HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-07-30 - Orange Coast Pilot17 I , . ----- 'Unplugging' Foulup. Repaired • DAILY PILOT Pair ol Pepper Pac1'ers * * * 10' * * * Put FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY JO, J 97 1 VCL. ... NO. Ml, t StCTleNs ... tl>AOllS us tin raw New Space Bug Cured On Apollo SPACE CE:NTER, Houston !UPI! - The Apollo lS astronauts were unable to separate their landing craft, Falcon, from tht molhership on schedule today to !'.tart the descent lo the moon's surface. They quickly found the trouble was an un plugged electr ical line. After repairs, the separation finally came smoothly at ll : 16 a.m. PDT. The trouble had loomed as a major hitch in the mission and It came just before David R. Scott and J ames B. Irwin y,·ere prepared lo set out on man's most adventurous exploration of the lunar surface. Ground controllers immediately Wld Scott. 11">1-·in and Alfred Worden to check a poy,·er link between the lv.·o docked spacecraft. Ground controllers said t.he p.s trona uts had 40 minutes to carry out the un· docking v.·ilhout delayi niz th eir scheduled 3:15 p.m. (PDT ) landing. The astronauts were in no danger because nf the prcr bl em. Scot! and Irwin were in the descent. &hip, the Falcon, at the lime. \\lorden re· mained behind in the mothership, lhe Endeavour. Alter a qu ick check, Worden reported that an umbil\cal line bell'>'een the two craft was loose. The as tronaut. earlier chocked out the lander and reported all was in order for the descent to the moon. '"Hello Houston, this is Falcon." Irwin messaged his ground controllers.. . "Everything is in order up to this poi nt, as far as the check.out goes." Scott reported from Falcon at 12:12 p.m. ED'l'. Before Falcon was manned. the lhree astronauL! shifted their orbit to a slightly higher. more comfortable altitude. The low point of their path had dropped faster than expected, to 45,500 fee t. A brief rocket blD'st raised it to f>B.300 feet. By landing time, the moon's gravita- tional tui was expected to pull Apollo 15 back down to 50,000 leet -the altlt.ude desired for 1 proper descent 11pproach. 1'hat w11.s wen· above the highest moon peaks esUmat¢ at 30,000 feel "Think you can miss thi?m1·• asked ground control. "Thars up to you guys." replied Scott. 1'rack:lng stations maintained a close watcb en the astronauts' roller coast.er palh. h An hour after awakening. l e ast.rooauta: turned on their color televisKln camera and beamtd back a st.ark. detaiJ.. ed view of the 15,IO'.l foot Apennine moun- Ui n! e;iist Q{ their valley landing site ~ the deep canyon bordering it. 'Ille view swept by quickly and was gone 1n J>eeond!I. "Thal was very fast," said ScotL As ApoUo IS moved tow1rd the dark ~esler n side o{ lhe moon. the deeply i;h!Klowed lunar terrain wa1' tiwetome. Mountai n peaks 15l>ark!ed in the sun as if capped wit h snow. "All system• look good," reported ground communicator Robe rt Pll!'ker. -,' .· .. ~--.-.. -~- Time Schedule For Apollo 15 Outlined Some of lhe most exciting hours in the adventure of Apollo 15 are ct1ming up lat. tonight. Saturday and Sunday, The following is a schedule of proposed times in the moon exploration. Readers are advised to ror'L5Uit their t.ele\.ision for actual programming from the moon in thal airing of Apollo events has been changed as developments occur. Here is the schedule for the Apollo crew: TODAY AND TONJGlfT 3 OJ p.m.-Scott fires the F'alcon's de3- r.ent engine and the 25-foot tall craft starts movi ng closer to the lunar surface. 3:15 p.m.-Touchdown for the Falcon at its Apennine-Hadley lunar base. 5: 10 p.m.-After opening a ha tch at the lop of the Falcon, Scott t a k e 5 photogra ph s and gives to Mission Control a 30-minute descrtption of the landing site area. a:45 p.m.-The top hatch is closed. 7:30 p.m.-With Worden ct1ntinuing hi! dutie s aboard the orbiting Endeavour. Scott and Irwin start their first lunar surfa ce rest period. 10 :24 p.m.-WorOen starts a seven-hour rest period aboard the o r b i t l n I Endeavour. SATURDAY 3 a.m.-Ending their first night or sleep on the moon, Scott and Irwin 1tart preparations aboard the FaJcon to open a lower hatch. and climb down onto the Junar surface. 5:24 a.m.-Worden ends his command module rest period. 6:24 a.m.-Opening the lower hatch, surface for the finl of three explorationtl. They unPack the luriar Rover I vehicle fer use Ol'J 1, four-mile trip to the edge et Hadle y Rille and to the base of the Apen- nine! Mountains.· The &even-h<M-e1pe_di. tion also includes pl~ln1 five · sicmUfic instruments near the Fakon for tr1re- mission of hmat data' ba.ck 1o ·eartf:I fOf' at least a year,. fi::M a.m.-Start of a li•e fl.boor and f(). minute telecast of lunar exploraUonl with SCott and Irwin turning on 1 1~lal camera aboard Rover t whlle 1topplng the electrically powered vehicle to gather geologic samples. I :24 p.m.-Retumlng aboard the Falcon. Scott and Irwin close the lower hl'ltch to conclude the first exploration period. 4:39 p.m.-The lunar explorers &tart a resl period of almost eight hours. 7:54 p.m.-Worden st1rt:i: hlll sleep flll:riod aboard the orbiting Endeavour. ·z..~---... Doomed Jet 'Should Not Have Flown' 8pocW lo tlle DAILY PILOT PASADENA -The El Toro MCAS-bu- ed jet fighter that collided with a jetliner over the San Gabriel Mountains June &, killing 50 persons, should never hav~ flown due to serious defecUI. Violations or Marine Corps regulations In the fact it wasn't grounded were told Thursday by the commander of Marine Aircraft Group 13, as testimony eon. tinued in a federal investigation. The worst midair collision in aviation history that occurred today -under almost Identical circumstance! -was a heavy topic of discussion during morning rece.sa. Blank spots in radar coverage of the area where the F4 Phantom and a Hughes Air West DC9 with 49 aboard went down were also mentioned in the disaster probe. C.Olonel Orville R. Davis, commander of MAG ll confirmed prior testimony te radar and oxygen system defects at the National Transportation Safety Board hearing, Conclusion is expected today, but th!!! four-m11n panel's even tual findings as to the cause won't be announced for at lea st a year. CG\one\ Davis said the F4 had a leak in IL! main oxygen system, a malfunction in lt:s radar and a transponder -which would have identified it on air traffic con-- trot scopes -didn't work. He did not say If lhis places blame on the Marine jet. Pilot Lt. James R. Philips, 27, killed in the cr~h too. and radar officer U . On1stopher Schiesa, 24, who paradxUd, wen flying visually at 15,000 fttt b)' landmarlu below. Testimony by Lt. Schie" Wednesday Indicated it was the jeUiner that sliced into their tail section. He said he aaw it seconds before im- pact and shouted to Ll. Phillips but lt was too late. Controllers JTl()nitoring the DC9 which took off ei,;, minutes earlier from Loll Angeles on a Salt Lake City fli1ht fSet PRONE, Pace I) PEPPER PAIR PUT IN POKEY MEXICO CITY CUP!) - A pair of pickled pepper packers have been picked up by police tor pack· Ing pot in. pepper packell and ped-. dllng It, police said today. Tbty Mid Jesus Florea and Alfoll!O Soto had been ·Cllnning the m1M}uana in the Nogales packing plant for more than a )Ur and ex- porting tt to California and New York in can.!I wrapped with brand· natnfl label11 of Mt ~ppen and other Mexican foods auch u At.e and Chongos. .,,. ~ ........ • • . J •• ~.--~_,,. •, J I • ID Pohey for Pot • S Ill Sun Monkey Silhouetted by sun. Kathy Stoltz, 9, Costa Mesa, climbs on jungle bars at city's Te Winkle Park. Uppity Wo1nen! Ladies Invade Men's Room at UCI Some UC Irvine staff members work· Ing in the brand new $8.2 million engineering sciences complex would rather share than climb. Sometime between the origlnaJ plan-- ning for the high rise office and classroom building and Its opening. It was determined $40,000 to $50,000 could be l'iavtd by ellmlnating one of two restrooms on each floor. The result? The tower building fl as nve men's rooms and two ladiea' rooma. The catch. It seems is that the ladies quickly tired of wailing for an elevator to whisk U>em to their private nost powder· lna domains on the fourth and 1eventh floors . On the tepth Door lhey decided i1 wa1 easier to &hare the men's facility. In logic typical of the modem woman. they poat.ed a alp advising men to knock before entering the men's room. University allk1al1 sald that, while the .. original program for the building called Muskie Gets Backer WASHJNGTON (UPI) -S.n. Phllip A. Hart (0.Mich.), has endor!led Sen. Ed· mund S. Mu11kle for pnsident, nying the Malne Democr1t la ezt.rem.ely competent, and electable. .. t ...... 1. u "1" ... for rest room11 for both sexes on each Cloor, space needs and budget atringen· des led plaJlijers to remove eight lavatorie!I from the tower building. The three story computer 11clMce building of· fers "lhe usual array of lavatorie11 on eacfl Ooor." Blaze Rekindled Near Nixon Home Smouldering remnant. of a blaze in thick piles of cuUlni• in a canyon near the Nixon est.ate rekindled 1 fire late Thwsday. '?be cenyon lying upcoast of the Elmore ThorouJhbrod hono Roncll •rupt,d lnl<> name ft abou\ 4 p.m. and the 1mokJ blW! finally was quelled with a bulldol:er. The fire produced con1lderable smoke in Thursday'• repeat performance, but little new 1rowth was consumed. The orf&lnal flre started lhrouah spon- taneou• combU&Uon MOllday. firemen. 1aid. eat Two Badly Injured in Bar Melee An egry man who mardJed out ti a Tustin bar early thiJ mornfng' after' a dispute wlth other drtnkera and came back with two buddies and three gun1 died moments later at tbe. bands of what JnvesUgatora described as a bowllna mob ef patrons. All three men were the victims ef multiple stab wounds as knives flaahed, a single shot waa fired and bottles and glasses were thrown in the J a.m. mele• at the Woodsman Tavern, 14258 Newport Blvd. 1be &ad man had still not been Iden- tified at press time. Several of the many bar patrons being interviewed this morn- ing by sheriff's off icer said they lmN him as only "l.1ac." Mac's two companions have both un~rgone surgery at Orange County Medical Center and one of them, Jame1 Fennell, 34, home address un known, is I" critical condition from mulUple atab wounds. His companion, Esco Jones, 3.1, born• address unknown. is recovering from surgery for his stab wounds and is listed by nurses as satisfactory. Investigators are today pie cl n I together details of the incident. They do not have the realiO?l for the qu.aJTel, but they do know that Mac left the bar and brought two men back with him. "After th.al," a bar patron Aid, "all hell broke loose." No arresll had been made this mom- fng. Investigators were still conducting inquiries at the bar and intervlewtng witnesses' to the killing. Oraage Weatller Sunny sides are en the agenda for the weekend, with temperature. rising to 72 along the cout and IJO Inland. Lows around AO in both areas Saturday mornlnr:. INSWE TODAY A rchaeologicol Rtitarch rnc. of Co.st.a MIEIO concern1 iUtlf with tht conitam bottle of t>fry old ver1U1 vtry "''°· Troce1 cf (ltlr.itnt inhabitants crir bting lost to pTogrtsi. See •torr Poot 9. ... ""' ft Catl"'"'le I CIMdlflt U" I ci.w11.i »-M Camtn n C:..._.,.... )I DMllll HtflcH t •41NIWI "-' .,,,.,.,,1_1 •n ~ll'ltllft 11·11 "-'"-'' AfllO UNl.n II Mtl!M• ' """' •n Mm.t ,...... It flt""'-1""" I ~C-IY t .... ,_.. ,, .• ll'tfi• ...,,.., 11 """' ,.., tttct: Mlrttth , .. ,, T,i..,...._ • ,,_,_ IW2 .,,,,..,.,. . Wnlft W"*' 11 .,_., ""' , .. ,, WatN H.wt 4 w-..... ' • ' '· z DAILY Pfl.0 r • • Ill Air Crash 162 Die Plane Collision Worst Flight Disaster • MORIOKA, Japan (UPI) -A %1-year- cld J1penese •tudttit pilot oo a tr1ininc mW:klo tn an FM Sabre:jet collided with an All Nippon Airways airlintr todey, 11encUna the 162 persona aboard the Boeln& m to their death in avi.atlon'a worst •Ingle dlaaater. Sgt. Yoshlmi Ichikawa, 22, pilot of the F86 Sabrejel, parachuted to safety before his plane crashed. He had only 2! hours o! training in the fi ghter. Aviation and defense official s fell an error on his part may ba,·e caU!ed tbe disaster. Polloe s&ld the fighter intruded on the air corridor reserved for commercial alrliner1 and said they would arres t Ichikawa for "professklnaJ negligence.' The two planes apparenUy C(lllided in a glancing action at 26,000 feet O\'ef 1.1orioka in the northern part of the main Japanese Island of Honshu 275 miles north of Tokyo. The F86 plunged into a rice paddy. The wreckage of the tniet passenger plane spread over a wide area in the foothUl1 of ihe Japanese alps. The ANA jetliner carried 1 5 5 pass~gers and a crew of seven. Moat or the piSSengers -125 of them -were in a tour group made up of members <lf a society for ttlatlve1 of J a p a n e s e servicemen killed in World War II. The Jone Amerlc11n aboard was Flight E ngineer Donn r-.1. Carpenter, 31, Of ~fiami, Fla. Il e lived in Osaka 111 cent ra l J apan. His wife . Ruth, 30, re~u rned to Florlda two months ago to await the bi rth of their first child. Saburo Kawanl1hi, 41 , pilot of the ANA jetliner. had more than 8.000 hours ot flying experience. He ""'aS able to get off a brief radio plea between the time the collision occurred and his plane crashed. "Emergency. emergency!" he radioed despera~ly. "This Is All Nippon. All Nip.. pon. Unable to control! Unable to con· trol!'' The. pilot of a nearby jetliner who heard Kawanishis voice described it as New AEC Design Rufu1g s To Delay 011of1~e Plai1t By JORN VALTERZA or th• DtllY ,.1111 '"" New design criteria set by the Atomic Energy Commission will delay. but not jeopardize the proposed half-billion-do!lar nuclear generating complex at San Onofre, utility sources said today. The delays were first announced late Thursday by Edison Company officials in Los Angeles. The new standards for the elaborate cooling operations In commercial reac· tors will cre:ate months of delays In the project calculated lo transform San Onofre into the world's largest nuclear geoeral.ing complex. The new standards a re administrative aftershocks of last F e b r u a r y ' s devastating earthquake~ which un- derscored the potential for damage to nuclear generators In Southe rn California, a n Edison spokesman said. Because of the new AEC standards - also urged by the State Public Utiliti-;s Commission in its endorsement of the nuclear project -Edison planners will begin redesigning the cooling systems for the twin nuclear reactors. The standards do not apply to the salt· water systems used to condense generator steam, but Instead apply lo the elaborate devices employed lo keep the reactors themselves cool. \\.'aler in the sealed reactor cooling gystem is radioactive. Seawater used in steam condensers is not. and is discharged back into the sea about 10 degrees warmer. The AEC order for modemlzing the reactor cooling machinery came last month and applied to nuclear generating plants in seven slates. The existing reac· tor in San Onofre was included. Because of lhe new rules hearings on the masslve San Onofre project have not yet been scheduled by the AEC. Originally they were to have taken place earlier Ibis year. Edison spokesmen could not speculate on the length of delays In the project which had been calculated for completion and tot.al operation in 1975 (the first new generator) and 19i6 (for the second l. A few y;eek.s after the deadly quakes In early February, Edison spokesmen issued statements ·which outlined t he lault structures in the zone V.'here the proposed plants would be ~i!t. The Christianilos fault lies close.st lo the acreage immediali.•.ly downcoast of the existing reactor. The long-dormant, minor fissure is Incapable of producing a major qua ke, according to Edison geologists' reports. The. two faults capable of producing major qu11kes -the San And reas and OIAN61 COAST DAILY PILOT H...t.,,,.. .... -·-s-g, 11 •• OIAHGIE COAST PUI LllHING aw.l'AJIY •o'-t N. Wt.4 l"T•.cl..it ..... l"wDIW.W J.ck II.. c ... r.,. Ylol p,.1c1 .... 1 "''" GtMr11 MMwotr Thom••-Kto1"il f dl!or • llioo"'"'' A. Murplioi110 """'*'ltls l!dllor Cli1 r1tt H,. l oo• IUcli.1rd r. Ntn AMllf..,t M ........ Edlltn °'"'" Colll Miu: JM W•f ltT 1'""4' ·-I flNC"ll: DU N-rt k<.11...,.,. ~ 8•c;ll: m F-1 ..__ t1 .... n"llron •·"~' 111rs e..e11 &ouJ<r¥•"' 1 .. 1 (ltmt!ll9; Jatl N .. aJ ClmlM AMI OAlt.Y "'LOT, whtl ... ldl I.,_,,...,.,. 1ho H-41',_ .. t. pull!..,.. H lty •nsot S- ClitT In ....... adlrior. Jw ~ IMCl\o .........., •llOdl. Coltt -.. liunt!ftglM ~ .. _lolrl Vt lloy". S.011 (-tof ~,.._ .,... IHdlf.DtOI,, ...... •1111 - ,.......i cdlflM. '"'111c:lto1 ...... ti... """' .. .. ,. .., aoy s-r.. c-,,,,__ t:l1 ..... 1114) 64Z-4JJI t a-MrM U1;;fhk1 '41·1671 S-0 &A• t.,al I~ .;: T1l1J•••• 4tJ-44Zt • '*""""""· ttn, ar..,... ea.. ~,_,. ~11f. Ne -111WIK, llll111tlotlolw. •ltwlll --., "_.,,._.. ,_..... _,. ... ~ ................ ,.,.. '"IWIMfA ~--- lolc:Mll dou ,... .... ,. .. 11 " ........... I Md' .... Clot• M-., <'.t i......... kl!Ncr\111-... i., p r1W tt.z ...,.,,,, a.y ""'' 11.tl .,,_..,tr1 ... m,...., ._, .... , ...... 1t~1 .-.iry. -~ L '~. -- San Jacinlo fiMures -are far enough away, they sald. that any shocks from major quakes there could be adequately absorbed in San Onofre. Georgie Jessel lntervie'v Cut Over Remarks NEW YORK (AP) -An interview with entertainer George Jessel on the NBC To- day Show was cut short this morning afler Jessel referred to the New York Times and the Washington Pos t as ''Pravda." Jessel, dressed In a decorated, military-style uniform, whlch he called a USO uniform, made the remarU twice during the interview with NBC newsmen Edwin Newman and Joe Garagiola. Newsman terminated the interview about a mfnute before Its scheduled. con· clusion. Discussing v.·hat he called the strength of U.S. troops in bast:.! in Spain an England which he had just visittd, Jessel comple.ined : "Of course, when you pickup Pravda, uh , the New York Times, you'll see it"s all full of dope and killing children." Jessel said the drug situation among U.S. servicemen wu •·so eitaggerated, it's almost childish." "We have some strange new thing with the. communique being anti-American," said J essel. beginning again, "then you pick up Pravda, uh, lhe Washington Pos!." At this point, Newman interrupted Jessel, saying. "Mr. Jessel, you are a guest he.re. I don't think very much of this 'Pravda, excuse ml!', the New York Times, Pravda. excuse me, l he v-.·ashlngton Post." "I think that's silly, I re.ally do,'' 1aid Newman. •·vou have your opinions, Md I have mine." Jessel res ponded. "Hold on a se<X>nd," said Ne-.man •·t think "''hat you say 1s serious if yo u mean it. One doe.s not acc use. newspapers of being Communist, v..·hich you ha\'e just done." "I didn't mean !t that ""'ay," said Jessel. ""'ho added, "I won't say it again" "l a.gree, you won't say it again," said Nev.l!lan interrupting J esseL Je.sse! tried to continuf. saying,"! Just wanted lO say one more thing ." "Please don't." said Newman. As the lnter\'ifw, scl1cdulcd for !liix m inutes, ended aOOut Qnt-1ninute before it v.·as scheduled to .. Jessel said ... Good , I'm sorry," and the nelwork wenl to a lllatlon break. The program':i> producer. DouglaJ Sinfel said afterv.•ard, "I think Mr. Newman v..·as absolutely righL. 100 per· cent right in interrupting Mr. J~se!.~' '"You just can't go around sa}11ng things like Uiat about American ne.,,,·spape.rs,'' Sinfel said. Nixon Cancels San Clentente Vacation Plans President Nixon has cancr.lled hi s ln· tended weekend st.a)' In San Clemele and apparently w11l return directly to \Vashinglon, D.C. aller a San Fra~cisco appearance. sources said this mom mg .. ~ President had intended to arrive 1n San Clemente late Saturday after a speaking engagement in San Francisco. The 11tay was plaMed to last on\)' until lale Sunday. But the plans v.·ere chanKed early this morning .as the President prepartd to ad· dres.s gatherings In the M1dwesl -one of football S\lpporttrs ln Ohio ind 1n au. dience al audience al a dam d~icatioo in Iowa. Announcements of the: weekend visit to lhe esta te in San Clttmcnte came as une1- pectedly 11~ this morni ng"s reporl.$ or the cancellation. J\1r Nixon stil l plans. howt\•er to fl y I& San Clemente for a three.week work.Inc vacation starting in about 1wo weeks. • "hysterical." He said K.awaru.shrs last words were "Unable lo control" before the radio wenl dead. J\fatsaka Ka.to, 45, a teacher on duly at a school at Shizukuighl, a vUlage 13 miles west of Morioka heard the col!ltion and !liaw the jetliner falling . "I heard something like a clap of thunder and looked up into the sky,'' he said. "High in the air I could stt a lot nf i;moke. There were five columns of while smoke coming from the wing of a big plane !ha t wu flying eastward. "Then I saw the fusela(ile going down In the mountins near here. Up above I could see what seemed lo be parts of the plane. Jt was a rain of debris. Perhaps 1ome of it Wal bodies." Search coordinators said the jetliner either exploded or broke up in the air, scattering bod ie! over a wide area. The search for bodies continued through the ni eht. By early evening more than 1,600 searchers had located only SO of the \'IC· tims. The jetliner \\·as on a night to 'Tokyo from Sapporo, aite of the 1972 \\'inter Olympic games. Sapporo is located on Japan's northernmost island of Hokkaido. Lt. Gen. Tsurayuka Ishikawa, vice chief of staff for the air self defense forces, told a news conference that Ichikawa had only 21 hours at the con- trols of the F86. He said be believed there was an error on the part of the F86 pilot. Norihlk.i Yatabe. director of the prefec- tural police here, said he was planning to arrest Ichikawa. The worst previous air ac.:ident "·as the crash of Venezuelan Viasa DC9 on r.1arch 16, 1969, jn ~t aracaibo, Venezuela. 'I'he crash killed 155 persons -81 in the plane and 71 on the ground. Today's was Uie second air disaster in Japan in a month. On July 4, a domestic. airliner carrying 68 persons crashed on the island of Hokkaido, kill ing all aboard. On Feb. 4. 1966, an All Nippon Airways 727 crashed into Tokyo Bay killing 13.1 1-,ersons in Japan's previous \\"orst disaster. An airv.·ays spokesman said 125 of the victin1s of today·s disaster \Vere memers or a tour group from Fuji City, located at the base of Mount Fuji, 90 miles west of Tokyo. Prime minister Eisaku Sato, vaca- tioning in the resort town of Karuiza~a. ordered Minister of Transport Kyoshiro Niwa to be.gin an immediate in· vestigation. He a!l5() named Keikichi Masuhara, direct.or general of the self defense for ces, to go lo the crash scene as his personal representative. Solons Refuse To Cut Debate On Lockheed Aid WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senale Friday refused for a third time to Rlop a filibuster against a Joan guarantee bill Lo shore up the Lockheed Aircraft Corp. and other ailing big bus\nes&es. The Senate voted S3 lo 37 against in- voking clotu re -seven votes short of the necessary twcrthirds majority of lhose present and voting. As the House look up identical legisla- tion, Speaker Carl Albert, fD-Obla .), and Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford of Michigan said the leadership nf both parties would supoprt an !!mended measure authorizing only a $2!r0 million loan guarantee for Lockheed. Ford said he believed that Hause pas- sage of lhe Lockheecl-0nly measure, ex. pecled later in the day, v..·ould break the Senate fillbuster. The Senate bill would guarantee a $250 million loan for Lockheed as well as authorize guarantee~ for up to $2 billion for big firms v..·hose c11llapse 1•1riuld hurl the econom)'. Lockheed has 5aid it needs a loan by Aug. 8 or JI will Face bankruptcy. Congress is scheduled to recess for 1 i;u mmer break Aug. G. A consortium of 24 banks, "'hich already loaned Lockheed $400 mllhon. !&id it .,,,·ou!d not Joan the firm any more •·ithOul the guaranttt of repayment. fn an agry hour of debate before lhe ''Ole, Lockheed proponents and opponents blamed each other for collapse of a com- promise and accused tach nlher of filibustering. Sen . \\'illiam Proxmire. {0 ·\\'is ), Lockheed's leading lot, charged lhal backers of Joan guarantee~ for the aerospace giant had refused Lo limit the bill t.olely 10 Lockheed because they "11re afraid the Senate would reject Lockheed on an up-Or-down vote." ProlCm ire said backen \\'ete insisting In a genet"al S2 billion loan guarantee hill -under which Lockheed could rteth•e 113 !250 million backing -just to "make the Lockheed bail-out more pelatble and le.'!s odiou~." "Is the Lockheed pill so biller it has In be sugar-coated beforl!' it can be swallow· ed by the Senate!'' Proxmire asked. '1Lel us t.lop playing game.a .... let us call " ~pade a spade and get on with the business of the Senate." Sen. John G. Tower, (R-Tex.l , one of the bill 's floor managers. seid that Pro11° mire had accused Lockheed supporters of bting "dlshonesl" and not "'having the courage to vote (or Lockhttd." "That's lhe clear in!tnl of hi~ remark$ and he knows it," Tower 11id. Whtn Proxn1ire got lo his feet to prote.,t, Tower refu~ed to yltld lht floor lo hlm. "Let it be made rle1r that ii is the ori- poncnl.I, not the proponents of I.ock'htied 1hat J1re prevtntlna action on lhiJ bill," Tov.•tr said. I DAILY l'ILOT lllU Plltlt Festival oia TV tllia ·Krantz, Festival of Arts e xhibitor. is in the eye of the television ca mera h~re a~ she polishes bronze sculpture. 'fhe Thursday shooting of Lagu na's art sho wcase is to be sho\~·n on K~ET C hannel 28 Mon· day at 7:30 p.m. It is hosted by newsmen Art Se1denbaum and Charles Champlin. Connecticitt's Welfare Restrictions Illegal HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -Con- net t\curs second altempt in recent years to reduce its welfare roJls by iniposing a residency requiren1ent has been dec lared unconstitutional by a three-judge ftderal pa nel. '"Any state law whlrh unreasonably burdens or rC'slricL<; the established right of a rilizen to travel !M?tv.·een states is l1n - constitut ional," the judges said Thursday in striking dnwn lhe state's one-year residency requirement. There was no ind1ca t1on immediately whether the state v.·ould appeal. The decision stri king dow11 Uie month- old requiremenl predictions of heavy welfare cuts fron1 \\1elfare Commissionl'r llenr\' C. Wh ite-. who said the ruling could L'<ISI ihe slate $20 million annually in ad- ditional welfare paymeats. While said he would "wait as long as I can before I cut benefits because I don 't want to do it. ''But by November if things continue as they a re I'm going lo have to make some cuts." Ile added that a cul "as high a~ 10 percent in November" v.·as the most like· ly figure_ He said lhe reduction could be :is great as 20 or 30 percent by the end of thf' state f1sc;il year next June 30. The 1aw v.·as passed by lhe Ge neral Assembly J une 30, and on ly days later ?>1 1nerva Rivers. a mother of two, moved from Ne 1•.' Jersey to Nev.' Haven and a p- plied for v.·e!fare. Her application v.•aJ denied and she sued. The federal panel adopted much of the language that the L".S. Supreme Court u~­ ed in 1969 when ii struck dO\\'n the states earlier residency requiren1enl. In a hearing Frida~·. the state argued thal lhe situation changed drastically after the Supreme C-Our! ruling and that a fiscal emergency was crea!ed by the in- flux of out of stale welfare cases. l/ov•ver, the judges dis missed the argu- rncnl. s:iy1ng : "l'he altcmpt to throw up state fences to bar rnovenient or people grov.·s frcm an understa nd able fea r 11f runaway ex· pencJit ure for relief. But it fl ies square in 1he face of the Constllution which established lhe ideal of one nation and one people." The Supreme Court. the judges ruled, •·bas made it qu ite clear that con- servation of the public fiscal state treasury Is not a sufricient ground ta <1ulhorize a residencv !tatule ·which also has the effect of limi.ting the right of cer. tain c itizens to travel freely throughout the United States.'' Connecticut's la\\' was modeled upon a New York residency requirement. whicb recently was suspended pending a ruling on its constitutlonailty, which a three Judge federal panel is expected to decide 10 AugusL. l'rrnn Page .I PROBE • • • testified they did not see the Phantom on r<ld<lr S!'rcens 111ursday·s witnesses included person- nel fr om the P11lmdale Air Traffic Co n- 1rol Cenler. which first became aware a midair collision had occurred. One said earlier the Air \Vest jetliner """CIS also flying "-"llh an inoperative transponder un it whieh "'ould have im· mediately flashl'd a crash alarm. Steel Pact Offe1· Nixed By Union WASHINGTON (APl -Ari ciflclal cf the AFL-CIO United Stffl Workers 1akl today lhe union had rejected aa •·completely unacceptable" a !lileel in-- dustry contract offer for 350.000 workers. "It 's a very stingy offer;• said Slttl \\'orkers \"ice president Joseph ~lolony. But, he adde-d. negotiations were con- tinuing between the union and nine major steel firms in an effort to reach 1 con- tract agreement before lht alrik• deadline al midnight Saturday. Molony lold newsmen there was little chance the union v.·ould extend the con- tr1ct deadline if there \\ere no agreement by then. "That lsn"t the mood of the con- ference ." J\1olony said af~r a meeting of 600 local union leaders. "'I'hey want a settlement and they want It in Auguat," he added. The fiOG.member Wlion confert.nct, which will vote either on 11.ny centracl oL· fer or a str ike, was recessed until 8 p.m. EDT when union leaders are scheduled to make. a lurther report. ''There is absolutely no hope they will approve the offer on the table now," Molony said. If the industry made • subatanlWly betttr wage proposal, the unlon cen- ference might be asked thfll to consider It, he said. r-.1olony said the steel industry offer did include a cost-Of-living provision, but that the \\"age offer was far too low. '"ft is subslantially less than anything v.·e ha\·e received in the can, aluminum and copper industries. It is much less than settlements in other industries, aucb as communications," Molony said. The Steelworkers reportedly have demanded a steel settlement at least as 12ood as the three-year. 30 percent pay hike! won for their members in can manufacturing and aluminum industries. Earlier President Nixon urged both sides to work against an inflalionary sel· tlement. On Thursday union negotiators led by Steelworkers President I. W. Abel, and the industry bargaining team led by Vice Chairman R. Jfeath Larry of U. S. Steel Corp., were reported in hard barg11ining. At the time one informed union source described the situation as en- couraging. Bul in preparation for a strike, bla_,t furnaces ""'ere being shut down by U.S. Steel at Gary. lnd .• Inland Steel in East Chicago. Youngstown Sheet & Tube In Ohio, Bethlehem Steel at Lackawanna, N_'I'. Republic Steel and Wheeli ng- Pitt sburg, The latter firm ls bargainlnl( on its own. Other major firms In the joint negotia- tions here are Armco Steel, Allegheny• Ludlum, National and Jon~ & Laughlin. No details of the industry's contract of4 fer could be }earned from the secret talks. Abel. however, V.'lls known to bt setk- lng three-year \\'age hikes at least matching the 30 percent hi.'! union won fot" its members in aluminum and can- manufacluring industries earlier th.is year. Current steel wages average $3.45 per hour, but incentive pay and overtime bring lhe average up to $4.36 per hour. Abel also has said the S\fflworker! v,·on"t settle without 11 prov ision provided for unlim ited cost-of-living pay to protect them against inflstion A major com- plaint of union members is their losa of purchasing power since their lest con- tract thr~ years agn. WAREHOUSE SALE NEWPORT STORE ONLY SAVINGS TO 50°/o AND MORE ON FURNITURE Lar~• ••l•ctlon of discontlnue d1, factory damag.d, and odd1-•nd·•nd1 m•rch1nd i1e at a fr action their origi nal cost. All m•rchandis• in "AS IS " cond ition on a fir st com • batit. All ••I•• ar• final. * S•v•ral Dining Tables, Ovals, Rounds & Ped•stals * Miscell aneous Occasiortal Table1 * Misc•llan.ous Dining C.,air1 * Odd Nig.,t Stands * Oi1continued H•ad Boa rds * Oth•r Mlacellan.ous & Mlsmalc.,ed lt•m• SAVINGS TO 50°/o & MORE ON DRAPERY FABRICS Hundr•ds of yards of ,.,. fi n•st in Oraf)*ry fabrlc1 at close out prlce1. Some bolts wfth lim ited yardage. Oth•r groups to 60 yards. Fabrics for •v•ry room In ,.,, houn at v•ry special pric•s. Don't wait, th••• fabulous buys won 't last. SUMMER SALE CONTINUES Sto-p by today and .,,v• a look al th• Larv••f s•l•c:tlon of quality m•rchandise in th• •rH, Many 1alac:t groups from such well known lln•s as: HEN RE 0 0 N. HERITAGE, DREXEL, THOMASVILLE, MARGE CARSON, & SHERRI LL upholst•ry on ••le now. For the fin•1t in 1fylin9, quality, ••l•ction and 1ervic1, try Ted Yon H•m1rl, l11t1tiors DEALERS FO R: HENREDON-DREXEL-HERITAGE NIWrO lT STOii o''" PllDA.P 1'1L ' NEWPORT BEACH 1727 Westcliff Or., 642-20.SO OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 ... Profnsional lnt•rlor Designers A'¥'1ll1ble-AID INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH 34.S North Coast Hl9hw1y Phone: 494-6551 I I ( ii I i I I I Huntington Bea~h Fountain Valley EDITIO N ' VOL. 64, NO. 181, 4 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES ORA NGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ji . ·FRIDAY, JULY 30, 01971 Lion Countr y Animal Appraisal Today's Flnal N.Y. Steeb TEN CENTS As ·sessor Hinshaw to Take Tiger by the Tail By BARBARA KREIBICH Ot th• D•ll1 fl'lltl 11111 Last summer, when Lion Country Safari moved into its new 500-acre home in Laguna f.lills . Orange County Asessor Andrew Hinshaw saw some taxing problems in his future . Hinshaw is an old hand at assessing homes, boats, orange groves. shopping centers, ball parks and other county at· tractions. but the prospect of fixing the value of a thousand or so assortf!d animals and birds, most nf them from half way around the world, loomed heavy. Lasl year lhe aninial preserve was just being installed on assessment day , March I, a11d it was relatively simple to ap- praise the land ($J ,931 ,200), buildings 1$230,000) and personal property, which includes equipment, furnishings, etc. ($10.000). The animals had not yet arrived at the preserve. "Next year it will pose a far more difficult prob!en1," mused Hinshaw, whose only experience in assessing animals al that point had been in the less populated Japanese Deer Park. On March I. 1971. Hinshaw's men up- ped their appraisal of Lion Counlry land to 4,283.2:00 ; the build ings to a whopp ing $4 ,52.\.000 ; and the personal properly to $681 .000. The animals and birds. more than l.000 strong, were hidden in the latter flgure in a lump sum valuation of more than half a million dollar. Hinshaw explained. "We look what the company reported to us in terms of their dollar cost and they put the amount at over half a million," said th e assessor. "Our policy, if personal property for a single taxpayer exceeds $50.000, is to aud it the figure they submit every four years. This \\-'ill be done "'ith the figure for the animals at Lion C.Ountry so that JleW animals can be added, or dead ones subtracted." However, he.add~, >A·ithin the next two years he will attempt to get a hl;ad count of the Lion C.011nt rY population by species and. compare 1he company's dollar cost figure with the estimate of hi s own ap- praisers. "One appraiser in the office already has the assign1u~nt," Hinshaw said. •·He"s vl:;iting zoos an d so forth to check on animal values. He seems to like it." The task ro!'lfrontin.i:: the animal ap- praiser will involve fixing the currenl value of some 1,200 animals and birds, in- cluding about 50 species of each. Conceivably he should have little trou· ble appraising 130 hons, 5 rhinos, 23 cheetah, 9 elephants and 13 hippos, but what he will do with JO Vervet mookeys, 3 gnus and one zebu·yak is anybody 's guess. A Lion Country spokesman commented, "It's kind of like the stock market. Prices of animals go up and down according to supply and demand. It's amazing how they fluctuate. Then of course there's transportation if we bring them from Afric<1.: And last weekend alone we had 11 car omen ts or f' . ·• ,4, • l I I f DAILY P'ILOT ll•tl f'l>Ot9 IT 'S A RECORD -r.Icmbers of Huntlngton Beach De Molay team ponder thei r nc\11 undcr\vatt'r record. From left are Bruce Con1an, 15, counselor Roy DtPaola, 18, Steve Biedebach, 16 {in pool). Underwater Maratlwn Record in Huntington By RUDI NJEOZIELSKJ or Ill• 0111y P'U.r 1t1t1 They've S\Y&llowed goldfish, packed themselves into Volkswagens a n d telephof'H! boolhs but of late youth.ii have found a new wacky stunt -the un- derwater maralhon. gotten It fro m ooe of the fishermen on the Huntington Beach Pier and decided to have a little fun with it." Tacker said when lhe shark hit the water it glanced off lhe back of another diver who thought it was his turn to come (Sff DIVERS, Pap %\ Se1la1·ation Come s After Unplugging SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI ) - The Apollo 15 astronaut. were waabla to separate the.ir landin·g craft, 1'11lcon. from the mothership on sdiedul e today to st.art tbe descent to the-mmn's · ahrface. They quickly found the trouble was an unplugged electrical line. After repairs, the separation finally came smoothly at 11 :16 a.m. PDT. The trouble had loomed as a major hitch 1n the mission and it came just before David R. Scott and James B. Irwin were prepared to set out on man's most adventurous exploration of the lunar surface. Ground controllers immediately told Scott, Irwin and Alfred Worden to check a power link between r.he l\.\'O docked spacecraft. Ground controllers said the a.stronauts had 40 minutes to carry out the un- docking wilhout delaying their scheduled 3:15 p.m. (PDT J landing. The astronauts n·ere in no danger because of the pro- blem . Scott and Irv.'in were in the de.,.cenl ship. the Fa lcon, at !he time . Worden re- mained behind in the mothership, the Endeavour. After a quick chf.'('k, Worden reported that an umbilical line be tween the two craft was loose. The astronauts carllP r checked C1ul the lan der and reported all was in order for the descent to the moon. "Hello Houston, this is Falcon," Irwin messaged his ground controllers. "Everything is in order up to this point, as far as the checkout goes,'' Scott reported from Falcon at 12:12 p.m. EDT. Be.fore Falcon was manned, the three astronauts shifted their orbit to a slightly higher, more comfortable altitude. The low point of their path had dropped faster than expected, lo 45,500 feet. A brief rocket burst raised it to 58.300 feet. By landing time, the moon's gravita- tional tug was e:tpected to pull Apollo 15 back down to 50,000 feel -the altitude desired for a proper de~nt approach. That wa s well above the highm moon (See APOLLO, Page Z) DAILY P'ILOT Sl1tl l':M'- BALLOON IST STOKES SEWS NEW BUFFALO BI LL BAG Fountain Vall•y Man Plans Jetstream Exp•riment Valley Balloo11 Enthusia st To View Buffalo Bill Sl1ow By JOANNE REYNOLDS Of !IN 0.l'Y P'llft 11.-tl When the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show opel'IS this weekend in North Platte, Neb., Fountain Valley resident George Stokes will have the best seat in the house. He'U be observing. the revival of the famous 1bow while 1uspended from one of his hot air balloons. ln the seven years since he first became interested in balloons, the 33- year-old Stokes has been viewing a lot of things from 500 feet altitude or more. "Balloonlng," he says. "is for people who are not going anywhere in any partit:ular hurry." The record -44 hours and seven minutes -now belongs to the De Mo!ay of Huntington Beach. They completed the feat Thursday moming after using up 176 tanks of compressed ai r. A Mickey t!oose Watch vouched for the record's accuracy. Oil Tax Showdown Likely Jn the years that he has ~n working with balloons, Stokes, 18926 Sant.a Miri8na St., says it has turned from a hobby into an occupation for him . In addition to working at openings of things like the WUd Wes t Show, Stokes says he has been hired for gas station openings, st.ore openings, carnivals and fairs. Member.!! of the all -boy service organiz.ation had hoped lo set a flO.hour record, bul a. misinterpreted signal by one of the divers cut the marathon short. "Somehow a message was written for Cine of the guys to surface. He came up before anolher diver went down and >A'e had to stop it right then," exp lained div- ing team member Jim Tacker. The: boys had been gurgling around at the bottom of a private pool on 7711 Quebec Dr ive since 10 a.m. Tuesday. Working in pciJr.!1 they took one-hour underwater shifl.!1 before being relieved by another team of divers. They relieved their monotony by pla ying cards and an occasional game of chess and checkers until the shark came along "It w11~ Rbout R fool and 11 hall long r.nd ii h11d pretty aharp teeth." sRifi Tacker. •·A wuple or I.he neighbors had -- Battle Lines Drawn for Huntington Council Meet BatUe linet are being drawn for a showdown Monday night on Hunti111ton Beach's oil severance tax . The city council, a~ its 7:30 p.m. meeting, is expected to decide one way or another on an ordinance spelling out the details of the disputed propoul. lf approved, It would mean ihal a ~ cent per barrel tax would be levied on all oil produced in the city. Only the first 300 barrels produced per quarter would be lax-free. City official.!! predict that lluntington Beach would ga in about $650.000 a year from the lax with the three major pro- ducers -Sign11!, Union and S!arnb1rd Oil -footing about go percent of the bill. Some of the monie.!I that would go ·tnto the city coffers as a result of the ordinan-- ce would be used t.o finance r.he city 's Top of the Pier plan, a o:>ntroversial downtown renewal projeel Oil well operators, large and small, have vowed to fight the lax on the (T'OWlds that they are being taxed out of proportion to other industries and that the I.ax would create undue hardships for them. All lhe arguments -for and against - arP likely to be heard once mo re Monday night during a public hearing be.fore the Huntington Beach Cily C.Ouncll. Whlle the oil producers are opposed to the proposal, the oil ta.I is being pushed by some civic leadera. Fonner Hunt!~ Beach Cfty coun- cilman H~nry KaufmBn, the originator of the' oil tax idea, tias prepared a ·"fact sheet" which has heen widely circulated In the cily in the hope of gaining cltiien support. The sheet contends that the tu Is not only legal but also fa ir .!lince there I• presently no buslllel!s license tax on oil production. It ia claimed Uiat the per barrel tax would help equali1e the present busineu license Jltucture Rnd that a precedent for lhe tu has already been set by Long (5.,. OIL, Pace I) -·' _;~ • He also makes balloons for fellow enthusiasts and trains people for their Federal Av! ation Agency (FAA) balloon- ing, license. In order to become a licensed b8.0GOnllt, a person has to put iR eight hours of night time ln eight flights, one up to $,000 feet. He also must 50lo apd pass a written exam. Stokes admJts it's easier than getUng ~n Aircraft license. but notes that 1 newly licensed balloonist probably lacks the 21kll1 to do any precision flying. And precision flying Is a skill that lakes i'I little Ume to come by, he BRys. "I've had to put down at Hlaleah race track, the city wit.er wc:-lts In Nf!'W Ortean.!I and 11 few other pince$ ttiail I look back" at (!kt BALLOON, hp I) . ' _:IlA .... lion cubs born here ... but some of them may go to other preserves." One thing assessor Hinshaw knows for sure: Lion Country has given Orange County's total assessed valuation a real shot in the ann. From a total 1970 appraised value of $4,171,200 it has leaped to a 1971 figure of S!l..488,200, with new buildings and the animals accoWlting for the. jump. And with 2.S percent of that figure con- sidered as the taxable assessed value that means taxes on $2.372,050, nowing into the county office from the animal preserve. 0 0 Time Schedule For Apollo 15 Outlined Some of the mo.!lt exciting hours in the adventure o[ Apollo 15 are coming op lite tonight, Saturday acd SundRy. The following is a scbeduJe of proposed times in the moon exploration. Readers are advised to consult their television for actual programming from the moon in that airing of Apollo event. bu been changed as developments occur. Hue is the scbeduJe for the Apollo crew: TODAY AND TONIGHT 3:03 p.m.-Scott fires the Falcon'1 del-. cent engine and the 25-foot tall craft 21tarts moving closer to the lunar surface. 3 :15 p.m.-Touchdown for the Falcon at its Apennine·Hadley lunar base. 5:10 p.m.-After opening a hatch at the top of the Falcon, Scott ta k es photographs and gives to Mission Control a 30-minute description of the landing aite area . 5:45 p.m.-The top hatch Is closed. 7:30 p.m.-With Worden continuing his duties aboard the orbiting Endeavour, Scott and Irwin 21tart their first lunar surface rest period, 10:24 p.m.-Worden starU a uven-bour rest period aboard the orb i t Ing Endeavour. SATURDAY 3 a.m.-Ending their first night of slee;i on the moon , Scott and Irwin start preparations aboard the Falcon to open a lower hatch and climb down ont.o the lunar surface. 5:24 a.m.-Worden ends his command module rest period. 6:24 a.m.--Opening the lower hatch, 81.lrface for the first of three explorations. They unpack the lunar Rover I vehicla for use on a four-mile trip to the edge of Hadley Rille and to the base of the Apen-- nine Mountains, The seven-hour ~xpedi· tion also includes placing five !icentifie instrument.'! near the Fa lcon for trans- mission of lunar data back to earth for at least a year. 6:34 a.m.-Start of a live g..hour and 40- (Stt SCHEDULE, Page %) Oraage Cout Weather Sunny skies are on the agenda for the weekend, with temperatures rising to 72 along the coaat and 90 Inland. Wws around SO In bolh areas Saturday morning. INSIDE TODAY A rchaeologicol Ri1earch Inc. of Costa M~!a conctrns it!tif with tht comtant batik of vtrv ol.d ver!U.! very new. Tract1 of ancient inhabitants ort bting Jost to progress. See Stofll Pogc 9. ...llllf II Cllllfflt11l1 t Ch..:_.,., u, I CleaWlleol at•ft Cfllllc1 n Cr9•-•lf JJ D~•tll N""I<" t •lfll4U1fl ,.... 4 1 11tw111ft-•n P'lMllCI JI.If Htr91<'1H I• Aftfl LI....... U Ml llM• ' Mlivi.t Jt.D Mm .. ,..... It N•1i.,,•I N"" I 0r•fttt C-.iatr t ll!HllWf~h rf·• 1Yh1f P"111' 1, '•"'' ••n SIMI! Jilllftl;th l>-11 Tti....hlN • T""919r1 a.it ....... ,~, . Wllllt W•IJI ll ·-·1 --1•11 WtrMI New1 ~ ............. . -.. ~..... "· ....... l I .- z DAILY PILOT , H 3rd Attack On Air Loan Talks Fail WASHINGTON (Uf'l l -The Senate Friday re.fused for a third time to slop a filibuster against a loa n guarantee bill lo shore up lhe Wckheed Aircraft Corp and other ailing big businesses. Tht Senate voted ~ to 37 against in- voking cloture -se.,,en votes short of the necessary 1wo-1h1rds ma1ority of those present and voting. As the: House took up identical legisla- tion, Speaker Carl Albert, t D-Ob\a.), and Republican Leade.r Gerald R. Ford ol ~tlchigan said the leadership of both parties would supoprt ao amended measull! a uthorizing only a nso million loan guarantee for Lockheed. Ford said he believed that HoLLSt pas. &age of the Lockheed-only measure, ex- pected later in the day, ~·ould break the Senate fil ibuster. The Senate bill would guarantee a $250 mil lion loan for Lockheed a.s well as authorize guarantees for up to $2 billion for big firms whose collapse would hurt the economy. Lockheed has said it needs a loan by Aug. 8 or it will fa ce bankruptcy. Congress is scheduled to recess for a 5Ummer break Aug. 6. A consortium of 24 banks, which already loaned Lockheed $400 million, said it would not loan the firm any more without the guaTantee of repayment. In an agry hour of debate before the vote. Lockheed proponents and opponents blamed each otber for collapse of a com- promise and a ccused each other of filibustering_ Sen. William Proxmire, (D-Wis.), Lockheed's leading foe, charged that backers of loan guarantees for the aer01pact giant had refused Lo limit the bill solely to Lockheed because they "are afraid the Senate would reject Lockheed on an up-or-down vote." Proxmire said backers were insisting ln a general $2 billion loan guarantee bi!J -under which Lockheed could rect!ive its $250 million backing -just to "make the Lockheed bail-out more palatble and less odious." "Is the Lockheed pill so biller lt has to be sugar-col!lted before il can be swallow- ed by the Senate?" Proxmire asked. "Let us stop playing games ..•. let us call a spade a spade and get on with the business of the Senate." Fro•n Page 1 OIL ... Beach, Los Angeles, Signal Hill a.nd Seal Beach. Mrs. Rhoda Martyn, 17041 Courtney Lane, says the tax has been endorsed by 160 peUtion sjgners throughout the ciiy. Many more are likely to be added to that number over the weekend , she claims. Support for the tax has also been sug· gested by c<>upon:ii: returned from Hun· li ngton Beach"s city newsletter whlch is titculated to all homes throughout the cl- ly, according to Bill Reed, city in· /ormation offi cer. Out of 300 returns persons listed ado~ lion of lhe oil tax as the number one ;>riority. The list was fol\O\\'ed by lower laxes, a new library, the Central Park, more fire stations, increased industrial ~evelopmeot and a new ci\'ic cen~r. Al.!O on the council agenda Monday night is a request fr om the Orange Coun- ty Sanitation Districts to go ahead with the S7.4 million Brookhurst St.reel sewer improvement project. Sanitation district officials v.•ant to nm 1 five-mile pipeline Jtnking the Fountain ~·alley and !Iunt1ngton Beach treatment ?lants through Brookhurst Street. While it has been argued by them This Is the most economical route. loca l merchants have been pushinji! for an altemal.e route, claiming the Brookhurst line would cause a 22-month disruption to 1u!lness. DAILY PILOT 011.AHQ.t: COAST l"VtUMlllNO COMPA~Y •ob•rt N. W••' ,., .. lcknt ...ii PW!~ J •c" R. Curl•v Vic• 'r•l<l"'t •'lCf Ger>t.-o! M•"-&Olf 1lio"'•' K••~ll E•llW l'llofl'f•I A. Murphi11, M•"" .... EdllO( At •• D;,.;., ...... o ...... ~11 l!:fl'llr .Alb.rt W, 1.1., '1i.oc:i.1o1 Ea•• H.tt ..... ._.Offlc• 1717' •••ell 10111••••4 M.ili11t A4dr•11: ,,0 . l oir JtO, •2,41 ,,_ ....... t...._ 11•cll ~ m F.,..1 A-ce.at• "'-': lJll WHI a.y S/•M'f W.-.,iott 11Nc.ll~ hD N..._, 11oo,tln•"' S•" C""'-tt; JCIS NV!ll 1!1 C.rr11!1o ltNl C...ll y ,.,U)T, -Mlldl .. _........ .. H_ ........ '-,._,IVIOf 4•1tf er:it•I a.-Hr Ill -.orw.. •lt!IN ,.,. LMune 11.,.<ll. H....,.,.1 ..... Clltt• ~. Ho1rU!ftlt-. 11M01. ,._..1111 V•lloty1 s.tn c...._.,, c.-h"-.,.. ...,.. .. ,~ • ...,. wt"' -,_...,._ 9dll19n, '"'nelfloll jttl.,tl"f .,,, I• •I 1JI W.t . ••r llrwi, con• Mew, T1h1l1a1 1n41 '4J-4Jll Cl•llW °"'"'tfd .. "42·141'1 c-""". ""· Orwoo. C..ot ~!"'"" ~'-.... -• ....,... '""'"'"! ...... .. u...... """"" "" t""-"l.-tt ~ _, M ,..,._.. wl"'°"' ._.i.i ,.... "'i.tltol •I mr,orlffll .-. S.CMlll Cini ....... ,.Id If N--1 ..... -C..I• 111•1, C.lffon'IM. SWKr,..,_ IW urr1tt" tt.JS _ .. ,.,., w ...,.11 n.n -"'''" m1nt••r 11n1i....1--. u..n -"'iy.. r ridit, J11l130. llf7l Wor.st Air Disaster fAGLECRESl CRATER APOLLO 15 TA RGET POINT \ NORTHCOMPLEX ~--... 750 M~R • ,.., .., C RATfR ... ~~\- ' I ARROWHEAD CR~TER .. • INDfX !. . JL°uU,.~R ,'~·:;.., 162 Lose Lives In Japan Crash ;:!•1J. -' .... _,!'.':,!INS /·'4..~ '· ........ CRATER • ~ :-~·.~ ~ '~~~ ·.· CHAIN ~ '-,. CRATER I EVA-3 I , ., J---IL' ~-...;._J.-• ,•. / /.,>t. FRONT \ ' / ;;.~.,>",..~ CRAT~R ~~' ..c .... ,..('~e-0 ?-.10 RI OKA, Japan (t.:Pl> -A 22-year- old Japanese sludf'nt pilot on a training 1nission in an F86 S<1bn.•1et collided v. ith an All Nippon Airways airliner today, sending the 162 persons abOard the Boeing 727 to their dealh ln avialion·s ~·orst single disaster. The pilol of a nrarby jetllneir v.·hn heard Kay,·an lshJs Y01ce <lescr1bfd 1l a! •·hysterical." He said Kawa11 lshi"s last \1 ords \\ere "l'n:tble lo Ct111t rol" before thP radin 1\·ent de!ld. :-.1::itsaka Kato. 4:i, a l~cher on dut!' at a school at Shlluku1shi. a \'lllagt' /3 miles v.est oI f\tur1oka heard the collis1011 and sav.· lhe JCthner fa!Jing . ... ..... ... ., ~. l ~ EVA-1 ELBOW CRATER~"' J Sgt. Yoshimi lch1ka.,.,'a, 22, pilot of the F86 Sabrejet, parachuted to safely be.fore his plane crashed. He hBd only 21 hours of training in the fighter. Aviation and defense officials felt an error on his part may have: caused the disaster. • ···\< .,. _, ... ..; . ,,. . ... ,. -·· .,,,,, { . . ., . . ... . ./)_, ,~o I . -::. -''-• • • • -=--.... -': -·-.. ... -::::: -:,. . .. :t. ') ... '.: ... ~.:.::·.o:.. .-",.;..·;.s ···-·· ... , .:/'.· . . . -... BRIDGE ...... ~ ., . .. ,. ) .. .-. 1. R ........ ,,. C RA E ~-. • • ·~ :.. ''·· -· ... . -~ r • : ... ~-. .. ~ ---~·, ,. Ul'I Nrwt M•" Police said the fightl'r intruded on the. air rnrridor reserved for co1nmercia l airliners and said they \~Ould arrest Ichikawa for ''professional negligence.' The two planes apparently collided m a glancing action at 26,000 feet over fl.forioka in the northern part of the main Japanese island o( Honshu 275 miles north of Tokyo. The F86 plW'lgcd into a rice paddy. The \\'reckage or the. lrijet passenger plant spread over a wide area 1n the foothills of the J apanese alps. "I heard son1ething like a e,1a p or thunder and looked up inlo the sky," he said. "High Jn the air I c<>uld see a lot of smoke. There "''ere live columns of white smoke cnming fro1n the \Ying of a big plane lhnt v.as flying east"ard. "Then I sa"' the tuselage going do.,., n in the rnountins near here. Up above I could see v.hat seemed to be parts of the plane. ll was a rain of debris. Perhaps some of 11 was bodies.'' Se<1rch coordinators said the jetliner either exploded or broke up in the air. scattering bodies over a wide area. The search for bOdies continued through the night. THIS IS ROAD MAP APOLLO IS ASTRONAUTS PLAN TO FOLLOW ON LUNAR SURFACE Scott •nd Irwin Schedul•d to Explore Na•r H•dl•y Rill• in Their Moon Dune Buggy The ANA jetliner carried I 5 5 passengers and a crew of seven. ?-.1ost of the passengers -125 of them -were in a tour group made up of members of a society for r elatives of J a pa n e & e servicemen killed in \l.'orld \\'ar II. By early evening more than 1,600 ~earchers had located only !Kl of the vic- tims. NAS Los Alamitos Brass Say Base Status 'Same' Officials at Los Alamitos NAS said to- day there has been no change 1n the status of the air station. Some news reports today indicated that flight operations would be extended one year at the base. But Lt. Comdr. Howard Rowan, public work officer for the air staUon, said the reports were not completely accurate. "We have two Jong-term leases of land and the ends of the runways which the government maintains in order to control encroachment on the flight petterns," he explained. "These are long-term leases that run until 1984 and 1985, but they must be renewed annually. All that's happened is that we've renewed for another year," Rowan said. The officer also noted that there are currently no squadrons stationed at Los Alamitos. "We do have occasional flightl that originate someplace else and stop here," he said, "but we do not have. any of our own flight ope:retiorui." A fre:eze order oo the dismantling or the air station was issued by the Depart- ment of Defense in February of this year. Because of that order, Rowan said, the future of the air station Is in limbo. He noted that several milltary uses are being studied for the facllity, including con· struction of 2,600 military housing un its or the relocation of an Army Reserve helicopter unit there. "'The Army helicopter unit Is just one or a multitude of proposals.·· he said. ''It's my personal opinion that it stands a pret- ty good chance because the un it needs a facili1y to operate out of. It v.·ouldn't make sense for them to ask the govern· rnent for an alr facility as we're shutting this one down . "But the housing projecl and the helicopter unil are all In the same in- definite category that's being looked at 1n \Vashing lon. Tes tin g Ordered Of Huntin g ton Slaying Suspect Psychiatric testing \\'as ordered Thurs- day 1n Orange County Superior Court for a J{untington Beach man accused of murdering his parcnls. .Judge Byron K. fl.lt'~lillan appointed lv.·o psychiatrist~ to examine Gig Peters. 21. of 301 Lincoln Ave .. and set Sep!. 24 as the date he v.·ill examine their reports and deeide on further Bclion on 1he murder charges. Peters has pleaded not guilty and not guilty by reason of insanity. He v.·as arrested last Apri l 21 along with his 22-year-old girl friend . Charges again!! the girl were later di~missed It is alleged thAI Peters i;tabbed his father, Charles, ~. and strangled hi!I mother, Flora, 54. a teacher at LinCQln Intermediate School In Corona de\ ~tar. 2 Huntington Youths Seized Tv.·o J{un tlngton Beach youths \l.'l!re among four armed robbery suspects cap- tured by Anaheim police early this morn- ing. Officers said Donald J. De Lo! Rios, 20, of 15421 Columbia Lane, and Daniel L. \Vick. 13, of 7752 Taylor St., \\'ere cap- tured "'Ith l\lo'O companions lifter they al!egP.dly held up a Tick Toe mArke.t et 500 \V. Orangewood A1•e The othrr lwo are Rrcky A. Espinosa. 1!1. 13441 Barney St., Westmlnster and hi! brr ther Arthur, 20. of the: sa1ne: add~s..~. l)ff1cer Uluh1 Lopez stopped the quartet follo"·1ng ' broadcast descr1h!ng lhe i;:e'ny,·a.y car and suspects. Poliee: said they recovered 1195 taken from the market and confiscated n toy pistol. r1ii1J"!k- "I think it's safe to say that i£ they gn with the housing Idea here, there won't be any aviation use because Lhe (y,·o <1re in- compatible. "But again, i( the thinking is to avia· lion, Lhat in turn will "'rite off the hous- ing element," Row an said. From Pagel BALLOON ... wilh a little trepidation." he said. Stokes explained what he means by precision flying: "A hot air balloon runs on air heated by burners. You don't use sand or weights. you control your a ltitude by heat. A gas balloon is c<>ntrolled by the volume or gas and the weight. "But balloons are very, very sensiti\'e. In movies you see people throwing several bags overboard to gain altitude. "But in fact, when you want to make adjustments, you make them very gradually and very small. In a gas balloon, you pick up a handful of sand and trickle it out. Otherwise you'd loose control," Stokes also races with the balloonists acroli the country who own the 75 balloons in the U.S. The farthest he's traveled in one Is about 50 miles. ''There·s no real purpose ln going farther." he said. But he does have plans for tran!con· tinental and even transoceanic flights, us- int! the jetstream. With luck and some financial backing, he plans to do the first manned balloon e~ploration of the jetstream in the fall. "Jn the summer, the jetstream we:'ll be \\'Orking with lies in Canada and moves along at speeds somewhere bet"·een 80 and 100 miles per hour, But in the winter it mnves as far south as Northern Cahfornia and hits v.•1nd ve!oc\tics of up 10 200 n11lC's per hour. C.:onstrucllon of a s~c1al1zerl halk1on \\'h1ch can wl!h~tancl lhr winds i~ p;irl (l f th e problem. The other major obstac le is \hP alliludc '"Thf Jt'!~!re;:i1n lwg1ns at alxiut 20,000 fe£'t, hut the core that 11 t' 11·ould 11\it to Lravel in is a1. about 35,000 fee!," Stokes explained. The £'Xplora11on project has octuplerl S!o\it•s rnr quite a while. "l'n1 lr~ini.; to do it u 11hout ~pt'ndin~ any of n1'y own money," he said. "flounding up sponsors takes lime." Sine!' no 1nRnnerl balloon has r1·£'r !x:oen taken that high or al !hose speeds. Stokes 1s hopeful the data he gathers \\'ill be helpful In the weather service as \\'ell as ballooni,,\Ots. Aside frorn his jel.'ilream project, Stokes says he intend~ to keep on doing what he has been doing. Making balloons, leaching people ho"' to fly balloons and drifting along himself. Fountain Valley Seeks Board Aide Applicants are still be ing sought to fill the \'acancy on the f'ounlain Valley School Districts Personnel Commission. District trusttts said fh('y have recr\v. ed no applications for the position. The thret-member rommiasion aets pro- ccdutts and poJIC'ies for cl111slfed person- nel. The ''acancy '4'as created by the. rr~lgnation of Rev. Kenneth Mc:\fillan. IJ<>adline for application:'!! Is Aug. 2 at "1\lrlrt office:o;, I L I g ht house. L&ne, f'ountnin Vallty. J{ecoguize Re d China llO~G KONG (lJ PI) -Pe.ki ng radio nnnoufl('ed today lhe e5tab\ishment of diplomatic relat!ons between mainland China and the \\'est African republic of S1c[ra Leone _,.,. ~ -. Fro•n Pagel APOLLO ... peaks, estimated at 30,000 feel "Think you can miss them?" asked ground control. '·That's up to you guys," replied Scott. Tracking stations maint.ained a clos!! \\'alch on the astronauts' roller coaster path. An hour after awakening, t h e astronauts turned on their color television camera and beamed back a stark, detail· ed viey,• of the 15.000 foot Ape.nnine moun· lains east of their valley landing site and the deep canyo n bordering iL The vie1v swept by quickly aod was gone 1n i;econds. "Thal was very fast." said Scott. As Apollo 15 moved toward the dark v.·estern side of lhe moon. the deeply shlldo~·cd lunar terrain \\'as awesome. ?-.1oun!ain peaks spark.Jed in the sun a s if capped with i;now. Fro•n Page l SCHEDULE. • • minute telecast of lunar explorations with Scott and Jn.1·in turning on a special camera aboard Rover I v.•hile stopping the electrically pov.·ered vehicle to gather geologic samples. I :24 p.m -Returning aboard th e FalC'On, Stott and Irwin close the lou·er hatch to conclude the first exploration period. 4 · J9 pm.-The lunar e:i:plorers start a res l period of almost eight hours, 7·54 p.m.-\Vorden starts his s!eep period aboard lhe orbiting Endeavour. Nixon lo Atlend Fete CATION, Ohio fAP) -President !\ix- on plans to attend the annual dinner at the Pro Football Halt of Fame tonight. Nixon is to make the closing remar~ at the dinner, \l.hi ch honors the seven pro football players u·ho are to be enshrined 1n the hall Saturday. The Jone American aboard was Flight Engineer Donn ~1. Carpenter. 31, of r-.liami, Fla. He lived in Osaka tn central Japan. }!i s wife. Ruth. 30, returned lo Florida 1wo mont hs ago to a\\"ail the birth of their first child. Saburo Kawanishi, 41. pilot of the ANA jetliner. had more than 8.000 hours of fl ying experience. He v.•as able to get off a brief radio plea bel\\'een tile time the collision occurred and 'his plane erashed. "Emergency, emergency!" he radioed desperately. "This is All Nippon. All Nip-- pon. t:nable to cont rol! Unable to con- trol'.'' F ron• Page 1 DIVERS ... up. He turned around alld got a goo<! look at the shark's smile. "I was undery,·pJ.er "'ith Steve Hand at the lime and so I grabbed a hold of its lai\ and started teasing him with it,'' laughed Steve Biedebach. "It startled him pretty good .'' The boys got the Idea for the stunt from the Atwater Dt Malay chapter cf Los Angeles. \\'hich had .set a 36-hour rec<>rd about a month ago. While some teem members v.•ere doing their underwater shlfts. other De Molays ran the empty air bottles over to a diving shop in Sunset Beach for refilling. They used up about $100 worth of air, all of 11·hich "'as donated. "\Ve also had one or the local hospitals alerted just in case anyone \\·ouJd get the bends," said Tacker. The muathon members communicated v.·lth one anolher by \\'ri ting grease pencil notes on a plastic tablet. The last entry appropriatl':ly contained the message, ''It's all over. <14 hours and 7 minutes. Sorry 'bout that.'' As their next stunt, the marathon. minded De: Mol ays hope to set a rt!ay surfing record. ''\Ve're going to send one guy out on a ~urfboard 2.nd then another so "·e'll have _,;omeone out 1n the v.·a\·~ all the time," said Tacker. Jet D e f ects 111 Collision Deaths Bared Special to the DAfLY PILOT PASADENA -The El Toro fl.1CAS-bas· ed jet fighter lh<1t collided "'ith a jetliner over the San Gabriel Mountains June 6, killing 50 persons, should never have fl own due lo serious defects. Violations of Marine Corps regulations In the fact it wasn "t grounded were told Thursday by the comn1ander of Marine Aircraft Group 13, as testimony con- tinued in a federal investigation. The worst midair collision in aviation history that occurred today -under almost identical circumstances -was a heavy topic of discussion during morning recess. · Blank spots in radar coverage cf the area v.·here lhe F4 Phantom and a Hughes Air Wl':st DC9 with 49 aboard "·ent do"·n were also mentioned in tht disaster probe. Colonel Orv ille R. Davis. commander of ~lAG 13 confirmed prior testimony l• radar and oxygen systen1 defects at the !\ational Traruiportatlon Safety Board hearing. Conclusion is expected today. but the four-man panel's eventual findings as to the cause v.·on't be announced for at least a year. Colonel Davis said the F4 had a leak in its main oxygen system, a m;i!lunct1on 1n it:. radar and a transponder -"'hlcb y,·ould have identified it nn air traffic con- trol scopes -didn't work He did not say if this places blame on the Marine jet. Pilot Lt. James R. Philips. 27, killed in the crash loo. and radar officer Lt. Christopher Schiess, 24. who parachuted, v.·ere flying visually at 15,000 feet by landmarks below. Testimony by Lt. Schiess \l.'ednesday Indicated it \\'as the JeUiner that i;Jiced into their tail section. WAREHOUSE SALE .~ HlWl'ORT STORE ONLY SAVINGS TO so•;. AND MORE ON FURNITURE Lar9• 1•l•ctlon of di1continu,ds, factory damaged, .iind odds-.iind-end1 mercharidise et • f raction thtlr original coif. All m1rchandi1• in "AS IS" condition on a first come ba1i1. All sales •r• final. * Sev•ral Dining Tabl••, Ovala, Pede1tal1 * Misc•ll1n.ou1 Dini"SI Cha irs * Odd Night Stands Rf)Und s & * Misceltaneoua Occasional Tabl•s * Discontinu.d Head Boards * Oth•r M iscella~us & Mismatch.ct lt•m• SAVINGS TO so•;. & MORE ON DRAPERY FABRICS Huncfreda of yards of the finest In Drapery fabrics at clo•• out prices. Somt bolts witft flmi~ yardage, Othtr groups to 60 yards, F.ebric:s for ev•ry room in th• hous• at "'''Y specl.el prlc••· Don't wait, thes• f•buloua buys won't laat. SUMMER SALE CONTINUES Stop by today •nd h•vt • look at th• LJir g••t ••l•ction of quality m•rchanditt in th• a r•a. Many ael•ct groups from such will known lin•• a1 : HEN RE 0 0 N, HERITAGE, THOMASVILLE, MARGE CARSON, & SHERRI LL upholattry on sal• now. DREXEL, For th• fin11t in 1tylin9, q ua lity, s1l1ctio n and s1rvic1, try Ted von Hemart, lnt•rior• DEALERS FOR < HENREOON-DREXEL-HERITAGE NIWPOIT STOll OPIN 'llDAt 'TIL 9 NEWPORT BEACH 1727 We1tcllff Dr., 64:Z-2050 OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 ' Profn1lon•I Interior D•1lgn•rs Av•ll•ble--AIO INTERIORS "•• T•n ''" .,. .. , •for-.. C•••f\"--540-12iJ LAGUNA BEACH ~ 'S North Coast Hl;ihwsy Phont: 494-6551 • I AwmPlant Still Set I At Onofre By .JOtlN VALTERZA O! lllt O•U' J'llM S!•lt New detiign criteria set by the Atomic Energy Comn1ission v•ill delay. but not jl!opardae the proposed half-billion-dollar nuclear generating complex at San Onofre. utility sources said today. The delays were first announced late Thursday by Edison Company officials iu I Los Angeles. I The new standards for the eJaborate tooling operations 1n commercial reac- 1 tors will create months of delays in t~ project calculated to transform San Onofre into the world 's largest nuclear I ienerating complex. The new standards an~ administrallvf! aftershocks of last F' e b r u 2 r y · 1 devastating earthquakes v.· hi ch un- derscored the polent1al for damage to nuclear generators in Sou l her n California, an Edison spokesman said. Because of the ne1v AEC standards - also urged by the Slate Public Ulilitie$ Commission in its endorsement of the nuclear project -Edison planners will be&in redesigning the cooling systems for the twin nuclear reactors. The standards do not apply to the sail· waler svstems used to co n de n s e generator steam, but instead apply to the elaborate devices employed to keep the reactor.~ themselves cool. \.\'ater in the sealed reactor cooling ~\"Siem is radioacliYe. ·sea\\·atcr used in steam condensers is not. and is discharged back in to the sea about 10 degrees warmer. The AEC order for nlodernizing the reactor cooling rnachinery came last month and appl ied to nuclear generating plants in seven slates. The existing reac. tor in San Onofre was included. Because of the new rules hearings on the massive San Onofre project have not yet been scheduled by the AEC. Originally they were to have taken place earlier this year. Edison spokesmen could not speculate on the length of delays in the project which had been calculated for completion and total operation in 1975 (the first new generator) and 1976 /for the second). ... few v.'eeks after the deadly quake! In early February, Edison spokesmen tssued statements which outlined the fa ult structures in the zone where the proposed planls "'ould be b1lt. The Christianitos fault lies closest to lhe acreage immediately dOY.'ncoast of the exist ing reactor. The long-dormant. minor fissure is incapable or producing a major quake, according to Edisoo £eologists' reports. The two faults capable of producing major quakes -the San Andreas and San Jacinto fissures -are far enough a...,•ay. they said. that any shocks from major quakes there could be adequately absorbed in San Onofre. Heal Kill s Children MONTERREY, t-.·lex ico 1UPJ) Health authorities today awaited \VOrd from the poorer sections of Monterrey on the !ates! deaths in a heal "·ave y,·hich has already killed 57 persons here, all of them children. Pre-school age youngsters are dying off daily during the hot summer days ~·ith lhe temperatures fluctuating around 97 detrees in the shade. .. • ... 'Jt ---... .,.. ' - H OAJLY PILOT f Tustin Slain 1 Dies , 2 Hurt in Bloody Saloon Brawl ·I .. .-. OAIL Y fll\.OT flho .. b~ Gr"' lc~neill•r S1111 Monkey Silhouetted by sun. Kathy Stoltz, 9, Costa l\1csa, climbs on jungle bars at city's Te\Vinkle Park. Uppity Wo111e11! Ladies Invade Men's Roo1n at UCJ Some UC Irvine staff members wor k ing in the brand new $6.2 million engineering sciences complex would rather share than climb. Sometime between the original plan- ning for the high rise office and classroom building and its opening, 1t Y.'as determined $40,000 to $50.000 could be saved by eliminating one or ty,·o restrooms on eat:h floor. The result? The tower building has li ve 1nen's rooms and two ladies' rooms. The l'alch. it sttms is that the ladle:\ quickly tired of waiting for an elevator to y,·hisk them to their priYale nose po"·der- ing domains on the fourth and seventh floors. On the tenth floor they decided it was easier to share the men's facility. In logic typical of the modem worn.an, they posted a sign advising men to knock before entering the men·s room. University officials said that, while the '"original program for the building called for resi rooms for both sexes on each floor, space needs and budget stringen- l:ICS led planners Lo remove eight lavatories from the to Yi·er building. The lhree story computer science building of· fcrs •'the usual array of lavatories on each floor ." Myste1·y Red Tide l(ills T 011s of Fisl1 i11 Tampa TAMPA, Fla. fAP) -A mysteriow red tide has smothered Tampa Brty with Ions of rotting fish and a top state scien- tist says all residents can do is ho!d their nose and bury the fish . Cleanup creYi'S ha\'e speared. netted and raked more than 1.600 tons of de11d fish from the .,._·aters since !he tide aJ>- peared a month ago and marine officials sa~ no end is 1n sight. On Thursday the vasl shore line at r-.iacDilt Air Force Base v.·as blanketed with fish strangled by the slimy red tide organism and they Y."ere still "'ashing 1n. Harmon Shields, state m 11 r i n e 63 reS<lurces director. said: '·You can almost \1•a!k on the fish."' C.ow tide and shifting 1-•tinds slosh the fish back and fourth across the bav. stranding some on sand bars that afe hard for "'orkers to reach. Since the arrival of lhe red l1de. a11 organism that sufficates fish by clogging lheir gills. state and local governments have sixnt $650.000 on clearing the 11aters /\. report r('leased Thursda~· by Robert \\ lnglr. chief of the flonda Manne Sciences and Technology Bureau, says that's about all that can be donr. . ., . . . .. ---- An angry man who marched out el 1 Tustin bar early this morni.n& after • dispute with other drinkers and came back with two buddies and three runs died moments later al the hand! of what inyest1gators described as a howling mob ef patrons. All thrtt .r11en were the victims or multiple stab wounds as knives flashed, a slngle shot was fired and bottles arid glasses were thrown in the I a.m. melee al the Woodsman Tavern, 14258 Newport Blvd. 6 Railroads Join in UTU Work Strike \\iASH INGTON ~UP I) -The Uruted Transportation Union spread its selective &trike O\'e r work rules lo six more railroads today and President Nixon sun\moned the negotiators to a \\'hite House meeting to e~press his concern for the shutdo"•n's groy,·ing economic impact. llle strike shut of( the last rail link lo !he Southrrn Cahfomia vegetable and lruu fields -thr Santa Fe -and for the f1r~l time hn plants in the heavily in· du~tnahzed areas around Chicago and.St. Louis and the Steel mills near Pittsburgh. The \.\"h1te House said Nixon wanted to r nrourage the two sides to reach a volun· tary selllemenl, but sources said the Administralion y,·as preparing legislation lo force an end t.o the strike if persua sion failed. The UTU and the rail negotiators agreed to meet again following the White House meeting. The U1'U represents con- ductors. nagmen. brakemen. firemen and tiorne engineers. As Nixon worked to end a rail strike. hr faced the prospect of a steel strike at 1nidnight Saturday. Negotiations between !he :-.tel'I industrv and the United Steel \\'orkrrs l"OntinuCd in \\'ashington. and there Yi ere :;ome reports of progress. bu~ the big stei;I companies began the pro- •·<'ss of shutting do"·n their turnai:es in an11c1pat1on of the strike. Today·s rail strike brought the number of lines shut doYi'n during the last IS days Lo JO. The hoes account for more than one-third of the nation"s rail fre.ight tapacity and employ 160,000 persons. Picket lines began appearing at 6 a.m. local !ime on the s teel-hauling Bessemer & Lake Erie in Pennsylvania and spread y,·estward to the giant Chicago-1.o- California Santa Fe : the ore--h11uling T.>uluth, Mesttbe & lron Range : and three industrial termina l and .~\vitching roads the Elgin. Joliet & Eastern in !he Chicago area, the Alon & Southern in St. L-Oui~ and the Houston Belt & terminal. !'our nu1jor lines in the south and y,•est 11ere shul doy,·n previously -the Union Pacific and the Southern on July 16, and the Southern Pacific and the Norfolk & Western on July 24 The strike ha.<t idled three of the SJ;'{ r11ajor transcontinenta l routes -the UP from 01naha to Los Angeles. the SP from ~rw Orleans to California and the Santa Fe from Chicago to California. ' • . I . ' •'t;' • .• • • .. ! ' - The dead man had stiU not betn 1dtn- liried at press time. Several of lhe many bar patrons bein& interviewed this morn- ing by sheriffs officer said they knew him as only "Mac." J\.1ac's two companions have both undergone surgery a t Orange County Mtdical Center and one of them , James Fennell, 34, home address unknown, L! in critical condition from multiple 1tab v;ounds. His companion, Esco Jone1. 33, home addreM unknown. is recovering from surgery for hb stab wounds and is listed PEPPER PAIR PUT I N POKEY r>.tEXlCO CITY !UPI) -A pair of pickled pepper packers have been picked up by police for pack- ing pot in pepper packet.! and ped. dhng 1t, police said today. They said Jesus Flores and Alfonso Soto had been canning the marijuana in the Nogalts packing plant for more than tt year and ex· porting it to California and New York in cans wrapped with brand· name labels of hot peppers and other h1e:idcan foods such as Ate and Chongos. Pendleton Brass Reports 0.3 % GI Drug Usage Statistics show only one.third of one per~t of Camp Pendletlln's 35,000 personnel are involved with drugs, tho base commander. M2.j . ~n. George S. Bowman. said Thursd11y. ··These statistics are deriYed from all commands here:• he said. A key factor the general cited regardin,11 the 0.37 percent drug rate was the b2.se'3 drug education program. Pride, y,·hich emphasized p e r s o n a I responsibility and drug a"·areness. He said the program was so successful, it was requested by civic groups. Inspection and detection also played 1najor parts with individual marines bting inspected daily a.l roU call. "Supervisory persohnel are required to 'eyeball' their men at daily muster to be absolutely cerU!in U"Jty are fit to perform," Bowman said. Anyone not fit for duty is sent immediately lo a doctor lo find oul y,•hy, he said. "In the past couple of years y,•e have increased our emphasis on drug deter· tion, the irupection system is better, supervisors are getting better and the drug education system is better ," Bov.•man said. Marine teams in the drug education program have been asked to talk at local high schools. to parent·teacher groups and fraternal clubs, he said. The teams also taught marines how to recognize drug users. he said. •·ft is 1mport4!nl that people In supervisory positions k how the characteristics of a drug user," he said. '"This is es."iential if we are going to be eHective in 'eyeballi11g' our men." The Blg M-Mutual Savings offe~ the nation's highest rat• on inaured savings with a choice of 4 Insured guaranteed·to·grow nvings plans, lncludlng 8% ($5,000 minimum. 2 lo 5 years); 5lo:% ($1 ,000 minimum, 1 to 5 years). ,y -. Equally important. The Big M cares enough to give you very p1raon11 urvlce. I FREE SAFE DEPOlrT IOX wHh •ccounta of 12,500 °'more. I Mutual Savings coro•• d11111orofflce :21111&e1eo..tHlth...,/11H010 •l'ld Lo•n 4Poolttion Other ottices in Covina, West Arcadia, Pasadena and Gl•ndale • ---·-. ,. ~ --. • fl ' ,~ by nurses as satisfactory. Jnvesligator!I are today p t e c ID g together details of the mcidenL They do not haYe the reason for the quarrel, but tbey do know lh4t Mac left the bar and brought two men back with him. .. :\fter that,"' a bar patron 1aid, "aU hell broke \()().5e." No arrests had been made this morn- ing. Invest1gal<lrs were 1till conductint inquiries at the bar and int.uviw-tng w1tnease.s to the killtni· Solons Okay Salt Creek Access Bill A history of urtmlidea and the. pre..sence. of setping underground wattr v.·ere cited as evidence this week In sup- port of a proposal to build a retaining wall of boulders along Salt Creek Buch. At bearings before county Harbor Com- missioners, county geologist Cecil Hollon said the project would include shaving off some blu ffUlps and moving a mlllion cubic yards of fiU material te halt the earth slippage. Hollon said at least seven separate. ma· jor earth movements have been recorded rectntly along the section o! bluffs and uplands directly upcoast from Niluel Ro.ad. To compound the problem the gf!O!ogist noted that underground water seeps through the material, adding lo the slide probabilities on the unstable Capistrano formation. The earth movements could probably be baJted, Hollon saJd, by building a wall of rocks below the bluffs. This wall, however. would encroach onto the und portion of the scenic beach, he added. The encroachment measures !bout &00 feet along the base of the bluffs 1n the stretch of beach involved in the proposed project. Nixon Cancels Sa1i Cleniente Vacation PUins President Nixon has cancelled hll ln- tended weekend stay in San Clemett and apparently will return directly l• Washington, D.C. after a San Francilce appear.1111ce, sources said this morning. The President had intended to arrive in San Clemente late Saturday after • speaking engagement in San Francisco. The slay Y.'as planned to last only until late Sunday. But the plans were changed early thi.!I morning as the President prepared to ad- dress gatherings in the Midwest -one of football supporters in Ohio a nd an au· d1ence at audience at a dam dtdication in }OY.'a. Announcements of the weekend vUrit to the esU!te in San Clemente came as unex- pectedly as this morning's reports of the cancellation. <f Ult Y PILOT Influences Of Reds End In Sudan ' KHARTOUM. Sudan fUPI) -When government executioners pulled a cloth asck over the head of 11 small, balding man. lilipped a noose around his neck and hanged him in a brisk rain. they ef- fectively ended the 1nfluencf' of lhe local Con1munist Party in the Sudan. The man wa! thr Sudanese C-Ommunist !'arty Secretary General, Abdel Khalek ?.1ahjoub. 11e walked to lhe gallows with little more than a murmur of orficial protest from thr Soviet Union. "·hich had been his best friend but al.so was Lhe chief sup- plier of aid, advice and trade lo the government that executed him. Friday, July JO, 1971 Britons ltleet • This hanging early Wednesday climax· eel a wttk of confused political turmoil Jn the Sudan that saw the Arab world's first Communist Government take power by means of a coup and then fall to a countercoup that restored President Maj. Gen. Jaafar Numeiry to power within 12 ·hours. Chay Blyth, 31, a Briton. and the first man to sail solo around the 'vorld non-stop from east to west. meets up with the British aircraft carrier Ark Royal Thursday 300 miles west of France. Blyth, in his 17· lon yacht, British Steel, hopes to reach South Eng· land sometime next week. Nobody. including the government, i! certain about eJ:actly what happened in this space of time. Too many of its participants were either killed in the fighting or fell victim to firing squads or hangmen before their story could be told, S. Viet Rangers Repel Colonel Killed In Last Hours Of Vi etnam Tour 'l"he two essential facts of Sudan's most bloody political upheaval in recent history are known, however. When the Communists realized they were going lo lose. they ordered and carried out the ex- ecution of 28 officers being held prisoner In a government guest house. Numeiry's followers reacted by court martialing 14 of the coup leaders and executing them in the next five days. Communist Battalion Others died on both sides in battles around the national palace and the ctn· tral business district, which saw the Brilish Embassy and the American Mission caught in tl1e crossfire. Numeiry eaid .38 persons were killed and 119 wounded in these clashes. Diplomats and local residents placed the figure much higher. The tabulation of those executed was more precise. The government announced each of them in national radio broadcasts after military trials that lasted from one to four hours. And the eOO might not yet be in sight. Government officials sa1d another 30 men are still being held for trial, and there is a nationv.·ide manhunt for :rn c i\'ilian Communists. Only a handful of these mighl be killed, they said. But the others are !ikely to receive stiff prison 1entences. For the Soviets, these disclosures were political disaster. The Soviet Union has an estimated 1,800 advisers and huge aid investments in the Sudan. Diplomats are political sources said Moscow was looking to Numeiry as their man Soulh of Egypt unlil he first started crac!Ung down on the CommunisU nine months ago. Defense Unit Gets Ultimatunt WASHINGTON (UPI \ -The Senate Foreign Relations Committee ha s delivered a one-month ultimatum to the Defense Department threatening it with the: loss of further military aid funds Invoking a rarely used congressional sanction, the committee formally notified Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird Thursday that his authority to spend military aid approprialions ~·ould cease ln 35 days unless he : -Gives the commiltee a copy of the 1eparlment's five·year plan for military assistance to foreign countries. -Or <ielivers a message from P resi· dent Nixon refusing to release the report. Committee Chairman J. W. Fulbright tnld Laird the committee decided to take ~he action by 11 15 to O vote because the Pentagon had ignored a series of requests tor the information. SAIGON tUPJ )) -South Vietnamese rangers repulsed an assault today by a battahon·sizcd forC'1! of 2.500 to 2.900 Communist soldiers on their central highlands camp, military spokesmen said. Communist gun11ers fired JO rockets near Da Nang, killing an American Colonel and wounding an undisclosed number or U.S. and South Vietnamese troops. Two U.S. helicopters v:ere shol down elsewhere. and A me r i ca n B52 stratofortresses continued bombarding Communist positions in the northern sec· tor of South Vietnam. Saigon command spokesmen said 1he pre-dawn Communist assault in southern Pleiku Province cost tht: government troops three dead and 20 wounded. About six hours earlier, 10 South Vietnamese rangers were wounded in anolher figh t in tht: same region. A U.S. military spokesman said loda.v one American crewman was wounded v.·hcn grOl.lndfire brought down his UH l Huey helicopter gu111ship Thursday in the Bay. An OH8 Llght Observation J1elicop- tt:r was shot down in the same vicinity, but the crew escaped harm, the spokes· man said. The U.S. Command identified the Colonel killed in the rocket attack near Da Nang <is Edward J . Cavanaugh, ~8. rir Fairfax. Va .. <in adviser to the South Vietnamese 51st Infantry Regiment A spokesman said the other U.S. casualties were "light." A South Vietnamese spokesman said the Communists fired the 122mm rockel.5 at the regiment's bunker command post nine miles southwest of the coastal city of Da Nang, causing light government casualties without fatalities. The South Vietnamese comm a n d reported 30 Viet Cong and North Vie!- namese killed in battles in a government pincer operation in Cambodia. US. 852 bomberS kept up their bom- bardment of Communist targel<; <'!long the Demilitarized Zone (O~fZ ). military spokesmen said. U.S. 7th Air Force spokesman meanv.·hilri: had no comment on a report from Camb001a that U.S fighter-homher~ killed two civilians and destroyed a third of a village 35 miles north ol Phnom Penh last Monday. The Communist loss~ in the la1est lighting along Cambodia's Highway 1 brought to 74 the total losses in the pincer ac!ion by the South Vielnamcsr. Spokesmen saiQ there were no South Vietnamese casualties in the day of clashes on the main lughv.·ay linking Saigon and Phnom Penh. In the latest ball!e east or the ~1ekong River in Cambodia the South Vielnamese reported killing 14 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese and finding the bodies or 16 others. The site of two battles Thursday night v.·as in the same area in which ARYN t(oops backed by Vietnamese fighters and U.S. Helicopter gunships killed 44 communist troops earlier in the day. u Ky in Trouble; May Not Be Put On Viet Ballot SAIGON (AP) -Spokesmen for Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky indicated today that he may have great difficulty getting on lhe ballot for the presidential election Oct 3. Although Ky has 140 signatures on his petition for candidacy, only 70 have been certified by province chiefs and rna.yors, and only five da ys remain before the fil- ing deadline Aug. 4. The elect ion law requires a candida1e lo submit the certified slf!natures of 100 province and city councilmen or 40 na- tional assemblymen. Nguyen Duy Bao, chairman of Lhe Gia Dinh province council uid one of Ky's principal supporters. said some 45 of Ky 'it 70 uncertified signatures were by coun· cilmen who had also signed president Nguyen Van Thieu's petition under pressure from their province chiefs. Because a councilman's signature is ;icceptable on only one petilion, if Ky gel~ all of his other 2.5 siJ:natures validated, he ~·ould still fall fi ve short of the necessary JOO. A committee of councilmen support1nJ: Ky hu petitioned the Supreme Court 11) allow councillors to lnvahdate their signaturc.s for Thieu so their signatures on Ky's petition will be accepted . "The president has far more signature~ than he needs." said Gia Dinh couoc1!lnr Hoang Dinh Tu. "Many councillors signed President Thieu's petition without know- ing how many signatures he already had and that Vice President Ky still ntt<ied endorsements. Others signed under pr-essure from province chiefs." SAIGON I AP) -The men had just finished their charcoal grilled steaks on !he patio. The speeches had been made and a plaque had been presented to the guest of honor, Col. Ed Cavanaugh, who was going home Monday. Suddenly out of the sunset sky just south of Da Nang, there was a whistling_ sound and then a crackling thunder. A 100-pound rocket smashed into the ground 150 yards west of the patio. There were three or four niore ;1•ithin a minute or two. The U.S. officers. the enlisted men and their South Vietnamese comrades dashed for bunkers near the patio. Two artillery batteries on Hill ~5. A South Vietnamese regimental head· qut1rters where the party was being held, began firing back. The enrn1y rockets stopped. "With the arlillery counlerfiring. things became more secure," recalled one of- ficer who v.•as at the party Thursday nigh!. "About 3D minutes later we went back outside lo clean up and survt:y wha t damage had been done. We could see the artillery going in to where the enemy Jaunch sites were. We could ·see the smoke from the launch sites." Suddenly there wa~ a cloud of smoke, a shrill whistle in the air. The men knew instinctively the enemy rocket fire had started up again. "That's when we all started to hit the clcck." said the officer, A rocket hit 20 feet from Cavanaugh. He was killed. Thret U.S. officers and four South Vietnamese near him were ;1·ounded. During his last l1v1ng moments, Cavanaugh v.·as talking about the war in general. "Tht: rocket:; didn't \.\-'Orry him a bil." ~;i1d an officer who v.'as lying next t" him. Cavanaugh. a 48-year-old We~! Point graduate from Fairfax. Va., held many medals. including the Silver Star, the na- lion·:s; third highest award for com bat bravery, and a Purple Heart. Colgate Or clere<l Tu Deve lop Ne 1v Soap Package Midwest State Cools Off WASHINGTON (AP) -The Food and Drug Admini.stratkln has told C.Olgate Palmolive Co. le find another container for its lemon-.scented dishwasher soap, which it packages in what resembles a m ilk carton. Texas Lashed by Tornadoes, Lightning, Rain The Of'W product, Cry st.al Clear. must be marketed in a child-proof package before national distribution begins, the FDA told the company. The detergent granules are "hazardou.s Call tom la t!': • ..., "i;:'~~~~:"'!•c~°.~ri:~ t:::UM~h~ •ti" 191J 11K.4lly '" lr<>"I ol lht l>'llWU 1'l:~don, llof>ll'I,.., "'°"._, lllr• tti"I I "" hloh W!-F~ TO••l ~!Yt _ _,, ... ,. l"llll'N Mtt -"""· -,..,.., .. -·· 141 l!l•t ... , Wl(O -H tn !cll>...;•l -· 11-llel' 1"011 Worl!\. EIKIFl(ilv Wl l knKkld fr.II I~ -·•• lnu ••••• l 1or-.,.,, -''"' _, 0.-11•owft '"" 1ne•,.., f\1-' c+o u d wt• r111o•tld "'"' Wtt!,,.•IVO Tft<M •r<"'e~ ef •• 1 .. loll •• C-t. ,\rO , .... ,,_, ! ... ft !lf\t •"<ft •••I .. Pl>'fll...S. ....... 1 ..... durlne I •I•"""' o.rlod. J"1!r 1~!tt ... ,, •Iv •111• ev" t~• ,. .... I_, 01 tti, ""'°" ,..,....,. r1•n1, llit~ wlfld• •~O •' ''~'' -1,,.-n1(1e 1w•o• rn.,,..o~ """ ~• ~... Yo.. S•l!f lflll"tll v ~lftM Wl(leop••l<I !V-!V 0111110• w•• ,_,.,, In ,,,. Mu.I•"" ... lll•V M•I ""! .... •ff'loln lll!11•lto -·· f-ftO CoaJ1tal Mt>llll' tllllr'I• todl¥. Li.tit Y1rltbi. wlllOh "11111 """ morni"' lleura ll<f· r-1,... '°""'"" .. ' 119 wtJI I to IJ tno!o In •111<'-• IOdit'f t flcl $11""°'1. Mi.~ "001• 1S, CNll•I tt>111-•lurfl '"'""' ''""' •• '" 11 lfti1"4 '""""'11u1• ,.,,.. '""" "' '9 fO. WI!., l.,,,P1rttu11 61. S1111 , Moon, Tides ,.111DAY l tJ o "'· 4 I ll.00 I "' 1 I tATUllD.t.'I" ,.,,~,o~ /j'~"' 4• ~"" ltlut 1"ot 1m, '""' 1·-.i, .... -ltlttt ! JO•"' "'" ll 01 t "'· Mid can irritate the eyes." Malcolm W. Ten1pe ralure1 Jensch, the FDA 's product safety direc- t.or told Palmolive officials in a closed meeting . .llbltn~ Albv,._1 A!l1nl1 Ar.c!'>arttt l •k.,..l'-ld '"" "''~ lulfolo C11k1911 (_l11elnn111 Cievi11'1d 1)11111 O.nv1r ~• ~olnt• o ..... u F1!rto1Mt ,_~ '"-"" lndll ftlDOll• J l<!r;IO"Yllfl ,,,..., ICl l\MI Cltv Lit V"11 L"" An"lu Loult¥111t Mll"'I Mll_k,.. Mlfl ... U•Ollf -Or••1n1 N-Ynr1o; Otilt!•""' ~ .. ...,,.... (11¥ °""lhl ,.,1,.,, So••nt• .-~l!•tl•ll!flll i-~pnl• Pilltboitl~ i-ort11nd. M• 1"0011,,,.,, O•t ·~ ll1oh<fl()nd S..Cf•""'""' ~; lttul• $tit l•-· ' Hltll L .. '°'IC· 11 i.J ,, " " • • " " >M " .. " " " " • M " • M " .... " " y ., " " " " " .. ,. ,. " " " ~ • " .. " " " "' .. " ,. " " " " " n • ~ • " " " " " " " " .. >M • " " •N " " " " " • •• " " " " " ... " ~ ., " Last week, a Senat.e subcommittee heard testimony from Seattle pediatrl· ciao Abraham B. Bergman that childrt:n n could mistake Crystal Clear for a •01 lemonade mix ture and I.hat the product was potentially hazardous. •• A Colgate ofBciaJ in New York said lht product i:s; no more dangerous than olher dishwasher detergenb. He said children °' are unlikely le eat the granulea from l~t pale-yellow carton now used in test .n marketing. ff Offi ce r Convicted NEW YORK (UPI) -A suspended city .., policeman who admitted that he 5pe.nt •e eight months on the force so "strung oot" 1' on cocaine he could not make an arrest v.·as convicted Thursday of conspiracy to sell dru!?S. " Robert E. Wollack, 27. v.·ho was on lhe ..,. force for three years before hl:s; 1" suspension Det. 23, was acquitted on an 11ddilional charli(t of selling cocaine. Tv•o ,, co-defendant.~. \Vollack's hrother Thoma:s; and Stanley Farrow were acqui!tcd on ,,,. conspiracy charges. • .. lorda1a Blcuted Sisco Discusses Canal With Jews By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Assistant Secretary of State Joseph J. Sisco opened his first round of talks with Jgraell leaders in Jerusalem today with a message from Egyptian P r e s i d e n t Answar Sadat that Cairo wants talks to continue on reopening the Suez Canal. In the troubled Arab world, Algeria an- nounced Loday it has s u s p e D d e d diplomatic relations with Jordan to pro- test jts "collective massacres" of Palesti- nian guerrillas. The Palestinian Libera- tion Organization (PLOl called on Arab leaders meeting in Libya to boycott Jordan politically and econon1ically, U.S. and Israeli officials maintained of- ficial silence after more than two hours of talks between Sisco, Prime Minister Golda Meir and Foreign Minister Abba Eban. But ·an American source said Sisco carried a message from Sadat that Egypt does not want talks discontinued on reopenh)g the canal. "When you've got a party line, you don't hang up," the source said, quoting the late wartime Secretary of Slate Cordell Hull. UPI Correspondent Thomas Cheatham reported U.S . .and Israeli sources said Sisco carried no specific proposal for a change in Israel's hardline stance against reopening the canal but that his intent ~·as lo keep the talks going in hopes of an interim Middle East peace based on get· ting the waterway back in operation, The message from Sadat was reported tn have come from his discussions with two US. State Department officials who recently visited Cairo. Sisco was in Cairo lhree months ago. In a move which further isolates Jorda· nian King Hussein from the Arab world, the Algerian regime of President Houari Boumedienne decided to suspend rela· lions with Amman during a special cabinet mceling Thursday ni ght. An official communique charged that Jordanian milltary operations and "collective massacres" ag3inst the Palestinians were the results of "a plan aiming to totally destroy the Palestinian revolution.'' Iraq and Syria have closed their borders with Jordan fo\!owing a five day bal\le by Hussein's forces against the Philippines May OK Reds in U.N. r.1ANJLA iUPl)-President Ferdinand E. Marcos said today the Philippines has decided tentatively le vote for lhe ad· mission of Communist China into the United Nalions. Marcos told a news conference a final decision will be made during a meeting of !he Philippine F'oreign Policy Council on Aug. 17. He said he did not expect any opposition to the policy. Marcos said the Philippine National Security Council met loday and both the foreign office and military officials "sub- mitted reports on the current in - ternational situation." ''It's my feeling that the Philippine~ cannot adopt any other position on the China question except ;:idopt what is referred lo ;is a two-China policy. The Philippines will agree to any formula in the-United Nation~ General t\ssembly which will allow the entry of Peoples Republic of China or Red China into the United Nations 1A.·ithout expelling Na- tionalist China," ~1arcos said. guerrillas which ended July 17. Traq also has downgraded ils diplomatic recogni· lion of Jordan to the charge d'affaires level. lsraeli deputy prime ministt:r Yiga1 Allon said Thursday night the United States would make a "grave mi.slake" tn put forward new proposals on an interim peace plan. ''The United Slates cannot afford le put forward any proposals of its own on the essence of a possible interim fl.fiddle East settlement because of its position as a go- between in the Arab-Israeli connict." he told a labor party gathering in tlaifa. ''Israel is still ready lo conclude an in· terim agreement with Egypt provided it does not bring about a fundamental change in its strategic position." The leaders of Egypt, Syria. North and South Yemen and Vasser Arafat, head of Al Falah lhe largest guerrilla organizaUon -were in Tripoli at the re· <iuesl of Llbyan Premier Moammar Khadafy who called for United Arab ac· tion against Jordan for trying lo ••Ji. quidate" the guerrilla movement there during a five day battle ended July 17. President Maj. Gen. Jaafar Numelry of the Sudan was to arrivt: by Libyan aircraft today. President Mu st Sta y Flexible, Red Chinese Sa y HONG KONG (AP) -Chinese official1 in Peking told a visiting Canadian polJt~ cian that unless President Nixon i' prepared to make significant concessions there will be "hardly any beneficial results" from his visit lo the Red Chinese capit2J. ROOerl L. Stanfield. leader of Canada·a opposition conservative party, 5aid today that lep Chinese officials with whom he spoke ·gave no indication that their government is prepared to modify itll stand on the disputes which are obstacles to better relations between Washington 2.11d Peking. They were particularly adamant when discussing Formosa -or Taiwan. as the C.Ommunisl.S call the Nationalist-held island -Stanfield added, Speaking lo newsmen shortly alter returning from a week's visit to the Chines~ ma(nland. Stanfield s2.\d acting foreign minister Chi Peng-lei and Ku• Mo-jo, a member of the Communist par- ty, central committee, "opined al etin· siderable length and force about the posi· lion of the People's Republic of Chinl'I regarding relations with the United States. "They emphasized !n n1e that Presi· dent Nixon i~ very welcome to come to Peking but unless he is prepared to make some significant concessions there will h:>.~d\y be any beneficial results from hi!!! visit." Gr('at emphRsis was placed on lht question of Taiwan, he continued, and "the position of the Chinese government ~·as stated in very categoric terms." Premif'r Chou En-lai expressed the s<1me inflexible attitude in an interview ~·ith visiting American students July 19, saying Taiwan "1.s a provu1ce of China" 2JJd that the government of Communist Oiina ''i.~ the sole legitimate government representing the Chinese people." Heavy llonieworl.:? Glori;i Farmer Iii not a stud lou~ college coed. She's a Posla l J:atc c·om· 1nis~1nn scl'rc1a r.\', and the Jn:id of doc,nncnts "'ere created hy \V;ish· ing:ton hearingi; to detcrm111c "hrU'lcr the present postal rates now in effect will be 1nncle permanent or not. • ·I ' I I I I t t it I d f la r i· !1 I-.. • • •• y • ir "' r ' . n I f n • r d ' r I J : , 1 ,. ; . • ;. 0 • II ' • d t • . .. t t CHECKING •UP• Nagging No. One Gripe of Hubbys By L. ~1 . Boyd NOW TllE POLLSTERS say they know what's wrong with wives. Rather, whal husbands claim is wrong. In order, the$e complaints, it's sakl, are: No. l, nageing. No. 1 , e..t· travagance. No. 3, doesn't stay home enoUjh. No. 4, gccips. No. 5. leaves the house messy. Our Love and War man is puzzled. This list of the top fi ve iocludes neither "Oirt.s" nor "snore5." Thal's odd . HA VE \\"ORN leaky boots all right, bul never any made by Kee Kee Bool & Shoemaker, Ltd., of No. 4, Peking lld., Kowloon, Hong Kong. a real firm. . . IT TAKES ABOUT six seconds for food to pass between the mouU1 and lhe stomacti. Going down. \\'atch this space for a!l the clinical data fit to print. .. FIRST on that brief list of bedtime attire most popular wiU1 women is the shorty nightgown. Nylon pa· jamas are second. says a lingerie maker. "WHAT 00 THEY put in that mixed drink called the 'C!!llmate'?" inquires a Toledo customer. Understand that's a legal moonshine known as White Duc k. Mixed with Dr. Brown's Carbonated Celery Juice Soda. What, you·ve never heard of Dr. Brown's Carbonated Celery J u i c e ·Soda? First carbonated beverage in the \.•;orld. Made in Brooklyn in 1862. Still around, evidently. HUMOROUS ANECDOTES about domillCf'ring wives abound. But just try to tum up a humorous anecdote aOOut a domineering husband. Aren't any. This comes up because , an official asks if I ever speak to luncheon meetings. Not anymore. Did once. Included In the monolo(lue a fanciful tale about a diminutive wife who finally cured her huge brute of a husband from beating her. By bashing him on llle nose with a poker in his sleep. Some master of parlor comedy narrated it to me ontt. His art was such the humor rolled. h1y art was not. 'J1le audience sat chilled. Oh, I, the wonn! Never again . There is no laughter in the meanness of a m a n , remernber that. CUSTO~tER SERV ICE: Q. "\Vho said. 'He flung himself UJX>n his horse and rode madly off in all directions'?" A. That was Stephen Leacock. He also said: I. "Men are able to trust one another, knowing the ex- act degree of dishonesty they are entitled to expect." 2. "The parent who can see his boy as he really is wou ld shake his head and say, "Willie is no good; l'I! sell him·." HOW rtlANY WORDS can you recall wilh five e's and no other vowels? Besides "ef· fervescence and ··sleeveless- ness. Not many, if any, I'll warrant ... "YOU CAN AL- WA VS tell whether a woman is a secret drinker," contends an expert on the alcohol dodge, ''by how many days of the month she leaves her blinds drawn." R.\PID REPLY: No sir, it's known citizens in the i r twenties buy tv:ice as many mobile homes as citizens in their sixties . You r question& and com· ments are welcomed and will be used in CHECKING UP wherever ~Ible. Please ad- dress your letters to L. M. Boyd. P .O. Box 1875. Newport Beach. Califomla 92660. 1972 U.S. Car Costs To Spiral DETROIT (UPI) -Two thincs are clear abou t the cars U.S. automakers are building. for 1972; they'll look a lot like 1971 models and they'll cosl more money. Ford Motor Qi. a n d Chrysler Corp. have Informed their derJers thal wholesale prices for 1972 cars will be .anywhere from $1!)) to $200 more than for 1971 models'. General Motors Corp.. the largest of the big lhree automakers and tl!t: usual price-setter, isri't saying what increases they a r e an· ticipaUng. But Gt.f surely will announce a price hike. GM Chairman James J. Roche said Monde.y recent wage increases were p.31rtly responsible for pu!hing up prices. Roche, in a televised interview, said the way to hall inflation was to m a k e Americah people aware of labor's uo.rcaiistic demands. He said wages are exceeding productivity and this hr.s made prices so high that U.S. industry is pricing it.sell out of the international marketplace. However. United Au to Workers President Leonard Woodcock took Roche to task Thursday. "GM's recent irofit state- ment makes a mockery of its claims about inOation." r;11id Woodcock at a news con- ference. He said GM·s "rigid prlce- profit formula" that nelS 20 percent on invested capital after taxes "makes the U.S. market particularly su ited for Japanese and German auto makers."' Woodcock called prices In- creases ''tot a 11 y unwar· ranted." Nader Calls VW's 'Unsafe' LONDON (UPl) Consumer advocate Ra Ip h Nader today called \1olkswagen's .. Beetle'' model "the most hazardous ce.r on THIEF STOLE 'DEATH THOUGHTS' FROM TAPE Mrs. Lyn H•lton With Daughter J1nnifer Dying Morn Loses Memoirs to Thief . DENVER (UPI) -Lyn Helton is only 20, but she's dymg. She wants to help others facing similar situations but a young thief has interrupted her plans. ' The mother of a 20-month-old infant has been record· ing her personal thoughts about death as part of a research project. Earlier this week. a young boy. believed to be about 9-years-old, broke into her home and stole her tape recorder and the tape she had been making. Mrs. Helt.on, dying of a rare bone cancer. saw the y_outh as he was escaping. There was nothing she could do since she walks only with the aid of crutches. The stolen tape, containing Mrs. Helton's personal thoughts .°" death, _was being made in a project to help others with fatal thseases. A spokesman for the woman's physician said the project could be a valuable conlribution to medicine and psychology by helping others to mentally face terminal diseases. Mrs. Helton, wife of a musician. said she v•anl.'5 to publish her recorded thoughts to provide an insighl into the fears, worries and hopes of l!I dying mother. f'rlday, July 30, ici7I DAILV PILOT 1J Smallpox I Vaccine Harmful? WASHINGTON CUPI) - 'I'ht Public Health Service (PHS) Is .seriously considering .a recommtndalion lo atop the routine vaccination of millions of children Md travelers for tsmallpox, government health officials said today . "We are about at the po int of suggesting the risk of reat:- tion to the vaccine is greater than the risk o( gelling smallpox in the Un i t e d States," said a spokesman for the PHS center for dLSease control in Atlanta. Health sources In We.shinglon said the highly in- fluential PHS advisory com- mittee on immunization prac· ticeJ has decided already to recommend a change in the govemmenl°s policy of recom· mendinR routines m a l ! po x vaccination.~ but will nnt an· nounce ll formally until this fall. · Disease center officials said a decision has not been reach- ed l'llthough the advisory com· miltee is seriously considering a change. ~ KWIZ 100 AM RADIO• All THI GOOD SONGS IY AU TIU-• i WIN FREE! IT'S EASY i I 1971 Austin America § ~ CASH (Lota of it) I ~ Hundreds of other prl'les ~ 2 ~ ! Send a po•fca rd, or the attachtd coupon with I ii your name, cddre.ss and zip code, including phone number to: KWlZ, Santa Ana, Calif- ' ornia, 92703. E ! r------.'.'..':.'.'.'::'...'.::'._"_:::_ ____ , a ~ ! KWIZ DREAM WHEEL ! i :elNAM I~ a I I ·w I ADDRESS I ~ i!i l CITY I ~ ! :~p I~ =:PHON l~ ~ I o, J ~ L----------------------.J § ~ Listen for your namo on the air ·I ~ ~ ~ 1480 ON THE AM DIAL = "; kWIZ 1480 AM RADIO • ALL THI GOOD SONGS 1Y AU THE !! SEE Explosive l.R.A. World Championship BOY'S CLUB OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Real action with cowboys competing on rough broncs and rugged bulls far top prize money and world championship points. SHEUE FIELD, HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL Sat., July 31 2 ind 8 p.m. Sun., Aug. 1 2 p.m. ADULTS $2.80 the road" in the United States. ~1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii N II • T k Nader, In an interview on II • on-po ut1ng rue th•m" 1.1"''''"" "t his THE' VILLAG.E WEST c week" pr 0 gr a m. recom· FINE ARTS & CR A ITT CENTE R @)' D , d b F M mendefd the German auto SUME• FfSTIYAL i:c.,•• ;i 17 Y'eal'I aJld U111ler .Va PllCI eslgne Y 0 manu acturer recall all the 4 NOW IN FULL IWINfl America. 7fJ LotuH C•yot1 A-.cl, Lotu11-'tM Pal'\htt--4f4·fJtlt lll" en l~m~ill~ion~~"~bee~t1: .. :·~·~1:n~""~~in~;::;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;::;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:; PERRJS {AP) -Four men Minnich, who has v.·orked as ---- gay they have adapted a 1960 a n engineer in aerospace pro. pickup truck lo run on a mix· jects, is now owner of the Per· ture of hydrogen and oxygen ris Progress. a weekly that does not em.it pollutants. newspaper. He and three Dwight B. 1'.1innich. one of engineer colleagues h .B v e the four. said Thursday that v.·orked on tbe project tn the they chose the hydrogen-ox· newspaper garage during their ygen combination as !he basis spare time since January 1970. of their experiments because John Chao. an engineer with the fuel mixture would bum the state Air Resources Board vdthout harmful leftovers. in Los Angeles, watched a "The best wa y to avoid demonstration of an earlier pollutants is nol to make them 1est vehicle. a 1930 Model A in the fir st place, rather than :Ford pickup Md said the ''AL .. -:-. ·~t.~-.c • n.~1e.ssinan Wl~&UJ& newacqtra•ntances must be prepared to meet them . ' -Mark Scott to lry to clean them up af· engine started ea.5ily and ran terward." he said·----;--''"'m"'oo'°:'.lh":ly',:. ______ __'~=====:Y:o:u:•:'"=1""'=.led=:'°:-:::::::"":':""'::il:em::'"::·•:•:•::""":::l ::At:•=lt/ty==pe=n:e=n=t=r.d=ocii=·=on=,=""=t.il=t.h~e~"'~v~o~o~th~o~f~A~u~ru>~C~#~<~2~F~u~hJ~·o~n~Iol~and~~-~F;url~h·~·~T~nf~o~nn;ati~·0~0~:~6'4~·;75~2~0~. ====d SATURDAY JULY I •one-stop' shopping at its :f"inestl O~EN MONDAY & TI-fURSDA Y EVENINGS 'TIC 9 ONE DAY ONLY 31 10 TO S ----- .. 1 DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Setting Ma y ors' Ter1ns The office of mayor in the cities of foun laln \1alley and Huntington Beach recently has come under clo se 1crutiny. In Fountain Valley , city councilmen have given pre· liminary approval to a nfeasure wh ich wi ll cut the lwo· year lerrn in half. liuntingtoo Beach set up a con1miltee t.o study the possibility of turning lbe mayoralty into a fuJI time job. Both proposals h ave brought forth exte nsive philo- sophic.al s tatements by city council members in the ty,·o citie~ -statements th11t indicate there are as 1nany ideas about the office as there are city councilmen. Regardless of the action taken by these councils, t he JOb and the process by which men are elei.:ted Lo It wlU h ardly change. Under Fountain Valley's new ordinance, a man can r;urceed himself, so in practice the two-year tern1 \Viii still be in effect. :\nd in spite of exterior changes in the office in either city, elec:Lion to it will still be dependent on current intercouncil politics -a fact thal only rnaJor revisions of the cities' electoral processes can alter Enough Is Enough As wi tb many other civic improvement projects, the cost of the n ew Huntington Beach p ublic li brary has far exceeded original expectations. T he Jibra.r~, lo be built on a .knoll overlooking Tal- bert Lake, or1g1nally was lo cost $3-million. Trl!nrnerl once to $2.8 million. the cost now h as escalated to $3.4 ~il lio!l. Including its first stocking of books, the rigure ls estimated to st and at $4.1 million v.1hen the Ji brary o pens ii! doors . It was explained that the new price tag includes Honesty ls Not the Way To Keep a Job ln June, • top Ford executive warned lhe public about safety problems in General Motors' Corvair. Henry Ford II, instead of pr.aisins his aide, hastily teltphoned GM Chainnan James Roche to disassociate f'ord Motor /rom the warning. Now, the F'ord official. Harley Copp. may go to the chQpping block. There are reporU wi thin Ford that the company for which he has worked 2S years i~ i:oing to lop off 100 nr 1,000 men in his divisio11. Copp's peculiar le5son in the danger.!! of corporate honesty began in May. At that time. GM Sa.id its now-disC'Olltinued Corvair doesn 'I roll over any m~re than "'competitive cars of the same era," if1.· eluding the Ford Falcon. • COPP llAD tngineered tht f'alron, \f!IS proud of i1, and took the GM statement 11.s a blatant insult lo hit car and lib com- pany. ffe wrott Senate Commerc!e Chairman Warren Magnuson !D-Wash.J, lelling him of tile l!l59 f'ord lest5 of Corvairs which showed they rolled ov-er far loo easily. \fhen Henry Ford II heard of Copp0'.I letter lo M~nu.son , he sun1moned intn his plush office' f'ord Vice P~ident \Villiam Innes. legal advisor Hank NoltP and olher.~. The talk wa.~ l'lnl about how In kel'p up lhe rire on f.M. but how to cool " \\'ilh hi.~ airtP~ beside him. ford rang 11p l.M Chairrnan Roche. Instead nr roasting GM for i1s insult to the ralcnn. Forrl a.ssured Roche that he did not ap- prove Copp·, lelter and that Copp was 11cting on his own. Dea r Gloo1ny Gus Ocean View got the over·ride. so why is ii they cut down on the cleaning help'.' Schools are dirty and there is o~ly one man W{lrklng and he is the supervisor I~ lhe money only to raise the salary of the superintendent and his {)Hice aides? -ti1 ES. TN1 t•l lurt rtlJl.<Tlo rrllllr1" "''"""· "'' ,,_.tHltllr t"' .. •I l~t n-~•~tt. ltfll v1ur l'f.I -~• 11 GIMmY o u., Dolly 'li.t. THE DISTRESSED Copp, a .. •1are by now he was 1n the doghouse for his bc!Jef in rree enterprise and competition. of- fered to qu1I his job a.s director of engineering and lcchnical services. lni\e!, an old fri~nd, talked hint out of IL but gave him no public support \\'h1le morale dropped among Ford engineers ""'ho v.·orked on the Falcon, Copp sat tight. But rumors spread I ha~ F'nrd h1n\se!f had ordered snnlher a c e technical man. Bob Graham, to begin taking over part of Copp's d1v1s1on . lt \\'<IS' !lien that Magnuson, (earing Copp's fate was unc<"rtain, wrote an energetic private letter to Henry l~ord II in an effort to preserve Copp in his job. "In speaking oul against erroneotis statements of the General Motors Corporation," said Magnuson, ''Mr. Copp dislinguished himself as a person who is committed lo the Ford Motnr Company and to the public , , . " LA W''ER ~OL TE conceded to uii; that Graham might be geUini; a new JOb, but said he had no knowledge it w;is at Copp's expense A.~ In lhc Roche call , Nolte confirml'd F'nrr! mar!e it R11t it \!.'a" "1nforrnat1ve." not •·apolpj!e\1c." Copp declined comment. F'oo!note A question nn\v haunting rnn· i;11mer advocalf'S i.~ whv Ffird r!ul not niake public in l!l.~9 11.s !e~r~ showing C'orvairs harl r1<inRern11.~ J'1tlli1l'l'I' 1ri1- ftenc1es Livr.~ n11ght h:ive bcrn savrd, <ind GM migh t have <'orrected thl' perkv little cars before Ralph Nader s.'lnk h1q lee!h into them. Harrl-con1pctin~ olrf J-lenry Ford , Sr. l-l enry ll'5 ilrandfather, woulrl C{'rtainly have found R "''ay of 1naking the tests public. Paradox of Creativity Tbnughl• 11 Large : Whatever is 11 produt l of the momenl is quickly d•t~: the paradox of creatlv1ty i~ that the only work that i~ ''timely" i3 the ""'Ork lhat is timeless. II lakes as much skill lO watch a gan1e Intelligently as it doe~ tn play ii: at 11 high-level tennis m•lch, for instanct'. the gani~.!I 11~ sttn by most of !hf' spe<:tator., is not at all tilt game the playt'rs are eng11ged in. Tht. concept of "profit" is lhe lea~t tJoderstood of all ecoaomic lerms -by --WWW- Friday. July 30, 197 1 TM -"''°'1a1 page oJ the Dall~ PUo& 11ekl &o inform and stim- ulatl rcadc• b11 P"tsenting thit ntwrpo,,n"• opi"'°1u and com- rnentof'I/ an topkl oJ 1ntcrett· and .signt/icoru:e, b11 prov~dtng !1 forvm for tM e%p'l'!'111on. of our reodtrl' opi1lio'111, and bv preienttng tM • di~1e view- pafnLt of 'nf0f1Md.. .obreMJ(rs and ipok411Mn on topic.I of the da~. Robert N. Weed, Pu bllsller ' -·----"---~ ,... 0 :ms,. (~ ' -Sydney _ J: J!a 1 rri~~.' \ •:;. ;J employers no le!JS than by en1ployes. both of ;1.•hnn1 use 11 as a fal se standa rd for bargaining. One of the rcnson~ so many mediocre men enter pol itics Is lhat il.'J standards are delighlfu\ly 101,1, .. everyone who ha~ not yet gone to J<11 I is l'Onsidered ii.~ ttoncst. and everyone who 1s not blatantly foolish is considered ~hrewd . \Vht'n a great dc;1t 1s expected of 11: child. he either Mses to I.ht expectation or Is crushed. hy it, and this js why an et· pect~tlon th11t is not realitllc can cripple a child as much as deprecatiOn does. The lnte mark of the bigot i~ that he ls never &ble lo understand the prime necessiry for dlsagriement &mong peo- ple, looking upon his •dvenarirs its being only stupid and -&lijbbom: he should reflect up<>n the wisdom of the nld Vid- dJstr proverb : "If nil pullt'd in one direc- tion, the world would kcrl over.·· In 11 l'01tunrrci11lly-don1inatcd .~iety, quaHtie.o: arfl like rommod1 l1e11 only !hosfl which are in rlr1n:1r1d are cultivated : 11nd Wf havf' no r·au~r to con1pll11n lhat propll'! art 's~ll1 sh' when selll!ihnC:io., con1- m1ncls nn JH1l'e in the mnrkeL ---- tht-architect's fee and (Kher ~mpro~ements such as soU surveys, engineering costs, street&, water and sewer lines, and olher "extras" not in cluded in the original estima te.· But the problent is that the city had been talking about a $3 milllon lib.u.ry al l along. The costs f.'f the architect's fee an d the improvemen ts should either have been included in the original price, or the cost ceiling should have been raised. The costs have risen enough. Jt 's about ail the city can afford. They're Keeping Up After more than a year of boUing con troversy and politicaJ mudslinging. city government In Seal Beach is right back where il started. Last \11eek's recall of Councilman Morton A. Baum and the election of Thomas E. Blackman to his seat has the effect of restoring full power to those who support· cd the policies of former City Manager Lee Risner. With Baum and Councilma n Conway Fuhrman re- tailed from office, a strong 4-1 majority has been creat• e.d \\'hich v.•il\ allow the council to continue Risner's gro1v th -eq ual!s· progress philosophy. 1'he new major ity 's voting strength may be boosted even furl.her Aug. 24 when Councilman T ho111as Hogar d, the lone re1naining member of t he old councll, faces a recall election. During the past two eleclions, the Ri sneritcs have made it clear t'aal they intend to keep their promise 0£ loppling the old council. While 1he pendulum has swung in their favo r. it remains to be seen u1helher il moves the clock forv,>a rd or backward. H IJ1ie11iploy·t1ie1it, l11flutio11 IJ11checked Economy Running Off the Track President Nixon's economic policy is very clearly In danger of running off the track. He has been unable to control In- fla tion, government spending and the si~.e of lhe deficit. Inside his administration controversies nare and there may be a b!r.;1.· UJl. \Vith the cost of li ving rising in pursuit or inflationary wage settlements , the budget has gotten ~ out of control again. . Secretary of t h e .• \ Treasury Connally , _'fl • has blandly confess-Q' Q - cd lhal Lhe fffierat .'-1 ,, : i deficit for the fiscal ·,. .._.,., \ - year jusf ended ap-~.; proaches $2!) billion. For the new fiscal year heaven knows what it will run to. probably another $1ft or $20 bllliol'I or more, and In any case far more than the President estimated when he submitted his b\ldget estimates to CongfeS'S last January, No one needs a fixation on budgrt b:'l lanci ng Lo realize that so1nething i.!I wr011g when the government's chief fin ancial officers can't come wilhin S8 or 110 billion of estimating how much the government will spend. NOR IS A PH. D. in economics much help in explaining why the Nixon policies 11ren't working as they are supposed lo \lnen1ployment and idle i n du s Ir i a I capacity have failed to halt the rises in both prices and wages, as it was sup- posed !hey would and as would ~een1 natural. This could ~o on a long time. ac- cording to F'ederal Resef\'C Board tha1rn1an Arthur Burn~. who is a~ a~ton1shed as anyone else n\·cr the 111ulishne."-~ of the econo1ny . There ;ire strong men Involved no.,., 1n econonnc p.1licy. One of them is Burn.~. Ano!her 1s Sccrct<1ry Conna!ly They dn riot agree. Burns says we aren·t mak1nR prt\@ress against lnflalion. Connally says v.•e 11re B\irns wants ;1.·age and prier. re~lrainl.s. Connally 1s the spokesman for rlo1ng nothing lhat is nnt already being done This is reminiscent o{ conditioos in 1he .Johnson administratinn whic h Nixon so severely cri1icized in tile presidential ea1npalgn. Nixon charged lhrn that the former chairman ol the F' e de r a I Reserve Board. Willi am t\1cChtsney r..1artin had "'been left holding the hag'' by President Johnson. BY REF'USLl\j'G to pul the nlltton'! fiscal affair<; in order, Johnson forctd Chainnan MRrtin to lissun1e lhe whole responsibility ror curbing inflation, Nixon chargerl. That re~ulted in a "stop-and-go·• policy cf monetary restraint and ease "in which every attempt to slow down the ex· pansion of the money supply· ha~ hecn de feated by the urgent necessity lo finance the trea.sury'.s huge deficits," Nixon charged. The treas\1ry is still having hugf': deficits and hold ing back inflation still seems to be the main concern or the chairman of the Federal Reserve Boarrl. Nixon, al the present pact, may rival ,Johnson in building up ttie huge deficits which he says brought on the inflationary spiral he inherited. But Burns has wam~d lhat If he ha~ his ~-~By -George --~ Dear Gtorge: I think tod11y's young womm arl' \'try pe:rmi9llive and It seetn!ii l'.tllnf'ihing 5houkl be done 11bout II ll wasn·l like this when 1 WR3 }'OllnR. . 01.D TIMER Or:ir Old Timer: Quit hroodlng: w~ c;in '1 win "ern Rll Nane of us is RCtting any y011ngcr. ' Richard Wilson way lhe F'ederal Reserve Board will not charge up the money supply to give Nix- on the "very good year" he desires 1n 1972 ii that means continuing the present rale of expansion. II ,:inything, it is expecled that Burns will try lo t1gh!en up credit 1F the Nixon 11dmin1stralion doesn·t move i tov.·ard wage and pnce restraint6. WITH INFLATION proceeding "al bolh unacceptable and dangerous rate" Burn~ is becomin~ increasingly insistent on the cstabl1shmenl of a board which ¥.'ould pass on n1ajor v.•;ige and price decisions before they are put into effect in private indu~try. How much good !his v•ould do is, of course. clt'batable The rnoral effect of ~uvernment disapproval of wage and price decisions has worn pretty thin . But it would be a beginning of v.·hat is called ;in "incomes policy·· on the British pat- tern and might ultimately lead to greater government intervention 1n such decisions. How Jong N1>:on can hold oul against such intervention will quite evidently de· pend on the course of econom ic evenl.s which are no~ easily predictable in the llght of experience. Nothing like a $25 bl\lion deficit was tn lhe Nixon "game plan" when he took of- fice . He wa~ talking then about cuttinc back expenses and pursuing ''sound" tis· <:al policies -not necessarily a balanced budget a!l the time but "°thing like the Johnson runaway budgets. That's all down the spool now. No con- fident White House pronouncemenl.5 have changed the rigures on. consumer price rises and everybody knov.·s it in his owu pocketbook. 'I'm Proud of You , Dick~ "D\\f$. dear. you really are v.·orking too J1ard . f·di wish you'd try to get. a"'ay ·· "1...c\tne br perfectly candld about this, Pat. I am planning 11 t.rip. I am plan- ning ;i I r i p to China." "O)l, tJi,qt 's nict dear. You'll hav e such fun talking nver o!rl llmrs with I he Genera!1ss1rno and r..ladame Ch1<1ng.•· "Not 1hal thin,:i, Pal. The othrr C.'hina ' "The n\her \\'hat •" "Thr nthcr Ch1n<1 Vnu knn\I', !he one Truman. 1\cbr'<Of\ and thr nt'mncrats lost 25 yrar<: ago "Vou fntind 11. de>ar'' IU1w very C'l<'\f'f nf ~·ou The 11en:(lcr:its 1nusl he dying of crnharr,'l:;s1nrnl Whrre h;id it be>cn hirh111; tlself all 1he~c yrars?'- .. .lusl inside Ot1\cr f\1ongol!a and ovrr the hill from Nepal. It's not a pl ace ynu'd think 10 look ." ··rm .~o glad you found 1l, defl r. T notic.- C'd !he globe in your study is fu!l y round again and it looks much bettc.r ." "TilANK YOU, Pat, thank you. Naturally, I wished to inspect my find . So 1 sent my most trusted aide on a globe circling trip. At one stop he secretly smick off lo Peking. unbeknownst to a ~oul , to wangle me an invitation to din· ner." "!low Ingenious. dear. l just M ew Spiro couldn't really be playing golf day after day in all those foreign places. He musl be very proud of the way he deceiv- ed the press." "Nol. Spiro. Pat. Henry. Spiro was very busy discussing freedom· ·Of the press with the heads of various rota/Harian regi 1ne!': and studying the elt- amples of leadershi p set for American Ne~roes by Afrlcan military dictators." "1'1n glad Spiro has other hobbies than Rnlr. \\'ere the lost Chinese happy you had found them al last?" "I cannot, ol course. spea; ror a!l 800 million of them, Pal But they have ac- cepted my invitation to invite me for a visit. I have lhU! announced. that 1 will undertake this joumey for peace for the benefit or all mankind ." "GOSH, DICK, If you cou ld 11\gn a trta- ly or friel'ldship with 800 mJJllo. Olinese it would ct:rt11\nly l>t' :i blow to those dirty Commie rat.!! In the global R~ con- splracy." "Lei me St'I the rt'C orrl .~tra lJ:ht, Pat. These Chinese are d1r , . , Thal is. they are, rightly oc ""'rongly, or lhe Com· munl,t persuas.lnn. Bui I ha ve lon_g f Plt peace is not a par1isan isstie." "llow Jong have you felt that, rlto<1 r'"' ''Ever since I \earned how popular n1}' proposed trip has mode me_ The -··~ .. Art Ho ppe • Hepublicans are jubilant. Ttie Democrats are speechless. Every columnist and commentator in the country envisions a new era of human brotherhood and universal understanding.'' "OH. TllAT'S v;onderful. dear. I'm so proud Of } OU for finding China after all lhl.'se ) ears." "\\'ell. to be perfectly frank, Pat. there are prob!en1s. Our right-wing aJlieg Ire uneasy. Our European friends a rt: con- cerned we are luming toward Asia. So i1 every Japanese exporter. The Russians, suspicious we are conspiring against them, may sabotage the SALT talks, thu1 increasing the danger of nuclear war. And Chiang Kai-shek has at last ask~ us lo unleash him -so thal he can invade California." "Oh, Dick . .are you sure finding Chi na ¥.·as a gootl thing?" "Confidentially, Pat. for the first lim t in 25 ye ars, I'm beginning lo tltinll: Tniman and Acheson were right to lose il in the first place." P1·otest Ove r B roo khu rst Tn (hi' Ed11or• I wish to strongly prot~st the granting of a permit to the Orange County Sanitation Di.strict for this lwo-year disrupUve project. as req uested by their well prepared group on July 19. Such a major llne should have been planned down the Santa Ana River-flood conlrol right-of-'ofay and nol do wn one of our major highways; restricting traffic to a possible two-lane bottleneck e specially when trucks are unloading pipe. hauling Ctirt and flagmen stop can as l have seen on other simil~r project!. tT IS MY opinion that the. OCSD deliberately planned thls route over a year ago, kept the details car:e fu\ly under wraps from you and the are&"titiz.ens, ap- plied and o~tained a posaible grant of over $8 million and then al the last hour, felt the• could ssy that '-'the H.B. council caused us lO loite our grilJlt by refusing to grant ·a permit to go down Brookhurst- hen<:e an increase in Coilnty laxes." fl may have betn more costly and dif- ficult to plan the li ne down the 1000.foot open .area between Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa, but the city is not to blame for their en11ineeri ng an unacceptable route, and any increase in taxes: should be squafely on the sboulder! of Mr. fred Harper-for approving a route before ask- tng for city O.K. and which Chey mu,,l have known would stir up 1 hornet's Of.St a~ dlsrupt:Jhe entire 110Uthtut area and kill busi ness °" Brnokhurst below Ellis. I hope m1ny ~le will •tltnd the C'Ol1ocll meeting Aug. "I when lhls ... wDJ be decided, a,bd requett Ul1tt it be col'l!idered a l the evenlng ~Ion instead of the 4:30 afternoon 1'CSSion Ml that all can be heard. ROGER WATSON T oo Many V l1ltor1 Tn the Editor· I 00 nnt know who lluntington Beach Mayor George McCr1clen represent& in I . ;iw;. Mai lhqx t.•11•r• •rom ""'" •r• -1ao..... H...-119 wrlllf• .,...,.,. • .,,.,., ltlelr --· Ill >M .....,.. .,. ..... Tiit tlN I N ~ .. ,..,.. N Ill -• ., 0Bml ... l1 !!Ml ;. .............. Alt k1'1on """' lft< crllll• oltllllun 11111 m11t1M _..... kt ........ m•Y bl wUMHllf Oii ..wfff If WffltlMt ,...,_ II _,..,'"'· '"'"' '"111 ...... HMltllM his efforts to get anotocr freeway througtoi the heart of our city, Nld to blackj1ck aoother community into agreeini to the same sort of desecration. J am quite sure that he ts a wa re that beach routes already available ara quite adeqt11te to crowd every foot of public beach frontage by 10 1.m. •ny holid11;y, and that no freeway building will solvt lhis problem. If he has somehow mis~ the ))Oint that South Coast citiz.en1 •re fed up with unrestricted growth in t~ name nf "progress" a nd that most of us art fed up to the teeth with freeways and the ar- rogant\. policies of the Division nr Highways, look ·around, and listen. He does not represent me , nor any of my voting neighbors wilh wtiom [ h11ve tipoken. HAROLD BOWERS Quotes U. S. Sen. Rlram FCIPlll, Ua•ail, ad- dreu ln1 S. f , <:ommr.ncemenl -"We have learned Ult perils or over-ill- volvem~nt: now we must <'lvold thf; perils of under·involvement " Carol)'ll Stoner, 11, &lmnnt , nf'w Ml~• California -"I agrte with "'Omcn'J li b AS far as Job opportunity and pay being equal: bU! I do enjoy being a girl .tnd bt.ing feminine." -· ...... ' ' I I t -- Newport Bea~h EDITION Today's .Fln•I N.Y. Stoeks .VOL 64, NO. ·1 a r, ~ SECTIONS, 50 ,AGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TEN CENTS Lin n Country Animal Apprais a l As·sessor Hinshaw to Talie Tiger by the Tail By BARBARA KREIBJCH 01 1M D1llY' I'll•! Sllff Last summer, when Lion Country Safari moved into its oew SOl).ac!'f' home in Laguna Hills, Orange County Asessor And re w Hinshaw saw some taxing problems in his futu re. Hinsha w is an old hand at .assessing homes, boats. orange groves. shopping centers. ball parks and other C{)Unty al· tractions, but the prospect of fixing the \talue of a thousand or sn a~sorte<I animali;; ;ind bird s, most nf them from hair way around the world, loomed heavy. car * ti * Time Schedule For Apollo 15 Outlined Some of the most ex:citing hours in the adventure of Apollo 15 are coming up late tonight. Saturday and Sunday. The following is a schedu le of proposed times in the moon exploration. Readers are advised lo coruiult their 1.elevlsion for actual programming from the moon in that airing of Apollo events bas been changed 11 developments occur. Here U: t.be schedule for the Apollo crew: TODAY AND TONIGHT !!:03 p.m.-ScOtt fires the Falcoo'1 cleJ.. cent engine and the 2$-foot tall craft starts moving closer to the lunar surface. 3:15 p.m.-Touchdown for the Falcon at its Apennine-Hadley lunar base. 5: 10 p.m.-Afler opening a hatch at the top of the Falcon. Scott takes photographs and gives to Mission Control a 30-minute description of the landing site area. 5:45 p.m.-The top hatch is closed. 7:30 p.m.-With Worden con tinuing his dut ies aboard the orbiting Endea vour, Scott and Irwin start their first lunar l:iUrfa ce rest period. 10:24 p.m.-Worden starts a seven-hour rest period aboard the o rb i t i ng Endeavour. SATURDA\' 3 a.m.-Ending thelr first night of sleep on the moon. Scott and Jrwin start preparations aboard the falcon to open a Joy,·rr hatch and climb down onto the lunar surfacr. 5·24 a.m.-Wordcn ends his command module rest peruxl . • 6:2~ a .m.--Opening the lower hatch, J;Urfac e for the first of three explorations. They unpack the lunar Rover I vehicle fOJ" use on a four-mile trip to the edge of Hadley Rille and to the base or the Apen· nine Mou nta ins. The seven-hour ex pedi- tion al:;a includes placing five sicentilic Jnstrumenl.5 near the Falcon for trans- mission of lunar data back to earth for at least a year. 6:34 a.m.-Start of 8 live 6-hour and•~ minute teleeast of lunar explorations with Scott and Irwin turning on a special camera aboard Rnver 1 while stopping the electrically powered vehicle to gather geologic samples. 1:24 p.m.-Returning aboard the FalCQn. Scott and Irwin close t.he IDwer h11tch to conclude the first exploration period . 4:39 p.m.-The lunar explorers start a rest period of almost eight hours. 7:54 p.m.-WQrden starts his sleep period aboard the orbiting Endeavour. Newport Driver Making Gains Ardith Clisse:lt, 21, of 2906 Alta Vista Drive, Newport Beach, is reported in satisfactory condition at N e e d 1 e ! MuT1icipel H~pital where~ i~ rea>ver- ing from injuries suffered 1n a car ac· cident last week. Ml~~ C!i1;set and ,11 lriend, Mike Bent.miller. 170 t8lh St,. Costa Mess, were: injured when their car overturned tar.l Friday on Highway 95, eight mUes south of Vidal Junc.Uon. Benzmlller is also listed ln aatisfactory condition. She I.etches 8l Playmates pre-school in Co~l.3 Mesa , while he. m•nages a aervlce sl8.Uon ln Corona deJ Mar. I -- Lasl year the animal preserve was jusl being lnstaJled on assessment day, March !, and it was relatively simple to ap- praise the land ($3,9l l,200), buildings <•230.IXIO) and personal property, which includes equipment, furnishings, etc. 1110.0001. The animals had not yet arrived at the preserve. "Next year it will pose a fa r more difficult problem," mused Hinshaw, whose only e:i-perlenct in assessing llnimals at that point had been in the less populated Japanese Deer Park. On Ma rch 1, 1971, H.inshaw's men up- ped their appraisal of Lion Country land to 4.233.200; the buildinp to a whopping $4,524,000; and the persona.I property to $681 ,000. The animals 1nd birds, more than 1,000 strong, were hidden in the latter figure in a Jump sum valuation of more than bal! a million dollar. Hinshaw explained . "We took what the company reported to us in terms of their doUar cost artd they put the amount at over half a million," said the assessor. "Our policy, if personal property for a liingle taxpayer exceeds $50,000, is to audit the figure they submit every four years. This will be done with the figW'e for the animaJs al Lion Country so that new animals can be added, or dead ones subtracted." However, he added, w\Urin the next two years he will au.empt to get a head count of the Lion Country poputatWn by species and compare the compan¥'s dollar cost figure with the estimate of his own ap- praisers. "One appraiser in the ollice already has the asslgnment," Hinshaw said. "He's visiting zoos and so forth to cheek on animal values. He seems to like it,'' The task confronting the animal ap- praiser will involve rWng the current omen ts New port Beac1i Citizen,' s Group Mull High R ise A ci tizen's advisory council relu"'ed to familiar haunt$ Thu~ay, again dis· cussing whether to allolf any hig1J rise in Newport Beach and again faili n,e to reach any consensus. "We 're back at the same old stale- mate," Acting lliainnan Larry AU Iler concluded , a11d suggested meeting witll the entire Lower Newport Bay Civic Dis- trict Committee to ''gi ve them our split recommendations." The joint meeLing will take piece al 7:JO p.m. Wednesday in city c o u n c l I chamber!. The citizen·s comm ittee has been study- ing a proposed ordinanct: developed by the Civic District committee which would p I a ce reslrictlons on commercia l and multi ple I am i I y development OPI the the waterfront from the Santa Ana River to Poppy Street ln Col'Ofla de! Mar. The ordinance, wi th ad ditional recom- menda tions . must be presented to the planning commission by Thursday, at wtrlc-h time lhal body is to schedule pub- lic hearings. The commission will COIKluct two hear- ings, as will the city council, which will act on the ordinance following commis- sion study and report. Any final decisions must be. made be- fore the moratorium on high-rise build- ing e:-xpires Nov. 18. Separation Come s Mter SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - The Apollo 15 astronauts were unable to separate their landing craft, Falcon, from the mothership on schedule lod11y to 5tart the descent to the moon's surface. They quickly found the trouble: was an· unplo(ged el~ ,,.< · ( After repalr.s. tJle separation finally ce.me smoothly at 11 :16 a.m. PDT, The trouble had loomed as a major hitch In the mission and lt came just before David R. SCQtt and James B. Irwin were prepared to 9et out on man 's most adventurou.s exploration of the lunar surface. Ground controllers immediately told Sct>tt, Irwin and AUred Worden to check A power link between lhe two docked spacecraft. Ground controllers said the u tronautJ had 40 minutes to carry out the un· docking without delaying their scheduled 3:15 p.m. (PDT) landing. The astronaut.. were in no danger because o[ the pro- blem. Scott and Irwin v.·cre in the descent ship, I.he Falcon, at the time. Worden re· mained behind in the mother.ship, the Endeavour. After a quick check , Worden reported that an umbilical line between the two craft was loose. The astronau~ earller checked out lh£ lander and reported all was in order for the descent to lhe moon. "Hello Hous ton, this is Falcon," Irwin me.ssaged hi.s ground l'Onl.rollers. '"Everything is in order up to tllis point, as far as the checkout goes," Scott reported from Falcon at 12: 12 p.m. EDT. Before Falcon was manned, the three astronaul3 shifted their orbit to a slightly higher, more comfortable altitude. The low point of their path had dropped faster than expected, to 45,500 feet. A brief rocket burst raised it to 58,300 feet. By landing time. the moon's gravita· tional tug was expected to pull ApoUo 15 back down to 50,000 fett -the altitude desired for a proper descent approach.. That was well above the higheJt mood. (See APOU.O. Pace I) • 1 < •. ,tij4 ln Cir cle• Apache AUonse Lupe demon· strates complicated ring danca durin g performance Thursday by members of four Arizona lndian tribes at Fashion Island in Newport Beach. Indian danc- ers are c.urrenU y to u r i n g Southern California, raising money for their school. Mesan Hospitalized A htt sling near the spinal cord sent 11 Costa Mesa man to the hospital Thurs- day, after Newport Beach fii:emen sup- plied oxygen when shock and toiic reac- tion caused breathing di!Uculty. Donald L. Matthews, 41, of 886 Center St., was treated at Hoag Memorial Hospital and re.lea~ed after 1he incident at 3931 Birch St., nursizli officials said. Marine Jet Defects Bared Radar, Oxygen Prob'le ms Cited at Collision Quiz Special to the DA.IL Y PILOT PASADENA -The El Toro MCAS-bas- td jet fighter that collided with a jelllner over the San Gabriel Mountains June 6, killlng 50 persons, Would never have flown due:. to serious defects. Violations of Marine Corps re:.gu1aUons Jn the fact. lt wun't grounded were told Thursday by Ule commander of Marine Aircraft Group 13, u testimony con· tinued in I fede ral lnvutjgaUon. The wor1t mldalr collision ltl a"latfon hiltory that occurred today -under almoe:t identJcal clrcutnmncea -was-a heavy topie of discussion during morning recess. Blank. spots In · radar covertgt. t1f lht 111rea wbe:re lbe Ff Phantom ind " l(\ighes Afr West OC9 .. with 49 aboard •ent down •tr• •bo mentioned in the disaster probe. Colonel Orville Jt. Davis, commander o( M~G 13 confirmed prior testimony to radar and oxygen system defecta 11t the National Transportation Sale:ty Board hearing. C.Onclll81on 11 expected today, but the four·man panel's eventual findings as to the cause: won't. be announced for at leaat a year. Colonel Divis said the F4 had a leak In Jlli main arygen system, a malfunction in Its radar and a tranBponder -which would have idenUf:led it on air trafnc con- trol 1cope:s - didn 't work. He did not say if thil place,, blame:. on the Marine jel Pilot U . Jlmu lt. PhUIJ>8, 27, killed In tht cra.,h too, 11nd radar offlcer Lt. OJrblo!>her Sd!Jw, 2l, ..tlo ...PJllChUld, were: flying vi8ually at lS,000 reet by landmarks below.· Testimony by Lt. Schiess Wednesday indicated it WU· the jetliner that lliced into their tall aection. He said he 11~ it seconds before~ im- pact and shouted to Ll PhilUpe·but it was too late:. Controllers monitoring the DC9 wbk:h took off 81,1: minutet earlier ~· Los Angele. on a Sa.It Lab: City fliaht testllled U)ey did not tee tM Phantom on radar screeni. Thvrlday'1 wltnttae:a .lnclucted ·~ nel from the Palmdale: Alt Traffic Cor.- trol (:enttr, wblch nnrt beelme••ware a midal~ CJ)lll1kln h.ad occurred: One said £arUer the Alr Wat· jeUJner was also nylng with an lnoperattv• (See PllOBE, P1p-S)' value of some 1.~ animals and birds, In- cluding about 50 1pecl~ of each. Conceivably he sbou1d have little trou- ble appraistng 130. llons, ~ rhinos, 23 chtttah, 9 elephants and 13 hippos , but wtlat he. will do with 10 Vervet JTl\'.lTlkeys, 3 gnus and one zebu-yak Is anybody 's guess. A Lion Country spokesman commented, "It's kind of like the stock markel Prices of animals go up and down a~ntlng to supply and demand. It's ,amazing how they fluctuate. Then of coune thert'1 tran.!lportaUon lf we bring them from Africa. And last wee.k!nd alone we had 11 Collision i n Air lion cubs born here .•• but some of lhem may go to other preserves." One thing assessor Hinshaw knows tor sure: Lion Country has given Orange County 's total assessed valuation a ru.I shot in the arm. From a total 1970 appraised value ot $4,171,200 it has leaped to a 1971 figure of $9,488,200, with new buildings and th& animals accountini for the jump. And with 25 percent of that figure con- sidered 8.'I the ta1able asses9ed valut that means tales on •2,312,050, fiowing into th e county o!flce from the animal preserve. 0 0 Japan Crash Kills 162 In Worst Single Disaster MORlOKA, Japan (UPI) -A 2l-year- old Japaneae student pilot on a training mission in an 1"86 Sabre.jet collided with an All Nlppan Airways airliner. today, ,..<lille lllt.-181 -~ !.('! lioe!ng '7'tT 'lo their death ht mo an 1 wor1t single disaatfr. ~ Set-Yoshlml Icb(kan, 22, pilot of the Fa& Sabrejet, parachuted to safety before his plane crashed. He bad only 21 hours of training In the fighter. Avtatton and delense officials felt an error on JUa part may have caused the: disaster. Police said the ffgheer intruded on the air corridor reserved for commercial airliners and said they would arrest Ichikawa for "professional negligence.' The two planes apparently collided 1n a glancing action at 28,000 feet over Morioka in the northern part of the main Japanese Island of Honshu 275 miles north of Tokyo. The FM plunged into a rice paddy. The wreckage of the trljet pauenger plane spread over a wide area in the foothills of the Japanese alps. The ANA jetliner carried 1 5 5 passengers and a crew of seven. Most of the passengers -125 of them -were in a tour group made up of members of a society for rel atives of Japanese Solons Ref use To Cut Debate On Lockheed Aid WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senate Friday refused for a third time to sUlp a filibwter against a loan guarantee bHI to shore up the Lock.heed Aircraft Corp. and other ailing big businelll!es. The Senate voted 53 to 37 aga.inat if'r- voking cloture -seven votes sbort of the necessary twG-thirds majority of those present and voUng. As the House took up identical legisla- tion , Speaker Carl AJbert. (O.Obta.), and Republican Leader Gera1d R. Ford of Michigan 1ald the. leadenhlp of both parties WO\lld supoprt an amended Jlleasure authorizing only a $250 million Joan guarantee for Lockheed. Ford said he believed that HOUSe pat- 1age of the Lockheed-only meuure, ex- pected later in the day, would break the Senate filibuster. The Senate bill would guarantee a •260 million loan rot Lockheed as well as authorize cuaranteta for up to '2 btillon for big finns whose collap1e would hurt the economy. Lockheed hat ukl Jt needs a loan by Aue: I or it will race b&nknrptcy. congress lir lclteduled to nce:ss JM • summer bruk Aug. 6. A ""1sortlum of U bonb, which already loaned Lockheed $400 milllon, said it would not loan the firm any more without tbe suarantee of repayment. In an agry,.hour of debate before:. the vote, Lockheed proponents andopponents blamed each other for collapse of a com- prorafse and ·a~ each other of nnhulttrfng., Sep .. William Pro1mlrt, (P.Wlo.). Lockheed'• leading toe:, char1ed that backd'fs or loan l\llrant.es for tbt (S.. LOCKll&ED, Pa1e I) • .servi~men killed ln World War ll. The lone American .aboard was Flight Engineer DoM M. Carpenter, 31, of r..11ami, Fla . He lived in Osaka in central Japan. His wlfe, Ruth, 30, returned to Ftorlda two m6nths ago to await the birth of their fjrst child. :;aburo Kawanlshl, 41, pilot of the ANA JeWner, had more: than !,000 hours of flying experien~. He wa1 able to get off a brief radio plea between the tbne the collision occurred and his plane crashed. "Emergency, emergency!" he radioed de sperately. "This is All Nippon. All Nip- pon. Unable to control ! Unable to con- trol ~" The pilot of a nearby jetliner who heard Kawanishls voice described it as ''hysterical." He aald Kawanishl's last words were "Unable to control" before the radio went dead. Matsaka Kato, 45, a teacher on duty at a school at Shb:ukuishl, a village 13 miles west of Morioka heard the colllslon and saw the jetliner falling. "I heard something like a clap or thunder and looked up into the sky," tie said. "High in the air I could see a lot of smoke. There were live columns of white smoke coming from the wing of a big plane that was flying eastward. "Then I saw the fusel age going down in the mountins near here. Up above I could see what seemed to be. parts of the plane. It was a rain of debris. Perhaps some of it was bodies." Search coordinators said the jetliner either exploded or broke up in the air, scattering bodies over a wide area. The search for bodies continued through the ni~ht. By earl y evening more than 1,600 searchen1 had Jocated only 50 of the: vio- tims. The jetliner was on a flight to Tokyo from Sapporo, site of the 1972 Wint.tr Olympi c games. Sapporo is located on (See CRASH, Page %} Weather Sunny skies are on the agenda for the weekend, with temperatures rising to 72 along the coast and 90 Jnland. Lows around 80 1n both areas Saturday mornlng. INSm E TODAY ArchatoLogkal Rtatarch Inc. of Coa ta Me1a concern.! itself with. fhe cons tant bcitle of very ,old ver11'.! verv nni. Tracea of oncleni inhabitants 01e beinp lost to progre11. See •Wrv Page 9. ... ""' n (ltlflM'mll • (~.Clllh "" s ti•"'"" .. c-.nkt D ,,..._, » 0..111 Mk• t ••""91 ... _ ' •ftWh""'*" ..a l'lf\IMI 11•11 H•,...C•M U Alwt L9flftr. U MIMM• ' -•» ' ---\II:" _t ~---1-J. ~ l • • ' . • • , Z DAILY PILOT N Court Kills Last Block To Election ,,,.,.lions for \he Aug. 3 higll rise eltct.loc in Laguna Bf.1cb moved ahead today as the Stalt: Supreme Court's denial of a petition for a new hearin g on the controversial lssue removed the last legal ob.!tacle to the Tuesday volt. Wb.lle opponents of the 36-fool height lmmit ordinance indicated they would continue to fight the legislation il 11 is adopted ln the initiative el~Llon, memben of lhe Yes On Aug. S Com· mlttee were pleased, if not surprised by the rullng of tbe high court. "AU we want people to think about now is Vea on Aug. 3," said writer Arnold Hano, spokesman for the Village Laguna organiuition which launched the initiative with petitions bearing 4,0CKI signatures. Hano &aid rttenl legal maneuvers had clouded the issue for some and even persuaded a few that there would be no elect.ion. "We want everyone to know the elec- tion is very much on and they do have a chance to vote against high rise for Laguna." Technical effect of the high court ruling was to release s writ handed down by the Fourth Di.strict Court of Appeals, at the request of attorney Vi'illiam Wilcoxen, representing Village Laguna. and order· ing Superior Court Judge J . E.T. "Ned'' Rutter to vacate his order to cancel the election. The appellate court's writ had been held In abeyance, pending the Supreme Court action. It now will be served on the concerntd parties, including attorneys for realtor Vem Taschner, whose original suit sought to bait the election and city attorney Tully Seymour, who served as counsel for city clerk Dorothy Muslelt. The Supreme Court denial of the hear· Ing petition was signed by Chief Justice Donald R. Wright, who presided over a r;pecially convened conference in order to rule on tht hearing request before the election date. Nonnally petitions are con· sidered on a weekly basis. Wilcoi:en, who had f\ov.'11 to San Fran· cisco to file hi! re!JX!nse in the Supreme Court action, returned to Laguna when the court announced thal no hearing would be held. He had earlier Indicated his belief, on the bas~ of precedent case!, that the hig h court would not choose to intervene in the election. t.1eanwhile pro-and anti-high rise fac- tions rallied last-minute support. The now<UStomary pre -election telephone campaign was launched and Yes On Aug. 3 precinct workers knocked on front door11 lo make sure no one would forget the Tuesday vote. Although the court has indicated that validity of the Ute of initiative to in- troduce the height Umil ordinance will re- m.sin open to challenge, anti·high rise groups are confident that .a heavy vote in favor of a three-11tory height limit will, st the very least, strongly influence future City Council actions. From Page I LOCKHEED. • • ' aerospace giant had refused to limit the bill solely to Lockheed because they "are afraid the Senate would reject Lockheed on an up-0r..<fown vote." Proxmire :said backers were insisting ln a general $2 billion loan guarantee bill -under which Lockheed coold receive its ~ million backing -just to "make the Lockheed bail-out more pa\atble and less odious." "ls tbe Lockheed pill so bitter ll has to be sugar-eo•ted before It can be swal!ow· t:d by the Senate?" Proxmire asked. "Let us atop playing games ... ~let u! cal l s spade a spade and get on with the busine!ls of the Senate." -- OU.N•I COAST DAILY PILOT OllANGl COAST PUILISHING COMPA.liY l •&•tt N. w ••• "'":-1 •nd Pvltllolw!' J•.tlr a. c ... r.,. 'Vlco f'Twtlll..i •>Id G...,.•l Mt~•~ff 1ti ..... , 1e., .. n Eell!Or Tho'""'' A. M11r,~I'" MAMO""' E•116r L P•l•r 1Cri19 ft-1 ~ (l!y Edllor N..,.t lnid OMcit lJJl N,w,.orl loul•"••d: M•ili11t AJtl1t11: ,.0. lox 11 71, 'J"J .._ °""" C..i. Mnl: l» W•I ltY S11•-Up-hildl: n: l'Dt•t ,,,,~...,...., "911t....,to~ ... c": 1717~ lftc" levlevt rd a.11 Cl-"9; »S Hortll •I C.tnlno 11: .. 1 C..I\.,. PILOT, _.It! Wflldl i. C9f'lo0ir>9f ,,,_ ~...,.,..._ i. ~l......i •1l1w "'"""' S..-•w Ill -lt11"9 .. II,.. fW Ui'UN 1 .. <Jt. ,...._; J .. (fl, C.011 -·· H..,rw.o: ... t-i.. P:MllMlll 11•1.... s.... C"'-t.1 ~ff'-•Jiii .. ~ddlW•~ •IO"tel wltll -,,,.....,, tdlllM. ,.IM.~t po'lo\llfot •l.,,1 II •I JM W•I .. W $trMI, Cot11 Mftt. t••••111 17141 Ml-4)11 Q••f Mo••"l' I M2·1671 °"""""'· ''"· OrW4>9 C'Mtl ,.,,.,.,~ .... ~w. Nt .....,, ,,.,..., llhlltt1tiO'lt. -'J .... 111 --W •4-11Mmt~lt -II<\ ,,..., ~ ~-'""''-t •PKlll ~· "'IUIM flf Cif'l"l'Wl1 •-. ..... cllM _,.., ,..Id •• Jt.....,,..n lwdl .... C.No .iii.ft•, ~UIWl\11. llltoO'~lltfo ~ umw t:t.• -"''Wi w m111 n .1, ...i111.-..at191Y .. ,..,.,..,_, u.u -1111,. -.. HE'S DOWN ON HIGH RISE Pancho Takes to Stre•I• Mexican Snake Victim Termed In Fair Shape An illegal immigrant "'ho survived an ordeal after being bitten by a rattlesnake early lhill v.·eek at San Onifre remained in fair condition today at Orange County Medical cenl.er. Juan Perez. 21. \\'ho "·as bi!len by the viper before dawn .r.1ond<1y as he avoided a Border Patrol checkpoint, has i::uf fered :M>me tissue damage in his right arm from the ralt!er'd venom. The immigrant told aurhori!ies he lried to administer first aid to himself af!cr being bitten as he walked sornewhere along the new San Onofre Bluffs State Park. Perez used a belt as a tourniquet and tried to make cuts <lround a single fang wound on his forearm. He had been walking tor three days from the border \vhen the incident oc· curred. Border Patrol spokesmen, V.'ho said they had been told Perez stands a chance of losing the limb, said the young man y,·nuld remain at the medical center until his treatment is ended. "As soon as doctors release him from treatment." a spokesman for the patrol said, "we'll have a hold on him for illegal entry." After processing, Perez will ht deported to Mexico. From Page J CRASH • • • J apan's norl.hernmosl island of Hokkaido. LL Gen. Tsurayuka Ishikawa , vice chief of staff for the air self defense forces, told a news conference that Ir.hika\\'a had only 2l hours nt the con· trols of the F86. He said be believed lhere was an error on the part of lhe F86 pilot. Norihiki Yatabe, director of the prcfeC· tural police here, said he \\'BS planning to arrest Ichikawa. The worst previous air accident was the crash of Venezuelan Viasa DC9 on March 16, 1969, in Maracaibo, Venezuela. 'fhe crash killed 155 persons -84 in the plane and 71 on the ground. Tod ay's v.·as the second air disaster in Japan in s month. On July 4, s florneslic airli:ier car rying 68 persons crashed on the island of Hokkaido, ki1\ing all ;:ibo11rd. On Feb. 4. 1966, an All Nippon A1r\va~·, 727 crashed inlo Tnk.yo !lily k1lhni.: 133 persons in Japan's previous \vorst d1~aSlf'T. An airways spnke.~man i;111cl 12~ nf the viclln1s of todav's disa~lcr \.\'ere mr1T1Pr!I of a tour group.fr0n1 FUJI City, loC'nted nt the base of t.tount FUJi, 90 rn1lr.s 11·rst of Tokyo. f'rime minister F.isaku Sato. vaca· tloning in the rcs0rl 1nwn of Kan1i z:iwa , nrdered r.ti nister of Transport Kyoshiro Niwa to begin nn immcdi11te in· vestigatio n. He also named Ke1klC"hi Ma,uhara, director general of the self defense forres. to go to the crash scene as his persona! representative. Front Page 1 PROBE • • • transponder unit which would have im· mediately flashed a crash alarm Jame..'l Redman. fl.ssista nt chief of the center, told lhe NTSA pane l the Rrea where the crash occurred i sd1ff1cult lo monitor due to San Gabriel r..1ountain peak&. f\ su pervisor st anding behind An on-1he· job trRinee contrQller monitoring the DC9 at the moment of impact said three sec- tors were blank \\·hen it happened. A San Clemente brother and sisler going to vi~it their father In the Nonhwesl ror sumn1er vaeiiii\IOn were amonl! lhose killed when the jetliner spiralled down into a mountain canyon. One member of the investigative p11nPI told radio newsmen today lhal needed improvements in air traff!r control are lr!lglca!ly en1phasi1.ed by the slmllar C'Ol· IL~ion occurring !Oday in Jap:in. Rcco!!ni :r.e Heil China JTONG KON<; fl'l'l) -Peking radio &nnounrcd ll'lrlav 1ht ei:tRbh~h1nrnl ol dip1(nno tlc rl'lil!1ons brlv..rcn rn::iinland China ;ind the \\'e~l African rep11hl1c e;f S1cirra Le11T1(• ' Steel Pact Offer Nixed By Union WASHINGTON (API -An official of the AFL-CIO United Sled Workera said today the union bad rejected as "completely unacceptable" .a ateel in-- dustry contract offer for 350.000 workers. "It'• • very stingy offer," 1a.id Steel Workers vice president Joseph Molony. But, he added, negotiations were con· tlnuing between the union and nlne major 111.ed firms in an effort lo reach a con· tract agreement before tile strike deadline at midnight Saturday. r..Iolony told newsmen there was litU t chance the union would extend the con· tract deadline il there were no agreement b.v then. "That isn·t the mood of the con· ference," Molony said &fter a meeting of 600 local union leaders. ..They want a settlement and Ibey want It in August," he added. 1"he 600-member union conference, V.'hlch will vote either on any contract of· fer or a strike, was recessed until 8 p.m. EDT when union leaders are scheduled to make a further report . "There is absolutely no hope they will :ipprove the offer on the table now," 11olony said, If the industry made a substantially better wage proposal. the union con· ference might be asked then to consider it. he said. r..10Jony said the steel industry offer did include a cost-0f-living provision, but that the wage offer was far too low. "It is substantially less than anything v.•e ha\'e recei\'ed in the can, aluminum and ropper industries. It is much Jess than settlements in other industries, such as communications,'' Molony said. The Stt'clworkers reportedly have demanded a steel setllement at least as i:iood as the three-year, 30 percent pay hikes won for their members in can n1anufacturing and aluminum industr ies. Earlier President Nixon urged both sides to work against an in!lationary 11et· t!ement. On Thursday union negotiators led by l'iteelworkers President I. W. Abel, and the indll!lry bargaining team led by Vice Chairman R. Heath Larry of U, S. Steel Corp., were reported in hard bargaining. At the lime one informed union source described the situation as en. couraging. But in preparation for a 11lrike, blast furnaces were being shut down by U.S. Steel at Gary, Ind., Inland Steel in East Chicago. Youngstown Sheet & Tube in Ohio, Bethlehem Steel a t Lackawanna, N.Y.. Republic Steel and Wheeling· Pittsburg. The latter firm ls bargaining on its own. Other major firms in the joint negotia· tiorui here are Armco Steel, Allegheny. Ludlum, National and Jones & Laughlin. No details of the Industry's contract of· fer could be learned from the secret lalk.!1. Abel, however, was known to be seek· ing three-year .... ·age hikes at least matching the 30 percent his union won (or its members in aluminum and can· manufacturing indu.!ltries earlier this year. Current steel wages average $3.45 per hour, but incetitive pay and overtime bring the average up to $4.3& per hour. Abel also has said the Steelworker.!! \\"on't settle without a provision pro\·ided for \lnlimited cost--0f·Hving pay to protect I.hem ai::iinst inflation. A major com· plaint of un1nn members is their loss of purch11.sing po\\•er since their last con· tract three years ago. Pair Arrested F ollo·uJing Wave Of Plant Thefts A suspect named Gardner and tu.~ roommate had their alleged green lhumbs blackened by fingerprinting ink Thursday, arrest@<! as suspects in a wave nf Ne\\1>0rt Besch omamental plant thefts. Complainll c harging Michael D . Gardner. 24, and Paul N. Gersowitz. 25, of IJ13lft \V. Balboa Boulevard. with p:rand theft were being sought today by police. They were arrested al home by Detec- tive Charles \Vilkinson and booked Thurs- day afternoon. Investigation resulting from R !raffle slop earlier by Officer Daniel Cricket!, who found their car lillcd \\'ilh polled plants. led to the arrest . Oetecth·e Sgt. Ken Thompson said t()-o day thnt GRrdner and Gersowitz may be resJXlnsible for a \\'l'l\'e of eastside flor\eultural thlf'very with hundreds of dollars' worth involved. Rites Conducted For Dtu·l Tipping Priv1!e funeral servict>S for re:tlred Newport Beach city employe Durl Tip. pin~ were held at 10:30 a.m. today at \\'tstC'llff Chapel f\1or1tu1.ry Newport De11ch. i\lr. Tipping died Wednesday. Born In 1002. r..·tr. Tipping camt tn Newport BeaC"h 30 years ago and worked ~~ a rC'pairm11n for the C'lty water depart· ment until his retirement. llt Is survived by his widow, f\lurllP, • rl:iu,,::hter. Elizabeth, three sisters and a brother. EAGLE C REST C RATf:lt \ NOR"'IHCOMPLEX i ~ '\750 M£TER APOLLO 15 TARGET POINT __ CRATER •. • ..... ~ CRATER ·-·-~'" /.-.,-it-.._, .,!~INS .'!'.......... .... -. . I ARROWH!:AD • !. SOUTH ;; C LUSTl"lt ·.·• INDEX / );.-_.. CltAT f R •• / · ·:c ~ ~--a.r.... ·-'-:, CHAIN ~ ' CRATf lt 1 EVA-3 ,'> ~'~~~'\~§~ ,,::;;::17-t~::·. .. J---+ '-,•. / /""t. FRONT \ ' / ;:~ .......... ~ CRATfR ~ ' -{, \>t.~D :r~ ,. t •· .. ~.".;,, .• ....,~< ELBOWCRA"TER • ....,, •• -· .c •• tf\ / EVA-T ,-,_:I I 0 -• '-~> .::·:~ :~. U'I Jt.w1 Mo-. THIS IS ROAD MAP APOLLO 1S ASTRONAUTS PLAN TO FOLLOW ON LUNAR SURFACE Scott and Irwin Scheduled to Explore Nt ar Hadley Rlllt In Their Moon Dunt Buggy Coast Residents Battle From Page 1 APOLLO ..• High .Rise at Mammoth peaks, estimated at 30,000 feet. "Think you can miss tbem?" asked ground control. A group ol irate Orange Coast residents, a!J ov.•ning property or second homes in the r..t ammoth Lake area, has joined a legal battle to keep high rise buildings out of the mountain community. Spearheading the move are Charles and f\1ary Griffin of r .. .iewport Beach, co-- chai rman for the Southern California beach cities area of an organization call· ing itself F riends of Mammoth. Griffin was the appellant in a suit filed In behalf of the Friends earlier this month, charging Mono Q:iunty authorities wilh violation~ of slate and federal laws in authorizing a developer lo put in seven-story apartment buildings on a mile long stretch of scenic mountain land adjacent to popular ski slopes. The suit charges that the SS.foot c<>n- crele slructures. housing some 200 con- dominium apartment!!, wh ich the La Jolla firm of Recreation Inc. wants to build, would diminish property values in an area of eJ:pensive R-1 homes across the street, ruin the view and destroy the environment. The property owners maintain that the Mono County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission, in approving the high density project. violated the Jaw by failing to give proper notice of public hearing!i and disregarding regulalion.!I designed lo preserve open space. Among the t.1ammoth supporters whose names have entered the high rise fight are tv.•o Olympic champions. skier Andrea Mead Lawrence, a Mammot h resident, and decatillon medalist Bill Toomey of Laguna Beach. f\1rs. tAiffin said she and her husband, ll McDonnell Douglas engineer, have liv- ed at 208 Opal St. on Balboa Island for the past 11 years. but have always been regular Ma mmolh visitors. Three years a go they built a hirge second home there. conf1denl Ulat the entire area around them l\'OUld be developed .... ·ith single residences. "The zoning already provided for con· dominiums in other areas so there didn't seem to be any problem," said Mrs. Grif· fin . "We are not against high rise pro- vided it's in the right place and with plen- ty of open space left around it, wh ich i!! definitely not the case with this planned development." The land on which the development is planned would be classified as ;'scenic" under any open space program, she ad· ded , and contains a large grove of trees which would have to be removed for the planned construction. "Mammonth ~ mushrooming and if this goes through everyone will start building high r ise without any master plan or proper use of space," she main· tained. "Local facililie!'i will be overtaxed by putting too many people in one place. \\"e say let's get a master plan. slow do1~·n. plan the growth and do it right." About 50 property owners form the nucleus of the Friend$ of Mammoth. r..1rs. C.riffin said. The group was formed after ?.1ono County planning commissioners ap· proved the high rise plan despite 80 let· tcrs protesting it and only seven in favor, she added. • It will seek support of all Sierra Club chapters and circularize all Mammoth area property owners, urging attendance at hearings affecting development of the area. Nixou lo Allcnd Fctc CANTON, Ohio (AP ) -President Nix- on plans to attend the annual dinner st the Pro Football Hall of Fame tonight. Nixon is to make the closing remarks at the dinner, \\'hich honors the seven pro football players \\'ho are to be enshrined in the hall Saturday. WAREHOUSE SALE NEWPORT STORE ONLY "That'.s up to you guys," replied Scott. Tracking stations main tained a close v.·atch on the astronauts' roller coaster path. An hour alter awakening, the astronauts turned on their color television camera and beamed back a stark, detail· ed view of the 15,000 foot ApeMine moun- tains east of their valley landing site and the deep c11nyon bordering it. The view r;wept by quiC"k.ly and was gone in seconds. ''That was very fas!," said Scott. As Apollo 15 moved toward the dark l\'estern side of the moon. the deeply shadowed lunar terrain was awesome. ?.founk1in peaks sparkled in the sun as i! capped \lo'llh snow. "All systems look good," report~ ground communicator Robert Parker. Parker added that comma nd ship Endeavour's powerful mapping camera had a problem "which may or may not be serious" but he did not elaborate, Maybe You'll See Our Apollonien? The p!anel Mars will come closer to Newpoct Beach's Fashion Island toady and Saturday than it will again until the yl'ar 2003. Amateur astronomers -nr anyone who wants to catch a glim~e of Mars or the r-.toon -are invited lo use a 12-inch telescope both days at the shopping center. A full display or telescope! and astronomical photographs is now on display at the center's main court. The display, and free views of h1ars and the r..toon. are offered by the Orange County Amateur Astronomers Association. SAVINGS TO 50°/o AND MORE ON FURNITURE Larp.• t1laction of d iscontinued1, factory damaged, and odd1-11nd .. nd1 m 1rch3ndit• at a fraction their ori&inal co1t. All m1rc'111nd i1e In "AS IS" condition on a first come bi1iis. All s1lt1 ar• final. * S1ve ral Dining Teble1, Oval1, Rounds & Ptdestal1 * M tscellantou1 Occasional Tabl11 * Mi1callaneou1 Dining Ch•ir1 * Odd Night Stends * Dlscontlnutd Head Board& * Oth1r Mlscellan.aus & Mltm•tched ltamt SAVINGS TO 50°/o & MORE ON DRAPERY FABRICS Hundreds of yards of th• fin•st In Drapery fabrict et close out prlcaa. Some Mitt with lfmit9d yardage. Othar groups to 60 yerds. F•brics for every room in tha hou" at very special prlc••· Don't wi1it, th••• fabuloua buys won't last. SUMMER SALE CONTINUES Stop by today and hi1ve • look at the Li1tge1t 1electlon of qui11ity merchendi&e In the 11,.141, Many ••lect groups from 1ueh wall known lines 111 : HEN RED 0 N, HERITAGE; DREXEL, THOMASVILLE, MARGE CARSON, &. SHERRI LL upholtt•ry on sale now. DEALERS FOR: HENREDON-DREXEL-HERITAGE NIWl'OlT STOii OP'tN PllDAr 'TIL t NEWPO~T BEACH 1727 Wastcliff Dr., 642·2050 OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 • . \.1'- ProfM1ion•I Interior Designer• Ava llabl9-AIO INTERIORS • -·or LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Coa1t Hlt1hw1y Phone: 494-6551 ) ,l I ' ' . . . . . . -·-· CHECKING •UP• Nagging No. One Gripe of Hubbys By L. M. Boyd NOW 1llE P01"TERS sl y thty know what's wrong wilh wives. Rather, whal husbands claim is wrong. In order, these complaints, it's said, are : No. I. naggltig. No. 2, ex- travagance. No. 3, doesn't stay home enough. No. 4, go.ssips. No. 5. leaves the house messv. Our Love and War man ·is puzzled. '!llis list of the top five includes neither "flirU'' nor "snores." That's odd, HAVE WORN leaky booU all right, but never any made by Kee Kee Boot & Shoemaker. Ltd., nr No. 4, Peking Rd ., Kowloon, Hong Kong. a real firm. . . IT TAKES ABOUT six second!I for food 10 pass between the moutl1 and the ston1ach. C'.olng dov•n. Watch this space for all the clinical data fit to print. .. FIRST on that brief li!t of bedtime attire most popular with women is the shorty nightgown. Nylon pa- jamas are second, says a lingerie maker. ''WHAT DO THEY put in that mixed drink called the 'Cellmate'?" inquires a Toledo cuslomer. Understand that's a legal moonshine known as While Duck. Mixed with Dr. Brown's Carbonated Celery Juice Soda. What , you've never heard of Dr. Brown's Carbonated Celerv J u ice Soda! First carhonated beverage in the v.·orld. Made in Brooklyn in 1862. Still around, evidefltly. HUl\tOROUS ANECDOTES about domineerlng wives abound. But just try to turn up a humorous anecdote about a domineering husband. Aren't any. This comes up because an official asks if I ever speak to luncheon meeting~. Not anymore. Did once. Included in the mooologue a fanciful tale about a diminutive wife who finally cured her huge brute of a husband from beating her. By baslting },im on ttie nose with a poker in his sleep. Some master of parlor comedy narrated it to me once. His art was such the humor rolled. My art was not. The audience sat chilled. Oh, J. the "''Orn1 ~ NPver again. 'There is no laughter in the meanness of a m a n , remc1nber that. CUSTOi\tER SERVICE: Q. "Who said, 'He flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions'?" A. That was Stephen Leacock. He also said: L "Men are able to trust one anoltler, knowing the ex- act degree ol dis.honesty they are entitled to expect." 2. "The parent who can see his boy as he really is would shake his head and say. 'Wil!ie is no good; !'!I sell him'." now MANY WORDS can you recall with five e's and no other vowels? Besides "ef- fervescence and "~deeveless· ne$S. Not many, ir any, I'll warrant ... "YOU CAN AL- \VA \'Stell whethe!' a woman is a secret drinker,'' contends an expert on the alcohol dodge, "by how many days of the month she leaves her blinds drawn." RAPJD REPLY: No si r, i!'i!i known citizens ln their twenti~ buy twice a.'I many mobile homes as citizens in their sixties. Your questions and com· meats are welcomed and will ~ used in CHECKING UP wherever possible. Please ad· dress your Jetlers to L. M. Boyd, P.O. Box 1875, Newport Beach, California 92660. Non-polluting Truck Designed by Four Men PERRIS (AP) -Four men gay they have adapted 1 1960 pickup truck to run on a rni.x- ture of hydrogen and oxygen that does not emit pollutants. Dwight B. Minnich, one of the four, said Thursd11y that they chose the hydrogen-ox- ygen combination as the basis of their experiments btx:ause the fuel mixture would burn without harmful leftovers. "The best way lo avoid pollutants is not lo 1nake Lhem in the first place, rather than to try to clean them up af· terward,'' he said. Minnich, who has worked BS an engineer in aero~pace pro- jects, is now owner of th~ Per· ris Progress, a week J y newspaper. He and three engineer colleagues h a v e worked on the projl'!ct in the newspaper garagl'!. during their spare time since January 1970. John Chao, an engineer with lhe state Air Resources Board in Los Angeles, watched a demonstratlon of an earlier test vehicle, a 1930 Model A Ford pickup and said the engine started easily and r.!n smoothly. 1972 U.S. Car Costs To Spiral DETROIT \UPI) -Two things are clear about the cars U.S. automakers are building for 1972; they'll look a lot like 1971 models and they'll cost more money. Ford Motor Co. 1 n d Chry~ler Corp. have informed their deeJ.ers th11l wholesale prices for 1972 cars will be anywhere from $100 to $200 more than for 1971 models. General Motors Corp .. the largest of the big three automakers and the usual prlce~etler, isn't saying what increases they are an· ticipating. But G~1 surely will announce a price hike. GM Chairman James J. Roche said Mond&y recent wage increases were part!y responsible for pushing up prices. Roche, in a televised interview, said the way to halt inflation v:as to m a k e American people aware of labor's unrealbtic demands. He said wages are e:11 ceeding productivity and this h2.13 ntade prices so high that U.S. industry is pricing itself out of the international marketplace. However, United Auto Workers PrC'sidenl Leonard Woodcock took Roche to task Thursday. ··c;M ·s recefll profit state- TTl('llt 1nakes a mockery of iL~ claims about inflation,'' said Woodcock at a news con- ference. He said c;M's •·rigid prlce- proflt formula'' tha.t nets 20 percent on Invested capital after taxe3 "makes the U.S. market particularly suited for Japanese and Gerinan auto makers." Woodcock called prices in· creases · 'to l a J I y unwar- ranted." Nader Calls VW 's 'Unsafe' THIEF STOLE 'DEATH THOUGHTS' FROM TAPE Mrs. Lyn Helton With Daughter Jennifer Dyir1 g M 01n Loses Memoirs to Thief . DENVER (UP!\ -Lyn Helt.on is only 20, but she'a <lying. She wants !o help others facing similar situations. but a young thief has interrupted her plans. . 'fhe mother of a 20-month-old infa nt has been record- ing her personal thoughL'I about death as part of a research project. 1-:arlier this week , a young boy, believed to be about 9-years-old. broke into her home and stole her tape recorder and the tape she had been 1naking. Mrs. Helton, dying of " rare bone canter, snw the y_outh as he was escaping. 'J'here was nothing she cou!d do since she walks only with the aid of crutches. The stolen tape, containing Mrs. Helton 's per~nal thoughts on death. was being 1nade in a project to help others with fat.al diseases. A spokesman for the woman's physician said the project could be a valuable cootribution to medicine and ps_vchology by helping others to ment.ally fa ce terminal d!st>ases. Mrs. Helton, wife or a musician. said she wants tn publish her. recorded thought~ to provide an insight into the fears, "''orncs and hope~ of a dying mother. LONDON \U PI ) Consumer advocate R a 1 p h Nader today called \'olkswagen's "Beetle" model "lhe most h~zardous c2r on the road" in the United Stales. ~iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii:~iiii:iiii:iiii Nader, in an interview on II thorn" '""''''"'' "'his THE' VILLAGE WEST week" pr 0 gr a m . recom· FINE ARTS & CRAFTS CENTER mended the German auto I SUMEll FISTIYAL manu acturer recall all the 4 NOW IN FULL SW•N• million "beetles'' in use in America. Tfl l ... u1u1 Ca11yP11 Road, lo9u11-FrM P•r•l11t---4f4.t JtO Smallpox Vaccine Harmful? \1/ASHfNGTON (UPI ) 'Mle Public Health Service (PHS) ls seriously coruidering a recommendation to stop the routine v11ccination of millions of children i'Jld travelers for smallpox, government health officials said today. "We are about at the point of suggesting the ris k of reac- tion to the Viicc ine is greater than the risk of getting smallpox in the U n i t e d States," said a .spokesman for the PHS center for disease control In Atlanta. llea !th source s In Wa~hington said the highly in- fluential PHS advisory com· mittee on immunization prac- tices has decided already to recommend a t:hange in the government"s policy of recom- mehding routines n1 a I 1 pox vaccinations bu! will not an· nounce it formally until this fall. Oisea~e ef'n!er officia l!! said 11 decision ha~ nol been reach· ed ?J\hough the advi3ory com- mittee is !eriously considering 11 change. DAILY PllOT • ;i ICWIZ 1480 AM RADIO • ALL Tltl GOOD SONGS IY All THE • i WIN FREE! IT'S EASY : I 1971 Austin America I E CASH (Lots of It) I ~ Hundreds of other prizes ~ ·! Send r postcard, er the ottcchod coupon withi I ~ your ,name, addrtss and zip codt, including pholie numbe r to: KWIZ, Santa Ana, Calif· ! c'"la, 92703, 5 ! "---~~~~~:~:.. ______ , i ~ I KWIZ DREAM WHEEL l i ~:NAM ll ~ I I w I ADORES I t i= I CITY I l5 ~ 1z tP I • ~I I~ I PHON I ;! 11 1~ ~ L--------------------~~J § ~ Listen for your name on the air I ~ ----__.. i 1480 ON THE AM DIAL ?: • KWll 1480 AM RADIO • ALL THE GOOD SONGS IY Ail THE i: SEE Explosive l.R.A. World Championship BOY'S CLUB OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Real action with cowboys compaling on rough broncs and r.uggad bulls for top prize money and world championship polnls, SHEUE FIELD, HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL Sat., July 31 2 and 8 p.m. Sun., Aug. l 2 p.m, ADULTS $2.80 17 Y•a,. a1111f U1111l•r <VJ PlllCI ''Abu " " h" " n. smessman WIS•ng new acquaintances mustbepreparedtomeettheni ." -MarkScott )'ou !Ire i.nvit.NI in pnrch.1~ onr r entleJ'l'len'11tJ'!pllrel •t •fifty fl"l"CMlt r~uction, until the sev!"nlh of Au(tlst. #42 Fashion I1!and. }'urther Information: f>.C-4 -7520. •one-stop' shopping at ite :finest! Ol'EN MONDAY & JHURSDA Y EVENINGS 'TIC 9 ~ ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY JULY 31 1.0 TO 5 ---. ''..li' ' , I -. ' ----~ • ' • --oAJI. V PROT-EDITORIAL PAGE The Voters Will Decide Newport. Beach residents are going to vote Oct .5 on a $7 milllon bond measure for a new munic ipal goY· ernment complex at Newport Center. Passage of the measure -given an excellent chant·e by 1n eager and optimistic: Mayor Ed l-tirth -ts by no means a foregone conclusion since it requires two·thirds of the votes cast Still , prospects are buoyed by a number of factors, not the Jeast being a solid unity of ci ty count1 lme n favoring the new facility for the poli<·e depart1nent and general city offices. Although it may not have a., .much vote·gctt1ng value, the fact also has been well establi shed that the city des per ately needs new quarters. 1'here has been much agonizing over what kind of a civic complex to propose. 'J'here is n1uch lo be said for this p~estigious community to have a civic center grand- ly designed and richly outfitted After all, doesn't Costa Mesa have a ne\v ci vic eo1n· plex that has won the admiralion (and envy) of other Orange County communities? Another philosophy prevailed. however. In Jh is hme o~ economic hardship on too nlany people. the c'ily will wisely seek taxpayers approval for a building \Vit.h the bare essentials. It is a prudent course. No Place for PUC .A boat owners' club in 1.larina del Rey has asked the California Publlc Utilities Commission to assume authority over all privale marinas. It is argued that the PUC could step in if marin<1. owners and operators get carried away with their rates throughout the state, although there has been no indication that is the case today. . Even if it w_ere, placing marinas under the jurisdiC'- t1_on or that particular agency seems a dubious choi ce in view of the PUC's efficacy in some other fields it• regulates. Newport Beach this week joined other coastal gov- Honesty ls Not the Way To Keep a Job ln June, a top .Ford executive warned the public about safety problems in ~eneral Motors' Corvair. Henry Ford 11, instead of praising hi~ aide, hastily telephoned GM Cliairman James .Roche to disassociate Ford Motor from the w:irning_ Now ,. !he Ford official, Harley Copp, n1;iy ~o ln the chopping block. There are reporrs wilhin Ford l h;:il the cumpan.v for which he has worked 2.'i years is ~oing lo lop off 700 of 1,000 men in hi1 division . Copp·~ peculiar lesson in rhe dangers of corporate honesty began in May. Al 1hat lime, GM said its now-discontinued ('orvair rloesn't roll over any more lhan •·competitive cars of lhe same era," io· fluding the Ford Falcon .. COPP HAD engineered the Falcon, was proud of i!, and took the GM statement Et.~ a bta!;1nt insult to his car and his com· pan.v. He y,•rote: Senate Commerce Chairman Warren Magnuson ( D-Wash.). 1e1Jing him or the 1959 F'ord tests of Corvairs which showed thcv rol led over far too easily, · • \.\'hen Henry Ford H ht'.'a rd of Copp's letter to Magnuson. he sumrnoned into his plush offices Ford Vice Presirlent \.\'1111am Innes , legal adviso r H;i nl; Nnlff' 11nd nther,o;. The tal k wa.s J!lll about how lo kf'ep up the fire on GM, bu! how 10 cool ,, \l.111h hi s ai rlf's hrsute him, Fore! ran.i.: up GM Chairman R0t·hr. l n.~!e;irl of rnaslin~ GM for its insult to the Falcon. f'()rrl assured Roche that he dirl nnt ap" prov e Copp'~ Jetter and thal Copp was acting on his own. Dear Cloou1y Gus What has happened 111 lhe "mini- !'lweepcr"' that the laxpayt'.'rs paid for and now never sweeps th o ocean front sidewalks or dog runs'.' -0 , \V, l~lo JoO!tl,. roflech '-•d~"' ~•Ow1. nol n•<•>ll•llv !~OS• ol •~• "''*'•P•~••. Son~ yout -•I P•••• le Gloorny Gu" 01!tY P'llol, THE DISTRESSED Copp. aware. bv now he 1vas in th!> doghouse for hi.~ belier in free entli'rp rise aod cnmpetit1on. of- fl"red to quH his job as dirc(1or nf engineering and let.:hnkal ser vice~. Innes. an old frien d. t11!ked hin1 nul or It . but gave hirn no public suppn1·1 \Vf1ile niorale dropped among .Vord engineers vd1 0 worked on lhe l''alcon, Copp s11.t tigh!. But run1ors spread that Ford himself had ordered another a c e technical man, Bob (;raham, to be gin taking over pert or Copp's division _ ll was lht n lha1 Magnuson, fpari ng Copp 's fate wa s unccrt;i1n, 11·rnte iln energetic pr iva1e 1el.1cr 111 Henry Ford 11 jn an effort lo pr<'serve Copp in his job. ''In speaking out agains1 <'rroneot1~ statements of the General Motors Corporation." sair! Magnuson. "Mr. Copr distinguished him self as a person who is committerl lo the Forrl Motor Company and to the public ... " LAWYER NOLTE concedct1 !n 11.~ lhat Grahan1 might be gelling a 11<'\\' job. bu1. said he had no l;n owlcdge 11 \11as al ('.opp"s expe nsl' As lo 1hr Rnr-h1' <':1!1, Nolle l'Onfirn1rd Ford n1:irlr 11 But it was '"inforrnal ive:· nnl "flpologelir " ("opµ dec lined comml'nt Footnotr: A quesli(ln nnw h;iuntlng rnn· s11rnrr ;idvll('a!e.~ 1~ whv Fort1 <l id not. nia ke puhl 1<· 1n 1959 1Lq 1r.~1.~ showing Cnr11:i)r!' ha<! dange ro11~ rnllo v('r ten· fltn t'lf'' T.1v rs n11ghl ha vf" ber n .~avrrf. .:<nrl 1;M n1ight ha ve corrected the perky J1!tlr c.ars before Ralph Nader sank hi~ lf'e!h 1n!t) then1. Hard-<:onipetin_g olrl Henry f ord, Sr , Henry IJ's grand fat her. "'oulrf ce rta inlv ha ve found a Y.'<lV of maki ng !he teits public. · Paradox of Creativity Thought.'.'! al larii:e: Whatever is a producl of the moment i~ !JUickly dated: tht! paradox of creativity I~ th.at the only work lh11t i~ ·'timet.v'· 1~ !he work that is timt!less. Tt lakes as much sklJI to watch 11 ganH! Intelligently al! it doe~ to play ii : at a high-level tennis match, for instance , !hi" game.~ as seen by mo~l ol the s?«:lator~ is not at all Ifie game the pla yers ;are tngaged in. The conctpl of "profil" i~ the lea~t understood of all economic terms -by --111WWW- Yriday, July 30, 1971 Thl editorial page of th,. DailJJ Pilot seek& to .infonn and 1tini- ulate read.tr! by f)1"esenting thU newspaper'• optniotu and com· ttuJnUtry o-n topics of intere1t and 1ignifican.ct. by providing a forum for iM e.rpressi<m of our rea.dtr•' opinions. and b~ pr4!&etiti11g tht!' diverse vlt11,. poinU of informed obscrotr& cmd $f'Okt.mun Oft topfci of the tl4v. Robert N. Weed, Publisher ' \ -Sydney j. Harris ,.~ • 'I ' . • ' : ... vJ cn1p!oyers no Jess than by employes. bolh or whom use il a!' ll false standard for bargaining. One i:if lhr reasons so rnany n1edlocre men enter politics 1s I.hat ils stand11rds are· delightfully low : everyone who ha1' not yet gone to jail i~ considered .1~ honest. and ('v~ryone who 1s not blatantly foolish is con siderrd shrewd. When a grent de11I l~ expected of i:i child, he eithe r rises to the expectation or i~ crushed by it : and this is why an ex- pecialion lhal is not realistic can cripple a child 11s much as deprecation does. The true mark or lhe bigot i!i I hath~ i!'( never t1ble lo understand 1hc prime necessity for disagreement among peo- ple, looking upon his adver11ar!c~ as being only stupid and stubborn ; he !'ihould rcnect upon the wisdom of the old Yi<f.. cifsh proverb: "H i:ill pulled ii'! one dlrec· Uon. the world would keel over ," In a ~'M1ml"rl'1ally-don11natcd :-;orie!y, qualitie11 are like con1n1ndlties· only tho~e which iare !11 d<'mand 11re cullivatrd : :1r1ti we have no f:tu~e. tn l'Omplain tha1 p('opla 11re •·selfish·' whl'n lielfishness com - n:iands no price 1n lhe niarkt't, • ' . ernment agencies -most notably the l.os . Angeles County Board of Supervisors -In declaring its in tention to formally opJ>O$e the proposal at an Aug. 3 public hearing in Los An geles. Orange. County Sui>ervisors also are expected to in· tervene. Alarm up and down the coast over the proposed ~late takeover comes for a variety of reasons. As the J,os Angeles SLij>ervisors pointed out in a letter to all coastal governments, the proposal would usurp local t'ontrol. More in1portanUy, however, it would expand the authority that government now has over the operation of these private businesses. And as Newport Beach councilmen declared Monday nigh!, the PlJC by fixing rates, would be tampering un- JUStiiia bl y with the free enterprise system. Too-Lenient Courts? Law enforcement officers find ('riticism in some t'ir1:les for their repeated bitter denunciations of Ameri- can t our·ts. On one hand, police believe courts too often are lenient t0\\1ard offenders. Another side argues that la\v is n1eant to protect the individual and if policemen did their work better. justice \\'ould prevail. Last November 14. two uni!orn1ed Newport Beach police officers stopped a drunken driving suspect on C'oast 1 li ghway. 'J'he man, armed with a pistol. shot o ne officer in the leg and the other in the stomach. Fortu· nately, both recovered. Last week, a superior court judge let the man go free on three years' probation without fine or jail term. 'l'he judge did not explain the lightness of the sentence, ordering only that the shooter of the two officers not drink. SonH?times it is easy ln see wh y poliee becon1e d is· iJlu sioned and biller. N Utae1ttployttaent, lnflntiota Unchecked Economy Running Off the Track President Nixon ·~ economic policy i.~ very clearly in danger of running off the track. He has been unable to control in· flation , government spending and the size of the deficit. Inside his administration controversies Oare and there may be a blow up. V.'ith lhe cost of living rising in pursuit nf inflationary wage settlernents, the budgrt ha~ golten :l otit of control again. __ Secretary of t he ·~;_ · Treasury Connal!y , ;_,,. h11s blandly confess-t::f 9 -: · rd that tile fe deral · 1 ;\ • ., rleflcit for the fi sca l ·' ~-, •. year just enderl arr 7::t"' / i , prr1aches $2.'i billion. .. ' f, For the new lisc ~t vear hc.1 ven know!I ..... What it. will run to , probably another SlR or $20 b1!1io11 or more, and in any case far more lhan I.he President estimated "'hP:n he submittCtl his budget estimates 10 Congress last .January, No one needs R fixation on budget h;ilanci n~ lo realiz.e that so1nclh ing is wrong whrn the 90vemmenrs rhicf financial (llficers (:an"! come within $8 or $10 billlon of PStimaling how much the government will spend. NO R IS A rH . D. in economics much help in explaining why the: Nixon policies arcn"l working as lhey are supposed tO- l lncm ploymenl and idle: i n d u s I r i ;i 1 {";.1pari1y h<1l'e fa ilerl In halt lhe rise.• 1n both prices and "'age.~. a~ 1! was sup· po~rd they would and as ·would set'.'m nalural. This cnuld go on a Jong ti1ne, at- c'ording to ~'<'dcral Reserve Ho arri (;hau man Arthor Bu rns. ""'ho ir fls a~tnn1shed a .~ anyone else ovrr the tnu lishncss of the economy. Thr re arr slrnng n1rn invn lvf'd n(>w trl {'Connrn1c poliry. 0 ne or thern is B,1 rn~­ Anothcr 1s Srrrct<i ry Connally Thev d(• nnt <1grre. Burn~ sa.v.~ we aren"1 mali in_g progress aii ainsl fnf!ation. Conn ally Sa \.~ 1ve are. Burns wants w11ge arid pric,. restr;ai n1 ~. Connally i!I the spokesman ((lr r1oing nothing lhRt i~ not rilrcatiy being done This is reminlSl'ent of conditions in lhe .Tnhn~on administration which Nixon ~n se verely criticlied 1n the presidenLia! 1'ampaig11, Nixon charged then that lhe for mer cha irman of lhe Fe: de r a I 11escrve Board, Will i;.1m McChesncy i\1arlin J1ad "been lef1 holding the bag'' by Presiden t Johnson. RV REFUSING lo put the nation's fiscal affairs in order, .Johnson forced Chairman Martin lo assume the whole responsibility ror curbing innation, Nni:on cl1arged. That resulted in a "stop-and-gn'' policy of monetary restraint and ease "in whi ch every attempt lo slow down the ex- pansion of the money supply has been defeated by the urgent necessity to finance the treasury's huge deficits." Nixon charged. The treasury is sllll having huge deficits anti holding back innation still see.ms to be the main roncern of lhe chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Nixon, at the present pace, may rival Johnson in building up the huge deficits which he: says brought on the inflationary ipiral he inherited. But B11rns has warned that lf ht hl3 hi$ By George ---, Dear George : I lhink today's young women are very permissive and it seem~ !IOmelh1nR should be done about It. JI y,•asn'l like th fs when I w11~ young. I Ot.ll TfMER l)c>.1r Old Timer. Quit brooding; wt, can ·l \\·tn 'cm ~I L None of u~ is getting any younccr. Ri chard Wil son w;ay lhe Fed eral Reserve Board will not <:harge up the money supply to give Ni x- on the .. very good year" he desires in 1972 if that means continu ing the presr.n~ rate of expansion. 1r anything. it is expected that Rurns will try lo tighten up credit if the Nixon administration doesn't move towa rd wage and prier. restraints. WITH INFLATION proceeding •·a1 bolh unacceptable and dangerous rate" Burn~ is becoming increasingly insistent on the esta blisllrnent of a board which would pass 011 major wage and price decisions before th ey are put into effect in private industry. How much good lhis \\'o uld do is, of rourst'.'., debatable. The moral effect of _govcrnn1ent fi isapprova! of wage and price rlecisions ha.~ worn pretty thin. But it would be a beginning or what is called an '"incoines policy" on the British pal- 1.t'.'rn and might ultimately lead to grl"ater ~overnmenl Intervention in s u c: h tlcc1s1ons. How Jong Nixon can hold out against ~uch intervention will quite evidently de. pend on the course of economic evenls wh ich are not easily predictable in lhe light of experience. Nothing like a $25 billion deficit was in the Nixon '·game plan" when he took of- fi ce. He was talking then about cutting back expenses and pursuing "sound'' fis- cal policies -not necessarily a balanced budget all the time but nothing Iike tht Johnson runaway budgets. That's all down the spout now. No con· fldenl \Vhite House pronouncements have changed the figures on con.sumer price rises and everybody know s it in his own pocketbook. 'I'm Proud of You, ~ick' "Dirk, rlea r. you !'eall~' are working loo harci. r do wish you ·n try to i.:ct aY.'a.v." "l .RI me bl' pe rfect ly candid about this , Pai. I a m planning !! tr ip. I am plan- ning :l t r i p t (I China" '"Oh, thar's n1tl! <lear. Yn11'll have such f1111 la lking 0vcr old 1Jn1r~ with I he Genrr11!1ssim11 .:i n d J\f ad am e Chiang." "Nol lh:i1 China , T';i!. Ch 1nil " "The o!her \11hal ''" ··The other Chin;i_ \'011 1'nr1w. lhr 01'1!' Tr11n1an, Ache:c;on anrl !he Ot'.'n1ocra1~ ln~t 25 ye;irs ai.:n ' .. Y011 found 11. dear" Hnw l'r ry •'i{'\"('r (l( YOll 'rhP l)('lll()("f;lf~ !11 11~1 he rlylnl.'( 1)f i·inbarrassment \\"hrre t1;:irl 1l bfen h1d1ng 1!st.·lt all these yrar.~~" •1,1l1.~t inside Outt'.'r r-.1oni;!ol1a anrl ovrr the hill from Nepal. lt"s not a place you·r:1 1l11nk to loo k." "l'tn so glad you (oun<I it , f!e&r 1 nnt!r~ ffi the globe in y<1ur study is fully rounci i:iga io and it looks much better,·• ·'THANK \'OU, P::it. lhank you . N;iturally, r wished to inspect n1y find . So I S('nt my 1nost trusted aide nn a glohe circling trip. At one stop he secretly snuck off to Peking, unbeknownst to a soul. in wangle me an invitation lo din- ner.'' ··11ow ingenious. dear. I just knew Spiro couldn 't really be playing golf day after day ln all those foreign places. He must be very proud of 1he way he deceiv· ed th e press." "Nol. Spiro, Pat. Henry. Spiro was very busy discussing, rrcedom of the press with I.he head:\ of various tola litarian regimes and sludying lhe ex- amples of leadership set for American Negroes by African milltary dictators." ''l"m glad Spiro ha! ()ther hobbies than ~olr. We.re the lost Chin<'se happy you had found them at last"'" "I cannol. nl course. sprak for all ROO million of them . Pat. But they have ac· cepted my invitation to inYilc n1e for _. visit. J havo thus ann()l.1nced thal I will undertake t.his joume." for peace for the benefit or all mankind." "GOSH. DICK, if you cnutd sijpl a trea· ty of frit!ndship with 800 n1Hlion Chinese Jt would certainly be a bll)W to thoSI! dirty Commie rats in tile glot>t' Red eon.. spiracy." i·tct me set the record stri:ilght. P1111 These Chinese are dir ..• That is. thev arr, rightly or wrong ly, of lhe: com. munlst persuasion Bui I havP !flog felt peace is not .a partisan issue." "How long have you felt that. dear?" "Ever sincr I leameti how pop ular n1v proposed lrlp has made me.. Tut • Art Hoppe I Republicans ;ire jubilant.. 'fhe Democrat~ a re speechl es~. Eve ry columnist and con1 mentator in the cou ntry envisions a new era 0f human brothcrhOOfl and 11nlVcrsal understanding.'' '"OH , 1"11AT'S wonderful . dear. I'm so proud of .vn11 for finding China aft.er all th~se ye;irs. ·· ·'\\l('IJ, to tw perft'.'c!ly fran k, Pat, there are problems. Our right·wing allies are uneasy. Our European friends are con- cerned we are turning toward Asia. So is every Japanese exporter. The Russians, suspici nu!' we are conspiring against them, may sabotage the SALT talks, thus increasing the danger of nuclear war. And Chiang Kai·shck has at la.st asked 111 In unleash hirn -so that he can invade California .'' "Oh, Dick, are ynu sure finding China was a good thing?" "Confidentially, Pat. for the first time in 25 years. i'rn beginning to think Tru man and Acheson were right to lose it in tile first place."' You're G1·eat, Too, /(id Tht'.'rf' 1s " ~aying thl'll flattery will gel yn11 nny,·hrrc. Th;.1t 1n ay be true in hell. wh ere promo- hnn 1s slow. but it i~ certainl y untrue on t>arth. This 1.5 11 place where bread ni.1y keep you alive but it is the butter l)n it that makes the taste memorable, Flattery is as ne<> cssary to lhe com· mon run of men a.~ medals are to gen- erals. Generals like . to pin medals on each olher whether they really deserve them or nol. The rest or us like lo pin kind words on each other whether they are true or not. FLATTERY may strain your sense of fantasy, but it isn't much or a strain on your vocabulary. Here. for example, are a few admiring phrases which. if learned well and used often enough, should take you from the warrens ()f the poor to the precincts of the powerful: "I don 'l know how you do It." .. If anyone else told that story, it wouldn't be half as funny." ··1 si mply won't believe it until you :-;hnw me. the S('ar."' '"Anyone but you would have given up long ago." "You mu!lt be kidding. T'd guess you tn be half that old. Where do you get your drinking water -from the fountain of youth?., "Wrll, ir it's anv consolation to you, I'll tell you this -When your kid's at our house she acts like an angel from hcav('n." "\.\'hat do you mean bDlit1 You'rr a lung, Jong way /rom be.ing bald." "TllEV CAN et11I ii <' m11rtini if thP.y want to, bul. I don 't think It's a real martini unless you make It." "Your biggest trouble Is that you're tnq 1.;inrl for y(')ur own good." "Well, ru say thi5 : you'yc certainly s• ' Jlal Boyle lhem a good example, and if lhey don't follow it. they'll have only themselves to blame in lhe end." ''How did you sa.v that again? l want to write it down in my little nolebook so I won't forget it." "Oooh, you 'rt so strong!" "ls it re.ally you? How nice it is to hrar your voice. I was just thinking of you." "1'0 TAKE up the game myself If could play it like you." "The world wouldn 't be . the samr. withOut you -and I can 1ay that in total ho~ty." "Boy. lf I felt lil;e you look. I wouldn 't bave a holler this side of heaven." "Man, are you a sight for sore eyes!" "On you it looks good." "So what's so terrible about II? Everybody makes mistakes now tind then. lf you can'l learn to fo rgiYe yourself, how can you forgive. others?" Simply memorize these phrases and ~ay them to everyone you meet. and you 'll never have any trouble borrowing money. Quotes U. S. Sen. Hiram Fong. Rawaii, •• dre•tlng S. F'. cQrnmence.ment -''We have learned the peril.s or ove.r·fn.. V()lvement: now we must avoid the perU. of under-Involvement.'' Carolyn Stt>nf'r, IS, Selmont. new Ml~• CAiifornia -"I agree wl1h women 's lib AS far as job opportunity and pay bein.g t<IU~l : but 1 do enjoy being a girl and being feminine." 111 -I T ! I I I \ I I I ! I \ I J, I ' • j , • ' . ... . .. l I ~osia Mesa EDITION N.Y. Stoeks YOL 64, NO. ·1ar, ~ SECTIONS, 50 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFO!lNIA FRIDAY, JULY 30, ·1971 TEN CENTS Lion Country Animal Appraisal As ·sessor Hinshaw to Tal{e Tiger by the Tail By BARBARA KR ETBICH 01 !he D•UY il'llltl Sllfl Last summer , when Lion Country Safari moved into lts new SOO-acre home In Laguna Hills. Orange County Asessor Andrew Hinshaw saw some taxing problems in his ruturc. Hinshaw is an old hand at assessing homes, boats, orange groves, shopping centers, ball parks and other county al· tractions, but the prospect <lf fixing the value <lf a thousand or S<l assorted animals and birds, most or them from half way around the world, loomed beavy. Last year the animal preserve was jusL being installed on assessmenlday, March 1, and it was relatively simple to ap- praise the land ($3,931,200), buildings ($2.30,000) and personal property. which includes equipment, rurnishings, etc. ($10.000). The animals had not yet arrived at the preserve. "Next year it will pose a far more difficult problem," mused Hinshaw, whose only experience in assessing animals at that point had been in the less populated Japanese Deer Park. On March I. 1971. Hinshaw's men up- ped their appraisal of Lion Country land to 4,233,200; the buildings to a whopping $4 ,S24,000; and the personal property to $681 ,000. 'fhe animals and birds, more than 1.000 strong, were hidden in the latter figure in a lump sum valuation of more than half a million dollar, Hinshaw explained. "We took what the company reported to us in terms of their dollar cost and they put the am<lunt at over half a million,'' said the assessor. "Our policy, if personal property for a single taxpayer exceeds $.S0,000, is to audit the figure they submit every four years. This will be done with Lie figure for the animals at Lion Country so that new animals can be added , or dead ones 5ubtracted." However, he added , within the next two years he will attempt to get a head count of the Lion Country population by speeies and compare the company's dollar cost figure with the estimate of his <lwn a~ praisers. "One appraiser In the office already has the assignment," Hinshaw said. "He's visiting wos and so forth to cheek on animal values . He seems to like it." The task CQnfronting the animal ap- praiser will involve fixing the current value <lf some 1,200 animals and birds, in- cluding about 50 species <lf each. Conceivably he should have little trou· hie appraising 130 lions, S rhinos, 2.l cheetah, 9 elephants and 13 hippos, but what he will do with 10 Vervet m<lnkeys, 3 gnus and one iebu-yak is anybody's guess. A Lion Country spokesman commented, "It's kind of like t.he stock markeL Prices of animals go up and down according to supply and demand. It's amazing how they fluctuate. Then of course. there'• transportation if we bring them from Africa. And last weekend alone we. had 11 car omen ts • .. • • -::<,a. .. J ' ' • I ,. ' ' ,, f: . .. llAIL Y il'!LOT ll•tl PMt. CHILDREN PLAY BALL AT COSTA MESA'S VISTA PARK Summer Htlf Over, But Recrution Progr1m5 Abound Recreation Department Attracts Over 7 ,000 Last summer more. than 6,000 youths took part in aclivibes. and programs of- fered by the Costa Mesa City Recreation Department. This summer the number may climb above 7.000 participants. according to recreation supervisor Skip Slone. When broken down lo lhe number or Umes youth participated in various pro- grarm, the figure is 143,800 for last sum· mer with most youths in several dirferent programs. Thal figure should surpass 170,000 this summer. says Stone. Even though summer is half ()Yer, a wide number or progr11ms are still open. A new series of swimming leS5Clrut starts Monday at either Ccsta Mesa and Estancia High School. Any<lne who wanu to join can register from I p.m. to S p.m., Saturday al eil.her school. A new srt of tennis lessons will also open Monday al TeWinkle Park 1Dd Estancia High. Tennis registration is from 9 B.m. lo 11 a.m., Saturday 1t both locations. Bnth the swimming and tennis pro- grams are offeret1 two weeks at B time. Every Tue~ay the recre..lion depart- ment eponsor~ an all <"Omers track meet fo r elem1nt.ar)' school young,ter1 througb adults. The meet starts at 4 p.m. <ln the Orange Coast College oval. Parents can still put their children, ages &-12. in a weekly day camp held from 9:30 a.m. lo 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday at Vista P a r k . Transporatalon is provided. Youth! can be signed up for the ca mp anytime at the recreation <lffice in city ball. One activity always open, without registration, is the supervised pleygroond offered at 10 scbools and three city park!i. Playgrounds, games, contests and &ther activities are available to youngsters ages 6-14. OperAllng h<lurs Are noon to 5 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. to 8: 15 p.m. Playground supervisors hold auch ac- tivities as arts aod crafts, excursi<lns, ipecial events, tournaments, ere8tive dramatics, atory telling and IOftba.IJ fer boys. Older youths and 1dult.1 can enjoy gynr naslum sportl <from 7 p.m. ti) 10 p.m.., Monday l.hrough 'l'hutlday at Coirta Meta High School. Baskel.a.IJ and volleyball are the main sporU: offered. Several other recreeli<ln 11etlvities - mooUy special cl~ -are closed for tile mimmer with full P.nrollments. but will be offtnd .gain In the fall wtth rtgistnUon begiM.ing Sept. 13. -' > ' (;ollisiota in Air ! Japan Crash Kills 162 l In Worst Single Disaster urvicemen killed in world Wl.f n. MORIOKA, Japan (UPl) -A 22-YW· old J1panese atudent ~ on a ~ mi!sion in an F86 SlbrejeL collided with an AU Nippon Airways lirliner today, 1endinJ the 162 persons aboard the &elnl 717 to their death in 1viatlon'1 worst aln&Je diaaster. no--~ ·~'"91>J'.11111! ,_[ Enlinffr Donn M. Ca<'l'<"f<r, U. el Mlaml, :Fla. !lo lived In OIHa ill e<nlral Japan. Hill wUe, Ruth, Ill, re.turned to Florida two monlhl ago t<l a'Wait the blrtb Time Schedule For Apollo 15 Outlined Sgt. Yoshiml Ichikawa, 22, pil<lt of the F86 Sabrejet, parachuted ti) safety bef<lre his plane crashed. He had <lnly 21 hours of training in the fighter. Aviation and defense officials felt an error on his part may have caused the disaster. Police !aid the fighter intruded on the air corridor reserved for commercial airliners and said they would arrest Ichikawa for "professional negligence.' The two planes apparently c()\lided in a glanclng action at 26,000 feet over Morioka In the northern part. of the main .Japanese isl1nd of Honshu 275 miles ncrth of Tokyo. The F86 plunged into a rice paddy. The wreckage of the trijet passenger plane spread over a wide area in the foothills of the Japanese alps. The ANA jetliner carried 1 5 S J:lassengers and a crew of seven. Most of the passengers -125 of them -were in e t<lur group made up of members or a 'ociety for relatives ·<lf J a pa n es e Interchange Model Displayed A model of the Newport Freeway in- terchange over Bristol Street and Palisades Road will be <ln display for two weeks in the lobby <lf Costa Mesa city hall, starting Monday, The model is on Joan from the State Division of Highways. Work <ln the freeway Interchange wiU take plaoe for the next year. Once the interchange Is built, freeway traffic will skip <lver the n<lw busy in· lerstttioh allowing a freer flow of traffic along Bristol-Paliudes. of their first .child. Saburo Kawantshi, 41, pilot Of the ANA jetliner, had more than 8,000 l'lours of flying experience. He w•1 able to get <lff a brief rad!G plea betw6en the time tha collision occurred and his plane crashed. "Emergency, emergency!" he radioed desperatf:ly. "This is All Nippon. All Nip- pon . Unable to control? Unable t<l con- tr<ll ~" The pilot of a nearby jetliner who heard Kawanishis voice described lt as "hysterical." Ht eald Kawanishi's lut words were "Unable to control" before the radio went dead. Matsaka Kato, 45, a teacher on duty at a 5Chool at Shizukuishi, a village 13 miles west of Morioka heard the collision and saw the jetliner falling. "[ heard something like 11 clap of thunder and looked up into the sky." he ,;aid. "High in the air I cculd &ee a Jot of sn1oke. There were five columns of while smoke coming from the wing of 1 big plane that was flying eastward. "Then I saw the fuselage going d<lwn in the mountins near here. Up above l could see what seemed to be parts(){ the plane. Tl was a rain of debris. Perhaps aome of it was bodies." Search coordinators said the jetliner either exploded <lr broke up ln the air, sca~ring bodies over a wide area. The search for bodies continued through the night. • By early evening more than 1,600 searchers had located <ln1y Sil l)f the vie. ti.ml. The .)etllner was <ln 1 flight to T<lkyO from Sapporo, site <lf the 1972 Winter Olympic 1ames. Sapporo i1 located on (See CRASH, Page J) Council Action on Units Near Campus Postponed A proposed »acre apartment project near Orange Coast College will not be considered Monday night by the c.osta Mesa City CouncU. City Manager Fred Sorsabal said today discussion on the Segerstrom land thould be del1yed untiJ an Aug. 9 study session lnv<llving councilmen, planning com· mlsslonera and the deve.loper1, JAadershlp .H<lmes. The project sparked some controversy two week• 1go when the council was ask· ed to chanae the industrial zoning on the land to hlgh density apartments. The prcr jcct Is planned en the undeveloped comer of Fairview Road and Adams Avenue Mrs. Lucille Waughlal. 2433 C.Ollege Drive. opposed the project and presented Ole council with a petition containing 87 algnatures 1pin1l it. She aaid the project has too many apartment.I. might create traffic prcr blems and oould overl<lad achools. Deve.lcpen preaented 1 letter from the Newport-M,.. Unl!led School !Jlgtrict disclaimfna any problem with overlcaded achoola. n.. proJt<:t could hou,. up to 2.276 J"O" pie tn 843 "f11mUy 1tyle" •partment1. The 30-acre rezonina L' listed on Mon· day '1 council agenda , but Sorsabal NJd he wlll ask I« a further delay oo it, ao the Aug. I 1tudy lf!Jlion can be held. Most Items on Mondiy'1 agenda ire routine.. Sorsabsl may present salary re. quests tor thf! city'• 17 department ht.ads. but he. has not yet committed himself on lhet. The councU meets •t 6:30 p.m. • ---··~ -· . Some of the moBt e1clting houri in the adventure of Apollo 16 are coming up late tonight. Saturday and Sunday. The following is a schedule of proposed times in the moon exploration. Readers 11.re advised to consult their television for actual programmJng from the moon in that siring of Apollo events has been changed as develcpments occur. Here is the schedule for the Apollo crew : TODAY ANO TONIGHT 3.03 p.m.-Scott fires the Falcon's des- cent engine and the 25-foot tall craft starts moving closer to the lunar surrace. 3:15 p.m.-Touchdown f&r the Falcon at its Apennlne·Hadley lunar base. 5:10 p.m.-After <lpening a hatch at the top of the Falcon, Scott t ekes photographs and gives to Mis.skin Control a 3G-minute description of the landing site area. 5:45 p.m.-The top hatch is closed. 7:30 p.m.-Wlth Worden continuing his duties aboard the orbiting Endeavour, Scott and Irwin start their fir.st lunar surface rest period. 10:24 p.m.-Worden slarts a 1even·hour rest period aboard the o r b i t I n g Endeavour. SATURDAY 3 a.m.-Ending thelr first night of sleep <ln the moon, Scott and Irwin 15lart preparation• aboard the Falcon to open a lower hatch and climb down onto the lunar surface. 5:24 a.m.-Worden ends hi1 command module rest period. 6:24 a.m.-Opening the lower hatch, IW'face for the firsl of three eipl<lrations. They unpack !be hm.ar Rover I vehicle fer use on 1 f<lltr·mlle trip to the edge of Hadley Rille and to the hue of the Apen- nlne Mountalna. 'nle seven-hour expedl· tioo also includes placl_ng five 1fcentifle Jnstrument. new the Falcon for trans. mlssi<ln of lunar data back tc eart.h for at least a year. 6:34 a.m.-Slart nf • live O.hour and fl). minute-lalecast ot lunar explorations with Scott and Irwin turning on 1 1peclal camera aboard Rover I· while 1topplng the electrically powued vehlcle to gather geologk: umplea:. l :i. p.m.-Retuming abolrd the Falcon, Scott and Irwin close the l<lwer hatch to conclude the nm elploration period. 4:S9 p.m.-ne·1unar oplorers start a rest period of almost eight hours . 7:54 p.m.-\iorden 1tarta hb: 1teep perloci-lboard the orbllln& Endeavour. Muskie Gets Backer WASIDNGTON (UPI) -S.n. Phlllp A. Hart (0.Mich.), h11 endMlltd Sen. Ed· mund S. Muskie for pre9'.dmt, saying the Maine Dtmoerat la otremely competent, and electable • ,__-. .. ~-·-· )<"" ....... - ' li<ln cubs bom here .•. but some of them may g<l to other preserves." One thing assessor Hinshaw knowa for sure : Lion Country has given Orange Counly's total assessed valuaUon a real shot in the arm. From a total 1970 appraised value of $4,171,200 it has leaped to a 1971 flgure ot $9,488,200, with new buUdlngs and the animals accounting f<lr the jump. And with 25 percent of that figure con-- sidered as the taxable assessed value that means taxes <ln $21372,0SO, flowing into the county office from the animal preserve. 0 0 Separation Comes After Unpl~gging SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - The Apollo lS astronauts were unable i. 1epa!'lte ~ landin& craft, F,:lcoq, from the mothershlp on schedule tOday t. start the deecent t<l t.he mO(l[J '• lllrface. Tbl!ly quickly found the trouble wu u wiplugg:ed electrical line. After rep.airs, the eeparation finally came amoothly at 11 :16 a.m. pur, 'Jtie trouble had loomed aa 1 major hitch In the mission and It came just before David R. Scolt .and James B. Irwin were prepared to 11et <lUt on man'• m<lst adventur<lllS exploration of th1 lunar surface. Ground controllers immediately told Scott, Irwin and Alfred Worden to check a J>()Wer link between the two docked spacecraft. Ground CQntrollers said the a.stronauts had 40 minutts to carry oot the un· docking without delaying their ache.duled 3: IS p.m. (PDT) landing. The astronauta were ln no danger because oI the pro- blem. Scott and Irv.1in were in the descent ship. the Falcon, at the time. Worden r& mained behind in the mothership, the Endeavour. After a quick check, Worden reported that an umbilical line between t.be two, craft was loose. The astronauts earlier cheeked out the lander and reported all was in order for the descent to the moon. "Hello Houston, this is Falcon,'' lrwi.a messaged his ground controllers. "Everything is in order up to this point, as far as the checkout goes," Scott reported from Falcon at 12: 12 p.m. EDT. Before Falcon was manned, the three astronauts shifted their orbit to a slightly higher, more. comfortable altitude. The low point of their path Md dropped faster than expected, to 45,500 fee t. A brief rocket burst raised it to 58.300 feet. By landing time, the moon 's gravita- tional tug was upected to pull Apollo 15 (See APOU..0, Page %) 0r .. ,. v.. •• ,. Weather Sunny sides are en the agenda f<lr the weekend. with temperatures: rising to 72 along the coast &lid . 90 inland Lows 1round 60 lo both ~as Saturday morning. INSIDE TODAY Archaeological Rtstarch Inc. of Costa Mt1a concerns itself with the conatant Mttle of very old v,:rs11.& vtrv 11ew. Trace.r of ancient inhabitant.r are bting· lo1t t<l progres1. See rt.o1'JI POQe 9. ...H._ II C:•llHrnle I Clloedlllltl U• J c: lffll Atlll ..,. C.111\u » c....-n DN1'fl Htlltiati ' ••1i.t1•1 ,.... ' '"""''"~ •n l'intrw;• 11·1' -" AM LaMln 11 Mtlllloll ' Ml¥1n a.a -- Mututf P.-It N•t••I NtA I Ortftle CWBl'J 't llnt_..lttl 1Jotlt .,! ..... ,.,.., 11 S.rtll ..... Sll<ll Merllm l .. IS T•l9w!Mt11 » """" ..... w..-• Wlllhl W"" 11 WtfM11'1 N ... l .. U WtMll NIWI C w-- ' ----- J DAILY PILOT c Doomed Jet 'Should Not Have Flowi1' Spedal to the DAJL Y ?ILOT PASADENA -The El Toro MCAS-bas- td jet fighter that collidM with a jetliner ovtr the San Gabriel Moun tains June 6, killing 50 persons, should never have nown due to serious defects. Violations of ~1arine. Corps regulations In the fact it wasn't grounded were told Thursday by the commander of f\1arine Altera.ft Group 13, as testimony con- t.Urued in a federal lnves tigati'!_n. 1'be worst midair collision ln aviaUon bl.!tory that occurred today -under almost identical circu mstances -was • heavy topic of discussion during morning recess. Blank spota in radar coverage of the area where. the F4 Phantom and a Hughta Air West DC9 with 49 aboard went down were also mentioned in the dJsaater pro be. Colonel Orville R. Davis, commander of htAG 13 confirmed prior te11Umony to radar and oxygen 11y11tem defects at the National Transportation Safety Board hearini- Concluslon Ill ei:pected today, but the four-man panel's eventual findings as to the ca.we won't be announced for at least a year. Colonel Davis said the F4 had a leak in its main oxygen system, a malfunction in its radar and a transp:.inder -which would have identified it on air traffic con- trol scopes -didn't work . He did not 11ay if this placts blame on the Marine jet. Pilot Ll J ames R. PhHlp11, "rl, killed in the crash too, and radar officer Lt. Qiristopher Schiess, 24, who parachuted, were flying visually at 15,000 feet by landmarks below. Testimony by Lt. Schiess Wedne sday Indicated it was the jeUlne.r tbat sliced into the ir tall 1ectl on. He said he saw it !econds before Im- pact and shouted to Lt. Phillips but it was too late. Controllers monitoring the DC9 whieb took off Bi,i. mlnute11 earlier from Los Angeles on a Salt Lake City flight testified they did not see the Phantom on radar screens. Thursday'• witnesses included person- nel from the Palmdale Air Traffic Con· trol Center, which first ~ame aware a midair coll ision had occurred. One said earlier the Air West jetl iner was alao fiyina: with an inoperative tranllpcoder unit which would have im· mediately flashed a crash alarm. JameJ Redman, assista nt chlef of the cente r, told the NTSB panel the area where I.he crash occurred l sdlffl cult to monitor due to San Gabriel Mountaio peaks. A 1upervlsor 1tanding behind an on-the- Job trainee controller monitoring the DC9 at the moment of impact sald lhree sec- tors wen blank when It happened. Hit, Run Auto Hurts Countian A convertible carryin3 four person s struck a Santa Ana man as he stood beside his car in Costa Mesa late Thurs- day, hurling him over the hood and then apteding away. Arthur M. Gruber, 1.8. of 1433 S. Gr.rnsey St., wa s the victi m of the felony hlt al'ld run on Fairview Road near \\-"arehouse. Road. Police aald he sufferM f a c i a l ebraslons and comptalned of chest and leg pain after the Incident Which caused hlm to land on his head. He did not re· quire hosp!tsllzatlon. A radio description of the 11i1.!pect vehi· c-le. a red and white Oievrolet of mld· 1950s vintage wall broadcast. OlAN•I CO.An DAILY PllOl OIANGll COAST P'UI LISMINO COM,.AN'I' l •h11t M. w.1d ,.,..:•..i '""' l'\ltll- Ja~lr l . C•rl1y vkoo ,.,.. ..... , al'Wll 0-11 MJon1ttr Tiio"''' Ktt•ll e1111 .... Tt.o"''' .A, Murptil"' MIMl1"1 fdl"" Cti1rl11 H. l••• 1;~t.1 1d r. Ntlf ,1.n1<1t111 M-.lnu [Olll'.lrl c.-. ..... Offk• JJO W11I l•v St•••t Milli"• M4r111: r.o. ••~ 11•0. •1~2 • ....... °""' .. ......,, s.cio1 lW "......, ..... :,...,.., ,_....... ... <t11 m ,,_, "-"""~ •tteto' 1111; •lff'I ..... iw .... .... C ....... ltl .1DJ Hll1fl a1 C.mlnt lt"I --_.. f f II::- --- ' '. """"\ / ' ' ~ OAIL'I' l"ILOT 11111 l"h•l1 G'a.rbenstar1glit19 D3n S\\•offord of OranJ::e Coast College fllcn 's Garbcnst.:ingel Team, checks \1•ork1ngs of "Pups,'' one of team 's t1vo en- tries in goofy J).1\ILY PILOT contesL Original Q('(' entry got so complicaled it had to be split into t\vo entries. Newport Driver Making Gains Ardith Cllssett, 21 , of 2906 Alt a Vista Drive, Newport Beach, iS reported in satisfactory condition at Ne ed J es Mun icipal Hospital where s1ie ls recover- ing from injuries suffered in a car ac- cident last week. Miss Clisset and a friend, fl.like Benzmiller, 170 18th St.. Costa f.1esa. were Injured v;hen their car overturned last Friday on Highway 95, eight miles sout h of Vidal Junction. Benzmiller is also listed in satisfactory condition. She teaches Ill Playmates pre-sc hool in Costa Mesa, while he manages a service stalion in Corona del !\tar, Mesan Hospita lized Following Bee Sting A bee sting near the i;pin11 l cord sent a Costa r.tesa man to !he hospita l Thurs· day, after Newport Beach firemen sup- pti~ oxygen wh en shock and toxic reac- tion caused breathing difficulty. Don ald L. Matthews, 41 , of 886 Center St.. was treated at Hoag r-.temo rial Hospital and re leased after the inciden t at 3931 Birch St., nursing officials said. l l !Jlal,iPifJ Frie:rd s Steel Pact Offer Nixed By Union WASHINGTON CAP ) -An offi cial of the AF'L-C!O United Steel \Vnrkers said today the union had rejected as "completely wiacce;:itable"' a steel in- dustry contract offer for 3~0.000 worke rs. "It"s a very stingy offer," said Steel \\'orkers vice president Joseph r.t olony. But. he added . negotiations were con· tinuing: between the union and nine maj or steel finns in an effort to reach a con- tract agreement before the strike deadline at midnight Saturday. i\folony tc;ld nev.•smen there v.•as little chance the union would extend the con- tract deadline if there ¥:ere no agreement by then. "That isn't the mood of the con· rerence," ~1olony said afte r a meeting or 600 local union leaders. "They want a settlement and they want it in August," he added. The 6QO.membe r union conference, which will vote either on an y contract of· fer or a strike, was recessed until 8 p.m. EDT when union leaders are scheduled to make a further report. "There is absn!utely no hope they wi!I anprove the offer on the table now," r.·lolony said. If the industry made 11 substantially better wage prop:.isal. the union con· frrenee might be asked then to consider it. he said. Molony said the steel industry offe r did include a cos t-Of·living provision, but that the wage offer was far too low. '·It is substantially less than anything we have received in the can , aluminum and copper industries. It is much less than settlements in other indus tries, such as communications," Molony said. The Stee lworkers rep:.irtedly have demanded a steel settlement at least a11 1•rod as the three·year, 30 percent pay hikes won for the ir members in can 1nanufacturing and aluminum industries. Earlier President Nixon urged both sides to v.·ork against an inflationary set· tlcment. Mes a Sets Back Permit Deadline The deadline for obtaining Costa 1¥1esa bt1sinl'SS licenses has been extended through r-.1onday, Robert Oman, director of fin ance, said today. Most business licenses ln the city must be renewed annua!Jy with the fmal day falling on July 31. Oman said the deadline was exte nded through Monday this year because the 31st falls on Saturday. Anyone late in re- questing a renewal will pay a 10 percenl fi ne. llenewal can be made In the finance oF- fice at city hall or by mailing the fee to P.O. Box 1200. City of Costa Mesa, Finan· ce Departn1ent. zip code 9Z626. Oman said there are about 6,000 li- censes issued each year. . . OAILY "ILOT Sllft ""'19 Jeffrey Ort.!i;a. n rapa~o l11rl!an from Arizon a, makes friends with .Jeffrey R.t'r, Ci, 1lc~t ) and fh11s Fn~lc r. 7, bot h of Costa fitesa. during ··fr1end~inr dt111tc •at Fr~li.nn l'l:ind in r\e\vport Beach. Ortega and I ndi an ~ t r1.:11 rh1 c" nthrr '.1 j,~n·1 :i tribes demonstrated dances Thur~­ <l:iv .lr~.1 1 \ ,."rl ( ! r ts \lltC v.c1t ch 11:g and he asked Uiem lo join hi1n fnr fr1c•11d:,!11p tlanc.:c. --. .., '• l h --~ ..... ~ - f A.GLECR[ST C R A.l fR \ ~ORTHCOMPLEX ~~ .'\750M£TfR :" ~~ CRATf:lt !·:, ~,r--,..._ PLAINS .. ~i..>....... --........ C HAIN It '-,. C RATER I EVA-3 I ' J---ti "--,..;...>-· . ....... ' . .... . ~ ..... ..(" ELBOW CRAT E R .... .• . ~. . ••• ... ;. ""' '" _, <. . .. '. .. : -~-~ .., :.·; ., . •, .. ... ..... .. .. . --~-;. ~··-·-... ~ ,_..,,,. . .. .. , ·.}"' BRIDGE :~._,~::t. C RAl E.Rf:·•.:..-"':t. . -.'!Ji .. , :. _ ..... ,,., · .. " U"I Nt .. Mu THIS IS ROAD MAP APOLLO 15 ASTRONAUTS PLAN TO FOLLOW ON LUNAR SURFACE Scott and Irwin Scheduled to Explore Near Hadley Rill• in Their Moon Dune Buggy Senate Fails to Shut Off Lockheed Tall\: 31·d Time WAS HINGTON (UPI) -The Sena te Fri day refused for a thi rd time to stop a filibuster against a loan guarantee bill to shore up lhe Lockheed Ai rcraft Corp. and other ailing big businesses. 1"be Senate voted 53 to 37 against in- voking cloture -seven voles short of the necessary two-thirds majority of those present and voling. As the House look up identical legis!a· lion, Speaker Carl Albert, (D-Obla.), and Republican Leade r Gernld R. Ford of f\·lichigan said the leadership of bot h parties would supoprt an an1ended measure authorizing only a $250 million loan guarantee for Lockheed. Ford said he believed th at House pas· sage of the Lockheed-Only measure, ex· peeled later in the day, would break the Senate fil ibuster. The Sena te bill would guarantee a $250 million loan for Loc kheed as well as authorize guarantees for up to $2 billion ror big firms whose collapse would hurt the economy. Lockheed has said It needs a loan by Aug. 8 or i t will face bankruptcy. Congress is scheduled to recess for a summer break Aug. 6. A consortium of 24 banks, which already loaned Lockheed $400 million, said it would not loan the firm any more without the guarantee or repayment. In an agry hour of deba te before the vote, Lockheed proponents and opponen t& blamed each other for colla pse of a com· promise and accused each other of hli busteri ng. Sen. Wil!lam Proxmire, 1 D·Wis.), Lock.heed 's leading foe, cha rged that backe rs of loan guarantees for the aerospace gian t had refused to limit the bill solely to Lockheed because lhey "are afraid the Senate \.\'Ould reject Lockheed on an up-0r-down vote." Proxmire said backers Y:ere insisting In a general $2 billion Joan guarantee bill -under \.\"hlch Lockheed could receive ils $250 million backing -just to "make the Locklieed bail-out more palatble and less odious." "Is the Lockheed pill so bitter it has t<t be sugar.coated before it can be swallow- ed by the Senate?" Proxmi re asked. "Let us stop playing games .... lel us ealt a spade a spade and get on with the business of the Senate."' From Page 1 CRASH • • • Japan's northernmost island of Hokkaido. Lt. Gen. Tsurayuka l!hikawa, vie• c.+ilef of staff for the air self defense force!, told a news conference that Ichikawa had only 21 hours at the con· trols of the F88. He said be believed there v.·as an error 011 lhe part of lhe F86 pilot. Norihiki Yatabe, dil"f:dor of the prefeo. tural poll ce here, said he was planning to arrest Ichikawa. The worst prev ious air accident v.'a! the crash of Venezuelan Vlasa DC9 on tl1arch 16, 1969, in Marac11ibo, Venezuela. The crash killed 155 persons -84 In the plane and 71 on the ground. Today's V.'as the seCQnd air disa.ster in Jap11n in a month. On July 4, a domestic airliner c11rrying 68 persons crashed on the island of Hokkaido, k.Jlling all aboard. Leukemia Month Set ?11ayor Robert Wil son has proclaimed September "Leukemia Month" in Costa ~fesa and Is urging all citizens to supp:.irt the 1971 Leukemia Society campaign in raising research re11earch funds . From Pagel APOLLO ... back dou·n to 50,000 feet -the altitude dellired for a proper de~ent approach. That was well above the highest moon peaks, estimated at 30,000 fee t. "Th ink: you can miss th em?" asked ground control. ''That's up to you guys," replied Scott. Tracking stations ma intained a close v;atch on the astronauts' roller coaster path. An hour after awakeninr, the astronauts turned on their color television camera and beamed back a stark, de tail• ed view of the 15,000 foot ApeMine moim- tains east of their valley landing site and the deep canyon bordering it. The view swept by quickly and was gone 1n seconds. "That was very fast," said Scott.. As Apollo 15 moved toward the dark western side of the moon. tne deeply shadO\.\'ed lunar terrain was awesome. Mountain peaks sparkled in the sun as if capped v.'ith snow. "All systems look good,'' reported ground communicator Robert Parker. Parker added that command ship Endeavour's powerful mapping camera h11d a problem "v.11Jch may or may not be seriow'' but ht dld not elaborate. Rock Fest Fan Slain NEW YORK IU Pi l -Dozens of rock fans .at the Forest Hii is Music Festival watched in horror Thursday night as one youth stabbed another to de11th outald• the world-fam ous tetlnl s stadium. Kerry Flaherty, 21. who police said was on parole from the state prison at Elmira, N.Y wh ere he servM time on rob bery and ~g charges, was held for the stabbing. The dead youth was iden· tified tentath•ely as George Etheriege, 22, v:ho was attending the concert by "The \\'ho"' at the stad ium. WAREHOUSE SALE NEWPORT STORE ONLY SAVINGS TO S0°/o AND MORE ON FURNITURE l•rPie s•l•ctlon of dlscontinueds, factory damag•d, and odda·and-•nds m•rchandi1• at a fraction their original co,t. All m•rchand i1e In "AS IS" cond ition on a fi rst comt basis. All 1ale1 art fina l. * S•v•ral Dining Tablas, Oval,, Rounds & Ped•stals * Mlsc•ll•n•ous Dlnin9 Ch•irs * Odd Night Stands * Mi1c•llaneous Occasional Tabl•s * Discontinu•d Head Boards * Oth•r Misc•llaneou, & Ml1matched Items SAVINGS TO S0°/o & MORE ON DRAPERY FABRICS Hundred1 of yards of the f inest. In Drapery f1brlc1 at close out pric•s. Some bolts with limit.ct y•rdage. Other groups to 60 yards. Fabrics for every room in th• house at v•ry apeclel prices. Don't weit, th••• fabulous buys won 't fast. SUMMER SALE CONTINUES Stop by today •nd ha'V• a look at the Largest sel•ctH,n of quality m1rchandls1 in the •r••· Many select groups from such wall known lines es: H E N RE D 0 N, HERITAGE, DREXEL, THOMASVILLE, MARGE CARSON1 &. SHERRI LL upholstery on sale now. For fh• fln•1t irt styl ing , quality, ••l•,fion and ••rvlc•, try Ted von H•m•rt, lnl•rior1 DEALERS FOR: HENREDON-DREXEL-HERITAGE HIWl'OIT STOii OPIM fllDAP 'TIL t NEWPORT BEACH 1727 We1tcllff Dr ., 642·2050 OP~N FRIDAY 'TIL 9 ~· ... ~_ ...... Professional Interior Daslgntrs A'Vallabl._AID INTERIORS ""•'"'Tell "" M"' er Ore",. Cev11,,......140·126J LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Coast Highway Phone: 494-dSS 1 -- • 'f -,, l ... CHECKING •UP• Nagging No. One Gripe of Huhhy s By L. ~1. Boyd NOW THE POJ..lljT!:R.S !'llY Uiey know what's wrong with wives. Rather, what husbands <'laim is wrong. In order, these complaints, it'a sakl, are: No. 1. nagsing. No. 2 , et.· travagance. No. 3. doesn't stay home enough. No. 4, g06Sips. No. 5, leaves tile ho~ messy_ Our L<ive and War man is puzzled. This list of the top fi ve includes neither "flirts" nor ''snores." That's odd. llA \IE WORN leaky boot..s all right, but never any made by Kee Kee Boot & Shoemaker, Ltd, of No. 4, Peking Rd ., Kowloon, Hong Kong, a real firm. . . IT TAKES ABOUT six seconds for food to pass between the mouth and the stomach. Going do"·n. Wald\ this space for all the clinical data fit to print ... FIRST on that brief list of bedtime attire most popular "'ilh women is the shorty nightgo\ol.•n. Nylon pa- jamas are ~. IMIYS a lingerie maker. ''WHAT DO THEY put in thal mixed drink called the 'Cellmate'?" inquires a Toledo customer. Understand that's a legal moonshine known as White Duck. Mixed with Dr. Brown's Carbonated <.:clery Juice S<xla. What, you've never heard or Dr. Brown's Carbonated Celery J u ice Soda? First c arbonated beverage in the world. Made in Brooklyn in 18112. Still around, evidently. HUMOROUS ANECDOTES about domineering wi\•es 21bound. But just try to tum up .a. humorous anecdote about a domineering husband. Aren't any. Th.is comes up becawie an oHicial asks if T ever speak to lunchron meetings. Not anymore. Did once. Included in the monologj.Je a fanciful tale about a diminutive wife who finally cured her huge brute of a husband from beating her. By bashing him en the nose with a poker in his sleep. Some n1as1er of parlor comedv narrated it to me once. ·His art v.·as sucll the humor rolled . My art was not. The audience sat chilled. Oh, T. the wonn! Never again. There is no laughter in the meanness of a m a n , remember that. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. ''\Vho said. "He flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions'~" A. 'n1at was Stephen Leacock. 11e also said: l. "Men are able to trust one anolher, luwwing the ex· act degree o{ dishonesty th£>y are entiUed to expect." 2. "The parent who can see his boy as he really is would shake his he:id and say. 'Willie is no good; J'll sell him'." HOW i'\tANY WORDS can you recall v.1th five e's and no other vowels" Besides "ef· fervescence and "sleeveless· ness. Not many, if any, l'll warrant ... "YOU CAN AL.- WA VS tell whether a woman is a secret drinker," contends an expert on the alcohol dodge, ''by how many da ys or the month she !eaves her b!lnds drav.'n." RAP ID REPLY: No sir, it.'11 known citizens in the i r tv,•enties buy twice as many mobile homes as citizens in their sixties. Your questions and tom· ments are welcomed and will be used in CHECKING UP whe~ver possible. P lease ad· dress your letters to L. fi.f . Boyd, P .O. Box 1875. Newport Beach. California 92660. Non-polluting Truck Designed by Fow· Men PERRIS (AP ) -Four men Minnich, v.·ho has worked as 1ay they have adapted a 1960 an engineer in aerospace prD- pickup truck Lo run ()TI a mix· jects, is now owner of the Per· ture of hydrogen and oxygen ris Progress, a weekly that does not emit pollutants. nev.•spaper. He and three Dwight B. r-.finnich. one of engineer colleagues have the four, said Thursday that worked on the project in the they chose the hydrogen·OX· nev.·spaper garage during their ygen combination as the basis spare time since January 1970. ()f their experiments ~cause John C.'hao. an engineer v.·ith the fuel mixture v.·ould burn the state Air Resources Bo::ird v.·lthout harmful leftovers. in Los Angeles, v.·Rtched a '"The best way to avoid demonstration of an earlier pollutants is not lo make them test vehicle. a 1930 t-.1odel A in the first place. rather than Ford pickup and said 1he 1972 l T.S. Car Costs To Spiral DETROIT (UPI) -Two lhlngs are clear about the cars U.S. automakers are building for 1972; they'll look a lot like 1971 models and they'll cost m<lre money. Ford Motor Co. and Chry•ler Corp. have informed their der.lers that wholesale prices for 1972 cars will be anywhere from $IOU to $200 more than for 1971 models. Creneral Motors Corp .. the largest of the big three automakers and the usual price-setter, isn 't saying what increases they a re an- ticipating. But Gt\1 surely will announce a price hike. GM Chairn1an James J . Roche said Mondr.y recent wage lncreases were partly responsibl e for pushing up prices. Roche. in a televised interview, said the way !o halt inflation was to make American people aware of labor's unrealistic de1nands. He said wages are exceeding productivity and this hM made prices so high that U.S. ind ustry is prici ng itself out of the international marketplace. l·lo.,..·ever. United Auto Workers President f ,eonard \\loodcock took Hoche to task Thursday. "G1'1"s recent pl'"Ofit state· merit n1akcs a mockery of its icleims about inOation." said Y.'oodcock al a news eon- ference. He said GM's ,;rigid price· profit formula" tha.t nets 20 perce11l~ on invested capit11ol after taxes "makes the U.S. market particularly suited for Japanesi> and German auto makers." \Voodcock called prlces In- creases • 'tot a 1 l y unwar· ranted." Nader Ca ll s VW's 'U nsafe' LONDON IU PI ) THIEF STOLE 'DEATH THOUGHTS' FROM TAPE Mrs . Lyn Hel ton With Daughter Jennifer Dyi11g Mo11i Loses Menioirs to Thief DENVER (UPI) -Lyn Helkln Is only 20, hu! she's dylng. She want.s lo help others facing similar situations, but a young thief has interrupted her plans. The mother of a 20-month -old infant hAs been record· ing her personal thoughts about death as part fl f a research project. Earlier !his week, a young boy, believed to be aboul 9-years-old. broke into her h<lme end stole her I.ape recorder and the tape she had been making. Mrs. Helton, dyln~ of a rare bone cancer. saw the youth as he was escaping. TherP was nothing she could do since she v.·alks only with the aid of crutches. The stolen h1pe, conta ining 1'1r~. Hellon's personal thoughts _on deelh, . was being n1ade in a projPct to help others v.·1th fatal d1seAses. A spokesmen for the woman·~ physician said the project could be a valuable contribution to medicine and psychology by helping others to mentally face terminal diseases. h-lrs. Hel ton, wire of a rnusicien, said .lihe wants to publish her. recorded thoughts to provide an insight into the fears, ~·orr1es and hopes or a dying mother. Consumer advocate Ra Ip h Nad er t oday called Volkswagen's "Beetle"' model "the most hazardous ~e.£ on the road" in lhe United State!.11=-~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:::iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Nader, in an interview on 11 lhamcs lel.,ision·s '' l_h Is TH~ VILLAGE WEST week" pr 0 g r am • recom-f l NE ART S I CRAFTS CENTER mended the German auto f SUMER FlSTIVAL manu acturer recall a!l the 4 NOW IN FULL SWIN• milllon ''beeUes" in use in Am.,,· ea 7fl LotM llO Cftftro11 llood, L119••-f,.. Porll---..o11f4•fJfD f:="~·~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~::;:;;;:::;:;;;:;;:::;:;~~::;:;:::;: ~ Smallpox Vaccin e Har1nful? WASHINGTON (U PI) The Public Health Service (PHS) Is seriously considering a rec<>mmendation to stop the routine vaccinatlon of millions of chlldren and travelers for srnallpox, government health officials said today. "We are about at the point of suggesting the risk of reac- tion to the vsi~·cine is greater than the ri!k ()f getting smallpox in the U n i I e d Stales," said a spokes1nan for the PHS ttnter for disease control 1n A!lan1a . Hea lth sources In Wuhington said the highly in- fluential PHS advisory com· mittee on immuni1.atlon prac· lieu has decided already to recommend a change in the government's policy of recom- mehding routine s rn a J l fl o x vaccinations but will not an· nounce it forinally until this fall. Disease center officials said a decision has not been reach· ed PJthough !he adviS<>ry com· mittee is seriously considering a <'hange. -.. ---- ~ KWIZ lqc) AM UDIO • All TH! GOOD SON8! IY All Tift • i WIN FREE! IT'S EASY : i 1971 Austin America R ~ CASH (Lots of it) I ,: Hundreds of other prizes ~ s • - Sond a po1lcc rd, or th e cllochod coupon with your name, address and .zip code, Includin g phone number tor KWlZ, Sonia Ano, Calif· ornia, 92703. = ~ il I ~ r----:"~:"::::-"_"_'.~'.'..------, i I NA!WIZ DREAM WHEEL Ii ~ I ~ !II ADORES I § ,_ TY I g :i!CI I· m• ~ ~ 1 s= ~ PHON I ;;! l L --------------------~~J i ~ Listen for your nante on tht air ·I z ~ i 1480 ON THE AM DIAL !!! • KWIZ 1480 AM RADIO• All THE GOOD SONGS IY All TH! ~ SEE Explosive l.R.A. World Championship BOY'S CLUB OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ·:'.if ··" ...• ,, ... - Real acllon with cowboys competing on rough broncs and r_ugged bulls for top prize money and world championship points. SHEUE FIELD, HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL LE NOW I TICKETS ON S1' uD WESTERN STORE TOP HA~ 17151 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH Sit., July 31 2 and 8 p.m. Sun., Aug. l 2 p.m. ADULTS $2.80 17 T•ors •lt4 U11dfl- l/1 r11.1c1 'Abusinessman wi$hingnewacquaintances must be prepared to meettheni . ' -Mark Scott to try to clean them up af-engine started ell.'ii!y and tan terward," he said. ___ 1_.'_'~m~oo~t~h~IY~--------J.~=====:y:"":::Att::tn::"':'t.d:::'°::l'U::::lrl>oe==°"::::':•:'"'::U:=::•:•:··:•~P~"""'=:l:•~t=•=fil=ty=pe=,...:;~'~....i~=uo~ti~-on=·=""~til~th~•=-~·~n~th~o~f=A~UfU'~~l=#~<2~F~•~hl~·;on~r.t..d.;!;~~Fw1h~~·~·~I~n!~o~rna;~"~-.. ;,~64~•-~7~62~0~-~~===J SATURDAY JULY 'one-stop' shopping at its finest! OPEN MONDAY & JHURSDA Y EVENINGS 'TIC 9 ONE DAY ONLY 31 10 TO 5 I I ,,,.. -- • --- DAILY PILOT E DITORIAL P AGE -Cityhood Blocks Ahead I-lope~ for an Irv ine lncorporat1 011 eleclion lhis year ire rapidly y.•aning. Sponsors ol the cityhood nlovement had wished. and determinedly worked, for an August vote of the peopJ p_ '!'he Council or Comn1unit1es of Irvine had pl otted lhe incorporation course, tonscientiously studying \.'.'hat a city governmen t wouJd mean to residents, They had some definite high-powered help from the planning department of the Irvine Compan.v: in add 1· lion. learns of citizens scrutinized virtually every facet or the change from county lo ci ty co ntrol. A subsequent petition drive round a vast maJ(J r1ty of re sidents favoring cityhood and will ing to call on the Board of Supervisors to schedule an incorporation elec• ti on. 1'hose petitions wC're filed more than lwo months ago. Santa Ana demanded the future cit y give up 9:JR acres nf prime industrial land. bul a judge JUSt lh revJ out a court s uit on the is:-.ue. Santa .'\na has vov,ied an appeal and this \\•ill cost at least l\\u or three n1ore "'eeks. \Vhen the lltigalion is resolved, there are indicatio ns the issue 1nay be stalled by some 1nen1bers nf the Orange County Board of Supervisors or by the L-Oral Agency 1''ormation Con1mission. While there has been son1e t onfus ion over their to.Je from this point on, it does appear some supervisors will at least try to reduce the boundaries of th e city as a means of getting the issue back to the LAFC. yvhat would happen before LAFC is a moot point al this stage. Its chairman was ousted th is week and it's uncertain right now h ow a majority feel about Irvine cityhood. . Some interpretations of state la\v say that the board can do noth_ing more than formally schedule an eleclion, but Supervisors Ronald E. Caspers of the Fifth District Honesty ls Not t11e Way To J(eep a Job 11-' \I .., ' ' -' I , ' :-! T!""~tJ4' (;~j' "). ~i) I : J a~k @ Cfersouv . · l ·~ ·~ .. t •I ,,,~~.j In June. a lop ford executJve warned fhe publ ic about safety problems in General Motors' Corvair. Henry Ford JI, instud of praising his aide, has11ly tt'lephoned GM Chairman Jame! Roche lo disassociate Ford Motor from the ·wa rning. Now . the Ford official. lfarlt'y Copp. rnay go lo !he chopping block. There are reports within Ford that the company for which he ha,. worked 25 yea rs is going to lop on 700 of 1,000 men in his division. Copp's peculiar lesson in the dangers rrf corporate honesty began in Ma y. Al that time. GM said its now-discontinued Cor vair doe sn't roll over any more than •·competi tive cars of the same era," in- flud in,1? the f orrl Falcon . COPP !!AD engi neered !he falcon, waJ> proud of it, and took the GM statement llS a bla1:int insult to his car and his com· pany. Hr \\'rot e Senate Commerc~ Chairman \\'arren Magnuson rD-\1.'ash.l. telling h1n1 or rhe 1959 f'ord tests of Corvair-s l'.h1t:h showed lhey rol!ed over lar !no ras1lv When Ht.>nr.v Ford II he ard of Copp'~ lcller to Magnuson. he su1nmonetl in1o his pl ush oHiCt>.~ Vnrd V1l'e President W1lhaJn Innes. legal adviso r 1 lank Nol!" <1nd ot her.~. The 1alk wali MO! about hnw In keep up lhf' firf' no G1'1. but how to c:onl ii \\111h h1~ ::11dr~ bf'llide him, Ford ran~ 11p Gf.1 C:t1a1rrn an Boche . lnstt>arl or roasting f:M for its insult tn !he Falcon. Ford assurC'd Rocht tha~ he did 1101 ap. prove Copp· ... Ir.lier and that Co pp was <1ct1ng on his Ol!.'11. Dea r Cloon1y Cus I suppose now thal the Costa Mesa Parks Department ha s covered up the shuffleboard courts al Te\Vinkle Park with dirt because they didn 't have sidewalks up to them. thcv will probably cover up the tenn{s courts next. -J K. H. Tn;, i.11u•t •1fl1tl• r11d•"' .. 1,,.,, ""' n..;1u•,,tv tllo•• •I lllo ""'"'PIPtr ~ond •our ... , PllYI ,, GI ...... , G\H, P•ll• l'llol. THE DISTRESSED Copp, aware hv now he was in !he do~hou!'oe for his belief in free enterprise and l·on1pctit1on, of. fered to quit his job /ls rlireclor or engineering and iechnic:il SITVl<'C.'i. Innts!*an old rricnd, talkf'lt him uut of 11 , but gave him no public suppo rt. \\'hile morale droppt'd among f'otd engineers who worked on the Falcon. Copp sat Light. But rumors spread that f'ord himself had ordererl another 11 c r. technical nian, Bob Graham, Lo begin taking ovrr part of Copp's rlil'ision. ll was 1hen that Magnuson . fearing Copp"s fate was unc:crta1n. wrnle ;in energetic private letter lo llcnry Ford II in an effort to preserve Copp in his job. "In speaking. out againsl erroneou." slalements of the f:eneral Motor:1 Corporation," said r-.tag nuson, "r-.tr Co pp distinguished himsrlf as a person who is committed !o thr Ford Motor Con1pany and lo !he public .. ,"' LA WYER NOi.TE conced!'d tn us Iha! (;rahan1 might be getting a ncw 1ob. but said he had no knowledge 1! was at Copp's expense Ali In the Hoehl' r ail , Nolte conftrn1cd Fnrrl 1narlt> 11 Bu1 it "'aq •·1nformat1vc." not 'apologct1r '· L"o pp declined ('Or11mcn1 footnotf' /\ r1uest1nn no\\' haun11oii con- sun1rr :idvoc:iics is v. hv r orct r!1rl not 1naki> pu blic in 19fl9 1\1> t r~t.~ :-.hoY.·i nJ,l Cnr\:urs h::irl rlangerou~ rollo ver !en- •lcncil'~-Lil'cs n1lghl ha ve bcrn ~avcd, an1I (;f.1 1night ha V(' correcle1l !hf' perky little cars before Ralph Nader sank 111 ' teeth u1tn lh em. l!ard-con1pe11ng olrl Henry Ford. Sr., Henry ll 's grandfa ther, would cerlainly ha ve fol1nd a \Vay of making the trsts puhlic. Paradox of C1·eativit y ThouKht~ al Lari': \Vhatever JS a product or thr moment 1~ qui ckl y dated: !ht' paradox or creativi ty t.~ that the only work that is .. llmelv" 1.'i the work that i! timeless, · lt takes a11 much skill lo "·atch a game Intelligently as il doe!! lo play 1l ; at a high-level tenni.8 match, for instance, the games a~ seen by mos1 of tht' spectator~ is nOI at all the g~n1e the players are engaged in. The concept or "profil "' 1:i1 lhe leoi ~t understood 9f !Ill eco~mlc terms -hy ------t'riday, July 30 , 1971 The tdik)ri<il poge of the Dailt1 PiLot ieekl to inform and stim- ulate r•ader1 by presrnting t>ii.s neW'l'CJ>V'• opinioi:u and com- ~ntar~ O"ll topics of 1ntertJt and lig11ificanu. by providing a forum for th• ezpre11ion cf our rtacUr1' opin ion.t. and by pre1enting Ute diverje vil!w- point.i of Informed ob.ttt'VtTI and 1pokl:.tm.tn on topics o} tht dou. Robert N. Weed, Publisher -' Sydney J. Harris ' ' l . -) tmploye rs no less than by employes, bolh of whom use 11 as a fal se standard for bargaining. One ol the rcasnn5 so many n1ediocre men enter polil.ics is that it.s !l&ndards are delightfully !ov.• Pveryone· who has nol yrt gone to jail i~ considered a ~ honest. and everyone ~·ho is not blatantly lool1sh 1s considered shrewd. When a ~re<1t dt';il \;; cxpteted or 11 rh1ld , ~either rise~ lo I.he expectation or is crushed by it. ::ind thi! Is v.·hy an ex· pecta!ion that 1s not realistic can cripple a d11ld as mo ch as drprecation does, The true mark of the bigol js thqt he j5 never ablt lo underst.nd the prime necessity for disagreement amo11g. peo- ple , looking upon his 11d veruries as belns:: nnl.y $tupid and stubbom: he should reflect upon the wisdom of the old Yid· dish proverb· "If all pulled In one dir~· Hon, the world Y.'OUld kt'f'I over ·· ln a romn1!'rr1ally-do1n1n•ted ~oc1el,}•. qi_1rtl1t1t.~ 8rP li ke con1mocUt1cl'i ·· onl v lh<'lSt \.\'hich are 1n dcn1:ind arr cultiv;11rd: ~nd •·e have no cau~r to complain thR! pNlpl'e are '·,1;plf1;.h" whrn sellishnc~:1 coni· m.and s no J)r~CP 1n lhe market. • Ju1s, in lhe past, said he lhi.Jtk5 it has more authority than that. '!'here is no just cau.se for further delay. Cityhood supporters have met their legal obligatlon8, and residents are literaily begging for sell-government. Much more delay would forte cityhood backers to ask the vote be put off until late next summer; the cost savrngs lo be realized by starting the city in the early months of a fiscal year are too great to ignore, since the county v.•ould provide most services at no extra charge through the following June 30. ;Line-up' l1n p roves Behind every public man there stands a private \l'oman. 1'his 1s "'hy ~1ayor Robert P.t Wilson has s urrounded l11mself 1vilh portraits of city cou11 ci11ncn'5 wives in hi s new fifth fl oor Civic Center Office. Mayn r \\lilson fir1nly believes the five couples' com- bined 166 years of wedded bliss, (33.20 is the average) d emonstrates qualities essential to good, s table govern· tnent. v.•hich JUSt could be. l\1ayor \Vil son intends to be in the first official n1a yor's office each day to meet and hear the public. HP. inight have begun sooner , if not for a bit of distaff dis· content. Seems some of the councilmen's better halves want· ed new sittings and the pictures had to be re-taken by the police department's official portrait artist. After all, a man whq.se specialty is straightforward mug and profile shots with a row of booking numbers underne:o.l h ordinarily does n't specialize in seeking the most fi r ·ing angle. c U11eu1pl"y·1t1e11t, lnflati"'' U11cl1ecl£ed Economy Running Off the Track President Nixon's economic policy is very clearly in danger of running off the track. lfe has been unable to control i11· flatlon , government spending and the s11.e of the deficit. Inside his administration controversies nare and there may be a b!ow up. \Vilh lhe cosl of livLn g rising in pursuil of inflationary wage settlements, Lhe budgrl has gotten ~ nu t of control again. Secretarv of th e '·' Treasurv Connally ., . has hlarldly con fess-er·~-. rd lh;it the federal • 1 ~ : ' drfici t. for the Fiscal ;~· •. ye::ir JUS\ ended a~ -;---., rroachl'S $2.'l bilhon. --· For the new fistal year heaven knows ,.... · '<l'hat 11 will run to, probably another Sift or $20 billio" or more. and in any case far more than the President estima ted when he submitted his budget estimates to Congress last January. Nn one needs ::i rixalion on budgrt balancing to reali7,e that snrne!h ing ili wrong when lhe govc rnrnl!nt's chief financial officers can't come within $8 0r $10 billion of estimating how much the sovemment will spend. NOR IS A PH . D. in economics much help in explaining why the Nlxon pol icies <1ren't work1n,1? a.~ they are supposed In. t.:nrmplnynient and idle 1 n du ~ I r La I cap;ic1ty have fa iled to halt the r1.~es in hoth prices and wages . as i1 wa~ sup· poi;cd they \.,.ould anrl a~ would sccn1 natural 'T'his could go un a long t11 r1e. a\· cord1nf.: lo Ferte ral Reser\'e Board !"h:iir111an ;\rthur Burns. \\hn 1s as ::is1on1shed as anyone else o\'er the mulishn1:~~ of the econorny. Th1'rc ::i re lilrong tnC'n 1nvnlvert now 10 economit poliry One of them L'i Rurns. Ano!her i~ Serrl'!::iry C11nnall.v They dn nnt a~ree. Burn~ says we arrn t 1naking pr ogrf'Sli agai nst i11fl ation. Connally say~ we are . Burns wants wage and price re:;train ts Connally i~ lhe spokesman for rlo1ng noth ing that 15 not alrearly be1n~ <lone . This is reminiscent of condit ions in U1f' .Johnson admin1straUon which Nix.on ~o severely critici7.ed in the presiden tial campaign Nix.on charged then that 1he former chairn1an of the f'' e d e r a 1 Rese rve Board. \\'illia m McChesncy '1art1n hflrl "bt'en Jell ho lding the bag" by President Johnson. BY REFUSLi'1G to pul the nation's fiscal a Hairs in order. Johnson forctd Chairman '-iartin to assume the v.·hole res ponsibility for curbing innation, Nixnn charged. That resulted in a ''stop-and-go" policy of monC'lllry restraint and ease "in which every altempl lo slow dowfl the ex- pansion of the money su pply has been defeall'd by the urgent necessity to finance the treasury's huge deficits,'' Nixon charged. The treasury i! still having hug~ deficits and holding back inn<1tion ~fill scem:1 In be the main concern of the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Nixon, at the rresent pace, may riv11I Johnson in building up the huge dC'fic1t~ which hr says brought on the inflationary spiral he inheriled, But Burns has ~·arned !hat ll he has his By George ---, Dear George : I think toda y's young women Are very penni5.c;,ive and it seems i;omelh1 ng should be done .about it. It w9sn·1 like !his whtn J was young. OLD TIMER !1e11r Old Timer· Quit brooding : we can't win 't.m 1111 None of us 1~ ,1:ettu1i:: any young er. Ri chard ~1ilson "'ay the Federal Reserve Boarr1 "'111 not charge up the rnoney suppl y to give Nix- on the "very good year" he desirt's in 1972 1r !hat mf'a ns conti nuing Lhe present rate of expansion. If anything, 1t is ex pected th;1t Hurn!' 1v1ll 1ry to tiJ:hie n up credit d the :\1xnn admin1strat1on dncsn"l mo1·e. lo"·ard wage ;ind price res1raints. "'J'fll INFLATION proceeding •·at llolh unacceptable ancl dangerous rate" Burns is becoming increa singly insistent on the establishm ent. of a board which would pass on major wage and price decisions before they are put into effect in private indust ry. How much ,i::ood this would do is, of course. debatable. The moral effect of JlOvernmen t disapproval of wage and pnce decisions ha.~ worn pretty thin . But 11 would be a be ginn ing of what is called an "1nl'Omes policy" on the British pat· tern and 111igh! ul\Lmately lead to greater J!Over11 n1ent 1nlervenlJon in s u c h rlf'C1sinns Ho\\' long Nixon ..:an hold otl1 ag aJnst such intervention will quite evidentl y de· pend on the course of economic events which are not easily predictable in the light of experience. Nothing like a $25 billion deficit was In the Nixon "game plan " when he took of· rice. He was talking then aboul cutting back expenses and pursuing "sound" fis· cal policies -not necessarily a balanced budget all lhe time but 11othing like the Johnson runaway budgets. Thal"s all down the spout now. No con· fident White House pronouncements have changed lhe figures on consumer pric@! rises and everybody knows il in his own pocketbook. 'I'm Proud of You, Dick~ "Dick, rle;ir . you really Rre workin,i:: tno hflrrl I rJo wish y11u'd try to get away " "Let rne be prrfrrtly candid about this, Pat. I an1 plan ning a !ri p. I am plan- ning a ! r i fl to China." "Oh, that's nil~ clear. You'll hav e such fun talkin,I? nvc r olcl t1mef' with I h ,. f:rncr:i!1~simo ;inrt i\l ad :i m e Ch1ani:; •· .. 'iol thrl1 t'h1na, r:it othC'r China" "The other "·hal ~·· '"The other China You know. the onf' l'niman, AfhP~On and !hr Democrats lnst 25 \Pill'~ i!(.:O .. •·you (01111'1 11. rlr:ir"' !low \lf'rv r\r\'rr of ~ ot1 The 1l1>n1nrra!s n1ust be dying of f'mhflrr<i~:-.n1rn1 \!.'here hfld iL hr.e n h1d1n,; l!self all lht>s e yf'::1rs?'' ··.Ju st lnsidr l)u1rr l\1onJ:Oli a and n\'e r lhr hill from Nepa l. It's not a placP ynu"1! th ink to look " "I'm so glad ynu round it. ricar. I nollc· ed the globe in your study 1s fully round again and il looks much better." "TllANK YOU, rat, !h;i nk VOi! Naturally, I wished tn ins pect my finci So I sent my most trusled aide nn a globe circling Lrip. At one stop he secretly !lnuck off In Peking, unbeknownst to a soul. to wangle me an invitation to din· ner .'' "How Ingenious, dear. 1 just knew Spiro couldn't really be playing golf day after day in all those foreign place!. He must be very proud of the way he deceiv. eel the pres.~." "Nol, Spiro. Pat. Henry . Spiro was very busy discussing freedom of lhe press with the heads of variou s totalitari11n regimes and studying the ex· Ample$ of leadership set for American N~roes by African military dicta tors." ''l'rn i;:lart Spiro has other hobbie$ than .'?"Olf. W!'re the Inst Chinese happy you had found thcn1 a! last~" "I e:innot, ol cour~e . speak rnr all ROO million of them, Pa t. But they ha1't' ac· cepted my invitatlon to invite me for 1' visit I have lhll.'l announced that I wlll undrrtake this journev For peace for the benefit of all mankind ." "GOSH, DICK, If you could .sign a trea· ty of friendship wilh 800 million Chine8e it would certainly be a blow to those dirty Commie rats in the global Red con- "Pirecy." "Let me set the record straight. Pat These Chinese arc rl 1r . , , Tha t is. thl"y Art. rightly or wrnn,itly. of thP ('r.1n· munist per11uasinn. But I h11 ve long felt pe1H:•e Is not R partisan Issue .'' "llow long h8\'e ynu ft'tl 1h.11t, 1lt'ar~" ''Ever sin,·t I learnf'rl hn"' pnpulRr my proposed tnp hR,. made me. The Art Hoppe Hepubl 1t:ani; are jubilant. The f)emocra(.~ are specchl('llS. Evr.ry co lumn1lit and rnmmcn1a1nr 1n the country en1·1sions a new era of hum:in brotherhood .and unt\'rrsal unrlerstand1ng " "Oil, THAT'S w1•ndC'rful. dear. I'm s0 prnurl 0f vnu for f1nd1ng China arter all lhCSl' \cars' "\\1Cll. Hi be pcrh'c!Jy frank , Pat !her e are problems. Our right-wing allie! 11 rt uneasy. Our European friends are con- cerned v.·e are turning toward Asia. So is every Japanese exporter. The Russians, suspicious we arc conspiring against them. may sabotage the SALT talks, thus increasing the danger of nu clear war. And Chiang Kai-shek has at last asked us tn unleash him ~ so that he can invad• Cali rom1a." 'Oh, Dick. are you sure finding China \.\'as a good thing?" "Confi dentially. Pal. for the first lirnr In 25 ye ars . I'm bcg111n1ng tn think Truman and Acheson were nghL to lost 1l in the first place." Y ou're G1·eat, Too, /(id There is ;1 saytng rh:it flatte ry "'Ill get you nnwhrrr That may be true 1n hell. v.•he.re promo- t1n11 i~ slow, but tf 1s ('Cr(atnly untrue on l'arlh. This is a pl~ce whl!re hrrad niay keep you ahl'e but it is the butter on ii that make!li the taste memorable. flattery 1s as nee. essary to the ron1- mon run of men as medals are In gen- erals. Generals like •. to pin medals on each other whether they really d~rve them or not, The rest of us like to pin kind worrls on each other whether lhey are true or not F.LAITERY may strain your sense ol fantasy, but It isn't much of a strain on yo ur vocabulary. Here, for example, are a few admiring phrases which. if learned well and used often enough, should take you from the warren! of the poor to lhe. precincts of the powerrul ; "1 don't know how you do It.'' ''If anyone else told that story. il wnuldn 't be half as funny.'' "I simply won't brlieve it until you show me the licar." " • .\nyone bu! you would havt given up long 11go.'' "Ynu mu:1t be kidding. I'd guess you lo be hill! that old. Where do you get )'tlur drinking water -from the foU11lain of youth?" "Well, If If! any consolation to ycu , 1'11 tell you th\1 -when your kKl's at our hnu!ie she. acts like an angel from he!'lven.'' "Wh11t do you mean bfld? You'rt a Jong, k>ng way from beine bald.·· "THEY C'.AN call It 11 martini ii they w11nt to, but I don 't think lt"!i a real n)t1rtinl unle~~ you m!'lke it." "Ynur biggest I.rouble i5 lhat you're Loo kind for your llWll good " "Well , I'll say lhls : you 've ccrtalnly set -"' Hal Boyle them a good exan1ple. 11nd ir they don't follow it. they 'll have only themselves Lo blame in the end.'' "How rtid you say that ag;iin~ T wan1 In write it down in my little notebook so l \\'on't lorget it.'' "Oooh, you're so strong !'' ''ls it really you? How nice it is to hrar your voice. I was Just thinking of you.'' ''l'D TAKE up the game myself If could play it like you ." "The world wouldn't be the 5ame without fOU -and I can say that in total honesty." "Boy. ii I relt like you look, I wouldn't have a holler this side of heaven." "Man, ar~ you a sight for sore eyes!" "On you 1t looks good ... "~ what's so terrible about ii~ Everybody makes mislake$: now .and then. If you can't. learn lo for,itive yourself. how can you forgive others?" Simply memorlzt these phrase!! and liay them to everyone you meet, 11nd you'll never ha ve an~· trouble borrowing money. Quotes U. S. Sen. Hiram F'ng, Hawaii, ad· drts11ln~ S. f'. c0mm t nccmen t -"We have learned U1e perils of over-In. volvement : n{lw ~·e must avoid the perils of under-involvement.·· Carol}'ft Stontr, 18, Bt'lmonl, nr" Ml•s Californl• -"I "grtt "'it~ \\'Omr11 ':1 llii as far as job opportunlly and pay beinR eq11at. but I dn enjoy being a air! and being teminlnr:. ". ·----------~ ---.~ A -'-... • I \ , I I -' .~~ .. ~ . ~ ·-·--.-·r • -. - Saddlehaek EDITI O N Today'• FliUtl N.Y. Stoeb VOL~. Ntsr. 4 SECT!t so PAGES * TEN CENTS Lion Countr y Animal Appraisal As ·sessor Hinshaw to Tal{e Tiger by the Tail By BARBARA KREIBfCH 01 .... 0•11'1 l"llet Sltlf Last gummer, when Lion Country Safari moved Into its new 50!}.acre home in Laguna Hills, Orange County Asessor Andrtw Hins haw l'iilW some taxing probleml'i in his future . Hinshaw is 11n old hand at assessing homes, hosts, orange groves, shopping centers, ball parks and other county at- tractions, but the prospect ()( fixing thP: valu~ (){ a thousand or so assorted animals and birds, most of them from hair way around the world, loomed btavy. car Bar ltlelee • Last year the animal pre5erve \\'as Just being installed on as!essment day, March I, and it was relatively liimple to ap- praise the land ($3,931,200), bui.ldings f$230,000) and personal property, which include! equipment, furnishings, etc. ($10.000). The anima\5 had not yet arrived at the preserv e. "Next year it will pose a far more difficult problem," mused Hinshaw, whose only experience in assessing animal.o; at that point had been in the less oopulated Japanese Deer Park. On March I, 971 , H.inshaw's men UJ>' ped their appiWilsal of Won Country land to 4,283,200; t.he buildings to a whopping $4,524,000; and the personal property lo $681 ,000. The animals and birds, more than 1,000 strong, were hidden in the latter figure in a lump sum valuation of more than half a million dollar, Hins haw explained. "We took what the company reported to us in terms of their dollar cost and they put the amount at over half a million," said the assessor. ''Our policy, if personal property for a single taxpayer exceeds $50.000, is to audit the figure they submit every four years. This will be done with the figure for the animals at Lion Country so that new animals can be added, or dead ones subtracted." However, he added, within the next two years he will attempt to get a bead count of the Lion Country population by species and compare the rompany's dollar cost figure with the e5timate of his own ap- pra!sers. "One appraiser in the office already has the assignment," Hinshaw said. •·tte•s visiting zoos and so forth to check on animal values. He seems to like it." The task confronting the animal ap- praiser will involve fixing the current omen ts value of some l.200 animals and birds, ln· eluding about SO species of each. Conceivably he should ha ve little trou- ble appraising 13ll lions, ~ rhinos, 23 cheeta h, 9 elep hants Md 1$ hippos, but what he will do with 10 Vervet monkeys, 3 gnus and one zebu-yak is anybody's guess. A Lion Country spokesman commented, ''It's kind of like the stoc k market Prices of animals go up and down according to supply and demand. It's amazing how they fluctuate. Then of course there'1 transportation U we brlng them from Africa. And last weekend alone we had 11 Brawl Ill Tustin Ends • Ill An angry man v•hti marched out of a Tustin bar early this morning after a dispute with other drinkers and came back with two buddies and three guns died moments later at the hands of what investigators de1cri&cd as a howling mob cf patrons. All three men were the victims &f multi ple ttab wounds a.i; knives flashed, a 5ingle shot wai; fired and bottles and glasses were thrown in the 1 a.m. me.Jee at the Woodsman Tavern, 14258 Newport Blvd. The dead man had still not been iden· Ufied at press time. Several of the many bar patrons being interviewed this morn- ing by sheriff's officer said they knew him as only "Ma c." Mac's two companions have both undergone surgery at Orang:!: County Medical Cente r and one ()f them, James Fennell , 34, home address unknown, is in critical condition from multiple stab wounds. His companion. E!c') J ones. 33, home address unknown, is recovering from surgery for his stab wounds and is listed by nurses as satisfactory. lnvestigatori:: ;ire Loday p j e c i n g toget her details of the incident. The y do not have the re ason for !he P olice T each ing Rifle, Shotgun Safety Course South Coast area residents fr om 10 to 18 years old are welcome to enroll in the next basic rifle saf~ty course taught by San Clemente police officers Aug. 7 at the police firing ran ge. Boys and girls are eligible for the $2 course which will blend basic fireann5 instruction with hunter safety. Successful completion of the four-week course will yield· a hunter ~afety certificate. Shotgun firing also will be of· fered. All instruction is provided by memben of the sponsoring San Clemente Peace Officer's Association. The group provide!! all lireanns and ammunition for the J.ctivity. Navy, Marines Open Recruiting Office The Navy and the Marine Corps have opened a recruiting offict in San Clemente. The office, includtd in the recent authorization for dozens of new recruiting centers. is an attempt by the Armed Forces to boost volunteers to compensate for the decline in draftees. The office. open daily, 111 located at Hit N. El Camino .Rell, Suite 5. The Navy's recruiter Is Richard Mauarella:. and tht Marine rec~r' ls: S. Sgt. Patrick Melim. The center's phone number for both bn1nches is 492-4M$. ---' Killing quarrel, but they do know that Mae left the bar and brought two men back witb bim. "After that,'' a bar patron said, "all hell broke loose." No arrtsts had been made this mom· Jng. lnvtsligators were still conductin g inqWries at the bar and lnterviewine witnesses t& tM killing. Immunization F or 7 Diseases Slated in Clinic Tmmunization against seven diseases will be offered lo South Coast area adults ind children Thursday in a clinic at San Juan Elemeritary School. Sponsored and staffed by the Orange Coun ty Health Department, the clinic will of fer immunization age.inst polio, tetanus, Gennan Mea sle.!, red measles, whoppirig cough, diptheria Md smallpox. Hours are from 9 a.m to noon and 1 to 3 p.m. County Health Educator Tom Cone reminded parents lhat California law re- quires all kindergarten-age children be immunized: against polio and measles before starting 5chool. Special emphasis 1n the Thursday clinic will be for area youngsters l\'ho will start classes this fall . Officials added that parents should not wa it until their children are of school age before beginning immunization series. Diphtheria, polio, tetanus and whopping cough vaccines should be administered to a child two months old. Three separate \1accinations at twc>month intervab are suggested. Parents attending the clinic are asked l.o bring immuniution records of their children. RAIL STRIKE CAUSES MILLIONS OF DOLLAR S WORTH OF LETTU CE TO BE PLOWED UNDER H•rry D1vi1 of D'Arrigo Brot. Check1 D1m19e to Lettuce in Field at S11in11 Railroad Strike Spreads N ixon Calls Meet; California Fields Cu t Off WASHINGTON (UPI)·-The United Transportation Union spread its &elective strike over work rules to six more railroad5 today and President Nixon .summoned the negotiators to a White House meeting to express his con cern for the shutdown's growing economic impact The strike shut off the last rail link to the Southern California vegetable and fruit fields -the Santa Fe -and fo r the first time hit plants In the heavily in· duslrialized areas around Chicago and St. Louis and the Steel mills near Pit~burgh. The While House said Nixon wanted to encourage the two sides to reach a volun- tary settlement, but sources said the Administration was preparing legislation to force an end to the strike if persuasion failed. The UTU and the rail negotiators 11greed to meet again following the White House meeting. The UTU represents con· ductors. flagmen, brakemen, firemen and some engineers. the Southern Pacific and the Norfolk & Western on July 24. The strike has idled thrte of the 111ix major transcontine11tal routes -the UP from Omaha to Los Angeles , the SP from New Orleans to California and the Santa Fe from Chicago to California. San Clemente Beacl1 Drain As Nixon worked to end a rail strike. he faced the prospect of a steel strike at midnight Saturday. Negotiations between the steel Industry and the United Steel Workers continued in Washington , and there were some reports of progress, but the big steel companies began the pro- cess of shutting down their furnaces in anticipallon of the strike. Planners Ask Kiwanis Park Projects Review Plans Still Gather Dust Plans first aired last year lo construct unique draiM lo release brackish water from two be1chside lagoons in San Clemente apparently are still gathering dust on County Flood C'.ontrol Dislt\ct 1he lve1. City Engineer Phil Peter, who designed the two proposed drains to east a chronic problem at the city beaches, 11id that almost a year has passed S:inte the idea was submitted for a county grant. "We haven't had even a nibble on them yet." he said. The engineer pnpared drawings 1how· Ing methods of draining the Llgoons 11.t North Beach and Poche Beach, whert wave and tJde action bullds a barrier acroM the mouths of Oood-control chan. .. ~. The idea, Peter said, was to install drains similar to a bathtub to allow the water to seep into the sea. Even if the pipes were covered with Pnd. he reasoned, the water could still bickle out. City councilmen agreed to submit the projects · to the county dlltriet for •Po proval and po,sslble funding._ The two ,Ja1oons both lie beneath the Santa Fe tracks, and at Poche, pcdc1trl1n acccu routes have been developed along ramps built abow·the black. odoroua wster. Cltiu:n c:Omplaints are lttquenl there. I ,....,. Today's rail strike brought the number- of lines shut down during the last IS days to to. The lines accOunt for more than on~third of the nation's rail freight capacity and employ 160,(IOO persons. Picket lines began appearing at 6 1.m. loce.I time on the steel·hauJing Bessemer &. Lake Erie in PeMsylvania and spread westward lo· the giant Ollcag~ Catiforola Santa Fe: the or&-htuU-ng IJUlyUi, Mesabe& Iron Range; 11nd-tllroe indus£r1ftl ,termlrial and tntltehhig roads -the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern. tn the Chicago area. the Al9n &i Southern tn St. Louis and the Houston Belt & tenn:lnal. Foor major'llne.s In the !louth •nd wtst were shut down prevloualy -the Union Pacific and the southern on July 16,'.and • • . .,.. __ _ • San Clemente planning commissioners have ordered a review of a Klwanls- sponsored park project by the city parks commission. The park, proposed for a small plot or acreage at A venlda Granada and the San Diego Freeway, would occupf 1urplus state freeway property. Ai the parka commlulon reviews and studies the Klwahl.s offtt, city staff wlll continue seeking a. decl.aratlon,,_of iurplus from the. State Divsk>c) <>lH.lahwaxf. • City councllmen atready .had gant~ ln:prlnclple apprJ)val far the parks· plan and asked cit, commlas!onera lo atudy details" KJwanbl rnembcr1 propose to • raise funds and provlde m~terial1 and man- power for the v\!ta park which would be equipped with, benches, a t.leacope and other permanent atructarea. • -~-.J -.... ,,j,. ]lfd-~ 1.. • lion cubi!i born here. •. but some of them may go to other preserves." One thing assessor Hinshaw knows fof' sure: Lion Country has given Orange County's total assessed valuation a real shot in the arm. From a total 197B appralsed value of $4..171 ,200 It has leaped to a 1971 figure of $9,488,200, with new buildings and tho animals accounting for the jump. And with 25 percent of that figure eon· sidered as the taxable a.!l.Se113ed value thil.t means taxes on $2,372,lllO, flowing into the county office from tbt anJmal preaerve. 0 0 Separation Comes After Unplugging SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - The Apollo 15 astronauts were unable to separate their landing craft. Falcon, from the mothershlp on acbechµe toitay tG start the descent to the 'moon's surface. They quickly found the trouble was an unplugged electrical line. After repairs, the separatlon filially came smoothly at 11:111 a.m. PDT. 'Die trouble had loomed a5 a major hitch In the mission and it came just before David R. Scott and James B. Irwin were prepared to set out on man's most adventurous exploration of th• lunar surface. Ground controllers tmmedlately told Scott, Irwin and Alfred Worden to check a power link between the two docked apacecraft. Ground controllers said lhe a.stronaut1 llad 40 minutes to carry out the un• docking without delaying their scheduled 3:15 p.m. (PDT ) landing. The astronaut& were in no danger because of !he pro- blem. Scott Jll'ld Irwin were in the de9cent ship. the Falcon, al the time. Worden re• mained behind in the mothersbip, the Endeavour. After a quick check, Worden reported that an umbilical line between Ule two craft was loose. 1'he astronauts earlier checked out the lander and reported all was in order for the descent to the moon. "Hello Houston, lhls is Falcon," Irwin messaged his ground controllers. "Everything Is in order up to this point, as far as the checkout goes,'' Scott reported from Falcon at 12:12 p.m. EDT. Before Falcoa was manned, the thret astroneul..s shifted their orbit to a slightly higher, more comfortable altitude. The Jow point of their path had dropped futer than expected, to 45,500 feet. A brief rocket burst raised it lo 58,300 feet. Weatller Swmy skies are on the aeenda for the wttkend. with temperaturet rising to 72 along the coast and 90 Inland. Lows around 60 In bot.b areas Saturday morning. INSIDE TODAY A rchatologJcai Research l~. of Cotta Meta conc1rn1 Jtsc!/ with Che conitant battle of Vt'll old VfTIUS v•rv new. Tra.ctt of ancient inhabitant$ are bting los t to progre.11. See ator11 Pa.gt 9. -·~-.. ' ' ' ' I 1 ., I I ,f -• • ' OA.tLY PILOl New AEC Rulings Will Delay On of re Complex By JOHN VAL TERZA ot 1111 O.llY PllM si.n -~ «lllrll 1111 by tho Atamlc 'Enll1l' Qoniinlam wW dolly, boll not Jeopardiu the proposed half·billion-dollar nucle11r gene:rating C1lmplex al San Onofre, utility 10urces sald today . 'Ille del1ys were first announ~ed late Thursday by Edison Company offic1a111 in Loi Angeles. nie new standards }or the elaborate cooling operaUon.s ln commercial reac- Doomed Jet 'Should Not Have Flown' Special to lbe DAILY PILOT PASADENA -The El Toro MCAS-b1• ed jet fighter that collided with a jetliner over the San Gabriel Mountain!! June ~. killini SO persons, should never have flown due to serious defects. Violations of Marine Corp• regulations in the fact it wasn't grounded were told Thursday by the commander of Marine Aircraft Group 13, as testimony con· tinu ed in a federal investigation. The worst midair collision in aviation history that occurred today -under almost identical circumstances -wa:s a heavy topic of disc us.9ion during morning recess. Blank spots tn radar coverage of the area where the F4 Phantom and a Hughes Air \!.'est DC9 with 49 aboard went down were also mentioned in the disaster probe. Colonel Orville R. Davis, commander cf MAC 13 conflrmed prior testimony to radar and oxygen system defect:i at the National Transportation Sa fety Board bearing. Conclusion is expected today, but the four-man panel's eventual findings 1s tG the cause won't be announced for at least a year. Mexican Snake Victim Termed In Fair Shape An illegal lmmigr1nt who survived an nrdea\ after being bitten by a rattlesnake early this week at San Onlfre remained in fair condition today at Or11nge County Medical ctnter. Juan Perei, 21 , who was bitten by the viper before dawn Monday as he avoided a Border Patrol checkpoint, has suffered some tl111ue damage In his right arm rrom the rRtUer'd venom. The lmmlgr1nt klld authorltles he trled to administer first aid to himself after being bi tten as he walked somewhere along the new San Onofre Bluffs State Park. Peret used a belt I.! a tourniquet and tried to make cuts around a single fang wound on his forearm. He had been walking for three day1 from the border when the incident oc- curred. Border Patrol spokesmen. who said they had been told Per.cz stand!. a chan~ of losing the limb. said the young man wou1d remain at the medical center until h!J treatment is ended. "Ai soon as doctors rele;ise him from tre11tment," a spokesman for the patrol 11ald, ·•we'll have a hold on him [or illegal entry." Afu:r procesa:lfli, Pere.i will be deported to Mexico. OkAN•I COAST DAILY PILOl 0",t.NOll C.Oll.IT PUllllHIMQ. <°""'••NY ••\.•1t M. w,,4 ,....:Ot•'ll tl'lll l'WMllllff" J•cl-R. Cwrl1v \lkt Prwlt..,r '"" Ottltrtl MttwOll' Tiit'"'' IC11"il •~nw Tlto"''' A. MYr111'l11t Mt,..111>9 EOllllr Ch1rltt M. Looi Rlch 1~ P. Nill Anl1i.nt ~,..tl"IJ E~i:or, l ..... lettclli Office 111 f9r11t A•lllWt' M1ili11t t441•U: P.O. I•• 6•l, •2l5t s.. c1-... Office lOS North 11 C1.,.1110 Reil, •2•11 °"""' Otfk" c-11 M111• »O Wnr ''' ltrftf "~ a .. ~111 WS IO'<f*t< 80t.o 1\'lf'I! M1tH1!1'11t011 11Md11 11111 klcll .... ,_..,,,... DAil Y P1l.OT, ... no ""''do II ~IMf lk .. -~ It ...... ""' .. lltlly .. , ... t ,_ "'' "' ..,.,. .. tlllti.nt ... Ut11tt1 ... (,,, ....... , 11-'1. Clolll Met, Hlll'!llltlM ~ ~ttill \11ti9f, $91'1 Cit-ta/ C11111..,.,. •'Ill lt ... 1,,•dl, 1i.o. wlllt -"'lltl\tt .. ,.... P'rlM'"I .,"''"" •1•111 110 •I ,.. W.t h)' lfrte/, Gliltt MHt.. T.tcp•1 1 1714) 142-4)21 Cl.ullle4 .. ...,.... .. 642-1671 S.. Cl1a1 ... Al Depsrt ..... 1 , •••••••• 4f2"441t ... L..-. ......... ·~·· ...... , Tel:ptns 4'4-.. ,, .~t, 1•11. Ot-1,... C:.att PVMll.lllllf .~ ... .,. lltw ....._ 11Wlt1. lllullrt!19111. ltlllftlt f .... lttf .. 1111""111-r. ..,.,.. rrity "' '"""'"vc"' .,,.1-r U>t<ll1 ,.,. ffli.tlll!I " """'""' -·· 1«"'4 dffl .,.., ... llllM .. N•-1 lf'C'I\ 111111 c .. tt MINI, c11lfftftll. ,.....,(1:rt1·i ~ c~·•l•r J>~ -~llll~J bV 0'"11 ' 1 llWl!lllJI mlllltry 4n!l"l11TI'••, 11.B '"°r ton will ereate months of deleys In thl!!! project calculated lo transfor1n 5&n Onofre \nl.O \ht world'• luiut nude.tr rener•Un& complex. The new ltlndarda are admlnlstraUve att.enbocD of last F e b r u a r y ' s devutaUng earthqu1lces w h I c h un- derscored the potential for damage to nuclur xeneratora in Sou t her n Cahfornia, an Edison spokesman sairl. Because of the new AEC standards - also urged by the State Public Utilities EAGLECRESl CR ATE R \ NORTH COMPlf:X ;"-"\ 750 Jr.A E"TER COm.inls.tlon in ill endcnement of the nuclur project -Edl.aon planne:rs will b<llil r«l<&i&nlnl Ibo coolln& tY•l<ml fa< Uri tlt!n liudear hleta!t. 'I1lt at.andardl do oot 1pp1y le the aalt.- \\'&ter syitems used to c o n d e n 1 e gener1lor 1te1m, but instead apply to the elaborate devices employed to keep the 1·eaclors lhemselves cool. Water in the se;iled reactor cooling system is radioactive. Scaw<1ter used in steam conden11er:s is • '\:' CR ATER ·'~!i{j:"-._.._._!:~INS /· .. ~ '· ........ CHAIN .. ' CRATER ', EVA-3 ,..,. ' J---. II' ... ........... _.."•·••-< f:LBOWCRAiER ....... *'-·,, .. ... , . . ~; , ., :·'.;t., . .. ,. ........... ·. . -,, 1'·) "# !•• ...... ,, .:..'/'.· B RIDGE ;.,, .. f .}'. -~~)·!J. C RA1ER).·, ~·• ... t . , .. --.. . -,·r -: ·-; '· . "' nol, and is dlsthll"led back Into the sea about 10 deit'tes warm.tr. The AEC order f0t mod11'1111ini tht n:actor cooling machinery C&llle. tut month and applied t.o nuclear generatin& planta 1n 1even 1Uiltl. 'nie existing reac- tor in San Onof,.. was included. 8ecause of the new rule1 hearing1 nn th& muslve San Onofre project have not yet been scheduled by tht AEC. Originally they were lo have taken place earlier Olis year. UPI t1 ... 1 M•• Edison spokesmen could not speculate CID Ibo IM&th ol cl<lay1 lo lbt project wblch bad beeo calcullltd for codlpleUoo and tote! operation ln 1m (the nrSt new 1enerator) and 1978 (for the :oiecond ). A few weeks alter the deadly quake~ in early February, Edison 1pok<?:l11len is.sued statements which outlined the fault structures in the :z.one where the proposed plants would be bill. 'The Chrlstianllos fault lies closest lO the aereage imme<11ately downcoast o( Ibo W.lin& ... cw. The Jona-donnln~ mJoor llaun 11 inalpable of producllll • major quake, according to EdJson 1eologists' reports. The two faults capal)le of producinii major quakes -the San Andrea1 and San Jacinto fissures -are far enougb a'.'·ay, they said, that any shocks fr<nn major quakes there could be adequately absorbed in San Onofre. 162 Die iI1 An· Collisio11; Worst in Flight History MORIOKA, Japan (UPIJ -A 22--yeBr· old Japanese student pilot on a training ml.>Jslon in an F86 Sabrejet collided with an All Nippon Airways airliner today, sending the 162 persons aboard the Boeing 727 to their death in aviation's v.·orst single dJsoster. Sgt. Yoshimi Ichikawa, 22, pllol of the FSS Sabrejet, parachuted to safety before his plane crashed. He had only 21 hours of training in the fighter. Aviati on and defense officials felt an error on his part may have cauged the disaster. Police said the fighter intruded on the air e<1rrldor reserved for commercial alrllners and said they \vould arrest Ichikawa for "professio11al negligence.' The two planes apparently collided in a i::lancing action at 2£.000 feet over Morioka in the northern part of the main Japanese iiland of Honshu 275 mlles north of Tokyo. The F86 plunged into a rlce p1ddy. The wre ckage of the trijet passenger plane spread ove r 11 wide area In the foolhllls of the Japanese alps. The ANA jelliner carried l S 5 passengers and a crew of seven. t.fost of the passengers -125 of them -were in a tour group made up of members ol a society for relatives of J a panes e servicemen killed in World War II. jetliner, had more than 8,000 hours n( flying experience. He was able to ge~ o(( a brief radio plea between the time the collision occurred and his plane crashed. "Emergency, emergency!" he radloed desperately. "This ls All Nippon. All Nip- pon, Unable lo control! Unable to con- trol ~" The pilot of a nearby jetliner who heard Kawanishls voice described It as "hysterical.'' He said Kawan!shl'a la!t words were •·unable lo control" before tht radio went desd, Matsaka Kato, 45, a teacher on duty at a school at Shizukuishi. a village \3 miles west of f\.forioka heard the collision and saw the jetliner falling . "I heard something like 11 clap of thunder and looked up into the sky," he said. "High in the air I could see a lot of smoke. There were five columns of white smoke coming from the wing of a big plane that was flying eastward. THIS IS ROAD MAP APOLLO 15 ASTRONAUTS PLAN TO FOLLOW ON LUNAR SURFACE Scott and Irwin Scheduled to Explor• Near Hadl•y Riii• In Th•lr Moon Dune Buggy The !one A1nerican aboard was Flight BngineC'r Donn t.1. Carpenter, J I, of Miami, Fla. He lived in Osaka in central Japan. His wife, l1uth, JO, returnep to Florida two months ago to await the fiirth of their !lrst child. Firm Will Abide By APCD Rules Pe11ding Trial Some ol the most exciting hours In the adventure of Apollo IS ere coming up let.a tonight, Saturday and Sunday. The: following Is a schedule of proposed times in the moon exploraUon. Readers are advised to cnnsult their te\£'\'lS!nn tor actu&l progr11.mm1ng fron1 the moon 111 lhat airing of Apollo events has been changed as dl'velr'lpment~ Q<'rur. Here is the schedule for lhe Apollo <::re11 TODAY 1\Nll TONlf.llT :i 03 p.1n.-Scott fJr (IS 1l1r falJ'1ln°s des· rrnt engine and the 25·foot ta ll rraft starts moving closer lo th<' \un11r surface. 3 l:J p.m.-Tourhdn11n f0r the falcon at its Apenn1ne·Hadley l11nar hasr 5:10 p,n1 .-Aiter (lpcn1ng a h::ilch ::il \he top of the Falcon. Scott I a k es photographs ;ind ,11ivcs to Mission Control a JG-minute description of the landing s1\c area. 5:45 p.m.-Thc top hatch Is closed. 7:3() p.m.-\Vith \Varden continuing his dutle1 aboard thP orbitlnR Endeavour, Scott and Irwin r;tut their first lunar surface rest period. 10:24 p.m.-Worden staru 11 seven·hour rest period aboard the orbiting Endeavour. SATUROAY 3 a m.-Ending lheir £1rst night nf ~l!ep 9n lhe moon. Scott and Irwin start. preparations ;iboard the f;ilco n to open a k1v.·er hatch and cUmb down onto U'le lunar surface. 5:24 a.m.-WGrden ends his command module re!l period. 6:24 a .m.-Opening the lower hatch, surface for th<' firs t of lhrf'C exploration~. They unp1ck Uie lunar Hover I vcl11clc for use on a four .mile trip to lhe edge of Hadley Rllle and to \he base of the Apen- nlne Mountain~. The; ~even-hour expedl· lion .also include5 placing five 1lcentlflc instl'Umenl4 near the Falcon for tran• mission of lunar d1h1 back to earth for at least a ytllf. 6:34 a.m.--Start or 1 llve &·hour and 40. minute: telec11t of lunar exploration~ with Scott and Jrwln turnlnJ: on , ~p«"Jal c11m~ra 1bo1rd Rover I while stopping the electrically J>O"'ered vthlcle lo 11ather aeolog ic samples. 1:14 p m.-Retumlng ~bo•rd l he Fair-on. $a'}tt and Jr\11ln ell'!~(' !ht lowtr hatrh to conclude the first cxptor1tlon period. •.39 p.m.-The lun <1r rxplortrs st11rt a rest period or 11lmost c!;:ht hour s. 7·54 pm -\Vnrden !>tilrl~ hi~ r.l cc.J) pC'nr>d :iboa t"d !he llrbltln:; En~ra\'Our Height Variances ,Set Saburo Kawanlshl, ~1, pilot or the ANA Mission Viejo Sliopping Center Map Approved A San Clemente firm accused of violating Orange County's cle11n air slan· dard.s in its rock crushing opera tio n has ;igreed to abide by the Air J>oJJulion Con- trol Distrlcl's regulRtions pend J n g Superior Court trial of the issue. For Planners' Ruling Creslline Inc. and the APCD reached the agreement shortly before both sides were scheduled to contest the allegations in a hearing before Judge J .E. T ... Ned'' Rutter. Laguna Besch planning commi!l.'lioner1 meeting on the eve: Of the hlfh rite elec- tion Monday v.·ill be asked to irant two variances to exceed maximum building height. Topplng the light agenda 1t the 7; 30 p.m. meeting at city halJ will be a re-- quest from a home builder to exceed the limit by four feet with a peaked roor. Howard Lewin, building the structure at l&o Fairview Road, I! limited lo a height of 15 feet above the 11treet level because the home Is on a alope. A second request before plaMers la from Charles Siordia, who want1 a variance to build 18 Inches above the 20 foot l!mlt on hls home at 258S KUo W1y. The house Is already under con1tructlon, a city spokesman said, but is currently under a stop work on:ler pending the out. Laguna Beach planning commlssloners Corps General Keynote Speaher For Dunn lJarbor A top-level ad!nlni~trator in !he An11y Corpi-of Engineers will r('p\sce Pre!>1dt'r1· 11:d r·nt1n.~ellnr Rnber!. f'1nch a~ g11i>~1 or honor at Dana Ha rbor's dedication Satur- day Brig , GPn. F. A Camm of the Southern Section or the Corp~ wlll deliver the kc)·nole address ;:it 1he 2 p rn. rites hernlflu1g the $.10.million harbor. Finch originally hid been scheduled to 11ttend the rites al the harbor entrance , but tills ~·eek new to Liberia to represent lhe nation 1t a st.ate funer11l, Gen, Camm will represent the govern. men! ag!ncy which d!slgned the harbc'lr 1111d adm lnlstered much of Its breakwater ronstruclion after testing a massive model of the facillty Ill a Missls1lppi laboratory. Gasoline Erupts lnto Fire; Sett Next to Heater A ga.l!on can of ga~ollnt sltl!ng at the ba~e of 11 wettr hel ter of 11 SAn Clemtntt apArtment exploded lnlo flame Thur3dey afternoon and caustd 11,&IO damagt to a l1undry room . r rre Chief Mtrton W. H11ckl'\t .98id I.he c11in, "'hlch w11s plutd bv tht heat!r without the knowledgt of the ap11rtrntnt o\\·ner , was Ignited by a gr.s flame. Dl'mt1ge lo lhe laundry room 11 the 1p11rtmcnt at 103 Carmtlo 11mounttd to $1 .000 to th e structure and $~ to con. tt.nl~. O\\TICr Edward J . Kilduff of Alhambra tnld fir('mr.n he 11.lway1 stored the g1'.'1oll n<' nt11r 11 mO\\'f'r In lhe p11tlo. But somtnnr mov('d lh<' c11n 1n recent d11y1. lt>ic kf'tt siild the mom w111 enau\fed In f111mt v.·hcn volunteer~ arrived . meetlng on the tve ol the high rise elec- come of the variance ~utat. The order to halt construcUon wa1 Issued after inspectors dlacovered the: already-completed portion• of the hou1e exceeded the m11:rlmum allowable height. In other matters Monday, the com· mission will con1ider: -a conditional uae pennll for Red Biron Volkswagen to operate an auto repair 1hop In a C-1 (CommercialJ zone at 1802Yi S. Coast Highway. -a temporary U9C pennlt lor the oper1Uon of a towing 1ervlce at 2225 Laguna Canyon Road. -a continued conditional use pennit for the A11 \1tance League to build a parklne lot in a J'f!lldenUal zooe 1t &47 Catalina Street. -a site boundary revision t.o relocate the common lot line betwetn the lots at 174 and 182 Nyes Pl1ce. -11 site boundlr}' revl1ion to create lwn building altes out of three: Joli 1t 1007 and 1015 Oro St . In Arch Beach Heights. Ora nge County planners have apprnved a subdivision map for 31)..ecre shopping c~tl:r to be built by the Mission Viejo Company In Mi3sion Vi<?:jo. The center, to be located south of the Intersection of La fai Ro11d and Marguerite Parkway, will house; numerous shops, a bank and a service statlon, according to company off icials. A company spokesman 'o\'M reluctant to discuss the proposed shopping facility pending negotiations with pr i v a t e businesses !eeklng space in the center. Ho .... ·ever, he noted the facility '\'OU!d pro- bably be in operation sometime during 1974. In granting. l\pproval <Jf the proposal, !he pl1nning commission said the eom- pahy ·would have to maintain the land:'!caping to be instc.!!ed a Ion g ~targul'.rlte Pa rkway until the county chooses lo take over the t11sk. WAREHOUSE SALE NlWJ'ORT STORI ONLY It is understood tha t Cr~tline. toot Camino Des Mares , will now limit it!: emlssioru rrom the rock pounding plant to 40 pounds per hour , Tt was alleged by APCD that hourly emissions of 200 pounds of dust and fume& had been recorded at the si1e. APCD conceded In the lawsuit that lhe firm had obtained a ~·et scrubber device v:hlch works In conjuncUon w!th tile rotary kiln and can considerably cut do"'n emissions. But, lhe lawsuit stated, the scrubbtr has not been U3ed at all times that th a kiln was in ope;ration and the result waa repeated violations of the clean alr code. The APCD wants $500 for ee cb proved \'iolation. Crestline manufactures a pellctiz.ed material that is used in many fnrms of road and freeway con~tructlon. The pro- duct is currently being used in con- -~tructiQTJ of the new Coron11do bridge in San Diego. SAVINGS TO 50°/o AND MORE ON fURNITURE larp.e s•lectlon of discontinued•, factory damaged. end odds-end-end1 merc.handlte at a fraction their original cost. All merch1ndl1e In "AS IS " condition on a first come baiit. All tale• are final. * Several Dining Tables, Oval1, Pede1tels * Mlscellaneous Dlnlnt Cha ir• * Odd Night Stond1 Rounds & " * Mlsce\leneou1 Occasional Tabl•1 * Dl1continutd Head Board• * Oth•r Mi1cell•MOus I. Ml1m1tched Items SAVINCiS TO 50°/o & MORE ON DRAPERY fAIRICS Hundr•d• of yard1 of the fin.at In Drepery fabrlea at clo1e out pric:e1. Some bolts with llmit1d yardage. Other group• to 60 yards. Fabrics for every room In the hou1e at very a,,.clal pric11. Don't wait, thes• fabulou1 buy1 won 'I last. SUMMIR SALi CONTINUES Stop by today and have a look at the largest 1election of quality merchandl1e In the area. Many 11\ect groups from such well known lines as: HEN RED 0 N, HERITAGE, DREXEL, THOMASVILLE, MARGI CARSON, l 5HIRRILL upholstory on ul1 now. For th• fin1lt in styling, qua lity, 11ltcfion and •trvic 1, try Ted von H1m1rt, lnt•rior1 DEALERS FOR: HENREDON-OREXEL-HERITAGE NIWPOlT STOii OPIM HllAP "TIL t NIWPO~T llACH 1727 W••tcllff Dr., '42·1050 OPEN PRIDAY 'TIL 9 A ProfH1lon1I lnterler 011ign•ra Av1llabl~AID INTERIOlt5 - LAGUNA llACH 3.CS North Coa1t Hl9hw1y Phone: -494-6551 • 1 . I ' I ;r-lo"" • • .... --. ' . ---- Lag1111a ~aeh EDITION Today'• Flaal • N.Y. Stoelu VOL 6'1, NO. 181 , ~ SECTIONS, 50 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, JULY· 30, ·1971 TEN CENTS Lion Country Animal Appraisal As ·sessor Hinshaw to Tal{e Tiger by the Tail By BARBARA KR ElBICU Cl 11>41 D1llY ~11•1 Sl•lt Last summer, when Lion Counlry Safari moved into its new 500-acre home In Laguna Hills, Orange County Asessor Andrew Hinshaw saw some taxing problems in his future . Hinshaw is an old hand at assessing homes, boats, orange groves, shopping cepters, ball parks and other county at· lractions . but the prospeet or fixing the val ue of a thousand or so assorted animals and birds, most of them from half way around the world, loomed heavy. Last year the animal preserve was just being installed on assessment day, March I. and it was relatively simple to ap- praise the land t$.l,931,2001. buildings ($230,000 ) and personal property, wh ich includes equipm ent, furnishings , etc. ($10,000I. The animals had not yet arrived at the preserve. "Next year it will pose a far more difficult problem ," mused Hinshaw, whose only experience in assessing animals at that point had been in the less populated Japanese Deer Park. On March I, 1971. Hinshaw's men up- ped their appraisal of Lion C.ountry land to 4,283,200; the buildings to a wbopping $4,524,000 ; and the personal property to $681 ,000. The animals and birds, more than 1,000 strong, were hidden in the latter figure in a lump sum valuation of more than half a million dollar, Hinshaw· explained. "We took what tile company reported to us in terms of their dollar cost and they put the amount at over half a million,'' said the assessor. "Our policy, if personal property for a single taxpayer exceeds $50,000, is to audit the figure they submit every four years. This will be. done with the figure for the animals at Lion Country 50 that new animals can be added, or dead ones subtracted." However, he added, within the next two years he will attempt to get a head count of the Lion Country population by species and compAre ,the company's dollar cost figure with the esilmate of his own air praisers. "One appraiser in the office already has the assignment," Hinshaw said. "He's visiting.wos and so forth to check on animal values. He seems to like it." The task confronting the animal ap- praiser will involve fixing the current value of some 1.200 animals and birds, In· d uding about 50 s~ of each. Conceivably he should have little trou- ble appraising 130 lions, 5 rhinos, 23 cheetah, 9 elephants and 13 hippos, but what he will do with 10 Vervet monkeys, 3 gnus and one zebu-yak is. anybody's guess . • A Lion Country spokesman o:immented, "'It's kind of like the atock market. Prices of animals go up and down according to supply and demand. It's amazing how they fluctuate. Then of course there's transportation if we ·bring them from Africa. And last weekend alone we had 11 car omen ts or Court IGlls Last Blocl\: To Election Preparations for the Aug. 3 high rise election in Lagu~ Baach moved ahead today as the SI.alt Supreme: Cowt's denial of a petition for a new Jl6ir1nt Oft the controversial issue removed tht iast legal obstacle to tbe Tuesday vote. While opponents of the 36-foot height lmmit ordinance indiCated they would continue to fight the legislation if It is adopted in the initiative election, membe rs of the Yes On Aug. 3 Com· mit tee were pleased, if not surprised by the ruli ng of the high court. ''All we \Vant people to th ink about now is 'Yes on Aug . 3," said writer Arnold Hano, spo kesman for the Village Laguna organiz.alion which launched the initiative with petitions bearing 4,000 signatures. J{ano said re cent legal maneuvers had clouded the issue for some end even persuaded a few that there would be no elt?ction. "\\'e v.·ant everyone to know the elec· tion is very much on and they do ha ve a: cha nce lo vote against high rise for Laguna ." Tech nical effect of the high l'f)llrf ruiln,I'.( was 10 release a "-Ttl handed dov.·n by the Fourth District Court of Appeal.~. a!. the request of attorney \.Villiam \Vi!coxcn. represe nting Village Laguna . and order- ing Superior Co urt J udge J. E.T. "Ned'' nutter to vacale his order to cancel the election. The appellate court's writ hfld been held in abeyance, pending the Supre me (()urt action. It now will be served on the co ncerned parties, includi ng attorneys for realtor Vern Taschner , y.·hosc original sui t sought to hall the election and city altorney Tl1lly Seymour, who ser ved as counsel for city clerk Dorothy Musfelt. The Supreme Courl denial of the hear- ing petition was signed by Chief Justice Donald R. Wright. who presided over a apecially convened conference tn order to rule on !ht hearing request before the eleclion dale. Normally petit!oos are con- HE'S DOWN ON HIGH RISE Pancho T1kes to Streets tsidcred on a weekly basis. \Vllcoxen, who had flown to San Fran. cisco 11> file his response in the Supre me Court action, returned to Laguna whoo !he court announced that no hearing y.·ould be held. He had earlier indicated his hr.lief, on the basis of precedent cases, that the high court would nol choose to intervene in the electi on. Meanwhile pro-and anti-high rise fac- tions rallied last-minu te support. The now·custoniary 'p r e -e I e c t i o n telephone campaign was launched and Yu. On Aug. J precinct Y.'Orkers knocked on front doors to make sure no one would forget the Tuesday vote. Although the court has indicated that validity of the use of initiative lo in- troduce the height limit ordinance will re- main open to challenge, anti-high rise groups are confident that a heavy vote in favor of a three-story height limit will , at the very least, strongly influence future City C.Ouncil actioru;. * * * * * * Man Slain By Patrons At Tavern . ' i ,; !>~-. ' ' ) . An anll"J m_..... marched tUt .flf a T\lstin ~ early thls morning &ft.er a dlipul> wttll ·o!Wr drlnken aod c.,.. back with two llllddies and lhrM l1J!ll dled moments later at the bands «. what lnvestigator1 .described Al a bowling mob t f. patrons. All three men were the victim! of multiple stab wounds as knive!I flashed, a single shot was fired and bottles ·and glasses were thrown in the 1 a.m. melee at the Woodsman Tavern, 14258 Newp<irt Blvd. The dead man had still not been iden- tified at prtS5 time. Severa] of the maily bar patrons being interviewed this morn- ing by sheriff's officer said they knew him as only "Mac." !dac·s two companions have both undergone surgery at Or11nge County Medical Cent.er and one of them. Jame.! Fennell, 34, home address unknown, is in critical condition from multiple stab wounds. His companion. Esco Jones, 33, home address unknown. is recovering from su rgery for his stab wounds and is listed by nurses as ~atisfactory. lnve$ligators are today pi e c i n i jogether deta ils of the incident. They do nol have the reason for the quarrel, but they do know that Mac left the bar and brought two men back with him. "After that," a bar patroD 1aid. "all hell brokt!. loose." No arrests had been made lhi~ morn- ing. Investigators were still conductin g inquiries at the bar and interviewin( y.•itnesses to the killing. Muskie Gets Back.er WASHINGTON (UP!) -Sen. Philip A, Hart (0.Mich.), has endorsed Sen. Ed· mund S. Muskie for president, tiaying the Maine Democrat is extremely competent, and electable, DAILY l'fLOT JI.ti l'Mi. Festival on TV Mia Kra~tz. Festival of Arts exhibitor. ts in the eye of the television came.·a here as sh e polishes bronze sc ulpture. The Thursday shooting of Laguna's art showcase is to be shown on KCET Channel 28 Mon· day at 7:30 p.m. It is hosted by newsmen Art Seidenbaum and Charles Champlin. Hi story of Sbifting. Earth Cited at Salt Creek Talks A history of earthslides .and the presence of .seeping underground water were cited as evjdence this week in sup- port of a proposal to build a retaining wall of boulders along Salt Creek Beach. would be made to keep the area as close as possible to its natural state. Plans for the project have already been approved by the et>unty building department * * * Access Measure 400 Donate for Yes Vote At hearings before county Harbor C.Om. missioners. county geologist Cecil Hollon uid the project would include shaving off some blufftopa and moving a million cubic yards of nil material to halt the earth slippage. Hollon said at least 1even separe.te ma- jor earth movement.\ have been reeorded recently along the secUon or bluffs and uplands directly upeoaat from Niguel Road. •To compoond the iroolem tile geologirt noted tha t underground water seeps through the material, addini tD the ilide probablllUes on the unst.e.ble Ga'pl..sttano fOnnatlon. For Salt Creek Passes Assembly More than 01 persons have thll! far contributed a total of $4,470 to help the Yes on Aug. 3 Committee'll campaign to have a height limit11tion ordinance adopted in Laguna Beach. The figures were revealed in I preliminary contribution and expense i;l atemenl filed Thursday with the city clerk by commi ttee treasurer Joseph Tomehak. Final figures will be filed after the election , he .said. Approx.Jmately haU the total 11mount came from some 375 donors who gave contri butions of less than $25 , In some ln- 11ta nces 111s UtUe as 2li omt.., Tomehak Mid . Hi$ slatement lii!ted the names of 25 persons who donated $25 or more tn the election cam paign , for a total of $2,242. The statement of dLWursements listed payments totaling $4.374' for ltlCh ltem11 11!1 nev.•spaper advertising, postage, rent of headquarters, printing, copying and telephone . The donors of $25 or more were listed as funaws : Helen McCallum, 1585 S. Coast, $1 00: L. N. Hoyt, 4&5 Pearl, PS; N. W. WUaon, 361 Heat KiUs Children MONTERREY, Mexiet> (UPI) Health aulhorities today awaited word from the poorer sections of Monterrey on lhe latest deaths in 1 heat wa ve which ha! already killed S7 persons here, all of them children. Pre-school age youngsters are dying off dally duririg the hot summt.r d11ys with the temperatures flu~tualiq 11.round 97 degrees in lhe shade. -·--·~ Hith Drive, $25; Jack Stanaland, 835 Nyes Place., $100; W. B. Forbea, 496 Cliff Drive, $25 ; Charier HaMan, 1585 S. CoB.!lt, $50; Olive C.Owin, Laguna Beach, 125: Patrick Spangler, 441 Aster, $30; Leslie Bell, '82 Amr, $45 ; T. Gunn, 843 Cliff, $50; J. A. Hirsch_. 1$85 S. Coe.ft, 1100: J. K. Turner, 1515 8. Coast,~; W. R. Cowan. 1585 S. Coast, tIOO. · A. Kuyper, Ledroil St., !ZS; Harry Jet. Irey, 323 Lo<;uot; 125: RAiph B<MOI\, 43$ Jasmine, $2$; .rosepl:l Tomchak,·J30·Cajon Terrace, $25 ; J. A. Klmer, Laguna Beach, $25: A. Pel~tier.~ Emerald Bay, US; Laguna Belch Civic 'Le ague !members' contributions earmarked for Yes on 3 Committee), $1 ,157; Roy Holm, 1250 Hillcrtal, $100; Vt?:rnon Blackman, fllO Skyl!Jle, $100; Arnold Hano, 1515 Blut!blrd Canyon, '40: Mmltt Trease. 1419 Bluebird Colzym, 131: A, Dcmetrladee, IJ75 ·Tcmple Hill•, 135. . -• --.- " Tbe earth movement. cxnild probably ~. halt.cl, Hbllott Aid. ·by bllil~g a wall of .rocks below. Uie bl4ff1 • .'TIWI wall, bo\1($'er~ ~Id e~r-li onto the sand portion ol'lh•·oocnlc,beleh> ho ad<!ed, The· encroadm)«rt meas11r11• about · &00 feet along lbe base or ,tM b]aff.s in the stretch of beach Involved· In th& propooed P'Olecl Hollon uld conUnulng elll'th slldu ,.aqld be "a certainty·• If tQe,project, to bo .do\'< by AVCO Community Developers ii not completed. • .. '_'lbod4'~l/WO'!ldJ)f~ly.be!p Uie-beach and mike.It be\~ lt•ll rXni/ .''"" ht. ~. noting ~flff." -eH.ort --- A bill Involving the waiver of certain publle prescriptive rights ln the Salt O'eek beach area was approved In • 83 to 3 vote in the State Auembly Thursby and sent to the Senate. The bill, lntr~ed ,by. Aaseqib!Jmon Rol>Ort' ·sadbanl (R·N•~ ll<oFb). would.perJDit,the ·state,. i<l -lll'.-be1"111 or the public; to 'l'~lve a~)' ure ,poibllc prescrlpijVe'. rlchti' in ,tile·, are1 <1r '.a purchase 'agretmenfbetwaeri tbe Or. County llorbor Department and A~au eomm:unlty Devtlopers Inc., ownara of the irO!><'IY. i! compleiecland approved by the State Lands Commllslon 1111d •at· tomey general. , Under the acreement. tKe county-wm&Jd P.W'cbu:e, for a.n estimated #.7 m1Dl4rn; ft "'"'"" ·lfeoch,,l]<oo i-rkj.og ~ l<illl; ln& }$.Jere$ and-lW6...x"ell nulMi~ lngl.11-amtt° 1 lion cubs born here .•. but some of them may go to other prtserves." One thing assessor Hinshaw knows for sure: Lion Country has given Orange County's total asses&ed valuation a real shQt in the arm. ]'.'mm 1 total 1970 appraised value of $4 ,171,200 it has leaped to a 1971 figure of $9,488,200; with new buildings and the animals accounting for the jump. And with 25 percent of that f.i&ure con- sidered a!'I' the taxable aeensed \'alue that means taxea on $2,372,060, flowing into the eounty office from the animal preserve. 0 0 Separation Comes After. Unplugging '1'.l~ ~ .. llJ!iili"'! <y,r.tl -'J'M ·Apouo lri utrenaats were m11h!t to separate their landlnJ: craft, Falcon. from the mothenhlp on schedule today te G ~ descent to the mbon.'1 awf1CL •, ''""""-!Q.'iifi'"""""-''iiitl !Ii ' ~7 ~ -1111Plidd flei!ttkal llrii. After repairs, the separation finally came smoothly at 11:16 a.m. PDT. 'Dle troub le bad loomed a.!I a major hitch In the rni.s&ion and it came juat before David R. Scott and James B. Irwin were prepared to set out on man'• m'ost adventUJ"oua: uplorauon of thli lunar surface. Ground controllers immediately told Scott, Irwin and Alfred Worden to check a power link between the two docked 11pacecraft. Ground controllers said the i.stronautJ had 40 minutes !,.,) carry out I.he un .. docking without delaying their scheduled 3:15 p.m. (PDT ) landing. The .astronautJ were in no danger because of the pro- blem. Scott and Irwin were in the descen• ship, the falcon, at the time. Worden re-- mained behind in the mothership, the Endeavour. After e qu ick check, Worden reported that an umbilical line between lhe twc> craft was loose. The as!ronauls earlier checked out the lander and reported all was in order for the descent to the moon. "Hello Houston , thia is Falcon," Irwin. messaged hi.!I ground controllers. "Everything ls in order up to this point, a& far as the chec kout goes." Scot• reported from Falcon at 12:12 p.m. EDT. Before Falcon was manned, the three aslron&.uts shifted their orbit to a slightly higher. more comfortable altitude. The low point of their path had drapped faster than expected, to 45,500 fee t. A brle[ rocket burst raised It to 58,300 feet. 0r .. ,. Ce•• 'Weadter Sunny skies are on the agenda for the weekend, with temperatures rising to 72 along the coatt tnd to inland. Lows around 60 in both areas S11turday morning. INSWE T.DAY Arehatologicol Re1t0Tch: Incl of Cc.sta Mew coneernr Ultlf with th« corutani bottle of oerv ol.d ver1iu very 11tw. Tract1 of oncitnt inho~it.ants arc bt{n.g l ost to PTO(/Ttli. ~·· li90(..Pagt ' 9. • --== ---1 • ----- _.; llAl LY PILOr New AEC Rulings -Will Delay Onofre Complex By JOHN VALTERZA 0:1 ... De'lr "II"" lllH "ew dtoJio crltula Ml by the Atomic t:nercY Commla km will delay, but nol Jeopardlu the proposed half-bUJJon-dollar nuclear generating complex at San Onofre, utility sources said today. 1be delays were first announced late Thllf'!day by Edison Conipany officials in Los Angeles. 'Ille. new standards for the elaborate coollng operaUons In commercial reac· Doomed Jet 'Should Not Have Flown' Special to the DAILY PILOT PASADENA -The El Toro MCAS-.ba foo td jet flgbter that coUlded with a jetliner over lhe San Gabriel Mountains June 6, killing 50 persons, should never have: flown due to serious defects. Violations of Marine Corps regulations In the fact it wasn't grounded were told Thursday by the commander or Marine Aircraft Group 13, as testimony con- tinued in a fede ral investigation. The worst midair collision in aviatio n history that occurred today -under almOft JdenUcal clrcum&t.ances -was a heavy topic of dlJCussion during mornh).g ...,, ... _ Blank spots in radar coverage of the area where the F4 Phantom and a Hughes Air West DC9 with 49 aboard went down were also mentioned in the disaster probe. Colonel Orville R. Davis, commander of MAG 13 confirmed prior testimony to radar and oxygen system defects at the National Transportation Safety Board bearing. Conclusion is expected loday, but the four-man panel's eventual findings as to the cause won't be announced for at least • year. Mexican Snake Victim Termed In Fair Shape An Illegal immigrant who survived an ordeal after be.Ing bitten by a ralllesnake early this week at San Onifre remained in fair condition today at Orange County Medical center. Juan Perez. 21, who was bitten by the viper before dawn Monday as he avoided a Border Patrol checkpoint, has suffered some ti&!ue da mage in his right arm from the ratUer'd venom. The immigrant told authorities he tried t.o administer first aid to himself alter being bitten u he walked somewhere along th!: new San Onofre Bluffs State Park. Perez used a belt as a tourniquet and tried to make cuts around a single fang wound on his forearm. He had been walking for three days from the border when the Incident OC· curred. Border Patrol spokesmen , "'ho said they had been told Perez stands a chan~ of losing the limb, said the young man would remain at the medic al center until his b"eatment Is ended. "As 900n as doctors rele11se him from trea bnent," a spo kesman for the patrol zaid, "we'll have a hold on him for illegal entry."' Aft.er processing, Perez will be deported to Mexico. OUNGI COAST DAILY PILOT OltANG;! CO.AST .. Ull llHING COMPANY l.•li1rl "· w •• 4 ...... :.cl••ll ..... """"..,.,. J•.t• Ill. Cvrlty Vici '"'-"'"'' ..... Geft.,.•I ltlo...,.g.,. Tlie11111 Kte'l'il Edi,., lt.-11 A.. Mvrploi11e M.MWt•nt IE•nw Cl.1rl11 H. loot Riclo1fll P. Nin Au1t1e111 AUnt•lnel l!d111ra t..t-.._. Offk• 121 f•retf Aw•n11• M1 ili11t 14lllr••: P.O. lcir •16, t2652 S... a.-. ... OHk• 30S Norffl lt Ce""i110 ~ •• t, t267? -0-C.I• Mft1• ~ w .. t 11r Slrtlf ... ..,..., a..c111 WJ N.-" ..... _,, H~t1111'9!! IMdl; llWS lt1tfl .,,.,ieve ... tors will create months or delays in the project calculated t.o transform San Onofn into the wDrld'a largest nu clear generating complex. The new llf.ndard!: are admlnl.rtrltive aftershocks of lut F e b r u a r y ' 1 devastattng earthquakes w h I c h un· derscored the potential for darnage to nutlear generators in So uth e r n Cali fornia, an Edison spokesman sa!d. Because of the new AEC standards - also urged by the State Public Utilities E.A G LEC R ESl C RAlE R \ NORTH CO~PLEX ifll ~7 50 MCT ER . ,-, 'J C RAlE R Commis&ion in lta endorsement or ~ nuclear pro ject -Ediaon pl1Mer1 will bqin redesi.&Dinl the coolin& u 11.eri\a for the '"in nuckar f'MoWrl. The standard.I do not apply to the 1alt- wate.r systems used to c o n d e n 1 e generator steam. but Instead apply to th!: elaborate de\'ices employed to keep the reactors themselves cool. W11ter in the sealed reactor cooling 1ystem is radioactive. Seawater used in steam condensers i!I APOllO 15 TARGET POINT not, and ls dl1ehqed back into the sea about 10 decree• warmer. The A&C order tor modtrnisln& the reactor cooling machtnery came lut month and 1pplltd to nuclear generating plants in seven at.atea. The existing reac- tor In San Onofre was Included. Becau3e of the new rules bearings ol'I the massive San Onofre project have not yet been scheduled by the AEC. Originally they were to have taken place earlier this year. CRATER •. ·: Edison spokesme n could not speculate en the length of delays in the project which bad beell cllk?ulaled for completion and total operation in 1975 (lbe first new aenerator) and 1976 (for the second)L A few v.·ffks after t~ deadly quakes in early Jo"'ebruary, EdiM)n spokeMnen issued statements v.·h1ch outlined the fault !!ltructure! in 1he tone where the proposed plants would be btll. The Chrislianilos faul t !Jes closest lo the acrea ge immedlat.ely downcoast of the elisllni n:1ctor. The lon1-dormant. minor lltsure ii Incapable of producl n& • major quake, according lo Ediaon gaologists' reports. The two faults capable of producing major quakes -the San Andreas and San Jacin to fi ssures -art fa r enough av.•ay. they said, that any shock.s front major quakes there could be adequately a bsorbed m San Onofre. 162 Die n1 All· Collision; Worst in Fligl1t History ..... ~, - !., ~\r '-,~';_!IN S .... ' ........ . . . CHAIN ii; ''> I ARROWHEAD I CSL~';~~R :~.· . INDEX / _.:--: .. CRAlER ·o / :~·:.~ ~ ~~~.. -.. t tORIOKA. Japan CUP!) -A 22-year· old Japanese student pilot on a training mission in an F86 Sa brejet collided ""'llh an All Nippon Air'A'ays a irliner today. sending the 162 persons aboard the Boeing 727 to their death in aviation's v.·orst single disaster. ji'll iner. had n1orc than 8.000 hou rs nf flying experience He wa!I able lo get off a brief radio plea be!ween th!: lime 1he coll ision occurred and hi s plane crashed. CRATER I EVA-3 I , "'Emergency, emergency!" he radioed desperately. ·'This is All Nippon . All Nip- pon. Unable to control! Unable to con- lrol ' '' -· J---t/ '--~ .:::>--" ••· / /"<'to FRONT \ ' / ;.;~"<''.,,~ CRATER Sgt. Yos himi Ichikawa , 22, pilot of the F86 Sabrejet, parachuted to safety before his plane crashed. He had only 21 hours of training in the fighter. Aviation and defense officials felt an error on his part may have caused the disaster. The pilot or a nearby jetliner who heard Kawanishis voice described It as ''hysterical:' He said Kawanlshi's lut \\'ords were •·unable to control" befo re the radio went dead. ~ '\ -{ _.. ~f.;f.0 ~~ ,. t -~ I EVA-1 -,,;J ! I ••••••• t' • ....... *.-. .. .( ELBOW CRATER .... ,,_.--,,: ... .;, ..... ,l ·'I) .J ~ .. ,_ ,=.~ ( I 0 ----'--:.,.... ~ -----... .. : }:t" "'··: -: . ~'):.·;., . •, .. ... ~""•• ·. --~·,!· !••. .• .... .. ·";-• L.,. -... BRIDGE :"i-:r, :"; ~ C RAl ERl~•.,•i .• . . . ,. •\. .:,. · .. --'•. . .,. r • -.. •. . :..:· . U"I N•w1 Ml• Police i;aid the figllter intruded t1n the a ir corridor reserved for commercial a irliners and said they would arrest Ichi kawa for "professional negligence.' The two planes apparently collided in a ~lancing action al 26 ,000 feet o\·er 1.torioka in the northern pa rt ()f the main J apanese island of Honshu 275 mile!> north of Tokyo. The F86 plunged in to a rice paddy. The wreckage of the trijet passenger plane spread over a wide area in the foothills of the Japanese al ps. The ANA jetliner carried I 5 5 passengers and a crew of seven. J\i osl of the passengers -125 of them -\vere in a tour group made up of members of a society for relatives of J a p a n e s e servicemen killed in V..'or!d \Va r II. Matsaka Kato, 45. a teacher on duty at a school at Shizu kuishi, a village 13 miles v.•est of Morioka heard the collision and saw the jetliner fall ing. ··1 heard something Jikf' a clap of thunder and looked up into the sky." hr said ... High in the air I could see a Jot of s moke. There Y.'t're fi\'e columns of white smoke com ing fron1 lhe wing of a big plane that was flying eastward. THIS IS ROAD MAP APOLLO 15 ASTRONAUTS PLAN TO FOLLOW ON LUNAR SURFACE Scott and Irwin Sch•dul•d to Explor• N•ar Hadley Rifle In Their Moon Dune Buggy The Jone American aboard was Flight Englnetr Donn M. Carpenter, 31. of r.1iami, Fla. He lived in Osaka in central Japan. His wlff', Ruth. 30, returned to F lorida two months ago to await the birth of their first child. Firm Will Abide By APCD Rules Pending Trial Time Schedule For Apollo 15 Outlined Some of the most exclllng hours in the adventure of Apollo 15 are coming up late tonight, Saturday and Sunday. The following is a schedule of proposed times ln lhe moo n e:tploration. Renders are advised to consult their 1elc\ 1sion for actual programming lron1 111£' ntoon in that airing of Apollo events has been changed es developments occur. Here is the schedule for the Apollo crew: TODAY /\'.\'O TONIGHT 3·03 p.m.-Scott fires th r Falcon's des· cent engine and the 2.'i-t0ot tall craft starts moving c\osf'r to 1hc luna r s11rl11ce. 3: !fl p.m.-Tnuchdown for thr Falcon at its Apennine-~ladley lunar bas!'. 5·10 p.m.-After opening a hatch at Lhe tnp of the Falcon. Scott l 11 kc s phoUJgraphs and gives If) !\1 1s.~1on Control a JO-minute description or the landing site erea. 5:45 p.m.-Thc top hatch Is closed, 7:30 p.m.-\Vith Worden con!lnuing his duUes aboard the orbiting F.nde3vour. Scott and fr'A·in start their lirst lunar surface rest period. 10:24 p.m.-Worden starts a seven·hour rest period aboard the o r b I t I n g Endeavour. SATU RDA\' 3 a .m.-Ending their first night of sleep on the. moon. Srott and Irwin i;1art preparations aboard the Falcon to open a lower hatch and cl imb down onto the lunar surface. 5;24 a.m.-\Vordcn ends his co111mand module rest perJ.od . 6:2~ 11.m.-Openlng the lower hatch, surrace for the first of thri:e explorations. 1bey unpack the lunar Rover I vehicle for use on a four-mile trip to the ~ge of Hadley Hille and to the base of the Apen- nlne Mountains. The seven-hour expe<li- Uon also includes placing five slccntific inst.rume.nts near the Falcon for trarl.9- mlssk>n of lunar data back to eJrth for at !tut a year. 6:34 a.m.-Start of a live 6-hour and ~ mlnutt: telecast of lun11r explorations with Scott and Irwin turning on a special e&mt ra 1.bo1tn:I Rovrr I while stopping the ettetrlettll y poy,·ercd vehicle to gathtr gl'::llogle p mples. J ·24 p.m.-Relurnin!I AboArd t h e F 11lcon. Seott 11nd lrw!n ('lt1se the l1"·er hatth to conclude lhe first cxploraLlon period. 4 39 p.m.-The lunar explorer~ sta rt ll rrst period of elmost eif(ht hours .. 7:5-4 p rn.-V..'ord('n st.11rts hls s ite;> prrilld l\00.'.lrrl the orllltinr:: E:nrle&vour. ----.... ......-...... Height Variances , Set Saburo Kawanishi, 41, pilot of the AN A A San Clemente firm accused of vio lating Orange County's clean air stan· dards in its rock crushi ng operation has agreed to abide by the Air PoUulion Con- lrol District's regulations p e n din c Superior Court trial of !hr issue . For Planners' Ruling Mission Viejo Shopping Center Map Approved Crestline Inc. and lhe APCD reached the agreement shortly before both sides: "'ere scheduled to contest the allegaliO!l.$ in a hearing before Judge J E.T. '"Ned" Rutter. Laguna Beach planning commi'5i011ers meeting on the eve of the high rise elec· Uon ·Monday wUJ be asked to grant two variances to exceed maximum building height. Topping the light agenda at the 7:30 p.m. meeting at city hall will be a re- quest from s home builder to exceed the limit by four f~t with a peaked roof. Howard Lewin , building the structure at 160 Fairview Road. Is limited to a height of IS feet above the street level because the home Is <ln a slope. A s~ond request before planners is from Charles Siordia , who wants a variance to build 18 inches above the 20 foot limit on his home at 2585 Kilo Way. The house is already under construction, a city spokesman said. but is currently under a st.op work order pending the out- Laguna Beach planning commissioners Corps General K eynote Speaher For Dllnn H nrbor A lo p-level admini.~trator in the Army Corps of Engineers will rPplat'e. Presiden- llal Counsellor Roherl Finch as guest o! honor at Dana Harbor's d~dication SatUr· day Brig Gen. Jo". A. Camm of the ::iouthern Srction or the Corps 11·i1! deliver the keynote address ar the 2 p.m. riles heralding the $.1().million harbor. }"'inch originally had been scheduled to attend the rites at the harbor entrance. but this 1-1·eek flew to Liberia to represen l the nalion at a state funeral. Gen. Ca.m m will represent the govern- nient agency v.·hich. designed the harbor and admini!tered much of it.! breakwater construction after testing a maSllive model of the facility at a 1.lississippi laboratory. Gllsoline Erupts Into Fire; Snt Next to Henter A gallon can of gasoline sitting al the base of a water heater ol a San Clemente apartment ex ploded In to name Thursday afternoon and caused SLSOO damage lo a. laundry room. fire Chief Me rl-On W. Hackett said the can. v.·hich v.·as plrced by the beater v.·lthoul the knowledge or th e llpartment <lV.'ntr, was ignited by .11 gr.s flame. Da mage to the laundry room at the RJ'lflrtmcnt at 103 carmelo amounted to $1 ,000 to the slructure and $~(kl to con- te nts. 0"11cr Edv.·ard J. f\11durr of Alh:ambra toh1 firtmen he al ways stored the gasoline near a mower in the patio. But tomeone movt!d the c;in ln recent days. Hackett said lhe roo m was engulftd Jn n11mt. when volunteers Arrived, _ ... '- • "<: 7 ~-· mee.ting on the eve-of the high rise e\ec- come of the variance request. The order to halt construction was issued after inspectors discovered the al ready-completed portions of the house exceeded the maximum allowable height. In other matters Monday, the com· mission will consider: -a conditional use permit for Red Baron Volkswagen to operate an auto repair shop in a C·l (Commercial) zone at I8021h S. Coast Highway. -a temporary use p!:rtnit for the operation or a towing service at 222S Laguna Canyon Road. -a continued conditional use permit !or the Assistance League to buil d a parking lot in a residential zone at M7 t:ataJina Street. -a site boundary revision to relocate the common lot line between the lots at 174 and 182 Nyes Place. - a site boundary revision to create two huilding sites out of thret" lots at 1007 and 1015 Oro SL in Arch Beach Heights. Orange County planners have approved a subdivi9\on map for JO.acre shopping center to be built by the Mjssion Viejo Company In Mission Viejo. The center, to be located south of the intersectio n of La f az Road and Marguerite Parkway, will house numerous shops. a bank and a service station, aCC()rdJng to company officials. A company spokesman wa.s reluctant to d iscuss the proposed shopping fa cility pendlhg negotiations with pr iv 11 t e businesses .seeking space in the center. However, he noted the facility wu uld pro- bably be in Op!:ration sometime during 1974. In granting approval of the proposal. the planning commission said !hf' com- pany v."ould have to maintain !he land.sca ping to ~ inst;·.11ed a 1 on g r.largucri te Park..,,ar unl1I !he county chooses to !ake over the task. WAREHOUSE SALE NEWl'ORl STORE ONLY It is understood that Crestl ine . 100 t Camino Des ?-tares, Y.•ill no w hmit il:I emissions from the rock poundin& planl to 40 pounds per hou r. It v.•as alleged by APCD that OOurly emissions of 200 pounds of dust and fumes had been recorded at the site. APCD conceded in the lawsuit that the fir1n had obtained a wet scrubber device u•hich \\'Orks in conjunction with tl'le rotary kiln and can considerably cut dow n emissions. But. the lawsuit stated, the scrubber has noi been used at a ll times that the kiln "'as in operation and the result w111 repeated violations or Ult clean air code. The APCD wants ;soo for each proved violation. Crestline manufactures a pelletizf'd material that is used in manv form.R of road and freev.·11y construction. The pro- duct is currently being used in con· ~truction of the new Coronado bridge ia San Diego. SAVINGS TO so•;. AND MORE ON FURNITURE larAt 1tlectlon of discontinued1, factory fraction thtir orlgln•I cost. All merchandi1e In ere finel. damaged, •nd odd1·•nd .. nd1 merchandise •t • "AS IS" condition on a first come ba1i1. All s•lt1 * Stv1ral Dining Teblts, Ov•ls, Ptdt1t•l1 * Mi1cellaneoo1 Dining CMa irs * Odd NigMt Stands Round1 &. * Ml1ctllaneou1 Occa1ion•I Tablts * Discontinued Htad Bo•rds * Other Mi1c•llaneou1 & Ml1m1tched lt1m1 SAVINGS TO so•;. & MORE ON DRAPERY FABRICS Hundreds ef yards of the fintst ln Drapeiry febric1 at clost out prk:t1. Some bolts with llmlted yardagt. Othtr groups to 60 yards. Fabrics for t v1ry room in tht house at very Spkl•I prlce1. Don 't wait, these fabulous buya won't le1t. SUMMER SALE CONTINUIS Stop by today and have a look at the Largt1t seltction of quality merchandise in the area. Many seltct groupa from such well known lint• •1: HEN RE 0 0 N , HERITAGE, DREXEL, THOMASVILLE, MARGE CARSON, & SH!RRI LL uphol1tt ry on sale now. For t he finest in stylin9, ,qual ity, ielection a nd s•rvice, try T•d van Hemert, fl'lt•r iars DEALERS FOR: HENREDON-OREXEL-HERITAGE NEWPORT BEACH 1727 Wt1tcllff Dr., 642-2050 OPEN FRIDAY 'llL 9 HIWf'ORT STORE OPIH •RIDAP ill t Prof•sslon1I lnt1rior Dt1 lgner1 Av1llebla-AID INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH 345 No rth C"'ast Hi9hway Phont: 494-65.51 • I ' l - I San Cle111enie ,, Capistrano VOL. 6-4, N*81 , ~SECT!~ 50 PAGES * EDITION Lion Count~y Animal Appraisal TEN CENTS 1 As ·sessor Hinshaw to Tal{e Tiger by the Tail 7 '< ' •' ' By BARBARA KREIBICH 01 ""-Dtlt~ Piiio! Sl•ff Last summer. when Lion Qru.ntry Safari moved into its new 500-acre home in Laguna Hills, Orange County Asessor Andrew Hinshaw saw some taxing problems in his future . Hinshaw is an old hand at assessing homes, boats. orange groves, shopping centers, ball parks and other county at· tractioos, but the prospect of fixing the value of a thousand or so assorted animals and birds, most of them from half way around the world. loomed heavy. car Bar Mewe • Last year the animal preserve was just being installed on assessment day, March t, and it was relatively simple to ap- praise the land ($3,931,200), buildings ($230.001'.l) and personal properly, which includes equipment, furnishings, etc. ($10,000 ). The animals had not yet arrived at the preserve. "Next year it will pose a far more difficult problem," mused Hinshaw, whose only experience in assessing animals at that point had been in the less populated Japanese Deer Park. On March I, 1971, Hinshaw's men up- ped their appraisal of Lion Country land to 4,283,200 ; the buildings to a whopping $4.~24,000; and the personal property to $681.000. The. animals and birds, more than 1,000 strong, were bidden in the latier figure in a Jump 11um valuaUon of more than half a million dollar, Hinshaw explained. "We took what the company reported to us in terms of .their dollar cost and they put the amount at over hair a million," said the assessor. "Our policy, i! personal property for 11 single taxpayer exceeds $50,000, is to audit the figure they submit every four years. This will be done with the figure for the animals at l.Jon Country so that new animals can be added, or dead ones subtracted." However, he added, withln tht nut two yeai:s be will at.tempt to get a head count of the Lion Country population by species and compare the company's dollar cost figure with the e1timate of his own ap- pra:lsers. "One appraiser in the of!ice already has the assignment," Hlnshaw ' said, "He's visiting ZOO! and so forth to check on animal values. He. seems to like. it." The task confronting the animal ai> praise r will tnvolve filin&: the current value of some 1,200 anlmals and birds. ln· eluding about 50 spe<:ies of each. Conceivably he should have little trou· ble appraising 130 lions. ~ rhinos, 23 cheetah, 9 elephants and 13 hippos, but what he will do with ID Vervet monkeys, 3 gnus and one zebu-yak is anybody's guess. A Lion C.Ountry spokesman commented, "It's kind of like the stock market. Prices of animals go up and down according to supply and demand. It's amazing how they fluctuate. Then of course there's transportation if we bring them from Africa. And last weekend alone we had 11 omen ts or ., • .. , .. ·, ~ .. Brawl Ill Tustin Ends • Ill An 1n1ry man who marched out of a Tuatin bar early tbia m6rning after a dispute with other drl!lkers and caim· beck with two budiles and three gum died moments later at the hands of what investigators described as a bowling mob of patrons. All three men were the victims of multiple st.ab wounds es knives nashed, a single shot was fired and bottles and glasses were thrown in the 1 a.m. melee at the Woodsman Tavern, 14258 Newport Blvd. The dead man had still not been iden- tified at press time. Severa l of the many bar patrons being interviewed this morn-- ing by sheriff's oUicer said they lcnew him as only "Mac." P..iac's two comp.anions have both undergone surgery at Orange County Medical Center and one of them, Ja mes Fennell, 34, home address unknown, is in critical condition from multiple stab wounds. His compan ion, Esco Jones, 33, home address unknown, is recovering from surgery for his stab "-'Ounds and is listed by nurses as satisfactory. Investigators are today p i e cin g tOfSether details of the incident. Thty do not have the reason for the Police Teaching R i fle, Shotgun Safety Co urse SouM'I Coast area resident.s from 10 to 18 years old i!lre welcome to enroll in tile next basic rifle safety course taught by San Clemente police officers Aug. 7 at the police firing range . Boys and girls are eligible for the $2 course which will blend basic firearms ln11truction with hunter !!alety. SuettSSful completion of the four.week eoorse will yield a hunter safety certificate. Shotgun firing also will be of- fered . All instruction is provided by membeni: ot the sponsoring San Clemente Peace Officer'• Association. The group provides all firearms and ammunition for tne activity. Navy, Marines Open Recruiting Office '1'he Navy and the Marine Corps have opened a recruiting office in San Clemente. The office, Includ ed In the recent 11uthorizatlon for dozerui of new recruiting centers , is an attempt by the Armed Forces to boost volunteer.i to compensate for the decline in draltees. The office, open daily, Is located 1t IOI N. El Camino Real, Suite s. The Navy's recrull4!r Is Richard Mazr.arella, and the Ml.tint recruiter i~ £. Sgt. Patrick Melim. The center's phone number for both branche& ii 492.-4851. ..... . ... Killing ~arrel, but they do know tbat Mac left e bar and brought two llltn back with m. "After that," a bar patron said, "tll hell broke !rose." No arrests had been made thi s mom. Ing. Investigators were still conductin1 inquiries at the bar and Jnterviewin& witnesse.s to the killing, Immunization F or 7 Diseases Sla ted in Clinic Immunization against seven disea.set will be offered to South C.oast arta adults a.nd children Thursday in a clinic at San Juan Elementary School. Sponsored and staffed by the Orange County Health Department, the clinic will offer immunization against polio, tetanus, German Measles, red measles, whoppio,a: cough, diptheria and smallpox. Hours are from 9 a.m to noon and l to 3 p.m. County Health Educator Tom Cont reminded parents: that California law re- quires all kindergarten-age children be immunized against polio and measles before starting school. Special emphasis in the Thursday clinic will be for area youngster.s who will st.art classes this fall. Officials added that parents should not wait until their children are of school age before beginning immunization series. Dlphthcrla, polio, tetanus and whopplna: cough vaccines should be administered to a child two months old. Three separate vacclnatiorui at tw~montb lnterv&ll are suggested. . Parenti! attending the clinic are .asked to bring immuniz.ation records of their children. UPI Ttl~ .. RAIL STRI KE CAUSES MILLIONS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF LETTUCE TO BE PLOWED UNDE R Harry Davis of D'Arr lgo Bros. Checks Damage to Lettuce tn Field at Salin•• Railroad Strike Spreads Nixon Calls Mee t; California Fields Cut Off WASHINGTON CUP!) -The Unill<I Trani!iportation Union spread its selective strike over work rules to six more railroads today and President Nixon summoned the negotlat.ors to a White House l'l)ettlng to express his concern for the shutdown'• growing economic impact. T6e strike shut off the last rail link lo the Southern California veaetable and frult fields -~ San1' Fe -and for the first time hit plants in the heavily in· dustrialized areas arou nd Chicago and St. Louis and the Steel mills near Pitti;burgh . The While House said Nixon wanted to encourage the two sides t.o reach a volun· tary setUement, but sources said the Adminlstralion ·vas preparing legislation to force an end to the strike if persuasion failed. The lM'U and the rail negotiators agreed to meet again followffig the White House meeting. The UTU represents con- ductors, flagmen, brakemen, firemen and 50me englneers . the Southern Pacific and the Norfolk & We11tern on July 24. The strike bas idled three or the six major transcontinental routes -the UP from Omaha to Los Angeles, the SP from New Orleans to California and 'the' Santa f'e from Chicago to·Caillornla. San Clemente Beach Drain As Nixon worked to end a rail strike, he raced the prospe<:t Of a steel strike at midnight Saturday. Negotiations between the 11teel industry and the United Steel Workers continued in Washington, and there were some reports of progress, but the ·big steel companlea began tbe pro- ceas of shutting down their fumaeet in. Planners Ask Kiwanis Park Projects Review Plans Still Gather Dust Plans first alrtd JUI :ioar to COllllruct unique drains to rdtue brackish waler from two beacbside laeoons In San Clemente appt.rtntly are .uu gathertnc: dust. on County Flood , COntrol Dlatrict Bbel- Clty Engineer Pbl1 Pel<r, 'Who ~ tht two proposed dralnl to eaaie. 1 dlrorlk: problem at the city beaches, 111d that almost a year haa paued &ince tht Idea was submitted for a county grant. "We haven't had even a nibble on them yet." he said. The engineer prepared drawln1s Mow· int: mtthodl of dratntng the Lap:>n3 at Nortil Beach and Podie Bel<h,·-"' wave and tide acUon bUildl a barrier •C'l'GA the mouths-of nood-control chin-o&. . Tbe Idea, Peter 1ald, was lo install dralns slmiJar. to a bathtub to allow the water to teep tnto the aea. Even lf the plpe1 were covered with ,.J1(1, ·~ ~ntd, the water could still ~~e~.·~· Cft)' eouncllmtn a.greed to 111bmlt the proJecta 11.tl the:: county district for ap- proval and poaaible funding. The two ll(OO!ll both lit ben<ath the Santa Fe tracka, and at Poche, ptdea:trlan acceu routes have been d<veloptd along ramp& built above the black.--· ' Cltiml c:omplillll& .,. mqtitot Ibero. ant1clpotlo1f of.the llrlke. · Today'• rail •trike brought the ,,..- of Unea abut down duJ'in& the laat. 1S days to 10. The 1Joe1 account for more than o~thlrd of the nation's rail frtlght capactty and em;iloy tBO;CIOO persons. Pickel Jines bflcan apptarlng at 6 a.m. klcal t1me on the ateeJ;haullng Bessemer & We Erie in Penoaylvanla and 1pre11d westwaf(I to the giant Chlci.gc>-to-- Ca!Uom.La Santa Fe; the ore-hauling ~lh. Mesabe & Iron Rapp!;,· and tlU'ff industrial 1'!rmlnal and switching ro&ds -the Elgin.· Joliet Ir ·EQtem. In th< Chlcagv area, the Aton It Southern In SL Louis and the Hou1ton Btlt & ~nnlnal. Four major lint• in the, south and west _. lhut .dowa .prevloully -the Unlon P1clllc and the SouilJem-411.JuJr.11,.and San Clemente plaMlna comml!!lsionera have ordered a review or a Ktwanl .. spon"'od park pro)lcl by the city parka -Ion. ?ha. part, proposed for a small plot of· acreage al Aveolda, Gr"'8de and the Son Dif:io Freeway, would oecupy surplus Btale freeway property. AA the parks con}m.lalon reviews and studies the> KJwania offe:r, city staff will continue Rt)Jng a declaraUon of surplua Crom the St.ate Divslon ol Highways. City eouncllmen 'afready had granted ln-prfnclple approval !Or the parks plan and "kt<! qty CllllllftlaeJan'11 to study detelb. Klwanla membert propose to raise funds and provldt , matu:iab: and malf- power for the vista park which would be oqulPIJ'i!•with.-..a l<l<w>po lllld other ,.nnanent·.WCWtt.L . • lion cubs born here .•. but some of them may go to other preserves." One thing assessor Hinshaw knows foF su re : Lion Country has given Orange County's total assessed valuation a real shot in the arm. From a total Urn> appraised value of $4,171,200 it has leaped to a 1971 figure of $9,488,200. with new buildings and th• animals accounting for the jump. And with 25 percent of that figure con• sidered as the taxable assessed value that means taxes on $2,372,050, flowing into the county offfce from the animal preserve. 0 0 Separation ComesMter Unplugging SI' ACE Cl'JNTU, Houston (UPI) - Tht Apollo 15 .utroqiuta wm U'1•ble to 1eparate their landing craft, Falcon. from the motbenhfp on schedule today to 1tart the descent to the moon's .rurface. They quickly found the trouble was an tmpluge:ed electrlcaJ line. Aft'"T repairs, the separation finally C:Mne smoothly at 11:16 a.m. PDT. The trouble had loomed as a major hitch In the mlsslon and it came just be£ore David R. Scott and James B. Irwin were prepared to 11et out on man'1 most adv enturous exploration of the lunar surface. Ground controllers immediately told Scott, Irwin al'ld Alfred Worden to check • power link between the two docked apacecraft. Ground controllers said the e.stronautl had 40 minutes to ca rry out the un- docking without delaying their scheduled 3:15 p.m. (PDT) landing. The astronaut.a were in no danger because of tbe pr°'" blem. Scott alld Irwin were in the descent iihip. the Falcon. at the time. Worden r~ mained behind in the mothership, U19 Endeavour. Afler a quick check, Worden reported that an umbilical line between the two craft was loose. The astronauts earlie r checked out the lander and reported all was in order for the descent to the moon. "Hello Houston. this is Falcon," Irwin messaged his ground oontrollers. "Everything is in order up to this point, as far as the checkout goes," Scott reported from Falcon at 12: 12 p.m. EDT. Before Falcon was manned, the three astronauts shllted their orbit to 11 slightly higher, more comfortable altitude. The low point of their path had dropped faster than expected, to 45,500 feet. A brlefi rocket burst rai.!ed It to 58,300 feet. Wea titer Sunny 1kie1 are on the agenda for lhe weekend, with temperaturea risini W 72 along the coast and 90 inland. Lows around 60 in both areaa Saturday morning. INSWE TODAY Archatotogicol IU1tarch Inc. of Costa Me1a conctnu it.self 1Dith. tht con1tani bottle of oerv old versus vsru mw, Trace.1 of ancient inhobitanti nrt bting lo1t to progrt.ss. Set story Pagt 9. . ... u... :n C•U""'i. 1 ~~="'' .~ Ct1111t1 )) C1M1 .. .-» --. ·~twlel ,... • 1111tti1...,_. »n 1<1~~11e:• ll·U "" .... -14 ,_._...... II ....... . ,.,..... ~ Mwwet ~ 11 H•lllfltl ....... I Dr-C-IY t •Mt••,...,. ,,.. s,MI Ptmr 11 '""' 1•t 1 lflocll M.ttfb 1a-11 T ..... i.. • _.., .... WM!llw 4 Wl'lit. .... '' Wt_., N-1 .. IJ Wtrtf """ 4 w-.... ' o.a.n.v PILOT New AEC Rulings Will Delay Onofre Complex By JOliN VALTERZA Of 1111 0.llY ,. ... , 11111 New de1lgn criteria tel by the Atomic Eoe:rgy Conu:niulon will delay, b'.ut not j...,.rdlM the pro]>Offd half-btlll"'-dollar nuclear generaling complex at San OrK>frt, utility sources said today. The delays were (irst announced late Thursday by EdL!on Company officials m Los Angeles. The new standards for the elaborate cooling operations tn commercial reac- Doon1ed Jet 'Sl1ould Not Have Flown' Special to the DAJI.Y PlLOT PASADENA -The El Toro MCAS·bas- ed jet fighter that collided with a jetliner over the San Gabriel Mountalns June 6, killing 50 persons, should never have fl own due to serious defecl.J, Violations of Marine Corps regulations In lhe· fact it wasn't grounded were told Thursday by the commander of Marine Aircraft Group 13, as testimony con· tinued in a federal inve stigation. The ""·orst midair C1>llision in aviation hi.story that occurred today -under almost ldentical i:ircumstances -was a heavy topic of discwsion during morning recess. Blank spots in radar coverage of the .area where the F4 Phantom and a Hughes Air West DC9 with 49 aboard went down were also me ntioned in the disaster probe. Colonel Orville R. Davis, commander of MAG 13 confirmed prior testimony to radar and oxygen system defects at the Nalional Transportation Safety Board bearing. C<lnclusion is expected today, but the four.man panel's eventual findings as to the cause won't be announced for at least a year. Mexican Snake Victim Termed In Fair Shape An illegal immigrant who survived an ordeal aflt:r being bitten by a rattlesnake early this week at San On ifre remained in fa ir condition today at Orange County Medical center. Juan Perez, 21, who was bitten by the viper before dawn Monday as he avoided a Border Patrol checkpoint, has suffered some tissue damage in hill right ann from the ratUer 'd venom. The immigrant told authorities he tried to admin ister fi rst aid to himself after being bitten as he wal ked somewhere along the new San Onofre Bluffs State Park. Perei used a belt as a tourniquet and tried to make cul<; around a single fang wound on his forearm. He had been walkin g for three days from the border when the Inci dent oc· curred. Border Palrol spokesmen, who 5aid they had been told Perez stands a chanc-e oC losing: tJie li mb, said the young man would remain at the medical center until his treatment ls ended. "As soon as doctors release him from treatment." a spokesman for the patrol 15aid, ''we'll have a hold on him for illegal en!rv.'' Afte r processing. Perez will be deported to f.1exiro. ORA.NOi COAST DAILY PILOT 0 11..1,NG::J C0.45T PUlit5HIH~ COMP,.NY ••b••• N. w,,c1 ,. ... :o.,,, ..... "110!1•"'• J a<\ It Cwrl•Y Ilk• p,_111n1 er.cl G-••I ,..._,.., n ...... "••vii Ed11or 11io""'' A. "4 11rpl!i~t Mt,,_,,,,.ill Editor Ch1rl11 H. loot Rlc.h1rd P. Ntll A1•l1lt 11/ M• .... vlr>\I Edl\Or• L .. , .. .._. Offic:• 122 Fer11t Aw•~w• M•ili111 edd r•nr P.O. l o• ••6, 11652 hit c ..... ,. Offk • JOS North El C1mlfte lttel, •2672 OtNr OHM .. (Olll ,..._,. J1C Wt1I llJ' Sir'"" H~rt I M<t\1 ml Ntwpor1 IOU.,,,,.., ~llft!lll019'1 ... o;,fl; ,,., ... edit "'11•""' 0A It, V P l\AT, W'lf!I .... cit i. C9191t1INlll , ... N--"r-11 l'Utlll.,._ 4hll'f .. c,111 1-••r "' woer111 Mlllltll fer L.ll'lllM l ttc"- Jll.....,I a..dl, C0.11 -·· H""tft>o111r1 111(11, '"-'tli< VllllJ', Si ft ci.,...,.ttl CfphlffM • ...-.,.,~tell. •ir>t •'II~ - .... 111'111 aii1111fn P'rll'ldiMI .,lntfflt ollftl II et Jll W•I air Slrftl, Gotl1 Mt11. t•p•1111 C7141 '4J-4J:lt Cl ........ A"-"kl .. ••l·S671 S... C..._. All o.p.,,_..,.: T1h91tu rr 4fJ-44JI .. ...,._.. ._.. Alf e,,.,1w111: , ... ,.I I 4f4•f46• ·c:ewrWtt. "'" OAllllt CO.I' ~i.hfflf ·Con'olol'f, .... ....,... ttO<lft.. ltlutlr•ll-. .. -Ill _.,... ., •• _....._,.. ........... INV llf f~ -I "'"'i.I _.. ......... ., ...,.... _. ....... ~ ...... "" ,, .. _....... •••tli .,... C..I• ,.,._., c..n1;,1no11 -...C.r!o•1~~ -., u •1llr o n _,,..,., ..., tl!"I! ~· '' -""YI .Win.ry M !Nli..., IJ,1J ,.,..~ ~ ton will create: months of delays In the project calculaUd to transform S111 Ooofrt Into the world's largest nuclear aeacrating complex. ,. The new sta.lldardl! are administrative aftershocks of Jut F e b r u a r y ' 1 dcvastaUng e1rlhquake.s w h I c h un· derscored the potential for darnage to nuclear generators in S o uthern California, an Edison spukesman said. Because of the new AEC standards - also urged by the State Public Utilllies £AGLECRES1 CRATE R \ NORTt1 COMPLEX i!! ~750MCTER C-Omm1s&ion In lta cndOl'atmenl o.f the nuclear project -J::diaon planners will begtn redeslgnln& the coolins 1ystt.m.1 for tht twin nuelMr motof9. The standards do not apply to the qJt- water systema Uffd to c o n d e n s e aenerator steam, but instead apply to the elabo rate devices employed to keep the reactors themsel ves cool. WatCr in the sealt:d reactor cooling systen1 is rad ioactive. Seawater used In steam co ndensers iJ • ~' CRATER /::·s.~·t-..._'--'.:':!INS .!Jo..,,.......... ........ .. CHAIN It '°> CRATER I EVA-3 , .. - J---"' '--~...>-· ' . ·· .. •, ~ . ........... .( r;: LBOW C RATER . -_,_ ..... ~ : .. ...,; . ..-.-...; .. •• " .J • •••• • I; J ') '. ,;;t·-, . ... ... ......... .--,...;.'# .•• ...... , ·I!_. : •.. f ..... ') ... BRIDGE .~.>-·-'-. ... , . CR Al ER l.·,·;• • .~ ;,. '~· .... -·:: .. :). '· ' not, and 11 dischar1ed blck into tht se. about 10 decrHJ warmer. Tht: A EC ordt.r for modtmllln& the reactor cooling machU!uy came lut moolh and applied to nuclear generating planU In nvie:n 11.alu. The existing reac- t.or ln 11.n Onofre wq included. Becauae of tbe new rules hearinas on the massive San Onofre project have not yet been ~hedultd by the AEC. Originally thty were to have lllen place earlitr this year. • .. . -. •' UP'I ,..._..Mo~ Edison spokesmen C1>uld l'IOt speculate on the length or delays in the proiect which hid bern calculii~ for oompletlon and total operation ln 1975 (the tlrst new a:tnerator) and 1971 {for the second). A few weeks after U!e deadly quakes In early February, Ed i!JOn spokesmen issued 1la~menls which outlined the lauJt 1tructures in the 7.one where the proposed plants would be hilt. The Cbristianitos fault Ues closest lo the acreage immediately .do wnroast or the ex isti ng reactor. The long-dormant. minor fluure iJ ine1p•ble of produclnc a major quake. according to Edison &eolagists' report.s. The t'A'O faults ca1>1ble of producing major quakes -tht Sin Andreas and San Jacin to fissures -are f&r enough away, they said. that any shocks from majQr Qtl8kes there could be adequately absorbed in San Onofre. 162 Die in Ajr Collision; Worst n1 Fligl1t Hi sto1·y t-.10RIOKA , Japan (UPI) -A 22·year· old Japanese student pilot on a training: mission in an F88 S1brejet C<lllided with an All Nippon Atrw1ys airliner today, sending the 161 persons aboard the Boeing 727 to their death in aviation's worst single disaster. Sgt. Yoshimi Ichikawa, 2%, pilot of the F86 Sabrejet , parachuted to safety be.fore his plane crashed. He had only 21 hours of training in the fighter. Aviation and defense C>fficials felt an error on hls part may have caused the disaster. Police s.aid the fighter intruded on the air corridor reserved for commercial airliners and said lhey would arrest Ichikawa for "professional negligence.' The two planes apparently C1>ilided in a. glancing action at 26,000 feet O\'er l\!oriola in the northern part or the main Japanese Island of Honshu 27$ miles north of Tokyo, The. F86 plunged into a rice paddy. 1be wreckage of the trijet passenger plane spread over a wide area in the foothills of the Japanese alps. The ANA jetliner carried 1 5 5 passengers and a crew of seven. fllost of the passengl'rS -125 of lhem -\vtre in a tour group made up of members of a society for relatives ()f J a pa n es e servicemen killed in World \Var II. jelliner. had more than 8.000 h<>urs <lf fl ying experience. He was able lo gtt of£ a brief radio plea bel\lo'een the time the colllsion occurred and his plane crashed. "Emtrgen cy. emtrgenry!" he r11dloed dts~ralt!y. "This Is All Nippon. All Nip- pon. Unable lo control! Unable to con· trol !" Tht pilot of a nearby jelliner whd heard Ka\vanishis voice described It as "hysterical.'' He said Kawanishi's last words were ''Unable lo conlro\'' before the radio went dead. Matsaka Kato. "5, a teacher on duly at a school at Shizukuishi, a village 13 miles \lo'est of t.1orioka heard the collision and sa\l' the jetliner falling . "I heard something like 1 clap of thunde r and looked up into the liky.'' he said. "High in the air f cou ld see a lot ot smoke. There were five columns of while smoke coming from the wing of • big plane that was flying: eastward. THIS IS ROAD MAP APOLLO 15 ASTRONAUTS PLAN TO FOLLOW ON LUNAR SURFACE Scott ind Irwin Scheduled to Explore Ne •r H1dley Rill• In Their Moon Dune Buggy The lone American aboard was flight Enginel'r Donn M. Carpenter, JI . of f..fiam i, Fla. He lived in Osaka in central Japan. His wife. Ruth. 30. returntd to tlorida two months ago to awall the birth of their first chi ld. Firm Will Abide By APCD Rules Pending Trial Time Schedule For Apollo 15 Outlined Some of the most exciting hours In the adventure of Apollo 15 are coming up lala ton ight, Saturday and Sunday. The follO\lo'ing is a schedule of proposed times ln the moon t'xploratlon. Readers are ad\·ised to consult their television for actual programming from the moon in lhat airing of Apollo events ha~ been changed as development!' OCC'Ur. Here 11 the schedule for the Apollo crew· TODAY l\i\D TO:'\'IGllT 3·03 p.m -ScoH fires t.hr: F:;leon·s des- cent engine and the 25-foot Lall craft starts moving closer to lhc lunar !'Urface. 3 15 p.m.-Touchdown for the f alcon al its Apcnnine·l-l::1dley lunar h;tsr 5: 10 p.n1 -Afler opening 11 hr1teh ;il the lop of the Falcon. Scott I a k es photographs and gives to fltlsslon Control a 3G--minute description of the landing sJte area. 5:45 p.m.-The top hatch Is closed. 7:30 p.m.-\Vith \\'orden contin uing his duties aboard lhe orbiting Endeavour, Scott and Irw in start their first lu nar surface rest period. 10 :24 p.m.-Worden starts a seven·ttour rtst period aboard the o r b l 1 i n g Endeavour. SATURDAY 3 a.m.-Ending their first night of sleep on the moon, ScoU and Irwin st art prt parations aboard the Fale<1n to open a lower hatch and climb dow n onto the lunar surface. 5:24 a.m.,..-\1,'ordcn ends his con1 mand module rest ptriod. 6.24 a.m.-Openlng the lo\lo·er hatch, imrface tor the first of three explorations. They unpa.ck the lunar Rover 1 vehi clt> for use on a fo ur·m1Ie trip to the edge. cif Hadley RUie and to the base <lf the Apen· nine Mountains. The: seven-hour upedi· Uon also includes placing five sicentifie lnstromenta: near Hae Felcon tor traru- mlsslon <lf lunar data b1ck to tarth for at least a year. 6:34 a.m.-Start or a live &-hour and 4(). minute telecast of lunar e~ploratlons With Scott and Irwin !urning on 1 special f'1lme r11 11bo11rd. Rtl \'cr I wh ile slopping the eltctrlcally pcl \\'ered vehicle to gather gtologlc samples. 1:24 p.m.-Returnlng aboard l he FalC'O n. Scott and Irwin clnse the lov;er hatch to conclude the first exploration period. 4:39 p.m.-The lunar explqrer!I 5tarl a rl'st ptrlod of almos t eight hours. 7:54 p.m.-Wordf!n 11t11rt~ his 1lcep period aboard the nrblting Endtnvour. Laguna Beach planning commissi<lllers meeting on the tve of the high rise e!ec. tion Monday will be asked to grant two variances to excted ma1imum buUdlnr height. Topping the light agenda at the 7:30 p.m. meeting at city hall will be a re- quest from a home builder to exceed the limit by four feet with a peaked roor. Howard Lewin , building the structure at 160 Fairview Road, is limited to a height of 15 feet above the street level because the home is on a slope. A second request before plaMers is from Charles Siordia, who wants a variance to build 18 inches above the 20 foot limit on his home at 2585 Kilo Way. The house is already under construction, a cJty 5pokesman said. but is currently under a stop work order pending the out· Lag un a Beach planning C1>mmissloners Corps General Keynote Speaker For Dana Harbor A lop-lev el .administ rator in lhe Army Cnrp~ of En gineers will replace Prl'.~Jden· l1rtl Coun.~ellor Robert f inch a~ "1'.Uest or honor at Dana Harhor·s de.d1ca t1on Sa tllr· tlay Brig. Gt!n. F. A. Camm of !he ScluthPrn Se<:l!On of lht Cor ps will de liver the keynote address at !he 2 p.m. ri tes heralding the $30-milllon harbor. Finch originally had been scheduled to attend the rites at the harbor entrancP, bul this weelc new to Liberia lo represent !he nation at a sta.tt fW1eral. Gfn. Camm will represent the govern- ment agency wh ich designed the harbor and admin istered much of its brukw•ter ronstruclion after testing a ma~!live model of the facility at a ~lisslssippl laboratory. Gasoline Erupts Into Fire ; Sat Next to Heater A gallon can of gasoline aitting at thfi base ol a water heater of a San Clemente apartment exploded Into flame Tbur!day 1fternoon and caused $1.500 damage to a laundry room. F'ire ChicJ Mtrton W. Hackett said the can , \lo'hich wa~ placed by the he1ler "''ithout \he knowltdgt of the 1partment ownt'r. "''as ign ited by 1 gN flame. Damage: to the la undry room at the apartment at 103 Carmelo •mounted to St ,000 to the structUre an'tl S500 to con- tent~. 0\loTICr Edward J. Kiiduff ()f AlhAmbra told firemen he always sto~d the g~olint ne11r a mower In \he p1Uo. But eomeone movtd lhe can In re~nt days . Hll ckt'tt sa id lh~ room wa~ r.ngul!td In fi11me whtn volunteers arrived. mttling on the eve or the hlgb rise elec- C1>me of the varianct request. The order to halt construction was lssued after ina:pec~I discoffred 1 the already-completed partlons or the house erceeded the mai:lmum allowable height. In other m1tter1 Monday, the C1>m· mission will cons Ider : -a conditional use permit for Red Baron Volkswagen to o~r•te an auto repair shop ln a C l (Commercial) ione at 1802 ~ S. Coast Hll:hway. -a temporary Utle permit for thr. operation of a towlng service at 2225 Laguna Canyon Road. -a continued condltional use permil for the Assistance League to build • parking lot ln a mideritlal ione at 547 Catalina Street. -a site boundary revision to reloc1te the C1>mmon lot lint: between tht: lots 1t 174 and 182 Nyes Pl1ce. -a site boundary revision to create two buUdlng sites out or three lots at 1007 and 1015 Oro St. in Arch Beach Heights. Saburo Kawanlshi. 41. pUot of the ANA Mission Viejo Shopping Center Map Approved Orange: County planners have approved 1 1ubdlvislon map for 30·a.cre shopping center lo be built by the 1tission Viejo Company iil Mission Vitjo. The center, to be located south of the Intersection of La Paz Road and Marguerite Parkw;iy, will house numerous shops, a bank and a service station. according to company official.~. A company spokesman was reluctant lo discuss Lhc proposed shopping facility pendihg nego!iations with pr iv a t e businesses seeking space in the center. However, he noled the facility V.'OUld pro- bably be in opera tion sometime du ring 1974 . In gra ntin~ approval of the proposal. the planning commission said the com- pahy would have to maintain the landscaping lo be insl2.11ed a Io n g Marguerite Park"'·ay unlit the county chooses to \a kt over I.ht task. A San Clemente fi rm accused of violating Orange C<lunty's clean air sta n· dards in its rock crushing operation has agreed to abide by the Air Poll ution Con· lrol District's regula1ions p en din g Superior Court trial of the issue. Crestline Inc. and the APCD reached the agreement shortly before both sides \lo·ere scheduled to contest Uie alleg ations in a hearing before Judge J .E.T. "J\'ed" Rutter. Jt is understood that Crestline. 1001 Camino Des 1\1ares, will now limit lts emissions from the rock poundi ng plant to 40 pounds per hour. Jt was alleged by APCD that hourly emissions of 200 pou nds of du!t and fumes had been re<:orded at the site. APCD conceded in the lawsuit that the firm had obtained a wet scrubber devi ce which works in conjunction with the rotary kl\n and can considerably cut dO'A'n emissions. But. the law suit stated, the scrubber has not been used at all times that the kiln was in operation and the result was repeated violations of Im clean air co<lt". The APCD \lo'ants $500 for each prO\'ed viola lion. Crestlin~ manufactu re5 a pelletized material that is used in many forms of road and freewa~· construction. The pro- duct is currently being us~d in co n· 1;truction of the ne w Coronado bndgl' In San Diego. WAREHOUSE SALE , ; N[Wl'ORT STORI ONLY SAVINGS TO 50°/o AND MORE ON RJRNITURE larA• 1elec1lon of di1continuecfs, fo1ctory damaged, •nd odds-and-ends merc"handlie it • fr action the ir orl;inal cost. All merch•ndis• In "AS IS" condition on a 'irst come baiis. All sall!s 1r1 fin el. * S.ver.el Din ing Tt bles, Ovtls, Pedestals * Mlsc1llaneou1 Dining Ch1lr1 * Odd Night Stood• * Mlscelltneous Occasional Tables * Discontinued Head Boards ·* Other Mlscellan.ou1 & Ml1m1tchff lt1m1 SAVINGS T.O 50°/o & MORE ON DRAPERY FABRICS Hundreds of yerdt of the finest in Drapery fabrics •t close out prica1, Som1 bolt• with llmlt.d yardage. Other group1 to 60 yards. Fabrics for every room in the hou11 at very t peclil prices. Don't weit, th11• fabulous buys won 't list. SUMMER SALE CONTINUES Stop by tod1y and have • look •t the Largest selection of quality merchanclise in the 1,..1• Many select 9roups from 1uch well known lines es: HEN RE 0 0 N , HERITAGE, DREXEL, THOMASVILL!, MARGI CARSON, & SH!RRILL upholshry on ule now. _.. For the fin11t in sfylin9 , ,quality, ••l•cfio" a nd service, try Ttd von Hemert, Inferior• DEALERS FOR: HENREDON-DREXEL-HERITAGE MIWPOIT ITOU OrlN PllDAP 'TIL f NEWPORT BEACH 1727 Westcllff Dr., 642·2050 OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 Prof .. slon•I Interior Ottlgntr• Av1ll1bl.--AIO INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Co1st Hl9hw1v Phone: 49..USSl --............ . ·-< ~~-~~~-·-..--_--..,~~-~ ---· ' .. . 4'' DAILY PILOT I l ! ): Officials Moving Up Americans Have the Cash But Won't Part With It DONALD E. RAY!'l.'ER is tM new manager-at Ba nk of- America 's H untin gton Harbour branch. Rayner, with the hank since 1969, former- ly was lend- ing off icer at the Brook- h u rs t - A d a m s branch 1 n H u ntington j Beach. He ( succeeds Ron aid P . Tweedy, named to the bank's Orange County-Los Angeles Coast Regional C r e d i l Administration. A n a t 1 v e of Riverside, Rayner graduated f rom Riverside Polytechnic High School. He recei ved a bachelor nf science degree in marketing from San Diego State College in 1967 and also has completed numerous professional courses al the American Institute of Banking. KEITH G. SPR INGEN of Corona del Mar has been ap- pointed to the new position of manager, Technical Evalua- tion Office, for Philco-Ford Corporation's Aerospace and Defense Systems Operations. In this position, Springen will be responsible for review- ing technical proposals and technically monitoring con- tract performance of the three Aerospace and D e f e n s e Systems Operations' divisions -Aeronutronic at Ne"·port Beach. Communications and Technical Service al Willow Grove., Pa , and Western De velopmenl Laborarories, Palo Alto, Calif. Springen formerly w a s manager or Data Systems for Phllco-F'ord"s Communications and l 'echni ca! Se r v ices tC&TS ) Division facilities. He joined Phllco-F'ord as an e ngineering specialist in early 196li. 1'wo years later he was named supervisor of data systems design in the C&TS communications systems of- fice and led the division ef- forts in computerizing design of large scale microwave telecommunications trunking fiystems. llAl\f.ILTON P. S~fTTH, .JR . has been named assistant vice preJident and loan department manager for Imperial Savlnas and Loan A ssociation I n Newport Beach. A native or Newport Bea c h ,W11 Smith re-~ ceiv~ an a s sociate arts degree at Orange Coast College. He partidpated in University of California courses from 1961 through 1967 and obtained his real estate certificate. Smith is a member of the Society of Real Estate Ap- praisers, and resides with his wife and their two children at 2268 Golden Circle in Newport Beach. He is the grandson of P. A. Palmer, founde.r of Newport- Balbo_a Savings and now chairman of the board cf lmperial Savings. RUSSELL V. STEPHEN- SON JR. has been named a~ vice president of marketing for Hughes Air West. Stephenson, an I 8 -y e a r veteran of the air transportation industry, mOlil recently was president. c hief executive officer and member nf the board of directors of ~1oha"'k Airlines, Inc. in Utica, N. Y. Jn his new position with Hughes Air West, he will be based at the regional airline"s corporate offices in San Mateo and report directly \() Irving T. Tague, genera] manager. KENNETH W. AGID has joined the Irvine Company's m a r keling services de- p a r tment. A~id moved from Good- kin Research lnc. to man- age Irvine's "" re s idential ' m a r keting program. An ex-Air Force captain, Agid completed a master of science in systems manage- ment al USC in 1969 before joining Goodkin. His duties "'ith Good.kin i n c I u d e d marketing research f () r We're Specialists! Bringing a new dimension of Sales & Service to Orange County! Only the latest methods in mod. ern electronic serv1c1ng equip- ment is used to insure that your sport car will always run at peok efficiency. AUTHORIZED SALES & SERVICE FDR MG··· LOTUS .JENSEN FERRARI 3100 W, COAST HWY, NEWPORT BEACH 642·9405 540-1764 ~ residential developers. As Irvine's residential marketing manager, he will serve as liaison between the giant land development f 1 r m and Jt.s many builders. Agid and his wil Patricia llve in Newport Beach. Costa Mesa resident JAMES E. ACTOR. assistant rnanager with Security Pacific National Bank, ha! transferred recently from the bank·s 0 c ea n &u!evard Branch. Lo n g Beach, to the Newport Beach Branch. USS Up; Cut Due NEW YORK (AP) -f"or mJJny weeks now the nearly official line an1ong business e<:onon1lsts has ~en !hat the consumer has the money to spend but is lacking the will - ingness to part with his eash, He fears inflation Ile wor- ries bout his job He !s con- cerned with rising taxes. He ls, therefore, in no tnood to begin new endeavors. Instead, he hoards his money in fear of Lhat pro1•erbial rainy day. As 1t result, retail oul!et~ cornplain that sales are s!ug- ~ish . Seldon1 have they had Lo put forth more effort to spark enthusi asm And All the time they n1ust fight lhe. tendency '")fadman' Still nf shoppers to buy down to lower prk·e goods. That's pretty much Lhe con- i:.ensus. It was recently and typically expressed thi! way by the Morgan Guaranty Survey, a monthly pubUcalion: ''Consumer Income -but- tressed both last year and th is by a 5eries of 1ovemmenl ac-- Busy • lions, including I n c r e 11 s e d Social Security be n e f I ls, federal pay hikes, and the end ' • • • or the incorne surcharge - has been suff icienl to fuel a 1nore vigorous expaMion In retail activity than has ac· tually occurred. What's been lacking is not tile means bu~ I the wil l to spend. t There is no shortage of. ' slatistlca! evidence to "prove" • thal lhe means are the re. : Personal income rose S8 : bill ion in May. The rate or • personal savlngs is at a 2G-} The Alabama native is a graduate of Spring H i 1 I College. 1'.1 obile. and a veteran of the U.S Army. He joined the bank as a management trainee in August. 1969, And has served in various branch and stafr ass i gnments, specializing in the bank's Master Charge program. OnSha,res Muntz Has Found Other Outlets ~'ear high of 8.4 per cent of : take-home pay, : Centinela Bank directors to- day elected FRED 8 • GOODWIN regional vice presi- dent and manager, Newport Beach reg- ional office. Goodwin. a Newport Beach resi- dent For 14 years, began hi s banking car eer in 1933 with the Federal Re- NEW YORK IAP) -U.S. Steel Corp. reported sharply higher second-<iuarter earn- ings Tuesday, but said 1l would cut its quarterly divi- dend by one-third. Edwin H. Gott, boa r d chairman. said directors or the company had declared a dividend of 40 cents per share payable Se p t. !O lo stockholders of record at the close of business Aug. 6. The 40-cent dividend 1.:ompared "·ith a 60-<:ent dividend paid each quarter since the th ird quarter of 1966. LOS ANGELES (API -A generation ago he was the "Madman" "·ho sold cars by thousands with 1.any r adio t•ommercials. Then he made TV sets. ThC'n cars. And then i! wAs car strreo tape systerns. Earl Muniz. who n1arle millions but lost some too , still gets a kick out of starting something new. His latest proj- ect-renting travel trailers and motorcycles. Muntz runs Munlz ~lotor Mansions in the San Fernando Valley and 11 new 500-acre motorcycle park, in the Simi Valley. And even though the balding 57-year-0ld Muntz bears hltle resemblance to his en1blen1 -a Napolen1c figure dressed in red underwear-he say:> it's a thrill '".<:tarting sornl"'thing and seeing il go." Muntz went into the used car business in Elgin, 111., at the age of 20, and had Four lots in suburban Chicago in 1941, seven years after his start. Then he caine to Californi11. lie sold !housands of cars a y('ar during the World \VAr II boom \Vilh a billboard and radio campaign that said: "I want to ~ive'en1 away. but my wife "'nn't let nlt'. S~·~ crazy" Or, ''I buv em retail , sell wholesale. More fu n that way." Aftrr th e war. ht sold h~ Kaiser-Fraser, and in his peak year sold S72 million worth of them. \Vhen the television bug hit hirn, he opened a retail store. Then, he made the Muntz TV, opened 72 retail stores and sold .$55 million worth of the sets. But Muntz say~ the Firm became overextended, and hr finally sold out in 1956 for $170,000. Also. Muntz admits he in- troduced his car called the "Muntz Jet" in the earlv 1950s ''ahead of its lime." He ,;aid (See MU1'"TZ, Page 12) That's what \he statistict • show. The m a i l . 1uge1ts t ' somelhing else -a credibility c gap involving the slati!tics, a t growing belief among ordinary_ J people that "they musl be talking about somebcxly else." Surveys show t ha t regardless of those statistics, a lot of Americans can't discover the increase I n personal income, nor can they find those big ~avings the statistics Indicate they have. ··oid it ever occur to you that we con5umers are not bu ying because we don't hav• any money left after taxes to buy with?" Thus begins a typical complaint from 11 "'riler who considers herselr an "ordinary" American. serve Bank, Los Angeles. He has been in commercial bank- in g for 28 years and most re- cently was president and a di- rector of Coast Bank, Long Beach. 1'.1 arried, he is the fath- er of three sons. Born in Montrelll . Goodv,,in has been a Southern California resident since 1922 and h<1s been active in 1hc Ki"·anis Club. Jonathan Clu b. Orange County Boy Scout Cou ncil and Shires C lub . He has participated in 1nany charity drives including those of the March of Dimes, Red Cross, Community Chest. American Cancer Society and Y.r-.1.c A. Gott said nel income [or lhe 1ate5t quarter, ended June 30, totaled $77,879,954 or Sl.44 a share. t' om pa red with $39.374.250 or 72 cents a share for the san1c period last year. He s<1id sales for the lalesl quarter reached SI 64~ billion. con1pared "'ith $! .297 billion for !he second quarter of 1970. Blue Cl1ips Earnings Up Blue Chip Stamps reported earnings of S!.729.000 or S.34 per share for the first quarter ended May 29, 1971 , con1pared to S.43 for the first quarler a year <1go. Boeing Studies Plan For New Jumbo Jet "I need a new refrigeratnr. ?\.fine is 17 years old and almost shot. I can't afford to buy one. My breakfast set It fa lling apart after 17 years and we can't replace it. "Mf husband Is 11 teacher and makes about Slfl,000 a year after many years on lh• job. We don 't have stock5 nr extra properl y. We have only a homf'. and we are slill paying for it. Cenlinela Bank's Newport Beach orfice, hailed as thP most n;iutical bank in the West. overlooks Newport Bay at 333..1 W. Coast Highway and speci;ilizes in banking for boaters. Steel product shipments in 1he second quarter this year were 6.9 niillion !ons. com- p<1red with 5.~ million tons in the same quarter last year. Gott said the higher level of steel product shipme nt s reflected hedge-buying in an- ticipation of a possible strike July 3!. He !'iiHd shipment levels had declined already in July from the second quarter's monthly rate and would drop sharply after July 31 as customers "·orked off excess in ventories. Total revenues de c 1 i n e d from $34.63!,000 in the !970 quarter to $28,470,000 cur- rently. Donald A. Ko e pp e 1 , chairman of ttY.-board and presidenr, attributed t h e decreased earnings an d revenuC's primarily lo the adoption of lhe so<alled dis- count method of promotion by a number of supermarket chains, generally late in 1970. SEATTLF: ~A P) -Boein~ Co. says 1t has plans for a new 747 jetliner with a capacity of !,000 passengers, more Lhan twice as many as the largest 747 jumbo jct now flying is designed to carry. The distinctive hump al the front of current 747s, which now prnv1drs room for an up- per-deck lounge. would be ex- !endC'd to the tail of \ht> aircraft to create upper 11nd lo"•er passenger decks about 230 reel Jong. r>csign s!udies for t h e enlarged 74 7 were unveiled GTB/4 1971 Daytona Ferrari 365 GTB/ 4 e ON DISPLAY e IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' • "BEST PRODUCTION SPORTS CAR OVER $10,000." (ROAD & TRACK MAGAZINE) When you visit our agency and view all the & exotic sport cars you'll think we're having a beautiful special and from auto they $595 show, and we are! for you everyday are all available for purchase " prices start to $25,995. last week by Rowland E. Brown, chief of product devel- opment for the firm's 747 Divi sion. "The 747 is no different than our other jetliners in its ability to grow,'' Brown said. "The changes we anticipate will not be radical on es -they will be evolutionary in nature." He cited Lhe body-lengthening of the 727 lrljet and the 737 short- range twinjet as el!amples of similar changes in the past. Planners envision production flf Lhe first l,000-passenger 747 by 1980. Brown said. "There is nothing left after v.•e havp fed our three growing sons. We don't have any loopholes wh ere we can escape federal income taxes, state in- come taxes, state lax on purchases. real estate taxes - you flame the tax, there art more of them. "My husband l are in our mid-40s. We suffered through tSee CASH, Page l!.I IOI TOUNG T"• ""' ...,...., tf N•'f'l*T lm,.m !tkt 11rlff 111 llllrH11elllt ••• Ytllnt. 1 .. 11 M 1lr1nt1r !• lht ••rt• c•r .... wr llavl.., ..... I hlth ,.,..,..._, l•rtt ctr IKhfllcll ..... I , .. .. ...... "''' "" II ctm111/1t1t11tlld • .,. 1111 •K.,,I -.IVMI ....... I "'"k lntt"1lv1 !r1l11lnt tnlt"mtto! 11 th• '•rr•rl ll•Otrv lft Mlld ... t , llt lJ, IM "''' t i ...... tf 1'1'11 Hlttt lt W' IKhfllclMlt tn lh1 Iii! crtW' .. '"-'•rrtrl tttm 111 1111 21 ""'' LI MAJIS -11tr•11Ct PM.•. Wlt'll "'-•t t11ttlltk1tltft1 -Clll IH W~J I.a Ytv"I It t..,1kltrt4I. llJ ,...,, wllt kllt•, N llt tttt M t1!t ••• lltrrtrl IKMlclt111 tn "'' ••tt c111!. AUTHORIZED SALES & SERVICE FOR MG··· LOTUS .JENSEN FERR.l\RJ 3100 W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT !EACH 642-9405 \ 540°1764 ., ! l • t I j ' , I _____ .. ..,--=--,.-----'·-·· ----------~--o:t;~•c.., • .-.;:;J.--------.. , 4-a--""1'--: ·- . . -~-.... --'---..::.. .. ..,. --;: . -. -· ' . ----·· .. ·"' • J f OAll Y PILOT SC Your Money's \t'orth 'Unit Price' Aids OVER THE COUN11ER Complete-New York Stock List Cost Coniparison Hy SYLVIA 1•on1ER Unit pi Icing' Is now mov 1ng across !he U S -g1v1ng you far more n1ean1ngful information than you \e ever had to rompare prices -1n cents per pound per ounce per pint or "ha lever -on rtems ranging fr om ~alad 011 lo cak~ mixes Bui \\h1le tlus 1.. a refreshing beneflc1al 1rc11d 11 ls only !he beg1nrung savs 1'1orris Kaplan 1 e c h n 1 c a I d11ector of Consumt'rs Ln1on What asks K a p I a n ' Nf'.W YOlltlC IAP! 81umr 1 1~• lollow•ng t t e,.,1, Mj. \ • HIK!t'<I lfoolln• f Nl!oOnll !.e<.urll e• llr -l!al O"iltt• A••• o~or B~!I ~ob M cour !er ll•n• a Oii Ml 1•»u••nc• ., I 1<1u1 11 llu1>• w lrl" """"' Bra 5'0ll llon• •lid Tru.i !l •lch •t 8 •n<1> l>.. • , lllr-liil" I" Ilk ~-J9 J9 lh>llV< [I I"[ np S 1• 1• l 800l AH <or!t NC :n JJ .. 8tl dtn M di 11~' '3 •l' er1ni.o lnow e~. 17 11'-f:lr•i sci U V1 a-, ll )1 1 11 w 1g Ar V•N Bn~ 1•'-!J .fl \h llo ln•u•••><• fl"r kb M FdU L l<'o ll o !IU.-k•ve lnOu>l•l.lh eunno• 1 AAI (p I 6. l\u•n I " AFA PrS If 16 ( VI~• AI D In J ' c .. ,,,lo, N AHS 1 o< o 6 la n 1.-. I A\IM LP • 10 'nnnnn II AWrl l .O I , I ~••<Ip A<uv1n1 711 1 11 (.<1P 1>1rq, Aoma• 1 , 1 , l ~a 111,., Aoa 'n w ,, 'II C•Pln A r Adv llf>'I K f (~> l<'t A.,., \ • 10 1e , c.,. Cu ... 1 1<1 ' 1 c .. n . no. Albe~ 1-<<t I J ,~1 t Gto All>f'rh U 1J , 1\l: NC AltOIO< j , I (Jvnq~ ( Alco Lb -o .i i:en!•• Alaen ~I 11J .Ce1VIP~ A1lco Lnd 16 , 11 1cony l •O AH ff<h 1 , 7 1(hAr\tt A Alig Sov A t ,Char! 0 I A!ld EQ"1 I > 9 , •n n l •• about lhc s1luat1on "here the product 1s not standardized~ A quarl of 11 percent amrnonia is much more !han a quart of 4 percent amn1on1a A deluxe la cu ft refrigerator "1th ice tnaker and automat1c defrost IS much srnaller 1n capacit y than a stripped mode! of a 15 cu ft refrigerator •• SAFET\ product safety Jng through J\1eanwhile roogll All•n ll•c 10 11 "1••11 In new A"" C•rn 1 1 , Cnu.11 u1 I"''' ., A.lphnm ~ 1, (n flt"' " .. re lllOV A.loln c.~ J ~ l •orCh !Ion Coogress Am fl"•" H<.16,C~,,5,. A Et l•b 6 ' I C~t •S nf more sa fety"" E"' 111 111o c 1"' M• >"fo• I Am "'"' 11 u~. '1nU! " " •ma ion on cons u rn e 1 "Fln1 LS 11 • 1,, c111nu1 8 ProdUC't ' ' Am Furn 11.,, 91, Cl~rlo Ml I imperative -Am Grttr 61 • •i i.. c1auono particularly concerning hidd"n !m M~d,1<1> 19 • 711. :1 "'' o 1 To 11lustrale hl're are five \11tal areas in v.h1ch you need far more information h '-0reY ll~o!lo C lowCp a7.<tfdS and the dangoc' Of Am Weld /lo I Cov•< A""a le 7'• 7 , c11ln Fa ni1sues of the produtt~ Anheu• s 09. ;9 .com c1, Anken In 6 6'• coml sn ; I S "co Ind ' > 6 Com Go' ' N TRUCTJON S l\o" A•d M•V io:i, a:Y, Comw P• 111 PERFORMANCF. Just \I hat is the product supposed lo do and how v.ell does 1t do ", "'-Id a .. kMoP 16~. 17 .(om P!Y ,,,..,u consumer use a ArkW!G u 111, cmo1 cm product lo make 11 perform ! ~:; \.;' 1~: 2~~ ~~~' 1 ~~~ best presen e I I f d " vlaa 11 11 •01Com "' i S I e an A•Pen Sv l>, ; Con P~p avoid accidents? Jn what "a)s "'1/:;c fl 01 •l •'~'•Con 110<11 od A! •• Lr U • li"'[$""tron President N 1xon has propos ed a Consumer Product~ Test 1'.fethods Act calling for the development of test methods which would pinpoint key at tribute s of produ c t performance for use by manufacturers in informing consumers of lhc merits or lhe1r products Bui niecting standards still would be voluntary and even this \av. may be months or years awa\ Surety we can ' measure of ho\\ \\ell :i 1 efngerator 1 cfrigerates hoiv v.ell a \\ashing machrne v.ashcs how accu rately a watch keeps t1n1e S u re 1 y manufacturers can tell us v. hat Uw useful life of a given product is likely to be under different uses ?) OPERATING COSTS Today s manufac!urers stress atn1ost e x c tu s 1 v e t y the purchase price of their \\ares Bui JUSI as important 10 you Y.ould he the knowledge that sa1 refrigeralor A re1a1lin~ for $3[!9 costs S2 50 a nionth 10 operate -1\hile refr1Elera!or B priced a! S292 costs $4 75 a n1011th 1h run ll ~OU assu111f' a life span of la years for both i.a)s Kapl.in refngeralor B v.uuld cos! a total of $l 097 S293 h1ghrr than !he M more C>. pensive A 31 REPAIRABILITY \low long will a product be ex peeled lt operate trouble free and ~h:it 1s the expected cost of repair o\er the antrcipated total l1fet1n1e of a produC'! 1~ the product hkel y to become unrepairable after X number of 1e1rs because !hf' rep<11r ~ are likely to cost moi e lhan replacing the p r 0 d 11 c 1 <1 l!!1gf'!hr1., l ' 'VITE D 'i 'l 'ATES ' ' TI 0 N ,, f , BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH NOW Ol"EN SATURDAYS ' .. MON THURS fRlD.t.YS 1714) 540 5211 So CooH 1"1010 10 5 'M 10 4 'M locotH I• Cent• MH9 A.nl .. <• Pr•• MIMlff H M STOLTE JS a pr UCt most ]Lke)y IO fall ""10 S<I ' ''•1Corenco cc'-h d 8(( Ind I ••CO<P ~ ....,corrie azar ous' f or ex B••d A1 • • ,co•m v,. ample if the po"er hne lo the ::~9 P~~c 1;. 1;';ri-~:;;, ~: base of a lamp fails th• lamp •,t•m ",11 1• • 1• • Cru• ite• '-•ttl>il 11 6 •Cullr Fe-1 may still ltght but il may 8"''"n F "°'' ~ • CYP com beeome a lethal device If any manufacturer 6r consumer products ans"ers this column with the cry that •his type of information JUSt c.:annot be provided fea~ibl} my retort v.1JI be induslry ha s long provided precisely thi s detailed information to its government agencies large c.:orporat1on s schools other 111 st1tul1ons \\hy c;in t 11e the na!ion 5 biggest category of spenders also get enough 1nforn1at1on to avoid wasting our money on products which meet neither our needs nor o u r ex pectations? But tf any manufacturer !hen argues you don t realty 11,anl the de!ails and "ouldn I use them I ti be more humble fhen I IJ merely plead try us and see what 11,e do J<~irrn Get~ 19 B11.ilcli11u· t'l'' 111 F nil er ton I OS ANGEi ES -(8\\ \ _ Nineteen bu1ld1ngs 011 tnur s11es In F ul!erton ha\e bten acquired by S}mmar Inc 1n ternational marketer o( Cilll su111er product~ for a nrw corporate headquarters and l\arehous1ng d1slr1but1on c11n plex Th<' purchasr disclosed :'.mount lnr an of ('ash "C'CUTJ!1es 11 Prr annnu nC'rd b) fh:lrles f. Eckman president and chief rxecu!11l (1ffi{er of !;} nimar S<'llt r 11 as H. c Jr"t !l I o of F u!lertun l::ckrnan Sa\ s h 1 s ~or porar1on will n1n~r its hrad quarter nff1C'e~ rror~l \ ci no~ 111 '011th1 a-.1crn Los Angt 1r~· 11J Fullerton 111 f'n rl) autuinn An Orange ( <1untv ";ir( hou<, 1ng d1slnbu11on ~vs1f'1n is 11 Ille final plnnn1ng s!:lJ;C anti w111 be set up soon The ne" fac 1ht1t ~ Ir said v.1Jl g11e !he r1Jnipi iy expanded capabll1tv to Oetlrr ~cr1e the Los Angt'les-Or:lngr Counl}-San Diego markets H will mean new flcxibili!y 10 Symmar s continl11ng support or the Southern Cahforn1a grocerv drug and hquor rctatlers SBA Offers Coun seling At No Co~t MUN1'Z \Cont111ued lrom Pagt' JI\ he marlr only l94 f1nall\ lo"t $400 000 S 15,000 INVESTMENT COMMERCIAL PROPERTY -LEASE 80°/o WRITE OFF . 1971 BACK CASH • • • ·=-:_ ,.. .... #\71 I See by Today's Want Ad s Th- 11N"k1nd lhf'rr 11 111 tir- many ~A.fllii!P "i\IPJ \nu r 1111 pick 11p n1t1n" bir lliill'I~ Ill JY'M )( l~!l lUl11 pr 1('f'~ e (,\ROOF t 11 ~-- IT !'i Ht'. I'<(, TI f.:>.f:D I <>O-.F. Ca n 1011 r1111f •T 111 rh,. r ll1s~1r1<'d 11tts ~' 11,.rf' ~ 11 11'11 )u n1~ Jt s a 11 h;i~ n1 ags 11 1t r~lra~ llnil T ~ MAMlf'rl ;iltrr II 11 1 ~ nr ~ ,n111l1 ,u111 11 11111' II Rlld t I 111!1 11 • \I u ~ ' ~rv-rl ~ nzl1~h h ~I' 11<'1" J~ n r+tll'r C11n \i•!I rl : •~•• -•• (Con tinued from Pagt' J t) ----,,,__..._ 1 IV,0 " " ' " ,,, .. " ·-,, ' UI • 111 , IS>o ll '• .II • JI" 11 .. l!\o " ' 10 •o, I~ , 16 1 11 ' JI , " ~· " if ". " " ' ' '" " • ''" " " . ,, 41 -I ,, • ' " • " ' "'. I ~ ... (; " 0 I I t I C I 'I B• .II A 0 ""' ! "" rl • ' . •QI "y I ~~I I!• ~ '" • l~•O H 1 ''•MC'< ?I~ ,_ I < •O I "I~ ' ~4' I I~ 'J I al. ~/1 L~lnt> IBIO .,. r 9 o II' ' y, I • , 1 ll~ •I <l> I ~ < I '~"' ' O 1s' •c•D ~ •o I 11 e~chA iMJ l.l 1 "~' no • ~ ". 6 j ) .. 1 ]()", . " " " ' .. ~ .. I 110 •9 .. , . ' " . ·~" " " " . " " " ' n IJ •• , \'I I& JU • _,,_ .. , " " ,.., ' ' " " '" " " • • ' 'M ... '" ' ,. . "" ~ " • ., ' • " ' " , " " '" " " " " " " " " " ,,. , .. .. 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J_._ f.; Wall Street Chatter Despite 11ohn1 Appear s !o be a minor 1echn1 c11I reac tion TPO Inc bet1ctrs there are man} bullish stocks which have been trading a t support levels for ~eek.~ ~1 o ~ t 1nd1cators arc bulhsh and with the ove rall market at a good support area t h e probeb1hties are in fa vor of on advance during the summer TPO says • 4 DAll Y PIO>T Berkeley Cutback Threatens BERKELEY 1AP l -Term- lng it a .. great fiscal shock," acting Chancellor Hobert E. O:innick said Thursday the L"niversitv of Cal i Io r n i a . Berkeley "carnpus will rccciivC' $.1.9 million IC'ss 1n state tunds l 1han J;i st vcar for teaching and re~earCh I This 11·ould rncan . he said. a rcduetion of 110 faculty posi- tions and 40 I e a ch 1 n g a ... sistan!s. ('nnn1ck said a check of offtl'.ial budget figures JU.!'t rl'ceived shows lhe campus y,·ill gl't S37.8 million for teaching. 3. I million or 7 7 percent less than it did in lhe 1970-71 fiscal year. Jn research. the nev.· budJ:?CI al locatrs M J million. doy,•n S800.000 or 9 I JX'f cent fron1 !he S9.l milJ:~n allocC1ted last year. he said. "These two slashes in stair support of the university·s primary work are ;;i great f1seal shock." s<iid Connick ··rhey \\'ill hurt the quali ty or teaching here even though v.·e are working lo rcdurc their in1pacL" The chancellor said state SUllporl for all UPf'1'311ons a! the Berkeley cc1n1pus 1s S71 .9 million for the new fiscal y('ar, clov.·n SJ 9 million from the $73 8 million last ~·c ar and compared with S75.6 million for 1969-70. "l.nless there is a change in lhe budget by the lrgislature. this loss 0f teaching funds will req uire that Berke!c.v cut 110 fa culty posi1ions and 4 O teaching assis1ants." hr said "Reduced stale fund s for the library v.ill forcr us 10 res1ricl u,<;P houri; and further r('ducr lhe acquisition of new books." Ancient Anchor Spotted CHARLESTON Ore ll'Pl 1 -A large rusty anr hor lnunrl from lhe ocean 's depths off H.or~cfalt Be:ich tn Coos Coun I,\ has Tl.'rtl'V.t'tl .~pt.'t:u l<1l 1nn that a Spanish ga lleon rould ha\e i::un k in lhat area abou! 200 years a~u. The anchor <11>pa rentl~ h;i,c; a l.~o lx•cn causing ln~s 41f r1~h1ng nl'l '> h) 11rca f1shcrrn<·n .e long tu11P l\cnnf'th IJ \t'Ucle \.\<IS f1~h1 ni:: :ibrnird h1~ l' o rn 111 e r r 1 :1 I dragb(1,1t Hasc:;1I S ;it LJ rd a~ 1-1·hrn h1,c; flt:! hung ur 011 1hr bottom. He .c;lar1f'rl drag~1ng h1~ ncl ,1·t11f'h dr0pred lhf· ~;t('rn 11! hi" bonl drcpcr and clePpCr into 1hc \\<l11'r With h 1~ net nearly 1n. hi' disco\lered fl gigantic anchor on the end of ii. SIDE- WALK SALE! • SATURDAY JULY 31st • 150 TABLES 1 OOO's of $$$ Worth of Values • SH DISNEY CHARACTERS ALL DAYI HARBOR CENTER 2JOD H.UIOR COSTA MESA Frldty, July JO, 1971 SHOP EARLY, SOME QUANTITIES LIMITIO DACRON PILLOW DUO! • Poly foam core • Cotton tick • Non~allergenic •Soft or firm llNENS REG. $6 EA. FLARE JEANS, SPORT SHIRTS FOR BOYS! SPECIAL • Cotton denim striped flares • Solid-tone cotton " sport shirt ' I • Both in 3-7 I I ,) CHILOl!EN s5 OFF 44-QT. ICT CHEST! ·Family-size chest 988 • Urethane insulated • Safety recessed handle • Quality construction REG. 14.99 SPORTING GOODS - . !I· ' 10• LN. FT. OFF IRON RAIU • D~c~rati ve w.rought iron 99 ¢ • M1n1mum ma intenance • 3'-4'-6' sections LN. • Acce ss ories available "· RIG. 1.69 L.f. &UILOING MATf11:1AlS 1/3 GIC C OSS BRA! • Nylon-polyester-cotton 188 • Adjustable front cross • Lightly padded • A-B-C 32-38 fOUNO•TIONS REG. 2. 99 MATTEL'S SIZZLER® CARS • Rechargeable models l?A~ • Great for racing • New body styles • look like the real ones ' • TOYS REG. 2 .96 HOUSEWA~ES 30-GALLON WATER HEATER! 4995 • G la ss lined • Solely pilot • Fam ily size 40 GAL.,. 59.95 "' -A.G.A. certified • • • • Leg-grippers-no bulge 2 50 • Light overall control • Lace edging, panel • Sizes S-M-L-XL fOUND .. TIONS REG. $5 • Easy pistol-grip 488 • Lightweight • Incl ud es travel bog •fast, efficient COSMfTICS SPECIAL 3-SPEED PORTABLE FAN FOR HOME, OFFICE! 1688 fOR HOME, BOAT, AUTO SAVORY BEEF STEW WITH VEGETABW! 99¢ • Enjoy rich, heorty ~tew • Fresh tossed green salad • Roll and creamery butter • Today's luncheon feature 50% FF SLEEK PANTY HOSE • Finest nylon sheers • Streich fo r smooth line • 3 proportioned sizes • Great fashion tones HOSIEJ:Y AFRICAN" VIOLETS ' • Ideal indoor plant • Pink, white, lavender • G ive co lor accent • 4-inch pot GAROEN SHO~ TO, ll•TI 00 450! ,_,,, fO• fAH , lASY CUAN!NG RfG. l.49 99¢ REG. 1.49 DOUBLE GRID HIBACHI! • 10 x2 0 '' cooking a rea • Non·mor wood feet • G rids raise separately • Dou ble damper control 999 HOUSEW .. RfS SPECIAL 1.60 OFF FIRE EXTINGUISHER! SO-FOOT PLASTIC HOSE! •Protect home, family 2 88 • Dry chemical formula • 1-pound; 2-SC roting • Mounting brackets inc. REG. 4 •49 H_.ROWA~E • V1·inch diameter • Durable plastic • Lightweight, easy-handle • Quality construction GA#OfN SHOI' 177 ' SP!CIAL 1 -, , I ' SHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 'TIL 9 PM ••• SHOP SUNDAY 12 PM TO 5 PM ' ' ~-*a .. ' '"" ' TORRANCE del omo fmh<O" squcne p~e .542-6971 LA CIENEGA la tienego t:il 18th \I, one 836.7922 NORWALK lmpe riol ol ,,.;wwcilk blvd. -868-0911 ------.-~-,z-~,, . -• ' -· f..Jrl'.r FULLERTON horbor o! orongetht:irpe hone 71 4·879-2500 HUNTINGTON BEACH ed 1'1ger ot beoch bouleYorcl pho'le 71 4·892-6611 4 , I -- SANTA ANA bristol ot stYef1h!enth phone .5 47.68-"1 VENTURA .500 south mills rood 485-.5421 642-7541 PANORAMA CITY k)bios ot roscoe orre 894·8211 CANOGA PARK lopon;a plo,. hone 883·1000 ROSEMEAD rose~ bl'ld. ol Kin berrionfin& frHwoy -phone .573.311 0 COVINA borronco ot '°" bernot"lfino frffwO -hone 966.7411 --,----. . ,.., ..... _,~ ..... -·' .. ,, .. I r rid .. ;, July )0, 1~1 s DAJL Y PILOT 3 · Artist Likes to See W orUl Go By Officer Finds Now; Nabs 2 Complete Rezoning Hinted 1 Hy PATRICK SOYLt: .. , A pollc< officer cllmbinJ Into hi• car Thursday eveninc found • nolt taped to the auto'a &or which led to the arust of a p&ir of Laguna Beach ruldents GI n a r c o t i c s charJu. Implications of Capistrano Annexation Spell,ed Out 01""' 0..11, 1'1111 Sl11f Hidden anivug the maze of you.thlu! artillts and tht>ir avant garde booths al the Sawdust Festi\'al in Laguna BeaC'h is a 57-year--0ld grandmolher who deals io rheery C'h1.v rigurlnt>S , bul spends her days watching people . "It's fun to sit here and n1eet lht' peo- ple," says Ruth Nelson between bites on a Juicy apple. •·tr you don't understand people. lhen you don ·1 understand the world." ~!rs. Nelson, a Laguna Beach resident, spends nbout 14 hours every day sitting in a. ~·icker chair inside her small booth, sometimes making the clay figures she sells. The soft-slX)ken, plump artist. after little more than a year's experience with i.:lay, is now in her second Sawdus\ Festival. Tht" umJ.ped me11q:f', written on a lheet ol yellow paper and roll· od Into a tJ&ht cylinder, told or!icer Rick Louk, ''There Ille MVeD marl- juan. plants at 573 Blumont St." Louk went to the addreas and, police claim, uw the plants oo the apartmt.nt balcooy whllt. lilandinl in the driveway. He also found tht. two ottUpantl of the apartment. who were placed Wldtr arn:at and booked on chargea of cultivating the illicit weed. The IUJpedi Wt!r'e identified U Edward J . Slawski., 23, and DoMa J . Ricetti, 20, both of the Blumont Strfft address. The annexation of San Juan Clpistrano with Dana Point and Capiatrano Bt.ach could yield a total tt:zonln& of the two county communities. ''People want to have a voice in J.Olling. U annuation is concluded, the people of both communltiea will be invited to join with us in a reicnng 1Wdy of the enllre area," said Jerry Gaffney. Chalrman of the San Ju.in Caplstrano PlaMing Com· mink>n. Gaffne) made his commtnt Tuesday during a study session at which the Plan- ning Commission nictivtd its instructions on the annuatm 1tudy it has beeo ordered to prepa~. from an aeslhebc polnt of view. City f.tanaaer Don Weidner aarted that !he commission's study will have to be general in scope because the law requitt.s a recommendation by Auf. 28. •'The city staff is working on a com- plete study which we hope will answer all the questions peoplf' have," sald Weidner. "But it probably won't be completed by the time you havt. your hearing." Gaffney aslr.ed, however. U the ilafl could provide the commission with the probable tax rate and whether or not con- solidation of duplicated services wouJd lower taxes. \Viedner said this infonnation would be Basie Phrases available before the hearing a.long with al map indicating the po8aible bouodariu ct the expanded city. City Planner Bob Johns said ln three I "'·eeks a complete breakdown on zoning. density. and population will be prepared, I but lt won 't be done io time !or the public I Maring. "At this point we"re looking at both C'OmmuniUes and three mUes into the ocean," said \l.'ekine.r, who afflnned Dana Point Harbor bas beeD included. But he pOinted out thllt the Commiaion could study both communities separately and perhap{ recommend anneuUoo of only one. A!thollfh she won an art sc holarship in high school. the native Califomian says she was unable to C'Ontinue her edutation and did not return to art until her second daughter was married last year '"I waited all mv life to re.tum to art." lihe says sadly. Free of her family. she enrollM in a pottery class to learn the s kill of using a potter's w/K!i'I. However, the strain of holding the clay pulled a ll'ndon in her hand durinR one of the 1>l'ssions. so she began making the small t·lay figures. Former Addict Set lo Speak A commlsslon recommtnliation in favor or against the proposed anneration is the second step ln a lqthy list of legal ac· tiona a city must lake befo~ annu.ing in· habited rus. The first action agreed upon by the croup was to host an informal public hearing on Aug. 10 Inviting residents from all three communities invo/\'ed. Laguna Fall Curriculum The purpose of the hearing ~·ill be to determine the kinds of questions people have, particuJarly those relating to plan- ning cor.1mission matters. To h1clude 01ina Course .. The teacher came by and saw what { was making.·· Ti.1rs. NelsOfl relates, '"She told me to forget the wheel and continue sru\pting." Almost all of the wornan's figures are tiny and all convey a happy theme. from sn,ihng ragbits and puppies to children pulling kites. Some she can make in an hour. peering over her ''granny glasses" to form the t·lay v:ith her agile fingers and using a sharp-pointed stick lo etch details into the fa ces. Other figures take much longer, depending upon the subjecl. She explains one of the most difficult she has made depicted a dog jumping through a hoop held by a laughing clown . The spry. happy woman trys to reflect her mood in the figures, but she notes that al the t970 Saon·dust FestivaL an 11mateur photographer caught h£>r in a ~rumpy poS£>. The picture won fir st place in a national photography contest, and \YRS widely published. Although !\trs. ~elson is probably the n!dest participant in the Festival -she had four grandchildren -she docs not :nind being around all of the young peo· plt. '"I have al~·ays gotten along better v.·1th youngsters than v.·ith people my own age." she notes. explaining she spent many years babysitting and laking care of children for a living. Hov:ever. one of her mo-;i recent PX· periences with children "'a.~ not very pleasant. On the opening day or the 'Festival. fill she was carrying her day. figures to her booth, a youngsler bumped her, knocking the box to the ground and breaking 30 of the figurines. •·1 gave the broken pieces to a little girl ~·ho wantrd to take them home and glue them b;1.ck together." she says. ~1rs. J\'elson spenl the next several days sitting in her wicker chair re-making enough OAllY ll'llOT ll•lf l'r..!o GRANDMOTHER HAS TA LENT Mrs. Nelson's Creations t:!ay figures to stock her booth. But as much as she enJoys the free at- n1osphere of the Sawdust Festival. she says she v.·ould like to '"graduate'' lo tht. J·'estiv11/ or Arts •cross the 1treet. ··1 only missed it by ten points this year." she says, adding that her daughter 1s a Pestival of Arts exhibitor. as is her t•ight-y£>a r-old granddaughter -in the l'hildrcn·s division ..There is morf' money at the big Festiv11l. ·· she sa.ys, ··but it 1s nol as much fun .·• Session Slated At Saddleback In Laguna Beach Laguna Outreach will hold its lirsl OSAD (Ouc St.and Against Drugs) breakfast Saturday at g a..m. at. the Skan· dia Swedish Smorgu.bord Restaurant, 251 Broad~·av. F'eature<J apeake:r at the: breaklast v.ill be Joye,. Morris, a former heroin addict, who will e%plain how shf' stop~ her habit. Laguna outreach, located at 1'20 !Xean Ave., offers spirituaJ coun,,eling for youth w:lth drug and other problems. The center is directed by Billy Wacle, a minister formerly of Outreach Teen Center in San- la Ana. Cost or lhe-breakfasl is $1.25 and everyone is ~·eJcome. Reservations are not ~y bul will be appreciated and may be made by contacting W11de at 4!H· 0195. The breakfast.! will be held on a weekly basis. Laguna Outreach was formed through the Laguna Beach Coordinating Council"s drug prevention committte st.veral month.~ ago, but has since become a separate entity. The center now operates a lt'lephone coonseling urvice, 494-TALK, for pro- blems of spiritual nffd, criais in· tes-vention and referral:'!. Trustees Agree Not to Increase Water Tax Rate !)1rettors or tM South Coast County Wa~r District Thursday night arree:d not ro increase tares in that di.rlrict and ap- proved a budget with a &3-cent tax rate - lhe same as last year. The total budget amounts to $924,000. Of that sum, $7 17,000 w\11 go in the general fund and $207,000 for bond Prospective Saaoleback C o 11 e g e may sign up ror an appointment time redemption. itudenl<; planning to enroll lhis fall are beginning Aug . 2 and must make the ap-Directors agreed to cu~ two cent! off of requ1Ted to make an appointment to meet pointment 1n person at the college·s stu-the general fund tax rate and move it to \1·1th an atademic counselor, off1c1a!s dent affair.~ office !he bond redemption rate in order lo reporL FurLher informatioo 1nay be ob1a1ned build reserve money for an upcoming The counseling sessions on·1ll be.gin Sept. by callin~ the school at 837-9700, 495-495-0 principal paymenls on bonds issued in l at the Mission Vif'JO campus. Students or 499·221 L 1963. "I think we stould study the annexation In terms of how it will affect future plan· ning and how the planning in the coin- muniLies ;i.round us will affect us," $a.id Commissioner Art Lavagnino. Gaffney added that it also will be the commission's job to lok at the anneiation Laguna Church Shifts Recycle Center Location The Laguna Beach Unit ar i a n- L'nlversa!ist Fellowship Church ha.! relocaled il.! recycling collect.ion center and i.s now looking for a site al which to collect nf'Wspapers. The center is now at 1(160 Glenneyre SL and will be open Tue5day, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. till noon. Residents are urged to bring all forn1s of aluminum. and any glass containf't to the center (or recycling. The items are taken to recla1mat1on centers in Santa Ana and Orange whf're they are sold. The proceeds are lhen donated to the ""hot hne .. at the Free Clinic. Residenl.! 'n'ish1ng lo lake part in the recycling program are asked to bring on- ly items of solid aluminum. Cans made or such material have no i;eams and round edges. In addition to cans, aluminum pl ates, C{lntainers and tubing can be brought to the center. Glass containers brought to the center must be clean, as not enough volunteers are avaih1ble to wash the glass before it i~ t.aken to the reclamation center. The bottlf!S and jar"S must also be separaled according to color -clear. grttn or brown -and rnf'tal rings must be remov- ed from the neclr.s . Any botUe of any size -from aspirin bottles to gallon jugs -are worth one haU cent each. a center spokesman said, so residenl3 are urged to save all glas.s containers. The church Is still searching for a va· cant lol or large parking area at which newspapers may be collected for recycl- ing. Any resident wishing to donate !he use of such an area may call ll'le. church •l 497-lflSO or 4~11Mi. Ry F'REDERJ CK SCROE~!EHL 01 Ille 0 1lly 11'\!ol S11tf ~tr.ndarln Chinese. Int.roduction to Computer.!, Cinematography, and Mystery Literature: are a sampling of some of the neon· courses to be offered at Laguna Beach High School next year. The course i11 Chinese language, on e )"ear long, will leach studcnl.5 how IQ speak basic con\'t'rsaliona l phrases. "'r1ting ""'ill be accomplished by the utilization of a teaching system developed by \'ale Univtrsity. The computer course will offer in· sl.ruction in designing programs and students will be able lo v.·ork on n1any in- dividual projects. They will use lhe com- puler at the new data processing ctnler in the district offices. A more advanced computer course may be taken by students who complete the introductory class. The cinematography course ~·ill include instruction in both thf' aeslhetic and 1echnicai aspects or movie production. Studenl.5 will produce their o~·n films, ""'ilh sychronous :wund tracks, a.s ~·ell a.! producing instructional films for the use oi the high school. Edgar Allan Poe . Sher lock l~olmes. Georges Simenon, Agatha Christy and Mary Stuart are a few of authors "'hose ""'ork.s Vo'i!\ be studie<i in the mystery hleraLure class. The description of the class, listed ln the course or study stated "the clilS6 is designed to enterttJn lhe student with tales of mystery and horror by "Titers of the past and presenl .•. to help him underst.and the psychological a n d sociological appeal of the mystery and exercise his po'.l'ers of reasoning 1n trying to deduce ··Who done it.' " The new courses, along with lhf' lradi- honal requirements were presented lo 1nembers of the board of education t>arlier this monlh and were subject of a study session "°1onday night. The listing of the courses will come up for forma.! approval of the board next month. Other new courses. to be offered as English electives include Poetry of the 7ll"s, Great American Writer.! and Bible 11.s Li~ralurf'. A course in spttd reading, suggested by members of the boa.rd, is likely to be included later on . In the sciences, People. Sciehc:ie and Environment will be conducted, which wi!i stress biological concepts as they ap- ply to human physioloey, conservation, and society. Man in an Authoritarian Society. a! a social science elective. will offer in· struction in how man has lived in society for the past 200 years. Also new in the soci11I sciences are Reform and Protest t-.1ovemenl5 in America. Political Theory, American studies, "°1an, Money and Materialism and Africa.: Cu It u r al Perspective. Another nev; offering this year, French Cuisine, has been added to complement both French language and cook.in& classes. Studf:nts will prepare many French specialties as part of iMt:rucUon rn the course. College Cancels Vehicle Deal Over Excise Tax Saddlf'back College trustees have decided not to purchase a fou r-whee! drive vehicle from a Fullerton auto dealer after the man 'n'Ould not honor tbt school's excise tax exempt 15latus. College business manager Roy Barletta asked the trustees Monday nlghl to delete the $2.741 purchase price from a li!t of low hids ror several items up for ap- prov al by the board. Barletta said Bob Jones Auto Sales had a.~ked to be paid the excise. tax on thca vehicle purchase. price by the college. Under normal procedures, Barletta said, such firms honor the school excise tax exemption certificate and then apply for a refund from the federal govemmt.nt. Barletta noted the auto dealer did not wish to •·fighl for rf'imbursement" of the money, 50 the bid wa s deleted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' .,, -~.-!"Y .. fr ~~ 'J~~ lf. -: ~ '!~· ,.,., -.. r+1 • -IV'~-- ., , 63 ";· -.. 'l!o. ,.. __ _ -·--·-. --------------.J/P - __ .. _ ... _ --·-·--.. ~ • Th• Big M-Mutual Savings 0Her1 th• nation's highest rate on Insured uvings with a choice of 4 lnsurad guaranteed-to· grow 1avlng1 plans. Including 6% ($5,000 minimum, 2 to 5 y .. rs); 5%% ($1,000minimum,1 to 5 yearo). Equany lmportlnt, The Big M cares enough to give you very peraonal aervfce. GEE SAFE DI.POSIT BOX with aecounta ol 12,500 °'more. Mutual Savings eo..nac1o1M .. -=211r•n1eo...1H1gtnny/11W010 .nd I.OM Al90Clltlort 0th« omcet In Covin., Wtst Arcadia. Pas1dena ,111d Glend1lt .,.-. .,. ... _ -... ~ •. 1.1 -~ .~ .. ------~ ------- ·-· !f ~y PU.OT Influences Of Reds End In Sudan KHARTOUM, Sudan (UPI) -When government executioners pulled a cloth sack over the head of a small, balding ~ man, slipped a noose around his neck and • banged him in a brisk rain, they ef· ;, fectively ended the influence of I.he local Communist Party in Ult Sudan. The man was the Sudanese Communist PartY Secretary General, Atxlel Kh.alek Mahjoub. He v.·alked to the gallov.·s with little more than a murmur or official protest from the So\•1ct Union, v.·hich had been his best fTiend but also was the chief sup. plier or aid, advitf: and trade t.o the government that executed him. frllt.IJ , JOiy 30, }fj]} Britotts Meet This hanging early Wednesday climax· ed a week of confused pol!tical turmoil in the Sudan that saw the Arab world's first Communist Government take power by •. means of a coup and then fall to a countercoup that restored President Maj. • Gen. Jaafar Numeiry lo power within 72 "=hours. Chay Blyth. 31 . a Brito n. and the first man to sail solo around the world non-stop from east to west, meets up with the Brit ish aircraft carrier Ark Royal Thursday 300 miles "'est of France. Blyth, in his 17· ton yacht, British Steel. hopes to reach South Eng· land sometime next week. Nobody, including the government, is certain about exactly what happened in this space of time. Too many of it! participants were either killed in the fighting or fell victim to firing squads or hangmen before .their story could be lDld. S. Viet Rangers Repel Colonel Killed In Last Hours The two essential facts of Sudan's most bloody political upheaval· in recent history are known, however. When the Communists realized they were going to looe, they ordered and carried out the ex- e<;t.1Uon of 28 otricers being held prisoner in a government guest house. Numeiry's follo~·ers reacted by court marti.aling 14 of the coup leaders and executing them in the next five days. Communist Battalion Of Vietnam Tour Others died on . both sides in battles around the national paJace and the cen· tral business district, which saw the British Embassy and the American Mission caught in !he crossfire. Numeiry said :!8 persons were killed and 119 wounded in these clashes. Diplomats and local residents placed the figure much higher. 1 he tabulation of those exect1ted was more precise. The government announced each of them in national radio broadcasts after military trials that lasted from one to four hours. And the end might not yet be in sight. Government ofricials said another 30 men are still being held for lrial. and there is a nationwide manhunt for 39 civilian Communists. Only a handful or these might be killed, they said. But the others are likely to receive stifr prison 1entences. For the Soviets, th<!se disclosures were political disaster. The Soviet Union has an estimaled l,800 advisers and huge aid investments in the Sudan. Diplomats are political !iOUT~S said Moscow ~·as looking lo Numeiry as their man South of Egypt unlil he first started cracking down on the Communist.s nine months ago. Defense V nit Gets Vlti1natu111 WASHINGTON (UPI I -The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has delivered a one-month ultimatum to the Defense Department threatening it with lhe loi;s of further military aid funds. Invoking a rarely used conJ?ressional sanction, the committee formally notified Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird r nur sday that his authority to spend military aid appropriations ~·ould cease in 35 days unless he: -Gives the committee a copy nf the iepartment's five-yea r plan for military assistance to foreign countries. -Or delivers a message from Presi· dent Ni.xon refusing to release the report. Committee Chairman J . W. Fulbright told Laird the committee decided lo take the action by a 15 to O vote because the Pentagon had ignored a series of reques~s lor the information. SAIGON /U PI )) -South Vietnamese rangers repulsed an assault loday by a balt.alion·sized force or 2,&oO to ·2.900 Communist soldie rs on their central highlands camp. military spokesmen said. Communist gunners r i red 10 rockets near Da Nang, killing an American Colonel and v.·oundinR iin undisclosed number of U.S. and South Vietnamese II oops. Two U.S. helicopters were shol down elsewhere. and A m e r i c 11 n 852 stratofortresses continued bombarding Communist positions in the northern sec- tor of South Vietnam. Saigon C-Ommand spokesmen said the pre-dawn Communist assault in southern Pleiku Province cost the government troops three dead and 20 v.·ounded. About six hours earlier. 10 South Vietnamese rangers ~·ere wounded in another fight in the same region. A U.S. military spokesman said today one American crewman v.·as wounded when groundlire brought down his t:HI Huey helicopter gu11ship Thursday in th• Bay. An OH5 Light Observation lfelicop- ter was shot down in the same vicinity, but the crew escaped harm, the spokes- man said. The U.S. Command identified the Colonel killed in the rocket attack near Da Nang as Edward .J. Cavanaugh. 48. or Fairfa.x, Va .. an adviser to the South \'ietnamese 5Jst lnfantry Regiment. A spokesman said the other U.S. casualties were "light.'' A South Vietnamese spokesman said the Communists fired the l22mm rockets at the regiment's bunker command post nine miles southwest of the coastal city of Da Nang. causing light gove rnment casualties without fatalities. The South Vietnamese comm ;i n d reported 30 Viel Cong and North Vier- namese killed in battles in a government pincer operation in Cambod ia U.S. B52 bombers kC'pl up their horn· hardment of Communist tarRets alon,i;: the Demilitarized Zone ( D~iZ ~ m11itarv spokesmen said. · U.S. 7th Air Force spokesman mean~·hile hf!d no comnH'nl on a report from Cambodia 1hal U.S. ftghter·bombC'r~ killed tv.·o civilians and dcstro:vC'd a third nl a villa~e 35 miles north ·of Phnom Penh last f\.1ondav The CommuniSt losses in lhe 1atcs1 fighting alonJ:: Cambodia's HiJ::h way 1 brought to 74 the tolal los~es in the pincer aclion by the South Vietname~P . Spokesmen said there were no South Vietnamese casualties in the day o( clashes on !he main highway linking Saigon and Phnom Penh. In the latesl battle east of the Mekong River in Cambodia the South Vietnamese reported killing 14 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese and finding the bodies or 16 others. The site of two battles Thursday night was in the same area in which ARVN troops backed by Vietnamese fighters and U.S. Helicopter gunships killed 44 communist troops earlier in the day. 1:r 1:r Ky in Trouble; May Not Be Put On Viet Ballot SAIGON <AP) -Spok~men for Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky indkated l.oday !hat he may have great difficulty getting nn the ballot /or the presidential election Oct. 3. Although Ky has 140 signatures on his petition for candidacy, only 70 have been certified by province chiefs and meyors, and only five days remain before the fil· ing deadline Aug. 4. The election law requires a candidate to submit the certified signatures of 100 province and city councilmen or 40 na· lional assemblymen. Nguyen Duy Bao, chaJrman of the Gia Dinh province council and one o! Ky's principal supporter.s, said some 45 of Ky"s 70 uncertified signatures were by coun· cilmen who had also signed president Nguyen Van Thieu 's petition under pressure from their province chiefs. Because a councilman's signature is acceptable on only one petition, if Ky gets 1111 of his other 25 signatures validated. he would still fall fivt short of the necessary JOO. A committee of cou"ncilmen supporting Ky he.s petitioned the Supreme Court to allow councillors to invalidate their\ signatur~ for Thieu so their signatures on Ky's petition \l."ill be accepted. "The presidenl has far more signatures than he needs," s11id Gia Dinh councillor Hoang Dinh Tu. "Many councillors signed President Thieu's petition without know· in11: how many signatures he already h8d and that Vice President Ky s!i!l needed endorsements. Others signed under pressure from province chiefs." SAIGON I AP) -The men had just finished their charcoal grilled steaks on the patio. The speeehes had been made and a plaque bad been presented lo the guest of honor, Col. Ed Cavanaugh, who was going home Monday. Suddenly oul of the sunset sky just south of Da Nang. there wru a wh istling sound and !hen a crackling thunder. A 100-pound rockel smashed into the ground 150 yards west of the patio. There were lhrce or four more within a minute or two. The U.S. officers, the enlisted men and their South Vietnamese comrades dashed for bunkers near the patio. Two arli!/ery batteri~ on Hill 55, a South Vietnamese regimental head· quarlers where the party was being held, began firing back. The enemy rocket.~ stopped. ·'Wilh the artillery counterfiring, thinRs became more secure," recalled one of- ficer who ~'as al the party Thursday night. "About :W minutes later we ~'ent back outside to clean up and survey what damage had been done. W!' could see the 11rtillery going in to where the enemy launch sites were, We could see the smoke from the launch sites." Suddenly there w11 s a cloud or smoke, a shrill whislle in the air. The men knew instinctively the enemy rocket fire had started up again. ··That"s when we ;ill started lo hit the deck,'' said the orficer. A rocket bit 20 feel from Cavanaugh. He wa~ killed. Three U.S. '1fficers and four South Vietnamese near him were wounded. During his last Jiving moments. Cavanaugh was talking about the war in general. '"The rockets didn l worry him a bit," said an officer who was lying next te hi m. Ca\'anaugh, a 43-year-old \\'est Pninl graduate from Fairfax, Va .. held many rneda!s. including the Silver Siar. the na - tion·s third highest award for combat bravery, and a Purple Heart. Colgate Ordered To Develop New Soap Package Midwest State Cools Off WASlllNGTON fAP) -The Food and Drug. Administration has told Colgate Palmolive Co. ID find another container for i~ lemon-scented dishwasher soap, which it packages in what resemblc.s a milk carton. TexlM Lashed by Tornadoes, Lightning, Rain The new product, Crystal Clear, must be marketed in a child-proof package before national distribuUon begim. the FDA told the company. The detergent granules are "haz.ardous Califnt'ltlo +~• ~11c111.,,, .c•on '"" o~·~ "Vllirt IO l1••• f:~ctu!Y• '"""""" .,. r•lo i.11 loc.t(I, !ft fr°"'I d I ... ll•fUU•f ''1~~~-llo1'f'1l"'I. -11\o ~~~ ·:i • .::.~ :Z!':!' f= '•:::. """'-,_ .......... -·· "' l !lrt ..... W t (D l'ld ts •Ooi<leftC01 -· fl-fll" F..-i WOI""'· Eleclrlcllv "'"' \l'IO(.te<'! eu1 1~ "~"'' Tt~•• """' • !M•t M .,., """11d ,..., Geor1>f-., 1"11 1"6T"°'r fl/"""4 <lewfl w11 ,.._,.., "''' w,.,.,.,•o 1h•H 1.-C""• DI rtlft ••II 11 (Ob·"· Al, •• 11\Ct ....,.. •h•ft -l"'f'.ft !Oil >I ".,.-!11M, M1l1>1, OIJrl"Ct 1 OI• .....,, Dt•\ol:l. Ftl• •~lu _,. ""' rul• ""'' •~, , .. .... 1,,.,.. &I "" "''""' ,. .. ,,.. •1ln1. "lfll wl<wt• •"<! •T <tut en• 1(11""1<'.lo l""HI """''G" • .,~, ol N•w Yo•\ ~··'" T"'"'""' ftlo~· W1<1,...or••d II•-"' <1•m10• .,,., r-ltc! lft ..,, tiudt°"' VI II•• l'•t bu! 1111 -1ov1 lnhir111 _,, ,._,fl! Coculal Mo.11rv ""''"' IOCll,, llfl'il v1rl1!)1f ......... "''"' • ..., -••111 """'" "'" «Wt!'"' .,,.,,,.,_, It,...,, t •e 1S -"'Ot• 11 ,.,.,,,_,, ~"I' I "" il!\11"111~. Mltft 111<11• IJ. CHiiii •-tturw ...... lrlll"' II •e 11 '"''"" ,..,,.....,,"' .. ''""' '""" fj ID fO, Wtitt ...,,....l l\ltt ... S rtn, /tlt•on, Tide• l'IUDAV J j) • ... • ' II.Oii '·"'· 1.1 IATUllOAY ,,.,,,.,.., •II•"' 11 ~"" ttlttl 1 DJ ' .., 110 1 ~ • ,,., Ml)(ll'O ttl_.I l•.IO f ,m, Sf+, lf:ot 1.m. ,,.. .. T enapernture1 and can irritate the eyes," Malcolm W. Jenseh, the FDA"s product safety direc- tor lold Palmolive official! In a clot!ied meeUng. Albol,,., ,i.1-....... Al!•"!' "'.-C""'"•o• , ....... n • .., '"" .... M I Vll1k> Cl'llcno c1nc1 ..... 11 Cl<!Veilnd 0.1111 n...ver Oe1 Mal"'I 0.!rolt ~1lrt>tn1<1 ·~~ ..,.,.,. tnc1t1,..H1k J•rttOtWff,. J..-•u ir:....... ( ltv Lio VHI• lo• .0.••tfH .......... 11,., M ••"'I Mllwf\1\11 Ml•-~llt l'ltw O••t••• ~N> Yeft 0~1 • ..., Olt!I"°"" (o!Y 0m.~. ... 1.., loci••"•• ""ll10•t""!• .. _ .... "ll1•btH'1~ "°'""""· IJ.• P.,..,1,...,, Oro ··~ •. ,""'°"" ~., .......... S• llY" $11t L11.1 (llY Ml11t ...... ,.,.__ " ~ ..• ., ,, Last week, a Senate subcommittee heard lestimony from S-.-atUt pediatri- cian Abraham B. Bergman that children .n could mistake Crystal Clear for " CJ lemonade mi.r.ture and that the: product was potentially hazardous. ti M .Jot " " •w " • " " n " " .. " ~ •u " " " " ~ '·' " " " " " • "' • " " n ~ M " .. " .. " "' " ., " " " " " " n ~ ~ • " u " " " " " " .. •M M .. " '" " " " " .. • " • ., " " " M " " " " A Colgate official In New York sa..id the product Is no more dangerous than other dishwasher detergents. He said children .111 ar@ unlikely lo eat the granules from the pale-yellow carton now wed in test marketing. •• ... M Officer Convicted :1t NEW YORK (UPI I -A suspended cily _. policem11n who admitted that he spent .1e tight months on the force so "tlrung our• 14 on cocaine he could not make an arrest was convicted Thursday of conspiracy to .sell drugs. Robert E. Woll;ick. Tl . who was on the ~· force for three years before his 1 it 11u11pension Dec. 23, wa~ acquitted on an 1dditlon11l charp:e of ~lling cocaine.. Two ., cn-<lefcnd11n1s, \Yolleck's brother Thomas 11:nd St11nlcy farrow were acquitted on ·• coosptracy charges. ·-.._,,._ --.... ---___.-_.,:; ' • 1"" \·· ~~-. ~--~ ~ .Jordan Blasted Sisco Discusses Canal With Jews By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Assistant Secretary of State ,Joseph J. Sisco opened hls first round of talks with Israel! leaders in Jerusalem today with a message fro1n Egyptjan Pre s id en t Answar Sadat that Cairo wanls t.alks to <.'<lntinue on reopening the Suez Canal. In the troubled Arab world, Algeria an· nounced today it has suspended diplomatic relations with Jordan to pro. test i13 "collective massacres" or Palesti- nian guerrillas. The Palestinian Libera- tion Organb.ation (PLOJ called on Arab leaders meeting in Libya to boycott Jordan politically and economically. U.S. and Israeli officials maintained of· ficial silence arter more than two hours of talks between Sisco, Prime Minister Golda Meir and Foreign Minister Abba Eban. But an Amer ican source said SisC-O carried a message from Sadat that Egypt does not want talks discontinued on reopening the canal. "When you·ve got ll party line, you rion't hang up," "the source said. quoting the late wartime Secretary of State Cordell •lull. UPI Correspondent Thomas Cheatham reported U.S. and Israeli sources said Sisco carried no specific proposal for a change in lsrael's hard.line stance against reopening the canal but that his intent was to keep the talks going in hopes of an inlerim Middle East peace based on get· ting the walerway back in operation. The message from Sadat was reported to have come from his dtscus.sions with two U.S. Stale Department officials who recently visited Cairo. Sisco was in Cairo three months ago. ln a move which further isolates Jorda- nian King Hussein from the Arab world, the Algerian regime of President Houari Boumedienne decided to suspend rela- tions with Atnman during a special cabinet meeting Thursday night. An off icial communique charged that Jordanian military operations and ··collective massacres" against the Palestinians were the resull~ or "a plan aiming to toµlly destroy the Palestinian revolution." Iraq and Syria have closed their borders with Jordan follpwing a five day battle by Hussein's forces against the Philippines Ma y OK Reds in V.N . !\iANIL.A (UPI)-President Ferdinand E. Marccis said today the Philippines has decided tentatively lo vote for the ad· mission of Communist China into the United Nations. l\farcos told A nC'ws conference a final dct:ision will be made during a meeting of the Philippine Foreign Policy Council on Aug . 17. He s::iid he did not expect any opposition In the policy. Marcos said !he Philippine National Sl!curity Council met today and both the foreign office and milit.11ry officials "suh- mitt.ed reports on the current in- ternational situation." "It's my feeling that the Philippines cannot adopt any other position on the China question txcept adopt what is referred to a!" a two·China policy. The Philippines will agree to any formula in lhe Unilrd N;itions (;eneral Assembly which will ::il!ow the entry of People's Republic of China or Red China into lhe United Nations without expelling Na· tionalist Chine." J\1;ircos satd. guerriJl;is which ended July 17 Iraq 1!M has downgraded its diplomatic recogni· lion of Jordan to the charge d·affaires level. Israeli deputy prime minister Yigal Allon said Thursday night the Unitf!d Stalt's would make a "l(rave mislake" tn put forward new proposals on an interim peace plan. "The United St.ales cannot arford to pul forward any proposals Ct( its own on the essence of a possible interim Middle East settlement because of its position as a go- between in the Arat>-Jsraeli conflict,°' he told a tabor party gathering in H.alfa . ··fsrael is still ready tu conclude an in- ierim agreement with Egypt provided it does not bring about a fundamental change in its strategic position." The leaders of Egypt . Syria. North and South Yemen and Vasser Arafat. head or Al Falah -the largest guerrill• organi2atlon -were in Tripoli Al the re· quest of Libyan Premier Moammar Khadafy who called for United Arab ac- tion against Jordan for trying to "Ii· quidate" the guerrilla movement there during a five day battle ended ,July 17. President Maj. Gen . .Jaaf;ir Numeiry nf the Sudan was to arrive by Libyan aircraft today. President Must Stay Flexible, Red Chinese Say HONG KONG (AP) -•Chinese orficial11 In Peking told a visiting Canadil1n politi-- cian that unles.s President Nixon iJ prepared to make significant concessionJ there will be "hardly any beneficial results'" from his visit to the Red Chinese capit2J. Robert L. Stanfield, leader of Ca nada"• opposition conservative party, said l.oday that top Chinese officials with whom h• spoke gave no ind ication that lheir government is prepared to modify it.• s tand on lhe disputes which are obstacle~ lo better relations between Washington 2.nd Peking. They were particularly adamant when discussing Formosa -or Taiwan. a~ the Cnmmunists call the Nationalist-held island -Stanfield added. Spea king to newsmen shortly after returning from a ~·eek "s visit to l~ Chines~ mainland. Slanfield it.id 11ctin,lf foreign minister Chi Peng-lei and Kuct Mo.jo, a member of lhe Communist par- ty, central committee, '·opined at con· siderab!e length and force about the posi· I.ion of the People's Republic of China regarding relations with the United States. '"They emphasized to me that Presi· dent Nixon is very welcome to come to Peking bu1 unless he is prepared to mAkP some significant concessions there will h?.-d!y be any beneficial results from hi! visit." Great emphasis ~·as placed on th .11 question of Taiwan, he continued, and •·the position of the Chinese fi:Overnment was stated in very categoric term~." Premier Chou En-l;ii expressed tb1 same inflexible attitude in an interview \\'ilh visiting American students July 1g, saying Taiwan "1s a provi11ce of ChinA" ?.,d that the government of Com muni_..t China ··is the sole legitimate government representing the Chinese people.·• Heavy Ho11teworl'? Gloria Farmer is not ii studious college coed. S he's a Poslal Hate Co rn· rnission secrcl;ir.v, .ind the ln<1d of doc-uments v.·ere created by Wash· ington hrarings to d c\cr1n 1nc \Vhether lh c present postal rates now in effect ~'ill be 1t1ade permanent or not. ~ ' '• .h'P~---..... .--- ., ;. .. ,, cd "' m ul h• sl .. h• nd of la •· " C· Ii· ,. of n ,, ,,_ ;, •• ,, • •• y • ;r " ' n " • Id r A • ,. ;. • ;. • ' II ' • d I • . " t t -•• CHECKING • IJP. Nagging No. One G1·ipe of Hubbys By L. ~t Boyd NOW THE POWTERS say they know what's ~Tong with wives. Rather, what husbands cl1im is wrong, In order, Lhese complaints, it's said, are: No. I, na&&ing_ No. 2 , ex- travagance. No. 3, doesn't slay home enough. No. 4, gossips. No. 5, leaves Lhe house me~v. Our Love and War man -is pt1zz!cd. Ttus list or the lop five includes neither ''flirts" nor "snores." That's odd. llAVE WORN leaky boots all right, but never any made by Kee Kee Boot & Shoemaker. Lid .. of No. 4. Peking Hd ., KO\vloon, Hong Kong. a real firm. . IT T AKES ABOUT six seconds for food to pass between I.he mouth and the stomach. Going clown. Walch th is spoce for all the clinica l d:ita fit t o print. .. FIRST on thal brief list of bedtime auire most popul ar wi th women is lhe shorty nightgown. Nylon pa- jamas are second, says a lingerie nlakcr. "WHAT DO THE\' put 1n thal 1nixed drink called !he 'Cellmale'?" inquires a Toledo customer. Understand that's a legal moonshine known es \\.'bite Duck. f.1ixed with Dr. Brown's Carbonated Cctcrv Juice Soda . Whal, you'1;e never heard or Dr. Brown's Ca rbonated Celery .I u i c e Soda? First carb onated beverage in the \\'Orld . !11ade in Brookl yn in 1862. Still around, evidently . HUMOROUS ANECDOTES about domineering \\"ives abound. But just try to turn up a humorous anecdote about a dorrtineering husband. Aren·t any. This come.<: up because an ofF!cial asks if I ever speak lo luncheon meetings . Not anymore. Did ooce. lnrlud~ in the-monologue a fanciful tale about a dinunutive wife \vho linally tured her huge brute of a hu~band from beating her. By bashing him on the nose with a poker in his sl~. Some master of parlor comedy narrated it to nie once. His art was such the humor rolled . J\1 y art was not. The audience sat chilled. Oh, I, the wom1 1 Never again. 1'here is no laughter in the meanness of a m a n , rcmeiober Uiat. CUST0.\1 ER SERVICE: Q. ''\Vho said. 'He flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions'"'" A. Th.it was Stephen Leacock. lie also said: I. "Men are able lo trust one another, knowing !hl' ex· act degree of dishonesty thl'y :ire entitled to expeet." 2. "The parent who can see his OOy as he r!';illy is \\'Ould sha kl' his head and say. '\V illie ls no good ; !"II sell him'." l{OW MAN\' WORDS can you recall with fiye e·s and no other vowels~ Br>sides ··ef- fervescence and ··steeveless- ness. Not many. if .:iny, 1'11 ~·arrant ... "YOU CAN AL,- \\'A YS tell whether a won1an is a secret drinker," contends an ('Xpert on the alcohol dodge, '"by how rnany da y.~ of the 1nonlh she leaves her blinds drawn." RAPID REPLY: No sir. it"i1: known citizens in the J r twenties buy twice as many mobile homes as citizens in their sixties. Your questions ;ind com· menl s a re welcomed and will be used in CHECKING UP .. ,,hcrevcr possible. Please ad- dress your letters to L. ;\f. Boyd. P 0 Box 187!'.. Newport Beach, Cali fornia 92660. , Non-polluti11g Truck Designed by Fom· Men PERRIS (AP) -Four men ~ay lhey haYe <idaptcd a 1960 pickup truck to run on a mix- ture of hydrogen and oxygen that does not emit pollutants. Dwight B. r-.1 innich. one or !he four, said Thursday Lhat they chose the hydrogcn·ox- ygen combination as the basis of their experiments because the fuel mixture would burn Wit hout harmful 1ef1ovrr.<:. "Thr> llf'~j w111y to .:ivnid pollutants is not to make them in the first r,lace. rather than tn try to c eAn them up af- te,.....·ard." he ~aiO tlinnich, ""ho has worked as an engineer in aerospace pro- jectli, is now owner of !he Per- ris Progress. ;:i week 1 y ne\\'Spaper. He and three rngiocrr colleagues h a v e "''orkcd on the project in the newsparer garage during their i;.pare time since January 1970. .lohn Chao. an engineer wirh the st;itc Air !1cso urces Board in Los Angeles. w11.tched ;i demonstration of ;in earlier test vehicle. a 19:10 Model A l··ord piekup and said the rnginr .~tarted e11.~ily and ran ~mooth!y. 1972 U.S. Car Costs To Spiral DETROIT (UPI ) -Two lhings are clear about the cars U.S. automakers are building for 1972 ; they'll look a lot like 1971 models and they·u cost more money. Ford Motor Co. • n d Chrysler Corp. haYe informed their deelers that wholesale priceS for 1972 cars will be ;inywhere from SIOO to $200 more than for 1971 models. General Motors Corp., the largest or the big three automakers and the usual price-setter, isn't saying what Increases thcv a re an- ticipating. But (;l\1 surely will announce a price hike. GM Chairman James J. Roche said Mondr.y recent wage increases were partly r~ponsible for pwihing up prices. Roche, in a televised interview, s11 id the way to halt inflation "''as to ma k r American peoplr> aware of labor"s unrealistic den1and s. He said \vages are exceeding producliYity and this h;>.s made prices so high that U.S. industry is pricing itself out of the international marketplace. HO\\'ever. Uni ted A LI t 0 Workers President Leonard \\'oodcock look Roche to task 1'hursday. "G M's recent profit state· me11t ma kes a mockery of 11.s claims about inflation:" said Woodcock at a news coo· ference. He said GJ\f"i; "rigid price- profit for mula" th2J. nets 20 percenl on invested capital after taxes •·makes the U.S. market particularly suited for Japanese and German auto n1akers."' Woodcock called prices in - creases • ' to I a ! J y unwar- ranted.'' Nader Ca ll s VW 's 'Unsafe' LONDON /U PI\ Consumer advocate Ra 1 p h Nad e r today called Vo!k.~wagen's '"Beetle'' model "the most ha1.ardous cr.r on the road" in the United States. Nader, In an interview on thames televisiol'l"s • ' th I .11 wetk" program , recom- mended the German auto manuraclurer recaH a!I the 4 million ··beetles"' in use in America_ THIEF STOLE 'DEATH THOUGHTS' FROM TAPE Mrs. Lyn Hilton With 01u9ht1r J1nnifer Dying Mom Loses M e1noirs to Thief DENVER (UPI) -Lyn Helton is only 20, but. she'a dying. She wa~i1s In help other.11 feeing similar situations, but a young thief has interrupted her plans. The mother of a ?Q..month-old infant has been r~ord­ ing _her personal thoughts about dealh as part of a research proJttl. Earlier !his week, a young boy, believed to be abou t 9-years-old. broke into her home and stoic her tape recorder and the tape she had been making. Mrs. Helton, dying of a rare bone cancer, 11aw the Y?uth as he ""'as escaping. There was nothing she could do smce she walks only with the aid of crutches. The stolen tape. containing Mrs. HeJton"s person;:il thoughts on death, was being made in a project to help others \vith fatal diseases. A spokesman for the woman'!! physician said Lhe project could be a valuable contribution lo medicine and psychology by helping others 10 mentally fa ce terminal diseases. Mrs. Helton, ~·ife or a musici an. said she wants ltt publish her recorded l.houghts lo proYide an insight int.o the fears, worries and hopes of a dying mother_ THE' VILLAGE WEST FINE AllTS J, C RAFTS CENT~R SUMI• FISTIYAL HOW IN ~ULL SWIHG- 7•1 loq"'lt9 C1r11yo11 •ood, L091111-k" l'ortll .......... f4·•l•O OAJL V PILOT • small pox 1;-~-K-W-IZ-l-::'8=0=A=M=RA=D=ID=•=A=l=l TM=!=GO=O=D=ION=G=S =ar=AU=-T="-1 • V acci11e i WIN FREE! IT'S EASY ~ Harmful? § 1971 Austin America ! iu •n _ iii CASH (Lots of it) I The Public Health Service ~ H d d f h I ~ (PHS I ls "rioo•IY '°"'Id.ring , Uft re S 0 ot er pr 185 I: WAS HINGTON a recommendation to stOp the ·3 g rouUl'le vaccination o( mJIHona Stnd a postcard, or the ottochtd coupon with ~· of children Md travelers for I s your name, address and zip code, including officials said today. I phone number to: KW IZ, Santa Ana, Calif· sm11lpo1, governn1ent health ii: S •·we are about al the point _ ornia, 92703. of suggesting the risk of reac-tf lioo lo the vattine is greater t: r------~~~~~~~~~: ______ , = than the risk ol getting R smallpox ·in the U n ited i KWIZ DREAM WHEEL I - St•tes," "1id a •poke•man '°' I ' I g the PHS center for disease • f NAM I _; control Jn Atlanta. I I H ealth sources In ¥ ADDRESS I ~ Wt.!lhlngton sa id the highly in-t-J CITY I ai fluential P HS adv Lsory com-:f I • < ZIP I mi ttee on immuni zation prac-,_ I I ~ !ices has decided already to ID I F recommend a change in the "" f'HON I ~ government's policy of recon1-I I OP I "' mehdinti routines m a I I pox .... L g vaccinations but wil l not an -----------------------..J 8 ;:,~nee ;t '"m'"' unrn th;, ~ listen for your nome on the air ·; Disease center official~ said ... -- --"' • d.c•;on h3' not been "ach· ~ 1480 ON THE AM DIAL ::: ... ed eJlhough the advi!!ory com-_, mlttee Is seriously considering -: KWIZ 1480 AM RADIO• All THE GOOD SONGS IY ALL THE ~ a change. SEE Explosive l.R.A. World Championship BOY'S CLUB OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Real action with cowboys competing on rough broncs and l'.llgged bulls for top prize money and world championship points, SHEUE FIELD, HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL Sat., July 31 2 and 8 p.m . Sun., Aug. 1 2 p.m. ADULTS $2.80 17 Y .. " ..,111 U11ffl .Yi P•ICI ''Ab • . ·~t..~-..c • ~ usmessn1an Wl~m 15 new acquaintances mustbeprepare.dtomeettheni ' -MarkScott ''I" ou are invited to purehase (JIJr gentlemen'• apparel at • fifty pt!tamt reduction, u.ntil the Sf!\'enlh of A ugu1t. .Ir 42 Fu hi on lsle d. Further Infttrmation: &44-7520. ===~~~ ·one·stop' shopping at its finest! ------ Ol'EN .MONDAY & THURSDAY EVENINGS 'TIC 9 O'NE DAY ONLY SATURDAY JULY 31 10 TO .. ---·---~ r-,. ---I)~· H'-~• ,Jil".S.• -·----. . :t:"""-.... -::-- ~- •• Di\R V PROT EDITORIAL PAGE PreServing the Heritage Laguna Bea.ch residents vote next Tuesday in a special initiative election that 1n.ay well chart the course of communjty developn1ent for many decade21 to con1e. The ballot measure caJls for a vote on bu1l4,ing height limitations. Those who favor a 36--foot ceiJing{on all future construction \\'ill vote Yes. 1'hose opposed to such a height limit will vote No. On the ballot, ii looks as si 1nple as that: high ri.~e verst1s low rise. But the implications and the 1rgu1nents pro and con have been more complex. And l.aguna is not just another oceanfront com- munity. AU of the key considerations involved -the co n1pac l configuration of the city. the ''people mix,11 the <iuality of life -are strlclly Laguna. 'rhey don't seem to exist or apply in the same combinations elsewhere. As election day drai,11s near. voters. have been del· uged with a cacophony of claims and counterclaims about setbacks or open spaces or taxes or traffi<' or iourist dollars or the fear of eCilnom1c or social catas· trophes just 'around the corner. Barring some elevenlh·hou r legaJ machination. the voters will give their decision on Aug. 3. Now 1s the time for l...agunan s to cast asi de all the facades. lhe cries of economic hysteria and lf1e pseudo- intellectualism that has surrounded this campaign. \Ve believe La gunans should ask themselves some f"lUestions: What should be the ruture character of the town? What should be the ruture quality of life~ And, are Lagunans prepared to back their decision econon1 i· rally as well as emotionally? We believe most Lagunan!I will answer that it should be preserved much as it is today. Laguna has a unique character. Partly this results from its unique geography, and partly from the heritage of its development from a seaside fishing village into a s pecial place where visitors as well as artists. craftsmen a nd creative people respond to the peace, the less bar· ried pace and beauty. Because it is one of the last outposts of"relative tranquility on the Callfornla coast, it Is not surprising that most Lagunans who b11ve lived in lhe lown long enough to see change hive learned to distrust change. More parking meters, tak~ut food stands, permis· slve 1ign laws, bigger buildings or even wider street'\: and the inevitable cons,equences of growth have done little to enhance the quality of life. Now. however, it is being suggested that son:ie new concrete thrust skyward between the ocean a.nd the bulk of the community will make Laguna finer than ever be- fore. Lagunans have grounds not to trust it. Perhaps there is a place for high rise construction In Laguna. But it seems dear that such a location is no t belween the existing town and the sea. Yet t.aguna's municipal authorities ha ve stubborn· ly ignored this tide .of opinion. They have clu ng tena- ciously to the position that high rise must be built along the beach frontage in order to attract more tourism and help pay for more growth. Such a stance can only be viev,,ed as a blueprint for profound change in the future character of the lO\.\'n. As s uch. il leaves strong question about the future quality of lire. 1'he initiative measure on Tuesday's ballot ha~ rtaws. It is certainly no cure-all. Ugliness and congesllon c·an be-and have been, here and elsewhere-hewn by man's hand as easily in 36 feet as in eight stories. But the history of Laguna's attraction for tour ist and homctowner alike has been as a low·profile seaside art colony. an escape from the pressure cooker society of skyscrapers and smog. The issue for Laguna Beach now appears to be clear· ly drawn. If the initiative fails, there will be high rise along the ocean fronl. We recommend a Yes vote Tuesday as the best step now available to Lagunans toward preserving the quality of life and the character of the town. s Dear Reuders Hffue Their Sffy Honesty ls Not the Way To Keep a Job Cloomy Gus Laguna Beach's High Rise Issue ,,,... • ·tt· f.l . .. ; ~~(;.] f;}'<l',\\'q~r,· .. ~ ~~ , •·:W.,a~ "' . "' '~·>S' ti'. '('~·' ,,;/~~. ·• '• ~' l~';! ( '...1~6* :-.fl' d'.. iil.:\ 0t~ ln June, a top Ford executive warned !he public about safety problems in General Motors' Corvair. Henry Ford Tl, instead of praising hls aide, hastily telephoned GM Chairman James Roche to disassociate Ford Motor from the warning. Now, lhe Ford official, Harley Copp, may go to lhe chopping block . 'f'here are repor1s within Fnrd I.hat the comp.any fnr which he has worked 2S years 1s going to top off 700 of 1.000 men in his division. Copp'~ pecultar lesso n in Lhe dangers: of corpora lt honesty began in May_ Al that lime, CM sald its: now-discontinued Corvair doesn't roll over 11ny more than "competitive cars of the same era," in· eluding the Ford }o'alcnn. COPP HAD engineered the F'alcon. was proud of it, and took the GM statement as a blatant insull to his car and his com - pany. He wrote Senate. Commerce Chairman Warren Magnuson (0-Wash. ), telling him of the 1959 F'ord tests •lf t:Orvairs whic h showed they rolled over far too easily. Y.'hen Henry F'ord 11 heard of Cnpp·, le.!ter to i\1agnuson. he ::;ummoned in10 hi~ plush offices Font Vice PresidC'nt William Innes, legal .,dvisnr Hank Nolle and others. 11\C talk was "o! about how to keep up the fire on GM . but how 10 cool ii. With his aides besid~ him, Ford ran,g up GM Chainn11n Roche. Instead of roasting GM for its in.~ult to lhe F11lcon, Ford assured Roche that he did n01 ap- prove Copp'& letter .1.nd that Copp was acting on his own. Now that t.aguna Beach ha~ ~ restaurant that names its sand- wiches after famous people, J sug- gest we have one for cach of rhe city counC'ilmen. Can you ima gine having Ed Lorr or Charlie Boyd for lunch? • -f . A. S. TM• f•o!Mfo •oll•<h •oodfr!' YlfWl, <Mii ,..~uu•ll• ...... ol Iii• now•••-· ltfl<I' ,..,, HI ••ovo i. OIHm, Gut, Dolly .i141r. THE DISTRESSED Copp, aware. by now he was in the doghouse for his belie.f . in free en\erpri~ and competition, of- rered to quit his job a5 director or engineering end technical services, Innes, en 9Jd fri end. talked him ou t of ll, but gave 'him no public supporl. While morale drQPped among Ford englnee.r!I who worked on the. i.~alcon. Copp sat. tight. Bul rumors spread that Ford himse.Jr had orclered another a c e technical man, Bob Gr.iham , to begin taking over parl of Copp's division . It was lhen lhat l\,agnuson, !caring Copp's rate was uncert<11n. wrote an energetic private lellcr to Henry F'ord II in an erfort to preserve Copp in his job. "In speaking oul against erroneot1! statements of the General Motor!! Corporation," said Ma gnuson, '"Mr. Copp distinguished himself as a person who is committed to the Ford r..1otor Company and to the public . , . " LA WVEH. NOi.TE conceded 10 u.~ that Graham might be getting a new JOb. but sairl he had no knowle<lge 11 "'a!I at l'opp"s expense. A.~ In lhf' Hoc:"hr c.'lll. Nollr confirmed ford rnade it Bu1 11 wa~ '"inFormat1vr." nol "apoloi;ellc ·· Copp dl"<'linerl f'Ommrn! f()ll\nolr II ques1inn now haunt111,oi, t'On· 11un1l'r ad\'oca1es i.~ 11·hy f orr! rl1rl not make puhllt in 1959 i1~ 1cs1~ ~hnw1n,ol. Corvairs h:id dangcrnu.~ rnllo\'f'r 1t'n- <!enci rs L1v1·s rnight h:ivP brrn .s;11·e!l. ~nd Gi\1 miJ;:ht havp c-orrertrd 1hP fH'rkv l11Ut cars beforl' Ralph Nader sank 11111 teeth inlo lhem l·larrl·cu111pc11ng old Henry Forrl . Sr .• llenry ll 's s:r:indfa!hcr. \4'ould certainly have found a way o! making the te.sts public. Paradox of Creativity 1'h11ught1 111 L.argt': Whatever i.~ a product or the moment '' quickly dated: the paradox ol crea1iv11y 1.~ thal the only work lhat JS "llmely" i! lhe work Lhat 13 lime.less. It takes as much skill to watch a game lntelligenlly u it doea to play it: at • high.level tennis match, for instance, the game5 as 11ee.n by most of the spectators i!I not at all the iiame the players are engaged 1n. The rnncepl of "prortr• i.~ the lea~t underslood of all economic terms -by -----~ Friday. July 30, 1971 rh.t editorinl paQt' of the Dailfl Pilot •ttlu to Ut/orm (Ind rttn1- 1'latl reader• by pre1tntinQ thil new.rpoJKr's opinions and com- mtnta~ qn topics of 1ntt1re1t and 1ignt{icanct, b11 providing a f011l11l for t.IM! e:pre1.rion of ouf' J'C4dera• opinions. and btf pf'e1enUng tht di~rse trltw- potnts of tn/crrnud obst'!rotr1 ttnd ipokull'MUl Oft krpiu Of tht do~. Robert N. Wo<d. Publisher •• ---- , ........ ~ -Sydney .,. Harris l \ t ,, e.mployer~ no les~ than hy r.n1ployes. both of whom use. it as a fa lse standard for bargaining. Ont or the reasons so many mediocre men enter pohlic11 is !hat 1ls standards are deHghtfu1\y low: everyone who ha~ not ye t gone to Jllil i~ t:onslderrd llll honest, and everyone who 1!' not blatantly fooli sh is considered shre.wd. When 11 great deal is e:xpectcd of 1t rhild, he either rises lo the expectAtion or ill crushed by it : and !hi~ Ill why en ex- pectation !hat is not realistic can cripple .1. child as murh as deprecation docs. The true. mark or the bigol i~ Iha\ he i!I ntver ablt. to understand the prime necessity for dl!agreement among peo- pl". looking upon his 1dver'311ric.~ as being only stupid ;ind stubbom ; he: should re:nect upon the: wisdom or th' old Yid- dlsh proverb: "If 1111 pulled in one direc- tion, the world would keel over." Jn 1 t'Ommrrrially·dom fnattd ~icty. qualities arr likt commodll1e.,. only !hose which are fn demand 11re cullivatC'd : and we have nn c11u~e In l'.'Omplt11n thAt people Rl'f' "selfish" when iiellishnest ('-O m· mands no prier' 1n tht m11rket. .8e1:aust" (1! tht: er.zraordinary 11uer- 1>sl in and the complexity of the high · ri.~e 111ic ia liue issue facing J.agunn Beach voter.~ Aiig .. 1. rhe DAI/. Y PILO'f' 1odn11 is 1vai v1ng its JOO·word l1111i1 cr11 Mailbox co11tr1bulio,1 s. All letters rece1vfd iip lo 5 p:rn . July 28 have been printed or are on this page. -Editor To thf': Editor: Lagunans who prefer vil!agf' 111- mosphere point out lhal air stagnation, lost vistas, and higher laxes are among the lesser attributes of high·density development. These points appear valid. High·rise im- pedes the natural flow of ocean air 8orl tends to "pocket°' automobile exhaust fumes. Historically, community laxes in· r-re;i:i;e with higher valuation high .rise <levclopment. Loss of view speaks for itself. HAVE "OU ever wondered. for in- slanr:e, why you see only aerial lilms or pholos of Miami Beach? Simply because it is possible to travel long distances on Collins Avenue without ever seeing the ica, only hotels. But another aspect Is rarely con· ~idered, and tha~ is the effect of high· density development upon the. shorelin e itself F'lflrida again offers a classir example. ln ~liami Br ach, the. public's 1n1erl'sl ~"'~ submerged by an ineffertual city couneil th;it gave developer interests full say. 1\~ ::i small sop to res1dcn1s. each street and ~ <1.<; srt aside as a public beach. The theory w;i~ lovely. Yel in reality, Pach s1rPet end becem!' little more than a sprvire alley fflr h<1ndl1ng lhe supplicc; 11nd lrsish or the gian1 hotels, or for stacking the ears of their guests. ('ONSIJ)f:R what happen.~ til the shore proper when a sc rirs of highdensily ho1PI.~ dominates the beach w11h un1- hrellas . loun~es. rope~. and signs marked "rrivalr -Guesls Onl y." In theory, the publlc has use of all bf-aches 10 mean high lide. In reality. the dom inanC'e o( hu~e holr.l~ could \'Jrtua!lv seal off thf' hearh lo residC'nt~ -young, old, and :i;urfers. Naturally. Laguna residents could continue lo usr Ma in Beach. The stiflirg influence of high·dcns:ty development i~ pla inly visible from \\'11ik1ki to La Jolla. transforn1ing natural \•islas on our small planet with a series of l\IPrile building bl(l('k~. The fallacie.!I of high·ri~r would srrm rcRdily apparent to ;inyont wilh the broad vision and courage to look beyond riuick buck. WILLIA\! R. GRA YOON Leiter •U nfai r ' Tfl Hip t:rlitor: !\ teller i~ being mailed to LaJrUn:t Beach resident.'! over the designalion ··The No On Aug. J Committee" 11nd the names W. H. Lsimbollrne. our plannin~ commission ch;iirman, and .I a mes Schmit7.. a plannln~ commisSloner. I would like to point out same or the mo~t 1laring instanc~ or non-fact in the letter. Un<ler the headln~ "UNFAIR TAC· TI CS"' in ref erencP to the argument 1n favor of the in iti;iti\'f' ordinance whirh wa~ enclosed hy the city clerk along with the 11ample ballol ii is st.1.te:d, "No argu· men! agains:t I~ proposition ~'a~ eneloserl. despitt tht ract thal the ma- jority of the city's elected official~. pl<'l.n· nlng commissioners and civic leaders ha ve expressed opposition.°' Such 11rgumenl~, printed ;i\ publ!c t:X · ~nse al very nominal ro~t arl' stand;lrd proccdurt In 111n election 11nd lhc re~110n ''no argument against thr: proposition ""Bl! ~nclo~·1 I! that Thi' oppooenlll dui not submll an argumenl to lhc ci ty clerk. -- Actually. a! the time of the prinlin~ deadline. none or these people had yet rlared oppose th e ordinance publicly. Nvw rhey have coalesced and con1e out or the woodwork. These people knew thC'y cou ld ha ve presented an argument to the c1ly clerk. lgnorant lhey are not. Crafty? Yes, WHO AllE THESE people on the ''No'' l'ommittce? f.lr Schmitz lold a member or !hf' Yes committee lhat the group includrs Loren Haneline, O"'ner of lhe Vacation \11llage holet ('{)mplex : .ltm Agnew of the llotel·Moll?I Assn.: Bob Benner of Glenneyre Furniture; Ed Lorr, citv rounciln1an. \I er non Spit.a lerr, publi:;hcr: as well as !\.ir. Schm.itz. a planning rommissionr.r and building con· lractor. Mr Larnhnurne. planning com- 1nission 1.:hairm;in and real es1ate broke r. and lwo "l;id1es from the Chamber of Commerce.·· 'fo 11lustrale 111y commenl abo11t thr woodwork . Mr. Haneline was quoted nn 1he front page or the April 21 edit ion or a loc:il bi .weekly ncv:spaper as sayini::. ''The ({'ilyl councll wnuld havC" lhe sup· i'f\rt of lhP floLel·~1 oteJ & Apartment Assn . in accepting a 36 foot hr.ight limit." i1'his newspaper's P.O. Box 1~ the return address of the Nn ('omn1Hter 1 TN TllE "NO" LETTER it is slated !hat ''Laguna BPach has a ~·foo1 height hmit right now ."' that a Yes vote on Aug. :'I wdl ··cul off the view ln the sam e man- ner as the Ballxia Ba\· Club'' and "wil l rcsul! 111 '4'all to \\"<L11 de\"elopn1rnt of every bl/)('k of ocean fmnl prvpert~ ·· fl1r Schrn111. h::is m11f1e ~ i n1 i 1 a r .,;tatl'rncnrs 1n a rrlea~" !n the local h1- '4'eekly recently enrl ;it 1he p!ann1n~ com· mission n1eet ing of .July 19. I inff)rmed l111n and the c0rnrn1ss1nn th<il '4'h;it is T"t'frrrr'd 111 a~ a fiO·fOOt height hm11 a~ proprisl'<l by 1hr cornm1s~ion is nnt a limi t 11! ;:iJI hut a r('cornmeridcd hei}!ht wh1rh could hi' i·h;ingrd tn any hr1gh1 by the \"arillnce prOl.'t.'dure. They dtd not deny the fact I rilso inforn1er1 !hrn1 that 1hc inilla1 iVP nrctin;ince will regulate height only and wjll ha ve no eUcct on the sideyard or other requirements of the C.R. zone they have recommended to the council. Ye:t, knowing the facts, they per:>1sl in pursu- ing the spectre of a solid w;:ill of buildings. CONSIDER ING the. abovt, ii is diffi cult lo understand how these p e o p I e • particularly the planning commissioners and th~ rouneilman can support and pmmulgate established ralsehoods. 1 can only assume they coosider the electorate to be as gullible as: these peopl~ are in· sidiously deceptive. They will learn on Aug. 3 that they have. greatly underesti- mated the savvy of Lagunans ;ind that we wlll not bile on their artificial "tax revenue" ba it dangling from lhelr higll rise line. WM. W. LEAK Ves on Aug. 3 Committee T11.~ llate Q11c.-tio•1 To the Editor: The current controversy in Laguna Beach o\'er the future of high rise dtvt\opment In the \'illage represents an Rspecl of 11 11roblem that 1s facing a great m:iny small communities in the stale lo- d;iy. Typically. such problems btgin with a local chamber of rommrrcr or plaruiing (."Ommlsslon 11rguing that the en· ('()Ura~tment of growth re i;. high rise. devrlopmenll will ~pre.Rd the t3x l<»td, rel'iultlnit in a lowcrrd t;ix rate per person, All of the AVRilJhlr rvidencr lndicalr!I. however. that just the opposite i::; true ~ Anyont> can prove lhl~ f:u:t for hims~f by writing to the office of the Sl;ite Con· troller In SRcramento 11nd requesting 11 Mailbox L•tt•" 1 .. .., nild•rt .,. ""le""'•· Nor,..olly wrl!tr• Jhou1<1 canv1¥ !~•I• "'''""'"" "' JOI -•G• a• ..... Tho <l1ht I• COMllh .. llll•rt " Ill ... c. •• 11/miftl!o 111111 I• '"'"'~""· All 1tl!1n muor lft· cllld• •l111••u•• •Ml molllfl1 •~"'"'· "'' "'"'" mo1 Ill wllfth11<1 on reQulll II 1u!Ue<1M rel"'" rs ''''"ft1. !'1ttn w.11 .,., "" ,.,au1111oe1 free publication entitled. "Annual Report nf Financi;il Transacl1ons Concerning Cities of Californ ia." These data clearly show th;it lhe greater the city population. lhe higher the per capita t11x rate. More and more cities <1re now realizln g lh1s fact and t'tlnlrolling their development. PHILIP W. RUN DEL lloltti'• l'ie 1vpf-it1t To I.he Editor; 1'his is whC'rP I came in! The issue before Laguna Bcf!ch today i:i; the. same is1<:ue that caused n1e to seek the office of Councilman in early l!l68, At that rime a varianrr was granted hy the Planning Commission and upheld by 1he City Coun- c:il, I by 11 3 ln 2 vot l' !. which permitted a hotel ~ Feel high lo be. built on ou r coast in a zone which had a height limit of 30 fcl't. The rrsults nf that council election represented a strong re pudi11ti on by our c1t1:M!ns of h1-ri~. ht-den sity dr\'elopment 1n '1ur village. T'wo counci l incumbents 1Yhn had supported this height vari;ince 11•cre retired Jrom office in that election. ,-ET THE community find.~ 1t.<;elf laced once again '4'ith the sRme is~ue. There ran be little '4'ondc r thal l..agunans chose the 1nitiativr process fn establish a hu !l<.l1ng hl'ight limit. If lht Aug. l elec- tion is successful it cannol be allered by subsequent Cl1y Council action -only by the citizens al the pollll"lg place. Several aspecis of this height limitation dese rve careful evaluation: 'ARCHITECTURAL DIVERS ITV r Tt}anks to our topogr~y the.re. 1~ Hferally no way in which .11 36-foot buildjng limit could give. our town the flat , uninteresli.oi appearance. of Garde1111 Grove.. The r1dge.s and valle)'s provide a natural undulatlon. a series of am· philheateril: facing the sea, which the most resourceful of archltectii; could not succeed in monotooiz.ing under the pro- posed limitation. Only by filling up these cinyonf wilh tall structures could a d~ree of natness be achieved. ln commenting on tlie "· ... rine scale .11nd tradition of indtviduRI hill side con- struction" ln Laguna &ach. Will iam L. Pereira , Internationally known architect and planner has stated, "it might be noted thal topog raphy is Lagtina ·s strongesl defense and ha.ii; prevented the kind of sterile uniformity which is cret'p- ing like a blight ovei much of Orange County.'' &iually Important is t~ recognition that only 1.Z. percent of our clty would be. .11ffected by this Initiative ordJnanee. Or. put another way. n.a percent or Laguna Is currently in ionea which already have 25. 30 or 35 foot height limits and. eon· sequcntiy, would not be aUecled In any way. Furthermore. because the inifutive ordinance ", , • tim?u buildings to l ~torles or ~ feet In elev1tion as m4j.&l'iured rrom the highest point of rinilhed gntde. " unobstruslve buildini:i:~. which would not intttrupt views, may ~l ill be cnn.~tructed againl'it the hil111 wtlirh might measure in excess of 36 fee.I and be in excess of 3 noors. f:C.'ONOMIC tMrACT: The hellef lh;il hi·risf' i~ f" ''rennomic Jientralot" 11ncl will tend to reduce property laxtl'i ll'i not "'-r.."'· .... [¥'~: borne out by experie11ce. The quest for a town tha~ ha s successfully solved its ecwn1ic problrms by hi .risl' rlevclop- 111en1 'is fruitle ss. lnevitably lhe coots in increased taxpayers·supplicd services, from fXllice and Fire protection to sewa~e disposal, exceed the ~ncome generated by such construction. This is not speculation. nor Is It speculative to hold the view that pro- hibition of hi·rise is economically ad· \'antagcous. Carmel. Ca liforn ia. hke Lag una, is a coastal community in which tourist revenue is an unportant fa<·tor. Thal beautiful village has a 2-floor. JO.- root height-limit ll enjoys one or the healthiest economies among Cali fornia cities 11·ith a property tax rate of Sl.2.'l per $100 of Assessr.d Valuation. romparPd to baguoa. Beath's $1 97 per SIOO or A.V. CONGESTION : For the proponenls of the height limiting ordinance iL is rorlunat.e LhaL this issue is before !hit community during this season of thit year, The intolerable congestion visit ed upon us ('aC'h summer with the related parking problems can only be compound· ed if Laguna Hole! Corporation of Lo.• Ang eles and Union Pacific Railroad are pcrmirtetl to rleveJop the!:-properties as they would like. f.olembers of 1.hr community or thr. council , who believe that creating A hotel·motel wnr. to a cco mm o date developers has a higher priority in the minds or our citizens than solv1n~ traffic cirrulalion and p;irking probtPms h<1Vt srr1ous ly lost touch \4"Uh the elect.orate. The desire of nur e1t1zcns to lim it btuldin g. height .Ms manifest 11self In an 1nit.iati\"e ordinancP that will mod1fv the build1n,i:: rode, ra1hcr than the 10nini;r ord1n;:incr 11 is thP ():\'!.Y 1-1':'!,1" the clrc- loratt.. can addrr:s~ itself chrectly to th11 i~~UC The Di~t.ri<·t Court of Appeals ha ~ ruled that 1he election shall pr{)('red on Aui:; .1. This will be a critical <.lay in !he h1st nrv flf Laguna \\'e sllll have the oppor1uni1y to preserve and enhance that ve ry special IJUality which ""hlch Laguna h:is been en· d0'4'ed . • R. W •IOJ,M City Councilman Distortion Claimed To the Editor In a letter lo the voters of Laguna Beach. Planning Commi!sioM:rs Wiiliam Lambourne and James Schmitz di stort !he facts about ballot arguments for the special anti·high rise rleclion on August 3. The S(}-('allcd 1·No on Augu~t 3 Com- mittee" impllcs in !heir liter81ure th;it the election statement in favor of the three-Story. 36-foot limit was improperly mailed at city e.xpense. This is nol true. By law ballot argumc;nLc;, pro and con, could have ht-en submit.led anytime up lo 5 p.m. June. 10. The City Qluncil knew this: the Plannin~ Commi~~lon knew thi~. The simple fact is lhal no opPQnents nf the hr,ig ht ordina.n<'e dclivrrrrl an y C()m- municalion to the City Clerk before lht deadline. THE YES ON Aug. 3 Commiltet", with the Inspiration of over 4.000 petition si~. did n1eet the deadlinl'. Tl seems pitiful that these:: two plannlng commissioners failed to serve lhe public by not writing an election statement on time. One wonders aboul their abiltty to handle the co mplexities concerning plan· ning. In addition, 1.:1~una Besic:h rPsldcn11 mi~ht a~k thr. quP~lion why these two gentlf)men f<1iled to identify lhemsel vP !I 11s pl:inning Cflmmlssion members in their leUer. It should also be nnll'd lh:t t Lambnurne Is a realtor. and Sch mitz i~ a building e<inlrac:tor llAHRY r , JEFFREY -_-.. , 'I.•' --~ .. 1Wl.Y"10r z • • ' , WHeRe~··o10 a oonsmuc11on FDReman ... . ' ao unemPLDueo aeRosPace WDRHeR ... ano • 888CReT8RH PUTTIHG HeR HUSBano THROUGH t .-_.. ' cOUBGe FIDO JOBS LBST monTH? At Irvine. Where 35,000 other Orange Co unty people have found jobs. Where people fou nd jobs at the rate of 100 a week ... all last year and the year before, during Orange County's worst unemployment in 13 yea rs. 100 new jobs ... opening up every week on Irvine land s. Where have all th ese new jobs co me from? From Irvine development. Planned. Care- f ul. Balance d development. Right from the start, we made a promise here at The l.rvine Company. Not to do what other de- velopers have bee n doing for years in Orange County. Not to build a bedroom community ... with nothing but a sea of houses, and a couple of store s and a few token acres set aside for industry. We promised that Irvine development would have a strong economic ba se. With business and n on-polluting industry. Enough to provide plenty of jobs. (And plenty of ta xes to support our new community.) J obs i n i ndustry Most important of all, we promised not to de- pend on just one kind of industry-like defense or aerospace. That's why there are boat-builders at I rvine . And hospital supply manufacturers. A nd b io-medical research fi rm s. And food service com- panies. And con sumer product manufactu rers . Side by sid e with electronic firms. So even if one company ha s to lay off workers. its neighbors ma y be expanding and adding jobs. The re sult? last year-the sam e year that un - em plo ym ent doubled in Ora nge Count y-I rvine i ndustry adde d 70 new job s eac h week. And in- creased its tot al em pl oy m en t a hea lthy 26 °/o by t he end of the y ear. There 's more to Irvine t ha n j ust i nd ustria l e mployment. Th ere's Newport Cen ter (Financial Plaza. Medical Pla za, Fa shion Island) and Airport Cen ter ... w ith thousands of jobs in banks, stores, offic es, hotels, re staurants. There are neighbor- hood centers ... with jobs in supermarkets. drug stores. specialty shops. There are schools and a university campus ... with jobs for teachers and staff. And every time somebod·t builds something on Irvine, it means jobs for Orange County con- struction workers. 35,000 paychecks It all adds·up to 35,000 men and women drawing wages on Irvine lands (which means we've been "buil ding" a lot more jobs than houses). And it doesn't stop there. like pebbles dropping into a pond, those 35,000 paychecks start money spreading out to the re5t of Orange County. To automobile dealers, mechanics, nurses. barbers, waiters, plumb ers, government workers, salesme n, i nsurance agents, travel agents, gardeners. And that helps keep all those people working. ----•• -J...,. ... --p.-·-' . . .''I.~ ~..f~ • !.t; ii-_ . .. . ,. ' ' Tha t 's why, wl1cn we hea r people say they'd like to see Irvine stop d evelopment. .. an d leave the res t of the land just the way it is ... w e w on der i f 1he y realize what th at w ould do to Orange Cou nty. Because without Irvine devel opment, there'd b e a lot more people out of w ork than t he re al - ready are. Peo ple l ike R:R olan d Smith, aeros pa ce sy stems analyst. l a;d of f for t he t hi rd ti me in three ye ars, he went on unem ploym ent. .. and fi- nally , wel fa re. T he n TransM as k Corp orati on in t he Irvi ne Indust ria l Com plex deci ded to hire Mr. Sm ith and trai n him in a new field. like Robert Rus tad, con stru ct ion labor fore - man. He fin is hed up one j ob (Union Bank Bu ild- ing in Irvine's Newport Center) and moved rig ht on over to anoth er (Pa ci l ie Mutual life In surance building. a l~o in Newpo rt Center) w ith out missing a paycheck. like "Pepp er" Gordin who's pu1t ing he r hus- band through colle ge. She found a job with Avc o Financial Services i n its new office buildi ng at Irvine's Newport Cen ter. Jobs and taxes Irvine's mas ter plan for development ha s a lot of good thin9s to offer the people of Oran9e - -------- Co un ty. A steady su pply of jobs is just one of the m . Property taxes fro m bu siness and industry on I rvine lan d are an oth er. (Did you know that these taxes help support sc hoo ls in Santa Ana, Orange. Cos ta M es a, Tustin, Newport Beach, Corona del M ar, Lagu r.a Beach and Mission Viejo ... not just those on Irvine?) In addition, Irvine busi ness and industry pay millions and millions of dollars in taxes to federal, state and' lo cal govern· ment. .. taxes fa r in exce ss of the serv ic es required by the people who live and work on Irvine. Write us If you'd like to know more about Irvine and i ts mas ter plan , just a.s k us. (Write to: Suite 700, 5 50 Newport Cent er Drive. Newport Beach g 2660 .) And meanwh ile, if you know anyone who's out looking for a job ... tell him to keep ao eye on ; Irvine development. Because everytime.,a house or an ottice building go es up on Irvine" land ... every time a new industry comes to Irvine Ind us- trial Complex ... you can be sure there'll be jobs in it for someone in Orange County. . Irvine Bunders o!T omorrow' • Citios ... Todoy CREATING A BETTER ENVIRONMENT FOR YOU • --·-.-.--=-"' .. ,.... -.. "". . 11 • ! I r; . • DAILY PILOT Governor, Lockheed Blasted Reagan, Solons Aid Negotiating Enters Fifth Day PROVIDENCE. R.I. (UPI) -Sen. George S. McGnvern, SACRAMENTO (UPI) -with most dllficult Issues still charged 'I'hursday Lockheed Gov. Rc;tqelcl Reagan and to be re1olved. Airc raft C.Orp. and G o v. Jeglalatf~ iuden e n te r ed Reagan and the lawmakers Ronnld Reagan of Cnlifornia their filth !lli'aight day of now must decide on a "closed· ere "welfare chiselers" Yihile end" or "open-end'' welfare the nation's poor are "left wel!are negotiations today budget, proposed Co.!Jt-of·living .11tanding in lhe back of the increases for recipient!, a food line." l'itamp program, job training ··Lockheed Is so badly rn~· Dock Str;ke Summ;t and outside Income. m:in;igcd," he said Thursday, " " "Under no circumstances '' th a t even when it are "'e going to help that pr~ overchargrs the fed e r a I M • s h d l d perty lax go up." vowed '°'""""nt by 12 b•lhon t0< eeting C e U e Assembly Speak" Bob Morel- lhe C5A . it still can't make ti (0-Van Nuys). an~· money." Negotiations took place only ·i hr South Dakota Democrat, SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Counts said he hoped all at-briefly Thursday in contra.at to the first announced Perslden-The governors of California, tending the meeting would be hours-Jong sessions the tial candidate. spoke at the Oregon and Washington and impressed with the im-previous three days. National \Velfare R ig h I s portance of getting a se-Reagan and th!? lawmakers Organrw!ion (N\VRO) con-the principals in the JO-day-old tlement in the strike, \\'hich planned to meet again Laday, \.cnlion at Bro\\'n University. \\'est Coast longshormen's has !died more than 150 ships Legislators hope to have a McGovern poi n t e d to s!rik:? agr~d Thursday to at-on the West Coast, Including bill printed over the weekend Lockheed's request for a $?..50 tend a summit meeting on the 45 on San Francl.sco Bay. and ready for consideration by n1Ii11 i o n government-walkout next week. The 1n 1 er n a tlon a 1 the Assembly W!!lfare Com- i:;uaranteed loan and s<iid, G R Id R f L 0 n g 5 h 0 rem en • s and mittee either Monday or Tues- '. "nnw th;'lt's \\'elfare chiseling ovs. ona eagan ° day. Cal'.fo•ru· Tom McCall o f Warehousemen's Union called ;, of 1he highest order. a. By not rushing passage or a "Uut beyond L 0 ck heed, Oregon and Dan Evans of the strike against shipowners. hill this weekend, lawmakers th(>re are other kinds of Washington will join President stevedorlng f i r m s and postponed the start of a H•·ry B••·dges of '"e slr•."'ng wa.ehouse companies '--Jon<· ,1·el farc chiselers. There's a "-' ui 11.1 = scheduled three-week vaca-man like the governor of union and President Edmond ing to PMA to back demands tion . C<ilifornia who will 1 8 k e Flynn of the Pacific Maritime for a two-year contract, in-"The parties involved have s2s.ooo lo give 8 speech; Association at the session next eluding wage increases, better 8 very. very strong desire to t "'ho'll live in 8 house provided Wednesday at San Francisco pensions and a guaranteed solve this and solve this nllw," by the state of California, International Airport. work week. said Moretti. "I don't think drive around in big limousines The high level talks were set A spokesman for l h e we're going to leave here until • _ but somehow can't see his up by Curtis Count.s, director building contractors associa-thl! issue o[ welfare refonn ls \~:ay clear to pay any state of the Federal Mediation tion said Thursday in San resolved." ' taxes," he said. Service in Wasbington, D.C., Diego that if the strike con-The 1971-72 budget signed by .: "'And there are others. in an effort to get negotiations tlnues much longer, $11.7 Reagan provided $573 million ;r The.re are th!! oil depletion underway on a coastwiile basis million a week in business in state funds for welfare - ch iselers, , .. and the tax-loss rather than through port by would be shut down, putting abou t $170 million less than ' farming chlselers • • . and port procedures. 25,000 persons out of work. experts say Is needed. perh,1 ps the biggest chlselersl---------------------------------1 of alt are those 300 people who .,, earned more than $200.000 last year and didn't pay a dime." Police Led To Grave Of Woman LONG BEACH (AP) - : P olice, after six hours of dig- .. ging, have uncovered the body ~ o~ a woman a man says he ac- { c1d cntally kl.lied during an , argument 3'ni years ago, ..; authorities say. : The woman was identified ' 11s Frances R. Todd, 21, of Long Bl!ach, whose body was ., found Thursday In a five-foot ~ deep grave in the Dominguez i Hills area. :. The of[icers were led there -Wednesday night by David : Mayfield Jr., 3.1, also of Long '. Beach, who told police the • woman had struck her head on ~ a pipe during an argument ln : the house where both had liv- • ed. : He said he had been afraid ' to report her death because he , had a previous arrest record and feared going 1o jail, police ~ said. 1 ~ BABY KOi AeOuT 1" LONll 10 ......... $3 .50 25 ......... $8.00 50 ........ $15.00 100 ....... $28.00 SMALL KOi l " TO :I" 5 .......... 5.00 10 ....•..... 9.50 25 ......... 22 .50 50 ......... 40.00 WATER L!LLIES WATE~ HYACINTH 6 FOR Sl.00 WATllt LmUCI 4 FOR $1.00 26 GAL. AQUARIUM :::. ~;:: 2750 Pacific Goldfish Fann vn rr us PltOM 111-1--<IHM ,_ l .U IE"'lrf• II., Wnl"'IM~ otf rt. h11 oi.,. l'!"HWfW 11 .. !Mwn, .... 1 .. lt:J.-1'105 KIDS LOVE UNCLE LEN SATURDAYS IN THE DAILY PILOT I FOUR DAY CELEBRATION NOON TO MIDNi.HT nns THULffJ,SAT..SUN. ••• JULY 2'-lO.ll, AUG. I WIN A NEW SUIT COME IN AND REGISTER ••• A NEW SUIT TO IE AWARDED EACH DAY OF OUR CREBRATION SPECIAL PURCHASE • • No ,.,0-. -wwwr • Y• ....i ... be P'-' te ...._ SUITS Uo to -'"'"'""· Ev., !l1s -""""" """ OD(~fl•. Pur• .....,1 wor1tt<!• In olol<I•, SPORT COATS '°'" 1lrH. Mol.mM!Y t~llorod FYllv lined all woo• and w<>OI bl"''"• oll col<>" l o!..,! •tvle "'"'' ~"'71• •"<•u<!lno ,.,,,,,,_ '''"I"""· E~n Daublt Knit•. "'-........ s.:::N,?9 ,,. -.. . $29" $19" COUPON SUN GLASSES FOR YOU OR YOUR WIFE f1l!Tll GW!l! ... !CMf Mint IN !TILi SLACKS Over «JOO .,.,., Df 11it<k3 lo .,..,.,,,. from. Sit~> 11 to ~. YO<J can· not """.,.,,... 114.W IOI' 11 J)01r ol •lo ch at T~• for Value. E"""' ""'" --. ···-· NOON TO MIDNICHtT JULY 2t-30-JI AUC#.1 Ju1t lorillQ thi1 coup1111 to our do•• dur- ino 11ur Gr111d Op•ni119 C1l~b11fio11 •11d try 011 on• '''"''"'· o~r wty of ••winq "Th111k You" for coming i11 to gi t t i:• qu1i11t•d. Yo• d11•'+ hov. to b.iw • thi11g. 12454 CHAPMAN lat H-1 GARDEN GROYI! ' --~ -\ . --=;;;;:::::-;::...~----=--=-----=---·----=-\ f"rlo .-.--:-....... ....=;;... .--. Fashio1t Island and your Chevrolet Dealers • • invite you to "Wliat to Wear and How to Get There" Be sore to shop at Fashion I sland In Newport Center for aU yonr s hopping needs and see Chevrolet's new Vega -the little car that does every thing well. Regis ter for a Vega Tes t Drive and receive a fr e • Vega Boutique Shopplnl( Bag. Friday shopping houra J 0 A.JU. to 9:30 P .lll. 5,000 Balloons Free Saturday to be given nwny whne they last, starting at 10:00 A.lll. on the mall at Fashion Island. Exciting to Visit ... Delightful to Shop Over 60 Fine Stores and Services • Open Friday and Monday Nlglits -. :.,)~ FASHION:; ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER PACIFIC COAST HIGlfWIY IETW£EM JAMIO![[ IHD MIC !!THU! r rr· • -;&:$. ·-~----·"- Fo1~ The Record DissolaJtions OfMorriage l'ltff Jwlv t Rnuel. Jae~ F••"" a. Ju<ly M"1Te Weir. Jr. l-•11 Lvnn &. Su• E"en All>trl, Bannv J, &. Wllll1m 0 Wtllff. Ft10 P &. G•~ P1ndl1h1n, P1rry J, & s111ron ~. Fowl1r, C:oll1tn Jome & Slmu.i Flllld Ju!, t "'"""' J•IYll!• ,t,ndrl> & AnM 80111 V1n s.<111nc1t1. M••v Jul• I. w1111om M.,·.,ln Goodm1n>on, !, O.bra & 0.11 £ c,.,...., lluTh A .. J1m•• A Boyer, Ve•non E. & Oli ne E. Hooll.1, Jewell 50K!O" I. John fhOM•• Bow•"· w11111m f . a. M•ry J, H-lev. 81rO.r1 E. I.E . A. ~u!lrl~. Loi• Ann & An<lrrw 8 Ab•here. Reb<lcc1 J1"' I. Ric/lard O. F•an~. Ct1herln1 V. & JO/ln J. 8orcllerl. Rk1>11d W. & S11p.l\1nl1 A. 8ollm1n, Allcll Ell>1belll & (lllrlti Htnrv (ollm!:IOn, C1rol J011nne & Robe•! E. Gr1~••· Lv1111 Ann " c;.,..rg1 (llllOfl Forr1l, Lucv Marie & D•n!el M. Ohon, Eric Jo1> & Sv11n Gov Duttv•, Hrlrn II & R\chord W Ron. P•m•I~ .Jt•n & L•"Y JlrlllllO Pnlll<<>•· Wild•r G. & J•m•• W. £Mot>. Ur>ul• G & Jl<t>mv W. P1g•, 5uson C.. & Gary wovno Duron. """""' Gorc!o & Jl~•anlltr R. Powfn. Brlvit1• K. & Allf!n J. 8ellv•1u. Jo Jinn a. Tl>om•• '"lorlwlck, Maur..,n & J•u• R>v GDO<lm•n, G•rv Lee I. S1111n Fr•Mi• P••nl>f', Muloii C11•v & (hfJIOf Chhrl••· Jr. (;roots. Judith ..,,.., & Jam•• Boll1rd Be1!•, v11orlo ll:ar & Jann P•ul M01"9an, Rol>l'r! P&f~fr & H11el Morl1 Moonco, Dimon LM & Bottv Jeonn• I(••••"· Roberta M, .. Rlcnnl<lnd J. Trln<!lt. Windy W. & Jim•• Ju\1in, Jr. INTERLOCUTORY DECIEES Ent1r1d July I Vulllo, L•• Honry & Mori• 'Th••o• 801~~. /or>el 11,gn•• I!. 5!1n1ov Fr1r<I• Oor>ermon, Su>•n A.nn & John w11111m P11.,.oon. R•mon• M. & Jomf!> 8fown, J1ntl M. & R""'1ld W R111>tr, Olor>e £. & Cll!10<d W. Gould, Edward W1l ttr & Mollf\IY loo Collin•, Pfisclll1 Lee & Cnorle• Richard, Jr. Romuv, l tMrl Je1~ & Don•ld MocDonold Wlllllll" Jnl'ln Rl)Q•"· P11tlcl1 L. & K•nn"1h JI:. Oum1>r1ll•, Ktthrrlne Mlfl• I. Jor>n F~•ton r.ro•)· Ewdln II, & Jo•nnlt M w.11.,,,, Lo" c." Oor>•ld ~-c1~mon" S•r• (;r•ct & C~•rltl lludav Port•, P~•ll;t J. I. 08vlt! E. Swirl•. ll•!ly M I. P•ul I S•n•o•. Jr . Fr•nk I!. Milon W•la•n, (Ord• Jeon i. 8·11 M•ru•" O:.rrnvo. ll.gue<t1 Lo•i•• ArfO•O & l0<on1n MoM•1. Al•i•n<I•• I. R()O•C>•"" Toc•1n , R ll••klev " P" ,;,;. •nn (o•m••o. Meltn Mlf• & L""nord Nlchal•• l'.•!•m•n. Wiiiie.,, E I. Sh••on R llio~n. Ceyle l 4 °"'"~ l Eqlnlon, M•rift11 & Sidn•v J~hn Mel..,.,, K1t~l••n Oline & Colin 8n<OWV , Em.,,• Lou & 1.11.-a Jnl>n Prvn•, C•t~I• L & 8111• l f'1Nll.L OECREE1 Enfrred Julv I f'lorl" 8•i•n .1.. I!. M•ri• M l>olllng•. fllt•bt1~ Ann r. Don•ld l •• Lwi•. Jo Ann .0. (~•• S W•rr•n!•lrl, Evrlvn Dor<• I. Hon• (hfi>!l•n C.•s•rll, l\ettv J. & Rob•rl C Lona. f\•th M /, Joe l•• ~mil~. Mor. E & Thom•• 0 Jnl'ln>O", Ju•nll• & llob«I L llell, O•nh< Lee & J0>•0h R•• Vincent, l•r••• K. & Ru"•ll P Rov•!Of, C••olvn J & M•rvln I(. Heoton. Jan•I M & A.tntrt " "Pol•h•n•, Vl<IOt l• L I. Jil11n J 11•!1. Frencei Ire~ I. Ftod•r!c~ Wllll1m l'(e•ne. Ro~d M & lO'lh•~• M Moo••· L••lont A.11tl1l<ll & John II•.,. l•m•n• 1'.rennen, Jo....,hln• A I!. Ll•f!n W Wlm•1tt. S•rnl•• E1le•n & ll""d P•Y' llilec•. Snt «v M /. M•rold ,.,,.,,. t<noo. Donny Emm•n & M•'"'" Lo,.n• """•""~ ~•"<1'• l v"" 1. D•u•" W•' '"" 11,.r!nn, L"'' R & J""n J Willl•m• NIO(V """• & 0•1• """"'" H.,~,,~., ! •wrenc. G&<Y & W•lm• JO•C• 0•• «~"'· JOd> G•Orgfnf & Jll/'n C~•r••I lllol•~•. 0••111 Fu9•n• I. M•ldffd M•t C"~hron. Lau"• IJ & r 110 n (1•nolwll. ,a n Arlnur & l •U"" Ano 1-<u~~"" J•""'t ~ue 1. l'lni,.rt ""'"'"" 8 o•l•1 Ol!ro•~v ... & 01vmond O ~h•nb•'""'· J•n•e M•••••tt & Joh" (h•rl., Jl•rn••, M•r•at"' J & J••n•' r H~N•ll. P•ul .l.u•!•• & ..... ,.U"'" I rn.•n•"· Wini•"' H & L•lllon v C.••nl C•rol ~ 1. J•m" R. l •<•. R•I'• J I!. C•r' 0 Mnw•t!. J11n• W•r~ & Jlurk• Rn~•~•n" De ntla Notices REDMON v.1, c:. Ordmon :,OJ ,.,h 51, "l•wO(!•I ll11ch D•to or de•th, Julv l~. 1'11 ~ur• ~1ved bv w•fe. [udo••. !On, C.ordOn I!•~· ""'n, al Ca••• MeH. d1u9Mer, M ... Lind.> M•nl, (DOii MeH. and ,,~, or>l'l<I· ..noldr~ Ser•i<••· ' D m. lod••· F rid••· PoclrJt V'fw (h•Df'I. ln•ermt n!. P1<1!k Vit,.. M•mi>rl•I P1r-. P•cil1c View Mor• "'"''· DfretlotJ. ARBUCKLE & SON WESTCLIFF MORTUARY .f.27 E. 11th St.. Costa l\.1esa '4&-.f.888 • BALTZ !'110RTUARIES Corona del !'ltar 61l-9.t50 Costa Mesa 6.f.6-U%4 • BELL BROADWAY i\10RTUARV 11n Broadway, Co1ta l\1e1a LI 8-3433 • !'llcCORMJCK LAGUNA REACH MORTUARY 119i Lagana Canyon Rd. 494-9415 •• P ACIF1C VIEW l\tEMORIAL PARK Cemetery l\fortuary Chapel 2500 Pacific View Drive Ntwport Beitch. California 144-!100 • PF.EK FAMTI.Y COLOT\'lAL FUNERAL HO~fE 7801 &l!a Ave. Westmlnslrr 893-3.SH • S~flTfl'S ~fORTUARY 5%1 Main SL SlM>Jt Fr1d.a1. Jol1 lO, 1q1} DAJL Y PILOT fJ B•ttle ~gains t Time Gas Users Will Get Mesa Firm Fig1its Dan1age to Antiquity Monev Back Bv GEORGE LEIOAL OI I~· 01llY l'llM S!tll A cluster of green pins darkens areas surrounding Newport Bay on a topographical map of Orange County. Each Liny pin on ll'le !!}.foot !l(JUare map represent.!; an im· portant arehaeological site that has been destroyed by modern day inhabitants of a land roamed as long ago as 8,000 years by long extinct In· dian tribes. The n1ap is on the wall nf a Archaeological Research Inc. (ARI ), 1643 ~1onrov1a Ave ., Costa Mesa. ''There would be more green pins on the map,'' Stephen Colegrove ARI field research director eqilains, "bul we ran out of pins." The significance is not in the shortage of pins. but rather in the fact ltlat so many valuable historical sites have been covered by developmenls and lost fo rever to students of the prehistory of Orange County. LAUNCHED Roger Desautels, presidenl cf ARI, launched his organi1.a· lion in 1963 in Goleta. moving the finn a year later lo Costa Mesa. Since the firm began it has worked on preservation nf <irchaeologicat sites and in some cases, dug for artifacts under contract to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. the Atomic Erlet'gy Com· mission and the California Division or Highways. For the Atomic Energy Commission. ARI dug up cases of artifacts from area.<; on Amcllilka. Alaska, sitei; that v.•ere believed 10 have been endangered by t he undergT-ound nuclear lesting there . St.ate highwa:-i planner11 con- sult ARl before bulldozing into oblivion possibly meaningful artifacts. Desautels notes. "Highways tend to b ~ located along the paths of least resistance. The paths are the sa me ones used by ancient peoples and thus logical place.o; t.o find remains of l h e prehistoric cultures." In Orange County. many highv.•ays already ha ve V.'iped out va luable archaeological :-ites. SITES EXIST The L..aguna Freeway linkinR the San Diego f'Teeway wilh the City of Laguna Beach is an <'Xllmple of highway destruc- tion of prehistorical sites. The roadwav follows the creekbe<l :ilong the can.von floor. Alon.ll' the way are 10 village sites of v.·hich tv.·o 11re 1hnught lo be of in:iJor importance. None ha ve yet bern Ouj!. although teams of college and u n iv ersity anthropologist."! 1nay excava!e the sites prior tn the free11.·ay development, Desautels said, ''because we know the sites are there, anrl wr have some time before construction begins.·• Not far av1ay in Lagun;i !\i1g11el. precise determination of !hr site of possi bly the la rge.:;! Ind ian <'ncampment in the \Vestern U.S. has bern marlr rnore difficu!L by con· st ruction of the North Arn<>rican Rockwell ?:iggura1. "No one had a ch;:ince to rx· r;ir;l!e that site beforr the Oerelope rs built lhc bu1ld1ng, '' Colrg rnve ;io!cd . DAILY "tLOT Sttll ,,~1101 LOS ANGELES - c:as bill refunds w1\] be hMded to rnore t.han 400.UOO Orange County custorncrs or Southern California c;as Co rn pa n y .o;tart1ng Au,::. 2 u t j l i t y spokesmen announced today. Refunds 1otaling ab o u t '843,900 have been authorized in Orangr Coun ty by the California Public U l i I i t i e s Corn miss ion. 1'he refunds stem from a net reduction 1n the cost of gas during 1910 and 1911 , and from refunds received from out-0f- state ~,..~ suppliers. Both resulted from actions by the Federal Power Commission. THESE SHELLS CAN MAKE MUSIC A re They Ancient lnd i1n Flutes? SIDE- WALK SALE! policy of assisting achaeo!og- ical students and i:rofessiOflal groups in surveys and excava· tions of our lands. "Our arrangements with ARI IS just a continuation of this policy," Mason said. Due 10 a rec en l in- lensification of interest in the area's prehistory, Mason ad- mitted the Irvine Con1pany ''has had some difficu lty roordinating all the requests and passing judgment on their scientific usefulness." • SATURDAY JULY 31st • 150 TABLES 1 OOO's of $SS Worth of Values • SCREENS REQUESTS ARI, then, provides ox- pcrtise in screening scientific rcquesl.'l t.n dig up Irvine soil from those ''polhuntcr.;" v.'ho merely want a mantle dC'Cora- t1on. PRESERVING PAST ARl'1 Oe11utel1 SEE DISNEY CHARACTERS ALL DA YI everything that b<1frlc!I an- thropologists because ii has no HARBOR CENTER other apparent value. Most 2300 HARBOR f\1ason credits ARI v.·ith helping to "determine the best sites. n1apping them and recommnding which requests lr\•ine should grant." artlfacl.'l fall into categorie s COSTA MESA related In either ;loiSod~g:a~lh:•=,~-~~~~~!11~~~~~ ing or food processi ng . ___ _ ---- Further. Mason said , •·we know that public fund.c; t.o t'!Slablish fossi l or artHac! reserves are virtually im- possible In come by. That's why we let the archaeologisLc; dig ~·hile they can in ;idvance of urbanization .'' Signal Properties' coo pera- tion with ARI resulted in finds of unusual artifacta dated as bein~ roughlly ~.000 to 8,000 i years old . '1'.C Among site:-f'xcavated by ;~!!> ARI werr t11.·o on either side of ~.·, the now 13ol sa Chic;i Bav. · ii!' One site. near Warn1>r ".f"°' Avenue. yielded a col!eclioo of ' 1 ancient flutes fnshioned from '' sea ~ells slightly larger than .. :;.,' lhe garden variety snail. Al fir~!, the obviously drilled holes in the shells baffled researchers until Ted Cooley, ;in ARI employe, d1~overed he coul<l pla y scales by block-, ing ~e of the holes, while .. blo11.·ing across one. I· FINDS BA~FLF. '' Another en<'ampment. on the .Si gnal property re v e a 1 e d 10 :iieveral rarr "co~stonf's·· 1n ~ "'Ying s1Les an•t t y p e s . • .... · Pcsau1el~ cl11s..:;if1e~ t he ,. unusu;il round, 1)t'lh . .med s1ones i" ,. v.·ilh t'arved coglike edges as .. ccrrmnn1a1'' arlifart..:;. 1'hat' . .:; a category reser\'c<l f o r '1 l\'l uscu111 Pollution Plans Art ·~ r I The $1 0. Outfit 0, how to fi gh t infla tion Everi 1n these hard timtts therfl •re still good th;nqs to b• h•d. For ••a mple, th• b&r9e iris •ve ila b!e mer S&le. He has •t J a c.k Bidwel!'s Sum· lots of dress shirts on sa l• for $b eac.h, ltwo for $1 I .) e rid e good sel•c.lion of wash sla c.k1 for $4. eec.h, or two for $7. So you c.•ri still firid " few good things toda y J ae.~ Bidwell. , , , ii you c.om e se• "\\1e know frflm ethnograph ir rerorrls -diaries and his1or· irs wri tten by rarly settler.; and n1is~onanrs -that a. major meeting of twn trtb<'~ of lndilln<; w;is hf'ld SQmcwherf' around the plant site,'' Si\ NT A ANA Ro11.·ers ~·· Colegrove said . Museum w1l!I launch a month· CONCERN SHARED long display o~ dirty pictures ONE DAY ONLY! SAT. JULY 31ST SPECIAL EARLY 9A.M.OPENING LOOK FOR THE ·YELLOW TAGS THAT GUARANTEE YOU WILL S El 2 AND MUCH MORE! A potpourri of everything und er the sun.,. and after !he inventory sale. A melange of th e unique, the soiled, the tired and the RAREFINDS. Sewing on a missing button can earn you Iha\ great and unusual distinction of having found a true bargain. Leave no department untried! There are yellow ta gs everywhere; in men's furnish ings, sportswear, shoes and women 's wear. DON'T MISS THE suits, 1· 9 A.M. SCRAMBLE TABLE It's full of our super deals_ Every ilem 1s at lea st 75"• off. A real goodie for slalwart hard core bargain shoppers. SLIGHT Ill TE ti /\T'O'l CP~·1GE ON :>Al[ CL QtH1t•G. THOSE OF YOU WHO DON 'T COME IN FIRST, CA N STILL TRY FOR SECOND ON LEFT-OVER SUNDAY! SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COST A MESA- THE CITY Shopping Center -ORANGE, CALIF .- OPEN SUNDAY • NOON TO S Some developers in Orange Sunday. The i!'xhibit contains rntries County share ARI'!! concern F T S C for preserving what remains in the Psychology Today or op ports OVCf30'C of the underground traces of Mag azi ne rlirty piclure."' con · ri the rounty's early popul<llion~. test. representing the causes J Read the D AJLY PILOT Signal Properties Inc .. the 11nd effect11 of environmental poll "o 34b7 Vi• lido, Newol)rt Bo•ch b7].4S IO Anaheim Hills devrlopers and ...::-;::";:";::_"~·=================;r=================~==============;:"===:=:=:=:=::=:=::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:;:::::=~··~· the Irvine (.omp.any all have cooperated with ARI 10 find out what is beneath their land before l/l('y bulldoze it. A grant from I.he Irvine Company to ARI, in the fonn of a retalner amountin~ to "~vrral thousand dollars a y('ar" will yield 11 n1ap_ nf valuable site!'! on Irvine pr o-- pcr1ies, an Irvine spokesman said William Ma90l'l, lrvine Com- pany president. sl\id, "A lot of people may not be aware of this. but for many years the lrvine Company ha~ had a Chpose One of the Many Coast & Southern Federal Offices to Serve You: * MAIN OFFICt: 9th & Hill, LOI Angele•. 623-1351 * WILSHlflf •I QRAMEACY PL.ACE:3933 Wll1hlre Blvd., LA •• 3ae-128s LA. CIVIC ClNTER: 2nd & Broadway I 628-1102 * HUNTINGTON l!ACH: 91 H11nlinglon Cenl•r • (714) 817·1047 * 8ANTA ANA LOAN 8!AVICE AGENCY: 11MJ5 N, Mein St.• (714) 547·9257 * IANTA MONICA: 718 Wil1hire Blvd.• 393-0744 * IAN P!DAO: 10th I P1cilic • 1131 ·23"1 * WEST COVINA: Eastland Shopplrlg Ctr.• 331·2~1 * PANOflA.MA CIT't: 8618 Van Nuy• Blvd.• 892·1171 • TAfltANA: 18751 Ven1ura Boulevard • 345·&81 " * LONQ BEACH: 3rd l Locuet • 437-7481 • Open St!Ufdlys-9 1111 to I pr1 Daily Koors -! 1m lo 4 pm ASSETS OVER SSOO MILLION With• $2,500 balance In your uvinga account, you are 1llg lbleto become a member. Sub1t1n1lal tavlnga are available when purchaaing many Items Including 1utomoblles, tumtture, appU1nce1, jewelry. Plus many ''" aeMcea -money Ordera1 a•fe deposit boxta, etc. . ~-"""f . COAST ~ AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS : -. . Coast & Southern Federal Offers You These Highest Prevailing Rates: COMPOUND!O DAILY AN D PAID QUAATEAL.Y.• 5.00°1°-5.13°/o P•ssbook: No Minimum. 5.25°1°-5.39°/o Three Montf'i'Certlficate : No Minimum. 5.75 °1°-5:92 •/o On•Year Certificate; $1 ,000 Minimum. 6.00°1°-6,18"/o Two--Yilr Cenific•te;·ss,ooo Minimum. • Ell•c/111• Ar,,111•/ E•rnlng• & ~ INSURANCE TO $201006 • , • l I l I ____ , __ _ --J ---r.~ , ..... -..i"-'9----~ . -· ' ... ·• 1 T 1 ~~ · , .. ;,J_,~,~-----• ',. '' .111'::;.-..J= ·-. ~ ... • J 0 DAILY ~ILOT Frlhf, J11ly 30 ]q71 QUEENIE By Phil lnttrla ndi "The bo.ss 15aya just your name on the name..pl&te, like everybody else." New Ju111bo J e t McD011nel Douglas Deli vers DC 1 Os LONG BEACH tAP) -A new jumbo jet, the McDonne ll Douglas DCHJ, joined airline fl eets Thursday nine months ahead of the scl!eduled deliv· ery dale of its biggest riv11l, Lockheed's rinancially troub!- td tri-star airbus. They are Eastern Airlines, which has firm orders for 37 TriStars and options for 13 more. and Trans World Airlines, ·,~;i!h firm orders for 33 of the planes and options for l l more, a Lockheed spokesman said. The th ree-engine DC IO \~as I can Airlines and United Air-officially deli vered to Ame~i-1 liM:s, which 25 years ago took ~ dtlivery here of lhe huge ~ ¥? p 1 a n e's pr epel!cr-drlven I ~- ancestor. the four-engine DC6. ~ 4 The two carriers e a c h received th e keys to one of lhe BABY $l5 million planes at the 1nain assembly plant of SL Louis· KO I based McDonnell D o u g ! a s amid speeches and ceremonies by P.1c0onnell Douglas, airline and federal off icials. _ American Airlines f 1 i g b·t crew~ flew their DCIO to airline headquarters at Tulsa, Okla., where tt \\•ill be prepared for its inaugural fllaht Aug. 17 from Los An geles tt Ch ica go. United crc~·s flew their plane to San Francisco. from which the ship·s maiden flight to Washington, D.C. wH! be made Aug. 16. T h e deliveries ironically ca me as Senate debate con· tinued in the nation·s capitol over a federal guarantee O'i $250 n1illion in private loans Lockheed Air craft Corp . says It needs lo avoid bankruptcy. Production or the DCIO - 19 foreign and d om e s I l c airlines have ordered 127 of Lhe planes v.-ith options for 96 more -began in January 1969, a month after Lockheed began production on its three- eng ine TriStar. AI OU"t I"' LOHO 10 ' . " " ' .. $3.50 25 ' . " " " '$8.00 50 " " " .. $15.00 100 . ''' ' .. $28.00 SMALL KOi l " TO J" 5 ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' '5.00 10 . ''.' ''.' .9.50 25 ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' 22.50 50 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '40.00 ---WATER L!LLIES WATll HYACl"TH ' P.01 $1.00 WA.TEI LmUCI 4 P.Oll Sl.00 ------- 26 GAL. AQUARIUM WU~ Covot 2160 ""· i"·" Scheduled delivery dates on the TriStiir went awry earlier this year "''hen Roll s-Royce . the British miinufacturcr nf\ TriStiir engines. v.·enl into recei11ership, largely bec11use of ~kyrockct in!-( produrl1on costs nn the engines. Lockheed, which ,,,,, ii h» Pac1·1ic Goldfish Farm 178 orders and optiOns from six iiirlines and tw 0 fin ancial companies for !he TriSt ar, is sc hedulrd to start deliveries on the planes in mid -April to io•d •dwU .... 1 SI., WHl"'!~1!1r 0 11 lh• l•~ 01"9• , ..... , ., Gold~WHI & l ll•I ' I ttJ..TIOJ 1lS lwo arges t custorn':"C:':_· --'"'"""'"""'~"""'~"""'"""'"""'"""'"'.1 Sffl ••• THE OHlY MAJOR FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW IN SOlfTHERN CALlfORNIAl Sffl ••• TH[ INSTANT "AOo..A-t OOM• flM~lAIAllfl ""fU·OOMl HOU$£ ••• _,_ ............. '"" ,,__ ........ . Mlffl ••• TO~ DESIGNEIS It< THEIR fUU,.SllE DECORATOR IOOMS • PACKm Wmt THE I.AUST F!AT\111£$ FOi BITTEi UVING I • IT FR.LS THE ~TllE CDNYUITIOH CIMTlll • lCOLOGT EKHlllTS AND DISPLAYS! • THE LATEST IN MOBILE HDMI & VACATION UVIHGI SHOW HOU'ltSt 5-11 ,, ... w ..... ..,. ""-•11 ,, .•. s. ...... ..,.. ....... ,~···~ ADULTS •••• $2.00 JUNIORS •• $1.00 ~-1 1mt ""'•,.._..J SAVE 50c !~i1r o,..,_, 1,t•o11 .. 1,l1blr .,. '•w• ........ , All'M A l!rA MA•· lll -lM•!¥lY Of:IJ(; 5f(lll-tUINA •AIK (llfll• -U!UlfO Ul.ll, ""* Of Ol,.UI;~ (O\lllt'f ·-. .. -_ -,JL.;.._ • San Quentin Will Order New Sa fet y Precautions GOLF ••• WITH GENTU OCEAN BREEZES 4'3·1167 J:Zl 2:0 S• J• .. Hillt 14. s .. J•-c.phtN11111 SAl.'HA1\1EN"TO 1 l'PI) - Nt>w prt~:t<1 1!11)n<; 111111 1)1' \A\\t>n at San Qt.(entin Prtson to in- crease Uie protect1on for employes and inmates because llf the fat11 I sta bbing of a guard last wee k. $10 FOR TWO precaulions ~·ere suggested by hllspital warning systtm with C-SEA. warning devices placed at' A1nong the n1casures wiJI be strategic loca tions. E installation or a security gate -Assignme nt or a com- on lhe prison hospital ward mittee of eniployes to study 1.,.1..-lll1K1r1c c1n \vhere officers Leo Oav is was ways of lig htening me tal and "w!';.'Z';~,;-~ ~., sl<11n while he was guarding a tool cont rol. 1 'J'he California S l ;i le '"''°'""No inmat" h.,e yell -----' SAN JUAN HILLS COUNTRY CLUB lx•t·n charged wllh the slaying 1 --;;";~~;-~:;;";"'-."llll,,,,..., ...... ..., ...... ~~~;,,.;;;;;~,:,;~:;::~:;,::;.:;;;;:;;,.,,.;;;~~~"""'""""""'"""'~ E rn p Io yes Associal1u11 <111 · nounced that \/1c lJl·partnu~nt or Corrections t1grt·t'd to the new se<:unty 1nct1~urt.'s duru1g a n1rct111g \VcdnPsd,1v ;1t rhr prison be!1-1Cl'll CS l~i\ :111d t.le11f\r tr ncnt 1.1ff1r1<.1ls A C.SEA spoke.s1nan ~aid 111:1 11 ur tlu· CS~A said other measure! I OR U R Y LAH E ·-----ANT I Q U ES ""11 includ" ...... , ... '"""'" R d ti DAILY P I LOT -1.:Se o f (WO new metaJ Glftl<l l II ..... lnflCll>H ea le "'l!h lml'l!••ll OR detection de vices to check for Fu R N ITU RE Blakes shift knives susch as\ 711 AVE. DEL MAii F T s C SAH Cl•M£Hll! •tt-6IMI or 0 l ge l11e OOCS used (O kill Dav is. D-W-ni,n10 & W1H.-1 ·p por s overa -l1nprove1nent_or~-' h c ~";;=:=~=:"'"""""""""'~----~--=-=-:::_~~ HAVE YOU VISITE D OUR NEW STORE: FOUHTAIH VALLEV-17fel4 M•i1noll1 S• •I f1 11>9.., FOUHTA!H '\IALLEV-1 .. •1 HuDOr Blvd .. Edlng•r COST4 MESA-2300 H•rbol" B!V<t •• , w .1 ..... )I. COSTA MESA.-1JJ E 17111 SI. HUNTINGTON BEA(:H-K'1 Mirra •I 11•-!>urtll HUNT INGTON BEACH-fl••ch I. Ed1ng•r HUNTINGTON BEACH-WfrMr .. Sl?rlnQN• 30222 CROWN VALLEY PARKWAY AND HILLHURST IN LACUNA NIGUEL ~~.',~:~~:':;~~~~~~:\·~.:::·.,., "'"'"" SAH.TA ANA-1 .. W. Edlf19tr •ncl flrl1tor St. WESlMJHJTElt-'121 W•lm lntll r 11 Golden Wft! Bottle of 25 Thrifty D~lll Priu I S.•o Jlc 1 .• $1" MI t ~ -Yal u l y an a ·,0 : _ liquid Antacid $123 12 ........ l>ottt. $1 2'v.1 .. 1Listerine Antiseptic 72 1 C .... "ortlo, ... ,; J2e. C l'ric• 11 .. 1 ...... '•off l•'-111 eo ...... 1 fawi•itn for kids with ~ °'""" VPN". rubbet l(lln , comf<>tt. obi• f"ll rusil""" ln.OI•• wi!h an:h "'P• p<>l1o. Jl,1d, 81ut , <Jt>d Plutd, iii• S te 12.6uy NowV S.:.v•I CLIUANCI s1000 Value lentheric 12 • 4 ltL [.M •1 Ttl!ltt. •U01,Spr1J ltllot YOUt. CHqtCl .. , .. -~ '-"'"~'-·' $299 fnchotit•r>g & 011.,.ing 4n1ot0n<:•~ for ..-. Dlscon1i~ pockog•. --.f II.If. t ---12" Pond's Rinse 'n Set ...... 66' -.......... J ....... -11" Marinen Skin lotion .••... 36' -.. ---'!" DuraGlass lipstick Kit .... 99' -.... .. ,,_.,., ....,.. ~ -.... _ ,,..._ '2" Nina Anti Ptrspirant ..... 74' -......... -...... '7" Voluptt Powder Compact .. •1 .. ......... ti -.Doi---,__ '1" s Dustin Pew.S. ••• 541 • 1444 -60" Pool ' K""o4 ,.,,., 14 t oodi of fun ~ :::'::'m~:,""' $J '.: ~1 77' Swim Mask I r;c, .. ~~ ~ J~. Tri View 58' \ 1 t" . 5nug !it!•'1 0 ~(;~~·: ) ''""""'· "'"''°"' ·9\ mc•il. for l hr ~1 .~ •trop. Guorori!Md $447 :S.•• ,... ~ Gor.S..n How with l!J" Oki- 69' Swim Ring 24 lrKh 48' Coloriul vinyl cid for rt.. booinnlng 1wi..,....r. • · '2'' Funilture WHblng '1'4 ~ 1 JO "· 1.-loo c.t... Coo I, cor.itortabl• *'y1• in _,. -cor• lab•iu ;... b •lg h t ptlnl1, ff"Pf'I CT 11>t- ld1 m ~I 111n . • 1l99ulor $5. fl '12" H1-lntens1ty Lamp with Radio . ~ $599 ~ Enh<>ro:t <>fl'f dlik woth h1· lnr•n••'Y lc>mp compl•I< with f"Qdia. Rodie> ccn be. ployed indep1n d1nlly of liOh! ot>d ¥ice vi no. ~~ $1"value! Crest .---,.••· . Toothpaste 2, 99 _, _ 5-•-.. hoton . P•ck O C re --a .. 1c ..... 1...... , • 7 '10• off le\iel. • $l 59 Value! Prell Shampoo 96 Co~c!",.!.l'!''e C Ptie• l~d11dn I le off lo'-.t Furn iture PoUsh 1.._.K ..... ~ $1°' Glo Coat Floor Wax 11 .... ~ • .; •• y.., s ••• lie. 71' s Vi1cos. loyon Pile Oblono;i< at ,,.,.,1, in .A~occ>do, Ceri1~. Orange, C:,O!d, l 1l0< Mo~h•"• wcnh & '•· .jl,.--'-.1 \ SJ.if!, _ •.•..... $3 94 -' ' '1" Tank Tops Shells and Sho rts lt91. '1" Sale of W0tn•n's Shorts N vl on r., kn it rw $14' J.lr .. ch dolnlm lhorl•, ..... '° 16. Sale al Sandals Cool. comlv bc,.Joot ol y l lng In foohlon'1 741 ,_ .. ,colon. You r ........ •SI. ti ........ , S11••lil Sl.41 ~turd~ <il~m·r>um fro"'• fold'"0 i,.d w,tb lh•dc I "1'" mc1t1•u. Gr•ct lo• vocct....,1no QL>t>h, t ""'P'"O l rip•. f aldo 001.ly, ,,,.,,. p(ICtl1. $4" Plastic Molded Chair SIP'CflQ•• ""'" ,...tol' ~and•ome C,,. coml0ttab\r enc • .,. r..ok!ed o4 IOUQ" pl<>•hc ~l•••bl• '" j,, ,~. """ In ll"t!todo. Tor>ge""• or v.11....,. Uae !ndcori or out. HDUSEHOLO VALUES ! $3" Gallon Latex Interior Paint Reg.$ J 49 Cannon ~ Bath Towels W-4 Muti. -colo'l<I ~1.,, 99 "" .ohd <Oler p"nl ( 1""'111 "' Pirik, Blue • ... v.iio... • tk H•nd Towt11 .... 67t • 49< Woth Cl•th1 .•.... J1, s..1 ... "' l h 99' Dte0<a1or Sofa Pillow ..... 77' ~--69' Vinyl Shopping Bag• ..... 49' $1.l t-2 FHI -.... A•.A-4 98' Rug RtllltlOnts, 18x27" ... 79' •... ,,,,, .. ,,, -·h 98' Vinyl Place Mats ........ 59' Un l 1n l 1h1tl h c•d wood. $24' . Lig htw•IQ hl . •-·-_ .. s-1.i! sz.11 Ctnrtj '2" Shower Curtain Stt . . . . 11" C Q11rt 11101,11 ,., l 11 '"""°' ... 1.1......,.. ,..,_, ~.'.,'i:•.;.! ~ SJJf '1" Storage Chests ......... •14• _,..., ...... ~-~::::! -,-.~ --. ---.. =-------~----------. ~ --==--_ ... -~-1 'I,.,,,... --· ·-·> -- , Fl!d.ay, Jul~ )0, 11)71 DAIL y PILOT i' I r Officials Moving V p Americans Have the Cash I DONALD E. RAYNER is ~ new managfr at Rank of. America's Huntington Harbour branch. Rayner, with the bank since 1969, former- ly W(l..'J lend- ing officer al the Brook- h u r 11 t - A d a m s "''""" branch i n ' >l' H u nt1ngton , t R"ch. He ~ 5uccetds Ronald P, Tweedy, named to the bank's Orange County -Los Angeles Co11.st Regional C r e d i t Administration. A n at i v e of Riverside. Rayner graduated from Riverside Polytechnic High School. He reC!ived a bachelor of science digrce in marketing fmm San Diego State College in 1967 and also has completed numerous professional courses at the American Institute of Banking. KEITH G. SPRING EN nf Corona de\ Mar has been ap- pointed to the new position of manager, Technical Evalua- tion Office, for Philc<rFord Corporation's Aerospace and Defense Systems Operations. In this position. Springen will be responsible for review- ing technical proposals and technically monitoring con- tract performance of the three Aerospace and D e f e n s e Systems Opera!ions' divisions -Aeronutronic at. Newporl Beacti. Communications and Technical Service at Willow Gro've. Pa., and Western De veloprnenl Laboratories, Palo Alto, Calif. Springen formerly w a s m;:inager of Data Systems for Philco-Ford's Communic;:itions and Technical Se r v ice s (C&TSl Division fa cilities. He joined Philco-Ford as an engineering specialist in early 1966. Two ye11rs later he was named supervisor of data :r;ystems design in the c&TS communication.<: systems of. fice and led the division ef- forts in computerizing design nf large scale microwave telecommunications trunking r;ystems. HAJ\llLTON P. Sr.OTH. JR. has been named assistant vice president and loan department manager for Imperial Saving! 11nd Loan A ssoc1at10!1 in Newport Beach. A netive or Newport Beach ,i Smith re- ceived an associate art.s degrtt at Orange Coast College. He participated in University or California course:s from 1961 through 1967 and obtained his real e5tate certificate. Smith is a member of the Society of Rea l Estate Ap- prai!iers, and resides with his wife and their two children at 2268 Golden Circle in Newport Beach. Hf' is thf' grandson of P. A. Palmer, found er of Newport- Balboa Savings and now chairman of the board &f Imperial Savings. RUSSELL \'. STEPHEN- SON JR. has been named ax vice president of marketing for Hughes Air Wes!. Stephenson, an I 8 · y e a r veteran ~ the air transportation industry, mMt recently was president. chief Pxecutive officer and member of the board of directors of Mohawk Airlines, Inc. in Utica, N. Y. Jn his new position y,•ith Hughes Air West, he will be based at the regional airline's corporate office.'i in San ?t1ateo and report direc!ly to lrving T. Tague. general manager. KEN~'E"TH W. joined the Irvine m a r keting services de- p a r 1ment. Agid moved fron\ Good- kin Research · Inc. to man- age Irvine's r e s ide11Lial m a r keting program. AGJD has Company·s An ex-Air Force captain, Agid comple ted 11 master er science in systems manage- ment at use in 1969 before joining Goodkin. His dut ies with Goodkin include d marketing research r or We're Specialists! Brin gin g o new dimen sion of Sol es & Service to Orong• Cou nty! Only t he lo test method s in mod - e rn e lectroni c serv1c1n9 equ ip- ment is us e d to in sure that your sport cor will olwoys run ot peok eff iciency. AU THOR I? ED SALES & SERVICE FOR MG··· LOTUS .JENSEN FERRARI 3100 W. COAST HWY . NEWPORT BEACH 642-9405 540-1764 ~ residtnli11l developers. A s Jrvine's residential marketing manager, he will servr as liaison betwttn the giant land development I i r m and its many builders. But Won't Part With It Agid and his wife Patricia live in Nf'wport Beat:h Costa Mesa residenl JAMES NEW YORK j A Pl -For many ~·eeks new thf' nrarly official line an1ong business economists has been that the consumer has the money lo spend but is lacking the wlll- ingna.s to part with his cash . lie fears inf\;:i11on lie wor- ries bout his Job. lie is con- cerned with ns1ng taxes. He Is. thereforr, In on mood to begin nf'w endt-avors. ln~te1d , he hoard!! hi!! rnoney 1n rt-ar of that proverbial ra1ny day. A! a result. ret;1il oullelf! complain that sale~ 1irf' slug- gish &!Idem have they had to put forth morr PffQrt Lo spark en1hus111sn1 And all the time they must fight the tendency of shoppt.rs to buy down to lower price goods. That 's pretty much the con- sensus . It was recently and typ](.'ally expressed tnis wa y by the Morgan Gua ranly Survey, a monthly publication · "Consu mer Income -but- lrt!!sed both last year and tft!s by a serie. of government ac-- ' • ' hons, tflcludi ng 1 n t r r a 8 ,. d , Socisil Security b r o er i t s, ~ fede ral p.ay hikes, and the end ~ of the :ncon1e surrharge -: h;:is been sufficient l() fuel a ; n1ore v1g<irous expan1ion in : rrtail activity thr1n has ac-' 1u11lly occurred. What's bee" lacking is not the m.eans but the will to spend. ~ E . ACTOR, assistant manager with ~curity Pacific National Bank, has transferred recently from the bank 's 0 re an Boulevard Branch. Lo n g Beach, to the Ne'>\·port Beach Branch. The Alabama native 1!" a graduate of Spring II i 11 College, ~·lob1lP. and a vcteran cf the U.S. Army . He Joined the bank as a management trainee in August, 1969, and has served it\ various branch and staff ass i g o me o 1 s , specializing in the bank 's lo.laster Chargr program USS Up; Cut Due On. Shares '"Madman" Still Busy .~untz Has Found Other Outlets There is no short.age nf • stsitistical evidence lo "prove'' (hat lhe n1e<1ns &N' there. ! Personal income rose Sf! b1lhon in May . The rate ol person11l savings is at 11 ?<>-1 year high of !J.4 per cent c( takr-home pay, Centinela Bank directors to- da y eleeted FRED B. GOOD WIN regional vice presi- dent and rnanager. Newport Beach reg. ional office. Goodwin. a Ne wp ort Beach resi· dent. for 14 yeaTs, began his banking ca reer in 1933 with the Federal Re- NEW YORK I AP) -U.S. Steel Corp. reported sharply higher secood-qu;irler earn- ings Tuesd11y, but .c;aid 1l y,·ould cur its quarterly divi· dend by one-third. EdY.•tn H. Gott, beard chairman. said direclor.c; l'lf the company had declared a dividend of 40 cents per shar~ payable Sept . 10 to stockholders of record al the close of business Aug. 6. The 40-cenl dividend compared wit h " 60-r.ent dividend p11id each quarter since the third quarter cf 1966. lA>S ANGELES !AP\ -A generation ago he was the "M11dman" y,·ho sold cars by lhousmids with zany radio commercials Then he made TV sets. Then cars And then it ~'llS Cflr stereo tape systems. E;;rl Muntz, who inade mllltons but lost some too, still 11:et~ 11 kjck out nr starling something new His latest proj- ect-renting travel tr11ilers and motorcycles. Muntz runs r..lunti Motor Mansions in tJ1e San frrnando V111!ey and a nt>w 500-11cre motorcycle park. in the Simi Valley. And even thoogh the balding 57-year-old Muntz bears !iltle resemblance to his emblcm·l'I Napolenic figure dressed in red underwear·ht> sav.~ it'~ a thrill "starting sornet'.ti1ng and seeing it go." Muntz went into the 11sed car businrss in Elgin. Ill . 111 tht> agt• cf 20, aod had four lot.c; in suburban Chicago in 1941, seven year.<1 after hi~ start Then he came. ln California . He sold thousands flf cars a year during the World War II boom with ;i billbo.ard and radio campaign that said : "I want to ,R"fve'em ;iway, but my wife won't let rnc. She's crazy., Or, •·1 buy 'em retail, sell wholesale. r..1orr fun that Y.'ay .• After thr wl'lr. hr sotrl hp Katser·f'raser, sind in his pttik ye;ir scld S72 million wor1h or tht>m. When the lcle,•ision bug hit hin1, he opened a retail store. Then , he n1ade the Muntz TV. opened 72 retail stores ;ind sold $55 1nillion worlh of the sets. Aul r..1untz say~ !he firm het:ame overextended, and he: finally sold out in 19:xi for $1 70.000. Also, Muntz: sidmits he in· troduced his car cr11led the ''Muntz Jet" in the early 1950s ''ahead of il, time." He ~aid !Stt MU1''TZ, P1gr 1%) Thal'!'\ whet the sta tistic!! show. 1lle n1 a i I , 1ugge1t11 something else -a credibility i:iap involvin g the statistics. 11 growing belief 1tmong ordinary pt>ople thilt "'they mull! be talking about somtbody else." Sur v e ys show 1ha t reg;irdlcss · nf those sl<1tistics, 11 lot of Americans can't di.~eover the increa.~e i n per~onal Income, nor can t.hey find those big l!t1vings the statistics indicate they have. "Did it ever occur to you that we consumers are not buying because we dnn 'l have any monry left after taxes In huy wilh?"' Thus begins ~ typical cornplaint from ;i writer who consider:-; herself an "ordinary" .American. "[ nt-ed a new refrijlerator. serve Bank, Los Angeles. He has been in commercial bank- ing for 28 years and most re- ce ntly was president and a di· rector of Coast Bank, Long Beach. Married, he is thr fath- er of three sons. Born in Montreitl. Goodwin has been a Southern California resident since 1922 and has been active in the Kiwanis Club .. Jonathan Club.~ Orange County Boy Scout Council ;ind Shires. C ! u b . He h11s participated in many charity drive~ including those of the March of Dimes, Red Cross. Community Chest. American Cancer Society and ':r'.M.C.A Goll said net income for the latest quarter, ent1ed June 30, totaled S77,879.9ft4 or Sl.~4 a share. com pa red with $39,374,250 or 72 cents a sh"!ire for the sa n1e period last year. He said s;iles for the latesl quarter reached Sl 645 billion, cflmparcd with SI .297 billion for the second quarter of 1970 Blue Chips Earnings Up Blue Chip Stamps reported earnings of Sl.729.000 or $_:14 per share for the first quarter f'nded May 29, 1971. cn1npared lo S.4.1 for the firsl Quarter a year ago. Boeirig Studies Plan For New Jumbo Jet Mine is 17 yea rs old a.od almost shot. I c;in't sifford to buy one. My bresikfa sl srt Is ral!ing ararl aft.er 17 years 11nd we can't replace it. ''My husband Is it teacher 11nd makes ;:ibnu l SI S.000 it ~·Par after many years o~ the job. \Vp don't have stocks or rxtr;\ propert :-r. Wr have only a hornc. and we are still payini:: for iL Centinela Bank's Newpor1 Beach office, ha iled as the mflsl nautical bank in the West, overlooks Newport Bay at 33.13 W. Coast Highway an d specializes Jn banking for boaters. Steel produrt shipments in the second quar!er lhis year wr re 6.9 million tons. com- p11red with 5.5 million tens in the sa me quarter last year. Gott said the higher level of steel product s h ; p m e n l .~ reflected hedge-buying in an- ticipation of a possible strike July 31. He said shipn1ent levels harf declined ;:ilready in July rrom the seCl'lnd quarter's month ly rate and would drop sharply after July :11 11s customers worked off excess inventories. Total revenues cl er I i n e d fron1 S34 ."'1J.OOO 1n 1hr 1970 quarter lo $28.~70.000 cu r· rently. DQnald A. Korp1)el. chairman of tl'Y.' bonrd and president. Altrih11trr1 1 he decreased earn111i.:s a n cl revenues primarily lo the adoption of the so-cal\r1t clis· C<lunl method of prom otion by 11 number cf supermarkl't chajns. generally l11te in 1970. le:rPa:ri SEATTLF. fAP\ -Roc1ng lo. sa.v.~ 11 ha:; plan~ fnr a nrw 747 jrtliner with a c;ipac1ty of J ,f)()O p11.~~f'ni;Jf'rs. morP lh11n twice as many a~ the l11rgesl 747 Jumbo jel now flying is desi gned to c11rry. The dislinrlivf' hump at thr fron1 of current 747s, which now provides room For an up· per-deck lounge, would be ex- tended to !he tail or thr airf'raft !o create upper and loy,·er passenger deck.~ about 230 fePI long OesiRn studie!" for t h P enl;irged 747 werr unveiled GTB/4 1971 Daytona Fe rrari 365 GTB / 4 e ON DISPLAY e IMMED IATE DE LIVERY ' • "BEST PRODU CTION SPORTS CAR OVER $10,000." (ROAD & TRACK MAGAZINE ) When exotic you visit our agency and view all sport cars you 'll think we're having show, and we are! for you everyday are all available for purchase to $25,995. . ' prices the a & beautiful special and from sta rt auto they $595 last wetk by llowl11od f.. B.-own, chirf of product devel- opment for the firm 's 747 Division. "The 747 i~ no different lhan nur other jetliner., in its ability lo grow ." Brown said. "The changes \11e anticipate will not be radic11! floes -tht>y will be evolutionary 1n nalure." He cited the body·lengthening or !hf' 727 lrijel and the 737 shor1- range twinjet as example~ nr simih1r changes In the p11st. Planners envision production or the lir!t !,()()()-passenger 747 b.v HlllO. Brown s;iid. "There is nothing left 11fter we havr fed our three ~owinit sons. We don't have any lnopholes whert> we can escape frdC'ral income t;ixes, stale in - t'Offif' taxes, ~late tax nrt purchases, real e11talf' t;ixes - yn11 narne the tax, there art rnore of them . "~y husband I are in nur mid-40s . \Vp suffrred through !See CASH, Page \ti IOI TOUN4' Tht ft-•-r't ., NIWllOrt lm,.rto ,._, ••loll I• ltllr.tl111:iflt l ff Y..-.... I ll la .,. lltl"ll r 1-1111 l jllrh ti~ -rW .... .... -.. I 111111 ...,..,m•IKI ,. .... cir IKllnlcll• ltr I , .. .. 1n4 fllll la<! It clHl'tllrnMIN 11 llh f'9C ... I rttw11 ,,....., 1 I woet: Inion•!•• lrl !nl"t 1111tnmM1I I I 11•1 ,.,,,,1 •..:!ory In MH..,1. 1111f , 111 wlo 1IM H I ef "'' 11ltcl tow !Kllllkl..,, .., 11'14' !'II crew ., 1111 ''"''' ltlm In lflt 11 -LI M•NI -""'""' ••<t. w1111 "'"' 1w•mk llllont r-w ''" '" "'"' I•• v..,.,. It c ... 11o11rN, ty 11'14'11 wlt9 '"'•· It k ..,, ., ~ It' ''"''I IKl\ftk:l•nt 111 "'--11 <:ttt!. AUTHORIZED $ALES & SERVICE FOR MG··· LOTUS .JENSE1V FERR.it RI 3100 W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH 642-9405 540-1764 • .. • • ' ' ' ~ • • I i i • • i • I i I • '_n;,,, ••. ' ..J· I ~ .. --' ~---' --.,..?trr" • ) ' 1-. DA.IL '1 PILOT s F1 !lo11y Jul1 '° 1011 --- 'U1iit Price' Aids Cost Co 11iparison By S'\LVIA 101t1FR Unit pr1c1ng ls no v n1ov 1ng across the LI S -g1v1nj! }OU lar more rnea 1lt1gful 1nforma11on lhan \'Oll \1 tv~r had to compare pru.:r~ 1n tent.5 per J>OUnd per ounce per pint or wh 1Jcvrr -on Item~ ranging from sal 1d 011 to cake nH~ls But 11l11le 1111~ •" a relreshing bencflcia! lrrnd 11 1s only !hr beginning s<ns h1orris l\aploin le< h n 1 ( a J director of Consum~rs Ln1on Whal a!t.hs Kaplan about !ht s1tu11 t1on 11 here the product 1s 1101 ~tanda1 d1zcd A quart of l l percent an1nH rua 1s much n1ore than ~ qu:1r! 1f ~ percent amrnnnia A d~lu~r J ~ cu fl rcfr1gerat()r "1h ire niaker and a11loni 111c defro~l 1s n11ch srnallrr 111 l<1pac11y 1h in a s1nppccl rnodt<I of a lt> c:u ft re fr 1geralor 1 o illust rale herr arr f111r \1\al areas 1n 11h1r.h you nped far n1ore 1nFortnat1on 111 PERfi'ORi\1ANCE Just 1>.hat is 1he p1oduct supposed to do and how \I.ell does 11 do ,, . President l'\1xon has propos t>d a Consumer Products Test J\1ethods Ac! c;ill1ng ror the development of tesl methods 11 h1ch would pinpoint key at lrJb u te:i;: o r pro d uc l perforrnance for use h y manulaclurers in 1nform1ng c.onsun1ers or the rncrits of their producL~ But n1ce!1ng i;tandards slill would b e volun tary an d even Uu.!1 la\11 •nay be months or years ;iwa1 Surely 11r can h~vc a measure C1f hC1w well a rcfngrralC1r refrigerates hC1w well a washing m a c h i ne 1vashes how accurately 21 \vatch k~ps time S u r e I y manufacturers can tell us wha! the useful hfe of a given product 1s hkely to be under different uses Z! OPERATING COSTS Todays n1anufacturers stress al1nosl e x c I u s l v e 1 y the purchaSt' price of their \.\ares Bul .,IUSt as-important to you v.ould be lhe kno\vledge !hat sa) refrigeralflr A retarl1ng for $359 cosLs $" 50 a month to operate -wh le refr ger<itor B pr cell al $292 < osl~ $4 75 a month to run If )OU assume a hfe span or 1a ) ears for both ~;iys Kaplan refrige rator R v.nul d cost a total of SJ 097 or $293 higher th an the more ex pensive A 31 REJ,AIRARILITV How f(lng "rll a product be ex peeled to operate trouble free and what 1s !he expected cost flf repair over the anllc1pated total hfet1me ol a product~ I( the product likely lo bct'flnlf' unrepairable af1er X 11umher of year( becausP thf' rf>pair~ are likely lo cost 1norf' th 1n replacing the p rod u 1 l .'llt oge!her' llNIJED ~1ATf,'i '1\l'lfl N11 ll ,, \I ,. SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRAN CH HOW Ol'[N SATURDAYS ',. l '""' MOM THUllS FRIPAYS 10 S P M 10 ' PM 17141 540 5211 lO<l>l•d h1 So Cocut l'ltua Coll• Mno H STOLTE . ' Firn1 Get:s L 9 B nildings In F ull erton LOS ANGJ l ES -IB\\ 1 - Nineteen buildings on I ur "ii\~ 111 Fu!Jt-rton ha\C bC'en aC(!lllfed by Symn\.1r Inc n ternat1onal marketer of ~oo sumer products for a 11ew corporate headquarters and "a rehousing d1str1but1on 1111 pl ex The purcha!'\1 In an u1 tl1S<:lnsPd NTIOUl\I nf ('a.;h 1 d ~cunties "ere announced bv ( harlf's (, Eckman pres1dC'nl ;ind :h1ef f'Xf'CU\L\ P 11fflrer of Sy111mar Sel!r-r v.:<s R C Jr1-1rrr Io of Fullf'rt n F.rf..nian ~ 1\~ h ~ i ir ~ n1t1 n "'Ill n1 V( 1ls hf'illl 11u<1 trr < f11cf's lrum \ l'rtJ n n ~nuthet1S\f'fll IA s An~"lt'" I I ullerton 1n f'arly au1u11 r An (I ange Cou 1l\ 11arf'ho11s 1n~ d1str1but1on S\slcm is in the hn11l plann ni; stagr and 1111! be set up SOl n The ne.1-1 f1ti11t1Ps hr ~;ud "111 give the cornp 1 1y expanded capab1htv to bct lrr ser\e lhe IA>s Angele~ Or:in~e t nun(}-San Diego m;irkets ll l'O lll mean new ne~lb1hly 1n S\ mmar s cont1nu1ng suppnrl of the Southern r.ahrorn1a grocery drug and liquor retai lers S 15,000 INVESTMENT COMMERCIAL PROPERTY -LEASE BACK 80°/o WRITE OFF . 1971 Ad C'l71 'telly l'llot 1'01 1S•O Ce.110 Mno 'I'l' • - I See by Today's Want Ads • f)fl' r 111 "~ th~ \\f'Pkf'rd 11 <'I I' 11 llf' n 1ny viral!<' ,..;ilf'!. \ll1 •11n p rk 1p ~nv hr ll:H '' ii \ rwk 00111!111 11 !'<'t OVER TI-IE COUN1 1ER lll•ttMla1 Vt ll!t_._. _ .. , ..... 11 ,,.,...1,.....,, ' A.M .,... lt.t.10 "'"'" ..... -nt• "' .... ,...,. ........ _ "' -1- NA SO L11t1ngt. for Thur5d11y July 29, 1971 MUN1'Z CASH • • • ICnntrnned from P<i J:~ Il l ' ~l '"·---"--~ ---_._ Complete-New York Stock List ---- 16 l] .. 13 1<1 7' 11 • )l? .,, 11 3" Ja 11 .. 387 1J~ Js~., 111 11,., 36>... s lli~ 36 ,g: ~ :i'• 11 .s ... o. 21'1 if• ?:,., ll .... 6"' J'1 S.'!'o ~ " 0'1 0 . 12 1 '· 1 79 6 6<o 151&>11 n '' 1• • 31 l1 l ~~ -ro~· J~ •7Ho 7> ,~ il ;.:., 61 14 1• 7'03 J l • s 1'1'.l li'l ~' s ~ ,. 01111 . I l4111 l4 o nSl6o7'i'< 41 39\~ JJlt. 941 ll • ll 11 1l n o Ill ~ le 10 11-.. H ' 'il ll ~ 10 ... 1' JS 34 n <11 .. o , 61 11 I 11 'Z 1?11o16"'o ~ IS\ l'i'<o .. lll"' .... :llt J:P.,, JP/1 '' •• 1:\-o IS lS 1 11 i 116 •16 • :u ... ~ 10 11<, 1?0. • 10 ' • JS 1 • 10 Jl1JJJ • 1 45 .. 01 10' , •• 15\ • , ... 16~ 7l60'o Sl!o l77ol6 o I 19 , 10 lll91?• s '°'' 19 .. lt 1 • 1 111 0oll I 9 9~ I ?1 'o 1 ""' 11 ,, u. • ,, •1 11 )4 ~ l • s 11 ,,, 100 ti • lS < 51SJ~l · n 1• 11 . •1 JO 79 "> II 6S OS SOI> W o 1J 't . ~ !).\-'o 31 • I 0 o IO'o l? 1• l • ll ,. • ,, • H hit • 250 d '"" e 11 n Sll~o l5• 1!>0 71 16 ~ ~ " I .. t i .. 10 69 • I 1!! ' o ' on 11•0 ?O . , . .. ,. l• • 1) • 6 16'• 71 10• '' 11 . . ~ ;o 1 • lll ~. I! l1 o " ' I ll ll • " ' . " " " . ' " ~ I h 1 110 11 ~ ll ~ ,.,o; 1l 11 .. -G- • ..... .. lfl<h I HI• ltw CloM <"~• .1. -.. lj .. -I n"' -• ... -.. 'lll • -~ I• '• ... ., .... '" " -• • " " r.•. •• 1•. -• " • -'I-I• O.<. -... }S>o -ll• ' .. " ~ HI ti • ~ " '" .. " " • • • • ••11 •• ,_,. 71 11)' 0 • 10 . <.\ •S 0 H l tW10'>10•!0'> • ll JI .11 SI•• -4 "'I Wo JS • l s -\~ ''-''"'""'l Jl?O I T o 1 , JI??,,,.,,_._ 1 l, •0"' ·~·+ o B~ ••••?I 'l ' :Ito 10 l • JO • JO'• -.... lOSJ SJ.i....IJ JS l'• ll J • tlO SJ SJ B 73919 ,10,+. 1 7Jl1J! J \ 101 St S? • S? -1 •1?1'1o ?l •?l , .. o 1611/0I -? ? .15 }.I: I' -)II ;n!O o l•llO t •S ~ 0 •'i' o • ,, ~ ' 1, 7 ., • ? 1~ 1<, IS ' -o llJ.<oJ.<1•-..., • •1 ) • • -"I ?6 l• ?l o lJ•-.., s "10 70 ,. ?1 11 ,, • 1'. + ii ?I I! 11 , I SJ070')9 n, 1•1 11 Ill 00-• 1 ~1111 17 u .:.~ I ll • 71 ?l • J) Jl o Jl o I ~ ,... 70 ,. •7 ,, • ,, 1• ~ ?l 00 ]I.... J'" -' 10 1S o ll ll o -0 1 71 ' ~ ~6)1 li'l•l -·· q7~ 11 n , ~ 111 1 l•P .. l•l l " • 1 '"~ • 10• ' ' 1~\ I ' . •• " " n •• ,, ' ' " " " "' ' ' • .. " • " .. " " " -" " " • " " ' •• .. '" M • • " " " " . .. " , " .. • " ' " ' " "" , ' ' ~ ' " . . .. 11 .. -1.li <• •• .. ' " .. • M " " ll • 3l " . " . -L- 1~ ?1 ?I " ., • • l• • '1"'i:~"'~· •6• 10 . 10~ 10 • • • ~~ ... 1.;n.~ .• ll'l)ll;o )\o Jj '"" ~ ~h ;.-jl ·-,·: :n ~ lS!i 1• I 4 ..0 1••· 1• " _, 16 • • • • SI ~ • U < 6 -~ .... »' ;JI 30'~-·· .l\I, ll >t ' 11 17 1? YI• O'• 01 • ~• 71 I~ • , ', •t 11'1 • •l o II• I 11" J I I 11117 1'? J Jl 11 'l'P " ,i .~ 57t, J~.. .~· 11 1 I I l 1• 7' ~ • It• • tJ ,,, 11 .. 11'17 )o !1 ll ~'<ll ' • 11 • 1J. ... )3'1 l) 3' ... l.l j • • • ': ·: ?:~ lr: ~4 ... '?>·?~ ?6 ... l.o:i)Jll ~"" llSISllJ, ~ I I• 10 1' _ ~ 1)'1 l ~l ... 1•1 " • ,. ,. _, ... 0 ?1 '11 l? -~ no 5• ,. S• .l ~ )190 100 HID 100 -.... . ..... .,, .. 11 01 , .... ,_.,. VI )I, ll lll••~ l< )! • J '• JI•• " 1'1 11)(1 .. ". l\1 lll )I JI J.6 , , ... lll1'~1.v; " " ·~ iI •: " ' . . ' ' ' ~ 11 • 11 -, • " 11 -M- " 11. " ' \~ '~ JI 0 " " H 11 .. ' '" ' ' " •M • " ,. ' ' ' . . "' " " ' ,, ~ .. 1:. -~ . " •• •.l -" .. 11 1)1 1 o I , I\ • JI ' ... • " " " ' ' ' " .. '" .. -1 . -" . .. ' 11 ~-- ]! -' ' .. ' . ' . , Thursday's Oosing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange List NEW YORK (UP I) -An onslaught of unfav or able news 111clud1ng a selected strike 1n the rat! industry and th e steeJ strike dead.Jrne co1n1ng up this weekend batlered the stock market for the third day in a row l 01> ~·M ntw tl\C. I• l llW •14!> TllW p!l.'O Tue•~~! Tl lwen Cen l1I• C<>ro VAL '"f UAL Pl.411 VAR CO 1 10 Shortly before the !1nsl bell the Dow Jones ~~c ~ 1 l! lndustr1al Average was off 10 59 at 861 42 brl.Jlg1ng ~~·le,! ~, the setback m the Dow to nearly 30 points durlng u" Nv 1>1 U" Cemp I the last three sessions u,, c.rb 11. 1 11 4 ~~~-\I. UnlonC(>rp ' ~ f <t ·~-u,,., .. ti 1 o 11 1~. 10 -Standard & Poor 11 500 stock index show ed a u" E 111r1 • ~ n ~ i~ t:t. = ~ loss o! l 27 at 95 80 while decline rou ted ad ~~ ~ ~,' !° ~11 •1 ~ :i.:11. _,.., u"o c1 '° 9 1.:. 1,. ,,.., -•• vanres 1 237 to 223 among the, 1 660 issues cross voc• 1>ri !a ~ > ,., j'•-~ th '· U,,P&tC~l • r,i ~~ ~:: +·: 1ng e uipe v P•( P•• 1.1 .J; 'J • -• u,, 0<10lfl to l ................................................... llOllOOllOl<::l<l .. llUh n•~ 10 ~ 1ii ?2'7. ,.~~';: U" QVI <>I I d 21 ~ 11 '1 -'I V~•l>oc>• '° )lJ I I> I• I ~ Tllomltol I 0. •fl• •!l1 <$11 --.Too It... -11 !! ... 1! , H ~~~ ~,..,,1 ~ t11oi,,100 .. 100> .. -t1>111om ncr., 1 111'1 n n ... 1 .... co '° 1 iw. " " ~u 111 ~·to II~ JS )I~~' -'-'tl>omJW 7!9 I •• ti •I l •n•U t11 17 -:JI~ •0 •Unl!C o Ht ;., ~" ~ !a .. =1 .. r1111to.. ~ 1111•• n 21"? ... r 11noW1>r "J 1•\• n• H ~•·u~•FlnC•t )06 1 . ·~· ... , -.. ti Carp I to " l lo l. 11• • T nWA ~ I. I•. 6 . -• Un I Gu to J ).I lo!> J•l't lahl1IM IO ... 1•> 10 1• :O.,lnWf" 611 SJ 1 o l • 1 --\oo U"I""' 20 1 Od\o Ol • ().! -··Tme "" 190 2'. .. , •9> •9 o l •n•m • SI "' 1 11 • 11 •-•UnJe tll~> I 11 •1• d '7 0 -l:11>lme1Mr '° 1 l5 "h •Ho 1olr•"•CI nv f1 I• ' 6 1 Uni MM 1l0 1 II>.. JI • II \'tit m~tfl 1 Ill •I JI ' JI" " "'T ••• • to JH ,.., l! l!~ -•1 IJn Nu( 11 oO• It St>..-l'ol tlllllh• '°b ll 111 2l 1~ ~ 11••• 11> J !l .. \ .. ,,, •6 '<Un ''" Mn " !'"' 11 ?1 • lo lob nl"c~ 00 7 II> I I~ l ••lod Jiii O 1j :JO"-?O\o -I U~ r dG J 20 1 "' 1.1 J• , lOda Sii to 11 10 t ?ll , T Con 1 1'1 .a 1 • 11 , n • '-'' r. n o~ Ol JI ll • 11 • -... TIHWoE 1 10 1 11 .. 11 1 11 • l Con •1150 ll • ll .. ll•1 -\1 USf orS 116t 15 HY1 10. O\o ToolRH~ '" It ll 1 • )2 lo Tr •n11!1'14 JG I~ U1o U \1 u;, us r ••• , '° 1971 Mlltfl Ltw C6'• ... '" OAJLV PJlOT • •• It li: ~ J 11 •• ~s rt~, ' »• J:al ~' "'° jJ~} " » .. ,,.. " . 1 I~ , tl J l " r. ••• "' " •l '° • ' ""' ' " 0 11 ? i'~ * " " "' ,, • • '" ,. 71 • ' r " " • • " ' 10 •O ' ,, ' " ,~ .. ' .. 11 ·~ I 0 ~· • 1'' ll ' . " " • .. ...... ' ti. ~ -v. g.; 100• • ' . . ., • <ll"t • • • ,,., 11'1> 1 11\ 1 ~ -~~ Ji~ " .. ~ '" n ' ir,• tt:; µ: • • ~ . ' ,, ,. "I I) lll't s: ... n l()l o ltlo !J'11 SJ .. 11-. Hf ' . . ~l. • ' . ' •• )• . ,,,_ • • " .. . " , . • • • ' . ' .. " ~ . ~1 1) l• J• ' .. .. ' " • .. ,, ' • " • , . • " ' " .. "' ' ' "" " '• ' • •• ' , . J6 • 1 • ~ ,_, ... " . . "' . .. . ' ' "' " '" " " " '"' 1 IO'>o Jiuoc • td ~· P ~n 1' Complete Closing Prices-American Stock Exchange List "' L~I~ .._"If~ l 0Ptl It 12 t t UP )f ~~~,_1.~:t: ,j 41,. ... u.,i ,.~t.·!~:1 ,,, .. UP 0 I \""'·"~ 11 1 ll• IG K~ M•lr 1 U• j I 10 OVHtl Ct »1,• t 1, •,' U• • 1 I Ou•~" r;• ti 1 lJ• • 1 ~ .. .oc:o • 11 H~. t '•~ U• l IJ A •n•O s1 ., ,, UP t • M•n~ !Ml L ", "' 11 ·~-U• l I Am fnv ... 1 \"' I •t Uf lj\ c-Ml < 1 't'" lJ• 1 I LOl'f Co-• •,•,._ i .~ U• 1 •Unl>f' C1111 ., .. V• fllll"lopll,.,.,. °' t A UP !I lloch Toft 'I ~ ~ U• 1n cow t• c""' ~ I I.lo 1J ~· l'l'\hd !"I '// > "' j O t• ll•n•I '" lUll ~~Gtn lll!tC • ,. -·~ _,:: -, • IZ , ! -.. . . " to\ , ... ·~ ~ l>.' = !' • • 11 ~ -11... ~ • ij ' o• NEW YOlll( (1'1' l f111 ldey 1 f'O'nP t1• sroci. E;o.th•nt• 111k H .... , ... , •• Mltfl Lfll' Cltlu c~ .. ... .... , .. .. IM1 J .... , ... , •• Mith LtW Clt11 '1>t ,,. ' .. " IM•J Mlfll LeW •• Clfft CJI• 7• ... •'• ... -'n 10"-0 • 10'• -• 10 ... 61> 6'-o -• l '"" 11 Ii.:. ) s s s 1 I I $ 1 6 • • ~ ~ ;: ~. ) I S I •1~)6 76' • ., 6"\ ~· -) tJ> l • Jlo -'-': i:: 1:~-I 70 •• , •• ,.,_. I> • ..... ... 1~ 1~ 1 ~. 'j n11 11r " ~ ,J," ... •• • I I 16 • • w • ,, . 1• / I M '" " ' 11 . -J " "' 10 . + '" 6 • ~ • l••• l • J .. s 1 .. 1 . l•· I l o l ! 7 1 o I I 7Q 11 . '°'' 'll>'.l.,-s • • • • ..., .:~ ,; ~· 1r·- l l · l • l •-I 0 0 10 Sf 1~·~t / 7! o 70 21) 1 101 ,,0 ,_ 10 s . S' l 9 , 9 o '• «) 10 ,,... 9'1, 11l 1 :l0 11X1 5! • ... • .. 6~11 .1 . ·i,'·,(·11 1 < l , ... 9) • • •0 •O'lo l I?• 11•• ? .. I ll 1J )J f 9 I ! 9 I 9 ' 1 I 4 • 1 •• • • • • • .. • • , • .. I 1 H. , •j o lnS•-• • 11 <> 11 11 ~. " •• s . ' • ,1,' ·---.. JI 7t•• ! 77'o •t o ,~~ • .,\ SJ r , ~·~ '" -Ii : • ~·• ~ ! -~. IJ I o 1.5' B 7J ' ••• • •• 100 .5,. s:, J ? 9 I 9 • f 0 . ' ' '" ' " " " • • • • • ' •• ,,,, ,., ' • ( • . • ' 7• , •• ,, • 4 1116 11111 n. •• l~ ll 66 .~ • . ~ )'• . . -. l• • _._J • '. " J . -.... Chatter Tht In irkP\ ha~ been er ralu lately r F Hutton & (.( note~ Although the an nouncr n1ent th11! rnutual fun rl roden1pt1011i:; 111 June t xcei>d se.Jes by $16 nulllon was ft i:;1gnlficanl 1rr1provcment nvt'r 1'-iav s figure:s the figure is still d1sappo1nt1ng If u t to n say:<J Tht' firm however believes the market 1s 1n a good Jl<~qJt1on to c Opt' with !hi! announcement a id adds an ah!llfy for prier~ to tonf1nue to hold :iround current JC\ ehc cou ld set lhe st.'lge for another assault on the 895 911 5 rcsL!lt.:i ncc area of !he Do1\ Symbob 1 , Se t' n•u••• • • 11noltc 1 ~1 t.. Un U I olherw H "o t d tl•lt of d vf. !)... • cltnd1 II ~t lo lllO 1111 ~ti 1 • t 1nnu•I )4. -ll!lbu l•m1nto 1:1••.., on !he t s <1uo or v IJ~O • Of ••m onnu~ dt' • • on S..ec • Of ~ , fl<l • <I v ~•"II• or Pl>fntn • no .in .. "• I""•" II tvu tr •• klfnl 1 t d In Hie ) IQ ow n• IOlll"l>IN !JI~_ • _,. !-0 l!rll• IN' •~1r•1 b-Annv•• • • 1%lo -:i, •l~t 11odc II wld-c-Lh111ld1 1 ... d vio l~ .'I ·•-a-Oec •1111"' o•a ~ un Pll9 ..._ 'I' •• "• ""ncl. ,.._p, <I It" v..,, ._ u1o ._ : P•ld n •loxt. cru n11 un '"' n<•tMI u11t J •t !!Jt on ••cl vldePl<I or ••-<II.tr l>Ut~ n ... -•et. t -OK trM o• ollld "' it• 11\lt If =· ~ , .. , ti-Dt<l11rM Of' ••a 1116" 11oc:• ti'\ ., • v -w 1•111 u• k-Do>(lt"" or P•I• Al•-• • llllt -· ." •(N'IUJ 111¥1! ''" ... " 1,\ -•I vl11111<11 Ill • .... • n New !nu. -1\~ = : P•lll ll'llt ••• 0!1111dtN:! .,....11 ta -)~ ... ll<'•td o• "' •~t~ ••-•n ti 111 lllv!d•ncf '1 J ~ met!lllt r-Otc ••Ml tr ot ct In ltto "Ut 1:~ t 1 110<~ d • <11"'11 t-P1l11 ~ tlack dUr "' J -i.t '"' IH tmt ,, Cl lll •• UI en ••-0 v ,,.,.. f Of I)<..:! tlr 11!11~ "" t ~~-1• 1-S••t n 1111 ;4 -•• cll-C• td -•• d!•lftncl r-~ .. 11/~J. :0\1> -efllf •11<1' 1t!M Ill f\111 .:-4 1-EP d '"" '" -t~ tlutldfl. • -1 ~ •'°"''' .. -Wttl'IOut ""'"" 2" ~ '• ra~ ' w"'-Wllll ... tn!l. W6-W"-n d ~ ti\ ... ttlbut~ "-Wllttl Ullld. "4-M1"1 dtP ~· • l 16 dellvt y t • 1 vi-In l>t M:"'1• ~· ., •tCflv.nlllp flf ,!. -' bfl~• I~ t•"lllO ~ ,,... l•f'lf<: UOl\.P t Ac! Df U <U .,,,.,, •1...-e (Jr IUCll - p., \t ~·"" • -!~ m1• '" ct-(11nnc111._ • 11-lttlflHd 1-0.1 t 11 Pit! •-M•ll.t .. • • -• berldt llflOI 1bllllv Im•• ,.,. w mttur ry l:i~ -~ l'od-o-N•~ <111 dll!l11t ty •-I'• -n •nf'l. )t ~ • -~•ll1111<>n , •• '°'" ' "'-------------- • • I 11 • r I I • l:I OML Y PILOT Berkeley Cutback Threatens BERKEI~EY 1A P ! -Trrm- lng 11 a .. great fiscal shock.'" acting Chancellor Bohf>rt E. Conn!l'k said Thursday the l Tnivt>rs1ty of C ;1 I 1 f" r n l ;i , Berkelry campus will rf'1.:e1vt t1 9 m1ll1on lt'ss in sta1£' funds than last year for leaching and research _ This would mean. he said. a reduclion or 110 facult.11 posi- tions ;ind 40 1 r a ch i n g sss1stan1 .~. C:onn1ck said a check of official b u d g e I figures jus! received shows !he campus will get $37 .11 mil/Ion for 1eaching. 3 . I million or 7 7 percent Jes~ than it did in the 1970-71 fiscal year. fn researrh. the ne.,.,. burl~e1 111loca1cs $8.1 million. down $800.000 nr 9 l per 1·cnt frorn the $9.1 mill ion allocated lasi year, he said. "These ,.,...o slashes in stale support of rhe un1ver~lty's primary work are a great fiscal shock." said Connick . "They v.·ill hurt !he quality of teaching here even though v.·e are y,•orking to reduce their impact." The chancellor said slate support for a!I opera.lions ill the Berkeley campus is $71.9 million for the new fiscal year. down $1.9 million from the $73.8 million last year ;ind compared with $75 6 million for 1969-70. "Unless there is a change in the budgel by the Je"islature. this loss of teaching funds will require thal Berkelev cul 110 faculty positians '11nd 4 o tei:iching assistants.'' he said. ''Reduced state funds for !hr library will f11rce us to reslrir1 use hours and further redu re the acquisition ef new books." Ancient Anchor Spottecl CHARLESTON. Ort>. (l"Pf 1 -A large rusty anchpr fnunrl from !hf' ocean's depth~ off Horsef;ill Beach in Coos roun ty has renewed ~pecula11on th.al 11 Spanish galleon <'fllild have sunk in that area ab<tut 200 yeaTs ago. The anchor apparrnt lv hao. also tx>en causing In~~ nf fishing ncls by are« f1~hcrn1rn a lnnJ: time. Kenne!h D \rude w::i o. F1~h1ng 11board h1!' c o n1 me r (' 1 ;i I draii;OOat R;:iscal Sa 1 tl rd ;i ~ when his net hung llfl •ir1 thr bottom. He st arted dr::i_c.c1ng his net v.'hich dropped !he gtern of his boat deeper nnd deeper into the waler With hi~ net nc11rly in. he cHscovered a gigantic anchor on the end of ii. SIDE- WALK SALE! • SATURDAY JULY 31st • 150 TABLES 1 OOO's of SS$ Worth of Values • sn DISNEY C:HAaAC:TERS ALI. DAYJ HARBOR CENTER 2JOO HAllOI C:OSTA MUA • I • 1 SHOP EARLY, SOME QUANTITIES LIMJTfD DACRON PILLOW DUO! • Poly foam core • Cotton ti ck • Non-allergenic • SofJ or fir m LIN€NS REG. $6 £A. FLARE JEANS, SPORT SHIRTS FOR BOYS! SPECIAL • Cotton denim st riped fla res • Solid-Jo ne cotton sport shirt • Both In 3-7 I 5 OFF 44-QT. ICE CHEST! • fam ily-siz e chest • Urethane insulated • Safely recessed handle • Quality construction 9sa ~PORllNG COCOS REG. 14.99 70' LN. n. OFF IRON RAIL! • o:c~rotive w.rought iron 99 ¢ • M1n1mum ma intenance • 3'· 4'. 61 .s ections LN . • Accessories a vaila ble '1• REG. 1.69 L,f , t ~ 1 /3 FF l GIC C OSS BRA! • N ylon-polyesler-<otton 188 • Ad iustoble front cross • l ightly padded • A-B-C 3 2-38 fOUNDAllONS. REG. '2 .99 MATTEL'S SIZZLER~ CARS • Recha rgeable models 19 6 • Grea t for racing • New bo d y sl yles • look like the real ones EA . , . • • lOV~ A£G . 'l.96 -. • f • l'lUMllNG HOUS[W,.,RES 30-GALLON WATER HEATER! 499s • Glass lined • Safety pil aJ • Family .s iz e 4 0 G AL. ... 59.95 :3i)'i' '4-: ., A.O.A. c•rtifl•d • Leg-grippers - no bulge 2 50 • l ight overoll control • Lace edging, panel • Sizes S-M-l -Xl fOUNDAT!ONS REG. $5 \ .. l . ~ i,f~ \' -•u1111-r~~'.~-. HANDY HAIR DRYIR • Easy pistol-grip • lightweight • Inc ludes travel bag • fast, effici e nt COSMETitS 4ss SPECIAL . 3-SPEED PORTABLE FAN FOR HOME, OFFICE! 1688 FOR HOME, IOAT, AUTO 1.60 OFF FIRE EXTINGUISHER! •Protect home, fam ily 2 88 • Dry che mica l formula • 1-pound; 2 -BC rating • Mounting brackets inc. •to. 4,49 HAA:DWA-! SAVORY BEEF mw WITH VEGETABLES! 99¢ • En ioy rich, hearty stew • fresh tossed gree n salad • Roll a nd crea mery butter • Today's luncheon feature •" 50% FF SLEEK PANTY HOSE • Finest nylon sheers 7 7¢ • Stretch fo r smooth line • 3 proportioned sizes • Great fashion tones HOSl~~y REG. 1,49 AFRICAN VIOLETS •Ideal indoor pla nt 99¢ • Pink, while, lavender • G iv e color a cce nt • 4-inch po l CARDEN SHOr REG. 1.49 DOUBLE GRID HIBACHI! • 10x20" cooki ng a rea • Non-mar wood feet • Grids raise separately • Double damper control 999 SPECIAL SO-FOOT PLASTIC HOSE! • 1/2·inc h diameter • Durable plastic • l ightwe ight, easy-handle • Quality construction GARDEN SHOI' 111 SPECIAL I '! SHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 'Tll 9 PM ... SHOP SUNDAY 12 PM TO 5 PM ' mnl' *HM • •• r ·~ • • -----~ -------_ ... LA CIENEGA lo ti~e;o ot 18th 11. phone 836·7922 NORWALK imperial ot nOtWOllc blvd. phort• 868-0911 FULLERTON horbor ot orongethoqM phone 71 4.879-2500 HUNTINGTON BEAC ..d"•ger ot beoch bou!evord phone 714 ·892-6611 -· ~·-- " SANTA ANA bri1tol o! 1eYenleenth hone 547·68AI VENTURA 500 wtlfth mill1 road •BS.3421 6-'2·75 41 ·~~--·--• •..,.-------' I•· - PANORAMA CITY tobio1 o l rose~ one 894·82ll CANOGA PARK topo.-,go plo111 f'hon• 88J-100Q __ ROSEMEAD roternei:id blvd. ot ton bemordi,,& fre•wo -phone 5JJ.Jl10 COVINA borron<o ot '°" ~rno•dino frl!eway-phone 966.7411 •• . .. • 6men BEA ANDER.SON, Editor ,tl••1• JMl1 >f, lt11 ,._ 1J Holiday Coffees Grounds for Sale Tfs beginning lo look a lul l1Kc Christmas l'ards will be the n1o~t prevalent ch3rity fund -raisers beginning In Augusl and wntinu1ng throtigh early 11 utu1nn 1nonlh:-.. Hoag J\lcmorial Hospit;1t Aux1l1ary, Ne\\•porl Harbor Spasla: League and five coast guilds of lhe Children·s llospital ot Orange County have scheduled coffee.~. ()pen houses, lobby exhibits and charn- pagne parties to sell the benefit greeting cards. Ca rd chairmen agree that leisure suni- mertime is the right tin1e to m3k8 an unharried decision about your hollday message , get discounts for early orders. lnsure prompt delivery not to mention contributing to B worthy cause. l.{rs. 1.latthew Gorry, chairman. an- nounces that more than 50 card albums \\"ill be di splayed in lhe lobby of Hoag fllemorial Hospital, Newport Beach, dur- ing Aui.;u~l. Candystripers will be ava1!:iblc lo tnke orders daily from 10 a.m tn .1 p.n1 l111ntrr Chaplrr will sponsor a sale i11 lhl' ho~ritaJ cClnfrrc11cc center \\ic.:J- nrsd:iy_ Aug. 18. from !O a.m. t.r1 noon Jlclp1ng tl·lrs. Gurry t-0 arrange the at- hnme party schcdu!e and "last chance·• ()pen house at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. J I, in the hospitars con!Cf'eoce center are lhe r-.tmcs. Charlrs Clemens, Arthur Jones, Halph T1llnn, A. C. Slegal, Leonard South and Roger Johnson, Can- d~·striper advisor. !/()Sling coffees starting ~londay, Aug, 2. will be the ~1l mes. Daniel Stringer, Henry Stotsenberg, Conrad Sc u I l i, Thomas Boler and Martin Lockney. ~!rs. Robert L. Bameson and ~!rs. Richard E. Schumacher. co-chai rmen nf !hf' Spaslic League's annual sale, will ar- range showings for individuals or groups nf lheir v.·ide s~Jec:tinn of card drsignio; from clabora!c glltlrr l.o elegant simplicJ· ty C;;irtls may be chosl'n from a gay. c.ol· nrful Sant.:i typP. :i rel1g1ous moll{ or even a special boating !he1ne. Sprc.iaf sales boost is expected from pmvisionals, 1t1e r-.lmes. Robert F Bonner. Saint Cicero. B1chard Dooaher, Edward Ethel!. .John .I. Hill, Jack I.-0ve, Roy Pierce and John Seljan. l\fany of the league"s members plan lo enterh1in their friends and neighbors al cnf!"~ and cl1ampagne parties where: s;in1ple books will be shown lo pro- spective buyers. Orange Coa11l hostesses also will be opening their homes for personalized card sales benefilting Children's Hospita l or Orange County. The hospital's Cinderella Guild is plan· ning two and three-day coffee sessions. Hostesses and thei r shirting dates. as an- nnunr·ed by l\!rs . .Jnhn If o Ir nm i,, ~·ha1rman, :irr the tllrncs .. Jo~cph IJ. Byan . Newptlrl Bc::irh, All~. 2: J. Haas, Corona de] tl'far, Aug. 5; t:eori:;c Cokas. f\,"cwprirt Beach. Aui.:. 11. :ind l'aul Cordary, Newport Denth. Aug. JG. Costa l\1esa's Punch anti Judy Cuild t•ard sales will be supervised by Mrs. Douglas Klnsala and A. E. Van Hoosen . The tlfmes. Renton R Carsley. Van Hooscn, Gordon Cannon and Thayle Taylor will entertain for the cAusc on Aug , I, 10, 18 and 25, respectively. Christma!l wreaths on front door.o; will indicate homes where Laguna Beach and South Lag una residents may sample the cards and refreshments provided by the Queen of Hea rts Guild. ~1rs. Thomas Peden, ft co-c hai nnan with t.frs. W. Alan Ferguson, will start. the at-home card showln,Rs on Monday, Aug . 2. Other hostesses wll l be the A1mes . flfacaulay Ropp. Aug. 4; Thomas Flem· ing. Aug. 6; George Gade, Aug. 17; Charles Roberts, Aug. 18. and Otho Behr, Aug. 25. Co·hostes~es will he the l\lmes. Robert Cosgrove, Douglas Kenaston, Francis Fa- bian. Alfred Payne, William Gwinn and N('il Nelson. Coffees nf the Trcs Osos Guild \\'ill be booked al the September meeting. Thr. kick-off coffee will be at the home of 1\frs. Richard Frederiksen. sale co- chairman with fllrs. }!award Bafford . Huntington Beach's Liltle Merm aid Guild members clain1 thei r stack of card catalogues is taller than 4-foot-IO chairman, l\1rs. Carl Grisier. As guild treasu rer for two years, she know!l Christmas cards are a major fu nd-raiser and is anxious lo schedule neighborhood coffees and pn rties with lhe aid of co- chairman, 1'1rs. Richard Green. Guild members will take Christma~ card orders through November but special discounts And party present.alionl! are reserved for early customers, Rich Wife Shortchanged While Banking on Token of Love DEAR ANN LANDERS: I cried when I read th1t letter from the wife who made he:r husband take hick tht box of candy because it co~d $3.95. She sa id they rouldn't afford It J:.i.t_e been married for 30 years. J\ly hus band's saJary was $80 a week (not bad for lhost: days), and now it Is nearly $20,000 1 ye1r. Never once has he come home w\lh I flower, a card or some litUe trinket It would give me 1 million dollara •·orth ot joy if he would surprise me with &r1me smAll token of love, I can buy 11lmost any th ing I want -bul I can 't buy 1nyself a 10 tent Valentine.~ HIS WIF E OEAH. WIFE: Hcrc'1 yonr lrlter, I hope all the bu1b.1nds out there who think thl'l)' 1ee l.hem1elvr• wlll put on their· ala11e• for • btu.er look. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm writing about your advlct to cheated-on wives - "Forgive and Forget. .. "I'm 1 wife who could neither forgive nor forget and a~ llOOn as 1 wa~ able to admit that I couldn"t make myself ovt.r, my v.·ho/c Jiff' changed for the be tter. r-.1y own C:Jsanova flilarted h~v1ng <1f- fa irs with you nger women rour years ago. \\1hcn 1 learned nf hl:o1 pec11dlllns he n1 - tempted ~to justify lhern by su.ylllg, "A -~-j .-r-·-. man falls in love th rough his eyes. 1 can't help ii. All the lovelies I became involved with reminded me or -when you were younger." His ingenious rationalb.ation did oothing for my damaged ego. After R few yr11rs of qufel weeping and supprrssed anger, I decided th11t if a man rall~ 1n love: through his eyes, ,. wom11n falls In love lhroup:b her cars. I begnn to llslcn to the garbage he \l.'8.5 dishing out and I wonderc<l l;ow a supJ)()fjedly inlcl- V It~·~ hgent woman like myself could have be· lie\·ed such transparent nonsense for so many years. I tried you r "forgive and forge!"' routine and it did n't 'A'Ork. Sa I divorced the .o;coondreJ and went back to a rascinaling career. 'J'he following year I 1net and married 11 bright, inccresting man. I have never fell more IO\'ed, mort useful or happier. As for CaSAnova, he still 111 l!Oing from one chick to another. drlnklnl{ more and enjoying It less. So you 'ee Ann, you r advice doesn't work 1or rvf'ryone. -SELi<~ LIBERAT ED l>EA R tlB: I ncvrr •11ld It did. In the fir1t ph1cc, your husband 1ovnd1 like 11 four-door jerk. Not 1111 huabR'1J1lt are. In thf' 'ccnnd pl~cc, ynu had n flls<'ln1ttln2 career to return lo. Not all women ha\'t, f'i ~-- In tbc th ird place, you wrre able to af>. tract a brfgb1, Interesting man '-''ho woold marry you. Not all women ran. Con(t"atulallons, Buttt:rcup. Yoo beat the octds. OF.AR ANN I.ANDERS : I am the motMr or two girls, 12 and 14. I had to hide the paper again yesterday l)ccau!IC ol itnother one of your dirty columtl$. Why dv you repeatedly tell gl r!t they tire under 'no obligation 10 tell th('ir DEAR PAR: 1'lo1t 1lrls who wrtte about this probll'lm 1lready havti made the Big MJstalte. It la too late to coun1el them agaiJllt It. A real man dots not demand a fOy•lty oalh. He 11 'flillll'lg to accept • girl u 1be Is. The flance who ln tl9tt oo the name1 and numbers of all the players lnvartably u~e' U1e JnrormatJoa 11~1lmt her 1ft.er lhey ••t marrled-evtn thooch be •Wt.U'I ht \l,'(11) 't. fiances ahout paM 11ex experience.~~ Wh.v Too many cou ples go rrom matrimony not tf)ll th('m ln!ll.cad lo corduct theJ'l"l· to acrimony. Don't let yoor marriaae flop st'lvc~ in l'illch 11 w:iy thttt lhey wllt not hefQre ii gl'!~ started. Send for Ann have to lie or refuse In talk about the Landers' booklet "Mr1rriage -What to other men In their llves? R..il~!ng i.tood Exp1·ct-" Send you,-request to Ana itlrl~ lhf'~e dny~ 11'1 vrry difflctill . You Lnfl(!Crs ln (;:"ITC or the DAILY PlLQrr ;1rP not mnklnR ii <1ny t:nsicr-PABSONS, enrlo~ing ~ rt>n!~ in coin and a long. J\AN. .a.il.arr:r:rd, '-':f n.:t:rt'!', ~·cJ.. c "·c:: c. --- -illll9",_ -' ' I ) ;J n "",.;:;,... , I l I ' ·-• Your Horos cope Husbands Have Leg to Stand On Cancer: Goal Nears PAIL y PILOT Pl>Gi. llY o.-.. Sthn•l•llr SA TUROA Y yuu know lt. llwnor is your ally. JUL y 31 tlBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 221. By SYDNEY OMAllR You could be commissioned The Gemini woniall is sub-ror creaUve project. Influenct spreads: gratification and p~ ject to quick changes: what fil are in picture. Member of she desired yesterday 1nay nO opposite sex plays prominent longer hold intrigue by tl)n1or-role. Break out of emotional row. Thus, the typic::il wutnan rut. Express yourself. born under this zodiacal si~1t SCOHPIO \Oct. 23-Nov. 2!): often returns things she has Recent contacts bear fruit. purchased. This woman is Plenty of activity indicated at capable of loving more lhun honie base. You may feel one m an simultaneously, O\'errun by \ i~itors Don 't Obviously she is active, at-permit energy to be drained. tractive and perplexing. Those who care will un- Many persons clai1n they derstand. Forget the 0U1ers. cannot live Y:ith her, but they SAGITTARIUS (Nov . 21.. \\"OUld not v.·ant lo Jive \vithout Dec. 21): Neighbors, relatives her. She is \'ersatile, has a "'ill not keep secrets: know robust sense of hun1or and can this and play cards close to talk her way in and out of im-chest. If not certain, delay possible situations. S 0 me decisions. If time presses. famous women born under postpone foumey. Acreo1 pro- Gemini include Fr a n c o is e per pacing. Don't rush. Sagan. l'aulettc Goddard and CAPRICORN !Dec. 22-Jan . Sally Kellerman. 19): Obtain valid hint from ARIES (f\.1arch 21 -April 19)· Sagittarius message. One "''ho Friend may press on financln1 pro1nises n1oney n1ay actu<1lly point. No need to be h1ckcd be seeking i! ~ frorn you. <.:orrurutment made at socta1 affair need not be taken too seriously. Maintain skeptical altitude. AQUARIUS tJan. l(}.Feb. 18): Take special care around machinery, e!ectrl.cl ty. By checking details, yoo could d isc ov c r sh ort<ircuits. Necessary to read bc tv.·een lines; observe activities of Leo individual. Be wary. PISCES !Feb. 19-f\1arch 20 )· Rumors. long forgotten, may again come to life. Adhere to factual informalion. Gemlni person deserves benefit or doubt. Don 't be misled by one who claims to have inside in· fonn.alion. Be flexible. IF TODAY IS Y O U R BIRTHDAY your delermi:ta· 1!011 often astonishes th<lse around _vou . t-.1any who think they know you often at8' mistaken. In to corner. Uc sel<'clive. --- Adhere to prineiples: seek no l__.-... ~-~. 'f'j·~ ~-.!... ~· ! ~ ' substiluteforc1uality.One\1·ho )~--,....·~;._,.)--~. ~~~ ~ attempts to intimidate is bluf- fing. Re>pond accordingly. .F: SCOTTY'S PIES ».ri: TAURUS (April 20·:\1ay 201: '"I' l?"°1 One in position or authority .i;:~ speaks in your behalf. Obtain ~ hint from Arie s message. Close associate could reveal finan · WEEKEND ' j cial embarrassment. B Y .~ 1 checking details, you rou!d ~ pro•ide solution to di<emma. . '.l\ SPECIAL .;;~( GE!'i1INI (May 21-June 20): -.;] ~ Featurin9 Compelition Is keen an d the con testants anxious as they line up for the Hun tington Beach Junio r \Voman's Club's annual 1-iusbands' Legs Contes t. 'l'he legs ar c all Jovely and the toes a tender pink but Frank Tizzata stands out in th e l'.rowd and is crowned Legs of 1971. Those en tering th e event included Cody 1'aylor, Martin Price, .Jerry Hall, Richard McDonald and Larry Earhart. Personality sparkles; many ~·.· are impressed, intrigued. Virgo individual offers high praise. Discern motives. /\c· cent is on change, travel nnd variety of experiences. r.take ~ meanings crystal clear. Slrcss ~ FRESH PEACH PIE To avoid disappolntment, prospective brides are reminded to have 'their \Vedding stories \Vitb black and \Vhite _glossy ph oto- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Women's De- partment one week before the wedding. Pictures received after tha t time '"ill no t be used. For engagemen t announcements it is impe rative th at the S'tory, also accompanied by a blac k and white glossy picture, be sub- mitted six \vceks or more before the \Vedd ing date. If deadline is not met. only a story will be used. To hel p fill requirements on both \Ved- ding and engagcn1ent stories. forms are avai lable in a!l of ~he DA ILY PILOT offices. Furthe r questi ons \vill be ans,vered by Women's Section staff me mbers at 642-4321 or 494-9466. Peering ATTE N DING tht> in· temational convention of Jpsilon Sig1na 1\lpha 1n Sall 1.ake: City is ~l rs. !)olor1.>s Carey of Newport Beach. a 1ne n1ber of Epsilon Chapter. RECl.PIENTS of thf' Ornnge County Chapter. l'reedolll!' Voundation sch o 1 a r s !1 1 p ll \.\'ards have been announced . Allending a tht·ee-v•eek Around ELECTED to the lughc~I !•f· fiCC' v>h1ch a l' o ! I ~, t: i :1 11· n1i·1nber or Drlt:i c;;1111n1a 11:1- tional sororil v can hohl \1 ;1s f\.·llss Jan Elilabeth B.oyrr of Jluntlngton Beach. flliss H.oyt'r, prt:salcnt of Della Ganuna Ch11pter, University of the l'acific, \l<lS one of four college :studrn\s elected frorn the 99 ::rltt'nding the Delta (;amn1a Leadership School in Columbus, Onio. Washington Scene Boss Wears Mink facts. + What appears beyond reach ii h" Regular $2.75 CANCER {J une 21-July 22): Jr.~ may be closer Utan imagined. "' $2 35 Maintain dign ity. One 1vho at-1:' NOW -• With this tempts to downgrade you falls short of mark. Potential ls ,..rJ highlighted; !ettl'r \1•i!l \'Crify ~1R information. Study. perceive. ~ Mad e with Fresh Peache, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): No Prese rvatiYet, No 1m1tal ion Flavoring Some are now anxious to mis-~ J-'or thnt reason, she "'a~ one quote you. Realize this and get A.1 ~ of the first women to Join the records in order. Rushing into 4}"'· THR U MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1971 V.1 ~ Dy HELEN TllO~lAS organizations that thcr(' are WASHING1'0N il:Pl) _ A nol enough fem ales at !he top. striking Jlcpublican .ippointec She finds politics fascinating 1\hO is affectionately called and has w o r ked for '"boss lady"' has an even hand-Republican causes Lhrough the ed policy in dealing with the years. She also is devoted to 1ncn arid "'omen on her staff. her alma mater, Skidmore predoniinantly male National partnership. marriage would Yo·· m•y by <•llinn rcss u w en 1 ope n 1..,, not be wise course. Give seH J·• Cl b h ·1 ed ··~ .. reserve your pie .., ' doors early this year to female time to think, analyze. You'll ~ 557-6694 ' 1nembers. be happier as a result. ' She is determined not to get VIRGO (Au g. 23-Sept. 22). ' caughl up in the bureaucratic One who depends on you tnay 1510 W. BAKER lot Harbor I maze <1nd says that so far she appear o ve r J y aggrcssiv(' f§ ii<· She's Barbara Estabrook, College, where she is " member of the board of director for public affairs in trustees. !he Economic Development has managed to cut through Yow-own position is sohd COSTA MESA ~I the red tape to get things Don't run hither-and-yon. Hold ~ · · don<'. ground. Argumcntivc re!a11ve "'(,~,-! ~ [ .... ~. ~~..,,.~~-, ' '</, .,/,,,. ~ Uut some of the government will make concession. Acl like ~~ ~ ~~"': VP.v""V-• ~ /ldniinistr<i tion. Her life has changed a good deal since she moved from She says she has learned "you don 't play it any dif-New York to Washington. fcrcnlly \vilh a ni<io or a A devolcd theater-gorr. ~hr no1v finds hcrscl< on !he j11rgon still floo rs he r. Aft er a' ,.,_,_,;;;;;i.i;iiii"""""'"'""""'~-;...-... -.... .-_..-,_,_,_._ __ ..;; _______ ,_,_., 111rn10 was circulated recenUy II speaking of ·'e le c tri c a l 11ut r<1ge." she found out that it 111canl "lights out." v.·0111a11." fl native or llrrnpstcad. L.I.. \\'11shington social rnrrry-gn- \1'hosc ancestors reached the round. "\Vashing1un is a shores of Massachusclls in lhc \\'ondcr ful place for 11 ,<;ini:;lc late 1600s, j\1iss l~stahrook has \voman." she says. And she o11e of the busiest offices in does a Jot of entertaining. !he con1mcrce depar1n1enL Miss Estabrook, onct a She canic 11µ the ladder by brunette. goes along \l'ith !he ir.'.ly of ndi·rr1ising and sales old saying th11t "blondes h11ve prornotLon jobs in New York more fun" no1v that sht• has :is ll'C!I as rnany year!': ;:is an changed the color of her hair. assistant \ice president in Her clothes reflect her lonf:? Mom Shells Out thar,l!e of public relations. ~·cars on the high fashion '"\Vorncn :i r e very scene In Ne1v York . Her co>:-ANN AH.HOH, f\.lich . (UPI) knoii•ledg<'n bl<' :ibout money." lumes for 11·ork are alnnE? -By the ti1nc she pays for :-lit• :-.;iys ur her banking flays. <:implP but PIPgan! hnrs :ind b;ibysitting or day ca re , ··~ut essenlJ<1lly they are not in "'inter she \\"Cars her 1n111k clothes and transportation a g;1n1blers." She sa ys 1hal is coat. mother of three could find lier il'h}' \Oll do not ~ee many \\"hy not. she S<iY"· "I bought Job earnings ch11pped by 50 to fl'niali· l<'ndi ni; {officers in it myself."' 1'10 pertcnt, the University of h.irik<. She dOC'<: not :ig rt•e wi1 h f\.l1 c!1 igan·s dean of the school \\'!ulr 110 :irrlcnl iromen's llb 1romrn 11·hn tl1 u1k thrir fur~ of cduc11!1on reports. :ifll·ncarr. r.1 15~ J-;stahrnok harl shoulrl be 11·orn only on spcci<i l The dean, Wilbur J. Cohen. h"r woes lryini:: 10 get equal occasions. fnrme rl.v \V8S U,S. Secretary p:iy fpr rritial ll'ork dllring hr r An in1porlan! pa1·1 of her job of Health. Educ<1tion and prnfrssional career in prn·ate is grtting to kno1v reµort 1'rS \\clrarr. He y;;is then and is hu sincss \1·ho !nay be on the receiving now in favor of liber11\ized t-.lrn, sh<' fcf'ls. fall into the end of some of lhe hundreds of child care dcductioos on tax lr:ip of ratlonal11.lng lo11'er pay -"~'~'-"_re_l_cac"'='='~he=-c-h~ur=n=s=o=u=t=. =rcru_r~"-'=· ======---fl ffJr won1en bccau.~e they• ::- ''thillk 1hry Hre subsidized"' by ;{ KWIZ 1480 AM RADIO• ALL THE GOOD SONGS llY All THE • We are proud to invite you to our COOKING DEMONSTRATION ~ana MICROWAVE OVEN * Portable * 115 volt operation * no expen si ve install atio n seminar at Valley Forge will be Mrs. Roland A. Maxson of Mission Viejo, a teacher of reme<lial reading al La Paz School: !11iss Valerie J~ers\ine of Costa Mesa, an elementary school teacher in Placentia, and Charles Glenn of Garden Grove, a llwiUngton Beach High School teacher. lhcir husbands or t heir ~ FOR TllE annun l luau. fa1nillrs. :;: WIN FREE' IT'S EASY Balboa Yacht Club \\•ill be She feels thP federa l govern-"""zi.:> • ~ transfonned into a H11"·aiian n1cnt does better ln lhi~ paradi.se by the t•ntertainme11l department although s he ~ committee. agrees \\'ith some "''omen's § ' ; ... . " . ' 1971 Austin America The parly, In include an ---------c:> Island. feast and Polynesian music and danct>rs. will begin at 6 p.m. Saturday. Au,'l:. 7 CASH (Lots of it) SATURDAY JULY 3\ FROM SWIM LESSONS SPECIALIZING IN 3 TO 6 Ylt OLDS IN OUR NATIONALLY KNOWN TODDUR PROGRAM All lesson• ere directed by Jack Full erton, swimming coach at Orenge Coa5t College, and formerly di re t• tor of the O.C.C. su~mer swim program, Mr. Fu ll er· ton's staff has teught over I 5,000 children in our Newport •ree over the pest I 0 yeeri. I Tl"IY TOT -TOOOLlll -NO"l..fWIMMEJ! -I '-~~-·-·_._ .. _._._._._-_._._ •• _._._._._ .. _._._-_ •• _._._._._._.____ I R .. lltratlon Saturday-July 31-9 to 2 P.M. ~ewport Beach Te.nnis Club ' ( --U"IOl!'lt "llW MAHAClEMEHT - 2601 la•t•rutr Dr .. N.wpert leech tN•llT TG l!'AIT•LUl'JP>~ tMOl'~lltO C&lfTl!'lill • • PHONI 644-0050 --- SIDE- WALK SALE! • SATURDAY JULY 31st • 150 TA8LES l OOO's of $$$ Worth of Values • SH DISNEY CHARACTERS ALL DAY! HARBOR CENTER 2300 HARBOR COSTA M15A ' , : Hundreds of other pri1es 2 ~ ~ ! Send a postcard, or the allachecl coupon with your name, oddress ond zip code, including ph·one number to1 KWIZ, Santa Ana, Calif- ornia, 92703. ~ ! ! ONf •HTIY' Piil PllllON !111: r----------------------, ~ ~ KWIZ DREAM WHEEL I i Ill I o. NAM,~------------I > lit I ill! ADDRESS•------------I g CITY I i5 ~ --------------I • lO z'"-------------1 !: ig PHON,~-----------I ;l E I ~ ~ l--------------------~~J ~ ~ ~ l l a.in. to 5 P·'"· 1t w•U , Ho"'' E~ono!T'• Amt n• 1 I I I.ow fooch 11ainP •0 1how yoll ( •od •11111 lh • d l'·1y tOO~ a•• • icoou ~ . 'I• of 1t.1 "''~ yo\I w•nl I 1m •ft normal Iii"•\ Al Cotta Meta o11d H11111lntte11 leech S!offf • Cook a 5 lb. roast in 37 min. • Sake e potato in 4 min. Saves as much as 75°/o of actual cooking time! • Bak e a cake in I 0 min. • Cook bacon in I minute! LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER FOR FREE Amana Radarange Saturday, J1o1ly 31st •. I !CA D lnte9rlt11 and Depeudnbllit11 shaee 1947 ..... COSTA MESA I listen for your name on the air ·I 1 HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ 1480 ON THE AM DIAL ~ 64~116:4 5•·~:~7;~'.~. ~·;:~;-6 Br~~;,~:·: .. ~, e:;:1.1d • KWIZ 14'0 AM RADIO. All THE GD11D SONGS IY All THE !: ,._ ______________ 9_6_2_-s_s2_s_o_.;,.1y·9-·9_,_s_._1._9_.6 ___ , -.. a·.-..L _ w·--I -~.,...,. -~·~· -·-:r ~ -·''" • --= - Frld.y, July )Cl, 1971 DAILY PILOT 17 DAILY 10 to 10 SUNDAY 10 to 7 FRI. & SAT. ONLY COSTA MESA and HUNTINGTON BEACH STORES ONLY! JULY l0-31 LAYERED LOOK -Emanuel l lngaro•s winter col- lection, shown in Paris. includes this green \Vool coat which covers a striped, multicolored \1•001 veil jacket, which in turn tops a flo1vcr print dress. Suits • In Swim I ~'u"=""'""''i1 ~~-a"''""""""-""~:] .l ti f'1 . ·-JAMAICA ~ I Ii' p SETS 1J I ~ ~l . fl fl $1050 l: ti R09. 2.00 2 DAYS • GIRLS D ~E'SSE ~ 11 1 ~: , t • jamaicas. In asst. Ji Volues to 4.97 $2 OO ~ Cotton blouse and 1 2 DAYS • {1 ~ colors and styles. F W . D ~i ~~dlsc~i~~;,n £1l~~~e~-l~.asst. styles rl ! ' . ' .. -., •.. ~. Sizes 8-14. 1•1 Or Inter ay __ rr.:: ... :r-:--"·-.. -=:---,=.'.J ,m .. ~ ~•-' -=•=""""""'..-"''"''"''""""· ·---. -.---~ .... """"~-,...,,..----~---7--. 7=~=;='.i§Tf==="il -~~-~~-~--·--~,J ~ PARIS IUPTl -Designer Emanuel Ungaro gave young, skinny girls the "sy,·im suit'' look in his y,•intcr fashion col- lection today . Ungaro•s idea for \\·hat to wear while silting around !he ski lodge after a hard day on the slopes is a one-piece knit· ted "sh orts suit," so short il fits like a skin-tight bathing suit. To stave off the winter cold you add colored tights. over· Ceremony Performed Our Lady of Fatima Church In St n Clemente \.\'as the srt- tlng for th e marriage of Carolyn Jeanne ~iew•i! and David Allen \Veaver. Parents of lhe couple ::irr Mr. and Mrs. George Kiev.-·it nf San Cleme nte and 111r . and Mrs. Charles \\'eal'er nf !h111· Lington Bead1. Tur: bride w;is attended by her sisters. Mr~. .J a mes Hoagland. matron of linnor. Arid Mi ss Saran Kir\\·11. hi.~ sister, and 1\-tir.1 Chn!itinc Weaver and Mi~s A nne Voorhees. bridesmaids. Dan Long stood as best m11n and Bil! Vick . Dale Ca.~tle and Ron Hubbarlt were ushers. The bride. who JUaduated from Newport Harbor High School. Orange Coast College and San Jose State Colle.11:e. teaches ln Tustin. Hcr hu.~· be nd attended Marina High School. Golden West Colle~c end the University of Southern California . Stand-up Bubbles And now -a stand·up bub· ble bath, made possible by a ntt shower product. The trick. according to the manufacturer, ~ the new pro- duct used at showertime with a hua:e sponge. the-knee patterned wool ribbed J 1 ~lockings, two-toned boots and ~ \ either a match ing skirt or a j lit!.le thin knitted coal.. Ungaro's second spectacular ·1 offering in his tiny 1-1·bite salon was his ··abo111inabl e snowman" fur coat. The rnan- nequins barely 11•rrc visible · 1 underne;1th n1;ixi coals of \ great clumps of colored sheep J fur altern;iling with strips of ~ rolored leather ln zigzag design. Ungaro. fnr mrr assistant to -· designer Anrlres C'nurreges, ignored lhe outcry fron1 Dior for •·tr;iditinnal elegance" and \l'Pnt riRht on df'signini:i in his unique 11·Hy ror the young and darinc: \Vhile t' on s c r v a 1 i v e rlesl~ners hcivc returned tn hemlines around the knef'. Ungaro unleas:herl .c:;trings: f'f mini drrsses. r..tost enat:; \l'rrc \\'f'll hel n11' the ~:ner and jarkrt rlrr~ses fully bared lhc knrc. ~~~n~vr~i~~~cs were rrsrrvcd 1 PlPa!rd n1in1drrssr~ t1·11h hugr re1gL1n s!ee\'PS 1venl \\'ith :;lrired 1nin1 crKlls nr Jr111hcr conts Pdl(rd in color plu s rol. nrf'd ti~h!:-> ;inrl hno!s or hl:irk shinv nxfnrd splashrd wi lh rnl- nrcd rlols or stripes. I I I f MENS SWEAT SHIRTS ~egDA1y~B $1. 11 ~hnrT ·slro>vl' ~I.vii•.;; \11tl1 !l•'rc;.• lining, r<"lnforcecl. 11nn° l s11g neck band. 111 1 ho 1tf' nf ,..,1or~. S-;\l·L·Xl~ -.-·---~··1 --· -·---~~ "' ·'"<.:·· I ' . ·' ' f 1 WOMENS SUMMER STEP-IN S 2 DAYS 50¢ Suits 11·rrP i~norrd In f;i1•nr of :ibovr·kn('r drcsi:es in 11 0.;I \'Oile 1l'1th fingertip j;o;rkels, 1n a di ffrrrnt print nr thr s11mr prinl in ;i hea1·i<'r f:ihri(' Thr same idr;i \.\•;is c ;i r r it> ti 1hrouii;h fnr evening in lnnl\ skinnv rle;iterl wnol \'1'1i\r skirt~ with lnnJ.? tunic lops in a l\!11n.v as~t ~tyl"ll frnn1 \lhich 10 chnnM•. Brnken site~. ron1 rasling print ;inrl still a Val urs to !!i2.39 third print for 1hr long jacket_:~ ~ -- l'ngarn still lik ei; !rouser ~­ suits, anrl his rants had 1-vidc. w\dP legs top~rl hy helteti tunics ;:inrl paired 1v I th ma1chin~ jackets or cnn- tras ting cnat.~. One nf his best nomber.~ \\';:is a black t·elvc- teen pants suit with black and 1~·hi!e s1ri))l'd vest, checked blouse :ind printed scarf and pocket handkerchief. ... ·• 30" BAR STOOL 11 ( I BOYS S•HORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS 2 PAYS R09. 1.97 $1.22 A.~st. styles, in solids, .OJtripes and prints. Boys sizes. .: r.' •. _:__ =:i II ~ I l I' t' All MAJOR BRANDS ' l 't SHORT SLEEVE POLYESTER AND COTTON KNITS 2 PAYS-Re<J. 2,97 ij t, $2.17 ti Solid <olo". "''P''-oth- .. er patterns. i\1o~t are j!' permanent press. CHllDRENS SHOES $1.00 2 PAYS Mist. cltoarance. Styles san- d!!ls, slippers 11.nd dress. In· fant thru misses sizes. Not all sizes avallable. PURSE CLEARANCE Rt9. l.97-5.97 100.200 . Wide selection or handbap In choice styles -at clear-ance prices! • , . : ' • • • • , • ·. -' " , • • , . • ) Sponge and bubbles do the job of. ge ntly cleansing and thert'I no after -sho we r drynes•. the manufacturer says. the reason: ingredienL~ includ,e mlnlt oil, 11 super· emollient. A! t.hf' Guy Laroche winter l f;ishion p11r.<1.de the prPss was f;icinatrd hy his nrw tight~ of wool nnrl wool gabardine zlr-h ped up the sidP of the leR and "' nnen at the fool like RaitPrs. l,1 llis l(irls v:orc them ovrr ln\v bnn!s nr shnr:'l lo m:i.1ch his above the knf'P. gab;:irdlne coats or raincools in brilliant co~~ .. j'"' L•n>che's "gaiter ·: ALUMINUM ll MOTOR OIL : coats" b"t .t,o d""" •orl SCREEN DOOR $4.7 4 ' YOUR CHOICE l """ were welt •hove lhe fi 6 GAL WATER CAN 20 GAL. METAL TRASH CAN i knee. pro,'ing Pari~ rloc~ not 2 $ 88 full Ji,1,:lvcl bar stool y,·ith Water Spiked gtve a hang ahoul keeping lo -~ 7 r $1 52 3 7' ~ that "Chanel length" of mid·'" DAYS • padded 11P11t. C.nmt'.~ tn t:.n-~ 2 DAYS • 2 $4 00 ~ knee preached by Dior. \ ,1fi"·,12" •. 10" x SO", f nmplrlr gcrinc avocado bluto/green QT. 2 DAYS FOR • i \ Laroche still Approves or i 1vtth grill Bnd h11rrh1,1arP for . . • ' A (OOd, safe non-polluting aubslitute for ent:yme pre· so~lu 1"h.!d'\ are belng tak('n •ff Ule market, i" a pre.wash llOllt tn a s!nktur nf Y.'arn1 wat~r spiked wi th 1/3 cup of we~hing snrl11. Soda sofrens the water and loosens oily soil. pants suits. And hi~ wide i taJ atlon. i;:old \Vith "''rought iron lrgJ. l'l\~Y pour ~rout. Heavy Sturdy lO gallon galvan1zed meta.I garbaae can.s with •nuc-In Ii r..g11!lon v.·ate-r jug ,,·i!h ~ lrousers are split in front from .. ~~-" .... ~.. _ •. • "1:'.TIP""""f'" r • ~, .. •.a duty flOly pl11111tic In avocado. 20 wt.-30 'fit. fitting lid to protttt against trnsh spllls. hem to mid·callf. Ir---------------------------------------------------------------• ~ Congratu lations pou red Into o I 0 E C ~ the It°"" or Chenet to<lay ror C $ T A M E $ A H U N T I N G T N B A H : the Freoch rlesignPr \\'ho Im· 1 i t"lrrl lhc J,t, Coco Ch.oo•t'.• 2200 HARBOR BLVD. 19101 MAGNOLIA ; cl::i~~ii" s11it.~ •in lhP 1vintl'r (et Wilionl flt Gerfltld) .,t f;i.~h ion shows i'11rsd.<1.y 1,_ ____________________________________________________________________ .. : i - • • • ~" -·----A,,. • -.. .. . ..;. ' -- l f I \ I • • -•q 0.AILY PILOT Friday, Jul~ 30, 1971 Tribe Tunis Lights Out For Dark Collegians Challenge Champion Colts CLEVELAND -Manager Alvin Dark was fired by I.he Cleveland Indians today and replaced by coacb John Lipon , the Indians announced. Dari, in the third year or a five-year contract, was dismissed by Indians ~ainnJn Vernon Stouffer. Stouffer said at a hastily called new! eoarererice that he hoped the change wci.Id improve tht standing of lM club, which is now in last place, in lhe American League East Division, and also improve attendance , which is 60,000 below last year. j>ar);, who came to Cleveland in 1968, was offered a job as a scout in the In- dians organiiation but chose not to ac- cept, Indians president Gabe Paul said. • Olsen to Sto.-t l>hil Olsen probably will be the only rqokie to start Saturday when the Los Angeles Rams meet the Hou!Iton Oilers ln the annual Hall of Fame exhibition game, a.learn spokesman said Thursday. Olaen, who played at Utah State, will open the game at Canton, Ohio as derenalve right tackle. The spokesman a1id It is doubtful if Olsen's older brother Merlin will play because of a pulled calf muscle. In other starting lineup changes, Rich Saul, the 19?0 Rams Rookie of the Year. ~ start at offensive left Lackie instead veteran Charlie Cowan who is ailing. t was undecided who would start at 1ptit end. either veteran Jack Snow or rookie Creston Whitaker. e Fra%ier Wants LA LOS ANGELES -Heavyweight boxing cliampion Joe Frazier says he·d like to have his next title fight against Muham- mad Ali in Los Angeles and he wants a $5 million guarantee or 65 percent of the pt.oceeds. Ali, beaten by Frazier in New York when they fir!!t met, had suggested Hooaton 's Astrodome as the site of their n:match, expected to be held next year. J>uring a brief stay in Los Angeles, Jl'railer told newsmen. "I had some of m,y first big fights here and I 'd like to reblm. I'm in condition and ready." e Blue Tries Agnln Vida Blue will have lo wait another Flliht to try for victory No. 20. CHICAGO (AP) -The BaJlln1ore Colts, Super Bowl champ1on!, will try lo continue professional foolbalrs domina· tion ovtr the College All-Stars when the two teams collied tonight in I.he mid· summer class.le. The collegians haven't had a winner since 1963 and have high hopes this year because of a talent-loaded squad guided by lhe coaching mastery of Blanton Collier. A near capacity crowd of more than 50,000 is expected in renovated Soldier Field which this year will become the home of the C.:hicagn Bears. Odds on the gan1e favored the Colts 11l 10 11nd 11 points most of the week but on the eve of the game some bookmakers made the Colts a 13-point choice. The pros hold a 2&-~2 edge in the series. The Stars' last victory in J96:1 came when Ron VanderKelen o r Wisconsin rallied then1 to a 20-17 win over the Green Bay Packers. This year they'U rely on t he quarterbacking of lleismaJI trophy win- ner Jim Plunkelt of Stanford and Oan Pastortni of Santa Clara who starred in On TV Toralg/at Choranel 7 at 6:30 the East-West Shrine c!assic in San Fran- cisco. Plunkett and P11storini, both big and brawny, will be throwing lo the likes of J D. ~till of Arizona State, E lmo Wright of Jloust.on and Ernie Jennings of Air Force. The hst of running back:-; is al!5o Lm· press1ve and includes powtr runners IL.kt John Brockington of OhlG Stale, M1kt Ad an1le of Northwestem, Joe Moore or Missouri and John Higgins of Kansas. Fleet defensive backs are on lht All· Si.ar squad but whcthrr they'll be able lo cope with the Colt passing allack of quarterback Earl Morrall and receiver~ Hoy .Jefferson. Ed llintun-rand J ohn Macke y is anGthe r 1naller. ~Jue. the sensational Jefthander or the Olkland A's who hall: a J!}.3 pitching ~rk, Wa:!I scheduled to pit~ against BMtimore Thursday but rain put off hi s i;~ until tonight in Cleveland against the Indians. SAN FRANCISCO'S AL GALLAGHER COLLIDES WITH ATLANTA'S ZOILO VERSALLES IN 4·2 WIN FOR GEORGIA NS . e Foder on Top LOS ANGELES -Hea vyweight f\.fae FOtiter of Los Angeles has won hl1; 27th knockout victory in 28 fights. bul some ringside observers said Foster appeared to be huffing and puffing a little too much. Foster, formerly or Fresno, stopped Cincinnati's Biiiy Joiner in 2:58 of the fi(lh round in their JO-round main eventer at Olympic Auditorium Thursday night. But Joiner, 11}.8..J, had the better of the fiist round and some observers said Feater was becoming tired at the close of the third. In the fourth, Foster. 220 , kepl up his strategy of a relentless body bom- bardment. but at the start of the fifth, the ei1hth-rankecl heavyweight seemed to be running out of gas. e .JOt!keu ThrotVn Jockey Donald Pierce.. jolted un· conscious In a spill Wednesday, coll ected four straight victories Thursday including the $8.000 six furlong feature race at Del Mar Race Track. 'e Flood llln•t Pnu ST. LOUIS -Former outfielder Curt '1oocl of the St. Louis Cardinals and his busines:o; associate must pay $27.407 and t750 in lawyer fees to a couple from St. Louis County, a federal judge has ruled. U.S. Dist. Judge William H. \\'ebstcr 1aid Wednesday Flood and \Villiam M. Jones owe the money to r-.1r. and Mrs. Howard Foster fnr promissory notes. The Fosters sold f "lood and Jones a pbotography shop fo r the promissory notes. They were due in May. Flood lost a $50.000 countersuit which o:intended the Fosters mi~repres-enled facts when they made the sale. e Connors Rolls COLUMBHS, Ohio -UCLA freshman sMsation J im Connors ousted Bruin mate Haroon Rahim or Pakistan. &-3, 6-2, to ad· vance to the singles semifinals Thursday lA the $20,000 Buckeye Tennis Classic. Second-steeled Tom Gorman of Seattle joined Connors ln the i;emls by edging past France's George Goven by a pair 7-$ ICOTel. TWO SVCCESSive HOMS-IN.ONE HIT WHISPElllNG. PINES, N.C. -Two ec:mecutJve hoW.i.n-ont were scored TtKtrld•.Y on the par-3, 150-yard second fidte or the Whi.5pering Pine3 Country Club plJ courae." J)avlcl Gr11y uted a four-iron. Then Boc1n M1UhMvs stepped to lhe tee v.·llh 1 ,IQ-troo, but .witched to a four after ~ and the other members «lf the ~· believed that Gray had ;1,ced ~hole. ~We thought David's was In." "-fat· thtw• uld later, "but we didn't know e?aout mine. Sure enough it was.'' Angels Open Detroit Series After 7-2 Win DETROIT (AP) -Pitcher Eddie. Fisher's halo is shinning brightly today in Angeland. "He's magn1ficant • , . fantastic." Angels manager Lefty Phillips said Thursday after Fisher, :Jj. a 12-year \'etcran knuckleballl'r. helped pitch 011 T\I T1>11i~1l1t C:l1ot111 e f ."'i ''' 6 California 10 a i·2 \ ic tnry ri1•er the Cleveland lndians 1n Clr1 rland Tonight it's a new hall g:.n1e in another city v•ith the Angels' And\' ~1 c.>~rrs11111h, 10-9. facing Detroit's Bill (;llbreth. 2· 1 But Thursday's \'IC'liirv \\:l:'1 e~pccJ::illv &\\'eet for Fisher, 9·4. "I r n1oy hrr11 111~ any ex-manager a111t since I played for Alvin Dark twice, I ~t1ess you t'an s11.v I get twice as big a kick out of heating him." F'isher rehevcd Tnn1 t-1urphy i11 1he fifth and held the Indians to two tuts Phillips also had praise for .. old reliable" Ken McMullen "'ho knocked in three runs with a third inning single and his 15th homer in the ninth. .. F'isher was fantastic and my old reliable third baseman McMullen rlid 1l a&ain," Phillips said. Billy Cowan also belled a solo homer in the sixth. Phillips said he took ~lurphy ou t because. "My job is to try and win ball games and I thought the best way lo win was to get Murphy out of there. "He was struggling and 1 did not want to bring F'isher in with 11 lot of n1en on base,'' Phillips said. By winning Thur!>day, the Angrls finished 7.4 againsl Cleveland in their i;eason series. They open a three-gan1e aerie:-; tonight. C•l.ll'OltNtA ••• 11 ...... ~,11• A~r,,ti jlll'I U"lotr.d~•,dfO l O llt•ry.cl j1JI L_,,1b •000 M<Muli.n, J11 J l l ~ f'ln•on, II I O O ti Cllwt", If S t 1 1 N•Tllt l, JD • I ! 0 ,..l!tl'ftOld .. rf J 0 0 0 (h•mDI'"' 10 1 I 0 0 "-·· ,, 0 0 0 0 8 •\t•, ,, • 0 , 0 SfN'l'ICt•. 10 o 1 o Fon t , c J o 1 1 O'llri..,, n O ' 1 Ho.:lemann. n • O 1 O Mo\.,,( l ll Pful p 111 0 0 T Mur phy, 0 I , 0 ic., ...... " ' 0 0 0 [ F l1Mr, 0 0 0 0 J.<1nt...,, "" 0 0 0 II llMnlOI ", 11 0 0 "0 0 M+»qa>I, P 0 0 0 0 J(ltr•, "'1 O O O I C.n!l>trt, 1> 11 O O 11 To,.11 3' 7 1• 6 Toi.1, 1' ? I 1 C•lttorn.. OOJ OIU on -I Cle¥•"'"" 010 lflO ooe -) DP -(lt v•!•t>d 1 I.OB -C1 h+o•nlo ~. C.••v"' ....... ll. :e -Mii·•• Hll (O"'fn Ill. Mc.Mull .... Ill!. 1 -(hl""'hu, L..,., 5F -FO)H IP M II llt al ~0 "t.MutdlV •Ill 1 l I I EF l1I>~ IW,141 •)) 1 0 0 I ? Pout tL.!·IJ ll J S ) I II 0 For<•'I• ))1 \ I 1 0 I lfl"'nlQon 11 ) J ! I I Ml,,,.,.! l 'J I O ti I CflDl<"I 111 11 111 w,. -T Mur"'1v. PB -Fcn•f 1 ,.,,,.,. -1 ~1. ---------------All~t~ -J.Jn --.n·· -.,.· • ..-t'-~ ------ Pirates Top LA Tense Opening AlstonHasSeenEnough In L:olo111bia -Dodgers Meet Cincy ~,~1:,,~.~,1~,r~:~""'"' LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Los Angeles Dodgers didn't have lo lose lv•n nf three games to P11t."burgh lor Dodger manager Walter Alston !o be.come ron- \'lnced the Pirates are the best 1n Lhe Na. t1onal lA"'agur Bui 1he l)odgers dropped l"-'0 of lhree 11ny\vay and a!l Alston could do afterward \\'a.~ shake his head. • I .saw 111! I needed In see." A!slon sa)(l 'Thursday night after I.he Pirates "'hlpPf'd lhf' Oodgcrs. R-.'i. as Gene Clines drove 1n fnur rur1.'\ as ""e ll a.s slug hi s first homer 1n the. inaior leagues. ''Cl1nrs c·an run and throw as Wl'll :i" l11t <i nd h1I \'.'1th power. loo." Als !on ~aid "The car cher li\·1oin ny S;inguil!rn! is thP best ln the league. He threv: Will ie Da vi.~ nut a1 sernnd silting on his re;ir t•r11I. J·:vrn th e shortstop \Jack }J('rnande1.) had a 1·Quple of _Rreat plays. \V hat's he lul- ling. Two hundred? And he ge ts 51x hits in the series." The Pirates lake their sho"· 10 :-;;in Francisco for four gafnes c)\·('r 1hr weekend !n what 1s probably a previe w of the National League playoffs. Los Angeles. still 8'-: games behind 1he (;ianl!'i in the National U!ague Wc!'it but only a half game in front of third place Allanta, t;ike!'; on C1ncinnat1 over the \Oo'erkend. fJo n S11 tlnn, !}.1, \Oo'i 11 start ror Los Angeles. against the Reds' Gary Nolan. 8- JI. Tiiursday ni,i:ht's loss was Los Angeles' lfith in the last 22 games and it was seven!h straight series it has lost. Pitt~burgh easily won the season series from the Dogers, winning e1ghr of the 12 games. Clines admitted Bf1er...,·ard he'd been trying for the long ball and, as a resuJl, \\'as ge lli ng into bad habits at the plate "I was prourl of that homer:· the 24· year-old rookie outfielder from San Pablo. Cahf . said Jaler. "r vr been pre~.~· 1n~ ;:i little and I guess I've been pulltn~ rny head. "My biggest impro\•emcnl is that l'rn not a first pilch h1t1er any more. 1 user! 10 b(> But now I'm wa iting and making tht p1tl'her r hallenge me.·· Los An geles had a 4-0 lrad arter 1r~11 r inni ngs. \Vil he lrawford, who ;ii.SQ had a dou hle and ;i single, slui:gcd his r1ghl h J·,nmer 1n the second inning 11<1th R1chtr All rn ho;:ird. ln the fo11rth \\'es Parker <111d C"li!tJd(' o~tecn. 1hr lns1ng pil chcr' c;i("h drove 1n runs with s111.Qlc.~. R11t Clines drove 1n the Pirates' f1r~1 run w11h an 1nf1cld ou l 1n rhc F!flh And lh£'n the Ru r~ hla ~tcd Os tl'cn and his SU('- re~sor . Pete r-.1 1kkelscn. for six runs 111 the sixth. P ITTSI Ul!GM I.OS flo~GEllES ob•l>rl>I ob•l>,.,,I "'11•rM~I 1b l 0 II II Woll•. " • tt 1 II O•vlhu11, Oh I ! I 1 8t><~ner. d ~ II I I 8 •;1 • ., 11 n o " o w 0...1,. <' • n n C.011•1'. 11 0 0 11 II 11 •UM , le 1 & (.lln!\, (I I 1 • (r&W!ttrd, If l ~ (lrm•~lf. r! II I II ltrelwrr, '~ 1 11 St1rqell, II l l I W P•r~••, lb II I I ~1n911ollto1. I ! 1 0 Uollf •, ~ t 0 II II l!Olltrl•<'"· Ill • l l II MoM. "" l 0 0 II r-0111n.lll Ol O SifYl1,< ;0111 •~e•~•Nl•1, '' • ) 1 D O,.,,..n, n 1 II 1 t 1111'1, 11 ! II II 0 M•~-ol<M. 11 n 0 0 11 V""lt , n l II II 0 IJ•rvtv. 111> ! II II II C••l>,lb l)OPtn~,11 01100 V•lt~lont, DI'> t I 11 lo!•I• .. I \j I l oT•I• J9 J ,, .I F'IThD\trQI> 000 1116 100 I I it\ •notlN ~XI XIO 001 .S E -l-<J!lo• LOB -l>l!"bour~I> I L1>1 "'10t1~• • 111 C<ow•ord 111 -"t•n•dOI IU' -C••w '"'rl 1~1. II llol>• .. h cn 1111, Ctln~s 111, ST••o~rl Ill! Sil -(lont• ~ -B•\le• IP It It Ell II )0 Ill•" .\(J~••l 7 V~•I• IW,~·Ol 1 1 l 1 0 0 0 I Jl'll"' .1 J I I I I C·lu•!I 1 1 o n ft 1 Q,T~•n 1lJ1ll l l l l ,~I J "'I''''''" !rl 1 1 l 0 """~ l•l !O T lmt -l ~· l<!l~"!l•ncf -1),5'1() ' • ' 11nd marching rnusclr oprn !he VI ran Amcriran Garnes 1od:iy With !he slrain or 1·om))('t1hnn In OC>,::1n Saturd:iy 1n thi!I trn!.r. hcav1ty -guardcd South ,\meri ran Citv. Tho i~ f'Xpl"C'tf'd IO nver\\·hrlm 29 nlhrr nations 1n lhf' .. \Vestcrn Hcn1isphcrr Olympics" vnth Cuba ;ind Canada lrnd1ng lhe paracl,, n[ also-rans Tiny ~~ 1n11 a ~1 Linda .f11 ~lf'lh('ll.V nf Tu.~r·ol:i, Ill \\<I'\ s~ )l{•dUlf'd IH 1·a rry lhe L ~ flag 1ntn !hf' fll .000 ~f'<tt n1;i1n !'.I/I· d1urn IPiirlin~ I 11\lr ~n1 s l1nrst arn.1 1 r11r~. · ll ~ ;i \•ondcrf11I ho11r,'' s;11('[ thr ~ [(1('11 2 winner <1f five gnl1! rncdals 111 the l!lfi7 Pan Ao1 1;:inlf'S :it V.'1on1peg. (':i nnd;1 ··It 1s c~pcc1:11!y a big stop for a g~·1nri.1st 1es J)('rforrncr '"\\'1•rc a l1llle 'Xl gy d1Jt' 1o a l:ir li or 1'1f'rp " said American Jnhn Smith o( l CLA . the world "s fastest 400-nieter run- ne r. '"Bu t. ! ~urss everybody's in the san1c rocky boa r " Thr 3,ff.13 athlelrs :trr i"HJustd Ix-hind barbed-\\'trc fences in lhc overcrowded shRhbi ty-construr tf'd P;:in A mer i C' /I. n Village where on!,v gnod food and the con· slitution of youth permit passable ex· isl en~. ··1 felt uncoisy a1 fi rst with f.he barbed wire and guards carrying rifles.·· said prclly U.S. fen cer Marte c:rompone. a schoolteacher from Ru1hcrford , N.J . "You gl't used to it after a while ... almost:' Coio1nbian nrficial5 h11vr tRkl"Tl stout precautions :igainsl disturbances such as the upri!>ing th11l killed 1:-i students In Cali earlier this year. No Regrets Over Nasties THOUSAND OAKS IAP) -Duane Thomas, the Dallas Cowboy!! sensational running back last year. has !old team of. J iclals face to fart lh3l he has no regret.~ over some nasty thing.~ he has said about them. A spokesman for the National Football League club said thal Thomas also In- formed Cowboys' executi ve~ at their tr.aininit camp here Thursday that he rlocs not want to play for Dallas any 1nore. ·~ - Last week ln Dallas, Thomas cal led roach Tom Landry a "plastic man," c laimed unfair treatment because he wa.oi hlack. said gentral manager Tel' Schramm had treated him dishonestly ;ind de.scribed player-personnel director Gil Brandt as 11 ''liar." Thom:i.oi C'oold not be reachf>d for com- ment Thursd11y, but Schr11mm satrl ThomRs "gavr no indication or 4ny change In tht sentiments he expressed in Dallas." Concerning Thomas' requesl to bt trad. ed. Sthramm said, .. We told htm that If we can btnefit the Cowboy~ 11nd at Ille ~ame time accon11nod11.\e him we will be happy lo do so." Thomas, the team·:r. \tading rusher lasl yrar. rcporrdly has Asked for a new C'\'llJ.o 1rart with $80.000 b!lse pay. lte came tn D:ill11ll fron1 \Y es! Tcxa.'.t State on a tbrce- l'car i:untrat 1 =-.... :•-- lf the AU -Star rushtnen can put preS3W'e on Morrall lhe game could tunl out to be quite a match. If Morrall is given time to set up \he CollS' pass pat- terns. Baltimore probably wlll add to the strmg of All-Star IOS!!eS. "They realize we're not suppol!led to win," said Collier, "bul the Colts will nnt be over--coofidenl. Professionals have pride. 1'hey'll alrn05l -although they'll never admit it -play for nothing,'' said the former coach of the Clevela11d Browns. Area Grow s Into.World Sportligl1t lt used to be regarded •S a novelty when somoone from Orange County made any international sporting event with th• 1nagnitude of an Olympic Garnes or r an American Games. But things have changed since our area began switching orange groves for hous· ing tracts. For example, in 1956 ltlere weren't a handful of Orange Countians on the Olympic team that went to Melbourne. But by 1968 there were 1$--12 of whom represented the Orange Coa st area. That area -which encompasses Hun- tington Beach, Corona del M a r , ----WHITE WASll -..-----·-- Westn1inster. San ClementP, Costa Mesi , Newport. Beach. Mission Viejo, Laguna Beach, Seal Brach. Fountain Valley and University Park -had more people in the "68 Olympics than did 27 participating nations. And now :tl the Pan American c:ames in Cali, Colombia there arr 17 Orange Cou~tians taking part and of that total, 1 l . hail fron1 the Orange Coast area. Here's the area's c o 111 mun I I y breakdown at Cali : SAN C L~.\1£NTE -Palti .John50n fwomen·s track JOO hu rdles \, Paul Ryan ( ro1\•ing a ltcrnate 1 HUNTINGTON BEAf H -Tom i\1 cKib- bnn (rowing -double scuJ1s1. Jane Ward twomen·s volleyball (;Qach L Jim Seymour (men's track. 400 hurdles). \V.F.STftl lNSTER -Ed Bane (pitcher," baseball l. UC TRVTNE -All \\'altr po\n· Erl Npwland !f'oachl. Ferdy Massimino, ·rcrry Kle in. r-.t1ke f\-1art1n , Joh n !'l'lassi n1i no. Fron1 elsewhere in !he criunty are Steve Fumis.~ or Tustin (swirnming. 200 ;ind 400 ind. rnedlcyl; Andy Slrenk from Fullerton (swimming relaysl: Rus~ Knipp of Fullerton I m Id rl IP. ..... e i g h l \YC'ightlift ing 1, Sergio Gonzalez o I P lacentia !p<1perweigh1 \vrestlerl. That's quite a n in1pos1ng throng yrt ir ~ n1issing two of our more prominent ;i!hlcte:<> -i:.vmnast Cathy Rigby of Los Alamitos and swim1ner Gary Hall of c;arden r.rove -"'ho have olher com- mitments They arc ~urc-(1rr Olympians ln '72, hnwe\'C'r * * * Formrr tt1ater Del lli~h football pla.vf'r ,Jim Berg figures t11 see hea\"Y duly lh i~ yrar at UC LA . He starled 10 of It Bruin games la st se:ison. Thr defensive left encl mlldf' lhe All· PacHit 8 11ct1de1nic squad in 1970. This ~·C'ar he"ll be up u,itainst such foes a~ Pill. Texas and Michigan. in addition to the conference i;latc. Te,-as, inciden tall)·. ,..ill be showinit lt" wares at the C-O liseum Sept. 18 at I :~ p.m. Also on lht UCL/\ rosier for 1971 are Steve Klosterman of l.ajluna Re11.ch High and Chuck Sultr from Westmin!\ter. * * * The athletic museum al United Savings li('lms I/all has revealed I I.~ ~hedule for - public visitinR. The shrine. !orated at 980fl Sepul veda. just off Century Blvd .. is open as follows: The world-famous museum will be re- npened to the public starling loday durini;t the following hriur.~· 9 a.m to !'.I pm. Monda y throui::h Thursday. 9 am. In ~ r .n1. Friday. and 9 am. to 3 p.m. Satur- da\'. DUANE THOMAS -·-~ \:I'.J -· -----l..""'1 ' e • t • II d d y • • n a S· • ' in g .s • l y " n d r: d •· • ' t r • t • I r • • I· • I, • • • b .. • r . n ._\;i,i. • • :, GARTH WISE ' GRANT GELKER CRAIG MORTENSEN Hall of Fan1e For Lon1bardi, Four Others CANTON, Ohio (AP 1 -1'wo 1nen who u•Jegends in lhe1r own litnc. the late ll'iJ¥le· Lombardi and running bar k Jim SrQ!if\, enter the Pro Foo tball Hall of r~~· here Saturday wit h five olher -Ormt( gridiron greats. President Nixon, a friend and admirrr •f bombard\ and ;in a\·1d sport s Ia n. is to 1pt'ak a~ the Fr idAy night enshrinement W>qer. ~ A. Tillie and Norm Van Rrocklin, 1ualit.erbacks ror championship teams in .he: 1960's, will also be enshrined along •'ltb.~lat.e end B1tl J\cwitl. tackle Frank ·ai'.Ulser" K inard .t1nd defensive end ~nQy_ Robustclh. "l.bmbard1 enached th!' (;rrcn Bay Paelters 1Q five Na!ion;il Foo!b11l l 1,rague ~ha,tipionsh1ps <'Ind r .... •n Super Row\ 1·1c:· .orlt!s !n the 1as1 dcrade and Rrown c11p· lui-ed'· almo.c:.t 11J1 of !he NFL·~ major rushing record s in 11 nine-year carr.er •' wilti the Cleveland Browne:.. 'l)ie. inductioos will bring lo 70 thf' nu m- be~cif former. NFL standouts in ttw Hi:i!l . TJle enshrinements. held outside the Han' ·and fr ee to lhe public. drew :1.000 raii~'tast year, but a Hall spokesman said 1\,-\ta.sl 10,000 are eJi:pected ~aturday. Hf! alid'1hf'! Hall may have trouble handling 1U 'fbt spcctat.ors. . Following enshrinement cerf'mon1es '-!ilt be a natlOnally televised exhibition g"1JM: bf'!twttn the Los Angeles Rams and Ho~t.on Oilers in ad~~cen'.. 111.SOO.-seat FiwceU Stad.iurn. ABC !I Wide World ~f $¢tti, which i:ri carrying the ga~e, will &l9iJt,.lhow highlights of the inductions at Wume. .1), induclinns wi\1 hr P.recrd~d by 11 motiling parade downtown 1n wtuch Mrs. Lbir\bardl wlll serve as grand marshal. DAILY PILOT J So.nth Tackle·s North in State Grid Clash Ry RON EVANS 01 ..... o.lly lili.t s .. ,, LOS ANGELES -In an unpre<:tdented happening, lhret Orange Coast area .llUir1 are slated lo be in the South's startin& lineup tonlgbl for the ZOU! 1nnua.1 Shri11e North-South all-star football game at the Coliseum. HO!tilities begin at 3: JS with a colorful pageant on tap at 7: JO. ·Two linemen -Newport llarbor's Grant Gelker and Edison's Craig Mor- tensen -and a swift back -Garth Wise of Huntington Beach -will rum · prise the area·s delegation to the Doctor Tells Little League Pitching Faults SAN FRANClSCO (AP) -Boys who pit.ch on Uttle League baseball learns should be switched every t~o innings to stop a rising number of permanent elbow and slloulder injuries, a bone surgeon told 275 team doctors. Too n1uch pitching before the ages of 14 to 17 oft.en causes boys' ar1n muscles to pull on the growth centers of the bone which are not yet closed at this age, said Or. Joel E. Adams, a surgeon and a team doctor for San Bernardino city schools and junior college. Too much hurling "invites trouble rather than perfection in this age group," he told an American Academy of Orthopae<lic Surgeons meeting here on "The Shoulder in Sports." Curve ball pitching should be abolished and no practice throwing shQuld be allow· ed at all. he said. He urged a change In Little League rules which he said were drawn up beforf'! there was medical information on the ef- fects of too much pitching at this age. Adams tested 80 pitchers in a study in Southern California and said he found all had separated and fragmented bone centers, plus accelerated arm growth that could be painful for the rest of their lives. He said enthusiastic fathers should not build backyard pitching mounds for their boys to practice. Boys under 12 should never pitch more than two innings a gamf'! and those 12-17 shoold pitch no more than three, Adamit said. They now hurl six and seven innings. Throwing a baseball mimics thf'! action of a buggy whip, he fiaid . The shoulder acts like the handle of the whip 11nd the nail of the arm t1nd forearm puts a repeating strain on the elbow and shoulder. Thus the 1nusc les , put 11 strain on the growth centers of I.he bone, he said. Bo.vs with arm pains should stop pitching and play olher positions until these center11 close. he said. and co;iches 11hould not dismiss such pain ;is due to wrong throwing motions or failure lo v.·arm up properly. "The playing season should be :rihorten· e<I with less stress on playoffs and tournaments. especially in temperate r limates such as Southern Califomia, where pickin~ of pla vers rnr teams begins as early as February," ~aid Adams. "This encou ragrs youngsters to start pr;:iclicing throwing at home several months before the season starts." Mayor Hits Refs, No'v Facing Suit From Victims SAN .JUAN, P.R IAP l -Two basket· hall referee!! Thursday filed • $200,000 damage suit in U.!'I. District C.Ourt against a Puerto Rican mayor The two referees, Edmond I.. Mid· dleton or Philadelphia and Mark N. Schlafman, of Swampscott, Mas.~. ciir· rently employed for the summer, by the Puerto Rico Bask@lball Ftderation, alleg- ed that Quebradillas mayor Rafael Perei; Santaliz struck them "in a deliberate, malicious and brutal manner." According to the suit, filed with the civil division the alle:ged incident came during a Puf'rlo Rico Superk>r League basketball game played on .June 16 between two island te:ams, t he Quebradillas Pirates 11nd the Santurce Crabber~. The referer.s charged that the mayor'• 11ction Inell~ a rk>t among the spec- tators . prestigious midsummw eztravaganui. Gtlktr and Mortensen wW bt lining up as the Rebels' two frontline cffensive auards with Wise ticketed for 1 slarlln& berth in the deftnsive secondary. South co.coach laking with Arcadia '.( Dick Salter! Louis Birnbaum o f ltollywood indicates, however, that the area trio may alS<l see action elsewhere in addiUon to their pre-planned atarting assignments. Birnbaum says. "Although Grant 1s &tarting on offense, we expect hirn to see 11 Jot of defensive action too. He reacts so well lo the ball with excellent lateral movement and is quic:k as a cat -rig ht u11 and down lht line." The llollywood rnentor !!ays o I ~tortensen. ··we ha \'t fig ured Craig to .RO strictl y on olfense but he's also availaWe at defensive left end, About Wise, Birnbaum says, "he's a tremendous asset a11d is e1cept1ona tly versatile.'' Birnbaum not es that Wise may also rill in as a flankerhack offensively . A 6-0, 226-pounder, c;elker was a f1r .-.t team all·CIF' AAAA pick fron1 Newporl as he wa s a mainsta y both ways. The S-JI . 218·?(>Und Mortensen earnf'd si milar honors on the AAA level with his Edison squad wa!tziRg to a 13-0 mark and lhi-St'rllon !Ille In its d1v1s 1on An all-round performer who gaint"d over 1,000 yards total offense his sentor s(•ason while doubhng as 11 quarterback and tailback, the fHI, 16S-pound Wise was aC't'Un:led all-<-uun ty mentioo and was 1 late addition to the Soulh Shrine ro11ter. He rt•p1a<'ed St. Augustine t San Diego ) linebacker Frank (iecrge, who signed a pru ba seball contract wit.h the California AnAels f11r1n systern An ;111-0111 pass ing baUle ls expected lO bt' the highlight or the ga rne with sling- arnlf'd quart.e:rbarks firini;: from .both sidei:; nf !he fence One of th e greatest aerial combination• Modest Giant Looks to Ram For Pro Football Future Ex-area Flasl1 Wojcik Getting By Guillotine By PHlL RO..l\S Of ll>e D•llY 1'1191 S .. tf How one reacts tto pressure is what separates tht men from the boys. Such is the opinion of Seal Beach's Gre& Wojcik. A furmer star center for the Hun· tington Beach High and Orange OJast College football teams, the 6-6, 268-pound Wojcik is presently fighting for • permanent defensive tackle berth with thf'! Uis Angeles Rams. What's the basic difference In trying out for a well-organized professional unit like the Rams in comparison to say, USC j where Wojcik played brieny be.fore being Injured), OCC or the Huntington Oilers? Why, pressure, of course. Wojcik cit.es the examples. ';In high school or college, if You're not able !o become a .starter, they drop you down lr1 the second or third string. But you're still on the team. "But herf'!, if you don't make it, yot1 're aone." The modest giant has played In 11 Jr. Ro~ Bowl game (OCC's 24-<t viclory (Iver Northeastern Okla. in t963J end W8~ a jr. coll~t all-American. Howf'ver, neither of those honors ha! anything to do with what has been W<r jcik's mosl satisfying facet of gridiron pla.v. "F.very day now that rm still here (without being a victim or the guillotine) and in contention for a job 1, most sati5· fying." hf! states. "I'm not relaxing at all, becaus• there's just so much et stake." And the ralher of three seems wise not In relax any in his attempt to pos11ess one or ttte regular tackle berths in what wa111 once regarded as the Fe a rs om • Foursome. For he's jockeying not only with steady Pight-ye.lilr veteran Dick Evf'!y and new comer Phil Olsen for posiUon but he al:rio has lo contend with ell·pro vet Merli n Olsen jPhil's older brother) In the daily Rams practice sessions. As a free agent rookie, Wcjcik is well · 111tuned lo the grim fact that. being a rookie. !hf.re's always 11 possibilily nf being cut fro mthe squad. Last year. New Orleans dropped Wojcik and sent him In ifs Richmond minor ll'ague ou1 f1t ror seasoning. He savs. "I wou ldn't mind the pressur11 ihd prObably would enjoy it more if I \!•::is more 'in'. ' '· .. ' I ' /; • ' • f'' • ... -# ..., ~ r. '« '·"" I i'" ~-;:-.~ I. l '(' ' :'-!) ' EX·HB HIGH, OCC STAR GREG WOJCIK finf' mach In h i~ nv.•n r ight," he goes on. "I also havr a lnt nf resf'l('Ct for Ken f\.1oa1~ 1WnJr1k ·~ roarh 11! llun!1ng!nn1, And Dirk Tucker dnng!1tnt OCC football eoach! ;i!so h11~ a 1111 on lhe hall" And nnw , dr~p111> t r:1:nu1~ ;ii Cal :-i111tr IFullPrTnn 1, \V r•Jrlk n1u.~t fl'rl ri.c:hl al home ajl Aln. You sre, Jhc Rams' d<'fensivf llne men· tur -Std Hall -is a Huntington Beach rr-.idrn ! Thi·n·f11n'. If \\'njt"ik has 11 slceples!I r11~h! ;ihn11t so1n1• l1P•' forrn11linn or pat- l!•rll 11hwh 11" 1•H11 I f1~utc out. he doesn't "''<'Jl h;iv1• In n111kr a lo ll rall In prep annals wilJ be performing for t ... South In the persons of Bishop Am1t'1 Pat Haden and John McKay, Jr. The lattt:r suffered an ankle injury in an early practice M!:SSk>n but Is expected to be 100 pe«.'eflf for tcnight. • The Haden-McKay duo is bolslered bj tht' running or big backs Allen Carter ~205f of Bonita. and Larry Mushinaki• ( Zfli 1 of Temrle Clty. Tossing btdlets for the Yankee.a will be Steve Bartkowski of Santa Clara'• Buchser High and Berkeley's To~ Wi lson, a pair or 6-3 athlete~. 't'he South was victorious last summet, 37--6, and holds an ll·a-4 series advantage. Scrimmages Set Saturday; Mortensen Out Both South head roach Phil Brown nr }~stancia and North Grid chief Frank Hicks of Sonora are hoping to rind ou\ more alxlul their teams Saturd11 y when eaeh squad runs through controlled, In· l.ri:r.squad scrimmages in preparalion for the 12 a1111ucil Orange County all.star football game at Orange Coast 0Jllf'!~t Aug . 12. Brown 's Rebel crew will get 11 head 11tart on its Northern counterparts Satu,... day as it jumps aboard the scrimma1• wagon at 7 <r .m. at Estancia. The Yankees, mearwhile, are slaled tn run through their 1eMJm paces at Sonora at awoximately 10 a .m. Brown and his five-man coaching stafl (including aides Gary Carr. Roger Clark.. John Hayes. Dave Knoll and Art Perry f "'ill have their charges split up into even• Jy divided orfensivf' and defensive p 1 at o on s /or Saturday's ooe-hour hostilities. But thf' Soulh leader note11, "everybody on our squad is learning both offense and drfense. "What kind of personnel you have dic- tates mainly whal your philosophy will be ln a game. And we figure to at least learn 5omething from the scrimmage." Brown adds. "we 'll try to keep anyont from getting hurt in the scrimmage, sn the defense wll! be wearing full-lengtti' protective aprons to prevent injurirs." ~· The affable Rebel nicntor Feels hit squad has been fortunatt in lhe injury department thus far with !ht only casualty -Maler Dei's 17S-pound center 1'1ario Mele -already ha ving rCC1'lvered f r: m a minor ankle spr;iin wh1C'h was IC· crued when he was accidentally 11tepptd on by " teammate in Wednesday's drills. "We've also learned that CraiJ filortensen <Edison 's all-CIF tackle who's starting in tonight's Shrine classic at tM" LA C.Ollseuro ) ddinitely won't play, Brown says. ''So, we've replaced hlrr\ with John Oysler 1fi.-2, 210 f, a defensivf tackle from Bolsa Grande." Brown also says that lhf' South's otht.r !wo prospects who are playing in tonight's shrine lilt ! Huntington Beach back Garth Wise and Newport Harbor tackle Grant Gelkcr ) w\11 bl' avallable fni duty in the county contest. ''Right. now, the offense has lo ~ ahead of the defense since we started earlit>r on it and because 1l lakes mor• time to develop," Brown adds Although the Estancia coach doesn't .11dmit to any particular srt defensive alignment after two days of blade-honing In that department. he is fairly satisfied with the three-deep secondary in his split six setup. Brown ·~ ex-Estancia acf' Curt Thoma ~ has the nod at safety with Saddleback·s· Bryan Myraclt ::11 lef1 halfbaC'k and Terry McNay Qf Edison and ~1 arina ':r; Stev• Monahan a\\ernat1nR at ri~ht half. At the North camp. mea11wh1lf, H irk ~ says. ·•it's obviou s bv thl' siir of 011 r riu11rterbar ks tha: we'll have In go outside and throw." "But I just havr ont lon~ ranRt goal - tn make the Rams and l!O lo Lhe Super Rowl." H11ving avoided the '•••aivC'r RJ:t thu,c; f:ir In 1971, the entire piC'ture hasn 't alway.~ been particularly rosy for Wojcik . ----------;r.==;;;....._-==-w His dreams of beinR A regular al U~C were shattered in 1966 when he suffered from a collapsed Jung and required major surgery. Although he 's sli!I three semester~ short or a bachelor'11 degree at Troy and in spilt of nct finishin~ his collegi;ite grid career, Wojcik dkl recover suHicient!y enough from his adversity. ''II was a grtal disappointment. getting Injured and not being able to finish BChool." ht say ~. "But evPrylhing depends on different philosophies and .llituations. "And coach (Tommy) Prothro lfir:ril- year Rams head manJ fieems lo kMw what he's doing. So, sinC't he '! my coach now, he's it and I do what he says.'' An obviously appreciative person of rhe coaching which he 's received, Wojcik doesn't st.op with his praise at the pro level. ''John McKay (USC grid chief) was " Ba.seball Standings NAT IONAi. LEAGUE East Division P1t111burgh St. Louis Chica~o l'<ew York P hiladelphi11 ~1ontreal \\' L ti7 :17 57 48 aa 47 !l2 49 4.\ fiO 11 6.1 \\'est Oivision San Francisco fi.1 4:1 Ood~tr8 54 !)! Allanra aa :..1 Hou.~lon 52 !ll C1ncinnarl 49 58 San Diego :18 68 Th11rMfow'• llotulll A!lonl• •. Son ~r•nC•\<O l ~•n Ol"VO J, Ctr>cln""ll 1 Pct. .'44 .543 .!l.1!1 .. 'il!i 429 .3114 ,594 ,f,14 ·"" !lll!"I '"' .358 St Lotj" I, N•" Vorll !. t lnn•nol , t•1n "lll<bvroh 1. Ooct1•" S Oni. •"""'' •rhNlult'([ , .... , .• o ...... GB 10 17 II 13 1':! ,,., "' '" ' !I '., \,, . .., " A:\l ERICAN LEAGUE Easl Oivision w I. Ral r1111orr ,,, "' Bu11lon "' 44 l>f'I roil "' .. i\'rw \'Orie " " \\'ash1nll:tnn 41 " Clevela nd " " West Olvlslon Oakland ., "' Kan:ii;:is City 52 .. Angr-1~ " " l 'h1c::1gn " " ~1 1nnrsol a " " f\111 wa uke e 4.1 .Ill y~,..,~••'• lte1wtl• Mdwouk•• ), llMton O ••••IO 1. Cl••~lon~ 1 CMc~oo i, Ntw Yo•~ a IJ•"Ol! 10, Kon1•• Clry ' O•~l•nd 11 lhnlmo,~. '"" W1>hln~1"" tt ...,1.,,,....,11, rlll'I PC'l. fi24 .~fi9 ,,. .4Afi .410 .408 "4 .S20 .481 .471 .45.S .426 ~·'l ,., 14 211.\ 22 10 1,; "~ 15~ 17 20 Ttd•Y't Gtmtt [ O••l•nd l l lv• !t.Jl •' Cltvtl_,,, !FHlfr ~Ii, nloh• (TfQIY(OITIA! ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS '71 COROLLA $1777 OEMO. • 5••1 ~ 511 THI All NfW TOYOTA ClllCA 5'1. Cl'I. IMMIDIATI DILIVllY ~ VOLVO Laver, Emerson Square Off I! L""\\ IGll>oon 9.t on~ Cl•v•l•<><I t ,f \ •• p,.111d•lohl1 !S""rt 6-! I •nd Lo rich •·•l, ?, !wo•nlqM HOu•!On l ~Ofl.(h }I """ G•fil D·I• OI Mo.-t•••I (l!r.,,,..,ovt• }.J •...i SIOMm•n ll·f l, t, !wl.nloM (Mc•'"' (U•nd• •·!11 •I ,,,.. ... Vo•• u; ... 1 .... •·II. ~IM AH•n•• (N1 .. ro 11 ·1) 11 s.o" O••oo 1NO•"'"" 1 ' Of l tll"' ~IJ). ft!tM Clnc:lnn1ll (G\llltlf l!·J .,.. l<lol•l'I 1-11) 11 °"""" l lVllOtl f.)I), nltoM °''"'"' (It>' !Ot lff 1).Jf 11 11111"""'• fP1lm1• 11 •i. nlQhl • .,...,\ (M•.,•••ml"' 10•0 •I ~!roll fGllbretl'I 1·1!. nooO\I 110\ton IS••b<!•I II 51 ot (l'li(M• OWl•hln l-1). nkrM Wo'M""I"" i &cl1MIO\ .. 11) 11 MllwMH fl-l f ·O, Noni ·QUEBEC (AP) -The cannonballs met tl'tt::t ~b.1Tll al the Quebec lnterna- tmal Tenni! Open Thursday and the rc1o1t ••s • dt1w. Tom Okker of the Nelhetlands outran hard·hitl1ng Ch11rle1 Pasarell of Puerto Rid>, ~. 6-Z, to 11dvance to S8turday's Jemillnal. ·BO!. in the other single11 matctl, ei~lh· s~ect 'Bob Luti of Los Angeles u[led a canoonbaJl 1.1ervf'! and powerful forthand 11nd b•ckhand 11ma~ lo upsrl the 1peedy Arlllur Ashe. of Richrnond, Va., No. I seed at lhe week·long $50,000 open, 7-S, 5- 3 ' In lOday's acOoo , Clill Drytdale ar South ' Africa meeUJ Ray Ruffelii of Australia and Roy Emerl(lo opposes Rod Laver in an all-Newport Beach match. The 12th-~ Pasarell misstd 1 few euy sholJ in thf'! tarly stages of the se- rond st! and then rel! apart when Okktr broke his serves in the first and third game~-. In the Lutz.A~he trl('()UOttr It WIS • c:ase of strong, well·playtd 11mashc1 by the 24-year-o\d Californilln • ' l';?'"C ···-·-· -· U.Jti 11id, ''J was 8Urprised that he dkjn't 1ivt me more trouble than he did but tbtn tiain. he's bttn off a little In the pa!lt few weeka.'' AsM admitted earlier in lhe w~k that he had bttn ezperiencing trouble with hi1 first servea and concentration. They were what caused his troubles against Lutz. "I just couldn't gtt that first shot ovet the net and when I grooved the 11ccond shot In thert, he killed m' with hit n:turn1." 1 discouraged Ashe !aid. --·-.. ·-·-·---·--·---- !''";-Oft ~Kt-l•O) o!lo• 1'11ntllCO jPorry ... ). .... ~, ,,._ Vor-(II~""'" t•l l If Mln,., .. U IRl>'lo>,..., I 11!. nlt M ~~~~---~~~~::-::-::-:-::-c-::::c=-:-:=::-:--~ ISTH ANNIVERSARY SALEll BIGGEST & BEST YETI DIAN LEWIS 1966 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA Modern & Compl•t• Servic• & P•rts D•pt. Modern Body Shop for All Cars 646-9303 540-9468 Orange County's Largest and Most Modern Toyota and Volvo Dealer OYERSIAS DILIVIRY SPECIALISTS -. . -N!.=---.. 1971 DEMO $4098 1114 SEDAN A11lem•+f,, l.1tli1, H t•fer •JJ71 .,....,--------- USID CAI SPIC:IAL $995 1t61 TOYOTA COIONA H.T. ll:Hlof. k1t1tr. I Sj!Hd, jVll' tlJ) -__ , -~-.. , I \ 2f DAILY PILOT Frld1y, July 30, 1q71 bcreues Lead McCalla's Determined FV U:GAL Nont:ll LEGAL NOTICE ,. Ulll f'~ITM>Ul I USINl5t fl I"'" ' 22 Paces Pln'ITIOUI IU$1NIW •.u.1a ITATIMINT l"ICTITM>US IVll!lllU : N.6.MI tTATIMINT Tht ......,,.. _.,oont .,.. dOI.,. llUM-NAMI ltATIMllff !> • TM ""...-11'19 perMm 1r• ..... towl ... u It: TIM flillllwlfle "-e.r• ............. 1i· OllANOIE COUNTY JOUlNAL. Gl •: JOHN 0 'lfXl!Y'5 llOAT ANO A-loo• ArlitN, ~fl C ! •ff! t fl 11 , ITll~TCN lo llW l"AllU[ CINTtlt, VACjojf IHI LlllANCf LtO., HO).A (11!tor~ t1i1n H--1 lat<ll, tl21 W"klH'I ~ N-POrt l l\<11., Ntw-1 IMCI\, C•llf. Oloo11 Aru.. lltlU. 01 ... ~ N-1 9M<h. Ct U,.,.,,11 ...... N utrilite Whips Crushes Angels f2iMO At1tn1, 141fl [1-t., C:1Ui...~l1 "'612 .t.Jldt 11'1 .... llNnlL IM. (~tJ., SD Five, 58-53 LB, 57-54 Laguna 8eAch High '.! Arli!t! stunned Mission Vicj-0 in I.he fina ls or the Laguna Beach sun11ner I ea g u e ba!kelball 1ournament Thursday night, 57-54, 10 claim the tourney championship. A determlood band of Foun - tain Valley Amtrlc.11h Leg.Ion baseball players is one gt.me away from clinching a berth in I.he area playoffs at Ontario and is still in lhe running for the 29th District championshi1> following an 11-6 clubbing of the Fullerton Angels Thursday night. J.,,n •. O'l•~•Y. 1ff' .... ·~ TPllo ~·I-II Ml"'I ,_..,. " ... 21ri w .. kMlf Orr...., N..._, ~ W---I l .. tfl. C.C1fwt1ltl fMM IMlwiw:;-GlOlUA AllLINIE I LAKr CtllfOt"l1 nwo.. lfllt Oo.ltlllftl II flfllll contvct.d llJ 111 'thk 11111-111 flied •llll 1,,_ ~ T~ll ...... ,_ 11 c~" .. 1w 1 ·_., many batting stars. ll'WllvlOu•I. ct-"' 0•1"""' c-"' .., JoM ,. , , ,..,_ John I O'ln.,. ...... :•-I olLI Ouelltt•~ 1mACk•d • 39~1oot n.11 ,,.1....,.,.1 flied w1111 t111 ...... ~-b' •-1r J , M..waa. e>.pu1y c--, 1 " ""' .__,--,y Cl1r1r. , .. ...,_ League leader Nulr1l1lt got 1n assist from La Fonda'~ Thunday night In C'.osta Me!la open summer b 8 !I kt I b a I \ league play at So utht>rn California College. The Nutrili1e five increa sed It!! ml!lrgin over Wilson to 11'1' games with the co1nb1na!1on nr a 58-5.1 decision o~·cr San Diego and La Panda's S.l74 triumph over Wilson 1 n over111ne \\'1lson . han1pcrt'd bv 25 pt>rsona! fouls. v.as no match for La Fond a·s 1n the l)Vertlme segmen t l'I.<: the v.•1nnrrs cashed in 13 shots from the gratis stnpe. La Fonda 's Wrestling Results f'V l lw• 1111 Ulf W111ml"11fr ll1<1l "-Mol•1kt• IW I <llC Miit > /fl •·D !Of-MtU•ro !WJ drtw MOO<t If! •· ~cored only once from the held Jn that span. Ton; L<ing wa s the chie f r x- •·i:ut1oncr for La fonda's, ac· C't1mula l1 ng 26 points on seven field goa ls and a dozen free throws !1on Todd was also highly 111- strumrntal for the v.·inners v. ith 25 r0unters \.\'"rlson s .~nack v.a !> ;i balanced \•rrsinn v.•1th Tom Bead and Brian An1broi1ch raring the f)Uln1et 1~·1th JS each Thrre \Yilson players fouled out :ind another v.·;i<: r jrcted, however. by the of- ficials. Nutr1h!e 's vC'rd1cl was led hy Gord y i\lartin. who sank 10 ~ood ones rron1 the field en rou re l(l "' 22-polnt effor1 Alan \'(lung added a dozen frir the loop leaders wh ile San !1iego·s ll•p scorer was 81!1 Cl apncr1on A(·ti(ln will r(ln !inuc i\1or.da y 1~·ith another !win bill. C:h1ndo• B•n•o . ..,, B•~•on ,.~ Jo<kl<l' TO!•lo L1 Fondt'I (Ill " ' " ' ' " WlllOf\ (7'1 ' ' • ' • " ' ~ •• ' • ' ' ' ' " .. " ,, .. " • " • ,. ' " C""k''" • 1 I Wit! J 1 7 G l'''"""'" 1 t S '"''bro1;ch I J J Glllt•o•• ~ ft J 11 Mtnul><> 5 , , 11 ll••d 1J1J 101111 n io ,s 1, H•llllm•· l t FotlCll'I lJ, WlltO<! Ji, R.,u1u 1on /.!411. Mll•mon v..,~g Fll/Pol"Ck 11.nlf! Mor!i" E-t•d• Tott I~ FOn!ius (l10e>e•l"'1 llo1comn T .... ololn Ft,..,.,.11 tt1lll•"'•' "'u1rttu1 Ull " ' • ' ' ' '" ' .. St n Olt'° llll " ' • ' • ' ' • .. " ' ' ' • ' ' ' " • ' " ' ' • " • " fl ., ,, ,, s 1 1 l} 5 ~ t 16 ' ' . 1 0 l 1 I 1 U n u 1J 5l Nul•Wl11 2t, Son Oltto 'l· Mission Viejo, wh ich had rambled to the regular season title handily . was stung by the t•ornbi'ned efforts of Vince i\lcCalfa·.. Dave Kiesselbach, Vinch Whitnah and John Harbold in the rebounding department as the Arlisls cam<' I rom behind lo post a six-point margin after three quarters. Al that juncture the w1nner1 went into a semi-stall and the tactic took Mission Viejo out of 1ts zone defense. L1t11n1 l11ch {SI) ,, fl (o.,..ln 11;,.,..11:.ecn H••t<il~ Nel•"" W~ltnon McCol•• ~"'••~•v B ... 111 l011l1 ' . ' ' • • • • ' . • • ' . 11 l! MIUlon Vlt!t (S4 1 Norm1Mllt BloCkt r Ft•RUIOft ·~~ Wiikinson ll:ulilfl! To!t l• " II • • ' . ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' n 16 Stor1 br Ou•ri..n " ' ' • ' ' ' ' " •• • • ' ' • ' " .. .. • • • • " 0 • " " " • ' • ' ' " L11un1 l!tfcfl 11 11 )0 Mllllon Vlt lo )0 I 1l ' -!1 11 -J.j TODAY IS YOUR DAY TO OWN A 1971 CADILLAC Coach Ge n e Marinaccl'11 Fountain Valley crew rC'lur ns lo Boyse n P11rk tonight (8 o'clock) aga in~t the i"ullerlon Dodgers. If SUC'CeS'lfu\ F 0 u n l a In Valley will clinch a travel date lo Ontario and will have a shot at Anaheim Herfron Satur- da y for lhe 29th District title. Westminster 's Legion club wasn't quite as fortunate, as it dropped a 4-2 decision to I.a Mirada in the Anaheim lnvil&- lional Thursday night 11! La Palma Stadium The loss dropped I h e Westminster team out or further competition, Steve Fritz went the route (or Fountain Valley on the mound against the Angels and Wayne Ouellette was one of triple In lhe fifth inning to '1""• "' Or•"'ll• eo..niy Ql'I: Jylr •· It/I. f'u1>tl11\tod 0<1noge c...t o.1iy •H.i Tllh "•~ ••• flied "''"' ""' ~ Ill 114'111 J. ll1r1llH1,. OIPllh' (wnl'Y Juiy '· 16, 21, io ,,11 1m 7i l'Y C:lt rt: ot Or11111 (DUnty e11 Jiii[ t. score a p.air of runners whilt c ••l. '--'--'---7:::.C::_;"'--,-,,--.:::::::1 Mll!4ft, """'"' . Publh~ o"""' coe1t 0.11-, 1111o1.1 e-·-& •-• mate Mike Hix had thret JOJ!v •, 1., JJ. JO, ''" 1n+-n LEGAL NOTICE 4n;'111,1 11 L-,.. ~ singles. ,. 11114 ·--, .. C:efll11f'Y ,.,r11; St"' M1·tchcll and Gary LEGAL NOTICE l'ICT1t1ou1 •.U11N11s 11"· •~rte * NAMI ITATIMINT .... MMI-. c1nffr111l1 ,.., Varney added a pair of hits , inH T"' tooow11111 "''°" '• dl>ln• MIMU T•7-.. f'IC:TITIOUJ IUilNISI U ; ,..,.11.,.._ Ot'lllM Clttt Dt ll'I' l"llllt, J~ each and Mike Shimaji showed NAMI ITATIMINT ol!!STIMY tltECOllO JlllOOUCT!OMI, IY '· 1•. n. JD, lf'Tl 1.....,. (Set ANGELS, Page ZIJ T~• tt11ow1,.. Pt'rt0<11 ,,, ..,1,.. -460 S1-1n1 1t111d. Ce<IM'l.I del Mt r, Ct. '°"~!l!f! V1ll•Y (ll) .. ~~'"'"'· 111 Milc~111, lb VorMy, lb ~d!I. 0 Ot.otlett,, c Hlv, H M1•lt~ cl Elll .... I! (A,.o!!, rl ' ' ' ' • ' ' " t11111n1u ""' tt•u. LEGAL NO'llCJ; G.O.ltOl!M Glt0VI! MEOIC:.O.l Gll:OVJI, l!h•11 Wtllltm1. Ml) S.•w•rd Ill .. , _______________ _ ~ rOI ll)Q'J O••dtn Gre•• l l•d., Gi ra_,, Corofl.I dll M••-Cl . '2•U. 1 Orov1, tl4M. T)ll1 butlMn 11 bol1111 c-u~ted b~ •~ Ootlald I(, KlllY. M,D ' ,..., C•nlllr'r llld!vld11el. ,. 11111 l'"ICTITIOUI IUSIMISI MAMI JTATIMINT ' ' ' • • • " Pl~ EeJf, L.A Evt" Wllll1m1 D1vld M. Moll. M.0 , IM«I I. TMo lltflmtnl !II.cl wllt1 ll>e Countv H1wl'lltrM, IMltwood. (ltrk of 0.-t"8t COii""' Of>: Jul• I>. 1'11 ''° IY ltffy J, l •r•ltll, Dt PV'Y c ...... r.-M>."1 CO, l !:AUTY SALON. Seultt ' lorl1 ·-LI Yln, M.0. IOI w. Jtll• l .A. Cl~·~-C:11111 Pin •. Jlll l!lrll!OI, Coo!& ~ Alberto HlcMlfo. M.0 , JJM lletldt p l>ll·~ ..._ Ct lli...1111. • e Blvd .. T ....... " ...... v•IM• co.nt O.Hv P llOI, Ju-.Sttl11m1n & LUZ.., Cool• M• ... Irie ... 0 TMs 1>111lnen II COr>duCllN:i DY Gellll••I Ir 1 .. n. lO •tlCI """"'' •• lf71 1t'Jl·11 Ct llfer.W. ,.,._ "" Flft)I AYtflllt, """" e P1rlnt r>11!p. Yer-. M."1. lllOlt • Oontld K.,~~1g( M.O. LEGAL N011CE Tn11 bYllMH 11 cMdlld'M i,., 1 !ll410wlnt Pl/""" la dtln• bu-o"-'"' . ' • " ' " . Putill>hM ori not Cc.I! D•llY Jlllot .. I ---------'--'-----lc•rNl"tll.,,, s.u-11 & l 111 « c~ Julv 1'. ti. JO Ind AUllO.ltl ,, l•ll 1'.0-/I IAlt JU. M ... , Inc. F"Mlll •ton ... ftgt ll ~ 000 Jiil-6 FouM1ln Vllll Y IOl 111 ll~-t! WOl!MIAUtf 111 •• 11 •• a1e1. c• .O.ndrtw!. pft wn.rlev. •~ Nl)dlon.i. ti l"lood, c Ot~en~orn•. lb ~l 10•i<Yo ?b E•olr<>•~· 30 QunltO. 11 lunclQ'fn, P I •1no1e. o ro1•l1 ' ' ' ' ' • " lftl\lfttl ' • • • ' " ' • ' ' ' • ' MOTIC• TO c••OITOltS l t•lll'Hln 0Ubl11t tUJll.1011: COUltT 01'" THI 5tcrt11ry tTAll Of' CAlltiOtltNIA fl<O• Tlll1 l!t!t..,..,t w11 lllld w!tll !tie(...,.,._ • ~· '----------------THI C:OU .. TY 0, GllANO• IY Cltrlr. "" Ori n .. County 611 Jul)I. " o e ,-11•U N•. ""*''' ltn. 0 0 ,ICTITIOUI IU$1Nll1 t1ll!t ol MEit!..!' $. Ctlt.\IG SUll1FF, T-JIMJ l o NAMI ITATIMINT DH..aoed. f'u~llt~ Ort nM C.1t Dlll r Jll!tl, I O Tnt foll.,...ln1 Hr1on1 t rt doll'l9 MOT!CI! 15 Hl:Rl!!IY GIVEN to fl'll July f, 1', ~), JO, U11 l •J.l 0 o 1>1.o1ln~u 11: ''""'""' ot 11\t •bov• nem•"I deo;ldfnl ll~th I V•!lm1n, 111 Vii f't~ o o llOO l"LASTl(S, n7 Vlt El>oll, !1111 111 1M11tn1 "'Ykltl ell!,... ag.1.,.1 11\41 NtwPOM ltlOh, Ct UI t1UO 7 Mowper! Bo1cn, Ct lll. t1UO 11(d dft-nt 1,1 •IClll1'H ID me ,.,,m 11'111 blllllll'U 11 btl,.. conducfM b¥ Ill ~ l J t c-Ml tvln !Cl!nt ldor, nl VII l!!llOtl, wllll 1111 ntctl1e,.., YDUCl'llrl In Ille ofilci U'\!neltPO•f!ld AHOClt!IGfl I'll!., l~I~ .I 0 0 N"'Porl B11c11. C1111. f'/660 ot 1111 ,..,_of it..•-• ..,tlllld cturt, ot Ptr!Mrllllp. 0 KtnM111 W. Wood, 11100 Mtn!t lllo lo ,...fflfl, ,.,...,, w!tl! 11\t nectlll'Y Crt ll I'. Jtftltft O RO&d, lot ,l..l•mlto1, Ct llf. Y~I, WI tr11 ynd.,,19 .... 11 Ille <lfllce Tnt1 1!1t1m1nt lllMI with lht c .... ntr O O 1',lyrcn M. 11..,11, MS Vlt Lido Mord, of 1'111'" t ll ... M'y: ALAM M. lll!:EOY. UO Cl1-* ot Ortftlt Coulliy on: Julv :Kl. lt'1 • ' 2 MOWPO•! B••cn. (Ill,. M._-t , ....... °''"'Solt. Jll), Ml--' ,., 81v1rly J. M•"""· OWoly c .... ...,.. LEGAL NOTICE T~I• 1>uslne1s It bllnt conduclld bY 1 8Hcl!, (.1/llW,.l1 ,,..., wfllcll It tll<! plt tt Cit,.., · • It H • Pt rtntrJhlp, ol M l-'fl "" ut>cllt1l1Nd In 111 mtl• Pub~lhld Or1"91 C-t 0 1llt JI!"'" Lt Mlrod~ tlOO 002 1 -• 6 0 JIC-M. Sc~"'1dt( tlr1 Pft"lllft!llC i., 1fll .. 1111 OI 11!d 4"'9• Jotv t:I, » 11\d .0.IUlllsl •• ll, ltJ1 28116,1', WH!ml"1ttr ODO 100 O -J f I TMs stAt.ment lllld wltll th• (W!ll'Y ,,.,,,, wl"11ft tour 1'1entt11 111ft' Ille flrtl -·--,:-,:o=-cc-:c-co°'=" ___ _ ~---------Cleric ol Or1n11 CounlY Ol'I: July JI), 1'11. ""'blktl!Oft ot ltll1 notlcl. LEGAL NOTICE Bv eev .. !Y J, Mt ddox, Dt""'ll' CovntY Dl!tcl ~11 1•, 11'1 Cler-. J liAMl!TTl CIUIG·I---- Publlshld Oro~ Cotti Dilly Jlllot, Wl:IONllt July ll, lll •"" .\UtUtl •• n. l fll H'U-71 l!XKll'l•I• If""' f' lMll f'l(.TITIOIJI I Ul lNlll NAMI JTAT•MINT Wiii of Ille tbovl Mnwcl declldt nt AU.If M. ll•IDY 1 ____ LE __ G_AL __ N_OTJ __ c_E ____ 1 ;: .. "~" c..,iw 0rtvt. Thi fo!lowln• '"''°"' t rt 4'11'11 ....,......_. 11; FINI!: AllT ltENTAll, ,.. Glennt¥rt u .. l.•1u111 ltlc~ ''un l'ICTIT\OUI IUJIMISI NA.Ml STAY•M•MT MIWPt'rt Idell, Ctllflrftll nuf Tl!: 1'10.........,.. """...., ,., l•t<vlrl• Jtck A. Vellm1n, 'II G!•ftntrre -It.. l 11vn1 ••• ,,, Tiit followl•G ...,aen1 t •e doin1 f'u1>tl 11'1td 0""11• Co&1t rlt!!'f P llO!. Ju. TM• b<.111Mu I• ~Int <IWMl~!HI ~r. llt lndl.,.ldutl. O\lllnftt II: l.o.V OllM,l..ME"'T"'l llON I. Wl!lOIMG, 7SI N...-!Ol'I Wey, Cotlt Mt11. M•r••rtl J ten N1v, 2101 Ml1t m1r, ll•lbOll. 1.-rt Etrl NtY, Sr., JlOt Mlr1m1r, Btlbcll . l T~l1 b<,i1IMa1 11 blll>I <ond11cttol br t •trlMrtl'llP • Mtrtertl Jetn M1v Thl1 1lltfm•nl Ille.I wl!lo !ht C~un!V c1 ... k ot Or1n1e C11<mtr 1n: Ju1r JO. 1•11. ,.,. B..,.,.1, J, Mtddu, OeP1>t't' County cr.,k. P1>bll>htd Ort n<l• Cot•! Oollv Jlll1t, Jyly n. 30 1114 AuO<Jll I. IJ, ltll 7011-11 ly t. ,,, 2J. lO 1'11 lll'f.71 LEGAL NOTICE 1'"·1"71 f'ICT1TIOUI IUSINISS NAMI! ITATIM•NT Thi fo!lawlllll OlrtMf ftt dol1'19 bu1lntll '" COltl!Y'S POOOLI! f'AllLOlt. 1"'31 Jt dt ll. Vt ll'"lft 11\11 11t1tmtnl flltcl wllll t"9 C-'Y Cltrt Of Or•,,.. c°"""' on: Jutv 1. lfn. ,.,. e ..... :IY J. Mtclolox, °'""IY c-.nty (llr11;. ,'-"llllhtcl Ort.... C111st Dlltr ~. J111Y '· 1•. n, », 1tn 117•11 LEGAL NOTICE lek• .Strttt, Gt rden Grov•, C•lifernl• 1-------:~::::------· ttto ,. 11111 G ... l ltlEl M. COll EY, J 101 JllCTITIOUS IU•INlll M1odowlor1c Orlv1, Hun!ln1tan lei CI\, ,.AMI ITATIMINT Cl lllornlo f'lilt Tftt fellOWl~t ,_,...,, t rt 'ftl!flt Lon "'· COlll!!V, 5701 Meodow!1,.. bv11n111 11: 0'1vo, HuMl~g!On llt1Ch, C•lllo,~11 SKVl"AllK MIOICAl OllOUI', l710l f'U~f Skyp1rk IM...,. Suitt ,I.., Ir y In•, LEGAL NOTJC!t T~ll bo!ltllH h bt!nt co...iuc!ed l!y 1 Cllllornlt. 1----------------i"•!ntrohl•. Oon•ld IC. Kt llY,. M.D .. 1• Cllllll'Y .. 11111 Jl lCTITIOUI IUt!Mlll NI.Ml( STAT•M•NT SIONl!!D: Gel>rltl M . Corer Park 1!!111, L ..... Loi• .o.. Corty Ot vld M. Mi>ll. M.O., l l!IN ... Th\1 1lt1tm•~I fill<! wl!h The Countr HtWllWfnt, lntltwtOd. Till followln1 PttlCW!I ere dolllg b ... 1"4'11 ••: Cl1rk of o .. not Counl'Y"" Jvly I. u11 Irr l 6rl1 I. Ltvln, M.O., te.s w. !7'111 st .. ,..,,,,Y J. Mlddo" 0e...,r.-Cou"tv Cle,.., l..O.. SOUTH ORANGE SUP,.lY. 1HO:I Ml. e 11dr C1r,11, foun111n v 1 IJ 1 y, C1llf0<nlo P11bll1h•d Or1n11 (NII Oellv Piiot, Ju· Alblr!e Hldt l,.., M.O .• UM ll_., )y t , 16, ,J, 30 1911 lllf•71 T1ri1nt. Sc""' Orangp SupPIV, JnCOfPOfl!td I.I. LEGAL NOTICE C•lllornlt Ctn>ctrot\en), ll?Ol Ml, llldYl-------:~cc:-------Cl rclt . F""ntol11 Vtllh•. Ct lllnfnlt JI 11Jl1 Tllh 1>111lnu1 Ii cendvctt11 bY I CM• ,ICTIT10U5 IUl lNllS .orltlon. NAMI: ITATIMEMT Jem•• V, H11d Thi l~lle,.IM Pt•IOl'I 11 <IClno bus1Mll Thi• bu1lne11 11 coMvcttd by G-11 f'tr!Mrt~l1. Oen11d K. Kell•. M.0. """°' Publ11/>td Or1ng1 Cotti D•ll1 f'Htl, Jull' 1•, 13, lO encl Avt uH '· lt11 1,_...71 LEGAL NOTICE Pre11aent Thlt ••lle..,ent w•• 111..i wn~ Ill• Coun· IY c1~rk al 0•1noe Ccuntv on July 4, tt71. 10: BUDS BEAUTY SALON, :U.C V11 [-------.,cc,,",;·,------• Ol>Orto, Mtw_.1 fl•1c~, C•lll0t•I•. f'ICTITIOUS IUllNllS Publloh9d Or11191 Coto! Ot!IY "llel, Mory M••lt L1n11ll'l9, mo L•~~ P•rk •• ' '' lint, Nt ... fff! ll•trJ\, C•lllor•lt . M .O.Tll!"MIMT Jul'f t, I•. ,J, JO, l'71 1I00-71 Tht !Oil-Ing Oltll>llS t ft 4tlfltl Tftl• but!nt•• 11 btlno col'IC!uctiN:I by t n .,..,,1,..,. •1: lndl~ldull. LEGAL NOTICE Ml•Y Mirlt L&n•I"" POW'~ GEN!£ 5.1.lES, 1111 !'r1ncl• T~I• sl•t'""'e"' 1l1td wl!n 1~1 counlv Ltnt. '"''-Mut. C1111. f?l?i , 11111 ,ICTITIOU' I UllNllS N.O.Mll JTAT•MINT (!tr~ at Or•nte (fKJntv on: Jul• IJ. 1911 (, a. Wort~lno1&n, Jr" 1tll 1"r1ncr1 l•""· Co1!1 M•11, Cl \11. fl6U !v Biiiy J. f11r9111n, Otou!Y C""nlY llurleM M, Wo•tftlnwton, 71.JI f'ri nc!i ci.... Ll"I, CoS!t Mtt1. C1llt f?Ui Tloo lollowlng "''IDnl ero doln• btnlMll "ul>ll.,.ld Ort "tl COii! Dt ll• Pii a!, Ju-Tnl• busl ... n Is l>tlnt «<idUC!td b'I • tv 16, 1J, JO tnd Au,.,1! '· lt ll lf1S·71 l lmlttd PirTnl rslllp. WESTEllN flU1LOEIS COMP.I.NV, 8urlfM Wo•!hlntlo" an e trdl Sttt<'!. N•wP<l!"! e11C11, c .11r LEGAL NOTICE Tnl• 1r1t1m1nt llltd w!ll! I~• '''"'"' Oon•ld O. Motl. 111 lllvltr1 W1v.[----------------[C ltr~ tJI Or•neo COllMy on: Julr '· lt!l. LHoM l11c~, Calll. , 111n !Iv 8t"v J, l!lt rtM•n, Ot~ury County Thi• bu1ln~u I• o&lnt CondudH by •n ,ICTITIOUI IUllMISS Cltt). ltlCll•ldl>'OI , NAMI! STATIMl:Nl P ubll1~ed 0•1n9e Cot11 OllfY "llol, Oon11d O. Noel T~t tcllowlng pt 'IOn 11 dolnt bJs!ness Jolr '· l&, 13, Jn, lf71 ucs.n T~I• •1Utm•nt Ill"' with lht County '" 1-----------------Cluk al Ort ntt Co1mlv en: July 6, ltll. ,LliVIM ASSOC!AT&S, 1605 Shir· &v ~etty J, B.,g1t1n, 0 11utv Counlr lntlM "l~c•, Mewoot! ~e1rn. Ct Hf, C.l<!rlt Ho'1!10 "lt•ln, 160J $~trlng!cn Pla~e. P_.,bll•h11! O••ne• Coe•t 0 1lly PllOI, Mtwoert leecn, c1111. Ju•r t. 11, 7J. lO. 191\ lllS.71 l~ls 1>u1lnui 11 btlno cc.,.,uo!td by •n LEGAL NOTICE , l\Jll ,1CTITIOUt l UllNlll Mt.Ml! STATIMl .. T T~• fol!o,.1no l't"O"• 1•• doln1 bvtll\t,_ I S: Nl!:WPO•T OOG GllOOM!NG, ?fll].C NtW"POrl l l1d., M•woort lttch lndlYlduol. Metold Pl•vln TM1 1111tmtnt lll•d wl111 th• c"""'' Cltr~ o! Ort nv• C<W"!~ e~· J ul~ lJ, 1'11 llr l!ltl!Y J. !1•11ttn, 0.pvtv County (luk. "u(lol1e~ld Ort net C0t1I 01llv Pll.,., Ju. TY 11-Jl, lO t nd Au1uu I, ltl1 191l-ll LEGAL NOTICE Jt1n Poul ~1111t. ,. o. ••• J31e,+------cco=c--------[&Plllr•r<> ltKft ,.JJ101 GI00-1t J S•e..11, I" 0. !"' l&U. l'"I CTIT10US IUllMISI C1oj1!rano !t11n N.O.MI ITtTIMINT TM• 1>111lneu I• IMll"t c-..c1H ~y •~ Tht follewlnt 11trJ.On• •t• no ;nt lrldlvld1>t l (l'lu•l>rlnd ' Wlffl. t>ualneu •• J•I" f'tul !?1••1 C. B. OEVELOPMl!!NT COMP•M"1, T~h t !tl<mtn! fi!td wllll !ftf (CHonly f!•llH•I I•• Clu b, 171! W Cot>! (lttk O! Ortntt COUMY &n Julv IJ, !'11 1'11•hwiv, NiwP0'1 Btt<h, (t ll•. '1460 l'lv Eltt!Y J. !1rg1ltn o .. uty Cw~!y w1111am A. 5,.,11h, ,,,, 'Neotl!llld (l<tk O'I••. Sfttfmtn 01~•· Co. '1.Cl. LEGAL NOTICE ,.1ur1 ,ICT!l10UI IU$1f'llll NAM• STATIMIMT T~1 loll~wlnt ptr1on1 ••• '911'19 Dv11"eu 11: 1105!-lOOS MEOIC.O.L GtltOIJ•, 71!1 c:ommonwt1llh. fl utnt f'lr~. Ct!lh!rftl•, Wtlttr M 1-folltr•n, M.0., 1JJ4 Sun1~l"1 Otl•t . Gltnclt lo, CA. fUOI. E•lll•• Adl!•n. Mo.. im JOY!ft ~~~s•t A•enu1, Loi A"ltltt. , ~.lo Tomnt v_ .O.rc11on •• M.D .. lU• WU""' Crt!I A•t•ut, S1...,le Cll'I', Ct. tU61. 1(1m1I S. ll1lldl. M.0 .. 1 r f t HollJrldle O•I••· Ln Afllt l••· Ct. "'"-J•C~ J. l•c•.rr1n. M.O ... 7111 NlcNlt Ctnvon llotd, l M .l."Oelet, C•. ~ W•"" l ~"" /'lo O 1t10 LtuMrdii)t; LI CrelCt"''· (1 till< Al•~ 8lv"'tl'!l\tl. M 0. :Jiil te!Orl!lc 1-v•nut , .o.11t. ~. Lt• 1-•Mltt, t 1. Robtn J Ire•<~"'" Mo , Ji604 Pu~llVotd O••nvt (MU Otily P•lot Jul• (111 NOl(klf. 11?1 w .. t \~. n . )(l ll•d .O.ut u" !. It /I l'IS If IHt M\'I ... Selbo•. (All! Co••! llOYl l WOOCJs Pla<t . s~"''"'" Ot kl, c-. t i Wll LEGAL NOn CE Thi• l>u1ln on II conducl•d b• 1 Pl•!· 111r1ni.. Wll\t1m ,I, Stnllt> Tuna Ml"O (ftlt nD, M 0., 34.Y WM)0\11 Cr101 "'•tn1>e. !1.,.,10 Cl!•. Co •"6' . T~om•• w c~. M.O .• lllf Co"']"" l lr>dc. Sour" l'•••<1~n1, Ct . · Come on in the waters fine ... your own private membership lake ... just 90 minutes from L.A. '·1'9:11 Jt(TITIOUI I UllNf i! ,,,.Mii ST.l.TIMlNT Th• t&llowlno ot•1on1 ''" aclnt bu•ln•n .. it;OV!t fll'S J~WEI !Pl , l lJ.< P.rl1lol 11 . SoMt~ CNI•! r1e••· Co111 Ml!'le, C1l1f&rnl1. ~1616 l1w•cn'!, In< I• C•Olfe•nl• cet- ""'etlo"l, Jll3 Brl\to• ~1 ltt>v th Cllla! "lit•, (0111 Mii&, (olilo•nlt , "61,. T~l1 •ll+lmtnl w1 1 fllld w11~ 1~• Cnvn tv Cl••k cl O•Antt County on July 1. lfl\ JOMN OlllLACM, J•. ,l,ll .. •IY 11 l t W !HU y.,,1ur1 l /vd .• lwl!t *~ Sherm1n Ot~I, C1lll""'lt ti .. ) T-11141 Pnbli•~tcf O••~O• '°"'t 0111• Pile!, Jut' f "' l:). .)), 1~11 U0-11 LEGAL NOTICE 'o&trl G 01vlr. M 0 . '"' la.I~ L•••r•tt• Pa•k PltCr. Aft XI.I. Lot "'"'''"· ,. "f(\11 Oon1id 0 Oa•ll, M 0 ,. 1110 lltntlil • Ro•d. &rcodlt , C~ tloo.I ffolllo d• I• C•vz, MO . •IO~ W•91i ""'"~t. MOflft•ldtf, Ct . l ll1'. Thi• bu•l ... u h lleino CO'M!MC!l<I DY &[---------------- J•cob S Cllttto, MO., Ull C1rmi11 Crtn Orlvo, Loo A"otlel. Ct. "-"""· Jou Pll T. Edmun111, Mo , taG S""llt SKon<1 S1r111. •1~1mDr1, (1 Me<rlo I!!. E ln nblr1. M.O, ~ ,..,d1101 .O.•lnLJI , Mor!~rldat, Co •11'\ , Pev1 ., ~1 .. 1u , J1 ., 1>t ,11.,t•ldH Avt"ut, P11IOtnt, (II. f110S. t<l•~Of•llon Joueh r !:oven. ""' Tftl1 t!•l•ment llltd w!lfi !ht '"""IV Cler~ et Or1nt• CeuMy Ol'I; J11ly 1, 1'11. WILLl.O.M M,t,LPlltN •ttorn•Y 11 Low 10"9 Wll1lllt1 l lY•. , 1Utl ,ICTITIOUS IUUMl$S NAMI ITATIMINT Tt.1 1011.,...rn1 1>tr110ru 1r1 bull~t>t II: Oa.ll.O.PI!! OAJRV, ,i,.v1 .• c:eu1 M•••. T""mv J. Ot ll•l>O• AYt., (Ot!t MHI. dGlnt A. V. Fr11e•, M.O , ~XI N.,lh l"!'l\t '''"'' G1eMll1, Ct . f11!11 no f'1ulorll'lC c. E. Giull~cl. M.0., lt.IO w111w6of Swimming, boating, 1fishing, water skiing •.. all on your own private lake. Here is the close·in week·end resort you can enjoy without having to drive hundreds of miles to get to. Canyon Lake is a del uxe private membership lakeside resort built around a huge freshwater lake (14.9 mile shoreline). A private "Sports Paradise" 25 miles south of Rive rside complete with a beautiful country club lodge, .. 18 hole golf course ... small boat marina ... Village store ... 12 acre equestrian center ••• 31 acre Mobile Home Park •.. white sandy beaches .•• a 3 mile ski course. AU fa cili ties complete and in use now! Members and guests only! All information concern in g recreat ion facilities, association dues, regulations, etc. may be obtained at Sa les Informatio n Center on site. rttUJl ca11u1nv LOTS FROM $7900. • ----------------------------GA1'E PASS FOR ADMITTANCE THIS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY P1eaN pniMnt thi1 pns-c:ouPDn 10 lht guard 1t our en1ry gala tiouae. It wnl urv1 11 your g•te p111. It will 1110 1ntitle you ind your family to (1) lrto tio.t ride 1round C.nyon U k• 1botrd THE CANYON QUEEN. Dl"ECTlONS PPIOM LOS ANGELES: Go south on Hwy. 395 from Riverside •bout 2!i mMea }Ult pest Sun City to N1wpo11 Road-1hen right on Ntwpo1t Ro•d •bout 5 mnu to •ntr•ne1. DIRECTIONS f"OM OAANOE COUNTY: Take Nswpnr1 Fwy. trt Coron.,... 1t1•n .aou\h on Hwy. 71 •bout 26 mll11 to 1'111lro1d Canyon Ro16-th1n left about 2 mll .. to ootrtnce. ---------------------------- • ~H ,...., .. ,., Cell!, '"11 T·11Mt Publ!•h"' Ori n•• C~ttl IY t. 11, 1J, -30, ltll 011!v Pll~•. Ju , .. n LEGAL NOTICE JI.,.,,. l<ICTIT!OUS I UllNl il N"1'11 STAT11'11WT T~e !Ollowln, pe"l"I trt OOl"G IH/llntN 10: SOUTHERN CAL IPOltNt.I. .O.T· TOAMIEY ~l!!PVICIE, 0 1 AYtnldt Arien1, S•n C•emenle. C1lllofnl1 f1'11 GLOltl.O. AllLINI. flLAl:I, '31 PllCI, Jl""'ont , C•. f lfll. • 110 Pt~!ot lNI H1.Wrl P H1t01ler. M 0 . Z911 " Nlc,..,111 C1nycn llle1d. LM A~ttlt1, (a. • ... . T"" 0 . OtlllH. ,.'1 ll;lvt t IOI<!, CorOl'le. T•••ll M. 0 .1110•. ne P•ul1r!no A••, Cotlt M1M. T~•• bv1lrieu It bt!1'19 cor>ducled l>Y • l"111Mflll!,. Tt•tll M. OtlltH T~ll .. t!tmt nt llled wllt1 "'• Clu"IY Cttr~ &IO"""'' rou~h o~: Jul• ll Jtll I v ltll'o' J . !••Mltn, Ot...,1• Co1>nl)o Cl1•k P~bll"'Pd Or1n11 C:Ottl Oellv Pile!. Ju. 1y 11. T.I, JO i ncl .o.vov1t •· Jfll lf~71 W1~~ H/tt..,, M 0 , 111 NOflt> A~~,_. Vl1t1 11....r , l" A"9tlt1. Ct. ftl!Uj,_ • Multi A JOl'lnt10•I , M.O , 1)6 MOflil !tlmont, Lot Angtlff, C1. 9002,_ · .• Htl~I l . 1(111<1. M.0., U I] Or11n1>u""" V•" ,_.,.,,, Ct. t 1t01, • Edwtrd L_ 11'1•1, M.0 .• m1 l lVl'blll .... tnMt . MO<lll Moll"""""', C:1. .,. Jotm H. l lll'Yd, M.0., !SU M ..... Hl•WOOCI A•t...,., A!Of. 10. Loo A"llittt Cl.'1!&16. . Allt n I , Mlr,1n, M.O., 1"1 Lt Tlftf( I OUlt••rd, ,..,,_OOCI, (1, t.vt n!d• ""'"'· 51n c11 • .,...11, LEGAL NOTICE s11n•1• M~rl1, M.O., JO')J "'" ~"' Avtnu• .... DI, I&. Ltt>ii lltl<~. C1. tll,. , fst4 Jt mtl B, Ml,Ofl, M.0., Jl1' Mii 1,. C1!IM•nl1 tltl1 [----------------! T~I• l>li1!..,.1 11 btl,. urnluctlld br •• l~d!•IOVll. S/GlORIA .O.llLINE l l.0.1(1! Thl1 •lllt..,tn1 111..:1 wl!h "11 c ... mv Ct .... Ill Ore"ltl (..,nr,. G• June JI, lt 1! !ly ltYtrly J . MlddoK, ~ly Ct1m!y Cl••~ P1>DlllhNI O••t>ii• Co11! DlllY P!lel, Ju. ly f, 1~. '3, JO, IOI 1UJ.11, LEGAL NOTICE l'"ICTITIOUS l Ul lNISS W~l!t~f, Ct fOMI. M•M• STATIMINT SY!•U! .. P. No•m•~. M.O .• ~ c~ T~t loll1wl~ll ptrtOIOt 1'1 OlllM ntM Sl rfft, lono !•1cll, Cl . f!llltt. llu1ln111 t i: R<ll>tr1 (. M.-t. M 0 .• 1C1 OM6fti1 '.O.K'AI Ml!!WPOllT ... tlO(IATIU, OrlYt, Gl1Mtoll, Ce. f11G7 JOfl St n Joeavln llO&d, Mow-! 811cn, lllC~trd Onel•!o, M 0 .: l ffol Mlri4 . Ct!lle<nl•. Al.t•t r>drll, LOI A,,.alet , C.., !'0027. • GAtlM fl1k1r. ttC C~ttln~I Str~t!, L'°"'rd G. PC1W1ner. M.0 ., lll)t a1n ~••nc:IKo, c ~111ern11, Woodv11, lload, E11<I...._ Ct . •u1•. , .O.llriN:I 5. Wlltev • .,, G•ltn St'"'· GrtdY w. lte111n, M,o .. •1• Mlf'"lh Son ~·•11<IK11, ColOfO••le M8rlPO ... LOI "'"gtlt1, ,,_ toc!JI . 1411 'Ml TMt bu•IMH I• llClllt (-UC!~ b'f • H1nry E. ltoNn. M.O .. nlol 1C.1.-..1,,_ NOTICI! TG CllDITO•I ltMrll t1rl,,.,.IJ\lp. ltCld, lM Antt!~" Cl . fOOU. , SU,ltltlOtlt COUllT OJI TH• "0EtltS0" 1.0.l<AllH C'""'ent R ....... u. M.O .. li0)$ .,.~ $TA.Tl Oii (AllJl<MllNIA •Oil TM1 1lt l""'Hrt nllld wltll !)It C<IVnfY Dr"'•· E"'-lno, Ct. • TMI (011NTY tlf' Ott.ANO• Cltr11; M Ortllfl c ... nl'Y M: Jun1ti,1t". Ront!d kllMIM, M 0 ., l)IV, IWtm. • ,., jli..fff.Q I V 11 ... rl'J J, Mtddo>; 0.PlllY CDUM~ $Tritt, M1M1t!ln ltlt /\, Ct. tol<M. , -, ft!•le ti MILIN tit. MOllG.O.M , Cl.trk. l.111111 f . S<l\111. M 0 ., 1Ct1 Owlollll Doctio.td. tnfl S1rM, l..,llt , c:, tOIH. • ••• NOTICE I! Hl!!ltE!Y GIVEN to lllP P1>brlth..i OrlMf COit! 01!11 Piiot, Ii"""'"" I_ 5.,,.,,~, M 0 ., 1114 \ c•tdl•or• tJ1 Ille 11>6•1 "'""" 4o<tdl"! Jutv 11, Jl. 30 •NI "'UO••ll •· 191) 1'11-71 Hll hl•"" 01~1 O•"'•· Arctc111, Ct. ' !~II •fl"'""°"'' ht Yil'l9 cl•lfnl ... Intl""' •111 ... t.. Sm1111, M.0 ., 17ollll 1-'t r ••kl •«111...t l rt '"ulrt'd WI 1111 ,.,...,, LEGAL NOTICE L.,.•~ •• Pltct . l'twntl,,.i.,. It-cl\, ·~,;, : w•m !!'It ...ctnery voucro"'· In''" ot1lc•'--------~--------I of fM Clll"t. of IM •lloYI tlllllllld <""1, «I At"'-" +t S~Yd..,., MD .• 15511 Viti• 1' !O ,,,_ ltMl!'I, wllt1 !lie ""'"'"' I'" llfU H•Yln I.ti-Id, ~'"'•n 0 1-1. Ct. t l•J. YOYCl'oin , Jo 11\t w...,..olfl'ld tt 11'11 liw JllCTJTIOUI IUtlNIJI """'°"" !. S1>lil1, M.D .. "''' 'l~~f otllcu of McOWl!!M. Ot!•M • 8"1LVIA. NAM• ITATIMI MT Avtlll>t, A1>I. tl, lM A1>1t l••· c •. 'l!lm. "° E c,, ....... " ........ o ....... C•ll"'""•· T!'lt lollewl"9 ..,..... ••• dol,,. """• T Vt n O•o .... 11\.0 ' •DI 111,,, f~I. wl\Jcn 1. !lit PIACI " M +111 .. Ill buUl\ltl ••. f'llCt, llll ........ 1.,, c •. ~ lllt Vndtrt!I ..... I~ 111 mtlllrl M rlt!"lfll Jlll!JACI, 1'1S7 Nt •bll' l tvd .. , ... ~ l""' W, Wt lltct , MO , t.il A Slvllt' "ltM ttlt!t OI t tld dKN"''· Witt.In r1111r tlln V1llfy, C•"'· OrJvt. "" Otlltl•!, c •. t int. lftOl'lllil din 1M /lflt ""l lkl lleft « tflll Jdln J, M•llofl.fY Mlll DOYie Or., Hllfl. JtMtt J, W-rull, M.0., JUI .,,.,.. ftOllft , tlnt lO" l•tcti. C1llt. !Ori S!rMl. Ol""'Dtlt, C... f!l'Ot. D• .... Jo ... ,., 1t'1 GH1ldlM M. Mthonlv. '¢111 Olrr1t Wllltt M, 11•11••••. M 0 WILLIAM Ii. MOtltO.O.H D• • Hy~ll!'flln lltcti, C11\! T~l1 bulll'tU 11 bllftt <Pdue!e<I IV I !•tculOO" el "" Wiii T~I, bu•I"'" h btl ... ~vt!ld llY • ••Mr•I ''"'"'"M" OI lflt 11>1>W ••'"I'll dltHfoltl •U•t"""llll• W11!1' M. 1'1&11.,an, M O M~IN, Glllilfll & t"T!..VIA Jalon J Mtt..it...Y T~ll 1tt1111 .. n1 Ill"' wllll !~t C&ullft Ht I , Cll~"''" ..,vt., 1•111 A Tn1, 11,1 .... 1n1 1n.i ,..,"' "" (;e\lflh' Clltt er o,,,.., cou .. ,., Oft Juiv Jt 1' O,..M., C111fW1111 tu1t c1.,, " O••ntt '"""tv on; Ju1v 1)1 11ri. '' "'"''"' J. MMOO, ..,. , c' n, T•h 6lWlfl •~ telly J. ••••1,..., Dl.utY ... ,,,.,. c11,.., u Y ovoibo' A1'trnlrl'I '9r l•K•I.. (l••·k. f<l'J-0C Publlt~M Or11111 Co1st Do lly il'llet. J1vbll1llHI 0••"'' C111l Olli¥ f'llol, Ju. ,ubtl•~"' o""g' C&eo D•I!¥ nuet JulY '· 14 ta. JO. 1f71 nn 11 !y 11. 1], JO Incl AOtVOI 6. 1111 1P41VI Jul~ lO '"° AIOllUS! I, Jl, Xt. lf11 )101-1i -"" -------1 \\ -·~ I ! . ' . .,. I l ( 'I Ala111itos Racing E1itries 11•101v Jl,ILT •• 1tn '"'' ,., <l••r & 11•1. ""' ••ti ,,4.1 •-11'1 n ~ithlly -•I• •~ hi & t"" r1cH U 1•1<11 .., Uh & ti~ r1c10 •ti.IT •.1ic1 -l v11• 01111 I. uo ISO """''· Cl1lmlnci. Puru IJODO. Cll•m •r>Q ...... il6(IO 111111., (OllYCl l (W1r~f L•" C.o Si m IP-.itl soo111a .,,,. lllP~.,,.1 TM!dv ll••r Too (W•l•<l"l ~~" c."ti' ~~·:i~~~••I ..... ~ ... '111110• f1<1•tl Trt11 C1n l'Jy IA.<11lr) MIMI" Cl11>1>..-iPffnOf) l lUv C.'!•tT (f11n-1l AIM 1 11111>11 o.lt < 4 SoO u~,,..11111 V1 ntll ll•ro f(1r<11>r1 • "' "' '" '" "' '" "' "' ' " '" '" "' 'llCOJolD ll"CI -Ull vo•c• J >'••• ola1. Clt lmJ,.., ouroo llOOO Cl1IM1no "''t• tl500 C.o M l,.. !ll1nk>I ~~:: i~"1111~"1r.~'nor\ lrn1'1 Mork (W•r<ll I Ur<l<Jnl V f.•P•• .. f"'"•enl c,...,., Em ((rMDv l ~.,.'i~~ fl;:-O~/Hlt!f J.-. " l""• {A<11lr\ l ot M1rl1 (LIO~Aff'l .... lll!tll>!• ICiuU'"'-1 !l''•o•l •11>11 S!•to• !(1r11011 l ~.c!\1111 IW1rlll l o Lo (1<1utt1 (W"•on\ J(ll'TM •&Cl -UC! Yl •lll "' "' .. "' '" '" '" "' " ' "' "' "' "' "' el"J A.llow•"<•• ll11'1l U ll'll Sv•1•1>" Dotlnor Gonor1! M1n100,.. Ch1,.1U1!11tv fL1 pn1"'i 116 116 Wl'ie fHorll 11t T., Tl"y !Word\ 11t Judv"• W""d~r IW••d1 lit lllddv Wise llCt"l•l llt Fuft l11"S Ml>! !Wl'1""l 11, Imo HU>Tlt r !(a•<l"lll "• Tr1;19-·Grll (Wal....,\ llt Y• Gel Trl)llbl• !lltrn1rl :l~ Jot'• Lodv lu;r.., (~\~f~! 1.,11""""'" (Ad••rl ~" ... i:· J!'.,, <pc:::~:.1 - ,,, "' "' "){TH llA(I -l•f vord• l Vt•r "ldl 4 \JP. A.llDWl "Cfl. l'u•JI t!JOO 0111 ~rondv (Adolr\ 1n Gol"o.,110 IMl!cn•lll 1•n In Jl•m1m!)r1nc1 IW••"l 11' "'" £ddi1 (L1on1ml in II">""' Luc~ (P•rnod 111 ICil!v'• 51G• (McOon1ld\ lll Clluv ~""'''! l(••~P/O l Ill ~.1~~~:.n:=·r~.(1~':'t~1 ::: ~•VINTH llA(I -.1~ vat>\• 'v•., 1111• & un. A.llPwonc:•• Puru 0600 1~• Gvr& Club. lwM !ll ltr Ml" l ... doid •~•· Troe•• !W•'•""l A.llr11htlc ~81nk1) "' "' "' '" '" "' "' ". 1Cn111 Pro 1or1v1•I o -1~d O"lv !Strouu! lJ"cte "'"' IH1r!! '.';u <I 11··v1r Wi" IP1r.,.,l l(lotv'• C•-• (lo'11JQnnl lllU!TH IAC[ -)YI v••rt• l v•or •ld enlh 4 ,.1oi"••· llu•H 1t:ioco T~• L<» Nlnoo ' " "' "' '" "' "' '" "' "' •u ur•O (11&1• t W•ton~I 51~ 011..,Cl'd• !Wo•dl .. ~t•IPCI• Ml•• !Aeo\d '"!•• Jt11<••t 1s ..... ~1 Tlnv ~It! (i.•<!l l ec•·,1 Te Mt <Cor<ICI,.) G& [)eublo Go (llo•n"I "no<:do•t fllanoml Dir• N Dl~dY !Cre•bv) NIMfH •ACI -ll'o~ Vo•O• ~•d• & ua (101..,l•a 1.u•u 11'Klll '~" afi<• 1l~CO llr;o1p (M1t•UO•I .-1_,t To G& IW•rd\ G-•'• Twle !(•.,•b•I M""I 011! !A ll;•n~\ L•t•~ft" !Ha rl\ 0.. Ju""• !ll,,...om l l-ll VI Ooubl• (WrleM l T~r&!ll1 lock !Wl!1e.,1 ' " ", '" '" "' "' '" "' LONGFIN ACTION -Di<"k H1 <:c (left I of La llabra, and Bruce Ha1npton of ("osta t.·l<'sa bagged SC\"('O albacore reccnlly on the boat Sea llorsc. fron1 1he ne"' Dana \Vharf ~portf1F h1ng la11d t11g "1n l)an;i l101n L Jiarbor. The Sea Horse runs nightly 1at l lJ for al· bacore. Albacore, Bass Cotn1ls Still Up • 111 Area Seas I Spnrlsfi_<;hing in 0 r a n .c r Coast area \1"<1 lrr.s cnntin11r' nn lhe hri,l!hl !'.Id{' 11·11h b;i ~s ;ind ;ilb:icnre h1ghh~ht1ng ar- tion in every d1rect1 on. Ari"• L:ind1n~ 1n :--.·e"·port 1 Ar;ich nl~n rrpnrt~ r;nod ))ass 1\rt1vi ty nu1 nf Oavr\ ·~ l.-0eker in Newport Reach r<'~ main~ busy with Thur~d;i~ ·s alb;irnre 4'nunt at 22 fnr a dn7.cn an11:lers . \lo::\ nf !hr 1':11- ches havr hcrn 1n thr 18 II) r::inge. 1nclud1n2 a 26-pounder in Thur srlay'~ h;iu! The red 11dr that pla,e.urd Southern Cahlornia brach<'~ rer£'n!l) has shn11n l1ttll' f'ffrrl in the area ;:i s the 1\ ;:itrr~ ri·- n1;i1n clear and '>l'arm 168 10 7U degrrrs 1. Ras" count~ ;:i t O;ivr1 -~ 111'rr lislrd al R!Xl Thr h;:il;inrr of harral'ud;.i, h.1l1b111, rock r1 ~h. hon11o and othrr~ ;1·ere pn lhc skimpy si de Jn totals. .:1hnve 11lb;irnrr •lnkl'~ A 1n1al of !'Ill ;in~lrrs neUed a-17 b;i~''< 20 ;ilharore, 11 hnn 1tn, 27 r(l('k f1•h 2\1 n1;irkr!"r·I .ind I~! blue ba'is in Thur~cl;i~ ~ round~ [)~1 r1 ~, Ar· ~ :i11d !);ina \\"h::irf in nana l'oint h;ivr ;ilh,:irnrr b<J<ils lra1·inR n1 ,11 htly Thr n:1na r o1r11 l;i11r11111! ha~ !hrrr ;ilh;icorr ~<•rite.~ n11!htly 11 1lh 11111 hnals nn I he i·h;irtrrrd 1 i s l. '!'hursd<1.1 "s 1 ·n11n 1~ ll"1rd 34r1 has". :-is har- r;1t't1<!:1, .14 h11n1t11 IO 3 rnat l..rr£'1. lhrre h<tl1b11l ;ind l.'i n11~r1•l l:inro11~. Thill r'o11nl r.1n1r 11ff bo.i t ~ 111th l!"i~ nnglcr~ ' Alamitos Resiilts l I II 11 I I n R I 0 n Spnrl ~f1<h 1nR irpnrt~ ~/~ ha~s lnkrn and I.if! n1i~rellilnl'.'ous for .1!1 angler.~. I ci.or ' 11u1 l'll J1' IACI -•IY' v•·~· > v••• ll'"' ·~~ 110 n •lm '"ll Pu•,. 1?0'.ltl "~"~"•nl A01I•) '~ lAn ,,,.. J !{I J '° ,. $1CONO ••Cl UI) ~"~' l ,.., •lft• Cl••m'~o """' l 'OI'" """d"""" ("'D•"l •an l •~ 1 1n r .. .,. '""" 1C1•n•»•' •(ICI ·1n OO<tl v J on• !l•P"I"'! ''0 j·~ n 1 ,1n 1•n •1~ •~·•no ""'''' •·~• T .. ~Irr. 1"1uwm \"I· l••llt \t•n • "'"'°· C.ot!>O •l~O Mt Oov.n "'~ •t•••t~f> n Nl&.,Tl"I' DOU.L I -I-Jun l(>I lo~ & 19·"'"'••111. lloln Ill *! T"'••O ll•CI -HO •••n• M•,n•n J ~•., nl~• "'"'" \\0:10 ""''~" Cn••o•r IW•l,.,nl •In 7'" '~ l o C.,,,n''" ILl~~•ml 1 '11 l ]II """"'"o o.~11 1 •lh•~n\ 11n l i<nt II j 1n 116 ~•" Chi(• M•n•• \n•<• fll~••· 51vton1~ """" J1rt1'" """'"' Ii& "5tr1•!~" !l0UllTl4 RA.Cl -ll" vo•~· \ •••• "'r\.l 1nn 110 (101..,1.,. "'""" 111'Wl llopy "•nlo !Jml•hl )l)(ICI 100 l•~ -DC.lnJ ln>ll" (Llllll•m l 11~0 • :n ,.1111':.' 8•1 ~ ~~r:•••l i ·n A.11~ -oc• Ol.o1•1r ~., ~nv. ""'" •••· M• Ml"'· (~lt~Odll(ll•f N& ><•••cnH. ll lllTH IACll!-J)I va,o• T "'""' Ol!)t tirN·•~ (•Ill .O.llew•~c., Pur1t llln) Mr "'"''"'""' t8•n••I J.ttl ! IOl l 40 v.,fMr•blt (Hlrll JOO ',, T-et•I 1!11""' (AH,..,..) I tkl Tl"' •-It 1 llft AIJot ll•ft "'""" '" Bor < ""''•O 1'11•. O•Nlv'• JI!, Wit(~ C•o!I, av ... ·• ""~·-· l'tn •c•1lch•• fii,TH llACI -l lC >••d! l v••• "If!•~"~ 1111 Clolml"'I """' 1711"1 Mr 0~tn11ntll!y l~ornor)•., l «'I ll.e Ml!IM"\ '"" J•V (J...,11~1 I ltl 1 ~~ M•. 0111rtt Hiii 11,i.n1m! I Ill Ti"" -.u •llft ._.,. Jt1n -cur '"' le••· Id• """· Mldwt v Tem. "'' A.8...,111!•. G'""" lorft.' · " No •<•ltr.~ .. tJ llACfA -I-Mr. 111,.1 .. all!Y & t --111'1 II~ Jo•. 11•1-IJJI .... ' CHOOSE FROM .A CHOICE SELECTION TODAY • . • .> ll I •~•~ . ...,,., IL,~r~on) ''" Ttmo i'(l < 10 "'110 l>on l'~f ! r ('"••ft•• ~''"'' G·r> !oo O•• "''"~' N" «••"~" EIG.,TH ll ACE lYI '"'~' 1 '"" "'"' """ \If' {""'' .... • '""'""<" """' 'J(('tl OM Von•o.• AO•••I J'Vi 1)0 )•~ OM-IC~w~•" <'•• '"" O['••-rort '"" ''~ ,..., ""l•a ""''" ""ft"'\ • n , .,.,, . '" ,. . ..,.. <>•n r.-1 l•r ""''"' ~· "'' r;,,., "'C ~·• n· """ • "• ""'·"~ c~ Nn ""'!C~" DH-Oo•e~ • ., lo• 111 •llNli. l!.ol.Cf -"" •»d• l '''' ~~:. (~~.":"i.,~~·:" 110:-100 l '" ll<' ~.,. W" (•r fl'""'"'' I<~ ''" e ....... ""' ·~·' • "'I I •m• ;J I '' • -G•• r 11 '.'•• "' ~·· ~'" "'"' J• Jr,, ",to• f' '" <!:•n ,... "'"·'· Nn ' _..,.,., 01 £JIA{1 A ID'>"' f'I•• •• l•r w .. c,..,.,, r .. ~ 1li se ANGE LS . • • (C:nntinuPrl from PitJ.tr ?0! con~1rlrrahlr hu~tlP in .~rorinr: frntn .sf'conr! on \"arnr\ "s ~n11f'p7r hunl, l!\I 111~ \";irnr1· a pair of rbi nn 1he r1ghrh-lnning pl;i_v. L;:i M1rad;:i J.!o\ rich in rhr lop nf the ~f'\"l'nlh fr ?n1r "'he n ll 11·as hanrlf'd a p~lr nr markers via f11ur \\'al k.~ and a !"ln~I!'. Thal $11a pprd ;:i 2-;:ill ~1an­ ~AN n~r.o !Mu~•"o•I P·••) •~"' ·r • ,..., • CICfA"S<OE )I~ ''" ••1 11 h,, ••• ,,,,. ~Ot •. ,, ., . ~ ... ., t-~-~ N;~ .. ~~" ~~A 11 .. g!' ·~~·~:; •• ~~'.1 J•n "'"•••·• " ~••1 •M"l;.JllAL RrArH •• •ng•" so • "•."N• I•'"'"'• I O• "'"''"~' 111?1 ••'n ~'" OAN4 WHAllr 1QJ '"~"'"" l•I t-•· .. ~.' • l•h~··· ''"'"' ! ,. ..... " • ~····· •• ··~·'"" llUNTll.G10" Ar .ol.(.H -I)• ·G'"" 00 1 ~·· ' • 'C"r. RE•rw '"'"or•"'' ·n~•••I < • ~ "" ' • '"<M•, ... ,, :1 "'" ~··' < 11>.,mon1 r ... 1 " ., ,. .• , 1'• h• , •••• , '' J>•,q• " ••< '"' ~ """• 1 r.,,,., L •""'n•• "'" ,., ' ·• "" '"""•tU""· <•' • """ ......... •<><I .. t nO 'I OO 11' •"0 .,,. • ' ' "~···· , . .,. t ""' ~"' ~·' h•••• > I'"""" I• not"''' •· ;.I !' ' I i ,, ''' ' • ( ·~hl ~fh (O< ,, •· "'"" ~' ' !i> • 'I• ' • ! o "'" •• • P."O• 1911 ••Q "'' ll h"' •·'" ••• """ •• '" •.• ,. ' " ... , .. 1 0 0Nh"0 I •T •"V'°" l •n '"'''" ~ .. l••lht '"'''""" lv.hl•>f• h•·' NFWPORT IAr!'1 tond•••I - ,.,,.~, I ''""'•"n 11 • ,, tnn ,,...,,.,., I01•1v 1 lG<~or \ •"~"" J • ""'"" '" n•.,•cua•. 190 h•" l "•'-~'" 1\ .,.. .. , ...... SA" PFDllO illno S"••I tond•n•I ' '"" ••' ¥' •'h••~,. (No<m'< t•ndln•\ II' ••<>In\ !I •lh><n,.. l ••""""''' " !>•••.,·•(!• " bo<n·•n .,,-•·•• n•· 'Ill, • ..,. n••· l nol·I><•• t•o•~O &•>' !Vl•I "• l or1<lin1 I " o•q>.,•. I• l•l•G '""· J)A ""' ("" 4~•n 5•m"""I ti -~~I'" l) l••O «><I, •91 '". "'" ro•1 .. Uf.:N~Mt <~ ,~ ~"" '0 ••~a !>A" ~ n1nbu! M.ol.LIRU Pl[I' Jt on~l.,1. <•<"n I ' <I'"'' <"'1 Vf NTU~A ll ~'191'<1. l"' ll li<n t>•• • """"'" r1off \\'t."1m1n~1rr had i?rab-,------------·· bed a 2..0 le;:id 1n lhr fnurlh GOLFERS Wl!h low·Hlnd•<•P•, ProUI<• Al Tn1 NEWPORTER INN PAR 3 GOLF COURSE when (;nrdon Hl;:il.:el<':, cl1111blrrl home Bob Norll11nd anrl r ?J E!"pinosa ,. c. n red Alan I r>egenh;:irdl nn El sacrifice fly !' b•ll. '------.... ~~ CHEAPER TO L.EASETHAN TO OWN '71 Chevrolet ln1p a!a Custon1 coupe BETTER TO LEASE FROM Mac HowaRb AUTO & TRUCK LEASING 124 Harbor Slvd at F1r~t. Santa Ana lelep honi lJl·0607 .. "'· ).I"- F'r.da"f July 30. l'171 _________ D_•_l_tv_P_IL_D_f~2~J~ Vik es Nail Area Gals ~j_r_h_e_A_~_"_"'_'"_._; ™_a,_I !1'_"'_:_~ .. _M_e_i_h_o~d RA, 61-48; 'J...:\l:.E·I:\' ·ro A\010 S\\'AY Off ·the Greens Fini sh 3rd M;irina H1~h ·~ Vlk1 n~s pul the wr;ips on thP H 1in11n~ton Rcaeh s u 111 n1 er baskf'lb:ill league Thursrl11y n1ghl 1r11h a 61 -48 conquest or R;111t"l111 Alam itos in lhe winnrr ·~ gy1n. Thf' vi<'tnrv ,1:;11•e ("na!·h .!11n ~\t•phe11s' <·rrw " rort1on 11[ third placr 11•1th Erl1~nn 1n rlir f111al k1ur stanrl1nj!s lln1h l!'<Jms fin ished with 11-1 n1;:ir~~ brhind undrf{';l\eit ch:>.'np1011 ("oron;i del ~l;i r ;lnrl rtHIUl'rup Huntington Beach 19-2 f. ThP \"1kes nrwnf'd up a n1nf' pni nl lr::id in lhf' first h:ilf 111th crnlcr l)(oan Rogd:1n ;ind .\lark Fnrd pac1n~ lhP il l!ill"k Flo.crlan, with mU~\·lr 1n~1rlr ~C'flrl'r1 11 po1n1~ 11hilr Fi•rd lrrl th e \'1k111g~ "1th a d(1zrn roun!cr~. nirk . .\d;1111s \l':l'i :il~(I in rl nuble f1gu1r~ 11·11!1 lfl po1n1.~ a.~ thf' 11·1onrr~ h;-:l e1i;:ht pla ~·er.~ in !hr sr·nl"ing sre nr M ·ll" Aao"'' !lo•~•·• '•~F''' illo••I•• H•t<•n Mt"lll ltl I n le !! nl IG 4 I ~ 9 . " ' ' ' . ' • • ' " ' ' " •• I I ~\ Unc of the pr11nc.:ausc~uf~hot· n1a king inconsiM ency is kn o>1 n as lhc ".\\\ay." "!his I> a lalcral slid· ing of the h1p \ and/or upper body 10 !he 11ght (Illustration .!"l} on the hacks111n g. '/"he san1e thing is re1 cr~e-s>1a~1ng 1011ard the tar· ~et on 1hc J o11n,11 1n g-ofLen fol· lo"~. I 11her of thc ~c n10\eS is suf- ficient to throw )Our club out of its proper arc and plane. The re - sult is generally a v.·cak , mis 4 ~lrucl shot. If you arc not 111fcting 1he 1-ia ll ~quarely a~~ a fnend 10 se c if ~ou r head is ~lidtng laterally during your S\\!ng. s. ... ? lf it is, nierely address the ball \\ith your k nees slightly bent i1nd pointing in\\atd as is lllusu1111on ~1. I eel that your 11c1ght J'i on the inner side\ of your reel, both at address and 1h rol1ghout ) our h:tck.;1\in g. "fh is should gi1e )OU a steadier upper body nnd allo>1 ~c u to 1nakc squarer conlact on 1nore of your shot'i, Scor e 1n 1111le ol tr i ps, bunk!'~, ua11M ~nd downhill !1~'-w1H1 tile ~t •p A•nold Palmer 0He1~ you in hrs boo~let. ""lroubl• Sllol~.·· A copy i\ yours for 20c 1loni. "''th a s l1mne d, self, ~!ld1ts11d 1nv11opt sen t to Arnoli;I Palm er, 1n c1re ot t his new1- p1per. 4-PLY NYLON CORD Jet-Air"m WHITEWALLS '"' ILACK WAL LS •Ou•' !'ca-: D•• ci • !'lur~Qe"' Auboer 1re1d • Contcvr1ul Sno~loerl &Ill PoQ p,,, • l•.I ! ,. 6~-1 3 S?J 40 -t--6 95-1 4 7 15-1 4 8 2~1 4 Ii !>5-1 ' 1 i": .. I~ 6 25·15 a !>S-15 9 00-l~ 9 \~-15 \21 J~ .\29 9:, SJ~ !\5 • 11 1~ S:"l 'J~ J1~ 6', C•I• p,, • ='"'' I •'O S \I 10 51? 80 $1368 $14 48 s 16 4J S l.l ~8 $14 '18 s 1f 41 LA(;U~A BEACH ~1m rs Wal ler D:1v1!'nn !ll-1 1, ("nrnel!us Tnnmr\' 1851 and Clt-nn 11.1cM11llcn 1117 \ were th~ .,.,.1nnPrs nf lhe thrre f11p;hts of play 1n Sund;iy·s .,.,omcn·s club poker tournament. SA1'"TA ,\'\,\ .Jnhn Knnx re('ontrd an ;:ire l<1.~l \\C'l'k 11hcn he tr;11 ersed the l i8-yard No. 6 hol e 111th a 3-iron. The clu b"s annu;il 1nv1i:ir1onal lnurna rnent is sla!rrl for a >1Prk -lnng run frnm next .Vlon- da}· through Aug 8 Quallf1eat1nns \\"ill I a k r plal'e on :0.1 onda y ;:inrl Tuesd:i~ 111lh \\'rdnesday <1~ an nff-d;:iy and n1at<'h play rrom Thur.~· da1 thrnui;h the following Sun- da~ T.,.,·o-n1an teams 11·1JI ('flfllf>Ctt'. HAl\'CHO SA~ JOAQL"IN Thr 111irnl'n "s elu b hrld ;i p;i1r nf heltrr n1nP !ournr:•s l;is1 11rrk. l.nl;i R11 r!hol11mcw ;ind Fern Srroul firt'd 311~ tn 1iikr A fl1p;hl honors 1n lhr l1r~1 tnun1ey while ./£'an O'Skra t•;:iptured the A flight at 35 •~. Fl£'tly Sr irscn w;ilked off 11•ith C pliiudi!s al 3811 and Kay LeUl\viler wa s the D flight S?615 S?7 !>O 118 95 SlO 3~ S~J 7n S.>6 91l S tO \~ SJJ 70 116 ao \'7 'i\ S•I• f'"<• ,.,., 1 ... S!J •I SI J l!i 11' 48 S1!> 18 S!6 ~O S18 4!> S!5 18 S16 6n Sl.11 45 s 1 76 $7 01 $2 14 \712 S7 50 SJ 16 s~ 31 s21 711--lf---':c'c'o'--1 S71 61! S7 99 '''" cw1 c• "" 1~'.,r•••'•·~·• .,,., •. , .• ,,""'"""""""'''''"' ~·~ ••···· ,•"••r ••l••••·I '""" .•. ,,. .•• .,, • ., •.. , "1nnrr with 38. The ~ceond belier nine meet fnund Virginia lrte v1ctorou.~ in A flight at 401•,, Trudy Bon11 shnot1ng 31i''l to cop the B fl ii:ht, :\'a!alre Bui:krnan and Clona T11l1nai;e 1y1 ng at 3111.'.i u1 C fh.f.lhl an d B;irbarA Adamn on top 1n the !) fl ighl at .1i. ThP rnen ~ clu h !1n1shrd urt ils .11i-holr 1\\"n-man b<!sl b.11\ tnurn:unenl l11~l wrek wilk P:iul Runge and Orrin \\'right deadlor k1ng for r1rst place "nh 126. liun11ni;:1nn FIP.irh'~ drfen- cl1ng n;it1on11l rhamp1on Rick \\'ood~ will '11ll'mpt rn f;:itlPrl his po1 n1.~ lt>adf'rsh1p Fricla.v n1~h! nn lhe r·PJ:llltir sprerh1•av 111nton·1·r·lr rac111g cant at ("os!;i \1e.~;i·s Orange County l-';11rgrnunds . Ar1ion br,c:in.~ ;i[ R wilh 2~ .~r>r;1rate r vl'nt s ;Hld a twf>.\ap n111 !('h r11cr slated P11tung inn~! of thr press11rfl 1111 \Voods from behind are Tnpanc;i's Snnny Nut!rr, Stel'e Aasl nf Van Nuys and Topanga 's Joe F'ilzpa.trick. SUMMER TIRE VALUES Black walls I blom• I G78xl 5 BELTED $1695"' 2.RQ 600x1 3 $1195 f .U. l.!O TAKE YOUR P!CK USED TIRES 2.0J BRAKE RELINE I RADIALS! P.S. INDY HERE 'S WHAT WE DO : lPI C••l11l1 •ll•n~ •II four w~1o l1 wdh W•qn•r ln1pncl oil lo"' .1rum1 , , , C~oc l-who•I t yh"d1rs "''''" •P""q' . Cl1•" t nd lub•it41• fu cli'"'1 pit+• 4'•p•c ~ hen + wh~ol bt•ri'l q• , .. Al'1"•+ br1li11, ro fluid ••• Rei d le>I yo"' <•r. w. u•t O"IY now l·~!o•v ~n11 1n•••td D•fl • ""' r•bu;lt FRONT END ALIGNMENT 'p1ci11li\ts ca,f•r, camber, toe.ouf. l"'Pl!CI ju1t sfeeril'lg. c.orr'ICI loe-in, and 11 d-$sso.,,, u J c ... L!MITED TIME OFFER GENERAL JET RAD AN TIRES YJH ITEW ALL 151iq~t llern1I C•dlll•r ~u•ck-l•.,r<>+• -C~ty•lt,......F O•d A Mtrtwry CR 78-1 5 Hit 78-1 5 LR 78-15 $299~!.T. s 1. ,. HIGH VI SlllllTY YfllOW TENNIS BALLS VACUUM ,ACK OF l 14LLS ,.-' . ,,-.. ,.. ~· e:-~ \ (c .,..-·< .· '~,:..<,:".: •........-..\ . .. .,, ' .... ., , ..... "• ' ···a:J··· I --. _ _;,,_ ... J .,_,. IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE Don Swedlund ' MAG WHEELS SET OF 4 • • • • • • P:OllO CHEVAOlfT ,l Y MOUTH DATSUN TOYOT A l riv• •••• 1110 •u"I e.HOLE MAGS AVAILABLE C•mp1rs and P ick-ups, 1lightly higher. COMPLETE CAR CARE Since 1959 Houri ; 7: 30 to 6:00 Dally • I • J2 OAJLY PI LOT --f ' • \ /' 1·'1. I 1!'0 ' ,.,..- • 1\6~$ i1si;,. IKkMr PhOt• Catalina Racers Thwarted Queen Co11rted Man Asks to Buy Mary LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICB ",,,,, ,tCTITIOUS •USUll!ll •All )JIM IOI.I.loll 'TATIMIMT lolOTICI TO ClllDnoa1 TM ,,,..1.,. --•r.-eolltl IUf'llllOI: COUllT Of' nie bullllftl •o: SfATI 01' U.ll,.OIMIA Hll CAL M;OHA CO.f'AJ'tV, lUJ W•ldlft THI COUNTY 01' ORAN•I Dr., ........._, ... Kii .............. Wlllllm Ill. Sw1nn. 1401 HltllM St.. ft'•'-ol ALMA H. COFl'l!'Y', ~ .. S.,.,,1 AM, C1lll. ..:t. c ....... $tltrm l1tG l 11UH SI., NOTICE I! Hfllll!IY G•Vl!N .. tilt lrvl1W. C•llf cr.Oll0t1 cf IM •-Nltned _ .. THOUSAND OAKS (AP) _ The -mmodore of "'·-Thh t1u11neu I• k ine <:0111111e1..:1 1w • thu •II l'l'r10<11 11tvlM c1,1m1 ... 1,,.1 Iha l..U u~ Ptrt~t.,,lp_ ••OI dlC.0..,, ....... ulrtd lo IB• "''"" Canejo Creek Yacht Club S<1 id Th\irsday his group wants W•IU"" 11. s.w-.. uh ,,.. ._ .... ,, •crucM••· In m. Gllk.• •, Al.'10." I ~KAREY I b " Q M f Lo ,,, h I Th•t .it11men1 !llftl with me CoutlfY ot IM C!l't'll ot ltll •OO•• 1ntll!td coul1,.,. n " ·" ""'""" o uy u1e ueen ary rom ng oeac or $100 millioa c~rk .,, 0.,1111, counr. on: JYI• •· 1fn. 10 PreW11t 111em. w1111 ,,.. ,_....,1 D:..11..v 1"11..oT 1oet111t f.41tw and move il to Venlura County. B1 Btl!v J. 1'''"'"' OeP<Jlv CoutrfY voucnor1, to tl'lt Y....,..,19,,.., •• 1~ ia"' Cl.,k, olfl<•• ot Mci>wffl, GrMft I. Syl1'11, DO £. Light 10 nonexistent \Vind s "We think it's a pretty good buy," said Arthur S. Puoi."1«1 O••noe coe.i 0111v Plk!1, Cr..Pm•11 A••., OrtnM. C.llJ01nl• ""'- across the Catalin11 Channel 'l'ara!dsen, 50. "Long Beach doesn't seenl too happy wilh II-'-""-'-·-'-'·-"-·-~---'-'"-----'-'"".:'. :!~,1~1...!,11~ .. P~~f'm~'"'~·=~~in~,.. ";! Thursday turned the first race it." LEGAL NOTICE '~' e•t•t• of ••od 00<e<11n1, w11111n tw• ()f the Yacht Ra cing Uni()n The Jin~r. v.·hich has been turned into a museun1-ll -----~==~-----i :Oiii:.• •11•• tti. tlrit pUbttuikwl •1 mii cruise into a drifting match touri.sl <:enter anchored in Long Beach 1-Iarbor, would prob-1.t.11 UM a.tea Ju,..'~· 1'71 su•11110• COUl!T 01' THll l11 E Flll5T NAT IONAi. a nd a last minule power ably be used for U1e sarne purpose in Ventura Cciunty, he STATE OI" CAL1l"01tH1A 1"011 DANK OF 01tAHGI! . "d d j" • to d' h '" h' ' h be I THI! COUHTV 01' DllANGIE COUNTY cruise. sa1 , ec 1n1ng tscuss w ere u1e s tp ffilg t paced. "'" A·l'Mn E~•cvtor of th• w1M As lhe result none or the 111 He said the group would make a presentalion Tuesday NDT1c• OI' MEAllOtG OP' Pl!TITtO" 01 "'~ 111<>v• n1m..i <!KN~"' Slart"rs ft·";"hed th• •ac• from lo th I Be h c·t Co ·1 '·k d .. ~ '" I 1"011 PllOIATI! 01' w11.1. AHO 1'011 M<OWE H, oltl!l!lf a SYLVI A '--..... '" • .. e ..ong ac I y UllCI ' ~ e wuere u1e 100 '-IE"llllll Tl!STAMIEHTAllY JJt '· ci..1rn1~ Awl .• s..1 ... Los Angeles Harbor t o million was coming from, Taraldsen declined comment. E•t•tt of JEAN DAVY ~HA1tPLE$. °'"'~"' c1111wn11"'" Dect•M<I. Toi : 6.ll-Slff Howland 's Landing at Catalina NOTICE t5 HEREIY GIVEM "'" Allwn...-• ,., l!~t<uttr lslcind under the 6:30 p.m. '---------------------------..lJJOHN T. (ASTLE "'' tlle<I M•~)n . 1'1'11· Publl1he<I Otlntlt Cool! 01011 Pl\Gll, 110f1 for l'r-Tt of Wll1 1rod tor i.-nc:• July t, i.. l l, XI, 1'11 11:31·n deadlill';' 01 '-•II••~ Te.iarntn11rY 10 MllH.,...r,(-------------- Th Lo A I T. Work Still Needed ..... _, • ~'" ,, mo~ •« ·--~ LEGAL NOTICE r s nge es 1mes 1ur11cu11r1. 1nc1 "'"' '"' 1lm• •rod pl..:•1------~=~-----'T'rophy re1nains in Jimbo. It o1 i..1r1ne "'' •arn• ~· ~n w t"' " 111M Stays \l'ith Jack Bai llie'~ A"'iiUI! 12. 1'11 , ., f:lO 1.m., I" Ille ITATIEMlfNT 01' AIAlfDOMMINT 01" courlr-.i of 01Nor1men! Ho. l of 1•10 USE DI' l"ICTITIOUS Nf'11·s8 ov 1\'I)() \1·on last year . s b A •d cour1. •t 1~ tlvk c: ... ie, orl~• wrsr, 1n •us1N1s1 MAME Landfal l skippered by Don ea or11 e cci en ts !ti~~~ ~u ~·~~ l~;'j· Calltornl1. u~~·o:ou~;n• .~;,:;:,ll••b:,~ ... ~= and Vernon Edler missed the W, E St JOHN JAME S v, HE.C.D Obi SOUTH OllAJiG• Coun!y Clerk SUPPLY 1 t lUOJ Ml. lltiO~ tire!•, Foun-6:30 p.m. deadline by 20 THOMAS c. K1rta ti ln va11ov, C:tlllornl• . seconds. sh I uo1 W•1tc11N D11v1 J•rn•• v. t-i•1d, t1n c..i.rn• .. Ow mprovelnents N_,..., l••dl, Ctllftrnlt t2Ut Orl\ot. Huntln9lon a eacn, C1., '"*· '!'he Cal 40 Vittoria v.·h1ch Tit: ~1-1Jllt l n11 bu""'" ... , con0uc1t<1 br 111 1~ also finis hed the race under """'"'' 10" '"111111"'' 01.1cu1 •. Publlll\..O Or1nv r C:o.i~l DtllV PilOI, Ji mt 1 v, >1110 sa1L seconds behind Landfall, C f · Ju11 2•, l6, JO, 1n1 x.55-71 Tn11 •1•••rnent w•• 111..i wit~ tilt tow~ al l orn1a·s boating accident capabilities. •-------------1 o c , · ' • miu ht have wo n the race e'.\· ,-'' cier~ of r•ni• oun v Oii JU 1 .. "" statistics for the rirst six-2. Don 't overload. LEGAL NOTICE 1911 cept she drHted against the P~bllsh~ O••nll<' c: .. ,, ot!lv l'Hoi. f'.,.,·,1, 1,."e "'"rk. 1nonths or this year were 3. Keep a good lookout. J -::-::--;;om:-:-;;;;;;;.;;oo,;;::---:--J c'~"'".'~'~· ~"~· ."":·~~~·.'."~'c' ===---"'"~''.:'.'.·" ' " " " I d tod b t I E 4 Q t t f d NOTICE INVITING l lDS Second race or the cruise lo-re ease ay y , o ln . . pera ea sa e Spee s. Notice i. ~orebv 91•rn fh•T 1na Boord o• LEGAL NOTICE Bennett, director of !he Stale 5, Hespect the weater. T•ui1~•• ot th• toa•t CD!nrnYnltv tol1t;• day was scheduled to get ·~~ or.trlc! 01 or1nu• (O\Jntv, ca1uorn11.l--------------undcr i\ay at noon froin vt:partment of Navi gation and 6. Carry sufficient fuel. ~erolnan•r roterrt<1 10 •• 111. "Owner", FlCTITl~U~11~~llNl!SI lfo'''l'"d's to 'lOO"StO"e Co"C , Ocean developnlent. 7 Keep your boat in shin. wll! !'TCelve uo lo, bul not later !~on, NAMf. •TATlfMlNl " l> " " • " " 11'00 A.M., l ut>dly, Autu•I 10, 1911 , \Vhlle the total Of 252 ac-Shape Condition. 'Nied bid• !or 1.o<>Jt Furnl1Mng1 for Tnt lollowing Pl't'IOn• •r• lllO/nf mooring area for Newport S C . Envlronm~nl1I Conltr and Focull• Of· buomen ~•-Harbor Yacht Club . for the cidents was slightly over the · arry necessary t qu1p-fie••· for oran;t c:oasl c:a11o">t. HElllTAGE LE'-SING COMPA~ Robert 'I. Alla" Gabboon. count a year ago, the number men!, Such bias th•ll t.e ·~•twa 1n 1111 ot. on. C:lty Boulr•••d W111. No. IV " . . lict of lh• Purc~iulng Agent In Ill• .:l••nge. Winds along the shore of of injuries dropped from 82 to 9. Use nav1gatlon Charts. Admlnl1trelion Bulldln11. 137'0 Adorn, Wllh•rn II. WtHon. One City I. th' · d'd t £7. n -oths •emat'n"" CO""taOt 10 Know aCld obey boating Avt nu1, Colla MUe, Ocenne C:ountv, I 0<1lev1rd W•1I, N•. too, 011n1t•., .. Cata 1na is morning 1 no L-"= • = ,.., · c111tornl•· i nd "1•11 bt oPe....r • ..., .1tich1•d 1c J•1t••"· 1333 C1rn .,. give promise of a much better al 54, and nroperty damage lav..·s . 11ubll(lv re•d 11oo0 el trit •bGvMhttd ltoa s .. sen Dlt11o. . I'" Hmt In lht l oar<I ltoom ot ll!O Cody L. Smllh, M.O .. UJJ Ctmlno Otl race today. was cut by 20 percent -to a Adrnlnl•lr•11on Bulldin11. 11.10 s., S•n 0 111911. h'u-mo'llt'oo dollars. Eich bla mut t conform ond bt l hlt t>v•lne>1 11 1>tln1 con.tu'11d Illy • rnPOnJ lve la !hi• lnvitallon. lllo pion•. llt Mrt l Pllfl,..t1hlp, ~l)t:!JUT -The ne\\' Columbia·30 sloop by designer Bill Tripp n1adc Ne ,vport Juniors Set Sail Bennett said he was not. Bt"I•b•sh el'S 10K111c.11°"' """ 111 01her documoni.. w1111•m 11 . wenon ct>mOtl•lll• pef1Jnenl con!rou ooc:umen!J. 1hl1 •lio!trn~t tllt<I w!tt. It•• Couftty Satisfied that further imprOVe-COPlt! ol the (ontroU O«Umonu 1r~ (lerll of Or•n-vr Counl¥ Oii: JUIY )(!, rtll, n1ent could not be achieved. now on Ill• •nd °"'" 10 Public insPec•ion BY Belly J. B1•11•!•n O.P<ltv C111nt1 ut last \\•eek by \1Jinning first overall and first in class in the hotly contested oint Fermin Invitation al sponsored by lluntin gton Harbour Yac ht f'tub. The prototype Primera. s kippered by J o hn Eddy Jr. of l...on g Beach Yacht Club, beat 47 yachts boal for boat in the 50-boat fleet. The race was sail- ed in steady 5-10 knot breezes. G h U <l •n mt ltld OIUC•• of !he OWn•r, •rod of Cltrk. "Jt's Chiefly 8 matter Of ra a Wllli1m Blufock & Porln•t1, AtC!'lltrc!•, l'lll><hhHI Or•n111 C:oo1t OlllY ,.llol, educating the novice, and v.'e C 1Ho B•v•lde Dr!ve, corona oe1 M••· Ju111J, 30 ""' Auou11 ,, n. 1t11 20:J•11 C1llfo•nl1, •NI mey be obleinf'd •I 1!>0 intend to do something about ort!<• o1 !he A•U.lled ~v "•PO•itlng · "h 'd LA ROCHELLE, F"rance 11000 for •1cn 1•1 of 11en•••I Pion• 1rod 1--------------it, e S8l • IDtclllcatlons. Thl1 dtPOSll will be rtlUrod· fl lU~ The statistics reveal that the (AP) -Defending world •d onl~ 11 •he••" •re reiu•ned compleit r1 cT1Ttous 1usiNllS1 LEGAL NOTICE 1NI In VOOd condlTIOll within 1~ day• arttt NAME ITATf.MlHT main causes of collisions cha1npion Rodney Pattisson in• b1<1 apen1n1. Th• ronowlni ptt1on• .,, 4i01n1 were fe'l t . Id th . ht . E•ch bia •11•11 b• •tcomoonlrd bY • bu1lnn • ••. ,\ ure O }'IC e rig and Julien Brooke Haught.on or cor1111e<1 or c•shter·, chK~ pav~bl_e to •h• C.AL£11IE tioo OEStGNS. JJ1J VI• The junior sailing groups of of way, not keeping to the I O••ntr, or ... ri.raclorv Bid Ilana on favor Liao. Nt .. port Beocn, Ctllf f'l6o\O the yacht clubs in Ne v.•por\ · hi 'd f h Eng and took the lead after of tn!' Ownor, •~e<:u1ed bv lho bi<!dor .. 1 Craig E. Jonson, 21) Vlt PtlCH"!Mo rig SI e O narrOY.' C annels, th 1. t . th nrln<>pal """ • i•!isf&ctorY sur•IY com· tJewPOrt Be•(h tall! f'l660 !!arbor are joining together not keeping a proper lookout, e 1rst v.·o races in e nan• .. , iurt1y. 1n •" amO\Jn! not 1 • ., Ruth s. ven~an in v1, P•l•unt.- :igain this year for the and e'cesst."C speed . World Flying 0 u t ch man inon ten P~rc•n1 uo•,1 of the bia. ~ht !Jtwoor1 B••<n, c1l11. f'/660 ' y h · Cl , -1. cP>tck or b•d bOnd s~ol! be glv•n .. , • lhl1 bus ln•n 11 being cc<><lucltd 111" '" Newpo1·t Ha1·bor Yachte1·s lnterc\ub Series. C a p s i z in g s were due 3C ting 1.imp1ons lips. vu•r•ntoe inoT the bidder w111 e•.c ut• th• unincorPOro1e<1 AJJoclatlon other lllan 1 Th I" · be. 11le British pair v.·on the Con1rac1 H 11 he •wardoo to him Jn con-ouinersnlo. e \/'"race series are 1ng primarily to rough weather . . . 1orm11. with tho Con1ro<1 Documr n•s and Cr•I• £ J.,•Hn raced at each of the live conditions, unsafe loads, lack opening race and were third in w111 orovooe lh• •~••'• t>ond or t>on<I• a• Thli 1taternen1 !llt<I with tht cou"tv Sponsor'.ng yacht c)ubs. The f h the second race won by New •~K 1,11ea, '~•••In wl1hln live davJ atre• c1.,o "'Or•nw• Counlv on : July 70, ltn. o seam ans ip skill or ex-nollf cat on of lh• award of the Contract Bv B•••rlv J Maddo~ Ooputy county first tv..·o races v.·ere held al · d Ze alanders f.fur ry Ross and to the b1<1<1er. tl•r~ · · Cessrve Spee . J k B"!g A Ptrlofrn .. nc• l ond Tn t~e amount or Publ;•~ed Oo"an!M Co••' O•llY l!llol To Sponsor Mexico R .ace Another Mexico yacht race~ Yep. Only this -0ne start:; from 11\cwport Beath and finishes at C;ibo San Lucas <il the tip of Ba J<i Ca lifornia Nev.·port Harbor Yacht Clvh Is sponsoring the new r;ice v.·hich slarls Oct. 16, Jess th<'."I a mohth in ad1°a nce of Long Beach Yacht C!ub·s La Paz race. NHYC race olficia!s point out that the biennial "Cabn Race" will end \\'here tnnst races to Me x1eo start ;i\I over again. In virtu ally c-.11 suth races the yachts arc st;tlled ;:~ they try to \~1ork their 11 ay around Lhe cape to ga111 thr better v.·ind s in the Gulf u[ Californi;i . By ending the San Lucas the y2~ht.'imen wi\1 race al C:ibn parlicipal1n~ tiave an op· Balboa Yacht Club \l.'ed-Sinkings stemmed from hu!\ ac 1 er. 1oeo. will be ••Quire<1 •• ~·'' 01 th• con· Julv ll :io •rod Aueu•t, 11 1n1 Ds.ri portun'.I)' to ,pc·nd mn•e (t'me 'lc•>'co •aces. 0 .. sday. . f A pair of f i f I h . p I a c e 1'"'" aw~'"'"" 10 btoders wno~ contract ' ' ' • " " • '" or equi pment ail ure and . . •<eeeds 11,000 <•~C1u11ve "' 11~1. cruising the Sea of Cortei. or 4. Ded 1cat1on or the owner to Invitations ha\'e been issued h M 1 f1n1shers by Hobert J ames •10 bioa•r rn•• w1•"'1••w ~11 hid for • LEGAL fl'OTICE roug water. osl ir es and David Ja me S" of pedQd of fo•1v·flv• _f•J 1 <1av• •Mer !he1--------------to relurn home to enter later (l(·ean racing as measured by to all n1en1bcrs of the ractnr; resulted frorn fuel line lraks. ' 0.1 ... t '°' m• Ol'•n•ng t~or•o• F 1u .. •,·,ccs. his or her .,,:::tivitles in other fl t ti F'I J K" Shore\\"ood Bena. Va .. \\'ere 1 ~• ownor •~•~•v•s Th• orivileQ• or ••· FICTtTIDUS 1ut1NE1s • ee S in 1e y1ng r., tie, im proper fuelins: procedures tops among the Americans. !•c1on1 anv ond a11 b1a, or 10 w•ov• anY NAME $lATEME"T The San lJ11'go to Acapulco \)(:ean events. S<ibot and Flipper classes. or o~·erloaded e 1 e c I r j c a I "'"u1•"1''' CJ >nforma1o1°•• In any hid T~• 1011ow1nt 11•roon• ••• dol,,. 5 Th f h r-------------,]~' •n lh• ho<ld•r<> t>111on•S• •• r<ice starts f'eb 6. g1v1ng e origin o t e entrant Host clubs other than BYC circuits. o"'" 11d1 n:oe A.M. Tu.,day, Au1u11 MEllAIC . ino LorodOl><ltrrY, Co•t• e:12er·beaver yachtsmen an \V!1 h particul ar reference to t1re Lido Isle. Bahi a Corin-\V'th 11 t L • t TAKE THE 10• 1911· "''"· C•1t1 .. l 1e s a es v..·a ers B0.0.110 OF Tl>USTEES C~•I JOH"" Ounc•n. !1JCI 1-.... opportunity !u enter both geogra phu: conditions. thian. Balboa Jsland a nd more crowded e<>.ch year, Ben-Co••t Commun""' t o11e;e t>-,.ritt doMerrv, tos•• M•1a. c.111. e\·ents. 6. The date upon which the Ne1vporl Harbor. tt · d II boa NEWS QUIZ Of Oran~• c~un!v l•onord Tovlor, JlOl Sum•'•• Pl .. ne remin s a I ov..·ners, Co••• M•••· ca111gr"i• co•1• 'llesa, c •. Those interested in entering applica tion is received. The Interclub Perpetual including the experienced. to y Norman e w.1,on, 1n11 bu•l~n ,, be1n1 (ONIU(t..:I ~ 1 1he Caho Race and wishing lo 7 Minin1urn !OR rating of 26 Trophy will be awarded to the ca refully observe these rules We Dare OU • • ~~~.~~~· ~1 1"• Board 0' f'••1""'t~~i J Ou~t•n receive an invitation should feel. 11·1nner at the lnterclub beach of safetyo Eve ry Satu rd ay Publisroed or .. ng• coast 01;1, Pilat. Thi• •t•,.m•"t 111..., wui. "" co.iM., ' ' bo ;• ht B E' t I f $ 00 Julv 13, lJ, 1tll 7051-11 (lerk of Or~n1t (O\Jn!v an July IJ. 1911. ;;d vise Newport ,ar r ac llr~·.::':n~r~y:.::"'~':,;~'::.· ----.dp~a~rt~y~l~a~le~i n~A~u~g~u~s~t~. ------~';· -K~n~o~w;_~i~·o~"~':..~b~o~a:.:t~'~s~::::;;;;::::::::::::::::~::~ I :::::::::::::J:i~~'.!~'flcr:::::::::::: I Bv Bo HY J. Bar•1ten, D•J>UIY covntv Club, i:.ZO \V. Bay SL, Ba lbo<, ---------LEGAL "OTICE t1~1•- cnl'f " ----t Publl•n•d O••nQ• C:oa1! O•llY Piiaf', J.,_ CELE BRAT ---,-.,-><-.-,-,-,-,,-,,-G-BIDS IY Ii. 1J, lO IMd A"'i!U•! 6, ltll 1'J.1•71 Hec;iuse or Ille a n!iciplltl'd E DANA DAYS Notlce ;1n• .. h•gi.en!hM IM•B~•t<l "I' ___ _ ru tp ularily of the race ent ries l•u"~• 01 '"• to..•t co.,,munilv to1i.n• LEGAL ~OTICE t'" 01,1r1c1 ol Or•ng~ Coun!v, M•relnattor]--------------11111 be limited lo 25. 'I'h e •o!orrrO lo a• the "Own~r". wil l rec•ivr F 1urr I . . . 11 be I DEDICATION OF uP !o. but no llltt It.on 11 :00 A.M, Tu"' l'ICTITIDUS llUllNf_SS f11l owing cn lena \\I USC( THE NEW DANA POINT HARBOR d~v. Auaufl 10, 1~11. •••1"'1 bid• fort~• NAME S1ATf.MENT '" delermmmg who lhe en- 1 , . .,, " """'" "' '"''"'"' " '"' ""~'"' ,.,_ " '""' •••;Mu Or•nv1 ta." toll"'"· Oranve C:1111n1v. ••· tran l~ ll'ill be: WITH C1lllorn•• EMPLOYE E: EVALU ATION JEii· I. i\1enibcrship jn NHYC. Such bld1 1h1ll bt ••c•lv!Od I" !h• o!!i<• VIC:E, 17"4 W, Lincoln Avt., "'notlltlm. A of lh• Purc~a•ino Avtnt, •n !no Coll!. '1'2!o01. 'l . l .O.vt<1u•, Con1 Me>•. Or 1nge Coun1v, Co\!• M•••· C:•lll, 11611. • 1• cx1can reg1s ry. C•llrornla. ~rod >h•ll be oo•n•d """ '"'' 11u,:nen 11 belng co..auc!"" 111 '" 3. Participation in prc1·ious 1 1>ublo<I• •••d •loua •' th• •bo•• s1a1oe1 1nalviou1t. tlmt ·~ !t<t Bo•r<I lt oom o! !ht lie• H Slon•\or Adrnlni>tr&t!on Rulld•nv. Tnit slal•m•nl llll'CI w\1h •no c0unt'I' E•<ll b•d m~nt . Cor>IO•m Ind bt Clu> ot Oronff Counlv on· Julv IJ. ltll. '.!. Part1cipatiun of \'CSsels ofl N u Aarnln••lration B1Hldlng, 1310 Adom• Rav '*· ston•~or. 1"62 Nor .. Av• .• R 0 NI C S •t•Pon•I•• 10 m01 •n••••han, 1"1' olan,, By Btnv J. Bariuen 0<1>uly c .... nt' 11th Ac('l(JUico Contest ~ ~::;::~.~~:n·n.:""oe:::n.~·~··,,,c:=~7'::'~ (l~~~IT<~•d o .. nv• Co••' D•!IY r it .... Ju· aocvm••I<. Cool•• of I~• c~n!•&CI Iv 16. 13, XI i nd .o.ugu1t '· ''11 1tal·1I \ J. J. J. J. J.. J ON.umont1 art now M f•l• ono OPtn I<> .....,....,....,,....,,....,,...., oubllc ln•-•hon In lh• •alO ofr i<-••"' '"• LEGAL NOTICE \ J. J.. J.. J.. J.. J Owo1rr. •na of Willia.., Bluto<' & S •d Sl • U W II ..., ... ...,..,,,,,...,..., Portn"''' Ar<ni1ocn. lJSO B1y1lae or:v •. 1------~--------al laUlll"' Jl e c ... on. d•I Mor . c11;1o•n••· ond m~v bt , lttl' c: r 5 COME IN AND REGISTER FOR A ::~1,~~a"\11~~0:~.'·.~h·":.~~~~0~~,:...~~ F•;:::~0suT'.:~!.1:N1.i' The J llh \11trrna11on<il San D1rgo to AC'1.1puleo \'i1t·h1 r.l<T l"IJ·Sl)illl!.Orcd b;> :-;IHI [)l\Cll Yachl Club and the ( 'l11h Ur· Yalcs of Acnpu!co. IS sh;ip1ng up as one of the l1.1rgrsl :1111! best fleets ever. ;1rcord111g In Ash Bown, µencr<il 1·h;i11·rn;l11 Over a do1.cn f1rn1 rnlnr~ have alre:idy bl'Cfl rt'ti;'1v•·d despite !he fact thal lhr l.430- rnil e classic v.·hich s101rts Feb. 6, 1972, is slill six months av.·ay. The early inte rest is due to two factors. acrording In Bov.·ri. "first. the Ac<ipulco r<ire 1s Clu.bhvus c Rites Set. Sllturd," J Huntington Harhour Y.1ch1 Club v.·i\1 have 11s own "honir " starling Saturday v..·lu·n 1\11· new clubhouse is drd1ca1ed 111 formal ceremonies :it 4121 Warner Ave ., H uni in~ ton Beach. Commodore Jerry Olson \1 Ill preside al Uic cerernunh·· which 11·ill Include th<' 1r,11!1 tional flag-ra1!'ing -... 1 t h members of Sea Scout Ship 112 plping aboard !he rtag 01111(1' 11>e program 11•ill also 111 elude a dedication speech 111 Capt MP! Carpenter. <::hit·f 01 !.1.aff of the Long Beach Na va l Bue. Following U1e f o r m n I ceremonies visiting yacht club ct1mmodores and other guesti; will be taken on a harbor crulse,board gaily decorated yachts. \ f --- nn1• 4•f n11l,1' 1110 \l't•sl Coa~t 1111•, ro111l l111~ 1n11·i11·tJ 1hr II n1 l(f ! h'r:tn Rat'lflj? Ch;in1-1 f'll1illSh1p , nlus th(' f;1('I 1h;1I , Iii;<; )l'<H"s hol\'l't". L'" f;iclor of I :!G ~ wdl allow ~01nf eon1-1 l><'li111T ote:1n r<1e 1ng cl~sscs 1 to 1•n1 l't 11hif'h hrr('!n!Orl' have bren Pr.rluded." s:ud !'I-Own ' Ty p1c;i l or !ht•S(' shorter 11:Herlinr bot1ts now ..:ll1.!1hle. tol enter are the C&C l~. C;il-2·30. i Cal-::4. Colombia -34. illorgan·1 3:1. Ericson-33 and Tartan-24. The 1972 Acapulco race 11·Ul I>« sailed under the lnterna· r1onal ON'lln BulP Co-ch01irman J avier Valas· (]uez says 1hcre arc unproved lacililies ;ii the Aca pulCQ Yacht Club .. Sai d he: "\\'e·re even arrangi ng lor j llie yachts to finish under a full rnoon_" F:nlries <ir requests l<ir ;.1d· d1 l1onal infor1nation should be 1l1re(·!ed (•1 Ash Bow11, S;in ll1egn \'arbl Club. 2803 Tall)(l1 SI • S1111 U1ego, 92106. Jl ohic Cale FREE DRAWING YOUR CHOICE BETWEEN A SPECIAL VALUE THIS WEEKEND ONLY ELECTRONIC FlSHERMAN'S KIT BY APELCO f MQQ[l RAY -OF! RAYTHEON 5 Band, Portable Radio Direction Finder Value $149.95 PANASONIC I MODEL 1401 Stereo Music Center FM/ A·M-f.M Stereo & 4 Speed Changer Value $139.95 olfn> •nd '"""lll1 .. !lon1, lhil d•llOslt wi!I 10• folloy,ma Pf'"'"'••• <l<llnf bul<lln l t>t rtlu...,•d ontv •f l~e •~" "'" ,.lu•o•d ••· ce>molt'I• 1nd In QooO coNlltion with in ''"' aov• e!!or the b•d oDf'nlnQ llOBl'ISON S BE .. UTV 5-lON. lrvon• (1•. No 7 F ~1n•on 1111.,,,, h'•w"°'1 B"><h. C•lo!ornl• lfbor ona M•trrl•l1 ~and 1r>Q I ~·••a•mfnct BonQ woll tie ,.o~"•O ot '"" I Con•r •<Tor Hlr<t<>d Eoth h•d "'"rl i... m•de a~I an '"• ''Fo<m ct P•ooo1el" t>ound 1n ••th •el ot ID"<iflc~Hon1 S!l,~m•n & lM1 Of Now"°rt g-toc~, •~< .. • t alU Car~, 166 l'1t1~ AU•nuo, New Yori\, h' Y 10(l1t Th•• hu>·n~" " tonlJ"CI•~ b• •• ~~· ""••t•on, ~•ll;m8n & L•tl of Ntwt><>•I Bt•<~. !nt ~1.nhtn V. Oub,n, ~·n •!M¥ TMI• •T•!fmrn! w•• liltd wit~ tne Coun- ty (10'~ ol Ora nuc CQun!v on J.nv t, 1~11 LEGAL NOTICE l:•th b'~ ·sholl I>• 1ccomoe11·•d I>• " crr!l•·•d or <••hlor·• en..:.~ ~•••~'• To th• O"'""'' or •Milf•c!o•v Bin Bond '" f•vor t"1I ll>e Ow-ner, •~•tuOed bv !hr bW d•r "' otlntipol •rod • 1otl•lec1orv '""t• com,.,.nv •• 1ure1>. '" •n •moun! nro 1~1• ohan ••n percent l 10.,_ l 01 thr boa ln• <ht<-or !>Id bona 1n•ll t>t olv•n "' • gu .. •nle• 1he! !hf' bl"°"' will fVKU1' '"' Contr•C! II II bt OW••d•~ IQ him In <On lorrnl!Y With •ht C:on•r&ct Oocu~nts '"" wilt oravld• lho •~ret~ l>On<I or l>or>C• 1! '"'cl!ll'd '""'"I" wl!hln llvr d•v• oft•,J------""'C'CC"---~-no11fltarlon ol t~• awlfd " Thi Contt•cr f 11111 r-IC TITIDUI I USllllEll :;;~1: b~~;~S · NAME Sl aTIMIH l l'u•wNnl I~ rhe l•bo• Coa• ot ll>t 5111, bu~~!.,. '!11_'>W"'' prrsoris Ire .,ro.n, of Ctlllo•nia, So.ithtrn C•l,!ornia BuilOon1 CO~·lAI. MESA 1>1EOICAl Gi:tbUJI 11><1 C:on•truc!lon Tr1ot1 Cou ncl l1 , 11!lO•ono ,..,. 511 • c 1 ;.;. • B~11a1n11 """ c..,,.1,.,._1,.,.. T••<I•• c..,..,.,, C• "~· • , u I ' .... •••, ~ru!!~:9"h•~ou=~~~rt~~.:·;~htBo:~,:: Donekl .IC l!'.ri lY, MO. lMO CUllUr"I' 1>••v1111nt to!• ol !>!!' Olp"' wage• for "t'~v~aUMl..O.IA 11 ~ •~ch cotft or 1v"' c-f workm~n .,....,e<I 10 •t' " M 0 • 105Q' I, ••Ku!e the contt&<ll wl\lch wlll bt H•w ~Or~t. l'lol~-&wa•<led It.. '"<Cl•<lul blddori; orod lhr.• L !"' i ll, l tvln, M 0. IOS W Slwt St., Jlft¥1111ng '''" ••• ,.,..,.1.,..., in wild 'Ai 0 • 1pecll\c~!lon• •-11<1 b• th• Bot rd Ind her• H,at111<>, M.D, S5l6 llilSftlt, "'' •• t111..i below ' 1 ""•"• /\ny cltl'lllcatlo.i no! •ntlclo3ft'd •NI 1111' bu.,,.,.11 +1 conduu..i bv ~,11 btl-ll!IOCI .~.11 bt 1>•1<1 It '"' (Ufttnl "••1n··~10 I w1ge ••tr• tor l~e •Pollc•blt t••d• •n<t Ona d I( IC•ll•. M.0 clat1lllc1tlon I" Hloct ,.llh Ill• •bovr fll•·DC 11,1.., Tt..,•i Coun<il" 11 t n• r8tr• 1,11.., ~u~ll9'ltd Or•nt• Coe1t O•llY 0 "llcrt, below ••~ not cu1ronl or ''" •••i•ed b• Ju Y ~. lJ, JO •nd .O.ugu•t 6, !t11 itJ'·11 l•bGr •V•Hmtn!• <luring tho bldd·~g tlmt or co'l1!ru<1lon !Im•, '"'" revltion1 •h•I• be Con•ld•••d • P•rt "' Ille below 1111eo LEGAL NOTICE ,. '"'"'· Anv 11~•1!1\, wrlforr. ~•cation, oro-I ------:-,o=c------rnotlCln er other benPlllo "1all bo In •d· r 111?1 dl!lon to lht b•IOW 1111Nl wog• Kii.,, Af>. ,ltT!TIOUS I UJIHI St pro"llc11 "'"II bt •mPIOytd In CD'lform lty NAMI STATl!MlNT ,: with S~tlon 11'1.S of the Coll!o•n" lobo• l~t follow!,,. P•'""' I• c1Qln1 bui1tieu CO<!t. II. O•ertlme thflf be gold far wort; SOUTHEl;!N CALll'OlllllA JIUICICA oerlorme<I In ••<•n ol in. •Hull• dav• · llON SEllVIC E, "11 A•en!Oi ...._,.., wor• •rod •1 lt11 •••• for -Mime of 11\o 51'1 Cltmt n!t, (fhfor~I• f'ldll • cr•I! lnvo!ue<I GIG•l• Atllno llo•t. •ll A-Id• Hol ldtr1 S!l•ll blf ell 110lld1•1 tteotnl•ftl Ar le111, Stn C:lt~e1>11, C:1llfo•nl• "'" In ""' collt<lifl 1Mro•lnlt>1;1 11rff<r11oru Th!t bu•lntn 11 btln• cond\lct..i Qr •• 1ppllctbl• lo lht Nrllcut•r cr1fl, 1..0lvklual ~ cl1nlnc•llon or IYPf ot -~""'" C.lorlt A•lln• B it~• _. erneloved on the pro!K! TM1 •l1!tm•~1 Ul t<! with "'• County II Jl>tll be mtn<r.fOtY u""'" I"-t on-(ltr• of Or•'IO• (OIJ'llY Of1 Junt )Q;-Jfll lt1ctor to wl'IQrn 1 con1rt ct 11 1worOe<I bv fteverly J. M.iddo1L D_,,., <;4ntw I ln<I Ul>Otl •II IUbCOAl•AUor• un<ltr hom, to Cttrto:. Nt>arlY :JOO Hobie C;its In REGULAR PRICE $)69 95 o•• not 1111 t1>1n ••Id ,.. ... ,.1 ••ev•illno l'u1111,h.a oro.,.. coott O.Hy Pllet. J1>o 11·c. c asses are expecle t.o ~;~'{' ~~ (~~~~~~:'Y~':' <011trte1. LE-G-AL_N_OT_ IC_E __ _ f I d I .. ' ..... ' . . . . . . . . . . ratt• of ...... ~I-Wl'>f!I '° •ti wor• ....... t• t , It, ,J, JO, 1'1t .,...71 1lrscend on L o !'! A nge l es Harbor Saturday a nd Sunday FRl .1 SAT., SUN. ONLY .... $119.00 ~ro't· 1.inoievrn 6 ~ 1"' '-•Y•• J.1'1-----:c=c-----r tt ·1 u· I H . I '"'ow ... , ,.,.,,, •• ""' ... 1~11-"" ... , ,u,, ur lt 1nv1 a one urr1cane l,,.;llno '"~ • ..., •II bkh or 10 wilvo • ..,. r 1tT1T1ous 1vt1 N1s1 I ;ulch Regll tta o! Cabrillo 1 .. etul••Ul•1 Q• lntormolltl•• In ·~v bkl l h NA/lltf. ITATllMf.HT or I" th• bladlnt, Th• C:ontrl(lot mov rtO! 11, • follow, ... Pf•!IOn " <lalno t...1tnu. Bcri('h While Ou p I F 'l't w11111:1r1w hit blct tor ' ""'\Od ot •l n~v• . BOAT Erltt1CS hll\'f' bcC'n reC"rivrd NAU! ~ r er m•nen •c1 I Y ro11.,..I•• in• d•tr o1 OOf'ntr~"' t.a N ~YSTEMS. 111 L+da "··~ or .. ' • • • " • • • • • " I S 'II U d ( ' °""" l lt1 !!:ff A.M. Tw•NI•,, """" rw""~1 B•.i~ from San U1ego tn f..torrfl 13ay _.__._._.__ 5 h n er onstrucllon 11 ,,,1 M••1•n M 11un1, 3109 C<>Olh•l""t• °' ~ • · P1lo1 v""" Po~l~1u11 '' (The regtttl.'I wlll fe<1 ture 111'11 ,~. • •. ~, • RONICS STOP BY OUR DISPLAY VAN ~~.·.~~~:_u~l~.u~:~;~~ 1...!~~~d~:i""'1111 titi,,. conduc1.a b'I' '" C f-ISSeS Of Htobit'-C8!·\£ts and ---Oh!rl<I <II Or•n.o Courtlf Mo•fln M 1,11"1 lhrce of llnbie C:it-l4s TherPI 34492 C•sltas Pl1c:e, D•n• Point ((l-\t• M•••· C•111a•~·• T111. •!8lem•"1 111..i wi"' . ( Norm8n E W1"on ,ti C ler~ or O•lngt CO\J~h ~" 1 I~• (11\!~TV Wll be three rh('M Sa1.urdayl (7l 4) 496-4681 Secrt1••• OI !~• BMTd or Tril'tt1 ov n•uv Bi r~"·~ O•~u•v c&.,u ,• 11. "'lo 11nrl lwo ein Sund:i v ._ ____________ .., _________________________________ ;;•;.. ______ .. , "ubll'h 'd 0••~" c.,..,, 01111 "0101. P~bll•h•d O'•"D• r~~u n,11: v,,~0'~''· _ J11lv 2J. JI!. 1'71 ~1·11 IV 16, 11. JO •<>d Avttj1! •, 11/! j9~tii r --'--' ~., ..... .... -:.. --r---1 •• .s.• • • M • .. r.; t. • • • • • " " • •• • '· " ' • " • • • I , I I f: ~ahor Secretary . Debates Welfare 1960 Viet Sl1owdow11 Ove1· Greece Aid frlda,, Jul~ 30, 1971 OAJLV PI LOT 13'= ~~-'--~c-c--cc-~~~~ LEGAL NOTJC£ LEGAL NOTICE ------.oc,· ... ·"·=-------1.,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,o.~.IHGS WILL 61! Ml!LD •'t lllC"'ITIOUi tUSUllU THE COl1A MIU. l"LANNINO C.OM- N ... M• IT'AT•M•NT MtUIOM 11 IM Cltlr "411!, 1' 1"111' Thi ldlowlnll ,__ lte !JO/... Otlve, (Mii MM•. C1llfof"11L1, 1t 1 » ••1tm•11 11· '·'" II U -K -oll>le ~In .. ,.tNE' AllT fNTll!'llNISES, ll1J Vt1 Clfl ~'t', """111 t , 1'71. lt-•01 ... LI ... "'-' IMC!\, Cl lll. nwo Ille wi-IM .. nc .. lont; Cr1l1 •· J-. 211 Vie 1"1lefl'n0. 1, fl•-PllflllN Me, 1 ·11·1f, for Jr,rol• New~ 1.-c:fO, C1UI. t)WO '"· lltMY, lilt ,_!~ti. Av..,.,.., (cnl• lilulfl t. Yolttn.11, t!t vi. "•l1rmo, -· c:1111., lot "'mlN>Orl 10 l••-N-t '"ti!, C:•lll. '26'9 IH-flY '' Gn(flllld In """' Ptl!llon .... • ,., .. ,UNGTON (UPIJ -If "We have a p...-..bub1llly or TM• bll1l ..... 1 11 bel ... QOMuCled b1 •n ..... '"' lllt P1K1nl\1 Av1ooif. Coi•• • UoK •v un!<>WrP«11M A»Klfi•lorl o-tr..r !Mn 1 M~u, C1t!t., ''""' Ml lo IU. ••tte Finance Commltlee direct plaeement of several \\' • t-HING1.0N 1 p • _, i~ ... n,....1111. i. 11 ... hCllltll .. ~wmn Iii•. Z.1·11 ·» Coup Tr y R eveuletl Scl1eduled Soon in Congress vw• tiundred l.houiuuiJ, We could ~ A ) -.. , uent f\'1.100 certifies it ~ in lhe stability and projre&..'I tu the c,.11 !!, Jet1•m -, ·~,"~,,,,'~,:" P,•~ C:'~· mtIDbers hardly put a glove \VASHINGTON (AP 1 -The showdown has been slated 111 ··overriding r""'uirements of nation. T1111 ,._,_, tlltO w1111 ""' c ... 11,., nc .. -· .... -·• • · • not guaranlee e Ve r y b o ti y ~-i • c11r11. ct °"'n" couni., on· Jul., >0. 1t11, c.u1 • '°' ~rro11w1on lo ""''1• • ~n IAbor Secrt.tary James D. viould be taken care of but we United Stales broke up a11 at· Congress next Tuesday Otl cut· the national security." An em· With No. 2 s tr on Km a n ey ••vtftY J. IM<ld.,.., DIPulY CDU111Y i~''l..~.'.:1~m ~·~-..; :;:!:'!'~':"Pr~ !l"'pon, it was not for lack of can build toward the kind of tempted n1ihtary coup against ting off all Arnericnn aid to LHl""O on U.S. anns aid im· Styliano~ Pattakos at his si~, c~,u~u.Md orine• c°"" o.11r PllOt, v1cun, cav" .. 11"' ....-vlc•i. 1"' cenr•r lr"t.•t'g. arrangement where e"erobody ·"' Haruta lllsued a statement 111 Ju1r u, '° •nd A1itu11 '· n, 1'11 )OOt.11 "',,11!.,'1.',',1t'... ,.11"!.~1,', •,,!:.' ~.•,."', m •M,0 ., • " the late Sou!h Vi etnamese the mil1lary governrnent of posed alter the junta seized · G k 1 · "'"" .... .,.,.. _,. •· Called •· orge prompt an. J!as hope." Athens saymg ree e echons •:JO p,m., on P•-•tr 1oc11..i1 •• 1:12. "' t' President Ngo Dinh J)ie1n by Crt'"CCC. Mntrol in 1967. was lifted last I I G k · ti !JlA oner n7e E 19,,. srr"1, co11• prov al of President Nixon's But Ribicoff retorted : were so e Y a .ree issue. · e LEGAL NOTICE Me••· c1111 . In • c1 u,,. much·wanled welfare reform "You've done 80 badly in lhe threateni11g to brea k rel:.it1ons The floor light Ls set !he tlay fall . called it a mistake for for lhde 1. ,.'.::.i!.~<:,'i;"....!' • .";";~'" ~;n:8E~·~~t hill . Hodgson wa!fi attacked past, 1 don't know hovi "OU 01.ntl cut off ecunomic aid if 11.S. An1bass ador Jl!.'nry ,J . Meet1ng,,..·111!P11p•tlopoulous HOU!le to move lowar '"11111 :mww ,7'l111S1rH!.1oP ... a.11.1»>10.1or , A"""rican interference in PICTITIOUS IUS1N111 "'m1n1o11 •c f~cPf<I !hf bu11c11nv hlllll!! 'l'hursday from every .side -can say you're building hope rebels shelled the S.'l1go11 Ta.sea returns lrorn At hens tor \\'ere Reps. Brock Adams, (0. '"'' NAMI 1rATEM••r 11m1r 111, 5..:11on m. 1 "' u,. Mun~ ... 1 • 1· ,...._ •-....,_ 77 1 f'" I 1 · I ed·' e Lol bl \Va~)·,PetecN.Kyros.([). Greek internal political al· Th••t111vw1neP••-l•do411tbu•1 ..... eoa1 tor 1111 ....,.11"~•11.,.,.,1<ta,,.,11i.n uy conservaive ...,.,mocra"", \\.1ocn percen o u1epeope paace, fonnl"r l.J .S. <lfll· cos .-uoor qu ~i nng eorc ""'' fair•. "" 011Ho1.~1vin"Mci~t.lnclulllnt •cot· ]Jberdl Democrats and C<lll· v.·on'I have jobs or training." bassador Eldridge l)urbrow a House ~ulx-<ln11111ttce 1!1:1~ f<.l1tinel ; Gus \'atron, (D-Pa.) ~ ANTIQUES F01t tNTElllOlls. lW' E ,.,. .._ ""' cor•111.1 io..nt1t. 1101 10 •~· . fl h '·· . . I Ill t . d Bl ft .d G k ·11 S ·u· Coe•! Hlthw•v, Cor""" cll!I Mi r. c....o o m••lmum ot 11v1 •I<>"•• In serVflli\•e Republical\5. Ribico tangled with both as ucen cr1t1ca u 1c JUll a :. an anto11 . e sa1 ree \"1 ager WI 1Q1>1111 1. W•••••· :U4 L-de-o L1M. heiaht ., _. ort< .. ~ P'"" '""ch.ii ,, Hodgson not only never Hodgson and C o m tn i t t e e said loday · rule. Their trip to Athens was v;hom he lalked while travel· c001• M•11• coitt. ...., m•<l• • ""' o• tnis •Po•·~•''°" The retired caret!r tliplo1nal T · ••· l 'd "T~1' 11\/tl,,.n 1' IMI"' COl\duatcl bl' •n s110 or-"~ !oc11eG 11 )111 &•btol ~loJlped smiling, he managed Chairman Russe!\ Long ID· he l1ousc Foreign Affairs p:Jid by a C~cf'lt fraternal ing through 1Jn: coun rys1 t 1nd1vlou1t. s''"'· coo11 Mt .. , c.111., 1111 ci 1111111• tc; turn several thrusts aside La.), over the issue or lhf' said the incident took place Committee already h:is vott>d group. the Penepirotic Federa· endorsed the junta. Ha~nr Thi• :,:~.!i fi:'!:'~1t1 tne Co.JMY •· """""' 11 orflftlll(.1 Ne. u.11, """'c!O \1•ilh laughter and frankly ad· Sl.2tl hourly minimum wa~c NO\'. ll·l2, 1!160, three years to eliminate all $118 nulhon in lion of America and Canad:l, said Pattakos accompanied Clffk of or1.-c .... ~,., on· Jurr "· 1"1 ~~!~1;:rc1o c1eI\!',n-~~1:,9 r,:!b:~ n1itled a key charge that hi!i which lhe bill contemplates before o,.,,,11 and lus brother, pr oposed atd to t;rl.,_'ee until which already had invited !he him on ti1e trip and added ~~ •• e.virtv J. MiddGr.. CMPll,., c ... nh 1ocutt1 111 !tie ffne••' •••• Oii th•""'"' . I ' . d . nd . "l'e ,,,.d I W"' the ,.,nd of """II-.......... COii! 01llr PllO• ll<le of 0.le Sll"H'I bel"""n We-ortnlnit"' dt-parlmenl's work incentive would be the east amount or the Junia restores cmocrat1c coni:ressmen to alle its con· , ~ ..., ..... Av•nue •"" o•n.._ AvltNlt. coor• Ngo Dinh Nhu, were deposed "ent•·on ,·n Gr· -e "·fore th• •ongr"""man he rea1ly liked tc Jul~ 11. JO •nd A1t11u11 •· !J, 1tn :tei..11 w..a. c1111. prqgram has been pretty salary paid families on relief. go\·ernment • ~...... ""'" .. ~ --= Fo• 1ut111u rn10<11 .. t1on on ine •DOv• 1nut:h a fl op. Rlbicoff accused the ad· and killed in ano1her roup. A n10\·e tu rcstorl· the aid is c·utvff question arose in the see visit Greeee." LEGAL NOTICE • ...,11c111ons, tel""'°"" IJ'.S?•s or u11 •' 'The rorntnitle<''s examining ministration or a heartless. l)urbrow said D1ern had cxoc<.·led 11 hrn the llou~ !-'or<?ign Afr airs Comn1itlee. Yatron, v.'ho is due back Fri· " 111n ~':o.;:11~. oin 1~11:1;~~~ ~;";:::: !lie . administration's S 5 . 5 cynical altitude in espous111~ been gi\ ing s e r i o u s con· tuk<.-s up the $ 3 l · b i I l 1 n n Bl :1nton quoted Pre m i e r day. is the only one of the picriTious •u111i1•11 c1111orn11. NAM• ITATEMt:N"l COSTA MESA Pt.l'.NNING b11!ion weJfarc rclon11 package a salary 40 cents belO\Y the si deration !o U.S. requests foreign a1J authorization bill Papadopou\ou.s as saying his visiting congressmen who sits Th• tooowine ...-oon 11 1101111 tiu51neu COMM1ss10N 11,rtll t.he obvious intention of minimum \.1 .. ::ige. I-le c.:illed !t that he n.:i1nc his brotl1cr an Tuesdav. <'ountry is moving toward full on the House Foreign Affairs '" '· 0 ..... 0 •so" .... <•nio• ''· C~AllLES BECI(. CH-'1~.._,.._,. • .....,.. • """ Wllll&m L. O..nn. Stcre11rv ond \\Tiling its own bill. subsidizing slave labor. ~1nbn~sador or send hirn Three or live congress n1en constitut1onal goverrunent. But Committee Ct1st1 "''"· c1utor,.11 01r..:.1or 01 Pl8nn,no 'I,; dd d h. If Th d . . . h I' b d f . h lk I I t C k h ., h . . Chorll1 G. o1m110, 1594 Corol<a Publlt~l<:I a,...n"" C08•1 Dolly "•lo! • .. ""'gson a resse 1mse e a m1n1strat1on as 10 u n ro:i or so1nc assignment. w o ta 1•1 wit 1 op .ret' · r Sil l ! e Junta strongman The panel's subron1mittet l'l•c•. coS11 M•••· co11torn11 Jui~ :io. itn 11c..n llnlY lo tl1e work incenlive t11 e committee ii cannot sane· Dicn1 1-1rol>nbly \Yotllrl h.~ve rulers during \ i~i!s to A lhl'll~ <1ddl'd. "\~·e wlll not be die· on Europe, which began hear· 1 ,.!~~i11:'1'.1n1n 1• beln• con<1uc11<1 ~v 111 1---- fPatures of the measure \Vhich tion payments to persons on done 11iis, 11ubrow s<ud. ~f il last >1·eek .say th" cutoff eould l.'ltf'<l to fron1 the outside." G · t before the c G o ...... i. 11•011!d authorize t2.2 billion to 1~etfare !hilt \l'OUld actu::illy be hud not bl'cn f11l' 1he unsuc-imperil Atneric:in use of kcv. K.\'ros said p"°"dopoulous ings on reece JUS Th11 ,,1,.m,~1 111e11 with 1h• county LEGAL NOTICE ~ "r-culoff vote, will reswne Tues-c11r~ o1 or1noe CDU11IY on: July •· 1~11. t-rca te 200.000 public jobs, and higher than the v.'ages of son1e cessf11I cutip .'l\tt1T1pl l1eadcd 1ni\it;iry bases in the NATO e:1utioncd. "TI1e Greeks have day with testimony from lh eel!Y J. a1r•11.,., Det>"'"' C<>un1rl--,-,-,c,a•"0-,-,-,-,-,,·-,-,-.,-,-,-L1-. proyide job training nnd child 5 million Americans who do by f'o!. Nguyen Cl1nnh l'hi. nation. long kno...,'ll how to go It Tasca and State Department ci;:u~1lhld or111" co1u D•llY Piiot, 0 A 11 :•·19~~1• u·oo "M . c<1rc to enable persons 011 not earn the 1ninimu1n '\'age of Nhu h:11.J bt'<'On1e a '·public· "Our action. if we pu rsue alone." officials. Tasca's appearance Jutr '' "· 2J, :io. 1'71 11•:1-11 111e n,,c~:~:~,,.~~~ lobbr'~1 1~e sr~u·r1~ lve1fare to Fintl work. $1.60, rel<ltions detriment to the this course, could very well Kyros, a Greek·American, ·u be closed to the public at LEGAL NOTICE r111e ln•~••nc• ccmDeny au1!<11ng, n.t . Sen. Abraha'TI R'.b,·cotf ID· At the t··me of the CO"p. o· . th r 1· t . I' t ,,,·,1 lie do-n't ~ .• how he W1 • NO<tl\ BfOHW&Y Cl!¥ cl Sonia A~ u 1e1n regime, e ormer am. n 1ena e a very impor "n ~ ...., A""" his request. ~ 111u C8ll1or~r•, 11.oae11.r E. w1:1,s. •• Cbiln.), a forrncr \\'elfarc D11rbrow said, he did bassador said. NATO ally," said Re1>. Ray \\·I ll vote on the aid, since he;===~=======~! •1ct1T1ou11u11N•1• Trv1l'tt.~1111~r"'"dttdoltrv11""'•""'1f NAMa STAT•Ml'lilT ll.06EllT G. TUllNEll: ANO CAROL R. ~retary and chief liberal op. everything he could to hel11 Tile cou p c01.used Diem to Blantou, \D-Tenn.) OOC of the f.'l \·ors a fastl'r n1ove toward --Tiit lolklwl!lfl --••• cloln111w<1..esi TUii.NEii. hvsbenll 8nd wire 1nd r'cord4'11 PQneJJt or the House·passed Diem and "I might have kept "change his whole position and congressmen who conferred free elections in Greece, but THE BEST ·~; PA Ct FtC tMAGl"S, 1m e1c1tn l'.ve .• c~~1~;171A~'::~~n :~,~·; P~:'11::i, Ni~on proposal. \l'as scathing. him from being bumped off." lighten things up V<'ry n1urh with Premier Ceo r g e rC<.'ognizes the country·s im· No. 2s. coot• M111 c1111or111a, 01"'" 10 sK ure an 111. "There v.·ou!d be 2.6 million He said he was awakened at around the country and he ob· P an .. dopou!ous. 1)()rtance to U.S. security in Readership po I ls prove JClfln ulohlon G•rn1r 11. nn Eloen aebttdntn In ''"°' "' SWAATf." !"° /\VI. Nie.. U, (Mii Mt11 LINKLElTEll: COMPANY, 1 P1rln11rlh~ regis.trants for workfare but the U.S. En1bassy in Saigon at viously fe!t he had lo have hi!> The foreign aid package thP r-.liddlc F:ast. "Peanuts" is one of the T1111 11111111111 b Mln• c0111111C1N br 1n '''" dnd 111 1rust now vwnt<1 •""held !ft ly · b be b v.·orld's most populer comic lfldlv1t1u11. METROPOL ITAN sf 11v1 c E colt-' on 200,000 Jo s lo pre>-3 a.m . y an attack on the brother's advice in this oper:i· f'On!ains a hedge that ...,·ould J~ep. Hichan.l T. Hanna, ([). strips. Read it dally In the Jo1111 L G1rner 11 POJtA110N b~ •t8!0<> m 111t .,,.,e11 m Vfd~. It misses 77 pcrcenl of presidential palace and made tion," Dubrow said in a radio allo\v Greek aid to be con· Calif.). 1rho rnade t1 separate DAILY PILOT. Tlll1 '"'""'"' 111.., wnh l1W countv c•111111 c1>11o111°"" ••cur~ thff~by. 11oi1<1 CIW'l tr! 0•• ... o CountY Oii: JulV t, lt1l. ol' ~IC/1 WIS •t<or<IN M1rch u, 191!. (11 -~"'J'\i;pe~o~p~l~e~,'c'~h~e~s~a~td~.-----~h~·~.,~~·:·a~y'_~t:o_:•he:._:C~h~o'..'.l:o~n'_~b;r;o~a~d~c~o~s;t}c'~l';""~"':'{"~d~~b~v~t~h:c~_:;l;~n~o[e~d":Oa~t~~t~h:c~c~·"~r~rie~"~ti:il&l;~·-~12~<1;:;a~y~l~r~;~p~l~o~G~r~e~ee~e~, ~s~a;;d';_Lhe~~~~~~~~~::'.~~~~~i a~ 1111Y J. ''''"'"' OtPt>IY c ... nr, Book •51•. PaGt ••. o• i1 1d Orticlet n.~g .. n repl>.ed·. d>.Slrt·ct. •n e ·ca s t r· ·1 ,·11·0 I• •I ·f I' 1 I b ght cte•-· ltt<o•ds, said Tru~1""' .... 111 "'11 11 PUbflc l"lvu ..,., " l ri n · CC\Jrl Y .ounr1 n1 I n-a-~ear ,.v,· I TE'l>I· Jlln '1 laS rou m Or I!. Pub!!.,... Orin" Co•ll 0~11r P11o1, iltdlon ro tne hlone•t Dlader 1or c••h. Ju!Y t , 1•, n, lO. 1'11 1111 ·11 11av1bl• 111 l8WIUI mcntY ol In• Uno!fd Siii•• 1t !he lime 01 s.io. w1l~oul w1r· • All THE GOOD SONGS BY ALL THE SUPERSTARS ~ "' z 0 ~ 0 .o 0 "' ~, .... - KWIZ 1480 AM RADIO • All THE GOOD SONGS BY ALL THE SUPERSTARS 1971 KWIZ 1480 AM RADIO • ALL THE • ... ::c m ~ c::: .... m ,. ~ ... > -4 • ·o 0 .. "' AUTOMOBILE "' ~ ~ ... 0 ~ .~ .... ~ ~ "' .. .... ~ "' ~ ... :::> ~ ~ ::c ,_ -<I ,.. ... ~ "' z .Q "' 0 8 "' ~ -j1: --"' ' ta, 2 0 ... ..,. ~ .. ~. ·~· ... ~ ... ! ~ "' ·~· ~ • •IQt -·~ ,. "' ... ..... ::c . ':" _. ·'<t· .,.. .. "' "' z: 0 "' ·O g ~ :r .... ::l "" • ALL THE GOOD SONGS BY ALL THE SUPERSTARS -... ' '·' ·'' -----,. -- READ THESE SIMPLE RULES \11 1;11 \11H•Ji!,I ;1JJ d IJJ111 drrd:-nf other clu rlin; p!io11r ninnlu·r) iforni:i, 927();~. 10 1.:1\'ll. ~ .. n1;1 !Ina. Cd· ONE ENTRY PER PERSON PLEASE r------------~------------~ I 0~ I I KWIZ DREAM WHEEL I I I I NAM Eo~-----------­ ADDR ESS'----------- I CITY·--------------1 ZIP ____________ _ I PHON "-~~~~~~~~~~~ '-------------·------·------J Listen for Your Name On The Air! IZ1480 ON THE AM RADIO DIAL KWIZ 1480 AM RADIO • ALL THE GOOD SONGS BY ALL THE SUPERSTARS -----··-----.... •' ...:;:...:;;,.-..--=-·. ,r-.. -.. • > ~ ~ ... % m g "' i ~ ~ ~ i j i KWIZ 1480 AM ltADIO • ALL THE •. ·--· --~·j l.1>--- LEGAL NOTICE ronrr ao lo lille, pou•nlon er en· l -----~cccc------l<umbr8ncM, the ln!ert>I co11~•••d to ond now h1la by 11111 Tru•!tt undtt 1ald Ottd P llW of lruol. In ona IO 1he l~lcwlng llf.Crl~ PICT1TIOUI I USINES• pr0Pfrl¥. to-wit'. NAMI JTATl'MENl Lei 112 In Tr1cl No. 61l4, •• ~hown en fol!cwl119 11tr...., 11 dolno euslneu 1 map rt<ordNI ln Soc~ 13&, Pag~5 71 '"' ••: lo 31 lnclu•lve, ol Mluellene<iu1 MAD~ . .ADV.At.ICE Sl':llVICES, 111!'~ llolbo~ r!<:O•d• 01 Oronoe (gun!v, (alllornl• !lvd, t.rewp0r1 B••ch, C1ltl. t16to. tooether wllh •••em1nh !or •uooort And R0111r Dint GrtoA, lll'l\> 6olho!I ...,ttlemeM whe•r ••Id lo! Adlolni •n-lllvd .. NewPOrl &1och, Calif. '7UO, grher let 111 sold tr11c1, tot1e1h~r wTI" lhls bu1intu 11 being conducrlll D• i n ~••~tnentt lor •~•el or 0,,,h1n01, ln<llvlduol own•r•MP. wkt•• ~utl• oavn Of~ con•truC!e<I 1n 1f. Regor 0. G•eoo c0<dlnce wl!h 10Plkobl1 munlclpol Thll tr•!fm•nt !lied with th( Cwnl¥ crdl11anco1. Cltrk OI O••nve CwntY on' July U. I'll. lht purt>Orl•d 8ddrou I•· 1!J01 C~itorv Uy !1tty J, &ar111ten 0ePU1V County Wav, lr~IM, C~lltornlt. !or the ~urP<l>e ol Cl1•k. P•Ylng cbllaat•on1 1tcurN1 bV •~Id Otra P~bl11hlll Ori n•• Coin! Doll• Piiot. J ~· lnclualng '°"" c~~rue1 8nd e•PC"''"' qt IY 1•. n. lO incl AUQU" •. 1971 ltll-11 , ... T•ullft """ ol ••I~. 11; LEGAL NOTICE 'n•• PICTITIOUS IUSllill~S NAMI STATl'Ml'lilT lollcwln1 "'""1 11 aoln1 Cllt<I Jul> 16. 1'11 11.ob~rt E. W~lu Tru"~• ~') Nor111 lloffanc~ ~·. W'ot Covin•. C11<1. 911¥1 bus iness OMS TIYO'S JEWELEllS, 179} l lra .. Coot1 Mt11, n.71. Prlmlll"11 Ou1r1~. 2Xl t:. Cot!o M .. 1. "ubll11\lll NeWPO•I Horbor Ne .... \ Pfr" N ... porl ComblnN W11h 1110 01ilr P!lct. N•NP<>fl 61acn. C1lllcrnl•. Julr 11, JO •"" Auow'I lttll St., 6. 1911 700'·11 llll1 but lMU II bllnt conchK!lll br •~ !ntllvldu81, LEGAL NOTICE l'rlmltlrl Du1rle T 1"16 1nl1 ~llltmlfll n11<1 with th • Cc~~!~ Clff~ OI Oron1t CDUn!v °"' Ju!r 2'. 1t1L er ,,,,.,Jy J. MllldGll CH>utv Countr c1..-1i. l'Wli....... OrtnC11 Con! Delly Pllol, Jul~ JO •"" ""'u" '· JJ. 70. urt mi.n NOTICE OF S-'LE O,_ lliAL •lOPEllf"l Al l'lllVATE SAL• No. 511 m In tht Su1>1rlcr Cour• cf tilt Slol• .,, C1llfornl1, In 1nd l1>r lhe County "' t.oo 1 ___ __cLE_G_A_L_N_o_TI_C_E ____ 1 :~:~:0 G~•r~1~~;hi~"G1111h~ ... ~~:~" .. I' 12'11 Notice Ii hfrPbV tiven thu m~ ""' PtCTtT1 0UI IUltNIJI <!1!r1lgned will ••II 11r pr lv1tt 511•, to !ht NAMI ITATl'Ml'NT nloll11t 1nd be>1 bidder, sublact 1c con· Tho lollcwlng p1roon• 1r1 Goino lhmollcn of 1~1a 5u<>'"dor Ccyrl "" "' bwtlneu 10: •!!tr !hit 1n<I d•'I ol Auou1r. 1911. ~I I'll INTEllNATIONAL MAN/l.GEMENT olllct of Willer en<l H~r..,lt. 4.ll Sour~ ANO MAlllCETING GROUP -WESf S11rlno S!rffl. SUHt 1071. LO• An!il"l11, s. J. PRINTZ & CO., 1194 Stierln1ton co, tOO!J, countv of Lo• AnaelfJ. 51111 Pl. T .JOt, NO'lll'l>Orl Dtoch, C•lll, f/6$0 o! C•lllorni11, 111 !Mt rlQ~I, litlf ond (n . Sldnfy !ron<t!, 1195 ShtrrlnOIOll Pl. T-'""'' ol 11lcl (minor I, In .on(! lo oll !~ 31)9, Nr<rPofl ee1cn, c1111, fl6'0 , , , ,, Tiii• butln111 lo t>tlng ccr>d~Cllll bY 1n Cl<ll•n ~•• pr-ri. 1I uole In lht •I t cl Coron8 dll M8r, Ccunl • ol 0f81\Qt• 1Nllvldu:1~MV l rind! 511!• ol C1lllornl1, oorllcularlv ducrl bo Thi• slll....,•nf mid with "1• Counrv &II •1 rclloWl, !o-wl! .:11rk ol O••M• Counrv on: Julr 21. 1011 -'" undlvl<l•d " l"t•r•1t In• Loi 11 av &tVlffY J, ,....ddO•. Cfpllt\I COi.in!¥ Ind I~• Sou!hwe1!e•I• ""t·h•ll of lnt (lffll. 11, ot ,..1ubdlvl1lo11 o• Co•ona d~I Mor. l'ubllll\td O••nH Cotst O•llv PilO!, Clry ol Nowporr Utnch. olso -ngw" 1s Jul¥ :JU 1rid A~uo! ,, U, 10, ltll 2011·11 ~1:111:n1~;sr1ti1, Cor""" Ciel Mor, LEGAL NOTICE Tl,.,.,t of ••I• c1•h In !nwlu1 monrY nl !ht Unlltd S11te1 on conrltme!•cn o! wl•. c• 11trl c8•11 1nd b•lnnce •Vlt!Mtt<I br p 1•1'1 11<1!~ •Ku•fel Dv Morl~8gr o• Tn"t Dffd PICllTIQUS I USINl"ll on lht P'°"~''" 10 1o!d. Ttn P•fCfnl af Nl<M• IT-'TIMl'NT 1mouf>f bill !o D• lltD<>11ltd .. ,rh bid, T~t tol!owlnt ... ,.on• ••• Going !Ids o• ollt'> 1o Do '" w'lt•~~ ~"II wll! OV.lntu ••: bf •ecelvlll 11 tne 1•0•1-..cr oil«• ~' •A• REMCOll , •l'.15 e11ci"I l lvd .• ll uen1 rime 1t!fr rh~ !int oublit•lion h'ffol •nn P1rll , C11U. 906l0. blfort dM' ot l•lt Irwin A, Moro!lllM, '"' El ll8 ncho Oot~ !hi• Ur~ dtv ol l•1lv, 1911 v1011. Fw n1non. CIJll. n .. :u. Wiiiiam G C~•ll•• Joe~ G111w1r, 1•1 Amite• Way, Gu1rdl111 ol ·~e C:•l•I• N,,.,.,_., etoch. (8111, '10.0. er ... 1d m no< lMo llu•IM>I 11 1Mln1 tOlldu"ld bf • WHttr 11>11 Hor~ol1 Lia P1•!ne•t.lllP. 011orntr1·•l·low Irwin A More,lliM OJ Sout,11 1••1nr SlrHI JocM G6lowov 5ul!t Ul7 T~ll ttotom1nt flied wl1h the Cwnlv L11 An1olt1, Cl 900\l cierk "'Orono~ CO<Jnty on Jul• 21, 1911 , Publl>~ftl Newp~f! ""'U~ B~ U1~et1Y J. M1Gdo~ OIDutr CO<JntY ccmblnt<J w•1h !he 0•"• I Clerk . U11ch, C1ld~•nio, Jury l'ubl l•lllCI OrJlngP (0111 ()all~ Pilot, Julv JO 1n<1 .o.veuu •· ll, 70. un ?Ol>?·ll "'" ' 1 ..... ~~·1 . i. i.::' !~11 1010-11 LEC:AI. NO'l'IC:E l _~_".1.~E~G~AL:::,;.N;O~T~IC~·E:_~-1 ~-::::::-: I· LEG-'L NOTICE P Utll NEWPOltl·Ml"IA UHIFIEtl PICTITIOUI IU!INl'll ICHODL OISllllCT HAMt: ITATEMt:Nl HOTICI INVlTIHO 910~ Thi tcl lvwlllg ptrM<nl 11e d<lln• NOTICE 15 HEA.EBV GIVEN lho1 1111 b<J11nt11 e1: lloa•d 01 Edut11fl011 ol tht Ntwpcrt·M••• MI OWE.ST·WEST CONSTRUCTION U11!flf'd Sclloe>I Oi olflCI ol 01 onq• CovNv, CDMPANV, !UO E11t 1/lfl Sl,.e!, 58r'lh (1lllot11l1, will rectlve te11leG bid• "P I• An1, Celllwnl•. 11:00 A.M. Ill tho 1•111 ~1¥ el -'utu1!, 1911, MIMLlC un..,lel MI 11 n •• O ! • 81 the ollltt of 11!<1 5C/10<!1 Ol•lrlcl, (0<"'1'111...,, J,jj Cllllr S!rlt1, 51. 1'1UI, IOCl!td •I !IS7 Pletenl•I Avpnup, (OSI • Mlnnuo!e. Mt11, C.i lforn(1, If -l<h r•mt i8•d bit • w. '°· I -'Hotl1!11 lid , • llrnl!N will be 11Ubllc11tv coenfd •n<I ••8tt 10, p.,IMrolllp by ,_hllll 0. Whlrentr. Sits PAINTING OF OUTSIOC: ANO INSrOE c1 .. brltw O• .. Yorb• Lll!de, (1!1!0tnl1 $TUOEHT LDC!CERS Tlllo bll•IMH II , ....... C'I.., ...,. ••• ,,. •• 1 All b!dt ,,. to b• Ill •ttcr<11nc1 .. 11~ 1tOntrihlp (-Ilion-. I n • t r u c t' c n ' , inn W. '°· & Al!OCIATE5, LTtl, SPKJllc1llon1 which ero !>Ow on Ill<-111 I llrnl11"<1 ll<ll"1neroll!I lht olllc1 of 1"~•1t•·Jtn>•n i ncl P•rln•ri. ev l'h lllD 0, ~11-r !"ll Otl Prl<lo, O~n1 Polnl. C•llloo-11.• "lhlt •!ettm1nt w11 t!IM wl!ll !t>e Coun• Eeth bllltte< mu•! •ubmll I bill lltt>Ol'f rr Cl"'~ "' O.-.OnH CounlY .., Julv 1•. In ,,.. form ., • ctr!UIM or c1•nler'• 1m. che<k or • bid llond e<1u1! le ''""' l>i"C•n• Ull.OC (S'lo) ol th• •mount ol !tie bid, mt111 Publl1Md or1nv1 COii! Doily Piiot, fllYlbl~ to tht o•<ll"• ot !he N""'""'' Nt1• Julr lO Ind AuGu.i •• IJ, lO, 1?11 )!()t.n U11IUe<1 kllD<>I Ol1tr lU +11 1n" '~""' .,. ---------'•llurt to !~Irr ln!o ou1h conlf•t' 1n .. LEGAL NOTICE P•<>eet<11 OI Tht thK~ w111 111 to•l•ltl!<I. "" In cni. er 1 bolla, lhP lull 1um Hierro• ---wllf bl l0<f1llld to 111<) .School Ol1!rlct of "oTrc• 01' "UI LIC Nl!-'lllNO TO &I' Or•noe Cou11!v Hl!LD I Y THI OllANOI! COUlilTY No ~l~de• m•• withdraw h•t bid for 1 '°\.ANNllilG COM¥1S•10N ON THI! ttrlO!I It! forl>'·!lvf llSJ ""'' 811" 1tt1 l'lAlll lLITY ITUDY OP A COUN· dill"'' for ""-Ill"' thl•t<>f TYWIO• llCYCL• IYtl•t.11 IN Th~ OT1!rlc1 hi• dtltrmln"I! I~• 9fP'lflt•I 011-'NO• COUNTY pr1v~lllno rll" ol 11tr <Jltm w1oe• 1" '1n1 Pur1u1n1 ID 1ra1r ot lhl Or1n1t Cwll!Y 10<1111>" In whlcn mlt wor~ I~ lo i,.. Pl1nnlnt Commtu1on, MllCf 11 llerl'by Plr!ormlll lor 18cn ettn er l•Dt cl tlv111 Ill•! 1 •ubllC llHrln• Wiii 111 l'Htld bv wor~m1n Mftlld !o t•e<ult 1he conlrl'C! Hid commln!on Oii Ill• r1011~1111r llUllY which will bf 1w1•dlll 10 11\e tucc1nf\ti 01 1 covnrrw~ ~lc~I• •Y~,.... In O•~ng1 bld<l•r. "' bt •• fellow• Cou~r,. CLA5S1PICATtON t<OUllLY WAOI! Thia i!VOY prt11nlo 1 conctorutl l!'ld P-'llilTEll!, JOUllNEYMEN U.9J •kll9Mt blt relt .,.,.Ill «o.inlvwkk KOH PAINTEJ!$, -'PPllENTrce ~ !u tM tocornmlnd• I coYr11 el tcllOll IO• Plut llelatld tonal bMtltra "" ...... ia.l!ltf!f ... cwntrwl" l>ICYClt APC>•fflllCto lh•ll be tmPICflll In ,_ lvtftm, l0<mlly wlrh !oc!lon 1111 J cl '"' lflkl 11,ibllc ht1r111t 111 lf!f llNWI 1tuoY Ct lllotnl1 t.1bor Codt. wtll bl Mo!O •t l:JI •. m., TU1'<11y, A"'""! Thi! '°'"°'"' ocnt11ul1 c• WIG~ ,, IG, ltlt , In 1111 ""'4'1M 11111 "'"'I,.. ,_., blHd llPOf! 1 JaurrM1ym1n wo•~ln'I <I••~ 111 11>1 OrtMt Cavntr '°11r1nl11t Com· elollt {I) hClun , Tht r1tr of !"lolkllv 1n.:1 mlOlon, .,..1,....-1"' t.,rllcllnt .00 Civic crv1r0Um1 Wtwk 1hoU l!t 1! lltnf incl o-Cffllt r Orlve w .. 1. 11-.. IM, s.n11 An.1, ht H. Ctlllornle, •I wlllU< Time ind 1>l1C1 111 II "'•II bl rn1ncl1torv u"" tn~ co... --tlfll.fr ltV'(>l'I ... OI __ 1,,. Mkl lrl(for re whom th• <:Ol"!!'llGI I• aw1•<1P'111 p•-•ltn w!ll bt llttrd, II 11 ••· incl tlPOll 1n~ WbcOl'lrlCIOr u""'r him. -..M"MI tf\el '"' wrllltn '"ll'fl'lll Ill ffll1 to NY not leu 111111 •h-11!<l tftC.•11111 Mlle l'lltkit .. ...,..1"911 M -,l111nl,,. r11t1 IO 111 wotk""" t<no"11'1<1 bv lhlf!I t-iHlfft IH'ifr to TM lllltlflt <lll9. 1n l!lt U'Kl1ll011 ol tl'lt conlrl(I ""' fllrtlllr Ml•ll• r"1rf1111 Nlill ''O· ,,.. 8011 rll of l!:01K1llon ol !flt ~_,. "9Md ,1111, ell llllffltlld ........ lrt In· MHI Uftllllld 1(!>001 Ol1td(I rt1•rvt11 ""' fllld t. u11 1t "" ffll~ fl -Ot1111tt 1ltlll to r1IKt l l'Y Of 111 bib. •1111 .... c.rtttr •1111111,,. c-ml-•lott. •'lfl-•ln1 n~•U••lly """'' 111~ 1~,1 blcl, 1rid ,. .... uiilM. ,..,, Ill, 4IO O•IC Ctn'-• Orlv; NllVt l llV lftlorm11t11 .... Ir'"""'''"' 111 W .. t, tint• Aflf, C•llfotftl1 ...,,trt •1k lnY b!ll •Ktlvld. ......... 'lllft ta Ill Ille lftll ev1ll11i!1 IOI Otlldl Julr '9. It/\ 9'1"1c Ill-<'.,, N!WPOllT ·MES-' U~1r.1EO ••u••• ... ,. 1111..,, $(1l00L.. O!~Tll1CT ol AHlllMll Pllflfll'lf ll!f'Kllf Ofo ... 1 (o.lll!V, C:elllotflll A"4 fMflltfY ,, ""' IY Doroll'IY H11vtv f l111..-0••M1 (eu11ty '"O•th~!l~q AQtM ,ll!ln1"' C_,,..!Nlfn IU-l!bO '°""''"'** 0r1n• c-1 D1l!'f 1111o1 l"ut1ll1ftld O••llOI C~·· o.11v "ll•t, Jvly .. "" ~ ... ,, J\tlV lO I nd Auo~•l •• )911 J\!0.71 ·' I <c DA.ll Y PILOT .A Ce-try Dlvided ANIMAlogi< U.S. Re~alls More Salami . - Petitions in Italy Guarded; \\'ASHINGTON lUPI) 10.xin Vfe.te attributed to the prccauuonary measu re '· told newsmen,. "We're°°" The Agriculture Department product in Chicago. EM! becaU5e of the ~cauered making a thorough study of all \!__ Thursday issued a serond Llbeny. Pa., Pensacola and reports of illness. Genoa Salami." Dr. Abby Seek Veto of Divo1·ce Law (~' recall uf Genoa Salami and f..1iami fla., and Mmn"polis, Penoru bee"'"'"" UJ from 1 ".,.... said sample.s from a ~ sajd il was checking a cross -~ ~·-- , ~ .. seclion of all U.S. supplies of f.1tnn. "staph" toxjn suffer nausea, rwmber of manufacturers 1 the product, which has made a Last week, Armour and Co von1lting and other digestive \Vert. being assembled for );41 \ ~ scor~ of persoos ill recently. agreed to a recall of II.! Genoa upsets. Officials said a 11 laboratory check. Genoa is 11 lWME !UPI) -lo a sma ll , \vindowle!S room on t~ Sf'· rond floor ot Honie's LTurnbl· ini;: PalaC'e or Ju.sticc, a lone policeman sits night and day v.•atching 30! boxe..~ which, v.•hen opened. t:ould ignite a \IOlenl chapter 1n thr saga of divorce, Italian stylt Inside the buxes .ire lht> petitions bcann~ J , 3 7 0 . I 3 4 names calling for a national rtferendum lo repeal Italy's first divorce J:11o1 . 00\1 six months old. Betv.•een no"" and 01:1 31. nfficials "'ill Lake thf' boxes one by one. chC\:k the names against 1'0!l'f and t<1x lists. culling out the mythical n2.me \ Y.'hich ah1ars find their v•ay onto pclilion.~ and the dupl1ca- 11ons. and cert1fyin1; then1. If ill least 500,00.l of !hr names are genuine, the pcl1- t ion~ will be p;:i.~sed 10 1t1c cn11 1't11utiunal court which will , ' • !l1t"1r IL·µality by nt'xl fo'eb. 10. paving the way for :i 1 ,l 1ln.' Vi11c (!fl the issue ~0111t.!111nc bet\\·ecn next April J5 and June 15 No single issue has so divid- ed !he ho1nelahd of Rom2.n Catholicism since 1946 when Italy \'Oled whether it wanted a monarchy or a republic. The divorce question coull:i~plit the-nation jus! as l!m- phat1calty. '"Divorce.' si .. and "Divorce, no·· signs already have begun appearing on the ~rails of J{ome and leaflets reciting the benefits and evils of divorce clutter the streets. BD.ttle Jines arc quickly being dr;1wn and lhe first sparring broken out The bill authorizing divorce In Jtaly . after five years of stormy debate, pas.scd parlia- 1nent during an all night session lasl l)('c. I. ·rhe only JOY its opponents got during lhe long final night was to force a vote on each section of the bill. But even l>clore its final paSS2o(:.e, fierce opponents to lhe divorce law are already making plans on a campaign of action to rept:al 11. And one hour arter the bill y,•as pasSt'd, opponenL'J announced a dri\'e for a national referendum on lhe issue. Pope Paul VT wa.s out of Tta· Jy on a trip to Asia at the lime and i88Ued a brief :itatement expressing his "sorrow"' at the passage of divorce. However. church officials denied the Vatican y,•ould back any pro- posed referendum to repeal the la1v. Although the Vatican o!ficial position has not ch2~'1gcd. lhe Halian Bishops Conference issued a idatcment attacking the bill and lhe Archbishop of SieM publicly said he would 1iUppor1. a referendum drive. Divorce advocales filed charges against alt 306 Italian bishop.<; for their statement. aCT11sing tliem of spre:vling rrports to disrupt public (lrder S1nec then 1he nuinbrr •If . ~u11s and eountersuits filed JJ1 l!ahan rourts un the suhJe«·t :ihno~t riv<ll the number of divorce procced1ng.~ Allh0ugh each pol1t1cal par· Iv anrl cert.ain!y the Homiln t'rJhol ic Church have t;ikt'n (lffic1al po.,.itlons 011 dil i•rcc- nnc doc~ not h;n•e lu look 1·rrv f;1r lu tind :i Cl1n~t1;1n Democrat or Rood Cathol1t· 1n I ;i 1·or or divorcr or a nun· thurch going leftist again"\ 11 And although the dnvr !or 11 referendum }1as no uf!icial political or church bal"king, one or the sponsors of th(' referendum. Enrico ~1edt. out· polled Mayor Clelio Uarida 1n recent HomP city eouncil elPC'· tioo!'i. Also after the Pl~hons. \t>N\Ct!'i 1·0\cred Rome ex- plaining "why Catholic!" \'Oted neo-fac1sl •• The nco-lascists. Attorney:s For AJiolo Seek DcJa y OLY1\1PIA . Wash. 1L'l'li - Attorneys for San Francisco mayor .loseph Alioto arc lo working in two courls in an at· tempt to force a delay in a Sl.3 million civil Jay,·suil in- volving fee splitting by Alioto ind two former stale offic1;ils ~ de<:ision was t'Xpe<'ted soon from State Supreme Court Chief Justice Orris Hamilton y,·ho heard n1ore than two and one ha 1f hours of •rgument Tuesday. Jn &ddition. Alioto ha s joined George K. Faler, 11 former 11Mistant attorney gcnt•r111. 1n 11 federal court action filrd in Se;itllc. The third dtfendnnt i~ former St.ale Attorney Ge1leral John J . O'Connell. h-=::i.· -·"'.Ji;:;-;;f'--.-:: 1., who inadc l1uge gains ln lhP !()cal tlt.'ct1ons, :ind lhc t1nv rnonarchist p:irty, are tJJf• only parties solidly aga1ns1 d1Yor t'l'. rrlercndun1 could spilt the ' H,,_.mel aod Co, A"5t,·o, b f l~,,J)lil 1 '. Officials said George A. ·salami alter nine illnesses victims of the incident h~ve type of salami and is produced "" were attributed to that firm's fully recovered. y many 1nanu acturers. country right do\vn U-.e 1niddle. f.1inn., has agreed lo recall produd. Offlcials said the Only four ounce package~ of Jn normal processing of "A national vote on divorce 11 ~ fro1n retail markets all of its Armour recall was complete, tlormel sliced Salami y,•ere <;cnoa, officials e x p I a in e d 1·r1uld break up more families ••· .. _ vaccum·packed sliced Genoa but they did not know how being recalled. Other Genoa '"favorable bncteria" keep the Bui 1nus1 polil1c1ans and Iii•· \ atican alike. ntit to menLion divorce supporters, knnv. only too 11ell that a 111\11011<11 1hiHJ the divorce law Hself," Salami. much meat was involved. :iahuni packed by Hormel 11o·as staph frorn reaching hannful unl· church·gving Christian ·1 MW 10 Sf RV OUi fCR IK>URS The recall y,•as requested In both lhe Hormel and being studied. levels. '"ln lhis instance this J)cn11K·rat v.·ho :.upports the UN1'1 t. ,.Hf."( fOUMD l'f WA'ii A because 11 cases of lllness Armour cases, officials said Jn the w1ke of Lhe second in-interaction did not l 11 k e d11·orcc law said. LtAK IM ,.H€ WAflRBf.D." caused by a staphylococcus the recall was requested "as a cident, a depanment official place." officials said. ~__.;;;---------~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiilliiiil .· .: ,~ VILLAGE t :-·. BLACKSMITH ' .. . LAWN TRIMMER , 1487 .. JEW LOW PRICE P atrick aoya 1hi1 js the greate1! lhing •inc• the Irish d isco•ered w h i1k•y. He compares it lo th• 18.88 one •om•bodY el•• mak••· Po w e rlul. EXTRA LARGE PICNIC BASKET 297 Remember th• wicke r on•• you used 01 a kid? Well . this look• li ke it. only it't pla stic, Any how i!"s .asier to cl.an. You can buy tra m 6 to 20 foot length• in th is !in• redwood, Got a p roject in m ind. (Maybe a boat to sail out of th• ta x collector· 1 re<Jch. take me a long.) lx3 lx4 1x6 lxB . . . • sc •.• ' gc: •... 12' •.•• 16< LIN. fT. LYSOL DEODORIZllG CLElllER Ly1ol i1 l ike apple p ie and mother. they will n•v•r let you down. Re-ally clean1. lnttead of jut! ma•lring the od ot. Big jug. -.. .. -~'"' --· --~ "'!':·-. ·- 88'!:. ·-· 48''x48'' REDWOOD PATIO TABLE : With Umbrella When aom•on• aay• something 11 good. does that mean something •l•• is had? Al National 11 mean• if• just a little more for your money. Four foot square deal with floral umbrella (Yea. Herbie. yo11 get th• fring• on top too.) four benches. all redwood. ...................... , I "Liquid Beauty'' I FLOORING DEMONSTRATION I 97 I SAT ... JULY 31; 10 to 4. Huntington !each Stor• I ·---------------------a 4C ~I-op9C!Glo .... ,..,._ A...,.on t. 1111 a wo..t<11>t ..-, •f .ii• lo b~~t lJb G lr'llC~ k>,,t _...., .... ,..._..,._, ... •"akt.l • . BUCK & DECKER I ' \ ELECTRIC MOWER ~~~~4999 ..:z,~;;::....T No. 8000 Jt'• nice not lo hacrr the roa.r of lh• •ngine i n th• .backymd. l"be hum of e lectric l • blc• und the powep la th•r• •· >a why men with gaa..hummmmmm? II" 6 FT. REDWOOD TR EL US 67c Train. that bu1h or rose thing . it"ll loolr: ' b etter a nd grow n icer tha n bcngin · alt ()ver the joint. All r.d wood. CABINET , HARDWARE 25~A • The pulls. the knob1 th• hinges. All o ne price. Very fancy. Whal th••• sold for before we bought lh• load out. I w ould be ashamed to tell you. LATEX CLOVES 27.~. folk•. todoys clecrn•rs do a gteat job on dirt. but not ao good for hand .. Pick. a few pair ol th•M up and Mt,.. your hand•. ''.'.:!!----""': ,.,,---' • ., , Eaaieat wtty lo fertUin I know. Mix•• w ith the water in. a spray jug. Good price. lilr:e pafiag half. right?' BARDiii ' LIQMD PLUSH BUY ONE GET ONE FREE 4 95 CAL ~. 2JID DIE FREE ' . OUTDOOR ......,,.,;.., YARD .. ""••&' FOOGER PW.Tit + ' ,,,,_ tO&tt1 • 97c ' Blasl with t hia a .,,hll e before l h• barbecue and yo1.1 can en joy th• meal w ithout the buga.. (Boy, ii 1 ~a bug, I'd be insulted..) PAMTY ROSE CLOSEOUT • • : .' ,, ~ '·' ~ .. Well. we did It. Bought llk• two Iona and they take up a lot of room. So we"ll ID<lk• you a deal to reduc• th• ataclr. OVEBJORN STORlliE CABIRET 1497 Som• smart f1Vt figured a cl•••r wc:y to U H that wo:ated spac:• D'ftr tM toba. }11.•t Uta right. lfe'f"ft Mn• enough cabinet spac._ PORTABLE 1 BUILT-IK BAB-B-Q 13988 Th• thing lookil lik• Y.al 1t0De hrick. 'You couldn't make on• tor the prlc• und thJa you c:mi put anywhere. Consider it. PLASTIC OVAL ~ ' ·,,.-;_'.;'.°;: DROP SHADES ... ,. . ... ,. ... : '-;';~-.:1,...; ~ 4· • • 2.57 1' • v A n ice 1ha de complete w ith m ounting hardware, Jin••· and pulleys. In a•ocado or white. 6' •• 3.77.l 8' •• 5.37 :' 10' • • 6.67 , 12' • • 8.47~ PURE , VINYL FLOOR TILE 9 88 CTI. Th• mo•t popular whit• a nd golcl potlern. Look1 good yeG"r a fter yecr. th• shine is buill io and the material holds up. 4.5 square feet. DOUBLE KEYED EllTRY LOCKS 297 You flnallr got the kid to mo•• out. to ~ cbano• th• lock or h•'ll be back to mooc:h an.oth•r t•n.n•r. flt• •tandClfd open.mg .. Got two lr•T•· "hers" and '"'her•" and you ring th• bell. • ·--'"""·' --....... ~~ ---;: . - E A Complete Guitle ! KE ••• Where to go • •• OCC Slates 'Fiddler' Production "Fiddlt'r on thr RMF," with a top notrh c;:isl of 70. will open for fl four--day run at Orange Coast College Aug. 4. The show will play Aug. 4.7 at 8: 15 p.m, In the OCC Auditorium, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Tickets are $2 and all 1eats are reserved. Director John F'erzaet·a will be making his debut in the OCC summer musical - 11 series which dates b11.ck to 1953. The summer shows are usually sell outs, and thi1' year·s production looks like no ex· ception. Gary (:ordon of Los Angeles has been cast in the litle role of Tevye, the part played on Broadw11y by Theodore Bikel and Herschel Bernardi. Gordon has appeared with the Long Beach Civic Light Opera and the Hollywood Theater. Appearing as Golde will be Carol (;wenn of Los Angf'les. who also has Ap- peared with the Long Beach Civic Light Opera, and has radio, lelevision and film experience. YentA the Matchmaker will be played b.v Janel (;nrdon of El Toro. She \a~t ap- peared in "View from the Bridge·· at UCL E What to do • •• CAROL GWENN LISTENS VERY CAREFULLY TO MATCHMAKER JAN GOROON 'S OFFER St'P <;u1de lo Fun , Page :12 for more GARY GORDON PLEADS WITH CAROL GWENN TO CEASE' NAGC:ING ticket Information. Hollywood Backstage Actor-directors Seek Creativity By BOB THOMAS Anotl•IN l'ratt Wrtllt' ttOLLYWOOD -"In most pictures I've directed myself," Marlon Brando once said. "So why shouldn't I direct lhe entire picture?" He· did so, directing and :i1tarring in "One Eyed Jacks," a creditable 1961 \Ve.stern. but one which lost money for Paramoun1. He hasn't directed a fllm i;inoe. The urgt' that struck Brando is com- mon · among stars. Jn recent times more and more of them have been turning to direction. Some, like Brando. are partly motivated by the desire le practice their profe:.Sion without the interference of a director. Other5. like Paul Newman and Jack Len1mon. see f1lrn direclion a~ a creativl' PxperiencP. Thf> fir~t directorial jobs of both were mov1e,c; 10 which they dKi not 11ppear -Newman with "Rachaet, Rachael." starring hi.~ wife. .Joanne Woodward: Lemmon with "Kolch," star- ring Wal ter Matthau. Therein lies 11 debate Among actor· dire<:tors. "If T ever directed." says one st:ir. ''it would be a film in which I didn't :ippe:ir. Your performance has to suffer when yoo·re dlr:ecting your.c;elf. The only one!'! who have been 111ble to direct their own picture.c; ,c;uccessfully havP been Charlie Chaplin and Orson Welles -and ('Ven Welles has suffered from h.ls own direc- tion." Others. like Woody Allen and ,Joh n Cassavetes. claim thal !heir performances aren'I hindered by their double dutie.~. In ract. they indicate they arf' able 10 maintain greater conlrnl. Among the rect'fll cooverts to direction: Bo11• ClufJ' Rodeo · Sidnry Pr1111er. "'"ho replaced .!Of' Sargent af1Pr a c11fference of op1nlon on "Buckand the Preacher." Clint Eas1wood. whn sl;irrrd Hl ;ind d1rl'cted "Play 1'.11s1y for fl.fe." 8la1ne May. who roded ur suing Para- mount bec;iu.~P nf the v.•ay her "A Nf'w Le;if" was cdill'd. Cliff Rnhl'r!son . who d1rrcted ;ind i;lar- rccl in ".I W." Alan Arkin. who rl1rect£'d Elliou Gould in "L1Ulf' r.furdrrs." .Jack Niehol!<on. who d1rectrrl but did nol appC'llr 1n "Drive, lie Sairl." Peter Fonda . .,..·ho directed h1mselr in "The Hired ~Ian." P;iul Newman dirrcted h1msPH for 1hf' r1r s\ llmr In "Son1et1mr~ ;i C,rrat ;-.;o- l1on ." He didn't plan 11 lha! v.a~ llP tr,nk over for :inoLher d1rrctor who was fired Rftcr Lhe film had begun. ····------11"'f"'-, Troy Naboni: and 'Slim' will be one of the•features In the Huntington Be.ach Boys Club Rbdeo this Sat- u•day·a~ Sunda~ "l lhe·HuntingtoriBeach High SChool field , 1903 Main St. See Guide tn Fun for Ucket information. Procecdf> from thi.~ World Championship eYent go to Boys Club projects. ' ' --.::.\ __ ~· -- ------. -·---... -·~ -•-'-7 ·-~ -·• •l,1 -.._ __ --... ,~----.... ._ ... -~-'~ ~~ ~·-- Burt Lancaster has iinnounced thal ht will direct hi!\ next film, "M1dnighl Lady and the Mourning Man." It's a Jong time hctween directorial job!< for him ; his last w;i.~ "Thf' Kentuckian" in 1955. Ra .v Milland L~ another rr111rnee to dire<.'tion : he'll di) "K<I'' ill hi.~ old s1udio, Pilrllmount. He cxpla11'K'd his dilemma : .. r hale a1·ting. But the lrouhlP i~ !hat it pays Ion d;,mned well. I would much ralher be ;i director, but the studios don't pay dire<'tnr.ct enough, even those who arfl more imporlant than the actor~. As a c11rector I make one-fifth of my acting J<<llary ." The rconon11c In~~ ha~ not delerrert ~u1·h Artor-d1rPctnr~ as .John Wavne. Fran!.. Si na~ra. f;ir! Re1nt<r . Pllul f!('nnert . Corne] W1lrle. GC'ne l\elly, Den- nis Hopper and Ida Lupino. 'F or111n.' Lo Open Center The<1Lre Fifth, Season A g;illl t>n1ert;i1nment iind ;in lnirnit;iblP star -Phil Silvers in "A Funny Thing Jlappencd Oo tltt> Way To lhe Forum" - will open the fil!h season of th'-Centrr 'l'heatre Group al the Ahmanson TheAlre, Newly AppoinlM managing director Robert Fryer announced lrxlay (Jul~ 21 1. The uproarious musical comedy, w1nnrr of ninr Tony Awards and fe;ituring music arld lyri('S by Stephen Sondheim 4 "Com- pany " ;ind "F'ollirs''1. begins a six-weclc run Oct. 12. And Silvers. play!nR the con- niving. rascally Roman slavP Pseudolus. gets a super showcase for hi11 comedic talent. This perfect C1'lming together or star and l'lhow provides an auspicious start for the new CTG·Ahamanson series. whirh wilt also lnl'lude lhe r-urrent London and Bro11dway hit "Sleuth." "A Funny Thing llappencd On li'ie WAY To the Forum" is 11n ingrati11ling farce deriving fron1 the comedies oj the playwright Plautus. vernacularly rerer- ted to as the rowdiest gagwriter in an- cient Rome. With a book by Burt Shevelove and Larry Gelbart. the mu~ical was an Immediate smash, playing for 28 months to capacity Broadway audience:! after ~ning In 1962. It repealed its critical and popular success in London and Paris and on a U.S. road tour but nf':ver played ill a major. Los Angeles lheater. It ls r eported that when Messr3. Sondheim, Shevefove and Gelbart rirst Cflntf':ived tbe Idea for "A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum" it w;is for Phil Sliver!!. However. the actor hild televt1ion commitments S<I the leadii'tt role went lo 7,em Mos.tel. who triumphed and hMdlly won himself a Tony. .... _, " . } ~ .•• ~· .:.~.:::~-._J.., --J~ CHRIS SPEIRS AND COLIN VOGEL DISCUSS WEDDING PLANS Toni Holt Set For Guest Shot On Merv's Show Toni Holl. whou a y nrt lca t ed "Ho1lywood HeadUnee" refJOTt Is Se«I daily in Lo8 Angeles on Olarmel 9'1 4 and 9:30 p.m. nev.':"I. will be a gum on the "Merv Griffin Show" Aug. I at 1 l :3'1 p.m. on Olannel 2. Apearing with Toni on lhe program, to discuss lhe general subject or "Women WI Showbu6iness," wlll be Pamela Masm, Eva Gabor, C.-Olyn JOOM and Bonita Granvtne. The aubject quickly becomes )ost a11 lhe group ·warms up and b"ies to determine whether Frank S\Nttn had "reaUy retired". 'T'oni, by the way, had been the first columni:it and tfl(>Orler to releaee the 11t.ory of F'l'-nk's "retlremenl," and now. has becooie the (ir"'t lo reveal h.is possible ambassa~- WEEKENDER INSIDE FEATURES LUCY BELL, Editor f'ridRy, July :JO, lf71 The Supremea. who are .appeal" ing at Disneyland through Aug. t are reviewed by Candace Peanon oo Page 32 o[ today's Weekender. Sla11 Delaplane Pace %1 ' Devil's Advoc=ate& Pa1e 21' In' the Galleries Pa1e U "tJter Ute Fall'' Ptge it O.t 'N' Abottt P11ges n • !I G~ to Movie& rage II 'Seume' Early Saturday Pa1e zt . "l.art Rua" Reviewed Pt1e at KC~ Wettems Pa,e • • Live Theater Pqt 11 Ballet on Green P.,e 11 8f':n Murphy Pqe 11 Yo ur Guide to F'tlJI Pace 22 •· Latu"• Art GaUery Pace 3Z "Sntt•h Pacific.. Pare J! 'l1..;.·~-'· -~~- Devil's Advocates Gary Jacobson . left. Jeannie Rogers and Dave Pig· man do satirical sketch on "Topless \Vaiter" at Golden \Vest's Actors 1~1 aybox at 8 p.m. July 31, .J\ug. 6·7. Sun1 n1e r group tails itself The Devi.Ps .<\dvocat es. 111 tlie Galleries Cl1allis Showing J0Am1e Mix Art LAGUNA ART ASSOCIATION -307 Cliff Drive. Laguna Beach. On exhibit to run concurrently with the Festiva l of Arts. through Aug. 28. the All California Show. D oc en l tours al 2 p.m. Fri., Sat. and Sun. SAWDUST FESTl\'AL -700 block of Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Festiva l of arls and crafts will run through Aug. 29. Over 160 area artists wi!l display their \\.'Ork from 10 a.m. to midnight. Admission free. ART-A-FAIR -346 N. Coasl Highway, Laguna Beach. On exhibit through Aug. 29, Sun.· '.I'hurs .. 11 a.m. t.o II p.m.; Sat. and Sun .. noon to midnight. "'ork of va rious artists. Admission. 25 cents. SHER~1AN FOUNDATION (;ALLERY -2625 E. Coast Jl igh· \\'ay. Corona del 1'.1ar. 1 Formerly Coffee Garden Ga ll ery. l 11ours: 11 a.m. lo 3 p.m. Mon.-Sat. The Junior League of Newport Harbor exhibit features varied "'ork by Claire Falk· enstein through Aug. 26. 80\llERS !'1-fUSEUM -2002 N. 1'.1ain St., Santa Ana. I-lours: IO a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tues.-Sat.; 1 lo 5 p.m. Sun., and 7 to t p.m. Wed. and Thurs. No charge. On exhibit Orange _A_rt Association Show through Aug. 15; Photographic Exhibit, through Aug. 29. SECURrTV PACIFIC BANK -196 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regular business hours, oil paintings by Tony Marsh. through Aug. TRANS AMERICAN TITLE -170 E. 17th St., Costa ~1esa. On exhibit durinc regular business hours encaustics and oils by Manci Schonlhal, through Au g. NB CIVIC CENTER GALLERY -3300 Newport Blvd .. New· port Beach. Currently on exhibit in ci ty hall during regular business hours. photos of Upper Newport Bay by Joa n Cloverdale through Aug. COSTA M~A LIBRAR Y -5G6 Cent.e r SI.. Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regular library hours. oil paintings by G"·en Conway, through Aug. MESA VERDE LIBRARY -2969 1'.1esa Verde Dri\'e East, Costa 1'.tesa. Currently on exhi bit lh rou gh July. oil paint· ings by Alna Phillips and Emma Harris, through Aug. AVCO SA\'lNG -3310 Bristol. Costa r.tesa. On exhibit rlur· ing rl'gular busine~s hours, oil paintings and acrylics by Shir· Jry Leyrer, through Aug. CROCKER CITlZENS BANK -2300 Harbor Blvd .. Costa f\lesa. On exhibit durinR regul:i.r business hours through Aug., oils and acrylics by Gerald Speheger. OO\\TNE\' SA \'INGS -36" F.. lith SL. Costa t.lesa On ex- hibit during rci.:ular businl'SS hours. oil paintings by \.ertrude t.·111ttocks, through Aui.; FIR."T NAT IO~'Al. llAJ\'K -Hi~O Ad11ms St., Cost.:i r-.·1esa. On exhibit dunng regular busine5.'l hours, oil paintings b.v t.1arvPI Coleman. through Aui.: CltAl.LJS GALLERIES -1390 S. Coa~t Jlighv:n~·. Laguna Beach. On exhibit through AUK 14. ne"· paintin,Rs t,_, Jo Anne Mix. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p ni. daily NE\VPORT NATIONAL HAN K -1090 Bayside Driv e, New- port Beach. On exh ibit during rtgular business hours, through Aug., pen and Ink dra\\·lngs by Frederick L. Pa~·ne. l\1ARJNERS LIBRARY -2005 Dover Drive, Ne\\l)Ort Beach. On exhibit Lhrough Aug .. paintings by flta ry Jean Bender and &easht ll collection of Nel fllurbacker. CORONA DEL ~1All. L18RARY -420 1'1arigold A\'C. C.:Orona dcl Mar. On exhibil during regul ar lib rary hour:ii lhroul-'(h Au i: . pnintin~s by Glo ria Bradeson ind sea shell colleclion of Nel ~l ulbaC'ker. 1'1ARINERS SA\'fNGS -1 51~ \\"estcl1U Onvt', Ne"·port Beaeh. On exhibit during regula r bu!li1ess hours. oi l paint- ings by ~lark l\1cCullock throur.h Aug. HUNTER'S BOOKS THE wrsr~ ~•NIST IOOKSTORES FOR 120 YEAPS-SINCE 1851 loc1tH At FASHION SQUARE IN SANTA ANA Phone 1714) S43-9343 66,SOO looks & Paperboclics 12,000 UnvtMI Q.reethuai Cards IARGAINS G•LORE! OPE1'i f:VENl/\16.''i ''flL 9 P'.~I. V°'--' • . ~ • • I ' ' •• ' • I Travel Camping in Canada Cheapest W ~y to G.o ' QUEBEC', Canaria -'rhere are 400,000 kids hitchhiki ng the summer roads o f f'rench Canada Most are backpackers: A blan ket. A knapsac k. A hand-lettered dest ination sign: ''Gaspe.' ''Que bec.'' '' I..a urentlans." "In Europe, how do we arr1nge h1rd·t01i(et the1ter ticket1? Oper1? Tr1ln re1erv•tlons etc." et<:. Each has a talile . Tb• Puntr -who hu a lot o r muscle on seating -UIUally Plc.i.I bJI o~. The besl lookin g singk! girll:. The Uv1l111t couples. 1'he hitching seems easy. ~1any boy-girl teams -she holds out the th umb. Many two-boys hitchi ng. No t n1any shaggies. Probably because pickups a re by straights. The juice man of all F.uropean hotels is the rnan v.·ho handles your r oo1n keys. (He has crossed keys on his uniform lapels:) Known as the hall por- te r in England. Concierge in France and so on. 11e knov.·s EVERYTHlNG. Can get you A N'Y'l'l·llNG. * \Vhile I am in Canadt, I h1v!. a corr".Jpondent on the c ruise ship Princess Italia to Alaska who re- ports: ""On this ship the ('aptain has six at his table and changes them every night. So on this trip. a fourth of the passengers get to have dinner \\•ith him." * "l'reat thi.'> person like a jev.•el. /Polish h in1 oc- * ram pers and te nts all ove r. 1'he fi elds are snov.•y with white daisies. Every thirty mil es or so. a fl eur-de-lys sign d irects you t o spl_endid camp- grounds. Birch trees and level tent sites beside a r ive r. Spotless bat hrooms a nd s howers and v.•ash· tubs. casionally v.'il h a cou ple of doll ar bill. .... ) l·lolel res- ervations in the next cro"l'-·ded city? He belongs to the inlernational "Golden Keys." So doe.~ the man in the uext \O\vn <I think they've got a secret code •·You do this for me. Next time I'll d o it fo r you.") * .. T his is our second t rip o n this sh ip , and he has a private 'repeate rs' party." \\le ran into fog and r ain nearly all the v.•ay -the fl.1ex ican run is safer for weather. Next m onth, they begin a series of c ruises to the Caribbean, Mexico and South America, a nd v.•e hope to take one where \Ve can get the luncheon buffets on deck again . Pas!engers I talked to loved the ship, hated the v.·eather." * A concierge in a big hotel has one or the best T he \Veather 1s 75 at noon. Nights are pleasan t· ly cool. 'fhe tourist bureau says food prices are half those of the U.S. But \1e found them about the sanie An eight percent sales tax on every thing n udges costs up. But camping is t he c heap est of au travel. jobs in Europe. Right in the middle of the guest service. Hence in the middJe of the tipping sit uation. Don't disappoint h im, and life wilt ru n like melted butter. * * "Haw do tMey select who sits at tMe C1pt1in'1 Tip for travelers: Airlines have :!I lot of eus· Here it's de luxe. • t•ble an crui1e ships1." * Our highest Canadian costs: Resturants. Liquor . Cigarettes. Ge nera lly, the shipping line g1\'eS him the \vord o n VIPs aboard. Second choice goe s to chief officer s - Chief Engineer, Staff Captain, Doctor tomer service. Not advertised n·idely, but they'll do it for you. Hotel reservations. Car rentals. The:!itet tickets. Also they'll add to the hotel Telex that you need a babysitter. Titled •co1ripa1iy' Ne v.•port Beach art ist. J o Anne Mi x, sm iles beside her pain ling ... Company" which is a1no ng those in h er present ex hibit in Challis Galleries, Laguna Beach. Cl1apnia1i College Top Miller Play Set High le\"el perforn1ances are anr icif)}1ted ror <.; ha p m a n t:olltge·s forthcon11r~ produc- tion of Arthur M1ll('r's "Aflt>r 1"he Fall." according lo direc- tor Henry Ke1Hp-Hlalr, head o! the spc«:h and d ra n1a depa rt- ment. A well-se;isonerl grou p of p!a~·crs has lx'en cast in 1he 1wo-ac1 play ll'hich cen1ers un ~!ll!er"s rnarriage to f\.1arilyn Monroe TI1rec. pe rform:inces Frida\', Sa.rurday and Sundt!.\' 1July JU.. Aug. 11, are ~hti\uled. Alt pel'fonnances ar~ ftt 8·30 pm in f\lemorial fl ail A11d1tonun i. 333 N. C:lll.."'sell . 1·1ckets. $1 fi(I reser\'Pd searing . $1 gPneral adn11ssion. and ;;, <'<'nl" ftir sludt·nts. may l>e rrM"l"\C'd 1hrough .S.\·h1l ·rho1n;1s, 633- 8821. •'XI 234. Abollt half lht ('(IS! or 20 ha\'e been graduated fron1 Chapn1an 's dra1na departmertt with the balance made up of :.'11111rner dra111a stutJen\s and tJersons \\'1t h acting backgrounds from tl1e com- munity. '"1'.1us t of these talented players have un· rlertaken roles r{'{Juinng a great deal of ability flunni:- thei r undffgraduate d;i~·s. and no\\' they are returning to lend the "'eight of their experience !!' our su1nmer production, "l\c·rnp--Blair con1menled. .. Darrell '\'ilson. for ex- arnpll' ... he continued. ··plays the learling niale. Quenl!n. tllf' f11•t1onalizf'd chRr:1ctcnzat1n11 nf ,\lilh•r /Junng hi~ t1n11· a.o; a ('h:11)1n11n :o:tudenl . 1h1'\ \oung rnan has d1sl111~u1,hPr! h1Jn'\t•lf in r()les sur·h ;i.s Ro:it u1 '\\1a1t t:ntll Dnrk.' Sir Thomas ~1ore in ·A ,\.l;u1 Fnr All Seasons." Lilcrtes in 'Han1let' and Deatl1 Jn 'Everyn1an"," Taking the ~·1 arilyn r-.1Gnroe rolt> of ~1aggic. ls Lynn \V 11llat•r \\1;i lker of 1\'lodJeska Canyon. A furn1er Lhaprnan ~\.uclrnt, i\1rs \\'(liker has appeared as Cecily 1n ··ThP I 111 po r t :int• e (If Being Earnt>sl." a!I Helen in '"'l'igcr at tht' (;(lte," and as Pepprr- m1n l P11Uv in '"You 're A f;ood ~1an. C'ha.rhe Bro\\'n " i\\arilvn ~1oone\. 11 S'enior (lrarna · s!urlen! w"hosl' f;11111Jy r~ldP" at 1005 D "' i 11 a . Rakr~ficld. i~ cast as f el1re l\1 1~~ \1nont'\'s n!ht'r lc11d1ng ro)po;; 11;11 l' ;n1·h1ded Viola 111 "Tweltl\1 ;..1J..:ht" an1I l!1p- pt1l~t;1 1n "'1\ ~\1dsurnn1cr Nt~h\ ·s Oream ·• .. Welcome To The Club! We 1lerted squeei ing fresh ortingel in our new $20,000 m.!ll ch;ne ""d e verybody is "wild" ove r the freshne11. t he flavor. the pric e! Housewives, Ho1pita l1 , Re1- laur6 nl1, Stores •.. Ev erybody lov e~ thi 1 PURE UNDILUT ED . NOT CONCE N. TRATED bu t JUST PUR E O RANGE JUICE at 59c per Q uart Retail! Speciel prices to ou r whole sale trade or quantity b uy11t1! C ell u!. for e Q UART FREE. You 1hould taste the '"1cr1wdr;vfn1" when they're made with thi 1 oren91 juice! -········ .......... . • W11k1nd Flower Spi'clel • • GORGEOUS • ROSES ~-------~ • WMk•nd Flower Sp.c:iel • • CJ/) : CARNATIONS : • a No. 1 Florl1t auelity • Jlotuel':1 • limit 2 001. b d b I 2 99¢ • • y e ra • 001. • • 99" • W e wire flower' • Doi. & up • l.hnit l 001. • With Thi• Coupon • • With Thi• Coupon .......... ····-··· EVHYIODY SA YES WITH OUR "MONEY MAKINCO" COUPONS • • •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Ir l'np11tar D1m•11d • Fer S11111ml'f" Solodt 8 Alw•r• A Good lur H1NI • • CUCUMBERS • SMALL • ICEBERG • • • : BELL PEPPERS : TOMATOES : LETIUCE • --- I \' ' r r. ' Cruise the Caribbean with a Princess. ,, ~! \\~ \,\, PANA~ A ,~CANAL ....... ....,_..,."' ..... ,,, -----=" ===~--~-~--.-,,, -' The Princess Italia is the most Juxu· rious, air-co nditioned pleasure liner to wend its way through the islands of the Car ibbean. She's a contempo· rary palace, cruising at 20 knots. All first Class The wh ole sh ip is one class · First! Through floor-to -ceiling windows in the magnificent Grand Salon you can watch familiar land disap pea r, dolphins at play, and new ports beck· on you. The superb servi ce on the Pr incess Italia reflects the fact that ou r Italian chefs, waiters and maitre d' were trained in the finest hotels in Europe. Attentive cabi n ste\\·ards provide room service at any hour of the day or night. Royal Pheasant for lunch The foo<l is incomparable. Say, Royol Pheasant in champa~ne for lunch . Ville! of Beef \Vellington and Baked Alaska for dinner. And ten thousand hottlesof wine are kept aboard. The ga la social calendar offers )<JU just as much, or as little. as )<lu want to do. And in every place you visit , ---!!-· you stay in the same ocean-going resort hotel with no unpacking. Places like St.Thomas, Antigua, St. Lucia and Aruba, through the Pana· ma Canal, and to Acapulco. Sailing days You can fly to Fort Lauderdale and sail on Nove mber 28 or next May 8. Or board in Los Angeles and sail Se ptember Tl or next April 21. Stay on th e April 21 cruise for 34 days and you'll see different ports on the way back. Special low air/sea fares and chil- dren's fares are available. Call your trave l agen t now while choice cabins are available. Or mail the coupon for ~ free brochure. Princess Cruises to Mexico /\!so: Princess It alia cru ises to Mexico from Los Angeles. Go for 7, 10, II, 13 or 14 days. Visit Acapulco. Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Manzani l!o and Zihuatanejo. Depart from Los An- geles Aug. 27. Sept. 7, Sept.17, Dec. 15, Dec. 29, Jan. 14. Jan. 31, Feb.11, Feb. 25, Mar. 6,Mar.17, Mar.31,April 10 or May 30. Princess Cruises, 3435 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010 Send me a brochure on: O Ca ribbean Cruises 0 Mexico Cruise.> 0 Alaska/Canada Cruises Name ·Address ·city ·M-y ~trav-el~a-g-en~t------' State Zip ,-• 6 fo• 25¢ • 19¢ lasl<or • • ' t• 1 ' ! • • LIMIT J IASltrTS • LIMIT I • •. With Thlt Coupon • With Thl1 Coupon • With Thi• Cou,on l -•............................ COUPONS EXPIRE AUGUST 4rh The1e r11t1ur1nt1 d1m1nd the fin1 1t for their cu1tomer1. Th1t'1 why they f11lur1t N•wport Produce! P•tronite them! House of PIH, •II o.,..,, Or1n91 County: leriidilre1, Newport: Hoe d•, N•wpatl; Coast Suptt Market, Coron• del M•r; •nd over 25!i oth1r1. How 1bout your c1t tlin9 tn? N 0 W I Nation1lly Accl1imed World's Finest Pr oduce Hau1e ~ N~!rE.~!.k ~~.~~~Cf 2616 Newport BauJeyard an th• P~ninsukl rh•n• 67l-171S 67)..1711 675-6J•1 "3.S \'t art OJ Pr oduce "\\ll1l'rf quality fj tile Know How'' Ordrr of the llout1" --HAPPY 811tlt1')P,Y DON A. LEWIS-,-, .. ···-·. -.. .,.. ---. .,,_._,...,,. ... --.J~ t . .:......,...-_ --'I ·--. . ,.-~ " 'I' • ' ' , tljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! ' i I q_ FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS TRAVEL 2075 5•• Jo1111•l111 Hllh lt4. N1•p11tt a..c1io 644-4600 ' ---....:..---=-7'· ··' -----'- 1 ~ DAILY PILOT ' N ' OUT WEEKENDER AB 0 UT By /\'Oii.hi STAN LEY ORANG E COUNTY 'S [.__.,....-0, "'"' .,,. 41csw rrznnmrurrgre T a hiti a n Terrace ,, __________ _ Even though it's al\\"ays summer in California !as everyone knO\\'S except residents of the state), \\'hen the season is officially in full sv.•ing there's a certain kind of place that takes on an extra dimen- ~ioo. r\s in any other part of the country. this con1- pellinc locale of the n1on1ent 1s an amusement park. J-leeding the midsumn1er siren call. \Ve embark· ed on an outing one night last v.·eek to the grand duchy of all such parks -Orange County's O\Vn Disneyland. '!'he "if;;pecial July enchantment \\'as evident at every turn, nalurally, as \Vas the kind of magic unif1ue to the Anaheim-based kingdom any tin1e of the year. DINING IS FUN It's one thing to experience the delig hts of the l\1atterhorn ride and mad hatter's tea party. But a visit isn't complete. as far as \ve're concerned. un - less time is allo\ved for t he relaxing enjoyn1ent of a meal in one of Disneyland's many fine restaurants. Rather than hit a familiar spot this time out \\'e opted to try an untested place. Our choice was the Tahitian Terrace, \vhich boasts a South Sea island atmosphere and comes complete "'ith tiki gods, splashing v.·aterfa!l and ''"·ater curtain." LOTS OF ROOM Located in Adventure!and bet1\1een the jungle cruise and enchanted tiki roon1, the restaurant turn- ed out to be surprisingly large. On inquiry \ve learned the sealing capacity totals 285. Towering high above us was an amazing banyan lree. a tree thal grcvv (in less than a year) to a height of 35 feet through a secret formula of \Valt Disney and his "imagineers." 'fhe branches of this "Species Disneydendron" are laden with more than .,,.. . ., I L'IN" I 0 ·r~~~E~. m .J.t.~ ,,,_. Op'" D•ny COCKTAILS C HA M PAGNE SUNDAY BRUNCH 11 :30 -3:30 Now Appearing Nightly WIM VAN DELFT ON THE CORDOVOX 120 FOREST AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH 494-0000 MORT'S BAL-PORT LOUNGE Startin9 Wed., Au9. 4 And Every Wednesday There.mffer SPAGHETTI FEED 0 to 10 p.m. ALL YOU CAN EAT-75¢ 4507 W. COAST HIGHWAY N EWPORT BEACH 671-4200 lraneois' CONTINENTAL CUISINE FL AMING DUCK Open 11 :00 A.M. -Cloied Mond.my HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1815 1 BEACH BLVD. 842-1 919 SEAFOOD CONVERSATION Everyone is talking .bout our deliciou1 stea med cl•ms a nd 9iant ( 10-20 01.) Au1lrali an lobtt•r Tails. SUNDAY BRUNCH Serwed from 10 A.M •• 2 P.M. f.nt•rt•in"'""' I OtP1<:irt9 HAl"PY HOUR Mo11. • frl. 5 lo 1 '·"'· wltti Hof"I 4'oeu,rn IAN9un f.ACILITll:S ll 7 P'ACI FlC COAST HWY. HUNTINGlON lfAC H O~IE .. 1 OAYI R••••~tlio"' Accepted ,,, , ... In otl J •• ""''' 11•·2551 DON JOSE' l\'01V APPEARll\'G LOVELY CHERI WILLIAMS ON THE GUITAR Enchilada •nd Taco ................. $1 .35 Chili Rtllenc • Enchi11d1 •••..•..••... $1 .50 SefTH1 •llti l it•, ...... Tett.dltet eH Set.. 'INllT MDICAN fOOO AT •IASONAILI PllCIS e COCKTAIL S e 9093 E. Adams (At Magnolia I Huntington Beach 962-7911 . -. .. ."ll". RESTAURAN T, NIG H T CLUB AND ENTERTAINMENT SCENE •CJ---!!F• i 14,000 hand-grafted leaves and multi-colored flower~ that bloom perpetually. UNIQUE STAGE NesUed beneath the tumbling waterfall is an arresting slage selling -a stage \\'hose "curtain" is a cascade of water, and Yi hose "footlights" are a leaping nan1e of fire burning on the v.1ater Jtself. Al entertainment time the falls draw aside and out from behind the waters come sarong-clad nallvcs lo perform tbe songs, dances and rituals of the islands. The entertainers appearing this summer-\1·ho provided a s how as memorable as any 've'v e seen in some time -are Kaul i-Pono's Polynesian s. F'ro1n 1-lonolulu, the group headed by Pono Brandt and hi s \Yife. Kau i, presents a refreshing blend of roinantic South Seas songs, a variety of rhythmic island steps and daring fire dances. Other n1e1nbers or the group include D;i\e Lauwaeomakana, Loleni Talo (fire dancer), Kuulei Howell, Charlene Kono. Louella Angelo. Althea Pauole and Sione Ma ile. Showtin1es are hourly fro1n 6 to 10 p.m. daily, except Sunday, through Septen1· ber 19. MENU CHOICES Sitting down to the dinner table and scanning the menu, we quickly reaJized \Ve 'd never be able to pronounce the native names of any of the entrees. Try ''Palai h-toa Niu Wai-u" for a starter. One needn't fuss about this technicality too much. however. Very adequate English-language descriptions follow each listi.ng so there's no mistak· ing \\'hat you'll receive. Ollr party of six led off \Vilh th ree orders fnr the Tahilian Terrace specialty, Kaulana O Kahikt Lanai, $3 .95. This dish nets the dandy combination of laulaus (beef. pork and spinach steamed in t i ® ffilYflKO 1.Ji..nclwoa Diuner Cockt•il1 flpP.JI 7 oluy.' '.139 So. Los "Robles, Pa~adena • 79.~·7005 33 Town lt Country, Oreni;:c • 541·~30.1 PRIME RIB e SEAFOOD STEAKS e COCKTAILS O PEN ·1 DAYS LUNCH 11 to 2 :30 DINNER 5 to I 2 SUNDAY BRUN CH FROM 10 A.M. Entertainment W ednesday thru Sunday 103 N. IAYSIOE OR •• NEWPORT BEACH In The Me rin a Dune~ 644·'1031 OPEN FOR LUNCH Int imate aod Delightful FRENCH RESTAURANT DINNER s,Jo . 10 P.M . CLOSED MONDAY Co•-of lh11Rdolph aftd l ri•tol Cotta Meto 540·),41 A tropical island s ettin g for extra ordina ry f ish, steaks n ' g rog L1W1Cheon • Di.-r • Banquets 16278 P<Kilic Coast Highway Huntington Beach {213) 592-132 L •Ml AMERICAN CUISINE TROPI CAL COCKTAILS ENTERTAINMENT POLYNESIAN SHOWS ffi. cmd Sat. Nl9ht1 1961 ADAMS AVE. lot M1gnoll1) 968 SOSO HUNTINGTON BEACH " leaves) shrimp tempura, barbecued back ribs, Poly· nesian vegetables, Cantonese rice. beverage and dessert. SEAFOOD 1'wo orders followed for ~1ahimahi. Kuini 0 Na Kai Ehiku, $2.25. These plates provided seafood of 11awaii dipped 1n egg batter with almonds and fried to a golden brown, lopped with S\veet and sour sauce. served with the Polynesian vegetables and Cantonese rice. The last nod \vent to Kaur.aele Teriyaki l'o Koa, la, $4 .25. Servt:!d with fresh pineapple and the same vegetables and r ice as the other dishes. its focal point \Vas a deliciously tender Ne\v York sirloin steak n1arinated in teriyaki sa uce. Oisneyland's Tahitian ·rerrace is Clpen only dur- ing sun1m er, Chr istmas, Easter and 1'hanksg1ving. Lunch and dinner hours run from 11 :30 a.nl. to 10:30 p .111. Grand Opening Out 'n' abouters are p ron1ised the red carpel treat111en1 1f they elect to attend a big celebration on tap this weekend. Pur pose of all the fe stivities 1s to ob!lerve lhe grand opening or Costa r.fesa's l\'lr. Steak restaurant. 1\Jthough the establishment has been orr and running for several months, the official rites were delayed pending completion o( arrangements for a n1ajor innovation. This change, now ao established feature of Mr. Steak's operation. is the serving of beer and wine SPECIALS Sonic very attractive luncheon and dinner specials arc being offered in connection with thi s ,,·eekend's observance. Evcn1ng specials will hold t hrough next Sunday, Aug. 1. \vhile the mi dday specials will continue through Friday. Aug. 6. !Juring luncheon hours. l l a.m. to 4 p.m .. all sand\viches, the luncheon steak and slim trim plate Sl)I J Otti ST. RfSflYATION1 NEW,OI T llAC H •75-0JOO It'(" .'ter1~e 11.S. Prinae Ea~ter11. C"r11°f<'tl Reef E.t:cl11sluely. l'e rs()11nll11 Selected Aud Aged frl Q11r (J1v1t Cooler· A Three Gcnerntion Family Tradition -Est. 1921 f~i11e ltali1111 C11isit1e Cacktail!r 232S E. COAST HIGHWAY 673-B267 leM!nootlon1 Op•• Daily -5 p.111, I• l 0.111. CLOSI D MONDAY Tl-IE BERLINER Ge nnan Fa1nily R es taurant Famou' For SAUERBRATEN w;th POTATO DUMPLINGS lNTERTAINMENT AND DANCING NIGHTLY IY THE TRIO AUSTRIA 0'911 Dolly f•r DIRR•• f ro"' $ '·""· C lOSfD MONDAY BANQUET FACILITIES 18582 BEACH ILVO. Town & Country Center HUNTINGTON BEACH 968-5800 NOW OPEN WITH THE SOUTH COAST'S FINEST FOOD SllVICE ENTERTAIHMENT LUNCH & DINNER DAI 11 A.M , to 11 ,J O P.M. COCKTAILS to 2 A.M. e SUNDAY BRUNC H 9,30.4 COl\'Tll\'ENTAL ClllSll\'E SEAFOOD• STEAKS Now App••ring IRANDIE HANDON DUO Tues. thr1,1 Sat. 8:30 to 1:10 Thur1d•y '••hlon Show-11:1J J2101 Co•1t Hwy. (At Crown V•lley l'~wy.) LAGUNA NIGUEL 499-2626 4'6-5771 will be orrered at half price. The dinner saving ii; $1 of( on the restaurant's lour most popular steaks -the Ne\v York , Mr. Steak sirlou1, frontier and n1averick. CEREMONY 1'he grand OJJL'n1ng actually got under way yesterday "'hen the ('osta ~lc:-a <"hainber of Con1· inerce staged a \~elcon1e lt1nrheo11 l'rogram high· lights included a rihbon t1:lt1ng rcren1ony by Mayor Hobert ~1. Wilson. and an appearance by Deborrah 1;rimmond, ritiss L'osta i\1esa. . As OC\V long-ra~ge policy, ?\-1r . Steak is stress- ing greater e1nphas1.~ on catering lo the needs o( each _individual family n1ember. 1\s a consequence, the bill of fare has been tailored to a n1 ore speciaJ· 1zed taste. Thi.'\ shift has placed the atTent on the house :-pec1aJ t.~ -~teak~. The change. lio\1ever. hy no 1neans !1nllts the diner's choi('e of beef selections. CHICKEN AND SEAFOOD By way of variety, the euslonier has the option to turn to ot her possibilities -chicken or seafood . Examples are the honey-dip deep fried chicken and breaded, deep fried shrimp. i\fr. Steak also has a regular feature that'J hound to go over big ~1ilh the budget-conscious ram · ily. This is the policy of having nothing on the menu priced higher than $3.99. ~ Oiye of three prime prospects in this price range 1s the beef and bearh. It offers a con1bination Qf Mr. Steak's popular frontier steak and a nice portion of lobster. The other two $3.99 selection~ are the 1'·bone and New York strip steaks. CHILDREN"S MENU _A special children's menu offers so1ne. very ap- pcahng items for youngsters. In addition, lhere'!li .1 novel pee-wee plate especially designed Cor tiny lots and nffercd at the rock-bottom cost of 29 cents. Open :-eve n days a '"eek from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. ~·Jr. Steak is located al 2267 F'alrvie\v (at \Vlison) l'osta 1"tesa. ' Continued on Page 28 Real Cantonese food eat here er take home. ST AG CHINESE CASINO 111 21st pl., Newport Stach ORiole 3-9560 Ope• Y-Ir••"' D•lly 12·12 -frf, •"<ii Ser. ·111 J •·•· ,....,,...._THE FINE SEAFOOD RE STAURANT WITH A SWEEPING VIEW OF BEAUTIFUL NEWPORT HARBOR 673-4633 4 00 MAIN. BALBOA PENINSULA \. f .-,. FINEST SEAFOOD AND OYSTER BAR IN THE SOUTHLAND 630 LIDO PARK DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 675-0100 OBERHANSLl'S OF LONDON ENGLISH llfEAT PIE.'i Steak e Steak and Kidney ~ t& Stea k a nd Mushrooms e Pork ; • Vea l .m nd Ham e C orni\h \ Pa sties e Sausege Rolls ·• IM,OllTID llllTISH GOODS e All FOOD 10 GO Au o•l•d C.111pt1 for Coc~+•il P1dit1, •!<. HOUR~: 10 '·""· ·' P·"'·· Mo11 .. s.+. e Clo1•d S11ftdtv 270 E. 17th Str••t TEMPLE GARDENS ~NtseRe•tnurnnt LUNCHEON & DINNER DAILY Visit Our 645-2252 RICKSHA COCKTAIL IU,iJET LUNCH 11 :J0.1 ·JO MoM•y lhru frlday ~1:.,~~~~E f'rAturlni;: F.xnlic Tropical Drink• t.SOO ADAMS (•t H•rltior) cosr.-MISA 540-1917 S40-1fZ1 •r ·•'\>,........ ..;..'~ .... ----·:¥' -· . ' . ---.:; la:. ' 3:-~-=---• ---J'f"""-'"_ ) ••.•'J'.tc¥ -·--•I ,.... ''. .... ·...o, .... ~ ~-'-· .. ~ -·-----"-"--·-'"1-= -. ~ " ' .. .:;}' DAil Y PILOT Friday, July 30, 1971 HURRY! LAST WEEKEND! JIMMY VAN BAND ~ WEEKENDER OUT 'N ABOUT Opening Tuesday, August 3 ..,. "" THE FRIENDS LUNCH e DINNER COCKTAILS • DANCING EXQUISITE HORS D'OEUVRES llll W. COAST HWY. BooN UoCKS NfW,ORT llACH 642 -429.8 On Th• l•Y At TM ArchN ~~~AK GRAND OPENING JULY 29 thru AUG. 1 [lunches thru Auguit bl LUNCHEON SPECIAL ALL SANDWICHES, OUR LUNCHeON STEAK & SLIM TRIM PLATI HALF PRICE fS..,•d 11 A.M. te 4 P.M.) DINNER SPECIAL OUll: FOUR MOST rorULAR STlAIC5 N 'I' -M 15 SIRLOIN-FltnNTlllt, MAVfltl CI( $1.00 OFF NOW SERVING BEER & WINf 5peclel Chlldre11 '1 Me11~ -Al10: A P'ewet rlate fo• the lltt1e teh -21c • WE ARE W.ldTRESS 5ERVEO OPEN DA ILY 11 A.M .. 9 P.M. 2217 FAIRVIEW 4AT WlLSONI COST• MESA S0-0361 I • . ' BOB ULLERY, DAY MANAGER OF CORK Oe$erted Colorado Mountains for Beach Area OPfN DAIL Y 7 A.M. 11 P.M. PRIME RIB $2.95 Do uble Bubble Cockt•ili-7 Dayl-1 I 11.m. to 8 p.m. 2750 S. HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 54S-9505 !.?~~~~XJ),;.~ ~ ~\ VOLCASNTONG TO VISITING THE"~ ~ ;~ lfOUSE ~fOI\.l'S ,~~J[ - COFFEE ~' .... Wl<l• SHOP ( S111cr1o" el (J'A Fino f't>Od Featurin9 1" T"• H•w•11•" "''""" MOKl'S FAMOUS ~ LUNCH • DINNER IURGERS & SHAKES (\1( Continued f1·om Page 27 Cork Adds Lunch ~laving quite thoroughly enjoyed our initial dinner visit to Costa r.1esa's new Cork 'N Cleaver when the restaurant opened a few months ago, we were eager to return for lunch once the service got under way. As might be expected, midday dining was launched "'ell in advance of our ability to get back. TARRY A BIT 'fhe comfortable and pleasant confines of this spot make it extraordinarily difficult to eat and run. The service, certainly. is prompt and efficient to in· sure such movement if necessary, but that doesn't make the doing any easier. ·rhe extensive interior and outside remodeling undertaken by the Cork 'N Cleaver proprietors changed even the architectural details of the former premises. The end result is a restaurant as hand· some as any to be found in these parts. The brick and slucco building is finished with touches of wrought iron, leather and bottle glass in the design. Beamed \Vood ceilings. rough·heWn paneling and rusti c chandeliers (\vhich shed a very dim. romanlic Illumination) are other attractive fea· lures throughout. SEVEN AREAS '!'h e Cork is divided into seven dining areas, a RIVIERA REST.AUl'LJl.NT Continental Cuisine Cocktails Serving Luncheon and Dinner MOndaii througn Saturdau, Closed Sundays . Cub\'S nr F1){'! !'lhgnrin on ~).;r\1·rr \\'i1 h p1nr· a pr I". n1u~'1ro,-,n1s, ,(:Trf'n prpprrs and In· inat"\"~ AMONG lO SELECT DINNER ENTRIES LOI~ HANSEN DUO al·', ,. .. :::·:::::. ~ ?t, LATE DINNERS Breakfa1t Oj ~ TIKI LOUNGE L h ~, W• are located ne)(t to (i,, unc ~~ the M<!iiy Co. in South t"' Songs Of Cavin Dinner ~-... ~~ 1400 PALISADES ROAD -COSTA MESA ~·;q.1l Coi st ~!~~<!IS. l rbtol [ INe:rt to the Rodew..., 111~1 557·1444 ,_ C•s,_ Mesa S40·Jll40 A GREAT SUMMER TREAT BEFORE OR AFTER THE BEACH ~ ~ VOLCANO HOUSI I MOXl'S < .. <l..b. Af Pl~:· 1~·:,:~;"En~·,::. ~:d 1s11 :19,:i,1 )}: The 'tJk ~ • TIKI LOUH GE .. OR •OLTHISIAH """" ~y HAMBURGER "'(~ -~r.~~~~~·~ "r HAMLET ~ mITll_fl MEXICAN RESTAURANT ''FINEST MEX ICAN CUISIN E IN ORANGE COUNTY" FEATU RING TOP ENTERTAINMENT ANI) DANCING FRI. AND SAT. NITES 9 P.M. to 2 A.M . Din;rq Hour' I J to 11 o,;Jy Aitec.a loun ge Op8~ To 2 <!11 .m. Fri, <!iil'!d So1t. 547 W. 19th ST .. COSTA MESA FOOD TO GO -642-,764 , .. · ~~.:tr~.),,~~ ' ~ti(~~ ,;~, A ..... ·fl ~·, ~"ff ff iii.- ii if 'Ill&: . r. i i ~ (If li,fii ' in an Atmosphere you Like yo u get th e kind of Food }O U Love, only Better than you Expect. ()pr11 for I /l/l("/1, f)i1111rr & r·ocktai!.t I 1c, S11nrlay 1/ir11 '/ h11r{r/av I /:JO A .M. 1n 9 P.M. i Friday&ja111rday 11 :.10 A .1\1.10 I I P.M. l ). COST.\ ~11'.SA ,.( .....:: (!., 1545Adan1SA\'C. ·~~ 7l~ Cornrr of llarbor a nd .1\dams ~ NEW SUMMi ~ DINNER HOURS <Ci Sun. thru Thur'I. •• S to 11 Fri. & S•t. 5 to 12 I EVERY SATURDAY I 2 STEAK DINNERS FOR • French Frie • • French Frie d On ion Ring• • Toued Salad • Roll ond Butter Br in9 • friend! T•ke •d111 nl •g1 of this d1licious din. n1r for 2, •I • ju1! ri9 ht price. 1/1 lb. i•nder choic1 1te•k, cut to Br•dford Hou11 1p•cific 1t ion1 . I• 9ood to • friend, or m•yb• th 1 f•mily7 Thi1 Me•I, it • f•11orit 1 with •II ••• you"ll b1 • winn er! .. ~KNOWN FOR VALUES Open D•llY Mon. lhru Set. t :JO •·'"· t• t '""'· Sund•y GRANT PLAZA -BROOKHU~ST & 1 O 1.m. to 6 p.m. ADAMS -HUNTINGTON BEACH ..i:--·~ ... ~ -,_ -,.-_. ~~ _. .. ~ ... , := . rr.vt:..•- FOR Ollf OF THIS WORl.11 oiwvERY SE~VIUi· In NU•l>Orl Btac.11 & Cosh Mtu. C1lt fi415·71J6 I~ HuMln1ten 81•'" 847·1214 • • FAMILY PIZZA PARLORS PIPING HOr PIUAS (WITH PIZZAZ!) DELIVERE D TO YOU R DOOR IN MINUTES. IN ME-N·EDS SPACE AGE MOBI L[ OVENS. Jri!l? . --=---...!-..,,'::'=· ===::'-----: : b11ro11en 11 :JO •in·l , .. beef 6:00,ttt·ll pfll Here 11 :00 •in·l •1111 ~4~28:--::E:-. ""1:::7t7h-S~T ~ COSTA MESA 64S-5410 For Advertising in Out 'N' About Phone Norm Stanley ·-642 -4321 bar and cocktail lounge. The bar is backed by two unusual botUe collages. The furnishings include tables handmade of pegged flooring resembling butcher blocks. Relaxed seating around these novel tables is provided by captain chairs and the menus are appropriately let· tered on actuaJ meat cleavers. As for the luncheon bill of fare, tile Cork of fen v.•hat surely must be one of the shortest in the area. /\ choice of five burgers is joined by only one other items -a steak sandwich. SELECTIONS Burger selections are the sirloin, $1.50, and cheeseburger (v.•ith Swiss, cheddar or American) mushroom, bacon or skinny burger, all $1. 75 each. The steak sandwich is priced at $2.50. YOU MAKE THE SALAD While sandwich orders are being prepared, patrons step to the center room and partake of a '·do·il·yourself" salad bar. In this operation crisp, ehill·dry greens and cherry tomatoes can be load· cd onto a plate and topped with any of a variety of dressings. . ~ Beyon d the luncheon service which was instl· luted after the Cork opened its doors to the dinner trade, several other features have been addeO.. The;>e include a happy hour-with hors d'oeuvres-from 3:30 to 6 p.m .. Monday through Friday. and enter· tainment in the lounge. from 9 to 2. Thursday through Saturday evenings. Source of the information we garnered was a young man as personable as any we 've ever encount· ered in the restaurant business -assistant man· ager Bob Ullery, who deserted the mountains of hi! native Colorado to come to California and the Cork. Bob alternates with fellow assistant Tom .Jacobs under the direction of general manager Dick Gonce. ~ SMALL DINNER MENU The restaurant's equally small dinner menu of- fers four selections, all of which go on the char- gril!. Tabbed in a price range fron1 $3 .95 to $5.95, they are beef kabob, top sirloin , teriyaki sirloin and New York cut. Bob told us that one new entree had been add- ed to the menu since our dinner visit. To inject a note of variety, this item is Alaskan king crab legs, $5.95. Open seven days a v.•eek, the Cork 'N Cleaver i5 lo cated at 425 W. 17th St., (;osla t\1e sa. ALLIY 1111! PRESENTS The Sensafion<!lll TONY FLORES ----- FU!•TAUllllAl'llT 1'•1 Wffl tO ... lt lllOlllW ... 'I' NIWl'01r flA~ (7!_, ~ Guitarist/ Vocalist fo lk, Classical, Spanish TUE. THRU SAT. GINO LANZI FEATURING DINNERS c.Airporter qnn "Hotel In 011 S a~ Fr1 ~ci1co M•nner RACK OF UMI STE AKS e SEAFOOD MEDITERRANEAN DINING ROOM S 10 t ! NIGH!l Y IUSINESSMAN'S LUNCH Capl•in'1 T•bl• Cofft• Shop 11 ,00 TO S SATURDAY-11to5 LUNCH OR BRUNCH Cabaret Ca<:~ta!I l•ei-.ge l:llTERTAINMEHT IM D.._NCING fro1H th19 a~d lanquet Roo1n1 SUNDAY-BRUNCH \Q-•~I \! \< ~Ill 1!1 fl ~I \'Tl r,-!•\\]'fJlll [l]'\I If I t,111• OPEN EVERY DA'r ON THE OCEAN AOJAC.IEHT TO HEWl'Oltl llllACH l'IElt 2106 W. OCEAN FRONT NEWPORT BEACH &ISJ.I&BT Ceckt•ll Lo1111t1• SINO T..t.IC.l l'Rl:IENTS MUSICAL COMIO'I' TUI:, THAU 5..t.f. -OPliN IVEll'r OAY l"lllOM ~ l".M. ,H,f7!'119).2007 BlltlMASOIC , l'al~a..iihl. G G• "'"""'llorlhlt«h & COMlt&NT r.a.~GIM SUMMER MUSIC FESTIVAL SUNDAY AUGUST 1 OUTSIDE INDOORS • l 0 Continuou' Houn-2 p.m. to Midni9ht SHERATON-BEACH INN 21 I13 Coe't Hwy.1Huntln9ton Bee ch 40 GROUPS ON 3 SEPARATE STAGES BIG BANDS • COMBOS NAME f7RSONALn'IES ONE ADMISSION COVERS ALL -- Atlvcmc• Tlclitts $7-At Th• Door SI Any A.F of M. Memb., or Gunt $5 .a.u1pk11 .,f M111;,;."'' Wif1'• Club For E:mtr~•n~y R.elitf •nd Scllol1r1~ip ~undt TICKITI SU.a166 -54S.UH er ttte lftet"ettm4 ... ch Inn er Coe1t Mutlc C•m11&ny -.. ~-..,._ ·--.-).J ...... 1.~ Yoair Guide To Movies Insects Rule World E d 1 I o r ·" Nolt '/'liis 11totne pu1dc 15 prt'ptlrt d b11 tht f1lr11 s con1mttttl' of l·larbor Cou11c1l PTA. i\trs Harry Mtllor 11 prl!Sldt nl and ~fr.s. Bruct Nordland is co1nm1ttee clto1n1U111 . Jt 1:1 l'/'ltended a.~ o refere-nce 111 dttf'r77H11111f/ suiiablt f 1 I 111 .s for ceriaui agt gr oups o 11 d 1v1/I C1ppear iveek ly. Y o u r vie ws arc solicited Mo il thcm to fl.Jo- v1 t Guide . c ore oj l I! e D.'i.JLY PILOT. * ADULTS Bu My O'Hara ( R ! : Posing a.!J hippiu M a motorcycle, Ernut Borptlne and Belte O.viJ star in modern version of &nni.e aad Clyde. Haviog le&t their mortgage and need- ing funds to support their ne't'r-do-well married children, lhey rob banks. CarnaJ K.11 owltd rie 1Rl: \1ike Nk'hols directs the Jutes Feiffer .script in a series. or <:ue history rt:velatlons of sn:ual abberations and gutter la.nguaae which film say!I rdlect.5 American society lo- day. Klute tRI: J!ne f'onda portrays aspiring aclress turn- ed prostitute. Unable lo establish real relalion~ps she regards her business as a form of acting . Don Sulherland is policem!n on hunl for a missing friend in this murder mystery. The Last ''alley tGP ): Priest and ma~·or conn ive to turn womenfolk over Io mercenaries OCC'\Jpying last village untouched by Thirty Years War. Captain's mistrelis burn~ at stake only after pro- fe6'50r slits her throat to pre- vent burning al ive. A J\11!1n Called Sledge i R!: .James Garner leads band of outlaM in hl.• mastermineded plot to steal gold from a U.S. priMn. Once succe~ful. the plot centers on gangsters in· fighting over the spoils. 'o\'hile under hot pursuit by the la\v . Tbe Owl and the Pu1sycat IR I: Barbra Streisand and George Segal star in rilm \'ersion of Broadway comedy having prostitute-with-a-heart- of-gold theme. Plaia Suite 1G P1 : Sc reen t·ersion of stage trilogy star- ring "'alter MaUhau a s a highpow'ered executive-wor- ri@d about erosion of sex- uality: a Hollywood producer trying to sed \J'Ce old OOmetO'A·n girlfriend, and as father of a reluctant bride. Ryan•5 Daugbltr ~GP l : Robert Mitchum and Sarah Miles star in a love story set in scenic Ireland in 1916. RMtle.ss. beautiful 'o\'ife of middle-aged school teacher has affair with British major. Tragedy for all results. Summer of '42 j RI : A noetalgic return to early war yl!"rs depicting three teenage boys awakening to romance and sex. lbey wh ile away rummer at an Ellstem shore resort planning sexual con-quest.~. Sensiti ve Hermie fa!ls in love with beautiful Army wife . V1nlshlng Point (R ~: Story of anti-e!tablishmenl hero, f{ow~ki - a Korea n \Var \"el. ~x--cop, ex·race driver. Speeds from Denvtr lo San F'ra nci~cu with police 1n pursu1! r o- couraged by Rlack radio disc jockey agr11n st hard roc k mmlc backl(round. Tbe Conqueror \Yorm ~GP): Horror film basf'd on Cditar Allan Poe story. Stars Vin rent Price. Cool Hand Luke lGP I: Paul Newman portrays World War JI hero lhrown in jail for drunkenness in small Southern town. II 1S I.he slory of prisoner 1n chain 11ang "'ho retains his spirit 1n the race of cruel and arbitrary treatment. 'Sesan1e' To Resume Early Show In response to hundred:ii ot requests by letters a n d telephone calls. KCET wlll resume its 7 a.m. airings of "Sesame Street"' beginning next Monday on Ch1nnel 28. One petition alone contained 1 t2 slgnaturea of Harbor City rtsk1ents asking the pub!!(' TV staUon to reinstate the early· morning viewings, ' ' whe n mo!lt children wake up." Since May 31 , KCET ha!! been show\ng the: d11ily rernn:ii of "Se!lame Slrtet" at 9 am. and 4:Jl p.m. Beg!Mlng Mon- day they will be telectst at 7 1.m . 11 wtll as 9 1.m. •nd 4:30 p.m .• and ire .eek.Ing fin11incial •Id to defr1y lhe expense of tht add\Uonal showing. Reruns of last ~ason's pr()- grams wlll cnntlnur on Chan- nel 23 until Nov. 1.$ when an ~II-new series nf "Sesamt Strttl" shows will be1tin. ••• - Dowoblll Racer (GP ): Robert Redford i:ii a n American in Europe training for ski Olympics. There he has sad love affalr with Swiss beauty. A driving, taciturn in- dividual. he vent.s his emotions on the slopes MATURE TEENS AND ADULTS E1·el Kni e\·el (GP): George Hamilkln's portrayal of rugged s!unt cyclist Evel Knievel Flashbacks show rambunctious childhood, courting days. leaps over canyons, and his hero- wor!hl.p of Elvis Presley and John "'ayne. Actual foot.age of Kn ievel pet'forming. A Gunfl&bt IGP): Johnny Cash"s film debut is as a ntired gunfighter. He and Kirk Douglas decide to stage one final shoot-out for t.he benefit ol their blood lhirsty public. The He1rt is a Lonely Hunter (GP): A genlle deaf- 1nute moves to the home of a crippled man and his teenage daughter. When his only friend, an obese retarded youngitt.er, is committed. he de\'tlops friendshi p w i th Negro doctor isolated from both Black and white com- munity . Hellstrom Chronicle ~GP): Science f a c t documentary presenting the thesis that the world will someday be dominated by insects. l\1illion!I of ants march acros!'i Africa. termits \\"Ork with robo t ef- ficiency, and sv.·arms of locust blot out the noonday sun. Hou:iie 61 Dark Shado~·s tGPI: 1\lelodrama based on the television program of lhe :-,amf' na1n£'. Joan Bennett , .Jonathan Fried and Grayson J-lall star. The Hou ~e that Dripped Blood !GP I: Psyc-hologlcal horror story by author of "Psycho,'' th is non-violent film centers around a gloorn y English mansion rented by famous horror star while he makes movie near-by lie disappears, as also did the past three tenants. Love Story !GP): A 11 ~1acGraw a.nd Ryan O"Neal star in romantic. bittersw('{'l fable of today 's college youth~ ar.<I the generation gap. Told in their language. Jenny (GP1 : ~1arlo Thonia~ portrays Jenny, a pregnant girl from New England wtio goes to New York. She n1arrie~ for convenience a young man \\·ho 1vishc~ to avoid !hf' draft !\lad On~ and Engli~hmtn IGPl: Hard rock !il<'!r J ne Crocker filmed on concert tour "'ith a large communal tour· ln~ company. Shows grou p 1n off-stage life. McKenr.lt: 8rt:ak Su.~penseful \Vorld \\':ir childhood innocence 8 n <i di8co\·ers the waywardne!IS O{ 1nen \\'hen hired hand Steve: MC'Quttn talks him into "bor- rowing" grandpa's auto. They end up in Memph is brothel, and sell car for race horse. Support Your Local Gun- fighter t GI: J a1ne! Garner and SulBnne Pleshette sU!r in l\'CStern t'C11nedy of mil>1aken ident ity. Believmg him to be notorious gunfighter, he decides lo go ahead and play the part. All goes well until real gunfighter shO"M'S up \loo Rlchtohfeo and Brown (GPI : \\'orld "'ar I is the 9C t ne of action as the Red Baron of Germany and the Canadian wheal fa r me r . Brown, of the R. A. F' battle it oul over French skie!;.. Wiilard IGP l : 'ferror story about 1t litlle boy who rf'"" and trains large rats. hey are taught to obey his very command and he releases them on those he wishe~ to hurt. Wurthering Heights lGJ: En1ily Bronte's classic tale o{ the meloncholy-tragic love af- fa ir of Heathcliff and Catherine. Wild nioors of Nori.hem England a ccnlury ago are lhe setting. fAl\llL\' Barefoot Exttuti\'t (G): Spoof on the lel evision rating system st..arr1ng \\'ally Cox. A mailboy us~ a chimp lo help pick ratings, and gi ~·es the network executives a bad time. Disney productions. Big Jake !GI; J otln \\layne hunts down the kidoappers of his grandson I portrayed by his real life son. l!:than1 . During <-ourse of action he is reunited 1A.'it.h long-separated IA.' if e , Maureen O'Hara. ll i c hard Boone leads the band of desi;ierados demanding huge ranson1 Blue \•ieter -White Death IGJ : Produced and directed by Peter Gimble, this lrue adventure story with vh'ld photography takes the vie\\'er world-wide as the hunt oar- rows for the man-eating \\'h.ile shark. Ice-Station 'Ubra lGI: All· male spy drarna about a plu1 Corbett Monica August 2 thru ! T "'"0 Shows Per Ntiht 8 p.m. •~d M idnii~l prison break story with Rn lt.1-ll unusual twist: prisonf'rs a rf' German.<; escaping from a • COM ING SERGIO MENDES Bril.lsh camp. Heln1ut Gnen1 portrays the fanat ical t.:-bo at captain 1A.ilo r tJ r h 1 e s s t y organi7.es the Nazis Paint '"nur "'agon IGPI: Gold rush d;iys musical te lling I.hr tale ol t11i(l nien \vho share one wife . Stars Ltt ,\1a rl'1n Cllnl Ea.~!woocl and Jean Seberg Peter Rabbit tGt: llanccrs of lhe Royal Ballet Oi1npany of 1 ... -indo11 on l1fr-l1!..r rn~­ lumr s and beconte Pete r Hab- hit. .Jemima Puddlf'-Duck. il'lr FQx and tllrs. T1t lle n1011~r 111 this ballet ver~ion nr the Bta1rix Potter tl!i;;~1r· clonr: ·wilhoul dialogur Tb": Reivtr~ tf.Pl: Ell'l'Cll ~·ear--0ld L1,1t111.; lose~ hi.!t "" BRASIL 77 Auiust 9 tbru 15 A'"11ic1'1 Gr11t11t Ytc1flon lllJ. " King! Cas1le lel<e Tarioe/N1v1d1 11021 811 -111 1 ~~~~~--~~~~~ Sffl ••. THE ONLY MAJOR fLOWER & GARDEN SHOW IN SOUlHERN CALIFORNIA! Sffl ••• THf INSTANT • AOO-A-100111" l/Hfl.ATAIUJ rMfU-~t tf0U5[ ••• -1.-,,,.W ... 1 ........ . 11--..... ,,_ MfETI ••• TOf' DESIGNERS IN lHEIR FULL-SIZE DECORATOR ROOMS • PACKED WITH THE LATEST FlATUIES FOii: BITTER UVIHGI • IT FILLS THE OOSIE CONVENTION CtNHR I • ECOLOGY lXHlllTS AND DISPLAYS! • THI lATllT IN MOlllt HOMI & VACATION llVINGI SHOW HOURS: J.l f •,., w.,,~.,1 Joloe" 11 e ,., $olu11!111y1 Noa"• p"' su~l!l11y • ADULTS ..•• $2.00 JUNIORS .. $1.00 10.1i.;,--11 lttt ..... ~ _.., SAVE 50c S-!•I o;ic-t Tltl•t1 ... .nAt. •11 You• ,..,,.II /oll'llA l f!A MAl· ~IT·IM"rtT OCUG SIOlE-IYlllA •Al l'. (flolTll -IHilTIO CAI.If, l•N~ Of Ol•llCI (otllHY • A 1.f·',QC~ fJ.lJ .. •R•; ~~!-L'V•.1•ll .. •,,,~ .,J ••. T••C··•~l•: ''•'=~·'l'"''"''lh• ~., ·~··"! '~d~-"• ,i..,,,,.o•·<'" =---,.JJ .llt=- rrid•Y. July JO. 1971 • Ill 'Hellstrom Chronicle'· DAfl Y "ILOT SOUTH SEAS TROPICAL FISH o,..,. c •• ...,., ,..., ~Ktlo11 ef Tt•,k•I ,WI dd Q.aldfl .. nuclear submarine trip to the creal.lon of events preceeding or a nge-faced, green-haired * N -" p I e AQUARIUMS 011,.11 o e on a rtSl'Uf' J apanese surpri:te attack on O om pa -Lo ompa s whis\.. '/"la: l t Hrr hnmt"c.hattl!J e MAIHTINANCI SIR'tlCI mission. Rock lludwn, Ernesi l'earl Harbor. Dual 11e\v of Grandpa Joe and Augustus ajter thi! tillt 111dica1es Che • LIYl l'OOOS Borgnlne and Jun Brown Slar. • LIVE PLANTS IA Mini \GI: Steve the event treated more ai. pie-Gloop off to the world of the ra i111q gi ven tht pi cture by 111 w. wi1..so11, cot TA M••" I tonal history than establi.!:hing w~kav-•o, and th• c"--lat• th• .,.,,... p,·,,,,, Code. l et! F•1NI-·~I , .. , .. , f-,1cQu.een doeis some 0 his eaUM!IS. v.. m ll\.ll,."U " NU All•nll, HUNl"IN.lOM ••A(M 1.JWn driving in this story waterfall In this film versloo The Code And Rating pro· !N1A1 1o N,,.. Luc~1'•I "·oven around the Le J\-lans .11::'.:~W~l~ll~y~W~o~nkg'~~A~o~d;=T~b~•~~o~f~th~•~Ro~a=ld~~D~a=h=I ~m~od~•~m~~g,~ngm~1:na~y~b~•dl:o~u~n:.<lo~n~o~n~•~~~~~~-~·~"~'~~~~~ F'rAnce race. l\1u:iiic by Michel t:hoeola~ Factory !G l: The fairy tale. of the motion picture pagts. Legrand is background for ---- drivers going 200 MPH in rain, darkness and down cit y streets_ A New Lt:af !Gt: V.'allcr l\latt.hau portrays a luxury hungry bachelor 11i·ho l~ do'>l·n to his last quarter-million Elaine r..1ay phi) s the rich lot'e interest in this slapstick com- ody. 0 ,1 Any Sunday (GI: Bntce Bro\\'11, 1vho did surfing'!\ "Endless Summer'' brings to film I.he beauty. danger. joy and humor of young America's motorcycle craze. Done as lyric style documentary. Steve McQueen and pals ride in sand dune shots. Tht: •1.000.000 Duck tG): Roberls star 1n modern d11y version of Aest1p's fa b I e character -lhe goose that laid golden eggs. A duck dropout from tab intelligence tests teams up with a boy '>1110 wants a ~t. Tora. Tora. Tora ( G): Re- NOW! YOUTH FARES TO EUROPE •.• ON Al R CANADA (!) LOS ANGELES TO GLASGOW /LONDON BRUSSELS /PARI S COPENHAGEN/FRANKFURT /ZURICH ---·--------- AS LOW AS $332 $342 $352 AIR CANADA OFFERS YOUT H FARES TO ALL SEVEN CITIES. Youths l 2-25 years of dge can trdvel dt these low, low fares with confirmed reservations seven days prior to departure. Air Canada's Shortcut to Europe. TCRUISE 71L -... ...... -... . . . .. ... . . .. . ...... . . . I • I The world's newest, most magnificent sea going resort br'11-,gs you a magnificent new kind of vacatlor .. Your next vacation can be the thrill of your l1let1me. Cruise the newest. most lavish ahip afloat during its maiden season. En!oy a dazzling S28,000,000 worth of matchless surroundings, superior service, delightful entertainment as you g!fde over tropic waters to Mexico s most fascinating ports of call. Because the ultra new S.S. Fairsea Is --. . ,~ larger and more spacious than current ~ -:,:.:..JJ cruise-to-Mexico ships, it offers the . ha ppy contradiction of more luxury for less money. For example. Three swimming pcols. Two nightclubs. Eight lounges. Two dining room s plus specialty reslauranls. No first and second seating hassles. You dine wh en you want to. Soda A-Go-Go leenage club. Nursery. Spacious !heater. Even a garden. ' And you·11 also see Mexico from A to Z. Acapulco to Zihuatanejo. Pl us Mazatlan and Puerto Vallarta. You don't just travel, you vacation as you go, pampered beyond belief by the most doting Italian crew ever assembled. Hold out for the happiest holiday. Catch the Fairsea. Salling Oates 1rom Loa Angeles: Dec. 17, 29, Jan.10. 21, Feb. 2. 14, 25, Mar. 8, 20, 31,Apr.12, 24, May5.Additional 1972 sailing dates on request. Call your travel agent now! SITMAR CRUISES Tht-ycu ha..."' ou,k> bclin& 1000 Wil1hlr• Blvd., Loe Ang11&s, CA 90017 Phon1 (213) 485·8862 Weekend Cruise from Sin Francisco, J nllhts from •ts, uilllnt December 10, 1971. FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS ·-·--~·- DINERS FUGAlY TRAVEL 207S I.. J"Clult Hlll1 .... N•wp•" .._ .. 644°4600 • ------~--• KCET Sets Movie Review OJd Films Scott ·Pr.oves Manhood • Ill Friday Evening JULY JO Sotur..day Moming JULY Jl I'll.-Ntb; AU PROGRAMMING !S SU8J£CT TO CH.IJIG[ FOR COVERAG( or Tiff.. FllGH< or APOLLO lS, 12:00 IJ koobJ·DM (R) 0 Movie; "'Clii111's Lltti. Dt\'111" I l1tl~~ntu11) ·•~P•~I lltlly. O CIJ al A111"1e111 l1ndrt.,14 ([)10111 eJ T•ttre ftnltdlee m l""k11l11 (lOtu) 1:00 iJ (I) L111u Wtlt 11 t Rtu-(30) 0 (fl I]) Q) Wrt,.Up ol fint Moon Wt lt CD Wtell""rl l'ttw' N•~ Cot~r. (I) Drt111 Ml Mvrt Of West A new series entitled "They Went That'A Way."' focusing r>n some of the oldest and best· known cowboy films of the last 70 years. debuts Sunday al ) p.m. on KCET, Oiannel 23, Jgniting the n1en1ories of a rnultltudl" of movie matinees, the series wlll investigale th~ development of the Western, and rH"valuate JI <is :i signifi- cant American a.rt form. The investigation is needed. according to .Jon Tuska, gucsl movie expert on the series. because the Western has been unfairly relegated to grade "'B" matinee idol statu~. The executive editor of the film n1agazint', '·Vie w s and Reviews," says the \Veslern made important artistic and techno!ogica\ CQn tributioos lo the movie industry. Tuska. also director of the lnternationa! Film Institute , which collects and preserves movies, is quesllnned by serie." hosL Dr. Ruane Hill , ,:issoclate professor or communication and journalism al th e University of Wisconsin, as he appears on each segment of "They Went That'A Way" tn give hislorical and artistic persepective to the film ex- ceri>ls. He has massed a large personal collection or Wei;tern films and a re m a r k a b I e knowledge nf the subject. "Many of the excerpts," Tuska explains, "are not on!y from the last remaining print, but some are from films which, having begun Io decompose, can never be restored.'' First program in the series discusses G. M. (Broncho Billy) Anderson, a former photogri>her 's model w h 4' became the first "rugged in· divirlual " of thr Western. Each of the eight subsequent prog rams is dedicated tn one star and his film s ~ Will iam S. Hart. Tom Mix . Hoot Gibson , Ken Maynard, Buck .Jones, 'fim McCoy, Tex Ritter <ind John Wayne. The series is launched with It discussion of Anderson and excerpts from two of his films -"The Gre;it Train Hob· hCl)•,'' in which he played s('veral bit. pa rls, anrl "Naked Jlands," another historically significan t filn1. Anderson had never been wesl, or even been on horseback when he pl1:1yed in '"The r.reat 1'r;iin Robbery," according Lo ·ruska. However. the ov erwhelming sucees~ or this rnovi e led him to try his h<1od at other Westerns. By GEORGE LEIOAL 01 11'11 Dt!IY l'llt! 11111 Geilrge C. Scott is llarry Garmes. llarry Garmcs hos got a problem. So does Geo- rge S. Scott. Scott's problern is tha t he as cast in the role of Harry "'""""'Ul. l,R~ichard F'lei.~cher·s '1GM rele '"The Last Run .·• Harry's trouble is some 1h1ng akin to the seven Y"<H 11ch on- ly his marriage is I n Jonel1ness, empt iness and the general apathetic malaise that comes on after seven years of not doing his thing. Harry's thing ls driving getaway cars for the un· derground. 11."s. ;is he Lelis harlot, Monique, lh1ng 1 dfl well." his favnrite "the only '!'hat. and Scott's porln1yal of Harry are the on ly Lhings done well in "The Last Run " Sco!L nJ>enS the fil m linker- ing and tuning the racy BMW. Titles roll across panoramic vie~·s or Scott t;ik ing his alter ego oul for a test run. Gravel ~pins. Lires screech. nerves grale during U1e mlnu1e long tr·avelngue of the Portuguese seacoast. MOVIE RATINGS ffiR PARElllTS ANO YOUNG PEOPI.£ 7,,. oa'--''"" <II•~• '*'"'O'" to"''"'• ,,.,_, .,,.,... '"-... ~•O./ofy"' ,...,..,. <-ID< •-"'f n, ,....,, <"''"'""' -------------------- The now-common cowboy niovie ingredients -a roh- bcry, a horse chase, a slloot· n11t. a sal011n d;inee-hall .~ee11c and ;i fish-figllL -all \\'Pre in '"The Great Train Rohberv ." Ander son. following his rOles in Lhat movie , tried unsuc · cessfully In n1ake n t her Westerns . His hre;ikthrouR"h <'ame in "Brnnt:ho Billy ;ind the Ra by.'' a short abo11l a single hero. a man wlio 1s n rugged Jnrl1vidual, ;i l;iw untn himself. The flln1 was a 1111., anrl the n1rkname s I u r k l:lO El Mr. ld through the hunr1reds nf sub· ... ~ llH'l ..... Ill"~'"'"'"" o Hi111 •"' wn~ ,_, .. M 0 ... ... ............................ o 1ic~·Bo1inc 1'P£1uent Westerns Anrlrr~on ... -~--,,,. ..... , .......... .. O (I) 00 CE footti•H Hill « ~m~'~':'.· -"-------.:..::==::=;;::::;::::;:;:=::1 f.,,,. l:tfll9 ~n tJh+bition ,1mf bt· ·~-- twetn lh• los An111~, lhmi 1pd Barbra••-'---~ !ht HouJlon Oflto. hv1 hom C111· ~ Ion. Oliio. (fl lnlffllltiNll H- @J Sperb Clltllt111• (D Mowh: '\trt Sh11tateh Wuf' (westem) "57-Jim Davi,_ J:OO I) Conw,....tlea• Wlfll 1 l"qdlit· tri.t Or. [dlfltfd Stainbrook. GmrgeSegal TlleOwl allll lhe PuSS)TAI t ~ .. \)ll"~ [R """"°" '"""' --@ ·8 .. . FRIO.I. Y "'SLEDGE'" t '.IJ •••IO '"OWL·• I , !Q O>tL V S.1.TURDA.Y ~ :SUNDAY "SL !DCli" l :» · ,,05 · •:O "OWL"' 4:1' & 1:01 0 llHUl-S..l* Sliri•lf ftfthll Cuu Rou Porl11 r1porl1 tht K · h?n fll oublt11dln1 1thltte1 who ht\lt 1rtdutttd fllllfl Northern and ~1tlfltm Catifornit l\l111 w.ooi,. ln lhl1 1nnu1I !oolbtll cl~ held lt$f nlftit ti tllt lot. Anf11!9t Mtrnofitl ColiMWll'l. 0 MM: !Cl "S1t11ftstd It h4 St111ll" (wt•trn) "6!1--ltich1nl Hu. ri.on. C.R. St11tr1. So yoa met someone and now you know how ii fetls. Good * ~ s~ net* n...tr. m -...: "l·Mell" (adv1nl11rt) '35 -ltflltt Clfllt1, I lord Ho!111. II) ......... flllllkal mn.ll,,.... J;JO 1J o.r Mtr!OM M1.lul Ktrltt11 o ~111111t111tt o~ tl)OM1 .. E•t-mTr• ~• • FOR ADVERTISING IN THE WEEKENDER PHONE 642-4321 man. l"ocu11 on 800'~ pitture and fade t.o lhe terne<ery and Lile. graveslon~ marking i;on 's grave. From tw>re on uosoblle devices fly in the thick and fast. A pedantic escape frnm a prison wagon by Ton y Musante as Paul Rickard ensues. Must::tnlf' ac!e11uately plays the murder·happy punk , object nf Harry"s remasculating run, but /;iii~ t-0 deliver 11 single line 1n anything ris1 n)!; above a stilled, heavily directed man· ner, 1'rish Devere 8S Rickard's butt·ln girlfriend is n1ore convincing, except whe n Fleisc her and Alan Sharp's ~creenplay has her bounding 'tween Muslante's anrt Scntt's attPntions for no ;ipparent purpose. Ur><l~r 11 Mui! be Wllh P8ronh "'VMMfR OF '42,. (It) Plu• • Al•n Arliift "Hl.t.ltT IS>. LOJUl"LY MVNTER" """'"' ,._ ... _ .... ~··-- JO~ft Wo>n• • Mour••" O'H•r• '"lllC J.._K!"' (Cl'l Plu• • Jol>n P~ill•P LO"' "VON RICMTOFfM • llROWN,. lCPI All Colo' F•m1•v EM•,toTftmon! W~I! Oo\n•V'\ "MILLION DOLLA R OUCI(" "' Ph." Joe Ftvnn "IAREFODl EXECUTIVE"" IGI '_ ~f!llH,,,f.!!!I• L""o"' ''" .11111 w .. '"'"""'' •n·•OMJ '"lllUE WAr(R· WHIT( OEATM"' n<v• • ~M~ H1J(!•nn "ICI \TlflDN lEllt,O iG1 ···-·• ... . ,, ... _,,,.,_, ff.1 1~•1 ·--1 .. ~ .... - !U 1111 A" Ce!ot Prfmlllrl f:"ll'O"V .. ""'"!I "WILLY WONKA I. THI CHOCOLATE FACTOllY" (Cl Plus "llOY 0' TWO WOllLDS" (G) .. """''"' .. •• c ..... c .... ,,_ . ., \1' 1111 •11 Color $~DWI i ltYI Ml;Qvt.., "THE lt(IVl!:llS" 101'1 ,.IU> • PAUi M.....,.,I" • G•11rvt ic • ...- "(001. HANO LUKI" quent arrest there. He know:o1 1K1l why I.he underground wants him dead. Nor doe:o1 Scott. \\·ho now realizes lhey migtll W&'lt Harry dead too. The unlikely trio guns il across Spain and Portugal en roule to S1·oll's A!garve digs. his f1sh1 ng boat and freedom. Along the w a Y Rickard 'hns a m p I e op· portunity Lo satisfy h i s mudcrous cravings as t.he op- position fades befOfe the ex- cellence of Scott's sports car 11.endling and nln1ble brain, Nimble, thN ls. for an un· derground has·been. The brain is responsible for the humorous sequence fn which an unsuspecting hippy hi t eh ti l k e r momentarily substitutes for Rickard wh en Spanish police routinely in· spect idenlirication of the trio al a roadside stop. Without reveahng the end lo this touching t e r m i n a I travelogue , one !urlher direC'· t.orial trlck can be reveale.cl. A~ Harry falls wounded intn Lhe A!garve SCJ1ds, cu l graphically Jn two by bullet.'!, Fleischer order! a cut lo Lhe now b;ittered escave car, abando'ned only mo me n ! s earlier by the fitting couple. A gloved hand reaches ln and turns off I.he ignition and, back on the bloodied sands, Harry's soul dep;irts his body. Now, l{arry's problems. got no more This is the !!!!!! movie you should not see alone. """'"'""""'WillARO BRUCE DAVISON· SONDRA LOCKE· ELSA lANCHESTER ,. • .,., -• "'_,.. ...,.-j ....... _, -.,,.-........ """' .. -~ ,.. ERNEST BORGNINE ~ Martin G1Ul£R1 • •AJ.Sr0< ·:::~..;~,':';1';, '""" '·"'' NOR!ll D<ARUS <PWT -. ... OSRISl(lfj .l SCP Pf!OOUCT()H.~ .. v.'"-"'"1 '-"" IN COLOR _ ... .,01\Nl(L MANN --G·-......-. NOW PLAYING! 2ND HELD OVER! WEEK PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT EDWARDS :!nd Top Attr,H lion M oLhcir l (n•ne O•nnr Shn,,f In "BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH" The hunlfcr .... Ct..t--.,....CBITDtFUllHEWWUi ~~ "THE LAST VALLEY'iC"' ___ ....__,.._ .. ~{4 !l.~~!l_P.~,!i! DIRECT FROM ITS :rorm NOW FOR THE 1 SENSATIONAL .. ..::rall 1STTIMf ·AT ROADSHOW 9,llV · POPUU.R ENGAGEMENT! ~.ora .'@.:.PRIGfSI iMll~.=tT=-r= N TOP HIT . BARRY NEWMAN • ClEAVON llTTl ~ ., "VANISHING POINT" POSITIYllY ENDS TUES., AUG. 3 ' ROBfRl WISf PllODUCTIQN IGP ) 111 MAQOl'l S"°""'l'IG ClllTfl ~NDROM:DA SlRAIN CDWAIDS CI NEMA Yl lJO MIJJIOM Ylf.IO tlO·•••o Pl -P AUG . 4 • STEVE McQUEEN 1ND I'll · ~IRK 00\!GIA~ • JOf•NNY (A~~ 'N "ASlllHtGHtlG,l LAST WEEKS! G) IN "LEMANS" Wolter Matthau Elaine Mo STARTS WEDNESOA Y AUGUST 11 "SONG OF NORWAY' __ ._.._ ___ _ --·-·-~ ~---'--·-~ ·r . lii:::: ---· ... -.,.. ' -··--· J • • . -• ~! ... 1 ·"'----~ ,, ,j)~ -~------ • Live Theater "Fiddler on the Roof" Summer musical on stage at Orange Coast College, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Me!.<!, Wed.·Sat., Aug. 4.7 ;1\ 8: 15 p.m. Set: Gulde to Pun for ticket details. "The Odd Couple'' Neil Simon's comedy on stage at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Brach. al 8:30 p.m., Wed.-Sat through Aug. 21. Reservations -49'4..fl743. "Charley's Aunt'' Comedy on 5tage al South Coast Repertory, 1827 Newport Blvd., at 8:30 p,m. Wed.·Sun., through Aug. 14. Reservations -M&l36J. Frldat. July JO, }q71 DAILY PILOT :JJ Resetnbles Patd Newman 'Kid' Curry His Own Man By VERNON SCOTT U"I ..._.,,_ C~ be-en my downfall with more buttermilk, soybea_n and meat restaurant not far from hJ..s than one good-looking girl. protein po>A'der, liquid vitamin home -he digs organic HOLLYWOOD 8 en Wlw!n 1 have asked a date over C and wheatgerm 01!. specialties -and then, when Murphy, whet plays "Kid" tn watch television e r He drinks down the mixture he can avoid it no longer, Ben Curry in "Alias Smith and something she 1..<tkes one look without gagging. is off to bed. iones," bears more than a al my apartment and figures In the makeup room at He spends hi.a weekend,,, passing re.'leniblance 10 Paul I'm 001 good h us band Universal studios he enjoys a resting, reading the papers Newrnan but only physically. material.'' breakfast of ba{'()n and eggs. and 1naking half-hearted at· Newman i.'I married, a Thal suits Ben Murphy. He After a day's work Ben is tempts lo clea n up ttis apart· Jather and a movie star. isn't &r.e to rush into mar-reluctanl !n return to his ment. Murphy is 8 bachelor, not a r1age. splendiferous home. Instead His annual IO-week hiatus parenl and is aiming for video When the ABC-TV show is in he hangs around the studio, from the show is devoted te stardom. production Ben Is up at 6 a.m. watching the film editor put skiing, tennis and promotlon8l He is an individualist whn lo conc!'lCI a healthfood eye-the show together. projects for the series, He lives in a t w 0 . r 0 n m opener. It consists nf a pineap· Por dinner he almost always givei interviews and poses for Apartment, refuses to cook in ple-cocoanut base blended with stops by a he a 1 I h -food photographers. his kitchen alrnve, and uses1;::;;-0-=:..o.:..__:;;:;;:;;c_-:;;-:;;-;;;;;;-•--------------------------;;;;. his liv ing room as an office to iiandle fan maiL scripLs aOO Ousiness matters. led O'IN 111e youthful actor ren 6:45 his modesl quarters furnished 7'lt I. ••Ski in wha t he calls cheap motel a.IN. '"'lnRI• plastic. LL.------== e NOW SHOWING e BEST ENTERTAINMENT 6ET ".,. flN choir.• tor • 1u"'-' °""1'"1·1 ..., tertvl11m.-it" -LA TIMES " .• , •ip1odH onto tfle 1t09e" -llC.ISTlll " .• ,top drawer" -YARlnY ".~.the mo1' hllarlo1111 ofhrlitt Ma1111Nd •" 011 Or•"9• Co1111ty 1tage oll year" -,llOT " •.• wlld•1t dkploy of tfriflrtN h1 tow11" -NIW,OITflt CHARLEY'S AUNT "Don't Drink the Water'' Woody Allen comedy on iitage al tbe San Clemente Community Theater, 2 O 2 Avenida C JI. b r i 11 o , San Clemente, at 8:30 Thurs. - Sat,. through July J I , Reservations -492-0465. Ballet on the 6reen To add a per.ional tooch Ben purchased some rugs for the floor and built bookcases and a desk fmm planks and bricks. The resultant decor will never make !he cover of House Beautiful. "The House on the Cliff'' 1'he Laguna Beach Civic Ballet Compa n y v.•ill present •·sunrlay in Vienna" on the lawn at the Festival of Arts. this Sunday at 4 p.m. The lilting Strauss music will fil l the Festival grounds for: the en joy1nent of all visitors. But thal lsn·L what Ben had in n1ind anyhow. .. 1 don 't entertain at home at all ," he says, "which has A mystery-comedy tin stage at the NeY1pOrl H a r b o r American Legion Hall, 21S 15th SL, Newport Beach, Thurs. -Sal. at 8:30° p.m , through Aug. 7. Reservations- 673·5070. AT90Tlt Cll'CDOlll--• ....,.T Chase Set For Bowl Concert Ad11lt1 S2.50 Jn. Sl.50 Child 75~ Cha!le, reputedly one or lhe most unu.~ua! bands In hit the pop music scrne of late, join:'! !ht 5th Dimension in concert Aug. 6, al Hollywood Bowl. The most recent addition to the program is b!ind pianist Charlie Starr, who appear!\ II\ be following in the footsteps of the illustrious Joe F'eleciano. The oine·member group. un· der the direction of leader Bill Chase. hai; built its delivery around four I r u m pet s . 1;killfully blending jazz and rock 1ntn a highly-pleasing, unified sound. Like Ml many of the new breed of successful pop musi· cians, Bi!! Chase sludied cclassicat trun1pcl in his early years. then turned to Ja1.z, Before organizing his presen1 51roup in Vegas 11 few years :IRO. he held cl0\\1n lead trumpet. chair.~ with such gre:il band leaders as S'tan Ken!on, Maynard Ferguson and Woody Herman. Or1119• Counly'• •1ock1>11110r i~w Volut "KLUTE" IRI "VANISHING POINT" Mi~• Nld>ol•' "CARNAL KNOWLEDGE" IRl ~, .. ,,..., J•<il NleflolH" "~" Mlr•••I OPln A.1 1 -Sh•w •I Dullt Now H popu11r pr!cH "RYAN'S DA UGHl lf.11" Ma•IO Tham11 "JENNY" NOW PLAYING "It is a trip much worth taking. Not since '2001' has a movie so cannily inverted consciousness and altered audience perception." -Jay Cacl<s, Time Magazine llrME - ELLSTRO HRONICLE ...... _l._,_ ....... -............... ._, _.,,..,..._-.-.. UM ..... -~ ...... . ;· ... CO-HIT C:O·Hlf "CONQUEROR WORM'" --~ p l u s EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT SHOWING NOW!! WOW ! FANTASTIC -....... ~"-· BETTER TH A N ~ENDLESS SUllllER' MOTORCYCLE RT AND THE MEN WHO RIDE 011 AllY SUllDAY Box Office __ ,O.pens 7:15 p.m :;;;c;!'.,"'"'';. Show Starts ·-ue.1111 at Du sk "Big Jake" PLUS Steve McQueen r.":':I "The Rei vers· ~ llATINEES Diil! FROM UO P.M. EXCUISIYI ENGA&EMUT John Wayne Richard Boone "BIG JAKE" 11 lm me nsely entertaining! Filled wit11 incredible energy .. fistfights and gunfights by the score! John Wayne in top form!" Co·Hit at Pacific Drive-Ins "VON RICHTHOFEN AND BROWN" Box Olfice opens H5 P.M. Show Starts •t 01Si C•·Mit '"THE McKENZIE BREU" Continuous Da ily from 2:00 P .M. 1~11 ~~J J ··--·-!IM!~•l·ft(m .. Joseph E • 0 ~ c L u ~ Levine l)fesenrs a ~kli Nichols Film s1.'lrnn9 Jack Nicholsoii ·Candice Bergen 5:' Mike Nichols t he producer ind director o.f "Who 's .Afraid of Virgi nia Wolff?" "The Gr1du1te" "C11ch 22" NOW! Gim YOtl 1 leuon in life (it's Fonny ·Funny . Funny!) with "EISy Rider" ind ""fiw Eaiy Piectt"" rt1r Jack Nicholson Candice Bergen Arthur Garfunkel Ann -Margret Jules Feiffer EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT ~ Gl • § r .. )> 0 ? ;:: • -0 ;;; ,. 0 • 3 " ;>; , 0 ~ • 0. 0 •. !. 5' .,, ~· ;:: Q ~ ----· ----· ... --:;-w .. -·';""'-...... -· -~ -') I --....£:J.. ', •..-.:-,-tJtr' --~ -J • -'l,.J Box Office: 646• 1363 or all Ac:ieneies -AND- 11to b•owty ef "ltom•o o"d Jwll.t" c.ombl"•d with tho l111patl •f "Lo•• Story'' W~erlng Heig~ts ANNA '° CALDER MARSHALL TIMOTIN DALTON ~ ""'.a NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES REFRIGERATED COMFORT EXCLUSIVE IN ORANGE Doily Motiflte1 1 :JO (GI ON ANY SUNDAY ...... A L s 0 " IN ALL THEATRES OUNTY ,, CO UR ESY Of 8 B MAYNARD'S WtN A fill YAMAHA MIMl·lNOU RO MOTORCYCll fill OUT ci~~o~~t~l1%i'W1 Wc1rEATRI 01 205 N. Horbor llwd., So11ta A"o ' ' ' ... ,,, ,_, . " ~ 'f.•I" 7 00 & \I) lll "~--"I-~~ 3rd ond FINAl WEEK! George Hom1lt0t1 ''EVEL KNIEVEL '' p!v~ IR CONDIT (GPJ John Hi·~IOll "THE DESERTER " (GP) FREE PARKING EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY NOW PLAYING ~MATINEES DAILY AT 1 P.M •. _ .~!G M Pflf.SENTS i\ WONDEfl!-UL ~IOT!ON PICTURE FOR YO U R E>;M ILY'S E:\TEflTAINME1'T PETER~BIT :~:"D TALES 0F BEATRIX P0TTER \. \_-.\ .. . · . • ' . ·'4 ._.,, I 1 1 I ~ I I PERFORMED BY ~CERS Of THE R0~B~LET AND PRESENTED IN F0UR nt>;CK STEREO SOUND 14<,..,.;~M~r r't<w"'' A john B<ab<>orne·~hwdl-',.!n r....-..,...., f'°"' [\ii film ~LIL •p.-.,., ~ .,..i 1.u., ol fto.otrb Aift.,. ""1tlo O.n1:on JJ'lo, Ill>...! a.lite ! In ·-•"''°' ..i1h rM a..,.ai O,.n ....._,C.,...nt GotJ•n l • .Yof'l..i fo• ohos.,,.,., lo,-kkhord c,..,.,,J..;n •'"' ChriitflN Uunl °""_,.,...,~ r .. .i..n.i. ,_.,,.,.,, Mu•I< ~ JMn l..0,..1>!1.,..., '"1• •nJl't>•tw..,.., .w.;,....ii,,.Q.n.,;,L, £du..._ I ••<wll•" J'>od"""'' j.ol'on 9,....,.,., • l'mJucN i..·k~ huJl .. ~J,.111 • Di•rrt•J i-.-ll~J"ulcl Moll<• THh"inilor 1:0Nr1Nuous PERFORMANCES 0A1Li 0 AT l:Oo-~·00-5:00-7:00-9:00 P.M. FOR GROUP SALES CALL ED PRUES -213-657-6800 -------·~ ----r-' ---r,; ---. ... __ t:;".r.-~ -.• ,.._.. .. 1 ! , ' :fl OAILY PILOT Your G11ide to Ftcn FJC Theater Sets Garhenstangel Finals Set 'South Pacific' ' JlJLY30 ·:U GAkBENSTM'GEL RALLYE -Rube Gn!dbergian conlrap- tions built by DAILY PILOT readers exhibited in rompeLi- Uon al South Coast P!ai a shopping center. Gary Garben- sWtael and His Do Nothing . J\1achines S~w hourly per- formances Fri. and Sat. JudgL11g of all dlv1s1ons, 10:30 a.m. Saturday with celebrity j udges. JULY 30 ·JI Ll'L AB!'\ER -Edison High School students v•il! present "Li'! Abner '' m the Huntington Beach High &hool Auditor- lum, 1903 l\-tain St , Huntington Beach, July 30.-31 at 8_ pm. Tickets. $2 for adults; $1.50 for student.s, and $1 for children at the door or call 968-1820 JULY 30 ·AUG. A HQ.\1£ SROW -The Southland Home and Garden Show \VLU be held in the Anaheim Convent ion Cenlt'r, 800 \V. Katelta, Anahf'im July 30 • Aug. 8. from 5 to 11 p.m. weekdays; noon to l l on Sat. and noon to 9 p.m. Swi. There will be displays of products and furnishings for the home; an in· temational baiaar where exhibits of imports from arqund the v.·or!d may be seen, and a lavish flower show: Tickets $2 for adults : $1 for juniors, children under II are free. JULY 30 . AUG. 7 BOAT SHOW -Sail and pov.'er boats of many manufactur- ers will be on view in the mall of Huntington Center, Edin- ger at Beach Blvd,. Huntington Beach, J uly 30 • Aug I. Free pony rides will be offered to youngsters up to 7 years and on Aug. 5 • 7 from noon to 5 p.m. daily in the mall. J ULY 30 • AUG. 27 PROGRAJ\,t FOR KIDS -The l\1esa Verde Library, 29fi9 f\.fesa Verde Drive East, Cost.! Mesa has many programs for children during the summer. Pre-school story hours are held at 10 and l I a.m. each Wed. and Thurs. Every other Friday there are films for children first through third grade. "Mysteries of the Deep" and "Tales of Hiawatha." will be :screened July 30. JULY 30 • AUG. !7 FTLM-O-RA~1A -A program of "Movies under the Slars." sponsored by the Newport Beach Library, Santiago f ilm Circuit and Fashion Island. will be shovm at 8:30 p.m. each Friday evening through Aug. "ll in the mall. at Fashio n Island. Films geared lO family audiences wtll be enter- taining and informative. JULY 30 ·AUG. 29 FESTIVAL OF ARTS -The Laguna Beach Festival of Arts and Pageant of the f\1asters will be held on the Festival of ArU grounds, 650 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach through Aug . 29. The Pageant is presented each eve~ing in the Irvine Bowl on the grounds at 8:30 p.m. The Festival which includes artists. craftsmen, puppet shows and music on the green each Sunday, opens at noon each day. 175 craftsmen will show and sell their work. JULY 31 TEEN DA.~CE -The \\'estminster Teen Club will hold a d ance (most Sal nights) for teens 15 through 18 years \\ho live in WesLminste.r or attenC Bo\sa Grande, Fountain Val- ley, La Quinta or Westminster High Schools. ~dmission !or members, $1 ; non·members, $1.50, "Sledge'' "''Ill play. JULY 31 ·AUG. 8 CHil.DREN'S THEATER Gtm.D -"The Bakers of Bever- wyck" is the summer musical st.aged by the Child ren·s 1111 -·-·~ -- X-:-.1••-llWal!llUJ ... -=· W'.;~J.!6:it;~ °'' .... 1_:><.._ ..... .,_...-:,,' ..... .., ..... 11.1.11 ~ ........... 0', .. ,. .•••• ~ • ...,i; ...... ,, ........ , •• ·~·-····· ._,.--!i ~•·'"''"' ... __ .... p -~.,,. ,._,.~ ..... ~. ~ ........ ' STADIUM ,II 2 ORANGf 639·8850 ...................... -......... ~,..~ Jl';Jl".!l.!•i ..... :.-... ' ,, ............ .. • •• -"L""'7"' . ,. _.' "....,. -~~r •· .,, "•''• •,, •• C ·-'" -·••·"'<r_..-.., .......... a . .1111 (INfMI:. Wt ST "I Wt5TMINS T£R 89(.4493 Also -"SICILIAN Cl.IN " Also "VANISHING POINT . NO \Y SHOWING r-x~wu~, 0~1°i:iiiii]l! .. "JENNY" and N[WP'QRT BEACM " Olt )'83~i> ~ S1111doy • Th111f'Mloy • • 1:00 p.111. Frldey & S.h,,dlft' .. l :JO p.111. M .. I_ WM •• , , ••• l :OO I'·"'· s.t, Metl•• •• , , 1 :JO'-5:00 , ••• l4efl ....... 1:00' 4:10 ----' ' -. ·~-• • -J~ '111eater Guild al Estant 1a Hi,gh School in the Forum. 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa ~tesa, Oil two \'.'eekends. Dates and times are : Saturdays (July 31 and Aug. 7), at 10 a.m .. I and 3 p.m.; Sllndays (Aug. I and II), at I and 3 p.m. Tickets at the door, $1, or call 673-6197 or 968-5632, after 6 p nt JULY 31 ·AUG . l BOYS CLUB RODEO -The Roys Club of Huntmgton Beach 1s holding an authentic rodeo in cooperation "'ith the Great V-.'estern Rodeo Association July 31 and Aug. l in the Hun· tington Beach High Schoo! Stadium. 1903 f\1ain St., Hunt ington Beach, Shows "''ill be at 2 p.m. both days with an eK tra 8 p.m . show on July 31. Ticke~. $2.80 for adults: Sl.80 for 17 and under for the World Championship event may be pur· chased at the gate. Funds raised will be used kl support \•ar- ious Boys Club activilles. Aug.1 -7 CONCERT -Justin Colyer, music professor at Orange Coast College, will present a concert of choral and organ rnusic at 8 p.m. in the: First Baptist Church, 1010 17th St., Santa Ana on Aug. 1 and 7. AUG.% FASITTON ISLAND CONCERTS -The ?ltonday night con- certs at Fashion Island will C<Jntinue for the mo n I h of August with Henry Brandon directing the band. Every thing from Bacharach to Sousa will be heard at the 9· lfl p.m. concert. Bring a sit-upon and enjoy music: under the skies. No charge. The Rog,ers and Hammenteln musical "South Pacific" opens In the Fullerton Junk>r Colleae Campus Theatre tonight at II p.m. with performance• set for JuJy. 31, and A\li. 5, 6, and 7. The fint performanct: of "South Pacific" was glve.1 at ~ MajuUc Theatre in New York City in 1949. I~ mwic, as beautiful and it.s message, Ls as much a part of "now" as it Will! over twenty years ago. and it has proved to be a timeless musical. The major plot involves Eruiign Nellie Forbush, a Ne.vy nurse in the South Pacific dur· ing World War II, and Emile de Becque, .a French plan- tatioh own!.r who live.s on the island where Nellie is sta- lioned. Nellie, played by Vickie Saunders of Anaheim, and Emile, played by Patrick Campbell ot Cypress, find love in the midst of the pres.sures and dutif!l'i of wartime. have found. Nellie uks Cible to try kl explain lhe way they feel to Emile who C&MOI believe !hat Nellie'1 refwal of his love CM bt hued an something which, as .iibe. 11ays, is born into 1'I person. Cable tries to explain to .Emile when he sings ··You 've Got ·ro be Carefully Taught'' to be afraid ol people whosa eyes are oddly made ..• "'hose ~kin is a different shade. He remem~rs the Jove and joy he fell as he v.·atched the beautiful hands of Liat telling the story of "Happy Talk" M Bloody Mlll'y sang the song to the t111-o of them. Cable and Emile leave the island on a very dangerous mis,,ion , and Cable swears that '>!'hen he returns he wi ll marry Liat and setUe down on their beautiful Bali Ha'i. And Emile hopes that Nellie wilt have been able to resolve her feelings by the: tim• he returns, AUG. 3 CONVE RSATION -An evening of conversation \r1!h two well known authors is being set up by the B. Dalt.on Book· sellers, No. 5 Fashion Island, Newport Beach. at 7 p.m . Aug. 3. The authors are James Cavenaugh and Dr. James Sho- strom who together have written a new book, "Between 1\'fan and \Vomen ." Shostrom's best knov.•n book is "'fl.Ian the ?ltanipulator." The public is invited free but is requested to phone so seating may be arranged. Phone Mrs. Rembold, at &44-0041. Supren1es Brighten Up Disneyland's Srnnmer Nellle sings ot her love in "A Cockeyed Optimist" and ''l'm ln Love With A Won- derful Guy.'' Emile sings of his feelings for Nellie ln "Some Enchanted Evening." However, Nellie has second thoughts about her romance ~she sing.! ''I'm Gonna W~h 'That Man Right Outa My Hait." Just plain fun is had by cast and audlence with numbers such as "Thfore Is Nothine' Lik1> A Dame" and the Thank.'lgiving Follie:oi . During the Follies, Nellie and Luther Billis, played by Thomas ?ltilne of Fullerton, team up for the show-stopping number, '"Hohey Bun." AUG. 4 -Ui STORY HOUR -The Laguna Beach Library. 207 N Coast Highway, Laguna holds a story hour for children each Wed. at 10 a.m. AUG. 4 .7 FIDDLER-ON-THE·ROOF -Orange Coast College's Sum· mer musical production, "Fiddler-on-the-Roof." '11ill be pre- sented in the school auditorium, 2701 Fairview Drive, Cos ta f\l esa. Aug. 4-7 al 8:15 p.m, The bo:t office v.1ill be open July 28 . :JO from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Julv 31 from ll a.m. to 2 p.m and on Aug. 2-3 from 11 am, ltJ 2 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. On performance nights the boK office will be open from 6:30 to 8:30 if any tickets are still avallable. All tickets are $2. AUG . 5 ~ 26 STORY HOUR -A story hour for pre-school children \I.JU be held in the l\1ariner's Library, 200:. Dover Drive, New· port Beach. each Thursday at IO a.m. The Corona de\ Mar Libra ry, 420 J\.1arigold Ave., Corona def Mar will hold a ~tory hour for pre-schoolers every second and fourth Thurs- day of the month at 10 a.m. ALlG. 5 · 26 STORY ROUR -The Costa Mesa Library. 556 Center St.. Costa ~tesa. has scheduled some Summer programs tor children. Story hours "'ill be at 10:30 a .m. on Thursdays. AUG. I BAND CONCERT -The Westminster Community Band will hold a series of F'n. concerts at J\1 cFadden Park, 9801 l\fc- Fadden Ave., \\'estminster at 7 p.m. Concerts are set for Aug. 6 and 20. and Sepl. 3. No admission charge_ AUG. 13 SU RFER JR. DANCES -'The Westminster Surfer Jr. Teen Club will hold a dance on the second and fourth Frtrlay of Uie month for 7lh and 8th graders. The 7:30 to 9:30 dance will be in the Community Center, 8200 Westminster Ave. Admission :.0 cents. Lagu11a Unit Seeki11g Art Museu1n Pieces those fe atured By CANDACE PEARSON OI !tie 0•111 l"llat 5t•fl ·ro resounding a pp J a u s e from the mol't'! than 1500 spec· tators the Supremes Monday opened an engagement al the Di s neyland' Tomorrowland stage, proving they are almost as exciting an attraction as the old group. Probably the only thing keep. ing then1 from I.he same popularity the group enjoyed under !he leadership (lf Diana Ross. now a single, is a list of hit records. F"or the present Supremes, backed by a fine Disneyland orchestra and their ow n rhythm section. d is p I a y be<1utiful singing and really fine stage presence. In la vender, brocaded silver jump suits, they smiled and danc ed through a variety of tunes, only a few whic h really missed their mark. They hit a high pomt in au- dience tap po r l I especially v. 1th the 1~·omen l v.1hen they told lhe men of the audience, "You've been getting away 2 Autl1ors From State Published Harcourt Brace Jovanovich "'"·ill launch new novels by I wo California writers on Aug. 25 -Vina Delmar's • 'The F'reC'.l.'il\'S," her rif!eenth book . and Diiine Johnson's "Burn· 1ng :• her third book. "Th£' Free\l.·a~·s'' foll o"·s a Io n e I y executive secret.?.;y through her romance v.it h a handsome actor their shat· le ted marriage, and her tragic v.1ith too much too long." To definitely supportive ap- plause, they told women to "'stand up for your rights'' and The sutrp!ol concern a led in lO singing a rocking Bloody Mary, pla yed by Rose version of Stephen Stills' Roselin.!ky of Fullerton. her "Love the One You're With.'' daughter Liat, portrayed by Other highlijhLs were Susan Davis of Yorba Linda, ••Ev er ybod y N eeds and Lt. Joseph Cable. played Somebody." featuring a good by Dan Rogers of Long Beach. beat and the best blending of Bloody Ma.ry is looking for background and solos. and the righl mah to marry Liat, "Nathan Jones," their main and she decides that LL Cable l~ that man. She sings 1'Ball ~ I th Unlike the group under Miss Ha'i" to te I Cable of e Ross, these Supremes allow paradise which awaits him on each other to take over solo.~. that beautiful island. Bloody a very pleasing trait. Present Marv is certain that she wa.s lead singer Jean Terrell gives correct when Cable sings the spotlight over to Mary "Younger Than Springtime'' Wilson ia fantastic dancer) or to LiaL However, OOth Nellie and Cindy Birdsong in different songs, creating a better varie-Cable find that prejudices """'hich have been lnstilled in ty. th · lit' I Surprisingly the worse part eir persona . 1es seem o of their act was a medly of make it impossible for them to "old'' Supremes' hits, from accept the love which they "Slop in the Name of Lo ve'' to - •·Renections." The sound is not quite the same and 1t doesn 't work. Y.'ith the group nighUy at 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. until August 6 are the Kleis Next Door, 12 super-~'holesome young people similar to a ''Sing-out America" group. Aside from one especially ta.~teles.s ren- dition of "'Hair," they performed a plea!'ii ngly \Vith "South Pacific" is Mine: presented by the P'ullerton Junior College Music Produc· tion \\'orkshop in the Campus Theatre which is loca~ on Lemon Street just north of Olapman Avenue. F'or ticket reservations or information, ca!J 871.fl!OI. Monday through ScJ.urday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.n1 . Lou Jacobi Set In 'Courtship' Loo Jacobi, veteran st.age, motion picture and te!evis!on actor, has been signed lO guest star in the "Tell it Like I'm Telling You It Is" episode of MG~-f's "Courtship ol Eddie's Father" ~ries . "'Aquarius'' and "Let the Sun Shine In.'' Remaining songs are falrly standard. and generally bland. But they do smile an a.,.,·fu l lot. l111i ~ord bells •II c.olor~ Aau!h -SI 1s J•"$ s1 is cnllare" /k JO~~ Woyn~ "BIG JAICI!'" CGI") "d "SAVAOf WtlO" b1~\•meri c•rd e m•lt•r "'1'i er9e ' f•thion i1l1nd, n•wporl c1nl•r •44-5070 The 50 vear old l.aguna Beach An Association nnd 11.s niuseun1. 1s seeking pictu res and prrttncnt material about 11~ n1Pn1ll4'1';;: In forin the L.1gu na Be:ich Ari As.~0<·1ahon !l 1~tor1cal [)t>partn1cnt. Recently, four sculptures and one pain!ing valued al ne;irh• $7,000 have been ar- quired by the assoc1a11on This increase lo the assoc1a\1on·s pc rinane11l collecuon "·a.c: .a result of ~1 S t . l nduslr1e~ rnov1ng lo the r a s 1 r r n seabo <ird TI1f' p1t"CCS llL'rl' considered 100 l11ri,;e tn be transferr('d and v.r rr '1ffcred !o 1hc n1uscum, search for relea se on the!~~~~~~~,,;,~~~~'===========:::~~~~= freeways of Los Angeles. Vina Vunds an' brin,ll sough1 for cu1 add1 l1onal w1ni: lo displijy Lh(' project ;\ $1 ,000 donation fron1 an "art patron and friend of th(' gRllt>ry."' ha!'i already been received ()ther!'i have indicated lhelr lntt>rest 1n contributing monetarily to the pro1ecl. Donations may be dehvere<I to th~ gallery, 307 0 1ff Drive. Laguna Beach Stressing the begi nning nf the association, emphasis .,.,·111 be directed to"""·ard t ho~e artists who made La !luna famous as the Art Colony. Norman St. Clair. Edgar Payne. Anna Hills, William C. Griffiths, Frank \\'. Cuprien, Paul Lauritz, E\·ylena Nunn ?ll11ler. Bcnjan11n C. Brov.·n. and Guy Rose will be among The works include the pa1n- llng, "The L"rb.an Crowd." by c;_ S l eg e ma n inelal ~culptures. "Courtship ln the C.arden. "by Ph i l l i p Liv· ingslon, "Bermuda Passage'' and "\Vartior" by Abbott Pat- tison. and "Birds Shaken from Deln1ar, v.ho h11,s been publish· Pd by Harcottrt B race ,)01 ;1r1(lv1ch for 4.1 ye11rs, \1 rl!('~ nnvcl.c:. fi lm script.;, pla.1 ~ eJ1rl short s1or1es at her home in Beverly Hills. '"Burnin~" deals \.l'ith a con- ventional Sou thern C11,lifornia couple who become involved \\'ith Lh£> guru psychiatrist next door and his band of dope-ad- d1cted patients. Diane Johnson lh•es in Berkeley. She is a member of the English Department at the University of California at Davis. a Tree."' by Patricia 1\loo re, a;:::===========- mi<ed media pa;nting 'p"r"c""i"wr"~ 'c'ocK• ~ f.·lany other works are own· ed by lack of room at the Cliff BOOKSHOPS 1 f o,;,. sH• proh;Ms the;, "-- hibition under one roof. The: HU c11y ' o.o~,. • (714l •lt.noo addition of a ne11o· wing \\'ill SOU!lt COAST ,IAZ.& o,.~ help solve this prob!cn1 c ... ,o Muo • !714! Sf0-l1t l •-···•• '"BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH ~ i~~ ·' ~ INCLUDES SOME OF THE MOST ;;-.'•If'·:· · SMASHING MAN-AGAINST· i _;.;.~: , BEAST f.~~!~e~vVER fllMEDI f \···: BREATH-TAKING. GASP-PRODUCING!"' -...1116<!?1 Cnsl, NBC T&d•y 51\ow • "BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH " I The hunt for the Great White Shark \.. h. "KlSTATIO" ZlllA" h• Offlc1 o, .. , 7:lJ ,,,._ SHOW Jt11rt,1 •I 0.1k , __ ... _.,,._ . . ,, ·- Cominuous Showing Dally r l ,.._,." -... (o>lto ... h -l•o JIO> ""~" ....... ___ ., __ _ ,. ' -..., .. ..... _, ... L •• ... Major Studio Sneak Preview FROM CINERAMA RELEASING FRIDAY ONLY-JULY 30 PREVIEW SHOWS ONCE AT 8:45 P.M. MAJOR PRODUCTION * * MAJOR CAST PREVIEW llA TIO IRJ FRIDAY SCHEDULI ONLY "A New Leaf" 7:00 Prnl•w 1:45 P1era Suite 10:45 --------------.. : All kicls • : 112 price : I &fin<; this od. crnd oU tM kid1 ln your fomily (4-12) will get in for half-price wh•n I you buy one regulor Qdult ticket t!Ws Saturday (7/31) or Sunday (8/1) only, How's that for fighting inflation? OjMn dQily 9 a m-9:30 ptn, f rkioy ond Sarurday "'ghb I I till midnight. Santa Ana Fr•eway ot Artssio, Ptu.na Pork. : Japanese : • Village : L •••••••••••••• . -1-.... --_. .. _ -. ..a.,. -. -"'°'' ._C"""",~ I '""L-r r r---r--:e.-.--•. • Frld'1, July 30, 1'171 DAil Y l'llOT P Still Tied llp ita Teehtiiealities Don't Pack Paddles--Red China Not Ready for Tourism By ft.tURRA Y J, BROWN VP'I Tr1••I •.ii.r NEW YORK -CommUI1ist Chlna no IOflger ls of[ limits to the American traveler. But don't start packif'lg your ping- pollg paddles -Peking has given no lndication yet that it is ready to roll out the rM c41rpet for visitors from :.he United Slates. The Nixon administration opened the road for the American touriirt to Mainland China after about 2Q years by dropping all travel restrictions l'arlier this year. Although a number of 1nore optimistic U.S. tour operators immediately began making plan.s, no U.S. official \\'ou ld even speculaU on when Pt>k.· 1ng \VouJd decide lo lift Uia Bamboo Curtain ond le t Americans in. Pan American \\I or Id Airways and Trans World Airlines, in the meantime, have expre.ssed hopes of reinstituting their routes to China and !he Arnerican President Lines has declared readiness to resume ship passenger services. In ad- dlllon, United Air Lines peti- tioned t.he Civil Aeronautics Board fer permission to known to hav• vuited the validalion of pas.spoct.s for 1l granted visas lo a small The commllleot! fa vo rs ~farrh, the State Dep.arlrntnl create broader opportunltJes operate flight!: from the mainland since. travel by U.S. cttb.en1 lo number ol. Americ?.n newsmen nocmaliutlon of political, holed that in the preceding~ for contacts between the United SI.ates to Peking, Passports were im~inted Mainland China would no who accompanied the players. economic and cultural re.11-months -after a previous Chlne.se and Amer Jc an Shanghai and Canton. wiLh W6!lling.a that "travel to. longe r be requited. The ('Ufb,s The tour included visil.5 to lions between the Unlt.ed euing of re!trlctlons by peoples." The ink WM hardly dry on in or through lhe Com1nunist on travel to Communist North Peking, Canton, Shanghai and States and Communist Oiina. Washington spec I a I 'The Peking autbortUes ap. the State Department M· controlled portions of 01.ina, Vietnam, North Korea and the Great Wal1 of China. In the past, Peking granted perml.nlon to vilit Red Cbina pear in no hurry t c> oouncement dropping the ban Korea and Vietnam, or to, in Cuba remained in effect. 1'he bamboo curtain "'as vls.as to Americans only in h&d been gntnted to about reciprocate. The feeling here on travel before American or through Cuba" v.·as forbid· 1!he following month Peking slamn1ect do"'n again until what it considered were very l ,000 American!. But only is that Peldne could not be e1· wholesale and relall operators den without special authoriza. surprised everyone by ir11·iti11g mid-June 1vhen Peking ad-speciaJ Cl!eS and there were three were given vl.!ras by pected to open Us borden to began promoting tours 10 lion from the U.S . .secretary of the U.S. lable tennis tea111 mltted thirtet:fl stu d en 1 s no signs that it was &.'lout lO Pekin(. American visitors untU I.he China. stl'lte. which look pert in the world associated with the Com-change its policy in the near TH& V.S. ft.fOV f.S we re In ehd ol U.S. miUtary tn-ADVERTISEME~ 1:1p-LA.ST ~1ARCH . \Vash1ngton championships in Japan to miuee of Conct"rned Asian future. line wtUi t.be pledge py Pre11i-volvemeol ln Vietnam. at the peared in a Y.'est Coast announced that the special \'isit Olina. At the same lime, Scholars In Ste..'lford, C-alif. Jn its ann01UJcement last dent NlJ:oh la.at February !'to very least. newspaper while a major ---------'------------------------------------------------'--------- wholesaler dist rib u I e d thousands of niers lo travel 2.gents on tours which "will begin the moment 'Ae have permission from the People's Republic of China ... which is now pending tapplied for).'; One agency even bf'gan of- fering 22-day tours for $2,500 with a departure date of nexl f-.lay 5 IF visas are granted by Peking. Travel to Communist China by Americah citizens was ban· ned by the U.S. State [)('part· ment shortly 2.tter Mao Tse- tung·s Red armies forced Generalissimo Chiang Kai· shek and his Nationa l ist regime to retreat to the island of Taiwan in 1949. Only a h8J1dful of U.S. nationals are ·A Snuggle Of Soft No-Iron PERCALE SHEETS New Fil111 Demonstrates Develop111ent of Child FLANNELETTE SALE Queen Size SALE $ 24 Dr. Jerome Bruner contends babies E.re preprogramrned by nature to develop certain skills that distinguish man from a!l other anlmals. As director of the Harvard linivers!ty Ce n t e r for Cognitive Studies. psychologist Bruner grounds hi~ conclusion on mounds of research he has conducted. and is conducting on infants for glimmerings about man'5 behavior. Examples of his work. and many intriguing discoveries about infants ages one to rive, are examined in MGto.1-TV's documentary "Childhood: The Enchanted Years." a special being rebroadcast Saturday, Aug. 21 at 7:Jtl p.m. on Cha.1· nel 4. /'\icholas Noxon is pro- ducer and lr'A·in Rosten is ex· eculive ptodoctr. One B r u n er experiment shown, demonslrate.s t he UJliversal .. reach and grc.<>p"' aclio11 of babies which has tht power.ful affect of mobiliz- ing the han1is. arms, mouth and eyes <1l one lime. "niis is son1ething lhfll is t•ery much a part of 1nan's in- heritance," he says. Studies of othe r psychologis!.o; such as Dr!, Burton \Vhite. Jerome Kagen, SALE Wanda Bronson and Paul H. ~1wsen, also demonstrate in the documentary that an in- fant's brain, though obtuse, is astonishingly complex. White is the director of Pre- School Pr oject, Harvard's Schoo! of Education; Kagen, development psychologist, professor al the Department of Social Relations, Harvard. Bronson and Mussen a.re at the University of California at Berkeley. Bronson is vdth lhe Institute of Human Develop- ment and flfussen is a prcr lessor of psychology. Besides testimony by ex. perts and examples of their ""ork, the documentary gives the "'atcher an empathetic child"s view of the 'A'ortd. \Virh the camera acting as eyes, footage "'as filmed from a b2hy's Ii mite d perspec1ive "'ith all things appearing enormous and "mother·' being the bearer of all things good. ln some areas animation was used to demonstrate cJ;µidrtn's m isconception of lll:f'iguage and their s e 1 f oriented· concept o f en· vlronment. AQUA HIT HAii SPUY 27~. • Rer. or h11rd to hold 1 :--"i•~ • J umhn size C'AO ~~ :.-----·-~ -. -- Limit: 2 Ptr Custom1r IOXIEMA' Slllll CIWl SALE 64C • lCMn:. 1ize • Sootha dry akin llMIT1 2 ,.... • ..,.._ Protein 21" Shampoo SALE 64c Helps you beat the friz. ziei. Limit: 2 per custom• ' --· "1 ~ • .,,,./ • - . ~-· ~--· -\j) __. . ...,., .. --- ,,, ... 'Cone Puff', .• incred- ibly soft blend of 50 % Avril• rayon/ 50% cot- ton you"ll love to lounge or sleep in. i1achine wash and dry. 46" \V. Simplicity patterns availabl• $ Yds. Reg. 54c yd. ~~'Jl&i5 Machine Washable Reg. 4" King Size SALE $ 24 Reg. 5" We're not only holding sheet prices dc>wn •.• we're cuttinc them, giving you an even more super value! Our own luxury 186-count percale Bheeta, fresh from our regular, complete 1tock. Men's COLOR KRAFT WO.RKSOCKS SALE Se lf-b locking -finished garments keep sh ape. M achi ne ""a shablc ac r ylic fib r e. Assor ted popu l ar colors. ~ WHOPPERS !§ MALT BAL~S .l~ ,~~\JlSb' ~ SALE $ For Reg. 78' 200 Malted Milk Balls in easy to pour Y, gal. carton. YARN Reg. 1°9 c 4 oz. SKEIN Reg. SIT-ON HAMPER Not as Illustrated $ SALE For Bathroom, Bedroom, Nursery 96 Reg. 324 • Floral Pattern provides Fashion Touch • Si t·on C over • Won't Rust or Snag, Kind to Clothes. Wt R•••"• Th• Rif!!! To Limit Quaatitl••· No!'• Sold To Daoltrs _ SALE · For c • fin~tQualiry Conon Yuru • Firmly Kni1 for High AbK!rboencr • Scit'ntifically Siicd (or Comfort • Guann1eed 3 Monthl COLORING BOOKS SALE c Reg. 29c HUNTINGTON BEACH, GRANT PLAZA BROOKHURST & ADAMS 962-3387 Hours: Daily 9:30 to 9, -. . .;·I _,, -..,,..,..,~··----·-•. --' ',.._ ... ------- Sunday 10 to 6 -.. ·-. • •• ' . -__ J -,..-...:.,,,.- -'-':i:· . .--.._ •• ' ·--· • ". r -~---. ..~ . ___ .,_ - . Sfi 04J)lY Plt&T Fri~, July JO, 1971 • ~'TL~s; ';~CH!J.;l'Sf:~R I !!,f ~M;~'!.,·TH/ lf!!1:£R.1,AL ON ALL CHRYSLERS, PL YMOUTHS, DUSTERS, CRICKETS AND '71 DEMONSTRATORS WE'RE JUMPING THE GUN ON OUR OFFICIAL CHRYS· LER/PLYMOUTH MODEL YEAR-END CLEARANCE SALE. WHY WAIT UNTIL SEPTEMBER TO SAVE ••• TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A BIGGER SE· LECTION AT BIG YEAR-END SAVINGS ••• RIGHT NOW! NEW '71 CHRYSLER 4 DO.OR HDTP. •1 07 '~0 19n CRICKET OFF MANUFAC URERS STICKER PRICE LOADED WITH 383 VB, 6 WAY POWER SPLIT BENCH SEAT, AUTO., P/STEER· ING, P /DISC '·BRAKES, P/WINDOWS & DOOR LOCK$,..AIR . COND., RADIO W/ REAR SEAT.S1!·EA'K ERS AND MORE (CL43LIC271011f. · *I .. ' ' ' :~. 3 BLOCKS SOUTH 2929 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ph. (714) 546·1934 or SA N 01EG0 FWY fURY 2 DOOR H.T. VB . • ulom•tic, ,,.4;.,, l>e•l•r, wh ite ,...11,, •h•rp. IPM Dl>47) '67 OLDS 4·4-2 J DOOR HARDTO, V8, 1utomelic, redio, h1el11, power •+••rinq & bt1~••· WSW. 1xfr• cl1en, IYRX64S ) ICADffiE 4 tpeed lren1minlon, ••dio •nd h••ht. !ZPN702l 'S7 DODGE MONACO 100 '• l Or. H.T. V8, ""'""'"' · '68 PLYMOUTH •URY II • DR. sro. tie, ••dio, "•"t."· pow• VB . .,11tom•lie. •1die, •• 1l•erin9 & br•~tl, hn •le" pow•• •'••ring •ir eond. vinyl top, Ill• • i r .:onditjonin9, e 1II1 n t condition.. !XHA837! <UZROJOI '1195 '68 FIAT 124 S,.ORT COUPI S tD••d tt1n1mi•1io~. r1dio •nd ~e•ier. (ZXXOlll USED CAR '68 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill 2 DR. Jit.T. '18 , 1111~..,,.lie, r•dio, h••t•r. pow11r 1!t1rin9- bt•l.•1 · window1, ,.;, eond., vinyl lop, "'"''· (WOCI 131 '67 AUSTIN HEALEY SPRlTI 4 111e•d . r&dio. heel••. Loke new lot1. Uphol. •l•rv I p~i nt, imm•cu· !eie! Low mil1•91. !UPXqbb) $995 . '68 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2 DR.. H.T, va , &U tOmaliC, T<tdio, he<tlet, power 1l4'erin9 & btake1, power w:n. dow•, .,;, c.ond. fWJM "~1~.95 '68 DODGE CHARGU. V8 , i'u!om•lic.,. ••dia,. heafiir, power 1letrin9 & br•k•u . .,;, cond., ~•nvl top. B••uliful. !VWE59 1) NEWPORT CUSTOM 4 Or. S11d. V!, •ulcm~­ loc, ••di<'l, h11•!e•. pnw- •• tl••rinq & br•~•i. ,.;, conditioning •nd mo••· (TEY694 ) s995 '70. DODGE C'HARGtR v.1;1 i@utom&lic, pow•• 1t;eri119, redio, hea+t•. whilewell ti•••, Vinyl roof. l 700 CTR I CATALl,,.A. 4 DR. M.T. V8 . •ulo,...•lic, ••di<>, ~.~+er, power 1le11rin9• br~Oei -window-. ~ir c1>~d ., ~,n~I •op & ··~,'~95 '70 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill VS, IU IOm1 t;~. tAdio, he•+••. pow•r 1l•trinq, '"" condd;oninq. Vin~I lop, (]49880! ALL PRICIS ..... nus TAX AND LICENSE ALL ,PllCIS A•E VALID 'TIL $f>LD.SUNDAY, AUaUST I , 1t71 1 ' I l ,/ 1·:;_ -~7 .. t · .. ~ '\~ ~-:i..._.=--------...!!.tL~~-~~~.'.·· .... f~~~-.:i.Jl~if. ·~.''""".~':.;'::~tt-·~-~-.. -:_;~~:;.;;.~~~ . .L· ' . ' F"rtda~. July lO lVl ' . ~ OAJL Y PILOT fl> t OPEN EVERYDAY INCLUDING SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 10 P .M. ' . (1R11Wl 79869) $19990 TOTAL $6266 TOTAL DOWN MONTHl Y PYMT. PYMT '1q9 qo ;, lol<rl ~ .. ~;"'; '"'d 167 ~6 i1 IOh)I "'° Pini I '"I '"'·'I I 1~ • .,,. nll '"'"'"• r1..,•Q•1 o" -'·""'l•I lor ~~ u10• U•l""'<I "t'"' P"' • 1'l4}\ 116 ,,.1 nll 1 ........ <lltHq•> ........ 11 1. ""' .. ~ '"" p .. 1 .. IO poy '""'· ~ <o•h P'"'' " 1?117.91""L 1olr< '"' & ''"'"' AllNU.1.l ,IR(INT.1.611.1.Tl lO.SO'). IMMEDIATE DELIVERY D NEW 1971· :MUS ANG AND NE ' ' ' . ·~s~riol No. lfOll.l/0002l 'y - $'2588~~~E '66 FORD CUSTOM 2 DR. '65 PONT LEMAN S . '70 MAVERICK $1388 1 "'· A c~I ~UI ., r'1dl11. Iott., W 'W• l'lll~CllW l '6Y FORD LTD. $2188 FULL PRICE '68 G.M.C. Pick Up $1088 '67 RANCHERO $1088 SAVE ON USED CARS $488 ' ooo• 141 611t11 .. 1t•••·· W1 &ltr {Nit"~\ II Ylt A 1 •• ""'"·· P.S ... ,, M, wh•y1 rl . r .,.,. ""lJ l "1,•: v 1 ·, "" ··,· •·,~···· ,"•,::,•,1,•,",1~1. ··~1•• ~··1••• \---------------------------· J "' r•~wn "·" "l '"'"' •t. • I • '65 FORD WAGON '67 CHEV. CAMARO '66 MERC. Wagon ·$488 $888 $1288 OllJl f l Y SQUllf YI, 1111. tr••t .. rt-ie,hiol•• c~1"~¥ re·~ '•1111le• t '"" v.1, fAC fO-Y Al•. 11!1. ":;;5 MERC MONTEREY --'".;.'; ;,::-:·~=-· • .,..M"'u""ffls"''r=-A"'.N"''G:;"'-::2:-M+"'" 1 .. ""2'-''-' -"""' .. •;:;;; .. ;:~';ALA $488 $988 $1788 v.•. fACTO l!Y i11, A•l1. lrt111 .. '""''' ll••ri111. '•w•• ltll~U. (49,26! '66.MUSTANG ~88 MAIDTO,, v.1, 111 .. Ire•-.. ''"''' 1l"ri119, r1-i1, h11t••. llJHUICI , . • 2 0•. M.T. h 111l. YB .A T, l"S, ll &H . llWA.1''' '68 PONTIAC '69 MUSTANG $988 $1 ·588 ••• -~ ' -. ' • .I •' .. IL ~J i> "' NEW 1971 (IK91 Tl';>9700) $1998 FUll $68 1~':~ $68 :.o;:;HlY PRICE PYMT PYMT !I.~" 1M'" "" Pf'"I O'l<f 1111"10101 "'° oyrn! ,,,1, !O• '/\ lt<"1'f & c>I I•"""'• •h0<q•• "" "flP' <'""''I"' Jb ""'' O•l•""<l OY"" p•~o 11,l• ontl oll I·"""'~ •hnog••. '"•"· '11 I"'""~· ol yOU P'"'" 10 go!'"'~· Ml <o•~ P"'" •I onl1 1ll\1 9(1 ond '"''''"' '/11••'>\0 :'f~U0AL ,l ~CINTAGI IAll 1:.01 ~~ IWr;EDIATE D lffRY ilnrmr\"'l'lrr ~- C•u•\Po,.,ot1c, power 1!eering/brokes, radio, heater, Pt<. ( IYRJN 17Q598) '66 FORD CAMPER $1388 !f()tlO(lfll( V~ll 111~• "'""-••11~0. 1l101r, lc •h,., rn~io, ~'"'"'•""'"''~· ·~edy IT8 J 1t1n1 '68 CHRYSLER $1588 Mrwro•T llA•nror , 1.,u ,ecr~ + • .i. '~c ro•Y All, "'ft"! otktf !h lu1e foc!ery rfr11 (WT l OBI) '•rulft• 101•~•<• M11~el wit~ V.1, tnlo, 1•1111• .. I I.II, 1•••l 11y1· ... ~ •• 1 •• wide"''' •irPI. (I W,012) '7 0 GALAXIE 500 $2488 M.f. Y!, Air. AT, PS. lli\H . 1110£Ct.11 '69 PONT. CATALINA $1"688 . VI; ,A(TOIT All. .&111. t..io1. ~•w1r t111n.t, ,... 411, hNl..-, "''' """' C"M141tl•~ IXXWllfl =--:.:=:c· w ·--- 7 DA 1' TlllAL IXCHANGI l•y •ite et ••r 1lllwt rti.,.i1 ••til c•r1 .... lllrlwe it fir 7 111,,, 1114 if.,,., 1r1 1111 c o1111lr11t1 1elil- lielll •••. lr1lll1 it low1rlll 111t of !hr 100 1111111 (lrt tY1il1 il;l1. FREE TILIPllONI APPRAISAL ti •• tltt1 "''itr i .. r•~r •14 t 1r tom••• tkt 41w11,1r°"111 l 111 l kr "'" '"'. ,,;4 fir er .'li~t,.1•2,••11 .s..o.~)f'\) -----~ ·, • Sll1rt '" ''"" ,•1•1111 • l i1tl1 ,, 111 tr~ "' • O••riff4t4 witti *iilh ltvt oui 11114 111 ,,,._ ~•llif.? . • s i..r1thM 111 tti• 1*i ?C111 142·U 11 -. ·- A C.A.PSU'\..E OF llOME KIND ltUT ! NO ~INl!r:tY"-•. NO PROPUL'StO N. TUMILEWEEDS 1 OON'T "Ser HOW SCORN C.OOLD l-IA.W USED IT 'TO MJ>KE .,., esc.A.PE . HOl.17 ON IH!:RE! ONE: DOES Nor 'RUSH ~'{ONE'S CHl~F Wl1HO!If SOME FORM OF6Ri;c1lNG-! Mun AND JEFF J FF I I BELIEVE I ()NE''ttll.J SOME MO'-EY FOR PAINTING Ml FENCE! FIGMENTS PLAIN JANE HOW IS rT 'IOU HAVEN'T CALLED ON ME? SElit K OUT ANY VIRG,,r::::J'S. ""TODAY 'I DAIL y CROSSWORD ••• by R. A. POWER I ACROSS -5 Srls i11 ordr r 47 Sets r19hl 1 Asia1 p!a11t 48 Crone 5 l and m•ssc~ 4q Old World surrounded c ar•:lvoro1 s by water mam'l'a! 10 Elfech: Abbr. 50 Occ1ws 14 Roman god 53 D1sl1'1clive 15 Large aQ11al lc l •"'t pt"r1od birds 54 OO<"s a 11ou>t· l b Golf cours e hoid tl•ort hlzard 58 S1 mplt 17 Kind of sk irt bl Weight of :he 18 Kind of fern c ~11tJi11Ar i JO i l 20 Bras f.2 !..tedt--9 Comr~'~ 33 Pi,•·11 r;u!S ( l CornrnO•l bl l'le~\r ·1 t:J"; •t'. /1 111.-' ·s ~rvrr contraction r•nv1f· S!~~J J 1Qf~M-al JI! Rlnrkt1r~rf 23 Item in f.4 E•1i111,~,~·i l)f1l··iJ ' Dr rirr s rl ~ do~r y f.5 Onlro"ies 11 C1llt~~ ~ · i.lr'r 2~ Trilt bb F IO'llt:s: Ct~a11•i~uo·1: 4! Rr11t I•'' J~r lb Calendar Jnform;il hTV.1,,~I r .-.,11• '' t jllbrevla!lon h7 Clan, 1n old 2f Regards with lrel~nd 12 Lovcly 4a l·11o111c\J 13 Lively 41i ~llhj~-t~ ••• 19 Colo<lcss 47 Bron1.1ht up 30 Plant covers DOWIJ l 1~uid usrd 49 Pcrson~ ---: ustd in the i•i perfumery Acrtptab lr early growm~ I i\rnaleur iad io 21 Wronq!u! \)rnoon season optrators: tl'lll act 50 Rrl11KJ11ish 34 H1 s 1,r,. tn!eo ,..~1 25 lr1 a stalt of 51 Pr~· I b11clc JS N_twcilstteo 7 Mr. Jdnninq~ rri1teor1al J ··-· l 1S.i i~atl!~ily '!NJ11ilt 2fi Malet ltve I ~2 Rrp,l•r '.% li!11t btvfrag' ~ Dao9hltr of 27 P.t1ltW !ht SJ AJ\d othtrs: ,7 F1H to hit a monarch cC1.Jrage of 2 WOl"dS JB Rrproach 5 DistulCt lv' 26 Banish SS Fue-: mocking ly • systtm: 2q Scer1e M~rcl1.1r.d l::.1119 .to Dlsl \nct Informa l JO Direoct the rvrnt 1sptel of b Yoong slttring Sb EnsnJre somrthin; slieplitrds of a shi p 57 E11ablcd tc 110 .t~.igh in pitch 1 Nonpro- • __ ,glswr ff ssionaiJ .i; Madt lace 8 Finlshrs Jl Wrsl Indies 59 Egg drinlc: natian liD Time periods: J2 Prtdtct$SI)( Abbr, ,_ • • 7 • ,"'": ' \ .! _, , ... t 0 • PEANUTS .. I By Tom K. Ryan ... sNorJ.v!lnao ~no,111 1:1101 OJ. .A~J. no" By Al Smith By Dale Hale By Frank Baginski ALL Vll<GO'& LINE. UP HERE! JUDGE PARKER IF YOU'tL EllCU5E ME MISS PEACH i i ~ I! PERKINS l lit.t., THOSE SOCKS HAVE NO NAME·TAPES, AlieE THEY VOLi~, 8Y ANY Cl-4ANCE ? _, . , :s. t, .. ::·,· .. ~:. = .. J ,(T),1.1,.o ,_,~ . ' . 0 ll'L ABNER !iALL Y BANANAS GORDO MOON MULLINS f riday, July 30, }Cj71 DAILY PILOT ~. By Al Capp TH.15' ONE JSABOt)i-o ~L0550NI.'.' NOSE·MASKS ON, E.'Y'ER't'&OD'f !! By Charles Barsotti ... ~ ~s .Q By Gus Arriola IILL WALi<' YOU 'TO 'THE POOR, WILLIE' ... By Ferd Johnson tlA~N DECeNT OF Yoll ;ret>t>Y·· .AND'TO SHOW YOU HOW MUCH I 'P&ec1p.r.- 11'--'11LL W.Ali< .)ml !JACK 'TO 'TH1 9j\~. ANIMAL CRACKERS By Charles M. Schulz .. ANDlliERE o'i\llST Bf A BILUON5T~ IN THE 9« .. By Harold Le Doux ~MM ... T~E.Y LOOI( LIKE MV sock't. Tl-IEY FE~L Lt1CE MY SOCKS._ -. ........ ~,~----., • _ ... ,,.,.._..,.____ j ~l'lBEV, W~O f~ED WAS ™E StCU-W1'.5 l<tTY (,U ~!i?D ON ON TW E GATE r'UT'I'' LAST ~1 611T·' By Mell ANO NOW, FOJt TME AC ID~Tf.ST .. ! By John Mi.., By Roger Bollen ••1 dM't know -every place In J :ipan looks as U It should sell gasoline." DENNIS THE MENACE I 111 @! • Mv ROOll's FINE ' lr'oM . WHY IXJNT )OlJ JU$T TA~E. THE ~$T OF lHE O.IY Off ' • ' . -t---~~ ---t_•--.....,. .. ~-·~ .. ~. ..... ~--.. ....,,, ! • r •1da', July JO, 11)71 DAILY PILOT 37 Everyone Has Something That Someont Else Wants DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It, Trade It W ith e Want Ad The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results General EASTBLUFF 4 BR. 21h Ba . l..ovely J.usk home on rp url street. Cozv fanlilv r·onm & forn1<1.I d inin2. Beautifu lly decorated. Rike to 1'Choo1s. shop· pin£ & tennis. $49.9!i0. ~la rriell O;iv1es NEED TAX SHELTER? See thl." fine in('otne rrop. \l'ith 4 si n_i::le 2 BR. unit~ wth g;iragf's & r atios. lrnmaculatP. condition .· ReflC'cl.s pride of 01vnership. Top location -price ~54 .9:i0 . Art Gordon WATERFRONT-LIDO ISLE Luxury 1vill become a habit in lhi-" unrflue, nearl)' ne"' 5 bdrm .. 4 !,:i h;ith hon\£'. ('oin- pare ~ See for yourself. one of thf' most fa ,<;te- full_y decorated homes on 1he Island. Pier & Slip. $187.500. Gene Vreeland OPEN SUN . 1 TO 5 3909 SANDUNE L.A.NE. f d!\1. Lu.c;k HarOOr Vie\v Hill s :J RR . 3 Bil . Fan1 ilv room Sunnv kitchen wtnook . Gre;it h;irhor vie\~· day or night. Mu,c;t .c;er. $fl2.9fi0. L;i Vera Rurn,c; HARBOR VIEW HILLS Tremendous value -a rare find . 4 Bedroom charmer. Trim .c;hruh,c;. 1'rirn price. Tak.;. your time, b11 t -!·lurrv lo 971 SANOCAS- TLE. OPEN SUND:\ )1 1 · -5 .• Jim Muller READY FOR ACTION! OWN~B lNVrrES J\! .1. OffF:RS nn thi.c; charming lJNIVERSll')' P.<\RK horne -x\111. Village Three location -:l BR .. fanl . rm . sep. di n. rm. OPEN l ·!l SUNDAY -f0t-.1E SEE 179ol .~SPEN TREE LANE. ''Chuck" J_ewis EASTBLUFF OPEN SUN. 1 ·5 2220 AR RUT US. 4 BR .. 21".! ha .. large cheer· ful familv rm. & forn1 al d ininiz. Reaut iful\v decorated & land.c;caped. Mov-e In hefo1·e school starts! $49.950, Harriett Da vie<. REDUCED $5,000 OPEN SUN. 1-5 Charminj! Ivan \Veils -<"ourt,varrl f'ntrant·P. J-l i ber1m s. 4 Re<lroorn. 2112 bath, lg. farnilv rn1 .. d ining -room for pool. 1707 ('.i\.NnJ_f,- S'['lC'K l.ANF.-R.o\ Y\RF:ST .. i\.sking S73.500. Mary Lou Marion BAYSHORES-OPEN HOUSE 2:'10fl fRF:S'l'VIF:\V will he OPEN SLJNl1AV AF'rt:RNOON fo r your vie"•in.c . See lhi s <11 · lrarl.ive home \\' lar,i::P. ne"' n1astt>r ,c;uitf'. 2 other nice bdrrn .~ .. form<1I din. rm . & yard. $49 .;,on. fvlary Harvey IMPRESSIVE DOVER SHORES lnspec1 lh is 5 BR .. fl Ra . 1'.:xccut1ve hnmf' \VJl.h 14:\ ft. on \Vaterfront. De r k. ··t i·· shaped do ck. H & F pool, sa11 na bath. formtil dining room. $199,BOO. Al Fink OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 201:. R .\)1 ,o\D~;Rf: l 'V.RR .. \Cf.. '' \'OU enter· lain mu«h. th is honlP. \l"!lh soectarul ar v1f'\\' !..· ponl. is lnr yn11 4 Rri rm~ .. 4 hath.<: · rru)fl\ rnr expan ~1on Rerr ntl.v carpct('d & pa1 ntrd $1:'i9 .:'l00. Rnh ''nrke 833-0700 Gener•I General C~LL FOR OUR PIC TURE BROCHURE OF CURRENT LISTINGS OFFICE OPEN SAT. & SUN . BEHIND THE GATES Ir vine rnvP, rustorn 5 bedroom hnn1e \\'1th 4 1,rhtt e \l'a\er vie\\'S. S\('Jl In your private. "'hite sand\' berich Fo rn1al din. room. 31 a ba t hi;. Perfect 2 general in n fl oor p l an . $198.:'iOO . Gcor,e:e Grupe BAYCREST-5 BDRMS . l,;i r:;!e yarrl \\'1\h Int.~ nr ~hade trees. ~'i re· p!t1rc.<. in living roo n1 N fan1 ily ro0n1 Goo<! si?.e . forn1 ::i l rl inin.c nn. Quirk sale pri ce: $5;-i.!l:)O. il1. (". Rt1 ie- BAYCREST OPEN FEELING Nn horly lno k.~ rlo.,..•n nn th i~ one'. The ha ck yarrt -that 1s. It 's ~·ou r private retreat & vnu vie \v it from all maior rooms nf thP: ho u.c;e. See the ~unken livi ng room & trul y uniq ue master s111 te. Redured to $73,4:10. Bill Comslork SCHOOL STARTS SOON See !hi~ largf' 4 bdrm & fa in . rn1 . & din . r111 .. famil y hom e in f''icl11sh·p \nrona rle\ J\1ar . Ideal local.inn nPar srh onl.~. Great for ch il dren. ~l ;is commun1ty ponl & play areil. 01vner anxiou s. Redurerl to $63,7:'l0. Bud t\us tin HILLTOP VI EW \\'\t )l ca."y ;irces~ to LT<,1 or the he arh ·r .... •n storv \ivinl! rnnm. :J brdron n1~ ntu ~ cnn\' rler1. Large pool \viU1 ja('uzzi Rca u1.ifully <lec:nrat· rd. $79.000. Eileen J~ud snn RETIREMENT HOME 2 Brlrn1 & rlcn -srt1!C'aky r !ea n. plu.c; en· cloEed \ana1 -c.E·r "l'HlS. nff street rr1rk1ng for trailer. r hnice Ne1\·port \·le1g hts loca tion . S3!L:'i00. llarrv Fred erick LUSK 3 BEDROOMS R<"aut1ful L.:i.1111111 dc.~t i:n home in ll;irh<lr \'Jf'\\' Hille:. ~rparil l P fan1il \' room u·11h r1rP· pl:1re. S11·1n1m1ni::: pool O ttl ~tandint: VIP\\" of nre:1n, 1sla rui s & h;i y. $79,:100. l'athrvn ·rennil\e TRE MENDOUS VIEW Re.~1 v1eu· ln t. 10 ~:n1cra l d Bay' Lev el buil rl· 1ng p:id . La ndsr·r1 prrl & i;pr1nk lered. (',a\rrl ar(>;i .,... hra11 11ful hC>acn. tr1u1is courts. s11·1rn- m1n_g rool~. park & 2-t ·hour .c;ettirit,v. $49 .~00. Belle Pr1 rl ch OCEAN VIEW P.e .c;t huy 111 \'nrnPa dcl i\Jar -4 her!ronn1s. 21 1 b.:i1 h ~, fa1n1\y ronn1 C~rPi'lf kitrhPn \1 bre;i kfa.~1 rnoin ~cp;:ir11t{' l;iun<lr r r001n . 3 car ga rage. $fi9,:1fl0 . ('arol l'atum JUST LISTED This !'tunning 4 bdrn1 . :l "? h::i lh. !ge f::in1 rm . din1n e rn1 . rool /..· hf>.~1 l'IP\I" hri mf' 1n T)o\'r r Shorr ~. P.xrrptin11r1 l 1n cvcr1' rl Ptil d O\\·nrr n1n1·1 n,i: 011t nf ;1 rea & read_\ to .~Pll. $1 4R/)OO. Kathr\'n Ra 11 !~lon 644-2430 Coldwell, Banker 550 Newport Center Dr. ~ N@wport Beach General -~-H-A_R_B_O~R-~~i BOULEVARD * ** * * TAYLOR CO. WESTCLIFF -JUST LISTED! ·rh1 ~ onf' \unn·1 la ~1 lon.c: R ea li~' ,1;harp 4 BR & :1 bath hon1c ~l rin1c 1 1 rrd green \a\\"lls & .'i pare fnr µnot. Quiet ~1 reel -close to schonL f"l'l rk & .~hopp 1nc . Hurry : ~41!.fiOO l.'i:":H f\'.\l BF:Rl •. o\1\'I) OPl..:N si r;.: 1-5 :30 WOTTA LOTTA LOT ! -SS5,000 120 x 1:10' 4 B<i rn1 .1 Ba Ponl. ('hLl rlren's para- <1 1sr nr. l.ri11n . Rn1 The cornple!e home' 1701 I R\.JNI·: o r r..:N S.AT & SUN 1-.'i :JO BAY ISLAND -lllS,000 Scclu df'rl rarn ll.v ti.,.1ng 011 \.hi!' r.xrl us1ve 11·orlrl o( be'lul .v. Tenni s C1 pri1·,:i 1e fl <ll'k 11·i th !re (>~ ,v,,. flo "r r~ \harming 5 bedroon1 ho1ne 11· pier & .~li p. C'ri ll tod<l .\' to ... ee ' LINDA IS LE -$250.000 lrn prc ~s 11•e N. l11xu r 1n11.~· Ri ch decor thrunut. th is 5 RR hnn1e. F<i n1. rn1. u· "'C1 bar. form 11R . 4 hflth.c; & plu.c;h P"'rl rn1 E!e_gan1 wnol c pt n~ & expensive drapes .o\1r-cond. & pier sli p LINOA ISLE -5155,000 \\'anl a Rra nd ne\1• \V;:it e rfron1 hoine ~ Then 1nnve ri~h l into th i,c; n.rch itecl designed 4 BR u· fri rn . rm., rtinin_g rm . & .c;tudy ! Exciting h i~h ceilin~,c; . n1a ny ne\1• n1od ern features. fl Lll\'D.4. !SLF.: OPENS.A.TN Sl 1N 1-5:30 LINOA ISLE -$160 .000 Rrrtnd ne\v 4 BR home .,._, f<ln1il y rm . sturt y & 0fl 2nf1 floor feal\lfP.'i Cl hu_ge SUnrJeck CIC· ce!->.c;ibl e to il ll bectrnon1s . ./11.~1 a tou ch of forn1a li tv here 011·ner 111il l consirlrr an ex· ch;i ng e Or lc<1 se 11· nption -$1 ,:\00 mo. LINDA ISLE -$1<15,000 f'harrr11ng nnrl bc<1111iful ~ Rcs1 "·a1crfrn111 huy: ~ RR _ fa n1 . r n1 . & fnrmfll dlning .. A.I! elec lr1c kit chen, '\f'I b;11-In FR Italian 1ile cnt r.v . Frpl in n1 str BR . pi er ~l i p. BEAUTIFUL CAMEO SHORES ! J·'or 111e rxeru11\·e ' L11x11r 1 ou .~ 4 i rle n home nn IJ::r corner .~l!P \\" ore::1n \"iel\', (lnusual \l'('f har. lgr pont & cn1 . La n<1 1. Sl7.'i.OOO WESTCLIFF CAPE COD -S79 .9SO Sp;1c1ou .~ :'l f-\R hornr 1111h l.ce. run1 p u.~ rnnrn fnrn1;i l f)H. :\ rl r11 ·e·lhr11 g;ir::ige. Sp<lf'C fnr pool. (irent ;:ire;i fnr ~1 n11n _csteri; Cln ~e to school i;. ln1me<li;i tr po.c;.c;essinn DOVER SHORES BEAUTY Prri;11,ee ;icl<l rc.~,· Hr:-i nd 11c11· 2 slnrv !\1ori· rrn \\'1t h 4 Rrl rn1 ;, Sll lrl \ . .ca rrlcri rm '. & for · 111::11 rliri in~ rrn .1 cn r · g;ir Son11y S.:. g;:i,v. ~!O.'i ,OfMl 41 0 ,'vlOR NIJ\"(; s·rA n DOVER SHORES WATERFRONT 1\1p1v Slon e hr1ck r xlerinr "F:uropea n S1 ~·le" Pnhnnces t h 1~ Ii Rn . hnn1e Pri\"<lle frnnl. cou rt vri rrl plu.~ l_gf'. 11 ;r!crfrt pat in surrn11nd- u1,c rOnJ ,.,1er ~1i r s11.s.ooo CHOICE LOTS -PRIME LOCATIONS !lO' F'rnnt levr l fee $ 27 . .100 oo · Piln . \'ie\\ C'o rnr r. lei!S P $ :\1.500 94' \'IP\\ .~!I f' on (~;ili!X\", lc;:i.~p $ ~11 .. 100 .11' \\ a1c1·frn11I. p1rr ~ii r. le;:ise $ 49,MJO \'11 rh1nil \'nl'e. h;i1· &· ocean F're $ fi.1.000 1.i" l.inrl:i 1.~IC>. lrill'f' ~ 7~.000 JOA" L1nrl;1 Isle. l ea.~e '12.1.000 BROKERS & SALESMEN \\'!;' h<l VC an operuni;! 111 ou r Re.~1 den t1nl Drv1- s1nn for ;in expcrienred n1;i n or won1rin p<1S· ;o;cssini;:: c nthus1 a .~111 ::inrl 1ntr g-r1ty. If ynu ;ire 1n t e rP~t ('<i 10 ;i hea1111fu ! off icP 1n !he fine.~1 lnr;itirin \1nrktn,e 11 11h f'n11 _gr111;il R s~ncia!c s. \1·e 11rc 111lcrrstrd in n1er 11n.c \'nU. ''Our 26th Yeo!!r " WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 So!!rt Jollquin NEWPORT CENTER Hil ls Road 644 -4910 Ganer al fORfST [ OLSO~ '" 0 llEA £r¢RS (lPf.N 7 DAYS A \\'EEK 1 ACRE RANCH COLONIAL 4 T DEN ,.. 4 BA "HORSES" WALK TO LAKE BACK BAY AREA l.11l>rh,.1al1I "' ()111P1 tr"'" l1nrd SI, Tn lhlS !!11!"_::f'· •Ill~ 'nld \l (•!'!rl r!1anll· <'l" I n111i:;<;n r hrdroo111~ ~ l11 1sr p11111•lr rl f<11n1ly l'<11'1111" :.!:'i 111r !ll l'f' II ltl- i:1Hll' 111 lll'illt'! l'Ofllll 11•11)1 11 niq11r f1rt>plflcr. L-1n,:P ;.?;1n ~'1· fl r11 ·r•11m kitr·h- ,,n. \\/;ill nf ;!lass ofl(°ns i.t1 rlr\"RtrrJ oa r10 "'llh s prrlRr11!11r v1r11 ZnnPd for hnrsr; Truly A shr>\\"-pli!C" G\'l'fl l fll'(';J fnr fhilrl rrn. !\lusl srll quirk. DI AL 645-0303 "SPANISH" Reduced to Sell QUICK !" rr1R ~;r 1.n5u11i:: ! : VACANT" B11nk 1111nts 8 fA."I ~r ll :\ bi~ hrd-1"0'10lS. r:stra IA!";::" farn- 11.v r'nf>lll. Sh;irp 11nr1 .. 1r;in .'l yr11r old h'1mP. ('arpr l• Hnri rl1·;1rr." ln- •:lqd,.rl r n111plf"l r l.v l11nrl- -.·a!'rr1 . l[11cr -hui::P 1111 IPnr •·rl 111 \'Hl'rl Ex1~1111~ Ii~~', )olfl;l ("Pl!l \l<' RS- ~n1111 ·d 1111h \"I'' d n1111 . ,\I;;" +-l''iTrllrnl rrfi -11;111r1ni; 11vada blr. Do1i"1 Or!Af DI AL 645-0303 FOREST £.OLSON "< . AF Al 7:'1RS . DOG KENNELS - HORSES Bil. HAl,f ACHI' •• J."'11 ~·not f1"nt-'ll:" n11 p111;•IP fn;1rl 1n ."An l;r \na Hr1~111~ (~.-.-1 T1•n Rdr·n1 11...:rr upprr 11 11 h j;1(t:P l i!Pl!i~· !'1•1111 -tlt'IV I''~>!. ~·1111 r hnl"~P ''nn·:il•, !"!"~ !'<'11'1111 Alloi ~n1;ill h;i_y Gener.al MACNAB -IRVINE Fl NE R HOMES "ENJOY LIVING" -DON 'T "EXIST" I Enjoy the cooling breezes. mountain & nccan ,·ie111 from th is lu xurious and immacu· late Dover Shores home. Exquisitely decor· ntcd f11rmal DR , .1 BR , convertible de n, 4 ba lhroorns, \var1n f<'R , cozy breakfast area. 2 fi replaces Large heated pool. Open Sat. &: Sun . 1-5:30 p.tn. 1034 Pescador, Newport Beach. Price . . .. $124,500. JUST REDUCED $6500 Pier & Flo;:it -Newport Island. 2 BR, den, 2 bath home. Unu sual kitchen -Price now I 1a~.5oo JUST LISTED 4 BR . l'~R. 2 bath Me sa Verde Area home. Ne\v shag carpets throughout, completely redecorated. Might consider exchange for condominium. Price . . . . . . . . $41 ,500. SPARKLING SPANISH -BAYCREST I Authentic old Spanish charm. Double doo r Spanish tlled entry. Sunken living room, splendid formal dining room, richly paneled family room, Spanish style bricked court· ya rd . Only 4 years old . Open Sunday 1-5 p.m. 2057 Commodore. Newport Beach. UNIVERSITY PARK BARGAIN A 3 BR, FR home. Pool sized garden -close by clubhouse, tennis courts, pool, putting ~rcen and shopping center. t\.11 this for $27,500 -UNBELIEVABLE'! WILL ALSO LEASE. Please call :\my Gaston 642-8235 . SAN JUAN CA P ISTRANO -SPECTACULAR I VIEW & HORSES TOO! We offer three 11h acre r:entleman Ranch Sit.es in the hills 1 overlooking Capistrano Valley. VIEW from I the Ocean to Mount Baldy. Sn1og free - I free\vay close. Horses welco1ne. $21 ,000 to S25,000 per acre. LINDA ISLE JEWEL De cnra led to a Queen's taste. The ultimats in B<l yfrn11l joyful liv ing. 4 BR. 41;2 bath. S!i r for fiO" po1ve r or sailing. Open Sunday 1-5 p.m . •JS Linda Isle. . $177,500 HOME FOR TWO Sn1ashin_g 2 slnry enlr,v & eas:v -gol!lg floor plan . \\laster suite down stairs. No care yard -lovely enclosed patio -gentle waterfall. Great privacy. Fee land. BAYC REST -POOL 4 BR . ~ l:.irge LR -F'R -DR -and your ~\1•n orc h::ir<I of frui t trees on this oversized lot one nf the fines! s treets in Baycrest. An Ivan \Veil s ho1ne . . $82.500 . h:.11·11 Tl11~ prnpnr!y I• n11P nf lh P 1<'t.\ /r11 lr fr flnr! "h.i1 .:r pn1·r'' Only .J'.11.!lJI) -.... Pf' this. I THE VIEW OF VIEWS The charm and exciten1cn! of Persia & the fle xi bility & construction of the finest CaJj. fornia res idence .. .\I! glass to Ne\v port's finest vic\v -10 & 12 foot ceilings -terrazo floors -an atriu m riining room w/rctractable roof. 4 BR's, FR .. ~tudy adJOin1ng master BR. $179,500. Call Barbara Aune for an appt. 642-8235. 646·0555 LIDO ISLE ESTATE E•e nJng<: fall ~·17-,l(l,?i I r:xceptinnal famil,v home -Custo1n bu ilt \VI -LARGE FA-MILY rl.ra 1nat1c cathedral ceiling s. 5 BR -fl BA _ I F'H -fn r1nal DR. -v.•alnut paneled den / TRY THIS ! li brary -nn .1 beautifully landscaped lots. 1l1 H•111., ~rp:tri!IP ra111Hy l"re1n endous va lue at $215,000 . rnnn1 BAY & OCEAN VIEW 1 ~1 ("h<llr.-~l P\,t I f'l'rl r r' I l>rcfrnn111' 2 11p.1 dn"" 111 2.~nn fr r t nl rorn lo1tithlr 11 1 In::: 1"1 1 2 111!1 '1;ith~. fl"~ 11 llh .:r1'('""~ rn .1-11'<1 11\1 ~·n1·n1~I d1n1 ni,o: 1·onn1 !i1 C'lr>~r •n ;;("liOois & •h0nr1 nc 1:0.. $1 2.!¥"'1 ! .. ow ra1nhlin,g ranc h style. used brick. & hea\·y shake roof set lhe n1ood for thi s 3 BR -2 Ba . de n hor ne \I' for1n al DR. & sparkling llnol Fee land , $79.500. ·• Jln.Ja J.1£ ?RESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Meredith Gardens $39 ,900 \I h1<! 11 r:.r" n ppnr 1unity 111 n1< n ~ lv-11 u111111 •rl11 .IP''"I hnnlP 1n r~rrl lr111 . prr•l11:r nr1e-hhnr hl\<1rl' Fr11111rP~ .1 hrrlrnom(. "2'1 ha111 •. h•lC" 1\111 11111-ri:.nrlrrl l11n11l.1 ,.,.....m "ll h p11 I.-... 1<'1rlr( ~•nrir f1,..-- pl11(·r. l.Rri;:r lnrmiil r11111ni:: l'f)nm All rh 1• "" ~ f.11 ~ LlO II lnr n " 11rr 1·rl"~ 11n ~1or1.• rn ~r!I "° H1nT~ · ~-nr n1nt"f" 1n ln r hnn .. :.11>.2.11.1. '""'"FR,$N:~~~ lo•m * * * * * * *I FORP /l(i FN\Y, ~· <lrr11 -'--~----------------~ r1111n1ni:: frnm •tr<'Pl If' Gener•I Gener11I f'RIJ ;)'jfi.2.11.1 SPECTACULAR NEW IVAN WELLS MODEL \t1si1 t.hi s Qu lstandlng new Iv an Well s Model l lome Breathtaking Bay View, beautifuJ pool. 5 hcdrooms. 5 baths. luxurious family rnon1 \\'i!h 1vet bar. formaJ dining room. Open Da iJy, 2006 Galaxy, Dover Shores. ~ATURAL BEAM CEILINGS -CLIFFHAVEN A warm ru stic four bedroom home, lots of n;:ilur:.i/ wood and brick. Pool siz:e yard. Price<! belo\v ~HA appraisal. Open Sunday 1-5 p.1n . 612 Kings Place, Newport Heights. 11 Lind11 lslti Drive f.:lc;?.:il11 nP\\' 5 RR . 4J17: ba. ho1ne "'" forma l din rm .. ram. rm .. \\IP.I bAr. lmpre.c;s1ve en- try court w lfi fl . m;1ho,1Z . rl oor.c; $179.:,00 . 53 Lind11 Isl• Oriv• Hnme on l::1gnnn .;) AR .. 4th ba .. \\' 4 frptr_.~ .. jacuz1.i tub. hd "•ri . nrs .. ~ep. !Jv. rm .. dtn . rm., fA1n rm, & hrkf~1 . rm. i17fi.000 71 Lind11 ls1• Drive 1'raditipn al Ii AR . 51,t1i h::i . home on l;ii;:non. w clnck . 3 cAr g<lr. \V<1terfron1 liv. rm. N formAI rl in . rm .. .c;ep. f<1mily rm., 2 master BR .. ~uit.es . ~200 .000 F'urn .. ~175.000 un f11rn . 91 Linda Isle Oriv• BeRuL 5 RR. 4 ba. home w/fornlal din . rm. & family rm . 3 F'rplcs. Outside stairwa,v. Built-in gun cabinet & hnnk~hel\•es . $155 .000 WATERFRONT LOTS Nn 44 : lOR Pt. on w11ter Nn. 7fi : 3 Car garage. Reduced to No . 88 : 108 Fl.. \.li•ith pl ans For Complete lnform11tion 112;. llOO I 77 .000 1145,000 On all homes & lots, pl•as• call : BILL GRUNOY , REALTOR New Location At entrance to Lind.111 Isle 141 B•y•kt• Dr., Suite 1, N.B. Daily Pilot ORANGE 67S-6161 ~I r"" I. t ,;! S,\ i nltr<'i;~ II nrl ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:; t'C!'f'<;( plr 111y R\lloillhlP p:i•k1nc r ru•"'1 ""JI h<-lnw nthrr p11 1·•'PI~ ;11 nnlv $1 noo R frnn1 fnnl . ' j ..:.--11111111~1 ~:1·en1ni::~ (';i ll 1'4~-013.1 C~o_l_l 64_2-_5'_mt_N_ow_• ---j C::~-"4~7im_&_N_o_w_! ---I General General 'NATERFRONT LUXURY CORONA DEL MAR I ~ Ac re bayfronl . pier & floa1 property \1· lge. 3 BR .: den & famil y rm. super view home. on OceAn B!vd. Lo"'est price per ft . on niain bay. S390,000. LOVELY LIDO ISLE !;!; 1-1. on bayfronl Lge-. luxurious 4 hd- r1n .. 5 h<trh . \1•1mald"s rm,_ fo rmal din. rm. & :I car ga r . Shn\l'n by app"t. $375.000 ll OME SllOW ltt:ALTORS ,J :l:l.l •:tt~l C.oA.'11 fl i1fh"·11y (:t1n~n1 n,.1 ~tttr CORBIN • MARTIN, Realtors BAYCREST l\"an \.V eils custom bui lt this fine home for 1oc;it rlecoratnr. Be~r nf everything lo make th ls 2 bdr1n b den rndiale luxury ' UNIVERSITY PARK '"Fi\·e·· h<irm s., 2112 hath.~. c;or11er lot. Beau· 11fnl condilinn '. 4 \'e;rrs young. The-price - '"l.110. WATERFRONT STREET, CdM l'us!om rcsirl ence on tree shaded srrcct . oce;in sirle: n( thr Hw y. Hdwd. nrs,, 3'h hcl - r1n s. Some cu sl.orn furniture incloded ORANGE PARK ACRES 4.000 Sr;. ft. home. onl y 2 yrs . new'. Pool. 2 Lenn i,c; r ls .. ,c;f;ible for 5 horses Roa1n nver 3 ac re.~ of e~tate with lo ls of fruit trees. Villa Park area. 644-7662 CORBIN -MARTIN Newport -Coront def M•r -Coste Mes11 i"n hP, i;?rf'AI I0("<1t111n not Im l.ir lrnm !hr bi'ffr h Hu.::e bt>rlrnom "!lh L'Onvf'rl1blf' rlr n l.11vPly lllPrl !i;ilh \\'1lh l'Unken type tub 11 n rl 11howrr Sfopar11 r" l11u11dr;.• roonL !lu~e ~arrl 6(b.lfi0, I lnr~ of rnn1n lo grnl\ Suh- rl111 .\nu r rjr,un p:i.yn1Pnl 11ft pr 1n~P"r111;1n Walker & Lee 2i'.IO H11rhor Rl11rl 111 Arllttns EXCEPTIONAL BAYFRONT BUY Pier & Slip. Exciting. charming, warm & fr iendly. 3 BR's -Den -Large Bayside Patio. S117,500. MACNAB· IRVINE 675-3210 642-B235 1080 B•yside Oriv• 901 Oov•r Drlv• Newport Be•ch .-.1~-fl.f6:1 OpPn ·111 9 r'l\t I Ge 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ nera ' IMMAC. CHARME R ================! 011 ~ !rrP-hnerJ /'ul ·df'·AAr. j 1111 ~ !ilri fr ot r rlnok111;: the n1·,.11n .. l lrg brs. 2 balJL~. f11rn rm. Pr1ctd tn i<"ll fhls 1"knd ~ ' lore llstif11:'. OPEN SAT. RUN t 111m-6pm 11£11 Glr 11PA1llf'• Ttrr c~, 6~2-66717 0 ' HOME-PLUS- INCOME * OCEAN VIEW * F'rom very atlractive Irvine Cove home. 3 - Bdrms. & 2 bath~. Family rm. Den. 3 Car garage plus a workshop. Huge wooden deck ... area for your patio furniture on view side of home. Residents of this exclusive area en- joy their own priv. sandy beach w/life guard protection & gale guard at peak traffic. For App't. to see. caU the number below or your ;, own broker. Priced to sell at $99,950. CHIL T ROBINETT, REALTOR 6<15.0121 ·. • 1 ( I -........ ~.::.. ..... \, ··-. ·-·· ...... . _,, -· - -. . . . ' -. + ~ .. ' • • ... ' . . --· ... Generar THIS IS IT! 3 BEDROOM CONDO General VETS HERE IT IS! G1n1ral CROWDED · CRAMPED Park Huntlnqtan Assumable VA Loan $6,000 DOWN Atm05t new, "J~elm,man"' model lea tu1'C"11 ~ bedrooms, 2l~ baths, large lamlly room ""'lth brick 11replace. Eill- ployrnf'nl rl'locallon lo \\'as11111gton, D.C. N~J· t111es sale q u1<."kly al Jen tha n market vahle. See a ntW one priced at $40,490 - then ro1npare w!th thi~ home havini Improvements ot $3,000 in \'!due_ Rare op- pOrfunlty at $41.500 but bur. ry'. Phone :i46·2313. Barrell preJettfJ A quality hnme )'Oil thOua:h! you"d ntver find - • 4 Bedrooms • Gigantic plarroom • 20'x2{t' cov'd pane NPPil N".oorn to spread out ~ I llrrt> 11 is~ 4 BR, 3 BA. Otmpl. 1~ec., new crpt!, I Bedrm, 3 baths, Jn Costa tam. rm, Hv _ din rm, si!p- dshw.hr. fkfng, """lhr. & tllf"sa. No down lil )'OU. A!k· arate utility rm. Pool s1no dryr indude<I. Priced below 1ng $25,950. See it nnd hurry ya.rd, d~ lo niajor mop. mkL -Call 540-1151 (Open e11e:;.J ping & Sl..'"haol. Open Sat. & 'Uew fiom eJ • Forn1a! rli1ung area e F ire place • All l'lecuic kitchen e \V /\V <:al""p('ts $20,2SO I Sun 3111 t>Jat!e Dr C ..... I. I ¢($0 HERrTAGE ~r ~all Joe.n,. 540-1151 °HERI· 4 PLEXES _ ~ u. ntAn ., TAGE REAL ESTATE PANORAMIC VIEW of city and shoreline. LAGUNA HILLSIDE Only $36,500. All terms COATS & WALLACE REALTORS • 9624454 • ln top cond., Mt-Sil. del Mar, 11 Turn unused !terns mto quick near sc hools and 5hopp!ni. DAILY PD.OT for action! · cash, call 642-5678. • ~b/n10 1ncomr, 15'/~ dn. Gener•I G1n1ral UP GOES THE CURTAIN On Our Hou•e Of The Week 3 Roomy bedrooms. 20' x 30' solariun1. 3 baths, 2 ·fireplaces, huge covered patio. D.on'l 1niss out on seeing this UPPER B.>\CK BAY BEAUTY. You 'll Jove it at . . $59,500. ONE MILE FROM BEACH 16 Units -All 2 bedroom, l 1f.: bath. L-Ovel_v units! Situated on a generous 180'xl32' !ot. ~ll electric kitchens. ceiling radiant h~at , in- dividual hot Y.'ater heaters. garbage disposal. Priced right at $250,000. IT'LL STEAL YOUR HEART A delight to sho\v this aln1ost new split level 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, huge game roon1 , family roon1, 3 car ga rage, 3-ton refrigeration, ankle deep shag thruout, custon1 draperies, _fabu- lous drop lights. Professional landscaping & sprinklers. Assume 7% V .--\ Joan. Owner anx- ious! ......... ,. 542,650. ., ·. P S S T 3 Deluxe units. 1-3 bedroom, 1-2 bed room, 1-1 ··'bedroom. This is what you've been waiting for. O\VNER'S PLUSH 3 bedroom, 2 baths, bltin kitchen. fireplace. heavy shag. Other 2 units unusually roomy, shar{I and loaded with appeal. Don't hesitate on this one .. $55,500. CIRCLE ME t need you. I'm a 2-story. vacant, ready and anxious for your family to enjoy my 5 super bedrooms. Zlh baths, family r oom, formal dining room. 2 fireplaces. I'll go for a \ov,r, low down. Sacrifice sale at $43,950. ------ SACRIFICE S1n('('re owner sass, "Sc!!. Bn ng ~·uur checkbook and n1ake offer. Handsoine 2 s1ory Dovtr Shores View home. 4 BR, 3 g,\, lrg. family rm .. garrlen kitchen, 3 car gal'!lge. Expern;1vely t.•arpeted draped and land- sca[lf'd. Vacan1. Quick pos- 11ession. 1906 SANTIAGO DR . (OPEN DAILY 1 to 5) PANORAMI C VIEW of city and shoreli ne Cu stom bui lt 4 bedroom, 2 s\.ory home v.•ith dining room, fi'\mily room and garne roun1 \\11th bar. Open beam ceiling and beautiful panelling. 604 Allview, N. Laguna, Open Sat. & Sun. 1-5. SHORECLIFFS ILLNESS FORCES SALE -Jelly and ocean view, spacious 3 bedroom, family room, dining room and den. Fine crafts1nan· ship thruout. Beautifully cared for. 130 Shorecliff Dr .. Corona del fl-tar, Open Sat. & Sun. 1-5 . CORONA HIGHLANDS HIGH ON A HILL -this immaculate 3 bedroom hoine with pool. has a little of the ol d with a little of the ne\v. Liv ing room with fireplace, family room with fireplace. cover· ed patio \vi th wet bar and view deck. $58,500. Inc ludes land. 540 De Anza Dr., Corona de! Mar. O.pen Sun. 1-5. PENINSULA BA YFRONT ROY J. WARD Co. CHARMING OLD ENGLISH -3 berlroom REALTORS hom e with mag:iificent 52' viev.' frontage, 1649 WESTCLrFF DR. separate Summerhouse, trees and lovely gar- Newport Beach 646-0228 den. pier & float. $179,500. TRI-LEVEL Va rant 4 bedroom, 3 ba1hs, J car garage. separa!e for· n111J living room, gallery. Office Open Saturdays & Sunday• PETE BARRETI REAL TY 1605 Westcliff Dr., N.8. 642-5200 to r m a I d i n i ng room , J arg e "!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!! k11chl"n with upgraded ther-""Gene-rel nio builtin appHan~. also General rallng area. St>parate large l•-~:::::::~~~~~;;~~7'~~::;;;;. den wi1h wrt bar, flll! w/w I BAY & BEACH REAL TY, Inc . College Park area 3 bedroom, 2 bath, corner 101: hon1e 11"i!h big assun1able loan at 6'/r ioteresr. Payments are just $17~/mo. 1ncL taxrs & in- suriinct'. Owner jUst moved to ne\11 ~ome and you can $53,500 HOME & REN TAL Corona de! Mar 4 BR, 3 BA tri-levrl and l BR rrntal uni!. \\.alk I() slioppmg & beach. 10'1" dn. $63,500 :nove right in: ,..,..,.,._.,_,...._,... __ ,,,,, DO YOU HAVE Newport 5 member$ in your at family?? lt so, we ca11 sell you this Fair\liew g reat 4 bedroom home on 646-8811 the "NE\V" F. H .A . Program for j11s1 $100.00 as (anytime) <luwn payment. This hon1e is rPady to ocr upy ,I c<irpets. drapes. Z l11x-Vll!W LOT u riou~ baths. Full price 1s WESTSIDE BLUFFS $23,900. Call us now -we'll _ . sho w you the house and ex·i (Ocean & J\-1ounta1ns) Qu•et plain 1he program. ~'.j);~~~~-c street. $16.500. Walker & Lee l MESA VERDE 2-story , I 20JS S. CAPELLA, C.~1 . ~ 1-1 .. r:ior Blvd; _at Adams OPEN SAT & SUN 1-5 ;J45-().J6;J Open ti\ 9 PM 4 Bdrm & den, 2~1 bath, 4 BEDROOMS !1repl, hl1ins, ('QV'd pa!io. Mesa Verde Special 1 shake roor. htd & fltrd A rra] buy who wants a • POOL •. auto garage nice homr in good t1l'ighhor·l door opener. room for boa t hood. Close 10 schools & or cam per or trailer $~7.000. shopping. Large family Roy McCardle Realtor plus living room, doublr 1810 Ne\\·port Blvd., C.i'.!. fireplace. ~hake roof. lcn<:cd 548-7729 back yard , great for rnl't'r-TAX SHELTER 52 BR.A.ND NE\V garden-type apartme11ts. Check on the 200% depreciation. A-LA-DE- L UXE UNJTS featuring indoor-outdoor kit- chens. private patios. built-in range and oven . dish·\\·asher. recreation hall, heated and filtered POOL. Bar-B-Q units, billiard table. shuffle board areas. a card room and lu sh landscapiag. Very desirable rental area, con- venient to shopping and recreation areas. Financing is excellent. INVESTORS, you'll be de!ightc<l at the return on Otis investment Priced right at ... $827,000. fireplace. i\lasler bedroom _ %B ~Ulte v.ith sep.uate formal retreat balcony, upgraded all or writ• for your free copy ._-... .,.,.......,,.,,..,. ... ,.[ fa ining. All terms a vailable. Sudden -Transfer! wlw ca~t:s, drapts, $~9.000 C<ill. .. 1llage Real Estate CAN'T FIND IT? * \\'ILL BUILD your drea1,1 home. Have staff !or com· pieie hon1e package. Put your confidence in our -1'.l year.~ of quality custom ,t'/"4tbe-Slfdtk. J home bml diog. I Se" example of product a t I ~••~A-2006 Galaxy Dover Shores. r .. -1 '"' .. ~ .. ,.. Ivan Wells & Sons 2828 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. DESPERATE SELLER!! I !!!G!!e!!n!!elllra~l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lllll!!!l!!!!!lllll!!l!!ll!!!~ J Thr 1 r new home now rE"arly. General I!';; a heri uhful 3 beri roon1 Waterfront - Corona del Mar "'ith h1~ bed roo111s, 2 lire· p!acl"s. Jant:ly room. and pn~!e.ssion 1n l"!r AugusL SUBMIT ALL OFFERS. \\IE NE ED }!ELP''. $31,%0. four Home• For Living Magaiine. WORLD AT YOUR FEET Custom bayfront home -on the beach priced under $1 00,000. 3 Bdrms. & family rm . -watch the parade of beautiful boats from your own living room. STEPS TO BEACH A spacious 2 bdrm. 2 baths -famil y r1n . hon1e, \l:ith separate guest rin. & bath. 0\Vn· er anxious -leaving area. Asking $69,900 WATERFRONT PLUS SLIP .•. Up to a 3fl ft. boat. \Vlll lend charm to yo ur lo vely home. Your O\Vn beach. in a PRfVATE comrnunity. Cus ton1 built & only .$i7 ,:100 . NOTHING DOWN!! Or. the O\\'ner \Vil\ 1natch your dO\\'tl paymL up to $6.000 via reduced Price. 3 Bd- rms .. family rm., brl\fst. rtn. & \ve t hAr. Asking . . .. . , . $35. 750. TREES! TREES! RESTFUL . : . an at1nosphere of relaxation in Lhis spa· c1ous 3 bdrm. home \V /sep. fam ily r1n. Open beam ceil 's., brick frplc . $37,900 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1.5 P.M. BAYCREST. 1842 IRV INE AVE .. N.B. VAC· AN1' 3 BR. & fan1 i!y r m. Spacious & under !40.000. Vacant Lachenmyer Reallor Ne11'ly llsted lour bed room &I d<'n hon1e in one of Newport Call &IS.3928 E Th yes. Beaeh"s !1nest areas . is ~----- hon1e fca ttJJ'f's bcau tilul new VETS shag ca rpeti ng. large cov<'r-NO DOWN r d palio sepa rate child's yard, ~nm for hoa1 or TO YOU 1rai ler, 1lark room and n1a n.v $21,;;QO full pricf'. Big. beaul · n1hrr frnlures_ Priced right ifu! 3 bedrm ranch sl)-1r, f'lt f;is1 sale. Hurry on this shake roof. Lirepl, huge covd one s:;:},9JO_ Call ~G-2313. pano, 'l~lk In iii! srlil~.I Pl¥ili ~,";0 -ca11 01011ot <Or<"I _ii _ I rm HERITAGl l 121 IT, OF ~-1U1. ISU11 OCEAN VIEW e e e 1'i·v111 1t1e n1ast. l1r, 1n<1s! ba. ------ A PRI VATE KINGDOM J,\. 1111. rlln rn1 .\..: fa!\l' nn on ;1 l!TC-l1ncd blu!L I .) Q11r1•1\ sz l)J"s, :) baths incl. sc·pr hllr 1·unnrc1cd 1n.law Only $30,000. Lr;:: 3 Brinn, O! llVC•lll qrLrs w Sll!lll<; 2 Ba, h£'allllful {'O\lf'!'Cd nn, hr ,(· l.><t, l\'oL lell~C-natlo 11·/fir<'1111' Lots of !"up- li<ikl. 8nind t1PW listing. !x>:i rds 1n i:~n1i::r_ So rnan;v H11rry a 11on·1 last at £''\lras vou ,\IUST !'E~!~ ,1 _ Ca!! .J.l:J:MZ·l il'prn evrsl. I ~ :i,.itll), 0l'£N ~,\T, SUN l \1-un-6p:n !161 Glrnl'ai;!t·s 1"rrr. C:lt 612·66;,7 Rc<iltnr CLIFF DRI VE --- Br;1u11fully landsraped Ne1v. 3 CAR GARAGE p•n'I l!r1~ht~ li1arn1cr wlllil FHA /VA TERMS I CO&ATS 3 l>PdrM1ns and rleni.v 'll d La st large fee parcel on Ne\11port Harbor. J[ % i -~ f'OZ.V romrort. Thi& is a mulll I Acros~ fri''.11 r;irk <in roun: Approx. I acre -170 ft. on v:ater. with 3300 · WALLACE B Ulil' [I w ·~ ! · ser fl"lr 1,..,1, a~ a ,!i~rrnn· try duh ·1 bl·drtJf)ni. 1"111111' sq. ft. beach home and dock. \Vil! sell all or REALTORS I ~ -/B I " I' 1 1 1n;i1" bu~:,.t. l'~tc('d !or ~rll-i·onni. l~;~i ~111Jar<" k"1· Srp- t P · d d bl ~ 1 • , ing 61 144 500, I iiralf' J011tn1!r.1 . Bll.>1·k \1·~ll par. ri ce un er co mpara e \\'aterfront -546..,.141-W lk · · & l rrnr·r_ l1f'~u11t111 J;inrl~(·,1p- properties. I (Open Ev•nings) 675-3000 675-3000 a er ee 1ng_ s:~lil:<i C:dl ~~lti·~;;\3, I Phone; 642·2171 or see you r brok1r I~----------· 2407 E. Coa$t Hwy., CdM 2fl-1~ \\'foStcli!f DM\" [~l~i.ffi 1"''"''"'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""""""'~'"-""""'"-"""".,,.1 ~ .. -f\7tr6e ~G~e"n".",."'1""""""'""'""'""'",1"'G"e.n"•",."'i""""",__.,..,.,. ~1&1711_o~n ~11i __:_1::-.1 _ sazj@iijM Genorol Genecal -ll~ ;;;:;;:;:;:;;:;::;;;;;:;;;;;; .DOVER SHORES *TRIPLEX * 1 EX CELLENT COM HILL TOP \ ~1'1,· hnn1r. 1424 Gala....;y Dr. A icrnf\c rrorJPrty . all 2 *ON GOLF COURSE* 4 BED ROOM . ·· .v;ith anx1ou:o; owner "'"h"I DELUXE TRIPLEX Sp:ir10 00 us .\:: 1driiil for r ntf'!"·I Oil.. a"llll p 1 tui"s. '.\.lnl \(!(·. Salisbury ReJl'1 · * EXCLUSIVES * '*JIALBOA ISLAND* •,·· ON OPAL Buy a nice 101 nr. So. Bay, "' qualny ;.? an . Nr. new ga_t3.ie apt.. " nice dhl. ga- ra.a:e & laurni!)' & _grt a niC't', g'turdy olr!rr hon1e on front of lot '"rrce." 0\\Tier · U'ui carry ls-t T.D. ON DIAMOND So. Bayfront View Bfand new hstlng! Near new 4 BR. upper home \\'{3 BR. .~r. Stl°'PS to So. 81y, '· ON DIAMOND Buy this 2 BR, old!'r homt> .p·a, near new 2 BR. apt, for below replattmen1 cos! \\'atrh !he (l ;.i nc1ng city 1 igh1 ~ . REPUBLI C HOME CRJ1 takfo low do11'n •.. 1 BR. 2266 MINER, C.M. :-~1nu1 ... i~21ndoor )'l!Y.11 ,~ nr. ~chool~. ~hoflpini:: ,\. l:f)'lf ""hilr dining in formal din. 1 \\!TH an extra ran11ly room Canyon & OCl"an Vlf'"-·s, 3 111cu111. s1 •.. 0)0 • Lf'a~f' or ("lllD'f' C:OOO N'nlfll ar<-a. rn1. Sunkr!'n 11ving rn1, J:irgt and 11. Roy,iJ Pool. 1709 car. priv. beach~. $"6.%0. 2·2 GR. l·l BR, ti"w c<irpc1s, SJ~;,.ooo -Fee. B;v app'r . Ofle~d for $-18.sm wlthl fain i!y rrn. huge r71QSler BR. dlnal Dr., C.r.t Open Sun-HOME SHOW xlnt cond. $:12.500. 10% dn. Bill G~und ~, Realtor trrni~. I \v;,1·aJk-in closet PLUS :t 1 day l-.1. . . REAL TORS 341 Bayside. NB 675-6161 MORGAN REAL TY othf'r bdrn1s. Kite-hen has THfS H0;'11 F: ls f'.-.:tra. extra, "Armchair Hou~ehuntins" cnz\· 2 RR (111 R-2 Jot, room 673-6642 67S-64S9 ' ~e!l-clr:u1in, OV('n, liome plush. Asking $63,500. Has 3.iJ.5 E. Coast Hv:y., cc1;i.f f ., ''' ~ ' I 675-7225 {lr mC'l'T' 11n1 .~· • •• ..,.,. * '' BAYSHOR-ES-- only 3 yrs old. Asking 2'r.-io,sQ. 11. I ~==~~=----RP.. f:i m rm in ~lrsa V~rdr. V EW & POOL I S57.950. DOVER SHOR ES VI EW · SZ9.~i00. I "'lll"Q."\}rbc~calir 546-5990 Call ;,~j-~2-4 4of*n tV~~.) $8:),000 B oil'Tl{'r 5"1~.fl7Z7 1 . -VTNCO RPa llv ~l!>--fl03:l \\'at,.rfl"!"lnt 1•u<t lion1r, 4 or Y The fas trs r rtrii.w In th<" \\·e~I I ·--_ I 5 brlnns. V1rw tn1111 n1ost A !:'ooi \Vant ad Is a good .. a Daily Pilot Classilied For th11.t item ur.drr S50. rr>0ni~ s7 ft. lol, ~p;it'lou~1 inve~tment ~·12-~78 _____!!!' lbe Penny Pinche_r __ ~11.rd. ·S293,7:t(J. Ry llJ'lp'i. I -aiifld•r's Repo. One man·~ IOS« can be )!Qur Best of Ev1rything gain. Rrady !or i1nmed. ~· Acres of gra,,-s, mile~ o! MSion; ·~ BR, 2 BA. corner paths, tennis <1s. t.· .~w lni· hon1r . Tc rn f1c loca tton, w/ ming pools all go with this new pai nt, i;hakP root, fire- S©i'.~lA-~'B~s·· Th• Puzzle with the Bui/f.fn Chuckle in1men.se !, \mrnac. CUS\Om p!ll,... •. ·]Ar"e ki tC'h. 2~0() ~q o• '· f h ~~ " .. "rrcrng8 ,.n•n o 1 • appl"d. Village JI townhouse. t1 of fRm ily living, Submir f°'1r s rol'llbl.d words b.- Grr.a! value for gr11.nd liv-your ttrms • Build~r wa.11t3 low to f°"" lour srrnpl• words. Bill Grundy, Realtor .i-n Ba~lde, NB 6Th-6161, COLLEGE PARI( f 'lRST TIME ON MARKET Ope11 Houses THIS WEEKEND ~ tfih liandy dlrH,ory wltlt yo• tt'111 wHll9fltl .. yo• go 11 ..... 111111,l•t· All the locatlo" ll:tt.d belo"' a,. dacrlbed li1 grt"attt dt,all by odferthl1t9 elw- wh.r• I" today's DAILY PILOT WANT AO$. Pat1011• Miowln~ 0P911 ho1ut1 for iale or ro , ... , _. 11rged .. 1ht 1uch l"formotlo11 In thl1 colum11 eocll Ftlday. HOUSES FOR SALE (3 Bedrooms) 2165 Raleigh Street, Costa 1'1esa 535·8515 $25,900 (Shown by appt.) 2506 Crestvie'v fBayshoresl NB 644-2430 833-0700 (Sun afternoon) (3 Br & Fam. or Den) 26501 i\\icante. !Dean Homes) Mission Viejo 837·7677 $29.500 (Sat & Sun) *418 Ogle , Costa 1'tesa 646·7171 lSun. 2124 1-lie:hland. Ne\\'Oort Beach 646·717 1 1945 Santiago, 646·7171 Ne\11port Beach (Sal I Sun 3909 Sandune Ln (l-f. V. I-fill s) Cdl\1 644·2430 830-0700 (S\\n 17951 .l\spen Tree I~n., University Park 644 ·2430 830·0700 (Sun I ·51 3 301 Bounty Circle. 1-ftg. Harbour. ls. ,#1 842·2535 $84,500 (Sun 1·5) 1168 Boise . Costa 1'1esa 646·0228 $34.900 Shores) (Sun *I 034 Pescador (Dover 675·3210 lSat & Sun) 2100 Dover, 646·7171 {4 Bedrooms) Ne1vport Beach (Sun L30·5:30) *2015 Bayadere Terr, Corona de! f\1ar 644·2430 833·0700 (Sal & Su n 1·5) 971 Sandeastle {l-I.V. Hills) CdM 644-2430 830-0700 (Sun 612 Kings Pl (Cliffhavcn) NB 642·8245 ISunday) 1539 Cumberland, Ne\vport Beach 644-4910 (Sun 1·5:30) *1701 Irvine. Ne'''port Beach 644 ·4910 555.000 {Sal & Sun 4 10 J\lorning Star. Ne;vport Beach 644·4910 8105,000 1Sun 1·5:30) (4 Br. & Fam. or De n) 17621 \Vrhstcr Sa nta Ana 833·3392 S35,400 (Sat & Sun 23G \V akP. Forec;t Rd , 549·2005 $32,900 Costa l\lesa 1Sat & Sun I ·5) 2401 1'11:-;tin, Ne11·port R(':ic h 646·3255 642·222.J (l·~ri, Sat, Sun 2220 /\rl)utus lf.<1.•thl uffl t-;B 644·24 30 8:130700 (Sun 1707 ranfl lci;.tick l.n IBayc rest) !\'TI 644·2'1 30 0:13·0700 1sun *l fl:l() Lre\1·ard , :\e\\"port Beach 646·7 17 1 (S un 2812 Cli ff Dri ve. i\C\\'port Beach 646·717! (Sun l .30·5:30) 2352 Orr h1dh1ll. NC \\·port Beach 646·717 1 rSun 1-5) *23 7 A.111herst Rd (rollcr!e Pk) Ctt1 546·58 80 (Sat & Sun 1·5:30) 2224 Paci fic Or. Co rona de! Mar 67 5·5726 !Daily 1·5) **15 fj nda Isle Dr. !Linda Isle) NB 642·8235 1Sunday) 20~7 Commodore (Baycrest) NB 64 2·8233) (Sunday) **3 f~in da Isle Dr !Linda Isle) NR 644 ·4910 $1 55.000 (Sat & Sun 1·5:30) 3074 Gibraltcr ll\1esa 545·5946 Verdel Cl\f (Sal & Su n) (5 Bedrooms) •1.t2018 S Capella (tl1esa Verde) CM 548·7729 $47.000 (Sat & Sun · d. land le impro\-e.ments : ..... r<Xl~ Home Show R1•ltors Catl 5-16-!&0 /Open E"'°s. l ing $49.950. to 8"1 1. I C A L R I G I "Ann<h•fr "°''"'hunHna" I I I I I! I .~ l'H"'rl.room. 2 bath~. hr .01 Arr~ or Colle;:r Park. E:xcf"l lr11t eoorlition bul nl"l'ris c-111,.....ts, you ran pick lhf' color. nnom lor hon1 nr lra1ler. (S Br & F1m or Din) I 14R Santiago Dr /Dover Shores) NB $85,000 548·0727 (Daily · !lS" MARINE AVE. 673-&IOO I• Solisbury f,' .. .11tv l 31!J MARINE AVE. 673.69()(1 BALBOA ISLAND 3'3; E. CM" lfwy., CdM I CVWTn HERITAGE] -• · • • · 675-7225 • ~ ... """ -I " E c H E ! II -*~o~c=EANFR-O~N~T~*-',,::;;;::;:;;;;;;::;:;;:::;; . . DUPLEX -c'im1 ocEANVTEW-""'=l~l:::'::!:l~I =l s rh1!1 01:t11pirl1 hon1e. l'lf\\V S32.S(X), ~6·'731:!. 2 BR. e-ach unit I Older uni! Pool~i ze .Yllrd, grea r play Ir-'I & I ne\\·er un!1. Attr3ctive 11.re11.. 3 BR. 8: rlen rnr ~ R 0 Y F A I i ·'-in (ood cond. tTii.SOO. BR.1, pliv. brach a~. I I ' I I ~· Husbands are easy to hon-$34, 900 67'3-~ S48-594:l Ell1l8· $46·™· . . . . die. All n girl hos to do is OPEN SUNDAY 1-S associated BROKERS-REAL TOR'J %02!> W lulb11a 1)1J·lfl•1 REAL TORS 0 Cornp!,i., th• d'!V<•I• qvot.cf L«-,r.;r 2 ~try :i nn, 2 r~A. HOMESHOW I ii AR 8 y C 1•• keep-. ,_., 1168 BOISE , C.M. "Arn1chair H01lll"h unt1ng" I I I I I I' by f111!11! 111 111, mlalng word.. r!r-n & hu;:P fA!'llly r'OOn\, 3535 F.. Cn/U•t li11y., CdM _ " • • • • . you dt vt fop rCllfl lf'eP No. J bt!ow. ;\rirlh;:n rr, rul • .Jr.~!Jt. ---675-7225 PRINT NUMBERED l fTTERS JN ROY J. WA RD CO., Newport Heights BAYCREST THESE SQUARES REALTORS WU! Je&af: or leaM"·OJI· NEW ON Mhl • 1007 ,Ltt· 164!1 \Veatclllf Dr. N.B. tion 5 bdrm horn,., 11•ar11 • Fomlitl din, Ii tam • ~~~/s~~E LETTEIS I I I I I I I 6-16-0228~--- Jmmr!'dla t<" OC'C'llpancy. rm. 4 BR. 2~ BA + m11 ny • · • · • • • Sell idle Item~ now! AI.SO J bdrm born<" for X1111$ SE J.!.00. E:xrluslv~. SELLING Yotir boat'!' "Liit" l~a5(', '1'.lnr ... rt >"nr 11.pp! f'ltll 11gt. &16-3255. O wi!h u~ .. M>ll It f~~t . D1ily Ar.~~,,,. ____ ':':'.':'~ _ ne>:N sv'-l'-·''-· _____ ..,.~s_c_R_A_M-1$-E_T_s_~_N __ s_.w_E_R_~-~-N~. _c_L_A_~,_s_1_F_IE_D_1_0 ____ ._,_'"~.,.c_·,,_,~,,_1•.-'''-· -"-'--"-'"- ·-... --~~--:: ..$-r1 __, --"'!~-.. -· "~.-,' .. ';Jr.jj,#' _,. ...... ~ -.. --- *2006 c-;alaxy (Dover Shores) NB 646·1550 (Daily) WATERFRONT LOTS FOR SALE **164 1 Bayside Dr., (Yacht&man's Cove) NB 642·8235 iSat & Sun) CONDOMINIUM FOR SALE 12 81droom1) * :t::> \Vestcllff \.'ill:i. (\Vestclirr Bui.:king· ham ) NB 646·7684 (Sal & Sun) , F'nday, July 30, 1971 1~1,.__I -_'"""·___,I ~ I ..._,,,,, ... 1~11 -..,, ... I~ ,:..f -m;;·';;;"' ... ;;l~;;;;ie Huntington Be•ch t 1 L 0 a 0 g 0 u 0 n"a•N•i•g•u•el•••• Newport Beach I~! l ~i [ HouMSl«Sll• HoulH tars.le Hout.•• '°' Sal• General Gener el PANORAMIC OCEAN VIEW Lovely Lo.guna home on quiet cul de sac ad - ja('ent to Emerald Day. Magnificent ocean vie\\'. Nicely landscaped yard. 3 Bedroon1 ~. forn1al d ining room, den. sun ny kitchen \\'ith vie\v breakfast table. $92,500 HARBOR VIEW HILLS Uninterrupted bay & ocean views from in1· maculate 3 bedroon1 hon1e v.1ilh large dining room, paneled den \1·ith brick fireplace" Cheerful electric kitchen. 2 Separate yard s. ~96.700. CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX 3 Bedroom 2 bath ho1ne on qui et. tree lined street, '''ilh spacious garage apartn1cnt, buil t-ins, t arpets, drapes & fireplace. Choice locatio n. $59,500. HARBOR Corona del Mar eOPEN DAIL Y l-5e 2 224 PACIFIC DR. Nt•w, val'an1, 4 bdnn. phu; l:;t'. fan1tly rrn. & study. ;:l, Baths. Mtht Uu11as(K' 111'11· nf I.Jay & ox:vu11: $l1'J,:;.oo C,\LJ , fij:._;,1~1\i Corona del Mor Dupl('X('~ sou111 or lllgl1ll'H,Y, $11,X~J. T1\1) S<'J>ar:11<' hu!ld- \n~~ ,1 1111 11 '.! :•n<l :i h1'rlro,.-,m fll'I. h1111t 111, 1·los•·d gan•.:o"i .'Ind 11l~u 11 ltr('pl.tl"l" -!\ \\',\,L E.'\"<"IU.-il~I' Huntington Beach 5 BEDRMS. -BEACH NO DOWN VErs \\'aJk 10 s<..'liuoll' -)l'K 10 l~·ac/I p.,pular J lxodioom n1o'l<'I 111111 1na1n1noll1 l11 n1- 1I} ro1111 E.ntrrto1nrr·s 111 - !llg' 1'\J01n 111!h 1·:11hefll'nl t"t.•1 !111i::s. Cus1vn1 :-.lt1-1i:: .. nr· Jll•!1ng 1hru-\1ut! !IUHHY'.' 011·ner pal'.klng _ !;<'(' 1oday. FOREST E OLSON • •"4<, ' , llEAt Y ()RS . " 1.)19} F:dingPr, H.B. * ELEGANT M~CH BAY SPANISH k 3 Bit. 1v11h vi<•w $1i9,'.1'XI f:VF:RY'J1!1NC UPGRAD· ~ 1:11L S.· dt'fl, 4 ba $1ts~.5()!1 F.JJ~ f'U:'.1.f\),\I FEATVltJ:::S~ V.. ,\'J'!·:l!FHONT 1 &!r1n,; .• ~· Air1u111~ lJpn)Q6"C privacy• '.\ "en,.'> ba·s. $2"'.>0,000 UR, fan1 n11~ I.ow int 101111' Laguna Niguel Realty HAFFDAL REAL TY 830-5050 491>-5791 l!-!'.'-41ffi __ F:1·f'~' J..11-'.!Hii Lido Is le SELLING 1------vouR HOME? 216 Via Lorca At11 .. rxpos~-d bean1 :l Brt ~ l}a. li•11n.-11/sou1h pt1110 (.)11. t·irr appn11~<1l -\\'r huy t'QUll1rs. Personal a1tc11t1011. :l.i Yl"S. expo'1'icncr. COLLINS & WATTS 96 ·-s.'>23 J:;vr~. &12-0-127 BY 01,nr1·. J RR llunl1n~1on l'ont1nt•n1a! o.111do w/s111k i·1•11trr $\GOO dwn, T U.1-'. %.'l-!IG-U . ly SG.J.001. 912 Via Lido Soud Ch.,rn11ng s1ni,:le-s1y. :I HH." ba. hon1e on 90 fl, Joi_ Usl'd brick [J\Jnl, )!,;•'. jhllhl, tlti.~XJ . Tip of L ido l $le Two Years New! Ov.rwrs l•J~'S. your gain wirl1 1hu1 t.1•au1Uu!ly #lpp<1tOh'<I '"f'al<'flll•J'" borue Ul llarlliJr \111•11' l11JJ~. llM,llCd (!JI tt ~p:,/.'JOU~ {"(ll'lll'!' !ol, j)'f!U '.IWll 11~· J:i11d1 , Th(' <)\\llt'h 1\·:1!Jy 1'<"01 "!lll-1101" l1t UP· gl'ad111i.:: L•1vt•ly ,I b1i:lroon1, 1l111111g roon1 and lanu!y n•ln1 \\lt)1 l'•'I bar, A \Tr-y Sj'.Jf'Clal IMlfill' fnr l't'l'Y l\~C­ lal peopir. Call for an ap. po1ntn1enr 1vzth charm 61&-7171. $59,WO. O 'THEREAL ~ESTATERS • orrr, u111 1l ~ 1•;,1 B!'11 Ut -1 BR., :1 Ba. lion1r " -.Ti]~~ BLUJ7~·s-.--w ~!'~'~'~"~"'~_ee'1· stT ~~~~-t , :~::•0~:0~1kH:,~::" " f;::~ ;~·~~~-~~',~"';:-.~·; \2::; ... ,~';";~:.;;;:;;>,:~, CIG-771 1 {J[>f'n 'til 91';\f ~"l'lud"d s11in11111n;..: nT n1ar1na. 4 Br, 3 Ba, c:hoi•·r Bill Grundy, Rltr. 11\~111•r.ti44-:i:.:7~11flrrti·. _B_a_c_h-e 10 r ;$-P-ara dixe-I ;~~-~1 .. :.~~l:~;'.':;1~~;;~·~,~~('.1~~~~ ~~-vo~~~~:. ~~~~-14~~ t'Or 311 Baysidr, NB 6i~lC1 QUIET AND-- Home + Income 1·.irp , 1nau·11in;: dh! sh('('rl~~--------14 Hrt. 3 ba. GOx90 .... $77,:,00 PRIVATE o.,·11"1' ..;:1)·~ i-,'IL n1111·tn:.: h.~•·h b Irvine .... "R 1, ~ 1n '1'«;-;as. Jlr·'ll t!lrr•w 111 ll1v ·' • ' ··· ••' ·· 1\ 11)\••l,1 -I b.>rl1uu111 h•1111C' ll11l!o' .-:p;1111~h f!'pl. JL'ST ~ 0Jt ·1 L<t. :Jo\l!S •• $1~.i.000 11111, llllek ~.he,<> 1 .. ,,,,..,,1s.·, GenarJI Business Property 154 Mounta tn. Dnert,. -· Resort 174 *KEY COMM'L LOT* 1--------c-t. l-t'ntrr CO!lta Mcsa. SOX !&; .sandw1cl1t'fi bel111n 'i nf'w l)tl81r~11SI'!!. BUSll-""l & llV· ing qurtrt<"rs. $59,600 C'dsh or T.O.P. !nttd 11101~ 1wrn1. App1. only, fi4f}-T.i>l6. By <ll'.'IW:r, 1\1~. Hill. J91~ Nt>11.-por1 Blvd, C .. \I. Exc1nn)l T1111ot-~rn-ation&I propt'rly, 1Jtiht1H1 incl, )'or 11\10, call &r.l--W5'J, ----Out of Stat• Prop. 171 J AC w/new redwood 2 ·Br hAf', Jrl<'.d, !'nty rrl. 646-666:!. rJ r ilJPd Orf'g. Cemetery Lots/Crypts IS6 Real Estate Wanted 184 ---'--'----· 1 LOTS tn Blue SplllCf' Sf'('· 1100 al Harbor R,. l'.11 I\ll'n1or1al Park, $17.J eaeh. I.I S.-3075. ----~~~-~~ !-!ARBOR l~<'SI ,\h'111or1al Pk. $1:ill Pa int'. (•11d011m<'n1 1·ar II /lll!<'fP.'I ~1~-121----.\l:lj CF::'I·! ETEH \' l•1', ! ,. r 111 s , * CASH BUYER * Don't \1st your home, SCIJ it \0 U.'!, Save tune. save mvney, immcrl. !1rn1 otfcr. Broker e LEADERSHIP INVESTMENTS e ~2.+166 ,r,, ~u.5336 ~1'1·!1011, Partf1(' V1r11 ,\oll'n\ \.\11"~ Jff:'t'd a 3 hr house wilh l'k. &Mi·l-12::. Commercial Property 158 INVESTMENTS d!':q,._·~. l\l)niau .itlls & .; " • ba ·r1x:o;;, S'H AfO I 4011. hit. nf"nl 1-l:J: 1n(•nin•· 1:l·'l'IL'l'J:;Ds:~.-1l)O 1:-n1~ FA:-i"T Company Wants Out LIDO REALTY INC . .. ... - COM PANV '1n1T ''Al ,,. t111 ~ J"'''n ' · l'H'il l\o)N1 p:1nt'l1n:::. :lrnl a · ""· ,..,i .-' :-\.\LE. fl' S:l!l,'.Jj{) 11·ans!t'l'J'<'d 1·:-.1•1•u111·r·s ;1:;j7\11a Lido i,;7:;.;,;(l(J j !ui· s.·i~l.~~!ll :.1.1:!.12 1\j)l{IAN. !1.R. llhvnhOu;;1• i11 l !n1vcr~11y ;::::;~;·~,'l~~1d1:~:~(;.--,);a:rl !~~:'. ! \\'!Tl! "'l\IAJOR" TEN ANTS-LEA:::F:IJ,\0\S OFFICE CO.\·l/l·IERCJ,\I, I hf'an1cd l'CJl1n;.:s F.asl side, Cosla rii.-.sa 01· Back Bay 11·ith roon1 for h1r1;c (~amper hl's1dp dbl garag1-, No T rae!~. ti!) IOJ S::fi,OOQ t:ash. VogPI i ·o Rr•altors. :.'0.12 N\'1.1·pon Blvd. Costa J\lcsa. ;,J~!fJ.110 !'VT. Pl), ~!-ti B1·. 1-ousr , pool, hu~(' }J, flUl~·t sl. short rlriv1• lo heh J>rincipals only. (2l:I) 691-<131:l. REALTORS University R ealty s., . .,f Ad.in1,,, uf! l3ti:>llH!YI ParJ.:. 3 Bdrn1., 2 La., h1g &·~· & c:u1n[><1rf' branJ 11('11' :;oo1 1· c 1 11 r-·, u·10 IJ.lls of ,-.Y1ra . ._ 100: $lj . ."JOO. ·-· ~ -11 ~ ''":..·1 BnOl\E!~ f.>.IQ.J.~1'.! txinus t'OOn1 & rnort'. A~k· Lido h.1yfl'un1 fft'f' landi 5 C't1ll tH6-717L ''SINCE 1944" BY 0\\"l\'E!{ -Lusk H~u·hori ing lll,000 • 1n:ikf' offl'r. BR, 41" BA, pi1·r ,i;, slil' 673 4400 Vir,1• 111'.b hon1•' ·I l1r. 21 ~1 4 BEDRM + 2 BA. I d h JI Sl~!J.000 '.!10 /\o)aj . I h:1, rani 1"1!\, ilrkf~I llUOl\,I i'" ' re . . . 011•111·r. ·1~~1 ·(~11:1 •• 1..,,.....,..,..,....,....,....,....,....,....""'.:"""""7"""""""""""""" \l'IUlttd 1·0·1l1n;!~. 2 fq1l1•s, 'l $21,000 ; · · I " ·------1! -.. • Mesa Verde General I G eneral 11f,.Jl ~110·~. \/1<'11 (·o ! I ",".lp<1t"kl1ng'" rlenn, qutt111y · ...... · ,<:; AJYf BLD'CS W. R. DUBOIS. INC. il~.E. Brokers\ 813.9-1-lj 3.~.i NET l'On11n. arrrs. Tus11n .<\\'f', Orange S2-I0,000 Terms r:ill \\"h••1>lr1·. Sangs1cr. R.E rh11nr .i32-2200 \VANT TO BUY ~ or 6 hcdroom hon1P tn Hun- tington Beach rrom Phan(' &12-0570. owner. 1-----------1 ';-' * * • *I G-1-1-60!'11. •'al'fX'I~, "all Che l.Ju1lt-1ns." Rl-~ALT'i" 13\• O\VNER: 3 hr-:l hJ, fain J BDRM. C M in1111tH•ula1el.11 lanth-R'a[X'd~ Call An,11nnie R.1J.\})\2{l rrn. 2 lrplr, bllns. nr.w II •I $29 500 LUXURIOUS I O$ta e $a It "s IJ ,\C.Aj'1T! Oll"n!'r inu~t Duplexes/Units , lir1111.ParkCrnrer.i1v111e r-pl /dp s, fru.'d )I'd. I financial II I' IC" Ill ,,nn .-.•1 now subn111 all • b -. 1 !J11·,.Jy, i,pacious 3 & taniil)' sa e 162 1\C1\·por1 -r1g1s ,11 ia,. 4 &droom Baycrest ho111c FRESH-CLEAN :-,. · · • · "ss11111a lr :1,·,,, .nan. 1 ~;;;;;;;;;;~;:1 HERE IT IS!! Newport Height$ nt'ar CliH Dr. l\ih.:hcn lJ!Jn.-;, 1\·1rh formal dining rm. s.. CANT' lrrins, I BR, 2'~ liil, frplr. 1:st1n dps, $19,900. ti1:l-."hw.'I, rni_ plus bonus i·o;>crealion 3 BR, :.! l.Ja & 2 BP.. Dbl 11 biilh \1'/tilf' !Ir, c<1rii.~n11c:. lovely f<1mily rm. 11-ith \\'(•( -VA . C11ll S-li-1221 :<hag l"fll, pa110, fPn(•f'd yr!, ------rni. f'Opprr pluniliing . .'ili!ll' i:;aragr., fPnc••d yan:L~. Takr J!\V flr:<. Back yarl\ big bar. A delight •to sho11• Ju.'1 !'l>!lllh'd, 1)1·11· il1·.,1H·~. ~EYMOUR REALTY r1 •c f:1r pr11 \'~yr.~ old. Mission Viejo i•1111·v; frple. w/H<'alola!or; •Jvt'I" i.;•, Cl loan, Call BuOsiness • rnough /or adrhl1on~I un11 Arnold & Freud qui.-: »ll'l"l'I ~pal'kling pool. ld 1l Rrael1 Bh·d., Ht gn Beh S:\.\41)(). s:::~.:~::'.12. ::;!\CP.1~·1CE! ~lusl "ell _ •·rwl pn11n. R111_ for boa1 & owia:i· :.;.11 .89~:L pportun1ty . I ' 0 ' J 9 P'I -----111 ~ '"" " 11'11', Ht'!!!'r hUITY · )'OP 200 or swin1n11ng ll(IO -,.,1;_·,·,,·,~ arr JU~I so1n1• u! !la.• /('a-PL·n 11 · ·I l-IH, 1', ha 101111houtiC:-~.<100 I proper.,·ty_ sr ,'.''1_nenl. " .,r -Income P•ope•ty 166 TO BUY OR R ~s~ I' 11!h C \J u-tv v I S 9 ~ •6 "I Al 1ron '1 ll(>lit'l'C' lhr f-'rlL'f'' • • J Bdr m . & F a m . m . • ::.:.__·_· -. . .. ---turt·s 11f th1~ Jovrly J ~)('d-sq fl, Jr:; 1~~n1 n ·n, il11 nn .t ~1<. • ·"';', • ~":'--n-7ir:inh" 1 MORGAN REALTY ~G E C -SELL A BUSINES5 1 $32,500 1 $22 950 rDOJl\ ~bath 1•as1~1do· Cos1a $150 DOWN j11n 1111, 111d.~(·µ. $1D,1;,ii_ -11~·'111n \it.Ju .. ~i-i '· *LA UNA B A H * HOLLAND BUS SALES !'iear NeY>'pQrl lle1gl1l.~ (111 a I 1 :'lh•.sa home. Of1rrerl :11 ju~l MOVES YOU IN 01\n!'r. s::.1.1.~37_ Newport Beach 673•6642 ___ ~675•6459 8 UNITS $89,500 • cul clL• s:.H· strerl. 3 Bfl & 3 BDRM. & DEN $38,.)()0. ,\lovr 111 1v11h 10"( ---------2 ON LOT lr1L'On)1• Ol'l'I' :Sl,000 tllo. Closc "Thr. Broker with Empathy'' f I ., t . ~ /ll't.' I ilown. C"ll tud~;· 6-!U-7171. !led Iii<' roor. this ~. b1•d Pr11in1 LJ[{(lAl)MOOft Turllr Ro«k. MUST GO! in, walk to shops & beach, 1716 Orange Av ... , C.M. nn11 y rn1, -J.,, • :'\f'\\ 111 tlf'('(ll':ttl'd. l·:ntr\' hnll. '-' plilll 'I 11 nrt. :1. b<i. f;1n1 nn\ SPECULATORS & 10 "0 ~~ . p,aces, kittln n lJltns i1 ,•h i·nn1(·111l'nl llonr plrin. ~1Hll to to11·n111111,;c• is 111111' \'a1·an1 . 1~~~1 Sl»l'ra Chul11, $1::,900 CJ,•;111, :: hr horn'' . rr.ir 1 I Nerd:> a !11!](' wor k. l;)..<11 ; ..,., ·vuvo anyume D\\'. P..an1Dl1n~ 1·;;111"11 :,l.1•lr I i1all i•:11·1~·lin;;. P~rk ltkr fHl'JJPrs arr \'C'I'~' 11ns1ous. ii/land s:;:1.:l1~ll.i o11·1wr. BARGAIN h1· !1.,111" 1111 N ~•'11p"r1 Pl.AC~: H!-:ALTY 1~!.!'170-1 \\'e nrrrt s11lrs people 11·i1h shake l''JQL PJ"1t'Cll 1•1;:::h1 i·ar:I. ')l(}-17~>fl. !>lust srll bkr. S-12-'.f;i3:), L B • HUNTERS f~lvd, n: \\,'~1111111~1rr. I :!':II)~ S. Co11.~1 l!11·y., L.B. Nie·•· Lilllf' Business II · b a guna eacn l..;u·g,· l.ll. «1 1<111r, Ofl<'r * NEW--U-ND-ER-1" .~(' · 2955 Ha r o r TARBELL ,. 1. 1 ll I II S'" Art gallrry, lr11n1e.~. gift~. l 0 b4 b ?414 MEXICAN unbf'1rl"<lbr rar 1 ou~r ~".~JIJ!J C';1JJ :11.:r.-11.:l~OO II CONSTRUCTION _ CAL o •. ---CLEAN & NR ,.,,11_1 ,,,, "'"'' 61, .. ,, Ilk·,.. ouod usPd furn1tu rr. Ve...., Gf!neral ha1·gan1.:_ \\'nlk to oc·c:in. '.\ ,, , , " '" "' •:r SCHOOLS 10 UNIT APTS. a1trarti\"r store. low rent, COLONIAL BH. 2 R."1 & d1nu1g, flr!'pl, -RY-tl\\',·1·11-N ADULT CONDO • ', · r11·1.v (i('l'-J(l Drlux 2 BR/2 BA. 2?J2 good Ira~!'. $?,COO rrq'd incl R e· •cTY SANDPOINTE 3 hdrn1. bath & ~<.lg,~ ll'::i.lled hlt1ns, dhl ~ar. Ful\ pr11:f' 1 •• HQUE ior~11o•o. J n1 111iii·uI11 1 e 2 E.den Av1•, C.ill. illust sec 1nvent11ry & l>.t1sun station Nr•t Nrwporl Po ~t Off ic r Dn1n1atic·l·bcdroom, :l'2 ba1h yard. 216;:. Raleigh SL JdeRl 2 LI!!, I'~ B.\, ll'plc, SlS .'.?00 m $2G,."){HJ . .lu~1 l1st.~d. won'1 I'" 1 1 · Like to Entertain? t11 n s!o1y stUC<..'O hon1c in 01·;1nge l'oun1y's most L"()n- Vt'tllent loeillion. Only one .vrar old but ful ly and bo'au;1rully latJdscapcd, near :-,ch110ls, pal'ks & p Jay l-;J'Cl\llldS, .i 1n1nu1rs to-~ free.- '1·;1y~. South Coa~t Plaza. Shu;.: l'a!'prting, f1rc11Ja(·c, $:!','.JOO_ 011nrr Sl'l1 1~ prin- ('ipals only, ~~7.:Hll. ,,-,~ 1·g 11111 1•111. Lr:! 101 . to upp1-..·cia1r! 111,·,00IJ. · "12 <391 • &16-45:.0 i)l)rnc: [l•r kids ,~. pr•ts. Hun1inglon B::i.y. BY O\~'N· \\1i!h 11lr firs., be-dJTl ccil"s, l.'ls' Ion(!~ Call ~J·IO·ll :il (Upl'n 'I \\g n_ ,,. · ur ""· !'1<11111 hy :!PJ•l li !~2·1H2 llll'ncr. Evrs C·l£.J302 -----------s1:i.\W, 1-"lf''\llJ!r l1'flll~. J_;y El{, F.V1'.' ·"' 11kends 962-j'.?Ji-! J1~11it111,,dl' Unck frpl('. ,r, I !'\'['Ji.I 11 I I ,,, ., .. , CAFE, f'quip[X'ri, ldeaJ for This JS !II(' hon1c 1111· ~ull. L.-il'a nick 11<1 rrfall ll lld r;ilhcr!l':d 1·o•illn;.: 1n 1hr Ii\'· I . '._"_H·ip:ts oi~:i_. -"-'--1-13·)-2-BR/_l_BA_H_OMES . r-·' . ..1111pr.hrnl({•J', ~1:::)./(1\.i or "r rail li30-:11:.0. p,,11 .. Jo\! "Hlls. IA>vf'ly rn-f~iiiiliii;~iii}~~ , -or>:an1c uvus or catering, .,'.!8-l'.117 afh'r 4 ~IJ. -•• WA[K-TO THE 11•<in,·,..; Pid10 w/1)l11'p tt·rp I •!!i!ft~ HERITAGI :\I r 11 •'1J;hl~ -4 nr, ~ Lu, COMPLETELY !'le. Hra~. &!2-21-l!l. ing l~J(:Olll 'rt lllf' ~!agr, ThPI'(' tll"P d1·{'i;s, IPrri1<·PS, Ion11~I and 1nfon11 :1l <l1111n~. r1'c'n 1our 0\111 "t·U\.·k-1a1I Joungr:, 111 udd1111111 In ~ l:iednxinis, a J<1n1ily roorn and an ol!\re nr f1rn. Cl\n you 1n1ag-irn· 1111 Hus f•H' $6.l,0007 Sc1•111g h belw·v1ng'. App1. 1Jnly 61~-8.JJQ, * MESA V ERDE * BEACH.. & l~u~'(' th'l"k 01·1'rlook1ng I -UAL llTATI 1 1 frtrn nu. gar. filed. s34.ooo REDONE M L 2'" ,., 011 111'1· :.1.~-H-177 oney to can ._ I BR, :l BJ\. 'I •Jll r-onrl. 1n Vlk· iJf lhr n1rn-.1 r~p;111~11•1· I ,\,•1v ~·rp!s, ll<'IY f1rps, nrw -----,-"".:----! I. I . I \'l!'\\',S ill t.a•:i1n,,, ()11 a \ge' I SJ>~\crciu.s·.-.pn111,1i ;:-ljf{~ll l•h. Ill'\\' floor, 11•'\\I pain•. 1st TD Loan rop kli"<llllin, "flH'!' •II 11 ·r his :.:r•h."'Y \On1" ~1;~ H11 n " I DO YOU FEEL Id I 'I J h I ' "'''' h.·11,<l•f.•lly l"<"•'l"I. 1111, t.llros. r~111,o l\'111 1lis-l!ll"t· !111, :!13ti l•:!d1•11 Av•·., n1atur,, 11'1'•'"-1)11 n<'!' ;1J1\-i•u -•·-~:u· ri1_ ~1s Po· '-' "~ " I ' .,, ~·1 ~("' LET DOWN? ··1111111 j}1,11r·r. ~>17-J,'\'.!:1. __ r. '''.' -'~i0.000, 01111r,-. J·:v<'.' ,-, ... INTEREST 1011.;. \\oil ,;I'll hr·l·1w :;,p[)1'31· 1•1111;;;, ~ h:ill-1<. ;11111 nu•1•" ~ f', "'' ·""'· '- $25,950- sa.l. .\.~kuig $:!'.l,'.lol) 11• \O',, ni->1hilil) \\'alk111g 1!0~1 .. 11(•' Tur ner Assoc iate s San Clemente I ~,.Jt,.,, .. ll:I j 2 d TD L <!own, ;>!S.59.\lior ~~\_-,_l'.IC.7. 1u 1h" h<':ich . .l"1n ,l'llnr \JO:, N, ('on~! Hwy., Lag1;n;1 '.".('.-. 1)iis bl'nUlilul hull,... ol l , --. C()ST,\~1)<~.-iA--n oan SELL OR TRADE ra'1i;hbors "I' 11alk al1111c . 494·1177 Anytime ~unHllrJ,. and arP•"'1 -4 H\ tiuililo·r, J11"11·n11111!o·11·d. '..! Ba1nboo VillagP 12-:.! Hfl --CHARMER--! h~·1lroon1s-l11rgc d1nu1c; ;Jll':t i 111l,1ao·Pnl rt .. 111" tnpl••,,rs. l;;inkt1 llousr•s ,.11 <<'/•It. Term!! based on equity. ~ Hl1/2 B·! l10111r · fr•r 4 Hro(ly lo s,.Jl• h1 T! usu J hii·k Cl I I I X I ' 2 \ " " 642 2171 545-0611 • ggtT 1an · a • -0-~'' •1 1fa1·1,· s1op:;:, ·· ganiges ~· !Kll 1n~. On • 4 BDRM. + FAMILY RM. llnl!s 111' 21';-;!i(I' n101J1i<.' hOllH', 1 l~loel;~ i,1 hi•ach. vt"'nn )'111·d · 11•'11' 1•:irpt'•H1g, drap. :: BH. All hllns 1nl'1, al1trn1, valtwblj• 171,...20.i_ 1 1,1k Hank Serving 1-farbor Brea 21 yra, 11.B. 0 r V V. • :! Bit 1111 ~·11•11 _ :-;1011,, palh !rads 1hni <'!'!""• <!1~h11·aslll'r, g<1r!1ut:•· \/\!',, ,\ 1111o·rl'<)111 syslt•n1s, of Aini•ra·:i, 2 ini. oc!'an. Sattler Mort11age Co. n1·a1111ru1 honic, ih'f'an1 kit- rhPn. built-ing, aS5U1nr ~~:. ~;: REDUCED!!!! Joa11, .1pr, payn1rn1s of $143 !I n1unlh. ;,JO-Jf~I0- 2955 H a rbor TARBELL n-i Jpl $~~ .. .00. ("(}\'f'l~'tl sil>ll).';lf' & hrl('k d1spos;1I :-:prink!C'I".~ 1•lr(' ~alt·~. Pl'l p,il1os, ]llt'OlllC SJ .9-IQ/11111. (;ooc1 I 316 E. 17th Street Broker 642-4 816 --- ------· .,,,.,.,,,,.,.,, ''''" ,,,,.,,.,,,,,,, •. , plun1h<'lf for 11"i!!<'r sof1<'11Pr. l•11·111u•;1 1·111J1nris, .~nrinklt,r~ 1 G 11, FREE FAMILY ROOM • " ~ L'rn1s. a1 age 11wnrr, r_,i;:, fOJ~ .~al1·l•~l ll''l'-I hr PRICE S LASHED $1600 l11i1'11l, pe.d\•·d rrl(lf l'(l!tagr• rtii·h lllfll\ ;11"•'(1 ar 111 .. )100:11' .~-lndsL"f)rL H1•,, d0\\"11, :!:!2 Berna1iJ St, C.il·t. 64G-l·130. Cash Fast'· h\1111" fll' ~ .. 1i .... 1~ ,\-shpi.: l'llh slo11r f111'p!t.1·1• l;V<)ol 111an"s pnrr. s:;i,!1:•1. 1"1111 1\\"f"fl!H· Sanla Bnrb;1r11. I $1~.0(Yl ,,~~1 1111.dil!' FHA~ nH. '.'! n.\, plo,; lli'x l(,' ;odd-l'J!ld1t11111 -nr1v !'OOt, II ~•-t~lli-7171. I ~i l~-'.ll'.~I 011('11 11-:,_ 1 + blk !(} bPach. :1 l'nl huu,,r \\'ill sci! undrr Yl!A appr;11~­ al! New 1·n··pP1inc:, J.,rgr corner lot, 3 CP., 2 BA. \\'<1 lk lo ~hopping' 1\~k111~ $ti.950. Cal'. ~J-8-t24 tori1'n l.'\'P,,) $27,950 l ""<l •<I'·•'•'· II".< 0 ,,,.,,., 1•d f:11111ly r111. Conlrr 101 l:!BR1f1un1.'l11plsrc11r.A!l l$t&2ndTru$t0eeds ~,,. ' I•••' h1';11rr S forr-rd air 111111. S a J C • t l~inr. ('..\!. J'li(lll<', .• i: ... '.!·l:il t;\~,,1 .\lal'ln,1 flo n1·r:i. lirPat n uan ap1s rano :l ll·~al 1 c11l;tl 11111ts on ~-H-2 : Fl'tEE APPRAISALS II ' "I ""' (Jnli $'.!.'o,7:ot1. Cnll. I 1 J o C M I t t f}(ltP1111al. 11rry a1 .~ .. ~~1 llJLl.'I'Of' ACrrr·: os. ;.:ara.i;rs. wnet., O$ta elia nves men ~BDRM.+ BY O WNER l\,\Tf·:L LA f!~;Al.'f)' ~ ~ Rr!rrn.<., :! bnlhs. Faniily ~07~109 !Joppy, l'di\l 548-7711 anytim• l BH, :! 11:\, l,"i' fain rrn. "'1-r"''I t. 6'•'11'<1•1 FAMILY RM. ·' 1 -0·~· • 0 a · #'7 r111. st•p, 1111!. rm. ~\Vlill· ,-· lantJsca1••·d, fPfl•'"d & s pklrs. IL/ * VIEW * ~~~~~~=~==-M f'amtly rn1. 11·11h lirl'pla('"· WANT TO GET .\!!'.'\<.; rtX)L All loe11l('d on C .M . (2) 4-PLEX ES ortgages, (;tot.JI! f l n<1no·1n i; itl•iill. REAL ESTATE T D ed f'lilry hall. dining: nn., nai-rr•rt•lwtl on a hlurr nv~·rlnok" I :.10 11tTI' hilllop 11-1111 ~'Trat Lrr.: dl.'lux units, i\lcsa Vcrdr. ru$t e • I I I h I $29.000. 71-19-'.\ls:i. AHEAD' Ii I " h ur·a \\'~ p.111('!11g, 1111. • II!)() lilrnnP~'r(' S1 l!IK !hr hay, 1ou·11 f11 !J In \'ll rv \'II'\\' li)fS<'S ,,r ~ opp1ng, 1'11y',,, Ml' NF.EJ)CA~J I \outh,.(~ oast 260 -~ r> I .,, 11""' 2 Br', )O.l"'P t:n1·, r.~IH'f'd '"'· I' I I , I Ii • k .,, ,N, • I ,, 111s. ·''''rm~. !'n.;,. -<v. ... r:i• 1• _1<111r rq1111y 11r 11 " 1'11.'.ll7;l :i 19-0.1Hi Jo\P at fir-,:;[ sigllT 11 nh 1111s "" 01111•. ,.s 1ni:: ., ·••. .,s~un1(• oan. pnnr1p.1I on-~IOOO Oil tllORE' IT 'S A L L TOGE-TH ER 2955 H a rbor TARBELL !'lost• to ~~·h•:>o;ls .~ sl ~\P;1•11!.:· 11l•'\//01r i11fnnnat1on .·.di ,---BIG-VfEW ___ Jiixurinih .1 ll<Irni ,:; Ii;;, 2:,no <'.di 1')1--1 12·1 Rc.illot l} $1·11 :J:iO. :i.;i 2~i!i S·• \ Tl 11 f R 1 s1~:,oori '.'i~ C'!l~t:1 '.\l•·-a SI "1? __ 2_-,:i • .-.. 1 1 1 ,._", ---..1r ~361 1·•• 1\ll"Q 1r1 or"-·"a B ack Ba y '\I I '!11 ~I· ,..q 1 10111•' ~· .• ~/-In C'"\l'J>;Tft1\NO.hri'!11t•r11l __ ·'-' -------1~s:,1lt>I0<111 Un.-.r1appro\al ,\II !i\11-~id•• 1n.11nlo'11,onr•' i:i;~:q~,; -111 '"1111 ' 1 1·111-;., • 1.1 ~. 1 1 ,. .. _,.il'd ll•llk, 11:11111111~ ,\ l"'f'I I• Cl 'T!'. ::-1., .: a~~l-ii~ L.C:t', 111"11\t! )']1•. II fn•li•, (' llll('<R1'c"'H" I RW N "11' lll \ """ l1)<•,111vn sriv·-I 1\1·11 27 Adult AJJI u"r lhe n1onry hOllC'\'f'r you C"a.i·r cli>ll!' 1.,1 \,.11 ,.1 tll i~ \ BACK BAY BEAUTY 1 1 h:i. pa!i<l, ._ J ~ ' ll111111;! .\· 1 111.f~I ;ori•:i.• C11r-I I 1"11~ 1 li!', 2 J\.1. 11~ 1111, 1121000 l1kr, Also :i~k aOOut t1ur ' 1 '1·i· " L: 0 Ui1cil ~·ol1nl1)' hon1r nn (fll"'t i:;• 1·"' '1" '1"'111 or ' • d"ll 1.1i;1,f ,11r ,.f ,1,.11 ,.,1,.,,,. Realto r-___ 675-6060 t,",',11 rni .• _ d«hl\o·, nppl1 .. :111c1·~.1 lr1_·hli __ n_1.,..,~1·_1· (f~!'.!~1~_.;1 __ ~n~rcun·J [!f'z-,;onal loans. f'\( I;\ llh!' '' -• "-, ~ ' . I f\'~111111' s1~·1/1nu p,111111rs, J =-= ---hl:in~ • .,1, 1 .. 11(d dhl l-;1r •1:•. , 11 , Ir fl< s1.r1 Pl l\J:\11'~'>:-it: $2~ 0011 1,1 ,1,...,,., t\iii-'\'l'I l"'d k11cl10•11, BPu1111!l1lly lnd-2 STORY LOVER? 11 ._ ~ ... i.~~J ._!~·~Iii,,_ lndU$frial Property 168 ~' ,\oku1i: $~1 ~XI \.,.-.. 1111 !lUI · •• 1.i ~ 1.11d 'lid.1'111~. 2 halhs, ·c·--"h< I 'I. I I v,ACA~hT ~"!"'I :\l<tll,V r.~11'11 •. A~ku1g SEE IT T O DAY -Santa Ana $ SET UP FOR t'I , C,JI (;li•n (,hlrf!I ,1()"1)"1] / l ill)iy l''"iiTI l 1irler Jll.1J'k<'t •. lnlf'ol ., <>I!" 1\111 \ 11 • l l,11'1..'.o' .,., ill1~. ~ ;!)h.<, [ iln $::~.'.~~.f) i F 11 1 T _\ (; i:: J;[,\L l'.:li~I p1·u ·p a1 $,1/i.000 v .. grJ ('n I drn hD1111•_ 1>1·,,111. ~.irdr o I 1 1~ nn, c111 rwr l•ll fo1 ;1 l•i:il ~· ·~ • .,:.i _q_..... _ LOVE IT F O REVER! lf()ll.<.:J-: r·r)R SALi'. PROFIT $ · • THRll"T ~ 1 i-~ I l:o'.<iHlr~. :: 111 '.!lli2 ,'\PW)¥11'1 II iii ~:<('I 1 11'~ .11 ~1.<\ i~l l•W 11r 1 ,011 11,1 1·. ~.:I .il~I. Y11.,1 ~2-.;J..;:r ...t..:.i~~ 3 flugt• l.x:Jrn1.~ 1111d /;1n11 l.1t ny ! l\\'N!'.~ f 6'..10 Newport Centrr Drive _,\ .. __ ---• /'.lid,(' \I .i\,\-!l.l !i;, I q1p1 k ';d• (11,1'. h, · ~!11' 1,·1·110 ~ I~. .· -~1>)11.S~ !:c\lllr 1'111 , ('(•I'll•'!' lu!, \1«lk ; /'.r '! J;:. f:irn 1J_v..rl111tni:; !"11\ I J!:J\'(' SIZ:i./JOO <'Cfllily In I 1133.J:_IQ IRVINE TERRACE 11 8;~1--_.i-1-.1.nd l '~Y-tJl•ll•f \\r•lll~f' n111rr-:; Real Estate by 1-tl.-;:;-,;,~~.~.~~·;;:;,,;_ I•• nil ~··ht.-11~ ,\• ('ll!il't')IP~ •"ili'~j(·l/rln1pr·< S 'l~.~jO l'l'llJl('l\,ll<'huu~('C\lldnlfH"<'S OIOICE S72.000 n=1~E~m-,-Q:-. •· •I e 0 h I I 1 I I •'o<•e ... so-,... ... ,r,.., .. , f'liuu-,• ;,rr;1 on 1'-r,!1. 1•1·11., .. d 1,:::1--:111: :!.1:.i,1 \\' Lori l.11 J .. 1.~ V"!.(11~ "!\ :!A ;,r•rr~ \J,,,., -.·-ll ,,,,•kly. P.\)'' ()>rv ,1, cl<'.in, high a,,._,1·,.. 1 r. 1·~ :it1~1. 1':0: c•n.-·I'/ ~' M VAY · , , ,1 • ·"-., ' " · . · ·r ... I " ->'1"·1 !If ~1''' * ·1.JJ-.S!~J * 1<1 ~1•ll .ii <111lv $11,(JIJ ::1111.1 Ario 1~,111'111rnl lllt"fll" $31,200. SZ.291 "'10. g r~. i!•t--7~1Ll5 bay (1!1 L1Qq1n1n CTJ ,u<', !~Y 01\Sf·J~ I ~ .:•.~ · ' ,_.,, ,,~ c I ---•· ·-' · I " I I I ----LOO KI NG F OR J,•r111~ Cf)1'n 110\I'" S:.t .\ :'1111 "Ill f'J1t•tl.1ngc lorntra from d;i_v or f'I'<' t'r«r 110111 noisr 11111 t«1°t•• Ldil» li:.!:ind_ l<\rl'pl .,-,r111l D Sh • ' ' I "I -. • • Ull over o res l'I II" •HJ· '2 I . 'JI.LL\...,"'\\;\'('\.~ 1:--1· :!·'.1 pn1 l!un11n!.'h1n t:l'h 10 S.1111 .~~~~~~~~~!!~I b11 111<' nt'l'.tll hre"'"· 1 • q11alrl y li11n11• 111 ;:nrdi•n ll•lfll, ·' <1n1s., n•~ ... ···i · . I " • l'I ,. 1·0 I I I • I ., Ill , , , _,, I I .. I ., , ~·~-.1.1..• l'.1•·, HU-11127 U · 't p k C!Pn1t·n10·. Local Lady p11'n-rlrtnr·hrd ,:::nrag<' -1 ·'' H•tf1n;;. ,.\J •·r(· ~Bf: J '.t Hr..:! ll,\. i .. 11 t1·11j• .>,1· .~ .:•,.\,,, • 1;1 J.:•'. ,i .. i1y 1 11. 1'· -~ _ n1vers1y ar 1fll "flh side dn1•r11·oy -DA. ' J';di .. s. ronl r1r11 11 Rrf s --PLA y G OLF ,·hildr!'1i"~ "in;:. '}. frpl!·s.1 HA YCfiEST-lly n1, n1•1. 1101-t•. eannot n1anagr. 64&-7171 ., ....... 1 fnr boa I ~-1radrr, "" !ii,'\.--illt.10 * r<:'rt•il S26:). hl~-30,~2 or I I I ltu).:r 1o(J(ol.<:1~·· 1.,1 ln1v n1a(' 4 1;r (1 hr a .~!ud101 '1 Rr ll111'nhou~P 2', h;i, ~ • '"" ' · Ill•' 1'1111'' 1\ll li 1·us111n1 '"' ' 'JI II I I !qol<'~ j\Jndr! h0nH'. · ny rl!'clrll' TV l'!nt••nn:I. 1111·l11d--.-----~1ji~l 181. 11H11111, ()crn11 1•1rw_ llorrJ lo • ~ :'\, :1111rn1.1111 'n1. s•'f! 11•1 Balboa Penn$ I furr~i·!t',v 11r-.11•J::nll•o111·.~•·, I kl I r\!ra' .'\lr'lT l o1·11tion . Houlft tor Rent •'. Jqsl ~19.:iOo. l'honr 1 u a . Eas t-Blu_ff_ l'l<'ll<'lr prK'•". S~9.~. 1 r st rn1. 111 rn1 ... I \\llll'r solfi•'J!P!, Jl!'IV l'\il'r-s·,r ~"" 10·· 11· ,,,,, H F < h d E n glund Real E s tate 11/h1-lw;,n1 erll. drl·or dt'P~. """""' " "· OU$8S urn1s e 1iT.!·S~i50. _ 4 HR I 1 b N Ra t I 1;ir pn1111, :1 fl!(, 1'. P.1\, 111 IP<1ll11't'1\'<>•)d, ('JI 1-~'~l 300 ll~"ji·~m Cil1h ~."~1;1 r:n1p',,,,_~c . MINI-VILLA ,1111 i·u111!, U('11u1, Jd~rtJ" .. 11 .~ Th:il1a 19-1.son~ ~1;11o r1..-\)()al, lvly yd .a .,,, : .. l General ~~ ~~;= i\lar~h11ll Really 6T.;~, S:\i,!JOO .. lMERALO-BAY-lOJ ~~~~.1;~;·'.~~'.\,~~'ija~,1;11111 fur appt. X,·~A;~~l.T~,~~N~.000 $100--~Pllr Tol\'n. C or y ~ al ~ College-Park THE 8LUffS·$44 900 LEADERSHIP R . E . [jj ~q_ h. l:111d , Nct int"Om<:' Bachelor \vlrull kitch. Sm; LIMPID POOL ' 842-4466 962·2017 E ves. Finr.~1 & Jargr~t viP\V lot It's A Tear Down RG~ln~:~~te. .,8. $17.700_ Full price $170,000. yard. AvHil Now. . $28 950 11'.1 "•'<<•··111 B"," U.nd nln11f' I~ 11'0!'111 Jhr ~------~ n,,inc•'i<"I• "•>I) BE CO 64'0111 I k " 11 1 C • • B•'ll G•undy Realto.. priPr Cute 2 hrrlrnnn1 hou~·· ••••••••••• BROKER 675 2115 Cascading watrr!all in1o TransfeJTCd 01111t'r l1t-ar1sick: ""' ~ "' I ' " "~" ·. A N * ;I"' shunnicrint; pool, 11idr l <'c -'onlrnll'C omr l11r ,Sal,.. !!Hur~ & !\.,111-..; nl T.L. •. 4 BEDRMS & 2 BATHS • • • 11 I 11 I' 0 .. 1 P,fl 2 B' 1 1 , 1 . Jll Bay.~idi·, j>;'n!. Beach 1rn slrf"I!' rron1 (){'\'/111 A f •=ROOll•IATI' 1 .... 1 ·,n.-.andfenc1-.. 1lrC\1(r<•n .. ''· 11 11('f,; g. ,_.. " pus n1;iny <i'"vn111ni.: u('-n· I I IJ Ii 11' ,, Acreage Ol"Sale 150 "'JV"' .. "11·an.-.. ,.,,. ,.;i nH~' 1•1111c 111 11("1 · · 675-6161 •luplcx \\Ith fl f)('nn.inrnt -(l,·n-c.ard ht'd1~~1111~. n111d-1 LrHr1011.~ Ln. 11r11' 11111~. rp!s. lars s1>P111 on lh1.-; rh;11·1111n~ ,1 II I Lots lo• Salo 170 share brand nrw 2 Br. lu,\. , .. , _ vr11 , !11·111,, uJv·u. H.~ u~l'( --------\•]('1\1 or Ray L";111 bf' b111h, f'"\'ll kil ch<'n, (trrp\;11·1', aritl Panr>lPri !n111 , rn1, 111<' 1·oof1·d, 3 hdrni. :l'J h.dh hrk·k ICrr ar<lU1l!l rroni lilWll * TRI.LEVEL * $.'li.:ioo. Cal! 6-l6-7li l. :ZO AC. i\fojavr. Rivrr 11pL 11·/pooL t.!ale o r morr! A~sll1l1•' l"w cov"1 S.'rv. porch ~;'lll·lt'vrl 1101111·; 1 yt·nr ~· !'nlrv. Pr1Crd tfl ~,..u .1:\ 13fl.. ~be/ Dining ha.ICT1ny. fronl1is:r-111 Applr Valley-nr CHOICE: lot. ll-2. lOOx\:15. f rn1al". lrinn or usr yn11r V 1\ nJ' l·-1 IA I.~ n11·. roa11n. Fn111 trcrs ~-iung & h,1rrly <'llJll.\'\'fl. t:a!I 1<1!"-tay for ~11011.111~ Unrflll!' int1>rior. i\1ovc.1n Boisf'--Ca sr-nd!'. ilAPID 11p. Pavrd allt>y. '.MS F.. BEACON * 645-0li l righll5. 521.:~K) \\'O\\.''. B1uk· S~l.99(1 :i·\',, fllA Lo;in r:n•<'nbrll fn1ntai::1'. strps 10 MARINER REALTY rondlti(lti. prrcla11on pot!'nl111I at a low RocheslPr St.. Cosl<1 .\tesu l---0l-O~S-A~L,"T00=s--- rr 8-12-4~J:1 or ;,j().ji40. :.!:112 t\ndQvf'r Pl ~>'l:i-.'i12l rr1vu1 .. pool. '\\'ny hr·low 10-~12.,-,,)ll 21 hr .ins st•f'\' All.king S.\~.:JOO $1.flOO f)f'r ar-. i\·!1ght ~ell Closc to l71h SI. shopping Pride of OwnerlihiP, ', --BLUFFS-VIEW--0Jl('n Sa c & Sun 10---:i dny's it·1oJa,·r111en1 rns1~. Ccr·::-2-s1y. 3 H1t---:---:1··~ bn l l'L,~'Esr{EALT1'1' .1!\.L.18-~101 5 WESTCLIFF-VtllA. ~~~:rrp:~1~n11:1t.\'('~m1~;xi1~;~ _,_,._,_1_2·_2.oc~._fi!:l-9.l09_.__ Hom• I •'• I II I T k •""' .. Coast IL)'., . . $6:JOQ. LOT .JO':•d~2 .. l' IAlllf'rl -.:-_1 I I _,_ Brsl frnnt 1~)1,· (ll(',iJ1011 n / "•-,. ..1n11.v 1·n1. 11 rp a(' ------Otr,.h~ Ji11inK a t Ill!. lies!. 11nly fll!YlllPnls. Bkr. for 3 1111 it.s. H.H. r11moy v.·111 ('('nagroi .,,.,, O'.,\!'i11i1I Blutf~ nP:.O 1 1'1 "'ltll" 4 RR. '1 BA, lilmlly ,,,;_ (']('"(', & Ol'!'r ~~;';, ~~llA . ~'ull prie(' L ·~lQUF: r'ONTF:ri!POllA P. y Lrg :l Bf<. 2 ba f'l')ndo. Dhl G·l4~1Gi0. co . . ~3111 4 Bedroo111 2 bath, built ins, ' I I ( i J'' '0rf' ,.,. "J'.11 I 11 o , ' 1 llR f,, df'n or :, BR. Bran1 ASTT.TNE R I' ... )...._... I -~ i::rl'rnhr\1. r:11il u1111 l ~{. kit 1v panlry. Dinin!:'rmor ,j,S , 'ti/ ··1·1""" Jfk'r1 nu.~f' ,,11 • door enlry, Jand.'il:a)l('d -Cli()ICt:lr.oACRE.S---~&-l31i6 ~·al'pl'"ting.dr11nr~. Ca!e _.::.. ,'•' ,_,1, (:UrniO. ilng(' cn1·l. ~tudy. Now c, .. ,,,,, _: '-' J• :-O:un. l~I 20SI~ Sp111drifl •'f'i!~ lg•• frpl • kilch<'11· 1·oun•·ard, CH,·n1p1,... ~ ;;izi· ~ir .JJ __ .. _ ·--p('r n10, .Phone-Long ~ch· "" • " '-'"'-... /hi & r p t l ~ ~ Nrnr Rillion S lJ('\' llold 1;1r LAGUNA fk ! II I r • 1~il''.!71t. p11110. Rarr11ppor· hn·rlrief', patio rlrrk k r calli· Ulnf' 01111rr!/li&-:lr1'i 11' tris · llni.rm. ;iinci poQI, Dl.Jlgar:igr,Corn.-Tol ' aei, ~Inti 0 213-429-!(i.'i l. ··-t• <~ 1 kl ~ 111ur;d.'< hy furnou!<. La~11na \\' l'I{ , B k ~ulJdivirl(' ·'-' 11111kr b1i:: All ul!l. Sfi,000. SU'f'·JER-"· vrli•. ~ .. ......,., .• tun1ty ill $;,;i.,~iv ~pnn rr~. $32.900 \\'/ 107'~ ·:..._ RY 011·!lf'r-ln~ 4 I.Ir t1'Jm''. 3 es1e 1 "" IH' 11l}:'ham. flnifit! NAME YOUR QIVN , "' ~· ..... _ H ELEN B. DOWD dn, '}-19--~j !or app'!. ~1)1 Vista Do:'I Oru _\1t·« old \\"alk to bch. 11.rtl~'-$J6.9:i0-Offer down. 6~&-•GS-1 ~--~-1l_4-27jl -~--·I finer home~ in beach art4. &l.J tJl MISSION REALTY 494-0731 I~==~,=~~--~-TF:R~l.0::! Sncrifirr, lravin!! -:-REALTOR --0 · Corona del Mar Nf\\1Xlrt Beach CS38,50Q. ~18-~. BEAUTIF'lil. NewpQrt Beach rnr SwifzcrlanlJ, 714-729-U::.5 Mountain, Desert, Bill Grundy Rltr. 6~ -INCOME PROPERTY ----:-""------161-1-113.'I 6~4-26'16 T·:vf-"'s 16'x28' FAMILY DUPLEX. l.,1gi1na Ch11rm hon1f'. ~hr.:! ba, ran1 rn1, d11y nr f'vt'. _R_•_•_o_,_1 _______ 1_7_4_,Balboa __ l_s_l•_nd ______ . IMAGINE !. Fountain Valley ROOM 1 BR. O«'fln view, lret'll, util mi. bl1ns. 2 lrplo:'~ -------= . pal11). Ov.ner flllXlous. lvj.( .1 1. I JO AC. ranch sltr. NO TIRED OK CA,\IP'G IN 1300. rnoV'!'ll ~·ou in 10 qualificrl buyrr, SHERWOOD REAL T Y CALL 540-8555 $31,000 CORNER DUPLEX SOUTH OF HWY. 540,500 University Realty .1001 J.:. C~. llwy, 673-6310 GP.OA00fOOH-llarhor t•icw ,r-,, or \'IJ frorn f>ana Pt. lo 4 BDRM. + 1'1 . fp1'n11n, 1 Br. Jan1 2~; FAMILY RM. I h;i \\'a s 111•)<1<'1, 2R!!i J,:u'gr 1wn1~ 1hrut1ut, d1n1ni; H!uriHl!Pi' Or, 612-J380 rtr,. natural 11«l"d hr11 k 11!"'• 01\·nrr. pr1n. only, plac'.c. ('!J!ry hall. ovc~:zed 1 • S1\Vf:.C11ll 011·11,..r :-:i-~2 !1vl11)( rni. 5-lf!-11'20. hi!, H 2, Crl:\1, ~ ol h""Y- 29S~ Ha r bo r _!AR BELL fl73-2if _____ _ WHERE can you find 5 BR, 3 B1\ /11111 riu v.•I OV"l'r 2:i00 s<I It. ior only $3J,7JO.~$U!11<' j:.'000 F"JIA l('Jln. R -en!ly rrducc1J 10 scll. Call now • U 5' AFFILlATF;D -BROKERS - (forn1erly Br11..'"1'"lif'ar 847-8507 Hlly) TllJ.. F1·.~!cs! t!fil\V II! lh<" \1'r~I ;i lln11y Pllol Cln<~1f1f>rf Ari f.$2.\r)j,~ Ar1l'I ('vcrylh1ng n!cr to WJ ~l;i!I" ~lakf' orf,.r $J9,JOO_ <'llv 1 Pll io, CQPP<'r P um· DO\\'N. Rrspt:in family just CRO\VDS" with It l RR 2 RA 11nd hinc. und!'L'$.:round lit.I Nr lakr ovrr S23 prr rno. Ruy your ()\\'ll r\'C'l'f'alion. pler. Furn., ivinlcr, $..JOO,~· · ' • Brach r.call.>. •191-'.G2:i. ~hop·~. -~chis, pal'k, lihrury J,W) S. Bayfronl <lining IU"l'"a . Only $2~.990. pyn1n1s, 9('~7 retirement land Jn brautilul 1 R 1 F. 1 ,1, .,.31 R I E b lRVINE Covr r<'s1d<'ncc+l.gc I: 1rnn1~ court11. By 01\ll<'r. -------1 C 1.1 T VI .., \l'nlon Ml ,s ate 0>-,..,._ ea state y 6 inM·-:112 r1111, •, 11nibrr, No. a 1 • N'c~. l.'11'. nr' -pnol/pallo, l'ru1c1 pals only. 1-1 ,.',00. li·12-2f11!fl. I k JO 1 Balboa Peninsula MCVAY Shown l1y :iJ-.pl 491-!Xlfii. WA-TERFRO-NT--111/spr1n~ \\', J.:v11n11 Cr(>Ck 8 r~. OCl'tl.ll <H' on Y _ Hd, Ore. $1R,001. 616--666.t $7500· 10 doll'll. AR t' 1~ block to beach 3 BR 2 SA Laguna Hills Charming Condom1nil1111 nn -nUICK CASH G46-822G. Aup:_ .f!atr~ avail. wkb". fl • • _ . Hf;1\TJ::D f'WIOI, ~rllt ]1'vrl th{' hoy. Dt•lighfluJ v1rw .,.. )O AC~R~E0S~S~l"l~975cf=p-Davis Realty 642-7000. ~.:l-.~.~'U .tl.)-1'}1,).Q horror," Bit l lla, \lt'I hnr·, r.oool, piers. slir1. THROUGH A Nr 11{'\\I frt'C l'•Hy ,,_ oUrttnl p.l~cc.-,c,.-M~.-.-.------J QUALITY c:ontrn1p 3 t,-farn, Cov'rl p:i!io, L 11 ds,.11 d . $79.:100 f~1vrrsldt1 <.:ou11ty, dirt I O"".C:0:'.".".'7-.,-----·I by r.1vflf'r. $l3,700 d"'f\ to !i.'\1)-1~'.J:i. TE[) HUBERT & A . ..:sor· DAILY PILOT r0<HL~. llf'o"!'~ll1hlr. Bl'tl'.'n 2 BDR~1S, fcrirol yrl. oo ru:sum" :i•t';~ lrmn or y~ur HOL~E 11.-,-,c11-,,--,~w•,ctchlh; :)ljl V11t l.1r!n, .fi7.,.,~J()1 l11kc & 1·1 1y, 10'~ d""n. J<;z rln~. 1\du1!11 nnly, $135, ino. lu1nn!'f' ;it s.~~.200. £W1 OPEN llOUS~ t"Olun1n. 'l'll~:-nLt:FF!\.~11·11ri·, •. WANT AD lf'l'lll!<.. ~·or fu turo 111\/('SI· ;..is-213.i jNewport Blvd( f'"'._1111 Lo11111 ·, '1·12-~7l I F<1~! rrs11ll~ 11r.-. 111\1 3 phnnr Hr 2 Ari J.inrl11 \lodrl "1"1~·211~17.n~.~. Fa~t teliUits are just a pbone l'"r hP~t rM1\lt.~! &12-~,r.7~~ {'1111 11w.1,v + f>l2-~,i;7~ ~r 1;r,..,.n Hrl! r \1 -12.~.~ 1":111 f.-12-~~~---t11\I.~~ P~ ~~r _:'~.".:.. i:;ili 11\\·11y -s._1i--~1s ,1'--- BA YFRO~T 4. Br. 2 RA. f'ull --·-·-t.'""" ~· ~ --· • . -;,.,. :..t'-f-.,. ·~.~--•-zne•,-.-. -.~, .••. -....:: ~-_...,._},.· ,..,.-4...~ ·_.-_' ,..1'5+&..,l!'~:i.~,__1;_1_~_ •_f•_P_. . _ _.__._ .• ,___:.~-" ___ .. -., .......... --' 0 ~-6~· --... ,_T_ ---~ -Jlll"4"0J~o -- --· --1'#--~~-···~ ------~ ·e,--. =--r -_,. ... _ ---·----..ii,_.---...,--.~ ... ~:!I:. ------·-· ,, ., . ~ . ., I I .,.~ ..... __ _ . ·~ .. ' ~I -·-~ ~I _,,,_ I~ 1-·-.. -J~ 1--····-lltJ I_,_, ..... J~1 ..... ~ ....... ~ J ~ :;;F~u;m;;llhod;;~;3~00~11~HoliusotlilililiUmn~fv~m.;;~;;;3;05;1 HouM1 Unfurn. 305 Apts. Furn. Corona...,d'"1"'1 °'M"'a-r---· I cl-rv-l"ne_______ General 361 Apt1. Furn. 360 Apt. Unhlm. ·., Cotta Mes• IJ;;I:~.::::;:~.~ i:~;;,;;;o.;::;;;;::;=:;;:;;;;;;;;;;; -~~~~~-'GANT 3 BT dt'n, .2 lil)'. I YR If'~ -('am eo I · $85. I HR prlVQ~ t."Ofta&:!' 'Anl1<1~ d-or i35IJ mo. 1nrl lli@hlands. l lw, ram l"fil '..I BR. 2 baths • · • ·•·• · · .$.265 with .to\'e " ttlnf, I '"7 ••u. h"''t' 1.J rm a 1 br ~ Bit, 2 biltJts, den •••••. U)O Mr. """"VI '""' v '""er ' 3 BR . 2 Ila's., atrium •. ;325 lrg pnvate palJO, 3 priva1e beaches. 4Ul Cort land l BR.,21lbe.'s,t11m..rmllZi D 6~ , 11 3 BR., 2 ba'!!, bon115 nn $350 A\'SHORES 4 hr, l be r1vr, Cd~f. ,.......,\ . , • --4 BR., 21,9 ha ., tam . rm $345 Wirl(er J'('n\al. $325 11 mo. SPACIOUS 2 BR, 2 bath! & J BR., lien, 2~ ba.'s •. $365 , all 642-51!11 .~----I bonu~ I'm. llOn~. Complete 4 BR .• 2 b&lbs, family room Newport Heights wllrl>lr. & hllns. No pets, ill Turtle Rock .•.••. $350 rl(,I t'h1ltlren. $775 t.lo. on atr WE UAVt: CYI'HERS t BR. 3 BA. Hee.led PQQL. nual lease. Realtor •&alns, frp lc, bit~. 3 t'a r 60-mJ till--48'11 Eves tzar. Cons1dl'r Unfurn. S !00 z UR, sitting room, 2 Be. On I+ dcp. &U-229o. 1-.>riwr lot, encl patlO. Inch!~ ,..,ouses Unfurn. JDS 1•p1s, iww dl"Jr.I spri:nklers & General J;ardl'ner. Child &. pet Wt>ll:u~. Yr i1'asr. $290. 1 4~;;iifi~~ii 67:Hil88. j J : 2 UR. Stov~. ro'f. Adul ts, No "l l11 l1'l 1l'!l tl. -· -. 'l l I'll l!ur "SINCE 1946'" 1111 \\'estem Bank B1di. $100. I BR prLvate home, Vac. l''encd tot' ~ & peti. $1W. 2 UR, crp1.11, drp!i, alov~. relrii;, tencd lor lods & Pf'l.S. '100. 2 & den or J BR + gar, lcncd for kids & pe!!.. fJ.60_ Vn•w ur OC'f'an, J BR, nt>\11 C'f1)1l!. Vac. Kids OK. Pr1va tf' ho1n" on horse ranch. 6 honi'l'..'ll, rorral~. stalls, shl'd & arena $200. STAR*LET 636-2860 Huntlngt«w Beach - La Quinta Hennosa A S • Pl s ...... """""" "'" .. u.. ummert1me ace ing Ii; S~cious Apt.. Ter· raced pool; &Unicen gas BBQ Unbflievable Llvlng • Only I Br unf $150..furn $175 l Br unf $175 furn $210 It's U1e fun time of the year and-Jiving at MERRIMAC WOODS makes summertime even 1nore ertjoyable. Tbe people who make their ho1nes here know t~e many extras such as swirruning pool, re¢.reation rooms and lounges and convenienc' to parks and golf courses. Why not find ou't for yourself? Come out and see A1ERRIMA~ WOODS this week· end. Models open Daily. t ALL lITlL INCLUDED Specl&l Bonus: • ailver· plated candle munu I.I yours 1! you bring thlJ ad wben you vis.it our models, 4 blks s. ot Sui Dlero Frwy on Beacb, l blk W. on Holl 1 & 2 BEDROOMS'. with Ttrracfs to 16211 Parkside 1..9.ne. Adult Living from $140 to $275 (714) 817·$441 L .. _ .. _'""_""_'•_••~__,1•11--k<-ll•l Newport Beach Apt. Unfurn. 3'5Apt. Unfurn. NOW YOU CAN AFFORD NEWPORT BEACH Enjoy ;750,000 health club & spa: 7 pools. 7 tennis courts. Bachelor, 1 or 2 Br's. Also 2- story townhouses w/ 2 or:! BR's. Elec. kitch- ens, private balcony or patio. i:rom i~75. Subterranean parking, elev, maid :service. F'ull·line food market, dry cleaner, beauty salon within complex. 7 beaut. model apts. ~ am to 6 pm daily, other time! by appt. Jamboree & San Joaquin Hills Rds. N. of Fashion Island •. 714: 644-)j()O !or leasing info. PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS -------------~-----RENTAL FINDERS J,,. .. '" J.,,,.,//anUI 1ie-ts, Gar. Sl?8c". Yani. 514 Orchid Ave .. Cdf..1 . University Park Do1ya llUJOl Nights Ren! Beautiful Funun..re for as little as ONE MONTH ~~:~~~Fl!~~l!!!!!!:·2~S~M:E=R~R~IMA;~c WA~.· ,co_s:." M.~::s,.A,, __ _ 1 Br. furn. $1 3 5/mo . -....i.;~ , ... , ....,._ .,. ~ _..,_ Overlooklnr beaut a:~n a U 3-65 fu 365 lpt. Unfurr •• patio " htd pcll1.. Adults. "'pt. nfurn. Apt. Un rn. :U5 Apt. Unfu.,,, ...:......_;,..__:. __ _ 365 645·0111 4lS W. lft~. COSTA MESA '.! Bft, 1~~ 1.J11 , t' , dps, refng, se $2j0 mo. mi. Laguna Hilla COMPLETELY mod. Air-<:and 3 BR, l BA, 2 <"ar ) Bl crpts, drps, Bltnll, gar. hid pool, klscpd. l yr P&•10 AduHs, /JO pets. least". f\111.ture 11.dll!. Ph. alt f~ -:-.-n:1>s lu '"'l"<1 n -G44-bi9!1. 6pm <n 4l 830--0787. Co1y. I Br CC'IHH~f' Stvl r('I ----~--~ Ould ok. tH,'>-0111 ~ Br/2 ha. Ocean vi"w. Laguna Niguel Yt·url.v. Ask for Anita at M.·" E.SJDE. 2 Hr ~·p .. !on1•s Rlty 673-6210. 3 BR, 2 BA, crptg, drp11, "PllV· • ..,,..,.. f"d · 11orage ·:'!pace f o r tt17ffit'. Nie" yu rt! !or tot & .. Hli, 2 BA, Cau1eo trailer-<boot , prage, ! yrs pe1, IJaragC'. u.t:i-0111. llig'hlands: Private bP.aches. .IOO U . RE 67"' """" old. Xlnt 1·ond . $ 2 8 ~. , --· . n1que . . J-"'!;NON. 49:.--tz.w: Avail Aug l. 1035 Utb St. Casta Mtaa acrou · from Lake Pa.rk.1----------compl•ta with 536-$2. THE BE::.'T COSTS LESS yaur 100~. COZY J BR bach .apt. Compl lmagh1l': v.·et bar, tinplact . Purchasa Option turn. Util incl. Blk from beam t.-eilings, rough-hewn Ind, lttm seltcUon. ocean, Suitable 1 lady. Sl..35. paneling, big private patio, 24 Hour D•ly. mo. 5.l&-2070. 2BR.-2 BATH, dubhouse, CUSTOM LRG 1 BR. Nicely furn. pool, V-ball. $185 inclds gas Furnitur• Rental Pool, patio. Nr Beach Blvd & wtr. 387 W_ B-Oy St. other 517 W. l9lb, C.M. 548-3481 & Adams. Adll,, Sl40. :J BR's from f165, All adults, Anaheim 774-2800 536-6717. no pe'ts. Lallabra 6!}4.3703 1-'=-~_c.-------I BAY J.!EADOWS APTS. BACHELOR unit-walk to * Call 646-0073 * S75. J BR, Vll<' Utii pd. beach & tQY.·n. uUl paid.jii0ii0iiiiii0iiiiii0ii0ii0ii0iio j Coafa Mesa DELUXE APARTMENTS NOW AVAILABLE Air Cond • Frplc's • 3 Swim• ming Pools • lleaH.h Spa • Tennis Cns -Ge.me & BU· ltard Room. SPACIOUS 1 & 2 Br. ap!A, .htd pool., cpts, d r p 5 , dswsh.er a l l bltns . S150-Sl i0/mo all util inc. 307 Avocado Apt 9, C~t . .....,.._ Caata Me1a EL CORDOVA Apts. NE\V 1 & 2 Bft Lwrucy Apts. Dshwhrs, :\1f'a doset:o1 & cup- boards, lu.1ury shag Crp!'&. bt.'allt. f'e(; raciJ & POOL. Adults e No petr.. 2!J11 Cira11l' !'it. 6-1 2-4·170 e REGENCY e 1~1MAC. 2 BR, 1 Ba. Shag crpt'g. ~elf clean. gas oven. dshll'hr, encl gar patio. 377 W. \\'ilson. I •"""""""""""""""""""I Cali 548-3605 ~i::~·~~r.~ p~r ~a~i0 n:c __ •_•_••_M_•_•_•-----· :M-.:-;-,.~1-.,.-v~;,~1-.---- ~1. Vac;un. G45-011J. SUPER SHARP :l BR. :J ha. beaut, crpt'd &. SM. 1 BR, vac, 111il pd. S85Jmo. * 536-3507 $9.'l. l BR, kids/pets ok. Sl lO. Util pd, N.B. 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM Sl40 MEDITERRANEAN VILLAGE * * * 2-100 Harbor Blvd., C.M. SPAC. 2 & 3 Br apt. $140 Up. !ltd pooL Play yd. Cpts. drps, hltns, patio. Kid~ ok. 1994 f..-!ap!e No. 3 6'12--3813 221 1 College No, 6 &16-2287 SHADY GARDE..'IS..POOL 1 & 2 BR .. furn. & unfurrr . IUCSliBJIU ZI • AND CLEAN drp'd. Central ait/cond, $1 89.50-KI DS & fl('ll! lllll'! 3 QtJ1c t r:astside l o c RI io n . fncd yard. Garden tr, ~r. 2 Br. Frn.'d yard & ;;;ar. J..arge 3 BR. 2 Ba, .spacious $285/mo. Ca!l 83G-4134. ~11. faniily & sf'p&.r31f' dJnine: roo1n, Jirepl, ca rp e 1 :;, Newport Beach $110,] BR pvt unit ovr gar. Sl10. 2 BR, vac, move in now STAR*LET U6-286ci BACHELOR apl, $110/mo, $50 cleannlg dep. Ytar'a 11.'l!.llf'. J'\ew cpl~. 673-2644. LIKE LIVING IN (714J 557-8020 l BR aCl'O!ll!I from beach. YOUR OWN HOME • • • RENTAL OF~,ICE S200 mo. lease, Adults, no :J Br, l~~ Bk unfurn, Cpts, 1 __ o_P~EN~~l~O~AM=~T0'-'..~6-P'-"M- pei. m-W'lS. .. ... '""'· p•tlo. FAIRWAY Ne_:port Beach WILSON GARDENS New Bcautilul Gllrdr.11 Apart. rn('nts, Privaie Patim, Pool, Spa. Garage. Luxurious Jand!:>caping. Adults, no pets, 2 BR-$180, 3 BR · $255. $1•0..w/POOL 2 Br. Studio. jSl~. <'Jl1s. drps. Kids & pct ok, fH~H.1 111 drapes, fenct"d yard . BEAUT mod, townhou8t 3 $26.111110, Call f..1r. r.1yhre. Br, 2~~ Ba, lrplc, pe.tio, ..__.._ Apta e WE HAVE RENTALS! • Ph. 6'2..,11 •h 1 pm. VILLA APJS, ' r·rom Sl30. NASSA U t:il E. Z1 St.. c .r.!. £46-8666 Balboa Island a ~0 -11 5 1, JIF:RITAG1'; pool, 2 car gar, all bltns, REAL TORS erpts, drap€'!. Lease $295. \Vinter and Yearly ___ -----·-_ ABBEY REALTY 642-3850 PAIM\1S. 2 children ok. Park-Like Surrounding 177 E. 22nd St. 642-364:> QUIET . DELUXE * Spanish Elegance 2 & 3 BR's LRG, clean 1 Br. upper. .1·2 & 3 BR APTS Private patlo pool • lndiv, Av11il Aug . 10. Nr K-f..1art. Also Furn. Bachelor ~-5 BR. f'amlly J.l~m<'. NEAT & CLEAN J BR home, (1 ) j23-4TIO or 84&-5991 eves S1ovp_. (1llS, garage. ~ ncd \vith hnl' crpts & drp.~. It's hetwn 8·10 or wknds. for kLds & p<'ls. 615-0lll, !he bell! at S2.'l5/mo. Co.mer BEACH VERY A!tr. 1 BR. apl; l"l'SP.r\'atio11!1 for winter '71. Call 673-4.!:{13. LIOO LEASE • L.rg i.mmac l BR, steps to bay. Adults. s:rio. 673-3181. laundry ·Jae: For adults over 35. $110. Prv patios * Hid Poo!t Quiet Adult Living Near Orange Co. Airport & 548-2407. Nr i>hop'g * Adutt9 only D 64'0lll lot, fin.>place & blt lns. Call TOWNHOUSE Y" SEAC N * .r ag-t. -546-4141. FREE!! ONLY sm YRLY LSE. Balboa Peninsula e S35 WK & UP -On Ocea.n l.ovely Bachelot"8 1 BR. r.1airl srrvice. Pool. Util pd. • Call 675-S740 e BRAND new, ~I b!k ocean, 3 Shag cpl • drps e bltn8 UCI. Adulta" only, M rt' • A ts BR, 2 BA, frplc, garage, 9 Beautiful Pool e All UW Pd 2!Jl22 5anta Ana Ave. REDECORATED, Irg :l br. G lftlqUe p • AVAIL. Sept 1st. 3 BR, £. f[as everything you wan: ,Landlords-Owners S1df', crpts & drpfi. lrplc, Jge incl v."OOd burning fireplace! mo. S280. 523-0022. 2 BR. $170 Mi:"r. J\lrs. Joachim, Apt 3·A ne0,~ cpts, dps;,.,, bl!Sruhs'..,~hild 1Ti7 Santa Ana Ave., Cf..{ Adul~ only-no pet!! 5-ifi..6Z15 ""· Sl50. 7.,., <1..1lmar !\!gr. Apt 113 £.IG-!'642 Ntwpon H•lght1 \10(' will refer 1cn.:i.nts 10 you fncd yd, dbl car gar. 'J. ~11·85l2_ J-llEI'~ or cha!'gt' .. 1'1any ch1llh'Pn sch! age. No pe ts. Ul'<'IQUE-2-Br, 2 Ba, pool. <1es1rabll' 1('nanls on our l'all f'Vf'S alt 7 pm. 548-9737. beach, frplc. No. I 4 4 ~itin;,: list. l BR 2 Ba $26j Vacaiit Ba}"lide Village. AdUllli, no ~LA Rental~ • 64.S.3900 4 Ur, 2 Ba, $ir5 · Av l 8/2) pets. Yrly only. $260. l213J 241 A\fOCado St. 646-0979 6-l2-i3t5. BACHELOR Apt. 3 bedroom CLEAN 1 or 2 BR. Adults, no ORLEANS APJS. * BEAlll"JF1JL 1 & 2 BR. apt. 2 hrrlrooin house. 333 Carona del Mar pets. Lg kit. $125-JI50. 24..'T\ IMMACULATE 1 BR, cpts, Contemporary Garden Apts, }~. 21st SL LRt.; Bachelor, 2 b!ks Bir \orona, $155/mo. Yr t y. (Jarage Avail, 1 Ad 11 . &12-8520. E. 16th St. NB. 646-1801. d ..... s, bltrui. '""·iet 4-plex. Nr ADULTS ONLY P11tios. fr p I c .!i. pool. .,.. """ $151)...$165. Call 546-5l63. 2 BR, 1 1~ Ba. srudio. Encl Santa Ana fryws. No pets. Mgr, 2868 2 & 3 BR. Avail. Privaic pa. patio. End ot cul-de-.sac. • VACA ·r i 0 i-.: YEi\R hnma.<'. homes, _rpl!!/dr-pis, T::i.S-1161 or see m.::!g~•·---LaSallr. Apt 1, CJ.1, tio, pool. indiv. laundry Iac. DELUXE 2 Br/l'h Ba, cpls, 339 Cabrillo. G42-J933. nou,D-C 1 b ·tovc frpll' s b!rrts, patLo, J\1ESA l BDR. 7 ba. f..l~ny Extras. ' oi.y r. s • VERDE. fi.16-5386 aft .. (i m. rtfri1;. all u:il pau1, $110. -P Rent Open. 7 Br, trpl. balcony, yrly only. 1~1 & last. sm. 3 :J 2 llel i ol r op". Av! 9n. 67.>.3645. ROY AL SUITES 549-352·1. (Ni. Orange Co. Airport; Tus.. drps, s!ove, dshl\·hr, gar. MOTEL APTS tin at 17l.h St; nr. \Ves tclili). Sml t'hLld ok. Av! 8/l. $\Sj. 2 & 3 BR, CrpL~. Drps, SllS, . HARBOR GREENS &l2-79"8 """· 765 Sha'""'" "'"'" i\LA n.cnlal~ e tl-1~3000 5 BR, J BA. $275/mo. Cpts, (21 31 &il-5438 drps. dshwhr; nr. sch.ls & Newport Shores $45 PER WK. GARDEN & STUDIO APT'S 17-tl Tustin, Costa r.tesa =N"'rc=E~. =-",~rm--.~,~8= .. -. -,-0=1·.1 aft 4 P._m~·=~--==--1 UP Bnch. J, 2, 3 BR's. from SllO. Mgr. !ltrs. Thompson 642-4€'1 pOOL. Cl05t' 00 shop'g.1$145. e CORSICAN e BEL !~~VE• 2 hr, ~-(':.ir .~hop'i;:-. Avail Aug J . g;'l r, I-ads .t-pt"IS O!\:, \VllJk !).!5--0:.?S4. 2 BR. 1 BA. Den. Frplc. • ;>.'ICE apt for ren!. l/2 blk lo ocean. Ut1l pd. SJti j & i1p 2500 Seavie1o1t, CJ!~f 2700 Petenon Way, C.M. 313 E. 17th Pl. No. B. Deluxe 1, 2, 3 BR's, nr South (Daily&. W••kly Rates) 54&-0370 ~~~=-----5.fs--6.""!32. Coast Plaza. 54:i-23Zl 'M beach. $1·!:1. 1\VAll~. Aug 15th. sm. 3fiR: Patio, Pool pnvil. Rrf's ALA Rentals • 1;.r~3900 2 BA, fl'l!ccd yd, CO\'eN!tl rt"Q 'd $265 6-12·30f!2 or pt " UtG 1 BR, nr Fa1rgrnds.1 ccc..:::::::c._ ___ ~-----Com ete "lichen, linien~. 2'E!n. Com pl e 1 e I }' \\'/1o1.· cpt.s, Pvt pat, 1..oLo; or 3 BR, 21~ ha studio, cpt'g, LGJ>; dehp:e ~Br, 2 Ba, new patio, rrplt', crpts s, dfl>!I 5.'i7~148i. ---BEAUT modern furn ba c-h npt \v/patio. $130 mo lease, nll util intL t7~7il'l7 t\'e~. phone seTVIC(", hf'ated pool, rNlecoraled. I\l'w v.•/1o1.' cpts tile, $1J). Jnrant 0 K, drps. bltns. $1901mo. No rptsldrps, patio. t 1(i5. 'fV t:. maid ~rvice optional & drps Sl40 mo. Ad ulls only, &46-8226. pets. 998 E. CB m i n o -642-9996 or &12-1£1.t. •SPACIOUS<! nr. r nfi 1-:•1r. Call ~J.>-8820 or 5'15-11139. Universitv Park .fer"l<..~t y.<1'11, x\n! \roe. Kids ~RR&. [k>n, 2 be, dbl i::ar. & J)('ls Sl~. fncU . 2394 College Dr. J'l95 Studio & J Bedroom no ""Is. 241 Co~ta. :\lesa St. /-c;,:_.=c___ _______ . '' il N B h " BEAUT!c'UL 2 B l " B %--0<:_;.;:'~I~. oo--c;c-cc-.=c "* I Br. Sl:l5 tllcid_.. util m PP>. to ew-;:iort ee.c • S hown W~d-Thurs-Fri . r r, .,,. a ;:-" o · .~ Studio, new C',....I, & p"ot, 3 BR, 2 Ba. dl'luxe. I3ltns, Adults, no pets. 8W Center :; mues to n.'ne".and) Zll·796-2.137 eves .,. IU S Cl\f Cail 642-5848 . . . ..........,._ LEASE or Salc--1 Br, 2~i Ba.. home. Un iv. Pk. Irvin,... Costa Mes• ~\ Rcr11;1ls • 6-1.t.:l900 1110 Isl'. 833-8&18. 531·l930 • Drps, bltns, carport. ~ni: v.•/w L'}lt. rlrps, lljllr, .'t., '· · 901 NJ Harbor Sarita Ana VERY NICE 2 Br. Duplex. $160/mo. ijp pets-1 child patio, gar. Likt n ew. * ~ E:\'TRA !gt' '.! Br, 2 Ba. 1Bc'r:....-een r.tc.Fadden k $1!'fl.50-tl69.50. Frple, beam ok. 998 El C!i.mlno, 546-0451. ,962-1;=::,;:.''°==· ,--""'"°""'°'"==-cpts, drps. Sli"i/mo. 976 Xlnt rond. 4119-3525, 644-&!06. CASA de ORO • l'()OI. -+ 2 Ur 'J. l.Ja. 2~r l 200BDR~I. crpls, fenced yd. . I = g~r. crpls, drps, l..-1ds & ' 111•1i., SJtJj. 1\1..A llenl&!i e 61;rJ:oJ PRIVATE I BR v.·l~IO'-"' rlrp~.. Gas paid, 15th AffiY.2 hr, 0l'an1-:l', $12S. 642-0538. Houses Fum. or" Unfum. CASUAL Calif. L!vir.il" In Ill Edinger) ceil, patio. AdultsSaonly, no * 2 BR, 1 BA. GARDEN EAST Side 2 BR. refrig' !lhssion or !H£....8129. \\'&rm l\JMHC'rr;i.nc;i.n a tmo~· pets. Refs. 2354 nta Ana; u ·1 Sh t d " d e 2 BR t "-bl Apt. Unfurn. 365 aft 6 call 548-0579, n1 s. ag crp g, rps, i>toVf', crpuo, rps, garage, , cp ~ .... ,.s, Ins, Jlhf'rl' Spacious color CO· dwhr, patio, be11m ceilings, fenced yd. !\lature adult.5. encl gar. Adults, oo ~ts. 310 e BRTCHT & LITILE I.s111.nd·3 hr, duplf'l<, Yrly $3ii £73-6720 l'.>r 64-t-491~1. '.? ha mo. ordin:lt,..rlapts-1lesigrrrd& General • QUIET!! • frplr, gar. 26fil Elden. $115.li~2--5.i31Xlntloc. Call art £:30 pm & v.·knd11, rurni~l)ed ;or s1y!e & eom--:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.12 Br, d!"'P!i, new crpl'g. Baker 537-311;; $165/il-10. =sP~A7c~1=0~u,-S-,--b-,-. -,-,-,-. -"-'· i ~'-"7-~7·~W~7· ___ ~---I r•rµt s, drps, 111r·c yarU , 2Br, newly decor, Sant.a Ana ~ds & ])t'ls. $170. Ave Resp. rpl $195/mo. /J...A Re11lal!1 e £..l;i.:l':IOO ph: 54;HHI2 bhv 12-'2. for!• l leatcrf p00I •Kitch· • & Harbor shop'g. Locked '' · rll-"• 11· hi,.• e VENDOME SPACIOUS 1 Br. furn. J13:>. d r p.~. lorkc d gar,* 2 BR. upper. hltns, rpts, r,1 ' in ... ~ g n.. ..r. Adults, no Pf"ts. $145/ Deluxe RIO. Adults. No pets. Adlts, no Pf'I!. Gar. Av!. lf a r b o r I B a k t r iu·r:i. drps, r.o pets. S13.'i mo. 568 1 BR.-$175 tum. l~fi\lACULATE AP'I'S! mo. 645-3.ilS or &U-0753. 8/ll. 642-2550, 5-16-8422. 5ai.;;.l:i9. #' \V \Vilson. M5--0760. e AT THE BEACH.2 b + 4 Br, 2 Ila. cpts, drPs, walk Costa Mesa r ~rills & shop'g Pl·t uk. $235. df'n. 2 ba, 1rp!r. !encPd 3028 G11rlleld. :...15-6294 . 1 RDJL\! hou~ for rPnl. S\40 UTILITIES INCT.UDED ADULT and Apta., Aptt., Apts., Apt•~ .V.i \V. \\'il§On 642-1971 FAMILY Section Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Furn. o r Unfurn. 370 Furi.i. o r Unfurn. 370 Furn. ar Unfurn. *$JS WEEK & UP* Close to ahoppin51, P•rk l------------------st di & 1 BR ... Spacious l BR's. 2 ba Sanl• Ana S•nl• Ana - yartl. lod$ S: Jl('ls. $275. --__ Af".A,·R<'nt;tl~ e 64~3900 !\1ESA Verde 3 Br, mo. 1999 J111rhC1r Blvd, C~f t•p1s/t>lln.~. $235/nio. ls! & 3 BR 2 "-,-h ---. la!I rno. advall(.'t', 54j....2786. . ...... 1111 . on1e "'' --.c~-~--~-POOl at $.100 monlh, Colic~(' 3 BH, Lj::r Ji>nced yard, Park, Costa f..IPS&. 81() G·ovcrmr. $185. J BR, 2 ha homt, $225 mo. U:-11.je. Bl'st nn'a, partly furn. 545-5851. La.gun• B•ach 2 Br. llOUS!' Ullf. s:rr... Aval.I ""to 21312*1·96.'>6 -. * J'\rar bt.>rrrh, tl!'W 2 BR, ocra11 • I !\It un furn, v."Rter paJd. \·1cv.·. derk, yaN, $2:'!0 n10, mt! Aui.: N'p! Rrh. Ca.11· (i7J.:l6f'J G-12-22.-,3 E"vP~. ,\!lull.~. Nu JX'!.S. S90. !tear ~'~"-'7"'~·~'~'-"_.,.,_. ____ _ 111 l!J:J:J Anaheim. (;.16-3160. S•nta Ana u 0 apts. * SY.·im pool, pu t/gnen SUNNY ACRES * , ... ,, 100;,fLno"' '"'b MOTEL 1845 Anaho;m A ve. COSTA l\ll::SA 642-2824 l bllr south or Fa1rxrounds :!.Ti6 i\'e1vporr Blvd. 2BDR~l. apt~l'a-ba., bit. .~IS-97~,5 ins. cpl, dr11pes, Pnclosl'd :.;~;\\'LY 11alipiil)Prrd 2 BR i:ar, 222 lrd SI., 1£.8. /11rn 11111 v.·iH1 crp\ & drps. J.36....(j321. associated 2 BH 1 Ua S ed J "'-l J'\r shopg &. 1'~ mi fru1n ~6~•~l~bo-.-l~•~l-•nd-,----' · 111 isi •• .,c, CORONA DEL MAR lw:1~11. ~ Demard St 11 J1\' crpts, s_195. Lse. 263 \~ HI Gi&--07211 IDOKERS-REAL TORS %075 W. lolboo 67J·l66J Brii11.1h1a). fil.fl 783-2841. I BR 1,, 8 . _1 · BRA.i"\D nev.· 2 Br. 2 Ba. Dbl, --3 . • A \\a!rr J"' ~c,--,,-. -,,-..,-. -b-llo-,-.-,-,-lk-I Ji:ar. Baytronl vir~·. S-t:.O mo ·------2 f!H. 1 h:i . rw"·ty c11r~1Nl. t'nt 119:-i. tuni Szio. &11.111.~ 1 337 E H ~ J Deli.mom, 2 h11th, separate 4 111~. ~ar, iur{' }'<l. Jli:>. CalJ _ in clo,e1s, tnilc. J ad\!. Jl:JI yr Y • ay .... nr ~anu!y ro:•n1 v.11h f1r!'plarl'. Dirk Fni11.~. &l&-J928 Townhous• Unfurn, 335 ruo }Tly. ()ppn. Hsr. 336 E. \\'\nton Heal Esla1t 6i5-33.11 1arrcc honos roon1 .o.IJQ\'<' dhl . ----. ---c.~,--~ 20th . 6-1~-~;i2Q, l,SI-.: 2 Br, 2 Ba. St v, refrig-, < •• ,,., •• ~"".l'.".·,,~·m••il' .I.Br f l·an1 rin_. f11cd yd .. Costa Mis• It"" ---,. 1• i~ M•I\ 1 11 .... • .... , " "• "" -=-,...-------, 1·.AL Value' Cpl<:, r!rp~, 'P .• ! • ,.. .•. , ire ti< 11 .~ 011- Ca.it ~HG·2.113. /lsk fur Trrn• (pts, "drps,_~µU/m~o;, avail LOVELY 2 :ity to.,71hsf'. ~ 1lshwhr•. POOL, 2 BR's. ly no prts, $215. 675-008. no w .• 103 ~ erler111. ;)'l.>-9'151. 1 · d Br, 2 B11 in il1ontlc~11o. I~.). Matun> a 1111~ only, no Coron• del Mar .Fountain Valley Sw1mm1nl{ pool ~ clubhouse Pf'T.~. Quit'!. 229~• Pacific iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim l pri~·r. S200. mo. afl ~. Aw. :)tS-6878 or 642-t~29. HUGE, deluxe homr, fully _'3:_3-_22_99:·:._______ * REDF.C. Lrg 1 BR. ~n-1 7.~Wo;:S;D;E=Co=.=,=,,=,=,=,=,.=,:1 niaint. 5 BRJ J BA, dln'g, Huntrnuton B•ac:h lrRI loc, pool, carpnM. ft~·.,.~ limn . 2 bath l10n1C'. f·rcshly hoar & (."1lmptt. brk'I · :.;._,.,;..:;... _ _;_;_ ___ tHllL~lno pets. $1l'i/mo. ri00 ..,. ~-~d a!!Kl neiv gr<>rTt J{t>nt.Jc-aSt"-opt, $350/nio. FOR l.ea1t : 2 Br. \V. llsmll!on. 146 -4160, sli:.ti (':i.i"ll4.'h! !hrunut. Dbl. _ .. _,.._J~\.o.-o--~-c---~~ 1 Town h 0 u IC' • b It n s. r..ts..t1760. ON TEN ACRES JO\.i;al:r. rornt>r lo\ with 3 BOR."11, 2 Bath, a cross washu/~r. * v.• i mm . g TRAlLF.RS :J hr, S I~+ & l • :J BR. Furn. A Unfum. trllceu .'u"I. Rl·n1 al ~:..'(f.i Imm "l"m<>n!ary school, pooL SlTWgio. Call ITI-1l tl10+ !\laturr persons on!~. Firepla~2 t t.irlv. pa.tloa. fi-f monlh or 011tion 10 louy, \\"alk 10 ~hop'g l· high 296-0442;,,&~go. &46-1!!09. Pools Tennl1 Contnt'J BkfsL duU Brok,..r S.1>~191. ~t'l"lllfil S22S/n10. Ca I J Du_plax, ea Un~rn. 3SO I :-7"2=~~~-=~~ 00) Sea IAne. CdM 644-2ru __ . ~!2-j(JJG _ _ ~ I k BR Tr11ilers. ~80 &. Up. IM Artb Coa baths, nire l•~nc· -:· -~-~--~ 1 Cast• Mesa ' F..:Jderly pref'd. lJ3 E. lGth ac ur nr st Hwy) )i:f r k11!s. J'\(•w paint 3 BR. 2 Ba, lrp1c. fully crptd, Sf. C.i'1 . 642·126.'i. :.iijq .:t<'l'n shag carpels drps, be11ut. larntlcpd. l.A'aze 1 BR. v.'/W, stlref., gar rat-l e:--,\;-,&~,~B~R~.~,.,..-,7K-ol~Poo~l. NEW·A great place to livt tl~1!. S1ni;lc garage. Rf'n! $240. :>31·2998. tachl !ml patio. \ adl!. Sml lhe year rot1nrl! \\'alk to <1lOC'l2~1 IXY pl'>r mo Call H , , h child ok. $128. 642-8):20. F'tyk'. Patio. From Sl39. 14~ a;hops, 11'a.ik to beach. 2 Br, :J t~~ .1,. "'h. -unt1n51ton u•ac E. 18th. fi.l2-4fi03. &, r·rp1.c, Pr!v patio. Kit, -·r :J ,......,.,bJ. 2 BR, Pvt yanJ, Laundry nn, I o-=:--~~=:--~-~-1 G~bn~~, -.-E-POSSESStON. low 3 BR, 2 BA. Ctpf'g, drp1, Bltm, Children OK, 37:1 "B.. I BR, Pool, Util J>Akl, AdlL hlll\!I, Cose In ear. TM!Mul No -L N" ,•-p'r ~1ux decor. 3."!0-A r.ta-••rtt•. ih' ksume low Int ll)an ~·alk to 8hop'g !. sch11. 16th Pl, $150 mo. 549-3666. ,.... ' "" · ...... ' fii5-487J. ••Y · g~ qul\lllyh1Jt. Bk r · ('hll~!re n, pets ok. S2JO Newport Beech ~'=156~~mo=. ~,.._,,..-'-~-·-~--I ~=-=-==~--1 ltU.'..i24!i anytln1r 11<16-:)806. I ~..;.,..;_______ SPACIOUS, lovely l & 2 Br, THE GABLES ~-----s~ s~· I U 4 DR 2 Pool. ree nn. $1(i(l to $155. J Lrg 2 Br, l ~i Ba w/gar. N\I 1J'l1'.:or-3 Br, rpt~. drp~. 4 BR ""~ 1no '"""mo. YT y. pper , 'ti pal10, fnnt yd. $210. e No Single!! e BA . N f' w t' pl 1 & ="='·7"~'~1~$~140"'-. ~64~;..C'-';,;i30c::· __ 1 $l~. Adults. Cpta, drps, or 67;µ)267 . (';111 att 17: 962-7ti82 rl!decorated. '• blk ~an. BUSINESS ml'ns 1pe cl a1 bl!ns, lncd yard v.•lpatio. A\'ail Aug ~ ll7 B-3lrd wkly nites no...-oUt~ 10 2437 Orang" Ave, No. C. B1 y Irvin• · · -· 636-41.m. 836-5738 or ~7SJQ. eVt'ryone. Lo •s $36 ~·k. ~ · wtrfmt w/pler SN.lark r.totel, 2301 Np! ~l>R lease-Deluxr new all ' i.A'aSE" Opt10t1 • UNIVERSITY PARK • NPT fslt Blvd &16-7445. elec :J Br, l Ba. conwrt den, 2~ B~. 3 BR. 2 ba. to-Nnhle .... $32S float. 3 Br/2 Ba, frpl, llnobs~ view <>I._~·· •. 1tm, tam rm. rvrl pat!O, sundeck. $375 yrly tu . .,/ AVL now . l & 2 BR tum. V9J Oii «M n·k .... ~6 3 Bil. 2 l.Jeths .......... $335 ~ -... ocean. Adlts. only. 671-6992 . ...,.,., mo r U"t~ • 3 BR 2, ba•"· ._,, '11 ,.,....7 • .,... Pool, ~ rm, Kd localion. , 4 BR. 2 :I .. ':'.': ........ ~l .:Oc.:..,I:..;;:__ ______ No chlldttn or pela , VIEW of BAY -Attrac 2 hr del Mar · b!I. llUU$t" .............. up exes, ~ duplrx. Cpt1, drp9. blms, Furn. ar Unfurn. 355 I ~-==,.-_,~·-~-~~~ HORECLIFF ~ ed h·11 VF.RY Nlct" 1 Br dpb:. Quiel. patk> dtt.k. $250 mo. YeAJ"ly. 'jl1ii!nJOm, be.th i' Yr. di ninit . r I N•wpart B••ch Stp by a1ragt"S, Adullll over ,'~'="""°r,,~·-· ""'""''"'"-=c~--1 , family room. 12 lo 18 BA\'. VTF.1.\' _ 2 Br. 1 Ba, JO, no_JM'\!1. :-,.is.1021. NE\\' 2 Br. 3 Bit. Dbl. 1ar. lttM · $450 f)t"r ChOi~ lot:. 2522 Se1view. tnr.JucH • .... -ien REAi.TY \\.'inter l'.>r yearl)'. 1 , BR. $l3."J. Pool, Laundry t400 ~Jonth. yearly, · ~ ......... ""· Univ, Parlc CA?nttr. lrvl nt • C11ll 67~5129 • roor11. I K!t'l'(N.gMml GORMAN Winton Reill r:statt 675-3331 "11 ' REALTORS ('nll Anytime 833-M20 * * &12-2181 * * ~~-Hlrh··oy.' __ 1 Wh. y 1\on' II 111 tt)t> attic 1 ci .F.AN_l _Bn:-Crpt~. l)rpg, l,IVE in qu\tt & mmfort. Al, c.afl ~ .. '"· t It I 1 lr&t' 3 Br ""·/•II amtnities . ..1.J Mar 6"-7270. nREU or H\81 old rumiturT! "''""" you can urn n n $1-tO ~n l"-'u:. ~ .'-'P • Ira rea1ly not th.II ~ mn™'Y throu1h a DAILY • • ;:H0-9T'J.2 * • So. or hwy. $l50/mo yearly. (..lSllJYUNG 2 Br coC~I'. Pll.CYr W11.n1 M------'-----67Hr:>5. ~ • fi.1'ftltun • mlacell1""°'.11 RI\ quick ca.sh tor It wtth a rlon. · ooiunWlll tn u,. CuaUt.d Fr r thllt !!em W¥a[ ..,.,. cpt1, drp., blt.na, lrplc, 2 car Now Showing So don't leave your youngsters ix-hfntl whto r.ou comt over lo in.sped: Orange County's glitt".ring, new ap&tbnebt community-sount COAST vn.t.As, For while you"re admiring the sumptuous private Clubhouse and Santa Ana Santa An• luxuriantly landscaped ~mW, we have a few goodies tbat'U d"light their little bcartJ too. Like our $500,0CX) CMd Care Center and playlaod. sount COAST VILLAS is where both 11dul1s an<l children hive the best of everything. O.Cor1lor sl1/.J 1, 2 & 3-b.Jroom 1prarfmenf·hom~ • C1nlr1I g11 relriger•t.d 1ir-<:Ottditioning • l1l1Med '""r Kitchens • Color-b1rmoni:l.d 1ppli•nc..1, inc/vding disbw11~h.r • l'riY11I• titrTectJ • W1lk·in w1rr/rohes • 4000-.tq. ft. CluhhotJ,.. with enlerl1ining & dini"fl l1ci/ilies, s•un111, bil/iirds, c1rdrootr11 • C11b.n1t, b.irbecve, b1c/minlon, JhrJffl•botrd • 3 ,._.t.d P90l1 i nc/ J.cu.a:i • Child C.t11 Certltr I pl1yl•nc/, All this family luxury living from $145 a month Stttt..,.ntr, furnit.lled ~•ii-rt!Ml!b tnd *rwtteii ctl'ltw-~dllty 10 •. 11. to? p.111. \ )'trd nu ")O Sl7 to rrplll('(', Ju:rt watch the I DON'T 5:'1Vt II •••y, pl Nf:AR Btach-:J Br, II.ii Ba. DAILY P'ILOf h' adlanf &le-Non. try ll111t Pf'nll)' Pl~ DAlt.Y PTLOT 01111lfled 111r. "6et'm?. 1i7:,...~l'>. ·-· . .>loJ~~·:::=~-~-~i.-~-~~~·~· ;. ~· ~~~~~---:::.;:::::.:::_ --~~iiO;;;;:::;:::;;-~-;:; ,·~-·')~;....;~:;:;;:: • _ _,...,. .... .,, -""•. "1'1!'l~--""-'r ,.. o-..::...-pt~"·; li4::...J ·1 .... ,.,..~~-!. -->~,.:. -.fl '·..1 " # • '"· ---• ·----..i..·L.-~~ --------" . : ~ -· --. -i;t--~ • 370 I l I • NOW! NEW! PILOT PENNY PINCHER 'CLASSIFIED ADS WITH A NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES 2 TIMES ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e Combined Total of Items Not To Exceed $50 • e No Copy Clian9e5 e No Abbreviations • • No Commercial Firms e CAL( 642-5678 ASK FOR YOUR DAILY PILOT L4D-VISOR ' AND YOU MAY, ::CHARGE IT! • OA!l,Y PILOT ....... Apt. Unlurn. 420 Office Rent•I Apts., Furn. or Unfurn. Apta., 370 Furn. or Unfum. Apt<. Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Coste Mei• 370 2 BR duplex-0-pts, drp.o;, Huntington Beech Huntington B•i1ch Newport Beo1ch bl!ns, fill.le, garage. $150 . -:;;;:;;::;;:;;;;;:;::;:;;.;:;;;:;;;;;::;;::;;;;:;::;;:;;;;;:;;::;:::;:;;:;::;:;f-Di<CnD-riiViii:r.:'" S'I\.1010 rara&e apl~.lolle to PROFESSIONAL Bide. NHYC &: bay beach. SI~ sq It. A!ro(ll)n(! crptt 2 or l. AvaU AU&'. 10 thru gd park.Ina:. :Ont Joe '350 It Labor o.y. $100 wk or $350 J7th St. C:P.t . PETE BAJ\. for 4 w~. 673--0QI. RETT RLTY 64:2--435.1 liACHJ-:.WH. apt, :l blocks 10 DESK spa<.~ available ~an (Newport/. Sip.~ 4. mo. WUI provide fumlt Week.IS avail Aug. 1'4 & Aug, at SS mo. Answering oerficel 21 $115/wk. 644-1875. available. 305 No. ' EI * BALBOA ISLAND Camino Real, San l lOTEL. Apts-Rooma:. By C&emente. 492-441.0 . 732 w ... 10 De, &4<-'613. -----------RESORT LIVING e n~ADULTS only, quiet 2 Br, 1~'1 Ba. GE kit, 2 ear gar. z.ao E. 16th Pl. :)48-&t.12. $105-1 BR. Gar. Stove. relrig, cpl or elderly pt>rson. The Add'°" .•. For Active Adults I & 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATHS Furni!ihed or Unfurnished No pets. Ph . 5'1.S-7237. I ALL UTILITIES PAID LOVELY garden duple:o.:-2 • • br, 2 ha, S165. Resp quiet All Anyone Can Desire 1n Apartment Living Ll.l rury apt Jlvlnr w/ fl mil· lion recreation ..• swimming, tennis, billiards, sand vol· Jevbaa, health clubs, sauna1, clubhouse, paf'ty room, res- ide tennis Pl" & pro 11hop & n1uch more. Slngle11, 1 &. 2 BR. F'urn/ Unturn. Renta irom $ll5 ... No !e1..11e re. qu11-ed. J\.fodels Open Dally 10 lO 8. Day/\l/eek or M on I b . NEW \Vaterfront Offices 67~3613. $37~ To $435 Month BALBOA _ Ne\\•ly dee. '..l br Above 'Mie Islander adults. Refs. 548-8007. -Central air co nditioning & heating • 2 BR. 2 BA s ruo10. SJj(l. -Charn11ng fireplaces -Unusual Jrg. closets nr beachell & shop'g. Avail 34_1 Bayside Or., N'pt. ~ach wkly or mnthly. 61$-;)!IJO. Bill Grundy Rltr. 67::.-6181 Cpts. drps, patlo, POOL. l -2 sv.1inlnling pools, therapeutic pool, sauna child ok. 646-..Q.196. -C~ne ntal Brunch SOUTH llAY CLUll (jUJ'it tor illng1e people) Nev.wrt Beach • l BR: Stove. retrig, ep1s, -Gym. billiards. -driving r ange, putting green LA GUN A. 1lttpe 4, ~'eeks BAY VIEW OFFICES avail -July 31st, Aug. 14th Deluxr Air.Conditioried d1"Ps. patio Sll5. No pets. -Free professional golf clinics Irvine & 16th. 645-0-jS() & 21st. Ca!! (714) 83&-54-Ml. Lido Area -;)()(: Sq. Ft. "'-"''i. 1--i:;;~i=r==R 2 BDRl\f studio 2 ba, cnclos- t>d garage. Pr\. pat i o. ' B B • CJ hi Realonomic11 Bkr. 675-6700 r nr ay u lOUlle. ==--''---'~C-C'-'--".I 5-\S-2822. 3 BR, 2 Ba. ne\\' rlrps. l.'p!s, h!tns, patio. S 16 5 I ino . &l:>-4647 or ~324. DELUXE :l Br, 11;, Ba, \\'f\V cpl, drps. gar. Adults. 23-16 Santa Ann Ave. C.,1, ----SPACIOUS 2 BR. 11i BA, to1vnhouse apt. Patio. $l50. 637-29-13. 2 BR, Cup!{':<, <"p!s, drps. bltns, patio. No pets $130 ~8-4418. Ea1t Bluff NEWPORT BEACH Villa Granada Aptt. Four bedrooms with balcon- ie~ above & 'telow. Gracious Jiving & quiet SWT01•nding ror family with ~hildrPn. Near Corona del r.far Higb School. Fireplace Wet bar &. built-in kitchen a0ppliances. S35 AfDGOS WAY 644-2'J91 Coldwell, Banker &. Co. fl.lanaging Agent 5-11-52'.!1 NE\''L Y tleoora led 2 Br-2 ha upstairs apt. BHins, crpts. drps, 2 carport~. pool. 1 Child or p<>t OK. $2j(J nio. PHONE: 675-6050 Huntington B•ach * FRESH AIR \l.'alk 3 hlkii to Beach~ Lrr. 3 BR apt, Jl('1vly clccor. Dbl attached gar, fl'plc, l:V.. Ba. .a,lrns, except rrfrig. $:?2:i. No sngls, no pets. 536-1711. -~~~~~~---* KIDS WELCOME :O.!OVE J,'\/ TODAY. fltti-ac- l il'e 2 BR APT. $11.j.Sl YI I ALL F:X1'RAS. POOL. Pris ol<. J7::ti2-,, J\,.,-.J~o11 J.n. 8~2-6235 or 96$-7jJO. LGE 2 br, 2 ba st,,-d7,o-,-,.c, v.•/pa!io & yard, all blln;;, lndry tacll. Vic 'Varner & Be11ch Blvd. $150. 842-~:;.1!1. 1 BR -adult, no ~ts. $123. Nr lnterL'Olll Ho.~p. Gas & 11•a!er pd. 842-8381 ------~~~-~ 2 BR TP.I-PLEX. adult~ only no pc(s. quiet l iv1ni:. 847--0124. "lfr 2 BR, clo~crl gar. Child &.: sml f)f't ok. Sl~0/1110. Call 8-12-8365. I BR, 3 blks from ocean. Sl35 1110. Adult.~. Call S.36-1710 OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS (resor! living !or a<lu.l!s) Newport Beach 16th & Irvine 6-12-8170 e NICE • Ltdo ts!I.'. $150/w k . DESK space available $50 $485/mo. Call 673-TI85. mo. Will provide furniture , . . , , at S5 mo. An.~v•ering service NE\\iPORI Bch, " block available. 222 Forest Ave, from ocean-Avail 8/7, $!10 Laguna Beach. 494-9466 v.•kly. 892-49:16. DELUXE OFFICES. modern BALBOA lsl11.nd, altr 2 br, prot buUdlng, "'1>1•/d"P• .. The n1ost beautiful view ot " • lhA line loc: nice patio. O\vner: air corn!, ample n<>,.king, the bay &. ocean In " 673-1503 ..-... 6551 Warner, Huntin9tan Beach 714/847-8526 llabor area. 2 BR. 2 BA · ifunti.ngton Harbour area. :2 apt~. tor lease. 642-1202 Vaci1tion Rentals 425 Units 750 sq. ft. Day or --.-~ eves: 714/839-8411. Santa An• BIG BEAR l..\l\E, 3 hdrn1, l l;o~E~s"·'··~=-:--c---,-~~~1 , • • • n. space available S50 Professione lly M"n.iiged by Southern Counties M"negement Co. VILLA MARSEILLES BRAND NEW SPACIOUS bit, t\ery!hing !tun t.u1 hn-mo. Will provide furniture f'ns, sleeps 7, SIOO wk lor 4. at S5 mo. Answering service 6~~-aval!able. 17875 Beach Blvd. Apt. Unfurn. 365 Newport Beach MARINER SQUARE APARTMENTS for adults d esiring 1u l11·r adinldst b<'all!y by lhe sea Jn Ute p1cs•ig1ous \Vcslcluf area. FROM $230 J\11' Buckley, i\1anagrr 124-1 Irvine Ave, N.B. Call 6·1~>-02:--2 ----------- Apts., Furn. or Unfurn. 370 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apts. Adult Living Furn. & Unfurn. ;;;;;-;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;:_:;;:IDishwasher. color coon:linat- PALM MESA APTS. "" appliano" • pl"'h •h&f B;;.r•helor unfurn •••••• $135. Bachelor hll1l ........ Sl45. l·BR unfurn .......... S\4-0. 1-BR furn ....... , from Sl5:-l. 2-BR unfuru •••••••••• $16(1. 2-BR !urn ........ Irom $17&. e POOL e SAUNA e JACUZZI Jjtj1 T\1('511 Dr. Santa Ana l BR, clo~e to beach & shopli, carpet • choice ot 2 color schemes • 2 bath! • 1ta..ll sho\Ver.!I • mirrored ward· robe door.!I . lnd~ct J\gh!- lng In kitchen • breakfast bar • huge prlva!e tenctd patio • plush landscaplng • brick Bar-B-Q's • lari• heat. ed pool.!I & lanai. 3101 So. Brl1tol St. (~!,i !\Ii. N. of So. Coast Pia.ta) Santa An• PHONE: 5S7 .. 200 Rentals to Sh•re 430 Huntington Beach, &i2-4l21 SHARE ap! w/girl art •tu· Bu1ines1 Rento1f 445 dent in Cd~!. Very pleasant ATTilAC . & pvt 5 r.fln . to UC!, 5 n11n • store & 0U1ce 10 NB. S100 pt>r n1o, Ready spnce.~ S50 & Up. Dwntwn h Au . 131'li. 6-l-1-4686. Sa_n . Juan Capistrano, nr y g OH~SlOll, 493-11;)3. LOVELY apt ln singles L-On1-filfowRoo=c:-~-~~~. -I plcx 11·1dsh11·~hr Jaculzi ill mfg. & office · u :I '"d 9-. ' space. Close to Laguna toe. Si\Ull~, et(;. II pa! $ J lllO. 195 To $3SO r,1o. <l'u •<»5J \Vork1ng wninan 10 share ....-... · 11•/same. 892-938!!. HARBOR Blvd. frontag e RELIABLE emplyd man (30--11~ sq tt. air oonrl. crpld. 60) 1hr lwc HB apt v.·/same.1713_25~--m~•-·~P~h~"-'-_8000c._,~·-=,I 10 min bch. 1>42-7286 aft 9 Industrial Rental 450 BHF.AT!JTAKING VIE\V ~170. !lugr "l. FlH tlPL 1!1gh 011 Back Bny Hluffs w/2 pvt ba lcon1.,s, iqilr, hr a~ rd noo l. loads u[ (;\n~f'!~. 7<\j J1<>111ingo J)r. (C.D.ill .H.S.I (<ti! 6·1:.t-1260. quiet area. J\lature: per:sons please. pm~. -~~-=-~,.-,l--;-:::;:T;-~';';:'.~..,­Sl!S.2j a piet~ 2 Br w/pool *COSTA MESA* !urn, utl pd, 1'-lature \\"oman $95. & $167 per month. to sharr 11•/nursc. Eves -Indu~trial units, ready tor Thurs; DYs -Fri; 64~5918 oceupancy. ll0-22o Power \\'ISi! to share lovely large • C. NA'/1'RESS RI.TR. * ~~-~--I rinly. No fl('L~. Adult~ Preferred '1~~-1402 9 ani-7 pnl Back Bay home w l 1 h 130 E. I 7!h, C.M. 2 BR. 2 Bil., frrl. pa110. 2 1 ------~---·I Crtrporl. Ust• or pool. S22i Huntington Beach ~------J ttent111 busi~~ lady. 646-1319. 6-l:.!-1485 NEED fr1nale to 1•r rl! rootn r.r-l 1_2S0 sq. ft. ne\v bldg 11·ith kitchen fo1· ~7:i per w/off icr., lge re:i.r door, 1787 n10 .• 1nch1des ulil. 8·1'.!-8·1~7. \\'hittier S!, C!\I. Also 1240 '.: BR. 2 Ba .. (1·pJ , 11(!\V l'jils , di'~. :l car g .. u-. FaCT-S pool. $2Sj 1-.Jo Call ll.:>al1or v ALMOST READY 1 BR. :n .·J(J.2 BR s11:1. up. Pnv. pnt10 , billinrrl rn1. htd pOol w/j11cuz1i. 20101 Birch ,..;1 , :\D. 61.!.!200. ---B/\L/30:\ fl1\ Y Cl.UH Trrnir r i;lutl•f1 apt. S~'OO. 1no. 6,12.~&m. $27~flTIO yl'ly. Ocean Viel\' af)t, 3 Br. 2 Ba h~ suntlcck, \"ery clran. &1;..-1s1s. Santa Ana CAN'T BE BEAT sr~GLE STOR y Sourh Sea Almosphcl'e 2 Bl~ .• 2 BATII Carpe1~ & drps Air Cond1t1oncd Pl'i\'.1IC' Palios HEATED POOi .. ON BEACH! l.of::in St, Cl\L 1300 sq. tt. $Jj PER \\·k up w/kit. SJO W\11. share furn 2 h!' apt. $19j/mo. Days, 64G-5033, \veek up. apts. MOTEL "lfr $77.50 n10. Call all J p.m., eve.!I 6·l6--068L Rooms 400 548-9755. &1:>-21;.:i. o-=~-~·I KE\V AM'S ------~.----1 FOR LEASE 4800 sq ft. J Br Fi-on1 $2:27 ~lEN only, 2 sleeping room~. SHARE Lovel.v hon1; rie;:.r CarpelC'd ofcs. air L'Oll<l, fil l'! 2 B!{ fron1 $2·12 S6? mo. Sep .• en!. gGood b~~" L1doC~!la6n~t·I, -~~l~1lUrl'n 1'flnnr~. f11101'C'Scrnt lites, kit. 2 :.: lll: F!"<l!!l $375 neighhorhood .1~S-t9,%. ~1'~1"_· __ • .. -I c .J• --~f'IS 0r bath:-. llf'HU!. bldg Funnltll"I' Ai•allitblc ROO.'l F'OR gcnrlcin.i r\ J,jj :: GIRLS need ro;•n1111·11e lo fur Jilt' n1f~. 1 ~1.i."i Placentia Cn qicts-dr;ipc~-d ishi,;i ~her il!Onle\'i~1a, COS!a illesa, sh:1re 4 Br hou.~r. S:J:1 11111 A1·r N.B. fi·l.)...-0770. hl'~1!t':d JX!Ol-.~auna.~-tcnnis &16-0969 -,--,,------c--c~I ,:.~:lf.-1;-;;9~"'~·:-.-_ _ ,\·!~\\" lf){ll1~rri:lr-hkl-g,-p,-·,m-,I rcr roon1-ocran \'ie\vs -P-Rl-. -,,,,-;n ]11 hoine w/en!. &_ Go1ri1ges for Rent 435 1 l \1 lot" 12j3 Logan Ave. !"lallos-an1ple parking pri. bath. $2:i. wk. 546-12&j 1 __________ lGOO lo 1000 sq. IL units. See Security guards. eves. GARAGE for rent f or \11· Thon1Bs on job ait t or HUNTINGTON l '°'c---oc70===~-o--I atoragt. S20 a month. r·all eves 603-1417. SJ4, SL E EPJNG for PACIFIC employed man over 30. :>40-5698 ~,'i.W SQ. f\. comml bldg for Costa lltesa, 6·16-8716. ~Off=;-,-.~R~en-l~e~l---~44~0'I lsf', Cl-1. i\l-1 zonl'd, next lo 7J l OCE,,N AVF: .. lt.B. C-2. j<JS-3569 ii no a ns 17141 536-1487 Room & Boi1rd 405 . 5·18-4022. Olr ope11 10 an1.6 prn Daily I----------STORE or off1e<>, Nell'port & -----~~--c-~=I \\"ILL!Ai\f \VALTERS CO. COSTA i\IESA, Sl50 mo. Bay CentPr. 20:i2 Ne\\•port REKT ~1-1, il2:"1 ~q ft , $13:i ~~~~~~~~~~1 Blvd CJ\!, 52.i' Ulil pd. mo. 13."i.'J Logan, No. 7, C.l>I _ il!ature 11·oman, quiet p!aCf! '"" 12,.2_ 675-5116. · Parklike Beach Livlrii: f<ir re:;L \\'riie Cla~sified Ad ,,...,... fol' Adult~ l\'n. 113 c/o the Daily Pilot, SUBLE'ITING \VestdiH Ole. Storage 455 Casa Del Sol P.O. &>x 1560, CoR.ta 1'11e~a. & 2 BR-furn lunt. Pvt pa-Gue1t Hom• 415 t10, frplc in 2 BR. elevators. ---·-.------- tbhwshrs, CTPts, dr~s. Pets * PRIVATE ROOM .f Nice sz l'OOl1l,'! 1120 sq to BOAT .':· TRAILE:R Nc\•.-ly painted. Call .J..15-8447 STORAGE: for detail11. Hun!ingron Bch area 1870 SANTA ANA AVE, 0.1 847-3620 alt 4 pm 3 Br, 2 ha, extra l~e duplex. Plcn1y or lawn Cus ton dee, 2 chldrn <ik, m Carpoi1 & Storagf' ar.o>cptrd. F rom $1·1J. for elderly lady. Bright • '.!lWl Brookhurst _st , 118. cheery garden i:;urrounding!_ From 300 sq/ft :l5c sq. rt. l;R"e-n-;t-a'ls~W"'e-n7ted~'-~46~01 675-2464 or 541-5032 pe1s. $190. B·l i-7907. }1JDDEN VlLLAGE 2 BDR~TS., l1r. shoppinc. Z~IOO South Sallll Newly decor. SllO Per mo. Sa nl a Ana • ;)46-Li25 Rea\011om1cs Birr. 675-6700 I 'l an 78.'>1 Slatrr A\'e, SJ:l:i A~~.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ~r mo . 1-.!gr, 847-0936 P s ., Owner, 529-20:1.~ Furn. or Unfurn. 370 .. i7t4l !Xi2-66.,3 * Nutritious n1C'al:o., Avail Aug rr·s Beach hou~e !line. Big-1. CaH 5-18-4 7;'}3, ce5t selec!lon ever! See the Summer Rent.tis DAILY PILOT Classilied section now! ~~--------l lllLl..SlDE home, 3 420 11ecl. e XL.NT OFFICE SPACE \\'ANTED ro ~nt or !t"ase 2 no1v avail. Lido Bldg. 3355 yrs or more: J br, 2 ba m!n, /ia Lido, N.B. 673-4501. 1 to 3 ml trom beach. Quiet GROUND floor rxecuti\'e of-loc. Adultll wlimpeccable lice space for rent-Coast rr fs as lessors from Rolling }{v.')' in N.B. &16-%-1_7. Hills F:.•tate.q. S300 m11x. acres, vie11·. 3 TVs, pa tio. ,')37-39-12 or 213/378--0746 .:\Ir. b bq d I I * NE,VPORT BEACH Apts., Furn. or Unfurn. 370 ~~~,~~~~~~-~~~~~ Z BR Sl4{)/n10. c.·lose to 1 Newport Beach Newport Beach ar • -\\·a . .; ier s ps 5-S George. 1 ~ mi br-h. $2'.Kl Ang, 12-2~ :>00 .. 300.500 fl 3'.k ;;-c::;;::;;:=;--;:::::;:lt 6E'<1r h , Nn f)"!s . * Call :i36-!D-12 * I L1guna B•ac.h I f\'EAR BEAO!-Nl'IV 1 F.· 2 BR., 111 Ila, pool. Adult~. No peTs. Lse 21 i.J S. Coast I llwy. 4'4-4·181 or 528-t743. Lido Isle SPACIOUS·, lovely 2nd floor apt :1 br. 2 ba, bltns. d!hwshr & ref1·1~. Crptd, drpd, 2-car garai;:e. $375 on lse. Shown by t\ pp t . 544-2045. Mes• Verde DL.\'. 2 &. l Br, 2 Ba. encl gar. $1:-il & up. Ren1al ofc: 30% l'ltace Ave. 5.J6-J034. N•wport Beach Pl '! E " 6-1601 STEADY emplo)·ed Jem !or longer I. S. Lag . 1, n r. l"\'lo,, ,,,... 4~1186. ~.~300~~SQ=.~F"f=.~,~,~,~/~m70'.:'".I needs 1 BR house or apt,, C !\I C.~!. or N.8. area. \Vould PRIVATE bearh on bay. 2 Crp!'d, tlrp'd. osta l esa. like sn1111! yarrl or patio. br, furn. cottage Si5 11·k. 112 =C~a_ll7&_t7&-_27l3~<J-c-cc-c=cc l ;'\lax SXI mo. GOO<! ref':i '~" Pacific Coas! l-hvy, DR, The fastest draw in the \Vest avnH. Plense call 54()..8.108 N.A. 'Vlntcr r11te, $90. a Dally Pilot CIMsilied CDUPL" I, hll d-.-642-76:>8. Ad . 642-567~ r, w " (' f.rn e&U'e l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiij to manage apt uruls. 2 yrs II e1':p. Ref's. Call anyllmc, * 642-7958. * * * * * Trader's Paradise * -·-- lines times Auto 1ransportation 515 PERSON to help drive with lady to Sun Valley, Idaho, J uly 30 or JI. 675--0731. • dollars Per1on1r1 I~ P•rsonals l-IAVE S\4.(00 eq. in 1111.l----------·I tabin at Running Springs. CHEVY OWNERS: PARK \Vant buildahlt land or units YOUR CAR. VAN OR in Orange County. PICK-UP FREE AT THE Fuller Realty S.WHlll14 0 RANGE C 0 U N T '{ TRADE LO\V l'tflLEAGE FAIRGROUNDS ANY F'RI· DAY NlGIIT FOR TilE HOME, like new, FOR SPEEDWAY l\IOTORCY· Sil!ALL R-2 LOT. PREFER Cl.E RACES IN COSTA EAST OOSTA MESA. l'lfESA STARTrNG AT 8 S-19-3l7J P .t-.I. SIGNED, HARR\' Trade beaut 'ITT Jag XKE OXLEY. PS: ntfS OF- 2 . 2, F,M. wire wheeJs, k>w Jo'ER IS ALSO VAUD FOR miles, elc. \I/hat have you FORD, PLY~10 UT H .. to otter.? Properly, lots car OODGE, !\.IE RC U R Y. or ? 678-5127 eve,, BUICK, PONTIAC, V\V, Ir * "lfr -.It • • * DATSUN, 1UVOTA. LIN- CHEVY Caprice car, 2 dr, COLN. CADILLAC, BM,,V, tooded, very ro00 oondition PORSCHE, MAZDA, HUP- 11:1 trade on home or unit.I. l\10B1LE. P£NTO, VEGA.. &n-4610 AUBURN AND CORD My Eq. $9000 Newportl,.C,°'~V~N~ERS--'-.==....,==,I Beach Cltft Drive home VELJl.tA: CAN'T MEET nxl sq. tt. for sroolle; YOU AT TIIE MOTEL no1,11Je'ast Of or 2-3 units, TONIGHT, MUST ATTEND take t in. 2nd. 646-6429. MEETING AT ORANGE COUNTY I' AIRGROUNDS * * * !ITADJUM, ! PM . HARRY OXLEY. .. ---....... ·--·· • ' I ' ....... ' .. I ,-;• .~ .. H DON'T PINCH YOURSELF (You're Not Dreaming ) But You Can PINCH YOUR PENNIES with a PILOT PENNY PINCHER Classified Ad 3 LINES 2 TIMES Any Item Priced $50. or Less (If mor• thin 0'11 Item, tht comllln.d tet1t 642-5678 ~----•• I ~ I ..... ,_ Jal 1 ---1~ 1-..--1 ~ I-*·-I ~/ ~I _ ....... _ ..... ~J~[ll]~[ _ ...... _ .. -·.l~IJ s.wfng}lit1ra1fon1 Help WAnted, M & F 71 0Help W1nte4 M,& F 71• S>O loat SSS Carpenter Gardening Drts•m•ker, Custom 1 doat. )'ouna frmaJ~t. 1-Blk CARPENTltY t. A. N DS CAPING-Pn.lnin1-S.wing & A lttr•tiont L&l'l 1-mix,d ~rm hp. MINOR REPAIRS No Job Cit1r1-Up Sp r i nk I'-rt Alio h•V• f•brlca. A-U.h. Vic l!kh .l Harbor. Too Small. Cabinet In rt.r-, r,p&IN'd. 1-·r,t '-•t. 557..0010 Phylllt, ff2 ... ?6t. 5.i n,ward fnr "'llhf'r. ~J a.K'-1 -': o l h • r ca b111e1 1.1 .Exptr. Jap!lnr~ Garcltoer TrH S•rvl~ /\pl A Rf'rnard, <" ~1 s.t5·lliS It no a.n'"""r leave ' Compltte yd ~,rv1c,. Nt_at ~.'!6.:'l!, Cha rt1'-Gortt, H I niaa. at 64&-2372. H. 0. &: R,Jta. frl'f' ,~L M~J39 GENER.AL Trf"f' Strv. Y11.nl • f1JIJ. Y LICENSED * R.emv11nf'd Hind11 Sp1r1tu•lls! p.n1 AndtrROn. , . rltan--up. ha.ullnc, sprinklr:r SAn CJt_mtnlt LoST Gr!ly ~bnauzrr. Vic • L.El·--r~rlo ! •.,Hauling r1p111r~. R.t11. M~. 492-9\36, 4!12-0070 \\'p11ld1 ff Shopn~ (' l r , 1 Cilr'Jlf'rllry, ff'n~'llll[, l,!tM"ff'lf' Advi~ 1111 all mallt_rs. l..ovf', Marrla11t , P.UJillf'&S Re111d1n11 .. 1 ivf!n 7 day1 1. 'A'l'ek", 10 a m tn 10 p.JTl. 312 N. El C:amino Rea!, --F:XPF:R1ENcf :o t"Jnnrl11 Ill>: AOllWl'f1' IO ' p A1nl 1ng Wor k YA Rf1, R:IU'AIZ•, c-lf!anupA,r __ n_. ________ _ \l(IUJll,·ll!llrn Ava il Tn.tlllP5. Rf'want, 1~1 ~ gu11.1•11nl,rd. 2.1! YI"! f'Xp LI I ~mnv,. !n"f'll, rlirt, ivy, CERAMIC t1h! llf'W & f'rotf'{'C your hornt & prop. P•mhrokf' 1.n. 646-$11 .1•. I ........ l24i 1 • k 1 P J 0 • d ' r • N r krot. r1n1od,L t'rf'f' f'lf Snu11l Ct1rrf!n! )0<•11.l rf'r"s LO.q h!k n\;,1, kitten ''''"" CARf"f<~NTRY-by--D~·k11n _ll47-~· 1 ~j<>~b~•~·~··~"~"m~·~·~'~16-~2~4'~•· ~~ I/or Marrl nnlyJ l'Ollllr, Ltd<'! vie . rn1med .lnfll"~. Cu~tom ~""nrk , TRASH &< Garage r!flan-up, ~:1-lll ~ F:ua, fi7:1.·-6451 I F'nrn1icA. f!ll'. Rt!lri, comm. I 7 day1. SlO a load. free t_al. [DJ 1--~-----c.~.. &16-"1611 Any11ml' MS-5031-[ ! j f 1 ··r.HOST \\'rilrr"" """""'· RE"''AP.D Gr11.y ll'l't~ wuh J · ~ -_·::..:=::____ _,,,_ f PRP'"f N'!,,r,..h"'tl. y ou ""'11.llf"t I. kl'v~ ~1 Dlln Fitid~. • All 'ryP"-;-C111ilf"ntry t.10 VJ1\G, garage clE"11.n-up &I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;~;;,;: \Vt!ll'. I f"'}. CAii ;'4µ~\fi Shaw·~ ('o\:p !tt9.4191 llP1p ... uh Hnnll' lmprov. I h11! h11uhng. Rei1.~Mbif!l1 hi" n \:! p n1 t. 4 p 1n Asl. I ----~ 71llfi "krl)~ nr "kl'nd Frf'• f'.~timare~. 64:>-1601. J b W t·' M I 700 S.\1ALL blk I. brnwn ff'f!'11.lr _ ___ ------0 •n .u, a• fnr Rnoi I ~h,phf'rd. \'11• nl Jlth ll Cement, Concrete !TRASH Hauhug, Garagf! ~ .. APCARE OrAORf', CM :...i.t-1749 . . Yard Clt11.n--up Rea~. Smll.11 SCRAM LETS VA~C"lomy, Ahor11nn, Arlllfr -,,ALC C-k-•-l••I --1 PATIO S!>f'c1al11111.. Ad d Jnb11 "tlmmr . "'48-!Q7~. • r~ "' !Mt \'11" I d 1· I ho ----------tlnn Info k ("fllJn!lf'hni;: l!I h "-I ' R~wllrd : 1-'11nr ~n ° your me. a.ro:ANUP, g11rage k y1.1rd, BURROUGHS BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Preferably \\'Ith e.-:pC'rience on 1he Bur· ro11ghs E-4000 or 2100 .~er1es. Includes posl- ing of accounts receivable, general ledgl!!r & payroll. E.1cellent working 1·nnd1tion.s. .'llll lary & frinae benefits that in clude fully paid medi· cal & insurance. 3 \\·eeks va cation after 3 years, credit union . etc. C•ll M rs. G r H nm•n •I the DAILY PILOT 642-4321, ext 277 6-12-44.lli. .t rvinr. .,.1th a ~u~1om p11.l10 de111gn L11f' h31\Ung t., g~rrlen1nx. ANSWERS -----------1 646-2977. f"l 1sptc1ally for your homf!. • • tl.11 ~l-9735 ,.. • G•"li" _ H•-_ , .• ,.,_I Help W•nted, M & F 710 H efp.W1nted, M &F-710 !:: ING Lf. S . Onn"I ...., I Qui11ity. Ex p er l e n e e . , • ..,,_.-., klntly-{j al'l('t 1 .. s.VlnK. no ~ SalJAfa rtl'ln. Ell"Cln k SonJ I Hou1ecl•an1ng C bb _ Cl!VINC EXP~n C11rt<f'r m1n<if'd tn ('Ontr11C:IS 534-22'21 11IT fi I ~ 1"11 ) '· I COOK .,.·anlf'd, "'XPf'L in I f · · · lnshuction Con~lrurtlnn 541!-(176!1. _ H h 1 • h "'Ork 1n10 Iii~! n1~r n tnf' pm ---LADY W1J~~ rliiv work. us aJl{ ~ "1' rai::y In l!n· Sw1.•~. G!'rm11 n Amf'rira n l11d1f's r·io:i1hir1J,! rh111n Pltil~ NF:F:D U~f' nf ('l\;-1;;-2 n1n·;: ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;,;~I QUALITY Cr mrnt Work. 1_,,.1 I Good oand r f' 1'i ii h I f'' rll r _ All II l{lt"I h!i.J 10 do IJ lo f(Y){I Ap11!y s ... 1s~ Chalrl, appl_v In prr."'1n. Riu·kJITf'E'I, I I l.f'org" do 11. J.w"r1 bnnrlPrl RelrrPnC"t'J ll~:l606. ktrp CRY ING. 414 No. Nrwpnrt Atvd, NR. V.'111 rf'nl ~ur sparf' (',oir . 1 _ ----No 2:, ~·11sh1on lsl11nrl, N.R. Rrll11hl ... C11.l1 R%-41fll rlt1.YK. sc.hools &. I 64·:;..169:1. -B~,-,,,-Be11c h J;ni m~iol !'KIPPElt OR. Cl!EW I COOK. fey f!.X""r -Appl.' I I 575 • ,,. F.XP"f) hmkkf'rprr for N A . . \lft-6Q9:'l i1Jt 6 pm .tr v,rknri11. 1n1 rue tons CEMF:NT WORK. no joh too Crpts wlnrio.,.·~. lloor! ere. 1nh Much exPf'rlt rl("I'. 21 & Chow APll, 2.)74 N~1•·por! sp<>rling i;:nnrl~ ~tnl"P . C:'ll'ld ln1111l, rral(ln11blP . Fr re Rt~.· & Comin"I. 646--1401. c.iin lrAvr l. D-l'n ni 11 (21~1 R!vrl c ,,1 PHOTOGRAPH 1 ~a11tt1;2u.I AVIATION F.!!lm.lf.Stullirk.5"11-S6l:i. 1 ____ _ 44&-2.13~_ _. -. __ ... 1art1og sala1·.1 PrPl•r nio<lPI. Soni.ii"• !oi!11r11n .1 GROUND SCHOOL _ _ -----M'~a Cleanini: Sf!tvicf! COOK. f'.~p'd. Bap!1~1 COO· f)('l".~nn lH'(Jt1a1ntf'd l'./rr1a1l "'· Ch11p1nan, Oran3r. 1-7 e e CONCRF.TE. Floor~. Ctrrp"'· W indow~. floor etc. Job Wanted, Female 702 \'a lr.•rrnl Hnspi!al. 661 ~Ill"~· P<"rn1anl"l'1t rn~11inn. ;\11 1nm11trr1 Tf'af'hrn.o: Crntl'J""lio, pni. 67.'\-1166. p11hn~. !lrlll'~. !idPWRlks.1 Rf'llirl. & Commr"I. 548-4111 Crnlt'I" ST, C .~1. .'>:Int Wfll"kl!1g f'Ollrl in l'On- ------0pPn r vrnings &. wN>kf'nd~. Lir'rl RPI!~. [)(ln 642 .. 8514. --'NT 0 SAN J UAN - ---. . I • 1·" • /' LCOHOlJCS Anonymou.~. IACalf'fl Al the Orangp Coun· . Iron inn -ATT~.. 1 N AN" "· •. N COO. K. quick nrdrr fry ro0k. genii\ 1 u r r 0 11 n" "It · TIOS lk d \\ • CAPISTH:\NO • • '"' ll47 -oOOfi Phnn, s.tl-7217 or writ' 1y '\1rµnrl, 19:\11 Airporl PA ·. wa s, f lVl', lfttlh\ CLEMENTE BLJSIN~·ss. :-i1r"r1y ,.mploymPnL !\o1PSll. . _ _::_ _·_ -~~~~- P .O. Box 1123 Coir;1 a Mt.'!•. WAy Sourh. All coo~~ FAA I nf'W 1Awn~. ~A w, brt_11k. IRONING do:il"lf' ln my hOm'-,.. I !..11nes, 170.1 S111M"r16r. C:>I f:XPF.RJENC'EO h11b.v5ittl'r --------•ppro··-. Pl! ~." -". 1·,mnv•. 54R-116&1 lor f'ir;I. I ''·'' '" h• MF;N -Ai·• you 100 in11. --I ' Id h b 1 MASSAGE A ~11udng I'll· v~·u .,....,..,,.,.,._, _ _ lnr a ("RJ)ilblr qulllifi....t sN·· COS~ETICIAN Dru i.; nr ·' mn n a .v. · niorn . ... ' il'flN' 16.'\l!.'> n Rol~11 THING." Mot~N .. v-;.-1 ·-PAT IOS-&-WAL KS *• 64·~ •• · Cl k f 11 flnl.1 wk . \lr11-Stanly, .'i4&-~l~t I N'tary r.1nv1n11 rns.JC. \\11.<h l Pr · u .~· E"XP __ --------: Chic• Rd. II .A. 11.46-~222. Taughl You. Ora n1-:P County F1'l't f'S11m. 1\.1~ Moving l'mpln.vmPn! •n 11r,.11. Con· 1 Do1\ n1nwn H · B . Cilll EXP"D. \\"a iTrf'.s~Artr11.('hVf'. S-i'el Cluba 535 Ac11d,my nt Mndrlinl( & Contr•ctor ia ri t.1r~-Catr , 2016 'A'aJ. _~'6-Tl~l I 21-Yl yr,:. Sri' C hu r k -D Cl r MOVING -for your lne11.l or -ancinii:. a,:~,, flfl"' orm· lilrP, Apl. r , Cnslll. Me~. COUNTER girl !"lf'l"df'd lnr Yrll..t:tr. at Tilr \Vhllf' Ho!'!<, Swinging Cnupl,.'l 'A'lDE WORLD 1141776-06fl0, ~21 .rr1~ · n • F '"' .,.,. Joni: tf i911net! moving, call !OR. 11 Y .. .~'P~. ~;,,.....,, AODITIONS to Com• I . ...,.,...,. f11s1 food lf'l""\'ICf'. Apply in Inn. 329.) N'wporl Rlvd, &l!l--07.)11. OK Va n k S1or11gr, ~ur """'~'· Cnn1plf'lfl: Srrv1rr , plan~. local Bllif'd ap;tnt. PalleliJ.<!d COOi\ w/:fln't ,.rr,. il \"ll.ll. !M'f.vrn, at :"110 E. 17th St., N R.0 ~~~-cc-c---o-i PV'r piano IPsMn~, SI~ mo, "~11n111!r~. ,lflf' Rn.,.,, r.en. 11.rorll>:' Al!<O 11vai1. llll...{)400 fnr li\",·!n. \\'111 do \ii,. C" i\1 EXPF:R R . E. Saletima n for •., hr ,11. \\'l'rk. l'nntr. f\4 2-7>997/fi46-920.1. hM ... nrk Jnn. 1\1 1n i:al;:r.ry ·CPI. Apt·Mot~I. wifl'·mairl rast growing Co. 0 . C. Stroul ~~~·~·~,,_~,,.~~·~"·~·~·~~ /\.1Y-"''ay-. -q~111i1y-h<'lmt P•inting & . Sl.lO ~;m ployrr p11.y~ let. "rk. busband·ll m11 in1 r urn RPalty .. '\4000 Cn-".•I Hwy, ]1nl 1 ~ rPmqd. Wall~. r r 1lirii.:;, tlnnr~ P1perhang1ng HPal!h .\-~·a mity CArP 11.pT + Utt, Start S2.'f! D11nl\ Po1n1. 496-18.11 . L:iJ I Jrel I P1f'. No Jnb 100 ~11111.ll. PAl~Tr>:R, /10\1' ~c h nn l Aj:f'n1·y, !F.05 No. Bro1trlw11y, fi7;-.....1l7-10. ___ --~ f·AsCINATING-r0~-,-,-,-0-, Found (fr•• •lit) 550 1 s.M:ftandR ... ~1 ~7-00~2~hra n~.l~r'V_:_I t ,~r )\f'f . Exlf'r/lnltr, S.A .~~7..61).1ll . cri~To manaJ.:P l~UmntPl "gnnd p::iy Ii. /lt"Xlblt Adrlition~ • Rf'm(lf]Plina lli·rous.rt1l1n_1:,..11.i rl .,~ll LADY 11•an!! hnu~Cf"l!'AnlnJ1, in C."1 ,$2flOm(I. + l RR hnurs (;prw1rk /, Son, I.it• l'l'JUlp \York guarn. Rea~. e..'<prr., ol'.n Iran~ .. S.'t:il prr furn llf"/I N uti! :1.17-4217 l"11.ll 1;r;H"E' 771i-11!11 1----------.-,.,h Auto W•xing 67.1-6041 • ~9-Z170 1 ~4&-4.il!l, hr . .li·17-:l637 aftf'r 6 P ni. DF.NTAl-, -A-:5sl~TANT SMALL hrown puppy ~ ---- rurlf'"r1 1111 1 nrl hlark fll('' I Sk•el•ra W aih N W•x 1Electrlc•I I BA RNETr PAINTIN_G_AtbES-lrr C'nnv11.l:~rrnr•.1 ~:sp'rl. ~-ull llmt R,1·r~- FISHING-TAC K~ .'i11 lr~ S.._ ~f'l"\'irr, l~ nppnr. llllllly lnr 11i;:.1;rr~!l;l\lf.' _Ylljl'. H.1:.ri "/i;:1nw111.1; 1'0JT1pan,v. Gr.-..-t k11nwlrdi;:r nf 1M1.l1 \\'~· trr f1$l11ni;: & n1rrh 11b1l1ty 1-Pc(r1. ~nd rf'Sllm(' & .~11!11.r.v t·nunrl 11 1 Da\ly P i1n1 / 1 I Spr1·111 l nrlf'r. S!utm "'"'v~.•. r!df!rly 1·11rP or lamily c11rf!. !11)n\~l-A~~1.~t11n1. Ovrr 2.1. rf1n Cninpllf"I~ s7.zs Stlt.nd::i rr1! t.'l F (-rRIClAN l 1rrn~,rt . liihfir/mal"I. ~111,le Sl:I.\. 2 Homt'm11kPrs. ~47-lit>Al. C11 \I fi-\f>...1.1~:1 ntfirr . CM . Ha.~ llf'll roll ar j S!l.25 Quick Srrv. C11 ml}f'r~ ~ ~ • · · J, hlk Je11thf'r co l I 11. r , & Mobil,~''''-11.vail. Your honr1 r r1. Sin1lll Ji°'h~. nll'l lr'll. Slnl'.\' Slll:i. Ynii rrim ~~a v,_ H elp Wanted, MI F 710 -DENTAL RECEPT. 642-'1~21. hnmt_ or pitk up. Rf'll'-. !., rPJ'lll ir~. :'.lR-."iJ'l.'1 ~~-d_M6·D934. %11-.1~-DP~k only. Ol"nt111 l'Xllf'r. f'ND: 7 mo. nlci l rl~h i>f'trrr, C1Pa11.lJ p & rrg_ ma1nt. Gard•ning 11:0 Wa~t 1ng Arlm1n1~1rat1vt Trainfl:f! nerl"' .... •. Snmf' Sal.•. Sal11.r~ mal~ .,./mll11.r & flt-11 ml. 6-t5-Zl.lQ. * WALLPAPE R * AO .\JAN APPRf:NTICE flP'"n , tring~ hf'rir.lits. H.B. rr1JU IN'mPnl In C'las,;ltiPd A1. • l!Y.i. D111/y Pilot P.O. J.160, c .l\f. m~. · lar. V1r : Bt ar h Alvtf s, Babysitting AL'S GA.RDF.NING 1 \\'hen you c1.IJ '"1'>1ac'" Part Time Arf'a. Ph. 846-J.540 llA:-.f-6PVI Slatl"'r 111·,11 . Pl,Rllf' 1<ir nnly, for w11rdtn1ni It. 1 m a ll 1'1.li·!~4-t 646·1 71J Sll~IM'f"""k Experh,lpful, DISH WASHER __ _ ,.7 ""~~ C O TA I ll.lnti.!lcaptni;: services, call 0 -1 b"! nor nPctss11.ry f'ClODk-rnckt;i il "''''"'··•. -"''·•·' S MESA PR t• p11 1nnnc ,x!/inl, "'111 " · · ;..1 11.~1 b.. c]P11n & nr;u. n1·E"r ·• MALF:-Ill ' h PRE SCHOOL ~0-~1911. Sf!rvln&: Newpon, "nrk Arrous c ~1 l 1 n t... ~3·-.....1;01 P"'rsonnt'I 21 Appl\" in f)f'l"~n. Suri & P.XJ>l'r P ltlmf' Cnul d • • t'O "' -1 S ll''"'n. -Crli\1, Cosla 1.1tsa, Dover 1---rlPl'Plflp inlo I/lime. n,, look.~ llkf' l1n11. V 1 c, Spf't·ia l Sun1mer Prof,':ram SI-•••. W•>l•li!I. i!.lr lt~.. ~prayini;: R' I 1 . A!DF:S. Pxp"rl. B •PI t .. , S1rlo1n, 5930 \\'. Co11st H"'Y· ". ' R<" 11·• I IT · I 6'11 "h1f1. R11.nrho s.in .loRqui~ E•~1 hlutr. rail t.14-0J..i1. Ill.I & l•1onrovia, 1., dav + --I· . .... ---~nv11lr~Cf'O'I n11pll i!. I NB. Ro~. N R1,ll • T'''''' m•·.· f111[ day ~ss1011 ~. Pl11~nf'd ·',AV t:• t "11m1l.1I 0" n '1r1 ! INT f, Ext,r. P111nl ini;:. Cf'nlrr .-.1 . ( ''-•acloSTR="1s=1JT0="1CcS~w-,-,-,.c,. ~I'll '•'","I Cnur~rN,' !llfll21C(ulvf'r . '''v "' .• -""nll, '')llljiPlf' 1"f'~1c •n· ---. rvlnl' .. ":.r · [. A.<k q ,.1(' Slln!K An~ A\~ &. Program, h0t lurn:·hr.o;. Agre. l!;i!. i'nnimriri::il M'riir•. 1.1c·n. 111•. rr,., ,.~r. 30 }I« ArY°r •'ls;:rs. Mlllur•. r xp. for B.a~1c H Protein f·~r \\'11.ynr , S:t1-0ll2. ,_ ' I hf>ll ('M ·>1~71':1 \ 2-t;. hrll ~-'.IO ,<\M -6 P i\! I "'l<P"'f Churk, local rt!'~.1 la \lnll , N,.wporl Pltll!'f' V11a m1n 646-•4:i2.1 -c--~nl~ SA ' ' ' $1S y.1.;.CUMPAP.t;: ti42-~();oQ \o\_\rr• Bmll. t.1111nl ,Tlll l'll'f!. 64.'~. !en1I h11 ('kgrn11 rl!t I.,.,.,~. !O '"'"' d riJt~!:--rhargl' hkpr-thrnuKh t'ND: \1 111, pondlf', hl11rk , 1 ~y1i;..4fjl() ,_,., .vnu w ~nt " ~1r11 V TR Nrw f'O ~· V Sii.iii!) ,r , Inn s;: Hiii. ty prP~~ St ' Clt!LO r:.r,., •nfa ol tn 4 ~re. * LAND-S CAPING * VINYL pap,. r h ang i na; ClllS$1f1Prl Arl No. :00· CD11 dy I pft1m, j (\ h ~ ln1rrrst1ni;: II ""'' Sim-Sim r~1'1 .,, I .11 r'' hom~ 1' _,,,, ll••-e 1 1 1· k d Pllol I' 0 Ro;( I""' n~I" " •• Sllntll Ar'lll Hl•.6.1.'.-971(1 " ' llptr R lll.!, "''Cr R111ti-11.ntf'f' · ' : · ·, .~,..,. 'llU rvf'y fYPf! y,nrk Imm Mrri11i·t 711 '-1" ·,411 __ _ _ )rar nlrl r h 11 d. t:l ,\p.,. l;iiin.~. sprinklPrl , Jlf· fr,.,. r~!. nan Srhw11rtz Mr11!\, Cl\lll 9~~-I hnm•. No .~,J11niz 4'42-.)\~l .-.-._ ......... ~ .......... I f ND: Lltl\f! .... 111 ('O<'kJ\poo Tnrn/,11.o;s1nn Vit)O aiPll hor~. p;llJO~. rrn('f'~ . .,.aJlll. o "21 ------• ~..i7-.-,_R4fi or n4<>-~2.. . APT '.llZ"r.•. l\111 0 tu r.f'd .. exp"ri r1'0m 9ani,12 l'IOOll !or appl GENERAL pup. lnf'1lrlly, In 1 11h 1,., ll?.0-4.170. 1.w d rnnlr. M11~1tr Ch;.rs:e. -- -I ""Pl:I~ 1.l ·''·~ Ir><• r .xp. :i.""' t'lZi.>. PR0f F:S."JONAL p111nt1 ng -lor 5.2 11111\, N""fl"ll. Call DRA PER\' work room •ir1 , -.~ . ·_ --AllRYSln-1Nr.-,n-m.Y-,c ,,,"-. "' rn 1·•0 -MACHINIST -rn• ,--f' ,-.-! . rl -1 i11l,.r1nr/P~tr rinr, Quali ty ,,.. .... ~·~·. r~p n11!v COIT DRAPF'.RY CAJ.!CO Anlt "'h11' ynuni::. 11 1\ ll!'f'~ Wl"lf'flrilr 1-!a vP 1. t"!") '~~IOOfl t ·lll" f'nf'r wnrk ~ •n~lrn11I. :,~1-74.i~. A~rr~pon~ihlr \l'nm11n tn !'; 0ERVrr:F 1702 Nf'"'P"r1 r RI. "A D~·111" \"i1.'· 16th ! rr1•3 VH· R•3rhiSlairr, f"" 1'.0l"k, prun1n~. -------· · , •· 11.nd PlArrnn11 , NA. f.4 2-~6. HA 11.-li-i.lill. ~pnnkler~. rlrl\n up JOh~. P R0t'E.~S10NAI. P11 intin11 -m11nA£P 1 r on1.~ l!hop. X\111 Rl vrl . ( ,M l"'lhr. 1\-1111, !11·111 Prr!'.11' •'lin l yr~ "Sjll>r. l\l11J;.1 hal', ""-'11 IMI.~ I. ti.. a hlr Jn ~ .. t Ill' .I,. nprratP lll~f"h1nr~ nn p1·ntn1yri" hi!.~\.~ t., ~hnrt run~ Xl n·r "fl i>f'nrf1t~. ~ D::iy, IO hr . .,.nrk wttk. --- -J ll 11 ii ~ c A p 1 11 11 C:!!'Orge inlf'rlr xlrr !(r.nPsl "•nrk. oppr~ 1ll27 H11rhnr, C M . ---DRAPE RY~ rND: h'.iHMl•. Ki11Pn.•. kll ·11.0V ING 1·11r~.-2''1::-ii \T~. l\11· I , "' 64~:14411fl1n 6 -· f14f.-.V\~~. l.ir ~ 111~. ~)1S-:!i:, .. 617'.~1 . .,,,. · · · t:xprr. J-lrmmrr !. Tr~111rr 1 1'n~. All M l<WI. Plll r11l1 hon1 ,., 11~1f' nirp )-'ll l"ri. 1.....-..d -SS I .''4R.-97:1~ Olf'Rl.<,] ~r old 111')11 for t'l'lrn-·"f'f:NCF:R"S-!;;;;-$Prv1re p A INT r-N G -HO n,. ~l. ~TTRACT. WA l~RE APar h Or11prr Sf'rv1rr '.l('(I ' • I•·••• , • , , . ,u~r;inlPrd work. L1r"rl . i-.xpf'r. N(ll under :n. NO \\" 171h. C,\1, :l40~· F'~D: w1rr h111r tyf)f'. ~m. <1"hl ring. Vf'ry 1rlrppon;tl, :..1R--7171 f'ND· Onr Pll.fRkf',1 V1r : [.lrln lll!P 67:....-04!!0 In \0,n· f'Oll:-J [) ,,.,.,.., V1r l~h !'t1, 613-~1. -----FNn. RP1111 1 ~1;:r.n1r•r S.-11 1 pn1n!. mAI,. V1r l.nln !'a nd~. nr ~th t><12-.lf..1n r i-:n· 1.1111,. hlk ~ ... hi PUP· P,\ r\!1n1Ahlr -~~~~-!'i:l.ll . I \fAN's "•lrh, mu~1 1rlr nllf.v _:0011~11: .. _11,·r_ :-.1~:197~. I f-Nn· 1!11wk t;.12-~~ ----Lost SSS 1 i f'n \1A1.A \HITE rlnti: \12111 I lluUy l"'mAI' 'f'n~y ' R<'h I 11.rra r r 11 1 r rl . :..~f;-12fl'l """"'' The DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST'S leading Marketplace p11 n1nn \i.1f,-{1.'!.)·1 I l"~f' f'~I. ... ~ n . ,-----'lf'11111111~. R p 11.1 nn 11 h1 e Any~"" jnh. Call 67:.-:=.i40. PHONF: CAI.LS. Apply in ~.X PF.P. & Rf'f~. pla~·rm, 1 O.lll-:,21~. p A 1 N TING/p11.prr1ng 18 pf'l"'l<On Rurf k S1rlo111, :59.lO 1 lnrd yt1 , Mnn.t·n V1r , - -Yr~ in ll;oirhur l'lrf'll . ·Lie lt ~COlls! Hwy, N~ __ Or11nc .. f22nt1, f"M. ;-.111-9;,11 t:X.'P .!apllOf'Sf' l.11rdPJl{'f I "· k 1 bnndrd. Refs rurn. 642--23;-.fi. RAFl\'Sl'M'F:R. my horn,., 2 \\'fl.I. BAB\'S ,11nw rN•"". 11p-rrp. p anr IT I Pf'~! 1nmm1ni;: rlta11 up PAINT!Nl.-\-;;:-"tf-i;-~ -Fr,., r t11ldr,n, 3 rl11 y 1• '' k . r.IY H0.,1r: ~IR\lli't:-1'8 9AA-l4~fi ' -· Coll~CP Park 11rr:o :vi:l-6.'J,.il * DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! STA.FAST, INC. 640 So. Santa F• Santa Ana RA°RYSl~~ ..... ~;tl~mO.v hnnlr. Al .~ l-Alltf~r11p1nc~ Trf"f' rr-~:t~~ ~u;,,1 ~.y~~~l~ rll'ptn· HAKt~P.. r ' p ' r 1 r n rf' rl mn\·:ol '11.r<l rrmnrtrllnt . Pl est•~P•tCh-:-Ra='air pPr m ,11 n r n! Trnltrr~ JR~ F.. lfifh S1. Ci\l lrll[ f11rrl :>tt. hf>I lllt"":OI.', rlay TrA'h h~nlir11.:. 101 •·!Pl'ITllll'-BakPt"\, 2:M t·n1 r<t, l-A2u1111. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; r-.1u~1 h11.''' clP11.11 Calif. driv. ing r t rord Not undpr 2~. Y E L LOW CAB CO. I! r.1~ \\ nr 1;1"A11<I. .~"r!!nn fll S11nr~ t "t A· A" ll\ ' .(. nur li42-~:.!99 ltPpll•r ~prinkl ,.r~ hil-1166. • PATL"I! PLASTERING RrA r·h C•rp•I Servlc1 J Ac I\ ,_ :'\I) n 111 " n All 1)i;.;;H ~;~~;~mlltl's RAR,IATnS-t;,p rl 1\pp\y in ~rrv1('f'-\1n\1 1nc, ,. rl II: I n t' p ,. r \ n n hl"n J.2 pm, I 1·11r1111m1ni::. N r Ir 1 n -u p . Plumbing :>·lno~r 11 11 1 rhr G!'<'"'n Fr..,. ,..~1 9611-!1!1'2!1 ----=-------I ,11 n1 r rn, El~fl P\1r enl 1a, ,JOH!'>"S CAl'p!"l It. Uphol~Tery Clr•nPr~. Extra Ori St-11n1J10il !rN!' SC'Otrhe1111rrl Is 0 11 Re (II rd " n I !I. I. f: XPF.fl!F:NC~.n .r~p:.nr~, l )rizrPas,n; & a ll Nllnr 1;11rr!l'nrr. "\1111r1 tf'l11Ul l""' I. hri.o:htl'nrrs h JO minute rlr11n up 1~i-.i~P• ---hl ref'h rnr white ca rpr 1~ COJ\·lf"t.t:TE lAwn &r g11 r•Jen- S11'e ynl!r mnn"'.\" hv ~a vini;: 111c st r\"irr . nif' extra trip~. W'lt ·lt.<n .r 1n1 ~ll.f141Y.. TAh;,.\S k Son~ f"l 11 mb1ni;: c· .\1 l1r rt Mntlf'r1, f f' p l pf' RF:A llTY--(l!H f ~p l r r,mndrl ~~,..,.. f'fll1~t. ff'I'" l/tin1P . T11 ~r nl'l>r rhr.nltl• ~1 646-·_ 11 111 hU'.v HR. '~Inn Pr"''"'"I PLU:-JAIN I. Rf.PAIR npr n10~1n2 0111 nf •ra 1r Nn )(lh too ~m11ll 9fi"-RO~fl. M1..fl.1 . .,1. ~ ''r• • i;.12-~17'l • ~•l:l-.'.14!1 hv)nf: rm rl•n111i:-rm & hi ll --------- S15, ,\oy rm Si.5o, m u"h Cnmplf'lt !_~11.Ml'nlni -COLE-PLUMBING BF: HAT'Pr V.nrli .vn11r n ..... n 110 I IC ,. • I Sfol'\"!ft 'II" '' ,.. 11<1 I N d , ~I -••• , r 1A1r .,, .l yr~. f'xp. u • fi71 llfi!I •. r•r. ,,rv f', "'·">-~P"'rr . rr 11<•••• 1~·-n"'~' ""'h11 1 ('flt1n1,. nn, ml'thod I Frrt f.~tlnl!lff'~ .-$9;i~Alt•ratlont Rf'RI F:~1111e Ji.alr~pc>ople do work m;u lt l~ ~1.1 l~A\\IN M11 in!. llaul in1~ right 1'1"11:-'· I ~'-'1 -0101. 111w11.•. rl,an.up. pr un111J;:. ORF.S.SMAKlNf: -Hf'.1"\1.li W . E . Lachenmyer Rltr. I -Di11mond Carptl Cl"'An in'°2 _r rr .. f'~l._Ca ll 5-46-737f!. --Al!rr11.l lO!l! -ra~l -~f'rVi~ 646-3918 Ev••· 673-4577 A\"i;: 511.1 rnnm 111 DICK 'S GARDENING ,J("Jfl not • 64;.....oJM --800KKEEPER-- R,p11.1r1ng '-in~lall.oi t 1nn~ ] Rf't<1r1r n1111.l.Cnmmrrr111l Alter •t lon1 -"4?0SMS Bt111 utHul tlf'•" nfr' Th, •kv Frt' ~~~I. f\4.~1 .\17 1 t., Cl,.an-U~. P h. ~2-rM7.l N',ar, a.ccur11t1, 20 yfl:an; exp. 1~ 1n, hmu lnr iaJ w pn1 •~. I I H-OU~F:n ~-CLF.AN -F:XPF.R. 11-;;;ii;n-Ci11 rrlrnf'r 1 Turn 1~~ Whit' Elt_pnanf.' 11h1htr SliOO Proll',.~. ('arpP I Clrani ~.1 Cnmplf't, C.11.rdt ninll[ ~r-Into cuh thnJ a O.t!ly Pilol Call 1'111r~· I.tr . '·~~!'I. I rrt, r~t Rrl'~. fi.4 2-61124. '"lf'f', ~m11.l11n1, ~Ii. Oime-a-J\1"11' .td!! COA.~Al. ~;N('\' m:J HatlJnr !'ll;,)"~~ tn de 11!?!a5pt!~ ~n 5~11 I ntmrnlr. ~an Ju11n ~ I•· tnno a nd Capistrano Bl'A "" DAILY PILOT ~92·4·120 GRANT BOYS SALESMAN WANTED ror Sporr1n1 r~~ & Camping ~pertmrnt. F~f)f'r. prrl"'TTtrl. Thi• Cnul!1 Rf A C1T"ffr ~nuy, APfll,v ln P"'r.11'111 BM.,.·N'n 1.;'!() tw l :.10 Pl\f The Grant Boys J7,;o NEWPORT RI.VO., <'O~ A M F:.'iA EQu11.I l')ppnrtunlty f'mplny .. r t:i..rr Salf'11 ~;<;11111 Or>pnr ~:n1pl0yrr CAN YOU MEET THIS CHALLENGE ? I (;JR!. f'~id.\Y nrPdf'rl \\'nrk i:; hi"~ r1J1 1h. Mnn-r r1 1 iztrl r v "'ff lr, P11.vrnl1 PXfl E:\ \tll.IT.\l:Y A'-J f;:<.rF:1•1·ro~.\L np ror~Tt "NlTY I ~"\\" A!Tl;\(; /1rlpfu1 -~1 11.r' r nm m , "/r:fp !.· 1.,1,,n1 C11 !I !1>;2-2441 fnr 11r1r 1 HARn"'ARF:-""\"• -r .. r·m l\l11~t h!llf' Ah1l11.~ 10 nl,.r1 /, .~f'r"\•r r11~1otnr'1'< ll111•tf.,.111"f'. i'Ott 1\1 TH~~ I· \ST f.~X-I I r ,,,.trirJ\ nlun1hrric "tr"r r,\.~n1 ,,,.1 ; 1:-.v1-; . ..;T11t:.-...r !I•·~,.,.,, R111 w111 ,,..,111. r.n r! El .n r ~· Y()lJ POS~~:·'" •I~ I r 1n:: ~II J "' , •. v f'flm· THf: 1..f'.:Af)f:R.<;!l!P QLIALl-1nrn~11r~l r •1/111"!1!11~. Applv Tl~:s NEEDf.0 TO BEl~T." in f)f'r~nn !1 \\' \\' h C A 1.l~t.JIMF: rROf'E~-121' Rfll·h,.~irr .:;1 ;~ 1 0 . SJONAI. CAREF:R \\"JTll -- OJGNTTY k f'Rt:~IG E:.1 HSKPRS l::mp,iyr p.~·· ff'r WI''. llAVt: U:..ILI:i.HTEn I CPnrizr All•n 8 ;vl a n<f Attn- POSIT10Nf: AVA!LARl.F: r .v lf)!;.R F.. lfitli, !::.A THAT Nt:F.n TO BE FILI_... 5"?-0.l!l,",_ f:O li\.1'1F:OIATELY, ... ____ iiOiiiiiiiiiiiiii ft' \'OU · I.ACK TRAININI. I. EXPERl· ~.:NCE. BL'T ARE \Vi l.LIN\, I 'M Lf;AR:-.:. \\'ORK HARf1. Ao "1Af\'T TO !'TART MAK· IN(O F\I G MO.~EY t"OR YOl1RSELF' ;.. OUR r.or-,1. r ANY, \\1F.'RF: a.PREP AR· En ro Ei\.tPL{)Y Yn\ I. TRAIN YOH. t_, Hl:~l.P Ynl: ACltl EVE TIIE HE IGHTS OF' F'INANCJAL .SECUR· IT''· e CAdlH.t.• Ca.r Pl11.n • L1Mnl.\ Frini;:, Btnefit~ e rrH Tn.lntnc Prol(ram ''OUR C'OMPENSATION I IRVINE PERSONNEL SER.VICES•AaNCY Secretary SSSO fn. J"l.KI r,., for hn&"h1 r11p- 1 h/f! l{lrl w ~tead.v nerv,.~. i"d typinc. 11!e SH & • r~rlul smilf', f\tAY BE S50.000 + tN I™ F:. J71h 1111 lr.·111,. C:M. COMMISSION1' A SERVl\F: '41·1470 .IONF:S TIRE ~F:RVICE 1• •llpanrt!nt: Jn Orarir:t_ Co11 n1 )' 11.11<1 rf'l1 Uil'e• t:XPt:n.r1<;N<·ro:n F'EES YOUR f'IRST YEAR. OAVE l.00k1NGLA1'>"D, fl · j • NANCIAJ, JNVF.sTMEl'\'T ,\NALYST, R. F:. RROKER, PROF'ESSIONAL SALE.C'· M.<N CAN 111':1.P MAKr>: nn~ AtJ . PO~"rRLF. f'OJ\ YOU.,. • r'nmmf'rrlfll Nllt•m.-n SO CALL NOWI 558-0444 Ask for M r. Tisdala • Tirr S.-rvlf·'m"n • Ff"ln! t:nri '1f'rhnn1r1 SlltRr;v l)\u~ hnn11~ f1pll(l1"!11r111;.o In 11.rlv11nr' ('nmpany {fllr1 hf'nf'fll~ 1\ppl_1 ~i ll ~rbnr f'lvft , Cn~!JI ~l~la ---·---· • -~ -• .Ii: _)·~~JI'~.~··­•• . ' -·~ -..-......... ----• ·· .xi ... ----:· ;-.. ~,.:r,•~ .. ~,, ""'~v:'!.~Z.C F"rld1v, Jylv 30, 1'71 DAILV P'ILOT ff lf§J I Plenos/Orgent i2J I J[§J I ,:;;I ;;;"";;;-;;;;;;;;~J[§J~· s1JJ><MU c ~RAN c E, .___'_"' _•• Y•_• __,)[11 -~ I ~ Kawai, Sttlnwa.y, &ldwtn. 3 ~--··---~~~ I Wllr1ltur, KunMJJ, lhwr!y, Lin.,, 2 Tlmet, $2.Q9 I Help Welti•d, MA F 710 H•lp Wented, Ml F 710 Furnitur• 110 furniture 110 Ger•9• Sel• 112 Miscelleneous Ill Conn, Allen, Elt' J295 &-up. RENTALS. PLAYERS.1fREE to 1d home. 9 mo $ ACT NOW $ STUNNING, ronten1por11.ry MOV ING~ By o-.•nf'r'. !<1nI; fl PATIO SA!.1': * AUCTION *' fruim1iy telephOne intor. male Su.Ht. ~ptr'l, 18' Fbrgls Overntt.r llllJ I lf§J I - Boat1, Po-wer ' ·~ J. W. ROl\NSON'S e N!."WPO.RT BEAOi e 8P11uttfl.tl , atrraetlvf' !~nllll'~. turri Whi!t' • l01Mo, rouch & I'll':· PtrlUl BR &l't Qut>tn 6 ! T<1b!' l.antpe., :2 1 w \ n I fine Furnlture FIELD'S PIANO CO. Call 96i.«i20 Sipe 2· &l HP Mere •ftl·• fi ro fl() for amimercil.l•. 111;1.!('hlng 5' iove&ea! &t 01. pr. oak BR i;tl. Cusconi bedhprt>ada, Bahama chairs, .,_ 1 u~ 20 nr,, 35 rnpb. •nn ,' • ..... 100111.11, 1.:r.hle r·&< <f. direc~ors ... 1 ,. 1 , I 'l ho11!111£ ball!, 1v.u1 head· Apptant:t"s l83J Newport Blvd. 2 CH1HUAHUA£.l mini bah u.nk. ~ Watt -·~ . .. t m1 con1esranb, 1,...,,1 S 5 h "lll t so a .., lovr ~ea1 "---~ Book & .,_ _,, Aue11on11 fnda.y, 7;00 p.n1. Co!ta MeJA 714/645-llSO Collie . &ll &pp-2 ~ old. ~ ·-~ "l ,~1 t·ti.a1r.i. or e ron1e. 1 1 • I 1 •~.1<1rn eue ouy~ "'11.1 I W ·-,.. l'tady for W\a1tt alci•-, ~· .. " ·.w~ · £las!, pl<la\.lc & w h 1 1 e &eu, phtul'f'"h v" n~~ t 1 I lad1ea. clothes 9AM·12At-.I indy 's Auction Bern NE'I\' BALDWIN Acro~nir. frtt to i:d home. 646-6531. • .... u.u-SALES Men rnit ,. 1ng <' am . .-.-..·!l.n ro!· _ 1ng, ete. Little Dude traUe:r. -lralhrr Olk & whlll' 11re11 lf'f' Rnrl (.fld rointnoclf'S, R.l...o ~r1day, .July _:IO, 1971, 2131 201.m Newpc;r1, CM 646-8686 chr·n·)"\1-..od, full ke)board N.B. 91lp an.ll. STOP!!! ru~a. Thay"r Cog11n hlk t,, k G 2 nuk~ PL ~G-5293 Bt"h!nd Tony's Bldj; Mat'! J!KX!. 548-1111 Be.st offer over $1700 tt;1 ~el am" St'l . p1t<'I!! _ ____ _ __ -'---"'-'-'-11~1 LOOKING & ACT whllf' ('r.rlo;nl U1bl1>, 4' \'l'h•f'I ~f'('llon11I. Mirror~ A· BLK_.t_Ot>Ckf'r power IMI, l9():t S!NGER .'If' \\I I fl g Sporting Goods. 130 P•u •ncl lupplin For inttmnation cau ~quarf' J\1u.'lt 'a c r i 11 e f! I mony 111.nip, Naug, ~· !i·ol;i. r, h111!r!tr & !1111sh carpenTers' n1acllin" H11111'1 plf'C'f'ri Qtlllt I i~;;;;;;;~· ~~ 54&-1001 S.\IH. nilndl'<I )'lf'rson, ~f"t f(lr &1."o.-~ I SKllS ~ I •· ,,.... "" 2 m111rhin~ ('hllir.o;. Al! mu~I rqu1p1 & hMdw11r, Many O!rl glaS6, old «!!11tr, nllr· ,.,r """· ,...,d Star 27' OWENS yourst>lf, & J'f'a:l !'lll'f't:r op---K P')l'tun!ly Xl!lt llllui·t !(Ir LEAVIN\. S!;itr! J\l u ~ 1 hf> .~old. ~32~74 l !f'n1~ llt'11f'r u&ef! Comr ' 1-nr Firephicf' f'qu lpmf'n1 neisst'I. mark,r b1nd1n&5 Pets, Generel 150 Jui! pamted. varnitht'd A , Sa 1 , H !ul f r hnJ\\~ m11kr oll'r~ r-.lay be !'>l ink ~t0IP !n1•aJ1rl rrky $100, 6"16--0375. rechro td Nt an II: right rnan. E111·111n1i:.s t'Onl· · ~rl ire OU!if' o ~a_ 1."iUST lif'l! ll\'ll'I& rni & clf'n ,. 1 910 C d Pl C\f Mi~f' SJ.8-'I~~---------m · w VU ' openi.ns 1or CRILL COOK f t I I d ~ U>'I -~unda} St 13.1. 1\dult bantams S-l .50. Also new d ' It. de th ,....,,_ be ln l"XCf'lis nl $2:::.0. per wk. 11rn1 urf', r1nn11 1 n I n 5: lO\leseat, this, I am P 5 , -,--_ ~ •reo u • ra 10 P ... _,.. No 1'8J\Vasaint (l r ~ohcirin.i:. J'{)(lffi stt with l~rgf' china, 3 hf"rculon st !, g_ftnle tbL etc, • .. I 2li !.AL. aquar1un1~ Lashes'. Lashes~ -----------rluck5 & gt'ese. 2612 Mt"sa Slpa 6. N.B. aJip &val!. nu'nN> 1n1n1ed1111,ly i;hould nf'v.' \lerll!tr r11n~an l furn rnrl. Vf![\lf!t 1-0!a &1 ,·',.;"~,,:, ear · · 8170. All clay TV, Radio, H iF I, BANTAr>t ch1ckl S-1. 1!'11 stem room. En,ine UM lntf'rv1f'w~ hv appointm('ol hforl room atts. 9 ~ola t. lo11f' Xlnl tonrl, &l~.'\(i. I "/a(·1·1'~~. incl aland .~ Lashes! STEREO, 1971 unclalmed Dr. (Upper Bay). $6200 App!,\ in pt'r"SOn 10-S ll m, only 9-.i \\'t'f!kdayE it'l~177l. seat, coffer table " enr! --1 Sel!'<'l!Ou of lul'n. '.'ll1~e ('.iri you do \\ithou! !a~hl"S~ lay ... .\Wil.\I. G 11 r r a rd Cet & 852 f or utformaoon all • 2 Fa.shlon l«'!. NB sALES ~1 --· ron1mOOes. sl ,.rf'o, pario sel, Gar.age Sale 812 tt Pm s 1.Ad1"~ & h oy~ I Call Shirley al AIJei;ro !or turn!Able, A.\l/fM s!ereo. 548--4601 E11ual opportunl11 emplovrr · · · llNo~tr '.l'/pf<'tvrn b1rnp~ p1cturer;, f'1C. Prl''· -I f'IOth1n.1: Sat/Sun 10 11m ;\Ion appt Phonio 67.l-4:.00 r11dio ,r. tape pla;,.·er Air AFFl::CTJONATE black ~ f'T. OW\'na Cabin CruaMr r!Ol)r-to--Ooor rxpf'r 10 hf'.a<1 P!l'. 21.l-;i.'.l2-1:1.17 TWO FAMILIES '11! 260 Cll.n1e1J111 Ln, Cns111 ,'\7~2 t~_c_,._· st Hwy, <;<J,~ ' a Pf! a k er-' w/cro~s-Q11tr male short hairf!d cat, l yr. Wlth ny buQce. Owner mU&t 1 .......... !!!'!"~~ .... !!!I u,p Or11 n.e;e Cni~ Sllleft lnrf''.' · I Come early, Cotfte ~ervrd /\Jr~11 system. s1 11[ brand new, o II MATERIAL S20,001 yr & up. Appl,v 22.)GTANThou~ehtl<'.lf !)f'!ll' nrw whtl r }'l)tt hrou:w thmugh ----l l~1!TA'rION ~pa.rd kinl( 1 wners mov1rg 10 "' $3000equityfor $.l!i00ot HANDLERS Sri Slit.le Cl>lle11:e s111r1. ,\1rr!ir rurn, f'Xllmplt; R' blk C"lelln ~id~f' Ba1 .... ,,. 0,,1.....,~. l.!·.AVJNG 101,1.·n, j;llf11gr salr. I ~111> b"d spread v./mat· sod f<'.lr $.)19 w/warranty. i'llaryland. $2-5441 'til 9 beat otter. 22 5 Hl9 ., " • '' I '' 1 ,,_,..,. "' P11y of! balance ol $120 or pm Jnre -p'" •"~-! II An11hr1n1 . na11i;: sora & lovl'seal, nevf"r BA"•. Ch• .• •I·. nr rlr<iwl'r~. ~any 1 r1n~. lit'""' <'011''. th1ni chair throw & 2 Jar,e · · '"<-..... r ... y~. U 10 ..,.,. ..... ..,..,..,.., ...... j ~· "" I -•· "I•· "I r.t I srn11U p•yment.s. Credit ·====~~---,.,-.-, .. •-"'on •·<>~-~ LOCAL 1 us"rl SliO F.legant S1IBnbh JI h'" 1 .--.iinr '~" "·'' "~ "" pillow~ Nt\\' $75 '·Ii•~ 2 BEAUTIFUL Burmeae "' .., .. ,,, '''"'" • ~ '"""'"'• Cali ~-t~. Srt\rn11'!1 · · · • l"at "'t stl'rro. tw 111i. h \"~" Ch \' ' . ' '' "" depl 893--0.'ill T Cond'tlo W-l~•ll Ser y Mktn1: S..150 kini:•sJ. bdrni i;r! H1dr· & l \\' 1 8 1•as er. ~·""' Jcor11 \ ay, l1101ps 644-1536 • · cats, male & fem11Je. 11 mo etc. op I n. 68$-.7042. "" s:ioo .•. ' ' ') Tl(]lll'S • SI l'Pr, P'tf'r aT'· !1'1'1!11' . I ' ·-' 19n ZENITH & d . rcrsonnel ,\Jlrncy &!f''y. Cnns1.rr. 11.·hl'i't. ,1 1off!'r 111h)r .... l"nd B·QUI', pa!il) /urn. ril"mra· • 17 ron!eniporary couch, S.10: A m1ral old . .$20 each. 5..36-1225. 27' CUS!OM lloe.rner Flyinc .,,,13 \\('stclilf Dr, NB AAA! Bkkpr s11:1 1·01111nndr,<; Vr ry n.•ason· tnr ilrml', sini1ll apJllial'IK'~. 1 (,ARAGE Sall"--Or~SY'S. som(' .Jj() pwr tries"'"""". ~""·. closc-.Qu! ~alf'. Low est REX CFA reg kitte ,, , Brid&f' Cruiser. Built :u.;s, ,,,; R t ISH I le" • • ~ •910 I ,.,...,_ .,..,._, prlcf's 3 yr picture tube, l ' ru;, _. S I h"'I / dlo &J.i.27'iO rlrrr:T . J !" 2 ·M 11hlr , 71 .. ' . ..,.1~·.,, ll· pn:ijectnr & ~f'n>Pn. rarll(•S, nr\\', Slles 12·!~. 1ron1t:ionr. la1•n mowtr, $60, Hcarlh yr parls & service. Antenna mos w/sh;>ts. ~$150. lee ""· s 5 n •very ---N NC --l'r .'IT!i~I S·I ;, up SACRIFICE-BY TV, m1~c. hu1 goocJ iunk. 111an,v mtSr !ltn1s rr1 &· Earthenwarf', SjQ: Wrought :>t:>--4522 eomtortable. Arllriou• to t>1AJNTE A E n1an·Bapfisl B 0 ).lf"dlc11\ S~OO DWNE R .'iB I f.· Sun, 1111 f,, 121.i S:t<1r· ' ~11 17·\.~7 Santa Isabelle. lf''n d~n1n~ room ~el, bes1 installed \\'/all eonsoles.1,,----·cc:..c.c:.:_____ if'il . $5495. Call oolltct Cnnv;ilt'1'crn1 Hos[}lr<'ll. 651 G. (}fr-Ln;in /rru~t JIOO hoard \.'.'11.y. CrlM. iCn;i~! r v 1 offer. Call 53i_1658 atr 5 ABC color TV, 9021 Atlanta, Dogs 854 a n,ytimf', !TI41 493-4918 Centrr St, C.J\L 1Ta.>. Acrount11n1 $11100 DP$pt>r111e mu11t sell' Rr11ul. H --I H.B. %8-33:?9. -~oc:---------~~ nA'" ..... ,.,, .. Am••t"'" wy to Goldl'nr(>rj, nnnh to GARAGE SALE' F'urn. anti· _p_._m. PcOOD w h 1. 1, 'S9 LUHRS 32, 1bdc. led er, NEWPORT '" "r • r:.n ""' ''' " R d H .,., ""78 TAPE df!ck~. Hammond II LES AKC I d' I sof;:i & !ovf' sPil.I, ~· rolfef' roa moor omesi.,....-i,,, q\.lf'S, gla!t ~"·11 r." ,II, PATJO!w·nsetcons1,11n,ol t d 6 hi i "It ttt.e . Immae. Many Perlonnel Agency o• 6~1 4!'114 I f , h fnr auto w'2 spm $60 . s an ·• mo&.; "'" 1' toys ._ $" ~ •·t I "bl·.'" & he.x•<"n """m·I _· .• ·· .. . J'llllr\'l'OUS"" n11sr ' .rr,on1 I " .. 11" n1ct&J un1brclla. t~ble, II I• S d Xuas . .w,;>V.> or """ 833 Dover Dr., N.B. r '"' '" -\I)(' $100 "AT ONL\ 803 " TEA(' Str~. prof. rmxlel mos.: se or B. 5 '· tu 833-2349. 642 JBJO n1otlr. Quf'l'n s11.e S1lem RACH !rumf)f'I $60; ~OO<l "' -• · • I 4~ rnund. 7' turq umbrella w/pN'·amn~. rel:Qrd ~. play scrv!ce .all colors &. sizes .'vlanu!ac1uJ'in1< "' n1a.pl .-. Early Amtr. hdrm. I rlean i;::as raogf' S~: N1n1r1 I Main Si. HB. I 11 /remrnr hlfl(·k; 4 ,,-rou.i::ht hlltk Like n~w s250 . 830-5478 BOST'ON Whalt-r w/'!/1 HP . 1 ~~:-C 'Y-O-FFJCE GIRL ~l't. Pr1v. p11r1y . :..i.l!-~91.I!, 11qu11r111m .$12: good daven· GARAGF: ~~lr :· Reing, Krn· li'fln llrt)l ch11.1rs, all while, 'l4-8~51 l POQD.~LoEoS-~Tcin-y~lo-y-p-,-,,-1c,-1• ~!ere, Big Whfft trlr, Very A pro~·1rBs1v~ manufartur-1 _ ' ' · -_ ____ port s~· poll' lanip IR.hlr niort wl'lsh,r Manv m1sr 1n ll("l(l(1 rond. 67:>-lj79 ..:~ __ . -h••l!hy , pl•yl··'. 8 w'-clean, eki or tiah, $995. j ro xln 't 1rorking conn1. '1es1gn fi rm w It Y n 1 r ii l MAPLF: -S<lfll t.· rh11lt· · ' · • ------------DUAL HS-14 model 5tt~ "' "" 11• 67-2124 MACHINISTS n":ns .,frinr hf'nelir~ l(l rlrs1gn ptr!Onnt>I needs girl ri uiltrd hluP, brow11 bP1gt'. lamrs. ~m Oriental tahll', hnll!Pht1ld & rlecorator B~:NNETT Bradbury record p!Bycr \llith 2 old: 2adult!9'' ta1l.$60up. :>-• hou~ 4 r!ay "l'!ek 44 h'ours 11/rnmmon ,sf'n.~' & r.xper. rlowrr rnn1hn. Sl9:J'. Brw~ rlrrs,,rr \\'/~lalP r:i11Tor $IR: _1trn1~. 510-1769 . I SE-a scape S.'.:ti. Re>; Brandt n111trl1lng s pe Aker~. Ex· AKC reg. 673-9357. I~' ME!tCURY w/12'1.r, 140 .hil!t ;mmedi~te OJX!n· S.1~--Sl!ll J-~ pni. tl1Ptr! ff>rkinJO: ch111r .$40. <J!.d typewrJtrr. ICP crra~1 1 EVERYrHING from TV 1(1 w111rr rnlor S2fi0. Rl'~11r C<'llrnt co11dition S lOO . 10 \\'K--Old AKC~B~,-,.-1-,-,-"-,_·I HP inboli.rd,xlntcond.New PAY, SF:'RETARY f . \l.'kmi~ nr a.fl 6 pm; f1cezrr. niuch rnnrP, '.\.~l r . twort. All nu!'<". Rt~son;ib\e.J Plch1ni:; $6'.i. Others. Priv. pies; male & !em. $25-S·IS. upbcil..ln•wcbrome,$1950. lngs for. , ·~ , . nrr~g1nttr1n~ 18th No. S ~rl"11r1 C r-.1. Alli;' 2l\~.1 i\!:irill', c.:>.!. &l6-32lO. party .).1;-...;;7195, =.,._=="'.,,_.,·'~--~~ 673-6944. m. G111p~1c ar~ ab1l1f~ help· ~1-lfl.12. 151 Dn, f'\l('J & wknd.•. ___ . ____ --NOR ---. s 1 STEREO console, Grundig, Also 2 yr o!d !em $30. TRAUB AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE OPERATOR ful. Irvine, Mj.717;}. ,\n CURVED 7' J<Ofa, rff'<'I --. -, -.--REFRIGERATOR: Wa.~hPr. · .GE _coo~ .' IOvf', clean, 1 A ,\1 / f .'vi ~ h 0 rt iva v e , 833-1526 18' SOUTH COASl' utility, f'l'!ualoppor!Uol!y rrnplnyPr rn <1 1 ht ti pP j JUSr n1ovrrl In. Lir!s l T11.hlrs .(· f'h111rs, beds. $15. G.E. 1eft 1g, apl s1zf', turntah\e Beaut cabinet ~2'---"1 'R'1-5-H--5~-,-1-1-,-,-1 . bait tank, SIS radio, aOOll SERVICE St11.to -Aird:__ hln • 11~ r,:i~· 1tretnl " l'lothf's ~izr~ 7-'.1, 11 ri11ia n~ I rlrP!'~l'r.!' fi42-~l 1 I e'-:-rl, S70; K,nmorr f'lf't' 52811 6-li •1125 &IB-1?.66 ' eng. 'rramfernd, must &ell. ' 1 n en an t~ ur pa ern, J; rnmp f'le i lf\.-12 -"fl-"· -rlrye · $();' • new Kelv1nalor ·' · -· · · malt"/femslt", 5 ITIOJ &. 9 1st $800 takes C:Jl3) 666-4948. -All Fhilt~. Apply 46ii<: hr ~PT, ,1•Pl1011• . s 1, 000 ~0z,r1: 41 1:._:1,'." 1',;.rnt'1" ·'~·I Household Goods 814 fllt""r ';an,";· 4 mo~ old ''' 21"-Color TV . s11.cri tice S95. mo5. 17, 1,.9 CHRYSL~ 155 Hp Campus Dr. N.R. n"" -no\\, $3.iO C<1.ll . · · "" · iroi tJl'P '" 'l · ' · · • · 642·2ffi9 Ln. · misr. N('I. 31 BaJho11. Cov,..., 60 \'ARDS sculptm•d .114 Conunntal, C.M 19" por1able S22'. 21" table I====~=---~-, I /O . ra.dki f'ull SOILS TF.CH li·M-1 400. I carpi· --model 320. AU a re in xlnt BEAGLES. Champion blood • martne ' ' ' · 1 hr h 1 o rl H n" 11 r rl 's ling, newly rll'lln~d, 2 y11; BORED \VlTH YOUR CAR? co11er. Xlnt cond. $2196. Exprr. wl('onira('tion lf'St T\\IJN hrr!s 1\·/hol ~!er~. $20, I Res!11urantl N.B. Sun. ()\rt $65. 837-2532 Ruy my classy chassis. conrl, 557-8082· line. malt"~&: lema.les. 673-2319. rarth tills in l1Plrl Otfir·en CbP~i of ..... all'"'"'· S20. Hi I p '·'· ·· Z•••th rPn1ote conlrol * *'* 837-2431 *** V.nod!llnd. Hills &. ·1rv1nP, ,,, ~. COFFEE lhl, wrough11rnn 9XiJ-B-LUE ti. grPen th ick ~1 PIZAZZ into rln11l11g ,, " BOSTON WHA.L&R 13 1 ~1.1 ) .'WS--O:i6:" r·hr ~l. Larl1r~ h1kP $10. lrgs, 2 of(' deski-, .1 lypisr.~ ~bag; rHir. (()!;I J900. new. _ror infor. call !l42-33j.l hlack & white TV. S7~. MALTESSE PUPPIES; 2 w/3J Evinr\ld~ :Sid twin. $195. Apply At Roil-11-wiiy hrd $~. Hampr.r ch ·s ~0 rr , 1,, 6 ''' 1 •. E-BER ----642-397'.i. Fem. AKC rei:. 8 w~. a~a ~i\1ALL tndus1rlR.I S2. <':1.p1a1ns thr $ 1 5. 1 '. ' ciip i·n rr pol, • ·"'· or be~I ()fr 73-4 · · I ' • upnghl p\ano SO!o: 217 .. ~~-~="'-TV'°'~ 536-428:i 96&-2121 1 ~-~c'-"c'~°'c...lil3-~;113lS~-· ~~~ P J I\ n 1 fi42-•,,>,2;, form1i:11 top folding 1 h\~. Mac•1·ne•y 816 , 2l0 rlel' rJr:.·e.r $2~: nearly Admiral Color i -80111, Rent/Cherl'r 90I Of'f'~l~ 11/f'rT p/t~mi> Rl\I to rlri books. ln!s nf nrlrl~ f., rnli~. " ' nf'iv drluXI' h;iilrl li!.\\'n S\00 !RISH Setltr puris. AKC, h grn ~ c 1 & 111 1 ",?'lkl , ~IU!>I RATTAN snra !. ,~hillr 1>nd 2.i!l62 El !\!1rairr. l.ai;1111;; MQDFL H f,11rmAll mo1•Pr Sl:i. &l&--4341 . • 646-4291 • Kill.agay hn1e. Sh at I &: •............ ..,,.. .. ,...,.1 e S:n vp1~ . & '" r~ I ' N I ~<:t~~n7· \q· 06'f . . tr11r!nr ~~~~~~~~~~~!I d ""'" 1390 · TI -· ·· · 111. f'Jf'ran, S'.1.'1 ~1 " rQ11nrl 1A'ue. ·· · ·1 "r ,,,.. ·'' 11/ .I:' taodem disc • 1Y ·' llOYER pa!lt"I 1111. 'l•k''I .,.,iornie •..,,.,.. 7• ___ _ MARRIED ('()11pl1> ~r ..,·1dow u I.\, ,1,!Hl.1.1. ------· ---( "' " n _~ to kr~ hon~f' >1nrl ~k lor ----~ . -~ --, . "~1rnrl~hlf' ni.ap)p rl1n1ng s!'r I GARAGE salr fn "-!'.al. 9 .•<'r l1on too!h ha r row. 1n11alid rarP so mu r h 1 II s LE Bichon a Poll :frises pup. STA-FAST, INC. 926 ,So. L YO:" Santa Ana reiirl"rin nl'<ll tn ""rlan I' fnr STENO-Ci.ERK. L1ty of ~an 11-/6 chrs, $1:,0, AIM Nlllf'P a.m. to !'! p.m. 111isr. I .~\.ril:J.1 raswr~ llalr-pricr s I JO free to YoLI pies! Conijons B \ c hon~. , '. i;.: • j Juan C11p1s1r11no. Bl'{lad & tbl, shullrr rahinet )addf!r 1 hnu.<lrhold hook~ ~cord• $.'"D ~o ...r-. . Boa.rd'1/Gron1mg 531-1766. fY!Om 111 prtVRIP hnr1r. nrr s 11a.L 1rd cirr1e1d 'Xpl'r d1c-h ·k h &12-7'7~ ' · ' •• .,, 1 Mi&c:ellaneous 818 .,,.... .l.,., .\lrs. ~h....,lure. rPqlJlrPd. Cllll 7'1&-fl>20. 1 r · " IH c r ~ s1lv~r. rlet' <1.ppl!1111ce~ ANTIQUE yarner $SO Qil 3 Line&, l Time&, $2.00 ,\fGHANS for 4 days only. -------. ---111111on 1• l)p1rii;:: 6'l, ran,e:e EARi .. I clothlni:: l&lll GoJd~n Gatr ll~ 4. d AKC E MEN. df'.an fllf'IOl"I' work, s:J0.1 ·$61;1 ,\pp!,v City H1tll, ~'t Am~r1can rl1itre1sed Ln 118 · JOHN'S BIKES pn1ng~ by renownd arti.~t~ · ea, ogs. • x- i·uuing .t. a~ s e f'I h 1 in g l J2~00 rasPo Adf"lan!o m11plf' ·' complrle ronms, __ ._ W S.':.O-S\271. Harri top for Fiat ADORABLE httle whl puppy CPpliona.1 pedtgree. 962-9805. i~·Ot'Wf"n part~. ~tar1 $2.:b hr. 49..l-1171. · ~11, ~erlrm. rl1n rm, ;ilJ nr 1 MOVTNG Garasr S a I 1>. -NE -Spider SlOO 8..10-UY.12. poodll's, 6 \\'ks old. Also POODLE pu~ for s.a.lt. !l 40 hr 1\•k. Hf!11·11.to-orl , J977 ·SUlllJ\IF:R f-:\lPl.OYME:NT · Y p1rrf'. !>46-2772. C11n bP \l11plP l.<tble s. russ. ,<;t1f11. Columbia* P remium CHAIRS, sola. bf'd, lampt. br\\'n poodle Ill \\'ks. & blk wks old. 1 apricot & I black, Plarenn~. C'.'11. ·~ C'olJrge >l1,1rlrnt.<-ar'e 'you ~"-~f'n 2f27 RPpuhl1r. CM . __ I ~:~s, itr~11s1.st(~ h~·=· o •• ~ Ste yr * Rcmana II q u ii r I um~, pt .a no . fl')Odlr, !O wks. &i2.-181S. 130. each. 645-2n7. MOTEL flfA IDS -'trl. tim~. look1f\i: (nr .r~rl time nr fu1J 1i'vlU!"T mn\'P-nf'ar n, w 1 r111.~· nnlvl Sat ll -'I JO spr!s S"tt .i0-S2R7.00 honkrases. rll'sk~. e Ir. ;.,1-1-.:.~:i. IRJSH Setter female pllp, itood pa,1·, 6 d~~~/WPPk. limP wDrk~ Arlvf'flisin.i::.Co. m11rrh_i11s: Aflf;i & ln1'r sr11t.I 22 j;, Ara,li a St , 1 ~::~ttil~~; ,; •preds $65-~~ 7,.10-j:JjJ. 2 YEAR nld Bro11-·n 1sh AKC, Ch11mp 11n~. Shot~. J..a.iuna Rrh. 494-To.~i. h;i.• s n11111R.g<'mrnr no.~ilmn!t king ~Ill' hprl, coffrr ,t· ,.nrl N.R. 3 srdi-. 111rn .t· \\!'lmf'n '-''JG rustoni mllrlf' finesr pnortlr. f ounrl near 22nd S: .$100 .. l\31J.-1630. MOTHER'S hrlprr]: nr nvPr "P"n .\111~1 hr ,,,,al in AP· l11.hlrs. Ram, srl, Crl:'\1 11r~;i ! . .~:.3.:1().s70 ~:uropl!an h11mftn hair -l\Pll'f!Q!'l. ~rill uncl.t imed, POOOLES__;A7K'c~. 7 T0 ,-,-,-,-,-. hrlp w/Chllrlrrn •J.10usellld f)f'arancr,d r o1nns1r111" Prt\1l!"p~rtv .fi7~AA REFRIGETlATOR. so fa . -REPAIRS-\\'O!'n onl'.'e. Cosl S200. Sell mllS1 find good home. Toys. Pups/Arlults, all col· "'l I 1 h . n 1 l1 ~ j rhB11<. exrrur1vP rl~sk & I f 7 :ttR-13~9 r.horrs Ralbn;,i PPnlri:.11111. un. ra1 rr< 1P <t I II\ .·.fl to HO\JSI-.~ULL of furn in~l rhlltr h~dr'1Clm ~~1 lamps \\'~<lo f'xpcr! 1flria 1r nn or s:io. 67.'t-7 74 \\'JlT&-bik spotle<~pup, ors. Stud scrv. li!l3-~719. r1I Aug l41h. L1v1>.in Sf'i()(t, mt1 tq.ply 22;} Sn sttri>n equip. hrand npw l misc '...m-2(M·1 2o69 S\\ao ;ill m11k!"s k. rnorlrl~ FURS. Ladies size~ 9-12. 2 TOY lt$.h11n Greyhound -5 Anahl"im. .F . · ' r, ' · .,... · hair, fem, shots. 642-~46 alt -" NE.WPORTER ~ru1 need~ -TAX--ACCOl."TAN_T_ v"'. mew" info C'ilJI .'14~.1981. ELEC. fJ'Jlt'writrr rlldiiil NEW HOURS I for AAlt> by pvt pty ~748. ti tiago Dc.,'=N~B~·----- _________ , Cal 25 + Catlin• 27 Guarantee the lowellt ntM bl So. Ca.lit. "C&llina cruit- lng club", Location Newport Harbor. n 4/961-4840 for Wo. RENTAL Wanb!d: 6\liailii catamaran or trima.ran 20 to 40'. Serx! desc. & rat.l'!s tii Cluaitil'!d Ad No. 13&. Da.lly Pilot. P.O. Box lfliO, Cost.I Mesa, C<'I. 91,626. 36 ' FLYBRIDGE Cruiser, Slps 6. Fully eqpd inc slcip. 31 35/day, $700/wk . 64&-9000. Boett, S•il prefer11hly. C11\J 67:..S275_ Sta(e ('lllri;e BJ\ d • • srv.1ni;: marhine Mu~r sell 1 0 CM. 8/'7:, 1 2310 NE\VPORT BLVD. Cllf Jarkrls, 2 strollers, 1 stoll', Da.!matia.n/cocker. 5 h 0 rt mo. !emalf!. ~e~. 1900 San· m1dd!t 11gt li nr ol<'.JOr tnlllf' 1 :~ F.RY. """'' rPawn1hlr · "nm ~ IO"m 'l""·"·i· Sh.11\·n in evf's by appt. only. · ,,.,....,INAUcZER P"P'· c-m· f h "PA r l · I ~aw, IPlrs('OPf'. lawn edger ~,. '" ,. """ r • LOV BLE ~ I ·I ~• ·-~ardrnrr !fir J'l<"mitn"n! nr u.~y' · "r in rna~1 ~ -.-----· I T1\BLF.:~,·-lO~Davu & A '"'1 · x n · pos 111on , Nn ph r·ll~ r!~ riry H<'l!l')I Jndl1'•du11I. ror-1F URN!TURE, h n l! I'~ n Ir! h-b ~Ill, P1C 4[)~ l!ith PlarP r Sat-Sun 9am 1() 6pm \Vf'!I<; 1 h p rrn'.l!Or $100 I IV/ChlldrPn t..rg 'j ~ rd . 1ng, !tu~ =9 t:rrns. -IROKERAGr A 1 \ M pnrlltP nar !~f'r~h i ri 11em.~. rrnm m11 Dnvtr iat ru~11n l\vr., Cost11 fi4 5-4720 . , T I'd W &lchdog ~----:c.:.-==-----I .,_ F.fii.~Y1 ~,.~~~~;"~;,t~~r !l~i prl'rai·at~n Al~n. • 1 ~,. ~horPll hnmf'. l~I~· rm, .rln MP~n-~1-Sun 1-\\'1l~T~~-~rftdr-ln~--: ii7-4il.~'i . ~~'1{2"2 AKC Rt!g Af1:han puppies -SALES-- ,lamhnrr" Rrl, N Ei ,.,,~rarrh _ CAlt ;1.ri.f('r(11 Jori rm. hr rm~. kit. AH tine GARAGE Sal,._ Cl irr Dr. b e AUCTION • 1 STORAGE: Bid¥ 10xl ·1 alum j POODLE Trrri,r Dtl p PY 11\iom & Dad ~how dogr;J . -, -_ -----il/Jfl', t1r ~"nrl 1-,,,,11111,. 1o \"<"~. Pv1 pty. fi.lf;-1.ilO Sanr;i An ;. 11 t JM U! .lolla I on 4x6 ~kiri! 2" flOl'lr, ras1!y nt:ed5 gd hOmP All colors. 540-95S!1 LISTINGS WANTED NUR~F.~ nPf'dl'rl f<'ll pvt riu·I PO n_ ... 1, 0 C ------D N H 2 ~-1 mn~l"rl S-195/o!ler. '>36-19lfl "/dorhsl', ---I;,. AU tyj)<"~ _ alJ -~111~ _ • ""'x .1 . ., r<l r1i::r. ii, J\1APL~ dining mom iahll';, 1 r. pt 1~ flut • .._,11rc HOUSE All shots, cute & p!aytul. PUPPTES for We•.~ "-'"Im· Rrf ~ Lr•rouli• Niir~f'S '.1:lf.fi9. ----1 4 rha1r,c., J70: 2 ~·11 plr ,.nrl ~nD!nr.~ lnl."I. Mt·.'1'1on. 10.·1. SPAN chBir Sl5. Anl lao1p .l!•!t.i-&63:i. araner & Great Dant. J:lS. SANTANA'S on Dltpley Rl'!V~lr;.. ;i~l Jlo~r 111 1 Rrl , f'IVE "'om"n NrrdC"ri 10 t11hl f'$ ,t. mffP.e rable, $.JO MOVING! Furniturf". Carn• S7 . D1she~. $.2.": r11..rlio SJ. '1 KJTTF:NS. 11,..5., co!or.~. 7 earh 673·1916. 21' 22' 27' 37' ~ R C.;<11 642-!¥ljS i ny hour.1 Lr11rn k 1r_11ch profp,c.~il"Wll ~ .. 1. ;;,i7-JJ.1!4 l ping "quip'!. Toy~ t.· misc. Aucfi0ns '°'Vl'ry f'ri, 7 pm p\rturrs $.2.i. 67.~10'20. I \\•ks olrl \l.'eanr'(!. Alr.o l Hor11e1 856 i.1o614:li I m ~,. r /I I 23'6 R D <"""917 Furn. Apph. An!iques ,._ ,._ * * tn1Prvbt«9i1·'1p.N.F ."·-11r. 1mr. p11n1r.USED School Dttk ... , u1g~rs r..,...,....., · Ro11-~way hl"li w/m111· fPmillr eat. pa.r1 Sil'lme~!! ---;--I r .... e<', f'(l.•1nnn l!\'ail 111..ll . ' . • GAR GE "-I "" .'lOl.'l \\', \l.'11rner. S.A. .... ,,.. ~!\" I I 3 YR OLD Reg Qufl r!t"r 2900 L&ta·-e s._.. f'AL~I ~PRINGS • silf"~ V 11, __ ., d C 1 F"urnlturr & n11~r. 1 tPm~ I • A ·' """e: .... in Aui \~! f 11 ,,esSt'~. '' -"" ' 11. mos .'>-\g..Sl)l~. I ,... •-· I I 1\·1~11P nuu11r osmf'I r~ f 1 I !'!·:'\() lll\l 1 6 P~l 1 l<:tl~ 1 o tlw search llgh!I npw 67~~7q mare, ~een broken. $400 k Ne1.1.·port Bea.ch, Cal, 92[IM rl ,1'k fflr 1rn111~ k ~ol ~ 1or 141 14i;~ · · nr 1st (lf 1!<'m,c. call 17141 ·" 0 · on Y· · · 5'19·2241 • ~7-77.l.l · ' · · 2 YR old rhocolatr n\alt Tack S-175. 545-8685 ln4) 673-3060 li4~.'l,.t41 lll In Ii. ' -&l.'>-111)1 , "XI :Ill. I !\tahRln nr. HR Cnrnrr ---M . II h Id -------------!~~nrnhr8,·\l"ha!o 1 ~·!0Vl:-J\.! illus1~11.2!win isce aneoul I f'O?f~lr_t.;:.v,sc 1. r e n I 14'Fibergle&s PRX npr An•\\'Pf1n:.: SPI" 1 DIN!\iG sf'1 , rlrnplPaf T~l 4 . hrd.~. rompl1>lr. txix sprl n~s I Wanted • 820 S.lr-.i61.J. Runabout r...:per. prrfr! /H111i1nz10r>11 11 ~1 rhil1rs, n1arrh1ng (hP .•I , ,\1()VI~'(, t-alf' -men~· mi~r l t.· n111llrr~s. 2 srr!inn.~ or ;·uNcK·Y-r'mirh ... nl"k"g into Boetstnd [iC ] I I I ' I h I M Eq I t E'xcellent condition! ~P11rh_:J::&-_f:8~~--__ I Mtrch1ndi1• '· so.11n lirnr rl l>ll.k. ~11rrihr" 1 ,',.~!'! 1nr ... tJrn · c 0•1 lni nlrtal sh,lv1ni; 7'x4'. \-:l\, ,. <>f),')(j kin"-sizP hed. You 1 triM upm•n _ __ -_ \ \I r , C \\ I o 0 ;iiiiiiiiiiii;iiii;;;;;;;;1Include1 l>hp. fl.1ereu""" 350. PHO'· s SOI.If'! fOl<: _ \n•n Si\ !'Ml<:-300Z ,.-_·2~0 ;·,r.. !\ ir. ~m r i::. at 11qu11r1um show !11nk k haul. 962-524:'1-I ., '" I ~ . .,..,,, Trailer, We cuahion1, tiJ't' hriml', vour hour!\ \\'" pro-1 SOLr n_k_rl_ -------'-· · J l\f"'~ flf !llrrrs. l-ln 'l;i.l CASH PAID FOR 'GREY 11gPr ;Jter"rl m11l1> ca1 Generel 900 exlinfllisher, tarp. $100 w 1.10,. !r~rl< l.l'ri!I r11 11~ "nll Antique& 600 1 1 /~ 1°a 10111~ ro('lml if'! I GARA r.E Salr ~l N Sun. I t;ink & f1l1rr, 1-i dr1111r r de•-·•!"\•. ntedr. hoinr by &,t '"''·""80lS _ , 1\' nu! rl. ""ry n1r~: r11 ! aft 11 5 • 1 1 f\ u hn fin,. turniturP. aprl111ncr$. ,.. ' " '""" E1 S4(1'111.\ /\ppll 21.,s.111IP}~\lr lrt F ·,.,r r· I :i..'l1\1krl11vs 9AA-2MIJ arn-. rm. ~urn,rlnrh~N I 1 ·1e~1 . I ,<;1~f' :-.~rw1ni:: 011r Sund11y +;7.1-.i!'l::.6 ; 67$-423:i. CA~TAIN "SALBOA """ w1~·"•'. C'Ylllrii:r kll'r1. A n~he 1m or , ' II. ll torn n1iirr -•• ----n11.•r 1~ H1t\'rn r1, NB t.· rnallrr-.o:. Y111hy other ~lltl(]Ufs p1rt'P nt -""' .. cw "" lil'>-4 4 'ln ('n!f~,. !i1 hl e !rrim :in!1qnrlDRl. iv., ~111 ini;: & m~ll l l.'> fi.l]....f,'jll~ I llrni~. 7.~7 ·"''nil rt CY! houseful C:al! rl11.,11 or night. LITTLE GREY KTTTE1"5, 2 Unl11n1ted l!c,nse • 1111.Y fl'OM extension. Head. f HP' ~-------h11 mr \\11.111111 rnd !11hlr r n ()hi hri11 ~ririne i; nl•HI 1--~---------------.J4:t-22~1 or :'l-li-77:1J. I fE7'>1ALES 2 :>.1ALES . ions. JO Years experience Mt l'C'W)' OU!bOll.rd & m&ny PR " ""HO"\ f"l lr'r· <;AT ,r., !'ll'1 Ill to i \1i•r I FOH •ii)" 1n!IP('lfl")n l'lf 1 .~ "I' -~'8 • I • pf · ·' r,.,,, •1 -ru~!11n11 . .....,i11. :\111'1,na hi111· wlflRnir s20 ">1;......lli\ 1 .,.,,...i.,·•. s111 po~·er. r'l'.l'-'5.ston..., extras. Cail after 6 pm, ' ' 1;~· 11~r._: n,.:rh , !~· ~~~;:;t I q'.J:,' c1,0 1 1 1 1i, nan 1 k1n, 1 . ~~11;. r.o1.n ,:;1~1-0-hair $19 '.J\ Iii I ~~~-a-;:r: rn ~;~~ d l~1~n11u/~~ 1 ~~r~ 1111 r~~11:~1;l1n~ :~~k~rh1~ kl~ • \\' A NT F: D Hl biiy DA;RcL:1:,~0~c,-1c11-"c"c·--,c,c,:ct sport lisb1n.: a;uide: 1'1exican 963-8817. _,,,_ .... ~, ,., ,,, ri.i·· 1~ r 1"~ ,.,. " h , P 8 k OOx I ·arntd ,t-_ Central America & PACH· E=NcDoEoAcVoOoR~',.o·~r"l'G----1 r 11,1 C'hn~t111 n rr~-!"rt11v1I g1,,.,, rnllrriion Int i.:' Af'k ~hair S~l2 l0. hoth llkP t Nr11.ronrt Hrh n11\rr, 2 p1rltll'f' fr11 111r~.1 Gol'~rnnr \l.1 1111hr~~ rJ,,,k, Prsian, "s, · 1 · ic Coast water~ ... lnstruc-p, 7!'12 V1r1nr1:0, ('ri•l11 ~1 ~~. f-1 2-.l:f:li: I tlf'1• il4-,1!'f.l, nlNF.111· -t;ih°t~rh111r..~ I ~1n11.ll fl'l!'I ~f'11·1n..: milll'hln" • C11ll 91,~_4,,i . • R~.~-20'.l'.l. lion in ))o&f h11nd!1n1, 11ea· 2 s111l u tls, liP~t. 4 '14~·177~. KE~MORE: ga~ r!ryPr. l:\n'I ~trrr>n/A\1-r.\1, n11,r iicm,1; I '-· ml~t· :\.~9 :O.!Agrifll111, C.:>.I \t'ANTEO; \Vh~el-r hair BEAUTIFUL 11 h11~ rrrsi;i.n manship, DR &r celestl11! winchtt, knot meter, 5 HP f.Oii.ii.i.i.Oii"'OiiiiiOiiOiiiOIAppH.anc:el 802 ~~~ .l Pr hr ,1;,t , rl11rk \u...,rl Fri t.· ~1, '2.'i.~2 f,)rl"n . Nn I _: ... 1J<:..~:'ll.I:. w/remov11hl<' f<'P! r<'SI~. c111 w/2 da.rh111: 11 hite navigation. PTCK UP & ou!hrd, S299S. S48-Sl4(). Production Artl&t 11imrlP 1lne11, rlinin~ r;:ibll'. C, r.:vi. fi~2-il~, I BOX springs, mattre~sts, fl68....960~ k11trns, 5 wka. :l.16-_]?32_. _ DELIVERY ANYWHERE: LI DO 14 w/traller, Mil M . r or Hol N~1\pnrl &>arh KENMORE a ut(I \\'a~~:r Sl'i.'>. D11n1~h wal~ 64~-'l?il_i _ MAN;;· V\V p11.rtio;--=-l2v:-2 wn1•k brnch, Vl~I'. Chflir.~. STUDENT w~nt! f:LEC· 4KITTENS, mtxed colors. 1 c11pta10 11 11a]lable for l!X-1701 in x1nt eond, hu been ;tgl'nr.v. NfV'gt. auto 11a5htr J,.,.,, Bolh CO,\IPLETE ho 11 ~ e '11 ~urfhollrd~. hr ill~~ rhan-ta.ble~, '-''JR~. J::Ullar. prth! TRON IC EQUIP tn repair bobtail, mother c&llho. 36ifl tended crui~ing, Extensive ki!:pl in indoor •ton.it. t\nn"' pnnt\n.-:. p1"ld1Jcllon '-· xlnt ro~. l11lr mr>liel~. i;i:u;i_r l furniturr . 111 .19lh s 1·1 rl,.li,.r, ,1r . M4 ~nnra Rd. rPcord rhani::er. r u ~ t m for praclicr.. 642-6989. Park Ln, NB. 673-577 1. 11dmin1strati'!le t:xperitnct. Rttdy ID "11 , $950. 54i)...(M7, ~l'hf'dUJlni 14,'xln'! lloatdl & • r!f'h,"f!red, j46-8672, N('ll'Pf'rl R<'ar,h !i7!.-ll~!'l CM :;4()...J;ill. n1ai1<' rnrl rha1r 962-799'1. ALBINO Peruvian Guinea fi~2977. SACRIFICE! 16' fibe~ I '! h • R.1 1~11l 202'IB J\.1 no! H B Mu1ical Instrume nts 822 OUTRIGGER lik• skil~ ... u~i 11v1>aynex--•. f'Unl"T111Rf.· for-1-FIR--I --1.ARAC.-E 'AL.,--a.i;:: 111· '· Pii: w/ca.1e. l>' ELCO CLASSIC Cn.ii1f'r • new. T 1/t' "" ._.R1r·1n\!R" h • II.fl· I ' J • t, --A&lri""' $.1~ ,94 1••• ;!"r. rmror~~ •JJ1f', ~ .· r • ' '" \\'R~ tr. ,..'I· 00 Applil'lncr" 8,.~1 of!er ·~H Ch 1 1 S"-S2.'\0 WATERBEDS 2 LGE QuUter 11peakrr Ca.II 64J..242.l J1,_Jud ln1 Harbor moorlna. ... • • 0 • "ibillly or prrm;inr~t l!tin1r rtllPnt cond . .$6j; \\'hi:p l\2 Victonll, CM Nri. 11 I 1~1;411yf'p:~:i"' (.'\1 All ,,,..~inets, tow-\2 's in each SMALL lenl &lwtiiY d°', lb All xtru. l mmae cone!. Newl~4"9l-_,,9c.3c14c·~.,...-~-~~,1 position ft~ p1'nr111M1on m11n-por!ahlr ~r1,1.lnR marhlnf\ -----------------_....____ ~izr~ S-ll95. Packa it:f! rooin for 6. SllrTificf! $200 d ood ho enr. Sllp avail. 16' O'DAY dty NJ.let incl 3 11 .... r. Call ftl1·1670 S'tfl : f:lr r hrrl"r l!'l"lm~r. * • 1'1AVE:NPORT h ,r!,, NEAT, CHEAP STlJF'F !1t11I, p11dded n11ugahyr!~ yr old. net' i me. Id~. uum h •··-"' b Good .. , . .., .. ~ d r d I ,,,,..,.. '" L ... : recti 1<:42·~'21<:\ !I'":; -."o M73 <NU ,....,....., .p. ....'"fl.... o. ' ......... ~ ..... ~~--1 rJP"'. J\2, 440 riahlill, CdVI It ol'I" r on . r 1 r r 1 e wE:o THRU ~UN• r11mr. . .= ... a1er c1U1Jrs ,...,.,,., shape, muit sell q.tickl C&Jl PROrESSIONAL p. hone C,.--, h 1 l 0 • n-11~n11hl.11. C~I 6Th--~~. ~-45 Lto\110/'lrl nr. C.M. S-7.;;(J, .lf.18.551(7. • FENDER tTO reverb 11.n1p, GREY tiger altered male cat 8ofrt1/ Merine 904 Bud at 67>-1393. . • auto 11a.~ rr . , ----121 12" jhl'~. I ed ho b Equip. !l<liicitor • DC.n•1 .~lfll, ~n \\'f'~l lni.;tiriu~~ tl,c rlryer Antiques 800 Antiques IOO Antique1 8-00 Rea.st1llllblf'! Call 644_21.i.5 de~P'rate Y ne 8 me y --'-'---------g· COLUMBIA DlnchY com· r:111 men.tt, .ap !u•rp 11rrll. J.~ll Bnlh ,;norl mnd, i:Utir .t. Sunday 673-5958; 67fr.423!1. TRADE 4 HP outl:>oa.td !or 2 Plfle w/ai1-luboatd-rudder· ~;:t d1e"..1 ~:-_:1 ~~~~ rlrli11f'N'rl . :.46-1<:672. s11~1i:i. (LIFT'S ANTIQUES I QUITS 11 ~r:;,E';h?~ ac;a~lioniinl~~ G!o~1~1~. ~=~· l~~~r:,· ,! ~~~~ :~tc~ :a~~~~~~ ~7463~nt cond. $Xi0. 8.1~·1465 betwten 9:00 a .n1. REF'RTGERATORS, washtrs • $150. or bf!st ofr. :i.36-4468. w/children. 847·5840, w I c ry~ t a 11 $99. o.co=,,.-,-.,,,--0-~-·I and not>n. $ll t.. up. Gu11ranlf'f'rl . Oi~-•• :=::..:.::.-=~~--1 2S 2-1' rBGU Sloop, heed. ~· . NJun! 1f r11.~h "'-rarry. 4 DAY LIQU GTBSON ES33:'! Humhul'klng FREE rlean flll dirt, you 714/644-21 . 1 Mile 018 t.!S p:~~~~; s=.ra::i;·hf'M~~:~ Ch~r-Rnn,1; fAl)..71<:20 . ' I . IDATION AUCTION s~~up~. Ro.e~·ood ~2741) haul.~ Plumer SI, C.M. Boats, Power ,06 ~rn .. e:ll'&Llke ~-~ l l ><ii:::-o:::::-..:-:::.F"'.:...~1 ~"'-;;;9900';:·o-=.,,,--;c;:-c;::-c::-Cd 013 4 9 Benrh Mrn. Apply r-.tflrtii;.on e MAYTAG 1?.J>llr mtl n t'11't. F 24· CHRIS Cr.aft Cab1n1-~T·---T·~~~~---·I E"'il'lM'ring In ' 1 7 Ii 4 2 "''AAllar xlnt l"Qnrl. rlrl\' w/90 AUCTIONEER'S NOTE •. La I Office urnllure/ ADORABLE blk/wh kitten&. 8 Cru!ser 1!5h " VS m&ri1'f' Schock.bit Endeaver r9est ant que Inventory Equip 124 k ho rr , r ""1 / · ,. Arni~!Tllni:t Av~. o\11.nt.:i Alla day stUAr. l'iO. ; ... 11.~A.17 ff d · w s, x -n · r Y w t<nj?, Top runnlni cond. 211', #4(), Xlnt cond. $UX). Now worklni:: 50 hr5 wk. GAS DRYER Kenma~. ll~I' ever 0 .,.. at public auction in Southem Calif. COMPLl:TE Pitney &Wf'I dogs, m & r. 49!)..lWI art 5. lllaki> 11fr. 644-6448. &f2-8534 days; 673-5303 ewtl, RECEPTIONIST new $100. Auio washl'!r S25. 11ddre51egr1lph equipment. TO rood home. Ulva.ble male 37' CHRIS Cralt Sport F 18h, e AQUA.RIUS 23 tra.tlerablt N"pon BH<h llcm """' !16M\2'l OVER 3000 IJ£MS -APPROX. $200,000 £VALUATION Tak• 0"' 1"" p&ymOPlol :_:;, w~:."::~:~:·~1~: lmmAC .• 1"° m<>1•l. A"'Y •loop. !lfft oUoc. C.U ~ption iat with mln1mun1 Kclv1tl8tnr rlw<sl 14 QOQ SQ FT OF FINE $44.'tl pf'r ma. Call 1\75-0050. & Co. li75--8990. g73-7978. of l yn """""'~-Pl,.,_ rnEEZER • • • ANTIQUES MUST BE SOLD Piano1/0rg1n1 126 LOVING. h<&ltny '°'""'' to lc!:;,7'.::::oS~TA"'RL;=;;:lN;,,E-.. -=os,-,H"°P "'w"'Arrn:o=~, =KlTE=-s&ll"'· ,...,.-~~rn1 a.n'. ~rMnallty k abilit}' to 10 ru. IL $75. ~1~2759 NOTE: Office equip. & fixtures lovini llamt. All colon. i Evinru<l~ It cover. Good aood cond. Muat be under' h11ndle bu~y dt"Sk. \\'hich in· SEAR~ C'olrl~tM5tltu cannot be removed until sale is completed . WOULD YOU t.iikl. Lido 111,.. 673-5580. rond. lS95. 67~Z. $400. 6'1l-J.5i4. 'I""' '"' ol, dl .... phooe • ,.,.,,,, mpp<clo~ 'I 'I SALE CONDUCTED ON PREMISES BY B! ~'&VE ' BEAUTIFUL whH• •hor! iii· Arr Cabin Chm c ... 11, 30' FmERGLASS sloop. hP11vy IYJ!inr. Xlnr working ('Ond. 'sl2.'I. 968-i!lll<:·. rREE ORGAN LtSllONS hair m•le cats, J'11 mo. tnimac &: original. $11.~. heel t · SIS pb 2':ii~it;;..~l~ i:~: ~:~Jr~ KENMORF: autr1 w11.111w>r. 21.1 W£SJ£RN LJQUIOAJQRS ANO ASSOC. &~~:rf('I: J;~~lli~:\i~:. ~~; F'l'l"t~ 644-ITSO. Avery & Co. 67~. ~. ~aJ~~&. 673-U;~· ,vr air! Xlnt roM. SITE -CLIFT'$ ANTIQUES -10802 BEACH BLVO. STANTON Com'. Monday1 7:30 pm FREE la a:ood Mmr, f1>nced Jl' CHRIS CRAM' ctbln VENTUiE 21, flll4' equip, noon. l <4~l 10S4 yd. Loveablt mBle collie, ' T' w ){ ad A $2,000 or betl oUar. 1)ally Pilot Want Ads havt 3.'l -DATE-THURSDA1 FRIDAY I SATURDAY I SUNDAY COAST MUSIC Shots. 897""4al4. ~2-7006. ('f'l:i~r. ·837 '957 1 962-6351 borr•ll"l8 plore. LARGE Whirlphol fl(>..fJ'()s! July 29, July 30, July 3 1, Au 1 t 61l-2Ml r• ley. etc. ...(i, • --' retri1trraltlr·frt11zer. s !10 . 1 00 p M l 00 p M SJ. 1 BLACK Dutch rabbH. ff'ma.le 28' MAHOGANY Md oak SHOCK r•« sabcM., bll)8, No. A aood w1.nt ad t1 a ., ........ 6"2--l•O.'l.. : • • : • • 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M . HAMMOND. ~ t '-In w II Y. 'l''/CAgf'. Good pet. 646-851)5. Po~~r 4 old-IOl\d . 5&?. Good cond, $335. I YP.m1.1»1. Nf'w k u~ nvestment 1 VACANC!Tu Colt rOOney! TEltMS -25•;. Deposit at time of &lie -Verified cheeks accepted. pia~ of m~t makea. 84!1t ~FLUFFY Ion& hair kittffl•. ,._ M:>-3394 * '** 644-6173 •• A.NY Dlt.Y 11 he BEST dlly to Rl'nt your houP. •pl., 11~ INSPECTION -3 dey& prior to sele 9 to S -buys tn So. C11lil, •I Schmidt 1 blk. le 1 wht. ~14 · 41' CHRlS ~bin, ll Mpg + FLt'PPER •$8:$ + n1.n 1.n .ad! Dnn't bldfl' .• "!c. thru a D1.1ly Pilot ,AUCTIONE!R: G . L. Gardner Mu~ic Co., 1007 N, Main. KITTEN~ 11dorabl1>. biiCk 8, 5AO hp. Auto pUot. S29.950 , Good cond. J:2:501be.st otter. df'l•Y· .t:a.11 torf1.y, 61:2.-5673 Cl11Ml!iM ad. Sa.nt.a An11. Ar '"hite lntien~. ~~1 . Ov.rner. IJ7H7i0. Mu~t HIJ. $7s..59i2. --~...---...--· -.. _ _t;.._~ ---·-_ .. ' ' • ,. • .. ........ .. . ..... _ • I I i ! I I ' I I . . .. . . l§J I .-11101 '°' ~· ]§] I l§l,I .__ _.,.,._tM"·_l§l! L-_.,. .. _t~"'·_IB ·I Auttn forS. lriJ/~1 ._, ... _,,, .... _J§] [ t 7o Autos, Imported ~~~~~~~~~-970 /;;;A;;;u;;;tos;;;;;, ;;;N;;;•w;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Q);;;;;;;A;,;u;;;tos;;;;i. ~~A~r;;;w;;;;;;;;;;;M;;; ~-~;;;;"'"~t I ~ '---T.__,._"°"_l[i]I [ ..... , S.H M Cycl•t, Bike•, Motor Homes 940 1 Autos Wenied 961 Autos, lmport9d ~~-~~~~-~-1 Scoo'1trt 92.5 --::;:~:::::::-::::-::::-~11 ~-:-=--0-~~--llOUDAY 2i ' yawt, 5 uu.,1_________ CONDOR WE PAY TOP """" • ..,, ""' '· swv.,.._ Large Selection 970 Autos, Imported DATSUN DATSUN Mint'°"" .,,._'°" 'llllNI Tho y<cht that'• "" ' boot CASH of FuHy 80UJlrTY 19· 100•· °'' HONDA nu.1. CORWIN rn1w Recondlt1'oned s.iler. >..1nt cond. SlSOO. or O e. Co ... range ...... unry·s ndor Dis-Rare J 5[>d. dlr. R. Excellent offer. Pri ply. M&-."6'1.1 th for used carg & trucks just Used V W'• ''fRIEDlAHDER,. tr utor, Z::O S. :'\la l11 St., · • J l'.Crndaion 1lu 11 out. Old car ,., HULl. _,-1 o Cl 1 call us lor lree e51imates. h only, Ex ...... 1 >Ur, range, ose 10 11rc>e nu1-Porsc es--o, s1nall Uow11 c<1n !in. cradle. Nl'>A' oond. SllOO. ,.. •Mai (MWY, •1 jo· !rt'eway5. 639-18.:-(j Or GROTH CHEYRQL[J pvt. pr)'. Please art 9 an1 MG-~11. 537-.682• • b:..J..7:1.6 K. 7-l}J<M. Campers & Vans ;:,w-~736 ~~1-D!l11. t67 DATSUN SEDAN HOBIE 14. 11 mo. old. r·I"(', eTHEBIKESHACKe RENTAL. Nt''\ "..'7' l.'onrk.r Ask ror Sales r-.1an11ger JOO', 30 ~J,iy or 1000 Ml!es ,--------67 OATS-UN PICKUP Bal Isle mooring for nw of NEW BICYCLES n101or hon1r. f ully .:'quip. 13211 Beach Blvd. I <1u11ra111Pt· Aug. $950. 6i:)..7806. PARTS • ACX'ESSO Dual a/t". ~tet·p~ ~-Info ,I',: l!untiniton Beaeh Piir'.~ ,\ L(1l\<Jr' • ~:ng1rw •, .~-~ RJES 1'\'servat1uns 4!16-lil ·ll 847.f.037 Kl 9-3331 Tr.'Hb.a t"ron1,r.:lle•1rAxh' ·I ~pd. dlr. R&ll. I owner. UDO 14 NO 3329. Xlnt ('(Ind. EXPERT REPAIRS <!%-~ISO. ' ' ANNIVERSARY-=SO-As!<t•nihlit·~ • Bruke Sys-·r:i ke !~rl'•i.:n_ car o~ .~nutll Comple!e. Highway triulcr. ON All MAKES r ··1--T I 945 1t'il1 • t.lt><:·tt ICal Syslt'ill Uow n I ZCJS7.i) call 54o-8T.l6 t71 DATSUN 4 DR. SEDAN Low nuleagl.', fact. \\an·<Jnly 4 spd, dlr 11&11, was S21B6. now $1S&i (639CAX) Small dv\\'n or fo11'i1:n c~ \\'ill 1111. IH'L ply. call Ken ~16-8736 -49-1-6811. FERRARI S9'J5 -FERRAHI -" ,, ... ,., •• , ~~p ......... , Near Fairview e >'"'I'" _ J S Cus1on1 n1ade rephl"A A~=~· &1~~:=· sailboat l09~1~1ni.tK~~d,in~M ~a~;~~Lr;:eAILER ·IDT·A·CAA J ~ .;J ~:,~~;~~ 510 i;cda rJ. $995. '"""" ~ • ._... '"" ..,.... JV 19:>2 Roodn1JSJl'r, i;;· x 11'. I\ d YY . :.nla Ana Toyota. 417 earner. $3.25. 557-5389. * "69 HONDA 4.50-.--$1400. Cash or tcrni~. Con-PINTO \\'J AUl'O. ~~ J' Y.' \\'arner, Santa Ana :":"::.c0c'.1:'':":d'c· ___ :>l:8-<_t_3.211 ~:"~u~w! ~; !:J'.1 ~~="'c1"c',.._='='_':=1i,1:c4_7_'·___ ~:~'.~::. 1:1~,. 0~~ n1-1::.11~~'. Tr:u~H~3tio ~·En1 lle. ~~ !\~ ~t~a;SO l ::;,";~~:~'i'.';·l;im;;;;po~';'ed:;;;;:;;;:;;9;i7;i0~· ;;A;;~;;~;•;'·~~;;~;;:;;po;;.;8 rt0•;;"",";;';;~;;';;:;9;7;;o;;;ll $2900. M&-2577. '71 SUZUKI TS-183. Likr new .a101'. c>Jrt•tri\' \1·a :rr hr11trr. ROBINS FORD .... p ---- INTERNATIONAL 14 2500 m1. r.tust sell, best of. 8Lr C'Onrhll•l11('r. n,·w t·arp•'I· WfiO HAHBOR BLVD. US295, $150. S4&-6!J44 frr. 6i;rl80l Bill 11i~. rnl'lal 1111·n1n~. 3• balh, COS'l'l :\!ES:\ &.12-0010 ALWAY s Bo•ts, Slips/Docks 910 5 SPEED boy's 24" Stingray 101~ 01 slorag(' ~p.i.t~, llfl ANNIVERSARY :so-··l'J-.'.031 Exl ti6 or 67 Sch\\'inn bike SJJ. , Xln!. an 01:1·r _s1 eps. x n1 p.inl'l-AUTOS WANTED I till H,\HBOR BLVD. " p · b I"<· &l.>-22;)1 nl1.6 Pi\1 """"'k· CO'.''I'•\ M"SA '''" SU , main a y, ('(Ind. 646-3680. .... fO!J dollar fur clc:in used ->< -~~-- Newport, Showers & head. 1 ·-c.-,69~Hco=N=DcA~J=;o~*--_er,.-l;; hy Ap1i·l. __ _c.-rs. &(' Andy Brolwn. MERCEDES BENZ 1~~*~*='·7"""'1-~-*~•-~_,SUPER CLEAN! Like llt'\1·? 1:1' SCOTS.\1,\."J Tl'11 i !er THEODORE DEALER OFFICE PRIVATE niooring for sale, $-190 * 646-9012 Chr nii<"al Porta Pot. 12 hnlt ROBINS FORD e '7(1 Datsun '..IOOU Htl.;;tc r • 'th 1 J 1 Co ~ 12 anrl 110 hght~. Rf:'sl ollrr '"~ ·rH ·.>.·• • '"o ,.,.,,t ,~."' o u Y Vt', v-• ac· HONDA LJOcc-$!2j, 215.}l ~8-8!19J _or ~31-2!6~. . ~"()()() llAP.BOR BLVD. "" "' "" ,. .,.,, comoda1es 45". 714/544-3578. B COSl" 'tL"'"• ,. S1°.1d!•r e '68 \](;\/ e '61i rookhw-st No. 1·1, H.B. ----------· .·• J' •-·~" vl2-00IO BQATslipa\·ail,Julylst,for 968-l~ A!RSTJtl::,\\J "69 di:-; 29". ~=~·~~=-----! :"l·IGC GT • '69 \fGB GT i c=~~~--~~---·I AIC + xlra~. '.'ll i11t rond. \\'F.: PAY TOP DOLLAR «ff e '70 .\lBG C..;T !2) • 60'-7o·. Wide slip. 1971 YA.\1AlfA Enduro 90. lJsrd 6 n10. nras. l!IS.16:·.;,-11 f'OR 'JDP USED CAHS ·:i~. ·w Si. '62 1!10 SL wfl s, 67~ Less than 100 mi. Like new! Qli·n{'r i 71 1 I 49.1--:012. Jr your ('U r i~ extr a cl('an, SUP for rent. Aug. 1 thru $350. 962-9995. --·----~('c us f1r,1. Sept. 12. Am Legion. $17j. -----______ ,NIMROD hrdtp !en! t1·adrr. BAUER BUICK 2131626-0481 days. •K '7? PENTON, Top cond, !'ilr1..ti, 1nh1r, sTO\'C. ice hu~ 231 E. 171h St. onis, $j/:J. Anxious, S79j Pv11'1}"5 1~1 1 "'6 673--J0.18. · _. ~-· ·-Cn~ta .\lc«a 5-JS"l7!i.i SLIP SPACE AVAIL 25'-3(J° SAILBOATS * 673-6006 * c;;;o;-,~-~~~-1 1!169 SHASTA J:f 11·ailr r, :>.In! --1.\JPORTS \\'ANTF:D-- ·57 HONDA-Ne"' c I u t ch, concl, sleep~ 5. Luis ol !''I:· Oran"" c ,,,,,, .• sprocke-t &. chain. Ccrian1 tras~ 64j...21.J.I. TOP~; R'LJY~~; SLIP-POWER TO lil' su5p. Extras. $37:>. 8~1-5925. ~S~ic;,-P~949 BILL .'.'llA.'\E\' 'fOYOTA • * 675-2-170 * * • '10 SPORTSTf"R X LC H. 1SdS1 Beach Blvd. Boats Speed & Ski 911 Less than ·IOOO orig m1. '63 CORVAIP., ~ s11d H. Beach. Ph. 841_gl).j ' $1800, 546-27~S. lran.<:al\"I". ron1pll'tc \1 11h:--------- 'sK1 or fishing boat + lrlr, "'"'"""""~7"--~ clutch $7j. Rear su.•pt'ns1on, A utos, Imported 970 •"·• '" wood h"t•, near '611 HODCAKA, ltllke, rebuill <= eiig . . . same car s2:. .. '>13-0~ Tl('W Ch--•er '55 Hsp • er I e. n r s , exp -----------,.,,,.. · ch8Jllber 6T --40 6"-W6 BRANO nc11• V\\' 1u·c uwl ALFA ROMEO ln·dlups. • 'GS 1\ustin !IC"ulcy ~p111 1' e "fi7 Chia C11e e 'b.1 llrait'Y '.:ool Hd.~tcr • ·~ 1''1at 121 Sp! Cpc, air. l\li\NY .\lOf!!·:~ f or info call. llOL:S!·: Cl' l~.IPORTS I \I .j2J. 72jQ BMW Automotivr Excellence P.un5 like a dream . $5.Xl. I · ;i-;:u • ,.,_ 1 · FOR I rim, S1ill has guaranter. -----------S5:'-36S3. sa e Firestone GTO $20. 6·C1-:;.121 'li7 SPYiJI::R P.C'd convrr1.1 ROY CARVER, Inc. 1!16l SK I "·t JS' ;"'---' deluxe 3 spd boy's bike $2i v1n1 t' nrl I · IJ t 1 2 """ .. ,.......,,, Call .Jai-3.l'l2. + I QSk••-__;;, ·· '' · ..o mi .s. r~ o · 9:!3 Hal'bor Bl\'d, \V/trlr, S750. I Irr Lr;i, 1n1; 1·0untJ). fJayi.. C"nsla ~[{'Sa J !G--i-1d l * 6/:>-4S02 * GITANE 10-spd ta n dc n1, I Aul<ii fw~I• l f·~•I ~.;":'.~l"' ,,·;1-.1•.:.,· l::\'(•s & 11knd~ CORTINA Delux tvuring ve1-sion, many . ;......,.-v ''~t~,.~,~·~$~1~311;·~'~'~"":'.13";"'~·~ .. .:.1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;1 -1%6 ALF.\ Ro'.ll<"('>, 4 dr ·us CO!l'f!NA (;T. $\4~1:, MINI BIKE -3 H.P. Genera l 950 ~~d11n, SlOOO .. 1-~11d, nrw I '\bso!ut1•lv cl:1s~ic co11rl1!1(Jrlt $45. Call &lj -6981 -----------I T uT.~. 1·,·1y t·ll'a~1.' Call J r11n'\ l\!'•l 111~.hl'Oinr iihr.rl.~ _on~ Mobile Homes 935 4 ~1iC"hclin steel radial 111·cs, 1 ~1·rll ;,t lii:.:-0.100 u 1· I ly 21,00'.J n11. _ 1 ~rrcd. p,·t. 915 8 00 I. tt I •o t. 1-lii.'µ11~1. Aircraft ON SUNDAY TO GET MORE "BUGS" OUT OF' OUR DEALERSHIP WE AHE NOW OPEN ON SUNDAY. NOW 7 DAYS A WEEK OUH CUS- TOMERS GET "JJUGGED" BECAUSE VW JS AMER ICA'S NO. I SELLING IMPORT. CHICK IV ERSON WILL BE OPEN ON SUN· DAYS BECAUSE NOW WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF NEW CARS FOR IMMEDIATE DELrYERY. PORSCHE/AUDI Authorized Sales & Se rvice 445 E. COAST HIGHWAY At Bayside Orive NEWPORT BEACH 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 549-3031 E xt. 66 or 67 [ --:;::-:::--:0":'-"'""'____ · · .1 1l~l11g i • • .to .> I parl~. Ca ll ('l'f'S. only -,...----------CON TEMPO Aln1ost nr11·. s:;:i r al'ii. Call fi.12-JG78 No\\'! 61()-7891. CESSNA '61 17j , 890 T.T. 33 Ch k 8~ 'l .------hr~ on T.0 .11. l\!KII & cc nc" pt'Jt:f'.'s. !i •.. -li •. -,7:_ Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 l\l k.-V. Nc\v u;:ihl~tY. 1nust LAGUNA ffJLLS Antique1/Classics 953 9901 AUtos, New sell. Call !'>i0-·7610 Or 1925 Linrnln <l·door srdnn.' &14-Z'.60. 23301 RIDGE ROUTE DP.. Orir:. n1i11t con(l. :16.!XX) n1i : Campers, Sale/ Rent 920 ICorne-r ol ilfoulton Pkii'Y) Ext·rllen1 rt111ni11:.: ennd. Prestige adult cornmunity, Cu~tan1 body. s:,:.>JO. Call adjacent to Le 1 s u r c ti:l6-2l~'i ;1 It. 6 pn1 \\'01id. Beautiful s ur<'OUnd· 19'.!8 ,,h,dt•I A -1·011pr, Early lug.~. all lu.'<UTY a1,poinl-1nodcl nnl'f.'~l!/1"00 ori~. •·ond.! nie11:5• T~f'raf_ll'ulic pool, Body in miut cond. ~7:.0.1 0 !<iauna5. Exercise gym, 4 li3&:t3!'.8 al1. 6 pm. billiard tables, much, n1uch ;;C.;;..="". ~,7"'-";:.----VW Camper tr.ore! I 19J7 i"O~l.\1). 1hrrf' l~ no • See beaut. furn niO!:lcls Bl t:le~i~r; __ al~-01.1.::11t1 I &If . Rentals p;;ri-;.lik ... sc11u1g. I 510:_"· s11.>0 . .JJ7--011<'1 I" $75. week-Sc. mile CALL 830-:1900 l1r S'.',0-7900 !Cl:..6 CQjl,"T]i\'f.:'\T,\L Mac H oa.XJni'> NEW II lid 1·ond Slll!r:, ' -10 * lilG-111~ * AUTO ' TRUCK. lEASIN111 lL• choice o/ drco1". ap/'li:. 124 No. Harbor at Bolsa l ur 2 BR. $36~. Lo.b. A r;irr find ·:i1 Chr.1 .~lrr: "!"!!ii"i!"~A!i"8~-~5!iJ~:~-060~~7~~ I I black, :! tlr ... rd;;n. <.;d cund. ~ Dix 20:.:l:! 2 BR, cpl s, d1·ps, $1(llJ. ;,;',IJ-8G.i:: I \'ILL trade equi1y in 19G.S app! ·"·, !.o.b, ~::it.I. I Dune Buggies 956 , F'ord \i ton pick·up .!.: \\ C' rake o-adcs' I ~:~ se:~~n;:~~~ c:;'. ''.~:.:ei;.~~~,~~~-13 i'. 11~!1"· 1 '64 INT. SCOUT P.U. aways, boo15, for t• amp CLE:A I ·1 ood N AIR, CLE ;\ N 2 \\"[), d11·. Llo.--<I rHIHH't' tra1 er or g clean car. \\' T 893-2671. A ER, TH~ GOOD L!~'E ~ll"On:; hra1·!, T.d;(' ~111.111 "°"~,---~~ on 11. low budget. 2 BH. 2 ba do'l'll. Cal! 11fl, 10 IX! j llJ.87:;til '69 FORD Ranger '6 ton mobile honies on rhe hay 11; . •191·68!1 (\\'BJS7!11. l\'/air &. 11' t"ah over Ne\\'POl'I Beach. Priv. beech l"OP.~l~H-rnacl hu"t::.,,I cam!X'r. Rccire toilet, rye & all recreational faciht1r5. "' I I U r;id l~fli', rrar a[u1111n \'8 eve O\·en. A j3ek!-.t:. Adults only. No prts. Con1(' ."/H'ailrr. !l6S-ll!l2. I equip. you flt'eO. Xlnt ronrt. look. Bayside Vttlagc, 300 i::. S41:i0. :H7-SO!Jl d ii ~ s, Co&.SI H"'·y., N.l:I. T r uck1 6i3-1901 l'\'f'~ '59 Dodge Vi Ton PU • ~J !on, 81h ft. O\'erhead camp- er, i.le-ep1 4 \1•/range i~ '. lx>x, oven, 1vif't'd, r tt•., "ve1; clean. Call 5j7-9792. '70 Ronche..o fariory \\"11rnin1y, V-1'\, ,\u1.1 ,l'l11.ns, faC1ory 1\1r ('.,urf. Radio. 1!1·at('r. 11111ert c1,,..,._,1 1 S BRAND NEW '71 llar\"i'~! Guhl 111 C(llur, 22,l~JO milrs !•) Qll(' l>\\rlf'r, \lu~t PONTIAC : fOH. ;u~I SIQ.:il!J ~uu can ,c;N> lln~ onr. 1ril IJl~.1 Slli.1 1 FIREBIRDS • NEW 'II PONTIAC GTO F1\CTORY d ! rec t dralcr, J'.1iijon\'ay & l hllf Pint, f1'01,1 $7!'1:.. 86~ \\'. 1Sth St, C .. \1. -----DAI\,\ 36'' Sh{'ll top, fu ll boot. s:n:i. O~'n a 20';-;jj' inohUe huinC' C111•drn (;n11r LHl<"ril·1 : on gol/ course ar l]I(' ix'ach. :i.tc>t•cury, Gai·di•n \.l'Jl'C' $150 OVER .• Hu,.v 1,,. 1~;, ""• ... Hu"v In new .•• We heve II I d I Hhrl "' B >·ookl>•••·.·I. 'h• biq9••+ ,~l~•t•cn cf io et~re• and colo1. Don't us nq;e· S<..'l"L't'ned 1"····1n ·' COST • ' I · I k ~ G G " I'"" I~• an+a•+•t •~•'"9• on cu• comp •'• 1toc 213/.i!l2-2.i1 7 .r., ft'nct>!.I pauo. Park has 1 :: -:tJ,,O • cf GTO'•! 925 ~11c~::illi~~~-S5.~,.~~·~·ranli-------&·-----~--SS:~.-.~~ ~ • .lflr,4'J -~·~·~! HONDA J:;O g,,,mhln, Good ~"~:":i1.!ik':'1 C•ll "11 JI IH. t7 1 PINTO '69 FIREBIR~ t68 WILDCAT t68 FIREBIRD t65 OLDS. ~i Cycles, Bike1, ScO\lters oond, Very las!. S•l25. llonda * * ,67 Sr.An ""-·'J , h• l lntrn1;111011al flarTc~l{'f L.-M Tkon w,11> ~u10.,..a1<c ''""'" T~,, ~·,.urv ""' DYNAMIC II .I, •-d' t b · k 'on 'U-'~ ' ">"Cl EATIO" C 000 M • •reed. """'er ,,,., !!\·"'°"· pco1••er •'•" "vlom~t•t" ''""'"'" """" llllpcr tr ! C, ba. Good (.'Ond. ',\dul~. "• { .~ E'.\'TEH ~. fie~ '"Q 1'C>WPr b•·'"• mo row•. brat~-. r~< ,,00 f'<lV"P• •Tt••i"g• 1 dr 111 ou1om1lic, J.xr-o-t •1<1·0 ~ nea1t• 1l•~ (lXlC ))91 "°"''"..,, f<111ot<fwo1na '""· r•d;o ~ """'· b•·•~rs. •e<l-o, nea!r•. ' $425. 499-3.fil. -(.!HJ Ofilv ~onyl root 11CA 1~11 !V!U 9l'I PllCC UIJ . CALL ui"riCiwii PHOlll 557·9220 INSTANT CREDIT JOU lllD Aft STIU SAYI JOU MOMIJ . I .If you ore nww in C°'ifomio 3. If you on lllW on your job 2. If you owe monty on your 4. If you helve little or no .:or ' credft UT Ml m TO AIUAll TM Cl-1' UI TllMI TOii •11• llTUTlMMAf kM.._TMoyiill .. c:..-tl,_ct.Cttl FOR ONE SALE COLOR OF YOUR CHOICE Yes, you heo~d right ! We will poin t these adv. new cars the color of your choice! ONE DN, PA YMINT ONEMO.PAYMENT , IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ~-=----: BRANO NEW '71 SUNDIAL VAN CONVERSION ........... ~.~~"~~3398~~ ....,... ';rill p!ui ....cti """'~ ._ .. s ... /1 PRICE 11lAl 1UlSJl12 ' '71 JAPANESE DODGE COLT LOW MILEAGE $1974~~ ~er # GH-4lK1510 I 390 PRICE 1111 .,.l>f•l r<Ml•o l ~•" $537200 ''" """'· '"' '"" ,, .. toc r >Qliiw•d FULL BOTH FOR PRICE ONE ON. PAYMENT OF 5199 MO. PAYMENT $130 j ltf•I '°"" °" ,, .. l lJO ,, ....... """ «! ..... ht•11 ....... ,.""', ...... ' .. -,,_ l<A 00 ""''-Oolt'•HI ""'' ""'"II"/;. ""L ~·' lo:-. foll, .. ~"~••• l l•MI J1••ct IO• l r~...., J.111111.ll PHCl•TAfl lAfl 1 ••• ,% A~E You:, PICK 1699::,~'. $58DOWN $58Mo. ~g:;.:, • '70 PLYMOUTH • 383, V-8. a ulo. tron.1 .. FACTO~Y AIR COND., Power Sleeru19, Vi11yl Roof, Red Bu(kct Seah, Cerirer Console. lJOAFY. •'70 FORD• GALAXIE 500 H.1. Auto. Trans., FACTORY AIR COND .. Power Steering/Bra kes. Rodia, Heater, White...,, all l"es. 406AKF. • '70 CHEVY• IMPALA H.T. V·8, OVIO. Hons .. power lteering, •odio, hC"Otcr, wh11ewoll !ires. 764BBA. i \8 11 t<d"" PY"'' l~A ,, tolo!""' p\O"t, ird llll I·'""''""~ ~·1 '"'f'fl<"I I <twli""" aoo• urd~ 1...-36 "'"' 0.1 ... ..i pyml .... " i10aa ,.,.1 to• .I. 1 ... !f•lr f•ll compri<t " '11839S ...;I. to• i. l1t:Oft>P lhUll Pfl(fMTl'I I AT I 11.61'"<. '70BARRACUDA '68 CHEY. 1 Rd d101 he ate r, WW t ire1, '+'heel criven, bu(~el )<!Oil. t~, No. VH27C0 8159b09, '"'""' $1398 '65 DODGE Pl(KUP V 8.•od ,,.l,·~•rr. #~ '•t< 8" b~-J '>}~O I' CAMMARO H.T. A uto. Tron~, rndio t hPnter. f10"'"' slf"'«ng. VV5728. fULl ,IKI $949 '69 DODGE .t40 V B. n<'o. !rnn1 lro<'nry ,,.. COM<! l•C 'n9, ro<l,c, ho<n ~" wh,t•wo l I••••. •'nvl tottf '!'PW 71 l Rickman body, T-T pipes, ~ .. .,.3.,... IROY CARVER, Inc. • •r.eP<I '""'m'"ion. •"¥1 ,00 , l..><c~•' '" t "" "'"'""' ,...,... '"''orv .,, cona;.,,,,.. 11<>wtr .,.,.,1no. • 1969 GOLD '.\lt;DAL m-0bilc 1 2925 !!ar bor lil\'d. $218 $2388 $ ., MAN'S 3 ""'"' E"'"'h "" 3 hon" "''""· Adult pa•·k. C"t" M"~ '·'"·'•IJ.I ,. 8 $1997 1788 $688 '65 v.w. '65 FORD giTl's S!ingrllyt<, 1-S 2:; · • :.:>&-i310. l~'.1 CHEV\: C30. 11~ tan VS '1 5t•tio• W•tt•. v 1. •u"' l-!IJ. La,,rt~·s 21'• Schwinn 8X40 ROL.J..A\\'AY Furn, 2 cui:1on1 hll Rlun11n Sxl'l bo1o;, I . " .. t t~~:iuc-et ,~1,, ~e•iow. ~·.;;;1.g~;',~'i:lt~";'~:":· pt::: SJ .50. st_..J41. roll lfl'IC' rt'ar floor. E>.el'll, --------+---------l---------l---------1-------..:.-· t•I< 1 ... 11 Q•lt. (YEM 6/9l Br, in5ide 1~lin, !o be nwv-FULL '446 . ., YAMAHA ,.,. Eoow·o. '""''· &1.J.>m. "'·'"'· "'"" "·"''· ""'" ci,.,,.,.,, t69 Fr.RD '67 CAPRICE '69 PONTIAC '68 LE MANS '69 CHEVY ••1c• •ULL •444 21" fin'S-<'Ompre~~ion tf'· 7'"'7-=--.:..:..:.c_ S1ation. 001 S. Coa.~1 llwy,I U '''lr---------...L ___ •_•_tc_• ____ _ le8M". Excellent rond. $-lTh. Motor Homes 940 1..aguna &11ch. 49-1-it 10. I CUSTOM :...'!'er H' ~ 1 :~1r:;-;1·~ f0~.~1 1~:di..1 ~"°'"e"~·1~~: ~~· ~111,:,:'1·1, ~~~011> IMl'.ALA Ill 6.'\3-2'.I0'2 or 642-0769. -----------MUST SELL---1 ~ • Uoo• '""M" VI, f>r,•~e•, t~c:or~ ~·'• ~u•om•tlc 11~n'"'"" m •i1iori, oowe• Jiltc. CUSTOM 67 CHEVY '68 il'ONTIAC RANCHO i\-lOBILE ~ylo • "'°'"'" 1•1v1n11. v I" YI roof. ••d•o, .~. "°"'•' •1H•l1>9, i<19, l'Ow•r br1~n. •Ir 7 dr. H l . VI, POwt• <HIEVfLLE. "u\o l•~n• .. "" T•'"llfll. v.1, •ult!. """" · WANTED • HO'.\lE SALE.: '6,j Cht•\'Y \'~ Ull! hi'd 1,_ P~l BEll h•~•e• !ULO 61SJ Q<lwrr b•••••. ~I• c<>n· con:1;11onlnQ, t1dG ~ S!~dng, Y!nyt '"°'• ~ •I• c"""'t!iGning, -• 1,..,,. "~~~'"'Zj}~~1.Sc,r:.;~;; r~e~iu:~in~~~:1 "~k\;~d :~n~:1w :;,1/1;'·s~~~ ,;~ t;:~: $1299 $1388 d$°"1'~9· "9" '7xo1 ~$.11"· 7'wo9' •711 '$2~"31 .. i89vox 1011 J ~~.:~J~:~~;15cov•9 ... 9~ ;~'., ·;~~~:.:.'·~·!~~~~·11 parts. 557-9305, CALIF'ORNJAN &. _o_ll_{'r.:_:_'>l~-2-12.1. PRICE PRICE 5886 KA\VASAKl 500. lale 1970. r-.!ONTEREY '62 STuUtB,\l\~:n. pu·kup ~. neuer than ne"'·· niany ;\!obile-i\1oc1u1ar \·.~. 0111un1;111r· s.·;io ,.1· 1)("~1 '66 WILDCAT t68 CHRYSLER t oxtru. $699. """"· 7'!1 A truly greot rnlo< olloc. 732 11'. IRlh S•, C.>r I t66 MUSTANG t70 CHEVY '70 MERCURY I! ~er SI, C.?>I. in Housing. A111 A A ,, , • , COLONY rARk ' o o o r nara1op, $t l -'O;Cc"";c""°-:-----~ ~ o "H tr, •~TO , , ". , •ulflmllk ''""'"''•· .. YAM "lA ,..._,.__ ~lJ'.J , m f!lc !t1nimlu~. WAGON r .•. utom•· ' "' ~·~;. Stret'I r-'' 'j7 Gi\fC 11i 1on \an 1rurk ~Ir cond UIGni~. !$AY rle, !vii "°"'.,.· !•t• 11on. "°""" S!N rlng, ...ulllt' in & stt lvr "• to•t 81•. (R:YS UtJ. r>awer b••~H. •fr COf'lo Scrambl~r. Real C I ea n ! youI'St'U &: 5'1\"e . 'Vhyrlro tail g11tr. i·rhull! m $> 995 :.~~1 io:!~W..e;~c::,~; dlllon1ng, •1d111 &- Good condiUon. i 3 5 0 . 0 ('Ilg, Sl"iO or lx's! 1iffrr. Cnll u.ooo mun . at1 w~• $1188 ""'"'" cvJv 1111 ~1-pt'n 9 an1 -9 p m <.•o .,.,.,~ ·•~•v !ran1!err•Dle. $2099 o.>.r "".J· 1-687_77~j "'""'~~or 9G$-;'i76Q !n srr. must '"· MUST Sell! 'TI YamaM 250 No app"t ~. "6i ECONO ~ n7i1. l\("W M k Qff Endllro. Bou,tit In May. 900 For additional info. tin.>s, tfnterl ~lniss, "Bisi: 6." a e er ml. Perlect 66-6919 St"""', p!C"11se rail°'° "Tile Ln mi. $11:W or tradr "68 6&'.I TRIUMPH chopper. Geol'le Ki<"ler ~91-10M. Exttllent cond. After S pm, 8l )WT COn\'rn1rT1Ct". J9j.) ro"R~D~P~l~C-,.·.u-P_S.1 00-. &tS-7155. 35• REAR eng bus part. L'On-nct>ds 1ra n~ work. I '10 TRilJMPH 500 wrted. 14,0XI or~. milC'll !HO-Olll CLEAN * MUST SEU. $f951'.1. &st ofl('r 6-8 P.\l. '6-1 O~f.V •~ ton. Xlnl l\ltl(I. 53&-tm An 6PM , -"'"--'"'~·=~-----t' S82J. Camptr $90. )!'11~1 -"Cl!. lS'TG. HOl"lDA 3:'JO SL, w/rov-FOR RENT • M:'lfro1ri1ulf"l1 6~ f'\"f'S k \l'k-ends. er. u.ndi!r '500 ml, x!Jil air, generwtor, $250, \\'k, 5c l!MJ7 FOHD-t: r on o 11 n" 11'\ape, Bc.t l')fler, itS'J-8320. ml. m.5032. Van-120". 72,000 111!. SH;o().1 1970 YAMA11'A ~twin. ex· 1969 23 FT. MGlor horn<", Mlf Crill r.73.W2fi Cir fi.)6.~1.-1 u l tontt. All elec. $50, $450. eontained, sips '· For Ml~.1 ilOL'~E llunrl-;-11t?\\;;1c11 the &12-t&>t. $7,500. 897...a&89. OPEN llOUS1': rolumn. -..... ' ·;-&. ---l... .... J.-..: ---.,.,.... .. .!..J~ -· --, .. ,-.. ' _.-... .. ~ - • , - •• 9IO Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980Autos, New iii9~iiAi01i01i'iN•iwiiiiiilii9i~iiiAuitM,ii;NioiwiiiiiiliitlOiii~New , ''SPECIALIZING IN UALITY'' ~ . . , . r:JUST 5·. REMAINING 1971 . DEMONSTRA RS JI LEFT!: • All H~ving Remaining Factory Warrantie~ & F11lly Equipped. • . :*· ELECTRA * l " - * SUICK SPORT WGN * • ; *· RIVIERA * *LE SABRE* *OPEL WAGON* DON'T BE LEFT OUT! PULLY IQUl,PID TRAVEL TRAILER Wl'fH STOVE -ICE IOX -SINK - CLOSET -ALL CONVINI ENCE EX• r•AS. BRAND NEW ERIBA PUCK IRA VEL TRAILER WAS s1995 NOW WE SELL ONLY THE FINEST USED CARS AT SENSIBLE PRICES '70 Buick Le Sabre •• $3598 '69 Buick Le Sabre .. $2883 Custom coupe. Autometic, radio, h•ater, power 1teering, power br•kes, factory air conditioning, vinyl roof, WSW, tinted 9las1. Factory warranty. l692ADYI Cu1tom 2 Door hardtop. V8, automatic, radio, heater, power steering, power brakes, factory 1 it conditioning. Fa.ctory w11rrenty too. (ZSVS l41 '70 R·iviera . . . . • $4397 '68 Buick Riviera • . $2795 Full power •quipment plu' factory 1ir condition• ing, AM-FM stereo radio, vinyl roof. This on• is just beautiful. I 720AEB I Full power •quipp•d including factory •ir condi· tioning, AM-FM r1dio, vinyl roof. You will h•v• to se• this on• ind tak• it for • te1t drive. fVSFlOI) '70 Buick Wagon .. $4685 '66 Buick Electra •. $1495 Estele 9 passenger. Factory air conditioning, pow- er steering, power windows, power seets, roof reek. Must see. {OObAETl Custom 4 Door. Automatic, power steering, power brakes, power windows I 1eats. I owner, low mileage gem. AUTHORIZED BfflC'K·OPEL-IAGVAR SALES anti SERVICE Autos fOI" s.I• lltAND NIW · 1971 KADETTES ALL R!DUCED TO • s100 ova FAcTORY INVOICE 2 DOOR SEDANS-4 DOOR SEDANS-WAGONS- AUTOMATICS-4 SPEEDS-CHOICE OF COLORS Brand New OPEL Kadette MODEL 31 $1776 2 DOOR SEDAN (Jl 0fl7·4455) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON "GM'S MOST ECONOMICAL CAR" Autos, 1mport9'1 970 Autos, lmport.d 970 A~, ltnj:IOt"ted 970 Auto1, fmporfed 9'10 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 970 FERRARI AtrrHORlZED SALES &: sftVJl=E KARMANN GHIA .;_ MAZDA MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ MERCEDES BENZ CLOSE-OUT NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 \V. Coast Hwy, Newport 8'ach RAT 1 l750 IEACH I LYD. :Hwy. Jfl 893-756ti • 5.~7-6824 1968 F'tAT JU Sport Coupe- X 1 n t cond . Extras . Sacrifice. 645--2373 '70 F lat 11-l Spyder Ato.t/F'M. !2300. ** tl:U-.1038 ** JAGUAR NEWPORT IMPORTS THINKING '69 XKE Roadster OF A NEW OR USED VW? 3 Band Radio, under 13.000 , origina.1 mites. l ~r czvc Let Harbour Vttkswagen Prove To C981. Th . Marquis Motors You at We Ap r~te Your Business "" So. c .. ljlgh•y, L. lkh. OVER 150 NEW & ' SEO vw·s TO CHOOSE 494-~ •• 5-10-3100 l-.~;.,....;x:;c-KE...;;.:~4'1r-.l ;;.''b'°i -"-w7/ w-1 I FROM. IMMEDIA'fE DELIVERY. BRING ).1ict>t>Hns $2,°'5. am/fm YOUR TRADE. • ~, 34966 C• mi no • g,.titstrano. ' ~ ·Jit1iiili. ,. .. 4 UTllOlt(ZED j!;• SALES .-°&tRVICE . ' . . . OPEl'i SUNDAY i . ! Volkswagen ,_..,. ... Volklwagtn IMl..ler ll VD. 142·4435 NGT~ BEACH 1971 COROLLA COUPE Th1t 1971 Dem• h11 11r condi- tionin9, AM recl io. ph11 f11ll f•ct, 1q11ipm111t. si180 + r. l Li" Thi1 Derno h•1 ll•~•r h1cl p1rm1n1nf lie. pl1t•1 i nd i1 1old with r•m1inin9 feclory w1rr111fv. * NEW CAR TRADE INS * '65 Mustang '"'' "'"· , • ., ...... ~. 10'"'°' $995 '68 Toronado $2495 hll ,. ... & •Ir, CWIMJ441. A 1mil tit "66 Toyota ....,, ...... '"""' $895 '69 Ply Roadrunner c..,... ... "-· • ..... •.• .. $1695 1 olfr coH .. nrdle. IYl'MDIOI '69 Fiat Spider ~ .~'.:o.-.. ""."" $1595 LARGI SILECTION OF NEW TOYOTAS Re•flll 'To RoU ~IN t :JO te f Wee•d•y-'Til S:lO S•t. I S1111. Se,....ic• Do,1. Op111 Mo"-E"•t. 'Tll t SANTAANA !TIOIYJOIT!AJ j 417 W. WARNER • SANTA ANA • 540·2512 OF ALL REMAINING '71 MERCURYS BRAND NEW 1971 COUGAR s.!.ct 1hift, wh il1""'~11 •. power 1\eerinq, ttmol• control left h•nd miffor, AM r•dlo, tinl•d 91•11, d i~ whl. covert. (1Ff !HS5l7ff) ANY BRAND NEW 1971 MERCURY MONTEGO IN STOCK-WE WILL SELL FOR 30/ OVER DEALER /0 INVOICE! OUR SELECTION OF 1971 MERCURY$ HAS NEVER BEEN BETTER. ITS TIME FOR YOU TO MAKE OUTSTANDING SAVINGS RIGHT NOW AT ••• I t I I I I I I I . . . . Frld.-ty, July 30, 19'11 OVER 40 NEW 1971 FORD STATION WAGONS You haven't seen prices like this in many a, moon. We marked every station wagon & car down lo peanut prices in order to move them out!! Thi~ is the big opportunity you've been waiting for, so don't buy any new or used station wagon until you visit Sunset Ford •.• Look at these examples: NEW 1971 COUNTRY SQUIRE STATION WAGON NEW 1971 FORD CUSTOM RANCH WAGON 8;9 400 CID •n9 on•, •ulom•lic lrtn1m1111ofl. fa ctor ~ •i•. power •l••ri n9, "'hit• 1id• w•ll ti1 e1, •>1ibi!ily 9'oup, J,1.,,, lu99•9• ••cl.., lock•ble oid• .tor•9• comp•rlmen!, cfrpel cer90 ••••. redio with d u•I •••• •••+ opeel..e,., tinted 9leH comple!e, heevy d uty 1u•pe n1ion, dt!u•e lt•I b1lh with wernin9 '''>Intl. #6il8 NEW 1971 FORD STATION WAGON UST PRICE DISCOUNT SALE $5565 $1055 PRICE $4499 VI, 1lenderd equipptd, l51 2'1 lvt l tmi11ion control, aulomeiic lr 1n•mi1· 1ion, S-b78xl4 belted whih well tire1, power ll11rin 9, FAClORY AIR con· .i itionin9, AM rtdio, tinted 9le11 c.om• $ SALE PRICE 4 door •l•lio~ ""•'.lo" with •ulom1lit +••n•miu ion, pow1r •l111in9 , pow1r dioc br 1k11, t1dio, he•l•r, fint1d <;!111 plu1 much mort. "6190, Li1t Pric 1 S~l7S , ALL PRICES PLUS TAX & LIC. pl1t1. ( IA40H2 l 5661 l ALL CARS SUIJECT TO PllOR SALi TAKE VALLEY VIEW OFF RAMP FROM FREEWAY NOBODY BEATS OUR DEALS!! JOHN CONNELL BUY FROM ••• Urn11ge Couuty'1> Fastest Gro·wing Chevrolet, Dealer "NO GIMMICS -NO GIVEAWAYS JUST 21 YEARS OF HONEST DEALING" • DON'T BE MISLEAD BY ALL THE LOW PRICf CLAIMS -YOU CAN GET AS GOOD A PRICE HERE IN TOWN WITHOUT NEEDLESS TIME SPENT SHOPPING FAR AWAY! EXAMPLE: BRAND NEW 1971 Vega 411 -Not Striped B••ut iful y•llow exterior. AM rad io, heater, tinted 9l1ss , 871 belt•d white w1 ll1, •tc. 1137173) !98l l OYEA 70 VEGAS IN STOCK-ALL 10 COLORSll 52150 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 546·1200 ·--- WE DON 'T CARE WHERE YOU IOUGHT YOUR CAR WE WOULD LIKE TO SERVICE IT MERCEDES BENZ 1---------MERCEDES BENZ DEALER OFFICE e '69 280 SL e '68 r.o SL • ·59 2'10 S dass1c ron\'t. e "iO T.iO C CJX'. ·;o :?SO SE e '68 TJO S e "61 2?0 S :\\ANY l\IORE~ For infu call. l!OUS~: OF !~!PORTS I I ~ '.;23-72.iO -'----• CLASSIC • 1960 ~!C'rct'drs Benz 220 !i~~. Furl i n~rtrrl, 4-spd l)!J rol- unHl A:0.1 /t-\1 radio, All MGB SUNSET FORD PORSCHE 970 TOYOTA '70 i\IGB, ;dnl cond . -o====-:-c--,.,.---·------: Ai\ltF:.1. overdrirc, nlab MERCEDES BENZ '70 Toyota Corona 1vhls. $2300. 540-4i06, Costa DEALER OFFICE Automati<·. XtraC!ean, 12.000 • '71) Porsche 914 • '66 i\]('J;;\. miles, (~3ASP), --------Porscl1c 912 e '60 Porsche 19W .'IGB. rebutll 1rans. rw .... · J600 e '69 V\V Dix Bu.s • $J79S lop. hrakf'~. 111rc 1'hC'C'ls. '71 vw Bug • 'f).t V\V Rug M H S6.ill. £o:i-74;,9 "'-'-'·--sharp. FOi?. 1\IORE INFO. ac OWard OPEL <'all 839-!)(](Xj or :i31·060S HOUSE OF 11\TPORTS Cornr1· ls1 & ltarbor t_ij Orwl Ka(h'll<' ( 11 ~)z3. 12.iO S.1nla Ana l\"rC'dS f'ng1n(' \\Ork. cc;:cal':-1 ":.::"-:_":;.:::"c.':::''w:::'c.,...-= I ~1,-•. 1~1 h~.-1, .-·ou-sell!-... -,,_-,.-,-, \lakf' OHC'r! fil6--.)I\,~ -; ---Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 970 'j0 r.T, low r111 lra~"· '\lnt -;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;i;~;;;;;;;;;;~i,I c·,1nrl S2j2j. Call :O.ii~~692 f )I{'\\" c;.oJd 11/bf"\'"" intl'r h!wn 5 & 7 pn1. .rus1 harl eni;:inl' 01·erh;n1l"d --P-"--OR-'-S-'C-H_E __ CHECK THESE VALUES $1."l,fx1 .• rrff Beri<. ~.1:-t-0'.."."1~. MG MG AUTHORIZED SALES &: SERVICE NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 \V. Coast H"'Y· Ne~-port Beaet. • lHINI "M6" ID "FRIEDLANDER" ,,,,,. .... ," l lfWY. '" 89J. 7566 • 537-6824 i\tG's, '59 & ·ro, Reblt l'ng·s, Ne1v til1's, Good cond, $900 cash for bo1h. 67S-593~. $475 '67 ti.IG 1100 Sedan Mu!l sell. 548-6132 1963 J\IG 1100 sedan. 1'.fusl sell, $28."i. &164~2 alter 6 pm '63 MG MIDGET S325. Cali 548-3164 MGA 1962 1'1GA, top condition. 17511 * 546-2562 .. MGB ----·-----WE BUY USED Porsches DON BURNS PRESTIGE PORSCHE, AUDI l:'.631 Harbor Blvd., G.G. {Just S. of G.G. t'rwy.) 636-2333 ------1964 PORSCHE SC R('('l'ntly pain1cd t;th'rr ,.,; hlac:k 1nlf'r. Eni;:. rebl!; P1- rt'!li tire!! &. chrome r 1mi<. Custom e'<haus1 v.•ith many extra.~ • CL~:AN Sl,20() or make offer. 7J-l-9JJ-0839. 1971 911 T TARGA, signal orang<' & black, 5 s~d. ap. pc<1r11ncc group, ma~hCC'IS, Am/fm stt-N"O. Take ovr r IC'ILS('. Eves fi.H-126"1. j PORSCHE ClaMli' · ~ 7 Speed!i.ler. i;trong 1800 CC 912 Eng, Very clean. Asking S2.JOO or trade? 49'1-i~, 4!H-9314. '71 PORSCHE 914 ~ than 5,000 mi. NiceRi in tov;n, 64&-2365 or ~1631. M k for EarL "71 911-T, Perfect, IMded. R~locatcd. ri lust ~a(;nfl~. 557-6586. 'fj() Porsc~, Xlnt mncl, J\lusl ,.er, $1300 or !:>Mt ofrer. -• '67 ~u~o~~r~n~.~8. $899 PS .. redio. !TEZ911 I ----------- • '66 ~~~I~~''' VI, $999 .SHARP! ISDE4Sfl ------------- • '66 ~~~~: ~~~""''• $1499 6c.yl. !SZTl71f _------- • '65 ~: ~.~: '"·· $599 Ht1fe•. !RD\19~9 J ------• '66 ~ ~~? inl .• r•dio. (TSF~~91 • '69 OPEL COUPE Chro"'• "'h11l1. VERY SHAR P! !YZU 4S11 $799 $1099 .~.,-6-8-VW-SQUAREBACK-$ 1499 laoko •~d ru"' lik 1 "''"' IVTT4fll • '69 !~!~~~1ula. +••"•· SHARP! IXNT7 l 91 -'-----e)68 VW GHIA 1, ClEAN! Air ~•1t1d .. • Now t n9 , IWWl(JO'l $1599 $1699 -------e )65 VW CAMPER Now p1i11t l ~pl.olol1r't ,1 IRQM1 071 -'-- $1899 $2299 '68 MGB, xJnt rood. yello""'· ~·c:~Hl:..::::12:::2, ____ _ 38.000 mi'~. R.&ll, nc1Y Ures. J95i SPF:EDSTF;R. .'\Int H b v I k ""fl~""~· "'-.~!l6511~, __ 1 "'""' soo """ N•" """' 1 ar our o swagen 1969 MGB--O'dnvr, rilrm 52750· 64~3.>9. I 18711 Be•ch Blvd. 147 ... •35 v.·1\1.11, lo 1ni. F~l/A,\f r11.d10. DA ILY PILCYI' !or action! H\lnfington B•ach '" Fn.nt~11tt(' ron<t. ~J(jO Call 642.-.$78 A ~ive! , ""',.... .... ..,.,.....,.,.....;;.,.......,;..,...,_,....,.,.,....,....JI '• --v., .. , -.... ""_-... --... ~ Jtt'"'.11"-... . -,._ -- l'rtday, July lO, 1m OAJLY "11.0T ,-~-'-""_'_""_"_"_ \"' LI __ '"_"_'_'~_•_•_·_] ["I [ 1§1 '-I _'"'"_""_""_i§J ~I _ ... .,_.""_'"·_l §J ~I _ •• ,,_ .... _ .... _J§J '-I _'"''_ .. ,,_ ... _J§J I A'.uto1, Import.ct 970 Auto., lmportod 970 ~utos, lmponea 910 Autos, lmport4"1 TOY OJA 970A --"-'o_•_, _1m_ .. _,_•oc1 ___ ,_ro _A_"_'°_'_· _u_,_oc1 ____ m_ 1A --""'-'-· _u_,oc1 ____ "°_ Autos, lmpoi~ VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO ME RCE DES BENZ BUICK k ";;;"";;; .. ;;;;·;;;· =========~ DEALER OFFICE VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN D!iAti LEWIS . . TOYOTA 1971 Toyo~ Demo •5891 $17'•J.· -vw·--,-65_8_U_S-· '65 VW Bug ',~9. ~-,~!? ~· G Runs Perte<Ct, Nt'.,,,. Paint. 4 1~'" OOd running condition. TI!f' by a lady arXI only ''.000 Spefll. Radio, Will r.fake ii "~ hard to f:lnd kind. ~ ll • n11!f'S on this lovcly bu<>, ·u b · (0°'~' ) beautiful second cer, !PGll-,, ~u Uy H! ~wl ' 1ZKZ5751 $1 ~. Garot n DEAN LEWIS VOLVO DEMO SALE e '70 Torino Brougham e 1962 BUICK Spt>cl11.J \vagon ·10 Chevy Capru-e • '67 I lac 4 llptJ, ~ood cond. ! Cutlass suprenie Ci>e • "{i.'l i 9fi8-41 rY2 I Lemans CP<' • '68 GTO Cpr, -- 111r • '66 An100ssallor Wag-CADILLAC $........ 493) sn1. Gorden (;rove •n r I I '1 l>n, air • '6.'\ f-'1l'f'bird C11nvt, Lincdln • MerclJJ)', Garden •.rove .1nco n -,, ercury. CADILLAC 1967 CPE. DE VILLE $2998 Biil U-rey Toya~ c· ~, c-,,. Bl d , 111r • '69 Snnr1 t'urv. Con\·t. mlill tv Grove Wvd. at Brookhurst. .aiu n ,., ~ \' . a .-~ 18881 BEACH BL 847~ 636-2980. Bnxil!hurst. 6:1&-Z!lSO. lac \\~.HT J\!ANY MORE:! ..:::..::,=;:.,~0 .-~~--1---· l~T1 Vol\"O l~·l Sed. f(]r 11110 r·all. HUNTfNGTON BEACH '69 YW BUG l~l6:i vw bug, J 0\\'lll'r, i::ood Denio • 73&1 ll OUS~~ or· IM PORTS FACTORY Alll '68 VW BUG cond. ne>1' p11tnt . New en~. {ll 523-72l0___ Cu.'JD!TJONIN(; clutch, n1ulflrr lnstallPd by $3098 ---I ~·L"J.L LEA'l1 1F:H L\;TEHJOR 36 t Radio. Heater. Very Sharp! Low nuleage eXCf'Llent cond. dralrr 1969. $850. 962-1579. BUICK Full pu11 rr. \'inyl iop, uli & ;aymen Mus t Sell iXEW7'5'1J $1095. thruout. 4 !pd_ dlr. VaJencia '&I ''\\' 8 ..... RluP ... ,1 -od. l'.lit \'0lvo 1~2 Sf'd rclP~"'Opi<· ~l<>rn n". A.\l Fiii. $68.73 MONTH* price $2351.16. o ash· price M I M · _, k Id ·"J • "" " .. u De1no # 32G8 '" S1895.85Jncl Tax'i Lie.APR arqu 5 otors , .. .,_.,ta e 0 CBr or ~ni ..... ne\\' ures. S•l50. '69 BUIC K RIVIERA n1any ott1c-r de)U.\p :\Ifill>. ~ down can fin . pvt. pty.'1.1:!0-A". 1--032., l 'l'P211 I •. ,. .• ,., .. app d ,., 900 So c,, Highwy L B··h .,, " $4098 Fac:IO".' ,,, .. full '"'\\'('" ..• ,,1 \ \. I I, ·l.~10. v.. "f:!>Ve ere 1. · · , · .. · BQK • 546·8736 _ 49-1-6811 a.11 ---I ' ,,... ' " factory Direct ~1o., Service _-IJ.f-7~~ 54_0-3100__ 9 a.m. '6!J V\V. Sunroof. Very clean ln1 s1<:rro, tilt si;-cnng, !an-$2444 1~0 H...,... ~~~=~-1071 Voh·o 16-1 Sed daLt roof. t1i. 0 x .• ,',, .. "', 2. ~~-,-~1~~~.F.;la<fd·,i~l~a,,c I & P<1rts, """. arbor Blvd., '69 VOl.,KS . wh1tefred Jnl. --,6~9 YW BUG A~k1ng Sl:i)(). 494-7~6;'1 Or . .. Co!ta J\!csa, 646-9303. Low 1nilcagr, sunroof. 49+--931-1. -----__ .. - _ r·,1L·lory Dtrl'C1 Sa.le~. Service TOYOTA 4 NlfW~ Ar-1 -f'M radio, exceUenl 1963\1"\\' Bu~. rf'bll rng. VPry ~l\i(IO Harbor Blvd ., No DOWN PAYMENT co11rttt1on. Quick sale $1250. w/mag \\'heels, d.lr. (YXU· clran, KOOl'l tires. SJ~iO. Call & Paris, 1946 llarOOr Blvcl., Co~t:i l\1~u &15-1982 or 557-3683. 787) $1395 tuU price. Call 6-l-!-1647. t'.i\1 , 6-16-9:103 Call ~10-!llOO Open Sun1l:1y ·~:r::'' &run~~:t: 7:al~·i:e~ -.~::"o.~:.:"w.:.4·1c."'1_•_"·-"-"-IY-.,-b~71 -~~-O-V'-1'-w-~-~-~:-au:-.1-,-~:-n~-w-~-:'.,,-g: A;f~r~\f ~~~~er ~~~~~le 1~~1. !~J~1~ !os~~~~~1~1l~~ 'Jll:(f UPE-0£ -VILLE -I suruuol. l ownr, SJjQ, t'ng, New paint, dark grey. 11100 Ali 6 ~·Jlfi" Bl Book Sii" I . pm: ,,,,,., .. , ,.._ ue ·. · :,., ull prire rns:: -~· hridy 111 :..Int t·ond. All Loaded. ooly i.ooo m<'I".··· For .'\6 n1\"l5. DefPrrrrl Pay-5'1~. A:0.1/F~t radio & ht r. ASl07.0I ' ~=-~~---VOLVO i ' · Jl1'l'. g•:>fld brak('s, 11r,1• p~1n1 C()rporalionA prrsidcnls' n1en1 Price $2470.68, cash '66 vw rompl•i"I" , .• ,1""'''· .96S-=-':::'°:c'---~--M · M \ I 1 1· d · ' ~ '"J " v" ---------arqUIS OtOrS '. ll)l 111 ·• '.-".".· ,'-~. !1rf'~, w1f1'S" rrivate i:ar. Like nrw 1 price $19f .. i5 1nrl. tax & ed. r.1ust sell fHst. Sl,aXJ '68 VW Van, excellent cond. ... It'll •1 •· 6 71 I APR I ' 900 So. Cs1. lli.,.hwv. 1 .. Boh. _. • _ ·"· '··_-· ''1·____ 1n "vrry respect. Call Ken! iu·./ -..55'1-. Model day~ 64'i-3120 ·.· eve' ""1209 new eng. campe.r E'nuipped. ~ THINK "' -I --g c..;,.>-., 1~1-7503 e ~-3100 • '6~ Bl"ICI.\ \\'!LDCAT. I Allf'n ·12-•M35 !or deinon-5021. Scri:!l No. J:>S970, All ask ror Gary Prlced to sell. 644-5702 early YOLYO' T" 01l1rr n1odcls B.va.ilable with.---------1 ,59 voi\1o[W1;-1111"-excel ~-<!r. ;iulo, f'/s. Pih, air,' stration apJ1oin!nien1. no down payment' 66 VW, New eng, :dn! tr11.ns. _A_._M_. ____ RI trans. Sll'.'. · vu·~} 1~p. Good cond. $24JO. ;-.;:oCoUPJ::--o;:y;1-1,-. -,-,1-Y 11 'On Approved Credit Sell or trade !or bike. r.take 1970 VOLKS\VAGEN BUS "FRIEDLANDER" f>45-l082 &-14-214.l. l~>.OOO nii. & ab~olulely im-9•11 M T " t offer. Aft 71557-5197. Still under \\'arranty =~=~ , . 'V-.' 111 TE ELEPl!ANTS" Hlill' ! E\·r1y Pxtra. Yrllo1v I axey OYO a '67 blue VW squareback S259a. * 492·5603 u 150 11:.t.c1t IHWY. n ; '59 VOLVO-Runs good (]vcrrunnin~ your house? \1·/hlal'k landau top & hl:ick "Almost Too Good to be True" Th at's what Road & Track sa id about th e BM W 1600 and 2002, wh en th ey call ed the m "the best sed an buys in the world." What makes them so good ? Ask us fo r the free boo kl et. "33 Reason s Why BMW is Better." Or ask for t he key. You 'll get the message. BAVARIAN MOTOR WORKS ROY CARVER; INC. AUTHORIZED B.M.W. DEALER 2925 lla rhor Blvd. Costa Mes a 54 6-4444 1&831. BEACH ~L. 847-8555 $1Cf.)() '61 VW BUG 893-7566 e 537-6824 $225. 546-0119 ''Cash .... sell them thru llhr. in1er. s;i,695. Days: HUNTINGT. N,'B~ACH 830.mss Good cond. *** 5-19-'ZOOa Pilot Classilie<l ad. 642--5678 Sell irlle i1en1s now! Daily Pil\lt Classifif'd Rli-0101. Eves: ~~1-()144. i,,...,,....,,....,,....,,....,,....,,...,...,.,..,,....,,....,,....,,....,,....,,....,,....,,..~I 1~9 TOYO; C 011 a Autos Used 990 Autos, Una 990 General 900 Autos, Used 990 Autos, Used 990 A.-u-tos~U-se-d 990 Autos, Used 990Autos, Used Sprinter, \ellow w/camcl :=::'-' ======================== ·-----------------I-:=========-=====-----'-------'-•! interior. Newly servlced, - excel ~cond. 962--1281. I 1969 TOYOTA Corona. 2 dr bl, stan{lard trans, rlh. ex-TH E C<'I cond. $1 ,200. 894-1077. '61 TOYOTA SPORTS-800. Rest offer. Call 64~32~7 art :'i 1969 TOYOTA Corolla, low n1ileagt'. Xlnt cond. i\1us! ~ll. !7141 &14..W91. TRIUM·P··H-- THE TR !Ul\1Pll VS STAG NOW ON DI SPLAY HAVE A CAR:: Con1e in for a teSt drive! 'FRITZ WARREN'S SPORT,· CAR CENTER 7:o E. 1st St .. S.A. a47.{l7&! Open d21lly 9·9; closed Sunday 1966 TlllUl\lPJI SPITFIRE SHARP_ CAS! ! " ~" ... ._..,, f l969 TR-{; Xlnt Ql)nd,..'wife whl~. lo n1i. ~ til3-4215 aft ·&,; ·69TR1ur.1PHGrt -+~· -,-,d-.1 O!D, lo nii, gd cond. $2500 or bsl ofr. &15-1473'. VOLKSWAGEN FOR '. YOU!, YES WE'RE OUT TO . MAKE JULY THE BIGGE$ , MONTH IN THE HISTORY OF CONNEL · CHEVROLET -NOTHING HELD BACK OUR NICE CARS ON SALE -WHY DON'T YOU COt.11 IN AND MAKE US AN OFFER. HOME OF 100°/o WAl RANTY, 30 DAYS -PARTS & LABOR. .[ ' '63 V\V PANEL BUS, $795,1,, _________ _ e.xchangP l:i!O ccn1 engine.!1 ------------------------------------· ne1v paint, Good cond. I 536-8-161. I '67 SQUAREBACK I Very clean. 01vncr; Dys S.15-193~ve~54~_-"79_3 __ '6.'; V\V, R&H, rebit motor, xlnt cond. • 61'.'r-3244 ... '6 .. VW Squarebck, 5;j,QOO I int's, Xlnt cond in & 0111. $!KIO. 4%-37()2. I '63 CA~lf'EP.. fully •ri111ppt'r!, $~. \Viii takr older V\V in I 1n1dr. 830-~G~n :S:i EiTL;:-c1ran~1 nv•rh. o·rHlrl . ~l~:f,. Call alter 6 pn1. I !;.] l-1285. • l -----'63 V\V Squar"hllf'k: rehl1 'li6 <'llf'.:. Ne,1· br~kr~ & rlt1!ch. $~~ or hst <:>fr. 8:y)....263£. I --Au tos, U!!.ed 990 BIG SALE i At Highland Motors Crrd1t l\'o t rohlem \Yr Carry (lur 0,1·n Cnnlrnrts ... Colen~ P•r~ vs. &'1!0,, ,.,,, pwr.. •Ir, 1 ~ pllf, (OO!'lU) $399 'H .tor~ eo.i~trv ~·~ W"ll0".Vl,Aut11, Air., 11&1-i, ISSN "" $999 HIGHLAND, MOTORS 2145 H.,bo r llH. Cot,_ MH • t 41•5404 -·"-" .. 1969 BEL AIR 9 PASS. WAGON Po\ver Steering1' Radio, Autl"l . Trans .. Air Cond., (P24~9 l. New Color -original -New ]'ires. $2699 1969 MALIBU 2 Door l·la rdtop, A\.]lo., Rarl io, Power Steering, IWeek E nd Special. $1899 1989 NOYA COUPE 2 Door. V·B, Radio. Auto., Power Steering, j remendous Buy this Weekend. IZCJ 313 ) 1099 RARE CAR '64 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD '4 Dr. Nt•lv nit• - All +~. 9ood•e1. lWWK<lb7 ) 1969 CAMARO COUPE 4 Speed. Super Sport Equip- n1e 11t, 3:10 (:u. In. V-8. Engine, Super Nice. Reau tiful Orange Color ~ tJi l<e Brand New, (XIII 40-01 WILL TRADE. 1968 CHEVY SEDAN 4 Door , Radio, Auto.. Ai r Cond., (WIP 716). 1968 CAMARO COUPE Auto., Power Steering, Radio, (XDB 696) ~499 1969 LINCOLN MARK Ill CPE Onr ultra carelul 0•v11f'r. Air, au!n. 1runk orrocr, vinyl roof, goq::r0us body sidr moldings, Al\-l i FM S!('r- r ri. EIPt·. $Pats & \Vind.O\\'S. 33.000 111i., 5 !ll'\V 1irr.~. imn1at•ulatc. IZLA60:11 . \Viii T'n1dr $5899 1971 MONTE CARLO CPE. Radio, 1 l!'a!rr, ro1ver SIPf'ring, A11l0., Air, \'111) I Roof, Tl('W Cllf 1·ondltion. l1i.-,i-:ct:()) Body Sid" !<loldingi;, SAVE. $3599 1967 BEL AIR WAGON Radio, P cn\er Steering. Aulo. Trans .. Lu11• !.011• i\liles. ('J"TC:X 9ll ). 1967 NOYA SEDAN 4 Door. 6 cyl., (Right One) Pow er Steering. Radio, Auto. Trans., {UOF' 162) 1964 NOYA WAGON 6 Cy!., Stick, Radio. (M XK 142) s599 1970 NOVA 4 Door Sedan. Radio, ;\11to., 6 cyl., Buy I~conon1y l·lcre, Remaining F actory Wa rranty (350 ASQ l. $2399 1969 IMPALA CUSTOM CPE. Auto .. Radio. Po\vcr Steering, Air Cond .. Special Price this \Vcekcnrl only. i ZIL ~6) $1999 1967 MUSTANG COUPE 4 Speccf, i~adio, Special Price ( l!C.J J,1~ I $1199 1969 MERCURY COLONY PARK WAGON 33,000 one owner miles. Auto., Radio, Power Stee ring, P ow· er Brakes, Ne1v Cfl r Condi- tion, Buy, Buy, Buy. (ZVC- 2321 1970 DATSUN WACO Low Miles. 4 Speed. Rad! , one own e r-Beautiiul. (4 BE.I) 1970 KINGSWOOD 9 PASS. WAGON Radio, Power Steering, Pow- er Brakes, Auto .. Air Cond., Positively like new (961 B'fZ) IVILL TRADE. s3599 1970 Z28 CAMARO COUPE Radio, 4 Speed, only one. (072 BLY). $2899 1969 YW WAGON 3 Seat -R ight One -Stick. 11.adio, Dead Sharp. (X\' 673 ) 1969 DATSUN WAGON 4 Speed. Sharp · Sharp -Sharp -(YXV 1981 1968 TOYOTA COUPE Radio, 4 Speed, Sharp Car. (WQK 810) 1968 IMPALA SPORT COUPE 2 Doo r. Radi o, Power Steer- ing, Auton1atic, one O\Vnc r new car trade-in . (WXI-1 860) $1499 1971 CAPRICE COUPE 2 nr. (."i879 miles). PO\VPI" Srat~. f:lrr\. \V1ndo\.\.'S, Aut0.. Radio, Likr lll'f1nd Nr11', Silvl'r Car 1vi1 h B!a!'k Vinyt Tl)p (.132CHXl-Dral- rr 100' ;, .\0 Doy Parts & Labor-IV'"'"$3,999 1970 BLAZER 4 \Vheel f)r1vc .. l\uto Trans:,~ Po\ver Steering, Air Cond., f\'ly ~ly -Con1c See I 77ti86G) ~ -('11.~lnrn Sport Truck. $3999 ~~~~~~~~~ . 1963 DODGE Yi TON PICKUP • Low Miles , Auto. Trans., V-8,1; Radio. Nice. (F30466 ) . $1099 ) 1970 CHEVY % TON 8 FL Fleel~~~c~urig 6 cyl, ·Speed. Rad io, :N~ Truck. $2899 •• • • ' 2828 HARBOR BLVD. 546-12 COSTA MESA --. If ------. ·~ '~--~ ....... ,. _ _..... .-.............. _,.., -~v .,,,. •· .~· -·-·---,___. --. ...-~ ,. . . . .... -. .,,. -' -. '~ ... .. __.. •, ' --.. ·-------·--· ,_.l.., -_...,..,., . _,_._.,3\:C:--.. ?!J,.,.:::...!:..C::::--J... "-'.Ill..~ --~ ~rl'I~,,....~~ ' ---.. ·-· ~ ... ·~· ' ' ' I \ ' j ' ' I . • i ' • • I' I » ' I I -- • DAJLl' PILOT Frrd.ly, July 30, 1Cl71 .________,J§] [! ..... '" ··--J~ ~·"'";;;"" ";;;'' ;;;;]~;;QI ~Cllllllll·,.,""""". ""1111111111•'• ~l§J~ I ~I ._"'""'_"'·~!§],I 990 t Autos, Used • l§l ;;;( ._ .... ,,,_ .... ;;;;]§j;;;Q'1 990 Autos, Used 990 1§11 Aulos fOI" 5'1• 990 Autos, UMd 990 Auto1, Used 990 Autos, Used 990 ' Autos, U5ed UsMI CADILLAC CADlj.LAC CADILLAC CADILLAC CHEVROLET CHRYSLER CONTINENTAL FORD MERCURY CAD 'SR t::t Onr111!n, 12.flOO J9711 BLACI\ F,1 1)(,rarlo mllr1;. Ov.•f11"r !r:1t·n1~ ll'r Jfl.000 1111 l1•11•l,.•I "'''"itr'I• HAwAll. Adt1oi;: $ 3, 900, $2(nl Ii ;i,<i~llnH> b1tl o[ CADILLAC 1968 SEO. DE VILLE CADILLAC 1970 EL DORADO '70 Nava 454--0626. 11,\n1r1•~ M~>-O~'ill I FA<·ronv Alfl Call 642-5678 & ~·i:e-,-,-j C,u' 64~~;,ti/8 & Sa11e:-('flNf)J l'IONlf'I(; ~01, lrnported--970 AutoS.-lmported--9-70 V1n.l'l r11rlrLM u111. rlusti !'101h Lt:S~ TJLo\N 11.0IJO 1-llLES YArl'ORY /\Ill. L'< iNDJTH,NIN( i lli,000 111111'~ Orlf' oWnf'I' ~·11r1or y 1r111 r;Ull), f\ t·~1. 11111n rrlH15, RArtin, llt>a•rr, "'hi!P.,.all.<.. rintrri i.:ln.~s. "hr.,I Cn1•f'1·~. J.:rn111\P Whit!' ~;;;;--;;;;--------------------:;;;-, ,, lr>athrr 1nlf'I'' r1111 (~•\\•'!' & 11 hn~1 of 01hr1· li••lil\<' \'1nvl 1np. Full pn1<pr 1n<·I. r·t ·1.1. !.~:ATHEH INTER ron P;ilp Rine Vrr1yl llnol lni'Tl!ll', 1-::.!7RE'v11 <:11rrh•n (;1T11r I.in-COMET * CAPRI * Immediate Delivery!! NEW 1971 CAPRIS IN STOCI( lltlMEDIATE DELll'EHY JOHNSON & SON 1 Mii~ Soutll of So11 Dlirqo F•tewoy Lincoln Conlirieni<'l l e M<'l rk 111 e Mercury e Coug•r 2626 HARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA 540·S630 642 -0981 Auto1, New 910 xtr;t~ 1nrl. ,\M ~·~1 1>1d10, 1111 ,\• 1rh•~1-0111r s1.-.rr•1ni;:. {\\llC'Afi~+. olonr lni·k •. rn<J~r f'l'f'!'~ rtl\. $2999 >.!Ii\ N · !'Ill' \·l;i~rrr· o f lhP NABERS Cadillac 1 '"'"" · '"c•HQ>:•, Au111on1;:.En nE .... LEH NABERS Cadillac 2iiflrl ll11rl-oor Ri,••I., ('o'l'l.'I r.lr~ll (';ill ;,1ij.fl\OO ()p!'n Sunrl:i,• LARGEST SELECTION OF CADILLACS IN ORANG E COUNTY SALES-LEASING AV Tl IOI~ l'l.~:11 -:"F.RVl('J-:. Nabers Cadillac .\t •T1 1or:1z~;n OEAL~:R 1<'0 H:ithnr R/\1!, I' •I "'fl-'1!!10 ()f"'ll St111d:iy \ \1111.I,,\!" ,~1nv1-\Vhi1r "/''"'' lthr 1111 Xln1 1·nnrl. '2'.11:11 'lO' ,_ f1n1ln•·1n1< 111·a1l ('alt ~.1~-W~ 11t1 Ii pn1 CA MARO 'AA ('A\11\Rf\ :>.1!11 rnnrl, 1'"' 2600 HARBOR RL., 1111lr• $Him rh .1ark1f' COS'l'A r\IE:;A i;i::-1111.-..n nr f\l~-:l.-111 r1r•. ;,to :Hoo OPf'ri Sunrl11y 1~n~ r',\\11\RO 7 .• :!~ l.<mdrrl. CADILLAC 1969 SED. DE VILLE 'f,'J ('Afl-1f1.f\() 12.1.17-Stick fi\c-ror.r 11,rr: I \'ihr11sonli·. r"'" paint f.. cn~·nrTIOKlNf; r1rr• $~ .l lll4i.'>fi2. ~'ULI. 1.Efl.THF:n 1.'-' r~:runH AUTHORIZF.n n ~: .... 1.F.R 2F.4Y) H11rhnr Rlvrl., ('n~lll Mr~a (';ii! :>I0-1'1100 0!)f'n !-iu11rl11,v ·70 ri\:\IAHO-A1r. _<\pnrl Ill· 1r1·1nr. 12,l'l(I() 1111. $2119:1 ~l li-1111 CHEVELLE 'fi7 ChrvPllP SS .'l9fi, <I sr>rl. !llill!~. hnrk"!.'. 11+r '1.lnl. Orii::, nwnr Offrr. .it.1o.!\7?.l. CHEVROLET Sl'.191 1'fl'ln-r• .. 1,..1•,•ur,1. 1;:11drn c;1.,.,1;. Rlvd 111 R r n O K h ll rs 1 . !i,11i-29R,n m rnr:VY, r.:1n>!s"'nnrl ~:•1i11r. !i-pi\<• sin "i\::•111 VR, H.111r<l PIS, r/\\', Tilt slt'f't'lllJ.: "hrrl, JOttrro. 111r ;iuro dnnr lnrk•. lui;:i;:111!f' 1:1rk l.P~• 1han 2·1.~ n11 •. Far ";in·an11 fnr 2\flOO 1nnr" nulr• \1u~t ~r!I n1.11 lla.1« '111 1\l!O Fir• R;',:'.-11~'!1:'.. 1'llis rHF\'F:L1.~:-r1~. r1h. au-. ;>11!1>, h1wl\rl•, p1n-.1lr. rr1t ... 1hlk \'1nyl r o" r 1,r,1 .rn111' 111 11 i:: • . 111'>• n1111l11ps .t· po~ 11 ri\ r· 1 10 n 111·1·~. air ~hrwk~. rl11;il I'\· h;11"'· lllPf :\11-:)l}ti, FOft _<al1•· lfl(,(; (. 11 r I ll111·rtrnr Nnv:i .\:lnl 1'<">1H1 S;i1·1·1f11·P. C11ll .)lfi-11fi'l 11fr ;, "krl,I'• ·~~:t. C:in11n{l:--11u10--:-111r. fl"'r "''n<I\\ •. F/\1, ~ 4!1-1-{l~. hrks: s1 r.r, '(ifi ,'.lal1hu. \\'hotr/hlur in. tpr, hurkrL~. 11urn, R&H Xln'I n1nru•1:: ,.nnrl. [,n.,. honk Sl0::.0 :l-1~11~:> ·i:.i:; f'lll':\"El.L~:. ~'Iii. Hnll.' 1·11rh. n1ai:~. ~1r11~ •• f\11-2GJ1 •• ·fi1 r11r11n11r cnul'>" rt" v111f' .• 67 CHEVY 396 SS ~r;irly l'>"t'fer1 S27:> \rs<: f;f\ CHEVY S." ln1n;1lll, ~rl- lhan 1<hl~! filh-2:1.fi;} nr 1 !1norCn11pr. RPau11!ul 1\r.,. In". 1 nl'nrr. Sl.09'>. Pr11·11r~ 'f;.I Cl1\1ET (';il1rnrr, 1-~pr1. I \'-~. ~: T. m;ii::s, \fLIST ~fl.(' lhl.<. \\knrl .\1ake nHrr.1 Aflrr fi pn1 .>.~7-~.11') 'f;2 ('0\1 1-:T 2 dr. Ii f'>I. "' Corll"T l~t & :l.~1-0608 H>1rbor ~~:,...10~1. a~k lnr Ellrl. ri11n1. fl'f)F.1021 S'll!r.i. parr~ 07:..-1122~. :'anta Ana ·7r1 EL nnr11~n h!k w/vin.v! Marquis Motors ·,7 n1-:1. RF.Y 2 rlr $1.-..n nr The 111~1,...~1 rtra1·1 in -,-h-e-\V#~! inn All r,11·"'·" Sli~OO . !O'l ."n ('~1 H12h"r. L. Rrh. hr~r nffrr. Runs i::rnO ... ~ f);:ul y Pilot Cl;issilied f-14-1727 nr lil,\-:?!l.12 PVI'~. I 1!11-7:>0.1 • :'il-0-."HOO -,,~'.!!1~~. I /\11 M2-~ifi7J: Autos, New ____ 980 . Auto-;: Ne-;---980 Autos, New 980 Autos, New-----9~10 DON'T HUNT ALL OVER. SEE THEM ALL AT GARDEN GROVE 641tD£N GllOV( OAT SUH GIYl!o YOU : • l )(Ul l ltl.NT SI.Lii '0"tl • Vl.•l•lll DOWOf l'IY .... INT • OffWI J T, MOil MODI•"! I MO••OOM • INC•IDll LI ~f•V•C I e 'Ll.llt lll ,l"l•flC1NG • MOT MIW COLOtU ' \ DA TSU WE HAVE CARS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY STATION 1200 COUPES A utci,.,..,+ic. or Stic.~ Aulom11t•c $2071 • , 510 2 DR. SEDANS Autom~t i c. o• St ic ~ 2 Or. Auto. 12210 • 510 4 DR. SEDANS A ulom11l •c nr Stic.k Aulo. $23.to • •IOIUC I J l'LU! Tl~ l LtCIN~I 1 ... o;..,. j I r D i J 11Lllnm t1'il.ns. f!O"'Pr ~rr~. hrk~. P""itrAc Mon, nPw nl'<>r· si1 ... nrr~. J!l.000 mi. $167:>. ~~1 -1165, LINCOLN '66 CONTINENTAL 4 ODOR 6 l'llt11th1I . r11ll,I' .-quipfl!'rl. -""" 11rr~. ~ rn ;:o.ppl'<'r1a1t , I R7.P4.\!h. ' '71 Manterey Custam H11nl:np. ~;t..-i \ -11 ,\ulfl T1·:ins, Drmn, ~·111·1n1:~ ,\1r '69 Mustan9 V-~. Pnwrr SIN'nru::. f'nw,.r Rrake!. r11('TOr.v .<\ir Cond. Xrr·a Cll'1tn. 17.057011, $2295 MacHoward OLDSMOBILE '66 Olds 442 :'prrr1. fll"rllfl, HP,;1rr. Slk V111yl Top. T:irh. Nru' P-'in1. \Vr,1·1h .,1 ~1\f1 -S:il'rifire 59i.l. (',o.11 .-..1:!-l~l 70 OLOS AA f)rl1~ 1·u~lom ha1·rl1np 11/i\ll'. $2700. Compan,v r\rr111ivl' lt'a.s('rl ear. Nt-wpni·t RPach 1142-4910. Pxt 411 wkrlays. ----·~ OLOS ·"12 ~nvt-Xlnt mnd. i\'lu.~t ~f'J1 1mme<I. $1700 Qr h<>~t nlfrr C,o.11 ;;,;f.fi972 11'1 ~ •. ',)It Qld11 AA. S.i..'>. Mrrhan•~ Bllri!llln. 1'-l11n,I' flAl"I~ """'· 1':14-1590 ~fl n nr Pl'r. 1;,; V1~t11 r n11.•rr 9 p;;. w1u:. Grl •·nnrt. nr11 hrakr~. e:rl t1rr~. ~77J .. '41'-.~~7. PINTO __ , Cond, PnwPr n1.~r Brakr>.<, 'i\ rTNT11 -\1:ii;:~ N ,r,:-oori Radio, \\'h11r ... ~11~. 11n1rd ,v,.ar 111·r .•. :ill rx1r~~ S42.'i. c:111 ... ~. Whf'f'I fY'l'f'I'<;, Plu~ ~.. !Ilk" n1·rr p~.vmrnl1<. m11ny nrhr1· rx11~~ -PA,lf'I fr1.'>-lfil1 ah fi. Rl11r F 1t1.1sh, E:..-1Pnri<'d ~·:ir-' --PONTJAC-- tnry \I. arr fHll)'. \.\ 1111ln"' ·p"iirkf'r1 1-'1·~1011:~9!"1-~~r",:"P'''.·ial "I':'\ CATALI NA~ rtr H.T. lull r•rP ' .. •o•.~..,J,~if,,.r. fl",.· R.(·H. 111r .. •h11rp rlrn \.1'nvp l.1nl"O!n-i\1rn·1w~. nirl.-dlir hrn, ~·in.vi lop. f;;:u'den G1·n"" Rlvrl. Il l i;11.1r:.1~ Rl'nokhurs:. li.>fi-2!\l'O I . CAT\l.INA ('"n11•. fil :\1nt -.,9-Monterey-mrrh IY!llfl Jl;irrt tnr. I \'P.<r \\"an<111I~. • • li7J-.;1 11 • • \'-~. Auro T1·:1n•, F;1r1or.1 \r, ('onri, r .... "PI ."ilP<>!H\£', I rnl'r,· D1<r· Rr;ikr.•, .'°'fr1"1'1 R11rl1n, Hr:itrr. l\'hrrr1101d.•. \lu1~·1 r.001. T•nlr/1 ( ;1~~~. l\'hrPI ('rH.rr•. Cn111p;irr an.1- 1•hP!"f' lnr rnr·, 1, Qti,;111~ 1YP7,.l!l71 S2ro~. (;~rrlrn r;,..,1 ~ {,1riml11 -~1r>'<'I H',V. r.~1-0r11 l~t'Ot'r Rll·rl. al I ~t-ookhUN<I ~J,&.~~ - - :v!lJ.'rr srll, rlr~11n1 IQjO ~1pn·111;. \111rfJ!ll~. ii' 1111'•. 1 full)' rqo1p·r1. R11"k hluf' hnnk l.\2ffl. \11lke nffrr 64fi.-,ltlllfi conn l(W1k1ni! lr.>m::pon~rinn, M .. N .IH)' 'fil. P/R. r1s .. \urn lrllll!<, R1H. $2::,0. Ont 0"11- ~r. fiilc·'c"c'c· --- 11.-m11 "·i1h f'.'I~. uSf' n11ily Pilor C11'ssif1ed. F.42-~~n ·i;; 1 ... \l~n~. 4 ~pr!. ~11'. P ~. !.· r R. ! .~nrl~o lop .• \1nt ••ll1il ~1~¥l 192-61116. ]'l';'l r irrh1rrt, I 1!\I \ t~11 Jr~ ,'1.'·ll 1·/1, 11u'"· \o" m1. R .. st 'lfff'f -,1,11-,11'!). 11f1 ;, f'IRERll'Ul. m >x "hrl•. 11 ir, xl111 mrYI. S:!~~. Call fi ,11;..421J 1!)1;7 Pn.,1111r Tl'mpr•1 1. rlr HT. ;i11· rnnrl. ,.,,.,,1 1·onrl . \'l7l Call a11.111mr M2-:'>1S!l RAMBLER ·r.2 RAMRJ.F:R St 11 tl on IV11J?nn. r1 . .-.. 11nrl P/R. S2;0. -~1,lt-\29'2. "'12-412'2 VALIANT '60 \111li11n1 Shtil!nn Wi\gon, N,.r,jc "'Ork S.~ •. '>111--70Fi1 • Used -----.---~,.., 990 Autos, Us.cl 99t Since SOMETIMES WE GET CARRIED AWAY! ,.._...., w. ""' ... c~ r .... ~ric• •~'I' a• "u' cori 1~1 1 !1'1 qoin9 le b1 lou9h *• "'"~" • P•r>f;+ . , • l ul ii "'t••• b;9 ••vin91 la ye111 T ·~• • ,~:" ;. an• af1 +~••• fi,., 8.,ic~• 11• 0 11•lf ta.l •v • vor.i'I! C••.-- •• •v • ni~o bw,.dl1 •f 1••in11• Huntington Beach 536-6588 I --·--..,.. --.,,,;:is ..--;.~~V'll~i.:1:21ll!!:::::ii""j,..;·,,.~·~'=i ,,,,,,....,-"1# ... -.,....J 1. ~ 1· "M--------::--••--=~ .. ;;;·::,;.1 ~~"._·.,..-~r.1.:c:~~ _ ~.-n..--,J:1i·,..·.,.:.· _.,. i-'" ..!"'"'•"'""" ' ~ • --~ .... ,~ ·ailL JACOCS IS SLASHING ALL NEWAND USED - ·CARS ••••••••• EXAMPLE: Brand New 1971 TORONADO ' Custom equipped with air cond., tilt & tele steerinCJ wheel, AM-FM stereo, SAVE$1367 power ·windows, pawer seats, Brou9ham interior, padded roof, pawer disc ·brakes, turbo·hydramatic, pawer steerin9, and more. I 3A6571 M724333). FROM WINDOW STICKER PRICE GIANT DEMONSTRATOR CLEARANCE SALE!! (26) '71 STAFF CARS REDUCED FOR· QUICK SALE! 98'5-CUTLASS SUPREMES- TORONADOS-WAGONS-HONDAS FACTORY WARRANTIES -FULLY EQUIPPED -VERY LOW MILEAGE OVER 120 NEW '71 OLDSMOBILES C< & GMC· TRUCKS DISCOUNTED DURING THIS CLEARANCE EVENl NEW 1971 GMC TRUCK SPECIALS NEW '71 HONDA Sl'RINT VI , pow•• br•k••, r•dOo, tint. 1lau, door ed<;1• 9rc:l 1., bvmp1r 9rd1., rallv 1 !r•p~, Si111n 1 bron••· m1tchi119 ln ler. r 100- ~9 7) W i"dow Stkk ~r '1"91. SALE · PRICE BRAND -NEW '71 GMC 5HOIT WHIEL IASI VAN Au•. 1a1 t, pa,..•r b1 ak11 , ) ,,,,d 1~!01'11 1lic, 9•u9•1, chrom• bump•r 9rd1., cl •rk v•l- low w/bl •ck int••· 11 55015) Win dow Stid1•1 $)109 1 TON STAkl W11! co•d m1rr ort, H.D. 1hoc ka- 1p1ing1·av•.. 150 VI, du1! wlie1l1, H.O. t lt t, e11vip., 91v9•11. l•ll ft. 1l•k1 bodv. 111 7575) Windo"" Stick1r '"89 7 SALE PRICE BRAND NEW '71 GMC 2 TON lon9 W.B .. CE5750l, 150 VI, 4 1pd-2 111cl., clu •I 1l•p +•nkt, !.25•JO 10 ply tir•I .lo bud whl1., l•l O ft. fl•t b•tl w/hyd, bul~ httcl & o •lr. floert. I 117- 4521 Window Slicktr $621) . f..,.;li'!,il!_ d"'""""""'-fL!' ~!1"0''':1 au-....... --==b" '' 11'1011th1 •Ill •pproYod ctocllt, Totol co'h prlc• lltclMclln9 101" lair ...... 1971 uc ... M fM S1599.72. De~rrl'd poymont prlco lncludln9 tor. licen1e ond fhtan<• char9" $11fJ.44. ANNUAL l'ERCENTAGE RATE 11.fl'/.. $200 47°!. CASH OR TRADE DOWN BIG SELECTION COLORS 36 MONTHS VISIT OUR BIG NEW AND USED TRUCK CENTER! • From Li9ht Pickups to Heavy Duty Custom Rigs • OUR TRUCK EXPERTS CAN SERVE YOU BEST • GMC: the truck people from General Motors TRUCK & CAMPER SPECIAL New ')I GMC 'I• Ton Camper Special Tint. 91•11, 1.!111!. 1pt. !tuck w/tri"' mlcl91., c1mp1r mirrafl, H.O, 1hock1 -1p•in91 -1t•bili1tr, •ulo., P.S .. P-di1c br1k11, 750.1 6 I ply lir11, R.l.H. )50 VI. With I '/,' ANGELUS Ctb-Over Ctmp1r with tcr11n cloor, 1icl t clinttlt, 1lov1, O>'t n, ltr91 ict ho•, 1l11 p1 6, 1voctlll1 interior. ( 11 20'16 1 12612) TRUCK & CAMPER . ~---..._ .,.. .•.. --,,___ ~I. --- 1········ ···········: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e '67 V.W. SQUAREBACK e • Rad io, H•af•r. IV BASl2 } • : $995 : : . : e '69 DODGE CHARGER RT e • Auto. Ira n~ .• fa ctory air cond itioning, radio, heater, vinyl • • room consola loaded. (YCX196l • : $2395 : • • • : '63 INTERNATIONAL WAGON TRAVELALL: • V.8, Auto. Trens . lllJ214 l • : $595 : • • • . : '69 OLDSMOBILE 98 : • FACTOR Y AIR CON DITIONING, Full Power, landeu Top •• • IXNKlbO I • • $1975 • • • • • • : '65 GTO 4 SPEED : • Radio, Heefar. f9508UKl • • $495 • : . : : '69 CHEVY NOVA 2 DOOR SEDAN •. • Radio, Heater. IYPU781 I • • $1195 • • • • • • e '65 OLDSMOBILE 4 DOOR HARDTOP e •• Auto . Irani., FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING, Power Steer· • ing, Power Brakes, Power Windows. (NQ R41 I) • : $695 : • • • • • e '68 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 4 DR. e • Au!o. Irani ., factory air conditioning, radio, heeler, ] I ,000 • • act. miles. Stock • 1470A • : $1295 : . . ·-• • e '60 FALCON RANCHERO e • R1dio, Heater. IRHN25S I • • $395 • • • • • • : '69 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE MK Ill : • w;,. Whuh. IZSHOS5 1 • • $799 • : .....••..••..••.•..•••..• -, ,. ' I' • • \ I 1 l • I I . J l I I l • :· • l.AJL Y PILOT IT'S CLEANUP TIME! A 1971 MUSTANG T I:\lE # l:J THIODOll ltOllNS Jlt. ' NEW 1971 FORD F-100 STYLESIDE PICKUP Cuitom. VB , re nger pkg., a mp & oil 'Jo!I U9!15, tool boK, crui1oml!ltic, opt. vecuurn booiter, AM-FM st er•o r•dio, power steering , G78 x IS t irtu . (ObSI ) Window Sticker $4850.20 A.nnlvet1ary !"rice $1896.70 SAVE $953 50 FREE 50 GAL. GAS TOO! THIS WEEK NLV: BRAND IW GET SEPTEMBER DISCOUNTS IN JULY! M"'''"v H.T. $8950 V-8, euto., p o w • r steering, radio. rttr t\ DISCOUNTS ON ALL TRUCKS 1971 TORI . OS HARDTOPS -SEDANS -GT's $50 0VER Hundreds of new l 9~~d • trucks that must be sofd before the '72s arrive now at final year end discounts. Come in while selec- tions are full! PLUS 36 MO. OPEN END LEASE - RENT A PINTO (Auto. Trans.I ) $5 DAY 5~ MILE "'- DEMONSTRATOR SALE! STATION WAGONS-LTD'S-GALAXIES- TORINOS-MUSTANCiS-R ... NCHEROS FACTOltY . !~Y,«?x1~l~. ON ANY TORINO IN OUR BIG STOCK BE SURE TO GET YOUR 50 GALLONS OF FREE GAS. BRAND NEW 1971 MUSTANG MACH I 4 2, R~m .;, •~ci .. Spo•·I fn!9r, G·", C,,,;,.,, "'~•i~. Co•~. Grp .. ~.!> .. ~"'" 0•1c Brko., !•II .... ~~•!. ~;, "'"ti .. AM-FM 1far10, ,p . ..,;n. "'"'"''· ! 1 oonsqi 1 o&s l ~ w-st1cr. ss~st A1111l..,.r111ry l'rlc.• s~•tt .50 50 GALLONS OF GAS 'FREE! ·SUPER tSAVINGS ' PLUS ANNIVERSARY SAVE $859 50 BU Y WHERE YOU WISH, WE WILL PAY FOR ITI DIAGNOSTIC CENTER Over 130 vital te1t1 for reliability, perfor• nience end 1.11fe ty. in just JO m inutes, full written report included. REGULAR 19.9! SPECIAL $7.50 WITH TH!1 AD SO GAL. FREE GAS CAMPER SALE EVERY NEW 1970 CAMPER IN STOCK SLASHED TO ' 550 QVER FACTORY INVOICE llG SELECTION-NO DEALER ADDED CHARGES-IS MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. We Are The Orange County Show Case D.aler For El Dorado Camperl. RENT A CAMPER-Reserve Today for Assured Dates. PLUS FREE 50 GAL GAS. 50 GALLONS FREE GAS WITH. fVERY NEW & USED CAR & TRUCK SOLD MUSTANG SALE Many to choose from. '65 thru '71 models. Coupes, hardtops. convertible and 2 + 2 Fastbacks. Some with 4 speeds, also air conditioning and automatic models with power steering. EXAMPLE: '70 MUSTANG H.T. Fully f actory equi pped, wh it111 w red ;,,+1r ., radio, he•+er, good m ill'!~. (064CIEI OUR PRICE $2096 ::,,~.~~H'~''" """" $1996 pn11"r ~1,,,.r1r11:. 111r rnnrl 1- t1nnin1:. tn•.O mll•< 1YJ'l i7fil • '66 CHRYSLER $$1196 ''"' y,.,,._,~, l f11 llT Full I"'"""· fill lo•I I Il l! !.:•l"r\ !Tiii"~. 1901('1.,).-..:' '71 Pl YM . DUSTER Spn1t ''"''P" l.;1\1 11u l"~ r11rlin IH'/llPr, ~!11 k •hl[1 1~0RSY• '66 OLDS CUTlASS 2 f)r_ H.T. Full P'"'"r, ii.1r •·nnrli1inn1nc. v~. r.:1in<I inil"·'· 1VlR.110:1 1 '65 MUSTANG H.T. R11rl1n, hr11 l rr. Rllln , \'.11, ,;.nnrl mil,.<. t ATR.1.14 1 '69 CORTINA G.T. I <1wrr1 T t'i't\•llll•~I'>", In" n\llr< 1Z\'('(lf!j1 '71 PINTO Jo'R< !••I.I' "'l'l'l'P"d i;,,,.,!l 11111,.~ '1'.'';'C"! •T ' '69 CAD Cpe. de Ville $4096 11 T r·1111 l'"I'""· r11 r1 111r, AM·>''1. ""'I '""I.,.,.,,,,. 1·nn1r,.1. t1lr-1rlr. 11hl., i;:•1nd ti rr~. 1>t.'<.'lA~f;1 ALL OFFERS C.ONSIDERED TRADES ACCEPTED PAID FOR OR NOT! TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS '67 V.W. BUG ·l 'I'''•'<\ I :nlto•, l1<•;.1i 1, ~'" •f1 0111•'~ \l':\\',];l.!';'j FORD-LTD-GALAXIE- TORINO-WAGON SALE Many to choose from! '65 thru '70 Models, Sport Roofs, For· mals, 2 door and 4 door Hardtops and Sedans. Full power, air conditioning. Warranties available. EXAMPLE: 1970 FORD CUSTOM 4 DOOlt Auto., pow1r st~flt ring & br4k<'ls, r•dio, he•+er, c•rpets, chrome trim. Good mile1 . w .rr•n+y •v•il able. 11 51538 1 OUR PRICE $1596 ~~~~ R~~'~:l:E~~rl l" hf'RI s1796 ,..,., i'''"'' -•···1111:.:. R11 rnnO 1.1'" 1t11I•·' ,i;·:1r1 n1 '69 OLDS. 88 p,..11a ru~!o1111 'J.11,-!IT. Ful l l"''""r, fil.f'!nr.' 111 r. (;.,,If'! m1lr~ 1:..·, ""!:."I turhn. 1rr1J>.11 • ·u PlY. SATElllTf H. T.°'·$896 RkH 11 ulr>. r S . ';.'nod • m1),.<. 1Tr.'.\1.'i!'l:.?1 '69 FORD VAN r:t..fl, RUH>. ;\It', cnr,...[ rllll"~. ':i!'l1 lflF • '6f TOYOTA HT. l"oronR 2 Dr. A 111n. 11\fll"·· r;irl1n. h<'lll<'I", lnw n,,1,,. ·~.t·r2n~1 '6t DODGE CHARGER f\11 rlin, hl'llll'r, 11 1110. rs. 11ir r·nnrl . i;:nod mil<'<. 1fi7!A7.G1 $]396 / / _ f, 8 1/z acres of the most moderri Ford sales and / '1'fl service facilities on the '(Vest Coast ,,,;Afi:,/ ,,/Sl .... " .. TheodQre, -""':": , "'jiii~' Robins SALES DEPT. HOURS • ---...:::.·:·-:""::.-:.~:=~-::=:=:;:l1' // : .· . ADAMS D ~ r~, ~~,,,,.,-ft,. F 0 rd SERVING ' : "::: <.'!!'.•r ~"!: SINCE 'tV / . · c ~ iiiLJ. ~ ' ' ::: ::: , ~... 1s21 ,,' (} C ~ lil (/,~ "\\ ~0 D /' ' .. /• • DAsr HIGHWAr ~ v #" \ ~ =171H -===-...... " -." .. ""• ................. , 2060 Harbor Costa Mesa .~-Ei42 r 0010 ---------------------------------------------I AM TO 9 PM MON-FRI I "M TO 6 PM S"T 10 AM TO 6 PM SUN I PARTS-SERVICE HOURS 7 AM To 9 PM MON 7 AM To 6 PM TUE-FRI I PARTS DEPT. ONLY 8 ,AM to 1 PM SATURDAYS }, ·:~ l J • ' • l • • l ' ---··· -·#•"'11' ,.~ ........ 'i.~ .• • :.re-• f" --· -·-----. ... -';'"" .. . ... ... . '