liminary budget. July 6. Kevin Wheeler, assistant superinten- dent for pereonnet service!, told the board the 2.2 percent fiiure does not in- clude all the rllses teacbeni will &et next year. Each step (year of experie'nce) on tht salary achedule offers ti\•e cla!S ·levels of pay, acoording to the amounts of col- lege instruction a teacher has C'Ompleted. Increases in nei:t year'9 salaries result· ing from shifts along the salary schedule tolal 5146,000, Wheeler said. From Page 1 IMPASSE ... Association (CTA) staff member from :Burlingame. t-0 servr-on the panel. The impasse action by the teachers and the board brings to a halt further discossions of 1971-72 aalaries in the certificated employes council -the negotiating body which has been meeting and conferring on pay and program pro· poaals sought by teachers since Feb. 1. The impasse panel appointees will meet to determine who will be the third member. The panel will then examine the pay issues and make a public report to the board. The findings of the Impasse panel are not binding on either the board or teachers, under state law. Teachers in the district will be paid the amount established in the board salary schedule that was adopted Tuesday night. They seek a five percent cost of living in· crease. Pedestrian Hurt By Backing Auto Surgery was being performed this morning On ·an elderly Ckista Mesa man who sutferid a fractured hip Tuesday when knocked down by a car backing up in a parking Jot. Robert B. Mitchell, 85, of 728 W. 18th St., was li!led In g()9d condition p{j~ ~ surgery at Costa Mesi Memorial HospitaJ. Police said he was hit at 12 :40 p.m. in !he lot at 535 W. 19th St.. when Mrs. Barbara J. Allen, 31, of 579 W. Bay St., began to back out of a stall. Neither party \vas cited or actually blamed by police, since California Vehi- cle Code sections apply only on roadways and not on private property. Philippines H a lts Ban on Executions MANILA (UPI) -PresidLt Ferdinand E. r.tarcos ende<I a t~·o--year moratorium on capital punishment in the Philippines Tuesday. It '"·as expected to result in ex- ecution of the 56 convicts on death row. "The general reprieve has contributed to the decadence of order in our peniten- tiaries especially among those sentenced to life because thev know thev cannot suffer any higher Penally regai-d!ess of the number of killings they commit." said Justice Secretary Vicente Abad San· to&, on ~·hose ad vice r-.larcos acted. OU.Net COAST DAILY PILOT OllAMGIE COA5T .. U.l.ISHl'-10 COMJIAH'f' loiter! N. We•-' '"-:-end l"Ul>lllN'f' J ack l. Curley ¥kt ''•"'.,' V.d ~rel M•11•1tr n"'"''' ic ••• a ldl!or Tlrio"''' A. Mu•phi110 M-l!tlf fflllOf' Cli•rlot H. Looi R.i(liar• P. N,rr .utlf!..,, M•n•tiflQ Edlh>n c ......... Offk:• JlO w.,1 lay Str1•t M•iii ,_, Alll•reu: P.O. lo• I llO. tllJ6 .,,... °""" --· Then, bflc.tUN tucbtr1 Cain utra_ 1U by movin& up ona 11.cp on the ichiaule for •ch rtar of c:;peritnce lfith tlat di .. trict, another $340.000 will be pa}d by the district ror step Jncrease11. Totaling the s:11lary improvement and the 1wo t}"PeS of pay ralstS automatically granted for progression on the salary schedule results in a 5.4 percent total pay rai.se for teachers nexl year, Wheel· er said. Trustees questioned , and tabled. a recommendation that the suhslitute teacher daily pay ~ increased to $27 from the present $25 a day figure. Boa.rd membtr lo.1arion Bergeson sug- gested tht' $25,000 the substitute pay raise would cost be diverted to the 12· month teaching pay schedule to offer "in· centives to teachers who have shown !n inter~t in taking on more responsibil- ity." Selim S. "Bud" Franklin agreed with the basic suggestion, but a11ked if 11uch an incentive should be limited to the 12- monlh teachers. Donald Smallwood. new board mem· ber from Costa Mesa , 11oted the $2 raise for substitute-! amounted to an 8 per· Police Solve Quiet Squa1vk Co.sla Mesa police responded swiftly Tuesday to a cUsturbanct: of the peace call in a quiet, central arta residential neighborhood. "Subject I complained that he was being disturbed by l'>''O chickens." said Officer Ed Sutton'• incident report. ' "Subjeet 2, owner or said chickens, was advised and stated he would comply. Case closed," Subjeet 2 failed to say how he would comply. B auni Loses Seal Beach Recall Vote By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI 01 1111 Otlb' .. Hot t-.n A 39-year-old high achoo) teacher became Seal Beach·• newest city eoun- cllman Tuesday night alter incumbent Morton A. ~m ' WIS ~usted In a ft'C.U election. Thomas E. Blackman. 421 Beryl Cove \Vay, will take his seat in councilmanic District :I at the Aug. 2 city council se5.!lion if the eleetion rt&ult!I are certified in timt. Blackman, who leaches in Long Beach. garnered MO votes in the election which involved the city's Hill area and a portion of Old-Town. His closest competitor was t1ik• Knapp, another teacher, with 373 vole!. Thomu Brady, the retired stockbroker who supported Baum·s efforl.s to stay in office, but r&n In lhe hope of continuing his environmental policies, ran third with 304 votes. Mrs. Beverly Casares. a housewife, was a distant fourth with only 74 votes . The recall measure. listed as a separate issue on the ballot was decided by a 858-561 vote again~t Baum. The margin was 60 percent. Baum. a pharmacist and former maynr of the city, rrmained in office slfgh!ly more l,hui a year. A recall movement was started ag ainst him last July 1o.·htn he sided 1o.·ilb Councilrnen Thomas Hogard and Con"·ay Fubnnan to oust Ci· ty Manager Lee Risner. F'uhrman -...·as recalled r.1arch 30. lea\"· Ing only Hogard on the Muncil a.~ meniber of lhe formtr thre,..~·ay voting bloc. He '>''i ll face a recall election Allg, ,. Blackman, a supporter of the recall drive since its beginning, said he wa.~ elated about the election·s outcome. "II ""·as~ victory for my own work But l look around me and ser all lhe people ~·ho supported me and it wa ~ a \"ictory for lhem also," he st.id. "The city has been stagnaling for the past year, There ha\'e been too man.v emotional issues. l intend to bring back some kind or tranquility to our city.·· Blackman is strongly in favor or !hi' city·s Redevelopm!'nt Agency. an urb;in renewal board which was formed to COil· demn portioru of the do"·ntown are.'\ seek new construction. end apply taxe:i. from the buildings for city uses. Baum had opposed the agency on the grounds that It would create high-rise and hla;h-Oenalty develmpmenls which would destroy Seal Beach's s m a I 1 ·to"'' n C'haraelt:r and adversely affect the en· vironment. "T acttpt the decision of the voter~." said Bt.om this morning. ··we fought a clean and competent camJ>8lgn. but un- fortunatel y there were not enough or us " Baum said he would continue to be In· volved in civic affairs. "but not any more than an ordinary citizen with a famJly ," "Right now I nttd to ta ke a rest for 11 1o.·hile," ht added. Baby's Nan1 e a1nerica NEW YORK IAP 1 -,.i ppie leade.r Ab- bie Hoffman and hl~ wife Anlla are: the pa.rents of lhtir first ch!ld. a boy they liave: named amtric:t -\lo'ilh a smaU a . • --- ~!!ti ·lill!C!IM --It lb• u ...,. ciill iJp Gtitfidto · O£bti ttachtrt. If tht tt1H for sub,ttitulta: it not warr•nted by threatened dUfteulty ln 1ttnctJng qualified substllutes, Smallwood contend- ed, the $25.000 savings could be applied to ·lowering the district's anticipated 20-- ('ent tax increase. Trustees agr-eed more information on the effect of the salary increase for sub- stitutes i.s nttded before action is takt-n. The adopted salary schedule provides $7,339 a year to a beginning teacher with <l bachelor's: degree and a teachinR cre- dential. A new teacher with both a bachelor '! and a masttr's: degree and 60 additional units of graduate study wil! be paid 18.989. A teacher with the 1ame combination or degrees apid graduate credil plus ll year!' teaching experience WQUld be paid $14,897. H.igh school principals' salaries range from $19.412 lo $22,218 a year. Middle sl'hool prlncipals will earn from $17,5.27 to $20.334 a ye.tr and the range for ele-- mentary principals is from $16,492 to $19,298 a year. 2 Bus Li11e Executives Cite Losse s B~· .JACK BROBACK 01 Illa 01111 .. Utt 11•11 Orange County Transit District direc· !ors heard the facts on the financial aspe<:t of bus service in the county Mon· day from the people \\'ho operate such services. Don .&yles and George Cordie r. ex - ecutives: of the Sou th Coasl and Santa Ana Transit CorjXlrations. told a story of steady losses and discontinued service. They said the South Coast Transit rou tes from Santa Ana to Balboa and Laguna Beach were steady losers and the Santa Ana Transit operation v:as so bad 11 11·as going to be discontinued on August 31 if the city does not take it over. The two local transit companies are subsidaries of American Transit Corp. of St. Louis 1vhicb operates 30 transit com· panics in rhe U,S. F'ive of them are operatt'd for m1inicipalities on a contract biisis, Boyles s;i id. The transit corporation executive said hill finn was \l'\limg lo operate a bull sys tem in the counl;ii for lhe lran~it dislriC't. He said ihev did this in tv.·o v.'a1s in other ('()mmunlties -one in v.·hiCh the.v provjde the buses, peraonne1 and nianagement and the other '>''here the c!:i - 1.y or county pro\"ides the buses and the corporation Clperares them. He said entities suth as the transit district could get federaJ grants to purchase rolling stock . As to the fina ncial picture on bus lines in Orange County. Boyles said that South Coast Transit \VAS losing money despite a fare increase six months ago. He told of trying a rol!te three years ago through UC! '>''hich had to be discon· tlnued because of lack of patronage. He said the only reason the firm could afford lo CQntinue the service to Ba lboa and Lagunn '>''as a charter hus system on the side 1o.·hicb \\·as profitable. Cordier. in answer to a question as to why service was provided only 10 one area in !he counry. pointed out that bus !ines to Huntington Beach and El r-.todena "'ere cancelled in April. "The st;i te Public Utilities Comn1ission ;i!lowtd lhf' f'e.~sation or service, '>'·hich hega11 1n J!lfiJ . bera11se the Jack of p;itronagP \1'RS o;o oh•·ious." f'ordier f'>'(- pla ini>d "V.'e lried evl"rything. runninl? through shopping ('enters. to junil"lr col· leges. through arl"as ol grea1Pr Oensity o{ population, but nothing 1\'0rkerl." Transit Board Chairman Dr r e k" il1c\\'hinney SRld he fa vored the district offerinR tran.c:portation ser\·lces 1n arras ''"•here °"'" mlghl make monPy a.' a :;tarter, rather tha n just taklng over los- ing routes .·· Bro~·les replied that his firm had ~tudiM the county thoroughly and if they had found an area ~·here the\' could make a profit they would be serVIC'ing it now He sugj(ested that the transit distriC't directors might 1.hlnk of serving the are11 of greatest. need . The directors heard a presentation b~· Rohr Corporation executives of San Diego on electric, gas turbine and rocket Ira.ins "'hlcb ride on air cushions. The bo11rd took steps lo limit lhc nu1nbr of presentation.<: in the future . hoping to make some solid decisions. Police Arrest Art Kunkin LOS ANGELES (UPI I -Art Kunkin. 4.1, cc>-0wner of Alfred 's Print shop in the City of Industry. 1o.·as: arrtsted Tuesday night on charge.~ or printing o b s c e n e material. Authoritle! said Kunkin 1o.·as taken into custody at the offices ot the Los Angelei;: Free Press, of '"·h ich he is puhlisher A munlclpAl cour1 '""·arrant eharg. ed that Kunkln. through hls print $;hop. printed oNctne material in a ne'"·spaper called "S11n Francisco Ball " Authorities s&id Lhe tabloid graphically d11pl111yed various sex· ua! acts . --1\,~ I ........ -- Falte1·• Richard Crowell. 14, \.Vesporl. Conn., failed Tuesday in his attempt to be the youngest per- son ever to swim the English Channel after coming agoniz- ingly close to his goal. See story. Page 4. Planned Attack On City Leag ue P resident Fails A planned attack on Orange County League of Cities President Ed Just failed Tuesday night when only seven city representatives, six less than a quorum. shO\\'ed up at a rump meting called by Stant on Mayor Dexter Hemeon. Just, F'ountain Valley mayor. Monday cancelled a previously scheduled Tuesday night meeting saying "the organization should not be jeopardized by one issue.·· He referred to the Harbor District con- troversy \vhich climaxed tpr~ '>''eeks ago with a 13 lo 12 league vote supporting an Assembly bill to put the fate of the district to a vote o[ the people . At a meeting last Thursday in Laguna Beach. member11 voted J2 to 9 to hold Tuesday night's special meeting in Orange . ~ .Jusl's cancellation was vigorously pro- lested by Hemeon who said he would ron- 11nue to try lo grl a quorum of JJ men<be.rs for a n1l'Cli11g in the harbor i~.~ue and that if Ju.•1 cancelled it he would ··take action to have him removed from office.·• Palestine Protests ~E\V YORK (L'Pl1 -A group of 40 den1011strators. rep re se n ti n g the Palestine Liberation Organiz.atiCln (PLO). burned a caricature of King Hussein of Jordan Tuesday to protest bis crackdown on Palestini:in guerrillas . $50 ,000 Ho1•e? ;ji, Prisoner Groups ' Handed Windfall Orange C'.ounty s POW-\11A ora:anl.za· lions came 1n for a ~1,500 windfall today and they m11y get a further $50 000 Lf a Garden Grove llt'WS sheet ralll;I to establish itstlf as a charitable organi1.a· tion. Superior Court Judge J E. 1'. ''\:ed" Rutter opened the door for the Un solicited donalio11 by entering a fina l Judgment against Veterans i\'ews, 12.11 I Chaprnan Ave .. Garden Grove. in favor of pro-- secutors \Vho successfully sought 11 restraining order against the news sheet last week. It was alleged that Veterans News took in contributions of at least $500 a day \vith lhe publication of appeal~ for funds that would enable them to appeal to ''internatonal persooalilies" on behalf of United States servicemen held prisoners in North Vietnam. Subscribers who were contacted by telephone and door to door <'alls were told that their payments "·ould ensure publication or the ir names in the newspaper and 1o.·ould help l.o swell a fund devoted to securing the release of American prisoners of '>''ar. Boyd Hamlin, 43, of 684 Vista Lane. Laguna Beach, was named wlth Jack Armstrong, :JO of Gardtn Gro ve and William Ystad, 4:1. of Orange, as prin· cipals in Veterans News . Judge Rutter \\'an1ed the defendants that they will have to qualify with the state of California as a charitable non- profit organization if they hope to continue publication as a veterans ne'>''S sheet devoted to aiding the POW-MIA cause. He confiscated all the funds collected by the newspaper pending 11uch a ruling and advised the defendants that if they do not qualify he will turn the money over to existing POW-MIA groups. Deputy district attorney Richard Sten- ton got the promise from the defendants before court opened that they will donate $1 ,500 to PO\V-MIA organizations "as Mesa CofC Wins Blue Ribbon For Industry Costa Mesa·s Oiamber of Commerce has won its second straight blue ribbon for a community industrial feature tx.hibit at the Orange County Fair. The chamber has won the blue ribbon four times in the last six ye.ars and finished second hvice. Its exhibit featured products from 11 focal manufacturers from an eight-foot missile to a $150 um· brella. ~tr. and i\·lrs. Joe Robinson co-chaired the "'inning exhibit for the second straight year. The chamber received $250 for it.s win. Nick Ziener, c.hamber manager, said rnost of the n1oncy pays the cost of building the booth. There -...·ere 15 chambers con1peting and five others received cash aY•ards in the following order: Fullerton, $225: Brea. $200 ; Huntington Beach. $175: Tustin. S150. and Yorba Lind<1 $125. consideration for any misinformation roncerning the connection by Veterans /\e11•s " Inr~stigators believe that the amount......__ 1.:onfiseated by Judge Runer will total °' more than $50,000 when a final tally IS rnacle of the Veterans Ne\\'S take. Veterans organizations throughout the (·ount y hal't denird an y coMection with Veterans News and have unanimously t'Ondemned ils appeal for PO\V-i\llA funds. Marine DI Gets Prison For Cruelty SAN DIEGO (API -A serceant ha.s pleaded guilty at the Marine Corps Hecrult Depot here lo charges or ~om· tnitting "indeC'ent. le"·d and lascivious" acts 1vhile a drill instructor in charge of as man.11 as 52 recruits. M2.rine Sgt. 'ferrence Joseph Elbtrt. '.!2, also pleaded guiiy lo cruelty and ntaltreatment charges at a general court- martial July 13. Elbert was sentenC'ed to a dishonorable discharge, two years in confinement at hard labor. reduction to private, and forfeiture of al.I pay and allowances. J{t could have been sent.enced to 114 years of confinement. The Marine Corps disclosed in- rormation about the case when ques- tioned by The Associated Press. Elber1 is confi ned here awaiting an auto1natlc re\·ie1v of the matter by ..he base commanding gener2J. The charges against Elbert. included 33 specifications of aC'ts committed between Dec. 18. 1970, and Jan. 12, 1971. They were lodged by members of the platoon be and two other con1manded, The olhers were not charged. Train Derails In West Germany, 22 Feared Dead MUELL.HEIM , Germany (UPI) -An e~press train filled with vacationers jumped the traC'ks and crashed into sev. era! houses near this German·Swis5 border town today, taking a heavy toll or dead and injured . Police said at le:isl 22 persons ~·ere killed and more than 60 injured. 28 ser- iously. in \\'est G~rmany's fourth fatal rail accident in five n'onths. The engine and all but two o! lht 14 coaches in the S1vitztrland expreM de- railed and rolled do'"·l1 a !~foot embank· ment, a \Ve.st German railways !pokes· ntan said. . .t,,t least four of the dead, including on• child . wue in a house demolished by the car:'!. Several other housts were damaged . ---~-=r~~~~~~~~~~~ GEM TALK TODA Y BUYI NG A WOMA N'S WATCH l ler f i r s t concern ls fashion. heauly, and being "diUerent." lC rou are buying a \roman's '"'atch, here are son1e helpful suggestions: I . 1-'as;hion con1es first. l\ gold bracelet \1·atch can be \1·orn days, yet be fa shionable nights, !\.1ost "·on1en bu .\· a second. formal dja- n)ond \l'atch, and at that po i nt :-1ones becon1e her n1ai11 Interest. (;n·en a ~oorl \1atch \I 1th trouble· free accuracy, technic<Jl features n1ean little. 2. \\1on1en don't \\'ant to look like everyone else. This is most true of teenage girls who buy watches as I.hey buy handbags, usually "mod'' styles which confonn lo their group "\'et they still seek status through latest in these styles. 3. A1hough fashion ls first. acU· \'ity such as beach ¥:ear n11.1st still be considered. Because a "'01na11 s \vatch is part of her style. you should buy from a dealer \~·ho ""'iJI exchange (be.· rore. use) and spend time \\'l!h you for proper selection. Con1e on in . , . we'll do bolbl .- • • • When you Rive her an Omega she'U say "you shouldn't have,'' hul she won'I mean il, '.'n1en she sees the Omeg11 name on her watch 5he'll know t'low much e~tra Jho~ht you put N"lto her Chrlstrnes. She m1y not 1ealii1 that Omeg11 witches ire use<I on •II Apollo moon IHghls and ln tile Olympics . She'll love it just 10 1 its bltlluly. Later on, 1h1fll · rove i1s enduring dependabltlty, And If alle uys, · You shou!dn"t havt1;• just you try to take it back. 0 OMEGA A-1U( -.!II,. er 1'9"""' "°"14 OO'd • ... _ s..pp~ .. ,, r1~1•<1 crr•l•t..s1Js I -1 II( a&rld t old olr~'CI •lld'I., .113$ J. C. fiu1np hrie.i J ewefe1·.1 1823 NEWPO RT BLVD., COSTA MESA CON\'£NJEN1 TERMS l,ANKAME•lCARD-MASlER. CHARGf 24 YEARS IN SAME LOCATION PHONE 141·1401 ,. .--·-"'--- I I 7 I ! ' r r I 7 r Saddleltaek t;DITION Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks VOL. 64, NO. 173, 6 SECTIONS, 76 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 2f, '197f TEN CENTS rou s Water Board Blast Censure Linked to Recall Conderunalion of the South O:iast Coun- y Water District by the Orange County ~rand Jury in a recent message lo the loard of Supervisors apparently was bas- id on material supplied lo the jury by .ackers af an unsuccessful n1ove to recall our members or the SCCWD board. Recall leader Angus Smith said Heart Patient Danny Jones, 4 Makes Progress Four-year-old heatr patient Danny rones of San Clemcnle continued to make low, but steady progress from his urgery this week. Family spokesmen aid the youngster will probably be taken <f_f a respirator next week. It will be the firsl time in several nonths that the boy befriended by Prcsi- (ent Ni:xon will breathe unassisted. Danny. >A'ho h11s been the nhjcrt of everal large fund drives in lhe com· nunity, is in a ward at Los Angeles :hildren's Hospilal. famil y spokesmen taid, and For the past few week s has lefl Us bed often for trips on the floor in a vheelchair. The youngster had hovered near death or about six weeks during constant bout.. rith pneumonia. bleeding stomach ulcers tnd other complications following h:is isky surgery. South Coa st Boys Bound For Japan Scout Jamboree Two South Coast area Explorer scouts ~ill leave Frida,v f!'!r three weeks in Japan where thf'y will take part in an in- :ernational Boy Scou t Jamboree. Martin Baker. 15. of :J141 1 Galano \Vay, ~an Juan Capistrano. and Charles Meadows or 29532 Vista Plaza Drive, Laguna Niguel. >A'ere selected for the trip recently. The yo uthi; will join an estimated 20.000 ~coulS !rom 100 countries in the event iJ."hich will take place at the base of l\fL Fuji. Besidei; participating In the jamboree , lht scouts will tour Tokyo, Kyolo and t1lher cities in Japan. staying in tradi- tiooal Japanese inns during the tours . ·The bo vs were selected for the travel honor afier 1!pplying for the Jamboree. The selectinn.c. were made on the basis nr ~oouting achievement. Mc11dQ\.\'S is the son of Mr. and Mri;. Charles J\1cadows Sr; Baker is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Baker. Mrs. Swanson Funeral Held Funeral services were conducted this morning (Wed ) for Mrs . Naomi Swanson of San Clemente. who died late last week In capistrano Beach. She was 76. The rites tnok plaCf. 11t 11 11.m. In Shef- fer Mortuary Chai>tl in San Clemente with the Rev. Joseph Stevens of San Clemente United Presbyterian Church of- ficiating. \\lednesday tha t his group, following refusal of the board to set a recall elec· tion because of alle~ deficiences in petitions. had put together a "complete package" of information on the recall al· tempt and sent it to the Grand ,Jury charging violation of the election code. Smith said the only direct response they received from the Jury was a copy of a letter sent to George Logan. attorney for the water district. seeking clarifica- tion of his opinion that the petitions >A·ere deficienl. "We decided the thing probably was dead and we'd just have to wait till the November election to get some changes on the board." said Smith, "so "'e were both surprised and pleased to learn that , Peace Runners To Go Through San Clemente Scores of runners for pe;ice represen· ling a unique coalition of police r1nd ''longhairs" will move lhrough San Clemente Sa.turday in a relay event \\'hich will begin in San Diego and end in Sacramento. Organized by a Los Angeles coosul1 an1, Chris Harris. the event links person! from all walk! ot life ln an display for peace which follows tlie nonviolent ap- proach. "The idea Is that the run cu1 s ac ross political boundaries," Harris said, "reaching !hose who sinC'ere!y w::int th is to be a nation one and indivisible ·• Included in the phalan x of joggers will be members of the San Diego Sheriff"s department and other police agencies. Harris explainl'!d that the runners wlll !ravel by car between dozens of cilies. then jog through the 15 municipalities a long the route. lfN"ris said the. group will enter San Clemente al about noon for a JQg to police headquarters, then 11 short stop be.fore heading north In the city limits. Along the enlirP route , goodv.·ilt ap· pcarances at police departments are .standard. Harris explained. An estimated 50 to 7:> runners are set In participate. We urge anyone in San Qempnle to Join us in the jog through lown. he said Mock Ass ault Scheduled By Marine ReserYe About 2,500 Marine Corps reservists from 11 state! have arrived at Cam p Pendleton to prepare for a batlAHon-s iud --mock assault exercise at the base next Wtek. Nicknamed Operalion Hill Country. !ht major exercise will include the am- phibious landing. a helicopter-borne assault and three days of field exercises. Many 'of the reserviala have alreaJy undergone on-the-job training during their annuaJ stint of •ctive duty. After Operation Hill Counlry and a ,;hort liberty, many will return to the base for more training, then return home to resume civilian life. Dana Point Days apparently on lhe ba sis of the In· formation we had supplied, the Grand Jury had singled out the. water district in its criticism of special districts and thf'ir activities." The jury's letter to the supervisors referred to the county's 138 special taxing districts as "a serious deterrent to sound government." citing the SCCWO's 50 per. cent water rate hike and the subsequent recall Attempt as an example. SCC\YD director Robert B. Malone. one of the targets of the recall move, said he >A'as aware that the recall proponents ht1d gone lo the Grand Jury, but that body's only communication with the board had lx>f'n a letter asking why Logan had not provided legal advice fnr the recall i:?toup, In which Logan replied he had not been asked for ,idvlce. 1\·lalone s11id he did not know v.·hat the recall group had told the jury. but in any ci:1se the board had not been asked to give its version of the cast. The water district official added th.it he regarded attempts to ''centralize everything'' as potentially dangerous, especially to the South County area. "Some people favor central control.'' hr said . "but in Orange County it would 0nl.\' mean that Garden Grove. Fullerlon :;nd Anaheim ·would run things. They (·nuld care less wh at we ~et and our peo- p\P would h:;ve to share their taxes." The Grand .Jury message also singled out the Newport Drainage District and the Mosquito Abatement District as ex· amples of superfluous taxing entities. While applauding the Grand Jury'• comments. recall leader Smith 1aid he does not 11nticipate any further action un· hi November when his group will oppose r~lection of incumbent directors and seek reduction or the water rates. Marine DI Gets Prison For Cruelty SA/\' DIEGO (AP l -A sergeant has pleaded guilty at the Marine CA>rp! Recruit Depot here to charges Qf com- mi tting "indecent, lewd and lascivious·• A CL.~ >A"hi!r a drill instructor in charge o! e.s many as 52 recruits. ~1 arLnP Sgt. T<!rrence Joseph Elbert. 22 , a!so pleaded gu1 ty to cruelty and malt rPatment charges at a gener al court- 1nartial .July 1~ Elher1 v.·i:1~ sen1enced to a dishonorable disc hargt. two ~·ears in confinement al hard lahnr, redu ctinn to private. and forfei1ure nf a.II pa y and allowances, He f'ould have been sentenced to 114 years uf con!mement. The tl1ar ine disclosed In- formation about the case when ques· tinned by The A.~social~d Press. The base public information officer said it is Marine Corps policy not tn volunteer in· formation on accused persons. Elbert is con!ined here awaiting an automatic review of the matter by ..he base commanding gener;>J . The charges against Elbert. included 38 specifications of act! wmmitted between Dec. 18, 1970, and Jan. 12, 1971 They were lodged by members of the: platoon he and two nther commanded. The others were not charged. a • Niee Nu%::li11f! Cynthia Pinnick. 13 of San Clemente gets an affectionate bu1& from one of the pups being given away free at the Sawdust F er; t i'V a I in Laguna Beach. lt was one of a litter of nine Lhat are half collie and ha1f Jabrador retriever. Noted for its informal atmosphere. the art sho,vcase is open daily from 10 a.m . until midnight in Laguna Canyon. Full-time Cou11selo1· Now At Sa11 Cle1nente Hotlii1e San Clemenle"s hotline has added 1 full-time pro!esslllnal counselor and a regular 1chedule of rap sessioo.s for anyone >A•ith a problem, its organizers an- nounced this week. amnunts lo help !hi.' program rontlnue. Service clubt; in the South Coast area also contribute on a regular basis, be. said. ~latt McKenna Rulii1g Set 011 County N ewslette1~ Orange County's POW-MIA orgaruza· tions came. in for a $1,500 windfall today end they may get a further $50,000 lf a Garden Grove news sheet falls t~ establish itself as a charitable organiza. lion. Superior C-Ourt Judge J. E. T. "Ned" Rutter opened the door for the unsolicited donation by entering a final judgment against Veterans News, 1231 t Chapman Ave .. Garden Grove , 1n favor of pro- secutors who successfully sought a restraining order against the news sheet last week. It was alleged that Vete rans News took In contributions of at lea st $500 a day with the publication of appeals for funds that would enable them lo 11ppea.I to "internatonal personalities" on behalf of United States servicemen held prisoners in North Vietnam . Subscribers who wl're contacted by telephone and door to door calls were told that their payments \\'Ould ensure publication of th eir names in the. newspaper and would hel p to S\\'ell a fund devoted to securing the release or American prisoners of war. Boyd Hamlin. 43 . of 684 Vl&..ta Lane. Laguna Beach. was named with Jack Armstrong, 30 of Garden Grove and William Ystad, 43. of Orange, as prin- cipals in Veterans News. Judge Rutter warned the defendants that they will have to qualify with the sta te of California as a charitable non4 profit organization if they hope tn continue publication as a veterans new! sheet devoted to aiding lhe POW-MIA cause. He confiscated all the funds collected by the newspaper pending such a ruling and advised the defendants that if they do not qualify he will turn the money ov er to existing POW-f\f!A groups. Deputy district attorney Richard Sten· ton got the promise from the defendants before. court opened th at they will donate Sl.500 to PO\V-MIA organ izations ''a!I consideration for any misinformation concerning the conneclion by Veteran!! Ntws." lnvestigators believe that the amount confiscated by Judge Ruller will total moN? than 550Jl00 when a final tally 11 made. of the Veterans News take. Veterans organiza!1ons throu~hout the county have denied anv connectinn with Veterans News and have unanimously condemned its appeal for J>OW-~11A funds. Counselor P111 Mi:1son f)f Huntington Beach has been assigned to the local vohmteer nrganila!inn by the Orange ~unty 1\-lcnlal Health Depar!ment. Sei;s\ons already have begun .at the hn11ine cf'ntrr at 102 Estrella, which grnu,l d1 scu!'~iflns scheduled each evening starting at 7:30. F un eral SerYice S ld l b k H . 1 _,,, ac e ac · osp1ta The r.ent.cr also Is npl'n each afternoon. said spokesman Arthur R. "Bud" Scheele. from 4 p.m. to 7. The hoUine service wa s begun late last :vear by local vo!unteer5 interested in helping pcrsllns >A'ith emotional. social and drug problems. Scheele sajd that In recent weeks a formal board o1 advisers has been ,added tn I.he activity. with membership in· eluding ~hysicians. lawyers. ministers and -mental he:llth specialists. The service still emphasizes Its availability to callers with problems. The number is 492-82.SS. Funding stUI comes from local service groups. Scheele sald, and several church organizations have given considerable Conducted Todaf Co unsel Head Nan1ed Catt1.olic funeral services were con. d!-icted today for \Ynr!d \Vu I Veteran f\1atthew P. McKenna of San Clementi", who died Saturday evening in South Laguna . Mr. McKenna . an honorary member or the Kn.i11ht of Colwnbus• St.e.lla Maris Chapter of .San Clemente, leaves his \Vidow, Mrs . Lillian V. McKenna of the hoCne al 2~5 Moofe \'~ta ~nd three sisters. Franc.es Carroll of Grttn1burg. Pa., Mar11aret Reilly of Huntinglon Beac;h and .Katherine Coft,WJ!.y o f Pilt.9burg, Pa. Services were. conducted ·this morning at Otrr Lady of Fatima Calholtc •Cburch: burial followed in Ascen11lon Cemetery in El · Toro. Lesneski 11-1oriuary wu in charge Of arrangements. Dan Benefiel has been named deve lop.. menl counsel of Saddlebe::k Community Hospital which is now being constructed on Paseo de Valencia 1n Laguna Jfi!ls. Benefiel, who will soon move lo th e area from his home in Culver City. ha!I served for Ule past four years as develop- ment direclor of the new $25 million Pep- J>j!rdine Un iversity campus at f'llalibu . The hospital is scheduled to open in early, Orange Coast 1\'eotber Mrs. Swanson, 110 Corona Lane. lc11ves a son, Richard E. Swanson of San Otmenle: four grandchildren and one great-grandchild . Fraternal rites >A'ere conducted by lhe Sill Clemente ChApter 524 , Order of the Eastern Star. Priv11te burial £01\owed in Mountain View c.tmetery In Altadena. Junior Skippers Ca n Race Friends who wiah'may make memorial contributions to •Our· Lady or Fatima Parish Building Fund, P.O. Box-3?, San Clemente. · Lapidary Society Progra1n Scheduled The weal.berman predicts hazy sunshine again today and Thurs- day with lemperatures along the coastllne at 70 rising to 80 inland. Lows tnnight ezpected around 65 in both areas. INSIDE TODAY County S upe r,·i~ors Accept Puerto Real Dedicstion of a ha t f • m 11 e -In n g roedway-Puerto Real-betwet.n Crown Valley and Marguerite parkwayi In tbt southern stcUon of Mission Viejo h1~ been approved by the county supervisors. The roadway provides Ketss to lhe new Missk>n Community Hospl~I and •as built by tht A1ission Vie}O ComJ»ln.V. Tilt road WAS eccepted by the county upon lhl! condition that It meets county road 1Land1rds ln all 11spect!. -- Graduates or any junior sailing pro- gram offered by the Dana Point V11cht Club e.re eligible to participate in a junior championship competition next week RS part of the Dana Days celebration. Club sailing instruction chairman Gordon Sutorius welC<lmtd any graduate of the junior classes to p1rticipate in the six-Oay series or eliminaUon races which start Tuesday. The top six winners In the comJ)j!lition will receive trophies, he: said. during the celebration scheduled for the: la st weekend of tM month. he.raiding RlchRr d Hr.nry Oanti . the C<lmmun.lty's n11mes•kt. Sutorius al50 reminded South Coast ·-· - residents that they are welwme to join the club's sailin~ instruction series which has openings throughout the month of Au~st. C\asses-oJ)j!n to members and nonmembers ()( the club alike-art. o~n throughout the month of Aagu!t. Studenl s can use boats provided by the club in th( week long courst! offering beginning junior and adult instruction. The fee !or the wceklong instnteUon. free U!e of a sabot sailboat plus four hours of pleasure s1tling is SlO. Thrtt qualified sailing instructors ltach the skill for 12 hours durlng the >A·eek 's session. Beginner classes are held each week· day morning from 9 a.m. to noon . Intermediate and advanced classes takg p\111~ 'eac~ ine.l'floon fr0m I to 4 o'cJ0ck . Adults learn sAUl"nf"""sli:llls each Wed· nesday evening and Saturd8.y morning. Sutortua urged SOUlh Coast girls and younl( women to joill ln ~ activity. cne of the few locAI recreation adlvllles nlfcrcd to young women along the South Coa.~t. .. lnformalion atxivt registration Is 11vailable by calling the chalrn\An at 49.J.. 3698, or by writing him at 32902 &rque Way, Dana Point. Movies showing the work of an Arizona silversmilh and gemcutter will highlight tonight's mee.J.tng_ ol the Tri-Cities Lapidary Society It San Clemente High School. The event will ~In at 7 p.m. and also will include dl1CUSs1on of a field lrip next weekend to the Big Plne gold mlnlng district in the San Bem11tdlno Mounttains. ~1embcrs o! the rockhdund club this wetk are work.Ing projects which will be displayed at the 11rts and crafts fair out Aug. 22 and 2l at Old Plata Park. They come from. all 1valk1 of life and from all over the U.S., but in \Vorld \Var II. they faced death togeLhP r in the skies over Germany. See story, photo. Page JJ. ... ti. " C•llltt11!I , ChK "ftt U• J C11n1tie. 41 J• COlollou 46 e ..... ~ " ••lt!W• "-• l llftnllii"""'I 1'·11 !'hit-" .._.K... >I Aftll L•ll'llwt " Mt¥1u """ JoOu"'al JuM1 1' Nt!leo<al N,.. • °'...,. CW#ll¥ • ll!Ofll 11·'1 )IKk Ml .. th ~ti Ttt.¥jtleft • TIIHlttt"I ....., Wullltr t • • "'•)tlln'• ........ '" w~n· WIWI " Womeft1t Ntwt •1t Wtrltl Mtwt • .. 11----~---~ . -,. > r r. -.a:-( . ----·-·--.--_. ..... ----------··-· ---·---. . ---·---· .. ' ... ~._.-,_. ·~ ... • I • • ' I ' ' I . 'I DAllV l'llGT SC Cllaritie• Betiefit Festival Goodies . Tax Deductible By PATRICK BOYL~ 01 th• D•llJ "11•1 llt !I The ntxl lirne you buy a Coke or a bag of popcorn at Lagun11· Belich's annual feAtival o( Ari!!, get a receipt lrorn tht clerk. because the purcha.se price is pro- bably lax deductible Almos t all <>f the monty e1:1rntd through the various conceMloM at the yearly evtnl goe! to chr.r1ties throughout Orange County. Thest IO service clubs and organizations selling the eats over the past 19 years have contributed ahnost $100,000 to wOrthy caw;es. Hosp'itals have ·been e x p a n d e d . youngsters ·have 11one to tollege on scholarships and crippled children have be~ aided -all through the salt of can· die!, soft drinks and ict cream. The major contributor over the years has been the local l\l\\·anis Club, whlC'h ha! <>perR!ed the orange juice buulh at the Festival since concessions were first allo\ved on lhe grounds In 1953. l1l that year, all of the club members pitched !n their help to set llfl the boo!h. Club president Harry Kenawell even spent several evenings y,·ith pick and shovel digging the trench for the sewer line running to the orange squeezer. The club, over the past seven years, bas made $21.000, almost half of which has been given to boys' and girls' youth grou~. All of the money made from !he orange juice sale goes to some type of charity with no"ne belng reta.ined by the club for operating expen.ses. Another ''old limer'' at the Festival is tbe ice cream stand, run by the United Methodist Church of South Laguna. Ac- cording to ~!rs. Lte Hawkins. operator of the booth, the church has made some $20,000 in the past eigh! years from the ice cream sales. ·f'hc n1one.v. she said. is given to church sponsored charities, primarily lo missionary work in foreign countries The Auxiliary of Soulh Coast Conl· n1un11y Hospllal , operators of Ille Coke f,Land . has made ~ome $40,000 slnce its first conces!ion ye.qr 111 1959, according io Mrs. tlelen ,Lyons. 'J11e 1von1en's opera· lion has evolved lro1n dipping hands into a tub of rold "'a ter ror a bottle of col a to sophisticated dispensing machines. .. We made Sli.400 !n 1970." r-.trs. L~·ons said, •·and thats ;i 1rctnendous profit on a linle 20.ceni t!Pm " The 111oney 1s donated lo the hospital each .vear The Church of the Laller·d::iy Saints has sold candv a1 the Festival since 1961. but reporls ui:it profits on the item have not been grl!!at, averaging about $200 a year. The funds arl!! spent on providing activities for the youth.!! in the church. Dan Lesley, who is in char&! of the frozl!!Jl banana both run by the city em- ploye's association, said the group has not yel spent its IW/0 profit of $800. Its first yl!!ar, 1969, the association bought a 1novie projector for lhe Boys ' Club and hoped to spend its 1970 prorits on a air!s' organization. However Lesley s a I d association officials are st.ill d i~cussing who the beneficiary will be. Officials of the Eastern Star Lodge or Laguna Beach. which operates a check stand and sells color slides, V.'ould not divulge their past profits or how the n1oney had been spent. Mrs. Grace Scott said, "\\'e're olk own charity." Mrs. Helefl l3rack, a spokesman for the auxiliary of St. Catherine's School, said the group's sale of corn dogs at the Festival had earned 11,800 In profit dur· in g 1970. The funds, she, p id, were used for the operation of tht Catholic grade elementary school. A newcomer to the concessions this ~·ear is the Laguna Beach Civic Ballet operatin g the sales booth. First year pro- lits y,·iJI go toward construction of a new studio and warehouse, a spokesman said. Helen J(eeley Appointed To County Health Group The controversial Orange County Health Planning Council has elected 14 members to a lf>.1nember executive board, leavi ng a spot open for a medical 1ssociation representative. The Orange Counly Medical Associl· t lon has refused to name anyone to !he group charging that it is ··politically con· trolled"' and 1s "dominated by U!eri5 of health services." The different:es between the medical association and the ron~un1er group were aired in May before an A!!sembly com· mittee in a t>A•o-day hearlni in Santa Ana. Appointed Monday night to the ex· ecut!ve board were Mrs, Helen Keeley of Philippines Halls Ban on Executions JIANILA \ L'PI ! -President Ferdinand E. ~farcos ended a tv"o.year moratorlun1 on capital punishm!nl in the Philippines Tuesday. It y,·as expected to result in ex· ecution of !he 56 convicts on death row. "The general reprieve has contributed to the decadence of order in our pe:niten· tlaries especiall)' among !host sentenced to life because they know they cannot suf!er any ht,Rhcr penalty rrgardless of !he number <if lc1!hni;s they romm1t." said Justice Secretary \'1renlt Ahad San· tn~. on y,·hose. advice ;\-larcos acted 0 9'ANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Oll:ANGOZ (OAJr l"Ull ISH!NG COMl"AN'f l.•li1rl N. W11d '"'••·"*"' '"" l'11oif\11tr J 1t1r: Fl. c .. ,, • ., Vic• l'rnld1111 •"d G"'t•tl M111•ut• 111•"'•• K11oil ltlf9r Tlto,.11 A. M11rpl11111 Ml111tl11t ll!t 1tor Clt1rl1t H. Lott llic~••d P. N11J AUllllftl .V..nlgir>9 il!dilOrl L...t• .. s..c. om •• 1l? ~o r11! AY11111• M1 ;1Pn9 edd•111: l'.O . I•• 666, '2651 '•• ca.-m Offlc• JOs ,..,,,,~ t t c .... r .. , 11:.,1. ,1,72 OJtttr Offl1M C1111 Mt.•· .lJC Wfll II•'!' ilrm Nt~•I INClll UJ) Nt -ro Ml• •~lfd H11Ml ... t ... l11cl!; 11111 8t1CI! 811Ult~1'4 DAILY 1'1 .. or, wlll! wll'ell " C.!'1'141!/ll'd l~t 1'ttw1·l"-o, It "'"'"" •U!IJ t •<•l"I s,,,.. di' Iii ltjlt•i!t N lllllllo to• l •I""' l o1ct1, Ht~/ llttdl, Cftll Mill, MVPIUllJIO~ INcll, l'tv11lt ln Vt llty, 1111 Clt,.,11111/ (1,i1tr-1111f l •ddltll•<•. t~ wt"' - , .. ltllt l e!lltlclft l"r1"1:10tl .,.11111"' 111111 ll t i JJ1 W.1 .. ., 11 ... 1, C..tt Mtu, T•1~1• f714J •4J-4JJI Clwff'i94 A''"'' .... '41·••71 1.. c.._.. .t.n 0.,.,, ..... 1 Tai•••••• 4tZ-44ll l i..,.. ......... ..,,_,,...,.., , ...• ~ ..... , ... , .... c.tYrlPI, 1,11, Ort• (IH I l"\ltllltll111f "''"""'· Ht iwwt ,,., .. ,, llh,lll•trltr\1, .. 1 .... 111 .......... ., t fvw-rTl•-1• ""'"' INY N r~llll wl"""' -'-1 ...,.. !'lllllNI • ftllYl'""'I -f. l«Wlt ci.M '"t ... Plloil fl Ntw110l1 ltHll '"' C..+1 Mtt l , C•l,,.,,..141 , J ubt<rllll-•Y Cll•ltr U .U 1"'1ill>l~• 'Y D')llt $J 1J mt111111y1 ....,m11.,, '""""''°""· u .n -1111y, ·--...-- Laguna Beach; Paul \\'hite, Santa Ana, presidtnl of the council : Victor Alleman, Santa Ana; Mrs. Ernest Johnson, Stan· ton; Charles Hei!er, Los Alamitos: Mrs. Al Campani!, Fullerton: Gaylord flick~. Newport Beach: fo.1unicipal Judge Paul 1\1ast; Rodnev Basich, El Toro and Elmer i\lontano, Fuilerton. The above are co11s;m1er mc1nbers. Provider rriembers are Dr Louts Cella Santa Ana physician and pcliilical Jeadtr; Dr. Leslie Christensen, Fullerton dfl'ntisl: Geraldine Lt:>a. Orange nurse and Jam!!'; McAlvin, administrator of Anaheim Memorial Ho~pltal. Laguna Trustee Eyes $3,527.17 Light Bulb Bill \Vhile routinely looking ovtr purch;;ise orders at Tuesda)' night's L.aiuna Be:ach Unified School Dlstrlct board me!ling. trustee r\orn1an Bro1~·11e round th11t ~3.S27 17 was being spent for lighl bulbs. ' That's a lot of light bulbs," Browne quipped. .. \\"I'll. 1t"s a ye,q r's ~upph ." .~aid Dr, f'harle~ /il'.ss. businl'ss ma n a gt r , "They're expr:n~ive bulb~ and fa~\ longer , whirh cu1s down on bu!b replacement, 1\htr•h is COS11}• • Elrownl!!, sofl')eJ\'hlt unconvinced asked : "You mean all flf th is mont.v 1~ 1us1 for incandescent and fluorescent bulb.5~ Really;" "Y!11.'0 Hess replitd There \l'I S no further di!cussion on the mailer. Lions Club Sets Big Pan cake Eat At Heisler Park The Laguna Beach Lions Club pancake breakfast ~·ill be held Stpt. s and 6 11 Hei!ler Park. Plans for the annual feasl "·ill be discussed at a Lioni; Club mettlng thi.• Thursday night at th Outriggr Rstaurant. Tickets. tor 11.25 wU! be on sa!e at Moore Hardware, Knox Crow Mobil Servlct, Uiguna Be1tch Lumber Com. pany, Bill TI1om11s Camras, Young ~n'I Lane Tire Company, Stuart Avis Men And 8 :'.lys Wear, Vietor Hugo's, Tartail!l!I Im- ports and Mitchum. Jones anrl temple· 1on. Proceeds will 10 to !I number of dif· fercnl charlt.ies. Baby'8 Name an1erica NEW YORK tAPl -Y1ppie leld!r Ab- bie HoffmAn and his wife Anlt1 1rt the parl'nla of 111elr first child, 1 boy thty h•1·e n1me-d smertca -with • 1mall 1. A spokf'!!ml n fl)r Mt S!n1t Ho,.pit1l s11 ld Mr11. Hoffman t!,Hv~r!d tht chlld 11 J :17 pm. Tuesday by nature.I childhlrth ThP. spokl!!tTU1n .11ald tht naml!! had been plckt<I for e.ilhf'r a bny or a girl. • ·~ Water Ta x Issue V ~ged Carl Kymlo . mona&er ol the ~joul!on-Nlauel Woler O!Jtr\ct, Hid today ht wUl recomqitnd a subata.ntlal deereue ln · tht lfi.x r1la" wht.n dl1trlct dlreclDl'I mut Thursday to adopt a budget. The special session al JO a.in. In CroY:n Valley School also v.•111 con· sider budgets for waler :ind fianlla· lion improvement d!stric::ts ln Lagun<1 Niguel. !llission Viejo and Laguna Hills. Tl1e session is open to the public. Sadclleback U11it Views Greenbelt r.tember& o( the Saddleback Valley Chamber of Commerce Tuesday saw both the results of conservation and the ef· feels of development at 11. Laguna Greenbelt sponsored slide program, Speaking for the Greenbtlt Y.'1! Paul Colburn, a Leisure \Vorld reRident and !orme; high school teacher active in con· servation projects in Orange County. Using color slides. Co!bum told the members how past conservation group efforts had preserved areas like Aliso Canyon and the banks of the Santa Ana River from development by builders. But his slides also depicted the crowd!d parking situations along the beaches and the "gunwale to gunwale'' arrangement of boats in the harbors of Orange County. "It is sad to see development and pro- motion right down to the shore," Colburn said, eJplaining that Laguna Beach was presently seeking to solve a controversy over construction of ocea n.front high rise hole.ls. Colburn also noted tha\ Laguna Beaeh 'vas nne of ihe first cities in the county to designate marine preserve areas along the coast, He explained that state Jaws may soon be tnacted to preserve the entire California coastline, Laguna Plione Raws to Drop In Off Hours Telephone custo1ners in the Laguna arta soon 11-ill be a.ble to save some mone.y on long distance calls ii they are \villing kl slay up late or rise early to do thelr ca.lling. Beginning Thursda.1 a new night rate for direct distance dialed calls l\"lthln I.he state y,·ill reduce I.he charge from 8;'.1 cen~ to 49 cents for three 1n!nutes. Laguna Beach General Te J e p hon e manager H. .). Krohnlclrlt announced r.1011day. The rate >A'ilJ apply between 11 pm. Rnd 8 11.m. \\lte:kda_vs and 11106! of the \veekend. Krohnfeldt ~aid. Another piece of good ne111s for Lagun;:i phone customers. the manager added, y,·iJl ht fort.hroming in mid-December y,•he.n toll chargl!!S will be reinQved nn all rails from Laguna Beach lo eight prefi:i.· es in the Capistrano \'alley and Sad· dleback VaUey a.reas- At that time the frt>I'. calling area will be enlarged lo include the prefixes, 493- 495. 496, 559, 58'i . 8.10, 831 and 837. Extra-g alactic Life Unit Found By 1'op Expert \\' ASl!!NGTO~ ( t:PI I -The Natlo1111! Science Foundation has reported for th'! first time thBt the eleinent~ for c reation of life ;is kno...,·n on earth may exist In other part$ of the. universe. A 34-}'ear-0ld r adioastronon1er, Dr. Leunld N 'A'ell 11che11.·, made the discovery Qf a molecule identified as OH. or hydroxyl. outJlde the milky ~·ay galaxy, the foundation announced Wednesday. lnterslellar hydroxyl \\'as fir ll I dlsco\·ercd ei(ht years ago in the. ex- tremely rarlfied dust clouds of the milky ...,·ay galaxy of 100 billion !la.rs. Since then more than a dozen complex pre-life che1T\icals have bee.Tl detected in the milky way. 11•\lich Includes f!arth and the sun. 'fhe Cal1J ornia .1nsti!u1e of TechnnloiY 111ade the discov,rv \1•hile observing an exploding ~ah1xy atid ano!her star f11n1ily about 60 billion billion miles frorn eartJi. Both ~ radio emitters. Guinea Diplon1at Vi sits Laguna El llodj Fode r-.tanaOOu Tort, • mtmber of parliament and direclor or social and cultural a ffain in Guln1:1, Wl!lll iiven 1 whlrlvdnd tour or t..agun1 Bt1~h Tuud1y '''tnlng -including 1 look 11 the P1gtilnl of ltlt r.t1sters. Tore 1l1yed with Mr. and ~1r1. Rudy Bur!on, 697 Catalin1 SI. whllt In the Art Colony The high ranking Guinea nffic\11 WA! in Soulhern C1!Horn!a for two d1 ys 111 • gue.~t of thf' Dep11rtment or Stal! 11nd the Los Anacles \Vorld Affair• Council. ., Beheadu1g . -In Manso11 Case Barecl LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A member of cne.~les r.fanson's "famUy" 11dmitttd decapitating a movie stuntn1an t11-·o years ago and described the head as going "bloop, bloop, bloop" as ii rolled away, a i;.tate prosecutor .11aid Tuesday. Deputy District Attorney Burton Katz rnade the charge in his opening statement at the Irie.I of Steve Grogan for !he murder or Donald ''Shorty" Shta . .a p<trL· 11me 11 es tern cowboy act(lr y,'ho.'!e body has nel'er been discovered. :\lanson also i~ charged \vith Shea·s murder, along with thal of mll.!lician Gary llinrn:.n, but his trial is being held ~ep?.rately and the jury has not yet been p1ektd. 1'he 36-year-old cult leader already has been convicted and sentenced to death ror the seven Tate-LaBianca murders. Katz said that Grogan described killing Shea as "really groovy." Grogan al\f'gtd· ly said that he, J.1anson and another "family" me.mber, Bruce Davi.11, all took turns stabbing th! 35·year-old Shea. In the opening statement. Katz dealt largel.v with an allegerl conversation behl'een Grogan and another former cult follov.·er. Paul Watkins. He said Grogan told W<>.tkins that they took Shea for a ride one day at the Spahn Ranch and r-.fanson hit him over the head. \Vhen he came to, Shea asked, ''why. Charley," and Manson replied, •·you know ~·h1·," and stabbed the stuntman, Katz said. Then all three stabbed Shea <JJd it "'as a ··warm and bloody and sticky'' sensation. Kati said ~lanson then orderl!!d Grogan lo cut off the man's head v.ith a machete and he did so. 1'hey left the body under soine trees, Katz said , and later Grogan returned with some of the v.·omen members and smoked a marijuana c:lgarelle while ihe "girls" buried the bodv. 1'h! prosecutor sa.id there v.·as a feud between Manson and Shea stemming fro1n the !11ct that Shea·s ...,·ife WM a f'iegr!l and that ~tanson felt the black race was inferior. Lagm1a Guidance Phone Line Open The "not so hot tin!," 494·TALK (8255) begins operation In Laguna Beach today offering help to pttsons with drug pre> blems, housing. food or clothing nttds and .spiritual guidance. The phont will be manned 24 hours 1 day b~· ,·olunleer workers at the Laguna Outreach, 120 Ocean A\'t .. under tile d11·ectior1 of Billy \1/ade, formerly of the ();1treach Teen Center of Santa Ans. \\.Rde 1s an ordained minister with !ht Ch<if.lf'f of the Cros.~ 1n Anaheim. Voh1n11>er~ n1anning lhe help lint are trnined in cr:1 s inl!rvention te<:hniques and ho\1' lo ".'.stl!!n to J>l!!rson~ with pro- blems. Si:in1t y,·ere trained by the r.lelodyland DruR Prevention C!nter and others bv \\'ade himself. \\'ade ·has appeal!d to the community for fun1!s to help defray the cost of the telephone and other eJCpenses at the Laguna Outreach. ;.GEMfiri<m., ~ TODAY by , .... ,. ...... ,.,J BU YING A WOMA N'S WATCH Her ( i rs t concern is fashion, beauly. and being "different." I! you are buyin!! a ,\·omen's ,,·atch, here are some helpful suggestio.ns: t. Fashion con1es first. A gold bracelet \\'atch can be '':orn da ys, yet be fashionable nights. ~fost \1'omen buy a second, formal dia· mond '''atch, and a t that p o i n t stones becon1e her m a in inte rest. Gil'en a i;::ood "·a tch 'vilh troubl~ free accuracy. technical features n1ean little. 2. \\'omen don"t \\'ant to look likf! everyone else. Th is is most true of teenage girls "'ho buy watches as they buy handbags. usually "mod" .~tyles ,,·hich conforn1 to their g roup Yet they still seek status throu1h latest in these styles. 3 .. o\.lhou&:h fashion Is first, 1cli· vlty such as beach wear must still be con~ldered . Because a \\'Oman's watch is pa rt of htr style. you should buy from a denler who will exchange (be- rore use) 11.nd spend time \\•Ith yo u for proper selection. Come on in , .. we'll do both I Police Solve Quie t Squa1~k Coll& Mesa police re11pooded 1nrlftly Tuesday to a disturbanct Gf the peace call in • quiet, central area rt!!idential nelgt1borhood. "Subject 1 complained that he "'as being disturbed by lwo chickens," said Officer Ed Sutton·1 incident report. "Subject :?, owner of said chickens. 1,1•as advised and slated hi!! would comply. Case cloM'd ." SubJeCt 2 failed to aay how he WOUid (.'OlllpJy. Red Chinn Visit Ir es Ne-ivpor t Nixon Supporter By GEORC:F. LEIOAL 01 lllt Dell, I'll•! Sltll A millionaire Newport Beach real estate developer has protested Prt1idenl Nixon's proposed trip to Communist China by discarding the pl<1que Ni.,on ga1 e him 11s thanks for a $13.000, 1968 campaign contribution. "l~ight now 1 a1n very ashamed of hav· ing supported Rich11rd Nii:on in 1968," George Brokate lo!d lhe Orange County Republican Central Committee t.londay night. The 32-year-old former Marine Corps officl!!r said Nixon has shown hlmseH to be "just another tricky "·eathervane op. porttmist poliUcian "He has sold out the hopes for freedom of millions of people in Asia by going hat i:t hand to a n atheistic dictatorship \\'hich has helped kill thousands of An1ericans in Korea and \'ielnam. o11nd which grows and .sells dope to the youth of the frel!! \IOrld," Br!'!kate said. In 1966, Btokate volunteered for com· bat riuty in Vielnan1, afler he had com· pleted his po~t-coll!ge tour as a J\·larine c:aptain and had returned to civilian life. Voters Recall Ex·111ayor Baum In Seal Beach Residenls of Seal Beach TuesdAv \'Ottd In recall City Councilman ~for1on A. Baum, an outspoken critic of high rise ct>nstruction and part of a former three· man council majority 9.'hich fired the cily manager in July of 1970. Baum, the city·s mayor a nd a coun· cilman for only slightly morl!! than a year, was replaced in the election b.v Thomas E. Blackman. 39. a high school teacher acli\'e in the )'ear·long recall campaign. The only precinct of the s1nall city \"oting not to recall r.fayo r Baum V.'SS the do9.·ntown section. Baum had recently op- posed const.ructlon of h i g h -r i s e apartments ln this area. Blackman said in his campaign he 9.'ou\d ra1·or redevelopment of the downtown area, which he said \\'OUld in· c!ude condl!!mnatlon of the Old Toy,·n sec· tion and construction of new buildings. part of which v.•ould be high rise. Budget Cuts Won 't Hurt Employes 8)' PAi\1ELA HALLAN 01 1'111 Dll!y ,.1111 llltl Salary negoti ations !or ernployes of tht CapistranQ Unified School Di1triet will oot be affected by proposed budget <:Uta, officials stressed locJa y Trwnan Benedict, district superin· tendent, said today that although the board of Trustees has directed him to cut betv.·een S200 ,000 and 1250.000 from the budget. there still may be funds available for raises. ··1t does noL rnean Lhere y,·ilJ be no sa!ar~· 1ncre3ses this year... said Benedk·t. .. i'Jegotialions are still cont1· nui11g.'' Bene.diet said norn1Rl salary step in- ereases have been built !n{(I the budaet th is year, but any other increase~ >A'ould ha\'e to come from the undistribute.d reserve. He said in the past, funds for increases have com! fron1 those tv.•o 11.rea.~. If all employes in the di11tricl "'ere granted a five.percent. cost-of·living in· crease. it would amount lo approximatl!!!y $350,000, or aboul $100,000 more than the trustees have asked in budget cuts. The cuts, however, y,·ere specifically lo cnme from certificat~ and classified en1ploye c a leg or i e s outside !he: <-·lassroo1n and fron1 capital experid!ture!I. Salary negotiations 1vith certificated and classified employe groups have. hffn continuing since early spring. l'hey 1\•ere intended lo be 1·esolved before July 1 \1·hen the new fiscal year began. But \\'hen no decision s~med apparl!!nt. lrustees t1Uowed negotiations lO continue beyond the July I deadline. ··Employe groups. under tile l\'inton AtL can declare an impasse." said Benedict. "If this is done, the negotia- lions are sent to an impartial commitlel!!. But v.·e haven't yet reached this poinl." Benedict said he hopes aveen1ent can be reached before the opening of school Com1cil to Hear Lifeguard Plea The Laguna Beach City Council will be asked tonight to renew ii$ annual agree- ment \\'ith lhe lr\•ine Cove Community Association to provide lifeguard pro- lection at Cameo Cnl'e. Gnde.r lhe agreement the association v:ill pay the city $3.06 per hour for 86 days of lifeguard service through Sept. 12. The Iola\ fee. SZ.596.33 is deposited by the association with the city, with pre> vision for additional payment if expense.'!' invoh·ed in lhl' ser1·ice exceed that amount. Lake Tahoe Sunuuer Sy111phouy (aucelecl INCLINE VILLAGE. Nev . IUPJ) - 1'he su1nmer season of the Lak~ Tahoe s .vmphony has been canc!led be.cause of lack of interest. Vlado Kolitsch. music direclor i nd general manager, said the 11ymphony association mailed out 10.000 clrcul1rs about ils four-concert summer season and got less than dozen responlif'S. Whon you slvo hor an Omega ahe'll say ' 1you 1hOuldn1l hive," but ahe won't mean ii. When stle s1es !he Omega name on hlr watch 1he'll know how much eKl1a though! yDu put into her Ctlri1tm11. Shi m1y no! rt t !l11 lhal Omega w•1Chf!s l rl vl&d on 111 Apol~o mOOfl IHgtlts and in ttle Olymplc1. She'll IDve It just for !Is besuly, Liter on, she'll lovl i11 e ndu,lng ctependabil1ty. And II 1he u y1, "You sh~uldn't hlvt," jut! YoU try to take II back. 0 OMEGA 14-141( -il·t• ., y1110., l(llld t olof CUI ..... ~tltl 110.ltd C.,.1111 ,\\31 11 -141( 1llMI fllt 91t'!P •tlcll, •• $1» J. L fiumr1h rie~ Jeu1efer.1 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVl NtENT Tf l MS IANJCAMlllCAlD-MASTlll CHA I:~( r. . . . 14 TlAllS IN SAM l LOCATION ,HONI. 141.J401 . . 7 7 Lag1111a Beaeh ED IT ION Today'1 f1Bal N.Y. Steeks VOL. M, NO . 173, 6 SECTIONS, 76 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY t r, ·197f TEN CENTS • 1se ection • I e Wi·I~oxen Fights Clo~k • ID Appeal Try By TO~f BARLEY 01 lfl• D•ltr l'Uol S!1fl Hope5 that a new high rise !imitation law can be en1tted in Laguna Beach sank ta a low ebb today with an Orange Coun- ty Superior Court ruling in favor of the Art Colony real estate broker who challenged the validity of the proposed Aug. 3 election. Judge J .E.T. "N~d'' Ruiter dealt the blow to the "Yes On Aug. 3" committee by accepting broker Vern Taschner's ar- gument that the proposed initiat.ive for a 36-foot m3ximum height was in violation of state Jaw and bypassed zoning and building codes appllcable throughout California. "I think (committee attorney) William LA6VNA6RINS Wilcoxen argued very valiantly in op. position to the writ but I don 't think he gol around the ruling made in this same court on an issue that also applied to Laguna Beach," Judge Rutter said today. That ruling, he explained. was the one made by Judge Robert Gardner in 1960 when the jurist, now a justice on the ap- pellate cciurt bench that m8y rule on the present case, ruled against the Laguna Beach Taxpayers Association in a lawsuit that sought to limit high rise in the Art Colony to 50 feet. '"That was my precedent and I don't think anyone got around it in the court hearing," Judge Rutter said. "I reached my decision Tuesday, but I slept 6n it last night and I see nothing th is morning Phil lnterla ndi ''You Can Tell tli1 Funky Clotlies S.1san Is Her1. Nobody Noticed Me ." Laguna Teacl1er Unit Hits h1f ormal Con1mu1tlcation The hrst of a serie5 of press releases from the Laguna Beach Unified Faculty Assnriation ILBUFA) was issued at Tuesday night's board meeting, de- noun r1ni; "!he use of g r a p e vine references. patty talk and informal conversations as legitimate sources of information .·· The release was read al t.he conclusion of thf' meetlr.g. then handed to members or thl': pre5s and school hoard by Art Fisher , president of LBUF A. "\Ve recognize the import.a.nee or having suffid.ent data before responsible decisions can be made, however we fee1 that such data and the source should de verified as nllable and be made 1vallable for public lnlormation," the release stated. Orange Cout \\'eather The weatherman predfclS har.y sunshine again today and Thurs- day with t.e.mperaturcs 11long the coastline at 70 rising to 80 Inland. I..riwa tonight expected around 65 in both areas. JNSrnE TODAY Thell cnmt from all walks of life and frQm. all over the U.S .. but in World War 11. they faced deal.It together in the skit5 over Germany. Ste story, photo, Page 13. &Nlfl!W • M•"""I '""" M c.ii'""'" ' ,..,,i-1 ....... ' CllKllt"' "' ' Or•..,. C-'Y ' Ctritllleol U·U >•m 11·11 ,_ ~ "'" M•r1111" 14•U c .. nw•nll ~ '1'•111¥1•'" • 1:11111'1•1 ·~· ' TllHt'" 2•f1 lllWl1l11""M ...,, Wtt l'fl., • 'l••"<• M Wt~._.,.. • H•r.M-• Wllit. Wl oll " -"" Lt!Mltn • W-"'t IHwt »n ilol\l•ll• .... Wff111 Ntn • • The board offered no·comml':nt on the missive. Quinn Fames. vice president of LBLiF A said this morning that the releasf' wa~ drawn up by lhe 12·man executi \'e 00;1rd at a meeting Tuesday morning. "It's a statement regarding elh1l's '' Farnes said . "It's directed to members nf the board, teachers and the community " "\Ve want to encourage people to come to the meetings o! the board and Off('r their opinions both pro and ccin . But we also want them to back their statements with fact.J. '' "We ~ that both aides can be presented before the board, so it can make an informed decision," Fames ad· ded. "We liUpport the Board of Education's po5ition in encouraging individual~ among the faculty and the C'Ommunlty to maintain open communication s. However, it is our position that any such individuals claiming represent.ations nf the staff and/or community indicate the deisree of liupport they may ha\'e," the release concluded. Bus Driver Ge ts Board Probation A bus driver for the Lagun11 Beach Schools who was recommended for dismissal , wilt be Allowed tn return to work this fall for three months on pro-- bali<mary status. The. decision nnt tn dismiss Rosalie Emmert came in !'I split vote by trustees Tuesday night. Membtrs Mrs. Jane Boyd and Dr, Norman Browne voted agidnst the measure. ~trs. Emmert •as charged with viola- tion of district discipline. practlci!s. The vote on the matter followed 11 long ez. ecutive. stssion before the regular meetin,:t. Mrs. Emmert was rcprel'iented - by members of the California School• Employees Association ICSEA ~. to make me changt my mind." \V ilcoxen immediately branded the judge's ruling as an "intolerable in- terference by the judicial system into the right of Laguna Beach residents to con· trol lhe.ir own architectural environment. "Judge Rutter has, Jn effect, taken this case away from the jury." \Vllcoxen said. "I know what a jury would have said in a case v.•here the majority of Laguna Beach residents have been trying for 13 yea rs to enact a measure that is si mply in accordance with the accepted prin· ciples of local control. "Here v.·e are treated to the spectacle of a state. that has so often expressed its great faith in the system of local control actually denying that process to the re.sirlenls of Laguna Beach." the Laguna lawyer said. Wilcozen .said he is determintd to ap- peal the Rutter ruling but the timing of that ruling could destroy his chances of seeking relief from the apJ?ellale court. It seemed likely that City Clerk Dorothy Musfelt would be advised today of Judge Rutter's decision and woukl im- medialely halt the mailir.g of sample ballot.s which contain the initiative pro. posal to Art Colony residents. "We have to get to the 11ppellate court with our challenge of that same ruling before Thursday night before she Cllll stop the process," Wilcoxen said. "Obviously, we have been given very tit- tle time but I intend to mo,ve right oow to countermand Judge Rutter'• decision ." Judge Rutter'• ru ling wu welcomed to· day by realtor Taschner 111 "a victory for the lf'gal proceu and an opportunity for all residents of Laguna Beach. to now get together and work: out a new approach to this problem. "l am certainly not vindictive about this ," Taschner said, "and I want you to know that I myself am.opposed to many !onns of high rise. "But this initiative completely bypass- ~ the system of government we have to use to effect these: changes," Taschner said. ';It was a poorly con~ived meuure a•d I hope that we can now Jet together Height Fight Recalled Last Laguna Battle Took 2 Years to End By BARBARA KREIBICH 01 fll• D•ltf l"llvt 11•11 The last sttempt to rl':stricl building height by in itiative in Laguna Beach l!d to legal maneuvering tkat dragged on for tv.·o years before the appellate court rul- ed Ow in!tlative illegal aDd held 'that the city did not have to ce.U an e.lection on the proposed legis!Jtion . The action Jaun~ by the Laguna Beach Tai-payers Association · began with presentation _of the inltlaUve petitions to city clerk Ed Beaver in November, tBM an<I <OOCloded with lhe niliJ1i of the Di!trlct. Court of Appeals In San Be.mardiQO In December, 1960. Laguna Trustees Approve New Publication Budget Trustees of the Laguna Beach Unified School District Tuesday night approved for publication a budget showing a 34- ccnl lax increase for this year. The publica.tion budget will be publish· ~d in a local newspaper, as required by slate. law. and ma:v be changed up to the timl': of fina l adoption Aug. 3. Three cents of the :14-cenl increase wi!l go to the Reg ional Occupation Program i ROP f run under a joint powers agree· ment between the Laguna Beach and Capistrano Unified School Districts. "It means our rate for Laguna Bea.ch !'Chon!~ will climb 3\<ents."' explained Dr. Charles Hess. business manager He~s. 1n a mernn In members of the board, li~ted cuts made in various ac· count s tn m:i.ke up for a loss of $76,000 in antic1p.:ited incnmf' due to a low Increase 1n asses..~ed V<'-IUaUon and to establis~ a $JO.fl00 reserve. Among lhe cuti; made were . -S.'il ,5JJ in teachers' salaries. as the sehnols will Op<'rale. with !hf' same numbe.r of st.:iH as !ast year, and absorb grov.·th by increasing the size of classei;. -$112,795 trimmed from salaries for teacher aides. -$17.000 off the data processing ac- "'""' -$36,IX(J pared from the account for the purchase of new eq uipment. The publication budget sho~ a reserve of $67,25.1 -$17 ,253 more than board members had requested. The extra mone y is expected to go toward incrl':ased benefits to teaehers this-year, He5.'l in· dic.::ted In thl': memo. The tax rate, as presented in the publica!ion budget, would bf' $3 .38 cents per $100 asseMed value.I.ion. A5 prepared, lhe budget amounts to L'J.523 ,769 - $465.000 greater than last year's budget of $3 .158.489 Hess noterl that the lax ra le as presenterl eats up just about all of the permis:'li ve taxes allowed hy state law - ex cept in the area nf health e.nd welfare benefil.'i. Board n1embers approved the budget for publication with hardly a n y discussion, and then voted to set 7:30 p.m., Aug . 3, 11t the Education Center. JM! Blumont Drive. as the time and place for public hearing and final adoption of the budget. Laguna Beach Assured Of Freeway Schedule By PATRICK BOYLE cu fll• DAii., ,11111 sr.u Laguna Beach officials were reassured today thal construction of lhe southern portion of Paci!ic Coast Freeway ll-'OUld proceed as originally planned. Bamford Frankland, stale asl!!lstnnt director of public works, met briefly this morning with city manager Larry Rose concerning the freeway "r o j e c I . f rank.land said the department WB.! "concerned with the priorities of lhe com- muniti~ in this area" and the 50\llhern porlion of the freewa y, as emhodied In the cily's general plan, would be built The meeting was prompted following a report July 12 that the tntire. freew11y project wa9 dead. Frankl1111d had been quoted as 5aying that if Newport Beach didn't wMt lhe freeway ''That'll it B!'i f&r w11s wr're co·ncerned." Today, F'rankh1nd said It h11d been • "typical misunderstanding." and that many people had e.ven thought the Nev.·porl ood C.Orona del Mar Freeway• would also be killed . "We have always had lo have. an agree- ment with a city or county to build a frel!way ," Frankland said, "and we just don 't have one with Newport Beach. There Is not any way we would bulld a freewa.y without the agreement of the community." Newport Beach re.sidentl recenUy voted to keep the freeway from passing through their community. Frankland said the slate was beginning to·rcronslder the concept of serving area traffic •need1 with north-south freeways, ••the Coest Free\ll'ay was pl1Med. "We ought to look at servin' major desUnat.lon point.a on a lateral, east-"ea\ b~is," he added. SIJch a concept, he noted, could po1.~ib~ be 11 solution to lhe Newport Beach 1ret trarric problem. ''We wtll just have to back off and loDk 11l this OM point nn the coast ~r altf.m1Uvt1 to serving the tr1ffic netds," he. 1ald. The proceeding• were. almost exactly the reverse of Lagun1'1 current hlgh rise suit, with the then city council refUllnl to call an Initiative election and the tax- ll&YU Jl'OUp attempt~ to force tlM eleo- tion, rather than to block it, as in UM cur. rent case. Petttlons seekin1 the. adoption or rour initiative ordinanoes were ~led by the lupayera. The ll.rJt two ~rtained to purchase CJ{ the. Main Beach and J)rovid ed for authoriiation of bands Ind Utt levyin1 of taxes to pay off the bonds. The third propoafd ordinance sought creation of an architectural review board and the fourth wou ld have restricted the power of the, Planning C.Ommi.ssion in grariting variances for buildings more than 50 feet in height. II waa the last two ordinances, which would have applied to the entire city, that ultimately were deemed not proper for adoption under tha lniUa.tive process. The City Council in March. 1~9. refus- ed lo caU an election on tha ordlliarices on grounds they were zoning matters alld therefore not sultable for lnitiative, because such adoption would bypass the slate-required hearing process. The Taxpayers' group promptly filed a "''r1l of mandamus in Superior Court to compel the city to ca!\ the election. but this was denied by Judge Robert Gardner. Attorney !l.1organ Cuthbertson , repre!:tntlng the taxpayers, then filed hi! appeal. By the time the case. reached the Court of Appeals. the city had voluntarily cal!ed a bond election for the beach purchase fwhich was to prove unsuccessful ) and the flrst two ltelll.5 were dropped from the appeal. The other two. pertaining to architec- tural re view and height limitation were held by a panel of three appellate judges to be ioning regulations and aa l!!Uth bevond the acope of the initiative process. ;, As 1 gtneral rule a city ordinance enacting or amending zoning legislation ls not a proper subject for adoption through initiative," alid the eourt. "The rl':awn f!ll' this rule Is that the statute which coofers upon the legislaUve body of the city the power to enact ioning law1 also preM:rlbes the method by which they are to ~ adoptl':d or amended. "Tye lnitiat\ve process," the court ccin· eluded, "does not confonn to this method." Reference was made to the heariJ\i process etc. Tot~ appellant's argument that It was not a ioning matter, but an attempt to Umlt the power of the Planning Onn- rniaslon, the court replied, "The diitlnc- tion0ls one in phraaeoloCY only and It 11 or no Jegal conlieQUl':nce. 1ti'he ordinance regulll:ea the tJ.eisht o.f bUUdln11 by prescrlbinl a maximum height thettfor. The mechanics by which this llmttaUon ta lrnpol!!ed ·do not wtthdr•w It from the field of regulation." $2,oOo Fire Damages Leisure World Unit Fite did 12.000 damage Jo CIUbhouse 3 at Laguna tlills !Al.sure World Monday night. Orange County firemen re&tr1cted the blau to the roof of the $1 million 1truc- lure. A fau1ty alr condJUonfn1 unit was blamed. ~---. --- in Laguna Beach and perhaps · reacti a solution in high rise construction-that Will satisfy us all. "I alsn think this court ruling •ill create more local interest In 'the pro. cesses represented by our planning com· mission and the hearings called by age.no cies for lhe resolution of such problems," Taschner said. "This is all 1 have aimed for all '1.MJ but I am utterly opposed to the kind of m@asure suggested by the lnitlaUve -a law that would have been much too rigid and cnnfining for Laguna Belch and which would have created much more controversy that the lawsuit 1enerated," the broker added. DAILY ~•tLOT lllff l'!IDM RULES ON INITIATIV& Judge ''Ned" Rutter Capo Councilmen Take First Step For Annexation The San Juan Capistrano city c:ouni=\I has voted to take the first legal steps toward annexation of Dana Point and Capistrano Beach. Th.e unz.ijhnous council dec\5ion came r-.tonday night a!tl':r repreSt"ntatives of the Chambers of C.Ommerce from the two unincoprorat.ed area.~ asked the councU to undertake a £casibility study of the an- nexation . The council agreed to make the study and to fonnally apply for the a.nnuatlon to the Local Agency formation Com· miss.Ion (LAFC), the county body which must approve the plan. City manager Doll Weidner said the best way to test public support ol the pr~ posed annexation would be to tak.e: U. fnrm~l steps and watch for opposition. If the LAF'C .approves the request following a public hearing, annexation petitions must be circulated In the com- munities: to obt,ain signatures or 25 per- cent of the registered voters. U this staee Is accomplished Sl.lCCt:SSfully . the city council holds a public hearlni and calb a special e1ection. Police Arrest Art Kunkin LOS ANGELES (UP!) -Art Kunkln. 43, co-owner of Alfred's Print shop in the. City of llldustry. was arrested TuNday night on ch1111u or prtnUng o b a c e: n e material. Authori!Jes said Kunkin wa1 Jakeo lniO Cllltody at lllo ofll<a of the Loa Ange)e.1 Fret Presa, of whlch he Is publisher. A munk:ipil court warrant charg- ed th.at Kunkin. through his print shop, pdnted oblcenc mattrt1l tn 1 ne\Nspape.r called "S•n P'randllC'O Ball." Authorities said the lablokf graphically dlgplayed var1ow: D u& act!. _ .. I \ I ' I J I ...,-- ' I DAil y "lOl SC •• • • 0 Clacrities Benefit Festival Go1odies ·'Tax Deductible By PATRICK BOYLE Of IM Cl•!!, 1'11•1 11111 The next time you buy a Coke or a bag of popcurn at Laguna Beach's annual Fu tival of Ar~. ge1 a receipt from the clerk, becaUJe the purchase price ls pr o-. bably tu deductible. Almost all of the money earned through the various concessions at I.ht yearly event goes to cht.rities throughout Orange County. These 10 serYfce clubs and organltations ~lling the eats over the past 19 years have contributed almost $100,000 to worthy causes. flospitals have been e x pan de d , )'Oungsters have gone to college on scholarships and crippled children have been aided -all through the sale of can- dles, soft drinks and ice cream. The major contributor over the years has been the local Kiwanis Club, ""'hich has oper:i.ted the orange juice booth at the Festival since concessions v»ere first allowed on the grounds in ISSJ. In th at year. all of the club members pitched in their he!p to set up the booth. Club president Harry Kenawe!l even spent several evenings with pick and 11hovel digging the trench for the sewer line running to the orange squeezer. The club. over the past seven years, has made i 21,ooo. almost half of which has been given to boys' and girls' youth 1roup!. All of the money made from the orange juice sale goes to some type of cherity with none be.tng reWned by the club for operating ex perues. Another "old timer'' at the Festival is the ice cream stand, run by the United Methodist Church or Sou th Laguna. Ac· cording to J\.1rs. Lee f{awkins, operator of the booth, the church hes made some S20.000 in the past eight years from the ice cream sales. The money, she said, is given to church sporuored ch arities, prlmarily to missionary work in foreijn countries. The Auxi li ary of South Coast Con1. munity Hospital, operators of the Coke stand, has n1ad~ some $-10.000 s1nt•e its first concession :·ear in 1959, according to Airs. Helen Lyon~ The \VOO)en 's opera. lion ha! evolved fro111 dipping hand! into a tub of cold water for a bottle of cola to sophisticated dispensing rnachines . "\lie madt> W.400 in 1970." Mrs. Lyons said. "and theirs ·a lremendous profit on a 111\le 20-tent 1tr111 " Thr 111oney is don11ted to the hospllal eath ~·ear The Churrh uf lhr Latter-d11y Sa1nls has so!d canch' at the festival since 1961. buL reports that profits fJll the 1tf'nl ha;e not been great . averaging about $200 a year. The Funds are spent on providing activities for the youths in the church. Dan Lesley , ~·ho is in charge of the frozen banana both run by the city en1. p!oye 's association, said !he group has not yet spent Its 1970 profit of $800. lli; first year, 1969, the association bought a movie projector for the Boys' Club and hoped to spend its 1970 profits on a girls' organization. }lowever Lesley s a i d aSM>Ciatlon officials are still discussing 1.•:ho the benefh::iary \vii! be. Officials of the Eastern Star Lodge of Laguna Beach. \vhich operates a check stand and sells color slides. would not div ulge their past profits or bow the money had been spent. Mrs. Grace Scott said. ''\.\'e're our own charity." i\irs. i-le len Brack. a spokesman for the auxiliary of SI. Catherine·s School, said the group's sale of corn dogs at the festival had eamed $1.800 in profit dur· ing 1970. The funds. she said, were used for the operation of the Catholic grade elementary school. A newcomer to the concessions thi~ year is the Laguna Beach Civic Ballet operating the. sales booth , First year pro· fits will go toward con struction of a new studio and warehouse. a spokesman said. Helen J(eeley Appointed To County Health Group The controversial Orange County Heallh Planning CoWlcil has elected l.f members to a I~member executive board, leaving a spot open for a medical association representative. The Orange County Medical Associa· tion has refused to name anyone to Lhe group charging that dt is "poillical!J' ~Oll· trolled" and i! "dominated by userJ or health services.·• The differences between the medical associ ation and the consumer group were aired in May before an Assembly com· mittee in a tv.·o-day hearing in Santa Ana. Appointed Monday night lo the e¥· ecutive board were Mrs. Hele n Keeley of Philippines If alts Ban ou Executions \IANlLA (t:Pl ) -President Ferdinand E. Marcos ended a two.year mor;itoriurn on capita! punishmenl in the Philippines Tuesday. It ~·as expected tn result in ex· eculion of the 56 CQnvicts on df'lilh fl)W "The general reprieve has contributed lo tile decadence of order ill our peniten- tiaries especially among those ~entenct'd to life because they know they cannot suffer an y higher penalty regard less of the number of killings ihey C<>mmit ," ~aid Justice Secretary Vicente Abad San- 10~. nn v>'hose advk:e ~1arcos acterl. OU.NG.I COAST DAILY PILOT OlffANGO: COAST P Ulll 151-l!NG COM"ANY ll•lt••t N. 'Wetd P•n;d1111t •rid l"llbli\l'lolr J1c~ II. Cu1le1 Vl(t l"r•klffll l r.d G-rtl Mt nt;tr Tt.011111 K•t•il ffl!~ Tho1W •I A. M1npllin1 M•Mt lng f lli!Of" Cht tltt H. loot Ri<il••d '· Nill A>oh••nl Mt.,.OJno 1~1100 L19t1M Inc .. Offlu 1ll p;o•t 1t Avt nut Mtllint tddrtn: ,,0 , 111• 666, 926SZ S... Cle'"'"-Offlc1 lOS N11rth El Ct 111inti Rttl, f2672 Ot .. 1r Offk1t (MT• ......... llO Wur ••r S!•t rf Nt Wl'l)tl llMC~· llJJ Ntwt>Oro I °" t•t"I Huntl"llTOl'I l tld>; 1111J 8t1cn llGWit•t•d .:: T ..,..., 1n•I 642-4Jll Cl-""4 A~ 642•1671 S. C.._.. All 0.,•tt-•tu Ttl.,a1a1 4fl ... 4JO l ............ All hp1"lllf•h1 , ••• , •••• 4'4-t••• ·tlh'l-Jalll, 1'71, Ortlltit CO.ti •ulllloM"t c-tr>r, Ho -1Mr1-1, !llul!,..H1<11, •!IOtlal INlllW W lf"*11~1t 111'11" rM1 lls <"tflroll\l'Cfd wlt'*ll f.ll'«lt l H•· mlultoi -' tofl'Y•ltf\I o-•. SlrW f WIH llOtl•t• N kl •I H ... r! lt•C'lo " ~II M-.., C•lli.r"lt , l!il!IM:rl't\to'I _,. urrW U,JJ ,,.,.1t11y1 ~ ~!I t11J "*"lf'lty1 l'l"lllftr y fn!!"t lltm, U .IJ ,_.thlf. ·---~. ' ~·· Laguna Beach ; Paul \Vhitl':, Santa Ana, president of the council: Victor Alleman, Santa Ana: !'11rs. Ernest Johnson. Stan· Ion; Charle1 Hei9er. Lo6 Al amitos : M~. Al Campanis, Fullerton : Gaylord Hicks, Newport Beach : i;funic ipal 'Judge Paul r.t est ; Rodney Basich, El Toro and Ebner Montano, Fullerton. "Ole -agave art colJiumer member51 ProVider 'llteml:lers are' Dr. Louis Ctlla, Santa Ana physician and political leader: Dr. Leslie Christensen, Fullerton dentist : Geraldine Lea, Orange nurse and James McAlvin. administrator of Anaheln1 Memorial Hospital. Laguna Trustee Eyes $3,527.17 Light Bulb Bill \l.'hile routinely looking over purchase orders at Tuesday night's Laguna Beach tnified School D1stfict board n1eeting, trustee Norman Browne found that $3,527 ,17 was being spent for light bulhs. "That's a lot or light bulbs," Bro1vne quipped . "\\o'e!J, it·s a year'~ supply," said Dr. Ch arlt"s Hess. bu~iness ma n 11 g er. ''They·rc expensive: bulh.~ and l.:1s1 longer, \\'hi_ch cut~ dov.·n on bulb replacen1ent, 1vh1ch !s costly." Brov.·ne, somf'l\'hat unconvinced asked · '·You mean a!I or this money fs juS! for incande.~cenf and fluorescent bulbs? Really~ .. "Yes." Hess replied. Tht1:re \l'll S no furthtr discussion on lhe matter. Lions Club Sets Big Pancake Eat At Heisler Park Tht Laguna Beach Llons Club panct1ke hrealcfast will be held Sept. 5 and 6 IH litisler Park. Plans for the annual ft1:ast will ht discussed at a Lions Club mi?eUng this Thursday night 1t th Outriggr Riitaur1nl. Tickets. for s1.2a wll l be on .'!Ille at ~loore Hardware, Knox Crow Mobll St'rvice, La guna Beach Lu1nber Com. pany, Bill Thomas Can1ra1, Young and Lint': Tire Company. St1Jart A via Men and .Boys Wear, Victor Hugo's, 'rartaglls fm · pott5 ind Mitchum, J ones and Tt1:mple· ton . Proceeds v.•ill go to a numbl':.r of dJ f. ferent charilie~. Baby's Narn e an1crica NEW YORI\ (AP\ -Ylppie leader Ab- bie lloffman and hi~ wlf(' Anita are th!! parenl.3 of their ftrat chilrl, a boy they nave named amerlca -v.·i!h 11 .«mall a. A spokesman for Mt Sinai !lo.~p!tal said Mrs. Hoffman de.livered the child at 3 37 p.rn. Tueaday by natural thlldblrth. The ~pokesman said Lhe ni!lmt had been picked for either a bo)I or a girl. """"·-· -~ ... .»a..------"""--· ' .... r l · ' '" Water Tax Issue Urged Carl Kyn\ia, manager of Qtt Moulton·N\a:uel Water Dt11rict. al.Id tod&Y ht w\11 """'"'"""" • tUb&llftt~ decreuc. ln U\_l': tax rJit" wblll dl1tr-kt 41teek>rS meet Thllriday to adopt a budget, TI1e special se~sion at JO 11 ,nl. in Crown Valley School also will !..'-Oil· :;ider budgets ror water <!:ld sanita- tion imprO\'enlent d1strit"IS in LaMuna Niguel . Mission Vit'JO and Laguna Hills, The session is open to the public. Saddlebacl{ Unit Views Greenbelt ?11embers Of the Saddleback VaHey Chan,ber of Cornmerce Tuesday saw both the results of conservatioo and the ef· feels or developntent al a Laguna Greenbelt sponsored slide prograin Speaking for lhe Greenbelt was Paul Colburn. a Leisure World resident and former high school teacher active in con· servation projects in Orange County. Using color slides. Colhum !(lid the n1embers how past conservation group efforts had preser\'ed nre;is like Aliso Canyon and the banks of the Santa Ana River from developmen! by builders But his slides also depicted the crowded parking situations along the beache!! and the '·gunwale to gunv.·ale'' arrangement of boats in the harbors or Orange County. •·1t ls sad lo see developn1enl and pro· motion right do\l'll lo !he shore." Colburn said. explaining 1ha1 Laguna Be.itch \l'as presently seeking lO sol\'e a t•ontro1·ersy over construction of ocean-front high rise hotels. Colburn also noted th;.iL Lagttna Beach 11'as one or the first cities in the county to designate 111,;rine preserve ar~as along t11e coasl. He explained that state la11s niay soon be enacted to preser1 e the entire California coastline. Laguna Phone Rates to Drop In Off Hours Telephone custoiners in the Lagu11;i :;rca ~0011 11·1Jl be <il)lr !n s.:i\'e ~01nr Jl'loney on long dislilnc@ calls ii tile~ are 1villing to stay up late or rise early to do the.ir calling fi~inning Tl1u!'sdon a new n1gi11 ralr for direct distance dialed call~ 11•ith1n lht- ~tate 11·J1J reduce 1he charge from 85 cents to 49 cents for three mlnutes, l..aguna Beach General Te I e phone manager R. J. Krohnfeldt annow1ced r-.1011day. The ra\e \Vil! apply bet1~·een 11 p.111. anti 8 a.m. weekda~s a11d nH>~l of the 1reekend, l\rohnfeldt saicl. Another piece of good new~ for Laguna phont' customers. the manager addt'd. 11•111 be forthcoming in n1id·December 11•hen toll charges will be removed on all calls from Laguna Beach lo eight prefix· es in the Capistrano Valley and Sad· <ileback Valley area~ . .\t that ti1ne tM free calling area 11111 he enlarged t.n incl11de the prefixe:-. 493. 495 . 4Q6, 559. 586. 830, 8JI and 837, Extra-galactic Life Unit Found By 1'op Expert \\"ASHINGTON (rP\1 -The t'allonal Science. Fouodalion has relXJrl.ed tor th '! first ti1ne that the elen1tnts for creation of life as known on <'arth may exist in other par!..<. of tne uni1erse ,\ 34·year-old radioastronon1f'r. Dr. Leonid N. \\'eliache"" niade tJ1e d1.<.co\!ery ()f ~ molecu!r 1rl:>ntHiect as OH, or hydro xyl, outside the milky way galaxy, tilt' foundation announced "'ednesday. lnler:c.!eJlar hyrll'OX)'I v.·as 'fir St discovered eight years ago in the ex- tremelv rarified dust cloud~ of !he milky \\'ay g8l11xy of 100 billion stars. Since then more than a dozen complex pre-life chemicals ha ve be-en d~tectcd in the milky \\'BY, \1•hich includes earth and the su.n. The Californin ln~l.ilute or Tec:hnology n1adt. thf' discovery \l'hi!e obsen·ing an exploding jfalaxy and another star famil y about 60 billion billion miles from earlh. Both art' r adlo emitters. G1rinea Diplomat Visits Lag1u1a :Belieadh1g In Manso11 . ' . . Case Barecl LOS A,\'GELES rliPl l -A rnember of Ch~~les r.tanson 's ··family" admitted dei:arlilatrng a mol'ie .stuntman two years ago and described the head a:s going "bloop. bloop, bloop·• as it rolled 8\\B)', a litate prosecutor said 1'uesday Deputy District Attorney Burton Katz madf' the charge Ill his openu1g statemenl at the tri?J of Ste\'e Crogan for the 111llrder •1J UurH1irJ "Short~'· She:i. a part· !1n1e \.\P.~teru co1vOOy <ictor 11.hose body h<.is nr\·er bet'n d1scol'f'red .\la11su11 also is rharged w11h Shea ·s mur<ltr. alung w1!h thal of musician Gary Hinman , hu1 his trial is being held sep<•<1tely a11d the jury has not yet been picke<l. The 36·year-Oid cull leader already has been convicted and .sentenced Iii death for !he seven Tate-LaBlanca inurder:; Katz said that Grogan described killing Shea as "really groovy." Grogan a.llt ged· ly sald that he, Manson and another "(amily" mentber. Bruce Davis, all took turns stabbing the 3fl-year-old Shea. ln the opening statement, Katz dea!l l.:1rgely 1vith an a!leged conversation between Grogan and another former cult follo1l'er. Paul \Vatkins. He said Grogan told \Vr.~kins that the\' took Shea for a ride one da,v at the ·Spahn Ranch and 1\1anson hit him 01'er the head. \Vhen he came to. Shea asked. "why. Chal'ley,'' and Manson replied, "you know why ," and stabbed the stuntman, Katz said, Then all thret stabbed Shea zJld '1t was a ·•warm and bloody and stlckv" sensation. Kaiz said ~1anson thl'n ordered Groga n In cut off the 1nan's head with a machete and he tlid so. 'Diev left !he body under so111e trees. Kat z .said. and later Grogan returnej \1·ith son1e of the wom@n members and smoked a n1arljuana <:1gal'ette 1~hilc the "girls" buried the bod \' Ti1e prosetutor se~d there wa:s a feud bel11een Manson and Shea stemn1ing fro1n the fact that Shea 's wife was a :\egro and that ivlanson felt ll1e black race was inferior. Laguna Guidance PJ1one Line Open Police Sol ve Quiet Squatvk C:O.ta MMa police responded 1wUtl)' Tuuday to 1,dl1turbaJtot ef lhe peace c•ll in I quiet, central area residential nel&hborhood. "Subject 1 com plained that ht': l\'&s being disturbed by t~·o chickens ," said Officl':r Ed Sutton 's rncident report •·Subjec~ 2, owner of said t'hickens, \vas advised and stated he would comply. Case closed." Subject 2 failed to say how he would co1nply. Red China Visit Ir es Neivport Nixon Supporter 8}' GEORGE LEIDAL O! lh• 01111 l'Utl Slllt A mUlionairl' Newport Beach real estate dtre!oper has protes!ed President r\lxon·s proposed trip to CommWJist China by discarding the plaque Nixon ga\'e him as thanks for a $13,000. 1968 campaign contrihution. "Right OO\v I ain very ashamed of har. ing supported Richard !'\ixon in 1968," George Brokate told !he Orange Count.v Republican Central Committee r-.tonday night. The 32-year-old former r-.larlne Corps officer said Nixon ha::; shown him!elf to be "just anoU1er tricky weathervane op- portunist politician. "He has sold out lhe hopes for freedom of millions of people in Asia by goin g hat in hand to an atheistic dictatorship v.·hich has ht1:lped kill thousands of Americans in Korea and Vietnam. and 1vhich grov.·s and sells dope to the youth of the free \l'Or!d," Brokale said. In l966 . Brok.1te volunteere<i for com· bal duly in Vietnam. aftt'r he had corr1· pleted his post.college tour as a lvlarinc t•aptain and had returned to civilian life. Voters Recall Ex-mayor Bau1n In Seal Beach Residents of Seal Beach Tuesday voted The "not.so hot line," 494·TA1.J\ (82551 to recall City Councilman r-.·lorl.Qn A. begins operation in Laguna Beach today Rauni. an outspoken <·ritic of high nsl': offering help to person~ 11·11h drug pr(}. t·on~truction and p11rt of a former three· blen1s, housing. food or clo!hing nttds and man f'Oun?il majority \Vhich Fired !hi!' city ~pirilu;il guict11nce manager in July of 1970, The pl1one w;n be n1anned 24 hours a Baum. the city's mayor and a coun- day by volunteer v.·orkers at the Laguna tilman for only slightly more lhan a Bqdg~_Cuts Won't Hurt · Employes By PAMELA HALLAN Of lllt Olllr l'Utl l t11f Salary negotiations for en1p!oyes of tht Capi!ltrtno Unlfled School Dlatrlcl will not be affec ted by proposed budgtt cuts. officials stressed today. Truman Benedict, di1tr1ct superin- tendent. said today that although the board of Lrustee:!I has directed him to cut bet\l·een $200,000 and $:!.50.000 from the budget. there still msv he: funds availa ble for raise~. · ··it does not mean lhere will be no .salary increases this ~car," sai d Benedict. "Negotiations are still conti· nuing.' Benedict .said normal salary step in* c:reases have been built into the budget this year, but an.v other incrtases would have to come fron1 the undistributed reserve. He ~aid in th e past, tunds fo r increases ha1·e come from those two 11reas If all emp!oyes in the district were · granted a five-percent. cost-of-llvlng in· crt1:ase. it '"'0Uld amount to approximately $350,000, or about $100,000 more than the trustees have asked in budget cutii. The cuts. hov.•ever, were specifically to come from certificated and classified en1ploye c a t e g o r i e s outside the (·l assroom and from capital expenditures. Salary negotiations with certificated and cla!slfied employe groups have been continuing since early spring .. 'I'hey were intended to be resolvt'd be fore July 1 \vhen the new fiscal year began . But ~·hen no decision sl':emed apparent, trustees allowed negotiations to continue beyond the July I deadline. .. Employe groups. under the Winton Act, can declare an impasse," said Benedict. "Jf this is done, the negotia· tions are sent to an impartial committee. But 1.re haven't yet reached this point." Benedict said he hopes agreement can ~ rt1:ached before the opening of school. Council to Hear Lifeguard Plea The Laguna Beach City Council 1vill be asked tonight to renew it.~ aMuAI agrel':· ment 11·lth the Irvin!': Cov~ Communlty Associalio11 to provide lifeguard pro- tection at C;1meo Cove. Under the agreement the association \\'i ll pay the city $3.06 per hour for 86 da,ys of hfeguard service through Sept . l2. The total fee, $2.596.33 is deposited by the associ;;tion \Vith the city. "'ith pro- vision for additional payn1ent if expenses involved in the service e:i.:ceed that an)OUnt. Outrea ch. 120 Ocean Avr .. under I~ year, was replaced in the electlon by r11r·etlion of Bill y \Vade. formerly of the Thomas E. Blackman. :'l9. a high school Lake Tahoe Sununer 011trel\rh Teen Center of Santa Ana . teachtr active in the year-long recall \Vade is an ordained minister ~·ith the campaign Chapel of the Cross in Anaheim. The onl_v precinct of the sn1all city S)'"IUJJhon y Canceled \'olun1eers n1<1nnin.-: the help line are· \'Otini;: not to recall Mayor Bauin \\'as· the trained ill CT , .., 1nter1·ention techniques downtown section. B•um had recently op· INCLINE VILLAGE. i\e1·. <UPI) - ;ind how tn :',s\en to persons with pro-posed con5tructi0n of high. r j s c 'T'he ~ummer season of the Lake Tahoe blenis . Son1e \Vere trained by the apartments in this area. Symphony has been canct1:!ed becau!e of 1\lelodylanr! Dru~ Pre\'ention Center and Black1na n i>aid in hi-; can1paign he lack of interest. othrrs bv \\"ade himself. \vould h1vor redeve!op1nent of lhc Vlado Kol itsch. music director and \Vade 0 has appealed lo lhe con1JT1unlty downto\vn area. 1vhich he said v.·ould in· general manager, said the symphony for funds to help defray the cost or the elude condemnation o[ the Old Tnwn sec· a~sociation mailed out J0,000 circular! telephnne an<I other expenses a~ tht1: lion and construction or nev.• buildings, abouL its (our·conc:ert summer s@ason Laguna Outreach. part of 11'hich \vould be high rise. and got less than dozen responsts. •a•trti1tm...,1 ---------ir----------'--------"--------.:..----. ~~~-·-~~~~~ GEM TALK ; { TODAY by J. C. MUMPHRI ES . ~~;s~"gt flllA.W-0 BUY ING A WOMAN 'S WATCH Her f i 1· ~ l concern is lash1on. beaut.1· ;;ind t)eing •·different.'' If you ore buyi ng-a 1~·01nan·s \\'atch. here <1rc son1e helpful !\"Uggesllons: 1. Fashion comes first. A gold bracelet \\°illC'h c;:1 n be 11·orn days. yet be fashiona ble nighls. !I-lost ,,.;•01nen buy a second, formal dia· mond 1vatch. and at that p o i n t slones become her main interest. Given a good 1vatch \\"ith trouble. free accuracy. technical features 111ean little. 2. \Voinen don 't 1vant to look like e\'eryone else, This is 111ost tn1e of teenage girls 1vhci buy 1vatches a~ they buy handbags. usually "tnod" !=i t.yles which conform to their group \'et they still seek status through latest in these styles. When you give her an Omega she'll say ••you shouldn'I have/' bul she won'I mean it. When she sees the Omega n1me on her watch she'll know how much extra thought you put into her Chrislmas. She m1y not realize that Omega watchl'ls are used on 1111 Apollo moon flights and In th e Olympics. Sht'!l love It jUa\ lor lta beauly, La!er on, she'll 1ovt !ta endU r!ng dependability. And ii 1he saya, '·You shouldn'l have," Jutt you try 10 tak e It titck. 0 OMEGA El Hadj fode f\.fanadou Tore. a member or parliament 11nd director of SO('lal and cultural affairs in Guinea. was given a whirlwind lour of Laguna Beach Tuesday evening -including a look at !hr P;igeant of the :\!asters. 3. Alhough fashion is first. acti· vity such as beach \vear must stUJ be considered. A-1•< wflll• or ,..now •O!ld O'OTcl , .... £10,0,~t!le l•C<l!l d Vyat1I. .JllS a -14( 1ollf f'elcl 1t1~0, •ttOl'I ••• $1U J. C. .J.JumphrieJ Jeu1efer.-1 Tore st"yed with r.1r. and Mrs. Rudy Burton. 697 Catal ina St. whlle In the Art Cnlon\·. Tht! high ranking (;uintoll offici11l WB! in Southern CAiifornia for two d11ys as a gllr.st of the Department of Statl': and lht Les Angeles \Vorld Affairs Council. Because a "'oman's wetch is part of her style. you s hould buy from a dealer who 1vill exchange 1 be- fo re use) and sptnd tilne \\·Ith you for proper selection. Come on in ..• \\·e'll do both! • 1823 NEWPO RT BL VD ., COST A MESA CONVENJtNl f EllMS tANKAMElllCARD--MA.STER CHAP.6E 24 l'EAlS IN SAM E LOCATION ,HONt 54t.J4DI ' I ) ). )i,T. ·~ • ------- I - r San Cle111ente (;apistrano EDITION ' . I -. ..... ~, ... " VOL. b4, NO . 173, b SECTIONS, 7b PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, '1~71 rou s lf ater Board Blast Censure Linked to Recall Condemnation or lhe South Coast Coun- ty Water District by the Orange County Grand Jury in a recent message to the Board of Supervisor.~ apparently was bas- ed on material supplied to the jury by backers of an unsuccessful move to recall (our members of the SCCWD board. Recall leader Angus Smitl1 said Heart Patient Danny Jones, 4 Makes Progress Four-year-old heatr palient Danny Jones of San Clemente continued to make 5\ow, but steady progress from his gurgery this week. Family spokesmen said the youngster will probably be taken off a respirator next week. It will be the first time in several months that the boy befriended by Presi- dent Ni1on will.breathe unassisted. Danny, who has been the object of ~everal large (und drives in lhe com- munity, is in a ward at Los Angeles Childrtn's Hospital. family spokesmen said. and for the past few weeks has left his bed often for trips on lhe floor in a wheelchair. The youngster bad hovered near death for about si1 weekJ during constant boul..~ with pneumoni•, bleeding stomach ulcers and othtr complications following his risky surgery. South Coast Boys Bound For Japan Scout Jamboree 'J'IA.'O South Coast area Explorer scouts will leave Friday fnr three weeks in Japan where they will take part in an in - ternational Boy Seoul Jamboree. t-.1artin Baker. 15. of 31411 Galano \Vay, San Juan Capistrano. and Charles Meadows of 29532 Vista Plaza Drive, Laguna Niguel, were selected for the trip recently. The youths will join an estimated 20,000 scouts from 100 countries in the event which will lake place at the base of Mt. Fuji. Besides participatlng In the jamboree. the scouts will tour Tokyo, Kyoto and other cities in Japan, staying in trad~ tiona l Japanese inns during the tours . The boys were selected for the travel honor after applying for the Jamboree. The selections were made on the basis of sC<1uting achieveme nt. f\lei!dow s is the son of Mr. and ~1rs. Charles Meadows Sr: Baker is the son of Mr-and Mrs. L, R. Saker. Mrs. Swanson Funeral Held Funeral services were conducted this morning fWed) for Mrs. Naomi Swanson of San Clemente. who dled late last week ln Capistrano Beach. She was 76. The rites took place at 11 a.m. In Shef- fer Mortuary Chapel in San Clemente with the Rev. Joseph Stevens of San Clem~te Unlted Presbyterian Church of- ficia ting. \Vednesday that his group. fo\lowint refusal of the board to set a recall elec- tion because of alleged deficiences in petitions. had put together a "complete package" of information on the recall al· lempt and sent it to the Grand Jury charging violation of the election code. Smith said the only direct response they received from the jury was a copy of a Jetter sent to George Logan, attorney for the water district, seeking clarifica- tion of his opinion that the petitions were deficient. "We decided the thing probab ly was dead and we'd jusl have to wait till the November election lo get some changes on the board," said Smith . "&owe were both surprised and pleased lo learn tha t, Peace Runners To Go Through San Clemente Scores of runner.!! for peace represen· ting a unique coalition of police and ''longha irs" v.·ill move through Sa n Clemen!e Saturday in a relay event which will begin in San Diego and end in Sacramento. Organized by a Los Angeles consultant, Chris Harris, the event links persons from all walk.!! of life in an display for peace which follows I.be nonviol~t ap- proach. "The idea is that the run cuts acrtl!!I political boundaries," Harris said, "reaching those who sincerely want this to be a nation one and indivisible." Included in tJ)e phalanx of joggers will be members of the San Diego Sheriff's departmenl and other police agencies. Harris explained that the runners will !ravel by car between dozen.s of cities, lhen jog through the 15 municipalities along the route . He.rris said the group will enter San Clemente at about noon for a jog to police headquarter!'!, then a short stop before heading north to the city limits. Along the en tire route. goodwill lp- pearances at police department! i re standard. Harris explained. An eslimaled 50 to 75 runners are set lo participate. We urge anyone in San Clement.t. to join UJ in the jog through town, he said. Mock Assault Scheduled By Marine Reserve About 2,500 Marine Corps reser vists from 11 states have arrived et Camp Pendleton to prepare for a battalion-siz,ed mock assault exercise at the base next week. Nicknamed ~ation Hill Country, the major e1ercise will include the am- phibioUJ landing, 1 bellcopter-borne usault and three days of fitld u ercises. Many of the rcurviall have already undergone on-the-job tralnin& during their annual stint of active duty. After Operation Hill Country and a short liberty, many will return to the base for inore training, then return home to resume civilian Hie. Dana Point Days appamitJy on the basis of the in- form ation we had supplied. the Grand Jury had singled out the water district in its criticism of special districts and their activities ." The jury's letter to the supervisora referred to the county's 138 special taxing districts IS "a serious deterrent to sound government," citing the SCCWD's 50 per· cent water rate hike and the subsequent recall attempt as an example. SCCWD director Robert B. Malone, one of the targets of the recall move, said he was aware that the recall proponents had gone to the Grand Jury. but that body's only communication with the board had been 11. letter asking why Logan had not provided legal advice for the recall group, to \\'hich Logar. replied he had not been asked for advice. ~falone said he did not know what the recall group had told the jury, but 1n any <"ase the board had not been asked to give lts version of the case, The water district official added that he regarded attempts lo "centralize everything'' a:s potentially dangerous, especially to the South County area . "Some people favor central control," he said, "but in Orange County it would only mean that Garden Grove, Fullerton and An11.heim would run things. They «iuld care Jess what we get and our poo- ple would have to share their taxes." The Grand Jury message also singled out the Newport Drainage District and the :0.·1osquito Abatement District as e1· amples ol auperfloous t.uing entities. Whil e applauding the Grand Jury's comments. recall leader Smith said he. does not anticipate any further action un· til November when hi s group will oppose rHl~Uon of incumbent director& and seek reduction ol the water rates. Marine DJ Gets Prison For Cruelty SAN DIEGO (AP \ -A sergeant has pleaded gu ilty at the Marine Corps Recrui t Depot here to charges of com- mitting "indecent, lewd !nd la!'!Civious" acl..'I v.·hi!e a drill instructor in charge or as many as 52 recruits. MNine Sg1. Terrence Joseph Elbert, 22. also pleaded guity to cruelty and ma ltreatment charges at a general court- marl!al JuJy IJ. Elb~rt "''as sen!enced to a dishonorable disc hllrge, two years in con1inement 1t hard tabor . reduction to private, and forfe iture of &II pay and allowances. He CQuJd have been sentenced to 114 years or confinement. The Marine. Corps disclosed ln- formation about the case "''hen ques· tioned by The Associated Press. The base public infonnation officer said it is Marine Corps J>Olicy not to volunteer in- fonnation on accused persons. Elbert is confined here awa iting an autom1tie reYiew of the matter by Jie ba.!ie commandlng general. The charges against Elbert, Included 38 specifications of act.! commiUed between Dec. 18, 1970, and Jan. 12, 1971. They were lodged by members of the platoon he and two other CQmmanded. The et.hers were not chara:ed. a Nice N~%%ling Cynthia Pinnick, 13 of ~an Clemente gets an a!fectioi;i~ ~ fro,in one of the pups being given away free at the Sawdust Fe s t"l v.a l ln Laguna Beach. It was one of a litter. of nine that are half collie-and half Jabrador retrieYer. Noted for its informal atmosphere.:the att sho,vcase is open daily from 10 a.m. until ·midnight·in·Laeuna'Canyon. Full-time Counselor Now At Sa11 Clemente Hotline San Clemente'.!! hothne has added ! full-time profess ional counselor and 1 regular schedule of rap sessions for anyone with a problem. it s organizers an- nou nced this week. Counselor Pat "iason of Huntington 8C'ach has been assii;:nerl to the local ''ol unteer or,11.aniz1Hi nn by the Orange Coun ty ~1ental Jfcal th Depa rr ment. Ses~ions already have be'1un at the hotline center al 102 Estrella, v.•hich grou p discuss ions sc heduled each evening starting at 7 .JO. 'fhe center a!sn is open each afternoon, said SJ!Clkesman Arthur R. "Bud" Scheele. lrnm 4 p.m. tr> 7. The hotline service was begun late last yeo:ir by local volunteers interested in helping persons with emotional. social and drug problems. Scheele said that in recent weeks a formal board of advisers has been added to the acttvtty, with membership in- cluding physicians, lawyers, ministers and mental health specialists. The service &till emphasizes its availability to callers with problems . The number Is 492-12.S5. Funding &till comes from local service groups; Scheele said, and several church oi'ganiz.aUons have given considerable amounts kl help the program continue. Service clubs in the South Coast area also contribut.e on 1 regular basis, ht said. Matt McKenna Funeral Service Conducted Today Catholic funeral 1er1ices were con- du cted today for World War I Veteran r..1atthew P. McKenna of San Clemente, who died Saturday evening in South Laguna. ~1r. M.cKeMa, 8Jl honorary member of the Knil:ht of Columbus Stena Maril Chapter of San Clemente, leaves his widow. Mrs. Lillian V. MeKe.nna of the home at 265 Monte Vbta .arKt ',three sisters. Frances Carroll of Gieemburg, Pa.. Margaret Reilly of ·Hahtingk>n Beach ans! Klttherine· ConW.ay , ·of Pltt.o;burg, Pa. SerYicts were conducted lhil' mornil'la at Our Lady ,of Fatima C.atl'lolic Ourch: burial followed in Ascension , Cemetery in El Toro. Les11eski Mortuary \t'IB In charge of arrangements. Mrs. Swanson. 110 Corona Lane , \ea,•es a son, Richard E. Swanson of San Clemente : four grandchildren and on~ great-grandchild. Fraternal rites were conducted by the San Clemente Chapter 524, Ordtr of the Ea.stern Star. Private burial followed in MOU11tain View Cemetery ln Alladena . Junior Skippers Can. Race Friend! who wish may make mernoMaJ contributions to ·OUr Lady of -Fatima Parish Bullding·Tund. P. O:Boi: 37, San Clemente. Lapidary Society Program Scheduled County Supervisors Accept Puerto Real Oedlcation of a h1lf -mlle -long roadway-Puerto Real-between Crown Valley and Marguerite parkways In lhe southern section of Mission Viejo has been 1pproved by the county supervisors. The roadway providts aettss to the new Mission Communit y Hospital and was built by the Mis11ion Viejo CompAny. The road wa11 atttpted by the county upon the condition that It meets county road atandards ln all aspect!. Graduates or any junlor sailing pro- gram nffe.red by the Dana Point Yacht Club are eligible ta p1rUcipate ln a junior championship competition next week as part of tbe Dana Days celebration. Club sailing instruction chainnan c;ordon Sutorius welcomed any graduate of the junior classes tn participate in the six~y series of elimin1tlon races wbkh st.art Tuesday. The kip six winners tn the competition will receiYe trophies. he said, during ~ cele bration M:heduled for the list weekend of the monlh , herAldlng Richard Henry t>a.na. the. com mu.nlty'1 n1me1ake. Sutorlus ailso reminded South Coast ... ... - ruidenta that lhey an welcome to join t.be. club's sailing lr\ILructlon w:ries which has openings throughout the month of August Classes-open ta members a n d nonmembers Of the club allke-are open throughout the month ()f August. Students can use boats provided by the club in tht wte.k Jong courses offering btginnlng Junior and adult instructiCWI. The. fet for the. weeklong instruction , free u1e of a 1S1hot sailboat plus four hour11 of pleasure i;.a.Uing is $10. Thret qualified 11allln1J i1111tructor1 teach the skill for 12 houri during the week's M:Slilon. ·- Beginner classes are he.Id eaeb week·- da y momlnt' ·from , 9 a.m. to noon. Intermedia te and advanced classes take place each tiftemoon from 1 to 4 o'clock. Adult!'! learn sailing skills' each \'led· nesday eYenlng a~ Saturday momlng. Sutorl1.11 urge.d SOuth Cout girls and young women ta join in lht aeliYlty, one of the few local recreation activities offered to young women along the South Coast Information about registration i 1 3v11U11ble by calllng the chairm1110 at 493- 36911, or by writing hltn at 32902 Barque Way, Dana Point. ~fovies showing the work of an Arizon• silversmith and 11emcutter will highlight tonight'• . meetln& of · the tri-Otles Lapidary Scx:hlty at San Clemente H1&b School. The eveot will begin 1t 7 p.m. and also will include dbcusslon of a fleld trip next weekend kl the Big Pine a:old mlnlhc dlstrict ln the Sa n Btrnard.lno Mountains. Memben or the rockhound rJ ub Uria wee.k are working project& which wlU be disp layed 11t the aria and crafts falr nut Aua:. 22 and 2.1 at Old Plata P1rk. • . '• TEN CENTS as Ruling Set On County Newsletter Orange County's POW-MIA orpnl.Ja. tions came in for a $1 ,500 wlndfall .todU ind they may &et a further $50,000 if 1 Garden Grove news sbeet falls to establish itstlf as a charitable orgmUJ;a.. tion. superior Court·Judge J. E. T . .,Ned" Rutt.er opened the door for the unsolicit8d donation by entering a final judsmenf against Veterans News. 12311· Chapman Ave., Garden Grove, in . favor of pn>- secutors who successfully sought a restraining order against the news 1heet last week. It ~as alleged tha t Veterans News took ln contributions of at least $500 1 day with the publication of appeals for funds that would enable them ta appeal to "intematonal personalltle5" on behalf of United States serviceme.n held prisoners in North Vietnam. Subscribers who were contacted by telephone and door to door calls were told that their payments would .nsure publication of their names in the newspaper and would help to swtll • fund devoted ta securing the. release of American prisoners of war. Boyd Hamlin , 43, of 6M Y-1}4. ~. Laguna Beach, was named wUb Jack Armstrong. 30 of GU\kn Giiivt . one! William Yst•ll., '3, of ~ange, &&· prtn. cipals in Veterant: Newa. Judge Rutter warned the defendanUi that. they will have to quallfy wltb tbt 11tate ol California 11 a charitable. non• prnlll or1aoluti011 ll they ·hope to continue publk:ation a1 a vetertna t>eWI sheet .devoted io aJding the POW-MIA ca .... He . canfiscaited , all tbe tundl oolleoted by the ,newspaper pending suc h 1 ruling and advised the 4efendants that if they do not qualify he will turn the moiley over ta existing POW·MIA groups. Deputy district attorney Richard Sten· ton got the pro'mise from the defendants before court opened that they will donahl Sl.500 to POW-MIA organizations "as consideration for any misinformation concerning the coMection by Veterans News ." Investigators believe that tile 1mount confiscated by Judge Rutter will total more than $50,000 when a final tally is made of the Vetel"ans New1 take. Veterans organiza:tioos throughout the county have denied any coMedim .with Vet.trans News and have unantmou1ly condemned its appeal for POW-MIA funds. Saddleback Hospital Counsel Head Named Dan Benefiel baa been named develop.. ment coun.se\ of SaddlebP~k CommUllit)' Hospital which ia now being constructed on Pase'O de Valencia ln Laguna Hills. Benefiel, who will JOOn l?Kl\'e to the area from bia .borne in Culver City, h11 served for Uie past four yeara as deve.Jop. menl director of the new $15 million Pep. perdine UnlYersity campus at Malibu. The hospiW is scheduled to o,e.n ln ear}y w.-tll• The wealbennan predicts 1 buy sunshine agaln· today and ThU'rs- day with lemR'f&ture1 along the coaatllne at 70 ,rlllna: to ao Jnland. Lowa tonl&ht -t.d around '16 ln both areaa. , INSWE TODAY They eomt. /rOm au wa1k1 of Ufe crtd from all ot>tr tht U.S., but .in \forld War 11, t~JI f~~d death together in &ht 1kie1 ovtr Germon11. Set '1torv, photo, PaQe Il. ...... --,...-··----··. l••---· ·-----.r.: ~ -_ ~ . ..-'?" --.-r----~ ;· .. ' I I I - % CAIL Y PILOT SC Festival Goodies , Tax De·ductihle By PATRICK BOYl.t: 01 .,.. 0.l!f f'llot ll•H The nei-t time you buy a Coke or a bag of popcorn at Laguna Beach 's 11nnual Festival ol Arts , get a reeeipt from tbe cierk, because the pureh<Ule pri('f' is pro- bably tu deductible. Almon all or the money earned through the various concessiona at the yearly event goes to cl:\;.rit ies throughout Orange County. These 10 service clubs and organizations selling the eats Gver the past 19 years have contributed almD.'il $100,009 to wOrthy causf.'l. Hos~itals have bttn e x p a n d e d , youngsters have gone to college on scholarships and crippled children have been .!ided -all through the sale of can- dies, soft drinks and ice Cream. The major contributor over the yrars has been the local Kiwanis Club, which has oper<ited the orange juice booth at the Festival since CQncesslons were first allowed on the groWlds in 1953. Jn that year, all of the club members pitched in their help to set up the booth. Club president Harry Kenawell even spent several evenings v•ith pick and shovel digging the trench for the sewer line running to the orange squeezer. ·The club, over I.he past seven years, has made $21.000, almost half of which has been given to boys' and girls' youth groups. All of the money made from the orange juice sale goes to some type of charity with none being retalned by the club for operating expenses. Another "old timer·• at the Festival is the ice cream stand, run by tbe United r..1ethodist Olurch of South Laguna . Ac- cording to 1'1rs. Lee Hawkins, operator of the booth, the church has made some $20,000 in the past eight years from the ice cream sales. The 1noney, she said, is given to church sponsored charities. primarily lo missionary work in foreign countries. The Au1iliary of South Coast Com- muttily Jiospital. operators or !he Coke sland, has made some $40,000 sinct its first concession year in 1959, according to Mrs. Helen L)·ons. The \1•on1en's opera- tion h11s evolved from dipping hands Into a tub of eold w11tPr for a bottle of rola to sophisticated dispensing machines. "'W"e made $6,400 in 1970,'' ~!rs. Lyons said. "and tha(s a tremendl')US profit on a llttle 20-cent item" The 1noney 1.i donal ed to the hospital f'ach year 1·he Church of the Latt er-day Saints has sold candy at the Festival since 19fil. Dut repor ts that profits on the item have not been great, averaging about $200 a sear, The funds are !pent on providing activities for Lhe youths in the church. Dan Lesley, who i! in charge of the frozen banana both run by the city em. ploye's association, said the eroup ha' not yet spent its 1970 profit of $800. Its first year, 1969, the association bought a movie projector for tl'ie Boys' Club and hoped to spend its 1970 profits on a air!s' organization. However Lesley s a Id association officials are sllll discussing \1•ho the: beneficiary will be . Ofrlclals of the Eastern Star Lodge or Laguna Beach, which operate~ a check stand and sells color slides, would not divulge their past profits or how the money had been spent. Mrs. Grace Scott said, "\\'e're: our own charity." Mrs. Helt:n Bra~k. a spokesman for the auxiliary of St. Catherine's School . said the group's sale of corn dogs at the Festival had earned $1,800 in profit du r· in g 1970. The funds. she said. \!.'ere used for the operation of the Catholic gradt: elementary 1chool. A newcomt:r to the concessions this year is the Laguna Bt:ach Civic Ballet operating tht: sales booth. First year pro- fits will i O toward construcllon of a new studio and warehouse, a spokt:sman said. Helen J(eeley Appointed To County Health Group The controversial Orange County Health Planning Council has elected 14 members lO • l5-member executive: board, J'avlng a spot 6pe1i !Or a medical association representativ,. The Orange Coun!y 1.ftdical Associa- tion has refused to name anyone to the group ch.81.girig tba~it i1 "politicallj &QP· t.ro!led" and is 0 dominated by user1 of health services." The differences between the medical association and the consumer group wt:re aired in May before an Asst:mbly com· mlttee in a two-day hearing in Santa Ana. Appointed Monday night lo the ex- ecutive board were Mrs. Helen Keeley of Philippines Halts Ban on Executions !1<1Ar-;JLA (UPI 1 -President F't:rdinand E. Marcos ended a t\\·o--year moratorium on capital punishment in the Phllipptnes Tut:sday. It \\"SS expected to result in ex· ecution of the 56 convicts on death row. ··The general reprieve has contributt:d to the decadence of order in our peniten- tiaries especially among those sentenced t.o life because they knriw they cannot i;uffer an y higher penalty regardless of !he number of killings they commit .'' ~aid Justice Secretary \'icenle Ab11d San· 1 n~. on whose adv ice 1'.1arcos acted OltAH•l COAST DAllY PllOT OllANI)~ co,1.sr l'U8l 1SHING cOMrAHY -1b1rl N. W11d ..... :d ... t ..... 11011~,, J1.;k It. Cu•l•v Vkt l't"lc:l..,1 11\0 G1<1tr1! M1n111r TI!om11 k11"il EO'ltor Tl<.011111 A. Mvrplt i"' M1111tlno EO'lll:lr Ch1rf11 H. loot Ric~1rlll P. N1U Aub!l'I/ MIMOlng Edllor1 L., •• IHclll Offlc• 11~ ~or11I Av1n111 .M.:1~"' '"'"••nr r.o. '"" •••· t165Z S.11 C.._... OHk• JOS Nortt. II c,..,1~, lt11I, tJ67l Otlll., OHkft Col" Miit' l.)C Wn l llY Sir"' N .... PO•I aN<:~: ~ Ht-• .,,.,. IVl •d k\l!'lli ... , ... •••di. 11111 ... do kui.ti•"" Tele••••• C7141 641-4121 Cl~ All"""'-t 641-1671 S-C ......... All o.,..._ ... , TelaJ•••• 4tJo44JI ,__ W,.. .... An ,_,.,.....,.: , • .., •••• 4f4-t466 •tolo'Vi'Jehl, ""· °"""" (ltll 1'11!11!1111~ Ot•••111ny, H1 ,...., •Ml'~, llh111; .. lefl1, Mlllllfltl """"' ., 'Cl'"'"-'' l\VWl!I llllY II~ tf'f"'Ollll(... Wll'llOll! -It ! ...,. ......... .,-r1 ... 1 _,, ~ (lfM P'fl ... CIAIPll II N.....,.rt lt•Cll '"" CttN M9ot1, (.-!l,..rnl1, l llbwrl1u.., 1ry urr"" IJ M -~"'"'' lly ~111 Q 11 -M~ly1 ,.,111~ C!n!IN!lo!Oo, U.JJ -·~ly Laguna Bt:ach; Paul White. Santa Ana, president of the council: Victor Alleman, Santa Ana; Mrs. Ernest Johnson, St.an· ton;,CharlN Heiser, Los Alamitos: Mrs. Al Campanis. Fullefton : Gayiord Hicks , Newport Beach; Municipal Judge Paul Mast : Rodney Basich. El Toro and Elmer Montano, f'u llerlon . The above are coqsuiuer memQcrs Pr6vider rriem.6eillii Ar' rfr Louis Cella' . . Santa Ana physician and political leader : Dr. Ltslie Christensen. Fullerton dentist : Geraldine Lea, Orange nurse and Jamelf McAJvin, administrator of Anaheim Memorial Hospital. Laguna Trustee Eyes $3,527.17 Light Bulb Bill \.\.'h.ile routinely looking over purchase orders at Tuesday night's Laguna Beach Unified School District. board meeting, lrus!ee :\orman Browne found that $3,52i.17 y.•as being spent for light bulbi;. "That's a !01 of light bulbs,'' Browne rg1lpped . "\Veil , it ·s a ~·ea r'~ supply" ~aid Dr. rhar!t:s J-fess. business m 11 o a i e r. '·They're e:\'pensive bulbs and la.5! longt:r, \\hich culs down on bulb replacement, which i~ costly."' Browne. son1ewhat unconvi nced asked: "You mean all i;f thi~ mon'y 1~ ju!I for incandescent and fluor,$c,nr bulbs? Really?'. "Ye!." Hess repH,d . Tht:re 1'i'as no further discussion on !he matter. Lions Club Sets Big P<1ncake Eat At Heisler Park The L..aguna Beach L..lons Club pancake breakfast will be ht:ld Stpt. 5 and 4 al Heisler Park. Plans for the annual feast Will be discussed llt a Lions Club mttting this Thursday night at th Outriggr Rataurant. Tickets. for $1.25 wlll be on salt. at Moore Hardware, Knoic Crow 1'.fobll Servict. Laguna Beach I.umber Com. pa,1y, Bill Thomas Camras. Young ind Lane Tire Company, Stutrt Avis Mtn and Boys Wear, Victor Hugo'1. Tartaali• Jm. ports .and Mitchum, Jont.1 and Tt:mple- ton. Proceed~ will 10 to a numbtr of dif- ferent charities. Baby's Name • a1ner1ca NEW YORK IAPl -Yipple leader Ab- bie Hotrman and hl1 wife Anita art the parents of their first child, a boy they have named amtrlc1 -with 1 am1ll a. A :iipoke1man for Mt. Slnal Hospllll sald Mrs. ltoffman dt:llv,red thr ch.ltd at J:.17 p.m. Tuesday by natural childbirth. The spoke1m1n iaid the nam' had bttn picked for either a boy or a girl. 1----n '9.':~"' ----r.;-,..,, ~----~~-":'" ·' .._~ .:-~----~ Water Tax Issue Urged ~l KymJa, maftaaer et the Moulton-NllU<I Wai<r Diltr~t. Hid todaY hi wW rte0mmend a 1ubs\ant.Lal decruM ln the t.u rate" wbtn dlat.rlct directors mett Thur1day to adopt a budget. Th( special session at lO a.n~ in Crown Valley School al~ will con· sider budgets for watt:r and san1t 1· lion Improvement districts in Laguna Niguel. ~tission Vit:jo and Laguna Hills. The !'!ession is o~n to lhe public. Saddleback Unit Views Greenbelt Members of t~ Saddleb.a.ck Valley Chamber of Comm,rce TuesdAy saw both the rt:su!ts of conservation and tht: t:f· feels of development at a Laguna Greenbelt sponsored sli4t: program. Speaking for the Greenbelt was Paul Colburn. a Leisure World resident and form'r high school teacher active in con· ~ervalion projects in Orange County . Using color slides. Colburn told the members how past conservation group efforts had preser\•ed areas like Aliso Canyon and the banks of the Santa Ana River from dt:velopment by builders. But his slides also depleted the crowded parking situations along the beacht:s and the "gunwale to gunwale " arrangt:ment of boats in the harbors of Orange County, ''It is sad to see development and pro- motion right down to the shore," Colburn l'laid, explaining that Laguna Beach was presently seeking to solve a controversy over construction of ocean-front high rise: hotels. Colburn also noted that Laguna Beach "'as nne of the: fir st cities in tht: county to designate marine preserve areas along the coast. He explained that state laws may soon be enacted to prest:rve the entirt. California coastlint:. Lagun<t Phone Rates to Drop In Off Hours Telephone custo1ners Ui the Laguna art:.s soon wiU be able to Sl\'e some money on• long distance calls if tht:y art:. wllling to stay up late or ris' early to do their calling. ~ing Thursday .a neY.' niihl rate for direct distance dialed calls within the state will reduce: the charge from 85 cents to 49 cents for three minutes. Laguna Beach c.meral Te I e phone manager R. J. Krohnfeldt announced 1'.-londay. The rate v.-·ilJ apply be:tv.·een 11 p.m. and 8 2.m. w~kdays and most of the. 1reek.end. l\rohnfeldt sa id. Anotht:r plece of good news for Laguna pho11t: customers. the manager addt<i, Y.ill be rorthcomin g in mid-Decembt:r "'·hen toll chargeg \1'ill bl': removed on all cal!.1 rronl Laguna Beach to eighl prefix- HJ in the Capistrano Valley and Sad· dleback Vallt:y areas_ At that time tM free. calli!'li area will be t:nlargt:d to includt: the prtfixes. 493- 49$. 496. ~9. 586, 830, 831 and 83i. Extra-galactic Life Unit Found By Top Expert \rASHl~GTON ll.I PI ) -The National Science Foundation has reported for lh-? first time that the elements for creation of lift as known on ellrth may t xist in other parts of th e universe. A 34-year-old radloastronomer, Dr . Leonid N. Wel!a<:hew, made the dtscovery of a molecule identified as OH, or hydroxyl. outside tht: n1ilk.y way aa.Juy, tht: foundation announctd \Vedne5day. lntflrstellar hydrc;xyl wag first discovered eight years aao in the t1:. tremely re.rifled dust cloud! of the mUky w1y aala.iy of 100 billion stars. Sinct then more than a dozen comple1 pre-life chemi cals h11ve beten detect.d in tht milky way, which includes earth and the. sun. The California lnstitutt: of Technology n1ade the di!covery \l'hile obaerving an explodin& .':&laxy 11nd another star family about 60 bil lion billion m.i.I~ from e.&rth. Both art! radio emitters. Guinea Diplomat Visits Laguna El Hadj Fode Plfan1dou Tore, 1 mt:.mber of parliament and director of social and cultural aff11ir1 in GUfnea. wa! ah·en a whirlwind tour of Laguna Beach Tuesd2y e\'ening -including 1 look al the P111tant of !he ~fa~ter~. Tort stayed with Mr. and fl.frs . Rudy Burton . 697 Catalina St. whlle in th' Art C.olony The high ranking Guin t:a official was in Southt:rn Callforni a for two days ,..~ a gue,,t of the DP.p11rtm,nt of Stale and the Los Ange les \\'orld Affairs Council. Belieadii1g .In Manson Case Bai·ed LOS ANGELES ilIPl I -A member ot Ch&"lt:'i 1-lanson's "family" admitttd dec.apitatinll a movie stuntman t~·o years aiO and dest'.rlbed the head a.s going ''bloop, bloop. bloop'' as it rolled ay.·ay, a state prosecutor said Tuesday. Dtopuly Di.strict Attornt:y Burton Kati made tht: ch•rge in hi1 opening ~i..temant at the tril'll of Steve Grogan for the n1urd'r of Donald "'Shorty" Shea, 1 part- t1n1e west rrn cowboy actor whost: body has never been d1srovertd. ~lanson al50 i;; charged with Shea 's murder, along v.·ith that of musician Gary l linman. but his trial is being held sep2.ra !el~' and the jury has not yet bet:n picked. Tut: 311·year-0ld cult leader already has been convicted and sentt:nced to death for lhe seven T.att:·La Bianca murders. Ka ti said that Grogan described killing Sht:a as "really groovy." Grogan alleged· ly said that he, 1'.1an50n and another ··family" member, Bruce Davis, all took turru stabbing tht: 35-year-old Sht:a. In the opening statement, Katz de.alt largely 1vith .an alleged conversation between Grogan and another former cult follo.,..•er. Paul Watkins. He sa id Grogan told V.'2.!kin~ that they took Shea for a ride on' day at the Spahn Raoch and Manson hit him over the head. \rhen he came to, Shea asked, ''wh.r. Charley,'' and Manson replied. "you knoll'' ~·hy," and stabbed the stuntman, Katz said. Tht:n all thrtt stabbed Shea Md it was a •·warm and bloody and sticky" sensation. Katz said Manson then ordert:d Grogan to cut off the man's ht:ad with a machete and he did S(I. They left the body under some trees, Katz said, and later Grogan rt:tumei with some of the women members and mi.oked a marijuana cigarette V.'hile the "girls" burit:d the b<>dy. The prosecutor sa.id thert: was a feud between ?vfanson and Shea stemming from the fact that Shea's wife wu a Negro and that ?v1anson felt the bl.aclc race was inferior. Laguna Guidance Phone Line Open The "not so hot line," 494-TALK (825$) begins operalion in Laguna Beach today offering help to pt:rsons with drug pro-- bJenu;, housing, food or clothing ne:ecls and spiritual gu idance. The phone ~·ill be mannt:d 2f houra 1 day by volunteer workers at the Laguna Outreach. !20 Ocean Avt .• under lht <lirt:ction of Billy \\1.1dt:, formt:rly of the Outreach Teen Center O[ Santa Ana. \\'ade is an ordained minister with tht: Chapel of the Cro~s in Anaheim . Volunteer.!! manning the help line are lrained in cr'1's lnter\•entinn techniques anrl ho"· to ".'1stt:n to persons with pro- blems. Ni1ne were trained by tht:. iltelodylan<I Dn1g Prevention Centt:r and other~ bv 'Vade himSt:lf, "''adt -has appealed to the community for funds to help defray the cost of tl1e te!ephont iind otht:r expenses al the Laguna OutreaC'h. GEM TALK TODAY by Ml'Hllll ace& uaaw BUYING A WOMAN 'S WATCH Her f i r s t concern is fashion, beauty. and being "different." If you are buying a 'voman's watch, here are some helpful suggestions : 1. Fashion comes first. A gold bracelet \vatch can be worn days, yet be fa~h ionable nights. Most women buy 3 second. formal dia· mond \\'atch, and at that po i n t stones become her main interest. Given a good ~·atch \l'ith troubl~ free accuracy, technical feature!li mean little. 2. \\'omen don't '''ant to look lilce everyone else. This i!I most true of teenage girls "'ho buy watches aa they buy handbags. usually "mod" styles whirh conform to their group Ye t they 1itl1J seek status throuah latest in these style5. 3. Alhough fashion is first, 1cti· vity such as beach wear must still be cong idertd. Because 1 woman'1 watch is part of her style, you should buy from a dealer u.'hO will exchang:e (be· fore use J and spend time '\l.'ith you for proper selection. Come on in .•• \\'e'll do both! Police Solve Quiet Squaivk • Cooia M•sa poh« retpOllded twitUY TUuday t& • dlaturb&noe ol the peace call Jn a qu\e:t. central area rcsidtntial neighborhood. "Subject 1 complained that he \\'as bt:ing disturbed by two chickens," said Officer Ed Sutton'i incidtint re:port. "Subjttt 2. owner of said chickens . \\·as 1dvi!ed and stated he would comply. Case closed." Subjtct 2 failed to 1ay how he would comply. Red China Visit Ir es Newport Nixon Snpporter 8)' GEORGE LEIDAl. 01 1111 O•llY P'lfOf Sit!! A mill ionaire Nev•port Beach real estate developer has prott:sted President Nixon's proposed trip to Communist China by dl.!!carding !he plaque Nixon gave him as thanks for a $13,000, 1968 campaign contribution. '•Right now I ant very ashamed of hav- ing supported Richard Nixon in 1963," Gt:orge Brokate told the Orange County Republican Cenlral Committee !\fonday night. The 32·year-0!d fonntr rvtarine Corps officer said Nixon has shO\\'n himself 10 be "just another tricky 1veathe.rvane op- portunist pol itician. "He has sold out thf' hopes for freedom of million~ of peoplt: in Asia by going hat In hand to an atht:istic dictatorship \\'hich has helptd kill thousands of Americans in Korea and Vietnam, and \\'hich gTO\\'S and sells dope_ to the youth of !ht: free world." Brokate said. In 1966, Brokate volunteered for com- bat duly in Vie1nan1. after he had con1· plettd his post-wllege tour as a ?vlarine captain and had retumed to civili~ life. \! oters Recall Ex-mayor Baum In Seal Beach Residents nf St:a! Beach Tuesdav voted lo recall City Councilman ~loiton A. Baum. an outspoken critic of high ri se construction and part of a former three. man councll major:ity which fired the city manager in July nf tfl70. Baum. the city's mayor and a coun- cilman for only slightly more than a year. was replaced in the eltttion bv Thomas E. Blackman. 39. a high schoOJ tellcher active in the year·long recall campaign. The only precinct of !he small city voting not to recall f.1ayor Baum ll''as the downtoy.·n section . Baum had rl':(ent ly op· posed construction of h i g h -r i s t: apartments in this area. Blackman said in his campaign he wou ld favor redel'e!opment of the downtown area, \\'hich he said \'l'Ould in· el ude condt:mnation o( the Old Town st:e- tion and construction of ne\v buildings, part of which would be high rise. DudgetCuts . ' Won't Hurt E1nployes By PAMELA HALLAN Of t!lt Dill)' l"ilfl Sllff Salary neiotiations for employt:1 of the CapiJtrano Unified School District will not be affkted by proposed budi;et cuts, officials slressed today. Truman Benedict, di.strict supain- tendent. said today that although the board of trustee• has dirtcled him to cut betwt.en $200.000 <1nd $2a0,000 from the budge!. there still mey be fund.~ available for raises. "It does not mean !ht:re will be no sal ary tncreases this year:• said Benedict . ··1\'egotiations are still conli· nuing_" Benedict said normal salary step in· creases havt: been built into the bud1et tliis year, but any other incrt:ascs would h;ove to con1e from the undistributed reservt:. Ht: said in tbe past, funds for increases have ccimt: from those two areas. If a!l employes in the district \\'ert: granted a five-percent. cost-of-living Jll- crease. it would amount to approximatt:ly $350.000. or about $100,000 more than the trustee5 have asked in budget cuts. The cuts, hO\\"ever. \\'ere specifically to come from certificated and classified employ' c a t e go r i e s outside the classroom and from capital t:xpendilures. Salary nrgoliations y.·ith certificated l'lnd t!assified e1nploye groups havt bttn continuing since early spring. They Y.'t:.re intended to bf' resol\'ed before July 1 \Vhen the new fiscal year began. But when no decision seemt:d .appa rt:nt, trustees allowed negotiations to continue beyond the July I deadline. "Employe grou ps. under tht: Winton AC'!, can declare an impasse," said Benedict. "If this is done . the negotia- tions are sent to an impartial committee. But ~·e haven't yet reached this point.'' Bent:dicl sl'lid he hope!! agretment can be reached bt:fore the opening of school Com1cil to Hear Lifeguard Plea The Laguna Beach City Council \\·ill be asked tonight to ren'w its annual agree- ment with the Irvine Covt: Commun.Hy Association to provide lifeguard prl>' tection at Cameo Cove. Under tht agreement th~ association "'ill pa y tht: city S.'.l.06 per hour for 86 days of lifeguard service through St:p t. 12 The tot11.l fee, $2.596.33 is deposited by the associdtion y.•ith the ci ty , with pro- \'!sion for additional payment if e.xpt:nse! involved in the servict exet:ed that amount. Lake Tahoe Summer Syinphouy Canceled INCL INE VILLAGE . Nev. (UPI \ - 1'he summer season ol the Lake Tahoe Symphony ha,.; been canceled because of lack of interest. Vlado Kolltsch. music direct.or and genera! manager, said the symphony association mailed out 10,000 circular• about ils four·concfrt sumn1er season antl got le ss than dozen responses. When you sfve her an Omega she'll say uyou ahOuldn't have.'' but she won'I mean iL When sht sees tha Omega n1rne on her waleh ahe'll know how rnuch extra thought yeu pul ln10 her Chrl1tm1s. She may not teal!Je that Omega wa!ehes ire u19CI on 111 Apollo tnoon lilghts end in lhe Olymplca. Sha'I! lo~ II ju'\ forlts beauly. l.1ter on, 1ha·11 I~ Its enduring dependabilltY. And II 1ha UY*. "You &h~ld111t hive,·· Just you try 10 tak• It b1ck. 0 OMEGA A-141C n 1a er ~!low ""' 11111 e.t. l.,jj~l!lf l•~11•d Cf'\'11•1 .. t l»' I • 141( IOI" l'(llC ftt~ll Wt!Cll,. ,t l!I J. C. JJumph rie~ Jeu1efer:1 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVENIENl TERMS IANKAMER.ICARD-MASlEll CHAR.bf J4 YlAAS IN SAM.1 LOCATION PHONE 141·1401 -~-·--_,.,.~ -----" -'---=---r .,.•"""»" .. ~-,._--..-.. ._ •J ';~' \.> ,\;...,..."'!·, • ~·---J/C<l- j I I I I I ~I Df.l I rr "T ~c 11 .. nt!Cly J11ly l l }971 LECA.L NM'ICE ·-•ICTITIOV' alHllOl•ll IOIANll. ITAHM•IOIT lejlo.. "9 ,..,_ II Cll>in• lir.l1 1141M .. JM .,.HOMAS OUTDOOlt 1'1tA'/£l Ut W (Ml t<.,..,.., ,......._, •MUI ..... J ci..,, Htno ct;1 l1111 i..t.t• c .. u Cir~ f'o..nl• n V• •• C..llt fnOI 1'111l bu1i.-I 11t1N <OflOliel ... , •fl l,,.lvlllutt J Ci..,. 11e...t lt\.1 T11 • •l••-r t td w llll in. c;-..nrv (.If~ OI Or o,_ Countv ot1 J....,. lS lt1t Ay .. v•t • J ~ DIPolll' (Olm y c tt• l'ubl tiled Ot•,_• (0.$1 DI fY JV<\o loll •"4 Ju l' ) • ) 1111 '., '" , LEGAL NOTICE ..... , C"llTIOUS IU"Nf,5 otAMf ST4l£MIENT 'l • 0 ow tlfl ............ No"'"" I 4 >J.oc 1!00 '""' Westt 0 New"°" le1i;t1 C• llotl' I Htn .,. H I uaer n Ill? Ind 1neooll1 •v• 11un !..11 nn 1!01~1\ C:• hornll "In 1 bi.I• ne • • DO nt C-Utltcl ..... I J ,,, .., Ill '"""" p S 11nt<1 Hen .,. H e l>de n Th!t .i11.m1n1 r ~ wltll l'l'lf: COYnl'V i: t rl< of 0 1n•t CounlV "" June l• It/I •~ !eve ll' J MHl<lo~ 0.1>111v Countv < .. Pull l\ed O on9e (6'1\1 01!,.,, I' OI J <Jnt JO 1na Ju~ • ll '11 •14·71 • ' . LEGAL NOTICE , llllf , CT T OU! IUS NEil "'"MIE ST ... TEMENT lo ow ~• 11• •on ~ ao ~• t l#Pl~ll PLUMB NG " E •I NG J SO 8• t.a<!O> Co• 1 M•u C:1 I ''-~ W! •m II II• b~ao1 CO•. 1n•bu•ne •. ,.,.. v du~ C•mPbt M.-t Co I 9l•l1 " ri. ng cofl<!vt e<r b~ 1n 8 I Ct"1Gll< Tn t •l•emen N w n ht C• ~or O •ng.e (O<JnY on Juv I v lhvt l' J ModdD• DePv Y '" M Ju 1 l , I J1l "Cllf OUS tlH Nl:,1 .,._Ml ST ... Tf.MENT "th,. Iv owlnt ,,.,soD• I t <10 nt .. u. n•n .. ll"IN801H I.I. NT ENA.NCf P ct O liun n11 on 8e•Ch C~ Oout •• Con •• MClt•n <;t D Hun n~ on ll••cn C• I \I • l ' ' " E 11bo!n Meloan YI P c• D >-iun nt on llr•ch Co n• busntll • ntnv ondu Id bl • ,.. '"".i p E l•br M Lo~n D C "'cl••n l n t 1 1 ~m•n •O .., n nt teko O an9•Coun•on Ju• fly ttvl v J M•dDO• Oooul't '" Put> >hod 0 .,... (GI S DI ¥ P o ltll }O J ' Ju Y l ll Ind 4 UtU>I • I LEGAL f\O'I"ICE '"" "ICTIT 01.IS 11.ISINl!SI ot4ME Sl,tilEMENT Tht lo ow nl Pt son• 1 • ao n1 t.~1!n•o! II 8 i'IOER MESTY"' f.~ JOH SO " CO J.11 V1ld0 ~ut<Ol Nt PO e11cn Tneod~ t R B n~• 7J•1 lov F9 m P ace S1nil ,t1no H~ ~ d F. r u vane~ 1'1 II cnmont O •• ll n •h ~ m Low t nce I( JCl\n1on )$1) F• rn•vtn S..n 1 ,t.n1 Tn1 bu• ., • bt ' ond •d bY • t rnr • o• n• no H• o a E M! v~n·~ ln1 ••tmt'll lt<I • n (OI MV C • It al 0 •nt< Coun V o~ J1tn• l '" fly 8r•r r J Mad4o Otlhl v (.Oun .,. ' . ' New Staff John c JoloUoy .. r <Mila ~:.:t ~~;.: 1.~: .. J; t"'~~~fE ;i~·H:f:~1 g1 :~~ ~l~J:: >.• i....... ~.1 J J l>MI•• ~ O\I., n Sy • ... i. k Ml 11\i 21 0. • P~• ' '"' Elcter 11 l'Jtsa hu ~n namC\I nat ona 1tr.t Min'"' .. 111nk .cc ao1 ..... ._ l•u$nt ,,, 11, o. •tn P 1 , • E1tc: "l<KI l 1111.,,.•r>e• fo tr.du• r G•• 1..1 U l$\o Inn on , • J 1 0 • ., • Fd 1 •1.t EJe<rrm sa es manager for the com-, •• • oc111 o Sc s • >i. ow c1o 17'+t 1r. o ... n 1 n "10 1 E.., Mott ll1n~ •nd T VII CC Ind fie t • ~oo• 21 26 O.Lu• (. O\ ..,, E l(lr en merc1alande d ucall on1 l111 ••nc• n-. •'1 !1 d 4 • 1 \ on Fd 1~ 100-c:11 '" u 2.,.Emps 01 div1s1on cording or Techn1coloc Ill! l11Emp ~ ,.~.ij ll•n• Hy 11 1 11~ om \h I It 0~~1 0 0 1 10\.ol'n•, .. ll hi Ilk s... lf~ .:i e. I Pnt< 10"' 00.•~om c ll • )1'ilol0.IC b .... M , JI ' £111 G• c Htrlf WC :M ll•i lll•m R I H .. U \ om G•• I! ( Ool C1nl" u,. IS .. Er>twlll lo Douglas s Flet--MIO ..... .. "'"'II• nt R I I Comw "• 2S 2J _. Oel fl B 2l 1l ~ EP\CO I.II. 51\eW !Ol .SO~• ' h ltU~l I' •1"1o ' I• Com P" II I > 0..wev IEI l ~ l 'lo IE•urv Oh (h. g al r '"-UVellks J1\,Jl ewmr• 11~11t.n1>tC: i •~•O•"'C• ~71 E~'rK r ener manager o u.i: vi ,.. 1 ,,k 11 uv. &•llh ,,.,~ ,, is ..:""P '"" si. ~ • 0 11 , .,., 1 , J.lio FP4 ca d l -··· Ori IM .... 1111:• 8tt!W F 10 10Vt mp T.c ,., l •Ol91on ·~ •oFB COICO IVLSlon • ~~ ......iffiU5 ve F1CI 1.1 .. Lt ~~ U't. e .... H•• ,, ' ,. omre1 1 . l. DI< Ill(" l ' , .. Fe& c. "·-1 'f I~" 11111 Li b 5'0L •,1 1°"~ P.~. 'Ao l'O o D ~n ( \I lt , XI~ l'•b T•' 1A1::1 a r< esa Ml co t(• ,1, e1o1> M • .__, _ i1 19 0ocv ~ t , t h F• dvn E l AFA P S JI,,_ U •I UuP• W ll .... IJtoV'ontten r • l,,_ 0.,.. LJ 171" U l'll!f Or1 J\1o loy ln turn announced ,11.1 0 1oc ', 1:i. 81 d Son s1i.. s~ft'otp s J J , oaw Jone u '-"k" rll hi AITS Inc I , '°" 8 t1Ulr )I,, l lc•1m Y o • 0 Do...,. Dt 14 1 U F1 Boll lhe appomtmeol of William F !~M1 c~ 1r~ 10~~=~~14 E • :i; ~ 1t;:1~ ::,, ~: ir ~ ~~ &.":t'.; o 1:~ :!: ~~~""'Mu~ Sterner Jr of New.....,.. Beach AcWf~t 11 21"' a.o..1 .," ,, ., " c ur Ru 11o 1 1 Du °" lP.. 111.oo Ft G1<1R -· 411 ..... r 1• ~· ...... ·~ /~Cu• FecJ 7~ • El "•"' ·~ ...... PM WI as national industrial accounts Ml<llsn w 111.1s 011 n>.~ .. 11 Cvo Corri • • 0E1•tn ~h l• 11o1Fs1w .. ~ "'d~ Illa• ' , t > 8 ),\ Sra 1 1 01n1 lb I o Elle " t" i $'It FICO.~• manager AddiUonally Molloy :~· .~ ( ;1: 1~ ? ~·:h"'e: 1~ • 11 ~ ! Ji~ u named Donald S liregg as :::~"H• i ! ~ • 8~~~!.,."' is • 6 • ~'::'fi«J :m ~~./'; regional sales manager ror Uie .... ,a I C s • 6 llunn1 ,,., ,•, ',,•, 'c "' "ro,.lb•6 •13unSm MUTU L south ttntral state! " den E i 1~ 1 w5• n ~ 11 A Fo om• "!h:O Ln!I 11 I ~·mlH" H Sl:. .. F "~ c .. .i\f o 1 Io y v.ho Joined "It T«h 1 1 , •nn Mt " 1n F n~ n El 4tllrv •o 4>o•n ldP l'l o l F ..,( Tecl!n1color Jn 1967 Wai pr<>-., d EQut 1 , ' •nnon 11 " o ~ "" c• 1noted to the ne\.li]y created :_:.~n c11~ 1;: 1~ :fc:: ~:,:· 1~1. 1: FUNDS g:~·~"'~ ""~l a Iler !ierv1no !hf' past 4 Ph"m 1 • 1 '/C•Pln 4 r •, Ge',:.,••• I'~ fl •pi<! G.. l O l IP Tf yea r as manager of miirket "''" a usP 11 > 11 ·~· t co ,'' ,• _.,...a r-19 G0•,~ ~ 11o1, I .. f L1b l o l 1 1tB• "' p ann1ng }le ha~ preVIOUS]y 4 m E•• l • l 1rt G " r 0 n N[W VOllK 14 p j 1C4 13 IS 11' G•n II E~ been manager <lf market ser !~ ,:'1"~ :: 1 ~ :~ ... ~Ge .,, ,,,, -The lo!"""' n• Quo-1~.,, uG"e~. '~~~.~ g ~ ~~, \ices and manager of product •m Fvrn • • o Ctn "' l'l Jl •• ""' •uPP e11 .,, n:,, a ara..P G •1tn w Am Grfff ~ (J~ C•r VT ,, n~. • '"• N111 ...... 1 Auocl !OS "di In 5 ,, God CvCI management 4 M*<lkp 2•t• l•"< "'" L•b 17 M 111011 01 Sec:ur u M"' 10 0) 10 '° GODdwv 4 m ltltv 10 20'h ~•nee A :l'9 • »>~De• e • Inc a• p 01 4 5' , K G<><J d T Before JOJrung Techn1color 11m weld 7•• 1 • 1 01 p,, 6 int 11rk•• •I wh ch S•or-1• 11 21 41 Go• EF" 4nad It '"" J Chm LN 11•• l? '> !htlt \l(U t i Soll(! 9 1() 9 19 G •ah Cn Molloy was assistant ad llnh•u• 1 s .. s ~. Cn••• 1,, ' •l. cou d have t>een v1 Pv I IO i • c; Ph sd Vert••rng ma••ge• fo•!O,','",~ ,"•, •,• "•'•"•'•'• 1 1 1<>d bd orbOu•hf n• Re1h sn 5 1'G ., Mt .., " "' .~ 111 1 • (asked) Tut•61v , •I '' )6 7J OS G e<i~ Ml Hooeywell s pholograhhic pro--4 •d M•1 lOl• 11' ~1 DI\ o' 1 1111 ••~ vv 1 n 1 '31c; •• 4dY AkM<>P II 11 ... hltS• l?l.,,l0 14 GF. Fn!I .sr.z SIJ Hlnclt: 101 1 11Cirov1 p duels dlVISIO!l cc;:c.c;_ __ :__;;;_:.:;__:::c_ ____ ;,41Htdn )ZI l 42John'1n 14Dl J40JGull Inst 4om &I~ Funds ICt~i!-Fund\ GvtOl!n He also has been on the c;,.,..,h 1 JJ 1 oJ 4PD 10 11 , 1t H• o• 11 "'"""' • • • ll c~i 11 111 t sJIHe• 1nr fldVt'rhSlng Sale~ staff O( the _...,_"'~'"'c£cf'.!!:.:lc__ '"'u lO 11 II •l Cus 6? 19 II l :i. Hen ea I" ... v .. --..=___.:.:._ 4dv , , S 61 • J (us H• ft o • 11 Ht ff Jon Philadelphia Inquirer :i. n d .,, ,.. "' 10 J9 11 u c1is .;1 1 •1 • 11 He 1 co "O'kedro,'l•G,,w fl ill , F• 141 •d 'le 1 •1 Cu• K? 1n 121 H!s,t1<> " "' ce 4 ~u • F ll'll!Ot (11> SI )0 4 ll0/H<IOC n Publishing Comp'"' • "d n1an I! ·. · .. Fd .. " C11• S? 0 91 l .,, Ho°""' " ~ l • Cu' SJ l /,O t(JSoove w es t I n g b 0 use Electric ... P~• IJ OS 1' ,. Cu~ S4 s J .s " Ho I ••• l•mc•o 611 I 9 Poa •l• •u Howo Go Corporation In a vanety of ad \; B1·1· ef s II llu> ll l 61l Kn (kD OJ I ~~~-m~ a I d k I b ._ O•• 109? tJ l<nrk GI !OJ? .10 ..... ,, ••o ver 1s1ng an mar e ng JO s •m E~ u ••• jL•ng• Fn 01 1 s1 • •me E•Pt'5 Lt (, h 01-4 6]HU \ '° tllolloy 1s a 19~ advertising i: C1P ~ •1 • 1• L• 111h 11 °' 1 u P~: c.,c; '"d JDUrnaJ>S"1 g"duale Of iJ 1"'"'" 'ls ~o 11 l brh Fd • 10 I H lm1oe SY In e• II• •01L • S k 6l5 I ll tmex Co Pennsylv an1a State Un1\ers1tv N'EW YORK ''"'"''"' ',~,_•,• •21 L!t· Inv t JJ 1111nd Nuc r "" '-~ t 11001 L flC ot•t 1 SOUJ11nto nc and lives ~11h his ll'1fe and r.1eshulan R1khs disclosed that::::~""" ;~; ~n t.:,,, ~.v!.°' '~t',o ~: lhe1r lhree children in Cosla ,11m Mull ,l6 lOtl C•n•d JI JI Jl ll n1 mk '" M••a he JS JOlnmg the d1ss1den\S,.mN c;,1n 100 Jtl Cool 111i1111J n1m1 G '-' 4nc:hol" GrOU<> Nu! 14 11 Un lnll~ w,~ \\ho are seelung to wrest con--C1P 1 , ,. '60 Lon llbt o 511 nLe • ca Steiner Joined Techrucolor in 1969 and ba~ been d1str1ct sales manager based 1n llol!yv.ood v.1th responsJbihtv tor dealer organ1zat1on in s 1i.: st ilc~ and more recentl~ m1d1\eslern sales manager 111\h rrspons1b1!1ty for I~ states He wa< ba~ed i\I Techn1color s sales office n Chicago G "'n 111Sl?"ILutn Ila 111•13 ol(lt nl Mu I trol of In ve stors Overseas lftt!">• 11 'oo M•G~ n t lo •., rnr 5v$ m Fd lnY 91<1 Ol•M~n~n Sl! S'91nTw•v Se Ltd f Robert L Ven u .18 "I.IM~ G to '., t" on <1 nc rvices , rom ,.$ "" 63 s JI Mau chu~el co •Sou 1.1 I d l I I l Co .,~• Hougl\1on I "'•d 1 .. 111J•co1> FL esco an n erna iona n F~d ., .1 97 6 •J •..a•" , ., 1 11 J•ou n c I'd & 9116.1 "'•" llt l 'tl Jam w~1 lrols Crop of Fairfield N J s1or>. 1 !l'i' • 6,\IM~•i F n1nr 1•mtb:~ b Sclen •14 .1 76 /\ 1 •JJ S6.I Jp vn M Riklis said he LS SCi'ktng to U} !lat:>"'n ~ ~ • 5C M r. J •• 3' l(MS In~ &•Y~ Fd 117 9 •1 MO 1S I lllic1 s Sf1 10S voting shares 1 he Cana s1v .. c; 1 " 'l6 M• e• • 11 •,. K• ,5 "' B &rn H o•• 0 1,Md " un••• 11(••• d1an Schenlev subs1d1ar\ of ll••~n '" • >1 • 11 M~ n• • I• ni • 03 l(•m•n ., 18~9 K~n 011 nnMO<ldv JP• 11Jtic1 , G • R 1 k I 1 s ~ Rapid Amencan1ll• G " • o a Mood•• 11 i 61 o;•v••m 8 0n<IS >. •66 1 19M!F fd II< t'I& 1(~1 1 C d 150 000 h eosn S >. 161 •••M•~ Gn SI! •n ltr•n• c .. orp acquire s ares 8 0, """ 1 1 .,~uus <~ o o oi I!• e I kl d llos Fn~ l lf 904 A Om1(. !9/ 'ftl(• O<IG II " ' . ., • ~ ....... 0 an•o (.,.sf O• !Y ~ " Jun• ln •n" u• I • l '1 o•I/\ ]loyal Savings D1v1dend of IOS ast vear R1 JS SBI 11 """ "~ 01 , JI \"' omon 10 •• '.11 l(e wd h 18u a<:-(1 vn 'Au Shs 11 •• '"K"~ Svc hp had Informed Vesro 1 a Bu ~ 5 l 1 •Mu 1 un~v• K•u E , , \ (ondn 967 2 .. NF.4 Mut lO•• 06_\ l<eve Fl> 1 . I ECAL NOTICE Sets he IS JOlnlng tilt d1SS!denl~ o v d l • , a Not nn , ll li l(e Cu F 1 Ne w !. lQ 6U • NI sec., s~ lt~V• P( I~ p , •• NY Vn ~l ~ 7 !loan ICtll 19 ltno In l &unhfd 7 11 llo><I t6 s•11C:no•EI 3 l"ICT T 01.IS t1J~ NE~S N•Mf. STATEMEN T SAN FRANCISCO ~UP l \-~G'r.""o 10 ;6 11~0 P-:..."~ ~~1 t.~~n~o\~O<t .~ Ro}al Saving~ and Loan Bank or America t helcao "G~h 1" ~u "c ~ 111 !rit:::~t •• s ~ 1no lo ow n1 Pt 5on1 • • t o n9 touJ nt ll •• ! I. J M A NU '"I CTV • N( Association declared a 6 per Ainencan i\ledtc8IA~so<:1at1onc180~~n ~; ~~~ s"or~ ~·] 1"t:"!0 .. w"n 1 <ent :;tock d1v1dend payabl~ llnd Guggenheim and S!n 1n!C•o Sh •&S 1 »~:u.?ch ::~ ~~~L••o• Co 1~ JE NEt El!S •rt. S" G • n ~•n 1 •no W .,., 0 J•~Hml l!!I• ( 0 Yf i'l•w•o II o<n JO/<~ F Vrndet ••" 1l (1 Ion "•C• '""'" l no ,,,, 11\ J bti• nl'u 1 b• p; ton<lltLl«I & ,., ... sh • J F Ven<!• 1•n I I Jan!•"'• ,.~. 1ll"'"" l•d "'" ~. r tr~ of o 1nqt Coun on Ju v lly !tvr v J Mdaoo~ Orcu v '" Co "r . '" ( O<JnlV Pub J~d o 1 Q• (no J y J 1' •nd ... UOVI Do v P o lt "9• I LEGAL NOTICE ll,71 hhld r (•ntv S~tl/SotNF• l •h(c1 U} o s are O ers O foundalJono; have Bnnounced cnannno Funn N"'!,tw,," 1 '' 1 ",t•1 Go d r ·1 JS (pm ~I I 16 1" • Ul'IOVf l •H (Ir recor o ·~ a.v $12 mil hon loan program for r. • ~ s 11 6 ,31~·~to~ 15 JI,", 10 L n ,,1,1 R Js'•gs a•dl o• d d 1satt 19b7 •'"'''""Lnan O)?: av" " n d 1 3 adv an! age me ica lnc:o" 103 I JI Note•• 1111 \It L~l>l•w A•so••al•O" •" l'aded "' d C I I a c•• o Oo• Oct~n9r I 01 I 01 tflO £ n ·' ._ " ·' " :;tu en Ls In a 1 orni ·cl~ 111 1 60 ~'"~• 1 1 1 ,J L~n~ c I ll lhe~ou•le• ••d 10 l)O Fu !I l • SI 15 tl Mori.,, r. 1ona Y over ,,_ " " Loart'I or up to$~ :)()(111 year ~u;a ,~~~ • c Fu" '" 010M• Poo has 460000 shares oulstand1ng I I f$l2000 lib d " On~wms1&01 60IM• l't¥ ora toa o WI ea ~~~" 9' Jos,..e Fnd •11 ooM• k rhe co1npany 13 head 1 1nced to students lo f1nancec;.":' 1~:i2lllf0Ne11 •1 1n,.,.•nn < d Lo A I d "'""Sn ~et let e o C[Uarlere in s nge es an tuition Ior four years co en~ , _ ~ oTc \ec 10 11 n ,.. •u LI' h Co I b h E•uv •· •""'oaoenh ~10 '' M~ro as an Orange un Y ranc The purpose ~ 10 double the GFunoR 1,.~1~,•,oPo 4 ,, 11911 4 , ~Ou•• office 1n Laguna HJl!S "'" ... Pou 1>vr 1 J.1 'JI ~,.., ~ "' ____ number of phys1c1an~ 1 n Into.., •n 06Jp1 Mu "" 4 14 M..,c M -Vtn ~40 590Phl o 11 41 1'1 M90 n LEGAL NOTICE California drawn from racial co u c; ~ • 11 • 1! p , 1,., 0 9 1 Mo 11 '" NOTIC( 01' I ULI( '"""'$"(" B k I (oms B~ j 11 s ll" • SI I .. 11 .. M<T .. w flUt m1nor1ty groups an o cw h 411 n 1 5• p;:,., Enl 1 0, 117 Md n C• ' NOT ce: 'HEREBY GIVEN 10 !ht ,,... AmPrica 11' pulling up the s12 ,:-: ~ ,1; ,:',Pon Fnrl l nu o~~·c;, (.odtonll!Edw•de C.~nl ltt 1>t •o l'ICllllOUS I USI Nf.SS J d ~·• •n nv "ll'?Mll ..,~0.. r.us M• , s~ • • s •tlon N4MI tT4TIMENT m1lhon 1n111al pr1nc1pa an Como CP • '' 1 •l P1, '" 1i u u •1.,., 1 oM l n• fol own• pe ion• • • n"'"' I I omo Ba '" O..JOI" ct rvno~ u• OH •l0< n ~'Ct• n Co1 • M•• !hi'! 11.10 foundations \\I omo Fd lo1t110 •0 c,,.,n 11 .,n 11 .~~· ,.," Counro 0 1n~• S a ~o Ct otn • ho II. (ON b b h tf the. O<flll~ ••f •h,. E O• O •?~"• • OUk '""'" , • .....,., ob• m•a• to B,t.LllO' ~1~ s <..o•• a ~or I ttnlerl'SlCQ::; or Conto d 11 1 1 1 •Ho•, JatTJ0 611 ~ 'o r C.u I 0 I (O IHI • on l •nll•rtr w~a.. fOU! I t'i\fS the S{UdCnt Spends ~o"' "'::. a:; l al P o ~ und I 0 I 0 to' py•C~G bu! ne•1 ~dd ••• 10 •••nu• n Me 1 , C~n• • 1 , h I O h I ""' e P o Po f un••• ..,0~ .~ ., ~ • • n h• c v a Lo 4"q• • Cou" Y ,1611 111 ~C oo I er group~ a so Con Mu ~ J 11 p os ~a u •V• "'"n c~ "Lo"""''"\ S• c C• on o o ~· JI b I rn, ]Con GM 0)1 O•,P own 1 ~ lll f ~· 0 Downg d.,c .,..aooP• v aw 1 • roc i 111 contn uetol 11rnc1pa lca o Ld 11~ 1 lnu \P D!l 11 oo • /II a<;I< n ~a • u " ·~11 """ ~ 0 I>• ~1 1 fu•d C Cda • 7 1 Pu n~..., Fu n /Mo ' h•ltt •n••VCt C!l"d~<ldb • " (nVD v~0•6 f"llu ~l •~• ~1 •no"-••G •n•Ciu >< "" fC nVD• ll ~~; C'•o o !01 ~•! .. , , n•V ~n 066 70 1>6 re., .,, , o(•O• •ON•w~o-r ..,,. ~·n f'\F.\V'tc'lRK LPll -rhcor•v-~•O ouo n~n 'i••o l\u~ n ~Iv c (O\~ I •• Th • ••t'"'•~I "" n r~ • I (l n•v• C• 0 ... Ind ~· ~ut" bV t •• w I c . ~ 0 0 •ng1 Covn.; ... un 2 •I ('C'OnOll11' or the Un IJ d ~tales ri;r:w ~n•v~ v" •• : ~ •• I h '"" .,mmA n 0 c 1 • nr 10 ~ d•Y I v llt•t v J M•dolo• °""" ~ Coun f l Ot " 1tnav• v 9 : :! 0 ,,.,0.,1 01 • •o><~•olG~1 C •• tl-01\ I~ rC'CQ\er1ng a ;Jo C•• 4 ll!P•v~~· 101, r• S•• nft•C v o lo>,t.nor• C~u~ J .. n1 )0 1ndJuvl • n ,, U• JI F lo •I 1490 ''°I~'''' J !l 111N ro LM"n~· i.~ o•C• on• 1-----\11lhpre\Oll~reCl'~s1on~ r~ O ••' t<1 ll611)U Scn1>•I 61 t oN• l• ' LEGAL NOTICE •• IC B " I I D •vi l• f6l 61)9 Sc "a• r und Ml I• •• knawn to lllf ''""' • • • 1~a11ona f!\ an" Sl'llC in J S fl• 1n o 11111 In "" navi " • , " • " • • ' , ' " " ' • ' ' • 0 ,0 ,,.,1 0n . ~n A•nu•1>1 •• rub""" O•~•• en .. 0°~ "0 sat1slactOr\ ra1cas1.:on1p1:irerl Doo•C•-un•••1Rn• 11>os !I " fl 1 r ••• nfmt\ • Q •Od • •d •~1--------I E &'1 • d 1 ""'"" •• "'" m ' 1 v•• ., , .. ., July econ11tn1r f'ltcr I ~·:.,•wtll~I~. ~~·~~ 1l1;~~1l NEN VOJ\( !•P ~•dn•1••••<amo•te r•• 1 a tent ,...,, 1"' ""'°"* •• ,CTlOUS •uU,.l!>l (Jlj Bank ~aid odustrial Su• •UjOIO com ;1 n•110 1sNt"' Yo k $oc1 E•c~•ns• "<•i I O!I"• "&Mflf .. TlMIENT f~•d H Ol l llStc<J Funrl Dtt?d iuv • 1•1 Th• 10 0,,n• o••on• ,, ~o n • production made its best ga1n lc1 n 1 9 10 !~• •1 GULF OLCORPOP,ti lO>I ltusnr''' E~· (, 111'1 ,11 tl)li eve E E1i110\;E. '"'"' CNTE llPrt1 s 1:~ 1, 1n ~tay s1nre the post aul(). ~"'1< •• • ti7 ,,. 1 ,.., k I I •~rem • ;>t o 01 Dl ,. n in:dn10 :~~. \.ou 0 , ~., c\r.r~ ~";~:.;:•·11~·c~bn~0t?~01 0 :-;In e rcco\crv spur 1 I'•"' src !~ 1611 ',,, .. bacu•' Ito • "" 1 De ccmbrr ind Januar\ fhc n" •• 1 96 Ab~ Lb 1 , -A- J ,, M~I Cl on ~•)6)1 1t ~e ov 1 •1 l o 11'A(f 1 tt 61 ~nu 1 P o •o• 110• reporl sa d t>ven such rn F. ~u • • •t o l41s~~m d ' 5 i s A m•t ":~ 1 ti si LEGAL NO f!CE "~1.eo 1, 0111 U3C11 J d lou r ~ '" o u s~·~ II" t•l•'41.,cmoMk 1~ l l~, bu1 nrn • "'"' co~INclM &• " dicators ii~ (:;tp11ri ~fl"ll lnJ: Fa Po •I• , oo Sh•~ 1 v l• id .,nrn•.E 0 1\ • •• l I I I hoed f••d lG~ 6"1 sntmo16 u111_.dMlo 0 11 11.1P1•0ll cou~1 Ot< '" ••~••;•..,,n•G• ~w~~ <1n1 ln\enory eve~ 8 I.I F~m 11u u11.1•a \Of Fa 01s 1u1•d<1~" •>• 1 1 11.,11: o, C•L l'O•N•~ t<Oll rncouragmg "gns l\hile the F <1e • c; """ 1~,m~ rvnd1 .,om 1 i TMICOUNll'OFORINGI '~· tem-n It'd ... ,n,1n·,~;;· Coo 1'!' l)I c... 9 9) 6114 ntl • 160 )10 "'• •ttol' c -l of o on;• c...,n1y on ~un• ' 1 federal re serve syslem ap-con a • o 10 ltl 1n~• 1 s. 11 .. , .. , naLt , 1 1 IOIOT(( 0, Hl: ... 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I~• 34 Mw r t G•1YCtlh11llodll•e n •P• lil<l"' l •J •l llm Ind •O) •• 1.c1~._u,., 1Mlc oooe e nl w end"'" •n<•o lncom S•I t .S4 ,t1no ' l l 4'A(oS•~d JO V I t, Tt1tem•n 1 v a P•I t oner !11<1na Yer> • l • • 11 ~due 1 ll 711 ., "'"", lO< Wo .,,.~ rt!e<tnCI' 16 ""'<h 1 mint to A • Fs Fii Vo I •• 1l OS St• n llOOI Fd ., 11m~1 7•o -nnouncmg F• n•el!o > B• 1n 10" 10 j 4 f•9 (a Co t '"" ... (U I • •nd 11>•1 ""' ''"' •nd Olsro I ... 70 C•a 0 10 01 0 01 • •al"d 1 4(1 PKI of""'"' Ill' Mm• 11•1 IMen ... Go w n ·~s 01• Sa<;• 1C611••1"+.0Lud pl) In 4 ut u11 5 1tn 1! 'JO •"' " ll>f Stock t 1t 10 61 Su"" v o,d tn• ., fOPw ll ou """' ol OoPI _.., No, 1 of F Mu i •n ttl G w~ un#v111 4 M Ch17t ••a CD\j ! 1t 100 C •I< Ctn,... 00 u• Wtol F,i N• 111 I '1 Sum I untYI I" <I M•ln ~ In ""'c ,, flf S1nlt ...... C• '"'"I l'"!I s .. t n•·•' 1Kll un•••I • !IMI" tJ Dte<1Jul~lt 1•11 F •t c-• •JI Svnc ar~ 10 •llOl:u;;;""::s"d 'lo W. 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B e•~ '"1'11:;;8t',110:>0 l'vnd Inc: G " N• If\¥ I U t tJ A Cl" ~1 lj SUl'l:lllOll COUltT 0, llfl JT,llTf 01' C4LIPOllN a POiit Toti" C01JNT'r 0' 01114NOI" N• a Ml lllOTICI 01' NIAllUtO 01' P"f"'ITION l'Olt f'lllOl,llTI 0" WILL ·~ 1'01 r$SUANCI 01' Llnllti TIJT,.,,,.IN TAltY £1!110 rt1 M'l'ltTL( 1!0 l H H SLOP Dtct••~ HOllCI[ II Nl!ltl!l'I 61Vl!N ll>tl J""n I( 14hlH> •1111 •ot1et1 C. Ii t °" "••• f IM "••!In • MllllM 10 pr<>l>lltt ., w •"" ,..,. 11w1nct ot lentn ""•..,.nl• Y Ho •Dl>l•I ( t<lo .,.. rot~ ""''° lo which 11 "1•11• Nit tulll>tr ,,. ll<u I l. ""' tl!•I 1~1 ' .... '"" p I(• " h•••lr>t ""' •• ,.,. ~·· ~""''° 4wt\1'1S 1'1'1 11flill 1 "' n "" coo.irt ..,, of OHi ..,.n No 1 o4 ••!I ...," " no c "t <•n!• I> ... Wtsl i.. "'° Cll• el Str>I~ llftl (1J to ~ I P.t" Ju.,. l' 1•11 YI E .St JOI"" (OVfttv(t ~ J •llWH •Ylll1 JY&OIS •NO ~MITJt MN WIHMN 11"4 '"It ltl l • .__ltl (I lttrltl1 •11 "" Olli tM •11 ""-"'' fir l"tlllt-• , .... J •~& -nt1nl• (N I Q• V " 6 JvJll))tlfll IX - ....... ,..._ • MITCHUM JONES & TEMPLETON r\\~llM1'2CI 1 ~c otr O t-"rt.• ~95 For~ Avenue • TelophoDe Latuna 'Beach 494 9781 lft""'61 NM Tork S1oct hxchanf{f' #ltd tldtW prindpo/ txdumgP:.t 9265 1 Jn< Comm t lO 0 I U C•o 1 II 1270 4,.. .,., ....... ( l l1 •l.s Yhlffl l).Ol•U ... Ou1n 1~ Ina lfll lJ '/Ill • 4J Uft led '""'" • Cv•n I ?J Pol 1 5fll04ttm 1 t.1t •T 4m Ot1ll l "NI 4.., • '4 'IO Con Gr 11 IO IS. 11 .. Dl11T1 109 Gt "'WV t" 10 1' Con Inc l15'11 II 4"' O\ll lVl!St c;.., SH: • .. •" lnc<>m 1' >0 U II AD~tVI Pf U 11<111 l t 1 1' klen I 01 IM ~mf. 1'w 1 70 GI/I> Sec: Vint I II It ""' E•P !"Cl 411<!.l' 1 55 •.JS\J FOC•n 1f' l.llArnE•11 Pl I• •n 1 " • n V• ve Lint "" "Gnfkl llJ• C11t11SlllOll4 VoLI 1 117.J.l ... a ..,noto !l\rd 4 I 11 t,sl fnc:om J 1' t IO • Gnln 1111 M "'" lnO 1'l ltS 11 Ot Spl Ill J M 6.70 llm 141>111 40 u~ rt M '' 66 Hu Vf't;ll ltl •so 10 '' " Horr>t r 1(1 Htm Ion Vt>ftd M I • 713 ... H0tne Pl ) ~dSl"I •11Sl1 Vlf>fd •tlSl;..,,..M1111i. G wlh 1 •s • t'IV1..!t TN 10 10 II" ... mfftVI! ~ ·~· b6 l ~j t»1V1tlf\ P fU jll ... Mt>dt•I 1f H&C "d ll•lll •71"°1 IM 111 Mll((14t H&C L.-. II 111 I ...... I G • " • ''[""' Mc•or• "'~b GM I ti I 11 Wo1n IA l? t• I• If ._NI Gt• I 70 1-1 .. 11-.: ) .. '1J f•t> t )I 1• 1t .. ._,.,. S•tt '' HM M•n 11119111" h•• 6nll'l11""' Jh p -ICM"~' I OS 112 Mer• 11 41 JU ... s .... n It!) lit G -T'(n~ I :U 4m'o._ 10 Grw,~ ''° •H Tru l?l'l 11'""'~., nm lf't;-•'1 411 W•1I 111111'7 .. m S •ftd.40 1'u~•.,11 1'1)1 W•lln 1"1!ll.,s1doftll ... ~ II 011 ,.!W• """ G 11\jt> ... ll110v 1 t 1,.,..,,. 1-. wna 10111 •S ... ,., Slf• " .---------------------------------·I'm• Cit> I~• 110Wnt Ind 6 16 •1~ .. T&T *' Im• e ~ I IU'Nif't;r. ,d l •~ Jtl ... ,., T&I 1.0 '""" ,.,.. l•n1J M~wn1,a •O •Uam 11 Plwl '"'' lie• 1 01 I 15 w te 1'111 •to ' Q .,W•IW~ '° nd<J•t.,. ''' sn o 1n 101 Jos ... ww '" n 11'11,N t tJIOllZ•lt< \OdlllCIA.Wri<oJ !B ---- " • "' • Complete-New York Stock List I • .. - ' ' l ' t I j ·. ~ ... 'll '1' PILOT 23 ~ .., ................... :mi .... .,.~~"" .. ""'""',....,,,. .... ,..,..., ...... ,..._~ ......... ,.. .............................. ..., ............................................. .., ............. --..,..-~~·~ .... ,,,., .... ~,,.....,..__.. ,....._ ........ .. Courts NEW YORK IUPll -A Columbl• Unlvers!ty study of lh~ consumer credit ::;yatem charge11 that .. coorts "act as c<1Uectlon agents of l h e creditors" insleld or 11d- minialerlna justice in con- 1umer disputes. The study, based on in· tervlews with 1.331 debtors in default in New York , Detroit. Phil adelphia and Ch 1 ca go . found the failure of the debtor Public Blasted for to get a fair hearini 111 court was a ma1or injwitice in the credit system. "The courts do not ad- minister justice in consumer disputes," Prbf Dav l d C11plov1l1. wrote. "but rather act as collection agents of the creditors." "At !east 2'1 percent or all de.fau lt debtors interviewed had valid defenses based on thei r creditors' failure to Jive up to their part of the oririnal bargain," he satd. "It properly represented with leg a I counsel, undoubtedly many olher debtor~ would be found lo have v11lld def enses.'' Caplov1tz said the debtors - ··oyer1orhelmingly persons of marginal if nol poverty-level income, persons or low oc- cupational status and persons d1sproporl1on11lely recruited from minorit y groups" - Trading • Ill Being often failed to appear in cou rt at all because of confusing summonses or none at all and because of the expense 1n- YO!Yed. ThP study urged instituuon of ne ighborhood co n ~ u nl e r courts and revision of sum- n1ons procedures to assure debtors easier access !o a fair COtJrt hearing. It also rec o rn m e n de d abolishing door-to-door 11ales Gold Despite Warnings of U.S. LOS ANGELES IUPI) -the Gold Reserve Act of !1134. more th an 51 mtllion trading Public lrading in gold future11 DaYid Ca llahan. president of in gold futures v.·as conducted was opened oo the West Coast lhe nedgling exchange which fn the first f:i5 minutes !lfter commodity exchange Tuesday began trading 1n sugar, cocoa, opening 111 1 am. despite U.S. Trea sury warn-sliver and other commodities The gold reserve a c l ings that H was in viol ation of only last October, sai d that specifically prohibits U . S . -~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edison's Revenues Up 3.7% Southern California Edison Compan y reported operating revenue!! for the s e c o n d quarter ro11e 3.7 percent, com- pared with a year ago. but net income declined !2.!I percent under pressure of infl ationary forces. Jack K. Horlon. chairntan 11nd chief exccu!l\·e officer, no•t.d that the Californla PuJ!ic Utilities Commission la st month granted the com· pany .a rate increase amoun- ting to approx imately SI 0!>.5 million a year ba~ on lhe 1972 p~limated leve l of sales. The nt-w raies become ef- fective last "'eek. hr said . Operating revenue for !he thrtt months ended June JO v.·a.~ $179 million. compared v.·ith Sl73 mill ion a year previous. Net income dipped to $25.6 million from $29 .3 million a year earli er. Second qu111rter net "'as equal to 47 cents per share on wei&hted average sha res of common 11 n d participaling original preferred stock. com- pared with 61 cent.'\ Oil a lesser numbf.r ol share5 last yeAr. F'or the fir st sir n1onths of l!nl. operaling rrvenue reach- ed $366.6 million. up from S.150.6 million reported for thr same period last yf'ar. Net in- come in the first h1!.lf this yea 1 11mounttd lo s:>~.2 mi!lion. compared with !61 million 1 year a,110. Earni ngs ror !hr rirsl half were t-qual to SI 07 ptr share. compared \l'l lh $1 30 per 5h11re - a year previous. On a 12-monlh basi5 t>nded June :10. Edi~on reported e11rn in111 of 52 46 pe r ~hare. com pared \lilh S2 55 fX'T share fnr th' ~l'l.m!' period a y r111 e11 rlier. In the f1r s1 l111lr. f'ner11;~ seles 101altd 23 I b i I \ i o n kilowatt-hour5. 4 6 pt.rcent more than in the ~ame period last year. Among the thrre lar11esl customer ca tegorir.~. reRiden- Li!l s1les gainf'd 1he mo5l with An 8 O percent i n c r e a ~ e . fotl()wed by cnmmer.c11!I s11le.~ up 7 O percent. and induslriAI ~ales 11M11d 0.4 perct.nt. For the three months endpd J une 30. energy s11les tor..-lf'rl I LS billion kwh, 4 2 percent more than in the second qu11rter 11 ye11r Mrli1'1°. Com- mercial ult.! were !>.4 ptorcenl ahead of the urne period la5l year. lndualrlal sale.1 we.re up 0.7 percent, and residential sales Increased 6.0 percent. It's Co111.pressio1i By compressing the conlenls of :l0.000 punched cards ~stacked on the left) on a single 14-tnch disk (sho\1·n in its carrying case on the fl oor !o t he right) users of the 1Btl1 System/3 i11 odel 6 are ablr lo store almost tv"o and a half million characters of in forma- tion. That's the equivalent of data froin O\'Cr 100.· 000 gasoli ne credit cards. 1-lcre l'edra f-lahn 1n Boca Raton, Fla. gives the l\1 odcl 6 access lo the d isk by inserting it into a dra\Yer on the left side of the des\\-siied computer She l·an then ··converse" 1~·ith the dis k through the keyboard at her finger- tips. Air West Sets New Cargo , 11 ruffic Mark Hughes Air We~t·~ passenger and c;irgn traffic sr! new pPrformiincf' h igh~ acrnss the boa rd during lhe llr.~t six month~ nf !971. l'Qtn- parrd with the similar period la!"! ye1u 1\111r tin f . Sch:.fr r. d1rcrtnr nl markehng. said cargo tr11f- f!r \\'il~ hik ed nearly 2~ per- cent, v.·hile passrni;::r r de ns11y t th e average number n f passengers flying one mile) ro11e nearly 15 percenL More than 1 .. 19'1,000 fa re- paying pa5sen,;:crs boarded Hughe:s Air \li'est flight~ Ill !he i2 airpnrti!I serYed by the 1·ri;:1nnAI r;uT1rr Thi'> L~ \ 8 rrrcrnt mnrr than t hr 1 .. 17:1.000 bnarrl1ng~ in the first six months or l!?iO The.~r pa<..~rn;::rrs flt'\\' HI .1 perrPnt n1or(' ni!lrs than in the :;im1l<1r 1!1/(\ peri od Hi2.fil3 .7!1<1 l'er:;u~ 4l9 .. l9.1,692 Avrrage load f ff c Io r 1perf'f'ntage of ~enls r111e<1 1 for the l1rs1 5i x mnn!h.~ 1u mprd 10 46 percent from ~.1.2 percent. Pas~en~cr dl.'n.~ily cllmbed 1:18 pe:r('t>nl -tfl 3:1.7 from 29 6. The airline 's svsre mw ide on- t1rne averagP l-em11ined un- changed for lhe period ar 87.fli percent. citizens frbm posse~sion ef1 gold bullion . I Callahan contends that the act spe cifically exernpts gold coins minted before 1934 and !he exchange has bas_ed _ its l ln!ld ing lots on B r 1 t i sh sovereigns and other coins ' minted prior to that year. I Prohlbitorv ac;inn by the Treasury \~' a s an!icipated shortlv. The We st Cna!lt Com-1 modi!~· Exchange alrt'ady had filed a petition 1n \" s 01str1ct Court in Los Angele~ seeking a court ruli ng on whe ther the ' trading was in violation of the l gold rt'serve act. Callahan said th;1\ more than JOO ''contracts·· or 200 1 troy ounces per contract werel traded in the !1r~t hour v.·1th orders coming from al\ over the United States and as far away as Australia . The nverage price per ounce for gold to be del ivered in Januarv ran around $60 co m-I pared 'tn approxi111a1ely $42 per ounce o n \hf' "world market'' set largely by ex-1 changes in London and Zurich The numi.~matie. or coin co1.I lectin,e:. additional value of the sovereign accou nted in part for the variance. Callahan contends l h a I under the Amer1can free ent('rprise systen\ there is no reason "'hy ils citizl'n& should not be permittrd 10 join in l determination of JilOld pric<'s.1 He sa,·s !here JS well nver $6 billion. in Briti5h ~ovf'r('1gns 1n circulatiAn plu~ ,e:nld cnin~1 fron1 other cnun1rie~ and American gold pieces rninlcd l before 1g34. J1u1e Totals Reported By Air Cal I 1\1r Cahforn1f1 CAn·1erl 74.580 , pasi:en'l,ers in u~ ~a1rllitc mark Pts durin~ .Junp and flrw II lO!AI nf :!6,349.000 f('l'C nuc passrngrr miles. A cr-<1rd1n~ to Oudley f Miller. Pxrcut1l'e 1·1re pres1drnt-mar~Pt1ng for I th!' A1rllnr TrAf(1f' n·~ul!~ f0r the f1r.~t !'IX ITIOn!hS Of 19/l .~hnw 405,197 pas.sengers r ,1 r r 1 Pd compared to :19.1.2111dur1n~1 he eon1pArAblc 1970 pr r 1 11 d . RevenuP. pa.<;.scngcr milr~ were 14:..1:16.70'1 V£'rS11.~ 143,329,200. The .<;ched11lr completion factor for June lfl71 w..-.~ HKl1 percen r \11th 1.036 flii;::hl.~ flown betwrtn No r r h r r n and J1 Southern CA!i f nrn1a. Pe:rfnrmancP records ~howed l !I~ percent of Air Ciliforn1 a's fhghll!I departed on limP or within 1!> minutes of sc:heduled ~ departurr Air Cali fornia oper.?ole:s 11 rleel or Boe ing 737 Sunjets .'ierving S11n Francisco, Sanl Jose, Oakland. 0 n t 11 r lo , 0 r A n g e County-Disneyland, Palm Springs and San Diego, What Do Syn1hols Mean~ Clarity Key to Initials U set/ 011. Big Board • NYSE lit NEW YORK tAP) -Have you ever wnnderi!'d how the tJcker 1ymbot" for oompany atodta are derived? Why, for e1amp\e, Is JOY the 1ymbol for Joy Man ufac- turtni Co. but OAT for Qu1kt.r O.ta? Or why dnes F'CB stand tor Foote, Coot and Beldlng when SLZ stand~ (or Schlit7:7 "Cl •rlty Is !ht key," ex- pl1lru John ~nlewsld. assls- l1nt dlrtttor of floor p~~ eedure at tht Ntw York St~k Erch1nge.' "Our aim In ¢hnn~· Inf tymbol!I J1 to avoid con· fusion on the p•rt of lhe in· veatln.( bllc, m e m b e r finns, 11nd very Importantly, connnt111ions. like OOG. fln lhf' trading floor." Initials .. re often a c-on. Each C'O mpany listed on the venienl way or arriving at a Big Board ls as.signed ils own symbol F'CB, for example. exclusive .i;ymbol. The tellers. 'lands for f"OOll'. Cone 11nd 11ton' (lr in combination with Beld ing. Fir~! syllables are one or !"'O others. mnYf' 111lnni;: 11lso extens1\'ely u.'ed. like !he uppe.r h;ilf of the licker ~fET for MelromNli a or SEA \apt" abn ve thr \'Olume and for •1r.11in price figure' Tht-"Speerl\I r1ri ni: schonr· Thr prnce/'s for S«>lrctinR 1t nf 5rlectinn is al~o freq uently ~ymbfll for 11 rnmp11nv 1~ 11 Ul'f'd In this ce.sr !he lettrr~ in Ct">mr!1c11ted onr. Lrsiilr\1'5kr lhe symbols 111e chn,rn Ml PxpLtl n ~ 1n !h<" rurr rnr issur of 1he1· visually f'rci"te thf' sruird 1he rxrh:ingc m.1~iir.lnr nr the corporatr oamr~ XR.X CPrt111n cornb;'1;ii1n11~ of Ir\-reprrscnls 7.crnJI' 1111d SL7. 11.'rs 1tr(' hAnncd hel'flUSt' lhev .~t3nds f(lr Sch!11 1 n11mr. whenever pru;sible. · One exctpt ion tn lhis rule ii<i: wilh companies v.·hose n1 mes bcg111n "'ith Q. The symbol for Quaker Oats. for example, is OAT. Th is 1s because any/ stock coming across the ticker beginnin,11 with Q means lhc tompany is 1n receivership or h11nkruptcy proceedings. I C'.cmpanies Arf' :i ware of the in1 portanct' of these ~ymbnl, her;iuse rhey 11:-r seen mAny t1mr~ on !he 11cl;rr Grner;il Teltphone a n d Elr.c1 run1c~ rrccn11y Jaunr hed l "" "'' ' , r •. , .ymbols art <'hn~cn ~o th11t 11 h I h d and SIJ\' O'her~ arr lh · ~ svm " r-AORt' from G~;N 1 b ' . rn.ivn the f1rsl lt'l\cr Is the samt' 11~ to GTF: htcausr that 15 iL~ cor- 'Creditors Agent' • of cxpen5ive merchandise on credil, establishing a free · market credit system 1n wh ich debtors would pay interest ac· cording lo the risk they represent and !hose w1lh a hist.ory of defaulting v.·nuld be denied hirther credit. and en· couraging widespread Wn· sumer class action to help lov.·· income debtors v•ho face prcr hlbill\'ely h!gh legal expenses. Ca plov1tz said v.·age garnish· ment should be done awa y with because 1l is a "threal lo lhe debtor out of all proporl1on to the amount of hts liability" which frequently forres him to settle or quil his job even "·hen he has 11 defense to avoid the stigma garnishment carries. The ~tudy ciled the case or a li·year-old Delro1t man who bought a $600 stereo set while earning mOf"e than 5\2,000 a year Illness rorced hlm lo fa!t in arrears on payments and when he could v.ork agaill he Jo.st 8 succession of Jobs becausa his wages had been garnished. "So J finally had to apply for welfare to feed my chlldren," the rnan said. Caplovitz conducted th e studv ·while a senior research assOC1ate at Co I u n1 bi a 's Bureau of Applied Social Research He now Is 8 pm- resso r of sociology at Hunt.er College. Costa Mesa Store Harbor Shopping Center SUMMER cearance We are taking Mark Downs Daily to Clear All Seasonal Mercliandise. Some of Our Many Savings -Quantities Limited. Here are Just I INFANTS I e Nylon Knit Topi & P .. nt1 Orig. 2.l t . e Bikini Swlm1uU1 Orig. J.00 . e IBoyt & Glrl1 Ol1p1r S1t1 Orig. 4.00 . WOMEN'S DRESSES Ori9. Or19. Ori9. q.11.00 •. f 2-1 4.00 . 15 -I 8.00 e Nylon Hooded J eckef1 Orig. J.00 e S••r1uck1r iun1ult1 Orl1. 2.19 I G!RLS • Stretch D•nlm P .. nt1 l -61: Orig. 2.59 . . .............. . • Swim C1p1 Orig. 1.00 e Surfer J .. ck1t1. 100% Nylen Orig. 1.99 . e Short Stt1. l -6x Orig. 1·4.00 SOLID STATE BLENDER fOOO ta J I .000 JIP''-1 lnfl11lte Speed Tran11_.,,1 .. c1 Ce11trol. <44 'llP jor. Tue~ .t.wey Corel . OJllG. Sl4.ff e Knit Tap1. 1·14 Orig. J .00 e Sklrt1. 1·14 Orl9. 4.00 I NOW 1.88 2.22 3.22 NOW 6.88 NOW 8.11 NOW 11.88 2.22 1.66 1.44 ..• 66 1.66 1.88 1888 1.22 2.22 I WOMENS I e Kn it Spert Tept Orl9. 5.00-1.00 • Poly Doublt Knit l'l1r11 Orig. 13.00 e BlaUl t l .t Pint Topi Orl1. 4.00-6.00 e 1B lou1e1 & Pint Tops orr1. 6.00-1.00 e Sheri Shorts Orig. 4.00 • Anklt P .. nt Cleanup Orig. 6.00-ll.OO • We1t1rn Styli J .. ckels Orig. 9.00 JUNIOR SKIRTS to o•-.. '•IRt•d Catfa11. Jluflf• loteM. Fledclad Walo. Sell leth.. • M1ternlTy Topi & lettom1 Orig. J.00-7.00 • Str•w H1ndb•1• Orig. J .00 • J1welry c11 .. nvp Orlf . 1.00-2.00 e J1w1lry Cl11nup Orl9. 2 . .!10.3.00 . e Bt•ch l1g1 Orig. l .OO·l .00 e l lklnl P'tttl 511p Orio. l .Oo • .Stretch Aglt•n Orl9. l /2.t.S I • l•lt1, Dr••• & Sport Orig. e l11lc: lw••t Shlrt1 Orig. 2.fl . e c .. 1u1t 'l•r• Sl•ck1 Orig. 7.91 MENS e l"olye1ter Dbl. Knit l'l•re J1 .. n1 Sp.cl1I . • '••hlon Stripe lw11T Shirts Orl9. 4.tl STRAW HAND BAGS Chao .. FroM \'l•ccn a, Jlele1111•, l eod• Taa. Verlety ef Cel1r1. 3.99-5.99 5.99 2.99 3.99 3.22 2.99-7.99 3.88 NOW 2.88-3.88 1.99 ..• 72 1.44 .99-1.99 .99 3/2.00 I 1.66-3.22 1.66 5.88 10.88 2.88 and Styla•. OltlG-. \S.00 NOW 299 USE YOUR PENNEY CHARGE CARb e Acrylic Knit P/0 Shirt• o r11. J.oo . e P•lye1ter Fhherm•n Knh Shlrtl Orl1. 5.00 .... • Dr••• & F11h ton J l1ck1 Ori.a . .5.00 e C11u•I Gr•d Sl1ck1 Orlt . I .fl . I BOYS • l•lt• Orig. 1.00-2.so e Wow•n Sport Shirt• Orig. l .91-J.91 e 5/S Knit Shirt• Orig. l .9t e Tarry Knit Pullaw•r• Orl9. l .4t e Ctt1l.1 n 5 /5 Sweat Shirt• Orig. 2.69 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Wawe11 l"lehl1. Same Sollil1 Shor' SI••••· l"e1111-,.rttr. If 011ly. e Pre School P1 nt1 Ori g. l .50-3.91 e Pinn Pre•f Je1n1 Orig. J.91 • Dr111 Je1n1 Orig. 2.ft . OJllG. SJ.tt I 3.44 1.99 7.44 5.88 .66·1.66 1.88 1.22 1.66 1.88 NOW .99 1.99 2.44 1.44 WOMEN'S SHORT CUTS Aul. al Sollih, '9"1tr111 & l'o,~1011 1'11brfc1 • C••u•l !l1ck1 Orig. 4.tl e Pla id C11u1I P1n11 Orig. 5.ta 01116', 5.00·1.00 I HOME I e 4·10 Cup Percel•tor Orig. 10.11 e Oecor1lor B••d, JO' Str1nd1 Orig. l.tl • 7 Speed llendtr Orig. 16.ff • Altro Cot Hammock Orl9. 15.9' e 91n1n• loun1•r1 Orig. 16.99 • Director Ch1lr1 Orig. 1 S.tt 199 2.88 3.88 8.88 2.66 12.99 12.99 12.99 13.88 e Web Loung• Ch .. 11• Orig. t .tt . . ...... 8.84 PATIO CHAIRS l'oldl Rt Web Style Ll91o1 Wel91t,, Tube S'"I Fro-OllG. I .ft • P•tlo Umbrell .. 1, l po1ltl•n Orl1. 20.tt e Cr .. nk Umbr1H1 Orig. 29.00 e Prlnf loun11• Pillows Sp•cl1I NOW 15.88 22.8a -1.99 • No¥•1ty Cvrt•ln Cl11nup Orig. 2.29-4.99 e SDort & Dr•t• Y1rd .. 91 Orl1 .. 6,·2. tt . 1.66-3.44 ....• 58-2.44 I e Olrl1 Dru• She•• Orig, S.ff .... ff SHOES e Menl Wtn9 Tiii lr*9U• Orlg, 11.9f •. I WOMEN 'S FASHION SHOES Ori9. ),q9. S.99 Ori9. 6.99. 8 99 Ori9. q,99.12 .99 • M•n• Dr••• & C11val Sho•• ~rig. l l .tt-1 7.t9 . .. 2.11 12.18 NOW l .11 NOW4.ll NOW 6.11 .... 9.18 v1ol.:1t r '""d t·••i• Ilk' s 1.·v S a surrr:;,lul c11mp1111:n 10 h1t\t'~ .?~ ........ ec;u5! or lhr1r DSi8.t~·e., lhc.ilrsf l~ur..i; 9f ,t!¥:~COrR_Qtat1 para.av -·~ -----"7 ·--· --:-•· ~ .. •}~,I· ....... ~:{' .->\,\"tt'.. .,;-.,-'1-:. ~~~ J;......,c.·. ""r •-·~ '• I y:1.:~ ,..,. • }~ ,..,..}!~-.-. I - .,._. ~ l,r ._,. -=-- \..' W.t >U~ '""' ... ' .-• -·-... " .......__ .._. -- • • ' I I I I ' ' ' I .-C'I 1ov 5•o~ I mo • C ,. c~n~ o tr • •?P 11.o ~ )n ........ , " M~••P un JO Mo •l>l S9'1 Mt•IA Mtll 1 '"" IA•I Di'Tld ~ WrdlltSdolY July 21 l 9n Wednesday's Closing Prices-Complete New Yori{ Stock Exch~e List ' • ' " ... ' . ' . 1~? lr~ • ,. ' "' ' llOJ•IOl'o ,, 0 ~ J ''~ 7,, ~ ,... I '" 'J 1~?0 ·~ n '"• • 1• ' \ ,, "' ~ "' " , •, ' " I,.._ .. •• " -,, ,..,_, ... ~=I 21 ... "" a:r. -1, ~.: ··-• 1t • -... ' 11 . - " " . " ' " .. "' ' .,_ " " '" . 40\i -' '" ' . JI . -··-,._ '" ··-,, -I ... ' ··-~-" ~ \t • '" '" ' .... , ' ... ". , "" Prices Tm·n Low n Stock Market NE:\V YORK {U PI) -The stock market closed o!v,icr \.\endesday after advanc111 b through the first hour of trading \Vh;l e selected issues responded to soene fa vor able second quarter earnings statment on balance the market reflected concern about r1s1ng interest rates 1nnat1on high unemployment and 1nterna t1onal currency problems Shortly before the final bell the Dow Jones Industr1al Average was off 1 38 at 890 92 Standard & Poor s 500 stock 1nde:< shov.ed a loss or O 07 at 99 2:> Declines topped advances 706 to 611 an1ong the 1 635 issue s c:ross1ng lhe tape ~ 1~1 07 l H • 1. 1 J n 19 :Ill )? 80 ... ,, ''l•104 • ~•)S oll • • • • 11 )J o ll~ 1 JJ.-lJ ' 1:n 11. 1r, H lolio.:M • D6 lOol '> 1111 .. 1•1Fo ll o ll~1•J •11o l1 \ ,.,,J ,61 '1 !57 " 11 • l J1 J7 ,.. 01 .. o TlllC>lo.OI Cl Tt>amltl 04 TN>m ltld •O • T"""1JW ne Tf\rllO lo .:!nco p1 10 TdewtM '>O Tlmt 1><: ! 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" •• •• '" , " Fina11ce Briefs ll 1s re3d1ly apparent from techn1ca l evidence that tl e ma r kel n1o!il likely is tn thf'l :irea of a peak acrordtng to I/urns Uph:im & Co llowe\"r !he cornpany sa1tl the .se~erity of a dt>chne depends on 1he broadness or the top and 1t se~ no 1nd1cat1ons <1 f severe dtstr1bu1.Jon Thus at lh1~ stage a pullback or ontv minor proportions 1s loo kt.-tf '" the firm sa;:s f I I I WrdnfSday, July 21, 1971 The r e's Lots of Gold .~ •I ~4ctors Clamor to Film Ads for TV ' I ' ~. l ' FOR ADVERTI SI NG IN By RICK DU BRO\\' HOLLYY.'000 iuPl i Why do actors and actresses -sometin1es fainous one11 - risk a little of !he ir dig nlty and reputation by appearing ii'l tel evision comrnercials? And why do 1nan young performers often try harder to get jobs in v ideo ad- ve rtisements than in other fil m work? 1 OUT 'N' ABOU T The answer to both ques- tions is as simple as dollars and cents. Consider, for in- stance, the fo l l o wi n g breakdown of actors' gross earnings in 1970. as actounted for by a major union, the Screen Actors Guild. ' 1 PHONE i NORM ST AN LEY ; 64 2-432 1 The unio n lis t e d four c alagorie s in its breakdown of types of earn- ings. These categories are ' • ) Wednesday Evening JULY 21 Smith's son, is 101n betwwn loytl· ly to a friend i nd becomin1 1 link whtn ht ow~Nll 1 d1um1tt threa ten IO v1nd1lilt lht ldlool. [})City ill MotitR 1:00 fJ I ii Jl.ws itrry D11nph1. (J)Alt N~ Rea$0lltl'fSmHll. 0 Jl:NIC N..-s Tom Snyd11. (0 Dn•id f1od Show In 1 tfibute1o !he lata louis Am\5tron2. Ill• pro· 1r1m ind udas highlirf\1s of Arm· si1on1's 1p~1r1n1;95 with DIYld f1oil. O Yif(lnl1 C:r1ll111 SN9 Gut!.111 !ri<:Jude Miry Ann Mobley, ~Je~lldro Rey 111d 0.vHI Bre11ne1. I 0 Sil. O'a.ct Morie: (C) 190) .,... "•Myll!MR M•d•iM" (com· ldy) '61-Sh w McQueen, Brigid B1zlen, Jim Hutlon, P111la Prentiss, O.n Jaea:er. 01"' m Alttrnatins "Divorce " W MO'Yit: {Cl (Zltf) ''W1r of tt.1 P11111b" (!lci·li) '67-lony Rus:sell, f r1nco Neto. ID Art Stllcllo, TM &II Motld.t J4 ID Dtlfti YllllJ' 01~ &J Ntw1 Jim Haw1hornt. l :JO (I) l111n Bill Huddy. (j) Tndll • C.n-.wncn Cll en ... I Wlltft Cronkilt, 9 lllC Jhws Dnld Brinlley. m n. n,;.c ""' Ill "'4ppod1• ledt• mDemt •.,..t mt.. AfldMNel ..,. .. C..1n~ ... m AllC """ 7;001J CIS Nin W1lllf Cronlutt. 0 m MBC Ntw1 David lh!nk11y. 0 Wide SmlMll Tllfftni: (90") "TIMI M;M11r'1 Htnd" (mys1ery) '41) - Dick for1n, Georae Zucco. @ 11 Tiii t1N Tndll {]) Dfq:ntl ()WMt'1 MJ Untl ®) "'9irit: (C) (Zht) "CltJ IMNtll thl SM" (adventure) '52 -Robwt Ry1n. Anthon)' Quinn. m 1 l -LKJ €D .._ood "Tllr Romtrot. ~ TM rD11I f1mily of 11111 Spanish 1ui11r ptirform 1 «Mlul'f ol tli uit.11 and f11menco 1urt1r music r1n1ln1 lrom !Ill ba1oque ptood ~ tilt 20111 ttn!uty ([I A.pitos lhlfot Cl) MO¥ie ''"" 7:10 fJ ({) Mtn st Lt• (II) Altorrie, Dtvid H1nSt11 (FOlworth) 5115pec!s a tlll'flf ol witllllold1n1 1nlo rrn1tion when W ftpt1tl'dl1 cfl1n1n ht1 mind •bolfl. d;.,o.cin1 Iler M111n1ed hulband. ID DJ•c• m 11111 Jill Riir "•nr.• is SJ.111Ci•I i uest. ' fl (j) Mldiol c.au.-(R) Tti. bruisu on • ,ounr boy's boc1J atn· vince Gannon th1t his p1tient i1 the viclirn cl 1 btating instu d cl • 1111, 11 reported by tht p11tnb. Robert l1n~n1 11?11 [)yin Ctnnon r uest. O Charlie Callas brings * a little madness to The Des O'Connor Show 0 @) m De D'tonrt01 Stlow Dn it host lo Cfl1rli1 C.1111, comeditn )ot Biker 111d rt11Jl1r, Connit Stw· ~· Q (]) (l) fie lM M • a.ell., (JI) "O.v1'1 Hight Ocrt." Davi a. ci dtl lo l•kl 1 friellcl's 1dvitt •bout his ri VJt It I llifht ovl Will! llll ..,, ' m r11., s.• m nrMi1 u.. m ._ pen .... a •::so o rn oo m n.1 '•INlriM <R) •0lhe Jleturn." Btn Ricll1rtls Ybits )Iii homt !own t ncl liflds ht! lcsler 1athtr in t101Jblt. 0 lullr W1rd NIM ID V1plloild el LI Cr u dt MtriM truw lD:OO 0 ([) Hnlii r.-o (II.) MOfl11 M1rti;h1m lutSh 11 1 c:onviettcl mur- d11t1 whOlll McGanttt ii lrying to IH0¥1 inno<:91'1t in order to SIVt tht lilt of 1 prillOR doctor bti111 lltld l!osl11t. 0 ®I m F..-·ill-01* Mc£lHd (R) "Our Man In P1rll." An 11fldtf· world ti111rt holds !ht chief of cit· 11!1t11vt1 P11aontr i nd lorct• McCloud 10 dehvtr 1 million doll111 in stolen montJ to •• iml)Ortu·u.porter in P111l. Suu n St11sber1: ruuts. O fttws II.twin Sln!lers. 0 M"ie: {C) (90) "511..-t f"i11lt- tB" (dr1m;i) 'S6-Vicl0f M1tur1, 11.an!A Sletlt. (0 NfWs PutMm/Fi!hman. fD Nantr., Ale:i: Cord 11.ltSlt. f1!.I [\llllinl 1t Popa (R) m 1o1 """""*"' 0 a;, M111 frM Slli!H (R) "The l!l:IO O M..,;,; i31v) ""'UJ1C011C111t1llf lowm Killer " Peltr ltw!Ofd 1uer!s (ldwntur•) ·~J -C•JJ Cooper, 11 1n 01Jtl1• whin11 eontrot o! , Pauleltt Goddard. !ri;fltl'!led romm11n1tr 11 d11ll1n1ed Q IJ)@ aJ Nft AdiOll "AFC 1n a sllow·down wit~ !ht Vir11 ni1n Ch1ml)ionsh ip:· o m ({) m c-rt~ip ,, [ddif'• m ""' ai11 ))Ii,.,,. fttw (R) '"(werybod, Needs • Ui) D l>li ri9 M 11111 Sfftorita 0.- Brotllrr. ~ Cckhe rn1 k's 1 dNI with clftlt lht Rilry brothers-when tht ir Ill peCl1111 mother l iYH b1r11l, lhty'f! 1 l;OI) I) (iJ g;} MtwJ lr1de him lht bt bJ for ""'~•I tors 0 fig) a;, ftt..s 0 • ~n S MO¥ir. tC) (2111) "lat· tit C.1·' (dr1m1) '5~V1n Htllin, A!<lo R.oy. m TIVlll 1t ~lltflCa 11J EA-'Mt ~t ltc91 I.!~ DNltl Wallty D11s O (])Cl) Nm m Mwit: "'Ulnll'I lnfWllt• (mys· 1fllJ) ·35 -~ TrtcJ, Claire rievor. I l :OOfJ (J)(j)&J It-UZ (R) "A ID~ die Ckck Sort ot lO'l'ina.~ T..U.11 Pett Dir.on fD IM kit ''!on lo Rtbtl," bp supesll st11denl·ltculty rtp x1· e.nj11ni11 C. M1p1.. sions to cope wit!! 1111 dru1 prob• ltms 11 Will Whitman Hit h. l l:lO O ([) Mtn' C.riftill mT• , .. tlll Trwt• O lli m Jean111 CMllll II) Moll,....cl ltport '"On Location 0 [])fl) 6) Old Cnttt With the MO'lltl. ~ (() Mlrit: .,lilt Iii J.,,..,.ilt 'r*'R,. fD lllt frtndi CM-! !d11m1) '5' -Jt1omt TMw, Mi r· ID lwcll.t Llbrt Cll Hrndtnon. GJ Mint ll:ltl (0 All·Niflrt SH9: "Tiit Man fro111 . I l1r1111it," "bc.lpe fro• S.k1r1~ l:JO IJ l1 floi. Wil• lll't (R) Cr1ndp11 afld "Taiitl S-11 Ckint." r ruitt jolna 1111 Cndic:oth 111 Romt t iter sellln1 his low1 lar111. 0 Tm Slnt AHtR Show G11t1h In· clii61 Sid Ctesar. Milt ~1mt11 111(1 )11M1J 0.n. o rn C1J m n. 1111i111 •••RJ l ;00 IJ "-it: -JM kolrdsMI A" \Id· venturi ) '41 -L11ry 1'11t1, £11111 Drt•. (IQ ''The P•1 C.rCICI,.~ lklb, Dtl. l ;JO 0 l\I UllrJ 0 (t) ..,..._ If ,,.,.. (drtm•l Thursday '5&-Rosu111 Poc11s11 • .iad Sflnu. 10:00 (])"Kl btll ,... Ult C!Nf!I" (com· ~mME MOVIES tdtl '52-Tonp Cur111. Pi111r L1uut. ... 1:00 m "Tiit 0tNt LM " {rom1net) t:Ol ID (C) "'IMlll 11 fFI R.tllidthr" ·4 f -D1vicl Nrvtn. 81rb1r1 S11n (,,.,.tttY) '5'--f'tle1 Cushin1. Inn· wyct II MltMw&. Z:OO 0 "Dlrbfl l1nprs" (ld¥tnlurt) ' •!J3-J1me1 CO.mer. JK• Warden. t :JO 8 ........... Pldfk A1111f'" (west l:OO ClJ "War ti tht rl111tts" (11:1·li) •n) '$1---«fnt T1ylof. "C11Rrirt~ '67-To~y Russell (wwtlffl) 'IO--Oon llt rf)'. 4:30 IJ 1 1111 SW, If lrtnt I Ytrnon fJ •.wi. ic...r"' ~11 I (-te>tC· C.stlt" {muaial) '39-f rid Allt lre. t~ '5a---Mti1oll 8rl!ldo, JIJM f1'1f11t1 Rocw1. Jil:Mlll ...... ;w,.d, o.Mnll """1 CIJ S... • 10 AM llllifll. "theatrical rnotion pictures. 53.7 percenl of lhe lotal earn-for I.he broadcasts. television motion pictures , television comn1erciats and in- duslrial & educational" work , and the total am ount earned in the four a rea s was $!1 4,348.221 . ings. There's actors' gold in those television advertisements that bnng :;o 111uch distress to viewers. The netv.-ork bas ofrere · Chi nese aut.horities technic; equipment, in c l u di n g : portable satellite gr o u n .station, so that li ve vid<' cov erage of1 Nixon's vis. Of this total. the earnings in theatrical n1otion p i c t u re s were !isled at $17,853,147 -or 15 6 percent of lhe entire The networks already are y.·ou ld be available around th, preparing to give all-out world. amount. coverage to Presidenl Nixon's Said f rank: "Task rorces ir planned tnp to Mainland the reporting and techn ica 1 China. areas have already beer Television motion pictures, meanwh ile, brought earnin gs of $34,444,336 -or 30.2 percent of the total. lnd ustTial and educational employment accounted fo r $592,912 -or .S percent of the Reuven f rank, boss or NBC organized. including a special news. announced in New York unil dealing v.·ith the problem~ that his organization plans to of portable ground equipment present 5 p e c i a J video for originating s ate 11 i le programs almos t every day of transmission in those coun· the Nixon trip. And, he added, tries where permanent equip- similar pl ans are being rnade men! _for., thus purpose does in case of a n t i c i pa led _ n_o_t -•-"-'-'------- overall figure . \\'hich n1C'ant that television con1n1ercials were far and away the greatest source of income for perfonners in the guild. According to the gui ld figures, these com1nercials broug ht in $61 ,457,826 -or pres idential visits to European and other allied capitals prC'ced ing the Chinese trip . NBC-TV already has a title for the series of programs - "Journeying for Peace." And Ed\\'in Newtnan will be the chief correspondent and editor PHONE 548-1552 CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M. TWIN ROCK SHOW JOE CROCKER IGPl "Mad Do9s and En9lishmen" ALSO THE ROLLING STONES "Gimme Shelter" '"BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH~ INCLUDES SOME OF THE MOST SMASHING MAN-AGAINST· r · BEAST FOOTAGE EVER FILMED! ; "ABSOLUTELY BREATH-TAKING . GASP-PRODUCING!" .Juo•l'"l C1•~1 NBC lodAy ~"0 "' "BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH " The hunt for the Great White Shaf1o: •C .. MACUll(/110lMl5 -$1'.l'jl:i.'l"Qo ... -......r-,Kll./I G-. _...i...,"'1~ -l -J.UllSl lPSC°"'' ttCt*tlC.()t.OOI'° AMlOOM.t.lQVC/IM..IOK:lllllt:SJlll!ASI: ~- ,.,. ~T MI llAWAll.llll .. I•• Olli~• O,••• 7:1 S ,..,. ~MOW Sl•r11 •I D1nk ·--·-....... ~-· •1' "°"° Continuous Showing Daily H•AT .. lt .,...,.., •O._..I ~""' ..... -"•• ,.., -.... o. ~·· -... ,, .... ~ ...... -·· .•. PEGGY LEE July 26 thrw August 1 Two Shows Per /'tight 8 p.m. and Midnight • C:OMJNC PAUL ANKA plus CORBETT MONICA Auz1JSl 2 lhru & l•tllCll'S "uttst Wacitit1 IWJ_ fotRe5ervations can.: ZEnith 9-9924 0 , Kings Castle Lall& Tahoe/Nevad11 f /02)831-11 11 WiLLAll This is the !!Ill movie you should not '" alone. "'""'"~WlllARD-BRUCE DAVISON · SONDRA LOCKE· ELSA lANCHESTER ni ERNEST BORGNINE is Martin GOOT'Arw.SION ~~~=; .::.::~1;101TI1 ~mrr _,,l(ll{lllfi!SJ.lff A Ba' PROOUCOON .-"c..'-"'"''" IN COLOR _ .. .,[JN(fCl MANlf ~ '-\.,4'.,.'"IU•~ NOW PLAYl_N_Gf PAC1f tc'S ..-'OUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVf:-IN fOUNTAIN VAHt Y-••l ·1•t1 0 HI! HQUSf 1H•T fl,l,,rD 1!000 fC't Mn l-11 l~Ull "Wrtitl~" ti I 1, Ii 11 00 M1•~il~I Co.,.plo•o '"°'""'la,. 01 10 lj PM f,; ~., s .. :-wiriar;···;,..-1~i"fiOiilNiit"_, l ...,pl1+0 •I.ow <n lo!o en 11 00 Miill'<9hl EDWARD'S HUNTINGTON CINE C•·Hlt -""WHIN (l(i.HT IELLS TOLL M Ul4l M•ln SI., HunrlnGlln •••(~ -10 •Ht ltlCh llvel., South _. 1111 Dlt<la ,,..,~. fON1•NUOl./5DAll~f~OM 1.1()~M ~P[(l.t.l MIONIGHl $HOW ON l~I & SAT . · .,_ --·.,.-~-----· --..... ----T-... "' -----... -·---·-~- • "SPECTACULAR ! FASCINATING!" -Stu11t Klein. t.lehomeo•1 "EXCITING! TERRIFYING!" PREMIERE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT EDWARDS ~-~~ 'BLUE WATER; vi~i~DEATH' The hunt for the Great Whtte Sha<k A CINEMA CEHTER Fl.MS PRESEN""QTIOH ·TECHNICOLOR" A NATIONAL GENERAL ACTURES RELEASE LGiU DAILY 1:00,3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 P.M. EXTRA SHOW FRI. & SAT.11 P.M Tlis is Ille !1!J!! lllOYle you should not see alone. .,_w~WILIARD-BRUCE DAVISON · SOflllllA LOCXE ·EIS\ lANCll!SIIR 2NO OUlST.A NDlNG AnRAc;~ •ERNEST BORGNINE a Martin GW:i~MSD ~.;.S;; .:...-::a1m11 ;Mu"'T,..,.,- 'WHEM EIGHT BELLS TOLL (GI'),_ ... ,...,.,_,,.,·-··--""'"'_..,..,. --- ---' .. , PREMIERE •Orange County ENGAGEMENT I n e\'eryonc 's IifC there's a SUM MER OF '42 A Rober! t.~1.11.q.ar11R1clla1d A not~ Pr11duc1ion JENNIFER 0 NEILL· GARY GRIMES JERRY HOU SER· OLIVER CONANT ..... ,,.... • • ...., ... 1 HEJlMAN RAUCHCR RICKARO A. ROTlt ,,. .. , .... , """" .. R09CRT MUl llGAN MICHll lCGRANG """'""'°'"""' ,.. "IR"!'--_~;.:.~.,,_~--11 :;'"',:::"~.::-Mo ..... 4TH AND LAST WEEKS • NOW AT ALL 3 THEATRES 2ND AT BOTH HI-WAY 39 & HARB A 2 Alon Arkin Audrey Hepburn NTIL DARK" HELD VE STH GREAT WEEK ,;~11i~1·1·i ..::.: ;; :• : .... tC•'1 .,.., " -.W:oO!•uo °''" • ,,,....,., ... c ......... ... NOW AT BOTH THEATRES OPENS AT 7:00 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK HflO OVEI · 6TH WEI K John M,11, + Hol~y M•if• "THE FAMILY W A UN1VER:J\l F1Cl l.JRt . TECl!NICOtOlr rA1.~v1:.ioN· ~Cl' 2ND EXCLUSIVE HIT -Pet"' O'Tool e in "MURPHY'S WAR " (GP) DAILY MA NEES FROM 2 P.M. -All NEW FROM WALT DI N Y . TM IN S !I H C OlN Tl... ' " WHAT AN EGGstravagan1a! I J0.69t0 ............... ~_.. ................. ·••'!• .. --.-·- .IAMf S lAYLOR WARREN OAlES · U\llRI E BIRO· OfN NIS WILSON ' )JI .). . I I I .. I I • I '"" ., '" Filn1 Shows Stalin as Savior of U.S. MOSCOW (UP[) -The led the Soviet nation at war. The filril showed Stalin fae. Zhukov. Soviet Union has Pre3ented a In the opening sctne Stalin tng President ~valt and This contrasts with a film onl molion picture image 0 r is shown issuing instructions Priine Minister Churchill with Berlin made in stat l n • s Joseph Stalin as lhc savior of to hi! annles to launch a I America in the Battle of the unschech.iled offensive on the Dulle:1 attempted betrayal and hfellme which showed the dk:. 1 Bulge. eastern front to draw German warnlog agalrull the dangers tator ca pturing the Germar About 6,000 persons, most of troops fn:m the Battle of the of addied disunity. capital almost singlehandedly. Alflllb SI. I Jn.. ll.JJI c~u• .. 7k Cl•lrt e- "111.1 0 $KY AT MOii.NiNO"' ,,~ "1 MULIS fOlt SISTI.• SAit.ti" wH~ Cllnl !:••IWO<C S1><t<ll l Kid• M•llllM Sit, l:lll p,m, them Soviets, applauded the Bulge. The film does not seek ti; -=-.:.C:========'= presentation of the film "Bat-This _ was followed by a rehabilitate Stalin in an~ l ie for Berlin" ,,.1hen it was scene in which Allen Dulles, moral or political sense, bu1 shown al the open ing of the the wartime chief of the Office restores his image as a good Seventh Moscow f<'ilm Festival of Strategic Services (OSS) in genera Ii s s i mo without In the Krernlln's Palace of Switzerland, was shown minimizing the immense COil· Congresses. negotialing a separate peace tribution of Russia 's war hero The film. the third of a with the Germans behind number one, former Defense series on World War II titled,-R_u_s_si_a_'s_b_a_c_k. _______ M_i_ns_t_er_M __ ar.;_ha_l_G_:_e c_o_'.::&c:lc'1 "Liberation," presents Stalin as a benign war leader who wa~ willing to listen to his generals and who effectively Prem! .... btot-llt U11cW 17 M1111 be wttti pcrrHt 111111 The P'Y<h•tk '"''" flt. yOUltlJ h•INff • , , IM llldnopplng thot laecome' a lol'e 1h:lry. "THI GRISSOM GANG .. Ki m O•rby--S.;ott Wil1on Connie St...,.•n1-lren1 Oei!f -ALSO PLAYING- Alll1talr M~Leo11 '1 "WHIM llGHT IELLS TOLL .. Rob't Morlev-An!hony Hopkin1 PACIFIC WALK-INS I -.. Or1nge County ~Ami••• lng11m•nll 519Y• McOueell t!•rl Ut "LE MAN~" {G! plus e O<J•tin HoHm•n "LITTLE BIG MAN" 4G'l All CoO>r Pr~ml,•• E~•Qenl*nt "8LUE WAT Ell : WH ITE DIATH" plvt e c~~rlr1!m Hto!Qn ''THI HAWAIIANS'' 10') h • lhoto ,...,_ • .. -... ...... ff1·1•11 All Color Pr..,.,lert Er19•9'1m.enl Ernoar i:iorg~lne "WILl.A.1110" !OP) ll :lS I U:DO P.M.! pl111 • "HOUSE THAT Olll,,EO llLOOO'' !OPI --1 -··-&ll·ll7J All ColOr P<em!er• E"ll•~tmtn!I Georot Hlml!ton .. IVIL IUU IVIL" t•PI plus e Je-rtmv s11rt '"MI LL'S ANGBLS 'It" !OPI ..... -.,.._ < OIG•--,,.,.,1 U.·'2U II ColOr S,MW Vnll•• 17 MVJ! Be Wl!h P1ren1 "SUMMl!R OP 'll" Pl!t! Audrey H•PGurn "WAIT UNTIL OAlll.K" V1n<en1 jlrfte "Oil . PMllll" IGP I ..... ·~tOQO & 1..ACI" .,, ...... '1f'O:llllO• "°us,-fOP1 SEE EVEL KNIEVEL'S MOTORCYCLE DISPLAYED AT PLAZA 11 THEATRE ONLY. THE LAST OF THE AREDEVILSI i ;(!( J<l0"0••-- ','GEORGE HAMILTON ~ SUE LYON ____ .. : ____ _ ALSO WALT DISNEY ptoduc!lon•" Dally Miit! ... lo1 Cif'tlU Opea 12 No•n , ~ 100• '"'*WI MO l!lltw rr Th'E rAlfARr CURPORArioN Also · Richard Crenna 2ND ACTION HIT "THE DESERTER" (GP ) $N•TI-WW~ "lnl"7&1Nt ttll-tr"ti4S S.!. & I••· ''1 .. 1" I'",''°"' 10:)t ND ........... li4J, 11\I, ,, •• ATeont ·-£ Adul" $1.50 J~ $1 .10 Child 75~ Orin .. CoUM)"'1 SIOckb1111er Show V•I~• "KLUTE" !RI "VANISHING POINT" Mjkf Nldl<lt.' ''CARNAL KNOWL EDGE" tt1rnn9 Jack IHChOl•O" KIDS LOVE UNCLE LEN SA TU RDA YS IN THE DAILY PILOT • "HELL'S ANGELS '69" Opens 7:15 Starts at Dusk .......... "EVEL KNIEVEL.. IGPI GEORGI HAMILTC;.; l SUI LYON Al10 JOHN HUSTON -llCHAllD CRENNA "THE DESERTER" IGPI ............. ~~ ... ine /aet ol ine dllr,.davlls~ "t;f[Jftf,f ~~ .. n.1°" Bo x Office Op••• .7:15 p.m. '£1161. \, K#/61161:-~ · Sue Lyon · IOX OFFICI lllS7:15' ·PLUS• "HELL'S ANGELS '69" CHECK THESE FEATURES!!! "'Carnal Knowledge' is a towering achieve- ment. Th!J remarkable film is a shattering experience for everyone. Mike N ichols' d irection is so sensitive and the acting so real and powerful. 'Carnal Knowledge' is a · movie that mut1t ,be experienceu." • Rn 1l.n4, CAIQll60 TribllM. N.Y. a.J/:1 Nnn Sy#llU.1~ d " 'Carnal Knowledge' Is Mike NichOls' best. Jack Nicholson Is superb. Ann-Margret is unforgettable. Not only is the film overoll tho best act· ed in years, it ii also the most mature cf all those American films that hove attempted to deal with the· subject of sex rn these ultra-liberated cinematic times. 'Comal Knowledge# ls something very special!" -HtJIJ/1AIJtt1,~..U,R#ll.- " •carnal KnoWledge' Is one of the best movies ever!'' B 11 'Carnal Knowledge• is an amazing, b rutally hone't film , Mike Nichols' handling of actors Is un- surpassed among American dir!!ICtors." • Bf'lltl fl' ill/4•1ot1. Pi.,,,,, "4al•• Mike Nichols,JackNicholson, c.andice Bergen,ArthurGarfunkei. ~n·Margret and Jules rtiffer. Carnal Knowledge. rxaus1v1 ORANG! COUNTY INDOOR INGAGEMINT MRY NIGHT M)() -8,45 -10,30 MATlllil SAT. & SUN. J,00 -3:00 -S,OO • • ,.., _____ _ ~. --.. _ _,.._ ) J ""'-1----···---• •1 l1--· Wtd11t!daf, J~ly 21, 1971 S11.0GJ ttin Tll•~ 1:00 ,._ PrlOey & kt11rdoy • , l :JO , ..... Matlllff Wed, ••••• , J :OI , ... Sot. MettMe , , • , 1 :JO .& I ! .. S1111.. MetS-••• , 1:00 i 4:JO THt MJMIOI OM JeOYn Dt]flr TW ... HOw A MOTION l'ICflllt[' ~ ·llCISSll.lllltt-- AIRPDRT -BURT DEAN EXCLUSIVE THEATRE RUN A story of kJve... /~ set against /. ' th! vOeoce of rebellion I' LANCASTER· llmN JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET • UlllvtUAI. htrutt ~- ALSO ~OW! UNCUT! POPULAR PRICE$! cJWteA.nd.rews ~~LUE STARS Sydney Omarr is one of the world's great lllilrolo· ger!. His column Is one o1 the DAILY Pil,QT"S ~at features. It's a bases-loaded home run. The winning basket. A SO-yard touchdown pass. A hole-in-one! It's Thoroughbreds at De/Mar! You know the kind of excitement we're tafk- lng about. And If you've missed the only major sport in San Diego that can give you a whole day of thrills for just $1.75 and nlno winners, you're mls81ng a good bet Maybe ft'a b8cauee you think racJng's too complicated. Ifs really es easy as 1, 2, 3. We Just call It win, place and show. Pick a horse on your program. Because the paper says he'll win. Or the guy next to you gave you a hot Up. Or because the Jockey's Wiiiie Shoemaker. The reason's not Important. The horse yoU've chosen becomes YOUR horse for the race. And as ha comes thundering down the track, you'll f ind yourself screaming and Jumping up and down Just Ilka everybody else. And If he wins? Well, you can't Imagine the thrill untll lt'a actually hap- pened to you I You can IM a winner at Del Mar ••• and newer place a bet. A lot of people Just pick a horn on paper ••• and get Just as excited H he wlnL You can do that and still have a fabulous tlme ••• elttlng ln·th• beautffully redecorated grandstand ••• basklng In the sun ••• enlfflng aome freeh aea air ••• Watching a wnd variety o1 people ••• or Just seeing the aristocrata of horMldom go through their pacaa. And-• luat .... beg!Mlng ••• There1s a lot more to Thoroughbred racing. Like the different etakea or hand!· cap races. Or teaming why each Thoroughbred has a llp tattoo and the same birthday. Once .... you've had a taste of Thoroughbred racing, - you'll want to know everything about It... = and the best way to do that la to keep coming back. Whit'• n uclilng .. 1boroughbr9d1 at Del Mar? The ldmlulon pttce I Jutt $1.75 for grandstand admlaston. (Senior cttlzene, 65 or over, $1.00 gen. adm., weekdaye only.) What otheraport can match that? And, for - a real deal, uk about the General Admlaslon SIYlnga Plan. 10 general admle- 11one for Juat $12.60-regularfy $17.60. Wrlle Del Mar Turf Club, Del Mir, cal .. fomla 92014, for Information. Phone {714} 755-1141 or 297-4028. There are 43 big racing days thla 1euon-July 28 through 5ept. 18, Mort-- d1y through Saturday. Poat time: 2 p.m. Nine races every day-Join UI for a ftw. Odda are, you'll have the time of your llfet Bot•ar~ -··---- Thoroughbred Club -,--.... 1-.: ._.,_. • -~- • I --± ,•ft<• -~ I 11. ', ( I • I JI DAILY PILOT Wtdne~ay July 2l 1971 Yhd~sd1y, Jul~ Zl. lm Pl l O"i"·ADVERTISElt le -·---------r---------------""1"=~~~=====--~ Helicopter Opponent Cools Of£ The Newport Beach police emergencies, they're okay. I helicopters got a Newport guess." Heights lawyer so mad two Chief Glavas said Tuesday weelu ago ht wrote Police he is glad to hear G!ithero has Chief B. James Glavas a letter changed his mind. saying he was going to sue the But he said there have no city for $1 million. change in flight patterns. But John C .. Gtithero, Jr, .. Everything is status quo," v.·ho prP~liee11 in Costa Mesa, (;Javas said, "we stay as a says he 's now calmed doYrn a matter of course ?.'ld only bit, claiming the hel1copters change our height pa tterns are flying somewhat higher when an incldf'nl is 1 n now "and thars all I really progress lhal den1ands lowf'r Choose Qne of the Many Coast & Southern Federal Offices to Serve You: * M.vH OfflCE: 9Ul a Hlll, Lot Angel••. 1123-1361 * WILSHIRE ft GJ\AMERCY PUCE: 3933 Wl!lhl1'9 Blvd., LA.• '89•12tl5 LA. CIVIC CENTEJI: 2nd & 8T01;dw1y • 1!2~1102 • HUNTINGTON-BEACH: 91 Huntington Ceni1r • (71 4) 897-10•7 * SANTA ANA LOAN SERVICE AGENCY: 1905 N. Main St.• (71 4) 541·9257 * SANTA MONICA: 718 Wl!shlra Blvd .• 393..(1745 * SAN PEDRO: 10th l Paclllc. 831·23.(1 • WEST COVINA: Eullana Shopping Ctr .• 331·2201 • PANORAMA CrTY: 8616 Van Nvys Blvd' •• 892-1171 • TARZANA: 18761 Ventura Boulev11d • 345-aG14 * LONG BfACH: 3rd & locu1t •<437·7•11 * Open Salurdays-9 1111to1 pm Dally Hours-91111 ta 4 Pf1I ASSETS OVER $800 MILLION Art Linkletter Shows You a New Way to Beat lnffation •.. Just Join 61ke ll•ldrn Club With a $2,500 balance In your aavlnga •ccoont, you are ellgibleto become •member.Substantial savlngs are available when purch1s!ng many ilems Including automobiles, fumllure, appliances, Jewelry. Plus many free aervlces -money orders, safe deposit boxet:, etc. -----" . COAST AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS .. ~ CJ •• •• ~ ~ • . - Coast & Southern Federal Offers You These Highest Prevailing Rates: COll'°'1NOED DAILY AHD PAID QUARTIRt.Y.' 5.000/0 •5.13°/o Pa•book; No Minimum. 5.25°1°-5.39°/o Three Mon1h Certificate; No Minimum. 5.75°1°-5.920/o On•Year Certificate ; $1,000 Minimum. s.00•1 •• s.1a•1. Two-Year Certlflcate; $5,000 Minimum. • En1cllN AnnlJIJ Earning• • INSURANCE TO $20,000 wanted, anyway." i-~a~lt~il~"die~si-'i'iiijiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii~~~~~iiii~~iiiiii~iiiii~9iiiii~llllllllllll~~ .......... ~iiiiliiiillliiiliiiiiillliiiiiilliiiiiiliil~llliliiillliiiiiiiili~~-''I might be wrong,'' he con- fessed, "but I had jus1 returned from three weeks in the High Sierras with all that solitude when a helicopter buzzed over my home in Newport Heights for what 1eemed a couple of hours.'' In his July 7 letter to Glav2.s that carried the threat of the suit. for invasion of privacy, Glithero who Hve!'i at 412 Ful- lerton Ave., also vowed 10 move out of town. He i;;iid he'~ changE'd his mind about th;it, too. for the mort1ent. Citing the hO\'ering maneuver in the J et t e r , GJithero wrote : "I respectfully request that your police helicopter patrol be immediately abolished ... Fine police work is dandy, but home ownership in this area is now tol?.!ly in tolerable. "I plan an immediate $1 million suit for invasion of privacy, and the sale of my residence a!l as a direct result of tRe totally intolerable con- ditions needlessly caused by police '1elicopters .. , Glithero said this week he 11till doesn 'l ste "''hy the y"re needed al night. "At 2 o"elock in I h' morning. a burglar is going to hear it roming and hide in a bush." be said. "In the daytime, or in Submarine Men Proud Of Record Men who served in Americ-an submarines during World War U 11.re proud of the ir record. "We kne w what 'o\'e were fighting for then ;ind the men gladly joined,'' said Bill jlollis, 11 Houston falher of five ch ildren. "Now we don't ha\·e any liberals or conservatives. left nr right-'o\'ingers. We're just a bunch of guys trying to pay tribute." The submarine \'eterans y,·ill do just that Au~. 1S-Z2 in Houston fo r their 17th annual convention. "We 're a run F(roup.'' said Hollis, "''ho ha s planned the C1lnvention. •·we don't do much except F(t'I together i nd tell old sea s1ories and elect offi~r.'! for next year." But Holhs admits thrre is much more. "Our purpose is t n pe rpetua1e the memory of submarine men ;ind su hs lost during \\'orlrl \\';ir 11 Tha l'~ "''hY "''' don't nl.'f'd to be a continuinR or~ a n 1 1. a 1 i o n becaU!ll" if 'o\'f' do lhe joh while WI' are li\·inR we ha\'e serve d our purpose.·• ''We"re a Ion.'( 'o\'ay fn11n Connecticut and 1he Wrs! Coast where mo~t of the mrn settled after lhe war, bu! we're looking for 11 good b.irnout." he sa.ld of IM. ai>- proaching convention. The war had bttn ovrr 10 yean: be:fo~ three men form- ed the gtional t'ltganizatinn 11! Atlantic City. N. J. in 195.~. The grouo now numbers morr than 6,000. Of the approximate!~· 100,()0(I men who ~:iw dut.v ::.board Americ11n ~ub~ rlurin.i: thr w:i r. about f,0 ,000 rrm:iin. "Thr mrn ;ire !>ti ll proud of their record ." Hollis s.1id . And he ~aid they try In help today's youth. "We h.ave 11 n a t ion a I tcholarship program,'' hr 1aid. "Each ye1r we 11ward RS many a1 we can." Last ye11r lhe group me! in Hartford Conn .. and Awarded 21 ICholarshii>A of $3.500 each MMe than 500 "-"orld War II aubmal"lM veterans registered for th1t minion. "'Mlote kJdJ don 'I neceMari- ly hive ·to be children oi sub veterAM elthtr," Jt111li~ said. "Just worthy 11tudcnl!I ·• Tn 11 d d "t t I on to !hr tchol•rahip11 there a re N::iv:it ROTC program.• 1n h IQ b tchool• sponsored by the Aul> rn1tfne-vet.I. E11ch rtate al"° • adopt.ed one .ubmerll\e lost durini the war honon: It as "Stfh on P1trol.'1 THI ORIGINAL 36·POllTION LEISURE ~CHAISE LOUNGE FOR YOUR OUTOOOR LIVING ROOM ••• This is our deluxe mode l. 1 he chaise lounge that you con adjust without gettin g outoftheloungeto do so,,. J ust com pore the q uolityl 74" long with 5of id strong vinyt 5tropping. 9'' COLORED CRUSHED ROCK 60 pound bogs. Colors ore red, b lue , green ond while. Wonderful for f low er borders, wolks, accents for bockyords. 2·1NCH FURNITURE CASTERS ITEM OR PLATE TYPE Rugged sphe ricol casters. Your choice of g leaming brass or ontique bro ss. 2 112'' SIZI 69~. ••• GUMOUT CLEANER I PINT CAN Simply odd to tonk. Cleans carburetor while you drive. Pre pare your engine for the vocation doys. ·~ -v~ BREEZE BOX FAN TABLE FANS ... 20·1NCH 2 speed, 3 blade box fon w ith snap out grid a nd retractable carrying hand le. 1211 HAMPION BRASS POP· UP SPRINKLER HEADS Corrosion-resistant cost brass body w ith heavy brass center. No-stick stem pops up 1 V2" under normol pressure . Adjustme nt screw for control of s pray distance. FREE CHAMPION DO·IT- YOURSELF MANUAL. YOURS FOR THE ASKING IN OUR PLUMBING DEPT. 991~. 16·1NCH HAND LAWNMOWER Ame rican mode hond mower of lig91weight steel construction. Fectures self-aligning beorings. 5 sturdy cutting b lades. rl'S A-1 6 Positive traction ru bber wheels. 1311 The most outstonding summer blooming bedding p lant. 40 fontostic shades to chooie from. Perfect for hangin g baskets, pots and b order plantings. uSJ(t·I 29.~. TlllTlll 1212 l"VINE ILVD. WllTMllllTIW .,., WESTMINSTER AVE. .... VAllEVVIEWST. aUlllA PARK 13"3 E. KAT[LLA AVt'. 2465 E. CHAl'MAN AVE. 2221 w. LA HAIAA 9LVD, OIAllGI FULLllTOll LA HAalA SPLASHER POOL 8'x20" Splasher pool for kiddies. Heovy s teel i.idewoJI, rugged vinyl liner. 8'' UTILITY HOIST 500 LBS. Id eal for home, b o ot, form, 1portsmon, Completely assembled. -Ready to ui.e. OZITI E~CILLO CARPET TILES 12~' x 12'' Fomous Kleon 'n Kli ng feature allows these tiles to be applied d irectly to floor. No messy adhesives or tapes to bother w ith . Also e asy 10 pick up for use in another roorn or anothe r hom e, should you Seven decorotor colori. for your sele ction . 33~. NEW! SLUSHMAKER MUG This m ug changes icy co ld refrig erated i.oft drinks, kool o id, ice teo a nd many other i.oft drin ki. in to thirst quenching slui.hy ice in m in utes. tf1·l''•'$'ll ' 139 IA. IL TORO COSTA MllA 24$92 ROCK" !ELD ,.. E.17thST. • IAKEASflELD • CHA1SWOftTH • COVINA • ESCONDIDO •GOLETA • G.RANADA HILLS • LA CRESCENT A• lADERA HEIGHTS • LANCASTER • E.LOS ANGELES • AES(DA • RIVERSIDE •SAN ltRlfMDINO e SAUGUS • SIMI e SPRING VALLEY e TAPIZANA e THOUSAND OAKS e UPLAND •VAN NUYS e YICTOAvtLLE • HACIENDA HEIGHTS ---~ ---·~·~-----------··· --........... _.., __ • -· --... , •• "I. ... -·-- ' I . ------J ''-:*!" .::'· > l l .. I UPI Tt*-'llOM EYE·IN-THE-SKY, ONCE WITH CIA, NOW WITH KGIL Franci5 G•ry Power5 Still Keeping An E"y• On Thing5 ' For111er U2 Jockey Powe1·s LOS Al.~GELES (UPJ) -Francis Gary POYlers, the U2 spy plane pilot downed over Russia in 1960. once wore pressure suits. crash helmet and stashed a suicide needle in his pockel. 'These days Powers, a traffic spotter nve r the cilv freeways, wears golf shirts 11nd tennis shoes. ··u2 can be a valley skywatch pilot," the KGIL radio announcer declared 'Tues- rlay as he turned the microphone over to Po\vers. flyin g high over the freeway network in a single--engine Cessna. Powers' life as a sedate, temporar.y traffic spotter for the San Fernando Va lley radio station clashes sharply with his not-so-distant past as the Central Intelligence Agency spy pilot whose plane V.'aS shot down by Soviet antiaircraft missile. "There is sure a lot of air traffic up here,•· Powers said while ~·heeling over lhc city. "Fortunately. it 's al! friendly." ~1ornings and afternoons, Powers. no\v 40 and the father of two, broadcasts traf- fic bulletins at 3,000-fect over the smoggy reaches of Los Angeles. His name still t'arrles irnpncl to his listeners. "\Ve never thought much of you as a 1.py. but yo u're good at spotting traffic jams." said a caller to the station. Powers was J.200 miles into Soviet airspace in May, 1960, \\'hen a surface-to- air missile destroyed his Lockheed-built U2. 'The disclosure that the United States <'onductcd such spy flights over Soviet territory exploded chances of a summit c o n f c r c n c c between President Ei senhower and Nikita Khn1shchcv. After a Soviet trial and 21 months in prison, Pov;ers was released in a prisoner exchange for whi ch the U.S. surrendered Soviet master spy Col . Rudolph Abe!. Today the tanned, greying former CIA Pilot chuckles softly at the contrast of his missions over Los Angeles' snarled freeways and the ones he conducted high o\·er Soviet military installations. "Back in my U2 days we didn't have any traffic reports; mainly because we were the only planes that could fly at those altitudes." From espionage flights. to testing LJ.:ickheed jets after his release. to writing a book on his experiences. Powers feels his life bas been full. Before he was hired bv the radio station, he had only flown three times this year. "l guess I didn't really know how much I missed flying until this year," Powers said. Utilities Go Underground In S. Laguna Form2.t.ion or an improvement district to convert overhead utility lines to underground in Southern Laguna has been approved by the Board of Supervisors. The 'Tuesday action affects a tllree- block atea on Paseo del Sur and Rico Mad, northeast of the intersection or Catalina Avenue and West Street, east of Pt.t:ific Go,ul.iliighway. The oounly Road D;epartment was authorized to 1ltepare engineering studies and a petition for formation of the assessment district. Under the program the county will Issue bonds to cover the cost of the work to the utilities and ·the district members will retire the bdnds through annual payments. . 'Battin-Caspers Axis' Tal{es Powerful Strides By JACK BROBACK Of 11M O•llY Piiot !i!Ut THE POLITICAL machine ~·hich has sought control of Orange County since last Jan. l has made giant strides toward some of its goals in the past two weeks. l l took control of U1e Loca! Agency Formation Commission (LAFC), the last i1nportant satellite body in the county it did not con- trol. Previously the machine fl exed its mus~le on the planning and harbor commissions. The election of Los Alamitos Councilman Joseph Hyde to the LAFC and his immediate elevation to chair- man was a classic example of the crude but effective man· ner in which the machine operates. Control of the con1mission will enable the axis of County Board Chairman Robert Battin o( Santa Ana and . ~ Fifth District Supervisor Ronald Caspers or Newport to block or severely cur- tail crealion or the new city of Irvine. TO GET CONTROL th~y first forced the vote on July 8 on the seat on the LAF'C held by Fullerton Councilman Louis Reinhardt. Reinhardt's four-year term expired last May but the usual custom has bcf:n lo let the term of members representing the League of Cities ride to the following year in such cases. Having forced the election. the machine then launched one of the most intensive telephone and personal cont.act campaigns ever seen in Orange Countv. -VIRTUALLY EVERY ti-1AYOR and councilman who might possibly at- tend the July 8 league mb:ting was cont.ac~ by at least one on in some cases several of the machine wht?e!s. Among those participating in the campaign \Vere Battin. Dr. Louis Cella, Battin's mentor; Planning Commission Chairman Woodrow Butterfield. Com- missioner Arnold Forde, May=r Lcren Griset or Santa Ana and Assemblyman Ken Cory. the Democrat from Anaheim. . League of Cities President Ed J ust says he w~s C?OntActed by Batti_n. Just prefers not to discuss the details, but expresses his distaste for the affair. ~fOST MAYORS and councilmen are understandably reticent in speak- ing "on the record" about conlacls. They have lo work with supervisors on many things concerning their communities. The July 8 vole was a tight 13 to 12 but it did the job. Reinhardt got the axe because he voted for the incorporation of the proposed city of Irvine. 'That LAFC vote u•as 3 to 2 'vith Caspers and Battin dissenting. The pair had made Reinhu~:lt chairman over San Clemente Council~an Stanley Northrup whose tum it was to preside. Before ~e voted on the frv1ne subject, Reinhardt said he had never before been sub1ected to such a cam- paign of harassment. HE SAID HE had been accused or being in the pay of the Irvine Com· pany. What happens to the city of Irvine now? . \Vithin the next 60 days, the incorporation should be lhe subJect of a public hearing before the Board of Supervisors. A majority of the board has· the pou•er to reduce th.e boundaries of the proposed 18.000-acre city. . IF THEY DO this and rumor is that they might attempt to cut 1t back to the originally proposed 10,000-acres -the fate of Ole new city then goes back to the LAFC. There it could be killed. 'The power machine has only one real problem -Supervisor Ralph Clark. CLARK HAS NOT gone along with the Battin-Caspers axis on several key issues. notahly the un~cessful campaign to fire Robert Thomas, county administrative officer, last January. On other occasions Clark has shown his independence of the machine's wishes. Santa Ana played a major role In the Hyde election, hoping it will aid their fight with the Irtlne Company over the disputed ~~ acres to?th of the Sanla Ana Marine Corps Air Facillly and in their oppos1t1on to the mcorpora- tion of the new citv. WHAT JS THE next move of the machine? How about the recall effort against Supervisor David L. Baker? The front m~n , a bak~ good_s manu- facturer's salesman and an electronic employe, won t say who IS backmg them but it doesn't take a genius to make a guess. Baker has consistently opposed power grabs by the machine and in re- cent week.9 has openly and severely criticized it in board meetings. Wtdnesda)', J11l1 21, 14'71 s DAIL V 1'11.ff :J I.Aw• Outlitaed 1 Draft ~ottery •• .•. Answers Told . .. WASHI NGTON t UPI) -The draft and t~ lottery : some questions and lV&fWers. Q. How can they be having a lottery now that the draft law has expired? A. Only the authority to call up people for induction expired. The selecti\'e service svstem lives and breathes, and \vll l continue to do so unless Congress specifically revokes lhe basic 194-0 law creating it. Q. The new lottery, .when, where and v>'ho is affected? A. It's schedu led for 7 a.m. PDT in the auditorium of the commerce department, 14lh and Constitution. Washington, on 1'hursday, Aug. 5. Men born in 1952 are affected. Q. How is it done? A. Two clear, plexiglass drums are fill· ed with capsules -one drum with all 366 dates in 1952 and the other with numbers running from 1 to 366. As a birth date is drawn randomly from the first drum. a number is drawn from the second. They are matched up and this process con- tinues unlfl all birlh dates and all numbers are drawn. Q. llow do they make sure lt's a fair drawing? \Vho decides the order that the. capsules are put in the drums? Who pulls them out? A. 'This lime, computers have been us- ed by the U.S. Bureau of Standards to scramble both calendar dates and the numbers. 1\venty-five separate scrambled lists were made, and put in identical seal- ed envelopes. On lottery day, one each of these envelopes will be picked randomly by v>'ilnesses, and the capsules will be stuffed with the birth dates and numbers according to those lists. After the cap· sules are placed in the drum ~ with an idenlica! set of drums filled in identical fashion just in case they are needed - the drums are Jocked . On the Sth, the drums will be rotated to mix the capsules and, in the dra\ving. members of the Youth Advisory Committee from various st.ates will alternate drawing out the capsules. Q. If you're 19 and your number is real low In the draw, might you be called up pretty soon, if the dra(t law is extended? A. No, you don't have lo worry about being called until next year. This lottery is strictly for 1972. Anybody drafted this year had his lottery number drawn in Ju- 'Sure we shoul<J end lhel droft ! 1'h.ey can vole now, can't they?> ly of last year. or -for some whose deferments ran out -in December, 1969. Q. \Vhat's the outlook for getting called up if you get a number of around, uy, 150. A. Next year, judgi.ng from what the Pentagon has said about reducing draft calls, you'll probably be home free. This' year, the high number so far is lM and chances are they won't get much higher than ISO. Q. What if you get a lo\v number but get a deferment for next year? A. When the deferment ends. yo u'll bft eligible for call in what's left ()f that cal- endar year (regardless of whether your nun1ber might have been called while you were deferred) in the same group that holds the same number that year -or right away , if those with a like number already have been subjected to call that year. Q. Well, if we finally shift to an 1111· volunteer army, this lottery thing will all be scrapped, right? A. Wrong. Selective service still plans to hold an annual draft lottery -just in · case a national emergency occurred and the draft had to be revived quickly. Woman Voters Join Bid For Strong County Aide 1'he Orange County League of Women Voters has joined the county Grand Jury in urging that a strong county ad· mlnistratlve office be retained. f¥frs. Els ie Kroesche of CostR Mesa, president of the I.WV Tuesday, delivered the message to the board. soon to decide on a recommendation to the full board. The LWV message continued, ''When the board in 1967 after five successive Grand Jury recommendations decided to appoint a full fledged county ad· minislrator. it was in effect giving up the old fashioned committee system." Trees 'Big f'or Birches' Main Beach Loan Making Progress She said, in par1: "We support the retention of the office of county ad- ministrator as an oHicial appointed by the Board of Supervisors and believe he should be assigned s u ff i c i e n t responsibility and authority to coordinate the work of the various depa rt ments and have a ~taff that is adequate for depen- dable research and evaluation.'' Jt called attention to the position's "Im· portance in county government and ill contribution to continuity and stability. \Ve cannot afford to be anything but modern," the letter concluded. Gas Company Donates $23,000 to llospital Sa.plings Outgrow Co1ita.iners • in By PA!!.1ELA HALLAN 01 1111 Diii~ Piiot S!1tt 1'hirty~five trees donated to San Juan Capistrano are outgrowing their con- ta luers in the City Hall parking Jot. They were donated by citizens for Four Oak.s Park. an undeveloped site with an und~idcd future. The cit y now either owns or is about lo O'.l'n live park sites. Two -four Oaks in th e Terrace development and an un- nanled site in the Troy Homes develop- ment -are neighborhood parks. Two others have been donated by Westport's developers. One iS a five-acre park along.side the San Diego Freeway and tbe other iis a long, narrow strip ol land along Carnino Capistrano near the railroad tracks. The fifth site, a 12,1)()().square-foot parcel. is excess fl&id control property near All.paz and Del Obisopo. The Parks Recreation Comm"i$ion has developed plans for each of these sites. To make each park usable, the com· mission requested $106,000 from the C1ty Council this year, 'T'hey were allocated on!y ~J8,000 -just enough to fu lfill the city's contractural obligations. At the heart of the problem is a dif- ference of opinion among the city fathers &bout the role the city shou1d t.ake in park development and purchase. "J think the provision of parks and DA11.Y l"ILOT JllH P,,_.. WON'T WITHER WHILE CITY DECIDES WHITHER AWAY Phil Sct-iw11rtze Cares For Trees That Aw11it P11rk Sitt Capistrano recrealional facililies should be as im· (X.lrlant as sewer service and other basic services," said Councilman Jim Thorpe. "All parks are for general use -even those in specific neighborhoods." Tho<pe believes that park maintenance, policing. and rocrealional services ~hould be provided by the city. He also believe11 that civic groups should help in park development. Councilman Bill Bathgate has a dif- ferent viewpoint. fle wouldn't necessarily (lppose city development of parks, but Is opposed to the general fund carrying the maintenance of them. "In my opinion neighborhood parks serve a small area. They benefit those people Jiving within a certain distance from it," he said. "For that reason 1 feel those people should have some direct responsibility for the maintenance of ttie park in their area." Bathgate also disagrea with his fellow councllmen in another espect. To him parP are necessary, but not 8!'I a high priority. In this year's fiscal budget the city has ellocated funds to fine grade Foor Oaks, to complete lhe planting, fencing, and ir- rigation system on the five-acre Westport Park, aM to put ln the sidewalks. curbl and gutters and part of the street sur· rounding the Troy Park. The cost ot the improvements an>Wld Troy park were also a point of difference tor councilmen. Thofye and Josh Gam- mell wanted the funding to come from. public works since they thought of this a.'I a street project. Bathgate, Ed Olennak and Mayor Tony Forster voted againfit t.his approach. coMldering It a park proj- ect. ' The park problem will be one for con-- tinuing dbcussion. Acrording lo the <'lty·s general plan, eaOO developer who con· strucis a project rm the city must donate ~ified amounts ti land or money to the park fund and there are currently ~everal development.s in the comtructioo 11nd ph1nning stllgfl!. _,.. __ --·--·----··--.~ Laguna·s application for a $250,000 grant of federal funds to help develop the f\1ain Beach Park has 1noved a step ahead with approval of .the request by the Southern California Association o f Governments ISC AG). Approval by SCAG. which acts as a clearing house for federal assist.a.nee ap- plications. is a prerequisite to formal consideration of the request by the State Department of Parks and Recreation, which administer.i the funds. ~3 STORES TO SERVE YOU The women's league and the Grand .lltry recommendations for a strong CAO follow an abortive attempt in January ttl fire Robert Thomas who has held the post for the past four ye<1rs. ~1rs. Kroesche's statement referred to the fact that a superviso rial comn1ittee was named to evaluate the office but had not filed a report. Supervisor David Baker replied that the committee -himself and Supervisors Ronald Caspers and William Phlllips - had been request('d to study the office for six months and that they would meet The Southern California Gas Company has presented a check for $23,000 to the direct.ors of Saddleback Community liospi tal in Laguna Hills. The donation is part of a company plan lo aid charitable buildi:ng projects, of· ficials said. The hospital, scheduled to open in 1973, will be staffed by the T~ut.heran Hospital Society of Soutbe.rD California. YOUR CENTER WITH FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS AND HELPFUL SERVICE. PLENTY OP FREE PARKING IN BOTH FRONT AND REAR MAW. ALL ON STREET LEVEL. • I 2300.HARBOR BLVD. IT'S COMING JULY 31st AT WILSON JUST SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FREEWAY IN THE HEART OF COSTA ME SA 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA --,. ,..----~·· ---~.,.,. ... , ___ _ ~ ........ '~----···--"··---<:---~ •• ..., ·---•• -,... --· - ' . ' ' \ •• I ~ps Barl{eep, Gi ve My Boy a Beer By THOMAS MUJ\PHINE Of llltDll!tf P!MitSl•ft Wttltttsdl'I, J11ty 21, l'J7l New Suda n Leaders Consulting ~ BEillUT, Lebanon (UPI) -Tanks and armOTICf ean gu1rded key Installations and the overthrown rulers of the SUdan today 1s the seven leadeni or lhe new regime consulted on the formation of a new c1binet to head Africa's largest n•· tion. The lraql newa 1gmcy said it w1s Hke- ly the new prime minister would be Maj. FBrouk Osman Hamadallah, a member of the seven-man leftwing revolutionary council set up Tuesday. Ham1d11lah and four others on the council are pro-Com· mtJni!t:il , Arab political sources said. . The two-year-old government of MaJ. 0 1500 M l . SUDAN" 0 KHAITOUM VJ'I T ....... Viets Periled: U.S. Q.uits DMi; Red Attack Seeu SAIGON (UPI) -The U.S. oommllld pulled !ta lut !nlonlly battalion out of the northernmost Quang Tri Province today amid ~lctlona by allied Intelligence of. flcera that South Vietnam would have dif· ficulty boklin& the area a11.1nst an estlmeted 20,000 Communiltl masaed nearby. The withdrawal of the lit B1ttalioo of the 11th Inlanby munt that for the first time since 1911 when the U.S. Marine• marched in there will be no U.S. infantry along the Demilltarlucl 1.oo>< (DMZ!, spokesmen said. U.S. BS2 bombers pounded North Vlel.. nameae troops, bunk.era, anU1ircr1tt emplacements and supply rout.es •l th1 northern edge South Vietnam Tuesd•)' nigh! and today, spokesmen 11id. MUi!ary :Mlurces said two of the atrikes were within a mile of the DMZ a1on1 which Communiet troops hive been engaged in troop buildups. SAC~ CALLING' Well lollu. the California Aaembly, in its infinite •isdom. baa finally done It now. They 've voted to lower the age of majority from u lp,11. Al that needs to h1ppen now is for the twin bills thus propo15ed to pass the state SeQ&te and then get Sir Ronald's n•me <>D the-dotted line. Gen. Jaafat Numeiry was overthrown by rebtl army ofricers Monday in a bloodless coup which was over in 45 minutes, one of the shortest takeovers: on record in the Arab world , said the man who led the rebels, Maj. Hashem Atta. Atta, pro-Communi st, was appointed vice chairman of the cooncll and commander or the armed forces . MAP lOCATIS SUDAN; COUP LEADERS SOLIOlfY POSITION Quickest Coup in Ar•b Hl1tory Put Reln1 In Red Hinds Military aourcea said about 5,000 South Vietnamese troops irullde Cambodia started a sweep inta C o m m u n i s t sanctuaries east or the rubber plantatian town of Snuol 85 miles oorth of S.igon. Both South Vielname5e .pokesman Col. Le Trung Hien and U.S. officials denied that any new government troop!' had crossed the. border or that 1 new opera· tian was under way. The withdrawal announcement came 14 hours after allied lotelligenee officer! in Quang Tri told UPI cornspondent Stewart Kellerman that the North Viet· namese were ln the process of rebuild ing their military machi"e in Quang Tri and a1ong the DMZ and had mas1ed about 20,000 men within a one-day march or an)' point in the provinct. Then, friends. you can figur'-il's all DVet. Teenagers will bl! running the whole tlarued state. Tank.s and armored cars guarded brid1es and major inter11ections in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum and were at the radio slation In adjacent Omdurman. Numelry and four ather members of the aid revolutionary council, which seized pawer ln a c::oup May 25, 1969, were under custody at military headquarters in Khartoum. Arab Rebels Take Over The troops involved reported oo con· tact. They told Kellerman they had serious doubt..s about whether the South Vie~ namese 1st infantry division would be able to hold the DMZ line, a !lring of firebases and smaller outposts stretching about 25 miles inland froin the seaco ast southwards to the valley of the Quang Tri River. 11·s NOT ENOUGH that they 've taken tver the voting booths, your car keys and !h~ record player. Now they·r'e going on b grei:ter things. 3 Embassies in Sweden Astronauts Gird For Epic Voyage To Lunar Hills There are sli!J U.S. unit,, in Quan.11: Trl -an armored calvary squadron assigned to the lOlst airborne division and several batteries of big U.S. l 75mm and eight.- inch gun.s that are part of the 2•th CTOJ>8, spokesmen said. Some wrong.thinkers will argue that ti~ of us far beyond 18 summers have :ouitd up our old e;lobe so badly that ~·e llight u well give the kids a crack at running iL They couldn 't do much worse. W besidff, they do our fighting for us, lon't they? . Wei~ all th·ese things may W!:ll be true. ~ut you've forgotten that one of the two •ill! under question is going to allow the l8 year olds to drink. Horrors. .run THINK of that. At present, if the ieenagers around your house get to driv- ing you out of your skull , you can escape o the corner tavern. The jukebox is pro- >ably playing something soothing by '..awrence Welk. Alter this 18 year old drinking thing •asses, no more escapt. The kid follows rou right into your favorite saloon, drinks 10UJ1 beer, swipe! your car keys and demands four bucks so he can go to a 'high class movie." Besides that. the dad-burned saloon will ikely start catuin1 to teen tastes. Good 1ld Welk will be junked from the jukebox >nly to be replaced by the likes of The )oors, The Sort Ma chine. Frank Zappa tnd the Methe~ of Invention. and tbat anal insult to all vocalists. Joe Cocker. SOME OF THE Good People, of course, will argue that the whole thing is simplY 1 plot by the liquor industry kl crosll the tips:of our pure youth with Demon RUm. Well, I'm afraid I'm enough of a cynic 10 ~e that a whole lot of them have ~oblbly done M>me lip-<:ro5sing already. BelJdee th1t, when you look at what lhese teenagers have done to the clothing U'td record indus try, you can pity the tJOOt whiskey-makers when they hi ve ta 11.art Caterina: to a wbole new !el of whlms and tastes. ENOUGH ABOUf the drinking part o[ It. According to the Assembly bills, there's going to be more to an Hl·year-old majority than simply a free ticket inle lhe watering spots of the state-. Tilfl companion measure also lowers the majority age ta 18 for such things as standing trial, obtaining m a r r i a g e licens&s, signing contrac~. serving on juries and workin& all peace officen:. Se lt looks like some pretty important responsibilit.ies are going to be heaped on the 18-year-olds too . Af7ER THEY'VE had a few tries .at lury dut}, marriage, being hailed before the judge or having somebody yell .. Pig~" at them as they work in a police. uniform, I know what the y'll want to do. Escape into the corner saloon, that's "baL Omdurman radio quoted Atta as saying other former government rnlnisten were under house arrest. It was the fourth coup in 15 years of in- dependence for the nation of 15 million, bord~ on the narth by Egypt and an the east by pie Red Sea and Eth1opia. Atta. Hamadallah and Col. Babakr Al Nour, chainnan of the new council, were ejected fttlm the government by Numeiry ei~ht months ago on charges of collusion with the Sudanese Communist party - the largest in the Arab war\d with 50.0CIO members. Two other council members resigned from the government when Numeiry began a crackdown against the Communi!ts in February. Omdunnan Radio, quoting Atta, s1id when the signal was given at 4 p.m. Mon- day tanks rolled up ta Numeiry's Khartoum palace and surrounded the building. The presidential guard laid down their arms by prearrangement. At· la announced the coup·s .success five hours later. "It was very easy and took us only 45 minutes,'' the radio quoted Alta Ill saying. Jn that lime •·au import.ant utilities were occupied.·• Typhoon Lucy Rips North P hilippines ' ' MANILA -'Typhoon Lucy aimed 120- mile per hour winds at Hong Kong today after lashing the northern Philippine• with torrents o[ rain and high winds. Floods spawned by the typhoon caused 11 landslide in the Pl'Vlippine:s narthern· most island of Luzon, killing three persons. 'Thi& one is u& in Northern I reland. The one with the brick ,. our guide.' STOCKHOLM. Sweden (UPI\ Palestiniall gutrrilla sympathlun forced their way into the Egyptian, Tunlsla.n and Saudi Arabian emb a.ssiea today and .stayed for up ta two hJur.s to protest "op- pression of the Palestinian Llber1tion Movement" in the Middle E•st. '!Ile protesters left the Tunisian and Saudi embauies vo!Wltarily at. nooh, lesa than two hours after they had entered . A few minutes before that, however, po!lce retnnved them forcibly from the-Egyp- tian embassy at the request of Ambassador Zakarla El Adly Imam. Two protesters 11•ere arrested at the Egyptian embassy and when 20 others ~cuffled with police in M attempt to at.op the arrest..s, five more were arrested. The Tunisians and Saudis did not call lht police. "We .are talking to them and we do not want to harm them as they are our brothers,·· a spoke.sman at the Tunisian embassy 1aid. The embassies were o cc u pied si multaneously in • joint raid sta1ed at Boy, 14, Barely Fails to Swim English Channel DOVER. England (UPI) -A 14-ytar~ (JJd American boy today CaJVI!: within less than a mile of becoming the younger;t person to 1wim the Ert1lish Channe1, but strong tides forced him to abandon his nearly 18-hour effort. "I am terribly disappointed," s1id Richard Crowell, of Westport, Conn., after his escort boat brought him to Dover. "But I guess that's chaMel swim- ming. It was a hard slruggle.'' Richard. who had set out at 6:37 a.m. Tuesday from Calaill, France, had hoped to make Dover by nightfall, a distance of about 31 miles. He came within three-quarters of a mile of his mark when strong tides began carrying him out to sea . When he gave up the attempt, Richard was four miles off the Kent Coast. and had been in the waler 17 hours, 45 minu te's. The youngster's father, Albert Crowell , a tr11ining manager with New York '11 Consolidated Edison Power Company, watched the start of the swim. 11!ong with hill other son, W1l11a n1. 15. and was there when Richard was brought to shore at lhe end. "The tides went against him ." Crowell said. "He's very. very tired and a little bil stiff in one shoulder but otherwise in good lihapt." Sun Scorches West States Warming Trend Spreads ; Tliu11dersl1owers Plague Gulf California A. 6k*9fl¥1 lol¥1r II I-Cloucll l fld .... CO\>Mld ...... , ol "" Soull ... rn C•!· ,...ni. ~t111M lodtV ""'lie ltMo 111n Wik• """"""' lw mlOdlv wl"' • ,_ 11nulne 11111> In "'• mid.IOI. ll:ICf'Mlloft •••••· trom 1M bt<ld'I•• .. !ht e-rit. rK......., d ••r •ki.1 el'lll w1nn 1..n--1111 ..... Wio.lv ,,,.,. Wed Ill'"'°°" In.I r;1t11IM lh\lflftr· .,.,_, ~ l!Of'llorlt -' IN M.. ~ eria •nd ll'l09tftoln1 1l"""1tlh loll .. ,,.,, 111tflllllCI "'''"''" lll'tvt lll'll, c In Loe Miil" 11'!1 v~lnlt\' W'lttl w 11 -l•tf: nl9'11 u>d ff•lv ..-n· 1119 low clvu<lll -· lfll (Oltl, 1111:1 with flwl fttll'I .... II lltM lml'I In !tit In. """ ti.tin. ..i. _.. ti.Ir. TNf• ..... llltt. ......-111 .. cMflff --.. ,, ....i.. TN lllellt ...,_, •nd ft· ... tld """' ...,__ #II M, l"' ..... 11 ,_ ........ " "· TemgeratNN?• •Y UN1TIO 'l>lllSS INTIRlllATtONAL T-'""'' •IMI IN'«l,iMtllfl 1•1i. .... '""""" _,.. _.,. ,, . '·"'· POT. " .,...,9111 lh> ,,,. v.•. w''""' I""'" •I S.11 l'r .. 'ICllCO. Al"-'....-111 """' ....... All•ntt .. 11:.trt!llW .1 ....... di .... ...... (lllClte ci.....iu1r1 .. ,_ ..... l urlll• ,..,., Wor"' ,,.1,,. Hfletll "ltll L-"""· IJ •l .M 1' Q .lJ II 61 '" . M " fl .J " ~ 71 •• .w " n " ~ . " ~ " " ,. " • .. •• """"" ... ,...,... -!fie _( ... ........... ...,.,... _,.. """'"" flh .. ---l!Hf ,.. ........ COii•• '"'" """ .ir ........,.r-, A Wfl'lftllll lrfnd If •~MCIPf .. ••·-°"' ftte GtMI "'i.lfl1 lo ti,. GrMt l..Mlv ~ w!tfl In lnlrill!eft ol ~ •Ir 11'1 tl'lt ...,,,.,n •I•""'· co .. t.i ....... ,,,., lndl•n•PO!lo 1(111t1lCll'f Li i v .. 11 l ll AMtlH Mll"'I '•Kii MltwM.llM Ml-..e!ll NIW Ori.II,. Ntw Y-": 0.kll .... " " " ~ , .. " " • " .. ......,,,,,""' ,_,. ,.... -~....... ectJltllY _...,,. lfll ~ 1111 ...... "_..,.t.t ..... "'"_,.,,.. ., ti __., ---. ....... -•i.t _.. -"" ........ h llllltell ,...,..,. ........ .cttv.,,.. ...... """' ~ _, ..,_" ... ,..,.., lnclilf!.f; ~ ._,. p. ... ...,,.. Mlfllm ..,._ ~ t'l.n. IM. WI'-.... ,.~ JtfolM. .,......i. ...... ........ ,.,., ... W--"'W , ... ,... ... .... ,..,,.,. s.nt• ........ ,.,... ·~ ..... ..,,,_ AM .._,,, s ......... r11 ,,... .. ..., ......... CM!lllll'll Ill _, -' .... "'""" ,.... -1ffl ..... _,,_ ~1111!9 1111 _,,..., -''* •M IN '"'" totll l"-l t:1,..1111 """'lllM Wll<' ... ,.,._ °' "" Giii! c ....... io.. ......... Jll•ll ln(IUfllltio. .... Ill *--"''"" tl4111n "' ,,. , ........ llt•IM. A Clh' "'9M "'1111111 -:..Ulh Ct•· .. """ .. "-, leo1<lll ........ ...,i. -- " H~ t'll"'""'tY lot -1..-n AIU• -· ,,.,...,.... c.1141 ,,..,, "'''"""" ,_ MlllMIMI '""'-""' Ctfll,..I Hlttfl !Miii• , ... '*""'-i'lnl "'""• .... l/\I •.-.mltoflt low ... , -0 o! ,~II· l•lllu•I. "''" Wiiiie "'-~··~ 111•WW1 '"''' 11t _. ,,.,,,,111, Ci t•• ti. --tru•• 1~ s"''""~ Ct l!l<'lt• nt1 fM<,,... !fie IOt loffy Utt• t.Yro•llnf 11\rew ... .-. '°' •"'ii ..... ''""'' ,, "''""""· L!llll Yl fllMI' Wlfldl ftfMll In.I ""°°"'" ............ ""'"""'' _..,,,. • " 16 k ... h lft ·"-"°'" .... , ....... ci.v. Hltll No.Mt 1', C .. 1111 ....... flt11rH .. _ ""'" 4.1 "' " lnl.,lcl ltnut.,.llv!'M t•-Pr'el'l'I '3 I• U. Wt ltf ,_..,"'°'' It. SNn , Moo... Tides WICINISOA Y Mcond Ill... •• •· 11...... • .• ~Kef'ld ltM' J ... '·"'· J l t .. UllUDA'r' '/'" ~ .. 11 11 00 •"'· 4 1 'It" ,.. • • ··"'· ·• 0 11<...-fllf~ 1 ·j.l,,rt1. I.I SKOt'ld lew J·n '·"'· 1.t $..... lllHI J 11 • "'· ,lt fl 1.12 '·"'• ~ •lrAI JOJ •"' t~t 1~11'"'· -~ "'''° llllbl•I ""llHll•ll!• -· "'"""'"" ll:M a1ut1 ·-$oo(f' .. ,,.,.lo SI LOI/I\ •111 I.Al~• (JIY Stfl Oi.M i .n ,t tll(IK• '•Mo l!itrtll•I .. • " " • .. • .. ·~ • •• " ... ., "' .. ., " .. .. " " n " " • " " " M • " .. " • M .. • ,. "' . .. .. 10:10 a.m. local time. A spokesman for Uie .. Palestinian Front" c1lled UPI from the Tunisian and Saudi Atablah embasaie.s and said that "through this act we want to show our contempt for • , . efforts to suppreu the Palestinian Liberation Movement." Polite tarTived at the Tunisian emba.ssy but were turned away by Cbarge d'Af· faires Ferid El Mouldi wtw said he would call again if the occupants started to make trouble. "This is not an occupatian," Mouldi said. ''The Arabs have come here to ta.Ii. thin1s over." A Swedi!h foreign mihistr y'ii spokesman said the ministry is keeping in touch with palice but that no action will be ta ken for the time being. About 20 Palestinians and Swedish sympathizers ocrupied the Tunisian l!:m• bassy. Twelve others forced their way in· to the Saudi Arabian emba.slly and anather graup took over the Egyptian embassy. The Palestinian black, white and green flag with .a red polygon was hoisl.ed on all the embassies. The occupants uid they will leave the emble.sies at 1 p.m. local ti.me (8 a.m. EDT). CAPE KENNEDY (UP!) -While Apollo 1s·s astronauts 1ought medica1 clearance for launch Monday, two large tracking aircraft headed for Guam today to suppart America's forthcoming moon landing e1pedition. -Astronauts David R. Scott. 39, Alfred M. Worden, 39. and James B. Irwin. 41 , were expected ta pass their last major prelaunch physical examinations without difficulty. They have been living under liemi..quarantine. conditions Car 16 days. The flight of Apollo 15 will be the longest and most demanding American spaceflight in 51..ii years. It will be sup- ported on earth by 38 aircraft, four ships and 13 ground statians. The moon pilots were in the doctors' of· fice when the. tracking planes took off from nearby Patrick Air Force Base for their mid·Pacific li1tening post. Two more of. the jet air force trackers will leave for Wake Island Friday. The seagaing tracking ship Vanguard 1ailed. Tuesday for a mid-Atlantic staticm. Bush mills. 1973 Exit Seen For Gol,da Meir JERUSALEM <UPI ) -The lsraell newspaper Ha 'aretz said today Mr1. Golda Meir has decided not ta seek re- election .as prime mini!ter after the 1973 general elections and has named Defense Minister Mo5he Dayan as successor . The prime minister's office em· phatically denied the report. The independent morning newspaper, widely respected in Israel, said Oayan'1 candidacy was discussed by Mrs. Meir and elder statesman David Ben Gurlon during a meeting Friday at Ben Gurion'• Sde Boker retreat in the Negev Deserl. Ha"aretz sa!d Ben Gurion dismissed the. idea of Depuly Prime Mlnister Yigal Allon and Fi11ance Minister Pinchas Sapir as possible candidates for p r i m e mini5ter. The paper said both he and Mr.s. Meir favored Dayan a.s her aue- cessor. The whiskey that spans the generations gap. For 300 years, 1 whiskey from Bushmills h•s been wilh us. Charming us. Beguiling us In a smoolh, polished and altogether lighthearted fashion. 15 generations have refined it.15 gener1tions h•ve sipped itlheverdict: Ncarperf eel ion. Bushmills. Full of ch;ir1cter. But not heavy·h.Jnded about ii. Flavor- ful. But never over-poweri ng. &Jshmills. It teflects 1he past with• lighl .and live ly flavo r th.at is all today . Compare it to your present whiskey. You needn't purchase a bottle. One sip at your favorite pub will tell you why Bushm,ills has in1rigued so many &en· erations. It is, simply, out of sight. IMPOtlllD - BUSHMIIJIS fllOM -WO«ID'S OUlEST OISTlUHY. •. ~ .... 11'~-,,._. i--•-•< :.J,.lJlt> .... -~~·~.....,._. If"'.~ ____ _,,..... '""' . -. -.... ~ ~...., SN M•N--~ "=-A A 1•..r:r-•-.. ______ •,a.-"----'-&.-W t!. -> f'l!'_~_.-........ ___._ -• ' . ~· ·- _.td,...,, July 21, llf7l DAIL V •tLOT I) i Africa Bug Hogs Now Periled Bv New Sickness ,., AUSTIN, Tex. (UPI\ -Tex- as officials. alr!ady busy vac- cinating horses and killing m03quitoes lrytng to beat back i spreading sleeping sicknes!, were wamed today of a new danger to livestock -an out· break o( African :swine fever in Latin America. ! U.S. Labor Scene "It is the most de vastating animal disease there is," aaid ~ Dr. Frei ~1aue:r of the Texas f A&i\I College of Veterinary Medicine. Hus High, Low Spots ''There i~ no vacelne against I_ • it." he said. "Mexico is buying i.t.. , \VASHINGTON IAPJ Postal Union leaders ha 11r signed their first agreement "'ilh the new U.S. Post.al ServiCf', a $I -billion cconlrac~ carrying more than $1,700 in pay increases for the average emplO}'e over the next two ye ars. l\1eanwhHe, the Unite d Steelworker!! of A me r i ca ordered locals to conduct strike-authorization elections. The first to do so. Local 2633 in .Johnstown, Pu .. aponn·ed 11 \\·alkout. The union has lolrl the nine major producers iL "'ill nnt extend the presenl contract beyond the 12 :01 a.m. Au g. I Pxpiration date_ Railroad and U nit ed Tr a n s po rt a t ion Union ne~otiators kept at !heir bargaining trying lo end a dispute largely nver work rules. The UTU slrikl' against the Southern and Un ion Pacific roads "'ent inlo a six1h d:i y. and a strike deadline still stands Saturday for nine other railroads. Bell Sy~tein I e J e p h fl n e \1·orkers ct1n1e back to work as they 1noved in1o the !ong nH1il ratificallon process. Jn New York. 26 local leaders voted not to return, having voiced dis~atisraction "'ith vacation and pension provisons of the tentative a gr e e m en t . In Phoenix, Ariz.. more than 1.000 members or Local 8~19 said they "'ould stay orf the job until the contract 1s ratifie d. Asst. Labor Sec-retarv J. Usery Jr .. mediall'lr In W. the Mustard Gas Encl Near DENVER (UPI) -Half a million gallons of mustard gRs, stockpiled at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal during the 1940s but never used. are scheduled for destruction beginning in late August. six rnonths or po s tal bargaining. said leaders of the seven unions. representing 650.000 employ~s. got job pro- tection -no layoffs -in ex· change for the nianage1nent option to implement any technological impro vernents to make the Postal Service more efficient. The $1.700 11 .age im- pro\•ement breaks down lo a SJOO lump paymenl !or all employes with more than six months on the job. fh·e raises of $250 eat h over the next two years. and a cosl-of-liv!ng clause. providing increases up lo Sl60 a year. Usery said the agreement covers only the essentials. Some 2.400 issues remain to be negotiated later. Pootmaster General \Vinton Blount pre!ided at 1he forn1al ~igning of the agreement. He called it ''an historic event The single. most in1· po rlant slep in achieving postal reform. hams from Cuba now. If it ·. ~ • gets into Mexico. the chance! ~1...: ~ are exceedingly good that It .... ~' . $.~ •, wlll get here." _ , f ~ ~1auer urged an immediate ~ , , ~ meeting of United States and ... ..,.~ "' ~1exican agricullure officials · .<.. "f"it :f'- lo take steps to keep the ~ African swine fever out of the t"'o countries . Meanwhile. 700,000 dosts or vaccine against the hor~ sleeping sickness that has already killed at least 875 horses in Tei:as we re distributed throughout a RJX- :;1<1te ar('a of the soulhll'esl. Air Force olanes srirl'l~'ed m o s quito--killing malathion orf'r co11~t;il areas or Texas and Uiuis1ana. In \Vash1ngton. a Oenart- n1en t of A~riculturr: official admitted lhe epidemic of sleeping sickness might ha ve been s top~d by quick use of the ex~rimental vaccine - but he said officials feartd the l'accine itsrlf might ha~·c spread the disease. Bright, \11 arm summer days in Michigan send the sailors to their boats. llere a group of sunny·day sailors drift slO\\"ly along the glassy .surface of Island Lake near Brighton. Cliess Whiz Bob Fischer Wins Again Judge Makes l(ey Ruli11g 011 Service111en's Trials DENVER I UPI ) -Ne1v York chess l\'iz;:ird Robert J . .. Bobb)··· Fischer. U, defeated Bent Larsen of Denmark in 40 mo\"es Tuesday to win a plac<' in the finals of the "'orld chess championships. Fischer. the undisputed king of American chess. defeated L<irsen in si x straight games in the best of 10 series l.o eliminate lhe Dane from the ! 11·orld playoffs. NE\V YORK (UPI) -ln a case 11•hic h could a f f e c t thousRnds of ex-serv ice1nen , a federal judge Tuesday ordered a 27-year-old sentence on a li.S. sailor reduced because he should have been tried by a civilian court. Li.S. Distrlcl Judge Jack B. \Veinstein said he act ed under a Supreme Court decision 1n 19119 saying military courts martial lacked Jurisdiction in cases 1•,.here service men com- 1nitted civilian crimes. Although the Suprerne Court- deC'islon did not dMI , w it h rase.~ bero re 1969. Weinstein said it shnuld have and the decision should have been made retroactive. Sources in the U S . dyin g Judge W e i n s t e 1 n ' s decision lo determine >Ahether or not to appeal,"' acting U.S. Allomey Robert A, ~lorse said . Tuesday's ruling in\·olved John W. Flemings. v.·ho as a sraman in 1944 wa s convicted by a court-martial 21L \hC' Brooklyn l"avy Yard of steal- ing a car belonging tn a civilian and of being absent "'ithout !rave. Flemings. who p If' a de d guilty , served 26 months of a three-year prison term al the Portsmouth. i\.H, n 3 val prison. He also sL1Fff!red lo~s of pay and was dishonorably discharged. Ltirsen stayed on the attack in the opening stages or the1 game Tuesday and appeared tn hai·t th<' e;irlv 1?an1e. But Fischer ba!t!ed back near the end lo take command of th e board and ~\!in the match and series Fischer now "'ill lace the winner of the semifinals series being held in ~losoo\\' bet\\"een Soviet grandmasters Tigran Petros~· an and V i kt or l\orchnoi. 'f'hal series i s deadlocked at 4.4 1vith all eigh t games having ended in draws. The \Vinner of the finals match will pla y Boris Spagsky of the Soviet Union for the world chess title in 1972. l I I ll'ater Nearly to Top .. South Dam Drama T ension Grows t-.10RfiliEAD. Ky . (UPil - Work crews began to sandbac lhf': top of a lemporary earthen coffer dam toda y to hold back.slowly ri.sin& waters 'l\'hleh threateo to spill over the top and nood hundreds of acres evacuated by tobacco growers. Oklahoma City, Okla., wb.icb returned to their homes Tues-out but ii did not. Complete I had contracted to build the day aftemooo. evacuaUoa la oecusary an4 dam, used bulldozers Tuesday But they were ordered out t Army engineen; reported at 10 a.m. EDT that water had crept to within four inches of the lop of lhe dam and was risi ng at the rate of .02 inches every half hour . The sandbagging 11·as CQn- cenLrated in a 20().foot section of the tempcirary dam which 11as constructed lo hold back the rain-s wollen Licking River untll !he main Cave Run Dam 11·as completed. Engineers \l'ere concerned not only about a possible spillover, but thet sttping ll'ater ll'ou1d loosrn the earth and create a brf'akthrough. About 1.700 resident~ from about 60 square miles in the valley below the dam \11ere f'varuatM Tuesday for the se- co nd straight nigh t. A civi lian spoke~nuin for lhe engineers said earlier that the level of the pool fluctuated sli ghtly from hour to hour and 11 was anyone's guess when the "'ater may spill over ''lt could be two, five. or seven hours.·· the spokesm an said •·Jrs just a 11•atch and 11·ail proposi tion ·• Arn1y t n g i nee rs and \\"Orkers fron1 the Guy H I James Construction Co . of to raise the height of the d&iil again Tuetday evenlns when the danitr ls lmmlnent." ~ about a fool. Col. John T. Rhett, chief of the Clv!l de1enu offlclals aaid \York was abandoned when local Army C orp• of about 15 to 20 restdent.s rtfu!- tht water continued to rise Eng:ineert, sald, "water Is 11!11 ed to le.ave their homtt &if and !he top of 1he dam rising. It should have peaked waited out the thrtat. '?" beC'arne loo narrow to ~u pport 1p;_,,;;;;_,_,_,_,_,_,;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, the .,.,·eight of !ht bulldozers. "\\'e"re playing a watching and "'aitlng gan1e," the spokesman said, "hoping thr \\'aler will crest and that wtll be ii. IF it doe sn't 11"e'll have to think about !>Omf'thing else. But a breach \\'OUld be our last resort.·• He said altern atives includ- ed using lighte r bulldozers, sandbagging. and allowinr; a limitf':d amount of water to spill over the dam . The restdents in the area, al the foot of the Appalachian ~lountains i n northtastern Kentucky, l\'t re evacuated ?\londay v•hen the danger became apparent. They clavlchon"s Chlldrens Apparel Is HavlnCJ o Storewide SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE THUIS .• Fll.-SAT. ONLY Our Every Doy Wholesale Prices Now Slashed Even Lower SAVINGS UP TO FAMOUS NAME BRANDS 70% FOR THIS SALi WI WILL H OPEN THUIS.·Fll. TIL t P.M, SAT. TIL 6 P.M. davidson's c~~~~~~~s 11512 hocll ll•d., Tow11 & C•1111t!y Ce:n,.r H1111tl11tff11 IHc"'-961·6121 Ner111al He11rs-I0·6 MOA.-S•t. • BE FURTHER REDUCTIONS ON OUR Largest Clearance Event In Our History lOO'S • • • Great Selections Pl•nty of Sizes " OF PAIRS: •• •• All Taken Prom Our Re9ular Sieck REGULAR TO $34.95 ' • The Department of Defense Tuesday announced the plans for destruction of the non- lethal skin lrritant. Tht' la!t military use of mustard gas by the Unit ed State! \\'as dur- ing World \'r'ar l. Attorney·! Office s11id there could be as many as 500,000 ex-servicemen who co u ?d theoreticall y appeal under t~e new ruling. \\'einstein ordered the case sent to lhr Board for Cor- rection of Nlilval Records v.•ith instructions to change the Clilr theft sentence to nothing greater than a bad conduct discharge. a less 1 e ver e penalty than a dishonorable discharge. Fischer cut a deeper notch In chess history Tue!day by again shutting out a chess grandmaster in international competition. It had happened onlv once before -when Fi.Scher defeated Soviet Mark , 1'1i1 imanov in I.he Vanoo\..i.•·er NOW $1.90 TO $16.90 '· "The government Is slu- MAD FASHIONS SUMMER DRESSES A hug• .,,ortment of m•ny f.1br ic 5 includin9 Poly11ter, m•ny will known br•nds. Not •II 1i1111 in •¥•ry 5fyl1. values to s10 $25.00 ~ .. I values to s15 $35.00 --1 --. ~ '· .j_\> values to s20 ;$4~ II-values to 15 $60.00 STARTING Thursday, June 22nd 10 a.m. JUMPER ALL HOT PANTS 01"1"' ~"'" i" 1t,ip1d d1"im1 I 1u1.l1 <l&t~. 1116rl1d <tiers. $14. $6.00 $10.00 KNICKERS D .. i111 •11dt, wnh9ble. IHlilfM lllk• rhlh1t· BIKINI s100 SWIM SUITS $600 VALUES TO $25. $7.00 GIRDLES $4.50 Llly•tt• BRAS $4.00 Half Slips .,.~ ....... ef 4ltc .. tl1tt1N •••"" '225 MAD FASHIONS 1005 5 ADAMS AT BROOKHURST HUNTINGTON BEACH -----··-··= ...... quarterfinals U.S. Battling Over Art Work • • • ALL SIZES ON IAC:KS FOR lASY SELIC:TION 1052 llVINI e NEWPORT HAC:H PIH1• ... All S•les Fina!. W!STC:Llff PLAZA e Ml-8684 Doors Open 9:30 A.M. NE\V YORK (L:PIJ -The federal governn1ent filed an unusual la"·suit Tuesd;iy ask- ing the U.S. Distr1cl Court to decide who owns a SI mill ion El Greco pa inting which "''as stol en during the Spanish Civil \\"ar 35 yrars ago a nd recovered only la~! month . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~= • TIES • 25%0FF ' BELTS • 20%0FF • SHIRTS REGULARLY :• , •12~11 -1301111 '-, J ~;, • :~,~··,1 ~ow' 1 ~~· • };' ;~~' 25% -50% ' 'cl~.;:,' ~:.. ....... \ .... '(,_"'1;-. ·(;) Ot"F (( _,..-- • SHOES • 30% OFF' • SPORT SHIRTS • 25%0FF • _ MASTI:R CDARGR. AANKAM~RICARD. AM~RICA N ~Xl'R ES~ ACCEPTED • 42 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH .. '"" ... .____ ,·-.-~,., -· • PHON!: 6#7520 SALE STARTS FRIDAY, JULY 23 I ~ j ,:.,,...... -;, t•-.. : ' ,.._.. ,,, r""' -. ' PREVIEW DAY JULY 23, 1971 OPEN 9:00 A.M. .. ., DAII.V PROT EDITORIAL P AGE ' • Good New s-Bad News See-sawing property assessment valuations in South Oran&e County produced mlxed emotion1 from city and ICboal di.strict officiJ.)s when figures were released by the C9U11ty·uaeuor last week . Reaction ranged from purring content in the Sad· dleb&tk Junior College and Capistrano Unified School Dtatrict.s to dismay in La1una Buch. Sadd.l eback trustees, anticipating a mod.eat six per· cent iri'cruM l.n asse&Sed valuation in the burgeoning district.. received instead.• healthjr 9.8 percent. This, combined with saving.!! of some $400.000 in interest on invested bond money. put thl! board in thl! hippy posi- tion of being able to announcl! 1n l!ighl·cent cut in lhe tu rate. A similar -windfall arrived in thl! Capistrano district Whl!re •~9.8 ~rcent increase in valuation, against th~ anticipated 5.2 percent. promised approximately $250,· 000 ol additional income. Lacuna Beach trustees, in unhappy comparison. dis· co\lered that S76,000 had \lanished from their expected income. Laguna, they learned, was at the bottom of ' list nf eight unified school dlstricts in the county, wjth a mere l .2 percent increase in valuation. instead of the anticipated four percent. Already facing 1 3l·cent increase in the district tu rate, the trustees glumly agreed that four more cent~ would ha\le to be tacked on to meet the new loss. The municipal finance experts in the South County appauntly came closer to the mark with their annual useasment guess'!i'>rk and did not seem too startled by the county figures. could M covered w1lhout changing lhe city tax rate. S&n Juan Capistrano fared somewh1t better in th! growth department. logging an 11 .8 percent increase in usessed va.Juation tor the year. only $3,700 be.low the dollu figure predicted by Finance ·Director Paul Lew. Coastal Showcases Thousands of persons were entertained and enchant• ed this pa.st weekend by two projects aJong the South Coa.!lt which have one key element in common. Laguna Beach '! Festival of Arts and Pageant ot the Masters and San Clemente's three-day Fiesta La Christilllita both happen because of hundreds of volun· leers working counUe-'s hours for !Jttle else but personal satisfaction. Ll&una's festival and pageant. which will continue through .'\ug. 29, is an outstanding example of lht Value of volunteer ener&Y- Llterally hundreds of individual~ from the South Co ast and beyond work as models for the tilling pictures and share the. duties of the backstage work at the pageant enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year. 'I'hrough the years, their efforts have built the pageant and festival to deserved national stature. In San Cl emente, the same sort of spirit produced the annual observance of the Fiesta La Christianita. \l.'hich featured one of the slate 's largest locally·spon· sored parades. Laguna hit a low with a 1.5 percent increase, but Finance Director Shelby Langford said he hadn't ex· peeled much better. after a slow building year. San Clemente fared littll! better with a 2.2 percent increase, b ut City Manager Ken Carr said he'd e.xpecled no more than four percent and felt the cash difference For the first time this year work e.xpand~d to local <'Ommunity groups -departing from the traditional 11:ystem of using Chamber of Commerce employes and members alone . So great was the experiment. th-at next year's fiesta will probably have an ass"ociation a.II its own to produce the e\lent. 'You have an innate talent for deception and half trutm therefore we suggest you try for a position in the pentagon or run for president.' s Church Scliool ·N ot the Issue View Others Thro~h Clear Eyes. of Child Dear _Gloomy Gus 'StiII·',/Our Most Precious Possession' My youngut dauchter. not yet !, ru~ a pla~au of understanding lhi!I summer that ·aome peoplt never attain tJiroughout tbeir Jives. She leamed to ''objectJfy'' other people in the world~ ' . . . I '~¥ou kl'IO\\'.·When Twas younger," she reflected one ni1ht. "].used to think that pec)ple who were ni~ In me \\'ere nice people. That 's the way l j ·ud1ed everybody -by the 1"ay !My treated me.'' "And 11 n w yOll ·'. k·n o, w belttr!" I ailed, wOndering , what was coming. "Yes 1 do," 1ht nodded vigorously. .. For instance. take a teacher who liked me -1 thouJ.lit thit teacher was swell. and I eou.ldn t under!tand why some of \ht other kids complained about her. "tlff:N, TH.IS YEAR." she went on, '"I 1t.rted to see that • l!achu whn was mean or unfair W other pupi\11 wasn't really 1 nice person , even if she happened to likt me. In fact. J'd get a liUle •m· bairassed about being a favorit.t. and 111ould act up a bit -but she'd treat me rticelv all t.he sarhe." "And how do you look 31 peoplt now?'' l asked her. "Now 1 watch th!' way they act toward kids v.·hn art A \1U!r. dumb or what thty call 'difficult .' If they're mean "If unfair to· thffll, it bothers me , arKl I don "t want thtm to be nict. to me:· NATURALLY , 1 was tnormously plea5· T'hailU to ·President Niion. Assem- blyman Badham and State Sei1at0r Carpen~r. we"rt goin1 to have more public beach. And t~u:oi: mort aqd i:no_re touri!l.!I and , traffic w•. d6n 't n~: Thanks for nothing, fellow!. -R. T. T"I ffflllr• ratitn. ~ ""-"' M<IHl rltJ !M .. "' "'' ,_,_.,.,_ 1- , ..... Ht ...... ti •iMrriJ •11t. D1llJ P'llll'. ed to he11r this. Because we · ha vt not begun.to grow up, in all ·dimension1, until wt art abk to ISStss other personalities not•in tflMNI of how thty•n!Spond.,1o US, but how 'thty act arKl rtact toward people who'art.qf)itUt ~t.o ~: ' · It ill usy. and· pleas11nt, to be be1uiled by IOflleoot who flatters our sWibilitiu -to look UplD 10meont as a ~ ·chip becau6t· ht Aeems to appreciate. oor virtues or -averlook our faults. But tht test of.·a.character is the way it behaves toward les&-favore~ people .. MY DAUGIITER WAS ablll ·lo ·s1m· pathize with pupils who were "Pie.kid On" !even though she didn't likt sOR\I! nf them vtry much hei-stlf ). and to :like their side in simple justice even againsl • leather 'who "liked her. 'I'h.i.A " is plACing principle .11b0ve se)f-inlerest. •rxl judg- ment above vanity -and' marks off a. true human bein1· fr001 a sorry imitation Gf one. ,J..,sus warned his follo~us that if the.y behaved badly toward "!ht lea!.f. of riiest" -rhe most desipese<f or HJ.favored - they were inflicting Ult aame injury upon Him , you cannot truly worship a GOO and treat hi~ creature11 co ntemptuously. Our hum11nhood arrive!! only wiltl thl" recogru· fion !hat we cannot Accept !he spurinu~ •·niei!nes!!'" of 1h0St who do not measur• out equal iustic:e to ··the ltasl of thl"se." And a little child .shall ll"ad them. Nixon Grabb ed the Glor y WASH t N'G T 0 N -Con&resSonal leader1 art.hot under tht collar ovtr tht way President'. Ni10r1 irabbed ~ glory after , the 1doptJon of tnt. t 6 th amtnd(Mnt. which 1ivl!ll 18·, It-and 20- year~lda the right to volt in all eledKlns. 1be. Pretkttht held a bi.I eertificlltion certman)' · Pct basked in Ult lpOtli&hl, althou.P bt had shown -no prtYious ·en- thu!lMm for the. amendmenl. Privately, he hid ~isgivlng• th1l moet of the. 1 t million newly enfra.nchited younr voters miaftt vo\t •i 1inst. him in 1972. Sen. Jen· 11inls a.pdOlpb. 1>-W. VJ ., -who first in- uodueed 'ibe amendment in lMJ and con- taetal 1 llaU 1ovemor! and legislative kl9dtn' • pul1I ita ratificltion, wasn't ~Vl!ft·.1n~td to the ce:rtificalinn Cbl~· Neilhtr "ere~-Birch Bayh, 1).~.~ ad .Rep. Manny Geller, O.N.Y .• w)lo, ~d'lhe amendment thtouP, Ult a.Iii. ud -· respeeti'Oly. D~TIC TINANCr;! -There bu be9 a lot ~ buffinc In the ..---• .,. ~rt~--~ Dear Gt« .. , ' . I waUJd. 1llk.t to So lO Hollywood and be a atarfll. Whal. e.icactly, dOM I ltlrtet do! JANICE Dear J..ic., I have ,tven 1 lot -of thought to your qwsllon and rny final reply IS thla: Don't tend me a question lilt"" that •••in. ---r•·- back.rooms over Howard Samutls'i cam- paign to withhold Democratic Party fund! fr(lft'I candidates who don't 11Jpport liberal IUlli·war policies. 11\t N,ew Ynrk political gadny joined tilt financt coun· cil, then immedla~ly begin afttaling for !ht Democral• to put their money where !heir mouths were. At one aeertt MUion, Chairman Larry O'Brien 1n1pped )lck al SamuelA fnr trying to tell the piirty how to .!pend ili' money and ai&atited that ht: , concentrate instead on raj.Jing money. Other men\bt.rs of the f!Jlance council gNmbled pr:ivale)y tha~ Simuels hadn't r-.i&td a nickel for tht party and hadn't even paid tht flS dues for naUorial com· mltte.e memberahip. Samutls told ua he hitd raised '• ".-nall amount" for the ptr· ty bUt uid he would rather CGntrlbute to the cauaes in which ·he believed. · LOCkBEED Ull!ES -~•l• BonklnC Cha~ Joftn Sparkman • .O.Ala., took a bu.Una behind clos«I doors when ht tried to ram a bill' throulh hJ• committH to ball out Lockheed. The giant dtftnH oon- tracior lll seeking to recover ila kwes from the: ta1payers. At the secret session , Sen. William Pros-mire. O.Wla .. needled Sen. J()hn Tower. R·Tei., for voling for l.ockheed. Proxmire reminded Towrr that ht h-'d agref!d tn further htarlnii:s before votin1 on a 1eneral bl.ii· oul biU. To ,the F.ditor : For &:<>me 20 year5. no:w. I hive read your paper, bein1 a coast reflident . .tnd I have spent each evtTling (lancing thru it, studyinz "'the -editorial jiagt, and ·th~n. in the momini. wort.inf the trd!.'!WQrd puulf: ov.e:r cofftt It 1 :0fl a.m. J -have always lllrmised, and in · the ablence ol proof. that lhtrt wa~ a limit to , stupidity, grttd, and ridiculou,. •rjjcJes. The rtten~ ~.. nn parpchial 1ehools and J>rtvrt.e. athool1, gets ·tht- gra:nd· award. TO RECTIFY A. probll"!f', and correc:' .11ny inequjtieti, thert .b.a p.roper :way. The recent· lttlen1 ~. are. obyiousl,y. by pef1IOn8 wM <.do. not. ~ i-whaL a ctt)ld rt.ally ls, •tKI rt. do.elt. no ,t:redlt M> theiif,. ttllectuaJ a1'I analyt1c.l.ab\ll;ty _ol 1oflr cititens who Mi~ such idt.en.,TG-hava a m.i.nia /or d~~t is om.,tft!n-· .. '° be· raQid on,·a !Ubject. comes .undtr1he ritht or fret speed!. Bul·howJaf! · ·A ·child is tomethint preetoo1. 1t JIOp(Jlii.~11 tht ·world. build11. a•bf:Uer.one. ~ mi!iukM 'a.!: Wt "ltid, and li vk tC wilh'it had knotm heller. and·lbtii raises more: c'hildren'. lo Complett tl're cy,cie. What po.!SibJe ·or germane di(fe,rence if ifs black, white: or !(rfffl, , Catholic. Proltst<u1t, nr ,Jew·, .Hindu or MOl'ilem? Under lhe skin :an'atomically, they art •II tht samt. 00 Yt'E DISPEL. !ht problem. Dr is.it tn hr fouRht arKl judged by fools? A ehild M still our most precious poS!ltssion. And whtn ht nr ~he come:~ homt from tht \;inder~arte:n with the. first pain.ting. ahall "''" look .al it on the comparative ba~ia 11.-itfl tht. public "C'hool standards tl'I ac· rompli~hment? Emphatic a 11 y no. Re11:ard1"55 ot who.st child. 1'hf: l>f'iv ate and parochial M:hool~ h.1 11e ~a ved the. actual '1.a%payer billion.s 'over thf' )'tars, and prodnced 80mt pretty good ~udtnt.s, at lwi.ce ~ enet. Do we ii;t:nnrr. it? Can you Imagine tht chaM, if they all thrt.w in tht .sponge , and sent t~m all lo the poblic K'hools? Now when -prices are higt1 , dial! vr• turn the other cheek. or be a aood Samaritan. Or shi ll -we turn our head, don't bo!Mr to investigatt. .and "in hypocritical &ati!l'acHon. walk: away. Thi.I is nol the proud 1tiitllrt ol a tOOd American. Or is ii? DAVID G. PEA.RY Unfai r Ta.i:atlo11 To I.ht Editor : 'l'ht·city of lo& Angeles Js·propo$ing • tax {payroll dadtictlon) for eaeh person wM works in Los Angele.II but Jives elsewl'ltrt. Jf such,• Foposal,puses. tht ~ployes living 01.Ualde. lhe •city will. be taxed and ba.ve M,~Dke in the city's Ad- mlnlstr1l~· 'Tboee· not living in the city hp.ve no vO;lin( ti&f'lls . and "ta~aJion without reprt.19!1taUoo Js tycaMy.''. .• lt'11 a wonder ~,, lhat~they haven't eome up 'with a ''htaa ta1," for ~ach d\lld bom. . M. J . MONAHAN Ell'"~11a.te All Biu To 1tht· r..diior : I qree with Mr. Burton ~ Lett.trt. 16 J~) wholeheartedly. TUmblewted.~ .can lna.ed be inltrpniltd u everythb11 Mr. Burton claims. In fa~t: ltt'• rid ourHlves of all of lhoet comit atrlpa which portray whit&, midd~-class Arneric&QS •~ "1tup id, !~ck· in~ In cull urt and 1en~ally dtpraved In all wa ys." Thtrt arr many of them, •nd af\tr &II, we ahouldn't e1hib1t bias . .. --. "),. ~o """' .-~·---T--•-~o..••~mr-w~~=-~· °' L --• -. ~ ... ,. ·D>• -· . -- MailhQx l-ro tt-••Mlu 1 •r• wtk•..... POnntllr wrfltfi tlllultl CNY•J "''" l'l:!tU•I•• 111 -_,.., •• llH. TH" ,.f ... , ,. ct "4t11•• ltrt.ro ,. fl! .•• ..:. ..-•N,.,ifltlt liMI I• rflln'I• . .f..ll lltt1n -II 1 .. Cl\Mlt llt,..lur• '"' .,,.11;,., H f1'•11, hit ,.,..,., .... , IM wl!llMlll .......... , II 1uftlcl .. t , .. _ h tttUt lll. P'Wf,.., Wlft ll9f ff IU~!i ..... rm aurt Mr. Burton wnuld a_gret. CHARLES BOSDET Mr. 811r1011.': /,ttfir con!.!ndt'd t.liot tllr Tu1nblnnttd.f comir. strip slat1· rltr.s !ht ,A. meric an lndiriti. B it lh~ Point To the Editor: Edtrnr ''Kudos to tht DAILY PILOT for lht. "Time to .LOok Ahead" editorial tJuly 1~i. Certajnly wt can only deal ef- fectively "in it.he. future. As /or lht next few we:e~s. t.he op- JX*ition ·would be wtll a~v;sed to i>ar:tic)p.att cOrutructively with ' o u r goYtmment in evaluating all aspect.~ of the 'North Vietnameae ~vt:n -points. 1'ly a.ifM "sltoald ~ tn preserve the"· ·6Itts made b-y· oUr -sacrif'icea thus far 1,11d to establish a vllid two-sided peace.· "" LYMAN S. FAULKNER Funeral 'Shoppltt9' • To . the ·Editor: S)'l\lia. :P()i-"ler's recent. column in. the DAILY -PILOT about rising funef"al costs p>iata up the. reil .&nd growing problem o( the. high cost ot dying and the irn· porttnce of inlelligent planning. Unfortunately such planning is both" dif- ficult and en:ibarr111ssing to do Jfter a death has occurrt:<t in the family. The idtl or ""!hopping" for • funeral at that time would be pa inful to most of us. The Jnsv.-er for thousands of people has bten found in joining 11 non-profit memori1J ·3ocie:ty like the: ones mentioned in Miss ,port"er'1 column. ALLACE KUNZ lleadll11e Time To, the Editor: Ntwspa:ptr headlines I hope wt f"ll"Ver see: ANTI-HIGH" RJSE RErERENnu;..t DEFEATED. Election hailed as vict.ory for lower tai.es .&nd civic progress. 1500 R 0 0 M LAGUNA HILTON SKYSCRAPER OPFNS IX>ORS. Society for the .Advant:ement nf Shetp Shearing to bt the firs't. cOnv~ntion ~Ill. LAGUNA CONVENTION CENTER OPENS FOR llUSINESS -LARGEST IN CALIFORNIA LAGUNA ·ENTEllS MA.IOR U:AGUE SPQRTS. Tht mayo(" appearinc: befo~ Int Concerned Clti1.en3 .Conynittee, Pr;oU41y arillOUhced l:Nt tht citY'"~•s l\lt· ces~ful to pe:r1uadin11: the fr 11nch.lsa nwners of the lea1ue-leadint{ Olyrri)Jlts Roller Derby tea.m to occupy otir new convention center. ,,. U(iUN"A COND'l\INS ART CEN'l'!R -·CITY ·TO BUILD NINE-STORY PAR:Kl.NG PL.AU. At a meeting ·of the Deeply Wilrried CIUt.en~ Committee. 1 cl· l)' offteial explained that the parkin1 atructure is desperattly netded to at· C'OITllnOdate the convention erowds. He added, ''This fitell ity will 115" rcduu lraffic.congesUon and alleviate the par1'· Ing sp1ct shortage." He noted that thtre ~med to ht fewer arlists in town and th1t the displaced 1rt center OC<'Upa nl~ wtrl" not havina any d1fticulty in findlna new local.ions . LAGUNA PURCHASES NEW SKY· • .. I J..6'..---- SCRAPER FIRE · FIGHTING EQULP- ME/\'T. BOARDWALK CONTROVERSY FLARES Appearing before 11 meeting of the Frantic Citizens Committee , lhl" clty engineer txplaioed that the construction nf the nl"W 300-fool·w idt board walk from f\.1ain Beach to Victoria Beach would rt.· quire considl"rable alteration In lhf! coastline. "We: must remove thl" rock!! 11nd coves to keep 1he board walk str:ughl ;ind level." "Our convention i;:ue~ts don'l ust tbe: beach much; they m11ctt prefer to u~e our nrw boa rdwalk motorized 11crnic cruiser~." In Answer lo a complaint that lhi.'1 cnnstruclion would leave no more than 10. reel nr sandy beach. wet at that, he commented, "You know . of course., that we can'I build on tht. land outside Ille mean high tide lioe. Wt are: e.s:plorin2 the feasibility of exterKling Hlf' beach lo seaward ulling modem hygenic plastic sand.'' · F'IWE MILLION DOLLAR AM USE- MENT PIER GALA OPENING , The fun packed steel · amu~eml"nt pil'r. houliing lht world's largf!!t rolltr coaster and tumblt fun i!; said to r iv.ii C.Oney Island at Us peak. Tbt pier1eicte:nds \me: mile to aea ·frfim the modttn e:ntrilnce plaza situated on tbt tormtr He:islt.r P~rk 11lle. Tht mayor, in defending this develop- ment at a meeting of the Horrified Citizens Committee promised that taic revtnue:s from the fun facility would be used .lo lower property taices and to reLire blinded indebtednt..ss <Jn !he. conven1ion center. parking emporium, boardwalk and to · provide. lund.!I ror the future Swifest Marina.. LAGUNA TO CHANGE NAME. Thr: mayor and council voled last night l.o change the city'1 namt to P11cific City. The maynr es:pla.lned lhal thi~ would solidify our image a.~ the Atlantic City of the We11t Coa..~l. "\1.'e Are 2oing In havit 11a·11ier sall. water Laffey and larger .soft pretzels," he .said. NOTED ARTIST l'.:XH IBJ1'::; AT SAN PULCHRA FESTIVAL OF' ARTS. G8ry C.Jaienstadt. noll"d .'lt:ascape a r I i ~ l, formerly of Laguna Beach ~now Paciifc City) is an ei.hibitior at the current f:estival of Arts of San Pulchra. This event, fonnerly held in Laguna Beach, was franchised and moved here in 1974 ln make the Laguna festival arounds available (or a pitch and putt golf course . ~1r. Glazenstadt's paintings, as usual. are rriagnificent. It doesn'I have In happen. Let's keep Village Laguna u our .home. our 110lace Md our delight. Pltase vote yes on Auaust 3. JIM SWEENEY Whe r e'• the View:' To the Edit.or: Wt have ~ advised that whal wt need ill our town is "mod«:n urban pl&n· ni.n1" and "Atttliltttural variety." We know what they mean ! Take a wa.lk 'down ~ ocefln side of th! 1500 .block on 'South Coast Hifhwa.y. ,,,WI row dl nk:t modem conerete blocks -110ml! up . 10rrie' down -provi~ klta 'ol variety : and '.th !be micbt ol il all a ~•\ly biR block 58-feet tall. upended to betltr ...,.., it. This block. btside.s provldln1 . really great arc:hifectural varie.(y, •lso atvt.:11 us 81:1~ · 1plendfd "counterpoint to Uw: landscape,.. not lo mtntion "visual rcllf:f" that we are. told is ont or tht fetture-s of "modern urban planning ." JUST WHAT WE nttd In liven up the dull. monotOMU:'I low-rist.s 11cro!~ tht iitrect -old·fa.~hlcmed nnt-l!llory It.rt• lures wllh peaked rnnf1 whkh is what the nkt people who ttop ID the concre_t.a -. blocks pay such hanclsomt r a I t I lincluding bed-taic lo the city) to vi5i_L Thal. and the large body or water on the other side of the big blocks. With the proposal to set still more con· crete blocks down on our heachfront., !here woul d be this difference · instead nf ha ving all that mar\•elou.~ variety, th• concrete blocks would all ha ve to be: upended to romething called "maximum height" becaust of the trildeolf fnr IM peek-holes between the blocks for viewing the ocean. wt are tolci. BUT THERE YOU art' You ca n't have everything : 1f you want tilt: vif'w. then you'vt got lo sacrifice somt "archit~ tural varie ty" for ··ecooomic viabili!y." But nne !hing puzzles me : If we: hav• all counterpoint. · then whert .ifl the landscape? MILDRED B. l!ANNUr.f Uow Tall a U'aU? 1'o the ~itor : Some proponents o[ high rist e:videnl~Y iw>ek lo accompli.'lh by !pnuendo what they unnol by logic. I) ""e: are "to believe that Lhe: height limit would crea!t a "wall " at thrtt stories but not al fnur Qr fl ve dut fo the required set-backs and other restric.tioM -on tht latter height. The natural terrain of Laguna prt- cludes lhl" "flat" look. lnno·vative roof treatment by responsible archittcl! wnrk- ing wi!hil'I !he 36-f(l()t limit will l"nhance tht atmo!l'.phere of Laguna and still pro- vide plenty of profits for the owners. !I \\-'E ARE TO BELIEVE that "11 cno· pll" of well-designed. pr~rl,v located h<ltels" of four nr fi vf .~!orie:'I 11re the rea90n the: Unio n Pacific Rail~d and othtr abscn1ee ovtners havt purcha sed all that property nn lhe octanfr(Yll Whn ill so naive ti! lo ™'lieve it ? This iii insullirn:: 10 thf' inlelhgence of the peopJ.., or Laguna Beach. :ll I~ thf' annex::1t100 nf Irv\™' rt.all~ germant lo 1his issue? l ~ubmit thal th• 11nne:xalioo of Emerald Bay, for inslanc.t, would enlarge the taic haw and <'osi. Lagunans a lot less than wnulcl p;;it.rol nt tht Irvine cnasUtne in prihct, fire: p~ t~tion, and other servk-es. HO\\o'EVER, UNLIKE I hell t pro- ponents . I suggest that the annuation controversy currently being 11~ as a red herring ha.s nothing to do with the Aug. l inlli11tive. It is the prerog.at..ive cl the ~sidenU of Lllguna Beach to detenninf: the character of their town. Many other discrepancies may be found in the argumenl.3 nf the proponents of h\gh rise, and more will doubtll!S! ap- pear. If you dn not. f':flJOY till': rear view nr t high ri!ll!, vote YES on Aug. :t ELLEN B. CARTER -----Wednesd ay, July 21, 1971 Tht editorial pt:IQ't of the Daily Pilot ~eka to inform and atim- u/atc rtadtr1 ov prtatntino th.ii riew.spapcr'.a opim'oru and com- rntnt.arv on topics ·of Mittrt.st ottd !rignificance, bt1 proiiding o forum for tM t %prt.ision of our rtad~r.s' opinions, an.d b11 prts611tina the diverst vitto- point.i of infonntd ob.s•rvtn and .tpokesmtn on topic1 o/ ta.ii l .... • Robert N. Wttd, Pub!""-J -··--~----~·~c ---'it~· -. . • • • n • • y I • II ;, • ol ly • R l • . I J 1 • • ---------··· ---- CHECKING •UP• ScreainingAlarlll Leads to Pranks? By L. M. BOY D TRAT SINGLE GIRL who regu!atly wears a w i g dt.cla.tes to her 1enUeman frleDds, "touch me not.·· So t:tllltt.nds I youn; lady in Calilorn!a. "Att'er wearing wlas daily far sit yt>ar1. with not ' so mul'.'h a& ~ 1oodni1ht tils, let aloot. t matrimonial pmposal." she \\•rites, ··1 sluf· fed tht'm ltn in th!! bottom dr.awer, and thret. months Later, 1 w..a.!I married . A wig m•kes a: man nervous . He can't grab you in frnnt or the k.ilchen sink. impulsively spin you into hi~ arm5. ind kiss you . It's nbt rair to inhi bit a bnyfriend with hair th;it l'.'omes nff in his hands." ON THIS PARTICULAR Iii- lit. ea rth. just a.bout four-fifths or e\'erything aliv!! is in the St'I , i!'s sa id ' .. IN REPLY lo a query, mutt mention only a fourth of a froien beef pie has to bt. betf. that's all ... A.ND RE~fE~1BER E l he 1 Mum- ford 's advice, loo Don't take lhe will for the det.d : get tht. deed.'' rr·s A PUB in Ntwton \'erdon, England. called tht. Georgian Dragon. W i v t s therl!abouts hkt. it. A lor. \\7h.!1l happened W115 rhe-builder erecttd it ov~r ;:in o!d coal mine wh.ich sank soml!:. So the pub lilts in a most ~uliar manner. A htl!band without a drink under hi! bf!J t can man· a.t:e all rig.ht. But alter several of th e usua:J, It's sad, ht no lona:er ctn make it lo th@ bar. A CANADIAN ASTRONO- MtR contends his c I o I e scrutiny of moon pb)tofrtptl!l convinct.s him ti\at sbapl!: wt used lo t:all the man in the moon is .!lctUally 1 voluptuou s girl approximately ' 860 mlles t'!l.L ~.at's a, lo! of voluplu~us gll I, is it not .... lNClOENT· AU Y. initials of the first thrae m~n on the moon -Arm· strong. Coopt"r and Aldrich. St!? Never min d. ALL HE DOES, this thi!f. is open the car doa.r. and sud- denly a volte yells. "Help! l 'tn a sky blue F'ord ~ Somebody is ste aling me. r-.1y I i c e n s e number is Call the polict'' ·Quick!" It's a tape recording. Can be heard a block away. Creator of this alarming device says it will put an inordin ate amount ot egg on the facr.s of car strip- pt.rs. The Ot:troit boys are rnnsiderlng it. Hang.up is its practical-joke pttenUal. Too "''himsical. Anybody wiJh ac- cess can rt.cord an ything on that ta:pe dt.ek. A h&11ty- mo&ner's car. for ·ins tance, might scream, "The chivaree \\'ill be al the Midtown Mott.I, gang ~" Your questicrns and com.· tne111s ore u•e/co1ned rind 11;il/. ht used in CHECKI NG UP Wht rt vt r po 8 .s i b I t . Plecue address ~our letter~ to L. M. Boyd, r.o. !oJ: 1 17~. NtwfJ~rt ·Btath, Cali· ft1rnia. 92&&0. Adulthood At 18 OK'd In Assembly SACllAM!:NTO (U~J) - The State Assembly h11 voted to allow 11-year~lds lo drink liquor legally and en joy 111 lhe other priv ileges of adulthoed. '"T'here would be an Initial aurge to tht. bars. but it would llpe.r off, I thlnk younJ peeple are r ~ s p n n s i b J e . '• said A~semblyma:n Robl!rt C. Cline (R.C anoga Parkl. "l don·1 think drinking Ji. qu or at II poses any greater pr oblem than is posed today, because )'oung people art smoking pot arid drin king. too." The Assembly Tut.sday on 1 5&-10 vote aent tht> Se nate a slete cen1tituti&nal amend- ment autr.orid by Clint te lov.·t r tht l!gi1 drinking ate fro m 21 to 11. The ltoLrU. 1110 PIE!led I ttpsrale bill l~~·ering the leg.a l &ge of adultMOd. from 21 to 18 for such purpost.s as ob- tainin& ms r r i age license•. standing trial, signing con- !racls. serving on juries Ind becoming peace t1ffict.rs. The bill, by A1umblyman Plul ,-,.iolo (R·!'aelnc P1li!.tde1 ), went to the Senatl! on a M-2 vote. Compromise Medi-Cal Plan Faces First Vote Priolo teld b.i1 celleagul!:s "if a man jg old eMU*h to gtt his hud blown off ill Vietnam'' he is old enough for the othtr tights 111d re1ponsibiliti~ of adulthood. Thi re .Ire an estimated 1.1 million Californians between the ages of 18 i nd 21 . SACRAMENTO IAP) -A nl!:w com~romisl! Medi-Cal reform pl an faee.!I its first crucial vote toda.y as preu:ure prepaid ht.alth plws !or Mt!:dl· Cl! patie.nU and controls ovl!:ruu: of rni!IUlt. of 1ervlcu. Tht b1ll il AB941. Th~ l!!1is latit1n was prornp. led by the new federal coft- stitutlortal 1m1n&nent whicl\ lowered the votins a.at. te 18 in •II elet:tlons . mounts for quick act ion now lc.---------------------1 that fr(lv. Reagan a n d Democratic leaders ha v e l~~!'.]E~::·J.[··~'121,,.~til]~•~'li·1!~· !!,! agrffd on major rl!form .r'\i items. I · eoth Democratic 1 n di Republican l~.11dl!rS were so optimistic about chances of P<l.Stiing the new rt.form plan by. the Assembly Health Com- mittee that they aereed Tuel· dey tll v.·aive A11embly rul es a.nd takt the mea:surl!: to a \'tile of lh• Ways and Means Committee hy tonight . That \VOUld ma ke it possible for an AS5tmbly noor vole as early as Thursday mominc on t""~ the Jong.delayed mt. 11 s u r I! . 11.·h1ch his been in limbo before the Health Committel! for four month.!. Assemblymc.1 \\' 1 J 1 1 a. m Campbell. the \e,ii islator in I chargt of tht. reform plan . s.aid ;iny del ay In adoptln& it Is JUST M UIW fROM l•N 011'0 " "' costing up to $1 million a day, '---------------------' He said a Ion& delay could force another major cutback Ir~ h!!alth earl! st.rvlc l!:s and pa~·ment.s by Sept. I. C a m p be 11 , t R-Ha.clenda Heights ). armounctd Monl!lay tha t tht 1\t publlean 1evernor an d Speaker Rob Moretti. Ot:mixr1tic leader of the Assemhly, had re~chtd agree· ment with him on the new plan. v.·hich Campbell s.ald would re11tore mozt cuts but 1till save SiOO mlUhm I yt.ar • Tht" compromise w e u 1 d dr;tStically sluh pe.yrMnls by . patienU proPoeed ln l\eagan 's original fllah, put $3G mUJion a yf!ar of fdsl!: teeth back ln the pro(fam. ouUa w provam cu t· baclt11 fnr t yeu ·a n d gu.arantt.e counties tht.lr emit.I would remaffi' at last year"• lt.vt.l. Campbl!:ll 11aid lhert. wt.rt "no conceptu al chan1es·• ln the prolJ'll'fll ainct lti ln- trOifuction lagt March I~ 11'1 • U.at It &tiU eats prl.rrt&ry en'lPhlA~ on t.nCoura &in& Picturesque old rancho land hidden away from it all. How wouli you llQ to ow11•hJatorfc1nll ~lctisres1111u1 pl1ct of reaort l1nd dewn ,. .. r Sa:n Dltgo ... a pJec• of old Ral'lcho ~nll, htiitn b1ek away frorn It •II, ovtr1t1oklng • rolllnt gretn meadow, bardtrell by gn1rfttl Old Oat tr•••, liuctl)'ptus, wild lllec •nd "8....UJT9Undtd by 011teropJln11of1J1nt rtmroek. Tfrlle ltfld Is vrrtually unchan1elf slrtee Mnlean ~nd trtnt dlyL 'or many yure thlt Ml Utt M .. tlaw U kt Pl1nch-a rich .,ntl• 1p,..·d. Th• lftMdtw and ttilt l1li:t ,,.. ttlll htt• t• 1r• the Nnch heuN tnd th• old b1r11. A11cl htp,Jly 10 are f\• clw blue t kitt and Ml my wt rm dlmrit.. Wa are "" ctlllftl Ullt ltf'OP•rt.Y Hidden MHlllOW•· Htrt,.U can twn 1 ohol1• pltot of rffort pro,.rty. Hw yeu can bring your flMl/y 011 w11klnll1, rMt, r1lax-..nJoy th• co1"pany ef otl'er nl.-,,.,,._ and taeepe th• lhaddanlna noJae, tens ion, tnd hu•bub of your w.:...,.... m- wor--.a-day world. rr'r'" $Cl;lllC LOTS flOM 11100 LOW OOWll PAYlllNll LONI TllM flll,lllC1111 HIDDEN MEADOWS Long Beach Tabs Dean . ,r ;:, .. ,~~.·~·:A=:-:c~. !r=:i:::.":.!.:r .:.!If M-;-111;-i •1w1 .. 11 .. c.i11-tnii.. tlMI ~ 11 ,_.." • c1n c111M1 " •1-1 I t.ONG BEACH -Dr 1J · O W1 w111!i II~• t. •• )'tW 111t1t1 ltr 11lf II ttrMfllf Jerome H. Manheim o f ,,,, i 11 •I •••t. Mo"'"', ... ,..,,~ '""'1· Bradley Unlventty has beet! J 0 Wt wtuld h\1 11~·11w 111t1t1 f1r 111u""" ~1.0. ".~•• "In -• th•, Schllol Of 1"i 1111,.,111,,1 i !n111r l1t lh1 0•~ """"· l lflrltY 11~ ~ t11 1r Su1W1iu fttM1 1 :1t1."'·"'''•~111. Lttter!I 8nd Sci.,nce at C&I I o ii111M ... •"''""'''....,tit -,,,.._,..,_ 1Nvt Stall' Long B!!arh 111anheim.J I Ml'd111M1ttf1-. J . I "'''"'' llltlo held .a slmil1r position at ---------------J th!! Peoria. Ill . ~hool. !luc·,1 .lddr•••-------------- cteds Dr . Hiden T Cox. wh()' c11y \ 111 Cal State Lona Beach this ' -.r -..i • .1 ...... .1 ... ·'''"' ,., 1.-r1 DAILY PILOT. 13 _.,. _ I Denwcratic Strength Vp In Senate After Election - '· LOS ANGEL.ES IUPI) -fl~ti· in l\b: vtctory 1t.te-R&ag,an of putUnc the 1t1l - David 1\&btrtJ, vletcrloua ln • mettl tOr Ure ·rrth district, & a.cUo n special election, lncr8ued lht "It ii • victi;iry !.(} make lhe of northeastern 1.Lis Anaeles - Dlmocrat.a' ed1e ln th e milllonairt frienij, of !Gov. up for ... abs Jn a 1peclal elec. · • ftol).Xdl Aea1a~ •ay tazes as •· C1llfomia SM•te today ani • Weft 11 the worlciiii mail." lion because th!!: lower voter a1id hi!: would . make tax He aald one of his top turnouu such elt>cllons attract loo~holea for the wealthy r.!s prlorltles win ht Ll.x rerorm, would f1vor the J\epubllcan prime targtt. and he will' focus on lhe candidate. 11 wu the first C•!llorn!a weatthy "who ·have a1,tt1ided Roi:il!rt!'s victory wa' the ell!:ctioo ·.1inet: th I! ~n-P•Yinl ~xes '0 long." . firil for a O@mocra t in a There w11s t ruror v.·hen 11 special slat!!: eltction aince franctusem!nl of ll·to·ll·Year-was "'--'-sed In May "at "-•-f ._,'"""' ... , ... ie uo: ore Hl64. RepuQlican11 won old!. who were re1arded as &.. wealthy Rea.ian peid na stale au 5}~ of the others. reservoir of new sl:rtllith fo!' income tu for 1§70 ~CiUU or1,. _________ m;\ the Dem~raU. investme11 t ~· II Altllouall the eleotion was a TM ·electlon i •ln•d i~ im· THINK SALi firm victory for Ortm~•t !)Ort1nee trom Ille narrow hold Roberti. a 1taU a1semblym1V1 . the Dtmocrats had in th'e up- thert v.·ere too few )'OW\& per house. outnumbering the voters registered -otlly 1.752 A:epubllcans·20-19. A GOP vic·I out of 11'\0!"t than 62.000 \/Otts tory would ha\'e tJven the cast -to make iny diff'e~r'tce Republicans equal r&pruen· tb th!!: outcome.. talion, and in c.ases of tie rtoberll won sli1ht1y more vol.es Lt. Go,1. Ed w a r.d lhll\ 58 percent of tht tc~.i Rl:intcke , a Rtpubllcan, would ballot. wit~ l6.t93 vt1tes. Hi'I bf. aYe~·ed to. ballot. 1t e p u b 11c 1 n .op poneal, . P,1rty ~iders on both .sidu; economic consult111t B 111 fr~ufht hard for the stat. Tht1 Brophy haQ .!J,'70 for 31.5 ptr· election caused u nus u a 11 y. ct nt. , , · heavy camp•isn spendin& and ' Julia Mourit. of I.ht P~act. dre w an abn ormally h!!avy and Fr1:edom ?arty , 1ol only vol.er turnout -mot!! tha n 44 3.~ percent. percent of the alectorat t., cotn.I ''This is a victnry for 'the pared to ~U Pereent In other workln& man and tht fittlt 1pfclal election!. ' f>Mpl~ of the st ate.'' said The Democrat~ 11: e c use d1 JtoJn to.ha W•steliff Plata only Siil •• , TH! ONLY MAJOl PLOWER & CAlO!N SHOW IN SOllTH!RN c;.m oRNIAI SEii ••• 1'1'11 INST»IT ..... oo.4-leOM'" {INl tJ..TJ..llfl PNeU·DOMI l+OUSI ··• • IMt.-1 bo l., lutftl9o f l-... _ .......... MErTI ••• TO~ 0!$1.(iNElS lN TH!ll .1ULL.SIZE DECOAATOR lOOMS -. PACKID WITH Tiii LAT!IT FUTUllS fOl llTTEI UVINGI • IT FIL1S THI INT!ltl CONVlllTION CINT!ll • ICOLOGY DIHlllTS ANO DISPU"'l • THI LAmuN'.MOlll,i HOM! & VACATIOH LIVING! SHOW HOUU1 J. 11 ~.-. w .. k..,. N-.11 ,. •• ~ ~ ...... s...~ ,ADULTS •••• $2.00 JUNIORS,, $1.00 (Q!l~-~ .... 11 H.11 ... 11~....-J Clearance! Now you can soak up the sun without.getting soaked. HURRY -QUANTITIES ARE l.IMITIED! Now11•• qri&. 1 S.9,1 . ll•tlo c loi•ir with 31h" bytt•" tuft•ll lto:r •4t• cushi~'I • upholtt•r•lil' !rt, ,,,1,.1 vi l'lyl, re\ollrte• to ~ll'lgi ••lld ,olO". ''••tlc srM•, h91ilaf •rlt'lf Olll'lli •mlfP ..., CeJteitnx:· •i~l'I . Now 1588 0t11. 1 e,91. C••1,. lou .. • ..Ath :VA .. IMM f illed cu1h!M1. ~·d vfnyl priftt f. .... , , ..... ,... to Mlll!t. 399 Aluminu m fr"31'11111 foldi11g c.hoir with 6 vinyl web atrapi, 1turdy plastic. Orma. Yellow. Now1 9.$· !Mel 1no°Ck tei ble with l t " diol'l'l•ter. A..vt't ~do t)I W!'iite. - Now 13~99 Or'll. 1 S.99. ~z· steel umllrt/10 toble. W1'1il• Mkid •1111N tep . ~~~~=~:;;.~::"~~'·· e nne111 D41u:re t~t1111 , O t!Q. 26.99, • Nc>w22.s1. The value5 n tie;e f!Ne{Y day. Now s 00· Ori g. 9.00 Fahli"g ,.,. •·d clloir w ith do..i ble tubula r o~s, H . .,.orted ¥11'1yl Pfll'lt upllolsteily, llelictJI spri,.g arid strop 1.wrt .co"''""~ Motchi"g chaiM 'Mith ~ ••ori odjullMe"t O•ig. tH S NOW 1S.88 Now-.22~~- Oria. :te.98. Chol .. w1111 5" il'ln•ri•PrlnO cu1"'~ herictil •rin a oriel ttrop..;.. 1u~n11-r!, 3 P•"'- bdli.nl'lfl.M. Vlriyl pril'l't , ...... ,,., ttl Meft.hMg sblid colof duck Melt. Shop Sunday noon to 5 p.m. at these Penney stores: A .... ll.b1a otTMi ~lowl11g 1Tort 1: A•c..t.Dl.&.• &UlN.A. PARK &u1t8AN( CANOGA PAIK CAIL.IUD CMULA Vl!TA COL1E¢E ,Oll¢VJ". C.OslA. Mt s•• CULV!lr c 1rt• DOWN fY' , ... SH r'd N VAll£Y-SAN DIEGO ~Ullf R TON GARDEN GIOVE· GL EN DALE Jo!U NJ IN GTON llACM l>Kr.vObb LON~ eE.4.CH LOS ALTOS MONI OVIA. MONTCLAIR N~POR T !EACH NORTH HOLL'IWOOO ORANGE i'Mf errv l!Vt1$18' S.lNl A M6 f,l lCA lORIANCE VENTU lA WtSTC'H[ST~ WfST COVINA WH1TTW06D. Buy 1t Otl P•1111•)'1 tlme poymel'll pla n. •CJ•std Su1114oy will rttum In fu!llimt. ltJ1chin1jL iii•!• I ~u~ ~ ------------~ ~~~-~-:t:"'_~----~~--=--~-~~-~-~ .. -~.------------~~~-~---·r-"' -·-.. -. • -~--. ~.-._, --~ --~--,.,..,..,,I i,'J, ····--····-•J.J .>'" ' • I I . ' • I ~y l'ILOT ' or the · ecord WtdMSdiJ, Jul~ 21, 1971 Transcript Pay Deferred SANTA ANA -Action on a lor all-day meetings and $50 hours studyffi& many issues. request by the Orange r..ounty for hall-d•y &eSSions. They would be entiUed to the A.ueaneot AJlpea1s Board for The proposal for hourly same extra pay. I have three add.U.lmal compenu.Uon of cunperuation met wilh mixed people who want to serve on $12.50 an hour for ".stueying reactiom from count Y lramcripts" was delaytd supervisors. Further con-tJ)t appeals board if ilioee on TUeslay by tht coonty ao.rrl stderallon wu delayed for two now are not happy." -. 11 of Superviaors. week!. Supervisor William Phil!lpll .,.~ "'D:'i.,.,~i ~o,!·~ t•11• The requtlt pointed out thtl Supervisor Ralph Clark, a referred to previOWI years -. ,..· "---•• ~ •. "''-· ,..... the 1ppeab board was 1olng lo former Anaheim counci lman, when the supervisors sat as an -.. TI-circ;;' Miu...;.~ vi.ika: rule on the Anaheim Stadium objected lo tile timing, "just .. ,...._,15 board. "Many times •M. ,.. appeal from poasessory in-before lhe stadium appeal is ..,..,_ J-• ttrest taxes on the basis of to come up" and warned lhat the meetings went well lnlo Mr. 1..0 M•t......,, Wbtlkl, nos • •---· +. f the~ t Id '"· ·~ Th h c.an~• Drive. C•I• .IMM.""· u.amo.:np.., rom ,,_., WO to grant lht hourly pay wou "'"' nlgul. t requ~ as Mr. ano Mn. ,.!~''... ... 11. •ln.l. ms years and, inamtU<'h as there be se tting a precedent. merit, many of the appointees Plll•"tO. s.n C'-"lln!•. boY. were two new members on the "Wt woold be opening a can are busines3 people ." M'-1M M,... J-c1r1 M""" u1 w. board, the lengthy ~ripts of worms," Clark continued. C•-Ne. o. s111 C"'"41n ... flooy. Id · ~.-f ud 1lle proposal is an Mr. 1,.. Mn. OoMld T. H....,." 11w1 wou require 11VUI:> o st y. "The planning and harbor a!temau· 1 r h -._1,, FCM1t1M v.u,,, boy. '-~---' 'd 00 . . 00 1 ve o e ear 1 n g Jury Plea Put Off Mr,""° Mrs. 111cN"' c. w .. 11v. 11ou 1lle uu.uu now is pal Sl comrrusstoners '!>': 0 n g testimony in day-after-<iay k llflowilr, F-•ln V•ll11, bov. sessions, Supervisor David SANTA ANA -A decision . J•lll It Mr. 1n11 Mr1. s... Kornn. icq ~" Baker noted. He thought the on a Grand Jury recom· Loul• ll•~ ,.... 1·"" C~•. i lri. D ] t G 'd Ji extra SJ2.~ an hour might be mendation that they back 10,., Tl\e....,. Drive. H11nt1"'~ • granted on special cases such legislation to curb special tax-Mr .• ncr MM. J~" .... , •• 1111w.11t. eve opme11 m e nes ltlCh, '1"· as the Anaheim Stadium. ing districts was delayed for JMIY 1 0r Mr.""° Mr•. llkJMrd P. l'H111110. ~.sll? Ok d h s • County Counsel Ad r i an two weeks Tuuday by ange M~·::"7.~:~·.!::.:1 .. t: ~~~· ~:., aye y upervisors Kuyper cautioned against such County Supervisors. 1e111at u,,., Hunt11111on e1m . bcrl. an approach. "It <'DUld be Tht strong plea by the jury Mr. •lld MM. ,.~~rrE~ Mi~. 24111 dangerous and lead to called for eliminahon or coo- ••-o 0r1ve. Mlu l"" vie1o. 11ov. SANTA ANA -Mandatory plans, equal.opp or l unit Y lawsuits." he said . :rolidation of~ or the coun· Mr. •nd M••. J•""~ J. ~. '" Vk· guid 1 provisioiu and environmental ty 's 138 -ial di.micts. 1or11 E. c .. 11 MH1, ••••· e ine3 fer evaluating plans Mr.•"" Mr11. Gii Shi,.., ''41 WtrM• •-d 1 quality. Supervisors asked County ,, HYntlll9f°" BHCll, Do.,.. fOl' eve opment of large H • S J11YI •• 1'11 artaS, planned communities The new criteria approved earmgs et Counsel Adrian Kuyper lo M•. """ M•1. o.vld r. 0rmi11on, uo by the supervisors were first study the matter and report '111 S!rtll, Apl, A, COiii Mesi, 1lrl nd • ...l.. h Mr. ""° Mr1. Phlllp Tuell••· 1"'u a majOl' zone oiange.s ave suggeste<i by the county Plan· SANTA ANA -Final hear-back in two weeks. ~:';~· Apt. N•. 2• Hunt1ng!011 been adopted by the Orange ning Department stafr in 1970 ings on local park re-'rtle jury repon vingi.ed out Mr. 11111 Mrs. T1mo1n1 Dud11k. t1s2 County Board of Supervisors. Jn connection wllh the massive quirements in the developing fo · I tt t' th s th 01111 AvtllUI. wnrmlntltr, boy r spe<:1a a en IOn t OU J~tt s, itn The guideline1i, in addition lo cehtral Irvine Ranch plans. subdivisions of Laguna Hills Coast Water Distrid in South Mr. lftd Mn. l"rN 'T. WHkln_.. t.m the normal, r o u 11 n e re-They w'1ll now be used by Le1'sure World, 'l'urtl• n-k La th N c111t111, MJ111on v"io. ,1r1. • " "'" guna , t e w p o r t Mr. -1 M..._ Roe.rt t 1ne1t Wcwld. ti, quirement.s, include for the the ·nlaMlng commission and and Niguel Shores have been Drainage District and the Gr..... Sh""'-Apt. !ff. l, 5111 f' t tiJn •• ;r • f (.......,., -.... ltS t conservauon con-supervisors Jn evaluating new set or July rl by the Orange county Mosquito Abatement MC..i:;:..."r"c~t."M!.~;1 1114 1 _,_Id_e_ra_u_·on_,_. __ tr_•_""'°'_;_t_a_u_·'-"-"P_rc'l"'c·_i._. __________ eo_un_t0y_P_Ia_n_n_incg::._Co_m_m_i_ssi_·o_n_. __ Di_._":rcic:t:. _______ _ ~r. 1NI M,... David Kr1mp, ~ l ruc.t Cr~!, N_..,., 1.-dl, 1 lrl Mr. 1M Mn.. Dl~ld J. Lff, 17661 Son ll•fffl St •• Fwntl ln V11tly, boy Mr. 1nd M .... Don1IO J, Ltwl1, 1'«11 Fill LI M. Hynll ... lon lffcn. IJlfl Mr. I NI Mrl. CYr!ll H. 81rlldi, 1"31 ,1,_., ,.," L•M· 1ni1n1. I'" Mr. •ncl M,... Rlchlrd A. lo!er, 2621J Hit!• Clrclf. Mlulon Vltle. DOy Jiiiy " 1'11 Mr. 1..0 Mr1. Chino T. C1m1rlllll, ?42 •otilnhood .-11ct , Co•I• MHI , virl Mr. 111d M rs. Dtnn/1 l llrbrldgl. lOI Hllnl! ... ton SI., Ntwporl ll11cn, tioy Mr. •llCI Mro. Rq.r Boh•tru, 11ll1 l<M1'°"' Apl. ,t., HunU"!lton llo1ch, 4:1lr! Mr. Ind Mr1. JY!!O A11rco, 1\1 lllt St., .I.pl. A, (poll M .. 1, l>OY Mr. Ind Mr1. F•1ok Colo, llM W. Ctrlton, 5•nU ....... tioY Mr •nd Mr1. H1rrv J~nMI!', ltolt Porl Cordv1n Ploce, ,.,.,.,.,_., llNCh, §lrl Mr, 1n<I Mr1. Grt110l'"f W. M-1, l2' E. Edinger. Sonll ....... boy Mr. '"" Mro. N"'mtn H1v11hl, .21!11 Ptrkvl-LI M, APT. :)8, lr.11~. bov Death Notice• JOHNSTOHE Ell•obelll Jd>no!one. 761 [. ltlll St., CMll MIHa. Dett ol de1tll. JUl'f ?I, 1'11. lt<Vi[ft """'!"" I I It/I •rw<lw•Y Mo•· f Ul 'Y. lE VltU Fron• LI ............... ''· o! 5113 ''"' SI .. Hun!lrt11!011 le1c11. C.Olo of d11r11. July XI, 1~11. Su(VIYed bv wltt, Miidred; '""' Fron•; de1>111111r. P1ullr>e LI Vll'IU; broftler, Arthvr LI \lt /U; lhrM t •l !>Cl- clllldrtn; 1!v1 arNl-'llrwndcl'llldren. ~ 1c11, Fridt v. 1 '·'"·· Smill>f. Cl\aPlfl, F1mlly SU11t11l1 l1'loM whil'll"9 kl 1TWtl m-•111 conlr~llons, olHH conlrlbult lo Tht ""'"°""t Hemtr ..-thllr 11 ...... 111 ct11rl1V. $ml!M Motlu1ry, OlrlC!on. ICOTT Jolln L. Smit. 1t7l F.O.r1I Ave .• Coot• MeM. DI,. of 691h, Jutv U , 1'11. Sur- ""'ed bY wit., G!or\41 1 d9uol>ter, Mr•. Yolonda ll:kMr~, Codi Mftii; molt•.,, M rs Ev1 P'olsum, C11l1 M-1 """ <1•1ndcMldr..,. S«Yk H, TtourM11v, July ')1, t 1.m., lilt lll'W<lwll' Cllt riel. In· 11•,,,0nl, J.1"'11111 VettAM Ct"'ll~. 1•11 l roeltwll' 1M"r!111ry. Dlre<::tor1, SMITH ~lvl H. Sml"'. Atl 11, DI JOI02 S. Co1•I l·l11t.w1v, Soorttl L11111M. Oii• of dN!tl, J11tv 1', Jt71. Survlvld tr'I' two ton1. G1onit S. l urdk k, C.lllMI L.llro; Jim• l ul'"Olck, Glelldo<"•; 6'1•<1M1r, Mr1. Coro! f . ShuM, Arll"llh,.1, Vlrt ln\1; 11v1n trond<.hllO,...... M....orl1t 1ervlc11, 'Thur•· oav .? P.m., Mc:(ormltk L.11un1 l11ch c11111!. Pr!v1!1 ln11rm•"'' McC81"mldl L111uM 9...:h Mor!111rv, Dlre<::lor1. ST•VINSON Le•llr W1rren SI•-"°"· -Ctl•I OrlYI, "'· LllUN lttdl, 0.tl ot dN!h. J\11'1' 11, lt7t. Survived bv w111, M~enr "'"' L1•11r W. Jr .• ot Mln-Poll1, Mln,...ol1. Priv~te l11Mr1I 1..-Vlcl l Wtfl f\tld Wt<I· .,.!411y, IOCllv. P1clli< VI-Momotll1 Porlr. ln<ir"mitnt. P1clllc VI-M.....,rlol P1r1r. Oirtc1td llv P1dflc Vltw Morlul •"f. SUTPHIN l tnl1.,,1n N.iht"i1\ s.>11>11l<1. Jlinldt nl at MunllMlon lttth 0.11 ol c!Mlh, J"lv \1. 191!. Suevlved by will, 1!!111 I Sut .... ln; ltirM d11111Mtro, Otberlh, M\0- t i or>CI l(rl11"n: b••>ll""· Diii•• '· l r>d J . Do\10111 Sulphln; 1l11ers. M•.• S1r1h Fulcher, M'1. 0<><u1 Jon11, Mrs Non· nit ,t.ker1, Mro. ll1ct\1ll C1tt1r or>d M<1. C•dotTa M•n•..OOrl. S•rvk••· T~u.,dov. JwlY :n, ltll, 11 1.m .• Ol!My 8roltier1 HuMlrt11ton 8ttt l\ C~1,,..i, lnt1•mitnl, !.1wlell1 C""'e!1ry, Loo; A""lt•. Dild>IV aro111tr1 Mor!Yor,, W·nn, Dlrecton. wo•M.AN MlrY Ed'W'IN Worm1n. An !O, of tct1' Mtrmild Clrclt , H11nt11111on IMetl. 0.!1 of d""'' Jul' 10, lt1!. S.Unitv.O b"f hu1· bllld, L. Ltt Worm•n• oH111hlln., S.lldr• Wl\Hlfl' '"" C1rol O.l11111r1 "°"' •it,.. er'd _,,,..n; "r"'''' Mr, 1..0 Mn. Ed· wlrd O'Rur. Vlll .. llcin. 1onllhl. WM· "'"°''' J '° t 1>.lft-l"Kllk Vl-Chlo.I. !.efvkn. T.......,,..'t', t ,.ti\., Ptclflc Vllw Choo.I. 1..-r. l"lclllc Vllw M-- 1•1 ... rt(. ~~ MtmlWY, Dl1'9C'larL ARllVC!llZ • SON 'lfESTQD7 MORTUAllY U'I E. l1a SI., c..ta M.,. -I • !WITS llORTUAlllEI C.0-........... mll5t Coli,. -" """ -• Bl'J.L BROADWAY 'MORTUARY 111 llroedwaJ, Coa&ri Mua LI f.MU • McCOllMJCK LAGUNA Bl!:ACB MORTVAJIY 1711 Loplla c..,.. 114. -• PAaFIC VIEW MDIORW.PAU Cemn1G'J ""1rWlr7 -·~Drtni New,.. -· Colllonla -• PEaFAMILY OOLONlAL ruNEJW. ~ '!Ill .... Aft. --• lllllTll'll MORTUAJIY ., ...... -Rallqtoolleodl -- Put a fish in your tank YOUR CHOICE 3to~1 Traplcll lllh. Here's a colorful selection of tropical fish that wiU delight and fascinl!lte you for hours . Giant Danio Green Sailfin Mollies M~rble Angels~_..-..._~:--.. 797 5..gal1on aquarium kit includes a stainless ltMI aquarium, ail" pump. carbon and floss filter. air tubing, conditioning food, handy booklet on fish care • JCPenney The values are here every day . Awinabl• at tl'\e fonowlno st()nt!I: FASHI ON VALLEY·SAN DIEGO HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "THE CITY" RIVERSIDE Chargo IL • •• __ ..,...._ --.,..---= -·-·~~ o•R- Relations Unit Gets· OJfiee . ' SANTA AN.A -Orange Qt!!.znly~~ I~ H u m a n R elltiont ec,nmisaion ap. pealed " the county Bo,rd ol Superrieora Tuesday for a heedquarlus, a tet.phone number lllld stationery. Moat of the request was granted. A temporary headquarters on the lirst floor d the county Adminiatrative Bu.llding, 515 N. Sycamort st., will be pro- vided, atat;ooery printed, and a recorded telephone answer- ing service established. Ada May Hardeman of the Human Relation! group ob- jected lo the recorded answer- ing service suggested by Supe:rvN:lr David L. Baker. "We need a p«sonal touch, a warm, human response to people calling an organir.ation like this," she argued. Baker explained thal al the pruent there is no one in- formed enough or trained in human relalioos lo man the telephooe. Mrs. Hardeman finally agreed . The Human Rel.ations Com· mission was approved last February after almost a y~r or study and -It Is OQ a trial q fgr og}y one ytar. Its membtrship WU limited lo II, and subpoena powers were not proVfdtd. County wptl"Yiaont .a--1110 refused financial backing lo the group durillg the tria1 period, offtrin1 only a half- d-ay clerk and a place lo meet. Manacled Swiminer Has Date SANTA ANA -A man who swam across Newport Ba y with his hand.-! tied behind his back and got a big hand for his achievemenl ha11 been ordered to fut trial Aug. 18 in Orange County Supertor Court. John Raymond € a 11 i ' s armless excursion Jdne 30 was no t voluntary. His unscheduled swim was a bid to evade arrest and the hand the drip· ping swimmer got was on the long arm or the Jaw. Calli was being taken into • Coqrt in custody on a .... a rcotl e s warre.11 ' wDen 'llt launched himseU, han&i: ni 1 n a cl ed behind him, inio Newport Bay. Poli« drove around anil captured him on the other side. Catti, 28, or 401g Channel Place and Judllh".,Ann Jones. 2J, same address, are-accused of possession of hlshish. Both are free OJ1 bill. Cat11'1 Is set at SltJ,000. Mills Janes is free on $10,000 ba.il. $parkle mare, pay less. All Penney diamonds are 20%off.' Lad ies' Solitaire. 14K gold, .50 ct. Reg. 350.00. Now 280.00 Bridal Trio, 14K gold, .39 ct. total weight. Reg. 331.50. Now 265.20 ladies' Cocktail Ring. 14K gold, .00 cl. total weight. Reg. 250.00. Now 200.00 Men's Ring, 14K gold, .39 cl. total weight. Reg. 250.00. Now 200.00 Earrings, 14K gold, .14 ct. tolal weigh!. Reg. 74.95. Now 59.56 Limited time only! Bridal Set, 14K gold, .50 ct. total weight. Reg. 289.50. Now 231 .60 Brid al Trio, 14K gold, .28 ct. total weig ht. Reg. 227.50. Now 182.00 Ladies' Cocktail Ring, 14K gold .. 29 ct. total weight. Reg. 200.00. Now 160.00 Men 's Ring, 14Kgold, . 25 ct. total weight. Reg. 137.50. Now 110.00 Pendant. 14K gold. .25 ct. Reg, 137.95 . Now 110.36 ' Bridal Set, 14K gold, .00 ct. total weight. Reg. 175.00. Now 1•0.00 Bridal Trio, 1•K go,ld, .00 ct. total weight. Reg. 2•s.so. Now 197.20 Wedding Band, 14K gold, .so ct. total >A·eight. Reg . 2!9.SO. Now 231 .60 Men 's Ring, 1'4-K gold', .27 cl. Reo . 200.00 . Now 160.00 Penda'rit. 1"4K ·o0id~ . .. 12 ct. tolal w•~ht. Reg. 89.S5. Now71.91 ' Charge it at these Penney stores: CANOGA PARK CARLSBAD OOWNey' FASHION VALLEY·SAN DIEGO FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LA KEWOOD MONTCLAIR ORANGE "THE CITY" RIVERS!Df VENTURA Use Penneys Time ,Payment Plan. - .., .......... ~.. '"'" ,, ,..,, DAJL V PlUIT l !l -,. J3 l'ILOT·AiDVERTISER DAIL V Pll.17 f)tlo -· Ne,vs About Coa st NB Hu ghes Gets a Bi.t Of Bargain Pro1nontory Debate Aug. 2 "'i Vt's Get • Some Rest Men in Service Prorooritury Point , the con· ln>Yersial Irvine Comp.Any apartment complex , wilt go before the Newport Beach City Council J\ug. 2 for flu.J ap- proval. mission In February but the revised proposal won a na r- row, 4-3, efldorsemenl last month, tended" the bluff area should be single-family homes. too They have contended, at almost C'OU.!ltle9s public hear- ings conducted by various commissions. that the amount of traffic generated by an a('artment complex w o u Id completely choke the area. an ord1naoc~ !>Chcduling an election on a bond ISSUl' for the planned c1v1c center. lie ir¥:11catcd he expc.>e\.<; anv fireworks on that !~:ii.It· l\1 11'! handled when the council g11 e~ the ord1nant:e 1L-s fi rst reading thi s Monday nigh!. In J_,ag1111a A new conct>pt "iihelterecf-' r;1re" s1'111 11r 11l1lcns apart.. 1111•11( l'o111p!t·x in Laguna Hills ............................ ...,,.. ... .,.. ... ..,,.,~.;;t:"~~ A smaJJ portion of a Navy missile sysle.ms contract total- ing $12,689 ,159 granted to 1-fughcs AirlTart Company will be supplied by the firm 's Nl'wport Beach facilit y. Mayor Ed Hirth said Tues-- day the council will hear the requ('St thal night, instead of the ,regular, meeting schedvled this Monday. because ... -:re time will be available to hear the large turnout of rcs idenL~ ex(le{:tcd lo protest lhe plan. The rte\¥ Irvine Company proposal also calls for more public \•istas and a larger area for a city park , which they would give the city in lieu of 1)aying building excise laxes on the SI S rnillion project. Second Lieutenant Brl.1.111 H. Ward, son of retired U.S. N1vy Chief Pelty Officer and Mrs. Elbert H. Ward of &941 Lydia Drive, Huntington Beach, .has been awarded silver wings upon graduation from U.S. Air Force navigator training at Mather AFB, Calif. Lieutenant Ward is being aMigned to Homeslead AFB, Fla., for flying duty with a unit of. tht Tactical Air Com - mand wblch provides combat uOiu fOr air support ot U.S. jl'OUnd force!I. • NiYy Petty Oflicer r irsl Class Jo1epb T. lladdakin, Jr .. son of Mrs. Charlene Hen· derson af 8392 Seru Circle, f{unUngton Beach, is serving aboard the destroyer USS Henderson which is n o w returning to Long Beach after a cruise. in the Southwest Pacific. Naval Sea Cadet Robert J. Carp, son of Mr. and Mrs. JMeph H. Walulik of 9332 Hudson Dr i v e . Huntington Beach. was graduated from recruit training at the Naval Trainin& Center. San Diego. He ls now attending Edison Jligh School in Huntington lfieaca. ' Navy Lieute nant John E. Bennett, husband of Mrs. Karen L. Bennett of 17311 Lee Circle, Huntington Beach, was promoted to his present rank while serving with the Third Marine Aircraft Wing at the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro. Naval Sea Cadet John B. Saliabury," son of Mr . and Mrs. ,John R. Salisbury of lfil21 Melody L a n e , Huntington Beach. was graduated from recruit training at the Naval Training Center, San Diego. Navy Pelly Of£icer Second Class Jordan D. Ingels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ingels of 15372 Cambay Lane. Hun- tington Beach, has deployed lo the Western Pacific aboard the guided missile frigate USS Horne for du~ with the U.S. Seventh Fliet. Newport Beach, is servi ng with fo'ighler Squadron 51 at the Naval Air Station, M1ra- n1ar, Calif. The squadron recently com - plet'ed training in the Pacific aboard the attack aircraft car. rier USS Cons tellation. Marine Sgt. Stephen D. M\Ui1an, husband of Mrs. Lois A. Milligan of 16562 Ross Lane, Huntington Beach. was promoted to his present rank while serving with the Third Recon Battalion, Third Marine Division, Okinawa. 'J'he contrdCt by the Naval Air Sys tcrns Corninand will in- vol ve su pply or covers, parts and other equipment for airborne n11ss1li con l r o J systems and ground support systems. Nev.·porl Beach gets five percent, acl'ord1ng to the "'ashington 0H1ce a! Sen. Alan Cranston, ~·ith 78 percent going to the Torrance pl ant. Balboa Islanders a n 1! residents of nearby Beacon Bay and Irvine Terrace have <-'Ontinually objected lo the plan , in its original state at 620 units, and after it was seaJ.-.1- down lo the present ~6-unit pl au. T·he projl'Ct was originally rejected by the planning coin· OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS • , _\21 ' ~ OUR WAREHOUSE IS OVERLOADED ~ NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE! HERCUL ON 100% lderculon Olefin Pile New Miracle Fiber. Stain And Wepr Res ist ant. Beautiful 99 The de velopment is pro-- posed on a 30-acre parce l ba yward nf Pacific Coast Highway betwee n Jamboree Road and Bayside Drive, directly above Balboa Island and the man·n1ade lagoon the Irvine Company will build as part of iL~ Promontory Bay si ngle -fan1ily hon1e development. Resident s in the neighboring areas ha ve repeatedly coo- 1' r a I f i c consultants. Jn· eluding the one hirf'd hy lhe island's homeowners' assoc1a- lion, have disptJted the cl<JHn, however. City Traffic Jo: n g I n e f' r Robert Jaffe also said th ere would be no significant in- crease in traffic loads on area stree\5. Hirth said the council decid· ed to cooduct the hearing at the special n1ee1 m~ because the only other ilern on !he agenda witl be final action on H B i\fan Gels ~c holar;;hi p Cha rles E.:. O<ivenpor l ,Ir . of Jl unt1ngton Beach, a studi·nl ;:it Caltforn1a Lu th c r ,1 11 College, Thousand ();lk~. h;i~ been awarded a S ;1 ll U scholarship h~· J. u 1 h P r a rt Brotherhoo<l. the ,\l1nnc;1fl<•,:· based fr aternal i 11 s u r ;1 u c c society . C-· ·-· I • l .1·1~11n• \\ 111 Id ll'<•S approved \l'rd111·~d;1 v lJ) the Board o( ~11per~1so1s. JJ 1• 1 r> I '' 11 c r IV i I I i a 1n ~\011\go1111·1 y (•>.µl;1111cd that in 111« 11-;u,il r1•t1rrrncnt corn· 1111111ih ap;u'lnu·nl only the l111s~:1nd n·!irc.i . The w1fo llHJ-;t t'f111!1n111• to do housework. unil r•u•l(ln~ "1 'ndt·r 1~.i ~ 11niq11c conrcrt of ~ht•l 1!•11·d l '<lrl' \\t' l<>I l>o!fl lrl"I Hlu·r~ of \lu• fa rn I I y ri'111 1•. lu' ... ~pl;11ncd . "A rl1n· loli! ru.111 11 1 '1 ~''!If'1 110 Jlll'al:1: ;1 11 ,.1 ;11•d 1 n~11! arid ('lcan1ng ~( r I IL'(' II ill bt' prn11ded II cck- ly .. MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR INVENTORY A,UST BE SOLD ••• "' ...... -~ .._,... '" .. ~,~. '· ~ I ' , .·.-1000's OF REMNANTS • 1 LARGE 60 o SMALL 80 SIZE ' % SIZE % t~v~'r~.... s::~o~~-o Naval SU Cadet Dan R. Jt Santos, sorf { Mrs. Betty L.-,• ' Santos ftf l&.rll C-Olden Gate Lane, :l>ioti(lgton Beach. was graduated fr'om r ec r u it trainin1 al the Naval Training Center, San Diego. Decorator:(olors. NOW SALE PRICED .... ' . COMPARABLE RETAIL ••••••• $4.99 LIVING ROOM , DINING HALLWAYS , BATHS , ROOM, BEDROOMS CARS, ETC . He is now atlending Marine High School, H u n ti n gt en Beach. Navy Seaman Larry 11-1. Davidson. h~and or the former Miss Mary A. Wick\am flf 5611 Mangrum Drive, l1un- tinfton Beach, ha.~ deployed to the Western Pacific aboard the guided n,issile fr igate USS Home for duty v.·ith the U.S. Seventh Fleet. Marine Pvl. l\1ark S . Brockman, son of 1'1r. and Mrs. Spence.· Broc kman of 21551 Brookhurst, Huntington Beach. completed four v.·eeks er Individual Combat Training with the Second Battalion, Infantry Training Regi1nent at lhe Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton. Naval Sea Cadet Doug D. Dlngley, son of Mrs. Minerva M. Di ngtey of 2977 Mendoza Drive, Costa Mesa, w a. s graduated from rec r u rt trainin& at the Naval Training Center. San Diego. He is now attendini Costa Mesa Hi&h School. ~ Naval Sea Cadet Kelly M. Cr•wfOf'd son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Crt:wford Or •. 5711 Stardust Drive, · Huntington Beach. was ar1doated from ~ecruit training at the Niwa\ Trainlng Center. San Diego.. , He is now 1ttendln1 M\inna High School, H\Jntlngt on Beach. · Naval Sea Cadet Steven M. Urbaa, ion rif Mr. and Mrs. George E. Urban <1f 1120 Carson Sl., Co!tta Mesa, was graduated from r e c r u i t tr1inlng at the Naval Training Cent.er. San Oiel(O. He iii now attending Costa Men Hip School. Naval Sea Cadel David R. Tttall, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Rsymond P. Totah or 3115 Pierct Ave ., Costa Mesa, was graduated from r e c r u I I triintnc 1t the Naval Training Center. San Dieg o. Ht Is now attending Costa ?-.tesa High School. Navy Seaman 8111 W. Mnr· rt~. llOn of Mr. and Mrs .. I, .I. Jackson of ell W. Bay Ave .. DUPONT NYLON 1 00% continuous f1loment nylon plle. "Popular two-level pattern combine beauty, durobll11y~Mony colors lo choose f ron:i. " SQ. TD. SAY( 299 NOW SALE PllC ED ,., ••. ,, 5?.00 COMP ARAB.LE RETAIL ,,.,,,,,,, •.•. ,, .• $4.99 [11Ew} KODEL TRI-COLOR SHAG ~~n 1 00"/.. Kodel Polyester Pile.:. Rich. Deep, Luxurious!y Thic k Pile. Many New H1- style Decorolor Three Color Shag To Sele<:! From. Resist Dirt And Soil Stains NOW SALE PRICED ........... . 99 SQ.JO. SAVE $3.tG COMPARABLE RETAll •••••••••••••• $1.99 DACRON SHAG DEEP PILE . _100% Dacron Polyester Pile. Beoutifu/ 4 99 ; New Deep Shag W1!h A F~eep Pile. Many New Decorolor Colors To Choose so. TO. f rom »~ NOW SALE PRICED •• ,,,,,, $J.OO COMPARABLE RETAIL ,, •• ,,,, ...... $7.99 CARPET TILES·SA YE $ feels Like Ve lvet -Outwears Other DO-IT -YOURS Elf Carpets -Ea sy To ln slol!. 12"x12'.' · • 1ndoo• ou1door • to Yr w,o, i,~,,o · 29( • ~10.n llt111tan1 • 8 Oeco1alor (olor 1 SAV( • 100% Nylon F1lr. 59c NOW SALE PRICED .. ,,,,,,,,,,, EA. --.. KODEL POL YE STER 100~1o Kedel Polly-ester Pile 3 Pile 4" Height Ponern In Graceful De ~19n. Rugged Durobi!1•y Bea ur1ful Colors. 10 ,0_ SAVI NOW SALE PRICED ,,...... \loo COMPARABLE RETAIL ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$7.99 . ENCRON POLYESTER r1:e of !OO"n l nt rori Pol yP~!Pr. 01.'rll, Ti•l ~, 999 l lJJCU'lf)US Corp('! 001 rf1 un• l'Pdorrn1111r to , lor111 \\rnr fo·y (llfl' Re· Ir•·'. Mont Loi· or '.!o(iof)f)'tof ron1 SQ.lo, SAY( NOW SALE PRICED .................... $6.00 COMPARABLE RETAIL ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, .. $1 S.99 ..... EVERY ROLL OF CARPET IS MARKED & PRICED FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE ~ All LABOR UNCONDITIONALLY ~ GUARANTEED DUPONT NYLON TRI -COLOR SHAG 99 l 00% OuPonl Nylon Pile. Deep. Rich Duroble"Shog . Beou11fvl New Three Color Designs. NOW SALE PRICED ......... . SQ.YD. SAY£ $3.0G COMPARABLE RETAIL .............. $6.99 , (j!EW] CLLAHESE "RTREL TRI -CO LOR IHl llSllONAMf IN rlB[~S SHAG l 00"/o rortrel Po!ye~!er. lush, 99 Deep, Lonq Weorinq And Hord ToS01I S!OfS B~u!1l ul With A Mm1murn 01 Care. Very .ll.e~1lronr. Beoul!lul Decorator Three Color Shag. NOW SALE PRICED ............ . COMPARABLE RETAIL .. $8.99 SQ.YD. SAYE $3.DD DUPOnT" statl ~O ft fabulous' fr izz-free Shag Carpet with the shimmering appe arance of hondn1nde Ind ia Broadloom ... 99 A YARD ·up Rope-like pile yarns of 6.000 Denier staylofl nylon by DuP~nl -specially developed for crisp, clean, permanent . shag texlvres. Your Choice of 12 Multi·Hued Tweeds ... NOW SALE PRICED SQ, YD. SAVJ $4.00 •...••....••••.••.•••.••••..••••.......••. $11 .99 • 30·&0-IO DIVS NG INTEREST• t011V£Nl£NT CREDIT PLANS ANG UNI TERMS AYAILAIL£ • CALL IOR FREE SHOP-Al· HOM£ SERVICE • Vllll DUR CUSTOM DRAPERY DEPT WEST COVINA ANAHEIM LONG BEACH NORTH HOLLYWOOD CANOGA PARK 11141Wilshire11'14, 2526 (. Workmaft A•t. 649 N. (uclitl St. 3001 ltflfl•wtr 11,tl. 7007 L•urel C•nyo" 11.4.-912·2200 21031 Shtrmaft Woy 347·2334 OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS 477·SS2S 966·4471 Soil D"9o Jrwwoy 10 W•Wt turn-off. ' blot'" w"' 011 wi1- SOI'! 'llfl'Wlr!Mo Jrw,. to C•mts St 2 blot•' Jllo, Oii (1!1\11 10 Wort-...... --VENTURA HOLLYWOOD 2501 I. Mein SI, lllS N. Vermont Awt, Ul·SD41 666·74SS 2 bl«\ l Nontt of Kollvwood 81¥d on 'w'lfl'l!'ll)lll. -· "I ;.:----:!..'·-··- 6JS·7674 2 bloc•• HorTh of Solito""°,, ... -v Ofl fl.l(lid. Acro11 from (Diii. "'- TORRANCE 4216 Artt1ia llycf, S42·6H6 r - 421 ·1934 Soil °"'° ,,_,. to ~ IJ"ll '""" oft Nonh Ofl ltflftow. «. MONTEBELLO 711 w. w•iHit r 11•4. 12a.01•7 COSTA MESA 1714 Ntw,ort ll•i. 645·3020 Ntwporl Blvd. or 17th SI: · PASADENA ·2660 f . Coloordo Bl•d. 177-1900 -_.-__ ,··-~ ---'".!',-;::_ __ ~·~":.1 .:;.'.~'"~ -~~-:-1 a1i.~• -If--___ ---~ _ ____ .. _ . SAN FRANCISCO MILLBRAE -..... -- \ I I I •• •~ DAIL V PILOT s Wtd11t$.tlay, July 21. 1471 9 Orange County Gets Reagan's Welfare Pitch Oran&e County super\•1sors Ustcntd to a pitch 1'uesdav by Gov. Re•aan1 wPlh1 re chief Robert Car\~n lnr I h ,. ' govtmnr's reform pro1ram but put off 11 decision on sup· port or cr\ocism until 11 la1cr 1essio11. Three of lhe four hoar( membrrs pre:'lt'nl -\.\'dli11n1 Phillips. 1lnn11ld C Rs p P r s D11vid Baker -1ndil'flli'd h) tht'ir rrm11 rk~ thr~· wrl"P reiid\ t('o 4'.'ndorsP Re11.~an 's "elfart• l rrfnrm program. hu! 11 11'<1~ l decided !o wall un\11 <1 full 1 member.,h1p wa.~ on h11nd ~ Board Ch11innan Rober! Bat- ,1 tin w11s t1bsen! C;irlson, .~talt> d1rrctor nf ) So<'lal wr lf<irf', 11lnnr. \\i1h 1)1(' Rfl\'t'rnnr s ha1~nn rf'pr('sl':n!l 1(' 10 l()('il ] i:c11•ernnirn! Rrllrf' Nrslande nr Anaheim. c11me 10 the cnun1y ;ift('r 111,•n futilr <'II • J l#'mpt~ ir1 !hr past t11n wcrks by Supf'r1·1~or R:ilrih fl;:irk tn pPrsuarlr !hf' bnard !!) Jnln Loi; A~elC'.~ Cnun1y in ii lawsuit against the govcrnor. The s111 t 1s hased nn lht" !lnvernnr's l'P!n of welfare I 11·orrl1nf,( in 1hP sta1e budge!. } Clark tiad chargP.d !hat ~ ~~1~l~~y1t;i~~;i:ha;inv~r~~r;~ !~~ J additinnfl! $.1 million f n r l 1relfare during !he current 1 fiscal yr-ar. : Carlson said the refnrm plan ' \1·ill no! shifr rosts to !he C"OUn· ! ties and Iha! nther nbjt"c!ions J by the County Super1·isors I OCC Crew • , Praised By County , Orange County su[l('rl'isnrs • • ' I unanimously ;ippro1·erl a resolution Tuesday praisin g the recent achievements of thr Orange Coesl Coll ege rowing crew. The resnlution, in!roducerl by filth DislricL Su pervisor Ronald Caspers called al- tenlinn In the crew·s swe-ep nr four rac~ in !hf' 100-year-old Dublin Regatta, the first crew in history lo sccompl ilil that feat ~ The resolution read , in pert. 1 "Under the leadership 11f its ~ dedic-aled coach David A • Grant, Orani;:e Coa.<;t College ' crews hal'e earned th e nickname 'The (;iant Killers.' "OCC crews h11ve 11ddr1l in~ ternation11l lustre tn their long list of accomplishments by competing in lhe ;incien1 Royal Henle.v Re11 ella nn the , Thames Rive r In Great Bri- ~ tain." ' Cited wa.~ the \'!ciorv "in the i foushest r\·ent in th! Dublin 1 Regatta and the record ing nf I the fastest time ever posted in I the ~ntury-old competition." , "Oranji!e Coast cre"'s. by • their example and t h f' i r j deportmPn1 in heing gr11c1nus ' and Ji!t'f'l!1ernanl.v y,·i nners. won ! I rountl~s frirnd~ 1n the Br itish l 'iles and brought the n;ime of OranGP \n;i~t C-0!1t~e anfl flran~P Cnun1y ,., 1hous11nds:· J • ' • • • • • l l.he rf'S(llu11nn 11rlfle<l Thf' c'lmpl1mt>.nlarv mr11surr l'1Mlffi thP (fPW "rnnllnupd ex c el lenc l' in Th,. futurP and tn 1·1ctory at Henley next year " Union Hit On Battles At Pln11t Report.5 nf b11nles bl!tv.·een angry pickets 111nd on-strik ing \.\'Orkers at an Anahetm con- tainer plant 1rd 1110 Orangr County Supcrinr Court Judge Tuesday In tnlpi11'c a 1rm- porary restraining nrdet on the International Brn1htrhood of Pulp. Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers. Pollce said calm w a !I restored :il the Ball Road plant of Menash11 Cont11iner Corporation ;ilter .JudRt Ned Ruttrr signed lhe o rd e r limiting the number of pirkel! poetrd 111 the premises by the AFL-CIO affilf::.te . Mtnasha orflci11l!I i;;nught lhe ()tder afler calling police to in· vesti1ate 11Hegalions t ha 1 ' worker!! had been accos1rd on I the ir "'8}' Into the plant by ! pickets "'ho &Hacktd them • and uttered obscenities at non- 15tr1 king employts. Judgf' Ruller ru led th111 nn 1 more than twtJ :'llrlkrr~ l'ould picket any aate Ill !hf' plan1 i and th•l they m1"t rem;11n I~ \ feet fro m the point of l'ntry t l~e iiet Aug. 2 for the dttf" nr 1 t he•rlng Into the l•w11ull fllf'd ' ' by Menash1 . The A n 11 h t l m firm m•au11cture1 corru11ted con- IAiMr1 1\ itt Sall Ro1d pl•nl f\IO&t of !ti workers went on Assoct.Gt1on of California hrid bf'en amtnded out or the bill "ThP (t'.031 IS to a!low th;;! btl!nCh Of g 0 I f' r Tl m f' II ! jcnunly , statP, ftden1l 1 be~t /1t!f'd to handle varinus Breit~ of the \\·e!farP program to r1n th:u ." Carlson explainPd •·rhr approach wa~ tn off Pr the best :'lystem possible, not save m-OTIP)'" llP ~aid the govf'rnnr's proi;?.r11m would not mandate progr;ims not included under f Pdrral law and that most eli(!:iblllty deci!ilons would be 1nadt hy the c()unt1t's Carlson adn111!td that the ~o..<ailed nnn·part1iion bill h\ assf'mbtymen Prtrr Schabarum. 1 R·Co1·1na f Ken MacDonald I O-Ven1ura 1 h;irl the best chanrP nf pass::ise ;ind wa.~ s1mil11r in the go1 l!rnor's vroi.:ram ln most aspects. This bill is supported h\o !hr coU11tles association · :-;uprr\ 1snr Ron11!rl C!'J~pt"rs nOtt'rl that Oran11e County \\'elfare Director r.ranville Peoples had said that the slate cnuld run our or money n('Kt ~prlng and the financi al lnad 11·ou!d fall on lhf' coontiM. Carlson said this woul d not happen If Re11t;l!ln '!! program I! adopted but could happen ii it was not. tie argued lhst the governor's program would s11ve $108 million in \~elfarc cost:;; and the criuntles-would sa\f' half that much . "If the program is not adoptt"d tht' lf'g15!ature must come up "'ilh $103 million in new taxes to support the cur- rrnt program," Car Is on \vBrned if~· ,,~ %;4 "'· Peoplq: li ter p Jd ti • l!stimat@d the Re 1 g a n propos;il 11,·ould sal'f' the coun· '"' about '600,000 He 1dn\ltted tiJs flKUtt' '.1'18 conaervatJve, but added that the 1tate of· f!c!als hgurts weA sometimts much loo hia:h. BATH SllE PAK OFlO GILLETTE 14 01. SIZE 7 0 1. SPRAY PAK OF 150 WHITE ~.· 8.75 SUPIR SIZE . "Zest" Pledge Lysol Picnic Plales Colgate -Platinum Plus lV!RYOAY i ' • BAR SOAP PAK 35c Of 2 ·~ DOUBLE EDGE BLADES 1.19 ~ WITH Cocoa Butter 1h~ !~'i•r wa1 to a ~~n!J,i~ '"· 79c Bottle "Tanfastic" OIL PLUS COCONUT OIL .'Zoz.BottJe 79c FURNITURE ,, .. WAX [Ji111iR1tes 1d1rs aid W111~ ~taott JRlllnfly. kins ~·•~•k1!4 1cr1u. ', ii-''1 . 09 ' ' .. • ,, • \ • • . ,l ·, " . $'. .. , ... ~ oor A [filIJil] Place To Shop! 'I "-\ Camp Stool "S~nrt5 maft .. -Sturd·/ \',r.o d lr~me, bright 119 ~lrrpcd dr ill ie11• ,![$; 18",.!i a~,~~ ~~.~ Reg. 1.39 , w1~d ba~d. Adjustable grill, pic~un ~andles. 3 chrome platrd skewers, fold v~ leg~. (#llO!l 4 98 Rtr. 5.98 • 9-INCH Ptr11ct fir ''"I" I 1•"' o;1 ,,,,;,,, ~ ~ -el I••'-___ .73c ' Two ad 1u~tabl t a~minul"1 ~ntlswitil easy ~l1d1~g draft DENTAL CREAM WITHMFP FlUORIOl .73c_ " F1sl1st TJfl wit~ M1ri11u111 Pr1tecti11 LOTION OROIL ~~~.Co"centrated , ORAL HYGIENE APPLIANCE 6 39 ~ Oli•t·(Old finish complim111ts Re(. 7.J~ , 1rry b~throom llecor. f""';;;;~ AdJust~ble pressuie £ll'CTllC diol tor ind ividual Charcoal L'1ghter ~~ "rn'•" ""''"'· Cl~~ns particle; from MflEOR Stan dard, .. Wltb ! betw~En teeth, Pu~h· 3 wire cord.~\ hu_tton on-off Ill switch~>. • (~lili~l ii 16 99 "Dixie" Cups 2 39 ~ <••••• •0 1 . " P:tf.1!9~ • ~0~r;,f[~t"sW~ed;_s~~~ 59c • l-~:~ "::;,:~;:--.r.~-irn1 ___ ... _ ~ ... ._,l saz. "Bidette" ,----=:.__--.. FEMININE DEODORA!ll MIST ' "Takara" Wit• 1'111• Sl1t FRIL .. • l % or. SfZE ~~~~~;~;::•;,, •~ 1 39 DOUCHE POWDER ,__!l;~!_!-~,_ .. I [11 Every wom~n ---de serves th i ~ prolp•t1on. "Dawn" VANITY ''1· 1·09 UUllllAhl -Colorful "Dawn·' Mi"'Tllr, Cr.'llb -98C & Brush S!I. ll!Cli ~et i~ lull color w1nd~w \lot. lol1rmf mea<.eres 9)4".1 49 sc~lpturecl des.g.n. • It c~~se~ ~1~:. w~'•1s t h! lawn, play~ la~. H··~ al11a15 on !~~ l"nve.. CO~I ~01a~~1n". tun • , , ~1d; lo'1e iL Asst. Cars "'Zee t e•els'' •.• Do you da ie c h allcn~e an·1on~ to m1:·'1 t'lt,r car a~~·n·t ~OI:' ••• llletatl.c r•.t1r·. H ,1 JUb~"f ft'O ,. 12 notrs & I ~ md1·hing envelor~-. A-·t. colors. 77c ~ "' . . Sardoettes 1'1 .Iller S~1w1r S1r~1 Skin Tr11t11u1t f!~!ps rfStOI' $0!\~1;:1 wh ilt r l1 P1 1n1 f1 "~ discomforts ol 1lch1ni aild c•11l1~1 P'tk 11 tS 2.19 AD PRICCS PRCVAIL~ T~uriday, July 22nd thru Sunday,JUIJ 251~ A [ff[Jlil Place To Shop! HUNf l"IOTOJol Ill(" -"'''"' ' 1rn-hu<1t HU,..T INOTON llACH )lrl•fdl ll • ···~· .. NIWl'O•T 111(1'1 !ClO l•v+~t •vt , Wtlltllfl "•rl OPEN• AM TO l OPM 7 DAYS A WllK "Picnic" Utensils L•o1u· "Bikini" Panties Nylon satlnette "fld~rfan" bikini; in alsorttd colors. Sty ltd for th~ wm1~n of ~~phist1catl()n in tod1ys mod world. 2'1 00 Sires S-5·7 t R1r;. 59c ea. ~ 1 PLAsnc Barware ..... , __ _, "Myadec" "Ptrte D1•1s" lDO'I Wfl• JO rm For ai:tive PfOple, !~ ~ £~ ~lte·~y \'1\llll n l~rJOOla -.-,!h m1r,r1:~. ''' '" 4.28 - L•o1u· Panties N11 oi 100% S1!1ft!t1e 3'1 77 v.h·'P, a~d a.uorted colers'. t Sizes 5·1~ ~ • ~ -20" Breeze Box W/2-Speed FAN l Whirlpool ~ Air Conditioners S1perl1r -He~y d~ty type motor, Rotary Switch with dalu'e tD"lrol knob. UllOfeaQble 1tr1p handle. ..,. 11.•t ti 2GS5 ¥ 14.49 ~ FANS .• s1,1rl1r -ldul r or the home, office or whea~er 1 tool- i"f hfee1e is ntt6-t rd. Powrl'fut, quiet I" St1llo111J 1 i~ DstlU1llRC 4.98 10.49 All tile lt1tures yi>u win\ lo a11e you cool. Q111tt comfOft: du11 11r d.Jreet1on t:ontrol; a4 1u~11hle l~!rmost&t. Simul ated fr~lh¥ood ar1in tab1n1t. ~.OOD 111J I.DOI 111J 134.99 167.99 ' nrlkt July 12. ----------------------------------------------------------------- -· --....... ·-.,,_. •.. --~. _ ... _ -~ •. -. --· ------··----~ --• • , ·-,,.. ... 4.2 Pereent '""-- Board Approves Teachers' Raise formtd the board such 1 discussion would v I o I a l e California'!! anti-secr~y law. Dr. Peterson explained that the salary package, in order lo DAILY Pl~T J !I _ • DAILY PILOT J l State Campuses Feeling Squeeze By GtORGE U:JOAL Of "" 0•1" .. , ... ~"" FULLERTON -An "aust.e.re" it.ate college budget v.·ill mean many stude.nb at Cal St.ate Long Beach and Ca l State Ful!erton will nol be. able to enroll in full 15--unlt claM schedules in the fall. Dr. Leo Good~an- faculty pOlltlons due to btldgel cul.a mlde by the governor and the L.eglslature. The. faculty cuts wlll 1ffttt courses in 35 to 6.3 departme.nu, Goodrnan·Malamuth said. Prei ident L. Donald Shields o( C..l State Fullerton noted that a five percent budget Ir.- crease Is offs.et by a 13 per- cent lntte.a.se In studenu at hit campus. The figure hu jumped to 16,000 1tudenla from 14,100 who aUended la.st !all. become acule about .a ye.ar from now and gr ow progressively worse in ye.ars lo follow . 'Dli.1 ls the s.ect1nd year in .a row Wt have not received ardtlteetural plan· nltlj money, and from the time an architect begins work it requires four years to oc- cupy a building," Shields noted. be funded until tm and will not bt npened for two years after that," Shielda 1114 FALSE TEETH That LooHn SANTA ANA -The Orange County Board ef Education has approved a •.t percent c011t rJ livlng pay hike for t~ IIMI teachers employed by the cnunty Department of Educa- tion. become part of the board's ~---------- Malamuth, academic v 1 c e president at L-Ong Beach State says as many z.s 10 lo IS per- cent of students there will not be able to arrange a full class schedule this fa!L Classes that will be dropped will be sections of mulU-sec- tion courses. That will limit the number of openings in desired or r!quired courses. Student.'! turned away from courses they need to graduate. will have lO make them up In a summer session at 1 cosl of $27 per unit, or be unable to graduate or meet major re- quiremenl'!. 1,,e main effect at Cal Stale fu!lertoit. will be seen in larger cla.s1 1iies, fewer multiple. sections of classes and a reduction in Independent study courses, he said . "Cal Slate Fu 11 er ton ' s master plan cAlled for the ct1I· Jege lO occupy 1 seven.floor clawoom building to have been shared by rhe departmehls of education and English. That building will not Need Not EmbarTaa1 0 11n·1 lrttp •orrylnt •boui JO\lf f~IM lffth droppl11r al tbtt 'IHOOI umr.. A dent11r1 ad t-lv• caa help. f'A~TE~:TH,.ri¥Md•nL11n• a 10111-~. firmt:r. •te1dier h .. ld. Mal..ee fft- lni: more P.n]oyable. ~'nr mon1 -urity and tomfnrt , 11». Jl'ASTEETR O.n- turt .\dh,.1ive Pn-,,d,.r. D<!nture1 tlut fit''" f'atinual l.O bealta. S.. )'OUr dential re1ul1rly. County Schoo I Superin- tendent, Robe rt PeLerson in- formed I.he board the 5alary .1pproval f@<lueiit was merely a "raUfication" of his ap- proval of the salary package that was negotiattd wilh, and acc epted by , leachen. Board member Dale Ralli- son., a Santa Ana dentist, ob- jec~ to being <1sked to ap- prove ~ salary ~ht"dule in thfl ab~ct ot Roger Andtf"- !IOn, another board member from Huntington Beach . Rallison a.sked that the mal- ll':r ~ discussed privatel y in ex~utive sessinn. R a ~ n "' r Engebretson nf th! Orange County Counsera office in- public record, must b e ral.ified. As adopted, the pay chart offers beginning teachers with a bache\or"s degree and a teaching credential $7,500 a year. Teachers with IS years e>:- perience. both master's and bachelor's degrees and another 60 unlts of graduate study will be paid $1S,S2:0 for service in the schools operated by the rounly Department of Education. Dr. Peterson noted that for the first time teachers will be re<iuired to earn at least a ''C" grade in any course con- sidered for s a I a r y ad- vancement. County CAC Recruiting Workers for Head Start SANTA ANA -The Orange <Aunty Community Ac Ii on Cbuncil is seeking s t a f r members for an eight .and a half month program to train cil.sadvantaged pre -school youngsters that will be launch- ed in September. A $572.100 federal gr;int to tile CAC ha~ been approved. Coupled with a $166,680 local contribution, it will p;iy for programs serving 390 children in OranRe County. Agencies selected for 1he Head Start programs include the Anaheim City School IJistrict, Buena Park LULAC, lhe Council of Affiliated Negro Organizations, Inc. and Coun- cil of Better Education Inc., bo1h of S;inta An;i. the El Moden;i Service Committee, the Fullerton Elem<'ntarv District. Garden c: rove Unified School District. Hun- tington Be a ch Communilv Center lnc., L;i Habra Cil).I School District and the Santa A'l'la UnifK:d School Distrct. I Employment opportunities h;w::ludf:. positions as dir~tors. leachers, tericher -11ssist ants. nurses. seeretarie~. social- strviet a'ides; · cooks, cook- a'ldes arid ci.tstodians. I Recruitment and employ- ment of Head Start staff is on an open :ind competitive ba.~is., Mrs. Barbara Shirley, project coordina tor s11id. 1 Teachers mu.~r h;i ve prior 1 training and experience in the education of pre·school chi ldren. 1Preferenct IOI pnsltion~ is1 Aiven to people residing in the areas served by the progra m~ ~nd specifically to parents of children enrolled In !~ programs. I Preference is also given to Spanish-speaking individuals.I since the staff mwt reflect the bi-lingual characteristics of the program. Mrs. Shirley said. The CAC office is !oca1ed al 212 Civic Center Drive \Vest, San" Ana. I Airport Gets Sweeping Pact SAt-.'TA ANA -A jolnt ' powers agreement on street sweeping at the Orange Coun- ty Airport has been signed b.v the counl .v and the Ci!y of Newport Beach. I The county will save aboot S:IO a week in street sweeping [ rost.s through the use of Newport's superior equipment.I THINK SALE , Westcliff Pl•z• Only PROFESSIONAL WATCH REPAIR Cempl•t• w1tcll ••ptir ttr¥ic 1 for OMEGA ,ACCUT"ON, kOLEX t~i, intludt o chr11ne11••1)h1, 1lop w•lchtt •n.I ch•one• .,.,,j,,., w. r•p•i• w•lt:h11 of 111 typ••· Ce"'pltl• .i;,1 ,,. l!"i1hint fro"' SJ i n.I w•i••preef c.'y1l1!t frem $1. PROFESSIONAL JEWELRY REPAIR kln•p ·"·' •ntl •• ,,.11 • .l o; .... c ... 1 ••• + •"' 11,111111••· c,.,.._ pl1lt c•1+in9 f1cilily fer cuolem .l11i9n1d ,,..,.,1,.,. ,,,,i 1n.i D11J r•1!?i119:nt. W 1 oie 111 tvp11 1f i1w1f•v r1p1i•. Open Mon .. Thurs., f"rl. Tiii 9 P.M. 111110• l l'Gf't'lll• t.ltlTlll '"' ··-l lft. c.tl• "'"' ........ • MUllTIHOTON (INT•ll ... (fl .......... H..,11"'"" •..ell tf2·SMI ·---..... _.... ---. _ .... ... • Silly Ba n1na1 Really Is •.. Bananas, That Is Cal State Long Beach lost ~7 "Tilt. effect 0( thi~ budget wHI be felt many years hence, Shields as.id. ''Crowding will DAVIS• BROWN'S 24th SALE STARTS THURSDAY, JULY 22-0PEN 'TIL 9 P.M~ FREE AMANA RADAR RANGE! FREE GIFTS! NO OILIGATIONI JUST DEPOSIT COUPON AT DAVIS e HOWN STORE IN COSTA M!SA, IL TORO OR HUNTINGTON IEACHI FREE TIDE ONE YEAR'S SUPPLY* WITH ,UllCHA.SI Ofl THIS FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION-18 WASHER """"""" FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION 1-18 WASHER e AUTOMATIC SOAK CYCLE $2-29 95 Jet action 1-:a "'asher with automatic soak cycle. t piece to 18 pound capar:it.y. Exclusive· Jet Circle spray system rinses clothes better. Perma Press care. No gears to wear. no oil to leak. •Four boxes per month for one year. FRIGIDAIRE FROST-PROOF 2 DOOR REFRIGERATOR }"a mlly size 12.1 cu. {L "'i!h big freezer holds up l.n 106 lbs. full \.\'!dlh ve_getable. H_vd ralor. sliding shcl(. Door stora~e for 17 eggs, .~preads , half-i;:allon tnilk cartons. Door shelf on free ze r door. 1·errific value! This Frigidaire Built-In Dishwasher has easy-loading racks. • Hnld~ rli~h,.s nf m11ny sl7.es 111nd 1haJ)f!s .... Staah thtm in 1'11.~ily. , • ~uP"r-Surll:I" ,1·11\hlni:: i;:rl.!o "vt ry dish 1hower0 l'le11n. Littl" or 110 prP·rinslnll:. • 1 2·~1"<'1ion ~ilv,.ru•11re bft!kel <'lln be loaded "h11ndlPs up or down." • Ord"T lnrrrJ"hanll:Pllhl" front panels 1eparatPly. Cnlnl'll or BnishM Chrnm ... e Opt.Jona.I drslgner door fr11mlni ki t. OTHER MODELS AS LOW AS $1'9.95 ~ . Compact. space·savln g table model J?ives you con- sole screen size and con- s o l e-l i k e perfor1nance. Po\\•erfu! AccuColor chas- sis. Automatic Fine Tuning. AccuTint and .A.utomatic C'hrome Control provide vi- vid , life-lik~ color. Matc h- ing rollabout stand optional, extra . 1 l '49995 AP-19.5 The Stockton En•rnbl• 19" Diagonal Picture I I $J1ssa I • ·~ Big screen vie"·ing. portability ;ind budgel pleasin g price. plu~ a practi- cal rollabout stand comp!ele R CA's \Vinning combination. Su per power grid VHF' tuner and Pan-0-Ply pic- ture tube \vith hullt-in VJ.IF and UH F antennas. El Toro fitore only. EZ,74 NEW VISTA COLOR SPORT ABOUT $327 Packed "'ilh RCA achievements! High performance picture tube for true-to-life color. Thi.<: lnw price buys you Solid State stabilizer circuits and easy-to-replace plug-in AccuCircuit sound system. 18 " diag. meas. FREE GIFTS! DOOR PRIZES! DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT ANY DAVIS.BROWN STORE -HUNTING- TON BEACH , Brookhur1t & Ga rfi•ld; COSTA MESA, 41 1 E. 17th St.; EL TORO, Laguna Hlll1 P ~aia . YOU MAY WIN AN Amana Radarange Microwave Oven Free! S S S S IN PRIZES TO IE GIVEN RtEEI NO OIL•••TION -WINNllS NlfO NOT II l"ltl!Sl!NT ro WIN ADDRESS, •• ln1egrl111 nnd Dependablllt11 •lnee 1847 Rndlo Dll,.ntehed TV and Appliance Servfre 548-3437 EL TORO Laguna Hills Plat.1 111,Yt '" s .... o~ t 137.3130 Dilly 11).6 Thur., Fri. 11).9 ·~· --· . . -. -- e FRIGIDAIRE • SONV •CORNING •RCA -• -> --·-·-- .... ----------- • COSTA MESA 411 I . S.v•nt••nth St. 646-1614 Daily 9.9 S•t. 94 .. ... _______ .. • SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY ll·ll AT AL L 3 DAVIS BROWN STORES •SYLVANIA e -'1AYTAG • CAWRIC • AMANA -·-- HUNTINGTON BEACH Brookhurst & G•rflald 961·Slll Da lly 9.9 S.t. 94 I J -- Wtd1ttsd1y, July 21, 1971 More Stud11 Needed Strong Ecological Scie11ce a Must? WASl-ONGTON ! UPI) - Probably never again \.\ 111 mankind be able to make ne w demands on earth for the benefit or sorne g r o u p s ""without 8 high risk of injury to otber.i." Civilization is in ll fix. and what's needed as nr1'cr berore ill a j)O\.\'erful "environmental acience'' cr.prable of Un· dustand1nR " n d thert>IUre pr('dictin~ lhr effre1.~ of all thc forces. na1ural an<l hum11n. operating oo our plan1·r L:nrortunatel~. al"l·onhng 111 the National S<:1en('C Hoard. environmt'ntol .~Clt'fl('f' 1n its present state of de\'elopn1cnt is unable lo do thl' job 11·h1ch has lo be done 1f c1v1l1za11on ·~ to endure The Natuiual Scil'nl'f' Bu:'.l'd is a gruup of d1s\111gu1shed scientists crl'<1ted by statute to advLSe thr r-<a t1nn;1I Science f oundation. the fcder;i l agen· c.v cha rged wit h stimulating and supporting research. Jn a report lo President Nix· on fi nd Congress. the board called for a national progran1 in the 1970s to strengthen en· v1ronment.al science which it said suffers from lack of man· power. orgacaizaiion, and tools. The board dtfined environmenUtl science as "the study of at! of lhe systems of air. land. water energy. and life that surround man." II en- compasses rJI science dealing with Ule earth and the llle it supports. Environrnenlal science has l"Orne a long w11y since il5 beginnings, hut the things ii t:an do are far ouUJumbered by the things it cannot do. It 1·annot predict quanlilatively lhl' traruport of poisons and poll utants. It cannot predict carthquakes or volcank erUJ> llUll!~. II crnnot predict th e elunatic effec ts of m8 n·s tcehnology. including the con- sequences or s u pr rs o n i e tra nsport jel exhausts in !he stratosphere. !I does not widerstand hur· ricanes and torandoe.s nnd cannot forecast solar flares and their influence upon the human environment. l1ulian Says Cigars Mcule Life Lo11 ge r , &AN FRA.:iCI SCO tl1PI\ - Sloo.t Indian Chtl"f Rt'd l-'0.t. 101, a flribut l"s his ~f',ily lo 15 puah..ups 11nd II CllJ&rS I day The chu~r ~1d 1n an hl· ter\'le "' r.tond11.y he nt\'er (lrink..~ strong 1rquor. "J ne\ er broke a pronuse to my 1notber:• ht said. Bul tobHt'l'Q, ht said. has a s 111uch \"ilanllns as \•cgetables Jike cabbage or cauliOower. He recalled \.\'Omrn \\'ho smok· ed pipes and sniffed snurf. ··Th4'y would give birlll to a babv todav and be up wastung d111Pers u1 the morning ." he said. llO\\e\·er. l'tucf lted Fol ttf~d to puff a cigar '''hile being photographed. '"It's \"Cry impolit e.'' he said. '"to s1no ke and talk. Emily Post told inc that." The chirr 11·(1s brought up on a reservA t1on in Suuth Dakota, spent two ye;1rs 111 l;1w sehool. four years in the navy and several vcars wi!h Buffalo Bd l"s Wild \Vest Shuw. At that time he was elected a c:h ief. For a time he ran a trading post in Mlssouri selling so-call· ed "Indian crafts." But he quit when he round n1osl of the Y•ares came from Japan. Mosquito Hints Countians Can Win Bug .Battle Hy BARBARA GIUS 01 "'• 0.1FY l'li.t ll-11 GARDEN GROVE -What Lhrh·es in the s u in m e r sunshine, responds with a palpit.aling heart lo men's col- ogne, and, more often than not. lives longer than its n1ate? ll is the female mosquito and, like Eve. she '.~ the one that does all the damage. A single set of fen1ale chompers can take care of up lo 30 vic- tims. or bit one vil'lim 30 times, depending on the delicacy of lhe mor~I. According to enton1ologists. a perspiring man in a dark suit. emitting ail aroma of a hardy cologne. is irresistable to the female mosquito. '"But," says Jack Kin1ba!1. n1anager of the Orange Co unty Mosquito Abatement District in Garden Grove. "that"s assuming that there are adult mosquitoes that have lo be contended with. What's needed now, is an attack on the sources so there won't be any adult mosquitoes." It is a kno\.\'n fact, say en.- tomolog1st!!I, that female mo&- c1u itoe.s need animal blood as a nu1rient for reproduction. But before they can start looking for blood, they need a breeding place. St a n d ing water is ideal. Kimball advises backyards be cleaved moistened compost heaps and partially filled conta iners that could provide nesting places. Old tires, hollow tree stumps, and even clogged rain spouts are great incubators. he says. '"Ninety percent of nu:isquito annoyance cases have their source in the backyard," says Kimball. "The most highly· infested habitats in lhe su~ mer are ornamental poods, horses' drinking tr o u g h s . plastic wading pools, dinghys sto red in Lhe back yard, and concrete swimming pools with inefficient riltering systems.'' Klmball recommends using "mosquito fish" in pond." and troughs to help rid the stag· nan! water of larvae. 4 DAY SALE • Thurs., Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10-5 CUSTOM MADI · DRAPERY SALE luxurious Fabrics in Baucles, Cottons, Antique Satins, Textures ond Prints. Choice of Colors. SAYE UP TO 503 8.,J. 7-YEAI WEAi f i · ''! AWllllE ~ L9'11T1Mm GUARANTEE ·Ill LllOl·IMSIALLATION L9'1TIMI HAIUUITU Oii !MM llSUl.LAllDN UPITIMI GUARAlllTll · ON LABOR INSTALLATIOM REMNANTS l OLL-ENDS e MILL-ENDS ii ROOM-SIZE RUGS ·Huge 1Jel&ction of texh1•·e1, l1ber1 one colors. Volue9 from $7~.00 10 $125.00 if sold by lhe yard. YOUR CHOICE $ BUY NOW ON EASY CREDIT TERMS • ASK ABOUT OUR LAYAWAY PLAN 3040 BRISTOL AVE •• ~u.'~~~oTr~v. COSTA MESA 546-8548 SHOP.4J.HOMf " ,... SE•VICE f,. C01t't ~ Orie and oucome iri. 1u11 trve Will Col/ r ~•Pror1en10. iornp/e ._ . W•rh 0 f r •••cri0ri, N u// tOr!. o obfig0 • S4C•11 Too.-Y 6•8S4a OPEN DAILY 9 A.M •• 9 P .M. SATURDAY 9 A .M. •6 P.M. SUNDAY 10 A.M.•5 P.M. -~ .. --..... . ·9 ,..., -. ·--ca""-•• · .. · •.. -' ' • .:...-.i. ·--..... --... ,..,._ -··-----.... -. ' --·---- Catadid Pose Unidentified p h otographer at Lhe Sa \\"d ust Festival in Laguna Beach found plenty to chronicle including this arlisti c nude \r hich seemed almost posed for the occasion. T he festival, one of three artistic shov.'cases in the art colony on vie\v through Aug. 29, is in Laguna Canyon. It is open d aily from 10 a.m. until midnight. Most Unorthodox Approach [(issinger's 'Cup of Tea' \V1\SllINGTON f AP) JIP nry A. Kissinger. v.·ho al · tracts th e dran1atic the way honey attracts bears, has done ii again-this time with a secret diplomatic mission to Peking that startled the world S"\tS ·fr $2999 NONE OVIR SS9.99 Up LO d•I• lithion. E~'"" !he new••! bu!lon flap pock•!•. Pu•• wool ... or· 1!ed1 In plaid•, 1lripe1 or -10Ud1 . Double"""' Mo" ~· . .,, •••••••••••••••• SPORTCOATS i ("i'N ,, $J999 None Over s39 99 0('.,hle ~""' Mo•1 Si.:e1 ••••••••••••••• SLACKS .~-~ $499 M None Over s14•9 100% Polv"'""'' Doublor Kntl flar1 or S1raig h1 l eo •••SPECIAL••• : DOUBLE KNIT SLACKS : :. $9.99: •• ~---·--' . -- of power politics. For the 48-ycar-old presiden- \Jal assistant Jor national sccuritv affairs , Ule clande- s tin<' \·isit to the capital of Cornmunist China was perfect- ly in character. The orthoclox approach is not always Kissinger's cup or lea. \rhile most N i x on ad- n11 n1stralion oFficials ha v e ftVoided the peace movement like leprosy, Kissinger has kept con1rnunications open. I le even sat. do\.\·n in lhe White !louse \\'ith 1hree people narn cd as co-conspirators in an alleged plot lo kidnap hi n1 I/is tri p lo Peki n g to 1t rrange for a future visit lo China by Presiden t Ni xon may not have been an entirely new experience for Kissinger. 1\ forinrr I larvard colleague Sil1d two ~·ears ago that Presi- dent Lyndon B. Johnson sent K1-;s1ngcr behind the bi:imboo curl;11n In l!anoi in 1966 and lhal hr rc1urned 111th a report c ritical or the \.\"ar. \\"hf'l.her t1tl king U:t p ea c e. g rnup~. advisi ng the Pre5i- dC'nt on foreign policy options or squiring glamorous \.\'Omen around Washington or New 'York, the German·bom Kiss-- inger <>perates wit h a certain nair. The accent is sof tened 'l'eutonic: the style is decided· ly Harvard. Nol everyone on Lhe bank!! of the Charles ts happy about it. an unhappines~ l ha t deepened as the Vietnam war dragged on and Kiss inger \.\"a!I linked lo those urging the in· cursions into C.:an1bodia and Laos. Sen. Stuart Sy min~ton In. f\1o. l expresst'd ;ii v.oidespre.11.d sentinu•n! v.·hen he i::airl that Kissinger v.·as "secretary of state in evrryth1ng bu t !itle" and lhnt Secretary of St;ite \\'illian1 P Rng('tS h a d becorne an (lbjeel of laug hter nn !ht \Vashington social circuit t\iss1n~er d{'TI!<'<: \h;it he m a intain~ any 1nord1nale in- fluence over thr Prr:o;.idPn1. "!t \1·ould Ix' prrpo .. 1ernus tn pre· ll'nd I don t h;i1•e an~ 1n· fluencf' ... he said. but r1dded. "A man doesn't \x>ton1e " ptPs1dent \.\"ho has a 11·eak 1r1JJ . ' LIVE AND LET LIVE • Have everybc)4y buckle their Seat l>elts. ~ Race drivers use them. Pilots use then,. But not nearly enough everyday cin,·crs like you u:.;e lhcir ~at hell!=-. . I~ ven t ho1 1gh your chancr~ nf n1al..1n~ 11 l hrough 1 an accident ~·ithout serioug injury are Rfeatly increased \\'hen your se;i t bells are properly fastened ! and adjusted. So neJ.t ti1ne you get in your c:1r, buck\t> up before you clri,·e off .• o\nd n1ake :turc your pa.::,sengtr1"1 tlo thcsan1e. It's an idea all of you can live wi th. Chevrolet ... --·--·-- . ~ .. .. . ~ • ,, ~ • • :· . :: " .. ·1 ~ s .. " . " i· .. .. I I DAIL v PILOT J ;J ( CdM Co ed To Be 'Sena tor' 817 Crew Reunion Astrid Store, 16-year-0\d daqtMr o( Mr and Mrs Jonu Store, 411 Isabella Ter- ract, Corabl. del Mar, will re.prellM Callforn• •t Girls Nltloa Jiiiy '1·AUll\1Sl 0 In Wuhlngt<in D.C. Mar high school In the fall. Joining her as a secood California senator to Girls' Nation will be Dorothea Trimble of Safuw;, who waa elected Girl's State governor. GWC Offers Air Traffic Co~trolfu:ig 19~ W~r Her~s to Take to Skies Again Named the 1971 "Outstan- diog Citlie.n" durlng the re- cent <:a)lfomla Glrl'.s State snsioD bl Squaw Valley, she will bl a aenior at Corona del Thi program, sponsored by lht American Legion Aux· Wary, is designed to give students aimulated experience in city, county and all.le &overrwents. I See by Today's Want Ads • Hey~'.! All you ao:tors &. Actre-sses OU! there. A company produclflg E"du· ~ational programs ~ men & ""'omen, ell agf'.s &. types. Check fhf' c!assihecl ad~ fQ find out fln1r, date, and p!aC'f'. e AUSTRALIAN BOUN D!!! l'llust sell all household Item~. no reasonable af- ler N'fused. Golden w .. t College hope! to ea:i:e the lhorlage of air traffic controllers by offering an introdudory cou'rse this fall as a fim step to gaining a conlroller's license. Students planning to enroll mlll!lt have either a student pilot lictme or have com·_. plet.ed the college's Aero 50 course before reglslering. The class, to be taught by John Davis, an air traffic con- troller at LA International, is designed to develop an un- der:it.andlng of the physical and psychological re- quirements for employment. It will also include an in-deplh study of F~eral Aviation Agency component:! and air traffic control systems. EDIT()R'S .NOTE: No"' t11idtUe-agtd 't and mctn· stream, tltl ereui of a Wortd War 11 hea~ bomb- er hold.t its first, and uniqut, reuniO'll soon, flu- ing in tht kind of plane that brought it home safe- ly from 30 combat mi.t· jiOtJs over Euro~. }IARLINGEN, Tex . (AP) - It wasn't easy finding them - the insurance salesman, the dentist, the liquor retailer, lhe druggist and the others. But the y all agree It was time and effort well .spent. They're grayer and heavier now. hard to imagine u war heroes. But for mort than four ' months. during World War I they cast their fates together, ret.uming time and again into the jaws of Axis-held Europe in a Flying Fortress called •·1•11 Be Seeing You ." Ul'I T.itto!Ml'I e 00\VN DEEP. Voit Tli'J 1ank anrl "J" valvt, new !n box, only $6i Although the demand for controllers ls climbing rapidly, there is now only one school for licensing traffic controllers in the U.S. They flew long hours to drop !heir bombs on France . Belgium, Gennany. And when their 30 combat missions were over. they were thankful for a chance at peacelime jobs. THEY FACED DEATH TOGETHER 30 TIMES AGAINST NAZIS Crew of "I'll Btt Seeing You" Now Middle . aged, in Mainatre•m Kids Like to Ask Andy It's Chevrolet Savi!"95 Time at your Chevy dealer's • ..»,.... ... ---·· • • '"'~ ---.a._, ~ : '=""..... ... • 2 HOUSES TO IE MOVED (I YNrt 0 111 1 _J,57l-" Vlo Col'lfort1I• Capbtta110 ktKll 714-539-6860 Now the!'e balding eaglt's, vintage 1944. are to be reunited next week in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. But there will be more for these men than "hangar talk" and martinis. Once again. they'!\ be airborne ill a Bl7 Flying One great place to get a bargain on somelhing you want is at a garage sale. Well. your friendly neighborhood Chevrolet dealer is having a Garage Sale to clean out his stock or '71 ,.. Chevrolets and make room for the '72s. • He's really dealing, with good buys on any and every Chevy in stock. 'Vh ich all means you 'vc got a chance lo get a great buy on the '71 Chevy or your choice . From Impala (America's most popular car) to Fortlress dressed out in lts wartime colors and markings. The Flying Fort will be "bounced" by Germ a n Messerschmitts and savM by PSI Mustangs and other "littll' friends," as the bomber bovs ca11ed them. all painted ·in their wartime camouflage. The reunion is being hosted Chevelle (America's best-selling inter- mediate) to Carnaro (America's sportiest 4-seater). Drop in on your Chevy dealer's Garage Sale now. See how big a bargain you can geL That's how a garage sale works. And lllldk bill/I""' ""4 '""""" /MU.. TluJl'a; cm idea Y'* t int li11111il1'. II ...>-----·---. ., ---· • • • by the Confeder•l• Air Force. which It ht•dq1.11rtered bin. Tht CAF la a nonprofit p-Gur. ol World War II pilots and 1 a fidonados who own t h e worlct'a l•raeat flyint col· lection of World W11r J( aircraft. Tht former bomber men and their familits wUI tptnd three days eetll ng re· acquainted, attending dinner parties and Juncheorui and touring ntarby Matamoras, Mexico. Highlight of the l'ftlnion, at least for the men, will be tht nostalgic night on a 8 17. Joe Cromer of Tyler, Tex., pilot of me "I'll Be Seeing You." is an Insurance agent now but is sti ll an active Civil Air Patrol pilot. fie may be given a chancf! to "t.11kt the yoke' of the flying Forl for a few minutes' travel into the past. Several pilots of the Con- !ed!'rate Air Foret, who will be nying the 817 and the dogfight aircraft, portrayed Luftwaffe pilots in the motion picture "The Battle of Bri- tain ." "Most people," says former copilot Ralph Trout, "would not unders!and why nine men from all walks of life and from all parts of the United Stales would want to do this. But, then. mo..'lt people have never faced death ln lht skies 30 times together." The crew feels thal what It represented -the America n spirit -was as imporilnl as what ii did. Their world in 19'44 was Gl enn Miller and viclory gardens, Joe DiMaggio and "mt1tless Mondays," Lucky Strike Greens and FDR's fireside chats. But their world was on fire. Along with millions of other young men, they manned firehoses from New York to New Catedoni.JI , from Ttxas to Tarawa . "Wt weren't. hero t s , '' tt.nect.'I former radin operator Marlin Goodman. "We a ll had our jobs and we. dirl them as if our lives depended on it.' Trout adds: "Some of the mission.'! we new would have made 'Twel ve O'Clock High' look like a Sunday school pic- nic." Fonner Anny Air Force!! cni:w 4807 of tht 40lst Bomb Group 8th Air Foret gather!! her Aug. 3, 4 and 5 to renew lht friendships forged in the flak-lorn skies over Europe mort than a quarter of a cen- tury ago. They include I n!I u ran~ f! salesman Trout ,Tampa, Fla.: druggist Jack G. Waldhoff, Burlington. Iowa bombardier: dentist Michael T. Phillips, Norwich, Conn .. navigator: in· surance claims ma n age r J)Ouglas Stott, Mechanicsburg, Pa., engineer -1op turret gun- ner; liquor retailer Goodman, Los Angeles: con Ir a ct o r Robert J. Coffin, Dodge City, Kan., ball turret gunner; restrauanteur Eugene Clark, Seatlle, Wash .. waist gunner; and Vincent Villag io, Brooklyn, N.Y .. supervisor for a decora- ti ve glass finn and former tail-gunner for the ship. Trout, catalyst for the reu- nion, did six months of Jetter- writing. telephoning a n d "detl"ctive wor k" trying to locate names and vague faces. He had more trouble than Uncle Sam did in pulling the crew togelher the first time. The crew fonned in April 1944 where they trained at Dyersburg. Tenn. Four months later, Aug. 15, 194~. their new Boeing Bl7 labored off the runway 11\ Sta- tion 128. Deentthorpe, England. Destination: Henin-Leltard, Belgium. "We were nervous and pret- ty scared," Cromer recalls. ''It was our first mission." Throughoul their 30 ml.!.slon.'l together, none of the crew was wounded, "althou1h some were knocked down when Oak came tearing through the airplane. Their flak suits sav- td them." Cromer said. "Wt saw planes shot out of formation ahead of us and behind us but we were never 11tlacked by fighters. The Gennans went after loose. sloppy formations and strag- glers," he said. The roughtest ml"sion the crPw flew was No . 13. "The target was Politi, Germany, near the Ba\Uc Sea." Trout rela ted. "They had 350 flak guns around the city and they used 11! of them." "The sky was dark with flak bursts." Cromer sald. "Out group sufftrtd one of tht most severt losses of lhti entirt tour," Trout said. "Five crews failed to return ua ~ven other crewmtn were in jurtd. The battle d111m1;~ was so bad we cooldn't put up a "Ingle plane for !!even days." The mission dev1st•ted 11 refinery which produced ont· third of the Re.lc h's tynthetlc o\J. hi! !IRifl . ' .... -~- ' f Jom ·nali st Takes Hard U.S. Look LONDO~ !APl -\\1iile much or the foreign press comrfl('nt on the United States has de:>.lt recentl~· w 1 1 h President J\'i xon's trip to Con1· muni s t C hin a . s o n1e journalists v•ere taking a ha rd look within American society. Philippa Pullar. writing 1n the Times of London on a re- cent visit to A me r i c a , reported: ·'\I/hat I saw shock- ed me. Hert v.•as a society, JI seemed lo me. as decadent. as enslaved, as Iha! of ;vicient Ron1e. "But v•hile the Romans v.·ere subjugated by a nobility parronizing the arts of civiliza. tion. Anwricans a re bound by .1 commercial aristocracy sponsoring ma inly ugliness and self-Oestruction.'' The Economist magazine. the British weekly. v.•ondered Yt'll v t.he Ni:icon Admin1s!ratinn. alt.hough apparently determin- ed to make crime control a major issue , in some respects fol.lows the path of 1 t s predecessors and in othl'rS assumes conflicting posit ions. "\Vhen it comes to doing something about the crilninal courts and the pri~ons ." 1he Economist editoralized. ''!\'Ir. Nixon seem:'! co shftre a substantial areft or eommon ground with the I i b e r a I reformers.'' It noted that on the one hand I h e ad· ministration chP.mpio ns w1;-c tapinc . no-knock raids and a hard line tov.'ard narcotics but "is curiously reluctant to :>Uµ· port more precise federal l:H\'S to control the possession of auns." An Asian look al the \\lcsl· Northern Euror1e as well as the U.S.-came from critic Takeshi Mur amatsu writing in the Tokyo Ymiuri. When it corn es to sex . I 1c malntained. the United St<J ~s and Northern European c•JUll· tries are ' 'cu I tu r a : I ~· backv.·ard." and Japan shJuld not imitale lhem as some µt..,'- ple have suggested. "I knov.· of no other people ~·ho are as clumsy as lhe Amer icans in dea ling v.·it h not onJv St'X but also all other forTns o! hum;vi desire .. "There is no need to imitate v. hat the Occident is not good at Aftrr all. J apan ha~ l'ultiv ated profo und sex ual v.1.~dom .·• In the Philippines, Hcn;1111 Coostanti no "'rote in I hf' "tanila l11ronl<:le th<it thr proposed S20 ni1ll1on L'S f1of>1.l ;Hr program !or thr Ph1lp- p1ncs in !972 "<;h11u \d br \·1c w<·d not a.~ ;urt but as 11 wea p<.,n tor Ille ro11tinu;-.•ion of Amcri<:an ru le " He added lh<11 the rrrenl\\' announced assista11ce by 1ht r S, Agency lor l11lf•rn;111011:ll De\'eloprnent "1s 1n re11\1ry nol primarily fur us. It 1.~ part nf the gcn rral prORrarn I o chspose or 1\mrr1 c;in surplu~ agricultura l commrxl1!1l'.:; .. If aid for rural 1le1 clup- me nt resulls 1n ~me <an:il1 rise in h\'Lng staodC".rds." Constantino :;isscrted. \flll'fl· can cornpan1e~ wlll be fl,liht tht>re to pocket ihe 1u~11 money." Tlvo Lea rn ~About TV Two J-lunlington B e ;i r h students are attending USC's 15th annual Summer Racl10 1 n d Television Produ<:lio11 Workshop. Th ey ar e Ke nn r lh Btldeman. 2m01 Crow'll Reef Line; and Stephen Bur~ess. HOI Gu.lstrand Circle. Both boys attend Edison High School. The purpose nr 1 h e worka:hop. conducted by USC's telecommunications de par1 · men!, ii to famil iarize hJgh achoo! 1tudent1 with I h e various function s and pro- ductkln faceta of the tleclronic media. ... ___ ·--·•4--·-~ --1 I ~ ,,.,,.. ___ ,\' r >-• .,..~- ii I I I I t 1 I ~ I I I ... ANAHEIM 2636 W. La Palma - 821-8900 -~ - GRAND OPENING HOURS AT BOTH STORES OPEN DAILY 9A~o 9PM SAT. 9 TO 6 SUNDAY 10 'TIL 5 SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE at BOTH STORES! • SPLIT -COWHIDE JACKnS By Levi's* $60 GANT \ SHIRTS '\ $11 Tou c1n feel th11e texl11red 11riping1 llllt 1n1r1v1d lelleri"t on fine 111tiol\1ty. Th•r h1vt 1 ''fT 1111111! look. T1ilored with c1rt ;., "no.iron .. Fortr1I poly1st1r. Tri111 t1p1r1d kdy. Gant Ties from KENINGTON·CAL MADE CAPRI & MALR BRANDS 1•111 l ill1!1I1I1I J:l I :IJ~f)rtlj (•B :JI LEVI'S® DB. KNIT SLACKS THE GRANT BOYS has the largest 1elec· tion in Southern California . All of the s 17 newest stripes ind solid colors. You'll want 1ever1/ pair of the1e ll1 ck1 . Si111 28 to 42. TO $24.00 SEXTANT BELLS WRANGLER AND MILLER WESTERN SHIRTS $695 s7 NEW H1P·HUGGER fit. 100,. pre · shrunk denim p•nts in navy, brown , red ind beige. Sizes 28-38. LEVI'S~ BELL CORDS s9so STYLED RIGHT colors burgundy, navy, beige and brown. N1w colors of gray ind pu rple. All 1i11s. MR. LEVI'S® SLACKS ~ ' fOl THE MATUR£ MAN-Comfort1blt $10 tr1dllion1I 11rlin11 wltk belt loopt. In To 1lr1i1ht let '"d ll1r1 llyl11. Smtrl sot• • $14 id1 t l\d 1tripe1, too . Si111 34 tct 42. STRAIGHT LEG CORDS CAR(fRtt Corduroy !1111 1lw1y' loM1 1r11t N c1u11 il'1 l1,,i·1•. Pick yovr fl't'• erit• col1r ti 1otd. Nit•. choctl1t1 bf•-ind tli"'· Sir11 26-31. $698 WESTERN STYLED , •• for West. erner1 ••• and Permanent Pre11 f1bric1, too. Bold Plaids 11nd so li d colors in 1U sleev1 lengths ind neck sires. ~ * JUST ARRIVED * STETSON HATS $2000 LADIES' and MIN'S BOOTS 60 Styles To Choose Froml ly fry, Acm e, Lidy Acme, Dur1ngo, 0.n Post, Dingo ind Georgi•, Scully. ' ~YOU'LL ENJOY GETTING BOOTED AT THE GRANT BOYSI '---.. ,,... ~ \ COSTA MESA 1750 Newport Blvd. 646-1696 SAN OJfGO rwv. Jl.ARBOP. BlVO )(' lff 'NPORT F1.'/Y ·THE 1 tlEVIPORT AVE • (~GRANT '?11, BOYS Sr USE YOUR CREDIT AT GRANT1 S! * BANKAMERICARD *MASTER CHARGE HANG· TEN TEE-SHIRTS Stock up now on the wide 1eleelion of n1rrow 1tripe1, wide 1tripe1. tnd w id t r 1trip11. All 1ize1! H1n9 Ten link To pi Hing Ten Trunks, from $8.00 Hing Ten Towels ..... $5.00 Boy1' Hing Ten Shirt1 $5.SO LEVI'S® FOR GA LS Low Cut & Western Levi 's® Cords l!tit t . n1vy, •Cl~. burgun- dy, •nd pt1ch. Silts S 11 16. Levi's ® Denims s9 N•'Tt llt1 blu1, whit•. t111 1nd ~urg11ndy. Sl1t• 5 M 16. POPCORN BLOUS~S ly langtry sa Up HEWLETT KNITS COlLECTION ef 111 1tyl1l ind n t w color1. Sl111 S-M·L Taps •..•• $10 .... ----. :\ \ \ --·..-· ___ ... -· WHMsdi1, July 21, 1971 ANAHEIM 2636 W. la Palma 821 .. 8900 GUHO OPINING HOURS AT IOTH STORES OPEN DAILY SAT. 9 TO 6 SUNDAY JO 11L S SALE PRICES EFFECTIV ,\ I' I ? :1 "ROD LAVER" RACQUETS :i.mold s399s On• •I th• fin111 (On1trucltd r1cqu1!1 on ti!. m1rk1t tod1y , , , "1u1r1ntttd" to im- pr••• your 111mtl GRAND OPENING SPECIALS! PENN. HfAVT DUTT $ J 88 Whitt 1111. $,l.25 . . PENN. TfllOW $ J 98 Re1ul1rly $J.SO .•... SPALDING $229 Fluenkent, fuchhl1 . , ~EE GRANT'S FOR A COMPlETE S!lECTION OF All OF THl NEW COlEMAN TENTS! 1 O'x8' "HOLIDAY" o~:~:G s49aa $~!G95 IPIClll! COllMAN'S compact Holiday ftnt that will ....... ., t111p 1 family of four. Vlnyt coattd nylon floor 1. with reinforctd rapt th•t k1tp1 moisture out. at BOTH STORES! GUND OPINING SPICIAU MfAVT DUTT booh 'll'lth •lbr1n 101t , paddtd 1p1td l1c11. (xc1ptlo111I ~ualily. Jumbo 111ln91. Slits 7·12. •199s COIUllfl tJOC~ Of IUIMAlll tNO llOJlll!t& 10(11•!; IOOTt Al 'IU.NI t0,11 REG. $89.95 Tht ntw family 1tnl for th1t growing f1mily. Nylon screentd wlndow1~4-w1y ventltation. Out1id1 fr•mt of aluminum polts for fa11 and simple erection. ·COSTA '4ESA 1750 N1wpo11 llvd. 646 .. 1696 ' :. HAR BOit !l VD SAf/ 0fEGO FWY. )f NfWPORT FWY ·THE • ( ~GRANT ,,,h BOYS ,, 1 NfWPORT AVE USE YOUR CREDIT AT GRANT'S * BANKAMIRICARD * MASTER CHARGE GRANT 'S HAS THE LARGEST SILECTION I r OF COLEMAN SLEEPING BAGS ••• ANYWHERE I Full 1111 bag with rwgj•d 011t1r covtr ind w•rm fl1nntl lnlng. Air m1ttr111 pockets and full 1/pp1r- m1k11 Into doublt bag. ,\ ·~ .I Gslo'ii I I ' \, K• SAii High Standard flit• 1ng ,69 .. \l OA ~u•ll' lhtti~~. ttttiih ti $ff.I$ * RELOADING CENTER * Chl11td Shot ptr 100 lb1. $22.00 Wtmlnoton ' 70 $9 oo Shottun him tr•, ptr 1000, reg. 1 S. S 'oo Wlflt, ,lttol Prltntn, 1000, ''I· l .6S $ . -~--.... -.. J -•> -J ';Ji --... ~ ,.',"'-"--.. -.... • ii I I -·-· REG. $129.95 Kon Vont•rl USGA Solld Stat• GOLF BALLS $179 P1ck1t• Of 4 ltll • "FIREBALL" Pk1. '"· f 191 cut.proof WILSON ~lndHtrUClt". 99c '"•· ., J .....••• '14'5 2-Nn (400 Ill.) $29.fS 4·rnt11 AISO 111.J "49.tS ....,.· .. 0000 1•.) 169.95 ·-----. r •179 ALL VINYL Tht C1rnp1r , .. $J.ll Tht V1c1tltn•r S7 .tS Tht Gr1n1dl1r $1.fS Utlllty Doulllt .$9,95 ltt1t111 $9.95 ')• . ' .. ,-· HO. $16.U 12411 WASHA1l£ ICING Sill flllt4 with 4-1•1. ti Ot~ro,.-II. Ctlorfttf, prHllru111t. LANTERN $1088 MODIL JOO.I GAANT'S 11 Or1n1• County's onl'f offlcl•I Cof1m1n appllanc• rtpalr 1t1tlon. Wt flx 'tml -- O.llL' l'!LOT H \\NIMAl..;c ,,_ Red Poet Eulogizes 'Satchmo' i\10SCOW 1 AP) --~\'iel poe1 Yevgeny Yevtushenko h.'.ls comme1norated the death of jazzman Louis Arffi..'ltrong with a poem extoll ing him as a descendanl from slavery who enslaved the world wltb his art. The poem. "The Trumpet ef Armstrong," was published Sund a y in Ko~mlskaya Pravda, the ~wirpaptr of the Youth Leai\le. Armstrong , who di ed J1.1Jy «. had never visiltd the Soviet Cnion, but his l'i'ork L!I well known to rnany Russians. There is a constant demand for his reeords and on the nourishing black market 111 Arm•trong dl.,c sel\1 for a!I" much as 50 rubles -SSS.SO al lhe official rate. Komsomlskaya Pr a 1• d a printed the poem in Full : (:rrat Satchmo was In a sweat Nia11ara was fall ing from his forehead, but. raised to the heights. his trumpet was rear· in~ and straining . He v.•as trumpeting for !he world all he loved lo do. Hr hall been stolen from th e v.·ortd by a grave. but stil l before his birth he \vas stolen from hill dear Africa. The hidden revenge of 1 sl 11ve for the slave chains cf his prede~ssors. His trumpet was capt'Jtin,;. P.veryone to !lavcry as kids, \Vith the "'hites of his eye1 he "'as gleaming mournlu1ly, Trumpeting and bawling globally, - Former orphan hou11e kid from the city of New Orleans. Great S.atchmo wa s in a sweat and hill nostrils were smoking cannoo muzzle.. And hlll teeth \vere dancinr in his moulh. As 32 "'hile searchllihls. And his sweal was ., natural. As if a beautiful mighty hip- popotamus, Puffing. -came eot of an African river. Tapping noles with his heel He was lhrow in g handkerchief af t er h11.ndktrC'hief To the open maw of the piano. And again lo the microphone be "'as going, Workin g the st111e till it \\'as crackling, A11d el!rh handkerchief v.·11s heal"_v as !he banner of -rt 1.!l heavy The art lfi rather far from a mi~s whosf' name is pose, And 1f it is not tasy for art, it does no t shy away from sweat. Art t.~ not the charm of a glib talker, But !hf' rraric labor of 1 trumpeter Full of awkward movements, A trumptter "'ho9e mwlc is emitted with pieces of his lungs. Art is exchanged But let it be not •s its maln tuk- A poet and a treat juzman Are equal brothers In production. Ye!, laurl'Js of jsumen are: heavy. Their trumpets, 1illlillf to the world.- As tr part or their own suts. And «t>ld it Mly tor mow. S11tchmo, wUI YtlU set into paradise? Hardly. bul ir you manage it, be younr again and play, Shake the ttalm tf !he ange:J~. And !Kl that thHe in Hell wou ld not cemplaln and to i~ vigor11le the lift fl( 9lnnen Give the trumpet • r Archangel 0 1 br I t I W Armstrong. THE BEST Rtlldl"rthlp p n 111 prove "Pt1.nut.s" Is one of lhf! world'• mOlt pt1pular tt1mlc stripf. R'1d It dtily In tM DAILY PILOT • • .. •• • I ' ·- ' I I I ( 1 -· - Jf OAllV ~llOT . Uni .High Hono~ Top Pupils Uialventty Hip S c b o o I , Untn,r:slty P'rk, . has named 20l., ninth, tenth and eJevenlh criije ftudenl! to the second ~ter honor roll. PHty-tlglit students were ricogniied for having gradr pojd\ 1.ver1.ge11 ranging rrom 3.25· t.o 3.49 while 143 were named to the high honors list for averages ranging bet'.l•een .. 3,5 and 4.0. ''The honor students arr : NINTH GRADE Karin Brennan, Silvi:i Cor- rea. Kim i)av1s. Michele Di' Lacey, Annette Fisher. Leslie Fletche r, AliciH Hin· Ion. Ted Laurvik , Carol Limbert, Lynn Martin. Bonnie Mink , Carol Poh , Thomas Roberts, Elizabeth Savage, Paul Simon. Gary Smoke, Jill Snyder, Sandra Stowe, Mark Thomas. Elwood Thomp~on. Charles Walker and Curtis White. TENTH GRADE John D'An nun1.io, Lin d a Fobe l. Sandra Gooch. Ph ilip Hancock , Sandi Holland, Tim Igoe, Chem Keefas. Mark Kenney. Randy Lacy, Nancy Lasater. Ru bf'n Ma nrique1,, N o e I r.1enad ier. Steve Robinson. Suzanne Sterelle. EI z i n e Strutt. Jeffrey Styers. Miehael Tashjian and Steve Wiggs. ELEVENTH GRA DE Fred Cappello. S t e p h e n Casey. John Ca wley, And rea Coleman. Grant Collins, Mary Cox, James Davis. Michele Duffy, Sheryl Fulton. Sandra Lehrer. Diana Atitchell. J am es P c!· lit. Ron Ragusa. S u s an Redside. William Ri d d I e Sheryl Riehl, Mary \.\.'ilt ian1~ and Therese Wintercorn. Students listed as having earned high honors are: NINTH GRAOI °'"bi• Aikin•. LAU1'~ B••hot, O•I• l!ll•<k, (hrl•Un• Bo••. Je" g,.n,on. ~•It• Canttno. An~e•• C••luccl, Jt mt• c...-ver, Dobr• D•v,., l'"'<>thv Davi•. Ran~v De L"'•P. Dinn Dlckln•on ;.,. t v Dvke, GwPrnlo'>n" f au.r•, John .CO .it••, John H•r<h, Ka1nv H•<thnl, St•on•n H•veri. Jov Hlrora, 11.tuolo l•I••· Tim Jolm•. llanav Johnson, Julia H•hrl•, Jeonn• Keller, Det>Cr~n K;e.--ltln, :;eorll"! Lona. Holl-c~ L>On, J•rne- Mohal!Pv, John Mt\/k on, (hri••onnt r Metromon Joannt D•••on. Pon y Oleta, Kalh•vn P~rr~. Cvnlhla Panerso.,, Ch•••n , ... ,, .. L•~•• Plcclutro, Jam•• Pylonl M•Q(la R•in.,1, MIC11a~I ll!Kl•n•on. Aoroi .s1....,ot1. Coralyn 'T •eole. Oel>Oflh Tlt tnev. An!onlo Trul•!lo, !!••~••• y0.,, Barr• Wel .. n!>l',t , M•tv W1erenoo Ind O•niel Win-ler, TE!>ITH GR.I.DI Du•«• Bale•, 0 1vr Beckm••t' Low••!"'• Bdto•. Tt"Y RIO<k. 5u••1i B""""''"" Mo!lhew fl r•nnr r, Ev• B-.wer. J•rw• (•rr, lvndl1 Cha<ran<t , Ktt1• (on· ntr>. Ern,.tlno (or<•o, lnom•• Do<loe. l tfrY Du!!y, J•m•• OV~•. B'orn Frlana,,<lltr, Llnao Garv, ll••n• Giv•n, O••ld Holli•. Jo•eon Huevv. Pl!'Oov Hu!<n»on. LO"•ine John>0n. l!ickv John•cn, t:~l •. Ken'lf(lv. Pnltl~ Kong, Bre"1 5uit n l •r>Vll•, R""" Lfwh, B•'""'" L'Heur•u•. Mich••! M•llnl~, ~Ancy M"raen, Mtr~ Olten, W•vM O•butn, Gail Pom•ro¥, Oebotth Pon" '-l•rlAnt l!•nc•, C.••v Rl<llf1tDwn. C•T~rr lne ~·adi., J~nn 5U>••f1et. '-r•r'fll•• knmrlnQ.,, "'""'' ~tnu"~"· l'•!lh Slnu111, l •r>c• 5'DPO•n•. Sh•ll• So•••. Pa'<lr•• S••lnt>e,G, Kin; ~•eOnn<n. Donn• T&ylot, J•ne• Toaa. G••nn T<t<ro>d (h•rl•nn W•il•rs I LI VE"ITH Gl!.1.0 £ P•11v ,lndr e .. , Di•n• Ba•awin, """' 8orboor. B••"<I• Bor~. Sori Brr"""• (ind> Ch&!•, l!Ob'<! Dov.,, M~r~ Envl i!h, Oli nt Enould•no•. (Vn!n,o Et lo1. £rne•t G••'"· B«t>•ro h tt0r•vi!ch, Je•n G'•h•m, Bren• Gov•• Jt rr• Holl, Che•VI Horrl\. Wllli•m H.,,.u, t au" He'b''"'· J•"• Holmb>fg, Oebt• John•on. Arny Joll•. J~>e• ~·~•I• 5hel1• K•tthen T•• K<ene)-.. Pob 1n L••nG. Deonn l •tn.,cn. """'"" L'H•ur•u" D••nn~ ~·••Ii<~•'· M•u•t en M<GUIO•n, To'" M••Tt B•u<o M«o, (•rol 1,1,oroo') """"''" ""~"''"· L•n~• "l•c~~·· l ••nn Ql••n Edw•r~ ~·•nl , Tno"'"' S•~•r, JQ~n ~;',1,~'.'"' J•ffr~v Tnomo•~"' fl•n• Irv· O•V•d """'" "'""' )~On \/ornnn """' w,•••no• '""" Vl>'•on •od JloMrll WOO<l(O(•, Harrin1an Talk Set In Countv •' Ambassador at lar~r Avcrrll Harriman \\'ill d is c u s~ "America and Ru ssi a In a Changing World" !onighl al ;i World Affairs Co11nril of Orange County d11111er meel1ni.: sc~duled for 7: 30 p m. at the Saddleback Jnn. Santa Ana Harriman, a forn1er am. bassador to the Soviet rn1(\n and unl it recentl y the hea d of the United State.~ deleJ,lation at the Paris peace t:ilks with North Vietnam. is cxpt>clrd to discuss Russian react'1on tn President Richard Nixon 's proposed visit to Red Chin::i 11'e veteran diplomat. who has served under f i \' e presidenls. is also expected 10 discuss the statu..~ of this na· lion'• nuclear tesl ba n treatv with Russia. He "·a~ 1he United Sti'l tes· rep re~enative at the talks "'hich led to the pact. TAKE THE NEWS QUIZ Wa Dare You ... Every Saturday Wedprsday, July 21, lt'J71 HAVE YOU VISITED OUR NEW STORE AT: 30222 Crown Valley Parkway and Hillhurst in Laguna • $J 29 Sayelle Acrylic :rop9. Knitting Yarn ;I 4 01. 4 Ply Skein Du Pa"! yarn ;,. ••'tullfcut · acryli<. Ne••r n••do ble>ck- 1· ing. MoThpraol, "'achin• ~ wo1h.o bl• & d ryab le. ;s..,. • •on'1 moll p<>pular w lan. !iMade to Sell for $5 98 Burt lacharach, lvrt lacharoch Bloo~ Swtat & THn, Blood, Sw.at & Jean 4 retha Fra11kll11, Aretha l ive at Fillmore w1111 · rank Sinati-a, Sinatra & Company ·Jo11i Mitchell, Blue Stephen Stills, Stephen Still1 2 Oceon, Put Your HaMd in the Hand Rod Stewart, Every Picture Tell1 A Story· Graham Nash, Groham Na•h -Ct1rtis Mayfield, live Rart Earth, One World DooN, L.A. Woman" Here Are 4 ··More Top Sellers • ·~ .. 4y Merrill.-.Steel Guih.rCou11hy $491 • l111k Wror -t1nk W•ay Made lo Sell $3.98-$4.98 Major Label • Artie Johft10111-Your On Tho Ai• s2aa • Homilto11, Jot Fra11k & •tr11old1-Valutl Hom<ltan, Jo• Fron~ & R•y,.oldil • Select Group , 1 , Albums Stereo Albuml ' '~ F•:.,~~~~~~1T11 Sell for $4.98 & $5.98 Mono & Stereo Albums •Y F•m•••Artists $ 1 ·57 •; $!.98-$4-91 ·latJ you l no,.. ""ho! <lote if k ot a •g lance. SwiH mov•mant •••. choi<• of expon1ion bo"d ar· leo!h•r •trop. Quoljly m<>dt by M"r(e l'. ~ully gvcronfffd. Havoline Motor Oil $)29 Norelco Flashcubes J Pack of 3 3 Q1s.SJ for 77c 20.or30Wt. ~ 4G' Mallory Batteries Pac~31· of 2 ~ '0' or 'C' Si1t1 25°/o Off Eweryday Low Price! Plumbing Needs • l9c Rub~tr T11"k Ball witlr. Rod ,. .... 67c • J 9c fauctl W111her11 Scrtw1 ........ 19c • Sl.19 Rtpt1ir ll it ...................... 19c • S 1.9& Showtr Htod ................. Sl .49 • 79c s·• Rubbtr forct Cup ............. 59c • Sl. 19 15., Drank Drai11 Au!ltr •••.. $1 .64 • 6'9c Spr1J 'N Strtllm foucet .......... Slc A p]v..,hi"ll lo~I far o l,.,..11 every need for th• .Jo.i1.you .. elf•t. s1 29.SJ 59 Libbey Tumbler Sets : !l:l!:ls'\I; !f. 10 °'·Pack of 4 ~mort "Bou· SA VE soc NO PURCHASE NECESSARY GET YOUR DISCOUNT TICKETS AT THRIFTY AN1~~AL Home & Garden Show Anaheim Convention Center JULY 30-AUG. 8th 87< j -Choo .. froM tt.. ,M.,....,1 &. l'<>PG', 1, ... l 2 ~ $100 Al Hu1, l ill C0>b~ Th• 60G1!a1 ond • .,. J a I' Enlorg• your tltCOrd r;. br<>ry ol G fm(fjo<1 of the ori i.,oJ Pr'':;';,' ==# $J95 Wall-to-Wall W id• 1ele<1 ian ef m· · 01 uoli~ion<y .S•ftn!ly 1 t p ri"" in eofton Mu1li n. •2•36". • • • S4.91 A11a111ttt Polyo1tor .... ra1ow• ................. 2for$1.11 Chat11lo•• wlill Flt1'81 Patl ••• , 1•11 Wit.fl• 1" of .. Mi"u"' t•bf~I mi' f,,;_, !hie~ flotal p ri•ted • • be• pod. , .. iti-adj .. 1- _,,, f•r reol ....... ,.,. u111fort. L1111H•IMIW lar4uTHls • $1 ...... . • $1.1' "•• '"' $J44 Ch•lc• r .... ~ 11"1 w'l•h p•liohed hordwa•d ..... di ... Curtain So.le $J 79 Price ., C1>..,plth1 ""ith vol- . <1 nce . 30 ;.,ch ti••· Choic e of ca!cA. ly.,, 79c ... f' '11,:i1~1ar tw;n f;11.c1 -..:< vinyl "'°"'..,' cov- • .,, 111 q uality, duo\ & .... a+••prool. '24" ,,,..1 2 Burner Coleman Stove '1 4' Yalu1I 30 Quart Ptlyk1Ch11t 77c rr111etitoll)' """ loreoWbt. 0..1~· • COM ~l>•al W;th "'oldad ho,.•fl•• far .o•y «o"Y'"ll• lo19• foMily oire. Key of Kentucky Blinded Whiskey Gf"NfM'1JOi" 01Tltntty'1..,.ry· $299 doy klw price el $3.19 -,,_ Flfft p•icocl ..,.,. 1-r for • tirotlted 1111"" ·-· ~.; --· -~ ~ -_.,,..;i: -----:-7.-fc"uo• • --·~ . , -' .... ~. • --..-.---.. ••. 1~~ -·•,t: mr,., > -· _ _. ,,, -· , ... ,... -·-·...::.~ ~+-1-. ~. -..,,,.~ I--·~ .. .. ~'J.._._ . '~-- PJLOT-AOVERTISER .f CO•TA MflA -UM 1t1<Mr IM 11 WUMll ii . COSTA MEIA -llt I . 11tll 11. MUHT tNl fON l(,\CJI -lteCll e9lll ltl ... .,. •-. MVNTINOTON ll"ACH -W••-111111 l lfl"tlllll MUNT tJIGTON llACM -.. I Ml"'' fl lf'MllhlrM - $3 50 Value! Men's Acrylic Knit Sport Shirts ·' I Sm<>rl >!riped 11'ylH in tho seaoon'o ,.,o•I ""onted co- lors. Fvll lo1hioned for fine fit a"d comp let• co- fort. Full cvl 1;re1 S·M·~ XL Neally loilored. ,.;,,,. ly detoiled • , • SI"'"' buy1I Women's Knit ~ 2 Piece ' Pants Sets Mock !urtle ar craw neck sloort• 1laav• tlriped tops in an""'')" co•• bland Qf .SO% polyft!er & ~·A. nylon. Top•.,....rsolid h..,!her lone flor• ponh in G1ey, Blu•. Liloc & Brown • full cu!,;, .. 8 !<> 11 far 1h• tlylt conoc iou1. Or.at Vc!ue•I ~~·'fJ'J~-....- Compar• to Other• ot Sl.4'!. Lady Wilshire . fst Quality Panty Hose fvt'rycf1y DllcOvnt Prlc1 $1.49 . s.o ... le .. •lletch .. ylon pon•y .\ ho1• !hot Iii flowlanly /tam top ' );' !a lot . 1,, popular .Sun1pice. \ .\ .Si••• .S·M·Long·X Lang. Mirror Trays ~ • 91/:u:ll" Recto11glt1 f:~ $2" Easy Cart ,.>,M.t.'~ Infants' Sets • 9xl 1+4" Ovol1 y.,, $249 Choic1 Ncn·..,1ni1h 1pun goldto"• me!o!, "'°rprool Feet. Full Year's Supply of 365 Rybutol Iron Plus Multiple Vitamin~ with lroa ······ell' Si it Cherk1 penpira on,• op•. I ~~ -·--- -..... -l--.......... -...... ~ .. -·~ ..... -. -·---• > • . :-: . . WedntsdaJ, July 21, 1971 DAIL V PILOT tz:-. Al ston May Pull Parl{er ' As Sta1~ter CINCINNATI IAPl -The next time Rtdll pitcher DQn Gullett stt!i Dodger Richie Allen stomp to the plate he may quic.i.Jy lllip on a football helmet and ex- extra paddini;: Allen smashed a vicious [ill('t right at Gulletl's face 1n thf' seventh inning Tues- day. The shol !ore off the young pitcher's glove and the ball landed behind him. "I sa1\' it cnm1nR." tw s;iid. ''All I kno\\' i.~ I Md n1y glovp up next to my head. I dnn'I know 1f it would have hit me between lhe eves.'' Bread, Water Beat Luxury--Zatopek • Triple Gold Medalist Now Pr aises Com1nun is m PRAGL'E t AP) -Emil Zalopek, the earlier had been upelled from the party gestions In our appe.aJ ,had been Im· great Czech long-distance runner or the and the anny and lost his job as a sports p\emented , It would havt resulted In a early 19:)()s, said Tuesday he would rather cata5t~he." I coach for speaking out agalnst the Soviet· live on "bread and water" under com· ZatQpek said he had no rca50n to o~ munism than In "capitalist luxury." led invasion in 1968. pose the present. gove.rnfl1ent because the Zatnprk, winner of three Olympic gold On his political a ttitudes in IDM-1969 he situation was "more <ialm and cert.aln medals in 1948 and 1952. told the Com· said: "I am sorry that I was like one of than before." adding: 1 ~ ·I ' munist Party daily newspaper Rude those wild people who poured nil on the "Nn one is persecuting me. for my Pravo that recent British press repom names which could endanger the soc:iailst former opinions. I have ttld sufficient op- he was dissatisfied with events in world." portunity to see where I might have been Czechoslovakia were .. fabrications ." He said that when he opposed the 1968 right and where I was wrong, so wh)' Zatopek: was ousted from his post in the action, he had no Illusions that he was should I oppose this redime~·· Central Cqmmittee of the Physical doing something worthy. "After a lapse He said he never feltln danger or being i Training Union last December, and of time I can lmagine th&t If the sug· deprived of his personal freedom. • ~ •.lJ!:atfl!"l~"'.:.~Yt U "..lff__..,.3 · '< •"!Si••n.,. -"J!f?' ,\I. 4S't >Mi*k i il'Cfe$ ·~~tst: • ~ '¢'.....,,_ .. ....-.. \- ' .. (_ . .. • ·• .. ~ ' EM IL ZATOPEK Gloveless. Gullett picked up the ball and threw Allen ouL Gullell said he felt he ~aved his own life with the instinctive move. Allen didn't have much to say. But neilher dld many of lhP other Dodgers as the Reds ron1pcd rn a 7-1 v1c1ory. Gullell got the win , brini;ing hi5 record to 10-J and Don Sutton, 9-9, v.·a~ battered !o the showers in !he seven1h. Garrett to Inl{; Dallas' Thomas Says He'll Quit Angels 10-4 on Current Streal{ About the only Dodger giving for!h con. versation was mana~er Walter AJs1nn. who in1plied !hat fir.~t basenian Wes Parker may sit on the bench tonight when Los Angeles anrl Cincinnati meet here again. The game il> on KFI al 5. "J-Ie ju.o;t hasn·t been the aggressive hit- ter that he wa s lasL year .... he·s too ).·oung lo be tired," Als1on sairl. Parker's a\'erage remains a respec· table .284. but he has driven in only !wn runs in July, only one of them since Ju!y •• In the series opener Tursday. Parker flied out With the bases loaded in the ninth and left a total of four runners on base as he wrnt hitless against Gullett and Clay Carroll. Cl~CINH~TI •b r lo tlll .. ' . ~' w.11., ~ • • • • 1!01•, " • • ' ' MO!•. " • ' ' CAl!>I>. " ' • • • W O~v<i, " • ' • 8'A<l(Ord, " , • " • ,'.!rAllt,., lb • ' • L ~~v. " • • • • PA'~''· lb • • • • T t rt1, " ' ' ' • V•l•~tih•, ,, , • • • (O<ic•rx•on, Jb C ' • • 8ur.Wnt•. p~ ' " " • P. ...... h. ' • ' ' , !'tr;u•On. , ' • • • F'o•'t •. " ' ' " C••w•or<!. " ' " • • ""'"'~· '" ' ' ' AV'ltll, ?b ' ' ' • Wl>Odworrl, " • , ' ' .!.unon. ' ' • " " (,~llo,,, • ' • ' • s .. "'"· • • • • • CortOll . • • • • • O•rV1dh, ph ' • • " .!.lro~ltr, • • • • • To••I• " , ' ' Totot• " , " , '~ ~n9tle. ""' M• ..,_, Cinc1n.,~!< 000 >OO ~1~ -I " ' • .. .. , . .!.uflo" (L.9·1) • • • • ' • B•.,.,..e• ' ' • • • , ltro~I .. ' ' , ' ' • .. ,, .. /W.lf.l\ ' ' ' ' ' • ca .. n11 ' ' • • • • w• -'"~"1,. T im~ -1·11 ""-•~<• -10,111 .. GOR!l'I AN U VS T ED JN TENNI S CL ASSI C \VINSTO~-SALEM. N.C. -No. 2-seed· ed 'l'nm Gorman of Seattle lost by default to Zan Guerry ()f Lookout Mountain, Tenn .. while South Africa·s eighth·seed- ed Ray 1\1oore was upset by Bryan \rQt- tfried. 2-6, 6-3, &.4 Tuesday in second round singles play al the $25,000 Tangleowood tennis classic. In other second round fli~hlighls, .Jim Connors beat .Jim Osbnrne, 7-5. 6-2: 'i'ugosl;ivia's Zeljko Franulovic dumped South Africa '5 Pal Cramer, 7-~. 11-3 : and Erik Van Dillen stopped Eddie Dibhs. 6-3, 1-n. 6-0. I (. I -~ .T JOHN, RAUCH • ' Running back Mike Garrell has reach- l'd an agreement with lhe San Diego Chargers and will sign wilh the National football League club "as soon as we can ,[>;el everyone together," his attorney says. "We've come to agrefmcnl and hope lo get htike into camp shortly," the altorney said Tuesday. He said Garrett would llign a three.year contract but did not disclose any figurell. Chargers coach Sid Gillman has sel a 6 a.m. deadline Friday for GaL'Tett and twn other players -running back Dick Post and defensive tackle Ro n Billingsley -to report tn training ramp here nr else be put on reserve and become ineligible for the 1971 season. e Thonuu llpscl DALLAS -Duane Thom21s, I.he holdout halfback of the Dallas Cnwboys. said Tuesday night .. r don"l think I will play football anymore . "Football is not i1nportant at all. 1t"s not. a way of life." Thomai; said. Thomas signed a three-year contract l'.'i!.h the Cowboys but was named Na- tional Football League offensive rookie of the year in 1970. He he.!. sought to renegotiate his contract Thomas. a former star a! West Texas Slate. said the Cnwboys were tryin~ tn "Put the Super Bowl 11:ame off on me.'' Thomas fumbled at the goalline in the 1'- !3 loss to Baltimore. "They ~the Cowboys I want mt' lo win everything," Thoma~ said. "Then Ibey nught to pay me. Taxes are eating people up.·· e Ron• Quit• Veteran linebacker Doug Woodlief. out all of the 1970 season with 1 knee pn>- bJem, informed Los Angeles Ramlli coac• Tommy Prothro on Tuesday that he was relirint: from prn football. · \"'"oodlief. a six·year pro veterRn from l\\cmphi~ State, suffered the knee injurx in the January 1!170 Playoff Bowl g11me and underwent surgery. The knee did not resJXlnd to therapy. RunninR back Willie Ellison. one of the rour Rams remaining unsigned. reported lo camp and took part in the drills. HARVEY JOHNSON Jok1iso1a for Hauch Bills Coaching Change NIAGARA FALLS. S.Y. IAP l -It was ;in inst.ant replay for rormer Buffalo Bills executivt Harvey Johnson -nrw head coach nf the National fo'ootball League tum. · Thrre yr.llrli 11.go he was yankecl from the front office to take over lll'i coach of 11 major league football te11m. as he v.'as Tuesday night. ,John.sori, r,ecenlly turned 52, was tapped by owner Ralph C. Wiison Jr., ID bf'- comP. head caech o( the National F'ootball League Buffalo Bills. In 1968.i flt got 11 similar call when Wilson fired Joe Collier after Buffalo lost 'ilJI first thrttgatne3. J<ihnsot11 v.cas . chosen . Tuesday ln succttd John Raur.h who suddenly resigned because it "will be best for me and the Bills organlzaUon." Allhough Rauch declined to u.y why he quit, Wibon aaid Rauch'• 1oc11I le.le.. vision appearance July II in which Rauch crilici.ud former defensivt end Ron Mc0olf': and tet;itfli 1punter Paul l-t11guire appeared to be the prihcipal rea!OO. On lhe f)rogram, Raiich asserted that McOole, since traded to tht Washington Redskin~. did not "mee.t ~y sandlrd!ii or ~·inning·• and IJ\al Maguirt was "the clown of the team.·• , • 1 "Magutre was more lntert!IA!d In how to gel oul ol work than how to play root. ball," Rauch fiaid on the program .. Will'oOO sakl In 1 staLe'!Jenl he intended to comt ,to t~ _aid ?f McDole .11nd Maguire. The Bills' nwner ~1d. lOO. he rtgrelled RJiuch s dec:1s1on s1nct "I respect hi~ foolball knowledge aind w\Jl!ngness the la111 two yearH to lry and build with yowig player~. "It has heen difficull fnr him and I woold hllvt like<l t.o have 3'!Cn him thrQUgh :t ~l('("ell"'1u! ronclu:1ion," Wil80n seld Ravch declined to eKp11nd on his rl<'C111ion lo quit !~ Bil1:1. A• to his.future, he Wd only "I would Uke to sl.aJ in professional football." .. _._ ·-... ~ "..... -· -,, ...... r~ . ----- THE ANGELS' SYD O'BRIEN TAGS OUT DETRO IT'S AURELIO RODRIGUEZ ON STEAL ATTEMPT . World Tennis Flash Roy Emerson Is Still A Country Boy at Heart Roy •Jtl has done: m o ll t everylhin~ a lcnni!ii player cnuld hope to accomplish. He's v.·on Wimbledon twice, \Yall on eight Australian Davis Cup cham- pionship teams. He was 1he top ranked tenni~ player in the world ( 1964 1. And when he signed a profe!iis1onal c:on- lracl. with George MacCall three ycar!ii <1J:n he had realized anothrr lonJ: !'l."lndini: ambilinn. Nnw he·s in !he: 1'IX-d1g1t in· come bracket and ha.~ tht> prestige or being one nr the world ~real.~ Yet did it ever nccur tn }nil rhat v.·h1le he enjoys status as one nf 1he 10p fiv e or !Pn player.o; in the \vorld. hf? 1~ not even 1he No. 1 man in the community "·here hr: lives -Newport Beach~ That dislinc11on ~oes to anolt1er native Au!'isie -Rod La\·er. Maddenini;~ Likely II \\'nulrl be lo many. But to easy go ing Roy Emerson J1's a simple fact of life 1hat 11ee1n!'l ln eoncern him not one micrngrain. \\'hal does seem to matter most tn Rny is 11) playing and enjoying lf!nni!ii !2) being a devoted family man. Because hP is committed lo playing in 211 pro lour tournament! in addition to whatever open event.~ he may select, his time 1s about aA valuable as the giant piece of frozen real estate we bought from Russia back Jn the 1860s. However. Roy l::merson does lry lo find ti.mt for others ... and that" s one nf the things aboul him that is indeed lm - pre:ssive. Neighbors recall how Emtrson goes out and hils balls with the kids ;iround the block. Recently he made: a gruelling rr!urn night from a tournament in Iran. tryin11t to gel back in time: to accompany his son to an Indian Y-Guide: function. He arrived at home after !he family had already departed -fal.lgued from having fiown haH way around the world. Yet he !iilipped into his Indian durls and dashed off to the barbecue so hi$ son wouldn 'l be disappointed. On the couru, Emerson is no doubt one of the leidln1 clAimants to I.he world'.o; No. 2 ranking. and d6n 't "'Orry about anything else ·· ln other worrls. he doesn't. look at tennis as a job Jnstearl of a sport. "If ynu have compctit1ve i;pir il lhe .~at1sfaclion nf doing something well 1.~ .c;t1ll thcrP. No one likes Lo lose ... you v.·ant 10 Ro out and do your utmos1." Rny would like to .~er playi ng conditions ~1ab1 li1.ed !'n lhe man playing Lhe best trn. nis will win 1he various tournaments. He 'i3}'S ll ghung. surface <'o n d ii 1 o n ~ background and varied !ypes of balls play --=w \VH ITE WAS H ---- GLEH!f Wl41TI ~lf('h a V(1~l part nf)w th11t he can pretl.v 11·eJJ determine who will be the winner of rhe different competition.~. For example, \Vimbledon·~ grass and l11;iht ball are suited for a Laver and John Newcombe. Emersoii has seemed to play some or hix finest tennis against Laver. yel he hasn't beaten his flamt·haired neighbor for a couple of years. "Rod's got that little: extra m his game and perNlnal makeup. He's dedicated, ha,, the right tempennent and is .a hrlluva athlete. ··11e can make the unusual shots and !here is oo shot he can't play. He hits the ball so hard. so often and he can hring off I.he Impossible shots all the time. Ifs m11ddening, but there's nothing you can do." Like Laver, Emerson is now gearing his pace to allo~-, more recovery time hetween tournamenli and to have more time \Yith hi.\ wire and two children. And as he admits, he wnn't be sorry lo someday give away the professional tnur lo take up a pipe and r;lippers routine if something interesting cornea his way. Chargers Ace Threatening Canada Exile SAN DIEGO jAP1 -Dick Post says he doesn"t want to be Lreated like "a bushel of vegetables" 11ny more. He wants lhe San Diego Chargers to nrgoliate so he cii:n play footbal! this year with a con- tract. "They haven't made a sincere offer.'' said Post Tuesdav at a news conference. Hi s l;iw.vcr. Charles Goldberg, said Post "'as a top running back and the of- fer the Chargers made was simply meant fn fnrcP. Pnst to walk out of camp - " hich he dlrl "This situation t.o; l1 kP a farmer v.·ho hs~ only one markPt to sell his vegetables {Q." said Goldhe r~ "The farmer cnmr s to .!.I'll ;ind the market. owner savs 'lrt mP 1::islP all nt !ho ve izrtahlrs nnrl thrn 1'111!'.'!1 you what f"m w illin~ tn p:iy · No w we just don't thi\'ik th:1t's lair " Post /ia1rl hr: 1s "illing t.ri p!ay for the Ch11rgers this SC'.1Snn without a contract and take an automatic 10 percent pay cut. That's known as pla.vint:" out your op- tion, he said , meanini:: he'd then be free to make a deal for himself wilh anothrr club. He said he's even given thoughts to playing in the Canadian League next season. The S.Foot-9 fnur·year veteran had knee surgery last year and played only brieny. But part of the time he spent on the field came after only five weeks ()f recupera· tin" from the nperat\On and Goldberg said "that shows his dedication to tht team." Post was r;ensational as 11 rnokie run· ning back and then signed a three-year contract .,..·hich ran out al the end of last year. "Now I only wanL what any starting running back lri the league deserves," said Post. Swi111min g Record BOLZANO, l taly -Novella CalligariS n1 H;ily set a European record for the women's 400-meter freestyle with a clocking of 4:31.9 at an international swimmin& meet here Wtdnesday. Ca se of Booze Due Reynolds • ··Messersmith It was strictly 11 case of Tommi1 Re;;nolds getting it all together TueldaJ night. .- A journeyman major leaguer fo r tht better part of six seasons, Reynolds hat lived with his future clouded by uni certainty and the threat of banishment U the minors hanging constantly over hit head. Take this spring, for instance. wben lht California Angels, reeking with ri&~t. hand hitting power, dispatched him-tll Salt Lake City. Reynolds is now back in the big tlm11 and he had his most men1orable eve~ Tuesday against the Detroit Tigers . First. he saved Andy Messersm\tb'i ninth win of the season when he leaped hi~h against the bullpen fence in righ; field to take a home run away from Dalton Jones in the seventh lnning . Then he procured the victory for Messersmith with a two-run, two-out dou· ble in the bottom or the eighth inning tt1 saddle. hard·luck Les Cain with his fiftll loss in 10 decisions as California &e0red I 2·0 victory. "fve never had A bigger nlght ln the majors," Reynolds readily admitted aftel his heroics. "And I've never made a bet- ter catch, either," be added with a ge. nu ine ~rin . The Angels have now won 10 o( therl last 14 games and will have the impttur tonight when they meet the Tigers. losers io si)( of their last eight, in a twi·night doubleheader. l\1essersmith. who has permitted on11 two earned runs in his last 25 iMingt 'vhile throwing two shutouts In his la&f three starts. was Jocked in· a sc:oreles1 duel with Cain when he walked Norm Cash with one out in the seventh. Jones followed with A t.nwering drive tn right but Reynolds went to the barrier and boosted himself by planting hit spikes in the chain-link fencing. The extra lift enabled him to reach above the !ence and cradle the ball. "I thought I had a chance but I wasn't sure." Reynolds said. "l just leaped up and there iL was." With two out in the eighth. the: Angel• mounted their winning rally. Ken ?i.1c?i.lullen. hitting in his seventh straight f!'.an1e. and Billy Cowan produced back-to. h11ck singles, sending Reynolds to Ute pl ale. The Angel outfielder laced Cain"• first offerin~ into the. power alley in left center to send home. the only two runs o[ the evrning. "Buy hin1 a drink?'" Messersml1h repeated a reporter's q11esHon. "I may buy him a whole case." He smiled ai>' preciatively in Reynolds' direction . Messersmith threw only 102 pitches in taming the Tigers on three hits -two o.f them by former teammate Aurelio Rndriguez. "That's got to be a record,•• Messersmith said. "I don't remember throwing as few pitches in nine inning• before." Messersmith struck out five and walked three. ··rve said all along that we've had the best pitching in the majon1 but nobody notices when you're l0&ing." Angel manager Lefty Phillips opined. DITllOIT (ALl,01110..t. •llrllrlll ••r~tW Mc•u1111., 2b • o o o &l<J....,,, ni • o 1 o A ll{lddgvu . .lllo • O ) O ll lY•r•. d • 0 1 0 Not!~r\lp, c• • o o o McMvll..,, .-. • 1 I o W.Horton. " I O O O Cow~n. !I J 1 f 0 (&•II. lb I 0 0 0 l!!l•"Y• cf 0 ' • 0 ' 0J('ll'ltfo, II J 0 0 0 l ll•ynold1. l'f • t 1 f "'""'"· c J O O O 5-c~. lb • f 0 ti flrl"~rrlefl, 11 l 0 0 0 MOJtt. C t f 1 9 . C~ln, O 3 0 1 0 O'l!!lrl..,. IJ ) 0 0 ! M,...erimlt/\, 1J l O O lOtll~ O•lrfll! (fl!!O•"I• To!th !1 I 1 , 1. llOflOM000-41 tJOO ooo nx -I LO& -Oelrn•! '· C1llt11'"!1 1. ,. -T. llley. 1111kh. Jll -MM•. lfl -llll•..-1. I" H ll 1111 aa ID (81" IL.J.Jl t 1 ! ! J I Mn11r1ml!lo tW.'-t\ t J 0 a I 4 • Tl.,,. -2;0!, Att ..... OKI -l0"6t, Eve:n al 3S he ii; ont or the fastest playtrs in the game:. It does seem the years have begun to take their toll. "I play much the same way MW as I did when I was 27 and 23," he. says. "ln fact. I'm probably a better tactltian and conserve my energy more now. But my.recuperatlvt pqwtr1 aren't the same," Emerson say:1. ' Cubans i11--S~uffle Follows "If I've had a couple of hard matches in 11 tnurnament I notict I lose a lillle kick fhe neit day." Turning pro ha~n·t noticeably changed E1nr:rson's way of think ing . ··rm still just a country boy from Queen!l!and. ·· he lays. ··Tnt. money 1s nice bul. after awhile you start lhinkin& of playin& tht m.atchea -- • CALI , Colombia cAP J -l::ighty·seven Cubsn 11.lhletes. officiah1 and Journalists ;irrived here Tuesday Jn lhe: midst of t111:ht 3ecurity measures which included the Arrest or at least \$ persons. Arriv ing Wal the first p;ir1 ot thr C\zban delegation t.n the sixlh Pan American Games which open July 30. The Cubans were greeted by nn e.~l1mRtrd 500 persons waving while handkerchiefs and chantin& "Long live • ---· --- Socialist Cuba," and "Cuba yes, Yankees no." The alrporl. had been cordoned off by steel helmeted policemen with long club~ and score.!i of se<'urlty agcnlll. When small groups of student_, c11rrylng Cuban flags and placards readini;t "Farherland or death, we will overcome .. arrived al the airpor!. they were im· n1ed1ately rounded up by the police. This action caused ~cufflea between the police and spectators. . " The government bad tried to keep 11ecrel the Cubans arrival time k> preventi whirl officials described as "e:xcesal"'t aclJ of sympathy." Cuban Olympic Commlltr.t'. Prcside;nt f\tanuel Gonzalez Guerra. who beads the delcic:ation, said he was confident Cuba would take "the second or third p\11ce'"1n~ the games. conceding the first to Q;1e United Statex. • He said that the second place would~ ''th• moral victory" for Cuba. · --..--·--- ·~ ' I • DU.V Pit.OT Dana Point Whiz Is Swiftest of All By PHIL ROSS 01 tM IMll1 l'lltl Stiff Clean machines a r e n ' t generally accepted on a large- scale popularity basis in lhe wide world of drag racing. It'!! a common fact that the more glamorous rides in this many-faceted field of roaring engines. screeching tires and boisterous crowds, are pt1>- vlded by the better-known, supposedly more explosive categories such as funny cars, top fuel and fuel altereds. One person who tends to disagree with this form of rigamarole, though, is Dana Point's Don Enriquez. DON ENRIQUEZ The 30-year-old Los Angeles native admits, ''I have had several top offers to ride fun- ny cars and top fuel dragsters but I just would rather enjoy a safe, very clean r ide with no oil." starting line traction is very good," he says, adding, "once A safe, clean ride to Enri· the cars start laying down quez means piloting h is rubber at OCIR il'll get belter hls racing honors up !& thl1 point with a 3:'19·c:ublc inch engine with a single-speed transmission, although he claims. "this two-speed transmission is really making the difrerence. "For exan1ple, in t h e Supernation.nls 1 at which Enri- quez captured his dlvision ti· tle J, I had a 7.33 elapsed time and went 198 mph by using on· ly high gear. "Now I'm leaving the line v.·ith a 6.25 ratio for low gear and 4.30 for !he final gear and irs the transmission which is turning the trick " In addition to the aforemen· tioned blg combo competition coming up at OCIR, Enriquez; has also receive<! a note frorn a newly-formed group known at the West Coast Jr. Fuel Dragster Association and is hyped up about their int.en- tions. Adams and Enriquez Special there.·• in the junior A fuel category, While Enriquez is behind the IS THE JR. FUEL DRAGSTER WHICH DANA POINT'S DON ENRIQUEZ WILL PILOT AT OCIR'S PDA CHAMPIONSHIPS ''These guys are gelling together and building up a larger field of jr. fuel circuits and are trying to save the class from oblivion," says the Dana Point driver. where he has established himself as the quickest com· wheel on his mostly-successful 281 Toss fu Javelin By Stuart Monarch, Eagle Fives A M petitor ever. runs (only three losses in three rea en years), he credits partner Enn·que• recently tumed a Gene Adams with a Jot of his J • Eli remarkable 7.01 best elapsed good fortune. Olll le time for the all-lime jwtior Enriquez says of h is For any new confederation, the best place to start is at the top. And in jr. fuel racing. that can only mean one thing -te> enlist Don Enriquez in the plans. It's a sure winner. Record Cage Victories SACRAMENTO T W 0 fuel e.t. record while his tn , all h. par er, ·everyone c s 1m Orange Coast area men who previous lopper of 7·30 in last the Engine Wizard because of have stood for weeks in the year's Professional Dragster the tremendously successful top 20 standings of the Association (PDA} meet at engines which he has built California State Men 's Bowl· Orange County Inlernational "He was the first builder to Larry Sluart continued his asSault with the javelin al the ~Mesa Recreation Defartment'a all-comers track an<t field meet at Orange Coaist College Tue.sday. The Santa Ana resident and one-time use athlete hurled the javelin 281-l l lo highlight the open division. Newport Harbor High's Ter- ry Albrillon won his specialty again -the shot put -with a 51).(11{4 effort with the college weight sphere. Jack McQuown captured the open CTOM country event with a 15:51.0 effort while Costa Mesa High's Doug MacLean was a step back (1:>:51.5) to gein first place in the high ICbool division. ll"""'"'•rt £.o -l"orrpt M1lc1+t l :!0.71 C•lllv W•ll ColrtsJ 1:09.0; llllD-l'"or"$f ~1· c11f 2:5J.J; Mii• -Forrt1t MflCflP $:~1J1 Ct "'Y Wltl (glrl1) 7:12.01 100 - ll'llolll I) Al•n J1ck10r1 ll.7 (htel 71 F""'t lf ~Clll 1J4! (htet 1! Ptnn"f Ju.tic• 11.~ fht11 ll C•lh1 w111 u .11 m -(hHI 1 l l'orrtJI Motc111 30 J fl'llolll 21 0 1nnv 011w1"11 3'1.7; ("'" 11 p...,,y Ju1T!c1 -Ill.I !IMltt 1) Prudtnc1 J\lllnc1 U .I. LMO JU"IP -JI"' Mln!fr ll.f !bon) C•lllv Wi ll 10.11 IOlrl1). Ju"lfr Hit~ HH -ltob Plnllt•!Oll I !1 Mill - R11"" s..-"1 ~:I.I l 1 100 -Rob Pint..,.!"" 10.t; UO -G1rv W1ll1c1 17.h llO -JOl'ln P1vlen~o 1:31 l; 170 -llotl P lllktrlon :U.J; LJ -Rl<ll•rd JCllWllOll »t ~ HJ -IC1n (1>11"'!' S-10; '" -IC1nl Murrllo !1-0>o:o; 1J -ICtn ClllYI« :»-J.. Hltll sct>ool HH -Otve "_.11 1.t ; 100 -(htt! 'l Kirk Lt1!1r 10.l (he•! 11 R•v l<Ndlt 10 1 lhetl ll BUI Sch•tt91t 10 11 ~ -Rod B~•hmt Jl.I . llO - Tim Rudi 1 01.•; 770 -Jim McL•I~ '3.JJ Dlscuo -Collmt n 1•1·1; LJ - Rlcll1rd Joltnson 70 j . IU -G..,,.QI K"l J..11 : SP -conmen ~7-1•,; TJ - ltld\ar(I J"""""" 00-1. CC -Oouo Mect.••n IJ·SLJ. .... ~ -O•v• O:u.,11 I •: Mil• -Oon r!I..,,, •·?I I ; 100 -Dtv• """'" 10 1; "'° -Sttvl s"''"'"" JI s. IH (h ... 1 11 Ttr"P'O' Htun J.0.1 lMIT 71 Ol~f Stock'onl! 11 0 (h11! 11 1 111 khfl"91t '5.J1 MO -F'fd Loo~•• 1:19.01 771> -Ki rk Ltlltr 71 l: Miio Walk -Jim 511.,., "° ''"'" J~v•lln -Lorrv ~1u••1 '91-lt; D•1cu• -J""''' l60·t.'1. LJ RfV l(n"'M »-1; HJ -Le• B•r1cn t. JJ IP -r ..-rv Albdtton .so-0•~1 CC - J•CI( McQ._n B ,51.0. Veltr•~• Miit -Wtndtll S"'tt!'I ~: .... 0. Mater Dei and Estancia recorded relative easy wins in the <Asta Mesa Recreation basketball league Tuesday night wilh conquests over Mission Viejo and San Clemente, at Estancia High School. The l\1onarchs of Maler Del, behind a balanced attack, stymied Mission Viejo, 54-35, while the host Estancia Eagles turned the tables on San Clemente. 64-58. In another test Orange drop- ped a 58...W decision to Santa Ana. San Clemente had racked up 105 points against Estancia Monday in Laguna Beach summer play, but Estancia evened lhe score Tuesday with Jts regular starting quintet. Hank Moore, who will be a junior in the fall. led Estan- cia's Eagles wllh 17 points and Lions Triu1nph, 11-3; Monarchs Lose, 10-5 The Seal Beach Lions ig- nited with a pair or five-run innings en route to an 11·3 Police League baseball victory over West Long Beach. Jn other baseball play in· valving Orange Coast area teams, Mater Dei's f\1onarchs were handed a 10-5 setback at the hands of Saddleback in I.he Santa Ana summer league at Memorial Park in Santa Ana. The host Lions were Jed in the hitting department by Kyle Van Amersfort and Brian Slagle, each knocking in three runs. VanA mersfort picked up his lrio or rbi \\"ith a bases-loaded triple in the fourth inning of the Lions' five-inning verdict. Slagle was three-for-three \.\"hile mate Darlow Troxel ad· ded a pair of rbi \.\"ith tv•o safeties. The \.\'in gives the Lions an 8·6 mark. t.later Dei's demise -:aine about when Saddleb.!lck's Greg Ross drove in seven runs with a bases loaded homer and tri· pie. The Monarchs are 3-4-2 and return to Jl,femorial Thursday night al 8·15. Park M1ft r Del fl) .. • ' ' ' ' ' ' • . '" ' ' ' ' . ' Nolor•. '' YoJt, d -!!> Cl lOUI . II s11n1>r1, l!> A"'er1n!~v1, d GreJ<~•. rl Ad•mO, <! MurP"V· p Ti"' Pano. :ti Clouv~. 71> Fr•""'• c Mor•. p Lr~d1 ~n. o Tt11il1 ~•ddlr!>oclo. Mott• Doi 6t""'~o1nn. 71> V1n.t.,.,rr<lofl. n S11cho...-\XI. l!> 6•'"''' ,, r ... ~•'· c s1101e. P IE•~le, I!> W•'"· '' D••'f•, cl Tofi l\ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' • ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ••• ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .1.!0 <I;'('-10 n 1 10101'0 -•ll .. ' • ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • •• ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1' 11 11 10 Scort bv lnn•n11 S""I Ae•ch We>! L""• lt•<ll ' .. JIO !11 -111! 1 ~.IOOO -JJ7 Ba,seball Standings Raceway was the old junior the winners had an IS.point ing Tournament here in the fuel standard. have a lop fuel dragster run advantage at the half. capital city have been joined in lhc six second area (a car Baseball MlTllOPOLITAN llAGUl Others in double figures for in that elite group by yet He's sla ted to be entered in driven by the late John Estancia included Jeff Ford .another area bowler. the combo eliminator divisioo Mulligan in 1966) and the first W L f 01 (14)andBudConfer (IO). Westminster's Kevin Gan-at the 1971 PDA Cham-to have an unblown plus-200 5•n1"-Ru•tl•'• San Clemente made a come--non has moved up lo fourth in pionships July 23-24 at OCIR. mph dragster, too. t:,~:::1°th.~:~~. back try in the second half the standings with l,319 pins Enriquez figures, with a little "As far as the elapsed ~~',~':1°~(:.,~~" • and outscored the hosts by a with Huntington Beach's Bill luck, that he can drop down time is concerned, the only ~~~1~;~""P•~~::~~· ~ . ' . • ' ' ' ' ' ' dozen, but it wasn't enough to Ladd dropping to 20th at 1.226, into the magic six-second thing Gene has done dif-L• Fond• .JS~ftd•v'• 5~ 0 .. : ' ,., ,,, ' ' , .. ' offset the hu"e ha If time At the same time . circle. ferently to improve it is to put Ru•t1 ... ~. Doi" 1 e " (.h•rger!/, HusTl•fl 7 !10 Inning !Tt\ deficit. newcomer Dick Braasch of We want to have the first a two-speed transmission in Ch•r;er1 6. P1nther• ~ Leading the Tritons was Bob Westminster is listed in ninth unblown dragster down in the the car and enlarge the ~~~.~1· •. J~•;.~, Dowling (16) and Rick Bauer to I.263 on the current list out sixes and we generally run engine." Pooh ... :'1~~t~:v~~ E:'P!~ .... ,., (141. of Mardi Gras Lanes. well at Lions because the Enriquez has earned mo.st of Pirues v• Ruulers '' L• P•'"'' ;r=============;;..,==~~~~~~~~~~~~====~====~;;:.;;;:;;;:;.;;;;;.;;:;;;;;;..;;;;;.;;~g''•'~~''"'~~~~~~~~~ Mater Dei's quintet was equally at ease in the iniUal half, gaining a lZ.point lead over Mater Dei. Greg Green and J o e Prendergasl led the t.fonarchs' assault with 16 and 10 points apiece. t.fission Viejo's only· serious threat was Ed Normandie. who sank 19 points on five field goals and nine gratis shots. Regular season play wraps up Thursday night with Estan- cia and Mater Dei colliding at 6: 15, Orange and San Clemente at 7:30 and Mi ssion Viejo and Santa Ana at 8:4f>. Ml11len Vl•I• (U) Nor"'1ndl1 S!t!lord 1-io<rl• '"IOY•I f'!ol lv M•uro• l c11ti t~ ~ ~ ' ' ' . ' ' g ~ g ' ' . 1\ 1l 9 M•tlt D1I ($.f) It " ,, r,"'" I 7 1 Cv<uli< .l l • Pr~~dfl""flll S (I ' Qoylf I I 3 111;,, l 0 0 F p,,.._l!R<~ l ) 0 J P~'ttf" I 0 ~ lotols ?1 I ll ~' t-<~11!1mf M1t., Dfl )6, Mlu lon Vlf- lo u Sin C11,.,t"1• tA l 11 II pl Oowl;ng Jl od<ll& fl&Uff ~11•ronM:'I lh!I~ W~l!f lot1h H•v• Ion•• "'"°'" For<! !. Con!et Htnsen Tc!1I• Hallll-: ~ ' ' ' , ' . ' ' ' , ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ;1 • \ 1 1E11u1cl1 !'4) .. " ,, , ' ' ~ ~ ~ , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1' t. I '-' E1l1"rl1 la. S•n Clemen!• ITIOMO!TIAJ GENERAL TIRE GlNlRAl TIRl JULY 21st thru 31st WIDE Glass-Belted Jumbo 780 The Same Tire That Comes On New 1971 <;ars! ~$ R 5ilt A71-ll l b.D0-13l Tub•l•1• Whi11 ,...1t, plu1 Sl.90 F1d . E~. T•x ptr tir1 TWINSTRIPE • Polye1ter Cord Body • G1•s1-Belted c.,.,,..,btt !Ow prl•M on 1ln1ln , Pflr1 and "1•<•••111, Sill A78-IJ E78-14 F78-14 F78-15 WH IT EWALLS FM. I~. To~ lt1t Pritt • T!rft per Tlrt 4 for 180.00 11.to N . 4 for-195.00 11.ll ••· 4 for $105.00 ll.H 11. 4 for $11 0.00 12.n ••. NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE Easl Division ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS CADILLAC OWNERS WHITEWALL CW 3-JUMBO 780 G78-14 4 for $115.00 IJ.H N . East Dlvlslon w L Prt. P itt.sburgh 63 32 Chicago 51 43 New York .. ... SL Lou!! 49 .. PhUadelphla 42 .. MontreaJ ,. 57 Weil Division San Francisco 58 311 llod&en 51 46 Houstoo 47 47 Mlanta ... 51 Cincinnati 45 53 San Diego 34 62 ,..,. ... , •• ltt111rt1 C!'llueo '-N~ Yori< 1 Arllfllt l, 5'n 0lf'90 I Cl!\clnlMltl 7, Doll .. r• I Phlltlltlpl'llt S. St. Louil l P!lhbu!'9h 11, Sin ~r111Chco 1 ""°"''"I '· Houl""' l, 10 lnl\lr•I" , ... ,., o ....... .'63 .543 .522 .516 .. ,. .400 .596 .526 .500 .485 .459 .3S4 GB 11 1i 131~ 14 21 \] 25 7 9'' 11 IJ\] 2.1 '' New Vort: (Wllll•,..I J.ll It Chic-(Mlndt .. 1n1 5'n DI-IA•lln •·U ~ N!>f"'ll' 0-JI •I ,t,11.,..11 tNll!ttfll 10-1 tnd J•nrl1 2.t ). 1. tw1 . .,1,h1 ~ !A.lextndtr 1-J) 11 C!ncl11t11!1 !Nol•'! 1·10). ,, ..... , S... F••nt.llCO IMlrk.htl 10 .. l ti Pl11tbu•1h (~H),flt,111 ~<HI (R-., .. 10) el Houltoo'I (l llll"'ht"I Ml,,...., l'hllNI_., .. (Lend'! •·I) •I "· L""'ll Cit,,... "°" M J, lli.t'lt \V L Pct. GB B;iltimore 58 35 .624 Boslon 54 38 .5117 :'1~1 Detroit 49 44 .527 9 New York 4fi 50 .479 131'l Cleveland 40 55 .421 19 Washington 38 54 .413 1911 Y.'est Olvlslon Oakland 59 ,. Kt1n"e' City 411 43 Angels 46 52 J\i innesota 42 51 Chicago 41 52 t-.1ilwaukec 39 52 Tutld•''' ll11u1!1 W•1f!lngtofl !, Mlh•ltllkM \ 60\ton S. Chlc99c • Ntw Yor~ i . MlnntM>!t J K1n111 Cilv 1. Btlllmor1 I AlttM1 t. Dttroll o 01kl1t'ld ,, C!twltfOd I T ... 1,•1 lltme• .'34 .527 10 .469 15~1 .452 17 .441 18 .429 19 Mlnnfftllt IK•ll i-11 •• Now Y&•-(Kll110 1.-1 (hlteto (Horltn •I) " I O•loll <Slffllrl 1>·•1. "''"' MIJwoul!eo (Pattin 1-10) •' Wt•hl~tlen ll to""'' 1•)). flltM !dlllmorp (Pelm.,-11-J) 1! IC1"u1 City rrn1. morrl• l·ll, "''"' Otl"'ll ((olemtfl 91 111d Gll~rth ? 11 ti "'""''' cwri.rot M ...., ,....,,..,., ~111. 1. 1w1.1111M ci. .... lelld (P'111 14) II D•~!llld t l lw 11-JJ, ... IJTH ANNIV&R5ARY SALEll BIGGEST & BEST YETI DEAN LEWIS 1966 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 646-9303 540-9468 '71 snt!AL $1777 DEMO. I" 199 1 ~ Sii THI All NIW TOYOTA CILICA 5'1. CPL IMMlllATI DILlfllY ~ VOLVO 1971 DEMO $4098 164 SEDAN .A.1lom1tlc, ll.1d!o, H1 1ltr .IJJ71 G78-15 4 for $120.00 ILtO N . H78-15 4 for $135 .00 u.11 ••· 4 for $15000 SHOCK ABSORBERS 1' SALE l111y J et tfl4' ,..,,., ....,,,i1.., lew toll! .. ,,1c •.. ' 'lilt ttl• •••rtfl ,., 1 t!- HIGH YlllllLITY TILLOW TENNIS BALLS YKllM Petek ., l befit Ptu1 IL1t 1'1111. I•. 1•1 ..... llf"I J78-15 FRONT-ENO ALIGNMENT 4 for $I 45.00 -11.u-..-.- W• c•rNt:t , .. ,...., , • .,.._, ,_ In ,, ..... , ,. , •• , Cir ftltDllU • fechrl'l"'t ~lftc.tlo111, oH 1cthty ci..tk olHll odfwst y1111r ""'lflf. OYHAMIC HIGH·SP'llO 4 FOR WHEEL BALANCE owr •-l•lhh will •~111,.,1c111y "''•~•• yeoir wllfflt lwtllflh •~'"'""'· Jiit SYptf -llO J ••n fltd< ,~o~ .. Me~~,~~ ,. .. s133 BRAKE RELINE ..-1 Er>trf"lllud Pl ce111•rl Limit 1 t 9111 HIQI! I-Ion Wl..,,1"9 ~ "''' ,,.. e "OflDS m•••mum 111g111 '"'!Otfl•• • CHIVltOLITS • COM"A(fl! Cj)ualier State Limit • "'' c .... _ Dlw: "'''" tl'llll Olfl• s."'" •• 39' ~ _,, Jlifnlly """"· MOTOR OIL O..rt o .. .., f;:~ "" ~2195 Charge it al General DON SWEDLUND ~--AVERY Coast General Tire General Tire Service ~ ........ ,.. ............ --......... , , .. , .. ~ . .. ... -. ·~ , ... _,. .... . ·--.. .. . .. Wtdnt.sday, July 21, lq°71 DAlLV PILOT J91 Alamitos BB Loop Nutrilite ------l 1\l('l(ay Ta~. Racing CdM Clinches Five Wins Sailors, Mesa Captur~ In l:ounty 1-; 1 &..· 1,;(l;irh J ohn McKayi· O·vertime Polo Ver diets h1·adl111e the annual • Sc.1:."u F1~11IJ:;ll Banquet Tie for First Newport llarbor and Costa Two Tilts the 5--all lie with Dol.52' Grande 3-1 marks l\'ith thrff' rounds 11f con1pct1ti.on remaining. llil :'\Qrtl1 ()range County T ' J:tn Club 1\ug, 11 al the Sa ' d!t·b:irk Inn , 1660 East Firtt1 Strt'1•i in S:in1a Ana. ,. ,., WodM•d•I • Jul, l1, lfll-Jllh 01' (INr & f't •L Fin.I l'oll 1:0 P.M. fl Ni•llll' Ooublt '" hi & Incl lltt<H U I •tclt on Hll a ti. 11.ttt• FlllST 111 ... Cf -BO vt•d1 ; ••••old m1IO<'I•. Clt omina Puro.. 11900 (l1•m· lno Prlc1 \)~ ~•iln Gltrt (l',elcnl t;o "°""'' looublt !Nt/t rl 110 P•1• Dec~ U«lt lrf !JO Do!t n"• (Illy Ooll lWttdl 111 Hv P1ran•r IPe•n•tl UO Miu Btl Btr (Vou<111n\ 111 M•<k•• Kii•• ((ro>b•l 11' (,..,l'ICI Al ~Mlhuda l ll'O SECOND II.ACE -lSO '"'"' l v•1r alO>. Cl1lmlnci Pu••• 12lOl,l Cl1om•no ~"Cl 11500 "' "' '" " ' '" '" •• P•>wm ~h• IN1l1r\ Our (OYer Girl IWol\nn! ltnl'> M1tlo. (All,,Cnl lotll• S11n l"-P• r) £1 Attlt ((rOlbYl F lee! Win (MOr<i'°"\ Re<! Ale•! Jr (Ward C1or11n·• Co .. Do• llloh1ml Soul>ac~ 1C1rdc11 ) Sllt""1 0Qnl1n I P1r~•1 AIM Elll bit Oh Ot<kly (AOlltJ Fii Mt~ ~1'191 ~ l l LI C•dUUI IWll1o<1n) Runnlnci Mu•!c (V1uohn) '" "' '" '" " ' ' " ". TH11tD RACE -U0 ••'~~ 1 YeHr '>Id m•lae•1>. Claimln<1 P~••• 11\IOO. R11~~~"011.."~~'1Jl1~j 110 Sliver Bu• (H&tll 110 B••,ol• IB•nk•I l?O GOOd CDC>• ILlohaml llO Mc.•o• Roc~tT (Cl rdot•I 110 Ll!llt T•x Anni• (Crono.. HJ Skldo C•ndv CW~honl lll Dl1mond JotQS IOrevtr) llO !'"OURTH RACE -J50 v1rds J yeor D4d• .. UD. Cl1lml119. Pvt>t 11100. Cl1lmlnq D•lce $1000. The M•I Alber!•. FitSI To Go (WaTIO<I) HI Go Hombre IWll•Of'\ '" Ptt •n Bar 1Car.io11 111 lloov H•nd cSmithl 1n SOO!Ttd Bull (~r.,e<l !H Rov•l Jehle< CH•rll 111 Pllcirlm 8•" (Wlrdl 11? Slf'!OV Cheroe ll •Phl ml lll l'"ll'TH RACE -000 v••d• 1 ve•• oldJ. J.llowanc:e1. Pu"• SJJOO Tltt Mlkt W•lde". "h"il•hon \lt0he"'J 111 Cl\lltned Rocket !Adair! 110 Un ChHOI! (Pe,, ... n Ill T•ulv T•lfflc (Ce1clo11I 111 1(111<1"• Ra•lu• (Al!!.Of') HI Witch CrHk Chlc CMcOoni ld) HI Cal•IHI CWll>(jf\) Ill Olde Smoothie (f.rclbv) lll \EVl!NTH RJ.CE -170 v1rdJ l vtar '>l<I< & "" Clalm lnci. P"u,.e 11)00 (lalmlnc prf(t \4000. ln• Btckm&<l !n1TrumenT1 Rudd'• SPoOl<v 8 0• !81n~$) 111 Yo Ql••c IP••"") 11? M iOWIY Tom {AO&lrl 111 M r. OuAtlJ Hiii !Ll<>hl"'I 115 M r . P•'ocnah!Y CCrosl>•I 171 (lttl! B&r !Wlrd) 119 MOf'A"• B•n JIV (S,.,1!h\ 111 lmcui•I Roc~•t !C•rdc1•l 111 Al>O Ell9ll>I• 1 00 Eao1< !Ada>rl n1 Id.> Run 1M!ltht 111 110 Mr .... dt<WAle (HA•!I I" IE10HTH •ACE -.00 v1tO> l ••~• ..C<I• & uo Allowanc..,. r ur<• nooo lne Ytoman'• American ORT DI Ful]~ton C&o!lvatOf" ((ro•twl 11• Tu 8uo \Smit!>) Ill Rid CN<1<1<"• 9..-CWtllOfll 111 OoUb!e J.larm IA.dalrl 115 l(lotv'• """"'" (Per,..,•l 11, Corona del Mar High"s &.1a Kings clinched no worse th:in a tie for the Hunlington Beach sumn1er b.ilsketball \eag11c championship Tuesday n1ghl wilh a 62-53 conquest nl tl'f• hos t Huntington Beach Oilers In other actioo a\ Hun- tington it v.•as Garden Gruve over Buena Park 74-73. 111 overtime. At Edison the hos1 Chanters slruggled to a 59-50 dec1s1on over Rancho A!an1ilos and Bolsa Grandt' took t h" measure of Villa Park, 64·51 The other set of gan1e!> :it !\olarina saw the Vikings n d· dling fountain Valley, 115-40. and \Vestminslt'r du1nped La Quinta by 30. sailing to a 7&46 win . The impressive Se.i Ki ngs turned it on early againsl the Oilers and assu1ncd a 21-7 ad- vantage at the end of the first quarter. ~like Sevier anti n1ate John Sumner took turns in the re- bounding department for Corona de[ Mar lo throttle tl1c Oilers' inside game. And Sevier put in 22 points offensively v.·hile Sumner chiJ>- ped in \\'ith 18. !\late Casey Jones added ll from his guard post to complete the killin~ Huntington made a run al Corona in the fourth period, however, paring the advantage to three at one juncture . The victory gives Corona de\ !\-far a 9--0 n1ark v. il h two gan1es left v1hile Huntington Beach, Edison and i\!arina :ill hnve a pair of losses. lt was the first tin1(' an Elmer Combs coached tcan1 had ever lost to Corona <le] !If fir. Edison received d o \1 b 1 e figure scoring fr om f i v e players in disposing of Hancho Alamitos. Mark Harmon led the \l"ay v.·ith 13 from his post position \\"hile Rod Snook j 12) 11nd three others at 10 /Gary Balch. Cal \\lill ia ms and Dirk Zirbel ) rounded out the Edison attack. .!\1ark Adams (14) and R~f"r Speaks 113) were the only Vik- ings in double figures but it was niore than enough for r-.1arina 1n its Z:'i-point verdict ov(•r F'ountain Valley. \Yes1n11nster st<1yed in the race for a second plare fin ish !&..1) wJth its triumph over La Quinta 1n the con1panion leature at f\larina. Terry f\I C'isen he1mer led all s<·orers "'ith 21 Jron1 his rorv.·ard spot. Hvnl1ntlOn Bole~ OJI If fl Wn••t 1 t B•oo•• 1 WO•"•~ j c .. ,~k 1 \'>hotl1~ld 1 G••l•na 1 o ~um1'e• Gri9J~Y SeYtt' lo.,~ry Jone> W•rden l 01111 10 n Coren• dtl Mi • (6l) ,, u ' . • .. , ' 0 ' Scorf br Qu•rter' •' " •• • ' " " " • " " ' , D " " , " , " ' " 11un11nq1on I IJ 16 11 -.Sl C~M II 11 tJ 11 -61 Hormo" W<ll11m1 z .. oe1 Mel( inner co~~ Toi.11 £~1M>n U') ,, " ' ' ' , 0 • , ' • , 0 10 19 Scott b~ 0~1rttr• " ' ' 0 , ' ' ' ' •• " " " " " , , " Ed•..,n ll 11 IS 16 -St ~andlc Al.•m•I°" 11 16 9 ll -50 Wt1lmln1t•• 1161 11 ti ., •• Mt•,•nhe•mtl I~ 1 1 11 Jof\n"'n 1 t Lont..C! 6 1 ll Bl~kele1 • o I ~""""' 110 1 c... i 0 t 10 C09"lli 0\01 s""'~ ..... ~ o o • ~m.i~ ao? Tolfll l~ 1 IO Star• b• Qu1rl•r• Wo,.ml"llfr I~ ?I ill U -l• t• Q11ln1a 1 14 IJ 11 -46 M1rin1 (651 '' It •I I• Fo•~ 0 1 I S"•"1on 8<""1•~ MIH•< ~d•n,. 11&1\c,n So~••• Ro1•lo1 Wnlle A•~c·~tt Tclal• ' 0 0 0 • . ' ' ' • 0 " . Fo~111a111 V•I'.'' c•ol I• II Bu'n' Re•der Melo""' H•ll••ld l!l<len•!f•A ~l'Oulvedl ' ' 0 , • • ' • ' • ' ' ' 0 u 17 S(trl b' Ou••'•" • • • ' . 0 " ' 0 0 " ' ' . ' , 0 " " •I IP , . ' ' 0 ' 0 ' ' 0 0 • ' ' 0 , ' .. M•r"'& 11 II II 1\ -6S Fcunle 111 V1llev 10 1~ I JJ -•O Potent Nulrilite added a ~fesa eased to overtime vic- pair of scalps to its bell in the torles Tuesday night in the Costa ~1esa Open basketball Coota Mesa R e c r e a t i o n leRgue with easy wins over Department summer water Woody's and Laemmle Mon· polo league. day and Tuesday evenings. The Sailors of Newport turn· The Nutri!ite bunch whipped ed Rar?Cho Alamitos a\1'ay, 8·7, Laemmle, 70-34, while Grant's white host Cost?. ~lrsa eked by took care of Long Beach, 82-Balsa Grande, 6-5. 66, in lht> other half of Jn olher action it was Hun- in regulal ion. And. like thl' Nev.·port- Rancho Alan1itos tussle, it \VSS also tied at the half, Clay Evans cor1t1nues to lead the Huntington Beach ;1ss:1 ult as the 011 C11y crew bc111 lcd over \Veslln1nster. Ev;1ns accounted for lour points v.·hile tean1ma1e Kevin Evans' four goals Tuesday gives hin1 16 in the pas t thr~1• rounds as the Oilers have piled UlJ !hree straight Y>'ins a.ftt·r <in opening loss to Los Aznigos. Aclion resumes tonight at t::.St:inci?. High ~AAA ! \\ 1111 !lie host Engles t:iking on An aheim in the 8:30 featurC'. ·rroj·1no:, tlu·ir ladies fr'11·ntb .ire invi1cd to the ev h"~innirig 111th 11 .;nc ia\ h1iu~ 6 ~() p Ill , fOJlO'.I ('d by din ~LS · ~ lll'adllnr for r<'sC'rva!ions :Sir 1\ug. 6. Thl'y c;u1 be oblai~ by contacting Dnve Escapitij 118 N. !11aldcn. Fullerton. Tuesday's twinbil!. tington Beach on lop of fn Monday's action it was Westminster. &-3 . w h l le J~rescott teJlied !ht other pair. 1 -------- \Vestminsler s !~ob Haber equaled Prescot t's total \\hile J ohn i\lurray had the oUlCr Lion. goal. 1 .. \Vilson O\'er San Diego, 66-56, Corona del Mar °"'·as dumped and Nutrilite over Woody's SO. by Los Amigos, 9-J. 59. Jeff Didore canned the "'in- Nutrilite exploded for 47 ning goal in overtime for the points in the second half to Sailors . erase a one-point halftime Until then the two teams deficit to Woody's. Gordy had battled to a 7-all standoff !\1artin, Alan Young and Casey and it was also tied at the end Jones each fed eight points to of the h2Jf at four. the se<:ond half totals. Didore had a pair of goals Greg Kind led cill scorers for the nighl while mate Steve with 20 for Woody's. Smith had four to his credit. \Vilson was also forced lo Others in the Ne1,1·port scor- come from be.hind after San ing column included Rocky Difgo had assumed a 29-2.2 Beeke and Tom Searles "''ith Corona de! ~lar's 'Tin1 l..(l1lz w<.1s the only Sea King tn dent! the scoring culun111 against Los Amig-0s 111Lh a pair of 1narkers. ~1.,sa's verdict over Bolsa Grande thre1v the loo p into a four-team race for the ch?ro· pionship with Hu nt illgto n Heach, Costa ~tesa, L o s An1igos and Bols:.i :di sporting halftime elad. one apiece. 1 .----------- Tom Read put in 16 of his Costa Mesa's victorv can1e G 0 L FE R 5 game total of 24 in the second when Randy Alms ~nk his nn-1 half and J im Conklin added a ly goal of the night in the w11~ LOw·Hao><tlt•""' d k W'J PrKllc• Al TAI ozen to spar I son. overtime period. NEWPORTER INN Ex·Newport Harbor High John Whitmore had tossed D F t. J-" he S PAR 3 GOLF COURSE ace ave on 1us cu t an in four goals and Ste\'e CHEAPER TO LEASE THAN TO OWN '71 Pinto BETTER TO LEASE FROM MacHowar<h AUTO & TRUCK LEASING 124 Har bor Blvd. at First. Santa Ana Telephone 531·0607 D. · t t 'th 10 · I $1.00 with thl1 •d week d•ys 1ego qum e w1 pom s. ~Spo~~na~g~le:_:lh~e~o~th~e~r_i~n~g~a~i~n1~·ng~~'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"~"-==============--========:;::: Graht's pulled away from ,- Long Beach in Tuesday play behind lhe scoring antics of Bart Carrido (27) a nd Jay Carty \25 ). CattlY ~·""""' Wtlllam• Cirri<!<> l'Wllrll" Tol•l1 G••nU 112 ! . " • • , , , . " ' , . ~ " l -••• ,~ IW) • ' • l ' " ,, " ., F.,n~lln S J S Allen O J 1 JGnt ' • 0 1 McClu'" ~ o ~ Connie• o I I Holl ! 0 l Novotn~ l o 1 Jolif! l 1 l 101011 19 I 7? 6.1. l"ol11 im" Gran1·~ 35. Long Bea<h Jl. !nl.,... lleaen Gr1nt "00 "'••bl1! Total• Mlrh~ Younc Rec'"' F ll1~alt1<~ Sor••n.on G•ll« H;11m1n Rt•ms Jon~• Toll !J Hal!!lme. Putma" llren""' ltemmlt ··~ W illi$ W-J'l ()fl " • • • , • " Nvl•ill!t (ti) ti ,, ' ' ' . • 0 . ' ' 0 u • If U '' . . , ' ' ' ' . . ' ' , ' . , • 0 0 , ' ' . ' ' ' . , ll 10 1/ ,, Wocav'1 Joi, NU!rlll\1. l:I. l.Hmtnll (~) " ,, ' ' . ' . , ' ' . 0 ~ 1 ' 0 ' , 0 ' Sears c:nnrantecd :4 ~lonth.! 1516 6.50xl3 1'uhcle~~ l~l:io·l.." Jlt J>l11~Sl.7f1 F.E.'r. And Ohl 'fire IC-(CarCIOfal 115 N•Y Ann Clinhunl !lS NINTH RAC!: -U0 vord• l v•ar old•. Clalmll>Q. Puro.e $1.'.JOC, (lalm ln<1 Alan1itos Results ,. ........ E•<h•~~rll Sc!!cr!I Welk•r Plltl<l"1 •r Tcl•I• ' ' 0 ' 0 0 ' 0 , 0 ' • 11 I? ll •Contoured safery shoulder for c:tsicr s tc.·~·r· ing and safer cornerin.t; •Long-wearing Dynatuf rreld n1bbcr orlce t7~. Do<Jblt Aooln (.O.d&lr) Cul 8!d IP•rnt r) 1vv Rolo !(•co;bvl Seoulla IW••dl vnln p.jymph !H•r!\ P&Ymof'd l!•r lloY (Rllev\ Mud In Ywr Ev• tMor<l..,n) H1nlc'• v-u••d Cllch&ml Snff<ll• NlnM (Smith) Ge Mint lB~n~•) Al"' •n11b\• ~ol RloM (va,.nhn) Sl....it Gol !Lloh•ml 8rouln Cr•o •Hedi stovfl Sl>Ur (C•rODzt l Deep Sea Fi sh Report "' '" '" '" '" '" '" •m '" '" ' " '" ' " '" LOMG BEACH !l•trnont P1•rl - '' onvl•": 115 ~10, 10 be•t•tu<I• B••P• U •"lllPrt · 7 b•"M U<ll, ~ m~<~orl!'I IP1tlll< SPo<"!lll~lntl -ll• ~nulorJ· "U •lb•tM• l v•lloW!o I 7 r>arr•Cuda, 1 h11'bu!. OJI celotD bas., n '"u• Dau. JI •D<k «><I lltE00p.j00 ?oo ••·ot•• I ) ••Mioro, I Y•llowtOd •I h.,'"'"''"· J,)lo bin, I 1>1hbut, •II <oilt o b••I. II blu• bl>l. Jl rock <00 5EAl BEACH -17J 1nQINI l,100 b•"· II Dcn•!o. \ b•rr•to<h I •~<• '""·. hlllbul, l m•t••••I BMQ• •11 •~ol•" 1~ b"''"'""~· 01 D<>n•lo, i.o Olin, 7 halibut, 1 ff\l tk•'fl 1AM l"EOlltO (N1rm'1 Lln<lln•l -3< •n9lprJ' 11 •lba<crt. (l1r>d Sir••• l •n· <Mn•) -•I l n91P•J YJ 1ib•tcro. ~ hai.bul, o boollo. lH 11~<1 b•» HUNTINGTON BEACH -ll •nOIO'I l.S bl" 7S b1rr•,u<11, 100 m1<~•rol IMl"ERIAL BEACH -.18 onvl•fl 160 b1rr1tu<11. 7 bon,10. 111 ~•lo b•"· 1 rl!'llowttil, 7 !Inv <od, 115 1lbo<o••. OJ.NA WHAi, -n • .~vie" !10 •lb1cor•, OS' b.911, 1'7 mockerol. 10 1>a,.1iud•. 1 bcnllo. 1 n•l•bu• ~AN OIEG-0 (~u"iCIDfl l"l*'I -•'1 Af'l!ler•· 1,~T 1llla(o.-.. llllEWl"OIT (&r1'1 l•r>di••I -o• •~u1.,., 1" •lbu ore. 1 °"""'""'· <I.I b&JI, I N !lboJ!, X m•<~•••I. 10• ... r 'o l.Kk..-) -ll7 an9l1fl. J9 1lb&tort. ii• ...... 1 bet•l<VCll. Tun4••· Jul'r 10. itn C!e•r • F11! l'"tl'UT RACE -olOO v1rd> 7 Vt•• Cid m•l<!en1 Clalmin9. Pu••• Sl900. Tru<IY'f 1rlJl't (Wil•onl u .00 l•..., 10 6Cl OtvmPi• M••d l5!r•v"\ 9.10 l•O G•OV•r'~ Chang• IPiY~l ~00 Tim• -,ll fl~• Al•c ll~n -C•nd•'1 B~•ou. SOO•'• (rlt•••· Im a Siu lwo, Ab•< D•tk, M<>e'•l•n. s;r l>o•31 llull•l't Win Streltft•d -Fly PM.. V11•lo~·· J•wtl SE(ONO llA(IE -•00 •Md\ 3 •••• ol~s & uo. Fi\lle' & Mar••· Purie J7•GO. Clatm;nc WcD<• Chart (Ban~•) 10 )~ Bold s~11· (Ad~I" Em'J Anacn• B~b• IL·~"""'\ ''"'"-I07 IO Al"' "'" """~Y M::an, A:m•~ .... P,,n<to<>va. Gd•~n ·~. L'1<1• L<N'"· F••n~·· Al1mtfo». ~·~"· B&•b•• ~"""""° 9,1·, r . .,.m;.,. '"'" • RMe, S·l~Y 'J llt<>v..-..1. II•" OP S1>ef<I THlllO llACE M•·<len ] ~'~' .,1n• (.l•""'"q Pur·,,. 11~1)) Fl•el (OoYll>oQ•l 1t10 l(t(t •·~ J!19h1 lll•r• l "-11~"\ 31( •'I O•~n·, O~n<ly jl,'Q•"•onl 10 T•m~ 10 & 10 01..., ll ~n l •<!• l'~d~ l~~ '"'" ""'""' 1.1,n 001 11., e .. l""' "'o "~'O"• l(owe•ll eoY. B&r1e·•·• l•~' Ton V•~ llor~•• S<rotc~•d -C~o•9•' • ll<0I FOUl!Tll llACE" -~•9 Y•<O\ 1 yeM Old! & uc> Clo,m<n9 p,,,,~ 1l•Oi Koc>IY'• Soge (liDll•m) 16.80 6&1\ 1 80 D•ow Pia~ IP•c"") •..., 1 '-0 Ou""' 6tr Bev I B•n~•l <"11 Tlme -.771 '10 a1io R•n Aloml!oo BM 11. W•llcw C.old. Bor Fome. Oy"••nc P'•l•OI No Krol<~•• F ll'"Ttl IACE. -3\0 YO<dl i ''"' Old\ Clo,mcng P'uroe 1'!oll0. Ror;~et lo Me 4Car<lo1•f 110 JfWI 1 10 An<IY Ge IWll""'l 10.:) I 00 !.lmno 8••<1~10 (Smllll) I <II limt -11 l /10 Al•o llon Al&moto1 J ov. Deb• [)ec!<. MO(N1'W! ..... ola .... M•< No )<rOl<hf > NOW IN SANTA ANA (At Bullock.'1 Fa1hion Square) MO~n: l'AGfOR /lERRY ROTllSfllll.D MEN'S WEAR old' t. up. C!1•n"n~ Puru snoo ~uleell lll,,...aml •.<O J.10 ?60 Mr Cu11l<1 !Ba~••\ •.00 JJO "''"' Mo~• (5m••") S.00 lime -.~ t /10 Al~o llen -Sur~, f)n !!on. lh'•• Look•. Mono ~In•, C~l<9•r lo•, Ton ... ~(r•tchl!d -.... 1 F~lurl!v. S£VENTN MACE -4(l(l vn•d• , ...... n•ll• •11nwa"t'I Puf\i llJOO """lame (All.Joni S.40 7 60 1 10 Va Got lrl)U~I• (L•Ph1m) 1.60 141! W"e Wdlio lWA!SO~~ l,f<Q Tlmt 10 ldO Al•O llan Brotll,, Pftth•• P•rlum• 5u•o,n•1 M"'' Ooul>le P'•nnl l!o~, Aou&<>OU,., Im• Hu>Oft. Rm1l l ro II•• Martl11 Hiiimen FlllPl!rlCk Rog•rs So• rtnlCn l(n;u G.ll<\ Ream• Eod'Nlrds Jc""• To1al• H1lft/me: (on~!ln Ml n<•bo c.. Tnornft)ll J. Tt>ornlcrt Gllle>Clt ··~ "'mbt<>lkh Wit! Tot1l1 Nvlrll•!t (l~I .. " ,, ' ' Nvlrilit• w11..., ' l , ' • ' ' l ~ ·1 . , 0 ' ' , 0 ' ' 0 0 ' 0 0 71 14 ll JO, l•..,,ml• '"' '! ~ '! ' , . ' ' , ' . ' • , 0 . . ' ' ' , 0 , ' 10 1• 11 S•n a~ .. nu EICHTM RACE -l50 "•'"' lye•• S.tV•r• I: 'l ~ Fonhul • ~ 1 ~t••"h<'<l -Bay W1• Ch«k. Go l~e l m·!. P•li"O' l!a•. Gln~er Jr. clO• & 111> Allow&nc:e• •u"' SJOOO. Clf<>P<>f'TI J J I C.~'" (O<'Y 1r•o11><1 '811 J 80 1 60 811~!intt ? G I II •1v No•e 15m.,h! / 1(1 • 60 Honz J I t ~"" < ~ COf"• IL•<>h1ml JOQ P11>cl'tl1• l J 1 T "'" \I Ill ! LIP,tc>mb 7 7 l r.1,, l>•n Dov;,j•n<t'\ !'.•'· Onn•~ 8• ~·;-1:11ln ~ : ~ • • • • " • , r,ooo fl,,. Wnn, !!Tue P'le••u'•· K\p!y• Ton io 11 u 7J v~:~d ~":~''"•• I ;;;;":'~":';:m:':' :':'".::":'".::':":':w;;;'":~;;;":·:;;1 NINTH RACE -<0C •••d\. l ro1rl l "'" & , ~ Ci. m•no Pu"• 11000 I'<><:''' Roc•r• ('ll••d! A 60 !.&O 7 IO !)>< S•• t.rul••• INoh<1n) 1 40 1 <Q f;" 11 0 o •• ,~ '"••uu1 J.61l J,00 T ,,.,. If< 4 •O Sff~T(O•(l Men•• M•ll l 'r uul Plant LOS ANGELES -Bouquet Cnnynn Creek. Crystal Lake, S.in G:ihriel River East .and Wt<;t Forks. SAN BEBNARDINO -Big Bear Lake, Deep Creek al Running Springs Road and Fisherman's Camp. Green Valley Lake. Gregory Lake, .Jenks Lakr, San!a Ana River. :\ " LEASE A 1971 CADILLAC "SUMMER SPECIALS" Looks Uke Fun Doesn't It? IT'S CALLED WINDSURFING Requires No Surf Only Wind & W1t1r See A TO Min . Movie And Inspect P. W indsurf•r at Neal's Sporting Goods F1shlon l1land, N•wport B•ach Jul.y , W·27. Call 6liol070 f.Ar Inf......,, .... ALL.5TATE Passe nge r Tire Guaranlee Cuar•T>lf'!f'd A••in1L: ltll t1re J~iluro:5 from normal road hu.i.rd1 or clcftcu io. mucri1! or Wl'>rkmvuhip. }'or llow Lon11:: fnr 1he lo(c of thr o riginal u ead. Whal !).-a"' WiU Do: la t""ach1n~ for rhr riro:", rr-- n llCc 11 thargin~nnly fo r die pmponion of currtnr ~ell- 1n.11 pnc.:: plus frdo:"nl fy. Cite Tix 1h1r represt""n•~ rrrad u,.::,J. Rrpair n2d punctures 11 nocharll<"". Tn1rl Wr.ar·Oul 1;11wnintr• C u•r•nl<"r•I A1"•in1111 Tr<'~,lwtu-011r. ·1-·or lluw IA>nl(: Thr f!Utn- kro ! munth~ 1prcd1<:-.I. "'"•' ~r•ni 1\'ill Jlo: Ta t""Xchof!j:r lnr 1hr f ir£', rt'- J'l~cr 11 chu1t.1ri1t. thr ru1rt·r•t ~rLling J'Clt(" J'ln< I rrh rJI I "'~c 1:1.Y )r,~ the 1 •• 11,,,..,,. IOg~JIO ... UICI'. ll•o ulo~ J "•I• 'rc••l..,I• T,.,1 •. 1. i•,;" ____ r,.;-:::__.. 1''.E.T. ________ 1 __ ·~r" hf'I•~ 111 .... i. ... ~11---1-~~-- i..•11, 1.1 11!.'l,i Ii.II> J.7h -------------,,,•1,;,1~ !'1.•1·, 11.•11i ___ r.•11 __ 7 . .'(",,1-,----:!!•1;,---J7.,~h :!Ill __ 7:..7:i~U ____ ::J.'1·, ___ 1•'.:..1i. ___ .!.I~ __ 11.::5'..!_4-____ -:.1.;'1.-._ _.!I~''--__ ::_1._• _ : •. l~f\l! 1'1.'li I~'"• l.7i 7.;:;,.--.----~, .. ,,---1'1'11• ")..lh -------,-~Tut:.,;::;:-\\-hi~all __ ~-ccC"'- h,~•I~'-'·-'----~'J·, ___ l!:.J••--_l.:r. 11.'/.i, 11 :;l.'1·, l•i Ir. I •1J -----~ -----i.1.;,1 ~--__ ::;.•r, ____ :.'.•1.:r, ___ ::! 01 11~·.,1 1 \!l'f; ::1 ·,, .'.:.I.! --11 .. ·.;,~ 11----:1.1.•1·,---'.!: ,,,---:.:.~n ---------------'.i.bl\\ l; ::!l.•1; 1'1.11· l.7 1 -:.:·,,\;----'.!!\')",---:.:l lh !!.lh -M.~-,~1;---.11 ••;---2;.;,f,----'.!.17-- ----:~1 oi.-.---.. : •1(,----:!_-;i 11.·.· .. 1.·. __ --------- J7 '(i ."\rl 'lh :.:.:.; Price• Effective Wednesdo y, July 21 thru Saturday, July 24 SAVE '40.95! '239.95 Custom Auto Air Conditioner •Our finest air condirioncr. Chrome front with wooJgrain insert • 4 ad· jwcable chrome louvers • 270 CF.M., BTU: 14,UOO • Pre-chill device only on this model, adjustable thermostar. Expert Installation Available S,1VE '2! '7.99 Heavy Duty Shocks 5?.~ SA VE 20o/o Afr-Cooled Cushion -. fjts most A me rican c ars. longer wear, smoother ride. I nncrspri np; mesh steel . con.sr ruccion. Porous ~ mes h fiber opening al- lows circulation of air. Reversi ble. A11k Allon I Sears Convenient Crerlit })Inns ' • • SHOP SUNDAY 12 NOON"~s;C)o pm •MONDAY •hru fAIDAY .9,JO o .m . lo 9:00 ~.m. • SAflJIDATi 91ict~,';i, floO ... ~. -·~ .... tH .. -.111 .. IM C-t.UllC ·-· ...... " ·-........ ·-.......... •i.t·U •MtNI -·-·-It --· ·-- •<M•'l"W-........ 1-IWOOf ........ ,_ .. .- .. 11.01n ..., .. -~ . ... .,., . ........ ...... -~ ........ .~ ........ "' "" •~u••(Q"1""" '''"" ........ '" ''"·"' "'" ...... .. ,....... tMOllU ... 0 .. 1 .,.,._, Soliofodllft : ........ . ..... ..., .. ,..... . .... ,. ..... -,.M -... -~-. -,-'J.~~,._, ...... ~o::==""""""'"'"'"',,...~''"""''" DAA.Y PI LOT w......,, Jvl, 21. 1971 Start Your Engines! by Deke Hou/gate Fight Card I n Anaheim F or ocm Biggie Prudhomme Heads Fwld Volleyball Tournament Unbeaten and No. 2 ranklng Newport Beach Parks and light heavywei.gh~ boxing coo-Seven and ~~ibly more that was the-eJ1:h1bitlon at-rear-engine car on hand_ A f{ecrealion Department's an- t.ender Mike Quarry will rear-engine dragsters will be traction at the first two PDA driver is yet to be nanled. nua\ invHalional volleyball display his v.•ares before a in the anlicipat.ed 100-car field meet!I has been rebuilt snd Dwight Sa I is bury or lournamen~ is slated Saturday •-d A • for the fiflh annual U.S. Pro .___ 1· ,...,me crow ug. J" at \~JI! be driven as a fuel Northridge has ~n estab i.sh-and Sunday at the Corona de! Dragster Championship Fri-d lro r ·t · h. Anaheim Conveation Center. d d dragster by Harry lhbler of e as a s ng avor1 e in is Mar State Beach. n... , ay an Saturday at Orange Granada l-Jills. new rear~ngine car. which "'"arry, winner of 31 County lnte.rnatlonal At the same loca"io last Ir 'ght bo·•· d Anah Veteran hot rodder Leland showed great potential a week Cralftn'?Mr1ss•:J1SZV2"ll!l·Wii• 111m s a1 u ... an an eim Raceway. ago at Lions Drag Strip on an weekeod, lb e de ment ' ·d ·11 b 11 I H •-• b II t. t Kolb of Cypress will drive his "'_. res1 ent, WI a t e ormer eaUtOU Y a · 1me grea · · official qualifying run all new sponsored its annual cJass A ..... '!l·,411 over the United States this swnmer mot.orcycle and auto California light heavyweight Don Prudhomme of Granada new rear~eng1ne car in its cars are required to make. t f · · !fl! .. ~ ill be ci· hi compelitive debut, as will tourney with a pair of local 11fti'promot.ers, booking agent! and COW1 Y air organiiers are champion Chuck Ham1'lton (I" 1 s, Wuu w ra ng 5 S 1· b d th I t · · · · .,.. I-fol Wheels Special for the Marc Danekas of Los Angeles. a IS ury coaste roug i en r1es wmn1ng 1t. TODAY IS THE DAY TO LEASE A 1971 CADILLAC COS'TA ME:SA ~g about 18-year~ld Steve Droste, who makes his motor· 7·1) in a \G-roundet. first lime on the West Coa!t, Long Beach car owner J\1ike the speed trap at the end of Laguna Beach's Glen Handy :jElt! Jesp over seven parked cars. He uses a takeoff ramp, but The other half of the feature top fuel dragster competition Kuhl or Long Beach, whose the quarter-mile at a speed of and Bill Noon, both 21. ~!Mids on bare ground. \-~w~i~ll~i~n~v~o~l~v~e~w~e~l~te:nv~e:lg:h~l!~1w~il~l~in~cl~u~de~tlle~~m~oo~t~in~te~r~"~t-:..c~o~n~v~e~nt~i0Jn~a~l~d~ra~g~s~te~r~w~on~th~e~jl~J8~mi~·1~es~an~~ho~u~r;,~h~av~i:n;g~~ile~l~ea~te~d~th:e;to~f>'eed:~ed~d~u~o~o~f~~~~~~~~~~~[ .... Jt doesn't sound as spectacular as what the Evel one doe.s, Atando Mwliz (1341) of StaJ>.. ing array of machinery seen PDA top fuel crown last year already shut off his power, but Jim Smith and Stan Stoetzel of - -•."••he i·um..., up to 20 cars at 1 time, but the hard landing ton and Gil King (27-2) also a anywhere in many years. with driver Steve Carbone still recorded a 7.14 second Manhattan Beach, 8-11, 11-2 r"'!-,,... IO-round fight. The famed turbioe dragster aboard, will have his new elapsed time. and 11·2. n.akes the Droste feat remarkable. ~~';'~;;•;;i~;;~:,';~·;a!;'~·~ .. ~~~~ :"or".!:~ SALE SPECIALS FOR TODAY THRU SATURDAY ONLY! se habla Espanol )ii (0 his act that Evel hasn't thought of yet. Sleve shoots off WESTMINSTER SANT' A ANA FULLERTON 1.-rks that spcay out behind him a> he jumps, malting it look l"1 ike lie ison lire as he streak> over hi• barricade 15221 BEACH lllYD.• PHOllE 89:J.3544 120 E. FIRST ST. AT CYPRESS. PHOllE 547.7477 1530 S. llAlllOll BLYD.· PHONE 870.0700 ---l'he teenager jumps mostly in the Midwest, but he will be at MONDAY THRU FRIDAY •• 9:00 A.M.• g P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY •• 8:00 A.M. • 9 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY , • 8:00A.M .• g P.M. ~srot Park in Gardena this Friday night to do his thing at the SATURDAY •• , , •• •••,., 8;30 A.M.· 6 P.M. SATURDAY •••••••••••• 8:00A.M. • 6 P.M. SATURD.\Y • , ••• , , ••••• 8:00 A.M •• 6 P.M. Vamaha Cup motorcycle rares -his fin! venture this far from SUNDAY ,, •..•...•.••.• 9:00 A.M.· 2 P.M. SUNDAY •.••••• • · • • • • • 9:00 A.M. • 4 P.M. SUNDAY ••••••••••...• 9:00 A.M. - 2 P.M. ~- ~· * * * ,, ... ~ .. ~-)'oung Droste bas been riding a motorcycle since be was 1! ~l old. and he started jumpin g to ral1e money to support his l\f~lng habit. lie bas been racing for fi ve seasons. · ~'.Perhaps he acquired tbe skill - or at least the nerve -to ~ over c;ars "·hen be was a competitive water ski jumper. 0.-1kis behind a power boat be bas leaped as far as UMI feeL ~ ..... .b might be pointed out that water ls bard when you land on It 'tt"iO to 80 miles an hour, but not as bard u dirt or concrete. :. '-fte Iowa boy uses only one ra mp becau1e It is mneh easier ~.iel up fo r an lntermls1lon show lban two ra mps. Experienced E.'vd •wakhers know that It takes him a •eek of fusslng lo set UA· tiis takeoff and receiving ramps, and on "jump day" be 1rive1 the crowd bats making practtce rnn1 back a.od for1h to ta\.e\'e just the proper amou.nt of speed in the takeoff atta. ·c·· l>rosle just moves In. directs the parking of cars, sets 11p J.l~'ramp, rears back and lets fly. * * * · ~ He appeared on the national TV show, "To Tell the Truth," aiid to his chagrin panelists picked him out quite easily. _; Droste still regards his jumping act, for which he gels paid imylhing from $800 to $2,000 and expenses, as a temporary Job,. something with which to get recognition and earn money so thtl he can afford some day to campaign on the American Motor· C}'Cl~ Assn. nalional championshlp trail. -··:Hi'.'! goal is not to be the greatest leaper in the world, but (Q.boJt "No. l" on his racing bike. That is the number assigned to ltif.national mot.orcycle racing champion. * * * Top Ga• Car• Ma11 Be Out Nol loo many years ago the N a Li on a l Hot Roel Assn out. fltv."1::1 fuel dragslers, believing they were unsafe. The fastest legal dragsler in those days was the lop gas eliminator. Fuelers were reinstated, but now it appears that 11.'HRA may be doing av.•ay with top gas cars, for all intents and pur· poses. after the 1971 season. At least that is the opinion of the ~ding gas dragsler driver, \Vall Rhoades of Los AngeJes. •.~ ~· --· Rhoades drives the twin~ngine "Freight Train," which has been the scourge of lop gas dragster ranks for five years. If his prediction that the class will die out after this season comes true, he will be seen in only a few more races, including this w.ee}l.end's U.S. Pro Dragster Championships at Orange County ~4~way. · ::-: Rhoades reasons this v.•ay: For 1972 NHRA is eliminating .t~.of its eight general eliminator categories. including top gas. 'The top gas drivers will be lumped in with otheT's in what is ~fnl.own a:o; the competition eliminator category, and there's the rub. ·.1 .• * * * In top gas everybody runs "beads up,'• or without any time )i:p.dlcap, because the class Is considered a professional one. NHRA. however, calls competition eliminator an amaleur class. lnequalltles bttv.·een different lypes of amateur cars are com· eensated for by a handicap 1ystem. · ·· :ro simplify lhe compllcated method of controlling handicap nclog, cars usually run against each other with electrically ~ed staggered starts based on national class records. ...... 'That's ~·here the 'Freight Train' bas everything fouled up." Rboades said. "\\'e figure to put the record clear up to 7 seconds ._flat at the Indianapolis Nationals, and we'll probably get Into ,1b.t-6's ht-fore the year is out. Tbere Isn't anybody in the gas .f;l.~ c:an i;tand lo run gi,·ing away I,000 flKlt handicaps. Tbafs ·v 11at ~·e'd ha,·e to do.'' * * * ·-. ~lost or the lop gas Cilrs ar<' currently running the quarter· ~f!lije in 7: 15 In 8 seconds, Hhoades said. The current national rec· -erd is 7: 13. He believes gas dragster drivers v.·ou\d just have to :~t.V home from the big national meet..c; where the only large .ru:~es are paid. . ' .(l is unlikely that NHRA .set ont deliberately to "deslroy" ~~·lop gas class, but that apparently is the feeling of some driv· ~rs and car owners affected. ,:. '. Rhoades rea900s that by cutting out two eliminator categories ~lolIRA can take the same prize money for its big meets and 'prt out more to the remaining six classes. 6~' • But without big nleels lo point toward. Incentive to build ud campaign gas dragsters would be lost. The number of cars lf'd drivers wou\rl sure!~· d11 indle. Promoters already complain .there are not enough c:.rs to stage good Lop gas shows. and there ".Jttn"l enough fans still n1terested in the claSll to draw large ·trowds. .,, •"' · Top gas eliminator racing has givt!n the sport such st<irs Nf Jack Chrisman, Calvin Rice, Danny Ongais, Mickey Thomp- :~. Don Garlits and Pele ftobinson (before they switched to .,ui.>I ), Gorden Collet, Georse Boltholl, J im J\finnick, Jimmy Ni:x, Jack Jones and Hob Muravez. f\turavez ooce drove the rabled "freight Train'' using the aJ[as Floyde Lippencolte, Jr., to hide the fact he y.·as racing Imm his dad. Some fans still consider "Lipptncolle" one of th~ all-time greats. .~ •.. ..., .. ... ~-cyclists at Fairgrounds ,for Friday Program spotlight with an impressive scratch main event "'in last Saturday. ' AUTO CARBURETOR AIR FILTERS FOR MOST CARS Ad• ,,,.,_..,.. f or.,._--. ,_;., nodlot-. ....... _. ""l"" -"" pC ... ""'""' i.ult•. 12 or. CM 39' o..ar111 od ..... i, eU ... ~~ .. , .... ~ .......... ~ ... uodo. Chci"" it r- ••lf -"" ...... o ;;~N 1~' CffOICf OF 9l.ACIC, RED Olt WHITI 11,, 1M. 5;..,,.1,. ... ,,.,. .. , ''· '°"'to r-u• -· •OIL ...... ,, ..... -... .... u, ...... "' <11•• '""' ....... s ....... rloin. 4PLY NYLON CORD BRAND NEW ••• lst QUAUTf AIR CLIPPER TUBELESS BLACKWALL$ 88 ,.-,,=--,---~ 6.00x13 1U1Et!SS IAClt BLACKWALL ILACICWAtt Pluo rod. be. 7.ll/6.«la1.S Taaof$1.60 4PLY 7.Jsn.00~1' 7.1Jl7.MJ11 l' NYLON 7.7J/6.70•1.S 1.25/1.00al' CORD LlS/7.lO>;l!i' 88 6.SOid l ILACIWALL TUalESS PHCI 1244 1349 1436 '"' 1.0C111l 7.7J/75J• 14 o.9sn.JJ 7.00.14 l .lJ/7.10 "' &.1!/B.00 11UCKTIRES \ I \J ... 1 ... c 11 HO P•ICE r•e11t 1.i .. -~" 1554 1 .• , 1658 '·'" 2.01 1764 , " 1865 2.12 IOR PICK-UPS, PANELS & CAMPERS WIDE TREAD BELTED ··'°·"15~ 11tboid Tvpo . ~ """16951 • ""' 1845 TU8£D TUltD TYPE TYPE RADIAL TIRES • THE WIDE ONE .. , 6 PLTTAEAD ... 10 SElllES .Silt: f.ACl1 r •C~:t • •• MADE W1Tl1 T1ffll9 It.I.TON '---t="-7"~'--f="='"~'="''-j' COIO•NOR..1.1.S'OnlHG r 36 ()l;ll(W..,P (;U0.1 4 00 2,tt 36 MONlH QUARMTII• t-1-'-'-'_' '-'1~~=-1---I WITH STEEL UNDERTREAD TUBELESS WHITEWALLS "'·'' '7.7$fl,JO,Hl G>I 11 11.n 11.1a.1fl 011.u c1.u11.oo, u1 J11·l 4 11 ll/f 00 •HJ 3003 , " 3101 2.ID 321s 352t :11.01 2 FULL PLI ES DYHACOR~ RA YON CORD PLUS 2 BELlED PLI ES OYHACOR" RAYON CORD 3400 CiUO.lJ 3650 11.1s.1J) I;~::, (~~:;~:, 3900 *.41 '" BE SURE TO CHECK WIJH US IF YOUR TIRE SIZE IS _ ...... ~,.., NOT SHOWN .-dlirt-- coRNELL EXTRA-WIDE TREAD WHITEWALL-4 PLY NYLON CORD 70 SERIES TIRE l.t.(H rltCt " . P(•ll IU - IOAD HAZA.ID GUARANTEE• n.. ""' ... ~ ._, .... ... ,.,,..11 r. ••• , .. . ,,.,..c;fktl ........... of _.._ ogeinlof •I ' -4 ...... ..ti "' -·- -· ,.._., (•r -· 0.-..,d ,,,. w!U \.. npleud •ith ~' __,.,,, •d· ... -"' •h•i:i-i......i .., ,.,,.1.,,. ••Iring pm .. 11-.,, P"•-• -4 ...... __ .... -·-------·-~-..... _ -·~ ---~---_._--~-... • ---- Mexicans~ Germans To Clash f\V(} major prof~nal in- 1.trn<ii()(lal 60Ceer t e a m s , Germany's Hanover 96 and Mexi<.'o's Leon A.C., "'ill col- lide Sunday at IM Ange les Coli~. K ickoff is a t 4. Leon A .C ., presently tied for first place in Mexico, is con- l;\dered a slight favorite in lhe g a me. Tht aggressive team. the firsl to win a League Championship, i.s regarded as dwrtpion or champions tn Mexico. The s trong German team from Hanover has won two n1ajor league champ ionship s in rect'Jll year.s and is one of the most popular t eams playing in Germany. Ear lier thi.!5 year 11a nover 96 fought Lo a l ·l tie with the German WtdntidAY. July 21, 1971 DAILY PILOT 2l ,K.1tnOUI avt.1••11 , ,_ p H1JI fl 11M NAMI tTltTaMIUtT ,ICTntCWt atnllill-M PIC'ftTIGVI •UIUIDI •ICTl'Ttoln IVtlll!lla TM '9119wl'* ,.,_ It. Nin. MIJ\ffl MA.Ml ITATl.M.UIT ...... ITATaMlllff ...... ST~or.-~ _lo Mesa's Dougherty Records LEGAL N011CI! LEGAL NOTICE •t: ""' flllllWlile ..,_ Ill *1111 -.I-'"'-~ ,,.,_ ..-. .. ,.. TM lolltoolollw ...,..... -CALll'OltlOA bl NT Al.. HlllL TM .. : ~a; _ ......... : PUN, not """"-W.,,, CMT1 ,,.,. .. , Dll'nlllk-1 l-. l&m MMfl MAIM JAN'S ,.IVC HI O I l It ltlinAL ltl!AOllll. ,_ W "9. C1Htor• hullw11'11, Hlml'"'lel'I ""'°'' ~ CTCUI, tll ~ .... lttll'lt. C_,1 Mlt.t, c.t1 ~ • .,.,,, °"11•1 .... llfl l"lln A1oot;l1-It><,. QomlPllc Ml,.,..lrdl. 1111 .._. c.!lf, f'H27 l"11f1 M. Gillnple', , .. ~· ••-II 11'0 io11w-w1y, eo.11 ~. ""•"· ~Nl11 V1ilw, Cal~ ,...,.._ 1. D•-· "" P'l•Cl'lfltl• c..11 Mllol. f'lil7, Two records and un:: rqua • c.11'°'"'' r1111 t.u11M>M ,. ...ine ~ n .,. "C'" C•t• Miii•. c.u1, Mio!'....,.. Gu---1.. ~"' Bowls Into Third Accepted C oal• !.te11 's Fred Dougherty jumped from slxtb to third place and to within s houting distance of pace&el· ting Marty Andersoo !l f Anaheim Monday night in the West Coaat Match Game Eliminations bowling tourna· ment at Kona Lanes in Costa Mesa. Dougherty had an 885 in a four.game block to record the highest score among the 16 po i nts l ea de rs . H is perlormance boosted his t!ltal pin counl to 6,601 , just 89 behind Anders!ln's 6.690. Only San Bernardino's Gary r-.1adis!ln al 6,610 separales the tv.'O county bowlers from each othe r . 1-lolding the holtes t hand in T\-1onday's competition \11as a rookies from Lon1ila -Pat Triffon. ing of another were approved t.:=11':'C::~11~1."1.,. ~..-.., • INhld!J~111k M.tll9llf'dl co'.~ ::..:,•c:i:: "" "1_...1• Hen, ~,!-~ ":7i.i.. .._ b •-N · I lllgh ltololl"t c. 01"1•r•. Itel, ... 1, ••-••• '"' w1-.,. c:.,,,..., 0 _ .,-... ,, ,,-'"'""'' ,.,..,, ttu...,.. a ....., ,.;: 233 and 223 for an aggregate l.oday Y lot:: &tJOn& . TM1 111™""11 111111 •ttlo Ille Coomtv c~(k ot ;;;;.. C-tf _..;"1-Mo 1tn. c.i.9M.'u, (;iif, ' '" '" ' ,...,, M. OlllWt. ~~ block total or 904. ('~1ioo1 F-'-ra••on ,., 11 • Clto<l<., °''"" CourofY 9"1: Ju .. u. ltll. 9¥ • ..,.,..., J, ~ o.ury C..UllfY Tllll b\llJMU II MIPll COl'MIWtM " I T1111 II•._... fllood •"" ... ~ "'.le u 1111 8tl'ttl'IY J. M•Od0.11, o-,,t, CO\IPllY Cit-ft . '•tlfllflll'lll, Clll"k If Or-C(ou11ry _.., J\11\' l tm. His feat advanced him fro1n k d 1· Id c1.rt. P'ubllalled °'...,. c..v o.Jht 'n.r, J•n c • ......,, er •-IY J, M..Oca• °""""' · rC'\'iC\V of prep trac an 1e P~1>11on..i 011""" c o.11 o..u, iolk>•. Jun. JO""' Jul..-1, 1.c. 11. 1n1 l.a.11 T1111 .,,._"' 111M wn11 "" ,.,""' ci....-. ' • 37th to 17lh place and p u s hed 1 1_1 l ~''~"'....:'c·~·~··~":.·~'~·~•m:::. ___ _'."~'c'·~"'.l----r;;;;"'c;;i;;;;;;r;;---l ci.nt ,_Or•-c..,n1.,-Otlt Jul'I' 1,, lflL. •w"""" 0r.,,.. eo..• Dll"' w: his overall prtntium to 6,348 perlorinanecs or ;u • LEGAL NOO'ICE ,., •1wr1.,-J. MaddlP., °'"'"' c .... r1"' J~IY 21, 31 • ..., ~ 4 n. "7'I pins (after next Monday's In an event involving a LEGAL NOTICE c~.,o.1..,,.,. Or•-c-t Otliy ••lot four-game block at Kona, the Californian, G lendale's Dwight ,. ,,,., ,,CTITlo~:":ustN•t• J111.,-21, a Ind A11~u <. 11, lfn ftl01.11 field w lll be cut to 1·us t lhe top s "led .th f.l(TITIOUS IUllNlll NAM8 I TAT•llUINT ' 1-------------1-----~.c:c-=-----.... tones was crew w1 a na· MAM• ITATIMINT TM frol1""1,,. ,..._ 11 *"""' M IM111 LEGAL NOTICE I' Wl'th the e"entual wo'Mer on •ICTITIOUI •UllMIU • l1'onal S(""dard 1'n the high Tne +.!lowln1 "'"°" la <k>lr>e ~11111".t'I •• , '--------------1 NA.Ml ITATIMINT Labo D k d o;, "'' ••; DAtAGllA,.HlCS A DIVISION 01'1-T '--r •Y wee en mee .... 1g .. ''"' •·•••"''' , •••• '"' ,.,.., rie ~~... ,..,... .,.. •• . t 711} H C FAYLES ANl>COM•11N,,4'CIOC1m· ' ,. • " bi,11 champions of similar tourneys JUnlp a -' · e a -,..., Dr •• suite .m. N•wH>n lt1Cen, 1m MonroYI• 11 .... ......, NeWP'Ol1 ••~. "'c:T111ous •u11N1s1 • ~~~~T NI! u 1101c 1 r • c r I. hed th t f t .,,, last C1!lfornl1 f:!O.O. C•lllor11l1 NAM• ITAT&MlNT CENTEll ,.., • ' • -'-· being held in Nor l h' r n con1p ts a ea Mt. i;._ c. ,1,1e-1. ,102 .1.. Mlt.o DATAGllJi~HICS OllClll,_.•'-d 111 TM fouowlM ~,-.,, *""' ••1c11, c~. • "' ....... -'lt. California). month's state finals t () .1.v,,,,..1. Cot11 M111. c.1110 .. 111 '1116, ..,,,,.,,,,), ~ N01'"1'11 Jllllh Av•-· M l"'9s 11: cr..ri.t swr11rt c201 v11 ~!..a.. l11l1 bu1!11111 11 bel,.. conduc;led tv 1n Pl>ol11!x, A,lr-. $ I CO, INVISTMENT COM,AN'I", Mltlftl Dtl R...-, Ci . ·~~ T riffon oow stands a mere obliterate the old record of 7. 1M 1 .. 1du•~ Tnt1 11u11,.,... ~ t111 ... --.ic:l'l<I 111 • )111 vi. Llffl, NrwPC1n IN<h. DivH:I ~111,. MIS ""-•.,st~ th · f (h (6th J • G. C. l't>'!tt WPW•llon. C•Ulot11!1 Cul\'tf" (lty, Ct, ,;V") ree pins away rom e J + 1 by Wasco's Otis Hai ey m This '"'•"'''" fllK ...-1111 ,.,. countv T"""'°"' "· 1111001, ''*"'°'' tt, l llMI••· nn ••" l'••n'I Ch ._ 1tic11 '"' 20l3A. ..,...,_.., spot, v;•hich is Currently held 1968. c1•rl. If Or•"" CouP11.,-If\: JuM )C, n11 . T1111 ''''""'""' tU!ld w11t1 ltl• cou~fJ ,.11ee, S•"'' ..,,.., C•lllorP1l1. H1ro1d E. Aw•.;"C~t• Mn!; Ct. • ~v· Sa Di I ~ 9.,-l 1vtr1Y J, Mldd<>X, 0ff1Uly Countr Cllf'k "' Or•l'l'I• (Ol/~1' .. , JUPlt tJ. 1t71, ,,.,.m.nelt. u 11 w. llllfch,,..,.,I Or., VOIMY St.fll'•· -.is WI~-· "'1,. down by n ·ego's u:e At the same lime. Russ Cieri< bt 11 ...... lt J, M..:1<10.. Dtf!lllY Covllf"f ... """"'"· C•lllOf"Plla. ci.1..w:• Miiier. L•DuN lfltKll, C•. Taylor at 6,387. Francis of P le a sant Hill, Ore. 11"1"t1~'(-;',~'.!.....: .. ~:."."'..,0~l~ f'll~~~; c~';,'\;i,,,,._, 0 ...... eo.11 D•llY p11111, ~i.'.!:'r.:: ~:1~1~~1~~':d ~;"~ ""Y~!i;:• !~~l:i°"~tH.t',.·1 F'our other comp1.'tltors look sma s hed J\1ark Mu!TO's {New1 ---·:-:::::-:-:-:::=:::-;:----1 '~·:~:_:m:,:•:"''._'.,'"~'~'~'c· :••:,:"~·~'~"~'=--':':,.:":ILtrnl!M P1r1111.-.hi.. p1rtneroMP. . t le• '"-I' ,. d Tlllodo•• ll. lfllncltr. Ch•tllf J. Swlltrl g1an ps on uit: e 1m1na ions Jersey in 1969) javelin rectir LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Gent1'1I l"1rt11•" Thi• ,,.,...,..,t 1uld •!!ti h CO...llfY list. of 257·8 with a 254·1 1 throw. n.11 ''''',..."' fUN w1111 "'• C1>11111.,-Cl1<k d Or11'11111 coun!Y °"': J11111 :u, m1. Wh. · • GI All" · l'·t'Mt I AR sm Cl1rtt 91' 0t11191 CounlY on: Ju111 25. 1•11. 11v a.v1r1,. J. M.odoil, DlpulJ ~ 1tt1cr s enn 1son Jum· Plainview. Tex. ace Randy 1'1CT1T1ous 1us1Ness NOT•CI To <••DITO•• 111.,-._.., J. ~u. Dti>u11 counTY ciert. ped from 31sl to 18th, Jerry Lightfoot \ ... as responsible for NAM• ITATIMl:NT IU .. l'RIOll COUllT 0 .. THI Cit•-· Publllhtd o,.,," Co•ll D1u, ,., .... H k f h 9 h Th• l'llllcwlnl p.,-S<>n 11 dolPll blrll""u ITATI 01' CALll"Otl:NIA 1'011 .. 11btl111td 0rl!'IO+I Ce.II Dill y ~!!o!, JuM JO Ind Jutv 1, t.C, fl, ltn ~, ac er went rom 27t lo I L ' lying the 13.5 120 hig h hurdles ,., TK• COVNTT 01' OllJ.MOE J-. •!Id J11IY ,, I~. 21, 1•11 IHoi.11 ..r", Sa l S •s J y Rob·n on ~AN JuAN 1 u1LDERS su,,l.... ,... A""" G ,, n a usana · a 1 s national n1ark originally set in u 102 P11e<i Ad•l•Plf(I, 1111 Ju•n Estttt ., EARL owi:,. GLYNN. LEGAL NOTICE LE AL NOTICE moved from 25th lo 20th and 1965 by Richmond Flowers of c.~111, .... , C•. '1715. Deceai.ed. St N. I · l f '1 Wt ll1!1" Ew1t1 !ioltm•n, J~ .. 6'5 Soulh NOTICE ti HEltEIY GIVEN t. IM T·'"9J ., • • an IS 1uno 0 0 ll !lnterey 1'iontgomery, Ala. and equall-V•!l•Y S!rHI, An'111lm, Ct!l!ornl• '1Wl(_ ufllttc ... ,,, lh• 1bcv1 MmH dKH"" NOTIC• 0,. INTINTION TO l!ltOAGlf NOTIClf Of' TllUlTll'1 Lt.Lr' 1~ LEGAL N011CB ' "' ·, •Jl Park vaulted from 40th to e d by Bill Tipt!ln !lf Pontiac, Tnl1 i...,1 .. ss ••Mine cP1><1111:1e11 "• •n 1h11111 ,..,,o,,. "'"'"e cl•I"'' •••I"" tM 1N TM• I ALa Of' ALC:OMOLI( T.o. N•. T.s. 111.n '•."' major league champion. Bor· h _,,..--\ndlvldu•t !P10J0rfetcr1111lpl. uld d"'""'"' •r• r11111l,ed t. 1111 tlllm, ••vl aAG•s o" Au•u•f •· lf11, •t 11 :00 lt.18.. 251 • f\Iich. in '67. W1l11r Ew•ll Hof!mtn, Jr wllTI I ... 111<;a .. rv vouch•rt, 111 1119 lffl« July U, lfll TITLE JNSU RAN CE AN O TltlJ$T ~ rusia Moenchen G\adbach, ".•. "M•~'···'·'-',· .• ~~T. ~-.·-··-·.•.,II.!_ In order to be a pproved a s Tllll 111t1mtnl fllH •Ith !Ill '"""''f ot tnl dtrk of th.-•l!Ow l'rllllltt:I cwrt, .. TO WHOM ll MAY CONCEJll:N , P ... NY, ,, d11ir •PPOIMld ,,,, .... llflftl" Bowling h is f ir!lt sanctioned American Bowling Congress event of any kind . Trifron chalked up scores of 246, 202, before 75,000 at Niedersachsen • ,... u w• '"' "" " •v (ltfk If Or1nM Co11ntY on Jun• 21. 1'71, IP "'-' 1t11m, wllll ,,... MQIUlr'f S11blKt to 1Hul1\C41 el ltl• lle1n1R I P. .,..., purt11•nl to °'"' of Tnrtl ... , .. I ' I Vi'c ,, Garv M~~iS<>n. n at Lo n a I inter scholastic av •••1,11 J, MHOM. Dl!>UTY County~. tv tht u11Mr1l1ned "lhl .nic. •llld +or. notlc• 11 M,111., t!~•n !Plat,,... llu$uot 16, 1,10• ElltclllH ly: CAllOlYlf-. stadium. '-'Yll}ll3S .S Sdn 8e<llilr~I "" lo,610 f h d (lulr.. • of Ill 1llorMV1: COOIC SEY, und.,.oltnld pr0pcot1 to Mii 1leohollc A CH ... UlSETT 1,,., ~ tqlatr_ The stellar player ol' lhe 1. F•td Ooughle ... Ca•I • Mt•• 6,64)1 records, per ormanct s a to P11bll•hed 0••-Cot•I Diiiy P\111, SCHUMACHER, COLEMAN, MlNYARO .. btVtllffl •I "'' ''""'Ian, dllCrlbtd I I .~ IPlt!r No 11'11t I~ bc:ek ,..,. .... DE'nmark"!! National gym· ~ •.. ~. ~~1~~;::. 't0~0n1:~·~co ::::; be recorded in sanctioned h igh Ju"• :ID •"" J111r 1, 14. 11 , 1111 U'1·11 HO w A 11 D t 1 v : JA ME s T · 1'11!1-•: n . ar 0 ;11,1,j A..,.;d, '" 1,... offlc• -C• Mexican tea m, Raf a e I SCHUMACHEll:), us r-., •nd co''"'..., :;ail' Crown V•lf1v P•rkw1v, su111 cou"tv Rocordir o1 0,,"" (!)!""" c..-. ·d 1 ·d ed nasties team will partici,..,,te 6-lom T"11'bt" San Oei.,o •,}oo• school competitions other than LEGAL NOTICE Aotd. or111••· C•lltcrnl• '"'61, ~fer. I• ••A L,,.,,,. Nli uel 1oul1 •• 1 WI" ''" ., •U•'•<-'•uo. Albrec.hl, IS WI e y rons1 e r .. ~ ,_ Rol••IO AltXf<Wl(f, lh• Pll CI ol buSll'\IH ol ,.,. under1ltntd Ill ._.... ' '" •• ........ ..... .. .. ,... . to be the top mjddle tailback in an exhibition match July 30 w_ LM Ang,,1,, 6.119 dual and tr iangu lar meets. 1--------------1 11 m•""' ""•lflll'lt 10 "'' ,11,1• o1 .. 1d iovr1 ... n1 "-111(h n1en11o11, 1t11 11nd••· T10N TO HIGHEST 111>0ER iroR~ t "'II p k H' h I. Jolon S~arp, Encino ~.IO~ ~OOOO::-c-::-::-=-o=====--"===;I 1'"41 ~flCedePll wllhln tour mon"'' •"" IM 1!1flld 11 •~IYI,.. lo ltlt l>tso•rTrn•rl! of (HVltll•., rlmt of ttll I" llWful • in the Wotid. Albrecht, WhO is a ¥ l a ar tg • ~ J<>I' Mlnlior. Anah''"' 6,196 f'l(TITIOUI •USINl'S llrtl PVtiilci t!on ot ltlll l"IO!ICI. Alcoholic l t Vlrt9• Control for l11u1nc• of !hi Unl!td St•!a) 11 ti. lol/111•11 from ArgenUna, has had 38 onTrl~ ~~i~ni:e ~~:;ti~:J~~~~ :;: r~~~.ri~~~=~l·~:::~:P~n~ :::;: LOCAL bv~r:.ssl:~-: sr:.~!~ .. N~ •• Oo!"' P•ltt:ITJ~~;:.~~nNAT IONllL :nlV;~:~~\c:.:11~~1o~c! . .:~ -=~c~1;~ ~~':=1•'0~~ ... ~:~';i.~":' national placements On the n, Mi~e Smlln, An1ne;m lo,•ll G .I. S ENTERPA:ISES, lOOll W. MIC· lllNI( OF OllllNGE COUNTY prltfllltl 11 l&lllwi: WHI S1nll 4,,. &oul1v1rlf (lor,.rtf Argent·-te•m and p layed in by the Danish American Cluh H_ Bob R•mlerz. Anohelm 6,0 6 EDITORIALS IV: Mich ... P, Otklt nd, ON s ... Lf lllEEA: .. WINE (lflOnl Fldt Wt•I 6111 SI.\, Slnlt An1, Ca1ltv•nl1, """ ...,., 15. Ralph Lcmbird, Burt>a-nk 6,•C8 Arln11r No , 1«. Senti Ani, Celll., '1llll Tru:n Ottlc1r, "11bllc £11!.,. "'•<•) •II ,1on1, 11111 Ir.cl lntinll convl\lltd 1'lf the 1966 wo.4d Cup jn England of Orange. 16. L"" T•rlor, Son Ole~o 6,Je) J•m•• Wllll•m Schtuer. l{'l)O w. MIC· E~KVtor "' 1119 Wiii Anv-dt1l,ln1 "' DtOlt~I !ht Tn111nct tnd -htld hY It ufldlr ••Id Dt'fd •I '! In addition to the Danes, Cal omers -13, Clvde Lacher. D•n• The DAILY PILOT llrt"ur No. 14, 51n11 1111•· C111i. '"'°' of fl!e 1t>cvt 111rn1<1 dK•den! of •11<1! lkl'n.•hl "''' fllo , verltled Pro-T.,,11 '" "'' D,_,1., tllv•lld 11ri-·tMi for Argentina. Poin! 6,J.or7; 25. Ro~ WllS<><l, Cc1t1 Mt'HI A:lch•rd Geck, 1000 w. M•CArthur (O(IKSfY, SCHUMACMfll. 1e1t II IPIV offle9 of fl!• l>t1>•rtm•nl al City " (:crt1 Mtu Ill U k! Cou ...... -... Luis Estrada. a brilliant Stale lFu llerlonl wilt also 6,l1'l Jl. Nie• Sl\gtllp, Cosla M"a No. llt. 5•"'' Alll, Cillf .. '1101 COLl'MAN, MINYAllD 6 MOWAllD lllcollOllC ltvt•• .. COn!rol, or bY n'llll lo ....... ,,,.-• ,' ..... -6,i10; ~1. lt>I> Probert, H11nHr101.,,, Quite Often TM• buslnts• 11 btlne conouctHI by • 11, Jim••'· sm11midltt" "'• 0.,,. ....... , ... "' ..,1eo11c11c lll•w•••• ~ •. 'J!i playmaker and top scorer s howcase jls 1971 NCAA col-Be.en 6,!'06; .i.&. Fred Rkcllll, p1rtn•r.h11 ut T•w11 •M C:1UP1tl'I' lllM control, 11 13 0 s+rHt, sic•imenic. Lot 327 01 Tr1d No, int, .it r epresented Mexico in the lege division championship ~:'n'r.11~"~~11:;11.~si~7-s•~17:.c1i:K~~;::~; Fights City Hall Th1._ :,~~'.:.:! ~~~11'..:,11" tn• CouMv or'""· c111ltf"fti•,.,... c1111crn11 •~u. M> •• to M "'Ctlvtd m•P •t(crdtd 1" eoot 50 --41 .... l••!Otl Vlelo 6,007! "-•Y 8r~oon, !iun· Tl!: (111) SO-Jiil wl~ln )0 d1J1 ot ltlt dt!t !ht 1>roPOted !"clu1lvt of Ml1clll•n1oOU1 M•DI-.~ 1970 World Cup. squad in the one-night meet. ti"''°" Btach ,,001• c1 • ...-. of Or•~•• C<lllnly c": Jun• ts. 1t11. Ami1,..y1 +.r l •••11tv D'..,,I••• wer• ftnt ,..,,,.a, s1111ng ord1 a1 Or•n•• C011ntv, c111tornt1. · -:;;;;;;;~~;;MMMMMM;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;::::::::::::::::::::::;:;::;~1 ·• lltv•r)y J, Mtddox, DIPulv Counlv Pu!>ll1hl!d Or1~tt Cotti Dt ilY 1"!101, trC<Jndt for Ot"l11 •• ~•cvld.-1 by l•w. Th• >tteet 1ddr1u « 01t11r cemmOll •·• • • e • • • e • • e e • e • e e e e • • • • • • • • e • e e • e e • • e • • e e • • • • • e e • e e • • e • • • •• Cler~. Jun• J6 111<11 Julv ), U, 21. 1911 161J.11 Th• prtml111 t r• not !IO'fl llcenud lor l~e dt•ltn•!iOtl, II 1nv, ol 111• ,.tf ~ ••• , ~ Publlshl'd Or1ntt Co••f Otllv Pllol. 1-----,.cccc-cc-ccc==c---••It of •lcol!ollc btvortlt•. Tht torm o! dt1etlbtd 1bevt 11 111,jrPClrttd fo bt! t6i \ 'v y l •-_,,?.A'···~ ...,. ,~ ~ 1 :i • o" ;;. ' ~-l' '1" ' Ju"" lO i nd Julr I. H, 11. 1'11 1"5·11 LEGAL N011CE vorlllc•!lon m1v bt obt•lned from 1ny OI· All:flO A STll:EET. COSTA. MES .... CALI• . ' ' t ~ ~·~ ,~. ~· ."<,'1.::;-'~· ".) -tlCt f1I 11\f D""1rtmeM FOA:NI .... Tht undt'lltnt'd trut!H di~ llRE-UI' ~ ~\\ · Riil ~-LEGAL NOTICE T CE OI' IULK TllANl flll Joli" P. a. M•rlt L. Co1t1ntlno clslmi •nv litbllltv for i ny !ncorr~i ~ i NO I 1 u c: c J P11tlll1htd Or•n•• (OIU D•llr Pl .. !, OI "" "'"I •<ld,e11 or alhtr ~"""" • .- . ,• 0 , ·, • r '• ' • • ' •".,I\. -t."~ NOTICE INVITING l lDS Notlct t~,~.:~~V ;1!: to 'th~ •CtH llOl'I JUIV 1'1, 1'71 1'116-1! dt1l1111ti.,,,, If 1ny, 1howr+ hlrtlfl. ~ \• No!lce !a h<rebY 91Vtn 11'11! ltlf 111,,_rd Of of PllUL R. OUNLlll" 1tld .. HYLLIS L. S&ld otl• wll! bt m•di, tl\ft wl~ \ , '!'; y • ,,. '.I. ...., Truoleet of IP>t (1>1111 Comm11nll'I' Coll"'' OUNlllP, Tr•n•ltrora, WM•• butl""'' LEGAL NOTICE coveMn! or wtrrenlv, 1•1>,011 OI 1..,. •. ' J; ~ ;\! •.' , , 'l: l -" •, t • , ' \. .... :.J Dla!rlcl of Or•n9e Counlv, C•ll!c•nra, w~ll aoaren It 1115·1117 Newoort ..,v1nu~. o!ie<I, rtot,dlno lltlt, poutul.,,,, or - recelv1 t11\td, bld1 11P lo 11:00 l .m .. F 1· Cotto Miii, Covn!Y ot Oron9t, lt.11t1 cl N0f1(1 0 .. IHTINTION TO (Umbr•ncu , !(! NY ltl• r""•lnl,,. ~ 'Custom Power Cushion Polyglas: Save '1067 to '1794 each on the same tire that comes on many'71 cars. • tho ~1.me 11re. 11!11r1 been 1pprov•rl d~ 1landard ar option et rin m•l'IY 1971 car1 • w1.Jer ind lowtr thsn r.om- p1rabl!! conv!!ntinnal 1i1.~ t!rt1, il offe,~ • broad fuo!print Rrip lnr 'more Jtable ride and a toady 1\eering conU(ll • 1 polyes!er cord bodv J?li"s •nd 2 ln.Bd·firml11g flber11l11sJ t:flrd bells • wida ltw "76" 1erie1 HURRY -OF,ER ENDS SATURDAY NIGllT 2 WtUI l !•iri"' T~Mltu Sn ~.,1 ... 7.00·ll 1!18-14 6.•S·IC C11·14 6.9~1• 078·1( - £711-14 7.35-14 F78-14 7.7~1' GIB·lC 1.21-14 HIB·14 I .SS.It J78·14 I .IS.JC £78-15 7.35·15 f7&·1S 7.75·15 G18·1S l .2s.15 H71-15 1.SS.15 J11·15 B.1~15 l18·l5 9.15·15 •·•~'-· SAlE h ie• ~k!Cl ""r"' 'll'U~ 111 lrHI (1, Ju; '"" "••dll 45.65 w •.tJ l l.99 2.65 IJl.tl •2.09 5.65 ...... ~2.15 46.70 Sll.llt ""' 1.55 Sl$.U '2.37 $50.10 •JJ.57 12.54 $54.75 $U.H 12.69 "60.10 us.111 12.95 "61.95 SSll.1' $3.05 $48,40 sl5.l0 12.46 51.15 $Jl.J5 12,62 55.15 t 4t.U S2.BO 61.15 141.111 l l.01 69.20 ISi.ff 'J.12 571.75 S5l.ll \J.21 GOOD/'YEAll I THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS• TIRES PRICED LOW TO MOVE FAST 4-PLY NYLON CORD "All-Weather Dr" Tires • Ch~•n •ld1w~n cl111l1n. r1di1I cl1rl• o n 1hould1r • Yo"r boi!tt tir1 buy '" ll• price ''"lel LOW-$18 t~.::t~,~: I 1111 fl .. PlllCI BLACKWALL TUBELESS AltJ ..... '-"" U...-7.71111 7.111 t4 "J1r1t buy now at everyday low prices d11, J11lv :JO, 1911. ol !ht l'llteh•olnv Ot~t. Ctlllcrnl1, fl!tt 1 bulk lr111oltr II aboll! to l)(l(UTI llCUlllTY AORlfMlfNT clPll tum of Thi fl()!• Meurtd bt H.(f ol •1ld "'"°"' dltlrlcl lociltd •1. 1)1!1 bt mtdt to WILLl ... M H, MJ.L LOA:'I" •na Cllt'<I. '1fl -1111 U.(.C.) O.ed ol Tru•t. te-wll: M.131.DO, H "f4 Ad1m1 ... vtflue. (~II Mt••• Ci llfc•n••• ti PATRIC I"' M MALLORY Tr1111t.rf.1ll, Notlci 11 lltrl bV t 1Yt n Ip !ht C1tdl!l''1 11Jd fl()!e •rovidtd, -•·o-oo, I< .~ whl(n 11"'1 11>d bid• Wiii N DUbllCl'v • ' ..,. "' ..,,.., '' C !ION w~o1t bvolnttt ldclflU 11 1'1S.-\111 of WILLlllM H, M.\LLOAY • rtd undir !ht , • ..,.,..,of u !d Dtld et Tflllto o.>ened and r~d for ; l VJ Niwpllrl llvtn11t, COii• Mn•• Cou"IY .i l"ATA:ICI ... M. MALLOllY, Dtblcr. w~a\ 1-, '"''''' ••O ••-••o -<"· ,_.,. 11.Ro ... oc11sT 2" CI UAOllUl"LfX I ''' ' •• , ~·-"' ... '~· v I 0 E 0 TA p E RE ( 0 II. 0 ER I 0f•n••· ,,,, OI ol Ol'll •. bu•ln•u 1dd•11• 11 111s.1111 HtwP<I Ind of !hi tr111tt ''"''° tiv u ld ~ l"• pr-nv fc bt 1,1n1ttrtd 11 loc•!td Avenu•. '°'" Mlt•. CounlY of Or•"9•, of 1' 11 REl'ROOUCl"R$, COLO!t. ot 111!·1111 New1><1rt llvtnue, COl!I M1u, Sl•lt ot C•llfer11!1, lhtt 1 ltCU'llY In· ,.•u k~-~,' _ O ,. --,., Alt bid! '" IC ""' Ill 1ccord•IKI with Counl'/ If o"""' Stall cl C11\larn!1, ltre,i •• •boo.II "' N '""""'lo PAUL It. ... """"'' c •.• \fn .,. H"' ,,_... II.-ln1trucllon• •!Id Condllloni Ind St ld proc..-IY ;, dt•crlbtd IPI ttMr1I DU NLAP l lld PHYLLIS L. DUNL ... P, ti,. Truu, bv reooon of I brN cr. Cl' dl:t11UI~ 5otcltlt lll""• whkll l rt "°"' "" Ille ""' '" AH tltcll IN tr••• H1111tw, M"'9n'lllll !tcurtd Ptr1v, WllCM ti<J•lne., i<ta• .. , I• 111 1n1 ol:illo1!1on1 •Kllttd lti1r1bv, 1'1tr\!<- m1'f bt HCured In 11>1 lff\ct of lhl lll<li 1to1f will ti i..-llpPlit n<:I bu1l11e11 U01 c arob !Ir"! New1><1r1 l t•c" COUPlrto tvlott ••tcuted 1nd d111lv11rld 10 11'1• u"' Pu•dl•tlP11 llfltnl of told ~! Glalrlc1. know" •I Dunlu• Aoollt nce Co. •nd or or1n", 5u1, &1 c1111crP1I•. In Pr-•fY d•roltned t wrltlln l>Kllrtllon t1I 0.. Eich blckler mutt •uttmfl wllPI hit bid • lcc:...,t d 11 11\J·111' Newport 11vt1111e. ~•It<! •I 111'·1111 N-1><1•! llvt"""' l1ult •"" Demond IOI' S•tt , •nd wrlll•"-C••~le"• Chee~. ctrtlftH Check, 0' bld· '"'ta M•••· Coun1v or 0••1'1'111, S!t t• ol COAll Mn•, Counly of o,.nlt. S1•1' of l"IO!le• al b•••<~ •nd ol 1l1ell"" to e1u11 d•"• bond mtdt PtVobl• to !ht ordtr of C•ll!ornl•. c.i11or~I•. 1h• undt"lontd lo .,11 1•ld oni~rty 16 the Ce.it COITlmll"ll'I' (cll•Ot Oll!rlct Tho 1>ullo ''""''"' wlll bf! con1umm1lod Seid P•<11>trlv I• dtKtltled In 9en1r1! it !lotv ••id nbllV~lloo1, •net tlltrN l11•, C"' 1111>11re of T'"""' In.•~ •mount PICI ltn en'" 111tr Iha lnd Gav of Au1u1t, lt/\, •' 1t: Al ll•IUfls 1114 t'IU!•m•11I ol 11>11 lln· M••cr. Jl, 1'11 . lht und••,ltntd u 1111d 111111 f!v~ ~•Uni !5%) of !ht Wn'I bid •• 5ull• l:ll>, \Sill W••lcllf! Drlv•, Newpcrl Pil•"c• buoln••• ~nown ~• Dunlln A<>-••Id '1<>1k• If b••och alld 11 tlK11o" "' 1 1U•••nlo• ltlll ltl1 bldd1r will """' 11110 lllNt h, C<lllnlY 11 Or1n1t . l!tlt ol ot!1nc1 Co. •~" 1ocalod 11 111S·llH i.. ,•tordtd In b<>c~ 9Jlt, ''" lfl .... th• pr-o.pcalCI Conlr•ct If Ille M,... 1• C1il!ornl1. NtWPCtl llv.,,ut. CO!!• Mtt1, Counh of lt ld Ot!lclll R•eotd•, •Wl•did lo him. In !Ill •v•nl of 111111,t !(! So ,t•r If ~-" to IN Tr•ntf1trtff, all OrtnM, Siii• ol C1lltor11l1. 0111. 7,,111 enler lnlo l<Kfl (""lt•c1, 11\t PrtcMd• ct bu'!no11 ... m11 Ind llddrt,.n. uffd bv 11n 1>;t tvltd H tutl<v ettHment cl !he . l E . INSURANCE ANO !ht cht<k wm i.. lorl•Htd, Cl' Ill It'll Utt Tr1n1f1r11<1 tor !hi !hrH Y•lrt 1•11 P•ll, 1•m• will be d1llvtr"" 1nd tht. con· ~~~~T COMPANY ot 1 bl>l>cl, ltlo ..,11 w m ll!tr"°' wlU lit 11 dlllutnl ftCfT'I !ht •bcvt , "''' l'01ll 1lderellon tt\trtlOI' p,ald o" or ltlt' tll• Id T 1 lorltlttd lo t•llf W>OOI dlslrltl, ll•molll Llflt, Hi.mll"llwl IMt.h, O<•n,., lnd dlV of Au9uol, 1111, 11 10 o·e1oc:~ 91 11 ''" Ot. _ No b\1111« m•"f wltlldr....-hit •Id for I c 1111. A.M. ,1 'ullt 171!. l:!Ol weittlll! Drive, er Elmtr W, l-ltin1•r ,.rlod al """'-llVll f45) aav1 1tt.r lh• 0111<1: Jutw 15, 1t11. NewPOrt llleicn, c ounty et orame, Steu llu•~orlted Sle,..,.,,. . d1l1 HI lor h -n!11• '""'°'"· Wlllltm H. Mi ii..,. If Ctllfc,nl•. "Ybllthl"d Or""'' (1>1111 0.•l'f J!'UOll, The ... ,, f1I Trvt~ rtt«v" 1'11• 'Tr1~tft!'.. !o ft' 11 --n te th• Secured P1rlv, Ju!.,-I, H, & 21, 19n 1l10·1' orlvll-!II ttlKfll'lt 111.,-•nG Ill bl41 or P'1tr1CI• M. Mtl!or..-o11 l>u•!nt"' n•ITltt 111d •ddreut• u•ed by to w1lv1 •ft"f !lfftul1rlllft l>I' 111· Tr•~•!tr•e '"• O.e>!cr tor tti1 lh•H •"'' IA•I PHI, If LEGAL NOTICE lorm1HllH ~ t PIY llW If IPI Ille ll!ddl.... THOMAS C. KIM• dlfltro~I trom lh• 1tlov• 1r1; !---------------• 11•ntd: IHI Wttltl!ll O'IY•, Ounl1p A,pplllfl(f CG., lllJ·ll17 •, HORMAN E. WllTSON NtwHrf IMC~, C•ll"'"'ll tuM N-PC!rt llVlllVt, Cc,tl Mes•, 0•1r>11e, l,lr.ll U.U $Kty., IDllnli of Trvtl-PuOlltnto" 0••"11 Coll! 0.llY •llot, ClllfOl'nll . MOT!CI 01' TRUSTl'l!'lt. l.l1& o""' Julv :IO. 1'n-11:oa •.m. Julr ,., im 1'0!2'11 O•lld Julv U. 1t71 T.O l)S T OE~~· ~:N~~n INC,, •·- f'ublhl!ld OAll .. Cotst 0.ltY ~ll!tl, P1ul II, Ov~llP PCl•ltion, •• dvlv I PDOlm.d T.,,.,. Jul'I" ,.., n . Tm lt•11 LEGAL NOTICE P1w1111 L, Dunll~ ll ---,,.;;:;.,,;;;;;;;;r,.----1---~~~~~;;;,~~,----I THOM.Al (, KING cm~tr !h• 1<>110 .. 1111 nncrlb..r deed M LEGAL NOTJCE' !Ml Wttld!ff 0 •1•• l•u1t WILL SELL ... r PUBL IC ... uc-. NOTICI TO CRIDITOlll N-"'1 INdl, Cillli<nll ..,.... TION TO 1'1-fE HIGHEST 111001!11 FOi: .... A..... "ubll1Nd 0r1n111 CHI! O•llY Pllol, (J.51-1 (l>tY•nlt " ""'• ol N II In ''"''.vt NOTICl 0~ TMa IOAllD 0" ,',",',',"oO•'c~~U1,'o'····~ ',•001 July 11. lt11 201'·11 monev al the Unlrld St•IH) 111 rielll', IUP•RYISOlll 011 THI INTIJITION ,.. ,. TO •u llC:M ... ll ll:IAL PllOPlllTY TH• COUNTY 01' OllANGI tltlt 1nd fnl!rUI <Mvtved tn Ind, flfll1I ,011 TM• COUNTY Oii OllANO•, Eilll• ol v1CT011t ALIERT WEUER, LEGAL NOTICE ~'Id by !I under 1~ld 0....., nf Trud I'll IT ... TI! O~ CALll"OllNIA Dt't-ll &td. t~e 01~o~rtv ~tr~!ntlltr de1c1;_, •' l, NOTICE IS HEREIY GIVEM or lti• ,,,,_ NoliCI !I h••ebV 91vt" 19 credllfll'I 01 NOTl(I CP TRUITl!l'S 1 ... LI TJIU~TOJI• GER-"-LO L O'DELL • t.ntlflf\ of tl!t lo.rtf of Su~trvl-1 or "'e •bcvt ni mt'd dKtdlPll !hi! Ill Hi. ,C uq CllTHElllNE M. O'DELL, Ji$ JOINT -· • "' t "" TENANTS. or•M• CounfY 10 ... ,....... r • ..., ptf ..... I htYlfll clt lm1 •••l~I! th• 11Jd o~ FtldtY. Auvutt 10, ltll. •I 1:.... II E N£.,. c I AR ... ' MlJRIE I. J. '::i':~,:1' '~~:~ ~~~'i,", .11111 of"'-ltl~~.~~ ~h':~:~!.:;~ '~O::~~t;' .. ~ i~11~~:"~'::ic:1~~ ~O~'i.l~~~co,," 'r~~~ •• ~ c lu~~r '~! si~:c~~T~o~.~;'.~"~~ tf;•;; 111v. ot Or•ngt, $1111 of C• fornl•, I nd H-lh C!trk "' Ill• tbeVt tnll!ltd ,.,..,,, •• ou11u•nl lo O•t<I of • •vii Olltd Ml'f I, N 73'1t IPI book 'so' •• 116 -Oflltl~r CTftlld t t followl! !O Oft,.nl !hfn'I wllll tht ~tctU•tY lfU •~fCll!ld tlV VIJIGN!ll A:. CAlOEA. ll O. I th Ill :: lh R M°'f'I All ltlll ct r11111 .,,PDflrtv loc:•1H 1~ \OOl/Chtro lo lt>t und•,.l1Md 11 lht ofllce 1 w!dow "'" r~c,dtd Jutv IJ, !tM, In 0;·:~;~• ~oun~v~ ~!id d•~ '-;: ...,... "'' (OUPll'f ot Dr•n••· "•'• of of Ch•fi•• c . MOrrllCPI, I 1 2 7 t book 1'11, p-.I, cl Ofllt lal AKQ,dl In d11Crlbel lhe IOllOW/hl pro9eriv: 1:,lj"' C1lllo<"P1!•, "'°""'" II "'"'' No. 1 "'' Mtlll<hu11llll AVIPIUt. LOI At1111!11, !tit ofllc• "' lh• Rtcordt, ol Ot1n1e ... ,, ... hold n!••~ In '"" lo· m•• llltd IPI !look :H, p1g1 1t ot P•,ct l C•llfornlt 9001J whlcr. lt •h• •l•(t of Cotlnf'/, C1lllOl'nl1, wm 1111 9t 111,jlltk "-"-"'CEI.. 1. Loi 21 f1I T,1cf No ,,·;.. Mt PI, rlCordH 111 th• offlc1 If the bu1ln•u ol int unctt t1lt1P1td 111 t l! mitltfl 1u.:tlo" lo hl-11 bllkltr lot' coll\ 1" !ht Cl!v oi NewPorl !leach, 11 ihowl\ AICOl'Ci<lf cf Mid Count.,-, M•l•lnlnt to !h• fllalt ol 11ld dtced1nl, (P•Vlb~ 1t 11,,... ol N I<! In llWl11I monlV on 1 "'"~ thertof •Ko,dtd 1" lledt 201, Al ir.e ,11tcr.111 price f1I Thlflv F lv~ wttnln '°'" mnnlh• 11tar lh• 11,d publl,•· or "'' Unl!..S State•) 11 ltit Souln Fronl P••n ,5 10 17, lncluilvi, Mltctlll ..... I Ti'IOl/und tnd no/100!"' 0 o 1 I• t • 11"'1 ot lnlt no!I<•-El'lt•1nc1 lo tl>t old CC\11'1 Hou••· In IN: Mt~!. reco•d• O'I ••Id Or1ngt Counl'I'-, (W ,000.DI! ''0"" ltle lrvlM '"°""till Olti:d .Julv 1, ltll cltv fJlf l1nr1 A.nl. I" 1111 Counrv cl PA~CEL 1: An t PPurt•n•nf ~ ComPl•ll on Wldne1d•"f !ht 11111 d•v c! Vic ll!c~ttd• Or•"'O!•· C•lllOl'nl1, 111 rl¢1, lillt •nd cluolv• ••""'"'' lor ,,..,,11 ,,.. 1t•M1 A11tu1I, 1'11. •' t~t hCut of ':tl 1'c1cc:~ E•atulor of lh1 WUI •I l~!u11t tonv••td le '"" now htld bv n throuvhoul LO'I u ot Trtcl No. J111, •• 11.M. d ••ld d•Y •_! tht lllo1rd Of Sold dec1doP11 ur>dtr ,.,d Ote<t 111 ft>• p,_,,., 1ltu11• Tn ihcw" on 1 "1•D ltit rtol r1eorato:1 1111 Sw1>&rv11oro ll°""' '" tho COll~lv C~1r1., C. MerN1tt1 !ht Cltv or N-oort 8•1<.", !n Mid C""ntv !look 2(l7, Ptee' d to o , J~lll\lvi. ... dlTllnl•t'•ll"" lflvlldln1, i tnl1 An1, 1111' Mlfl•dl~ .. no AYtl!llt 111d Si.tt dM(flbtd l o: MllC1ll1nlt<lll~ MIPI, ftCOldl of "~ Ortno• Courtly, Ct!llornT1. which ""'" L•• A"'1l1t, C1Kl<lr~I• tWU Tnai ~•rlll" loa .. hcld n t•!a Cfttltd Otonie Cou"l'f• lotot~er w \>-ti •"" plfl't 11 !!Ned •• tnt llMI •M Pl•ce lllltrno1 tor ~••Cv!o' bv 11111 l•rt•lr+ !t1H dated $eoftomDfr f, ••1tmtnh lot JUCPOr1 •nd wtlltmirlt wl"oen lh• &Olrd of Su"'y1..,,., 111111 met! r'll·Uf'lo I .. ,. t~tc11!t<I bv !ht !•win• Co"101ny, ~ w~••t '"Id lot •~!orns Loi .o . toolllhlr ro con1umm1te 1urn 1>11rcr.1H. ~ubl•th'°" 0•1n1• Co••I 0 1l1v l'llot. Ju· cotppttllon, 11 l•.io•. tnd 1n1 lluN1. • ...-11~ i•••menli tor lftVH or ov•l'l)elJtl O"led; Jvnt l?, 1'71. Iv 1. I•, )!, lJ. !911 111 .. 11 llml!td Plf)nt •i.fllp, 11 l tJ•ffo rKOrd&d wh~ro •uch eo•tl •rt tonOr11C!ed !11 ~<• (\EAL) NllVtmbtr l, 10.J, Ill tnd to !ht folle'W· COl"ll•ntt WI!~ •PP1!«1bl1 1T111fllc!N$ 8'1" ORDEtt 01' lHI!" 80.l"!O LEGAL NOTICE In~ dfoc•lbttl lend, ordlnancn , •• 111 ta•lh In •n I,.. OF SUPERVIS011t$ 0 ~ PllllCEL I: lot fl ol Ttlld Jnl, f l t!rum•nl ••cord"" Juno tt. 1"7, '" OAllNGE COUNTY. CALI FOllNIA tlOTICI ro ClllDITORI shown 0". M•P rlC;tlrdOd In ~ ?l? "* '"°· P•Q• lll, OlllCl•I lltc(>l'dl, !Iv M•btl L. (t !lel• SU .. l:RIOllt COUllT O~ THI Peoe• J2 •"Cl :i. lnelv•lvt OI M"ct>-t Pld !(Xl•I"•' wl!h •h• •!ont lo uu I~,. o .. utv IT ... TI O, C:llLIPORNIA ,Oii l1nM1V1 MIPI. rtccrdJ et Or•nO• 1••11111•1 lcc:etfll"" Loi 0 . • 'ub!!oht<I Or1nte Cc••I O•llY Piiot, lHI COUNTY 0 , OllANc;I Courtly, C1llroml•. Mtv 1110 bt ~-n 11: 21C1 'V!,f1 Julv 14, 11, ff, ltll 1Ul-l1 Ht. A_,TJU PAr:tCEL ); A NOt1·t•tlu1!v1 NO,.. Cor1do, NowPGrl 8t•ch, Ct l11'o•P11•.• 111 E"!!t lt ot OOllOTHV ~. MUSG RAVE , ""'"' lor lno1.,, t lld "'"' tr.fntJ-u! 1 "'""' td~r•t1 Or c"""mon dell9nlllOn LF.GAL NOTICE 1110 ~"°""" I t OOROlHY I , STl!WART lo! 105, 1ppurltntnl lo Mid Lota 1! h tl>own 1bov•, 1>11 w•rr•n!Y II llvtll •• 1---::::cc:::::--cccccccccc-cc::----IMUJGA"'VE. OffNltd. Tri<" No. '1'8. •• 1l!CM"11 "" • ""'P to fll (O!'r\Pll!entu or co.,eclne .. J. •, IUPIRIOll COU RT OJI Tiii NOTICE II H£AEl "f GIVE N It ll"oe r"'ordtd In 8..,~ 112. p,, .. l> I'll 36 1'ht bentflcltrv un<l•r 1tfd Dffd of I T ... TI 01' CALll'OllNIA "011 crtdl!Ol'I ot l~t t bllVt Pl•mtd dtcldt~! lnc!u1l•t OI MIKtllH>t'OU1 M1p1, r1<-Trurt, bv tlOIOfl of 1 brt•Ch or dtl•ull lit '"' COVNT'I" 01' h ... NOI lh•I •II OUtCM 1!1vl111 cl1lm1 "''"'' 'h• ordt of O••ntt (Ol.lnfY, c11r1om11. lh1 ObllQ1tlcn1 1tc11rtd th,,.,.,. ltO. A4'1Jll ,11n dteed•nl •rt rtaulrtd lo lilt lhtm, COMMONl Y ICNOWN AS: 'I 7 here11!1oro e•ec11!fd ii't"" d.;llwtrl'd,;:: ~ MOTIC• 0, .. ltlVATI l ... L. Of' ltSAI.. wltr. tllt n1cttt1r1 woll(Mn 111 11'9 offl<t Hllv•n•t. Nt..,,..,. lll11cr., C1!11o<"nl1. und1nltl'ltd I Wr flt Kl•r•I .... 1 ' r1 S•ld ••It wit! bl mi d•. but wlt~out O•l•utl •nd Dem•nd lo' l•lt, I nd •r tn ,.110 ,.IRTY ot 1119 clt rk OI .,. t tlflvl tnllnld coo.i • '' ecvtntnl Of" w•,,t ntv. 1.,wtn .,,. !mplltd, l'lof\(I ol brMe~ tnd ol t ltcllon 19 ''\/"' ·~ m1 Ml!ll!' of 'h• 111•1• ., CLll'· lo Pft1enl ,,..,,,, with 11\t f!IC .. Mry •Hlrdl... 1111<!, PoH•ulon, ...-.... IN 11nd•rolgned Ip Mii ••Id prtlPt"l~ ... FOJID LONG, Dtc11...i. . YOIK""''· IO I~• ......... ~* •• -lffl<• rombrt n<••· to PIV "'' , ....... r111.,. •• , ... lllltlv 11H:I oOllt•llor\1, '"" ll!tr••rtir .... Mollee lo hertbv 11lvtn lhll MRS. OOAll If hl1 ... ltorn1y1, Cht,., RofcMOo'd. Oruk-cl•ll tum ot fl!I fl0"9 NCutld W t•ld llricltralontd c11111d Mid nollc• ol bf:--. CHAR.TE~. 11 E"•t<vlrbl of Ille t1l1t1 of ki t 11\!1 8091111, ~II W11t Fiii!! S!rltl, fl~ OMd, wlln lnltrt11 fro<'"PI JfnllHV IJ, lf1!, IM of 1tl<'flot1lo1M Atcor!Hd Mlf'dt I'\. CL!FFORO LO"!G. dtc•••td, will 1~11 ti Floor, Loi A"9el•1, Ctl!lonlle fOOU, •t In t•ld 1>11!t i rOYklld, l<lvtncet, It l "Y, lf71 11 !11otr. No, lleti In book fMt -· IH'IV•I• •• , .. "' 11\t "~" Incl till! tlld· wMV! 11 lht Pl•c• of ti<J11 .... , d ltl• ln'lllt • ltit -al 1110 DtldI ..... 1"11), -11!d Ottlc!AI Atcord•, dtr. u-!tit lerrt'll 1nd cencl1110P11 uncjart19ntd ff\ 1\1 m1tt.•1 Jllrll!fllllS IO m1r1" •"4 .,.""'" d tM Trlllltt 1na S•ld 111!1 .. 10 IN m1c!f, bllt "'"'*" ""'•"" """''°'*" .,.. "'blld io ,.,,.. 11>1 111111 at .. in dteHlfll, wltl\.I" ftu• If 1111 ,,11111 c•N1H lt't' u ia °""· -11'1 flf w1rr1MV, 111,.,....,. """'""' flrm•!lofl bv ll<f l u1Hrlor Court, "" m<tllltlt •flt' !lit fl•tl l'UtlllCl llOft et 11'11• Tiii k"-'kl•l"I' "'"""' ll ld Dtfd, tiv rtl•rdlnt tl!lt, oou1nlcn, or .,._ Autull H, 1tn •' 1111 hCur "" 10:00 l'lf!ICt. '"""' °' , b•t t<h or <11111111 IPI •~• (Umbr•ncn, "' l"'Y lht ••m•!nlM litl&o o'clock, •.m. or th•"•lttr, wlltiln ltif Otl!od July n. lt11. oOll11!111111 11eurtd Jhtr•by hlf~olore ,!Pll a11m of IN nott (•l M(vrtd tlv ..._/If t1m1 •lltM'ocl br l1w, 11 !tit oltlct ol H1,,l•ot1 Mu•1r1v1, l llt<l/W PK..-i nd ct.11.,..rtd 19 ltl; llndtrll"'"' Dt«I pt T'"'"· wlltl !nl1rt11 1• flt '9'1111 HIO'elE a. !ilGll lE fl l?f M1r!ne ..,vtnue. 01 ltit Wiii al 1 written Dtel1,1tlon ol Otll1ult tlld Oe. nolt provldld, t<lv1nc:n, II I PIV, u"*'".'f9 11/bOI l1t1ncr, (•lllOl'Pll• •II lht rl9M, II-"'e •*""'• n•mtd dt(l(l1nl m11"1d lot" S.lt . '"" •r!tt1n nc!ltl of l•rma or tlld Otfd ol Truol, '"" din.. II•, ln!•,ttl ot t Jll!f of s1td CL ll'l'ORO C ... M. RttC'llterd, D<lllllllr tlrNcl! 1nd d l!Ktlon 19 :tUlf 1~1 '"" ..... llltt of ltit Tru1IN Ind CJf 1119 LONG, dKHltd. " !ht llmt ol hi• dt•lh, ..... 1"1111 """'""11111 lo .. u ••Id P•OPltlY lo ,,Ul!I C'tll!ld by ••14 OMO ti Trltll. •"" t ll rlltll. Utl• I"" IP1l1...i lt\11 11ld 411 WMI ,IJIJI Sll'tlt, 111111'1' Ula flbU1111!0t11, Ind lhu11tter, on S.ld Mlt Wiii bt Mid 000 JUIY )0, 1"1, ti!••• 1'111 1c•11l'ftl by _,.lion If l1w, ti~ '!ttr A,...11 to, Jt11, 1119 unodt,.ltl>td (tlltfll u !d ti 11:00 11.M .. ti 1M lt.olft~ C,,..,,1),..1'!!: OI' O!~ll"WIM, oll'tt, ltllll l>I' IPI t<ldltlon to l.,ft Allttlll, CtlHtf"lt NII llO"lltt f//f brttc~ lfld o1 t!llCllO!I to bt lr1nt1 16 1111 CeunlJ GOl.I~. -• ....,. lht l of otld CLlF,0110 LONG, dtctt\f!d, Ttl f111l '2'·1111 r1eordft In l>OOk 9'11, ... ,, \11, of M id Wttl St"'• Alli •lvd., Sl"'I Al9• 1t 1M !/mt of hit d111r., In 1P1d fl lti• rt11l ... lltf"lll"fl !er I •_..,. Ol'flclll llll'Cl>l'dt. C1t+fOl'lllt, , , "'-rtv d•ocr!bed ,, 1o11cw1 : ,ubl!ohed Or•n11 Cotrl Dilly ,.not, Jl/l'v e>1r1: July 20, lf71. Otfll J u!Y 1, 1m. Promll-r Nol• ..... Trufl Ottll H, "·"Ind ........ , I, lt71 "'W1 WESCO FIN ... NCIAL TRU~T OEfO C&NT(ll dt"°" Jll\ijlfV 11, 1913-tl<ICUll!<t bv COllPOllATION •• I~( .. •f Mkl Tr11•1M, JOfiN L. SMITH •rid AOA I , SMITH LEGAL NOTICE l•ltl Ttul!N, Iv T. Cl. SERVICE •nd .,.umtd ey MR5, (, o ... v10 ., O•IYC• W"ntr COMPANY, Attnt MEllEDITI!, Wllll •n orr11rwr1 b1t .. 1c1 Of NOTICI TO Cll•CllTOlll AHllltM S.Crll11"1' IY Wt!OO It. H•u•. ' 11J00.llO llld • P<•lllll Mllntt If U WM Vlce-f't1110tnt '. llJ,)U,J7, ,, h r•i. -'"'~ '""''"' IVP••1011 co "' o~ '"• ,...,.rltl!ed N_,..,,.. Htl'llor M.wt1 ,...... ,ublllh.., N--1 H•rtior M-. ,._ •lld e.in111 lo<" ~.,,m..,lt. of U. llO ,,.., ITATI Oii C.l\.l .. OllNIA 1"011. <omblMd wllti Ille Di!IY PllO!, lt--1 c°""Dll'ltd wit~ Ille ClellY ,.llot, Mtw-' m(ltlltl, lfl(luellfll l11lt r11!. J tld ..01e •llfl THt. CO':T!.:::. ORANI• llltl(r.. C1l!lor"l1, J111Y 1t, !I 1/ld ll11911tl lllllldl, C11!fcr11!1, J11ly 1, 14. :n, 1'71 ... lrull Ottll MCUrld llY rffl pt-r!V In l lltlt lf•JAMli 0. GAllTl!lt o.c.. .. 4 lt71 MJt.11 ll 1M tit'( of <•11 M11e, (lo.Int.,-ol Id ' n1 oiil _._,. 1J1pectld ti.irvy OllNl!d ~ Qood~r llret, -m•r, 1>11• mtp rteordtod In aflOlt 11• "''' M, ct•dJIO>l'J If tlll •~ Ml'l'l!ld dlcllltfll TD .' _... ~ ..... ., r1,1n out of'°'"' •I-dll "' th'9 ~. tiut-"' I cf Mlo.¢11!•-· M•••· llteordl f1I ••14 11111 '" , ....... M Yl!lfl clllmt ... 1n11 tM ~ · ___ , tie IMPPY to orOll' your 1uti,.1t tn. '4h'll1/MCI Countv. 011d otc-"' 111 rHull"M '9 tli. """'· LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE SYMO .. SIS 0,. fKI ANNUAL ITATIMIMT 0, MllllTftlAN IN IUllANCI' COM,. ... NY ,,. M .. ,.,. Cwtor Orlvt" NIWll'lrt lloHL (lllilnljjl 3 W·•w' m I•~ llllfl'llJ UH OUI .... CHICK ........ --"M ·~~·· ·-· .. ,. "· "~ "'·.. 'O"" " MDHY .,, ... <M CHARG -- :=;o =., .,""',,,.•~ i.w. '°"i-.' ttln cheock fOf fulu1'9 dtlhflfY l hfl or otltr• •r• '""11'"' '°' ••1<11 '"' wllPI tht n1<11ury vouctMrt. Jn "" .t!lc• .. -..-Mfldl11 11111 HrlO!ll l ''-"' ••• ~1111, •rid 1'11111 of"'' tltt• of"''..,,,, 111tlll9oil twf"t, ... • • .,. 111 w•lllPll • .., ...-m .... ft(t.IV9d •I ""' 11 '"'"'' lhlm, Wl!ll IM fltCHl•rY ,........................................................................................................................... ofllct of C. A. Hl•lllt, lflrorM'r' IOI' tlld _...,,, It Ille unifort~ .t ll'lt oftkt ""' ,...,. Cite"""' 11. 1m Tittl 1dm1tteo111 1111too I'••• i. Llflt :ti/ • 1,m.w.;_. :··y· .. Ou· ... N ... , ... ·g· .... L ... A .... N .. ·E····,··1· ·1··. E.. CO. ~ ~l~g~~~zi~::~:~:,'§ :~.~~~·i.r-;!~'.~?~::~~~,~~ • • btPIOI'• "'t•IM 0114 u... ""'idt Ii IM p!tef d b\lt!n..1 ., 1111 Thi 1•141 f1I f11t ,_I .io-rlY !Mrttn 11P11Hrtltntd 111 •II mttlll'I ..rt1l~lfll 19 • • dtt(,1111(1 ••• ~I'll• Wiii i.. "'-u"°" 1111 IM • ., ... If '"'" tltcldOtlt. •lllllPI frwr I ft0owlfl9 !••mt: C1th -'"" 111 lf'l•rt mon!ht '"°'" h flr•I ,....ik1tt.i of ltll1 I "'~'' bt l«Ml'IHllltd by 1 ..,_11 d 10%. not!t1. • • • • • • • • • • COSTA MESA 1596 Newport Blvd. 548-9383 LAGUNA D 482 Ocean AV.. 494-6666 THEOOORE ROBINS FORD 2026 Harb or Blvd, e Cot ta Mew e Phone 6-42-0010 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01'9CI: Jul.,-t , 1m. Dllld JulY 1, 1m • Mt1. Dorl Ch1rfff LLOYD McFEl Ca«11lrl11 If/ IN l1t1 Wiii IE•t<.11!0r If Ille 41 _ . • °' (;L l,l'ORD LONG, Dt<t11H. wm ol lltll l boVt "'""" d«tMM NIOlll I •tOlll (O\.OMIL llLIM Mlltll1H9 • Atltl'fll'l'O II \.-,ltAlft(LIN, nt Mll'lllt A¥-111 •1tl 11111 Stl'ltt, = l t ll>N ltiifll, Clllter!tl• C:Hll Nltll, Ct llllf"lt t'HV '"""-'"•' .,,.,." 1 ... 111•1 11·.1111 An1<11...-1 ,,., l.f.KUlft• lllrM1 ltt l•tC!il .... Publllohld Ot•"" c..11 01111 1'110!, r'ublltllt<I Or•no-Get" O•lly "1101. ••• J~IY I .. 1 .. ti, lffl lftl·ll J~ly l.C.. II,•,,,_ Ai.ttvtl .C,. lm lta.11 -----------_....,.,_, -·-----4 ~-,··-----· .. -···------.. --..... --.... ~ .... ·-------·---,,~. To111 119illllft111 !I"• .. J, Llfllo r.o L1tt.16LB SlltCltl '"''1111 flllldt Cl"..-l. LI"' >~l C11>fl•I !Mid•"' or tl1Ntory dffts11 (1'111<1 J. L,... 'SA) '•Ill Ill 11M1 f;Otllr~ tutPIUf l"QI I. Llfll MAI tlnlulfr*I fllflft h!Wlllutl IP111<1 :t. l..1111 H•) """""' •t ,.... .. POlk:ytlt~tl l,OOf.000.ot .. ''*" J, LIM ,,, 1,Slf,4ft.• lneotn1 fll' "'• w•r 11"111• it, LIM 11 i.~ 01 • ...,.._,, ,., ,.,. ,.., ll'llCI• u , Ltn. 1'1 1.m-.. Wt h•,lllY (•Hlfy 11111 -•blVt !i.....o ltt In •q-oroMfla W!IPI ~ =~ """'' lor !tit Y111r ....itd Ote....ttt 21. lf111, ....., +. 1111 lnturl!IOI _,_,,_ - el flof 11111 et C1H'-it, ... ,. ... 11! II l•w, ' F. L. SPltf"I, Vkt P•~idtnt L ..... litftllltt, 1rH 1u-.r l'llCl!IJ,Mjl Dr-.. Cllsl Delly r'J191• J111Y Zit !I, Ja, la, M, 1tn I I l •• . !.' D.lllV PILOT ' 1 'Hell of a Job' Cruise t:IARDWARE BARGE -\Vi ndward Passage, the 73·foo t ketch built by t~e late obert F. Johnson, wins enough hard ware in the 1971 Transpac to f11J her in on her return trip. Top trophies awarded to skipper Mark Johnson to· ~lght will be for first to finish, first in overall handicap and first in Class .!J,.. '"· •'· :""""'~ \&•IQ & X & ?•!JW;-~V~ -..-:-:s: ----CZI t.~ · · · Welcome ~ Aboard ,, ~. " :· .,. By ALMON LOCKABEY i&.-· .Zi:i:iii'-'=""""r' ~~~a::..,,_s.·".'.'"'~ ~ ::.~·" = .u:a::v ::zu ~ With the !asl three yachts in Tommy i~ righ1, of coursf'. ~the 'J'ranspac race due to sir· Everyone see1n.'> to be happy ~.rivt. in Honolulu during the that Windward Passage "'Look 'Ja!a awards pr~entalion tn· it ;>.\!" after the debacl P. of 1969 t 'llighL 1he 26th sailing of I.he 'when she was deprived of first •famed Los Angeles to Hon olulu to finish honors ;ind a nrw ~race will become _history. recl}f"d becatL~e of .8 n~y ';. And th~ h!slOncal footnote startini;: line fou!. ~ (){ lhe race will emphasize that V.'P skipper Mark Johnson '-a Class A y;icht won overall !'.aid before this year·s ract': £honors for the first time in a "\Ve aren't interested in han· {decade and ree<1rdt'd a clean ~!1weep for the first time e.ver. ~(The only other triple win in ~the Transpa c was by the Cl2.~s t B. entry Dor;ide in 19Jfi l ~ Transpacific Y;icht Club 11f. ·; ficials wi ][ be ma king a big ~thing out of IV i n d w a rd •Passage's handicap win, ! trying to refute th e contention ,. ()f Class A skippers that the :course, Lime allo"'"ances. et al, ~favor the small boats such ;:1s ; the Class C Cal40s V>'hich have : won overall handicap honnrs .: in lhe last three Transpacs. .• "Can't you just hear them~" que ried Tnm \Vi\drr. chlrr . mea5urer of yachc.5 i n ~Southern California . "Thry·n be pointing oul. 1h.'lt !he rule favors the bi~ boa ts thf' sam e u the little bo2.!«" ''But the y wil t he v.rnn!l ." edds Tomn1y. "They v.·111 for- get that 1httP -was nn v.·:;v Windv.·ard Pa ssage couJrl hin-e won this race 1f snn1f'onr hadn't turned the Ian off aftE'r the first few Class A boal-s had finished ." di cap nr even a ne.,... record. We just want 10 be first across th~ finish lint>:' Jronicall.v, .Mar k nol only gol h1.~ rovetrd first to finish but had :ill the re st handed him b.v P. fluky wind pattern that ~eldom ha ppens in t he 'J'ran.spac. Nol even the C21I· 41)s begrudge him . But Mark knows. alon~ wit h K1aloa !l 's Jim Kilroy and olher Cla.o,s A competitors. Lhat it may never happen ::igain under the existing rulei;. Incidentally, ·who did turn off tha l \.\'ind after ~1P f inisl1ed~ Could !t be t.hal the ghost of Robert F. 1 Bob ) Johnson \.l'i!S ridin,it in the cockpit {l( the yacht he built to bre&k the Tr::inspa c record '.' Roh \.\'<IS so embi1lerrd aflr r the 1%!1 r11ce th;il he vowerl priva lt'I~· nrver 10 r11 re in annlh rr Tran:;;pac. But .<.ons Ma rk and Frit1. 11;:1cl different idea~ "WP can do 1t," they sa1rl. And they did . In sparl~. Hydroplanes Begin Ato1nic Cup Circuit By ASSOCIATED PRESS Baltered and bruised fr om · five Eastern regattas. !ht biR: ~·and speedy unlimited hydroplanes <ire limping inlo Pasco, Wash ., lo ~l.:irt thP se- cond half nf thr lll71 circuit 1n pursuit of the Atomic Cup nn Lhe Columbia Rivrr. Defendin!l national h i gh point cham pion ~11~s llud\.l·eiser of Ta1npa, Fla . has a slim 527·point lead over hr r ; nearest rival . the community· owned Miss f\1adison o f Madison. lnd. as 1hr lie('\ • begins a western sv.·in11 that ' will includf' r11ces at Se11tle, Eugene. Orr.. :i.nr1 Dal\R~ between now and late SPr· tem~r. A pre \·i ouslv 5rhrd11l· ed raQ> in San riiego \\'as 'canctled. Jnterviev.·:i:. "'ilh a hall·lozrn •,top unlimi!Pr1 off icials and ·drivers sho\.l·ed th,. rtrl-an<l· i .80ld Miss Budwei:o.eor pilntrd •1 'by Dean Cheno.,..'elh of Xrni11. Oh.lo. is the boa1 ro hl"al. Cbenowtth i~ $hootinr;: for lhr. rrtft'• t.hini C(ln!lf'CUU~·f' na. tJOn111l champion~hl p, • Missing at Pasco and & ' quesUon11ble , starter tit lhl' . ..,..Suttle. ~afair Rcg11tta t"·o "'etks later will be the Hallmark Homes, the lomitr Miss Bardahl that dominated unlimit ed r;icing in 1967 11nd 1968. The Hallmark suHererl irrepArable d11mage in tht first turn or the first ht-at al the Gold Cup lk,i;:atta in ~1cidison, Tnd, three weeks ag o. Bu1!dPr Ed Karel sen and the. Hallmark Homes crew :ire strugi;:ting to pul a brand new boat lQJtether in time for the Seattle race Aug. 8_ Drh·Pr Lif'f Ber,l!erscn and !ht Hallmark were second na. tlonally, just 450 points bi-hind the Bul we iser. itoing into !hf' Madison race bul Rre now fonrth. Another casualty 11l Madison hut due in Pasco after rtpair!I 1s 1he Atlas Van Lines T. Ori vrr Bill Muncey h1111 bttn th" Rudwei!ler·~ primary rom- Pttil ion for the past two year~ but has had difficulty gettini;: thl' pmner balance in hi~ ntw bMt 1hls year. ThP Cinderella boat or 1971 I~ lhf' ~fl.~ Mad1~n Thr bo11t ha ~ a shoestrinR budi;:et and rlrh·rr .Jim MC'Corm1ck and !ht" crew members volunteer their ::rr~·ice~. Endurance Unofficial Winner MACKINAC ISLAND. tltlch. (AP) -On the basi.~ of unnf· ficial computations it arrears that the Cuthbcrson a n d Cassien desi gned 4 3 · r o o I Endurance is the ('Orrected ti me winner of the 64\h annual Chicago to M;ickinac yacht race. The boal i:;; owned hy Roger Drusha of Menominee. Mich . and .,..•;is one. of the first yachts 1n finish the :13.l·mile ·r;i ce Monday afternoon lhR l oH Chic ago Rt 1 pm. Saturday. Drusha Mid, "It v.•as 10 gre11t guys working together ?.nd )::etting all the break~ lhat brought us in ," The correeted lime for Enduranct '.l'llS 45.29 hour:;;. "\Ve gnt up inlo Manit ou p;issage real well. Then got a !ift that ]('t us slide through in- Ln thP straits off the winds," explaine<l thP winning :;;kipper . The other early finishers .,..,ere Norwe~ter, Esh r o, Inferno, Bona v Pnture , Weatherly and Northern Light . ' Bo y Wins B<1nshee Sai l R<1 ce l.A!\E: P.l'.:RRYES.".A n :rt i -Peter Drasnin, 12, of thr V.'e5tlake Vil lage Y:;ch l Cluh tn S0uthi>rn California , ha ~ been named !hr winner o[ lhe unde r·!~ rlassiftcat ion or \ht Znrl ;>:1nual n;itional Ban:;;hce one-man i;a1ling boat rac£'s _ Drasnin 11,';is l1r~t in the final r ace a.nd won one other first and a third place to win the combined 1olal. Second was Murr;:1y Conn ick of the SL Francis Yacht Club , San Fr;incisco. John Berlr11nd nf ~an Rafael was third . Marina Dr;isnin , r e Le r 'Ii i-isler, rourth and Rick Reid or the !sland S11i\ing Club 1n Fn~1Pr Cit ~-. fifth . Pe!rr Schoonmakrr of t.he Balboa Yachl Club at Ne\.l'pori t\ali the ,11en1or tvinner in ra ces concluded Thursday. Saratoga 1'eam Leads KONA, 1-law.::iii ~UPI\ - \Veekend-rowboal fisherman .J im Paslor boaled a 782·pound 1narlin Monday to give the Sar;itog;i sportsmen'li teams R big jumpoff lead in the annu;i l Kon11 Billifsh Tournament nn the l,1112.nd of Hawa ii. P.it.~tor. a H;iyward OeJt11 fi.~hf'rman, 11·et his firs! marlin line at !I .a.m. HST off 1ht l\ona Coast and a h.::ilf hour i11l er was tied In ln the leap- u1~. rliving !lsh. Paslor, 11 ~2·yrar-0ld <'lee· lri<'1an, sl\id It wa.~ his fir~! m11 rli n altempl and his firs! tourn111nen! lry .. Skippers Giv e Thoughts On 1971 Transpac Race By YRU Looms ' Fourteen yacht clubs eom· By ALMON LOCK.ABEY DAILY ~ILOT hllt!M l dt1or Post·mortems (lrt the 2~th biennial Honolulu race are 1n full swing. They are part and parcel of every long-distance ya c h t race. It usually amounts in a how we did or didn't do it. Here are some accounts nr interviews with skippers of five of the six 73-footcr:;; 1Yhich were vying for first·finish in the 1971 Tran.o;pac . Ken DeMeuse, owner·ski1.._ per of Blackfin. the ser,ond boal to finish, had nothing but praise for the performance of Mark Johnson and his record- selting crew aboard Windward Passage. "Passage sailed one hell or a race," DeMeuse said. "U ntil the last day we thought v.·r. might have a chance of catchinJ.t her. The f<1ct Lhalshe broke the re cord in moderate ll'inds is phenornenal. °'We sailed a pretty good ra('e ourselves. We ma de no mistakes, except 1hat we found ourselves highe r than v•e would ha Ye liked and got caught in de caying winds. We losl about 25 miles on two different days -and you can'!. do that against Windward Passage and still win a ra ce. Asked if he planned to return in the 1973 race, De Meuse mused : '·Well. we've been here lhree times and been second each llme and 1 think it's get- ting lo bf! a lerrlble habit - tine J'd like to break." Sumn1er A. (Huey) Long , nv:ncr skip~r of lhe 73-foot Ondine. prototype and sister- ship tn Blackfin. has won rnore Jin!' honors in long distance races tha n most. He finished 1h\rd in this race, but feel.~ Ondine set some kind of a r('cord . Said Huey: "I think we set a speed record 1n this race, <:on- sidering the distance we sail- ed. We went sout h and covered a distance of 2,432 miles with an average speed of 10.44 knots. "Windward Passage sailed 2.320 miles for an average speed of 10.2. knots. We figure that .,...e s;iiJed an extreme course to lht south, Blackfin sailed closer tn the great cir- cle course and WP a middle course. "As to Blackf1n , we closed frnm 10 miles to six miles astern on Tuesday. All things cnnsidered we feel we are faster than our sister·ship Rlackfin, and Blackfin is faster than WP. So that makes us faster than WP ." Long pointed out. 100, th;it Ondine is 45,000 po u n d s heavier than Wind w 11 rd Passage and l0.000 pounds heavier than B!llckf\n. Long said he was satisfied with the ptrformance of Ondine. Before the r a c e started he changed the steer· ing mechanism from eight turns hard over t.o •~4 turns hard over. "This allows us lo carry our biggest chute in winds of 25 knols a.nd over," he expla ined, Long said Ond ine's top speed was 18 knots surfing through the Molokai Channel on the la st day. Next ·ooat tn finis h was Tom Clark's radically designed cut· ter rrom /'.'ew Zealand. Hls commentl'i were short and to the point: "We were j tL~l short rigged for th is race .. , Jim Ki!ro.v, s kipper of Kialoa ] I from N ew po r l Harbor Yacht Club anay:ied lhe race bttween greetings from his wife and daughler. .. ,l was like a nice Sunday sail all the way over," he said. "lt was a cruise.'' Unli ke the three yachL~ ahead or her, Kialo.e came down Lhe Moloka i Channel in a moderate 12-knol breeze vdth everything fl ying. "We tried to sail the rhumbline but foun d w a couldn·l do it, so we went firsl to a heads'] reach and later a spinnaker reach. As soon as the chute went up the wind went all and we found ~urselve.~ de;id before iL" Harbour Yacht Club Rites Set Huntington Harbour Yachl Club will soon becomt another "prope rty owning clu b" in the Southern California Yachting Association. The clu b will hold dedication ctremonies for ils n e w clubhouse at 4121 Warner Avr. in Huntington Br.ach Sunday, Aug . I . Commodore JC'rry Olson said the ceremnnie!! would consist of tht traditional color· guard. fleg ·reising and pipin~ aboard of the club's officers by the Sea Scouts of Ship 412. The program will also in· elude a dedication speech by Capl. fl1el Carpenter, chief of staff of tile Long Beach Naval Base. Also featured will be guei;t introduction, invocation , rib· hon cutting and 11 harbor cruise aboard the club y11chts. prisi ng the Yacht R.tein1 Union or Soulhem California will shove off from llia Angeles Harbor Thursday, Ju· ly 29, on lhe fir~l race of a four.day cove hopping on Catalina lsl11.nd. YRU clubs are Alamitos Bav YC, Bahia Corinthian YC, Baiboa YC, Cabrillo Beach YC. Californ ia YC, Dtl Rt.y YC, King Harbor YC, Li<kl Isle YC, L11ng Be11ch YC, IA:. Angeles \'C, Mission Bay \'f', Ne1vpor t Harbor YC, San Diego YC and Santa Barbara YC. They are identified AS be ing proper1y..owning club! in Southern California. This will be the 20th annual "crui!e'' of the YRU which consi!L'I: largely of hard cor~ racing r r om rove-to-cove before settling down to a night of boat.hopping and beach partie~ . Thr raring i5 !or some or the ol~st anrl most coveted trophies in Southern California Y111chting. The race from LAYC ln How!and's Landing July 2!J will be for the hoary U:i!!. Angeles Times Trophy which has been in existence since 1903. . On F'rid!IV, Julv 30. the fleet will race from ·Howland 's ln Newport Harbor Yacht Club's mooring area at Moonst(')ne Cove for the ROOert M. Allan ,Jr. Gabboon And broom. Special ·low prices on 4 ply ,-;ires! J . C. Penney Ground Gainer ,. 16 ~.~~' ond old lir• Blackwall tubeless Siz• Replocel Fed tmc C7B-l3 700.13 l.c:is A78-l5 500.15 1.74 1 g ~·~•o• ond old tire Blackwall tubeless Size Replocel Fed. fox E78-l .( 735·1'-2.21 F7B·14 775---1 " 2.38 22 ~•~1ox ot1d old tire B lackwall tubeless Sii& ReploceJ fed. 10 11. G78.1A 825---1 .4 2.55 H78-14 G7 8-1 5 H7B· 15 955.1 4 825---15 855· 15 ') 7J. ,.. 2.80 Whitewan5 onty $3 more. Foremost AF/X Banshee 16 ~•~m' ond old tire WhitewaJ1 tubeless 1 Size 07()..1 4 fed. tax 2.J8 Whitewan tubeless Size Fed. to!( E70..1 4 2.51 F70..14 2.6A f70-15 2.63 22 !~m' oM old tire Whitewaa tubeless s;z• G70..1 orl Gn)..15 Fed .1oio: i72 2.34 25 !~~. ond old I~ Whitewan tubeless Ftd. lio• 2.911 14ss 2295 · A s et Fron! (ind rP.o• ~eo t COYl!f ,,1 for VolkJWOQ&l"I~. In bloc'. and red • 1..,...,, ""' .- twn •I"• 19995 · Heat·Eater auto air c onditione r. Auto n;r cond1tiorier. A cool buy for '"• budget cori1c.iou1. lwo rectorigulor frttrit t1nd two round 1idf" lovv .. rs re.ony deliw r thf" cool. Adj ustoble fon (lnd cooling conl•ols. E~rt instollo!oon ovtii1able. •Most c rs !)pee •cil b vy wovl!-f'I wo1 ceove'"1 . Higf\l;gP.t your cor't ;,.1 .. ~ior w ith ntt•oCfov• ~""' covt! r\ in 1<!,.li.tr ~d weovl! fnh1ic thn! '"'P!!h wolf'•, r•5t,1 ~ l !CJ•,.,s ond sp.!h, d •nn1 l'O\rl'f w•th ri dnmrt (lo1h. P,,,y riow l'!t th•s ll()f'c1ol pric•. Voroou' cl)lor\ 10 fi t m011 Am.,..ko" cort., [Xftl!rt ,,,~!oll"''O" ovo iloble. = 29ss Mini a.track tape deck. ep.,~ O'"'' ()n oll 12V. neg. ground &yttems. rht1 nner ••lector, volun'l e, to~ oowl ~1- o l'\ce eon,,.ol-. Gr9'('1t,volue . Yes, you can shop 12 to 5 P .M. Sundays, too, at any of these Pennay Auto Centers: BUE NA PA QI(• CANOGA PAlll( CARLS BAD CH Ut.A. VIST A DOWNEY FA5H !ON V ALL EY ·SAN O!EGO FU llERTON HUNTINGTON 8EACM M ON TCL A IR N~WP O Q T BlACH QllANGE "fHl (ll'f'" S::IVEJI SI DE VtNTU RA Uie p,..,ney~ l •,...l!paymer.tp1or.I ,. Orongethorpe 01 Vo llty Vil!w (Closf'd 5vl'ldO~) • ' -------· .. ~---------·-I•. -----,:-~-.. ·--· ' .. -·· --"---'\'1 ,... ---------... -~·---"---·---.. -· -· --· Courts NEW YORK 1 UPI) -A Columb11. University study of the consumer credLl :ystem charge11 lhai courL!I "at'l as collect1on agents of t h e creditors" instead or lid· ministering ju.st1ce in con- sumer disputes. The study, based on in- 1erviews with 1.331 deblors in rlefaull in New York. Oelro11 , Philadelphia and Ch i c a g o , found the failure of the debtor _ ........ --·-~ Blasted for lo get a fair hearing in court was 11 major inj\13tice in the credit system. .. The courts do not ad- minister justice in consun1er dispute~." Prof. David Caplovitz v.·rote, ··but rather act as rolleclion ai:;ents of the creditors.'' "Al lea st 20 pE'rc:ent of all default debtors interviewed had va11d defense~ based on !heir crrditors ' failure to )1\'e up to their part of the original bargain," he said. "If properly rrpresentcd with Ir g a I coun.s1·1, undoobll·dly many other deblorl Wf\uld be found to have valid drfrnses." Caplovitz said Lht' debtors - "011er1•ohclmingly person~ or n1arg1nal 1[ nnt pnverly-!evel 1ncon1e. persons of low oc- rupational status and persons disproportionately recruited fr om minori1y groups Being ofleo failed lo appear 1n court at all because ol conlu~1ng summonses or none al .1111 and btc:11use or tht expens~ ;n. volved. The study urged insll\ut1nn or neighborhood co n ~ u n1 c r cour!s and rev1s)oo of .~um· mons prr.cedures to assure debtors easier access to a fair court hearing. It also re con1n1 en1lecl 11bolish!ng door-to-door sa!c5 W,dl'lf'sd•Y. J11ly 21 11)71 OA:!T 1'1t.OT 'Creditors Agent' or experu;ivr merchandise' on credit. establishing a free- markPI credit system in which debtors v.·ould pay interest ac· c·ording to thP risk they represent and those wi1h a historv of defaulting would be dt"'nicd further credit, ;ind en· cnurag1ng widespread ton· i;urncr cl;iss ;ict1on lo help lo w- 1nMn1r debtors v.·ho fact' prr>- h1bl!1l'f'ly hi~h legal expenses. C11plol"llZ said waRe i.:arn1sh- mPnt should bf' donP awav with because it is a '"threat lo the debtor out of all proportion to the an1 ount rir h111 liilblll1y'' wluch frequently force~ him 10 setlle or qull his job even v.·hen he h;:is a defense to avoid the stigma g;irnishme-ol 1:arnes. The study cited the case nf a 32·year-0lcl Detroit man ~·ho bought a $600 sti:>reo ~e.1 while earning more than $12,000 a year Illness forced him lo fall 1n arrear5 on pa~ n1ents anrl v.·hrn he rould work a.:ajn he lno:r ::i su('1·P .... ~l'1n nf Jfih' because his 11·;:iges had bef>n garnished. '"So! finally h;id to ::ipply for welfare lo fct>d n1y ch!ldren," thP n1;:io said C1:iplovi17. t'Ofld11cte(! I h ~ ~ludy while a sf'n1o r research associate at C n I u m b 1 a '.~ Burea\l of Applied Social l'j Research He-now Is 11 prl}-· fcssnr of sociology at Hunt.tr -: College. .. . ...-.: . --*"· .. ~ ........... -•.• -•• ~i-.... -i-.-•. -•.• ·.·.·.-.·.-.• ~ •• ~.·.---.·.-•••• -.·.-.-••••• ·.'"-.~ii.-•. ,_il-iiiiiiii'i·i·i·-.-.-.-~ii .. iii' ...... ii~i: Public Trading • Ill Gold Despite Warnings of U.S. I I LOS ANGELr:s 1t.:Pl l - Public lrading in gold future!'> w11s opened on the Wes1 Coasl commndity exchange Tuesd::iy despite l !.S. Tre11sury wa rn- ings that ll was in violat ion of Edison's Revenues Up 3.7% Southern Californi:i Edison Company rcportrcl operating n•venues fnr the s e c n n d qu~rtl'r rose :i 7 percen1 . con1- pared with a ye::ir Ago. but nel 1ncome declined 12 fi percent under pressure of inflationary force~. Jack K. Horl 0n. chairmfln And chief executive officer, noted tha t lhe C11lifornia Public Utilitif'~ Commission l;ist mon1h granlrd the cnm· pany ;i rate increase an1ou n- ling 10 ;ipproxiniate.ly ~10:..s million ;i vea r ba.~e<I on I.he 1g12 r~t1ma1rn \Pvel of silles. The nt>w rRte.'I brro1ne ef- ff'Cll\'f> l;ist ~·rrk . he 5ai(I OJWrating revenur for the three month.~ ('nded .June :JO "''a.~ Sli9 m1llinn. co1npared \•:ith $173 million a year pre\·ious. Net income dipped tn $25.6 million frnm $29.3 million ;i year f'llr lier. Second qu11rter net ~'<15 rqual to 47 cen1~ per ~hare on weighLt:d avPragr shares of rnmmon and participating original preferred stoc k. com- parpd wilh 61 cen1.~ on a lesser number nf ~h11rr5 !11st yeAr. F"or l.hP flr.~1 :r;ir rnonth.~ of 1971. operating revenul' rc;ich- rd $.166.6 millkin . 11p from S..150.fi million reporlrd for 1he ~ame period !a.~l vr:ir. Nrl. in- come in !he first ho:11f this .vea r amounter! to $~ 2 million. cnmpared \l.'li h $Iii million 11 year ;igo. EarninJZ.'I fnr the hr~\ haH \\'ere equ;iJ tn SI 07 per ~harr, C"Ompared "'l!h $1 30 per share - a vear prev1011.'I On a 12·month ba.~1..; cnderl .Tune .10. Edison rcpor1 ed earn- in R,s C\f S2 4~ [lf'r sh<irr . com· pared ~ilh ~2 ~5 pPr ~hart> fnr th t same pc.rind a .vrar earlier !n !hr f\r~t h;i\f. rnrr~v ~;ile.~ lolRl t:d 2~ I hi 11 t n n ldlowalt-hnurs. 4 ~ prrrrn' mon• 1hao in thf> ~;:ime pt>nod last .vr11r. Among 1hr !hrre lar,11rst ru~tome-r c111ri;:nnr~. n·~irlPn liAl ~Alt~ 11:11 inrf1 lhr mo,<;t w1th an II 0 ptrrPnl I n r r r a .~ (' . follnwrd by com1nrrr1al .<;,11]r.<; IJP 7 0 pcrcrn!. anrl 1ndu~tri11! !'ale~ ;ihead O 4 perrenl F'or the thrcr months <'ndrct .lunt :m. energy s11lt:'!I tot11Jed 11.!'i billion k~·h. 4 2 percent more th11n in the second quarter R year f'.;irlif"t Cnm· mercial sales were 5.4 percent 11he11d of the same perind last y11;1r. lntlustrial sale~ were 11r 0.7 perct:nt, 11nd re.!idential sal~ lricreated 6 0 percent. lhe Golrl Reserve Act nf 1934 Dt1vid Callahan. president of lhe fledgling exch;inge ~·hirh l>egan trading in sugar, rocn<i, silver and 01hrr con1modi!ies only last October, sai d that morf' th;:in $\ million trading 1n gol d fu1 ure' 11·;i~ cnnducted fn !he firs1 !i5 minutes after opcn1 11g 11! 7 a nl. The ~nl d rc~erve R et specifically proh1bi1s U.S. It's Cou1p1·essio1r Ry rornrresslng the cnnlcn1!! of 30.000 puncher1 card~ !stacked on the left) nn a s in gle 14 ·inch disk tsho\\'n in its (·arrying case on the floor !n the ri,qh1) users of the lB~t ~ysten1 3 Model 6 are able lo ~tore alnlost two atld a half n1illion characters or informa- tion. 1"ha t's I.he criu lva!en! of cta1;i fro111 over !00.- 000 gasoline credn card s I I ere 'l'cdra I !;:ihn in Bora Raton. Fla. gives 1hf' J\1o<fc! 6 access lo th<' dis\.; by inserting it 1ntn a rl ra\1·er on the left ~1dc of the clesk·sized computer. Shr ran then · rnn1·crse" \111h the disk through the \.;cyboard at her finger· llp .... Air West Sets Ne1v Curo·o Tr(tffic Murk b ' f{u~hes /\ 1r \\'csl ·~ passrnRer and rilrRn 1r;iff1c .o;et new pPrfnrm;inrr h1,llh" acr(l,"S the bn;ird during-thr flf$( SIX ffi(lOlhs oi 19i1, NllTI- parrd 1111h the s1m1lilr prriod la ... r 1·r;1r ~1artin F. Schafer, dirci"!or l'lf marketing .. ~:iid car_i!o tr.:if- f1c ~·;i~ hiked nf>.:ir!y 2~ per- cent. 11·hile passe-nger density ! the averaR,e numl)er n f passengers flying noe male) ro~e nearly 15 prrtrnt More lhan 1.398.000 fare· paying pa ssengt>rs boarded Hughes Air Wes! flights at rhe 72 airports served by the rc11,1nn;1I r·.:irr1rr Thi" 1s 1 II rcn·rnt mnrr t.h:in I hr 1 .. 11.1.flflO bnanl1n~~ 1n thr fir~t six 1nrn1ths nr !~ill Thr~ p;l'• .. rni::{'r~ O<·w 10 .:1 prrl'r'nl 1n11r" m1lP.~ lhiln 1n the ~1n11l11r 1970 pr1·1od 462.fil.1,7011 vrrsu" ~19J93.fi92 AvPrai.;e !o:id r a c 1 n r 1pcrf'Cnl;1!l,e nf S<'<l[S flllrdl for !he flr"t <;ix m<'nlhs Jumped to 4fi percent from 4.1 2 percen!. Po:1ssen"er de.nsity climbed J.1 8 percent -lo 3.17 from "'-' The alrhne"s sv~l em~'ide on- l1me a1·cragr remained un- changed for the period at 87.6 percent. c1ti1ens from posses~ion ef j!Old bullion. C;i!l;ihan contends 1hHI thr ;icL spccific;:illy exen1pts 11.nld l coins min1ed before 19:14 ?.::d i the exchange h;:is hasrd ils I trading ln\.'1 on R r"i Ii sh· !<nvereigns and o!hrr coins minted prior to that ~Tar. Prohibitory action by the 'fre3.surv w a ~ ;inuc1po:1tcd ' shor\lv. ·The Wes1 Co;ist Com moditY Exchange already had ; flied a pelllion irt l' S. District I Cnurt in Los Angeles seeking a l'Ourt ruling on 11'hether the 1 tradin~ was in v1o!a11on nf the ! i:o!d reserve act. I C:il!ahan s;iid lh;i\ 111or<' than JOO '"contr:ict.~' of 200 troy 'll1nces per l'on1ra<'! \\'Cre 1 tr:idcd in the fir~l hnur v.·ith I orders coming from ;:ill over the l tnitcd Slatrs ;ind as far away as Auslral1.<1. 'l'he ;iverage. prlcf' per ounce for ~old to be delivered In J anuary ran around $60 com- pared 10 approxima1ely $42• per ounce o n thr ··world 1 1 marker' set largely by ex · c:h<ioF;es in Lond11n anrl Zunrh The nun1isma!i('. or coin col~I lect 1ng. add1t1ono:1I v;:iluf' nf lhc sovrrclgn ;iccountt:d 111 par1 I for the vanancr. I Callahan cnn1en1ls I h a t under the American fre-:I t nl<"rprise s~·stt'm thrre is o., reason ~·hy its 1·111zrns should not be perm1!lf'd IQ join 1n l detern11n;:ition of gold pr1ce 1 •,· I He savs the.re is "ell nver billion. 1n British sovcrri!l,O~ in cirtulat1on plus i;:nld coins from other countne5 aod /\mcric11n gold plecrs minted be(ore !9.14. Jm1c Totals Reported By Air Cal Air fal1fr.rnia C"ilrr1M 74.58fl rassC'ni::cr~ in 11~ s<itC'l!i1t· rnarke!.<; rluring .Junr and fl('w a Iot a! of ~6.:149.000 revt>nuc p;i.~~rn~er m ile~. 11cC"nrd1011: lo1 Ourllc\" F• i\111lrr. rxerut1 ve 'icr prrs1drnl·m<irkt't1ng for !hP illf l ll1~' itaffir rrs1111.~ fnr lhr flr.~1 1 six 111nnth~ nf 1971 sho\.\ 405, !!17 passenger~ t ;i r r I r d 1·11n1p:irrrl lo :1!1~.2!11 dur:,-. ., :hf'1 cn111parahl1"' 1!1711 p •' r 1 n rl Tle\·enue passen,1:1"'r mile.~ 11'PrC I 145.1.16.iOfl v"r~u~ 14.1.:129,200. I The .~c.hPdulr c•on1plrtion l f;irtor for .June 1971 w11.~ 100 ptrrrnt with l.0.1fi f11p,hts fl,11\'o l hPlwcrn Not1hern aod Southrrn ('fllifllrnial Pe.rFormo:1nre rrcords .~hr:iv>'cd 1 !14 ptrcrnl of Air t ;al1fnrn1a ·~1 fligh!s departed (In l1n1e orl withln 15 minutr~ of .scheduled depo:1r!ure. I Air C11liforn1a operNes a f!Pel of Roeinj!; 737 Sunje1s1 serving San Francisco. .S;in .lose. Oakland. 0 n t 11 r i o 0 r <'I n g e Count.v·D1~ncyland I Palm .Springs and San Diego. What Do Sy1nhols Mea11~ Clllrity Key to lnitillls V sed on Big Board in NYSE NEW YORK jAP ) -HBve you ever wo ndrred how the ticker 11ymbola for comp11ny 11ocks are derived? Why, for exampl e, is JOY the symbol for Joy M11nufac· turing Co. bul OAT fo r Quaker Oats? Or why does FCB &land f()r F'Mte, Cone and Belding •·hen SLZ stands for Schlill? "Clarity is the key," ex- pl1in.!I John Leln1ew5ki. Assi~ tant direc.lnr of noor pro-- cedure Al thP Nl!.w York Stock Exch1n.1re. "Our aim in choo~ inr symhols ill 1f1 11vnid con· fusio n on !hf part nf !hP in- veslin1 public, me m be r _._ .. __ .... . -- f1 rn1~. 11nd very lmport.an!ly, on thf' trading floor ." E;:ich company IJsled on lhe Rig Board is as.'ligoed ill! own f'Xclu.sive symbol. The letter~. 11lone or in comb ination wllh one or two others. move ;:i!ong the upprr h;ilf or the licker tape abcive the volume and prlct: Ftgurt:s. Ttie. proces:ii for sele<"t1ng a sy mbol for a comp11ny is ;i complicated one. Lesniewski ell'.p lains in !hf' eurrf'nt issue or the exchange. magazine. Cf"rt3in combination." of lr1· 1ers ;ire banned because the-v vinl.'ttf' i;:ood t;i~te. l1k(' sr:x and Sir.: Othl'r~ arc thrri,1·11 out because of thrir negative connota1inns. like l>OG . lniti Als arf': often 11 cnn- venien! \11ay of arr1vin.1r a! a !!ymbiil. f t"R. for examplP, !!lands for Foo!r. Cone and flrld1ng. Firs! !!yllables 11re .also ex1ens1ve!y U3Ccl. like f\IET for Metromedia or SEA for Sc.atrain. The '"Specdwr11ing school" of seleetion 1~ also frequently used. In thil'i case I.ht letters ln the symbo!.s are. chosen so !hey visually create the sound of the corporatr name5 XRX reprr~C"nts 7.e rnx and SLZ s1end<1 fnr Schlit1 S.vmhol.~ llrf' thfl~('O l'iO thal lhe first letirr 1.s !he-~ame ~s the f1rl'it letter of the cor porate ~ -· ·-·- name. whene11cr possible. One C'Xception tn lh111 rulr j,; wi!h companie~ whose names 1 began ~·ith Q. T11e l'iymbol for Quaker Oat.~. for exampll'. is OAT. This is bccau~e any slock coming acros.\ the licker I bfg1nning with Q mean.<1 1he 1 company is 1n f('('f'ivership or l bankruptcy procecding11. I Olm panies are a~·are of !!'le importanct of lhese symbols l because they 11re seen many times on lhr ticker. Crne.ral Telephone a n d F:lecf.roo1c~ recentl y launch<"d a suc<'c~sful c11mpai 5111 tn ho:1vt' l{Jli symbol changed from GEN to GTE hecause that is it.\ cor- poriltt 10110 . ,., ........ ~ .. t -- Costa Mesa Store Harbor Shopping Center SUMMER cearance We are taking Mark Downs Daily to Clear All Seasonal Merchandise. Here are just Some of Our Many Savings -Quantities Limited. I INFANTS I e Nylon Knit Topt &. Pint& Orig. 2.lt . • l lldnl Swimsuit• Ori g. l .00 e Boyl &. Glrl1 Dl1per S1t1 Orig. 4.00 WOMEN'S DRESSES Orig. Orig. O rig. 9-I 1.00 12-14 .00 .... r 5.1 s.oo e Nyl on Hooded Jeck111 Orig. J.Oo • Seersucker Sun1u!t1 Orig. 2.19 I G!RLS e Stretch Denim P1nt1 3·6x Orig. 2 . .59 e Swim Cep1 Orig . 1.00 • Surfer Jecket1. ioo•;. Ny lon Orig. 1.99 _ • Short Set i . l -6x Orig. l-4.00 SOLID STATE BLENDER 9000 to 21,000 11,.M !nflnl11 Spe.d Tronsi,totl"d Control. ••cup lor. Tuck Awov Corel. Olll<i. SJ•.•• • Kn it Topi. 7·14 Orig. J.00 ...... e Sklr11, 1-14 Orig. 4.00 J NOW .. 1.88 2.22 3.22 NOW NOW NOW 6.88 8.88 11.88 2.22 .. 1.66 1.44 .66 1.66 1.88 1888 .. 1.22 2.22 I WOMENS I • Knit lport Tops Orig . .5.00-1.00 • Po ly Doubl1 Kn!t F!1r11 Orig. IJ.00 e Bl ouftl & Pint Topi Ori g. 4.00-6.00 e 8lou111 & Pint Topi Ori9. 6.00-7.00 • Short Short• Or ig. 4.00 e Anidi Pant Cltenup Ori g. 6.00·12.00 e W11tern Stylt J1ck1t1 Orig. 9.00 JUNIOR SKIRTS 100"• l"rlntecl Cotton. l wfflt lo1orn. l=t111 lch1d Wol1t, s.1, ••"•· 0111 c.. s•.oo • M1ternlly Top1 & Bottoms Orig. 5.00-7.00 . • Str1w H1ndb•t• Orig. l .00 • Jewelry Cl111nup Orig. 1.00-2.00 e Jewelry Cl111nup Or ig. 2 . .50-l.OO e Btech 1191 Orig. 2.00-3.00 e l lldnf flettl S lip Orig. J.00 e Stretch Agllon l-4011 Orig. J /2.fS I e lelta, Dre11 & Sport Orl1. 2 . .so.s.00 • l11lc 5w11t Shirts Orlt . 2.fl • C11u1I Fl1re Sieck• Orlt . 7.fl MENS e l'olye1tK Dbl. K"h 'l•r• Je1"1 Specl1I .. e '••hlon Strip• Sweet Shirt• Orig. 4.fl . STRAW HAND BAGS 3.99-5.99 5.99 2.99 "3.99 3.22 2.99-7.99 3.88 NOW 144 2.88-3.88 1.99 .72 1.44 .99-1.99 .99 3/2.00 I 1.66-3.22 .... 1.66 -· 5.88 . 10.88 -2.88 USE YOUR PENNEY CHARGE CARD • Acrytlc Knit P/O Shlrta Orlt . 5.00 . e Poly11ter Fl1herm1" K"lt Shirt• Orig. S.00 • Dr111 & '••hlon Sl1ckt Orig. 5.00 e C11u11t Gr11d Sl1tk1 Orig. I.ti . I • lelt1 Or!g. 1.00·2 . .50 • Woven Sport !ihlrt1 Orig. 2.91·3.91 • 5 /5 Knit Shlrt1 Orig. 2.f9 e T1rry Knit Pullover1 Orig. 2.49 BOYS • Cr11l1n 5/5 Swt•t Shirt• Orig. 2.69 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Wew111 l"lelc/1, So'"• .Soll1h Short 51••••, P•l'lll·Pr~I. 1' 011ly. Oll l<i . SJ.ti • Pre School P1nt1 Orig. l .SO·l.91 e Penn l'r11t Je1n1 Ori g. 3.91 • Dr111 Jeen1 Orig. 2.9f I 3.44 ... 1.99 .. 7.44 .... 5.88 .66-1.66 NOW ····· 1.88 1.22 .... 1.66 1.88 .99 ....... 1.99 . ... 2.44 . 1.44 WOMEN'S SHORT CUTS Aut. "' S0Ud1. P'•tter111 l fofhlo11 fohrlc• • C11u1f Sieck• Orig. C.fl e Pleld C11u1I '•nt1 Orig. 5.91 ORl<i. 5.00·1.00 199 2.88 .. 3.88 I HOME I • 4-10 Cup Percol1tor Orig. 10.11 e D1cor1tor B•1d, .SO' Orig. J.91 Str1ncl1 8.88 2.66 e 7 Sp••d l lend1r Orig. 16 .ff e A1tro Cot H•mmo(k Orig. 1.5.99 • B1n1n1 Loungers Ori g. 16.9f e Dlreclor Ch•lrt Orig. 1.5.99 . e Web lounge Ch1f11 Orlt . 9.fl PATIO CHAIRS Felcll119 W•b .Stvl• ll9ht Wel9h1, TulM Sr .. I 12.99 ... 12.99 ... 12.99 ... 13.88 ... 8.84 ''''"' 0111 •. l .•t NOW 288 e Pillo Umbrell11, or11. 20.99 J po1itlo" ... 15.88 -······················· 22.88 " 1.99 ........... 1.66-3.44 -.58-2.44 e Crenk U""brell1 Orig. 2f.OO . e Print Loung• Pill ows Specie! . e NDvelty Curt1ln CJ11nup Orig. 2.29-4.99 , • Sport & Dre11 Orig .. 6f·2.91 . Y1rd111• I e Glrl1 Dr••• Shoe• Orlf. '·"·'·9t SHOES e Men1 W ini Tip lrogu• Orig. 11.9f . I 2.88 12.88 WOMEN'S FASHION SHOES O ti 9. l .99· 5.99 _ .. Ori9 . 6.99· 8.99 . Orig. 9.99-12.99 • Men1 Dre•• & Ce1u1I Shoff Orig. 12.f9·17.9t . ... ·- ... NOWZ.11 ... NOW4.ll .. NOW 6.88 "-9.88 SHOP MON.·SAT. 9:30 A.M.-9 :15 P'.M. -' ' ~-_____ J,.., •• ------ .,.._. _______ 'T __ .. _ ' --t -- • I f Doll\ Y PILOT LEGAL N011CE ·-f'ICT"ITICXn I USIN•t' MA.Mil $TAT•MINT 141 IOGIO'rlf J>I""' ... 1 ... M *S ~·· N __ , Anoe ..... l Mt Woqlt l ~ o. Ht"""'OM 1 .. en C• !torn • ... .., Y H l!lrUO.rl 11 • n l""J1 ... POllJ 1-•• Huti 1n11on l!l .. cn C• lo nl• '"' bo.ltlnno ' IH ... ~UCIM DI' • j,..11.., p1r1ntr .... t $10-Htl\IY H l!l•l>Cltt 11 'flll1 tl1l.......t I ltd w I~ tnr CwntJ <:t.,k el OrMw C11<,,11v Oii Juno ~ ... 1'11 I Y ltY11riY J MtOcJw. 0..P~IY CPUMY ~~ PYO I~ 0 111.. (M ii D11tY P lo J ,,. lO ind Ju!Y I I ?I 111 IMl 11 LEGAL NOTICE II' , '" 'ICT TIOU~ I U,INl11 NAMI" STATEMENT '"' killow ........... h .soln1 ""I MU .. C .. MPl!l[ll P L UM .IHG ' HEAl NG J !iO 111 -. Cot 1 Met• .c1••7i>~ w .... l!I !.•-<»(DI• ln I ll!JI llt'H ' IN! v ""• c •mpbt.11 11 JO ....... C• 1 mu ~ .... c-vce<I 11~ •11 1 1 C•m-11 111 1 s 11..,.,111 I td "'Ill rllo Cl'\Jlltl' ): """ DI Or-Covnh "" Ju Y t• 1tM SY 1!11vo r J M•ddm 0.PU ~ (OUlllY <•~"-""° lil'led o •11~• Cotll 01 Y '111>! ~~ Y 11 • •11<1 AUd<IJ I • 1 lQl! l.,._n LEG AL NOTICE , 111111 P< CTll!OUS IUJ11-!E~I HAME SlATEMINT 11'0 OQWflt 0.J.l>fK •• •0 111 llus nM• •• 11.A Nl!IOW MAIN1ENAHCE i t•\ ,. er O Hun n;lon llr1c11 <• It OOUll 1 (Dn •• Mcl1111 5'0 "' •• 0 Hun! n9lon lh 1GI> (1 I Ell!ll>t " Mcle•n S9• p Cl 0 Hunll111 on l!lr•c.11 C• I Tn S bus MU l IM nt CDlldUC .., llr I ... lnet.tr> p e11,.,.,_.,, Mrt..H~ 0 C McLe111 T1>1 S t l!fY!tnl I ea w ~In• Counr <w k ol 0 1n1r '""'" ~ on July I' lf1 e• !11~er r J MO<lllO~ Oopul• Coun ' ' .. Pu~ •l><d O '"'" (..,.,, 01 v I' at J u • 1 ll 111<1 .,.,gul I, I 1171 :Kiil-i LEGAL r\OTICF. . "" J CTIT10UJ I Ui Nl"'l HAMI" •TATEMENl "'"' lo 1.,.. nt .,.,,.,,.,, 1 • "'° • ""' "'" .. 1!1 NOEii. MESTYA•Hio; JO INSON ' CO 3111 \1 1 l de Su o 'Ol Ntwpa Ari el> Tlle<>do t II. l!I n(J~ 7J•7 1!11• F1 m p ICI St nll An• HI "d f_ M•• •111rk 14'1 I! cl!monl O v1 .,.,,~. m l •w ~<• K. Jolln•on !11C f 1 ~1ven ~tn I Ane 111 1 lw• 111n h De 111 conduc ed .,, • 1•ne1 1>•l11e Y>P .... D a £ Me•l••M~ r~ t • •te,.,.n I ltd "' 11 1~, Ceun!• Ce kol0 1n.,.Cou '"" Ju •2j ~11 e v le~e v J M10<10• O•outy coun v ". Pub •lled 0 011eo (..,., .l vnt 'II)• a Ju• 1 • 11 '" • LEGAL NOTICE , 1 If• F t 1110U\ I U1 H (~i tlAME 1f4Tl"-N1 ln• tDllaw n, pt •on• o • •o ,.. ...,, "''' 1• I' J M•M U ,.,C lU•INC. JEWELER~ '1e \o C. •nd 5011 t "'11• W llefn D Je Um• J;M C I O •O M--1 l!lflK/\ Jo1elu• r V•na• ••" ll 1 We Ci r '"" P K f S•nl• .,no Tit • bu• nn1 1 bfln1 conduf td b• 1 f •rln~all p J , \/tnrl• •• ~ II I Jen>em• 1i. • • • •me~ ~d w /\ , l l!f-DI 0 """' C0<1nl• an Ju • l!lv l!I••• • J M•<ldo Oe1>u , C!•r~ C o~n v . " co~n v PuD 1 ..... d 0 lnQ~ (W Ju Y 1 'JI I nd .. UQUJ <I. 01 • ,. a I 19 1 1•" 1 U:GAL NOTICE NOTICI 0 ,_ •ULIC TllANSJlll ., .... , NOT CE S HEl!EB'I' G VEN 1'0 1no C <!<! lot1 ot Edw• II 8 G•tn I •~-> e o wllo•• bu• nH• • Se v C• Slot on s Wt6rtndly July 21 1971 Ne,v Staff P<l!W 't'OllKIAPJ ~ -fl\t hlllowl ... •11 .... • John C Molloy t1I t:o8la Mllio!.i ~'It., rwlGI " M~ hu been namtd Mlional DMI~:" .::,:: -" ~!i l-11\Ct I. I 1IG11 LI o les manager tor tbe com 1rw 11ocb • Sci *•"k 11111 Trvtl ace tM mercla1andedu c at 1oaal tsi 11~ 'll'lo •\ltl!l11r111 At o! l!lk Sv att. ..O\.o 1!1111 Jl~IC dlvlaion of Ttcltrucolor, 1 c 11£ .... 5o ,. .. u 110111 "'' H1rfl NC. l.I UU. IUm II.II •ordJno • • n.... ..... , s. Flot 1,111111 ••• u ~ 111 ,,. • ... D w l.IUUll'.I If si..w ..... ~I Sl\lli , .... , F '~r ge~ral manager ()f the ~.v~ :!! ~ 1 ~~Vii ::~~'1~~ d l ~ KaJ Dr ''""''"" j11 ... 1ne " IVISlon .. "'" mu:i: 1ve Flol Un LI l•<I 15 ~ Ill ~ H•I l:O:;t. Me~11 .,,. ~~·"1~ • • ,l:~b ~1b A FA JI'~ I llllu111 W f\.1olloy 1n tum announced "' o ,.. / • al , 1 d ~ .... A lS Inc • • 6l•ll!llrlcn the appointment of Wilham f 4.VM '" 10 • 1ov,le "'" ,. • A~ I 111<1 1, I • lotue E Steiner Jr of New""'"' Beach """' ,.., ' 1 1leoo. AH I"''• .,Om•• 1 • H1 lr...ien as nahonal 1ndu.str11&! accoun ts ::i ~o~ 1!1: : ~: :,,k'sc• mal\ager AddibonaJly Molloy ~ ,-1~ ( ;,, 1~,,:8';'n,..e:' named Dooald S Gregg as 1~' ,j~ e~:~.~ reg1onaJ sales managtr for the ..! • ,f"' :~~;'sfl1no sooth central 11a1e:i: ? , 2~. 1rvnv ll 11\ ~1mbr N M o I I o y who !_.. ::: =•dr.11; Technicolor in 1967 was pro-.. d EGut 1 , •, .,,...,.. 11 _, h .. yn l l <c 11 1 11 ... ·-M II mot= lo t e ne!lY creatt!d ...,., crm 1 • 1 .. C•P Sws• I fl the I "-pl>nm 1 1 711 (•Pin .. f poi:; a er .!ef\/Ull pas • •" G... >I'll 1 . "" T..:: year as managtt of market "'" 11 .. ,,. 11 • ,, • C• • '" A [l l•b Ho 1'1 llt Il l planning He has preV>OU.Sly""' E•P i ,...,111 1r1 G • "--k <l.m F nl lit )Oh IK NG ua:n manager of mar g :i:er ,. FIM t ! H v:. 1s •Yr>trh c vices and manager of produc t::; ~"r.:, .;1 1f!,:~J," os n1anagement "-Mtd cro ~~. 1•~ c'v Li o .,.., lt•v JO 20 htnct A Berorie 101rung Technicolor "-"" Weld 1 111 r 011 .,n•d I• l Chm let Molloy was ass1slant ad "-nneu• " ,, ~ h••• tn l "-n~.n n • Ch••• UI ver1smg manager for .,,, ind • "e .. , Honeywell s pbotograhh1C pro-: ~M'otv 11 , c~ 1Dsn• ducts d lVlSIOfl He also has been on lht adver11s1ng sales staff of the ~... Philadetptua Inquirer a n d 7 workedforM c Graw Hill !! F" ce Pubhshing <.:ompa ny 3 n d l ' man West 1 n ghou se Eleclr1c ~~ Corporation in a variety of ad JI vert1s1ng and marketing Jobs A1o!loy is a 1956 advert1s1ng and journalism graduate of i Penns)l\lania Slalt Un1vers1ly and lives 1>.Jth his wife and their lhref' children in Costa :\.1csa Steiner io1ned Te<:hn1cotor n l!lfi!J and has been dL<>lrJc-t ~~Jes mMager based 1n Holly\l.ood "1th respons1b1lity r 1r dealer organ1zallon 1n s1,,; sta tes and more recently m1dweslern sales manager \\1t h respons1b1hty for J:l ~fates He "a~ based al Techn1colo1 r sale~ office 1n Chicago Se ts Sa , 111as ... IJI\ idcu1L Royal Sa111ng:i: and Loan Association declared a 6 per lent alock dividend pavablr Jul~ .'.!7 to shareholders of rerord of ~1av 18 P.o~N Sa\1ngs and Loan As~Q<'1al1on t~ traded na r1onalh over the<>oonter and h<Js 480 000 shares out.standing fhe companv 1 ~ head riuartered 1n Loo Angeles and ba~ an Orangt County branch office in LagWla 1-hlls --LEGAL NOTICE F tHI ,l(TlT oui IUSINESS MAMf STATf MINT Briefs o .... ,, "·~· c y 0 (OJ I M••• Tno loown1 PO JQ(lt •• CIQ ' C1>Unly of 0 1nw• S11 r OI Ct o n 1 n1 1111• nt " •• • bt.t k •n•. • •t>ou 0 b• m•C• to NEWPOl!l 11.0.LBOA •IE JI! roN Gull 0 CO'l>O ''""' T on•lo eo wn""' (ESS ONS ~ q CG<ltfHJ S (o> • bu<""'' l<ld tH J 110 Avtn~o 01 nt MOU (1 I •l•ll s .... "• ( tv ol LO< A"9e ·~ (OYft y Noe M Pl'IO<ln ~ II• ,_ t'll $1 r lol 11"9fll!t S 1 • o (1 10 n o o It>• t o•• Mel l {I t "'11i17 lo ow ,,. ~·K blO p ot>erlY ..... !ltllV Lov """'" • • • COM! ~n ... ! """ " ad• ' YIU •• eou pm•n \ ••' (OJ • Me•• <•I lo "I .,.,,, '"" VDOCI w 0 "" C• In •••C• Tno bu•M • .... b<"n1 COr.<IUC eO bY . o on !hit ntll known •• G 1nl t c;., 1'1 loe.,11'1IP S• Y!Cf .,.., O<lleO I )<(I ,,.,,,......,., "'°" M Pno•n ~ f'vo n n. C v ot to t• N••• ln • ••l•m•nl I •II,., n ~. Cou~• (4 ION>• •"O 11>1 •uCll l>ul• •• r ., Cir~ or Or•na• Cou111v en Ju•• ~ 19 b• '"" um1N1 ... "" ... I • ,,... O!I\ d1y l!IY .,.~~ y J ,, td<IOX DI.OU y ({KJn • <i .t.uau•I 1•11 • lh• olt r• ar (. C • ~ .. Tl ,.,.....,... "" • 11101 •vfn , 0 tno P~t> htd 0 1ntr c ... ~, 0 1 ly S 1rf n "'• (Iv o1 l~' • .,.., o (ovn J~<\r lO o<><I J u• I U 21 ti V 1111 ~oo ""9'"' S o o o Cl o I 11----- S.. I• •• l nawn a h• T •It •• LEG AL l\OTICE tiu' r>e>> nom•1 1 d •dd "''""'"'lo<"'"•• .,. l dlt •1 1 g.rn ·~· 01.tJu•1• 1• •• "t ·~· • GULi-0 t (QO~QP .. I 0 .. 11> ( [ [lt<R DC.l T ~nil• tt "ub •"•d 0<"1n1• too t 0• Ju • 1 t71 LEGAL NO r1c t • • .. .. '"' . .... , f !CTITIOUS I U'1Mf_SI HAM( JT .. TfMIEMT '"low flf D~ JMI I o ' . 1H) II ... _ _,, __ _ Complete-New York Stock List • -----------------,=:--·----------N:· --· • NAb \<<> I )() Nako ( •o N,. co Sci ltO Na huo(o 48 N•!A In Oo NA••1 36P N~ Can •l N Cnno o;o N• c"'"R n Na Clltm JO ~:,cor,L ~ N Dhl~•1J ND>t<>1 1"S N1 Fue 6e N11 <;:,,,,, 10 N• G•<> l OS N GY11 o!l lO Ne tiomu N8 r>du NA "" I> ?S N <> ~ 1 l~I NI Svc " 66 Na Slfn~ JS N• S11rc1> 6• NA ~ttl?Jt Na l r• IO N1 UnEI 11<1 N• om•• is Neotune "° NevPow l !I New,,.,...,. ~~';!E"l l Ii NE1 T~3' N1wha 1 lO N•wmn! G4 NYHonll' Od NYS EG 1 01 NYSE! <>18 Kl N11MP 0 N I Mlll S15 N AMpf•ll N<0Mo JIO N ~M ol l60 N 8 Mo/ l OO N aoSh 1 Olg NL !rid 1 Nn !Olk W 5 N<:> ~Cl> lg Nn • nd !Ill Cn•I 60 N~AM ~g t o Am Ph Nol\m ll'~ ;o NoAR~ o • 1J Noillh Pf ]S N0<"1\ U ?• No Cr nGs 60 No Con! ll• Nol G111n Nol c:;, of oO No f~PS In NoNGt• 7 6(1 No NG o 6 40 No NG PIS 60 tloS •llw 1 10 NS Pw 111• to NS <>w l)ll 60 Nolh<1 . 50ii NOflllroo Nor "" on d Nw>lrl •5 Nw1B1n• 1 40 Now1! n<I Nrw\ In!! WI .. Nll"O l>IA S Nwl 11<1 D!O ~:z: s'!vf'':?: NO'" Of\ !I'.) I nr S mo" Nnr 3 " 1iO r "'" Co --~ ~-------------• J1111 Tuesday's Closing Prices-Complete New York Stock Excliange List ... '" j" '. ,. '"' ~· ,,, ... ' '" " " ' . ••• •• •• 1 J ~ ~· •• "" ~~ ~r. "' ' "" ~· •• '" ,,. ' . .. "" " -" H•o '"' .. •• ~· ... ' ""' '" " •• ~ ll\'o '" "' ,., " . " " " " . , .. ... •• ' . '" S•lft N•t IHI I tt ti! LIW CIM• Cfl9, • " ' " • ,. • ~ • " " • "' " • "' • ' • " " • '" " • " ' ' .. ' • ~ " • ,. 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'" ~ ,, .. .oi.-.+•· 20! tl\1 ' " -. I ~ )I SI )I 10 n.n11 .,, 1 ,,,.. ~ m-+"" II• n SI'> n ... ,. 10Ul1""ll -• 11 • o ..... I ..... lo l'~ ., •!VJ ., + '• )l)t .. l l 'lo. 11• ..... lOS ,,v, 11 o 11 I + .0 ?fl'r 7' 7' -.. •l21!.11'11,,7J+\ol Ill II\ IO'o 11 + ~ ' .. al • •JO• •• ).I "• ·~ ·~·-~ 1?1:19 ""'" 4 U •?<o 4Jt7 +'> lll 7S'1 1t 7S o 4 •Jl )l,,J/ t"441140 1 ••·· ?J ) s s JO 11 7J•o IJ o " 1'1to l6 o - lt H o 17' 71 l -t ., •• ,,,,,~i.1 lO O\o 10 'lo 00• -. 20 ' 70l. ~. t l ..... 1J 70C411 o4& .&1 ~+• Jl o O•o lo>:o + !0'1 170-tt ·•-!••-'• , .. Sll • l l'lo +I) 11! 7l-71' 7J,il•· j I~ .._, !IV. d )fl\ """' ~ -.. 7t 31 M :111\ JI~ + \ 3' 3t\'o JI 311<1 + '4 ' Jl'lo lAl lflo -l't ?lS •1 q~o •1\ +I 't 1Jll ~l2 .. ?21'1+"" TM ,l.110< ti.cl Prflt !f)I Finance Briefs NEW YORK WPll -Tho Wall Street" Jitters over in tere..~t rates are best 1g nored says A l exande r H am ilton I nstitu te fIJStor1 cally, lnterest rates often have gone up al the beginning or bwlness recovery and Jt s unlikely they II go .so high as to choke oif credH and bring on another recessron lho insti tute fee ls Best pollcy, espec1ally for lnng pull tn ve.stors Is to bu y at. this Juncture 1t advises Sell• nturH I I U!IOt'llc:ll Un •U qt~1....,.IN ""'" '''" 1t ._vi-i!~"<!• 111 l~t fDf"floll!t 111111 ,,. 1n11oo.,f dltbli.,t m1nl1 b.>tlll on ffle l•ll 11u11'11 '"' ~r •em 1n11V1 11Kt1r1llo11 .S-ltl ~t ••Ir• div 11..,...,J or p1ym.nl1 ,..r Cltt • ntt.-1 •• 1111 8r 1 • M n llltf In 11>1 ro110..rnv fox. norH 1 I ) . ,. .. . . . .r ' There's Lots of Gold _4ctors Clamor to Film Ads for TV FOR ADVERTISING IN · OUT 'N' ABOUT l -PHONE ! NORM ST AN LE Y . • 642-4321 Wednesday Evening JULY 21 ti:OO 6 l ie lltw1 .lury Dunphy. (I)ABC 11ws Jle1500rr/Smith, O llllBC """ lom SJ'lfi;ler. O YlrJini• Cralll11 si-Cues1t include M1iy Ann Moble,. Alejrndro Rey Ind Dlrid Brtnntf. 0 Sil O'Clort Motif: (C) f'O) ''Tiie Hontr-n Mtchint" (com !Cly) '61-stewe McQu1en. Brigid Ballen. Jlm Hu1!on. Pauli Prentis~ Ot1n J111er. 01 Spr GJ All•nltins "'01vOl'tt ., OJ Mont: (Cl {"lllr) "Wu 11 tflt '11111ll" (sd·li) "61-Tony RuwU, franco Nrro. fD Art St .. io, 1 .. m Not:icitrt l4 m o.tti Y1111f 0.,, fD JllNI Jim Hawll\orn!. 1:30 (]) NIWI Bill Huddy. (l)Trlllll « C.rneq1o1tncn ({)Cit "-' W1\1ef Cronk/11, (lg Nit ,...,. Dlfid Bri nklty. m no n,;nc "'" fm IW,.cirt lMtt m--m .... AftdtMOel .. 1e c:..1111l- "' Q)lllC - 7:00 IJ CIS "-' W•llt< Clonkrt._ 0 mJ flllC lkws Ortid l rinkl1y. 0 Whit Scl'Hfll TllMtrt: (90) "'Tiit Mw111.,Y1 H•lllf' (mya!trJ) '40 - Did fOftn, Gl!Of lt Zutco. 001• Tin ttM Trut• llJ Drlplt 0 WIYl't 1r1J lillt? OJ llwit; (C) (211t) "'CitJ IN11111 tM S.-(tdvenlure) '52 -Robtt1 RJ•n. Arrtllony Quinn, m1 l ... LllCJ' fD HHINMll "'Tht Romtroi."' The royal hmily ol thl Spanish ruilfl ptrlorm 1 COllttft ol d•ssit1I ar.d l!1menco 1uihr rnu..c 11n1ins lrom 1ht barnqut pe11od to !ht 20th centufY. €E) Al!fllito1 "'II'°' CD Moolit C11M By RICK DU BROW llOLLYWOOD (UPI ) \\'hy do actors and actresses -sometimes famous ones - risk a little of their dignity and reputation by appearing 111 television commercials? And why do man young pt.>rformers often try hard er tn get jobs in v id e o ad· vertisements than in othe r film work "? The answer to both ques· t1ons is as simple as dollars and cents. Consider, for in- stance, the foll o wi ng brf"akdo~·n of actors' gross earnings in 1970. as accounted for by a major union, th e Screen Actors Guild. The union li s t ed four c atagorie s in its breakdov:n of types of earn- ings. These categories are Smith's '°"· ii !Ofn belwttn loy1I· ty 10 1 fritnd 1nd b1C01T1in1 I fin• when ht owrht111 • chssrna\1 threaten 10 n 111hlize !he .chool. (jJ City ifl lfotieN m Dnid frMl Sl!lw In 1 trl but t 10 rhe lilt Louis Armstronr. lhe PlO· 1r1m intluCes hi1hll1Ms of Arm· stronl(s 1ppei11nces with Dsvld frost. m Dn2M1t fD J~st Jau Ri p Nam it spec.iii 1utsl. ' 6 CI) Mldiul c...t.tr (11) The br ui• on 1 youni boy's body ton · ~1nce G1nnon th1! his patient Is lht victim of I btB!IAI ins1fld or a li lt. as rerorted by the p111nts. Robert lansin1 and Dr•~ C1nnon aur,l. O Charlie Callas brines * a little madness to The Des O'Connor Show o ®1 m o. O'Conl!lf ,._ °" it host to Ch1rli• C1ll1i. cO!Mcli•n Jot 81-er arid re1ul1r, Connit SleY· '" o m CiJ m lllft .. • Rooftop (JI) ··01ve·s Nigllt Ollt." D1vt dt· c1des lo like 1 lritnd"s 1dvitt 1boul lus ri1ht 1o 1 ni1ht out •uth 1111 boys. Q) Felony SquH m ririna LiM m llHn ,.,. v-a t:JD o rn rn m n. '•"""'1 {Ill 0'1!11 R1h1rn." S.n Richuds mil• !lit home town ind tinds ~11 to3't1 f1thtr in tr01Jble. 0 B1xttr Wini J11 .. 1 m Ye11beff ID l• Ci-111 de lll•riM Clutts 10:00 IJ (() K1w1ii fiwt-0 (RJ Mont i Mar~ham cuests 15 1 convicltd mur· dutr w!lom McG1rre1! is tryin2 lo prove innocent In l!rdU to ir.ave 1111 life of ' pri'°n dodor bein1 hrld hcut11:e. 0 ®J m f1u r·irt-Onr. MtC!elld (R) "Our M•n if! Paris." An undtr· world ti1~re holds 11\t! chid ot de· tectiwes pusonotr ind lortH McCloud to dt hver 1 molhon dotl1r1 1n stolen money 10 an im~r1e1·u.porte1 1n Pans Suun Str1ibtf8 rutsts. O .. ,.., lle¥in SaJ'ldtrS. 0 Mofil: (C) (90) "Shtrk fi2ht· ers" (dram•) '56--V•tlof Mature. lliaren S!ttle. I 7:SO 1J Ci) M•n •I l•• (Rl Altoi r.ty Dafid H1n9'!l (foJMll1 h) l USpt(tl 1 ,11 .. 1 ol •ithholdins inlormahcn wMn 'he ft ptlll'(!ly dllniri tier mind about d•~•n1 Mr H1 11n1ed m Nn1 PUll'Mlm/ f 1shm1n QJ M1rrtftp A!e:a: COfd 1uesh fD [,tflinr •I Pllpt (II) hu1b1MI. Q m lllt11 f,.. SltMh \II) -lht 10:30 0 Mo.it (31111') '"U"tonqutrM' IO'Oln K1l!u " p.i.,. l1"101d 1111e1h 11d.-.n!ure) "•I -Guy Cooper, 11 an outlaw who$1 «m1rol of a P1ulettt Jioddard. l!•ihltntd communi!y ~ ch1lltngtd 0 @00 r:iD "Tl Ad.iOOI "A(C in 1 lhow·do•n ••th !lit Y1r11ini1n C:hlm?ionship." 0 rn CJ) CE Courbtllp " [ddle'1 liJ """ Bill .lohn1. f.tlMr (R) "l l'tl}'bodJ Need s 1 ml I] Dilrit cit 1111 Sen<Hih Dt- Brolh•r." [dd11 '"'~'' 1 dNI •ilh ttnl• tht RiltY broltitr..-wlltn tlltif t i· pttl•n! lllOlher 1ivn bn1h. thl(ll 11:00 0 Cl) m Ktn trld'. hom th• b1by tOf '"*"'''OJI O @ m ,.. •• 0 • ~ S lll!Mt: (CJ 12111} "Ill· tit C1y" !dr11111) ·s~Y1n Helhn Aldo ll1y. m Tnltll •r tonte(l-CM m hwl.O. " l- (6) DMt• Vrlley Oa71 o mm..., m w..M; "D1nll'I htllfllOw (mp Iffy} 'JS -Spen<:M l r1cy, CJ1irt 1:00 0 (}) (}) Q) .... 222 (RJ '"A OJ l11t Hil ClcKk Sort of LOll"inc." 1Nchtf P111 Ot1on fD hot INt "Bofn to Rebtl,-by 1UUW stlldotnl·t1eul1J np •1 Benjamin [ M1ys.. 1.10111 to a>llt with I/It drus prob· ltml II ¥hit Whllm1n Hl1h. 11:30 0 (!)Mt" 'ritt!R GJ T• Till tlle Trwtti 0 :f§J ID .khnny C.r110n II) KolfJWMCI ll11Mr1 ··on l.oi;tl1on 0 CiJ CIJ m Die• Cntfl With Ult! M0"11e1.'" Q) Ml'rie: "lliet i" lnt11~t P'Jillon• fD n. fr-II Clritf (drama) ·sg -Jtfom1 1110!'. Mar. I!) llfdu \.b"t t1I Henci!r)OO ml lnnt 12:J0 GJ AU·lliprt Sltow: ~n.. M•• f1111 J L1runlt," '1.Klpt From Sah111" l :JO IJ 1• 11 ... Witll l..Mt (II) rir1ndp1 ind "TKltt. S.. ol Chint ." Pruitt joi111 lht [lld1coth I~ Romr 1nlf 1•mn1 his low. f11m ft 1111 Sbt1 Allt1 Sllft Gllttll Jn chldt S.d CNM!. Moll ,,;1111en and Jillll!IJ O.n. 0 CIJ (I) Q) 1\e Srll~ F1111~J 1:00 0 li6orie: "Tlll SwwU1•" (Id· 'tnlurt) ·•a -Larry Puk1, [11911 Drtw. (l)00Clllim ""' (Ill) ''The Pttr GrO'Jp.'" B«I, Dt1 . 1:10 ft IM G111try Thursday MffiME MOVIES Hiii. (CJ """"'" trl r11nbnltti•" °""""') '51-tlltt C11.toi11L rr1n .. - 0 (C) "H•leR If If..,.. (dram•) ·~Romn1 Podtst1, J1ct S.rrM11 10:00 (]) ""• .... h f tilt 'rMM" (tofl'I• tlly) '52-TOfl'I Cur111, Pi11t1 l 1urit. 1 :00 m "Tiit OOlef lM" (rornanct) "(7-D1v1~ N1Ytn. B1rbar1 Sta n "'" Z:OO O "Dlrtly'• bftpn" (ldvtn1urt) 'S&-Junu G1r11tr, Jttt Warden. t111•......, P'adflc. A1tnr (wtsl· J:oa (j) ..._,, 11 t11t P11111ts'• (!ICl·fll tn!) 'Sl-llftl ll)'ICM ''Cunll,."I '67-Tony llu.uitll • (...ufn) 1G-Don B1rry. 4:l0 0 wllle hJ ti 1,.111 • Vt1H11 D "'.Wiit c..""" l°•rt I (~c-1 c.1111~ {mus•t•I) 'J~frld A111lr1. ltcultf) '53-Mrtrklfl B11f\do, Jtp's "•n1e1 1101•11 _ .._!• JD!'ll ~~· ~~~ ll l S.111t 11 IG AM lltt~~ .. ·~::-:;,•-I ' ,_ f --S -.--r - "theatrical molion pictures, tel evision molioo pictures, tel evision commercials and in- dustrial & educational'' work, and the total amount earned in th e fou r ar e as \vas $114 ,348,221 . 53.7 percent of the total eam· for the broadcasts. ings . There's actors' gold in th ose television advertisements that bnng JO 1nuch di~tress to ViC\VCrS. The network has offere Chinese authorities technic; equipn1eut, 1 n c I ud in g 1 porrahle satellite gr o u n .stalion, so that live vide co~·erage of Nixon's visi or this totaL the earnings in lheatrical motion pi c tu r e s \\"Crc listed at $17,853,147 -or 15.6 percent or the enti re amount. ·rhe netll'orks already are wou lrt be available around tlH preparing to give all ·out 1vorkl. co1·erage to President Nixon's Said F'rank · "Task forces ir planned tnp 1.0 t\Iain!and the reporling and tec hnical Chlna. areas have already beer Television motion pictu res. meat1 wlule. brought eamings of $34,444.336 -or 30.2 ~rcent of lhe total. Reuven Frank, boss of NBC organized, including a special un it deali ng 'Ao"ith the problems ne\\o'S. annouflced In Ne\v Yo rk of portable ground equipment tha t his organization plans to lor originating s ate 11 i t e present s Pe c i a I video transrnission in those coun· programs almost every day of tries where permanent equip. the Nixon trip. And. he added. nient for thus purpose does similar plans are being n1ade not exist." Industrial and educational employment accounted for $592,912 -or .5 percent or the overall figure. in case or a nti ci p a t e d , __ _ presidential visits to European and other allied ca pitals preceding the Chu1ese tri p. \Vhich meant that television co mmercials were far and away the greatest source of income for performers in the guild. According to the guild figures. these commercials brought in $61,457.826 NBC·TV already has a title for the series of prog rams - "Journeying for Peace." And Edwin Newn1an will be the chief correspondent and editor PEGGY LEE .., PHONE 548-1552 CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M. TWIN ROCK SHOW JOE CROCKER !GPl "Mad Dogs and Englishmen" ALSO THE ROLLING STONES "Gimme Shelter" July 2& tllru Aug1nt 1 Two Shows Per Night 8 p.m. and Mldnlgbt • COM INC PAUL ANKA plus CORBETT MONICA August 2 lhru B &111erie;1'r Cre;1te1t YxitloN lllJ. For Reserva1 io ns call: ZEnllh 9-9924 o• fo::ings Castle Lake Tahoe/Nevada 1702) 831·1111 '"BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH~ ( --._,',, INCLUDES SOME OF THE MOST / , '·-···-, SMASHING MAN-AGAINST-1: " ,,\ BEAST FOOTAGE EVER FILMED! . "ABSOLUTELY BREATH-TAKING. GASP-PRODUCING•·· -Jt11HI~ c .. 11 NBC lod<iy s•.toN I . "BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH " 1 . The hunt for the Great While Shark ( &···,. •C·"t "•Cll'l!f~f._,,.5 f'N:5f"lAJ"ION \-·~ , P•od .... •O bvl'f ll~ """''Cl O...;<..:lo,l'f!f• (;-l -JA"f5! 1~0"il 11 '""'tOl.Oll• A NAl '°""'t r.(t<l'R•I "ICTIJl'E5 Afl(ASl ~-''; ~ • ""'"' "-w.u 11M1· Continuous Showing Daily\\ ••~011;,,op1•17:1 Sp.•. •owa .. o s 1 ,. WILLlll This ii the !1111 movie you should not see alone. ""'"""~WillARO •• BRUC~ DAVISON· SONDRA LOCKE· ELSA lANCHESTER ~ERNEST BORGNINE ts Martin GIOOii•AAISTON -~~::.5-.i" : .... ~u h'ORIH ~ .. PMTT _...,ll(ll!flllll':lilt A !!(11 PROOUCTIJN,,.-,··,..-~·~1 ~• IN cot.OR _,,!JAM(Lfl!AHN ~ w....... ·-y ·-OQ..1----Now PLAY-I-N G( 'A.cwte'I FOUNTAIN VALLEY DfllfV(-lN POUHlAIH VAUfY-t t1·1•11 (0 -HH ~HOUsf rH.-.r 0•1',f 0 11000'" IC'> lhl.1•• 1•1. "'W1tlrl" 11. 1 n' 1~·00 1111n11" c l"."P!!'ii" .';'.;~ •'!! ."!.~ .. "~. ! ~·'· ~ .~~ frt.Sfi:S-. 11111r• tl l.1$, IL.C.ltti*it;tll (-p!t•• ,...,,. aa IG!tr 01 11,00 Mid"lt~t -• ?-I _,,;>-- (DWAAD"S HUNTINGTON CINEMA Co·H1' -"WHIN llOHT llllS TOLL.. 1 UUJ M•111 U., H""ll"''9f! ... (It -10·-IN<~ l f\l'd .• Swlll"' s... DI-, .. r. CONl l .. UOU~ 0~11 V f POM I 10 , M $'f(!Al MIONIGHT SHOW Otl fWI. & SJ. I '"BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH: INCLUDES SOME OF THE MOST SMASHING MAN-AGAINST-BEAST FOOTAGE EVER Fii.MED BY ANYONE ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME! -V1n~enl C1nDy. f'jfw York l•mes "SPECTACULAR! FASCINATING!" -Stt1~rl K.l11n, Melromedol "EXCITING! TERRIFYING!" ~BoD 511""119'. G•oi.p W i'll1WO<k PREMIERE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT EDWARDS TH RATll' • A CNMA CENTER FLMS PfESEKl1tTION ·TEC>NCOl..OR ''. .....00 .. -.<011• ...... -,...._Jll)I .... _........., GENERALPtCTLIRESREl.EASE [G,e> ..... -......... --....... -... ""'-- DAILY 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 P.M. EXTRA SHOW FRI. & SAT. 11 P.M ... ,.. ··-J .. I ·t, I : ;,JI ·' PREMIERE ·Orange County ENGAGEMENT In eve[)""Ot1e "'s lifC there's a SUMMER OF '42 A Rober! M11ll«1an/R.chJ•d A Rn1n Prouuc1 on JENNIFER 0 NEILL· CAR"f GRIMES JERR"fHOUSER ·OLI VER CONANT ......... , ..... , ... , HER ... AN llAIJCHLR lllC,.•RD A. ROTtt """""~·· ....... , ROBERT MUlLIGAN MICHll LLC.RAHO 4TH AND LAST WEEKS -NOW AT All 3 THEATRES HARBOR 2 Audrey Hepburn 2ND AT LOGE NTIL DARK" John M,tl, i Hol.,y Mrll1 "THE FAMILY W HEL STH GREAT WEEK 1111'.i~llJ. co•>< "•• " ....., .. ,.,.. "''" • .......... """". """'"° HOW AT BOTH THEATRES OPENS AT 7:00 P .M. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK NllDOYlll ·•THWfllC WI HAR-Sl+Ol"'IHC CUOIT[R ' ROBfRf WIS[ PROOUCT•ON ~NDROM:DA STRAIN ' ···•· ~ ... M!CHACl CRtCHTOll A UNfYLll~l P1ClURl • flCHNICOLOR" PANAVISION" ~·ct> 2ND EXCLUSIVE HIT -Pete• O'Toole in "MURPHY'S WAR" (GP) INEES FROM 2 P.M. -ALL NEW FROM WALT DIS Y " EGGstravaganta ! MiisltR Vitje, IJO-l99t I .. _ ....... ~.,--.. '"' .,,., ___ _ . . RA ED Ill "A GUNFIGlfl'" , ""' •" .iAM f S 1 AYI OR · Wlll1 R[N OAIEC l AIJRll RIRO DI NNIS 1'11LSON ' --- J I --· ... ·-·· . . .. Film Sl1ows Stalin as Savior of U.S. MOSCO\V (UPI I -The led I.he Soviet nation at war. The film showed Slalin fac-Zhukov. Soviet Union has presented a In the openin« scene Stalin ing President Roosevelt and motion picture i1nage of is shown issuing instructions Prime Minititer Churchill wilh ,loSt'nh Stalin SIS lhP !illVior or to his armie3 to launch a ,. h-" I d rr · h Dulles attempted betrayal and This contruts with a film on Bertin made in Stal in's lifeli111e whic h showed the die- Ad111!1 11 J; "· 11.U I I ,.., 11c c1e1 .. 11ooM "11:10 Jl(Y AT MOll:Nl"'G"' !>TUI America in the Buttle of the unsc cuu e o ensive on t e Bulge. ea.stem front to draw Gennan 1o•;arning against the dangers tator cap turing the Gennar c<1pital almost singlehandedly . ''1 MULl:J 1'011: SllTIJI SAJIA"' wltn Clint E11t- About 6,000 persons. inost (If troops from the Battle of the of addied disunity. them So\ iets. applauded the Bulge. The filrn does not seek tc presentation uf the fllni ··nat-This was followed by a rehabilitate Stalin in an~ SpeeYI Kldl M•U~M Sel, l1JO JI.Ill, lie for Berlin" when 11 was scene in which Allen Dulles, moral or pol!tlcal sense, bu! ' _ sho\\·n at !he opening or the the warl-irne.. chief of the Office restores his image as " good Seventh ~1oscow Film Vestival of Strategic Services (0SS\ in ge n e r .11 I Iss i mo without in the Kremlin's P<ilace of Switzerland, was s h own minimizing the immense con· Congresses. negotiating a separate peace tributlon of Russia's war hero NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES with the Germans behind number one, former Defense The film, the thi rd of a Russia's back. Minster Marsha l Georgy ~t·rics on \Vorld W:ir rr t1tled,-----------------------CI .. Libera1ion," presents Stalin a,; a benign war leader who was willing to listen to his ~encra ls and who effl'ctively m\'l l"'""'f ~~~.~~~·-· ~ , ..... ~. 011. ,. ... P'r9t!ll.,9 flltOIJITl•~t U11d., 17 M11t H wltll patPt 111111 , .. ''"'•"' '"'"· tht 'fOUIUJ htJreJJ • , • rt.1 kidnapping lhot b~o111et o low• ttory. "THE GRISSOM GANG-" Kito1 Da rby-Scot! Wit.on Co11ni• Ste¥ens-lrtft• 01i!v -ALSO rLAYING- Allllt•lr Motl&011'1 "WHEN EIGHT IELLS TOLL" Rob•t Morley-Anthonv Hopkin' PACIFIC WALK-INS '"" .......... c_,_ ··-~)~O~S Thi Enllrl C1rlud Admlltl<I l'•r l'rlce of 011t Ad111I Adml>iion I HI ~All Color Fomlly Entet1alnm1n1 ~ J1m1~ Ga•ner "SUPPORT YOUlll LOCAL OUNFIOHTl!lll'• 101 "SUl'POlllT YOUlll LOC .. L SliEllllFF" lGI -,-.. -... -. "" ·-··· ··-• Ul·101J Or•ftfl C!Hlnty Pr•t!'I••• l!nw11menlt SllYI McOuoen st1r1 In "LE MAN$" (G) Pl"" • Ou•lln HO!I"'!" "LITTLE BIG MAN" IGl'f ~·~ ....... .... °'"""""" 11!41~U-f.011 ~All Color Family En,.rla!n.,....nl W•lt 01~~ev•s "MILLION DOLLAR DUCK" '"' Flll'I J~ F•vnn "lo\ll&FOOT EXlCUTIV£'' (G\ - All Color Promlert Eng•ge..-""t "DlUI: WAT£111 : WHITI! Ol!ATH" ~lu' e (h~tll!on t<eo,lon "THE HAWAIIA NS" (01'1 .............. •• ·--•lhl tlil IU \ All Color Prtmltrf f/>tlftf•"''"' lirnnt sorvn1n• "'NILLAlllD" /GP'l (t•U & 11 :00 PM l ,1.,. • ''HOUSI THIT Dll:IPP'ED aLOOO" IOPI M ......... I .. ,..,,_ )II Ull All Color Prtm1t1e EnQl'ilf"'etl!I Georg• t-i•mllt.... "I Vl!L KHllVEL" !OJll pl~• e J!r•mv SI••~ "HILL'S ANOl:LJ '0 " 401'1 ...... , ..... .. G.,-G...,.. ....... -,,:;"~' ~"~"'-' Id! r -i:l w Under 17 Muoi It WI!~ Per,nt "I UMMlll: 0 1' 'U" Pl111 Aod••~ H1povrn "WAIT UNTIL DARI(" ~-···· Wttt.,••o<t ..,,,,,,3 • SEE EVEL KNIEVEL'S MOTORCYCLE DISPLAYED AT PLAZA 11 THEATRE ONLY. THE LAST OF THE AREDEVILS! \ .,, .......... ~,, .. - ,.GEORGE HAMILTON ••• SUE LYON -.. ---......... , ... __ ALSO WALT DISNEY 11<<>d11c1lon1' n11BAREFOOI' EXECUllVE g ~~-•OOOU:IO-"'"'ltif.11!!,,.[~fA/fARfC(lltf'()AAI~ Also Richard Crenna "THE DESERTER" (GP ) !MwTl- Wlule,, "hol" 7 l ll:lf "DoH'1or" l .. J Set.I.ha. "h ol" l :H, JoM l ll1lCI "p.,.,.,.,...1,.J, 1:11. .. 41 AT"°"'" Cll'IEDC*IE TH&A Adulti S2.50 Jn. Sl .50 ChUd 75~ Or1n91 COllll!'y't BIO<-fil.ll1!1r Sh•• Vl l\;t "KLUTE " IRI "VANISHING POINT'' Mi~• Nld1ol1' "CARNAL KNOWLEDGE" "~rrrn, J•Cll Nl(hol.on Anft M1rqrtt KIDS LOVE UNCLE LEN SATURDAYS IN THE DAILY PILOT 2ND ACTION HIT "HELL'S ANGELS '69" Opens 7:15 Starts at Dusk ........... "EVEL KNIEVEL"' '~" GEORGE HAMILTON I: SUE LYON Aho JOHN HUSTON -RICHAllD CRENNA "THE DESERTER" '"" ~~~ Levine presents a Mike Nichols Film starring Jack Nicholson Ann Margret I Jatk Ni1:holson } ~· -~ . ') i ~ a. landice Bergen 9 lrthor GariHnkrl j ~ ' CARNAL KNOWLEDGE'' ~ lR (THE A.B.C.'s of SEX ) :i JaJnpOld a1 11 · Jax3. JaJJ !a~ sa1nr Aq uau••M · 1JaQ 1A s pJe4:J!~ Jtlub!sao Plus • 801 OfFICt OPINS71l .5P.M. CHECK THESE FEATURES!!! d " 'Carnal Knowledge' is a towering achieve- ment. This remarkable f ilm is a shattering experience for everyone. Mike Nichols.' d irection is so sensitive and the a cting so rea l and powerful. 'Carnal Knowledge' is a movie that must be experienced." .. Rnc R.tU, Cihlp 7,.;n.--N.Y. D.Uly N,..,. Sytttll1•lt d " 'Carnal Knowtectse' is Mike Nichols' best. Jack Nicholson is superb. Ann-Margret is unforgettable. Not only is the film overall the best act~ ed in years, it ii also the most mature of a ll those American f ilms that hove attempted to deal w ith the :&ubject of sex il'l 1hese ultra-liberated cinematic times. 'Carnal Knowledge' is something very special!" .J/o/l/1Al~r1,Sift•ntklY Rnitt11 " 'Carnal Knowledee• Is one of the best movies ever!'' G 11 •carnal Knowledse' is an amazing, brutally honest f;lm, Mike Nichols' handllne of actors is un- surpassed amone American directors." • Br11t1t Willi11,,uoJ1, "Pl..y~M..xtnlfl# tlClUllvt OUNGI COUNTY INDOOR !NGAGIMtNT lVlRY NIGHT 7:00 -l :'S -10:30 MATINIE SAT. & SUN. 1:00 -3:00 -5100 _______ .1 _ -- "La ·~- .. .. - DAILY PILOT a&LaOA 673-4041 OPIN f;.41 "'I. .. ... .. lhe,_ .... .. 2/ldo S111uk1y rtlt• Tlu1rM.., 1:00 ,.-. kldoy ' let11rd.y •• l :JO ,.-. Mcstl-W.4 •.••••. J:IO ,.-. Set. Motl .... , •• 1 :JO & Sito Sri1•. Mori-••• , 1 :00 & 4iJO lllf IMlllCR twtr "°"IL 0~_114£ ¥~ ... MOW A NOTIOll ,ICJ\lllll I • tOSS II.Hin•...,_.,_ AIR PD RT - IUW'°°rT d ACM •· •! lllo •-... 10 lo_!_ IWo lolo .. 0 1. •·lllO EXCLUSIVE THEATRE RUN Astoryofbve... BURT • ' DEAN WCASTER•llRTIN JEAN SEBERS JACQUELINE BISSET . , set against /. , tre videoce or rebelfun A IJMIVl•$.ll "CTUl:E ~°' ALSO MOW! UNCUT! POPULAR PRIC(S! <JulieAndre'w'IS ~jll1r IJ6$~ ............. STARS Sydnt>y On1arr is on<' of t he world's i;:reat 11..!l;trolo· gt'rs. Hi~ ro!u'mn ls onr, nf the DAILY PILOT·s great features. l It's a bases-loaded home run. The winning basket. A SO-yard touchdown pass. A hole-in-one! lt1s Thoroughbreds at De/Mar! You know the kind of excitement we're la1k· Ing about. And II you 've missed !he only major aport In San Diego that ca n give you a whole day of thrills for Just $1.75 and nine wlnnete, you're m!aslng a good be!. Maybe lt'a because you think racing's • too complicated. It's really as easy as 1, 2, 3. We Just call it win, place and 1how. Pick a horse on your program. Because !he paper says he'll win. Or 1h8 guy neXI to you gave you a hot !Ip. Or because the jockey's Wiilie Shoemaker. The reason's not Important. The horse you've chosen becomes YOUR horse for the ra ce. And as he comet thundering dowl'l Iha track, you'll find yourself scraamlng and Jumping up and down just like everybody else. And If he wins? Well, you can't Imagine the thrill uni II It's actually hal>6 paned to you I You can be 1 wlrtner at Del Mar ••. and never place a bet. A lot of people Just pick • horse on peper ••• snd get just as excited If he wins. You can do that and &!Ill have a fabulous tlme ••• slttlng In Iha beautlfutty redecorated gn1ndstand •.• baaklng In the sun ••. snlfflng acme fresh sea air ••• Watching a wlld variety ot people ... or just seeing the aristocrats of horsedom go through their paces. And thtt'a luat lh• beginning ••• There's a lot more to Thoroughbred racing. Like the different atakes or handi- cap races. Or learning why each Thoroughbred has a Hp tattoo snd the 1ame birthday. Once you've had a taste of Thoroughbred racing, you'll want to know everything about It .•• and the best way to do that Is to keep coming back. What'• 11 exdUng n Thoroughbreds tt Dtl Mir? The admlstlon prloal Ju1t $1.75 for gr1ndst1nd admlulon, (Stnlor cltlzent , 65 or over, $1.00 gen. edm., wHkdays only.) What other sport can match that? And, for a real deal, ask about the" Qaner1I Adml!Ston s1vlnga Plan. 10 general edml~ e1ons tor Just $12.50-regularty $17.50. Write Del Mar Turf Club, Del Mar, can- fomla 92014, for Information. Phone (714) 755-1141 or 297-4028. There are 43 big racing daye thlt 11ason-Juty 28 through Sept. 15, Mon- dsy through S1ttJrd1y. Poll time: 2 p.m. Nine races every day-Join us tor a few. Oddi are, you'll have the time o1 your llfel .,,,.,,,~ Thoroughbred Club ----------• ., . I \ -............................ ·····--· ............ - II OAllY PILOT Wr-dntsdaJ, July l l. 197 l Helicopter Opponent Cools Off The Newport Beach polict> emergencies. they're okl'ly, I hellcopterg got a Newport guess." Heights lawyer 110 mad two Chief Glav11.11 said Tuesd!'ly v.·eeks ago he wrote Police he ~ glad to he.:ir Glithero has Chier B. James (;lavas a letter change<! his mind. saying he was going tn sue the Bul he said there hav l'! no city for SI million. change in flighl patterns. But John C. Clithero. Jr., "Everything is status quo."' Choose On e of the Many Coast & Southern Federal Offices to SerJe You : * MAIN OfffCI!: 9th I HUI, Lot AllQ'tle1 • G?3-1351 * WILSHIRE el GRAMERCY PUCE:39"3 Wl11hlre 81vd., L.A.• 388-lMS LA. CIVIC CENTER: 2nd ' Broadw•r . 82&-1102 * HUNTINGTON IEACH: 91 Huntlngoton c:.nt.r. (714) 897-1047 1r SANTA ANA LOAN SERYIC~ AGENCYJ i905 N. M1Jn SI.• (714) 5<47·9257 • SANTA MONICA: 718 Wilshire Blvd.• S93-Q745 * SAN PEDRO: 10th & Pacifi(:. 831·23.41 * WEST COVINA: Eulland Shopping Ctr .• 331-2201 * PANORAMA CITY: 8616 Y•n Nuy1 Blvd.• 892-1171 • TAAZANA: 18751 Yenlura Boul•v1rd • 3~14 * LONG BEACH: 3rd & Locust • 437-7481 1'I Op!11 5'lurday1-91mlolpm DailyHours-9amto4pni ASSETS OVER $800 MILLION weant~iY , Juty n l 'ln PILOT . .AOVERTIS£11: 1.@ Art Linkletter Shows You a New Way to Beat Inflation ... Just Jo in 61ke lllirll I ;.... t ~' ..,. Oub With a $2,500 balance in your savings account, you are el igib~ to become a member. Substan!lal 1avings are available when purchaaing·many Items Including automobiles, tumilute, appliances, jewelry. Ptu1 many free services -money ord ers, safe deposit boxes, etc. .. COAST "-, AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS ' . ' Coast & Southern Federal Offers You The~ ' Highest Prevailing Rates: COM'°UNDED DAtl.Y AND PAltl QUARTl!.RLY.• s .00•1 •• 5.13•/o Pa11book; No Minimum. 5.25 o/•-5.390/• Three Month Certificate; No Minimum. 5.75°1°-5.92 0/o On•Year Certificate; $1,000 Minimum. 6.00°/o.6.18 0/o Two-Year Certificate; $5,000 Mlnimum. • Efhlctl.,. Annual Earning• • . . INSURANCE TO $20,006 who pre.clices in Costa Mesa, Glavas said, ··we stay as a .says he's now calmed down a matter of C'QUrse. l'Jld only bi!, claiming the helicopters change our height patterns ere nying somewhat higher when an incident is i n now "and thal's all I really progress that demands !ov:er wanted, anyway.'' 1 -•~l~ti;l"idiesi.'i'iijjiiiiiiiiiiijiii~iiiij~~~~~iii~~iiiiii~iiiiiiiilliiiiiiil~llllllllll~~~ ........ iliiii~fi~llPiilPiiiiiilljj~ll~~illiiliilll~~~ .. ~illlll~~~ "'l might be wrong," he con- fessed, "but I had just returned from three weeks in the High Sierras with all that aolilude when a helicopter buzzed over my home in Newport Heights for what seemed a couple of hours." In his July 7 letter to G!avz.s that carried the threat of the suit, for invasio;i of privacy. Glithero who Jives at 412 Ful- lerton Ave ., alsn vowed to move out of town. 1He ·said he"s changed his n\.ind about that, too. for the mom em.. Citing the h ov ering maneuver in the l e t I e r , Glithero wrote: "I respectfully request that your police helicopter patrol be immediately abolished. Fine police work is dandy, but home ownership in this area is now tot2.1ly intolerable. "I plan an im1nediate $1 mi!lion suit for invasion ol pri11acy, and the sal.e of m.v residence all as 1 direct resu lt of the totally intolerable con- ditions need.lessly caused by police helicopters." Glithero said this week he !till doesn"L see why lhey"re needed al night. "At 2 o'clock in the morning. ll burglar is going to hear il coming and hide in a bush," he uid. "ln the da.yUme, or in Submarine Men P ro ud Of Record Men who served in Amerirnn submarines during World War ll are proud of !heir record. "We knew what WP were figh ting for then ancl Lhr men gladly joined,·· said Bill Hollis. a Houston fa!htr of five children. ''Now we dnn'I h:ive My libera.111 or const'rvative:i;. left or right-wingers. We 're just a bunch of guys trying to pay tribute." The submarine veteran!!: v:il\ do just that. AlJ,I!. 18-22 in Houiiton for their 17th annual convention. "We're a fun ~roup," sa\d Hollis, who ha~ planned thr convention. ''Wt> don't do much except get together 11nd tt>ll old :5eA .~torie~ and l"lf'C"I officer11 for next ''ear ·· But Holli~ adrTii1s there is mu('h morr "Our purpost' i.~ t n perpetuate \l1e memnr.'' of submanne n1cn and subs lo~I during Worlrl \Var II That":r; ~·hv we don·\ ni'rd lo b<' 11 enntinuin,R; or J?: n n i i a ! 1 on be<'au:-1e if "'*' do thfo job "+111P we 11rP !ivin,R; WP have served our pur1>9se. '' "We're a lonJ.1' "'11\1 frnn1 Connecticut 11nd 1ht' \Vr~t Coa~t wher? mo.~t of lhl' mrn llf'ltltd 11f1tr I.hf' war. bu! we're_ looking for a good turnout." he said nf the ap- prmtchin,R; cnnventinn. The w11r had bren ovrr 10 ~II"! befof'f' fhrl'e mrn form· ed t~ narional o]:n1lation at Atlantic City. N .• J. in 1.9 'Tht grouo now nu "'tf r than &.000. ~ Of !hf' 11pproxim11lrly 100, men who ~-d111v 11boa Amtrican ~ub~ dUrinJ! 1hr w11r. about 511,000 rrm11in. "Thf' mt.n arl' ~Iii! prouri of their reeord." Holli'! said. And ht 11.11id lhey try lo help tod11y't1 youth. "We have t1 n11ti onal acholarshlp pr0t1:ram," h I" said. "Each year Wt aw;ird as m11ny as wt can.'1 Lll . .t year lht J{roup ml'! in Hartford Conn .. and aw11rded 11 .sr.holanhios nf $~.50tl tach Morr. than SOO World W11r II tubm11rlnt veterans registered for lhal reunion. "Th~ kid.~ don't neCP!'l!'lari- ly h~ve to be cllllct~ of l!t1h Yttfl'lfl& e:ither." llolli!'I &11id. "Ju11t worthy 11tudents." Jn a d d 111 o n to lh(' tchohtrshipii there are Nav11I ROTC program:<1 In h i g h achonls 11'.poosored by the !'IUb· mart~ vtu. E11r.h !Ji.11te 111...n a dopted nnt submarine lt'l$t durln1 lM: w11r honors It ll!'I "Still on potrol." • THE ORIGINAL 36·POSITION LEISURE ~CHAISE LOUNGE FOR TOUR 1»UTDOOR LIVING ROOM ••• This i• our delu:Ke model. The chaise lounge that you con adjust without getting out of lhe lounge io doso ... Jusr com pore the quality] 74" Jong with solid strong vinyl stropping. 9'' COLORED CRUSHED ROCK 60 pound bogs. Colors ore red, blu e , green end wh ile. Wonderful for flower borders, walks, accents for bock.yards. 2 ·1NCH FURNITURE CASTERS STEM OR PLATE TYPE 2'h" SIZI 99' Rugged spherical cosrers. Your choice of gleaming bro5S or ontique brass. 69!. GUMOUT CLEANER 1 PINT CAN Sin1 ply odd lo tonk. Cleans carburtlor whil e you drive. Prepare your engine for !lie vocation doy•. ~ --v~ BREEZE BOX FAN TABLE FANS ..• 20·1NCH 2 •peed, 3 blade bo.x fan with snap out grid a nd retractable carrying handle. 1211 HAMPION BRASS POP· UP SPRINKLER HEADS Corros ion-resistant cost brass body with heavy brass center. No-1tic k stem pops up l 1/2" under normal pressur e. Ad1ustme nt c>::i-~~C~ 5crew for control of spray distance. FREE CHAMPION DO-IT- YOURSElf MANUAL. YOURS FOR THE ASKING IN OUR PlUMBtNG DEPT. 99.~. 16·1NCH HAND LAWN MOWER An1er1can mode hand mower of lightweight steel construction. Fl!!o!urts sl!!lf-oligning beorings. 5 s!urdy cutting blodei.. #SA-1 6 Por.1tiv e traction rubber whe el ~. 1311 The most oufs1ond1ng summer blooming bedding pion!. 40 fontoslic shades to choose from. Perfect for hanging baskets, pots and border plantings. O·S''lt'I 29.~. 8'x20" Splasher pool for kiddies. Heavy steel sidewall, rugged vinyl liner, 8'' UTILITY HOIST 500 LBS. Jdeo1 for home, boot, form, &portsrnon. Completely assembled. Reedy 10 "Ui.e. OZITE EXCELLO CARPET TILES 12''Jl 12'' Famous Kleon 'n K!irig feature o!lows t hese tiles ~o be applied dirtctly to floor. No messy adhesives or !opes to bother with. Also e nsy lo pick \JP for \J se in another room or onothet home, should you Seven decorator colors 33~. .... .. ,.,.,,.~ (~.I~.,,."·· ,~·-. . ... NEWI SLUSHMAKER MUG , . . ····· ... .... This mug changes icy cold refrigerated 1ott drinks, kool o id, ice tea ond many other soft drink1 into thirst quenching slushy ice in minutes. Efi·J!Z sj \I]] TUHIN "" t fW!Hf llVO. WllTllllllTIR 87ti' WESTMINSTER AVE. aUlllA· PAalC VALL!YVIEWST. IL TORO ,.,. 1'0Cl<fliLD OaAllOI 1"'3'E. 1<ATELLA. AVE. LA HAaaa 2221 w. lA. HA.IRA 8LVD, •ULLlaT~ COITA llllA • IAKEftSFIELD • CHATIWCHtnt • cpYINA • ESCOHOIDO •GOLETA •GRANADA HILLS •LA CAESCINTA • LAD£AA HEIGHTS • LANCASTfft • Lt.OS ANCELU • RESEOA • RIVEfmDE • SAN IERNAADINO • SAUGUS • SIMI • SPRING VALLtY • TAl'fZA NA e THOUSAND OAKS • UPt.AND •VAN NUYI • VtCTORVILLE • HACIENDA HttGHTS -=-:::.~=::__ -~,,_..;;.;::~~----17-D?-·~-· -•f'\ ----r.:::----1. ··--·----,----' ------ .----- 8 PllOT ·ADVERTISER s W!!dnesday, July 21, 1971 PATIO PARTIES PLEASING What oo earth dkl 'ft e ver do - before patios? Qldt.r folks can lei! you that when tbey ate outdoors, It wa.<1 in the back yard by the pet.un.lu, not nearly so elegant a.'I eating on the patio. There weren't any individual out.- door grllla ell.her. The whole era of home grilled foods was yel to come. What a happy revolution in outdoor cookery it Is f o r e\!trybody ! Ju ·you ride down ll>Ubu rban streeb: and country roacb. I.he savory smoky incense of steak on the grill scents the summer air. And with that steak, fresh tomat.oe..s are broiling on the grill , a perfect contrast to the rich. juicy meat. A tossed salad of the seasnn'.s crispest and most delectable greens and vegetables sets off the least with fresh i~ snd fresh texture, and a deliciou!I pie is the happiest ending. Another J>a<;k yard possibility i.s 1 clamba"ke. You don't have lo go to the ocean and dig clams lo have a rfal' clambake. Neither do you have io get sand in y o u r &andwiches or lug toni; of cooking equipment to lhe beaoh to he.ve a good beach party Dinner ou tside needn't be high cost, if vacation pla ns have threatened an already I i g h t household budget. Rlbe, with special seasonings, cheeJe and vegetables, lets you stretch the dollar while providing amPle portions. Frankfu rters ta ke on new taste 2.ppeal when served as part of this attractive casserole. This dinner. a hostess' delight, can be prepared during lhe cool moming hours. long before the fi rsl guests arrive. BLACK BOTTOM CHERRY CHIFFON PIE: 4 squares semi·sweet chpcolate y, cup heavy cream 2 tablespoons light corn syrup l baked 9-inch pastry shell l envelope unnavored gelatin ~' cup sugar, divided Dash sail 2 egg.s, separated I cup mil k ;i,, teaspoon vanilla v, teaspoon almond extract \; cup heavy cream. whipped 2 cups chopped pitted. fresh sweet cherries Place chocolate and iy, cup cream in top of double boiler. Cook over hot, not bolling. 1<1•ater until chocolate is melted, stirring oc- casionally. Remove from heat and blend in corn syrup. Cool about :. minutes. SpreOO chocolate mixture evenly over bottom of pastry .shell. Chill . Mix gelatine, n cup su,l.lar and salt in top nf double boiler. Beat egg yol ks wi lh mil k: .slir into gelatine mixture. Cook over hol. nOt boiling . water un til gelatine dissolves i!Lnd mixture coats i!L met· ~I spoon. Chill uni.ii mixt ure mounds slightly. Stir in vanilla and aln1ond ex· tracL Beat egg v,.·hites until soft peaks form : gr;ir1uall y add re- maining 1• cup suga r and continue beating un1il stiff praks form. Fold into ge!Bline mixture. f old in "''hipped crea n1 and cher· ries. Spoon over chocolate J11yer in -· .. - pastry shell and chill several houri or until firm. Makes 6 servings. FRANKFURTER AND RICE CASSEROLE 3 cups cooked rice 1 ~ cup minced onion I package 110 ounces] frozen peas and carrots. cooked l cup diced Cheddar cheese i,, cup Stlur cream l Leaspoon each se.asoned salt and seasoned pepper l p<>.ckage 1 ! po und l frankfurters, cul in half cross.,.,·ise Cnmb1ne rice. onion. \'egetablc.s and cheese Blend sour crE>am an seasonings . Stir int.o ricE> mixture. Arrange frankfurters cut side down arrund ~1d('S of casserolr Spoor. rice mixture into ~nter. Sprinkle Rice is nice for a eool and quic~ patio dinner. Hot dogs and vegetables, per~ed up with herbs, cut down on the cost as well. When dinner is over, surprise your quests by pul!;ng • colorful cherry pie out of the refrigerator. It h.9s a surprise, too-- its bottom layer. ·~ . ~ _ .. ' \ --.rii--.-. " ,,.,~ ··-•·- Tired of sand in your sandwiches? Take your beach party to the patio and make it into a festive clambake. Beach umbrellas and other paraphernalia le nd a festive se aside atmosphere. wi th paprika . Bake at 350 degrees fnr 2U to 30 minutes. Ma kes 6 serv· logs. COVLRED KETTL£ CLA~IS \\'hen it comes to cla m.~ for ?t home baked cl;.i m fes t. hu.v lnls. Your .quest.~ will eat them li terally h~· the rinzen. Vig urc one dozen cherry stone c lCLm.~ !which are sm<ill size . hard sh('ll clams) per person. Sc.:ruh unrler cold runnin,i: w11!.cr until frer of sand Place on ,i:r itl of covered barheruc krt!IP. across i;i low1ng coal.~. or wr;ip in foil and plarc nn rnals Turn OC'C11s1onP.lly. \\'hen shells open . hrap nn p!alr.s nr soup £hshcit-Serve with 1n- d1\"1dual pa per cups or custard cups of melted butter or 1na rgarin e . .,.,•1th -• -" • -------------· -~ e litt le lemon juice added. The melted butler with lemon juice is really al! that is necessary to rnmplemenl the rlrlicinu.~ fla vor of cla m.~ bake<! in a covPred b;irbecue keltlc, hu t if .vnu wish !o lr.v ;>. different t,vpe of s;iuce. the following Cucumber Sauce i s s1n;ple and piqu;in t. It can also be used with other seafood.s. Cucumher Sauce r.rate nor mrrliu m rucumber. Drain well: lhl'n fold into 1.2 pint thick sour r ream seasoned \vith ~ tra~roon erirh nf paprika, salt anrl 14 te:ispoon pepper. This amount sl)nuld serve from four to six persons. Multiph· in'lrcdients ac· cnrd ingly to ar commod;i.te more guests. • ~ .. -_ ~men BEA ANDERSON, Edit°' ·-.. Ann Landers 'Acid Test' Passed DEAR ANN LANDE R.~: I would like to r omn1ent on "Pot S mnker '1 Maslerpiece." I a m 20 years old and also experienced with pot. I'd like to 1ay thal In addi tion lo being an awful speller, 1be a lso is 211 awful fool. 'Jlhe person who gets stoned every day geL'I wrecked . The term "wrecked'' means they are so freaked nut they are unable to speak coherently, too zonked te walk or even stay awa ke . When the girl wrote to say pot has m11de her a brilliant conversationalist. I laughed. Here i8 a typic2J conversation betwttn pothead!!: "God. 11m r ripped -" ''Yeah, me, too. I'm in a wild groove. moo "The record is finished but I d<ln 't lhink I can get up tn change it." "Man , am I wrecked ..... " The potheads who read thi! will pro- bably say I'm crazy. but I dare them to 1il in on a pot pa rty and stay straight a nd mnni tor !he conversation. In the two years that I blew grass I never met one person 1<1·ho didn't try 1 o m e t h i n a: s\ronRer. I swore I ne ver would, but I d id. I tripped on blotter acid fnur or five time.~. hit a bummer a nd quit cold turkey, scared out of my skull . Now I'm engaged to a great girl i!Lnd off of everything. I dread the day when I have lo 11weat out our first child to Re if he has any· deformilie.s. We were told by e good doctor that the chances ue 500 to one that our kids wiU be OK . but r .!till lit Awakl" nig hl.s worrying . Jt wasn't worth It -CLEVELAND EX·HEAD DE.\R CLE: Th11nk1 for the teltimony. Are ynu li~tenlng. students? Jt'1 Olle el. your nwn spt:aklng. DEA R ANN LANDERS: When I read ··~lamma 's Special Recipe " no how lo be lhP perfect molher~in·law I got an attack of ind igestion. "One closed eye and one mouth shut" add! up tn one hypocrite. If she noticed with nne eye that her dau ghter·in·le.w ·~ living.room dr;11peries had not been cleaned in five year~. I'd hale to think what she'd see H 1he used two. What's so cata~trophir about 11 dirty dishra.g in the corner of a 1ink? If the dishrag we re in the corner on the floor J might raise an eyebrow, but It atill wouldn 't give me a coronary. Mam ma comp1'1ined th& the paint wa1 peeling off the wa!ls. What ha.!L her darl· ing son been doing for the past five yeat11 that he is too bu.sy for a little main- tenance work ? I'll bet if that girl knew what her mother·in·law REALLY thought ot her housekeeping, the relationship wouldn't be so wonderul. -FOR TRUTH DEAR TRUTH: Sorry •bout ynt1r le- dlg!!stlnn, but I buy M•mm1'1 redPf. I'd 1ay one eye dOlled and nne moatfl 1bat 611 not too bla: 1 price to pay lnr • woaderfUJ relationship with 1 d1u1hter·ln-l1w. 1111 lact, I recommend It • DEAR ANN: My hwbend and I are certain that our handsome. talented 21· year-old .son 13 a hom05CxuN . Some days J am 110 upset over I.hi! I cannot runctJon. We want to help our aon live 1 norm1I life. How do we confront him? -ILL ·IN ILLI NOIS DEAR ILL: You need l'Ountell•t .. learn bow In deal with 11 11tu1Uon that ii probably lrrever1lble. Your therapist ..W advise you ea httw for If) t& •pproatll .. bny. It mlghl well be lh•t fCHI an modi 1nb1ppler ~111 lte \1. UMure of yourself on d&let:? Wh1t'1 right? What'! wrong? Should you? Shou ldn"t you? Send for Ann Landen' booklet "'Dating Dos And Don 't!," encl• ing with your rcque.!Ll. JS centll In coln and a tong, self-addressed, stamped flft- velope in cart o( the DAILY PILOT. . . . ' -- I ' ! I .. -. -. . .. . ~--. .. . ' . . . . -~· DAIL V PILOT Wtdl'lfMtay , July 21 , 1q71 Your Horoscope Prescription Offered Hidden Aries: Talents Found For Improving Sight THURSDAY JULY 22 By SYDNEY OMARR A s t r o logical researcher Martin Shaw claims Ut<'J. statistics reveal roore left-han· ded peraoos are born wuler Gemini than any n l h e r zodiacal sign. Sagittarius rates a cJo.se second Y.ilere llOrt- siders are concerned. Interestin gl y enough astrologers associatt r.emini wilh the arms 2J1d hancl., ARIES tl\larch 2l·Apn1 19J' New moon position coincide., with spurt of <'rentil"' aclivit~ Hidden talents l'ome surging to forelront. Oon '1 hide light under bushel. Chi!dr<'n src in· strumental in forming key decision. TAURUS /April 2-0·fo.la y 201: A friend who knov.·s something about policie s and properly values comes to your aid. Be aware of fine pc:iints. Rcfust' lo bt< over11·helm ed b.v de1o il~. Older person is in your corner. Respond accordingly. GEMTNI <Ma)• 21 -June 201: There is more motion than usual; flurry could create • Nlra of e-0nfusion. Obtain valid hint from Taurus message. Short journey now may be e!Ml!nl ial . Write letters: check appointment schedule. CANCF.R fJuhe 2t·Juty 22 i: Lunar posit ion .stresses in· rome. personH! po.<1sessio11 s. Windfall is due : fa m i 1 y member proves valuable all ~'. By being diplomatic. yo u gain more than might have been in original pltins . LEO (July 2.'l·Aug. 221 : New moon, sp!ar eclipse in your sign spotlight pcr!!onality, uni · que efforts which result in <-:I· vancemenl. Be ind ependent, bot avoid arrogance. Steer c~ar of one "·ho is envious. !earn bv teachin&. Review IH~S learned in pal!I. One who "'as skeptical d~ about- fat'!'. Meaningful compliment brighlens outlook. F o I Io w through on hunch. CA PRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. l!I). Be v.ary when it conies to handling funds btlonging to <Jnother. Versatility now ls a ~~~~ Jie<_-essilv. Means have ~ altl'rnat.ives al hand. Sagit- tarius person aids tall3e; be '-'00Pf'Tal1ve. You g11in. AQUARIUS (Jan. 2.(1.feb. 18 )· Mea!th of mate, partn'r ~ 1na~ require your personPJ at- tention. B' sympath,lic, r<'c<'prh·e -the more you 1otil'e no,1 . the more you eventually receive Realize this and plan accordingly. 1-'ISCES tF'eb. 19-March 20): You have wh at 1t takes ~·hether or no t you realize it. AMociate v.·ho advocates change has your best interests al hearl. hl eaningf ul relationship is a two-way A:: street. Uc a1,•are. a!ert. Cfi IF TOl)A Y L~ 'I' 0 U R ' HIRTHDA Y you were on your o~ti a! a relatively early age. For belier or wor.9,, you ' usually create your o~·n pat- terns. Greatest !Uccess in· dicated when you are self-, t>mplo~·ed. End of roadbloc_k shown by October. Kno11· th1! and be confident. Your sense of shov.·manship elevates ef. forts: vou are a true in- di,,iduai and seldom follov.· the cro11·d It's Lickin' Good Lisa Johnson knows ice crearn is lip·sm ackin' good, that's \Vhy she doesn't want to share \Vith Miss Prissy. But sharing 11•on'.t be necessary as enough homemade ro u...i ...,1 ......... 1~'~"' t(i r voY '" ice cream V.'ill be on hand when the St arbr1ght Club, Order_ of Eastern Star money""" 10v•, .,,.,.,. s~aney o ... .,... stages its fourth annual ice cream social. ?'he Santa Ana l-le1ghts home of Mr. !.°!1:~'::·;:~;1t1c1r~~~,,'~~.,~~"c;,"1~ and ?i.1rs. Melvin Hammock 1vill be the ~ett1ng for the event from l to 4 p.m. By JEAN WIWAMS OI 1M DtlllY Pli.1 *''" Operation Optical is pickin& up momentum. If you're one of the many people hoarding old pairs of glasses becau!M! you hale to threw them a'Kay and don 't know what elae to do with them, now's y-0ur chance to respc:ind t<i an SOS. SOS in this case stands for Share Old Spectaclt.S, a proj. ect of the Women's Aui:iliary to the Orange Count y Optometric A!!OCiaUon. Members are helping collect and label according to leru pn!5Crlplion all kinds of discarded glasses for distribu- tion in underdeveloped coun- tries. t-.1en, womEn and children in remote areas of I n d I a . Taiwa n, Korea. Ecuedor an d Guatemala who ne\'er have o"·ned g\~&es may regain clear vision through the dona- tion or these spectacles, and the auxiliary is finding an enthusiastic response to Its ap- peal. ''Tufo program really has mwhroomed. '' said M r s . Howard Garber, chairman of sos. SU~U.IER GOAL The people of J\.1exi co \\'ill be receiving hundttds of pa irs of the boxed and coded glasses, sent through auspices of the Direct Re I i e. f Foundation, which is a member of the in· temational council of volun· tary agencies. As fast as the auxiliary members, aided by their op- tometrist huebands . c an pack.age the glasses they 11re senl to Direet R e I i e r Foundation headquarters in Santa Barbara. ·~ Om•r, "''"olofv S•cr•l•, '~• o.o.1Lv Sunda)', July 25. "llOl. 80; J:l.O, Gtfnd CI M"I St•· _ _:::::::::.:_:;:;;_.:_::._ _________________________ _ loon, New Yor~. H,Y, 10011 "We Sl!t up 1 kind 1f Sun, Fun Fill Summer Calendar Pages Xi Xi Pi assembly line," said lo.1rs. Ga rber. "and it really goes quickly." The auxiliary me,ts monthly in the homes of various members and for e a ch meeting five or six of the op- Ulmetrists bring along their lensomelers, or measuring devices for pre scrip tl on lenses. The group sorts. codes and packages with amazing ~peed. They can , in fact , box ap- pro:r.imat.ely 1200 paiTs of glas.ses in tl't'O hours. PROJECT ORO\liS The project has been grow· Ing steadily since it was started, almost t~·o years ago. by Dr. and lo.frs. Richard Blake of Brea. "Some people "·ho have sa\1· ed their glasses all their lives give them when they kno11• of a worthy l'ause." commented Mn. Kenneth James. an aux- ili ary board member from Huntington Beach. The Orange County aux· iliary led by fl1rs. \lhl\iam Buethe, is joining other Op· tometric au x i I i a r i es th rou ghout the state fn 1he progrsm, for ""'hich the .o;tate chairman provides the official kits and directions for packag. The Direct Relief Faun· dation has received many let· te.rs from the vari eu s countries urging them to COO· tlnue sending the spectacles, Mrs. James said. The glasses are distributed in foreign countries mainly through hospitals, comme1;1ted Mrs. Garber. The foundatloo aL,o provldftl medical suppl ies lo lfiOO hospitals in ~ un· de11de\•e!oped nations. All kinds of people respond to the plea for old glasses. An employe in the County Dump. during his daily work, fOUlld several palrs of discarded glasses thoit he was able to rescue. Those glassl's und oubtedly ""'ould not have been discarded had U1e ov.·ners known of the SOS program A more "·idespread knowledge of their effort.~ is \~·hat !he auxiliary aims to achieve. "'It 's a tremendou5 fulfill· n1ent to do soznething that wi!I benefit others," 11rs. Garber said. spiteful. \'IRGO /Aug. 2.1·Sept. 22 1· Areas previously shrouded in mystery gain benefit 0 r A reception and a birthday and beach party ar' in the planning stages for several organizations. !\lusick and Joel fo.1c~air, :.ocial chairmen. Committtt members are the ;\lines. C. S!<inlt·r Chapman. f'rtink V. Crane, Lyman H farwetJ. L. Oelford fed· derman. John H a m i 1 to n , Ed~·aril II. flti~hinger. Willio111 r.1. fo.1o~s. John A. Murdy 111. H.ichtird E. Senn, Claud F. Sympson. Elmer C. Sproul and Bernardo :\!. Yorba . Chapter members. and their families \\'il! h11\'e a \~iener roast at 4 p.m. Sunday. July 2~. at the lluntington Beach Slate Park. Saturday, July 24 , for the e\'ent which "·ill feature a "husband ·s legs., conic.st and a barbeCUl' dinner ing. Husbands will be. treated as ;===========o,I kings and rl'reive je11"eled crowns from men1bers of Xi .Xi Pi Chapter. Beta Sig1na Phi greater light. Study Leo C hapman message. 1'rflce ov.·n course. Town, Gown Prol.esta tions from older in· One of lhe first events on divldual rney be. mere lalk. the fa\1 calend11r of Chapm an Calm response is in order. College 's Town and Go"'" ~·ill LIBRA \Sept. 23-0cf. 22J: be a reception honoring som e Friend who previously exUdt'd 87 :;tudenrs \\"ho have arrived confidence now may express from 31 different C'Quntries for doubl~. Income fron1 oc· studies at Chapman. cupation increases if you corn· Thr rvent. featuring an plete vital assignment. Sue-authentic Thanksglvin1ot din- ces!!i indicrJed with hclr of ni•r. wil l!ake place Sept . 2:> in Aries individ ual. Be thorough. th e A11ahcim home of fl1rs. SCORPIO (Oct . 2.1·!\0\' 21 1: Lr~!ie F;irrell. Avoid hurting those you lol'e; Heading the or,iianizatton for fresh approach is essenUal. the con1i11g year is Mrs. Ken· Ke y not r no1v is ac·. neth Reafsn~·der. assisted by compLishmenl : you can sue· Uie fo.1mes. Robert F. Beaver ceed in areas previously and John Jl. Scudder. vice blocked. Solirlifv ambitions. president~. Leo Barn Id i , Ba lbo a Yacht Club All n1embers of Balboa Yflch1 Club who 11·ere born under !hr sign of Leo will be honorrd during a 1.odiar par1y SRturday. July 24, 111 tht' clubhouse. Fes1ivitirs "' l 11 be~in nl 6 p.m. v.·ith dinner scheduled at 8. l\1usic for dan· c1ng ~·ill he played by the Bilge Pu111pers. Accent sense of direction. trea surer : Charles Y.'ickell. SAGITTARJUS 1:\01 ?l· secretary . \\'illiam C. DPnn1s. Pi Pis D@C. 21 ): Share knowledge -press chairn1an. and Jame!' Bela Sigma Phi. Pi Pi '1!\ VIHGIN~IA~'~S ~~ii-=~~~-~-~llii\!\!111 1 : 1 ANNIVERSARY'1,' SAL • We're Celebrating A Big Occasion! OUR· 23rd BIRTHDAY July 22nd thru July 31st. SAVE 100/o to 50<>/o A way of saying thank you to our great c:u1tomen. GI~ Certlfic:ate c:hanc:n with eac:h purchau. Win· ners ta be announced August 2nd. l'irglnfa's Snip & Stitch Shoppe .Jll4 ~-Coast Hwy . • Corona del Mar e BAN KAMERIC ARD e MASTER CHARGE ~1 --= --r ..... _ Graffiti is l\lr~. Hil'hard i\lcDona1d. A Joke .. , Really HB Ju nio rs cha1rn1an y,·111 be assisted by the ,\tnies. Hermes. Danie l Drageset. Hobert Shillinglaw. l\arl Hammer. r.tartin Price. Cody El'an!'I. Cody Taylor and i\1iss Susan Naylor. during a ga!henng Friday, Ju-j·;:::::::;:;::::::::::::;::;;:;;:;;;:;~:;;:;:;;;;:;;:;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;~ ll' 2J. I A poo!~idc sun11ner social is next on the agenda of Hun· tington Beach JUn1or \\101nen fo.1rs. Richard Hermes 11·!ll opt>n her home at 7:30 p.rn. • A poolside cocktsil hMir and buffet dinner will begin al 7 p m. at the Huntington Beach home of Dr. and Mrs. Eldon [),·orak . • ONCf·A-YfAH SAlf .. .I. MAGNIN'S OWN BIAUJY AIDS • 'G.., ' ·f,' ~ ' .... ~ C'EST TOI BATH PREPARATIONS 1/2 OFF Scented and luxurious. Pink or blue Hand and Body Lotion, 8 ounces 2.50, regularly 5.00. Bath Oil, 4 ounces 3.00, regularly 6.00. Bubble Bath , 1 pint 2.00, regularly 4.00. Body Oil, 8 ounces 3.00, regularly 6.00 OUR FAMOUS LANOLIN CREME SOA~ French mrlled, delicately scented Bouquet pink, Verbena yell ow, Jasmin blue. Sandalwood be19~. Carnation green or Garrten1 s white, Box of 4 large bath bars 2 50, regularly 4.50. box of 12 bars 6.00, regularly 9.50 I, MAG NIN TISSUES VPry ~oft , very luxur10\l\, Our color·match1d tissues 111 pink;, peach, yel low, blue, gr1en, wh1iP 2 ply ioilet t•ssues 50 •Qlls 10,00, r~gLfiarly 12 50 111 ;in easy·to·slnre Cfr ton J.ply tac1al 11~1ues, 12 bo x pack 5.50, IPgolarly 6.60 I. MAG NIN HAIR CARE FOR THE FAMILY P1ote1n <ih ampoo, 8 ounce~ 1 50, regularly 2.00. Organic Shampoo, 16 ounces 2.00, regularly 3.00. Puie boar br istle b1ushes from Swit zer land: tad1e~· hair bru~h with pink. or blue lurJn plast•C back 6 50, regularly 10.00, me n'i. club br ush rosewood and maple top 8.50, r1gularly 12.50. {not shown) n1il brush 2.50, toolh brush 1n assorted colors 1.50. regulJr!y 2.00 I. MAG NIN MARVELS TO SC ENT OR SOFTEN Magninique Il l Eau de Toilette SprJy, our own elegant French lr&grance, 2 ounces 3.50, 1ego1arlv 6.00. Cucumber Juice lotion, mo1~1ur1zer lor hands and lace, 8 ounces 2.50, regularly 4.00. S<1ndilwoo d Hind Jnd Skin Balm, hypo·allergen ic. scented Jnd rich 111 oils, 1 pint 3 50, regolirly 5.00. Ski n Balm for all·ovl!r body care, 1 pint2.50, regularly 4.00. l lpodermic Bath Oil for dry skin, 8 ounces 2.50. regularly 5.00. Flulty Milk Bath, 2 pounds 4.50, regularly 8.50 1. rna1n1 n I. MAQ "-l lN rr., .. 'II"'' trod Wr'td "'" 1111 lollow•~o . •dd"'·~------------- """'•----------------+----t-----i--t--1 --+----+-----r-+--1c•w·------''-t••---~1,_ __ _ 1 2 IASMION SQU~RE ·SANTA ANA -• ma!Ae~ WIGS mJ-Summer SA.LE! "MIRACLE WIGS " The INSTANT HAIR -DO! SALE ENDS JULY 31ST THE TRAVELER Sir tltk c•.o. 'urlv er ••mi curlv Rtq. tol' wii~ !•p•t•d n•c ~. 24.fS $12.95 TH " VOYAGER With •• witlloul p~ , /or tht lt "flf 1 .0~. RO<J. 2'.95 $14.95 THE "GARBO" H•ndm •d • for th• ltl•tl i" f•1lli•n 1tv!•1. RO<J. lt.95 $19.95 WI C.&llT ' OllllllllNT TY,11 011 THI LATllT U.NIU.LON WASH "N WIA I WJGI ... IOMI Al LOW AS . ·····················-·······-······ '8.95 HUMAN HAIR WIGS -FALLS AND CASCADES REDUCED 20°/o ta 50°/o e DURING SALE ONLY e WIGS ••••••••• , •••••••. ft•m CASCADES .............. . FALLS .................. .,.. $19.95 $12.95 $22.95 9 WIG AND HAIR STYLISTS ~EADY TO SERVE YOUR EVERY NE!D ma!Aej 250 E. 17th St. WICi and IEAUTY SALON Costa Mesa IH Hlll•llN llQWAll ,..._ 141·1446 Defir "ti l :lt, n.rs .. '"· 'tll I IAN•AMlltlCAltD ·MAITll CHAl•I --- Mary Had Great Pyrenees? a . • • Pets not only follo\v children to school. they also take them there. Mrs. \VilHam Au~hcr so n. Mitchell. and Kelly Keegan enlist .the.aid oI Gina in findino new _men1bers for the North l·Iuntington Beach Con1~ mun1ty Nursery School. 'fo be eligible, chHdren n1ust Children t . ' •••. . Get Wheels Th e Easte.r Sea l ~Rehabil itation Center for Crip- pled Chi!drai and. Adults. of ·_Orange County is , getting a ;new vehicle to transport pa- tients and therapists thanks to the Orange District. Californ ia Federation of \Vernen's C!ub"s ·determination to "lick" a pro- blem. The 36-club district co11ectetl 469 saving st.amp books lo purchase the vehicle along v.'ith a cbnation of $1.475 to the ., Orange County Easter Seal Society, presented by !'11rs. '. Wallace E. Bagley, district ,~,,..···---- president. • "This interest in crippled ' ' 1"'" • ~ ·children and efforts on behalf ···•··•" ·~ ' ' . of tl\e physi:ally handicapped .rl 'i· e·./4i;:A J~ " have deeply impressed our en-~-· ,{:_,,,t· "-'" tire staff,"' said Praim Singh, 'ft: ' ~ &''>'!i:,· :;:.:'.r!;-, ex~utive director of the ' ·~ ·•t tAft ~!~ ~$· society. He noted that the \"ehi<"le ' • · -..·ill carry patients lo and from ii ,., •' be 4 years pld by Dec. 2. ~!others' participation is part of the education at the slate-licensed pre-school directed by A1rs. Lucille A1cCo\vn and run by the parents. > • ' '' • , the center for treatment and tranport therapists to outlyi ng \ convalescent homes. GETTING THEIR LICKS IN EARLY -lvlrs. Mark h-1illard. president, and Atrs. Oick Braeger of Pacesetter Auxiliary of (;hildren's Asthma Research In stitute and I1ospital \Vant to help "lick" allergic dise<1sc ~. 'fhey \\"ill join volunteer:-: giving _suckers to per.~ons \Vho donate to the cha1ity during lhe l loine Sho\v in J\naheim r:onvcntinn (~enter . Asthma Appeal Donations Sweetened Wtdntsday, July 21 , ]q71 OAILV >llOT :JJ Everyone Faces Dying Maggie's Diary Tells How (£ditOT's Note : ·ro all 1 know my lines better noW . who ktteW her, ftlag11ie Sa· I've honed the script, read the voy tOOI one of lht: great lryoul reviews {tbey were women of her time, She lousy) and even had a few W03 on exceptionally tal· comedy lines to brighten and e 11 t e d uewspaperwonwn clarify the script. ond at the tune of her I know a little more about dt!ath on Dec. 19. 1970. ~he the art. the craft. of dying. wa! wonu!1~ 's editor of tltc J 11n1 dcter1nined not to be a Los Angeles Tin1es and symptom-hugger. 11herc are wife of Jarnes Bellows, as· loO many in my fan1ily. One sociate editor of 1he Times. died in her mid-90s still gelling Sht' u1as an t>norrnous/y vi-her jollies from every head- bront WOT1UJll of beauty, ache, backache. bout with 100. charm, enef'g!/ a11d cour· ster and threatent>d miscai-- age. riage she'd had ~ years be-- ( ftfaggie Savoy died of fore. cancer of the. esopllagus. /11 One Nmes to every dinner l~er ow11 1vords, H 1aas her armed with four Darvons. "second tirne oround ... /11 three martinis and rigid Dcce111ber. 1964. she 11u· nobility. So far only my denvE11t surgery fur t·1n1-niother has succumbed lo cer in the. obdo111 i110/ area anything !cancer or !he pan- ond, against r!1e udds. re· crcas at 76) before \he age of covered. Thc'1 five a11r1 a 93. MAGGIE SAVOY ILalf yea1·s Inter, c1111ct>r J"ve learned a lot -prac-there is. I won't say that came This won't be a sad book. struck again. \V/1at follows tically alt of jt the hard way -all al once. I won't say Jt Don't be afraid of it, are e:rcerpted µort1ans of about life and living. J"ve stayed every time it came. I Everybody's got a one-way 1'0W 11otes slie 111ode for a learned a lo! more about v.·on"t say J don't hate myself book she wanted to u-T/ft' dying. for other nights. other rages, ticket in his future. You can fo ht>lp otJ1er.~ face uµ ro What I learned the first time other I-am-crying-for-myself wing it, or crawl-bitch iL the. ordeal that W(Jg /1er$. is n1oney in the bank. I can excesses. Somehow. Lhe word cancer Slit: tv<1sn 't 91ve11 liml' tv lap it this lune, shorl-cut a lot I do say it is a tnJth and a is such a bugaboo, you have to write the book. b11t rl1r 11f \\'asteful , wrecking part of fact: and it profoundly changed say it first. Your friends hear: '1otes provide a poignant il. And I posiiively do believe our Jives. Slowly. like a left-Uncle Sam should have as su.minar!I of ho10 :;he felt. it will be a happy experience. handed kid learns to \\'rile, r good an early warning !ystem, aJJd wllat she. wanted to even if it con1es much too soon learned by praclice: one has Ne>1.·s travels 3,000 miles •·ay.) for nie. the power over the quality of before you can wing your way By ~IAGGIE SAVOY First lin1e around I couldn"t one's life. That is all. out of the sodium pentoth.a.l. 01,1r11><11"' ~¥ find any help. As an oulline, Today I am 53 and almost a The ones who really Jove you U1111"' .-,, .. lfttetM!l•""1 one does go through cert;iin half, which is five and more crack inside, freeze up solid. Dying is more beautiful the st.cps. Tht>y overlap, and not than a half years of golden They'd buy a one-way ticket t• second tiine around. necessarily in order. Disbelief time, figured linearly. And a AngkorWat to avoid the pain of Not easier. Bul there is joy !it can"t happen to me), cairn. \Vhole damned Ii f et i me, saying anything to you . lo be "TUng from the second lhen rage and fury and figured qualltative!y. The best trick J know Is to linie. debilitating feeling sorry for It's those years I'm going to walk past, give the peace sign This i.s a ho"'·lo book. !They yourself. ~·rite about -that bad trip I and say "Tough " tel! me they se ll better.) Somewhere in there comes a took -in the hopes that !his Breaks the jam: A laugh It is a diary. It is honest. all heightened sense of 1ne, and trip will be a betler one. and lets !he Jovt back in. the n1ore since never even in another rage that there will be just 1naybe I can say \And there c n d e d Maggie my who-am-I ':' teens did I fee l no nu•. something that will help you Savoy's noles for "Seeend important enough to chronicle And then. slowly, an entirely on your trip, , , Time Around.") my d<rily trivia or lofty ne\v value st r u ct u rt ,,-----'--------------'------- thoughts. especially of time, possessions The first sentence was five-and how to use your energies. and-one-half years ago. The I was lucky I faced n1y own second was July 28, J97CI. dca!h, for I have lived more. You go to lhe doctor. "It loved nl or c . accomplished Isn't anything but ... " more. been more these last He pokes a round, puts on hi.c; five and a ha]( years than all cheerful competent mask. and lhe other years put wgether. says, "X-ra~•." I 1n going on an ego trip. I The symptoms di sappear -in\'ilc you along, for 11 part totally (isn"1 that funny "!). any1.1·ay . That"s \\•h:it dyin!! is . '!'hey really do lhe last, hopefully \he bcsl, of You come b;ick.. c~pecl ing all ego tril)s. the 1\'ords. "'It's nothing." And Dying 1s one·s last. best you hear. "\Veil , 1.:h•1ncc lo k.now lhe mystery of Until the"y 1.:ut a snip and ·oneself. Surely the most mean- read the cells you have a inglul experience 1n on e ' s choice. Thal thing in yo u r life. gullet -the reason you'vt had u ·.~ the trip for ~·h1ch were a hard time swallowing -you all 1hc stubbed toes, hickeys, can see it on the X-ray. is ~A) sidebar heartaches, overtime, a chicken bone, (Bl an ulcer, poe!ry. a baby-at-one's-breast, (C) a tumor. ID) a bad X-ray. the simple so!e1nn brush on This time J should have the lips .. liUSpt>cted. The joking fe/!ow J>O\\IER TO SHAPE "'hn follo~·ed the icky barium Like the fact of cancer, l wi th a click-click-click took (I had learned another fact. J counted) 52 X-ray shols. n1ay not have a choice over "Get a cup of coffee,·· he ll'hat kills me, but I dD h11vc a sriid. •·and I'll phone Dr. choice over what I kill. I had /John) Heyno!ds.·· the power lo shape. make. Even then !ht dej.:i vu chill spend. u.~e every single hour didn"t quite get through. stilt on the books. And J had The doctor said, "Comt' on the power to shape, make and .. build love. up. A WINNER These were the only things I O N SALE NOW! R•gul•r merch•n· cli,. frorn •very d•par+rn •nt, includ. in9: e PANTS e PANTSUITS e BLOUSES e DRESSES e LONG DRESSES ANO SKIRTS qr••t savings on acc•11oria1 jew•lry, h.tndb.tgs, Ir b•lts. -~ P•nty Hos• 1/1 Pric • 25. 50% off and MORE! 0.k. BIDTIQUE Vi • l ido-N•wport Baich 0 ' • Even that didn "l scare me . reaJJy O\Vned, the only me J"n1 big: stuff. a winner l"dl Ji-;;..-,;_ __ _. ___ ,:__..;-;;-;;-;;;;;;;._..;,_,_;;;;;._.,_,_,__,_,_;;;,_,_,_,__, licked 1.:ancer once It wouldn"t dJre. l)octor: '·Look : J\"s rare In ::i woman. Ifs rare in anyone n~ young a:; you And d i1 is. i!"s primary -nnl Lhc old one coming back. 'Ne 'll take a snip I ~londa y. ~Icantin1c. s la rt !rcating your ul<'cr r\o niorP 1 liq uor, no hot cDHee, bland SUMMER SALE TOP QUALITY SPORTSWEAR FOR MEN AND WOMEN r.-frrnbers of Lhe f'acesclt('r Frida~. July .11•1 10 ~und.1.1, \\"esll'rn I len11:;phcre fnr stu du:-t . . "' BARBARA GORDON chapter nf !he Childrt'n's A11g 6. !ly1nA 1111· co1npJe ... 111e.<: or 1 l\"ent bark to !hf' office, Astl11na Hc..<:earch lnstitut1.: l.ocntrd in Drn1•cr, ('Arl111 ;1JJcr,111c disease<: of w!11ch !-.hak1ng. shaking , shak1n,i:: !like :irul Hospital (CAHIJJ) Aux-is the na(iurial crn!cr fo1· f1·L"' :i slh1na 1s thr n1nst ~c riu11~. 1•·hcn I \\'f!S a kid and lhat bad iliary are swer1rnin~ their trcatmrnt and rar1· r.f 1he The 1101111· Show bMth ""ill dream came every nigh! ) can1palgn to ''lick" asthma. most severely <ilflirted \ 11·-contain a narrated flln1 pre-I cracked up horrendously They 1viH hand out suckers tirns of asthma between the scn!al1on of hospital treat-1he first time -my script was tn persons making a donation ages of 6 ;ind 15. rnent and patients from flawed, my performance lo lhe charity al a hooth at Lhe t-.1rs. t-.1ark i\1illard, Paresel-Orange County describing the scrawny. resentful, hysterical S b llome Show in An ah e i m !er president. said CARIH 1s rf'lief fron1 suffering that and terribly cruel to those J eptem er Jp•C•ooii'.''."·r;•o•n-C•e•n•lc•r".ii.s.la•r•ti•n•g-t•he-on•l•y•r•es•e•a•rc•l•'•cc•n•te•r•··"'·'•h•r-•C•A•R•!•H-pr•o•'·id•e"d• .• -• .-;;..iiii'--l•°'•'•dii-•• aiOn;;;d;;;-';;;'_h_o_Jo;;;';,'d_m.;e".ii Rites Set A Sept. 11 \lo'Cdding in the Newport J-larbor L u t h e r a n Church is being planned by I Barbara June Gordon and Robert Lee Schuldies. Parents of the betrothed couple are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Gordon of Newport Beaeh and Mr. and J\lrs. Robert Schuldles of El Cajon. Miss Gordon ls a graduate of El t.lodena High School and now is a senior at San Di~o State College where she pledg- ed Gamma Phi Bet.a. Her fiance also attends the 1Ame college where he af- filiated with Sigma Chi. 1111 £. Co,,t Hi9h"'•Y Coro"• del M•r-Ph. 61).l•SO ............... "" ... •"""•"'" '"' ... II Y••n llo 5.,,,. L .. •lilft ~-' --·- _,..-\ (, .::~·,._p;€d£o/0£~%~, ·7/(e 'ffiwd:O Tood o~{..k Joe ~ OELICIOUS PURE PORK SAUSAGE BULK · c lb A-REAL-TREAT --- .. . ... -. ·····--· 608 EAST BALBOA BLVD,. BALBAO REFR IGERATEO DELIVERY SERVICE' PHONE 673-8310 LARGE ROLL PAPER TOWELS c ea CERTIFIED'S IST. GRADE SPRINGFIELD SLICED BACON 1 LB . PKG. c lb wr RfSfRVI THI llJG-HT TO LIMIT QUAHTITfS • FOR THE LADIES. !PARTIAL LCST!Ntil BLOUSES ' . .... " . Re9. lj'l .00 to 70.00 R•duc•d to 4.H to 11 .H SKIRTS ' . ~······ . .... Reg. 6.00 to 17 .00 Rffuced to ·" to 10,,, SLACKS' .... ... ... Reg. 8.00 to 18.00 R•ducH to 2.,, to ll.H JACKETS ' .... Re9. t 7.00 to 15.00 ReducN to '·" to 22.H PANT SUITS '. . .. Reg. 28.00 to 54.00 RH•cH lo 11.H to J4.H SWEATERS ' . .. _ Reg. 11.00 to 20.00 Reduced to ],ff ,. '·" DRESSES' -··-Reg. 16.00 to 76.00 Reduced to 5. ff to SZ. ff DUSTERS & ROifs, ..... -···-'· . ... Reg . 7 .00 to 8.00 Now l.H .. d 4,,, LONG ROHS ' . ·······-·· R•9. 22.00 to 25.00 Now ll.H to 15.H NEtilltifES' ......... . .. ---·····--·-R•g. 25.00 to 30.00 Now 15.,, to 11.,, tiOWNS, ... .. . .... R•g. 7.00 to 11 .00 Now 4.4' to 7.4' BLANKET SPECIAL: 17.98 Acril•n . -------............ Reclucecl Ni 10.tt PLASTIC TAILE LINENS: ........................... R•g. 4.00 to 11 .00 Now %.Sf t• S.tt FOR MEN !PARTIAL LISTIN!il SPORTSHIRTS ' ... .......... R•9. S.00 to 7.50 Red•cecl to l .tt t• 4.H KNIT SHIR7S ' . ··--·---·-----Reg. 3.50 to 5.00 R ..... otl to Z.Jf t• 2.tt DRESS SHIRTS, ........... Rog. 4.00 to 7.50 RH-.cN to Z.tt to 4.H SWEATERS ' .................. Reg. I l.00 to 19.00 ReclucH to I .ft t• 10.tf SLACKS ' ..... . .... R99. 8.50 lo 12 .00 led•c-4 to 1.tt t• AND MANY MORE !iOT MtNTIONED HERE! M•\or Cr•d;1 c,,tJ, ,..,,.,,.d COME IN AND SEE - 1861 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA --... j..... ..--·-- 5.,, j I I '· ,_ -· U"l Te'""'-11 HAPPY VICTIM-Gladys Faye. a Belgian baroness. is one victim of the ec.onomlc recession v.·ho's happy about it. Her plight led her to her own specialty !lo"•er shop on r.lanhattan's West Side. Career Flowers After 'Pruning' By PATRI CIA DAVIS NEW YOHK lllPl l Gladys F'aye is one vic tim of the current ec onomic recession who's not crying abou t he r plighJ. Miss Faye reecntly "went absolutely broke" in th e stock market. and. fa ci ng an "I've· gotl.a-eat si tuation", turnC'd lo flower l!lr ranging. In less than a year, the statuesq ue redhead has built up a s mall bul flour ishing specialty nnwe r sltop Oil Manh attan's West Stde. "Most importantly," she said in an interview, "I've found I.hat I can do sorneth1 ng. I had thought that I 11»as totally useless ·• Miss Faye. born t h C' Barones.~ Cruls de Roo of Belgia n ar istocracy, sp~ializcs in flowers ar- ranged 111 !ht shapes of animals or other form.~ She ha~ (·rcall'd nowercd poodles for author Ja<:11uc\i ne Susann. an ·elephant made I rom purple nov.·ers fo r Ne w York City's Mayor John V. Lindsay and nower bunnies for lhe Playboy organization. THINK SALE Westcllff Plaza Only She makes each creation from scratch, first scul pting a form froin a porous foam, .,..,rapping it with mesh wire and then covering 1t wilh flowers. A single ani mal can take up ta six hou rs to com· plete, "It 's all just fascinating." l'\1is.s Faye said. "There are so many possibilities -you can do so many things with flowers. It really is a challenge.'' T h e M in nea polis-born former model and ballet d;incer started her one·woman operation about a year ago. "MY husband -;i South African diamond bu yer -and I di11orccd I got into the stock market and went absolutely brolie sn I had to find so methi ng to do. I've always loved flowers so I said let's give tha1 a go and see what we can do.'' "A!'. a one-woman operation "'i lh lots of time I have an ad- vantagt in this busine!ls." she said. "Commercial norists "·on·t do the specialty items l create beeause of the time ele- ment involved." ~·1 1ss Faye works in the ban· quct room ·of a small Fl"fnch rest;iuranl in a l'\1anhattan hotel "They !et me work here for free and in ei.:chanp;e I n1akr up the ir table floral er· rangements .. 1 Irr first JOh was 1o do 1he flo"·ers for a wedding. ':JI was piin ic time but it tumed nut that everyone just loved lhe flnwrrs ;ind talkerl about noth ing else,·· she said. Jn mid·Apri! l'\1 i!ls Vaye did another wedding -her own. for her marriage to Charles Walter, television technical director at ABC. ··rhat was perhaps my most hectic job," she noted with a 11:rin. "Faulty liming, ma ybt: -wt scheduled !he wedding righl after Easter -lhf' busiest timt for any noris t. t was pooped." -··l"~~ . ... ' ... --'' '.'.11 ~ • lf' -----. J .... ..,,., , . , ~ -· .. .,_..._ ____ .... . .. t • • • • • . ·-· ~ ,~-,.. ... ~ .... ' ....... , &CLEARAnce Shop Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. BLOUSES PLUS Blouses & pant tops . . . . . . . . Reduced ... to Vi CALIFORNIE NNE DRESSES Orig.Sl2toS14 Models' Co.its & Skimma, prints & plaids 8.99 FASHION BOUTIQUE Orig. S70 Wool 2·PC. dres~s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.90 FASHION GALLERY Designer Dresses & Costumes, daytime & evening . . • . . • • . Reduced ... to V:1 Coats, Sui ts & Costumes • • Reduced 'VJ & More FUR SALON Specially priced Min k Strol lers, wide variety of colors & sty les . . • . . . . . from 595.00 LADY BULLOCK Very special group of Crace Taylor Dres~s. S60 to Sao Value . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • • • • • • 34 .99 MATERNITY Dresses. Lingerie, Sportswear .. , Reduct<! ... MISS BULLOCK SHOP Orig. S6D·S80. Young Designer Dres!>f!s ........ , Reduced V:z SHERWYN CASUALS lspec ially priced Bleeker St., un1mer style Dresses & Pantsuils 21.99 to 33.94 Ca ~ua l Dresses, Cos1unles, Pant Su its . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . reduced 1 /3 SHERWYN DRESSES Fdn1ous Maker Dre~~es . , .• , , ..... , • . . 27 .99 SHERWYN KNITS & COATS & SUITS · S24 10 $70 Coals, Suits & Dre~~cs . Reduced 1 /2 TOWN & TRAVEL DRESSES Famous-Maker Collon Dresses . . . . . . . . . 19.99 TOWN & TRAVEL KNITS &SEPARATES Famous names in kni- lwear, ~u its, d res~es & r.inlsuits .... Reduced l /3 to l /2 >rig.°T76 2-Pt. Suits ... , .•• , . , . , ••...... 39.90 ~amous·maker Kn it Dre!>'>t'!S ..... , ... 37 .90.42.90 Top~ & Shirt~ ..................... &.99· 12.99 TOWN & TRAVEL SUITS & COATS Wd~hable Pant Co.i ts .......... , . . . . . • 29.99 F..ike·fur Coats ..... , .......••• Reduced Y.z TOWN & TRAVEL SPORTSWEAR-COLIN· TRY STORE S 10lo S14 LEVI p.tnt~. wide!.election NOW 5.97 lmpor!cd cotto n T shirts ....... , • . . 4.99-6.99 Grou p~ of coord1n ale~ rrom lhe Coun· rr, sro,. ..................... Reduced 1/3 Cotto n Kn it sepd rillr~ si ze 6· 14 Asst. colors, shorts, p;int~, lops. Pre·teen Shop 2.99·5.99 Spor1 swe..ir ~ize J-13 a~st. sryles, col · ors. Young Junior~ .. , . . . ...• , Reduced '/:z BRIDAL SALON Ori~. S lOO·SJ.00. Group of cl iscon!inued !.dmple size wedding clrP~~f'~ ·. · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 24.99 CO LLEGIENNE COATS & SUITS l\otpa nt ~els, p.inhu1t~. costumes, & lon11: Coals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . Reduced Y1 COLLEGIENNE DRESSES Spe1_1al purcha,c. c·o11on Knit Ore~'e', ~1ze S· 11 . • . • . • • 8,99 I-tot P<1nl~ 111 a<.'t. Styles & color~ .. , . 12.99 COL LEGIENNE LINGERIE 1-ioqe,, [)r<'''C'', t1nRerie and slerp· \VC11r. bro~C'n ~1 1r~ •.•. , .• , ••••• I IO~(('~S Rohr\ R[G $2 6 .·~!l. COLL EGIENNE SPORTSWEAR l.nnp; & Short Sun1111cr ~hill,, a~'L R~uced Vi Now 12.99 ( olor~ & Print~ .. , . , , , . . . • . • 10.99 & 14.99 lrnni~Dre~~es ...•.............•.•. 14.99 COLLEGIENNE SHOES Special purchase on lace up !he fiont boot and also plain boot~ ...... , . . . . . . . . . • 19.99 DAYTIME & NIGHTIME LINGERIE Ong. $7.·S 10. A<.sl. of ddcron a nd cotton gO\\ ns 4. 99-5.99 011g. S8.-S 1 S. As'!. of famous ma~C'r bahy <lolls .• , ... , , , 4.99 Satin t.tilored bril!'I~ ...... , . . . . . . . . . • 6/4.99 F.:imous b rand na nl ~ nylon non cling ,1,p, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 3.99-4.99 FOUN D~TIONS Fa mous Mak«'r Br..is. Girdles a nd Panty Girdles ......... , . . • . , Reduced 1 /2 ROBES & NEGLI GEES Brushed fleece robes ........•.. 12.99·17.99 FASHION ACCESSORIES Orig. SS.-S 10. T revira Polyeqpr Sf arves mdchine \va~hable ... , •• , • , . • . • 2.59 2/5.00 FASHION JEWELRY 1/20 12 Ka rat gold .fil led f..ishion irw<lr, . . . . . . • . • . . .. . . . . . . Reduced 1 /2 FINE JEWELRY o;,monds . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . Reduced 20% GLOVES Orig. $4.00·6.00 leo1ther look glov~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • 2.99 HANDBAGS & SMALL LEA TH ER.GOODS Asst. Handbags, leather, Vinyl. Straw ..•...•.• , • • 4.99-13.99 HOSIERY Orig. SS Belle Sharmeer snakeskin bikini pantyhose 2.00 Orig. SJ .SO Matching bra ••...•.• , , , , .....•.• , • , , 1.00 MILLINERY & WIGS Collection of famous designer wigs 10.90· 16.90 SHERWYN SHOES Red Cross Socialites .••...•.•.....• , . 13.99 WOMEN'S SHOES Fashion shoes, dress & casual wear R""u•ed 112 BABY & TODDLER 2 PC. BABY PLAY PAJAMA, Azure & mo1ize • 1.99 BABY STRETCH SUIT, assorted colors & styles 2.89 TODDLER PLAY CLOTHES •••• 3.29 or 2/6.50 BOYS' SHOP long and Short Sleeve Sport Shirts • . . . . . . . 2.99 Short Sleeve Knit Shirts . . . . . . • 2.59 or 2/5.00 r ldnnel P.J.s . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . 3.39 or 2/6.SO GIRLS-BOYS 3·6X Girls Dresses . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • Reduced 1 /2 Gi rls Famous Maker Swimwear • • Reduced 1 /3 BoysCar Cwts .•• , .••••.• , •••••••• , • 10.99 Boys Cardigiln and Pullover Sweaters 3.99 GIRLS' SHOP Fine Orlon Knit Dresses, 3 sty les . . . . • . . . . 9.99 Orlon Shaker Knit Swtater, long length, cable detail •...................•.•.••.••• 5.4'9 Belted orion pile Co.111, dress length, 3 colors, ~ize7·14 .......................•.. 21 .99 YOUNG JUNIORS-PRE-TEENS Orig. S20-$25 Pol yester dresses asst colors size 5-13. Bol> bie Brooks Shop • • • • . . . . . . . . . • • . • • • . 12.99 YOUNG SHOES Orig. S6. Gra sshopper sandals, childs 5· 12 misses 13·3 2.99 Orig.S1 2.-S14. Desert boots, Jrs. 8'h • 2, Boys 2'h -9 & Teens 7.99 &9.99 FORERUNNER SHOP Short·sleeve Wallace Beery shirts/all stripes 3.99 Orig.SIOtoS12 Famous-Maker Flared Jeans . . . 5.99 or 2/11 .00 LUGGAGE & SMALL LEATHER GOODS F.lmous maker luggage .•.••••• 1 45.90· 106.90 Manufacturers gift samples • • • . • . Reduced 1 /2 MEN'S CLOTHING & SPORTSWEAR Double kn it sui t, 100% polye sttr, belled back. patc h pockets . . • . . . . 129.00 Ori~. $9.00-12.00 Slac ks permanent press S'J .. i 12. Slacks perm.inenl pres~ , .• , , , . . . 5.99 Swim Trunks ...............•... 3.99 Cotton Kn it Shirts ................ 2.99 Ban.Jon Knit Shirts .... , . , ........ 6.99 Sl acks, Polyester Double l<nit 1 <J.')9 or 2/38.00 MEN'S FURNISHINGS UN DERWEAR · Buy the Box! Orig. S 1.50 T1 V, o r A-shirts. Briefs or Boxers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 6/7.00 Stretch Hosie ry, all co lors, dnld e length, o<ig. SI.SO . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . • • • . . . . 6/7.00 executive length, O rig. $2 .....•... , . . 6/9.00 MEN'S SHOES Orig. $25. lo $34. Por1o ped sh~s. large sel~tion 20.99 to 26.99 O rig. SJS to S49 Bally shoes dis· continued styles limited quantity 24.99 to 29.99 WYN BRIER Orig.S llto $16 Knit easy-care Shirts .... , • , ••........ · 7 .99 Orig.S11 toS12 Fan1ous·maktr \vish1blepa.nts, all 11.lrts • . . 6.99 BATH SHOP Miscellc1neous Bath Accessories • . Reduced 1 /2 Asst. Shower Curtains. Rugs & Tow· els . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reduced 1 /2 DECORATIVE ACCESSOR IES Andrew Wyeth Framed Prints , , , , . . • • • . 14.99 Df"corJtive Acc~sori~s. i:iictur~, & barware ........ , , .....• , .•• Reduced 1/2 BEDROOM ACCESSORIES Orig. Sb.SO lo S 13.SO No-Iron Sheets, Mix & Matth, First Quality & some lrregulo1rs • . . . . . 3.25·6.75 Ask obovf o ur low co11 Te rrnwoy Pion for major purchases for the home. LiMI ........ tltlff. ..U 1111, ....... 1l1t l, MIHtll1•-1. •• HN ..... ut .... H H"C.0.1,'t .... It "''~""'"-AR,.... "'!•I tt ,r!tr tll1, 'rkt1 •"t.t fwt ... lt tt... ...... ....,_," "t.t, Orig. $5 Polyester Pi llows •• , .•.•. 2/6.00 Orig. $10Twin Blankets •.......••• 7.99 ' DINING ACCESSORIES AssortmentofTabledoths . . . . . . . Reduced 1/3 45 pc. se:tof Usual Dinnerw.1re •. , , , • . . 19.99 leo1d Cryst.11 Stemware, two Patterns 1.99 each DRAPERIES AND CURTAINS 24.95 Flower·powerbedspreids • . • now 15.99 FURNITURE Cu•tom Upholstery Sofa Sale $399 . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . now 299.00 $549 • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 399.00 $799 •••.......•.... now 599.00 $859 . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . now 699.00 Chairs, $1 79 to $229 .... now 139.00 to 189.00 Headboards •......•. Reduced 1 /3 to 1 /2 $165 Henredon dini ng chair •. now 79.00 S 179 Drexel commode ...... now 7B.OO Occasional tables .... Reduced l /3 to 1 /2 FLOOR COVERINGS Close out of Princess Bathroom Carpet Kit 100% french crimp rayon, includes lid ... 19.95 5'x6' •.•.....••.. now 12.95 35.95 6'x9' ...•.....•. now 24.95 69.959'x12' .........• now48.95 ll imiled quantities and colors) Are.l Rugs, one of .1 kind . Redu ced 40 to 60% 16.95 "Roy.11 Tiara" broadloom (Includes pad and i,nstallation) . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 9.99 HOUSEWARES Orig. S 14.88 GE Mo1nicute Set, attractive base, con- toured power hc1ndle, 4 attachments • . 9.88 Ong. $1.25 Linen towels ........ 2/1.25 Orig. $39.87 Oster Chafing Dish . • 24.87 Orig. $22.99 Presto Electric Curlers 12.99 Orig. $1 9.99 Rival Blender ...••.. 14.99 SLEEP SHOP Simmons Mismatch, asst twin or double ...•....••.• 49.~.ac.h piece Queen Set ••• 139.00 King Set . . • • • 179.00 Oris. $309.9S Sleep Sofa, Double Size Bed. HercuJoncover.... . ........ 219.00 SUN SHOP Wrought Iron Rectangul•r Tabl~ & 6 Chairs 169.00 Salton Coffeemaker •••••••.•••.•• , • • • • 4.99 TV, APPLIANCES, RADIOS & RECORDS Portable concord, reel·to-reeJ recorder with AM Radio, AC·DC Operation, complete wilh micropho ne Reg. 39.95 •....•.•.. NOW 17 .88 Electronic Organ, complete \Vith Cassette Tape R~order and bench. demonslrato< model Orig.$1110 ••..•••.•...•. only 769.88 COSMETI CS White boar bristle hair brushes Reg. SS .. NOW J.29 Bldck bristle hair brushes Reg. 4.SO • , , , NOW 2.29 Travel acces~ories & travel ca~es greatl y reduced Boutique accessories . . . Reduced 1 /3 & more FABR ICS & YARNS Wool double knits, ~tripes & plains ..••....• 6.99 Acrylic double knits, looks l1kewool •••••• 3.•9 Yarn<., needplepoint1 crewel kits . . . . • • reduced NOTIONS Easy Wash, 1 /2 gallon ...........• 5.20 STATIONERY MAGNA FRAME , Frame Bac.k in Magnetized, Picture c an be changed instantly, Pink. Blue, or Woodgrain Orig. S10 .....••............•.•.• 4.99 Orig. S7 ...•......••..........•.. 3.49 ''My Grandchildren" Photo Book. Holds 24 3 Yi"x3 Vi" picture s Rf'.g. S 2 ...... , ••• NOW 1.19 Litter Baskets for your car, asst colors 1.•9 SWEETSHOP Orig. S 1 Blum's Hard Candies, Tins . , .. , . . 89( TOYS&BOOKS Madam Alexandra Beautlful Grandma. Jane ••• 1.81 Ride 'em Jtt & Durable Airlinf Plane, rid e ;,,.. door or outdoor • , •..•...•.••••••.•... 9.99 01 Ml!Y llIMS. lllTERMEDIATE MIRlllDWWS HAYE BEEJ TllE!. ORIGl!ILL Y MUNS THE flRSI PRICE IT WltlCH 11 llIM WIS MIRIED IW OUR STORE. Shop Bullock's Santa Ana ... Monday throu1h F1id1y 1:30 lo 9:30, Saturday 9:30 to 6:00, 1 Fashion Square, Santa Ana, phoni 547-7211 .... • ·-· ' J .:.-. . - '· -"""""··· ·--.--1' . ,,,...._ . ..,,,.,. . ...-~. -·-------l-,,.. . -re:----.... ·-' . Just for Girls Pop tlus airy. see-thn1 dres~ over different color shps-lil- lle girls love H Quick crQJ:het -2 identical pieces plus ruftle. Easy-to- 1nemorize pattern sutch for party-pretty dress Pattern 7136; sizes 2. 4. 6 included. SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS for each pattern -add 25 cents for each pattern for Air Ma il and Special Handling . Send to Alice Brooks the DAILY PILOT. 105, Need 1 e c r a ft Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea Station. New York. N.\'. 10011. Print Name. Add~ss, Zip, Pat- tern Number. NEW 1971 N t' e d I e c r a rt CataJog-rnore Instant fash- ions. knits, crochets. quilts. embrc»dery, gifts. J free pat - terns. 50 cents. New~ '·Instant Crochet"· Book. Stet'by-s tep pictures teac-h you how lo crochet in- stantly'. Plus ne"·est patterns. Sl.00. Complete Instant Gift Book -more than 100 gifts for all occasions. ages $1.00. Fondue Fun Goes Chocolate 1fost people -or at least those uninltiated in the art and fun of fondue cookery - generally associate fondue cooking strictly with cheese. ll may have started that l\'3)' \\'ith the Svdss manv years ago, but fond ue cookini no\v embraces meat.~ and desserls as \\"ell as chee~e. Jn fact. there is no better way !o top off a meal th an with chocolate fondue. It adds a unique touch to anything from a ladies' bridge party to 1 .small-fry birthday pa rty. Chocolate fondue tends it.self to almost Hmi!IE>ss pos&ibilities for "dunkables."' Almost an.v fresh fruit tastes better when if"& surrounded b:-rnelted thocolate. This 11ould inc lude banana s, apples. cherries and gr apes. \'ou"ll a l~o \\'ant lfl t r~ p1neapplt chunks. m:i nderinr orange slice~ and dates as well as marshmallo,fs or bite·size pieces of angel food cake rintK CHOCOLATE FONDL:E (8 to IZ ser1·ing1) 2 11 'i ounce packages milk chocolate chips 1 cup heavy v.·hipping creatn J•• leaspoon rnint extract or I lo 2 tbs. creme de menthe. opt ional Combine chocolate chips and cream in fond ue pot. Set heat control at dessert setting and stir until chocolate melts. Add mint navorine i f de~i red . Stir until blended. For serving. spear rre.~h fruit tidbits '.''itb fondue fork and swirl in chocolate. Chicken's Diet-wise If you 're trying your best to stick to 1 d.iet, eating ou l can become a rt 1I challenge. F'ortunately. chicken i s featured oo moet ggod menus. ao you can tojoy a bre1k from th e kllchen without bre1king your diet pJan . Dlne in style Qll any number of wcculent restau ra nt f.;\·orltel'"llkt &ast Chicken: Baked Chicken: B r o i I e d Chicken: Chicken ln The Pot ; Sliced Chicken Platter: Open Qiicke:n S anil,wi c h , and Chicken In A.!pk. Avoid stuf. tings, gravie.s and sauet!i. Wtdntsd.11~, Ju ly 21 , lcrTl DAILY PILOf 33 Cool Fruit Basket Brims With Honey-Wine Dressing· Summu -a feeling of port.ions. Pu! wa.sht'd and 1\1.l!:LON f'RUIT BASKETS 3 firm bananas, cut into cut to notch edges . Renwve strawberry halves and plneap-. 2 tableapoonJ honey change and eicilemtnt ln the drained greens in a. colander \\'ITH HONEY WINE halves seeds. Slice a piece from lhe pie ctwnlfs. Put melon on a \la cup Niagara type wine air. A y,•hispering breeu over a bowl eO\ered \\llh v.·11x. DRESSING 1 pint strawberries, hulled, bottom of each melon to allow plate and garnish w l th 2 teaspoons crated orlnCI smell.! of flowers, v•arm earth paper into the refrigerator ill 3 hone~dew melons washed and halved it to sland straight on the chlckory. Chi!! until ready to rlnd and b1lmy weather. Time for crisp. To.ss ~;1Jad greens with 3 cupst 1,., poundsJ creamed 2 cups fresh , frozen or c11n-plate. serve. Serve v.•ith Hont'y Wine Salt the brla:ht color and crisp l.eJ:. dressing JUSL befo re serving cottage cheese ned pineapple chunks Put a large mound ot cot-Dressing. Stir all ingredients together lure of s:.ilads. Pt'rfect <lt''-.'Oin paniment. l packRges 112 ounces each) Ch!ckory tage chee:ie lnlo the n1elon . HONEY WINE DRESSING adding salt to taste Chill until HandJe salad g r c ens Use wine in the salad 1lseH froz.en sliced pea c be .s , <.:ut melons into halves with Surround cheese with peacn (Makes about 111:! cups) ready 10 ser\'C. St tr again c:arelully, trimming all wilted and serve 11 chltled as the tha.,•:ed and drained a shrrp knife wing a zig-1ag slices , banana .s I ice s , 1 cup ( i,.t, pint I sour cream before serving, .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~----''---~~-=-----=:_::__~~~~~~~~~~-'--~~~--~~~ 7.fl lb . .A.•g. WI. , . , rm1co·R1 Ham Bult Portion 11•~ nH!lft .>LI. A.a. Whole Hams "'~" ,.,,, .. , ..... ~·c.. . l ···~" '°"~ ''"'" 1 :::~~.:·" '53;· 5 7 c i Boneless Ham ,.VUM. -.oil h 01 "•JI.JI II. BACOll '" Pork Sausage '"~" JO"N 11141~. ·~c.. 1 lolN'1\\ I.QI ... ~. I . ll•N ,.,,,. ¢ f Beef Sausage . McCoy Beef Bacon .,,,_ .. , 59 ~ '°'" .. co• 11r. OI ..C.I ~ "'" I "· l 1<~ll>Mll ... ~16Mll-lfllUlllOll•""l'U1Ulll!llJ'°J"''"'''"1l" LOWER THAN DISCOUNT PRICE PLUS BLUE CHIP STAllPS! LOWER THAI OISCOUHT PRICE PLUS BLUE CHIP STAMPll TOILET TISSUE ~GRAPEFRUIT ~ JUICE KNUOSEN ORANG! JUICE -'!-oz. 811. 89' Fancy Farms 46 01. CAN BANQUET DINNERS FROZEN .A.uorl1d -. r '.• p,, • ·,. . ~ ,., LOWER THAM DISCOUNT PRICE PLUS BLUE CHIP STAllPS! • 59~ 59~ '1 '! 291 451 Spam Luncheon Meat .:~ 57' Mashed Potatoes "''~~-6~-' ;~~~ ... 27' Gerber Baby Food '":'~b~:!:"'-10' Cranberry Juice ~[;;"~, •• ~.:: 75' USDA CHOICE ··~ u .. BREADED ROUND SHRIMP 7~/·;:: •1 !.• •11• Vtol 51•ol1 •""' ""'"" > "'"'"'U. ••"l-11"1 OU.. $1.00 Jon.. Minute lttokloo! Sou1099 link1 •04111. •.•. 7.5c Zipp. Co1" ""'ol• 100; on. • ....•...•....••...•••.. 6.k ZI~ lurrho• •·-OU. . ............. , .. , ......... 4$c AloJ.o,. King Crobm.01 •. u, .................... ,., 19c JVjo/N]SJi;l·fJjlii.J ·l·l :ilflM F•llu.il_l ___ IMlllllMl-KK ... 11~. fiiif"'i "oi'iiil Chu~k Steaks .-::.~,':... 55~ ! USDA C"tMC"' 57 ! Family Steaks N<~·;:>;~~ '1°~ ! CHOI CE c;;~·,:· ~ -1· Boneless Round Steaks ::~..: '1°.' ~ "'"''' 0 " 11 '' ICE CREAM ~ ~, ».wmwooo S~' '""" ,,,;, ~· ASST'O. C , __ "··· ~ '·=~·~~1:1~~.~~~N Voo1 Macaroni & Ch1.,t to.at. "G. >t. ·I-OU. •• 211 ; BOllELESS CHUCK ~.~:.::.~ 89 ~ . Hamburger Patties ,,';:~ ~ 79~ f .. ~.~.~.~.~~.~.~ .. ~~~.~ ... :~::!l.:1,.,~.!.~;: . .I Fresh Turkeys c..:~:·~ (:~,~r-~.G. 49~ Cltu11 Kl"i Chop Su.y ""· 11.oL !'<O ..... , ......... 691 C~n 1Ci119 Chow M.in «<>CUN Ot _,..,. u.oa ." 69c: Save 40c PABST BEER $J15 ''"' '""°" 1101. ,~M SIYI llk &·Pl, !PLUMS ~ ~wEn. JU\(Y f•NCY 1 llD . ,,./ .. llD • ! • • ' . • • c 1 : ~~~~~Joc~ lb,1l j JUICV WHITE -..EAl • , .,, .. 1UUUl~''"'""'"""M!lto~Uln1ttUH ""'"''""'"'Ullllln1r• toll 579. \.400 for loco1ion of store """''' yov. Coll coiled if tell • , . .----------· --. ------.. VALUABLE COUPON Redeem This Coupon 1 000-BLEBLUE CHIP STAMPS 1 i WITH lllJ I ,. GROCERY PURCHASE i I E XCIUOf~ l/QUO~, 10 &.A.CCO, ANO D.A.lllY ,l'J!QOUCTS For... cu1. STAMPS : ·-:::.··;::··,;";,· ..... -I I ' ' "-·-'·-·· VONS ' -· '·~-· . -. ··--•e•v•·•W ••••1=»9i4~ ·-----------.:.. --------·-----.l...';l.l....--- Save with Vons Everraav Slim Prites -SOFT DRINKS v1o~;~ 99' FRESH BREAD ~:rE 25' FRESH BUTTER '~"?:~ 81' VONS COFFEE £~:m: 69' COTTAGE CHEESE~~37c Salad Lettuce ••··· ... Cucumbers · • :~:.. .. Bell Peppers ... '.;:;,;:;·' MUMS :,·;! 12" [§l§JN /S]i!f !i,ii.i :!!;iiiif.!!.tj • VASELINE I ' -' ' l• - INTENSIVE CARE .~~~~O!, •77( 111~. No"·G,.••r ....... -·---I GILLETTE TECHMATIC ADJUS7AILf ..... $121 RAZOR BAND ~ j ;~~.T~~~,~~~~~J~.~~EA~691 EXCEDRIN TABLETS ... '"· 83' we are p/aaS1d ta >CClfJt U.8.D.l FOOD STAMP COUPONS ,:. ~ ~~.A/w1yr lr1Sb I. D.Ji1/H1,,. "'"m••· II' ',,,•1,•r1:rl-t '1 . ! ·, -....: eu •PJ!J ,.W ~ ~ ' HONEY KRUNCH BREAD 'I I ~~o~ ~~ ~~~OI.·• 35· '° DflJCIOl.!5 lO.UTfD .. , _ l VONS CINNAMON ROLLS i r~~:.o• • 39' I SHERBET CRUNCH CAKE I VOHS, ~-LAY!l. TINDl!I GOLD $145 CAI( TOl'l'tD WITH llMON. CHOCO- -t.o.11. l'lfffl/olli'IT Oii UMI C•U'NCtt •• ..... 1-111-"-'"'"."'"'"" ..... "'"*-· • l'OTATO •MAWONI • COU SlAW •GaMAH l'OTATO 1 S.Or. Cup •• , clliiui·;~-:93~ Gallo ltallan Sata1111 ,:-.;;,•;:;. '1" McCoy Slked Pastrallli ~ 551 McCo Shctd Corntd ltd =: 151 · TPahause Rose Porcelain {hina ··· SAUCER ··· With Each SJ Purchase Only 19 ' Enjoy salad.~ and vegetables 10111 ... ith your chicken and you 'll Adams Ave., at Brookhurst, Huntington Beach Doh·eny Park Drive, Ca pistrano Beach 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springllale, Huntington Beach Laguna Hills Plaza, El Toro 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 17950 Ma2nol\a, Fountain Yall'1 havr a sali11fying. nu1nt1ouc ]40Rl 1ne;i!, reasonable in calol'frs · "" -•• 11£..,..:: .. ___ --··--------·-. ~,_ --· -~-_,__ ~-.... ~ -' -. ---_,_,..,. ' ,. " . • -~ ' l ~ -~· l ' .. ' • I l l • j I \ r I ~-.. " .. '"\<~• ........ -;-... ~ • •• • ......... • --~qoo ...... -~ --~· _..._ ___ ---'~ ... . . . . . . . • ~. ,_...,._.._ .. ;. , .. . : . . · . ' , ~ , ' •' , , ~ ~ :· :; .· . . ' . • • • • . ; • .. LUCERNE FRUI T DRI NKS For Porty ~ime-or Anytime! Gallon Carton IJi#.Otltlf p;;eu USDA Grade 'A' Poppy Brand Htns 8 to 14.lb. Lancaster Farms Toms 18 to 22·1b. Avg. Wt. ·~ FRYER PARTS •Whole legs • Thighs 65C • Dntmsticks-Your Choice ll ~ ; :: ::. Fresh Fryer Breasts ~~:~ i • F sh F w· '"" """ ,.69< •. 39 ' •. 10 ' !· re ryer 1ngs '·"~m"""" : Fryer Backs And Necks • • . . . ; " . ~ " • . .· :· Pork Steaks lamb Chops leg of lamb AURORA QUALITY .TOILET TISSUE Softness You Con Feel-So Absorbent 2-Roll Pack OiJeounl Prit~ USDA Choice Grade Beef Blade Cut For Outdoor Barbecuing. lb •. c O·BONE ROAST USDACho;co B•of-ldeol 69c For A Delicious Pot Roost lb. Rump Roast llSDH'o;,, """ Bone In Ovr~ R11m:l'f I0.89 < •. 93 ' I0.99' Beef Clod Roast ,~;:-~;;:, teat Bwll C1t1 Cut From fas tern Grnin-- fed f>orl.:ers. Guorontud! 11,,11r 1-8111 C11s USDA Choile Grodtd Lomb (Rib Chops-Rt'gulor Culs lb. $1.<l?J USDA Ci11tt 'ndt l,111~ Short Shonk. for More Eormg Vo!oe! \~moll loin Lomb Chops lb. $1.79} 1b69C ,.99c lb.98' Jimmy Dean Sausage ~ti:;,: lb 77' Dubuque Canned Ham•;'i;:· ~~:$2 98 ' . ' . ' l ' • • • • ) • . • , J • ·~ r COTTAGE CHEESE • lucerftt 3 7"' ('<lro Gorirl for .. Solod~ SllOwy Wh"-,,,, ,,,;, '!•I tll'lt~ LIGHT BEER • • .... o .. b, ag e D1sl11'1Cl1vtly 01Htrl'nl 6 12-oz. Cans ••••••• HAIR SP RA Y • ..,~:r~·i:..1 53e 1o Hold formula Salewoy Guoro"tted. lJ>t L Cll SAFEWAY SUPER SAVERS ~cott Toilet Tissue ~:::' 37' Baby Scott Diapers ,:;o::o;. 79' Hershey Instant Cocoa ~! 75' liquid Detergent ';;;',~ ~~.· 49' PRICES EFFECTIVE IN LOS ANGELES ORA~•~r COUNTY --IXCll'T CATA_L_IN_A __ .....; SAFEWAY DAIRY BUYS! SHADY LANE BUTTER First Ouol1t y Alwoys Grode 'AA' freshly Churned Hb. 81 c ctn, luceme Com Tortillas luceme Cream Topping l S I d l oplo•O<JidOOI' ucerne a a s (OQl,,ou1~.l1c. l \l·H. 48 ' Siii ''39 ' tll. SAFEWAY LIQUOR BUYS MAC NAIR'S SCOTCH ,v.t·S,\J~ 86 rR ODF .···,,:;-.. · Imparted From s4 99 ·-c -Scalland. 86-Pr. ~~. (Sa ve JOc) Fifth BOURBON Bowling Grffil-6·yrs.·Old Canadian Hill Whiskey ~ ,..,$4n St t I G" oVodC,,-Oi> an on s 1n ,,11i<1G10111-so-Pr • . rm• s320 FROZEN BANQU E' DINNERS Just Head and Eat (Beef 49c) 11-oz. Pkg. OittOUflf p,;eet USDA Choice Beef Full Center Cuts -Bone-In Flavorful And Juicy! lb. c SWISS STEAKS Thick Arm Shoulder Cut 7 9c USDA Choice Grode Beef Jh. Boneless Steaks ,,:·~~;~':,,, •. $1•• Family Steaks Sou"to;c~~;B~i "·$1 '' Sirloin Tip Steaks '11~-:~":'~i~:' 1~.$1 39 GROUND BEEF 59c USDA lnspec!l!(j for Wholt· sameness. in o 3-lb. Chub ll.7n lb. WIENERS ~s;:i~ 73.c All Beef ~ All . Wieners ... .!~. 79 MlAT lb. !.2~~~NA 8/iicHE~b 6 9c Ruth's Wieners ,::~. lunch Meats "';,;:;' lt-11.49< ... 1·11, 37' '" HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS! CLOSE-UP TOOTHPASTE · • 5u!'f'r w1111enon<1 -A 311 49c Too!hllfl~le And Mouth· 11,; wosh All In One! Gillette Super Stainless Secret Spray Deodorant Bright Side Shampoo ~\ 74' •·•f. 83 ' s!1' l·ll.59 ' 11!1 LARGE ''AA'' EGGS Al Today's Prices. fggs Are Just About Your Most Econom1col Sourc~ of Protein :~~::;;2'"g' -1l -Doz.36c 1111 <!• I Ctn. . KRESSMAN FINE IMPORTED WINE V't"ll t 1«•12" 1c or1a e aurea •••..••••. • Choteau Chambellan •••• .':·:•; $2" Wednedly, July 21, 1'11 · N MLOT·A.Dl/EITISER f a VACUUM COTILLION ·DWARD ICE co.FFEE ' CREAM Rich ':And Robust FlaV"Or Co1ering Quohty-Creamy·smooth 1-lb. e Half ~ Can Gal. OiJeounf pneet I DRINK MIX ~~I~:"u~I Pkg.Se • SHRIMP ~a~.~~.!~~o~Can29e • SODA Po n cragmont iz-oz lOe r-Rei~~~~ent Can . • PUREX"NO PHOSPHATE'4s-oz.7 9 e DETERGENT Pkg. TOMATO 12" SOUP ~ 10 %·DZ. I CAMPBELL S I DRY MILK LUCERNE 20-ouart $2 19 NON-FAT :;~b . Van de Ka mp's ''"''· 75c A Fine Treot! ••• l ~ ANGEL FOOD RING CAKE Mes. Weight'; 39 A "Heavenly Coke• C fre~h Orange 12-az. Rinf BAKER'S DOZEN DONUTS Mrs. Wright 's Pkg. 39c Fresh Baked ot 13 Finn And Golden Ripe lb. ~ ~ I ORANG ES sw!~'=~auicy iSWEET CORN Grttn Cabloa91 ,:::,:;. •It. T tllow Onions '.:'.', 3 A 29c ....... 1..... 39c " ffo<fl-... • BELL PEPPERS CUCUMBERS CARNATIONS BOUQUETS ~01 Salods F•tth lor>9 fresh Cut 99 or Gornish 2 s C Grff!I S!ictt 1 o ( 8ll)' St vtrnl! C ll 11. 1111. fmh Clll 69( & Mixed •••• • ~:~~S:=».':e.!i Priets Effective July 22·24 ~">$.."""""""'_,.,.,. __ ~ 1-"""-··---oe ...-··----~-' -I -·121a; ..... I .,. __ - ... ...... ,J;114.-.--·-----,,...,._ ---. -·-.-. __ ~--· _ . ..___..., . • ' • • . •• • ·! < ' .· 5 PILOT-AOV~ll:TISER S WtdntSl.117, Jul7 21, 1971 ~~~~~~~~~~ Dl\ICIOU$L Y $1AK>NIO , ftAD 't'TOCOOK 59' MEAT LOAF u . ; JtMMYOEAN \ llQ. OI HOT P'Ot!K 7 5' ' ~~!~~~.:~" \. HU.TANDIAT 69', BEEF PATTIES _ .. ~ •. OK.ti N.A't'll '. .tUMIATSLICIO 49' 7 BOLOGNA 1-0L 11 -0Z - FARMER JOHN OR KRUSE \ SHANK PORTION Wtdl\Hday, Ju/7 21, 1~71 OA}l V PILOT 34 USOA. CHOICfOISTATtt 1..-is.CllT1J•o111• 69' ROUND BONI ROAST ........... LI. IOHllLIU l&f SHOUl.Dlt 9 a· ROLLED ROAST ............................ LI. IOHIUSSIOUNOSTIAlt .•. Ll .• 9c 89• ROUND STIAK ION! IN .. . ...... LI. U\DA OtOICfOllSTATll H05.a1Tlf•O IU• 89' RUMP ROAST ...... -........... . ... LI. USOAOtOKIOllSTATftNOS.CltTlfllOllff 95' RIB STEAKS .. .. ... ..... ...Lo. USDACHOICIOllSTATlllllOS.CllTlf•D IUf s 119 STEAK s SIRLOIN TIP. CLUI. CUii ...... LI . USDAOtOtaOllSTATllttOS.CllTlflf.DIHf s 143 T.BONE STEAKS .................. LI. USOA.OtOICIOISTATft l lOS.CllTlflfOllff s 148 PORTERHOUSE STEAK ...... LI. USO.t.otOl(IOllSTATllUOS.ClllTIJllDIHf S 1 79 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ............. u . llTIA LIAM ANO FLA VOHLA. 89 C GROUND ROUND ............ . ........ LI. · ~SLICED SANDWICH ', ~ MEAT SPECIAL! Beef, Ham, 3 'l \i;:::~·· 2"" 39c '-. . .~, '-.. /,.BUTT PORTION 59c Dark Tu rkey, PKGS c,',',',',,'m'·.. ,., '''·''' ,. --' WHOLE HAM >,~-../or ............ LB. Spicy Beef 11,1.lo• 39J l •. Co•ned Beel -~ -, _ ""• .> t ~ OUll OWN COUHTWY STYLI• l'Ull PORK SAUSAGE IU.K ............... LI. CHUCK GROUN.D SLICED PORK ALL MEAT ROAST BEEF BACON STEAK WIENER USDA CHOICE OR ST ATlR IROS. CERTIFIED IEEF USDA CHOICE OR STATlllt BROS. CERTIFIED llEF 47~. ST ATlll ltOS. SllCID 1·1T THRU 5·TH RIB ____ ulio COTTO SALAMI . FRESH• LIAN• DlLICIOUS GROUND HOURl Y 57L~ Cl.A.IC • lllU'Otll10 '-LICIO CARRID IACOR . MOltRELL YORKSHIRE 1 ·LI . REG. OR l ·ll . °™ICK EASTERN GRAIN.FIO TENDER SHOULDIR MOIRElL PRIDE l 0POUNO PACKAGE 49! 69 L~ 59! 6ftc OSCAIMAYllMIATOll!lllf 73< le '7. WlllEIS 1 t B ~w.c;. * LOW-LOW PRICES PLUS BL.UE CHIP STAMPS * LOW· LOW PRICES P RIP.N-GOOD •ASSORTED ·COOKIES ......................... . GOLDEN GRAIN . EGG ~:8W1~E · 'NOODLES -... _ ............. . ·JOHNSON'S · GLO-COAT 27-0L .......... DLACSH JUMBO SIZE $ DETERGENT .............. . REG. PKGS . $ 09 $ 20-0Z JARS WHITE KING BLUE BONNET MARGARINE · 14600 S. ....... ,,. AM., W_,.I..._ 707 w .. 1 NI~ StrMt, C•t• M- PRICES EFFEC. THURS . th1u WED .• JULY 22·28 !!!.~ ........ 68c 29' jl6J 111111199• A-. M11tl11tt.1 .... . 1 °J60J w ... s. ••• , ... ,. Sf'l'Mt, ,.. ... .. 1111 CHp-·-· ......... .,. ,JJM Nerrii T•tl1 .......... lftt1 A" 1100 Int C•lll" •-••· Ot:r. 1112 w .... 11.-.. lt'tlll., w .... ..,... J4JI w ... lln•I• "-"· ....... . J6JI WI .. ., """"· ....... AN 1 JJO 1111, ...... A-•· 5-+1 AN Jf44 WHf lro1dwey, A•o"-l• 21111 Mitwpert ll•tl., C11to Mt\I 11 75 •••• '"""'· c .... ""' 14171 11.d Hiil A.,.1111, Trntl11 14211 au .......... w111n1"' '";~ ... --,.,,., -· l""l l ")"),,._ -~----·l )~.·-:-t ~;,.~· 'I I .,,. - • _, ( --· •·,.. r ,_ . . . . . . ---.. --. ' ... ! ...... , ... •.-" :t• OAll Y PllDT Wtdnesdo\y, July 21 1971 Garbanzo Beans Mak-e Dietetic -Appetizers DEAR NAN : Cu JOI-givt mt 1 colid w1y t.11 seasoa c1n- Hd gartlrauos'! I believe lbty art like diick peas. Of cearse I Dow dtey would M: 1ood sel.908Cd witll pork lit. salt ind pepper. MRS. E. C. 8 ., NOR'nl KANSAS crrv. MO. As a legume. garbanzos can ~ used for any recipe calling for beanS. Thf'Y come in white, red and black types bul lhe white are the only ooes wr find at groceries most of lh< time. Just the other day I caflll across a garb11nio recipe in . 01 all plaees. a finf' booklet sen to me by the American Hear' LETS ASK THE COOK by N•n Wiley Association. It is t it I e d ''Recipes for Fat-Controlled . Low Cholesterol Meals ... Drain t""'O 15-0Unce cans of garbanws 1or chick peas) reserving 1• cup liquid. ~1ell I teaspoon margarine in a skillet. In this saute 11'.! cups chopped onion for about 10 minutes. 1They should be transparent but not browned. Jl.tix in Jl,.z teaspoons tumeric. 1 t teaspoon groond red pepper. 1, teaspoon ginger and the drained garbanzos. Cook over low heal for 5 n1inules. Then add 2 chopped tomatoes. 11 i teaspoon salt and the reserved liquid. Cook over low heat for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle "'ith chopped parsley to serve. All of "'hich goes to prove tha1 special-diet dishes can be as Flavorsome as any other kind lt's all tn the seasoning. To repay "·hat she deemed a fa\'or Mrs. W.R. Kemerling at Gillette. Wyo. senl me one of her favorites she calls Aun· tie's Beans. lt would work just as .,.,·ell for garbanzos. In a heav\' skillet simmer 4 cup!' of cook~ or canned white beans IGrrat Norlh<'rn variety• 11:! cup bro"·n sugar. 1 ~ cup .... ·hite sugar. \ cup catsup. 11 of an onion lchopl'f'<l l and 1 tra- spoon prepared music.rd K1>ep simmering until 1 hi c k Carhanios could a\~o be USC'd in !he popular "four Bean Salad'' along v.·ith 1hr kidne y beans. yellow \\'ax beans and green beans. Another salad or appcuzcr. a fa vorite of mine called Tex- as Caviar. would do fine wl!h garbanzos. somewhat sunilar tn the black--{'ycd peas I usr Drain 2 cans of either be<in eornpletcly. Ald 1 ~ cup sa!ad 1111. cup vinegar. 1 clove of garlic rs plit l I cup thinly shr· f'd onion. 1,2 teaspoon salt and freshly ground pepper lo tas!e Store in a ~las!< jar in the refrigerator. The longer i1 srts lhe better 1t gets but should not be used before three days Pcrsona\ly, ! shrC'd the 1::1rhc for a n1nrc thorough 111fu "1ons. sornr11mes I dccidr I 11 ;.in1 a !1ttle n1orr vtn<'gar . a h11 rnore salt after t:istin).! T;i .c;1 cs 1·;,1r\· S('r1·e nn '>h rrd · (\('d lC'Hucr". This is one s<1 l<id 1nen go tor nf..AH ~,\'\: I nt\rr mi~' \Ollr eolumn and it helps me a iot . !\ow I am \\·oo<krini;: if \Oll can tell m~ how to makr iunorl ral.r~. EST 11 t-: fl Yt:NSER . ,\IT. AETSi\. PA . With p\casurr ln }OUr p<1rl of the coun!ry whrrr !hr1· nrigin;;ited. funnel i::akrs ar (' :1lso cal\cd l)r<'rhtrrkurhr The nnll' thin~ that m1_gh! !11n1v.• \Ou thf' first u1nr }OU tr\' lhc~e ts mastering lhe arl ni' turning out all sorl s of r:in- e1ful shapes by qu1cl lurn:- and \"·ists of the funnel. or opening and closing it at 111- 1crvals . No l\\'O will tum QUt ('Xaclly alike. Children adore them but thry ;irrn·t the only nnrs. Al county larr.'I i1 is fa~cinat1n;:: tn wa!ch the ex- pert~. ~l)IJ might Pvrn pick up a tnck or 1"·0 f'XCepl that lhev do it so fast Just ho" much Oour to u~ lor the batter is ;:inother thing Or1~1nal 1n- ~truction! a l " a } i; said "enough to form a baller tha1 will run through the funnel slov.·lv. right into the hot Jard.'' Your best bt>t is 10 start with 3 cups of nour. sl'e how ii goes. You can alwa ys add ai; rnuch as anothrr cupful if need be. Of course few or us use lard anymorr U ~ e whaite\•e:r shorteninR or 011 )'OU like: lo use for rcj!:lllar dout::hnuL~. A1ix togethrr ~ cups of milk ~ beaten e~gs. 11 teasp(\flr soda dissolved in a li!ll1 lukewarm water, 2 lilblr spooM sugar and anywher1 from 3 to 4 cups flour . I! Pots Shiny i-leighten !ht i:hcrn o f aluminum kettles by rubbing them .,.,·ilh \'tnei::a r or lemon Juice. -.,,,..... --··---. ' I might be best to use a 1nelal funnel ti you can still find one If you use the plastic one~ fur funnel cakes very much the endl! might get out of shape eventually even though they never come in actual contact with the hot fat. Fry at do ughnut tem - peratures ... about 375. lligh allitudes will probably do bet- ter with a little less, about 365- 370. Funnel cakes should be sprinkle ~·1th po"·dered su_gar as soon as they are lifled out with a slGl.tcd turner and drained, served \\1lilc hot. DEAR NAN: for yean I have hard boiled e1g1 ill my pressure paa and c a n gual"!inttt I.be sbt:lls will ac- tually fall off, leavin1 a perfectly clean egg with no pock marks. The oripnal in· structions were: in an old 1951 Bt>:Uer Hom t>:I and Gardens cook book. 1 use the rack tbat ~ " CHUCK STEAKS BONELESS U.5.0.A. CHOICE OR MAYFAIR'S BLUE RIBBON STEER BEEF came with my pan althol:gh ii lht>y don't ta1t.e llkt the ooea probably wrong. I checked again 1 quick buzz. J\epeal un-though I stir the whole thing doesn 't ca.II for It. you bD). .,.What am 1 dolD& with an obliging fountain liJ you have used all the ice: first. You can see it pulling Use ~cap water, 8 mlnultt wrong? I evn put la seven manager who makes dozens of cream fOU want. down 1ust graduaJly. Try lhts at 5 1>9uods pressure. Cool im-scoops or ice cream until my malts every day. She $U&gests I know soda fountains use chocolate mall recipe. mediately u!ldt:r run n l 11 & poor blender poa11t lladu the that if yoo run your home: the ia: cream all at once but Place 11 cup milk, 2 to 3 water. DOROTHY RfI'CHY, lead and yet they are DOt blender too long it will surely they and their professional tablespoons chocolate syrup CAMERON , MO. right. Please help me get the liquify the mixture beyond the type blenders know their and 3 teaspoons chocolate right recipe. A. P. BROWN, ideal. business. I know that when I malt powder in the blender. DEAR NAN : It's 1 big thing DETROIT, MICH . Try this. Put the milk -not make a very thick salad Buzz briefly. Then add two or to make <'hocolalt: malts at It is true that it take:&plenty too much -in the blender dressing where the blender is more Sf..'OOps of ice cream or our home sinee dad bou1ht me of ice cream to make a thick first. Add no more than two filled almost to lhe brim it iced milk but no more th Jn a blender but now I have the malt (that's what they do at scoops of ice: cream, do a fast, takes more time than you two al one time Usirig w b o I e famUy eelllng me drug store soda fountain ) so brief blend job on that much. would think for the top part to chocolate ice cream wiU make they an not thick enough or your blending technique: is Then add mOre iee cream, get totally incorporated even it "dooble-choc. ·• ~=--~---''----~'---'----'--'-'---'.:_:_:___c:.::::::::_~-==::....::.:=::::.:::::::....::.::::._.::._= PORK BEEF BONELESS SHORT FAMILY SHOULDER ROAST RIBS STEAKS PIOllC STYLE EXCELLENT FOR BARBECUE EXCELLE NT FOR BAR e.a. WELL TRI MM ED U.S.0 .A. CHOICE OR MAYFAIR'S · U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR MAYFAIR EASTERN PORKERS BLUE RIBBON STEER BEEF B;LUE RIBBON STEER BEEF ~-~ ~ $ 19 lb. lb. lb. BRlAKFAST SPECIALS FROM OUR MAYFRE SH FAMILY OF PROUD BIROS. PORK LINKS 'oz. HOFFMAN SKINLESS SAUSAGE .. suao BACON MAYFRESH VACUMN PACK .. PKG 29c' "59c ~l~~~E!.~~S~~-................ lb 5 9c MAYFRESH DUCKLINGS • ~ fRESH SllCED BEEF lllEI 5 9 U.S.D.A. GRADE A . lb. U H,, fRESH BEEF HEARTS """"" """ c FIESH Dll lllS lb. BONELE SS CENTE R CUTS · OIUCK ROAST FILLET OF TURBOT ... . .... .1b 69' U.S.0 .A. CHOICE OR 8 9c MAYFAIR'S BLUE RIBBON........... Jb. DOG FOOD CHIC PARTS 15 OZ. BURGER ROUNDS 15 1/4 OZ. M.P.S, 14 OZ CHIC.~~:15 OZ4 $1 KAN FOR . BONUS BLUE CHIP STAMP SPECIALS LISTERINE ORAL ANT1SEPTIC11 oz.1at1~ ....•.•...•• 100 STAMPS JOHNSON & JOHNSON BAND A!OS £tO-.c>M Y s11E l-00 , • , , •• 100 ST AMPS RIGHT GUARD ANTIPERSPIRANT 1w1N ,.AC.c;soz •••••••• 100 STAMPS WILKENSON SWORD BLADES STaiNLE!>S STEE L 10'1., •••••• 100 ST AMPS FLOWER GIRL SHAMPOO & CREAM RINSE .•.•.••••••. 100 STAMPS NOXZEM.\ MEDICATED SKIN . CREAM i .o~ ......• , .... , 100 ST AMPS · OIUCK STEAKS U .S.D.A. CHOICE OR 5 9c MAYFAIR'S BLUE RIBBON.......... lb. ORANGE JUICE VITA Pill FROIIN 6 OZ. CAN MAYFAIR FARM FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES BANANAS • ORANGES GOLDIN OllQUIT A SWEET VALENOAS CARROTS • POTATOES CllSP , TOPS Off ONIONS YOUR OIOICE. US 10. I RUSSETS -or-., ---'' ) "r 1 \'\' 1~ --J--·' .1 .;"!J:~-"' --- ARTICHOKES LAl51, COAST, YUllTY CUOJMBERS LC•G, Glllll, CllSP RADISHES OR GREEN ONIONS YOUR OIOICI ••• EAOI ', ,_ .,.,. --· PORK BU'IT 59 SEMl ·BONELESS ROASTS ... lb . c ARDEN DAIRY SPECIALS ICE CREAM ARD EN FLAVOR FRESH 6~!~~~~G 75 ~ HALF GAL ..... ""' .37< COTTAGE OIHSE ,UIDEtt OU""llT1 if{ . ... 55' ARDEN SOUR CREAM f'INTS .............. .. SEVEN· '· l •1· . 11;;;._ ' UP I tlii 7-UP THE UN -COLA I ~::c~'.~~L .• 69 I • CELERY CIJSP TllDIR • LETTUCE RID Lill, IUTTIR --.. ~·J> ----·· . Machine Magic •·wrn'r, 'A'rrrr, bummmmm- n\Jnm, hW'll, wTm-. hummm- mmm." Imagine lhe sleady, com- forting sound or efficiently operating appliances , . _ v.•hen ell or a sudden . , _ Sometimes Fails "Clank, plink, ping," and the finalizing, "plunk," interrupt! s1nooth functioning_ Unfortunately, malfunctioning also interrupts your work schedule. To lighten l h e sometimes bothersome task of gelting the appliance fixed, l l BONELESS CLOD ROAST \J ,S.D.A. CHOICE OR MA YFAIR'S BLUE RIBBON STEER BEEF 09 lb. :ALIF. GROWN FROM FOSTER FARMS LEAN, TENDER EASTERN PORKERS , USDA CHOICE OR MAYFAIR BLUE RIBBON Leslie Paige of lhe Whirlpool Corporation offers some sug- gestions. M06t 1mporlanl is to call a reputable, trained l!I er·; : c e technician. Appliances built !Oday have complex parts that require knowledgeable techni- cians to fix . In addition. wme warranties are invalidated if unqualified persons attc~pt l.o fix malfunctioning products. Always find out lf the service technician Ms been trained 011 the parlicuiar ROUND STEAKSeoNeLe:ss •...........•••• lb $129' b r • n d appliance requirinl: senice. It's important, too. to ask if he does warranty repair I if the appliance i.s covered by a warranty). To find a qualified service technician: Ask your appliance dealer. Many appliance stores do their own servicing or are able to recommend another ser;ice organization. Ask friends. One of the. best wa~ lo locate satl8factory service organiuitions is simply to ask your friends . Be sure CRISCO the tedmlci&n ~ quallfled to h1 the particular brand ap- pliance you own. Use lhe yellow pa Jes. Service organiution.s a re hsled by product, i . e , ''dWlwe.~hing machines - repair," and "refrigerator and freezer -repair." They may also be listed by brand. The local Better Business Bureau can advise you if you have any questions concerning the com- pany's reputatioh. Those are the most common ways to find a capable service · COOKINGOIL41 OL an. WITH THIS COUPON llMIT 1 COUPON !'Ell AO UlT CUSTOMEll JULY 22·JUtY 28 WHEATIES WITl'l ll-41!. COU"'ON \IMIT 1 COUPON I'!• A,0Ul I CU!.TOMfll JULY 22·JUlY 28 CEREAL 18 OZ. BOX CLOSE-UP TOOTHPASTE REG . OR MINT FLAVOR ~ 6J4 oz. BEEF RIB STEAKS ..................... lb.$129 SIRLOIN TIP STEAKSeoNELEss .... , ....•. 1b $159 :FRYER LEGS WHOLE 69~ CUBE STEAKS EXTRA LEAN ................ lb $159 '"11H li-<1!.COUPON llMll I COUPClf.J Pfe AO Ul I CUSTOM£11: llEt.!$ SPLIT OR WHOLE. ........ lb . 79C BEEF RIB ROASTS •••.•...•........... lb. 51 " BONELESS ROUND ROASTS~g~ro;.., ..... "5 J 39 BEEF SHANKS cENTER cuT ................• lb 51)c ENGLISH OJT SHORT RIBS ....•....... 1b.69c BONELESS BEEF STEW LEAN •............ lb. 9ac 7, 5' ' "E G "KG FROZEN FOOD'SPECIALS BANQUET DINNERS All VARIETIES 7~ l ANQUIT DINNERS .47c OZ. RO&.ST BEEF .•••.. " ;:.~~~~~~~~' '.OT.~TOE~ 3 F011 ,--GORTON FISH SPECIALS-.....,, WHITE KING ''D'' i f.!~n.H.1~,KS .. . .. s J 29 I !,~\~gE,D,~HR IMP . . .. 99 c DETERGENT I !J!.~,f,l f,lETS .. .79C :~:1·55~ SCOTCH SCORESBY $3 99 86 PROOF FIFTH ~~~,~~~~~,SK~Y "''" S )l 9 e~~~.~~,~.'.~~s ou .. ~489 ~~,"~!.!.~0!!,~ """" $ )99 ROYAL OCCASION TEQUILA t".OtCIOl:W'"i!UI0,,00' ...... ········-·· S)99 •1'11-l CANADIAN DEW ,"' cxo .. (4NAOIAN WHl~l(tY fUll 156 ~00' S)99 ~lf!H --- VIVA "o" 43c TOWELS .,;';,,, ... ROOT BffR 1n 11 11. 59c l!llt[S RllUR108ltS """'"'"' ., MR. CLEAN II~ PllMIS SllSI 21 C £iRI !N Clllll -I Dl. OE &.l '"CIC " 0 ' 69' -.•. .. _ ···----------"' '11 · *"--.. ).~ PILLSBURY FLOUR . I WITH ll<IS COUPON l!MIT 1 COUPON HI ADUl T CUSTOM~t J JULY 21·JtJlY 2& S-LB. IAG TRIPLE "' ~STAt.tPS WITH MINIMUM SS.00 PURCHASE COUf'ONGOOO JtA. Y 21 THIU JULY 21 Tloi -.... lo< Tl!P lr ,.. _ _,'"I .... ~If I ... CO,. II-"1~,,~ 1-011•" lolol """'* ..,,. r:.~n. ,,~....,. , ... , .. o1 '", "'"''°"'·.....,. ..o -. ... --~- .. ,. • ~ .... ~~,. -----· -,·· 1',,,J..t_.,_ .. _ -- CAil Y PILOT 37 technlcl•n . lJowevw, Whirlpool CorporaUoo bu a llmpU!ied melhod. By callJnc the Cool·Line 1.ao6-:IS).1301 ( Mkhlgan residents call 1-800- 632-224.1) a tcll-fttt line, you will rttelve the name o( the nearest Y/hirlpool Tech-Care service organb.ation. You can call this line !4 hours .1 day. Knowledgeable lechnlciam an.swer the phone (daytime office hours) and lhty can abo answer any questions you mlitit have about Whirlpool appliances. Fancy Trio I I 9043 SIZES 8-1! ,,,, 1{f ... i .... 1lf4''1'- Button Into this p e rt playdress plus sassy panL!I for parties, tennis, vacation, even jogging 'round the park. Note dress version, too. Printed Pattern 9043: NEW '-iisses Sites 8, UI, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 12 (bust 34 ) playdress, 9horu J 1/8 yards 35-inch. SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS for each patte rn -add 2S cents for each pattern for Air Mail and Special Hand Ji ng ; otherv.'ise third-class delivery will take three weeks or more. Send lo Marian Martin, Tht: DAILY PILOT, 442, Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th SL , New York, N.Y. 10011. Print NAME, ADDRESS with Zf P, SIZE and STYLE' NUMBER. Swing into Spring! New, New Pattern Catalog hu separates, jumpsuits. slim· ming shapes. free pattern coupon, 50 cent!. INSTANT SEWING BOOK sew today. "'ear temorrow $1. INSTANT FASHION BOOK - Hundreds of fashion facts. $1. Berries Take Cake If you buy the cake layers, !his dessert is easy l o assemble. STRAWBERRY CREAM CAK E 2 pint baskets strawberries Superfine sugar 1 container (II oonces) heavy cream J teaspoon vanill a 2 eight-inch sponge c1ke layers Wash the berries and hull: set aside half the berries. placing them hull side down on a plate; sprinkle with about l tablespoon of sugar. Slice the remaining berries and mix with ~-. cup of the .sugar. Beat the CTI!am until thick adding V4 cup ol tht: sugar and the vanilla. Place one ot the cake laytrs on a plate: arrange the sllced berries over It , spooning their liquid over loo. Top with about half the whipped cream. Add lhe remaining cake layer. Spread with rem11inlnc whipped cream. Stud cream "°ith the whole berrleii. hull ~ide down. Makes I to 10 serv· iflil. Salad Toss Attractive To mike an aUrecUve \Oii salad. te1r Jl'ffnl into ptecQ h1rge enough to rive bocb" lo the salad. bot small enoup to tat e11sily. Add tom1toes at the lut minute before 3erYin& u they tend lG thin the aa\ad drqa;fna.. ,,,.._ -' l""'";""."i ~ .-., ,...~ ' /I~ I ~I ' " . -' Whatever ¥ ou Look For 111 A Supermarket IBD0 ~TI YOU CAN FIND IT ALL SUMMER TIMEIS FRESH FRUIT TIME! i 1 j ~@ • @)0 At Total Discount Thriftimart For The Greatest Selection Of Mouth Watering -Taste Tem pting Sum merti me Fru it -Visit Our W el l Stocked Produce Departments. ·) PLUI aLUI CHIP STAMPS ON ALL PROOUCI AND MIAT DIPT. PURCHASll IT'S BAR·B·QLE WEATHER E .,JOY IT \\ITH FRESH POHEN ff] TURKEYS 10-12 45 c -.,_,.,.. \BS. LB. TENDER AGED STEER !I EEf CHUCK STEAK 55~. &ONElES.S ~HUCK ROAST -i:.1scOL:liT ~IEAT 85~ PRICES ...U.,l"4mtilll.&J>t0 -H ..... .0I. 10 98< YlAL PAn11s............ ~lt>.Q l'"'" 79• COlttl DOGS ......................... i .. r OlDOJU 8 !lloOZ •1u IONH!U U llllf .. ~lo .,poi•t~oll 98< CORNIDBIEF...................... la. lllF STIAKS ........... ~u.-.u DISCOL~T SEAFOOD Hl~H II.till -l~eGI !Ill 98• COOKED SHRIMP •••••• ~:::':"!. uu~ P1u1u fl 19 SEA IASS .• i:';~·.·;~~:~............... i.a.. '"~" ,.u1n f I 1" DOYER SOLi .•••• , • • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • la. ll•N Ill' 39 C SHORT RIIS.................... la. FRE SH LEAN !GROUND BEEF EC ONO PAK 5 9 c J .lB S. o r MOR E LB. FOR SL)l)IER Tl~IE BAR·B·QLE ~--EASTERN PORK SMALL SPARERIBS 21~~•3 65L~ REAL ~leCOY'-. ~, · i w1tSON'S c"""" oc BREAKt'AST 'fREATS BEEF 4 $1 00 I MOR ll.ELL'S YO RKSH IRE HOFf"'-'N"s atTTfAAIAID, Duaua u E ROYAl au,frT, LINK.Es ,.oz. I SLICED '""ou.11TY,"o'""''"o"'"' 59c " 0 ' I SLICED BACON i;~; BEEF '20L 59c i BACON •o'"""""" $149 BACON ..... ::~. i 4 8 CANADIANBACON " BEEF . I 1 ·lB. C M.\JfSTIC or DAI( '·LI. 49 c I PKG. ,.,ffDS "'0 ltEf~I Gf•ATION 1 lB.69 c SAUSAGE ••• :~·; J IA. CANNED BACON :'~ EVERYDAY DISCOL.:'\'T l'RICES O~ FROZE:\' FOOD JOl<>IS"T0+.1 ... ,,.,ivn.,r 78c 0 " ~o• 79 C•l .... 1 47• CHOCOLATE ECLAIR ...... '~.":·. SUBMARINE SANDWICH .~J.".'. c GRANGE JUICE .••••••.••.. '.1.:1• kOlD l'L.\I .. •u•vo~crr U H $155 SIRLOIN TIPS ....••••••••• '.'.°.'~ ""''""'" c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ....... ~.',. 2 7 ,.INUll IUolO -'"""\' llll 29 < LEMONADE •.••...•••••••. ~'.".'; ~ v•" !>I ,._,., 9 ~·FISH & CHIPS ..... !~'?::~ 7 c -•1lV•"lllll"l:IU ... ,NGS) 87 FRESH N'AEADY OMELETS ::: c CHlt<fl lO•l'll C"IC<!N Al.O.''"'G°' 33' SLICED TURNEY ............ 5.".'. DQ\OINV•l h! 45• FRENCH TOAST •...•••.• ~:·:·.:·. ... } '°104T'S -""\) ~ GU !>f "' l V. I• $2•• BREA DID SHRIMP ........... . GOOC fa.JUIC! .. !~TING v~u .. ~·~ ORANGll., •• 8 .~. 98" --.. l•~!f "' .. ""'(; C•llOOl"''~ ~AA$ AVOCADOS ......... 25~4 ., 'BANANAS•••••• 11~ SLICING SI ZE RIPE OMATOIS 25~B. J El.SEYMAID 1/1 lb. · Fresh Whipped Butter .. 56• K•AFT MIR.t.CL~ Whipped Margarine.::b; 33• SLICED !l~EAD l '/1 lb. Weber's Sandwich Loaf43• DOLLY MADI.SON Super Zingers .•....... :~:·«: 72• ~ l lDBIT.S.CRU.SH EDcrCHUNK.S 28 ~ Dole Pineapple ;;•.:·. • ~'"' 69 ~ Strawberry Jam r :'. • QUAil fruit Cocktall ............ ;~'.27' OUAJL Bartlett Pear Halves ~ :~ 19' f.!i!.._\ lOtD MOCT ~ Clamato Juice ... '.'::.46• DOLE P • I I • ''''°' 57• 1neapp e ..,u1ce .......... ·. oom c Apple Juice ............. ~:·:. 32 G\ORIETIA . 9 T t I I 6p~.l1/io r. 4 C oma o ..,u ce .............. . G RfEN GI ANT Nlblets Corn ............ '!::. 25 • r.Ji!:'I QUAil ~ Sweet Peas ....... :~'. 19• {~ QUAil 'C:'.:51 Irish Potatoes ..... '~ 15 • JEISEY.flo\A ID -!OUAIT 68c) REG. or LO CAL 3 7 fresh Cottage Cheese::·: • FRESH CUT MARQUERITE DAISIES 68~UNCH SUNSHINE STATE ORANGE JUICE '7~:· I 7c IT FLOATS IVORY SOAP p;.; P ERSONAL 7 ~ \ 1V01}.! BAR FOR SALADS OR COOKING CRISCO OIL 24·0X. 54c BOTTLE RAGU SPAGHETTI SAUCE 3;.: • .;.C. 68 c WESTWOOD FRE SH Imitation Sour Cream :~·: 3 3 • .... ~~~ill;s;;;WD"-=-F.MT<o.siWill>I SPl.!CIC!l.SBROWN or JERSEYMAID -fRUlT OR STIRRED !..~:ered Sugar ........ ::'; 19• ·~:~:::.'.; FRESH YO GURT oo• • """"" ,.,,. ~~ MRS. STEWARTS BLUING.'.0.'.'.47< Dll!fC.t~f lo• ... $229 DR IVE ·•••••·· ...•••••••••••••• ~O•••~t>u 88 IVORY SNOW ••••••••••••• :"":::· c Dtl'IO<;l"'T $ 43 WISK LIQUID .••...•••••.. ::~~1• 1 r 1110<;1ott c,.,,. 88' OXYDOL .••••..••••.•..•....... ~D!lllGI~~ 57' 'C:.51 JOY LIQUID •••••••• .'!:.~. LIQLOR DEPARTllE:'\'T PABST BEER •Pack ·$115 12·0Z.CANS Co1<1it $378 t0'1Dl l~tlc.t11 .. DU I •3•• !•!~~lt\£'1D $ S TCH .................... ~':1:'. IUM .•••••••••••••.••....•. ~·;~. DRY GIN .................. ~1~". 2'' r.t.l•t.IOUND.S !HAlf DAllOH, ....... $7.91) $3 38 BOURBON .......... :~!". 0\0VIE,.,~.t.12·0Z.C.AN.S 6 79c •••• 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • 0 • • 'ACIC BAR T E ,DE:R DR\' MIXES -\'OLR C HOICE 89C MARGARllA, COLLINS , DAIQUIRI , MAl·TAI , WHISKEY SOUR ..... ........ IA. iACN10V A~;\LKsARASOV VODKA$_6!! Brownulated Sugar .. '.':.29• @ 8 ox 5 $IOO ... u ,u.Posr 1""1081!~ c.TN:. FOR B• • k ''" 55• ij1 1squ1c ..................... ·. I ;?I!:\ ll P•fT ~French Dressing :•:::55• G£81-1All'll !. -WITH &!ANS Chili Con Carne ........ .'.'.":. 49' I~ !'-+E A~H[Y 'C:'.:51 Instant Cocoa ..... ;'.'; 7 5 • 'v""'"'"'·11 W I , .. ,,. 29• an1 a a ers ........... . l ANG!l'IDO~f -AYE, WHtAT er WHITE 30• Wafer Toast ............... . 9!ll 8~A ND -PltlOW PAIC Potato Chips ............ :;:,_49• NABISCO WAFflt C~!M!S or Fig Newtons ......... .'~::'.~'.47' kLt!N!JI". A.SS"T o•WHIT! racial Tissue ............ ~"!':'; 25• ~&;.'tt.';;om Tlssue ~::27• OOG 'OCIO 25• Kai Kan M.P.S •........ ~·.".'. ~ ~1DNIY & CNIC ll'.fN, llVlt~ t. CHICll'.!N ... ACIC[ ... l 13 C 'C:'.:51 Calo Cat Food ... .':':;·, DISCOL:'\'T HEAl,'fH & BEAUTY AIDS GllLET TE -OtODORANT a Right Guarc1 .. e;:;r) ... 7 • A I (0'"'") ,.,. •1•• nae n.......... c;:;~' • V• I (""'")" •123 --•• ne ........... (;,·~1 'e1. • -SU NTAN l~ION 71 C ...... Sea a Ski ...... (:';~~) 20•· I we welcome fOOll ITIMP IHO ..... al AT ALL TNllnlMAITI ,. PAITl<l,ATIMG ...... . -' ~ '. ' . . ~ . ' ~ -. . .::·::: .. -" VEGETABLES "tRl~~: FAMILY SIZE 29 C Of.f,~ .... 1c.UI 20·0Z. BAG ; JI 4: C (Chopped B<ocollo J6f) ct.!l. .. ~ MORTON DINNERS ...:..-..:...1 a-1s ox. 34c -(EXCEPT BEEF) IA. ICE CREAM 0 HALF GAL. 5 8 c CARTON All GRINDS MJB COFFEE l·LB. TIN 79 C (J.lB. TIN-$2.49) 2701 HARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA ~ 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA . . 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH • 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO • ----.. ---·-•• ----•o~I.•\ ...... __ ~, --• ...., #.T"' -_ ...... ' -~' ..... , --· ..,.--.-----\\~:'-. + • .• '#;.,,-~ },.i. )'!.&~.~· ' ' -· ' -· ,.,. "f PILOT-ADVERTISER Foods Don't Match Countries TV Host Likes Cheesecake, Beef By JOHNA RL1NN 2 cu1>3 water wat.er l.O augar and lemoo . very low Oame) wlthoul le~ DAVID FRMT'S CR t; 1"1 E pour over egg mbture vuy NEW YORK _ "fi.fy favorite 2 eggs Heat lerruin-water mbture. ting It boil. Remove from BRULE 11lowly, add vanilla; mix weU. American "''·hes ••e r-~A.. 2 tablespoons margarine stirring. SUr small amount hot beat, add margarine:, 1titrln1 2 be Pour lnlO .,,.eased 1"11 quart --·-· p•-~ J I 1 1n•-ch OJpe avy cream .. toast. soft-stielled crab and u,.;u ..... &at emon ayrup w cornstar until melted. Coot; poor lnto cuserole: place. ce.!Urt1le In cheesecake -Sardi's no-legged line pie plate with pMtry; mixture, mix well; return to baked pastry. 4 eu yolks pan of hot water. variety for starters. lhen the bake ln preheated 425 degree. p.an. C.OOk, &lirring, unLil it Prepare meringue by 1ddlng J.IA tablespoons sugar Bake u n c ov er e d ln two-legged kind afler diMer.. F. ov~n until golden brown reaches boiling point. Continue &all to egg whit.es, whi3k ui 1 l.easpoon vanilla pre.heated 325 degree F . oven quipped David F rost. ' I about 12 minute.'!). Cool O"USt cooking about 3 minutes, stir-fonn stiff froth. Gradually add v. cup slfted light brown about 45 minutes (o r unUJ "ll'a runny aboul French Wipe lemons, grale rind very ring const.anlly. Remove from rema.ining sugar;_ pile. lightly ~ugar custard 1J1: set). Sprinkle wllh torut because that's 8 n finely. Put juice and rind in fire. on top of filling. Bake in Heat f l'ffm in double boiler. brown sugar. Run under Amer ican dish you would saucepan with ¥, cup sugar. Separate eggs, beat yolks, preheated 325 degree. F. oven Beat egg yolks, add Ing broiler for a minute (or unUI never find in France. anymore Mix cornstarch with .about l,'i; !lir into lemon mixture, cook· until meringue is golden. Chi.IL granulated sugar gradually. sugar melts, but doe! not EXCELLENT MENU MAKER rhan you'd fi nd English muf-_c_u_:_p_w_•_t..-_._•_dd __ rem_u_·ru_·n_,•:__ln.:.g_a_bou_t_1-l_rn_i_nu_te_s_to_v_ec __ Se_cv_es_6_. _______ _:Rem:__:°"_:•_:cr::ea::::m:_fro.:.:m:.:_::heat::::_:an.:.:d:__:b::"':::":::l·_:C::h_:il:_I w:::•::ll::. ::Se::"'.:.:"::_:6:_. _________ :D:•.::•i::d_f_:•:.:•:•t:_ ______ _ fins in England or Danish pastry in Denmark'." The energetic Englishman \lo'aS having breakfast at the A I g n n q u i n . He dr11nk numerous cups of coffee and left no doubt that he would rather be viewed than in- terviewed. f or example, Frost ha.c: the disconcerting ha bit of loo king nFf into .space, going olf on tangents conversalionally and bobbing up and do wn to call his office. Oupite. this, his answers did reveal him as an excellent menu maker. wine gourmet and a man with a "'ell regulated IHe. He pu ts in an lR-hour-day. geven day!!' a week, hops to London each week and of- ten sprnds-time on b o I h American coe.sts as welL It came as no surprise his tastes ArP definite. David calls BOAC "home" even though he. maintains en a parlmenl at New York's Plaia Hotel and owns 1 town house in Knightsbridge. Lon- don. On his frequent flights. he i;;ustain.s himself on large bags n[ potato ch ips Md Amer ican beef sandwiches. "I have a magnificent Spanish hnusck~per in Lon- don. If I have time. I like to choose the menu if I'm having a dinner party. I've never given bii:?, parties in the United SI.ates, but in London I once took over the Grand Hall at Alexa ndria Palace and in- stalled l". whole fun fai r inside. I invited a thousand guests and organized fair ground food rn r the1n: hot do~s. shrimps and candy floss (cotton can- rlvl." Th;:it !iltle mid-\l'tnter b'a,1;h cost him $1 2,000. In h1.<: London town house, Fro.~1 likes sit.down dinner.c:.. "I find .since. a lremcndous number nf my friends eat nut at. restaurants, I lend to serve -or rather Louisa does -a good basic meat course. There's nothing quile like a very good f.nglish beef or lamb. And 1'11 have Yorksh ire pudding with the beef. · · 1 choose a good strong meal course and may precede lh;it. wilh either something ornate like a soufrte or t; o mething .straight-forwa rd followed bv avocadoe,<; \(ljLh aspar;:igus ·and then a fruit CQurse (he loves str aw ber ries) or creme brule. my favorite <lesser!." He hedged .,..,hen a sked to nme the "mosl interesting" p;uests he 's had on tus show. but then answered. "A crnss- sectlon of people from politi- r·1ans like !::<I l\1usk1e nr Spiro Agnew to philosophical guests tikf" the Archbishop of Can- terbury or Billy Graham. And V(IU can h:we a lremendnus Tion-sho.,... b i r, conversation with some of the great show biz persona!1\1es !ikc Burt Lancaster or H;:ink Fonda ·· Next subjec1 w o men . "\\'omen h11vP to mak~ a great rfforl 10 be nn tc!evisinn," Fro.._~t s::J.1d . ''If they try rn come over intc!!ii;:ent, lhc,y ran rnml" ofr 'butch' nr, •f they makt> a trcrncndnu.~ effort to be feminine. they come off a little feather-brained. ··of coursr, !he \110m:1n who come.<: ove r as herself, in- !e!ligenl and beautiful. is the mMl po werful TV personality -women like Dyan Cannon, An~ie Dic kinson. Susan St. .James or Jane Fonda. But the v.·omen who interest me most a re women who are. 11 vail8.ble for supper!" !Lately. David's number one supper dale has betn the lovely Di11hann Ca r- roll. I Forst h3!'1 alw ays said he is i;?:Oing to ~et mar riffi in six years. I asked why lhis stock answer to the. m11 r r i age question. ''Oh. that's A lair warning. obviously," he said. ''I'm such 11 just person I thfn k it is onl y fair. It means wh11l we're t;ilking about Is 11 propo~ition, rethe.r tha n a pro- posal." Da vid, In many ways, Is married to his i;how. He thrive~ on ha rd work 11nd ob- viously enjoys h I ~ cx- tr&ordlnary ta lent a.~ an in- terviewer. "I lind doing my 8how is \Ike eating a Chin~ meal -half an hour later I v.·anl to do it again. MUM"S LEMON MERINGUE Pl.E t.lnch prtpared pastry 2 lemons Here's how it works: EVERYDA.Y LOW PRICES USDA Gl'llle A FRYING 2 .~~~~b· 31 CHICKENS lb .• Circle c SLICED BACON lb •• 48 EVERYDAY WW PRICES Ralphs Meat Mastll' Baal 80,..1 ••• BRAISING STRIPS Eo1yT0Corv• RUMP ROASTS • .. 89 r.. 1.19 •. 93 "' 1.39 co'RNED 0 BRISKET lb .• 9B jl'MMY0 DEAN,SAUSAGE .75 vr.A-L'st·eAKs " .97 8on•le11 St•l!llr.1 SIRLOIN TIP 88c SALE Children's Records Rockin<;a Hot1e Brond -1.00 vcil ue !"eluding '""'ii' fl"Dm Setom• Sttit .. , Mother Goo1e, Alice i" Woncl.ri•Mi ..... BB USl/PLUS BUYS •r r m•nufacturrrr. •JM"cial alln••ncrJ ''"ilh !hr 1111 \'inl{!'I p11!'1J:l'd fin tn you. Household Needs l·<i~•.i DOVE DETERGENT o •• .,, .... WHITE KING D l •• .,1 .. WISK DETERGENT Ch1ff•" 2 ply FACIAL TISSUE ChlH•" PAPER TOWELS t ....... tl .. 10.-0fft..MI TIDE DETERGENT '""_ 113 ""'•·•12 .49 ........... 82 ...... ~ .58 '""""" 1.43 .... .,.,, .27 ·-· ... 32 flllll'll·Gl'lll Fed PORK SPARERIBS lb .• 59 Meat MastBr 1111 w;tn POP UP BONELESS COOKING GOB Rump Roast lb. 1. EVERYDA.Y LOW PRICES l ond 'O lok•1 -froz•n TURKEY BREASTS Hoffmo" -1 Lb Pkg. SLICED BACON H•ol 'n fol Breod•d SHRIMP STICKS Child re ,,'1 Plo•tic -A1tomo4 TOY BOATS 100~1.. -·.BB _,,.BB _,,.BB Giant Snoopy PLASTIC TOY BANK lodi••' Pio Ilic -S 1 .19 Yalu• DRESS HANGERS All Star Peas .. I M<<•• .18 Pantry fillers COFFEE , __ SHORTENING ~"'-'·' DEL MONTE CORN o. .. ..,. RED SALMON • •• FRENCH DRESSING t _G<-oo ... MJB RICE ....... CATSUP ........... ...,.,; ....... TOMATOES .... _ .78 1.11o.-.94 ......... 22 ..._ ..... 87 ........... 51 , .......... -.21 Suppooe you find m lttm at 1 bighor rquJar IMlr)'day price than one of om canpetitm ••• then what? All you have t.o do ia mention it to one of the managers and '"pmt.o.'' you get an inltant price reduction. But we go further than juat that one it.en in that one st.ore. The Mt 1t.ep is to uk you to fill out a abort form giving lll your infonnation on the item and the other rupermarket.. Then we check it out and if we're wrong on our pricing, we'll change it. After all, we do GUARANTEE tha t no everyday 1upermarket prices are lower prices than Ralpb.t prices on identical items or identical p roduct quality. Excluding weekly advertiJed speciala. EVERYDAY WW PRJCE5 RALPHS OW.'/ Award Winn in g Bakery RA°LPHS' -'•"' '"•" '°'""''' 33 BREAD 1 lb .. I ••. '··· • c'rNNAMON ROLLS .,,.,, .35 Rolph• l•1'1'161'1 0.1i9ht 89 CAKE 1~. .... 89 Rolph• PEACH PIE EVERYDAI' WW PRICES DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT , St1CE.D' MEATS~ Tu~;:::~g .. 35 l 90'1-Cort1.d B••f; Po1tromii stlc'eo1 MEATS ........ 45 M•"'" 82 ALL MEAT FRANKS "'·•"'. H•br•w No!io.-ol Ko•"•• Kt1ock1 & 1 09 FRANKS )2-. ,,,. , R111 lph1 -Poto lo; Cole Slew; Moeorot1i; Heo lth - 1 4-01. MAYONNAISE SALADS .33 Po tote or Col• Slow O"IY 2-!b .. 63 Rolptu Sliced COOKED HAM Ralphs Sliced COOKED HAM ......... 49 I.or. pk9. ,89 DAIRY DEPARTMENT Rolph1 BUITERMILK O"'rt , 15 Ro lph1 29 BUITERMILK v..,.1.. IMO "~ .... 23 ...... 38 Green GIHl w /Butter Sauce Vegetables .•....•• 29 (Mexieo•"-M•dium Pto1-Mi••d V•g•lobl•1- Cr•o1t1 Style Cor") Health & Beauty Aids Aftho•p•;< -l"dwd•o 7c Off L•bol LISTERINE , .... """" .B5 Wil~;~ .. ,. Obi. ldoo p.,,., •• ~ .. "THE BLADE" v;,_ EYE DROPS o....i ....... ARRID ROLL-ON ,_. COTION SQUARES s....,. M...'t -....... u ............ HAIRSPRAY ._ . BASIC SHAMPOO WoM• fo.O., l o loo"' CONDITIONER ,~,.,.I J .49 "" •'•· 1.0B l 'lo-••· .78 ......... 47 ....... _.BB ........... BB .......... 1.09 El'E:Rl'DAT UJfl1 PRODUCE PRrr:t:! T Frelll -l.Dclly GPIWI • CORN ON THE COB -· PDTAtis 1:5.35 Coliforn iO' Hoo• AVOCADOS Mild, Sw••t Brow" ONIONS _...25 _,.,25 ... .10 EVERYDAY WW PRICES LIQUOR DEPARTMENT A1pen Golcl-lrew.d in Oreg.11 95 BEER ............ . STRAlGHT6B"ou'RBON 3.99 VODKA OR G'iN'" .,.... 3.89 scorcH··-DirfiU~::~~ 4.21 INTERNATIONAL SIL VER ftATUllf (JI llH ,\1 1• With loch SJ Pu A:ho1• TEASPOON Ralphs Old Fashioned ~59 Ice Cream ,. ..... -• frozen food ~.,l~h• G<tldo• ""'""'""' ICE CREAM Jo h•••o•'• APPLE PIES -»1 •i.. ••. Jah,.•<tft YOGURTS ..... .!! •v•• J • .,.r ... ., au ....... 11• WAFFLES ._ ..... 45 l itdo ly• VEGETABLE JUBILEE , ........ 41 ....... .21 lo1>qwo! SLICED TURKEY ... ..... a J ...... PIUA ROLLS 11~ ..... • $,....., ... MACARONI & BEEF No everyday supermarket prices are lower prices than ~1f'Y4» Froi•n Food Pantry FiJJ911 _,_ 1-•\e .• 45 -·-i-oT A TOES & PIAS SALAD DRISSING ·-~ ••.• 31 11-- APPLI PIES COCA COLA ·-~ ·-.31 _,Cl ... .._ PEACH PIES OVAL TINE ·---...... 41 ~-COCKTAIL TACOS TOMATO SAUCE -, ......... 49 ~-MlXICAN DlNNllS PRUNIJUICI ... --.49 w--ltfCHll.ADA DINNElS .~ .. CUCUMlflt CHIJJS s. .... 30c """' c...i,_ Cowpe" Good Jvly 22 I• J11)y 21, 1971 li191it I -0..ly One COii!"" Per Cull-er -· .89 ...... 71 -i-.72 .__ .10 -.13 i i-.33 Ponlty Fillers HouMl-ioltl N..OJ -~-1 ......... 47 ~ ... -c-i-.16 COOKIES IA SOAP ·-·-.39 P1Ns - .36 PARSLIYFU.m -,. __ 1.11 --~ u• .• 25 COfffl ALUMINUM FOIL -.,._2.46 , ... ....,er..-,.. ..... 10 COFFEi PAPlll NAPKINS -i-. .. 1.33 :.r.:r .. os ~ ...... 71 INSTANTCOffll w-ov;;; 1 ..... -.3.1 ·-w .15 A,_IC HALVIS TOILITTl5SUf More than just low prices Hou1eholtl N1.01 H .. f1n & a...1y .lids ~._ llff8UOY' ~ .. DtTlllGfNT , ..... ~ CLIANIR ·~~ IAllSOAP ·-llACH I AGS -!Cl CUii TRAYS _, .... 22 __ ,_,.... 1.14 DEODORANT -. ............. to..i•-.-i. •• '"'"·"'· ... SHt!_lt STRIPS ,. .... -.73 ·-11_ ..... 1.a1 SHAMPOO t o>-""' .36 -.. 1.1.1• ANACIN .... {·-·a: .... ~1.1• -.77 DODO ANT -.9·9 ·n: .. --r· __ .. , .. \J TU lltll' CHEEB ...... ••• DETERGENT .89 I '":' lloely granulated RALPHS STORES ARE LOCATED AT: 9901 ADAMS BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH; 15471 S. BRODKHURST, WESTMINSTER -STORE HOURS: 9-10 DAILY, 9-9 SUllAY 1 '3 cup corn!tarch , ···~-· •.. _... ,,. •r -..-. .. -,.._ --\ ,,-~ ,"'·~·-·~ -~---·----::::..:::::==~~~==.:.·.:-::·~~-----r ---------_, __ ' ... ~ t ...,. Alpha Beta's Man in Blue says: •• .. OAlLY PILOT DEL IUSH 5 TORE MANAGER 90~5 ADAMS HUNTINGTON BEACH in this ad, including 74 DOUBLE DISCOUNTS, save you s17.17*" WE WELCOME FOOD STAMP SHOPPERS IN ANY LOS ANGtLtS, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARD INO OR ORANGE COUNTY ALPHA BETA MARKET. ' • LARGE• TROPICAL FAVORITE MANGOES FRESH Oc ea. I FREESTONE ' ·PEACHES . SWEET AND JU ICY NEW ZEALAND • GRANNY SMITH APPLES ~G~POSE 4 00 LBS. STEAK $IZE-V2 LB . MUSHROOMS 39' iii FPEPPERS 10~. CUCUMBERS 10~ 10~. RED LEAF• BUTIER •SAL.AO LETTUCE BOWL HAWAIIAN GROWN PAPAYAS 39~. LEMONS or LIMES THIN-SKI N LOADED WITH JUICE 5!. Fresh Cut KI LLIAN OR DAISIES MAJ'5TIC 78~ JAEE LEMON LE,t.F W/PUl1CHASE Of CUT Fl owtRS. THESE PRODUCE PRICES EITTCTIVE THURSDAY through WEDNESDAY, JULY '2'2-28. TOTAL OI SCOUHT S lYERl OAl SOME Al'HA 8lTA STO•ES OlSCOUNT CKAJ'lli[ PRICE --------------- I. ·~~~~~~~~~ "' -49~ WJl.XJNSON SWORD BONDED RAZOR SET ~ ps ·-------------- ?--CAUON • WITH UD FESCD TRASH CAN ----------------SRY'LCR!IM. -:.oz AEROSO!._ .L 111 HAIR SPRAYFOR MEN 1.4!1 @ S~~¥1iM row. SVi£~._LR 39J IC CTJ~;ci: il\'TI'L:: • cu:AA. LOT!:l~; • U:~'.G~l WHITE RAIN 87, SHAMPOO 1.99 ' , ---------------TON! HAIR COLCR ,:;:::; ALL SHA~tS IHNOCENT COLOR f ·Oll:'ICC AEROSOL DIAL DEODORANT ~ rAMlLY sin: "!OOnf PASTE ~ PE'PioniltT .Y.o9 631 ---------------· f .OIJSct 8otrlt !lt.i[ OR GRt!.N CLAIROL SHAMPOO J9c 71 1 ------·----------· ASSOlm:D ~Ol.Of!S • WITH ffUNGE •Y Jf:AH ALU N • 24"'X32'" lLtfNY Tli[ LION c,R Ptl'15C1U>. GOlllLU ~UYENILE THROW RUGS µ'9 ] 79 TOTAl DISCOUNT S EVER Y DlY SOM[ Alf't\A BETA STOll£S OISCOOll'T Ctw.(i.[ PllCE 391 D'!-:::. F~~;'cit;;Poi~toes ¥c 29' D~=:;, o~::iia"P'~t;t"oes ~C 431 @i~1f°r'i~~;ii°i£ 1ac 631 @llliasr'iI[iF'Ha~h'~c 52' @vi'fiiii4°s:a°usAGEJ!c 26f ~;;~'r8'E'Ef.YA':R'oii1'"0' ".i5c 781 ~ ~0-0Z, CAN • RAVIOLI ""' 71c 40.0Z CA11 • Si'AGH[Tll \<.'iiH M!:AT BAL.J.$ ¥°-= 7k @Al.i'.swEET W\"""''.Js'c 271 ©sullAii w°AFE°lis -51c 391 c§ s'P'Aiils1\'0 ' CAN ~~ PEANUTS ~c 56f ©:;u".Jy'.i:0RUITS ifc 261 TWIN PACI.: • 10.0Z. DIP OR !O'/)·OZ. RE:CUI..AR 6k VALUr: ALPHA BETA Potato Chips 571 ~ r tMl~~t SY!!:!"o:; ~ PACK.I.GE; Of ON& --SHY Crl5TA Ml5A-241 l . T7ttl St. "55 2'' HUNTINGTON llACK-t045 All•- HUNTINGTON llACH-11ll1 N. M•I• St. FOUNTAIN VALLIY-IJtO WlffMt LAGUNA HllLS--21541 Colle Ill• I• Lull• IRVlNE-110~0 Coilv.,, u .. 1, .... lry P•rtl IOUTH, LAGUNA-JOIJZ S. CHU Hlw.,- -·----· "?r""" --· -..... ~ ~ -1.t ...... ·.l-•.' ---· -. ..... ~ -·1 ••• ~j:'. • I --·· --, r:.l -- ' ~Total s.ovings is computi!d on singte u"it P41rchose. The figure. ~!d ~much hioher If Meat & Produce v.ere in('ude-d 5TOflf HOUltS MON.-flll.: IOAM-9 PM• Sl.T. 6 5UN.: 10 AM·1 PM Your Alpho Beto Neighborhood Butclie< l!he Mon'" the Red Aprot1I Proudly Otter' BUTCHEI\'S Plt?DE MEATS MEATS YOU'LL IE PROUD TO SERVI• DISCOUNT PR.ICED Quality ond Sotl$1oclion Gooronteed BONELESS @ FAMILY STEAK BONELESS RIB STEAK T·BONE STEAK ROUND STIEAK CHUCK STEAK CHUCK ROAST FULL CUT BLADE CUT BLADE CUT 10~ 119 lb. 1.581b. 99'1b. 65'1b. 59'1b. ·BUTCHER'S Pa!DE FRESH GROUND BEEF ECONO-PAK • J-LBS. OR OVER c lb c lb CANNED LB. SIZE 78 each ~~~:~u;,;Al~Ls 48C BACON 1b.1· ;A11H111JOHN s o: F'i<.G 28¢ SKINLISS SAUSAGE LINKS u . JIMMY DEAN 1-LB. ROLL 77c SAUSAGE PURE PORK '2-LB. ROLL 1.49 I RfSH f1Ll£T OF PACIFIC OCEAN PERCH 98 ¢,, COOICED AND PEELED FRESH SHRIMP ZIPP([ ~~,R~·O&;s 6t: F11QZfN • 10-0Z. PKG. JONE~ ~AU~AGL !':LB. 98¢ ! iiClltl'S fll~t l'RESl-1 MEAT LOAF "MINUTE THESE MEAT PRIC ES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY throu~li WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 though 28. LINKS " 79' STUFFED CA BBAGE ROL LS Our Growin' is Showin' Again ... with our n ew Store opening at 12339 Poway Road at Pomerado, Poway. TO TAL DISCOUNT S EVERY DAY SOM( ALl'llABET A STORES EllSCOUPIT CIWIC( l'«!C( 20..0UNCE CAtl YAN CAMP'S PORK AND BEANS HIOOLN VAll.l:Y RA~ICH ~l.AD"'ORESs~NG1 ~iX=· J!C 1 r,.ou11cr i'ACJU.Gl'. ,,. WYLER'S ONION SOUP MIX µ, '.'.-OAUO!'l • f AM!LY PA" ~o,,, RLPHR BEIR ICE CREAM "'- +?.-couNT PACKAGE . fROztN,..t.: CAROUSEL BARS "" @ 9-0UNC£ CAN • fROZEN . 1 BIRDSEYE • ORANGE PLUS }fc ~ DOWIJYrU.1..'t • 111/z-OZ • ~ ~EMCH TOAST ~ li-01.JNet: CAN • fROZE~ TRHSWEET ORANGE JUICE l :> c~:;cc CA:I @C'.'.iaW VE~ET~ia.LES .. cin ~~ @F1SH 0l 1tifi!P! · 1 ' ·-·'aSc 2 ~ OU KCt P>.Ct:AGi TIGER'S MILK CANDY ~ 231 tto~!YAtU'~tia· t-E~il1 7!f 68' El:'MotlHo BROWN RICE Slc 79• '·!-.!! PACKAGr.. )Jl.Pir..v u1;r ell'.'. SOFT FLEISCHMANN'S .,... @ I t..s. Pt:G. • ll.A.'tCiJ..'ID1£ SOF·SP REAO IMPERIAL ~ J.Jl:t;T CCNTA::·h.!t IMO DRESSING l,:·Pit;T CO!o."TA:!;f;R 'r'-OUNCf l A'l KRAFT CHEEZ-WHIZ ~OZ ?ACt:A Gf" • S\NGLI: W'fl.A:K BORDEN AMERICAN CHEESE '"" ~K~sRP'1C~<tilD~R · CH~1s"c~c. ~c c.-.u.o • ITAUA.N • DP.Y 13.oz CH\JR ITALIAN SALAME CHUBS \,119 MEDIUM GRADE AA £6GS ALPHA BETA • I DOZEN lARBE GRADE AA EGGS 1'-0UNCF. PA.CU.CU:: AlL Mt.IT OSCAR MATER .;. WIEllERS nc @~o·.mc A•AHt l lD ----· ,,,.-.......... ~ . .-.. ' 1•• 33• 39~ TOT AL DISCOUNT S EVERY DAY SOMf AL•KAll(fl. SIClllES OISCot/PIT CIWICC" P~tC( ~ ilA'ilc'H sf'r°L'E"" . BEANS Uc 161 I~~. C=i • BLAC!:;:YEO i'EAS \fl~ l}~ TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY SOME AL,HI. 8fT~ SlOlttS 01.SCOUPH CHAJICE f'R IC( 11' 33' 181 -SC·i"T PRINTS -Al>SORTED · @ AURO RA • ~-ROLL PACK• V/HITI: BATHROOM TISSUE ;lit 25< ~ ":l\JJ\C! • fl RNITtfli: POLiSli 39• ~ KLHN·GUIRD ~ ' ~ g QIJ\Cf lAFI • <REU.C OFllED I T9 ~ MAXIM COFFEE 1,89 · I 1;,.0::-. CAN • REGULAR • ORfP © • EU:CTR:C PERCOLATOR MJB COFFEE 14c 79; ,, '"'•J•;c!: c.~N • Rr G'Jl.AR ~ L: '.:"H'.".: P[RCCLATOR ,g l ,I, ., ...... ~ -· .· -....-~ \ . ------) ... ~ D--D .. , •• ~, D--D,,. • .,., 'C": •.!! • ilLUEBl:l\RY " MARY ELLEN JlM Uc ~11 -•'.[fl S •ll''..OZ.J,l,!'! PEACH BUTTER 39€ ~ • .ri· . ., · t: CAii DELAWARE PUNCH 2•• 68' 32' AlPllA BEll; •6-PA.CK ·~'·VAJ.. 45, BUHERFLY COFFEE CUE Al PHll Bfl ~ • "·PA~J; BRAN MUFFINS '•: VAUc -- 39' 13' 141 -. ' . " --\ 0 DAILY l'ILOT 4,.. • Top Bakers' Dessert Empire Napoleons Reign Supreme 1n 9J CllCIL Y ~'TONE tW't thicMnl -about i to I , I I UP t ,.,... .... Htw rnlOUlfis . MJ JDl6et aed her frltn<b, Remove from heat., cover y.arw •· uMd to mah a and cool to room ~· apeclll dlltlbctkla. hld t cup heavy crtam. wlllJ>- Atly nambtt d 'fV'Omtn ped. into aioled c:atud. ~· hiar Glue: SUr 1C1Cether 1 cup sifted ~ fecUonlra' sugar and I Ir', ~oCID& water to makt a thtl ldq. _. ~u._e Qllee: Jn 'belvy paper ccne "1th a wall opeo- lna· To AIMmWt Napoleon•: Trost top of l peatty rtdangle with c.onledlonera' Su g a r Olait . Pipe on Chocolat. m1&1rtl)eCllJM tood cooa. ~-----------~--~----------------------------~~~~~~~~--~~--~-----------------------~~--~--~--------- But cn1Y rarely waa l«Tleonc I I deaiinated "a tood bake." To be a really ftne bater wu CCflJidered a 1pt<:lat art. . I was rernJnded of thle amusing use or the word "bake" -.htn my helper In wt.inc recipes turned out Napt>Jeol'la -~ puff.paste delicacies filled with creamy custard, covered with white frosting and aivtn chevron markin&s of chocolate. NAPOLEONS 1~ aticb ('4 cup) butter or marprine 1'4 CUPI lifted flour 1 tablelpoon butter or marprtnt ~cup ice watlr 2 ~white vlneaar Crum .FilllnL see ~low C«ifecUonera' Sugar Glau, Me below Qleeolate Glau , see below Slloe the 1 If, aticks butter in- to ¥.·inch pets. Draw an a by l·inch rectanilt Oil a ~t of WU paper. Lay the butter pats within the rectangle; preu and shape them together, distributing butter evenly, to form one lar(e flat a by 6-inch paltie. Wfap and chill in freezer 2U mlnutel. Meanwhjle, w i t h putry blander cut the table- IPOOll but.W Into flbUr until tine crwnbt form. Mix together water and vinqar. Pour over flour m1x· 7-80 E CENTER CUT CHUCK STEAKS ture and mb to form stilf l,...........,_....,,~ HEALTH & BEAUTY AID~ ~; add additional dro~ of wat«, if needed. Knead dough CREST unW tmooth; cover and let :~~~r~~~/1~r~~ ~~~~~gE 2/$109 rtdanllt. Place chilled butter pew. an one half of dough, PRELL CONCENTRATE USDA CHOICE leavinf margins of dough ~~re~~:~ ~o~1ie1:;~fi~ ~~= !·~~~~~<?." 99' l I half ol dough over to enclose butter completely. Presa aen· ht_· s_u _t A_t_s._me_St°'"---------- t.ly an>Und edaes. Ml dough to an 18 by 8-inch ret'taftlle, then fold from short aib a to make 3 equal layers. Wtap in tcansparent plastic wrap or wa:i paper and chlU in refrll*rator 20 minute&. SECRET DEODORANT 40.. AWMOI C• let. $1.0t At S.IM SNNI JOHNSON • JOHNSON BABY LOTION ,,, u Os. httt. a.,. S1 .tl At s.... s .. ,... 99' 1\ep6at rolling and folding proetdurts 3 more time3: whtn rolllng , always place ,._,_........,..__.........,.._......._......_......__....,_...,_...__..._....._..._...~ lhart side of rectangle parallel to table ..S,e and rcll away from y6U; chill in refrigerator '~~- 20 mmuw between each roll· ing. MINUTI MAID Cut dOulh in hall lengthwise ORANGE JUICE 'or. then croeewtse. forming 4 rec-c ... tanales. Work with one piece at a time, ketpint remaining MINUTI MAID dough e0vered .in rtfrigerator. ,-_nAPE JUICE 601. Kt.pin< short aide parallel V'ft c .. to table edge, roll to a 14 by 6-YAN DI KAMf'S inch rectan1\e. FltllD ALASKAN Wllh noured sMrt> knife, COD • 01. Pl •• ttlm edges neatly. Fold dough in half, then lift to ungreased ~..-...~...._.~..__,,.~.-...,_....,,_...,_...,......_...~.._......._,,,,_, O)()\cie ~l; untold Chill in refrigerator 30 ....... """'...., I 2 : ) {1 : • :J :I•] • J l!efi• ~ minuw. Prick with fork, __ • _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ :II mattni pricu t inch apart. BU. in preheated 400- dfc:rte o\'tn until golden brown -ts to 20 minutes. Ociol completely b e f o r e ~mbling Napoleons. Meanwh llt prepar~ Cream P'llllnl . Conf&ctioners' Sugar Glue and c.Mcolat.e Glau. No&t: In preparing I.he pastry for Nap0leom. you will either need • cookie gheet.s and enouCh room In tht ~frlrerator to accommodate them, or you will have to Im· provi9t •notller way. You can reduce the number of cooklt shtet.s needed by cuttinl 4 pieces of aluminum feiU at least 15 by 8 inches. Place a rolled out rec:tangie of dcQsh on each pleict of foil: place on tray or other Oat IUrfatt; chill. Slide ..ch 'Piece of foU with dtulh oato a oookle abett to bak•. er.am Pmla1: In top of &iqble btller, mix t.oselhtr v, cup 1Ullr lftd 2 tablt.apoON comatatth. SUr in S 1li1htly beattit e11 ,.ab and 1 t.spoon vanilla. Gradually aUr in 1"' cupt 18ilk. Cook over bolling water, ...,,lnl C0111tanUy, unW mti· ·-~ CANTALOUPS 5P1 PEACHES IXTRA FANCY 5 ~ $1 FltEESTONE S CORN (IN TH I HUSK) FRESH 4 ~ 29" LOCAL it ,, SWEET TOMATOES VINE RIPI NID 19¢ LOCAL LI ~ -. ~·"1 J .. " "' t USDA CHOICE 98 IAR M HICKORY SMOKID 29 SPENCER LB. WHOLE Oil HALF TAVERN HAMS OUR OWN CURED LEAN BRISKET CORNED BEEF ISH LIAN GROUND IEEF PUSH LIAN GROUND S·HOULDER FlUH LIAN GROUNO .. ROUND 5~ .. 89~ .. PltUH LIAN 295 BEEF PAn11s .u.•ox ..... FARMER JOHN MEATS SI.ICED ,BACON 59' LI. ALL MEAT WIENERS Sl(INLIH SAUSAGE IAR M • oz. PAICAGI 59'~ POLISH SAUSAGE STEAKS YOUNG·N· TENDER BEEF LIVER • KNACKWURST Sf'u. •• II • Lor d. & Lady Cat lfOOCI CHOICI 0 .. 1 fAlllTI• 12 I~ . ...... ' ""' ........ ,,_ e M ........ U.. " eH'ARCOAL "NT STAITIR C.4N I LL IA• . LARGE 1112 LB. LOAV!S • 1un1RNUT COPNE '~ Witt. till• ......... II• """"'""" ,.,.,. ... ,.~"''~· u,,.,. I ~., ,., •• .,,." -011t .. .,,." ,., o•t•"'•'· v.14 .~., $11~•Y• Jvly 21. ., • LIQUOR DEPT. VODKA Plmt ANDI UON CLUI 6 Yl. OLD CHARCOAL ptLTIH D KINTUCKY STRAIGHT IOUQON PAITY·TYMI INSTANT COCICTAIL MIXIS ltlO. •tc AT MOIT I TORU I OX 01' 6 INVILO,H s4s' ""' 49' Prices lffedlve1 Thursday thru Sunday July 22, 23, 24, 21 ,,. ..... , ........... ..... WI •LADLY ACCIPT U.S.D.A. llOOD COUPONS I WI •IYI ILUI cH• STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACENTIA WI GIVI ILUI CHIP. STAMPS 19th a• PllClntla 710 w. -·· AJU DITIRGINT KIN•llZI U•. 1A5 --... -~·J 99' ' ' ,.. t t -c;...;;.. : ... . . . ~ El Rancho.·is synonymous with .. Come in and see what we mean! DBJCIOOS! ••••••••••••••••• Rushed to us from tho icy waters of the Snake River! Minimum weight 5 ounce.11 each. Perfect fryina:! Co!UJ11hia River ftah ••• firm meat, fine flavor! Serve baltal-enjoy differonce in fftelmml I Whole, half. Pan fry these ••• and see the difference freshness makes! Use Plnlm's Peanut Di, .. 24 az. -· ....... lie Fresh Salmon Steaks ............. $1~? Fillet of Halibut .................... 7 91 Center cut from Colwnbia River salmon! Rich. red meat, firm and flavorfUJ I Delicious broiled or BBQ'd I Firm white flesh ••• excellent texture and flavor! ••• A favored item on menus 'round the world f Fresh English Sole ...... ~~ ...... $1 2! llild fl&vor ••• the taste that mabl oole., popular with all the members of the family! Halibut Steak ....... ~.~ ........ 891 Always a welcome favorite ... and so many delightful ways to serve it ... F"" lllllons ........... 25c Iii. Dungeness Crabs ....... l}!I~ ••••••• 79& They offer you so much meaty goodness, because they average 2 to 2V. Ibo. f And, oi' counie, we cn!ck 'em! King Crab Legs ...... ~~-~~~ ....... $19! So much good eatina: here! ... delicious broiled! ... And J<1111l loft Alasb1 CrU Meat ................. $t7' .. ! i Smoked Salmon ............. ~ .89 .. Fresh Sand Dabs ........... ~1.29 n.. Fresh fillet of Perch ......... 89~ Fresh Oysters . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . 89• :· Not too 1moke;v ••• not too salty! KiDg salmon! Preime withSbalo 'I lall lor foh.,. Z5c: Serve with corn bread! Jiamedary Mix ••• 15 AL ••• Z5c \Vestern, for freab..ness ..• and a stew! 10 oz. Smoked .Albacore ........... '1.98 n.. Fillet of White Bass .......... 89ft. Fresh Catfish................... 99t.. PDQ Shrimp .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. W Smoking makea the flavor doubly deliihtfulf Lean ult water fish with mild subtle flavor!· Rushed fresh to us ••• skinned for convenience! Peeled, cleaned and deveined .•• 12 ounce pka'., ! Finnan Had die .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 99ft. River Smelts .................... 59ft. Smoked h.iddock with authentic Scottish flavor! Rich delicate flavor ••• Columbia River! Monterey Squid . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . 39f.. Feel adventurous? ... tyY squid this week! Cooked Shrimp .............. '1.89 ... Serve a coc:ktail •.. or an invitina: salad I Chateaubriand $2 59 Sheer delight ••• U.S.D.A. Choice beef ••• aged Ill Turkey Breasts 89~ Ground Round 89~ fUef Mignon ••• U.8.D.A. Choice Beet... '2.79 a. Super Fresh Produce! lilm&ooa Ripe ••• for serving today ••• firm and solid for "'"'Y slicina: I Cut from EI Rancho's Grads A Turkeys! Ground fresh ... bulk or Jean patties! Rack of Lamb ••• Spring Lamb ••• Choice Quality ... '1.69 a.. Sliced Bacon ... EI Rancho'• Ranch Style... 591. Super Shoppe'r Groceries! Doi If onto Poas. .................. 5,,,1 Early Garden goodness in No. 303 c.a.ns! And at El Rancho's price you're sure to want to stock upt Cucumbers .............. 2 rot 25¢ Red Leaf Lettuce .......... 15:a Doi If onto liJ1111ioD1. ............ 4"'1/ Lonr and cool and crisp ... summer favorite! For a salad with flavor and eye appeal! Choose solid pack or stewed at one low price! You use them so often you'll appreciate the savingal 303. Red Radishes .......... 21or 19¢ Green Onions .......... 2 rot 1r Green Giant ..... ~~ .v.~~~~~ ..... 4 ror $1 Snappy flavor ••• and &nappinl' crisp! Add zest to your summer .aJads ! Delicat~en Values! Wisconsin Cheese .................. 4r LllPonl Jadl lhllolll Wisconsin's finest quality! Schreiber'• .•• 8 oz. pkg. Seafood Sauce .... 39* Bon Bel Cheese .... 69* Filberman'a Tartsr, Cocktail 8 oz. French import •• for dessert! 8 o<. Shrimp Cocktail ... 33* Wilno Meats 12 Ol.~1i.09 Lusco, 4 oz. jar.(Cnb C«ldai ••• J9c) Knock!, Franks, Midget Salami. ~ . J & B Scotch ........ ~~.'.~ ........ S16.75 Smooth Scotch at super aavfnpl Be delighted -quality & price I V. pl. Almaden Mt. Wine '2.78 fl Rancho Rum sJ3.99 Chablla, Rhine, Claret, Butlllndy I Silver or Amber, one price.-Ql 4.!t ~gal Chenin Blanc ...... '1.99 Mai Tai Mix ......... 99* ~tfol dinner wine from Ingle-Beachcomber makes It so simple I I 6th Fifth Nibletal Mexicorn! Mixed Vegetsbles! Medium Peas! ••• all in butter ssuce or Corn in Cream Sauce Price1 ii< effoct TAur. through SUtl.. Jrdv u, ts, t~. ts. No ll<lla to dul<ra. Open dtiilv 9to11 ••• Sundo.v io to 1 Minute Rice .............. 49¢ Cooks up so light and fluffy! 14 oz. pkg. Fruit Cocktail .. .. . .. . . 4 "' '1 Dole's ... No. 303 can .•. for dessert, too! Rosarita Dinners ......... 49' Your choice of four Mexican varieties! Johnston Pies ............ 59* Choose Apple or Peach ... big 9 iBch size! Banana Cake .............. 79¢ Flavoryou'~e.xpcct.from Sara Lee! Froien Springfield Ice Cream . 69* Favored flavors iii square hall.pl carton! Ora• Juice ........ 4 ~°,; '1 Minute llald, fl-om Florida I IZ or. ••• at Maxwell House Coffee 79t. Two lb. can ;t.57 Three lb. can ;2.29 Soft Margarine .......... 431. Fleischmsnn'a •.• apreads easily I Kellogg's Com Flakes .. 29• For a good Good Morning! 12 ounce pkg.I fig Newtons .............. 39• They oould only come from Nabisco! 16 ot. Saran Wrap ............... 49* Save leftovers ..• save money, tool 100 ft. Royale Towels . .. . . . .. .. . . 29* ~umbo roll ••• soft, strong-oo absorbent! Toilet Tisuse ........... 4 .,, '1 Royale ••• save on the two roll )J8clcarea f Johnson's Glade ......... 49* Get. rid of unpleasant household odors! Johnson's Pledge ....... '1.29 Choose regnlar or lemon-scented ••• U oa. ARCADIA · '"""' '"~ H'"''"'i'"" 01 NM PASADENA: i!/ii°f· SOUTH PASADENA : r/i'i/. ·HUNTINGTON BEACH : :i/M· NEWPORT BEACH : 1121 Newnci t n., .10 .1 f !• I·~ r .. •, . 310 ~P\l Co!ora!lo 81~!1 ... f1 emon t 1fl{j Hunt111RtOn Dr ;•; Warner ~nd Algonquin Poa1dwalk Ce nte1 " 2555 [as tblull 01 f 1~:t,'1ilf ~11l1ge Cen1!1 • I - BAR-S.Q SEZ NOW Word lore ttlls stor1ts. Once when. \\e all caUed the elegant happening of eating outdoors under stars or blue skits a barbeque. The word was said to have been used in Virgtnia even before 1700. Wh-0 thought it up ? The Spanish "barbacoa·· a rrame of sticks to set meat on for roasltng over a large pit full of fire? The French "barbe- a-queue" meaning r r om snout lo taJI. Whatever language you speak, eating outdoors is one of life's most joyous pleasures w1Lh the fire in the grill and the freshness of the air. The idea of basting with a sauce was concocted lo keep the meat from dryrng out dur- ing the long cooking. Titanic washtubs of majestically flavored juices were swosh- ed on with mighty brooms. 'l'o each his own. Some say there's nothing to compare with the untouched. unspoil- ed flavor of a good choice steak. Others feel they have to brush on something or make a big produ ction with a marinade . . . because isn't the bar-b-<J bit a big show. We Jove everybody. Word happenings ... hey look over thal "barbeque." Looks a little yesterday, right? NO. NOTHING AT ALL CALLS FOR CHOICE AND PRIME We 're talking about thal steak you're going to barbe- que t so I'm old fa~hioned) .•• for the "l Jove the pure untouched good beef flavor group." H you're going Ibis route, you've got to begin with a top sirloin or New York that has the good beef flavor you Jove so much to begin with. Remember. all of our meal 1s guaranteed. If somethtng happens to make you steak unhappy, our meat men want to know about il. Prime beef, very uncommonly fou nd i n supermarkets. because It is grabbed up by f i n e restaurants and hotels is very superbly yours. See those gleaming stainless steel refrigerators u p behind the meat counter. The ones with the gl11ss doors where you can see the glamorous strippers. filets. and prime ribs. Yum .. When they're kiss.eel with the navor of charcoal and smoke. noUung finer this side ol the Santa Ana Ri\·er. AND THE PRIME S1'EAKS I WTTH THE CHOIL~ Lesson : You all know beef Is pur rhased by the whole. half. forequarter, or hind quarter . . . What do our meat men do with the rest or the prime beef after they have taken out the tcn- dettst cuts ... Thev l'Ut it and wrap it and put it in our meal show cases along with the rest of the choice meat. Wbo kn<>ws. when you pick up a 7 bone it could be a sister to a rib roast up in prlme country. Back to the washtubs or sauce brushed on with broo~. If long on the coals. add a I i I I I e something. to keep the meat from drying oul . . . Any cooking oil, French. ltalu1n or American olive oil. melted butter or even oil of Avocado. The same goes for tiny cul1 of lamb or beef for kabobs. Usually they don't have any rat. so give 'em a doJJop of jwce. 1f you'd like to step into our ma rinade, sauce and tenderizing cu~ boards, we could supply you with enough dlfferent tastes to wind you up with Turkey Mein Yen for Christmas ••. or London Pub ham- bur11en the nt1l Fourth of July. Richard'•, the P e op I e Sto~. Newport B t a c h . where everything is prime and swtet. especially I.he !m.Uts and service. PHONE 673-6360 FOR HO~E DELIVERY IN OUk DELIVERY AllEA PRLCES EFFECTIVE JULY 22, 21, 241 2i LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD.AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE Or9An Serenedes for your pleasure by S.r .. :,. F1y EASY TO FIX, COOL 'N HEALTHFUL AND NOT TOO FILLING -SALAD THE PERFECT SUMMER SUPPER! From clear shimmery gelatines to hearty beef salad-salad is a most de· lightful supper, served with crusty rye or French rolls and perhaps a 9!111 of chilled wine. Some flavorful combinations to stir your creativity -mixed seefeed with herb mayonnaise, or rice with French dressin9 , chopped onion, celery, cucumber, bell pepper, panley and a pinch of t1rra9on; or chicken saled, with walnuts, a dash of tabasco, garnished with capers and e99s. For some really unu,ual salads, see our new cookbook -"Easy 'Recipes of Californi a Winemakers'' -2.95! • OUR BHF IS CAREFULLY CHOSEN AND AGED FROM THE FINEST U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF! BONE-IN RUMP ROAST Fl•vorful fftlngl BEEF SALAD: Cut 2 lbs. cold boiled or rotst beef in slivers. Add 6 boiled pote- toes slic ed, 1h lb. cooked grHn beens, I 1liced cucumber end 4 tometoes cut in 1ix th1, I head celery, finely 1liced, I &lic ed green pepper. Dreu with Born• 6t ein1 Vinaigrette. Gu ni1h with ilices hard-cooked eggs, sour pickles, I onion sliced. BONELESS RUMP ROAST '•rfect for • rotlH•ri• OUR OWN CAREFULLY TRIMMED BRISKETS CORNED BEEF BRISKETS Have plenty for aandwlchea FOR SUPERLATIVE DINING-CHICK EN STUFFED AND ROASTED! ZACKY FARMS, CALIF. ROASTING CHICKENS 5 pound 1ver1g• weight LE.AN AND MEATY, FROM IOWA, EASTERN 98~LB. 1.19 LB. 1.09 LI. 59¢LI. SPARE .RIBS To barbecue or btke ·good 1umm•r Hting 79PLB. CRUM BLED BACON ADDS ZING TO A SPINACH SALAD SWIFT PREMIUM BACON Rtgular slice SWiFT PREMIUM B·ROWN 'N SERVE SAUSAGE 8 Ol. pkg. OVEN READY MEAT LOAF All seuoned and rHdy to bake ,BEEi\ ROULADES Old Fashioned DRIED BEEF Hot .. 1ry. e1'4 all&ff , ... ,., , ... Marinated DUCKLINGS ,,, .. , .... 111 ... "' •• ,..,e, o,. .... w... ,. .... U.S.O.A. PRIME BEEF, TOO! HORMEL ALL MEAT REESE PETITE EACH 69~LB. 69~ 79~LB. 1.29 LI. 2.49 LI. 98c LI. WIENERS 1 LB. Smoked Oysters J 2/J ox.49~ KRAFT SLICED NATURAL LAS HIERIAS EXOTIC HUI Swiss Cheese 12 oz. French Dressing ' oL 39tl GALLO SLICED ITALIAN HUNTLEY l PALMER COOKIES 1 OZ. Dry Salame 3 oz. Petite Beurre Biscuits 39~ OAJl V '1LOf Q FOR FRESH FRUIT SALADS, OR FOR DESSERT WITH PEACiiiSLAR~E. vm4 ::~ $1 GREAT WITH SEA FOOD SALADS! IUTTUY-RICH, HASS AVOCADOS 5 FOR $) S&RVE PLAIN OR WITH SLICED ONIONS ANO DRESSED WITH VINAIGREnEI FRESH, LONG, C»REEN, CRISP CUCUMBERS 3 FOR 29¢ A COLORFUL SAL>D MAK&RI TENDER RED LEAF LETTUCE 2 FOR .25d $-~~ KNU OSEN LA BON BUTTER Sunshine Oatmeal Cookies Maxwell House COFFEE Maxwell House COFFEE Maxwell House COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE INST ANT COFFEE LB. 22 oz. 59¢ 1 LI. 79¢ J LI. 1.57 l LI. 2.29 6 oz. 99¢ Gerbers Strained Baby Food •~~oz. 12 for $1 Pillsbury Fudge Brownie Mix 21 •1a oz. 49¢ MIX UP A GREAT RICE SALAD! M.J.8. Long Grain Rice MILANI 1890 FRENCH DRESSING S&W MEDIUM CUT GREEN BEANS S&W Stewed TOMATOES 42 oz. 49d a oz. 29¢ u oz. ,, oz. 4for$1 4 for$1 ESPECIALLY GOOD IN SALADS, S&W DARK, RED KIDNEY B·EANS 15 '1· oz. 6 FOR s1 S&W MARINA TEO MIXED BEAN SALAD 111/4 OL 3 for$1 GREAT STARTER FOR A SUMMER DAYI PILLSBURY Instant BREAKFAST 6 l'K. 39¢ Bi9 Roll KLEENEX TOWELS 3 for $1 Delsey Bathroom Tissue 2 Pit 4.for$1 ~;m~~"' HAWAIIAN PUNCH 12 oz. 3 FOR $) BIROS EYE RICE, PEAS & MUSHROOMS ' oz. 3 for$1 BIROS EYE MIXED VEG ET AB LES•'"' •111011 HllH • oz. 3 for $1 BIR DS EYE BROCCOLI SPEARSwltti Ho11H4et.. 10 Ot. J for $1 BIRDS EYE THICK AND FROSTY FOUR FLAVORS SHAKE CONCENTRATE JO OL 59¢ KOLO KIST I ~ OZ. EA . SANDWICH STEAKS 8 COUNT 89¢ EGGO w AFFLES I c .... , 11 oz. Rosarita COCKTAIL TACOS I VJ oz. FRUIT BOSTON CREAM PIE Cinnamon TWIST DANISH SWEDISH RYE BREAD 39¢ l for$1 1.41 2 for 31¢ 49¢ RYE ROLLS 6 --' wi,. w.. 6 for 3'1 c ALL PLASTIC ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS and FOLIAGE 20% OFF ( I --ew~.-cl!.s.-MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS OPEN DAILY 9-7, SUN. •·6 OPEN DAILY, •-6 SUN. I o.J -..... •>~ _r _ ~ t .,,t I•• -• ._ -~ . "" -_-,_ ... . ~,.. .... DAILY 9-5:10, SAT. t.I _ __.... ·--, . .. ,_..._ .. .,,. .. OPEN DAILY '·' DAILY 1110-6, SAT. 1:10·1 --· -\ --·;..' . ;a:-, ""--' I. - .. .- '71 T-BIRD './, ,, NEW '71 PINTO •Sl30 . I ' I ~ j • Wtdnodq, July 21, 1971 ~~ • • • \ I • • ' I . , . . ~ : .. _ -'~V NEW -~ . . . , NEW .. -~\,' '71 . '71 )~ -~ -\ . ..... --;_ MUSTANG MAVERIClf , ~.t~~~ •b835 #278 b "',~ ~· ./ . I •~ , I/ • ' == I • I -. \ -, . ·--../ s • NEW '71 • ( GALAX IE •b481 ' 'I . ' . . / . NEW '71 LTD •7 t 2b ;---...... . I . f '11·-l ' ... _\ i;'.. ---,,., ,~ '71 TORINO NEW '71 WAGON -l ALL OF THESE NEW 1971 FORDS WILL BE SOLD FOR $50 OVER DEALER INVOICE!! '64 R·1v·1era v ............. .,. · .. , ...... . . po,..... Jt""rtnf. rt<llo '64 GMCPICKUP ku111 &OOll, l PU&Jtl * II _~:..~·..... L.4- '68VW ,.- EQUIPMENT T .li.!<E YO UR CH OICE " AM •adl• e Vl"yl Ro•' 0 Thtt.d t i.. • Wl!cel Coffl'I fl Frcun A rear ltumfter 9uords • Acco"t 1roup t!I Di11: brak" 8 H-wy d11ty bane,., fl l•dr Side Mollll11t • Ca11¥011lonco Group fl Whl .. Sldowoll TlrM 9 L11111ry DKor Group ~ Fold claw" R•ar Soot • Protectlo11 Group ~ '68 Datsun SlQ 4 0-, 19d8r· i •~""· r8<1/o. wtl•lt w•I II•~· L•C IWJA 26•) USED CAR SPECIAL OF THE WEEK I 64 Falcon ::;~ c.-"'"~""'~ mn Hardtop. VS, a ulo nial1c.. !OYE7041 I 69 LTD . ~. CO.ON< '"' .... .. - ' • '66VW Slj)UARE IACK ~ r '67 Dodge ~~~~!:?. ........... ~ ... ,. \ -l'l••!or, w~flt Jlo:lt wtlll., CCTO 1211 --.. '69 FORD ~ti~~~'!.~0·~ .... ~ ~·.. ..... s157 7 ~: ·_ ... _: '69 Toyota :.~; ;::·· '"" .... ~, .. " • _;' I 69 vw ... ~~: ·-.. , .. "'"" ,,., ~, $1277 WJ IRllYE OUI DOWN PAY~EHT AMII TERMS AIE THrlEST AVAICAlll IF YOU CAii DO RI IEI.. ,SHOW USI ··~ * *r ~·* == • . II ----'--' ....... .fir' ---. '· /1 ,. .}... ' .. -... ~· ---·-...... ·-·--I '' l"''~ -•, J.l!'V'-1,l;..... •l.11~ .... -. -...... ' ' . .-.-... .--... _,_, '.,,..,. ---.. -~~---' '1"'111."··---......... ~------'lo)~.~·:-.·. ~;~ _: ··~ . ..lR:--·· ... • .. ---. .~-..-. I i l l I WMMSd~, Juli 21, 1971 DAILY PILOT jJ NO ONE OFF.ERS MORE!-i THE REAL ESTATERS No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 In hrvk._..,.,. an4 aflw the w t.. 61 tr.I,_, .. , .. ,..,1. In S offlc" •• f.J~w thrv-{ .• 111 Adv•rtl1ln,_.com,lete cenr•1• tf rM Hlli'o MrArM~4ay. - TWO YEARS NEW! o~·ner1 !Ql!)-Your gain w ith this ~au~iiulJy .•!.,. polnlf'd ''Palrnno" h111n" 111 lillrbur VIPV.' Hill.~, \nC'Atrd nn R sp11cious cnl'nrr lot tyou own !he landi. Thr <111nrr~ 1'f'll!lv ""'lll "11.ll-nul'' in up-gradini;:~ Lovrly 4 U.•droOn1, dining rnom + fan1- lly roo1n 11·ith \.\'f'l bar. A Vrry Sprf'illl hnm!"' ~nr \·ery lpt't·ial /'l'O!)lc. Call !01· an 11p1J01nlm(n! 1v1 th Chl'ltm. 64.6-7171. 1rs NEW IN COSTA MESA 4 bedrnon1 .. 1 hath honlr th11t look~ likP a mndr_I. A dhubiP firrplll<'f' op<•us !"both 1:onvi>1·satinn pi t 11nd !11m ilv rnoni. GJ111nnrou!I i;:ardrn scrv1rr kilchrn 11·(1h S<'lf·c·\r1u1ini;:-n1·,.n, srpsri:.t" d inin11; rnnm 1valk·in f'lnsr1.~ iu lllA~lf'r ~uilc & t\1·n nthPr bP.drr;nm.~. ~'1·0111,·n11rl;11rrl 111\h lush land,<capint:. Quirt rul-rle-s1t1· s1r,.rt. l'rk:e ~38.950. Call no»•' for sho\\·ing 5'16-2:11.1. . ' .. ' . -. • f\ !,-.. -... _ MESA VERDE'S . !':; j 'i "FAMOUS REPUBLIC" (;nri:r••us (•ot111 1ry-~lylf' h••lllP nn !I. huii:r Int. Like thP ~rr11t nu t-nf-dr><>!'~ but nrrd city convPnienc· t'S ~ SPe this one. 84'.l·25:15 NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW S1J.'lrious hnn1r, v1r11• n f Nrv.J"ll'I, R;i y a 11d llrf'An, Lari::r l1vinc. ron1n \1i1h R11 ·in ~hrlvrs ~ s 1n1·11 i;". fnrn1Al dinin~ hrl'Akf11~1 Rr<'a: !lut:" 11ps111.1rs fRmilv rnnn1 i Ba r. All with Virv.· Ono> nf-i:i -k1nd c11~t nTn hnmr. !.ovrly hrirk patin ~hn"·n by a p· pointn1rnt, :f;72.500. 6·16·7171 PRIVACY FOR EVERYONE The children have their bedrooms and fam· ily roon1 on one level. Mom and !lad's mas- ter bedroom suite on another. There are decks and terraces to enhance indoor-out- donr enlertaining and best of all for Dad -his 01,.vn office AND a very special cock- tail lounge. Lots and lots of house for $65,000. Call no"' for a n appointment to see. 673-8550. CUTE LITTLE CHARMER $16,900 Excellenl east side lnratinn. Cozy i-h ake r oof. 50x150 level lot. Fenced-Redecorat- ed -A surprisine value for 11 neat 1 bed· room. Call 646-7171 . NATURE LOV~RS MESA VERDE -$27,500 Hn\.\' n1any h1>111<'s dn ~011 supp•w.e 1hrre 11 re In f.·1P!>a \'rrd" unrlrr $2!':,:100~ \Ve count .1 and th!! 11k•f>s t of thr 3 bv far I~ !I••!> littlr !>hArp1r . 3 Rrd· rnnnu:, 2 haths. f,11111AI 1li111ng, ]l(•ul SllCd yard 11nd 10 ~~ Duwn. Fnr d<'t1t1Ls -!i/J.s:,~){). CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX 2 . 2 R<'rlrnn111 ho11~f'S 111 OllP n f nur h"St south- of-Thr-hij:h\.\'ilY !ncali•1ns. Exerllrnl income, 11 n'1 can hr ~r<'n aln1ost 1111ytin1c. :145,950. Call 673-85:ltl. HONEYMOON COTTAGE SOUTH-OF· THE-HIGHWAY HOY.' about thi!i in Corona del Mar: A sharp 2 bedroom 2 bath home only a short \Valk 10 the beach. A surpri,sing value at only 542.!">00. For appointment to see call 673-8550 today. BLUFl'S CONDOMINIUM 1'ired of being a pe rpetual \veekend gar· dener & handyman? 'l'hen enjoy your \1•eek· ends v. ith f;:unily & friends and forget ali aboul il. \·Ve have found a three bedroom home in 'J'he Rluffs \\•here everything is done for you . even a con1 munity pool where you can sv1im & ~un and entertain your friends. ..o\11 yours for $43.500. Call 673-8550. BEAUTIFUL POOL IN NEWPORT BEACH ' • •• I r, ' I • I ,t ,1, . • • MEREDITH GARDENS J_,;irj!P BPdroom 11nd bflth 011 firs! floor. Thrr' hrdrl)nms 11nd l hR ths on Sl'<"Ollit flnnr. PIUlPlll'rl [Ami!y ronm, formal dinin.: room, thrr r ('Rr i;:a- nn:r ;ind a l-,.1-nrr ln1. 01\·ru'r tran~fPrrPd tn the !>'l1d-\Vr~t. Priff'rt 11.t $4~.;-ioo. 646-7111 • ; ' .. • • 1, ON THE BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT Br;oi.utifully rrdri·orAtM:i, :1 IArC.P hf'dronn1~ .. 1 1~ hi:.lh!>, ti\'in£ roon1, fnrm11l rlin1111: rnnm. hrr11kfA,\l ronrn 11 ]sri;:e J>unny k ilrhrn nn thr hAy, plus 11. prnprr study \l'ith firrplfl<'f' & 1vr!bAr. All 1h1.~ coup!rd 1vi !h off s trret i;:urst p11rk1nJ:, !lllflCI? for 11 !'v.·imminc pool 11nd a J11rr.;P privA lr p11tio, mRkl! thi!> thr mnst P.~ritinf! nffrr\ni;: nf !hf' y!"'ar for only Sl64,000. C11!1 673-8550 for detAils. CLEAN DUPLEX Two separate units -1 bedroom. 1 bath and 2 bedroom. 1 bath. Walking distance to aJJ Corona del Mar. Well maintained, low maintenance. $42,500 -Call 673-8550 to see. DON'T FENCE ME IN Wide open "paces & a feeling nf country livi ng and yet close enough to \.\'al k to the beach. Almost too good to be true that thi.~ large beautiful duplex can be yours for $71 ,000. Call 673·8550. IRVINE TERRACE A ciaintv 2 beciroon1. 2 bath high above th e bav -'r ree from noisf' and cooled by the ocean bree1.e -Dhl.·deta ched garage - 61 x 158 1ol -Room for boat & trailer. Just $49.500. Phone 673-8550. In I.II•• In th• Harbor A"a--1',...f po1tttv-l • Thia 11 where "The Ac.tlon 11." ( " 1•.. ._ ~~ :~. •-• . ' " ·-:· ' . --· MESA VERDE CAmhridi::r L~tfl!"~ l!on1r 4 BR -f'nrml\I dh;Jng -Lllrt:<' fflo1ily room pl11~ A 1·nn1!'rliblr dPn ICJP f\[r~a VP!'rl<' lnf'alinn. L.<!r>:<' 11<1t1n -f..asy c11 il' l11nd~f'flpinc. Add ition nff~1r<'<'1 r.mrking and muci'o tnnrr. A~sum" A $30,800 VA Juan. Priced a l ~36.500. 646-7171 EST A TE SIZE LOT IN NEWPORT , j l>i~hl n .. 11•11 l hP .<1 rrrt frn1n !!. hi.-: C'"mmi.ipil park Rnrl ·'"·im ch1b. This h<>;o.ullf1il home Is· Jc C'lllrrl nn fl q11i<'1 <'u l-dr·SA<' !>11'""1· l.nl!" nf cuator 1 brirk 1n ;oi. prnfes~ionAlly t11nd~rAp"rl frnnt ·f~8r•' :1 h.,drntJms. 'l ba1h.~. fam ily rnnm, fnrmAl dinin rnom, & gnurmPt kil chrn 11•i!h s<'lf-('!roaning ove· Wha1 more could you 11.sk for M2.800. Ca 673-&i50 . NORTHGATE-2 STORY . j I Choire \OC11li nn; Cnr11rr lot on fl quwt ~trrrt. L11x- utiou11 5 brdroorn, :\ 011111, fllrn1l.v rorun, s!"'paralf' dining 11.ri>a, 11nd 11 '1,nunn.-t kitehf'n, Loi h;oi.s room f oryourbnAI and 11·Aill'r11nd pool. Fanfi!.~tir land- 1rAped 11:rounds. If you havr I\ l~q:::e f1tmily ch i~ homP i~ t:rr11.t for th,. kids. r'l nly S42.500. CAii 546-2313 \"/ill love this duplex nestled in ,11 setting of towering trees & lush greenery. )'ou can look out any \\lindo1v and imagine your- self in the heart of a forest. Once in a life- t ime 1ve fin d a selling like lbis combined v.•l1h an opportunity fo r added income. Don't miss seeing this 3 bedroom plus guest and a I bedroom unit for $84,500. Cal l 673-8550. An outstanding new pool \vi th "'·hirlpool bath and huge patio and rlcck areas. Cloud soft deep pile carpets and eusto1n floor tiles through out. 'fhis near new ho n1e has 2 bedrooms, a den, formal dining r oom, eat in kitchen. ar.d a beautiful famil y room 1vit h fireplace. f'ome see 1vhy this hnn1e 1nade such a BIG SPLA Sll 1l'ith us. Fee land al ~46 .700. Call 673-8550. HURRY - , :->pit· II SpAn ! R<'a111ifully rl"t·oratN'I hnn1~·..t,1; · hu,er hnnu::: rnnm that C!)Ulrl hr COll \'f!rlrd t11. i:idditi(ln11.J hf'dronms. ~ bl nck tn P.lemenitJ ~t:hnnl. Call no11· in ~,.,. thi.~ 3 hPdrf)Om • 2 bf: beaut.v. $3.'l.950. Exc:Pllrnt ttrm~. Call 646-717 !I SAPIDITY! 1'hi~ r11~t nn1 hon1P in nnP nf N'"'l"'rl'i; f'ho11 ·ro<l lne11tinn.'\. :\ b1l1. hro<l rnnn1~. R lll r£P f11n1ily 11 d"· ligh!ful kitr hrn "'ith rAl1nc 11.r<>.<1. l.•1~h nP\I' ~h11c "AJ'f>l'lini:t -j ••11~ton1 rlrllJ)f'S thrunul. \'nu'll v.•anl to JP.I' 1 hi~ one ! $5H.900. fi46./l71 • (ti ~ ' .. -. COUNTRY ELEGANCE IN .MESA VERDE Be11.Utif11I H,.puhlic .~1111L·lr11r\ hnmf' cnmbinl's fnr- m&I l'l1'5:111Wf' 11nd f11mlly rnmfnrl in fll1iP.l ~,.!1 in11, of countr~• 11tmoi;phrrr v.·ilh muin1um priva cy. . Feature~ '5 bl'drQOms. lArg,.. !11mily room '11!th · brlck flrf'plart .+" wet bAr, f'nrm11! d ining rnnm. bup .muter 1ul!". Jo,•r\y il"lld s ha~ carPf"t1ni. Set. lt to apprecia.tf' ! f uJI pr icf' ~.500. Ph on« -· MS-231,3' SPLASH WATER ON WEST CLIFF From the la rge pool in this 3 Bedroom 2 Rath Harbor Highla nds . ('an you pi C'ture a lfi x 23 font n1aster bedroom with a 13 x 2:l foot mast('r bedroom with a marble fireplace', covered pool side patio. One block frorn lihrary. C'lnse lo schools \\icsl c·11ff shopping $35.950, 10rr do\vn. 646-7171 . ASSUME f1 t14 ' r-VHA loan, $4500 do"•n, payment ~172, <~ozy l\vo hedroom , charming cottage 1\1il.h a two rar garage, low maintenance yard on a quiel cul·de·sac. 540-2313. SAVE A MARRIAGE And buy a l uxuriou~ !l BR. 3 bath Me~a Verde Horne! A pool sized vard on a con- venient corner. The owner ·has purchased anolher home so help us help him. Home is reduced to $42.500. Ca ll 546·2313. PARK HUNTINGTON ASSUMABLE VA LOAN $6,000 DOWN Almo~t Til'W, ''Hel n1smao'' model features 4 bedrooms, 21/:i baths. large family room "'ilh brick firl'place. Employment reloca- tion to \Vas.hington. D.C. Necessitates sale quickly at less than n1arket val ue. See a new one priced al $40,490 -then compare with this home having improvements or $3 ,000 in value. Rare opportunity at $41,500 but hurry! Phone 546-2313. MEREDITH GARDENS $39,900 \\/hat a rare ('lt'porlun1ty to own a beauti· ful spllt·levcl home tn ex cellent. presti~e neighborhood! Features 3 bedrooms, 2 12 baths, huge \va!nut-pane!ed family room 11·it h pa!os vcrdes stone fireplace. Large formal dining-rooni.' i\ll th is on a 60 x 120 ft. !nt O\rncr \'cry an.xin11s to sell, so H urry~ For n1ore info, !'hone 546-2313. HOUSE OF LOURDES REDUCED TO $29,900 o .. vner says sell l h i.~ very neat, 4 bedroom 2 bath home no·,v! It's full y carpeted, with nice draperies, covered patio, brick fire- place, paneling I-shel•g in one bed- room. Bloc k wa l Is and rdllif to enjoy. Ex- istent loan is 51A ~f.l F mf'lind assumable . F or additional info, Phone 842-2535 or 546-23 I 3. OME MORE SALESMAN NEEDED [Aot u~ shnU! Jou hnw • Yn11 rAn r11.rn up •n ~o ~k • Profil ShArin; Plan e PrrsonAliZt'd Trfl lninr.: Prni::rA!J'I e Mnrr Salr~ Hr!p-N@ov.• Training-Ptoilram in Prn~ress Call Rondy McCardle 546-Zl 16 for Interview CHOOSE YOUR COLORS 1'his three bedroom and fam ily r oom cor- ner home in sought after Me.~a Verde i!I' about to be redecoraled insi de and out including nev.• carpets in the bedrooms. Act fa st and have your choice. $33,500 includ- ing \I/\..: f~l.4. terms. 546-2313 , BUILDER-SPECTACULAR SPECIAL Thi.c; ne"' listing ha:i; potential pl11s. plu~! On the property \\'e have l\\'O separ<tle houses that have been rented like al\1ays, but the lot n1~sures 10(1' hy 300 f1. rlrcr and is zoned n-4 anci t an hanrlle 10 11n1ts \\'ilhnut ~variance. The ~rade 1 .~ levrl ant1 the pri ce is right. at S3S,9."JO. ·rry ss.ooo down. 0\.\1ner anxious. 546-2313. OWNER TRANSFERRED -$2,800 DOWN - and assume a VA Joan on a 3 hedronm 2 bath home in North \osla Mesa. l·lome will be vacant July 15, brin~ all offers. Price $27,800. Call 546-23 I 3. CHARM PLUS Picture a countrv sized vard full of many lnrge shade tree.~. A big l2x24 cov ered cabana that offers a unique "'a~· In enter- tain. This !') bedroom Ba ck Bav home has the largest fam ily roo m ever. It allows .for mother·in·l aw quarters and/or :in office. Very versatile. One bedroom has a fire- pla ce and breakfasl balcony. lt is one o( a kind. $49,95-0 . Call 646-7171. EASTSIDE Ass umable 51;.. r;. 1.-0an. Sparkling clean 3 Br Home. 2 Baths. dining area, terrific kitchen . Pool sized yard with nice land- scaping. $27,900 -Call H6-2313. ., ASSUMABLE FHA 'lnly ~·11-iOO d111vn. 4 hi~ l:Jf'drn.,r11~. family roor t-l<>~a dP.I f\1 9.r ll f"a. \'<'ry ~har11 & clelln. Ownt mAy c11.rry small 2nd TD. Price only $.l..1,750 .. Ca ~46-2:\13. OWNER TIRED OF COMMUTING! 4 Bdr. 2 ztriry l formal d inlnr room plUr new!: df'COrited.'~lncludill1 1rren 1ha1 ca~ ~999. 841•2535 THE' REAL ESTATERS NEWPORT BEACH 1700 Newport Bl vd. COSTA MESA 2790 Harbor Blvd . HUNTINGTON BEACH 1793 I Beach Bl vd . • CORONA DEL MAR INVE~TMENTS 332 Morguerite 2784 Harbor Blvd .. Suite 201 I U.:.lli.Q Co1ta Mo•• -SI'!!-? -, _ _;:;:.:~. -_.'.,a_, ~0V~ _..:..-!,\.\ I ~;--::::..-.~--4', Ill.~~~-• •l ! 'J 'k_-• \ ,. -·1 r.: . /ft,,,;-·-~.li. 7, l~-fr.11?" -~-~z .. ?.~ .~."-···..,.~~ • "------... ~¥--23 lJ _ .. _ ...... ~-1..~-I\ ---·----------· • - • \ . . •• ff OAJLY PILDT Wtdnndl1. July 21, 1'11 DICI TUCY ly Chester Gould ill the corn lomi vs 1 7nousOl£tJm /r"f"CP 1 s :se.-crct ,?!,1 'r Vl:S.M)ST' LllUil.V n os IS ' N.l. 'll<A.,.. LEFT CO T>I! 1 Rl!\IOUITlON IST FEMllL• • • ' • TUMILIWEEDS NONSfNS~ E<H0 ... '1:>U ~T HA 1\!f. "1.U~S ... YOO .xJST11ilNK 10\J 00! '11'R 100 'IOUNGI AU. 'IOU GOT' IS A CA~ 0'1110.MMU! 'tOO'RE NOT O~D ENOO>ll 'f'AAVe 11iE lll.Ue91 US GllOWIJ- UPS HAVE 11i1' a!.UES!-Kl~S 6Hll1E MOPO.S! ~· . . . MUTI AND Jl!FF MUTT'S PLAYING IN IHE SYMPHONY ORCHEGTRA·-HES PRACTICING! f2~:::;;::::.1 FIGMENTS ••.• Tirof BRING THE EJtD AROUND A~ DOWN THRCO;H THB ux»> ... P\JU. TAUT. C<l'&RATULATICHS ! )'t(.I HAVE JUST rJE:D"rnt l<lN:7 a:' Ktcl'S;' .• , THE ec:MUNE. '· f; II " PLAIN JANE 7-21 .-' -• • ... ... ~· I DAIL y CROSSWORD ••• by R. A. POWER I ACROSS 1 C1b1ret1 & Did lht sam r )A P1lntlp1.1 ,:. LG'llt in Florrnt r ~2 tdiomallc vocabul1ry 4~ Rtmovt strings 45 OJlpo1rd 4& St t rigllt 4'1 O!Yino bird 50 Takt -· -·- Jump up: 15 A part taken by 1 ptrson ~' l io;ihtwr \ght wheel r d ' 2 WOf!!§ vthitlr: l"!o1m1I 17 Active ~5lirM l! A'crridrd: 2 words 20C.$Tplu' one hour 21 Ru'h of! 2l l1ckin111ense 24 GaJtd tarnrs\ly 26 E•poStS r•111grr1\rd c\1lms 21 Wr ll-<ulttvattd 11g lon JO Ch11111 W. - US p.1intrr 31 ln a srp.ar1tr pll tt 32 Stddtnff )6. Tranagre11lon of tt11glou5 I•• S7 Laullrrd1l1 and York Jl Epoeh 39 Pattfn•1 ltaMr of 1 r1m lly " JI • 51 Sr>uth Atr ican o! Dulth r xtrat!1on 5Z Pottablt lir tarm 55 Mrdlc lnt ustr: l words 58 Humblr bO lm!!~tlon· Sutfll bl Mrlod lous u\leran<:r bZ Openi11gs for entr~nct or e ~i\ b3 Bodlrs of wa ter M Detr st bS Discharge DOWN 1 Sult t \ ltw 2 Eltttrlcal unllJ: Abbr. ) Klrid of outllnt trfl Oil 1 1ur l1ce 4 Ma~r 1 mht1k1 5 l lbtratt : 2 words b Movrd In ~CW-Vt 7 Ettr rmily of ~11 ilX IS tll!OilJll ~sphere 8 At\Of --·- Wallach 9 US politlcal party: Abbr. 10 Th01oughf1 rts 11 Kind o! l~Hfit atlon 12 Stupid ptrjon: Slang Il Erpttll lioos l' Sacred book 22. Man's nickname 25 Ectt nlric In cond uct 2£, D11pness 27 Gr1ln spikes 21 Bteathe tonvul s1vt ly 211 Whtrr lrd ia is JO Gaspe: Penin!ul 1's _,". 7 ·21 '71 32 Ancient Grre\; region 33 Separate lrom a m~ln body 34 Goo ol love 35 C.al r111lar t11\T)' 37 Solidified ~rilm~I oils 40 Mr~ic.in tonstibulary 41 Fool ish •2 Norm 43 Conlrdrra.te soldier 45 Part of "to be" 4b Plunders 41 Tht vt1y best 48 Gr rtk letter 411 Gullrl 51 Swerved 53 Utill z1tlons 54 Colony of hurtts 511 Tr ei: 57 Haw1 iiu1 lrtt 5q Pouch 10 11 12 ll 16 i I I l l , r..~ --• PEANUTS MISS PEACH Bv Al Smith '1\1E CRASH ISNT AS BAD AS 114E WAITING IN SILENCE FOR 1'1ENEXT ONE .' By Dole Hale By Frank Baginski l CAN'T SEE HOW YOU CITY KIDS GAN BREATHE THE ~OTTEN, FILTHY AIR VOLi DO .. .' ir=l!~.;4,_;~~r•l!'r""'-~"~--'-'·"""==-~=--• .. " Ll'L ABNER SALLY BANANAS GORDO MOON MULLINS MY L.,ATE:ST PoEM5, l<A'{O··WILL '{Otl MAIL IHE:M iO MY PU,BLISHER, PLl',.\SE? ANIMAL CRACKERS M1LL"fUN$OF'EM !! TM.AR'S t-V WA'i TMROJGH 'EM!! By Al Capp By Charles Barsotti • I ' -~ .. 2;; ... •.• • _·. I '{oulR~ SLIPPIN'. sw1vn:· you LEFT1fi'ZIP OFF YER RETURN ADDRE'SS ! oo 4CXJ -.1.w"4s E>O AROUND EMBRACl~<O El.EPHAITTS 1' - By Gus Arriola By Ferd Johnson -rHEOY COM!" BACK FAST SNOUGH WITHOUT GOING • ~~'L"' 1: ~~.r D (, By Rol]ef' Bollen ' \ QUEENIE By Phil ln!erlandi 1 I --- "I gave at Fort Knox!" By Men DENNIS THE MENACE 1.11. -· .. LIKE QYSTI'~ OR CAVIAR, CITY Alli: 15 A CULTNATl'D TASTE'. :_..-- By John Mllet 0 . 17%1 ~I~ ... • " 11 I r ·-·-- . , I G G R·' '" "' C• Ge , . , , Wrd11tw!aJ, JulJ 21, 1971 DAILY PILOT <17 Everyone Hos Something Thot Someone Else Wonts DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Con Sell It, Find It, Trode It With o Wo nt Ad The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results I ........... I~! ,_,,,,,.. I~ l -...... I~! ,_,,... I~ I ...... ,,,,.. 11G~e;n;e;r;•;l;;;;;;;;;::;;;~G;e;n;o;r;a;l;;;;;;;;;::;;;~J1G;;o;n;o;ra;l;;;;;;;;;;::;;~G~o;n;o;r;a~I;;;;;;;;;::;;;~ I~ -~. "PHIVA'fE DIPPER" Large hP.ated pool for tons of suinmer fun. You'll like this 3 bedroon1, family room home \vilh all its carpeting. draperies, electric buil!·in kitcl!en . 2 baths and it's close to school and shopping. Jl as existing VA loan. Reduced to sell no\v, at $33,950. * LET"S I<'ALL IN LOVE 'Y-OU \VILL. v.iitb tlus extra sharp. almost ne\v split level 4 BR. :J U.A.. huge garne r1n, fan1ily rn1. 3 car ~ar, J..lon refrigeration, ankle deep sh;:ig lhruout, custom drps, fabu- lous drop lights. Profess. ldscpg & sprink- lers. Assun1e 7fn VA loan. Q\vner anxious! . S42,650. * EUHEKA!!! \VE FOUND IT. a 111:! block fron1-the-beach "TRIPLl!:X", has a 3 Bil, 2 BR. I BR unit. Lois of shag cnrpcting. new bu iltins and in top shape. 1'ER~l'1S ! ! Cet on the band \vagon for $76.950. * DO N'T BUY!!! Until you've checked out this darling split level 2 bcdroon1 , 11/i. bath horne \Vilh \v/w carpeting & bu il t-ins. C'LUBl·IOUSE. POOL 'vith its "NO C/\RE" privileges. /\ good buy at S23,800, * I NVEST. l)()N"T SPE NO Get tn•o for the nr1rc of one. in this ne\vly decorated Cdl\t our>LF,X. Separate units, 2 oversized garages, C"lnsc to ~hopping. So. o f the high\vay. Jl urry. they don't last :'It $51 ,750. * SACHIFICE If you "'ant. to IJuy but feel you don't have enougt1 cash. opportunity is knocking. I-Jere's a real fainily sized horne (3300 sq. ft.) 2 s tory, 5 super bedrins. 21 'I. ba. farnily rrn, forn1ed dining rn1 . 2 fireplace!-,. VAC/\NT and ready for 1n11ncdiatc occupancy. Lease/option · lo1v, lo\v do11 n. $43.9:>0. ~] ,lN1t•IM1£l•••ll REALTORS 8 1 1 644-7270 (F ormerly Delancy Real Estate) 2828 EAST CO AST HIGHWAY CO RONA DEL MAR, CALIF. General G•nera l * * * * * * PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT TAYLOR CO. WATERFRONT SPECIAL! $135,000 3 Linda Isle Drive Quality construct., ne\v 5 BR .. 4 1,~ ba. horne \v /waterfront liv. rn1. & din. rn·i. Oak panel- ed fa1nily r111. \\'/frplc. Mstr. HI\. \V /s1tti ng area & frplc. 5179.500 EXCLUSIVE BAY ISLAND !'harn1 & c1u1et aln1osphcre is a \veil kno,vn feature ot th is exclusive island \\'ith park & tennis rt. Older but livable hayfront hon1e \\ ith 5 bedroon1s. JJi cr & ~lip. For Complete Information On All Homes & Lots , Please Call: BILL GRUNDY , REALTO R NEW LOCATION "Our 26th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO,, Realtors 341 Bayside Or .. Suite l , N.B. 675-616 1 2111 ~an Joaquin Hills Road General ~."':" ........ ,.,.,~..-~~ SANDPOINTE Dramatic 4-betlroorri, 2 1 ~ barh 111·0 story stucro hon1e Jrl Orange Counry's 1nO!<t l'(lll· vr11 ie1u loc..it1on. Only onC' I y.:-ar old bul fully Rnd bcau!lful!y JallC!scaped. near st;hoo!s. pa.rks & p J a :! gt'OUtlds, 3 llllnUIC'S hJ] fl'f':C· "a.1-s, South Coast Plaza . Shag carpeung, f1r1'placc, $3\900, 01\'l'l('r sclluig prin- cipals only. ~j7.Jlll. NEWPORT CENTER 644-4910 G __ '_"_''_•_l~~~~~~[;G;;;;;~n~-·-r.•;l--~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;.l ~G-on;;;;;e•ra;I:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;; WANT ACTION ??? THIS IS IT! \\'E'HI:: SOLD OUT. BUSI· ,\ q t1ai1ty hon1(' you thoui;hl Nr:s_<.; H1\S BEEN SO TEP.-yot:'d ioevcr firltl • 1or·1c, :\!OST Ot' OUR • 4 Bedroorns 1.ISTINGS ARE NO\V IN • G;~nnllc playruon1 ES('l{O\\', 0\VNER -J:I/ •• lO'xlO' rov'd p.al!O VE . ..,"TOHS AHE i\10\llN(; e Forn1al dining ar(' • .i ~E~'ORE IN ·r E It"~ s T • ~·11't'p]aC(' RATES GO UP• CALL FOR e A11 f'lretr11· kqc·hc•n A t'f!EE APPflAJSAL . :\0 • \\'/\V eariJ(•L-.: 0111.IGATIONS. It' Y 0 U Only $".6,;'i()fl All U·!'m~ \\'A'.'\T A FAST SALE LET Pl10FESSIONALS, 17' /\ LONC T l:'llE EST,\BLJSll· ED OF"FICf:, REPRF.SF.,-.T YOU. A CALI. IS ,\LL YOU NEED TO DO. • COATS & WALLACE REALTORS • 962-4454 • ASSUME 6°/o VA LOAN \'C'ry t'lc1111 and sharp :1 bcd- 1uv111s. :l h,lths, l1rep!al't", 11 w 1 ·;1rJ)<~1:>. n1·<1P1-'"· bu1l1- 1n k1t1·hr11. 'ovrrf'(I patio, ~1w1n\..1t•rs f1'0nl ll.ll(l rear f':t: s.r.-0:1 <1011 n ·rut al pay. 1111'1tls $19S. f)('r rnon1h. ln1· nu•d 1;1!p flCl'UJIHU<'). COATS & . WALLACE REALTORS REPOSSESSIONS Sparkling cl!:'an horncs • .somt" ne1o1•ly pain1ed & carpeted. Z :1, 4 & 5 bdrn1s. Son1r \~·1th ?Mls. FllA-VA conv. 1ern1s, I ~1!1!1111!11!111!11!11!!1!!!!!1!!!!!'!:,,l.~-O:'.!pe:.:n:_:E~v:•:n~;n:s~•:._~ lrom S2D,OOO to :S·I0.000. I I COLLINS S.· \VA'rr s INC. -S46-4141-- (0pen Evenings) 8S4:{ Ad11ms Avr. 962-::..Z,23 1~ ~--"'Ii LIVE ON A HILL 1 120· ON THE GorgNJU.s l.~O 1icgTc1• Vt{'\\, I WATER 1-IOUSE ~tunl.ing? \V;1teh OPEN l!OUSE column. General l'ORE\l [ OL ~O~ "' NEAlf;OR S OPEN 7 D1\\'S A \VEEK 1 ACRE RANCH COLONIAL 4 +DEN + 4 BA "HORSES" WALK TO LAKE BACK BAY AREA tJnbc.lic.vable! Quiet tree Jinrd SL to !his g-ori:::c· 011:. "tJld \.\'Orld 1·harm· er." 4 n1assivc bcdroo111s + hui:;c pnnrlcd fan1i!y 1·00111! 25' pictUl'C' 11·in· d o1v in li vihg-rnon1 1vitl1 uniqu,. fircplac••. l~1ri:.:,... 2;,o sq. ft. d 1·ram kitrh. c11. \\'all of :;las~ orwn~ \<:> rlrl'atcd patio 1vi lh SJWclacular l'ic111. Zon<'d for horsr~. Truly a ~ho11· pl(IC"r. Grr;tt arrn f•lr children. i\lust sell quick. DI AL 645-0303 "SPANISH" Reduced to Sell QUICK VArA~T" n:ink \\:J!J I .. rt [11st ~··11 ;; I>•!! hrf!. t<lOll1~. E'\l!ll Hll'(!t· fnlrl· 11,v """ln ~11:11 p <ind rl•·an :~ )"'Ill' o!d horn" -==--"' ---BEAT THIS ONE I 4 UNITS -$17 ,500 I N•'W l·arpet1ng thr1u)ul, I $99,500 Largest yard 111 l'.:11stl.Jluff.1 /11 i;;ccluc!e11 Balboa C{)Vf'~. J\11 fht.~, \!o'J!h •I illrgr bed-Pirt· .r. d<w:k, roo111 for tj()' rooms and formal dir11ng. hc111.1 . '1 B<'droom~. 3 bath.·<. S~9.SOO. Call 5-!,',.8424 lope11 l .ovt•!y South pat111. 0 1'C!"?i1zr ews.~ gara1:•'. Lois of parking. \out~,. ~ oast 1-'rf' land, Q11ntr RrlXiOU!'., I No ~-·k" • II i;; 1rur .~· thl'y arr nu! !>hark~ \~1d lrl·l----$-21-,6-00~-- <Vill<' Low· n1a 1nr. \)\\'111'1' •1 111 hf'l ]l f1nan1·r /\o ,.,,. ... 1nf'11's hf'n'. \l.'h<1 I Pl.w 1·an I ~Y -1t1s1 hurry. Call,l71J1 962·5~~'i;',. fORL'l [ OLSON ... ( . 11 l' A J. TORS J91.~I Brooklnn-;;1 A•·e. ll111111ngton Bcat·h -~SUMMER IS HERE!! I i\tirl YOll'I! •'llJOy it 1110!'•' h1 !111.~ I !Jf'dl'oorn hunir 11 11 11 n 1•11: 111n1lly 1'00111 & s1·para1e d1n1ng r().1111, Th1•r1··s a IM· 110 and nicrly l.1ndsrdp<'1l 3 Bdrm + Den '',\lnvc in'' 1'<1r«l111011, prin1f' ![)(:auon. cn1ry h,11!, sriac· ioa$ n)o1n~ 1hruou1. f 1 n ~ quali1y hu1l1-1n r angr + ov· f'fl + dl.~h11 11sh('T. ovrn;iz~·d k1lrh"11, pnrk l1kP y;1nl, hrk., nprn Ii! !l p.111. :,1().)7'.?!l TARBELL 2955 Harbor VIEW LOT WESTSIDE BLUFFS I l(kt•:ln ,(. ;\h111nrn111:.I Q11u•I !'ill·d!'·.-Wll' li1H'<'I. $1ti.~..00. "/lo·r111•. Roy McC.a,.dle Realtor J..,lfl Nr11'P"lrl A!vd., C ,\! . 548-7729 833-0700 644-2430 -a-Eastern Charm Fo1· 1110.~f' u.~("(! iv hu"ge bed· r<~ulls, k11ch('11s, and spaf'f' 1~·111'<'•'11 n('ii;hhor,~. Perreel r,,,. l11r larg-p rnr111ly. 5 bt·d· r'"'Jl\s, -I ha1!1.•. hrrakfasl 1'•1111 ;111d d11111111; J'OIJlll IUHI Tl'~.IS !>-01'.f' ~Wl1111lllll).: pool , 'i !>-1111·), ll11rO.w ll1ghlands 11r,.11. B1•11 rr 1akr a !Wk •!Ulo'k S(;;,,~,()() • COLE~&CO .• llt-l IU(ll P1oo .. 11t-•u1 WOW! vard for ourlloor f'lll<'rta111-I•----.... -...,_,... __ ·+Iii.:! ~'or rlad. a 1?;arHgr 11 11h V,\(A;o.;OF.S Lost mone.v! 1•11:-"' "'Ira ~r.1r.i1;•• ,.,.h .. R('nl your hou~t'. 11pt . :-;lore ·l s~·1 -;,i ("JI 6-tti--171 bldg: .• <'I C'. lhru a Da lly Pilot I) n.~ t11•,1roo.Jn1s aiirl 1lf'n 111' ·" ·•· ·' 1· .a ' Cl;is.-ified ad $'100 1o1tal 1t1111•n 10 \'l'IS \:R'. THE REAL ~ . Fi~T~t~.~ G;neral 1111111'" )"U in, l~•t'tr l)lt10. VETS No Down to You " R E Instant Cash Instant Sale Cull••l:r 1'a1k r.1n<"h ~lyl1·. ,, 1'1'.1 1 l\IUll"f di S'.?l!.:.oo. \\.111. I•) r1,,i•ry1h1ll)!, 011 111·r t ·,11 1Hl-l\.,) l••1wn "'''~•. ft'.a HIRll AGI ~ 1w 1nu1 General General UNl()Uf. tif)Mf.S 11.••I E1l•f•, b7!i-bOOO, 1-143 E. Co••* H iqhw•y Coton• d.I M.r, C.tifo,ni• HUS INllSS IS GREAT HEI GHT'S HOUSE F'ormerly $38.500. nO\V $34.950. And it's sup- per! Sunny 3 bedroom Condorr,inium just :;teps to the pool \\'ilh plenty of greenbelt and all on one floor. Ne\v shag in spacious living room. l·iard·lo·find bargain in hard lo find location. It's only $34.950. CAMEO CLEAN This home is so clean it's sterile! Almost antiseptic! Nice big lot. huge brick fireplace tha t covers one \\'all of the Jiving room. dct Piso tile entry and lots of storage . Pop in this one -it Just n11 ght ligbt your rire. $46.500. BLUFFS BARGAIN Brand new construction, 3 bedrooms, 2 balhs.- 3 car garage and 127' lot. Cute shingle and shutters on the front and big ol d tree in the back. Don't n1i ss this one, it's something unique -if you are! Open Sat. & Sun. l to 5 at 511 'rustin Ave .• Ne\\1port lletghts. UNl()Uf. tif)Mf.S 11.••I E1I•!•, b1S-b000, 1 ~4 1 £. Co••I Hoq~w •y, Coro11• d.I M•r, C•lifo•~i• "l2b2~ General BAYFRONT REDUCED! Mesa del Mar 4 81.'dl'OOm, 2 balh, 1o1·11h hugr pit" shal)('rl 1ul, Sh11rp ;:ind 1·tran, and O\\'r1er r.•11rly 10 niovr !1110 nPI\.' 1'101111• Name yot1r lf'r11t- $33,500 SHERWOOD FOREST H.ob1ntv>od pla1·.-1s a qWol't ln'.'('-hned 1.'Ul-11 ... sac tn f.AST COSTA i\th:SA. Your 1·hlldl't"n n111.y play .a!e!.y 1>rKi walk lo exceUent so.·huols. You Will appt'\.'C'1ale lf1L' l1nr l'llodel 1101111• conch· oon: alm0i>t Brand-New. Quality shag farpf'\s and drdperiPs by G<ifn'n f'um· 1shin~/ Relax 1n YoUr 1<1~ '\ 19 farniiy room. l-.:8!4y catt" lands(·ap111g -spr1nk.lf'1~. l 'ulllf' se(' anti be charmed. Thrt:>e bedroorn~. I''• bath~. Only S3.~.500. owl1('r 1v!tt ht'1p J 1 nallC(". Evenings Call 61'1· 7003 BAY VIEW .Spectacular front r ow v If'\\' hon1e 1 n r;o.C"lu.~1\'r Dover Shorf's 4 Bedroom1<. l~i baths Incl. hug(' master iruil• 1o1i!h solariu1n }'onnal view dining rm. poolside kitchC'n with adjoining hrenkfast rm. r~'l'n a h11liard room! 114.1!.500 REALTOR:'\ SJNCE 1944 673-4400 SALE-LEASE or LEASE-OPTION B<'auh!u[ 1r1-k•vcl .-.>it'Cuhve I hon1e -only 9 n10ntlui old. IT SPARKLES~ 2'1 BatfL~. 4 bedroo111s L\1a s1.-r 1o1ilh ~··11ng 1001111, far111ly room, h1·i.:e <'ncJ0><rd. [,.nerd parlo,. \1kr yard. O"•ner TTanslerr- f'rl. Quick po:;.<;rssion pos.'>1- hlL. $~2.!fl(), Cali ~:r8424 (OJ>('ll f'vt.'S. I \outh,,. (~ oast BP<i utiruJ l:Wyshon''I bRyfron1 w/6 bdrn1s., ta rn . r1n. & d<"n. 6;r Trrracl' uvC'rlookin>: 1h1~ h!ml1ng fun. \Vfll 1'(111· s1tlrr yl'ly. lr•usC" (h11r~rs h;11·1• /JU l'1·l13Sl'd l'IHX:h iO \\1J/ :<at'flflC(', $J:J9,.iOQ. --10% DOWN Nowporl I PAYMENT /111·ard winning ''UnrvC'rSlty" •t n11xlC'I, u1 a pi esl!glOUs arm Coldwell, Banker ~ 833-0700 644-243Q ruon1~. 2 halh~ l\••lu•r n"w ,f, unly $•12.~• CORBIN- 1har1 Fairview 6-46-8811 (anytim•l of University Pk. J BR .• FA!\T. rn1., sep. din. rn1. Gn•ar brick palio: lovely greenbelt locahon. $47,500, 644-2430 I '!l!"ll!lll!"ll!"ll!lll!"ll!"ll!"ll!"ll!"lllf!llJ!!!ll•llJ!!!lll!lll!"ll!"ll!"ll!"ll~ ! I ('a r p•' 1 '> 11 ncl rl r11 fl''" 1 Tl· 1General General 1!.111(lt:·d , (' .. 1n1d"trly lunrl. ~1·n1•1·d, ll111:r • J1u::r nil f••TJl'<'d i11 yarrl. l~~i~tirH.: (;~,·. lu;1n f'111 hi• ;is. .~\lfll"d '1·ith 1011· dolll'n. A)~n -r ~r,..ll,..,111 n•fi · 11f•n•·111 ;::-Rl'Ailnlil<' l.l11n'! llL•I:\,\ L B11: ; h<"dr1).>IH r un• h ~11 Ir ('l\ar111rr. J"ht'11il,1' rr-~11)\, !>h~k,• 1..-..-,f. trrn1r11dn11.• In· 1a11011 l l11ny, barg;un pl It:· • ••d ;JJ $'!7.\)(1. NO LONG f SCROW JUST IMAGINE MARTIN REALTORS 644-7662 C:i II ror "Hornf'll ~·or l.1v111g" i\f11gaz1ne (;>;a 11unally Di:<rtributf'd) On Ill<." hillsidr -lmmaculole :1 l){>(iroom \\'llh heated a.n<l hltcivd pooi, fnn1ily room with fi rep!11c1•. CIJV('l'Cd pa1 10 111nh \Vet har and 11iew df"Ck . Priee of $~.~-11'ldudes Ian<!. * Block To Ocean * 'l Hdrrn. on H-2 l(•I $32.000 . You 011·n !hr l:ind Builders Attention fl.2 Nrwport Bl'ao·h c'<ITJH'r lol. l Blk to ot•1•nn. I i<>o.1'.l rf'n1al a!'f'a. $2S.OOO LOVE IS DIAL 645-0303 ('all :1·111·11.ol ((lp<'n ,,,,.~1. 8•~i"d ;" IJA~"'fl"h OK. w. pfly .11 CD\h . Ju1I ¥Ou• f8 or •quily 1n ce•h -14 ~ ... C2'I 847 -8507 C fo•m •rl~ e,.,h.,.,, Re•lt~l $24,950 s:l l.\YlO. :~ Rf{. J'. 13/\, h.:•• h;u·k~ard, lru11 !t~'1'S, Ian· L l~!11• 1;:t4 a-.~11111111111.' V,\, y,,u ....... 11·1 111·h""" 111,. 1M"~ [ 5 Bdrm s *P11 tl i Wa lker, Riiy.* Den + F.,mily Room 1017 ('.~n1 111"\". [ •. 1\. Primr lfX'atwn llugr !un11ly I ll~> 7ill-:W10 r111. ln1ill-1n rani:P + ovrn, BAY i BEACJ.I REALTY 1~ S TEPS TO BEACH Call: 613·3663 ;,.111.:t.H2 f-:~·rs associated ( :n•o•n rnll1n1:; 1:111 n~. h1k1' 1r11 il<>. 1rn111s 1·01.U'ls. a C'O!ll·J 1r11on1ty p.lOl. and no ~ani \l'u1i( Couplrd 111!h 1h1s li1•<HHllul, 1mm.1rulutr 3 BU horu1• 111 lhr Rluffs and nnly SU.:lf() 673-8.'iil. f ORISf E OL~O~ !llil flf'ach lllvri, IJ 13. !71 4f -812·1~1~ --------* 39 UNITS* lnrl'<'d air hea111"' u1111, 1111- tur:.1 11•'10!.I C"<1h1nr1~. firr· p1ac1>, brl ., OJW'n 'Iii 9 pm. .>10-1720 l Sly. A-frame. lmmac. rond AC(;t:1i.., lo l)00!1<, ten. ni~. 3 RR. 2 balh~. $33.900 CAYWOOD REAL TY 6.'UJ6 \V, Coast H wy., N.B. S48-1290 PETE BARRETT REALTY 642-5200 BROKERs-REALTORS 202§ W. klboo 67l·l66J General '" RFA lrO R S 2299 lfarbor, Costa 1'.1C'S3 General An11hr1n1. ti X Gros~. I-BR's, S'.!7:J,000 • ~:n.~y Trr111<o: l'yn1rnid Exchani:or~ P..<"ollors 67:l-MOO , General TARBELL 2955 Harbor /I good \vanl inl'eslment General ad I! a good ~~--The fast~~t draw 1n The \Vest . . R DRily filot Classl!ied Ad. 612--5678 General IT'S Beacb hou~e time. Big· Rest ~eclion ever! See tM DAILY PILOT Cla..s.sif\ecl section now! General NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ~ .WALKER & LEE, INC, Fountain Valley Offic11 lrookhur1t •cro•• from Llnbrook H•rdw1re 968-3371 Open 'Iii 9:00 P.M. POOL ~AD 123,900 Al rno~c 11nhf<lif'vAblr htil ln1r fnr thi,; :'I SR llQOI hnrnr. n ic; Int. b11: pnol. l111lall l•l'lf't', "n1all ~147 n10. p~1~mrnt11 11h('n bough! ~uhjr1'1 1[1 ''"l~lini.: 6',. VA Loan. Anyo n<' ran qualify so t'llll lndny Jor ll 1-"l'f'< HOtJ:-;E!' BEACH COTTAGE $21 ,000 f'ql\ 1,1·11·f' Cu1r k !>lln1·11 Fun 1iv1n~ ol the hl'ar h i\o do11 n v<·U. S3'10 do11 n r1 IA. Cal! 11i<lay. SWIM POOL F'1n1 l11'1t1i; for thr rnth··· f1u11l l~ Rrnnt1f11l hrA!l'd k filti•rri't ponl un xt1;1 ll"•'P 1 .. 1, 'l't11rr 111ni:si1" Alf~. ~1~ hl'ltll~ 11ln~ t111i;f' ""]'n1111r 11 .. 1111 ... 1i ... rn .inrl 1111 !hr nu•drrn <'xt rn ~. Ruy 1;11hjr•·t 1<• 1l1e.·,1,',, 1<n1 'l l•>ll 11 $8~1 )•A}'i; d11\\'f1 111nt Ir tlu-.i:· ..il'"..cLlE1S '34~ t i'-~l/r'---) I , ''If·~'"" _..,_ ~·V) ""J • Huntington 07682 Ed inger Beach Office Open Evening• DANCE UNDER THE STARS 842-4455 S40-S140 .. n thr d··rk 11f 11ii~ 1·ryslnl l"'°l 11nd losdrd \\."ith rx1ras, Ar'-!- 011 drn, m"{lr 1·11 kiJ.-hrn, /lrrplncl'. d1sh\\'a shrr and tfl•'<ff', Ass11mr lo1v t;uv'L loan nr U:.l' yvur VA LI' Fl-IA righ1i;;, $.Ji,j()Q \olii.I. COOL OCEAN BREm 11cld~ hrn1·1·nly ('omfor1 to U1 I!! i;;pollrss 4 Oedr01\m l)t'll11ly, Brldr's k1!chrn. c11~!on1 drnpC'"I l.r carprls thro11s.:hou! !Ju· llf•hC'vobl,. S'J.5,!)j() Bnd 11nly S 195 1t('r month. Don't mill.'-th l~ one. EXECUTIVE MOVED OUT Tlrf'CI 11f n1ak1nir p.11}n1rnti; on 1Rcan1 h"ll"" 11nd ."A}'" ".ll 'ST ~El .I.," 11\1 offrr~ r111f)lll'lllZl'd .$ '11('1'~17."rl bl'rll'('°'•ffi:I. fArndy r1111111, fnnnl'll din1nr. rOl)1n. 11nd S pnn1~h rltrpls1•r. $35,000 or l:H•11I off1•r. 2 STORY STEAL f'1tnl11~t1r• h11r:;:n 1n Ill nnly $'lf>,50(Y \Vhi1·h lnt•l1!rll'.~ 4 hugr ht·tl rr 101n~. l;'i '< :lO (Rlllil,1 l'"(>lll. f•irmnl it\n1n~ room. 'J. lin!h~. rlll'J'of'I~ &-dr11 11r~ th1•11.,11l plu~ nvrr 1800 s1i. 11 N•• nllsp1 ln1 or n11~tn kr, T1 ndr yours. Costa Mesa Office 2790 Harbor Blvd. , Days 545-9491 Nights 545-0465 FANTASTIC POOL fltld ~·00 "l f l. Hr•1·r1•HUon Hurnpu~ Hoom \1'i1h l111i::1· h.uilt·ln llf'l h11r nn/1 pHnl tnhlr, rna~r ll11s a hornr fnr r1:~.I !111~~1ly rn· j(J}'fficr1r. A~lrl •1 hf'<'lr•"'lms. 'l bn!hs. hrnnd nr11 ~line \V_l\V 1·nrJlf"11ni;: ond <'Sl<:tlni: GI u ,an 11.nyonr <'lln As~umr suh;C'ct to ·1 1.;,•1 annunl prrrrnla"r rlllC'. B<'ltl'!' sr<" lhl!I on•• tuday. ~1 in. ',f s:um du\\ n rrq1,1i1'rd. MESA VERDE HEAVY 1\·i 1h 11 lli;h! prlrr you rnn't rr:oiii:tl. f'rofe!lsionAlly dr..-oratrd f11·1' l'H:'dr1"•m rno11sron "'ilh 2 'h OO•h~. l)f'{o11 1>ilC' ''she~" ('l\r· f"'lill!.: "1rh i:ori.;1 •011.~ ma!<'h1ng dra111·s. ldel\l k llchl'n 1tr- r11ni::•'n1rn1 \\'llh "fl1rmAt d1n111g T'oum." llu~r PRIO~ V.rrdf' Slotl(' fil'f'1ilru·1• Thi~ h•1n1r I~ 1mm111·ul11tf' In rvery d1•!111I It "'111111 h1• n 11l•·11,1Jlf' I•• ~hQ11• 11 lo yo11. ;'\rnr t\t r ... 11 Vrrdr ("1111n1 1·y Club A!>~urnr 1hr prrsrnl hll'rl \\'ilh _1.our do,~·n PAY· 111,•nl. Call - COLLEGE PARK BEAUTY 111!h s,.11n 1nt1• 11101hrr-1n·la\1' riu11rt,.r~ in !hr 1·rar :l hu~r h"l11nurr1~ 11p f1'••nt 1o1!1rrr it r'o11nt.c. \1'i1h ;H'J>11rRlr fR1n11y f'•Hll)I, 'J. l;l'l'fll /llf'l)lllf•('<; fnr 1ho~r <"hilly f'\'I'~. ~pR!'f'·~All'r kd('li"n •••i!h 11ll rhr t rhnm !ni.:~ lh•i!" 1:11n11•r fnr Onil "·ith I.it ... nf Ps!1A !!pll1·1• On" h•·dro.,n1 unit in rrnr hn,; ils 0"·11 1-A !11·11 1 nnd l•ll1f'I' hrRl•'I'. \Vhnl ft ~!·!·lJI•! CALL N11wport Beach Office -646-7711 2043 Westcllff Or. at Irvine Open Evenings DO YOU HAYE 5 MEMBERS IN YOUI FAMILY7 Jr so, "'" f'Rn 11rll y1111 thi11. ~1·ra! 1 lll'droon1 hon\P o n the "N ~:\V" F.H.A. P roKram for ju~l $100.00 as dol''n rmymt'nt . This humr is rf'arly In (lf'r11p~-. "'Ith carprt ~. fl rapf'."!4, 2 lu.xu r· io11~ llRlh!I. f ull Jll'lcr i!I $'.l:i,900. Call us no111 -\\lr'll §how ~·ou the-house Rnd explain lhl' µrogrRn1. OCEANFRONT Trl11Jr;c -,1F'/JF'/3, form11ol dining, baths 4/4/2. f ircplAC6, CRrp('1.~ & drapes. 2300 liQ. !t./2JOO sq. ft./1300 SQ. !ti . 3 storh·~. CORONA DEL MAI Oupll'x~ south o r hll{hway. $42.250. 1\\·n 111r;mratr buildinl.?ll •• llh a 2 ftnd :'I lwdrQnm 11 pt. built in, elosrd W1rnRf'!l and al.so a firr1•lll C'!'-A \V&L Ex~lu~ivf'. CLIFF DRIVE fll't1111'1h1Jly lnnd~ar"'d NN.'f'Orl !lr1~ht' f'hBrn1f'r \\Ith ! hf"drflfrn1,; tind' plPnty of cn7.y comrr•rl. This i~ R rnust ~l'C' for- you 1'1-!I fl. Cliscr!mln::ite buyer. Pricf'd for sl'ltin~ 111 $44,500! J+ ACRES H"orn to rMm. 1..nrl!;I' 4 lx>dr0<)m horn.-:i:i tuntrd on lhi!I r11.nch \\'Ith roorn for k1rls, dnj!'s. t1nd hor.~ri;. 0 1\•nrr 1vi l1 f inanct: al 7•;;, 8llnuaJ pcrct'ntage ratt'. A must at $97.500! • -· - • ' I I '.l'f'.:t.r ..J •• OA.lllf PILOT Wtd"tM:iay, July 21, )q71 Wtdnr~;1y1 July 21, }q71 PJLOT·ADVER'TISEA: 17 I~ I _ .. w. I~! -h< .. l~I ---1~1 -··--I~ I -.. ...... I~ I ~!:~" I~ l~_r~~_'" __,!~ ~~~I General ALL PURPOSE RECREATION ROOM -EASl'SIDE L"'OST A M £.S,\ lo- cation ... active fa1111ly i1dl.l1- ti0n. You'll "njoy the 17' :< 22' higti beam ceiling Fan1. Rm. \\'ith l!'l(firt'C'I ltgh!lllj.(, built 111 sewui,-: cen!Cr arhl many other ex tras .. 4.t.ld 10 (hi$ a tJir~ .Bdnn. l ~ Bath ~ w/ltreplu.ee and dC· tached Dbl. garage w/allt'Y access. Centrally JocalL'\l kitchen • sc1"\'lce p0N:·J1 Va- cant ... in1me<hate posses· 11ion. Prict>d lo :o;eli at on1y $29.950. Macnab-Irvine Ht>ally Co1npany ON A CLEAR DAY _ , • yoo can ~ torewr. Charming California Ranch honlt• 1-\ 1~. J nn. -Flt - !orma1 DH ~ heavy shalw rl)O'f • F<'e Sin1Ple, Otfert'tl •t $79,:-m. LARGE VIEW LOT DOVER SHORES Sanuago -fronts on Galaxy. Terms. $'.&i,00)_ LUXURY & VALUE fi1"11• (i_1ns!J"U(·tlon • luxury &. <'Ollllorl are blended in othis ·1 Bil -t-iJi -pool home w/a \ 1t•w of w111er -~ n\ounta1ns. /\ spactous atrium lends at- n1o:;phe re & tlex1biH1y in this exciting home for you .~ your possf'SSiorts. $10'2,500. Macnab-Irvine Evenings Call 5411-3165 4 BDRM--::-2 BATH-~64 .. 2 ... s .. 2.35 ............ 6 .. 7"'5-"'32"'1"'0 $12,795 Built On Your Land -13·13 sq. ft. li\'in;; an•a -Ali lat h & plaster -Hardwood cabinets -8realdrua bar -Pullman baths -Spacious \vardrobf's JUST $9.53 SQ. FT. Planning-~ign-financing "1400 Homes & Apartments built since '57"' CALL 537-0380 10006 \\'estminster Ave, C.G. OPEN SUN JO to 4 · EASTSIDE C.M. 2 HOMES ON LOT A t\-'al buy \l'ho 11·an1.~ Hdd~·d incoine ... live in une and le1 the otht'r he'lp n1akr the pay- ments. Spotless J bedroo1n, 1% bath hon1e + 2 bedroom, l bath. These al'l'" c:'lean units and ready m mov(• in. /\ good lnvt"S1menl., P.S./roon1 for garden. Lachenmyer Realto r OPEN 7 DAYS \l/EF:K 1$00 Ne\\'JlOM Blvd .. t .\T, &£..392.'l E•·r.~. tilfi-:-i&-19 ONCE IN A LIFETIME You find a real lixcr-uppi•r, 2 "blocks lrorn •It)(' oe('an «llrl priced 1o "SCI\. Yn11 do H1t· painting & <·lea.ning :ind save ~housands. Largf' '.J bedroom 2 bath!i 1v/bu1!1i11s, -tll.'1(' g11r. l1r..-pla<'f' & Jo\1• 1nalntenance landscapin~. Choire Ne1vport \oca11nn with coinplete priva{'y, Pric- ~lld-~only - ' • $26,500 Cati 546·5'S80. Oren evr~. * • JOHN DESPOT • 18541 Santa Tomas• Fountain Vall•y Y vu are the winner of 2 Hckels to the Sou!hland Home & Garden Show at ·rhc- ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER J uly 30-Aug. 8 Plrase <:all 642-5678. e:i.:i. 314 bctv.'('Cn 9 and 1 pn1 lO claim your ticlrets. (North County loll-free 11umber is ~10-1220) * • * $36,900 5 Bdrm + Den Huge Family Rm Pi·llne lix'a lion. 'J'ransferrrd ownl•r. :t story elegance, 1wtn~ 1 hroui;hOut. Luxurious room s + closel.!i, large \\'all 10 11·all carpeting in ail ki rch1•n, bkr, open Iii 9 pm. ~1 11).1120. TARBELL 2955 Harbor *DOVER SHORES* VIEW & POOL Y OU OWN THE LAND Polyne~1an lx>auty. 4 Bdrms. 3 na ·~. H1i::11 op1•11 lJean1s: .~111111 in a w:.irn1 <"MCI. pool. (11' -:;I p a enolcr 1l'alcl11ng 1hl' 11·:11rr & listl'runi:: lo 1ht• 111- :;1ill' fu un!a111 of 1he J1sh pond. UrfeJ'('(J 81 !96,000. MORGAN REAL TY 673-6642 675-6459 UNBELIEVABLE J Redroo1n 2 IJ11th, 2 .!ilory. Nu11· Vac~n l, ,'(Jn1 Corstll t.11-~a luc11tlon. Builtins anrl all f'Xlras. Full pric<' S21.9.'i0. llurr.v .,n rhL~ onr. Call :il(}-lLil 10pc11 f'Vf'S.I llERJ- 'l',\(;E f-l.eal Est;.re. * * * * * • ELEGANT • 9 ~~~;:: 1-~~~~-;:=:;::=:==:'' I ·1 Bedroon1 ll:1yt·res1 home $29 750 1\llh f\lrn1a l d1111ng rm. & t lovcly lan11!y rn1, \\'1th \\"el I lwr. /I delight ~o show! As sume 5l/,o/o. Loan Arnold & Freud '4 •Bdrm +family Rm .. , ,. , • . __ R:nr h\'ini;: room 11·1th 1nll\>· •1 .~ 1· .. I 1lh, ( '.11, r.~~.77,1:> ll1vf' handsomr J1r1•pl:1cr. Balboa Peninsula · large l'nlry haJI. 11in1n:,: Coronai del M.r REDUCED TO SELL Fountain Vall.y lrviM lrvlne Lido Isl• Acreage for tal9 150 Busln•11 Reduced $2,500! .Sx118 ti . corner, moden1 2 BR. den, DO YOU HAVE 5 m•mb9r1 M * BAYFRONT * 20 ACRE prod~c1ng oni.1J&~ Opportunity 200 VANOERBIL T Large hontt> on 50 It., Lido grove, Riverside. Frontage * THE PROOF IS 3 Bd l '' b , I No1'\I. Lge. d in. rn1, 1o.•/lpl.. on Van Buren &. Cle\'cland. IN THE PUDDING * rm.s., i :.i as., ge. J'b BR I c--• ,,-!or -ail-r -•k <- J k 'tch th I racy, study • .i • P US '-""' u;; "" ~-,........ ,. DJ.5."TfiJBUTORS!llPS ap· oftice 2 baths PLUS your family?? LOWE-ST PRIC ED am. rn1., 1 . OD e "d' "· & _,1 '"" •,·,,1,,·""· 00 ma•'" ,,·way · fl & th 1n1u s . ....,.e. pier ""'p. .,,,...... " Poinlt>d by the leader. NEW-~~~·~ re~:at co~p~=[~ $200.000. to J\tarch Field. Priced at PORT L'ffERNATIONAL, J-bdri'n . apt. Drive by I! llO, we can 1e1! you Hris 4 Bdrm., 1amily rm. on 621-Larlaipur ~~at : .. ~rooin home on the the market, in Univer- • ~-----~ law•-r> JI&. Sll.000 per ac, W r It e can cxpe-ct lucrali11e earn--with Roman tub & .-1UVJV>"'u _, Charles Martin· , 810 No. · ll'IP' while \\'orklng only • and give us a call T>.'E\ f .Ji.A. Prognn1 Jor . P k 2 U • ity R lty just $100 oo u down ""Y-s1ty ar . lh Baths, n1v•r t •• · .... . 3001 E. Cst. Hwy. 673-6510 n1ent. This ho~ Is ready to bltns., 2 frplcs. (I Jn MAR o ccu py, with carpets, mstr. bdr1n.) ONLY shower & beaut. view aeotco. Main St, River.iide. 92501 1 "-" k ru1· ' k d 3416 Via Lido 675-4:£2 ew uvurs per wee re 1ng CORONA DEL dr1.~. i luxurlOUs batM. HOME & APT. FIJll pf.iCl' ;, sn.900. Call us $30,500. Call u s today 15 tuc e away up-·:.:.:_.:=-==---=-"'-=I 5 A "-· $3050 }'/P AUTOMATIC MERO""· Stal.rs "far from the .,... c, C•"'-"P at · ........ ~ M•1• V•rd• \\'/terms. Handy to ~w 6000 DISERS with n a I ion ally madding crowd: Up-0 ac multi Jake re cre'tl known •·puootNG & graded hag Carpl'g BY WNER: 3br-2 ba, lam 5 · rni, 2 frpl c, h!tns, new preserve. Bkl". 6'14-4610. :FRUIT CUP'" Snacks, and All for $45,950. c pt / d P 8 • lnc.:d ynl. 10 AC. ranch site. NO collecting the money boxes. l 1c. choo8e rrom. Lrg -i BR now • We 'll imow you the to see it!! tri-levli 001ne + 1 BR apt. houSI' and rxpla1n the pro- LOOKING . . . • Assun1alllt' ':i~.'lo Loan. DOWN. Respon faniily just What an l'"asy way 10 mMI'" FOR EXTRAS? $29,900. 613-5809. til.ke over $25 per nio, n1oney~ If you are reliable, 10% dn. $63.500. gram, PERRON REAL TY co. w I k & L &1~1111 a er ee DECORATOR'S HOME 1790 l-laM>or Blvd. at Adana 3 Bdrm .. 2 1/~ ba. l O\VO-Not 1· n c I u de d else-N porl •-h pyrnnts. 968-IXH7 have a good car, and can - ---------·I •w 1n1ac: ·~~=~~----=·I imn1ediately invest •llM,()O 5-13 ~ {"\,~n 'ti! 9 PM h A' d t I ' Th' 4 bdr ' 2 .. -MR. EXECUTIVE -·. .._,.,., ouse 1r-con ., ins r. \Ii iere . lS m. -----------BEAlIT l/t acre mobile 10 $2lOO.OO, you may hr Costa M•1• \VI'" have the hO~ for you. Huntington Beach bdrm., w /adjoi.n. 2nd illdividual home is not $19,950 IS THE PRICE home sltes. Tn.>e!I & view. selectedtojoioyoursucceiis -" be ·rui, be~ l 1. M only located in lovely Jor 1his Vl:'ry lovely 3 bed-$5950. Terms. Call owner at tram. n~~ us a not• show-Big auu aull woom --s ory COV. pa 10. any 2 -~ • · n 1 · ·i1 UNIVERSITY PARK. room, :t bath hornt>. The -~1~3~16_14-_19_33_. ______ 1 log your 6incere-interest, holne wit uxunous -. ' FIXER UPPER expensive extras incl. 1 I h ' baths, suPt'r modern butlt· . . but is complete w /cov. oan is ug t>nough to you C•m•t•ry and v:e'll show ye».1 boW. in kitchen w1th Jotx or ex· 4 BR + in sales price of $32,· patios, elec. ga te s ' can assume with pay1ne11 ts Lot1/Crypts 156 Send name, address, and tra.~. Plus a hug~ 11.dd-on 950. finest qual. carpeting, of $!60 per month, which in-phone number to: Newport gamP room and frt11nd up 2 Saith Areai5 \V/dyed to match !iv-elude$ all, Modero builL·ins, 4 Adjoining lots, Harbor Rest International Distributing wet bar included, with lots $23,750 ing rm. couches. Wall-dc-ep pile carpets, also Memorial Park, C.M. In Company Dept. No. 21.lA NEW ON MARKET etl •arden & j,erfecl n1atching dra~. Double ga-probate. D!srount. 542--0632. 3700 Ne\vport Bl vd.: o( dairing room. Selli:r T\\'l n sired bdrma. while ,.., · ........... CALL ---J ~ Ea I ·" o Full d d d1'v1·s1·011 of a U)l & rage ro """"'· · Commercial Nrwport Bench, Calif. 92660_. ~~,,,.,..e •• ~ s a1,.. n1 v-brick rirepl, YORI\tAL DIN-y Jn scp ., very W lk & L ing. Subm 1 '1 1 ,yourddm,hn riay-ING area. NE\V paint out-priv. 3 bdrn1 . home in family areas. a er ee Property 158 BETTY CROCKER ment or e a tra e oll$CS. · B B · b CAU. side, --Q in :i.ck yard, Broadmoor Turt le AWARD WINNING 2790 Jlarbor Blvd. al Adams INVESTMENTS Wal. ker & Lee ';;;:;;1 1:~~~ ~;~s 1~~~ Rock Localed just 1;.i Plan 4. in Turt~ Rock, 5-f5.-9·191 open ·1i1 9 PM lluy Ior 2ZlD-2 buyers -blk. from major parks Broadmoor, 4 BR. 21h: 1 =BA~Y=c=R~E~ST=". ~Js~•-'-w~r-,k-'-,-, I l d , I ba., for the very spe· matkl'!. lnimac 4 BR fl BR 2'7'00 llarbor Blvd. at Adams o\v. ow own paymeru. \V pools. tennis cts., · f 44 0 }• 11 · $" 750 c 11 cial price o $ .75 a s1ud101 2\~ Im, Fam rm. ~5-04€5 Open 'til 9 PI\1 u price ~, • · 8 full recreation faci.li-UD! G •r J 0 d • . 847-12Zl JNCL N 1 E Din rn1, S<'p brkfst rm, 1111 ul1tan rng loc•t1on SEYMOUR REALTY lies. Priced at $35,950. LAND. rm \Y/hi-beam celling, 4 br, 2 ba, lge ki'.chen/dl~'g 1n41 Beach Blvd., Htgn Bch decorator drps, slab Jar area, Jrplc. bnck pa1.10, Open "ti! 9 PM boal, lovely yard, \Vlndwatd ._,,,, .Jl¥l" a~sum. oa11. \VITI-I ••MAJOR" TENANTS-LEASEBACKS OFFICE COMMERCIAL & APT BLD'GS W. R . DUBOIS, INC. (R.E. Brokers) 833-94·t:i Condominiums for 1al• 160 trees, l'OmeT houst" w/s1de ·~~~~~~~~'!!!!•II ASSOCIATES ' -°""'' "" I ya.rd for boat or 1railer .. 2 FANTASTIC POOL Lorraine Nevens $59,500. 646-2027. minutes to major shop g 8 _ _. r;m ,q. ft. Recreation =~--------·IT 0 W N ll 0 USE in _Hi::: rt f ~ jl\J ...,, J ohn Peckham AEAUTJFUL Ne wport, Beach Harbour ... 3 br + sep din cei er. re<'WllYS, sc s. Rumpus Room with huge E · Q hon1e, 3 br, 2 ba. tam rm, 50 acre park . $31,500. b .11 . 1 •• -• 1 ta lo1se Mc uown .1 bl rm or den, 21.3 ba .. $.-18.000. 546-3006 ui -tn we ""r a .... poo • "SINCE 1946" Toni Escobar uu rni. tns, 2 frplcs, Shown by appl on I y. · hie, make this a home for lst \Vestem Bank Bldg. K r Lo f ll cov'c patio. copper plum-816-9526 * SHARP~SHARP * real ramlly -""""en!. Add a ie ng e ow biog, .. -•,~""' .. ,.,,. Nr 1 ,.:.c:..::::::..=----~~ W "-I . .. •• J"_,... Univ,..rsity Park Ed Peterson "'"' •o•v" .. I p ucrl' e se can yOU find J 4 bedrootru, 2 bath!, brand Dey• 833-0101 Nights shop'g. sch.ls, park, library l -n~c~o~m;.;.•.;.,.r_o~p~e:.:;r~IY:.__1~66:.:; BR., 2 ba's, den .+ family new "shag" W/W ca.rpetingl .... '!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!~'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!~'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!~'!!!!~'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!• & tennis courts. Asking •COSTA J\IESA rm. for !$30,0CKl. and existing GI Lo.an any· I:' . -'-''-'·-500~. -"'-'--2686==~---IBamboo Village 12-2 BR Call Us one can assume subject to Huntington B•ach Laguna Beach ON BEAUTIFUL BAY Garden 1-lousC's all 1\'fatt. To S••I 1~,o/o annual pereentagr g•r.ges & polio~. o ... BOYD REAL TY ralf'. &otter see this onr SPANISH BOY Charming ilnmobile mohile ~ ,, home 2 BR, 2 BA, den, fire-valuable 112>;201. 1 blk Bank 3629 E. Coast Hwy., CdM today. Min. or S:Jool dov:n MINI-MANSION ITS BIG pl, gardt>n rm, p\'t bch, slip of America, 2 mi. ocean. NEEDS NOW re9P011sible n1en and \\'omen to serviCI' auton1a.tf'd BETTY CROCKER PU DDIN G routrs. Ciln start part or full time 5-10 hours per week. ,Company ('5tabli8h t s business !or distributors. NO SELJ.JNG Go fishing or spend more lime \\'ilh your favorite hob- by and let the machine age earn you money. Cash re- qulrcd: $1.~97. L!_i\l!TED OPPORTIJNITY 675-5930 required. 3000 sq. t1 . tri·li'vel exet'u-That's the besl description ,_;f 11vall . $27,500. I\, Anchorage Incon1e $1 ,940/nlO, Good * MESA VERDE * Wa Iker & Lee tive home 1vlth a pool. Four this dramatic Laguna Beach \Vay. N.B. Ow nC"r 675-1718 1erms. Gall Page 01vner. 5-1:> I '"'"''"'•""'"'•""'"'~•'"''"'"'' 4 br, 2 ba on corner lot w/ , bedroom, a fa1nily roon1, homr. Unique, 1.:ontcmpor. or 642-1~29. Bernard St, C.M. 646-4130. MRS. IRENE mature trees &r. 1hrubs. 2190 Jfarbor'Blvd, at Adams plus a huge basement rum-ary design \Vj exterior of -.~N~E-W_P_O_R_T_B_E_A_C_H-I (3) 2 BR/1 BA HOMES BURMEISTER \\'rite. now for mol'e lh· forn1ation. Pudding division 49 P.O. Box 2-lB51. Log An- geles, Ca 9002·1. Give tl"IC- phone 11un1bcr. Ne\\1y crptd & painted. 545-0165 Open 'tiJ ~ _PI\1 pus room. Its pric:ed for a POST & BEAMS STUCCO, 3 BEDRM, 2 Bath family COMPLETELY Owner anxious. Will 3Elc be· • quick sale. Bkr. S.12-T;.olS & }:XTENSfVE . USf Ot' 'horn" in picturesque setting. REDONE l840I Pammy Ln low FHA appraisal. Terms Hidden Pool GLAS.~. I.owly ~tio for !'nter!ain-Nl'W crpts, new drps, new Huntington Beach avail._ $30.000. Call 545-5946 Home on Large s.r.>awling 4 BDRM. & DEN, ing or just rela.x.i~. $34.950. tile, iie1v lloor, new paint. You2 ~k~t: ~:i~~;:r ol or 545-4957. C Lo OR 5 BDRfo.IS. floor plan, Call 10 S«'. Exclusive Huge Jot. 2336 Elden Ave., ASSU:v!E my 6o/,; GI Joan. Orner t In built 01: P 0 0 I. SIZE AGENT 646--32'33. Cl'lt. SG0,000. Owner. Eves Southland Total pymnt incl taxes & in· Heart of GROUNDS. E.xlraordinary G-lG-S30Z Home & Garden $17 5001 liv. rnl., \\I / ANTJQUEfJ BAYSIDE Village. l .Br &1_...:..c:.:_=~~=~~-I Show sur $164. $6000 cash req 'd. M V d • • I 7 h Ne I d Id * NEW UNDER esa er • OPEN BEA'• 1 CE ILING." '" 'en, 3.· w Y erora e . • ~, ,1,_ 'fake sm 2nd. 5~8--40j6. lllO" 2 Bcdroon1s. L..argt> irregular " .~ "' " c HEAVY CROSS TIMBE!{S. 13eaul View of Back Bay, CONSTRUCTION -ANAHEIM SAVE $$$ bt;lore it'io. Ji;frd, 2 Nrar schools + shopping. lot, eJt.>Ctric bui:.ltin R/O. I Pvl l I P ! s.: J CONVENTION N I · On!:' \\'all ha.~ ill1\s..::1vE , . >t"llei ~ s ,. acuzz1. 10 UNIT APTS. hr house 011 lrg I 0 I. e.w carpets -interior garbage dr.>fJO!lal, FA ht, CONTEMPORARY FIRE· Boa1 !<lip i1v1nl. No rh1!drrn JO Dr!ux 2 BR/:l Ili\. 2332 CENTER .Easls1d1", $21,000. 2101 ~"'rsr pain!. A steal al $30.!KXI. rar""t.~. dra"''s, pl,.nty ol --.~ 1-1-l•r•m"d ~" •••CY C "" ,.. ..~ PLACE. PAJNTEDil1URi\L '"~ "~~· • '". "'"'"~'"' " !:;.den Ave .J\t Must see July 30.Aug. 8 Ave , 5-IS-.~378. Bkr. 842-2535 sloragt. ovi~rsi~ed doublr 1n1· \VALLS DEPICTJNC LAKE $2__.,9.)()_ 67J...499.1, S3S-~Sll6. 10 appi~iate! · $173,0IXI. Plea:>e call &J 2.5678, e.~. 314 • B'' OWNE.-•f{.•,, b•·. -" b,·,, 1•agt> i11nrlsn.1pecl, frni:Pd, 3 BJ{ J I 2,. BA · ('"· ..-... "·'" """' · CHAPi\LA & OLD MEXICO. , ;uni Y :rn1, i , in ,,_.·ni;or. c.v{'<); .,...,,..~ lwtween 9 a-• J pm ,_ ljt.Ul'l CUl"i.!c-.~ilC. \Valk !u '"' " .l6x32 pool, 350 ~q 11 cabana created by one of La?;Una's Thi' Bluffs.. Vic,i•, ~'Oil· 2 BR hse on lot to build. c!a1m your tickels. (North W/\1'rl b•r. rrf,-.g & '.'• b•. ~hopping, c •Ir t • k 1-· • C 1nost noted Ar!i~1s'. 1 1 .n o par , s ..... ppin;:-'"' $6000 ("fl~h &. tak(' over equi· ounty toll-free number is 11hag tl'Ptti. cus1om _ drps, SUPER SHARP I' Kitchen 11•/fatn . rn1 .. JIAS school~. By O\Vner. &l4-52i:i 1y S9:,00. Pynin!s $89 ino; 510-12'.!1)1 nl•W copper plumbing & '"-ALL SILT _ IN RANGE. a11er 6. rtnts for $\4:j nio. :-~10-5166 • in a n y m 0 r" cu ~ t 0 m A.s!luml' 6 10 VA loan. 3 Bed· .. _ ~~==~=,.,-=~-I ...'.:c"~~'.'. • r . i 38 :..00 546-l 1 40 room~ family room Jormal '62°'4471 ( 1._, J 54ft.1103 OVEN, D!SHWSHR., GARB. * EASTBLUio'V 5 BR * BY owner, 2 hous<'S. rorn<'r eaiures. 'E · S 'd · dining: Walk to gc~Js-a11dl----.5~5~0..,0~0,,..--•I DJSP. ETC. Center s!air· (8y ownerf 101. Oo11'n!o11·n H.B. $1500 No Down-ast 1 e Ii/lop$. 0 "'ell that leads to 2nd story. Luxurious <'X<'C homr fonnal ilown. S.300 income or live By owner. l br. 2 ba. Can Reaf. Estate by total down paymt. in· past \VALL OF GLASS Jj Dining rm, :l bo, frptc rf'nt free. 536--043.il evN;. ii(> ,;old w/nothing do\\·n to eluding closing cost Fl. J~IGll. One bdrm. Ila~ V.'ooded, .$A9I\1 firnt. &14--0530 l ·r P ll79/ 1900 M VAY "PEEi' • BOC" VfEIV Industrial Pro .. r!y 168 '· ymn~ mo. c to any qualified v•f-11 " " ' N\VPT HGTS-2 lge br, I ba, Orang!' AvP_ &t2-1657 $/:paridion fort·f>s sale of J 0~"11fF. OCl-~AN. This spat·-Jge kit & i:erv por("h, din FOR LEASF. 4800 sq fl. • CU'rE 3 br. :t lJ11., patio. BR, 2 Ba holllf', Ideal Joe.. ious home has been li~led r111. 1lbl gar. Xln! Joe. Carpeted ofcs, air cond, tile lge yard. Sm down or 54;).1)4:;8 893_8:)33 crpts, flrps, bl-tins, Hurry! for im mC'diate S.'Llc for. $29,500. Ownt>r 54R-432t. floors, nuoN"srent 1ites, kit. 2 as!!Ume $189/mo pymnt~. r-.1onthly pymts a bl. Si3~ per $36,950 FULL PRICE h sets of ha1hs. Beaut. bldg OFFER YOUR Newport Heig ts $24,()(X). By 0\1•nrr &46-8139. 3245 JDAHO n10. u1cl. ta~f's. for lite mfg. 1;~),1 Placentia • ,47-11531 e ON. PYMT. 4 BDRM. Ave N.B, &l:>-0770. 2 Br. large gar, fenced yd, close to schools&. shopping. LANE 'rHE Rf'a.l Estate J\-IART MISSION REAL TY $29,000 tll-1 ZONED CHtg Bch) 01- $16,000. 212 Cosla ~1esa St. ~fusl ht' sold ~ cnv. on!y Your Place 9.S.-) So. Coal"! J-lwy., Laguna Near Nrwport Heii:;hts Oil fil'<'', sloragc yard. l rlcal 64&-9136. $30,500. Submit on ('()nven-Phone (714) 49,..0731 quiet Pal1nf'r St. 4 BR .. :t fo\r con1rac1or 01·~ Income 1 BY O\•'ru·r _ -r.lESA DU 1jon11! financing. ~ Berl-Under the Sun ·CHARMER bii.. Swedish (rplc .. ent1y Sli\JOO yr. S;i2.;i00 F.P. Wtll J\fAR. Big 4 BR, f'/R, :2 Ba, room!, faJl"'l1ly -rl 1 n t n g Local"d al thr HUR of &.111th .. t Rlorks io J:x>ac-h: nr"t>an i,1·1do;r <'vrr fish p011d. l'f'\\'-1'011si.IPr f'Xrh11ngP for -••n 2 1,·r-pl•rr· 7 balh• c Ir I I ,·0 • '"-d ('red patio. Lar•~ R-2 l<i! la•'""'' ·,,,, .. ,,.,, .. , or ap•. nu sha,. Vrry 1 harp ! ··~-, '· · .,,., ·· {'rti a 1 orn a 1v g . ,,.. --..-b I " ,.,, " • " . k C I 1•1e11·, r.ntrr y a stonr pat l ,1 ;il!r.I ~,,,2-,69 "r .. 42_14 .. .-,. s:iz,;:,o. ;-..i~Yi270 quzc · possession. al f\lr. rourn. fin opportunity to l1nd thni ~·oi"Crt'd arch\\'ay 0r l BDRM _ ·~ ___ "_"_ ' TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS HOLLANO BUS. SALES "The Brok er \Vith Empathy" 1716 Orange Ave., C.i\I. 64;'>-4170; 5-10-000S anytime We need saJes people PARTNER L!GH'r J\1ANUF"1\CTURTNC Active \\'ith l!rf.(l Ca~h Unusual Oppor!unify 6-14-4971. AFF"ILIATE. Gel in on lhe lurracive {'nd of ma~hlr1e sale~. 14 start> <1rra, Active or ~ilcnt. !.lGl!-63&t_ '• ·:oom, 1hJtk hke·nt11· ''!!l'P''I I 4 BR, •IC'n, ~ha. Nr r{;Hijll('I ,~ 1ng. bu1l1·111s, p,1rk-hk(' )rtr'll. I ('1"" ._·~~Ir· nip l "!l '·"" 4 BH, 2 1111, cq)ls, d1-p~. /rplc. ·~11'!'0 ~"""'"a··'"""'· l 2~99· T . ARB. ELL 2955 Harb•r I :O.la1~11nll Hralty \;7:>-4600 ~(' /~m rn1 . $ . , ;;:i . llaJTIS -Sout h Coa~1 ReaJ. yo11r .~1111 111 rz~.:lll'J. VJ\/ brick & 1<hingl{'!';.. !li.gl.' 129,500 · Out of Stat• p~,-o-p-.~,~78- t<'.>r~. 54~8-124 (Open f'\Jrs. l FJl1\ or Convrn11onal. Bkr. l ',"akbded roof<'. stone hT'f'1 ~.nt:\'. i\'r11 llfll'f I lrights/CliHl1av<'n. $495 FULL PR ICE S·12-2j3.) rn15• ~ 1'(11\f 111011 · 1 " · \"F.NDt;o.;c Roure. good loca. lion. Nflnr n1•11· n111("hin('~. Sa!·rif1cr _ 0\1'nl"r, ~:\9-j49~ Business Wanted--210 " --;;:-----l ~:,~lf~:2~R~<l~._1~;,,~.1 ~O~ly~m~l"~'·c__ I $42 00 Corona del Mar · f h I ' nf':11· Cliff Dr. ht11'11t'!1 bl1ni;. Pi11" tl"("C covcrrd cabin ~11r 11Pw mo \1-at1'r <'n er " . 1 1 · 0 1 S''-T:i.I halh w lilt' rlr, 1·<r11)('t1ng, -a•l;\ltn!I~ national forest, ~·r'.;'" au· uiii!. n Y · ·'·1• I [\V llrs. aai•k )<al'd In~ 1<1 •U!h<'m Oregon. Le\'el. w/ llJ f·noiri.:h for ;iddillon:1J 11.!lil or r11,1r!. She.rt walk to 2 troul East Bluff Can bl' y\)\Jr nnly ~t if you 3 Bdrm. Home I 315 HE LIOTRO E • --E--·;.;~·c~1~.U~S~fV-E_A_G_E_N_T_S_.-I a"'-~ a Vet, \\'lth payn1enr.~ ()f 1 1 ~ Bath, cover«! pat1•1 1•,1r-, . P orrly $200 per month. l Bcd- pets, drapes, <1u1et $11~"1 :-.1111• rh 2 .~ . .'kn: '1-barh-;. Ill!-SALES .. LEASES rooms, sr-p.'l.Nlte laundry, 1-===s=P=A=N~l~S~H=== S23.~. TPrnis. 11 ov.-•n & ~Jn~··-.\ia ~~l\I" •. {:.i. hard\l'ood !loors. Full priCf' ~~ s1vim1•1ir1g pool l;;krs. Ow·11er 644-7912 .,./TOian ~ALL . (!) . o~•-2•14 Real Estate R oy Mccardle Reallor Jrwk !rpli-. :--<'rliHlf'<I palio, ffl -.,. i z.1.444. ELEGANCE! 548_7729 ' n·111;1I u111t •111 !his nice R-2 ..., • for d1scrin11nattni:: buyrr! 1810 Nr1vpoM Bl\'rl C ~t All I his pliis hlJg. plans rnr ,-1 ,•( .··•· i.'.i·.J3.,&i(' Real Estate by 1~'!!!!'!!!!!!'"'!"_..,._..,...,, 1 lol. So. ul J!11y_, J\lsl sto:p~ M VAY :)uper i>harp: ;1 BJrm, ran1- R,,:~,L ESTATE ~ "o"'E".':x,-ch_•_•,..••--.,...-1_s2 "V '-' l'nn('yrr :--t I l\.'fat Nt"P"'' Po •f t)ffi<"" Y un. ('1rulty tan do rnnrr• tW. to lht• bcac·h. \\'r"lJ be glad • r I c ily rin. 1111·111111! £v<;>ry1l11nK ,, BAYFRONT APTS. io i;how yo\I llu~. tiy app'I, -..,.__ cu 1)-upgraded' L.ow 11Hrrt•i;1 Vii;ta Del L1d11_ l'i"r f .Slip MORGAN REAL TY loan! avail. Fruin S31 .. 100. Sell 1ir 673-6642 675-6459 2·11~ Vi~ia ~I Oro S9.1-S5l1 ~1'15-0-1~ HAFFDAL REAL TY '"' NN:"'~'P'~'~J~B~e~•<~l~• _ _<'IM~-l~l3.l:l3_\====:;;:;;o:;:::;;:;~~====1 "'· -* 231 LARK SPUR * ~ 842-4.JO~ T;:vr : .>11-2448 •1!1·1 ·9-lj~\ ~.19-0316 '0-IAR,\i!NG ('IJ~!oni -J Br. '.! for )'{JU lhrough a 'l'f'll V.'OODS Cove. i\lodt•rn 2 BR s.1 . Shade !rre1<, lovt>ly 11 .. signPrl ,..~1·hangr. l'io area New. \\'alk rn beach. Q-..,·ner <'arprtirig ovrr hard\\'OOIL llnHtation. By apf'I!, ?-.lr. 1nusl sell. S:J:!,950. 49~37~7 l..i";. hrick fiJ'<'PL Brallil'd Steelr. 546---IH~. George Williamson 5 DR, 3 ba, 3-car '""'''· SOL VISTA rvr~ or wknds. 1ivingrm. \Von ny ches!nul DESERT prop xln! polcn1i11l Laguna Nigu•I -pa11clg. Delightful terrace in 5 acn.>.~ Vic1orville. fo.1t1s1 67"350 64'1564 •ve• Rraut. Cl'.ll"ll('r lot \\'/a sha.-o BY O\v111•r. 3 BR l-f un ling-1on ,,.... .r "' · 1· 001sranding I n 11 !! c p n fl , HO £ R •• ltor 2 hd rm. 111\is !gr. t:undy $75 000 0 cN>r M 8ont inent~1 t'Ondo w/sink · · ~·ner. 644-""°". d TOP 1----,~N~c-o E~---nu. 2 BnlhJ>. C.tl"I•· t.· El Toro .l Bedroom, 2 baths plu;; center. $1600 \\'n, .. - -M -drapes. Sl'CIUdl'd patio \\'/ large tam i!y room. Fire-1..:.008-~964-'-l~.-------HIGH ON A HILL PROPERTY BHQ. l..ols of pri\'acy. Dblr. 3 BR, Lakr F"orest, -4. mos plae\:. On tl.'ee lined cut-de-Irvin• SJ(X), moves )'OU 1n i.:flr'a~· vlus-e'l:tr11 guest Jl("\\'. Ctps. drps, elec ap-sac stref't in choice area. I-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Xlnt 4 Bdrm. 2 ba. hOme v.ith lo qual1lird bu~·f'r Jlill'k1ng. Only s;,1,500_ pl innct>~, henmf'd ceil ings. $:I0,000. All l<'r'nis. I• all ))llns, $39,950 SHERWOOD REALTY J MORGAN REALTY front yd in. beach club CoLLINS & \\'ATTS INC. Tastefully Dtcorat•d Laguna Niguel Realty i;C::;A;;L:;;L;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;::::;;;;S4;z0-;;;8;::5:,S5"-:6::::7,;3-;;;664:=2;;;;,::;:::;:;060:7;;;S.:::64::5:::9;_;;::'";::b;;~:::hsp·o:'::·"o:·o:"'~·;;'~Jt>.:;:;:9~24~l;;;;l 962-5523 Eves. S-12·0427 5 SR, 3 Ba. Sandpoi nte 8)0..5050 49~5791 I' CHOICE .•• two lov•ly Ilom~. Upgr11df'd carp. & L-~;d:o:..,:l:•l~•~---- pool hom•s, exc•llent flrlng., rx tensil'<' rus1on1 ,., $CG~dtl1A-~£trs· The Punle with the Built-In O R.ouoro;r• lenf'p at the IO<Jr M;rombled fwordl be- low to form lcwr l!mpl. word1. DEBKEC I ' I' I I I ar••s. 3 & 4 Bedrooml "'OOd paneling' dclightfW 912 Via Lido Soud $32,950, and 533,500_ rear patio, S·ll .500, Charming single-sty. l BR. 2 h ... home on 90 11. lot. U~ed !~:~m· loon o• •ub-~.· ... • red h·111 ~~'.:;,,. '"'"'· lg<. p•tio. LEADERSHIP R. E . • Tip of Lido l1le 142-4466 &. 968--6800 J~£,\l. TY 13!'9.UI. 4 BR., 5 Ba. ho1nc 2 CUTE • •, n•wly d•cor· Univ. Park Cen1cr. Irvine trplcs. 5(j h. \o,'aleT lrontage. ated 3 b.droom. 100/• call Anyt ime 833-0820 Room !or large boat slips. down. Vac:ent. All thl1 J!'!'!!!!~'!!!!!'!'!!!'!!!'!'!'!!• I Price $500.ooo: for $19,500. TURTLE ROCK 4 br, 3 ba, Biii Grundy, Rltr. LEADERSHIP R . E. fA m rm. c:ui;tom drpi;. l'rp!~. 341 Bayside-, NB 675·6161 842--4466 & 962·1 420 Nex1 1o park. View. lmn1ed *WATERFRONTS* <'asy upkeep garden/ 1,4 trade/~t>ll equity me<lical acre lot. 64&--1391 lllll.~ alt 3 673--1023. Santa An• R•el E1t•t• Wenttd 184 BY OV.'NER - hrd"·d lloor~. $1fi,!l00. 5-10-57fifi ' h' '" house 1--'""<-:::-:-'C:-:"'°=-- l o 1. * CASH BUYER * Sen Juan Capistrano Don't !!st your home, 11ell it to us. CASITAS CAPISTRANO Save time, save money, Little In name only! The~!' lmmed, firm off.er. Broker to"-'Tihouses have all the in-e LEADERSHIP Wt'dients ot modern living. INVESTMENTS e i\1odern kitchens \V ith bill·1n 842-4466 & 540-5336 RIO, !li~hwashers & lighted PVT, party wlll lease mod, 4 {'<'ilings. 2. 3 & 4 bedrooins, BR hon1r \\·/pool for a"'-2 ,r,, 2~v. baths. 2 car gar11gei1. or DcautHully kept grounds & prox. S300. mo. C.M., F .V .. I N.B. or H.B. 839-5746 aJt 5 poo '· F"ROM $26,500 pm. Call 493--11-Zt Rraltor J-IAVE bu)'er for i\tesa Ver<lr =s.-.-c=i~.-m-.-.-,~.-----1 home Jo approx $30,000. Principalz only. Bkr. Eves. 1138-6:1·11. \\'ANTED lo b11y !'sl~l>J1r.:hed garrlenin.1: rn1.11f': :'-.ti\;XJrt Beach. C()!;1 11 i\lrs.a. area. !°>!S-{i74l Money to Loan 240 1st TD Loan 7'JQ INTEREST 2nd TD Loan Tenn, based on equity. 642-21 71 $45-ll611 Serving Harbor area 2t yrs Settler Mortgage Co. · 116 E. 17th Strtoet Cash Fast! 1st & 2nd Trust D•9dt FREE APPRAISALS Co1ta M••• lnvestm•nt ~7711 anytim• LOANS! LOANS! LOANS! We give tM mosl Private <llgnlfied. Buy, trade, sen: Aw11.y trorn downtown area. 2426 Newport Blvd. Coast Pawnbroker 6424402 Money Went9d 150 "°"ANT $:i0.0IXI a.II or part in 2nd n1ortgage 1noney at J0'1r ovrr 111 yrs. No p!A. Superb C()Jlatcral, 968-1510, (213! EX 9--5.~95. SELLING poss..-s. 01•:11er. ~ 4 6, 5 0 0. 4 BR. 5 ba. 30xJOI w/pier & 2 ADJOINING <ielux lriplex· PVT p '""~ ::t:)3-3772. slip &. .<1andy beach .S19fl,!"JOO. es. all bltn,, Incl intercon1. i 1 ty. ·~ br. house, 1 ~--~~~----· I OFF LIDO alarm, \'Al.' S)''!t'mS. pvt poo, iuge yard. quirt st I I~ Logwn• B•ach shor1 d ,.. 1.~1. '213 "··-c I $199 = paUo~. elr" g11tes, Uplc, · nve '" v.;,., , ) .--rsfarRent -J."1re apprai1111J -\Vt buy · -11. Vacant ····· ·""" ' 691 '31" rD equities. P~l'501"1Al attenllon. 1----------Conrl\1 :! BR. 2 b11 . Pnol &. s;nr. door opem>ri;. Cll)Se to ~~·~~~~,,~~~~~~~ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;1 I HEGVI II -I I I I I ~t I HITIL I"! " YOUR HOME? • I I I I ~ Bo rlender'$ ob~ervotion· _ _ • _ 'Whe!'I o girl drinks like o tisk, I R A H H E T l al'!lo~t any old lin~ w ill --." I-· -;;...:.:.,r,-:;.,.::.,.:_.,.,-1. G Comi)letti .... c:hudtl. quot..:J I Is ,. I 11 bv Idling Ill lh• mi.i"(I' WOtdi _ _ _ R _ you devtlop !fOtfl 1o1ep No. 3 b.low & ftl.'IT riuM8fi[D l[TfERS 1 1. 1 111 T>if~[ .SOUAtES _e __ ~ft~·~--~:~:.~~!,""'~·-"-'_'_"_'J\_J\_J\_J\_J. I I I SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFIED 700 ;;::;::::·--:.:; •• :=:.")) T")j7,f ------" '::.!. -. r • .. _ .. 2-. Ocean View Home I I' oil !""""" bch & ~hp\I'., $7·100 dwn rvor ·'yrs, expc1;1enet". -.0111 '-1JI av . ::.:.y · '1"J.JVV ,.~ COLLINS & WATTS ~·or Mll" or lsr option. LIDO REAL TY INC. unl!. &l:Z...3100. I II • J HoUMS Furnished 300 96;.5.Ul Eveii:. 642--0427 3 RR, 2 ba. fir1•pl11ce, 3.177 V1a Litlo 6~7300 Univ•rsity P1rk . r'in•ncial . SUPER CONDO tJ11t11\<~i"~~:,;~c~-xi gar. TIME FOR '-;;;;;;;;;;;;::.;;; G•neral Larwin b1t. 2 BR., 2 BA, tam. ,. ... 2 8 ·, ~ ·,"l-''·"t K SH 4 Ar tu1o.·nhou~r . 2'J ha, 2 • rm. tomil din tTn Poflh "'' roa wn.y ""' ··~ QUIC CA lrplts. 11-1ndrl homl'. nany Busines1 11·hlte sh111: ~. A. rlf"ror· OWNJ·:n 5<\Cr ()('('Dll \'u THROUGH A r~lra~. Xlnt Io ca I \on . Opportunity e.tor'1 rltlight Assuine F1-IA o/y/o Al"I . 1 BR. pool. rte S36.eM 10';~ •In. 1~1112 Joe.n. \\'on'1 l1t.~1 ,.t S2'),90Q. rn1. l.-0 dn, t:z Inn~ DAILY PILOT L,{'11lhcr1o.oorl. C11 1J 4-,~3.111 ) *Liquor Lie. Orang• us At'0f'lt.TATED UHOK·lc4~99-~""~l.~-----WANT AD I for lltJJI! On s.1. $17,750 f.RS Rl!y UonllC'!'ly Rrnsh· t'or 1hA. ltc.111 unaC't $JO. 642 5678 1uru unu!'rrl !IC'nl~ ln!o qulrkl (food or cork111il~1 \Vln~lon, 200 FREEll Landlords-Own1r1 \Vr l\'11[ refrr ftnants to YoU l"REJ:: of charge. • ,Many dr,~irAhlt-!enantic on our l\'a.\111111: Ii.~!. ALA R•nf61s e 64.1-3900 I'll; Rllv ) Ph: 847·8'";.1)7., ~~22¢:"':':':'':":"~~P~l~""'.J"'r " I cash, ('all &12-~78 C,..,111'1'! 21~/272-4249 -. ,,..._..,, ·c -\1 ~~ _ '"r-"o -~-'<. -"!-' ~ -s:::..::_,-~-.. , .. ______ ~ ~I' l\f· .t, '*----; v.o.:li'lf'.t\ ~ .,.--.7".i,::Jar.l l l • 'JLOT ·ADVERTISER Wtdntsd.iJ, J1.1!1 21, 1971 W1dntMl•1 , Jul) 21, 1971 -1·-l~ I ---l ~ [ _ .. , ...... l~ I -:.~ . .,, I~ I--~·"'" .... I.• [ _ .......... ]l!J -. ....... _ ~~~ ~~~ _H_ou_ ... __ F_u_rn_l_•hod ___ 300_ HouMS Unfurn. 305 HoUHI Unfurn. 305 1 Townhou1• Unfurn. W Ap,.;..1-'_· _F_u_, .. ____ uo_IApt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unfum. 365 Apt. Unfum. ---.---:8:--~:--Huntington h•chc -'- 1 -M------1..;.. ______ _ GeMr•I Huntington ••""'' Cost• Mes• ;;;:;;;;;;;;;i;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;::;;;l_o_•_• __ •_•_• _____ ,l c•-o-•l~•.,,,Mo"='1~•~...,,~:::--N1wport S.ech __ _ B1lbol P9ninsula $3)..NfCELY turn, Bachelnr, MOST df'SLrable area on lilf' 2 Story-:> en. 21 ~ Ba, din LOV£l..Y 2 ~ly Townhow.<-, 4 L Q . ta H DELUXE ORLEANS APTS * St1p• to B••ch * rtt'l\'1!, rTIJi..: Utii pd, Tot po1n! .i2'~· t·1. 011 !ht bay rn1, 7 lrplcs. Nr schools. RR, 2 BA, ~o Motitirl"llo 3 Uln ermosa APARTMENTS • 2 Bit. 1 bit. bltrrs. Oi~an pet Qk, l\/Jlll'I' & f!OMI ful' ]~('. boat. Leau $37:ic/lno. 963-7298. S~·11n'g pool ,_ clubhoiu;r 0 \'II'.,.,', Aduh~ only, So pell. BEACON* '45-0111 !'par. usell brick tl'1'1' e 3 BR, l'1 & TnhM". Pool pr1v1I. ~/mo. Call Spanish Country Esta(• Liv-A ; \V ~V.~ILABL~ ADULTS ON!.\' \'rly SZ7.i. A1a1J. iio11~ l l l0-1..AGUNA BEAC'll Z Br Coft!lge. Frplr. tncd yrd. Stove. BEACON * 645-0lll e BF.LIEVE! Cozy bon)I', rncd yrd, l'pl~. rlrp!, child & µrt ok. Uul pd. $SJ. ALA Rentals e 645.3900 11lt111lc<l "1nu11l'1 ~ & 11·rrs & 1'-"C. Hrookhurst A. Adan1~. S:U..2200. ing &. Spacwu.1 Att... Tcr-ir Ont.I • rp ~·s • l ll'Ull· ! & 3 llR. AviUl. Pnvatr pa-* ~ " o\ • :i BR. den: eXll'06ivrly raced pool : sun~en qa.s BBQ 1ulng Pooli'i • Ht'!alth Spa • tlu, µuol .1nd1v. laundry lac, l'f'n\od. & decor., w/n\Od. $l!IO mo. S45-0:'i6i Unbelievable Llvlna -Only ·renn111 Cris ·Game & Bil· tN1 Urange Co. A1rp0r1; 1·ull-3 Hf: :! ti,,. bhn~_ Chilrh"t'n ~tt:REDJTl l Garck'n.s, braul. l l I Br uni $1S'furn $175 liard R<x-m. un a• J7th St, .,,._ \\"c1>h.:h!ll. Y.l'lt'l'.lrne S::OO Yearly •. \vad· ~hulte1·s. Summ<'l'houM" in 4 Br. 211 ba. U-ase uimentaforft.nt 2 Br unf $17S furn $210 J & 2 BEDROO.\l C 11','73' ""J ' ' kiL, qua!. carp .. drapes & Ap ~ ..,... abl 011' pe!io <-'Ollld h,. of('.. hobby Allll<'y Realty .642-:1.~.·..o -ALL UTIL INCLUDED F'RO.\! Sl•IO !71! Tus11n. Co11!a ;\lr:sa a . .,.,., l'l-~Z~ t.:ves. rm. or 4th Bfl. _Begin ning Irvine SJ)f'cial 3onus; a allver. MEDITERRANEAN :\1;.;1·. ll!t'S. Thonipson&l2··1f"! Aui::. :.!nd, Sl.000 per mo .. Apts. Furn. 360 plate-..! 1.:andle snuffer t1 VILLAG E y l'ly. JsC',, jnel gardrner 8:, yours ll you brlng thl.a 11.d LRt,; 1 ,t Z HH. kpts. Lndry 0,0 03= :: BR. 2. Ba . alrium .•.. S32:-. ' ·1 od I "100 Jlarbo~ Bl"d C '' waler. 01\'net 114: ~ ""-G I \, .:"n )'OU VISJ our m es. • ' ~ ' ·· · r1" & POOL. Close to slol"i'~ associated BROKERS-REALTORS 2025 W Balboa 61J·J66l DAILY PILOT 49 Apts., Furn. or Unfum. Coata.M.1• -------.'l.\.\AZING Adult L I v I n I Beaut. I & 2 BR furn or unt Apti'i. ::iclr clean. ovtns, 0 1\V fin "J. BrJ d111pl!, sha& tpu;. drps, Jacuu1 lo: MUlll bil.lh~. llt1i;:e pool. Merrim•c: Woods 425 ."1t'ITLmac \Vay. C.M. Huntington Beach ON BEACH! e BUDGET BOOSTER-1 Br. N1· btach. K1<ls &: prl! ok. $12j. 3 BR. 21,, ba. fan1 rrn •• t12:i enera 4 blk S 1 <-0. ,, 1illl :l:i7-~U1J s .. o -" iego n11y I. CX:C ~·l'Olll $"13:> to $1;).j. l-=c==-cc=::::;:;:;:;:= I 3 BR. 21~ b;i, lam rn1 •• $".l"..O on Beach, J blk W. on lloll f.ENTAL OF'f!CC Ask abouL d1~cuun1. 111-lti Nt~\V A?TS 3 Bf?. 2 ba. bonus rn1 •• $:Jj() Rent Beauliful Fumihire to 162\l ParkSirle Lane QpJ-;N JO A .. \·l TO 6 P .\I Pl.-ic.'f'riri;i, r,i .. r. /\iii, I!, PARK NEWPORT l Br From $2'17 ALA Rentals e 645-3900 LOS ALTOS J Br, dtn & pool. Nrw cpt & flrps. NO PE:-rs. "14 7 P1•1nceton Dr. :146-:12•10 "'kdays or &1£..-683,;i 1n1f's or I• kncls. J BR. 2 baths, bonu!'i roo111 for as little as 17111 8,7 J.l~l 1---F"A=IR=w=A~Y. C:\I Gl6-8.J6I... APARTMENTS 2 Bit t·ron1 UC? S:\7:i furn .... $12.:J Unfui·n ONE MONTH Bachelor. I (Ir 2 Bedroo111~. :1 Bit r·rorn $37::. 4 BR. 21 1 I>;.. rain nu .. lll.i L ido Isle Sl'AC'. "! Br 1t1)i;;:--3T.10~Hd 11"'1 Townhciuses. Spa. p..10Js. f urn1tUl'l' ,\va1lable Pride of Own1rship Home J BR. 0..·1\ 21 ~ ba .• far111ly VILLA APJS P<~·L PlJy ytl. Cpls, ii.rps. li'nn1~. t't'On1 S!Ii. Aero"s Carpets-rh11.pcs-<llsh1va11t~r rm .•. ft'OUl $336 ·ro $36.J complete with 1 RI: fu1"01~Jl(ll1. L.:111. ~ia\tl. • Bl!n~. pall\/. l\1(b; ok h'C>n1 fo"11sh1on l~lafl(J at Jarn-hf'ntl'd pooi.saunas-tenrua F'an1dy 111lh tef'nal::Pl'!l ok . 4 Bedroon1 2 batb, built in.~. Ciirpe-ting. drapt's, lrai;e $2.llj pt>r mo. Phone Long Brach :?ll . 429-9fijJ. Lido Isle Corona del Mar 2 BP.., bf'a111 rf'il"s .• pa110, C;u·ai;r. New carfl . ran~l' & refr1g. $225 Month Un1versi!y Really lii'.:-6:110 2 Bit. t'rp!e. CJ"pl.s, Drps, Adil<;. no pet~. 4 BR. 2 tia .• lam. rm. 1n your-TOO*/o (;aragr 1 8al'h<'lor. nn fl"I~ l~l':lR ,\luplt-No. I 711R-7fi(i(] borei' & San Joaquu1 Hills Turtle n.ock ••...... S.l."iO Purchas• Option \1~:1/1110. ~rly. 61 J. O !I:: 7 2 & 3 BR's '.!:ll •I Collrgf' l\o r. bl6----?l87 Road. 171·1) ti~l--1900. I Ind. item srlection. r1·r~ ?1·1vafe p,1110 pool · ind1v, 1:0.!;\l,\Cl.iL..\1 E-l Br::-;::J'ii~.1-MARINE R SQUARE-I 24 Hour Dely --laundry lac." • Newport Beach •Irµ~. bl111~. Qu 11·1 4-ple.,. f\1· APARTMENTS ' CUSTOM ---~ Ne;:;r Orange Co. Airport &. rry1\~ 1'\o IW11i, t.1g1:, :t&iS 2 & 3 BR Un11s now a~:HlaWr ' Furniture Rental OCE:ANrRON'r upper "\ BP. 2 UCI. Adults only. LaSa.llr. .\111 J. c r.1. Jvt• ;;Juhs de~uing 10 111 .. J 517 \V. 19th, C . .\I. SlS-::181 AA nr Newpt pier. S1ngl<'s :!Ol2:? San!:i Aria -~1'... :.1~jj:.'l. 1v!m1dst bcau1y by 1hr ~t·:i 1 11ob 11rlli!, -- -11Pallur rf'c roon1·ocean v1c111! pa 110~-a n1ple pilrkinr Srcurily guards. HUNTINGTON PACIFIC ill ocr~AN AV~: .. 11.B .. t1J4 1 :..w...1~87 \VATERFRONT 4 Er. 224 Vi;. Lido Kol'd. Call f21J) * * t;µ..gG!m + * '"SINCE 1946" Anaheirn TI~·'''"'" OK S 100 mo/)Tly lsc Bkr !\!gr_ t.Jrs. Joachirn, Apt 3-A · ----,_ 11. U -"1-" 'Slfi. 54&-£2l5 :l fi(•tJrwn1, 1 halli. ac:i'O~;tiW ui 1,.., Jlli?'::.t1g:1oos e~1cl1 L1Habra 69-1-l708 " -• 1 1 atea. Of(· op<'n IO am-6 prn Daily e \\IE i!.\VJ:: RE:-JTALS! e THE BEST COSTS_ LESS ~(1~~~L 11:~.111 si~-:·k,Pf'~,'1ran~: FROM $230 \\'ILLJ,\i\I WALTERS CO. 9::4--0920 or (213) Z71H:'tl7. • * * 4 BR. :I BA, BLK TO h BEACH? S300/lno. 6"i3--02U:1. 1::.i \V<'S1en1 B<ink Bldg. Balboa Peninsula \\"inter 11nd Yrurly ln 1 ia~u1c" 11 1 ·ct bar, 11r 1 e.phlac:e, 5:i7-30SI \Ir. l)t• .\1111.• illr Buckley_ ,\J anagcl" ARRl~Y Rl·;ALTY 61~-.'.'..~}IJ 1r<i.rll re11ngs. niug-1-r11n --., - ----1~J.j lrvtnl' Av{' N.B. 2 BR ... 1r.-irly, <'On1plrlrl} -pi.11('l1ng, bi;: fll'llRle pa1 io. * -131:. 1 UA. C1\HDt:N Call 6~5-02;;2 Newport Beac C M 1---~~~---~ 1 ~0-·-··~~·-··-~~--- Un1vcr.~lly Park Days 833·0101 Nights ru1·11. No fY'I~. n11 rh1ldrr11.•Newport Heights 2HR-:: BATll. de l u.~c Lln11 ... Sl1,1g 1q·i1~. 11111•. s22:, 1110. UIJl naal. 1101 \\' l i""ITTt~,~-\ 1 110111('_ l'luhhflu~r. {XJnt, V-tiHll, & •il1h1, 1i-11 Jo;, b<11n1 cri11n"' -PARKN EWPORT-4 Br. 4 B;,, rioot. braui \'\I, DESIRABLE - Up(X'r b;,y , $2.-xl Ilk for su111-HO:\IE * UNlVt-;nsrTY PARI\ * Ball10;• Bll·tl Nn. B , · '' 1 fl'.)(\ h·nl(· l1.l"lll l:.:lrlo:,,· 1 APARTMENTS ,-,,,,--' Co11.-.1tlr1· sho1·I l•·1·rn l~t'. ll"s u11d{'t" SXK! al 38i \V . • ~.JI •• u l.-.--~J. ,., •I II'" H ''I II ' "R' I :i:-:1-::12J. $16:i/fl!O. lJa~·/11·1011. 1 or:! Brdn~rns. '"'f•, !"I'll f ..• xo illl'I JX~ll .1Y ·' . 0 I<'!' • u S 1'011\ mtr thru SP pt 11 '.!Br.., \BA .Lar~rl iv.rin 3BR.2b:i.1ownhsr •••• 1::2;·, 71 4163.1-9."i!-l:I "Xl \ 8 S . Hrwd . floor~. Cptd., Drapr~ :l BR. 21 ~ ba. h111'11hsr ... 1~00 • ' •0 \\'I'• UI' U O SIH" 'II " I 'II I -----;ind TownhOUJ:>es. Sj';<, 1""'1.~. ,)J \ •" -11 Cf'an t'H l"r. g,1nlill'r. Glli·2:ZOO. .>. ·" ilull ls. no f)f'ls. :-i • JJ\"' L:AR!Jt::,'llS--1'001. "'" Lovrly Barhf'lOrsJ BR. BAY .\tt::ADO\V:o' APTS. 1 S: '..'Bl:, !tu•u ,r,, 1111ruru to~rn11s. Fl'on1 :)li:J. Ac1·o~s 71·1/646-3103 "r 213/Gr 7.2:162. garb-disp. garage, 1,a1rr I~; art 2 111,111~ .... s:;2:1-s:1:;.; fu!'n. 3 BR. 2'~ batlls ........ SliO :;an Cl1mente 2 BDRr.1 Su111mrr RrntaJ SAN CLE,\IF.i\'TE • 492-3802 • Houses * Apts. * 645·0111 * 'I d P I U I pd CLE,\N I or 2 I\R. A1h1lts, nn .._ C,ll £I' ru.-,.·, , • fron1 ~·:i~h1on Island ·,01 J,<"f· i d h a1 ,;erv1ce. oo. lt . .. u """""' ~ ro111 ~l:'.O N !\SS,\ U " ·i .. · ....• i.· re ·,11 e Call li7:i-87~0 e pr1~. Lb k1!. $11f>-S15fl. :tl:?l l 'AL.\Js.·}~h1ldrr11vk hort•r & !:Ian .roariu111 Jhlis ----_~;. 1\lth Sl. l'\R. 61ti-HIOI. * * * Roarl~. ii\41 6--1\-1900. 1\ero,;., h'Onl Country Club Corona del Ma r 1;i J::. :?2nd Sl. lil~-::6-lj 21.J i>ll'sa Dr. Ph :i.tS-67()(i (Santa Ana LIKE LIVING IN 01::1.uxE-2-Br/l'" Ha~·pts, *BRANO NE-cW~-*- APPL~_; piP inre1·ior 11i1h new n8.\LTY LP..G Rachl'lot". '.! blks trnni Roy al Suites Motel YOUR OWN HOME • • • rlrps, s1ovP, dshwhr, gar. s1 :i:i. 1 BR. t'1•pli", 11Kloor/out ,-1-noo ,., I u •• , .. ""' c,_, __ , , I 2 Br, l'·-C; l;n[urn. Cpi., " I h 11 k ' 8 I lnlcben healed ~·I J 1~~·~ ca .,. "• ne1v r 1 e, aut Y. "' ".-•• t .-1ne big Corona. $110/nlO. Yrly. SI"• PEI~ \\ K. llP 1'111 r r ( O ·. n\"l 'I. 15i · """· 1 ~·u,,., 11t11• fixh.Jre~ in balhrooni~ Call :\ny1in1e llU-OS:!O r:;ir:i;::r Avail. 1 Adlt . lillllfllf'tr kiii·lwii.1111,.11~. ph r11rs. r11rl. pal10. 6 12-79l~ lro1n S.A. Cnun11y CluhJ. and kitctwn.~. 3 bedroo111s 612.S,l:lO. 1 .'if'l"'\', hld [IOOJ; TV & niald WILSON GARDENS ~ BR. 2.-:;-lla l!ludio. cp!'i;t, Sre at 20--!32 Sania Ana Avc. and den, 2 balhl"001ns. Sun 4 BR. 21!! ba on pvl p;irk C t M ~efv "111 Apts d1·µs , hlhis. Sl90/n10. No or rail 557-0211. ny l1v111i; roont 111ilh 11/1JOOJ & tc1m1s pnvileges, os a esa 1 sr0010 ,t, 1 Br.. Ph. 612-6811;ifl 1 pnl. J>f'I~. w.18 J::. Caiuino . e NOW OPEN--.-- /ll"Pp)a<·P. i\Iesa df'I .\Jar • $.1i:i. S:~::S9j, 16 11ulrs 10 Np1 Brh, ;1 n11le.'--J.lG---01."il ~'0132 Sun!a ,,11;1 Al'f'. S.pa('- A v_a i [a blr 1n1n1PU1a1~1~ I Laguna Be-ach CASA de ORO In Di-1.f')lllmll NEWLY r:ElJl::CORAT°iU,-1;-t.--:/.ti;:", Jl)\lS "J. BR. 2 BA \\'/frpl<", -~2GJ-f!rr r1101111h , Ca11 1 • :..::1.J\J.';(} + DECORATED .. pn_ p;1110. L.nads ol l'lo~<'I~. ADULTS ONLY NO PF.'fS HATf: f{t.:A SO;..<ABLE :o1.·1-9l.il NI·,\\' 3 BR. 2 B1\, t·p1.~. CASU.A.L C;ilit Liv,; . .: jn a ""I o. II I SI Cha1·111ir1g-! fir tlup!r.\. ~rw nrw 1'p1~. dp.~. blrn~. i•holo! ll1d "'X>l. J.\er~,-.• 10~,,, ,,· ,\, >,,~,...~ ~r~r ,,, J,n111/l,,r1/3 1 wann 1\lt>dit('rranean at1110.~· '"' .-.,,. ar ~1r, · · lll.;:, ,,,.,,, 7'i" ~li.olloo\"O' 1·· " ~ u , --,--------h I-In~. \1r111. Art·h Brat•h 1-rnts, d1·1,s & paint Li11f'I)' "' "u -" ('nu11 Cl hi !19() "1 0'11 :lBR + rn. 1 ha. Bltn rangr phrrr,_._ Spacious color •'O· Apt.. Unfurn. 365 " li·li~Tn, 1 ry 0 · · ·1"' · ~ $1"1.~rOLDElt :! Dll hou~r, fen<:erJ yl'd [Or kids & pClS. &15-0UJ. F.-n1·rn + hreaklast biu·. llrig-hl s. S2iO ~'.ll-St:i;' 01·cl111ated apts . dcsi"ned & park likr ~UITotindu~s. -----.SJ-.1\CJ.IFf' :\ianor Ap~ l 2 Hit, drn, \'11•1.:--, .,,. pirr·. ' G I Q111i't. n1tilu1·r aduJts on.J y. * OJ::AL-rl~'UL I & 2 BJ{. F1']1le. hlln desk, ht1gr book-furnished >or slyle & con1-enera RR. & Bachelor apT. Crrts. s!ic:ll, huge bark yr!. Closr !O ·'torrs. ~160 1110 . or Ira.~('. fort e Heated pool e Klich-$l ::o. ~i~8·trn:l0. Contrnlpoi·ary Gan.lcn Af)ls. 1lrps, b!tn~. garb dispo~al, all schonls, s11pg c·1r & t'Ol-Hiirl rt,,11 11,v 4111-0:i0~i. r.1 1v/ in<lir~ct. lightin:::-e VENDO~•E --R-ENT &-R-ELAX-r~iio~ .. ~ 1.r ri 1;·11 • .... pool. 11: B;i. Pvt patio. 152J linr. 2 BR. lrgcs. S2::5. ri:>7-811.~. Mesa del Mar DelUxc RIO. /\dulls. No pl'ts. m 111 lh1s l~aut. Xlra 'lq::: 2 BR. _Sl.i?-SH;., __ ~~.:~:l·IG-.i~ Placentia 1\ve. Ask about g1tn:Jenr1· pd. ~IF.SA V rd 3 Bf: __ f___ l BR.-$li3 rl11·n . l:\!\J \CUI ATL /\PTS' l 11 81\. Con1pl H"dPc. & 1n NICE u11furn i Br. apl. our di.~counL j.IS-2()82. ' .. c e,. " am rn1. * * 4 Br r~m 1·1n I~~ Ba. UTILJTJ • , . , . . POO! C I ' l .. ----. -------- P;u·klike B(·;-cll L1vi111: J11r Adults Casa Del Sal .t ~ RR-fu rn/un f. Pv1 µa- 1111, h·plc Jn 2 BR. clrvators. dshwshr~. rnits, drps. Pels act·l'ptl"<l . From $14J. !IG6! Brookhurst !'it, llB. * 17141 962..665:\ .. N1wport Beach RESORT LIVING LUXUl"y APl livini w/ $1 mil- lion rrcreatlon ... ~wimtn1ng. 1enrus, billiards, sand vol· le\ bail, health clubs, sauna.1. clubhouse, party room, n!!· lrll' 1cun1s pro l:. pro shcip G.· inuch 111orr. Singles, 1 I:. 2 HR. Furn/ Unturn. Rents 11,,m ~i.r, .No lease ~ qu1rr·1t \lndr-l~ Or~n Daily lu 10 S. SOUTH BAY CLUB (just for sing!(' pl'Ople ). Nt'wport Beach Irvine & 161h. 6•1S.05j0 $14.).SINGLES 1v/gar. gtove, 6-\Hll IJ. din rin. Jcasr-lra~r oplion or ' ' • ES L'JCLUJ)ED ,\DUl.T allff :.pa1·kllns; rond. Nf'W plush " JO~I' !o ~ lOp g. l·l 1. NPT [sl ll'lrfrnl w/pirr I ,,7. 'I/ 1 1 hl111s, rlshwhr, cpts/drp~ .. V.,\\l.\\iilson &12-l!lil V,\\lll.YScr 11111 ('JPl~.lol'rl,vfnc1!.~·l11rl!;(•p'd :;i:: E. 171h Pi. No. B 11-·1 OAKWOOD GARDEN l':>.I'. ~ ..i ••O yry sr, ehldrn ok. S27:i 1110. 11rf"s ·1~6·~2 ,.,. " Rf1/"! Ba. fi·pJ. s::.1.:iOO. 5'i'Q ass11mablr *S3S WEEK & UP*-Close to shopp ing, Park ~I'd. SHi0/n1o 1004 EI Ca .. ), .\j·. ___ ~undrl·k SJi:i )rly lsc. APARTMENTS SliO-SP1\CIOUS ~ en. 2 fi,\ dbl r:-11r, Jan1dy 1u·lcon1c. t;.1.i-Oll I. loan_ V:tr<tn1. 01\'nr / Bkr .">-l;i...7::j<'l _ _ _ __ Studio & 1 BR apts. " :"p:n·1Ull~ .•• BH'~. ~ t1:1 Jl\ll\O. :,u;.·,7u~ J.l:t;, q111Pl. :! Br,~ Ba. f'no! .,7:,..767~ lrr:;ort living for adults) ·i16-i0."1! I LOVELY 3 BR.~ H;i. hon1r. SUNNY ACRES • ·""•111 rior•!.11111 ~rrP11 e QUIET!! e ~11, 111.·!d~ u11l .\l~·• 1 ,r:r.1\i·r: . ..;TclJ'"VI·· .1 611 -,,J11 --:l Nr.\,port Beach VEr.Y-CIV\:"\:-.l-b 1. I \II apj1l1a111·r~ \ti\ 011nrr• • ~-l"lll ln11J1 l.11111, l'I··\~ 2Rr,rlrp.<,tl!•W•·i·pi:,;.S..kf'r Slill 0 •\dull' 01•'1' J.1 . nnl~. nn P"l" 1 1~/'1111l.1 ~~"2~\J61h,{· l~vine ___ &t.2-$1JO i1JQ-.DJPPF:1r:-; drl1;::l11' I Hr 1 . • ·· · r\ iuoni 1·111 'if1"-1·rN I ••OTEL 1845 A h · A 11 1 '1~-:!Hli :0::-.a. h11in<' 111 \lo'·ll ti<'] ~!.tr lurj ' ··" -•· IYI na e1m ve. ,{ ,11'1~ir .~h0111;:. !.(x·k•'1I H"rlfonl l .. n ~1 1~~·.;:~ I VISTA DEL ME:r~ 11· pool. CP1~. drp~, b!t11~.1 ~ lrasr Fanidir!< 11 n 1.i·. Mesa Verde 1ia· ~ouih of t'a ir..::t~•und· • ' •. ..;T,\ \11 : . ..; \ h 1:!·~"121 gar .. \dult<. u" J)<'t•. SI r, * 'l. Hit. upp1·1. hlr11~. c[ll•. · - -----Apartments 6-1.i-OJJI. I 1.-.. ,....,,...-.,.,...-..,0 1 "·' -3 llr.12 P,,\. til1ns. s11ndr1•k. . , , . P<'lssr~~lOn Au;: 1 S27:i/}.1o. . . , . . , 1 :?::~fi ;\"»1\por1 Blv1!. _ _ n1v. "~~i-3.il.J or till-07i~. dqi~. r;o IX'll<. SlJ."1 n1u. :Jli~ ~trpl< 10 hra(·h or hay .. \n:i t & • BR. J. urn. & Unf. ot~h· 12~ INCLDS G.irdrnrr ~ Br Call agcnL ~1 16-ll II 52.:,0..1 B1.-I 1 b~. Close o I ~8-91-l:j Sf;LL-Rrn1-Vn:-.1· Nr1\ 2 HARBOR GR-EEN-S \V \V1l...;o11. j lJ..-OifiO. n10. )Parh .. Rnf'<. 61.~I,-,,, w;u;bcr. !'ilove llnd Refrig • .,.,.1 • ··• · ------___ .~<'hl~. tncd. Q111r1 1'1 Prl~ P.r, 1 Ba. AJl[llt' Vall<'y. ------B-l6S--' 1'i Ba. ~fll llgr~ area. 3 BR & Den, 2 Ba. dhl l::ar, nk. A1all Si'fll. 1~1 .r.: ,·1 last • P.EDf':C .. Lr~ 1 Bl{. r<'n-Sha!;: i·rpt~. linrd drarl('r1r~. GARDEN & SI'UDTO A.PTS 10; ~r ,l 2 . a 6~6 254 BAYi-"'"RoNT-APTs--:--:i::i-br. Sha::;R~~~g-~~~;nter. Chi.Id, µe1 ok. &1:,.0111. l11cd. d1spDl'al. Plrr dnor /\fl 6 p.111 .. 110-!1:?9:: traJ loc. pool. r·arpor1, hrrakla.<I bar, dshll'hr. :;arb B<:.Ch .. 1, 2, 3 BR's. from $1l0. _ a <'nna. · 7 1·rp1s. drapes &· rel. $290. & Tu•to'n & Mose Dri'vo llf)('nf'r. 23'.14 CoUe!!'" Dr. adlts/no pets. Sl:\5/nio. 560 i(iS!ll. range. 1\1 •·a hlr. 2700 Peterson Way. C.111. I BR . w/w, r1at1>J, )!'.Ar At-up. agt. 646---07:\2. * 54• ••s; * BEACON* '4S-Olll S29:i 1110. I..se. S:l:~~ aft 6 1 Newport Beach \\'. l-larnilton . 6~6-4160, patit1, 11 Pll<h rt1o ins, 546-0310 1achrd. 1 adl!. I ~n1I rhild ~ • • * pin. l~E.\l'T mt)(l. 1n1,nhousr. 3 :H:J..-OlfiO. ,·;irj)Orl ~. Adult~. 110 Jll'IS. * NICE * ok. $1'.:2/mo yrly~\1~:i:l0:__ Sen Clemente e NICE e JOHN ."1-BP.-1;,-0~c-C:-&-SPa.1·~1 1-il', '.!', Ba frplc, pa1io, BUSTNES.:; 1n,.11s s11Pr1a l Sli:i/ino !71 11 212-:::~~-~. l,, NP..l\'LV ,,., .. 3 g, l•l•l.•<p'd, 2 SR, Avenida Rosa Thr. n1osl beautiful view of or. C!'J!IS, 1lrp~. Ual1-on.v. ' CURREN Son1P lrrr 1·rn! for tln1n~ fl'!l'll. 2 1·n1 i;:;1r, ;1!1 l•!ln~. 11•kly raies now olf<'l'f'd 1(1 1 k f111·d _v;ird. drps. pa!io. 3~'(1() Sar Clen1cnlf' l'.12 J.11~ lhc hay & ocean in !hf! 1813 H , . 1 1 L ,~-1 '"' ,,, Balboa Peninsula nc I'd .C:-iir .. i'>r bu~ & Jhr-· · • " 11 •~ 2 B" l ummingbird p.111111n(! I.· yard \\'Ol'k r,.11• • rr ~. r r;1prs. t'a~t' ~"·'· rvC'ryonc. A 11, .,.,, arn•. ,\rill>., ll\I pets. Ava!/ 67:1-l~:ti. ti7:1--~i2ii7. Santa Ana .:iuur ;irra. "· BA Costa Mesa fii::-Ji8·1 ror ;ippointnirnt. ( 11 :.2:J-47 Hl or ~·16-5991 rvc.s SC'alark ~lo!rf. 2~0! Npl / -------a p1.~. ror lrasc. 612·2202 -----b"t11 n R-10 or 11 knrll<. Blvd fi-16-711.). DI~'\. rfuplc.~ ;1 Bit 2 BA. rrly _11<:'.._111.i~._61.}..3.il.J __ LARGF: spacious 2 Bfl. N('11r You arP ll1e \\1nnl'r ol EAST s1dP C'.\1-2-br, J i~ ha _ _ __ _ br. l\"riv p:iint. drps. (Tflts. Bt.:AUTIFUL '2 Br, i!v. 8 ,1 11.ll.. Crnr.~. Drps. Stov,. J.· CAN'T BE BEAT Santa Ana 2 llCkC'IS 10 !hr h'llll{' l\"/!.c:-r yard. C.rpl ~. BLUFFS -Bil;Y''ll'l\l 4 Rr. 21., fo'UHN. I Br $t'10.-t1~1 All :irpt".•. ~JS-·ID-1'.l. Sludio, llCIV crp~ & pa1nl. 1·rfrig .. i i:::1 n10. 67:wl1.J.'>. \;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;! Southland rlrps. lJl1ns. Cllildrrn nk. no Ba. r111n arra. o•uston1 Bit $1.";;i ulil prl. 1\rllts. no --'-..C.'- Home & Garden pC't>. $21.l nio. 67.l-1."i73. r"111urr~. Priv;ic~·. Pnol. Nr rlt'l1•. S20 Crnt<'r SI. Call Corona d-;1-M-;r Drps. bl1ns, l'll r po,. 1' Corona del M ar SINGLE STORY VILLA MARSEILLES I 13,~ ~ .. , ...... f;-12-."'"I.\. Sltitl/1110. No l)C1.S-1 ch1ldl -----------Show $195-2 Br, 1 Ba, fc-ncf'rl yant~ 1<<·h · · "· .i.,..,...,l~.,7 0 r "' ok. ~ i::l CamnJO, ;i~\HJ,l."il. PARK your car & walk; n1· South Sea Atmo~phtre BRANO NEW t ti f,11-027:i. I \VL 2 BR. -2 BATI·I SPACIOUS a ir frplc cpt<:. rlrps, 2171 Rur;il ---.., ' 11oiw -! & 1 RR ru1·n. -i\E::\Vl~Y-DECOP:A°TEn-nf'ran, nr shop"g. NP\\/ a.111. ~ COA~~Ji~ON 1 ,PL. 6·12-22'.?2 * BLOCK TO BEACH Pool. 1·re rn1. ;:rl IO<'a11on. -~, ~ ..,;' :: BP. 1,·/g;ir . .SIJO. l\"all'r Br. 2 Ba. bean) 1·r1J. r.111ny ~·~~·ri;;!~idti:~·~~ 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apts. CENTER , ~RR.+ ~·am rm /-"nrrl id. t:Xt.:Cl1T!VF:2 + ran1rm, 2 l'\o rh1Jdren or pels , u 1.,7 0 .\ll"ils. :13lJ-.-A ~lnrgl1C'1'1lr.! Adult Living J I ""\ 8 Crpts/rlrp.<. .~21 .-1: Av~\ 1 ha. rrpl C', l1Jr sun <!eek. p!I· ti·1f1-.ill2J. bN• t;'.·11 h~wn ';11~g~ ·~i'i'~ tii:~.~;:: or ;,.1R-79S.l. Piivate Patio~ I . Furn. & Unfurn. u Y Jtr' u.i:-I 2JO? r-r1u t"l"p·~. drps, l't'fn;:: SHARP 2 BR •160 , A I U I 365 llT~~TED POOL I Dish washer. color coordinaf. Pl . all 6·12·oc·,· "I I noiw. .. r<'df'ra.I. :}r1-9!."1t. ""' ON TEN. A~°'S .;-80_2_8 -, I -Bl -P . n urn. Plenty of l;11vn caMO r ""''. r\I ,. -S:!!loJ Lease-r~1\i.ll'l12 FURN. lilrl Pool. Adl!s/nn '-"""-' .. '• a, <C'U:>.t' !n~.1 -----------ed applianees. plush ahag bf>t1\f'rn 9 '"linrt 1 p111 Ill I • * :: hr t.· b;i, rrnrecl y;u~r. Li", .1n,.,_.. -- --1 '1. 2 BR. ful'n & Unlurn. !'ha;: 11 11 1-p1. 11q,~. tqi!o . Ea•t Bluff Carport t,, Siorai;:<' cn""""I , "ho•'"• ol l .. 1- 'I' G ·~ "'" 2 P.r, 2 B;i, f)CYll. r1r1~ 2~72 1\laple St, or -' · 1llODE.'J VILLAG ~· ~,.,,_ '" .. ... -1 ~ ·~·~ h<'at·h. rrrlr. :'\o I t I .... 1 · ·" 2.-r00 South Salt;i ..... -claim ~ou1· t1ckr1~. 1 ;-.;orrh I · · '°"C'rnor S1, Ctll. .$100. 612•0-.. 20. J. ttcplace~ / priv. patios. r•:1110. g;1r l.1h" ,, r \y . ___ .,;.._______ i:.. schemes • 2 ba'"'-• •'"'I County toll·fJ't'f' nu1nbrr JS ___1__~1• Ba..~~i•lr \"il\.igr. Arluh<-. t1'1 tUHN 1 Br Pool~ Tenni~ Contn!'I Bkf~t. ~"'--NEWPORT BEACH S.1nl;1 Ana • 546 .. 131:; .sho\\'f'r~ • mirrored ward- 5-10-12'201 • • 1 Rr. 2 B-". (:pt.;. r!rp•. 11~k 11f'l~ \'Th nnl.i s260 \2\~1 Arlull L'lll c;:1~: r~1~/~·;:,,1 900 Sea Lane, Cdtlt &14-2611 ~ $170 * Villa Gran.,da Apts . robe donrs • Indirect light. '~~=·=~ I ~rhl.~ & shop \i -p,.., nk s2.i0 ;:~~I u.1 !'! ,r(' n1:.:r I \'{' ·1 . 0 H w ,. t i\lacAr thur nr COFIS! H1\·y) :: lli. I ~ B.t. pat1.. hhns. fO"f' '-d·oom•, ••"•lh bal-"-ing In k1tchtn • b~akful " -----:;-:\(J'lS Cart Id ·1-i-6'..l!ll I .tr~ rrn OU<;r ~ •· u ""' ·' '""" b h . l • fA.\11LY \\anl<'d' 2 Bl •. _·_-•_• _':__ ·...:?_ ·_·_· · __ :: Bt. PJJti i•l"'"l:I' horn . 111 "1.llth SI. fil2-!l:J20 c1·111,. dq)s. A,.h .al.lou.· nur ''' abo"• < ,_10,,., Gr•"lo"• ;; Jlralrd pool.~ ar • us;e private enced I ' • B" , R I ~ Bl:, ;~ llfi. hlt1n~; :I yr <1111. 1 I • "" .. u patio plu'h 1 -" · i;rf''ll OCflllon. ,n<'t i;ar. , "· ••. \, <1111 .S· rn1·l pa1111, llr!,inr\ ~ \'rnr round l""Tl· 1-8--,0--. ---I -11 ... ~uunr 111'1/t .~I'() C~lllt'r l d Largr Clubhouse Cl('. EBQ • auuscapl11J: ~ kid.~ok.·$1::0 r1·p~, rlrp~. t•lt11t~ ilh! i;ar 1·11 t:lll >II ~'l?· '· up!rx. t;lrr b111-. 1100 ti l•111o·r ilur1I"' 111111 S1 ()J,6JJ .. ,.;.l lH 11·1ng &_quiet auIT01•n Ing f'hildCareCcnlrr brickBar-B-Q's .ll.J'ieheat. ALA Rentals. 645·3900 s22.-. /\1;1 :1Ki-11 :'i1 • • . ! . ··' llll) I l'iosrr! '!:'.l\l'a,CI' ~l:'.O I<! \\11lk II), V.-;_11·h. ~111JPf•lll!.:, Tl~;:-;-,~ .. fol fa.n11!y 11\rh cluldrrn. c ed pools & lanat. ---ti+-·,.1i•1'.! I Tf'~J)<'ln.~1hlr adulL :'\o prl~ ~rhnol \,;i~. i1ah•1-. }(.t1rlrn-. . I . , .J1 P~. 01111~. ~th l Near Coron11. del r-.1ar lligh ·1,.at nrw 1, :! $..· 3 Bel rm! 3101 So. Bristol St . • H EAlt THIS: 2 er, ("Jll~. ~ Br.. 2 E.\. h1~ l'tlrln~rd I :\-P.H. 2 h.t h0t11~r •.rl M.>:1..!1 ft('f i'i. !1·16-·tt.M II'~. Cpt~/drps Ill{'! Vr ~·11' 11',',·; ~~ll~b._ ll(l )li't.~ Srhool. Fireplace, \l"C! bar&: SOUTH COAST (~2 l\tl. N. of So. Con..at Pl ua) rlrps, s101•r. fncd ynt ... nrl yard. !Tpt.~, rlrps. and rrarly Yrar .iround ~1ar1u11: A•I;.:: IH1~·~1--:-::--ti-11--1 1 l.•·11~r 'i300/111" :.i~.1 l\!'a(·1.1 \",11 .•. " f"'f'l)fl<"l'lr•·e b111l!.!n k1!chcn nppliance~. VILLAS Santa Ana ~ar .. Child t..· JX'!. S1:fl_ !n n1n''"-t11 r·r1nd . S:?2.'i/i\1 o i~1 11·:.~tirr .~ rtryrr, •. ,1 .. !!fl~ ,11·> 1;j;,..1:;·,r,. Adull.• prrfd L11 Apl II. or ,;ill 11fl 6 pin 83:i Ai\IIGOS \VAY 644-2991 UOI i\!11.cArthur Rlvrl. ALA Rentals e 64S-3900 !·.cl R11idlc Hltr 6·16-8811 I nrHi SL.2/nl<'l )ii). (,[!\fl!!" ----,\ ,1·r••kf"nd~. ;1~1i-7111~ Cukil\"ell B11nktr &. Co '.">46-8823 PHONE: 557-1200 '.J!~-i:1Sl ;iv;id Up.·11 Hou.~. J::fi I'. .. ~ r:!·: "2 BA urpr1· rluplo>~ . --'I -. --· ~ MFS\ \~E"f':[)F-:l R-!1 .• 11, c 1 ,.12 ,,_ I Cl · 1 1 · 1 , . DJ..l.UXF: I hr l'fup!r.~~Q1 1 w1 "anag1ng Agenl .'>11-:i221 Aph e l\liltACUI ATE\ 2 Bl' "1 ~' • · r. nr;i ,. Newport Shores ~·• " .,. -"""'"· 11,;,, o J''nr 1 · ,,111,r ;.:. . , . ·• · ' · · ·· . · 1 ~harly. ~2:.0tmo + d•·pn~11. 1--,-----~ 'OO ~ .. -,.. . 1. .. 1rpni1s .t1lul1;,. :-;1111". r"f1·1g, Huntington Baach Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Crpis. d111s, s11• 1rfnG;. l<.111,, 2 BA.cpl ·/d· "I" ,1•1• 1-nn l<'as~ _ ,1 Rr. 2 .·t) 2,. 1 BR . AdtJl!s. Pool. lclr;il l<1r :· .. 1~,'.'' , ...... ,.i.i 1 '1 )~. il1·r1~. 1111 <'rpl, p;itin. )'nl'll.I ----------- ' . I I'" I s rp~.,•J-'t~.\ • h h I ~ '111-(i.'11.,.vrs ~ pc>t~ . ...,. ----- -I>:. TP•Hn~ro11r1.JJl'!lil,,1 r,lk ;i, ,," nt~. :"'>JH1c.'IOll~ . "' ' Sl•lll )!.fj-'IOlfi /Jr x.:~~JXlil l\l!"IS111•li·01<' AllraelBr. General ALA Rentals e 64S·39DO 71 8R. ·1 B,\_ $29:fllno. ("p1 ,, 1" h(·h 10ll l.llRflnlB. ~1~.0--~.1:',·l. !!193 ("hu1-1·h . l'OH. lr•ase-f}rlu:o;r nr\11---;;jl l:J!l .\1aplr ~1 ;,9, p,.ol. H.{\lra< 1i'l!i2- d1·11s. rlsh1vhr: nr ~r11l~ ,\. !)l..!l(jl I ! RH 1 I .1'1 •SINGLES 01'. 'l Br. Sto\r, ~hop'• A ·1 A J f\l'l'Jl0r1 ~horrs i _:._ ·:__··_ -r f'<' ~ • Bi\. l.(JVE:IY011-;;;r·:,1 .. 111~<' a11t II ..;,.,,lsor1 L, 1N"J.--ti2~.1. · .._. v~1 ug · • . LRG 1 Br-iialh.-1ri--;-:1o~i·I~. U11ohs1rurtrd v1rw or ha.v & . • 1 ·. , , !)1;~1:1JO rncd }Td, rnc! ga1·. Kids. .)t.~29t I Un1vers1ty Parle n('eiin. Atilt~ only. 67~!m~. -2 IJr •• I ~ h11, lg1 d• 11 .. -. ----Slti \\/\\". r1·plr .. d rps. I 11d11lL • 11/f1pl•·. ,/u;g 1•1p1~. 'hul-Lt;~. i hr, 1. bR 81UdlO ;ipt ALA Rentals e 64S--3900 East Bluff l.F.:ASE: (Ir_ ~air ~. Fl.tt 211 RA S!lS/mo )riy. L:ara~e a.vad. 2 RR. bl1ns. r'<'fr1i::. t1lili!1C'~ ll'l"i & lo1-rly <!rp-;, $~100 11 pa!lll ,,. y.1rd. a.II hlln.<. Bachelor unrurn ...... Sll.'- 1---~F~O=R RENT ___ .i BR. :: BA. fanlily rm, rov"d homf'. Un1vers1ly Park , 6-12-8."~2_0.__ 1nrludrd. nr"·ly pa1111rd . 6-11--021!1 ludry f:icil Vic \Vamrr & Bachelor fum • , ...... $14,i. pa!IO. crpts. rlt•ps, blhn~ rlr. _1r1·inr Xl~ ~1111. RJ.l-37~'14 . VERY Nice 1 Br dpl:-.. Quir1. S2'50 mo. 67:l-44Ii2 11lt 6 fl n1. "GABL~s··-,1.:-'"St:Vf::Ll,E'" ll<'ach Bh•d. Sl:,O. 8·12-4:il'J I-BR unfurn ........... $140. PALM MESA APTS. Renh1ls Rooms • • • MRS. 0 . E. NICHOLS 400 Four bedroom, 2 batlt<!, buih in krl<'hen. <linirn:-rr11, CAI'· pct<'d and draPf'rl plut; hug,. 20x22 rumpus Rm. Land· Jta.ped • fef\Ced. Only $19:> a montti incl. gardener. $47.l/Mo. P.oy McCardle Houses Furn. or Sf'p by garagr~. Adults over Costa M1sa ~ BH. J', BA 11/g;ir. Aclulls BEACHBLU-FF APTS. 1-BR furn••······ from $15."i. Realtor :>48-7721) Unfurn, 310 ·'"'· no pets. ~'48-1021 Crtps. <lrp~. hit-in~. f('llC"d 2 f.: 3 BR, 2 BA. pool, patio, :!-Bit unfurn ............. SHiO. I Fount•in Valley Corone dol Mer f1JRN. 2 Br. apl. U11h!ir~ Park-Lite• Surrounding )'d 11/p;it10. 6.':11-1120. dw. Nr ~hopping. s.17-J~:i7. 2-BR turn .......... l.rom $.17:i. paid. SlfiO ""r ino. 2277-B QUIET • lJELUXE 21:17 Ordfll' No. (' $1 .. e POOL 621 Michael Place Nawport Beach You are lhe 11'inncr ot "J 11cke111 10 the Southland Home & Garden Show ,... 1-2 & l BR APTS M,2 BP.. .. nr. ~hop"g. Garage. e !-iAUNA "Ol1 2 BDR'I I' ,_ d"pl">. t.1aplc SI. 34&-.Y.113. '.'fil!l S1•rua Ana A,·r i\o I SIJ:i ,.,,,,, d 113'/'l r • lea~ w/option ~ ::,p11: ·· ' ,,..., u ' Prv pa tioa '* Htd Pools 1' ~ Y l'{.'()r. :i • 0-• .J ACUZZI l"\"l'l. ~ br. 1 ha. Children If.· Re in' If.· ~1(1vr8.2~. nf' w SPACrOUS 2 br,-1~ Nr shop"g *Adults only e REGENCY--.-Rralonomic~ Bkr. ti7~i-6i00 J.i6I l.1e.sa Dr. Santa Ana Pl'I weh."Oinr_ S37'.i, Isl & 1 ·arpr1~. llraprs. "' rw-r Carai;:-e. Q111r1 COl!fllt prrf. M , , A l\/.\·:AC. 2 BR, l Bd. Sting-2 Br. Dupl<'x. Near beach." las! + d('p. 84i-1063_ ~n.~-"""".~·rarly. 67:,...fil4:i or 1140. 7118-892."1 art1n1que pts. crpri::-. sl'lf clean. gas ov{'n. Crpls. drp.~ .. ~!ove. No pets. BalbOa Bey Club Huntington Ueach-.....,,.....,.,;"' HACHELOR apl, lri::, ;\'orlh 111·1 S11 nta Ana Ave., CM rt.~hwhr, encl .:,ar patio . .li7 514:1. ~i16-1l()7. BAYFRONT ·condOminiums Cos111 ,\lrsa, nrrir occ. i\t~r. Apt 113 &16-5.:-.42 \V \Vllron -----------1 TERRACE APART. Unfurn. 320 S60/1110 C11J1 ~:rti:r.ll. -LARcfElBRT SA. . Cni; J~8-~fi(J.i 1. BH. 2 ha slutlio. Newl.v BR unf11r11 or furn. ru]!y :1 BR. 2 Ba. house, 3 llli. -.--. --,---.-dr~. rr(r1i;;:, bl1 Ill~. PVI PA · . s bl 6"16~0555 1 lron1 hr.tich. tmm~r-Dr:ipe.~ lrvi'no RACl!El..OR$11::i:-Poo1:-18.Un. APT. UPSTAJR.>: 1'.A:rr Sid" 2 Bh. rrfnR .. 1io. nr heh, 1147·11.il l. rquip. ·u ·ease Sepl. i:-, dry rni. CHILDREN \VELCOME slovr, 1·q1ts. di·rs. garagt>, . ----Peliod fie.,ibl{' CaU fllrs. Ev~ Ca.II 551-3().j6 & ea.rpl"g. U111iou1, bttn~. f Call '12-2181 A:! "le,,trl,. Gold ,'il~'•lloon fencccl >'d. i\ltitlll't' Rdul!s. 21 BRh SN14{J n10. Clo.'>t' lo llalmoi; or Mrs. l..aemnilc panelt'd Jr\-, rm.. fcplo ·an lra.'I(" Unh,<'rsity Pnrk v-~ .... .. <-v ~, 1 GlJSTENING Interior likf' · k1tr li. $145. 642-:JSJI XJ11l Joe. "" t: · *0,,._P'994•-2 * at :i1S.221 1-leavc me58ag'C. Fenred yd .. ('Ov"d. patio. TO\l'Oh~f'. l BR. 2 Bi\. Like I FURNJs=·o «-'U., ' new. -Nr1v carpels. floor II 1611 2 1 .. 1 ,,,_. .,...s sic' 2466 S1nta Ana Ave. SHARP 2 BR-'135 a1 tllf' ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER July 30-Au~. I P!c1H1.r •·all &12-::.678. t .,t, 31-1 between !I and I ptn 10 ''laim you1· !!ckc1.~. rNorth County toll-free number is 540-1220! • • • tile Rnd fix I u r c ll. .1 ~~~.n~~~s. wJ~~~~g;,1a,~~;~~ ;.~21~:i,.rve1t: ;,;.b 1 1 dayll, UBalolhelor apl. man only. 642·1 TJI Aflarnoon Bl!ns, hid pool. A;lts, no 2 BR. $140. 842-8365 Cost• M•s• bMroom~ and den. ~unny t paid. $90. ~6-5736. ----------- living room ll'lth fiTC'placf', 2 ~i 0 u !~~I e·~· 11 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Townhoua• Unfurn. 335 LRG I Br. Nr. occ. $130. * Span'1sh Elegance pe!'S. 149 E. Bay. & 12-9:.20 L1gun1 81•ch ........ liB .. U ... ROOM In private hom~ with balbs. Yard fenced. Doubif! Costa Miaa Cru·agl'. Lndry facil . No I BR, crpts, atovc, l'efrlg, ~ "9 61 hciuse privileges nr.llr OCC. J&rail!. In i\.fl"tlla drl i\lar Rrookhurs1 It Adam~. Call pels :-i.t&-9787 or :->4~~-di;ohwshr. Adultii:. rlO prts, NEAR BEACJ{.N('111 I Ir. 2 New Bcaulilul Garde:n Apart· $1 :i wk . F'rmale only. Ca.II ·-a of °"5•11 i\I "'" '.'!23-1l67 aft. 6 pm. I Qui1t Adult Llvinn i17 Janie!!. :;,.10-6133 BR., 1 ~1 hll, pool. Adull.11, No "''"'-. o..iva•• P•Li-Pool, r vcs. ;)'16-7285 ...... _ Huntington Beech ~ L 211·.., c 11 ""' ,-, v.,. ·""=~~--~~=I Avail;i.blt lmmf'diatrly. /\o FOR RENT·. HAD ENOUGH ~hai: CPI . d rpii;. bltnl< * + EXTRA_l_2 1-2-b pt'lij . .SC. J.;>. oai1: wv. :"pll. Ciu'a&c. Luxurious s1:i· PER u:k up w/k1t. ...... OF DAMPNESS? n -' ge >r. a, 49-l·-4481 or .>28--6743 """ p>ts plt11H. S26:i per n1on1h. Porular f(lur br.droom, si.io .,,.,aullflll Pool • All Utll Pd rrpl~ k 1lrp5 Sl :>.i 1110, !l7ti ____ · I Jar'idscapin~. Adult1. no pets. wtek up. apls. ~IO'l'EL .,,. Call .Jo6-!M.jl a nlOnlh. Bkr. 842.Zlt"l ~Inv .. lo SIETI.HJ\ DA\rN I.Rt; 2 BR. 2 ba, ~f'c·luded. 2 BR . $170 \118$.1/Jn or 6·!6-Jl13!) Lido Isle t•urnishcd, Unfurnished. 548·9l5:i. FREE Rt-ntal ~n·u-1•. ;t i 4 t\Jw11y_. di')'. balmy, f'lear ~~ie~~~~~e::.."~·]JOC~t~~:~: Adultll nnly·no J>f'6~! "".,.,, 2-BR~Crpt~ complrtelY ! 2 BR. $]7.i 3 BR . $2.).) lB-R-lu_ll_ba_l"1-e"""'-. -,-P-.-,-,-,-,1 bedroom homf'i'i, chilrll'T'n ~ No l!m(li::-or fOg . ldl'11I Int· 241 Auoc 9do ~l. '"'"'"'1;' dra""d, bltns, rl><hw"'", SPACIOUS, lovely "lnd fioor J blk ~h ~ .. Mihrli'o ~ I I b Sl70 furn. Till Elli! No. 0 , I .. ~ ~ '"'• l'I ..-'"' o;:1 C \I .,.,, ...,.,., pal 11 f(I ""' ._, -1~ OK. $19.l 11nd up. 1 or vrvnc 1111. pro · xlnt location, 6" .,·291 ap1 3 br. 2 ba, bltm, > .-.. ~· • ·• •• • .....,.,,,.,,,., 67>-lM' oil I Ill 10, ~ Edi lern... A1 SIERRA DA\VN blk to;; Points. 8·12-8497. DUPLEX-I Br. f r p 11' 'IV"" d 1 "-•~ Broker, 7682 nier. llun. ~ BR 3 BA 1••• Al 2 111wshr I.· refrlg. ..., ptd, tlnilon Stach. 2 BR 1-looM:. Vacant. L!u~c you own ynur OY."n mobile-FREE util, furn J BR apt Nr !)(la.ms. cpl~. pA!io, 1 11rlll.... . • • lllol, mo. so ilrpd. 2-car R'&rage. S3'15 on l~=''=-====ss=i=~-yard, garaqc. QuiPt. 2 kids nom,. lot. lknlit ke4'fl go1nR hear-Ii. pool. $1 35 up. Call $138/mn. )'r1y Gal'. 11 vA1I. BR, bltns. Sll.J. 111 o . l~f'. Shown hy a r p 1• GOV'T nEPOSSF: ON, lnw up. \\'hy pAy rent? For frt:'f' j36.3777. 536--i282, :;J&.-1366. Open llou.~c. J3(i ~;. :..'O!h. Cai ports. ~tro. j l4--'2(}1j. rln. A5sume low In! lnRn ok. $\iOl:'>•O. l22'J Dcla"·arc l:u'f'i1·h111r. \\T iit" Dept ~ fi ll K11fl l<>sSTTIJUiNiNNiil;;;N;r.r.;;;;;;;;-;;;;-1,::_:'.".':':__ _______ I f.Ai'iY qu3lif)'lni:;. Bk r, SI. II fl ~11·.BRA DAii N llem I ...::_•I BUSl!:.'ST mArkr.·0111~ 111 ----• * . ', i G GaNll"'n apt, M11a V1rd• ----' " '-" tr11r.. The DA IL\ PtLOT • ~ Rn. 2 I~,\. nr1v 1!1-p~. 1 Ar, Jll)Ol-rr1·r1•t1hon room. -----------612-424.l any1\111r. ___ I Bb1\UT 3 !or nr bth-2 h_R, !li•,r: · I ' I Classified i;ect10n , S ave l rr111~. RlrnJ !'nl1n . Sl •k'l <11.'1·~•l,::OJ-'un1.$160. lJLX 2 k ,1 BR,~ ~11 . ,.11cl ~II Idle i1tms now! Call hlt~s. rr~I~. itrp~. patio. =rur;;-uiiii-;(i ..... hem.~ intoqu1Ciil money. tlmti '-effort by $16.)/nl'l 6 ·15-1617 orlo/\Il.Y-PILOT lor action!' 1t111., ~1;:,o t-up. n,.nli.I Ofc: 6-'2-5678 Now! , $2-1.l. 96?-.i12l, ~2-21!1 !. e••h. c11ll Go\2-.""~~ &rml'h1tlr. :118---0:121. . Ci.II &12-::i67R & ~v'"' JO!r1 i\111~ A'li!. 546-lOlt -~--. ..-;--· ---·. -· --__ .. ,_ ----! ifto... '•""'-••" r J. ~ .. ---~,\·~¥-I - ' TIME FOR Cj)UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD ROOM in exehAns:e lot yud work. Near O.C.C. ~9-1843 l\1EN only. 2 s\$!ping rma. $60. n10. &ch. aep kit. $80. I :i-1Mi986 ti II :t J-~asl ~•nits &J1' ju1t a phone call •way • 642-5611 ---- . ' ,,..,.. -. I I ... .~. . \ . . . . . . DAllY 'ILOT Wtclnt'WJ, Juli 21. 1q11 1 ~-~~1~~:_1~_~ ... _1"'~~~1~~1 ~ ... ~ .... ~,~~!1~ ..... ~ ... ~-~J[S]~:[ -.. ... -]~ !~--... _-~!~ [ ---1 ~ [ ........... -.]~;;;I ~·-~ .. ··;;::l~IJ 1 Wrdnudl}', Jul1 21, llf11 Su __ m_me __ r_R_•_"_1•_1_• __ 42_0 Summer R•ntels 420 R•ntelJ Wenttd 460 SMAU. a rey poodl r, ttd col-Buslne11 S•rvlc.• G•fdenlng lronlnt Sewing/Alterations Help Wentad, M & F 710 Jar 11l Wl!'atmlnlter and -:::-'°"'°"::-~""""""-""'" IRONING do lf1 horn UGUNA Rl'a{'h ~r J?nt •Mi.'> WEt:K &. UP. SfEPS UV.' !\11JDENT .,. • n l 1 Aro1d ~1 Nt!wpor1 H~i I TYrt:SE'ITING 40c lnth DICK 'S GARDENING ,. my ' Alter•tlons -642-5145 Au.c. M1aniric~ntly lurn. la,. TO BEACll . , le•n, ru~hr, biarh. !)"fl# 1 ~lS.-ti?Zl lrom t-4·'.W} Pl\I l.B.M. C'Ompo11l'r. ~"I, Rt.,udf'nti&l.COmmerciaJ JI~ a n hr Nl'!at. accurate, 20 ye11rs l'x p. f.nt;. Saltir START A BEmR JOB NOW! 1ol~11,.rr11nr11n !!yle V\1111 6'45·-t:,J.O bdrm lrn •pt. R,.nf 10 hi ---1 proofed ror~rrd. ~·1.o1I , Clean-Ups. Ph. 642-0473 • • fi4~:)6 • • w/lWih 1arrlrn on ocr.an f! IUNO-.~hwuin B • n I • lTI lrt"'IJl"llll~ llf'r\'IC# Adv11>rha-. Ma•onrw frf.lnl .• '\uptirb roas1al VI!"' ~F~~·PORT on !hr btarh. Ju ,.tudf'nl but1£tt ~rrar1y JOh. 111"1'.t 1.Jlkt. Call to ld,.nl1 fy.1 · I CUSTOM lawn R rvlc,., 10 ' • ,,._ \\'1ll r1o aomf f'f'dt cYI ,., •l :"I". ;, 1 In[ -'rt•"!~ 1>7\.._91111 l"R >'·" ,.-,, A•g l••o "., -----------v.· I h ,11lmn1,.~ ov,.rlookini 1 1.1 Jl Aug. 14, ,,.,pt, 4-1 !. . I .-v " 4 ,.. • ,.._.,,, BRICK, RUX:K & ).,!ONE I A ,,,,, .... ,~ 1~1·. N,.11·p-R41l.('rtM ,.r,.11.. . C•rpet Service we,.k.J y. 646-721:-i, 847-5969. l 'O RLY ••" pr1va tr br11f'h & OC't1U1h'()1\t .at. ttr. "'"'U"""I"""'· I 11r. ht11.1·h-b11}. C'.1on "'11.11 for Jo'OUND-f1ntry [l1-.y killl'n , U -..,:.-J948. c~:RAMJC 11le o,.w Ao 1 remoch!l. Frl'e f's!. Small }Obs WPIC'Ome 5.16-2426. [ !U,OOO.$l0,000 MIC "11f'r P0"1 !\lf't pl! 8 to RY BAY .-2 br. !urn mllaJ;f' 11 1ntf'r rrn!RI. J)h. 897-7791 11 1 Bu1lr1e-r·, Emprinun1, JOllN"SCarprr .a. Uphol.srery Compltll' GardPnln;: 10,. Mociern,.kJIChPhn & .~~~I $1:'1 "k. 112 V.'. P11.r1hc coa~1 81ttr :r,, l11tl .Sl, C.M. 66-293.1. Cleanrr~. F.x-tr11 Ori Service Moving rr YOll Rf: UNHAPPY \\'! r11 l ·" A n E Q u ATE RF:C.~~ITION Of YOUR TALf:N TS' ,, n ~:orCA'!'ION AS A C'OMPt:TF;NT AU.SJ. NF.:ss PER.SON, DO SOME· Tl! rN<.; AflO VT JT NOW, Pl«nt'CS. or It uut ll11 y. nR, N.B. 642-76.~ --£.1.rc-"l""H"' !. 3 ~'OU.'IJb a boys bi~ St>l'llmpoci lt r>e Smtrhgu11rd Frt'f'2~~m~ti~-~7:::1l611 aeslhtlf'. $2100~1H-3l10_. _ ·Ol""NIN''""to< .-~ ,o_·. ~·/"'" HUS I S 0 I I R , 111 r d 8 n I 1 I . E XPERII-;NCED J11pane1t MOVING -For your loc&l ot l ______ ~[[ Ii I long distance mol'!ng, 1·all Elrfllo)'fMllt . T Jl!'!e. "' '-' "'"' ,,.,,. '""'" <'hltlrn, 11f't!I .l-4 br hsr or r.·r1>.port Stach call to i<Wn- ocEANFRON'r, h1x1u·1nualy t ManagPr. Call for appt. ("1il!1n. in C'd\l nr Blurr.~. tily 642--00!!1. D"!grra~1.. & all color 1.ard!!ner, M11.intt.nance & OK V11n & S1orAgr. your j rurn. ~ srt hnn1t -"'elrron 838-359~. 911 71 , $.'\l~·S.u\O iw/"1ip 11 ~·:-.in· Hllhbit. Vir · Jl!llmlrit. hnghlt11,.r1 &.. 10 m111ute t'lf'Rn up. 531-887-4, 3~idH~A\•111IAblp 1t-0wthru 2Bdrmnf'arR•lboll,ON!lln ""S~lhlf'I !\.1 ln. )'t l at . 1 -hJr.1och for whllf' t'arpetl. Japa nt stGatdentr klc11J 11JJ1rr1 a.grnl. P11l lr11 ~,.iJ 1 ••••••••••• •IOrage AlM't av1il. R31--0400. Job W•nted, Male 700 h 1r· Cd.\! ";/ S. 61 :~184 . , I Aui;:. llf'('k nr moot · 1 :, ba). Avll•I by wk or &14.;,21:, .'>a~f' your mnnPy iy saving Exp'd. ·yard Work 4!W 1~9 or f'Yf' 4fr.:i.37.~. __ nior_iih. 67:.-!llllO. ---fllU-"10-1\'hitr C. t r man nH• ex1ra n·1p~. \\'•[[ ,·Ir.on Cl,B.n-up. Planting 646--0619 P•inting &. • • -~-~~-,.-,=~ 1UNFURN "~l11Tr or r1111c·h ' .'itwphPrd , Mfi-2687. I Ji\ 1n' rrn rtin1nr r rn & h1.ll p h I HALL R • "0 \ o I • N I> k II' Q .. E.XPER • .Ha-N•l!ao Cardf'11Pr ape r •ng ng • l l!lfl. f'O~l rAr">lV C'AN or . r·v.rt rou TH~: 11-10.S'T AD· \' ,, -.: <· ~: n. M n n E n N t-1r:111u11s Of HLIS JN~~ TO Ht:J.P ~TART YOU ON ·n1r; HOAll 'l'O\'IAROS TRF.?.l~~NIXll'S t' JN AN· {'[1\I. ~F:aJHIT\' & rnE~· TIC ~; AS A~ !1\Ct:i\'TIVF: 'It' Aun A ., ,,, 1 BR ("nllaitt. $70/w. ,.st i;:11P~l htousr . 111r t, urptn· -0----1) --1 Sl'.i, Any rm $750. couch SHAVER HOTF.I~. Apt.~-Rnn1n~ Ay l C ,\!.J\opl"T~.fU'pos1tffq. it11!ilt \11(t1'""r 11 /9 ~r olrt r l;ND 11m1. !)r cal1n HB I .. 1· ,_ Complele Gardtt11n~ Sl'r· PROc'. h .:o.."\6-~llli S 11, C'l,a lr w . .>yrs. f'.'tp . .,. V!Of' Kamal i 646-4676 r painTini::. F.:.1.1tr. JOI V i•fa BAya D11y/\\'t tk or .Mon t · ;)4.'>-4:1.'6 j r 1 111·111e !l'in f ull nr · · wluit l'Ollnts. no, methocl, J • a n · J--.1or.v. low •• sm ""lid· Cof.t• Me•• 67~~\~. i\'ATERFR.ONT hOnle-Slp~ p111•t111l rrnt ln rt1urn for t;rtF.Y fo'rn11 le r11t. 4 mo"s. 11(> k !t Good f COMPLITE lawn & e:arden· J>Alnl. Ave: rm. Sl8. Airlf's_. Yoo 1irr th.-11 1110,.r ol 9 Sm boat iiil!p. \gt p•Hn irr\i{'f'~. 546-2160. CIPar 114'a ('Oi l11r. \":r· !'!JI~·~; m.1 ~e ' re ' IOi: ~n·iee. 1<pr11yini;: llC('()U~. N'1l1ng3, 2 :2 ncktt~ 1'• lhe The DAILY/ PILOT ORANGE COAST'S ' lill "k. Au' 7-21 . 6i.>-6i3i S1'F.ADY .. n1ployffl fPmlll"' Church SI, ('.,\1. 94:,...:iu~ afl ·· . . J im 54!1-0405 roaTs $1:'1. Roy, 84i-l:l..ill 5. 1 Diamond f'arprt Clr11nlni Southl•nd 2 R~;-R;y-&r-ClUbhQu.•r. i "'"d~ l AR house or apl, A1 g 1111,. room S1t [..AWN MAlnt. Ha uling. orw No w11 .. 11n..-:: Home & Garden L10o Isl,.. S l~O/" k .I ('.,\l. or~ R. llr'i'!I '''ould Lo&t 555 n .. µ111rlTlli! & in~111ll 1 11on~ 1""n~. rlPiPl·IJ P. pnirung, *WALLPAPER* Show $111•11010. Call 61:l.-7TR:i. hkt 11011.ll )lll'fl or p11 t1n. ~rrr ;:.1 6'lf).Jll1 , ~·11"t r11t. C11ll 546-7379. "'-'hrn you call "/.1ac"' at ttw< --\18 l{ $00 n10 (ionrl fl'l's ~G-__ l_S___ ~A8 J444 ~· 1 •• Y.'f'f'k Or -'1on1tt. 3 Blkll !\\II.II. f'IPll.o;f' .~All ~G-ll.lOR DISAPPF:AREn \'if': 0 r Carpenter •n•r• erv1ce1 ,,., . <>"16·1 II ANAHEIM from Be11ch . I Bn Apt. P-!1 ut11r1no k Bahb S'. C.\1 : I ATf. Apt ow""'f'll & Homr INT &r Exttr. Paintinit CONVENTION Li nri1.1;_tuni. CA_ll_64·l·2039._IPRIVATE rwm nr OCC h)' I f"rnale )el:o..., l11b CARPENTRY ownPrt.. Ciir· .... n!rJ , ""Ill-L ic_·n, in.o;. rrv.r e!t. 30 ).r~ CENTER n1~le "ork1ng 1•ollrite s1u· rP!rie1Pr. narn e ··t>arrl"d"', 1 1 i\llNOR REPAIRS. No Job lln". ""· By,,.. hr or •·:_,, f'Xpt-r. Chuck, local rel'· Jul} :'l(J. 0 A_ut. ~ I 548-5247 t)'I... . ! J " f'ilst-I'& .,..,.. • f'..:t. ,, ~ T{I ?-1 \Kr; RIC; MON F;Y r·oR rol1R.sr:t.t' /. Jo·on LI" YO U"J.I. HA V~: TH~: ("HANCr; m ()\.\'"' " nn.1v~: A '\f'\I' l'ln I.AD· JI.LAC & \\'t. LL PAY roR IT. Rentals to Share 430 <!f'n\ r1PN'iffi k1lt·h to Aug 1tl11le hlack lah r,.ll'tt \f'r, 1 1 '!"on Sma ll. Cabinet In gar. "' .~ ~·~oso9 "I II ""' •1' 'I ' 1l1h, priv1lci;:l!'s prPlen'!'fl. 0<1111,. "Profa11P." Bvlh pup-agP~ &: o I he r cabinet1, I brt 9 .... \ ' VINYL h j Wf't'n . ~ . ..., pni n * .... t;ir1 ln1mPdii1lf':ly RENT Al TO SHARE? ;14~;'6~. pie! !indrr 6 11111""· Pl"ast 545.8175 ii no a n~wer leave THINGS by MoosP-Lt. ~ect., . . PAP tr a n i n IC <:'la im your tlckt>!.~. i!'.ni•ih , 1.\-'t {'RO help YOU : C0UPLF. ....,./ ~ rhl1lrn (!11511'"' o·all ~:i7-~~:i6 . Rrw;,rn. __ f rn~g. at 646-2372. H. 0. plumb. fence · tilt -lnrtln~. 'Pf'Cl11.li~l. 1••nrk i\)arllnltf'd, County ioll.frtt 11umbf'r 1s ' Plu.o;h ON;"*"' AndPri'IOll. Ct.rpe11lry pa.Inc etc:. frP.e est, Dan Sch-.-.·artz r •• 0_1...,., • <"ompl'll n.v Tra1ninit , NEED ROOMMATE? \\'e can hf'lp YOU. loo! BEACON * 1>15-0111 To mana_o:,. 11 p1 11n1t!I". 2 yrl! RE\\'ARD tor J"{'l 11rn of _o:rry S4~·082CI. 547-5fM6 or 846-J18~. .Tt "'•u! Pn>gr11m r xp Rtf"I. C11.ll 11ny\lme. i\1otorol11. 2·11'11Y r11.r1u1. or 1nfu ANY !llZ job, Rrsirl .. Comm·!. * * .. 642-79:.R. -1 rp .slalu~ or ".'hPr11tinu1~. Jnfl11s., Apt~. All l)'J>I'~ Hauling l~TF.n.. k f':X Tt:R HF.SID, I SCRAM LETS .i RR. on or lll'llr tll'11l'h. CrtM J .n~r abt 61 10171, v i(· Lido 1io1•k. Rea-. fr,, f'SL "'ANl'F.IJ·. Cornm , Apt1., Acco113 1·r 1I. • to Sao C\f'mtnTll' fll'f'll . Sh1py1ir·rl . Conlarl, D1111d 962-l~il. .., SomPOne to l11tkl' 2:-i yr.~ txper. hr.st service I SHARE.COM hon1,. w'"-nrk·1 y ,..11r·.~ lr11~t . Adull1. Crn~b~'. t·/o Al1111 ll Croll.l cAnPF.NTR \' hv lcw11! in11.n. 1\'Y from our yard. C•11 1 847-412R. ANSWERS R bl I 541)..2279 1n 1nakf' your hid. ----!l11:; 11nrnan. Pason11. '· R:\6-432~. 213 21:\-1-000. !'<0 QUt:s. 1111 ktod.o;. frtt r~I, call Alipr ~ P 111 PA l N TING/paprrin&:. 18 01'/""'r h1111 her !11'p ~m ---TIO''S A'KC'Q• ., . . ,. I II bo L' • ·-· (' 67_).CJGtl. • · (iAR.AG~: wan1rd hy priv11!r '" ,, r. · · 1t'lf'r .\::1() p .m .• !J.16.164~. n:. n ar r a rt•. •c r'\.11'1.'k -••Vf'o -L1m11 ---------,I perly !or ~lor~.o:, N.B., C.M. LOST-?.~ixf'd ~phPrd m11te ' EXP~ rP m-ode1·i n1t, TRASH l.t. Garagp {'Ira.ii-up, bonded. Rrf'a turn. &1 Z-2.l56. Hr11rth -UNO HER BF:ACH front, far out C 64 -6692 1 . 1 d . 1 h 1 , 7 dl'lly1. $10 11 lo11r1 , t'r te est. -I B nd , b · or df.1. 4 pup, mu 11-roorf', tr l'O-j cabinrt~, ttp11ir~. main!. No All)'tlmt . 5'18-~31. PRDfo'ESSJONAL p11 1nl:in1t _ " anr f'r~ n ·"""r.flllon· hdrm .. 2 b11 .. h1rn. hon1f',/ , 11'r ....,·/bt:J!, \"I(' l91h 1.1 .,.b lno arn i ll . R ea•.------1 I , II 1 k \\'hen a gui .-lnok!< J1kP "I P''' -m ,., •-o I '" .. OVING 1 • in tr ,.,,. ,r. OOP-"' \vor . ..,..... 1 ld A ~ /l .'J AS.st:X'l.<\ Tf: Ot- OA \'~: lf)OKINGl..AND Fl· NA:-O'Cl/\I. INVESTMENT ANAl.Y.STS. TI f:. "RROKF:R YOU J\IAY MAKF.: $25,000· $.i0.000 YOUR F IRST YF.AR THROUG!I l'0Mi\11 SSJONS & SERVICE FEES. CALL NOW 547·6771 · '"'' '"' ""'· "'llf'r '~ ;~.~';,:~ia. 642-2025 or 1 _64&-4724. ,., · ,garagt rean-up ., 1 &rl 5'18.17~ &l'l-.~JO """•a most any o I•nf' tr11vPI~. John ;,;>,&..2157. I [ ~,,...,""'' lilt h11ul 1ng. P..t'a.~nablt .K". nli. _._. ___ _: wtli LA ND HER_ .• J-GIR' s 1 Annouocem1ota ~ ---Ceme nt, Concrete FrPP .. ~t•mates. 61:i-1602. PA INT I NG : Hon'.'.\. 2-,·ou•·c "''"· 1, • _ ••II I ' '-" "'ant roomm,.!p or I •. RE:WARD-1 .vr old nialr " •"' • BR h"" 3 bl k r CL"ANUP & d a uaranlrl'<l work. J.ic d. d _ .... _, ... _ , _ k ,. s~ oc s roni rlark 51ript"r1 {'Ill. ""lwl1t PATIO .S(:lf'ri ali~1•. Adil r~ ·garage )Ir• · · b c !I G7S-0 .... "' J0"~· ...., ..... n "fl'"· Ask for Mr. Karp beach. $6.). 5:l&-4!1!11. PRW!< s, i·he~t. r-;n f'Olhtr. I f11~ttn{·tion To your hornt I Liit h•uhng ,IG: gardr nini;:. Any J!lf' JO • a . 5740. painting. f'(t', Rr.l111h]f' t. ,..,_ "'""""'"'""""""""'"''"'"I .SINCLF. girl wiinlf'd lo 1>ha;; Announcements 500 f.li~~·ni 2 11 k~. 6"6-'1.12.ll wll h 11 ,.11~troni pitio d,.~ig il-1 • • Call 54~9i~!i * * Plaster, P•tch, Re_;,•ir Jlf'rlf'll('f'rt, 642-0022, Ask /.,r -ffiHfE·R.R ECEPT apt "'/~ame. C11.JJ 11f\ s. '(:REY-&. wh11, 11gf'r k1t1Pn rd r spPc1all y !or your homr. Housecleaning • PATCH PLASTERING Brian nr Grri;:. ~---f..Xpl'r. Thnf1 nr l1nanr, m. '.l.~7-'1~211. ft .. • \-.l mo•. vie 27th St, t-:.B. Q1.11!1tr. }~ x pt r l e n c. •·I All IYPf'~. TrPe e.~timates PROF'ESSJON"AL Aflrtf'nrlPr 10 wnrk In lhr1!1 ()fr. lora.ttd ~':d~.mrta:~1~~nty~~~; M~!M~~~~tN ii7~R327. ~~~'.:111~~;::;. ~:s~;6~: Sons ca:~;~~~~~~~:~. ~1:~:1<'. c ... n ~0-6825 _;_;.~~'.-:~~;~ fnr home paraPs. 1 :~11 n~~~:·~11t 1~~~1.·;:'f';' ~~~ 7022 M-ntife Cir. Youni;: hlk F. 1>."ht cat n11111P<l --------P.r.~1U. & Commc'l, ~>48-4 111 Plumbing -.',~lo'" ,1~ A?~! -Rf"!! C 1 c• · 1· 0 ~fllllr\', r.1a l\,\' (~l O..nrf)I;<;. I d ·"' · ......... .., · Huntin.ton B••Ch .10~111111. Lai:una N1i;:.ucl, .s J. nnrrf' e .~prrifl •.11 ~. ------·----· -----------Job W•nted, Fem•le 702 1 ea ing NEAT, e lf'RO roomm11l t lo You ll l'f' lhP llinnrrof 4%-47i9. FathPr k Son T f'•m . DAY\VORK. Monrl/ly & TA.KAS k Snn.11 Plumhin11: Apply 111 Pf'l'SOn, Avro .o;harp LagunA Beach h.~r. 2 nckf't~ 10 lhp IRISli Sl'ttPr nialt ]1.-j, yrs. :i:1~:.i1;i6 a nytin1e. ~~:~~:· Sl& P"r da.Y· I lic"rt, hond!'d, rep I p,. OA·GYN ~ecy.re(.'f'PI. Ai · ~~-~,~~;11~1~1 ~."""~~·.t c .. ntrr ~ri4-21119. Southland PATIOS. 1>.•11lks, rtrivr , in~!flll · · · · rl'mocl r! nrw con~L t·rer !111gual i.<:;pan 1 Exp·rt tronl & __ -------1 Lo~l Newport .l "·k~. ago. B,.y & Rfoarh J11111 11"1ri11l 1'31 646-ll~IO M k I I G•rages for Rent 43S Home & G•rden :-1·,.r on rto.~r. wht mark on new lflw11~. 111\v, hrc11.k, I ·· hark olf icf'. 4AA-+3004. CASHIER-Car Waf.h ar e P ace !---'---------Show ~irlf'. Rf'w11.rd 61;,...;,9,14, l'Pmnv,. fi4~1!66!l lorf'.~I. CrplJ", "'indow~. fl()(lr.~ "1~· PLUMBING .REPAIR AIDES for Convale~rt'nr11>. ~'ull or P~~i_'. __ &J<-_4•150 STORAGE g,.TllR"'" r1n1>.·ntown ------------r RP~. 1.r Comm"!. fi46-11()1. J\. · b 1 11 ~t lhP lDST: R ittcrsh::iuse-n nu1r. CT.MF.NT \VORK. no jnb ton ° JO 00 •ma r ldrrly cart' or tan1i!y care. CA ,\IEllA ,1:1rt nvPr J~ rri ,., CLASSIFIED HOURS ~:00 11.m. 1o 5 fl.n'I. lvl ond11y lhr11 f"rirl11.1 9 ln noon S 11.1urd11.y Ad1·crtlscrs may pl11<'f' their ads by tclrphon~ COSTA l-1ESA OF'rlCE 3JO W. B11y 642-5678 NE\Vror.r TIEACJ1 333J ;\' ~1vpr.r t Bh d. 642-~7i;l HU!\'TP.\GTO"l 'REAOI 17875, R,.:irh BJ\·d, 5.1().l:t.2{) 1.Af';iJ :'\'A l\EAl!I :J.J..!. r•irr~· ,\\C. 49 1-9166 !';A'l c-1.~:r.11=::-;r~: JDS l'i. El C11n11no J:ral ·192-1·1:.!0 :r-.·onTir ro1'\'T'f t:IJrLI lrcc 540-1220 CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Ocllrllln" for rnp~· & kill~ i:oi. s .. 30 prn, l llr d~\' h ·~ tore 111 1h l1••1111q r1, r...:•'"I" ror r>lnnd11y Frl111nn "·hen dr1u11inc 1s Sa.lur- da.y, 1:.1 110011. CLASSIFIED REGULATIONS ERP.ORS: Ad1·rr11.<l'r.t shl'>uld ch('('k 1hcir .eds dally & rcporl r rr•W< lmn1rdiatrl}. T J~ E DAILY PILOT 11~!i>umc< lisbilily ror 1ht> fi~1 1n-correcl in:.trl1on only, CAr-."CELLATIO:\S: Wht'n killing an ad h" 1ure to m,.kt' 11, ,..,. ... nrrt or the H ILi. 1'i L:?.18EI'! i;:ivrn you hy your art 1,.krr OllJll rf'<!eipt of )'n111· r11ncrllatlon. Thi!\ kill number m ust br 1ll'"· 11rn!pd by thc Ad \·rrtiscr in CUt' o[ a. dispulc. CANCET.t .ATTON on CORHECTION or Nt:w AD BEf(lRt: RUN NIN(;: Every l"ffort Is mad,. f n kill or rnrrPct e nr ..... 11 rt th11l hl'llS ht'rn ordrrrd. but Wf" c11nnot J{tu1r11n. I« to d o 110 11nlil tht' 11d haA appcatrd, 1n tht p&• ..... DTME·A·T~Tt\F: ADS: Th5e a d,o; a re ,o;1rlctlv ("8.Sh ln •dVl'lnCf' hy mail nr at 11.n.v On!!' ot our of- ticn:. NO phont' ordl!'rs. TllE DATL"'I" f'ILOT rr-- 1,.rvn t hl" ri11ht tn claJ· ally, f"d il, rcn3or or rc- tu't' 11ny ad1•,.rfliw:mtnl, and to c hans:" It.a MllH I-r'"1n1 l•tlona wtt hol.Jt prior nnll«. CLASSIFIED MAILING ADDRESS r. 0. eo)f 1~. Co.a Mna ""'"' Cn~l11 Mrsii, $20. f)f'r mo. ANAHEIM 1 II hi ,. Hnu~tCIPaning By D::i,v. e &12-.ll:n! e Ho"'"m•k••• "'1 ""°! · hlAck ('ll~f'. CdJ\l Bf'11rh. J1n1a. J"f'll SOl\11 '· Cf'f'I ... n •• .,., -::"". -l :.::i1 nlTl'S lnr 'i\ln1n1f'r. f all 642-422'!. CONVENTION Sun. J11ly 18 RPwarrt rnr j t:""t1m . H. S1ull 1r.k. ~8-Nil.~. 01>.n Tr,.n~porl11.l•11ri COLE PLUMBING Help W•nt.d, M & F 710 ?.1r.~. Ot~. 121.1f 324-1800 All fflll R:ll>-(M61! 1 CE NTER rr1t1rn. J)('n111~ 211/Ji~lfMil. QUALiTY-Crml'nL \V~rk :-1..@l 2J hr. 1;('1-vic... &1:;.11st 1 +>pm f<"·1· Appt 1.l)ST 110~-\\'hitf' p•Kllllr. toy C.eorgp do 11. L i c ' d . A & H & OL MEN t 0 S \I ~: T 0 1-:-0 ""'C;J~<:;-T !or Rrsnond1n, lo !ht nernf' hondrd. 6-l:>-1 695. * * * * * * Are yoLJ lll'Pd of your pi'f'.o;· AN\ll~'l\1 ~!(111 ,.X r "I "" r nt \('art p~·11m No •·R•l· ' · ' ' _:_:~n~. <.:~u1Rct 89"l-:ilri6. C()NCRr.i'F: \\'ORK-. -! \';i.ssini: or wlic1t;11 • {'all-I Jrn·;o uon t lop m1nrn1.!.s1on~. LOST, l•J:l'r i,tripJ>f'd inale No JOh lrJO ~n111U ll\2" 00 P«!ah 3~munJ~ C'i1 ll C'ol!Po'I. 12'1.lt 7~·12:-..t. "lh So N' B &12--047Jll ~-,.,,. ~;11. .,.. . . . . 1.11:11 l'l·1·2hii. 1 • • ' ' T d I Pa d" r.ar111n.1t:-' rommP11t¥' 1n1mrrl. 6":':H!.l27 Contr•~tor ra er S ra ISe Shnu1rt he in ".'<('{'5~ n! $?.'"ii CAsi11t:n -:-c,.-,c.l_o_Jc lc,-,-,-.1 t parakrrt in Vir : p!'r "'lf. '°'"<'Onrl )Par rr· (']Priral r 1nr l~r111'~ rlofh1n.-: J670SANTA ANA A\lfo:. CM 1 !>10·l72!h ('Bl, I lC './ * • • .l'rom JOO sq/fl. l.Jc Jlj. fc. If' Ajlti. Sant" Ana ADDITIONS lo Com' I. l'lf'll'llllll 257,,. Jrn mf'd. RI$· siorr . P::i rt rirnr. perm. f\o 64;,....()4()11. (.'on1pltlt! Servlr... plan.o;, Ii nes \'a.N'l'mP()f,~. CAii for ::ippr. phnnf' f'l\ll' ~.. m I: r . LOST: Bl u 67a-2464 or 541 -5032 I~ ~~·:.,;~,~ I rs11n1atf'.~. JOP Ro""· Gen. 9 'lm·l pm "·kdr~. ii.~0.-1771. R:ickJtlrP11t, l'o. 2a J-'11sh1on 1'001r. 6'12-!i997/64fi-921't.l. ... i ~tr, r.; H. • XLNT OF'FfCF. SPACF. Per•on•l1 110"' a vail. Lido Bldg, m':i /1a Lu1o, N.B. fii."l-4J01. DESK !!"pace a vai111ble '"" mo. Will provide Jurniture at $5 tno. A n~wering 1rrvlce a vailable. "' .Fore~t AvP, Laguna Beach. 494-94fi6 I Auto tr•nsportation 525 I '"''' {•AR Pnnl -Nwpl-<lnl"'n LA. I olflrf' hr~. J1111n1111l'r, ' Schools uctinrt I~ MY ll'a.v-. -qt;3"111y home ~ I l'Ppa1r. W:ill~. ('f'il1 ng. floors iiiiiiiiiii;;;,·;;o-r lt· No Jnb tnQ 1n1111 IL ~47-00.16. 24 hr An~. ~Prv. times .'IBLC '1AN -~- Hand.\·man I)~ ne-edrd . C!lF:F or f"l)l)k. PllT! llnir J\t11"1 ha1•P kon,drfli;:-~ nl C,..ll::i r Rr~la11r::in1. 120 dollars pR1nT 1ng. pl11n1hu1i;:. Plr, :\n· -~-~·_1:-"i:llllll P...11rh_. __ 11m-4:.lO; LUXURY OFFICE SUITE pm 11ny w1nlrr, 7 Rn1 -fi "' •II dll)'~. instruc & ArlrtiTin~-*-RPm<XiP1~1 t ions 575 (:Prw1ck J, Son. J.ir . '---------------------./ ply RPn111.! P..l':idlPr. ~9 \\' Cf\TI. f., ,..rl \Vfli ll"~~~P~. n"" \9th Sf. CIVI Rhv; 1 !. 3 pnL 1 Din H~. Y nR ;., iqtlr. Arr ACCOUNTS' re(•('i\"Hhl~ rlrrk 1().....1 TuP~, \V('tl !. TlH1r~ Y1nf'~t \'1e11• ol harbor • I ()("!'fi n in NP11·port. \lr1·y 11 1. Trat'tl\·e rrnral 011 iiHb-lra~f'. \l111"rp J11lt1rk! 675./.140 646-~~)!/\, M ACRAME 67.1-6041 * ~149-21 70 1 * • 21'1 Unit Profe1;~1on~I Personals 530 Bpt1nning allli lnl Pr. 2 hr. Eltctrlcal Rlr12. ""Ill 11 rf'f'pt Tn1~1 C'.':C:C'.".0:::--.,.-.----<-1a.~~. TuP.• P\'n. ~n1.1o lJ f11>,. I LIC'D El 1r· . . 1 Dt"Ptl!ll or ; ! to new loan. \VQRRIF.O ABOUT HUf.1A N .Srvdio 10 t:; G ~rell Pllfl""' tt 1r1an, main . Bmkrr RI (i HT .<ii ! • ! ; \VF; f rl l • ,39 ~.1!6J llt'r\·. Al$O, re.sill. lndu~trla.l. . fi.\6.Z4fi() Rt:Llt.v ~: EVERYO/'oit; or f'!ll.I J. ;.),.-or fill -4474 . -------' DJ::SK spa('f' a vailable $50 I mo. \\'ill provjdr fur11!111re at SS mo. Ans1>."Pring: !<f'rvic,. 1 ava1!11bJe. 17875 Btarh Bl\·d., I luntini;:ton Bt11ch. 642-4321 PROrESSIONAl. Bldg. 4X i'I ft. A1r·rond, crp!s, drp~. i;:rl parking. Xlot Joe 3:t0 J.:. Jl11l ST. l'.:"-1. PF::'l'F: BAR· RETT RLTY 642-4353 HA~ Tiit; ltli1'1AN ltJGllT ;,J9.70R7. IF! FCTR~ICOl-N-~1---\''111 11·11d11> .$12.000 f'Q lf't It .. 'I'll A'l"l f',NI) 1'11f', f'RIDA'' I PIANO LFS..o;;c>~~ .. ' -A ' ic,.n~f'd. nP1>." hnmr nn aol f rour~ ~· ' · hnnrtP!l . Sml'llll JOh~. m,.1nl. !"](,H T SP t:t:J)\\'AY Rt-i;:111ntrs ltll.rn b11 i \i:-J : k ~~~10.l 111 1.t11n11d::t Ifill ~ for C'\1. t.!Ol(lR.l"YCI.~: HACES AT thror~, ~1i;:h l·rt11rling. r lr -~p~~. · ' I hum,. nr l'l'1lf 11l prop. Llln'Y Tll ~; CJHAl\'(i ~~ l'C)llNTY {'11 tl Arucr 546-4478 1d1rr 6 Gardening l\rtl111 ~18-~11- O~:SK 1pa('f' a'•ad111JJ;--s3(i mo. Will provide turnil11re ~! S.l mo. An.•"'~rin1t 5er.:i,-.,. 1 11\"!lll &blP. 305 No. F: J 1·.11 mlno Rr11l, Sa n f·lf'mrnle. 492-4420 • l'F:\VPQRT BEACH • t·AIR!.f{OI NII:\ IN 1 11.'l~l"A l\!~..liA \l'l!t:llE TH ERE All~; t"llJ.:J.. PRO\;HA?.lS p nl. ---------• • • MR. ANll ~ f{~;~; J'AHh:ffl,\;. :O:!t:N~;I! HAHRY (l:-Cl.J.Y GENTZ [ S.rvicn ar1d Repairs JGifl 6372 B rown Cir. . ~ Huntington Be•ch lt,.no110Prt H11"1<"!11 :-:i)rnh1 11l1.c.t '.:i.Otl ,.r'f' 1h11> 111n n11>r or Adi I(" on ::ill 11111111'!'~. I 2 11rkr1~ 10 !ht l.0111, ~lfl11 1~11". B11•1t.,~~ Auto Waxing Southl•nd Rr~r11111<~ ~"'n 7 rln .1 •" Skeeter& Wash & Wax Home & Garden 1>.rrk, 10 11 rr. tn 10 r 111. t'riini~{'I~ 57.Z'i .Slllntlarrl~ Show 312 I" ~'.J C.1o n11no Rf'AI, ,.. . . · , ,.. h Arr ... ·~~ l1'0m Ch•rc {·f'oter ('I $" 'l;i Qu1t'k St-rv1N', ... An1pf'r 1 111 t P ~· · ~An .. ri111nt" + ANAHEIM IR•nrti. rlufll "hrf'l~. rarlin. T\". ~l,..r<'<l. Vfl lll~ $41YlO. ~WRJ'l lor t-P•t .•111lho::i1 ol!rr •)r ·--R"fl·~~.t. S79.:h'l Ollie,. Rlrl1;. '" Bflth rnohile hnmr lnr I 1 11()1 1.;, Ou1nll'lrd RP11l 1~·. 1!171 HRrhnr, 1· 1\1_ 1=.r.'.'J!l'l·~ I TRAD~~-F:XTRA -111(', ,;;:;. A.r-Crpl"i;:-f'rk 6, JOO to 41\J-!il.'.'.6 4~i-OOiO i\l11h11, a va ot R,.a~ _\1~.~n. 1000 i;q. ll. J5r. 1---' __ Up ,r,, rr~. 1n111nt, f:4 :.-2.>.'l0 CONVENTION •'"f>'f, hr~\JI .\ihA<lr trf'"A u1 Det>()io p * 673-5862 EXPF:HIF:NC~:n !8•blittin-C ENTER Cil.1. Jo'OR ~ma ll h<i115e 10 -- ---Hnu~P ~1rt111~ Ml'Atl y Iii Jiil i• :tO-.~ll.i: i :>.;I~. :'>:>7·~.l.ll. s ront: t•r ort icr ._N""'pc>rl "I PJY>lr•'I .>••11r h1•r11" ~·prop, COSTA MESA PIPfl~ rail f>4 2.!i(ij.ll. r.~J :11 4 J Aerr~. RM A1r~H-M~1: I =~\~~ c~~.r. :,i;;2 ~~]"'~'. C11rr .. ril l~lll rrr. PRE-SCHOOL bf>!11Pr n 9 11 nrt I pin In hnlj11nd f)r ,·~111 .. $:.0.l)(lll~ . ' 1/nr ho~1r1 ••Ill> 1 ! .il:l'Jf"f'la l Summ"r Pmi;:rAm r!•1m yoi1r t1rkf't~. 1:-..'orrh ""· rlf'AI. \.Vito! Nf'1>.""'r1 or 646-1251. ">-!' Ill' I ~-. ·~.:..,: ' Ja.1 &-Monrovia. h dity + Count\• toJl .frre nun11) .. r 11 Llli;:unit , 1 Bu &ine &s Rental '4l P=R~F:~GcNcA-NT ~ Arl o pt 1on, flll! d•y Al'Uions. Plflnlll"tl 54Q..l2'20J Ag,.111 l ll: 7Xi.1l9:-,,1t ATfRAC •lore & off\~ Alioruon \"fl .~,." l o m v p1Ylgr11m. hot hin{'hf'• A1tt~ • • • ~PRl"t~ i ;;ci &r up. Owntwn roun.~rli~g: I. 1nlorm at10~ U. hrs Ii .AA Ai\l -6 P\I. ~·s GAROENIN=G~- Sotn Juan ('api!trB.no, nr f.42-44.lfi. Sl~ "k..C0;>.1PARE• 642-~0:lO , lot' EM:lenlnt .i 1 ma 11 m1.•.c.1011. 493-JJ~. PHOT6GR.APi1-,-b,::iutiful -\IAf°ATTON M0111J.:R I lanciscapini;: Jl!tvtce!, c11 1l ----morlrl. Snni11 1 STurhn 11:!'1 \I 111 I Aki' 1·11rP :if )Out ~0-5198. St'n 1ina Newport, COSTA -'lESA. 991 \\'!9th SI. "'-'. Ch11 pn111n, Or11 0<•. J-7 t·hlldrPn in !'nur hron1t 11 h1lt CdM. O>&IA ~_f,sa, Do\·tt 117x00 <'On 1 .. r w/900 Ml. II I Sho w I "'TI. 673-1166. ~nu \"ll f it tioo , Q11·11 ns. e~lc 1ff. h!d~. 642.3400, ,,, l1 1 arr .. SpMll{l.tt Rivf'r. Or· ".i:<lfl ll"J!. 9,.~u1 . c-ntry-!<i!lr. /\'n amOi: t. ff'w peoplr . Slj()() '"Q lor jl>we-111. f'llf, Mat. ~nl lf'fll'"<; ror ~uhm t!1 fi73-0M2 -~-----_C_O_N_G R-A TUl.ATl.ONS--t·ar r" I 1 a b l e.r'l'ff'ttn~~. Profe11.sional C;11.rdfollf'r SfOR~;-J S"x-1()'.A-1 It)(·. \R7l T & TU!llll11, mRil proii;Pf>rluK I,,,..,.~ r• ''"' M Mlll'l"ne 6' ~,,.,,., -lh,. pro111l fi.4:...0.i"i4. l'f'f' l!\'flrk. "Pru n 1 n Ii:• to Cha.rtr_. Qu1n1 11 rd, !87l • ,~ ... a ir~. · • on, •pnnklrno. n .. 11n up Jo,,., I Q ' , 6'2 "9'! pmurt p.<1rtnl• of 11 ht11e AABYSJTTIN(; m y homr . \/11rbo~ B!.. C.M. ~f'. u1n 1rn -4 , • 111 nrl, c • p l "I , Gt<1rg• ' ----h11 by girl' I any11mr , m11ny yr11. t~pPr. --c--o SHO\\'ROOM mfg. It nff1ff I ~6-!IAAl. 'AF:AITTrF.UL lot frct Ir I .~p11ce . oo~ 1o l...11i;:unll Joe. ALCOllOJ.!C'S Annnymou~. .O\"ln,e; <'llrll' f'nf'rl yd. loy:i:, rlrll r. flii:. Tir::ir-"'hiii;P"rin1t $95 To $3.'10 Mo. ~94-46.a,1. P ho rlf' 542-7217 Ot' \I nit II ',•,111o'boh. R•1u.(' .VI 1 ~Al' o·I~!,• JA.PANESF.•• g,h•lr d t n Jin R rnrf'll !. All util!n,.11. •n $6,000 P.O. Bo't 1~2.l Cn.o;1 11 \f"'"· _~r r 11.!'f'll_. _ '" ~_.-... ~-'·. 'rrvi{'f'. , .. nn y r a ,. . . ' Tndu1triel Rent•I 450 -l;f'nrr~l rlf'A11-up. n J vt1li1'" tor 1·"1J111 en.user, J '"ON .c,_ 'l•airi•o-_--,--, RAHYSIT 111.v hnmr. ,\lf'11.11 t •I ro·~ nr ~: 644-4.~. M-1 1211() :i:q. ft. nf'w hldi;: hour of 11111.g1c l11r chiltlrl'M rlrl 11-lfl r. Bahill'K "111Cl:nnt , --------H11\1c:$.Ro00-2nd--Tc11<-,I wloffiC'c, li;:t: M'llT door. 1187 J)Art1rs s:1. 4!H-.'l66ri. Xln"I play racil. ~ot l un{'hf'~ .. I AC' K ,,,-,i:;o 11 I 11 w n l)f'f'd on S..11 Cl,.m,.111,. 111• ~ "' " I RPason11hlr . 6.fJ.-22.\q. Whillitr SI, CM. Al.llO 1240 --------Cr r1. t,.ll{'ht'r, l'el~. !>-t~i:tfi. ~,rv1c,.-i\fnwi11i;:. , rt i:: in g , MASSAGE (I. -1,,·,,. ,. ""mf'·\VAt>.'T hOUft#, rluplf'X, I S ''Ml'""" '· ~ ., ... v~ril11mini;:f.,f'l,an -u p ,'" J.1,e;an • !, -.. . -.All• 11q . fl. pPrir.m·r 1~ o Rolstr. BABYSITTING 24 tini. all triplt x In Coron11 .-lrl M•r. I $!95/nw. 0 8)'•, 646-:.cl33, Ch1{'• Rrl , 11.R. Mf>.~121. 11 g•~. Rit: 4 ff'l"K'rd b..rk J'rrr ,.,.1. 9611-lr.12!1. r..fATCJlAM RLTY fi46-4R:n l!'\'('11 64&--0681. .v11rrt 641·1'.'9'1. NF:W Ja,.•rui 4 plantini;: --,--,,,==--==-:--,.-H•v~ l ..iU'PtrxM 14 BR I. I * COSTA MESA * BABYSITTING 24 hrt. "f'rvir•. ~mllll l•nriMllping. I 'RR l Comn.a d~ Mllr, $95. & $167 per month. lcttt Mid found Jlnl Your hon1t ror my home No Y.~. 1~. "mall. Rnio till· s.w.ono ,. 11 11 It y, Vl\I Ur lndu~nal units, N"erl y fnr ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;L:iJ~; • 64&-0CY.-il • 11151· .~,.~"""·1• Sl!l0.000 \\•11111 :1{I to 40 OC."'1'\lplt rK·). I $1'.'>. mo nr Sl(-,.k:'°R11 h.\ or SPENC 1':rt ·s--,-.-.-,-~rYi{'r Ut\11~. f'"n'lln PJty 643.1771. ... C. NA1TRF~S..'5 RI.TR. + I h1r1 Lo I I I ~~rrr t''t. l.o11 wn t'•r "', f'ntfll ;\4!"1111. 4'-11-i 4~ Found {frMeds) 5SO r 1 1'111·"· \"t V i;:. rt:An t'l,.11 nuPJ1. R t•sl'ln •hl i . \ViU tr11de Irvine COii~ -M-1-.;-0">'D <Ill "·hi 01 c~u"O 11• I I hi k I ~mr E.1.p:_ ~:..\17_ ~.L'.'21.1. ('nuntry Cluh toll m,.mhll'r- -r. "~ .I: ""' • r v •~ , Rt m• t "" 1;nno, '"Xfl. RltbyJ1llrr, 1ny ship fn¥ l11rr 11'lflfiri a't•llOO !Irr~. 'tnr11111>. f11rrl y •n1 & hm110 Shtphtn1l<"nll111> horn,. nr }Our~. 11.ll ()f t'\l't., • LA"'N 5JoltVJCE • ""'"Pl. •ptlrlll car, Rnlls Jfl,.11 1 f(lr c-on1 r • c.tor . li<tt:. \11111 a 11•11> 111111y 11 Ml l'lllt Mora;An. ~IR. F'n:int y11rd $10. ptr month.' Ro)'C"f'. Mf>.j970. R-t6-17f;9 or R.42-14.\.~. rl,.iml'f"l 9fi1-76..ll. ---------h11rk yard al!IO. Wrtdl"'«. RENT 1'1-1, 1123 aq rr. Sl:t•1 l..ARRA OOR-rl'tro"''"r d;:;f. mo. Avail Aur 1~1. 1:1..'i.i frm. 11.h1 4 ~r•. i 1r L.112 11 ~ l.11111 n No. 1, C f.1 j f'vn· TI•I, l..a2u11A n r h , ti7>..511f: 4~ .li t~. RAA\'~ln'ING my homr . y11rrl {'Jr11 nup. 9&1-H12. Ira lof'fi .Yd . lll".I! m,.11 1~. t111y -------- " n1tr 1>42-5299. I F:XPtr J11p1tntM! G11rt1,.n.-r -.----• ('(11Tif"!l"lt )'tl .•rrvil'r . Nt•I 8u11ne•s Servtce ,., P.rli.1o rr,.,. ,.~, &t2-4l~ Corllll'T OCf'IO Vl .. W In!. v .. n- 1ur11 Ct:i, 1 htk tri hc"h. Tr11dr nn inc-om,. pmpoorty • P"'- l11>r R11lhOll I~ rlllplt'X, t>IC, Owritt 644·~1. ---------~ ~ SQ fl ....,mm,.rriAl hlfli: rNn \'1r Af1 .. 1n ~ A, TYP!Nl.. niv lv\mr. Hnt c EX r .1,.r11lll'.'t"-Am,.r\r"n (,11rf1,.rlf'r. Compl J•rclen1n1 * !.· r!,.1111-11p . .ll!l:\--Ol!iO. ! * * 11~1,.. ho11~11>, 1100 llQ It v.·/ ::,Jo. r.r ln11 n no 11. \\'111 1rr1 ,..quity for f'flT, boat, tr11i·,I 1r~tlrr nr 1111yrhin_o: nr irqual \"llhlf'. frl.l-:i1111. 546-0469 lll'l l'f' \<'l 111111,. nrll.r Dt~nry· 1afll1. Ii X 1";rn~~- T'\rl'tm td f:'lrliAn~nr• Rrfllln1 ~ f:.T.-..Rlllll'l l OR ~ {71111 ~. Xlnt 1nron1r Tr11r1r l'!Jlll l\' lnr '1 RR , 1 RA I moh1\11> hnmr. nr 1 RR hnmr \\'ill 1111.;P ?nrt Tn to <'.'([Wr. In m111 nu::il fM'>Sl ini:. 10 11170 N .. 11pnr1 All rt r \!. kry ~1111 1n.i: mach1nr. S11l~ry --COOK-EicPER. rornmtn~11r11!~ wilh ,qtJ111 1~. 1\.11'!<. GuPrrPM. (n Rs l ('alam::iran, ,'\;:tn Ju 11 n Cap1~lra no. 4~:\.-li>!l.6 ACIJ\'I' Pl'OplP MINI MONEY .\l11Ft be ovrr :n. Arrl.v In pr1-.>on, Sl!r! l.r. S!rlo10, S!llO IV. C'oR~l Hwy, .~R. CHILD {'~rr. """kr!a.1~. 2 ~rhool .-:1rl.• 1n Tur1l1 Rnck ho1nP S1l-94·1'1 II )nu'r,. Parn111i:: m In l fiENTA!-.-RlcT=c=.r=T=.~,c.~-,-, mnnPy. \t1 ll~ hl'lp ynu ,cup. pll'mPn! vro11r •nl'f>mP $2 !n S1 /)l'r hr. Cal! -'Ir. T11)lor. '.'.'\R.11R1 nlr 11ppri'lr~n"" lnr lol'r l1 1t·n1 '"''" Ali<> l'lf"'~I n r. fY " 1' nr k 1ni;:-mnrt• • ho'iuro... $400 C11 ll \J~1·, Irr, '>-111-1'.'Y~ ArM Rkkpr Con1• ::id1 Pfll,~1·4:.19. t:~r(' :.;"" ,.~ Hnsri S~llO 10 S~f10 tn $ftlll tn s~z;, 1'0 1."l'\L 1\l:r:\;CY '.?Ol'IO HArhnr RI ~I Arl:in1• \\"ORTJI 11 7,!=f.>11. Rlufl Pn>p \1.>::ml .wf y DENTAL ASSISTA-N T \ltAIRSlnf; • R11 1y offtl'll' l'V rAn \If'\\ Int • lnr 1 1'"'11~1 1.-.~ ~r v """rt•. 1111tn ,,, "'hR r 11, .... r·,. r <' Rkkrr $/l.ill '" ~ti:. t" S4'itl In $1 l." ~ 11\ • . .roTnP .S;rh1rrl~.1 ·.•. f'rl n.i:~ h<'nrllt<. ll11n1 ilrh. l'l ff~ rti l!'lfi..1: ... 10 s ,,.m .f: Pm. · f~1 r. I lfi7 Ai i'""T!lort T"l'r. A!<!<I , Akkf'lr 0 111nl11 rrt fl.f'A lt\·. "42·29!1! I RN"f'pt1on1~t tirranlrnn! -\\' of P1~r 111 Af'r1n~ ('l,rk [': R nk . l!nm, pntl,. nl ow1"ll'r~h1p 11 pl.o; with dPlu~r n'"!lf'r 11n1I Ow~ $44 I; Ch~\ Ou1n1::irrt f.41 :19.=11. 1>la1tnH1rr n1 OC'f'lln Vlf'IY Int nr \l;tritlf'),.nrt, r~lro.o; \lrrrll'~. \\'11nl hnu!'I'. rtupl,..\ N p1. t11 ·"Ji n Cl,m,.nt t Rich lr""11.·1n Rhr fiT<>-fi060. ---er ... 111. {'\I~! bll Rurf'l'll11 hm. ~ RR. 11~ yr olrl, pmp. rtr. l.0111 ol xtr11•. lor cofl'·I inc, !or. o r P11 ln1 5pr1og~ Rltr ~>11\.1);.M 11 ny11m,. 673-65.l4. AtJ:tlln H tl!~ hnm ... l hr, 2 h11. lam r m, rrncrfl m r ln1. 1.f(f(J •Q fr . $10.000 f'Q Ully. Tr. ror hnu."f' 1..~1tuna . Cd?-1. lrvif'ot', N11·p 't Art11. R.l{).~21 2 RR. ('" to ~nn,., M111 11 ~. Riv, 11r Tylt"r Mi..JJ. $28,;..()(1 rlr. tor h~f' nr d llple~ 'n SM.OOn NW!Jll 11r,.a, ownrl 11g t. 2!f1.l !..11 Vt lll l'llnR. $.C'. --•111v11> 101 ;:~son. TrRd11> lor ht'ru!ie ro •ppmx $30.000. ThP IJoyl ot t"ompmny t:v'1!: R.~-6341 HAVf: fl:l'JO. t!qll\ly In lol ln CAlil. City. TrA~ft frir !I'll! !r R1lf'r. lrurk, r~r. tr11 v,.I 1rlr or ? MovH'J:~ !ISR.3296. NR v11r-,-,-, ~,-,-,-,-.~, "B0R~l~'> RA. t>ltnJ. rlf'W CT'fll11, ~;q $111.IXWI, for TO'• 101 , •ml horn,. C.f.1 . L1lrht nmytt Rhr 646-l928/E\•,. fl..~7.75~. Will 11cn'pt ""°lllOfll'rl Tn"s 11t m11rkrf VJ1lr.1 .. .,ith "· IYll!l'!I~ •J rl!i11 n on un1 t1t nr ~·Qrum 1n M)Orf, C.Q. "42-2992. * * pnm• J~le· * 5:1~1 Ty pl~t C..rn "l Otlir,. NEWPORT $~~) Personnel Agency 133 Dover Or., N.B. 642-3870 APPt .. Y NO\V lnr parl 11n1P food .o;pr.'tr" hrln <111 "kntl~. c a n l!.lA-110.1 11!1 1 rm fllSTRIBlrrOR.S \\a nlf'r1 . •ell In rl•li\·er pap.-rk in th,. Nin RA,ic H Protl!tin f1 emrn1r. S11n Ju11n C3ri ~-\"it,.min ~4:,2_1 tr11no a nd C11p1~tr8..no Bt11ch 1-------"----I •re11 DAILY PILOT -492-442{1 DMV GIRL !'>''""" A-1111rrt til'~k. ~u~t B.<i , 'BUSBOY ExPl'r in 0\l\' S.1o l11.ry l'IP"n R•h~ Cor1nth1a11 Y11rht O uh I C n n 1 •ct J'"IT)' EN11t 16t'.ll BAy•1dt tlr. (()!'fin~ t!t l f:.16-9303. ~1ar pr,.fll'r ..,m,. l'){"fll'T. •P- p\y :, .'\O pm \\"rrt .Sun. I Dean lewis lmpts. C'o!IA Mf'~ll.. OtJ 1r for \tut. C \f ~1-1 rnnM,j ,.111ronl111 , 1.,.rm .Shrp riur . RP11 r h 1ff11 r11 1,, N\m· 11"'(! to C ·1 M"-.\~!" f'I• r11ll &-1t1f'nT1fy :\.lr.-9710 I nif'n•11r11 Tr " jnl> ~-47.'"ii. ! ----~----------- Tr11d~r'1 P~r11d1!'r. l'fllumn 1!1: nrt ,\PEn~p:t;r~r,- lnr ~'l"IU! !II LI~~. ~ DayJ !or 1 f:)(r"r1 llA~~ir nr .. f"'rlt!•. $.l . Call torlay. , .&12-S671. 1 .1~\1 R1rrh. ,..,. R ~lf-..14JI. \•' • .~h._.J ..,.,~ 1Miir. -:. 01..J...i,... • ~ J'r:-. ... .;41 ),~ •'l 'Jt." ---.~ 2 J PILOT ·ADVERTISE A Wed11tM'l.iy, July 21. 197.1. SEE IT FREE Everything For Your Home Only Major Flower Show iii Southe1·11 Califor1aia This .Year: [ '---_·---·~l[Il] I Employment l[Il] I Employm911t W!dM\dl!, July 21, 1'71 Find Your Name ' If your n•me Is llstN In • special •d -tt could •pp1t•r under •"Y cl•sslflc•tlon, 10 look •t them •II -phona 642·5671, E xtension 31111, bttween 9 •.m. •nd 1 p.m. to make •rr•ngem•nt• to pick up your tickets •t any convenient DAILY P ILOT office. Be The Guest of the DAILY PILOT ~ tielp Wanted, M & F 710Help Wanted, M & F 710 Help Wanted, M & F 710 • typist & girl friday apply at Don the Beachcomber 3901 coast hi9hway 9 a.m.-5 p.m., daily Mr. Hurst ft E.'U~CONVONT ION ~ trnC:ENTER DOORS OPEN W••kends ~ 12 Noon Weekdays • 5 p.m . 800 West Katella, Anaheim, California c___'""1'_'~"·__Jl[Il]I ~ _'""1'_"'""'__JJ [Il]I ~ _'"""_'"""'__JJ [Il] Help Wanted, M & F 710iote lp Wanted, M & F 710 Help Wanted, M & F 710 Salad Ladies FUN WITH FOOD Applications Accepted At Beachcom ber For Full O r Part-Time • Broiler Cooks ••• Daytime ?repartition • • Have Fun Schedule To Fit Yours Good SMILE Like to Meet People Money-Exciting & Fun Work Pe rt or Full time iobs as Hosts No experience necessary ; we htive a training pro9ram. Hours and days to fit your schedule. Don The Beachcomber Restaurant 3901 Coast Hwy. Application> fro m 8 A.M. lo 5 P.M. Mr. Hurst H•lp Wanted, M. & F 710 , .-------=::::; SITTER """ntrrl 3 <laysl"k, I your homf' in or near Cen· . rury P1trk, Foun tain Valley. H•lp W•nted, M & F 710 I Help Want ed, M & F 710.l Help Wanted, M & F 710 LOOKJNG for ~Pveral l'Jt· DOCKMASTER GAL FRIDAY 21.1/697-1366. prrirncrd, rna1urp <'leaning • Unusua l Beriefits 1· NE\VPORT RF:ACH App lances 802 N ho lh r\ Bkk & t nialJ'Qll~ for h1i::1 tlemanri e G d M * TYPISTS * _ _,;.,'oo=-----Rl"lll f':Slalf' n111nagl'n1rnt m . 1°,.; .;a~~" ·olfi<':g· YP· \Yimn1rrcia! bu i l <l i 11 '!, OO one-y \\'ASHER. & dryer, good t.10VING to Au.!ltn.U& MUST !Pf'ks individu111 rn e ss1~1 CAI\ Lorain!'. \\'PstrhU !'lr11•por! 1111'a. Par1 r1n1l', • Great Training Program Regi.strr for rond. futrig. t::OOd working SELL &11 hou&ehold items, "·i1h ru51omrr 11rr.'let! & a te mporary JOb no-·-bl " •·--• PP1":!1:.mnl'l Al?Piwy p1·r-. :l46.J.12'l. loday order. Vf'ry reu. 642-1 769. '"......,na 'ouer re1u..,.;u. fif'('k main!enanc, al n1aJOr DON THE BEA( QM 3J3 \V Ba C\l 1019 B-Amf'ric&11 Pl., Co6f2 Manna i'()n1f>IP~. Pos111011 20-13 \Vrstc-h ff Dr• N.B. LATHE WOR:K H( BER lntervws: 9-12 . y, . . r.1esa . 642-n38. rf'quirf'~ 1111111111 um 2 ~·f'ar~ 645-2Ti0 :-l-\.11.;11.1:, 'tLI 9:30 pin. APPLY: E'JUa.i Oppor, En1p!oyf'r KENr.10 RE washer & dryer, f'.~pf'r·lf'nC'e in boll\ or <lflf'k C.lRL t'nrtlly, :-,1 ii 1 u !'"',I •••·---iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•I 3901 E. Coast Hwy., Corona d•I Mar :'llale & Fen1alf' PXcel c:ond, jyrsold, $160 or LARGE Garage Sale ap- m111ntrn1111('"' PPrn1'lnrnt l)'l· I il1f'r!ir'll r,..-.:,1'. hr J" f 11 J. MANAGEMENT /'!!!!l!!!!~!!"'l!l!l,!!!'!~!J!!'!!!!!'!'~~ .. ~J!!l• .. '!"!llJ!!"'~!l!! .. J!!!!!!Jl!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!'°/ West•rn G irl Inc. bl'st offt'r. 714 846-11)94 phances lots of misc. Fri. '" ,. '1367 L Sal 11.nd Su n. 17281 Oak St. 11t1on. Senrl l'l1111r!r1c 1•r s· Trlr11ho11r prr.~on;i l11y, \\ 1\1 X-!lllL!TAnY OFf'JCfo;RS H;Tp" W8nteCJ~-&-F7J OI H;lp Wa-;;ted, M-&-F 71 Q -Help Wanted, M & F 710 .. i\l1trArtniir Rli·d, PHILCO relrigt'ralor. Good F.V. near t.1cDowf'll School. un1e 1nf'IUrllni;: i;11li1J)' rr-11';i1n. fi.M..(W)i)~ ;:if! 1 .. 10. RJ::T\\IEEN AGJ::S 2.1.30, ----I ;>o.'""'IY'TI 8"'ach ''onrl!!1on. Apl size S.?.O. 847-!l7l9 q1 11rrn1r111 \\'nlr. ~·111~s1l1rd tjO!Nl. Jn \\'t)!'k, ~1othPr In lf.' YOU HAV~~ nECl-:NT-ESS I ---.:;,;-.:<,;;-;;;---11----~":''~·~"~'~'----~IR-644!'1. 1 •l<J 0 1 p 1101 ro fl" ,,_ NO EXPER . NEC "'f.,\."'f'I\'.• 1 ,,.1,.,.,.,. SALESGIRL T EACHER P AT !O s11le-R.ebig, i tove, II( : '. ell! y " • c . . i\11.~~l(1fj Vif'Jn /ll'f'r!S ll11llllrf' • h.r:TURNED I:' R 0 :'II NO "·~:E ' .~ .. , ", ' "1111 l1n1e po!ill!On for lo:-e H['ll LARG8, clou b!e rl 0 0 r' \\'!I.Sher, dry"' m•c Box 1:,f;O, Ofl!a i>lf'M!, '11J1I 1,0,, .. n "1, ... , i~ , .. ,., 1,. J VIF:TNAM \V~; llA VI·: A !f<'ll!l<'f'-1\!1!11111'.1' nnl10:11t1nn 1 ff 11. k ,., AccN'd1tefj f0r k1ncter~arlen frnst-frt;f' refrig"'"''· C·'I 'l " ., " " • Srrk111i.: c·.<1 rrcr 1n~1r;iii r>l 11 ra~1n;:: o 1cr. "" en" "' lurnitur,. 307 Diamond A .'6'6 ,.11,1,1,.,1 l'•f•. ''·"•-l.=I JOH THAT l 'UUn LEAD-L 11. 1 c·on1plrlf'rl. ~1·10·• nr "''!'1'. , . 1n prr-.c;rhool to stan9/l3. 642-634flor499-39S6. -· ve, ,. •• ., " •• .inn~ anl a Ut\!I'!' "/fll'I'~-v.nrk rrq rl (,cxxi ~111<'11'"" + ' Bat~-l l -• DRIVERS * }.;RSl!tr QUALITY V.'11,L Hard \\ n r k r r i; onl), · ·' J ~ hr~ ·k $110 mo Call !or •Nd s a'"'' * * ,.. * * * -.--.· 111:<> ,i, n1orw~''? .loin Th" com1n1ss1on fDr rl"~[lonsihl e ··1 1· '-~ ·64;; f 6· • !11AYTAG N'pa1r man has loGcAcRAoccG""EccSc.7,.-.~Gca-,-,c,_-_•-.I ~~IT RIGHT INTO. YOU Id 1 S2.1:ilh1'. ~v!~-~,12:1. C •"P ,,,,,,,. ""At pm " l ~' w• • 1101·s1····EEPE" d 3· <'~r'11 1 nc 11...,r or ""J-sonnr. ,,, .. ,, oil oflc<·~"-fo, _,. __ . ----· "''asncc x 01 --•. d•I .. w;-No Experience · ·..... "· un rr • ·1• \\'ILL A~r AS A RF·cnu1·r '"' ~ """ ~ ~"'"' <.; v "" Desk Drf' f ~ b<'11u1iful ha.v!ron1 hon1e, '-· · · Nr\'rr ~ dull n1on1r1ll' ln-appt. · TEL!'.:PllONE ~hcitor E,.;. rlay >:Uar, $j(l, 531-8637 ' SSf!I'!, 'c. - N essary l ER FOTt A LARGE LAND 'lrrv1rwi11c. phonr, 11i·n11lr R<-'1l ! Estatr Sales 1714 ) SS7·4800 eel p11y & short hrs con-1-'-'-'-"-C::.C.:C::.:.:C:.C:::::. __ ,_T_o_w_o_•_._c_·._M_. ______ I Ill ec • pnvalp quarters. $300, n10. JNVESTr.1ENT co. INTER· INSTANT MONEY I 1 • ' Must have clf'an Cal it rlriv. 1 67.1.1rr.i6. 1n\'nl1·rmrn1~ Salr.o; 11rr-.on. SECRETARY ___ J;irl1ng bus1nf'ssrs on .Y. Furniture 110 Miscellaneous VIEV..' PEOPLF: \VHO RE· lllit.v " phi.c;.. Al~n r,,,, .1oh~. Join The Professional s \Vn1·k oul of ollir,.. Exp in~ record. Nor under 25. * * • * • * * SPOND TO OUR ADS. 1 . S;:il"s 1·n11nrrs-n1rn .~· 1111-~harp rl.vnano1c gro11p o! l'f'Al p-1. o .. ,, ''· •.• ·1-1121 YELLOW CAB Co ~ 1 Cal! Li ta \atson, 11.~.,.'..!iOO. " • .lJ • Hfll":>F:KF.t:PER 11"f'dPd. to I C/\N'T RE A~"RAJD TO !)f> n1r11 11C'rr1rr! tfl JOll1 lui;:hJy pro!ess1onals l'lf'f'rl~ \'nll. ----~-------- ll\6 E. ]6th St.. C.r.I. 1·at'P fnr 2 hn1·~ a_ges :I 11nrl 2 I MEET OBJECTlONS, niH.c;. ~ fl,_'oni.~ succe-.~liil Tram ol irlll f's· Rr•u111ru1 of<" 1n nrw bJd_g. 28 YR-f'Stablished plRstic of. ' rf'"SUll!lf'I i\)::l'llt"V r!h /V 1 • f:LECTROJ,UX with rowrr !.1\r-10 or nu!. Rf'frrr1u·rs :?fnl:.I \llf'hrl""11l Llr. j;ilr prolrs<1on11ls. Ronn~, Co. Jlll.Vs fel', S::.00. Otht'r ii ~-"1''" l co or mni l?Ul/tnQ. l107.7.IP. GuH r lo outclPa n an~ f'.~.<;Pnl1;1I, :i-16-6~.);0, for aro-tr S'llary + Ronus T'l~n )' 1111 n1Prll1'1tl ("Olf'l'aS::e. pd !rr J<lh<; 111'<111 nl"f' .c; ~a rsinen 10 ronllnur (/ I . Jnu1r. Cali!. ca11 11-1"11 11.,., •.• 10.-0·,1·,, ta1l11i iiro"•lh hu1!d-11r In •AUCTION• HOUSE \.:lf'UUnl ('1Par1rr. ~· r r,. ro1n1111rnL • Plui;h Of11rr~ 1·at:at10lls, 1ra 1n1n" prncr11m • • ~ "" .. JJ s, " " II L 'II 962 "I\'.,.. ll"'"PRS c· I I e Fnncr BrrJPfll~ fnr 1nr.•-c1l"'nrr1I. d<a11 • C01\STAL AGf:;>;CY o~::'lt, REPS 1' dislr1bu1o~ ~ .,rn10 'a u1· I'. -v..., ,-..,... . r,mp :.-r pa:vs M' ~UR.SE Alf\.<; -Exp'rl. ,,II ,.. " C ' I '-"l t A ' F · 7 or !l.'•1--0flfCl. (;eo<"'" Allen Byl.orl AcPn-• S1;ir t lmmrrl1a.te!y 111·a1!ahle it ,·nu qu:\llfy. ll1i:::. :Z7~ ll11rbor Bl a1 Arlanu; 11r · -~11 ary. ·"' n oro-e trioa u,c ons l''A!I')' n, pm ... ~hill~. Perwnncl Dept. Ho;ig por1un11y 10 g'toll' t, rxpand d urn. Appli, Antiques -F.XPERl~NCfo:n-t·y J06·B E. 16!h, S.A. Hni;.p1t11I, :>:.R. I Rrh, Ofl• '1fl"l1. C".ill ,Jrrry SF.C"Y. llnaoc1al PApf'r "/Pt'rmalilr .. 'J.fli-:.JL:i. 3015 \Y Warner S A. NURSES AIDES c.47-ll3!J~-CALL NOW ----Gro~~o 7ili-22.11 Anahr1n1. r!e~ir11hlf' s H, Typtnii 011 ___________ 1 Plf'a.\e huy my hou~eiuJ of · • · --------547-6771 ORDER CONTROL * SEYMOUR * Jin IR:'ll ExPc American \V A I TRES..<;. e.~fll"'rt('n~rl. lurnJture. SeU1na: a.11. ~1ake (follow !e>arch light) All sh1fr~. Full T1n1I', llOLll'F.KF.F.PF.R h\'f' 1n, CLERK R 1 11 1 B 1 · c 11 ff <-•o ""~· ~-..19-2241 • 547.nll ealty & Investment Girl, i.:r~-:\2.12 u imr. rn on K 0 l'f' [~'7,'.'~'c,· ;-::;;~;',=,.-~-~-[;;:;:;:;E:p;;;;~-;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;c;-1 Huntington Beach v.1le. rlrcrai;ect, '2 rh1\rlrPn, · Co I' SALE P1 r:~rrr1rnrr<\ 1n i;:i lr~ orcif'r ----:->hop, l:l.1 l'. 11s1 ~\\·y, BAR;,· !Sloan's\ o!I ""hi. : ease~adc~f\Jlly, Convalescent Hosp. 112r !'.I -11. f;41;-~rl?ill nr l Ask for ' RECEPTIONIST sr:rRETARt lnr 11 1rporl 1._,_, 8,h. <"." '''· " ,,,,.,,,,, •--... &g•---~-•. ·-' pt-ort'ss1n~. ll'l\'rt1i'111c · 1u·-C "-k ,.,,.u.. ,,........ 1111n1boo: fablP. 4' circular. •w.. -uiu 18811 Florid• Ave. ;1~7...fi167 P\l'~or_wkf't_"'·'·__ Mr. K•nt Adams 1 ,_. II p11r1 l•m-. ,1.,1,,", ,,,1 ,,,, ;irP11 I'A ,.,.,.,·kt'f'p1ni;: "'"'Ill=~==~~----~ c-0'-~ p,---• • ilk · _ _ 1 ·11rarr)-'Pl~t.ror01rpt ,1'1i • " 'I SI C·'t\VANTED-Ac!or K I,,_ l\'hl "-'t'llughlll'On,glass--t""' ,..,,.,....,~. '"''""''""m H.B. 847-3515 HORSf;\VOi'>1AN. Ill or """'r. '"""""""'"~""'""""""""'-lndustr1111 Rrl 11 1 1on~.. l"lrrliot1p & r111nii:, rl11,\ 11 k. rrq' · ,a ary open. "'-' · • -·· gla~~. pa""r "'eights, CU""&: M-USTA NG___ i;:.~::-22f!2 for 1trfl!. Actres~es. Qi. producing v./4 chairs yellow cushion.<, .-~ .--EXPERIF:NO~D Real E.~latr 1 r\Jlf'r., io "'ork r111 rrn1 17111 .tfl~-!l-Ull l-~1 11n1, $! 7,'J hr . .Fash1n11 -------Prlucanonal progr1tmii; nt'eds misc. furn., im. wht. rtf. saucers. hutch, Zenith TV, ~ll lf'Slllltll Wllntf'rl. RarP flP· stnn_i:::. Rrdwr.r><l S111hlr <, Employment Agency TE LON IC !sl11nr! 1111·r,tn1rn1 /111anf·rl SECRETAR:Y mrn,, \l'Omf'n, 11JJ 11.ges & 673--0j6~. illk & 1vht, Polaroid came.ra nnrtulllt\, rnr ris::hl flrtn·r l 202si; La_~u~.:i_~yn, Lao:-Rrh 1~56 Nrwf>')rl Rl1•d, C:'o1 INDUSTRI E S INC, h11i;.1nr~$ Prrn11111rn1 Apply l::ACf>!lrnr ~kill-:. Local ty""s l""'-P'""'ar In lllni•. Nn l ~=~~~~-----No. 100. !Ilise. coll~or ''Y ~--642 58f2 21 • 1 ,.. " ,~ !11UST .!it'll Jiving rm & den prr~on. c1111 lor llpfll, Ellrrl , 1••soM••1ACS • J,,\(;!f.\lA Rl-.AC'll ~ V01·r1:1 /\1r. -1i;:un;i Cal l Lrir11 fne l'tr linc ""P· nrccssllr)'-Pii.y item~. Thurs., July 22, Fri "" 1' 1 s " h 3 1 ' rur11, incl \.'l"lver 50la & J 1 "' C .. l\·1.111o11r.v Rralt~. 4fl2·614.\, '"' rrsPa rrh pro.lf'<'I on slf'"P • r · "f'l'f'111!'.v tfl s:f.10 rnn Fq1111I "flJlf'rlunJll' rn1rlnl'rr ~:_Iii_'._• p111. \l'r-slc 1H on dally b1tsi.~. 0flf'n 111. u Y ~. 9 am 'ro 7 pm., 155 ,, ' 111 rl I I IT hl~rJO . r I lovrseal, lbls, l 11mps, MA I Pf'·"·" F:A'"P}:R!ENCT-:~Casuahty I h~hits. P11rt1r-1pan1s .~1·1' J ·" iril "" > rr• _ 111r lip Or. N A 1\11-~ N T/\1-:-1 r-10~'\-P. EC' E !'TI O;>o.'JST: Bu~}' f'l'.•01111" AL:C'l1(',V fl'1"\·1r11·s a! Concrp! il1,.r!111, ilel'culon ~er, Game lb!. I c='="7';:'~c·_~_;<c~_.c"c._~=I Jn~uran"e Girl. fli!lrl. Orangr Co. Mrrl1ral z ffl i•r !ll\tr~, :'llkl~tl<'l"ll S.JIX) 1110 \\'(1f:l~l·:r: rxl)l'rlf'l1c'<•d dr!1gl!rful ofr. ~lr ll.ltr11rt11·p 2<J.13 \\'r~lrhfr Dr., N.B. ~t11lr .11rl, J:illl Adan1s al Vacuum clt'aner, Ptc. X1nt LEAVING lown-l1kf' new GE I f' fi?~'l~91 1SR 1 11r.:rs 1i.1s .• 111n ••• .i!ll-f>.~Ofi ••• Jlf'r<;nn, Dr~1n1hle location fi4 J-2770 llii.rbor in C.1'11. Cnn111r r rllx \1·a~hf'r; patlo tablf' C11ll 842-444!1. rnlPr, ... •·. , rxt · . ,_. 1 . L .1 0 1 $' I "'=""""" cond. 645-0036. ___ ~.1i:::11H'f'I" a.1r Pf'l'a nr ,, -----------~:.\f'llHlt:rn -~··fl. SCCR E:TARY-Typ1ng fl() (';ro, Lymhllrn. Fri .• Jul 2:1,l~""""-ic.:;,;~=c-~--v,•/umbrella, 4 chrs; 2 t"/C: BOOKKl:'t"PER Supl'r T hr lllJ OPt.RATOJ{,c:; ~11!.!!le nrrr11r ('-'I II 1 II "" "O < Ill l -_ _, ,,._ "l illUST ll10VE' Sacrifice near IV' d " · . k · ~· ' I INSTALLMEN Orrlrrli.-'-"n\,•S4!Hni" rxr•rr. /;nod pay, ~ir;:ir1y "-' ren il\f'(, "~•-11.1., 1,•rin1. no S. :'111n yr.~ 1-.~ rm llrK• ,....,t, .,--p111 . 1n~r.armcuall'S;wicer Jnh~ Fronl ofr. 11 prr;1r. LOAN CLERK · -· ('OA~TAL Al';ENCY ,...,11.~n1P <1/!Jcp m11:mt hl>IP· rlr11~P rin no! f'llll nll1rr. new inatrhln~ sofa .!:: lamr tablf', v.•lc:ker strols; Bl'll Ulifu) nP"' hld_t. in A.<>!li~1lllgrTr;i 1neP,mi!.l~ •1•11k, p.1od vaca1!on. "l7'¥ll ,_RI \rl loveseal,kmgs1zebed.cof. ·k __ United _ r,.1 31 ., ,.8 _ • · filr_:_:_:r_ 111 1 .:1111( hll. S11l11ry S4:.n/mo. Off1rr "'ARD Sl'cy-r('C'pl in nut:iing v.•1c er cocktail table: "L" fl I ,. 11 ~ 11 n 1 ~11 rrounrlin~~ I $11;) "'k n~.-. •~ . · --1 2 7 11:.7 fl'P k encl tahJes. Cd.'11 art'a. h book de k · D)1111n11c 5:Tn .... ins:: f irm·: California Bank RNSUfl!'.1('111 $i~mn rR:-. nrrFrT!nNl~T Ilic Resident Manager in ltR r~ca!t lJ/;)9 ... llrf'R . 7-3. :\-lt. Pet'Ylnnel Pri pty.675-8088. ;aP"' CMe&~~rut. ""°c . .ll~~r!:"nar:~1 ~11~~~ Dc>n!Al A.i;s1s1 Tr111nre ~n11lr !.· i-i-.111:: r'ln l'1nrl 1h1'> for or11. '.!7 1un111rlulr A[lar1. -,-,-s~~:P.~~,~~~:sr~ Drpt. Hoag llospilal, NB DECORATOR moving ha.s lo ilt1:~~h.~l~. 'f'r. '11!! \1.iry l/r, :11f}..M:i:1 S.12;, mo pnq11nn 11'"lrl ..... 1;ih, hrrn rnrn1 111 ('0<;1.1 \l<'~<i. f:rrl.1• · ·.. · ·· ,. ~ell furn. Golt! veh·l't sora,l --~=C,.,~~-"-=~--1 C'OA~T .. ,L A(:F,N('Y 673-9240 \1111n1rnHn1•e Coup!P S~ mo Tl11" .-., ""'~ frr' s1,.11 ~1.111nc r\fll'!"I• nrr marr111I rivrr 1~ }'uli & f' Tirn" l[r.i-..] ~l't'f'n aiid v.h11e living room JOHN'S BIKES '.27!l0 lh1rhor RJ Al A<l11n1~ + 11p1 ~1-,11 nth<'r ~,.,.Joh<= A1;"I. ''·'1"~· 1nrnnor 1r1111·rrrnr111~ • A\aLI. \\'krnds. l Locaunns Merc:l'l•ndi•• _ V rha lrs, Danish butte! a nfi New * Used Eq11111 Oproor l<n1pio,rr Shn1 1 nrr!rrCnok ~'lll•l11 ft L"i!I! Jr:in Rro11i>. -,10 .. ~rr.~1 au•! h.1cliCt'f'>Ut}lj \\"r 1t P 0rar.c"Co. 1ablf' 11 :, p1ec, girls Repairs FEE PAID Acctng. Svpv Sec'y/Hostess S•c'y Constr Sec'y M ktng Al~ 1''rPr .Johe SIOOO $650 IS50 1575 EXECUTIVE Personnel Ag•ncy 41() IV, Co11S1 H1<,1·. Nfl .C\u1tf' !I fr1.;-271i; Arrh11rri11111 I f1r11lt.<n111n \'Oi,~l ,\I. \l.:f-::-.cY C'l.1 ~~1hrd 1111 •~. nallv f'i. METRO CAR WASH brdioom se1-hearlboards, 2.1--1-0 Ne-...llOrt Blvd. $.lnruri 27!Vllla1l~·1~li.1Arli11n~ tn1 1'!1 Rn" !.160, Co.<111 1-W~Sn Rrislol,l'.A Antiques 800 ('hairs snrl 11 ~1 ort "ct Open6-lO\Vkd11.ys 642-5812 :'lk.-.1. \.i;1r. -----.~FRVJCfo~ Station S;ilrsrn11n' -----------"'arehou.se barg""' ""l>'li Sat k Sun 9-' -~-c--1 PRIVATE PILOT -1· ~ 645 '720 \li\TI nt: \\011111'1 nrrrlrd to L'nc 11\r ·~J l•ho 1,llrc r:1uon Sl!leslady·Cllshil!:r I rnll 11mr, ~r11vryar'1 E...:-• • • J.16-.1,fi~. ... ' ' 1 I MRS R K .--~-~-~~I -\Viii rakf' Trade·Tng...-fll'"P;irr nnnn N "''P n1r11I .\ 11 ~11:.,. "" 1111,.1.,.,11nr 11 ,., 1'-;i1•trrl h.1· rrl11 !'1·rh •m11ll P"r. nra1 'PP." in [ll"'r~on · · • CASH buys it nght. Ex· rrir ·; r11Jrrl.1 l11it1rc. \11 1~1 tlr rli·p~l!·hiug ;i ifrrafl. ~1111•1 fnod •torr _ t1»I 11 ~tiprr 2.'1:0 "-..:ri1pnrt Blvrl, C' '1 C ISE K 11 mple: 8" blk naug ~la & ANTIQUE BF" fret, VAnity .l ~·w111h1r honrc::, ,, "II I, ~.· n•~rkrt. 'n S.11 111 ·,,~ 1,r Si-'RVICE: ~1a11on, r.~prr. 526 Aliso Jovf'se11l, never u1f'rl $150. rlrt>ssrr s7.;. 3" x 5' mirror no11-•111ol,rr. ~~,. :•Hll. ;1 l'al1 .Jr11 t1 Rr"11ti. ~,\11-i>i"J.~'i :-;1J1Hl.1.i• 1111rh \1rd1r;i1 !.· ortl.v nrPd 11pply, full !ln1e. Newport Be1cli Elegant .Spanish king-sz $25. 40" x 40'' movie flrreen rta,1 11i... 10 111n -fl p111 \111~1 COA~TAI, A\;1.:-.:cy h11~1,1 1 ;,I hr •i• 111~ L'r11 f(•nn Z<J!if;$ Or11''1:i1 H'1'y, :-;.Jr. You arr !hf' w1n11t>r of brlrn1 ~rt, 5' cofJce Jable, 2 S8. Elec. hl'fil:'e clipper $8. hr ;1hlr lo 11nrk 1111 S1111 [1rf 271() l!.irhor HI .1: .\d,t1!l" f 1, 111 ..i,,.,1 1Z r1 lir \ppl) --SUPT. MOBILE--2 tlrkf't.~ tn 1111'! ,,nr1 commodes. [.amp ~, 211· rxL l11 rlr!Pr sit Mi.c;c. 230 ~R.\l'tr\JE PERSONN EL rrri111rrd ll r.:1 rrr fw (h,,, --Li11•lt....r.: 1'111r•t111n, 1n rr;ir Southland hid{'--l't-bl'd &_ more Muit Cabrillo, C~I. 646-6881 •'H VA IOAN r 1 , .1,.11. f'ltn~·1·;~sJONAI. rhon" HOMES H & G d r A-, rnrf .<irnr SER.VICES•'GENCY r11n~p0r111 •011 · • 1 ·' n( 11iP T<1v l\'•wlrl S1nrr "" ome ar en ,.,.JI 1mmf'rl . TI4/;,.J8-49l8. BEST orfrr l!lkes! Bunk bf'di .l .vr~ exp '° pR!'k1iri:in• • " ----,•n111•11or . J);1n11 P111n1 , S;i11 I t:rrl\1111.i::: m w/11r1<· Pt'fl \'l'n S"ow Mature Hostesses Clrmrntr, C'P\~ICllno Atr:i. l<>11o •r lr1,.I. Sn ('n11,1 Pla111 pi-"·.·.--. ,,1 m.wl"l•c mn. n Rfo:AUTJFUJ. 2 swivel '"''"'I " S2'.i. Gokl sectional S300. Old !unrl.i:. Lrs:: MtlJ "'/xlnl ro Frrr & Frr rosillflll.~ "h r \.I I ·~' "~" '' h F P d TO INTERVIEIV \\'nrk 111 i,nur n\ln )1rin1r · O[Jp111i: "r11irr, ''''''I'""· Gr'f'lll ,.,.,.,....,,1h np· Ill 1 !' hl11.1•k rhairs, JOl.1' \vhile r. rov. no:-. "el $200 ~nefi 1~. !162-:i,il:i Secrl!:tary to S554 '"EIV Rf'S D'NT "'' A•'AHEIM Stf'rro lt25 ,.,, •--·~ ", ··I r~ S firs! dr~l \n 11rr;i, T'hC'llf' • N\l.t-;.!:iV.'0\1AN • f '•c,al 1' rol.Jcll & matching lovf' scat. · · .,,,. ""'"-"""' Fl.le Cleek SJ15 Brii:tn izirl quick rn learn for p11 ri Time-. OO ,1 ITl 'flf' r 1 1 por, nr " 111311 w • 1 CONVENTION \VI I lh ~ Cir. CM 54&-6777 0 1 -83J-146.'l licl~een 9: 11.m. , " 11r 1n1r ,\'!'~ ~uprr1.•1S(lry rxrrr 1n 111c f'a er, c11 r om l', F:XC'Pllt'nt pron1ot1on11J po~1. I htl.cy Ariv. /,-rR ."Pl 0 CAR&: TVPE\\'R!TF;R NEC. and rioou. Youn::. \111lrrn1ly Shop.~ I 111t1hill' honie or rrlatl'CI ron-CENT ER t:l.\SS & pla11lic table ~ 3 BRAND new whitf' window rion J,nvPJy Ill'"' of<:!l.-C.\1 .1 local f!rtll. Go-id ~kills. Call 547.3095 l--P~.-,-50--nn-eclcD=;,-.-,-1-0-,-·l ~na~l Plill•c r~~~ Fir \1u~! relocale. Start July :IO-AUS(. R d1n!ctors chairs. 6x9 k 9x:l2 dra~g, a:rasB material 23', 11re~-Top tlf'nMit!t. Call .\11.~~ Secr•tary $600 MGMT. TRAINEE SHARP GALS i t2·.QOO. Ple11Sf' call &12-:i67S, e."'· 31.ol gofitou~ Olk, &. ..,,.hitl' c:rea s·. 11 · + many white nar- RDM!ln nc. :.,17-6122. Abi,11 11 Srr'y In rlynam\(' I;:o.:rc-Shnrl f1f'~re, :I \'r<; "1>:fl Xln1 f'fl1n · bet t' 9 nd \ pm ro •75-4596 I Youn~. ai::i::rf'i1i111 r compan:r fli!.!\\. Call :\l r~. S1·hm1dt. !..J')(1k1ni;: for a pf'rm:inr11t pn-Call Bill H1trprr. :-,.1o.m;..:> Wf' n . a k " " c"'-c'o-'c·===c·=~---rowf'r curtains. ?!1ake otff'r. Ahbo1 Pen!Onnf"I Agenry. 2.~n 100, 60 typr. Can•er nppor-Cail :'l!rs. Srhmuit \\'Ps1cl11f "111011. hounqu,. 11alr<;. ~111~1 COASTAL AGE:-.'CY rl11im your lie 1'15. 1 .. or111 R.EDl'..'CORATING -Hou~,_ 1;;6077>-,7;;1'3C-C·--,,,.--,°"",..-""--I w. w·,-. <. ,;,, 111. SA. tunuy, ........., If "· Bl ., Cnunty 1011 •---numbf'r is ··~' I \\'PS'lrh fr p,..n:nnnrl A~rnrv hr ""P"r. full I.· rt t1mP po-~,.-..,, arnur at ... ,,amii; ·<.1-....., ful ol quality fwntture. Also BALBOA Bay Club Ml!:m· --FLIGH-T-SE-C'V--_F>ersonne Clerk •. 1416 re I A 5-IO·IZZ!h ll>-•pd mo"'• b1'kc. Xi"f ·--h· I di ~.0.ll[lpr_j()typl'.i\ People rsonnr 2rnrv 21).13 \Ve<;tc-hH Dr.. N.R. 1'lt1nnK :11·1111. C11ll for appl. 1 HOUSf:: Hunting? \\'a1 ch the * + ,.. " " ,..,,.,IP af IU'le 11count. \Vork w/pilot!I /. 11 1rrrar1 Prr:r.on.. 2013 \Yr~IC'lill Dr, ;>; R. 1;4:,.:niO The \J.lOk 644.friOrJ. OPEN llOUSE rolumn c'o'"-"c"~·c"c-1_--0c..:.3"'_._~-~~ \'-'rite Classified M No. 172, ""''TW'?'.11 111 "n rxc111ni.: 111·111· B iii ing Clerk S4lS &l~-2770 lfl"f. Ofr \\'ITI-1 TH;~l Ai! BLUE/Green rw,.ed couch Ii Daily Pilot, p o Box 1560, rirrn rfl. 1llf' 3ky ii;: ml thr fl'f'IO:ht h1ll1ni;:: rxp. l~·p1ns:. i\i!AN lo mRke douahnu!' ti Harl1rld Antiques, . . rhair S75. Good cond.lcCc;o.M;;;-. -,..--~----.I limit nn 1h1111 joh, Repr11•1 A/R Clerk to $450 n1cht.11/"·k. rle!ln-r t1I. B;ilhoa 8tvrl, Balboa, &12-92·13. HAVE Ae.Vf'rlll ttl!I of 11'1 mp f'llttllll~·f',., St11rt $100. 10 k p Pr m 11 n,. n 1 Trottrr'• ~~ ER"~~ \\'E'd-S::r.!, ll-8 pm _:.c:..:c..c:..,-__ ~~~~-1 h~ .. -•i-'-"-" ld'•be• R , 10 '""':L Type 50, ry 11.ddcr. Pre-~-STAR GA'W -,.. CHAISE \ouna:e $100, Hidt'·a· ""' 1ua 1r= ..... " CAil .!f'11 n rnwn .. -.. . .,. .. ,.. A 1. R11ker.v. 234 ForP.111, 1...a2 ~ ~ .6,,,/ (11.0 ran<!' Win2 hack ch11.1r. .._... anfa l l·.·. , __ boy A: bathrm cabine.ts. Will seU CoA·r•L AGENCY \l••ll~ 11rr. '.P'l.p. "'-11 '""" .... " .... ~J 0 R I 14SO •>< lly CLAY 1t. l'OUJ.N L<oa• Rrf1n1shf'd & nf'w cane. Ex. at lge discount. 645-lZU. 1790 lhimor RI 111 Adlllm~ ec•p 1on1st to .7~----~~-I AllU Ji.. .... 92 rockf'r, naug $35. ri48-64:-i8. _ _ ---P'lra~nT phonr personality, MAT!IRJ.; "-'Om11n v.1101rrl In H YourOoilyJ.rli•ityG.JP<I• un-.11£11 mrirl. S40. 54f;.-.\.1! · \VATOI Rf'p&ir Sum mer "OR o '' ""w job 1.tt' A 1 I ~ ).ecordin' Jo ll-1• Start. _.,.,' '' FRENCH Provincial kingsill! r Y l -11ccur11t!' 1YP'"'· r-11rr Inc ""' f'hil .. N -'o U\o • I S"""ial' 14 50 Cl••" adJ"•t o-s Et " " '' To develop mes.soge for Tliur~doy~ ~· ~-'''"'° Appliances 802 cherry hrlbrrl &. tr 1 p e .. -~ · · '" • P"r&0nnel Aarncy. """· · lig-h! hou~f'krfplnr:;. p r l , reodwordsCOJresponding:torumbcrs SS$.i1.89 drer;&er. Sl50. 67J.....42.'l8 poli1h, 1Utndard movementa C am ino Rf' al, Slln 488 E. !7th 111.1 lr.,10'1 C.:'11 room t, hoarrl + ulary. ofycqZodiocbirtlisign. only. Coast Pawn I Cltmrn1r. 642·1470 fl.}(.-0.1.14111 1 4 i o.ni :i1 1,,,.noc1. '11~ Kenm ore Gas Stove ROUN D maple dinette. 43 Jewelry, 2426 N ewport , -GENERAL OFFICE .................. ----!MATURE ~]1"11l11dy. l10 PX· s~ 5i~-I :~~·t CLEAMNC'E, White &. tn .. drop leaf, .j Captalnl 642-8.ol02. : V1r!M ciut!~. 11b1lity to rTT ,JAB.."iCO PRODUCTS l I .ce.;"'il :i'-~ 6'89 colon: S!ng1p k double cbain. s;.o. 540-l213. ; prr nPcr~~-nrervv.•, on .v ~Moo,... JS""°' 6~1~ WIU.. movl!: IJI)"th1n& you 'NOrk ""/min ituptrvi111on & h1111 imml'r!. flpf'n in11:5 for Ult' 12 :30-"1 Pf\-1, .!:ihow-Olf, 22 6 ea..kf~ 3.!d)o••'r 6!>Worfh tlV('11$ Reduction up to BABY Cnb. brand flf'w used buy in th!i column and •Sllllmf' ""pnnsihi1lty. Typ· fo\!o~•in2' pn~ltion11; Flli;hi0n Ji;.lllnrl , N.IJ . 7 c,__ J7r111r 61°'7f fl.511. :\mo·~+ 31httL,ltbumper more. Call alter 3:XI p.m. lnr k ottlt'f' f'Xfl c1f'a1rt'ri A ~.~('mt>lpr MAID~l -"'-<"-in-.-f,-,-f.-,-m-,01,-,,1 1 ~~ 5:~ ~t71 Kenmore D ishwasher pad. '27. ~2. 536-l64S. I ~mf' mf'rh11.111ca.l 11ph!Ud(' I :.1111rri11l hAnrll rr .lo !nirk lO Con olOF.,t-70Ma•• CLEARANCE or 1970 OLI VE • Id 1~==~-~=-~--·I ; NB ,-, R•f• -q'd '' '"-.... '' •-,.. '1 ,_.. s· "' go con· "'rARS "'•l 23·• -'o• -· • tif'11i~d. llpply 111 Rol'lf'rl· rlrlvrr Xln'f ;,..nrldK &-· · · .,-· · "' ' MV ,,...._ • .._.. f>fodf'la rutt 11iip port!l• f Good -" ""° """'" ....... ,......,. 64"HJ7;yt 534-2221 1:i.a.. A1'1•y 7JL1~~ tf'mpol"flry 80 a. co11u. IOle TV, '69. Walnut Ha ... 1 •• ,.haw Control ~ Cfl. 1Nl72 ..,,.,,rk1np: rnnrl1 hon~. · : '' JJ TNl'JOht .cl To 71 r~l"!ll hl's pnf't'd ea lo a~ $88. o ] 1125 "'" '298 ·~ CAMCtl. 1' ,.,_ "c H"'61 74 v~ s •• ,,, Roebuck & Co. n Y · ·~ · used. ~ars profelDonal GothArd, H.B. F_,quAJ Oppor. F.qu"I oppor. Pmplovrr $35 $]]5 PER DAY " N 11°" D•I IV r I ,. • ~JUllE!'l 15All ASK-7s~ Ad•m' ., .,.,-1 •• H.B. Tan Sola -Pillow back vacuum cleaner, like ?'ll!W.: r.mt"'t')yf'r. '"'' " 11.v. n~ a .. ,rsa JUL'r 11 161..,'t <16To 76P<11'J " "U1 Good nd" 110 o .. fl ~· ~ri 1111t1o1Ms ,., ,..,. 71 Eosy Phol'lf': 962-nSl ro 1tJOn uc.t o er. ~ Gel F rld•y SSSO ' ~ " :lfPn, \\"flmrn & childrrn !t'lr ~ 3.U-48-.57 la O.-•B V°" 71 S. • 546--0573 • MAYTAG washer I: --- Storc\!T'f' fuh1r,. \\'l!h 11. lll')]Jd 1 JR SF:C'Y · Gto\v & 11.r1v11nrf' ,...,rr11 k hft J)llM !or non l~"''°"'°"'"''-l'' .1\JAW'dalet "9 R....or.d 790tf CE: l'Uto wuher l 3 5 -1 c=-'==~~~,---~~ -~ , l"'O Lovely olr~.-C.~1. art11. w/1\t"'ll r~1ah ro. [m11211w-uni<'>n /,, rommf'rcials. f213I uo '?f~1 ;'?~ :;i~Votd \\'e11tinghouse elec dl')'f'r KINGSIZE bl'd, Royal Rnt, YT old. Pool table 4~ x 9 • Top hf'netit~. Call i\-llu Con· I hr1ng ri~h! lvlnd gal ror 3 4fil·:v1.ll. @. :~~.r 'ul ~~ ~ ;J~log!ftl fi~.~ $35. Both aocd cond. ru11.r., ~ ~ fd. ~ ~ ~'t-~' ~~~e J ~·· ~ =.. 300 n~e 5.i7~122, Ab1a:a1t Ahhnr m"'"· Stan $.17i ---~"~ . 7, 11;..,. S•T.,&.o, ll• & dehvf'red. 5 4 6-8 6 T 2, '1n s ie · -· ...,..o a ewpo t Pf'rM!nflf'I A11:ency. 2.1() \\'. Call .Jt>11n Rro .... •n, :wJ-60.').'l NURSF.S tll""11"''1 for pvt du· .5'7·~ 7.!)wo,..,11 ~5H11111rutt. ,~Som-.. 1147-8\lj, WALNUT bl>drm set, matt &1 ,s"URF"'c.BO;;;-AR"'°~D-c';TWi°"·,-11n""-.c,,--I , t;.' All f)'pc'~·!lll .. nt!t~ -'77-78-13 76 P•rv>"~ !16 Wnn't 86 N-l e===~---~-=· I . \ll11rnrr, Sull" 211, ~.A. COASTAL AGENCY Rrr nf'f' L,. ~,.nu I I ,. 7l0occ"•T• 57 c,..1 ~11,.1~,1,,1 KENMORE 11\JIO washer $71'1, ~prlnr tncl LIM MW $135. 1-9-Je. 5" 8'" Chuck O.nl GIR.L r r 1 d Ill v -fl" yr o 11 , 1790 H11rl)or Bl 111 Ad"m ~. N11r~r' R ,. t I' tr .v • .t.;\ ;:~:1~,1iod ~= ~~;:;;!• ::~'Y F'ri;:ir111ln! auto washer "60.1 =~:;;.,:;~' ,..-7C',..--~~,-C.ood cond, $50. 644-1682. l""C/pll.Y. U nu~u11I rippnr!. LEGAL ~c-·y "''11 nl l"r1 Hnsplll'tl Rl1, NR C11.JI 30 v°" 60W1n 9oy,.,,..,11 Rothl atf'mo<lf'!~.xlntcond. SELLING 1ivi na: h bdrm <&S'' roll a.~ Girts XI": !or 1mbitto11.~ r1-1. ~2-~472 C.r\miniJI f'Xper. Call P11.m, ~!2-!l'.'l:i~ 11 n:v hnur Jn1trv ~ Good @Advt~ ·f.)?\Uf(J J a11ar k. df'llvf'N!d. M&--867'2. I u rn , A lm o l ! new , bicycle 167 Albert Pl Colt& • NB. 54.'\.-M:wl. hr~ !m-.lp. M·t". 1----~~~~~~~;::::::::::::::::::::::=~'.::==:f=~='.!:ll_ ___ l~'~"~-'~1~1>~--------~panl•h·Merlu. 347.()892, l\lt~• ~t'2-"1fl~. ' j -" --- I \ ' . ) • .-.... -......... .. . .. " DAILY l'ILOT ~ W~MS1y, July 21, 1971 PILOT-ADVERTISER ZZ I •1 •• l~I ...... _ l~ I ---1~1 ...=r.=-l~I --]§] [ .,,., ..... ]~ [ 1§1 ~I .;;;""'"";;;"'·;;;1~;;:1 LMl;;Kal;;;.._.;;;;;;~~.~ .. ~M:.l ... •1•1.•--•.-;::;;~.~ .. ~ I ;°"'~·. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;~l54~ llMll, ~ .... , '°' MMllt Hom•• '61 Autos, lmpo,.r.d 970 Autos, Imported 970 Autot, lmpor1M '70 ** AUCTION ** FRIDAY 7 P.M .. JULY Urd 11llsu SETTERS 8 \\'ks okl. BAY BQAT -tr. 4 eyl. New Charnp hloodh~. AKC rt1. fillings .l. j\131 retinistwd. Shota. Show & pet. 6'4-Utll Trlr. Offer. 67;j.-OJ~ eves. all 5. Bo.ti, Rent/Ch•rt'r 908 i\llD\\'A\I KENNELS -:-~~-.-:--- CONTEMPO. LAGUNA HILLS ~SCIJ R1DG£ ROUTE DR. WE PAY TOP CASH ltJr used can A truclc.t, Jusl call 111 for tree iestimatiea. FIAT $179S 1968 ~'lat 124 CooJ)f', Radio, ll~a1cr, <I SP«<f, tX~'J\l). OPEL '69 RALLYE SPORT COUPE TOYOTA '70 TOYOTA 4 DR. SEDAN Old musket & bayonet. Child's Benl\vood rocker. Old band churn. Coffee mill . Sl-'1ivel piano stool with glass ball & claw" Grand· father clock with \Vestminster chimes & moon changes. French bench. Needle·poinl top. 2 Carved frame French chairs. 2 antique grand pianos. Dinnerware & stein glasses. Secretary desk Late model \Vurlitzer organs, Stereos. Color ' TV's. Bdrm sets. Dinettes, Chests. Dressers. Bunk beds, Divans, r.'lat· tress. Vacuums. AND MUCH MOREi r~rm1in ~hephe!1'Cl1. Pet Ii Cel 1S + C•tllna 21 ahow stock. Boa1'd a I I Gua.ranttoe the lowest rates in breeds. 89Z-.>:H9. So, Calli, "Catiina cruia. Ina Club'', Location Newport Harbor. ll4/968--4840 for info. 36' FLYBRJDG.E; Cruisu, Sips 6. Fully eqpd inc skip. $135 /day , $700 /wk . CERMAN Shorthair, 16 rnoe, intr:lh(tnt. i!'.rnt1e, o~ienl. J45, :)4()..3769 (Corner ol l\foulton Pkwy) Ptest:tee adult com1 iuniiy ad· jacent lo Leisure \\'arid. Be-autifu! aurroundine1. all luxury appointments, 'fher. apeutlc pool. SaunM, exec· GROTH CHEVROLET ci.st,: am, 4 billiard tables, AAk 1or SalH Manaeer ..De.GA le.wi.1 W VOLVO E.<1:a>llent cond1l1011 • au1oma· I Corona sen~ -Air Col\d.1- 11(" tn!.ns, gold 'l'llh rallye 11?"· Extra ;:.~ean and sharp. stripe, (ZU<766), IOGOBBSJ This wtek only, much much more! l82ll Beach Blvd. 19-16 Harbor, C i\1. 016-9303 This \\'eek Only $159S OLD English shel'pdog, 1 yr old male. pedilfl'et. !\lake offrr. <194-7776. 6'&-0000. Sec beaut. furn mod~ls In Huntington Beach 'fiS...850 Spy1ler. Good-cond. park.like se1tln.e. M'l-0081 Kl 9-3331 By 0111rwr $1100. 4 JO CALL SJO..J!KK> or 830-7900 ANNIVERSARY #SO £n1eraid Bay, Laguna Sch. MIRACLE9MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA Hom~ of the Rotary En&in• 21JO I IMbor, Co•ia Mea WINDY'S AUCTION COME BROWSE AROUND 20751/J Newport Blvd. FOR JU~t SlO,JOO you can !9.t-602'!. Jl on1e of the Rotary Engine POODLES Al<C. Teacup -oy,•n a 20·x~· n1ob1lf' honu· ~ 1 ---~L;--:;O~T;;;U~S;;----1 Boats, S•il d I -•1 1 o " -·A·"•• 21JO H&..r'bo1', CQ(Sta i\lesa Toys. Pup&/A u \II, .... co. H LIDAY vi' yawl. ,; Salls. Oil a golr (.."OUl'.OC ;ti /hl' nuu WVl ----------64.S.S700 ors. Stud .11tl"\' 893-9719. tnboa1·d eng., sips. ~. bPach. Hag lat'gf' .screrncd 1 -----. ---- AF'GHAN. young femal~. Sun.·e}·ed. 1\lint cond . l'OOm & fenced patio. Park PINTO \V/AUTO. LOTUS $2095 rrady 10 hreed !or salt or 499-20li6 h<is all facilities. 536-4719. Tran~. SJ day, 5c nule. AlITHORlZED l'lll9 0fl('J GT Cou['I(', Had"1, bt'. &12-~8.>: 6~H20'J. 14' SCORPION 196JI $29.>. TRAILER honie k cabana THEODORE SALES&: SERVICE liC'&.!el', 4 S!)N'd, tZZG180J. Tll'IY 1oy ii ht chihuahua $3:>. f'ASI & trim. Pvt Ply mov· ready ro movr in 10. ROBI NS FORD Tiny toy 1o.·h1 poodlr puppy, lng 64:'>--3441 art 6 p.m , LocarNI 1n trlr park nr bay 2060 HARBOR BLVD. fi ll'k~. 642-4818, 534-~.>. 6'6-5084 on Lido Penin. 71·1/67J..4i773 COST; !-IESA 6-12..0010 l 17,.7E7l'~l~A7R~A7N"E~R~-,-,-,-,~; ,-,-I SCHOCK-built Elld~avor 26' or 213/692-3381. ANNIVERSARY #SO NEWPORT IMPORTS ..De.GA LemiA W VOLVO MS-5700 ---$1095 Jl\09 ·rnyola Corolla Coupr, Radio, llr31er, ~ Speed. IO}SBQf:1 ..D£M LtaiiA "1 VOLVO Behind Tony's Bldg. M•teri•l1 Co1ti1 M••• * 646-1686 OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 AKC ~g. 6 ml) old. $100. No. 40. Xlnl cond, $·1200. !\!AVERICK i\l1ni Tr a i 1. AUTOS WANTED 31110 \V. Coast Hwy. 644-i\33 &12-8584 dicys; 673·5303 4-spd, 4 1 ~ HP, Sland11.rd Top dollar for rlean used Newport Beach l!)ffi Harbor, C.M. 646-fl30.l 1916 !la1•bor. C .. \I. M l1cellaneou1 Ill 2 GAS rang~ S20 b S40. l\langlr SJj, Typev.1·1trr $20. Call: 6-'16-6849. Health Spa ?llembersh1p. 6 yn . .S31'XI :i.i7-5963 aftl'r 7 P~1 PA'i'MASrER (·hl'Ck 11ritcr. J)"rftct condition. 67.).-4500 2 USED ,; gllllon propanr tankJ, S7 each. Eves 6 lo 9. --CABIN FOR RENT J'>fllJTlmorh Lakes by Day <>r WK. S'ttP!I 7. 531-3374. Muaical ln1trument1122 SH0"''.\1AN Guitar amp, 1.l" SJ)f'!lker '300, * * $45-00..13 * * LUD"'IG ~niu-e dnint and 1t&nd. Chromt . $.I(). frM to You 3 Linea,~ Times, $2.00 • • • RON GREGORY 211 Walnut Costa Me1i1 You are lhe 1\'intl('r al :.I 1icketR 10 !hf' Sout'11and Home & Garden Show at lhe ANAHEIM CONVENTION ,It YR. old ~1organ & Arabian e\·es. clulch. Like new, Best 0Hr1·. C;>fs, See Andy Brown. 1---J~A-:-cG=u~Ao-=Rc--- n111re "'llh bareback pad Sale or trade. lslan<ler U' 1133--0729. THEODORE '"' ""'"• i;;o, 637.fiS-JJ_ >aHboal, ;"oo.ro mo•o<, Molo• Homes 940 ROBINS FORD '69 XKE ROADSTER good shapt. 642-5106. ·-~ HA RBOR BLVD. Al\C Gt'T'man Shepherd pufl" CON DOR '~ ruell :t femal es, IO wks aid. LIDO 14, good condition, COSTA i\1ESA 6'1:?-0VlO ,100 "'I -s d•>·•· ""o ,.,..,,, l'Z.600 a1•111al m1lr~. Bl'ih~h 2 shots. 837-1.).10 . ...., . .,..,.0 ' """"""'.-. \VE PAY TOP DOLLAR Pves. Th,. y;ichl lha1·~ not 8 hoat. .FOR TOP USED CARS rai'1nt: green. Chron1{' 11·ircs POODLE. Af'C. I e 01 a le, BILL COR,VJN FORD !ZBC l!IS 1 $.~ l!Jj, 11·hl!e t{1)·. Sell or ll'ase, 14 ' ALPEX-Aluma Ci·afl. ' It your car is cxrra clean, A I · J n-,1 II • ,~'-" Orange Counly'-. Condo~ Di.~· . 1_ ., u11or1zed rig. '-"'al1•1· 7 i1 k~. 83(}..j.118 ! ust 'IC no1v . ....,..,, h .b I 230 S i\1 . , S see ll.~ ll"S • ~ 642-164J a lter 6 pn1 'J u or, ~· ' a1n r.. BAUEfl BUJCI\ m .. r-J1JU ' ADORABLE blonde male ?rangr. Clo~e to_ 1hree_ n1a-·-•".,'. E. 17<h SL 9' 'l \$ La•· poodl•,.,,, 11,i.. old, I'". 1\IETCALF 13 ft .; 2 se1s of I ,3918 o , .. ., ~ ., ""' .,.., , JO~ l'C'Cll'ays, " . ;(I C C ' 'I . ~•S.776. motets 49!l-2l28. sa1L~. Just p;iintcrl. Comr I(, 7.().J.H. os a ' Clia "'' .1 see: S:2.>o. Call £73-3000. RENTAL, !t"l'.'11t youri;clf to a Autos, Tm~~~~ L"guna Beach • Ttny 2 lb Poodles, York1es or i\1al1PS(' Ill lllud. AKC LeaSI!' adults. ~>-0-2100. GER'.\1AN shorlhair pointers, 2 tamales, AKC. .. * &93-9415 ... LIDO 14 No. 413. Xln1 l'Ond. 900 S C H' •Eo c•R•E-r """°" '"' Sports Car Values I 0· ''· •ghway Trailer, sling, hoat c:ovl'r . 27 Condor moror ho1nt fully • 494-7503 * 540..3100 $800. Call: :H&-Si39. rquipt., dual A/C, sleeps 8 , }968 JAGUAR '+2 E~T-- FL I PPER • $265 Rt'ady lo roll 1·eservat1on • '1}3 Healry ."IOO() • 68 , k - b ·,>I",· . , _ \ s 1c , air, ll('W l'a es " 8' ri1nghy, 968-7667 a1·a1I 1h111 Aug gt h Sp11tt • 69 ,.u~un , n1l'r1ca 1 CENTER !RISH Selle.rs, AKC, Champ -196-z.iso 4!JEM3l l·l. • · e '69 Bi\"V HiOO e 'iO Da!-: ~lch. lnu11ac. rond, Call Bo•t1, Slips/Docks 910 ___ , ... -un 2000 e '6S i\IGC GT e &1..-1~. 35· f.fACI\ Bu~. Complelcly '69 i\IGB GT. air e '70 ~lBG 't.'9 JAGUAR 2+:.!. l\u10. air, sell contained. X\nt runn ing GT 121 • ·st V\V BUG e 17 ,000 rni. Xlnl co nd. July 34).Au;;. ~ lme. Lol'ely little ladies, Plea~ call 612-:-i678, c . ...:r. Jl~ horn l\111y 24. 1130-1630. bt>t11!'en 9 and I pm to I ~,,~A~L~E~,,~;_~,h~,,_,~,~1,-,-. ~J7Q-,~, .. ~._ cl11im your rickl'ls. t:\'orth all ~hot~. AKC. champ l in~. County toll-free num~r is ~100 6i:>-4!l2J 510·1?.!1:lJ SAJ\IOYED mall's, puppy • • • shols, Al{C. \\'ANTED -private or com· men~ial slip tor 30' catch, N11·pt 11rea ~1:! 2-.'Xi9.-1 or i\11 &-1242. BOAT slip avail, July 1st, for 60'-70'~ \Vide slip. 673-fi606 rond. See & make offer. '69 VIV Fsthack, auio/a1r • ~7-81117 afl 6 :143--0022 a11y1ir11r . 'f;7 Ghia C~c e '69 01."C Bus '6;1 JAG-3.8 SEDAN. Au10. ,-Ton Ren 5 1 1 : Sf>lr 6 l'ln!a1n~~· e •(;9 \'ol\'O t 1-1 A11tn . • 'Tl On.i::. Xlnl nirch $l900. ra\'CO. ei>p~ . A1r/con<1 . Volvo 114. X\111 hnr-Takl' fi7;}-1l77 \\'kly Qr monthl.\, Beg1nn1ng-trade~. PORSCHE WE BUY USED Porsches DON BURNS PRESTIGE PORSCHL AUDI l~b31 Harbor Blvd., G.L>. (Just .S. of G.G .. rrwy.) 636-2'333 ---,70-PORSC~~H=E-- 011·ncrs Personal !HIT JOI' ~alC'. lmrnaculatc green fi111sh '"ilh black interior • 1\lag l\'he<:ls, radials, radio, rlt'. for demonstra11on. call 8~1-+l.':.;, Harbour Volkswa~ "r . 1871 1 Beach Blvd. ,\~k tor used car depl, \lie. 69.t. ,\PC1 'fi2 Porst•hr \GOOS, hrl!p l'P''. A:'>l/t'ill, Sl,GOO or bs! o!r. 6.\2-2~ &-14-0~. Pi•no1/0rgans 126 SUMMERCLEARANCE SALI:: Kav.'31, Steinway, Balrl\l'in, 8 \rk olr!. all v. tute free lo good hom•. .149-1791 kil'.ens, ll:i3-2'761 SCHNAUZER pup~. groon1· in11:, stl1<l .".<'rvic~, te rms. SLIP SPACE AVAIL 2J'-30' SAILBOATS .. 67J..«AJ6 * July 2.ith. 8::&-4:::1:\. HOUs~: O~' li'IP<lRTS Tr•il•rs, Travel 945 ( l ) SlJ..7250 BMW JENSEN 1066 PORSCHE 912, l(J 011·~. ---J~E~N:-:-.;S~E~Nc:----rt'd blk inlr.r , $2'.l~ill. Afl 7. V.'urlitzer, Grand, C'n11n, I ~;c,-;-,,~=c-cc--c--~ COLLI 1-.: 11'/papers fo ~ood Allen, Etc. 3295 & up. REN· homl'. Frmall'. l:l' SCOTS~1AN Trai l rr .'1.UTllORIZED .1M2-86~2. ~--'-'_4_6--08_J_O_•_~= I Boats, Speed & Ski 911 Ch('micnl P'lr1a Pot. 12 volt -----~-.,---1 and 110 lights. $600 or he~t Automotive Excellence SALES :. SERVICE 1970 911-'T,--;P~o~,-~"~-h~,-. 0s:C· ~,::-,_ TALS. PLAYERS. l'ricndly Call 64&-46.)8 trie-phone inlor. FIELD'S PIANO CO. AfG!IAN puppie~. i:mrl Shl'p. 18.U Ncwporr Blvd. Black 1n11sk, beautiful & : C.osta i\Jr.sa 714/64.>-3.'.!30 hPalthy, lemales, 646-76.38. WOULD YOU BELIEVE FREE ORGA~ LESSO:'\~ as lone as you like! No reg. istt'ation. No obligation. Just Colllf". i\lond<tys 1:30 pm 4 Adorable pupp1"~ good home. Call .J.18-~::1. n"rd " n aw , LABRADOR/Aust. Shephenl· Bo.'tt>r puppies. :\la/e & lcn1. LlsNJ to chldrn, ~-9SIO. Hor1e1 856 MUST Mell :;pirit"fl 8 yr ald gelflin:;. 1 ~ Arabian, 1; 'thoMughhrcrl, b!a r.k, 16 hand". for $15<1. ~S-3197 CRUISALONG, Jrboard mtr. 224 Via l.iclo J\'arrl. Lido lslr: 213: 27()-45471934-0920. 8' F'iberglass Jr H,vdro-plan", inboarl \''/trim tabs, $12.>. oHer. j.18-8~:> • or 331-216•1. & VACATION in snug 1~· Cro\\·n. Full i;i<lr I r n t 11·/;du1n poles All onl~ ,100 . .-•• .-"""· ,1.,,.,_ ROY CARVER, Inc. NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 \V. Coa~t ll111y. Newporr Et!ach JIORSES Boarrlt'd $10 fll'r 64·1-6212. SEARS. Slrep! 4 plus r-.tra 2925 J.Iarbor B!vd. mn. F'rPil 1nch1df"d U!rgl!' ~llJl"lllJl"lllJl"lllJl"lllJl"lllJl"l~~~ 7.1p--on rr111 . lr'r chr~I & Costa i\Jesa -"~·~·~ KARMANN GHIA ar,,na , tn.1\~. \\'Psf,.rn ~ad. ( [iJ h1>ater $;'80. 4D4--0022 '68 B:\l\V 1600, Riii. ~1'1.000,1 ~:-~------- -d_I•_. _Sa_r '50. 1-17--0S:i.i. --~~·--~---'~'_-,,~ __ ] Iii --mi's l l>Ofl '."7 !\a1T11ann Lih1;1, Nrll' " ... RENT JS' ne111 Non1ad, ~rlf · ' · PA' 0·11··0 m•·· 7 ,,-Ir Ir 616-7907 Ir" !)l·akl'<;, h il I I(" I'_, . !llU!· COAST MUSIC 642-28;)1 · -·' •~ • · Y •5· cont. Also 18' fireball .. , ---:;;=c;;;;;;~~--1 \\'elt niannl'r{'d Gl'nlle but •••••••••• • CORTINA ti&, Engine ;.:real 67~309. USED lumbl'r, mostly '.!.x4's. · nr>a.~. rate~. 6'!6-3078. ___ _ _ & a ".fl gallon,,.,,,_ h·•I••. spinlf'd. S>IOO. JJi-8491 Cem-r1, Sale/Roni 920 C}<M:p.j)',iiio.:-;iffi;;-lc;;;di!I---~-=-.,---::::--l!liO K:\ft:\IANN' t~ 111 A. .,.., • " ., .--CAfl.·IP Trailer. slN"pS 2 and 1 HAM:\IOND Stein 644-4680 }'OR ren! -Corral for horse. ,.h,·ld--. c-I B"Y '' l200. 'G&: CORTINA GT. Blk. OningP. $1900. t;oo{! cone!. ' ' • "'11 >'·1~""=~· ~,,---~~~~ 'S9 Dodge 'V:2 Ton PU '"" VVV\ C 1 11-Hi mg )'ivnaha. NtlV & used , FLUF'f'\' bla,.k .... ,, , or rony, S3() mo. 64-20S' lf'alher. upholst. 4 l<Pd , r.OOft a I · ·. .) '-'" en-; · ::;.1° :L>~..... ~~ ton. 81,;, ft. overhead camp-,,... .. i. I 1600 ---~""'J fl 7 -=-=====~=== piano!; or TnOst makl's. Best 1 black & 11·hill' kitten. 7 iiiiiiiiiii_i_iii~i"iiiiiiiiiiii 1 4 ... 1.," .• , con{· · .);)i-...,,, a MERCEDES BENZ b er, .1; eeps .. • ge, 1.. Auto Service, Perts 949 P:\t. pe111·;u1ce group. Pcrlect. 7.000 rni. 6'14-112!1 e 1967 PORS2HE 912 Xlnt cond. RENAULT 1995 Rl'na11Jt f!\0 P..'!.dlo, llC;<lf'I, 4 \.'\X7.:J001 Srtlan, Spf'rd. ...DeMLe.miA 9 VOLVO 1(}16 llar001', C \!. ti-1&-!l.'IQ.l '69 TOYOTA SEDAN 2 0()rll', 1 ·"fY'Cd, Radio, Hf'.!111· l"I'. Of:ad Sharp. {022AGCJ $10!1:1. ll'l'-'118 •i'tuis Umot•rs Laguni1 Bei1c:h 900 So. Cat. Highway 494-7503 * 5-IG-3100 $9'5 l!liS 1·oyo1a Corona JtT. Radio. l !eater, .f Speed. 1VTP0721 .l)ua lfAliA Q7 VOLVO l~IG Harbor, C.:'11, '70 MARK II SPT. CPL 1\u· .. ond1.1on. ~ ~P""d-Llkc 11 .. 11 17100,\l\S\ This \1·cc1> cu1ly. 11895 MIRACLE MAZDA HOlllf' Of 1hl' r.01ary Engine 2lj(j lla1·bo1·, Costa l\lei;e. 645-5700 $129S lll6!1 TO)'O•" Scd<1n, Radio. tlrilfer, 1\u1ornallc, Air Con- d1110111n; t\'\\'RJZ.'1 1 ..t)U1tle.uriJ W VOLVO ' l!Wi ll3l l'Or. C. \J 646-9::0~ 4-DR, 1!170, lo mi·~. !ape drck. ma it 11 hrel~. \11rl,. trf'arl rol~·i:la~ 111'C's, $17JO 61.>-276.'1. uys in So. Calif. at Schmklt "k~ old. :J.l{)..29-17 box, oven. ii·ii-ed, etc., vei/ l\1uSJc Co., 1907 N. i\Ia1n, 1 ~ VW 36 ENGINE $75 DATSUN PE-UGEOT ''"" A"'. J ' "° Cock''"° fr•c 10 [ ..,., .,. ] • * c'7.1'7.'~"·~c~'~11 o-"~;--o-'-_'92~-.,.--,-c.11 6~-7172 -' MB PRESTIGE CARSI ·-:-:-....-==:-o:--~ good hor11r .11rnr0 rard Mlrine[qulpment 1'. r-:r ,,1Roo ·;o. us1'1:1 1 tin1r. i~~~~~~~~~~/'7J[jA'[SfiN!lnITTI~ -HAM~lOND ('l<>t"Jr1r rf'rrl Lo1'"< ~bid•·· 6'"1'61 ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;; '71 DATSUN 4 DR. 1%2 PEUGEOT f:xct>lll'n1 ,. '-"· ,.,_" -Slp~ 8. Stove, rl'frig, 11·atl'r -o ·6·1 ,._ .s o .,._-, I'."' n o 1~11 ro=r7o=r7,-=,7,-,7,~10-,1 \V11i:;on, i\lrk II. Ii rno~ olrl. LOADED! A11'/rond. Lug. rack. i\lusl srll• 8,12-!!l!l::. orian. 2 m11nual l.. bass §] ~~v "' lr31,sporta1ion r11r. Goo!/ pr.ddle~. &IG-90.>4. l'\'f'.~. 1-\~'ITEN~ -3 longhair & 1 General 900 !ank, r l"c i1·irrd, Paid ,. 101IDl'S~I• I q;;il. SEDAN '67 :?:.o S, a\110. • '67 2.lO S. (•ondition. 612-4469. $139S UNIQUF. ~ _ 0 _ h '1<:>rthair. ·' n)ah.·~. 3 ----------$2000: '"'"' $!;)()(), <Jays u . ~rick e '68 1:1() s e ·i;9 2~0 l--'-"---::T~O~Y~O::;cT;A-.---l u16.~ Toyota Corona JJT, k • ,,,..,sign an 1 s reniall!', \\'r;inr!l. :i46--79.\.i. , • • 6~+-4131; P\'CS J36-U38 1220 ~------· T P. o · SL • '70 T.iO C C11r e '70 R.arHo. llt•alP!', 4 Spe,.d, Air ~R 111110, ng1n&.I rond \\';d nul, HS. l·--------.. ·r Soo:l5"lS-78T7, &H-499·1. PUPPIES to gn<>d ho111r THOMAS I' Lo11• n11lrai:;r. faj•I . ""H'l'<lll1Y 111-0 SE, air !2 1. ,\Jany .-Ill!<· Cond 1XDA';ij7 1 \lothrr vrry gr11t!('. ;\!rd ~z. WALSH .f>"ACTORY d i re c 1 dealrr, Antiques/Classics 953 4 lif}{l, dlr R&JI, \\a,o. $2186 .. ~1<' & sports ninc!rJs 111 ~tock. DEAN LEWIS Sporting Goods 130 Hurry. 213/j9S-3107 art i 10944 Nighthi1wk r.;ajor\\·ay &. l1all Pini, f1·01.1 rl<ll'' $1 886. (639CAX1. :5n1all HOUSE OF l.\IPOHTS TOYOTA ~Ul!LemiA 9 VOLVO SURFBOARD ''Elimmator '' by tht Gffpk &· car rack. 67.J.-4596 DIVERS -Voit 117J lank & "J" valw new 1n bn.>c $6.). &12-16.'!6 SCUBA d1\l~I~ 11•an1 h;I buy gear. :'\eed t VF r3th 1 ng 842-7881 . CVTF. l1ltlr Clllico k1Utn, In Fountain Valley $79j, 869 \\'.18th SI, C.l\'i. Horseless Carriage do11·n or fOl'Cign f<ir 'l'lll 11) 523-7250 ~ood h('allh, to good homr. You art' the winner a( DO[)(iE '68 p..)p·top cu~tom fin. p1·~. pt,v. Call Kenl ==:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~~3-33Ji. 'l sl'o''u'•'h'1a'ondlhie ralnper. t-.Tinl conrl. 16,000 1902 OLDS. :,_kj.~i31). l~l~-61\ll. Oran!Je (.:ounty·s L,1rgest Selection New & Used Mercedes Benz FREE to i:d hon1r, ru1t m11lf" orig mi. SJ200/ofT. 644-~56. '67 DAJ'SUN SEDAN ml.'t{'d Schnauzer k ~ pup. Home & Gi1rden Cycles, Bikes, Sho11•pu?ce. 2 SJlf'Nl~ for\\ard llst'brkn. 64&-38.>1 e1·l'~. Show Scooters 925 plus 1'1'Vf'J"S('. Clinton motor. R . • ._1 11 r: !'.:'<'C'llrn! a.1 lhi!' F b k i\l hf' ail'·• ~1"'· r r. ' · GOOD male dog !or chilrlt•en. nierg~n~ ;:c:: 1 1 ust •'Ond1t1n11 rhru ou1. O!d l'lH' :; .1·rar~ ottl ANAHEIM ti THINK !tern. a r 101se lll nr .•n,all do\\n t·.1n hn 1,....,..,.,," p11 p1y. Plra.,r alt '.I 1un Jim Slemons Imps. Warner & Main St. anta Ana 546-4114 1!17! Toyn1 ;:i Demo •J9~1 $1777 ,\.() Do11·n Payn1l'nl $65 .31 mo.• i!\16 llarhc>I', C .. \I TRIUMPH $1'95 TV, Ri1dio, H iFi, Stereo '_, ~~o.. CONVENTION HONDA n·ddr (If <'il.•h CENTER _,.,..,. __ ~ .. ~-J·-. :..i6.S7:l6 -l'.}l-68 \L PUPPIES to good hom~.~-'" .July 34).,\u.:;. ~ ,~ ~ 136 I rioodlr. ;, lrrrier. 6 "ks. Pl""~ l·aH 642-.;(ii~. "'I. .114 • DOT DATSUN 1~ Triumph CT'fi C'ouf)f', I Radio, HC'atrr. 4 Spl"'ed, Xln1 \\'1rp \\'hr";~. tl\'Ql\'6i,'n ,..,1nrl. Jn nH 'lu•t .~"II 1 36 n10.~ f>t'f<>1Ted p<1yn1rnl \12i• 6iJ-"ifi 20: rvr~I prlrl' .i2.iJJ.1fi or f"it.~h pn{'C STEREO, ]!lil unc1a1m{'d !1~2-RTi.1. •'fRIEOLAUl\CD"' :!100 Harbor Bl1·d. ti\ . .,.(1.166 o..111r,.n !I end 1 pm 10 AllU\ OPEN DAILY r la11n ~our 11ckr1~. 1Xnrth un1 HAOI rtfWT. •I Dune Buggies 956 AND t.i1-0i!~ j $1ll!l.·1.ll,i Incl Ta.\,(· l.w. ArP. ----I I:;;,' 1-, •vn appl'O~'rd c1rd11. ~wlew QP VOLVO ·~!l-2:.!0 . ..::, t:•~l ro11rh1111n. lay -<'l\\'ay, r.~1 r11rd 1r~1 1urntal>le, AL\l/F'.\t i.terl?(I, f•l• Mid Supplies ~ C'ounty IOll·lrt>e nu1nhrr 1~ •.~7.6824 0 89:1-75$6 ,..,,~ , EYERS \I .. , ~· SUNDAYS ,;10.12201 .,,, l""" •• 1 . , .. A". -""II' e THE BIKE SHACKe rng, b1.i:: ilorr An1"r 11111~,c;. 18835 Beach Blvd. Huntington Bearh 8"2-7781 ar ;j.'0.0442 pnvair parl,1 factory DiI'C'{'! Sales, ::;t-1v1cr t'lu; HarlYir. C.\l. 615-'.l.'Yl> NEW B ICYCLES s1agf'r h!ocks. 'lakt 0f!rr ('all tli~·~·l l'..' 1------0-. ----J A· Parts, 1!166 llarhor Bl1d., MG <"o~t;i ~lrsa. 6~6·930::. rarho b !ape playtr, Air '-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-~~I~==·~~· 1 Jl e" k er 1 \1·/cross--0\·cr , I STEVf; \\'1 [~011 Sho~ • THF: Tr.JU,\fPH Jy11em. :"ull brand llf'11•, I Ci1t1 152 6' sa1!1ns:: rlln;i;hy, 011r.~. 1,.,. P1\RTS e ACCESSORIES :;46-2962 ioold for $31 9 \\•/warranty. -------------bo;i1·rL 1ud<1"I', rn11~1 R.: nPW Pay otf balance of ~120 or RF~tJIS. :-1h·rr Prr~la?l kl!· .sail. $1j:1 ,).\~2i'!l~. EXPERT REPAIRS Trucks 962 '67 DATSUN PICKUP 1-----cM:-:-G_.----- sm111J paymrnls. Cr e d l 1 trn~; ~ ll\Oi , nia!,. 3i:l, pet. drpt, 893--0j()J. frmalP ll:Al, brrrder. Top hlood 111~. :;.1~98.l 10 To PUAL turntabl,. l\·n 121~,, H ::.:JO r~1or11kends. arman & 1-\arrlon -r:a:i X ~-~==~~-'"----llf'rlr~ 11rnp. f ,\1 mulliplrx ~IA~I ESE killens, 4 n1ales, n u Ip u t s , $oundC'r11ft~n1an S2() pa~ 11. tna.ne!• Spt'akrr. J\ri ~~1 "" 968-1.':17 -. .. hndptnnr. $32".>. 1111-9:>33 l Dogs 154 att6. ------::---- 19n ZENITI1 J.. Admiral SumGmROOer Ri1te1 on ckJw..<iu1 ~~. Lo w.,,1 MING prittl, .1 yr picture 1ubr. 1 To.v n1 1ruaLure~ SJ.Jo ~.u11!1 1nin1alu1f'" SQ • .'11'1 )'r parts & 5eJ'\"ICP. Antrnna lnstAlled \l'/Rll roniiol.,~. Srnal1 toy~ $!,.',() l· SJ .. >O ABC color TV, 00'21 AUan111 , Otht'I' <lO;:g S6 . .'l() to $11 . .10 H.B. 968-3329. This 1ncludrs Bath, o... RCA Victor 21 " eolOI" TV. fl"a1ng ,t· nails. 113 Broa<hla:y C.;\1. Coior. cl!'ar & d13h11rt in li17-~ll°18 * :i.l~·.18& br.autiful walnut rab111r1 1 • • --Sacrifice, truly ,, &Pm, J3jQ e OLD f.:\GLJ,,,11 SH!'.:EP lfT-9333 llfl 6. DOGS. ,\!al' J.. fPn1alr, AKC', 6 wk~ nld arid 21 " COLOR TV -!'.1u~1 h1>alH1flil. $~. i.; r rm 1 1 Nerifiee, m : 19'' portablt Rigg~. Ph: $46--5990 or "'/blln radio $35: 21" B&\I' ~i16-27i't 10' nOURL E 11 /!ra1Jrr. 2 l'} 1 ,. rid r r Pf]jllnl', fl)1'11·an1 l· l'r\'rrsP C;r,11 •2131 :JG.)..~4:ill Boi1f1, M•int./ Servic• 902 ON All MAK ES Bl'azing & \Veld in~ 1093 C BAKER, CM N"rir Fairl'it'W • 5-IG-4l.1Q * Show Chopper 1969 HARLF.Y DAVISON 7 •F'LH. Lo,:;; ot chrom~. i\lust ~ ro appn'Ciat~. C11U FIBERGLASS REPAIR·ALL 63.)..8116 anytimr . TI'PES. Big or small-inshop----·w'7AO-cN~T~E=o-- ou1shop. 1Q } 1'S exp. 714 I ~'16. 113/43.>54 19. Boats/ Mi1rlne Equip. 904 5HP Comm11ndo, 111'111 S9J. 12v OB m1r 33.i. 40 hp m!r Ooo1 t.· tr1r. !\1Rk,. offrr. 327 \\'. \\'!l!«>n, Sp. 3~. Boats, Power Honda 2.J(}.30.i Scrambltr. Running or not. \\'rlJ buy parts, 5-li-9:..o.J, T\\'O Scbwinn bike11, n1t'n'11 &. 11·on1f'n's 3 ~pd:;;. E.'<. rott<I. S.fiO for both/o!Cer. &16-9902 II.I! fi. '69 \' r\i\IAHA \2j i\fX-17J GYT kit, 21 tnch l•'hef'I, n1avrr1cks, $.Jj(). 649-6Til1. 2.1· Chri~ Crati Ch·rr. HONDA 150 CC -$1T.1. Ni Ith t f' r . Chr;'fi Png., 2926 Vie San Sehast1an, Soulh 60 11• rail., llirrrtimri r1ndC'r, 1 o""=•~"~"'-·='~'~:>-0468-"'~=-·=~~ llra1I, Co1·cr11, Sips 2. Rtady HONDA 70 175 $400. 128.'i nii . table model $20. 64 2-:162L j ----c;-;:=,----AT ~UD lo go! Sl99:-i. 673-4496. Exi.:I. cond. 431-6098 bet 8 PACKARD-Bell 2Y' color TV w /pho nograph ~ AM/TM radio. SC9-416S Al-\C Samoyf'd, Ch11mpion 17' 1!169 CHRYSLER l il Hp Ai\! or al'! 6 P:\t. 111'1.'d ~w dog. $100.00 ltt. 1-0 m11rine ~dio. f ull 1961 ~ 500cc Roy<il Infi~ld 892-2970. C'OVl'r xln'1 cond. S2!ru. Dirt bike', nor nJnning, SH EL TIES. ,\KC'. m;iJ~.tf'. _6_'1_>-_23_1_9~-~=~~--Jll'Pd~ work $125. 847-6433. m.i.1"". Sho1J. Champ bark· :>:.!' TOl.l.Y ,\!INT BIKE tor a.ale. 6 HP. l ._ __ .... __ .. _v... __ _, S 1 ground. R,.a~. ~).16·S.'°9 •ft fi BY Ch\·llf'r, L966 T.S .. Y.R., t.!Akc otter. pm. r xtr1t.•. lmm~r. Bt~t offrr Call ;.tll-04:'11 3 llnn. 2 Timtt, $2.00 l~AK=c'""R-.... -.. -, .... ~~~P-;J; OV1'r Jll,000 ~ 1 ~.71.,,=~,7.A~,c,~A171~.~DT~-~,_~D-"' PUPPJES nc«f I o v I n a ewnll'I, M/F, U wlu, Cock .. •pl)M, Shot.I. 642.-8046 "1 fpm. J'M a purie white klttien .l my brother'• • 1lpr we 1'lef'(j bomn badly 642 -4818 ~.· pietl for salie. Tr1-1"0loN>d. 21r SKIP JACK. x1nt •'<lnrl~ r"ady, S49.l. Prict' S30.0G-S100.00. H1\·e l.oadtd. Call Ted Roi'1'1, Call :>46-2962 had all Slw>1~. 962-.4.\13. 673-az:i2. I ~19~TO~H~O~NcD~A~Tn~il~B~ll-,,~i;,,~- AKC ~fin1atun poodl•s. 5118' LY'.\fAN 120 !\lc~ruisfor eellent. condl!ion. m<ll!. ~'dl-1ra1ned, 2 ltlt. 110 w/tr\r A full CO\'<!'rt. 11-17-1&:..s Sell tor ., pri~ sr:i $199J. 67~8 nr &12-4641. 1-.-... -,-.. -.-,-,~>J~.c.~n~,--- 6'>-0.12> I fiO w riu1 . Dir.{'110" f1ndl"r e :'llC !-\art, ~laC' 20 '"' SIOO. POODLES • Al\C, rn 1~ pr.,~~ <"n~1.'ll'r, itood cone!: &l6--i·li2 mo. choc brn. ,Show 11u~! Otrrr. F.\·t , &12-$1062. e HONDA .'Ari e Stud «erv, 1111 c o l or ' I f·or that l!•m und~r S,'i(), DIRT RTKY. S200 llJ/~:u-8904 t1·y lh• Penny PincMr • 536-i2'63 • '64 INT. SCOUT P.U. I '"" di, ll.<1' I """"' T.<ihr l•)1't'n.:n c·<1 r or sn1Rll ? \\'D ell· 1;oo.1 ,.'"""I' rlo>"n +ZCJ.87.11 1·all ;)!<i-.i\7,16 • . r. I "I "S su oni::: hrarl. 1akp sn1&.ll --~h _'._1 c!Q1\-n. C11IJ 11f1, 10:00 ~>!&-8736 19'10 l)AT~UN lt;Oll r"d -494 ·6Sll 1\\'B.l8i!J1. rnad~1<>r ~17~ Srf' 11 1 ----------1 Cn1'0n11 dr! \lar Tn·p ,fit Tr' "uT11on1zEo SALt:S & SEHVICF: NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 \Y. Coast H1vy . aco Servicl' .. :'@! E. C.•1 Ne\\·port Beacl. !11\r. or call 611-J?.l~. i----------• HI. &:;7-84 18 RECREATION CEf\'TER 'iO DATSUN 210Z 11/ma::;~. Prl~d 10 srll. "A~ 1s" s"" ROY CARVER, Inc. 19 ;ipp1'f't·1a1t. Bf't. i; , 11 2925 llarbor B lvd. r1·r . 67.'1-290 1. Costa i\le~a 546·44441,1~,-~ .. -,-.fO~Z~.-10--m"il~•-•.~f~,,1~1_,1 • THINK ''MG'' sn "FRIEDLANDER" 2-STELL i\lon')'•l'lll to a I rQu1p. B"St orfcr r>r rrndr ho I Pu S' I • IJIM llACH jMWI'. )'!) .'trs or .. rp~s1c r or tiJS..443.i e1'r~. 8.1)3-7566 fiJ7.fi824 f'l rc .. ~id@ tr11rk Lil;r nr1\· • ~ • 78" long. Besl nffrr. Clo~c SILVER 1910 Oa!sufl 1'0 "11 11 '62 ,\1GA-N{'1v 11111nl, lop, in· 2 000 "ni:: Nr1v 11'h1 1111 ~. In ·~ rost lakes !hrrn . :1 d. 642 -.x~ ·u 6 p\i rr1· Dunl11p 1•ad1AI ~. 11'11·r 6-16-90,''4 l'\'r X nt con · ·• 111 ' 11hls, 1\:'ll/rM r111· k , ;,.10-iw21. FERRARI '63 CHEVY PICKUP ----------=:::c:-::.--:-0::-:----1 :\!UST srl! '(i2 1\1GA, H&ll, FERRARI 11r1'Y s{}(l(f rnnd. $700 or tw:-~1 AUTIIORIZEO ofrrr. ;,:',6 •. -1()1~ SALES & SERVICE 1~ Ton. Ii' t:H-n, :: ~pd. dlr. R&ll 1mcrili("(': T11ke sm:\ll rlM\'n 11•1]1 hn. pv1. ply, SIT.1 f PitiS.lH, .>16-8736 . 4!14-681 I. ·i;7 1't1Ci 1100 Sr1!11n 1963 CHEVY V11n-~\\TO. l\tu&I M"ll :lllLfi\~2 I rond. Nf'll' lift'~ M50. 8736 '68 L\lr.B-GT . (Rndy 11pvlC' '1 · b ~ "v r('d, mint ("nd. $1.7j(I rumm1ng liu A 1•r , r .. 962-30:12. 3100 \V. Co!uit Hwy. Original 0\1 lll'r ~!16-111!11 'jl Font P.U. 1...:;iol.:~. 0 ruffA:s1 ___ N_e_wpo=c-rto--B<:--'-'"---i 195·•9-.~°'."'G"'A, G-~~-.-~N-0-.1 ercar. s1:;o or t:i<-~• ~· FIAT ,..,,. ~:'.'.;3'-~76'.'.72_;:.;;--:--;--:;---=; I ::":: .... "::':-;:;::;:--:;---I L\fG B-GT. 'fi.I!, (h·rrd rJl'C, ' Autos Wanted 961 • Complett Stock of A:\1/f~t. rapr, new radial!., mfl P1·1 pt y, 842-6i21. --,,-1-PO_R_T<_. -\-VA_NT __ E_D--I 12g .65 ~fCB. ron1pl nohu1I!. T!l'w Ortanzt Countirii ,.~ top. roll ll!lr, p11int. $1 ,jQ), TOP .; BlfYF.R n ... s.. fi1·m. 't4(;..!J?"iti 811.L MAXF.Y TOVOTA "FRIEDLANDER" &I M<'n ll'coc:-:,,ccl.,c:ecc-:;;i!l00=- 18881 Beach Rh•d , r>I' Br•I Orl"r ·' 11 . Beach. r h. 8·1i-8.\J.l lJJIO llACH ILVD. ~7!-'>1.i.111flrr i \\';.'\t hlllp )OU sell! &12-iii8 :H...,. Jtl :-:ell !hr nlfl ~luff Sell the oJd 1r11n 893-7;;66 • 537-682·t l'!l-t .. -· ,, , .. , -'.IF' . • .a. _, , ··~ ,., .... .:.._. ---... -. ~ .. -'-·---,.,:.=----...... '~ -~,... ·--·~;. Buy the ntw i;tu \t,f -·-···--·----···--. VS STAG NOW ON DISPLAY Conic in Jor a 1rs( clrivr>: 11.ino nillrs ~111(·.-nr\\I nrii::· FRITZ WARREN'S 111aJ pn1ru :Vi rlC'an ":~1~· SPORT CAR CENTER 01\r rh111k, 1lsnt•w il\"Tf.dl<i! 710 E. li.t !'-ii., S.A.. :..i7.0i&1 ,\t11h. Toyo!a IX>alrr Open dally !l-9: closed Sunday 11 .. ,. -··s ! e 1%' TR-6 ""' '""d 1y,., • .... \lh!~ In n11. m •t•rs . 6iJ~24;, •II g Laguna BHoh VOLKSWAGEN 900 So. c ... Highw•y -1970 YW BUG 113 494-7503 * S4G-3100 $i 395 lfl6.~ To~ota Corona llT, P.Arlio, ll<'a1rr. ,\uronlatLC', tVC.li~i.11 ..Dw LVJDit ,QJ VOLVO 19~6 Harllnr. C .. \T Excrll{'nt rorl(!i!inn ; ~pre<I )'Pll<J1\' • h!11{'k 1nt('r1or. t24-1- AL0f, Thi~ 111'f'k onl,v. 11595 MIRACLE MAZDA I l0n1(' nl th"' Rotary f.ng1nf' 21j() Harhor, Co~ta !'.f'SA 645-5100 ''IV ~I t T E ELEPltANTl\" 1 The ra.stcs' dr11w 1n the \Ve.~t I"ast I't'Sul!s ar" Just a phonie 1 · . 11 Daily Pilot Cawtied cRll nway • 642-5678 Ad. 642-5678 Autos, Imported 970 'A;-:u:;10"1"', -i1m=po-rt--,--od~~n=o B efore Yau B uy A Toyota o r D•t•un, Teat Orivt The All New Sens 1tional ..--------. MA2DA ROTAR I~~ fMMEOIAlf OELIV£:R'( NO W>.IJ .. ~c;. 1'111or, c~t,....,_ •w•U•\11<' •111. MAZDA f'o•IO, P'tWJTt # ;r. M1tt1 l'tr 6d, $1945°0 ( "°'1h 0 "lu• fa ~ ~ l.lc"'1t .• 7;~.. -·~.-.-..,.~--. __ ., ·---'\, .. I \r,:1 .~·-..,... ·-~~· • ·• •I LW ,,. 23 PILOT-ADVERTISER Wrdnrsda)', July 21, 1971 .. W.d....&y, Ju~ 21 , 1'111 DAit V I'll..,,_ _..,... l§J I ---l§J I ~....... l§J I ,,,,.,~... l§J I ~........ l§J I ~....... 1§11 -...... l§J I -..... l§J I -~... 1§1 Auto•, Imported 970 Aut .. , lmpor1.d 970 Autos, Used 990 Auto1, UMCI 990 Autot, Used 9% Autos, UHCS 990 Autos, ·Used 990 Autos, UHd PINTO "' VOLKSWAGEN 1968 VW CAMPER Self l'Onta.inN • exC<Cllent conditioo. Vilcation z-pecial (WOJ42.J). $2S9S MIRACLE MAZDA Home of th;o Rotary Engine i150 •larl>or, CostA fl1esa 64S-5700 ----$2995 l9G9 V\V Ca1nper Poptop \.\-'1th ten1, Radio, Heater, 4 Speed, (YWn93) ~e.oalewiA W VOLVO 1946 Harbor. C.1\1. G-$-9303 '68 VW BUG VOLKSWAGEN '69 VW BUG Low mileage excellent cond. thruout. 4 spd_ dlr. V &lencia :ro:I, take old car or rniall doWn can fin. pvt. pty. (330- BQK) 546-8736 .. ·19'1-68ll all 9 a.m. CADILLAC Lar,..a. Selection OF LUXURIOUS CADILLACS CADILLAC QUICK SALE, '66 Cad Convl. All access, $1375. 646--0770 or att6: ~ FORD -------COUGAR UNCOLN CHEVROLET '56 OiEV. Bel Ai.re VS. ·~ '.l-DR hrdtp, priced for ---------'68 UNCOLN Cont. ~ dr, 11./H. Auto. Nl'w litts, bat· quick .ale, Beaut maroon '69 FORD Wanon •-- ' . · h I h' '21 uuk treen-landau top. Full terv, niulfler. c.......i •·......t., & 1n1s w mBI<' 1ng uphol.., °'""~' "-"-9 p.,. ,.,,_ 27 J ........, b k t F · ~, ""' .... " power + air. S 50. Pri. pe.r- •n Plnro, 2:iiKJ~ e~ Auto. transmission radio 6 beater. Tinted g~. Gratim. Green. 3700 ml. $1995. CAMARO int. $150. 540-8597. uc e seats, ac air, Auto lory Air c.ond1&n1.na:'. V..S, ty, Sf0..1685; 833-3176 n-ln tra.ra, Rfl-1, PIS, P/B. A Aut Po St ..i .... p ...:::c~:;..;~!,,;:;;'.:'.'.:___ in Orange County '65 CHEV. Imva-2 Dr. ~:.:w 1-u-al beauty. sale prl.Ct'd o., wer ee .... , ow. MAVERICK 1963 thru 1970's 1967 SS Camaro, auto P/S, 327 eng. Pwr. ateer. A $2300. (YCL539) Lavender er Brakes, Lugpp &ck, ----;p=-o=N=Tl"'A-:-:C=---1 642-1769. . JJ\o\'r disc brks, !ae. rur. New brakes. Auto. Beaut, ln· Fastener Co. 884 W. 18th St, Low Miles. (SKG412) '\O FORD Maverkk, Jmmac, -~BE_ RS n-....J pai11t. Radials. Orig. -"'-""-'-=$7'L~·-,,8J3=-39~1';-·--CM. 64&--8886. .SAYE many xtras, blue, must K'll, '66 Pontiac GTO, Immac ownrr. Sl~Sil. 67~1-2226. '62 CJIEVY ~' ___ D_O_D_G_E___ str:.o. 557-3826. cond, s1075 or make of.-. --,67CAJ-.1AP..0396--X\nl co1Kt. $350 ME C Call prefer. day1: 64S-386'. •J.spd. V1•ry last, $1800. Call -----~=-=-*'=' ='po,.m__ R URY 1963 Convert. l..t'Man. 2liOOCOSTHARBA'MESAOR BL., &1~1_"c7·l=~=----' CO ET. '63 Dodge Dart, gQO:l cond. $300 MERC CYCLONE GT 68 326 VS. $125 G T> ._u •n Pfnto 2,000 tt @ng. Ra -• .,,,,80 • 1969 V\V 1 BU G-ood·~·-ndauto1 540·9100 Open SUnday l9i0 CA'.\!ARO 3&.l. Air cond, &46-31S4 Must seU, Lo miles. m•oi & CllJi' red, white landau -_.,,.. stick sh U. co , .,71 COUPE D£ VILLE-:Hipd auto. Xlnt eond. $2850. '64 Comet Caliente 4 spd, V..S. ----f~O~R=D---good year tires. 4 ~:Rm. Interior PIS, P/disc B. --=R~A~M~B~L-E=R~--1 V\V '69 WESTPHALIA Camper, Orig owner, all serv fE'COrds. PERF'ECf~ Ph.67~. o\\ner. can bl"'" 4 & 8 841-99j.I eve!\ & v.knds. Mag "''heels. Must .sell! ...... Fae air, tach. 390 Hyl 4 -•·-1----,;--,:;c;'1ij;r;,.;,;--· 1 ~S~550~1be~>t~oil":''.'.':,· _:so~T=-23~19':_. _ S500. &. take over pe.yments 88, 1 p.m., 0 ",,. """· CHEVR ---------or $2400. 64S..-2633 a.ft 6. .., se ecromatic, extras. AIR conditio ned '82 XLNT COND. '63 BUG $695. Loodetl, only 4,000 nulcs. OLET CONTINENTAL $1195 Orig. llwn -Best over $1575. Rambler, Kd tires, braftl. R/H, good tln:s, 642-7482. Om>oration plT~idents' 196'.I Ford custom Sedan, V--8, VAN '63 ECONO, New V8 -833--ll87 $200. ~IS.Sl4G. '-•~· pn·v t Ll'-· R-d~ Heat•' A"-mati·,. 4-spd •-~-. SUOO or trade -:;;=,---=-o-~-~ ----~~----• 413 62lxt St. NB. ~u-a e car. ""new 1970 EL CAJ\11NO -454 cu Jn, 1966 LINCOLN Conllnental. u "'· '" • ""' '"• ,..,..._." MERC '66, tac a ir, full In cwry respect. Cnil Kent 1 '-h dro d lZ;...'V7ooJ. for t"hopper or VW, Aft 4. T ·BIRD '66 V\V Fastback, ~'v eng, Allen 8424435 for drmon-ur....,.... Y , a ir co n , R/ll, air, full JlO\\'Cr, Runs 675--0-iOG ~~w tires, Xlnt cond. battery, istarter, paint. Very . . stereo, mags. Xlnt cond. gd. SHIOO. P\1pfy.6-14-6481. <1••• L•.,;• l":Z:-7."-~-,,~~-------------"I clean. $915. 833-1258. strat\Ofl appo1ntm<'nl_. --$3200. 673--0360 or 548-5281 '69 CONT'L J\1ark III, Take tAAft. Ullla •n FORDS: Gal ax le s' 1970 !\tarqui.! 2 DR l!T, '69 T-BIRD 4 Dr. Vinyl ~ V\V Bug l96&-X!nt cond. '69 CAD Cpe. De Ville. f-~ull I-,-,"~'=''--"=' __:D_'~"-·-----over pyinnts. '... VOLVO ~0~~~~;4 1"~~· Hert2 powder blue, ab', lull power, full pwr., AM/FM ateN0- 3G,CXXl mi. $800. p11nd·r., a 0 1l _dlJc extr11 s. Xlnt '65 CHEV. ,lmpala ss. F.A. 673-Zl7~ ** S44-CM6l ..._ $J250. Pvt Pty: 64>50J6. Tilt steer. wheel, a\r. U~ Automatic stick sin fl must ,.._,, ~•n A,,~. co . rig. owner 1nust PIS Pl" 4 'nd Du I' --~cc===~~--I 1960 FORD convert I b 1 e -warranty. $500 Under mn. ~ ~~ '" · ',-CORVAIR 1"' ""'''"· c .M. 6-16-9303 MUSTANG sell -need the roon1 (XEW 1-----'=-"::..:=---I sacrifice f\>r Imme d l ate quad, l':iin Jog, landau !up. ewrylhini worlu $100. Alter at $2600. 49-1-9473 ·i 754). Sltl:r1. GEN U IN~ lV\" •~0 e 1 r sale! S·l200. 644..{1117. $900 or \Jest oUer. 646_90~ , _________ GET the best ~el-'Ond car, _6,_,p__:.m__:·c.6-l&-SO:cc="'-·----l'6' '! " ~"Sil---1956 T BIJtD, New tires, ne1t' TPacher's. 6S ., .• ny.6SCAD< .. u· ""VI,---· 1.11 1· Sl,000canbuy-1967GalID1ie 1· .,us ng...,., Vl'r-Blk , 1ll • .,.,. .111 ,........ 1 " 11 r1 (', '""2 c~n 1·,. 2 d-N" p•1'nt 'G'i GALAX IE 390 eng, lao-I I l DI I "phots1r.-v, excellent con.. llr. 'll\$ 28,000 local mi. See to ap-. · 0 ~ .... • '• " " · in n1int rondillon. Radio, v ny op. xe nt. A'.\1-f.\1. ·~ -1 ~1784 po11·pr ,r,, air SlOO 1J1r>t' .,-Clll'VY No"a v s -lh Good l-'Ondition. $225. 2390 tory air, any olfer over $~95. o · · -' 6-l"l.. dition. $1400.00. &12-4469. ·'! prec1a e 01.r J •• ¥ •• • • heall'r, facrorv air, 300 rig1n .... owner u-• ot . . . 1vholesa l(·, 100··:, l1n11nc1tlg. st11n<l:1rd, b!.'3Ut (.'Olld., lo 'Vl'slminster, cr.i. . I 'J Call &15-4966 aft 511m. I ;:, .. c--'i""""~'--"o==:_.,-as. m • ...., 1966 V\V Pvl. Party. 67;'""""'1930 ask fol' engine wit i auto. tran~. '6a ~!USTANG, 289 cu. In . '00 T-I3JRD. F'uU pwr., , ,. 2 door $795 Dick. n1ilC's. Must set! $ii00. Pvt J!lto1, 4 Dr. Auto. $19:i. Call lnlerior., paint & body are '66 f'ORD lo~airlane Station V-8, xlnt cond, prl party. Landau. Jmmac. cond. ~ 8~ p!y, 6-15----091::. art 5 p1n. 6-12-6373; or afl 6 pm, perfect. Good tires. 644--7201 Wagon, PIS, R/1--1, $699. 833-8296. $1400. 5.57-2040 -:..; Leg.una Beach 900 So. Cat. Highway .494-7503 * S4G-3JOO $2295 ---v-o~--"'------CAD 'li8 El Dorado 32,000 ·:;~ CHEVY 2 Dr. llrdtp. _9'_2-<_9_3-1=.===-~--I'-'''-'''-"'-'·-~~~---_>1_8-_78_77-'.'-64_2-_5656 __ . ___ 11 ~l9'"5~G"T~350". =-s'°'he~lb-y.~x=·i~nl c.61~=T~ll0cUN=D~E=RB=IRD=-'°"-v•.I Lvo mile'S. Owner leaving for J d' h d 003 ] COUGAR 19'2 c-o"D ,._, ood 1~ o." '·•< oU-. :ir inc cu l'rs. = , e ec $1750 • " .... con, g con· cond. Sell or trade, C-'J '~ ~ " ---------1 Hawaii. Asking S.\.000 . f I 3 pd M t II di ' $250 .._. 545-487'9 ·" 1968 VW Brui, 8 Pass, Radio, He,atf'r, 4 Speed, (\VYJ297) DEAN LEWIS 4!»--0626 UC' pump. s . us se ... • 1969 Ford Torino HT, V-8, lion. . 548--8027. =~=~~~==-~·I . c'7h_is7"c·k=.7!20ll~--'""-co-~358-S_.~-1969 CO UGAR, excel cond, R<ldio, Hetrter, Au1omatic, l----'"'='=-'="'c,..---c:.:::.::P~L"Y=M~O~U=T=H~-'60 T-BIRD, PIS, P/B, ~. VOLVO '70 CadiUnc, full poll'rr, vinyl 'U3 Il\1PALA Sedan, New front disc brakes, n1r, Poy,•er Steering, (5120JE), JEEP R/H, Good inter., needfi top, am/fn1 stcrro. 20.000 lln'c. ba11ery, uphol., PIS. custom light group, Tl('w some work, $]95. &0-1384 ·: ..DeoitlewiA 9 . VOLVO ,QEMO SALE ~~~~rr \\'arranly. s:-i.'JOO. Radio, Xlnt body, $290. glass titts, wholesale boo!: dean. leuti.t '60 PLYMOUnt Golden Save your !,;&I' -tt'a mt :-i1G-36'ri._ ~--~~~ priC'C. $2,100. Pvt pty. '66 INT'l SCOUT Commando. HT Conv. Ex-far! J ust reach fbr J'OOI" $2998 -.;,.,---NO'.\tAD. rough, 9:J';f, ="'~'--'-""-·-c---~~-,--I VOLVO 6-12-5!84 Aft. 5 Pr.1 cellent '61·390 engine. Good phone & call Daily f.~ 1-l"OUSE lluntin~'? \\'alch the -~ H JI Ung7 w b .... trans. $10G or Rest offer! ,..,. __ ,.., ... "'~" ~ l'h......l.i. OPEN JJOUSE colunin. orig. upholstery. ...,,...runs Fast results are just a phone ouse · un ate ..,..,, ._...._1..1..1C\I <>'U'""UU•a ..._..,. l!WG Harbor, C.1\1. &*6-9303 l !ITI Volvo 144 Setl. fLnr. li-t:HJ668. call a\\'ay . 642-5678 Ti946 Harbor, C.l\1. &16-9303 OPEN HOUSE column. 847-3625 or 5.57-2617. )'0\1r ad -today! : • Demo • 73li0 I~ ~ '69 VW BUG w/mag ·wheels, dlr. (YXtJ. 787J $1395 1ull price. Call 494-7744, '66 RED V\V Bug w/sunroof, blk inter., AM/F;..1, con\- plelely rebl~ f'ng., Guocl trans & tires, Jmn1aculate red gem, $950. 847-9533 art 6. $1595 196-1 V\V Cam)ll'r, Radio, }fea1cr, 4 Spee..1, (398DLll) ,,,,.nerut L emi& W VOLVO 19i6 Harbor, C .. \I. &46-9303 196J VW "BUS. Ve.ry good cond. Camper. SL025 or trade. 67~7252. Cl V\V '65. Ne\v clutch, eood tires. Qcan. $69.i Call 847-6384. '69 Bug Fl\l /A,\I radio, vinyl top. !\tany X'tra!'.. $1050 tradE'. &lli-2698. 19i0 VW Bug. Take over payment~. l D, 0 0 0 1n1. :i-18-2713 aft 6. * '63 VW-Xlnt Cond. $500 ••• 51;,.1:\il:; '63 V\V, runs cood. headers, ni.i pilint, exti& clean $500. ~S--4001- '66 \l\V. An1/Fn1, 1unroof. Good cond1!1on. $750. Call 646-40.11. l==--c r.1usr SEL.l. '67 v \V SQUARF:BACK, 51300. 5-19-3926 * &l:i-4411 ------- $3098 1971 Volvo 142 Sed Demo # 3268 $4098 1971 Volvo 16-1 Srd factory Direct Sales, Service & Parts, l S.16 Harbor Blvd., C.M. 646-9303 $119S I 1!162 Volvo 1800 Coupe, Radio, 1-lea1£T, 4 Spl'cd, (VlJDOjijJ ..Ve.rut Lewi& W VOLVO 19-16 Harbor, C.;\-1_ THINI 'VOLVO' .. "FRIEDLANDER" 1J7Sll ••ACll (HWY. Jti 893-7566 • 537-004 Autos, Used GHEA T VALUES! • '7() 1\lavl'rirk. air • '70 Caprice, air • '66 Cad De· vHlc • '61i An1bassaclor \Va~on, air • "68 Firebird Convr, air • '68 GTO, air • '68 Lenlans Cpe, Sharp! • 'ffi Dodge \\'ai;on, rur. 1',or information cal!. HOUSE Of ll\lPOllTS (I I 523-7250 -------BUICK V\V Van '63_ Good con(I. t"\l --------- radio. SSj(} or oller. 4!1-1--2835 .. ;o lt1v1era, Full po11't'r. Fae air, Tilt \\"hl-'1-'l, '1'1-'llOw 1v/hlk vtnyl lop, Nr>1v 11rrs, A~1/f~l ~lrri"n. $3S95. 8.10-i·IS:i. SJi-!Mti(). ask for Rirk -,63-BUS $500 Rcblt engine 1" 642-!lz;!7 1966 V\V CA:O.lPEB Xlnt concli1ion, new engine * 4'J'l-Z70.I ft TIRED of that old f llmtture'? It'a re.ally not that hard to replace. Just watch the fw'rilture &: mlsce!lllJlOO'J~ -9oJnmn1 In-the Claas~ Sectlon- ----------'63 HIV!£H.A. ,\lu~t l'l'll! l--01vnPr, x\nt cor.d. $650. 6-t-1-456-1 illorn, or all 8 P \I. ' I PVT Pty. "66 Spec Sta \Va~. I Excellent cond. SS 5 O., 642-7482 62nd ~t. NB. A good 11·anl ad JS a i ood I inv('s1ment Lar9e Selection of Fully Reconditioned Used V-W's P~Campen & Vans 100"/. 30 Day or 1000 Miies Guerente• P1rl• I L1bor e Eru1 ln1 e Tr1nt. e Front I R11r Axl• A111Mbll•• e 1,1k1 Sv1t1M e El1c.hie11 Sv1t1m '65 GHIA o4 1p1.d, r141•. ST6•64 $795 '67 vw o4 1p11d, r1dl•, c.lirelft• rim•, W/W tir1t. VlG599 '62 vw 4 1p11d, r1d io, orlgin1I tir111, 19,000 original mil11. LPl150 MUST SEE '65 vw • 1p11d. ra4io, c:li,om • rim1, PIXIS• $795 TWO LOCAnONS 1970 H1rbor Blvd. Cost& Mes.a 549-3031 673-0900- • t4S5 E. Cooot Hwy. • m--m--m--m--m--* IT'S CLEANUP TIME! LEASE A 1971 MUSTANG -------~ TIME [:J i ~ Tlmo M•g•.ino THEODORE Qu11llty De11ler ROBINS SR. Awcird for 1971 NEW 1971 FORD F-100 STYLESIDE PICKUP THIS WEEK ONLY BRAND NEW Torinos GET SEPTEMBER DISCOUNTS MUSTANG H.T. $99so Hardt11p-Sed--Gl'1 IN JULY! Y8, ci11to., pa-r 1teerln9, rotllo. montll $50 OVER FACTORY INVOICE Hundreds of new 1971 cars ond trucks that must be sold before the 72's or· rlYe now at final year end discounti. Came In while selections ore full! J 6 MO. OPEN END LEA.SI RENT A PINTO <Auto. Trans.) $5 DAY 5¢ MILE l'LUS TA.X a LIC. ON ANY TORINO IN OUR llG STOC K BE SURE TO GET YOUR 50 GALLONS OF GAS FREE. PLUS 50 GALLONS OF GAS FREE! Demonstrator Sale! BRAND NEW 1971 MUSTANG STATION WAGONS-LTD'J-GALAXIU- TORINOS-MUSTANGS-RANCHEROS MACH I •29 Ram .;, 1n9., Sport ln!tr, Grp., Crui1omatic, Con~. Grp., P.S., Pwr, Oi1c: Brkt .• t ilt wt.tel, •ir c:ond., AM .FM 1t1r1e, P-wi~ dow1, ( 100059) {06Sll BUY WHERE YOU WISH, WE WILL PAY FOR IT< DIAGNOSTIC CENTER . SUPER SAVINGS! ANNIVERSARY ONr 1 l O 'fltol tests far nillability, P•rfcn.,once and saf•ty, In just JO minutn, full wr!H1n r•· 50 GAL. CAMPER SALE EVERY NEW 1970 CAMPER $50 OVER FACTORY W-Stt,. $5559 Arnll'ferwry Prlc• S•699.SO SAVE port lticludtd. REGULAR 59.'IS SPECIAL $7 .50 WITH THIS i\O FREE GAS IN STOCK SLASHED TO INVOICE llG SELECTION-NO DULIR ADDED CHARGES-15 MODELS TO CHOOSI FROM. We Are Tiie Or•rtp Co1nty Shaw CON Deolff for El Dorodo ColftJMl"I. RENT A CAMPER-Reserve Today for Assured Dates $85950 PLUS FREE 50 GAL. GAS. 50 GALLONS FREE GAS WITH EVERY NEW & USED CAR & TRUCK SOLD (FLEET PURCHASIS) EXCEPTED MUSTANG SALi M1nv lo c:hao1• from. 'b') thru '70 modalt. Coupe1, h1 1d top•, conY•rlible ftnd 2 +2 /411 tback1. Some wi th '4 tp1td1, 1110 air c:ondilioninci 1rd "utom~!ic modtl1. EXAMPLE' 1969 MACH ( Sport 100!. R•dio, Ha1!1r, Pow1r Ste•rin9, Ai' Cond.tionin9, Good Mil11. fYPU76!) OUR PRICE $2096 PLY. BARRACUDA H.T. Vt, 1ulo .• P.S .• R&H, 1ir c:ond itioning, Under 5,000 mil11. W1rr, ev1i1 1bl1. (8'18CXHJ $2996 ----'71 PLYM. DUSTER Spott coupe. l ow rni!e•. r1d10, h1 1lt,, 1tick 1hifl. ('197 BSY) $2296 '66 OLDS. CUTLASS 1 dr. H.T. Full pwe•. ~i r condi- tioning, VB, 9ood mtle1. (WBJ- 1 OJ l '69 CORTINA G.T. 4 1peed lr1n1minion, low mi!11. !ZVC0191 $1095 '69 FORD • dr. cu1t. c:arpeh & ;"'''·• tu. 1on1. c~rome trim, VI, 111+0., P.5., Good m•l e1. (4728ELI $1396 '69 CAD Cpe. d• VIiie H.T. Fu ll pow1r, fact, 1ir, AM· FM , vinvl roof, c:1ui11 c:onlrol, t ilt-t1l1. whL, good fir••· (811· A5GI $4196 SALES DEPT. I AM Te t PM Motf.Nl I AM l• 6 PM JAT HOURS 10 AM Te 6 PM SUN 4 .. _____ .. ,___,, __ -~ f'URCHASf IT WHERI YOU WISH· •• WE WILL PAY FOlt ITl ALL ;)FFERS CONSIDERED TRADES ACCEPTED PAID FOR OR NOT! ........---------------------- '67 '66 CHEVY NOVA WAGON •door. R11dio , he1l1r, 11u!om 1lic:, pow1r 1!11rin9. tVEr./Sbl Low mil 11. FORD r NTRY. SEDAN WAGON $1296 $996 R1d io, h~ ·ler, 1ulom1!ic, air cond., pow1r 1!11rin9, 9ood mil11, ! UOUJ501 -----' '66 CHEVY STA. WAGON M1!ibu. ve . r1diD, ht•l•r, t ufom1tic, pow1r 1leering, 9ood milt1. ITEX blBI $996 --- '67 FALCON STATION WAGON Redio, ~.a1ltr, 1utom1lic, powlr 1!1ering, air c:ond .. got1d mil11. ~VS 8371 I $1296 ------------------ '69 ~.~~"~;.~ ,:~~~n~. rad Po, $ J 696 h11l1r. IYPS858) , : S1l1 Pric 11 Good lot 72 Houfl. C1r1 "Subject lo Prior 5111. FORD-LTD-GALAXll-TORIMO-WAGON SALi ...,,. ...... ,,_ 'U ... '7'MMtl1.~ ,_,.,,......,,._ ,4 .......... • ..-r.11-.elr..-.ii--.._tlHn.llok. EXAMPLE' 1970 FORD CUSTOM 4 cir .. 1ulo .. P.S., P.B., R&H, c:•rpt h, ch1omt lrim, 9ood ...,il1t.. w .... n+y 1v1il1bf1. ( 150592) OUR PRICE $1596 '70 MAVERICK R1d io, ~1 1t••. 1ulom1lic.. chrome trim, good milt•. !2StAYJI $1696 '68 V.W. BUG ~Uv f1c:torv 1quipp1d. { 30•· 1510 $1096 '69 OLDS BB 01!!1 Cu1tom l o,. H.T, Full paw1r, faclo•v •ir, Good mil1 1. •6l •ng. ~lu,bo. fYCL6l 1 I $2696 '70 THUNDERBIRD 2 dr. H.T. Full pow1r, 1ir eOn. dilioning, good lftil11, l•IJ. AGEJ $3696 '69 TOYOTA H.T. Co,on1 2 dr. AutorMflt, radio, h11tt,, low lftil11. IZU I'. 105) $1396 '69 DODGE CHARGER R1die, h•1t1r, e uto., P.S .. elt c.ondilionin9, good mil11, 167 1· AZGI $2196 '31/a acres of the most moderl1 Ford NIH and Hrvlce fecllltln on the Wiit Cont PARTS-SERVICE HOURS 7 AM Te t PM MON 7 AM Te ' PM TUI-I'll t l ) \ l I EXAMPLE: Brand New 1971 TORONADO Custom equipped with air cond., tilt & tele steering wheel, AM-FM stereo, SAVE$1367 power windows, power seats, Brougham interior, padded roof, power disc brakes, turbo-hydramatic, power steering, and more. I 3A6571 M724333 l. FROM WINDOW STICKER PRICE --------~ -----~ ------------------.......... ------....------aT7rR11Cmr-~SLVLVZW.LWWWWWP..LWWLLPZWWWV.L> ~ K.LWWAV-- --- GIANT DEMONSTRATOR CLEARANCE SALE!! <26) '71 STAFF CARS REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE! 98'5-CUTLASS SUPREMES- TORONADOS-WAGONS-HONDAS . FACTORY WARRANTIES -FULLY EQUIPPED -VERY LOW MILEAGE OVER 120 NEW '71 OLDSMOBILES & GMC TRUCKS DISCOUNTED DURING THIS CLEARANCE EVENT NEW 1971 GMC TRUCK SPECIALS NEW '71 HONDA SPRINT va , pow1r b •• 1 ••. t•dio, t;nt. gltn, doo• 1d91 9rc:!1., bu,.,pot 9 rd1., ••llv 1lrlp1, s ;enn• bro"'"· molthOnq inter. ( 100- b9 7) Window S1•c k1• 5 1 ~91. SALE PRICE BRAND NEW '71 GMC IHORT WHEEL IASE YAN Au•. ottl, pow•• br•~••, l 1pttd t ulo..,1li(, 9eu9t» chromt bumpt r q td •. , o •• t yel. low w/bl 1t lt inltr. i 15S0!5) Window Sliclttr $110' 1 TON STAfCE We,! co••I mirror< H.0 . ihoc ~1- 1prinq1·1u•.. 150 '18 , G.,1! wh •e'1, H.D. e lec. oqu;p,, g1u9••. s.11 ft. •lokt bodv. (1175751 W ondo.,. Stt~ke r $4 891 SALE PRICE BRAND NEW '71 GMC 2 TON lonq W.8 .. C!:SISl)l, l ~O VI , 4 ipd-1 1pd .• du.I 1l1p l•nt1, a.1s.10 1 o plv '"'' & bud whlo .. a~10 It. fl1l btd w l hvd. bul> ~tnd & o•~ lloo ... l 111· 4521 Window S !1c ~1r $bl!l 36 months on approved credil. To1ot cash p1k1 lnclwdlnq sol11 101 and 1911 license fee S 1 599.12. Deferred payment prk l!! inctudlnq lo•, licen1e ond linonce chorqes Sl893.44. ANNUAL PER CENTAGE RATE 18.93 °0, $200 47°!. CASH OR TRADE DOWN BIG SELECTION COLORS 36 MONTHS VISIT OUR BIG NEW AND USED TRUCK CENTER! • From Light Pickups to Heavy Duty Custom Rigs - OUR TRUCK EXPERTS CAN SERVE YOU BEST • the truck people from General Motors TRUCK & CAMPER SPECIAL New '71 GMC 3/4 Ton Camper Special T111!. 9lan, cu1I. 1pl. !rut~ w h im mldq1., comper r•Hl'Oll. H.D. .~ot~• -1p•i1191 -1lob;J,,er. •ulo .. P.5 .. p.n;,, br o~••. 750•111 8 ply '""'· R&H. 350 V8. W,th 8 '1,' ANGELUS Cab-O•or C or>1p~r wi!h ICrtel\ door. 1'd1 d•nel!e, •lo•e. O•&ll, lorqc ic e boo, 1l11p1 II, ••Ot&do in!or ior. ( 11 10911) 11 1181 ) TRUCK & CAMPER • I • LOOK WHAT WE'VE GOT!! 3-1971 DATSUN 2401'5 BETTER HURRY!! • ~.!,!':~R,c~.~y $1995 Power ~, ... .,~<!. Con1011. VI EnQ1n•, Vmyl Ion. _,, <O~ll1l10•"~<I ll"•uh!UI Go•o (_nlo• fHIS ONE; WON'T l~~l l•< !lVf 1111' '10 DODGE P.U. s3595 Cusr. C•b. Vt. •ulo. l:lH, P~.o"cor>d 161&1oE I 2 .,. PILOT -ADVERTISlR ~Vedneiday July 21, 1971 ~..-L~:S CHRYSLER I PL'fMOIJTH! IMPERIAL ON ALL CHRYSLERS, PL YMOUTHS, DUSTERS, CRICKETS AND '71 DEMONSTRATORS WE'RE JUMPING THE GUN ON OUR OFFICIAL CHRYS· LER /PLYMOUTH MODEL YEAR-END CLEARANCE SALE. WHY WAIT UNTIL SEPTEMBER TO SAVE •.. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A BIGGER SE· LECTION AT BIG YEAR-ENO SAVINGS ••• RIGHT NOW! OAILV PILOT 1971 CHRYSLER 2 Door Hdtp. ~ $1232 ~.--··· B=D 1971 CRICKET OFF MANUFACTURE RS STICKER PRICE <-:.-_,.~~:, _,..,..,. LOADED WITH V·8, AUTO. TRANS., TINT- ED GLASS, P/BUCKE T SEATS, VINYL IN- TERIOR, P/WINDOWS, AM /FM RADIO R/SPEAK ER, VINYL ROOF , W·S·W, P/ STEERING, P/DISC BRAKES, FACT. AIR COND . STATION WAGO~l V8, •~t,,,,.•l 1 c 011J o, h•o!•t, PO""'-'"<" n~. r•~ell"nt b " r q • ' n. !YRX1JOI '67 OLDS 4-4·2 2 DOOR HARDTOP VS, aulom11ic, rod10, heol•<, powe< 1!re1;nq & br•J.."" WSW. r•h• clt•n. !YRX6~S! l<ADETIE 4 tpetd h"n1m:Hion, r~d ·n ~"d he•'rr. I ZPri ;011 '67 DOOGE MONACO 500 7 Ot, H.T. va ............ . f •t rodio, ~'""'"'·pow· •' tf,.rrOnq & b101e1, "" cond. "inyl lop,.,,. c" I I e n I cond;tOo n, IUlROlOJ '68 PLYMOUTH FURY II ~ OR. SlO. VB. oulo.,,el;c. r ~J·o. heoler, pOWf:t •lt<!'1~'J ~ i r ~ond,!,ono n9. !XH A!l?I '68 FIAT SPORT COUPE S •peed l1an,..,inio11, r•d•o and he•ler . !ZXXOI BI USED CAR '6 3 PLYMOUHI FURY 111 2 OR. H.T. VS, oulom1t;c, r.d;o, he oler, power 1leerinq· b1olo-•t • window1, oir tond., vinyl lop. "'ore. (WOC! Ill '68 CHEVROLET CAMARO 2 DR. H.T. VI, •utom•l•c, ••d;o, h•••••. pow•• t!eeton q & broke•, vinyl lop. lXDL0 7ll '68 PONTIAC VENTURA 2 OR . H.T. VB, "ulom•li<;, rod•o, heo!er, """"'"' •tee•inq· bto ~et · w1ndo""· o;r cond., ,,.;nyl lop, WSW, loodcd. (WWJ8 l 7) ., '68 DOOGE CHARGER va, •ulomelic, redio. heotr•. power 1l••••nq & b1a~••· .,;, cond .. vonyl lop. 8e1wlif~I. IVW[~91) 65 SERIAL :: 1484/Jll1098662) NEWPORT CU STOM 4 Dr. Sed. VB , aulom•- l1t, '"d;o, ho,.tor. pow rr 1le"""'I & b11>~11, "''' tonddio11inq and mort. ITE'(b94l '70 DODGE CHAf!GER V!, 1>Llonol1c, power •l••••nq, rod;o. he•let, whit.woll !orei, Vinyl roof. (700 CTRI JOO 4 DR. H.T. VS, &u!oma tic, radio, he~l~r, powe• >lcer1 n9 & b•a~<H, WSW, air 9ond11io111111. 1mmatu• fate. !TEZ2JJI '70 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill VB, oulom•loc, redio, heeler, power 1let<in'J, "" cond1toonin9. ! )49. BBQt .. r.,..;-·ff ~Q. -~---·-·~"GI~ -••/_, ...... _ .... ___ ----~ .. -~ ~-... --.-----=::;:::::::;:~!!;'!~=:::::::; . -·---·--. ' -....e·~ ... ,-:r , .. _ ·-• • ~.-Jll("f "' --~ .. -------'"""" ~r---· : ' ~.. -.. •--.. - 1 t I l , ' , ·' I I I l I I .1 I , • •.. \ , ' DICK w1·Ls·oN SAYS. . . -- • • • • • . . WE HAVE NEW CARS!!! . USED CARS!! . IMPORTS!!! TRUCKS & CAMPER ' ON SALE & READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '62 !.~~~~~""''"" ti•n. (HlS729). '67 r.~.~ri~.~ ..... $ft ,.. ·.· '65 trans., power 1ft1ri119, -~ ~ r11dio, htaltr, rvn1 1r1ot JJ!a flJ. !"" 11ttth 1o m1 mt t o/ (602 COY} '65 ~~~.~!~?'"'' et Seo.ts, (396 I ZV) · FORD WAGON ; •ut• t~n1. 1 r•dio, hHt· · '.'1,\i.\\ ·. DATSUN Sedan, Vi11vl inltriar, healer, All origin11I. {TQS19S) CHEV. Wgn. BEL AIR , v.a, auto. trans., powt r 1leerin1, (PB F-464) FORD LTD powrr ~teer111!J, radio, , , ' l , ' •..J "'_; .MAVERICK '70 2 ••••• "'"' group, roclio, heal· • tr, whilewolls. (90SCRW) DODGE '68 CHARGER RT Full power, factory air, ma ny other •lra1. (VR H 95S~ FORD '6 9 GAt. SOO Y-8, auto. tr11ns., power 1teer- . ing, r11dio, heottr. lice1ne 612-A1'S. heavy duly eqpl. '65 COUNTRY SQUIR £ VI, $~:1 9'!i C' er, (NH0755) ·11 ~ '67 HARDTOP. FACTORY AIR , \1-8. ou10. trans., heater, vinyl roof. (ZZW611) DATSUN PU ' '70 ''"" '""'· (129AGA) '65 ~~~T!~o~• HARD· TOP, •vto. tn11u., r•dio, htol1r. (NR8455J. '66 MUSTANG HAR DTOP, V-1, auto. tr11n1., pawer 1le1ri11!1, radio, healor. (ISJIUKJ f""" I "Tl ,f"l) .... . " tY0 '66 ~~!J.:.~.~.~~~.A ,; . , ' 1t1ering, rodia, heater. " '' ' (VOU.51S) ~ ... ~ ~ .) 1o,. MERCURY '66 WAGO N. Co111tt equipt auto lr11111., ,...ii11, heot- or. ISAA-0651 ,. ..... .,;) i ' . ' ' ·U· FORD . '66 IAIRlANE G.T., 390 V-8, . factory air, iwlo. lroru ., power 1teerin9, broke1, 1rot1. (RVJ J80). '68 '67 PONTIAC TEMPES T Auto. lron1., rodio, heal- er {XBS-867) RANCH ERO Dix. V-8, 11 1110. Irani., pGwer 1le1r· ing, radio, heater, whitew11II1, {V32612) I GMC PICKUP 68 V:i T011Run1gr111t, xlnl for tit• handy· m1111. If 59445. '67f~!0..1,FACTORYAIR, ~: c~..;. ,\ '69 11.,.111. lt11111.1 power 1!111r-Y ' ing, r11 d 111, lltoter. l; • • \ ) (0QK397). ..,., '-~ ·• vw AUTOMATIC Good e con. tr11111 porlo- tion. (YPU27l) '67 VWBUG l 11 di11, h111ltr, lquipt. jVGR071) Empi ,, ' $1 , .. -. ·~ (· , , r, ' .j]. {•,• i .. I i; ~· -< '-·-. TOTAL '.' ,, i DOWN r.at PYMT I ~ '67 ·•. - DODGE PICKU P 1/1 Ton V-8, 10111 bed. (V92S4l) RUNABOUT (IRllW179869) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TOTAL MONTHLY PYMT. '199.90 is ,1, .. 101-tl d M. rymT. ""rl ~1'7 60 ·~ 1"'"1 '""· rymt. in • I. tr.,, '1 1 I" ...... '· ,,11 f,1"..,.,C,. rl.1"HO "' on nr>rr. '""l.t i~r 30 "'"'· D~l •"'".; r ym! !"'"'"''~I'-~~/,!," ,,11 f1M 'J'"'" (h"1•".lf~. '''''"'· '7 1 lo• •n~<> "' 11 V"" r,.,j,., t" I"'>/' •1·.l1 j.,11 •'J;f, J" ''"II \21 7! ?~ ,n,1.~.,1 .. ,, '"~ ~ 1"""'"· ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 10.SO ~ I . ' tJ fJ TOTAL DOWN PYMT 2 DOOR f TOTAL ' MONTHLY PYMT »I\_,,;.._,• FORD '70 ""•m VI A.to, tran1., power 1teer· ing , radio, hea ter. ' "" (022DFB) '68FORD STAKE l,~ Ton, 4 s peed, all heavy dul y. (14657(). '69 fALAX~ 500 1 OOOR HARDTOP , V8 , Auto. trans .. powtr steering, rodio heoter. ZWK883 Bronco Wgn '69 4 Wh eel driv e fA CT ORY AIR Heoltr. XQG-260 '69 (~er1o l No. 1FOll 170002) ; .. ' " \ll L' i1Jt;h .,, (-) @FU Li. .. :aj f.'.i' "" _ " "·"'>;.])~';'PRI CE ALL EQUIPT. WITH: e FACTORYAIR e POWER STEERING e AUTOMATIC TRANS. e RADIO & HEATER .. ,,, 2 DDDR • "· ~ ·~ ~ ,,,,Jv HARDTOP Sparkling Yello.,,, F•n•sh (546-AUX) -Au!umn Gold Finish. (!81AQE) ' Ivy hn11h. (551-AUH ' 8ror1te M!'toll•C. (458-CFNJ , 8roni~. (8 10-ACM) ,. Aztec Gold. (51 SAUD . • :;,p11n::itt"'~ Y ell'lw. (558-AUH) Serial No. 1 K91 U205532 ~·f'io ..;·',J~ 2 DOOR HARDTOP .. "[) 2 DOOR ... (•'. • • ....... ""~ :> J HARDTOP ,r'•'°1 n 2 DOOR ~t.. HARDTOP --l 2 DOOR .. .I HARDTOP ,,.. ?< ,, 2 DOOR -· •; p :JI J HARDTOP ,, . --r:..o 2 DOOR J" ' . HARD TOP IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • FULL ' ' , • • PRICE I ' • . ~.I • SPECIAL FINANCING AVAILABLE FACTORY AIR L' u•;eomo11c, oower steering/bro '..ea, radio, healer, etc. (IV93N 1 ~Q s?s1 , ~ J