HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-04 - Orange Coast Pilot7 ..... • una 1se anne . Caspers Haps OC Aides DAILY PILOT : For Blabbing to-Press' * * * 1oc * * * WEDNES DAY AITT RNOON, AUGUST, 4, 197 t •• • • • • • • Marine Shot • Ill Caspers ' Assails 'Blabbers' B~' .IA C'K AROBA CK 01 !~• Olli~ PH<1I !llll Flflh Oi ~lric1 Superv1snr Hon a Id Caspers nf Nr\\'pnr1 RP;i ch lnday .:idvi1•rd Orange Coun1 y dcp.:irtmrnl heads tn rlr np fl1e ir "wide open 1nou lh" policy tnv.·arrl the pres~ and rc[lly "nil co rnmcn t" 18 queries more oflcn . Casper~. nbl'u1usl~· ncttlrd b.v new!' 1,tories concerni n~ l11s .icl1nn.c;. !I.aid "thrre ;:ire tune!' 1,1·hen 1 h.:i ve found 11 necess;:ir\' 10 ~ay il s nonr nf ~·our God damn bu;;.1nes~ .. C;:i~prr~ remt1rk!'i fn!lnwrd :1 stt11rmen1 hy Supcr,.1<:.nr Ralph Cl;irk of Anahc1n1 cnnrrrn1n.i: " ."c11s .~tnrv 1n t()day·,. ed1- l1nns of !hr IA'l~ Ar:grlc • .; Time <:. nn the Pf- fer t nf ~;ilar.1· ruf_!; nn the county·s ex- r arderl dru.i: ahu~r prn~ra m '1 ,1111 cn111·Prnrrl ;i hnut !hr progr;im 11 nrl a l ~n ;ib1u! 1hr fr1r1 !he press "'a,!; rnld fir pnc;<;1hlP hud grt ;idju~l rnenls befnrf' the ~uperv1~or; 11cr!'.' 1nfnr n1rrl," C!ark fum- ed The T1mr<; ~tory ~iltd <'PUnl~· ad - n11n1 strit l1vr nff1re aides had st;ilcd thal. a *2.000 rrr po~1l 1on salitry rul on all nrw coun!y Jnh!'i rhll'1n.i: lhc coming year would severely h<1n1pcr lhe drug abuse pr0gram. Tirnr~ s111ff mcn1he.r llon Smith. v.·hn v.r o1 P 1he .<;t ory. ;isked Cl11rk if hr thought rnunrv nri,1 < snurrP~ should be C'losPd In ihr pfcss. He ~;iid 1f ~o. he nbjectrcl 1n FUC'h a pnl1r v a.~ pa$! prr<;idrnr nl thP Orange C:n11nty ch;:ip1cr nl ~IR:ma Delta !See CASPEflS. Pa.i:e 21 Orange Cout "'eather Beach !r mper;:itutl!S ~·ill be AA v.·ith inland mercury ;it 72 ..... buL those are just the ovcm ight ln"•s. navtimP hi,C(hs will be 7fl and !>4. Stu~ny, humirl air will prevail with some high clouds . INSIDE TODAY Ol'nnpr CntnHy l1n.~ rP<'l'ilted n Si2n.onn fPrlrrnl prn111 In /i,./rt dt'VPlnn o J1fl/,r.r rnrlio sy.~tern. u1nrthy of f)rck T rnr.y. Srr Pap,. IO ••• u... I'll C•U"''"I• 1 (h«""' U• 1 Cl•u lli..i ll ·'M , .. I'll<• 1) C ... HW11•11 ll 0.11~ Nttlcn IJ DlwGrtl • II fllltorill .... 1 ' IM•r!ll~me"I l•·l• ,,,,....,. 11.11 Har••<••• ,. "'"" l•""'I'' " M•llM• ' Me.,.I• .. Lil:l"MI 11 ~··-J~H "'"'"'' •11...t• 11 N1t1.,.11 N""' ~J Or••'l'I Co""" 1 .. 11 S•lvlo P1tlf t ti !Hr!< ll·M Slee-~1'1tell 11·11 Ttl•wlt-II Tlie•!fn )t·I• Wt•I~.. I W~lll W10~ 11 w~'''""'' N•wl I'·" WsrN N1w1 t.S Uf'• l1,.ohot1 1·11 is h Cl11'i s • l hris !\:Jed ic k, 19, !\tiatni. Fla .. i.~ son1elhing lo !'i n1ile abou1 during National Smile \Veek ."-ug . 2 lo 7. She isn't a model. or a beauty contest entrant. She's just a pretty gtrl. !·lave you. !'imited al a prelty girl lately? '(; . ~ Higl1 Rise Foes Win Long Battle At Ballot Box By BARBAR A KREIBICH 01 I~• D1ll'f' P iil! 511!! Laguna Beach high rise opponents tn· d11y promised 10 move 11wiftly It! im· plemcnt a 3&-foot building hc !ghl Hmit ordinance .:1pproved 3-1 Tuesday by a record turnout of voters . Cou ncilman Roy Holm !'laid he wnulrl ask !hi! city council at its regula r session tonight 'to take three steps: -Direct the Plannin g Commission Ill modify the ex isting C-Z tone to conform "tilh the. initiative ordin1ulCe. The C-2 wnl'. is the only one in the city "''here SO.. foot buildings now are permitted. -Direct the Planning Commission to write into the land use eleme.nl of the Gener11I Pl.:in. "'hich 11 nnw is stud1•in.1t. !ht fact th;i! !here shalt be no h11 il<lings higher th an :lll feel in I.a., .. Joa E~., ... h -lmmedia!ely !'ct a d11e f'l" 111 · deferred City Co1Jncil'hP:i r· r. r·· · IS« lUGll RISE, r.:1~c lJ ' ' Astronauts Head Home Witl1 Booty F'rom Unlled Pres8 International Thi' Apollo 1J 2.strnnauts headerl fnr homP' loday wilh the mnsl preciou.~ scien· til ic cargo the moo n has ever yielded. The verd1c1 or the lon.i: f111.ure m,11y be !hat. I.hei r 12-day, $44.l·million. 502,000- mile round trip in the moon was one or the greatest exped itions in the history of science. Be that as it m;iy. the three astrona uts aboarrl !he Endea\·o ur carried these priceless lhings : -Pirce.o; or 11-'hal n1ay prove to be the primord1&1 surface of the moon fonned ;it the solar system·s birth some ~.n bill ion 11car.~ ago, -The firs1 i;;in1ple.~ from a funa r lav;i fin"'· nch in clues to the violent inner turmoil nf the moon before ll cooled aOnur 2.fl billion yeari; ago. -TI1r fi rst cores nf lun;i.r subsoil taken al thP depth nf ei.i:ht fre t. -Filn1~ showing detail.~ of ancien t lun;ir fea!ure.~ and nf the moon'!' currenl tnpngr;iphy never photograrhed before. A'!'. Apnllo 15 ,circled the moon for !hr. .~1 xth and l;isr da_v . David R .. Scot1 said to- day he would like to stay there for week~ g<izing at. the "mind-boggling" lunar 12.b.vrinlh far beloi,1·. ··1 JUSI wish ~·e had more lim~ bccau:'!e. believe me. lhere's an a"'/ul loL Jn be ~een i1nd done up here." Scott 'aid hr ;ind hi., two colleagues were awakenP.d to !hf' tune: nf the opening lhe1ne from the movie "2001 : A Space Odyssey." Befnre !iring lhemselves out or lunar orbit late loQay, Scott. Alfred M. Word en anl ",James B. Irwin were leaving t>'ehind an 80-pound 'satellite that will circle the moon for .:i year, mon itoring radlatlon and m;ignetic forces. But today marked the end of manned lun;:ir ekploration until Apollo 16 sets JUt 1\fatch 17 on a mission as ambitious as Apollo 15. Scotl '-nld ground control al Houston : "As we go around in luna r orbit here I can look down and 1 can JU!!t .spend weeklll and wttlu looking and I can pick out anv number nf superb.sites down there wh.ich would take you several weelu to analyie on the surface." ' ··There's just so much here, l(l coin -1 phrase. il's 'mind·boggling'." This was a low·key joke. since "mind· hnggllng " was the term Scott wed lo describe his impression of the moon on Apollo 15'11 arriv al there last Friday. Dr. Leon T. Silver. a geologist from California Institute of Technology, tonk the mlcrophooe. at misaion conltol and lnld Scott and his colleagues they had done "a lovel y jnb." "You jusl don't know how we're jum- ping up and down here." Silver said. "I hope some day we can get you all up hf'i'e ton." Scott replied ·•1 think we really need tt'l have somf' good pro- ~ .jSU .AP.OLLO,~Pa1e 2) .. • f, ' • \IOI., 6', tfO. HJ. 4 l•tTIOIO, N P.t.&•S I I • I • • • • • • • • Alleged Triangle Death Bike BIKE CARRI ED YOUNG VISITOR TO HIS DEATH A.II Tliat Remained After Summer Niglit Outing Clemente Boy Attenipts To Beat -Train , J(illed By JOHN VALTERZA 01 l~o Dl ltr Pllfl $!ti! An apparent bicycle race In beat a San- 1.4\' Fe papenger train in San ~lemente. ~ndcd in instant de&h for a 9-year-old boy al du sk Tuesday as his elder brother watched in horror. Brian Will iam Sweeney. u,·ho wou ld have en1ered fourth grade In Arcadia· nex t fall, was killed instantly when the !iwlf11y-moving southbound train hit him at the private crossing near Shorectiffs beach club. The YQungst~r had been staying for the summer at 2729 Via Verbena with his porenl.s ;ind four brothers and sisters, po/lee &aid . At 7:39 p.m. Brian and elder brother Joseph. l~. rode across El Camino Real Rock Music Deadl y? UOINE. Ita ly (A Pl -Dario Roncato reporled today that 200 of his chickens were i;cared lo death by the 14 bands in a beat musi c fesllval near their pens . The chickens lrampfcd each other And i;ulfncated 118 they tried to get 11w11y·from !he lwang of el~lric guitars and the beat of drums. Roncalo did not sue for any damages. He was"emong the organizers .Gf .the f~.Uva l. · on bicycles, headed lo~ard the beach . "I made It aeros.s and hopped off my bike and heard the train whistle.'' Joseph said, "But Brian kept on coming and the train hit him so fast there was nothing anyone could do.'' The youlh said he believed the small black bicycle was incapable of stopping. "I think the bike wasn 't working right. That's the only thing I can figure out." he said. Police offlcer!ll dug the wreckage or the i::mNl cytle from the undercarrh1ge or the train's engine nearly 1.000 feet away from the point of impact. The mishap, the first fatality on the beachside tracM in the past several yea rs, occurred on an unmarked private asph'all pathwe.y leading over the tracks. A Santa Fe special Inve stigator at the scene sa id In recent weeks he has cited dozens of youngsters for playing on the rails in the same vlcihlty. Officer"' and coroner's investigators conUnued their lnve.stlgation Into lhe tragedy today. They aald that engineer W.M. Sullivan of Alhambr1 could give only a pArlial ac- count of the Collision because H I! dif· ficult to set dlrttlly down in front of the t.ngine. ' Last rites for Ihr. y<>ung victim wert. performed at the scene by a Catholic priest. • Fun eral ~rvices for Bria.n are pending a at Sheffer Morlu11ry In San Clemente. .. Navy Mru1 In Oemente An apparent love triangle ended in a predawii shooting of a Camp Penleltln Marine sergeant in San Clemente today and the arrest or a NAvy Medical Corpsman on charges or attempted murder. Sgt. Herman Viernes. 2n. or 248 A. Avenida Paliiada, was reported in fair condition this morning afler surgeons At South Coast Community Hospital remov. ed a portion of a lung and repaired other damage made by four .22·ca!iber slugs fired at close range. Police Chief Clifford h-lurray said the Corpsman, \\lilliam Archer Reid , who will be 22 on Friday, v.•as arrested as he gave the victim first aid on the floor of Reid '' apartment at 119 Coronado Lane, apart.- 1nent one. f'"ive other men v.·ere in the aparlmcnt at the ti me along with Viemel'i' estranged v.•1fe. Connie Jane. police. said. Officers said someone named ''Ace"' called from the apartment aL 1:50 to repnrl. the shooting. Viernes, police allege, drove In the flat "'here he knew his 1vife was visiting and nttempted to discuss the couple's pro- blems. The discussion proceeded Without in- cident. ~1urray related, for aboul 10 minutes. Then. it is alleged . Viernel': struck a karate position and Reid. st.anding less than four feet away, pulled a revolver anrl began firing . He assertedly fired the weapon seven limes at point-blank range then began ad· ministering first ald to the wounded vie. • lim. During the altercation. pnlia! in· (Stt. SHOOTING. Pap ZI Coast Ath'letes Win 3 Medat~ Orange Coa5l athletes have run their Pan American Games medal total to three today aftf!r Hun- tiflgton Beach High School grad Jim Seymour fin ished second in the .WO-meter intermediate hurdle& at Call. Colombia. SeY1t1our's silver medal goes along with the gold award taken by San Clemente hurdler P 1 t t I Johnson and the bronu: medaJ gleaned by Huntington Stach'• Thomas tt1cKibbon In double sculls. Also. Westminster High graduate Ed Bane worked four innlnga plu11 against Cuba in baseball before: being touched for the tying runs ln an eventual 4-3 loss. And. the UC Irvine water polo delegation Is making its presence. fell as coach Ed New\and 's forcts bombarded Cenadt1, 11-2 In Tuesday 3Ction . Set Sports i Page 17) for details. ! . •, DA.IL V l'IL OT 5 Wage .Curbs 01( Near? Nixo11 May Back 11if latio11 Fight Board WASHINGTON !UPI! -Pre&ldenl Nlnn hinted tod1y th1t hi! might 1pprnvt • wq~rice control board U ht dKided it oould work tff.ctively 1g1inst inflation. In an imprnmplu news conference ln bll offi« tM Pri!lldenl predicted im- prevwtnt ln Ule ~nomy in the l11t half ol the year while 1ppe.11.rln1 to move away ff'flm 1 former hard line 1µin11 1 ~&11ed lncome1 policy. flt r,..·~ed he "'I I concerned about the , ·,4e-prict 1piral and aald he was keepmg a.n "ope.n mind .. on lhe sub1ect. Nixon 15aid .he would move tciwards a more decisive 1taae followine: mtttings nest month. At the same timl!. Nixon indicated that he plans tci inject the \\'hilt House mf"lrt 1tron1Iy from now on inln negotiations or m1jor labor a>ntracts on a case by case basis. He told reporUrs that he had d1recled Tn1sury Secretary John B. Conn1lly l.o bring: wqe and price negotiations to his • . attention. "I will use the power of m)' of- fice to see that the se ari rMponsJble," he said. Jn that conMC t1on Nll<'ln 1aid he would rejecl 1ny further wa&P. lncrt1M1S 1'flr governmenl blu e ('()1\ar workers. "I 1haU contl.iue the policy of mtvln&' ag- gressively on Individual settltml!lll.ll.'' ht said. In that a>n nection Nil:on said he would reJert any further wl&e increases ftJr government. blue a> liar worken. "1 sh1 U rontinur lht po licy of moving ag- gressively on individual seltlemenl.!i," he said. i\ixon said he ~·as still rnnvin<'f:d th;it infh1tion ~u\d be dampened on a volun- tary basis .,.,,ilhout govt mmenl guidelines and said he. .,.,,as against wage-price con- tnils particularly if they would carry .,.,.ilh them mandatory triminal penalties. Bui he said in response lo quesl.Jons lie would consider cri:at1ng a wage-price board if he ft!! 1l could be effective-- Nixo11 Blasts Race Busi11g; Seeks F ede1·al Aid Curlls WASHING TON (UPI) -President Nixon bu coupled hi5 strongest state- m@:nl yet liilinst busin& school children for racial integration "'ilh a request that Con.ires" not allow use of proposed ltd· era.J funds for that purpose. At the !:&me time the Administration an~ it wu appealing a be.nchmark court ruling a&<1i11st massive busing in the public schools of Austin. Tex. Ho"·ever. it indica!ed il "·as appealing the case not in promote racial blL'iing but to comp ly with recent Su preml! Court decisions. Nixnn's statement Tuesri<iy said· "I am a1ains t busing as that le.rm i! commonly used in school deseere1ation ca&ea. I have consisten tly opposed the bu&il'lg l'lf our nation's school chlldren to achieve a racial balance. and I am op- posed to the bu~ing Of child ren simply fo r the '3ke of busing . "Further, .,.,•h1le the executive branch will continue lo enforce the orders of the court. 1nclud1ng court-ordered busing , I have instructi!d the Attornl!y General <\nd • From Page I SHOOTING ... tima~. another shot "·as firttl by som t- one else UI the "-Pi rtml'nl, but the 5booti.n& of that gun appartntly .,.,.a_, an attemp t to quell !he argument It was find by an uni dentified ll·itness v"hO shot into the air through an ope.n door, Murray said preliminary interviews with 1teid yielded • stateml!nt ll"hic.h sa id the 1Ueged assailan t feared for his life because of the diminutive sergea nr.s ability in karalt:. Viernes weighs about \JO poun ds and is about ~fett. 5 inches tall One of the sl ugs pas~d lhrou gh Vi@J'nti' luni and shalttred aa:ainst his bre•stbont. St:veral other atugs cau sed lei& severe. da mage to the man's 5houlder. Viernes received emergency trea lmf'n! at the shooline seen' from fl rt:men. \\'ho then took him to Snulh Coast Hospital in the firt chief's slalinn wagon Vie.rne5 initially ll'IS in cr1t1ca! cr>r1- dilion before emergenry suri;ery. th en his condition stabilized later in !he morning, hospital aides said In the meantim t . off1c.t.rs "'er.-pr t pM Jng to transport Reid to SC1uth lir11ngf' O>unty Munici pal Court Fnr ~rr~1gnmtn' on form.i i c:h11r1e~ of 11 ~saul! "ith 1ntf'nl to mmm11 murder No bail had ye.I bee n !t i e11rly tnday OIAllal COAST DAILY PILOl H ............ ......... , .. '-Y s.. a •••• ,. CMIKtl. Q>.UT "Ull lSM ING CCW'AHY l •Mrl N. w,,4 ,,.. .. 1111 ...... vblLIMr J 11\ -· Cwrl•v VlCll ,.,__ Ir.II Glnlr1I M ....... Th1"'1....lc11•il l dltll' 1h1?1111 A, ,.w,,h;,., MtMtlntl fdltor Clltrfff M. l &et l ich1rJ r. Ni ll A»1t1111: MIMOifttl l.i~ ....... ( .. II Ail-• D$ W111t l•V Street Iii......., I•<": lU3 "IJWDOM 1&u: ..... ... llfvne .. di: n: '°'"•' ..... .... H""'tJfltlM l11c,.. 1111: INC" ~ltyl,-. S.A C'-11; a Herl!! f.l C-111'11"' 11 .. 1 DAILY 'II.OT, wlllo -i.ii 11 ~Ir.ff .... -._.,,..., II 9111Mitlllll ,,,.., ., ... '"""" llll•Y "' ..... ~ •II""° ,_.. .... ..,.., l•Uo, ....... I IM<ll, C... -·· "llf'll"ll•l 9-cfl. ll"-11111 VellotY. S..11 C•'""'''' Cffll"'-•"' lldll .... tC!I • .1 11-1 WI°"' -... i....I _,tt.... '""'IMi f 'llttl"' 11Mt .. •I • W.I k1 l ttR ., C.te M-. Tr'1pt1et 17141 Ml-4tll Cl•lfliMI A""'ft.J.f 441·1671 ._ Ch•"" .&• D.,art-11: , ........ 4t:t-4411 <-•1, it n , O•t.,.. C111r •utt1t~'"' ~~.. ,.. ...... '""""· lll\lolff--d l ....... I ,...tt« 11 Uwtl'll.....,t-"'1 .,._.,,_ _, "' ,_.."""" ,.r._ ••Ill I*'• .... -If Clltf•!tf'lt -' ........ , ........... .,..., ., ............. . ..... ,.,. ,,,,... ,........... "'"'''"'"" ... (~• 11 JJ ...... Ill ,, ,,, '"''" tt.11 ~!y .... +h•••·• _11 ... 1-. IJJJ -1~1,, • the secretar~' of Health, Education and Welfare. that they are to work with in- dividual school districts to hold busing le tht. minimum r~uired by ]B"' " The n he said Congress .,.,.as be.ing ssktcl In aml':n d legislation ~till under ron- sideration so th11t none of a proposed Sl.5 billion in desegregation aid funds could be used for busing. . The !eg islal!nn, being c:nn!'1dPred by the House Education and LabfJr Committee . would provi de. money for such th1n1s as tear.he r counseling, dropout prevf'ntion. ethnic studies and n!hPr programs designed lo hl"lp school distncts that are undergoing rapid de,<;egregat10n The Suprt.me Court on Apnl 20 rulf'd that busing and pupil pair ing "''ere !tgitimatt. -and some1 1mes ntee1sary -means or achieving dese greg;i;tion. In the Austi n case. Nixon said All orn ey General Jnhn :-J r.-111.chell had advised him the aovernn1ent had lo appeal because a ]O\\'tr cnurt decision v.-;i;s "in· consistent 'ol'i1h recrn! ruli ngs of !he Cnited Stales Suprrmr Court ·· Li 5. Dist ric1 Judge .lack B. Roberts Jn Austin had ruled in fa ,•or of a plan of- fered by Inc al !r.hool l'lfficia I" in which elementary .<it honl children ll"f\uld have bee n bused ont "'t ek nut of every four Ill schools with diff erent racial mixes for 6pecial classes, At the same time Roberts rejec!td a tNJgher busing plan offtred by the Department of Hea lth, Education and \Velfare under ~'hich 85 percenl o( Aus tin 's scheolchlldren. In grade throu1h high school, would have been bused tn equalize tht: proportion of black. wh it e a.nd Chicano chlldren In all of the city's schools. Nixon s11 id 1he .Justice Depart.menl's appeal would reject the HEW approach, but he did no1 say whal kind nf pl an it \•:ould setk lnstead. There .,.,.fl.~ somr spe.culation the Adm inistr•tion "'ou!d seek a strona;tr 'ousln i plan than the l'lnl! proposed by Ausli n offici1ls. but l'lne lh11 t ll'ould not bt as strong as the rejected !iEW propo sal Sen John G To"'t.r. IR·Tes: I. att ack!'d Nixon's mov t-in I.he Au~!in ta!'ll!. saying ··1 cannot and ""ill nnt ~upporr rh1~ act.Ion 11nd I r.nndt:mn 1! a.~ 1nappropnate. Un· necessary and 1ncons1stt n! "'1th an· nrunced Adm inistration po llcy " Blazing Gunfire Erupl!ii in NY l'avern Holdup !\"£\V Yo'R K !l'P!1 -F'1V!' h(lldupm en armrd w11h p1st1"1I~ and an . .\rmy Ma chine gun txth11ng!'d mnrr !han lf!O ~hnt~ "'11.h police e;i;r\y today a~ !hf'y tried !n ll te airer rnbbin.1: patrons 1n 11 Harl f'm h11r One ()f !he R"Unmen ll'.ll ~ killf'rl 11nd twn nther~ "·r rr 111kt'n inln tu~!orlv ;ilnn,e. wit h a 19·~·tar-nld 11·h1lr mlle~r rfll"rl whn tnlt1 police she hAd mr.I thr mtf"I wh1lf' work- ing in a "soc.1al prOJf'rr · 1n Harlrm Thi! five men invaded Thelma ·s 811r nn St:vt.nt h Ave nu e near 145th Slrtet. lnrc'd all t.ht p11 trons 1n10 11 back tf\Om 11nd rob. bed them of about lli.000 .,.,.hile !ht Ji!irl sl.ilyed nu!s1dr as A lnok,,ut. poller s11ld Police ~a id thry received 11 repnrt th 11! the mbber~· WAS 1n progress 1t f"ld dis patched nine men In lht. ~renr Whl!n lhe gunmen f'mrr~efl lrClm th.-h11r 11nd Fnund polll'e ll'a1 !1ng tht y ClpentO f1r r "'1t h three p1s!('lls and 11n Army machine gu n, police said. Thf' five men ;i;nt1 lhr girl jum!Jfd into a gys py 1 unlicensed ) taxicab thal w11.'I w•1t.lng AS A ,!lt.t aw;iy rar t nd sped up Seventh ·Avenue lo 147th Slreel "'here police caught up .,.,,ilh them. police 1111itl . Police said lhl! fitting rnb~r' f\r l!d nn the palrolmen and ·lhey returned more th•n filJ ~hots.ht-fore 1he gunfire subs 1dtd. \Vhrn polirt l'lflproachtrl the cab th ey found .James E. Prati. j ( 11~ n"·ner. de11d The girl and twn mt n surrf'ndPred but twf'l nthf'r mrn mana,11ed to fltt Dettcti\·es \j,'ho que1t1rmf'd !hr thr~P ~aid thPy ll·a.nt f'd In know whrre th.-~ h•d -'!:Ollt n the m11 c.h1nl' 111un A pnlir-t drp•rl- mt:n! spokesman said lhty •l~n wtre r-hrr-kin11: In ser 11 lht •rnur h•d •n} .\f- f1h.11t1on ll'lh r•d1ral nr lian1tat1nni. The lhtt'e 11'1'r.-1df'nt1r1ed as 1"" "·Mri- hur\· JR, T)rflnr S1mnnti.o,, 2n. •ntl t.:iur it Gttz nf ~111plr"·Olld, NJ .. 1 g!uriPnt •t F'nrdh •m lJ niv f'rSHV pending t.np.lt 11tl cnns1dPra r1on or the: m11trer -H u "·ould oot put the eeonomy "In a 11.t r&ltjacke.l." A group of Repub!icl!I Senators earlier today proposed legl~lation to compel the Prl!i;ident tn set up a "oluntary w1,qt.- prlcf' revie"' board Connally said the Administr11tion woll.ld weltome "lu!\- nedged de.ba te" nn tfte i ~sue ln CflnGrl"SS. The GOP Senators madP plain thl!lr dlssati~fac:linn over Nixon'.<; handlin.1: of 1he Pronomy. A spokesman. Ser\, Jacob K Javi!s 1R·N.Y,'1. s11id the President 's ttnnnmir '"g11me pl;in" had fa iled to stem increasing infl ation And unemplo~·ment Tough "'age-pn re gu 1delioes are netded tn "rrstore American ('()nfidt.nc11: in the eronom}:' Ja1·i1s said . But thf' Prrside nt said · ''! think the prophet s ll'h<I sa ,\' !hr American econfJmy 1s on the skid~ drspitr a $f!O billion in- crease 1n 1he gross national product 11.nd record high rl!tai1 s:iles -by the end of this year. they 11re goini:: lo loo k back'' and rind lhr1r prediCl1ons wrong. Nixnn said he was sticking by his prediction at the. first n[ the year that 1911 would he ;i '"good .vea r" rn r the l!Cflnomy and 1972 .'I "very good ye11r." On C.:t pitnl Hill. Se.na!.e Democ ratil' ltader ~1 ike Mansfield "'tlcomed the mo\'e hy th e Repu bliran Senall'l rs urgini: a review board and said "there will be. hell to pay" unless Ni xon takes firmer eco nomic action. ConnaU y. 0Hic1ally designated l!IS NU- nn's major economic s p o kesman, reit erated the Administration content ion that imposition of manda t.ory conlrnls was "unwarranted under c u r r e n t ci rcum6t.ances. '' Sul he said in 11 l'.110-page statemenl that the legislation offered b}' the RepubliC"tn Senators "should provide a forum lI>r a useful discussion of im- por tant '!tonomic issues." \Vhile Conna]J y's statement 1nd1caled a !light departure from pr e v In us Administration coolness lo wage·priC"t. propnsa\s, JI maintained a noncommit1al stand The phrasing suggested tha t of- fici als fell a full-scale dehate would bring tn lig ht solid opposition In wa.ge·price controls. From Pag" 1 HIG.H RISE ... lcommercial·res1dent1al 1 1 n n ,. f~r beitC'h front development. 1ncl ud1ng the. new J6.foo1 hrighr limit anrl generous provision~ ror side yard setbacks Rraving a rar' bear..hlron1 ht>ar "•avro. 1 rec()rd Iii percent nf the LaJ:una elec- ror<1.1r went lf'I the polls Tue~da.\' tn cast a 75.;l percent ··yes '' vot e for the hl!i(h~ hm1t ordinance. II "''as It~ large a !uroout ·~ 11nynne arl'lund City Hall could rtmf'mher. Of the 4.920 ballots cast, 3.707 "'ere In fa vor nf the height limit nrdin anc,, 1.21:1 opposed. Tht me11sure "'as carriNJ Jn all eight voti ng precincts. Ma yor Rich;i.rrl Goldberg s11 id trn-l ay hP. \I'll!! not surpriited 11t lht. election result!!. ''I would h1tve been surprised if it had come ou1 an y othtr '."ay." he said. "The people. of Laguna Beach h•ve !!po ken 11nfl , as I s;iit:I he.Fore !ht tle<-t1on. I 11crepl \hf' will or the people and that"s exactly what I intend to do ... Goldberg sa id he .,.,•nult1 r-onfer wit h th r c!t.y attorney rega rding the. Cl'lrr!'C1 ~ltp~ In be taktn by tht city to implement the \'Oii'. The ballot."! will br canv ~ssed 11! 11 sptcial ;i.d jnurned N'IUnci! mtf'll ng Au,11:. 10. 111 u·hich ti me the off icial re11u1t will be df!clare.d. A city h111t spokt11man .!1<1.1d the hf'i,11:ht !1m1tallon nrd inanr,. wnuld hrcome t f· fecl 1ve :10 dA.Vs i frer th At da!t, hut 11 I' l'lnlltipa11'd that lht mor11tnr ium l'ln building~ hight:r than .lli fttl, 1mpm:td hv thf' cnunril pr1nr !n the f'ltc!1on, will hi! ktpt 1n Fffr rt C'nuncd man Cha r!rnn RClyd, lhP nn!.v cnuncll memhe r hrs1dr Hnlm !n appt 11r al r11y H11 ll ll~ vn!l"s .,.,·er.-1111l1cd Tur!'· rla\' nigh t. drtlarf'tl . 'A v1rtory for \lie people nf Laguna RP;irh h11~ hPen ach1r v- ed " II v.·a~ in a senst also ;i. 1·1c1orv for thr pre~li.1:in1111 Civic L~<'!gue. lrm,11. ·· h('lnortrl lnr tis suppnrl nf l\'Qrthy mmmun1ty pro- jl'f'l!', hut rlefr11 trd. in f'Htr1 . 1\'hen it ~ l~vnred r..1nd1d1!es !o~t in th' April. 1970 council efeclinn . Thrf'f' J1A~t. r.iv1r lA';iguf' rrrs1drn1.~ wrre 11n hanri Tue~diiy ni gh t cnunrtlm;i n Ho lm. Ant hnny ~me1riadt~ and A. F:. P11 t ~·(lr!hinAlnn· s,,.1d r>tmetril'lde~. "Thi' Cl\'1C' Lra.ii:ue wa~ fully a .... ·are nf the ent1rP Jltuarinn six months be.fore !ht last r.lect1nn Ir .,.,,11.~ a!~o aware thal th r Pf'1Jple in IO"'f"I did no1 w11 n! hil!h ri1tf'. I'm nnt I'll 111!1 iiurpri~f'rl by the elttllon reiinl!~." Thf ~mall crn.,.,·rl :it City Hall Tue~rt11v niaht seemed ff\ be made up 11lmns! eri. tU't ly of ~u pporttrs nf the ht igh l llml!A- r1nn nrdln;in ee. Nnne of thn~, "''hn had 1~"11t-d public ~tatements nppo~in,11 the inltiativ~ ap- peared during tht lll•o-hnur "'alt for the final 1 .. 11v. The 1rend was set earlv whe n lht: abstentef' vote c o u n I rtv'ealed 179 Jn f1vnr of lht ordinance ~nd ol'!ly 24 np- posed. It. C()nlinu<'d a~ prt:c1nrl "·nrktr~ brought in tht1r b111llots. .,.,,ilh the ln- 11\•live measurt ~coring -11 solid victory throughoul !hi' tnmmunity StrongPst ~uppnrt ('amp from rr1>r1nct I!. 595 Center St \\'here a turnout nf ~1 ptrrenl votf'd 114 J'l'retn\ in f111•or nl !ht hf'i(!hl hmitation. The "yi!'s" vntf' In tht ntht.r prtt1nrl~ r.1n i td from M perc:enl tn ill Pf'rct nl. HIAhP~t vnter turnnut 'A'lllS In Prt r1nct 2. Jflli C)•prts~ Drive , wh trt A.1 Ptrten t of !ht ellRlble vl'lttr8 c.11 51 h:tlloL'> E:l'r.n Hit ~m111ll t~t 111nd l,as! act 1vt. prtr1ncL nu~ber 3 at C.11y Hall h•d 111 ll4 pt.trl!nt turnoot 11.nd 1 7~ pe rc.t.nt ye~ vote f(l r the 1n1tia tivt • . . UNITlD STATES .... FIGHTING SHIPS f!1 SOVIET UNION .... '4------IU-------U -Li I ,.. It----lTUCI CUllUS -----1 ., +t I ---ClllSO llllCIPlllCMllEts----2 aL r 41 ---ClllSll IOll ltSSlll SllPS ----11 lll -1BimEISJ11-•SS1U·_. llSSEU -111 H ---lllUm IOll Cll'l(llfS -----lll - n•o ---11111 SIMUII mstu -----S(lUJl -·· U.S. Navy Flogging Siz~ anrl capa bilities of US. N a v~· are nn the do111ngrad e while Soviet Ll_n 10 ~ nn1v ha~ a "11u pcr navy," according to the authori!tilive "Jane's ~1gh~in g S~ips.°' 1"his chart f ho\.\·s <1 comparison qf Sovie l a nd U.S. f1gh t1 ng ship strength as detaile:d in Jane'!' 1971 ·72 erlition oii navies of the \\1orld. Connally W urns Banks Not. to Hike l1iterest F"""' PR!le 1 APOLLO ... fes~innal geologtsts up he.rt. · You NI .... ·ould jwit really ha1•e a field da~. Thert 's JUSt 50 much 10 be. gained here" Before the lunar breakaway for ~p!ashdown !a le Saturcl;>.y 328 m1!rs nort h of Ha11'a1t, lht aslronauis eonclucled B.!I mu rh ,;c1entif1c 1n~e.'illg11t1un ;i.s they e<>u!d t ram into lhtir fi na l nrbl\! Ont: of the photographic lllrjlP!s this 01orning wa ~ Ari st;irc-hlL~ Pl;itcau ;i nd a sn:>.lcrlik~ 1•allrv ('<1.llPrl the Cnhr~ ~ll'ari. The astninaul.<; ;ii.so llSf'd lhrtr pnweriLil trle.~copic cam1>ra 10 phnlni;:raph Tran· qu1l11y Ba~P, landini;: ~ite of the Apnllfl 11 mi.~sinn -m;in's first l'isit to the lunar surf arr In 11ctd111on. t oda~··s schrdulf' callf'rl rnr photographing thl! p;ea where the Sol'1tt rnbot \'eh irlt. l.unnkhnd I. is cip!nrin,c:. \\'nrdcn repilrted : "\\'e·,,, <11! been sit· l1n!l here looking ;it A ri~l;i;rrhu~ 1n a lillle bl! nf a\lf' ll lnok~ likr proh<1hl :-r lhP ml'lst l'nlr;in1c arra !h<11 l'\'f' setn 11nywhere on thr "urlace.'' \\'C1rden s:i id 1he platl'au 11 as <'Ut by numerous rille1< -canyo,,s l1kf' thP nnf!I Sf"f\tt and Irwin ciplClr~d The t>nd~ nf lhe r.:>,nyons ;ippeared tfJ be cnvered . "'nrden said, with material "li ke deltas a~ lhe end~ or rivers no earth .'' Plight contrnllr rs lurnrrl nn R lelevisinn t :imera Srntt and Irwin left bf'hind nn the mo on but ihr picture slnppf'd ;i;brupl l~" Missinn cnnl rol n:pnrted l;i.IPr th al rPpeatcd attrmpl .~ In turn b:irk nn the c11mera·s romrnuniratinns unit Cln th~ monn bu.1:g~· Rover werr lrui!lrs~. ;>.'ld "'!rouble shoot ing is no"' under way." The. camera wa.~ 11c.hedulf"l"i In bea m back to earth 11 solar E'<'lipse nn Friday, .!,hhnugh astrnoa ut.~ D:il"id R. Scott, Jame~ B. lr'o\'in , And Alfrrt1 M. Worden "'f're going hnme, thf'y werr nnt by sny means concluding Apollo 15's scientific investigations. CASPERS ... \I.' ASHINGTO:'J (Uri l -Tre;:isurv r.11rh1gan B;i.nk, !he filth largest in fh1. prnfession;il Jnurn<1.li~m snc1P1y. Secret11 ry .John B Connally, using som~ Detrni t. 1ncrr<1.~rd it~ prim!" raft: _ lhe rl;irk ~11i d !h;it !h;it was not his or !he. mOlit blu nt language rhe inlertst chargP. ti'I a hank 's hii:_.1:r't and purpilSP bu! he ""s concerned, ''th:it the A dm1n1~tr<1.rion h11s yf't fl lrer:tefl ;i.t rhe be~! cnrpor;ite custnme.rs _from I\ !n i;i.i. press knew aboo l th1.o; helnre w.-did" business comm unity, is i;eekJng lo head percrnl. l'ir~t Penn~.vll'an1;i Ran k :ind oh~:?~~rl r~~li~~r!~~t.qt~;,,\~';;~!1~~: ~~ nff 11 rumnred incrrase in b:ink 1nlrrest Trust Cn. in Phil a r!r.l phi~ saifl 1! 11·;i;s cl'ln-nlinis tr;i!iv~ fllfice and !hilt it was not rates. s1rlf'r1n,11 <1 similar hno.~t. vnlunlPCrf'd tn the prr ~s. .... ·urthf'r Un JlJ'ihfird incrr.;ise.~ in 1n-.'I 1h,· .• ""lnl cas,ru•r' i·n1nrd lhf' I I d h h 1\llhnu,E?h !hr pr1rr1f' ra1e Is a\•;i.11.~bl~ ., ' "" 1·· eresl rate'. a rea y ig hv h1s1nnca! 1 b "'·''.''·'''"' ~"'.VJ""· "ln 1hr six mnn1hs I L d " hi II · ,. f1n y 10 1i;: corporate borrowers. al! other " u '"' " "" s an 11ru~. mig we rrnpar i1e 1he ho,·e '·e" '"th,•. •rr1·ce I\• h-. nmro 1·rry L lh r lh h . bank 1ntrrcst ralrs are scalPd up fro1n " ~ " " ·'" '" II reng n r U.'ll'IP~S rrrnvrr,v, · Cnn-!he prime. i·nricrrned ahout 1hin11.c lh<11 I h;i1'' he;ird nalJ_v s;:i1d Tuf'sday 1n a st;ilement l~!<urd abnur in the pr,c ~ for th!': f1r!'l t1mP Thi!I b.v hi( office r11uSf!S tl"nfu!<1nn and the was1 e nf C"nnn;i;JI~·. nff1ci11lly dcs1 .1:nalf'd :i~ PrP~i-\·;i lu;i.blP time runnin g dn wn thl! !n· rlPnt ."Jitf1n 's chief ernnnmir .~pnkrsm<in. ~1 400 (0 1} l'ooJS r(><tc1 erl in the annnunct'mC'nt thal ll ']) ' lo~·.~a~~~~rl thll ! dPparlincn1 h1>t1ds :ind rh1l:idrtph1 ;i h11nk "'.'l.'i con.'lder1nE a hoo;c;t 1n 11.~ prLmP 1nlerest r11 le ;i.nd !hal a Stole11 on Coast Pm plnyes rpfr;11n fr om runn1n~ thr1r 0\\'n OP!rrul h1ink h;id alre;idy pnstl'rl ;in in-pubht1ty depar1mPnls ilnrl to re/rain <·rt<1.1tr frn m ~urh a "idt open mnulh policy ·· "I ;i rn fi1 ~lrP~!<rrl tn hf':.tr rP]"lOrl;c; "' A wrlding mar,h1ne 11nd ;i.ssorted lfl('I!~ (';i..~pers said he recently "almAAt Inst.'' ;innlhi>r inrreasP 1n thc h;ink pnmt' lrn-wririh Sl.4(1fl hl'll't hel'n stnlf'n from .11 lhP l.ppt>r :'\ewpo1·t Bay wildlife pre!'ervt r11n.I! ratt>," Connally .~;iiri . "O~spit e J\'P,vpnrt r l'oter cnn~truM~on si!f' by prnier1 hec<'luse nf ll ne"''-' slnr v. rrpnrted .~lUl'll-:i~h lo:in drm;i;nd , the ra te snmennp .,.,•hn t u! 11 chain attaching them · l 11·11s 41unt ed 11s ~aying lhP Secret:iry Wl'l~ i ncrf';i~f!d ool~· \::i~t month" In a l'eh1clt ;i;xlr. nl the lnlerior .,.,·as .1:oini;: to rtft:l,,.re thfl Al!hou~h Cnnn;ill~· prolrs1rrl r;ir lirr 111. Thi' i;:r11nd theft in1'lud1n.ii; ma1roril!.1S 11rra ;i \l ild\1fr preserve bu! I nnl }" said 1·rp;151's in h;ink in1Prr~1 r;ilr~. hilt l;i;tr>st helrini;:in ~ tn R r . M. Erector~. nf Los 1h<11 ! thnu_t:ht lhe sr('rel<1.r.\' would l'l..ile m('nt "'ll.~ 1hr flr~t nn r i~sut(I hefr•re An.ii:ele~, ;ind lln1v rr<;ity Mechanic;il Inc., '"Thi.~ caused the lr,·inr Compari1· \rih· ;i .<;\nglr """ nf 1he m~jnr "mnnr_v 11! S1 11nton. "'a~ rrpo rted to Newport hy1~1 l.n c11nl<1c:t rhe lnl f'nor Dep;i.rlm ~nl ni ;i;rk r!"" h;i.nk~ h;id ;i nnnunr·pd 11 hoc>~! It RPilC'h pnlice Tu~~rl ;i y. ;ind I had !n Apnlng1zl! ;ind lo~I much ;il~n WR ~ a hrl';ik wi!h Arlminl.~t r<1tion Cnn~t rurtion rnrl"man .lu\u;i n Rc'r nal ~1·nund in lhr dr1v t frr 1hr pre&er1•e " rrerrdenl nf tnmmPntio,11: nn private ~~irl thf' itr m~ \l'l"ff' taken from J;10 Caspers cnnclu dt'd , "Th t prr.~~ i;hn1ild hu~ine11~ rleci~inn~ onl.v ;i.ftPr 1hr.v h11ve ;'\e.,.,•port Center Drive i;on1ellme durlnJ ri uni t: u~ c:fJrrerlly ~nd department head.I bt>en m;i.dr :i nd thrn nflrn in mild terms. lhf' WPtkf'nd. should bu!lno !h.-1r lip~." -;;;;;;;;.;;;;.;;;;;.;;;;.;;;;;.;;;;,;;;;;.;;;;,;;;;;.;;;;.;;;;;.;;;;.;;;;;.;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;.;;;~ TODAY NOT FOR INDUSTRY Q\'e r RO"'r o( all diamonds fall short of gem quRlily and are relf- ~aterl tn lndustriAl u ~es ra nging from 1he prec 1~1on \rork nf sc.li!'n- ti fic \a hDratori e.~ to heavy duty a~SiR'.nm en t~ in oil fielrls . The. remainin g 20% of I.he \1•or!d'~ r\1rtmond µrnduction is subjectt'd to fu rther screening. during "'h1ch they are c a rtful1~1 graded as gem .~I.one~. !he nnly kind in which we are interested. The d1Rnlonds nn displa y in our ~tio1vca~e ~ are palnstAkingly select- ed b.v u ~ fnr tho~e u·ho appreciate hi gh .~tyle ;:in d e xq nL~it e fashion. T hey i;i re high qu ality rl iamonds beRullfully cu1 and mounted to jn- sure lA.,ting enJnyment by their O\\'ne r~. We ft!so have le:ss expen- ~lve ~tones 1,·hich are st.ill fines.l quali ty for \.he money. ~1itny nf nu r cu ~tome r.~. durin g !he l ft ~t 24 years. ha\'e cClm e back lo us a gain and a_i:a in; and "''e li ke , lo believe Lha t person11I interest in tht. inr!ividuRl ~ nf our community is-no 11mi;il l f11ctor in th i~ quile evl· df!n! lnyalt.v. \\°e Al"t' proud of 'i'1h11t "·e ~ell. And d~ril'e " ~rea t df!al of s1111srar1lnn nut of kno"·ing the peo-- pl e "''e ge rve. Cl'fOS.S W•lt illg 1 .mru~ lri 14 ir:.,,,.., Gctld Fiii.-:! tir St&rllf'll'I. Wit~ lt'ft.w11'4 I .. ttwtt ''" Pv'•·' ll'lfl llr 11"&rw:11 •.••.•• s 1 2 ~ Tl"lllS'1 ••• ,,.,,.,, 2~.00 • rf· C. J./.umph~ia~ Jeu1eler.1 I 823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONV(N!ENT ll.l:MS IA N l(AM£•tCA~0-MASl£.I: CHA.l:G I 14 Yl..f.RS IN SAM E LOC.&.1JON 'H0 p,il SU.l•OI I I I • ,I • I I i Huntington Bea~h ·Fountain Valley VOL. 64, NO. 185 , 6 SECTIO NS , 76 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA - roday's Ft•al N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS New Beach School Unification Idea Offered A nev.· unification proposal. pushed by lwo elementary school dislr1cls. has bren advanced tn solve thP unification pro- blems of the Huntington Beach Union High School District. The plan, unveiled Tuesday night b.v both the Seal Reach School District and 1he .. Huntington Beach Ci ty School District. would riividP the high school district into four new school districts, each serving sludcnt.s from kindergarten through high school. Trustees of bcith elementary school dist ricts are planning lO present their proposals tn the Orange County Com. mittee on SchOnl District Organization Aug. 2ii v.·hen it considers the unificatton issue. The 52--square mile Hunt ington Be<ich Union High School District would be d1virled :ilong existi ng elemenl.:iry school district bounda ry lines as rouo .... ·s: -ThP Sral Beach School District v.•ould join .,.,·ith the Los Alamit03 School Districl to form a new school dislricL us- ing Los Alamilos High School. -A new school district would be form- l'd by joining !he Fountain Valley and Ocean Vie1v school districts. Students from this district ""'ould be attending Marina and F'ountain Valley high schools. -The \Vestmin ster School District would un ify along il.S own boundaries , us- ing \Veslminsteo High School. -The Huntingtoo Beach Ci ty School Dis trict would unify along its own boun· SPACE WALK -Thi~ is artist'-" concepl.ion of how astronaut .'\I 'Varden lleftl will retrieve film cas· 15eties contcrining photos of lunar surface from .'\polio 15 service n1oduJe. Astronaut James lr"'in '.1-•i U play out cotnbination umbilical/tether line ~nd moni lor the operation. whir.h is scheduled to be televised to earth al 8:44 a .m. (PDT) Thursday. Apollonauts Aim for Home Jl1iss ion Laudecl As 1-listory's Greates t Exploration B~ L.:nirrrl Prr~~ ln ternalional The Apnltn 15 :-.~11·nn;iu ts hrarlecl fnr home !0rl<iv 111rh 1hr mo st prcriPus scicn· tif1c. cargo thP nioon h:is e\·cr y1eldcd . The verd1c.t of thr Inn.a. ruiure in;1y hr lhat their 12-rla\'. !i44:J·milli011 . .'i02 000- milc round 1r1p In !he n1mn v.·a~ onP of rhr ,i:rrea!cst exp<'dit1on.~ in the history nf 1iC1enrr. Re 1h;i1 ;is 11 m11 '. thr th.rer .=ts1ronauts <'!board !.he End~avour carrier! Lhese priceless thing ~ -Pieces of \\')1;i1 n1;iy prove to he lhe primnrd12.l surliice of 1he moon ffli mrd ;il Lhe solar sys1em·s birth so me-'"4.6 billion years ;igo. -Thr first srin1plcs fl'nm a lunar lava now . rich 1n clues to lhe \"Jn!enl inner t11rmoil nf the n10t1n before H cooled aboul 2 . .'i billion yt'ars agn, ~The fir~1 rnres of 1un;>.r suhsnil l<lken at thP depth nf eight fee.I. Apollo 15"s arriv;il there 12.~1 F rida~'· Dr. Leon T. Silvf r. a ,r:eolQ_i:1s1 from California Institute of Tc.:hnoln.R.\'. tnok the niicrophone a1 mi,..:sinn control :inri told Senti and his cnllragucs the~· h;id dnnr "a lnvcl:-o job." "'iflu JUS1 don '! know hriw v.·f·rr JUm· ping up and do\\'O hrrc ."' S1l\'er sa1rl ··1 hope some da y v.·p can gr1 ynu ,111 up hc•r,e ton ."' Scott rt'ptit'd '"I think v.e really need 10 have some good pro- fessional geologists up here. ··vnu 2JJ would ju.st re;illy have il field da j. Thcre·s just so much lo be gained here."' Before the lunar breakaway for splashdown late Saturd&y 328 miles north nf H4,Vt·aii. the astronauts conducted as niu ch 5cient ific investigation as they cou ld cr<1m into their fin11I nrhit s. One of the photographic t11rgets this mnrnin,1t v.as Arist archus Plateau and a sn;>.kelikp \"alley called the Cobra Head The aslron;iu1.s al~o used the ir powerfu l lr!rscopic camera to photograph Tran· quillly B<1se . l:inding !lite of lhe Apollo ! 1 mission -man's fir st l'isit 10 the lunar surfaer In addition , 1nday·5 schrdu!r called for photographing the ;>.rea where the Snviet robot vehicle. Lunokhnd I. is explo ring. \Vnrden rf'p<ir1.ed ; · WP"vr all hecn sit· ting here lonk1ng al. Aristarchus in a littlr. b11 of il\\'e. IL !ooks like probably lhe mo5l ''olcanic area th;it I've seen anywhere on thP surface.'' \\lorrlen said the pla1cau 1\•as cut by numerous ril!cs -canyon.~ like the one Scolt and Irw in explored . The cnrls of the c2.nyons appeared 1n be covered. Worden 1'aid, with material "like deltas al the ends of rivers on earth." rl;:-y lines, using Hunlinglon Beach and Edison High Schools. Trustees from both elementary school districts said the latest plan would remove inequ ities. from a three-way split proposal which has been pushed jointly by the Ocean View and Fountain Valley Districts. ··This is an entirely different ball game for us," said Seal Beach School District Supe rintenden t Marx Dressler th is morn· Ing ... We will have far less students than House wilh the three-way split." The O c ea n View.Fountain Va 11 e y plan would have joined the Seal Bl' ch and Westminster school districts using \Vestminster High School. ··we would have needed a second hii;,:h scho0! immediale.ly slnce Westm inster High is overcrowded," Dressler s a Id. ··Seal Beach has no community ide11t 11 y with Westminster and there is li ttle chance the people in Lt'isure \Vorld would approve bonds for a new high school." D1·essler added that a combination of the Seal Beach and Los Ala mit06 District.3 v.·ould generate only half as many high school students as the other plan, 2,000 as red to tOOO. Jack Clapp. chai rman of the Hu~ !ington Beach City School Di:i:trict board of trustees. ~a id the split along existing elementary di slrict boundaries would do ni11ch lo preserve community identity. ··The altrrn~ir nl~ris for unification I See SCHOOLS, Page Z) Ol(s Draft Solons Urge Final War Ending Date WASHINGTON (AP) -A two-year draft bill urging Presidenl Nixon to negotiate a "final date" for total U.S. withdrawal from Indochina was pl&ed by the House today and went to lhe Seni:tte. But anti war senators said they will nol even have to cond uct a full blown filibuster Lo block final enactment before September. i~ v.·as Lhe Hou.~e·s first vote even for lmpnsing a congressio nal stand on ending lhe wa.r. although previous proposal s had lost by ever narrower margins. Close Moutli To Press, Says Caspers By JACK BROBACK 01 I~• 011" Plllt lllH Fifth Districl Supervisor R on a I d C:ispers or Newport Beach today advis ed Orange U'.lunty department heads lo drop their "wide open mouth"' policy t.oward lhe press and reply "no comment'' to queries more often. Caspers, obviously netUea by news stor ies concerning his actions. ~aid '"there are times when I have fou nd il necessary to say it's none CJf your God damn business.'' Caspers' rem;irks followed a statement by Supervisor Ralph Clttrk of Anaheim concerning a ne \\'S &.tory in toda y's ed1· tions of the Lo~ Angeles Times on the ef- f1>rl nf salary cuts nn the county's ex· panded drug abuse program. '"J am concerned about the program and al~n about the rart 1he press ~·as told (lr rn~5ihle budget adjustments befor e the i;upcrvisors "·ere informed,"' Clark furn· •d The Times story said county arl - ministrative nffice aides had staled that a $2.000 per position salary cut on all new <''".Inly jobs during the coming year would ~everely hamper the drug abuse program. Times staff member Don Smith. who \\TOie the slory , asked Oark if he lhought l..OUn ly ne.,.,.s sources should be closed lo Lhe press. He said if so. he objecttd In ~uch a policy as pa.,l presiden t of !he Orange County chapter of Sigma Delta IStt CASP ERS. P11e %/ House Armed Services Chairman F. Ed\\•ard Hebert !D-La ,). says the Indochin a war language worked out by }louse.Senate conferees "will not !ie the President's hands." The House, by ever narrower votes. has turned down all previous "'ar-pulloul measures. The draft bill "s l2nguage urges P;·csi· dent Nixon to negoLiate a final date v.·ith Hanoi for a ccallC'fire and total \\'ilhdrawa1 of U.S. fo rces from lndoch ina in return for release of all Anierican prisoners of .... ·ar. The narro.,.,·esl House rejection of such a propos2J was the last: Z\9-176 refusal to accept the Senate's original amendment se!ltng a nine·month deadline on the U.S. pullout. Sen . Alan Cranston <D-Calif.), said Tue~day he and Se n. t.l ike Gravel ([). Alaska ), 11•ill easily be able to block Senate drt'.f\ action untii Congress begina a month-long recess Friday. '"It v.ill not take a f u l l -blow n fiJibu.s1e r," Cranston said. 1-fe also said antiwar senators ""'ill be able lo filibuster 1l1e dr<ift bill indefinitely after Congress returns Sept. 8 if Senate Democra.t.ic Leader Mike Mansfield supports them. Irate i1t Bu1ttingto1i Teachers Not Too Happy Over 2:.7 Pe1·cent Raise By RUDI 1''1EDZIEl..SK1 or ,,,. Ot l!J 1'11111 SUH i\tore than 200 Huntington Beach City School District le:ichers received pay rai ses Tuesda y night. But the prospect of a paycheck !aliened by 2.7 percent brought no shouts of joy, onl y fhe threat of a lawsuit. "We ~·ill attempt to take some action. we·re not going to take th is sitting down," fulminated Gary Patton, a negoti;ito r for the teachers. af t tr I.he bea rd harl set Lhe increase. Both Patton and ~lrs. q__otf o th Y 71.lcClure. pre!iidcnl of the 2~embcr Huntington B<'ach F.l ement;iry Tea chrrs Association, cla1n1 rhe bo11.rd of tru31ces had broken off ne.1iotiat1ons by its action. An imp;isi;e nn !he salary quesli'ln harl hr.en declared in June whPn the h'l:irrl nf trust ees could nol sec cy,.fn.eye with !he feache:rs on ;in 8.5 percent increase, plus rrin !1e benefits The issue w11s f{I ha\'e hecn referred 1o :in advis<'rY panel for revie1\' an d ilrl\"ice. The teachers and the board of !rusfees e;ich non1ina!ed one pl'rson In 1he threP man panel . but the third panelist could Rock l\'lu sic Deadly? UDINE . Jlal y ( AP l -Dario Roncatn reported today Iha!. ZOO of his chickens were scared lo death bf the 14 bands ill a beat music festival near their peQs. not ~ agreed upon. . ··\Ve intend to go through "'ilh this 1m· passe procedure. but impasse and negotiations are two diffe rent things,'' the districrs associate superintendent, Ch~rtes P11lmcr. said today . "We offered to nego tiate with them. ol\ !his ~fonday nig ht. but they refused to come back to the table," he: added. Mrs. r<.IcClure, on the other hand. claims that Palmer said he would not be ;ible to negntiale on the Z.7 percent in· crease unt il he had consent of the board. "There ""'ould have been no point of mef'ting." she said. ThP ~alary increase raises a beginning l.cacher"s pay from $7.3~5 to $7,358. The 1'cilinc n;iy 11t•ill be increased from $14,310 lo $14 .706. Paln1cr rxp!aincd th at the 2.7 percen t increase was b;ised on the raises given to tca<'hers of ll1e Newport·~tesa Un ified School District. "They got 2.6 percent and we're giving 2.7 percent." he said. J\1oncy for the raises was made a\·ailable through an unexpected increase in assessed valu;ilion ""'hich funne led an additional s.100.000 into the district cof· fers. Furth('r increases in state aid and a higher tax rate raised the district"s un· rlistributcd reserve to $789.458. according to Palmer. Ex;ictly how that reserve should be di~tributed is still a priint of contention .,.,.ilh teacher~. who claim the district cnuld have afforded higher increases. -Film.~ sho.,.,·in~ dct;iil.~ nf ;incienl lunar features ;ind nF the mo0n 'y current topography never photographed before. A'fi Apollo 15 circled the moon fo r the sixth and 1.1sl r!a,v , David R. Scott said to- dR.Y he ~·ou!d like 10 stay there for week"' gazi ng at the "mind-boggling" lunar l;>.li\•rinth far be.low. Drug Education: When to Start It By it s action. the board also removed .1. teacher sa!Rry freeze in effect since June ••hen il declared that no funds were available for additional pay. The freez:e would have eliminated all annual in- crement increases. ';t just ""'ish we had more lime brrause. believe me, there's an a"•ful Int to be seen and done up here."' Scolt. said hf' and his 1wo colleagues we~ aw11kenl'rl lo lhe tune or the openi ng theme from the movie "2001· A Space Odyssey." Before fi ring themselves out of lunar" crhil late todar. Scolt. Alfred M. \lio;·den and James 8. lr\\•in .,.,·ere~f'aving behind an BQ-.pound .~atelli!f' th2.: will circle the moon for ;i year. monitoring radi al ion and magnetic force~. But todtiy m11rked I.be end of m11nnt.d lunar r xploration until Apollo lfi srls out t.Iarch !7 on a mission as ambitious as Apollo 15. • Srntl told ground rnotrol al 1-louslon: • ... ,~ .,. . ., fl!;O ?.-ound in lunar orbit hcno: I ran look clo"n and I ran just sprnd wePk~ anrl 1\·eek~ lonkl n~ aJ'ld 1 r;i n pick ntJ\ anv number ,;, siJpcrb si1es down there which \\"ttuld tiikr )'OU Se\Cf:Jl \\"e~ks lo analy:ie or> the surficc " •'There·s JiJSt ~o much here. lo cnin II phr:i.•r. it"( ·1n1nC·bogghng' .. Thi~ v.·ns a l(\r.·kr~· joke. sinef' ··rru nrl· bogAHni;:'" 11tis ll:c Lcrn1 Scott used tn rlescri~ hL, \,Jn prc&S ion of the 1"900n •n ' By .JOANNE REYNOLDS 01 ~• O•ll"I' P'll91 l l•tl £ditor'.i ilJott : This is tilt second of four article.~ dealing with drug ab use Pd.near.ion nr. Huntington Beach and f o11ntoin Valley. Drug abuse education. seen by police in Fountain Vadley and Huntington Beach as the most Import.ant tool in co mbating the narcotics problem. h11.s been approached cautiou~ly by educators in the two com· mun I ties. The Fountain Valley School District is lhe only one that ha~ a dlstrlctwide con- finuou3 program. II J~ designed for children In gr1des flvt through eiahl. It is described by educators 1s 1 high lmpacl program, meaning il in volves lcRcher training , a program for parenl..!i and two stra ight week~ of drug abuse educa tion for student~. Primary grade student.s ha ve no specific rlrug abuse cur· nculum. Whal they get ii; inll'gratcd io1o ot'her subjects. The Ocean View School Oislriel i~ prrp11ring a dis!rictwlde. program. Cur· rrntly. riru.i: abuse ·edu ca!ion in thal district i, on an individual sc hool basi.s. The Huntington Beach City (elemen· tary1 School District and the HunUngton Beach Union High School Di1trict a.lso re· ly on each school to develop ita own pro- .1:ram for drug abuse e d u c a t Ion . Spokesmen for those two districts in· ri ieated th at they would probably continue with this PCJlicy for 1l least another year. The reasona. for the lack CJf d.i11trictwide 11 pproaches are not necusarlty the direct result of the financial 11tatus of ariy of the <ii~trict11. Grants l.o Orange County gchools from 1 :~ Californ ia Council nn Criminal .Justice for drug abuse educa\ion are el'· peeled lo reach $25 million ln lhe next three years. ,\nd there i re nume.rou~ 11tate aod federal grants a.vail1ble for the.5e pro. gr;ims. One overriding facior seema to be an attitude.on the part of school officials in· lerviewed that contact with drugs does not occur in lheir grade levels. llichard Altimari. director of ipecial runrling programs for the high ~on! district. noted that the majority nf stu· den111 who ha ve narcotics oonviction11 w,.re first exp()Sf!d I.CJ druas at gradet fi ve lo t liht. ' Contrary to this assertion. elementary educators in HunU ngton Beach and Foun- tain Valley say the programs they had were to prepare tht students for entry in- to high school where they would be com· ing into contact with drugs, presumably for th e fi r!'!t lime. Norm Ginsberg, dlrecl.or of pupil personnel .services. and the man who is putting togelher Ocean View:s program. said his district Is approaching the idea with a gre1t deal of caution because of wh.at he sees as the danger of being "r).ilroaded"' Into Ineffective and costly pr~rams. ' " "In stopping drug abuse. the difference between starting any pro1ram just to say you have drug abuse edu cation and waiting, say three years. to implement one that 11 tnown to be effectJve is pro- bably very small in temis or the nu mber or kids that will turn on during that three years," he i1aid. Like Ocean View , Hun tinglon Beach elrmentary has no dlstrlctwifle prngr<'lnl, but is studying pilot projects 11t•hich ha ve been set up in district schools. At Gisler school . ror exan1 p1e. lhe ..Pi1rent-Te11cher Onzan izat1on 1 PTO J , (See DRUGS, Pal' ti · Oranie 1''eacher Beach temperature! will be M \Yith inland mercury at 72 -but !hose are just the ovemight lows, Daytime highs will be 75 and 94. Sunny, humid-air wW prevail wllh some high clouds: INSIDE TODAY Oranpe Cou:nty h(IJ receit)(d a $720.000 Jt:dt:ral grant to htlp dtvilop a police radio !ll•tem worthy of Dick Tracy. See Page 10. l t•ll11t M C1ll'9rnlt 7 (ftff.llnt LI• , Cl•u lllN u.,. Ctntk• n c .. 11....,.. 11 0.1~ Nolle.. 1e f)iV11t••• ,, !.i!l•lll P•tt • '""rf•l-•111 1'·16 1111'1•11<1 • U•IJ Httt lCO,t It Ann t.11H11t1 11' M•llM • 6 M•rtl•,. Llc911-It Mirt!ff Moll Muh1.i Pij ... t 14 H1r1t111I H... ... Ortnt• CftlllY 1+11 Svlvlt ,.,,,., tf ·-" ,,.,. S!IK~ Mlrteft 1 .. 11 T111vht911 M TlMt M,.. t+K Wttfl'lff 4 Wllllt Wtlll tt WOOl'l ... 'I H-. ft.Jt w ..... "'""' ... • • l . • . '· . ' ' 2 bAJLY PILOT H Beach Boulevard Bingo What's Best for -Median May Be -Too Costly - Wbat wW -1o0k ~lt.e.r U1 lhe mt'dian alone busy Beach Boulevard -asphalt, dirt, or landscaping" Or more left turn o~nlng~ ~ Huntingtnn Stach ci ty councilmen are mulling all the possibilities follo11i·mg a request for landscaping in the itrle-nal 's center strip, Coincidentally. bu stnt!s~men are also Asking lhe council lo allow more left turn openings on the boulevard. The requei;l fflr lsndscaping C'ame from the citilens commit1e-e on goals and nb- jectives. PubliC' "1orks D1rectnr Jim Wheeler reported this ""'etk that to beautify the slreet h1gh wav would rt!quire a "formidable capital ouUay." He estimated the cost at between $40.000 and '50.000 a mill!' "'"ilh annual maintenance costs betng Around SI0,000 to $12.000. "I hope. the corrunittte will gi\'e us th e Budget Slash, May Hurt Drug Curbs By JACK BROBAC K 001 !~t tlfllY fi!lot S!t lf Orange County supe rvisors in their eagerness lo cut the record $242 .2 mill ion <"OOnty budget may have severely crip- pled an approved $910,000 drug abuse program. Budget analysts 1n the c o u n t y ad· ministrati\•e office said a slash of $2,000 per person for each of 213 new positions countywide ordered by the supervisors could limit the drug.J)rogram staffing to threl! months. But County Administrative Officer Robert Thomas cast a ray of light on the problem . He said it might be possible to u~ funds from the federal Emergt!ncy Services Employment Act. The board appropriated SI mllllon for this program and the federal government ls to provide $9 million . Budget aides said 1f re lief 1s not found the expansion of the methadone main- tenance program could bl!' hit hard . There are now 200 former heroin addicls on the program and 500 "'ere !o be added. Also hit by the cut will be paid direc · tors for six new community drug clirucs, the budget experts rear. Not arfecled is expansion on !he detox· tltcalion program at the Orange County Medical Center. Jt will not go into full operat ion until October because of the need to train ""'orkers. From P~e 1 DRUGS • • • with the assistance of Sgt . James Mahan of the Huntington Beach Police Depart· ment., set up an 18-hour drug course fl'lr parents . ~lahan, school administrators and parents .,.,·ere enthusiastic abnut the Course. and plan lo run it again in the fall, but there ere no plans to expand the c:our!;f! fnr the ""'hol e district. according to Betty Funkhouser. assistant superin· tendent fnr instructio n. The high school district'~ Alti mari floted that :inolher problem lacin g 8C.Mnls in pulling toge I he r com- prehensive antidrug prngrams i s reticencl" on !ht part of parenls. 0 "It'~ the same principle as ~ex !"ductt· tion ." he txpla1nl'd "Som!" parents JU~I dOn"t "'ant the school~ 10 !oUch their kid .~ mind ., fNEXT· A co11nry sthrin/m!Jn /l'J/k~ obo11t rlrrig ahu.~t ed11cor1n11 ! OIANGI COAST DAILY PILOT 01.ANG[ C:°"5T l"U9LWOliG COMl"A"IV l 1tb.r+ N. WeeJ Pr .. !Mnr eM ,.~1.- J .,~ I:. C u•lty Vice .,......,..,, al'l4f c;_..1 M1n..,..- The111 •s K, ... a l <l•t&r n em11 A. M 11r•l.i~e M11111in11 E<lll!lf' it.I,., Dir\i11 W•I O,..noc: C.00,.!y Edllol' Afl1ert W. 11+11 -'•-if•e Edi.,,.. H•~ ...... '-cit Office 111 7S l11cl. l eutt••rd .w.;u .. , AJJr111: P.O ..... 1,0, •2•~· .,_ Oflk• l ..-IMcJI: m "°'•' Av""'1)e C.tt ....._., U> We t l1y StrMI lf-llOrl I McJI • ln'.I ,,.,_.,,.,,.. IOUllVf~ &ell Cl1....,,!1r J0$ Nerti\ l l C..l'OlllO l:MI "AILY .. lltlT'. wlMI """di 11 ~llleif lf\e li-l"r-.S, It .,.,..,.,...,. •11IY b ("J S.,,,. 4ay Ill _,..le •"""" fer L"""'1 ... , ... H..._-1 ..-., 0..11 M•1, ~""'""'""" '-cl\. fi-'9WI Vt l!ly, 1..-C""-'91 ~"-1...i SHc11tb1d!.. •ir.t wtlll -.......... 111911. fi rll'ld .. I .. llltlrlf •lfllf 1$ I et DI WMI a.y Strwf, (Mtt M-. , .. ., •••• 17141 '4J-4Jll CS-lftM A~ .. '~2·1111 C.,.laltl, lf71 , o...... ca.i.r ~"'l"'"'t' ~'-"'" -.... i... lllo.n!•I!-. ... l .... lol .... ,,... ... 1!1'\10<"!1•-'1 ........ _, M ,_..uc.M wllf>tul l~t.I -· "'* .... 11 OMIYri,111 -. means a! financin& uu~.-· \li1ieeltr com· m!nted. Councilmen ap-eed that thtrt are ·no fun& fnr the work 1t pre11nt. but disC'ussed ...,·hether In th!!: interim the me- dian should be asphalled or left as dirt. "I would rather have a dirt mtdian because lt wnutd be a const ant rem inder lhat somrthing should br don t ," Coun- cilman Jerry ~1atney observed. ~!aynr George McCr acken felt dirt wlth the inevita ble weeds wnuld look worse lhan asphalt and siud thE" cil)' should C'Qn· sider asph alting H until the landscaping can be phastd in on an annual basis. HowJ11•er. councilmen approved a mo- tion directing \Vheeler lO Lalk ""'ith state highway offici als on the possibility of having a dirt me<Mtn and lo ccmpare the costs of asphall versus dirt. The highway, currently being ""'idened to six lanl!'s , also is recei\'ing much at· tenti•n frt>m bu1ine11men who protest the cjosure ol same left tum npertin1s Is af- fecting tht:lr businesses. The council was told that owners nf Gino's restaurant are now ln negat1;itions with the state to hal't I he left turn ,1! Holt Strert reopened, The restaurant o...,·ners are lo pay the $9.CKlO <'l'l.~t ~1erchant! al so have asked that the opt'ning at Liberty Avenue ™-lrft OPf't\ Councilmen agreed to this, but stipulated lhal no city money ~ spent on the "'Ork Cc.Juncilmen re.ieC'led a reque~t fron1 Sheldon D. Grosi;man fnr the opening nf the median al the Aldrich Slrert in · lersection with Beach Bo u I e 11 a rd . Grossman is bu ilding a car w11sh at the in tersection. Public \Vorks Direct.or t\'heeler said such an openin i "'ould h;;imper traffic turning ontn Beach from Edint::er Avenue. City E111ploye Pay Raises To Cost Beach $544,000 Pay raises granted more than 600 Hlln· tingtnn Beach city employes last week will total $544.000. Inquiries today showed that !hi! police and firemen, whose associ11 tions filed lawsuits against the city as a result of lasl year's controvtrsial negotiations, "'ere fhe biggt:sl gainers. Police nfficers gained a se.v"n ptrcent pay increase. working out. al SM a month for a starting officer. The annual salary for a beginning police off!C'er was hiked from $9.312 to $9,gro. In addition to lhe seven percent salary boost. the poli ce also reC'eived increased educational benefits and u n if o r m allowances making their ov!"ral! jump 9 8 J)f!rcent. The fire officers received 5jmil1r Beach Teachers Given Benefits; Pay Still in Air Ocean View School D1s!r1ct teachers won t"'n fringe benefits from !he board of Truste:ts Tuesday night . but proposed salary increas~ are. still in limbo The school dis tr irt de ci ded to pic k up the tab for increases in both health and dental insurance prl!'m!ums, as rl"com. mended by a .three.man advisory p.!lnel. ~ The: panel "''as formed when an im· passe had been rea ched in salary and fnnge bf'ntfit negotiations. Lee Patterson is the board's representalil't'! and Dr . John Bright of Californ ia Teacher's Association the teachers' representatil'P. The third panelist. Professor William Dorsey of Loyola University, wag chosen by tht other two. Recommendations nn salarv increasts 1vill he made by the advisorY pant! du r· 1ng the sc hool board's Aug. Iii mee ting. Action Cln that item was deferred because not all trustees ""'ere present at Tuesday night's session. Bw·ied Utiliti es Plan Approved A J01nt prOJeCt .,.,·ith the city ol F'llUn· rain Valley to unde:rground ulilit1e~ on the f'il~t side of ~1ill' Squarf' Rtgional Park 11·.:1.~ approvPrl Tuesdar by the Orange county 8/'Jard nr Super1·isors Tht cos!s will be splil sgs.ooo to the <'Ounry and $4031"1(1 lo the cily. County (und.~ 1~·\JI C'Ome from money !it!. asidt by the u!1l1t:v comp<initl's frw .~uch projecl~ ThP Euclid St reet boundarv to be Im· proved by the unclergroundi.n g inrludes the main entrance to thf" park Surerv1Y'.lr~ 11lso RpprnvPd an ap- pl ication lo the state for !unds lo provide a bicyclt "'ay and maintt:nance bll1lding in the p1rk . Of the $64 .900 Int.ti ens!. tht coun ty \\'ill pay only S9.fi00 "'ill'! the balance of the mon ey <'riming from a state grant-in-aid, Baker Supported By Huntington Th e Huntington Beach City Council h8.!I come out in liUpport ()f Orange Cbunty Supervlsl'lr Dllvid L. Baker who is faci ng ;i rtcal! movemtnt rriunc!l n1e_n h81'(' 11pprnved a rtsolu!io n expressing the cit.)'$ lhllnk~ for Baker's cnntrihution~ to lhe community, Hun- tington B!'ach Is 1n Bake r's di str!C'I The mnt1nn carried unanimoush• ti 1(1 O "'llh Councilman Norma Gibbs ih~en!. A recall drive against 1he liupervi!lnr was initialed two ""'teks lli!O b\' \VIJH11m S. ,\1cKn1ght . St antnn , a s1lesiTian for a cook ie C'ompany, and Donald J. s .... ·enM!n, a.n Anaheim elect ronlcs technici11n . Nixon Honors Clowns WASHTNGTO~ t UPI I -Prtslde.nt /\'i ron has prOC'l.iimf'd the current ..... ~k "National Clo"'·n Wei:k .. boosts. The starting fireman·s monthly salary was increasi!'d by $38 .11 month. An· nually the increase is from $9.060 to $9.516. Counting the edu<'a!1nnal and un1fnrm \ncrtases. the overitll boost for !he fire officers is 9.5 pe rcent. according tn Personnel Oirectnr Ed Thompson . .,.,.hn representf'd the city in the negntiat1ng sessiQns "'i!h the employe a~sociatinns. LifeRuards recei1'ed a :i .1 percent tnt;il increase 11i·it h the startinp: lifegu~rd'" salary being raised frnm $9.060 to S9.!i lli, the same amount thal the sl artlng fireman is given. These and ·other sa!ar,\• ;:i~ref'ments W('re appro1·ed by the city cnunc1l in an erecu!Jve session last week. The in· crea ses wer_e effective. Jul y I. The bulk of city emplnyes -34fi - \\'ere represented by the Huntington Beach Munici pal Employes As~ociatinn They received a flat salary increase nf 3.9 percent but, according to Thnmpsnn. increase~ in fringe benefits raise the level lo 4..l percent. Still pending is an agrremPnl 1~·1th about 40 members flf !hr Hunlingtnn Beach ~·!anagement. Employes A.~snf'ia­ t 1Qn, 1\•hich basicall.v rPpresPn1 ~ depart· ment heads. This J:!tnup is s11ll C'flndurtuig a ~11r1'PY nf salarits in cnmparab1P c11iPS. f inance Director Ben Arguello said ro- da~· rhal assuming this grnurr wnulrl recei~·e increases from !) tn 7 percenl 1he tot al annual increa se in ~alanes would be $544 .000 .• He poinled out that this figure inrludes ebriut an $80.000 increast in paymt nl~ ttl the retirement system that .,.,,as rt.quired by the state f'roin P~e 1 CASPERS ... Chi , professional 1ournali sm soci ety Clark said 1hat th at \\'as not h1~ pur pose but he "'as conc~rned, "that t.he press knew about this before "'" rlicl " Smi!h repHtrl that the informatian ""'ilS obi.lined by direct ques1ions 10 the ad· ministralive offic e and that it "·as not volunt eered lri the press. At this point Ca~pt>rs Joined thf' disc ussion saying. "ln thr s1:i: monlh~ I ha\'e been in this office I 'l·e brcome 1 erv concerned al>out !hings tha1 I have heard about in the press for lhe first ume. Thi~ cause.!i confusion and !he. .... aste nf l'a!uable time running do1rn the in· formation "I askerl lh<1I departmrnt hr<irt~ and employes refrain frnm running thf'1r n11 n publicity departments and. tn rrfra1n from such a "'i de npen mouth policy" Caspers said hp recrn!ly "11lmn.~1 In~!' the L"pper Newpor1 R11 ~· v.•ildlife prf'ser1·e prnJer1 brcau~r nf a nP1vs story "! was quntcd as sayi ng lhr Srcrrl;;r1· nf the Interior W.!IS ,l!oing to de<'lare !hi' :irea a wil dlife pre~ervf' hut J rin!~· said th11! I thnuJ;ht the sec(etary 1voulcl. "Thi~ causrd 1he lrl'ine Cl'lmpan~' lnh- byt~! t(l contitcl the Interior Deparlrnrnt anrt I h11d lo apolngize 11nd ln~I murh gmund in the drive ror thP rrf'~f'rvr ·· Ca~pers C'Oncludcd, "The prr~~ !ihnulcl quote us rorrectly and department heads shflll!d button their lips_" Supervisl'lr \V illiam Phillips f)f Fu11rrtnn v.·as the. lone member of the boa rd In de· fend the right llf the press lo ~erk tn· formation. He 11dded. "The board should not hamper th ese efforts." Last Rites Set For Ruth Wea"el' F'unerAl servicts will ht held Thursday tor Hunt ington Be11ch.re11ident Ruth Ellen Oa.,.,·e~ Weaver who died Monday l11 t tht age r>f 6t ~irs. Wtever w,11s • chartl!'r member nf the \Voml"n·5 Divi~ion of the Hunt ingtnn Bt.11 rh Cham~r of C-Ommerce And rhfl Gnldr..n Key Auxili ary. Sh t also was acti\'e 10 lhe Child Guidance Clinic of Or11nge County 11nd thl' LiUlt f\.ferma id~. ~1rs, \lle11~·er leaves her husblnrl , Nnrm 1n. l)f lhl' fp 11ly homf'. 2<17:12 ("haucer L;i rir.. lwo d1ughter!. Sanrtra .J J111n Atk ln.~nn 111nd Rull'! M Pertr.: thr!'fi brniher~. twn ,. i st t r ~. 11"11 four grandc.hlldrfln S-11114 (lt U _...,. fil~ t i ,,.......,, IM(ll tlOll C..,lt Mftl, C11l ..... lt Sulk<rfe• ... ltJ' 1:.1rriw U,U .._.,,..,1 tr "'111 n 11 _,,,,.,, "'"""tV ••n"""'"'" u.u ...-1111,. -"'--------------~ "Today, 85 3tw11y,." Nixon .,Alrl. "clnl\'OS and rh" 11riiri1 they rfirire&ent llr!' as vita) lo I.hi" maint!'n.!lnrf' nf our humanity 1s the bui lders 11nrl !he: i rnwf!rl iii nd tht: government." Service$ will ht' conduC't,.d 1! I pm 1n Dilday erotl'!er.l Ch1pel. Huntingl nn Be.11ch Bllrlal will follow at Weetm1n~rcr ~frmor111I Pa rk. DAILY P ILOT 5•11! .l'~ote Keep" ~1t1ifi11y f\lanue! Sanrhcz, I ,'j, Fnuntain \"alley. knn1\<: a !!nod thing \I hen he see<:; 1l -Jike '.\"a t 1011· al Srnile \\'eek r\ug. 2 In 7. Have you smiled at anyone late- ly~ Tournament Set By Ocenn Yie1v Little Lengue A sectional 111\le league tournament 11•11l be hosted by Ocean \11ew Nat1nnal Little League of Huntington BeaC'h Thurs· d<l\'. Friday and Saturday. The first game matches i\orwalk lr>1stricl 29) and Long Beach IOistrict Jll J on Thursday at 5 JU pm. The second tdl involve~ OC'ean View 1 District 62 ) and Rell Gardens Nrir1hern Star I District 28J on Fricla.v at s·:io p.m. The losers clash Saturday in a C'On- ~nlat inn ~ame al 10 <1.m. "'l lh the cham· p1nn.~hip nrr set for 2 p.m. The fiel d is localed at Heil and Graham SLrerts in Huntington Beach. The sertiona! "'inner 11·1ll ad\'ance to the sub-division tournament, set for Tue~· day at 1'.lanhattan Beach. College Budget )-f earing Slated A pubhc hearing nn th~ SZ. roast Community Colleli1;e District bud.Rel proposed for fi~cal 1971-72 is scheduled for 3 n'C'lnck lnn1gh! 1n rl1~lrtct offices, J.)70 r\d.:11n<: A1·r, ('n~l;i \1r~a. ThP prn[il'l'itcl f1o;il hurl~i'.'l in<'lurlP5 ~'lfl.f\17 in rxrrn:;r~ nn! !'ho11"n in r11rlier dr;ifls. but ('l'lnt1n11r~ 111 prn11r!r ;i 20·ct-nl dPtrra ~P 111 lhr prnprl'll lnx r.:11r . Tht l11x 1·:itf' 1rl"j111rrrl In ~11r11rirl !~P d1~1r1rt 11h1rl1 ~rr1·1'~ ('nsla ~·1r~;i. ;..·.,\rpflrl Rrc1rh. ll 1111tln1l'1nn Be.:1rh , F11un- !111n V;ille1. \l'c_~t1n1n ~l£'r i111rl ~r~il P.11<1 rh, I~ l'X[lf'C!rd to l)e fi!l-tent" prr $[00 Of :i~~"~~ ... n 1·;ilu:i1111n. th1i: ~·r;"lr. ' --. • - I GEM TALK ~ I ' F I i. I TODAY I I ' by ' I j, I .. I J. C. HUMPHR IE!< ,_ >- NOT FOR INDUS TRY 01·C'r f!O"'~ of ;111 rl1<1monrls f.~ll :;;)1nrt of .cen1 (\t1::il1ty and are rele· gRted to 1nrh1~1rin! 11 ~£'~ ranging frnm 1hf' preC'l~lrin 11·nrk or scien· t 1f1c ];ibnt;:i1onc' In heal'y duty <l!''IC1l01Pn1<; 111 I'll) f1('!ds. ThC> rC'tll;}llllll~ 20' r nf lhe ,1 nrld'$ rl 1.11nnnrl JH'fl<l11C'l 1rin i~ i:.uhJPctecl In furthrr scre11ning, during ~'hich thl"y ;ire c::irefuily J!r<1ded as gem ~tone.<:. the nn ly kind in \\"hich 'l'e are 1nterc:-tcd. The rlian1n11ds on d1f.plav-in nur sho11 case~ ;ire pain,!nkingly !<el ect· ed b.v us for 1 ho.~e 11 ho appreciate high ~tyle ;ind e -.;qui!"1le fa shion. Thc.v :ire h1i::h q11;-1!11.1· <l i::irnonds beautifully cut ancl tnountecl to in- sure Ja~ting enjnyn1ent by Lbeir 01l'ners . \Ve ::i lsn ha\'e less expen· ~h·e stones \1 hich ;ire still finest quritity for the 1noney. Tl1an.v nf nur CU!';lomers, d uring the last 24 years, ha ve coine bat'k lo us a,1?ain Rnd a.1?a1n; and \\"e like lo bet ie\'e lhAI per:-nnRl interest in the lncl h·1duril~ nf our community is no l'ITIRll f<i ('tnr in th1~ quite ev1· d~nl loyRlt~·. \re <ire prnud nf \\'hAl \l't sell, And rle t"11 e R ,1?re.!'! d!'al of ~rill~fa r11nn out o( kno1rrng U1e·peo· pie \\'C 'er\'e, Compro.nii.se Backed Valley's {:ounoil Ol(s Water Tank F'c>1H!laln Val!r,v e1Ly C(lUnC'i!nien Tues- das night agrrrd tf) a $5~.000 compromise fin lhe rnn~!ructlon of :i "'::itcr 111nk in the sn1Jthll'('.~t rnrnrr of lhl' c11y. The f·nn1pn1in1~r 1.111s re;iehed dunn~ the coUn('iJ m('t'hng attended b,v ahout 7!) homrn"·ners frorn the 11cighhnrh1)()(! 11·here the f1l'c 1ndl1on gal Inn Ian~ is tu be Jof'ate>d L•·d h1· lu>1nrowr1cr-; Nnrbert I 1 c h 11 n <ind Cnrnlf'tl (;(1jln, a.nd F<iunt:dn \';.ilJc.,. ;i!tornry Hnh('rt S;i.~snnt'. residents ~f Cen1ury Park and Hoyal Hom es prcsen!rd a Pf'!1tion "'t!h 285 signatures requesting than;?es 1n the prnposrd t11nk .<\s put QUl Lo h1cl by the cit}', lhe tank \\.is hl h11vc bel·n ~et four frcl un- d<'rgrounrl. "1!h l!i fe(·l rrma1ning <1bo1•e ,l!!'Qunct Jt is 208 fct.'t 111 diamrter. !lrigin;itly a srnes 11f 1nni1nds 11r berm~ 11tre tn ~ h1nds('a1>cd around the tank !n mask its enncrf'Lf' wall s. The lar1k is to I.if' bull! 1n l11e lf'ih.'l on lhe west side of Cord;l!a P111·k t11'1d on !hi' r1<1rlh sirlr nf thP propnsrd ropi' :-ii·hiud Sil('. Thr 11':\('t 1t.~eH is situated nt';ir !he Intersection of Bushard Sl rccl ;ind c;arfield Avenue. The rounri! decision Tuesday night in· rrea~es the cost of the ~57n.ooo project by $5.l .000 and will extend th e bid time by twn weeks. Bids ll'cre In ha1•e been opened fl1on- day. but notlfic3!1nn of the changes will be sent to the 42 cnntractnrs t>Xp ected to submit bids nn 1he prnject. Councilmen drridM 10 lower the tank an add11innal four feel brlnw ground and slope dirt against the sides By rein· fnr<'inl! the roof. 1t 1.,.111 be a\'ailable for rrrreatinna! uscs. thry said. The d1scuss1on <Jf the tank \\"as not an agenda Hern. ;:ind ~n l\'a~ nnt an off1c1a l public hearing. Al the rf'cotnmendation nf 1'.l11.1·nr Eel .Just, the discussion 1.1·as held <ll the heginnin~ of the mf'elln~. rather lh<1n at the c!n~e when such non-agenda items are usually t11ken up. But at !hr close or !he n1eeling, t"·o rl'gular :iurlicnce nicmbcrs. Cla rence C;:ispers and Vaughn Connolly expressed !heir cliss;iUsfaction wi!h the nutcnme. Both rrttici1.erl the fa ct !hat nn pliblic hearing had hcen helrl Qn !he propns;;il lo increase 1he proJrl'l b,v $~.'i.000. "Ynu sprnt $25.()()(J (If my rnonc.v JUSt like that lo salre thP: frC'lings of ;i bunch Qf people who gnt <'humped ," (flnnolly said Dunng rll!'tll~Sl(ln nf lhe t;ink . <:ulln raised thP question of the del'C'lnper's li;iti1!irv in the case. Century Park 1s rlt>l'!'lnrecl by PBS Corporation of Corona del ~1 ar. ··11om£'n11·ner~ in Century P;i rk have hePn givrn d1ff£'rrnt S(Orlf'S tibt/ul the tank hy the bui!rlE>r and !itilesmen. I'm 11~kin~ you lo 1nvest1g;He PBS 1n relation !o !hi.~ mattrr hefore }OU let .iny bid on t/lr rrrnJtt'I . · hr s:iicl . l;nuncilm:in nnn Shrnkn1an :i~kcd C11 .~· ~1an111<rr .l;1me.<: ,''-Ira! 10 <'all a mf'ctini;: 11·11h PAS tn d1 ~tu1>~ thr prnblrm .!lnrl 1f llf'l'f'~.~ary srncl lr!t<'r~ tn the 127 pro- .~11rc11vr 1·r~1clcn1 ~ whri h:ll'P hnught. h11t not niO\"P(t 1ntr1 lhl' lr<irL "An d then hll! rRs." hr ad<icd (;ulln rla1n1C'd l1 0111r'111·n<'r' 11 rre lnl d !he tank 11ould bP rn1np!r:lcl~' un· drr.l!round. "or they "ere 1old nnlhing al :.I! ;1hn11t lhP lank·· ThP lank will be id£'ntiC'a! in size lfll the Ane 111 e.i:i~lrnC'r in !he rity"s industrial arf'11. Thai tank is st rel nod the nrw ont \.\ lll br ('Orll'l't'IP \\layuc 0-;burnc, eit.v puh!ic wnrks du'l'L'\nr. s:-iltl !llP t;;nk 1'1 be1n~ built tn au~nH'nl IJ1r 1'11~·'.5 11'lltf'r i;upply. Ac· L"o1·d1ng t() thf' rit) '.; nl ftS lt'.'r plan . the se· t·nnd lnnk !(!111ul1j IX' hu11! hv lhP t1m~ c1tv ri•nulal1nu has r1·;u·hed ~:i.Ooo. That mark is expectt'IJ "Jth1n it )e:.ir, {Jsbt1rne explained 'hat the fire un· drr"·ritcrs -insurance cnmp;inie~ !hat :o;rt rC1les fnr e;ich citv"s fire insurance bas"d nn the quality 'or fire prntectino ;:iva1l;1ble h:i1·r rffju1red F'ountaio \',1lley to maintain a three ;:ind a half m1ll1on gallon "'lltrr suprr!y for fire l1ghr1ng. "Thi.~ mean <; lh;il thl' tank in the tn· dLll'.!l"la] ;Hra J~ prl'l1Y "ell t111d ur with !h1~ 1·~quiremenl." hr s111cl. "i\nrl 11·e need ;i sci·nnd <111r lo handle flow during peak ui;n ge hours. 1'h:.it parii cul11r SI((' \.\'<!~ Sf'IPC1l"d, Osborne said. because lt is the nnl y CTir• nrr t"lf the city without a major water supply. The existing tank i~ in the southea.!it cnrnl'r and there are t"·n connections tt'J ~Ietropolitan Waler Oislrict lines in the two northern corners. f 'rottt Page l SCHOOLS ... lh11t v•e are prescn!ing are primarily attcn1pting ta unify thi:lse arta.~ !hill ha ve ~1.Rnif1cant historical comm OJ!a lily In re~arrl tn c(l1n1nt1n1tv 1rtcn!ily and educa· tional philnsnphy," he explained. Charles P:ilmer. the district's assOC'iatl superintendrnt, :idcled tha t is preci.~ely 11·hy the un1nn of the Ocean Vi ew and Fnunta1n Va llry districts has been SUA· gs1er1 , "Jt i~ appan~nt In us that the educe· linnal ph1l0sophirs of both d i.~trict s 11re coming tnlo line w11h each nth !".r. Bnth districts ;:ils.o srrn1 to ll'fl nt l11rge scale 11nifjcat1on nnif that'.~ 11·hy this ~e!"m~ surh a gfli!rl w11~· In 11s.." he said. "This i~ the hes! plan lrnrn our poin! of v1e11·. \\'t 11·ant tn contin11e thr high quali· ty of ed11ca!1on in n11r rl1stricl and main- lain l'nmn1un1ty irlrnruv, which i~ very ba.~ic ro us. \\lc're no1 al!Pmp11ng to rakei an.1 1h1ng a11a.v frotn an~ Q1hf'r rl1slr1r1" The l·nunty <.:omm11tre nn SC'hool Di~!rirt Organl7.at inn 1v11t rr1·1r11· 1111 pl;ins and make a retntnn1r11cla11nn 1n !he st ate Rn11rd nf F;dueathin. Thr ~lair ho<irrl "'ill place !he ilrm nn the ,June 197! prim1.ry b11llol if it also apprn\'e~ thf' prnpo.~al. Already suggeqtcd are a plan for tnt11I unifirati11n nf lhr> Huntington Brach linlOI} lligh s.,hool Oi$lflrt a11rt the Ocean Virw.Fot1n1a1n \'atlr.1' prnf)Osal. The-0 c e ,, n V1rw -Fountain Va ! 1 e v pl;:in 11·nuld 1fJin !hr IVes1rn1n~trr ;:ind Sr~I Re11r h dislrie!s 11nrl crc11lr t"·o other rli strir!s h,11 1·np1l;rin1ng ;i pnrt1nn of lh.11 H1tnl1ni::f(ln Re;1rh C1111 ~t'hno l Oistrict w11h 1hr Ocr;in \'irw Sr•hnnl f11stric1 and the ren1a1nder nf the H11nl1ngtnn Be11ch Cit1• Sf'hool 01Mri('t "11h the founta in Vallt>:.· Schl'IO! D1~trirl . CROSS Wrlti~ l l'lttru~ts !>'I 14 Kerat Golcl F"l!•ed or St11ri.no. w11n 1ttt11t1lvt tio. lhf:r l't n !'1,1r,., • -· Pen or ,.encll,, •. , •. t l100 Tht Sat , •• , •..... , l4,00 rJ· L Jlt1111~h~ieJ Jeu1eler.~ 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVENlf Nl TER MS JANl\.AM E l.ICA~0-M.t.1lE ll CHA~GE 24 YEAAS II'/ SAMJ tOCATIQN PHONE !48-)40 I • • • H DAILY PILOT 3 Laguna Voters Outlaw High Rise • Wage Curbs 01( Near? Nixon May Back Inflation Fight Board WASHI NGTON (UPI ) -President Ni.J:on hinted .today that he mlaht approve a wage-price control board if he decided il could work effectivel y against inflation. In an irr.promptu news conference ln his office the President predicted im- provement in the economy in the last hair ()f the year while appearing to move away rrom a former hard line against • 1o--ca\led inromes policy. lie c;.i1ceded he wa s concerned about the ,;ige-prlce spiral and said be wa1 keeping an "open mind" on the subject. Nixon i;;aid he would move towards a more decisive stage following meeting• nexl month. At the same time. Nixon indicated that he plans to inject the White Ho~ more strongly from now on into negotiations of League Chief Calls Meeting Of Mayors President Ed Just of the Orange Coun- ty League of Cities was rounding up signatures of other mayors today to call a special meeting of the league"fur Mon- da y noon. Just's action was triggered by new development.1 iR the fight over the posi- tion of Los Alamitos Councl1man Joaeph Hyde on the Local Agency Formation C.Ommlssion (LAFC). Hyde was voted out JuJy 28 u Mt of U. League 's representatives on the com- mJssion in the 12 to 9 decision , He later wrote to LAFC Ei:ecutive Officer Richard Turner. saying his resignation would~ be effective until mJdnight Aug . 12. Hyde would therefore be: ln attendan~ at the Aug. 11 meeting of the commission at which the disputed annexation to Santa Ana of 938 acres south of tbe Santa Ana Marine Air Facility will be debated. Fountain Valley Mayor Just 111d lhls morning that he ei:pected to have the necessary 15 signatures of the other mayors before the day is out. The meeting is tentatively aet for J'riedem&M Ha!! in Orange. Just had previously said that hf. would challenge. the right of Hyde to represent the league Aug . II. He contends that Hyde resigned at the July 28 league meeting and the resignation was ac· cepted . There were Indications today that Deputy County ~sel William McCourt believes that Hyde is legally a member o( the LAFC until Aug. 12. The deputy a.aid !hat this was "only my personal opinion," that he would seek the advice ol County Counsel Adrian Kuyper lat.er today. San Clemente coo.ncUman D a n Northrup sent the telegram to Just Tues- day stating if the league 's City Selection Committee which names representatives to 'be LAFC did not act be.fore Aug. 11 he wt·'M take Hyde 's seat on the com- m. ..SOn. JQlt said there will be five eandldat.e1 for the LAFC post at the Monday meeting. Sel'1:ted by a league nominating com mittee. they are Hyde, Mayor Tony Coco of Tustin ; Fullerton councilman Loui! Reinhardt: Mayor HAI Sims d. t. Habra : and Mayor Robert Harvey a! Cypress. Students Give Cash For Viejo Bleachers ''Students at Mission Viejo High School are very generous" TusUn Hilb School District board member• mted Monday night 111 they voted to acctpt a t l3,000 rift from the student body. The money, plus another $$,000 or '6.000 from the district, Superlntendenl WUJlam Zogg said. wUI provide bleacher• for the high achoo! stadium. major labor contract. on a case by ca5t basis. He told reporten that he had dlttcted Treasury Secretary John B, Connally to bring wage and price negotiations to his attention. "I will use the power of my ol· fice to att that theU! are responsible," he said. In that eonnecUon Nixon said he would reject any further wage lncreasf!s for government blue collar workers. "I shall continue the policy of moving ag· gn:ssinly on individual setUement!," he 1aid. In that conMdion Nixon said he would reject any further wage increases for govunment blue collar workers. "l lihall continue the policy of moving ag· a:reuive.ly on Individual set.Uement.s," be Coast Athletes Win 3 Medal.<i Orange C.O.st athletes have run . their Pan American Games medal total to three today aft.er Hun- tington Beach High School grad Jim Seymour finished second in the 400-met.er intermediate hurdle• at call, Colombia. Seymour's silver medal g"Oe.s along with the gold award taken by San Oemt!nle hurdler P a t t i JobnlOn and the bronze medal gleaned by Huntlnaton Beach's Thomas McKibbon in double aculls. A1so, Westminster High graduate Ed Bana worked lour innings plus q:ainst Cuba in baseball before. being touched for the tying runs in an eventual 4..3 loss. And, the UC Irvine waler polo de.legation i1 making its presence. felt as coach Ed Newland's forces bombarded Canada, 11·2 in Tuesday action. See Sport& (Page 17) for details. Trial Date Set For Suspect In Cult Slaying An Oregon youth accused of in- volvement in the "devil cult" killing of Mission Viejai teacher Florenca Nancy Brown hi• been ordered to race tMal Oct. 13 in Orange. County Superior Court. Judge Byron K. McMillan accepted the plea cl not guilty filed by Olristcpher "Gypsy" Gibboney, 17, and ordered the young defendent to face a pre·lrlal bear- ing Sept~ 10. Gibboney is held in Oraqe County Jail. GibbtJfley is the last or five defendanl3 to be tried on murder charges tiled agalnlt them foUowtng the kllltnp en June 1 and 2, 1970, of aervict station at. ttndant Jerry Wayn e Carlin a.I Mrs. Brown, 31, of El Turai.. He ls linked only to the killing ol Mrs. Brown who was dragged from her car by the gang and butchered in an Irvine erange grove lo the accompaniment of rituals connected with devil worship. The woman's heart was cut out before her rt-- mains were buried in a shallow grave. Gang leader Steven Craig Hurd. 20, has been committed to Atascadero Stata H 01 p I t a I 11 insane. Arthur Crai&: "Moose" Hulse., 17, Is servtne a life term In state priton for hl1 part in the dual tilllnga. and Hennan Hendrick Taylor, ta, is aW'lttin1 aentencina on lesser charges. Taylor testified aeainat Hurd and Hu!M. It II upeclod th1t bo will bo used lpimt Gibboney by the prooeculioo. aaid. Nixon .said he was still convinced that tn£1ation could be dampened on a volun- tary basis without government guidelines and said he was against wage-price con- trols particul arly if they would carry with them mandatory criminal penalties. But he said in response to questions he would consider creating a vtage-price board if he felt It could be effective-- pending top-level CClnsideration of the matter -if it would not put the economy "in a straitjacket." A group of Republican SenatOl'"'S earlier today pro posed legislation to compel the President to set up a voluntary wage· price review board. Connally 6ald the Administration would welcome "full- fledged debate" on the Issue in Congress. Marine Slain In Triangle; Sailor Seized An apparent lov e triangle ended in a predawn shooting of a Camp Pendleton Marine sergeant ln San Clemente today and the arrest or a Nav y Med ical Corpsman on chargu of a tlempted murder. Sgt, Herman Vierl'les, 26, of 248 A. Avenida Palizada, was reported in fair condition thia morning after surgeons at South Coast Community Hospi tal remov· ed a portion of a Jung and repaired other damage made by four .22-caliber slugs fired at close range. Police Chief Clifford 1'-furray said the Corpsman, William Archer Re id, who will be 22 on F'riday, was arrested as he gave the victim first aid CJn the floor of Reid's apartment at 119 Coronado Lane, apart. ment one. Five other men were in the apartmen t at the time a1ong with Viernes' estranged wile, Connie Jane, police said. Officers said 80meone named "Ace" called from the apartment at 1 :50 to report t.he .shootirig. Viernes, police allege, drove to the flat where he knew his wife was visiting and attempted to discwz the couple's pr~ blems. The discussion proceeded wit hout in- cident, Murray related, for about 10 minutes . Anaheim Youth Found in Wilds After Four Days Specla1 to the-DAILY PILOT PORTERVJLLE -He may have rlunk- ed direction finding, but an Orange Coun- ty boy being tested as a junior camp counselor has passed wilderness survival with nying coloMi. Mlke Pickering, 14, of Anaheim. was found Tuesday in rugged Sequoia Na- tional Forest about SO miles east of he re by searchers after being lost since Fri- day. "He didn't even want to be checked by a doctor," said one amazed deputy at the Porterville. substation. He was picked up by 8 U.S. Forest Service helicopter and airlift ed back to the Pyles &ys Camp in Tulare Coun ty, where he had been staying. Young Pickering was on a tel!t hike as a counselor Friday when he apparently climbed a ridge in the heavily wooded area instead of turning the other way toward the camp. A total of 75 ground aearchera and a helicopter from the U.S. Naval Air St.a- tlon at Lemoore participated ln the hunt before Mike wu found . Nudists Come Out in Open Letting Friends, Co-workers Know Their Secret EL CAJON (UPI) -The 1U1m1 of nudism ls decreasing, BOme practitioners believe , but others fear lettina: their friends and erriployers know they •pend their wt*nd in the buff. A graphlc demonslraUon of the pro- blem w•• provided Tuesday at tM open-- Ing day af the American Sunbathlni Asaoclatlon'1 40th annual convention at the Swallows Sun 11!1nd Cub eut of thll San Diego suburb. About 500 ol an estimated 1.000 penona expected to at~ tht rtff-day event. registered Tuesday. No one woni dotbel el«pl for some. but not all, new1men. New!'i photog raphers were 11lced not to l ~ke picture'i of nudista without warning thl':m first fl\ turn tbeir headl U they wa.nled to. Some al them did, tltherl didn't. Neal Blum. Cflnvention publk:itJ dll'flt· • tnr 1u1kl there was 1 dlvls'°" In tbl ranks of 'nudii;tl between "the .con1e.rva1ive1 and the pmgre1alvea." Among ls1ue.s to be disc:us1ed waa a pmpoaat that nudl.sta "('(lme out in the open and take a greater role in the community" publicly iden- Ufylng themselve1 aa nudists. Alt.htJuih several nudirts interviewed 11id there was no 1Ugm.a to wandering about naked, they WtJU.ld only 1ive tbe.ir tint names. Loia, M. who married her husband at the nudllt pork. Aid, ''Thi •hocl< !hit •• used to ret even five ye.an ago (!l!' revealing they were nudists) Is IOO'· I ' U!ink it'• because of the n e " pennl11iveneu." An IS.yt11r-old girl nicknamed June Bug: aald 1he never e1perlen c ed repertusalons ln a Ille of nudism In- troduced to her by ber ptrenls. "My bon thinks it '1 lot.1tly ridiculous," the uld. "F;verybGdy at the df!IJ thiakJ tt'• lumty." ......... Uer boyfriend . Wayne. also 1ald there was no 1tigma, but told or a picture of him that appeared in 1 nudist magazine and became known to his high school friends. "From lhe.n on I was known as 'nature boy,' " he said. Dl1closure. however, w111 not welcomed by many including two male school employe1, who declined to even give the.lr first names. Both uid they tvruld be fired by their achoo! boards if their nudilit activities were found caJl Blum said the issue of nud ist.I O'.lmlng out Into the open would be fully discuss- ed. "Conservatives want to keep the statug quo," he a aid. "They're al raid they 'll lose. their Jobi and thei r relative~ and ne ighbors will call them freaks'' if It becomes known they are nudist..'>. • "The c<1ntemporafy. Intellectual nu~!!t we wish to attract. thty prefer to get tn: volved . It would he. nkc if it were known that people like a mayor and a district altomey were nudists;," be added. Initiative Law Given 3 to I OK By BAllBAftA KllEIBICB Of .... OAllJ' PllM a.ti Laguna Beach high rue opponents ~ day promised to move swiftl.Y to . I~ plemcnt a 36--foot building height hnut ordinance approved 3-1 Tuesday by a record turoout o[ voters. Councilman Roy Holm aald he w~ ask the city council at its regular atlllOa tonight to take three st.eps: -Direct the Planning Commi.uion to modify the existi "g C-2 zone to conform v.·ith the initiative. ordinance. The C2 zone is the only one in the city when JO.. foot buildings now are pennitt~- BIKE CARRIED YOUNG VISITOR TO HIS DEATH All That Remained After Summer Night Outing -Direcl the Planning Commi.uion to write into the land use element_ of the General Plan, which it now is studying, the fact that there shall be no buildlnp higher than 36 feet in Laguna Beach. -Immediately set a date for tbs deferred City Council hearing on the C.11. ( commerCia1-residential ) z o n e for beachfront development, including the new 36·foot height limit and itntrOUI provisions for sideyard setbacka. Clemente Boy Attempts To Beat Train, l\illed Braving a rare beachfroot heatwave, a record 61 percent of the Laguna ~ torate went to the polls Tueaday to cut •· 75.3 percent "yes" vole for tbe beilbt limit ordinance. tt was ·as large 11 turnoot as anyone By JOHN VALTERZA Of lflt Dally 1'11.r S1•fl An !.pparent bicycle race to beat a San- ta Fe passenger train in San Clemente ended in instant death for a 9-year-old boy at dusk Tuesday as his elder brother watched in horror. Brian William Sweeney, who would have entered fourth grade ln Arcadia next fall , was killed instantly when the swiftly-moving southbound train hit him al the private crossing near Shorec\iffs beach club. The youngster bad been staying for the summer at 2729 Via Verbena with his parents and four brothera and sisters, p<1lice said. At 7:39 p.m. Brian 11nd elder brother Jo~ph, JS, rode across El Camino Real on bicycles, he aded toward the beach . "I made it across and hopped off my bike and heard th e train whistle," Joseph said, '·But Brian kept on coming and the train hit him so fast there was nothing anyone could do." The youth said he believed the small black bicycle was incapable of stopping. "I think the bike wasn't working right. Thal's the only thing I can figure out," he said . Police officers dug the wreckage of lhe small cycle from the undercarriage of the train's engine nearly l,000 feet away £rom the point of impacl. The mishap, the first fatality on the beachside tracks in the past several years. occurred on an unmarked privat.e isphall pathwa.y leading over the tracks. A Santa Fe lipecial investigator at the scene said in recen t weeks he has cited doreos of youngsters for playing on the rails in the .same vicinity. around City Hall could remember. . Of the 4,920 ballots cut, 3,7ff1 ft1'9 In favor of the height limit ordinance, l)lS opposed. The measure was carried ln all. eight voting precincts. Mayor Richard Goldb6-g said today he was not surprised at I.he election result&. "I v.·ould have been surprised if it had come out any other way," ha said. "The people of Laguna Beach have spoken 111d.. as 1 said before the election, I accept the will of the people and that's eucUy what I intend to do." Goldberg said he would confer with the city attorney regarding the correct 1teP1 to be taken by the city to implement tbt vote. The ballots will be canva!Sed at • special adjourned council ~ling Aue. 10, at ·whi ch time the offlc1al rault will be declared. Nixo11 Blasts Race Busing; Seeks Fede1·al Aid Curbs A clly hall !pl)kesrnan &ald the belght limitation ordinance woo\d become ef. fective 30 days afler that date, but tt is ant.icipated U1at the moratorium on. buildings higher than 3S fetl, lmpoeed by the counci l prior to the election, will be kept in effect. ) Retarded Youth Lost Near Camp WASHINGTON (UPI) -Prt!ident Ni:xon has coupled his strongest sta~ ment yet against busing school children for racial integration with a request that Congress not allow use of propole.d fed- eral funds for that purpose. At the same time the Adminl!itrat!on an nounced it was appealing a benchmark Ct)Urt ruling agai11st massive busing in the public schools of Austin, Tex. However, It indicated it was appeal ing the case not to promote racial busing but to comply with recent Supreme Court decisions. Nixon's atatement Tuesday said: "T am against busing as that term is commonly used in school dese gregation cases. I have conslst.ently opj:>OM!d the busing of our nation's school children to achieve a racial balance, and I am op- pnsed to !he busing of children simply for the sake of busing. "Further, while the executive branch will conti nue to enforce the orders of the court, including cou rt-Ordered busing, l have Instructed the Attorney General 11nd ~3 STORES TO Ill"---..... SERVE YOU 2300 HARBOR B~ AT WILSON JUST SOUTH OF II the secretary or Health, Education and Welfare that they are to work with in· d1vidual school districts to hold busing to lhe minimum required by law." Then he said Congress was be ing asked to amend legls laU on stiU under con- slderaUon so that none of a proposed $1.S billion in desegregation aid funds could be used for busing. The legislation, being considered by the House Education and Labor Committee. would provide money for such things as teacher counseling, dropout prevention. ethnic studies and other programs designed to help school districts that are undergoing rapid de.segrega lion. The Supreme Court on April 20 ruled th at busing and pupil pairing v.·ere legitimate -an d sometimes necessary -means of achie ving desegregation. In the AusUn case, Nixon said Attorney General John N. Mitchell had advi.sed him the government had to appeal because a lower court decision. was "in- consistent with recent rulings of the Un ited States Supreme Court." SODA SPRINGS (AP) -A mentally retarded 13-year-old boy was misaln& to- day from an outdoor education camp in a heavily forested region of the Sierra dot.- led with tiny lakes. • Dana Cooper, whG live.a at the Laurel Hills H o me for the Retarded at Sacramento, was wearing a nd Ille ahlrt. and cutoff blue jeans when he wu last s~n Monday evening. The boy, with !he appearance of a 10. year-old, is unable to talk. Placer County ~heriffs d e p u t I e I brought in bloodhouodl to aid in the search. The director of Camp i\rcade, Joe Dioa. said Dana was last seen walkinc down • road picking up nails just before dln-- nertime. Other children had been picliDg up nails earlie r. The camp is operated by the San Juan Unified School District. to a;ive fifth and six th graders a l!ummer outdoor ei:- perience. Dion .Mid about 150 studenta: are taking part this session, about 20 ol. the.m retarded yourcstera. YOUR • CENTER WITK 'FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS AND H EL PF UL SERVICE. PLENTY OF FftEE PARKING IN BOTH FRONT AND REAR MAW. ALL ON STREET LEVEL. THINK "Back To School" Top Yalu-Low Pi;lcn Every Sln9le Day .. SAN DIEGO FREEWAY IN THE HEART OF COSTA MESA 2300 HARBOR· BLVD., COSTA ME.SA I • '<Cl I I 4 DAILY 'llOT \ \ •· I ~ps Height Limit Foes Defeated By TUO~tAS tttURPHINE 01 "'"' 0•1" P'l•.i ll•tr QUICKIE K0'1 DEPT. -If there was any question in past days on bow the folks of Laguna Beach felt about higb rise con.struction in their village, there :ii none today. Lagw:iana s t.re1uned to the polls in record numbers yesterday and put the knock on high rise by a 3 to 1 margin in a special initiative electioh. Voter turnout hovered near 61 percent, touted today a s a new record for the Art Colony. WHEN THE DUST cleared at polling places la.st night, you actually had some doul>a that lhe election should have been billed as a. contest. Of 4,921) Lagunaru: who voted, 3,7f11 marked Yes oh their ballol"I, meaning that they wanted to lmpose a 36-foot building height limit on all future con- alruction in the town. Only 1,213 voted against the limitation. Some wag suggested they should have just hed the Civic League mall in the decl!ion. PRIOR TO ELECTION day, there had been so much thra.shlng about oh the high rise building issue that you might havt been lured into believing when vote-eoun· ting time came, you were going to witnCM one of those down-to-the-wire contesl"I. But fn the end. it was obvious as the firs t precinct returns rolled in that this one was a quick knockout. You sort of recalled those old Floyd Patterson-SOnny Liston prize fights, much advance ballyhoo and then , whammo. it's all over. Actually, Laguna's initiative election brought about by a petition of the people: iso't particularly unique along the Orange Coast these days. THE SAME THING ha ppened ln Newport Beach on the question of future rooting of Pacific C.oast Freeway. The result was about the same -a smashing vote opposed to changes 1n the town. Citizen-initiated elections seem to be popping up everywhere. Fluoridation of city drinking waler is ~ issue in Hun- t ington Beach and Fountain Valley. Seal Beach voters mounted a recall and gave the boot to their former mayor. AU. THIS SEEMS to suggest that at )east along our coast, there is ~ growing trend against r.ccepting the pontifications of the to\\'n council as the court of last resort. Perhaps it is bec.ause federal, state or e ven coun!y governments seem so remote and unresponsive these days. But at the community level, the people can still make the petition v.·ork. Perhaps it is sin1 ply a yearning to return to Vi llage America; back to the days when you had "lOl\'n hall tonight" and everybody turned oul to raise a hand yea or nay on lhe issues of the day, OR fttA YBE il !!'I simply thal a lot of u.s came lo this best of all possible coasts in an escape from megalopoli!'I v.·ith ill skyS('rapers, smog, crushing traffic and eJboy,·-to-elbow congestion. And when we see symptoms of cllifica. tion cl osing in on us, perhaps y,•e simply rebe l because there is no room left for another escape. Maybe lhar s whal happened in Laguna yesterday. Moy 10, 1972 21i" ·• SUN EARTH MARS UP'I TPJlfpltf"' 'Close' Brush This diagram shows how the s un, earth and Mars \\!ill be in line Au g. 12, 1971 . The two planets will be approximately 35 million miles apart the following day, the closest they have been since 1924 -or will be until the year 2003. Sudan May Seek Closer U.S. Ties; Reds Rapped KHARTOUM (UPI) -Mansur Khalid, Sudan's new non-Communist foreign minister, 'Q!fered the prospect of closer economic tiei"Wlth the United State!'! llr day and said his counl.ry was prepared for the worst 1n its relations with the Soviet Union. Khalld, former Sudanese delegate to the United Nation.s, sald there was little chahce of resuming diploma tic relati on!'I with Washington unless there is a change in U.S. policy towards Israel. Relations were broken during the 1967 Middle East W8', Khalid wa!'I the second Sudanese today to !'lignal a tum rowa.rd the right. Kh alil Osman, the Sudan's top industrialist, said on national television today the country had received "a bad deal" from the Soviet Union and urged the government * * * Sudanese Reds Still Active? BEIRUT IUPJ) -The Sudanese Com - munist Party, the largest in the Arab world, 11 still active despite its sup- pression by authorities in Sudan, the Beirut newspaper Al Nida, voice of the Lebanese Communist Party, said today. It said the party has issued a statement that was circula ted In Khartoum and other Sudanese cities declaring the cen- tral committee will contlnue to lead the pa'!! "despite the reign of !error and . " ma acres. Political sources 11aid the newspapers report could be a sign that Sudanese Communists have established a structure in exile to keep the Communist cause in their country alive. and tG conduct the opposition against the regime of Premier Jaafar Numeiry. The newspaper criticized Arab coun- tries who have accused the Soviet Union of interference in the Sudan's domestic affairs but d id not name any o! the m. The Soviets and other Commun i~t coun- tries "continue to provide the Arabs with money, men, arms and blood -and this i.s tbe way they are being repald." to seek clorer ties with the western na· tidns. Diplomatic sources said the use of the government-Owned television slation for such a !'ltatement was significant and was further indication the country would turn toward the west because of Communist i'nvolvement in the recent coup against President Jaafac Numeity. Kh alid spoke at a news conference held for foreign newsmen. He said hls country did nol want to push to the extreme its relations with the Soviet Union but "if the :situation deteriorates to the point of no return, we are ready." "We are prepared for the y,•orst," he added. Diplomatic sources indicated earlier that a-break in diplomatic relatlon.s would co me onJy as a last resort for both sides. They saldj!br akofr would have to be the final st. w in Numeiry's drive again.st the mmunist.s. whom he ac- cused of toppling him from poy,·er during a 72-hou r coup which began July 19, be- cause the Sudan is dependent on the So- viets as it!'I leading supplier of weapons, advisers and !Tade. Numeiry dismissed four former Corn- munists from his cabinet and replaced them wilh Sudanese nationalists Tuesday in a bid to reconsolidate his control and recalled the Suda'.n's ambassadors to Bri· lain, Jt.aly and Yugosla.via and its charge d'affaires in Kenya. He earlier Issued similar instructions lo the Sudanese ambassadors in the Soviet Union and ils Eastern European sa!e\l i!es vehemently protested J\'umeiry's execu- tion of 11 army officers and three civilians follo"·ing the countercoup. One of the civilians hanged was lhe leader of the Sudanese Communist Party. Government sources said the presence of the fou r former Communists in 1he cabinet was the chief reason given by Li· byan President ~1oammar Khadafy for not acr.epting the S"udan in Lhe projectrd Federation of Egypt, Libya and Syria v.·hich is set for Sept. 1. The dismissal or foreign m inister Farouk Abu Eissa was regarded as lhe most important change. J{e was replaced by Dr. Mansur Khalid, the Sudc-.nese U.N. representative and former y o u l h minister. Midwest Feels the Cold Heavy Rainfall on Front Fro1n NYa North, Texas California V.S. 8ummal"!J •'f UHfTIO P'llllS llttlRMAT!OMAl Tllu11C1tol!H"m1 ~ ... -P!lf1IOll1 ol h NII •"" '°""" •••Ir +oolv ,.111i. • otutlt>oon a)ld '"""' ~IP! lt"Wt•I• tv•n In !M 11-• mldw91t ~,., .. _ "'' ... E•rlV "'°'nlnt rl.tdl"'I d!<>otd t. -'""' •nd mltldlt ollll In IM '''"""' ~1.,1w11'1>1 v.u.., '""" Gr••t u~r• fftl,,..., rortl"' (ll1nk•!1 Olll ol l~t cloMI 1M t•r i-t•r• o,., ti. ,,...vii•! r1lnl1ll1 ettu•rM •I-• ''""' llrf"l(hl,,_ ,_ M111""" N..,. Vo1• 1cr1w ,.,.,,., .... ie Nortll (.-.lrl l T""K' ''"''f"Otl\ Air '°"'' .... ,_, Au .. tin. tn11 ""'lvfld mPr• fi'Mlfl ..,... ln(1>ft ol ""' 1,. • •'• toour ""'°"· "'" lncfl '"" ,,.ll POU!"ld °""" 1!11 -ti .... ·1 <:.1111111 •nd -~ ll•lllmot•. Md~ f41Ct!Yf4 •l'IO!Nt 1.M ln<M1 M rt lfl. S..rtl'llrl i.. 111111tnO,,. C:ountv "'"' t!HI -IM """ "'loOIU ffl!Hll\f .... """""*' a .. d ''°'" dn111111,,. ,,..,.,,. °""-'" •"" flood;,.. WMC'f\ ocC\lr• ,.., '"""'"' nloM, T,,. dN!~ fOUnl •ot• "' u •""" ·-~.... ·~ n>Ylf"M !fie -y of l11IT\mor• "oll(• LI. ~r11n Wlf>ll '""" I rlfMWOli.n <rffll; TV914<1v nlt llt, T~. A,tlJ., 'K•i'old t i-ti J,.11 ol 111 r•I• -1• tor "'-MOnlll -•n l..m ol •rt<IJ>lll!lotl -w!'lllt •t•"I"' "<I ~·11-11 •1IO -~ Uf In 1111 -''"-'' •M ... ..,. lht 11.oc-11•. " co ... cal · lu,,.,., toclt Y. LltiM v1rltbl1 wlnd1 r>l1M l llCI momlM "°'1n l>Koml,... -ltttl• J le 11 klle>I• lfl •Mt,_I foci•• 1"4 T1'\lrtde•-Hltll fOOloY ?J, C1N1!1I 1...-r•turn fllllll !l'Offl l1 te 71. lflll nd 19"!_.•!urn flnff !•om " te tO, w1,.,--•h•"• ... S11n, Moon, Tides 'llllONESOAV 1 SK-llltl'I , t 6' • m, ' I SKO"W:! !ow I .S. ~-""· ' I THU1110AV , !111 "'"' ''"' low ~~, ... S-.:11"11 111.v • ,,J.j • "" • ' . J.Jj ··""· .... f ·!.411.m, 6.7 , . .,.,.m, ,,I S41t 7:1J•m. 1"'1 l Jl1m. S~" 111-l :N •·""· M~" l!lt11 'l~ "·"'· Temperatures " ..... P'ns1 '"'-'""''"'""' Titm..-r••vret ... PfKIPl"OJon "' ~ 2-r !>l'rl<>d lndlr>t .ti • I "'· tlll~ L,,.. !Inc. AlblnY n .. "' Albu_rq..,. .. " A rl•r>f• ti " ·~" " .. ll•~lr)ll~d "' " IUll'l'llrdl. " "' , .. " .. ·~-" " a.--,., ... rn. " " "" llu!l•Jo " " "' (M(•to .. .. " C!Mlnnl'fl " .. 1.2• (ll VfllllCI " .. Dell•• .. .. c ... ver .. " 0.1 MolMI " .. F•lrbll'llll " • "' Fr.sno "' .. ~lull• " " lrodl1n1polll " .. "' JKk-1111 " " Ju»HU .. " "' Lii Vt'llll '" .. ·" Lot "'"""'' .. n Loul•vllle " " .~ ,,....., .. ~1. .. " .~ . ,.,,,, .. " MIMl'IPOlll " .. ,_ . .... ~ " " New Yori! .. n O•\l1nd ., • 00;1•"°"" C:•lv .. ., C,,..•n• " " " l'~ll1d~I.,,,,. .. " ·" ""o-'• "' " •• l'llhllol""" " .. "' P'1><ll•...,, M• • " .. " Po<ll111C1, C••. " .. ··-~ " ,., ..... ""'"' " .. s~11 l.•k• (llv " ,. "' Si•co Trip Set Egypt to Study New Canal Plan JERUSALE M IUPI) -An Israeli "But senior observers said Cairo will newspaper said today Assist;i nt Secretary have to send it by mail because Israel of State Joseph J . SisL'O y,•i ll go to Cairo h'il t nol allow lhe crossing ot troops .. '1 this weekend wlth a de1ai\ed plan of The newspaper Davar, a reflector ot Israel's terms for reoJM"ning the Suez .. the ruling labor party, said, "Israel will Canal. Another said Israel \Viii refuse lO be I't'ady lo show a flexibility or generosi- permit Egyptian troops lo cross the ty about U1e depth of ils withdrawal waterway. (from the east bank). hut on no condition The English-language Jerusalem Post on the crossing of Egyptian forces - Mid Sisco will go to Caito Saturday or even a token force." Sunday to report on the 1sraeli attitude Ha'arelz said the distance Israel would toward achieving an interim t.1iddle East pull its t.roops back from lheir entrenched peace based on reopening the canal. The fortifications along the east bank would canal ease-fire y,•ill be a year old Satur-depend on Egypt's position toward cross- day, ing the canal and extending the cease- Sisco and Prime 1-.linisler Golda ~Ieir fire. v.·ere scheduled to hold thier lhird and "The question of the depth of an Israeli probably final round of talks today. Depu-v.·ithdrawal v.·ill then depend on Egyptian ty Premier Yiga l Allon, Foreign f..1inister flexibility about noncrossing and the ex- Abba Eban and Defense Minisl.er Moshe tension of the cease-fire,'' the paper said. Dayan will attend the session. E\iery major Israeli newspaper said The l·lebrew language independent Dai-Tuesday Sisco had asked Mrs. Meir to ly l la'a retz said Israel will stand fast withdraw Jsrae.l"s t roops up to 30 miles against pennitting Egyptian troops to from the canal, to accept a two or three- cross the waterway, a point demanded byd _year cease-fire and to permit a token Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, an · will insist on an un limited c'case-fire. Egyptian force on !.he east bank in the Sadat has denlanded a limited cease-fire. occupied Sinai Peninsula. The Post sJid Sisco may travel to ''Israel will reject proposals on a cross-ing by Egyptian forces of the Suez Canal Egypt ·via Cyprus and there meet state and will insist on the need to exle nd the department diplomat Michael Sterne r cease-fire without limit," Ha'aretz said. who recently held talks with Egyptian "The thinking in Jerusalem is that P resident Anwar Sadat on a partial set- there is a possibility of giving Egypt Uemcnt. some sort of prestige by allowing the \Vhile Sisco mel in earlier talks wit h ~~gyptian flag to fly on the east bank of the canal," the paper said. the Israeli leadership, officials 1;aid J erusalem y,·ould not soften its stand on an interim settlement. In excha11ge for a canal opening. the Israeli position called for an unlimited cease-fire a n d guaran~ Egy ptian troops would not l'ross Uie canal. * * * Sisco Guards Shoot at Boat TEL A~(UPI) -The Israeli newspaper said today Israeli security arding As s is tan t Secrela lJI o Stale Joseph J . Sisco last week fi red on a motorboat approaching the seaside home of the U.S. Ambassador "'here Sisco was staying. An U.S. Embassy official said An1- merican security officials kne\v nothing about the alleged incident last Thursday at the residence of Ambassador H. \Valworth Barbour. lfa'aretz, a widely respected in- dependent moming newspaper, said the rnotorboat wit h several unidentified men aboard approached the .residence then fled when the guards ope ned fire. The coast guard searched for the boat but failed to find it, the paper said. Israeli newspapers said Sisco woul d outline what \Vashington would do to guarantee that Egypt would honor any extended cease-fire at the meeting. The cease-fire along the canal went into eftccl last Aug, 7. They said ,Sisco v.·ould tell Mrs. Mei r additional Phantom warplanes would be available if Israel needed them but that \Vashingt on Y.'oulcl not ('flier into a long- term contract for their supply. Israel has !'ought the planes to counter the Soviet buildup of Egyptian forces. Nev.·spapcrs said Tuesday Sisco had submitted a U.S. proposal calling for a 30 mile Israeli y,•i!hdrawal from the canal and a token r::gyptian troop crossing in exchange for a two or three year cease- fire. Government sources described these reports as "wild specualtion" but did not deny them outright. Bush mills. Top Envoys Of Pakistan Joni Rebels WAS H1NGTON (APl Jo'ourtce n members of the Pakistan embassy in- cluding seven senior diplornatic officer• resigned !oday, pledging loyally to lhe ljangla-Desh lnd~pendence movement in East Pakistan and asking for political asylum in the United States. The resignations included one ranking minister, three counselors, one second secretary. one third secretary and the deputy permanent representative of the Pakistan mission to the United Nations. '"This is our moment or decision," said Sayyed A, Karin1, the No. 2 Pakistan representative at the U.N. "\Ve have decided to join the suffering millions of Bangla-Desh y,·ho are resisting with their Jives t.he barbarity of the West Pakistan army y,•bo are determined to reduce Easl Pakistan to a colony," Karim declared that the Pakistan government "now is a military junta of West Pakistanis desperate to retain its st.rangleho!d over the country. "It has nullified the results of a free and fair election held under it.s own l'\USpices only seven months back. It ha.! chosen to mule the majori1y of lhe people by the most savage application o[ brute force. "Its authority rests totaUy on i1J n1i\itary strength and its con trol i:1 limited by the range of its artillery. It has therefore lo<:.1 all pretences to legitimacy of poy,•e1 and it has destroyed the Pakistani nation. Two Men Seized In Bizarre Hoax SYDNE Y (UPI ) -Australian police said they had arrested two men on charges they collected $560.000 from Qan- t as Airlines f.ltay 26 in a bizarre hoax in- volving a ttu·cat to blow up a l"long Kong· bound airliner v.'ilh 128 persons aboard it the money were not paid. Names of the 1ncn were not d isclosed but police said one was a 38·year-old Australian n1arine engineer and lhe other a 31-year-old Englishn1an, 01c infamous "Mr. BroY.'n'' \vho collected the money from Capt. R. J. Ritchie, general Jnanager for Qantas International. The bomb hoax unfolded with a telephone report thal a sophisticated barometric bomb had been placed aboard the Qant as 707 and that it Y.'ould explode if the plane descended below a certain altitude. The threat touched off a seve n- bour air drama. The whiskey that spans the generations gap. For 300 yc<1rs, a \Vhiskey from Bushmills has been \vflh us. Ch<1rming us. Beg uiling us in J smoot h, polished and ahogelher ligl11hear1cd fa shron . 15 .s::encr.1t1ons hJ ve refined 11.1 5 grncr.111onsh.1vc sir>r>t.'d ii The vcr die I: N('arpl•rf t•CI ion . Ru ~h n1 iH~.r u!I of ch.1ra r tc1. Bu t not hc;1vy-h,1nd<•d ;ibnul •!, /"l;ivo1. ful. Bllt Jll)vt'r ovcr-rn\v<'ring fl11~hn111I.:.. II ieflf'CIS lhc p.l~t \v11h a light and live!~, tl,1vo1 Ihat 1sJll 1odi1y. , '• Comp;irc it lo your present \Vhiskey. ''o u needn't purch,1sc J boUl<'. One sir ill your favo rite pub \VIII lcll you \vhy Bu~hmi lls h.J5 in trir,Ucd so n1any ge,... crJtio•~s. It 1s, simply, ou t of s1gh1. IMPOllTEO BUSH MILLS rROM TI-fl WORLD'S OLDEST OISTIUIRY • • • j Revenue Sharing Plan Told WASH INGTON ! OP! J The Ci vil Right!': Comm ission bt>hevt~ Congress shoul d delay President N i xon·~ re v en u e ~haring plan unt il tlal es and r1tles pass strong civ il righls ]~'A'S, including jail sentences fnr mayors and governors wha prarlice racial discrimination. In a memorandUm to the Hnuse Ways and Means Com- mittee. lhe commission pro. posed a number of federal and ~late laws lo prevent slates and ci!1es from using revf'nue sharing funds to discnm1nale against minnrlt1cs. The con1mi tt ee Tue s d a y TPCe.~scd its considrratlnn nf revenue sharing until Sepl. 8, QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandl "What's so great a.bout 'Factory Air'? I thought the air around lILOISt of the fa.ctorie.s wu pretty bad." \\·hrn it will again ~tudy Nix-------------------------- 00'11 pla n tn distribute $5 billion to stales and cities for spend ing 1)0 projects without federal control. The commis!ion said slates should pa ss laws as strong a~ federal civil right.' Jaws ln the fields or housing. employment . voting rights, public facil ities o11 n d accommodations. a n d state services-before there is revenue sharing. FDA Urges Funds For Inspections 1 ~.~ {-- I L·-·· LOVE IN FULL SWING Today's .. Swinging Sets" N1 14 karat textured g old. A.. $595. B. $500. C. $425. D. S300. E. $250. Others from $150. Man's ring, not shown. goes with all sets. S35. Aslo: about OU" divid&d pr(l'l'lefll plan.. Cftl•ft A<tO~nll l"vlttd. Amfrl(•" ll•or•H. l•"-""''"c1rd 1"4 ""'""' C~••t•· IM, SLAVICK~s 18 FASHIO N ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644. t JSO O pJJn Mon. and Fri ., 10 •.m. to q:JO p.m. ~m;i~· ·:+· B B's TROPICAL FISH SPECIAL PRIZE A cefllpl.te ~ln11el"I •t1u•fl11t11, l .. t llk1 tM 515.99 •,.Cl•I ~ow, wlll N r•fflH •• A ... 21th. Co-In ••II •It" "" -IM ,..rchne - CK&Ory. SPECIAL FOR OPENING TRO~GAl FISH 8 NEONS $1.00 CHECK THESE OPENING SPECIALS MIT&l l:l."'t '·~~ li.~r. HH vy Dlltv s100 •n•-'· I W, O•-· .,..,.,.,, ., 1tw1. 1:<1!1 .Uc •t, I ''' WON!ll• WOOL !18• t•ut d•"' t!ll••t l s111 .. 01 '411· ""' II.It CH.t•cO•L 1111 .. le• !!Hort •• "·-·· 65• 11 Or. N r ""· It~ AOUl.SCl.,111, IW "'11111••-I ,,.,,. •9'1k11• tf •-II( •ll Mh (-ft lff ~ .... IJCI I" ~i,~. It .. , H~ . "•11110 llllNI IMlt!M~ I '""''· .... ,.,, vic•TtON •1101• '""' ""''' '"~ .. , u' N 1' .tlYt. lttt. Jt( ..... -'>1";;>.-4'.-••• - 3 Steel Cornpanies Hike Costs OA!LY PJLD r 5 Senate Gives OK DoYovr FALSE TEETH Drop, Slip, or Fall? For SACB Fu11ds Oon'l kllf:p •ol"ryloc 1bou1 your lal1e t tttb drOP PIPJ' •t tbt tl'TOftl 111ne. A denllll'I adti.ivo u11 help. ~';\STEETH•11vs deot1.uu •Iona· tr, flrmu, •le•dif'I" hold. Ml.kn e1t- i111 rnot"tenJ~ble.1''or mon! MCUrllr .•nd tom!Ol'"t1 UM FASTE£TH Den· lure Adbu 1•e Po..-der. 01nlur~• that nt i re e1Mntl1! to hu.ltb. SN your d'PU•l re&ululy, \VASHI NGTON (UPI) to investigate. 25 organizations Tht &nate hai:: given Presi· for possi ble add ition to tht den! Nixon the lo":~aht.!ad tn !1 sL bre aihe new life intn th e Pi---------.-;;-;;-,_,_ ... -.-.-.;-;....-;;;;;..._-._.;;;;., Subvt'r~ive .A.ctivi tie5 Conlroll Board I SACR L -PUBLIC NOTICE- ~--IM,.O•TANT---, 1.,,11., O"IY to C•M•I" M&d· •I N"mkt"•. .S• "IM•• ltl ~'"'~ your M&dtl N""'"' ll'd Ctll Ut. RCA COLOR TV Ma1ufechlred lre111 1961 ,. 1'70 HCA C"rp11r11.!inn h11s 11111hnr1i:l'ri Arl'\\\'AY RADIO & TV tn makl' <'f'rlain fllt'tory chenl!"'-· fnrr .. r1111nio. Anri ~af~IY in..,ptct1nn-" n n Cnlnr Sri.~ llllld !n th,. 11hovf" yr!lrs. For \nllr sar,,tv l'l.nd "rlfllrf' i1 i<i HllpnrUl tll 1hll1 thl'~tl! 1·h11 n~ri; hr mAdr a~ ~non II!< po<,1hl" Thl'rr i~ nn rhari;::"! fnr th1~ ~rrvir" a.~ 11 i'i h<"in!! pll iri hy rhP RCA Cnn1pJJn.v, nnr dn<'~ it maf11>r .,.,h,.,.,. or v.·hrnynu hnui:ht !hf' ~ti. C11 tl l'\H\•, "" \\Ill n .. h~riri.v In ~"l ur an a ppoinlme nt Lo da th.ls Y.ork AL your cnnv,.nl~nre. PHONE NOW! 540-4840 968·0530 962-6631 AIRWAY TV 10925 K•I•~• Rive• Avo., Fount•1n V•lley & APPLIANGES "' ... ""' ·~· • ·~··· SAVE 12~ NOW on any one of these products WIN one of these wide-open-spaces prizes GRAND PRIZE •• ~i!>I l'.:J One Ap ache Ca mping Trai!er. one THERMOS 11 cooking stove, two THERMOS lantern&, one set of THERMOS camping jug s, one THERMOS picnic chesL HERE'S HOW TO ENTER: Ju11 ri1ont vtmr "Ami •nil ~dll•llJ 0" •n o!r.c,.r ,,.rry bl1rik fl• ()flt t1l11n oiec:• or nt .. ,,' Etch t nl•y must be •ceomosl'lol ll bt 1ny one fll lhe r0How1"9 ,nd 1110 frflm Cl'!lg111 0111111 Crt•m or Ult•• 1!"14 To.,1110111• j5 O fl t n' 11,11e1). n• code "umb!'• !r&m bonom or c•n, c:i r 11 b1I from bo11l1 oflhe oll"Jer 11roducls 111u:r.''lled "1 lh•:r. 1d, or bV Pll l>'I p1p1 r"'looro~lm11orv 3"• 5· on "'hlch Oflt or th• prollucl "1m1s 11. h1ndvrn11on 1n 01&1>'1 block 11111r1 M11I y&ur •"''Y to COLGATE SUM '-1ER SWEEPSTAKES. P 0 Bo~ 799, Rosemount, Monno1 011 S50el. Sond 1s m1ny tfl triei. •• you w1111. but 11cll entry must bt on 1 1ep11111 •"vl lop11. Entrit• must bl postmarktll no 1111r 1n1,., Sept1mbt r 15, 1971 1nd bt r•Ct •Vl d no li ter Jft1n SIPltmber JO. 1971. Prore~ as erlvt•1•1ed wdl b• ~w1ulod "" the ba,,$ or .1 bhridlold dr1w1"g b~ f,j1rd1n- l':~ne, lnL , these doc•s•ons 11• !Int l. Only l'lft• 'Pflllt lo 1 r1miry, All t M,.es bocom• !h i oto11er1y cl !ht Colf1f1.P1lmOltvo1 Cemt1t "Y I nd 1'0n1 wl!I b• 1~tur,.ed All ... 1.,ners wtll be nc111>eJ1 by m11•! JO d1y1 1111• 1111 c1oi1 ot the co~1,,t, SWl!"'Pll8~ttl c1111n 10 111 rts•dt~I• or C1hfom11. O•eoon. N•v•d•.tnd Ari to~•, E"'"'ov••• ' •nd 1h•I• t1m1ll t1 ol Cola111.P1lmol iY• Comiit "V. !~t•r 8dv11•t!1f"O 4;1r1cll1 .t~d Ill• t1J~glno o•g•nltl!ion 1•• no1 1llQ lbl1 !O tn1e r, Sw11 psl1~115 YO•d wh111 prohlD1t1d ty f eaer1 I, S1111. enll Loc1r L1w1 1nd reg1Jll1•on1. • ' i. r i t . ; ; • • ' ,• • . • • .. ' . • • DARY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Less Painful This Year City salary negotiations have just about been wrap· ped up in 11untington Beach. Fron1 all indications they were successfuJ from both lhe City'! and the employes' viewpoin t. The goodwill that presently ex ists. is in marked con· lrast lo the discontent that prevailed last year after the council rejected t.he agreements employes had reached with the city Mministrator and instead granted a flal 8.25 percent across·lhe·board increase . This year the t'ily had the benefit of a full·li me per· .sonnet director to handle its side of the negotiatio ns and the council was regularly briefed on the progress being made. In addition. Personnel Director Ed Thompson v.1as given regular guidelines on the kinds of raises the coun· cil \\'Ould approve . .'\greemenLc; have been reached \vith four of th e fiv e employes associations. The only pact that remains is \~•ith the management association. 1vhich rerre.i;:ents about 40 employes, mainly department heads. This group is still conducting a survey of salaries in corn· parable cities. Assuming that the department heads will receive salary and fringe benefit increases averaging from 5 lo 7 percent, it appears that the total increase in salaries for more than 600 employes 'vill total about $550,000. This amount appears reasonable. In one sense, any increase is questionable when one realizes lhe city's tight budget, but one bas to bea r ·in mind that the city must somehow remain competitive with its neighbors "if it is to attract and r etain satisfactory personnel. This is particularly true of the safety services; not surprisingly the police, firemen and lifeguards received the biggest increases. Counting salary and educational benefit boosts, police were &iven a 9.8 percent increase, firemen a 9.5 percent 'bike and lifeguards a 5,3 percent raise . The starting police officer \vii! now receive $9,960 a year, "-'hile Lhe freshman fireman and lifeguard will start at $9 ,516. The remaining city cmployes \vere _given pay and benefit increases lotaling 4.5 percent, which barely keep pace with inflation, Even so. 1nost employcs are ~·ell sat· isfied for they recognize thal in these t1n1~s kcep~ng p~ce \\'ith inflation is quite an achievement m a city with tluntington Beach's fiscal problems . Industry, Not Houses A long·stand1ng question over the future -_in· d ustrial or residenti al~ -of 344 acres north of the exist· ing Fountain Valley in.duslrial area appears lo be near· ing a solutio n. T\\·o \veeks ago, <'ltY rnunt1lmen ~ave_ the go·a head to a project 111hich 11 ill put. siorm drains in the parc:el, bounded roughly by Slat!•r Avenue. Newhope Street, Wa rner Aven ue and Euclid Slrccl. 'fhe slorn1 drains are the first strr lo1vard the in· dustrial development of the trac:t. Remaining irnprnve· menls, such as 1vatcr and sewage lines v.1Ul be in stalled as developers build on the land. . . Some 01vners of property in the proposed industrial area want to develop their land for resid en tial use, but the city is sti cking lo its master plan 1vh ich shows an industrial use for the land. \V ith less than 20 acres left for development in the original industrial area, the move by councilmen seems a timely one to attract industry to r ountain Valley. \ ~· :! . ~ ~!~ ......... .-·:!"~: ...• ~~. ~~~ • H '(Afllf~AS, ··AUTOMOSJLES-W~Y CAN'T 1HEY LEAVE A MINK COAT?' ls Hal Boyle ManWhoHas The Answers? Hal. Boyle . . · ffave you weeded out your useless v.·or· r ies lately~ Nolhing shows up &11 amateur worrier more than hie willingness lo fret about anything and everything that comes along. He v.·ears himself out worrying about so many things that he falls asleep. and no man can do a good job of v.·orrying while he·s in !hat condition. Your professional worrier, on the other hand Is more selec· li ve. He doesn't clut. ter up his mind with run-of·the·mill wor- ries. When he knits his brows it's about something big 11nd important. Just as you clean your home, you should clean out your mind occasionally and throw away the tattered, molheaten worries of the pasl. HERE, FOR EXAMPLE, 11re 11 few problems we "ve decided not to fret about during the hot, exhausting summer months : Has Uncl e Sa m opened 1 secrtl I C· count in a Sw1~s bank? \\"ill J. Edgar Hoover berome the fir st centenar ian head of a major U.S. govern- ment bureau? \\'hy is ii that the more v.·omen try to be like men the more they cont inue to act hke v.·omen' Is sex here to slay? \\'hy? Can you get a co llegE' educ;i tion "'ithout attending class at all? \\'hose face is more familiar to lclevislon fans -Mavor John V, Lindsay's or Lassie 's? · Exa ctly how hol. reall y, ii. 1.1 man 1vho is hot under rhe CfJ!lar? Is the "'hooping crane about l-0 undergo a popula!ion explosion? \\'ould F'rank Sinatra look better in 1.1 wig than a toupee~ Is it true that Walter t.latthau has been secretly adop!ed b~· ~1ae West? Will Muhammad Ali become a fighting parson? WHY MUST THERE be a ny in every ointment ? Can't ""e develop a ny. repellent oin lmeol? When will doctors and dentist.. 1tart a nice price war like chain storel!I and fill· Ing stations do? If the generation gap is stretched a.ny farther v.·on"I it become a big fat yawn"! \Vhen we all ran out or money. credit took ill! place. Now that we are all run· fling oot of credit, what can we find to tau ill place? U charily begins 1t home, why don't more people l!ltay home ? ts the SJ ice. cream cone on tht horizon? II women think they al w11yi look mor~ liiterest.ing by taking something off, why don't I.bey take ofl their ma1ear11? ISN'T THERE a real danger that the Democratic party will wind up with more presidential candidate! than voters in lhe 1'72 election! What will the: U.S. Supreme. Coun find to turn loose nei t? Will it find rta80NbJe ground$ to declare Jtself uncona:Ututkw.I? ls the time coming when children wlll ~ born with a pem:ion already in the ir U nds? Clln mo1or car11 ever be ml'de Nre until eomeone come1 up with a safe m11rtlni? Wbal "''ill happen lo pork barrel5 If v.·c reach the point where thert la •bsolutely no place left in America to build another <lorn! Abortion Verdict Termed Unjust To the Editor: The recent opinion rendered by the Court of Appeals st riking down virtually all of California 's "thera.P'u!lc abor!ion law·· cannot be termed JUSt for tJ1e Un· born child, or the mother who must bear !he anguish of having destroyed li fe . Even lhe spurious grounds of rape, in· cest. physical or me.ntal health of the mother ha ve been removl'd as reasons for terminating pregnancy. l nder !his opinio n a ""'oman ha s a cons titu!1ona l right to demand an abor tion. Does t11 1s mean that a woman can interpre1 pregnancy as an illness and that a doctor must treat her even if it i:r; con trary to his med ical. moral or religious beliefs~ It could be argued th at a woman could simply go lo a doctor \1-'illing lo perform an abortion, but wha! if there "'erf' none available? Would I.he doctor who did not wish to perform the abortion be held in violation of the law ? ANOTHER inte rl)sting point rai~ed by the learned judge:-1s th;it "qui ckeninJf ' (the mother has fel1 llfel is the point when the baby has a right lo "independent life." Qu icken ing generally occurs ar four and a half mnn1hs. \\/hat about the many \\-'o men "'ho ha re. never experienced qu1C'kening. but have delivered fully developed norn1al babies? Does thi s mean that their life could be taken when labor begins? It is rerngnized !hat qu1ckeni r1g nHght be one of the few means available !o primitive tribes to determine whe n life begins, but ou r society has long since developed more sophislicated me1hods v.•hidl measur(' life's activities at a much earlier stage of en1bryonic development Finally, how 00 these judges take in!n account the numerous v.·ills and legac1e.~ tha! have be en a .... ·ardrd to children based un the date of conception" H til e child is given the legal rigllt tn inherit n1oncy shouldn·l he be given a chance to spend it ? tMRS) 1\-tARJE De PIZZOI.. The No. 2 b•11e To the Ed itor· State Senator Dennis Carpenter's cur- rent nev.•sletrer conlains a pleasanl i;urprise. He announces the resul~ or a poll of his constituents here on the Orange Coast. The question he asked was ... \.\'hat should I.he two most important. Slate legislative priorities be !his year?"' Over 5,000 of us sent him our answers in the first week. The final results are as follows : Per· cent 1. Redu cing Welfare 52 Z Saving Enviro nmenl 42 J. Reducing Taxes 35 4 Improving Schools 29 S. Creating r-.1ore .lobs 18 6. Reducing Crime 14 7. Improve Health Care 4 R. Consu mer Protection • 9. No Respon se 2 The \"Ole.rs In one of !he natlon·s most conservative rounlies h11ve put the en· vironmental crisis second in lmportanC1! only to the wtlfare mess. ft conct>rns more than crime in the 1itreels, even more lhan high ta:xes, Senator Carpenter hll 5, I think . gotten the word. But I'm afraid that many of his more cooservaU ve coUeagues still feel Quotes ,\tr,.. Norma Jnhn son , S. f . , nelgh!)llr~IW)d )'Outh worlt ltader -"One of the hartldl thing~ for v.•hJtP~ lo acce ri1 I!-th!~: U I do wmcthin$! good . Norma Johruon did It. Not a black woman." ... • ~1ailhox L•l!•ri from r••dut ••• 1Wlcom1. Hormoll• wrU1ro ..,ould ronv1v """ ml l\ltU I" JOO wo•O• or tou. Tn1 riv"' to <•nOt~ .. I•""" to hi 101<1 •• orlmln1•1 libt l 11 rtl••V•d •!I lent" mu•I on· <ludo 1i1n9luro and m11hnJ 1ddr•u. l>Ut """'"' mav bo w•rhn1kl on ro~UHl II •ulll«1n1 r1oltln 11 OPOO .. nl. PHlr~ Wiii nor be PUblllht<I lha t the desire for clean air and "'aler is some kind of Commie plot to depre!>s cor· porate earnings Jn his ne11•sletle r, Senator Carpenter expresses understandable c0ncern ov~ 1he price \\'e. are going to ha1·e to p'1y for a world in which man and beast can con· linue !o survive. He writ rs, "In consideri ng all eonscr11at1on t111d environmental control lrg1slat1nn. your Jaw makers mus! have the detern1inalion lo withstand Lhe en1ot1ona! and often popular demands for inst<1nt t1c1i11n while they gather and examine 1he <'Omplex intermix of scientific data and the 'price' the people must p<i~'· in one m;in ner or anolhcr. to achieve the de~ired gnal." llo"· murh art> l\'f' \\-"lll1ng to p;i~·~ l\"n hahy pt'llcans h111·c h;i!chert 1n ('1!l forn1a for nearly thr1'c years A few mnrf' .1car1; ;ind lhev ""111 he gnne DDT is doing 11 but farmtrS ni;!ht here 1n Orange Cl111n1y ha1·e ronl inul"d to use 11 because it Hi cheaper than other less hazardnus pcst1c1des. How n1a11y pelicans arc. .,.,.e 1\•ilhng lo. pay fnr a profit;ibll' t('l1nat!l crop~ \Vh1ch pr!l•e is !he one Iha~ ~s 100 hi,':h~ Onr lc i::islalors need time to rrrnsidcr the price of our 1vorld "s sur1·i1"al \\.hpn !hey hn.1!1y present the bill, I hope some· one 1.~ :;:till lef! !o pay ir It was nice of ~cnator Ca rpenter ff\ ask us. and I wonder if he 1vas ;is surprised bv Oran,':"e C0un ty's dc1crrninati11n to siive lhe environment as I \\-"as. But wail until he poll s his brand·new 18-In 2l·year· old consli1uen1 s. Tirey are even mnre in· teres!ed in saving the world than 11•e old folks are. They are the ones "'ho are going to have. to try to survive on it. E, J, PAYNE Dnngero111 Bll.;ers To the Editor : I read with great interest a recen! arli· cle, ''..Bikes vs Autos ."' In this arl1cle the writer stre5ses the number of children killed or ma imed wh ile riding bicycles in accordance with present traffic regula- tions. It is very evident wtiy children are in· jured, in fact I wonder \vhy ii docsn"t happen more freQuen11 y. These traged ies probably arc not caused pri1narily by t'.X· isling laws, or by drivers of autornobile~. but because ot the utter disregard by the bike riders of all traffic regulations . '"'EVERYWHERE one drives he. will see the following Violations: two cttildren on one bike; riding wlth both hands in pockets , riding on I.he wrong side· o{ the ~treet ; culling CQrners at !he in· tersections; not slopping, or even looking, at "Stop" signs ; not signalling for tu rns; and riding at night without lights. PR rents Ignore their children 's ridlng habit! and the poUce disregard lhc l11w infractions but woe to the motorist who injure~ one of the riders. Riding a bike. is supposed to be good lralning lov.'ard eventually driving an autqmohile Probably lhi~ 1s true 1f tht' same rrgulat1ons are oh.~ervrd by the bike rider~ 1ha! are enforced \\'hf'n dn\· In~ 11 ca r Mowe~·er. !lle re unrlouhf('dl y is a h)~h co rrelntifln hetwcen bike rid1ri~ habiL'< and the high insurance ratel!I fnr young operators or motor vrhicle~. W. A. YOt;NG. Dear Gloomy Gus The Hu ntington Beach Police De--- partment should in vesligate lhe sergeant who invrstigates 1he Hunt· ington Beach Police Department. -L. J\I. C. T~I• ••1!ur1 ••f!•d 1 r1•ll111' vl•w1, ft61 ftt<1>1•rlly IMu 11 I~• ••••~•o•r. lo•d ~our "' ~ttYt M G!oo"'' Guo, 0•111 l"llt!. Wider Seats For Buses May Be Ruse Guest Editorial \Vould onc·inch addilional width of a bus se;it lure additional ride rs away from private automobiles? The US House of Representaltves evidently believes i1 would . By voice vote, the House tia~ passed a bill permitt ing buses 102 inches wide to operate on in· lcrstale t11i.;h"·ays. unless the secretary of 1ransportat1on determ ined they "'oul d cre<1te a traffic hazard. The limi t no.,.,, on rhe national system of free"•ays is 96 in· che.c;. The addit ional six inches "'ould add one inch to the width of each seat and two inches lo aisles. Critics of the bill smelled a scheme to permll larger and heavier trucks to use the interstate sy.~t em. Legislation all ow· ing V.'1der buses would be followed, they '~arned. by proposa ls to legalize "'ider trucks. 13u! Rep. James Wright.' D-Tex., said the on!y purpose wa.c; to make bus !ravel more co mfortable and Uius induce conunutcrs to leave their cars at home. The J02·inch buses are now pern1it.ted in some ci ties and on non.interstate highw11y~ in ~ome stales. Aboul. 22,00(1 ol !he .,.,.idcr carriers' are. now operating. but because or the 96-inch restriction on in· lerslate highways tliey cannot use these routes to transport suburban passengt'.rs t.n the cities. Lllnes on !hr freeways are at leasl 12 feet wide and one con· gressman declared it Wt!$ ridi~lous that the widest buses are not allowed on the wides t highways in the nation. The Senate still must act on the bill, Should it and the sec~tary of lransporta- tion go along with the House. DO im· mediate upsurge in bus patronage can be expected. One-I nch more hip room will nol cause Ameri cans ta change their long..eslabllshed habit of driving lheir own cars to work. A more effective way of en- cnura ging use of buses would be to establish eKclusive lane~ for these car· riers nn lhe freeways . A passenger on a bus whiuing by barely moving lines of private cars 11t the rush hour would likely become an inst.ant CQOVtrl to mass tran~rlatiQn. -Portland Ortgonla1 ---B11 Geor,e ---1 Dear George : I have read everything t can about.-the generalion gap but no ·~1unon Is offt'red lo my problem. I ha\'e a 19-year-0ld nephew. How can I widrn the gener1tion gl'lp between w;? lie slill OccaslonBlly spea~ ro me. FIFTYISH Dea r F"1fty1sh. Tel l him lo get a haircut. gel a 1oh :inrl <JU it 11~ng I.hat gOl"lf.Y" sla ng. If hr haflpen s to be II hard--work1ng, ~hort·haired chap with a good vncahulary, you tum hippie. ( Aerosol Sprays Are Dang~rous Th e airwaves have been flooded for years "'ith beguiling commercials for aerosol sprays which hold together in every1hing from a windstorm to a steam bath. Bu! lhe r-.ladison Avenue message lea\·es this part out: these sprays w1!1 ~ blo"·torches ·in the presence of a fl ame. ant1 they ron--- tain chemi eaJs whic h. may sear the eyes, damage the lungs and wea k en the heart, Hundreds of mil· lions of these color- fully packaged spray cans have been sold. But the manufac· lurers have never detern1incd whether the propellants, polyrncrs. pla sti cizers, solvents and J;cenrs in Lhe sprays are safe when combinc.>d. The propellant in most of 1hcse sprays is a form of Freon, 11 DuPnnt i:rroduct long used ali a refr igt'rant. It makes up as much as 75 percent of the ingredienls by V.'eight. WHILE TT is kno11•n that Freon ha s damaged the hearts nf te st animal s. and the substance has hecn linkC'd to !he death of hundreds of kid~ whn inhaled it fnr a .. hl~h." the hair sprav manulac· turers apparen tly ha1·e no qualn1s about encouraging you 10 spray it ilround your hf;i(i. Thr only hint. thr trusting buyer may gt>! that the spray is flammable and nox· inus is a fine.print warning on the back of the can wh ich cautions against getting il near a flame and spraying it in the eyes New eviden ce of !he dangers of the spravs has now been gathered by the CitizCns Advocate Office, a \Vesl Los Angeles product safety group, "'hic.h has Jack Andersu:-J prepa red a drafl study of the sprays. THIS C01\SU.\1ER group assessed 81 retail and beauty shop brands by pricf', weight and labeling . In addition. they have established the chemical in · gredients of most brands. Here are thei r 1nain findings -Besides !he kno1vn dani;er~ of the sprays to thr heart. !here is reaso n lo link them tn skin , ~ye, lung and mucous membrane disorders. -None of the 81 cans ex;im incd \i sled ingredients. Th is, of course, makes it e.x- tremely difficult for doctors to warn pa· l.icnts who ha ve respiratory, hea rt and skln ai!menl s about ce rtain sprays that might endanger them . It also makes it difficult for physicians to treat pat ients who have toxic rea clinns -Some of the 81 ca11s have no he.111\h v.•arn1ngs, so me several v.•arn1ngs . Only 32 "'arn against lrttini;: children get near the spray, some 6fi 11'am abou t possible eye troubles. -The 1\arn1ngs on some C'an<> lo "avoid inh::i.lin£.·· arr ;:i.lmn<,f u:;elr~.., s1nrr 1t IS virtually impo!'~1ble 1r, a1·n1d hrei11hing the subs1ance ;;flc.r sprayin,!l 11 oo the he;id indoors Des.pllP 1he 1·;irietv of exot1<' n11me brand~. many of the spra ys are thf' same stanrtarrl f,1rmulas made hy B. F". Gnodrirh Chr>m1cal. Co . Amerchol. and a handful of other companie s. This means lha1 a 39-ccn! can or ''Sl)!c." may be 1he s:irnc. or 1'irtually lhe same, a~ a nlore rxpensivPly pac kaged and promoted brand selling fo r $3. Too Much to E1iforce \Vhy can'I \\'e "he against .. something n•ithout ""'anting to fo rce o!her people lo ad opl ou r vie"·? Americans seem to have a gen i u s for !urning moral issues inlo legal problems and trying to enforce ntatters of ta ste. J happen lo be: \lery much opposed to bull fighting, 11nd would not go to see one. I woold like lo persuade other people that H is a gross and barbarous activity. BUT nns rs A long wa y from saying that J would try to prevent othe r people from attending or watching a bull figh! if !hey wanted to. It is im possible to legislate. or enforce, matters of taste and private morality. We found It disastrous with Prohibition. and are finding it equally so with gambling 11nd narcotics today. A group of humane people: this summer organltelt to prevent lhe closed-c.ircu il. showing . in movie lt1~aJ~rs, of a bull fl gbt in Spain. Bull fighting Is illegal in the U.S., and the Television Code prohibits showing such exhibit! on home television. The group i! not satlsMed wi1h thi~. II wanted ID stop the clO!led-eircuit showing lo afficiand oes v.·ho would pay to see it privately. And this , 19 me, is an in· lringement of basic person al libcnies. THE P U R l T A N ~tORALITY in Amertca still insists on tumin~ what may be a ".~in'' into a ''crime.'' and !hat i::im(l- ly cannot De done. It m11y he 11 ~in to gamble, to take dope. to enjoy watch1ni: ' violence 11nd cruelty In :inimnl~ -but these are malter~ belwet>n a n1an Rnrt hi.~ Maker. not betw~n !ht' individual 11nd the civil soclet,v . If 111 the boou in this country were r-"1~ ._..... • .._.__ .. ,_., '""-"\•' ( . . , , . Sydney J. Harris , .. . . . poti.rert into the ocean tomorrow morning. everyone would be a great 1\eal better off. from every point nr vi ew. I personally would be happy if v.·e decided to do this. But it must be done volun- tarily. not under external compul sion. ll is a mattP.r of choice and convicti on, not or crime and pun ishment. People have a right to he wrong, to be tasteless, even lo harm themselves. Erl· ucation, not legislation, is the only permanent and effective way to make: people more fully human . --M1MI \Vednesday, August 4, ·1971 'I lle editorial pa ge o/ thr Dail11 Pilot !eek.! to i nform 011d tlim- vlate r eader& by prrsent.ing thl.f newspaper's opiniom ond co m- mc11!-0ry on top1c1 of interest ond sig11ificonrc. by providing a for11m for the ezpr"ssion of our renders' opinion~. and b11 prrscn!o1g t/1e divers e vft u1· point.,. of ittformr.d nbserver! and spnkrsme11 on t.op1C$ of th• dcy. Robert N. \\1ecd, Publisher • • 7 7 • • ' ' Newport Bea~h I VOL. 64, NO. 185 , 8 SECTIONS , 90 PAGES EDITION ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA --- ' Today's Final N.Y. Stocks WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1971 TEN CENTS Wanta Buy Newport Hollie? Then Get in Line • By L. PETER KRIEG 01 lftt Dt llJ 1'1111 Ullt \Vanl to buy a house. in Harbor View Ridge, th e last 40·10t plot io Harbor View Hills ? Get in tine. But Sl<'p to the rear, behind some 14 others who, despite an economy .M op. pressive as the hea t, these days, have been physically lined up, some of them for a week and a half. !()spend as much as $91 ,600 in the latest John D. Lusk and Sons development above Corona del ~l ar . They are waiting, and not minding it a bit, for Saturday morning when salesmen h11ve promised lo start taking orders for the secluded tract. \Yhy? ''Wi ll somebod y please te!l me. says T\1rs. J.11mes Ewbank. who's been there· 11\nce a we~k ago Monday, and yet is only second In line. She"s right behind ~frs . Michael Kneubuhl, who had &rived moments bcfnrf', was tol dshe'd ha ve ln stay there personally lo hold her place, and decided she'd do jusl that. ··1 want a view house." t.lrs. Kneu buh l declared, a reaso n echoed by most of the ot.hers n1aint<'lining the vigil. .. , was prepared for this." she said. "\Vhat's !v.·o weeks out of yo ur life to gel something yo u've eJv.·ays wanted." 1\-ir~. Ewbank v.·asn"t planning to park herstlf there. but decided sh(' might its we!J stick around to insure her family Aims for • 1vould gel the larger house and the lot the.y want. ··\Ve'ye got lh<'m all picked out," Mr1. Kneu buhl said, "I've had nune pie.keel eul for months.·· \\'hen on that Monday morning a third bu) er. !\.1rs. Edy,·ard Grabov.·ski. arriYed, they decided they'd better set up 11am1 rulf's. They :::et 10 a..m. to 5 p.m., the hour! the sales off ice is open. as 1he time those. jSt e NEW HOMES, Page ZJ Home Trip Called Gre.atest Exploration in History HOME BUYERS AND .STAND-INS LINE UP AT SALE S OFF IC E In Harbor View Hills, a View Worth W•iting For ( 9 Cent Cut Newport-Mesa Trustees Slice Tax Bills Some E.v GEO HGE LEIDAL 0! !~1 Dolly Piiot i1•11 f\'e1vpn r!·1'1csa Unified School Di strict trustees de clined lo ta ke adva ntage of a bond redc1np1ion lax windfall Tuesd;iy night and adoplcd an operating budget ne'arly ident ical to pre\'JOUS eshmalt'..~. As a result. !axpayf'rs in Costa h1csa will pay f11·e cen1s per ~100 of assessed valuation less this ~·ear than they did last yt'ar with a Iota! t<i.~ rate nf $$ na Pf'f SlflO The ~chonl '"" ralP in .\'{'l'>'JWfl tkach 1111\ drnp n1nr rents In $4.69 per ""' The loc;il t;lxrs, 1vhrn coupled v.•nh ~\;:itp .'lflrl f<'r!c-ral mnnc~ s 11 ill rirnv11le l:lfl !I million In np<'r:i tr rlrmrnt;ir\ _ mirl- rlle ;inr! h1ch schnol~ in 1hr H;:irbor Arr:i (nr the !!171-72 .~rhool ~c:ir R0;1rd mrmhrr~ \"IC'wrd lhr bonrl red<'rnptinn lax r:ilr rlet:rca~l' nf mnre 1h;in 20 cent s 11·11h ro n~11kr:iblP s11sric1nn. ··1 :irn vrry un(><"JS\ ;ihnut the hugf' dif- lerenre 1n lhe hnn rl lax rate:· bna rrl mrmhrr Dnn;i !d Str;i uss nf r-.·ewpnr t Sfach sairl ··I'm concerned a Dou! its vnlatilily" Selim S. "Rud · rr:inklin. trus1ee frnm Cn~ta Mes:i. sharer! the conce rn abn11t lhe unexprc1ed hnnd tax rale drop ··There are a lot of riue~tinn marks in !he rounly auditnr"s philosophy ahout V.'hal are ade· Board Approvc..s $9,000 Cut In CdM Contract quatr bond reoay1nent reserves tha t af- fect the rate:· Superintendent Jnhn IV Nicoll in- troduced a variety of hud gr1 :i<l 1uslmcnl~ the board could make. bu t ca ul innf'rl ;;i bout planning on budg<'1 incrca~cs since lhe bond la x: rate cC<l uld go up fro1n 12 1o 16 cents next yeitr. The rate. once bnnd issue~ ;:irr. authorized b.\' thr. bnarr1, is srt b~· the county aud itor. he nn1cd. Thus 1ru.:1ees opled In slay y,·1th1n thr 11 ·ccril o~rar1ni: fund 1nrre.1sr appro1·pd in rarller budgot cnnsidr rn t1nns. They apprn1·ed !he r.iinnr hurl~Pt ::irl- 1u:-1n1rn!s hut votrrl rlo\1n a r('n1 anrl nnr- h::!lf cnmmun1!y ~er1·1rr~ r:ix r:i1r bnns1 An eight-tcn!hs nf ::i crnt lt>1 v to ~llpfl'"'rl !he \"P IVfXHl ·t.lcsa ~h:irr nf lhr Cna~!l1nr negi(lnal O<·cupat1nn Tr;i1n1ng program 11'<1<> approvPd hy 1hr borird . hn Y.r1·rr TY.n rrprrsn!;tlJ\"'S or 1hc r-..·r11·1Y1r! Harb11r Rnard of Rri:illnrs -~pokC' durin.i; !he hour-long public hearing nn the burlget. Orin I, Hudr!lcs1nn n{ 1211 K1ni;:s lload. \\"ewporl Beach, ur ged lhe bn:i rd !o hnlrt the increase in budgeted expenses tn "no more lhan five pcrccnl over lc-.\1 .vear ·• He noted the dis trict r xpr.cted only a 2 ~ percent increase in rnrnllment nex l ~·c;ir bu r h:id charted a i:i percent increase 111 the "1ntal expense nf rdt1c,1 lion " Huddleston and Glenn V. M:irl!n of 4Rn7 Portland Drive, Corona de! Mar. cited :idmini strative expense increases in thr budgel lhitl 2.ppeared lo be out nl line. Franklin noted it was diff icult ln com- pare a budget "drawn In meet needs nf maximum growth " to actual expenses of 'See BUDGET. Page 21 By United Press lnttrnatiorial The Apollo 15 Mtronauls headed for home today with the most preciou~ scien- tific cargo Lhe moon has ever yielded . The verdict of the long future may be that their 12-day, $445-m illion. 502.()0(l- mile round triP: tn the moon v.·as onf' nf th~ great.est exPcditlons Jn the history of science . Be that as it ma y, the tllree <1stronauts aboard the Endeavour carried these priceless things: -Pieces of whal ma.v prove tn be !ht primordial surface nf I.he moon formed ;it the solar system's birth S(Jme 4.6 billion yf'ars ago. -The first sample...-from a lunar lava no .... ·, rich in clues to !ht \'10Jent inner lurmoi! or the moon before it cooled abnu l 2.5 bill ion years agn. -Tht> first cores of lunz.r subsoil 1.aken I t the depth nf eight /eel. -Films showing detail.! of ancien t lunar feature& and of tht moon".s current BQard ·Opposes Nelv Airline Use Of County Port Unani mou.~ 0ppos1tion rn P a c i I i e Southwest Airlines' application to initiate 14 flights daily out of Orange County Airport lo northern California was voted Tuesda y by the Board of Supervisors. Count y representat ive.~, headed by J'iflh District Superv isor Ronald Ca.spers of Newport Beach. ll>'ill al\end the Public Utilit ies Commission hearings on the PSA request beginning Sept. 7 in San Fran- cisco. Caspers pushrd through the mnve to nppose the PSA proposals. ''The proposed flights "·nuld nnl.v rlup!ic are the Air Cahfornia service wr. ha\'f' now t.n San Francisco, San .Josf', And Oa klanrl ;i nd tht proposed fli~hl~ 10 SacTcmento." C.:ispcrs said. "Thf're is nn nrtf's.~H~· shnY.'n for additional fhghts and !he rr.sult an1 noise " !I w;is :ca l~n agreer! 1n nppn.~" lhf' 11p- r0m1 ng appl1c;i!ion by Air \.\'est !o fly tn S;in Franrisco from 1hf' ]ll{';i l airJ)QrL- Su perv1S(lr.~ reaffirmed thelf poliry of holding jet nights al the airport lo (hf! rnntractur:il limit or 41 rla ily. Thr con· 1rc::1s .:ire wi lh Air Wrsl ;ind Air C:il1fornia and expire la te Lhi.! year and early in 1!172. Board mc1nbcrs also supporled Air Cal's proposed daily flight to Sacramcn· to. Caspers said they would nor increasr. the number of da ily flights, dropping a f!Jghl to San Diego. The Sacr<-..mento flight was subjected In PUC hearings in April and tht e~­ amincr·s recommendation to the com· missiOl'l is expected shortly. Ai r Cal officials said flight~ would bf! Inaugurated 30 days after permission Ls granLed. Preservutio1i Eyed topog raphy ne ver photographed before. As Apollo 15 circled the moon fo r the sixth and last da y, David R. Scott said trr day he would like to sla y there for weeks gazing at the "mind·boggling" lunar lc.byrin1h far below. "I just wish we· had more lime because, believe me, there·s an a1o11ful Int to be seen and done up here ." Scott said he and his two co\league.o; "'ere av.·akened to the tune of the opening theme fr.om the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey." Caspers Before fir ing themseh·es nut of lunar (lrbit late loday. Scott , Alfred J\t Worden and .James 8 . lr1~·in were leavi ng behind an 80-pound satellite th2.t. will circle the mnon for it year, moniloring radiation and magnetic forces. But todit y n1arked Uie anri or manned lunar exploration until Apol lo 16 sets out l\1arch 17 on R mission a! ambitious as Apolln IS Scotl tnld ground conlrol at Houston : ··As we go around in lunar orbit here I Fumes Supervisor Fl<Lys Bl<Lbberniouths By JACK BROBACK purpose buL he wa1 concerned, "that Uie Of I-• DlllV 'lllt lt•" ,_ bou lhl b I did " F'ilth District Supervisor R o ' a J d presi •11ew • t s e ore we · Caspers nf r\'ev.-port l!<"ach 1oday 1dvised Smith replier:! th.at the Information was Orange County department be;;ids In drop obtained by direct questions to the 1d- their "'wide 1'1peo moulh." pnlicy Inwa rd n1inistrative off ice 1nd lhat it was not the pres.& aod reply "no comment" to volunteered lo the press. queries more ofltn. At thi.ii point Caspers joined the Ca!pers, obviously nettlea by new s discussion &ayi ng . "'In the six months I ~tories concerning his action.Ii". said n .. ve been in this office I've become very ''there are times when I havf' found 11 roncerned about things 1hat I have heard ne cessary tn say it's none of your God abnu1 in the press for !he first time . This damn business." causes cnnfu.~ion and lhe v.·aste nf Caspers' remarks followed a statement valuable time running down the in- b.v Su ptrvisor Ralph Clark of Anaheim formal1on concerning Ii news s!ory in today ·s ed1-"I asked thal dC'partn1en t heads and !ions of the Les Angeles Times on the el-cmployes refrain from running their own reel of salary cuts nn the county's ex· publicily depar1n1ents and to refrain panded drug abuse program. from such a wide open mouth policy." "I .am concerned about t.he program Caspers said ht recently "almost lost'' ;i;nd :ilso about the fac1 the press was told the Upper Newport Bay wildlife preserve or poss ible budget adjustments before the project becau se of a news story ~upervisors we re infor med." Clark furn-.. [ v.•a11 quo1 ed ai s1tying !he Secretary ed. of the In terior was going lo rlccl11re the The Times s1 or.v said cnunly itd· .:ire• 11 v.·ild lilt preserve but I nnly sai d mi nistratrvt office aide.~ had stated tha t that f thought the secretary wou ld. 11 $2.ono per position salary cu! nn all new .. This caused the Irvine Company lob- county J11bs du ri ng rhe cnm1ng year byis! to contact the Interior Department would 5everely hamper the drug 11 buse ;i;nd I had to apologile and lost much prnp:ram . grriund in the dnve fnr the pre~rvf' " Times s!aff member Don Smith. whn Ca.~pcr~ concluded, "'The pre ss shnulrl "'rntf' the story. asked Clark if he th nught <Jllnlr us correc:!l.v and department heads county ne w~ sources should be closed to should button their lip~ " lht press. He said 1f so. he objected Ln ~upervisnr \.\'1lham Phillips nl Fu!lertnn :!'uch a policy as past president of the wa~ the !one mr.mhc r of the bnard 10 de- Ora nge County chapter of Sigma Della frnrl the righl of lhe prc~s 10 seek 1n- Chi. profes sion al journalism socitty_ formatio n He added. "The b'lard should Clark said that thal was nol. hi~ no! hamper th ese efforts." * * * * * * Superviso1·s' Budget Cuts May Cripple D1·ug Pla11s By JACK BROBACK Of t~t l»•llY '1111 S!•ll Orange County supervisors in their eagerness to cut the record S242.t million county budget may ha ve severely crip· ' pie d an approved $910,000 drug abuse program. Eludget Analysts in the county ad- ministrative office said a slash of $2 ,000 per perKtn fo r each of 213 new positions countywide ordered by the stlpervlsors could limit the drug program staffing lo three months. Two change orders resull ing in a $9.000 reduction in the $1.11 mill ion construcl.ion projecl it! Coron:i del Mar Hi gh Sc:h(l(ll w ere approverl by I.hr Newpor t-M'esa 3ch0fll board Tuesday nigh L Allhoui;th the borerd ar prnv<'d lhe mint"lr thanges in work to be done al lhe school. trus!C'es refused to grant !he contractor a 23-<lay cxtcnsinn, Upper Bay Plan Presented But. County Adminislrative OHic:er Roberl Thomas cast a ray Qf llghl on Lhe problem . He said it might be possibl e to use funds from the federal Emergency Services Employment Act. Board member Donald E. Smallwoori , of CtJ~lfl ~lcsa . objerled In the cxl.en sit"ln <Jf time since the di~1nct h:i d paid a prem1um in lhe conl.racl with Berry Construction Company 10 complC'1e the renovations prio r to the start nf school ln September Another change orde r 1ndica1cd a net!d to reroutr an "xtsll11g fieY.~cr line recently rti~'·ered undtf tht footings of the ne\~· bui1d in~ At the rcrnm~c•1dat1nn nf Su prrintr ndcnt .luhn \V, Nicoll. trust PC5 sli pulotcd th(' S2.40fl ros1 nf !IHs ilrm be borne hy the 11rc~ltec1s, IV1 ll1am Rlurork and •Partners, Thr lirni 1Jcqi ~11f'rl lhe nr igi nal huild1nt: :ind th"1r nr1i;i·1al rtr;n1- ini;is dlrl nn! !lh1111 lhr six-inch .,~c1~rr .l1nr tncountCred "'hen worker~ dug for the new f()O\lng s, Dr . Nicoll aaid. A report outlining how L'pper Newport Bay could be deve:oped. or could be pre· servt.d, or bol.h, was presenled to lhl!! Lipper Newport Bay Cooperati ve Plann· ing Projecl policy committee late I.his aft ernoon. The report de1a1ls ex.isling wildlife charae1trist1cs And puls priorilles on 5pecific are11 s lhat.. H preserved in lhe1 r natural state, would prol cct the mosl wildlif<'. Breaking !he bay 1010 s1X" sectors. lhe rcpnrt say~ !hf"rf' are some areas. 1n Pach of lh:>n1 !J!ai 11 wnulrl be "1se tn protect. P0:1 cy cummi.tce men1b~rs. Fl/th Dis· tr ir! ~1in!'r1•1.~or Ron;ild E Cas pers, ,"Jew· por1 '.'-::;ic.h Ma .vor !!:(.[ Hirth Jin() Irvine ron1nany rr,·~1drn! \\'11li;1 n1 R ~1/l!'nn, 11·err Pxprr.t(!d tn it ~k fnr timt 1(1 re view lhe rePort al today 's meiat.ing. The report, prepared by Newport Beael1 officials George Dawes and Rod Gunn. offers five altemalf' plans of future us-e, r:inging lrom 101al preservation lo virf.u. ally tot.al developmwt. lhe latter incorp. orating extensive residential. commercial and recreational uses. It makes no recommtndaUon which the group 5hould choose. Supervi!Of' Caspers has proclaimed lhat 111 least part of the bay, probably the upper end, should be retained as a national wildlife reruse and has succeed- ed in getting the U.S. Department of the , Jntennr to consider th•H possibility. The repor1 says s1eps musl hf' takm to lmprov r the water q11al i1y 11r1rl to '". rlut"e 1he accelerated flow of silt 1n!n the bay. By preservin 11 the bay in ill entirety, the report says , wildlife resources would be maintained at. the current level. ··Some increase of, wildlife specie& can be expected wilh eonunued loss of ot.her C(lastal wl'llands." the report suagesl~. 11 &.\.YI if the bulk of lhe bay, from the first Island up to near lht top, were pre- served. • five to 10 pe:rcent reduclion In wildlife could be expec~. By preserving only the area 11urrooltd- lng Uie thret islands and at tbt: up per end . tilt report says, 1 similar JO per- cent los11 Of wi ldlife: would likely occur. By relaining lhe. entire bay above t.he lhree islands for ll refu ge, lhe report 1n. dicatel' 11 reduclion o( ·as much as 50 per- cent of lhe niarsh nesti ng 1pecies "'ould occnr. "Endangered species of rail ! wadi11g (See: UPPER BAY, Pase. 2) The hoard appropriated $1 million ror this prog ram and the federal government ls to provide $9 million. Budget aides 1ald if. relief is not found the txpan1ion of the methadone main- tenance program could be hit hard . There are now 200 former heroin addict& on the program and 500 were lo be: added. Also hit by Lile cut· will be pa.id di rec- tors for six new community drug clinics, the budget eiperU fear. Not affected is expansion on the delOx· lfltatlon program at the Orange C<Junly i\1edical Ce nter. It will not go into full operation untll October because of the: need to train workers .· F'lfth District Supervisor Ron a 1 d Csi!';:pers of Ntwporl Beach, who had pu.~hed lhroup:h !he drug abust projec1. said today that he had oot been .aware of lhe tiffect of the a.alary cut.s. can look do"'Tl and I can just :spend weeks and 1l'eeks looking and I can pick out any number of superb sites down thtre which would take you several weeks to analyze on the surface.·' "There's just so much hert, to coin .a phrase, it 's 'mind-boggling'." This was a low-k ey joke. since "mind· boggling" v.·as the term Scott used to describe his impression of lhe moon on Apollo J5's arrival lhere 12.st Friday. House Passes 2-year Draft; War End Urged \VASl-11\'GTON (AP) -A two-year draft bill urging President Nixoo la negotiate a "final date" for total U.S. \rithdrawal from Indochina was p2.ssed by the House today anC! went to the Sen'ale. But antiwar senators said they will not even have 1(1 conduct a full blown filibuster to block final enactmen t before September. It wal'> the Hou.se.'s firsl vote eVen for imposing a congressiona l stand on ending the v.·a.. although previo us proposals had Jost by ever narrower margins. House Armed Servic:es Chairman F'. Edward Heber!. ( D-La. ). says the Indoch ina Y.·ar language worked out by Hnuse-.c;en;itp conferees "wi ll nol Ii~ the President's hands."' The House, by ever narrower votes. has turn ed doy,•o all previous v.•ar-pullout measures. The draft bill's l.?..'lguage urges Presi- dent Kixon to negotiate a fina l date v.·ilh Hanoi for a ceasefire and total wi thdrawa l of U.S. forces fro m Indochina in return for release of all American pr iso ners nr v.·ar The narrowest House rejection of .~uch a proposal. was the last: 219-176 refusal to aci.:epl the Senate's original amendmenl set11ng a nine-month deadline on the U.S. pullout. Sen. Alan Cranston <D-Calif. ), &aid Tuesday he and Sen. Mike Gravel ! 0. Alaska ). will easily be able to block Senate dr&t acti on until Congress begins a month ·loog reces.s Friday. ''Jt wil not lake a f u 11-b 1 ow n filibus1er," Cranston said. He also said antiwar senators will be able to filibuster the draft bill indefinitely after Congress returns Sept. 8 if Senate Dcmocralic Leader Mike Mansfield supporls them. Orange lt'ealher Beach te mperatures will be Ill with inland mercury al 72 -bul those are ju~t lhe overnight lows. Da ytime higha will be 7S and 94. Sunshine will prevail with somt hJgh clouds. JNSmE TODA 1:' Oranf1t County 1101 rtceivtd 4 $720 .000 fedtrcd grant to Mtp deuelop a police radio •ustem wo r0111 of Dick Tracy. See Page 10, lttll~ If Ctl11t>tftl1 1 C~te_..,. U11 1 c1.1u111.. O·J• Cllf!'llc• n c,.. .. ,..... n Dt•r~ Ntll(fl l . o;""'''' 11 ll'Uer!U "'" t lftt.,lt!""'tftl l•·tl fl'1ftt ll(t u.u Nert ,(t,.. 11 .lftft L•IM•tl tt M•llllf• 6 Mii!',._ Ll(-1 1• MtVlfl """ M~l•ltl fl'llftlll1 U Mtll-1 N.-. W Or•q t '-'' -.11 1YIV!t l'tr!ttr U ,, ... ,. u.,. 5t<1<-Mt tlnll 16-11 Ttlt'lllle!I M T~tlltP\ k-H Wtltlltt 4 w~u, w•1~ ,, Wonltft'I NtWI """ Wtrl9 NtWI W f OAllY PllOl N Wtd,,e~l)', A1.113~st it, 1~71 A Little Longer School Tustinees ' Modify Hair Rule University High School boys "'Lil be allowed to welt their hll 1r a iltl!t. lruiger next fall under revised drl!ss rode rult s adopted this "'eek by Tus r1n district lrus!Hs. The board found acceptablt a revision by trustee Chester G. Briner of 11 pro. posal introduced by another board membtf_ Oickran Boran1.!ln , trust~ from Santa Ana had suggested trustees adopt bukal.Jy tti.e: same regul1tions turned down by the board last spring except for the rules regulating hair length and b"n- nina headbands. Boranian's mollon fa.iled for Jack of a :second. Briner, of Mission Viejo. then in- lroductid Boranian"g reeommen da.Uon ad-dini tht: rule that "hilir shall nol ex ten d be.low the bottom of the back of a d.re,ss shirt (collarJ or the ti>it of a T-shirt (nttk- band\C' Briner also moved that the en tire code, including the previously adopted rules for a:trl!. carry an addeQ..nott : "Nothing in this dre~ and grooming code shall be construed to prevent the administration from making mart severe limitations fnr t.boge 1tudeou p1rtlcip.t1ting in athletic profl'&ZM.,, Mrs. June Smith. bnard member from Tustin, noted the addition to the dress ~ brings the "Titten rules in line with •ctual practice in the distric t -meaning coaches gave generally apphed stricter rules on ha 1r length. particularly. Briner 's motion pa.o;.o;fd \\'ith a 3 to t v~. with Bnranu1n opposed. Although he vnred against the dress rules for boys, Soranian. a moderate elected to the bo1rd la.st April. said he felt t.be revision represented a sma ll vic- tory. "I 'll just keep chipping awa y."' he sa id. .Bor.uiilll nol.ed that &ard President Paul f , Calhoun, of Santa Ana voted in favor of the re.J1xed rules. Calhoun has consistently opposed any relaxa tion of th e rules iii force for boys during the 1970-71 school yell'. Mr11. Smith asked Br iner if he 1nttnded to relaz: the previously suggested ban on headbands that. had betn dropped from thf' code as introduced bv Boranian. "I purposely a\•Oided that item." Brinl".r said. "! be !i ~ve headband.o; are eev~r@d in tht opening paragraphs of the dress e.ode."' As adopted . the 1971-72 Tuslin dress i:r 1:? i:t Slip of Tongue Almost Hairy At Tustin Meet Male Ripul'lUll wtll 1101 result fro m the Tustin Union Hign School board action on the rules for boy&' dress. A thorough mmbing nf not e.s today nn tht hair rule inserted ~1ond11y night by Ma.rd member Chester G. Briner of Mis- sion Viejo_ reveal~ the sli p of tongue that might have fostered waist-length hair on bo~ s Brmer, read 1n10 the minute~ of ~ meeting 1 motion that &1tid h1ir mu.5t not ext.end belo"' "the bottom nf ~ dress shirt" whic h C(luld be eon5lrued lo mean the end of th e shirtt.til However. toda y Briner nor~ ht passed 1 v.71tt.en ,·ersion of his motion on to the board clt rk It contained the missing Wilrd "collar " Sriner'.s in1 ent1on \I as t0 11ber<1!izt the 5lJPf!rintendent's spnn& recnmmendar.inn that. placed I.ht boys" lnek.!i cu!nff point at the top of the coll ar of a regular dress dlirt Hence. boys aUendini rh~tr1rt schools may grOIJ.' their ho.1r abtlut t\n 1nrh and a half lnii1er . not a foot .tnl'l a h.tlf longl'r 01.t.H•t COAST DAllY PILOT Oll•NGl (.0A~T l'Ulll~ll lOIC. C.OM~.1.NV lt oll••I N. ""••d l't N d'"t """ l'uOll•~fr J .c~ It. Curl oy Vici ,.l'Mlffnl •"II G.,..r•l M•'Wtlr T~""''' ic,,,..11 !fltv• T~'"''' A, M u•,~i~• ~ ... ~ <>o r•·- l. 1'1•1r ICtltf N-r B .. c~ , ..... E':t&r N•w,.rt a.w.t. OMu ))]) N1w1'1•I l owl 1vt •d Mt ili~. A••••••~ l'.O. 111 1115. °'11111) Ottlet Offlul ('.ollt Mae: Ul W.01 •• .,. ~ •• ..., IJltuNI .... ~ n: ~"'"' ... 'e""'-Mt,wil\"f1&• .... ,~. 111•; IN<' I OUl..,t "d '911 (.1-!t: ~ N~ El C-1"11 ltt l l DAILY I'll.OT, ~"' ....,ICJI lo ce<o6!~ ... l•t H~ II ••""'"' ih lly u e.o• !""" .., "' _.,...., •"-,.,.. IA9!r'I• s .. c~. ,...._.; kl-ell, ~" -·-"'""'"'llfl"I lofldl, ~--"' V•lln , !1" Clt-ltf c.a.mir-. .... l • .. lllltCll. •r. ...... , ... ""' ,...... .. 11..... 'rtf>rlM I O'""'lt"I Dll "I It M • w.1 lty :5,,...,, C.lo "'""'· ,,,., .... (71f) 6fJ-4Jll Cl...,... A••wfW•• ••2-1•7• c.rtrlfl'll, 19", 0-Mt'I C..011 ,y .. 111~· ... ~·· ... -J ........ 111u1,...11 ..... MIWll l --e< ..,_.., .. _"1f """"" ..,1y 9'11 ,___, wltllet./I 1-111 po r- ,,,, .. ~ " eert'rlfl'· .-. ~ (lftf -!Ill ,.Id 11 N_.-f I M r l\ .... '"'" """"'· c..11...... S-•!~tio.. "" "'''"" ta.it ......... ,,, .... ,...11 IJ It -"'"'° ,_.'"-.., ~~111 .. r*"6, U.JS ..-U•ly. and grooming code provides that: "Standards of dress and grooming for s1udt.nl$ at~nding school. and school ac- riville~ "'I ll empha!ile neatness and cleanliness. It is well rtcn gnized that a neat and "'ell groo med appearance cnn- tnbules in a posilive manner lo the edLJcaLional climate nf thP school. Ha ir. clnthing or garments .,.,•h1ch a.re u11usual tnough lll a!U-acl allentinn fir detract frnm the edLJcat iona! program can not be tolerated.'' Ru les for 8oy1 f\ot Acce ptable -"Extreme ha1r sty!t.S or excessiv, sideburns. Sideburns m.ty not ex1end below the bottom flf the ea r. Hair shall not extend below the bolt.om of !ht back of a dress !<hirt (collar) or the top of a T· shir l !neckband ). -Facial hair. -Tank tops. -Dress-do"'" appearance. -Jackets. shirts or sweaters that bear the insi gnia or name tJf any organiz ation not sponstJred by the schoo! or d1str1cl. -Thongs. -Bare fee t.." The girls portion of the code. adopted earlier th is spring. re la•ecl la.st year 's code only s!i,e;htl:v. making pants dreMes acceptable garb for school wear. From Page J BUDGET ... the previous year. Last ~·ear 's e.xpense ~r student v.•as $12.78 less than -.1'11s budgeted , Franklin said. Some of the apearent administrative increases evident in the budget. Dr. Niro!I said, we.re due to progr8.ms pa id for hy state or fed eral funds. Thus, the percentage increa~s in the s.a lary ac· counts would not rtnecl accurately when cnmpa.red v.·ith previous yea rs. Nico!! also noted the district ha~ the se.- cond lo"·esl re.tin of adminis tra!ors to teachers nf the dist ricts in Orange C1Jun- tv. There are 5.9 administrators fnr earh 1"00 te;:ichers in Newport-r-.lesa comparPd \\'Ith th e statewide average for districts of 7.2 per 100. ThP highPs! arlm1n1stra10r-tearht r ratio In Orange Co1111ty is 8.9, Niroll sa1'1. Including the bonds repaymen! &- rount. building fund ,11nrl caft>!Pr ia burlgel fnr ne;:i:t ye<1r. the tot;iJ district hudgC't fnr 1971-72 is $46.9 millton, accorrltn g to fiscal planning director Walter Adrian. The increased O\'e rall total budget rigure is up from an earlier tot al estimate nf S42.2 million due tn inclu&inn of the S4.8 million bond interest and redemption a.ccount determined by the county auditor along "'ith the M:lting nf I.he bond ta:r ra!P. The cafttena accnunt tot.als slightly more than SJ million and the district. building fund for construclinn amounts to $111.2 mil!ion, Adr ian said. Cafeteria funds are not ming led v.·1th the operati ng budge t. since the cafet.erias opera.le on incomes from sale of lunches. From P~e .I UPPER BAY • • • bird.sl most llktly v.•ou!d not survivt " the report says . Loss of vegetAtlon on the isl and ""'Jll substantially reduce the carrying raPff- citv of the t nt ire area .'' the report nnrPs By rttain1n11: only tht uprw-r end, frnm tht ben d around thP Bluff s nnr1hu·ard. u·1ldhfe rt sou rce.o; will derrea~ at l!!:as! 7$ percent. accnr'11 f'l,2 lo lh e re['lOrt "The wading. d\\•ing and mar~h h1rrl .Sl'>f'Cle~ grnup!f wnuld nnt sur1·11·p 1n 1hP. bav. or dra~llc rf'durtinn~ tn thPir num. bel-s 1\.'f!llld occur." the rtprlrt sa1·~ Tht N'pnrl rlCle~ ~i+\' hnwe\'Pr, thAt in· creaserl rlernAn<I,( fnr recreat1nn mu~t be ron,il'll'rf'rl A <1e1·r!npmr nt rtan hii"l'rl pri mar1!I' nn rrrrril!i rin11! neerl~ rnuld h... t(pvrlnpt'ri that wn1ild 1nrlulie prP.'iPr v;ir1nn of ;i por- t10n nf tht h;i1 , thf' rt pnrt iia ys A rerrear inn-ririMitPd oro~ra m co u 1 r1 inr!UdP fl JTI Jni mU!ll nf his;:h-<lrns1t1• rt~l­ rlf'ntial hrimr~ 1n rln,<;p prnx1mlll' tn rrr- rPJ tinnal f.:ir1littf'S . 1t would fraturP rno- s1 n1rlif'll'I nf hntel~ lo ~ervt tnun.!'lts anrl a nrom@nade around thr> ba,· \\'11 h rerrtatirin a!! ;i key fa ctnr. artd i- t1nna: OOat bl>r1hs and l;iunrhini;: rimn.!'I ''"nulrf be avAil11blf' althou gh snme rlN'ri;t- 1ni;: anrl fi!lin,I! \\'rtt1lrl be n,tded to en- harire the proposP.f'I U.!'lt< !n a thi rd stc!i~n. the report nut!ints use! if urb3nizat ion 1J.•a~ lhl' pr~rtnmi11ant crmsid~r~l inn, Amt'm2 thel'P u~e~ \\'nulrl he marina". YRICht rluh.!'1. beach clu b~. bnat r,.nt al!1. :ir 1tnlf rni.ir"'· nrarin~-nr itntpd husi ne s~P~ ~uch a~ bna1 ~al e~ anrl marine harrtv.·ar ... hrit•ls andlnr mll!e l~ iinrl 11n ;:rn11~11r 01rk. alnn~ \\'1th ~tnrr11l commerical of- fices and pri\"at, hnme.,. Ocean Warnin!!s ' Up Along Coa st VellO"' \\'!lrn1ng flag~ grte\.ed th, ez:- pecled 7~.000 ~wimmerg 11! Ne"·pnrt Beach today A~ lifeguard.~ issued w11rn- inJ! again.st !ht increas1n-': tht,;,t nf ptrilnu~ rip litlt'~ Rip currenL~ C"a.n rft l"' su. 1mmf'rs far out In ~tll and bernm, d11nr:•r'1U~ 1f foup;ht "~:iin~I Th i"\' 1>.-ill prnl'l°ib l\' rnn llnne fnr rhe OJ'XI ff'v.' dll Y! tht n·~ul! nf rtr~n 1 h~.l\'V !'Uri. nH1r1a!-' ~a ld 11'11.~ mrirninz Tht ri p~ }Jn('] thp \'\"arm . 71 ·' t!Pgr,... i;s.•arer r<1used hfein.1.trrft. to predict 1n· cr"'"~d N'Srii t 11ctlons Tu t_\(']ay 100 rescues were mAdt ... Business as UsHffl The U.S. C'na!'t Gu;ird 11·as fnunded 181 .1cars ag11 today, but. fnr S<.·<i· man Apprentice .John ~1on t _gomery, stationed al lhe Coast Guard's farility in Ne\l"port Beach . it 11·as 1u~t another da y fnr scra ping paint fl·fontgomery "·as working on the anchor of the soon-to-be retired \ape tliggon when out photographer \l"Cnl looking for a commemorative photo. i Non-salary Issues Sent Bacl{ to E111ployes Cou11cil Teacher."' chargPs th;il there had b£'rn n,, agreement reacher! on non-salary t1ems be1n~ rl lSCU."~ed since l a st Fehruary "'ith lhe. Newporl-~le<;i school bnard representat ive proved tn be truE" at Tuesda~•s board mee l1n,c. Superintendent John \\", .~1coll no!erl !he ··memorandum of a g re e me n I · · be tween thf' 1eachers anrj dist rict had been returned from the Ora nge Coun1y Counsl'!"S off ice \V lt.h rev isions. Dr Nicoll told the board !h i' dnrument \.\'ou l('] be returner! to the Cert1flca1td Empln,vl's Council for more d i,<;c11s~1nn In crilling an imp;iss~ ln ne g0Tia11on, 1.1·1th the district \a st July 14. teache rs From Page I NEW HOMES ••• ln line. or their representau,·es, must be present. "Th,.y hal"E' roll call every morning.'' sa~·,<; Maril~n U>id,v, wh(l runs the :o;~lrs of fire Henry ~fc.\ulry r11me {ln\\-n frnm Arcad ia Saturda,· tn lmk at the mode ls Rnl'l b('('ame Number 14 li1.<; rnmp;:in1 J!' mn\·1ng to 1r"1ne 1odu5!Tli'~ Park In !he meantime, hriWE'\"er. he still ha .~ In ""flrli. ~o hP'.'< paying ;i kid frnm 1h~ Harbnr VJt"\V nP1~hborhond $! ;i.n hnur tn keep h1.o; pla cP Others arE' 1n the ,'>ame bori l ;ind ;i. Int of rh 1lrlrrn 1n t.h r 11rea are ca.~h1n.i: in, e11rn1ni;: hf>tll'P('n ~ cPnls and $1 j!'i per hn11r 10 hl)lrl ;:r prPc1n11s pl;iee in l1n r Tn11:P!her !hP R. r nu p nf r1P\erm1ncd hou~e11·1vti.~ <'·'ld .1n11ng mrrrenar1e . ., arP rnjo,vin R them~e lve~. spenrtintz mo."t nf thP1r time 1n the air cond1tinned sa les nf. fi rr · \\'e JU"'t talk. nr pl;iy c;ird~. ThP kid~ plav grime~. somr nf the girl." SP\\"." ,\1 r~ Kneubuhl said. "but mostly "'e ."it around decorating nur homPs in nur mind5 " Be:o;1des lhe man from Arcadia. "'here dn thest> people come from? ThPy're mostl~· !'ie"·port B" a r h reSJdents and curious!~·. more than half already live 1n Lu$k 's Hubor Vie"' Hills. \\"illiam Lu.sk . president of the eom- p;in,\·. takes thri t. understandably enou.i;:h. a." quite R rritn11e. "I can 't help but feel ver~' r 11n1 pli n1en1ed . Anybody 1n :in~· bu~i nr:o;.~ 11·hn has people standing 1n lin e \\'fluid hare to.'' he said tusk, pointing nu1 that ordrr~ ;iren't being taken earlier bec.;iuse S<11f11rd11y i.<; th~ da!t given ln nfltic,..s m;i1led in rf'(lp\e '\'ho had indicated in1e rest, 5ar~ he thought flf tryi ni: to cnmP up with a mnre sophi.~ticaled w11y of taking rr.servat 1ons_ "But thfiy seem to li ke it I.his way."" he sa id. "'People get to kno.,.,· each other. lt 's the damnde~t thing.·· ~!rs. Kneubuhl agree<1. ""'e"ve become OM big happy family." she s.11d. "We."d probably never get 10 knn"' each other It it "'eren"t for this." f.1r~. Grabn"·skl prllnted out. . busk 1ay1 th, aroup plans to spend thP nieht th"rP Frio"~·. ev1dent lv tn ltt any J'arly arr iver~ S11turdAy mnrn1n g k no~· \l·here tht 1r place is. "\\'e're gn1ng !11 f.t'ed !hem brt11kf11.~1 ·· Lu~k said. and afttr !hi'\' t11k~ thf'1r nrrltr~ he 11 !~0 has prom1~t'1° In ~l \'t them lunch Tht str.?onge Cflngrf'&,111nn dor..sn't Stern I.fl bnthP r the sa lts .'itAff In the It.a~!. ·~ nnted thf;" hn;:ird h;:id not ratified agree- n1rnt nn thr nnn-ecnnnm1c l!'!'UC.". Th,. 1m pi!.'<'<P 11rt1nn ;:ii~ c 1 t P rl •·per'<l."l enl d1.'<a.'!reemPnl" flO 5al;iry j.o;<:ue.'i Tr;irhers crillrd for ;i f11·p percent ("O'<l nf Jiving 1ncre;ise ;ind the hQArd allO{';i\erl ;i 2 2 prrc·£'nl 1nrrea"'e in the 1!171-72 dts1n<'t hudi;.:rf. l~nard n1e1nber Dnna\d St raus~ 0r ;\p1\rort Rr11rh Tue$rlay n1_1!:ht said he had rnntac1rd the f11ctf1ndrr namPrt hy lhe ;\ewport-1\1Psa EduC"allnn Assnc1atlon. nr . .lnhn Br1 gh!., a Cri!i lorn1a TPacher ,\~,nri~t 1nn );laff rnr111bcr. St1·11u<.s ~.11'1 thr tv.·fl had nnt ,\el drlern11ned .,.,·ho the 1h11·d rnt rnbrr 11f the in1p11 sse panel \\"nuld be I "ndrr C;il1fnrn1ri law. 1e;ic·hers nr a !'rhMI ci1,'<lr1rt may call fnr 11n imp11sse !'lllnPI \n invC<;\IJ,!fl11' area<; Of dis agrPe- n1Pnl. The lhrer-memi'wr p;inrl !hPn repnrL~ puhl1cl~· ln !he h<lard. [Is find ings arr not h1nd 1n,11: nn eithrr party. TODAY by NOT FOR INDUSTR Y o,·er Hf!'", of a ll d1iimonds fall :o;)l nrt of i::em ri11;il1ty ;ind are rele· g;ited to indu.'<tri al u~es ranging frnm !he precisi11n 11 ork of scien- tific labor<1lories lo heavy duty a~s1gn1nrnl.'i in c11 I field.~. The remaining 20~ of the ,1·orld 's rl i<iniond proW tion is subiected to further scre@in,1?. during u·hich they are c::ir cfully graded as gem stnne~. the only kind in "·hich u·e arc i n1rre.~terl . The d1an)nnrl s on <li ~r\a? in our sl101\(';1~e!' are p;"t ins1 ;:ikini::ly !<elect· crl by 11<: fnr th0~e 11·hn appreciate hi_i::h !<1yle ;:in.-\ exquisite f<i.sh ion. They 11re hi_i::h q11<1!it.y diamonds beautiful l.v cut and mounted to in- :o;qre la~1 1 ni: enjoyn1enl by their C1\1'ner~. \\'e al~n have le!'s expen-' sive slones \\·hic h c:ire still finest quality for the money. J\1any of our customers. during the last 24 years, ha,·e come back to us again end again ; and u'e like lo bt>lie\"e that personal interest in the lnrl ividuals nf our cnmmunlty Is no .small f;:ic-tor in this qul!e "''i· dent loyally. \\"e are proud of "-hat u·e sell. a nd tieri,·e a ~reel deal of srill~facjion out of kno,1·ing the peo- ple "'e ser\'e • What a Gas! Newport Fights_ S1nellyFoe By L. PETER KRJEG 01 ffll Delly ,1111 Siii! For longer lhan An yone I.here can -or cares to -remember, residen ts of 811Jboa Coves have been plague-d with 111 noxious odor lh11 l at times make!! Hie seem intolerable. Str<11nge gase:s seep up through the ground au (l\'f!(" the liny, private 1,1,'esl 1'cv.·port subdivision, Gasping residents hal'e com plain!'<! for years. but nobody has been <11ble Lo figure out \vhal to do about it. Nobody is even sure what kind nf gases lhcy arc. "We thin k it's 11 combina tio n of swamp gas (methane) and hydrogen sulphide," says Ken Perry, an engineer wnh 1he Ne"'IXHt Beach public wnrks depar1ment "ho's been assigned to try t.o do son1elhing aboul it. He explained the swa mp gas \\'Ould be raused by dyin_I!: vcgelation underground \Vhi!e hydro11:en &ulphide would be escap- inR from the petroleum cavitiPs left when lhe area wa s hea vily drHled for oil many years ago. • Perry noted th ere Is an established rarthquake fa ult through that imm ediate vicinity. ~ l "!t"s a branch of the Inglewood falrll ," he explained, "and we think the gases are coming up through it." 'rt ?' a While residents are up in "rms because no snlution has been found, they can't say nobody's tried . Effnrts to tackle the probl em began in earnest two years a_l!:o "'hen first an undergrou nd "collection 11ystem "' com- posed of perforated pipes 'A'as con- structed . An electnc motor v.·as installed to pump the gases nul , creating a partial \'acuum tn draw them up 11 JO-foot pipe built in a parking Jot along the Coast High-.1·11y. To compl ete the syslC'm, the gases i;s.·ere lit as they c11me nut the lflp, sending a bright orange flame into the air. The device didn't elimin;:ite !he pro- blem . Perry said. but it h~lped a lot. But then the dev ice dt veloped problems of its nwn . "F'irsl the corrosive i;:a ses rlesrroyed !he mntor ," ."a id t-1l ke .J nhn.~on, president nf the \Vest 1".Pwport Hnmeo\\·ner,<;' Assnci.<1 !i11n th111 ha~ r;i\lied 10 the rild nr Cn1'r!' rrsidenl s "Thry pui a ne1\' nnr in and wrilrr !'r<'prd 1ntn the va ult and shorted 1\ 11ut.'' hr sriirl On lnp nf evrr~!t11nc rhc. lhe ritv ~·un­ t 1n11:ill~ had In 1.:n1nr b~ In light lhf' f\;in1e again. in itsel f a rlrinj:!(·rnt1~ prnpn~1t1nn. ~n 11 hen the nintor hurnC'd flUt fnr ;:i ~l'­ ('{lOd lirne a h11l e. \\'hile bal·k, officials ll"l're JU"l about at a lo~s. They tur ned a1>?ain In J!eo lflgii·at cnn- 11ult rin1 r.rflrJ!e 7.ehal, whn hrid d1'61_1!:ned the C'nllcrtion .o;ys1rm in !he first place ":"nw ," 11ri ys .Jo~rph Devlin, city puh l1e "'nrk~ d1re<'lnr. •·we"l"e come 11p with ann1hrr possi ble ans\\'er . Or\ l1n ~;i~'S thpy 're J!nlnR tn fo rget 11hn11I lr\"ing !n ~uck lhP l!.ll~r.~ up lh rnui:h 1hP µ1pf'. u1 s1r11d lol11ng thrm filt er intri !hP (·nllrctifln \V~trm 11nrl lrt ar- 111n.~phrr1c prrs~ure frir re them tip !hf! e1cht·inch pipe. "(;eflr.i;:e h;i.~ rle~itnerl wh;:it lon ks like a hlJ,? ~p;:irk plUJ.! fnr the lnp nf lhP hurnPr to kePp the fl;ime 11!." Oe\•\in .o;a1rl. "All .!l n ~hoc!y h11s tn On In ~et it 11,;:hl l"d 0.1. ll Y J'ILDT SI U/ ,.~o ... NEWPORT 'S BIG BURNER Not So Etern1I Fla me "!1?<1in is ptu;h a hutlon," Perry e.t· pla inf'd •·lf !hts rtnrsn'l \\'Drk." Perrv said. "11'E'01! trv nnc,. more tn 11s f' a b)O\\:er, this limP nn irrp nf !hE' gr0und" ' If th;:it rln,,~n ·t rln 11. Perrv !'a.1·~ h11: riN>.~n·! knriw u•hf'rP 1n turn · CROSS Writing lt1strvmtl'ltl 111 1• ICl!"lt Gold Fiiied tir sw11..,.. w1111 1ttrteti... i.. th« '"'" "urw.• "*"or F'1nc11 .,. ,, .. 117 IXI Tl\t$.i ,,, •••..• ,, lf.00 "1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVlNIENT TE•MS IANKAMEtlC.i..tD-M.i..STE I CHAtf;I J~ YlA~S IN SAMi lOCATIQN PMONl 5~1.}4 01 Revenu e Sharing Plan Told \\'ASHINGTON (UPI ) The Civil Right s Comm ission belh!ves Congress should delay President Nixon ·s r e v enue llharing plan until states .11 nd cities pass strong civil right.! laws. including jail sentences rrJr mayors and governors whe practice racial di scrimination. Jn a memorilncfum to the House W11 .vs and J\1eans Com- mi ttee, the c<!mm ission prr>- rn~ed a nu mber nf ff'deral and !!tat.e laws In prf'vent st;i les and c1 t1es fmm us1 n,ll revenur shar1n,ll funds In discriminate aga inst minnril1rs. The rnmmittee Tue~ d a y recessed its cons1dera!ion rJf revenue sharing until Sept. 8, • • By Phil lnterlcmdi 1 E'Wh.11.l's so great a.bout 'Factory Air''! I thought th& air around most of the factories wu pretty bad." .,.,.hen it will aga in sludy Nix-------------------------- on·s plan lo distribute $5 billion to states and cities for spending on projecl! without federal control . The commission said state~ s~ould pass Jaws as strong as federal civil rights law s in the fi elds of ho using, employmen!,..-- vrilin g righ\5. public facilit ie~ a n d accommodations. a n d state services-before there ill revenue sharing. FDA U1·ges Funds F 01· Inspections -·---· 04.I L V PILOT 5 .. ,. _, 3 Steel Co1npanies Hil{e Costs Senate Gives OK lF°A'L'SETEETH Drop, Slip, or fall ? Fo1' SACB F11nd s Don't kHp worl')'ln1 •bout you.r ftlM teet h droppin1 t L tbt W'l"Olll nme. A deiitw-e adt-lv1 a.o help. FASTEl::TH•11vader11urn 1 10111· ~. firmer, •t.eadier hold, Mt kM eat· 1111 mote en,or-.ble. fot mon 1111eur111 and con1fort, UM t'ASTEETH Der:i· lt.crl ..\dhe1iv1 Powder. OtoUl.rel tht t ~l ire -nual to heal1b. SM your deowt ttiull!'ly. \l.'ASllJ'.\'GTQ,\' (liPI 1 The Senate ha s ~iven Presi- dent Nixon th!' gG-ahead 10 !n investigate 2.5 nrgani1at1ons for pnS.!i1 ble addition 10 th e[ list. PIITSBVnGIJ { fAPl Three more ma1or .~tetl 'irms haYe announced pri ce in- creases on almost every kind (If s\eel product, saying the boosts were needed to of(se t the cost of the new labnr agreement rC'ached Sunday Yllth the United S!ef'[v.·orkers Un1nn . A fourlh !iteelmaker boosrect price.!! (In go me selected product~. breathe new Jde into the,r ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•--·-•••,- Subversive Acliv1t les Control! Board ~SACB I. I Announcing the average !I pi;'reent hik£>s Tuesday were \\1 h r e 1 i n s-P1!1sburi:h a n d lnl<+nrl Strei Corp.-: , !he sixth Colonel's Trial Se t and .-:e\'cnl h ll!rge«t. and Otl ~'f\1 Lat' Lu krn« St I' e I l'o. of l l .I CnateS\'lllr , Pa .. r:in ked 14th Ka l«er 5!£'el announrt'd 10. FT .. \I E:ADE. :'\Id. 1A r i - c!'eased prices. effective tfl-.Ju ry srlection hcg1n." tnrl ay 10 da y, on .~eler\Pd trade and lh<' rourl-n1art1al of Army Col. tubula r products ar;d said it Oran l\. Hendersnn. acc usrd "'as studying boosts 6n other of failing 10 properly Ill· The \;;iwmaker.s \'Oled 4& to 44 Tuesday !n give the Com· mer c e an d .Justice departments $4.)0,000 to ex-I rand the SACB. Nixon l;;ist month issuf't1 an execut ive l o rder 1ra ns fe r r l ng respons1 b1h1 \' rnr the deluncl AtlnrnPy l.fnrral'c; hst of1 t:Ommuni.~t or ("nmmun ic;f- frnnt nrgan1z;i!inn~ 1n !hr. ~ArR Thr fm;;ird virtuall y lost 11.c; po11rr~ lh rnugh ii .!il!TIC'~ nf Su prPlllf" ("nurt t1rc1sions The h~1 wa.~ dr:i .,.,·n ur in 19.'l4 ;it !hr height nr thr an!i-Com- n1un1s1 C'ilmpa ign and has re- ma inrd unch an,i:::<'d i'\1xon ha.~ askC'd the SACS types of stecl. ves11gale the 1\t~· La I U S. Steel CArp., the nation"s massacre. 1----- largest, "'as the fir.!it. to an-Al !east five jurors a.re re-.~~~$=~~ nounce the increa.!ie11 Monday, qu ired for !be co urt-martial or hours after tht-basic. stl'el in-th" 50-ycar-0\d Indianapolis dustry settled on the ne w cnn-native. Henderson wa5 com- lrael an d fou r other majnr mander nf the I Ith Brigade of l'1Pel producers followed suit lhe America] Division al the I.hat da~'· time nf Lhe Marc.h 16, 1%8, 1 r-.1ranwhi!P, comp .11 n i es ma:.sacrc. 1''hirh had geared down in an HPnder!'nn i ~ acrused of ant i<'1pa11on of a slrike said ~·i llfully failinit to invrstiga!e -PUBLIC NOTICE- ~ 0 ~~non (;~~~ TV S~~~~yow~H!~K ~--IMPO•TA.MT-' pplloo 0~1v ,. C•,.,•I• "'IM!- •I IOwmPt •t. S• l"i.••• oOI , • .,.~ v•wr Medt l Nu'""' •ft~ C•ll U•. RCA COLOR TV ,,,, t1 l t 70 r.C"A Cnrf)i1111 tinri ha~ i\ll lhnfll Pd AIP.\\'A\' RADIO & TV 1n 111?.kP rPrt;:i 1n f;i rtnr." ch11 n2P~. rnrr,.rt1nn~ 11nd sall':l)' inspr-rttnn~ nn Cnlnr Sf'JS 1nld 1n the Bh<11e )'f'&r!i. Fnr \our ~afPI\• anrl "rffa re I! i~ impn nanf th11 t !h,.~e rhan~r~ hP m adP a~ ~no n 11.~ pcl!~lbll'. ThP rf' i~ "" t'haJ'J:,I': fnr !h i~ ~rn.•irP 11~ ii is br1ni::,-J'lll,id hy !hi" RCA Cnml'Jllln.v. nn r dnr~ i t mart,.r v.•hP re nr v.'hPnyot.c bnu!l'ht !hi" ~P1. C8ll .,Nnv.", "'" v.•1ll n,. ha ppy _tn ~el up Al\ a ppoinlment to do • tha 11·nrk 11.t your convPn ience. PHONE NOW! 540-4840 968-0530 962-6631 they "'ere s\nwly return1n1t ti.' repnrl.~ of the mass;icrP ;i;nd Ill \VASHINGTO:\! (UPI ) production hu1 "'erP laying off v1nlat1n,!?· a regula tion re- Hard-prcssed Food 11nd Dnll!'. v•nrker~ hf>cause of a lack of fl (llring the rernrling of actual AIRWAY TV 10925 K1l1~ Rivoc Ave., Fountain V1lley & APPLIANCES "' .... , .... .., • ·~"'' Ad m i nistratinn inspectors -~"'~'~'_'.'"~'d~e~r~'~· _______ _:•~':__'_'"~'~P~•~c~te~d!_:•~·ar-:__:c:c~;~m~e':'~· ______ __:===-----_'!~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~ average only one visit onre r· I E@ S! L _o f6~. ~ ~~c. LOVE IN FULL SWING Today's "Swinging Sets .. in 14 karat textured gol d. A. $595. B. $500. C. $4 25. D. $300. E. $250 . Others from $150. Man's ring, not shown. goes with an sets. S35. Ask about our dMded peyment plan. (~l•t• Atc•11nlt ln•l!o<t. ..... r1 ••• l >',rHI· l1n-•mH l<•nl 1n~ M•ll•r (~1r91. lot. SLAVICK'S ,J ,.\\C'l r r~ Sinct' l917 IS FASHION ISLAND N EWPORT BEACH -b44 -I JBO Op11'! Mon. a nd Fr i., 10 a .rn. to 9:30 p .rn . every six yct1rs lo lhe n;ition·s 60.000 focxl manufacturing and "'hnlesale plants, arrording lo F'DA Commissioner Charles C. Edwards. In teslimony Tucsd;iy before a Hou se c nm m r rrf' suh- cnmmiHce Edwards r;.:iirl his Siii million budgcl fnr f1elrl in- spcclions wnuld have In Oto in- creased nearly f1 vP !tmcs tn adequa tely inspe<"t all f nod proccs~rs <'ac:h .vf'ar. \\'ith an ~115 m1l11on budgel to send out a rorrc nF 1,000 in- spect.ors. the VP/\ could '"come 10 gr ips \\'ith lhC'se prn- blems," Edwards tnld thP suh- rnmmirtee, wt11ch 1.~ probing the FDA"s inspectinn sy!lli'm in the \vake of a Nf'W York man 's death due In botulism poisoning. Ed~·;i rd!I said somr fMd prO<'cssnrs tire inspcrlrd an- nu;illy by h1!1 2111 VD.<\ P:W:· aminers, who in 1971 harl plan· nrd 11.5.10 insf)C'r tinns unr 11 thr hnlulism case anrl n th Pr rmergcncir s caused 20 prrcrnt nf !he tr ips to bf' canel!l lrrl . "F~vl!ry ti me an r mrri:<'nry si!uatirJn or ;i n;;itur;;il rlisas!rr ncrurs," sil1d Edw:irds, "il is necessary fnr us tn :-usprnd flfanncd fond !nSfl<:'C'linns, SUS· pend p!annrd foorl 11nalyses ;inrj nur normal program oprrat.1nns.'' He sairl thal ;i fl er Bon Viv an1 's \'ichyssoise "'a.~ Jink- f'rl ln thP d<'a!h nf the \~'estrh~ter Cnunty. N.Y. man ;incf lhP r;ira!ys1~ nf his "'1fe, !he FDA P.xpenderl 125 man- vrars. nr ennug h l ime tn in- Spccr 2.300 fnocf p!;i nt.~ F.dwarrls :o;;iirl 1hat anothl"r 2.BOO pl11nn erl fOO<! anrl rlrug in- spections "'r rp rlrop prri durin~ 1he pa~t ei~ht mnnlhs duP In FDA in\'nlvement in l he mcrt"urv-1n-tuna proh1cm and nthrr "'Ork. B B's TROPICAL FISH SAVE 12~ NOW on any one of these products -1 llDl , ' ,;\: '• I•, 1 ~~ .. I _;....; f I a r--------1 I ,,.. ,.!~!,!, .. ~~~,,~~~V ~2~•M ""' I WIN one of these wide-open-spaces prizes GRAND PRIZE One Apache Camping Trailer, one THERMOS 9 cooking slove, two THERMOS lanterns, one set of THERMOS camping jugs, one THERMOS picnic chesl. 15 SECOND PRIZES THE AMOS pop tent campers. HERE'S HOW TO ENTER: SPE IAL PRIZE A to"'P'ete Mtl1111ers •1111••rl•"'· Jm lfli• tltl ~1 5.'9 'fl".l•I ~ow, will M r•M.4 •• AIHI• 211'11. ·c·-11 ••II •It• IP -•• 1"1"'"-• M• t•Ual'y. , products: Co10111e ancr Ultr~ Br.!11 TllOH'lp~sl•-5 O oz nr larger ib<11" end 1111p1 I "lllTl9 111'!d address 1nd send 1 oroot·Ol-purch•H•"' l•om 11 ny on"' ot the 1bov• I ·""' r""t ynu• """''" 111d 1dd•l.\3 011 '" r:iti.c ,~! !!ntry blank or on 1 01a1n c111t• or 011wir.i Eo th '!tn!ly muu bt accr:impon1t d by •nv on!! or the tollow1ng: e11d 1110 trom Cotg•1• D1nt1I C•!!l m or Ultr• Br1t1 Toothp111e fS 0 01 or la•ger). or coda numbe r l1om holtom el can. or ltb•I from co111e ol tn1 oth•r orodut t1 1lh15•ra1ed '" Jh1J ta, or by plt •l'I Pt oer 1ooro•h'"1111y 3"• !I' 0" wl'l •en on11 of 1he product l'l tmt.\ '' h1ndwtilll" rn 011:,. bloc-1e1ter1. M•il yeur l lllfY !n COL GA TE SUMMER SWE EPST -'KES, P.O. eo~ 759, Rosemounl, M1nne1011 ssou, !i•"tf •·• mony !!"trle t "' yeu wlsll , hut ••ch '"''Y must b11 in • &IDl'•lt t nvt l'lp•.' Ent"!!J musl b11 ooslm1rk1d no lt t1 r lh111 Sep11mbe1 l!\, 1971 1nd b1 r1c1lv1d no /1t1r ll'len SeDltmb1130, 1971. SPECIAL FOR OPENING 8 NEONS $1.00 AOUAltlUMS .-e· BEGINNERS SPECIAL l!:.-Pemce 10 tol. A1111••rt11•. Met.+r•-P11111p f l!'9f. C"-cHI, ~ ... lltht, H•olll. Chl•F9 s1 5 99 1 .. M9mtli•r. -4 t retllt fir I "°"· ,., • S21.J7_ CHECK THESE OPENING SPECIALS M•T••••M• "'·"~ L~'· .... .., °""' s1 oo 11111..,..,1, .... GrM~. A"'Mr. tr I I.,._ .... tk .... j ,., WONO•• WOOi. 41•• •••••Ill"' !Hr.rt) s11 s 11 01 ,ict. It ... •1 It c11••to•L 1111•• "' """' '' l"tM(•. 65t 1• Or Mo '" II~ l •ou•lt•,1•1. 1,, ~,,,,,_, tNt 38• ••l"lkt• 9' 1111lllt pllft,.. 1111111 e4 11!••-tl(I I'" ~ltfl ..... l'tt. , ::.~1:,:0 l •fN I 1~1 11<1 , I '""''· , &O• 1 190l2 BROOKHURST, HUNTINGTON BEACH • 968-8188 l&~~ll•ll•ltl-D1 VILLAGI SHO,,IN& C INTllt-NIXT TO .N ATIONAL lUMll lt I IHolw-11 Ad•-l Gorflt ld ' ol l!•th), or code numbers lrr.im 1h111 bo11om ol r.1n 01 l11bOJ.I l•om 11ny bottle ind receivP 11 J5e coupon hy m11I ou-., good o,,1y on C.11 11fo1n111 , Q1egon, Newad• I 1nd AF1 l On1 ONLY ONE COUPON OFFER PEi:l FAM ILY Will BE ~ONOREO. This a!ler '" 1v11il1ble 10 consumers only. Olle r 1s not tr1nster1ble or a~s·gnabla. I Oller e•pir11 Sept. JO, 19 11 . N1m•------------occc,,,.~----------I .Addr··· I Pril•n• e1 edver1i11d w•ll b!! ow1•ded O'l !h11 h•S•J or • b!lndlold dr1w1l'lg by M1rde"- l<8ne, Inc , lhes" d•c••lons "'" r.011. Only orit P"l" lo t tam•ty. -'11 1ntr1e~ become lh'l o•oc~riy ol th fl Co1a11'!t-Pt lmohv<t Comp1'ly t nrj """' wtlt b• lllU•"•Hl. All "''""''I Woll b~ nOl•h•!I by m•il 30 Ill y• '!tl!•r ,.,~ t lo•• (If lhf CO"llUI. City Sli t• Zip ___ _ L--------.1 ~----------~r-----, 124 ..... SAVE 12~ NOW 124 I ~~~ICIAL E~ BLANK 5wf •f)S!•~~l on11n to •II •!J1d1nl s ol C1h!orn ••. O•!oon, N ~v1d1 •nd -'111on•. £moloytltt 1nd 1htir !~m<11e1 ot Col11•l11·P1tmohvt COIT!P ll'y, ltl tir od~1rt11lng 11g11 nt1111 •11!1 tlll j1Jdglng or9~ni?t1ion ire not '!tlfgibl' To .,n111•. Sw11•P•1•~e• ~O•d wt1er1 proh1b1t1d b )' fede11!, Stalt, •nd Local La w~ ·en111egul111ont , I on lhe pucc h•se or any one or lhese P'Oducls, in anys;zo. 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' • • • . • > . • • .. • . . . • . • DML Y PILOT EDITORIAL P A.GE Some Bridge Is Needed It may not be a.n entire olive branch. but lealit a leaf or two from such a branch seems to be fluttering between Newport Beach and Costa Mesa over that never· ending topic, lhE. Paci/ic Cout Free~1ay route, The lel's·get-logether·ind-talk-it-over attitude \.Va sn't, to be sure. volunteered by either si de . But when the DA ILY PILOT asked two freeway committeemen in both cities-Newport Cou ncilman Lindsley Parsons and rv1esa Councilman Willard Jordan -if talks on such a toplc might be forth coming, the answer was more than a definite n1aybe. In fact. both counciJmen seemed anxious to see 1( some common ground could be found for keeping llnc~ of communication open. Frankly, we see. no way the two cities will ever reach rull accord on a Coastal Freeu•ay rouling -if it ever comes. Too many biller words have been exchanged and too many attitudes have settled into cement-like form . Bu t lhe lv.'n Harbor Area cities are in many. many ways a single community. Neither can. afford to be ignorant of the other's projects and plans. Neither shoul rl pass up any chances to cooperate on mutually beneficial o pportunities. \Vith or u•ithout freeu1ays, for one thing, their street patterns must coordinate. Llke some topics in a marriage, the frec1vay issue tnay be too tender to touch. But a free exchange on other topics and affairs is essential • OCC Blazes a Trail Because of its demonstrated leadership in the field of environmental education. Or!nge Coast College has been selected to be the headquarters for the federal co· ordinator of such programs in Western schools and col- leges. ing courses to train environmental resource, wa!le water treatment and air pollution technicians. The selection of Coast College for the federal co- ordinator's office means the ecology curriculum develop- ed at Orange Coasl, and that of two·year colJeges in Seattle. San Francisco and San Diego, \\ti ll be kept up to date with current d('velopments apd 1nanpower needs. But the real bonus \Viii be for graduates of the ecology progran1s \vho 1,vilJ be n1atched to available jobs by the federal coordinator. And. as 1he 1nomentum for programs in environ· mental areas gains, Orange Coast will likely be the set· t ing for regional conferences that \Viii place the college in the center of this important area of study. P rofessional P ay In more uiays than one, being a policeman isn't \\'h at it. used to be _ Today·s officers are highly·skilled professionals, \I' hose closest re~em blance to the old cop on the beat is perhaps they bolh have the sa1ne purpose in life .. a~d thev must risk th eir lives far loo often to accomplish it. • The change from flatfoot to a police science tech· nician has not come overnight, but it has arrived, al· most universally. And especially in Ne\vport Beach. It is evidenced here by the caliber of men. rookies, brought to the Ne\vrort Beach police department. The proof comes in n1any ways, but the consistently high class standing of Ne1,vport Beach recruits in the Los Angeles Po lice Academy is one good measure. 0 '.:S'i...........__ .... _f:.0,, ·:-- ~-/'tl1\i.lt. ,,,., ............. ~ The Harbor area community college u1ill open its new environmental technology center in the fall offer- And u1ith all this ne\v training. and the higher standards and higher risk required of a policeman, the pay must be commensurate. A starting policeman in Newport Beach, a rookie cop, now is paid $10,224 a year. He will earn it. N ·cwm, AUTOMOSILES-WHY CAN'T 1HEY LEAVE A MINK (~Tr, • Incident 01i College Dr•iv e Police Did Warn the Crowd Tn the Editor ; Recently. I wrote 11 letter to the DAILY PILOT in which I was !ht victim of chance. I wrote saying wba t pigs the l.osta J'.fesa police were because the Costa J'.1e.~a Tactical Squad broke up a large parity with a riot-type-control of dispersing the crowd. During the time the Costa Mesa police were warning the crowd lo leave, I aod a few other people happened to be in a place where v.·e could not hear the wam· ings at all. My com panions and J were rather shook·up. as one might say, when the tactical squad came bu mp in g through the crowd. My account of what was happening v.·as that a bunch of sadisl.'! were out to kill everyone in their sight. SO, WHEN 1 wrote th!! l!!tler J was misinformed aboul what took placl': thal night . As I found out later from other people "·ho were al the party. and of cou rse the nAILY PIUYf. the police did g1\·r "'amings l.n leave in l'Jdvance. J'n1 still not endorsing Ule police·s way nf handling the situation which was sligh!ly nut of control. In fa ct, I thought. these men were a lit.lie more informed ebnut "'hat's happening nowadays. what "'ith al! 1he rlemonstrating and riots. Thev shou!ri havl': known this wasn•t gnirig lo help the problem. Violence won 't snhe our real problem 8t all . The Costa f\1esa police should use less force and more intelligence. I bf>hcve tha t nne plainclothe~ cop rould have done a lot for that party by j!elling up on !hat platform and ssying, "lfp\·. Cl'Prybody. can you dig it, we're mo\·in~ !hr par!y to Orange County Fairgrnunds'' or "O'Nl'ilt Park .. or SOTTll': p!ocr \\'here all !hose people could go \\ 1tho11! buthrring anyo ne l>ul lhem~!ves. f hc>hevr !I 1,·ou have to resort to \•!nlence. ~mci'hini:;'s wrong in you r hrad. Pei'ICl' 1~ I.he only way to gel there, tnan. 1l really ls BRAD BOURGEOIS Olfkers Praised To 1he Editor· I read !he letter that you pr inted from ll young man who a!tended the "party'' nn College Dri\'e and I must eKpress my complete gra(Hude and thanks lo the Cost.a l'\lesa Police Departmenl for what they did do. Because of the utter din, pcrh.ap!! thJ~ )'oung man did oot hear the. warnings that "'ere given fn !he crowd to plt.ase dispe rse. The v.·ord "plea.se" was used and by an officer who was then knocked down. Verifi cation of this is easily Hvailabl(>. J do know this becau.~e I live on Colle~e Drive se.veral doors down fmm lh8 Marrows home and I rould hear the warnings myself . Thi': police: "·e re verbally firm but by oo me1111s • br11Lal nr h11ras.s1ng. \Vith a cro\\'d the siU" of lh11t one and obV\ousty nu! of CQnt rol . I"' police had no choice but !n m11ke lhe ir first priority !he protecl illn fll neighborhood home~ and families. fnr this everyone should be grateful. l>1RS. C. GI.EN HAI.SINGER A not he r \I le rti To the Editor: In reply to the letter from Brad Bourgeois fMaJlbo:r. July 23 ): Too many peopli! today !UCh 1a hi! revert to childish namttalling fpoliceman vs. pig) when they don't know "the other side of Quotes ~trt. Norma John1on, S. f'. , ecl,lllborbood yoot b •·ork leader -''Ont ef the hardest things for whites W acce:pt is Uli.,: if I do !Omtthlng good, Norm• Johnson did lt. Not 1 black woman." • Mai lbox L•M•rt from ,...d..-1 ••• wo lc•m•. Norm•llr wril1r1 11\o~ld convev r1111r m1n1111 In :io. ""''d' or !on. Tiit rltM ID (O~<l•n•• 1•11••• II Ill tPICI or 11lmlnH1 ll~t I• r111rv•d. All lt!t1ri "1Ull 1 ... dude tltnllu•• •n.ct "'•HI~• •ailro>t. but ft•me• t¥11V lit Wlllll\tld Oft flQUlll II tul!lc/1nt ""''" •• ''••roRt. ""'"' wm no! '--'u&!lll\M the coin·• and base their opinioni' on nothing more than hearsay. The party you mentioned was not just "overcrowded" -I e g a 11 y, it Wai' unlawful assembly (no perm itl. He said, In eflect. he and his "chick" \.ere minding their own business when he saw the riot squad dispersing the group and they split. Jn other words, what he is talking about mu st be second·hand in· formation. As for his parents, clid they set lhc kids on the roofs of houses? Did Lhey see them screaming obscenities and throwing things at the policemen'~ Did they ~ee I.he policeman th at was felled by a brick? Did they see I.hem try to overturn the car nf a little go.year-old couple that were return· ing from the store? l think not. How about the ratio cf kids versus policemen ? As a wife of a policeman, you may i;ay I'm prejudiced -but I was for la"' and order Jong be'.§.rriJ. husband became a policeman! By the v.•ay, re he anrf hi~ "chick" old enough to be there drinking beer 1n the first place? POLICE1\1A:-l'S \VJFE The 1\10. 2 I ssue Tfl !he Ed itor~ State Senator Dennis Carpenter's cur· rent nev.•sletter contains a pleasant surprisr. He announces lhe re sults of a poll or his constituents here on !he Orange Coast. The question he asked wa s. "\\'hat should the two most impor1ant State legislative priorities he this year?" Over 5.000 of us sent him our answers in the first V.'eek. Thi! rinat results are as fnllov•s. Per· rent I. Reducing Wl':Hare 52 2. Saving Environme nt 42 J. Reducing TaKes 35 4. lmpro\·ing Schools 29 5. Creating f\.1ore Jobs 18 6. Reducing Crime 14 7. Improve Health Care 4 8. Consumer Proleclion 4 9. No Response 2 The voters in one of the nation's most conservative counties have put the en· vironmental crisis second In importanCI': only to the welfare mess. Tl concems more than crime in the slreets, even mflre than high taKes. Senator Carpenter has . I think , gotten the word. But J'n1 afraid that many of his more conservative colleagues still feel that the desire for clean air and water Is some kind of Commie plot to depn:>:ss cor· porate earnings. !A his newsletter, Senator Carpent.er expresses understandable concern over the. price we are going to h.avt to pay for 1 world in which man and beast can coD- tinue to survive. He writes, "Jn considering all conservation and env ironmental contml legislatlon, your lewmaken; must have the determination to withstand the !':motional 8nd orteo popular demands for instant action while !hey gather and eKamine I.he • CQmplrx inlermlx cf scicnlHic data and !he ·pricl'' thr ?CQple must p11 y, in one mannrr or Another , lo achieve !hi': desired ~oal. ., How much arl': we willing In pa y'" No ~by pelicans tiavl! hatched ln California for nearly thrtt }'ear~ A fl'w more ,re ars 11nd they will bl': ~one. DDT ls doinR it but farmers right her(> in Ol"ange Count y have continued t.o use it because it is cheaper than other less hazardous pesticides. How ma oy pelicans are we willing to pay for a profitable tomato crnp? \Vhich price is the one that is too high? Our legislators need time to consider lhe price of our world's survlval. \Vhcn they finally present the brll , l hope. some- one is still left to pay it. It was nice of Senator Carpenter ln ask us, and I wonder ii he was as sur1lnsed by Orange Count.y•s determ1nat 1on to save the environment as I was. But wa1L until he polls his brand·new 18· lO 21·year· old constituents. They are even more in· terested in saving the v.·orld than "'e old folks are. They are !he nnes who are going to have lo try to survi~·e Qn il. E. L PAYNE Dongeron• Bikers To the Editor: I read with great intercsl ;i recen1 arli· cle . "Bikes v~ Autos." In 1h1s artic lr lhe writer stresses the nun1ber of children killed or maimed while riding bicyc les 1n aCCQrdance \\'Ith present traffic regula· tions. ll is very evident "'h.Y childrl'n are 1n· jured. in fact I wnnder why it doesn't happen more frequently. These IIagedies probably are not caused primarily by ex· isling laws, or by drivers cf automobiles. but because of the utter dis regard hy the bike riders o[ all traffic regu lal1ons. EVER,"l\'HERE 1Jne drives hr will see the following \1iolatJons · IWo chi ldren r.ri one bi ke ; riding vnth bnth hand!' iJ'I pockets. riding on the v.·ron,E s1dl' of the sl reel. cutting corners at lhe in· lc.r.~ections : not stopping. or evrn IOflk1ng, al "Stop" signs: not .~1i;:na!ling for turn~. and riding at nii;ht \\'lthnut l1j!ht~. Parents ignore U1e1r children·~ ridln~ habits and the police disregard the Iii'>'' infractions but woe lo the motorist who inJL!res one of !he riders. Riding a bike ls suf)posed lo be good !raining 1oward eventually driving 11n automobile. Probabl~· this is true ir I.hf' same regulations are Ob3CrVPr:f by tht bike riders that are enforced when driv· ing a car. However. lherP undoubtedly i ~ a high correlation betv.·('en bike rld1n,1t habits and the high insurance rates for young operators of motor \'Chicles. \V. A. YOUNG What Gno.rontee•? To th!! Editor: The owners of water front properly within the boundarieg of the Lower Newport Bay Civic District contend the rejection of high rise construchon would deny them an equitable return on their investmC'nL Al the District's Cili zcn!I Advisory Council meetings !open to the public) thry demand that 1he1 r speculatiVI': invest1nent.s be guaranteed. \Vhat about the:'!lpecu!ati\'e irJ\'c~tmen!s of the majority of the community~ They have all paid a premium price for their property, speculaUng that Newport Beach will retain its current character; th11l thls most un ique physical .!ietting will remain charming, residential, marine orlenttd, low-profile •.• and magnifi · cenl <-TIJE CHARACTER of Ni!wport Beach would be erased by 100 foot build1nss sur- roundins tht bay and the aesthelics of their property wiJI decrease. It rollOW!'i that the value will be depressed Who guarantees the current or ap- preciated value Of my properly? \Vbo guaranl~s my. spccvlalion in 1hr ex· traordinat}' enviroruncnt in which I chose 10 li\,e:' The cause to prohibil high ri.~e ovf'r Jr. reel does not inhibit proi;:rc$S . Nor doe~ pmgre!l:i n~essarily ha\'(' tn ch11nge. !he atmosphere of Newp&rt Beach. Progress cen be stl('ctive MRS. WI LLIAM L. STABLER Dear Gloomy Gus It's no wonder the youth of t.oday is alienated fro m the establishment V.'hen a citizen can be sentenced for an untidy trash can . -D. E. T~ll lt•turt t•llt Cll "'""' ¥itw1. Ml nt~111rll~ ll>O•• el I~• "''""''"· $tftd ~our ''' '""" I'll Oletm1 au\, ~,.llV l"llfl, W ider Seats For Buses May B e Ruse Gu est Editorial i ...,_,_ K , ' ' ,,,,, Would one·inch additional width of a bus scat lure additional riders away from private automobiles? The U.S. House or Representatives r\'idently believes it would. By voice vote, the House has passed a bill permitting buses 102 inches wide to operate on in· !erst.ate highways, unless the secretary cf lransportalion determined they would crea!e a traHic hazard. The limit nov.· on the national .system of freeways is 96 in· ches. The addilicnal six inche5 wcUld add one 1n('h to !he width of ea ch seat and t\\'O inches lo aisl es. Critics of the bill smcJ!ed a scheme lo permit larger and heavier trucks lo use 1he interstate system. Ugislation allow· ing "'irlcr buses wou ld be followed , they warned. by proposals to legalize wider trucks. But Rep. James Wright, D-TeK., !'aid the ooly pullX>se was to make bu.s I.ravel more CQmfortable and thus induce commuter~ to !eave their cars at heme. The 102.inch buses are now pennilted in soml': cities and on non·interst11te highways in some sl ate.!i. About 22,000 of the wider carriers are now operating, but because or the 96-inch restriction on in· lc.rsl.ate highways they cannol use tMse routes lo ltansport suburban passengers: lo the cities. Lanl':s on the freeways ar• al least 12 fl':f:l wide and Ol"ll': con· gressman declared it was ridiculous that !he widest buses are no! allowed on the widest highways in the nation. The Sen8te still must act on the bill. Should ii and the secretary of tran1porta- tion go along With the House. no im· mediate upsurge in bull patronage can be expected. Onl':·i nch more hip room will not cause Americans to change their tong-cstabli.!ihed habit of driving their own cars lo work . A mnre l"ffect ive way of en· couraging use of busl':s would be to establish exclusive lanes for these car· riers on 1he freewa ys. A passenger on l'l bus \vhizling by barely moving lines of priv11te c&rii at th!! rush hour wou ld likely bernme an instanL convert to mass transportation. -Portlud Orea:onl•• .---B11 Geor1e ---. Dear George: I have rud everything T can 1tbout the gl':ntratlcn gap but no solutlorr Is offend U:i my problem. I have 11 19-year-old nephew. How can I widen the generation gap between u.s? He ll'lill occ11slonlllly spe11ks to me. · FIFTYJSH Otaf' F'\ftyish · • . Tell him lo get a haircut. get a joh and quit using that gonfy slang. 1r he happens ta.be a hard-working. !!hort·haired chap with ·a food 1'0Cabulary, you tum hippie. Aerosol Sprays Are Dangerous The airwaves have been flooded for . vears with beguiling commercials for aerosol sprays "·hich hold together in every thing from a windstorm to a steam bath. But the l'\1adison Avenue message leaves this part nut. these sprays \\·111 become blowtorches in the presence of a flame, and the y con· lain chemicals which may sear the eyes, damage lhe lungs and weak en the heart. Hundreds o( mil· lions of these. rolor· fully packaged spray cans have been sold . But t.he manufac- turers have never de1erminecl v.·het.her the propellants. polymer.~. plasticizers, solvents 11nd scents in the sprays are sa re when con1bined . The propell11nl in most Cl[ lhf'se sprays Is 11 form of Freon. a DuPont product long used as a refrigerant. I~ n1akes up as much as 75 percent ol the ingredients by v.·eJght. WHIL E IT is kno"·n that FrC'on has damaged lhe hearts of test animals. and the subslancl': has been linked to the death of hundreds nf kids who inhaled it for a "high." the h11ir spray manufac· l.urers apparently ha.,.e nn qualms about encouraging you to spr a)· it around Jour head . Thr only hint the tru sting bu yt·r n1;"1_v i;:et Iha!. the spray Is flamm abll" 11nd nnK· inus is a fln e·print v.·arn ing on !he bark or !he can which cautions against gell ing it near 11 flame end spraying it in the l'}CS. New evidence of the dangers of the ~prays h<is now been gathered hy the Cihzen~ Advocate Office, a West Los Angeles product safety group, "'hich ha1 I •• ' . . : / J, J ack AnderSt)tt -; . !'' ',.,. ·-prepared a draft study of the sprays. THIS CONSU/\-IER group assessed 31 retail and beauty shop brands by price, weight ;ind labeling. In addition. they have established the chemical in- gredien ts of most brands. Here art their 1nain finding s: -Besi de s the known dangers; nf the sprays to the heart, there 1s reason to I.ink 1hem lo skin, eye, Jung and mucou1 membrane disorders. -i\'one of tl'ie 81 cans examined listed ingredients 1l)is. of course, n1akcs it ex· lremc!y dlfficult fur dncl.ors lo warn pa· l!C'nts \1'ho ha ve> rcspiralory. heart and skin ailmf'nts about certain sprays that mlght endanger lht'm. It al so makes it difficult for physicians to treal patients \\'ho have tnxic reactions. -Some of the 81 cans ha\'e no hcallh warnings, some several 1\'arnl11gs. Only 32 "'arn against letting children get nl':ar the spray, some 66 ""arn about possible eye trou bles. -The warnings on so me cans to .. avoid inhaling:· are almost uselcsS since 1t i' virtually imposs ible lo avoid brr_alhing the substance after spraying it on the head indoors_ Despite !he .,.anet y of exnllc name brands. many or the sprays are thr same sta11(111rrt lnrn1ula~ rnade bv B. F. C.oodrich Chcm1r;i!. Cu . 1\merchol , and • h;indlul of other cotnpanies.. This means that a 39·cent ca n ol "~t~•!e" m11 y be 1he san1c. or v\r1uall:,i !.he same. ai; a n1 ore expensivrly pa ckaged and pron1oted brand seJllllg for $3. Too Much to Enforce \\'hy can't WI': "be against'' some1hing withou t. wanting to fllr ce other people 10 adopl our view'? Americans seem lo ha1·e a g e n j u s for turn ing moral is~ues inlo legal problems and try ing to enforce matters of taste. 1 happen to be very much opposl'd lo bull fighting. and would not go lo see one. l would like to persuade other people that it is a grou and barbarous activity. BUT THIS JS A long way fr om saying thal I would try to prevent other people from attending or wat ching a hull fight if they wanted to. It is impossible lo legislate. or enfnrcc. mailers of !a ste and privale morality. We found il dis1tst.rous with Prohibition, and Are findin~ it equally so ""ith gambling and narcotics today. A group of humRne p«Jple t.hls summer organized to prevent the: closed-circuit showing, in movie theaters. of a bull fight In Spain . Bull fighting il'i illegal in lhe U.S., and the Televi.!ilon Code prohibits showing such e1th.lblts on home television. The group Is not s11tisfierl with this. It w11nted to stop the closed-circuit showing to affitlandOl!.!I who would pay lo sec it privately. And this. to me, i~ an inL fringemcnt of basic personal liberties. THE p u n I T " N ~\ORALITY in America still insists on turnin~ wh::it n1ay be a "sin'' into a "l'time.'' And that ~1mr· iy cannol he done. It ma}' be :1 ~1n !O gamble. to take dope, to en1ny watching \'IOlence 11nd cruelty tn 11nin1al~ -hut these. arc m111!er.~ bc!wt'en a man 11nd his Maker. no! between the individual and the clvll .!!ocicly . If all tht. boou In this country were ,(."'; ,_ "' ., ....... -·--. . Sydney J. '-;-: ••• 1 ....... _ .... ~_ poured in1o lhc ocean tomorrow morn ing, everyone would be a great deal better ofr. from e\•ery point of view. 1 personally would be happy if we dtcided lo do thi s. But JI must be done volun· larily. not under external compulsion. It Jr a mattt'r of chn1rc anri conviction, not or crime anri pun1shrnen ! Peflple ha ve a right to h<>_ v.•mni:, t.o be tastclc:;s, l'l'Cn to h;irm themselves. Ed· ucat1 on. nn1 lcp:i~lation . ls the only permanent and clfccl1ve "'ay to mak• people more fully human. --WWW- \Ve d n es day, Augusl 4. 197 1 The editorial page of the Doilt1 Pilot .stek.s lo inform and stim- tdote readers by presenting thit newspaper·, opinions and com.. ment.ary Qn topics oj niterest onrl s1q11if1ca11ce, bu providing a foritm for the eJprcssion o/ our rrarfcrs' npi111nn.s, and bu prrsl'nt1ng n1c diverse vitlll- poinu of in.fo rmed obsf'rv,r1 nnd spokes1n 1•n on toplts of the rlay. Robert N. \Veed, Publis her l y • I d l it • k y r • d ' g • • • I ' d I t ' ' "--_,." ,. . -· ......,; • "* ' • Costa · Mesa Your BometoWD • EDITION Dally Paper VOL 0<4 , NO. 185, 8 SECTIONS, 90 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 197 1 TEN CENTS Trustees Approve Breali for Mesa Taxpayers By GEORGE Lt:fDAL 01 ~ Dalt~ ~Ill! SIU! Newport-Mesa Uniried School Dis lrirt trustees declined to l<lke advanlage of a b?nd redemption tax windfa ll Tuesday rught <'Ind adopted an operating budget nearly identical to previous eslimates. As a result, taxpayers in Costa Mesa will pay five cenls Per $!00 of asses~ecl v1\uation less lhU year than they did last year wilh a total lax rale 11f 0'5118 pt'r $100. The sebool tax rate in r-;"e"'i>Ort Beach \\'ill drop nine cents to $4..69 per $100. The local taxes, when coupled \Yilh state and fed eral moneys, will provide £30.9 million lo operate elementary, mid· dle and high schools in the Harbor Arca for the 1971-72 school year. Board members vie wed the bond redemption lax ra1e decrease or more than 20 cents with considerable suspicion. .. I alJ very uneasy about the huce dif- fcrencl in the bond tn rate," board member Donald Strauss of Ne "•port Beach said. "I'm coccerned about its volati!l!y." Selim S. "Bud" Franklin, trustee from Costa Me.~a, shared the concern about the unexpected bond tax rate drop. "There are a lot of question marks in the county auditor's philosophy about what are ade- quate bond repayment reserves that af- fect the ra te." Superintendent John W Nicoll in- troduced a variety of budget adJUSlmenls the board could make, but cautioned 11bout plaMing on budget increases since t9e bond ta.x rate ccould go up from 12 lo 16 cents nex t year. The rate. once bond i:;sues are authorized by the board, is set by the coonty auditor, he noted . Thus trustees opted to stay within the 11-cent operating fund increase approved in earlier budget con!iderations. They approved lhe minor budget ad- justment~ but voted down a cent and one- half communily services tax rate boost. An eight-lenlhs of a cent levy lo support the Newport-Mesa share nf ll1e Coastline Reglonal Occupation Training program was approved by the board. hO\\'C'ver. T11·0 represntatives of the Newport Harbor Board of Realtors spoke during the hour-long publlc hearing on thr budi:et. Don I Huddleslnn of 1211 Kings Rnar1, l\'e \1•porr Btach, l1rged the board to h:ild the increase 1n budgeted expenses to · no Apollo Aims for • • more than five percent over last year." He noted the. dist rict expected only a 2.l percenl increa.~e in enrollment next year but had charted a 15 percent increase in the "total expense of education." Huddlesto n and r.!cnn V. t.fartin of 4307 Portland Drive, Corona del !\far, cited adminislralive expense increases In the budget tha t z.ppeared to be out of line. Frank lin noted it was difficult to com- pare a budget "drawn to meel aeeds of !See BUDGET , Page Z) Home Trip Called Greatest Exploration in History OA!LY P'ILOT SU!/ P'IMI._ HOME BUYERS ANO STANO·INS LINE UP AT SALES OFFICE In H•rbor View Hills, .e View Worth W•lting For • Ill Line ~ 'Land Rush' • Lit B.v L. PETl':R KR IEG Or !~• 0111, 1'110! Sl•ll \\'anl tn h11;.• a hnu~P 1n Jl;:irbo r ViPw Rldge, the la~L 40-l ot pJ01 1n Harbor View Hill5 ~ r.ct 1n l1n" But strp lo thP re ar. bclnnd snme 14 nlhers 1.rhn, rir~pi1 r an ernnflmy a.~ np- pressJvP a~ the hear. 1hesr d;i~·~. ha ve heen phy!'icall,v l1neri up. ~nmP nf them fo r a \\'eek and a hall, 1o spend a ~ much a~ $91.000 in the Jares! John D. Lusk anrl Son~ dt>1·t"lopmt'.'nt ;:ibn\'t'.' roron;i dr.l Mar. They ;ire 11 al ting. ?.1H1 no! mindin~ it a bit. for Sa1urda~' mnrnin~ when ~ale~mcn ha ve promised tn start lal..i.ng orders for lhe secluded 1ract. Whv'.' "W011! 5nmc0ody please tell me," says Mrs . Jame~ E\vbank , \\'ho's been there since a week ago Monday. and yet is (Inly .&econd in line. She's right behind r.1rs. Michael Kneubuhl. who had :!.'"rived moments before. was !old she"d havt. lo slay there personally to hold her place. and decidtd 11:he'd do just thal. Cd.-+! For Price in linr. or their represrntat11'e~. must be prPsc nt "Tiley hal'e roll c<ill C\'try n11Jrn1n;:." ~,1y• f..Y::irilyn IA.>1d:1• who runs the ~air.!! office , !-li:'nr\" ~fr."iul!y r:imP rin\.\'T'I frnn i Arcadia Saturday Lo Jnnk at the morir l~ and hectime l'\umber 14 Hi-~ rompan.1. 1.~ moving !n lrvtrn! lnduslriPJ Park ln 1hf' n1ean t1me. however, he still has 10 wnrk . so hf'·.o; paying a kid from !hr liitrhnr \'ir\.\' neighborhood ii an hour In ke"r hi:; placP Oth~r!'> arf' in !hf' s:ime hoal and ;i Int of children in the arr:i ::ire rashini:; 1n. earning between ,')() cents ;:ind $1.7.'i per hour to hold a precious place 1n line. Togcther the gr nu p nf determined housewives 2lld young merccnarie:; are enjoying themselves , spending mo st nf their time in 1he air condit ioned sales of- fice . ··we just talk. Pr play c::ird.~. The kid.~ play games, some of the girl.<5 sew,"" :Mrs. Kneubuhl said, "but mostly wt sit around (See NEW HOMES, Pagt 21 By United Press International ThP. Apollo 15 2.stronauts he:aded Jor hnme today with the most precious scien- lific cargo the moon has e\'er yielded. The verdict of the long future may be lhaL their 12-rlay, $445-million. 502,000- mile round trip tn the moon "'as one of the greatest expe<litions in the history of science. Be that as ii may, the three astronauts 11board the Endea vour carried these priceless things: -Pieces of what may prove to be the primordia.I. surface of the moon formed at I.he solar system's birth some 4.6 billion year1; ago. -The first. sa mple.~ from a lunar lal'a fin\.\', rich in clues In !ht violPnt innrr turmoil of lhe moon before 11 cooled about 2.3 billion year.~ :1~0. -The first cores or lunu ~ubso1l taktn 11 the depth of eight /eel. -Film s shO\\'ing detap.~ nf 11 ncient luni:ir rcatures and or !hf moon's current lnpography never photographP.d bf!fore. As Apollo l:l circltd the moon for !he sixth and la!t. day, David R. Senti said to- day ht 14·ould like lo stay Lhere for weeks galin& at the: "mind-bogg ling'' lunar le.byrinth far belo11.·. "I just wish we had morP. time because. believe mP., there 's an llll'ful lol to be seen and done up here." Sco!t said he and his twn colleagues were ll\\'akened lo the tune of the opening theme. frtJm tht. n1ovie ''2001: A Space Odyssey." Before firing thcmseh·e~ out of lunar Mesa to Huddle With Developer On Apartments Cnst;i Mesa 1s joining Ne14•port Bearh in opposition to ;i Hughes Air \l.'e~t rP· que st to start flights from Orani:e County Airport lo San F"rancisco. "\Vr jus1 sent a telegram In thr C1v1l Atronaulics Bo;ird noting our op- pn~itlnn ," Councilman Jack Hammett sa1d this morni ng Newport Beach has also no!11led tht. CA A of i1s opposl1inn. Air West. w:int~ to slarl flig:hlli 1n com- pcl1!1on with Air California which ::ilread,v ha.~ a San Francisco route from Orange County "That will simply add four je! ftighLs a rtay to our airport .~erving !he samf! market." Hammell said. "We feel l'-'e're alre;idy serve-dwell by Air Californ ia." ··we would not oppose flights to a new m:irket. but this request is for the samf! .area ;ilready covered." CAB has not set 1 bearing on the Air \\lest request. t1rbit late toda.v, S\oll, Alfred M \Vorden and James B. Irwin were lea ving behirid an SO-pound salelllte thN "'ill circle the moon for a year, monitoring radiation and magnetic rorccs. But today marked Lhe end of manned lunar exploration until Apollo 16 sels out ~1arrh 17 on a mission as ambitious as Apollo 15. Scott told ground control at Houston : "As we go around in lunar orbit here I Caspers can look dO\\'n and I can ju:;t spend weeks and \\'eeks looking and I can pick out any number of superb sites down there which would take you se\·cra! weeks to analyze Ofl the surface." "There's just so much h<!re, to coin a phrase. h's ·mind-hogg!ing'.'" This 11•as a low-key joke, since .. mind- OOggling" was the term Scott used to describe his impression of Lhe moon on Apollo 15's arrival t.h.ere le.st Friday. Fontes Supe rvisor Flll)'S Blabber1nout1ts Sy JACK BROBACK the press-H~ satd II so. he objtcted to 01 "-0.11~ ~11• ''~" 1uch a policy as past president of the Fifth District Supervl1or 'R on I 1 d Orange County chapter of Sigma Delta Caspers of Nrwporl Reach !oday advised Chi. profe~sional Journalism society. Oranie Coonty departmenl heads to drop Clark said Iha\ that wa! not hi! their "wide open mouth" policy to11o·ard purpose but he was concerned, "that the the pre:M •nd reply "no comment'' to querita more oflen. press knew about lhl.!l before we did.'' Caspers, obviously netllea by new s Smith replied that the Information was storie.' concerning his aclions, said obtained by direct questions lo the ad- •·there are time!\ 11•hen I have found it minlstrative office and that it was not necessary to say irs none or your God v(l/unteered l(l the press .. da mn business .. , At rhi.!I poinl Caspers joined lhe Casper1· remarks followrd a s1 al ement discu~sion saying, "In the six months I by Supervisor R.alph Clark of An aheim have been in this office f've become very concerning a news story In today 's edi-cnncerned about things !hat I have heard lions of the Los Angele.s Times on the P.f-about in the press for the first llme. This feet of salary cuts nn the counly·s e1· causes con rusion and !he wasle. pf panded drug abusP. program. valu;ib!e llme running down the 1n- •·1 am concerned aboul the program formation. and also aboul !ht fact the press .,.,·as told "I <1skcd that department heads .and of possible budget ;idiustments beforr !tie rmptoyes refrain from running their owo super~isors were inforined," CJ::irk rum-publicity departments and lo refrain eel frnm suC'h ::i wide nprn mouth policy" The Times story said C'(lllnty i;irl-Caspers sa id he recent ly "almost Ins!.'' mlnistrativl' officr aide..~ had sla ted that the Upper Newport Ba y \vlldlife preserve a SZ,000 p('r po~ilinn s;tlary cut on all new prnJet t hecause of a news story rounty jobs during the coming year "I was quoled as saying the Secretar.v would severely hamper thP. drug abuse nf rhe Interior wa~ ~oing to de clarf' lhP pro~ram. arPa a wildlife_ preserve bu! J nnly said TimPs litaff memlX'r non Smith. whn th;i! I !hought the secrttary "'nuld wrote the stnr.v. a~ked Clark 1f be thought "Th is rausrd the Jrvinr Company t11b- county news source.~ shoold be. closed to !See CASPERS, Pagt !I * ~ * ~ ~ ~ Supervisors' Budget Cuts May Cripple D1·ug Pla11s By JACK BROBACK 01 th• Otll'I' 'H•I l!tlf Orange County su pervisors In lhelr eagerness to cut thf! record 1242 .2 million county budget ma y ha ve severely crip- pied iUl apprnved 1910,000 drug abuse prowam. "I want a view hou se." Mr.~. l\ncubuhl declared. 11 reaS(ln echoed hy most of the others maintaining the vigil. "j was prepared rnr this," she said. ~Wha1'5 two "-·eeks out of your life to gel 1;o melhing you've pJway~ Wl'ln1ed ." r.1r~. F.wbank 11•a.sn·1 planning In park herself !here. but decirlPd l\hC' mighl as well stick ;iround In 1n5ure her femily "'QUld grl the larger h<nL~c ;ind the lot they want. Mesa Studies Joint Bid Dudget analysts in the co u n t y ad- minlst.rative. office sald a slash nf $2,000 per perMn for each of 2!3 new position11 countywide ordered by the supervisors could limit the drug program st.affing to thret> months. But County Administrat.1 vf! Officer Robert Thnmas cast a ray of light (In the problem. HP. !laid it might be possible to ust funds from the federal ~mergency Services Employment Ar.L "\Ve've got them all picked QUI.'" Mrs. l\neubuhl said, "I've had mine picked out for months." When on that Monday mornlng 11 third buyer. ~1rs. Edward Grabowski, arrived, they decided they'd better set up some rule.s. They sel 10 e. m. tll 5 pm., the hoUrs the sale!I office is open. as the time those HARBOR SCl-IOOL A IDE GETS POST A co~!a Mesa wnman lorlay was elec!- NI ~tale secrfti1ry ol 1he Callfo rniA School Emplo.ve5 A~Mriallnn ICSEA f durinJil th t 45th sti:i le conference be1n11 htld in I.ti~ Afl~l'lr~ .\1 r~. ~iarjonr H::i1nr~ nf 1771 ~lnnrnvi::i }.1·p .• is ii per.o;nnnl'l A-\s 1s111ni 111i1h !he Ntwport -Mesa Unif!Pd School 0J$lric L Five-city Arrange'?1ent Eyed for Cable Television Cosla Mesa c1 l.y nrfir.h1ls havp :i.i;rerd to study lhe potential of a five-city. joint powers .11rrangemenl for cable television . The plan is to link Costa Me!a with Newport Beach. Huntington Beach, F_.jun- tain Va lley and Westminster on one cable. television network. Cable television tom- panies currently apply for permils one ci· ty al a time.. Councilmen Monday ni(ht authoriz.ed City Manager Fred Sor1abal to contact the other four cities 11nd participate In i:i thorough 5tudy of the merits of the idea. The joint powen1 agreement doe:o; not authorize the Jiiigning of an y ca ble television conlrAcl.~. but allows the five cities tn delcrmine 11·h11t t vpr.~ or franchi~r!I 11re 11va1lablf and 11·hat re,i:ula - ttnn5 can be r.~la bll~hNt i\c"'JIOri RcRc h ha~ no1 yel ll.1gnrd rhe join! powr.rs 'lgret.ment f(lr rurlilcr study , but h::is parllc1pi:i1ed 1n 1111 prehmin11ry studies. It 11 Lhe only cJty of the five th at alread y ha ~ cable telev\11Jon servlct (two,. companies I. ln ht.ci report to lhe Costa Mt:sa OiWlcil, Sorsaba:J listed lO ~advanL;iges for a Uve:- cily cable television network : -Uniformity of • cable development. -Inter-city connection for schools and public agencies. -Potential for cooperative fire and police c)1.ining !ystems. -A 'ingle. studio facllity could allow 1 more sophisticated facility. -Callectlve negoti1tlng strtngth for 1 wider rAnJ:e of servicts 1t lower (O.Bf.. -Collective strength to bring new ~crvices morr rapidly, such .1i. compuler servicel'll. -Collectivr research wlll pmvidt Jirej\ter knowledge for recommcndA ll<lns on 1nslallatlnn of ciiblP fari\llies. -Common channels rould be used for trii1n!ng .llnd educatlonAI pmgr11ms. -City aovernments and 1chool • could m:1kf grealer demands ror sl.11tion time. rather than accepting just what is offered by the. cable cmlpiny. Sor11bal aald there would itlso be ad~ vantages for the. cAb le C-Ompany such as reduced costs for building one facility to cover a bigger are1, more consiste:nl oon. trarts In tht entire area and a reduction in ordinance& the company would have to com ply with. No tlmt limit ha& b!en !!el for the St.Udy, Cable televlalon has recently evot1Jtd further than ju11t tt meAn11 of bringing clP.ar plcture11 to an area with poor ttlcvlslon rtcepliori. In t\twport Bearh, 'ht cablt rnmpanies bmM!cA.!01 each mP.cl ln.i: of lhr Ntwport Beach City Councll . Other polenti11I U~f'~ include hook-ups to poflce and firt tlepartmentll fnr emergency systrm~ and lo 11chool1 for 31. OOmr. cuursts and tduca· tional programs. The boaid appropriated $1 million for lhls program snd the fed eral government is lo provide 19 million. Budget aide! said Tr relief Is not found the e1pansion of the melhadooe main- tenance program could be hit hard. There are now 200 former heroin addicts oo the program .and ~ were to be added. Also hit by lhe Ct.It will be paid direc· tors for 1ix new community drug clinics, the budget expert!! fear. • Not tt(fected Js expansion on the detox· lflc"Uon program at the Orange County Medical Center. It will not go into full operation until October because of the need to traln workers. fifth Di!lricl Supervisor R on • I r1 Casper! of Newport Beach. who hArt pu~heri thrnugh tbe dnig abuse project. 1111id torl11y thAt hi': had not. been 1ware oC I.he effect of the gaJar)' cuta. • Dr. Leon T Silver. a geologist from California Jnstilult. of Technology. took 1he. microphone at mission control and told Scott and his colle<tgues they bad do ne .. a lovely JOb." "You just don't know how "'e're jum- ping up and rtown here,'' Silver said. "1 hope some day ll'e can get you all up here loo." Scott replied. "I think we really need ln have some good pro- fessional geologists up here. (See APOLLO, !'age %) House Passes 2-year Draft; War End Urged WASHINGTON (AP) -A lwo-year draft bill urging Pre.~idenl Nixon to ocgolialt a ·final date" for I.Ota! U.S. withdrawaL., frorn Indochina was p&Ssed by the House today and "-'ent to tht. Sena te. But antiwar senators said they will not even have to conduct a full blown. filibuster to block final enactment before September. Jt "'as the House 's first vote even for imposing a congressional stand on ending lhe war, although previous proposals had lost by ever narrower margins. House Armed Services Chairman F' . Edward Hebert ID-La.), says the lndochina 11·ar Jangu;ige wnrked out by Hou~e-Senale conferees "will not tie the Pre!;idPnr.·s hi:ind.s." The House, by ~ver narrower vote~. has !urned down all previous war-pullout measures. The draft bill's lp.nguage urges Presi· rlenl f'ixon to negotiate a final datt. with Ha noi fnr ;i ceasefire and total 1.1.·Hhdrawal of J; S force~ from Indochina in return for release of all American prisoners or war The narrowest House rejection of .'!Uch 11 proposal was the last: 219-176 refusal !o accept the Senate's original amendme nt set Ling a nine-month deadline on the U.S. pullout. Sen. Alan Cranslon (0-Ca\H.). said Tuesday he and Sen . Mike Gravel tD- Alaska J. will easily be abll to block Senate dralt action until Congress begim a month-long recess Friday. "It will not take a f u I I - b Io w n fi!ibwter," Cranston s;iid. He 11lso said antiwar senators will be able to filibuster the draft bill indefinitely after Congre.ss returns Sepl. 8 if Senate DemocraUc Leader Miki'! Mansfield suppor~ the.m. Orange Cout 1''enlher Beach temperatu res will bt 68 with lnlanQ. mercury al Tl -but those are J{isl the overnight lows. Daytime highs will be 7~ and 94. Sunshine: 11.·iJJ prevail "'l\h tome high clouds. INSIDE TODAY Ornnge: County hM rtctivtd a $720,000 fedttrol grant to help deve:lop a police radio ayst'tm uio rthy of Dick Tracy. See Paga 10. •••lift• ,. C11U•,111t J Chtt_n,. U• 1 C1111ll!.. U•J' Ca"'lt1 !1 ,,.. .. _ti " Ott!~ Nt-lklt 11 Dl"t•CQ 11 Edl19rlol •••1 • e~i.rr11n .... 11t ,,,,, lllft•ltC• "·'' tt& ... t(-11 "'"" Lll'ttlt ri t-M•H..,1 • Mtrtl ... LJc•llMI lt M0 .. 1•1 l+N Mvtull l'll!Mh 1• N11!9!!1I Ntw• 4-J °"""" ,_,y ~,, SYl•!1 ,.., .. , 1• ,_" ,, .. sre~ft M••••ti u -11 T1 lev1t .. 11 )II T~t•l1n t-.U W•UPttr 4 w111i. w 1111 17 W-111'1 H•-. 11·1' W11rNI H-., ... / ' I 0.AJL y PILOT c Developme11t qui: Eastside Mesa Still a Problem Btll TERRY COVILLE &1 """ "l lh ~Ii.I Sl11f No one. has yt t solved tht prnb!em o! how to develop variolli pittl'.s of property in Cost& Mesa's older easts1de sec\ion. ~ city council '-''a..5 asked Monday to allow constructian of a duplex at 250 Cogt.a Mesa StrMt. an arra spotted v.·1th aingle homes. duplex" and triplrxes. The council neithr:r denied nor ap. proved I.ht request. despi!I! a planning attJf r~ommendation tha t all new developmen t in the area shou ld be Slfli le family home.5. W~ad. counc1lmM delayed action 30 dAy•, indicating that 11 the applic ant bl-ought in nic~ plans fo r a duple1 1t mi&ht be approved. The ne:z:t day, the applicant withdrew hi!: bUJ..ld1n1 request anyv.•ay, not want ing Lo immediat.ely rework lhl" plans. Sevtra.J similar requests f<lr east.side property ha ve been before the council the past few mMthg, They au point up the difficulty the CflUl1ci.I is havin& with the easl.5ide area. Police Hold Beach Man For Drugs Orowsina; 1n his car near a nigh tclub discU£~ by ci ty C()uncilmen A.!i a trnuble gpot 24 hOur.!i before , a. Hun tington Beach man was arrested early today on felony drug charges. ~ichard K. Rnth, 21. of 8135 Wool burn Drive. was booked on suspicion of possession of dangerou.!i drugs after pc!lice confiscated 2.3 packets of suspected cocaine. 6ff1cer Owen Kr4!za sa.id he checked Ro th's car about I .t.m. in the 1700 block of Plac:tntia Ave Queslioned about weapons. Rn! h reportedly took a knife from his bont and r;urr~dered it. after 1,1•hirh the paper bindles l"lf s~pe:cted contraband 1,1·ere found in his pocke t. City Mana&er Fred Sorsabal 111 cur· renUy preparine a sludy of 1nridenls re-- quiring police r!!lalive In F'innigan's Rainbow Ind Earth. a similar dance spot on 13th Street. City Councilmen called for such action Monday night. after bringin11 up the .!iUh- ject two week! earlier based on fre- quency of assaul!s. narcoH•s ca ses and other problems mentioned 1n optn liession. College Budget Hearing Slated A public bearing nn lbe $23.m .906 <:oast Community College. District budget proposed for fiscal 1971-72 is ~heduled for 8 o"c\ork tnnight in d1~tr1ct offices, 1370 Adams A\·e., Costa :\tesa The propnsed hnal bud get 1nclud~ S90 .. \J7 1n expenses not ~hnw11 in earher draft.!. blll con1lnue~ tn prO\'idl': a 20-cent dtcrl':a.se 1n th!': pro ~rt \· t.aI rate The tax ra!f' requ1r('r1 tn suprorl the district which str\"t !l Cn~ta ;\lt$a. ~ewpor l Bearh . HW"!1ng1nn BtlH'h. Foun. ti1n Vallt.V \\"esr m1n~tf'r and s~al 8e;1JCh, ls erpec!P.d 11) be f.9-cents p<"r $100 of 11 sr,ts~d valua T11ln. !his yi>Rr OlAHWI COAST DAILY PILOT 01..t,WGE C04lT PU&L!hlll<IC. C0M"-'WV ••btrl N. We1d P••.drl •"" Pue•h,.... J 1tk l. Cu•ltY voee , .. .0..,1 ,,.. C-11 M'"'"' n,9,,,,, K.1wil l!G•IOO" T~e,.11 A. M u·p~;., "''""''"~ El•"" C~1•l11 H leo1 •;c~1·d '· N1lf AH 1lll• M 1~1••"tl l••tetl Thert lS no cltar cut pattern of dtvelop· mf'.nl in ~t. Richard Dahill , 11 c.1ty p 1 a. n n 1: r , prest nted a report r..1onr1a.v on !ht pnrlion of f!astside affected by !he duplt!x re· quest. The are" covered 44 acre! from 19th Strf'e! to 2-0th Street and Oran&e Av~nue tn Raymond Avenue. Jn britf hi! report said · -Tha l 72 ptrcen1 of thP area 1s nnw R· I I s1n~le family I or church pro~rty. -That 90 percent of the mull1p!P fam i- ly buildings 1,1·erf! bu il! btfort 19~\ 1,1•hen lh e council chMged the 11.rea 's zone lo R· I. -That 20 perctnt of those mul11ple family buildings 1,1·ere C'flt'\Structed b,.fore 1953 v.•hen Costa Mesa fina lly became a city "In other 1,1•ords." said Dahill. "l\'e"re trying to sho1,1· that the recent tendency In the area has been to1,1•ard R-1." But councilmen pointed to a number of duplexes near the proposal and said a good du plex pl?.'l could be allowed The east.side area has been a prnblPrn for some ti me. beCf!ll.'Se many of th!! nld hnmes are now being sold. torn doll'n and new builders v.·ant to put up new struc- ture~. Six month! a;n. the coun cil tabled a highly conlrovers1al ea sts1de study made by the planning comm!ss1nn . That 5tudy emphasized the old commercial strip 2.!o ng Ne1,11>0rt Boule\•ard, but also took in the residential are;is. The studv recommended the f'ventua l turnover 0°1 tht commercial land 1nl!J multiple. family use. v.•ith mult iple family ex tending east of l\"e1,11>0rl Boulevard. but at decreasing density. A large group of property 01,111ers sur. ~e<itd in getting rhe council to kill Lhe study. Since then. Councilman William St Clair ha$ even had the city remove copies of the. study frnm the planning dl!p11 rt· ment so it v.·ould nol be referred to. The. city ha.~ no t made any com- prehensive survey of !he flrea since the death of the eastside stur!y .\·lond ay. hn1re ver. Council man Alv in Pink ley complimented Dahill for his small study of the area surrounding the duplex requl'st and fror th i-n\"trlay map v.·h1rh clearly defined 1,1·hat exists in !he area Cnunctlmen. ho""t\'tr. 1tnorPd Dahill'!i 1'ugges!1nn !ha! the dupltx refiUl'~t be denied. The action. 1,1•h1!e not cnnclll~l\·e . underlined the confusion ex isting in the e2.sts1de sect1i'ln . !\1ayor Robert Wilson shocked hL, mat.f's a hil by concluding · ''The day ma y come when this council $ets mobile homes pl.iced on R·l properly on the eastside of to\l'Jl." Fron• Page I NEW HOMES ••• decoratm g C'IUr homes 1n our minds." Besides th e man from Arcadia, where. do these. people come frnm ? They're mosUy Ne"1>0rt Be a c h res.1dents and curiously. more than hillf already live in Lusk"s Hz.rbor View Hills. \\'illiam LU!k, presidenl of the com- pany, Ukes that. understandably enough, .t! quite a tribu1e . "I can't help but fr~l 1·ery cn m- phmented. AnybMy 1n an.v busine~s \\"ho has penple standing 1n lin t "'ou!d ha\ e to ."' he. ~a id. Lusk. pointing nut that l"lrdPr.~ ;1Jrrn't bein g 1akrn f'ilrlier btt 11use Sa!urd il.\' i.~ lh!! tia1e g11·en in not1ce5 m111led tn pl'nple v.·ho h11d indic;1J!ed 1n!f'rest. ~.:iy~ he thn11gh! of tr~·1n~ In cnme up 1,1·11h ;i mnre snpht."!Jf"t!IPd w~.v nf T;ik1ni;: rt'SPrv;:it 1nn~ ·Rut thf'v ~erm to l1kf' 11 this 11 ;IJ\ ... he s;i 1d "rP(IPle ge t In knnw each othe r Its lhe damnde5t thin~·· ~lrs l\neubuhl a.crePa . "\Ve "vl'. become on!" !}];.: happ_v famil~-," she said . "\\"e'd probabl:< np1·rr ~e! to knnw ea.ch nt.hPr ii it v.·eren't for thi~... ,\irs. Grabowski pointed n11t. Lusk says the group plans to spend the nisht 1.h!!rP. Frida.v. evidentl y ICI le! an y early arrivers Saturday morning know ""h!':re the ir pl,11ce is '"\\'e're going to feed th em breakfast.'' Lusk said, and after the}' l.1ke thl'tr orders ht! also h11s promised to gi ve them lunch The str3llgt cnngrega tion doesn 't seem to bother the sale.i; ~taff in the least NAIA P~ei. out c0mbina1ion umbllica\/tether line and monitor the operation, 1\"hich is f;Cheduled to be televised to earth at 8:44 a.m. (PD'fJ Thursday. SPACE WALK -This is ;irtist's conception of ho\v <1slronaut Al \Varden 1left1 v.1ill retrieve film cas· settes containing photos of luna r surf are frorn :\pol In 15 service module. Astronaut Jan1es lr11·i n \\"lll play ~~~--'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f'rom P11ge 1 APOLLO ... "\'ou zJl v.·ould JUSl really have a field day. There 's Just so much to be gained here ." Before the lun ar breakawa y for splashdo1\'n late Saturda.y 328 mll l"s north of Hawai i, the astronaut.~ conducted as murh sc1ent1!1c inve $!igallon as they could cram into their fina l orbits. One of the photogr;iph lr; targe!s this mnrn1ng wa.i; Aris1archll.~ Plall!au ;ind a sni?.kelike 1·atlry c;:illed lhe \obra HP;id The. astronauts also used their p<1111>rful telPscop1c camf'ra to photoj1'raph Tran- <111 1l1t~· Base. landing ."1le nf the Apolln 1 l n11~ston -man ·s first \'ISJl to the !unar surface. !n add11inn, torla .1··s ."cbrr1ule callPri fn r phol0Jlra ph1ng the .uea v.·here !he Sn\·1el rohor 1chiclf'. Lun(lkhod I. is explnnng \\"nrden rPporred : "\\'e"\'f" all bten sil- ting herf' looking at Ar 1~t archus in 8 littl e b1! n£ awe It \l')('lk5 l1 kP prnbably the moi;t ,-oJcan ir area that J"l·e Sf'f'n any"·here nn tht .surfa cf" " \Vord!'n :-;i1rl !he plil!Pau 11·;is c11t hy r1umerou o; ril le~ -can,vn11s like !he nne SCQ!! ;ind Irv.in P>:plnrert. ThP Pnds Qf !he ce.n ynn." ttppearPri tn hf' ,..nvrrpd, \Vnrr!Pn ~aid, wi1h m;itrr i11I "like del tas ill the ends nf r11'er.~ nn rar1h.'' F'll,llhl cnntrnllrrs turncri nn a 1elr\"i."1nn camer;i; Srot1 ;ind Irwin IPft h1>h ind nn the moon hu1 lhr picturP ."1npprrl abrupt!)' Missinn cnni rn l reported l::1ter th;1J! repeatf'rl ;itlPmpls \n 111rn b;1Jrk nn the camf'ra".~ cn mmunica1i nns uni! on lhe moon bu.egv Rn1·er v.Prr frul!IPs.~, Mrl • Diamo11d~ Feud Ball Tea1n Has Conncil Snpport One ol Costa r..tesa ·~ l1vel1e~t baseball ft>uds takes to the fielri at 5:45 p.m .. to- day at Co.-;l a r-.te~a Park. 1r plls thP yo11np: rhargts nf Cily r..1110.:isPr Fn:•d Snrsabal ;1Jga inst a dynamite !rarn coache d by longtime w1n- nrr. Lulir na1·1 ~, The 1wo 1c;in1s <lrl' h;ittling fnr the harhnr rir·c,1 R Le;i,i;:u,. ch;:imr1nnsh1ps fnr hnyi:; agf<; 9 and IQ Thry fnui;h1 !h('1r l\"<I~' lti rn11'1'h ;i ~1nglr C'l1m1n;it lnn tnurnarnC'nt fnr lnda y"s ~uprr 1n:i1ch Thi ~ 11 ;1<; S0r ... ;ih;il 1\ f1 r~t ~c;1r ;:i<; A ha~eha ll rn:it h .1nrl tir '" lf'fl h1$ m<irk nn <'I!\' h;ill Ro1h or h1~ ;i~s1~1 ;:i n! roarhrs a1~ rtdn11n1~11:i!1 1·r 1n l rrn~ 11"ith 1hr c r1~ A ch,1rr r11<1lr.1 ;il<t\ PX 1~1.· 11•11h1n c11y hall l>er"i!LJ•r ('nnrad '"Shnrt}"' Schcafl'r, puhl1c rrJ:i t1nn< for lhe Cn<;t;i iltr sa ('nun· Iv \\"a!er District. hclp.i:; cnach Sorsahal"s riv Al Sor.~aha1·~ 1P.;1Jn1 hoi~ been va ri1111-;ly rcfcrrrd 1n ;1Jround •ii\" hall ;i~ th r · citv t<licker~·· and "Frecidir"s f nu! Ba lls.:' Empln~·es claim hn1h trrms ;ire sa id 11'ith affrc11nn . Rnbcrl Ougi.:;i 11, ;;ss1.,l;:in! r 11 y mana.':rr. i~ ;i,;. exctlrd a~ an.1nnc about toda~ ·.~ big g;in1r \\'hen i t".~ over he r;in l11rro !h(' hn~s b;ick tn rity hall. Rill rr;:i11·fn rcl. nnr nf lhf' a's1slant •naehri>, .~;i1d lh;it Stir.~;l!Oal l!el~ S(l wo und up ;ihnul r;ir h 11:.1mr h£' h;i ~ ln 1<tke ;in ul rr r pill hcfnrr r;ich con1r~1. "'llr m;1J y rrt1rP ;if!rr 1~1 :;. ~,,;i~nn v.1th a had ra.<e of ~h;iky ner·vr.1.," quipped Crawford. The city managtr has taken such an in· terest 1n his baseball charges I.hat he hales !n break away frnm a game even for ;1J city council meeting . "One night he trfl early to rnake lhe council meeting." Cr;i w·ford related. "l rind Dave Crn11•c, 1hl' o!her assi$lant cnach. ll'enf back In ri1.v hall after the g.ime and drrw a sign with the score and thRt we ll'On." "\~-.,. s;:iL ;1t thP 1"<''1r l"lf the cnuncil 1·hambr'r . ., an cl d11ln't rR1sr thr sii;:n. Fred ne;irly broke h1~ neck tt".11nR In Rrt us lo indicate how !he !earn rlid. \Vr fi nally hrld u11 1he s1i.:n ;ind he JllSt sm iled. Then Councilm:in IAll'1n) 1'1nklry s;i w us and stopped the cooncil 1ncct1ng to announce thr ~tore." "¥ R League haseh;1Jll ii;: spon~rerl by !he (·111es nf Cnsta J\1es;i and Ntwport Brach ;i nd the H<irbnr Are;i Rnys' Club. Snrl'abal cn;ichrs the &<;t;inria Hrd lri;:.~ 11·h1le Davis gu 1rlcs the Corsica Pa rk nndgrr.~. Snr~;ihal C'\'Cn h;1Js 1he <'ll V 1•n11111·1l on tl1~ :-1dr ,\1nnd<i.V nigh!, 1wn rl;:iy<; brfOrl' fhr ~:in1,... lhf'.V wrrP nr;irl.v rr;irfy tn p;:i<i:; ;i rr"nlul1!ln fll't!i~1ng h1.~ 1·1rlnn . !Ir 111ndr,.1 1 ~· brgged 1hem 1n 11·;i1\ unl 1I ;ifler lhr g,1mP. LukP DRv1~ ha~ a lnn,c s1;ind1ng re r·nrd nf v1r1or1e.-; 1n R l,r;1Jgue h;1Jseba ll , hul 111· ~•rl{'r~ at r1 tv hrill ~ay Sor~rth;1JJ h::1s ~ df'f 1n1 TP advanl;ii;:e -all the umpires 11·nrk fnr the city. •«• .. l•U me-n! "trouble sh("!Ot1n~ 1~ nnw unrll"r way" ;-·,,.----.,-~,-,.-...,..,,,...,,,. Tht camera """'~ .~chedulPd tn hfi;1Jm brick ~-=i.G•--EM -1-A,.LK""~ .,1~. In eart h a S(l)ar f'<"lip~,, "!'I Fr1d;iy. AHhl"IU£!h a~trnna111.; l1;11·1d R. Srn!I, ,Jamr~ Fl lry,·in. anri ,\Hrrrl :\1 \\'nrrlPn 11·pr,. going hnmP. thrv 11·r rP nn! bl' <in.v mr;ins <"nnclu<hng Apollo J5"s sc1enr1f1c in1·r."l 1~<1tinn.~. Senti ;ind lr11 1n, 11hn !'prnt Fili hnur.~ ;v1)! :i't m1nule< nn ll :.dl r l" Pl;:iir. nr~T I~. ;imon~ h1eh n1l"lunta 1n~ ;:inr1 ;1J rlPr 11 ch<i.<m . l<>fl hPh1nrl ;:i S'.!f. million ~•trnrP f;1J h PX pPrtrorl tn rr pnrt Thr rnnrin"< .<urf;ir eo and s ub~urfacc .;t ales for )ears tn co1ne. f't•ott1 1•11ge J CASPERS ... by15t In contact the ln1er1nr ~partmtnl .1nd I had to ap<ilo2ize and lo~t much grnu nd in 1hr d r1~·e for th,. presf'r\'f'" Ca~pers conc!udPd. '"Tbf' pre$s $hl'luld quo1r U!'i correctly and department hrads Eihould b11Hon I hei r tip~·· Superv isor \\'ill i;:im Phi ll ip~ ~r F11llPrlnn "'as !he lone mtmber of the board 10 de- fttnd the rl.llhl nf !he prP~~ tn ~erk in· format ion He added. ' The b')ard should not hamper these efforts.·· .,,. ~· ~ TODAY by HUMPHR IES ' '< ------·--::'."-.-~ ...... _ NOT FOR INOUSTRY Q\'er BO'~ of all d 1;in1onrl :.. fall short of gem riuality and are rele- ~a ted to inrlu,!;trial uses ranging from lhe prec i~1on \\·ork of sc1en· t ific !;ibnratnries In hea\'y duty assign1ncnls in oil rielrl s. Mesa Joins LAFCFeud On A11nex A1ayor Robert Wilson ha.$ bee n flUl hnrized lo le111d C05t a Me~a into the middle of the "who's on stcond base~·· feud with the Orange County Local Age:n- cy Formation Cnmmissinn. Wilson wa!'l told by fellow council men "1onday to take v.·hatever step5 flf'Cf'ssary to get Los Alan;11os Councilma n Joe llyde off thf' LAFC. lie unmcdiately appo inted Cnunc1lman Alvin Pinkley to cnntact other eillP.!'1 and lry to hold a League or Cities mef'ting lx'forc r\ug_ 11. On Aug. II, !hf' I.AFC "'ill he;ir ;1Jn an- nexation re q u P s t frnm S;1Jn1a Ana, regarding !133 acres nf land arounrl lht1 marine helicnpter base near ~anta Ana . 1'he land is already lied inrn the in· corporation plans for the new cily ef Irvine. "We havl' no direct interest in the land, \\"e can 't annex i1 ," Pinkley .c;aid, "But v .. i1h H)•dt on the board 11·e fee! thcrt will be R power play and We don'l li ke that, We just want a fa ir decision." Hycle is expectf'd to team with Supervisors Ron Caspers and Robert Bal- lin. bo!h LAF'C board n1embers, t& ap- prove 1he Santa Ana request. Hyde stirred up considerable co n- lroversy an1ong Orange Count.v cifit.!I \1•hen he s;i!d last wel!k he v.·ould vac,111 e his LA FC post. but did not. His "vac1te'' statement camf' at a Lcaii:ue or Citie.i meeting and kept the mayors from voti ng him nff the LAFC. "r..tayor George '11cCrackcn of Hun- tington Beach has 1\0 percent nf the mayors ~igned up to call a special mteting. rm going to contact hi m and see if we can dn it." Pinkley expl1ined. "Thi5 whole thing is too importan t ll'I let it go by !he boards \\'e want an Im· partial LAFC. It dnes.n't ma1.ter to us who gets the li1111d if the decision ls Im· partial," Pinkley said. Froni P11ge 1 BUDGET ..• m;iximum growlh" lo actual f'Xpenses or thf' previous year. Last yea r's expense J'K'r student "'as S12.7R Jes.s th an 1,1•a9 budli(eted. Franklin said. Somf' nf Lbe apparent Mministrahve incrr;ises evidf'nt in the budge!. Dr. l\'icoll said, .,.,·ere due tn programs pald fnr by state or federal runds . Thus, th& percentage increases in the salary ac-- counls Wf>Uld not reflect a'tcurately when compared "'ilh previnus years. Ni CQ!I al!¥! nott'd the district ha~ 1he 8t-- cond lowest r<Jio of administrators tn tC'ilC'hrr.~ nf the di strirl!'I 1n Or<inge (nun· (v. There are 5.9 adm ini~lrators for e.lctl lfKl lrarher.~ in Nell'porl-~1rs;i cnmparerl 11·ilh !hr :;tarev.'ide average fnr district.!! of i.2 per IOfl. Thr t11ghr~1 admini~trrilnr-lc;i('hcr ratio in Or;ingro Cou nl y 1~ II.fl, Nicnll .<t!id. Jnclurling the b'lnd.~ rera.vmcnL "'1· ("nunt. huilding fund ;1Jnrl c;:ifptrria l}ur1get f11r nrxl ~·<>;ir, !hP tot;1JI rlis trirl budi;r1 fnr !!lll-72 i~ $4~ ~ millinn. ;1J Ccnrd1ng t.o fiscal plann 1n~ direc\nr W111ter Ad ri an , c~ ... , Offlc• Jl O W11I l1y 5tr•t+ M.,l;q Acl41111: ,,0 . l e• 15l0, 412•2• OtNf-OHk• No11-salary Issues .Se11t Back to Employes Council The rc1nn ining 2or;. nf the l\'nr !r:l"s ct f;unond prod uc!i0n j~ .~uhjected lo fur1hcr .!o C'rcrru n_g, durin g 11-hich th<'y are cnrrfull.v .i::;r<1ded A~ gen1 s toner-. the only kind in 1\"hi ch ~·e 1're inlt'rcs t('d , The rl1 <1111nnd . .; nn ct i:-pl;:i:v in our sho11 Ci'11"es are p(l 1nstak1ngly select- ed hy us fo r those '''ho appreciate h1.11h s1y lc <in rl c>xrp1 i.~ite fashion. They are hi,i::h <Jlll'lllty ct ian1onds heautifully cut nnrl n1nunted to in· sure lasting enjoyment by their nwneri;. \Ve 11L~n have less e;{pen- si ve stones 11·hich are still finest quality for the money. cqoss Writing lnrtNl'f'l9r!tt 111 14 """'' Gold Filltd or Sterl11'g, With 1rt:rtetiY9 lea-tri.t-,.,,., l'una. • ~!LY •tL.CI T, '"'"• """tl<t It -•••f'l!l ••e ---·-·· It Mllt~N e11tv fliOCtl> ! ..... .. , "' -•·••• .., .. ..,, IOo" Yt,,...• l•c•. Ill-. & .. t-. Co.11 -·· M.,..•ll>O•M ... (II, "-'•'" v,,,.,., !•• c .......... , e.i.11--1•• s•.,11a:i~ .• ._. .... "' - ,..le'Wll .. l•loo>. ll•l•t lM ! prl•ll"t elt~I It 11 ill W•t &•~ S""" CM•• "'ou , ... , •••• 111•1 ''l·•J11 Ct__,.... .t.Mrtkl .. 641·1•11 ), ... Ttachers' charges that th ere had ~rn no •a:reement re1ched en non-salary Items being discussed since 1 .. st Fehruary 1,1•ith the Newport-Mesa school board repre!en\Rth·t prO\'td to be true 11t Tuesday's board meeting SuptTintendt nl John \V , Nicoll nntl'd !he "'mem:'lrandum of agree me n 1 ' • be!"''e~n lhe tcachtrs and d1$lrict h11d been rtlurne:d from the Or•nge County Cou.n~el's office with rl'v 1~loru Dr 7'-'icoll lnld rht bo•rd the dnc-uml'n! would be rttum~ 10 the r i-rtlfu"iltl!d Emplnyt~ Council ff!r more f11~C'U$!ilnn ln caHtni 11n 1mpa~~" 1n nego!l .. tH""' u.1ith I.he d1strir! l ~~t .July 14. 1e11ch~rs noted lhl! bt>artl har! not r;1Jt 1f1"rl 111~ree· me:n t on th, nnn-ect'lnomic i ~~ues . Th t 1mpas.!if' 11e~r 1on .11150 c J t e d "per~lstent • di~a greement" on ~alary issues. Teachf'rs call~ for a live percent cost of living increase and lhe board allocattd a 2.2 ptrcent Increase in !he 1971·72 dis trict bu dge1 BOard mtmber Onn;1J]d Slrau5s nf f\e11·porl Beach Tut'sda~· night ~aid ht had cnnt,11ctf'd thP fac Uinder n11mtd hy the Ne"-port·!\IP.~a F:du•al1on As!nr1 at1on, Or . John Brighi. a Californ ia Teachrr t\ssoc1ation staff mP.mhtr. Slrau$.'J ~ .. 1d 1/'lt two had not ~·et determ1nl'd v.·hn lh11 third member of 1he 1mpas~e p11nel 11 nuld b<>. l"nd('r C;ihforn1R la1,1'. !earhers nr ~ ~chonl distr irt m.iiy caJJ fnr ,11n irnp11 .,~e panel It! 1nvl'~lt,l!ale 11.reas nr d1s11~ec-­ mtn! Th, 1hrel'-member panel !htn repnrli public ly to lhe bnard It.s findings :i r(' not b1nd1nJ: on e1lher~r1y. l\·lan y of our cus1on1er5. during the last 2-l :·ears. have come back lo us aJZain and again : and v.·e like lo believe that per~onal interest in !he indi\'idu~l f; nf our community is no small fa clnr in lh1 s qulle e\"1· rfent lny~Hy. \\"e 11re prou d of \1 hat \\'e sell. and derive a great deal of .~at1sfactJnn out of knO\\'ing the peo· ple v.'e serve:. i Pe11orP111CU •• , •. ,. $1200 Tlw 5.i,,., .... ,,, 24.00 J. c. Jeu 1efer.1 1823 NEWPORT BL VD., COSTA MESA CONVENIENT TERMS I ANk.AM EklCARD-MASTE • CHAkGE 2' YEA~S IN SAM E LOCATION ,HONf l41.J401 .. ~ -;- ' ' Revenue ~~aring Plan Told WASfllNGTON (UPI) - The Civil R!gh ts Commissio n lwl ieves Congres5 should delay President Nixon 's revenue sharing pl11n until states and ed it s pass stron~ <'ivil righL" !Aw!, includ ing jail se ntences fnr m11.vors and ,R:overnors who prartiC'e rar1al discrimination. lo a me m0randum to the I-louse W;iys and hi eans C.om- m1ttee. the commission pro. posed 11 numbe r of rederal and ~late lav.·s lo prevent st ale.~ and cities fro m using rPvenue sharing funds to discriminate against minorities. The ron1m1ttce Tue s rl a y recessed i1!i consideration or reven ue shrtring until Sept. 8, ' - 'QU!ENIE T By Phil lnltrlandl 1 "'Wh•l's so great &bout 'Factory A;r>? I thought the air arou.od moot of Ula factorial wu pretty bod." v.·hen it will again study Nix------------------------ on's plan to distribute $5 bjll ion to stritcs and cities for spend ing on projects v:ithout federal control. FDA U1·ge s Fu11d s F 01· In spection s 3 Steel Co1npanies Hike Costs P!ITSBURGH l 1Pl - Three more major steel firms have announced price In- creases on almost every kind ef steel product. sayi ug the boosts were needed lo offset the rost of lhe new labor agreement reached Sund<iy v.•ith the llnit!'rl Steelwo rkers l 'nion. A fourth steelmaker boosted pr ices on s o me selected products. Announcin g the Averaize R percent hikes Tuesda y v.•ere v.1 h ,. e 11 n !::·Pittsburgh A n rl Inland Str ei Corps .. the six!h and sevr nth large.~t , and Lukens S l e e l Cn. or Cnaresville, Pa .. ranked 14th. Colon el's T ria l Set On l\'l y Lai Kaiser Steel an nounct>d in-FT. h!f::ADE. JI.Id. /AP) - crea sed prices. effeC"tive tn-Jury selection begins l(lday In da y. on selertt'd trade 11 nd the rourt-martlal of Army f'nl. tubular products and said it Oran K. Henderson, Accused was studying boosts en other of failing to properly in- '· Senate Gives 01{ Fo1· SACB Fu11d s W.i\SHI NGTON (U PI ) In Jn\11":5l1gale 25 nrganizat1ons ThP SFnale-has given Prt'51· rnr pos.'i.1ble addition !n the denl Nixon the go-aheftd tn \isl. 04Jl Y PI LOT [; ..... ...,,_, I Do You r · FALSE TEETH Drop, Sllp, or Fall? Don't k"? wotr)'ll'lt •bout )'our f1IM teeth dropp1nc 1t th• *Tone time. A dt'!\llHt Ml.ht.I~ ea11 htlp. YASTEETH•11ve.d1iitwet a \0111• et, fi rmer, 11.Mdlt r hold. MakN tat.- inc mote •nJor-bt.. for mol'I! M<:urity and comtort, ma ~'ASTEETH 0.11· t1.1re Adhe1iv1 Powder. Dt11t11rt1 that fit are e11tnU11 to bu ll'll. Se. 1ou.r dee.wt reruJ1.rly. brea the new life-lntn the:,r••----------------------, ~ubvrrstve Acti vities Control Board 1SACR). Th e lawmt1ker~ voled ~6 to 44 Tuesday tn ~1ve I.he Com· m e rc e ;i n d .Jusl i cel depart ment.~ S4f)(),000 to ex· r and the .SACR. Nixon las11 inonlh issurrl an executivr n r d e r 1r a ns f er r ing rPspon~1 bihl v for the dclu nc1 i\ttornt'y G<'nrral 's hs l f1f \ Gl1mmunist or t.:ommun ist- front flrgan 1za l ion.~ lo the .S.i\r R. 1'hr hoard virllia !ly losij J!-" rowers through A series ofl S.uprrnle Coort dPC1sions. The l i.~t was drav•n Ult in 1954 Al thP heiJ!h\ of the :inti-Com- mu nist rampail!'.n and has re- mained unchangrd. Ni xon has asked the SACB -PUBLIC NOTICE- ~--I M,.OITANT- ••pll•• o .. 1y •• (•rU!ft MM· •I Hum~1.,, .S• f'l1•1t fol a ...... YI U• Motl1l Hum~ ... ·~~ C1ll Ut. RCA COLOR TV l''l t• 1t70 RC'A Cnq1nra1lon h;i5 Aulhririll'd Affi\V AV RAOIO k TV 10 m111kP r ert1un f11.r1nry chlll'li:,:'I, cnrrl"rllon5 and safety ln!["K'CllOM f'n Color S Pt.!. ~nld in the ahove yrars. type.<; of st~L vesligale the h1 y La i U.S. Steel Corp., the nalion·11 mass;icrr. 1------------11 Fnr Yflllr safPtv a nd ""P]f11.re 1t !:o; imr>nrtAnr t hat tfi,.~it rh11.n~rs hP made a~ 11non 11.:o; po.o;.'ll)IP. ThP rP is nn r h1tr.:<t fnr th1:o; 5PrvlcP ti.~ 1! l5 twin.o; pa id by the RCA Company! nnr do,.~ lt maltrr \,hr rP or \1"hr nynu bnus:-ht 1hP 11rl. Cal Nn1\'. v.·~ "·ill hP h11.ppy '" itP:t up an appointment lo do this \\•nrk at your convPnienr", largest, wa,o; the first to an-At least five jurors are rP.. nnunce the increases Monday, qu ired for lhf' court -martial flf hours after the b11sic 1'1tel in· the 50-year-old Indianapolis du~try se!!Jed on the nev.· cCln· native. HPnderson wa,o; cnm- tr;:ict and four l'.lther major mander of the 11th Brii;adr of stPel producers followed suit !he America] Division at lhr lh;it. d;iy. timf' flf the ~trirrh Ill, 1968, Mr;:inwh ile, romp 11 n i e" m;:i.~.~ricre. PHONE NOW! 540-4840 968-0530 962-6631 The commissi on said statP!i should pass la w5 AS strong as federal ci\•il righL~ laws in the fields nr housing, employment. voting rights, public faci !ilie!i it n d accommodatio ns. a n d sla te services-before there is revenue sharing. 'll1hlch h21d geared dowrt in ;in J·lrndcrson i ~ a<'Cll~d nf ant icipat ion of a slrikf' 11aid willfully fall in.1t (Jl investigate they were slowly ret urning '" reports or the mass11cre and of \\'ASHll\1r.TON (UPJ) production but were laying off viol11!ing a regulat ion re- Jlard-pressed Food 11nd Drug workers because of a lack e[ quiring the reporUng flf actual AIRWAY TV 10925 Kalama Rl•er A.o., Fount1ln V1lley & APPLIANCES "' ... ""' '"'· • •• ,., Adm I nistration Jnspectors.r-~"~'w".'._~•~rd~e~r~':· --------•~r~'~"'~pec~~te~d'._'.w~ar~c~r~i~m~e':':· ______ ___:===------_!I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'! •verage only one visit one~ LOVE IN FULL SWING every six years lo lhe na lion·s 60 ,000 food manufacturing and v.'holesale planL~. acco rding ln Jo,DA Commissioner Charles C. Edwardi;. Jn 1cs timon y Tursd ;iy before a House c o m m Prc e sub- rommi\lce F.'.dwrir ds s;:i irl his ~I& million hurlgcl for fi eld in- spections v.·nuld h;ive to be in- r reascd nearly J1v t> times to adeq uately inspect all food procr:-;~r.~ f'flCh ~'e;ir. \\'ith an S8:'i million bur!gel to scnrl out a force of 1,000 in- speclors, the f'DA could "comp to gr ips V.'ith these prn- blems." Edwards told the sub- rommi11re, which i.~ probing the FDA ·s inspection system in the v.•itke of a New York m;in"s dea th due to botulism pnisoninJ:. Ed1.1•ard11 said !;OJTIP rood processors ;i re in!>pi>rlrd an- nually by his 210 FOA e.x- amincr:i;. v•hn in 1971 hArt pl11n- ncd 11 .5:10 inspeclinns until the botul is1n case 11nrl n I. h,. r emergencies caused 20 percrnt of the trips to ~cance lled. Today's '"Swinging Sets .. in 14 karat textured gold. A. S595. B. S500. C. S425. D. S300. "F.vcry ti me an r mrr,l!r.ncv situation or a natur;il d is11~trr nccurs." said Edv.•;irds, "it is nccelis<iry fnr us !n suspend planner! food lnsper1inns. 111us- pcnd planned foorl ,q nal.vses and our normal program operations.'' E. $250. Others fro m S 150. Man's ring, not shown, goes with all sets, $35. He srt id tha t Af ter Bon Viva nt"s ViC'hyssoisr, ~·as link- ed {J) the death of the West chester County.NY. man ::ind the paralysis of his wife . the FDA ex:pended 125 man. years. nr eno ugh time to ln- SPf"CI. 2.300 food plant~. Ask about our cfMdltd piryment plan. Chu·,1 A<<OUllll •~~l!ld. A"'*rl<I" l!r•rtU• 11nkA,,..rlc1nl •nd M1111r Ch•rgt. 100. SLAVICK'S ,J,.v.·pJers Sine~ 1917 I 8 FASH ION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644.1380 Open Mon . a nd Fr i., 10 •.m , to q :30 p.m. Edwards ~aid that 11nothf'r 2,ROO plannrd fond .::ind tfrug In- spections "·erP rlropf'l"d r:lu rin~ !hf' past ei.irht. months due to FOA ·invo lveme nt in I h,. m,.rr urv·in·tun;i prnbte.m and 1J1 hrr v.'o rk. B B's TROPICAL F1SH SPECIAL PRIZE AQUAllUMS A C•lllpl ... MtllllMN ... 11erl1111, , .. , 11111 tMr SI 5.•t ,,,_ .. , H111w, wlll "9 r1ffl.; •• Au •• 21..+t. Co1111 h1 111tl 1111 up -11• 1'Ur1th1w M • ltH..,.,.. SPECIAL FOR OP ENING 8 NEONS $1.00 .-: • .BEGINNERS SPECIAL P•...C• 1 o ~-••..t••· Mltef,._ l'u111' •1110" C'°"ool, ,,_ ,,..., Moo4. Chi,,_ s15 99 Ji.. M•~'-• -4 crHlt f•r I ... -. Nt • 121.17. CHECK THESE OPENIN(; SPECIALS fol l 1"i,IA ..... I 1"1.,.. l~I, M .. .,., Dwt\I P1!1111ttot, 11:..r. 0•""· ""'"'· '' 11u1. "" nc tt J Pt• '1¥0Hblll '1¥~1.. If•• •t uttlw"' ttlMttl .. 91 IMlt It". I! It CNA I CO•I.. l!llt • •• , 1rn,,, •v Pt ... e•. U 01. JMI '"· 1°1 AOUISCIPllll. 111 ~tll•t-1 ""'' ,...i1c1' .. ._ .. , '4111'1 Cmt .. l'I' , ..... litl J'" ~ft~. 1111". •tt •ltllllb l ll !N I tNlllMll> I f''"''- 111. "< V.IC.AT!ON •110111 ltMt v•u• flo~ l•r Ut It JI •t vo, "" 1'< , 19032 &AOOKHU AST, HUNTI NGTON BEACH I 961-1111 • ll~~llrll~ICl'D 1 VI LLA.G I SHO,.PINQ. CI Nll•-Nll'T TO NATIONAL LUMl lll l •·tw-......... ' ••'11•111 SAVE 12~ NOW on any one of these p_roducts "'9 I f I ~ WIN one of these wide-open-spaces prizes GRAND PRIZE One Apache Camping Trailer, one THERMOS' cooking stove, two THERMOS lanterns, one set ol THERMOS camping jugs, one THERMOS picnic chest. ~ 15 SECOND PRIZES "THERM OS pop te nt campers. HERE'S HOW TO ENTER: .rust l'lt1n1 vnu• n~"'" """ 11dnre.t.11ln 1n orr.c111I en1rv bl•nk or on-1 p11;., pi1ce or 111~r.1 E1t '1 11n11y mus! hi! 11ccnmp1noeo riy 1ny 01\1 ot th• tollow1ng: end 1110 l rom Colg•I• C1n r11 C""'"' or Ulrr1 Br+le To11r1'11Msll /~ O or. or l1rger). or cod• !"lumb1r lrOf'I' botto<'!'I or''"· or l•b11l lrnm nnnl" nf th" nth•111rrit1utt\ !Uu~!111terl ;,.1;,1~ ed,or bypl1in p1per 111t1 ro1!m1t1!y ;1· r s· nn wh.ch '">"" n! !ht p1oduc r """'"' •t ~1ndw1itten 1n 11l11•n bll!Clt letlt •1, M11t your 1 n1ry tn COL GA TE SUMMEll SWEEP51' AKES, P.O. Box 769. FI051"'0un1 , ~+nnttOI• S~O&ll. Santi 111 m•ny •nlrie1 111 you wo~l'I. but 11cl'I •nlry muu ba 1n " 1111111 r11t1 t nvetoci4, Enl"•~ mu,r b11 Ol'l5!"'"'ked no lll•r than S•pl11mber IS, 1971 and bt rt c11vtd no l•l•r 11'11'1 S1111111mb11r 30. 1971 , Pr•1!!~ "a 11dvt rfos •d will b• •w111d11d on !ht b.1515 r>I t l'>hndlold dr11w1ng b~ 1.Atrdtll• K1n11. Inc, 1h11'1 d1c1 11on1 are ""ti. Only on• 0•1111 lo • lem11y . • ... ,.._ •• '""' l ~ • ·-i • .. ' ' ,.,.. ·~ -" • l ; .. > ., I 1 I -• • • • • • ' • .. .: • ' ' • :i • ' • " , ' • ' • . • DARY PROT EDITORIAL P AGE Some Bridge ·Is Needed It may not be an ~nti rt olive branch, but lea~t a leaf or two from such a brand) lieems lo be fluttering between Ne~•port Beach and Costa f\.1esa over that never· ending topic, the Pacific Coast Free\vay route. The lel's-get-together·and-talk-it -over atlitude V.'a!in't, to be su re, volunteered by either side. But v.•hen the DAll ... Y PILOT asked two freeway commilteen1en in both cities-Newport Councilman Lindsley Parsons and r..te sa Councilman Willard Jordan -if talks on such a topic Jnight be forthcoming, the answer ""'as more than a d e.finite maybe. In fa ct, both councilmen seemed anxious to see if Borne commo n ground could be found for keepin g lines of communication open. Frankly, 've see no wa y the 1\Vo ritie~ v.•ill ever reach full accord on a Coastal Freeway routing -if it ever comes. Too many bitter v.'ords have been ex changed and too many attitudes have setUed into cement·like form. Bui the tv.·o Harbor Area cities are in many, many \vays a single community. Neither can afford to be Ignorant of the other's projects and plans. l\'either should pass up any chances to cooperate on mutually beneficial opportunities. \Vith or without freeways, for one thing, t heir street patterns must coordin ate. Like some topics in a marriage, the freeway issue may be too tender to touch. But a free exchange on other topics and affairs is essential. OCC BJazes a Trail Because of its demonstrated leadership in the field of environmental education. Orange Coast College has been selected to be lhe headquarters for the federal co- ordinator of surh programs in \Ve.stern schools and col· leges. The Harbor area community college \\'ill open it.!i new environm(!ntal technology center in the fall offer- ing courses to train environmental resource, waste water treatment and air pollution technicians . The selection of Coasl College for the. federal co· ordinator's office means the ecology curriculum develop• ed at Orange Coast, and that of t\vo-year colleges in Seattle. San Francisco and San Diego. wU! be kept up to date \11ilh current developments and manpower needs. But lhe real bonus \Vill be for graduates of the ecology programs \11ho will be matched to available jobs by the federal coordinator . And, as the ni omentum for programs in environ· mental areas gains. Orange Coast will likely be the set- ting for regional conferences that will place the college in the center of this important area of study. A Good Inves tment Costa Mesa city offi cials have had a long-standing tendency to shun federally-financed programs. They made an ex ception by sending police Lt. Avery G, Smith to the prestigious Northwestern University Traffic In stitute. The federal government pays his $11.· 000 tuilion. The cily pays its traffic bureau commander his regu1ar salary for lhe nine months. One institute stipulation requires a man to remain with his agency for three years after graduati on, to guarantee a return on this salary investment. A 15-year CMPD veteran, Smllh is likely to stay. "\Ve11 be getting back a very valuable man," say~ Vi ce Mayor \V illard T .. Jordan, noting that traffic in- stitute training is extensive and covers other aspects of law too. Selection as one of nine Californians in the IOO·man class also underscores Lt. Smith's professional capabili· ties. c Incident 011 College Driv e Dear Gloomy Gus Police Did Warn the Crowd To the Edifnr · Recently. I wrn!e a letter lo the DAILY PILOT in which I was the victim or chance. I wrote saying what pigs the Cos1a Mesa police were because lhe Costa f\Iesa Tac1ical Squad broke up 11 large parity v.·ith a riot·type-control of dispersing the crowd. During !he time the Costa f'.fe!>a police were waming the crowd to leave. 1 and a few other people happened to be. in a place where we could not hear the warn· ings at all. My companions and I were rather shook-up. as one might u.y, when the tactical squad came b u m p i n g through the crowd. 1'1y account of v.•hat was happening was that a bunch of sadisl"! Wfie out to kill everyone in I.heir sight. SO, Yt'HEN J wrote the letter l wa!I misinformed about what took place that night. As I found out later from olber people who were at the: party, and of course the DAlLY PJLO'J', the police did give w;:imings to leave in advance. I'm still not endorsing ilie police·!! way tif handl ing the situa!irJn which was 1;lightly out of control. Jn fa ct., J thought these men v.·ere 11 litlle more informed .about v.·hat's happening nowad ays, v.·hal with all lhe demonstrating and riots. ihey should have known this w&n 't going to help the pr oblem , Violence won 't solve our real problem at all. The Costa t-.1esa pol ice should use leM force and more intelligence; I bel ieve that 1Jne plainclothes cnp could hal'e rtnne a lot for that party by getting up on that platform and saying. ''Hey, e\·crybody, can you dig it, we're mov1n~ !he parly to Orange Coun1 y Fairgrounds"' or "O'l\'eill Park'' or some p!acc \Vhere all those ~pie could go \\·1thnu1 bo1hering anyone but themselves. I believe if you have lo resort !.o t•iolcnce. somcl hing·~ wrong in your htarl Peacr is the only way to gel there, man. it really is. BRAD BOURGEOIS Offkers P r o bed To lhe Edi1nr· I read the letter that you printed from a young man ""'ho attended the "party" ()n College Drl\'e 11nd I must express my romplete J:ratitudr and ttwiks to the: Costa Mesa Police Department for what th ey did do. Because or the. utter din, perhaps thi!I young man did not hear the \li'amings that were gi\•cn to the crowd to pleas«! disperse Thr word "please" v.•as used !Ind by an 'lffic6'r V.'ho wa.~ then knocked dov.·.n. Verification of this is easily available. I dfJ know thii'\ ~ause J live on College Drive several doors down from the ~larrov.·s hnmr and J could hear lhe v.·;irn1n1:s myself. The police Quotes Mn. Norma .lohn11on, S. r ,, neighborhood youth work leader -"Ont. or ttie hardnt things for white!! to atttpt iA this: if I do 80meth.i11g good, Norma John!lon dld IL Not a black woman.'' C..ov. Rn11.1kt Reagan -"Surely \11e can f\p4 the way t(l preserve and protect the 11Yf1em of higher education that made 1 our• Journey to the moon l possible~ Tot:ether Wt! csn reach RCTOS!I a genera· lion gap -can re...pood to thf' concerns of tx1r sons and d8Ughters who mu.st carry forward man·s search for knov.·ledge.'' 'J'tMJodore S. Banttlt, mayor of San f\1arfno -"Baii;lcslly. ~1e juat don't havr." the resourt"el to rio all we. are tr yin&. to do al the irittrn1tlon1l. Mlional; stile, and IOC'al level~ We inust have a relllnic· turing based on capebl\itlt:~ which will bring tbe 1overnment clo.ser lo the peo- plt.'' ~1a ilhox l.•1!•<1 1 .. ,.. ••lldtro tr• W•lc•mt , N1rm1t!t Wtl!trl I PIO!,lld .... v.v !~•Ir mtH•••• I• * -•d• ., lt•i.. Tll• rl•M " condtn .. lt !IUI ,. II! •••<• er tllmlnlle ll~tl 11 rturvtf . .Ill ltlllr• mij" I,._ CllHlt tlfnalurt Int m1llln1 eddr1u, but "'"''' m11 bt w!thhtlt o~ r1qunl II t~lllcl•M ,, ... R h IJPl reftt. Potlry wilt M l bt p~blllJ\lld were verbally firm but by no means brutal or harassing. With a crowd the siz' of lhal on' and obviously out of contrlll. lhe polic' had no choice but to make their first priority the protection of neighborhood homes and families. For thi5 everyone should be grateful. !'-1RS. C. GLEN HALSINGER 'Another Vle1v To the Editor: In reply lo the letter from Brad Bourgeois (Mailbox. July 281 : Too many people today such as he revert to child ish namecalling (policeman vs. pfgt when ther don't know '"the. other liide of the coin' and base their op inions on nothing more than hearsay. The party you mentioned was not just ''overcrowded'' -1 e g a 11 y , it was unlawful assembly \nn permit). He said, in effect. he and his ''chick" were minding their own bu5iness v,•hen he saw the riot squad di spersing the group and !hey split. In o!hrr v,·orrl~ what he 1s talkffig about must be second·hand tn · formation . As for his parents. did lht>y sre the kids on !he roofs of houses~ Dir! I hey i;ce !hern screaming 1Jbscen1lles and throwing th ings at !he po!icrmen~ Did they sPe the pol iceman tJia1 wa~ felled by a hrick? l11d !hey see them try tn o\'erturn 1h" car Qf a lit!.le 80·.ve11r-old couple 1hat were return· ing from the store~ I th ink not. 11ov.· about the. ratio nf kid~ versus policemen? As a wife of a policeman, ynu may sa.11 l"m prejudiced -but I was for l;:iw :ind order long before my husband hccame ;:i policeman ~ By the way, were he and his "chick'' old enough to be there drinking beer in the first place? POLICEMAN"S WIFE T he No. 2 h•11~ To the Editor: State Senator Dennis Carpenter's cur- rent newsleller con!ain11 a pleasant Sl.lrprise. He announces the results of a poll of h i~ constiluents here on the Orange Cnast. The question he asked W85. "Wh at should the f\\'O most important Stale lt>gislative prioriUe s be this year~·· Over 5,000 of us sent him our answers In !he first v.·eek. The final results aie as follows: 1. Reducing Welfare 2 Sav\118 Environment :t Rtducing Taxes 4. Improving School!! 5. Creating Mor' Jobs 6. Reducing Crime 7. Improve Health Care 8. Consumer Protection 9. No Response Per- cent ~2 ., 3~ " 18 14 4 4 2 The voters in one of !he nation's most conser\·ati,·e counties have put the en· vironment<al cril>is serond in lmporlllnce only to the welfare mess. tt concem!I more than crime In the slreets, even more than high h1:re~. Senator Carpenter h1111. I think. gotten tht word But I'm afrau1 ~haL many of hu; more fflnsc rvatlve colleaaues ·lli"till ft'rl fh8l the de$irl!l for clean air 11nd wattr Ill somt kind of Commie plot lo depre&s cor· por11tl" earnini::s. In hill ne wstclter. !ien11lor Carpente r • expresses understandable concern over t.he price we are going lo have to pay for a world in ~·hich man and beast can con· tinue to survive. He writes. "In considering all conservation and environmental control legislation, your la\\•makers must have the determinat io n to withstand the emotinnal and of1en popular demands for instant ::iction v,•hile they gather and examine the complex intermix of scient1fic dala and the 'price' the people must pay, in nne ~manner or another, to achieve the desired goal." How much are \\'e \\'illing tn pay? No haby pelicans hat·e hatched in California fM nearly threi:! years. A few mor e years and lhey v,•i\l be gone. DDT is doing ii but f11.nners right here in Orange County have continued lei use it because it is cheaper O'lan flthet less hazardou!I pesticides. How many pelicans are we wilting to pay for a profi table toma to crop? Which price is the one that is too high? Our legislators need time to conside r lhe price of our 111orld's survival. When they finally present the bill, I hope son1e. one i.~ still lef~ to pay 1t. lt was nice of Senator Carpenter ln ;:isk us, and I wonder if he v.·as as surprised by Oninge County's dclc.rminatinn to save the envirnnment as I v.·as. But wait until he polls his brand-new ·10-to 21 -year· old constituen\s. They are e.ven more in- terested in saving the WQrld lhan we nld folks ;:ire. They are the nnt>s who are going to have to try to sur\'h'e nn 11 EL PAY~'£ f)at19ero11.~ Bi l~e 1·s To !he Edi!nr · I read \\•llh i::reat 1n1rrcs1 a rC'ccnr ar11- clt'. "Bikes v.~ Auto~" ln th ts article the 11-rilcr ~tre5se~ thr nun1hf'r nf rh1ldrrn killer! or maimed t1•htle riding brcyrle~ 10 :icrnrdance wllh present. traffic rr£ula· l1 011s. It is verv evirlen!. \\·hy chilrlren are in- jured. in fact I \\·nnrler \1·hy 1!. dnesn"l happen more lrequenlly. These lragcdics probably are not cause d primarily b}' ex- is1 1n~ laws. or hy drivers of automnh lles, but because or the u!ter disregard by rhe bike riders of all traffic regulations. EVERY\\'HERE ane drives he will see the following violations: tv.·o children on one hike ; riding wilh both hands in pockets ; riding on the wrong side of Ifie street ; cutting corners-a l the in· tersections : not stopping. or even looking, at "Slop" signs: nol signalling for turns; and riding al nigh! without lights. Parents ignore I.heir children's riding habits and the police dis regard the law infractions but woe to I.he. motorist who injures one of the riders. Rid ing a hike is supposed lo be goorl traini ng IO\\'ard. eventually driving an au1omobile. Probab!.11 this 1s tr ue 1f the same regulations are observed by the bike riders that are rnforct'rl when dr1v 0 ing a car. However. there undoubtedly ill 11 high correlation between btke riding habits and the high insurance rates for yoWlg operators o{ n1ot or \•ehic!es. W. A. YOUNG K ept T h em Moving To the Editor: The Costa f.1csa Polict Oepartmenl did a fine. job in crowd &Jld traffic control at the recent Orange County F'air. The department i1' to be rommerxfed for the ' (>roftssional manner in which 11 rt>spond· eel to special s/tuatio11s caused by fair pa· trans. Furt.htrmort, the prople of Co~1 a t.fes11 !hould be thankful for a v.•ell trittnerl. pr(}-- fi c1ent Police department ,v.•ho PXpresses posi11ve. attitudes to\\·arrl • ! a w en· force.meri t. J, E PORTEn FJF.L.n G'nt:r&I f.lana~tr Oran~e ~11.nty Falr When Fairv iew Road Is widened, how about burying all the utility lines at the same time? -F: C. T"lt lt•l~tt rt!ltCI• rttHri' vlewo, ""' ~-.:11urll• !MS<O •I tr>t ftewt•••.,.. $•n<I' ,our NI •HY• le GIM"'Y Gu .. Dl lflr l"!I•!, W ider Seats For Buses May B e Ruse . ' .. ,, ' • Guest Editorial \_. Would one·indl additional width of a bu!I seal lure additional riders away from priv ate automobiles! The U.S. House of Representat ivea evidenlly believes it would. By voice vote, the House has passed a bill permitting buses 102 inches wide to operate on in- terstate highwa ys, unless the secreiary of transportation determined the~· v.·ould crea!e a traffic hazard . The limit now on rhe national system of freewa ys i~ 96 in· ches. The arldilional six inehes would add nne inch lo 1he width of each seal and l\\'n inches to aisles. Cri tics of lhe bill smelled a scheme to permu larger and heavirr truck~ In t1!ie the inters!a1e ~yslem. Legislation allow· ing wider bu ses v.·ould be follo v.·ed. !hey wa rned. hy proposals l.o legahze \\'\dc r !ruck.~ Bu1 Rep. ,Jam~ Wright , D-1'ex., said 1he only purpose was !o make bus travel 1nore c<>mforlable and thus induce con1mu!ers to leave their cars at home. The 102-inch buses are now pe rmiued in some cities and on non·inters1ate highways in some states. About ·22,000 of the wider carriers are now operaling. but becau~e of the 96-inch restriction on in· terst.ate hjghway1 they cannot use these rooles to transport suburban passenger, to the cities. Lanes on the f~ways are at least 12 feet wide and one con- gressman declared it wa~ ridiculous that lhe widest buses 11.re not allowed on the v.•idcst hig hways in lhe nation. The Senate still must act on the bill. Should it and !he secretary of transporta· lion go al ong with the House. no im- med iale upsurge in bus patronage can be PXpecled. One-inch more hip room will nol caulie Americans to change their long-estahlisht'd habi! of dri ving t-heir own cars to v.·ork. A more effective way of en- couraging use of buse!i \VOUld be to Clitablish exclu~ive lanes for lhese car· rieri; no !he freeway!!. A passenger an 11 bu!i v.·hizzlng by barely moving li nes of private car~ al lhe rush hour would likely ~me an instant convert to mass transportation. -Portland Ore100J1.a B11 George ---, Dear George: I have read e\'erything t can about the generation gap but no solution is offered to my problem. I have 1 l9-year-0ld nephew. }low c:in I widen the. generation gap betw~n u.1? He lllill «easionally speaks to me . FIFTYlSll Oe.11r F'iftyilih ... Tell him to get • ha ircut, get a job antf Quit using that goofy slani;. H he h11ppenll In be 8 hard-working. short-ha ired chap with a 1ood vbcabolary, you tum hippie. , .. • . . ....... • ,., {~ r > ·~ . .. -. ' •' .. \ • Aerosol Sprays Are Dangerous The airwaves have been flooded for years with begu iling Commercials for aerosol sprays which hold together in everyth ing from a v.·indstorm to a steam bath. But the ~ladison Avenue message leaves th is part out : these sprays V.'ilJ become blowtorches in the. presence of 11 flame, and the y con. lain chemicals which ma y sear the eyes, damage the lungs and weaken the be.art. Hundreds of mil· Jlons of these color· fully packaged spray cans have been sold. But ilie n1an ufac· turers have never determmed whether the propellants. polymers. plasticizers, solvenLc; and scents in the sprays are &are when combined. The propellant in most of these sprays Is a form or Freon , a DuPont prod uct long used as a refrigerant. lt makes up as much as 75 percent of the ingredients by weigh t. WllILE TT is known that Freo'n has da maged lhe hearts of I.est animal s. and the substance has been linked to the death or hundred s Of kids \Yhn inhaled it for a "high ." the hair spra.v manufa r· turers apparently havp on 11ualms :ibout encf}uragmg you lo spray it around your head. The only hint the trusting buyer ma:-r J!:et 1hal the spray 1s fhimm:ible and nnx- inus is a fine.print warning nn the bark n! the can wJi1ch caut1nns aga1n~t getting 1l ne:ir a flame and spraying il in the('~ r .. 1"\£·V.' e\·idence nf 1he dan~ei-s of 1hc :i;pra.l"S ha~ no\v hcen ~athcrcd by !he Citizen.~ Advnc;ile Office. a \Ve st Ln.~ Angeles product safety group, whith has ( N ...... ,.,, •• _...,,,,.,. I Jack Andersot?!~l; 't . ' .. ~ prepared a drafl study of the sprays. THIS CONSUMER group assessed 81 retail and beauty shop brands by price, w~i_ghl and labeling. In addition. they have established the chemical in· gredien ts of most brands. Here are their 1nain findings: -Besides the kn own dangers of the sprays tn the heart, there is reason {.() lin k !hem to skin. eye, Jung and mucous membrane disorders. -None ol the 91 cans exam ined listed ingredients. This, of course, makes it ex- tremely difficult fnr doctors to warn pa· lienls who have rrspiratory, heart and skin ailmrnts about certa in sprays I.hat might endanger them. ll al so makes it difficull for physicians to treat patients who ha1·e toxi c reactions. -Some or the 81 cans have no health \11arnings , some several warnings Only 32 v.·arn against letting children get near the spra~·. some 66 v.'arn about possible eye t.rnu b!es. -The t\';irninJ!S nn some cens to "avoid inhaling .'" are almost useless since it \!I t·irtu;illy impossible ln avoid breathing the substance after spray1ng it on t.M hear! indoor~. 0('sp1!c the ,·ancl\ nf exotic name branrts. many nf the spra\'~ are the sama ~l;indard fnrmu!as tn<>rle h.v B. f , Goorlrich Chcm1c:i!. f n . An1erchnl, and a h.indful nr <1lher rnrnpilnlr". Thi" mean.~ tha! ::i J!l·cent C'a n nf ''SI\ lr"' ma.v be the ~;imr. fir virtu:il!y the :o:;amr. as a mnr,. expcn~hTly packaged and promoted brand selling for .$3. Too Much to Enforce Why can't we "be against" something without wantin,R to fnrce other people to adopt our view? Americans seem to have a gen i u s for turning moral issues into legal prnblems and trying to enforce matters of t.aste . I happen lo be very much opposed to bull fighling, and would not go to see one. I would like to persuade other pellple that it is a gross and barbarous activity. BUT THIS IS A lon g v.•ny from ~aying that I would lry to pre\·cnl other people from a!tenrling or wa!ching 11 bull fight if !hey ""·anted In. rt is impossi ble !o legislate, nr enrorcc. mailers of taste a.nrl private morality. We found it disaslrou~ wi!h Prohlbitioo, and are find!n~ It equally sn with gambling and narcotic!! today. A group of humane people this summer organized to prevent the closed-circuit showing, In movie thea!ers. of a bull fight in Spain. Bull fighting ill Illegal• in th1 U.S .. and the Television Code prohibil!I showing llUCh exh.ibils on home televis ion. T~ group is not 11atillfied with this. It wanted to stop 1"1! closed-circuit sh()wing to afficiandoes who would pay lo see it privately. And thi s. to me. ls an in- (ri11gement of bltllic personal liberties. TUE P U R t T A N MORALITY In America still in~i~ts on turning what m11y be a "sin" into a "Crime," anrl that ~Im~ ly cannot be <tone . It may be a liin to gamble. l.n take dope, to enjoy wah:hiniz \'lolence 11nd cruclt,y lo ;:inim11l11 -but the11e are mailers be.tw een a man and his t.laker. not betv.·een the 1nd1Vidu al and the civil ~ociety. . lf '1111 the. boozl! In this country were • poured into lhe ocean tomorrow morning, everyone \\'OU ld be a great deal betLer off, fr om every poinr of vie1v. t personally v.•oulrl be happy if v.'e decjded to do lhis. But it musl be done volun· taril~·. not under elilernal cnrnpuls1on. It is JJ mattrr nf rhnice anrl convirlion, not of crime and pun1.~hment. People h;ive a ri~ht 1n ht> wrnng. lo l)e tasteless. e1·en lo h.1rm th emselves. Erl- ucatinn. nnt le1?1~Jalinn. is lhe onl y perm;1nent and effertive way to make people more fully human. ---WWW- \Vednesday, August 4, 1971 ' The edit.orWl page. of the Dnllu Pilnt seeks to inform and stim- ulate reoders by presettling this neivspaper'll opinlom: and com. rnr.ntnry 011 topicj of 111Cerest onrl s1griifrr.onl'e, b11 providing a foruni for the E'zpres.~iori of ou r reod11rs' opinion.~. and bu prr.~rntina tht diver.~e vle10- 11olrii.s of informed ob.~ll!rveri and 1pokesm A11 on topici of th• MU. Robert N. \\reed, P.ubtisher - .r " Saddlehaek ED IT ro N .VOL. c~. NO. 185, c S~CTIONS, 76 PAGES out 1'lari1ae Shot Navy Man Held In Murder Try An apparent love lriang!e ended in a predawn shooting of a Ca mp Penlet.cn f.l;1rine sergeant in San Clem ente today and !he; arresl of a Navy Medic.ii Su pervisors OR Dana Park Devel opment nf Lookout Park above the new Dana Point Harbor \11as approved Tuesday by the Board of Supervisors. Th e small park overl ooking the bo<il facility will include_tbe south end nf the Street of the Blue L<1ntern just. south of Santa Cla ra Avenue, Director of Ha rbors. Beaches and Parks Kennc!h Sampson eslimated cost. of developin~ the park a ~ $2.'J,:'>OO. including S7,000 for land v"hich will be taken From the Dana Point Tidelands f und . Apptical ion v.•il! be made to !he federal Jl.Overnment for 50 percen1 reimbursement of lhe development CQSts, Sampso n said . 1'he new park will include lhe t.J· Isling observation cupola and the. Richard Henry Dana hisLoricaJ landmark. San Joaquin Board Slates Budget Probe Salary proposals and a rec o rd $9.777.266 budget will be considered fnr approval by T·rus\c('.~ of the Sa n Joaquin Elemen1ar.v School Dis tricl a1 ronighf Ji 7 n"clock mee1ini:! in !he Jr vinr Schoo l n1u!t1purposP roo m In I<;asl Irvine Rex NPri.~on, Assisi ant Superintendent fnr AdministratJ\'e Servicf's. said the budge! \\'Ill n•qui re Rn eight-cent tax in- rrea~e rttising school district taxf'.'I fro1n S2.i2 to $2 80 per $1 00 assessed valu ar1on. "A perso n v•ilh a $35.000 home vdll pay ehnut $7 more a year." .~aid Nerisn n. fie said if thP boa rd ;ipprovc~ 1ht: burl,Eel some <1 d1us tmc nts n\;iy still be n1adc. "Every f;il! pro perty owners are gi,1cn <1 i.:h;i nrf' 1o protc.~t thei r asses5ments. Son1et imes as 11 result rhe assessn1 en!. is rcdu<:rd. \Ve can"l be sure what our asscs~ed val uation figures are \lntil after lha t t1n1e," he added. Before buc!gel ;idoplion, t rustee~ will vole on ~alary proposals for d1stric l em ployes \\'hi ch months of negotiations ha ve produced. Corpsman on charges of attempted murder. Sgt. Herman Viernes. 26, of 248 A. Avenlda Palizada. was reported in fai r condition this ntor ning alter surgeons at South Coast Co mmunity Hospita l remov· ed a poftion of a lung and repaired other damage made by four .22-caliber slugs fired at close range. Police Chief Cli fford Murray said the Corpsman . 'Villiam Archer Reid. wh o will be 22 on Friday, was arrested as he gave the victim fi rs t aid on the floor of Reid 's apartmenl at 119 Coronado Lane. apart· nient one. F ive other men were in the apar1ment at the time along -...·ith Viernes' estranged wife. Connie Jane, police said. Offic('rs said so meone named "ACt>" called from the apartment at I :50 tn report !he shoo1in,I!,. Viernes , police allege, drnve to \he fla t \\'here he knew his wife was visiting and att empted to discuss the couple 's pro- blems. The discussion proceeded without in· cident. Murray related, IOf" aboul · IO minutes . Then, it is 11Jlcged, Vicrnf'.!: struck 11 karate position and Reid. st.anding less than fnur feet 11way, pulled a revolver and be gan firing. ' He essertedl .v fired the weapon .~even times at point-blank range then bf:!gan ad· ministering first aid to the wounded vie· tim. During the alterc;.it1on. pol ice in- timated, another shot was fired by some- nne el~e b1 !he Rpattment. but the shooting of tha t gun app11ren1Jy was .'!O attempt 10 quell the argument. lt v.·as fired by an unidentified witness who shot into the air through an open door. Murray sa id preli minary interviews l\'ilh Reid yielded a statement which said the alleged ass ailant fe ared for his life because of the diminuti ve sergeant's ability in kara1e. Viernes \\'eighs about l:W pounds and 1s about 5-feel. 5 inches ta ll. One of the slugs passed 1hrough Viernes· lung and shaltered agains1 his breastbone. Several other islug~ cau~cd Jes~ severe damage to the man·s shoulder. \'iernes received emergency Lreal ment ;it the shooting scene frnm firrmen. whn then took him lo South C(la~t Hospl!al 1n the fire chief's s1ation waRon. Vierne~ initia lly was 1n cri1ic ;i l cn n- d1tion before emeq::ency surge ry, then h 1~ rnnditio n stabilized later in the morning. hospi!al aides said. In the meanti me . officers wrre pr epar- ing to transport Reid tn South Orange Cl)Unl.y Mun icipal Courr for arrai gnment on "formal charges or assault ~'ith intent 1.0 commit murder. !':o bail had yet been set early today. Laguna Ba1ts High Ris~; Fast Action Promised By BARBARA KREIBICH 01 11141 D•llY "!NII St•fl Laguna Beach high rise opponeni., _lo- clay promised lo move sw1flly Lo im - plement a 36-foot builcting height limit flfdinan ce approved 3-1 Tuesday by 11 record turnout flf voters. Councilman Ro.v Holm said he would 11sk the city coun Cil at it.s regular session• tonight to take three steps : -Direct the Planning Comm ission to modif)' the existi ng C-2 7.0ne to conform with the inilistive ordinan ce. The C.2 rone is lhe cnly one in \he city whue ~ foot bui ldings now are permitled. -Direct the Plann ing Commission to write inlo the land use elvnent of the (~ner.11! Plan. "'·hich ii now is study,ing. lhe fact that there lhall be no buildings higher than 36 feel ln IA1guna Beach. -Jmmcdialt ly sel a d.11te for the deferred City Council hearing on the C-R lcommcrcial-residehtial) 'Z n n e f(lr heachfronl development. includin,e thw new 3l>-Rkl(. height limit and generOus provisions for ..iideyard se lbaclls. Braving a rare beachfront he atwave. a record 61 percent or the Laguna elec· torate went to the polls Tuesday to cast a 75.3 percent "yes" vote for the height limit ordinance. It was as large a turnoul. as anyon1 around City Hall could remember. or the 4,920 ballo\11 cast. 3.707 were in favor of lhe height limit ordinance . 1.2l:l opposed. The measure wa!I carried in all eigh t voling precincts. Mayor Richard Goldberg said toda y he "'·as not surprised at the t.lectlon result.s. "I would ha ve been surprWd jf ii h11d come out an y other way," he said. "The people of Laguna Beach have spoken 9nd , as I s;iid before the e lection. I accept the v.•111 of the people and that's e1actl y what I iI!tend to do." Goldberg said he would co nfer with the city attorney regarding the correct sle.ps -to be taken by the city to implement the vole, The. b.111101$ will be canvassed 11t " :special 11djourned councll mee ti ng Aug . l ~. 11 t whi ch Ume the offlcl al resull wiU be declared. ' -ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNfA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ~: 1'171 aces DAILY 1"1LDT lltll "'*" OFFIC IALS REMOVE BODY OF BOY AFTER RACE WITH TRAIN ENDED IN TRAGEDY Br ian William Sw11ny Di1d ln1tantly T u11d1y Night on S1nt1 Ft R1llro1td Tracks Capo Trustees OK Schedules For Fall Ter111 School schcrlulei; have been approved by Trustee~ of I.he Capistr ano l,;nifie d School District for the fall term . The grea test change will be in the ~1arco Forster J unior High schedule in San Juan Capis tr;ino which t hi~ Srp- lember \\'ill begin at 8 a.m. Las! yeRr the school started a! 9-'.lO am Ending tin1es \1 tll be 2 p m. for mo:-;! .~tudents wi!h .1 p.m for stude nts invo!l'ed in extra ac- 11vilics Ktndcrgarlrncrs "111 be in school from ll 30 a in. tn 11 :m a m nr from nQOn Ir• J p ni ar Concordia in San f.lemcn1r, Crown Vtt lley in La~una N1~uPI, Richard Hen ry Dana 1n Dana Po int, and San Juan in ~an .Juan Capi~lra nn Tile ~an1e age group 11·111 go tn schnn l rrom !l a.m. fo noon or fron1 12 30 tn 3 ~\ll p.m al La.~ Pa hna~ in San Clcmcntr. Ole Hans(ln in San ClemcnTr. P11li~:ides '" Cap istrano Beach and Viejo in Mission Viejo. Children in first. second and th ird grade will be on staggered schedule~ al every elementary school. Those attend ing Concordia. Crown Valley, Richa rd llf ilry Dana and San J uan will at ten d from 8·30 a.m. lo 1:30 p.m. or from 9:30 a.m. In 2:.10 p.m. Students al Las Palrnas. Ole Hanson , Palisades and Viejo will attend from 9 a.m. lo 2 p.m. or frorn 10 a.m. lo 3 p.m. The rest of the students att ending Con- cordia. CrO¥o'n Valley, ·Richard Henry Dana and San Juan will ,begin at 8::tfl 11.m. and lea\'e at 3 ~m. Cla sse.!I at Ole Hanson. Palisades and Viejo will begin at 9 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.nt Las Palma~ will not have fourth , fifth or sixth graders. DAILY PILOT S!1H P~Ole BIK E CARRIED YOUNG VISITOR TO HIS DEATH All That Remained After Svmmtr Niglit Outing Cle1ne11te, Capo Aides To Meet Over An11exation The second in· a series of meetings lo discuss future anne:irations, Involving councilmen from San Clemente fo San Juan Capi~t rann , is scheduled for Thu rs- day evening in th e mission comm unity. \\'hile the t.aJks ha ve been schedu led ostensibly to discus111 anne.x-Ation spheres of influence. as requested by a cou nty commission , it has been conceded that the. meeting 1-1·1JI Include the latest \\'tinkles in plans to ble nd San Juan with the unincorporated communi ties of Dana Point and Capistrano Beach. Al the l\\'O panels' last such mee llng cnuncllmcn spent several hours discuss· 1ng idea s lo build one super city of th e entire Capi strano Bay area - includ ing lhe county territory and both cities under one municlpal structure. Triplex Nixed Thursday·s mee1in;i: will begin with din· ncr Ill the 1::1 Adobe restaurant. The sta tus of U1e Sap Juan merger with !he iwo cotisfal commu~ities remains in the feasibility sludy category v.·l1h layman groups fo rmed In Dana Point lo ~tudy the prqprlsals and two town-hall meetings called by San J uan plan,ning Rejectecl De velope r Pla.ns Appea.l County supervisor~ bowed lo 11 SuperiC'Jr Co1:try order Tuesday concerning a Dana Point varianct! but indicated that the bat. tie was n<>t over. Superior Judge J. E. T. "Ned " Ruller ruled recently that the supe:rvi~rs must revoke a variance gianled ·to Richard 0 . Roos to allow an encroachment into 1 rear yard setba ck in the com:truction of a triplex aperlment. The la wsult was brought hy Dona lrl Reddoe , 3~ 122 Street of the Blue L.an tern. 8c<!_dot ll/ld sever<IJ. nther residen l!I of the· game area protested \'igorously 1n Jurye \Yhl!.n lhe supervisor~ backt:d ~nly Zon· Ing Commissiorier Ray Reed ln (ranting the variance. •• · . Judge. Rutter ruled that. lhe county af!d Roos had not shown sufficient evidence of IJardlb.ip.to ju&lify gt'Jlnting the .varianc~.' CoW'lty Counsel Adrian Kuyper ...Wd Roos had refiled tor the vari ance and that "It will be bandied differcnlly this time to JIO$Sibly overcome the judge·.s ob- jectioll.'I. · · Dana Poi nt rc.tident h11ve vowed Lo _fight any fulure variances whic h might affect their vtcw. comm iss ioners. . The romm ts'l!ion recently reci?ived nrders from cl!y councilmen to, closely eJCamine the ram lflcatlo~ of the merger .1:nd 11ample public opinion. , The first of lhe two 11essions is il:hedlLl- ed for Aug. 10 at-7 p.m. in San Juan eo un· cil chambers.,. lntcre11ted clU1.cns of all three areas ;ire -...·clcome lo dl scu.s1 the plan. Specifica lly. commissioners plan to com. p\le a lis t of pertinent qucsllons asked by reside nt$. N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS • I e Brotl1er, 15, Watches 111 Horror. By JOHN VALTEl\ZA DI l~t 0.llY '°!NII llttf An apparent bicycle race to beat a San~ ta Fe passenger lrain in San Clemente ended in instant death for a 9-ytar~Jd boy at dusk 1\.iesday as his elder brolher walched in horror. Brian \Villiam Sweeney, who would have entered fourth grade in Arcadia next fall, -...·as killed instantly when the i;v,.ift]y.moving southbound traln hit him at the private crossing near Shoreclif!!I beach club. The youngster h8d been staying for the :summer at 2729 Via Verbena with hill parents and four brothers and sisters poli ce said. -' At 1:39 p.m. Brian and elder brother Joseph, 15, rode across El Camino Real on bicycles, headed Loward lhe beach. _"I made it across and hopped off my b1~e ~~d hear? th e train whistle ," Jo.seph ~aid, But Bnan kept on coming and the train hit him so fa st there was nothini anyone could do." The youth said he believed the small black bicycle was incapable of stopping. ··1 t~ink the bik~ ·wasn 't working right. That s !he only lhtng J can figure out " h• said . ' Police of[i<!ers dug the. wreckage ot the !imaJI cycle from tht undercarriaae of the train's engine ~arly 1,000 feet away from the po int of im pact. The mishap, t~ first fa tality on the beachside lrack3 in the past several years. occurred on an unmarked private asphalt pathwa.y leading over the tracks. A Santa Fe special investigator at lhw 11cene said in recent weeks he has elted dozens of youngst<!rs for playing on I.he rails in the same vicinity. Officers and coroner's investigators cont inued their investigation int.o tht tragedy toda y. They said lhU engineer W.r-.f. Sullivan of Alhambra could give only a partial ac- count of lhe collision because il Ci dif- ficult to see direclly down in front of the engine. La~l rites ror lhe young victim we.rt performed at the scene by a Catholic priest. Funeral services for Brian are pending at Sheffer Mortuary in San Clemente.. Sa11ta Ana Okays Busline Subsidy ~a nr;; Ana city councilmen approved a $33~.000. five -year subsidy of city buslines ~fonday night in a split 4 to 3 \'Ole. Councilmen also approved a first step'" ~ix -month subsidy to be negoti.11led willt !he present opera tors Santa Ana Transit Cnmpany. The company has asked $67 .. 169 for this period. The bus fi rm. a subsidiary of American. 'T'ransit Corporation of SL Louis, notified the city t-...·o months ago lha.t it would cease operating U1e three bus service on Aug. 31 because of financial losses. Under the adopted plan. one of u ven offered by a traffic consultanl, the bu! line will be municipally owned but operated by the transit rlrm. Orange Weedier Bet1ch temperatures will be 83 with Inland mercury a.t 72 -but those are just the overnight low1. Daytime highs will be 75 and 94: Sunny, humid air will prevail with some high clouds. INSIDE TODAY Ordng e c,ncnty ha• received a $720,000 federal grant to htlp develo p a police radio su1ttm worthy of Dick Troey. Ste Page JO. I t.rift, II C1t1'9r11.. 1 C~au1~ u,. 1 Cl••llli.f " U·M '""le• u Cl"l,IW.!'d 11 0..tll l'Mll<tt 11 01wtl't t• 11 • .i,.,.1,1 "a" ' • l111tt"l11-•I M-1• l'IMMt 14-!f l<tfreKt•• H ""• L•llll.,.t f9 ,,.,.11.... t Mtt•._. LllC'flt• 11 Mt•IM 14-1' MMluM ,1111111 14 l'l•IMfltl '""" ... .,,..... CffllfJ 1•11 ,,1 .. tt ~ 14 s,.,tt tf·ll SIMll M•rll1!1. 1 .. 11 T1!t'll•fft t4 1'1'1t'1tl'1 14>1' WM~ 4 W~ti. Wetlt IJ """""'' ,..... 11-n ........ ,._ ... ---~---··-~-. -_.,. • I' bAll Y PILOT Conservatives Defeat School Quarter Sy ·stem By FRED!RICK 8CHOEMEHL l)t W. INUr "It! t1t lf Three CODMrVaUvt 1.membl:r1 of the 1AcUM Beach tJnmod School District bo&rd ol education Tuesday ;ught lashM out at a proposal to put Llguna Be11ch Hilb School on a trimester (quarter) ayat.em Uc! fiUCct:eded in abolishing the tdea. despite a number of pleas and ex- plan.Uons from mf!m~s of I.he ad. ministration. In a 3-2 split vote , with lrusltts Mrs. Jane Boyd and Dr Norman Browne disse.nUng . a motion w1.s approv~ canc:eJUnc the trimester system , reducing Cou11cilmen To Explain Plru1 Delay A ~w "observer corp.~" for a San Clemente university women 's group has prom ised to appear before city co1rn· cilmen tonight to hear an erplanation for delays in preparing 11. city emergency plan. The issue -keyed In promises made last year by councilmen -centers on what plans the city might have for evacuation of citizens in case of a nut:le11.r act:ident at the San Onofre nucle11r generating complex. Dorothy Kressen, president of th e loc:11.l chapter of the American Associ11.Lion or University Women IAA UWJ, wrnte coun· ci\men re cently hinting that Sa n Clwiente had been ci!ed fo r not having a complete plan re1dy despi!e a Decem ber, 1970. deadline set by the Stlltf'. Representati ves nf I.he AAU\V first brought up the matter of a city e1·acu11· lion and disaster plan last year at about the &ame time Public Utilities Com· mission aides conducted local hearings on the propt1sal lo add ne.w re11ct.or~ lo San Onofre. Councilmen promised th11l city staff would ·draft documen ts showing the f'vacuation system and would make copies available to the AAUW and the press. No word has since co me on lhe matter. "It wu our understandi ng that specific information would be obl.Ained from the P ublie Utilities Commission and the Atomic Energy Commi&Sion as to 'danger distance' and the extens of hazards in- volved in addition of the two ne''" nuclear reactors," r-.trs. Kressen told coun· cilm~ in her letter. "\.\'e are anxious lo know '~1hether this lnformation has been assembled and when it will be made public," she added . ~vf'ral weeks ago citles which had not brought their civil defense plans up to new state standards were warned by of· fici3ls of the Stat e Department nf Emergency Se rvices that the plans had ln ha ve been complete by last December. Cities in violation of lhe niles ap- parently would be cut off of state and federal aid in case or emergencies. ac- cording to the department. The AAU\V has cosistenlly oppo~d some elements in the prnpo"al by two major utilities to bu il rl the half-billion· dnllar reactor complex at San Onofre under present plans. The proJecl propo"ed b~· SQuthem California Edison and San fhego Gas anrl Ele-rtric companie.' is boggtd down in the Atomic Energy Commii;S<1n a1 prl!'l'rnt Indefinite de lays have come abo1J! dur· lng new studies on cosl" and feasi bility of upgrading the propoi;ed reactors In nl~I new AEC st.andards CO\'Pring safety and earthquake damage. O•ANGE COAST DAILY PILOT OltANC.;! COAST 1"Ut l ISHINC', COM'A'-'Y l 1b1rt N. w, ... l"•e•.11..,! t r>CI 'u&i"l'lor J1Ek R. Cur!tv Vitt ,,.,.tnr 1n11 ~••I "''"'ft!" n • .,,., K,,.,;r e11n,,.. TJ...,,.,, A. Mu•~J..·n• M l ,..fl"I tllol&r Ch11rl11 H. leo1 ll ltli.rlll '-Ni ll Aul1!tnl M1,..,1...., Edl:a,. t.t•" IMcll Office 111 Fert1l A ~tnu• M1 iliRt 1clcl r•11 : ,.0 . le1 666. •1•sz S.1 C'--11'9 Office JO~ Nart~ Et Ca"'lfte 1111!, •1672 O~ OHk .. CM!f MeM · Jlfl Wtll ltr S!•ctt t.l,wflt>rl IM<"" l3l3 10w'9rt 110\i evt rd 1-<\ll'l!l"llOll l tt<;h1 lllH l••Ch 11 .... lfvt •ll 1 ... , •••• 17141 •••·•Jll Cl-"'"I ........... , ••.• ,,. s.. c-.... ... .., ........ ,,: T111, .. 111 4tlo441e ~~ &.,.. ...._. AN D1,11t ... ttr Tele,h 111 4H•f466 eertrleflt. 1t11, °''"" c ... 1 11111111,~r.., . .C.-"T. Ht -,..,,,,, lli1,111t••1tnJ, .,lte.,•I ,,..flt<' e• 1d""'"'"'''"' O\fl'llft ,.._y M r...-:tw• wl,,.....! -It ! Pl"' ... i..i ...... _.,...,.., °"'"''· """""' flf H _,._. -·ltl 1! ,......,..,, lt•tfll ,,.,. Ce•te. MMt , Ctillerllft ll,Olllo(tlltlllft ~ ( ... .., ., JI ,...~l'Oly1 h 1!'1•11 •l.7J -"'IYI '"llllt,.., IMtl~l!io.-•, II.fl """l~ly. Chrt1lmas vacation trom three to two \\~ llld moving the elo~e of the schnol year one wttk earlier. The motion became gart ot' 1!11 IJlle¢ ... ment to a ~ond motion to 1~ov1 the c<'lur~ of sh1dy at the higti"5Cho01, which passed 4-1, v.·ith Browne again di85f!:ntln1. The motion tit-scrap the trimester system was made by Mrs. Patr'lcia Glllel!t!'. who claimed "the cr:immunif.v Ls not re~dy for thi s. Ifs been slapped do11.•n on thPm . Also. ! don't think Mr . Haughrs prt>sentation on the system was ade- quate.·· IXin Haught is principal of the higli ' ' . ' . ' " " • school and put' forth the trime..ster plan ln Junt, btfore Mn. Glllene and Gerald Linke had takt n-office-. The board, In June. approved the trimester a:y1tem in '"II. 4-1 declllon with Bill Thom.II! lllise.'\.Ung . Thomas, speaking for the t:onservaUve triad sa1d: "We're trying to get acrnss the fact that !he high school is pro- gre.ssing too fast. There ls a high a1noW1l of instabilit y anr1 we are not rurni n~ out \\'hi'..! we .~hould be turning out. \\le ~hnuld slo"' down " ··A lot or 11 nr k and effort has ,11one into this program.'' replied Dr \\'iliam Ullom , superintendent, "It seems to me last Mon- ,. '. " ' • I •• . • • ":· ~ ' . ' ' • J Electio1i 11'atcliers Lagunan J oseph Tomehak. acliv1st in the anti-high rise fight. keeps notes during the ta lly ing of election resul L~ at city haU Tuesday night. He is borro1111ng the ~houlder of another committee \\'orker. Fran Englehardt. \1oters by more than three to one elected to limit height to 36 feet. Connally Warns Banks Not to Hike Interest \\'ASHINGTON (U Pl) - Treasury Secretary Jnhn B. Connally, uslng some of the most blun t language the Administration has yet dirl!cted al th e business community, i~ seekin g !.ll he;id off 11 rumored incrrase in bank int erest rates. "Further unjust1f1Prl 1ncrea~t~ 1n in- terest r;ites, alrtady high b\' hi~roriral siandards, might well Jtnpard1zr the streng1h or the husinl"ss rerO\PfV.'° Cnn· nalh· sa id Tursday 1n a s?atement 1ssueri b.v h(s nffice t'nnna llv, nHi c1al!y dP~l!!n a1rri :is rrP ~I drnl .\1xnn's chief eroon n11 r spokesmiln. rtac!rd tn lhP announr1"n1ent that 11 Ph1lad~lphta hank 11·;is l'nn~1denn1?, ;i hnost in its pnm" 1ntrrf",<t ra le anri 1ha! a Detrn1t bank had a!rrady pn~tPd an 1n. crP.1se "[ ;im rl1~tressrd !11 hr;ir rrriorts nl another inrrea sP 10 the hank primp lf'n · ding rate:· Cnnn11 ll.v said '•De~pi1 e repor~d s!U.1!.'!,Jsh loan drmanrl . the ra te "A'as increased onlv las1 mnn1h " Although Cnnnall~· protr~trrl r11rl111r 1n- crl!'ases in bank intcrrst ra1Ps . his !atesl staleme:nl 11.·as the fir~! onl!' 1ssul!d hefnre a single one nf the 1nli1nr "mnnev m1'rket" hanks had annnuncl!'d a bonst it also 'A'.J S e break 11•i1h Adminrs1ra!ion precedent of cnmmenting on private business dtcisions only afte r they ha\·e hf>en made and then often in mild terms 1'.l u:h!ga.n Bank. the fifth largest in Detroit, increaser! its prime rate -the interest charge tn a bank's hii;:gesl anrl hest cnrpnral e customers -from 6 to 611 perrPnl First Pf'nn~~·lvani ::i ARnk and Tru.~l ro. in Ph1l.idelphia said 1~s con· sidtnni;: a similar bnnst. A!rhot11!h the prime r::ile is ava1lahlc nnl,\ to h1g cnrporri te borrn'A'f'r s. all nlher bank 1ntf-rest rates are scalf'd up from t h~ pnmr. Ser vices Slated Fo r Mr. l(eel yn Fun('r::il sPrr1('ri; are sch Muled for l 1 <'I m Tur~day for longtin1e Laguna fle..11 rh res1rlt!'nl .Jan1e~ L. Kee lyn whn rl 1rrl Thur~rla~' at the Bever!~· 1'.111nor fnn- 1·::irl~cf'n\ Hnsp1tal 1n Capistrano Beach. HP 1.1-11.~ R~ ThP spr111 f'S 1\ iil be he ld at the ShC'ffer '.11 orruar~· Chapel 1n Laguna Beach. Pr1 ... ale hurial 1.1•1!1 lollo11•. ~·Ir. Kee lyn. whn lived Al 4!17 An 1!a St. t1 nd had been a resident for 38 ~·e11rs. is survi1-ed by his 11.1·0 sons, Francis Ray- mond of Laguna Beach and Larry Ra y· mond of Bald"A'in Hills. Lagu11a Cou11cil1ne11 Face Light Loacl 011 Age11cla r Othe.r than ant1c1pated discus sion of the high nlll!' elf'l"t1rin . Laauna ~ach city councilmen 1.1·111 f111rf' a ll1ht sgenda t<'lnight at their 7 30 pm. meeting at cily hall. - Agenda manr rs 1ncl11dr!. -Tl'le final re ading anri ;1rJnpt1nn of an l'lrdinancf' requirin11 re~1rlen1i; of ::in un· dergrt'lund utilihe.~ dist rict 10 ronstrurt 11nrl prol·1rle th,.1r o"A·n undrrgrnund s,r.,.icf'S The law .cpPr1f1ts 1ha t H " Pf!r~on f3 (I.\ l('I cri mph 111th thto nrrl inancf' "ithln a rf'rlain time_ !)('nntl. !hi' r1 t1 will aecompij3h !ht u·ork ;1ntl hill !hf' afiec!f'd Mme nr building n11.·nt'r -The appr nv111I nf ('l"Jntracts bl!'t1.1·een lhe city and \\'i lbur Smith and A~soci11t es for a $14.000 traff ic sludy. About 71 ~r· rent of the cO!t will be p.11id "''Ith the feder11J funrl s. -Apprt'lval of minor c:han~es In the contr11ct ht'lween the city and Simpl~x Syslem~. "A'hirh 1s installing new chlorin•· !inn ft1cilitil!'~ 111 th~ city .'l!wer pl11n1. The rh11n~~s v•ill cos t ;rio 11ddit!nna.I Sl.38.t hr- in,1?1ni;: the total hill rn t-15.28~. -. .\ rtriur~t to rtelrtl" Par\fic A"enue frnm th' cir~'~ Sl!'lecl ~ys1em or St re~t~ fiO tha-t 1 cul rtt ~•c m•y be constnic11"d 111 th!! termin\ttnn or the dead ewd street day, during lht. study session on the ~ur~ of aludy you. should have brnught this up. We .should hive had some in- dlcalion of ,your ieeli.ngs earlier than tonight" Ullom noted that the main purpose of the trimester system -which would 1111011.• for three seme~ters of 12 v1eeks in- stead of t"·o semesters of 18 weeks - ll'ould be to allow students to take mnre elerl1,·e courses. "l'tn ''er.'· surprised lo hear you 1.1·ant In change this.'' enmnu·nted Dr. Robert Rf'eves. dirfct0r of instruction "l have a feeling that hig h school staff wi!I be pret· ty upset aout this. A chan&e like this should ht seriously ronsidered.'' Ullom sugge8ted that the board 1it down with ttlt high achoo! staff and worl on the tnmester plan In a sludy aes.11ion and vote nn II latt!'r this month. ;.I "'ant the vote now ," 1ns1sled ~fra. Gillelle. 'Thomas said he h.id Lalked "'ith 0 '21l high school leachers" who were not In favor of the program and f.1rs. Gillelle i;a!d m11ny s!urlents were dl~s;itlsfled wlth the !rimester plan. Ullom said 11 is heller In i;e1 In· forn1 1tion nu! bf'for11 the board in ~tudy sessions "where the people can be heard." '·We shoUld get av.·ay from \he informal r~erences and gel thf Y1nrd right out here ... and atop bein1 irrup<'lnail!Jl.t .'' .sn obviowly upset Ullom continued. '"l frr! vt>ry slroogly abou t this." Thomas said he agrttd, but added, "a little grass roots informa!1on c-an be gO(ld ." Haught, 11.·ho did nnl en1er the meeting until late in the discussion, <;aid !hat work at the high school on th!!' trimesltr sv stem would have to be ~crapptd and th111 11 mnrale pr ob!en1 nn holh a !tudent and facult y te ve! could resulL "People there ha\'e re ally 'been coun- lini: on it ,'0 he 5aid. Caspers Urges 'Hush' Supervisor A ,dvises 'No Co111111 e11t' Policy By JACK BROBACK Ot thl D•llY '11o1 !llU Fifth Di!lric t Supervisor Ron a I d Cai;pers of Newporl Beach tnday advised Orange Courity department heeds to drop their "wide open mouth" policy toward the press and reply •·no comment'' to queries more often. Caspers, obviously nettled by news stories concerning his actions. S8id ''there are times when I have found it necessary to ~ay it's none of your God damn busine1s." Caspers' remarks followed a statement by Supervisor Ralph Clark of Anaheim concerning a news story in today's edi· lions of the Los Angeles Times on the ef. feet of s11lary cuts on the county's ex· panded drug abuse program. "I am concerned about the prngram and aL~o about the fact the press was told or possible budget Adjustments before the supervisors 11.·ere in formed," Cl erk fum- ed . The Times slory said county ad· ministrative office aides had stated th11t a $2,000 per position salary cut on ,lll\ new CTJun!.y jobs during the coming year would severely hamper the drug abuse prog ram . Times staff membt'r Don Smith. v.·ho wrote the story, asked Clark if he thought county news sources .should be closed to the press. He said if so. he objected to ~uch a pohcy as pa.i;t president of the En1n1a Harris, 89, Se rvi ces Held Fune ral services were. held Tuesday afternoon for Emma H H .~rr 1s . ;i lA'isurP. \\'orl d resident 11.1ho died Saturday at the a.Re of 89. The rites 1\ert crind11 c!rd by the Re v. P;iul Uh!ar al Sheffer r.·tortuar.v (h.ipPI in L<1g1Jna Be.:irh. rn1·a1e 111tern1('nl fnlln"'· ed at Greenwood l\lcmorial Park in San D1ei:ri . ~1r~ l!;irn'. 1.1hn l1rrrl <11 Jil!l-A Avrnida Castilla. is sur1'1ved by her s1~1tr , 1\·lr.~. Ht lf'n R1erm.:i of Lagun a Hllls and 11 hrnther, Harold Hahlbeck of ~1nna rth Rt1 .v, NOT FOR JNOUSTRY 01·er 6{1"1-'of all d1a1n onds fall short of gem (]llR li ty and are rele· ,enter! to 1nd u:::tr1al nsrs ran;zlng frntTI the prcci.o;:ion "·ork nf scien· tif1r lahorritorics lo hea1·y dut.y assi_gnrTicnls in oil fields. The T(lrTin ining 2(1,.:. nf the "·t'lrld's c1i;:11nond prnduc lion is suhjected to furlhPr screening, durin£ \\hlch they are C'arefully ,[!"rarled as gem slones. the only kind in 1\·h ich \\'e are? interested. The diamonds nn d isplay in our sho\\·case~ ;ire p;i instakingly select· ed by 11" for those \\'ho appreciate hi~h st~·le ;:inrt exrp1isite fashio n. 1'hP.y <'Ire hii::h riuality diamonds bc<1u tif11l l,v cut ;:inct 1no11ntcd lo in· sure. lasting en.1n~·menl by their 0\1·ners . \Ve al~o have le ... ~ exren- sive sttine.o;: 11 hich fire still fin est quality for lhe 1Tioney. Man.v nf our c11ston1ers, during the last 21 y irars. have come bae!ok to us again and again: and "'·e like to believe that per.~onal iJ1lerest in lhe individuiiils of our community I~ no sinA 11 h1clor in this riuite evi· dent loyally. \\"e are proud of "'hat · ,,.e se ll. 11nd dl'rh·e a ~reat deal of sal!~frirlinn nut of kno,r 1ng the peo~ pie. \\ t ser,·e. Oran ge Cou nty chapter of Sigma Della Chi. proressional Jou rnali.~m sOt'I P1y. Cl11rk s;iid th;it that w;is nn1 hi~ purpo<;P but he \1·as concrn1rd, "th.it the pr·css knew ahout this hrfore 11·e rlid " Smi!h replu•d th;iL the inforn1atinn was oblaincd by direct ques1ions to lhe ad· n1inistralive ()ffice <1nd thal il was not volunteered to the press. Al rh 1s point Cas pf'rs jninrd the disrussin n saying, "In 1he six mnnlhs 1 ha ve been in this office 1'1e bf'come very concerned 11bout 1hings th .it I have he::ird about in 1he pres.~ for the first time. This caui;es confusion and the waste of \'aluable time running do1.1·n the in- formation. '·1 askPd Lh;it departrTient heads and emplnyes refrain from runn ing their own publicity departments and lo refrai n from such a wide open mnu1h policy ." Casprrs said he recently "Rlmo~I lost " !he L'pper :-.lc1~·port Bay "'ildlife preserve project t">ecau se nr a news ~tory "! was riun1cd as .~a~·ing the Sccrft;iry nf the lnt('rior \\'as going to rleclare the area a \\'il dlife preserve but r nnly 1aid that I thou,i.:ht the secretary would . "This caused the Irvine Company lnb- byisl tn c1intact the lnlcrior Department and I harl to ;ipologi1.e <'Ind lnst much ground in the drive for the pr esrrvf'." Caspers concluded, "The pre~s ~hould ou ote us correctly and department heads should button lheir lips ." SupPrvrsl)r William Phillips of Jo"uHerh111 \\'<'IS the lone member of the board I«' de- fend the right of the press to se~k 111· £nrm ation. He added. ··The board &hould not hamper these efforts." Two Perce11.t Boost Lagu11a Trus tees Support Teacl1er· Sala1·y lnc1·ea se A ·•rnmn1 1ttmeo1" t,, 11 two percent salary increase fo r te.11('hers and ~uppnrl staff 1n the La~una Reach l'nif1ed Scht'lol f1 1slnct \\'as apprnvf'd hy lrust ees Tues· dav n1ghL The t\\n Pf'fCt'nt incre ase \\I ll bcct'lrnl"i ellrcuve Frb. I, 1!172, "hl('h led high ~rhool ins1ructor nt'l11 nri~~ In comment tha t 11 i.~ nol~ 11 nnP percent increase fnr the entire <;f·hnol yf'ar. Trustre i\'nrn111n Rrowne .caid "S\/lrt1ng Feb 1, it's 11'.'0 perrf'n1 fnrtver. RPa lly, ..,,.e are "·;i lt ing ~1x mnn1h~ befnre lht in- crf'i'ISP gnrs inln rfff'ct ·• Ill' ;iddi:d th;it thP s::il;ir\' .<:rhrd 11IP for lf'<'lr·hrrs wil l oprr;ile nn ;i l'ehru;iry In FPhru ;i ry h;:i~is. Teachers will also ref'e 1vP ;i rlental pain nn\ (o l'nst more 1.han $1.15 pc"r empl<iye per ye11r ThP twn ~rc<'nl nff Pr marlr by the bo;:ird c11me nut of n<'gnt1 a!ing sessi on~ A!trnded h~· Dr. Nnrm<1n Browne and Bill Th nmas 11.·ith tea cher rrprt>sentatives. ThP prnpns.il put for!h by tht: teacher! ca lled fnr 11 five and one-third percent in· Crf'a.~e over the IR mnnths penorl. July !, 1!171 10 Ff'b. \. 197~. This oHrr "'ils n0t responded Lo by bo;i rd rcspresrnta11ves ill the meet and roofer session.~. Rn11rd men1 her.~. in ;ipprn,'iniz thl" in· rrra~e cnmm1r tmen1. ;i ! so arlopttd " pn!1cy that 1f any ex1r11 mnney is found it "''ill go to the 1eachcrs. 1\rt F1~hcr . prPJiJrll'nl of lhe L.i guna. Be;:ich C n if 1 e d Facul ty Association 1L;i BCFA) s;:iid he apprt>ciated 1he in- crf'::i~e 1n nionr11. Fisher ;ilsn la'uded other rnl1c1r~ wnrk· rd n11L in I.hr metl ;ind cnnlf'r Sf'ssions. inrluding a tcaC'hPri;' h::inrlbnnk nf ho;irrl pol1r1f's. ;i lr11chcr repr!'~rnt;il ive tn 1hl": hoard and a new lnter·d1s trict transfer ... polic.v. c~oss wrttir-.o 1.,"'1.Jl'Nl'ltt '"' 14 IC11"11 Gold Filled or Sterli"!I, With 1tff&etlY1 119- lher Pen Pu~.• Ptfl or lt111Ci! ... , , , . S12.00 TM Set ••. • ..•.. , • , 24.00 r. /' j. L. Jeu ie/er.1 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVENIENT TERMS IANK,.MEl lCAl!.0-MASTE t Ct-1-"RGI 24 'l"lARJ IN SAM E LOCATION 'H0Nf 1111-1461 • 7 l ,, I I) \, • Laguna Beaeh EDIT ION Today'• Flllal N.Y. Stoeks VOL. 6~. NO. I 85 , 6 SECTIONS , 76 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF01!NIA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ~. I q71 TEN CENTS Lagunans Vote 3 to l for _Height Liniit By BARBARA KREIBICH 01 tho O.llr ,119f St1H Laguna Beach high rise opponent! l.n- day promised In n1ove swiftly to lm- tilement a 36-foot building height limit ordinance approved 3-1 Tuesday by a record 1urnout of voters. Coun cilman Roy Hol m said he would ask lhe city council at its regular session tonight lo take threP steps: -Direct the Planning Commission lo modify the existing C·2 zone lo conform "'·Hh the initiative ordinance. The C-2 zone is the only one In the city where 5(}. foot buildings now are permitted. -Direct the PlaMing Commission to write into the land use element ol the General Plan, whi ch it now is stud ying, lhe fa ct that there shall be no buildings higher than 36 feet in Laguna Beach. -Jmmedi.11Lely set a datf for the deferred City Council hearing on the C-R (commercial-residential\ zon e for beachfront development, Including lhe How You Voted y., No Tot1l· Numbtr Numb•'" Vo tes Regi•t•red Precincl 1 462 190 652 1144 Fashion Gallery 71 90 29,,.ei SB<;O Precinct 2 533 204 737 1163 396 Cypress Drive 72 'io 2a<o 63'0 Preci nct 3 , 231 7.1 304 568 City Hall 76 ";, 24 t;'¢ 54 '"h Preci nct 4 527 181 70R 1229 High School, N. Campus 75 t;;, 25c;,, ssrh Preci ncl. 5 039 148 687 11 68 High School S. Campus 78 C:O 22o/ri 591'?0 Prec inct 6 225 106 331 565 Realex Rea l Estate 68 00 32 c-r, 59u.f, Precinct 7 ~17 194 711 1239 Ag ate Street f'~ire Sta. 731'"0 27 c-~ s1 c;o Precinct 8 494 93 587 962 515 Center SL 84 % 16% 61 90 Precinct \lote: Totals 3528 1189 47 17 8058 75'7e 25t-/o Absentee 179 24 203 Vote B1 Dfr, 13"1., GRAND 3707 12 13 4920 TOTAL 75_3•,4 '24.7,,.. 41 •1. Bike Race Against Train Fatal to Bo y i11 Cl e1nente 8~' JOH1" VAi.TERZA or t~• 00111 ~11111 st•ll An apparen1 bicycl P rari? lo bea t a San- ta Fe passenger train rn San Qemen\e ended in in~t.ant defl,lh for a ~year-old bov at dusk Tuesda.v as his elder brother \\';tched in horror. Brian William SwePnE'\', "ho v.·ould ha\·t enlered fourth grade in Arcad i11 Marine Wounded In Alleged Love Triangle Case An appa re.nt love triangle ended in ~ tiredawn shooting_ of a Cam p Penleton Marine ser.e:eanl rn San Clemente to?ay and t)le arrest of a Navy Med1ca l Corpsman on charges or attempted murder. Sgt. Herman Viernes. 26. ()f ~48 ~· Avenirta Paliiada. was reported In fa ir condition this morning aft er surgeons al South Coasl Community Hospit~l remo v- d porl ion or a lung and repaired othtr ~a~age made by rour .22-caliber slugs fired at close range. . Police Chief Clifforcl Murr~y said t~e Corpsman . \Yil\iam Archers;Re1d, "''ho will be 22 on Friday. was arrested zs he g~v.e: the viclim first aid on the floor of Reid ll apartment al l\9 Coronado Lane. apart- men1 one. . h 1 nt f . .1.Ar men were 1n I e apar me 1ve Ou"' V' ' lrllnged at th1 lime along with. iernes e:s wife, Connie .J11ne. pohce 11aid. d ''A " Officers said someone name ce lied from the apartment 111 1:50 le> " . report lhe shooting. fl Viernes. poli ce allege. drove .t~,.the edl h h kn.w his wife. was v1s1 1ng en were e I ' •It.empted 10 discuss the coup e • pro- blems. ded 'lh t ·n-The d iscu~slon l)rocee w1 ou t cident. Murrt1y related. for 11bout 10 minutes. v· ,-._L • Tht ii 15 alleged. iernes ........ ~aral;· po~ilion and Reid, slltnding le~' than four feel iiw11y. pulled a revolver and be:e;an f\rinR. He as~er!cdly hrtd the we11pon stven Omr~ 111 point ·b!an~ range lhen began 11_it- minlst.ering first ~irl to the wounded vic- tim \ next. la ll. w115 killed institntly v.•hen thll Sl\'iftly-mov ing MJUthbounit train hi!, hi m 11! \he privatr crossing nrar Shortcliff~ beach club. The youngster hNf been staying for thA summer 11t 27211 Via Verbena V.'it.h his parents and four brothers and sisters, police s11id. At 7:39 p.m. Brian .11:nd elder brother ,Joseph . .15, rode across El Cam ino Real on bicycl es, heitded tow11.rd the beach. "I made it across 11nd hopped off my bike and heard the train whistle." Joseph i:.aid, '"But Bria n kept. nn coming And lh!!: train hit him so fast there was nothing anvone C()U\d do." The youUi said he be!itved thi small bla ck bicycle was incapable of stopping. •·1 think the bike wasn ·t working right. Thal"s the only thing I can figure out." he said . Police office rs dug the wreckage or the smNl cycle from the undercarriage nf the train's engine nearly 1,000 feel away from the point of impacl. The mishap. the first fatality on the beachside trackll in Im pasl geveriil years. OC(Urred on an unmarked private asphalt palhwa.y leadin& over the tr.11cks. A Santa Fe speclil investigator at the scene said in recent week.! he has cited dozens of youngsters for playing on the rails in the same vicinity. Officers and C()roncr's investigator.~ continued their investigation into the tragedy today. They said that engineer W.M. SuHivitn (I[ Alhambra could give only 11 partial ac- count of the colli:'iiGll ~ause it i~ dif· ficult lo see directly down in fr ont of the engine. Las! rile.' for I.ht: young victim were performed 11t the acene: by 1 Catholic l)r iest. Funeral Strvices for Brian are pending at Sheffer Mortuary in San Clemente . Rock ' Muf!ic D_¢adly? UD lNE. Italy (AP) -OArlo Roncato rep<>rt.ed tod1y that 200 of his chlckeru we.re. scared lO death by the 14 bands In 11 be.a l. music fe.,U vtil near their pens. The chicken11 trampled each oth~r and suffocated as they trlttl ln gel 11way from the t1Yang ()' tlectric guitars And the bea t nr drum~. fl.oncltO difl not JJUf' ror Any damagts. Ht wa• among the. organize.r:J of the. festival. new 36-foot height lim1l and generou1 provisions f6r -11ideyard setbacks. Braving a rare beachfront hea twave. a record 61 percent of the Laguna el ec- t.orate went lo the polls Tuesday to cast a 75.3 percent "yes" vote for the height lipiit ordinance. It was its large a turnout 1u1 anyone around City Hall could remember. Of the 4,920 ballots cast, 3,707 we~ ln fa vor of lhe-height limit ordinance, 1,213 opposed. The mea!W't was carried In all e.igbt voting precinct.!. Ma yor Richard Goldberg said today he was not surprised al the election results. "[ would have been surprised H it had come out any other way," he said. "The ~ople of Laguna Beach have spoken and, as I said before the election, I accept the will of the ~pie and that's exactly what l intend to do." Goldberg said he would C()nfer with the city attorney regarding the correcl step! ;. ... ; ... ~1-... ,~ .. ;' ,e.J~ to be takeo by the city to implement the \'Ote. The ballol.!'i will be canv11.ssed at a !pecial adjourned council meeting Aug. 10. at which time the official result will be declared. A city hall spokesman 5aid the height limitation ordinance would become ef- fective 30 days after thal date. bul it is anUcipaled that the moratorium on buildings higher th.an 36 feet, lm?;>Sed by OAlt..Y 'ILOT l tt ll .. ,.. .. DECISIVE TALLY MA~KED UP AS VOT E RS TUR N THUMBS DOWN ON HIG H RISE Counc llm1n Roy Holm W1tche1 City Clerk Oorot"'y Mu•fel t Record Will of Electorate Height Limit Foe Reacts Legality of Successful L aguna Vote Questioned The mainr opf)l)nent of the Lagun a Beach height 11m1t ordinance pai:.std Tuesday said today t.he new law may •oon face a legal rr ~l by a rleveloper wishing lo build a high rise structure. Yem Taschner, !he re.a Hor ~'ho 11t- tcmpled to halt the·election through court .11ctioo , noted the 36-foot height limit is of questionable legality. "Thi., alleged public hearing that wa~ held Ttiesday has nn basis in legality," T.11:schner said when asked for comment. mun1ty In term~ nf lht rt.~ult ," said city co11nci\man Edward Lorr. "But I ex- pected the result~ because or !ht. emo- lionali5m and di~torted view points that were pre.~ented lo the vo ters." Lorr said his poSition \n favoring taller buildinRi; remain~ the same and feels !he new law wlll soon fact 11 l~gal lest. "I am sure that the courts will find it lllcgal," Lorr C()mmented, "but it will be unfortunate lh.111 the city will be dragged into 1 legal fight." "Tht most di1astrous result of the vote yesterday," he added, "is that our chi:1nces of annexing the Irvine property to the north are zero at lhis point." Ocea nfront ho t e 1 owners Merrill .Johnson and Loren Haneline said they were not at all surprised 11l lhe overwhelming oul.come of the electio n. "Anyon e who had l;>cen al the Planning Commission hearings (on the C-R hotel ione ordinance) all the lime cou ld re:el the heat of . the arguments," sa id Ha.neline. owner or Vacation Village, He noted the greatest impact of the new law will be on seaside. property owners in the. 500 block of South Coast Highw.11y. Taschner maintains the height limit is 11 zoning maller and , therefore, cannot be iidopted without · a series of public hear· ings by a legislative body. such as the C1-t.v Cou nci l or Planning Commission . Hi! :1!temptll tn stop the elecllor1 l'ln these grou nd.' were overruled by the state Irvine Takes No Position Supreme O>o rt. Asked for comment on the LAguna Proponents of the new law, however.. .Beach high rise eleetion and lhe Irvine feel the ordinance i~ an an1endmenl to coast annexation. Irvine Company Ex· thf! building and safety codes ·or the city tcUtive Vice Presldenl Raymond L. 11nd can be adopted without .11ny hearinii.. \\'at son. said today : a..' wa1 done at the election through the ··Ag a matter of corporate: policy, prior initiati ve proce11s. to the election in Laguna Beach, we took Noting he was "shocJ<ed at the type of no position on the high. ~lse iJ1ue. "'.e peopl e b.llcklng this," Ta5Chner C{llled t111-•. take noae: now . The dec1s1on on what 1s ~ proponents to come up wllh 1.n peniiltted to bt develo~ in Laguna altetnatlve: method of provftUna ad-Reich ~htfully . btlong1 \(\ the people dllional financt11 for the city. themselve::J. We respect th1t right ln "We know wh.at 1 blow this Is ,aing 1(1 regard to high rlst In lhe exl!llng city, mtan to lhe progres.~ of this Lowll." 1.nd we would respect it tn regard to the: Taschner said. "fl 1!1 a sheer luxury te> Irvine coasta~ plan. continue 10 be 11 vl\ltige ." "The subject or a.nne1ation of the QuP:rit'd b.v the DAILY PILOT. olhrr trvlne coast w.11s mentioned a few limes opponent~ of the. mc11~ure e.:icpresi;trl during lhe campaign.-by bolh 1ide:s - 11lmilar d is.~ati.~faction with the outcome bul ·never by us. We very Tl"!uch ap- nf the election. prerh1tc the fsct that it never e~erged .. II Is most unforlunaLe. for the com· as a significal\t and diirt racting 1icle • •. ' Issue. lt ls a separate Issue tha t.1hould be carrfully considered on its own meri ts. "As far as high rise In speclrlc loca· lions atong the Irvine coast is concerned, we believe It can be accommodated in an environmentally and economically sound man ner. "If IAgWla Beach C()nslder1 It ad- vantas:teus to annex som~ of the Irvine co.11st. then a method Otai ls-nQt disrup- tive ol the planned cummunlty concept we envision for the area must Hrst be worked out. We would asfume 11nd would hope th11t such 8 method would be reprcunlalive of the will of tht. pe<tple of Lll@una Beach . H the ci ty choses not lo participate in the planning 11nd develop- me.nt. of lrvlnf:"'by-the-Se.11. we would 11c- cept lhal, and pursue other options open lo us.0 the council prior to the election, will be kept in effect. Co uncilman Charl ton Boyd, the. 11nlY council member beside Holm to appUt at City Hall as votes were tallied Tue!· rlay night. declared. "A victory for the people of Laguna Beach has be.en achiev- ed ." ll was in .'I sense also a victory foe the pre1;tigious Civic League, long hr>n0red for its supporl of worthy community pro- jects, but defeated. in effect, when its lavor.!d candidates lost in the April , 1970 council election. Three past Civic League presidenl!: 'A'ere on hand Tuesday night; councilman Holm. Anthony Demetriades and A. E. Pal Worthington. Said Demetriades, •·The Civic Le.ague 'A'as fully aware of the entire situation s~ monlhs before the last election. It wu also aware that the people in town did not v.·ant high rise . l"m not at all surpril!Cd by the ~lection results.·· -....,.. The small crowd at City Hall Tuesday • night seemed to be made up almost en• lirely of supporters of the height limita• tion ordinance. None of those y,•ho had issued public· statements opposi ng the initiative ap- peared during the two-hour wail for the final Lally. The trend was set early when the 11bi:.tentee vote co u n t revealed 179 ia favor flf the ordinance and only 24 ~ posed. It continued as precinct workers brought in their b.allot1, with the in· iliative me a1ure scorinf a tolid viclof1 th rqughoul the community. ---... Strongest support came from Precinct 8, 5!15 Cent~r St. where a turndul of 81 percent voted 84 percent in favor of th t height limitation. The "yes" vole in the other precincts ranged from 68 percent to 78 peref!nt. Highest voter turnout was in Prectnet 2. 396 Cy press Dri ve, where 63 percent ol the eligi ble voters cast ballots. Even the !'lmallest and least active precinct. number .1 at City Hall had a 54 percent turnout and a 7& percent yes vote for the initiative. Retarded Yo uth Lost Near Camp SODA ~PRINGS (AP) -A mentally retarded 1.1.year-old boy was missing too. day from an outdoor educatio n camp in a heavily forested region of the Sierra dot- ted ~·ith tiTiy lake!', Dana Cooper, who lives at the LaUttl Hills Home for th e Retarded at Sacramento, was wearing a red tee ahirt anrl cu1off blue jeans when he was last 5ecn Monda y evening. The boy. with the appearance of• IO- year-0ld, ls unable lo ta lk, Placer County sheriff'll de put i ea brought in bloodhound!! to aid in the search. The director Gf Camp Arcade , Joe Dion, said Dana was l.11st seen walking down a road picking up nails just before difto nertime. Other children had been picking up nails earlier. The camp is ope.rated by the San Juu Unified School District to give fifth and sixth graders • sum mer outdoor ex- prrience. Dion said .11bout 150 students are Lakin& part this session, •bout 20 ol them retatded youngsters. Orange w e.tite r Beach temperatures will be es with inland mercury at 72 -but those are just the overnight le>wa. Daytime highs will be: n and 94. Sunny. humid air will prevail with some high clouds. INSIDE TODAY Ornnge Cou:nty ha..t rt:ctivt:d a $720.000 federal arnnt to http develop a polict radio i yste:m worthy of Dic1' Tracu. Set Poat 10. ... n... » (tlll<!r~ll 1 Chtc•I""' U1 1 (llHUl..S 4J,~ Ce!'llltt It c .. u_, 11 °'''~ l'+9llc•1 ,. Ot"Of"t•1 It •~H•rlll P••t ' ~"ltt!ll11"""' 1~·1• ""111c1 H·ll M~'"'"' 1t .. ~~ L• .... t fl tt MtltM• I Mtn"I'" lie-M ,...... ... .. Mvtvtl ,.,.,.... 1• N•ll.,.•I ....._ ... Or111 .. ~ 1•11 1,1vi. !"9"tr 14 1"'1• U-tt Si.tit Mtrtlttt 1t.IS Tt1tvlti.11 M T~ttMtt Noff W1tl-t w~u, W•llt '' """''""·1 ,. ... ""' w.,., tM t-J J DAll V •JLOT SC \ Conservatives Defeat School Quarter System 9y l"REO!~CK SCROEMEHL Of ..._ Dellr P'll•I s1.it Thme CXll\IUVIUve member5 ol I.he l...lcun& Beach Unifted School Di!trlct board af tduraUon Tue,,day n!.rht lashtd out at a proposal to put La~una Bea ch Hjgh School on a trimester \q uarltrf aystem and 1ucceeded in abolishing the idea. despite a numbf!r or pleas and iex- planatJons from members of the ad- ministration . In a 3-2 split volt. with trustees Mrs. Jane Boyd and Dr. Norman Bro.,..'ne dissenting, a motion .,..,as apprriv~ cancelling the trimester syskm. rtducing Cou11cil1ne11 To Explaii1 Plait Delay A new "oh.o:;erver corp~" for a 5an Clemente university women 's grl'lup has promised to appear b@forl! city coun· cilmen tonight to hear an explanation for delays in preparing a city emergency plan. The issue -keyed to promises made last year by counci lmen -centers on n·hat plan!'! the city might ha \'e fo r evacualioo of citizens m case of a nuclear a ccident at t~ San Onofre nuclea r eenerating complex. Dorothy Kressen, president of the local chap~r of the American Associ ation of Universily \\'omen ~AA L:l\l l, 14'rote coun· c1!men recently hinting that Sa n Clemente had been cited for n()l hti ving a Ct'>mplete plan ready despite a December, 1970. deadline set by the st ate. Represt>n\.atives of the AAU\V first brought up the mat.ter of a city evacua- llon and disaster plan last year ;:it about the same tlme P1iblic L'tilities Com· mission aides conducled !oc.:il he arings on the proposal lo add new reactors to San Onofre. Councilmen prClm ised th.:it city staff wnuld draft documents sho"·ing the •Va cuati on system ;:ind would m;:i ke copies available to the AAUW and the press. No word has since come nn the mal!er. "II was our understanding that specific tnform ;:iti on would be obtained from the Public Utilities Commission and the Atomic Energy Commission as to 'danger dlstance' and the ext ens of hazards in· vnlved in addition of the two new nucle ar reactori:;." ~1 rJ>. Kressen told coun- cilmen in her Jetter. "We are anxious to kn nw whet her this lnform atinn has bern ai:;sembled and when it wi ll be made pub lic.·· she added. Se:1·era ! u·ttks ago citirs which had not btrogh! theLT civil defense plani:; 1ip 1.0 new stafe standards "''ere 14•arnerl by of· ficia!s of 1he Sta!e Department or Emergency Services that the plans had to he1•e heen complet e by last December C1!1es in v1o!a11on of the rult>s ap- paren11y >A'Ou!d bfo cut nff of s!ate and federal aid ln case of f'mergencies, ac· cortling t{I the departmtnt. The AAl;\v has cnsistrntl~' {lpposed inme rlement s 1n thr proposal by two major utililles to build the haH-b1llinn· dnllar rt.:ic1nr complex at San Onofre Ullder present pfa1ns The pro1er't proposed by Southem Cahforn1a Edison and San Diego (,as anrl Electric cnmpanirs 1s boggerl rlo11.·n in the A!{)mJc Energv OimmisSl')n at presrn1 Jndel1ni1e delays have come al'lnut dur. tng nE""' studies on cost~ and [eas1b1l11v {If upgrarhng the prnf"")sed reactors to nletl ne11.· AEr sianrlard5 ro1•er1n 1: safety 11nd earthquake rl.:image OltANG( COA5T DAllY PILOT 011"-NG:! co-.sT PU Bl ISHING COM"""" ll•b•rt N, Wt 1 d ''••·"'"I •"" P111>111~er J ~c~ R. CY,ley Vlct l'rM•d1t1I ••·d G1t11•11 M l"l~tr' no ..... 1(,,.,1 Edl!or Tlnlf'll tl A. M11rphu11 M••t l lf19 Ee<,.,.. C~trlti H. Lee1 ll ich.,J P. Nell .1>1111!1"1 Mt ,. .. 1"0 E<:!I ,,_., L .. u•• lffc• Offk• 222 ~Offll Avt f!Ut M•ili119 .ddr111: P.O. '"'•'6bb, 92bSZ '•• Cle111••t• OfrJc• J05 Nort k EJ C•"'i"o R •• 1. 92b7 2 Otll.r OHie:" Cat!• M111· 3>1l We." Bl'o' Slrrt'l No_., BM<~· lll3 "'ewonro l e11 ~·•·d H""""'''" lttc~: 171/J Bt1Cf1 8ou1ev1•6 C.l lLV l'h .. OT, w11~ ""'c" it °cie,,,e1""' !~t Ntws·l'•t.11. 11 PVl>lll~r~ d111.,. t•cttit s11,.. 111v 1 .. Htit•llt tll•Tlnn1 to• L1ou~1 · B••t~. Mt-I Ifft~. Cft•I MP•t, .,U,.ll"'l!ft~ 1 .. ,... l'011~i.1.. \lti~v. !•~ c~"''"''' Cu11u •• ,,,, ·~ inllllt&·c~. t lo•o .... ,,. ont .....,;o..11 M iiion l'rlnc.IN I t1t/"11"' t lt nl a I I lJI Wtt! 81y '!•H I, Cotlt Mt11, Teft•••M 17141 642-•lZI Cleulfh4 A•'9t'tl~11t •4Z·S• 7• S.. C.._..,. All Dt,.,,......: r...,.. .. ••t.44zo V ....... .._. All De,•rtMMtt: r•,•••• ••4·'4'' ·Coll\IHflll, lf)I, 0rt "9f Cn••I 1'11&11•~1"1 '-"~· Ne ,,...... 11er • ..,. m .. ,,,,~ •• t<dllllrltl ••11111<' 6f' 1dv••l11t"''!'I" ~''"" "'IV ~ fff~ll(tf Wll-1 tfot(l9i ,.,.. ,,,.,,.,.., el Utl~flllll 0W"f•. .......... (ltf!J, -·-llt ld •• "'-""'., •••!)> .,., (01•1 M1111, (1111e .... 11 liufltrrT .. I ... h c•"'-' ., u ,.,, .. ,,.1,, av (".t ll n 11 _,,,,.,.; "'""•,.., ·~11 ... 11e .. 1. u ft-'"'"'· • Chri!tmas vacit1on from three to t"'o Wttb and moving t~ c:lose of the school year ont 11i•ttk earlier. The rnotioo became part of an amend- ment· to a se{'Qnd motion tn approve the course of study at the high school, which passed 4-1. with Browne aga in dissenting. '!'h e motion to scrap the trimester sys1em was m ;i d e b.v ,\Jrs. Pal ricia Gillette, '.ltlo cl11med "th~ communi!y 1., nol ready fo r lhi"" It's b('('n slapped down on them. Also. r don·1 thin k Mr. H;:iught's presentation on !he sy~1em w1~ ade- quate " Don HOlUght is· principal of the high school &lid put forth the trlmuler plan Ln June, bf.fore Mn. Gillttte ~nd ~raid Linke had taken office. The board, in June, approved the trimeJJ\e r system In a 4·1 decision ·with Bill Thomas dlssenUn1 . Tl'lomas, !peaking for •th e conservative triad said: "Wr 're {rying to tie! acros., the fact th.:it the high ~chnol is pro- ~ressing ton fast. 1'.here 1s a hi~h amount of 1n~1ability and we are not turning out 11·h2J. \.\'e ~hnuld be turning out. \Ve should S]O\.\' d014'n." '"A lot of 14'0rk and effort has gone 1n10 this program," replied Dr \\'1liam Ullom, superintende-nt. "It seems to me last Mon· , ' .. ' ' ~I-;, . •.. ' ,,, , .. .. Electio1i l1'atclters Lagunan Joseph Tomehak. activist in. the anti-high rt~e fight. keeps notes during the tallying of election results at city hall Tuesday night. He is borrowing the shoulder of another committee worker. Fran Englehardt. Voters by more than three to one elected to limit height to 36 feet. ' Connally W ar1is Banks Not to Hike Interest \''ASHlt\1GTON lUPi l -Treasury Secretary John 8. Connally, using some of the m08t blunt lang uage the Administration has Y't directed at the business com mun ity, is seeking to head off a r umored increase in bank interest rates. "f'urthf'r un1usl 1f1e-d 1n<'rear;P<; in 1n· f Pre~r rate<-, nlrP.lriy high h.v h1s1or1ra l s1andards. m1ch L v.ell jeopardize !he slrPn_c:th nf 'hP husJn P.O.S re cnl"rr\," Cnn- nall\" ~.:i 1rl T11P.'\rla\' tn .:i <.l;itrmf'nt 1•0.11rcf b\ h1 ... nrr 1rr \nnnallv, nffir1allv de;"Jj'.:'.n;i!Pd .:is Prr~1· drnt :---1:.nn 's rh1ef ernnon11r spnke<;n1:in , n•ar1rrl !n thf' <1nnnu11rPn1Pn1 that a Ph1larlPlph1a h::inf\ 11.:i:. <'nn s1dcr1n~ .l hoo>t in 11s rt1n1" 111IPre<.I r.llP .;nrl !h.:i! a DPtrn1! b.lnk had already postrd 11n in- cre.1$P . "1 am rlis!rPsseri In he;ir reports (If annther tncrPa.'\e 1n !he hank prime len- ding rate." Connally said ··oesptte repnrled slu,;:!(1sh lnan dtm.lnrl. the rate >A"<I S 1ncre 111st'd nnl~· la.~t mnn1h." A!thC1ugh Connally protrstrrt l.'arl1Pr in- creases in bank interest rale~. his lalest statement 1\'Bll the first nn e is5ued before a single one of <he major "mC1ney market" b;:i nks had .. nnnunced a hoost It alsn w;:is a break with Adm1nls!ral1on preredenl nf cnmmenling on private bu5ines.s dec1sion5 only after lhey ha vt bE'e n made and then often in mild trrms. i\1ich1g an Bank, the fifth largest in Detroit. increased its prime r;:ite -the int ere~ charge to 11 bank's biJ.-:gest and be"slcorporate customers -fr(lm 6 to 617. oercent . First PPnnsylv11nia Bank and Trust Co in Ph iladelphia said it ~·as con· i:;idPr1ng a sim ilar bo(lsl. Although the prime rate 15 availallle only lo h1g corporate borrowe.rs. all other h.:ink 1nt<·rcst rates are scaled up frn 1n the prime Services Slated For Mr. l(eeJy n Funeral 5f'~S 11 re schP<lulP<l fo r 11 a 1n . Tuesday fnr longtime L11gun.:i Bea rh res1d r;nt Jampi:; L. l\eelyn "'ho died Thursda~· at the Beverly ~111nor Cnn- ,·11elsr.cnt Hospital in Capist r,1Jno Beach . He w;i~ fl.1 Tht ser\·tces "'Ill be held at the Sheffer Mortuary Chapel in Lagu na Beach. Pnv.lfe burial will follow. r-.1r. KeelYfl, u•ho lived 11.I 4.97 Anna St. and had betn a resident for :18 years. is su ~viv~d by his tu·o i;ons. Francis R11y. mond of Laguna Beach and Larry Ray. mond of Baldwi n Hi!ls. Lagu11a Cou11ciln1e11 Face Ligl~t Load 011 Agenda O!her th .. n an11c1p1ted rl1~cu~s1nn nr the high ris4" election. i..lguna Reach ctt,\' cnunci!men v. ill lace a lit:ht 11grnda tonight at their 7 ~ pm meeting al city hall Agl'nda mattrrs inrlude -The fin 11I r'adlnl{ .11nrl adnpl\on nf an ordinance re,.u1r1na rr~1drnt~ of 11n un- Mrgrou nr:I 11ttl1!ies rh~tr1rt tn crnistrurt and riro\·11~ their nu11 11nrl"r l!"rnunr:I srr.·1res Thf' law 11rirr1f1,.~ t.h:it 1f 11 J)l'rson fails to cnmplv 11•1th th• nrrl1n •ncr 11ilhin a ct r!<'1n t.im" rirr1ntl the ritv will .. ccnmpli~h thP u·nrk anrl bill !he .. !lcctod home tr building 0"'Tll'r . -The approv111I cir contraC't.~ hef\\'Pen lh' city and Wi lbur Smith and A3soci11tes fnr a $14.000 traffic study. About 71 per· Cf:nt of the cost 14·i ll be patd 14•ith the feder.IJI funds. -Approv:tl of minor ehangf'-" in lhe ronlr.lcl bet"·een the Mty and Stmple:1: Svsttms. 14•hlch is \n.!italllng ntw rhlorin.11 . nnn f:tcllit!P~ at th'-cil.y se14·er plsnt The C'hangr~ 14·11! Cf1SI "" 11drtilion11\ $1 .JRS . br· lngln11: the tn1.i11 bill In $J5 285 -A reque~t to delete P;ir1fi c Al'fO UP from lhe citv·~ Sr lect Sy~lem of Strel!t~ go that a <'!II dt sac. ma\' bl!' cnn.~tnictMt 11 the termination of t.•e de,1~nd i;t reel. day, during the study session on the: CQUT.!e of ~tudy you ahou!d ha ve broo1ht Lhla up. \Ve should ha..,e had aome. In· dication of your fee linp earlier than tonight." Ullom noted that the main purrose of the trimester 1ystern -which would allo w for three semesteri; of 12 weeks in· stead or lwQ semesters of 18 v.·eeks - v.•ould be ln allow students to take more elN:t1ve roursrs. "I'm vrr.v surpriser! to hear you want tn changl' this." rommC'nted Dr. Hobert Reeves. director nf lnstruction, "I have a feel1n~ that high school st;iff will be pret- ty upset aout this. A change like th13 ghould be ser1nuslv c:rinstdered '' Ullom sugge11tf'd that \ht board sit do-.•n 11.·ith the high 1chool staff and \.\>'Ork on th e: trime:s trr pl.lo in a study s~5ion and vote on It littrr lhi11 month "I \.\'ant the 1ote now," insisted ~1rs. Grl!elte. 'l'hnnlas said he h11d 111lkei:! 'ol'11h "20 h1fi!h school teachers" whn 14·ere nnl tfl favor nf the pro~ram and Mrll, Glllet!e said many i;tudents were dissatisfied with th'! trimester plr!n. Ullom s.:iid 11 is lre!lrr lo i:et 1ri- form ation nut beforP the bn;ird in stu rlv sessio ns •'where the people can be heard.'' ''\\'e should Rel awa v from lh t 1nfonn1t reference~ 111nd ~el the 111·orrl r1.c:ht out he:re .. , Rnd 11lop being 1rre1pon11ibl1." an obviously upsel Ullom N1n tinurd. "l f P~I very ~tron,e:lv Hbout thi'.'! ·• Thomas .~aid he agreec1. but added, "a 1i!lle grass roots infon11a11un c.:i n be St')(lri." H<i ugh!, wh11 dtd not l'tlt1•r lhl' mce11n g un11l late 1n thi> d1Stuss10Pi , .~;ud th.111 work al the. hi.ch school 1111 lhe trimester s1slem 'ol'ollld h;il"(' tn bP SC'rapped anrl th<11 .11 n1or;ile prnhlrm (ln brilh a student and facu lty le\'el 1·011ld resirlt , t "Penple · thcrP h~ve reall y been COUO· ting on 11," he said. Caspers 'Hush' Su1Jervisor Advises 'No Co111111e11t' Policy R.v .JA('K BROBA CK 01 !~I Dllh f'l!o! STi ii F1f1h District Supcrv11,nr R on a Id Caspers nf Ne wport B!'ach tnday advised Orange County department heads to drop their "wide flf)Cn mouth" policy toward the press and repl y "no comment" 11'1 queries more oflen. Casperll. obviously neltled by news 6t nrie!'i <'Oncerni ng his actions. said ''there are times when r ha ve found ii necess.:iry to say lrs none of your God damn bu!iiness." C<ispers' rcn1ark.~ folln1\'Pd a st.:ilement by Superviso r Ralph Cl ark of Anaheim concerning a ne14·s story in toda y's edi- tions of the Los Angeles Times on the er. fect or sal.:iry cuts on the county's ex- panded drug abuse progr.:im . "I am concerned .:ibnut the program snd also about the fact the press "'as told of possible budget sdjustments before the 1;upervisors were informed," Clark rum- ed. The Times story said county ad· ministrative office aides had stated that a $2.000 per position sal ary cut on all new c:ount.y job~ during the coming year would severely hamper the drug abuse: program. Times staff member Don Smilh, who wrote the story, asked Clark if he thought county news sourcrs should be closed to !he press. He s;:iid if so. he objected te i;uch a pol icy as past pre~ident of the En1ma Hal'ris, 39, Services Held Funeriil services were held Tuesday efternoon fnr Emma H. Harris. a Leisure \\'orld ret<!denl who died Saturday at the age of 119. The nies \\'ere cnndllct.ed by the Rev . Pa ul Uhlar al Sheffer l\1ortuary Chapel in Laguna Be<i ch. Privat e interment follow- ed .:it Greenwood Memorial Park in San Diego. l\·1r.~. Harris. 14•ho livPd at 389-A Al"en1cfa Castilla, is survived by her si.•1 Pr, ~l rs. Helen 81erma of Laguna Hill ~ and a brother, Harold Hahlbeck of Monarch Bay. A~u1r1111 m..,1 GEM TALK TODAY I , J. C. HUMPHRI ES J L~·~""""'~'"~',......~...,"'~"'"'·"""'""""""~x~..,...--:: by NOT FOR INDUSTRY 0 \'er RO";. of a ll d1an1onrl s fa ll short of ~ern fl\l::tlity and are rele- .e:at('d tn 1nd11 ~tr1a! u"cs ranging from the prcr1""1nn \1·ork of sr1en- tif1 c le1hor<itor1rs fr) heavy duty assi~nn1cnts in 011 fiel rl s. The rrn1aining 20'( or the \1·orld's diamond pro£h1clion is subjected to further i:;creening, d uring ,,·hich they arP carefull.v graded as gem slones. the only k ind in "'hich "'e are interested. The diamonrts on d isplay in our sho1vc;i~es fire painstakingly select· ed by u"" for tho.~e \rho appreciate h igh s!.\·le ;ind e xqui;"it e fashion. Thry l'lre hi,ch q 11;il1 ty rl i amond~ beautifully cut and n1ounted to in- sure !a~t ing enjo_vment by their O\\ ncrs. \\'e ;il i::o ha\·e less expen- sive ~tones \\"hfc h are still finest quality for the money. Many of our customers. during lhe last 24 ~·car s. haYe come baclo: to us BJ:!"llin and Bjl:air1 : and y.·e like tn believe that personal intere ~t in the individuals or our commun1ty is nn i;1nall fa ctor in this '1U ilP. tvi· dent loyalty. \\"c are proud of \\'hat v•e. sell. and deri\'e a great deal of s;i! 1sf11 c1 ion out of kno"·ing the peo- ple \\'e ser\·c . Orange County ('hapler nf Sigma Delta Chi. prnfessinnal Jriurnall sm .<;ncir1.1". CIHrk said lhat lh;il w.:is nn1 his purpo.~e but he ll'as concernN:l, ''tha! the press kne11>· about this before we did ." Srnith replied th11t the information w11s obtained by direct qu estions to the ad - ministrative 11Hicc and thal it 14•as not \'olunteered tn the press. Al this point Caspers joined the discussion sayi ng, ··Jn 1he six mnn1hs I have bcPn in this office I"ve becon1e very concerned about thing.~ that I ha ve heard about in the press for the first time. This cause" confusion and the w11ste nf valuable ltme running do14·n the in· formation. ··1 asked that der.:i rlmenl he.:ids and emplnyes refrain from running their own pu ~lici ty departmentJ: and lo refrain from sueh a widP open mouth policy." ('ai:;rPrs said hr rP('enllv "almn.~! ln~r· the l 'ppcr Ncwp(}r"l B;iy 11·ildlife presr rve prnjr<'t hec;iuse or a new-" sl nry ··1 14·;is quoted as saying !he Srcrct.:iry of lhe Interior wa!'i going to declare the ;irca ;i wildlife preserve bul J only 1aid !hilt I thought the secretary would. "This caused the Irvine Company lflb- bvis! In contact the ln1erior Depar tment a~d I had lo .:ipolngtze and lost. much ground in the drive for the preserve." Caspers CT!ncludrd, "The pres~ should quote. us correctly and departn1en(he<ids should burtnn their lips ... Supervisor \\'1ll1Hm Philli ps of Fullerton \\(IS !he lnnf' mrmhl'r (If lhe board In de· IPnrl the right nf lhc. pres~ to seek in· form ation. HP added. '"The board should not hamper these effor\s," T1vo Pe1·ce1tt Boost Lagu11a T1·i1stees Support Teacl1er Sala1·y l11c1·ease A "tomm1!1mPnt" to 11 t1vn prrr'cnt salary 1ncre;i~r fnr lr.:i rher~ and i:;uprnrl s111ff in the 1.a~una Bl'.:irh l'n1ried Srhno! D1strirt 1v11.5 apprnvPd by trus\C'('S Tu<'S· dil ,V night. The t11·0 pC'l"l'C'tll rnrr!'asr 11 111 hl'rn111f' eff<'{'!11·e Feh. I , l!l72, \.\'h1<'h Jeri high school 1nstrurtor Ron f!n.~.~ 10 com1nrnl that 1t 1s only a one pcrtl'nt lncrease for the rnt1rP .~chool )~ar. Trustrr ,\"nrm.:in Arnv.nc. said •·s 1.:ir11ng F'eb. I. i1 "s tv.·n prrccnl rorever. rtr.:illy. \le ~re w;1111ng 111x mont hs beforr 1hr in- crease i;:nr~ into rflcc1 " He added lh.:it the ~al <"rv i:;rhcdulP for !ra<'hcrs \\'111 nprrare nri a February In FPbruary has1s Tr.:ichers will .:il sn rrcc11"e" dcnt;i l p~ln nol. In 1·nsl mnrr. 1han $1:15 per emplo~·e per ,ve<1r . ThP two perren t nffcr m.:ide by the bn;ird ramr; nut nf negn!Jatin1; se~,•ann" etirnded b.., Dr. l\nrm.:in Rrn\.\'ne and Bill Thn1nas v.Ti h 1ea<"hf'r 1·f'pre~f'ntalil"f'!:. ThP prnpns;1I put forth by the te ar ht.r! called for a f11•e ;ind one·third rerrenl In· rrcase o\•rr !he Jll 111(1nths [lf'rtod, Ju!y !, J!li\ 1n FC'b . I, 1!17'.l. This offer 1r11s nnt responded lo h~ bo;ird resprescnt.l ti vei; tn thf mcct .:ind confer se,.~lnn~. Board mcinbC'rs. 1n ;irprnvini;: the 1n- crP.:ise cnmmit1mcnt. a I~ o .:irlop!4"d ,, pnhry 1ha1 1f any e~11·a rnnne y is found 1t "'ill gn In the lca chrr .... Arl Fi~hl'r. rrr,.idrn! nf 1hP Lagun11 Bea ch Un i fie d Faculty Assoc.ialion 1 LaRl"f,, I said he ;ipprrc1 ated the in· crr;ise 1n rnnnr~·- Fisher .:it.~n l;iuded n!hl!r JXlliClf'S wnrk· rrl nul 1n thr rncr! ~nd rnnfl'r sri:;s1o ns, 1ocl1,.1 d1ng ;i le;i(•hcrs· h.:indbonk nf hoard polic1f'~. ;i leachrr rep rci:;ent;i!ive (O the board and a new lnte r ·di~tricl transfer p<ilic~· CRCtSS Writing 1 1'!ftru~ ~"' 14 ii::.,., Gold Filled or Ste•l>f!g. Wltll 1ttrtc:1r .... IM- th1r F'1'1 Pv1'111!, • Ptn or P111CH ....... 112 00 TM S.t .... , • .,.,, .2'.00 d· L ...Jlumphriej Jeweler:I 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVENlfNT TERMS BA Nl().MfltlCA-f)-MA ST~R CHA-GE 24 Y~ARS IN SAM E LOCATION • ' -./. 7 San Cle1nenie Capistrano EDITION VOL. 64, NO. 185, 6 SECTtONS, 76 PAGES • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ~. 1q71 • out ·aces rain, Jlfari1ie Sliot Navy Man Held In Murder Try An apparen1 lnvp lria ngle enderl in 111 pr·edAwn 5hootlng of .:i Camp Penleton Marinr sergeant in S;in Clemente t.odav end the ,arresl 11f R Navy t.ledic.i.I Su7lervisors OK Dana Pllrk Oe\•clnpmcnt nf Lookout P.:irk .11bove. the nrw O;:in;:i Pnin! Harbor was approved Tuesday by the Bo:ird nF Supervisors. Thp small park overlooking lhr: boat facili ty wilt include !he south Pnd of !h.e ~lrrcl of the Blu, Lant.ern JUSl sOuth nf Si!nla Clsra AvcnuP. Director of Harbors. Beaches and Parks l\enne!h Sampson esti matrd rosl. of developing thP. p:i.rk 11t $2.~.500. includini;t $7,000 for land whi ch will be taken from the Dana Point Tidel;inds fund. Application will ~ m;We tn lhP ft"deriil government fnr SO percr nt. reimbursemenl of I.he development costs. Siimpson s;:iid . The new park will include fhe ex- istin,R nbservation cupola and the Richard Henry Dana historical landmark. Sa11 J oaquiri Board Slates Budget Probe Sala ry proposals and A re co rd S9.777,26ti budge1 will be. considered for a pproval by Truslees nf the San Joaquin Elementary School District 11t lonighl's 7 n'clock meetlng in !he Irvine School rn ultipurpose roo111 in East lrvin t.. Rex Ncrtson. A~sistant Supcrintcndrnl for Administrative Services. said !ht. bud get will requirr. an eight-cent ta:< in- r rl'ast raising school district taxes from -'2.i2 In $2.80 per Ji\00 assessed valua!ion. "A person v.·1 th H S3:i,OOO home will pay 11 bnut $7 n1orr a year:· said Nerison. He sa id H the bn<ird approvc:r; the bud~el some ad justments may still he madr. "Everv fall property owners lire liitl\'f'O a chancP 1.0 protest thrir a~~i;sn1ents. Son1etime:r:: ;is a result !hP. :i..~r;es,c;mrnt i.~ rrduccd. We can ·t be sure what 011r 11:r::ses.c;ed v;i\uation figures are 11ntil ;ifter the! timr .'' he added. Beforr budge! ;idoplinn, trustees will \'nlr on ,c;alar}' propo.~al.!i for district employc:r; \\"hirh months of negotiations ha ve produced. Corpsman on charges or al!empted murder. S,ll l. Herman Viernei;, 26. of 248 A, Avenida Palizad;i;, wa s reported in fa ir rondition thi.~ morning af!er surgeons at South Coast Community Hospit;il remov· ed a portion nf a Jung and repaired other rlama11e made by four .22-caliber slugs fired ;it rinse r;in.1ie. Police Chief Clifford Murra.v said theJ (.orpsman. William Archer Reid . who will be 22 on F'riday. w11s Arrested as he gav11 1hr vif'tim first aid on the floor of Reid '~ ;i;partment at 119 Coronado Lane. apart· menl one . ~·ive olher men we re in thr ap~rtment at, the lirne alnng with Vierne!'.' estranged vt"ife. Connir .Jane. police said. Offiecrs said somoone named "Act>'' called from the apar1menl al 1:50 lt'I re1l()rt lhr shnotin~. Viernes. police alle,1:r:. rlrove to the fl<1t "·hrrP he knew hi,c; wifp wfl:r:: visiting and ll rtem pted to discuss the couple 's prn- blem'l. The discussion proceeded without in- ci rlenl, Murray reltited, for Bbout 1(1 n1inul.es . Then. il i~ allear.d, V ierne~ slrllck ~ karate position and &id. :r;Landin1 les~ 1han four feet. Bway, pulled ti revolver and beA<rn firing_ He asserlcdly fir ed tht. weapon seven tim~s at point-blank renge then began lld· minislering first a id to the wounded vie~ tim. During the altercation, police in- 1.i maled. another shot 11•as fired by somP· nne Plse i11 the apartment. but the shooting of that gun ;ipparently was ;i;n 11tlempt lo quell the argument. IL WA.' fired by an unidentified witness who shot into the air throu~h an open door. Murray said prt.liminar.v inlervirw~ "'ith Reid yielded 11 sta1emenl which said lhe alleged assailant fe;ired for hi:i; life beca.usr of lhe diminutive sergeanrs ability in karale. Viernes weighs about 130 pounds and is 11boul !).feel. fl inches tall. One of the ~lUJ:S passed through Viernes· lung t1nd shattered a_Rain.~t hi~ breastbone. Severt1l olher slug.!i <"ilU.~ed les,c; severe damage In the m;i,n's shoolder. Viernes received emcr,1:enc-y !rr;:itmcnl 111 thP shoot ing scrne from firrmen. whn 1hen look him to Soul h Cnast Hospita! in thr fire c;hief's station v.•aJ:on. \lierne::i initiall y v.•;:is in crilic11l cnn· rlilion bcforr emergenc.v sur~ery. then hi.• rnndition stabilized later in the morning. h0spita.l aides said. ln the meantime. officrr~ werP: prep;ir- ing to lransport Reid lo South Orani;:1> Cnunty f.1unicipnl Cour1 fnr arraignment on formal char~es of assault with intent tn commit murder. No bail had yet been .set early today. Laguna Bans High Rise; Fast Action Promised By RAR!Ji\RA KREIBICH 01 Tllo Dl llJ ~llOI 11111 Laguna Beach hili!h rise opponent.! lo- t'l!IY prnm1sed tn mnvr sv.·i ftl_y lo . i": plf!.men! 11 36-foot. l)uild!ng heighl hm1l l)Tdln;ince approved J-1 Tuesday by a rPcnrd lurll(JUI or volers. Councilm;i;n Rov Hnlm ~aid he. would fllSk the city counCil :il it.s regular sessio11 tonight to t:ikP three '.'lteps : _ Owecl Lhe Planning Commission In morl ify thr eidsling C·2 _;i;one to conform with !he initialivr nrd1nat'K'e. The C-2 711ne I~ the onlv one in lhe city where SO. foot building,c; "now are permi!led- -Direct the Planning Commission In wrllP intn tht l;r nd u.~e. r-lement of lhe Gentr:il Plan. which ii· nnw i~ studying, thP f11rl 1h11I there ~ha ll be M buildings hii;:her lha.n :\6 lret in Laguna Bearh. -lmtTiediately sel 11 dAIP for I~ deferr('d City Cnoncil hearin,R on lhe r -R (rommrrrial-re~ic1cntia.l 1 zone. fnr be.:ichfron1 drvPlopmcnl, lnt'ludinit rh1t nrw ;u>.foot hl'ighL tlmit and generou1 ornv\sion:r; ftir :r;ide.VArd 5Cl.btiCk.~. Braving • rarl!_bcachfront hcal1"'a\'.t.. a - record fl! percent nf I.he t..a.guna elec- 1.ora.te went lo tht polls Tuesda.v to casr a 7~.:\ percent "yes'' vote for the hP:ight limit ordinance., It was as large a lurnout as anyone ;rrround City Hall could remembef. Of thP 4,920 ballot! ca!t. 3,707 were. in favor of the. height limit ordinance, t,21:\ opp()sed. The measure was carried in 1111 eight voting precincts. Mayor Richard Golrlbtrg said lnd11y he was not surprised at lhe e\t.ction results. "I would have been surprised if ii had come out any olhcr way.'' he said "The people of Laguna ~ac'h have spoken and, 11~ 1 1111id befnre lhP: elf'clion, I 11ccept thf" wUI of the pt.nple and lhal's exactly wh at I lnlend lo do." Goldberg said he would confer with lhe city atlorney rei;:11rdin1r the Ct'lrtecl 111.ep~ In be taken by the city 18' implement the vnte. Thf' ba.llol.11 wlll h~ t'anva~scrl 111 ~ 11pcri1tl 11djournffl. council mee.tin,it Aug. 1n, al "'hich time the official resull wiU bf. declared.' OAll.Y f'll.OT $1111 f'Mt. OFFl(IALS REMOVE BODY OF BOY AFTER RACE WITH TRAIN ENDED IN TRAGEDY Brian William Sweeny Died Instantly Tuesday Nlglit on Santi Fe Railroad Tracks Capo T rusteetoi 01( Scl1edulc~ }'or Fall Ter111 School srhedulr~ h::tvf' hPen ;ipprn1•rrf hr Tru~ler~ of !hr Capistrano L;nihrd Schnol f)i~tr1r! ror 1he rail 1ernl. 1"hp greate.~T rhanJ:P will hf" 1n 1hP M.:irco For.~ler .. Junior Hi~h schedule in San .luan Capisrrann which rh1 ~ Sr·p- tcmber v.·ill be.,R'.in a.I flam. 1.11:-t ~·ear lh r i;chonl starled al 9·,10 a.m. r:nding llnlf'!;: "''ill hr z r m fnr mn:;t •luden!l' witl1 :I p.ni for s1uden1.~ involved in extra ar· I ii· ii ic:r:: K1nctergar1cnrr:r; "''Ill bP 1n ~chool from R JO am 1n 11 30 a.m. or from noon in :I p.n1 -::11 Cnnrordia 1n S;in <:lr mrnl f'. Crown Valle.v 1n Lag11n,11 N1,gurl , 11irh;rrd Hrnry nan a 1n 0.11na Pn1n!, and San .Juan 1n !'an .Juan Caplstr;inn ThP .11an1f' ;igr group v.·dl i:n tn ~choo! from !I am. lo notin or frnm 12 ]l tn ~ ~O p.m 111 I.as PalnH1s In San Clc n1rn1r. 01,.. Han~on in Cap1.~1rano ViPl'l San Clen1en1P, Pal1sa1lr~ 1n 8('ach and \IJ('Jn 1n ~1is.~i0n Chilclrrn in l1r~I. St>Cond anrl lhirrl ji!rade will h,. on s!ilRJ:lCred .c;chedules ar P\lery elenirntary school. Those attending CorlC(lrdit1, Crow n V;i!lry. Richard Henrv nan;i and San .Juan \\'ill allcnrt fro1n 11 .:IO a..m tn 1·30 p.m. or from 9:30 a.m. !n 2:.10 p.m. Shldl'nl~ a! L;i~ P11lm11s, ()Ip Han:r;nn. Palis11de~ and Viejo will attend from '.J a m, lo 2 p.m. nr from 10 A.rn . t.n :1 p.m. Thl' re:r;l of lhe students attending Con- rordia. Crown Valley. Richard Hen rv Dana and San .Juan will begin 111 11 :311 11.m. 11.nd leave 111 :\ p.m. Classe.~ al Ole Han:r;on , Palisades .:inn Viejo wll 1 hegin 111 9 ;i .m . .:ind end al 3:3() p.m. t.a~ Pa lm11<; will not have fou rth, fifth or sixth &raders. " ' BIKE CARRIED YOUNG VISITOR TO HI'S oeATH Al l That Rem11 ined After Summer Ni9ht Outing Cleme11te, Ca1lo Aides To Meet Over A1111exation Thp Heronrl in A series or meehng:r; rn d15cu.~s lu!ure a nnexations, involving cQUric1lmen from San Cleml'Jlte. ln San .luan Capistrano, ls !ICheduled for Thurs· rlR v eve.nin,i,; in I.he mi:r::sion com 11111nity. \.Vhilr the La lk:i; have httn scheduled n~!cn~i bly to discuss annexalion sphere~ nf 1nfluenc1? as requestrd by a. ·county commissio n, il has been conceded lhat 11ie meeting will Include Lhe. latti;t \\'rinklc.., in' plans to blend San Juan with the unincorporaled communities of Dana Point and Capi strano Belich. Al !he two panels' last such meeting councllmen spenl several hours discuss- ing ideas to build one super city or the enti re Capistrano Bay area -including the county territory and both..ci\ies under onr munici pal structure. Triplex Nixed Thursda.y'.11 meetlnJ! will begin with din- ner 111 the. El Adobe restaurant. The status of the San Juan merger wilh the two coastal rommunities remalr's in t.he lcas1b!lity study category with .• layman groups formed in Dana Point io study the proposals and two town-hall mettlngis called by San Juan p\annini commi.ssiooers. Reje cted Developer PIA.uis Appeal ('.ou ntY supervisori; bowcrt In a Superior Coun order Tuesday roncerning a Dan;i Point varianCP but indicated tha1 the bat- tlP wAs nol.'hver. Superior .Jud~c .J. 1-:. T. "Nf.d" Rutt.er ruled rei::ently !hat f'he supervisors mu :r;l rPvoke a vAriance. granted lo Rich;:ird O. Roo5 to allow an cncroachmt!.nl in l.o ii re11 r yard !>l!tback ln the constntelion of ii lriplPx 11p11rtmcnl . Thr law.~uil WA~ hrnu,1thl by non11ld Beddot.. 34122 Slreel nf the Blue L.an!ern. Beddoe llnd several nlhrr r.s-~kle.nts of !tit. same. ;irea protesled "1gorously 1n Junt . . • • • when lhP '.'lupervi:r;()r~ ha cked County Znn- in.1t Cnmmissklner Ra y ~d in granting thr va.ri;inrP. .ludgc Rutter ruled lhAt !hP cou nty .And Roo:r:: had no! shown sufficient evidence of ha.rdRhtp to justify granting the var iance. County Coul'\SC:l AdriAn Kuyper said R()(l~ h;id refiled for 1he variance ,nd that "ii will be hAndlcd differen11y "mi~ lime. l(l f)OSS!bly overoorne lhe judge·i; ob- 1ertions.·· D:ina Point reside n1 have vnwtd lfl fiRhl Any fuh~Je. variance~ "'htch mighl ttff!CJ U!eir vieW. • The: commission recently received nrder~ from city councilmen to clOsely l':~itmine lhe r~mificallon.s of the merger and sample public opinion. The first of the two sessions is schcdul- elt'for Aug. 10 at 7 p.m. in San Juan cqun· cil chambers. Interested cit izens of a.II three areas Are wl!.lcome to ciiscuss tlle: plan. ·spcclfi('ally. commissioners plart to co m· p11e 11 li~t of pertinent questions asked by ·resident.\. 'today'• Flnal N.Y. Stoelu TEN CENTS • I e B1·otl1er, 15, ~atcl1es h1Horror By JOHN VAL'fERZA 01 IN 0.117 1'1191 Sl•lt An apparent bicycle race to beat a San· ta Fe passenger train ln San Clement. ended in instant death for a 9-yeat.()ld boy al dusk Tuesday as his elder brother watched in horror. Brian William Sweeney, who would have entered fourth gradP: ln Arcadia nexl fa!l , was killed instantly when the swiftly-moving southbound train hlt him at the private cros.5ing near Sboreeliff.T beach club. The youngster h2d been slaying for the i;ummer al 2729 Via Verbena with hi• parents and four brothers and sisters, police. said. Al 7:39 p.m. Brian and eldt.r brother J oseph, JS, rode across El Camino Real on bicycles, headed toward the beach. "I made it across and hopped off my bike and heard the train whistle," Jooe.ph said, "But Bf'ian kept nn coming and the train hit him so fast there was nothing anyone could do." The youth said he believed lhe sman black bicycle was incapable of stopping, •·1 think the bike wasn't working right. Thal's the only thing l can figure out.," he iaid. Police officers dug the. wreckage of the i;mall cycle from the undercarriaae ot the train's engine nearly 1,000 feet awa]I from the point or impact. The mishap, lhe firat fatality on the buchsidt tracks in the past aeveral .vears. pccurred on an unmarked prlvat. a.11phall palhwa.y lellding over the tracks, A Sanla Fe llpecial investigator at the ACene said in recent week.! he has cited dozens of youngsters for playini on the rails in .the same vicinity. Officers 11nd coroner's investigator• • rontinued their in vestigation into tht tragedy today. They said l.h& engineer W.M. Sullivan nf Alhambra could give only a partial ac· rount of th e collision· because it is dir· ficul t lo see. directly down in front of I.he engine, Last rites for the young victim were perrormed a1 the scene by a C-alholici priest. Funeral srrvices for Br ian are pendini .st Sheffer Mortuary in San Clemente. Santa A11a Okays Busline Subsidy Santa Ana city rouncilmen approved a 1334,000. five-year sub.!ildy of city buslineai Monday night in a split 4 to 3 vote . Councilmen also approved a first step ,;i x-month subsidy to be negotiated wlth the present operators Santa Ana Tran.sit Company. The cootpany has asked \ $67.369 for this period. J The bu11 firm. a subsidiary of Amerk:an 1'ransit Corporation of SL Louis. notUied the city two months ago that it would cease operating the three bus aervice on Aug . 31 because of financial losses. Under the adopted plan , one of aeven nffered by 11. traffic consu!Lant. the bus line will be municipally owned but ope r;ited by the transit firm. Oruge Weatller 'Beach lemperatares will be M with inland mercury at 72 -bul those are just the overnight lows. Daytime high! will be 75 and M. Sunny, humid air will prevail with some high clouds. INSIDE TODAY Orn11pt Co u:nt11 hM rsceived a $120,000 /ede rtd grant to help develop 11 policr. radio '"stem 1~ortn11 of Dick. Tracy. Se t: Poge 10. ''"'"' ,. t111i.ni1t , tr...:u ... u,. 1 (l•ullloilf tl·M c.-1<• 11 ,,..,....... 11 Dft llil NtJ.lctt lt 0 1¥&t(t' 11 l•Herl•I ,..,. 1 lt1h•ttl111111111 U·tl f'lnt..U U·U HotH<r• -H Allfl l.t ....... • " MAllMJ I Mwn.tM l it ..... Ml Mn... .... . Mwtffl ,..... 14 Nt ...... t Ntwt ... Or.ii .. c.-tt7 1+-11 IWl¥1e I'-U ,_t, ,,...., ltMll ,,.,.,. .. 1 .. 11 1'tlfwllltll M '"'"'" ,..,. w .. ti.r ' W-lh WHJI If w_., " ... .,.,. .,, •• llMwl ... ·--.. ~--. ----· --.,,.,.. -·-: I • -· ' -- • , __ "" r • I 2 DAIL V PILOT SC \ Conservatives .De.feat School Quarter System ' By FREDERICK 8CRODIEHL Ot ,... DiMtor f'lltt ''•" ThrM OOOMf1!•live mernbus of lhe 1-klch U!'lfltd &hool Di>lrict board 'ef education Tuesday night lashed out at a proposal ln pol l.aguna B~ch High School nn a IIimester r quarter I •Ylltem and .succeeded in abolishing the i~a, deapltt. a number of pleas and e.11 . planati~ from mr:mbr.rs of th e ad- mini.stration . Jn • 3-J: split voLr , "'llh t.ru.~tees Mr:;. Jane Boyd and Dr. Norman Browne d.is.senUng, a motion w,;is appro\'ed cancelling the trimester system. reducing Cou11cil1nen To Explain Pla11 Delay A ne w '"observer corps" for a Sa n Clement.e univerSity women's group has promised tn appt11r before r.ity coun· cilmen tonight to hear an r xpla nat1on for delays in preparing a ci ty emer,;;en cy plan. The issuP -keyerl 10 prnm1se~ made lll!t year by counrJlmen -center! on what plans thr. city mi_ehl have for evacuatioo of citir.e n.s in case of a nuciear accident al the San Onofre nuc!t:ar eenerating co mple1. Oorothy Kres!en, presidenl of the local chapter of the American Association of University Women IAAUW J, wrote coun· cilmen recently hintin~ that S 11 n ClMJente had been cited for nnt having a complete. plan ready despite a Decembtr, 1970, deadline set by Lhe stalf'. Represe:nl!ltives of Lhe AA UW first brought up the matter of a c1 t.v ev11cua. tiOn and disaster plan h1.sl vear at about the same lime Publlc Utl!ities Com· mis.sion aides conduc1ed local heann~s on lhe proposal to add ne w react.ors to San Onofre. Councilmen promised LhAt city s!aH would draft documents showing the evacuation sysum and "'ould make copies a vailabla lo the AA U\\' and the press. ., No word ha s since come on lhr mailer. "It wa5 our undersranding fhat specific information ~"OOld be obtained from lhe Public Util itie~ Commission and the Atomic Energy Commission a~ !('I 'd.tnger di.5tance· and the extens of hazards in- volved in addition of the two new nucle11r reactors," t>.fr~. Kressen told coun· cilmen in her letter. "\Ve are anxio us lo kn('lw whethl'r th1:-; lnformation has been as~mblerl and ••hen it will be made public." she added. Several week! ago cilil"s which had not brought their civil defensp plans up tn new stale standard! were warned by nf· ficials of the Sta1P Department nf Emergency Services that !hf> plan s half to ha,•e been complete by last OecPmber Cilie! in violatio n of the rul es ap- parently "'ould be. cut nff or st.11tt-and federal aid in case of P1Tie.rgenc1es. ar- cording to the department. The AAUW has rnsistcntJ y oppoi;erl some elements in the proposal by '""" major utilities to build the half·bi!tinn- dollar re.actor c(lmp!ex at San Onofre under present plan"- The projPct proposerl h\' Snuthcm California Edison and San Oicgo Gas anrl Electric compan ies 1~ bogged rln"'n 1n the Atomir Energy Cnmm1ssnn at presf'nl Indefinite dela.rs ha,·t rom t about dur· Ing new sturfies on cost:: and feasibill!:V nf upgradin~ the prnrn~P<l rrartnr.• tn mert new AEC !landards cn1·erin~ ~afef\' anrl earthquAke rlamace -· DAILY PILOT 011:,1,NC.;:: COA~"r PVll tSl'IN(, COM""''-'" -~\to •t N. Woed , .. n Orn• """ flu1.,•111tr J 4c:k R C11,l rv \11<.1 ,....,,dr~t l•d C.e~efll M1~0,rr Tloo"l4\ io:,,.,i Ecll'or l~e ... 01 A. ,1,1 .,,~1.,,.. Mlnlgo"~ Ed•!!>' Ch1rl11 H. Loos R1c~1·ci P. Ni ll """''~I M•n•Q•"~ Ed• o•1 L&f••• lentil Offlt1 111 ~e•pal Aw1n11t M1ili~g 1tld•111: P 0 . Bo• 6b6, i2651 S..• c1.,...11,._ OfAt• JDS Ned~. El c."''""' ~ •• 1. ~1b 7 1 Otller OffltH Ce••• ........ ue Wtu e~v ;1-r,.. Wtwpe•t I Mell· .\llJ "e-· · eou ~.,.,I! H11111i"!ll9" le•t~. illlJ eetc11 &ov•t•1•<1 DAILY' ~ILCT. wl!I\ w11 .:~ 11 c;0,,,n,~~ "" N.WS·~tln, It ~~'l .. ld dlllv ••tt•• S .. ~. ~1,-'" s.IJIUl ll .. 11_1 '6r L•011<1• t1$c~. Nt-/ ·ff(~. COITI Mffl , M""U"QIP~ ae1e~. ,_,,1~ v.i1.,., s.~ c1'"'"'''1 <..,.i1tr-•nll $•.,,,l1b•c>". 110;.g ''"" o~· 'ff""'•I N I""" ~rin(:loll i>'•"!I"' 111"' <I II .. WHI •• ,. sr .... 1. Cal!• M11• T•l•11•111 1714) 64J.4JJI Cl--"'N A'""9kl .. 641-J•71 S. Clniffte AA D1~••l-•K: • '"''~'"' 4t2·44JO "' L.te-..... All D111•"-"l'I: , ......... 4t4.t4•• ·~lflot, ,.,t, O••noco Co1t1 ~i.a.1.., ·c-v. ... _, ........ lt'Wl•t•I&<-•. elllMvl1l ;..,,, ...... ,,.....,.,.11,...,, ......... " ,..,,. Ito! 'l~fll wl""°"'r JNC:1•1 ~., ... 1 .. :e.. "' ~ .... , ·-·. k..-'41 ct111 -·-00111 11 "fW111'1 8•,c~ •'IC (.,If Mffl, Ct U'IJ""'' Sut!Kt lt ll"' tv .:t rr16< st U '"'""'!" nv "'Ill it I• ,._lflr,, '9IJJlt1ry l 1til"l!l&t>•. U .JJ _,!My Chratmas vacation lrotil lhre.e lo t\\'O w.eka and movine tl'le: claae of the school school and put for th !.he trlmester plan 1n J umo. befote P..1rs. Gille11e and r~r.a ld Linke had ta ken officr Tht bosrd. in Junt.. approved the lfi!Tltj!er system in a 4-1 dt<"ision with Rill Thomu riis5p~lin11.. year o.nt "'et.k nrlltr. ._ The motion beci"me. part ol an amend- ment to a second motion Lo appMve the eourst of s1udy .at the higb school. wtl\th pa.s&e<I 4·1. with BrflWnt again di~~enlinj!. The motion !n s~r.'lp the trlmesler s.vstem was m .'In~ b,v ~lr~ Pa1i'1r.ia \.ille!le. who rlaimerl "the ron1munll\' I~ nil! ready fl'lr this It's brf'n slapfW'rl dnv.·n on them. Also, I dnn 't !h1nk tl1r Hitughl"s presen tation on thr s ys1em was acle- qu;,ife " Don H.aught IS pnnc1pnl or the high Thoma.'\. i:~aklng !or the l'(ln,!ler\ralive triad SRid • "We're trying tn i;ie1 itrro~ot !he f8c1 lh11t !he high schMI J.~ pro- ~ressin~ tno f.:i.o.t ·r:tiPrr 1s a hiJ::h 11moun1 nf instahilitv :.nrl wr :irr nnl turo1n" nut ll'h?.t 11·p shnulrt bl' I urning oul. V.1c should SIOll' rtn11 n " '"A In! nj 11nrk ilnr1 rffl)rt ha,;; gon r 1ntn lh1s rrogr;in1." rerl1rd Dr \V iliam t:llnm. superintrnrl rn!. .. It seems !n me la.!lt .\.1nn· ·~1··· <, , I ' ' •' Election ll' atcl1e1·s Lagunan .fnseph Tomehak. activist in the anl1·h1gh r1;;e f1gh r. keeps notes during the tallying of election results a t ci ty hall Tuesda.\· ntghr He is borro11·1n,g the ~hnulder of another ('nmmittre v.·nrk e r. F'ran Englehardt. \1'otc.r.~ by m0rr than three to one elected !o limit height to 36 feet Connally Warns Banks Not to Hike Interest \.\'ASHINGTON <LiPll Treasury Secret..a r~· Jnhn B Cnnna ll~·. using s0ml'. nf the mf\<.t blun! lan~uB~t the Adm inis tra tion ~as ~·P! dirtrte.rl al lhl' buslnes~ community, 15 serk1n.R In hrarl ('l{f a rumored increa!>e in bank int l'resl ra le~. Further J.IOlU!'lllflPrl 1nrrea~P~ in ln lf'rest raie::. alrparl \' h1r.h 1'11' h1::1onr ,lf .>tandard::. m1Rhl "'ell 1rl'lpard1z,, 'h" strength nf lhP bu~inP.s.~ rero1 Pr\,·· Cnn n.'i llv i;a1rl Tursriay in ;i ~1atrmPn t 1~::uf'i:i b.\' hi::. nff1rp Cnnnall.\. nff1r1alll rlr~1 .:na1rrl 1" Pr·r~1 rlcnt '\1xnn s rh1rf ernn('ln1 1r srinkr>~man rrarlrrl tn 1h<> <1nn"11nr<>mrnt 1\i;it :i Philarlr lp~li! ~:>onk 11·;:i• rnn~1 rlrrin~ a hon~! In II ~ [JflITTf 1111rrr$I rill" :i11rl lh~1 ;i nrrrn1t b;ink harl .:ilrt.:irly pn~trrl a11 111 crr;i.~r "I am rl1 ~!rrs.~Prl !n hr;ir rrp<1rl .< nf another 1nrr"il~P 1n thP hank pr1nlP lrn. ding rate." lnnn;illv ~.:11rl nrsp1tr repor1Pd slug2ish Jn ao rl('mand !hr r,11P "·a.s increased on!v la~I mnn!h .. Alth('lqgh Cnnn.:illv rrn1r~1rrl r.:irh"r 10- creasEs in bank inll'rP~! r.'ltr~. his l111r~t statrment "'"'!'I thr firs! nnr 1.~.,uf'rl hl>fnrl' 11 s1 nglt onP of !hr m:i1l'lr "mo11p1• marktr .. banks h11d 11nnnuncPrl .'I hno~t ir also "·as a break with Adrn1nistratitm prtcedenl nf rommPnlJnt on prl\'lltr business decisions l'lnl" af1rr the~· have bf'e n made and then nft rn in milrf term! Michigan Bank . thP £11th large~f 1n Detroit. incrPased lls prim!' r.'llP -th<> Interest charge In 11 bank'~ hiQ:J:!l'!'ll anrl bp~t corpore1r rusrnmf'r$ -from fi !n fi '1 percenf. F1r.•t Pf'nn~yh•ania B11nk :inrl Tiu~t Co 1n Philadelphia said 1t "'.'I~ ron· 1i1rll'r1n11 a !'1mih1r bon.~I Altho1111:h 1he primP r.11r ts ;i1,>id,11htr on lv In big cnrpnratt horrn11·fr~. all nthf'r t-ank inlf're~l rales ar,, ~ralPd up frl'm thr pnmP Ser, ices Sia tcd For Mr. l(ecl vn F11npr ,1l ,•Pr1 1cP" ii r" ~1·hprJ1i1 Prl fnr I I a m Tue;.day for !ongtimP La_i:i1na Rr:irh rt'o;;irlen1 ,J;unr~ !. l\r("IYn 11·hn rl1Prl Thur~t1;iv ;ir lhP fiPl'Prh· Mann r C"'nn 1 :itl,ren1 fl o,p1tal 1n c·ap1~1r11no Re<1rh . HP ""llS R.1 Thr ~r rl'lr"~ 1\'lll bf' hrlri :it ,hr !iihrff,,.r ~1 orll1arv ChllfK'I 1n L.atuna Bearh. Pn1·atP hur•t;il will follnw \1r l\relrn, whl'I 1t1·pn ;ii 4!li An11a Sr and hart bf'en .'I rPs1drn1 for .lll ,\·ear~. 111 -~t1r111·rd b\' h1! l"'(I .<:(In~. Franc1~ Ra.v- mnnd of La.e:una Beach and Larry Ray- mond of Ba!rl1v\o Hill~. Lag1111a Cou11cil111e11 Face Ligl1t Load 011 Age11da Otht'r th11n :itl1ir1p:itf'd d1.<:rus~1nn 11f the hi~h ri11'" f'lr r11nn L.,,1:un11 Bra.ch ril\' rnuncilmpn 11·1\t !:ire ;i hg hl a g~nd;i 1nn1gh1 at 1hc1r i .lO rm mteltng al ci tv h1111t . At: .. nr1.'I m:ittrr~ 1nrlurlr -Thr f1n111I rPad1ni:: 11nrl .'lrlnpltl'ln rif 11n nrd 1n11nrr rrquir1n11: rri,ldrnr., (If ;in un- rlttgmund U!ihlir~ rtlstrlrt !n ""n.<:trurt ;inti prn1·1rlp !hr1r o"·n undt'r.Er('l11nrl l'l('fl 1c("~ Thi' ]1111· ~rirr1f 1r' !h.'1! 11 111 Df'r•nn f:uh In rf'lmrh 11 11h 1hio nrrl1n:inrr tt•lfhrn Ill <'t'rt~1n t1mr orr1nr! 1hr r111 will JtCr'1mpli ,•h !hr 11 nrk 11nrt r.111 th, Arr f'<"1Prl hnm, nr btulrl!n~ ri11·nrr .. -ft I -The ariprnl'111l nf cnnrrac!J1 be!1rern lh,, cit~· ;ind \\11Jtiur Smith anrl A.~SOC'l.'llP~ fnr .'I Sl•.(1\11 tr11ffir 11111t1:v Abnut 71 ptr· ('('fl! l'lf ltlP <'OS\ "·i]! bP pAirl 11•1f h the · £f'rltr.ii t funrl~ -Appril\ ;ii nf m1n!'lr rhlll'l,t:P~ In thr rnntr<tr • brt"'<'f'n !ht rlty ;inf! Simplts: System!', 11•h1rh 1~ insh11lln~ ne11.· chlorina· !inn f111cilitie~ .'II lhP c11y 11r wl'r pl11n1 ThP rh111nJ!'"-~ will tn~t i:in 111rlrl1tion11I SL:!~. hr- tna1n,11 thf' !ntAI hill tn $.1!i.2Rt1 '\ fl'l'lUC'.~! 1!'1 rlf'lrtp P:irifl<' A\'C'llllf' frn111 1hP C'J!\'0,~ !-;r!l'r"! sv~!rnl nf S!rtt'I.~ ~n th.'lt 11 r11! rlP sac m;iv n, rnn~tr11r•Pd )It !he term1nAU('ln of the rlearf fi nd stret t, .. da.1•, durtn~ the study ~es51nn on the course of study ynu should hal'e brought !hill up . We should ha ve had M'lme tn· rllf'<tlion of ynur (eellng."l earlier than lnnight " Ullom nnted lh11l lhe n1a1n purpose of !ht trimester 1y11 tm -whir.h would 1111ow fnr th ret !emel!ters of 12 wf'rks in· steed nr lwn semesterlll n£ 1~ Wffk~ - wo11lrl bf' tn allow sturfents 10 t11ke mnre el1>rt1vf' <'f'lursrs. l'm v("ry ~urrir1~erl lo hr;-1r .vnu 11':in! tn rh;ingP lh1s ... co mmenlerl Dr Rohf>r! n('fVfS. rlirt'Ctnr of instrurt1nn. "I havp a feelin l.? tha! high ~rhnnl .<:1arf will be prPt· t.v upset aout th il!. A change like lhls shnulrl he struiusly considt rl'rl " Ullom sugges1 Pd th11 t thP hoRrd •It d!>wn with lht high school st11 ff •nd wnrk on lhl' trimester plAn 1n a ttlurly ttt11.si(l n .'lnrl l'tlt t no ii l11ttr lh il! mnnlh. ·I wanl the Vll\e oow." 1ns1str.d ~1 1•J11. I; 1 llr1!r Thon1;1s sa1rl he hl'ld l;tlkrrl .... 1th · 2() h1J(h S<'hnol leilrhPrs " who Wf>re not in f11 vor of lhf' pr0.i;:r.'lm 11nrl Mrs. f:illl'trr !ll irl m11n v !lturlrn!~ wrre rl 1!~.'lt1.~fled wil h !hP trim1>s1 er pl An Ul lnm said 1! 1~ hr!lrr !n j!f't ui· fr1rmatinn out bPfnrl' thr hn.'lrrl in -~~url.v ~"~s1nns ''where the people can be heard.'' "WP ~hnuld l!Pt .'l \\'fl\' lrntn thf' 1nfnm1a l rf'fPrenC'f's anri l!'l'I thr word right oul tw!rt itnd stop be.1ng 1rr..spon81ble, '' 11n obv1nusly upset Ulln m mntinuert. '"I ff''"I l'Pr:V Jllroni::ly ;ihout thi.!I '' 1'hom;is ~aui hr aRret>rl , hut ;uiriPrl , '111 lll!IP i::r;iss roots in(orm.:it1on r;1r1 he gronf'!. •· H:iui::ht. who rl111 nl'li rn1er !he mc .. lin.t! until l.:i1e 1n lht rl i.~cus~in". ~::111'1 lh.:1t wor~ :11 the. h1~n srhMI nn thr trimP.~tl'r l'.1s!Pm wnu ld h;ivp lfl ne srr11pprrl and th:il ,. n1nr;ilr pr·nhll'm nn hoth a student anrl f;:i(·ultv lf'1·rl rotdrl rr.<:ull. •·rrop1t · 1hrrP h:il'e rc.'1!1)' be-en coun· ting on it," he said. Caspers 'Hush' S upervisor Advises 'No Co11111i.e11t' Poli cy 8~· .JACK RROAAf K OI 111• D1l1~ f'lle! 11•11 Fifth D1qtrirt Su pervisor R o n ;:i I d C11:spers nf 1\;e11•port Re.:irh trn:f11y .:idvi.trd Or:in ~P. County rlep.:i r1mtnt hf'atis to rlrop thr.ir "wide npen mouth" pnlir.y towa rd thP pres~ and reply "no com ment" !& f'Jllf'r ie.~ more of!cn . C11.~perJ11. nbvinusly nc!Llert hy nrws f't nriPs ronc:erni n11 his artiflns. ~111 id ''!here arP times ·when I ha ve fnund i1 nece~s11ry !l'l ~"Y 1r s nnne nf ~·our G·nd d.'lmn bu~ines~ ... C.'lspers· rem.'lrk s follnwf'd 11 s1 :i1ement h~· S11ptrvisor R.:ilph C!ark of Anaheim roncernin.R a news story in today's erli· lion~ nr thP Lns Ao.i::ele."l Ti mes nn rhe pf. feet nf ~.:i t11ry cuts on Lhe coun ty's rx · pandrd druR abusf' prn,11:ram_ "I .'Im 1·oncerneri abnut rhe proi::r11 m 111nd alsn ahnut 1he fact th .. prPS.~ wa.~ tnld llf pns~1hlr butt i::et :idjustments hefor~ 1he 1<upervisors were lnformerl." Cl ark fum- ed The Time~ s!nrv said count1· 11rl· m1nistr111 ive flff irP ~1rlM had st aled that 11 S2 .fl00 per po~il ion s;i l.'lry cu! on all nl"w cnunt.v Johs rlur ini;i 1he cnming .vell!r wnul rl severely hamper !fl~ dru~ abuse pro11:rflm . Times l-tt aff mrmher f)11n Sm ith. 11•ho "Tnte thP stnrv. a.oked Cl111rk if hr thnug/11 rnunt.v nr"·~ SClurrr~ shoul d bl' cl nsed rn !hr prl.'ll!i HP said tf sn, hf' nbjerterl '"' ll!Uch a policy a~ past presiden1 n£ the. Emma Ha1Tis, 89, Se rvic es H eld F11nf'r.:1! .i:Pr\·1re~ "'Pre flplrl Tuesday 11f11>rn('IOn frir Emm;;i H Harri~. :. Lti~urt \\·orlrl rt .01rl£'nt ll'ho ri1erl .S.'i!urd.:iy a1 the .:ii;:r nf R'.1 ThP r11f'~ wrrr ronc1ll<'ll'rl h1 lhr Rr1•. P:inl l 'hl11r <11 Shrllrr i\1nrtuar1· f:h<1]'1PI 111 La.':1.Jn.'I Rr:i rh Pn1'lllP in!Prmrnr foll nw- rrl ;ii Grrcn11•oort tllf'mor1.:1l P.:irk 1n .l\::in !'lirgl'I. r-.1ro H:i1·r 1 ~. whn l11·r(i ;i1 :tR'.1-1-\ i'\11r111d;i r·:i .<lil l;i . 1~ i;1n·v1vrrl hy hrr s1<l€'r. tl1T!' Hrlrn R1rrn1a nf J,;ig1ir1a Hill~ ;inrl ;i flro!her. Ha rolrl H.'ihlhiock ('If i11nnarf'h Ra .I'. l ""f '"YT"~-....,.._.~---~-- r GEM TALK t TODAY ! t i by f l NOT FOR INDUSTRY ()1·rr 11()'", nf <'!I) rl1an1ond~ f<tll ~h011 of oien1 q11;:ilJ1~· and are relP- .Eatrd tn 1nrlu~1 ri;il u~r~ r::in~1ng frnm thr prPcii;1nn 11•nrk of .'iCltn· t1fir t::ihnratnr1e~ In hea\'V dut.v "~~!~111llf'01.~ ln nil r1elrl~. 1'he rf'1na1n1ng 2or:;. of tile "·nrlrf.' rl 1e1mnnrl prn<l11c1 inn i~ .'il1hjer1Pd 10 furlhPr srrPrn1nc. rl11rtJ1C \\'htch lhPy arp r::irefu lly ,11.rader1 .:i~ !'!em !;l(lflP.<:. the n111\· k1nrl in v.·hirh "'e r1re in!r>r{'strti. 1'he r11Amnnrlc nn r1 1.•p\;i v 1n nur shn11 C'<'l.'ir~ 11rp p;iin.'itak1ngl,v .'i PIPcl· ed hy 11:0: for tho.'iP 11 hn apprec1.:.re hlt?h ~!~·lp ;:inrl PX'l"jlliStl P r::t.'ihinn. 'rhe1· ::irP h i~h ri11;il11~· rl i::imnnds he;:iut if11ll.'' rt11 anrl 1n011111rrl rn 1n- i-11ri: l ;:i~t1nJ.! <>11 1n_,·n1ent hy 1he1r o'rners. \Ve ;:ilsn hfl \'e le~~ expPn- 1111•r stones ,1·hich Are 3t1ll finest riual ily fnr lhe n1nne,v. ~111n~· n( nur cu~!ntnrrs. di1r1n.[! t he lA~t :Z4 .1·e;irc, hA\·e rnme h;:ici+; In u~ ;i~;:i 1n ::inrl A~ai n : anrt \\"I" like t(I helte\'e lhRI persf1nal intei'l'.'st in the 1n rl1\'1t1ua1.~ nr our C'om m un1ty i~ nn STnA lt (;:i c\Or in t h i.~ l"jlllf P P\'I· rltnl lo~·Rll~'. \\ie 11re prnurl n( "'ht!I \1 f' ~rll. And drri\'e a ~rrRI rlrt1J nC .t::it1sfAclinn nut of kno\1·1n.s: the pen· plc 11e scr1c, ' Or;in,cP ('n11n!y c•hfolplrr nf S1cm;i Drl!;i Chi. professino;il 1nurn111 li.~m ~nc·ir1y r l:irk sAid that 1h111 "'"'~ nnt h1~ purpo.~io hul hp ll'fl~ ronrl'rnf'fi. "th.=i! the prP~~ knl'll' ;ih n111 thi.~ hrfore \\If' rl!rl " Sn11rn rrpl1rd lll;it Lhe inforn1.:it1on w;i~ nhtA1nerl h_v dirrc·t que.<:tion.~ (I'! !hP arl- min1str;ili11e office fin d thal it "'llS n()t v,1lun1errerl 1n th e press. Al !hi.~ point Casprrs j1•inf'd !hf' r11 s(·11ss1r1n ~:i.vin.i;:. "ln lhP $1~ ninnl hs I h:ive h1>rn in this nffi1·p I "l'e ber·onit very cnnrerned ;ihn111 lhin'l ~ th:i! l h.'il'P heard :ihn111 1n lhP prrs~ frir thr firs! timP. Thi~ t·:iuscs cn11ft1.~1nn .'Ind thP w:i~!e or v111 luP1hli'.' lime running dow n the 1n- fnrmat111n. "I 111~kPrl th11I rlrp:ir!n1rri1. hertdo an rl r mploy{'S rpfroiln from runnin11. the ir ('111·n publ1c11y df'par tmenl.'! anrl 10 refrain £r11m surh ;i w1rlP nprn mnuth rnhr~·." r:i.~pt>r~ ,~;iicl he r1>rf"11!)~· ';i)mn.of 10~1 " the l 'ppPr Ke11•por1 B.'1.V 11 ild lif P p1·r.~ervP prn1ec! N-r.'lll~e nf ;i op11•<; story. ··r w;i, '1llolerl a~ s;1v1nJ( lhe !iir1"1"rt:irv nf the Jnlrnor was i,:oinJ( t11 r1rrl;ire The area ;i wildlife preserve hut J only ~;i1rl 1ha1 l thought 1he secrPt;1rv wn1ilrl. '·1"his causerl lht> lrv111r. Cornri;iny lnh- byi.•! 10 1·nn1;:ir1 lhr lri(rnnr nrr11rlmrnl aorl [ hild to ;ip<lln~11r ::inri lo~• nHich ,c1·ounrl 1n lf1P dnvr fnr lhP prr.•rrvf' ., CaspPr~ ron<·ludrd. "ThP prr~s shn11lri fJ11nt~ 11.~ rnrrct ll,1 .'lnrl rlcpar!mrnt h<'~d, ~hnuld bul!nn 1he1r l1rs:' Supcrvi•rir Willi;im rhilli[l.O f'lf ~·ullrr!on "'"~ 1hP lnnr mrmhrr nl tht ho.'lrri tf'I rl~ fPnrl rhP ri!;!ht nf !hr pro>~~ In ~Pl'k 1n- fnrm11tinn Hr 11ddrd. '"The board should not hamper these errorts ... Tu'n Per<·e11t Boost Lagu11a Tr11 st ees S11pport Teacl1er Sala1·y lnc1~case A "rnmm1ttmrn1" t11 <Ii '"'" prrrrnt •al.u1· 1nrre;i3p fnr rf'arhPr• and ~11 n1J11rl ~la ff 1n the L.;i iiuna RP11rh l 'n1 f1f'rl Schnol f11strir1 "'a! appro1·f'd h.1 1 n1~lf'l'S Tur~· da1• n!l!hl Thi' twn rrrcrnl 1nf'rr:i$r ""Ill hPr:nmio f'fff'r ll \'e FPh. L 1~72. \\'h1ch lrd h1~h ~rhnol inc!r·urlnr Rnn Rn~~ lo rommtn! !hat 11 ic nnlv .'I nnt percpn! 1nrrea.~P fnr thP en!irP crf'lml yr.'lr. Tru.~rrc :'\nrm.'ln Rrn"•ne .~.i11rl ".<l.'lrt1nt Vrh. I. 11 ·· \WI') fW'l'Cl'lll rorPvf'r. Rr:illv, wP ;irp w111lin11. .c1x mon1h., l)pfnrr lhP 1n· <'rr11.c'" 11:nr~ i11tn 1>ff P<'I .. Hr ;idrlerl th;il lhP .~:il:iry ~rhcd ulr for IP11rhrr.c; will orror;it r nn .'l Frhr11Rr\' In Frhru.'lr.\' ha si.•. Trit<'ht>r!'I will ~l~l'l rr("e1vl' .'I (lf'nl:i l p:iln nol In r'l'lot mnrp lh;:i n $1.l~ pr r emplo:ve llf'f _l'l'.'lf ThP twn p1>r('l'nl "If Pr mitrll' hv !hP h":irrl r:imP l"\11 nf nri:znt1r1tin2 !<!'~.cil'n• .'lt!f'orlrrl hv llr Norm;.in Rrn11·nl' 11nrl Rill Thnmas w11h tp;i1·hrr r"rirr~r111;itivP~. The prnpn.<:il r111 fnrlh b\' lhl' IParhf'r! rllllif'rl fnr .'l fivP :ind nn,...th1rrl pf'rrl'nt in· rr,.11.c;r ovr r fhP 111 mnn!h~ perinrl .. lull· I. J!lil Ir> Ftb I, 1~7.1 Thi~ nffrr w11~ nnt rf'"pnnrled Jn b~· hn:irrl rr~prr.~e.nt.:i111•P• ii'! thP mPrl :inrf Nlnfpr sr,sinn~ An.'lrd member•. in :iprirn1·1n,t: !hp in· crPi:isp rommilr mf'nl . a 1 ~ n arlnpted ' pnlic~· !h.:1t 1f ;in v ex!r;i monf'.I' 1s l~und ii .. . .-ill ~'1 to lhP 1r:irhPr< . Arl F1shrr. prr~1rlrnT nf ThP l.agunA Reach t.; n if if' d Farull1• l\~s{l('1afin11 1 l,;iRlJFA I .o;iid he anrrrCialrri !he 1n crr;isr in 111nnP~'· F1~her ;,lsn \;iurlrrl nlhpr pol1r1f'~ wnrk- rrl oul 1n Lhe mePl .:inrf rnof Pr srss1onot. 1nrl11rlin1: a tr:irh1>r.~· h:inrlbnnk nr hoiirri p...,lu·1 e<. ;i lr:irhcr rr prP~Pnl~l1vP lo th P. ho:irrl .::i nd a new 1nt rr.n1~1rlrt tTP1n11fer pnlirv CROSS Wri!t~ llttfrt1'1'*'1tt 1" 14 1(1ra1 Geld ~,119:1 er Sto!rl•"9· W!tl'! ett"ee't"-t! 1,,.. t~ P1., Purl.fl ' "e"',.., "'..-iel! .•••• ,. J1 :<00 ffltSet .•••••••••• 24.00 J. L .JJ.uniph rieJ J euie/er.i 1823 NEWPORT BL VD., COSTA ME'SA CONVENIENT Tt•Ml -ANt;A M ~•ICAtO-MA.C,T ~l CMAD~' l• YEA~l IN SA.t.I E l6CATION - DAI LY Pl LOT 7 Mo r a ss of Legallt les CHECKING •UP• Justice8 Get Qui z By Angela Aid W rangling Bogs Do wn Your Own Nutriti onal Products Business An Unu sual Opportunity -Full or Part Time SACRAMEN1'0 fU PI \ the language by noon lomor-determining specific needs for M,. 'He• L•wford co1di•HY i">'ift1 v•ij lo be hi1 ptrion•I '"''* 11 • bu1i"e11 op~or!u•"tv 1emi<1er wll t re vou will !e•r" llow yo11 ~•n p1di,;p1 le i" • dr 1m1!•( <jl tOwlll indu1!1y will. O~G ANl60, rN C., 1n t•cilin9 new ecolo9ic1ll y ori1nhd Comp1ny. Blondes Get Awa y ~.o\N RAFAE L tU P!\ - Acting as her own attorney rnr rhe firs! tin1e . Angela 0 1111s <Ire"' le!timony rrom ii judge Tuesday that he "'ould 'tnt recornn1end ;i Black Pa.other for j!r11nd jur\' rluty hl>t·NJ ~f' ' Panthers .:irr the n1ost bla· t:.n r racist.~ lll ncf' Adolph H11ler '' Negotiations on 11 wel fa re row nooayl I don't see how each case. The flal grant rrform compromise bog!i:Cd we can do it by this weekend," system is designed to save ad · down in a new .. legal morass" 1he Senate•s chief negotiator ministrauve costs. 1oday but legislators and Gov . told newsmen Tuesday night. The negotiators have been R.on11lrl R e 11 g a n expressed Federal la w re q u i re s unable to rind a way around hope that final agreement still eligibility for wel fa re tn bfi the congression<it requirement could be reached. deterinined according tn a which \'.'Ould allow California ORGANIGO, INC., i1 • dht,;b.,tor of th e lli9he•I qu t litv 11 t h1r t l lood >up~l •m•nh n1tur•I food1. 1 ~r:l n1!ur 1I co 1m1lic1. The prod• uc ••, •II• r••1onJtie pri cin9, !~• 1IOT1plified di1tri buiion 1yll1m, .o nd n1iionel bo 1nd n•..,• t lP01u1 e •It uniqu e end p•o~ide yOlif with 111 ouht.ondin9 po!tnli1I. Witl1 Mu ch Mor e The adn1ini.~tr11tinn ll n rl prescribed standard of need. to change iLs "·elfare eligtbili-Thi1 ••min•• will bt t<.eld in •h• B1llro om. A111h1im Bowl. et 1:00 I I I " d 1l•al R d · · · P.M. on W.dn e•d•,, Ao9u•I 11 , 1.,71 . Ooot Pri1•' -Refre1h. rg1s a ors 111srovere The eagan A m1n1strat1on ty s~'st em. f h · · "''~" -No Admi1rio11 Ch 1r9e. For 1e1e•••lion1, pl •••• ~·II By I~ i\1, BO\'O RWNDES can i;:et a\.\•ay w11h more ardcn1 display.~ llf passion th11n 1·an brunette.ci. In the mn11ies. I rne11n. 1'hey cRn hol d lhe kiss !nnger. rr\•ral mnn• hare borly , d1spl<1.v a grrall'f undulat ion "'h11 1 rlnn't know. Rut Alfred Hir"h· rock contend., it.$ a fart. He 11ays his ln11e srrnes might nnl pasi; !hr c:ensnr 1f hi.~ hf'roincs were brunettes. AN OIL i\IAI\', rrccntl.v returned rrnm Ira n, inforn1.~ m~ it's had n1anners there 10 <:on11ncnt 011 !he color nf an in- fAnt"s ryes. Su~rstit1on. H <i.~ tn do with !ht' inran1nus P.1111 Eye . . EVER i\1ET a humorless man who worked tn R plAce of business wi!h sawdust on the floor? Ncithl'!r have I. Autch crs. har1cndcrs, lishn1ongers, sawyers, lhcv tend In bf'. funn.v · charac!er's IF' YOU WANT 1n iin· nress a salesman. tell him hr. \YOU!d have made a superh tri al la1\·ycr. That is sairl rn hr v.·ha t ;i ll i::rca1 salcs1ncn 1\·1sh !hey were. S pent Sl ug Bou,nces O ff 1 Mon's Chest ~1ARINA OEL RF:\' (liPl l- r-.1 ichar! Milman. :n. doesn·1 r laim 10 be superman yet thr fa ct ren1 2.'ns I hat a J21Cal iber hullet houncrd off hi.~ chcs1 durin!: a burgl;ir,v a!tr111pt . Milman. a .~hnrl. mu.'ie ular abalonP Fisherman. 1 iv "s .:iboarrl his moorrrl flsh inR hoa1. Rc!urnini; In ii.~ Tuesday nigh1 , hf' confron1Pd a burglar ransacking his cabin. The bur,1?l.:1r .I! r ;1.h bed Mi!man·s nlrl revnlvf'r ancl FlrPd four shnts~nnr nf 1hcn1 striking lhf' fishcrn1an".~ hroarl chest ribove the heart. Hu! !hr slug rlicln"L prnrtr;itr 11 nd lhr an,c:r y ~· 11 u n ,c: fisherman hrf1ed a nrarhv v.•nod bcan1 anrl .~m~ckcd thr .susp<>cl over 1 he head. Sheriff's deputies s a i d Milman survived because the pistol"~ ;vnmunition was so nld the pnv.·drr "'.:ts defeft1ve. A suspcc.:L .Jose ph r P:ttrir k. 21. or Thrcr. R ivrr.~. wa s hooker! on ~u~pic1nn (If burglary and Rs.~aul! wilh in - tent !o rnmmi1 n1urdrr. -. _:. •• ,• HOW I)() I KNOW fnotbAll I~ more lC1hal 1h::in r n rl en rid in~'.' Sin1plr .~1at1~l1es. They show aboul l.'1 hoy~ a ~·ear are falnlly triJured 1n foo!hAll. maybe one a year 1n the rod('o ring. Rnxiniz i~ killing frwrr ldtely. bu1 the nvcr;i ll ;ivera_t:P a1 last report r;in abnu1 seven dealh~ a yrflr. Deadliest ~pnr1 of all. <:erlninly, IS muu!\· tainecring. Ct.JENT \.\'A1'\'TS In knn>v 11 \\'itrl i::_an1e cxpcr1 Don I !unt was senous when he rla1mer1 !hr Ix-st w.:iy tn <"atch ii c.:hcctah was lo grab ii by 1hr tail and throw it into ::tn open box . He was \\'OH\./)"S Rl(~f.ES'r NAJI. is lhe boat ;;pike v.·hich weighs about !\10 pounds. When 1 reported lh:il , ::t customer asked, "WhaL"s lhc smallest?"' The nee dle nail T.:ikes ahnut 95.000 to v.•cigh nne pound. Your 11uestion~ find eom ..,,.. men ts :ire welcnrned and 11 111 be used in CHECK ING l 'f' wherever po.~siblf'. Plca~c ;irl. dress your letters to I. M. Royd. P 0. Rox 187.'i. ;\ewpor! .Reach 92fifi0. -~- portions o I r1r comprorn 1se and 1,.~i.~larors had agreed rn a '"Thcre·s fl 1n<1j()r legal pro-NOW: ORGi'NIGO !714! t.Jl -1 241, •• •'•'' lh• OR6AN160 proposal prol);ibly we re in compromise v.·hi('h Sf'.t na1 blc1n th::tl "·e·re tr Yi ng, boo th ~• •h• Ho..,• •nd Ge rde n Show. Ant heim Conv•n•io11 C•n· to.li.c;s 0;;111s. 2i, A Corn· rl !rt'tl conflict y,·ith federal c::tsh p;rant.'> with cost·of-liv1ng rlespcratrly 10 resolve," saidl '••, 1hrou9h Au1 ~1! Ith. law ,.~;,,:,~·1·:e•:s:•:'~'~''~':'~'~;~p~·~,,~"~'~':·...:"~'~'~'•:Y~~"\~V~e~·,:·.J:·,:s~t ~g:o:;n~g~lo~I~~::::~~~~~~~::==~~~~~~~~~~ rnu111st and black n1ili1ant charged with murder. k1d- n<ipin,c: 11nd conspiracy in lhe 1~70 ~·larin Countv cou rthousr shnuinuL ;ind her "four l11wycrs hei;;an <·all1ng ~1...,-io Coun1v judgPs !O thr stand Monda v. The.\ were ! rying to show thf' grand Jury which indicted hrr Negotiations y,·c re susprndcd rather than i n d ; vi du a 11 y keep workin~ ·• --- tempora rily while l" l :I r f -------~ last OctobPr w a s un- const itutinnall~' ~ f' I e <' ! P r1 hccause blatks. lhe young and the pour >\'Crr systcmaticallv c~cludcd Thcv v.·crr schedul- er! lo t·ont1nut' their quc.;- 1Jon1ng tod11~ A forrnf'r UC L . .\ 1nstrul'h1r, ~\1ss Dilv1s was granted the pl"lvilcge or ritting as a co- c·ounscl le.st week b.v Superior 1'nurt. JutlgP Rich<1rd E . /lrna.~nn , who is hearing pretrial tnatler~ in her cast'. Shr u~cd this ngh1 /or the f1rs1 linlf' Tuesday. .Judge Thomas F" !\eating. ~~. v:ho was ~ state senalnr before being f'lec\f'.d to (hr hench. Sflid he "'ould nnl rrc«immcnd fl P:in1hf'.r nr f"on·,munisl for lhe grand jury hrr:iusr they practice '"hatrerl, vln lcnce and murder." me nibers researched lhe lawf i11 an ;i!lempl lo find a way ou1 nf the dilemma. "'It's .:1 legal morass ," said Assrmblvn1an Wil!ia rn T . Raglcy -(R·San Ra r a PI ), cha1rn1an of the welfare com· n1il!ce. ··u "'e can Mlvr this one really knolty problem, we m11 y have agrce1nent." ri r1 d r di .A.sSi'mblvn1an Len ~1cCa rthy 1n-San FranC'isrn 1 ''They 1 negotiators\ report i In rnr that they arc pro·1 grrs~1ng." said Re ::t g an _ ··1vc•11 jllsl "·ait fnr thc111 lo finish·· Nrgo1iators had hoped to 'I 1\T<lP 11p ;igreen1cnt on v.·clfarc in 1in1e for the legislature to Like i t.~ ;ilrcadv drlavrrl threr-1 wrek vacation. begin.ning next I 11"{\('k . Sen An!honv C. Reilcnson l 10 -Be\·e rly Hills) !he maj0r ;iut hor of the bill. expressed hopr tha l a C'Omp ron1ise could he rlr;1ftr<l. hu1 "'"rncd ncgo-' !iallons niay spill over 1nto l nrxt week .. If lhere · s.fO a1o:rcen1cnt nn 1 __ , ll(JJIC OF /il>'ORID fAAl(JU~ BEEF STICE· "l!·l ({f JUJIJI(~ t,,UJ<flf SOLOATl£ADlltlGSHOWS &".! FA IRS COA S T· TO·COAST sµam1 20¢ OFF '" ll. I' " Re,. Sl.4' lb. \ '"CHl!SE OF THE WEi k'" ~ OLI PANTRT. • •••llv no.,.. ch•••• ... d•volon4 d by food •c i ~n!"h •I nn o n/ OU< qrt"! "'id.wa1 !•'" ""; • .,,.;fi11! WOfh ih nalu••I •v• hnl•• on.4 ,.cl. 9old .,n color ,r, • t•ou b•· tw~•" ,...,;,. ond c~ .. ddo• '" r:uo c~ •n.I chP.dd•" Se"'' 10/t '" +er!""· d~le c!•hlv not!~ in fl•vn•, it ,1,,~, •••nlv. ~ .. •P• b••"!i/,.llv •nd melt• •moolhly W atchi1ig Both 'Home T eams' Th is is Phil Ross of the DA ILY PI LOT sports staff. Wheth- e r you 're a Charger fan or a Rams fa n, he 's your man. He's watchin g action in both pro footb all tra ining comps a nd th e result is that DAIL Y PI LOT rea ders get more ex- clusive coverage of t he "ho me t eam," whoeve r they think th at is, The DAILY PILOT sports staff und e rstan ds that who+ DAI LY PILOT readers wa nt is strong coverage of "l oc a l" spo rts, That means covec th e hom e team . And th at means: Cover the San Di ego Cha rge rs wh e n th ey se t up comp right in our own qa c kyord at UCI. It also means: Cover th e ''ot her home team ," the Los Ang e les Roms , in training at Col St ate Full e rton , Westcliff Plaza Town & Country The DA ILY PILOT does it, both wa ys, Reod Ph il's reports ond you 'll know the DAILY PILOT is th e one t o keep you fo cu sed on the hom e t eom-ol Irvi ne or in Fu llerto n, 1 7th & lr>'int NEWPORT BEACH 714-642-0.,72 171 s_ Mol" St. OAAN(;E 714-54l-1016 JJ/14/tJ'I ilJl/A'I t81111111411 More Excl u~~ive D.41L Y PILOT SJJOrts News 6 3 buil . ' ' , "l!'-"'W¥. #~< ·) c~· .. savings fast The Big M -Mutual Savings offers the nation's highest rate on insured savings with a choice of 4 insured guaranteed-to-gro w savings plans, including 6% {$5,000 minimum. 2 to 5 years): 5%% ($1 ,000 minimum, 110 5 yeara ). Equally important, The Big M. cares enou?h to give you very. personal service. I . ""'"· • Mutual Savings l"d Loi" Auoclallon .. Corona dt l Mtr onlc•: 2M7 E11t Co11t Hlghwty / 175·5010 -. Other offices In Covina, West Arcadia, Pasadena and Glendale . Jt" ----.. ,;,~~=-------------.::---.'"j ... - -f • .-•, ·• __, ·fr - •, .. , .. '" < , " , ,,, '>~0'---L--.:....-- - • .... . ~ It DAIL V PILOT State Aid Duplication Revealed SACRAr-.1ENTO (UPI i The H.cagan Adm1n1 stration says some nf the more than fi.000 California \1'clf:i re and ~1edi·Ca1 recipients J 1 v i n g outside the s\;itc <lrc on duplicate v.•elfarc rnlls. Slate Hun1an R e 1 <1 ! i tins Sccrc1'1 ry James !'If. H:ill sairl Tucsrlay a spot chct k of 95 names with v;clfarc officials in Nevada revealed that six California recipients living there <ire rccclving benefits from both slates. He commented on a survey undertaken recently in con~ ncclion v.·ith a nev• manage- ment information s y st e m recentl y put into effect by the State Departments of Sncial \Vclf<1re and Health Ca re Services. The ne\v syste1n is be ing developed as part of lhe ,C:O\'crnor·s welfare "reform" pro~ram. I-fall said. Hall said 16 or California's 58 counties have nol been in- rluded in !he survey because lhey arc not ye! partici pating in lhc new i n f o rmation ~ystcn1 . Hr indi ca1cd !hat "·hen information is available from those counties. even more names will be added to the lot:il. .A,nnlhcr six rccip!cnts, \\'ho nre now on Ca lifornia \velfare roH~. 11·crc removed from 'R'Clfare by Nevada offi cials t arlicr lhis year bec:iuse they ~•ere found to be ineligible. Jf:ill said. '"n'e nam<'s of these in· di\·idua ls are hcing turned over lo the state attorncv 1?.eneral and local law eri- forcemcnl authorities f o r fur1her <i ction." he s:iid. "The 1>arne action \\'ill be taken "·here duplications are found in other states." S zJec ial .1 el To Eye ltf(lrs While riloft l\IOUNTAIN VIE\V !UPI ) - \\'•th ,\lar~ a nltT<' .1·\ !I 1111ltinn miles a1v,1y -its closest ap- pro:ic h to earth in 3fl0 years - gcirntis!~ 11•ill l,1kc h i i:,: h altitu de JC'I alvft tr>i11ght 1111· a lfHlk :11 Ollt planetary neighbor. Till' \'i!!ion:il AC'ronau1tt·~ :ind Sf!.1f"C' 1\cl n11nicfr;i 11on ;in- nouncc d Tue s d a y thnt "GahlC'fl," II ~!'lCti;illy CCJUIP- prrl Convair 9!l(l jC'I. 11·1 11 hr sent up fron1 Jl ;i w:11i fnr :«_'vCr;i l midn1~!1t fli ght s dur- in~ the m<u11h. Infrared rl•adings ;ind o!h<'r cf11.1a µ:ilhl'rrd hy Ilic le<nn frorn !Ii.ASA ·s Arncs Rrsc;irch t'f'i1("r 11(\rr JS exr1•r!l•d !11 grc<il ly <'nhan ce n1 a n 's knov.·lccfge or ~1 ;1cs.. csnc~·i;i!f~· of ifs a 1 111 o s p h c r c . (Crn- per:iture and surface \V<'llcr. For the ea rthbound . NASA pr1n·1ded s lJ m c ~Iars-gazing ti rs: The red pl;incf. 1vhirh v.•i1 1 gel !he clnsc:sl since 1671 on Aug. 12. may be observer! 1n lh c Unilcd St1tC's for the next several davs rising above !he castC'tn h,-•rizon about 10 p.m. local rla~·light time. Al 40 degrees latitude. run - ning roug hl1· lrnm S;in Friln· cisco lo Philadelphia, r.iars can be 5C"cn at 2 a.m. in the !OU!h at .10 rlcgrecs above the horizon For persons sn11!h of ~O degrees. ~lari; will he slightly hil!her in lh<' skv : for th ose north or the linC. lhf' planet v.·ill be slightly lo\vcr. l'i'cwlou J 11ru rs Still Ta lking OAKLAND, Calif. fliPI) - After listening to a rc·reading of six hours of key les timriny. th e jury in Black Paoth<'r leader Huey P. Newton·~ manslaughter trial t u d a y deliberated for a second day on whether he killed an Oakland rolic<'m11n. The jury of 10 ,~·omen ond two men received ttfc Cilse Tuesda~· rrorn S11pC'r\or C<iu.rt Jud~C' llaro!d [! !Inv(', who to!d them, "!here can be no triumph in the Jury roorn ... onlv Lhe ascc.r lalnmcn1 of l nri~ 11 ,.,. Wednfsday, Augu st 4, 1q71 ANAHEIM 2636 Yf. La Palma 821-8900 ~~ OPEN DAILY ~ ~:-COSTA MESA 1750 Newport Blvd. 646-1696 HAllB OI:: BlVD )(' 1 NE\•/PQl!T AVE -SAN DIEGO FWY NEWPORT FWY THE • ( o:::J GRANT 'l',1, BOYS .sr ._ USE YOUR CREDIT AT GRANT1 S! * BANKAMERICARD *MASTER CHARGE SAT. 9 TO 6 SUNDAY 10 'TIL S SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE IN BOTH STORES BOOT SALE! *SPECIAL * Mr. l eggs POPULAR NAME BRAND SWIM TRUNKS WESTERN STYLE DRESS SHIRTS $422 All SIZES All STYLES $600 And Up The GRANT SOYS have ove r 70 1tyles of footwear for men and women! Reg. $6.00 Style •8222 BODY SHIRTS All your f•vorirrt: Kennington. Golden Breed, M•le.1!, Joel s~ort & long 1leev1 prints. REG. $10 WESTERN HATS All sire1. 1!19. $4.98. FLOWERED T-SHIRTS FAMOUS BRAND SOCKS """~ •it<kl fil> •ll oira , •ut. <•I•" 'lolwt.> lo SI.SO ("N"'Hl lM ITO•I ONll) Tremendous Savings On Our Famous Brand Clothing! CPO SHIRTS REG. $9.95 $777 BOYS' C~?.,~~!~~~... $ 5 88 ALL COLORS & SIZ ES MR. LEVI'S" FLARES & STRA IGHTS 1'11fern1 & solidt. Si1r1 34·42. From YOUNG MEN 'S DRESS FLAR ES Solidt, pt!lerns & stripes. Si1e1 32·42. f rom NUVO FLARES lagoo n blue, n1vy, while, tobacco, grape, m1uvt. ru1t, yellow, crilnberry, British tin & 9rrr. 2b·42 CORD BELL BOTTOMS N1vy, st nd. bei9e, cheitnut, b v1, loden, moJJ, grr y, bur'ilundy i nd plum. Si1e1 28·38. ·········: ····················~~·£·'1'-1., : ············y· 'S o£PAR1 •~· ••••••••••• . ao ........... . : u •••••••••••••• ~ .......... so Y'S * EVER Y ST YLE 1r EVERY SIZE i "' \ .; . 1r EVER Y CO LOR • sgoo \'S® CORD BILLS llV • tll1,t11ut, \odell • . '• .... •'.'. 600 Hivv , b1191, S\ie1 6·14. s "' '"'"''· LlRlS LEV\'S® Dlff\N\ ,!,,. ,,,.,. •";,' . •"·"'" ';"ms1u• •·"· . JE"'.,S $ 5 . ,,y\1"' 11'1 . 450 .,, '"'" ,. "Ll \lMll ,.,.n LlV\'S® DOUu . . . . . . ,." Sil•• 6·,, . s goo 1\ue, \odtll, nit• .. 1r••"· "' "'"'· • D BILLS LtV\'s®,.~~! .... ,. . .. . . sgoo ~:;:;~:r: .. ~;;lM fLARlS L£V\ S '""' whH•. .. . st.a.·P~£ST ~;1~~"\f>-30 . .'. · ........ D£Nl 5\1£5\ bur11undv. UT OUR S~U ~sl{ ~ao tf.M t .SK\ Rt,~ ..... 81\MG I 1n11 your lo?\1n11Silt~ 9.20. d nd st r P11 h•"' •""· All th• ,,,,,, ',o,n .~; '"' Gt•!I' IOV' '" '" .,mm , S 5so l'S" "WlLLACl-BllR KlMG tlM .,mm" .... ·~· s7 00 Th• ~· f1vor1t1 tor th• ity\11 you t• 1 1oy1 "'"1 th• Gftn I 20 Stri,.1· \oo~illt fer . Sh •• . . ~~-'· ~· FAMOUS MAKER LADIES SALE SUMMER TOPS Stri ped in sizes S·l. HOODED SHIFTS Stri ped in sizes S-L COTTON P ANTS Striped in sizes S·L COTTON HOT PANTS Striped in sizes S·L JUST IN from ••. ''CITY PANTS'' COTTON FLARE PANT S Electric, gold, wine , nilvy and burgundy. Size s S-1 S. COTTON HOT PANTS Red, n1vy, white and bl ue . Sizes 6-16. COTTON FASHION SKIRTS Stripes, prin!J and solids. AU colors . Sites S-13, COTTON TOPS St ripe, prints and solids . All color1 . Sizes S·l. $400 $400 $400 $400 ... $10~? ~100 $7!0 $7~po ~J~~--~:,) ,i,I -' . r ' ~ ' . . . I i LEVI'S "' FOR GALS I I :1· ff} l i' . ' ' . ' I '.JI \ , I Grant's has EVERYTH ING in Levi 's' for Gol's. You'll fi nd them 111 in our new enlarged GAL'S DEPARTM ENT! Every size •.• Every color ... Every style! HOPSACK STA-PREST FLARES s1200 Nilvy, wtiite, brown, green, pimiento, gril pe and bu rgu ndy. Sires S-16. GRANT'S HAS 'EM WHEN YOU NEED 'EM I COME IN AND SEEi LEVI'S® CORD FLARES lf, bl ve burgundy, grape, brown, or1nge, navy, p11ch. Sites 5·16. LEVI'S ® BRUSH DENIMS low & Western cut in 1s1orted colors. Sites 5·16 .......... , .....• TURTLE NECK VELOUR &LOUSE A Levi's' fashion in wh ite ind n1vy, brown, purple, burgundy S-M~ ' -- COTION PEASANT BLOUSE Color• tom• lr1 •1111 1114 11t1· t.111,htd m111ll11. Sb11 7·15. f•OM 1 I \ ~ I r ~ I I 11 I I I ' ··~ !'<-,~-- Moving Up GREGORY L. BUOH ER ha:i: jointd the Segerstrom Family and will be In charge of plan· ning and a r chite c tura l development. Jn making t h e 81}. oouncement, the Segerstronl Family said '"'"'.-·: he will work in the areas of land use d ev el op- ment and c oncep t plam1ing, co- o r d inaling with Seger· -c-• strom f'am-,""""-.:_ ~~ ... ily consultants in the areas ot market research, planning, ar- chile<:ture and engineering. ~ dustrial property for light In- dustry and warehousing. Holsinger, 49, is responsible fur leasing operatioos at 21 Dunn industrial park locations in Soulhern California as well as commercial and Industrial park. sites In the Dallas·Ft. Worth and Houston areas. Dunn will begin projects at San Jose and 11ayward in Northern California this year. Prior to joining Dunn, Hols· inger was founder and prcsi· dent of Holsinger, Tnc. in Burl· ingame, Calif., a distributor of public seating and school furniture. He remains as chairman of th e board. Huntington Beach resident HELEN JO FOSTE R has been appointed assistant manag1:r at &>curity Pacific National Bank"s recently opened Yorba Linda Branch. Net l ncon1e Sho,vs Dr op At R ossn1oor No Ma jor Gain Sho wn Over Year UIS ANGELES - (BW) - California's economy shov.·ed Barbo r Area R erital Activity Confuses Picture signs of recovering du]g Demands (or summer ilen· as of April. 1971.l, lhere were 1971 's fir st half. after 1>-tals In Newport Beach, af· 8.470 rental--0ccupied unit.s In parently dipping to its low sl fected both for better and for Newport Beach. point in November, Security 1-1•orse b~· f! light eCQnoniy , are TI1is figure includes house.s Pacific Ne.t i on a I Bank still vt•ry strong, according to und 1lup!exes. According to the reported. a survey of ;irea re&ltors. san1e census, there were 7,346 According to the bank's ''July 1-1•as very slo\v -n1ul!iple family units and newly developed statewide slov.·er than usual any\va)'," 1..\.2i5 single f?.mily units in business activity i nd e x , admitted Cart lhamas of C. Ne"vorl Beach at that tin1e. California posted iL-. seventh 'l'homas Real Es ta t e, Current percenta~es o f consecutive gain during June, "probably because of thl' v:-iruncy are not computed, but clin1hing up to 130.7 (1 967 economy. But Aug.JS! is full," passersby can see many rental equals 1001 from November 's he said. signs still up. 1nainly in the lo1v of 120.2. Describing the same situ<.\-\\'est Nev.•port area. Dat a for this new index. tion, a spoke.~man from A1rs. Stine has an e:ic· '·led b tho bank'.. A~ .. nciated Brokers Ser1•ice plana1ion for their <>.bundance. L.\GUNA I/ILLS (B\\') -comp Y " "" economic research di1•ision, said, "\Ve had a lot of \'aca n-"The signs stay on every Rossrnoor Corp. re Po r I e d v.·ere developed irom each of cies in July, but this month is available place until all rental unaudited n(·t incotne o r economic research's current going 11·ell." dates are fillrd." she said. $325.000, equal to 16 cents a indexes of region a 1 i 7. e d Iron ically, the tight econorny And many of those, she said, share, and s:i le s and revenues monthly activity for Sou!hern has benefited Nev.·port Beach belong to <1ut-of·lo1-1•n owners California. the north e r n tourisn1, according to Anita 11·ho fail to ansv.·er rental in· Pnte nt A tv tu•tl Give11 Butcher, a graduate of USC, with a BA degree in Architec- ture, was formerly planning director for Rancho California, a 95,000 acre master planned community in Riverside Coun· ty. Me was responsible for land analysis and !he con- struction implementation of the entire master plan. She joined the bank as chief teller in 1966 and prior to her present appointment, sel'vcd as an administra1ive assistant at Fashion Square Branch in Santa Ana. of $4.i02,0VO for the tv.•o co<>.<;lal area and the Stine of Jones llealty Inc. quiries. tnonlhs ended June 30. close of Sacramento and San Joaquin ''I see more :ind more peo... 111omas :>.dded that when Dr. F:d\Vard Gold (right) of Santa Ana. a pr incipal !he cun1pany's third fiscal valleys. pie every year using Newport visiting in \Vest Newport he scientist in physical 1neta\lurgy at Phil co·Ford 's He had been associated with Rancho Ca lifornia since Dec- ember 1968. Prior lo that lin1e he spent nearly three years with Al bert C. Martin & Associa1es in Los Angeles as an architectural designer. Corporate attorney JESS \V. quarter. "California's business nc· Beach u a less expensive rou tid ";-i 101 of those signi; are Acronutronic fJivision in Ne\vport Beat h, r eceives For the comp' able I "" 1· ·1 · d dur'ng 1971 's first v.ication than goin<> to Europe n1isll•ading: because the places 'r \ v· ivi Y in ex 1 • "' a co1n 1rnni• l111·cnli\'e J>lan I1atcnt A\\'il rd fron1 I..ouis .• · n1onth 1x•riod last year, the six months averaged 5.2 per· or across country -especially arc rented. hut the signs just OAVIS has joined the legal d e partment 'ti or the hun t·°" ing1on Beach Company as an assistant co1np<iny carl'led $ 5 3 J, O O 0, cent above index reading for now," she said art.'n 't taken down ." F'. J.l eilig, Ph ilco·Ford \'ice president and Aeronu· cqLJal to 25 cents a share, on comparable 1970,'' said as.si s· Leonard Smith of Bay and Thon1as has also fo und that tronic general rnanagcr. Dr. Gold invenle d a proc· •. ·.: I d ' f · 'd t J J II Be ch J'cally Inc agr-d Ile rrnt;:il prices are hi.,her this 1 d sa es an revt• 1ues o tant vice pres1 en o 111 ·. a ' ·· '"'" · ., ess lo siinultaneouly iinprove the st rengt 1 an .• $5.9~4 .000. O\vens, r.~ministrator of lhe said Newport Beach "even season, as has Mrs. Stine, v.·ho 1 Pl iJ F d .• The Butchers live in Laguna Beach. H.oss111oor reported earnings economic research's business had a shortage (of available points out this is <.>11other v.•ay d uctility of alumi11un1 alloys. Under t le l CO· or :: for its first seven months July studies section. rentals)." the economy has helped lhis Incentive Plan, an a\\'3rd is mad e lo an en1ploye to J .J. Shaw, v ice presi· dent-legal. l5 · e t 1 · f t ru If Exact figu res of summer area. "Renl3 have increased 1 1 t r t' b d n his invent ion ~~r atfi~0~n~ ~~~nths ended ga~ ~~~f:;~_s7~~ve~:ged ~.9 rentals are not available, but because taxes h a ve in· '" ien a pa en app ica ion, ase 0 ' .~ ROBERT J . WALLACE has been appointed manager or the Laguna Beach office of 1'1itchum, J ones & Ternpleton. Incorporated, located al 295 F orest Avenue. H e w as fo rme rly w ith Stan. d. th I970 creased." is filed in the U.S. Patent Office. June 30 !he compnny reported -~J>C;•:""::':·~··~-;;;;;;mmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'~';iCQ~r ~1~ng:.;l~o~~·~..:.~c=•n~'~"='~· ;;:;__..;;;;;;,;,;;,;,;;.;.;:::::i ii -..;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;;;;;;i unau<fi1ed net income o f ~ •• $924,000, equal to 44 cents a /'\hare . and sales and revenues of $18 ,862.000. Previously, \Vallace w a s manager of another 1najor in· vestment fir1n ·s Palm Springs office. A member of the Newport Beach Tennis Club, Wallace and his ·wife, fo.t;irie, make their home in South Lagun a Beach. G. W. (JOE) JIOLSJNGER of Newport Beach has been a p p o !nted v i c e presi· dent and na· tionaJ mar· keting direc· tor of Dunn P r o perties Corp. Headquar. lered in San- t a A na , Dunn Properties Corp. is a 5Ubsidiary of Los Angeles- based Pacific Lighting Corp. The firm specializes in pr<r ducing, teasing and sel!ing in- <lard Oil C o mpany of California, and attached to the San Francisco office since 1955. In his new position he will be v.•orking on legal mat. ters involving the development of the company's land holdings and on oil lease matters. A native Californian, Davis served as a combat pilot in Korea with the Air Force. He lives in Hunting!on Seacliff with his v.·i fe and t hree children. Balboa resident MARK E. Slrt-1MONS has been appointed assistant manager of Security Pacific National Bank"s Buena Park Branch. The Albuquerque. l\'ew f\lex· lco. native holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in business from Whittier College And has furthered h is professional education through numerous courses v.·ith the Americ;in Jnstitutee of Banking's Orange County Chapter, joining Security Pacific as a n1anage. menl trainee in April, 1969. For the like period in 197i1, t'arnings were $1 .269.000 or 60 CC'nts a share. on sales a.nd r e\'e!lUeS Of $3).670.000. Da ta do not include Casa Linda Realty, Inc., acquired July 14. ](cyslo nc 1'clls F iscal Profits Keystone Savings and Loan Association of \Ves tminster and Anaheim reports that the net profit for the first six 1nonlhs of the year, ending June JO. 1971. \\'as up 100 per· cent, accord in!'.: to llonald \V. Caspers, cha1rinan of the board. Net profit for the first nionths v.·as $2?8.666 as com· pared to SI l~.133 for t~e same period la st year, Earnings per share v.·c re 48 cents as com· pared lo 24 cents for the irst half of last year. ~ ~ EARN 253 TO 503 MORE Many banks pay a reduced savings passbook rate of o low 4 °/0 • At Pa cific you will earn the same hi gh rates as b efore. ANNUAL YIELD ANNUAL RATE MIN. BALANCE MIN. YEARS 6.18% 6.00°lo 5,000 °0 TWO 5.92 °1o 5.75% 1,0009..!! ONE 5.39°~ 5.25°~ 500 9..!! %th 5.13°~ 5.00°~ 500 ONE DAY Interest compounded daily and pa id from date of deposit to date of withdrawal even if ifs just one day Ask how you can obtain all thes e benefits service charge FREE PREPARATION OF PERSONAL STATE AND FEDERAL. INCOME TAX RETURNS ""''""' FREE ~a~ TRAVELER'S CHECKS S AFE DEPOSIT BOXES °;)J.1111~ COLLECTION OF NOTES MANY OTH ERS .,..,. ~'(.,, OPEN ·NIGHTand DAY Hours: Monday.Friday 9:30 A.M. to 9 :00 P.M. Satu rday 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SOUTH COAST PLAZA )SU IAISTOL STfllET • COSTA MESA, CAUFOflNIA • PHONE 5'G..fOM --b -•. ,,. DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE! .4 DAYS ONLY TllURS., FRL 9•9 SA~AY9-6 SUNDAY 10·5 bu PONT NYLON PILE Soft and curled down yams for d imensiona l effect. More face ya rn for ionger Mo ny lovely colors. DuPONT , NYLON PLUSH \ 100% Continuous filament . nylon plvsh.. C lea ns ea sily. Ma ny lovely colors available. DuPONT '501' Hi-Lo NYLON PILE All nylon fa ce random tured hi·lo loop, double jute bocking. Easy to maintain. Morry smart colors. DuPONT NYLON SHAG 100% DuPont · nylo n face. Dovb!e jute backing , ea sy to ma intain. An array of deco- ra to r colors.. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERY UPTO 50% DuPONT TONE-ON-TONE NYLON PILE Continuous . f ilam ent nylon pile carpel in a deep, rich, hi .J o lex· lured, tone·on-tone pa 11ern. Many lovely col ors. POLYESTER SHAG Deep rich shag carpet made for ye a rs of beovty and wear. Lo rge selection of brilliant California SHOP AT HOME SERVICE ~·~· If yov can't com• in, jv1t phon• and ;p .. ;~~J au r r•pr•1•nte1tive will CCIII with a :.t".:"W(,.. f u ll 1ampl• 1•lection. No o bli9otion r;:.• .... ,; ... '. ..) ~-.... CALL TODAY ~<"·,.· ~·.!t 546-8548 :£t~.i: ;::oo...v_ ~~~.;~.-·~·I e USf OUR CONVl NllNT CRIOIT TERMS 3040 ,BRi OL AVE •• !~·~.~~~ i~•v. e All lA BO ll CARRI ES A llflT IM I GUA RANT IE • COSTA MESA 546-8548 : • l .. I): t ' . •• )l .... ,~. 'I' .. ,,. .... I ., , I ff OAIL V PILOT SC l Yoar Money OVER THE COUNTER Franchise Tries ".,_. ..................... llf ...,._...., , ....... ,._ ....... ,.rk• • llff ..... ,..•II .,._..._ _,..._ •r ~.-. NASO Li1tin91 for Tuetd•y. August 3, 1971 Bring Great Risk N!W 'l'OIUC CAI") •nrM ,. y,,. lollOwlflt llol .,. Mrvo i. • 14\Htt<1 p Sw11 "'"'"""" s.c..,111 ..... 1 ..... ,~ By SYLVIA PORTER Joblen ror months. 1~ crtu.in1ly despuate and ut . terly bewildered by lht1r fa ilure to find work, mount ing numbers of highly 'killed men in their 40s and &Os have bttn putting their life savings 1n10 franchl!eS" But tht fact that they have advanced degrees Jn physiC3 or engu"M!enng or chtm1stry doesn't glve them the ab1hty to make a succe" oul of a computer programming school or an tndoor goll course, nurs· ing home, heavy machinery distributorship, art gallery Quite the contrary, their speciHhzed knllwledge may have .so in.'lulated th em from business experienc~ that 1l is an actual drawback. WITHO UT QUESTION, franch1smg 1s among the easiest ways lo realhe the American dream af being in business for yourself -and refleeting this. the total of [ranchises Cl up to 700,000 and rising steadily You are buying local franchise! each year wtnch now sell more lhM $100 btllion of goods and services. Fully SI in everv $4 0£ relall sales comes from a franchise. In many slates -Arkansas, Cahforn1a. Flonda, Nebraska , Washington major rran· chise--control laws have betn passed and lhe number \1-11/ grow rapidly. But no amount of leg1slat1on can protect you aga1n s l yourself. Here, therefore. l'lrt: your 10 most fundamental guides (l) MOST BASIC of all. choose • field 1n wh ich you h!'lve some expenencr. A franchist will NO'T' endo w you overnigh t with ab1ht1es and experience you do not already have. ( Z) THOROUGHLY In- vestigate the repult.lion of tht 1>arenl company Sou r c es "'ould be: local bankers. L.rade ;:issoc1ations. the S ma 11 B u s 1 n' is Admin1s\ration. Federal Trade Comm1ss1on . lawyers, 11ccounla1nts, local Better Business B u r ea u , friends I l 1 INSIST on a delatled f1nan c1al statemr. from the franchi.ser. As your banlc lo check lhe franchiser '& bank" and •lao IU Dun &t Brad.slre!!t r•tina:- 0••1•" Aun 6•tr • ., ,., !~• u1un1t1 Bon~ ••• c,. 1n111•ln<t I. lnGVI •rt• 111 !<I.II 1!<1<"' "'' Grp It"' t MI 1 ·~•! C1K NG 1o1 '""""' l"' '"' c.~,,..., c 14t Q UERY OTJI E fl ~::,,~" 5{ ~""~m~::~/ .. ~ franchl.sffs on weekly salu, ""'" 1<1<. " "" '""" L•b , M..i! ''' d \/> 4"',. (lllMI ... Belllng cost!. rent and utility SI\•:« &o• t l !oo J1v. c111r1 0i1 d d U\/1 8>.• n ll ... Cllm Lt• bllls, a vert1s1ng M pro-v1"' 1n~ 1•'-1til. ,,,. .. 111 moUon ro!itl', labor and tax Fl<' u~"'i.'71"J.~ u ~~·~.~~ b11ls, insurance -and their _._.,1 ~';:"'"1"~1~ l'• ~~~',':;'. PROF IT trends. Ask .11bout :it t,:.\ 1~.,, 1;v,~ii'/!sJi~ traffic, work hours. seasonal .o.1rs inc J.., J .. ,,,,,.u,"' I . AVM c. 10 100. c1r111UI II !luctuat1ons, p e r 1 on a m """'' 1 .. d 11,. 11o, C••·~ "'' volvement necessary~ :~~;·• ':;; 1::~ ~:~~~119011 !SJ DON'T EXPECT lo ~h~o:' :~:.; /J,, l::, c.. k f t f t"• t t ..,,,., io• '" 10 Collin Fd ma e a pro 1 rom '"' s ar . Air 1 .. 11 ,,~ i-.com cit Few busmesses, fr11nch1se or !l::=u•;• ,: .. 1~:: ~:;;:1 ~:. non·franclnst t vr.r do At(Dl•r .1, ,,., ,....,.., "• ' Al<on l~ d ,,,. (om P•• (C) IF YOU AR E templed to Alcl1n E1 1~ '"''""'! Cm J.r.to LnO 11 .. ti\• Cm1> In>! engage -and p11y for -th!' Ail r...,~ 11" ,.,, ,,..., Toe Allf 1!1•• l" 11• (omrto services of a franchist ron-.,11a E•~• ... ,,. con """ I h k f II h. Allvn 81< t~, 100., (on Rock su !ant, c er care u Y LS or .. 1 .... C•m 1 1,~ con1r1n her r11put1tion fo make SUTI! "'-1•""'" 1 1•11 C••~n~o Alam c;n J'O ~ C0<1> ~ lhl! consult.ant 1s not >AOrk1ng Am 11..... iv. 1..-, c~m v.-. A Et LID ,,, 1"4 (rlw Co for the franch iser to whonl Am E•P 11P,1111~ Crou co "m Finl 11 l1Vi Cr~t Rt• you are referred "'-Fini l~ 1J•• 11" c~ur Frd j1) OF COU RSE, don't sign :;:: ~~;;, ,:~ ,;:z b~~.~':,"' an" t'ranch1se agretmtnl 11n "' !Millc1> u ... 1t11i 0 1n•• M J AIT1 ff/~• thi 11 01•~ CP Jess and until your lawyer has "'"' w11<1 1.,, "'° 0111 01n ........... ,... , ... 01!1 c;.,, go~ over 1'111 the detail~ •"Mu• 1 ., .. """' 011a P~• 'I FIND OUT •'HAT th An~..,. In ''"' I 01111" P ( e "'"' tna ~\• 611. D1vh Fcl franchiser ~ill provide. A le-:;: ..... ~.:· ~!~ ::~ g:t~~ 1(" •itlmate franchiser's list will Ar-w1c; 11 .. 11 D1<:0< 1 .. "''""" I/\ )\~ l"' OtKlb Al include Arr~w ~ 11"" 11>o 0.1111 011 od b It A,111<11 !I~. 11 .. 011 CtnT A name !'Ind pr uct u1 up A•P•" ~v J\lt 1:i,, o.i tntBr b I I d t 0 AtCC l ot ~I 11-. 0..wey El y n• 1ona ll ver 1s1ng. pr · A11C;a1 LT u •4 u .. 011rn crv ven .selling, tv:1vert1sing and :~~ 15~ ; .. :z: gr::~· .... A" marketing techniques. expert e111a "'' •'\ •lli DIK inc d 8•11 Pn•C t f'1.t Dion Cru advice on how to get starle l'l1r11 .,., 11!<. 1114 Oocut•• a.nd ~tabl1sh credit, help on :!~.~. R~ 1!"'* ':1.1i g::1J~ the best location : t<ju1pment ::~:~'11 " ~"' ~"'~~1"0& al a fair prier· any s...,.c1a l 111v11 ""~ n.,., n~ °""'''" • r-Dtt l! .. , F 10 10\'o Durlr"" training you might need B•tr l ob S7'1* s1"' El """' ll•l>O M! I f~ E t lln $/\ (9) F'IND OUT how thr pro-11\luP• w 11"" 11.,., Et>erln 1n d d f , lllro Son SO SJ Econ LID ucer s price an per onnance 111r1t11• 7'• 1o;; Educt s11 romp."' Wi th similar pro-81~~ HIH1 l •'-1 JSY, EIP•t [I bDQut El I .. l'~Elb1 !•" ducts of potential competitors. =~~.:,.., 1~'4 'r• ~::::· "~, whether lt meet.! existing er11111 "' t.-1 El«l•rn 1!1rk1 Sc• 10\/o 70'1 El_. Mod quality SlBlldards. what are 11rwn~ "' 15•, 1i;v. E!tth ci. 'b 1· · sr111 l!l•r o"' 11v. Em11~ on \'Our respohsi I tt1es IS II llUCkb M 1~"' IS En1r1~ c franchisee in fulfilling war· :~~~ 1~,, 1~;~ ~~;;.,:11 rt rant!es the co n t 1 nu l n g Bv•11 s.m '"" 75'" e .. .cc 1~ • Ca!WS~ 7S'"' lli~ €<111!11 0•1 management assistance you c1rn11r N s.,, 1 Erl• Te<. Ct nn Moll H 'l FPA C1> can tKpe'Ct to receive and at c1111\0f1 11 ., "' Fii c.co what co.st. lhe circumstances under which the franchiser rould terminate tht agree-..... .,,. .. .., • ..,,... men1 j IOI ~1AKE SURE you have no questions about vour sales territory, whether you must meeel an annual sales quota . whether nr not you. lh!! j' franch1stt, may ~ngage 1n sinolher business. what sh arl': you musl a~ume, 1r any, of advertising cog~ These art the guides to fin· dfng lhe: nghl franchise deM for YOU. No law ca n substilule for your nwn cau- tion and common sensr Fina11ce Briefs PITISBURGH (UPI) $15,000 INVESTMENT Westinghouse Electric Corp. ha~ announced 11 will phase ou1 manufacturing 1n 1lll P1l1 11burgh electronic specially dlVlSIOfl by lhe c>nd of 1971. De- mand for the d1v1s1on·s pro. durts has not re..::hed ex- pectat1ons ihe company said 11 ~·111 attrmpt to place the 140 e111plo}e~ lo be alfC'l.'.ted in 11.<; olhcr d1v1s1on~ 80°/o WRITE OFF-1971 OUTSTANDING ORANGE COUNTY COMMERCIAL PROPERTY -LEASE BACK Ad :171, 01lly r'll•t, r'OI 15,0, C111t• Mn• 'l'J' ~= Announcing INVESTMENT PROPERTY ANALYSIS " REAL TRON COMPUTER An•lyt• Your E:qu1ty In Any lnY•,tm 1nt Property. lntrcductory S1tv1c1 lncludtu • perty Statu' Ai Com p•r1d to Well •s • lon;-r•ngo Forec•''- loo~ At Present Pro· Pe't Pe rfcrmence As Ho OILIGATION-CALl '01 Ar'P'OINTMINT 642-4151 PETE BARRm REALTY • If you were a recently form- ed investment counseling firm, how would you go about letting investors know of your and how it differs • semce from others? M11y wl•• •llllAH I~ l1t1114111't h-nPt ...... ,,., ... ""'"'e" ....i ''•"' ...... , .. ,,_ .. , ..... •Jiii• ... llt •• , .,..e111t.tt.11. w •••• ,, -'··-ttt. .,,emi11lry" "' ... •tfil.en ··-~ ....... ,. W1 -•t .,., t• •••• .._ ft1 11119111 IN ••rrilH " •"'• eti.t ttle '"'""'"'"' "'" ., ,..,,... ................ , .... ,. ... f1111tl ht 111t1'1 ft!!MCW c..+et11 • N-Ylfl W l11t111, h ...n.w. ... Mi .... ,.,. ...... A llr1clll1r1 •llitl11l!lf 11r ,.m.11e -.. --, C.•1"'911 .... ...iu 11 ., ...... , .......... INVfSTMlNT COUNl[L ,.,-..i ........... ..,. ...... ~ . ,., ,_ .... . Complete-New York Stock: List ·-.. d , .. AIMcOll 1.Jllf • t • >~ • --- .... CMot Wednesda}·'s Closi11g Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange Li st · SC DAJL' •!LOT I IS -------- ~I I C• ...... \ ...... .,...,. s""" ""'"""•• c.. ....,.,..,. ) Ml Mlf•d •~ I'll Mt l•l•" •0 Mtl • 1>1 10 M., \t •11 1t M .. o P o!) )(I ..... , ... , ... Mo• • M th J "'" ... , <I MG!( r"• M<" C,U • • M ( ""D JOI! M ll("n I 9? M llSll I 0? 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J" l ~ -(0$ e a @SilLZlU Fi11ance Briefs \ORK •• • • IUPI) lnvl'~tnr• llpParl'ntlv a r tt " w11rf1n.e: mn,1111v 11wuy from \\all S!rt'P1 -rnr nt"wc that lhf' f'l'nnnmv '' r ,. t r v In ~ ~Jlhnu1 "1gn1f11 11nt lurlhl"r lfl('rCt1!>4.'• 1n rnl,.rP<t ratl"~ Wrrizlit lnvl'•lor~ S I" r v tr "' ~aye nunn.11 thl' 1nlto:ri m Jlf'r1ntl Wnghr bc:hl'\ t~ the undPrly1np: buy ~JI markf'l fnn "~ "hnulrl bi' f;ivnrablt!: ~1nrt mo~/ nf It'll> prio 11ac•l1on 1tll1ng wa~ dMI!' rlunn(I IW'lt: .. '"I l•I•• Fltu "' o o ""()tflclat " u~ ... o~• '"'" 1101111 ••• Olf d v o d•n~• n ~. o """ "f •~ • 4 • •nn~•I !" 1b ••m•n • Tl• •~ "" "'" l•1t "' ,,.,, 1¥ • o ''"' •nllUat Ot< a •I"" S~lo '" , •• • cl v <l•nd• o• •••m•ft • f\OI' 11.,1,. lfto 1<1 •• •• o ••• ldl "llllM 111 lt.t 110-nt foo-111!1" •-• •o ••t • o ••• •• t1-•nn11•I ••It • u• • ~<W <11\o ~•nd c-l <1ul{lo!lnJ d vi. C•nd d 0.10!• M "' ~· a n 01 t o I' O<.k "v d• .... •-P•l• I•" ...... 1- ! ': ~: ~0 ln0~ ·~~ ;,~' flo~d "~, e;~'':'i::;~~-;: 1" do • t -o.>1l.io11 o• ••le! .., to• "'1' • ••• ~-0•( U •d •• ool<I •H•r 11rw:• :••lfl•t><l llf o~ll o 1-0.~o _.,WI' D•<I • "' • ••~• t n orrvm\llo•I•• t"u' 'lllll'I •........ a. In ..... "H •• I\\ ... - 1 "•IG Int "'"' c!lv rl<tnl! ""' llH .... 1 !I•• •d or "o ortlfl'I ak•n •I lti! fll¥~f'lod 'I"''' lno r Doti• td • •• • 111 tm •I 1 •f<MW fl •ldO~d• 1-~f fl I" "~<k o:lo l~t • ~ "70 •• u .... •t <••" ... 1..,, ..... f lVhltllf .•• ••d •rD111oei,,o.o I 1-Sol"' In lu I Cl<l-(•l t d 0 fo dlYl!!On<I\ O-f!O ti! .... l~'n(I • ..., •••• I" , •1'"tlli-I"• d ..... "111110fl • E• '"' •W-Wl ..... 1 ....... JI '"' "'" W lh "* onl l '"'d-Wno1> ~I .. • ll)u •<I "1-Whf" ho~od. ""-H•>'t &h' $• 1¥0 'I .: VI If! ~·n-•u• (V " •••• ~-.. ~" "' h• "' on "'" '"~ •d•" lh• 11,,,, u~ rv •Ari t1 ,....,,., •• 01\l m o" to¥ \ -~ ,e .. • &•~. ~ ~ "'' •1• c -(••••ti ... •• 1 1...,~•• n •• 1 "'' •-M • •t • ~·~o n•OM ·~I v ... ~. •M 'v ...... , , ,.~ N•• ~" "" v• ..... ,,._,~ .,. o•~ 0 to' • I • &ft •• --~ -11 r.: .. ., ·- • • I . . . ,. DAJLV PILOT D•ll l' P'!LOt i••fl ,.,..,, ,.,,,, ... '·'~" One~ ('and\1 rearo:;nn kno\\' !'o m e1h1n~ ;.-nu dnn ·r ~ Rel she rinP.<1 Did you knn\r t hat .A.ug 2 10 7 15 Naiional Smile \.\"C'<'k ? ('andv does. l·lavp vn11 sm!led at someone i a1cJ y~. Police l)calh W a vc Get tin" 1"" };'Bl Probe IH>spitP lls po.~1!1nn 1h;i1 po. lire k 1llini;:.~ 11rp A !0<·111 m:iJIPr. thP Ni~on Adrn1ni str<1t100 hfl.~ nrrlrrtrl thP FBI tn p;1rt1c1 p;i1r ;ic1 i1·ely in in1·rstiga!ing surh er1mts. if local authorities ask for help. Pn1•s1drnl i'/1xnn in1t1<11J~· n(. ft-red !hr FRl's 1nl'PSti_c;ir11•p hPlp .lune 3 al a \\'hi1P Hnusr conferf'nrP nf pol1 rP chtPfs. :ind follo"·rd 11 up 1n \\1rh1n,e: .JunP 14 \.\'l!h a IPl lPr In ::ill police chirfs On .lunp 21 FRI llirec1nr .I F:d,e::i r Hno \·Pr <eni A IPI TPr In l::iw Pnlorcernrn1 ::t,Cf'nry hradi;: mak1n,e 1hr nfft'r ninre spreifir ThnsP dP 1•rl nprn ,.n1 '. howel'eci Wf'rt' nnt rl1~rln<.P ri , hrre un1il 1rn.JA1" 11"hrn Hl"l(11rr j marlP puhl 1r thP FRr.< annu::i ! fPfl<lrl fnr f1i;:1·::il 1971 The Arlrn 1nislr'1t1nn ha~ nr>· posrrl a lJf'mpl.< 1n Cnncre ~< tn n1::ikp thi> k 1 11 i n I! nf a flOli crman ::i frrlrral cr1rnr :i;::i_vi n;! ir fr ::irr1t ~tirh ;i J;i w Nl11!rl lurn !hr FRI intn :i r>il- linn::il rw:ilif"t' /nrrr rnnr In !hr J 11 nr 14 \\"hitr Hnu.<f' rner t1ni;: ~1-.:nn h;:irl nrrlerrrl ;\1!nrnr1 C.rnt>r::tl ,lnhn \" /\hlCht>!I In f::ik~ all j11 ... 1irr rlep:irrrnrnt rr.~nurrr:r; a1 ·ail :ihle, on re- riur.<! tn lfl("::tl pol1cr ; lh1~ w.:i< lirn11erl. hnwrver. In thr FRI I ::i h n r ;:i 1nr~', 1rlf'nl 1f1c:u inn rli1·i.~inn ::ind thr N;ilinn;1I rrimr lnfnnn;:i1in11 Ct>ntt>r. In l11i;: ;innu.:if rrrnrl Hnnvrr ::irlrlerl lh:il ""upnn rrrp1f'<I nf !hr hr::id nf ii lnC'al nnher ;:i_crnry rhr FRI nnw will ;ir- lil"Pl l" p::irliPipatr in 1hr in· 1·i>s1ie::i 1inn nf .:i police killlnJ: ·· Offi r·i;ili;: s.:ii rl ::i.c vr! thrrr }1.:il'f' hff>n !lf\ Sllf'h fP<Jllf'~T~ ThP\' :irldrrl lh;iJ 91\ ~ rrrrrnt n( :r;11rh cl:i1·1n,i:~ .:irr ~Oh'rrl .:ilrnnsl irnmrd1a!rh· bv lnr::il pnlirr Thrn• i~ rin Frr1rl';1J 1.1w pl'r1nir11n11 ::ie111, n::ir11r1ri;:i11nn hv !hf' FR I 1n !h1~ !)"Pf' nf r~1mp bu1 N1~nn·~ nrrlrr w.:i' '1r~<'ril""lf'r1 111 Hr•'H<'r ·s lr!i(>T "~ 'ii m;1nrl.:i1c·· for tho> 1r"1f>t'r:-I· !inn nf h1~ .:iJ!rn1·,· FRI ::icrnt' ::i<krd rn hr!r> 1n1·r~11,e::i rr <urh ::i k1lhn.c \\'n11lrl rurn nv rr ;in1' r r1c1tr1rp nh1.:i1nrrl In IN·::il .::111thnri!IP~ (nr lnc.:il prn~­ rc11 11nn Ac nf .111nr ~O rhrr·r h.:id hf'rn ;.(, f"nhrrmrn k1llrr1 sn f::ir lh l~ IP<lr Hnn1 t'r ;iJ~°' dt<>t·l,,~rrl 1h;il ii frrlrr;il gr;inrl 111r' 1n flr1rn11 t~ 1 nvr~1ii:at 1n;:: !hr ~20<1 .000 hnrnf-t1r1i: nf 1hr Sf'!1il1f' w1ni;: nf thr ! r S (";1p11nl r.1<i rrh I Th t ~ h;irl hrrn rurnnrf'rl h111 MP\ rr enr1 f1fn)rrl h~ ! Ii r .l 11sricr Ocp::irlinrnl l!nnvrr ind ir;11f'rl thr FRI n1::11· h;i1·r i:nrnrlrtrd 11.< w/lrk 111 thr <'i'l~P \\•hrn hr s<1irl. 'ThP FRI hac r n n r1 u 1• I p rl wic1rsrrr::irl 1n- 1·p:r;li,c?a11nn 1nlll !hr hnrnhinc. ilnrl Frrlpr ;>I i:r;inrl 1une:i; in !'rat!lr llnd 0r!rnil ilfl' ('Ofl- i;:irlrr'.~F! r 1·1rlrnrr in !hie Cil ~f' Thr Sr;itlll' 111vr:r;!1J:;il1nn 1'o';tc m;ir1r puhlir A!lril 211 t\•h("n thr .lust1 rr l)rpar!mrnt ~nui;:ht 11 1'flur1 /lrrlrr 10 !.r::in.c:pnrt Lrc:lir R11f"nn. 1!1. Atherton 1tu>r,. fnr IJUP<- tionini;. !'hf' h:irl hrPn .:irrP.<ted the previn11,. r1 11r .:i~ .:i rnil!rri::il "'i tnc~!I in 1hr. hnrnhing in - cident. In nlhrr :irr.:i~. l!no1·rr sa1r1 -More thiln fi.'ltl ntl!<ini?rd crime fi~urf'.~ wr rr ('llllVirtrrl rl11r1ng rhe ric:c::i l Yrar :inrl ca.~e.'11 Involving rnnrr th.:i ll 1.900 olheri; 11re in 1 ar1011~ .ll::t,11"" nf prO:r<l'CU linn. -Rl:irk P;:in thrr r il rt I tncmberi;hip i:i; un .~li,l!"hll,\· !n MO Pf'T"SOO." "'hilr thf' v.·hltr r:ir fremii;t Ku Klull' K I Rn ITlembcr.:hip hR11 ri!lt>n to •bool 4.MIO. -Thrrr Wf'l'l' nrarlv MO ml- le,l!"f' rampu.c: rlrmn11~lrJ1f inn~ .Rori 49 tr.lf-ir1.~ .:i 'lrl nr buildin e.~ 11ri1.Ni dur1niz thr qchool vritr 1!171l-71 ThPrr 11•rrr mnrr !h;in 10 l ~l ~nrr~ l)f itrq"n !:l bnm· bln,1?11. 1~1 J"ll"rsons in1 urr:d ind fnur de.alhs . • ' - Wf'd"tsday. Auq11!t 4, Jll71 PILOT -ADVERTISE• 3 Ape Proje~t May Give Clues to Ma11 ~s Origin A.Tl.ANT.A., <;a -Si:-11'1'1!1~1,, htrt' • art using f'lectrnn1c gadgetry And A fe1n11lr IP" named lnak1 are i;:erk1n1: In establish whe1her man rleset"n dfd frorrt .apes ::i~ we knnw them -nr from 11n1qu,. .111,.. thal ah .. ·ay~ wa lked upri,Rht Dr. RusSf'!l II Tu11Je . ;i Unrl"ersitr "' fh1r.<1.R"n'" ·~n- 1hropnlng1st whn hrilrls thr p.rflJ!'CI, 5UbS<.'f"lbe5 lo thf. theorv lhal man's lorebearers ~·erl!' "a special ipt'cles of a~ "hlch began v.•;ilk1ng upright .soon 11fler ll'av1ng ·rhe trees Tuttlr .~re.ks 1n pro v l' thrnu~h hls work :it !he Yerkes Regional r r I ma 1 e Research Center ;it Emory t 'n11·e rsi11· 1h::it man nl'ver p;:issPrl 1hrrn.1,11:h 11 ··knuckle walking." pha5f' MMy an. thropolog1s1s con!end ! ha t man did evolve through sueh a i;tagt and, 1n many respects. resembled apes as they ex1s1 torlil\' "I can't !Pll you what man's .:i;n('es1ors mav havf' looked likt>," lia.vs Tui!lf'. whosP wnrk M thf' rop1c h;is ;ippe;:ired In nurnPrllus scientific JOOmals. "Bu! he W8!J I UnlQUe erealure '' Tu11le"s dissef'Uon or arms ;ind hands n( .:ipes shows cnn- siderable unique anar.omy that ;allows an ape t!"l plact his weight oo lhe knuckle..o; of hl.'I h::ind11 11nd propelling his body lllrward. Man, he says. has no 11es!IJ!e of lhis anatnmv. Hr IS u11i n,:: f' I I' c t f" n i r • t'QU ip1nenr Md lnak1 "~ lonk 1:1t lhe forearm .and hand ol thr. primate to see If iL work! even remotl!':ly like man"11.'' Tull.le is collaborating nn thf' project with Dr. .John \I Rasmajian. an E m n r y phyi;iologisl whn speciali-iu 1n Plectronic research on muscle funclion. Thr project. funder! by th~ ,. f\alional Stieoce Foundatioo bt:~an with • fanulianzauon penod during tA'h1ch Tunle struck up ;:i friendship with lnaki. The ii!>f then was mo11- ed into a trailer rigged wit h Basmajian 's cleelronic gear. Fine-wire eleclrodes were implanted in the ~orilla's fnrearm And tht ""ires were t:onntOlt'rl rn s mall PAk OfSIX -1 2 01. prl'ampllflers The objec1 ts In get a read1n,ll on how similar iJ the musatc action and reaction bel"'een lanki 11nd man. .. Maybe 20 years fr nm "°"' we "ll be eble to sa_y with som ... e accuracy what man'' an· cestors looked like.." said Tut· lie. ""I don'! thin k we have much nf ::in irlea now. " FAMILY Scott BATHROOM Diet-Rite COLA TISSUE .=-~·:'.~,-.==, I C11lo r~ Jnd . 11 Wh it t •( --~; .~ l ...... ,-;.,.~ -..... .. . "ll 01. RAYITTI For Relief 111 St om~ch Upset!. EWES OS IONS Aqua Net HAIR SPRAY •er1br. Suou. ll~ict~ltd & Ji1011l1re S~iel• ·---.. ! • • ; ' 1 l I I ' • I •• . "S olo " FOAM c PLASTIC ups ·1 ·-· l t J @l i Black Flag HOUS[ I GARO[N INS[CJ Klll[R f·· 1rm·~ IH nd~rr.•. --r ··---PlNNSYlVANIA i ', .• · !,~~.~~~.,,Bal.I~ "' n·et r~~.,~ ''" . 0 r~·' v.r ~ rr;r• "I i p~, ·•· ,r,nr '" , " 1. 99 j Coffee & Tea Cozys FOR LEISURE WEAR ' ,~' LADIES' Sweater Jacket l()()r~ f> ''! r i ~ f":nl~r Str1r • (. r· :'f1 n • ~ r ~ • I\: rwn.10 ~~11 ~~~ ,,. I l·1nr1 R'n' .. n f,'mM , no~ ·o~< S I.I ~, Rtt. 11.ll 9. 77 LADIES' 2·PllCE Knit Suit An .1rt· 7 r~·1:~ '·~~" trnn· ·~.,,~ n• '. in' ri '1'~1 ~. ~·n (ar11•, Oro·~n ~. M I Rei . 11.SI . ,9.n • . ,\ . ... ' ', ...... ,.' ' • Pant Tops ...... _ ·--·-... .._... '1 Ft. l S Ft . OZ11E ' ,,, '" 1 Runner 2i5.00 ROYS ' slacks \l.«1• nl ri1111010 \111) 1n )~ ;r<nrtmon• n '~lflfJ 1Q ~<>\.>f! lr~m. I .11n t·nn' ~nr•~!~ w1!n bU!TOllS, Siu 4.J 2. 77 :~',t.t~: 2. 97 LIGHT BULBS St ll W~ilt I •n•~ B 110~. • 60 W11! a 15 Waif • 100 Wa ll 4:1 .21 'EMfRAl £LfCIRIC ()'Bug " Light ~, v45~ 49·~1 H ri~n' II/ ~a··~ 1 .. r 11•e inn~~·· n· ,..,Jan~·&. /l•\nPo~ I ~tor<~ 2.99 ··-·----··--- . .. ' e n • I• • 1 Co1nputer Whiz Kid Residents' Laguna Boy Translates Machine Language .Unit Lauded By FEROERI CK SCHOEME!D.. 01 IM O•tlY l'llol Sl•tt A Laguna Beach ll igh School student, W'bo less than a year ago "knew nolhlng about computers" is working this sum. mer translating computer languages. Ned Blurock, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Blurock of 1600 Sunset Ridge. Laguna Beach, has been employed by Education Data Systems tEDS) of Ne.,.,1>0rt Beach to translate BASIC com- puter language to FOHTRAN language. "Esseotially, iL 's like t r a n s J a l i n g German to French.'' Ned sai d. "Of course, you always run into some pr1>- blems that are hard to solve." Both BASIC and FORTRAN computer languages use combinations of letters aiid numbers in printed form. BASIC follo.,,,·s mathematic expression like "A plus B equals C, '' While FORTRAN utilizes more complicated modes of saying the 1ame thing, Blurock explained. He spends eight hours a day at the company offices, 2415 Windward Lane Newport Beach hun ched over a compute; te letype terminal, feeding in and receiv- ing back data from a "mini-computer" and tape library that holds up to three million words. "It'~ kind of a triAI and error thing. You Just have-to keep seeing if things work out between one language and the other," Ned explained. ''Really, it's quite challenging." , The chief application of the translation. he said, \\'iii be if someone has a com- puter and is opera ting wit h BASIC language and wan ts to use a FOllTRAN program. "They'll just have to feed it Jn and it will be translated and then they can work with it." Ned got interested in computers afltt a mini-computer and four t e I ct y p e terminals were installed in the math lab at the high school last fall. The computer system was placed at the high school by EDS, under a grant from the National Science Foundation. The local high school was one of 15 in the county whi ch participated in the project to see how computers could help in teaching mathematics in high school. Ned began V.'orking with the computer during much of his free time and soon picked up the BASIC language, which ls well suited for malhematical problems. He began designing programs in which he fed in coordinate poi nts for objects and the computer would print an outline of the object on the teletype. Ned 's proficiency wHh the computer was picked up by Paul Davies, one of the EDS owners, v:ho offered him the job of translating the languages. Ned has betn OAILY •ILOT it•ll l'llO!t HE UNDERSTANDS THE RARE LANGUAGE OF COMPUTERS Junior Ned Blurock Puts in Complicated Work Week work.Ing since late May and expec1s to fin ish by lhe time school starts Lh.is fall. However, the EDS system v.•ill not he at lhe high school this fall. since the NSV grant was only for one year. A proposal worked out by EDS and the high school administration for use of federal NDEA runds for a similar computer system \l'as nixed when the school board decided not to seek SIB.000 of NDEA funds in budget consideralions this summer. Davies said it is "unfortunate" the prn- gram has ended and thal the board dirl not seek the NDEA funds. High school officials are hnpefu!, however, thaL students v.•ho are in- terested in computer 1vork "'ill be able to work with a system that wi l! be set up in the district education center for program preparation and record keeping. <"It won't be like the EDS svstem:· Don Miller, vice principal said ... But student$ will be able to work on many projects. «pending on their interest." He noted the high school will offer 1wo computer science courses this year. Davies appeared before memhcrs of the district board of education Tu~day night. asking that consideration be given to continuing the computer progr<1m at the high school next year. Trustees, while impressed v.·Jth the pro- ject. did not make any move to continue the computer program. Laguna ~uilding Pcrn1its in July Do,vu from 1970 Tl"n 1)("rn111s for new single family dwcl1111gs, wilh (I total valuation of $3~1l.9!J7. head the Laguna Beach build ing dcp::irtn1ent s rc'po1t for Lhc nionth of J u- ly Total bu1ld1n_g activity for lhe month v:as shghlly below July of last year, with issuance ot a total of 58 permits valued at ~41!.113. cornpared wir.h 60 permits for construction worth $42!.793 ln July, 1970. 1'11"0 perrn1ts v.·ere taken out for new swimming pools, one with an accessory building and deck. one for a new garage, one for a S5,000 fire repair job and most of the remainder for residential and com- mercial alterations. Bu1ld1ng act1v1ly for the year lo date has been suhstantia!ly ahead of last year, v:i!h 318 perrnH s issued for buildingi; valued a1 S2,729 ,4!\4, con1pared wit h 307 prrrn1ts and a valuation of !l,670,251 in the same period last year. Clubhouse Begun Sports Physicals Se t for Lag1u1a Cle1nente Facility R eady by 1972 The initial phases of construction of Sa n Clemenles new c om m u n i t y cl ubhouse started this week as workmen 1ald rough plumbing and foundation fom1s for the $230,000 meeting place. The new bu ilding, complete with a 500- seat auditorium. a kitchen, art gallery and smaller crafts and meeting rooms, will be ready for use probably by next January, according to City ~1anager Ken Carr. The project, paid for through a "loan" from the city's general fund, is being done by local contractor and planning commissioner Ray fltrCaslin .. ...,who al so built the city's lifeguard headquarters. Repayment of the loan v.•ill come frnm either of tv.·o sources -an estimated $50,000 a yield from a new, Hk:enl tax in- crease, or by sale of revenue bonds ii voters approve the clubhouse segment of a four-part bond issue next April. The election has not yet been formally set. but councilmen have given it unanimous, unofficial support thus far. Yet another major c ap ita I lm- provmnent project in the city is nea ring the end of the planning stat°' Carr said. Final working drawings for the nr\11, $140,000 fire department headquArters are ne!'lrly co mplete and the next step in the construction v.·01.ild be the calling for bids. The design for the building proposed to occupy I!. driveway next to the present fire station ls being done by architects Willard Jordan and Marvin Renfro. Funds for that project are already in the city budge t -the result of ac· cumulated city &hares in the statev•ide c!garel tax. • Young Laguna Beach High School ;i 1hlc1rs planning on participating in 1 learn sport this fall ;ire required to have a physical C'xam1n<1t1nn ;II !! a.ni. Aug. 26 in !he boys' gymnil s1un1 at the high school. The free physicals are required Of all )'OU!hs hoping to take part In football, \\'ater polo, cross country, basketball and swimming. School officials said this is the only lime !he examination will be given. Insurance for players v.'ill also be on sale at the high school. The free physicals are required or all youths hoping to take part in football, \\'ater polo, cross country, basketba!J and sv.·imming. School officials said this is the only !line the examination will be givrn . In surance for players \\'ill also be on ~ale a t the time of the exams and foothall players will be fitted for mouth pieces, officials said. j,, NEW BEGINNING; WORKMEN SET ~ORMS-FOR 5230,000 COMMUNITY CLUBHOUSE The Conl~lty Center Will Replace Popular Old Facility Ravaged by Fire ' .. -· ... -·---..... ' ' By Planner A proposal to form a residents' plan- ning review iroup in the Sadd\eback Valley has been hailed as a step toward communications by the Orange County diret:i.or of planning. "A lot can be gained by their in- volvement in aJI stages of planning," Forest Dickason said Loday, "and they will ~lM become aware of the problems from the WI perspective of our office. Th• Saddleback Area Coordinating Council (SACC) ls now seeking voluntttr "experl.S" to become part of the planning, group, which would study the impact of all planning decisions in the valley before the decisions are made. According to Bart Spendlove, chairman of SArr. and president of the Aegean Hills Homeowner's Association, aucl'l an orgO!rilzation could have prevented the present controversy over a housing densi- ty change In his own communlty. Spendlove said the plaMing review group will be designed to supplement rather than duplicate the work Of I.be county plaMing staff. Much of the activity in the county department dlre<:tly affecta the Sad· dleback area, according to Dicka!<m . Th• planning director said about hall of the plannin& requesta and applications com- ing into his office are from the valley area. Under SACC's plan, the review groop wouJd work with the. county in studying zone changes and variance appli~atlons prior to action by the planning com- mission. The study group, through the use of volunteer re1ldenta from 1M various communltie!, would provide the man· power to make the analysis of all pr<r posals and recommendations to the com- mission. The SACC represents the areas of El Toro, Mission Viejo. Leisure World, Capistrano Highlands, Aegean Hills and Lai:iuna Niguel. Spendlove hopes the group could be in operation within the next few monthl and could serve a1 a planning structure until Multicolor Eggs No Big Mystery To Spokane Wife SPOKANE, Wash. (UPI) -Mrs. Melvin Walker says she wasn't surprl1ed at all by rtports out of England of a hen laying green eggs. She said Tutaday that her Ara cana chickens regularly lay green and blue e&gs. "We &enerally put one of the colored eggs in with each doien we aell -the children just love it," she said. "Once they Jay a colored egg -usually blue or green -they will continue to lay eggs that are colored -along wlth the usual white onee." She 1ald her chickens, whlcll originally came from South America, art all1htly larger than a bantam hen. The eggs, except for the col- ored shell&, are completely edible, she said. Mrs. Walker's comment, were prompt. ed by news reports t ha t a Purlelgh, England, resident turned over a dou:n green eggs to London University for study after eating a few of them and sell- ing one to a local connoisseur for i1oa. Students Give Cash For Viejo Bleachers "Students at MJssion Viejo High School are very generou1'' Tustin High School District board membtrs noted Monday nl11:ht as they voted to accept a $13,000 gift from the 1tudent body. The money, plu1 another $5.000 or $5,000 from the dl1 trlct, Superintenden t Wllllam Zogg said, wUI provide bleachers tor the high achool atadlum. 43 STORES TO SERVE YOU Sutntner Ft••• . Youngsters belly up to the railing at the S:in \lcmcnte pier. a favorite summer fun spot. They're trying their hand ;it, everything from perch to halibut. The city facility 1s frequently filled ,~·ith fishermen who make a day of it. Leg Shaves Cut Law Cited to Inno vative Barber ATHOL, Mass. (AP \ -The sign in the barbershop reads: "Positively No Legs Shaved." It spells the end of barber Alan Guimond's idea !or fun and profit - shaving women's \egli. The Mas~achusetts Board of Registered Barbers threatened the 27·year-old r.u1· mond with a possible fine and 1a1! sen· tence If he lathered another limb. A 1931 state Jaw say~ '"only the hAir on the top of a woman's head can be cut by a barber." In a letter to Guimond, the board !iaid he was subject to 90 days in jail , a fine ol SlOO 11nd a possible suspension of his license for six months If he shaved women's legs . "I'm out of the leg sha ving business for good." Guimond said. "There's no way you can light those guys on the board. "It was a really beautiful business, though ," he said. "I wasn't even ch<1r!:ing the girl s. at least not al first, and I pro· bably wouldn't charge them for a'A·hile unleas somebody came in with a really ugly pair of legs." He had had two customers, his sister and a friend. He 1a\d hla business went up 20 percent after he began the leg.sha ving business. ''A lot of guys came in \\'anting to ~ce 44-year-old RllJJ Up With Retiree Finally Catches LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The past fin ally caught up with Manuel Rodri8uez Tuesday night, and the 11ecret he manag· ed to keep from his fam ily for -44 years t merged after a routine drunk arrest. Police fingerprint files revealed at the tlmt he waa booked that Rodrip:uez. 65. whose real nArne is Manuel Padilla. ¥:as wanted for murder In 1927. The retired cook and pantryman v:as led back to the booking station and, In ad· dttlon to the charge of drunkenness, authorities added murder lo the list. They 11aid Padilla was 21 years nld whrn Superior Court Judge 1\-lyrnn Westove r issued the murder warrant for his arrest. Now the only trouble is that police can· not find Padi\l a'a flle and no one knows who or when or why he 's alleged Lo ha ve oommltted the crime. one of the girls get her legs shaved," ht said. .. Actually. ii 1vas just about es easy as. sha1'ini; some guy·s fa ce. The knee area is just like doini:: a man's chin and the calf and sl1ln area are like a man·~ cheeks." he said . ~ '·Shaving was an art and now that face shaves seem to be dying out, doing legs would tu11·c given me the op portunity to keep up 111y shaving experience."' Solon to Fight Sex Eclucation Measure Def eat SACRAr.JENTO (UPl J -A DenlocraUc assemblyman p\ani:; to seek overturn of the Assembly's defeat of legislation to rf'lax restrictions on le.'.lche rs v•ho con- duct sex education cnurses 'A'ilhou t p:lrrntnl consent 'rhf' ;1s~rn1 bly rcjet'\ed the Senate-pass- er! bill Tuesda y on a 28-37 vott. Sen. Allx>rl S. Rodda {D·Sacra1nento ), b tbC b1l l"s author. The !01ver house agreed 16 reconsider the measure at a la~ Sl'SSion. Assemblyman Leroy Greene ( D · Sacramento), assembly floor manager of the proposal. said il would relax creden- 1ial suspension and revocation restric- tion~. Green s111d the repealer would institute rPgu la r su~prnsion procedures. which re- quire persistent defiance of the law \a riualify for revoc<1 tinn. Currently on e violation by a sex education teacher collld mean !he llfllng of creden tials. But Assernblyman Robert Badhem (R- Newpnrt Beach ~. raised the possibility th at the Rodda meas.ure 1vould loosen Hie la\Y regarding revocation of credentials, Bank Bid Accepted By Laguna District i\ lov.· hid of :l 2.1 f)f'rcent on temporary horro111ng or $~00.000 by the Lag una Beath L.:n1f1ed School District was ap- pl"oved hy the Board of Supervisors Tl.les· d<'ly Thf' hiri bv Secut'ily Pacific Bank wa !'i the lo\1·cst of four which ranged up to 3.7 percent, according to County Treasurer J1·an Swanger_ The school district needed the mnncy by Aug. !6. Swanger said, and v.·ould repay it on Jan. 20, 1972. YOUR CENTER WITH FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS AND H EL PF U L SERVICE. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN BOTH FRONT AND REAR MALLS. ALL ON STREET LEVEL. 2300 HARllOR llLVO. THINK "Back To Sc hool~' Top Values-Low Prices Every Sln gle Dc:y AT WILSON • JUST SOUTH OF SAN DllGO FREEWAY IN THE HEA-T O~ COSTA MISA 2300 HARBOR Bl VD., COSTA MESA .,. ~,, •• l ,~-;.- • ( . . • 4 DAILY PILOT Wldl'IHdat. AJ.191& 4. 1971 \ \ •· I i,ps Height Limit Foes Defeated By THOMAS ft.t URPHINE OI IM O.ltJ fll ... l ll ft QUICKIE KO's DEPT. -If there was any question in past days on ho~ the folks of Laguna Beach felt about high r ise construction in their village, there is none today. Lagunanll: streamed to the polls ln record numbers ye.sterday and put the knock on high rise by a 3 to 1 margin in a special initiative election. Voter turnout hovered near 61 percent, touted today as a new record for the Art Colony. WHEN THE DUST cleared at polling places last night, you actually had some doubts that the election should have been billed as a contest. Of 4,920 Lagun911s who voted, 3,7'11 marked Yes on their ballots, meaning that they wanted to impose a 36-foot b uilding height limit on all future con- 1Struction tn the town. Only 1,213 voted against the limitation.. Some wag suggested they shou ld have just had the Civic League mail in the decision. PRIOR TO ELECTION day, there had been so much thre.shing about on the high rise building issue that you might have been lured into beUeving when vote-coun- t ing time came, you v.·ere going te> witness one of those down-to-the-wire contests. But in the end, it was obvious as the fi rst precinct returns r-olled in that this one was a quic k knockout. You sort of recalled those old Floyd Patterson-sonny Liston prize fights, much advance ballyhoo and then. whammo, it's all over. Actually, Laguna·s initiative election, brought 2.bout by a petition of the people, isn't particularly unique along the Orange Coast these days. THE SAME THING happened in Newport Beach on the question of future routing of Pacific Coast Freeway. The r esult was about the same -a smashing vote opposed to change! in the town. Citizen-initiated elecUons seem to be popping up everywhere. Fluoridation of city drinking water is l'J. issue in Hun- tington Beach and Fountain Valley. Seal Beach voters mounted a recall and gave the boot to their former mayor. Al.J.. THIS SEEMS to suggest that at least along our coast, there is a growing trend against accepting the pontifications of the town couhcil as the court of last r esort. Perhaps it is because federal, state or even county governments seem so remote and unresponsive these days. But at the com1nunity level, the people can &till make the petition work. Perhaps it is simply a yearning to r eturn to Village America: back to the days v.·hen you had "tov.·n hall tonight" and everybody turned out to raise a hand yea or nay on the Issues or the day. OR MAYB E it is simply that a lot of us came to this best of all possible coasts in an escape fr1Jm megalopolis with its skyscrapers. smog. crushing traffic and elbow-to-elbow congestion. And when we see symptoms of citifica- tion closing in on us, perhaps we simply rebel because there is no room left for a noU1er escape. Maybe that's what happened in Laguna yesterday. May 10, 1972 212 ... SUN EARTH MARS 'Close' Brush This diagram s hows how t he sun, earth and Mars will be in line Aug. 12, 1971. The two planets will be approximately 35 rnilJion miles apart the foIJowi ng day, the closest they have been since 1924 -or will be until the year 2003. Sudan May Seek Closer U.S. Ties; Reds Rapped KHARTOUM (UPI) -Mansur Khalid, Sudan's new hon-Communist forel~n minister, offered the proopect of closer economic ties with the United Slates to- day and said his country was prepared for the worst in its r elations with the Soviet Union . Khalid, former Sudanese delegate to the United Nations, said there was little chalice of resuming diplomatic relatiOfl.5 with Washington unless there ls a change in U.S. policy towards Isr~I. Relations were broken during the 1!167 Middle East war. Khalid v.·as the second Sudane."ie today to signal a turn toward the right. Khalil Osman, the Sudan's top industrialist, said on national television toclay the country had received "a bad deal" from the Soviet Un ion and urged lhe government * * * Sudanese Reds Still Active? BEIRUT (UPI) -The Sudanese Con1- munist Party, the largest in the Arab world, is still active despite its ,;up- pression by authorities in Sudan, the Beirut newspaper Al Nida , voice of the Lebanese Communist Party, said today. It said the party has issued a statement that was circulated in Khartoum and other Sudanese cities declaring the cen· tral committee v.·i!I' continue lo lead the party "despite the r eign or terror and massacres. Political sources said the newspapers report could be a sign that Sudanese Communists have established a structure in exile lo keep the Qimmunist cause in their country alive. and to conduct the opposition against the regime of Premier Jaafar Nu1nelry. The nev.·spaper criticized Arab coun· tries who have accused the Soviet Unio n of interference in the Sudan's domestic affairs but did not name any of them. The Soviets and other Con1munist coun· tries "continue to provide the Arabs with money. men, arms and blood -and th is is the wey they are being repaid." to seek closer tics with the western na- tiohs. Diplomatic sources said the use of the government-Owned television station for such a statement was significant and was further Indication the country would turn toward the west because of Communist involvement in the recent coup against President Jaarar Numeiry. Khalid spoke at a news conference held for foreign newsmen. l ie said his country did not want to push to the extreme lts relations with the Soviet Union but ••if the situation deteriorates to the point of no return, we ~re ready." "'\Ve are prepared for the v.·orst," he added. Diplomatic sources indicated earlier that a break in diplomatic relations would come only as a last resort for both sides. They said a breakoff would have to be the final straw in Numeiry's drive against the Communists, whom he ac- cused of loppling him from power during a 72·hou r coup which began J uly 19, be- cause the Sudan is dependent on the So- viets as its leading supplier of weapons, advisers and trade. Numeiry dismissed four former Com· munlsls from his cabinet and replnced them wiUi Sudanese nationalists Tuesday in a bid to reconsolidale hi!! control and recalled the Sudan's ambassadors lo Bri- tain, Italy a nd Yugoslavia and its charge d'affaires in Kenya. He earlier issued similar instructions to the Sudanese ambassadors in lhe Soviet Union and its Eastern European satelli!es vehemently protested Numeiry·s execu- lion of II anny officl'rs and thrCf civilians follO\\'ing the countercoup. One of the civilians hc.nged \\'as the leader of lhe Sudanese Communist Party. Government sources said the presence of the four former Comrnunists in the cabinet v.'as lhe chief reason given by Li- byan Pl'f'sident f\ioammar Khadafy for not accepting the Sudan in the projected Federation of Egypt. Libya and Syria v.•hich is set for &>pt. I. The dismissal of foreign minister r~arouk Abu Eissa was regarded as the n1osl important change. I-le "''as replaced by Dr. Mansur Khalid, the Sudt!.llesc. U.N. representative and former yo uth minister. Midwest Feels the Cold H eavy Rainfall on Front Fro111 NY to North T exas California Tempe rat11re-' .. u"''"" ,.,.,, 1n1.,"111on11 Ttm..erttu•ff •oo PfKop!t,rlon •• l~e 1o-tiovr ~rloa •ndlnw at • "m Hl.i-Low ~rte. "'l™n~ " .. ·" AltluaUt rtlUI .. .. ,O.llan1• " • Anchor101 .. • 111~e .. 1l•ld "' " lll1m1rck • ~ 111)11• .. • ·~~ .. " lln>Wn•vlllt " " I .l• llul!a'<o " " ... C:nlc•PO " .. ... C!nclnn.rt " .. l.l~ Cloveland " .. Dflll•• .. .. o ..... ,, .. » 0.• Moln't• " " J'tlttH!t>k' " • ·" f'fHl>O . '" .. (1111••1 l ••H e.r~1trom Air Foret lltM ""' Aui-1111, l P•I rl'Ctl•ed lftOl't ll\,lft !WO ltoel'>ft O! rt l" '" I II~ PIO•lr PHloct, A~ II>(:~ ,,., 11111 -•t'CI G•tr llo• "t• llM'1 etPllll •NI ""'II' lltll""°'t' MO, r...:tlvtd •-r 1.U lr>ehtl tt •• 1~. Coaotal Hp,.., lulu lndlanaPllll• u " " .. ·" v.s. s ... _,,, .. Wf'TIO ,..,,, IWT llltAT\0 .. AL .._ __ .. ~ W1'IO'ol of ,,_ ___ ...,"_, .... ~, .. . ·-· ~ -·--··· -..... _,_._\;"I----l ..... ~-·--••-...! .. -·--~ • lo! ,..,, ""'"' •-Vo..., •"'Of 0"9•• U •tt -.~ ...... ,._91/M .._ -U"' _..,..., ..... . T... _.,__, •1 ~•tit e<!11ffff' .,... • ._ ~.., ,,._ .,.., ••. n -Yvt l<.fetl ,.._,_ " Ng.ti!! . - ·,....__ 1 • g ,,...,-m.,.. 1fl lltlllrnrlrt (OUlllV Wtft 91'UI -loot ,..... """°"' "'l"'"-tf'll 1"1"111....C -''°"' O.Vt 1i.•!11t lhll ... Ot<1-tro tfld flood!,,. wnld'I et<u•· tt'CI $111>(MY lllGM, Tnt t!IMln cgu11f toH " 1) t l!tf' r~ -·-.. I ... c.,...-tO """ _., o! fhltlmort Poll<• t• Ml"I" w~ ,...., t ,,1,..,*6ll•n ,,_ 1..-. ~·oPlt. "T~. ""'" r-.:.iv"lf '''"°'' 1,.11 tf I" rt •ft -· '°' 1t>t' _,,, -t ft lf'<f> o! pr9(1Pl,.t~n -.....,1,. tt .,!••· .. "'"--· .1 .. --lit Ill lt>t '°"'""'it tll(I INt• ·~• llO(!r ltt. • Su""• locle'f. Ll'11!1 .,., .. !>11 wl11<11 night tnd mornlfHI """" b<tcor>il1>11 Wtlllrl• J IO n k.-OIO I" 1f!1rnoc><11 locllY • ..., lll11rMlfr. Hltll IO<ll V )S. C9a1l1I !..n1>tr11urft •11'>9t !......, M tro n. lnl111d ,.,.,,,.,.tu••• '"""" t•om N !O !IO, W1111r 1-•"ll'' 4'41, S1111, l"oon. Tide• · WIONl:SOAY Sett>nd ~·Oh , , I Oii ~ "'· e 1 $etond '°"'' 1.W Pm. ) } TH\IN,OAY t !••"'·'' ~ ... ! ~.g~ ,-.,,, IOW S.0.'!d n.,~ SO'C<'ll\4 low .. ,l''••m . ..(It $1•n •I•" 1•0. l ."1 . Moo~ •lit'~ .H ·P m. . }•. '"· ··' ) ,, P,m. J.I Soh 1;1!P"1. 11!1 l JJ I m,- ----"""'..,.,.. 'I-__ -...... ),,~ -. , Je,~tonv!llt " " Ju,,....u .. " ·" L•• Vova1 '°' N ·" La• AttGtlt l .. " Loultwlllt " • •• MetnPMI M " ••• Mlt'"l N " Mllll'IHPolll " .. ·~ 0r1Nf\I ~ " ·~ ,_ . N " O••l•P'.ld ,, •• 0~11~0"'1 (Uy .. ., Om•n1 " .. "' P"ll•<1•l""l1 u " " Ph-''" '" " •• Plltll><l,~h n " '" l'Otlllfld, ••• " .. ·" Pe1111fld, Ori, " .. ·-M " ;\.o(~""''"'O " .. ~~It L.t~e "" " " ~ r<--- • Sisco Trip Set Egypt to Study New Canal Plan JERUSALEM (UPI) -l\n 1sracli newspaper said today Assistant Secretary of Slate Joseph J . Sisco will go to Cairo this wee kend wilh a detailed plan of Israel's term:\ for-rropening the SUe'l Csnal. Another said Israel will refuse lo permit Egyptian troops to cross the waterway. The Engllsh·language Jerusalem Post said Sisco will go to Cairo Saturday or Sunday to report on the Israeli attitude toward achieving an interim ~1iddle East peace based on reopening the canal. The canal ease-fire will be a year old Satur- day. Sisco and Prime Minister Golda Meir ·were scheduled to hold thier third and probably final round of talks tOday. Depu· ty Premier Yigal Allon, Foreign "1inister Abba Eban and Defense '-1 inister Moshe Dayan wilt attend the ~ession. The lfebrew language fnde~ndent Dai- ly lla'a retz said Israel will sland fast against permitting Egyptian troops to cross the waterway, a point demanded by E1:,ry ptian President Anwar Sadat, and will insist on an unlimited cease-fire. Sadat has demanded a limited cease-fire. "Israel wi ll r~ject proposals on a cross· Ing by Egyptian forces of the Suez Canal ll nd v.•ill insist on the need lo extend the cease-fire without limit," Ha'arelz said. ''The thinking in Jerusalem is that there is a possibility of gh'ing Egypt some so rt of prestige by allowing the Egyptian flag to fly on the east bank of the canal," the paper said. Sisco Guards Sl1oot at Boat TEL AVIV (UPI) -The lsrae\i newspaper Ha'arctz said today Israeli security m e n gu.:irding A s s i s ta n t Secretary of Stale J oseph .I. Sisco last week fired on a motorboat approaching the seaside home of the U.S. Ambassador where Sisco was staying. An U.S. Embassy official said Am· mcrican security officials knew nothing about the alleged incident last Thursday at the residence of Ambassador JI. \Valworth Barbour. 1-!a'aretz, a '"'idely respected in- dependent morning ncv.·spaper, said the 1110\orboat v.•ith several unidentified men aboard approached the residence then fled when the guards opened fire. The coast guard searched for the boat but failed to find it, the paper said, •·nut senior observers said Cairo will have to send it by mail because Jsrael will not allow the crossing of troops." The newspaper Davar, a r eflector of the ruling labor party, said, "Israel will be ready to show a flexibility or generosi- ty about the depth or its withdrawal (from the east bank). but on no condition on the crossing of Egyptian forces - even a token force." 1-fa'aretz said the di stance Israel v.·ould pull its troops back from their entrenched fortifications along th e east bank \l'ould depend on Egypt's position toward cross- ing the canal and extending tbe cease- fire. "The question of the depth of an lsraeli '"'ithdrawal will then depend on Egyptian flexibility about noncrossing and the ex- tension of lhe cease-fire," the paper said. Every major Israeli nel'!'spaper said 'J'uesday Sisco had asked ~1rs. Meir to v.·llhdraw Israel's lroops up to 30 miles from the canal, to accept a two or three- year cease-fire and to permit a token Egyptian force on the easl bank in the occupied Sinai Peninsula. 1'he Pos t said Sisco may travel lo Egypt via Cyprus and there meet state department diplomal f\1ichacl Sterner '"'ho recently held talks \vith Egypti:i n President Anwar Sadat on a partial set· llemenl. \\lhile Sisco met in earlier talks v.'ith the Israeli leadership. offic ials said Jerusalem '"·ould not soften its stand on an interim setUeme nl. Jn exchange for a canal opening, the Israeli position called for an unlimited cease-fire and guarantees Egyptian troops would not cross the canal. Israeli newspapers said Sisco v.•ould nulline v.·hal \Vashington would do to guarantee that Egypt wou!d honor any extended cease·fire al the meeting. The cease.fire <ilong the canal v.·ent into effect last Aug. 7. They said Sisco \VOuld tell Mrs. Meir .nddilionril Phunlon1 warplanes \\'O uld he <1v:.iil ublc if Israel needed thern but th<i t \\lashington v.·ould not enlcr into a long- lcrn1 tontract for their supply. Israel has sought lhe planes to counter the Soviel buildup of Egyptian forces. Nc v.·spapers said Tuesday Sisco had subn1itted a U.S. proposal calling for a :JO n1 ile Israeli '"'ithdrawa l from the canal and a token Egyptian troop crossing in exchange for a tv.·o or three year cease· fire. (;overnment sources described these reports as "wild specualtion" but did not deny them outright. Bush mills. Top E11voys Of Pal{ista11 J oi11 Rebels \VASIUNCtON (AP) Fourteen men1bers of the Pakis!;in ernbassy in· eluding seven scr11or d1p!om.'.ltiC officer• resigned tocWy. pl f'dg1ng loyally to t~e Ha11gla-Desh Independence moverne~~ in East P;.ikJstan an d asking for pol1 l1cal asylun) in the Unitl•d Stales. The resignations int'ludcd one ranking n)irustcr, thrc~· counselors. one second St'cretary, one tl11r<J ~crct<iry and the deputy pennanl'nt represl.'.nt;1t1ve of the 'Pukisl.'.ln mission to the United Nations. "l 'his is our moment of dec1s1on," said Sayyed A. Karirn. the No. 2 Pakistan represent a1ive at rhc U.N. "We have dec.:ldl·d to JOLn lhc suffering millions of Banol3.[)(1sh v.·!10 arc resisting w11h their live~ the barbarilv of the \Vesl Pakistan <irmy \~·ho are detC nnined lo reduce East P;.ikistan to a colony."' Karim declared that the Pakistan government ··now is a n1 ilitary ju~ta .of \Vl'st Pakistanis desperate lo retain its stranglehold over the country. "It has nullified the rr::111lts of a rree and fair clL·clion h1·lrl under its own auspices only St!Ven nwnths back. It has. chosen to n1ule lhe ni~1Jorlty of the people by the rnosl savage application of brute forre. ''Its authority rests totally on Jl9 military strength and Its control 1~ limited by the range of its artillery, It has therefore lost all pretences lo IPg1tin1 acy uf po\1•cr and it has destroyed the Pakistani nation. T'vo ~i en Seized 111 Biz arre lloax SYDNEY (UPI) -Australian police said they had arrested two men on ch<1rges they collected $560,000 from Qan- tas Airlint'.'s fllay 26 in a bizarre hoax in- volving 11 1hrc;1t to blow Ui) a Hong Kong- bou nd airliner \l'i!h 128 persons aboord if the rnoncy \Vere not poiid. ~a 111es or tht: n1cn \vcrc not disclosed but police ~mid one \Vas a 38-year-old Australian 111;.irine engineer and the other a 31-yt'<lr·oh.I Englishnui n. the infamous ''1\lr. I3 ro1,·n'' \\'ho (•ollcctcd the money lron1 C<ipt. Jt J . Bilchic, general n1anuger for Qantas lntcrn:itional. The bon1b ho.:ix unfolded with 11 tclt'phone rcporl that a sophisticated baron1ctric bomb h;id been placed aboard !he Qant;1s i07 and lhal il would explode if the pl ~ne deset•ndcd bclO\V a certain altitude. The threat touched off a seven- hour air dra1na. The whiskey that spans the generation:? gap. .... ro r J OO years, a \Vhiskey fro m Bushmills has h ccn \v11 h us. ChJrming us. BcRuiling us in .1 s111ooth, pol 1~hcd and altogether lrghthcJ1/cd f.1shion . 15 f,('ncr ,11ion<o have rcf 111cd 11. ·15 J;PrlCr at ions h:ivc )1ppcd J t. Thcvt11 diet Nci11 p('r ft'( 11011 . B u~hrn1 !Is. r ul I of lh.u.1r 1rr. Bur 110 1 hl'Jvy-hanrlcd ,11Jou1 11. 11.i vor· lul. U111 l1('Vl"1 ovC'r·f'JO\vcung O ushrnill~. It 1r>f1Pc ts I he P<l'I \\111 h a I rgh 1 dll(I I 1vl'I y {l.1vo1 I hJ l IS .11 t IOdJy. Compare it lo your rrf·~<·nt 1vh iSkf'y. )'o u needn't purch,1sc .1bo 1tll'.0111· ~1p Jt ~·ou 1 1.1110 111(' pub \viii 1cll you 1vhy B u~hn1iils h .1~ 11111i.i.;uC'J ~'> 1nany gen- cr.llions. It 1s, o;;1n1ply, out of ~ight. IM POIITTD BUS HM ILLS FROM THE WORLD'S OLDEST DISTILURY. • et I rlD 01 I 001 IRl~H WHIS~ltS-IO r~OOI -go1n 1 D IN IRllA~O. IHl JOS CiA~rltAU to t.tW 10~~. 111 c li10 .. ,,_ .... . ' • ' n •· n e in al g d e • id n e [ ir n st n f ts n s le • ts i• t 0 d e n r d d r s y I • d d e n ·-. Revenue Sharing Plan Told WASH INGTON I UPI I The Civil Rights Commission ~Jleves Congress should delay President Nixon 's re v e n u e ~haring plan until states and <'ities pass ~tronit tivll r!ghta laws, including j11il sentencea rnr m11ynr' And 1lOvernor1 who practice racial <ti11cr!mln1tlon. In • memor11ndu m to the House Wa,v!I and Means Com- mittee . the commi1sion pr<>- posed a number nf federal and ata te law~ In prevenl s1 11 te~ and c11ir.~ from using re\'enue ~harinf! fund~ tn disi:riminale against minnririr~ The c·ommittee ·rue$ rl 11 'f recessl'd 1t~ cnn!lldera11nn nl revenue sharing unttl Sept. R, QUE!Nll By Phil lnterlandl "Whal's eo great a.bou t 'Factory Air'? I thought t.ho aJ.r a.round most o! the !actonea wu pretty bad. .. when it will again ~t udy Nix------------------------ on 's plan ln distribute $~ billion !o states and cities for spending nn projects without federal f'Ontrol. The comm ii;sion s11 id slates should pasi; law!l 11i1 strong a~ federal civil righl.s law!l in the FDA U1·ges Funds fieldi; nl hou~in11. @mploymf'n!, F I 1• vo1;ng ,;ghi.. P"blic fac;t;i;., 01· 11spec ions A n d Accommodatlons. a n d i;tate services-before th@re is revenue sharing. \VASHlNGTON IUP!l 3 Steel Co111panie s Hike Costs P!TISBURGH IAP) Senate Gives OK For SACB Funds WASHINGTON (llPIJ lo 1nve.st iaate 25 orgaruzalions The Senate has given Pre.5i· for possible 1ddit!on to lhe DAll Y PILOT ~ AIMrliMifti9i de.n t Nixon the go-ahe.1d In list. hrl'ii lhe. new life lnln the. ~p;;-~-;;-;;-;;-;;-;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiii;;;;iiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiOiij Subversive Activities Controll Board tS ACB). -PUIUC NOTICE- Tht l.11wmakers voted 48 to Th ree more major at.HI firms have announced price in- creases on almost every kind of steel product. saying the boosts 'A'Cre needed lo offStt rh.. cosl of the n .. w labor agreement reached Sunda y v.·ith !he United Stttlworlters I nion . A fourth ateelmaker boosted prices on so n1 e selected product~. ., 44 Tuesday in give the Com· mer c e and .Ju 1 lic t departn1t'n\' $450.000 to ex· .... nnounc1ng the average II percent hikes Tuesday v•ere \V he e 1 1 n g·Pitt.sburgtT 11 n d Jnl;:ind Steel Corps., the &ixth and seventh largest, and Luken s S t e e I Co. of Coa1esville. P.11 .. rankl"d 14th. Kai ser Steel announced tn· c-reased prices. etfertive tn- dav. on select!'d trade ::ind 1utiular products and said 11 was studyi ng boosts on other t,vpe" of s!eel. Colonel's Trial Set On My Lai FT. ~1EADE . Md. ! AP J - .Jury stlec1ion beg ins tnda~· In the rourt·marual or Army fol. Or11n K Henderson . .1ccu~rd or failing Ill pro1>erl} 1n· VC'stigale the r-.ty La i U.S. Steel Corp., the nation '! massacre. largest. was the first to 11n· Al \east five Jurors are rr· nnun ce !hi!': increase~ Monda,v. quired for !he rourt·mart1a! of hnurs afrer the bl'!sic steel 11'1· !hf' ~-~·car..(lld lnd1.11narol1s d ustry seHled on the new co n-n:it1vt. Hendersnn 1>.a.'I com· fra('1 ;ind four nther major mandrr nf thP !Ith Rrigade nf .-::1ccl pr~ers followed suit !hi' Anierical Olv1.<:1on al the 1h;i1 day. !1me or the ~larrh !!\, 1968. .".·1canwhile. c-o rn p a n i c ~ massarre. which had geared down in an Henderson ! !I: .11cruscd of ;;nt1cipation or .11 strike said willfully failing Ill investigate they were slov.·ly returning ht reports of the massacre and of pand the SACB. Nixo n last n1onth lssucrt an executive nrd er lr;insfe r r l ng rcsponsib1l1ty for the defunct 1\!torney General°R list of rornmunist or Communlst- fronl nrganiz::itions 1n the SA.CB. The ho;ird virtually lost Its Powers through a series of Supreme. Court deci11ioo s. The li~t wa!I drawn up in 19~ al the height flf thl" a nti-Com· muni11t campa1i;:n and ha!I r~­ mn intd unchanRed . Nixon has asked !he SACB 1---~-----11 r--IMl'O•TAHT--. •••Un o~ry ,. <'.Wltlll M"" .. Nw"'t ....... I• ,, .... t" "''Wfl 'f9Uf Mliltl Nwrnkr •"' C.•H U1. RCA COLOR TV ,,,," 1•1• RCA Cnrpnr11 tlon h11s aut h~ri2td AIRWAY RAOlO I. 1'V !O ffillk' l"t'l'lll.in fllr\(ll'Y Ch811ll'I, ('Orr.-r!Jnnll I.lid Sl.{l':ty i ns~ction~ nn Colnr Srt$ told in lh1> ab<lvr; }'j!&r&. Fflr vnur sar,tv And "·f'lfl rt' It L' lmpnrlA nt thal th.-sl' rhani::~11 ~ mi d, &!I 1non 111111 pog!tbh• Thtr' !!I no rhars:;I': fnr thl,; ~ .. rv!r" 1~ 11 111 bl!lng p111Jd by th' TICA Cnm~ny, nnr c1o ... ~ ii mall"r "'hl'rt nr \l'ht"nyo11 briught thf" iii'L CAii Nnw, .,.,, .,.,Ill be h•rPY 11'1 tl't up an appointmi!til to do ttW work at your convenience. PHONE NOW! 540-4840 968-0530 962-6631 AIRWAY TV l0925 KelerNI River Av•., llount•h' ValL.y ~~==---;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~\ produclLc.n but were layin$: off violating a regulation re. Hard-pressed f ood and Drug wnrkers because of a lack of quiring th e repor!in rz nf actual & APPLIAIOES '" ............ • '"'"' ·-' A d m 1 nislr;ition inspector~ nE'w _oo~cd~c~':'~· --------'~''."'~"-~'fl")<.'C~te~dl__""~''~'~'~'~i~m~e~•~· -------====----_'!~!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!~ averagr only one visit nncP - ' ' -- ', f ~B : ~c i LOVE IN FULL SWING Tod~'s "Sw in ging Sets" in 14 karat textured gold . A. 5595. B. $500. C. $425. D. S300. E. $250 . Others from $150. Man·s ring, not shown, goes with all sets. S35. Ask •bout our dMded psyment plen. (~•"fl .. <<fUA !o IA~oled. ,..,,,.,1,1A l•Preu . ltn~.1.mt•l<trd ~~· M1i11r C~1r11. 1$11. SLA.VICK'S 18 FASH ION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -b44. I 180 Opi,1'1 Mori. •nd Fri .. 10 •·"''L to q:JO p.m. every .'ltx ye11rs to Lhe nation's fi0 ,000 food m::inufacluring and 1,~1holesa!r pl;ints , according lo FOA Commissioner Charles C. Edw11rdi:;. Jn testimony Tuesday before ;i lllll/Sf' c n n1 rn Pr(' r 511)). cnnirnit1t'P Edw::irdl' i;;nd his $\ft rnillion hudge1 for firlrl in- spections 1vnuld have In be in· errased nea rly f11·e limes lo adCQUR!el~ inspeel 1111 ( 0 0 d prncrs~rs each ~·ear . With an Sll:'I million budgel lo senl1 out a force of 1.000 in· spertors. thp 1-~0A cou ld "comP-lo grips wi rh Lhese ptll· hi ems." Edwards told the sub- committee, whi ch ls probini the FDA's inspection system in the v.·11kp of ;; ~rw York m11n·s death due lo botulism poisoning . F:dw11rd:i1 s::iirl .~nmr fnocl prnrci:;s(lrio ;ire inspceted Jiil· nu all.v hy his 2111 F01\ rx- ;unincrs. 'A'ho in 1971 had rtan· ned ! 1.5."IO inspections until 1hr hntu lisn1 case an rl o I h P r emergencies c;:iused 20 pl'rcen! of thr. !.rips Ill~ canccl!cd. '·Every lime an rrnr.q;i:rncy l!itu;ition llr 8 n.11!u r;il rl1s;is1er occurs." said Erlw;irds. "11 1,1, necessar.v fnr us In suspend pla nned !nod inspections, 11us· pend pl11nned fond 11n.11lyse.~ 11nd our normal program operations.'' Hr sairl 1hal ;ifter Bnn \/iva nt's Vichyssoise wall lin k- ed tn the df'ath nf the \Vcstchester Count.v. N.Y. mAn ;:ind the paralysis nf hi!! wife. the FDA expended 125 man· yea rs. or Pnou gh lime to ln· spcct 2,.100 food planll!. Edwards ~aid thA1. .11nothrr 2.800 pl11nnecl food and drug in- spections 'A'ere dropped durlng the pai;1 ei ia:ht months due tn FOA lnvnlvemenl 1n t ht' mercury·in·tuna problem and n!her work B B's TROPICAL FISH SPECIAL PRIZE A &•111.-l•t• h41IPIMl'I-•-iu•rl1111, ,,,., llk1 tlMi SI!.•• tfttcl•I h11w, wlll M r•HIHI •• A1i1t. lltt.. C•-111 •M tlf• •I' -" '•"'k .. •· , •... ,.,. TRO~~l FISH AaUA•IUMS SPICIAL FOR OPINING 8 NEONS $1.00 '·-e-, 8EGINN1EIS SPECIAL · '.,:..-· l'atMa I 0 tal. A111arl1111, Met.f,._ 1'111"'' · llllm, Cltar, .. I, '1"1 llt~t. H••ll, C~l•r• s1599 hie "'".ti .. ,, •1111 &rHllt f•r I llfflll, ,.... ' Sll .&1. CHECK THESE OP'!NING SP'!CIALS Mlf•il'lAMI flftlt l 1tM. ""°"' D\lly '11u11.,,1, .... Ol'ff~. """ .. '· •• 111u1. II• IK fl J ''' WONOllt WOOL (l1r ll¥•rl1m tlnln l .. 01. '"''· .... 11.lt (l'lllCO"L. IVN• ,., 111•1'1 t r ''"'''· 11 01 Mr 'l ... Jlc s100 SJ II &Ii• "0U,.IC•'•l1, l ~ Mf!•lrtm1J trw •••0(11 .. ·-~·•ic '"~" 1 ...... ,, '"•· II(} I" ~''"· It ... fft 'ltlltlO 11111'11 IHl!M, I t•lmo. It ... 1H , v•c•rtON l'llDI• ...... Yttl• ll•PI ''" ¥• N u d1y1. l tt, 1h !90ll BROOKHURST, HUNTINGTON BIACH • I 968-l tBI l&~f llll !Alt&~~ ! YILLAGl !iHOl'l'lf40. CENTl•-NllCT 10 NATIONAL LUMllll: I harwMll A41-& Garflll4 SAVE 12~ NOW on any one of these products I a l;\'j Halo ' .. -1 ··J '.·. ', .. ~ I 8 r--------, I ,.,, ,,!~!~,.,~~~,~~~,~~,,. ,.". I I n1m1 and •dd1•11 l fld 111nd 1 prool·Of·pvrch11&1 from 1ny on1 or lhl 1bov• I ~,oduCI& Co1g 1t1 t rio uu1~ 8 ri11 Tnoth p1111-!I 0 ot l'I• 1111gfl • (both end flt ps ol 11chJ, or eodt numb1r1 from lhl bottom 01 can 01 l11b1I from any bot1l1 and r1c1!vt a 35« coupon by m111 Olle1 QOOd only 1n C1iltorn1 a. Or1gon. N1v1da I •nd A111on1 ONLY ONE COUPON OF FER PER FAM ILY WILL BE MONOAED. Thi• o!f1r I• a-..1iltbl1 lo consvm••~ only. OfffH Is not rr1nsJ1 r~bl• or 111lgn1ble . I 0111r 1xplr1a S•pt. 30, 1911, . .... I Aidr111 , , ... ·• •• I WIN one of these wide-open-spaces prizes GRAND PRIZE One Apa che Camping Trailer. one THERMOS 9 cooking s tove . two THERMOS 1anterna, one set ot THERMOS camping jugs, one THERMOS picnic chest. IS llCOND PRIZIS THERMOS pop tent campers. 200THIRD PllZU TH ERMOS one-gallon faucet apout jugs. HERE'S HOW TO ENTER: Jut! ptll'll you, nalft't tnd 1.ddr111 on 1n otrlCl•I 1n1ry bl•l'lk or ol'! 1 Dial" 111te1 er ""r,1 lien •""V mu1 1 ~1eeomp1nl1d by tny on• or 1h1 lollow1no: end flt l.'l ltOm co10111 D•fll•I C•••m 01 Ult1• a 1111 T 001l'lp11t1 (5,0 01 or !•rgtr), or tO!ll numb•r !1om bOUOm (II ctn, or 111111irom 1101111 "'the tilht r p1oduct1 H1u1u111d tn thl11d,or by 0111" 011111111ororlfl'lltll)I 3'l s· "" wnlcl'I 01'11 nl1ht r"oduet n1m11 l1ht!'ldwrJtt•ri 111 pt11" !>tock l•rt•t1. Mtll your l l'llty to COLOATI! t UM"4Eill SW!ll'lfAKES, P.O. !Or 78i, Ao11mou,.1, IAll'ln11011 !lotl. l1nd 11 ml "Y 1n11l11 11 )Oii Wl lh, but llCl'I t n!ry ll'IUfl bl In I llPlfll• tl'IWIOlll . fn1rl11 11'11111 bl po91m11k1d no lt ll t ll'llfl 1•?1t mbtr 15, 1971 111d bl r1tllVld I'll llllr \l'l1n l 1011111blr 30, 1171. l'1lt11 1a 1dv1rt•t•d will b• ._...1rd1d 011 1h1 b1tl1 or 1 t>ll"cltold c:lrtwlng b) M1rtltn- K1n1. Inc . thtue d1cl 1l1>n1 •r• 1111'1. Only on• 11111• to • r1m!ly. An t ntrl tl 1>1comt !hi O•OOlrty 61 1n1 Co11att ·l't lll'IO!lril Comp1riy end 1'111'11 Wiii M return•d All w;nners will bl notihtd by mt ll JO d1)t 1r11r 11'1• C:IOll Ol lhl eont111. CUy l l1t1 ZIJ ___ _ L--------~ ~--------·-~r-----~ 12~ ..... SAVE 12~ NOW . 12~ I ~~~ICIAL ·~.~~ BLANKl lw110111k11 OP•" to 111 r11ld1ril• or C1Ufo111is, 01too,., N1v1111 1"d A,l1on1. E111111flyff1 .... d 1hilr r1milll1 of COIQl lt·l'•lfl'IOll V• Ctiml)l"Y· ll'lltr 1dr1rhl•ft• •1•n-clu ll'UI tit• JUdQ!11 11 org1ril111ion 111 flOI l!lg!btl to 1n11t. lwt1p111kl1 void -~•r• p1e/llt U .. t y F1cl1111, &1111, l "d Loc•I L1w1 ltlcl 1•ou11t10~•. •• "I'''~:.::. ~,~:~h:.,:eM~: &n;~-~~~~~:;~:~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~.~;~~ .. ::~::.~~~~~:.! • •• • A4llitt11 I 1' l't mlUWt llt111td·lh••• r City• ---------------H•11r 11ttr W.ur 0104or1~1 :'." ;~,, '.~ ~:::,:~:~·:.~",'~'• ~·~"~·.:'J~, \~ ':!',".':~~.::;.:•:,t:.~:;, - Ct1h"'''' l•u~1111 lod• l'••••r :•.;;.'::!. '.':' .~;•.,•;;~;7:~"':,;.~~,. .~~ •. 7.,~~;·;.c;:,7,:,~ ',~~;";.:_ 1111• Zl;•------- 1 l rfg!'lt 114• lh•fl'IPOD .... ,., ''"""' •••' .. '"' "'""'"'"' ""'' o•..,. e•o....i<1 ,. to .. ,.,.,,., i 11 • 1/ I Hal• H1lr 11111~ "'"'""" ''' ,..,_,.,.,.., "'"" M '""*" •H• .. , .. ,, •Mi ''''"" 1• .. "' Htl• ll'IMJll ;::.:• .. ~;,':,:~";'. ~~·~ •:.~:::":;~;';,':'.',!',~0:~':.7'..:".~:."":.:. Mall I•: Lu1trt1 Cftfl'll lfllfl'IPlll• ..... •.•• e-... ''" •• .. ,,.,.,., ,.,.,,, ... , . .,~ ,,..,.,.., •.• ,... COLQATI tUMMllt IWll'*lAKll L~1lt1 Cttll'll H1tlf ''''' ~·,•;~.:~:.~·~.:a!'"!;;~.~;,;",'":~~~.~",;"';'.,'~~"~!~°::9:°:.;;.:: ~~; Calt•I• 1GO Ma11t1tw111t .. ,, .. ,.,,. !:""••-· .. .,, ... ••• ""' '" to"'",.,, 1• ,,,. "••• I l'.O. aos 7&1 I u1111 1•111 r101h111111 •. , ... , '"1"'"1 '' ..... e ........ ,, .. ''"''"' '' ""' ,.,., .... "' I Ro .. mol)Plt, Minn. Stott I C111111 l"111nt jh1•1 ;;:,::,;,;: .;· ,;;,':'o.':. ~.·.~,:~•·!:',',"'!:"•,,~,-t::..'·.:.! 1~1' ,:'~· ' All 1nl1le1 mull Ill r1e11vt4 '" •r "rnr.1 124 12~ 111111/flbt• 30. 11 71. Vo!it wh1r111r1tl!tn1~ ~Y Iii - - --~;:ic;;N - -...... ~ L'="='="=·-.1 ·----_ _..._ ----ff ' .. -" ,,. ..... ; J .., -' ' .. ., 1-.. . - • I • • • • • • • • • • t . l • • . • • • ; • ! • • . • • i . ' ' ' ; f • ,OA.JLY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE ' W or·th the Long Wait Richard Henry Dina would never rerognize the place today. When he first saw the bluffs and rocky coast in the early 1830s, he remarked that the point which now bears hi! name wu hell for sailing ships. Wt Sund1y dignitaries and citizens heralded it as a paradise for all vessels -power and sail alike. It took dozens of years to transform the area into a maritjme complex, and several speakers at the dedica· tion rites mentioned that few person s ever bel ieved Dana Harbor would become reality a decade ago. In its metamorphosis, it set its own records. Dana Harbor was the first small-craft refuge in the West to be tested as a huge model before construction began. The ceremonies were filled with praise -for legislators, government officials, planners and engineers. The names mounted into the dozens and included some long dead and retired. The tributes were in earnest, yet possibly the great· est impact came from a long look around . The harbor's magnificence speaks for itself. Unfair to YMC A Early this year doien& or youngsters and their adult guides from a South Coast YMCA project appealed to San Clemente councilmen for permission to sell fireworks in the city to raise badly n ee«ied money. Councilmen turned them down, reasoning that after the 1971 Independence Day holiday, a fireworks ban was certain to be imposed. The Y people left d isappointed, yet consoled that the ~an . woul~ at least equalize a difficult situation in the city 1nvolv1ng safe-and·sane fireworks. " use the money to replenish annual deficits in 1 bighly regarded professional fireworks show. \\/hat happened lo the ban? Councilmen scrapped it recently after veteran group members and football representaUves applied pressure . The quarrel is not with those service groups . It should be wit.h the council which seems to have resorted to expedient deception when confronted by· the YM CA Indian Guides early in the year . Sloppy Side,valks Summertime brings so me spec.ial problems to down· to\vn Laguna. in addition to traffic jams. crowded res· taurants and the shortage of parking spaces. After a few \Veeks of the vacation invasion, liome of the Art Colony's d ow ntown sidewalks begin to look as if they've been serving as bivouacs for some pretty sloppy campers. In addition to the usual coating or dry eucalyptus leaves and just plain dirt, the 'valks are liberally sprin· kled with old gum, cigarette butts, spillage-from soft drinks and an unappetiz in g assortment of food dropped by sidewalk munchers and tromped over the pavement by passersby. . Some downtown business fol k seem t.o take all the beautificatio n talk very seriously and hurry out every morning with broom and hose to freshen up their front doors . As it happens, most of these good housekeepers are in areas occupied largely by hanks, stockbrokers and similarly tidy businesses . In food-oriented areas, \li here the need for broom and hose is more acute, it's another story. .,•!f.'·.•' • .-.,,,,.,.,. ~ .. · .. . .... .............. ·~·· ......... . ~ .... ~~""" Only two ve~e~an s' groups and a youth football pro· gram have perm1ss1on to sell the merchandise. The vets The tourist customers look at the sidevtalk. Do the businesses: 5. 'CNfifRAS, AUTOMOS ILES-WliY CAN'T THEY LEAVE A MINK COW. Is Hal Boyle ManWhoHas The Answers?. Have you weeded out your useless wor· ries lately? Nothing shows up an amateur worrier more than his willingness to frel about anything and everything that comes along. lie wears himseU out worrying about so many thing5 that he fa)l5 asleep, and no man can do a good job of ·worrying whi~ he's in that coodition. Your professional worrier, on the other hand is more selec· live. He doesn't clut. ter up his mind with run-of-the-mill wor- ries. When he knits his hrows ii 's a bout something big and important. Just as you clean your home, you i;hould clea n out your mind occasionally and throw away the la!.tered. motheatt:n worries of the pa st. HERE. FOR EXAMPLE. are a few pr oblems we"v!: dec ided not to fret about during the hot. exhausting iummer months· Has Uncle Sam opened a secret ac- count in a Swiss bank? \\1i!I J. Edgar Hoover become the first centenarian head of a major U.S. aovern- mcnt bureau? \\1~y is il that lhe more women try to be hke men the more they CQntinue kl O<'I hke ~·omen ? Is se:i: here to stay? Why? Can you gel a rollege education without 11 ttrnrling class at all? \\'hose lace is more familiar to televis10n fans -Mayor John V. Lrndsay·s nr Lassie"s? ExacHy how hot, really, is a man who Is hot under the collar! Is the whooping crane abou t to undergo a popula!ion explosion: WQuld Frank Sinatra look better in • wig than a loupee? Is it t:-ue that Walter l\latlhau has been secretly adopted by Mae Wellt? Will l\luhammad A!! become a fighting parson? WHY l\!UST THERE be a ny in evtty ointment? Can't Wt develop a ny. repellent aintment".' When will doclOr s and dentists st.art a nice price war like. chain st.ores and filJ. ing stations do? If the generalio11 gap ill stretched any farther won·1 it become a big fat yawn? When we all ran out of money, credil look its place. Now that v"e are 1111 tun- ning out of credit, what can we find to take its place: If charity begins •t home , why don't more people stay home? ls the $1 ice cream aine on the horiron? Tf wQmen think they always look more interesting by taking something off, why don't they take off their maac11a? JSN'T THERE a real danger that the Democratic party will wind up with more presidenllil candidate.I than voters in the 1972 election? What wtll the U.S. Supreme Court find to turn IOOR nut? Wiii it nnd re1aonablt ground.I to declare itstlf uncon.stltutlonaJ? Is the time comlng when children wiU he ~ with a pension alre1dy in their hinds? Can motor cars evtr be made Wt until IOmeone comes up with 1 p,fe martini? Wb11t will happen tc por k barn.ls If wt n:ach the point where thert is absolutely no piece left In Americ• to bulJd another /Jam? Abortion Verdict Termed Unjust To the Editor : The recent opinion rendered by the Court of Appeals striking down virtually all of California 's "therapeutic abortion law" cannot be trrmed just for the un- born child , or the mother who must bear the anguish of having destroyed life . Even lhe spurious ground.>< of rape, in· cest. phyllical or mental ~alth of the mother have been removed a;o; rea son:ii for terminating pregnancy. Under thi;o; opinion a woman ha;o; a constitutional right, to demand an abortion. Does this mean that a woman can interpret pregnancy as an illness aod that a doctor must treat her even if it is contrary lo hill medica l, moral or religious beliefs? It could be argued that a woman could simply go to a doctor willing lo perform an abortion. but what if there wer e none available? Would the doclor who did not wish to perform the abortion be held in violation of the la~·? ANOTHER interesting point raised by the learned judges is that "quickening" (the molher has felt life) is the point when the baby has a right to "independent life." Quickening generally occurs at four and a hair month!!. Whal about the. many women who have flever experienced qu ickening, but have delivered full y developed normAI babies? Does this mean that their life could be taken when labor begins? It is recognized that quicken ing might be one of the few means available lo primitive. tribes to determine. when life begins. but our society has long since developed more sophisticated methods which measure. life 's activities at a much earlier stage of embryonic development Finally. how do these judges take into account the nu merous wills 11nd legacie! that have been awarded lo children based on the date of conception? If the child i~ given !he lega l righ1 10 inherit money shouldn"l he be given a chance to ~pend it ! (MRS ) t-.tARIE DePIZZOL On tlie Tnrge i To the. Editor: This letter ill my fervent pra ise of your f!'dilorial of July 30 -"Pre.serving the Heritage.'' It was unbiased reasoning, \\'ilhout the fury and character assassination that have plagued !he reading public during Laguna 's ant i-high-rise petition crisis: (Ruthless onslaughts of editorial!! by one publication have been absolutely shocking and completely unacceptable. I Again. many thanks for the best in journalism, and for faithfully continuing and protecting the traditions of "the Fourth E.!itate. '' MARV V. LOUNSBERY Dangerous Bike r• To the Editor: I read with great interest a rtcent art\· cle. ... Bikes vs Autos." Jn this article the writer stresses the number of children kllled or maimed while riding bicycles in accordance with present traffic regula· tions. ft is very evidt'nl why children are in- jured, in fa ct I wonder why it doesn't happen morl! freq uently. These t.ragi!dieJ probably are not caullerl primarlly by U· isling laws , or by driver;ii; of automobiles, but becaw;e ol the uller disregard by the bike riders of all traffic regulaUons. · E\'ERVWHERE one drives he will 11ee the fol.lowing violations : two clltldren on one biki!; riding wtlh both hands in pock el!!; riding on the Y.Tong side of the street: culling corners at the in· terseclions: not stopping, or even looking, at "Stop" signs: not signalling for turns; and riding al night witbo11I llgtiU. P1trenls lgnorr. their childi"en'& riding h•~ill .and the poli~ dillreg11rd the h1w Inlr.acllons -but woe l,o. lhe motorilll who -'" Mailbox Lllf.,"1 lrom ,...i.,, 1ro w1l(tm1. Norm11tr wrU1r1 •hOuld CMv1r lh•ir m1•111•• !ft JOO wor•• •• i.u. Thi rltM !o condlft .. llltl"" lo Ill •P•Ct or 1Hm!nll1 lili.l I• r1 .. rv1d. All t1t!tr• "'ul! In· ctuolt •i.n11ur1 i nt m1llln1 1ddr111. l>ut n1m1• m 1y DI wl!fthlld on 11qu15! II Jutlicllftl tll "°" 11 11pt nn!. Poerry will roor D9 oublli.lrtd injures one of the riders. Riding a bike is supposed to be good training toward event ually driving an aulomobile. Probab ly this 1s true iF the same regulations are observed by the bike riders that are enforced when driv· ing a car. However, there undoubtedly is a high correlation bet"'een bike riding habits and the high insurance rates for young operators of motor vehicles. \V. A. YO,,LJNG T he No. 2 l •S11e To the Editor: St11te Sen11tor Denni s Carpente r's cur· rent newsletter contains a pleasant surprise. He. announces the res ults of ii pol! of his constituents here nn the Orange Coa:;;t. The question he ask ed was. "What should the two most important State legislative priorities be thi s year ~" Ove r 5.000 of us sent him our answers in the first week . The final results are as follows; Per· <'ent I. Reducing \\'elfare 52 2. Saving Environ ment 42 :l . Reducing Taxes 35 4. Improving Schools 29 5, Creat ing More ,Jobs 18 6. Reducing Crime 14 The voters in one of the nat1on ·s most conservative counties have put the en· vironmentaJ crisis second ln importance only to the welfa re mess. It concerns more than crime in the streets, even more than high taxes. Senator Carpenter ha s, 1 think , gnu.en lhe word. But l"m afraid that rnany of his more conservative colleagues still feel that the desire £or clean air and water is some kind of Commie plot to depresis cor· porate earnings. In his newsletter. Senator Carpenter expresses understandable concern over the price we are going to have to pay for a world in which man and beast can con~ tinue to survive. He writes, •·in considering sit cons ervation and environmental control legislation. your lawmakers must have the determination to withstand the emotional and often popular demands for instant action while they gather and examine J.he complex intermix of scienlific data and the 'price' the people must pay, in one maMer or another, to achieve the desired goal." How much are we v;ll\ing to pay? No baby peli~ans ha\'e hatched in Californi11 for nearly lhree year~. A few more ~ears . and they will be gone. DDT is doing it but tanners Tight here In Orange County have continued to use It becaust. It is cheaper than ot'ler lesll hawdoua pesticides. How many pelican& are we wJlllng to pay for a profitable tomato crop? Which price is the one thal is too high? Our legislators need time to consider the pri« of our world 's survival. When they finally present the bill, I hope some-- one i& still left to pay it. It \\'as nice of Senator Carpenter to ask us, and t wonder If he was as surprised by Orange County's determinAlion lo save the tnvtronment as I was. But wa it unUI he polls his br11nd·nt':w 18-t.o 21-year· old constiluen~. They arc even more in· terested in saving t.he world than wt old folks Rre. They are the ones who art going to have to try to survive on it. E. L. PAYN~ Dear Gloomy Gus That Dana Point Harbor is one BIG /deal, A big dea l for a handful of / well-to-do yachl.Smt:n and a couple of entrepreneurs who'll coddle them out of their money. To think my tax money helped pay for it ~ -Mrs. R. T. T. 1"hl1 l1•t~tt rlllt c!• r1tdet$' vl1wi, Ml n-ctn•tllY ,..... t i tht MWINJ>lf". Send ,..,, I'll •ffVI "' Gloomy Qijr. El•llY Piiat. Wider Seats For Buses May Be Ruse ' Guest Editorial l._ ·' Would one-inch additional width of a bus seal lure additional ride.rs away from private automobiles? Tbe U.S. House of Representatives evidenUy believes it would. By voice vote, the House has pmed a bill permitting 9tJses 102 inches wide to operate on in- terstate highways. unless the secretary of transportatioo determined they would create a traffic haiard. The limit now on the national system of freeway~ is 96 in· ches. The additiona l six inches would add one inch to the width of each seal and two inc he s to a isles. Critics of tbe. bill smelled a scheme to permit larger and heavier trucks to use the interstate system. Legislal ion allow- ing wider buses would be followed, Ibe y warned, by proposals lo legalize '"'ider Lnlcks. Bul Rep. Jamt.6 Wright. D-Tex .. ~aid lhe only purpose. was to make bus t.r;ivel more comfortable and thus in duce commuters to leave their cars at home. The 102-Jnch buses are now permitted in some cit ies and on non·intersla te highways in some states. About 22.000 of the wider carriers are now ope rating, but because of the 96-inch restriction on in· terst.ate highways they carviot use these routes to transport suburban passengers lo t~ cities. Lanes on the freeways are at least ti feet wide and one con- gres!man declared it wa.s ridiC1.Jlous that the widest buses are not allowed on r.h• widest highy,·ays in the nation . The Senate !!till must aet. on the bi\L Should it and the secretary of lrlnllporla· Uon go along with the House, no im- mediate upsurge in bu11 patronage can be expected. One-inch more hlp room will not cause Americans to change !heir long-established habil of driving their own cars to work. A more effective way of eo- couraging use of buses would be to establish exclusive lanes for these car· r iers on the freeways. A ~senger on a bus whizzing by barely moving lines of private cars at the rush hou r would likt:ly become an instant convert to mass tran.!lporlltio n. -PorUud 0rt1oniu ---B11 George ---· Dear ~rge : I have read everything I can ::ibout the generation gap but no !!Olutlon is offered to my problem . I have 1 19-year~ld nephew. How can I widen the ge.oeraUon gap between 1.13? He still occasionally speaks to me . FIITY!SH Dear Ftfty\sh: Tell him to get a haireut, get a job and quit using ttiat gOll(y slang. Jr he happena to bt • hard-workina. shor1.h11 lred chap with a toOd vocabulary, you tum hippie. • ·-··"" ... ·- Aerosol Sprays Are Dangerous The airwaves have been flooded /or years with heguil ing comn1ercials for aerosol sprays "'hith hold fl logether Jn eve rything from a windstor1n lo a steam bath. Sul the Madison Avenue message leaves th is part out · these sprays "'ill become blow torches in the presence of a flame, and they ro n- la.in chemicals v.•hich may sea r the eyes, aa mage the lungs and wea ken the heart, Hundreds of mil· Hoos of these ct1lor· fully packaged 5pray can.c; h;i ve been sold. But the manufac- lurers ha ve ne ver deterrntnrd \\'helhPr the propellanl.3, polymers, plasticizers, sclvents and ~cents in the ~prays are safe when combined . The propellant in tnost of rhc-se spra.vs Is a form of Freon, 11 Du Pont produ<'t long used as a refrigerant H. m!'!kes up as mu ch as 75 pe rcent of the ingredients by weight. WHrLE IT i:;; known thnt freon has damaged the hearts of test animal ~. and the substan ce ha s been li nked In the death of hundreds af kids \\'ho in hal ed 1l for a "high ." the hair spra.v manufac- turers apparen!ly have no qualm s aboul encouraging you lo spray it around your head. The only hint the lrus!ing bu) rr nlaY get that the spray is flammable ;ind nox- ious is a fine-print warning on the back nr the can which cautions aga inst gelling 1t near a flame ::ind spraying il in the eyes. New evidence of the d11ngers of !he sprays has now been gatherer! hy 1he Citizens Advocate Office, a \\'e~t ifls Angeles product safety group, ~·h1ch has I J ack Anderson prepared a draft study of thr. sprays. TlllS COi\SC\ll::R group assessed 81 retail and beuutv shop brands by prlrl'. ""eight anrl l.1hrl111g !n arlthl JOn. lhey h:i 1·r cr.tnbhsht1d lhr t"hrm1ral in· gred1rn1s of n1o!'t hrands Here are their 1oain find ings -Besides the~ kno11"n dan~ers of the sprays to thr lk:<lrl. lhrre 1s reason to link 1hcn1 tn ~kin . l"\·C, lung and mucous niembranf' cl1snrdcrs. -"\(lnC 11[ 1hf.' fll f'<ln:<; {'~<lllllnrd listed ingrcrlu'.:nl<i ·n-i1s. of cuurSl'. niakcs 1t ex- tremelv tliff\rl.ll! f(l!' docto rs to ~·arn pa· t1cn\s 1~hn havr rP~p1r;1!nrv. hP:irt <inrf skin a1hnrnts about tcr\;11n ~rrayi; !hat mii.(hl c.nd;ing1·r thcn1 . It :ilso m<1ke;; 1! difficult l11r pll_v~IC'lllns 10 treat patients \\h•) have 11\Xi<' rca1~1 1011' -Some of the Ill c.'lns h.11'c no heallh \\'arn 11ir:~. !-On1r sr1 •'r;il warnings. Onlv :l2 \\'.'ltn :ig.11nsl lc111n!.:. l'hlh.lrrn i::cl near thr !-lprn,v. son1e !Iii \1 ,1rn nbollt possible eve 1rnuhtr-" · -Thl' w;:rrn111.c~ on !'nn1r c,1ns to •·av oid inhnl111f! ... ,1rc almnst u,<•lr"" sinre 1! is ''lflu;;ill y 1n1pn~,1hlP tr1 :irnld hreath1ng !ht· s11h'-1.1nrr :Jllrr ~pr;i)1ng il on the h<'rid 1nrln1 or". De~p11r the 1 '"IPtv nf t\01ir name brand~. 1na n1 '11 :r,r ,.pr:1 1s 11rr the samP. ~t;inrl;.tl'I l01rmu1.1< n1.1rtr b.v B. f . \,Mrir1rh i n"1n11·a\ <"•1 \iorrchol, and a h;i11rl111I of 111h~r r .. n111;onl\'I'. 1 his 1111>;111" 1ha1 a :\ll-("rnt ('fin nr ":;;1vlt'' n1111 h,. the <..;1»1r 11r v1rU.1all~ thr ~anir. ,,, ii 1111•r1' '\f"111~11«IV pnckaged and prvn1ntcd braJld '"l'll 1ng /or $3, Too Mu cli to E11f orce Why can't we "be against'' son1ething without wantlng to force nt her pcnple 10 adopt our view? Americans see m lo ha re a gen i us for turning moral issUl'~ into legal problems and trying to enror'-e matters of taste. 1 happen to be \"Cry much npposrd to bull fighting , and woulri not go to ~ce one. l would like to persuade other people thal it is a gross and barbarous ac1lv1ty. BUT THIS IS A long way from sayin~ that 1 would try to prevent other people from attending or wat ching a bull fight if they wanted to. Jt is Impossible to lcgisl1tle, or enforce. matters of taste and private morality. We found it disastrous with Prohibition. and are finrling it equally so with gambling and narcotics today. A group of humane people I.his summ('r organized to prevent the clnsert-circuit showing, in movie theaters, of a bull fi~ht In Spain. Bull fighting is illegal in 1he U.S .• and the Televisi<>n Corle prohibits ehowlng such exhibits on home telcvi s.ion . The group Ill not satisfied \\"Ith this" It wanted to sto p the c.losed-circuil sho1ving t.o afficiandoes who would pay tCI see 1! privately. And th ill. lo me, I~ an m· fririgement of basic personal liber!ies. THE PURITAN ~WRALlTY in America still insist~ on turning y,•hat may be 8 "sin'' into 11 "crime.'' and that !'lim r>- ly cannot be dQne. It may be a sin 1n gamble, to lake dope , to enjoy w~!th1n.1; - violence 11nd cruelty-iti animal~ -hut these 11re matl tra hcl\l•een 11 man and his Maker. not ~tw~n the lndividunl nnd the civi l society. If all the booze ln ltus country "''l'!re /""'-:: _... "Sydney J. lJarris > / pn11re1l 111to 1hr OC'l'Jn to1nr.rrn"' nirJrnin i:. '"e.\•er)'OllC 11ould be :i i;rco.t deal better off. from (•I rr.• pr11nt of \'ic1v. I iwrsnnally 111111ld be h;ippy if we df'C1rlrrl to rto th1.~. Bot 1t 1nus1 be none vo!un· tar1ly. not undrr C'Xlcrni11 <ion1pulsiQn. Jt is a n1ar1cr of cho1cr :ind conviction , not ol crln1r rind 1111n1!\hrnl'11!. Peopk• h;i1·r ;i rich! lo he \l'Tnn~.'.to be la~tPle~.'>. c1 rn to h,irm !hcn1selves. Ed· uc;ition. not le1?1 ~1a11nn. i;; the only rer111anenl and C'f!ccllve way to make pc>ople 1norl' lully hu1nan. \fedncsdil y, ,\ugust 4, 1071 "flit' td1tl)r/11/ no11t? of 1/1t Doily P1/11t s1·rl,,q to 1ufnn11 011d s/inl· u/aie i·r nrlrrs liy 1irt'Se11trng tllis Ui'!t.:i.:rupcr's O/)llllf'IUS and com- nu:utory nr1 rop1rs of interes t nurl S'!l n'f1cn11rr, b11 f\1·nv1di11g a fo ru m rnr tl1r t'.Tptl'S,tion of nur /('(ltfrrs· nnin,n11.~. crnd by r1·r.~·r11fn1q '11r d111rr.~e t·i~ur ro1 11t~ Af 1»f11rml'f1 nfJS('l°Vt'rl n11d sra~·r.,m<'}I on topics oj tlie day. Robert N. \Ve>ed, Publisher -, .,.,._ ·----'lo.. ... • --.-. .... '·-.._... .. ' --...... ;_-;;--_ ,_ ---• ~ti:.;,, __ -~ -.. --· , . . -~·---·---· , .. • 81 e, ey O• ir he to "' .. ed X· ,. od at "· ls lh l.v ar le Id is "' ' ' ' r. ' ol ' ed " ' I rl TI· It ot ly e • Morass of Legali ties CHECKING •UP• Justices Get Quiz By Angela Aid Wrangling Bogs Down SACRAMENTO (UP l l Negotiations on a welh1re reform compromise bogp"d down in a new •·Jega l morllss" today but legislators and Gov. Ronald Re a g a n exp1 o:ssed hope that final agreement ~till could be reached. Your Own Nutritiunal Products Business An Unusual Opportunity -fuU or Part Time Mr. '•Mr 'L•wford cord i~v i"vileo you to b. Iii• per1on 1! 9u•1t 11 • buiintu opporf~flify ••min•• wllt r• you will l11rn how you ctn p1rlicip1l1 in • d,.,.,,i;, 9rowlh lnduolry with ORGANIGO, INC .• 1n ••<i!On9 ~•w •colo9ic•l!v ori1nl1d Comp1ny. Blondes Get Away Witl1 Muc h Mo1~e SAN RAFAEL I UPO - Acting as her own attorney ror the first time, Angela 0<1v1s drew testimony from a judge Tuesday that he would not rccon1mend a Black Panther lor grand jury duty becc>.'.Jse "Panthf'rs rirc the most bla· !ant ra cis ts since Adolph The administration a n d legislators rliscovered u1at portions of t.heiT compromi~e proposal prnbabfy were in direct conflict "'ith federal lhe language by noon tomor· row (today ) I don't see how we can do it by this weekend," the Senate's chief negotiator told newsmen Tuesday night. Federal law re q u I res eligibility for welf<ire to bf! determined according \(l a prescribed standard of need. The Reagan Adrninistration and legislators had agreed tn a com promise whi ch .<.el flat cash grants with cost-of.Jiving determining specific needs for each cast'. The flat grant systen1 is designed to save ad - ministra111•e costs. The negotiators have bren I unable to find a wa y around the congressional requirement which would allow California Qll:GAN IG-0. INC., i1 • J.,t,ibu+OI ol lh• ~;9~••' qu•li .... n1tur•I food •u1>pl1m1nh, nolut t l lood1, ind n1tt.r1I co1m1t!c1. T~• p•od- uch !h, ro11on1bt• prOci119 , !~t 1imp lof;td tH11r;b~tion 1y1l•m, i nd n1loon1I br1nd n1m1 ••POlw•• 1r1 uniqu t i nd p1o~id• you with •n ouf\!1ndin9 pot1.nli1l. to change its welfare eligibili· Th ;, ••min•• will b• h1ld in th1 ll•llroom. An1 h1im llowl, •' 8:00 ly system. P.M. on W1dn•1d•v. A~9,.,1 11, 1'71 . Door P•i1tl -R1fr 11h· m•nh -No Admi u•on Ch or91. For r111r•1tion 1, plt ol • c1ll By l~ 1\I. l\OYll BLONDES can .i;:e1 <1 way with more <1rdrn1 display1 of passion th11n "itn brunettes. Jn lhe n1nv1c~. I n1ean. They ran hold the k1's longer, rPve11l more barP 00111 , d 1~play a greater undul,it1nn \\lhy J don't know Bu1 Alfred Hitch- cock contendi; 11 s a fa ct. He &1y!'i his luve ~l·cnes might not pass 1he censor 1f his hcroiries ¥.'ere bruncuc~ AN OIL 1\IAN , rrccnt!y returned from Iran, informs me irs h;id 1nanners lhcre to con1n1cnt on the color nf an in· fan t\ eye.~. Superstition. Ha!'! In do with lhP 1nfan1nus E:vil Eye . . EVE R J\1f:T a humorless man v.·ho worked in il place o( busi ness with sawdus! on lhe floor~ Neither hav e I. Butcl>ers. bar1cndcrs, Jishmongers, sa wyer-;, 1hrv tend tn be funn \' character's , .. If VOU \\;ANT ln 11n· press a salesmen. lcll him he .... :ould have made a ~uperb I rial !in\•yer . That 1~ said rn be "'hat all great sale~men wish Ibey v,·erc. · Spent Slug Bounces 0 f { Man 's Ches/, ~1ARINA DEL REY 1 t ·r1 l- Michacl Miln1.'.ln . :\I, rlnr-;n't claim (n be supcrn1 1n yet the f;ict rcn1 ?.in.o. 1hal a .32-caliber bullet bnunc rd nH his chest during a hurglar.v allemrt. l\1iln1an. a .~hort . muscular ::iba!one lisherman. Ii\' es aboard his moon.od fishin,I'! btiat. ReturninJ! 1n irs Tuesd;iv night. he cc.nfronled a burglar ransackinR his cabin. The bur)l.la r g r ;>. b be d P.1ilman·s old revolver ;ind fired four sho!S-{lne nf lhcrn :i;t.rikinR lhP f1shrrm;in·s broad chest above 1nr heart. But !he slug didn ·l pcnc!rfl!e and lhe angry ,\'" u n J'! fi sherman hrl1ed a nca1·hy v,•ood bea1n rind smacked the suspect nver tht head. Sheriff's deputies s a i d Milman survived bec;iu.sr the pi stol".<. ?.111muni1lnn was so old the pnwdf'r was rlefect ivc. A suspccl. .Joseph r . P atrick. 21. or 1hrer Rivers. "'as hooked on suspicion or burglary and assault with itl- !cnt to cnm mil niurdr.r. "~ • • "There's a n1<1jor legal pro-NOW: OllGANIGO 171 4! 01a.22~•. 0' vi.it •h · ORGANIGO hlc1n that \\'f''re I. r Y l 11 g boo+h ~t tho Hcm8 •nd Ga rdtn Show, Anthtim Convtn lion Con· Hi!Jer." ' HOW DO I K1''0\Y fool ball is n1ore let.hal than rod en riding" Si n1plc statistics. They show about ].) boys a year are ratally in1urcd in football. n1aybe one a year in !he rodeo ring . Boxlng is kill ing fewer latelv, bu! the overall aver;ige al la.st repon ran abnu1. seven deaths a year. Oeadliest sport of all, certainly. is n1oun - ta ineering. Miss Davis. 'Zl. a Com- munist and black militant charged with n1urder." kid· naping and conspiracy ln the 1970 J\1arin County court.h ouse shootout. and her four lawyers began calling MNin Counly judges to the stand Mohda~·. They 11ere trying to show 1he grand iury wh ich indicted her last October w a s un- constitutionally s e 1 e ct e d because blacks, the young and the poor were systematically escludcd They wrre schedul- f<! !n continue their ques- tio ning today. law _ . . increases for rec i pie n 1 ~, Negot1at1ons werf' suspcndt::l rather than i n d i v id u a 11 v len1porari\y while st;; j r ----·-~ ~~ . clcsp€ralely to resolve," said \I l•r. throu9h Au:9u1! I th . Bagley. "\\'e 're jusl going to ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;o;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ keep v.·orking " : ------ members researched the law in an attempt !o find a wa,v out of the dilemma. "It's a legal morass," said Assemblyman \V ill iam 1 Watchi1ig B oth 'Home Teams' CLIENT WANTS to know if "'ild gan1e pxrwrt Don Hunt was serious \vhr.n he claimed the best w:iy to catch a cheetah was io grah it by the tail and throw it int n an nprn box. He was \\'OHi.D'S BIGGEST NAIL i.~ the 'bnat spike which weighs .1bout twn pounds. When l rcpor1cd th.11 . a customf'r asked. ··What 's the sn1allcst?'' The needle n;iil. Takes aboul 95 ,000 to weigh one pound. i'our questions and com· mcnls are welcomed and will be used in CHECKJi"G VP whereve r po,-;siblr. Please ad · dress vour letttrs tn L. ~1 . Royd. P.O. Box 1875, l'\c w·porl Beach 92660. A formf'r UCLA ins truct or, J\l1s.s Da vis was granted the privil ege of actinR a~ a CO· enunscl li'.S l week b~' Superior Court Judge Richarrl E. Arnason. 1vhn is hearin~ pretrial rnaller~ in her crisc. She usl'd lh1s right for the l!rst t11ne Tuesday. .Judge Thn111t1s r . Kcatin,I'.!. fi:'i. who 1~a11 a state senaJo r hrfore being elected In 1he bench. said he "'ould not rrcnn1rn end a Panthrr or C'nn1munlS! fnr the gr:ind jur~· because they pr:1cticr ··hat~d. violence and n1urder." Bagley (R·San Raf a el l. chairman of !he welfare com- mittee. "[f we can soh·r this one really knott y problem . we may ha\'e agreement." a r. de d Assemblvman Leo McCarthy in .San Francisco) "They !negotiators\ report In rnc !hat they are pro- gressing." ~aid Re ri ~an . "\\'e'!J Just wait fnr them to fin ish ·· N<'got1a!ors h11d hc~e<I lo \ITHn up agrf'rmrnl on wclfarr in li nlt' for the 1ci;:islal urr to lilk P lt s rilrrad.v delayrd thrre· \1•erk vacation beginning nex! wrek . I ·sen. Anthonv C Bcilensnn (0·Beverly Hi.!!si Lhe majnrl author of !hr bill. cxpre.~.~t'd hope tha1 a compromise cri11 ld br Orriflf'd. but warned nei;:o-1 11at10ns n1ay spill over into I next "'ttk_ 1 "If there 's no agreement on! f fliCkdl'1 t_te1r1n~~~. BEEF STICE· ,///·6((,. 1111/lff l l-'ll<A&f S OLO A T LEA DING S H OIVS & FAIRS COAST· TO -COAST S;«iAUt 20¢ OFF Re ... Sl.4' Lb. '" LI. "C HIEESIE OF THIE WIEIEIC" OLE l"ANTRY, ~ •••ilv n•"' ... dev~lo1>•d by food ih n•lu•al •v• ho!.,, .nd ri<h 9oldon <fllfl., ;,', ~ <<fl u b •. tw~.,n '"''" ~nd chodd~r ! .,, b.,c~ .ond <h•dd~r. 5.,.,,.,.,f1 in le •lu,•, d .. lec'•blv nu'"v in 11.vo,, d ,1,..,, ~v .. nlv. k••o• b•~~1;/,.llv •nd ,.,.,It, 1mcflthly This is Phil Ross of the DAILY PILOT sport. staff. Wheth- er you 're ll Charge r fan o r a Re ms fen, he's your man. He's.watching action in both pro football training camps and the result is that DAILY PILOT re aders get mo re ex- clu sive coverage of t he "ho me t e em ," whoeve r they th in k that is. The DAILY PILOT sports staff understands that wh.at DAILY PILOT readers want is strong coverage of "l ocal"· sports. That mea ns cover the home team. And that mea ns: Cove r the Sa n Diego Chargers whe n they set up camp right in our ow n backyard at UCI. It also means: Cover the "other hom e t eam," th e Los Angeles Rams , in trainin g at Cal State Fullerton . Westcliff Plaza 17th & lrvi11e NIEWPORT BEAC H 714-441·0,71 Town & Country 777 S. Mol" St. The DAILY PILOT does it , both ways. Read Phil 's reports and you'll know the DAILY PILOT is the one to keep you focused on the home team-at Irvine or in Fullerton. ORANGE 714-54)-801 & J/llJ/fJ'I J,fJl/111 f81lll lf1Jll More Exclusive D,4 /LY PI LOT Sports News 6 3 buil "' -·~ . I ... • !• , o\ _., < ' .. '1 , ·~' ... ., . . '-j '" I '. ,. .. "·.I ; .. . . . . '· .• .. ., " 4. t i.. .. • ...~ • \ 1i.::! ' . ... ·' savings fast The Big M -Mutual Savings offers the nation's highest rate on Insured savings with a choice of 4 in sured guaranteed-to-grow saving s plans, lncludlng 6% ($5,000 minimum , 2 to 5 years); 5%.% ($1,000 minimum, 1 to 5 years}. Equa lly important, The Big M cares enough to give you very peraonal urvloe. Mutua I Savings Corona dtl Mar offlc1: 2887 !a•t Co11t Hlgtlway /875-5010 . """" ""~'""" Other offices Jn Covina, Wtat Arcadia, Pa sadena and Glendale -•• 1 •.t -----.. ---··--·--~t--· ~ • -I ~ .... ---~1)"1 ((~ • -' '. , ... . ' .. ~ •."• . '. . . -' ... .. ·."-! . ,. . ·~ ' -- . .. .. ·, .. ·:-. ~~·-·. . ' . . ., . • .. ,;. -·- .. • DAIL V PILOT CALIFORNIA State Ai<l DupJ ie a fion ]~c ,ealcd SAC'B .\\IE\l1l l\'Pll Tht• RPJ~Jn Arln11;11st ralifln l ~;1,s M 1nl· 11f 1l 1t• niorc than (\ f~JO f'il~1fror111;i \1 t:U.1rc and I f\!1'<l1 r.11 n11.:1p111,1.., Ii v i n gl nut•.•dr thf' !<.1.1'l' ;ire on dupl11 .. 1r \lll!.1rc ri •lls. ~t.1!r l!llrnnn n c I <1 ti on s ~t !'n't;1rv ,f;inlf'S i\1. Jlall said Tl1•·~d.t\' :1 :-pn! C'hf't'k of 95 •1.1n1 t''> \11lh 11f•lt:1rt' officials in ''\1 \ ;1ct,1 rl'1 l'>ill.'d that six : f•u ni:i rc1·1p1cnts living •' :i re• rccL'1ving benefi ts I b11tl1 S10(CS. • cr.1111ncntcd nn a survey 1. ,d"!"1.tkcn rccPn11y in cc'lri- nce11nn 11·1th ;i nc111 n1;inage- m ent infonn.i11on sys 1 c m !'t'Cl'lltl~· put 1nln effect by the ~ .•It> l)t•pa11111rn1s nf S<ic1.1! \\ 1 Jf.1re .'Ind Il ea Ith Care sl rv 1cc~ Thi> 111'11· systcrn is being <IC\Cl'"lp{'d ns part of the g,n\ern11r's l\l•IF.1re ''reform·· pruc:·:1n1. H;ill s.1id II ll s·iid lf) of r·1J1 fnrn in 's ~ll ('~)unites l1dV•' nrot h('en jn- clurh•d 111 1ht~ Sl!J'VPV hrc:HIS(' lh<'\ ,l)"f' nnt Jl! p.:irlir1pn!1ng iri 1111• n1•1v in r n r rn ;i t ion ~1 •tl·m 11<· 1n<hf'atl·d lh::it \1 h1 u a1frin11n11011 is nv:ii1;1 ble frHt11 IJ1n~p r•ntnlil'S. even 11•11rr n ~r111'" 11!11 he :1ddcr1 to 111,> H1l.d. \' • r s1-; t(""!fVrnt~. 11ho :irf' nr11v nn Cnl1fnrnia \1·clf;1rr ,., JI . 11·cr<' tP1'1lflVCd from ,, ,,111rr hy r-.1rv.1c!;i nff1r1::1!.o; r ;+,.licr tl us yl·ar bec'.111.~c they ,., rr f"und lo be ineligible. I! 11 o;a1rl. · 11 " nnn1,...~ nf 1 h cs r in· <l111rl11 :1ls .~re hl'1rig tur ncrf n1rr In lh<' s1n1e nttor nf'\' "! n• r.1 1 and lnr:ll Ja11· eii-r .rf'rf!1f•ll1 :llllhll tllif'S f 0 t f"·1h•1r :ir·t1nn."" h" said '"The "1r'll1' ;1,...11nn 11 1H be la kr n 1\11 rr •l11nhr;i1inns :ire found In 11lhr1 ~!<itcs.'' 5 p<',·it1l Jet T o E)·e ~1l <1rs l r'h ;h~ ;-floft ~101 \T\I'\ \'lf.\\I 1l'PJ1 - \\ 1111 \i ··~cl lll\ ri· ;',) n 1111ll!nn inil1"; ;111.11· -i!<; rlo:;C'!(t ap- p111 'h 111 1•,,r1h 1n 3rl0 yt';:ir~ - ~Ch !ilJ~t <; 11d[ f:'lkC' h I g h :•t11•11f!t· 1r! :ilnft 1on1ghl for a Jr,.~ ,ti 1111r planC>1ary nr•· hh11r 11••' \,111nn:il \!'rt1n;u1!it:~ :i·ul :;· •t"• \dn11111,1r.1t1on ,1n. !"l"llfl 1· l , u (I~ fl ;1 \' lh.1t · (;:1l,h··1 " a !>1'11"1 illy rriuip-r• I I 11!)\,llr 'l1ffl 11·1 11111 h e : ·11 up \ri1m It 1111111 f11r ~· 1•r1J rn1rln·::h1 fl1 E;ll!s dur- !l ' 11)1• f'IHl)ill 11 fr•,,p ii 1·1 1d1ncs .1nr1 othf't r! 11,1 1.11li. , 11 hv Jiu• 1r,1n1 fr 1.:'l \ \ \ .... \111c~ llt'Sl'.1rcl1 \ I I\ I j.. ~ ' ''I (''' J t fl gr. 11 II' ,,1,l11n1 t" ' ni a 11 's I " I IJ."1 til \1. :·. ('"'W\'lillll.' !•f ii~ ~I I !1) II!.; 11 h ,. r ('. l1•1n- ]1C1">!11f" ;1 ~1rl ;11r1:1rr 11;ilf'r Fnr Till' 1•.i t'l hlint1nd. :\,\SA r · .,:, d 11 111 r \\.+r,.g;11i ng 1 11'~ 'J"'1r rrr! p1:1n1·t. 11h1rh 11·1!1 f "l tllr c-lt t t since Hi71 nn ,'.11~ J~ 111 1\· he nh~t'rred 1n !hr \"11 1lrd S!'''''" fnt thr nr'it ~t·.,.r,,1 r:,;·,..; r;::;1ng ;;hf,1e the (';1<.tr •r11 lir1r•11111 ;ihoul JO p.m . Inc.ti d.1.\ 1"'!11 !llTIC ,\! 4fl rh ~t•'r" l;1111udr. run- "": r• 11;.'.1·1•• •~1•1l1 ..:1n Fr:in· ri ~rn 111 ! 'h1l1t11•lph1 ;1. l\l:irs f .in hr <.rr•n ;1t 2 ti m 1n thr :r;t\11lh ;i! :lfl rl rl!,rer" nlxivc the hor1111n l~nr fl"t:r;ons M11!h of ·10 dP":'r1 i·~. J\1 ar~ \\'111 he •hr.ht!)· hl''l1('r 1!1 lh(' ~I(\" fnr lhl')<;;fl n11r1h or (hci linci. the plrincl 11 tll he <,,lightly 111w('r. '''wl o11 .I 11rors S1ill Talkin!! Oi\1\1, \\[) r:;l1 f 1t"P! 1 /lf'rT i·c•, Ol:t:: fn ;1 r1·-tf'i!d1t1i: rl : I\ 1'-nl:'< 1,f k• ~ h •<,,i l!ll'IO\ 1:·" J 1..... 11 J,l·1ck P:inth~r !1 id r '.l•J"• P \1·.11un·s ! • ., ...... ,,,~ 1r .. 1ri.1l I ri t1 ii: v i C• I:;• ~;o· .. -1 f If ;, ~('f'"nd d:i;· , , .,.,1.1 •fur tP k11lrd an 4J ·l~r"11• '.1r •m.1n ! Tl-•· .r; t•+ !fl \l"mrn <lnri ";" ••. f:-r m 1..iJ,,,..,,.,r ('r1ur; J1•r1:rJ H !/•I! 11h'I 1 1 th· rr r;rn h<· nn .,... th1, ju r•· r11<1m . , r '" ;i\f·t:rl<11111nenl , of/ I 1 I /i '• ~-·· •• 1 Ii I I"' ' I I I " 'II .,._. ANAHEIM 2636 W. la Palma = 821-8900 OPEN DAILY SAT. 9 TO 6 SUNDAY 10 'TIL 5 SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE IN BOTH STORES BOOT SALE! WESTERN STYLE The GRANT BOYS have over 70 styles of footwear for men and women! Style =s222 '.~ .. *SPECIAL* Mr. Leggs DRESS SHIRTS Reg. $6.00 $422 BODY SHIRTS A!I yo1Jr f•vorite1: Ktnninglon, Golden Breed, Mtlt·R, Joel d1ort & long 1l11v1 prinl5. REG. $10 • -·COSTA MESA 1750 NewAtrf Blvd. 646-1696 SAN DIEGO FwY. HARBOR BLVD )(' 1 NfWPORT AVE NEWPORT fY/Y ·THE GRANT BOYS USE YOUR CREDIT AT GRANT'S! * BANKAMERICARD *MASTER CHARGE POPULAR NAME '.BRAND SWIM TRUNKS ALL SIZES ALL STYLES $600 And Up WESTERN HATS All 1iz11. Rtg. $4.l18. FLOWERED T-SHIRTS NlW 511t~MfllT ol llowttt' •~irto l• o!I oiu1, tTltf l!JI< ' tolot. FAMOUS BRAND SOCKS ""''~ ••r:k• till oll 1iu1. 1ul. ••l•rt. V1l•u 11 SI.Ji C AMAHllM ITO•I ONl T) I ' GRAND OPENING FINAL DAYS Tremendous Savings On Our famous Brand Clothing! CPO SHIRTS REG. $9.95 s711 BOYS' C~~.~~!~~~... $ 5 88 ALL COLORS & SIZES MR. LEVI'S' FLARES & STRAIGHTS P•lterns I 101id1. Si1e1 34.42. Frcim YOUNG MEN'S DRESS FLARES Solids, pal!ern5 & 1lripe1. Si1e1 32·42. from NUVO FLARES lagoon blue, n1vy. whilt, tob•cco, 11r1pe, m11J ve, ru1t, yellow, cranberry, British Un & trey. 26-42 CORD BELL BOTTOMS N1vy, 11nd, beige, chestnut, l1v•. loden, mo11, grey, bur11u11dy ind plum. Sizes 28·38. . ············: ····· 1 . •••••• EN • ••••••••••• R1 .. a • ············y'S o£PA 19f' .......... .. : 60 ..................... . :•••••••••·;~Y'S * EVERY STYLE * EVERY SIZE ( .. ___ ~ ... _ ... ··- * EVERY coLOR • $goo llVl'S® ,,~.~~~,!lllS M•~Y beige, d S11 e1 b 14. . . . . < 600 "' .,,,,, ' flAltlS ~ l EVl'S® DlNIM .,,.,, .,-,,. ... ~ enim 1tvli1'1l '" n•V'I · 4so ,,,_...,, '. ,;, .. •·'" JlA .. S ~ "' .,,,,, ,. ll KNll " ~ LlVl'S® .. ~OUB '"' •·" ". .. .. Blue, laden. hil• , 9,,,n. 11 $goo "' •":~; CORD BlllS L£V\ el t ch11tnut , lodtn, . . oo ::;:;~•:' ;"~;;iM fll\ltlS $ g LlVI S .,,., .• ,a.. . .... patST In navy. -tSl sTA· d si111 '26·30. DENT 5\1 bur1un y. OUT OUR S1U A51<. AB , SR\1l1S "AUG 1lM 1 • ,;,, ''" ..... ft . 1 thal your ID! 5\ttl 11·'20 \'di and 1tr1pt 8 htVI tfll· ,6.\11h1 \1te1l 10 1 d the G11nl oy1 lor !ht summer an $ 5so 'f'S" "W l\lll\Cl BllR ttl\MG 1l~ .. ., ....... , "' s7 00 Thi n•• 11vo11lt tht slyhi you'rl 1 Boyl htVI 1h1 Gran . 8 20 Stri p•'· \ookint far. S11tt .. • ----',, ---• -· ' \ "-0 ~\1 FAMOUS MAKER SUMMER TOPS LADIES SALE Striped in sizes S·l ........ . HOODED SHIFTS Striped in sizes S·l. . COTTON PANTS Striped in sizes S-L. •..... COTTON HOT PANTS Striped in sizes S-L JUST IN lrom .•• ''CITY PANTS'' COTTON FLARE PANTS Electric, go ld, wine, navy and burgundy. Si tes S· 15. COTTON HOT PANTS Red, navy, white and blue. Sizes 6-16 ... , . , •• , , COTTON FASHION SKIRTS Stripes, prints and solids. All colors. Sites 5-1 3. COTTON TOPS $400 $400' $400 $400 Stripe, prints and solids. All colors. Sites S-l ... .. ·-.. . . . . . . . . ' . . . LEVl'S 0 FOR GALS Grant's has EVERYTHING in Levi's' for Gal's. You'll find them 111 in our new enlarged GAL'S DEPARTMENT! Every size , .. Every color ... Every style! HOPSACK STA-PREST FLARES grape and burgundy. Sizes S-16. $1200 Navy, white, brown, green, pimiento, GRANT'S HAS 'EM WHEN YOU NEED 'EMI COME IN ANO SEEi LEVI'S® CORD FLARES Lt. blue burgundy, grap1, brown , orange, navy, pt1ch. Siz11 5·16 , LEVI'S® BRUSH DENIMS Low & Western cut In 111orttd colors. Sizes 5-16 ..........•.. , . , • TURTLE NECK VELOUR BLOUSE A Levl'1' f11hlon In whit1 and navy, brown, purple, burgundy S-M.t COTTON PEASANT BLOUSE Color• comt 111 ~h.11 1114 u11- ~ltHht4 mu1/111, Sirff 7·1S. FROM -~ f .... •_ --I ""::.!. ' 1 I \ \ 1\ • )] ANAHEIM 2636 W. La Palma - 821·8900 ~- The Most Complete Gun Shop You've Ever Seen! ANAHEIM & COSTA MESA W~d11tsday, Auou1t 4, 1971 COSTA MESA 1750 Newport Bl vd . 646-1696 Sil"/ Dlf('.11 I . \' H id~BOR BLVD )(' 1 ~J!.'.l'ORf l .'.Y ·THE ·~GRANT 1/1,., sr BOYS USE YOUR CREDIT AT GRANT 'S * BANKAMERICARD * MASTER CHARGE . ·~UNTER'S .. ~~ :2HBDOUARTERS :. "~d ,.....~ OVIR IODO GUNS ON DISPLAY ot GRANT'S! EARLY DEER SEASON OPENS AUG.7 I Remington Mohawk 600 B<1I! odion <ifle. Col 2•3·6 .,.,.,.J08. R~1oil,01 S 114.95 .••. JA1l $7911 Q . ' (vtrylhing th1t you will ever need in gun1 and 1ttessorie1. Th• Gr1nr Boys 1r1 ••p•rls in their fie1d1 of 1hool· in9. Gunsmit h on pr•mises. DEEi SEASON SPECIAL SCO PE Will IE CUSTOM 111. Sl t• O•••t• .98c MOUNTED SAFETY VEST ""' •••. 11 00 79c IORI SIGHTED DEER BAGS At No Ct.orge l l LOAD :.z,:CEN ~ :···················~~::········1····E···R····: : RE """"'""""'"'""' ..... 0"'""' : ···•······•····························•······ GUN POWDER RED DOT • GREEN DOT • HERCULES LIST SALE ii LB ..... , , ....... , .. $19.00 $10.50 8 LB .•. , •• , ....• , •••. S26.25 $19.90 15 tB .•••••••.•.•••... Sili!.90 $29.95 DUPONT 700 X SMOKELESS POWDER ll ST SALE $17.50 5 LB KEG . , , , ........ S19.99 AND WINCHISTIR AA " WADS REG $625 $12.JS ,,, 1000 DOVE & QUAIL LOADS High Standard Flite King 11 G~ '~"'P Shorgun. •~1oih ol S999S HI-STANDARD MARSHALL DBL NINE 22 Sgle-, or Obi. 1ction. list $72 .50 RUGER STANDARD AUTO. 22 CAL "4" or "6". List $47.SO ... COLT TROOPER 357 CALIBER "4" or "6''. Lht $142.50 ..... MAUSE~ HSC 380 CALIBER List Pr ice $120.00 ....... . $J988 $3988 $9995 $89'5 OVER 1 000 GUNS ON DISPLAY AT BOTH GRANT BOYS ANAHEIM & COSTA MESA by RemitTgton 12 Ga. Box of 25 CLAY BIRDS BOXOf1J5 Reg. list $4.SO s2aa l(MINGTON/PflfRS HEADQUARTERS fOR ALL SPORTSMEN! GRANT'S FISHING DEPARTMENT carrit1 all the f1mous br1nds. G1rci1, Daiwa, Browning, Quick, Fenwick, ll erkelty and Golden West. * TROUT S,.f(fAl * GIT YOUR FISHING LICINSI AT THI GRANT IOYSI SEE THE GRANT BOYS FOR All YOUR SPORTING NEEDS! I lllKIUT 100 & llll *TENNIS * PING PONG ' . • Com,l•I• frtsh wfltr outf1t. com· ''''''with 6'6" rod ind 415 r1tl with line. ZEKE'S FLOATING BAIT ....... 89c PAUTIKE'S GREEN LABEL ..••.. 99c CREME WORMS ...•........ 39c * BASEBALL * SKIING * VOLLEYBALL *CAMPING *GOLF * BASKETBALL *HIKING *FISHING *HANDBALL Penn 500 Reel GARCIA · MITCHELL 300 ·-. -"'· --- ALBACORE SPECIAL SAVI AT THI ORANT IOYS •. l ' • ' , .• ,1'.: ..... ~ .. , ...... I r ' .. MARQUIS POOL TABLE See Our Fine Se!e(fion of Used Guns GET YOUR HUNTltlG LICENSE & DEER TAGS at THE GRANT BOYS' DrVERSlffED PRooucrs B ft. l("Jl;ib/e I )'" n•led cabinet. p y, ,4 w.:ilnvt l•mi. PING PONG TABLE ON DISPLAY AT ANAHEIM sroRE ONLY/ • S'K9' r · P .iy1ng .ire.i ' ,, rofJs e<u i/y .iw.i ' • 11.ibfeply nylo n casters . y for 5for.ige on The Grant Bo lveryth ' Y.S Hr:rva . tn9 for Sumn1er Fun/ \.'/olion r 2000 r · lleg Sl9.9S enn1r; ~.,~~' $32 s111E ea $ J 89 $ J 8? $198 $190 WILSON K-23 GOLF ClUBS TH~ hFA!~OUS WflSON K·28 GOLF ClUBS Wlf co'"position · weight I I grip, .isfron light. s ee sh•ft, 2.9 irons and l, J, 4 wo ods. SEE OUR COMPLETE llNE OF AC CESSORIES FROM FAMOUS MllN . fACTURERS INClUOING W/lSO~·· SPALDING ARNOLD • ( R I PALMER p OFESS/ON AL GOLF) AND AJAY. 'I I, I I 11 )I ' 'I \ ~ I I I 1' 'I I ' l \~ ~ ~ 1\ ' ' 'I , ,\ \ ' I' "I " I DAJL Y PILOT fl ll1·i~1l11 1·:~1•·-~ .l::inct rr a n1 n1 e r , 8. br1;.:hten.~ her little cnr· 111·r of ~lt:-.:-.lOtl \'ICJ O \\1!h a !'-tndc bccau!:>e :-lu• knu\\.S .\ug. 2 lo 7 1 ... \'at 1 n 11 ;i I Sn1i!c \\'1•1·k .. \1·1u:ilJ,·. Janel ... ullrc:-a Jot .:__ even \\hen t h{·rc 1~11 't :i spc· l"!id \\ee k for 1l !lave \CHI '-lllllecl at anyone ia!<·I.\ '.' (:ontraband l,'Jo,v Starts I nsi(lc Chile S.\\Tl ,\l;f), Chile 1AP) - Blaek ni:irkl'1l'<'l"Jng u1 some f1111d.~111lls ;incl i·o11surncr goods ll:1s b~·i:un 111 Chill.' because of :-horl;1ges. .il1 hough I h c j.'!U\'('f tltlll101 •If ~I a r xis t :-:.:h:idur .\!IC'nde l'l;unis :ill is nol'1n:il l.:1-.1 11 C'1•k !ht• grJvcrn1ncnt i111p11111·d I.HOO 1on.s of beef ;11\CI llll!l lur1 s of r hickcns for d1 ,1r1hu11•111 bul lhc sh1prncnts II l'l"l' 11111 t'•11oll~h to JlH.:Cl the d1·1n.111d~ Hf ~hoppers 1-vho ... 1111•d iu IPllf! lines al stores .11111 -..up1·1·tn;1rkt•1 .~ As :1 1"1''1111 hult·IJprs luck y CllHl\;.:11 IL) l'<'l"!'IVl' hcr f and e!111·k1•11 fr· o 01 d1s1rihutors 111•r1· tl'P<ll"!t•d 111 be sr!l1n~ <1 t pt'H'l'!'i ;il~t1vt· thn;,c dL'\:rcw.d by p1·11·1n g af!1'n("y, Tln ·1" 11 :1' .1 grivrrn111cnt h,111 1111 ~:ilt•s uf h1 ·t•f lrcJ111 .Julv 2 !11 .!ulv 2:! L;1111h a nd c·h11 l <'II 1;"" 1·11 tu:1ll11 unoh· !:u11,1hlr !)nlv purl. d n d ~·· ,1,111.I 11:t" u1 .1n1plt' supply. · nur h1111·h1'r J.~ nnlv se lling tn 1·11<;1u11h·rs )11· kn1111·;;." a S 11tt1;1go ~hj1ppt•r :-;1ut i\lnn- d:1v .. and 11c h:1Vl' 10 pa\ h1rn a i;l!ll' 1111trt• 1n.1n lhr 11ff1c1;il pl'H •' \\11th ·111 !n Ill) pi'rc·rnt wage i111-re:1;;:><; :111d a ~1nu1l1:1ncnus ;1lT"S~·'IH· l10;1rt! fn·eze n n 11111·rs h.v P 1r~11lt"11t Allende's )i<1Vt·r111nt·n l al t hl' b!'~i nning of 1111• \'l':ll". 1)1\'l"l" 1!;1~ ln:t'l1 111· t'll'!1,1•;I dl•rn ;1 11d for r•0n~11n1cr g1ll'd, by {'hi1P:1n" w1l11 n1ore lllfl!lL'Y tu :-pv!HI Hut prnd1u ·t 11if\ h:1s nn1 in· <'1"!•;1..:l'd :1 -. 11\lll'h ;JS fillVCrn· 11 1•·111 plann1·r.; h:1d hnprd As a r1 ·~111t , ,1otlis :U"t' 1n short sup- ph nntl ;1 bl;1<·I. n1 arkrt has h•" 11n In 1•n11•rg1• J·11:· 1•\a1npl1• .1 ~n1:111 F111t 1,110 au!ot1111h1!c· ;1~ ... "rnbl<'d in l'hllv ( ":-.I " .1ppro'l;1matcly :Jt.onn f' 1·ud""·S'.l R!IQ·l\'llh a 1\,:!1 1111..: µ1•1uf(! of several 11111n!h .. !1111\t'\c•r, 111 p;i\·1 ng ;1 n in· fl,111•d pru·1· 1.f 1if1 01l11 {'<;"t•udns· -~·1 11110 ,1 ! ~·111a· d...-:d1'f"" and .!l!l 1'<'11!).: f11 ;1 I t••·1·q1I fnr Ille! 1dl11·1;il pl'I!'<' :in ,111111n1u hlla r,111 h1· 11hl.1H1"d 111 11 frw dny ..;. The' I! •\('!'111111"11 ... :11d last lll'f"k lli:il l!J!• fond <..li1Jrl i:(ttg('S b<1d h1·1·n e:111<..1•ti !Jy SL•Vcrc r:1111 .1nfl snn11 ~lur111 s in ,lune 11 h1vh drs11·11~ C'if <..0111r r rops ;111d k11l,·d 1H1111•'f'11u..; eluckcn,s, 11 :d"o -;:nd .)11\\1 fl r:1rthqu;ike 11 )11<')1 k1llP l1 fM persons and <'.111'-t·d $:.!!11! n1illlon d;image i1J'L;T";111:111'd !ht• prohlern. F:rr111cr..; ;1 11d ~fl1·rrnment rrit1i.:~ h;ivr l'l:11 1nl·d Iha! !he 11nvrronu•n1·~ pol1ry of hnlciing rto11 n prn C'S at :111 nrtificially ln111 lr1•r l to proll'PI 1hc wflrk· in<.; rn <1 n -!he bulk11·ark or AllC'ndc's '>111>po1t has nu.'anl 1Jlt1c or no profits for l:1rr11t•rs 11ho ::ire rc!uctant to prrxluC'c if 1hC'y c:in"t make. n1nncy. Ernq1 cu 11uhry . r h1cf of the suppl1e" dt1part1l1f'11t for the EconotTI\' i'll 1ni~tr~ s::iid in .a 1111f•rv1c\1' in t·:l S1glo. the of- ficial Con1n1unisl p 11 r I y 11e11•s1>11pt·r. th:ll "'sur111\cs for tt1<' flt'Oplr ;ire assured,'• llowevl'r. he :i lsfl urged ChdeAns 10 organize ''com. n1it1ccs of ~upp!y a nd price r~nt rol in thc'lr C'on1rnunitH'." to protect 1hcm.<:clvcs ai::;ainst '"spccul;1 !11r.s ;1n<I p rofi t set'kt•rs " J)obry said :!O butcher shop.! in R.111(·11gua. 50 mil<'s south c! S11nti11go. had bee n closed by lh•· gover111nent aficr citizens cornµliiinrd they V.'('re sell ing :it prices "111 pr('JUd\rc to lhi? 11111·rc.<:ts of !ht• people." !Ir "flld tht• llh'k of cluckcns 1n !>lnrr~ ;ind ~urcrrn;i rkcts 1\,1S (1 11• fault (lf bi~ Jarmcr! 111h•1 hqu1dn1cd 1hc1r flock! h<:furc and just after Nov, -4, 1!>70 \\'hen Al lende took. office. --· :;JO DAllV 'ILDT t ,. For The Reco1·d .. -~--..........-..----, Jtla rriage Lice11ses Jul• lt!~ "LISLl"'{·Ml\LE" r,.n A 11 QI )J~ Mi ii Ao'". ••an•"n •"O !••br o I( ?l e• !Ol Mon••--~ L•n• S~n (, .. ,,~"" L•C[V OSl'Oll N l •nn••O W . Ml of '•17 ~'"<re~•! 8r.no~n C •n~no on(I T"•l<n•. ~: o• :r.17', Poor•r. Lan .. n~ e •• ,., f;F.6HA ll 01 .. •UIE N l"••O•"<h 1 ~~.~' ~1.,1J s;;.11:•';,o~ ~I"" 01Bwi'!'.:5 1(1,.111. Sl•nton WEST P&~(llALL ll ndn•v ("; ?l o1 ~l~J.··~ _i.;; 0~1'(!~;.Ci•;~. M•u ••>n PAr l(Fll·P.fV! ell Wolrln J• 1• "' '"' M•nl•. Cou o M•u •nd O••n. 11 n• M lddl•low n L&r>r W••!mln•l•r lO~Gll E N •l(L •NGL IF.1 ! -£"<A . 11 o• 1710 ~aun••ln W•~ Coll• Me•• ona Mori"• J .. ll ol IJlt•l (OP•lnul, w .. 1..,1n1!f• M&T>ll S 6Al!~L£V -lAmt~ A . •I 01 1H C•m•"• L•n• C.oua M•u 1~0 "'"" T Jl or Cc<t• M•~• ~O>lMA"I ~WANI( ll••n1r<:1 J . 7l o• "11 L• P•lo"'•· F"""'"'" \1811..., •nd IC•tM••n N , l• II 1•19 F1lt..,ovnt, Si n Olt<11> N<'&L M&l>TIN ,,,.1. £ )l or 1117' L•<I S••••! Hun!lna•• 6••(n •n<' M1,1eno >l II o• IJ'I Cl"" COOS Orovt. "lunl•nalon II••<" l "AltPE-SC>lM INltE l!o~n C 7l "' "'° ~""'" COi \! >ll01'WI¥. L1toun1t 111cn 1na Cnd sHnt L .• :n a• L 111un1 ••<" MUl!OSA"'C"El -Vi<!o< J . 7• al 'll' ~ou!~ "IP•Of """ Str.-1. Soni• 4n1 •nd ""''"'. M . It of JJJ) >lO•Ol<I P11r•. >lun!•na•oo 6•ocn ltrHEllOOM "'E W~OM Jonn i •lo• •~! F11• O"v•. (a"• MP•• onn T•n av M , l• at Co"• "'"" F'OLLAll [).DUVAll Lvnn II l~ a! ~:non~!""",!~'"" 11 L";,un•\J I 8• ~r.,'; •I•~:~ L1aun• 11••<1' .. £1N1E·(RAWF01!!"l Ja\•D" l , ?? a• 1•'1 ~.,, 1.,n '''""' ro,r• "'"'" 1n<1 .:"'""" G. n o! JOit "'•1'0011 '"'" "'"" llllOWN (ON l 1"'0 -Ooni•l ( . I ~ 01 lj) Mt lv lll•. Pola Al!o 11n~ Ton• A 11 al 1101 M.,(n• l"lrlv•. L•aunn II••<" C\ACHF-~CAl!l'INE O••·d S J~ n' IJH 81ock1'•ir••· Fnnnt•!n \1 •11•• onn 1n•on•1 F . )• o• 11un A1n ~''''' Founln!n V•ll•v !C><"IE•OE I! ll EIO J0<I ~ 11 "' "" F•" r n••' f<'o~w•• r "'""' ... , M•' ""d l'ol"''" S . l• o! Cn '""" n~t ... Jul> lD!~ '""~~ .. ~·::.e." •••"~:';!.:' .",,,. ~.~;.1~n 11 o• \Gon w.,1,n.,1 .. o"~•· Sr•" ~ ... 000 "'•Sf< W1~• & ?t t>t 1111 6u•nundv (htr•. Son•• •n• •nc! l ••D••• M . ,, ol ))\0 S•nl• ••• ...... (011• M•O l••• 101h C><ltE 11£"' FE tLM{ll OonolO II Jo o• '11• !-1-rt>or 8 1vn {n>•• MM• one! •rdll & OI (0>10 M~<O l><OMAION f<A l £V llol><'d E I ' 01 :no1 G•o•ol• P•oc • Co••• M••• •nd l•O'"' F " "' 111 1'tn Slrt<I. "''"""""" fl••<ft •1NL£V Wf+l l lfN IJ•.,d L, l& 01 0).11 W•""''"''" Wt"m'"''"' ••d ,,.,,., 11 , 11 o! 111n s~""" (,"'d'" O•Ov• &LI "0"' ~noo '""" w " or 1101 ChH o ... , No"""" 8oorh of'<I "''"" M 11 ol N~woor! e••rn P•TT[l!SO"'·••n /Yl.I. O• JO"'r. J omo> c l6 o• J!lll Se"'" CO•" f<•oftwo~, Laouno 8••<" one! Dot>no l . ll "' 1111 11 •• ~ •• SI""' Coot• M ... l'llE .. E l ·W"L..:r 11 -r •• ,,. M ,, o• ll)S 111dottl•ta 0 •.v• HunHnalo• 6••cn •"d D•DO••" ! XI n• 111•1 l(on..,k• t on•. """"""'"" f!••t h t)l!;.110·~1 11n lTON llonolo O 11 n• 110 5t1""1" l',~•I ''"' II••<" •nM ~O!klton ". '1 o• 1•0 11th Sh o•t S••' """" ~C><Ul £N l\€<>G. >lOLL~tH"l r'>••'~ r. ll n! •1• Cnno'"' ~"""' ro•i. , •••• "'" N·n• ~ ll N Co• ........ . OL ~~N.M F VE ' >.f••r• ( <1 ~· IJllll Cv""" Sr·~• G.,"-" (;•nv• •"l"I POl"tl• I 11 o• 10,V I ~••W•!C" L•nr f<un•·no•o<> P.••Ck - CO,.. &OT """" w rnn .. ~· 1'o• •• '"'"'"' ,., "•r•'•' l••r<•• P•" '""" IN ~""' '"•'~" P.•••" ro ... nl ..... " •u•"" ) '°" ~'"' ¥t d ~• •n~ " E fen""' "! ••,,M net.-" 6•"~ n•uO""" I """ """""'~" L•nr••'" ••lt•n "'''"· l>lo•"•"g'"" Cl r G••"' r• •" • ·•• -.~,.,.,,., 11 • '" r.,....., S"'""''~ < '"'' 1•·• ,,.,,+, Yt•'"•'-!),••ft0'' WllVf• II •n ~ '' W••r" <>o<•O•M '' '" ,,, ~ "" ~'"" M•!• " "''"' r. '~"'' 1 "" r~•'"' "'"'n""' "'"'"""' 1' ,.. I .,., "' r,....,,.,.,., ~'"'' C'I'''" •' r."'"'' ••• ~''''""" C""~ r;,,,.,~nr · r1.n.• •"~ "" • 'r'•r<r"~ G""" \"' "'von t• '"""""O. "lo•m•n W•••" ~•l!oMt••. ••nd•• J••n ••••n•on. ~II '" ,... ~ .. ., '"''' n•n•,,··· "'" .. ,1 ... '''" •ou• oconnc•i1n.,n 5.,,,.,. T""''"~V. ~Jt"<\ I. I n .,. O••O•I ~'0'""' C"•n•I l n1'•..,onl """'"'"""' .... rnM ,ol ,,.,_ tHn•~ !'"'""" ~'"""""· ~<J /I/I. 0 1 'o(!n". ARRUCKLE I.: SO'I ~'ESTCL IFF ~10RTUARY 427 E. 17th SI., Co9la 1\l~sa 6-66-4888 • BALTZ 1\IORTL'ARIF.S Coron11 drl ~1 ar t;i :i-9t5n (nf;l a !\lt51 64&-?4?4 • BELL BROAO\lAY 1\-10 RTUARY 110 Br111dw1y, Costa 1\1ts• LI 8-l433 • i\lrCOR!\flCK 1.1\G l l~A REA CH i\10 RTUA RY lit~ L1g:1111R CA!l:'"flll Rd. 484·li.11~ • PACIFIC \'JEW 1'1Ef\10RIAI. rAnK Cemelt ry i\1orluary ChAJlf'I UOO Pacl ftc \'itw Drlvt Ne"'·port l\farh. CaUfornlll '44-ti OO • P EEK FA :'affi.Y COLOMAlj FUNERAL HOME 7101 Bol•a Ave. We1tmln11er 0 3..JS!S • SMITH'S MORTUA Rl' lt7 M1ln SL 13"41!1 Supe1~visor s Back E11d to Di stricts SANT A A~A Count y su~rvisori; moved Tuesday to ba ck a Grr1nd Jury recom- mrnda11nn ttiat calls lnr !he r!im ination or consolidation of Spt'('ial taxing dislricL'I. Counly Counse l Ad r i a n Kuype r r1>port l'd that leg1sl a- t1()n was dead for this year "'hich n1ight have be e n ;uncoded In strengthen the power of the Local Agency Forn1 at ion Con1missinn 11nd lhe supervisors 111 el imination (If some if lhe coun ty's lJ8 !'lpecial dis!n cts. ThP hnnrd na n1cd Kuyper, lhP count y Rdminis1ralivP of- fice. the l,(>aguf' or Cilies. and the LA f C to studv mea ns of accom plishinp: the r. ran d .lur.v's recom rncnd111ion!'I in lhP 1972 legislafivt sessian. In a leller dated July I~. the jury attacked the special tax- ing d lstrlcU a.s "o!lrchalc 1cJ:aci ts rram an agricultural e.ra." Dinne r J)ance Se t for Solon LONG RF:ACH -A dinner dance will be held abo;ird the Queen M<1 ry Sept. 11 In honor Slate ~n . James Whetmore \ R·G'arden Grove ~. Sponsored by thr F'rirnds nf \\'hel m-Orr Commi ltee, the fund raising affa ir "'Ill bt'-ginat Ii .10 p m. The pMce is $50 per person. DAILY .. ILOT llUI .. Mii S/1'11 Ga/ Isabel Villafranca of Fountain Valley is only 5. so she's a little shy with strangers. But not so shy that she forgets to s mite. Even if il"s only a little smile. Au g. 2 to 7 is National Smile Vl eek. llave you smiled al anyone 1ately? PLYWOOD CIRCLES CHOOSE FROM 18" DIA .••• 2.29 EA. 24" DIA •••• 2.49 EA. 30" DIA •••• 4.99 IA. 36" DIA •••• 5.49 EA. DIA •••• 7,49 EA . 48" DIA .••• 8.49 EA. A size for e ve ry purpose. Sound one sid e 3/4'' thic lc material. Id eal il em to ma ke stools, fobles, serv e rs or wh~t ho ve you. Apply the cove ring you like. We carry many s ires. 12" l'L TWOOD CIRCLaS $720,000 to County l 'orces Police Radio System Grant Given B)' JAC K BROBACK the Cal1fomla Council on equipment ln every \aw ('TI-lo complete the S2.9 million 01 '"" D•ltf ""1191 ""' Crimi.na.I Justlce (rom federal for cemen t vehicle, ~1 or r 1 $ project. with a county-C.ilJ SA NTA ANA -Orange funds. said. ('(\$1 of about $1 1n1H1nn , Counl y has been granted Morris told superv isors his An added factor is that the The corn mun1!'a t1n11s di re~ $720,000 lo develop a ne w ultra deparlmenl initiated planning system will all(lw ;i ny police tnr rnld "llf"'rv1;,nr.;; 1h;it " lllRh P'requency Coordinated on the project nl{Jre than five departmen\ 10 the county to ct1ntract ,for r fl n s u I t an t l~aw Enforcement Rad io Com-years ago in ant icipation of talk to any other department services h.1• Puhl ic Safely nlun\cat ion System, count y the day when assigned radio at wil l. This 1s not possible System~ will br ~ubr11 1tted supervisors we re !Cll d 1'ues· frequen cies coul d na longer with currrnt o pe ra t i o n a I s011n for approval. 'l'he rirm day. handle law enfarcement radio equipment using the lo w Ire-will assist tn the devclopn1ent The gra .. nl , plll.!i $480,000 traffic. quency broadcast bands, Mor-of ~pce1f1c;:il 1ons fnr I h e rroni the cou nty and th e 22 The new UHF'" radio system, ri.s expla ined. systc ni, prep<1rc vendor pro- cities with police departments, when completed in three He said set"ond a nd Lhird po.s;i ls and provi dr additional will allow first year funding of years. will include separate year grants will be necessary profession;:i l .<1ss1st;o1ce $1 .2 rnillion toward t he operationa l freQuencits forl-~ - est<1blishm ent of "one of the earh city and teleprint er F1N i:st 1;1u.1.Lnv -LOWEST p 111cr;s most mod ern and efhcien! - -KING SIZE $1, rnn1munica t1o n systems in the Wh C ? I n;it inn ," said R. I. '"Cuba"' ~n n the~nrw~~:.:: in 1hc WATER BEDS • Morris, the county"s director ,. ··-O NLY ~ 1vnrld l"llrr~ 1:1.l>nul ynur rnm-DR.I.NG£ COU .... TV 'S OLDEST W&TEI! lf.D STOl!E or transportation and com· munity like yoLir cnmmuni1y 1 THE WATER BROS . municatiOnS. da ily nrWSflll~f doe.!!. Jt"S 1tH NIWPOltT l!LVD. (()~ lho P1nln1ulo) lhe. DA.TL\' f'ILOT, The $72fl.OOO was granted by U l ·lllf ~ -/ BUDGETEER SCREEN DOOR f e olures roll form frame conslruc tio n, reinforce d corne rs ' ' p ush bar, knob lotch. 30", 32" and 36" w idths. 6'' Eve rything you rieed to b uild on onroclive self sufficie nt water d isp lay with no p lum b ing , o r concrele. Com p lete in stallation instruction• included. 29'5 DICORATOR CORK TILES SHELF STANDARDS AND BRACKETS 41NCH BRASS CENTER SET WITH COMl'LITI POP·UP 12'' ll 12'' l'KG. Of 4 Natural dork color. Make-s a ric h, q uiet· wall or ceili ng. .. , ' '.\ G !e orr>ing silver lone finish. Build your ow n she lving system. He ovy sfeel con1lruction. .... , ... 39 IRACl<ITS • • • C ,... 49c STANDARDS • ASSEMBLY Heavy c hrome ploted so lid bro.s s. f ull y od1 ustable . lnsto11o tiori instructio ns inc lude d. 6'5 CORRUGATID OR TWIN RIB ALUMINUM ROOFING SPRING DOOR STOP VINCA POTTED COLOR 'l6",..8' 3.19 26"x1 0 ' 3 .89 26"x 12' 4 .59 .. An ide a l moten ol fC'lr polio roofs plu s p rotec.t1on i"rom sun o nd he al. 26''x6' I'' IA. 8 LB. SLEDGE HAMMER #•o• Drop forged -Wood hnndle, 32'' overoll le ngrh-Seoled he od. 2'' ' ~ ~ BRAIS OR CHROME g No more s la mming door knobs into the wall w ith the se . ~prin g type door stoos. 3:A. 20' LAWN SOAKER Solt p la stic looker, perfec t for w a tering · rhose difficult areas. Con be used lo lit a ny .i hope of !r:iwn or flo wer beds. Co mes w ith o c li p To s horlell to a ny le ngth . 62c Tu.TIN 1112 IRV!NA BLVD. ONE I LOCI< E OF NEWPORT AV!' W.ITMINIT •• e7!ol WE STM INSTER AVE. AT GOLOENWES T S T aUINA l'Aall lllfi()VALL EY VIEW SI , AT Llll,ICQ Lll,I AVI . FULLIRTON 14fi!o E. CHAPM'1N AVl. A T S TAI[ CO L I f (.( Rt VO l J•J E. l<A TELL A AVE. A l I U!'iT l N AVf 1111 W t.A HA.A RA ALVO. A I RF Ar.H RI VD. oaANGI LA HAaaA The most o ulstanding blooming summe r ond e o r!y fo ll f!owe rs. E-.:ce llenf fo r pots a nd a s a borde r plont. La ve nder n nd w hite w11h p1nli; cent e rs , d e e p g!0s5 y green le aves. 19:. STEER MANURE 40 POUNDS Id eal for m ulc hing ro1es, flower•, fr1111 tre"s o rid 1own$. Sc reeried ond weed free • 33c IL Toao 1•392 RQCl<J.il LD AT l L TO RO RO COSTA •VAN NU'l"S • l'O VER SIO( •COVIN A. •LA CRE SCENT.I.. •LAO[ RA HEIGHTS •THOUSAND OAKS •£AST LO!i: AN G£l t.S •SIMI •LANCASTER • (HATSWOll!.TH • l .\RZANA. • RE SEOA • UPl ANO • SAUGUS •GOL ETA. • VI CTORVIL LE • GP.ANAOA. HILLS •CAMARILLO • 8AK[RSfl[L0 e HAC1£.NOA HEIGHTS • ESCOr.10100 • SPRING VAl l l Y •SAN BERNARDINO I j ··-.9\---·----" I . -.. ~-.... " .. ·--' • --. . ' • t y d • DAJLV PILOT Tl Vital Statisti~s for the ·orange Coast Area Dissolutions Of Marriage G41111 ... c1 1(1011. E••IYn lltll• ol'ld 11.ov E"'envet 0<>00. J• , JillrMI R •..cl Mu!lc•nl Be"ua Gr•Y, JN<>1nt ..... 1 .. 1 T. l'rt11'11t. Lt VOMe ••wfl.""iil-A l(o .. t l•kl. p, ....... .t.n" •lld M k llHI J, .5tllf't\, JohtnNo I eNI llfy......., M, MollrY RO<ltd dt I , tnd HIO\t l $1..,.,,,, BevorlY AnM t nd Ke•! Dolt ICoylo, C••o•t nn t lld JO/In Mttdll f •t"'tPI. J.,.. (;r-y 1...i '-"'"G 11.y ... ll Oulnlt•O. E1"'4!r Ind ... """''"' l't •r1nu MltMla J-el\d ""'-y ,. .... , ... DtW'ltr. llrtnl C. _,. 11.IM«t A. ~'""'-· 111, G-.noi J-1(-~'" •11H Jw" 1• k on....,, Cle'lla lroWllM ...,. l!llMt Cw~ Ot vlo. Lindo Lou ond O.nlt l M !f"Dmen, Sel!d10 I(. ONI Jt"'I I!" "'Jl~n C.rtot•J l'r1nt!1 ,1n0 Vt ltrlt ''"'"'' 0.•l~ ... •. tl'lll °"'"" !. LIL:f:,j Cllfll tool\W Ktnt W HtncY ~0:.~:"~ll:::i•J M1.:.'1 D•;, O<l•IL Lll'MH L • ..., wlf:11111 1 Kr111, l n ltt N 1NI 81!!• ~ti! ,1.11..,, Mow••a M """ C•tOI•~ J 11 .... , J t •M .... I -.l< ... •• .... , .... Ill °'""· (11,,.rh>t M1rl1r. 1nd M l<l•10! ·-.. II .. J11lv U ll1~1r. J1"•u. 1.w -Eo .. 1•d ltl<J!O..d ;1111 ........ M••o1•1t e1u ..,,,. 1nc1 Jiii!" 1'°"1111, l'ren~ L. IMI MKIWUt 0. ''""· ~tll LY"" trod Jt m.> Ed.,.t•tl ll•nct . \/or • OorotllY '"" ~lllC>lltf\ v ..,l'O, 1C111111en A, -Jom11 R. L11vl11, Dotttllv Ct/'91 -Kl•~ N. Mt f<IMI'\, W-• "'"" ..... Lt"lfl ( , J" OO..-m1v1" Jt tl ..,..,., t !>d lrl~ OltM Ml1l1u.i1, Er\l o '"" l'e!1t FHo4 J..i, 1' '· I ·~ .. Moftl1omffv, 111..... 1'on1 u wl Jt mn 01Ylt , Mll•Ph•. l ava Et •I '"" l llllt n P11d t l• Ruolo, LI/Pt •nd llOCltlltll ''Ab • . ·~i.:-..c • t n. usmessn\an Wl~1ll 15 newacqua1nances Moon, Ci'ho rlt • F 111<1 AllM I , Pft>Ull<I. 11 0 ... hl •. t nd Httold P, Lt •or, ~u••n 1(1• '"" Phlll11 (r1•1 5wlfl. Sht ron 0.1n t f>CI Sl-e'I Hen<Y ''"""'"· Jr' Vlc•I• Ind L1wl1 Fi1mo•1 Moh•, Jt, Gu>laY ( arid G-111 M, H~u•nor. D11nn~ Ct rolt '""' L1rr11 mustbepreparedtomeetthem '' JllUOh !lonilen. lloo1ma1 l1 1nd (l•l•t 0. F'""'""' lllfglnl1 Let 1n<1 lllch1r<1 ,ue,1n<11r lluol. lh1<1111"" ,..., Julen• s. Cll Ylon. J1mn ~ u\11 J.,.~nt Mtdaoc•. ,,....,,,, s . ,,,., 8••1>1r1 e (1 p11'1r!, Ltw" F ll""'ro Incl Vicl lt -Mark Scott/ IC&INtn k•lor. Ean• Ell r•be•n •ncl !•1 WI,. VMlmovr, Miry Ellen Incl J""~ J1C-Mln Cllrt•v, Edn1 Mov ""° Do~•ld Mo.uni, lvle l 1•0• .,,<! M1<cl1 Intl MlloY, 51,11 •nt1 I ncl J ome• E1•I w in•••. JoUrov """' • ...., S~•"• Comer.,,. Edn1 l llo.-.. incl ,l,llon M1<1(1Y You are invited to purchase our gentlemen'• apparel at a fifty percent reduction, until the AeYenth of August #42 Fash.ion Island. Fnrlher lnfonnation: 644-7520. S11cr<11. C.lo"• •ncl l~eO<lo•e C Ec-ne11. Ell11 Moroni 1nc1 Judlt~ l••ne JA~.c;a.ca...o­ BREEZE BOX FAN • 20 INCH 2 speed, 3 blode fan wilh snap out g rid ond rerroc1o ble carrying hondle. 12·· EVEREADY "D" CELL FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES Ideal for flashlights, toys , clocks, radios. Long lastin g and fresh. BUY 2 SAVE 21' 2:29c DU PONT RALLY WAX New 18•oz. Economy Size Rally cream wot with handy onpl!cotor-The half hour cor wo x.. SAYE 49• 149 SWIRL·AWAY DIRT CAR WASH BR SH #730X Wosh your car the e-o sy woyl Just ottoch to garden hose arid brush dirt owoy. Saves getting soaked and orm weary. DIRECTORS PATIO CHAIR ; ~. ' fOR 10UR PATIO OR DIN Whlle Quantities Last The ~uolity directors choir -ever so comfortable. Buy 1eYerol at 1hi s low, low price. 9'' INSIDE·OUTSIDE CHAIRS WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! Unbelie...,obl e quality at on unbelievable low price .•• You r choice of colors ... Shop e arly, don't be disa ppointed. Ideal os patio or den choirs. 3 59 EA. CLOSET AND TRAVEL ACCESSORIES Choose from under· bed 1toroge chest, nylon sweate r dryer, man's sui t bag or )odie,' dress or cool bog. All mode of heavy vinyl plastic for durobilily. SOAP PADS JUMBO PAK Pock of 30 rust-resistant soap pod1. Don't mi11 thi1 greol value. SPLASHER POOL 6'x1S" Heavy duty w e ather trea ted with corrugated 1tee l side walls. Re in forced, heavy duty vinyl POOL CUA•ANCI with drain slot. 4'' 10% OFF YOUI CHOICI Of ANY Of OUI SIX 1t71 l'OOl l'ACKAGI l'llCIS \1'x20" ll'LAIHll POOL, llG. 11.tt-7.991 ............. _ ...... ., ... , .. , ... ...... .. POOL CHLORINE 2 LB. SIJ:I For Allove Ground Pools Comple te directions ore on the containe r thot tell you how much chlorine to o dd for smoll splasher pool1 up to the larger pools. 199 CAULKING GUN TMis sturdy metal holf barrel gun i' mode especlolly for use with oil caulking cartridges w ith self contained plastic nozzles. Zip through you r yearly caulking job wilh e a se. SAVE 40' LATEX CAULK BY RID DIYIL Check these fearvres: • U1e with any point • No priming-no bleed- through • Exc e llent for interio r or exterior Stay1 fl e xible longer surfoi.:es • Res isl1 mildew -won't stain •Adheres e ven to damp AMERICA'S LARGEST, ORIGINAL " DO-IT-YOURSELF" HARDWARE STORES 1212 IRVINll, BLVO. TUITltl oNE BLOCK E. or NEWPOR T AVE WllTlllNITll 67~1 WESTMINSTER AVE, A.T GOLDEN WEST ST. IUINA PAIK 185() VALLEY VIEW ,T. AT LtNCOLN AVE . IL TOIO 2•392 ROCK,IELD AT E.L TORO RD. OltANOI Tl4l E.. r<ATE LLA AV(. 246S E. CH APMAN AVE . A f !>TAT[ COLLfG[ 8 LVD. COITA I .189 E. 111'•ST. Ml A AT SANTA ANA AVE. 222 1 W. 1..A HABRA BLVD. A T BEACH BLVD. PULLllTON LA HAllA AT TU~T I N AVE. ' •V ANNUYS • R1VERS.1DE •COVINA • L.t.CRESCENTA • LADERAHEJGHTS • THOUSANOOAl(S •[A~T LO~ANGEl..ES • Slf.11 •LANCASTER •CHATSWORTH • Tlt.R2ANA t RESEOA t UPLAND • SAUUUS e GOL ETA t VtCTORV1LLE • ORANAOA HILLS •SAN IERNAROINO e HACIE NDA HEIGHTS • ESCONDIDO • PRING VALLE\' ... ·-· ~·· -,. --· " • :.• -. Hltf', Cl •-ll'IOI M-1 1111 J l l'IU P11tlck C1l"t1t1, l~lll~ I I ncl H•U l. l1v.i..,.,. fi1rrk i. A IM Vrtl\t"' e . o. ......... l •i.11 •. •1'111 p ...... J. H l(. ... IMI!. Or.,i+!t F. IM 6-'91 M. """"' •O!Wlo l M llMI koWll t>l1ne Ht<ne111111, RI/Ill CI Untl IM w rr:e Allfello M1nh-.. All.,. M. I M Wlllll•ld (. Zlll\~Y. DI"' V. 11111 Ml •Y 1.. 0...,,.it,, ,l,lml l l Vtflle Ind lllVlfl- lfuclotplo "•v••, LOI• H Incl Wllill/¥1 (1<Hnl11, ~IMfl J1"1 Ind Ol~lf Ludln11on IC:~, Mtrv Hel..i I nd 11fl)l'ltll OVl10tl. ltlc1111d ao.<11 1nd S..•11\ Hun! 11r1 .... Cl •OI•" 1(1• llMI Jock Mort!t lld lf1n11tK h, J11111 l. •nd P1ul I . MtElt Pltrn. Nickl L« 1nd Mlcl\1.t "' Eloll, Lt•1 J. 111<1 ltk Nrd T. ~ ..... Elu Joo" 1n11 Dmutl<I J.111111 lff, (ilorl1 J11n Incl 1'109" Al•n Mll/'lo.u1. Dorf> lrone •ncl J""n 0.drl(lt, "mbrollo. Nl(l><tl•• P i ncl P1ul1 5 l1r0o>. OIO• M1t•m01"f11 I nd Ml•vef """'"lo l•b!n, M11lo"" M. 1nd c Mep/'lon l'1nnlno. Go•old E •ncl lYn<ll Sut lt&Ot•I. forrte •ncl MIU••el Leo lecOor, Mlt/'1111 Len i ncl C••ol JNn• n1no K1eH, sn.,on L I nd ll"ln''" ll•Y l un1•0<d. Jo Ann I nd lfOOlt! fl,lff .... I•""""· C.••ne1 lo.u Incl lutt/11 l !ll1 Gt.,n. 0<11110•111 I ncl 8111 J1<k lt<>nl•<!. M1 .. 1vn ~"' Incl 0 1vld N1!1Dn W1l•t" J• . ee1101!v A. oncl JOf!n E. Jo'"'"""· °"'" J. 1nc1 ltov w. Mllfltl , H•vw••d Incl P11tkl1 I nn Mllllo-n. Jo>eP/'I Incl llt•nlct C. "1eye1, M•o1diln1 •nd lloOfrl ~lort1 T~....,P>•>n, w m11m ~. ond June Mve•s. (11"• E Ind lluut!I N Mhlor. ""'"<ll l • ..,, Je'fY LH Thom1>1on. M•lt n ~·I• EPP• Ind v ... P1ul Gilmo<e, llllbOY I. And l lke E. Ciol•""· llobt••• 1nc1 l<1wor<1 A. ilano, eooov J """ W•lm• J11n Winll-.......... I ncl ConltY E. N IDPI" S11!f JllllM Ind Wlltl1m Jt'>lln M<Klnnev. E<1n1m11 E. ""<! •luln II.. Wlllio<n>. Wl!ll1m D. I ncl N1<1lr11 0. Po!ltr>on, J111e 1nd J1mt• II Moso~t<I•• "1oH M1rl1 11>11 ll.r•n1l<10 L. Ne•••• Helt n El.,n1 ond Rk h••d ••otr• llold!•K-1, Jl (OUOll"I J. Incl eo~it..,111 ' Mt,,IU, I nn MlrY Ind Cn1rlo1 0 , Dtvi1. Choi ltl II.. 1nd J11>t1 Sut Eric-Ion, Ct l• I I ncl l"f1n• 8 . L1ndru1, M•rl/'11 Cl1v<1ln1 •nd Jf"''' Nober! llitf . Juav c 1n<1 D111let P. l'Mt••on, Dovie S. 1nd J•m•• L. llobo•h. 60•!>0•1 1nd llfludnev CAiion. N8omo E •n<! Llovd E<!Wlrtl c .. vtr. 01onn• lfom•n •nd "111Utll Dnt11 Cort•'• Clr1 J1n1 1nd Jl rr• lv"n Homm, An1!1 Je1.,n1 •M J 1m •s ..,:c11ol11 Mtlnn1,1. K1ren P. 1n<1 llOt!ll!I I. l'll1<1 Jiii'/ H k~~~:'°.'.i1~:'~ ~~n~":~1''7!":::, ~": ... "' MOll1. Ele•flll• ... -llln Ch••I•. I I•-•· SOl.l<lt•. llon1l<1 C1•I ~nd Su1an I . Par-er. Mu•lol G. I nd J1l'M•. M1worrh, lo...,..11 Euo•n• to•d I'"'' e••b•" Oouo•"· B1r1>1r1 I 1nd R;ch1•d I . MOllH. E•e1r>0r I . Incl llln (h1rle .. Horr11 ..... llOborf E Incl sn1tQf'I l . 611dlev, 6ern1•d c. J•. 111<1 Co.,n1 LH . 6•11ov, If•• E. I nd Wlll11m l IT:~~!o..".hl~'/~1.;'·11~"!'n~""~,:,11w J. llulkow•ltl, Mori~• 1"" R()bo11 w. Fol!, Lind• •nn Ind Ml rlt II. F•rr•. M1rotr11 """ """ MICht•! ,,.,~ .. Geo•o•. PeoQY lno•ld t nd l l •Y Euaen•. Ftrouoon. Dofothy l 1ur1 ind ltOf)trl Cummiftfl> Jom•o. M•rth• J1n1 1nd Joh" l • ltflY. Owtn. J11nnfll1 LOOI•• l n<I D111!el Jo•eah. S•w1. Donolo No~I• 111d S1ndr• Lrn11. loll, C1•01vn J. 11111 lllch1rd M, S!url. Donni Ind Donlld David. Donar!. Jom., C.1brl•I ond Eu•lh11 An· toone!t1 Trullllo, Ooro•h• 1nd Jonnnl1 o Mllllr. Madon 1 . 1no Ell11belll J<i••otllnit e111,, Cloudl& E. 1nd Robert l. 8 U•lt,, (II "• ( 111d Wllll1m P, ~11•<1 July ll M1dtr. lro• l •on 1nd Viral• l ••· Brll•nb1cn, WllH1m E . i nd C1rol I nn Yoono. Jo Ell•n 111d Philio E1<1 Yoong. Edwl'd>, (Ind• E ond Olvld T. G<><!d.,, B.,11•11 I •nd l •rrv. lov•n , lfll• 1nd 6ornA•d C. lu•~•. Pe!ot V 1n<1 Lindi P Do""'· K1nn•lh O••n ~no 01ri.111 Rlt1 ~"Wah. Poul Jo"d" ~"d l ••• ~'"'· Simmon" O•"• 11 1nd lod<I• A Coron. (hd>IOfl/'lcr M I nd M1rcoll1. Pfelter, J<Mn D Incl Joe~ I ()uptr. J•, Wl "On I ncl Pl!"«• J F•tl<!mt n, MoWl rd I •nO ()lrl'""' e . Wo/'l!e" !lov1rh "' ond Dtnnl1 Dl n••I. ltvt01, Rlch1rd Lynn 1110 Sno•Oll Lit I r-. Emt!v P1ut!no I nd Mom"' H1dle• Lu<1wlq, R.11 lfll"" i ncl Hermon P Fr•nk, 0...al~• Ell•n 1n4 1-<•r ley ltlf• ·~' Howol+. II•• •nd l~o"'"' ~•Ill Colt , M1rv H•l•n oncl H1ndtf<>1d H. We•o. John 6011ne!I 1nd P1me11 Welch. 611b1r1 F •nit Rober! N. lmor. Yvonno J •nd E<!wl rd II !!1voen,., lf•le•i• J 1nd 8111>0 w. E v1n1, J""n l e• I nd (l•OI JflV<• Tnomo•011. Joan Ch••l•leh 111a Wllll•lfl lrlhul, l•rlll. M••v J•n• 1nd !-;ube•t E Golvln, S• , J•<k A Ind J•onne Dl ont . Sc/'11<1•1. Mu 1lv n •nd (llflOrd •nhui. W•rrrn. Melen M •nd O•dln Dowl lnQ. El•I• (horlo'I• ond WlllltM M•mol011. Z•llm•t, J11n L. •nd R1><1oer Wllllom. Din.,, No•l•n 1nd Jon~ ~ou•I. Morv K11no""' •nd II.ht• t'. ,, Cond,., Lturo Jull•0!1 •nd M•"Y Geo100 L•w••· 61Tb1>• •nn ond MOIVln Jn•enh. Ell•,b•oo•. ftortv Lvnn 1nd W~"dY Lvnn G'ib•e11n, Mt"On Joi n I nd Norm•n l •urtntl 6 1•/IQfl. Sho•nn M1•~•••I ond J1mt1 A.dom II'""· 1(11n1et" '"" l our1n 0 111. Oun101n, l 1rrv l 111<1 "••rlcl1 "' No.,11no. ll•vmona o..uo1.,.. 1 " d M••o•••f Lwi•• ~~~'.",~'~!1!;"~~,,"' o::d"11~:~:.J E•d An<!••><m. "•uhn• E U11t>Olk •'Id (lo•ent• l"" 1'. Evon O """ Do•o•h•• J. 'lo"k. Joi n lot 1nd W1Hor ~!•n•ov. M1Uo11•. Net!l1 lou"• •nd ~ted <ifldlnOI. G•nOtfl M Ind Cl tOl•llf N. Mflll11nl, J1ne El•1""' •nd J 1m1e Nltnloo1 L1,.,!on. Jr. JM""' S •ncl 6tllV L. ~111' J"tf n S•ou!•, L••••n• e """ °''""'' "· McGOt. Lindo I •nd Allon •. F l~~~~·i..:••k•r•n M•••. •na 0.....lllQ-I Vo••. Donold G•rv. ond ~~thy """"· Mond••I, l•n<I• •nd Jon O Price, i{•!hleen 11 •nd II~•" M Clo••" llob•rt E<1word>. ond •uby Mui• E~~i.;~~·~~~' KV •;~d EF':'~~lolln o . Pendlev. M••o••ri M••· ond J I"'" '"'' s n•om•n. lh.,on• ll•fh, ood W•l!•r. Anorn. Cronn•n •n~ Fr•nc•1 ll'J'•. WobQ, l o Ju•no ond '*••mon l """m" MAr liVo II •nn (•d E <>eTT•"· J eonne E. ""d M1rcoi "'"'"'· Oe Ctll, luclll• •irnt!lo. """ Rnv Wllllom l OI•'· l(tnno!l'I Lr Ao• t nd Norm• Join l'llt4 Jul• n Pll'n, lllll•n JflVCI ""d S!tol'I"' Orn1011, l o llu•. lei• !""" 1nd cnu!1r •r1n11r . S•n!l'lofl, Je•n Ellen I nd W1llt• Ft•"· '" Sc,,rvo<d. 0<1fo11'1• •lv..,1 i nd Cllrlo'I Ev••oln Coln, J K-l . 111d Ol•N' M PllllOll. l l •Ct (l'll•lent. ""' Gto•a• "· K11/lfl1t•. Fre<lt•lc-E •ncl ......... 11 M. M_.t , Cl•llll"' "'"" •nd Wll!lf If•• Tl\omolloOn, 11111 M1•t111, 1n<ll EW..ln• 11.ebect•. Eloenbent. Doro•n• c 111d l'r1nci1 • Nf1•m1n, MlrV E~elvn •ncl Rl<IMl•d 11~1"0/ld1!. Pr.n1er, lfolnl>ol<ll •. •nd M1udo M. Env•"· 11u111ll Cl'ltrlt>. Ind J1>1nn~ MlrQttO!. Fo..l""t. MlrleM M • ...., w 11111m c . !otvmou• .• .,,,, E ll11b~ll'I, I ncl Thtml • MIChlll. ll ltl'I. K•••n l i ncl w11111m F G1rrow. Jotln $tt<>l'len. Ind 1'1111<1, '°" Gt11111wl, Otllflr•l'I Goll. """ e .. m •IJ. ~· . G.11co. •1cl'l11d M ond Morie I . L• Mt••· Sl>ftll• Ml•I• I nd ~oa .. o. .... No ll11l•n. lllCl'll td Ancl £1hr! ,l,nn. ~=fd1~~"c.:1'::!r~~•\d, ~~.J1v I(. M>11 lc~. L1rrv Corl on~ Lvnn l'•tne•~ Molflc~ ltl1-o. llos••vn Dtwntllo •nd Mt"rv lli<llora. W•lflltv, l(•lht•lne Ind Cl'll•I•• Y. Krut•t r, L. W, OM Gllldl1 C. lllvt n, ldtllt Wlnnllrld '"" W1l~(e E1rl. (1n1lt, COM•"• T , I nd •1t•1naor "· ~••vtv. S!°"""n Cl'l1flt• •ncl Ktlhf Je. Sl•1u11, 811111 11 11 1nd one w 11111111 Co1woH, Jtm•• C. i nd M•rll" fl'. :~~~::\.'.""~.,~::¥ .J.°..:..:.=i ":~~·· ,...,1, Jt1netl• E1>11v. LllDU•n !-f1rr• Jr. """ Mol!IN l1111911•. El••"• Mir., lE. olMI J1c~ I . ~tlal'lt. John M.I•~ I nd G1r11non1. J e, :~nl!::'·.~~~1~: ....... 1~:11'!.'C~l1 1rl. ""'!• e11rv Lovh t 1nd wuu.,., M11111t11 5Cl'll I, lllY"""'d IPld $1'11tlf• Allt t ... I liff'. il'llrltY Met l lMI El •I Ktttr... Alll••· °"'" •nd Tf••m1• &. '"'"" "''' JJ Wit..,.., •1e11nt1r1 s. 1"<1 lud L. V•etnwoo<I. Le!l1nl v •n<I ~•t•lt-(. C-y. J tl" M, Incl It-rt W Grttr. Miidrid I. I nd T,,._1, M. •1•h. Ed•I~ J t nd C••vt It. D'l"rtalt. Dint ltobt<T •ncl 0.ll()r•~ '"" (i1l..e1,_•a111nc1 0 I M $111<1•• M WltlJ. HU!er koPI -1'~1111 Stwl ...... t<OH-y, J.n• Mlrtlll... I ncl llPWl'I Wl!llem JO<"dVI ltvl~ I! '"" N~llt If. /.'1r1r~t1, M1rft •f'M! l nll>OO'lt¥ O • ·-._ .... ,,. • ' JI DAILY "LOT ,• ' DICK TRACY MUTT AND JEFF GRAFFIT I ARE 'THINGS P EOPL.E WRITE ON WAL LS ANO 'R,OCKS--- FIGMENTS TI!ERE ! I 601" TIE STI NGER our! 00£5 rr mt. ~ B~ N0111 l" WHY? J 1M McK~NNA WROTE ANO SAID I SHOULD SEE THE GR AFFITI ON BALD MOUNTAIN · ".iMiE ...,~ ..... ~~~~'----"-'-~~~"-~~~ H•if . ; PLAIN JANE I DAILY CROSSWORD ••• by. A. POWER I ACROSS 44 Un !! of Ytsltfday's Puzzle Solvrrt: rtlt1C!ltnCt !Light AS Nt x! in timt '.flOl'tAblt btds Ab Tas l ptrlor m· 5 Ope:rl jUt Ing 9roup f -St1port of 4 7 Suddto Morocco spa•un or pain 14 Sli t of tht A9f1tt of T1 j M1h1I supt rl luity l'io Oillht rb .51 l•n~tli trn1ts 111 lit11l.tlPlkt !;i ~ Yt~rn 11 f 0trnula1t 58 SmRll flap on I St ht lllf I 911mt nt PEANUTS ~svl ~ ., By Dale H•le By Frank Baginski Wf 6ilT LON El~~ WESCAMP!~D AR0"'4DTuE f'oMDll!WJUITTU: RU6'(KEflE~ LE,5, At.JD HERE WE AAE ~ t'LL BET 'ltlll'Rf fi.Af' ¥:> :5EE ME, HIM, Oil-CK'? Ll'L AINa ,,,,. ~----.... ~· .. -· ·-·~ .. ·- GORDO MOON MULLINS W&'l!l' A P/>.11' OF STICK5 IN THli MUD! WHY DON'T WE C>o SOME· l'HING l>IFFE/WIT FOR A CHANGE ?f ANIMAi. CRACKERS $.e '"''"""-_.,... •·· WHAT l)O ')(OU SUGGIST? ly Charlot M. Schulz lo)l9¥'~ ~>Qi), 'l!W!f,., . FfE 1M/N6 .. I .,,.,S 00NNA FIX HIM It Ulll llfl ~ LITTU /'RONO ~.Ill> N>l il'S ~ Clff. ... lA lil~kt longer: 60 T t·1dtr Z wor ds bl Du~t [ltln9lo11 B ~ l l ~ p,,1 Oil lht 35 --K~d1an~: JUDGE PARKER lly Harold Le Doux 20 l'•y~~nl ltw' tilt 119111 lo oc t1 1py Z.l ln11'rlttlion • o( ~\~pl'l\t Z2 Ot9Jns 2l SOPlt\!!•''• ' ol VA1i1• 2, Utort !l'A \l ~t if Vts~t l 1•11t l<JnSoOI\~ ·• hlood ~ Nt9 ~livt o·c\t 10 Br~ns ' c o~pionl~n )C P'roctss: SuH1Y 1' f'or1Ab1e •htlttrs )a MOllon ~iG\1.#t : ,,, Inform•! )9 Crrt1ln '.l1i•ns: 2 wonli -42 5111qlf COJl'l' 43 P?!'I l l ' hll : 2 'A'O!d\ ~J S11.dy !'~rd an·I c on~l~nll~: Sr1\1~h ~4 s o~p pl~n· t.5 Sot~ ~b ~P Al1•1Q A f\f\A r~j 11\ '17 "--Johnny ~" tog MAILlrt \ b' F orn•r Kore~n s!~ttsm~n DO'ilN l Fr~n~ -; tlcll>"lll001 VIP l SI J!f S A\ ) Cro,,..,.iSt -4 US fLlnllfr ..,..,~ -· 5 l l.lfl qui ckly b 81"y 1 Arl t Jchn'on )llllJSP: 2 words • j•P1 bA~ JrN1~h 9 fl·•• io1 a New Yt 1r 'N"~d (onlrst 37 S"'ll Pl'lt r 1~ 1 "''''1 lradrr JB A 1 As1•1 11 \: J1•\'1 ~G l ~r~t t~sk pr· ~~·t 12 h ... --: F' l1t11 l eft , ? ....,,,,~~ 1; ·~,'. •s l1t t !11 liM\!f 11 I 11}\f flt Ol!le ;'.I flrr Ct•ll :~ Or .. qll made o' r·anr ;iq!I Wlltr ?~ :.:~\e: Abbr. JG 6. r ~nint: l 1!our.1l }l [•tf SSi'lt f l'!l-·rt nng 32. i cw t r 33 Stiuc\l1l1 ~lfl!lbl!I' til ~ ihip J4 0•1f • ~ n , " !'J1 'linrls 41 S.·•1~11 r1~~f I'll l1~'10r ~h Ev iq td 45 r n·rnrr [yv(tlti M l4l1tr ~~Put:. 011 lri~I 50 81'd 5,'fl1 rhr• 53 StoH lo1irs 54 E. lild i1fl lloW$f SS Un:;r.ec 1fit:I lltmibtr 56 H~·1rrn; ri~ Wf~flh 51 LAZY 59 Yovog rriiles bl Dt ~d 011 au iva I: Abbr. I! ' I} -. ~ ---- MISS PEACH CA.NOE'-Hl'" PADDUNG- IS DIFFICULT, A~THU~ ... c:: i (i'-'1 ' I PERKINS ' .. ' if if ,. " ~ i • ' ' ·REMEMBER n:> BE v~v CAK'E:FUL OUT TH~E'/ -.----·. • • -- t:ION'1" 'M:)fll'R.Y, Mll!..K.JSSELMAN. "! AL.W,._"d PAOCt.E MY ">.NOif II< 1'HOUGH .A LL Tl-IE OfHE~ .- O.NOE·PADO<ERS w11t1E cu;z.v. L By MeA By John Miiot --.J.--~----__,_~ --·' ly Al C•ltP By Gut Arrlolci ----. ly Ferd Johnson ""'"··· W! COULi> ~.". ~-..... /. 5,A.MPLE ANOTH!F< CH.aNNEL, l SUPPOSE'··· ly Roget" Bollen .• T\lAr GO</ HAS O~~ HECK OF A Cl1>.llM•UP . -~ -~ ~ N THE GIRLS "f'or lletve11 '1 1ake. Alm1 -cu1 out }'Our dlt:lln1 ~" DENNIS THE MENACE 'JLJLJ ----....:: ·-----.-r -----.-"~- I' I' Ii ' L Moving Up GREGORY L. BuatER has joined the Segerstrom Family arid v.·i!I be in charge or plan- ning Knd archite ct ural dcvtlopment. In makiog the an- nouncement, the Segerstrom Family said . ,,... "'J he will work i11 the areas or land use deve l op- nlenl a nd i concept planning, co- o r d inating with Segcr- strom Fam-· ily cunsult.:1nts in the areas of market research, planning, ar- chitecture and engineering. Butcher, a graduate of USC, \1•ith a BA degree in Arch itec- ture, v.·as forinerly planning director for Rancho California, a 95,000 acre master planned con1munity in Riverside Coun- ty, lie v.•as responsible for land analysis ancl ttie ton- struction implementation of the entire master plan. He h;id been as~ociated with Rancho California si nce Dec- cn1ber 1968. Prier to that liine he spent nearly three years with Albert C. Martin & Associates in Los Angeles as an Hrchitectural designer. The Butchers live in Laguna Beach. ' -dustrial property for light in· dustry and warehousing. Holsinger, 49, is respoosible for leasing operations at 21 Dunn industrial park locations in Southern California as \\'ell as commerrial and industrial park sltes In the Dallas-Ft. Worth and Houston areas. Dunn will begin projects at San J ose and Hayward in Northern California this year. Prior to joining Dunn , Hols· inger was founder and presi- dent of Holsinger, Inc. in Burl- ingame, Calif .. a distributor of public seating and school furn iture. He remains as chairman of the board. lluntington Beach resident llELEN JO FOSTER has bctn appointed assistant n1anager al Security Paeiric f\ational Bank's reeently opened Yorba Linda Branch. She joined the bank as chief teller in 1966 and prior to her present appointment. served as an administrative assistant at Fashion Square Branch in Santa Ana. Corporate attorney JESS \\'. OAVIS has joined the legal d e partment If''''~""' of the hunt- ington Beach' Company as an <issistant to J .J. Shaw, vice presi- dent-legal, Barbor Area No Major GainS~1own Over Year Rental Activity Confuses Picture Net lncon1 e Shows Drop At Rossmoor LOS ANGELES -(B\\') - California's econo:-'} sho\.\'ed signs of recoverin~ during Dcrnands for summer ren- 1971 's rirst half, after ap-tals in Ne\.\'POrt Beach, af· parently dipping to its lowest fected both for better and for point in November , Serurity ,,.,·orse by a tight economy. a re Pacific Na.l ion a J Bank still very strong, according to repOrted. a survey of area reaJtors. According to the ba11k·s "July \\'as very .slow - newly developed state\vide s\oy,·er than usual anyway." business activity i n d ex , admitted Carl Thomas of C. California posted i1s seventh Thomas Real E s t a 1 e , consecutive gain duruig June. "probal>ly because of the clunbing up to 1307 !19ti7 economy. But August is full," equals JOO) fron1 Novc111bcr's he said. low of·l2Q.2. Describing the s an1e situ?.- Data for this TIC\\' index. lion. a spokesn1an fro 111 Colnpl.led by the b'" k 's Associated Brokers Service LAG UN A HILLS (B\\') -" economic_ research division. said. "We had a lot of vacan- Rossn1oor Corp. r e Po rte d \i ere de\'elopcd from caci1 of cies in July, but this 1nonth is unaudited net incon1e o f economic research s current going well." $325.000, e<iual to \6 cents a inde)[es of r e g i o n a I l z c ..i Ironically. the tight econonly mo"lhly "Cl1·,,,·ly fo' Su"lhe'" h,,, b"oefitcd NC\\'port Beach share. and sales and revenues " " u " " Calirornia. the northern touris1n, according to Anila of $4.702,0UO for the two cor.stal area and l he Stine of Jones Realty Inc. n1011th s ended June 30. close or Sacramento and San Joaquin "I see n1ore and more peo- the co111pany·s third fiscal v;i!levs. pie every year using Ne\1·port quarter. "Ciiliforhia's business ac-Ucach 2.~ a less expcnsi\'c For the comparable two-livity index du ring 197l's firsl vacation than going 10 Euro:1c month period last year. the six months averaged 5.'.: J)Cr· or across country -espccin!ly cun1pa ny c<irncd $ 5 3 3. 0 0 0, ccnl above index reading fnr now," she said. cqu:tl to 25 cents a share, on comparnble 1970." said assis· Leontird Smith of Bay and sales and revchues o f tant vice president John H. Beach Realty Inc., agreed. lie $5.9~4 ,000. Owens, ~":!minislrator of !he s<1id Newport Beach "even H.oss111oor reported earnings ecunomic research's business had a shortage (of r.vai!able for its first Se\·en 111onths July studies section. r entals)." 15 in a prospectus. Jn con1parison, first half E>:act figures or su111mer For !he nine months ended gains for 1969-70 averag~d 1.9 rentals are not available. but as or April, 197\l, th1.>rc were 8.470 renta l-occupied un its ln Ne\.\'port Beach. This figure includes houses and duplexes. Acco:ding to the san1e census, there 11o·cre 7,346 multiple family uniL<; and 14.27:> single f<·~nily unit s in /\'l'11'Port Beach at that tin1e. C'urrc·nt J>ercentages o f vacanc.v are not co1nputed, but passersby ran see ni;u1y rrnlal signs sllll up. 1n3inly in the \\'est Ne\rporl art•:1. f.1rs. Stine has an ex· pl:ination for th eir r.hundance. "The signs stay on c\·e ry a\'ailnble place until all rt•nta[ d:llt•S arc filled .·· she said. :\nd many of those. she said. belong to oul-of-to\1•11 owners \1ho f;i il to ans\1'er rcntnl UI· quirics. Thoinas <!.lded !h:1t when \'isiting in \Yest Ne11'port hr: found ··a lot of those signs arr n1islc:1ding because the plat'l'S are rented. bul the signs just aren·t taken dO\\'n.'' 1'!1on1as has also found tt1;1t rental prices are higher 1his season, as h:1s l\lrs. Slinr. who points out 1his is Mother way the economy has helpt'!t this area. ''RenL~ have increased because taxes h a 1· e in- creased." ROBERT J. 'VALL.ACE has been appointed manager of the Laguna Beach office o f fl·litchu1n, Jones & Templeton, Tneorporated, located at 295 F orest Avenue. He was f or m e rly ,,.,, i t h Stan- .June 30 the 1..:ompany reported percent. .~ acC<lrding lo the 1970 census. una ud i1cd net income of -~:::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;mmm•m;;.,••iiiiim,;. ___ ...;...;;;;.,:._;;_;;~======= $924.000, equal to 44 cents a share. and sales and revenues Previously, \\lallace \•:a s manager of another m:ijor in- vestment firm's Palm Springs office. A nu~mbcr of the Newport Beach Tennis Club. \Yal!ace and his wife, ~!arie. make their home in South Laguna Beach. G. \Y. (JOE) HOLSINGER of Newport Beach has been a p p o inted v i c c presi- dent and na- tional mar- keting direc- tor of Dunn P r o perties Corp. Headquar-' t.cred in San- ta Ana. Dunn Properties Corp. is a subsidiary of Los Angeles- based Pacific Li gh!ing Corp. The firm specializes in pr!)- ducing, !easing and selling irr- dard Oil Company of California, and attached to the San F'rancisro office since 1955. In his ne\v position he \\'ill be working on legal mat- ters involving the developrnent of the company's land holdings and on oil lease matters. A :iative Californian. Davis served as a combat pilot in Korea with the Air Force. Ile lives in 1-Juntington Seacliff vo"ith his wife and three children. Balboa resident J\fARK E. SIJ\fMONS has been appointed assistant manager of Security Pacific National Bank·s Buena Park Branch. The Albuquerque, N£"w 1\le>:- ico. native holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in business from Whittier College and has furthered h i s professional education through numerous courses with the American Tnstitutee of Banking's Orange County Chapter. joining Securiiy Pacific as a manage· ment trainee in April . 19&.l. of Sl8 .Rtl2,000. For the like period in 197il. c:irnings 11'ere $1 .269.000 or 60 cents a share. on sales 2.nd revenues of SJl ,670.000. Data do not include Casa Linda Realty, Inc., acquired J uly 14. l(cyslonc 'fells l<'i ~cal Prol'ils J\£'ystone Savings arid Loan Associalion of \Yeslminster and 1\nahein1 reports that the nel profi1 for the first six n1onths ur the year. ending ,June 30, !971. 11o·as up 100 per- ccn1. according to Ronald \V. Caspers, chairn1a n of the board. Net profit for the first six months \\'as $228.666 as com- pared to S114.133 for the same period last year. Earnings per share were 48 cents as C(Jm· pared to 2.J cenls for the irs\ half nf last ycLJ r. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EARN 25r. TO 503 MORE Many banks pay a reduced savings passbook rate of a low 4 °/0 , At Pa cific you will earn the same high ra tes as before. ANNUAL YIELD ANNUAL RATE MIN. BALANCE MIN. YEARS 6.18% 6.00% 5,000 °0 TWO 5.92% 5.75% 1,0009.!! ONE 5.39% 5.25°~ 500 9.!! Xth --- 5.13°~ 5.00°~ 500 ONE DAY Interest compounded daily and paid from date of deposit to date of withdrawal even if it's ju st one day Ask how you can obtain all th ese benefits service charge FREE PREPARATION OF PERSONAL STATE AND FEDERAL. INCOME TAX RETURNS FREE TRAVELER'S CHECKS COLqoCTION OF NOTES SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES MANY OTHERS OPEN NIGHTand DAY Hours : Monday-Friday 9:30 A.M, lo 9:00 P.M. Saturday 10:00 A.M. to. 6:00 P.M. SOUTH COAs.T PLAZA WJ BRISTOL STREET • COSTA MESA, CAUFORNJA • PHONE S40·40H DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE! 4 DAYS ONLY ,. TllUllS., FRL 9•9 SATURDAY9-6 SUNDAY 10·5 DuPONT NYLON PILE Soft and cvrled d own yoms for dimensio nc! ef-fect. More face yarn fo1 longer Many loveiy colors. DuPONT ·, NYLON PLUSH \ 100% Continuous filomenl nylon plush. Cleans easily. l Many lovely colors availa ble. DuPONT '501' Hi-lo NYLON • PILE All nylon face randonl lex.· lured hi-lo loop1 double jute bocking. Easy to maintain. Many smart colors. DuPONT NYLON SHAG 100o/o DuPon t• nylon face. Double jute bocking, easy to m a intain. An array of deco· ro lor colors. , CUSTOM MADI . DRAPERY REGULAR PRICIS ' OAILV PILOT j:J Pflte1tt Atva1·1l Giver& Dr. F:d11·ard Gold (right} of ~a nta Ana. a principal sc.:1cntis t in phys1tal nictallurgy at Philc.:o·Ford's .1\cron utronic JJivision in Ne\1'port Beach, receives a eornpany lncenli\'e Plan Patent A1\'<ird fron1 Louis .f F. Jleilig. Philc:o·1''ord vice president ;ind .<\eronu· ; Ironi c general n1anager. Dr. Gold inven ted a proc-,f1 ess to sirnultaneouly i1nprove the slrength and dut tility of alurninurn alloys. Under the Philco·Ford Incentive Plan. an J\1'ard is nladc to an cm1>loye \1·he11 a patent application, based on hi s i nvention, is f iled in the U.S. Patent Office. DuPONT TONE-ON-TONE NYLON PILE Continuous . filomenl nylo n pile carpel in o d eep, rich, hi-lo tex· lured, tone-on·lone pa ttern. M ony lovely colo;.'.i'.· - POLYESTER SHAG Deep ri ch !>hag carpel years of beauty and wec1r. Lorg e selection of bril!iont Califo rnia e USE .OUR CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS ,'• ,. ·. • I ' ' I 3040 BRISTOL AVE. si~·~,~~~ i~."Y. e All lAIOR CAllllS A LIFETIME GUARANTEE • COSTA MESA 546-8548 . . :f: ' ! . . I" J: I ' .. ' . • __ , -·---· -------~· .~ ·--'":" 1 -· . ~ ~. -· • " ' • (j DAILY PILOT s Ye11r Money OVER THE COUNTER Complete-New York Stock List Franchise Trws tzi-... -J: ff .. e a 1:1 "'111'1'1 I NASO Listing• for Tutitd•y, Auguat 3, 1971 Bring Great Risk ,.. l1E !:: !!lt = : t~·~ 1R n-. Im Rlt =:t ~ --!~~"'.: NEW 'l'O•K fAP l tN ff,. ,-., 7"l'1brl Cir ,.._II"' ,..,. #M U\o'I 1no,, 1CM~ ini1 '""I oulo M j'" Mil :~g'tf.~ ~> ==i l\l "'ll'l'A,J -Th• fOllOW!llt llU •P Ml•• 2W H\li Fill Tel ~ ,... ,., "°" 111\ u•J. ~·1 ... Sii ,~I •« l'I 1 •II a·. 1. Co:IO.- h • 01r.crl'd •P Svor Alo '-" F111'v" IE 1 • •ove P 1•-. j°" 1 1~11 • I I " C~ ~ t it • :run 1_,. Jj11lon•! ~will•• lllff> ,.., l'h l"-"!Mll v iv. 1 Gull lnl•I •ti \'t 1l•1r · ,,, M ~ ~ 11, ~· j • 1IM j6 and 1llo il.9 Dun &: Br1dstttet OH ltr• .t.un, 41••• •P TO<; lv. :Mio "IN 0..1 J'> •Iii Gwrodn 1•1. ''-•mai " f>w N 1 ~I 1,,,. ' 1¥ 1 ~ ::::..r::.""~ ia.:.~~· :;~. ':,. ~~ ~ ~~~;.. ;~ ~~~ :::=::. It ·;~ 1: .. !:~ .. ~· m 4 u :,,,. c ' : r,N;., 'I • By SYLVIA PORTER rri.1 lloc• 1rt Grp JI ,,.,. Fil Gtflllt Ill, 7>0o Htl'•M " i. ll Hr Tr 1 \'I II UtlN l •" \ 111"""'1>11 "t; Aft1 r1ttn,.. ....... •'Ill Tr11t1 C1w "''" l~ 'IMI. F"" IW• 21 Jl\'I ~9'"ff JOl'I l•~ IM!o -a~I C• 1 ~~ J~~ ::t '~:;:·~ ~ rt: -~ Jobi... for monlho, In-hi l111<1 l4t •'·' C1vntfl c I~ th F!ll'MI 11" ,.,. JN ,...11 C• m ,.. A 1 F,' 1 tlo\ 10 1 .,,. M 1 loi J .z Ill Q U ERV 0 TH ER 10•,•,,B.!., '1 »,,• ,"", .. <,~!:~ '' ll lllr. FIPM wt ll\o 'I' .. , A• '"" -'-Kt wd n,,. 14 s,1, 4\lr •lfllt}r.. • ~ _ r ltv.r --~-1 d s-~atr and ul ··~ s .• ..... '"'II F.rHnF 1" ~ HIOOt In .... •'Iii Kii, ~-c 27'• 14 """ ,,~ ~ •llKll l .. I 1 I -•• , .16 Crt--..'6 Y e ,...... -franchlaees on weekly 1alas, .H~," ,',', ~"• .u~ ',!~~•"•" uv. 1s F!c1,..~ ,,.. ,,., Mt1ocm 1™' 11~ K•u" u 'j.,.. "'1111h1H c llM 1•.it LI' .11 _ 111 c1 .11 •··) bewllder~ by their ... .... "' ·-·-11 .. Jtl'o F11 T.i 11~ ni~ 8E'' ""' ~ K..,, b 1 111-:o ll:1n•0t I! l 11'1 •vk • • _ ~ ,,..,, 2.10 !,Cl y eelllngcost.t,re.ntatld utUJtysi..o .. aco. ""'i'l'rCMnou I•• F11 w11u 1v.~ °"""'! '"''""'rc ... c111F ""''"""•'<n ca Jm '"'l""''I )I • .,.. -¥> 111mw1 faUure to find work, mounting . U d u \11 •~· n 11v. cnm 1... 11 11"' F-Fr,. 1\4 • rt G ,.,.. 10 I(,.,, Pt lH• Ul(i F11vm1111 1 111 'd• 1 T' 101 '1'4 11 -1 r1vo<:1 1 .o blJIS, adVtt Sing lill pl'O-Yt N anl :M~ H.,. (M\f t" W. t'I• F0t11t O J24' Jl\lo owmd JJl\o :M\lo lno t~I l\o Ht R1tto ~· l \lo 1 ' t11 Foo of • J IOt Jot lot _ \'o 0rHJolfMI 1. ... numherl of h\•hly Skilled men ) bo nd ( l~llM'lll(• Clleoa UI !·~ 11\1. Frm11ll • 6-~OX:k Mia /'ta •'lo 1na1 El l ]\Ii R..c1 71"" \.'> !lockm•" JO t lltl »"-U'-" -rtn •f J 10 " motion COllla:, a r a II "Cl u~ 1,.1 ,..., u CM er1d1 IDS 111 ,0,1 Gr11t '''lo ''"' """ J>to 1 x rk co ,,.. 1\t "'" 111" '"" 5\'o Btc! Die• :io '" :nfto Jll'o US' -I °'"""' "'' 1 in their 40s ind 50! hive been I · nd th I 1w1111rt111 c~111on 1o:i.. 101. "ot""""1 1 ~ u"' , 1~ )•• ,. .. v" 11 1'\'> •1<1or Pu 1th jlY~ &~Mir 1111 111 ""'-,,,,. 1 -1 Or.-rhl• c,. 1 bi ls, insurance -I t! r .v.1 t • 1\11 '"' c~•!IM> nl11t12s1-i irrnkl c.. ,~. ,m. ~~:~ fl~ Tn: 1~ •N:• ,/:_ "j~ \. R:f~ !,,: ~ .... f'" 1s:i::111 Jio"* ft lfv: H'4 = '4 .! ":11 :OA putting their life si vingll LntD PROFIT trend.'!. Ask 1bout ",',,' .~~' 15, •• ••, •• ',",,','0" '•'• " IOJ "•11•111 1.1 1 !'"' t\ft ,,.. wa "' 1'4 111-1• J ·~ 1ov. eklr>CH .llCllt 11 XM "" ~ _ !:j••M 1.31 fr hi.... ·~ v-. .-. M1 1• 11\oo Ft.., fl 11'1 J 1~~ ca11 '" 7Vt "'°" 111 >'-!" Rco.tlc>ll 1 N t!I Ii...., .4'0 •• .. o,.:. 45 o ->" >•• m anc · traffic work hours sea!IOn1l ... 1rs •..c »-1ho c1unu1 .-. lS ~"' F•r.c1 1c1 .sv. .. ,,. ... , •< , , 1 I jl: 11 11 1 .. ·• Bui "· f!CI that u,ey ave fl I u I Ill .... ·-1"' "''-th c ... 1 1\'i ,.,. owt11 1,. J\~ 11.,..1. co .•o u 1 v. 1 ,,_. _, ,,.,,, P1•.5o " h ' . ' ... YM Ct lo I~ (lnnur II nv. JI ...... ,, • • .... Ill& .·~.-... ~· .. ,,., ~·...-• •Vt OUM ... •I ,. •<D!I lt 11• lrnl .. 11\lo -on! 2.I09 UR: UC ua Oil!. per .!i 0 n. • ...._, llld ll'i 1'4 c11n. Ml 21::: JJ Gltl cm.. '" , I""" Dlot 'U 5"" ... Gro ra ..... fi "' Stow ,~ J enclls I"° ll• no.. lot !_\lo -I du'°"'' p13'50 a dvsnced degrees In phySIC'I vo/vement necessary . :~:~· ':~ J~~~:i"n~:.""011 tv. mg:~~,.-':'" :::: Io5!: 1~~~~''1~ b I t'1nw11'"~;. l~ .. 1~ ~=~·o.r ~ ID B~1·c:',1.., J ll" ~I'" n =1'4 °""LI LU or engtnttrlng or chemistry PECT "oa11~ w 14"" u Clow Co ~ 'IO'li t>1v G1b,, •"" J!.4 lnl•mt G ll~ 1 "' '-::ltt'c ·~ ~" c111t11 1!:1 §' I" ,,..i or• JO 1 \1' 1 \0 )""-+ ,4 ~~11!:f ~' doesn't nlye them the ablhty (Ski DONf'Tl f EX '"· I Ito :~1~1 ft:+~ 1~~ ::.,., ~:fit~ Fd l:\11 f:v. g::: ;1,~, 1~ ~~ J1~~~1 w~" i s~ ,I!: t ao ':on ~~ ~ cr0"c~t" 11.o ~rn_ ~:"~u.f't~·so aio 32~ h , + l'°lov"1& 1...t &" ma e a pro I rom uft: 8 ar . ..,1, 1,. 11 ?"" ,,1, com Cl• l1'" ll" Gll!t11 l~ ,.,., M '.llunfi jW. 2•'1' Lv""" c 111.: 191,1, crl1>1>1 r. t "" ~l'l etr~l '~ J 'Jr 1t :i. .:.:_ ,_. 0,11 .. n "''" tomakeasUCCeS!OUIOfa F b I f ch! .tilbMH& l l'!.Com!$~ 11v,11.,.,c1111111 ~2'1!11•11ti"'lv1tm !(l.J111,Mta11nG 1 1SV,cr1010 l\li "f trh111. IOfo • ...,_,,_ h 1 ew WI nesses, ran Se or Alt>ath 11"' 1,111 com G•• lt\!o u~. Gl•••n w 11 1,l'i nlrw•v '"" WI M•1 "l'I":' 11' I •l•d P1 lffi l ~ 11 l r• 1 I J j "l computer programming SC 00 non-Iran·"••• ever do. ..,1c011, ,~ Jv. c""'"' ,.. tl>Ao 1t Gota Cvd u 'llo u •0<1lc• inc 10\0 ,,,_.Mt •Iv ~ l •••It '' ~ lick~•· 1 ,. ,. ~ "° _11 f 1t11,1c ·" or In 'n-golf C-•r,., n"r•-Cll • AICDt! Lb 4J IJ'lj, com ,.,, l•l'o !5 G-w• II(, !II\ I •~°"' VI ''~ H•~ Ml lllrl -t It 11 Com \.'J E j•lr J n ... 'I ~ ,. !E -""l!ltco '/. M -o ·• C >C >> >" O 0.,J•cobfL l'lo •V.Ml""'C ''" .. K•I' j lllu 'u.1 E•llAr 'I Ill fr "OU ARE temptlC'U to Aldotll El 1"4o 14' mp m • ... Goukl Jr ., J1<1u111 c 11'4 lJ M ,,...,~ 1•'.1< 2 16 n1lrn '4 I"° 111 '' '' '" ''' · , .. '' ,. "' Ing home. heavy machinery 1 Aiko Lno , • ., 1111 tmP 11111 """ i .-;.., El''" •·~ »'4 Jtm wt1 Jv. '"" M•~ LP 11, '" "" 1.>•• tf.! v. 1~1 ••II 1,. H ... M\.'J ..., =,.. Ei!iU',111.0.,:. II engage -and pay for -the 1.11 TKh 10. 2Yi C11·-.1 toe '"' ""Gr1P11 en ·~ 1~ Jomltv 1 '"'Mc "' tt IJ """ v ... BODl:IJ. l rtt U'!t' 11v, IJ\.t. "ft koa ~ ·,-distributorship. arl ga ery · . .tilt• k • Sh '"' com••• 1v. 7"" G•ott s~, 1•o.1. l"· Jll"' Fd• n.. J" c •• 1• 1nii ._ 11.111 1 "' 11 Roting co ,,_• l , """' 1 ~ u~ = 1"lo 1 .:.., f 40 • Quite lhl' cou!rary, their .!!ervlces of a franchise con-Alld Eour '" '"'Con ,..P ~!"' ~v. c.rt"' M11 2'•,.. 11" J ... 1.11 M 11 11\'J =:~ ;!. ,/"' ,:: :;oty11 1~,, ~ 1.. 21J 14to, 11 24,,, _ 1o1o tnlln Mt ·'° sullanl. cheek carefully hu ur ~~;.n c~~ ;""' 1r.% E:~1.:;:ct '"" , M•dlrn ""' .ov. 11 w11 IJ , ~ "~ }j11o !11.oo -:: (k•llJ~ 1i s pecia h7.ed knowledhge ,may her reputation Lo make sure :::::":"G... 1...., ~ ~::n's" 1~'• 1~v. ~~r:~ !.;; ~t:: JI~ ., ~. ~'.! ltt' 'I: J,i: n;z fl:: -• ~~:.i=~•• "1 business e<periences that it LS ! e consu an JS no wor ing ... ~1 L~:D 1,., ,,. Cr•• co 1, u,.; Mia"' lf• ,,,., ,,. co 1~ """ 1 Jn'I ,,," ll\.lo -~ Eltc• Auoc have so lll.'lUlated I em rom h II I . I ,. A ' • ,, .... Co1m Ytt 1''1 ''" 1¥\lllJG C• r .... IV• ~li ~y i, .... 1 .iJ f\lo t ... -l!Gt.~ 10 for Lhe franchiser l.O whom Am fr,., 111\'o11J..., cron co '' ''"" MUTUAL Mior;; "' ~JI~ •cerv )l;:: J"" ~1111 dtO 10t:vi 1ot '°' = v, Elltct" D•t• an actual drawback you are referred. ~1J ~s f~ l!~ ~~i1', II,.-'~ !~ ~~ ~/II 'M~• fr,! t!:.t J"f{!\is 71~ f"' ,n11 AFr.. 1J 11J.,.. 1;:,:: 1/~ -~ ~~r..'"'N•r•• (7 OF COURSE d 'I < Am ,,,,...n • ~ Cto ,...., 11,\ • .,,, MIM• '" .... 10 .. ,. Hs,d 11.'! ~"" llQSt I A 2e ll ..... ll JI -"'EIMM1t •I I w 1 Tu o u T QUESTION. 1 • oo 11gn ...,.. Gn!t• ,1,. •JI& 0..,,.1.~ 1 ... ~r~: il ~~ t:~ 1:~~~ ~ .If"' .r-1;IU; ~1 i: 13: ~:: ~~ ~ =iy, ~lr.~~O:~ 4 fran~ls1ng ,., among the •ny frft ........ ,st a.,...eement un-"' Mtt111:1 ''"' 1,.,... o1111~ M in~ """ FUNDS Miu \11 G '~ 11\'o uDtK Tt... •U. ~r. it~H l n ""' l"" 1•-" -IEM1 i.1d °' ,_,, auUU t>" ... m l lltu 11 .... 11 DtM C• lt: ~ Mo :i:c\ 1(! Jl'°I U"Cldl l I' p~~l\o ti '"· l u~ ll:V. UV. """EM! 1,,°'9' easiest way& lo realize the less and until your lawyer has ::d'f::'' ;~ ::: g::: !r~ i, .. .,, ~=:1 cJ1 "'i1.1. Ii:: !ft't ~ ,; 1 ~ 1:::;H~1•!;, 1 l: Jl .:z: :f: .:.:," ~-· il ;-'t American dream or being in gone over at10tUThe detW•H1ls. :~~:::· 1: ·:~ ~11o g:::1nP~1 f,~ ~:Z ~=: s 1'"" 1....,; 1:~:_· 1r,"' 1 v. :'~::."uGJ• 1;; nil ~~: ::; rJ::: "'~~~' ~JG business for yourself -and IS) FIND AT ltie A.•<• 1,,., I'• ~ D•Yi• f'o , .. n. M0tron I( trv. '"" ""'"' 1 j..., Brown Co ,.,.. 1 1 -\'lo _,.,. 111 111 f ncru ")I ·d A ) Arel MIJ !Oh IO't) O•v!n l<n 11 10 >•>i•TINO lltck II !! JG II Mtolr wt 1•1.o '"' j •vlr WI J JI B•11r,r• :io t ~·-. 10 >O -11 l""''l't Gt o .fl.cl'.ng thos the tot al of ra ser w1 prov1 e e--0 , ''' ,, · Match M f'h ' .en 'ub 44' J j•• •-\ .• , , -\lo l"ntlhM!~ • f , Ar~MaP l•>Ao ,_,. tLu• ' (OM ""J'' S1lkt t }9 f.19 Mo! Club /II'>» t..:~m , 1U 11• ru11i,;; 1j l ,lo 1' 3' -11. f.n1 M •H25 franchises Ls up lo 700,000 and g1t1mate fr1nchiser's llst wilt ~;~~G." 1~(: '1" 8:".c':'i. ';.. ~~~ ;~~ ~1f,.,V: 1;1'~!11'G !:!'~ 1,,~·~:.~ ~-~ :·~~ ~~~~~·,. l1to 1,t?" t~'~= !'~ I'"' ~11~ ~ l.n ~ ~~ ~ ml =': :;~I~.~ ·= rising steadily. You are buying lnl·ludl'' Arrow H 16,,. """ o.1n1 011 1G 1o•t. """"" 111:r1110 tw 111.i 11 10 lt.1s NCC 1ne1 1 ..,.. r ... 111111 J 2 v. ::.i,,, :, 60 !' ,111'o 1~ 1~ -Eiult G• J.tt ArYldt 11 •1,11 .. o.i C1nT l<'~UV.t~• N11\Dt!I .tinod·1v, •.&:! 10J N•r1a c, ,, ''"'T•• .timO 114 lldill lnir ll .... l ,1,, ····Etul!t.te '°" local francbL~e5 each year A name and product built up "'~ ... l• JV. 1"'-DM 111t11r l J 13lil 111on o1 iltcurltl••J Hane~ 1" 111 H•t •• 11 ''' ' T1111m "' ,._ ~~ BuffFor• l.» 1 ·,-.. -~. Elul"'d ·1,. which now .sell more lhM $100 by national a Y 1s1ng: pro-AllG•• LI 15\lo ll'olo oi..m crv 11 11~1 111e ••l<•1 •1 which 1C~1-Funai N Hoop • '""' r rtrow In •~ t\~ euni• 11; jj , -1 M 1, JO d •·en ••ll1ng odverU"sing and "'1111 kl '"" '"" 0111t1 A• 1"' >~ 1'-1 •ocurlTlt• Al>Dllo 10 H 11.11 Ntt L\b JJ\Oo ll T1t1n Gro l'I. 3'1o aunklt ,.~l":i ~.... .!'•~ t\lo -"' u~.1~1 ·1_20 billion of good~ an 1erv1ces. • -' , ace 1r.c1 1 9" 01111r..., i ""'<llllld h•v• been c 111 11 11un11 N ,.,,,n, " tJ Tot1 I! L• 3 ,E l"'I ·~,ii& ~ •·~ ::i n\.'o -1 •--ill d ert• · A.CC l ot •1 ,, .... O.Wev El l .. )\l Dellt r1, ll\C • 1'1 JohnUll 11 M 21.611 NII G&.O lG loo.to Tltnv Co -"4 llvl<WIW 61)-l" '•• '>'> •,> -% 111 Inc j 20 · •·-"· rt I DI 1 '""' l}' oo!a lbldl or bouOlll c I J · · H St!"" j" f• j<•cor c JV. · ,. ..,. ll Vt "" r utty II in every $4 of rel.ail marketing 1CUu11ques; expe 68 •d "'' •Vt ~ "' ,~ ,,,. ,, ,_ !•1 ke<1l Tut•,~•v,.0 ,~·. ,, 11.oo '1 2• Nit t>ow ., ~ rncn1 G 1 11o Vt ur, •• >I 1 ... .,,. ... " = ,41 11 .. 112 • • Btll P11!C 9 9tl Ol•n "' ,. "' a ,. -• I .. t 11 Ntt llvr ffi i:i. l rtnt O ,1 .... H'h \If Ner P• SJ j 1'l'I 7lf> lllJI • M :sales comes from a franchise. advice on how to get startl!d 11t,,, li r ''''• 1114 00tu1•1 • '""AGE Fnt 4111 • '° Cui 1<1 ! '•' •, ',', N fnoGj 11v, 11"' TrlMo'{, H >1o S'4 u.~~~. ~.. ,.~ ,', ~ 2211o """ .:.:·,,. ~1v,:. ,,,,·.,• k d bl h edit he' ll~•m 1111 1•1'1 n o.n.1 LJ Mio 1011< "'t>tran J OS 1 1s c ... t1 ,·, ,, ''...,HJ Mtl lt 1,,,., j•lco "" 3 JN • ,.. ,.. llJ~ llM>a -1"" • 111"0 , •• In many stale! -Ar ansas, a n besta, I~ ,er . ; I p "', ::~:~ ~ J J~ =·Joa ;i!: ;:"' "'i~~t~"' f6uf2d•1 u ~~! 1~ 10 3111 jJ ~l~r.~n A !a~ ~:\lo ~lf~'Oo nt ~ -C-•llnfc••• ... Cahforn1a, Florida . Nebraska, the es OC.8 ion , equ pmen e1um111 -ttl'i 2i Dllnklft o 1J.,., 1i '""""' •.2) ' .. Cu• s1 '" 1 n Nlo1J" B •0~., 11 r,,,00 ~ '°"" 10\'l c11>o1 C• 1' n ~ 40>6 4tll ~ 1.,., ,:~it,: :: Wash'nglon _ m•f.Or fr•n· •l • fo>"r price·. ony !!i""Cla] B,:!,',•,,••, •,,• ','.~ 0000•,,',•!n t i. Alo ln1ur '• ~~" •, Cuo $4 1.11 S 16 No(lf Go IJ•~ 141/• U"lltc J1i. .P.• C1a.M~ 11111 !0 N ,.,., l\lo -, I'l l ! C r~ ·~ ,. ~· Ii--. 11 ACl'<IUI J 11 "&ltf l.tl ':1(1 N l!ur 011 lY, J\I. Un ( liot 1'4 b C1l Flntnl to ,.. l' , -~ _. 'C" Im Ch's. "ontrnl laws htwe been training you might need. se" l•~ s1•• "" ez P.,nr .... '"' "'e1n1 ' ' 10?1 1Cn1c:1<b 1.u 1.u Nw N110 11" 114' u" 111um Jt·~ ,..~ Ca11.~,. Mftt u ,,,,. n-1: ,ill -"",,'I' 1r.c1 •w -... BIM> Mt I '"'° Ea't~ S~ 1'" 1S'• "'"11i,10 i:· l ii a Knie• Gt t ll 10 11 HW P11Sw 11~ 211/o U11 McGll ...... "' ~1mp1tt.k .4S .. lllo,;, ~ JO\: -+ v, l<:l;~~nr I Passed and lhe numbtr will ( 11 FIND OUT how the pro-e\o110• w 11~ 1111o EM•ln 111 1\oo 1 "'tu1ure ' · I.trio~ I'd '-" 'It H•••l '" n~ ""' vl J""n' ,.,. -r,; t m;, 5• I 10 10 .l5 31•;. 31~ ,, "•muw Fl 'O ' . d I llltG~ so Sl £c011t.•to ''"'"~A!IAm Fd1 ·n11. 11Grlh 9'1 10l•N~ClllM; ."" ..... u nYlo ,, 171/t d" ,. .. 40 Jl •i~ 6!.lo ·~-1tF1n11 11 grow rapidly. ducer&prlctan perormance Bl•tcll• 1:i. 1i,1i1"<1uct sv 2.,. 1·~"'1111111 1~ !Ill-I'-•, 111h 1J0ffJ)J1~llvv M tl~Jtv.Ul •kL~ U ''l11V. &. •c JJS. 1 u :v. 63\\o f4 -·~:•rw":" ;)' But no amount of \eg1slalion compare! with similar pro-:~ .... ~~\' ,tr:)~~ ~:~:·s~11 1~" 1i: :~!:~, \.1i 1 ~ t:~.r1~s1:d tfi :.~~ ):5l~1tr 1J111 1* ~1•1;t~',. li~ 1!~ :~;~~~f~ toj U: ilf: .f~ =:: F~~"i''·j.; Can Prolecl YOU 8 g ai n 5 t ducts of potential comovtitors B<>01 .tili 11'• 11'• El<11r B• 1•1o iv. ..,m 01"•• io XI nu LH• 111v 1 Ol 12• Pt k •" N lGV. "' v F r "°' Iv' •r1111. ,. " I'* 14J:? ~~ ........... l'.atr1! 1 Y" •Briden ~ 1 Eltc Mucl 1l'1<15'4 ..,,.,.IE<tjlv !015,S.Llr\C Ntl l060HM01>!lc Tec •\lll'1<V1 t'l 8t ''•l 'f.t•OCOn J 1:1Ki 4~~ ~l · ~..,M~I. 'our••Jf. whether it meets existing A,,','",",,. t! .. ~~ E,•,KKI•~-~ 5''• J~ ... mfr )P<••ll Lloll .... -~·D Mii 1· J" YI Uf t.O """' 1 .,. LI,... 120 llho .,.. , -:1 , .. ,. ' "" <vo• <v"• """' 1~• ]'" C•oll I 1 '!l t.-1111 $0'(1•1 "'°"'' \{, ~ Vt"O ... ,, m N tr• ec :l(J " 1' .... -TO .., IC f l Here. therefore. are your 10 q uality ~tsndard!I, whit are llrwnt ,,, Jl\, 16\~ El.ctr c~ J'.lo ~ 1 ~cm1 ' • 1 C•n•d J0.12 lll n ,, l l" ,1.., v. Y111ce s \~'Ii~ 1rrl"c• •O l j• lot 1 ,, -~ F l'tc on :N . ') lrih Br• II-\. 11,,,EmPS 011 l l 1~ •l"vt•I I S9 '· (1plt ll Of llO'l Ytr NA ..... V:'o Y~lc,0 \'o 1 Irr Gen t 16" 16,4 •'Ml -II(, ~"j'•~lld 1 m ost fundamental guides. y qir respons1b1lth!! as • &tK•b M ,.,. 15 En•••' c 11 J' so«1 1.J,' ,·:~ M11t l•011'.01 ~Y c.r l•l'I 1511,Yentron 1t"'1'"' •·:~1 ,41Jt '' l•>A TS"' ii:v.· .-,..,1ri r:iu I If II . lluck•v• 10 10'1> E""'v II , ... II\ S!O(k • • .... Lord ... 111 10 )1 10 lt '"'' 11~ sno 5'1111 Wtd• Pll 11''-lt'.I IS ~·· It 57 in. \"' I ~ -1:. ... •• .. franchisee in u I ing war-eunr.t1n n~ 11~ E"tw••U l'lt , Am Gull ',',', ',,", Lwlh 11ro 11n1.,;,11 Ptc c. It• JN ltt'l.t w1ru lld 11"" '"" •i'1•r,Tr 1.00 116 .. i ... ,~. "'"" = ~ ,,..,g:.11,.t.nc, (1) ~10ST BASIC of all. h II I a"""'l'" , ... 1!''9 Ep1co ln l'" ··~Am Inv . Mltn•ln 1 10t51f'•kco 11' f\'oWR•t61 IV, l"li Ora II' S\;, s.. In+\\/' " choose 8 field in whtCh YOU ranlJe_,, t t. C 0 n n U n g CtlWl• Uh lt\t EQ11\v 011 ''~ '"'::::NM/!\~ ~ ~f ; a Mtn/!ln 'un1v•H =:~i' 0 l::t ~''> ~~~erNY~ 1:~ Im •~oCtor~tl" 1. 1:n ~~~ ~ I'> -;; F:::;•~Do.1,~ management ass1st1nce you E'.::O ... M~~ ,:"' ,~ ~~1: 1•0c :~ ~ "'"'hQr C.r1>110 , ~: •• ~~ui•n'·~0 6 OG Park or 1J4' n~ Wtbb R• '"' ,,~ •,~ .... '"",.'! .~ n i!..., 11tA. 1 ~ = .{: ",l:~~b," ,·" h'v~ soml' experien~. A. 1 · d I CaoH !.11 •• P•••• H '\'i ' W.••~' w 11'-' 1•"' •....,..,, 1 5'•4 5111' .'I r,: , "" ,. '° ('an e.xpect 0 r tcelVe an a CtT1non II II '° r:A Ctc• l .. 1 Grwtn I ll lltJ "'"'* In '''P•rkv GI l?>J,.1J•A W1ldtrn S~ •1.1.lenco ln• :Ill }l 11•,. JI fl \:-1,•l'lt ldclM 1<0 franchm will NOT endow you '-"h•I cost, • "• ctrcumst•nces Int"'• 'll I i tlllltP I •1 I OJ P~r•w H tt. I~ W~llnq M ,, ,,:II. i",,," ud I •8 a 1!h 111<:1 .... + i:, l"lltrDI I .c .. UJ "" In~ I IS ' 0 MIU 10.,~ 11 " P .. ! Ft•h • ""' Wt lhF M 19 "" en !LI l .~ 16'-" l' l ' In ,....,,,"" overnight Wllh abih\te~ and h" h )h f h' Y•nl •Oii U 'M111 Fln1nc! P•ul1v p; S'4 S... Welt GI~ 1'\11 l•~~ lnl>>L .. ~ 1 io 11 .. 9"' 'h -to l<ltoolnt 1 &Cl under w 1c e ranc 1ser A•''"" •JI •ll M1T 1i ,,1,,s,.1,,eot H•1o1.~w .. cit , 11 .,,,1n6 •nMJfr' 11 ,. ,, 1, _.,.,Fsr er..,, ex,...nence you do not alrtady could iermmite '"• •"~""'-ll"•n••'"m"'"'•••••'! "'"1 Hwollt<>•,. MIG 11.21 u •1 P1v t. n ... n,,. ?J'(i w.1,. ,,..., '" 1av. '",,.•, 110 1 11\<o riv. 111., + 11o ",•1 Mr• 111, I'~ UI ......... l'nd ... SU 6 1) MID 1•.lll'(ll'•••I Ml 11'1!15"W1l11 Mio I"" I .., • 1 B n· * ff -'I .rN~Ow ' havl'. menl. Fnd • 110 1,11 Mt111 l.tt 1 tt P"''" r 11 n w,,,. Pub , v. i•"' :::t.ior• 1 "" 11 _ .,., ',•tN rrv 1 11 F. Stoclt 5.U ,,,MllMrl llot llot ,...,n Ptc t l\4 W1!SI Ur 1\li 1.,,, ~ '° , •:. 11'.:. 1 '!0 -"' llN Inc, l 2 I THOROUGHLY In-)ID) MAKE SURE you he.vt $<1t~ •61 '0,1 Mid AM {50 •Ol "' GJ.W 'Iv. 111\ w11to11 1 1~ l~\~ =~~ . .: tl _ "'° 11'4 ff4.\lo -.,,, ~·',,."-'!'' 1, lllance s.ru"" •.01 to ~v nJGnJG ""'' ew ~ &lllWutmo lllJil5• rtt · ~~ ~ n-. ~-'ti 11Yal1 40 ves11gate the rl'putP.J.ion of the no q ueslions about your !alts fl•v•• Fo • 11 •" Moc>llY'• n·11n11 P11rot11 ., .. l'I Wlfl!I w111 '"" "" ',;n!1t:1 !i J ~ ,..,. ""-1 ~'!1,1'~ ,~ P'r'nt -mpany. sour c, s l ~:=~~ ~~1 1,l,·f,,,,,i, ~.i "•'•'• •"•· •, ",, •, •,, ~~l/l!'°'L lr: lt~ ::I~' ,.~11 ~ ~f'% J,,',,',',' "',, ,,' l" l.!l:tt"' :io~ + = ,,1,.:,. ~cl ~. <.U territory, Whether yOU must I 'e•Cn If' n ,hoton 1\'o 1""' Wcfwra I. ~ l l" h dbn ift• .,. ' i .. , n! J• would be-local bankers, trade mceet an annual 111~ quota, B f orm ""' 9 n '1 Muus Gw 10 11 lO :il Pltdmt A ,.,,, •'It Wrldw N J ,.,• " .. I ,,. ~" · F11m1111 50 • ork GI~ S ll t j' M Om1G ! !l • 00 Plnltrln 7] 13>.ol WrlDllt '°"' 11'~ l mPS l,:IO tJ l '" I,(, \lo -I Fll11tkD!1 I <ISSOClal10ns. lhl" S ffi a l ) whether or not you, the J' r1e s if1!k 6 Jl 6 9 M Om1~I 10 14 11 1l Plotllln ll i. Vrdn• f l JI/• ~=~~t. N,_V l l" ,~. J "' -Vo Fl•f Cttl! Bus l ''•s • Admln>St••t.oon, 11ns•11:,•,~,•,,11Mut Shro 15"15"'ortMM' n n z1onv1 11 U4'1nli hiMT,nJ)Q ";...., ,,•1. 11.-'·',",'I' ~ < (ranch>·,., may engage 1n 001 l"d11 u • M~• 1ro1 un1v111 "''' • , • .. -1t1o i ' -> ~ ' 1 r:r.cl ltl Ill Me t. Mui tlllOOI '1th•e: J.° ,! 1001 ~! lt 10',I.-... II Wll !ti Federal Trade Commission, ~nother buslnes!I, what ~hare 11rw11 Fd 1 u 'ot N11 1..a lo i• 10 It 11 • ..,., , 1 J:-•• > ~ -• I" u,.1 1 · ) ) llull0t• (l lYln> Ntr ~KUf Sot rimN~°"1 41 I It~ ~'lo I ->;, , WDtCo \,]JI lawvers accouotiunts. oca you mmt as.sume , if any, of Pl~SBURGH <UPI\ eu11c• "' u!s B•I•" ioSC1 1,.. Che.Yi 160 ~i'n ~i \ti .; ""''-"'a 1 B 1 1 -C1ndT1 1t'111 1 llafMI •V• l •1 N!W YOfl.I( {ID\. Tli•l<I••"• ~lote Cl\~ Ohio• J to fill of l ,IYT!vor 11 Beller Business u re a u , a dvertl!ling cost.,_ Westinghouse Electric Corp ~Y1<1 J,51 f • o ivio , 11 •. s, Ne .. Yort st0t• l!:•th•"'• pdc11 · c11,.,b9~ 1 ~ 10 .u"" H' -u) F"'T•ir "'l:;"• ln ends. These are the guides to fin-has .announced 1t will ph&St! fu~~~v,,nl J'·f~ h * ~;wr,_ :.:: ;1: s1~ MM E~IM~lt~,~1 ,J ~~ 1;;: ~E: =:,4 ~~ ~~7;n98 !lf INSIST on a detaJled ding the right franchise deN out manufacturing In ils w• M•' 1111 ,1. '""om !Ji so (hdt.IHl"'1.1•<1Htc"1·Ch1 Mil!'" • ,,,. ,,~ 1~-..,Fao1.ca .to G F"nd t ll 10 ,, Slock 1.11 I U ChlPntul 1 l) J.lf! JSV, ~ , Ftoro Ml" f1nanc1el sla\emt!nl from thfl for YOU. No law can P JUsburgh t!lectron1c 11peci11lty •otm 71' •UN•1 Gr1n t1•10~ -A--c11111,c1 v ,. 1 ~ .. ,,..,,, 211'1 =\-l "ooro Dt 2.Jo k bl. f 1ol!Gl!!-31'J4'Ntuw C1l •OO•U F!O 1 C~ll•ct Nw 1 -?C*.:IO'll •r.""'dM l60 franchiser. As your bsn to su ' 1tute or your o wn cau· d 1v1s1on by the end of 1971 . De-coa11 s~ en ,1 oo N•uw 1'11 10.1111 u :g~f~~ 110 • 11: J;~ 16'~ ~~ ··-.., cnocF~11 1Qd " ti,,.. i-1~ = ,1: "orMcK• .&0 '··k '" f hi b k 1· nd mo sense d f '" d , 1"' lr!n u ,n 116 N•w w1<1 n ti: ll ., "c" i..a i '° 11 o!Q"' S'~· ... v. -cr. ... ''•" ,.,, ...., ,,,. ,14 + ._. "Mcit oll IO c1~ uie ranc sers an ion I com n · man or u1e lVtston s pro-tnlr• s~ 1J U1l.f.ll'!ew!on u'.011'11 ..,cm6'1t" IO 11 13,, ~.: !1fo =1:~c~rom111 to to JO'!<, ... ,. _....,, ... 1W111 to ;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil l ducts _has nol reached e11-hi~1~1::" F11i'f.:t =~'!.i,''• 11~ :: )t·~: ~~M1~1~1 ·'iig rt 11J~: 11f '' 11{"' _ ;, ~~~; ~!o 1 ~'°~ ~~ ~ ~~ ='ll f?'i.::' ~{.,,,' s 15 000 INVESTMENT pectat1ons. The company ..ia1d c.r:::1h51 , " 5 n ~..... : :' !·;! :<1Clr1t"1 .•19 l~ JS-.!\ JP.. J• -H• ~~·ai~.,. ;; \~i ~,. ~\'\~ J\Vo -''o ,,,:~JJ; :: 1 It Will attempt lo place the J40 i~'ri' ~ n t tJ 100 "rulld 11:.u lill .ti!:'::.'~t• \ 60 IM !oSZ: ~ ~;: =1:0: Clnnee11 I JO 1 11'11o 11•,. n .... ~ ~ ~~~~t!ln1,7:61 80 0' WRITE 0""1971 I be ff d Ch••• Gr Boo HI Fund '·" t.ll..,1tn1t.1 pll IJ '""' '6'4 o111•-1 •4C!n~GE t.5' 3J 11~• i•\1. 15 _.., /0 r..--emp oyesto a l'Cte 1n1t,, C•olt I 01 l1'Dn•Wms 1s111s 11 "'•ulrrt Co , 11•,. 11 11 _.,,c1nGD1tJC1 1!411• 11, 1,, Y '" d ~~lld •.u 10 •l N.-111 10 ll 10 31 ... ,_ '"' ll 23~ 77'6 .?J'A -"'ClnGE ot . 11!4 51 ... ,, sn r. 11 OUT ST ANDING ORANGE COUNT Ouier 1v1s1ons. I' rant 11" °"""h 1 Jl 1" ..,,, '"'" .JGb .i. 51 ... 11 11 -l c1nMll1c 1 et 11 31,, :Jl'-!1 ll''• + ,, ~~~"c l"<I COMME"CIAL PROPERTY -LEASE BACK s~rhl~ 11J111.:iOP• A1M i1t111oa"'l•Rto IOI l:!i ~,., 11 .... 11f'!t'-'foCIT f'1n1 i JU"~' •i 11 GAFCD ··~ " ~~tel , .. ,O.).IOTC St< 1o q 11<0 P.J l11d~1!rln 'XI I ». 3"'-v.CI' ~!.5118 1 1~ 100 lM . 'GAF f"' LO.S ANC.FJES (UPI! c~1m1<1 11tJ 1~"•<• Fnd •01 t11Ak1on1 'f 10 .-. Joi\\, ot•,1o -1•,.,C1T~,1!llc 10101,~101,~1~P't -P,1•,.,~~1r'° .I.cf Cl 71, D•IV Pll ... rOI 1 l•a, Coit• M•1• •tit• ' '• • -Co1.,...101: '•vi RYI I 01 I IS All Gft• 10 I 1•'14 1• ltY, + \'I (•l•~•S•( 1 10 ~I._. •llo ~!/o •IV. ' lml 0~ 1 U Peterson Manufacturing Co II Jo111~ l~;:,~H"•nn s~ ,,, 111::~~k'"'t'' ~•it~ i •~ ,','t -~c11v i11v Jo "'' 10 11 .. '""-n" tm '' l •o • unn ~ ,, MVI •II '"II n 1&>. 11"• -l't C!lvlnY I'! at 5.J :U Jo<',_ 3'\lo 1 ... tnntll 4 Announcing b ., ii) Y""'! 4 1']1; Pllgr lm 9 1' 10,/t AlcoSIAfMI JO 9 II> 1?&'4 II -Cllrk E• I .. 1" .oG<'t "" 'O _ "' ar ~ IO fl tatned a...., m1 on contract o!Y G,111 131 1 io""" sr io •s 10.t1..,1,~n<1r• .lClr lJ 2_1...:, 1 • ._ 2.:=~C1tr• 011 •o •s llLJo "'" 1•"-"' t• Ye 1.111 INVESTMENT PROPERTY ANALYSIS d1vii11on of Kane-Mtller Co has ?..'.c= iilu 13·,. ,~11. H 111110 :1~:~'!:'~'"i.1 J ~:: 11'" ic1"" -it c11v s1r1 i i 11:. 1 •·~ + ·~ ~";l°'n t » from th• State Trad>ng Co f oms Bo 4 tl J 111 """ Ent 1.s.1 1.u All..,ml t .lo • 1..,,, II'-1~ _ ,,., c11v c1u •IO JI ,,,,. ... .., •1 -+ ~ t!1w1v '"" . .• 0 ... ttll Al I ll "'Ion ""n 11., 1J $1 "'"•• ,,. IOtt tl IJ:_.o 12 !2 'II. Cl•~EllOI 1 1• JJ ~ ,. 3'111o -+ 1• (.ti ~or_p I ndia to '"''""IY 16600 metric wilt\ c 1 .. 1.IOPltn '"" !0'11ltl"'l'"'-11CI ie '3 11-... ,'° .... :I0!4.=v.Cloro1 7]9 6l •J'h ... , 6l14 -Ht lmln (II ·-n-' omo Ao 7.•1 I !l "llG•lh !1U1' (M .ti 1 .. LUd 1>t J • JI~ J1 31 ·· Clut!!Pta .'H .. 10 1~ 70 -+ °" t~nl" 5'i IT REAL TRON COMPUTER An•ly1• Your Equity In Ar1y lnv •1tm•nt Property. lntr.oductory S 11 tv1t• Includes • look Af Pre1ent Pro- pertf Stehn A1 Com pered lo Pe1t P•rformenc;• AJ W1I ,, , lon9-r1n9 1 For1c~"1. NO OILlGATION-CALL FO• A'POINTMINT 642-4lSl PETE BARRm REALTY If you were a recently form- ed investment counseling firm, how would you go about letting investors know of your and how it differs • service from others? Me11y -1•111 111111"4 111-tera, 1 .. 1141 .. "'"" -111 ••• ,., .. ,...... ...... ,,.,,, •h ....... ,1_ .,. ... , .......... , •• , .,.. ......... 11. We ••11111 -1c1rne ttle •P11•n1111lty t1 "'"' ........ _ ....... , .. ,.,. w. "'""' , ..... 11111•• ••• y,, 1111, ...... ,..rprlM4 t. ,,..,. ttl.t ril1 , ... ,._Je11el ty,. • , ,.,...If. "''' .. '"''"' ...-r-n, ..... ,, _ .. "-'-' """'.,.. "-y~ -... , ... , ........ w ....... , .... ...,.,. ...... A •r.ch1re ••"llli"f ••• ,.rtt.ua .... ,__, c111••ll"' w"k• k y••n f•t ,..-". .... ,.QUGGENHEI ~DAVE ~~ iNV(JrM(NT COVNllL Nltllf'tWtN•......,ctml•-~ --~ ---~ .. ··- tons Of tallow for the "'"' ~o • 1• • Prlct '""'' A!!ffftw 1 :w •! n"oo 22 u ~ It c1v111P al 1 1• !J\~ 10'\j, lJ"• . •,11 ·l11Y ·"'° manufacture of soap. ::: 1~ ;·l!1~:'11 ~'E1,h. ~~~;1~~::11~"'M•~~1 ~ lli, ~~· t"' ~4' =t:l:t: :1~1 ~ ':: ~~ ~~ ~;::i·~ :f;~~0~ft om1tk '14 • ) N Hori i )I" 11 ..... , dMll!O .71 I 11\/.o ll 21 -v, (on•! 5• r,,, ~J •9'1> ••• ,., •11'1 ~ tnll "° Gl\COrd l ~111•t)IJ PrD r:und lo 11'.t 10 lCI AllllCI />II 65 1,>, 16Y• ll\'o 164' -h i•ISG> <>11 lt l !I 5'1''• i.!'4 =p.r., 11c1:~c IO NEW YORK 'UPI) -Th. Dtl• lnv0 ~~n>ff "'' 1"0111 611 lS!P.llltdS1r '1 '° J.t'fO "* ll4'-l'I oc~Col 15!1 l!l6loo•, 09 l't\i -•.~ en Cle "i'X! on1t1I "'°"' Fa J SCI 6 Cl All/.., ~uoor IQ 1"' 6~• ' -"' OU! eun ,6' 'I >f:\1 le" 3t Vo not~ 1 l!f ""'' Mui I •1 I '7 '•oYIO ~If J \l A> 1Cti 1$<t ... l.J.10 lJ\lo !;)~ -\'o Oldwl llM• )I 20'.I, :JOO., : Vt " o·,, .. traffic acc1dentloll<iec_l ined1n ""' Gth 1jJ;1:U,.•u s1, 10111111 .ti11r191.tu1 11C1 1! 21.b llV. u"' -1<. a1~co1n 0111 JJ ll'" J1 •1. JI·~-·~ tnflt~ 1";o M I • · d """ l.d' Puln~m Fu"<!' A!Dti• P (•IT\ 14:i., 111'1 It"' OIQ P11 1.40 4't ..... 40'" ... ,.,, •n "fro ]...., 1!.Y In 1ves . in Junes an pro-1r,, ..S'f 'J·UI 1: ~ E.oul• 1 'l 1., Alco• ''° ?J JlV. l~ 51~ _.,, 01H , 011 io 1tG 52'\.'J J1.., u i,., ... "" F-1 ,0 rt d m red th '" &l~ 1 , 16' G1tr1 l•lll!N.tim1/Jug l loO 6 11'1 -·• 1•h -'"' Ol .,•Al' S. J 2~ 11~• 1.J.IO +~ llfl Moll Pl! Y a 11gecompa w1 'C~ ,10 ,1_.1 Grw1ft 10 1111 0.:Me.tiE ·1°JG 4 13'4 121'~ 114 -t! :/~~ ~:.t, 11~ 11 111"-141 .,,,,.,. 111 • year earlle-, the Jnsurance l•w••• Group . l11tom t OJ 111 ... ~·~. '11260 , ~ R~ n~-,.. OIDln!" 160 JM lll-. ~,,.. ~~-: 1/:..'ii1"~11•:, lnformat10n Institute report. §:c•1 1~·5111 11 '"v•u 1·'0 111 "'mfi~u "o 111 61" 61llo •l = '" 010 iQu 01 • 1100 •I 4' •1 :;:,,., •llMol 1 111o ,.... , 0 ,, '1 Vl111 • 10 I" l.m1M Pll JO 0:2 13t>o> 13d~ 131 -1'-"'' '""' •1 11'"' 1' 11 -~ nMtr s..'1 s Tht May economic loS! was ti• '" ·'J Yo¥•• 1 tt 7" AA lrFlnr !!t u o9tl ff ,,... ~ "' 11 '" u11 •o 11 11 11 + \~ or _p1 11h Olr (IP ,:1~,:~·.·••r• ,,,.IO UAm AT•I '°" 1•• 1'\11 ~ 2'1o -1v. s \'(11> ,, ~•'Al 4"o ..,,._, ... ...,,,c,,.,. clov.•n $380 m1ll1on to $13\S OOOtoto~ • 1"'''' 1•N l•75.tBt~t• 1.so If 1~,,. 1i,., 1~\'o -\' es 011 11 XI l'f•• 29'1:1 -v, ~ur:u11. Or•••I 1Jl0 1l S11ll1>1 l •l l 14 I. .!l•nd• 1.1<1 lOt A4"\0 .. 43* _ ,• 1a•11 C1, 1 1' 101 H'-1 JS'ooo 11•, -'4 ..., tfr&cl b1 !l1on. Traffic deaths fell 2 3 g;~•: [d h U H ~ sc~u11r 1 so 1•,, "'me""' 1 io •1 •I 't •1 •I..., _ ~ 01.iP•c• '1• .u 11>1, ioi.;, 10-... -"' •nj •111 1 10 •v " . Scyad1r Fundt Am C•n) )!; l•l ,. .. 1' l• ... OISDCh , &O .fO :M t. 15'-< lJto -.,. ,.n l"' "' ' perce11t to 4.MO <1nd in Junes Et•~rt1.11•w•;1 10 '"' lnw 1.c ' 1•.11 A c111 Dll 1s ll' li<t. 2s ,1 mbl"" 1 oo "° •lh lf•,, 5~,., -J ~~ '/ '~ d•clon·" 5.5 -rcent 10 3".~I ~~:;;. 11 !~ ,, ~ S•ocl Jl.Jl ll.Jr .tim t •mt"' 11 1 11• ·~· _ 1, tr>b1El:'Dtl 10 1 J1 s1 I' _, nT•! 1 52 " "" I'~ """" ·~ 1 1 j IS 811tn IJ JI l.S,)1 "' Ch•l11 I to 11 2•''4 2• 7• ""' • ·'° 90 11 .. tl0'41 ! -1 Tel[ on II T 11 "d ) • d , 4 'D<°i' t 1t 10(M Com $1 10 0.IOO.AC•v5vt 140 11 2"r. 21~ l l"'-1'" oml 1 olto IO,, 11 1J -""° T~l1 aflJO O a llCCI en S v.ere ov.n ~·;~ 11.IOH t•Stcv•llv """'" · A Cv•n 1.JJ IU 3~ 11,,., l:J"o -t•• omwE' 1.lOl:o 110 l>I'' ll'llo lo! •• 111T1r1 lb percent from the t.1ay , 1910111,.1111 'n1•1t t:•uh Jn 1t1 "'01.,1,1 10. 10 .u.,, ....... ..,_,1., :;:g'E~19-;~ •1;,/l4'1 1J~,1~-:~ '::1i'i~ ';;: II .,, Qr .. GI ' "lJ •1 l•w•OI 'tJ 111 .tim Out lYn! (] ... ..,. •1~ -·~ ..... [ ,,, 0() " ,, 1Jf\ )I -'"" "'' .17 lo, lo 13 m l ion Ellun Ir 11?• Ullr• 1" 1»"'0u1Yt .,i., 1 11"" 11\0 11,.. omP' oll •J 10 1,..._ 1,,~ 1., ·•·1 aPtco! IOb Emtr Se. S.' 'l, ltll11 "'m 1Jl 10,u "'m•1,., I.JO JJt lit. 2'1t ''"', omw 011' &O ln 11 "'" 1,,• -< ·•Pow •1117 ---l"••a• 111111 1,s11 s ••• ~ IS ll l'"""'E•• '"" 101 } .... J•14 !'1o ...'.•, DmO Dflll ,, }~··is~. 15~-t=G~·btr !JO nlor ,. •ff I t Stnl Grh I U 111 Am E•P pl rSO 1i ]I 1• -·~ omovl j <• 5l! 9' I• 9 , ,eovo 1 l)Q NE\\' YOHK ~U PI \ -Any au!>"G : y~ ; ~ 11111•• ~ 1!.1' 1'" Am Fin I.JO 11 11\oo !l'lo If'"' Ort1P•a of! 9.1 19,; H ' ll'l4 ::1~: ~ttvO oil JO "" h I h h au! '~ 11sntl'll Fd lOIOIO,to"'mFln .-41!4 110 ll'h 11\lo ll'h omut .fO l'' ~II 51 2-. '""' .IO<lt enuoUSIAml t a mig I ave ,:1:!:0 llu : :: ,~ 1.1~··· A• JI ...s )l,Ot l.G11Bd 11'9 JG 1•~ ""' U l.lo Ont Mill• ' .., lt•\ '' "'"' = •;. ~J .. 1,Qf bttn genf'ra.ted by faYorable,.,~111., Gr1>11o 11t•r 1nw 106011,H I. G1n1n1 !O •1 11* 1'" n1~-"" on11M1 1J10 11 XI'.'< JO'>I> !IE -'"" ·mH~if"'l:O. tolt 11 "lJ M Sh.,.'" 0 IJ •1 U 01 "' G111n I'll 10 1• lJV. J3 )l ... -<lo ..,,8< Ml ll 11 .. ?1\1> 1 >Ao -.o.i. II t • second quarter ea r n 1 n g s iw.ud 1" t.u s10. ,.a t.n 10 11 1.m Holor .411 •l 11-. 10.. IO'ot -"' on fa\• 1.1ct 1'0 ll' jf• I .,. -" ,.,.10:,1.' '°1 l11Y 101 11m•l'Ul'ld1 A.H.lmo 110 to 1•'.!o 7S l.!Vio -"'""Ed ol'f•' +'4 r reporl, .appe1rs to have been .... 'l"'j" ••II tlO t11AmHoo• .1e JIS l-l:w. lN Joi -t °"~,dt10,•-• 1 1 ,,.,.. 6t''> .. ,,., .. J 1~~i"'t:,n d b ,. h ) ) vr<I 1 tl 1 -~ ln~t•I 10.llG H II Aml"vot 11• ll H\'> IN l N -'4 on 1 •"" 1!I •n. ..i\, Ul' -~ \"I.I I'll I.I oused Y le ecku~ter 1<111 11111 l ru•t 1'1t4'•Mt0lt11 12 \)):J0••11'111o1...,-1'4 onfdD01450 ljlll lU 11' -2 Sn..,tdill rf f th h I ""'1111 100311 !mllh 11 ,,, ttl ... MllCl• 1 IO l ll :JO\~ JO J0',4 ·~ 0~ '~ 1 I I •ll• 41\'o ~1~ -"' ttnAI Pl2f pe ormance o e v.· oe ~·1•m s20 11 w ,,.., 1 11 ''S"' M11c••"'' 1 •1·~ ,,vi.,,"'=~ 0~N L•~'1Jl. l, illo ' .J -'-' 1obl1 M,;,. COmpti\tr &nd high-technology ,.?'""1 i ~3 °' l 20 Sw1~ G• ~ 96 1 Sl llm Molor1 1•1 ~ t i• jlio t,, iower l 1;! ~-: !J,~ Jii•lt. -}! I* Vn ~ 8'"' I ~ao11. •>So,,.,. Inv IJ 00 1' 1' ANMGo• ) )If 90 J.llt. 371-t 3 II\ -114 g.,,Pw Pll l.l S tS VS tJ -,,., OOdrlch I groups," Spear&: Slaff, Inc. n"J'u•,, l !·1 jt>t<I•• ,,, lllARt1Dv 1•• 7• J.i i• '' -o.i. Of>Pw of•50 1:io '° =1 -··, , .. ,, S h' I I Sll 1j !Ftm GI '" ...... m Soll h • 11•• H''t 111/t -"' oMAlt 1,.1 .. 111 IJ .. ""' n .... I'.!.~~"''". belleve.s. pe.11r l'l!YS l lll a -ync:1m ltt :1 St•lf s1 .t5.11•611Am S"I• '°b "~Jo.i. 1s U _,., o~•C8" 1 ~ 11 l:!i1• l5 JS~•=\• ••c"'"fJ·.ia fected the markel because ,,,Ja Y1 11 0111 fl St1odmt" FYM• "' ~..,,,, •to IU nt-o 1l\li Jll~ -.,,, ont CQll t I• 1,,. ''"' I);. + ,, -ro nt.. ·1 •a Ft! l~v"lt)r' "'"' l~a l ll i 00 AmSoA•r It " •I'• d~ 'llio + '-nll Corp 1 el •1• <>• i -• §i""!Vn N "without this traditional haven OllC• 1 •1 • 11 A~•o r t 11 1 •""" s•A1111 •o 11 n~-21•to 1 •,(, -.,. r co •'A"' I' • • l " •~\'',., ·,u Grwtft •,01 t ,11 Fllluc I SO 111 A Std ~u I! II 11•, 11 1l J• .. onll!ll l,7 0 I ~ ll'4 '4 t n "'llf 1 for ahort-1.erm investments a l10C1t t.OJ t to 11,,,. "" '<1• .tim s11t u q i.o J•~ 11 t4 -•,~ 01>M101 -9" 100 2\)0• 1,,_. i.. Ori n• w , _,. • ~•!Mull 'H'l1 BAI•" 1•60 1•10 ... l &Twt lH IV• I V!*"'-"" Dn!Olt l.JI) no M :n Jll1 -1 Crt ft!l'I SIS goodde1lofmoney apparentlyfnN•t 1. !°' C•PO tll•llAmtJ.T?.llCI 6IO ""• -4J>.o, ,,..,_,4 °"''!OU D11 I fl '''" •114 +...,GrtvOrJ '~ ~, ~ 'd) ,, Ftlll.,~ 5 ,, 5to<k 1)711J17.timlt.tlll • •lll.O"°lol\lo ~'Ao -\t o<>l ll .'9 1 1 ""1Mlo lfil\\o --Gf1AJ. l • movcu 0 •ue al fl lneS. f!P'I' ,.. i'° ··· SuH•wloa l~Y 1.W•IWt .0 /1 IJ''" 1J 15 O"I ti • 1511 V. '1\t. -¥. G!t.JOt I :i0. F II r,d J• ·· G.-wl~ 1 \l 711 A.WW JP'l'l 1-'l 1100 U If " Dtltrol Or'I 1'1 l\9 fti-. -1~ Qlftofl'91'1' 1t ~""n~,r.G:~0 106 sum1t 10 •11 i.41A..,••011 Ill t 1J,..1J'r'< 1.!o'41 :.:;.. ::m'u •i ~\1'\1.~i~ ... +0:,01N0Nllil 1 t0 NJ (UPI)_ 't',w1~ 'j·tt"ij itch 111 t,Ol,O.mtl1l -~ 1• l• iJ-. 15~-" ""°"'rn l •o ,1 32,,., 1,-I' -GtNN PIAlll -lncom 1 11 Svnc G!h 'ol5 10,J) AMf lr\C I'll •! lt•,i ll 31\t -lllo aop.rJ~bl 36 '°"" , , 11,(i GI Witt F!"I The Federa l court In Newark Mvt•• ! t' '"""' "'"" 11·" 11·51 .timft< ·'° u .lltl ~" Jl'lll -"" .,...,,... u ""' 16v. 11-. =..., Gtw~un11 " 50l'cl l I T11cht r 10 Of 10 4' .tiM, l~c .II JIU •J'lli t2'4 'J&lo -'41 Olltl• 1'0 2• 57V. 51 51 •4 GWUn P1 1 M luts ordered Robert L. Vesco '001•1• '·'" 10. T1chftlc1 l oi J :io "'"'""•h ''• 1 1•,. "" ,, -11" Jot, -o i 1v. 301;, 1E = 11o Gir w11~ '"" a nd his tntern11t1on11l Controls ''~~\1~" G•r:t· 1.~ +::: l.',. 't~~ 1; :~ :::':':; ~'ro" ~ ~ l:~ ~r" :, " ~~·~~~ 1Jll',~" ,~ ri ""::." ~~ i;,:1 1~ r . I ..... ... Grw!~ ,.II I Tt11\ Cl• I n 11' Am~!r Dl'l I! ' 5.J " " -\"' _ ... (tit\ ... Kr ... "°"Nf , ...... rp. lo comp y Wlu1 su11-vth• H ! ,,,,, (~ 10.u 11.M "'"'t•• "'" 1 ''4 •14 •·~ oK •11c1• >0 .. "" Hit ·___,., Gr1ynrw1 wt """"II issued by l h e ttl<om OJ · T1111r Htd n OI n OI Am11..i 1 M n l•'~ 30 l'\• _ Vo PC 1~1 1.1t IJ4 It _ "' OrollM 90 ,.~ ~ vs G"' 13·&J !' Twnc Gt 1.11 2t t Am111 1'0 10 '"" 1•• av. -v. r1n, I IOb JI 4-tlilo '3'4 • l'o ~ ,. Grt1mm.ic, 1 Securities and Eich11nge Com· ~dF 0.D G · 0 0 TwnC Inc J II 111 A111tona1 t 111 11"" ,,.,,. 11"" -ajo •ttlF I" .ti Jl ,,,_,, u ui. 18\\o _,..., GlfttHld "" ullll 1"" ~D II US.IA GI lOOllOOI ArKhHoc\ I I :&4" l•V. lj~+V. fod<NU!,IO JJ 11 .. ltl'o 1N -V.t;llMOll llOa m111~don last March to testify ti'":~ , !'I I vn11 ""~' •.•) 10 t0 Aflc:oro .• lb 11 lit. i,.... 1 "" -'"' Crom~rc .., 11 l&\t 6'1• 1~ + '" Gull 011 1 50 fl I I . ~Tdl21 1 UhllWntl l0.101 111lAndClty1JG ... \'i l)llltll ... -\'lcrllll••H/M ,~,, 11 .. n.--'"G1111 about lhelr nanc II re lll10n$ ,.1101 ' 1.H I vnl°" JVll 0•• l.•t<l>IC• .M u 1)'41 n lj\t -"CrowC&I :r < ~ !' n -~ ~tfoltt:•~~ .," I 1 O !oo , 1. lll'Old 11o.11 u Al'CoO 1 tt1 :n 11~ 1N 1 ~ + "!'~ "1' ' · · 1111 t11'» w1u1 nvee nrs v er s P. a s 111...v"' , N11 1n,, , 11 '°"'••co c, 11 ,15 1"" 10 10 _"' row11 0t ..., "' j -" 'l.llJ'\11 1 IM <-) Lid " Stc t 1J ! V Ct' 10 •711 ..; "''°L c ... , .» 1'\'°J; 10 20 'wnZll 1.10 111 111 . ... 'J ~rv ~l, · r~•lt• t.M . Wll1'~ 12 ti 11.U il'°I. l>I Cl.Gt I II II 11 :.::.._ ~~~:;· tf l1 17"1 ~N ='~ :11wn t1,, .. Vesco is chalrmRn o f both ,~ SK· Vftl!M '"'"" AHllH M1' Jfl lm li"' ni. _,"' """""e~. ·" t! I t r.-,. ZYllW"' 'II ! • 'tt J l! AfttM 1 lt 7 11 A•A Svt lM J:J li.i I IM --Jl'o UM 0,1111 Ii ~ ulM'., ) ' Jnle rnflt!onal Conlrols a n d • •n ~· 1 ' Ctn G• 1\·" 1i.t1 A.r(llt ,1, 11 lf..., 1 \' 1 '~ -,. u11iuwr1 " , "' \ .,,, ' l'°I' = i.; 11trw .,, 7s Ml 5! · I Ctn l"C I 1111,11 ilrctlt N Ill"' I J VI .... V, -l'o ur!IJ1Wr A J 1 .. 17\ot + 1.4' l!l/l!Ofl tl'ld IOS1 lhe Geneva based tirm §~"f, A · 'U tow.°""' 'J·• 1e.11 A:fih O•~ 1 tt ,...., JUii .., -~ cu11t<H l,., n l"' S" "" -~ '" I h f '"" f Nf ' S(lttt JI ''"Ar ,.,_ 1 Ill 1 .. 2't 11\\ 2 "1i -'4 Cvcl~DI 50o U )'• '!lo "" + u1at 1te coreo u oc ormer 11u1t1,i:. ·• · v.,.. t.ot •.nA1n•Dll• ",..., si... s·~-·1oc~i>ru1Mlft1 117 •111o 31 -t H•ll l"•loie. ~·~n mulu!I fu•• empire rcl HFI , io , ~ u ,., C•ft 1 11 il,11 Ari.., 1t 1•vOv kJ 11"" 1e,,. 'jui. _ 1, 0-" 11""' 1 .1 os l".-U. "'l"y~ U\I Glw111 (l'! I ti Vt lut t.lflt ,.Cl l.rl'llCI Sii I 111 11'4 1.1\o 1 'A -"t -I r I or Be:rnard C..ornreld: Ve~'s I'~• 11:u11.1 rr:!~1 ::~ ~ ~ :;~ :f.~,~· 11j! ~;"" !lit" !~ ;. ·· 8:::'1' v'.~'' •uJ 'ta 'f" ·~ -"-~::::~ 1:,. 1 control o( JOS 1s being t .,, ,.Ii f· 111 s11 s 111 s.s1 A•m11 c1 to • 1S 1' -1\.lo g•n• ~ .. 1.J1 • lilt JO"I mt -1 =::r~ ·:: challtnged b y Oia&endenl :0. " 1 :ftH I ~~! .. •n1 t.H ;·~ :;::;t"w·~-j l~ u ~~\Ii nl.(i -.. :~r 11~ Of~ llj ,, ~ d~ = H .... •,1r ~ Id · I di I .,u" . 1.,1Y1nt1 lN t.u 11n ... ,1 tor•-" 'tl\oo 11 11 -'It; 1rt "'o<"• • 1ffi I'" 'J""-" ,,.., • · lh•reho flrt, Inc u ng inan-M•'I ., 'I·"' Y•• In r '.U l.OJ Arvl11 Md I 11 lt•. ll " -... ·~~IJCO I ., I 1 1\o 1 ,,. "".•nM '": : .. MOO M··•u11m Rik!•'• y......... ,lnl . • Vl"nl •.1• '·" ... .,,,.on 1 I'll YIJ6 1Jl'o ""' 1"' + \1 .,~~ " n ~ ! t -"' tr~, I ' ..__..., """' · .,...... ~or-r w111 t s 1,11 • JI Ao~tO '" oo • 1 OS\oo '°"' 111 -"' •1'111 114 ·• l't -~ ' ~ decl\ntd to comply with the rwth '·~ • J', ''11 M ,,,,, u ,:w "'"'"' ''"' •• I 1..., -11o "''" '.L j"' .. -~ •1sr.~· le ...., •..,. ' • .. 11111111 C.'11111' Ana oo 1 71 ll ,, SCl\Oo JI + ,.. 1rt to » • -.JO SEC1ubpoen11sonthf'11rounds ru1v,n 1~•,~11tJ ato11 1t 1J10.to ... 1d5-I' 1JGt1 , .u ~!" tt'lt -111 tf:"•'•'lt -~ 1rt L1'1 . .u I'! '~) IYHI ti .... 11,0f AHd l<t lllll ' t°""' I Vo 11•~ + 1' t 'I .10 -"" '); bft' I that to do M> would vlolal.e lmS'!o at~ l·ij 'it? Mo•• lo.u 11.• "'tll!OM ·'°' • i'"' 1 111o 1 " -1o1o 11 :("'1{11! • d .:,:·~ :r:;'i1~ S I rln'ncl.1 ,. I If'( Am 1j' ,. II lKn~ 1 II .tit1Cv•1 I.JI '' '1i• 11~ n •;, •lo I.lo &)" ~ '" t f ~ -4 ltM JOI W !S .n;Q'f!CY tlWI. &at. • t , Wtlltt 11.11 IJ It "'" fl lclllld' 12' t.11.< ~&. "' -lit ~" · t 111()" > One or lht quc.wtlons the SEC ~~Jl•V •It,.,. Tru1• 11 1!11l11At111~~ JdJ IJ JlOO fl\'°I ll"I ~'t +,,. ·~, :, , ... "' .!v. ""' NYGN • n IO ~ Wtll!~ 11 '91'.b 411 111(11 1'1 l I lot 101~ , _, l'lttt!J'lnl j"' f. [ _,..,. I ~·" WAn!JI to ask Vesco is wl'lo AC· (A 11 I I• 'j Wlrwl• •.•J l&il P.t!olt o;!I nll IO 1J cfllo .. \lo -1 " • .., • '· ' l11v Culr! I ' IJ nl lnd 5iiJ '°""'"•• Cor• ti J J'• ,._\Ii ~II 1111 Ii:-• m qulrtd tht 111 million IOS 1.,.,... l et n •J 1 . 1<11:1, 'd • " 1." "''o l"C "' u ti\ •W 1 ... -,. tt ~ jfi·ll • ' f 1 • -11. tflf'fl,. .,, d h lft,,HIOll Gr...,. In! •Id • 01 '. Aulllm 011• t n Jt\\o J,..... u .. _,..., M d j l .. -'"' tllllt"' • \'lung prererre 1 ar e• 101 tt111 i.u 1 • '" "' .-... '°'Av-ft •NI "° 1141 "' '"' -"" >tllr , 111 \ • ~ \ -loll "".'.ti!..· lorm•rl•· 'etd by Cornfeld Ml/fl ',, io ... 1wo•111 1.te , *"¥<• c1,.. tH ,,,, I)'• ,,., l•"'n'" so J l>Ao ' in1o -"" ~r1 fG ~ , II . ,.,e. "" •• , !ti•'•• ''° 10 llO ,flvco ,. ""1 HM '" 4\1 ... -w ""''"" ! ,. )6 M a1l'I + -" NEWARK , -.. ,.,.,_. . ", .. ,,.,...__ .. -...-• • ·---· ·- •• lo:,-... -J: -= ,,"' ..... lltl -"' , .... tt. + '• 3.l'h _, -4J'I\ -~ t ( ( I • " ,, ' " ~ • ' • "' ,f ' . ' ~l~j • " " " • ' ' ''" '" .. • " , '" .. • • " • " . '" " n I ,,. .. '" "' .. ... '" ~. " .. •• .. " " . '" ' . JOI .. "'i '" ' " " ... 1. " " ,! ' l l l QO 11100 ll 11 uo ~ n= ~ If ~ 10• l )(Kl ' n ~ )~ ot 100 I o U•d• J H .. l•• Clttt • " " • "' ' "' • • r 1i,: ,. ' ' ' .. '" " ~ • n • . .. " • > .. " • " ,,. .. '" ,.. Uh ~n '" ll~· " . "" '" .. .. ". " " .. "' " '" ,. ,,. • " .. • "' " " ll~ • " . " " . ii!: n .. " • r , ,, " " ' " • " ' " ' ,,, -.. " " "'' " . '" n , " ' n~ "" 61 .. ' '" " , "' ~" ..... {Mo I Mltoll ·~ J "' I 11"- C ;"' .. " . . ' • .. •• • " "' r.:· " ., •• C'-C:llt " . " " n· • " •• "" ~·· ~. :i., " "" ,,. •• " ". " 11~. d i· ,. 11\o "' ,, " " " • " .~ "' ,• . .. .. .. .. • • f " .. 1'01 -1 ,, .. , .. Market Plunges 111 Active Trade NE:W YORK 1UP11 -The thrt:1t of r18 1n g 1n leresl rates and rear that new contract lH!'ltlemenl~ 1n the steel and 1a il 1ndus1r1e ~ may th ro" a monke y '' ren1 h into the ad1n1n 1stralion" anti 1nfl1tion ram p:.1 .c:u sent the sto(k mark"' tumbllng 1n moderatel y aclL\e tr ad111g 1 uesda' f he plunge lame a dav alter the market h•d posted it s f1r<:.I gai n 111 atrnost two 'ti eeks J 11Le f\1onda y a Detroit bank JaLke d up the in teres t ra1e on prime hus1ness loan~ a ha l( point to 6 ".I pertent 1' 1rst Pennsylvania Banking & Trust ro said loday 11 1s <ons1der1ng a similar move In the past Firs l Pennsyh an ta has ltd prime rate c han ~e<:. Shortly befort the f1~ ... I bell the On\\ Jone<: In dustr1 al A ve1 age wa<:. ofr 14 89 at 850 03 "hile Standard & Poor s 500 stotk Index sho\\ed 1 lO\\ of 1 43 at 94 53 Decli nes rou1e d advances 1 242 to 216 lhe I 1151 issues crossing the tape among 1' lectron1f'<:. and 011~ \\ere amon~ lhe dav ~ <:.of1 e ~I <:.pots \\Ith several issues in both groups off more than a point Airlines anct 11rcrafl .. also \\ere weak 'Ahtle generally trad ect ov er "lleel s motor<:. and c!1 em1(al s n1rrowJy Jn\.\ er prire rJinfep; J" NV u" C•'"• u~~·o ~. 1 "" l '•. u" "' l• U" I p I '"I ~~·o u" P • 10 " ' . u e ~ i !ill U 0 L e ~ voe. " 1 10 u "• (~ ) U l'ot O • I Un Dn•m IQ I~~~·: D 0, Un•lw• .:> Un • tel Uni! ~nu Jl U Bd o 10 Co l'IQ \Jn ~ " (:.• Un G>• 10 Un n~ lO ~".:11k ~ U MM ]9 u" "'"' u" P~ Mn lSFdGl7G US f nOl<l us~. § l 1011 US f•u l •O USGvPml "!Gvo PH to U fomt ~ US ouo iO US l •o • ll US P vC~ •• u~ncn o 1511 U~P(h r> 70 VS ~hoO !I u~ Sm" Js5ft:, • ',: USTotlo< l~ U" UI t? Un U w Un U• ol )J ':i""'""'"'ll'"llllll.,.,..,.,,..,.,,.llllllllllillllllllllll"'"''""'llliunu 01 Jtl :~ Ul.•A!50 ~ UnVO I> ;(I ~ " " " • '" • ~ " "" " ' • .. ,. .. • "' • ' ~ ' '" " ' • .. 'l ' " • " " ' .. •• " •• ,,. •• • • m " " ' ' ' " ... • " .. •• " • " • " " " . '"' • "" "' 11 .. • ' "' "" " . ,, . '" " ' • ... " a· " " ' .. " • ' • \0 ~ • "" " 11·: '" • ,, ' "" • • " ... ' 1971 • t•lft ,. .. !Mo I M~ \.IW tltot C~t .. • > • " ,., • " " . ' GA.IL V PILOT .. .. IN1J ' .. lSJ !J'-"'I"' > • I 00 Miro 1'20 •• ,, !I u .. )JI 11 . "' • l~·~ to ll • 11• ' • n •l'- n ' 1l JI o l~ t:'· 1 l • • ~ .. ~ ~~.,., : lj"' , • ' " "' "' • " , . • " ll ., ... -1 ~ -" -' _, ' " • " 1'AKE TfIE 1 NEWS QUIZ We Dare You Saturday Every "' " " " " • " ' '" " "' • " ·~ ' " "' "" " lt~ "" ... " . .. " ' " lt ~ ,,. " . '"' " .. ~ • "' ' " .. .. ,,. ... ... ... .. ' .,. ... :1 . .. " "" '" " "' '" "' ,., " 11 • -,, HU -,, !?"' '• "" . "" Co111plete Closi11g Prices -American Stock Exchange List • " •• • " • • ' •• Jf" Il'. '"' "" "" ''" "" Il " " ,. " ' 00 ' " " •• ' '"° "" " " • " ·~ '" • ft " ' • • .. • ' • "" • '° " i~ " '" "' uf', ~· il'c! l'm' t ~U• ,ll~ll D~ I •l•V~ fj ntTlntO •• .. 0 l• l ' l)ll~ tfi>tt 5\• o u~ • uatJ! '"" 1 1 • V• •1 ~ IM'IWd ii.I »,,• O •, o,.o, 'I 'Jt mto ''M > > ,..,ft,,,•t Co r: "' ' 1·1• , """ ' 1 .. u, lf • lt(1 ..... II(_ I .. ~··i~··t"' • '\t e 16 1 lllMil'P ,, ~ ..,. i. o J l lj lttlt~ (er~ " "' 11 '""'"'l'\. •~t Vo li<V\flt l.}'t I 1.., ~: :: :~e~l<!F~\I ii \<. V• I' ·11·~ ~ "' I DCO I~· I ~ v~ If '\'"" ~" , ue 1 ~1r conl oi< J ,. I!• l ; ~·H11•d 1 .... P'• • U• • !flt ~llctr;, f::' , Ve 11 T·•~•~., •~~ ~ --: ~: JJ er.:,\~y~ ~1 ,. " ,., "' • > • '" " " " . ?O 1•"6 ' 11 .... l 10! I) 11 It ;(I ~ ' " I tl'.4 •7 19 ~ 1l• l• ll •7" I •l ~ OJ I 0 > " " . " . 11 11>'• I I "''> -S-,n .. ' " ... ' " " • • • .. \O\o '" , ... .. " '" " . ' OOWN$ '/, !" l~ •• ~, ... 'll: n~ "" ". 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Ill (l\Jt ~ ~:l~t :" o!~~I~~·: :. d "",: ·~,1~:~: , •••r ~ Ot( • t<I o' o• d • !t r al~• <I •ldt ncl Of' '" I 110 k-D•tl• ff! er 11111 I! • ~ti In l ctlltnU • Vt '' I W Jt ~dfvdolldl In 1 •• o n Now I o 1 - ••Id 1~ 1 •••• d • dlnn oml!.., d• 11 •d or no •r! ""' l•~•n 11 111 d v dt"ll , ,,.,,, In• ~-O•ei. t d e o• d n 111e nlvo 110<~ .ii• di n..., ,_,.., d Jn otft•-d r nt 1'10 •I m• ·~ c••n •• 111 011 .., a1vlol'"41 1r 111d•r~11!en o•i. n /11 I : cld-[•l t.i ll-(11 oflvld1"'1 Y-E• div! dt"C1 1~d 11ln n l 1 ••-<1 •-l"llf•ll- 11111 111 •r-1!'~ r l1~ o •w-W tNtu~ w1 .. : •1n11 ww-W fl> w• 111 • Wd-Wnen 11 ... ~ lt llloilld .. 1-w~tn IU \I ... nd-N1.-. G•• a•1 •• 1 l I ' I t . -., vi-In 1)1nkr111!0' w rtctlv~ro~ • fl# Doi Ill rt~•••~!!ftl llfl~Hr 11\t 11•~~ ...... lty Ac O IO(!i I et .... '"IHI ~'I' 111<11 - D•11 " 11-11 nt• tot c1-c1rt I c•I•• 11-511m11ll 1-0•1 I 111 I •t 11-Ml!I .... bef\dl ~·•~llo~I • Im~• '"" •1 rn1 lit !y 1141-"lf J! ••• d• l•frr ,.,_f!~ w1 r1nt .. ""~' 11 &n !•1 -r·Z- l~ 1fi: !·: :\~ "J l}U u' ,,, . .. .. , • 'l" II ' .. '" 'II 'I I • ' I ,.: I ii" '· f;1t " " •• " J.: "" ... "' • ,. 1· '" ., . 11\.l .. 11 \1 ' " . I~ '. • • " ~: '' ' • 11•· •• " ., " '. f! .. > .. ·~ ' • • • ~I ,, -~ Phone 642·4'l21 For Weekender Arh erti1ing ,,~ -"-------------~ '" . ' 4-~,...-- • I • • • J• OAJLY PILOT D .. llY "'ILOT 1!oll "'"<llo !flt111a l ,isrr noe!i ('find~· Pear~nn kno11· !'nn1e~h1ng 1·n11 don't" fi('I !'he dn('s J)id \'OU kllO\\' t h a l ,i\ug ·2 10 7 1s ;\'alinnal Sn11le \\ rrk.. ('a ndv doc!'. llavt> 1nu smiled al someone i;itely". J->oJiec J)calh Wave Gctlin!! L };'BI r'rohc IN>."p1le 1t,c; 1)()si1.1nn 1h:it po. hrr k1Jling,c; are ii loc'11 matter. the i\1xnn Ar1n11n1s1r;:i11nn ha.c; nrdrre<1 The FBI 10 participate ilC'lll'P]~-in JOl'(''<llg;iting Slll'h cr1me.c;, ii lncal authnr111rs ask for help. PresiclPnl \'o;Qn initially nf- fcrrd !hf' FRl"s 1111·r.c;lig:l111•r help .Junr J a1 a \\'h1tc House rnnfrrf'rl"" nf pn!icr chirf.~. t1nd fn)l(i~·rd 1t up 111 1rri1 1ng June 1~ 11•11h a lr!tf'r In ;ill pnll{'f' t·h1cf~ no .!11ne 21 Fl11 P1rN't nr .1 1-~rlg;ir \lno1·rr sent a lettPr 111 law rnfnre('mrnt ;:ig('nC.\' hr;irls n1:ik1ng the nff('r n1nr e sprc1f1f'. Thnsr de\·('lor111rn1s. howe\'crl, w('rP nnr rl1sclnsrd here unlil tod ri.v wti('n Hon\'rr m;:iclr puhl ir 1hr vnr" ;:inn11;d re[>Ort for fisc;il 1971. Thi' Adrn1n1"1rri1inn h;:i5 ori- ptll'rrl attl'.'mpl" 1n ('ongrc~s 10 111;i kp the k 1ll1ng of ;:i po!icctnan ;:i rrrlrr<il crimr. sa~·111g i1 fl'arrd 511rh ;:i l;iw l"VIUld turn 1hr FRI in!n ;i n.:t· !ion;:il pnhcr fori·r Pnnr to !hr J unr 14 \\"hi!r llnu~r 1nrf'l1ng . Nixon harl nr<lrrr<! .<\!lornc~' Grnrral ,Jnhn N. ~l tlrhrll In fakE" .:ill JUSlirP rlep.:irlmPnt r('.~nurcr.c :11 :11/;ii)lf'. on rr- Que~t. In local po!1rP : thi~ .,.,.;:i~ 1imi1ed . hn1\·<'ver. 1n thr FRI Jab n r a 1nr\. 1rlcn1if1r :11 in11 rlh 1s1n11 ;inrl thr \"a11onal Crime lnfnnnarinn ('f'nlrr. In his ;:innual rrpnr! lliin1 ri· :irtrted th;:it "upon rrnursl nf 1h<' hr.:tc! nf ;:i lnf';il nnl1rr ;;grncy thr F'Rl now will ;ir. lil'rl\' rar111.:1patr in llir in· 1·r~lt'!.:1T 1n11 nl a pnlicf' killing·· nH icial.., sairl a.< y('t lhrrr h:i\'f' hf'f'!1 nn ~ur Ii rrnurc;!c; Thry adrlrrl thal !Iii 4 prr ... r11I nr surh <l;n·1111!S :1rf' snh rd ;ilmns1 immcd1alclv hy loc;il pol1rr. Thrrf' 1< nn frdrra! law perm i1t1nt ;icf1vl' p:lr\ICIPillJflO h1· thr FRI 111 !h1., !~fH' nf rrimr ht11 ,\1\on'c; nrrtcr 11·1c; t1r~cr1brd 111 Hno1 rr'5 lrllrr as "a. m;>n(ia tr" for 1hf' ronpt'ra· tion nf hie; <1J.?r11c1· FBI ;:i~rnts :iskt'fl to hrlp 1n1 r~l 1j?.:llr> .,urh ;:i killin.c wn11lrl turn nvf'r ;in1• r1·irlerttf' nbt.:1111rrl 1n lflC'a.l a.uthnrit1f'<, fflr ll"IC';il prnc;. C't'ul 1nn /\s n! .ll111r :lf'I 1hrrr h;irt hrrri ~Ii p11l1rrn1r11 l;lllrrl $0 lat 1h1< ~ c.1r Hr)O\!'f al~n di srlnsl'd th;i l a frdr r;il grand 111r1 1n D1•1 rnll j_<, IOI l'Slif:!;l\illl! 1hr $21\0 ,[1()1) hn111h1ng nf !hr Srn:itr w1ni::, nf 1hf' l S Capi111I !\1.:in·h I Thi~ h:id hrrn run1nrrd hut nr1·rr cnnf1rn1f'rl bv ! hr Jusrirr nrrartrirn! Jlnn1rr indic::itrrt 1hr FRI in:iv h;i 1·r Cflmplcled if<, work 111 thr C'a<r ""hl'n he s;iid. "Thr rRI has con rt u r I r rt wirtrc;nrr;irl in- 1·est1J!a.tioo into th(' hornb1n.c . :ind frdcr;i! cr.:tnd JUrlt'< tn ~eallle and Of'lrn1I a.rr cn11- sirlf'rtl"IJ1' e1 u1enre in this (';!<f' .. Thr Sr.:i !llr i11vr<l11?;il 111n ~·as m:irlr p11hl1c Anrt! :!fl "'hrn ihr .Ju .. 11rr nrnartmrn1 :o;ough1 .11 court nrdrr 10 tr;inspor! J.rsl1r R::tcon. l!I. Athrrlnn. lhrrr fnr flllf'.~­ lionini;:. Shi h;:irl brrn ;;rr<'~!rd the previous rl;i_1· :i~ a 1nalrr1al \\i!ne~s in 1hr hon1hinj! 1n· cirlrnL In nrhrr .11rr.:1~. i!O<ll'rr ~a1rl -\lnrr than f>'.lfl nrJ!.:IOi1rrt crime riR"Ur(':o; \\Crt" cn11l'ictcd during thr f r~rai yen r ;:ind ca.~c~ in\•nll·1n2 mort' th:in 1.900 n!hrr~ arr in 1·n rirn1s .!il~9t:"" nf prnc rc11!1nn -Rlack Pllnf hrr r ~ r t \' mrmbcr~hip 1~ uii o:lich lJv tn 81)11 pe~nt \\'h1lr thr 11 h i1~ rx trrmisl Ku Klux I\ I ~ 11 membtri'ihip h.:1.~ n~rn 111 aboot 4.5(1fl -Thrrr "·rrr nr;irh Mil ml· lej!P r;impuo: rlrm11n~1rP•1111"1~ ;inrl 411 <11 -·n~ r i 1 flf h1rtlf1n"c l"l'i11'rl <111,l•H! !hr ~rl'>nnl • r:i r l!lifl-71 Thrrr urrr mnrr •h.:in YI 1n~ranrr t nf i>rcnn !1 h'\111- bini:s. 1$! J)(>ri;nn.~ injured Rnd rou r dt'alh!. ·-·-··---~ ~ .. __ Ape Proje~t May ATL.\,\'TA, 1;<1 S<1enL1i-I.-. here are us111.i; t'IN·lron1r gadgetry and a female apr named Jnak1 11rr S<'eking In establish whether man dcsC'cn- ded from llJK'S as -...·e know rhem -nr frorn un1quf' af)f' th;.tt alwa1'$ 11oa lked uprigh1 Dr . RuJ:...,ril ll Tu1rlf'. ii University nf Ch1rJ1go an- thrnpnlngi.o::t v.•hn he8ds the 111·oft'cl , i-ub:-.cribt<" lo lhe l!'NlfY th&t 111an i;; rnrrtwarers y,err 'a special species of <1pe "hich brgan ·walking upright soon after leaving the trees. Tut!le srcks tn pro I' r through his wnrk at the Ycrkrs Rc.(lional 1' rim ;:it e Rrsc;i rl:h Center 111 Emnr~· l:n1"rrs11 v th11t man ne l"er passed lhrnugh a ''knuckle wal kln.1(' phase P.1:iny an- thropolog1s1s con1enf1 l h 11 l man did evolve lhrough sucb a stagr and. in many respects. resembled apes as thty exist loday. "l can't tell you y,•hat man·5 :inrestnrs rnav have lonked like." ~et ys Tui!lc. 11o•host 11ork nn thr toptr has appl'11 re<! 1n numerous scientific journ.:ils. .... 14·o·t .• CA·N·S O·f-~ ~----· Fri skies 49 ·:-,Punch" '"Leon & Lively" ..,---= DOG FOOD •···· In Assor!ed "All MeJt" Varielle s. I DETERGENT Knocks Out Dirt _and Stains. Clues "Rul hr was a 1·rP AlurP " unique Tutlle's dissection of arms and hnnds of apes shows con- ~Jderable unique anatOITJY that allows an ape to place his weight on the knuckles of his hand~ ;ind propelling his body fnr"":ird. !\1:in. he says. has no 1 es11i e or this anatomy. He is using e I e c I r on i c Balls • PQU 1pmtnl and lnak1 "lo l1wik at1.he forearm and hand of \hr primate to see U it y,·orlt! even remotely like man's." Tuttle is collaboraung on the project with Dr. .John V. Basmajian, An E mo r y physiologist y,•ho ~peciahzes in electronic research on musclr function. The project, funded by the For Relie f of S!omach Upsets. EWES OS IONS ' "Solo" ~i:~"' Cups .":".;. B~g nf lOO -1 I ' "Ji.·:.·. i ! [ l J I ·~ ~ 10!!9 1 ' a----1 ' • ' --I ! I l 1 ,. . ' .. ~1 r · • n' • , 11t,.11g 77c Black Flag HOU SE & GARDEN INSEC T KILL ER f-;· 1,r.111·~ or r 1tr.1 ••• ,,,, .,_ 99c Ref:. 1.19 P£NNSYLVANIA Tennis Balls ··centrt Court" ... 1 -~ r: 'n:'" rr;p~f · ,. n •.i· • ~-, n·r<' l~'f ~p< I ~· • ... ,_ .. -1. 99 1.1 .. .,.., ... ·--... -·------· -~ •lfl-'>.-- • ~-­---.-... I I \ -"· FOR LEISURE WEAR LADIES ' Sweater Jacket ; l'li! -~ ~ I , ' in r nl~r ~~1 1 r~ ""'""' r;,-r ·,: rr· r i l/.',·t• 1;1.1 P•·n r.• 11, •• f\·r 1.r c .. m~ • ·~. ·',. :·:c. Reg. 11.88 9.77 ,, ' ·~' ~' . ' :i ·, .:(, 0 ~ ~ , /, ~ r .' ( i.,,. < , Br• 1.r ~. h' : Rt g.11 88 9.77 ----..... ·--loO - ARE AT . .-~- BOYS' Slacks ~'~~'. nt rii. ··~ Ir.' in ,, a· "''n'"' ~I rnin•.1 Ill .~olNt lr~;it. J N~ ;·rn• ror.•et£ "Ni!n hunon;. S+re 1' (/.} i :·7·7 2:91 BOYS ' Slacks •• -.. '"11-----:-=-- Ma11 ~s f\allonal Sc1c11ce FounJ<i tion. bei::an wi th a la1n1llarliatton penocl during Yi h1ch Tutt.Je :o;truck up 11 friendship Y.'Llh lnaki. The ape then v;as mov- «"d into a trailer rigged with B:i smajian's electronic gear. F'irie-wire eler trodcs \1•ere 1mplan1ed in the gorilla's forParm 11:nd !hr 11·1re.s were connected to small • PI LOT-ADVERTISER :J Origin prt:imphftf'r!I The objl!t'I 1s to gel :i reading on ho-...• similar ls th!! muscle acl1on and reaction be.tween lanki and man. "!11aybe 20 years from now we·u be able to say with some accuracy y,•hat n1an's an· ceslors looked like ," said Tut- tle. '1 rt nn't think we have much of an idea now. ~ 13 01. RAYETTE Aqua Net Pant Tops - HAIR SPRAY •etulJr, Super, u~sttft\td ' Mo11lurt 5~ield '2 11. • S f l. OZ!Tl '" '" 1 Runner 2~5.00 ; H, ~'" •t/ t-a·~ f,., u ~ inn ·,n•· O~ llJIC '1~S. i\.::.nr<.d tr,.~. 2.99 ........... -- . -~--I .... _._ ... ............. .,, ·-· ..,, ... , ............ I ~ Rupture Easer 'I s· · ·:. 1 ,., • .. , . ~ , • , • 1;; • , ·~. ~-,j tnr r~rr-t '•"'l ~ !; k r•' ~ f or Men ~n d Wo m~n '' R12ht or Left Goublt ~ j;j 5 95 6 95 i~ . . ti ,:,::::''·"''\";!:t:.:::·:,:;:::::~!li:t~!:"~ :I C :SC Jn• -.~arr'"fl!!""'~w1tti ~dd•d IPl\'ltl~ ~nrl ~nd/ lo t•1t11r1• ~l!ur ~~·r 1n!o 1 lnv•hn .i'''J, '" 79c '"'· 99c Rtf. 1 og 'er. 1.19 --1--_, -- • ' n • I· e . "' OAILV PILOT /'l --- HB's Seymour Streal{s to PanAm Silver Medal Boss Lai1ds At·ea 's Voss \\'ill1an1 \o~~· n1a1nr league career ha! fnund hu11 v.•earin.c: unifnnns of the Ang<'!~. 0ftrfl1! T1gC'rs. Chi cag{l \\'hlle Sox and now hr ~riorti; thP nanne! of the t.\1l11·;n1kcr Bre1.rcri; Tn r11.1n.r. 111~ ('Urrent r inplnyment n11;:h! nnt hr cnnsidC'rrrl Pnviab!e, what \\'J\h the \\'1sl.'nns1n bunch ahead of no one ln !hr An1eric11n Lcagur \\lci;1 standin~~­ -Ru1 If) Bill \lo~s. forn1er Orange Coast -------TI ' HITE l'OLEHH W>llTJ; C'o\lcgc and /\'c11•110rt Harbor l-ligh player , 11"s hP!l er 1han roosting on the bench o! a tcan1 like the \h 1rd·place Angels Al ll'ast hr 1.~ playi ng with considerable n111rr frl'<\U<'ll!'\' -and as a result is htiv- tni: a r<'a1>nnahly i.;ood .~ca~on. Alrrady hl'" been 1n 71 gan1es Las! year as an Angel he played 1n 80 for lhe entire st·a<;1Jn In 1'l70 he hit three hnn1c runs, had 30 rl!1 ,1nd bn11rd 2~3 .\~ .i '71 Rre\\C'r ht .s soc:ked 10 homers, h;1' 2!1 rh1 anrt 1<> h1t11ng 2j5 !1n;11'C'T~ f1C'ld rn;inagC'r nr11·e Br 1stnl ~;,1.~ ll''·s aprrrL·1n H•rl Vn~s· potential c1·rr s1nrr hr sa 11· hirn plil.Vlng fnr the \l'hilr Sen;. ""Hr p!;i~·rd for F.ddir Stanky j110 vcar~ a11d hr knov.•<; the gan1r. l!P )1.1s ~ ,::nnrl nnn ;ind gets !he bat on !he hall You c;in pln,v hit and run when he's ln thrrc."' Hri slnl savs ·•1 tl11nk 1:ie·s !11r kind nf guy 1,1•hn doe~ lif ~t wl1•·n hr pl;i1·s a n1nnth then rests a 11rrk.' l ~nc-tnl ;i1lli~ \"n~<. f:11ht•r nf a rlaughtrr 1S1aey T-1 ;1nr 1 .l11lv i;.. [eris hr"s a hetter playrr 11n11· 11l;1n hr v.:is il rt'ar a,::n \11rl hr at1rib11 lrs 1n1prn1•en1rnl In r l;n :ni.; f11r ;ind 1111h cl1Heren1 people and tn 11;:i11nt1I hr1trrrnrn1 lhal J!OC.~ 111ith l'X· \)f"fl('tl('(• ll'l0k1ni:; h<1f"k on Ill" <la~'c under !oitank.\1, lir SHI' "Edchr 1;:iuJ!hl mr a lril about fH11dainl'n1als ;:ind 1nartr tllf' realize 11h;:it 111rnt;il rressurr 111a' ·· \ n c<;. rurrcn!ly hobhlrrt h1• ;:i slr<1i nrd arh1l!r •: i·r('d1ls .\1it1,1•;i ukl\f' C n 11 n t Y :-.1.1d•11n1 for his '11dden rise 1n hnn1r run 011rr111 I', ;i ~nnd park 111 rul! Lhr h;ill 111," hr r,p\a111" St'vrn n( h1:c; \0 t•ircu1t blasts h11•r t:on1c 1n l\1lh1·au kc(' l:n111c1dr111al)I· \'11.,s' off.season ioh 1s 1<l<;~1 bcrr·Orl!'111Crl hc"o;. a public rcla- t1ri11, n1a11 for ("onr~ \"011 n11gh1 sav !h"rc ·' ·'flll1('1h111i:;. hrr1r111' Jn !he lift' or th1' Bre11Pr . * 'e11 port ll arhnr Hii:h J,?rarl (;rant (;rlkrr 11:1 ~ nu tiittrrl 1,1ilh Anahei m Hii:;h rri11i11n1rn1 for lh r rrccnl Shrinr footba ll g:11nP in Los ,\ni:elcs. Hr usrrl padrli ng ;inrl an air ht•IJ11r1 fro m AL'll S. Anrl th r hrar!pirer "a~ rrpaiotrrl lo look like. ii r;in1r frnn1 .\"1•11por1. C.rll.i·r·~ f·11ht'r .~:11~ thr !!r;:ir h ~fl hii::h rla~~ thal 1.r.101 111•;11!1 lil..o• In rarl ii off In lhe l"nnrr~it~· nf rolnrado 1tii~ fall . * \()1 1 Tfl BR ISTOi. Ql l)Jt;S '·1\lr"< .loh1\,nn :i prnhlrn1·' ll r nr1·er 11,as 11'hrn hr rl;:i\rrl lr;r mr H111 1h1'n I d1<ln t t.rv In h;indlr hun 1 1nrd l•l 11·ork 1.1 1!h h11n. ~ i.11 handle an1n1ill' Yo11 \1 ork 111!h pen· plr ., Pa11A111 Ga111es Su1111naries Mfft"I 1 .. 11-M•+., '"" """' 1 I(•" ~""~""'"' ~ ... """'" , <1 a ,. • ., ,.,...., ·.c"'" 1.,ld ••rt"n I "-l I>> fl<\" !l•"<>•• (•ft•I!•, 10,.,J) 7. ,.,,1 s~"""""· Po•• A•Q•lt ' W••" , '8 • .J. !lv•D" c:.rr. Ja"'~•ta. I •• • <. L••"fl• ., • .., •• , l.,.,,n.n. l~l>~on. l •~;. .,.,,,,.,,,,., 11\0·mtffr G••" I'""' 1 I"' O•vl5, Pom1>1no lit~•~ Fl•. II 7 l•o~•I• "'"'d <•<O•d \<I ! • Mo" CJ~•l " • ,. . .,,",.' " ,.. • .,,,,, """ 1., •tm•t." 1\l ). sieoft•n•• P•·t<' '""""" "• J snv;1 (~II•••· (ub1. 11 ••· O"•" B•wm ""·l~"•I""' 1'' M~ft'I llv•hn ''""' ' c ... "•'""'~"" , ...... ]'/ ;•' ,.. ... ""' '''0'" '•'M ·••rrd ?<I'· , •• n• O•" ~!U(I""'· USA. IOflJI 7. f' II S••"""' l(ftn•VOll• T~nn 16:!.l' > j ,...,..,,. A">•do Mo••lt • "'"''If> ll•<:O. 1"'', •, C.ll•rt Ju,10 l>••r••n Cu~•. l<I ' N•n, ·~"'"'' h11•dl., ""'I 1 "'"'"'" N••" O"h 9,.,., ••' ,...,, .• .., •"<n•o !•'~ "•O•d "'l ~; Ju•n P•nln Dv'1~• ;.•Qf r>hM . l?jll I·"• 5.,,.,ou•. 1'u""'''""" B••ch '° 1. '· io··• 1.,,,., ><1n•1on ll•••tu•i.. II 1. <, "'·o~I Ot•V''"' C.•Jh•' 11 a w~"''"'' •to·mll•r llll•• ' ~'""'" .., .... '"' .'•••--•(• •! l ,.. ........ ""'"'" '"'"" •v•"' l (orm•n Tr1J•I,. (0<h•, <11 l lvnnn• ~ • .,,arr Jn,,•l<• !l , •. Av••ll• P•nl<ln. CuNo. IJ' Mtn"• !Ml mttt• d••h hnU , l'l!ln Qu"'•'t Jom•«•· 19.tl l>onAm "'~'(!, ·~''"'',. •. on '""'d fn, cu•v• 1n1d P~"""' ••cn•a lOJ ,,, "> M•••hOll D•U, Ot>!tll<!, '" l Uf'ld•v no~nt t,.,.1• •·•I• "'""""''V )'OJ .. 1 hv Jnnn C••lo<, USA. o•• """ ,.,...,M rtcn•~ ••• bV Tomm1e . .Smn~. USA. 1<•• Olv..,olt•1 l t,.l "'"~"""" 1)111, f>;".+roil . olld E~W•n """'''" •· "'d•tl·lol>lt<IO XI J• •· ~e,,,.""<! •ct~Nlo, ""'u. ~· M••'• 'GfMI iu"'a f!"ol • Arr'n l>•h••••• , >I!" "'""' "• ' ' !•-•\ Mt•'I ~or DlrD" 11·' • J. Ml>o Mo'Oft, (••~~~ \ .... ,., '· 11..-1r1Dutt 0 1,1, Cuh•. no Mt .. I 9f1•ttO.Oll r'"'"" 11 .. n '' "•Iii ~• r•••"'·" •O C~"ltd• M Ara•nl•'• ~ (nl<.mn·o 1\ ll••IHl•lt .,.., '" 1 N t"•nu• l c u~• 4 u~ ,..,, .,.,., l c •••/!• 1 v ,r•l"!I• o ,,,,.,,ft 11 .. 0 It. ~Z\~!nio:f.11\11:11 t I P•·•<'d \I"'•• I ,··~•II• 1 C•l,,,,,h•• ~ 8"rL.>eOI 1 (o ~. M lj•">' 1 V.•' '" 'l ~~''M:n~ ~l>lltTl>fll ~'"''n , ><•·•I r .. ~, l "·····~ 0·<~ " \J•···~ ~· ... l ,,,~.,,, ••. " ""O"''"'' YOl,.vl>4~ ,,..,. ' '" " 8••' I l c,,. .. or• I ., . ---.-~ .-1 • • . .. • I i • CUBAN IS SAFE AT SECONO WHEN KEN REED (31 CAN 'T GET HIGH THROW. Shortstop Al an Bannister, a Former Kenned y High Star, Backs Up Play. U.S. Team Fell, 4·3. Als.ton Cautious About LA Sweep HO L:STON 1 1\J'~ lf the S<.1n Frnn· cisco Giants feel rin.v pre~sure 111 thr tightening Natuinal League \\"est peunant race. thry ilrcn·t sho11·l11g 11. ··\re·1·e sc1·rn ga111es nhc;:ir! ;ind !hf'y ;ire going t0 h~vc to calt:h us."' 1n~nagcr Charlie Frix drrl;1re1I Tuesdnv ;if1cr the (;i;ints wrrP r·r11 shrd !I-I hy 1hr ~eronr!· '"' "'"" .'ilnle All C.1m~• Gn ICFI UtO) f"lM~~" •' 1-<nu•tn" OncMe•• ol '1<>u"n" Or'" "'" Or"'~'" •' ~I Lnu·• ' 71 r "' ~ l~ "..., ' II r "'· place Los Angeles Oodgrrs at C~nrlle~!ick P;irk. The \ ltlnr\" .c;11·r lhc O&t~rr~ ;i S\ITl'p nl thr (1,1·.-..g;irnc srrtes and f11·e !'trau::ht win" ;it CanCTlcst1ck /'ark for !he fJrsl !UTif' Sll1CP \96J. "You 1lnn·1 g1 1·e ;i11·a.v th;il rnf!nv n1n.~ and cxper1 !n win." s;ltf! Fox. referring rn four Giant err0rs tl1a1. rc~ul1cd in seven unearned run s. '"It's a funn.v garnc," manager \\'all Alstnn . nffrrl'rl Dodger ""\\"1' 11•n11 llwce frnn1 \111e1nna1 1 01rr !he \veeken<I ;ind l0sl 11 h;11f garnr 1n the .~tandings. Th en we 11·111 two ag~1nst 1he Gi;ints and gain 111•n i:;;imc.~ ·· Alston v.·a.~ ra11!in1is 111 his ;ippr;:i1sal nf !hf' swrrp. "\\:r·ve ;:ih\·a~·s had 1roublr ;ii Candlestick,"' he said, ·and the Giants S1>orts in llricf have bealcn us 1.hree out o! lour in l.{)s Angeles this yc;:ir." "I'd n1uch rathrr sec ;:i tcan1 1"!'.0111g i::oo1!. so .vnu rJon "t have tn 11·nrry who you pla~· nr 11•here you play," he added. The Dodgers g;ivr Alcx:.inder suppnri h~· srorin~ four runs, thrrr of the111 11n('arnerl. in the firs! inning off \osrr Run BrvanL i·R. Steir l~ar11<'y . 11·hn~r n1111h 111111ni: hnn1cr defeated lhe Gi11n1s i\1nnday n1gh1. b<'ltrrt a t"•o-run ~Jng\p for the h1ggr \I h!O\\', \Villi£' /\lays and Chris Spcirr bo1h crrnrC'd in thr 1nn1ng. Tnn1ght the Dodgers tackle !he A~trr1~ a l Ho11stnn LOS A""GE LES SA ... ~RA ... CISCO "''''' " v .. ~. ''"' " .l.'ft!A. ,. w n.,,, · • "AIOro In w•a••N. In Le••o~" 1n ("w'O•O. •f r.~··•v in ~<•1u•""· ' l"<l•••no••. n h •ho o ) II""~' •I A n n n •~~o•e>. 11> 7 J • M•v•. r• I t 1 n ...,,rnvf'> '" ~•trOP•~n. If ' . " ' . ' " ' ' " ' D•f'' t ~ril",C'. " r •• 11•0"''· ln ll•v~•!. D , "~" D •b • ~ rD• ' , " " " " " " . " , ' ~ •1 n " " " . ' ' • n T 0 n o n o 1 o n n n o n n O 1<~a1y, rn (>rrotnr" ""~••nn. n~ "'be•Qe" r ~ o n o n ' n n n n o n n !('"""'"'· n" trhJ.. <1 •1~s Tc.t1h 11 " " " . ' • L" ~"""'" ~•" I·~"'"'~ ( V."V' .~OP'"'· ~·'" ~'""'"'°" I LOB 'I''" ~ )II Wdl• 11\ ~ L•i•nv" w r•'"" •lo•~nn" IW.J.JI ~·•~"' IL ''I n.·,. •('() fl(l(I 1~7 r,fll\ rw·n nrn 1 r,'""'''· ¥cC~vc•1 l')r Ln• Ano~I•< 1' \•n ,-,.,, Wll" SB W Oi~" IP H ~ ER 11!1 SO o • I 1 ' I 1 1 I I 7 I J " n 2 1 1 n 1 ~'"""'• t J 1 I n I ~8 -C !I< !·"'~ -) \l Attco<>~•<~ -21 ))6 Laver, E1n.erso1i Win; P1·essu,re Getting to B liie UR OOKL l.\'E. :'-1;iss. 1'11r.11n1c chan1riin11 Rori 1,,,1·c'r of Cnrnn<t rlcl fl!;:ir, struggling to h1·e;:i\; 0111 nf ;i ~111n1r. launched ;:i hul for ;inn1hrr l " S Prn Trn· n1~ t1!lr h1• 11·h1 pp1ng V()llnl: Aus1r;il1a11 01rk Cre;i\v fi·l. li·l, T1irs1la} 111gh1 In ;:in opening rnunrl 111ateh of the 5:10,llOfl tournament ;:ii Longw1101! La1·er. seec1rd fourth because of his rr- rrnt prnble1ns on the cnurt, flashcrl hi~ nlrl time form ancl flt~tomary power in cl1n1in;ll1ng Creal~· 1n iu.~l 35 minulr~ And i\e1••porl Beach·s Roy ~:n1erson rtlso ;idvanced lo !he second round with a fi-11. 6·4 1,1·1n 01·er Australian Bnh C;irmichaci In l)ihcr m;:itrhrs, Ton1 Okkcr 1!nw11rd Arian Fairlie .. 1-li. 7~. Ii-I : ~!ar!y R1c~"cn !ripprrl Torn IA'on ard, fi.4. fi·.1 : C.lilf 11rysrlalc rl r featcrl Ray rl uffr ls. Ii-I. j .fi ; Charlie Pasarcll ove rpowcrrd R I I I B.1wry 6-0, 6-:1: ;ind Phillip Drnt hC'llL Owen Oa\'idson. li·4. Ii 2. anrl 'a\r h11n fr11111 ;:ihsrirh1n~ h1 " fifth rlf'fr;lt didn't srcm to offer rnnsnla11nn • J ,11 .:"iJI.\" \t•ttr Rt•f•f)l'ff ()SlJ'I ~ Juris Lio.ins nf lhc \" S :-.1a. rioc~ lrd ~ 1·2-:? Arncric;in rta1> 1n Lhr ROO-metcr ra re "a11ona! tr;ick mcc ! in the l unr 1his .1·ear sweep Tue~· ;:it an lnlcr- world "s best L11l1n.~ was clocked In I 4~.2 . ;:i 11ck off thr v.·nrld record of l 44.3 by Peter Snell or \"e\\ i'.t•;ilanri. 'lark \l.'1nzenried was second 1n I ·46.6 and Tom Von Ruden of Los Angeles third in I 46.il. e l'••trit,I" i1t 'fr,,,,,,f e Ai\IHERST. ~as~ -The New t:nl!l.inrl r.1!rln!s finished v.·i th a 2·l2 record l;:i~1 \ rar, thr wnrs1 in the Na1 ion;:i ! Fonth;:ill Lrag11r, <tnd their troubles con!inue to n1nunt in the 1>ersonnel department. Running back Duane Thon1as , the !970 ~See. BRIEFS, Page L8 ) ' 18th Sh11to11t By Bre\vers· . ' Sox at Big A \\"hen d1scuss1ons an1ong baseball m('n gel arr.unrl to the best pil ching staff in baseb:.ill the nnn1cs often n1entioncd ;ire Oakl<1nrl ;ind Ha!limore. Quic1ly and w1lhout f;inf;in:. 1he young 1'·11hr:iuker Brf'\\f'r., have now rrcordcd lit ~huln11I~ -a h1gh·111<1 !C'r 111ark in the 1u ;i1nr l(';1gue.~ Thr,v got nun1brr Ill Tuesdny night ... " . ' Shtle It.I\ GI!'!~\ ~n KMP( (110~ ~"~··· '' AnQrl\ "' "''~~·'"'" Mon~~'<'I" 1 ~I P "'· I !I ~ ..,, 1 ~I P "'· I jS ""'· 1,1·hen l.<-11• Kraus:::r and Ken Sander~ rnmbined for a s1>.-hiu er in a 2.fl victory over the C<1l1fnrn1a Angels ··nal!11nnrr :incl O;ikl;inrt n1ay ha\'e 1ht c·xprnrnce h11t wr 1·erta1nl~1 have our share of arn1s." Rre1\·cr \n1anager Davr Rr1srnl musrrt af!rr Milwaukee had <tefe;:iterl the Ani;:el.~ for the 8lh lime in 1 ! mcrt1ngs The Ani.;cls lry In p1rk up lhc pieces tnn i~llt 11•hrn the Chicagn \V hite Sox. now nnl.v nn r.ha lf g;imc hf>l1inrl rhe Angels in 1hc durl fnr th1rrl place in 1hc An1erie;:i n League West. arrvla-.lg begin a 11vo.gan1e. set ' Andy 1'1r.~~cr.<>1n1th. 10·10, will oppose Ch1i·ai::n's Ton1n1y .lohl\. 9·11 ·'"1 don ·t knn111 hnw n1any pntrntial 211· ~an1e 1,1•innrrs wr have but f do cxpecl thev 'll ;ill gl'I brtler as !irnc i.:nes on" Thr narnrs Hnstol 111;is referring lo hr!nni:: 10 13ill P;ir~ons .. Jin1 Slaton and Skip 1.11< kwuo•d -11nt Lev.· l\raus.<>r Thf' l;i!l('r 11·a~ 3·1 I hcfnrr Tuesrla.v n1 -:ht and hart nril m;ide ;i st;irt since .h1n1· 2.1 11hrn he 1a~1crl only 11,1·0 innings ili::1111<.1 lhr Angrl~ and lost. !l-:1. Hur llr 111:i ~ hnl!1;int in hi.• sevt•n.1nn1n_g ~t1nl ;ic_;i1n.~1 11\r 1\n[!cls. all1111"tnl! nnl\· fnur •1n:.,:lr" S;:inrlf'r~ hurlcrl thr fin;:il t110 fr;unr~. ;:illriw1ng twn hit s V."hili> g;11n1 n;;: his Jfi!h ~avr of !hr yr;ir -JU~\ our lcs~ 1h;1 n thr rnt1rc ~1ilwaukcc Lea1n 101.11 Tri111 i\1urph1'. r,.1 2, hurlrd a f1vr·h1llrr hul wa~ lal:l!C'ri for ;i two.run homrr by r a11I IL,11iff 111 the fifth inning which rl c•·1drrl 1hr nulcnn1r n~1ll1ff'S flnvr Ol'('r 1hr r1ghtfJ('[f[ fentf' r;ime af!rr ;i .,inglr hy .Jn~e Ca rdenal an rl aftl'r ~v!11rphy had rclired 1he first 12 ~1ra1ghr Brewer ballers. M!~WAUl(!f CALI FORMl,t •b•~'bl lb r~rt>I l.l••t>"•" f O!ft AIO"'••.lb •n1c , ... ,,..,~. 1n o 1 n l>lve••· ti n ! ft n 11-•v " n n o C.on1•••• u " n 1 n C••dcn" ti • 1 O "'<M""""· lb ) 0 0 n P"l!l'l'· 10 1 n o D s~rer, In J n I n ,,.1i.u. , .1 1 1 ' R•l>O' r! J n n n [ llnd"0"" < ! o n O St~r"en""'"· t J n 1 n ......... ,,., •• .J.h 1 n 1 n 11v•>. "' o o o n '""""·'~ 1nnO M'>I••.< ooon "''"U""· r 1 n o n ,,.,;,H~n,.,,.," J o n fl T•ne•hnn, n11 ! n n n '"'"'"'W. 11 7 n O 0 ~··d•"· ., n n o o T "•v...,1•h. cl' 1 n n TnlAh Jl 1 l 7 To+•" 1" n 6 o •~olw•v"•' Ml't OXI 000 7 C•••ln•n•A 000 000 00!! -n Or> ""'"w"'~'' J. C•lllo•n•• 1 LOii Md ""V'"• ' C•h+ft'"'" 1 11!. 1"••11'"· T lleyrw>"1' Hll 11.1 111! r ~l Sii -Affln'>••. 11;"""· C••den•I If' M R Elt !II SO K',•v"•lW •"\ I • 0 n 0 l 3•n~•" ' ) O n o 1 1M""'"" IL,•1 1' ~ I l 1 l 6 ~•ot -~~~~"' Wr> T Mu•P'IY P8 Mo1n . Tlmt -! 11 Alltod~n<:e -7,11.!. Coast Area's Athletes Continue to Make News CALI. Colornhia -Oner again Or;ing,,. Criasl tirca pcrfonncrs h:.ivr figured pro· mincntly in news fro1n the Pan .<\mrrican Garnes being st;igcd here Huntington Bc.1ch lliJ?h i;r;id .rim ~cyn1our streaked to a 50 3 t:lncking 111 lhe 400·n1eter hurdles TuC"scla~· to pick up a silver medal behind l..-0ng Beaeh"s Ralph Mann t 49.1 1 It was the second intcr11a11on;i! con1· petition for Sevmour and his scconrl run- ncrup finish. His rlrhut wa5 aga111st the Russians and world all·stars Iris! rnonth in Acrkeley Ed Rane nf \\'es1n1in sll'r turnrd in a crt"'dit;1ble pi tchinl! job i11 our 4 :i h;iseh;ilt defeat at the hands of Cuba. lie hlankrd the feisty l...<1lins until the bol!nm nf the fifth innin~ when hr tired and thry c:h:is· ed him with a pair nf runs R;inr, now a ~ophotnnre al Arilona State. w;is touched for a rlouhlc hv .111· yrar-old Cuban c11tcher L;rza ro rcrc.Z ;ind a single by short~tnp Rodolfo Puentes. Pcrc1. scorrrl on an infield nu t and third hasuman Vicente Diaz singled horne Puenles to tic it at 2·2. Belief pit cher ,Jackson Todd o f Oklahnrna Universit)' \.\';is !he 1•1c11m of a twn·crror infield cru1nhling 1n the SC'l'('nth. The.v taler adderl ann1hC'r hr;i{'C. of 1a11irs in thc seventh to v.·rap up Lhc vic- tory. Thl' Americans scored on three hnrnr runs. The game "'ilS pl<1yed bcforr ;i llflis1erously loud erov.•d, which almnst filled the small stadium. The Cuh;ins Hnrl their supporters 11•a1·f'd flags and chanted 1hroui::hout the i::;:imr Al !he rnd of the g:;:in1e. !ht learn \\';:!~ n1obhed by fans pounng out nf 1he f.l;:inrls 11(' Irvine :iqu1111es c·n,,ch F:d '\r11\;inrl gu1der1 his U.S. water polo tean1 doarlr.d 11•ill1 Or;inge Coast area tYP<'S 1 to an 11-2 sw;in1ping of Cnnada 011 Tuesdny. The U.S. ba skelh;ill tea1n. errati(" ;H1rl rold . had tn go ol'crtirn c for an 81-7n \'lC- tnrv over Brazil. C111I,\' n wnrlrl record-tying p1•r!ormancr 10 !he 200 nlf'1('rs h~· [)011 Quarric of .l<"111;11cH. a student al !hr Linivcr~i !y of Sn111hrrn C,1liforn1<l. t01.1k lht' lu slrr nll I he n\'erpnwering pcrfo1·n1;:inc·r nl \Jnclr S;:in1 ·s a1hlctes in the fiO.OOO-sr<1t l'~scu;il (;urrrern St~rlium Quarrie won the e\·ent in l:l.81 srconrl~. ty1ni:: 1hr mark sr.! by Tnn1rn1e Sn11th nf the lin1tcd States 111 the 1%8 Olyn1p1rs rl)r the sprinl ;iround a cur.•e. Sniilh's str<11ghtaway record ls J:J.j. set live years agn Qq;i rrie 1r.1<: tra1nrrt at the Ln!vers11y of Sf'lu1 ht:'rn Cal1fr1rnl<1 \1ar sh~I\ /)111. l8·yc1r-(1ld l)ctrnit ~ehnolboy i!nd Ed 11 nhrrts nf Trinirtad- Toba~o ran a dead he11t for !he sih·rr rn<·•l;il. clo1·k1ng 211.14 One 01 thf' r1•r111n)! ~ on•~lanr1111~ prr!•orn1;incC'~ r;1n11• 1n \hr 1nrn " Jl'IVchn 11hcre (',1 rv l·\·tr!111;1n'~ 1hrn11 fx';iL !hr mark 11! thl' 1 ·n1l cd Sl<.1'1, ();in ~tudnry h1 atmn5.t 2fl li't'l Studnc.\ ·s rrcord, set 1n !9r.,1 11 :i.~2~R·, ,\\J thr•·r hu·1lnl1~I<: h•';:il 1h•· rcford , Bill Sk1nnf'r nf l\1i.1~1·1lli'. T1·n11 rh rn"'lnt: 2fi.1- i' ~ anrl Co.,n1r A111.1r\n \1,1ra!ec; uf Puertri niro rrgl',1\'l"ln~ 21~-91 In tl1c 11lll 111rtrrs h11rrlh·s .. Vl ;inn·~ ~fl 1 f'r;:i scd lh r 50.2 n1;irk of ,Juan Dr~lka nr An~r111ina 111 l~fi3 Th .·r'' 11 ,1' a I·~ l' S l1ni~h 111 lhr n1rn "s Rll() 1nctc ri;, 11·1!!1 1\l"t S!lndi~on nf Port ;\ngt'lt·s. \\":.i~h 1-r·11 111g S•'f'ntul iust ;ihe;id nf .l:1nuue;1's Hvrr1n J)vr·r. S1vrn~n11 toppled thr rr<'ord oi l · ~8 . .l set by C<in<l· d1a11 Dnn l3crto1 ;i !ris Oal'IS of l'nn1p;ino Brarh. F'l <1. -flm1· off \hr hli1rks in frnnt an d led C\"crv stell 10 \\'in the v.•1n1c11's !Ofl·n1etcr da sh gfllri 111rrl;il :O.ltss Da1·1s w;i.~ t1n1rd 1n I! 2 m;1tchi11~ th!' PanAin rf't'nnl shr r<;t~bll~hed 111 \lnnrla~ 111J:hl hrats a;11t lied £>arlier Tur,d;:i\" nh:-hl 111 1i<'1TI•ftnal'i C;in;i(t ri ·~ S1f"ph:inir Brr!n r:irt ;in 11 4 In 11 111 thr "111·r r 111rd;1I ;i11rl S1Jl 1;i Ch1ha~ nl ('qll;1 tonl thl' hrn111r 11 1th thr ~;:i111r !1111•·. J1EXI CAN~ l.:1i.',1CEL <'I TY A111n111nh ilr II ;i r· 1 11 g nn1inr·1·rl T11r.;d;:v th:11 T\1e :\ ~~01 1;it inn a•1 11 11~-1 ,111rr\cd Jl11s y1·;:i(~ :\\P.~lf",111 ( :1·;i•1d ['1·1:-, 1"'1!'(' hr(';;11~r nf !hr 1lr;ith of \-l•·~1c;in Prdrn Ro•lri).!111"7 l;iq n1onth 111 an ;i11111 r;i•·r . Thr rarr \1a s <chrrl ulr1t tnr (Jrt 2L ARNIE -ROBINSON OF U.S. LONG JUMPS 26·3'/• FOR GOLD MEDAL. And in a nlild upsel unseeded Allan Stone )urned back Roh Maud. 6-l. 7-6. e Blue IJi•nr•pohtle d KA:'l:Si\S CITY -"l"n1 almost cr;i1y Ya11ks Over~ome Jeers to Nip Braz~l from the pres~11rc. This was the toughcs! of them all. f\1crcy. 1'1ercy, Mercy me This "'as Vida Blue lalking ... Vula Blue. !he sensation<tl left.hander nf th(' Oakland Athletics, :i1ubdued, .90lr:n1n, rhoked fo r words, his (ace balherl in dis;:ippoinlmrnt. He had f11iled for the i;ecnnd llmc !o ~a1n yiclor~ ;'\o 20 He 1ef1 after fi ve 1n· nin~s anrl l.ra1l1n~ ~2 The fact th<it lhe i\"5 "'I'll\"" a llrr his dep;irturr lo ~at the Kansas City Rovals 7.5 Tuesrla\.' night hefore l'i.62.1, l;:irgcsl crowd 1n Kansas City ba seball history, CALI, Colombia \i\P) -Bob McA(too or the ~1,1·isherl Li nivcrsity of North Carolina in a basket wilh 16 seconds Jert in overt ime lo salvage an 81·711 basketball victory for I.he United Slates over rough and rearly Brat.ii and kC'Cp alive the IJ .S hopes in the ran American haskelb<tll tou rnament Bri;in Taylnr. nf Princeton. ll'hn lc1l lhc 11.·1 nnrrs ""llh l!l pn1nts. sparkcrl the clos- ing spurl v.hirh rn:iblrrl ! hf' i'lnH·ricans, l:igi.:ini; by scv('n po1nt 11 at !irnrs. to close regula tion play 111ilh a 70- 70 tlc. ~1arquetlc"s .Jim Chones. who playe'1 poorly against Cub a. came to life agains~ Bralil wtlh 17 points. "He was an entirely '1 iflerent player and ga ve us a big lift this time," said Gudger. The USA. nO\\' \.\'ith 11 J-1 record, is not ou1 or the wood!\ yet in its group which 11lM1 includes Cuba, Brazil and Surinam. Thr top two finisher!:> advance to the rnunrf rnbin finals . The lSA ·s nexl roe is Sur1n:i111 on Thur~rlay. "\\o'h;it 11.·e 're 11p ai.:11in~1 is l;ick nl mat11rity and only a 1i11le lin1e to organize tcan1 work," said U.S. coach .Jim Gurlgcr . "I know the Cuban team has heen together for six years, with expert Russian coach ing. Braz.ii also has several really seasoned international players." The US A had lo battle the crowd and some weird offi ciating as well as the ag. gressive Brazilians. · Time ;iflcr time, when a U.S. plaV('r ~tepped to the free throw line a surge of Jeers and whi.~tlcs. Latin equivalenl of the Bronx cheer, was loosed to disconcert hin1 . V."henevrr Brazil had a.tally going, 1he capacity crowd chanted '"Brazil, Bralil, Bratt!." The USA showed spurts of fl;isl~y plav for t1vo or lhree minutes. ~u~ then h11d lapses of i;loppy play with frequent turnovers on bad pas.,cs. Brazil nearly pulled the game out of the fire by in~crllnA Jl!I Ernil nacbed, 11 lumbering s1ant or 7 ff'C't 8 [n('lli!!li, midway in the five.1ninulc ovcrtunt:'. Rnchcd got a <1ulck f1rJd goal under the ba~ket and hit n~ n free throw lo cul the U.S. m.1ri;:1n.to 79·77. "I cou1rfn·1 t·•·t•n scr around him," Mid the nearly 7·foo~ Chones. "·ho was guarding htm. --··-.a..-... --------· ---'·~ ~ -.- ' .. , . I• DAILY PILOT I I '" ....... ,. I ti IM Ht Ml .. ,,U.. t.MI .. ~ l H Jtol•r l•i., Jl•lt ' HJ 1.J "" ... ~r---Jl lJ -.-.. -~---.---.-,-1-;1 , ... I )1 .-~.Hi"~J-l•t ... 4J --I 111 ... ..: 16J.... l&-.1 lo6-1"to I 11111 --~·· -------~-1-1------~ -~ \:;,_. tl~ll Mi l I I.i f •1'111 •111 U.-1 116 •1 • J Jll •1·· U.t ".J .O.J 111.J ----------~ -C----~-->-----f--1-----1-----1--------•rt•.,..• .-. tt l M l lU J •Ill -h .• !t i -IJrll.l )J11 ol.J lJI•-IJ.t U-1 Ut·l ---- -------· -1--1-~ --1--1---I------'··, 11.J .. , I Jl t •.II'• ISJ I 11.1 llJ •II --J1l7 1·1'1 11 }1, IJ I 61-1'• ll •t --I ---------1-I---1---~-L__ _____ ------1----- C:Clft•-II J)J .aJ I loll [_•~I > t .t l l HJ 1'1 -1·11 1 J Ill ... ll•l'-1•--11 •l·t lit" --~-'~- .-.-.. -.-.-.. ---,.-l~JG -· io ,-1--, ;)-~, ~,,._, l•.l ~I 04 1 l.:11.J J ll • ""'° -~l 1~. IJ·l'• I --l!i6-I'• ------_______ [_' 1--~---'----~--+----l--i--l--t---·-·I---I----.--,..,.,d. ''l'"l"'l '~1 •1•Ji •.2011 ••1t1 111GJ1t 1 .. • 111 .... r.11 •n 1 ------_ _ ----1---~-_ I -f--1----1-------+---f---+-~ ~•l•I •J 1 111 , di !HI •111 t ·UJ 1'1 !II ill J.lOJ ...., ll!OO'o \.a.Dl:. 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'3 1 !.lO.J J:ll l 6-l 71 '1 U-0 .IJ.J llJ-.1 200-Ji -- Ohio t~--l,;:~r .,s-1---1 11.0-~~1 •. 1--t.1•.• 1Jt Jt O -tl!.6 -J~t-l---.. l--11·•o>.--,;~}~'';;--11N -~---- -' ----~~-1--------I-·------ Okl1hom1 101 1 11 1 •I J 1•.\al •JO.e t:ll.I 1'• 1'.1 •1.1 --J:ll • ""''• ll·l"• 1.a.a Jt-• 11>1·1 ---- --->-_, -------~·---------------1--1------1---------· -DrH~~ ••_,_11_1_ ''' __ 1 ·1J •-~-~-''"~'-~ 1t.• "' --3,21.1 __:i~_n.1J1-~-o__n·-~-1&.i.1 __ 110.• -- .fl'IC'•v•v1~11 ti ~o •t.o 1.\a l >clJ.O t:WI J 1'.I 11.1 -!•lO I l)•l •. , 11"'· 11.11 M·O 11~-0 Jl,,.S u..1 , •S C1•ol•.... 9 _'-j-'"_-:.11~1 Jl.l-_~;,,,. -H.I --;-;) -=--, ",--l ,J1 0 """7i-r ll·•' .-!l·I --Jil·I' ' --16.1·)_§ __ --__ . ---_.______ -------------is D••ot• ,, 11 6 ,,, ! 11 • 4:1?.• t :Jll 1'.• It.I -!;l l • l .lt.G ... , ll·O l]-<i''l 61-t'. "Ji-11 ---------·------- ,,., •• .., ... ff t_o L"'--" '-t·!.5 J • 11.6 -U ,O 1t I •l.I 1 l't ft l 1' J •• )I.I IJ·t~i"l'n Ill-I ----. ----- ---:'T~ •• 1111 •7J l'Jile •ll.J -11.J -"Il l lll l .. 1 14-l l!i·O •1-0> ll•l p--- •ll•t h 10 0--?1 .--~. j-1,ss.1 ,,,,_o -i• 1 Jt_J -I 1' J J ll,I ,_, n ,.-;---;, ,--Sii IO'~ -!111).1;--, .. , • ., -___: -~ ,... -------------~ -----·--. l/nl"!• tJ li t bll I J.<.J •It.I t :ll,l 11 . .1 lt.l -1 ll l 31,t 4-<i l;-1 U-0 .IJi-S 160-"• --<~I'• ~~~ '1-81 1 _•• •= ~-.s& ,_ • 1•_1_ ---;:-;-;:;----;-,_,--,-;-; _--~ ~ JO 1 __: 1~ =•·•·-.-~ ---•.a.o ~~''° -[ 111 1 -1_ 200-11 ~I~ •i.--tl _.: w \ltrg.~I• •• ti • Ji0 1 I .\al o:2Dt -J.a.1 11 1 .a.• 1.1'1.• J.1•.• ~·· l'·S'· I 11 1 )\.I\, lj.().I 1----' --~" •• 11 ~-···--~J .. ,6 1 t:U l~----;;;---=-1 )(1-, 3.20.1 ... u .• o .. -L!l l-1•1·~F·~i ... ~1 --1-........::: _w_~_·_'•_• ___ •_• __ ''-'-'-'-[ -~-' _:__' _,_, _• -'--' ·_~c-c' _:_'_'·-"_'__c_"_'__cc'_'c'-'----'--' ·c"-'-'-''c·c"c'-'--''--'"--'I _,._,_._'__,_I _,_,_,_-_c__"_'_' _·---'--'-'-' -' _.1_:::_1 _-- Estancia' s Girasole Headed for Border By ROG ER CARLS ON 01 t~t 0 1111 "1191 $1111 Ei;tanc1a Hi,l!h School's track and field fortunes havP hren liattrred follnwing the disrlnsure 1h;il Brure r.irasolf'. lhP Eagles' ace sprinter, i!'i moving to San DieAn this mon!h. Girasolc. romPf'ltng at the all-cnmP.rS meet at Or11n~e Olast Colll'!ge. told the DA ILY PrLOT. ":\ly dad's job puts ll!'i in San D1eg0 for nne year. then v.•r 'll move on to St. Louis . "\\'e plan nn leaving either the If.th of this month. but iI that do,.sn 'I .,.,.ork out it \\'ill definitely be at the end of the month ·· Girasole, who'll be a Junior in thl': fall, turned in an 1rC1n-man effnrt in lhP spring "'hen he \P-rl his males lo the Cee CJF championship. He sprinted In a \lfetime best nf 9.g in the centur~· in Iha! one as hf:' captured lhree Individual fir sl places and anchored the Sf('(lnd-pl;u·t 440 relay learn His Clf' finals clocking in the 180 wss 17.9. good for anolher hrs! plact . but con· s1derabty slower than his lifetime ~s1 of 17 4 in !he fur long And his n1·crall ahili!~· came mtri focu s when he left the cmders and leapt>d 22·51-J Gra11t 's, S.P.M. Nab Victories ·Granl'!i anrl Sou!hern r las!ir r.to\d h!eezer! In f'asy 11·ins 'llie~day ni ght m q:ista ,\!{'Sil sun1mer baskelhall league hostihl if'~ at Southern C'ali lomla College. :.Gran1·s pirkcrl up Hs se1'cnth rriumph or thP season with a 112-57 \'Crdicl over winless \\'oody's t0-1! \ \1•hile S.P.M. took care of La Fonda '~. 64-4~. Ollie :'wlartin led Gr11nt ·~ v.•1th 24 rount· ers v.ilile S.P .~l ·~conquest v.•as paced by J~ Day's 20 points. '·"'·"' tltl l • •o"'•'• !4•1 h " ~ •• c••<:11tv & o 1 11 !•n•• '"'," 1 J I l1'fln 1>41• I~ 0 I 1" !•~lo~ ..... , •• ~ 1 J I lllf'O c:~... l j ' 11 ..... .... o.,.;. 1 • , , o .. ... r e••l1 I' •e II •• ~Mol1 • >'111 .. 1-. ~ ~., J•. l 1 "'""' • 1, ti ~ IJ • o e 1 J ' 1 10 , ' e , . ' . .1 o • •o ' ' . " 1e •J 04 W-1·1 C)ll Grt•l'I 10 1 I'll " •• " •~toe· l ~ • ' Gr.i~• 1 l lQ ~l•d ~ I 11 N•D" J l 1 M«./.lv•••v l 11 ,t.lt•l"llt• 0 l f <>••>I 11 \J ll JI 1-111<,,.,., G•t "''' £l, "' '<""'' e.,t1•• M•••I• \y,11 ...... 01t• "'" C•">1t> T~'''' W~v I 16 11 It .. IJ 6 l 11 . , , 11 ) Q l • J • 11 I 1 !1 I • l ~ ll 16 ll '1 tn the long jUmp, good for another first pl ,11rp HL~ lhree firsts ai1d I.ht po1 nls aw11rded thr 440 rrJa.v 1e.;'lm .,rrnun1 td fnr 22 of !he Eii.i;le~· 22 '1 points piled up !hat nigh t at Ct rrilos Cn!ltgP. (n f'Artier :;e11son llrtLon he wa s rf:'sponsible for rnur B11ch Cities lnv1t11· 11onal marks a:1 Estancia breeied !o the CtP championship. Hi:; m,11 rks were in his us u 1 I specialities. the. sprints. lnng jump and ~~ an chorman of the Eagles' 44fl relay team. His 10.2 and 17.9 l'l rl' Beil.ch Cities st11n· dards for the 100 11 nd tRfl wh i!r. he long jurnped 20-~•,~ for yf'l another rt.corr!. Thal night. was capped by tt fourth re.cord -as he anchored the 440 relay to a 4~.! clockin i;;. Tuesday night he finished up his busin ess in the OrAOi l! Cn asl area with a couple of e11 sy wins in tht high school division of the sprints. Thf' Estancill sv.·iflie ran av.·,11y frnn1 the field in the JOO 'A'ith R 10.2 clocking - !denr1ral to thf' open winning time_. And in the 440 ht. was 11n easy v.·inne.r ai ain wilh a 56.2 BRIEFS ... !Cnot\nuef! fr11m P.1gt. 171 Rnok le·of-Lhe·Yea.r With \hi" n 1 I \ I.\ Cowboy~. is lhP lalE'5\ 1fl pack hl~ balil ~ and \t ave the Patriot~· t.r11in1n1t camp 111 lhe University of M.1ssachuseHi;. "They didn't want me. 'f'ht.v a1kl!<! me to le.1ve," Thomas ~•id ~fore ht. IP.ft by plant for Los Angeles Tuesday. "I wa~ ordered ro lea ve," · e Ack Ack lmproces DEL f\tAR Ack Ack. nnt: nf Americ1's most powtrfut stakes h11r1e~. has passed throu gh the critical st.1gt. 1n his ba ttle with icolic. hut 1t 24·hour w11.tr h by docto rs is rontinu in~. The ~year~ld specdsll':r. 111l1ng s1 nrr last Sa turda~·. spen t "11 rest ful ni,:ht," said trainer Charlie Whittinjl:hllm Tue~· day. "II appears we art' nul nl th, v.·nnr:l \ for nov."" he said . "It looks like the lnt t st.ln11I ()bltruction thal was bothering him ha.s bten eliminated." • Athletes Po st r,vin l(illi11gs At Title Meet ~1 11111 winne rs 11·cre lhP rule ralhP r than lhP e.xcep1 1on Ttie~day e.venin~ ;i1 Or:inge Coa~t Colle.l(e whe re 1h1 Cn.~1 11 fllr~a Rf!rrea11nn Oep11rlmen1·s ch;in)p1nn:;h1p all-cnmrr~ I rack and lielrl meel 11 il..~ hrlrl . Rill Han~nn \I'll.~ the biggr!it winner, r;ipturing four chamr1oni;hip troph1rs_ 1n 1hP open division while 12.ye.ar.nld Fnr. re st Mf'1calf 1.1·a~ a notch heh ind. l!tah- bing 1111 !hret Elemf'nlary d11·1s1on award.~. Hanson swep1 1.n v1ctnrie~ in the 70 high hurdles. 330 intermediate hurdlci;. triple JUn1p and long Jump. \'oung !\1etcal r. w11hou1 ~1.iH rom · petition, eased to the fin ish tape 1n the 440, 8AO and mite -back·to-bar.k -to open lhe ml'cl. Newport Harbor's Terry Albritt on cnp-- ped a pair of trophies for hi s winn ln.e: el· fort.~ in the shnt p11t , capturing thP hi gh f;Chool division 11·ilh a fi0-R ·14 hc11ve and thio open class with 11 SO-IJ.4 toss Es!ancia ·.~ Bruce Gira~ole easf!d to 11 pair of wins "1n the 100 ;inrl 440 He sped 1n 11 10.2 in the century and a :lfi 2 1n the nnf'-lapper ~:di~nn's Tim ~·erri!I lrhscus and •hot pul l anrl Esta"c111·~ Arr L1drlie 1220 and lnn.11 jun1 pl "'erf' !he ont~· rlouble 11·1nnl"r\ tn thf' junior hi~h d1\'ts1on The meet v.·a~ 1·nirl nf Sanl a Ana ~ L11r ry Stuart, who h;irl r"fJOrlf'dly tn~~c(t lhr Jal•tlin 1n the 28.'l·f{l{lt range. 1n pnnr tneet.• Bf1b Bro11·n "'""!he f'\'rfll 1,1 11h a 20~-2 t flnrl neid Cole 11•a5 ;i lsn a dnuhll' ~ 1nnPT 111 lhe_ nrrn rl;iss w11h 1·1c!nne.~ l•l lhr JOO 11021 anrl 44n 1~111 1 Tnn1 L1psk1 cap!urerl tlv open lro~;. l'nllnlry ei•en1 11·i1h ll un1e of 15 4~ O 111 1hp fin;il ,.,·en! n( Thr rl~1· Glriir1 l nrl<'rwnnrl n11rlged Lf'e Hal'en tn "tile hi.1':11 111rnr. the forme:-clearing 6-2 011 his firs t eHnrl. ., ...... """ ~ -,. .. .,\, "'•'<I I! M.? . ..., -~or•e•t "'•'~••t I Ji/ l , M•lo -~ft'<~>I M"c,oll 6 rt1 l, Ju,.•e• II••~ 10 ""' -""D '"""~t!Qn 9 I ., •• ~ P ••c~ ~""• • 111 1. '~ 0.n "''"~•r>On 11 n ..., -c:.~·v W•""'" •11. 0..00 -ID~".,.,,..,.~ 1 <JJ, ?1'1-l •t L•M '• l• '· l" -y,.,. ~ .... u .ai.: •. "J -ll:•n C.'nntt • 11 . 0•«"' '"''~••••II 10.a.1·~. TJ -J~ 1""'"" ·"..f lJ A.1lJn.11 11·11 , (•D~ c"""''"" !l.l ,,,,.,1 -N I~• "'"" !7 ll , o~· 1n ""' "•1 "'"'"" f • . .,,., a~o /.'f•""" • IS I IM -ll ••n C~I• 10 I o;~ -Pt•d C••• ~· ~ lJ'I I" 11•11 "~~l('" •I O Mtl -!Iott ICo ~t I "• »'J -~··• L1•'" lJ '· 11""""' .,,,. """ \•1~, ~ .... ! TJ -!1 111 '41n>0~ ~..f. lJ -!IOI 1o<1•11"1n ,.,, •'•• MJ -C.•t n" U""I'-4-I, ~p -l •"• l.IDf•! •en )I}"· J•••I·" -lloD II·~-JM.l M•t, W••• '""" 0•••"'" I ... Oo (''»' (Q\I""• !l? ..,,,""1 Ta.., l ""'' H ~ 0. Mus.tang Poloists Ill Lead eosra f\lt>sa H1sh's f\1us\1ngs too k nrer sole po~r;ession of firs! placr in the cla•s A s1and1nss of su1nmer water poln ac· llvJly Tuesrlay hight with a ~$ d~cision (}\'tr Hunlington Stach. The \'iclory knocked lhe latlcr out of ~ flr11 pl11ce t11", le11\·lng lht f\it.all\1 a gamr up nn Hunt1n J!On Bea.ch. Newport Harbor Md Los Am1g~ v.•lth (Int round le ft on rh,. 1genrh1. ""~pnr! 1tayerl 1n rontrn!1on with 111 t-1 romp IJ\t>T Cnron a rlel Mar v.·h1le Los ,.\m1go~ krpt pa rP by be1llng Bois• Grl!.I1· de. :i.o. Jn nthf'r A 11 rt1 nn Wpi;!m1nsltor mll t:d to an 11-8 deci~1on 01er Rancho Al1 mito~ Jolm \Vh1lrnore v.·as lhr: b1~ gun for thP Co!!t a Mesa crew IJS h, IO!~d 1n !hre,. ga&ll in e1ch haH of pl11y 1(1 llCCOUnt for sll ()f Mts11·s nine counlers. Tht: winnet.t raced 10 .. :').o halft im, lead over Huntin @:lon , v.'hich playt d w1rhout iicoring act Clay E\·1n~. f\fike Holli~t"r adrlerl 11 piur nl m~rkf'rs Int 1'1e~a v.·hil f' St""' M!U'ron roondtd ou t tht ~coring with onr i;:o11l Newport ea~l"d tn 11 4·1 h11llt1m• lt11rl ;inti "''Ofl io11.~ilv bthint! th!" h111811(''ri nf. !ens11·e punch nf r:"'°r.11" <i nd S!r1r SmHh . Rocky Bttk. Hui o &:hm1dl ~l'Jd Tnm Sfoarle~. GC()rgr Smith led the ~coring v.·11h four I • wh1 I" Corontt de.I f-.1::i r"s Bruce ntto Ac· counlMI (or rhe only Sta Kin g t11!1~·, \\'estminster·~ easy IJme wa!\ lrar!'d tn tht scorin& antics of John f\turr11y and Rod Ha.btr Ellch tallltd four l1n1t~ "'hil t "'t~ Phillips added a pair of goals and f'rank Ha1.elton ha.rl nne Ac!lon "'rap~ up 1n the A rl11·1:;1on ""XI TuesdAy at f'n~til M,~11 v.·ith lhio lnnp 1,atftrs mtt tlng Cor()n• rlel l\lar in thr l!n•IP l1 l ... ~1n,i. ::i1 i "'il h Vos Arn111ri~ metl1n11 "'~·'tm instPr . fn!lo >A·erl h' ih,. A11nrh., .\l•mi!n,,.Hunt1n gtnn BPaCh And Bol1a Grande·Sewrort clashe~ • California Rips Texas In National By PHIL ROSS 01 •~• Dt ll1 1"11•• "'It C111lforn1& ha.~ hcen crowned mythlc1.I king of the U S. 1n !he DAILY PILOT 's firs 1-eve r h_vpntht>tical, interstate pre p track and field meet. \l.'ilh sr.:(1rini.: finne nn a li·4-J-2-1 bils!s, lhP fioldtn S1 11te rolled up 70 !13 points to far 011 !d1s1ance. the 32 4 5 compiled by runnerur Texas The 1Jn-parcr 1nl'el cnm parerl the "'lfl· 01ng marks of !hP \'arious state spike ch::impionship fina ls across the rount:y anrl 4.i of !hf' SO states part1c1 pated Only Alaska, Connecticut, New Han1pshirP, Rhode Island and Vermont wpre nnt 1nrludrrl . In ~coring 11s m1presst\'e triumph. Cal1forn1a pocketed se\'e n ouln ght first pl11 ce fln l~he .... tird ror lhf' !op SP<JI in .-inOthcr e1·Pnl anrl scored points in e\'ery even! 1t v.·a~ rnll'rerl 1n. ThP rlradlock nccur~ed 1n th,. ll'l1'}yarrl dash. "here ."even states posted 9 fi top clock1ni;:s California winner GPnrg!' Re.Orlick nf I.A llam11l()n 11ed 1n thr century v.•i!h Alahama·~ Ton1n1i e \Vhatlev. llnv.':irrl .fnnc ... nr !llrnol!i, :Vl1chtgan·~' i.;sc.bound r.1ar sh all Dill. Nort h Carolina ·~ Hay1vood n 01,\'. Rnb L;i11·son of Ohio anrl Rn brrl f'rrr.v nf Tcx:is . :'\f'\VflOr! H:irbflr i;hntr1111 er M;;.rk S!t>l'ens was one nf the Californ1;1 tnp .'ipnl. gr;ihhcrs a ... hr copped his spec1 alt~· \l"i!h 11 fi7·21, hea ve. Tnny l\r1.y1.os1 ak nf <;arrlcn c_;ro1·e uu\· nnrjrh'!I h1.~ ~40 opros1t1on 1,1•1th a 41i.7 rnark "'hile Perrell Keelin.11 of fl.lorr.· 1n11.s1de garnered flrsr place in the 880 at ! :'ii~ \"a1 1nnal 1n11·rsl·ho!:i~t1r rrcnrrl-sr11rr 011!chr Stnn<"s nf f;lcnr1;1le. Fnshu ry·fl'lp· IJ('ff h1.'\ II<!\ [n ,'\n I 1n lhe hl,l!h Jllmp ;ii 7-1'' 11nrl f rl'snn Erl1::;on's Rand\· \\1 1lhan1~ w;:is thr r0r rln£! 1n !h<' !nn~ .111n1p with a 5 ~·mph w1nrl :i1d1n g hii; 2~­ :i 1, lr;ip A hla1 1ni:: rp1;:irtf't lro111 f;-i~1lrn1ont nf n.~kl;inrl 7.l[Jflerl tn th,. be~! rnile re\11y cJrwk 1n~ \\'1lh 1t~ ~ 1:1 2 effnr! C11;:irlr~ .l;:iek~nn nf LnmrnC" skim mer! nl'f'I" lhc IRO lnw hu rrl lf's in 111 .5 tn rr.cnrd C11llfnrn1a ·~ nnly nthrr iio\d merl:il flnlsh 4 Georgia j . M1chig,11n 110 I. Calif. ~Kttling, Morn1ni~1d~) 2. Texas J . New Jersey 4 Ohio 5. India na .~IUt "6 480 711 fl I 52 ll 1 j2 ~ I i3 n 1 i3 1 l Illinois 1Merr1ck, 1\lev.• Lenn\'.) 4 117 .f 2. Califl'Jnila !Tubb, C:evt land. LA I 4 fl!l fi J Orange 4 11 !l 40hio 4 1~1 5 ~1inne.snla 4 14 fi Tu·o ,\1J/e. 1. lll innis f~terr1ck. :-.,· .. w Lennx ) 2 California I P"leel. Cla1remont I .1 K<1nsa~ 4. ~ew Jersey 5. Ohio 12'1 HH R ~II !I R .i~ ii !l llR 11 !l 10 7 9 !4 4 I Te-.xai: ILli htf(lOI, Plainvte\\'\ !.i ~ 2 Califnmi;i 1,J<1cksl"ln. Uimr.ioc i 1~ fi 3 IT1e.J :">lew Jersey i.1 !1 Oh1n l.1 !1 fl. !tie ) ;\'o rth Ci!rol!na 1~ fl Tennessef' 14 fl UlO 1.H 1 Ca \iforn1;i (J ackson. Lompoc) Ill.~ 2. Ar1zon<1 IR fi .1 Pl.'nn.~ylvania IR II t 1111no1 ~ IR 'l 5. (tie) lnw;:i !!1 n New Jer5ev l'l fl Ohio -l~O t40 Relay ! Teir;:i~ !Sm1lP\'. Hous!onl 2. Califor nia 1 Hiimil!nn. LA) J l.nuis1ana 4 1t1t'l :..1 1~.~1ss1pp1 Oklahom::i 8~!1 Rtl:iy '°' 41 I 41R ~2 I 421 :..11rh1i::an 1 Nnrth we~rern. De tro11 l ! 2i n 2 l:11nn l"' I '.!i 'I 3 !od1an::i 1 27 R 4. I tie \ l.nui.c;1;ina 1 27 :i \'ew fll r x1rn l 27, ~tU,. RA!lav I C.:il1forn1a 1Cast lcmnn t 1 2 TPXil!> 3 Cnlnrttdn 4 Ohin 5. Alah11m i! HJ ~ 11 2 :i 1:1 2 :l \Ii 2 :; 1 ~ ~ 3 17 I I Cal1forn1a IS lnnes. Gl enrlalt) 7·11l 2. Oregon 6·lD J Alab ama 4. K<insas 5 Colorado L I Cal i! '\\'11!1am~. Ed ison . fr l 2 ~'e~· Y'>rk :i Alah-im;i 1 Tex11.~ 5 "'-:P11· \1e":icn PV 1 !nd1an;i tR1rJ),.,,, Kllk'lmOl 2 C-il1fnr n1.:i 1Qu1nn. )1onroe . LA ~ J llll'I lrla hn nrP;!On Tr;.;:i~ SP l l;:i[ll 1~1r 1·i>ns. ~t~·port H.trb.I 2 ,'\('w ./1>r_.:c1· J rcnns.l'h·an1a 4 rnlnrarto .~ F'!orirl.~ OT \\'1"01l)111;: ! \\111ta~"· Torrington) :! ral1fornr;; 10 ttn. Por!e-r1·1Jlel .1 Ore,l!Gn Zfi.J·1'1 24·8314 24·5 lli 24·2 14-1 3·• 15-2·\f 15-2 t>-O l>JI 1>-0 157·2~ fi.1-1 M-11 li2·9 62·1 Ill!}. 7 Ul4·9 IR4-7 18.1..JI •I ~'rw Ynrk 5 lrlaho 181·10~1 JT I nrr~rin (Fr'll'JCI:>. Pleasant 2 I 'l;;h -1 :'-1nn1::in:i ·t LfliJISI Olll;'.! .l renns~·ll·a nia TJ Hill ) WJ.g 244·911 21R·l I 217-8 216·5 I '\rw Ynrk 1;.,fcBrl'de. \Vh11e PJ,11in~\ 49·5 2 V1 rg in1a · 49-41-i :i Uiuisiana. 47-2\Js 4 ~1 ass;:ichu:;eft.~ 47.211, 5 rPnnsyl\'ani;i 4F.-7Va FINAL S('(1R/:-,lf. r11!ift1rT1ia ifl JIJ: 2 Trxll"' .12 4 :i ~ llhnni"' Z/111. 4 New .!f'r"C\' I'>~ .~. 'l Oh1n 15 2 J F. .\!1ch111an );<, 1 :l, i Orrc.nn 1:. II '\P11' York 14; 9 1nrl1an.:i Ill~-~ lll Lnu1~iar,;i !l1J; 11. Al;ibarn.:i !I 1 J, 12 f'cnnc;l'l1<1 n111 II: !.1. \l"l'nn11ng fi : 14_ l\Hn~a"' 5. 1 ~ ltiP) .4.ri· zona :ind ('.nlnr11rlo 4 2;, r;irh: 17 111r1 l!:ih ;inrl \"iri::1n1a 4 f';irh; 1 ~. l!IPI ldahn ;ind \1nn1aa:i ~ e;:irh. 21. 1'\nrth f"'.;irnl1n11 2 4 ~. 22 . ~P11· \lf''.l:irn 21.1; 2.1. (11r1 Gcnri::i;i <irl<I \l11s~arhusetts % ellrh. 25. Qld;ihoma I !l Ill: 2fi .\·hss1r;s1pp1 l 1i , 27. 1!1P I Flnnda an<l l\·hnnesnta 1 each . 29 Tennesst:e 11:: JO. Iowa J 3. Thi' llypnth r!!c::il mert '~ lnne rlnubl t' \l'tnnrr \l'<IS ;:imaztnll na1·1r! ~lf'rrtck nr Ne11: Lenn~. 11 1 HP tnurrrl the milP in ~ 07 4 anrl lhr two rnih_• 1n 8 4!l ~ in rn0nopnli1ini:: lh P !np ro~ition 1n both of lhnsr rli~t11n1'f' r::icl'.'\ 6tl1 ·pla~ers Spnrl~le Al tho111ilh hi' 1111.c; _i us1 p;ir! nf lh11t mas.~ rl f'rirllork 1n thP 100. ~fichigan·s 111!1 "·as ;ill 11lonr in !hr 2211 111 211 Fi Golde11 State Sl1i11e s Rilnrly LIRhl fnnt of rla1n1·1e11'. TPl: . f'fjl !:l llrrf lhf' n;i11nnal r rer .!il:lnrl ll.rrl ln !hp 120 high hurrlles :\nd hi~ 1:1 S 11·11~ ennu11h In put htm in !hf. pacei;e4t in,I! .!'TIO! in rhe nn-pappr .'\fllkcfest f)d l illso anchorf'rt 1\111 h1i::11n ~ I 27 n \•1rt0r1nu.~ 11110 relav effnr1 v.·h1le Smilev High nf Hnu;;rnn. ~·a.~ !he "·1nnrr of thi: 140 rcl::i.v 1n 411.11 The pnlP 1·11ult. d1~ru.,, Jav t>lin throw 11nrl triplr jllm r 11•r rr al~n cap111 rerl by n'ln·Cnl1forn1an::; '"" rt1e ) lallf. i Rrrlrla·k. Hamilton) 3~ Alabam;i i Wh:itl1:v. \1nn1,enmery1 · ~ fi l lllnni.~ 1.Jnnrs. 1'~1·an s1 nn 1 9 Fi ,\l1ch1_1;;;n 1 Dill . flf'trn1t 1 !l fi Nnrth Carol ina 1 Ra.\'. Raleigh I !I Ii Ohio I [.;iwson, Tnlerlnl ~Fi TPXll.'\ I Perri' rt r\nhur\ pr. 2211 I \lirh1i;;;ir1 • IJ11!, 2 \;r11· .1,.r~r1· [){>1 rn!l I 2n i; 21 n 21 I ' Tr\ •~ ·I roi1 1fnrr.1 .. 1 non11n;ir1tn ~ 1T1r 1 Ar11nn:i \nlor::irlt'! lnrl1;in~ t)k lal1nnt.1 110 (rF~fn1nnr l ?1 2 21 :l 2! ;\ 21 ~ 21 ~ r r:111r •!\rz1·£n;1ak. c~ar c;ro,·c\ lfi 7 2 rt1t 1 n111n 47~ Tr1.:a~ 47 ~ If :<!1ilh·p!arP marks r,.rnrrl f'rl in !a<-1 month"• f.al1 forn1;i st;itP rrf'f> trark :inrl fiPld lin1115 111 llrl.A wprp tn he rnunt l'rl .,.~.~a v, 11 51 ~1 !iltll l! nf .~or1.~. !.hev \lrnl lrl h;n·e fp~u 11 ,.r1 1n "-th1rrl placP finish 1n te::im srortng nf thf DAIL\' PIL(lT'..- h,vpolhet1c11I, 1nterstat p track anrl field nlet'I Comparrrl on p:ipe-r 1., the "'1nn1n[! 111il.r ks 1n ~5 nf the 51l i;111lf'<, t.hP non.scnr· 1ni:: stirth pl;irr {';ilifnrn1;i P f f n r I ~ \\'fl\Jlrl·vp hrrn _g(H'p(j Pnnu~h !n h;il't !ii.ken .:i runncruri s1anrl 1ng anrf four th irrl· pl;ire spo1s in \hP my1h1cal met>I . <:n rn na rlrl M11r's 1\"irk R.n~r . \\'"hfl ran a non-scoring r·52 7 RM ;it th<-r.nlden Slate f\n;ill', roulrl hil1'r hecn third in lhe hypnthetJc;'!I ~l'T ·!fl_l!<'lhrr Thr ~1 1r1 h·plare fahfnrn111 illhlrlt> whn wnulrl h.<!I'(' lx'<:>n ahlr to ;:innrx thr srrnnrl ,<flOI 1n lhf' nn-parrr 111rf'! 11·11 ~ Lrmnnr1> 1un1nr Grrg .Jone~. whn c]OC~Pd 47 J for lhl' 44/l In :ir1rl1!1rtn Jn fln~r. t11'1 nrhrr in. rl111rlu11I~ anrl a rclal' lf':im ro•trrl t'iPl1f'r ~1 xth·T1l il!'f' lTIArk:~ 1n 1hP ("a!lfnrn1 a hn;il~ !han !hf' 111nn1ni: f"'('rf.,rn1anrrs tn 11 n[ thr nth<'r ·14 sl;ilr n1rt'1.~ rnrTiprt1nc tn !hf' h1 J1fi1hr1 1ril.I 1n,,rt Rnlh 1un1nr..-. 11 11 hn111nr1'~ \\ 1 11 1 P H;:inHll nn 1 \!I 71 anrl f.an f·r;inr1~rn l..o,1·p!J"i; "olfj!11n;: Srhm111!•11·1rt. 1!l fl.1 r.1 Ba,seball Staridings I A.\I ER If A1'1 Lf':AfOtiE Ballimnrt: Bn~l(tn flrtrn11 :'\e11· Ynrk \Vashinglnn Clevel11nd 011 kl11nd Kani;11s ("1t v Ant rl' Ch1cai;:n \l!nn(:Sflla r.11l11•aukee Ea.\I. Division \\' I. f..i .19 1\2 4.i ;.7 .ill ~1 "' 44 " 4.1 fi6 \\'e~t Oh·lslnn AA .l!l ~2 :.2 .i.1 !"111 ."oil :>ii °'l•w Y~•O I (P•v •l•..,i I n•~'•"a I IC•~••• (•IY I W•'"l••I"" ''· ll•!•e•+ 1 "''""'"''" • C•lc•oo l. 10 '"-•"u Y. 1w1v•"" ? '"ttl• O l!~••nn •' II•'"""''" 'f '" ,.,. ••. , V•"'n Pel. 4i7 4"1 "' 4Jfl GB ,,, 1'.11._, " 22 24 1 ~ 141; " 1111., 1R11 22 ···~·•"''' •l!l•••v•~ I •l ··~ t •·e·~ 'II •• ~'"'" (1•·1 In'"'" 11.1 '"~ ~">mn•r'• )\I l +w• ••QM 'I••• ""'' •II•"~'"" fl\ •' <.•·v•1 ••~ ( '"'" \. . ..... nM+O• (l"'"'''"t A·f ••~ I <•I ft \\ •' "°'" ..,.,,. i tl•~•"" •I •""~"""'"!!•• ). '"''"1~•1 WO•"I""'"" (l!ol..,•n t II I ,. O•"r•t l~~t·r• '8· ,, ..... ~.,,,..,,, ••• '"''"'"' o q1 ,, n•"••~ tr ,...,~ "" Ill 1 \ llW"' (nlr.I•" !Jo•• ~ "1 •• &•t l lt '"'""'"'~''" 1!'101, "''"' ~ATIO:'\A L LEACUE P1t1~hurgh St Lnui~ rh1r.::i.-:., ;-..'"w Ynr~. Phil11delph1a \lontreal East Olvislnn \\' I. fill \1 ;,~ ~f) ~,7 :.n 5~ $2 411 Iii 1.1 &6 "''~' fl lv\slnri ~a n Fr.tnc1sc(I r,7 45 Ondgtr~ :'i~ .)I Hnu~ion :..i .)•\ Atlanta .i7 .iii C'1nc1nnil!I San Diee;n .il 40 " 71 'u•••llv'< •••u1l1 IJolltt ., t . '•" ~''"t"Ce I C•"t!~~ I "e"""" ~ l>•do~1o••I~ .l. All•~'' 1 r 1111hv••~ !O "'~"'"•' • ';I • Oiot" I. \! l~"" ! (1•(•••11' ! '· "'"' V••I J t , .. ~ ... , r. ...... Prt, ~24 5~ 1 .~.1.1 114 440 3:1·1 GR ' in " in 25 7 1n1~ 101, !Fi ll :?fil'I C;"I'""•' 11,j•••n ~ l)' •' "11"' V••~ •C.•••..,. 1 1\ ~·· O•••n tV>•lrr t l ~· IC •>I•• 1 ' •"II .... ..,~. 1' ~· "~••bu• \I!> •• ("«'•" r ~·a•• 11 ,.~ "ar<'•• II •~I It! ~""'' '""'~1'•1~" ,., ,.,.0.,11.~ ...... '"'1'""""~ llCl<()t' 11 "' IV•I••• I 11 " MIY''""I 1 ~··~""'•••• ' 1 •• ~'(r'•~•" 'I ~' ~It•• ~'''' !Onw••~a !•·• "' ~v"~" 111-•~1 ,, "~''' '"" <~& .. ()' \•ll. '""M ~~ ••1<>c"tD !"''"' l(>..1\ •' <• l~l••\ IC. b"('M 'Ii, •••M ----- llTH ANNIVERSARY SALE ll BIGGEST & BEST Yl\!l, DiAN LEWIS 1966 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA Mod''" & Col"l'lplet,. Serv ict & Pt11 rt1 Oep l. Mode rn Body Shop fo r All Ca rs 646·9303 540-9468 Orangt Cnunty's Lari;::,,st 11nd f\Tosl !s1odern Toyo13 11 nd \'ol\IO Dealer OYllSIAl Dl l lV llY Sl'ICIALISTS ' "'ere ~1xlh 1n l";:i!1fnm1a but lhrv wnuld'\'t eal"h hrPn th1rrl on parw;r, na!1nn:itlv. Er\1.~nn·~ (Stflf'k!nn l whipJ)"t-r::i~t 44!t h;ir nn t"nmhn Pn )fll'Pr! 11 •1m1l11r [a~ by clock1rtg 41 7 for sixth 1n C<il1forn1a. Ba11<1uet 1'ickels T1r krt, fnr lhr f1r•l ·f'I f'r OranJ!_P Cnun \~· Sp11rl. ... Crlrhr1T 1f~ b;inri11rt Sept. l a! lllf' :";1rlrllPhi1c~ lnn 1n S;;nr;i An11 are prc~r.,11\' ;11~il:ihl1> :it lhP Srirlrlll'h;ick Tr<11'f>I .\~rnr1', lfi~fi E. l~I St. 1n Santa '°' F11e-hunrlr<'rl rl 11<;il ... arf ;H•11 1\ahle fnr lhr fr!r ill sz~ ilflll'('r i\1nnnc: lhr rclrhr111r.~ ;:i\rrad.1' ~i~ned 1111 !n Hppr:ir ;irf' .:illlfl r;ir1nl.! prnmn!.er .1. r ,\;:::i 1:in1;i11 ~nr! r.irr rar dril·cr Phil lf11I 11 h!lr hoinfJ1J"! nr21ln1zrr Bnl<"'!I (;1·lk,., 1~ ;;'v• hnpeful nr luring such ril.n1r~ ;;' \rr h1f' ~lruirP . \\"ill Cham· hrr!.:1111 11nr\ 1.1 111·r~ l\f'llrl'rl '·''" r;ir rlr11rr f);in r;urn•\' nf rn . ..,!il. '<'l l'~oi J< <l.1rl'r! 1n hP hnnnred as' the. ~pnrT ( ('r lrhn!\ rif thr 1r<1r F tJTlhr~ 111fnrm;;:1on r:in hp nhf;i1 nf'C! by r11 Jl1nc tt1thrr ~~,;.11jll nr :.1i-~!02 dur1n'g nor•-n:il rl.:1 1l1JTIP hnur< -jTllOl!Yk>IT!AI AN NIVERS AR Y SPECIALS '71 COROLLA '""'" $1777 DEMO. : s••1 ~ Si i THI' All NIW TOYOTA Cll lCA Sl'T. CPI. .. .... ~'"-"..,..''-'-'-'-'-'-'~"-·-·•~r;,...._,.1 VOLVO 1971 DEMO $4098 164 S!DAN •v•o .... •t:c, 1:1!1:0, M1•I•• •JJ11 U!olD CAI S'ICIAL $995 1.,. TOYOTA COION.t H.T. ;•~·D, f'"'"' • ~p•~ fV T• C1Jl Alan1itos Racing Ent1·ies ,.,. w~ ... .-.,. '""""' 1, 101 -11111 <•~ i ·~•1! ,f~f '"-ti 1:45 l'.M. II Hllflt ' II .. ''I' 6 1"111 l11u. u • .., • 911 • ..,, 1"' • ..., .. '" I~ 5f (ONO llACl -l>il ~•rd' ! Y"I' •Id> & w•. Col/I. -· Ctltmo,._, l'\l'>I 11000. c11lm1,,. ••I<• 11600. 1.,..11001 ll1• IC1rd<.>1! ~Id• L1nl1n1 (ll1nksl i'~~~ ~n~.1 ~~{~~:...1 \01t11~r• fV1"9/\nl wo Con F iv !A.d1lr\ l o11••on !IC1nhl P1tr Dec:• tW1!'°"\ ~un Gn1"1 •WtlQMl <!1i1 O•<k IH1f.!. llil'•ll '"' lllo•• 111nk•I THiltO lll6Cf -.00 ~lnl> 'lid m1latf>,. Pvt•• '\9C.O. '"""' DI<-/1l1v1/\"l <.on1rll P~rl !W•lcn \ Po~1 Ga Go ('°'<111•1 F ; />•r1n11 rkl~111m! g~Q,011~";kJ:O 11 ~~1~i11 Jonnv Boa O•orMrl '" "' '" '" "' "' "' "' "' "' "' ! •••• '" "' "' !~ "' "' FOVllT!ol ll>C• Solf Y1r<H l ve1r ~I~~/\~• '1i'i,~~lo1t~~~~tvr.o '7?00. 11• ;o.11mi10.• 81r 11 re'"""'> n• Poclu llockH tw 1r<1l 12' ~>lkv'! ~OQUll! lLlp/\1m \ Ill lb w1rd fh•IV""t<I f'"<11orl 115 c;,vtmMll Mon•• l P•rN•l I'< Rcv•I J,!11" lH1r!l 111 SOUTH'S TERRY McNA Y Says MeNay South, Chargers Conipare in Style Dougherty Now 2nd In Eli1ns Cost-. ftlesa's Fred Dougher- ty continued his mo-ve up the ladder of I.he llth &MUSI West Coast Match Game Elimina- ti ons Monday night, jumping from sixlh to second in the Kona Lanes evenL Anaheim's Marty Anderson maintained his lead with an 823 se ries. good for a trio of match gan"le victories. each "'Orth a 53-pin bonu s. Anderson has a total of 8,4;.B pi ns nncluding bonus ), 145 pi ns in front of Dougherty. Dougherty had a four-game block of J8!·2l4-162·24.l. In the No. 3 spot is defen - ding champion Gary r-.1ad ison of San Bernardino. r.tadison has 8.312 total pins. just one behind Doui;:terly. Just 26 1 pins separates the No. 2 and No. 16 positions after 40 games. \\'ith only !2 i;:ames remaining until 1he final cul -to th e leading fi l'C bov.·lers -a wide npen battle is de velopUlg. Santa Sus ana 's J:iy Robinson continued hi s amaz- ing climb. rolling an 824 serif'~ and defeating three foes , mo\ - ing into eighth place . llaupert Out -Lineups Set Reh Dr.ills Sluggish By CRAIG SM€FF 01 !ht 0.UJ P'~ltt i111f Things are oot going 100 wrll 1n the Sooth JootbaH t:arnp. But they should gel. bette1· for the Aug. 12 Orange Counly all·star tilt at Orange Coast College. says Hebel head man Pti1I Brov. n. Besides lea rning of th e loss ol a top flig h'. rect'i1·er Tues- day, Brov.·n adn1\tted Iha\ practice sessions ha\'e bc1•n rather slugg ish recently And h<' also anno~nced lentat11c starting lineups. The lost flanker is 1\l1J h'r Dei's Bobby Haupert 1vho suf- fered a shoulder po1n1 111 ~ Hav.·aii all-star gan1c Fnd:1v and has been advised by doe· 1ors to take ii easy for al least three 11 eeks coac h, ligures the heat mlght ha\'e something to do with the sluggish drills so he has called for later practices for !he re· nia1ni11g .session~. Bro"'n ·s ~tarl1ng lineup is dorn!nated by Orange Coast area players. orrcnslvely. Bob w i t t 1 .\l11t•111<1 ! 11111 open al tight end with Toby \Vright 1San· llago 1 and Da ve Jack~on 1,\!arina ~ at the Lack)es and Pa l Heffernan tr.la ter Dei) l\nd Bob delancellotti \\later Oc1 1 at the gu~rd spots Either f.lario l\:le)e tl>-later Dl!i) or Scott Sc h a~ I f e r 1Ne-..rport Harbor ~ \\'Ill get the ilarllng ccntrr call, Steve r-.·1onahan !:\\annal \\'111 be the spilt end with Rick l/arUifield I Poun tain Valley J al fullback. The. other three backfield spots are still wide open ll'ith either Al vin White tN ewport) or Jerry Hinojosa iEdison) seheduletl 10 get the starling quarterbHck nod At slotback. Bob Kaiser 1Es1ancial and Terry 1\lcNay ~ Edisnn' arc bidding for the No. l spol \I ith Kini Wolf !Costa Mesa) e~­ pected to be the t31!back. North Practice Poot" ' 1'eepJe Lo st for Ga111e llis ~pol will be filled by 1::1 Pcrlla p3 the ragged sholl'ing C'Onsisted oJ review \\Ork 11lth ~1odeni:fs Kini Carlson ll'as bl'cause: of lhe heat, dlln11ny scrin1rnagcs . Carlson. like llaupl'd, a tn:1.rbc 1t 11 as !he after effects llis biggest e o n c e r n . quert.erback and defen~n1· of fl'ahzing wlHtl they had lost bal'.k 1n hi sh school -ll'ill In Sriturday·s scrimntagc. however. is how lo replace the work prin1arHy at a fJ;u1kcr Al an1' rate . coach Friu1k Injured To1n Teeple of Brea. position. 1l1tk~ h.opcd that his squ;".1 11ho suffered a fra ctured col· Brown. meanwhile 11a~n l a-; 11011111 snaµ bat·~ loda~· [011011-1ar bone in a freak accident upset with !he Joss of Maupcr1 rng Tt1csday·s pral'.tice as his Sa1 urday in a scrimmage. as he was 1••ith the. attitude nf North tean1 prepares for the .. \Ve're going to miss htrn Rustlers Fall, 6-0, To Poets After dropping a 6-0 lilt It> lhe Paramount Poe.ls Tuelday night a~ Boysen Park, In Anaheim the Senik Rusllera 1Golden \Vestl lace a trio of crucial te~ts in the nex t week. Coach Fred Hoover 's club no1v re.s ts in a flr st place tie 11·1th lhe La fonda Dons (San- la Ana College) and meets the Don" 'T'uesday at Shaffer Park in Orange {8:30 )_ Saturdav, the Ru s 11 er s tangle v;ii'1 Ora·nge 18 :30) at r-.1en1 oriHI Park 1n Santa Ana, 1hen return Sunday for a 1 p 1n. tilt against the La Fond a Juniors a! the same site. In 'rursday night's lo.1s. Paramount l \Vhittier College) scored single tallies in fhe llrst. fourth and filth frames ;ind punched three home in the third. The game v.·as called aft er six innings . lino~ ltu1tler1 Ill .. ' ' "' Ro11or .. cl ' ' • • i'.lo<lo, '" ' ' • ' r""""' " ' ' ' ' 811l1on9, ( • • ' (~IO•t, )ti ' ' " W111C~. ~' ' ' ' ' s1....,p)On, 11 ' ' ' • P....,,m••!~l\Q•I " ' • ' ' S•l••CGt, o ' ' ' ' ~~votn. oh ' ' • • B~rr. o ' • ' • lolll> " ' • ' \tore bY l nnl~•• l'"IP'T" 1t•~I -3~ v""'·' •e•r old r:;:1:~rt'~ fJ&o~I~~~ ~~~~~c~~~·uf11im­ ~,i~~f;:! ~~ i:1r.~~) i~; By .PHIL ROSS "•'•mount !OJllO-'' Q iltu"lt" 000 000 -0 l 0 •0""1'' ca-, 1""' h 2' R "·I I I I N h S I d I I by each team. 1. M•"' .. ~....,,.,,,.., .1.n111~,,., 1_.~, is ... n1an e""' t<'arn 2t l ~nnua 1 or t -out 1 ear y. l"l tell you Iha.I . I con· "It's basically !he same j b~~~ ~a~~~~~·s.~o~~.~:~~ :~a "\Ve're just not huni::r.v 11111 (Jrani::c Count.\· Alt.star c!ash s1dered hi111 ou r top back -u1 .--------------. o t In• DlllY P'llol Sl•tf 11 'Gii", A Mlr•tll (1'1111Ml 111 Ot1Yt " M1n !\l1"har>1l 1'0 It tnay come as qu ite a shock lo almost everyone ex- cept !he football pu r i sts themselves. but the t'il·o most successful AAA prep football teams in Orange County last fall utilized nearly the same form at. assignmen ts but \i•lth different llc••~a "1•~•noor w. LA 1.ia1 there and ynu've go1 to hr ;q Orange Co:-ist College Aug. earryi11,i: 1he ball. ca tching !he r JN' /.lln!1~r. Ana~eim 8,1o3 I'.'. designators." •,. "'°' lo11n..,n, Lona B••th 1.10~ hungry lo 1\'in. \\'c"re nol ball and blot·king. 1 GOLFERS Trulv Ml fQI C••ll•lfl 111 k~1~;cr1~:~~~:,)s1"u"1 g~ f"~lc~ Ml<l1 • !81n~ I '" Cll.!rter'• Burr (All• rl ll1 Grea 1der<IMto, On11rlo l ,UJ I! I( l"k h ld /l · l f tho , H th' 1 H I WI"' l.••Hl•llllCl"-ln spite of all the com-:· {~ Rf:~~:.'i: ~:~1.01s."i.~""' :.:;~ rea y ll"Or ing 1 c we s ou , .. was ius one o St; • e \\'as some 1ng e sc. <' "•••tl<e '"'' Th• parisons, though, one of the l~: ~!·i;i~'i:,\~~·,,"'~~~~'i'm :::lt but 1 think 11·e 1Yill be by the blah d;.vs for us. it seemed had lightning fast J111cr.1J NEWPORTER' INN "•ilrc;;d 8ur>1 1Cro;b¥l 170 II'• A M ir1clt l'N•l$Cnl 1\1 big gest pluses in bri.ngin"' 11. L•• T1¥1or. S•n 01."° 1.Hw t1n1e !he garne come. s like e.vefyone was in the same movement going throu&h the· PAR 3 GOLF COURSE P.> 11. Wiii~ waa ner. St n!1 An1 1.otl d ·• h ·· ·d H. k ( II ' 1· d f kl I d ' kn I fimiliarity to the Rebel attack 14, si.vt scnwtru~or. f'o""o"• 1.0ts aroun . oat. sa1 IC s o ov.•1ng 1ne. an ran y ont ow Sl.oo -Ith th·,, ad -••k day• SIXTl4 1t•Ct: -l50 '"'~'· old•. Allow1ncn . f'uru 11100. Barie! •oclo.tt 1141"\ Ouoe'• COllV I f'ernerl ~:.,,~~lvefr" ~~1"1~~11 >u01 I Ytl r ·~ "' '" "' '" '" "' "' '" '" '" '" '" "' And to double the surprising sensatiOJb both s q u a d s (Edison's CIF' c hampio n Chargers and the Estancia Eagles ) ·were also the 1-1 finishers 1n !he rock-hard Irvine League. IS. Ltm•r Kee•, i:i .,ed• I 06' B lh E' ( • h " T d · k h. h wh ' · I k "• I " .. .. for the feisty McN a y is the ad-1 _.'c"!.·J'"'""O'C.!;'!""'~""' ~2!0·....!•'"'""''"'mo.......!•~·"~''--.'.'.'.'~'~'~'n::·_:.::•_:~·'''.'..'.'~n:cc":'.....:'.'.'~":"'...._'._u~e:s:::a~Jc_' ~·-~·~·o~c,::::o~u~1'~,c_~w:::':':'.'..-'.::'.~•,;•c_g~o~>~n~g!..!:o'...!:ta~o:_:'"~'~P~•~c~•:·ce!.."'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"',: ded presence of Jerry Hino- A11milc> J1q (C1rd<>11 \ Be S"'" Mn~n (Llohoml l\\r. Flc•n Mon (C•c•bvl R•b~''• PU~n IAd•I" All Nlte LCnQ !S!riOu\<I Ouincv Rebel '"111<'.tll """ 1!11•"'' f"orn1...,n IP~rn•r f l>ccktl Tn Ml !C~r'1oz1 I o""""' J t 1 (Cr<>1b'' Wl!tl1 CrHt CMt !Llcll1m) \lVINTN ltACl -t 70 "l rOJ. ~ ve1r n11• • UC (l1!m l,,.,. ~ur•• 1160'I. C11lmlno i>ri•• uboo. Tiit C1llfor11.I• h l••nt •i,,.,11 ~· Fullv•I. l'ldw•v Tom !Dr!•frl ''"""'' len .Jt • 1ll•n~11 Pud<I• SNldiv aov r.-.d1irl Fo•v Nt••c !W1h<1<1' P r..,PtrOYI Out s! !A lll•o11.~ l•ulv Fe,....,,. IPun.trl lri1 Run (lt!lt•l IAr. 0 1iart1 Hiii IU<>~~ ... 1 ... !" ••111lll \'/tllOW Rt<lut l! (Ad1lr) "' '" 1 tt "' '" "' '" '" l•<ll'INTN .. I.Cl'" ~ l'" Vf rr'• ' ••-r ~Id~ &. uo . .-.11owancM. """' UOOO. Tiie \~onS<>t'I Clu~ '°' I~• Col" of H&P•. M1rtoff Man l l"•rn .. 1 117 \''ltrn rMr. !LIP~fn'll 1 .... c~•ck Dolllln rw11dl llS 11!!1• C•nlu•• 'W"·r..~1 11~ l 'oolan 01 • ..,.,,,d IAu;,•nl 11 1 C,"""1 !!l•d lttt• !l t nl ,\ 111 1-inbl!tl!t IH1 rll 11• <•"~' P•~d• IC1rdo•1l 11 1 "·•l<'•~d'• lllf ! .. delr) Tt~cklln ;.\1n !Mlr~ll\ ,., '" NINTH Ill.Cl. «IC y1r~1. 3 """"' e l<I! r i.imlne. P ur,. '1000 (lolmlne D"<t """ Flttl 1(),,.. f.IOr~ jl"ttfl P~ar lne ~"()<•I •W1••~1> f:.m•1 Ao1cn• l•I>& IH1rtl I>~• '1 1YI• !War~l t>•ml ".'&Tc~ 1l~1;,1 l>un11.lnr r•.u•I• rv·,,~~"\ "'""'' Ca ll !'N•loMI r 0 1 M1~ IC•Nlo>1 ! IH-1 Nott ll"trner\ I•• W1r C~lc 'll<>•·•"'l "'" 1 1111•1• '.,I l!ioM IV •"~~~l O• Jva~r ruonal'll " ' '" '" "' '" '" " . '" '" '" '" "' One important member of coach Bill Vail's stampeding Chargers wa s wingback · defensh•t: cornerback Terry McNay, a you ng fellow who seems qualifi~ enough to make the comparisons . For nO'I\', the 5-3, 175-pound McNay is working Out with the South all-stars (coached by Est.ancia's Phil Brown) on the Eagle campus in preparation for !he 12th annual Orange County all-star grid classic Au!!:. 11 at Orange Coas t College. According lo the graduatr: of !he razor-sharp Ed i ~on machine. "the offense \\'e ha1·c here fin 1he South can1p\ i.<; basically the same as \\·hat ll'e had last year at Edison. '·The same pli:iy~ are run but they're called differentl y josa, the dazzling quarterback 11'ho guided the Chargers to a 17-J-2 record in ty,·o vears of calling signals for Vail. "~ly best frien d on the field at Edison v.·as C r a i g 1\lortensen (recent starting guard in tht: Shrint: classic al the LA Coliseum) and I "·ish he 'd be here too (~fortensen y,•as selected for the South team but decided to forego the contest). "But ifs pret!y good to have Hinojosa around, though ," he adds. Wh ile McNay offers some si milarities bet"·een the Edi!O n and Estancia lor the South. if you mayl offenses. he 11 lso notes some like philo.!ophies on defense. v•here ht'll probably see most of his action in the aH-star tilt. "l v.·as a defensi1·e cor· nerback at Edison bul T'n1 called right halfback 1vhile playin.1: the sa me position here." ht: sa.vs. Ala111itos Re sults "Yet. \\'hat Ls called a defensive comerback in the F:s tancia de:fense is actually n1ore of a defensive end." Does 1'1cNay find an.v dJf. fcrences in th e coachln~~ LOS ALAM IT"OS lt:SVLfS TUl>dly, Av•. ), 1'11 (lfl• ' ,.,,, P'lltST ltA(I -1(1(1 vord•. Ml iGtl\ 1 }~~~0~011.~'1"i'L~~:~~·I."11~.,, , 10 t'li.moi1 M i id 1~•1u1S\ 1.10 l.10 ClndY'i l•vov Pfrnt rl 1 40 Time -.11 1110, 11.1,0 Rln -Sir lova), ~11;n Cl•"· ~~:~~v ~ii'°i!ln.00-LtdV Lona• L°". ~,,,,,~.., -S~('renl. OO-Fin1t~e<I lnd, OilQul h!o"<I & l"locc:! l••I. SECOND lt.t.Cf -JSQ voroo l ¥t i ' nld• ~~~ v~ (l1i..,..•n9 l"u••• m l'JO l!""'n Mo~tc• !.O.dl ir) '11) 1.00 l.f.O (a,1 lndltn IAlll•on l 11 40 t a.J Pjla""" """ (Wl "on) 5 ~~ n,,.,, -,\I ] 10 Al•o "'"" F "I To G.o SI••"" Cn1r;o. 8ob'• Bt• End, llrooun So I"'• Clll r<>< .O.otC~t f't .,um. Ho' " l<"G~r~• Scralc~"<I -Cooa Ltt Mu~ 11 Nl014TLV DOUI L[ l -"'•c••u fltbtl & l -llwn Mt~•••· "•'G Ill.to. l il O'B1r 1W1honl H.~ l~.•O ~ 'o °'"'$" l ov IU~ft•ml J.40 7 on 1111~~ ~"'.U1•~i& Joo "110 Rln -Toa Sod<, G!nlr'! rtr-,~~ L~~I. Outt~. P1r~rr•s 1"110•. Tft~~·~:~, At~18)',}!~tt. Anc~or 11 ... I I JlAjTA, t -I ll Cl'l1r • 1 -~... .,. l"tld 11'7.ff. S•VlHTH l.t.CI!! -JSO VI '°'' ) •t•• ;1~.t":P~~-l~~:":"t~"i''" ~"?4~ 11}~· l o~ 0111 Ftst l Wtrd) I IO ~ !~ Con l"u•blo ! Aat lr I 1 10 Tim• -.II 1110 Al10 "'" -Cnlc~•<IOO>o" l'/Hlo"' Gold. Lent'• Mt'~• 8 •rtombl. No SCl.t~ftl!. "Our coachin,1? staff "·as great 01·er tJ1 ere bu1 they ha ve ~ pretty good staff here. too. 1 knew that the coaches here v.·ou ld be good before \l't: even start~ practicing," he says. Ha ving also Amassed 1·arsity letlers in basketball and baseball as a Charger. f.f cNay 1von't be playing his la st con- test on the OCC gridiron Aug. 12 since he'll be wearing a Pirate uniform in the fall. "lt'll be more nf a challenge i.;oi ng to OCC and trying to get l!IOHTH Ill.Cl -Jl-0 ,..,g, ~"''"' · h . I" &. M 1rn . J ,. •• ,old' •~d ,,,, c •1ud••~ into t e starting 1neup than it ii~<:'ii':~:'·i :~r::,,~JOOf>. 1,()C 1oe , .o would be at some. other place ll1 ••ttv •wH,,,,..) 1.00 • ~0 And ii 11·il1 also be an ar 0\~ '!'_,9·~111~~111v! J ' 0 eomph!>hment lo pla v regti la r-1' Al10 !l.10 -Moaol!I O•ck, WI"'""' Miu -. (v" H J111e, Go ... Miit. 'Jo Iv if I til n," sa v!> \1 cN~\ . 8~~:u~r...!i 1'.:.. w~;~.M'Tln.?'~~;;c~. c;a ·If Edison's ~P""nents thin\. J ullt t>t Go. !lue ''t l ou•t Klo•v, t'" Tl'l ll D I A.Cl -om vtto• 1~110•~ l Co•d1no•1 !hey'rf! v.•a1•ing goodby!" 10 G~~,n~0~of1!f'~2:;,jv'.i~6011~1'JO l.<n NINTI< 111.c 1 -•cwi '°'"' 1 v••' l\lc~al', thrv h~d be1!er turn Sov• C•I IV•l.«l~n! u 10 7 co old• D•t() '" (11i! Cl "'"''"" Pvr•.• . l •ri.. s"" !"•••' .>4o •1xo :i1·nund and look ;i Ra i 11 r ,..,t -10010 U"·•~Y l'fr" 1•v1ra1 l <ll 100 1tl! ll T · ' ' ,, __ ,, ,,,-,. ,,,,,,., , .. , '" er11use err)· s )' o u n "<' r •1w P1n -llV"l n ~· '" ••n·~ C•"' ~ ~... "' • "" ... " 0o1. O••ld 11.1arr». c • ...,,., c~"""'· Courie'•" 1•a1i•1 !QO hrother Scott. a \·aluablr 1 Dll V10 !1.oc~.1. t-l'•Dl• Bo•. Tlmt -.JG' 10 N• Sco •tehU. 11.i.c R1n -rrva ~·, Tr·!"· r i""" Lo. ba ckup player last sea~l)n, will '' .. .,, '"' _ ''' .,,, •. , .,., ~:~·r1~~-''l!e9.i c11;o:';.l'l1~1~'""'e1. ~·111• be pirking up wh ere Terry left " ' ~crtt<h<IO' -Fl•I,,., G1l••v. oo:·~ f d b th I k f "'"' •nd "'" C11omlno. P'ut>t '2100. ~~nds, llr>1l1~ '"'"' A""!htr (u lt n f. An . y f! 00 ·s fl "'' Cvalo !ll•nk•! '·ao J.lo 1 ln 81r, <..U<>ld'1 D••'· h. h · b d ( C.onna Win !W•rdl "l>O f tn~3, l ilt $ nnt f()Q a 0 ;:J Fl"1 ~utvroty fLl•~11n) i 10 u t it•CT•, • -Ul!,11v1i.'" & • -plact to bt. I Tim• -.'1 0110. si.,.,.,ln N•'""'~· "•Id •u.M. Aha trt1n -Ca Iii/I I Hui.~. Wl r 00 1 ------------------------~---1 Po¥orl'<. M•na Sou ¥, T6n M•n, Forw1rd 81tt~rv. Sct1!,"fd -c ... c II, SPNdV 5t vtn. -~ KIUl1n. S•on• , ... v. ll)(TH IACI! -II& v1ta<. , Vt•r &la• 1nd "'· c11Jmlnt . ,.,,,,. n 100. THE BEST r.radr1·sh11) po I l s prove "P~11nu \s"' is on r Df tli!! \vorld'g mo.~t popull'lr com ic strips. R~ad it dally in the DAILY rnnr. SUMMER FESTIVAL OF CADILLACS NOW IN SANTA ANA (Al Bullock's Foshi on Squue) ( MON'l'EPAC'l'OR/lERJ!YROTHBCmLD} MEN"SWEAR ' You can buy a tire at most places for 1688 The J.C. Penney 16°8 tire is a wide 78 profile with 4 plies of tough nylon cord. 4675 pl us 3.30 1ed, \ax- and old /1rr.-. G60 -15 tuor lcs~. Seal-Trac 60 Super w+dc 60 series \HC \',11h :i! f•tlc r glass bt lls on a 2 ply po!yeslcr cord body. Raised "'h1te lc.Ucrs too. 5, l f! J ~O· I ~ Jl>O • IS l~O· I~ Pfl<e .1e .7s ~o 1 s 52.7.5 19995 ' led. •v· 3 .35 3 .53 3 .75 He•t·E•l•r 1uloair conditioner. High powered, low priced cooling. Two front ana two .side lo uvers send cool 1irlhrougho)ll vourcar. Compacl, I rim styling takes up a minimum or space under your dash. Eip1rt ln1t1ll1llon av1ll1bl1. 'Mo~t tOt~ Reg. $1645 Now ~!.'l~I JCPenney Ground Gainer 1688 pl"5 fe d. I" and old lire. Bl •ekw1ll lubele1s Size Replaces Fed. t.11: C78·1 3 •....• 700·13 _, .•.• 1 95 A78-15 •••..• 560-1 5 . , 1.74 1988 pl u. fed . tax and old tire. er1ekwall lubele1s Size Replaces Fed, tax E78·14 ,,,, .• 735-14 •.•..• 2.21 F78-14 •.•. _. 775-14 •. , , , • 2.38 2288plos fed. t" and old lire . Blackwall lube less Size Replace$ Fed. lax G78-T4 825-14 2.!>5 H78·14 855 -!4 •••••• 2.74 G78-15 825·1 5 •....• 2 5.i H78-1!> 855-15' • _ ••.. 2 80 Whitewalla onfy $3 more per lire. Plu~ led Jo; 0 •1d old tore Penneys hard top camping trailer, • Sleeps 6 persons comfortably • Pre-finished aluminum body • 10.10 oz. cotton army duck canvas ~ FREE WITH PURCHASE: Colemon let n1ern, ic e c.heit, gollori jug ond 2 1Jeepin9 ba91. Yes, you can shop 12 to 5 Sundays too at any of these Penney Auto Centers: BUENA PA.R I( 1 CANOGA PARK CARLSBA D CHULA VISTA DOWNEY FAStilON VAtlEY SAN DIEGO FUllERTON HUNTI NGTON !!.fACH MONTCL A IR NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "THE CITY" RIVERSIDE VENTURA. u,11: Penntys Timi Poyrn•nt Pion , •o rong11:rhorp1 or Volley View (Cfo)ed Sundoy) ,, •• _:.")A .. --..... , ' ' ' --Mater ·Dei Wraps Up ' _1_he_A_~_! __ a':..,.._e_r M-e-tho--1d I Chee kin~ PIJTJ'S SHOULD aou.. NOT DR18BLE Area Golf Deep Sea Fish Report , Campaign ' I -Del Hiib'• l>lcwuorelu wrapped ap ntmmfr league • ' -.n play In the Santa Ana ~ Tuelday olgbt, beating . •' rootblll. 3.o. at Ptfemorlal Park In Santa Ana Cold! Tom Carroll's cre w pNted a M-2 overall mark as ' pttdl<r Deonls Murphy scat- krtld nve V\emy hlt.1 and a ,.. el walb in chalking up Ute lbutout He struck out •lahl The Monarchs 1ot rich in tht aecood inning '4'hen Neal Undikxl opthed up with a biH hit. Tom Bonkov;ski walked and Mika AmaranlhU! filled the aacb mn hi.! roller to short WU bobbJtd .. An Interference call moved the butrunners up 90 feet with Le.ndzlon scoring. MelW Diii IJ) -' • •• c;.r-. ct ' • ' ' ._,_,," ' • • • 'l'Wl,!'1·1• ' • ' • --· ' • ' • ............... ft ' ' • T.-1.n • • • AIM'91-.11'>~o. I ~ • • • ........ ii. ' • • • ..,..,.k,,c ' ' • "-"· < ' • • • ...,..,v ... ' ' ' ' 1-.1. ~ ' • , lJ _J Very seldom will you sec a putt drop in tbc hole if, durin& the first few feet. it ha s bounced along the srecn.. Such bouucin& almos.t at"'·ays makes the ball jump slightly offiine. Ideally, your putts should roll smoolhly al9ng the putting surf•cc from start to fini sh. _ One rcuon that putts dribble instead or. roll is be- cause the pultcrfacc is looking ~lightly downward or upward -when it meets the ball. You'll find it cuier lo avoid such a p"utterfaC'e position, -and thus make the ball ·roll tru~, if you , ,;flatten·• your stroke. Try to prod uce the pattern of stroke shown in illustrat ion JI, rather tha n the more up-down patLern in illustration 12. ----@.O 1'11 N~n ....... s,...~ Ar1takl P1lmer'.s. "HOW TO IM PROVE YOUR PUTIING." A copy col this hint·pKkld booklet i.s. yCKJn tor 20 J when you eridosed 1 5L1 mped, s1H·addr1s•1d 1nve lop1 •long "'ith your r1q uesl lo Arnold Palmer, in Clfl of tliis ne,.spap1r. QuaJifying haa been com· pleled for the 23rd ann ual San- ta Ana Count ry Club men's in- vitational tournament that gels under way Thursday and rum lhe next four days. Co mpetition \\'Iii be divided Into 17 fl ights with 160 teams rompeting. The. event is a two low bzJ ls of partflers competition us- ing match plav with losers dropping from the tourney. Cruta Jtl esa Bob Risch, • 23-year--0ld recently turned professiona l, equalled the T\!esa Linda course record at Costa Mesa Golf and Country C I u b rece ntly with a 10.undt:r-pa r 60. Bisch participated in the U.S. Open this year for the first time. His sensational round was climaxed on the bac kside v.'hen he fired a seven-under-par 29 to equal the record of former club pro Jlonnie Reif. Bud Sleva fired a 73 for low gross honors in the n1en"s s\\·eepstakes tourney over the weekend \\'ith Ral(:h Cen- tolclla coming in wilh a 67 and Garland Privett a 68 for the one-l\\'O places in low net com- petition, Costa i\ksa '\'Omen's club hekt a member.guest too.ma- ment with Ann Pappu and guest Silsy Hendrick.s gaining top honors with a best ball of 62. A three-way lie resulted for serobd place at 64. Vi Hosk.irul and guest Mary Stagers formed one team with Max ine AiSmus and guest Sue Roberu on another. The thltd te~ 'vas compo&ed of E i I e e n \\'ii.son and guest Norene Grady. Starter Skip Skilllon 1111d wife Rosemary have returned from an eventful trip to Europe v.·here Slip won his fl ight in tile seniors tourna- ment in Scolland, The competition was scored "'ith the stableford system of handicapping wilh competitors playing two days of net com· petition. ''\Ve had quite a\1 experience in Morocco," Skip relates. ''After they tried ie assassinate the king, they \\'ere searching for anything. They were chiefly concerned with their o"·n people, ho"·ever. "\\'hen they "'oold pick us up to lake us lo the goU course. the dri\'er had to slop by the police department for a permlt before he could get us t-0 our destination." 1A1911- Thc Wguna Beach OJtmtry Club women'• club held a low gross tournament recently with Mr1. Paul Waterman wtnnlng the A flight low grou LiUe wilh an M. Mrs. John ·Poor and ~tiss Graci• Joh.o.wn placed secood at 91. In the B fligh~ Mn. JUy. mond Stys waa the winner with a 91 followed by Mme!. Sam Mark! and Pat Cllick v.·ith 96. Old Ranch Dr. William J . Settle .scored a hole-in-one on the :164-yard seventh hole at Old Ranch Country Club in Seal Beach recently using a four wood to traverse the distance, Old Ranch defeated Palos Ve rdes. 68-:>8, In the finals of the Bill filyant junior league tournament p I aye d at California Country Club in v.·hittier, Big C'a11yo11 The firat \\'Omens club guest day wa.s staged at Big Canyon Country Club Newport Beach recently with Mrs. Frank Pad- dock of Mesa Verde Country Club "'inning A flight low El l\'lgue l David Graf and Dr. Ray Henderson paced a partner's best ball tournament at El Niguel Country Club in Laguna Niguel recenUy v.·ith a net 62. ~Ir. and 1'.1rs. John llaplon learned with !-.tr. and !\trs . Glenn Jones to v.·in first place in a mixed best ball of foursome tourney with a net 58. LEASE A 1971 CADILLAC "SUMMER SPECIALS" f'lf.t.Sf' c;.1.Ll 340-11100 NABERS ~ COSTA MESA. A Division of S.S. Kre110 Co., with Sloro1 ift tho UftftH Stet", CeMtle, Puorto llco, Auatralla -- • ' . ' . ' " . ' . . .. " .. . ' ... ·I tEAR" HUNTIR 44!!,. B ack and f:a.ce fibc:r11l1s s, han- dle, rt infor ct d tip ends. ln 4) to)) lb!. Similar to illustration. 1ow. STRINGER , .. Prntnts "'1st· td limbs ~d p1>11iblc: in. M· BEAR• GRIZZLY R•g. 46.96 Hand-con1ourtd snp, thumb rest. B~ ha ir arr oti.• rest. 4)-));f ~6 .. _ Converter RAZOR HEADS 2•2 Ccompl el• •i1l< r.u:iliUT bl1des. D~1d!i~11 hunt• MIJ:bndrll*<le. BEAR' MAGNUM 44~!,, R.·~-57.97 Btar.s Kodiak i\(Jgl'!um bo ti.•, Has a Bear.I hair arrou· re~r. hand- contoured gr ip. l "" -. RAZOR HEADS , .. .ActU.I~ • Dfid· Ty -Httm&osc. D eullieu huist• in.1he..f~ CONVERT A FIELD POINTS J66 Brush Buttons lwd c t*9 poi"" fnr 8-Mtpuin AntiWl. •• STRING llllNCIRS Your Jll Choice ea. A li.,i1~111 S.1. IC•tit• (1. with St1r11 i11 lllt U11llt4 ll1!1t, (111141. '"""'' l it1, A111lr•li1 't jJ/f NOMAD BACK PACKERS TENT 4 Days Only 997 ~· v.ide. 81 i' Ion,;, .'.b peak ht i_gh1. \X.·ei,11:hs onlr 1', lbs. Ha$ 11e <l O'l\"11 tabs ro ex1en1l renr '\\·il ls !or extra ~pale. BELLFLOWER \UM l11!C·1oi t it 111 IG! l•H•I• I I RAZOR HUNTING ARROW 94!. Hi,1.;h gr;iJ e r rJ.ir "'·irh ra1or he.i Jt, :0:1n1d ar t o illu~tr;it1 n n, CONVERTA POINT ARROWS 6 ~747 .'.'l rc::w in points available for 1.ir.i::e t, fie ld or hun1ing. fif'id a.nd Blunt Points matchtd in "'·ei,::hr 10 razor hf'ads. Similu to i llu~1 rario n. BUENA PARK l •Utll 11 l1ll11 Vi11 SU! 1.11ftl• 111. UNTINGTON BEACH INDUSTRY 1111 1 ••r11111 ~H•l•ll 11 Vlllt! l111t·1fll 11 '•rl.rll lll ! MH•rdl 11•1 ORANGE OXNARD • !11111 I( hf! h•li11 l •I C~un1 h!"I 1111 ~ lnl' :111 t •1••1( l1l1'j SANTA FE SPRINGS SIMI VALLEY 111l l 11111111l h1I J1 l TllJfl ••t•ll Your Choice 4 Days Only! 4Doys Only/ LARGE! 14-GALLON COOLER 1597 D ig ss\"i n,i;;s on needed <.:i.mp t quipmcn1. Ger double mantle lantern. i\lodcl 2-1 0. !or brilliant li,l!:ht. Burn! up ro 20-hou rs on one fi ll in,i;;. Also h.tndr ~·o-bu rnerstovc, 1\lod el 4~~. L"~es Co!em~n fuel or -v.·hite .'!:as. (.J.mper~! ,,.ou'Jl st ore All ynur prrid1ahle (Qndi in this ex1ri-JJ.q.;c Colem•n!-lOO lr r. Snov.·l11e-. e•~}' to , i rry. Rece~s~d h<tnrll e and boulc openers. C.im-tfrf" 1~1ch 11o•i1h shield luc k. Sp~rr!. l ~r"/•i . ~· 'P -0 I ~ ~, I I . ! ~ BUENA PARK ltUI 11•1. I\ Lt f11111 h llo( !M1 hid 11•1 LANCASTER 11 !1 'IUI h1. I. I lllCll f, 11 h ltllJI rrwr. RIALTO ful~i!I h1l111rl 11 '1"" UI t h11~•11 lh• SO. BAY TORRANCE HI I . s.,,1,.11 11•1 1! ~1•11111 IWnt 1! '••h i f r11•11) CATALYTIC HEATER 4Doys J 997 Only! L p ln 18 hours of he.ii hc cu·ecn fillings. ~O OU BTU to 3000 BTU. D i;i.I \Ollt rols. BACK PACK COMBINATION 4Doy•l544 Only He.s,·r du1>" re$in co:a.tcd ox- tord ny lon bag. With hc:a.,·y, sturdr •lum. co n1truction. (ra.m c: Sim ilar ro i l!u~lfiltio n. ,r-,,... __ .. •• STADIUM SEAT 2ss l ;(C: 1],,1 nn \\JI.! ii.Jal. A '"•fl<"11 •<il "r'. THON COMBINATION 4Doys 696 Only Alumin un1 1u.binp., welded t onstrul 11nn. cnnfoured fr;imc:: ln.im p.idJeJ, 11..i ju~rable shoul- d er stt.t p5. large t'X.terDa l pocket ti.·J rct rcpel lcnr. Camp PORT·A-JON J97 FIRST AID KIT aac ' . ' . All-~ttel fr:r.me . Di$J>Osable b:a.ss. COSTA MESA ~11111 l 11l1•1rl 11 111111 llll ~""' lhl MONROVIA Jn.in r111 •11011111 111n ....... , •. (1h!, RIVERSIDE lGt1 1111 S1ru t 11 t lllOI !l•11t SO. LOS ANGELES 11111 •1111•• 1! 1 .. 111•111111. 111111• •11h1• ... • Comp lt-tt ··•ith band· •~t~. air r-end fir u •Id •fCam. l!Of.IU on bell . COVINA EAST LOS ANGELES r1u1111 c ... ., 11.t. •111!011 l l•t 11 '•fh r1 '"· 1111 I. tlrrH 1!11 I. •1111111 .,,, MONTCLAIR NORTHRIDGE tutrll Au 11ht 1111111,11 f~1. 'J1••11 11 t"I" MH C11!11I lnn1 lUto Pl•••tt hon SANTA ANA SAN BERNARDINO llt1fl' tl!n 1 1! lrl!ltl 11111111!1<11111 Ult ll1oi11 tu 10111•0 1 .... , THOUSAND OAKS VENTURA ll1 •1•f•l•ll l t1I J})t In!~ 1•111•11 I""' I! Vu t111 '11••11 11 ~"1111 1111•11 ....~, FULLERTON "Ull1'1 11 lt!ll l 11U 1t)I. P!t!UT•t h t NO. HOLLYWOOD lllU Sh l•n W1f 11 l!UI SAN FERNANDO 1111111 St Ul \U<tl t11711 IUf 1l1D1 1 .. 1111 St<ul WESTMINSTER lucl lnl1orl 11 lld 1lll• a u1111n 11•1 • Ol YMPIC CONTENDERS All -The 26-boat Soling Class gets off to a horse-race start in the third race of the North American championships for the class REGATTA LEADERS -Bob 1"1osbacher of Houston leads eventual v.•inner Don Bever of San Diego by this mar gin on the start of I.he do\vnv.•ind leg of the North A 1nerican Soli ng championships at California ,·acht Cl ub Tuesday. An11apoli s Sailors Cop 1st Collegiate Transpac The exc1temenl and r<1nfare over ll1f' big "goldplt1 tcr" ba\. l~e ror firsl to rinish in this ycar·s Transp;ic race vir tually obscured a race-vd thin·a-race lhat lnvCJ\vcrl collegiate sailors from both coasts. It all started \\'hen Robert M. Allan Jr. and other Southland yachting enthusiasts raised the tidy sum or S!0.000 to fi nance the U.S. Naval Acaden1y char !r r of the Cal-40 Durllo fnr a first-time shot at the Tra nspac. 'The lin111ers1 ty of l\a v;aii Sailing 'Te t1m seized on the en- try to e ncourage other col- ll'git1tr s:iilors to cnme 10 llonnlulu fiJr ttic inaugural of ii"! R a inbo1\I Re gatt,1, July 19- 20. Experirnent;i1 ground r ules for thl' 1'rnnspac {"(ll!Pg!;i \es rerg1ir£1d thnt :it lea~t ha lf or the 1ncn1bc r s of y acht crew be CQtnpo~cd o f undcrgr:idu:ites o r a mi,~turc uf u ndergrad~ and grads or Uie san1e college or univers ity . Hopping on I.he h;ind\\•agon early "·ere UC Santa Barbara and use '\'hlc h h ad cre "·s a board Geor gr Schmidt's Cal- 43 F'ick l e Duck and B i l l Sullivan's C.Olumbia-43 Blue Nor ther respecUvely. Parker a nd Carl Van Duyne plus one c ivilian. Dr. Bill \Vhitc. Second {ln both elapsed and corrected t ime was F irkle Duck v"i th U C Santa Bar bara s tudents 1'.1ike G risha m l stu· dent sk..ipper ), Ra n d y Hechl, Brian Mc.Kenna a nd J im Moragn. Owner Schmidt"s and other '"senior citizens'' Jack F rost, B ill Gall and Dr. ~1ason Ho hl expressed warm praise for the G auchos' efforts w hich missed out on the collegia te trophy but helped the "duck" take third place in Class B in the re al rac e . T rojans a boa rd the Blue Nori.her \\'ere A ndy /l.lac- donald. Guy Dorari, .John E tch CQm b a nd Taylor Grant. The Rainbo\\I Rc_gall;:i \11a~ conc eived by the University or H;i waii on l he premise thal the easiest. way to host a rn:i- jor regatta would be lo u tiliZl' lhe cons iderable number of collegians \\'ho \\"OU!d be com - ing to H onolulu & b o a r d T r anspa c y achts. Six teams saill"'d in near idea l conditions off the Hickam Air F or ce B ase , u sin g new R hode!-19 sloops loaned through the ef- forts of Lou Foster, Hickam harbormast.ef-. \\'inner of the e vent w as John Higham ot the Uni11ersity of Hawaii w ith Chris Colby, U .S. International University second and Harry P a tterson or Cal State Long Beach thir d . Newport Outrigger Wi11s Race LEGAL NOm:E --------NOTIC• TO c11e1To••~ ~EGAL NOTICE tuP'•l101 COU llT 0' T ... TJt .. 1 JTATI O" (Al..l,.OINIA l'ott NOll(I OP' TIUITll•I '-'LI N0ll(I TO (llDITOlt Tloll ~OUNfY O• OIANOI IH. -C MG I U,111101 COUIT o• '"' "'• A41W On "'""'· Au,u.->a. ,.,,. I I 1\"0tl •fATI 0' U.Ll ,OINlo\ 1!"11.i• ot DOllOTHY S Ml.ISGllA\IE, A.NI . WESCO l'N.AJrlt.iA L COi •OI TH• tOUNlY 0, OltAN•• ,,,, '""'""' •' OOI OTHY I. ITEWAlll "OIATION, " Tr\nl.. ......, •M H&. A4ntf MUWllAVI! l>w•o,ICI. -W•lll IO 0.... Iii '""' •61tcl Mft 6. E1t1 .. t'f ,UI L WA.Ol IAltltl[TT, ·~· NOTICI! is HfltflV CIVEN .. 11a1 lffi& UKUi.d "' VlllGNIA II (ALDill. P'Ufl L w. aAIUll!n , 1k1 'w I AJt• crtcllton .,. "'" •tac•• ,...,_ 0« ... 0111 • w~ •..:I ,_.., Jul' ''-If .. , ln ll l;lT. IOU '· WAOI MlllETT, Mo "'-' 111 J>l•tOnl No"IM clllm11Nl11t1 .... beelr ntt. ,. .. •• ot Ofll~IOI IAo<.orGI '" w o\DE IAJ!A:En 0.CMt.lod ••IG G~tcll'll ••I ,_, .... lo 1119 ,,,...., ,,.. Offk;t " ,,... A-•· "' 0•11111 NOTtCI! IS HEit£1V co 1..i.£N lo -wjltl me nl(t••rf vcu.;11 ... , r .. '"'" C111lc1 c-.t.o. c.~ ...... 1 •• Mii Mil ., """'" cr ... 110<"1 of 1f1e ol;><IVI nomM Cll~~I e4 l!Wo <Ion; Iii II-.. 1bov~ 1nlllltcl CGUM. ~ 1ucilon fe 111 .... "1 fldd.r ''" c•.., 1'he firs t Ne"""'rt Beac h-""' 1n ,.,_, 111vlM clltlm• •11JMt ,,.. i. "''""' '"""· w111a ,,.. nea•w•Y C••••bM 11 11m1" .... 111 11wtu1 m-~ "I"' IOkl CIK.Unl .... ffqUlr-4 lo 1111" """'· --·· to tNo vrwt.fl~ne<I ti ,,.. otrk• II """ u ... , .. .Jlttnl II ... Jeulll ,,..,., '• p · l Ou'·' C wll" ll'lt nKH .. tv ~ou<:lltrt. 1,. lh9 oMc1 e4 1111 All.,,nt vo, Cll••t, lotcllfold. OtUk· lffttr1"C1 .. "'--"II c-1 "'°"".., In lll<I uana !)lfl 1.1 lgger anoe o1 mo clorll o1 "" 1DOv1 1nllllod twrl. "' ltr ind ......... oll '#;ul f llln !llfef, tt11 tl!V " s.tlll . Alo_, fir,'""' Cou nr. oil Race held last S unday \\"M to "''""' "'"'" wtll'I Ille M<nP•• ,..._. Lot An1.i<rL c 1111orn11 t00n, Or•llllt'• Colll"!'nl•, -.LI r).,'· 11111 •11<1 •OIKl'lt to. lo "'• unci.rol1flollf 11 11\1 ctllct w11l,11 11 rllt pll<.t 01 IKlalno .. of "'" lnl..,11! <0oav•¥0td to ..,. -Ml• b• '' \\"On by the. Ne"1>0rt Outrigger oi1 11!1 A•k>I',..¥. •1oc:• llM erk.knor. lrK .• .,.... .. 1..-1" 111 ,.,..11<1<"• ,,.,1,1n1•i to uN11r 11.l<J p..,i l"I fie •r-rrv 11t1 .. •t 1,. 111• NDtlf> !I-•· !1nt1 """· Int •tltlt .i u lCI o•ced•"'· wlll'lll\ lour !too C·•• of N-~ lklO\. In Ille! C::ounlY Club'! Boat No. I. coached by c1111omi. n 101 wtoldl 11 1t1e ,11c1 of m°"'"' ,,, .. '"" 11,.1 ,...111~11°" "' 11111 1nd !>!•I• oucrlbMI '" • IKl•l~n O! me "nd1r1!1fttod In 111 maltt<I rM>Tk•. l 1111 c11't1ln II••-" "'"'t c•ttlt<I Jllma i\:alama .,...ho also con-,,.n.1n1 .. , 10 n.e ••l•I• of 11ld 01t1<11n1, o.1e<1 July ii. 1t11. •v 111•1 <;1n•l"1 l•tH •C1•t.c1 5">1...,•tt t. wilftln four lf\0t01ho t ftK 1111 t11·11 ,..c.1k.1· H1,,11oo Muotro~e. f:-ulOf lffJ. l~l'C\11 ... In" lf>I" l•vlnl Cem ... nv. I ltibut~ some .!ilrOng paddling I/on" ftlll nc11tce. or int w11t .,, < .... ..,r.110n, ,,._,. .... .aroc1 Tiii •1uth, • OOIHI JUIV 20. 1'71 me OllClV• n•mO'<I ~ecf<19(11 llrnlt«i •••tMrth~. II l l u ... IKMCIH to his lPem's vic tory. Evo-n• w. e1rret1 c~•••· •~ ........ o.~r N0\11mMr 1. 1•1. In ,..,. 11 1rwo 1o1"""" A<1mtnb1r11or ,;n tno 1,.1 '"uat !no Clt .crlbe<l l•nd. Cutting comers between the Eat.r• .. 111. 1bov1 ,11 W•• '"'" srr .. 1• 'ARCEL ,, Loi n of T•K' .rita. " n•ITilll dot-nl "~ "'IMI" i'IOwn on 1 Mal> r.a1r .. o In ......, 11t surf and r ocks of several 11..0CK I •••CKN•ll, I,..,, ..... A••••"· C•lJl .. "I' t•ll P•••• l1 11141 " !ndu11,, •I MIK•I ll:2.I .. ....,,, ......... , Toi nu) u• .. 111 llMOUI MIPI. rKGNl1' " Or•n•• Laguna Beaclt points, they S••ll Ant , C•ll,.•l'l• n1t11 Attw1>•Y• .., l•t~~"' Coun1,. c.111om11 • • uldlsl.n'-.d ,._ s trong lmua t 11: cn•l us...,., Pvb11.n1e1 or~n•• c ... 11 0111, P1101, J .. r-.i '"'.rtt;:EL i : "" Non.,..~l1J1.IY11 .. , .. uie Anfrn1v !ff A•mlnllf••M 11, 11, 21 ind Al>Glu•I 4. 10 1 1''l}.1\ m1n1 lot ln•11rr•• 1nd "'°"' mrou1111<un boo.:, &ISO from Neumnrt P~bll•,,... Or•nw CC>l ll D•ltv Polo!, Ju. LOI 105, •PPllrtt1'1nl lo wld t ort _. .. ,,_ Iv 2• '"° .Autu•l .. 11. II. 1911 !061·1! LEGA' NOTICE: l !K I No. sm ••• \llO"(n on I ..... B h h. h I d d .., •KorClld In l!oolr fll, P11•• :n to ll eac , 1>.' ic pace secon . LEGAL NO'fICE 1n.:1u11 ... .r :11\Ctll•,_.. M•P•, •K · NOliCI IN'flllNS l lOl ' O < 1·en b. al s • -pres•"'.'''"' --------------1 .,,o, 0 ·~"· • ou~t,, (•11,..,..1111. •<= " e,1-Nollet II 11.r'b'I olw " tntt lllf l oord Ill COMMONt'"V ICNOWl\I AS; •tt clubs from various Southland •All -Mo. '•u•1••• ot 1111 c ... ,, eornmunl!Y c .. 111go, Hll••n••· N•w-' •••di. C•l""'"'•· SU,111011 COUil O' Tlol• Dl1!rlC1 Ill Orontt C""ntf, C•l•flll"~l1. will So le! ••It will M m•dt, but wltl\M b t' a c It c 0 n1 m u n i l i e s • STAll 0, CALl ,OllNIA ,Oft tl'Ctlvt •••led bit• ~· IO tl :DO •. m .• MO n. n~on•nl or "*••-..ilt. llll>•ln or lm,11..a. l• • [ d · th. I THI COUNTY 01' OJ!Al'IGI a1v. o\upuot 16, ltll, 1t !~~ tl'~rcJ••>l~o rHltCllnt line. Potlllllott. .,-9,,. par \Clpa e In lS C\'en No. A U1J1 Ot1>!. of N II 1(1\DOI <1lol•lcl 10C:111a •I t umbr•n(ft, to N V i... ,,.,,,1n1111 •"" celebrating the birthday of NOTIC E 01' NEAll lNG ,.TtTIOl'I P"Olt !Jiii Acltm1 Ay~n .. e. Cott• M•••· CIP•I ..,,,, G1 Ille ...... ..Wrl'il -tiv ••Ill ,.OIATI 0"' Wll..L Al'ID ,01 LIT· Colllotnl•, 11 wl!lcn tlmt ••ID bid• wilt IMP ~. wltn lnltml lrtim J•nllttV lJ, 1'11, Richard He nry Dana and the TE•s o,. AOM1N llTIAT10N w1TM ,,.,.11c1 • .,.,.n.a •nd •••<1 10•; °"~ Y'•' 1, 1n ••Id """ P•ov!IM. """"* .. 11 ""'· d edicat ion o f the ne w Dana WtLI.. AHNl.ICEO ltou. w!lh ot>tlon to ·~now on • "'°"'"'' .. n11.r tn• ,.,,.., 01 ,,i.i Otoed: '"'· E>llle o1 JOSEPH SOL.ME , Dtc:e•H<I. b1t11 ol Ctimputer Co1nroU~ Mktol\cne t11•t1t ... l n<f •• ... n••l'of 11\1 l rll>tlt i nt P oint Harbor. The dis tance o f NOTICE IS HEIE9V GIVE N l h•l 11.ellllto. Ill lh• ltl/Jh .... 1111 bl! ••!cl o..a.. 17 m ilt:s \\'M COVtor ed in a time lC.Untrl~ Sl>l,... "'-• tll..t heroin • P•!I· All 111ci1 ort ta b• in •cco•_cionu wilt. rri. bono!k.l•cv under n lCI °"""· b-!lcn !or 1>•001tt ol tile Woll ot !ht 1Dc•1 lh• '""'"<lion• 11111 (on<loll""l l t>ll '''""' o• 1 t1r11ch .,.. dl .. .,11 In ·~• {lf one hOUr and 25 minutes by n1me<1 dectelent 1nCI tor lstu1'1Ct of let· SHCllTc1tul<\O whltll Ot• now <>fl rile I na OOllOtl\0111 ff<'.ured 'fl•ri&f ll1r1!ofore 11•~ ol .am1n111r11ion wUn Ill• wil l ,,,. m•• IMP u cured In Int o!flct of lh• el<tCUl«I ,,.d DollvorlCI ro th; undt,.l1n•• the Vo"innlng. cteW. no>lll 11\ttl'On t<1 1tld ptlllloMr, t•!tr•nc1 Purch11lnt Aotnl Ill ••la 1Cll<lol dl~ldc•. • wrltton OKl1t1llott OI Dt!IUtt Ind o .. DAO .. Y 'tLOT Ii"-"'" ~J' Atn>O• Lroclt•IMPJ' at Marina del Rey. The reg atta is considered a pre- vie\Y of t h e 1972 Ol yn1pi c trials. Soling will make its Olympi c debut al Kiel, Germany next year. -------''---------·Ito "'lllch I• modt r...-turtntr p1rtlcut•rt. E1cll0b111<1or mu>l •ubmlr wnn hl1 l>ld I m•nd ''" S•lt . i nd wrl!Mn ,,.,tic• _. LEGAL NOTICE i nd lhot lhe !<mt 1n<1 pl1t• of h•••lno lh• c1>1101• I <hKk, Ctfllflto <h•(~, or f l<I· Dt••<ll ond of •lroctlott lo <•"" 1111 ----------------i••m• 1111 Mtn ut f<W" J11lw 79. Jtll, 11 dtr'• bond m1d• p1y1blt lo !h• order o! undttolPnod It 1111 1t ld ~r-•!Y tt U• ''°' •:JO t .m .• In lh• t°"rtroom o1 °'""'" !ht Cott! Commvnl~ Coll•e~ Ol•trl(t a•lilh' wk! oblln!IOM,.on( llltrutltr, on mo nt No. J Of 111<1 cou rt. 11 700 (l~lc 1 ... rd ol Trutrttl !n t n fr•1011nl ""' Ins o\1>tll Jtl, 1971, "" ~ndtnl.....O u u11<1 ••I~ 15~~~:1g: c'...o ... ~:J.~iA ~~: Con!•' Ori"" Wt•'· In !ht CttY ar 31nh "'"' tlv• i>erc1nt !V.I of 11\t tuni blcl A> 110!k t ol bt11ch 1nd Of 1l1tll"" to M T"I: Ci:.''JNTY OI" OllAHGIE Ano, C1lllor,.11. • '"1rwnt11 11111 Tiit t lCIO•r will •nler l"to tK<>tded I" 1><1<111 9'11, ltlH )15. al >lid 0•'"" Jutv lO. 1911. !tit PtoPO>tCI Conl<•~' 11 l~t ••m• I• Ot!kl•I ll•cero1. Hot Duel Erupts N~~~' ,::.A";i•~·~~1J:.~~ r:~•T;g= , ..... Nici~;'~ ~~~~:1:T 2:~~1~0~~1f~~~rE:i1~'.~r~~~iFI.:1 °"" ~J]~g~i1:~~~c1~ ... LfTllllS 0 P" ADMlNUTltATION " t bO"td J 11 th I 111 O WITH·T+4B•WILL ANNl!)(ID •11 Oll v• Av1., P'.O. l ox 2"' 0 I I • !Mf u 1um "'"'° w e Sold T•uoloe, io""i-:~S'6N. °' .~.suzs"ui~~N E !<: '~,CeEE~ ~~::.'..":';,~.~~~~loi·~~· s'116~!11 io~!11:1~J:, ·~~/~:~:~~,1~i b!CI tor • !:.1~~~r~s·K~.~~;r O.t.l ~V . oKi SUlo\NN E E. OAILY, t~I Allorn1•1 l•r ,tllllofttr !>etlod ol tot!V·livt (•l) d•>> •!!er !tie 45!14 SUZANNE OAl l..V. Oro<NMd. Publlohtd Or1n11e Cot•! D1i1V ,!lo!. dolf ... !o• 111• u1>1nlng tr>f•t-o!. ,ub!iSlle<f NtwPor"I H1tl>OI" NtW• Pn .· Aull'Utl .}. '· 10. lfll ".1C151).1l Tht 8ot•d OI lru•1-rutrV•.O lllt •omblned .,.l!h l~t 01llV Pl!of, ,.flWPOrl NOl lt E IS HEll E8V GIVEN l~1t l ---------------· i "'lvlltO• 111 rlltdlno 1ny 1r>CI 1\1 111111 or ll•&<n. Cilllornt1, J~IY 21, 11 i MI Autv" In Soling· Races JOHN l"OMAS JONES h11 lllto hl!<"•ln 10 walvt 1nv iff•gul1dllf> '" In· t, )'1! ~lll·1t 1 P•ll!h>n !er 1'rob1I• II Wlll 11\11 fer LEGAL NOTICE totmolllltt 1 .. 1nv blll .,, 1,. mt 11aoln1. •l!uonc1 o1 l•ner1 Of Admlnblt11\on Sltnf<I : .. OllMAN E. WAl~ON ..,lln·!ho·wlll 1n"t~tCI lo P • I 111 On" f • NOTICI! INYITll'IG •IDS StclY. BOltd ol Tru>leto LEGAL NOTICE ttlt t.nce !11 ..,lllth Is m•d• fOf" fut!~•• ND!lce I• herebv 1lven mot t~• 1111n1 ol OH": Auauat 11. 1'71·11 :00 t .rn. P•tll<ul•ft, 1nd lh1t lllo llrnt Ind l'll Cf l tu>I!•> of tftt (otll Comm unity C11Ue1e Publllh ... O,.nN Cota! Oollv Pl1<1t, "' ~•••ln1 "'' ••mt "•• bnn 1et 1111" O(str1c1 o1 O••"O• C011n1¥. C•llforni.. wlll i.J~'~"'-'"!.-''~"'~'~-~~·~'~'c·~'~"~'~.,-"-"':c'~'l --0;-.w;.,;r:;;;wo;;;;;;<. By Al...i\10N LOCKABE:Y DAILY ,!LOT _u.,. E•Uor The ba ttle for the Nor1h An1er ican chan1pionship in th e 27-foot Soling Class a t ~1arina del Rey is boilin g do\\'n to a hot duel bet\\·een B o b M osbacher of Houston aod Don Bever of San D iego a s the seve n-race ser ies reached the h alf-wa y mark today. Mosbac her appea red lo have a 11 insurn1ountable I ea d until he was nipped at the finish line 1\1es day by Bever 1o1·ho has never been o ut of the first JO finishers in the first three races. Bever's squeaker pl.It him 12 poin ls behind J\fosbacher fo r lhe t.hree races. b1H on a best 1 1~:0 out of l hree hC' is only five points behind . The series is being s ailed o n a best six out ol seven fo rmal. l\losbacher h as b een sailing consistently h igh in the series \\'ith one win a nd t\\'O second p laces to his credit. One of the seconds \\'8S handed to him in l\1onday·s race after Ben !\fitc hell o r California Y a cht Club, who had the r.ace virtually won. rouled J erry Rum sey {lf San F rancisco on the finish line. T he r ace wenl lo R u m s e y. n1o ving J\los bact)er up to second. Bcvrr's vic tory T uesday "'a s a brilliant conic-from -behind e ffor t nn U1c final "'indv.'ard leg. !·/ere is the \Vay it s tarted : \\'ally Springstead nr S an D iego led the 26-b oat fleet to the first \\"Cather m ark "'ith !\losbacher and Bever in close pursu it in tha t order. But ~pringstead \\"a s una ble lo holri off ~1osbacher and Bever on the ty,·o reaching legs and lht'.V p assed h im just be fore roun- d ing the U1ird mark. Bal I sla11d Races Told Rt>~ulL<: or the B :ilboa l sl;,nd ,.;:ich! Club July sailini serif s ; KITE-~11 P.ocky B ee k, NM\'C; (2) Paula Schitle r , BJYC : lJ) Dic k Munroe, BIVC. SN OWBIRD-(1) Charley M c Kinley . BTYC; (2) Diane Bimie, BIYC; (3) R ichard P iper, BIYC. SABOT-(1 ) Joe Beek, BHYC; (2) Steven R hodes , BIYC; (J) t.lalt Donovan, BIYC, Lied with Brenda B an- ta. BIYC. F1.IPPER-I I) Larson. BIYC: Updegraff, BIYC ; J\tc l\inley,· BIYC. A 111 son (2 l Li .11 a (J) hfardi A"ou•I It, ltll, 11 t ::m 1t.m .• In lh~ r.-celve •••le<I bid• u• lo 2:00 P.m., Mon-I" LEGAL NOTICE HlWP"Oltf-MllA UNl,110 cour!rO(.:-:' ol DtP1Mm1nl NI. I of ••Id cl•~• AUOull 1,, 1'11, •I lh• 'urchlllntl SCH'OOI.. OISTll tCt At lhe second weather roun-court, 11 1"0 c ivic cen11r Drive W11t. In 0e~1. ~I 1110 i.c:noo1 .,111r1c1 1o<.1!ed 11l---•,oo"•~,;,~,;co,;0,.c,,~•'•"0C.,•1,o"•"·---I .,.,kl 1 ~v11111e 11.io d ing Mosbache r led Bever by the en~ ol St nlt ...... C1lllornl1. lllO Ad1m1 AvttWt. COii• ,,..so. C!KO. utt .. U7 U.C.C.) NOTICE IS HEltEIY GIV~N "'" "'• Oliod July l•. 1111 C1lllotnlt . 11 """1•11 tlmt sold blCll wlll DI' IN,... N•. 2H·M"lt aotrd of E""c•llon of 1111 N._..,..M .. 1 two boat lengths and Spring-w. E. st JOHN, Pl>bll<I~ -f\ICI •ncl ,1111 tor: l•l A bulk lrt nolir 11 obol!t 10 be m•cle. Unltl..:I Stnoo1 Ohtrlcl o1 Or•n•• Coun!Y. Stead WaS a """-SO third. Cw"IY Cttt~ Cl) A""io<Vl1u•I E<1uh>menl, Ind Ill Ct llflM"nl•. will rl<t!VI H•ltCI blCll "" !• ;,o.r OOMALD W. KILLIAN, Jlt. ATOMIC AISOJtPTION tNSTll UMENT. (b) Th• Notntt •!Id bul!MOI •lldttlHI 11 :00 A.M., Au1us! lt, lt11, 11 lll t ""1lc1 In the· light a ir down,vind THOMAS K. CALLl5Tl!lt "II bid• ••• IO IMP In l (CC11"a1M• wilt> of lh• 1••nll1tCH" •• ., Of »ID :khool Olllrlct. lo<.•IMI •I 1151 M b h l · d h" -C.1m1u1 Ori•• !h• 1no1tuu~1 •nd ConCllllon• i nd Allxondor Goll•nlln Ind Mlrf Goolt · "•t""l.11• Avt nu1, Cooll M"''• C1111..-n11• r u n. OS ac er re a 1ne IS Ntw"•I ll••<h. ci llNrnh '2HI s~ec:illc•lilln• which •r• now "" 111, i nd nlon. 11:.. Pl1cen!l1 """·· Co•!• Me,.. 11 wtalclt ltme ••Id blcli Wiii..,. ,ubllu lh' lea d and proreeded to keep ~11: Ml·IJM m•Y bf 1erurto In lh~ 11111:;. ot the Ci ll!ornl•. 01>1ned •nd 11td ,.,,. Anornov• ttr: '•Ull-. Purcllo.ino "o•nt 11 ,,111 ICIK>o! dl>•rlct. Tllo n1mr1 Ind bul<nM• t dd•"-•e1 •l lloo"FiNG Bever covered a s they s tarted Pubn1111e1 vron•• Co•~t 01.iv Pilot. E•Ch oldd•• rnuu •vbmll will! 1111 blll • 1111 .!,',"c~·~•;::ci:,'.J1~" 11~ "•ctn!I• Av• All b;ci, ••• io 1>1 In •<CDtd1nc1 ""'" up the final wind\\·ard leg. ""'"'' l. ~. 10. ltll llJ.O·ll c1shler"1 en.ck, ce1tllitd e111ck. "' bid· Coo•• Mt C•llf · nli ·• Con<1ltlo"'· t ... 1rv<tlon1. 1'>11 Sffclfluhon• B oth \\"C.re far short o r the o ..... l>Ond m•ae l>IY•bl~ lo th• o•cl•• of AU 0111,. ·b·~.1n ... ":..,,,~ •... a 1ddr••••• whl•ll ... """' on ,, .. 1 .. -otll(t ot LEGAL NOTICE lllt C<1••I Commynllv Coll11• Dl•tr1c1 ~•«I b• In• !••n•fttor wl!nln ll1tff "'"" l'otlor·J""'Jlffi & ''"""''• llAJl IDtt m a rk , and il appea red that jf ----------------1 Bo••d ot Tru••oe• 1,. •" 1mounl no1 ltu 1,,1 Poll ,0 '"' •• i..nown 10 111,. Prado. 0•"• Poln1, c1111or,.l•. h k h I S SU,1!11011 COUllT o• THI 111.!n llvt P.,c.ni (S"ol of 1111 1um bid ~· lrinlle••• ••t: non•. Eoth blaaor mv •I 1ubm ll • Did ci•-:' l fy e pt up t e d ue prlng-.JTATI! 01< CALll<OllNllo 1'011 • 11u1•1,.lee !hol lh• blcld'' wll! tni.r Into Ccl l he loc•llon ind ttn~111 description fn Ill• ICH"m ol • cortllit<I or c11ll l•r • stead , who had chosen t he THE tOUNlY o• o•"NGE "'• P•OPO•tCI Con1r1c1 II th• ••m• 11 o4 int prooorlv to IMP !•an•ftrrea •r•· chtci.. or • bid bond ""'I !O 11v1 pe•c•"' NI. A·lt\11 IVlt raed to him. '" lh• even! ol lillur• lo 5loo:1'. In !rl<I•, llWlu•••• e<>vl~onl (!~~) Ill •h• 1mwn! ol !ht bld. m•<I• 1niddle of the course. m ight NOllCI 0' NIAlllNG 0' l"lllTION enl•• lnlo •~en conlr1c1. lh• proc•«I• ol •'>II g.ocx1 wlll <1t 1 <•rt•ln reitiurint 1>1~11>11 to the "'Cl•• of !ht NtwPort·M•" come in ancl beat the.m both. "'011 P'~OIATI! o' WILL AND •01 !h• thee~ will !lo lorf•l!lll, or In In•<••~ bu•ln•u know",, Armen·• $nl.rHl.·Bob, unlllt<I Schoo! 0111•1(!. tn Ill• 1v..,1 of l..ITlliocS lllTAMINTAIY IN O of t l>OnCI, fh1 lull tum lhert'OI will IMP 20 6 f'l•c•nrl• Avo., coilt Mell, l1llure to enttr Into 1u•n con1t1cl, tti• l\1osbacher Sized Up !hC BOND) lor!olt1d !o 11ld Khool dl1trlct. Collfotnl• Pf0<:eta1 of th• <hKk will b• forftl•ed, o< situatio·n first and brok• off Ell•!• or ""1.i1m o. 1111cn1rt Otco•wd, No bldd•r m•v wltltdrow ni. bid tor • ld) In~ Pl•ce. •"Cl 1n1 dMo 0,. or otttr In c••• cf • bOna, lh• !uH '""' 1n1r1ol NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVE N 1n•l Tll<e pe riod ol !ortv·llv• USI dov• l tl or !Ill wlllcn, mo l>\JI~ 1roni!ot 11 10 b• con· Vl\11 b• lcrl.+lod It WIG khotl Ol111'"ICI ol his COiier Of Beve r \O go for 1 .. 1vr1nct 1na l ru1! Com1>1"V h1• llltd d1l• ltl lot tne oi>e,,lno lhtr•o!. 1umm1l td 1ro : Btn~ QI i'.m1rlc1 NTll.Si'.. Or•"llt CoYnlv. he I ne,.!n 1 ..ellllo" tor probel• of will 1nd lho e ... rd ol Trv""' r11t1•n tn• J."'4 u11 Lido. N•wP<lr! B•ttll. C•lltorn•" No b\ader rn•v w11nd11w hl1 bill '" • t ay-line and Cl.It off S pring-!or h•~•nct ... L1tl111 l H!•mtnt1rv to orlvlif<it of ••l•cllno 1nv •11<1 •I Old• or On Of ttl•t Augu5t 1 ~. lt ll o"'lod ol lcrrv-llvt (4S) d•1s 11te• lilt> stead. This left Bever ,v i I h P•!•!l<>n•r !No BonCl l ••t••~n<• 10 wnicn to wolv• •n• ltr•o .. 1u lll10 or In-O•lf'll Jul• 19, 1111 aot• 111 tCH" ,,,. 001nln1 lh<ftof. I• m•d• for turtlltr pir!ltuloro. 1"4 1n11 lo•m1llll•• In 1nv bl<1 et In th• blddl<•q. M~•• Gcul•nli n lh• Ol11tlc! 1111 dolotmlned In• ••ntrol clear a ir as he came over on ·~· 11"'' •nd .,1.c, o1 "•••Inv •n• •~"'" s1gn..:1, NOll MAN E. WAT~ON Al•••""" G<>'ll•nlon pr•v~111no r•t• °' ...,. ~,""" "*''"' 1~ '"" port tack and sailed for the 1,., -n '°" ""' A111K11t 1'11. 1•11. A• ,,:;o Stctv. llo.•d o1 1r"•'••• .,1~119,0, loc•lltv i., Wllldl tnl• work 11 11 ~ .. 1.m., Jn th• cw tltoom of Oe1>1r!menl No Ootn• Aut uSl 11. 1'11 -1:00 p.m. V1<h• M..:ltnlotn .,.,f,,.mtCI for elCh <••It M IYPI ol flag end u f the line . J ot ••Id court, 11 100 Clvlc Centor Dri•• Publllll<'CI Orono• c ... 11 0111v 'llo!, ,,1~'"'"" workrn1n 11et"Cll9tl lo '"""'"11 "'• <""'''"· M b h b v.'H I, In !hf Cllv ot S1nt1 A,.1, C1lllornl•. J u!• it 1nCI A1111u<! 4, lt11 ~~-n IAMIC 0,. AMlltl(A wMcn will bo •wudftl lo IM 6uCcH1IYI os a c er came ack to 0,1.o A"""" ,, 1n i. "· o. 1 •• un bldd~r. 10 t>t n 1o11o .... : s ta\board, w ell ahead of w. £.st Win LEGAL NOTIC E .,..,.,... lticn. C•M'"'"1' tlHl CLAss1•1cAT ION HOllltLV WAGI Spnngstead and It appeared .. ...,,1,~c:'."~t~~ .... ~4 SJ11rmon. ,Pub1,1ine<1 Ortno• c ... ,, D1Uv -"\\Of. ::::;:: :::~:;;!;.""'" ~:~ '''''. ',,'",','_,,,,,,, u•u• •. l,11 ,..y .Jl P'llll ro•o\fd lr4"•• .,.,.11111 t hat he would cross the line -s ... n. 0 11v. s11 .. 1. 11111 1<1 .... ..... An••I••· C1111Dtnl• ,..\. SU,11101 COURT o• lMI LEGAL NCYl1CE Ap11t•nll<n 1oh•H k ...... OIDYMI 1 ....... . ahea d of the pon ta c k ing f ol Ull) U6-li.U JTATl 01' CALll'OIMIA '01t lU'flllOI cou11 f 01' TME tor'f\l!Y Wllh S«t~ 1"' s ...... Co\< B Allo•n•v• tor; 11'.rllllo,,... .. ' <O ' llorn\1 L11>1r CllOlt. ever. '" UN y 0' OllANGE l lo\ll o• CALll'O•HIA ,Olt '"" ............. "Chodute ~··" 1. N :l- B Pllbll1h<'CI O<•nH t 08tt Oollv Pllol , H•. A·IM:it T"I COUNTY 01' OltAl'IOI Ut Bever reaC'hed the rJag Avoull t. 5, 10. t•11 1061·11 £olU• ol ANN H"LI.. Ooc••H<I. Ni. A·11lG 9d l'<IOn I JOl/tno•mon 1"11 Olr ol J·ust in time to luff sharply 1----------------1 NOTICE IS HEREBY Gil/EN ,. "'' l'IOllCI 0 11' NIAllNO O' ,l'TITION ,.;""' (9) """~· '"• " 1* of llOlldov -LEG AL NOTICE {rllllto" o• !tie 1bov• nomt d clttt<l•nl 'Olt 'ltOIATI o, WILL AHO 1'01 ovon!,... ....,, • .,..II 1>t •I rim• •'>Cl .,. .. acr oss the line. and n ip ""' 111 Pfr lOtll hi ving c•11m1 •v•ln•1 th• ISIUANCI 0, LITlllll Tl!ITAMIN· "'11• I M b h b I h sold dK«leM ••• r1<1ulrtc1 Jo Ill• tn•m, TAllY TO 'EllT!ONI• It •11111 bP nJll!ldllOt"V ~"°" tft• t'tln• ·OS ac er Y ess t an two " Hm wl•~ the "«"""'"" vouch.,,, 1 .. 1~. o"I<• E•!llt o1 JOHN 1. ANSON, D•«•s•d. lr•ctar to ""'""'"''·""' con!t•<I It ..,...,a. seconds. '~:!.T~OIUTsA:lu~~"'N1l' at tll1 <Jor• of lh• 1bov• 1nllll1a courl. or No nce 15 HE11£1Y GIVEN '"" W. •nd u1><>n •nr ounconfrocror "M '!'f' Th N l k. • 1 1 lo Preo..,t rn.,m. wlln th• "ecouorv ll't•M•• c. #\nton llt l llltd "'"''" t ptll· l!lm, lo P•Y 1"41 11>1 lflln •ht M!ll e e11•por S tppers 1n the l>u~~:,.11 '~~l~w nl P1"0"' "'" cio ng '°"i:ta•••· 10 tnt ""derilgn<'<I 11 th• 11111ct tlon !or pratwot1 cl wrn i nd,..,. 1 .. u•~t• °' >Pl<lfl«I ,,,.., " •fr ......,.,_" ...... ,.,..., race remained among the firs t MAMA JAN '! p sv c HE o E L r c 01 hf• '-tttt~•v. 1nom1• D. Gt!liln. s:IO'J L.rt1r1 Te•'"m'"'"'" 111 .... 1111oner. b'I tl"ltm Jn ,.,. ••tcullan "" tti• to~ CVCl..£S 6ll p I ( I M E••I l '>CI S!tH!, Long 8••<h. C1lltotnT1 •trer1nc1 lo ... ~lch II m1dt le• !ur!h., lftcl. 10 1'uesday despite p O Or c1111. ,i611 t ullr ""· 0' • •••· l'()l!OJ. whl(h h lh• Pllco o1 bY•ln•n 01 p•rtlcu ftro. 1...ci rn11 "'" tlm• •"" 1>l•ct l~• eotrd of l:duc•llon Of"'" N-1· finis hes. tiim Hogan finis hed P1!!ot1cn 8. Diw1on. 1111 'l•<~i1 !ri. undarilqM<I In •II m•!!f'"• P•r!olnlne ol t.i11f1n1 lhf 11m1 h•• bHn "'' lo• Mn. Un1f19d School Ol1t•k~ ,..,,..,v .. !!"t• . I "C", Coll• Mes•, C•ll!. to I~• t •l•le c! 1ald d..:1o•nl, wl!~ln ''"" Au1oiit If, 1'11, a1 t:lO 1.m .. In th~ rlgltt lo ~•IKI ..,v or •II Olde, •nd no• Jn I th place but \Ii'&.~ able lo Jon I(, O•w•on, 21/t Plece,.111 "(", month1 "'"' lllt llrll pvbllclllon ol tn11 covrir--.. ol O•P•rlm1nt No. l Ill ~•Id n1<1n 1rl1y •<Ctf>I ll'le 1o--.1 bid, •"" lo h Id · 11. J • th C 1 M,1 Ct lll m>!lc~. tour!, 1! 100 c1~1c C~ntor Dri ve WM!, In -Iv• '"Y lnti>r""'l!IY « lrr1<1ul•ri"° l" 0 SIXw1 pace In e Stan-~,!1iorv "Hertwiu. 2111 Plictnlia "C"', 0.ltd Julv 16, ltll tll• Cllv o1 S~nu ""'' C1lllotnlo, •nv t>ICI rKelvocl. dings. &ger Welsh finished co111 M•••· C•lll. Jt n• '"'· Tawn1•"" 01tw Jvlv ?'I, I'll 011111 AvDv!I 1, 1'71' ll h d S Thi> l>v>IMU !t b•lne conCl1JCtad bV 1 Adm lnldr•trl• ol !~1 W. E. ~T JOH"• NE'N'OJtT4Al!!'SA llN ll'q!D 1 an WllS tied With pring-Pitlnet>MI>. E>1ate et Ill• 1DC\o~ ntmed Ca11nly Cltr• SCHOOL O!Sl•tCT flt stead for eighth place, J •" D•w•on doc.citM •11111r.1. w1 .. ~1 ••• I"•~""'" •1111 W•••· O••n•• cou""", c1111~I• P Thl! S!tltmtnl 111!<1 wll~ Inf COIJntf THOMAS D. 0~1,.,lH l y: Ol•I• Zwlll 00<oth1 Horv.., l'l11!1r re-series favorites J ohn c1•r• or or1ng• C1>1m'• "'" Jui• 11. 1•n . sm E. 2M srr-Dovll zw•I• tl'urc~u11111 .u-..1 D.a'n e of New Orleans and 8v 8••••1¥ J. M1ddo•. Di'Pult coun1¥ L..,, IHcn, C•~torn!1 "'" 6JltO Wll•Mr• 11v•. "'1-lll'IO Cltr<. T•I: {!Ill llJ·J117 Sult. 1... Pirt>IOl'lf'(I o~ .. Cot1! 'lloltv ,,1,1. Lowell North or San D iego P11l>lll~HI Ort noo-(N ol Ool(V Piiot, All-J' f« Admllll1t•1tr•• LH o\11111 ... CIUte<-111• -Auou•t '· I!, 1t7l 11.e II have been improving t heir J.,1v 1• lt 1nd Aut u•t 4. 11, 1tn 7001.n Pui.111111<1 O••n~• co.11 0.11, '1101, ""'""' I•: P'•tll-Julv 19 1nll AvDu•t 4. 11. lt. 1t11 Jllll.71 '""" positions daily, but for both it LEGAL NOTICE 'ubll•ntd 011nt • Co1ot D•ilv Pilot, LEGAL NO'IJCE appea rs t o be a case of too lit-LEG AL NOTIC E l ''"'''"'"'~''c· '~·~''f'·~'~""'mrriCie-"~~·c"e l.----------, 11J<11 LEGAL NOTICE lie loo late . ,ICTITIOUS I UJINEJ$ NEWl',CMtTj'llA U1t11•110 Da , .. hed . th Tu NAMI llATIMfNT SU,lllOlt COU llT 01' TMI[ NOl t(I TO C•l!OITo•s ICNoot. DISTl1CT ne 1n1s SIX esda y Tl!• follpwlllt ottoon 1. <lo11ftt ~v•intH STATE OP" CALl•OIHIA •01 su,111.10• COU llT Oil' TNI ,._, l••lllnt 11111 lo l ake over fourth in the st.an-11. Tl-11: COUNTY 0, OIANGI SlAll 0' CALll'DllN IA '01t NOTICe n l'IEltEIY GIVE N "'"' ..... FAYLES ANO COMP.O "IY, £500 Ctm· N•. A·1111t T"I. COUNTY 0' OIANG• 8C>l•t o1 fCluc;.ot!on M ll>tr H--l·Ml5• d ing s \\tlile North finished ""' o •.. ~ul!e Jn. NfWl'Cltl 8••<h. "IOT ICf 0' HIA•ING o• ,lllTION Ne. A""n Unlllf<I §U>Pol Ol•t•lcl Of ~ C•ml). .SeVCOth but fared no bt'lter C•ll<or~lf t!UO 1'011 ,llOIATli 0 1' WILL ANO ,01 E1l•t1 Of AL ICE ll EANICE GO•OON C•tllorl\l1. will tK •l•e Moled bid> u• "' M< G C ~•¥Its. Jlot A. Mt t• LITTlll.S TllJTo\MINTAltY 11.., k"own 1• I ERN ICE W. WAltRUM. 11 ;00 A.M . .., 1M-1tlll Cl•• art Aut uo!. 1111 than 10th overall. "v•nu•. Coll• M•••· c~1norn!1 11616. Ell•lt ol FLO ll lOA M. Cll:A IG. Of'C fO lf<I. •1 ,~., olllct "' ••Id 5<.1'001 0111•1••· Tn•• 0.,11~•u II btln, co"dut?e<I bV on O•••••e<f. NOT ICE 15 11ElllE8Y GIVE.N t<1 1n4 !octtt<I It lll7 Pll (fnlll Avo,.ut, c.,.1• He re is the \\"ay the top JO lno0Vldu11. NOl l(E IS ~EllE llY GIVEN l~d LPV crtelllo•I ol lh• lllOVI nomt<I dtcl'clf .. t M1H, C1llfor n11. u Wftlcll llmt 11ld ~1~. finished: Tuesda y : G c '•YI•• MV•I C••lo h•• 1119<1 t1er11n • ~1111on 1...-in•! 111 '''"'on• 111vlng r111mo •v•ln•! mt w111 1>1 ,l'llb!lcly OPlnod ind •t•d lo•: 11111 ''""'"'"' lll•d ,.oh lh• c ounty "'ob1!1 ot ... 111 i nd lor luu1nc1 or l•""' ••I" <lfcldlnl t" tl'Oulrto to flit them, OlliJl!:L fflo\CTOlt 1. Don Beve r , Sall Diego. C•ork 01 O••no• cou .. iv on Jun• lll, 191,, T••l•m•n11ry lo P•tlllo""· rei•r~nce 1<1 wl11• !ne "~c•"~" vo1JCll•r., In the p<flco All bills 1r1 to tit In 1cc.,,nu•c:e .. 11t. 'J Bob Mosbacher Housl 1 8 .,IJ J MldO D 1 c n1v which I• m1d1 lor lurlh•r 1>••tlcy11ro. 1nd ot lh• c11tk 01 lt.1 1bovt , .. 1111.0 rourl. "' conal!'lon1, 1 •, 1 r -., 1 1 ~ n , 11111 w. • , On. (~r~ IV • o•, IOU V °" lhol In• !Im• 1...0 Oll CO o! h~1rlng lh• to prennl Thim. Wit~ lho nlCe1u-. Jl'Otlllc•!l""I' wtiich tt• """' ...; Ill, Jn J. Wai~y Springs tead, San P bll ~.., 0 c 1 0 11 ,11111 J '"'""" "'' l>ff'n ••I 1or o\uouu n , 1'11. " voucheri, to "'' undtt1l•""ll •' lh• "'"'• •h• o•flce 01 1111 p.,.,n••'n• .ovon! "' ,.111 D I.ego. iv 1~. 1'1, 11 :nt;•:,.,~:11 •. 11,1; 1 v,1.~; •:JO 1.m., In '"' '""r'""'"' or o1 htr .nor,.1v. ll:O!EllT A EA~TM.ON Sc.hoo! Dll!r1d. 1•s1 P'!.ct n!lo Av"'lu~. '--'-'-~·7cc-'-'--"~~=----1 0Kl•rtmt~! No. J Of 1tlC1 COU•1. ot 700 77'IO H1rb0r l lvd .• (1>111 Mt ll. (11· CO"l• /,,\111, Colllotnl•. 4. Ken Young, i.JJs Anaele!, 1· Cl•ie Cent•r O•lve Wu !, lft t~e Cll• <1f l!ornl• 9161•, whlcll 11 th• 1>lt ct o! E~ch bl<ld«" mull •ut.m11 • bid d•parlt "-" LEGAL NOTJCE S1nl • An1. Callf~•,.11. btl•lnt'1 QI th• vn<1ero lgntd !n 111 m111e" In rhe form ot • ctrtl lle<I or <••hi•" 5. M arty Gleic h, San Diego. 1----------------1 Dllf!<l Julv 11, !911 p1r1•1 .. 1n1 to !he 0111!• o• ••la d•<•dtnl. en«~ o.-• nld l>Ond 'ou11 -i. llv• 11«Pnt 6. John Dane Ill, Ne w • 11111 W.E. H JOl'H wltltln IOI.Ir mcntn1 '"" ttat 11111 publlt.11· ll "•) Of 1"• •moun! ot •~• bid, m•d• ••CTITIOUl I USlNfSI Coun!y Cl•'~ uo~ Qt lhl• nOll(e. l>I Vl ble lo !ht order Of ,,,, Ntw1torl·Mt0• 0rlean.s. NAMI ITATIMEHT W11l1c1. lrown 1nG Cr11~ lOICWI Otltd JIJIV XI, UJI Unllle<I SC/\QDI Ol1Trlct. A .P~r•...-m'"'" 7. L.o··ell North. San o .·ego. '~·· lftfloWlnt Pf'"'"" ... doin1 '" DWff" Dtht, Sul!• N~m-11. M1rgart1 II. 8urn1idt Bond ..... v be ·~ulttCI If~ dl••t•ll"""' ,. builneu ••: N•w•MI l•••h, t •lllotftl• •1Mt Aamlnl1trl!rlx Of th• ~-•!•1• tht Olo?rl•I. In ,.,. oven• of l•ll"rt !D 8. Scot! Harris. Mlll Valley. ttl'.NT AL ll E.O.OIER, u• w lttn st .. Tel: 1114) '"·'117 ot tt.e 11;><1vo "•"'..:I Cltct<l•nl ""'"' 1 .. 10 •u<h tonlr•<t. Ill. ••ac-• 11 J CD•la MtJ1, t16JI. ' Atl ....... ¥1 m ,.tlH1tllf" IOllltT lo. IAllMAN lht c.ht(k wllj IMP forltlt..:I. at In C••t Qf • 9. erry Rumsey, SM Fra n· P1ul M. Glll .. pl1, 1U2 ID••uvlll t. P"blltl!Pd OtlnH Cotll O•ilv Pllol, 1"' ll•rHr l lv•. bond, '"' full tvrn fl!et'IOI wl!I b• Cisco. (Ollt Mt••· n6l1. JUIV ll . 21 •1111 Auoull 4. lfl\ ;l(lft.11 c .. 1. MIMI, (1Mtn• tt1)f lor!Ul«I re ttld ICllaol Ololt1cl ... Or•M• M1t!1nne Glll••PI•. 1.U7 Dttuv!l!t. T•h ftlll ......,,. Countv . 10. John Van D y k e, Coi11 M11•, ~17. LEGAL NOTICE At,_.,.,. llr A•m!nlol•t trt• No bldd" "''" wllhdr1w 1111 blCI '"" • M ilwaukee, Wisc. '~'' bv •ln111 11 bt!n• cOlld~ctl'il trf • ,ubll.n..:1 or1no t ,.,.,1 0111v P'!tur, Jy. ,..,IPCI at ""!Y·flv• !61c11v11nw ll>tr d•t. Hu11MPr.d 6 wilt. SU,llllOI COUllT 0 , THI! Iv 'll 1nd AUIUll t. II. 11, 1t11 '°61·11 '" lot !h• -nl ... lf>trlOI. S tandings after lhret races '•u1 M. Glll•1o11 STo\TI o' CAL1,01N1i0. •01 L A NOTICE TNo ,...,.. ct 1~11..,"'"'" "'--'· with no throwout : lhl• ,,A!•mf .. 1 filed wllll "'• (wn!v THI COUNTT 0' OltANOI EG L Mt .. Unllltcl j()\IO( Ol11tltt rffervn ... I Clor• ol Or tntl* Countv on. Jul• U. u ;i. Nt. A•1'11ll , Ulf1 rlclll 10 •t]KI &111 .,, 111 ·bldt, '"" -~I ) hlosbacher, 6; (2) Bever, llv ltvtrlv J. MltlaO• 0."'1!V (OVnlY NOllCI O' NIAJtlNG OP" PITIT10N P'tCTITIOUI •Ull"lllS nt c•n•rllv •<<Hf "'" 1-•tt blcl. '""lo 18 (3) R 32 4) Q Clo•~ 1'011 ,.IOIAllf 0,-WILL AND ,01 HAMI! ITlTIMl~T wtlv1 ony lnlo!'mllll"!> ., 1h .. ul1rlly In ; umsey, ; ( a ne, Pllbllll>td o •• ~ .. Co•1t O•lly l"llOI, LITTfll.J TEITAMfNlAltY tlOMD Th• lollpllolne •••ion b oa1 ... bl.i•l,,.,. l nY blCI rlC;.tlvld. . 33.7: (5) Gleich. 36: (6) T im Jul'f 11, • •"" A1111u11 .. 11. un in1.11 w41vao1 .,; °"'~,.~'::~~11T~~A UHt,11!• Hogan, N""'1V\rt Beach, 39., LEGAL NOTICE E1111e oi M1ri1 Oomtnltk. OK•••lll. tlOWN V11..Ll 1N'fEITMENT COM· scwoo1.. 011,1101 -··yv• NOTICE IS HEllEIY Gii/EH lllt! fl"' P"ANY. not H111rCI A~fnllt, Gorden or Or•nt1• Cou111,., Cl llfwnlo 17) Van Dyke 40 7• (8) t1el--------------lll•1nc111 n11 1111<1 f\tttl11 • """°" ,.... 011>v1. c1111orn11. ooro1~v l'i'&rvo' ,111'1_. bet1o1·ecn Rog'er . iv e Is h • ,1cT1T1&11\11:u 1ii.i•s• ;~~~t~.~~1 "1": ";.;~;;:~· ~ i'~1:•; ,1f""S:,:1 :~!~~;· ~:i~=~~~1~~ 1:;'o; ~~~:i•1n11 A•tnt Newport B eac h and Sprl NAM• tTATIM•Nl w.1 • .01. '°"'""'' 'o wrtlcn 11 m1d• tor 1 .... t r!Y HlllJ, c1111o•nl1 o011 1 ,u1>11in1<1 °'"'"" C•lf 11,1i.. ,.,1,1. • ng-The IO!towlnl porHn 11 <IOl"f bu1lntt1 futlher 1•rllt11l1r" i ncl lt.11 !ht tlm1 tnll T~I• '°YllMll It conduc ted bv I tlmlll'CI ... vl ulf o. 1'71 >:1 ... 71 stead, 42.7; (10) North, 43. 11. Pl•c~ o1 ~11r1n1 111, ''"'' "" l>ffn ,., "rtnt•llllP CAMP8ELL ' l UM 11 1 NG a, IM Au1111! 1', 1"1. 11 t ::JCI 1.m .• In !ht l'OUNOEllS I USINESS HEo\TING, 1150 lttb1dllt1, CPl!t Mla1. covttroom ol O•P1ftm1nl No. l ot 11ld WNAGEMl!Nl INC. (1111. t1o16, court, •I 1{IO (lvlt Ctn!et Orlv• Wttl. In M1rU11 LtAnct, LEGAL NOTICE A la st-m inute c rew change a board the Cal-40 Chinook m ade s kipper Sh:t\\'n Durnin. a j WliOr &t the U.S . Interna- tional U n iversity . reaHle he had enough class1nates aboard to qualify. Arter the s tart o f t he race he radioed the com- m ittee and asked for recogn i- tion a s a collegiate entry but was lurricd down brcause he tiad railer! to file a proper e n- try be(ore the starl. 200 Attend Rites Wl!llom ''11111" C1m1bell. J 1 SO th• Cltv Of Sem1 An1. C1lllPr~l1. Preildt nl NOTIC• fO C:l•DITOlll 81rb111111. (~Ill M•11, Coll•. n<l,6. 0•19d July 21, 1t/1 T~ls ~111.....,1111 NII 1111<1 wilt> tnt c.,.,,.. SUP'•llOtl COUllT 0' lN• l lll1 b1n l: .• 1t It INl119 conductl'CI by I ll w. E . SI JO HN, IY Cll'rk Ill OI•• c,,..nlr on A.1111111 J, SlATI 0, (ALt,OIJ:lA 'Oil 1nn1v16111l Cou~tr (19'k 1,n. TM• COUftTY 01' J!Aflj l • Duc llo was nrst in t:hc col- legiate r ace {ln both e lapsed and correcled llme. winning the J oe f\f. P oteet Perpetua I lrophy ror line hoJl{lrs a nd the (.ommodore J ake VanOergriFt Trophy for IJ'ie best corrected time b y a colle giate c re w. The latt~ trophy wa s gi\'Cn by !he Naval Acade m y In m emor y O{ VanOergrifl 1o1·ho w as in- strumr.ntal in the development nf tht Naval Academ y's !ail· lllg program. h1idshipme n T om O 'Brien t1tudenl s klpflCr ). Ga r y Carlile. Tom Ternes a nd Terry Sl\Qemaker "'ere the un - riergrads aboard Du e I 1 o , log('t.her wHh Li.,. (jg ) T ony 11!1 CtrnPMll M!ldltll .... OtMI. t .... OC N.. A .. ,_• Harbour Club Dedicated lllll '''''"''"' fll"'CI wlm "'' c .... ntr '111 W!llltlr• ..... ...,,,,.. P"11bt11hlll Or1..t• CC>llf Cl1llY P'llOI, ei1111,,, JAMI& D. Utt.TEii, CterMt· Cltf~ ... Otl n .. Counlv en' Jul• 1', lt 71 , lt ..... IY Hlllo, c.11 ... 1111 tt:l'lt AUltUll •. 11, II . 1.!. 1t1l ».11·71 l'CI, I v 8tvt r!Y J. Mllklo~ Ot P""' CounJy Tll: nu1 171·"'21 LEGAL ~CE .NOJ:lCE 1$.. Hl~llY 4)11t:H .. tft• Cltrk. AllentfYI NI" '"II~ •~v•~ crtd\lor1 IOl"tbt" llbtvt ntl.,1<1 cltc••ont ,ub•IMaod Ol•"'ll• c .... , Otlly ,11.... l"ubU1Md Or1.-COil! lllHJ' ftlto1 .1-~---'"'"''"·"'·~·'·;.:-'==----tMI , ... ".,tent llll'tlft• cl1!m1 ... 11111 .... J\llJ 11. 11 Ind A119111t <. 11. ltl! l'l'ff·1l Julr tt. 2' •nd Autu1t ,, 1'71 *1·71 P"ltTITIOUI IUllHlll t•lll cl..:t<ltnl Ito '""l"'tl IO lllD lt<tm, r.lore than 200 b o a t i n g enthus iasi.,, turned out Sunday to v.'ltnes." the. dedication of the Huntington Harbour Yacht C lub. The clubhouse, whic h had been plMiled si nce 1966. \\'&.<;; officia lly opened ·when Hl!YC Commodore. Jerry O lson a nd Southem Cal ifornla Yachling Associatiqn Commodore l.ee. Kellerhouse. cut ribbons to the buildings doors. DiRnlt.ar ies from yacht clubs I l..' b,io---- and associations from Ventura to Newport Beach attended the ceremonies 1o1·hlch v.-ere ca pped wilh a harbor c ruise. and luncheon. The new yacht club ha! it.. own building, but will ah.are fac ilities: with the •luntlngton !!arbour Beach and Tennls (.1ub fo r large events. C.Ommodore Olson ~·e.lcome.d lhe gues ts and Capt. ~1c\ Carpente r , Chief o f S l11ff. U.S. Naval BaM!, Ul ng Beach, 1----------------1-------------'----1 NAMI lTATIMINT wltll 11111 nMtllllV ..._11 .... 111 ""'Ml/rt LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTJCK 'Illa lpll-I rlOft 11 llOlllS M l of ltae c11r\ If lti•'•k"t t n1h11<1 c.,.,fl. o• delivered lhc de<licatk>n ad-'------~--------1---~--~=~-----·f'" ,,. " 111 , 111 ~""t"' "'""· •tnr. "'' """""'v 1· I' Hitt P" lint Mll110N COMMUNITY HOS,llAl VO\ltllt"' le !tit llnlltl"llfflfll 11 Ill• olll•• f'l(TITIOUS IUSIHISS P"IC::TlTIOUS IUSll'l lll 'HAllMACY Jfll» '""'1• Jt •• I ol Il l• AINrntt. C"OL.O~EL SELIM dre!!. HHYC Staff Commodore Bill HardcMlle and Jr. Stan Com· modore Al Fitipatrick presented a short history o f the club, v.·hich was rounded in NAMI ITAl•M•NT HAMI STATIMlll'IT Min i"" \lltl;,, C11Uornlt . ' HE lltNG ,llANICLIH, 107 flll Ill~ Tiit folloW!"' "''°"' i r• ftlnl Tiii toilowlntl .H~MM"ll ltt •olM CommullllY p 11 t rI"t c 1 i. I ( c 1 l $tr1111, ~1!• M1t1, Ctll10rnl1 '2411, 1Ki1l<'fll 11: .,..,1_ 111 lt1M1VrCH. Inc.. 1 (1111. C01"1. ,..,ldl It !tit ,1tu " 11Utl111t1 ol ll'tl llA INIOW MAlNTl!NAN(E I t t 1 B. a, J. MAN U ,-A(: TU 111 HG TM1 t>uoln1»1 II COMUC'" by I (Cll"• '""°"'"""" • •II rnt tttro' '"r11lnJ111 le '•let Or •. Hu111!11e1en lt1cll, C1llf. J~l!LE•S, 10. Se. 0 •1ncl. S•11t1 A/'lf. W •ltoft. t1ll ...... -'Jl!llf M~. wltnln ""'~ Oou1l11 COllNV Mcl..11n. JtOI Ptlc1 Wllltm O. J1nHm1. 25!M Cllfl Or lvt . C~Ul'l lTY ,...,.n. lfllrr ·It# t'IWt ""llntt!lto't •I 1111• Or .• ,1vnU11411on ltldl. C1UI. N-..-t l •Kh. l'HAflMA(EIJTICAL llOllC., , e ttubllh MtLtln. Md P•IW Dr., Joi 1f\11 F. Vt "°"l11n. 1JIJ Wit! fl E$0Ul(E~ INC.. DtJtf JV1N t. "7('" H11t1Hnt1I011 ltec:fl. (l!!f. Cirllon ,i.e .. St nt• Ano . (llrt•"t w. IU'tllll, uovll,~P••' llllo blllfntn h ttl"IM (Of'd\IClll bY • 11111 b\11lnt1t 11 btlM tenClvcll'il ... I ,rftlrltnl tt:~l'd.lttl" ....... '''"'""'""''· '•flntrsl'llo T"li \llllfl'I"'' wH n1te1 wltt. 1~1 tou... Wm 61 1111 l!IOV1 ~llfl'llfJ G-c:-nr pRrUcipaUng in lht l llllbolll Mtl .. n J. "· Yl ndtr!llll "' Cler• flf °''"" C1111111ty on AU.Utt 2. COl0fljlL llLIM "•1111,1'1• 0 . C. M<Lt•" IHI J1~1-1 1'11. l'llANICt..IN. ' 1965. Also ceremonies were Sea Scout.s T~11 ''''""""' 1111<1 w11n '~• COllMY Tn11 .,,,.,..,..,, 111.ci w1111 "" t OOJ"lt twt·OC 111 '"' ,..., •~'· frmm Sea Scout Ship 412 Cit•• M o •• ,,.. c,,..~tv ..,, J111t 11, 1111. c11••"' 0•1Mt countt .,., J .. 1. lJ, 1tn . 1,.n1 • '"M•, AllT1. c .. 1 .......... c'•ftftnl .. t'ldf 8¥ ltvtrlv J. Mtdde1, Otwlv (ll\lntv l!y 9t vtrly J. MIG-Dt ... IV Countv l'MI A¥-t 11 tftt 1!1ti, J~I .. jM Tl'll 17111 ..... 11 11 \\"hich i& based al lh• yacht c1,r• Ct•••· ..... A11Pllt. (11!tor .... ,...., AltwllfY .... I KIKtrlw _.-Cb 'libtt1llMI Ctl n" (NII O•ilY Plkl!, "11~!l""'d Or•'lq• ("'' OlllJ' ,.1,,,,. l"~blllh.., Orl "f<I (N II Oe(ly "'°'· P!Jtin.n...i Ot•nee e11101 Dolly 'llt!. c:'IUO. Jul' ;1, 11 t l'HI Auflfll I. n. 1'11 JOI.JI Jul)' 21. » 1M AutWI t, 11, 1'11 ltt .. 71 Autuof .. 11. 11, !S. lt11 JOS,.n July I~ 21," •llfl MllWf 4, 1'" 19"·11 --• -. Y/ d a Au USl 4 lq7t ,, ' • I . .I ll;i I } ' ' TI If• 1 ; l s6'' & $1" Values Decorator Wall & Door Minors ,'. • 11141" ..... " .... 0 ... 1 M iu•• • • 11.:11" ....... ... f re-4 M;,..,. • I !141" lr•nto"• f ra,..•4 lllHte11911l•r 33 ,,. • Mi•f'O• • 171IS" C•11f._,.,.,, ,,...._., M;,,., Your Choice M·rror magic in o ".0• !>t lec1;on of 1tylt 1. s13•• Solid State Tape Recorders $ 94 Mo~folr <l trorni3for ch.JOI. l<oc.k tape '' • cordrr with single Je - lector !>lidr control, for 1ecord, ploy, ~top & rewind. " . ' '--llilll•"•' ................ ... , rt/ II ----.- BUT ONE ••• GET ONE FREE s4•s ... ~o ..... 1:-~ a.to .. Fm•~, Allen's Formula 25 $9.90 Yaluel Vitamins & Minerals ' '"'"'" "~"'' 2 $ ' ,, " "''mm•, Bottles 95 m rn('•QI\ & nutro-t 11h ot 2-lor-!h t-ot 100 tA ·~ P•.c•-of -1 >-O•-for ~ 1ng~. ' ' Re9. $4'' Melmac 8 Dinnerware Set • S•rvic• for 4 $ B1aur1fully dtc0tol1d l t. PC. 1"t i" ll!J!tlusi~I Thrifty pootmi. 4 eo. Dinner Plotts, Cups, Saut•n. ~P 0t Ct •t ol So .. 11, I " J. ' '' ' " ,,, .. " , . .. __ --- . ' $3 4' Value 40 Qt. Waste Basket .~ @ 199 Jumbo sjzt _ •. buih lo kold lorge ~upermork•t bo9~. San1 - rorv. ~~.,. -to -clton plastic 1n Avocado or gold. ~1~~~':~sl 1' laminated · .:~~ Wall Plaques ·@87' Floro! bouquets, k ilch~" 'oyings, p!oyful J.,rchtn~. 1uv1tnoles, 1:1reet- ing co1d choldren, othtr pooulor sub)l!Ch in 8 ~6" s1ie. Lo mono!ed to l1~rboord, 39:. Ice Cream Glassware ~ florne 1'" 70r 1.p glo,,ts- neo•le<J ,h,,nrner r a•npatt l•p QIO~~ & n:i-cal,-,r ~h·n~. 891 Baby Scott Disposable Diapers 059c -, ~ S o I I, ~vl•o-ob.art>.nt over- n•ghter 1 '2,. Burgermeister f Reg. 6~$1 1 ' Beer -6:99c ,' • ")> 12 o .. c ... So•t !!Oc on 1och 6-pOC\ .. Thnll{I i>'fliled timll .,.ti.L MAW \'aU llllltl• --ITORI AT: Inn Valley ParkwaJ •• lillbursl in Laguna Nii F!uslproof, eM'l·lo•claon frosh cans litoture HlOp· over melol hoodlts That keep lid loded in ploce, $1'' Value Quilted Pillow Covers 79 1 • I 0 Pounds Charcoal 6x6 Ft. Bamboo Drop Shades $222 • 4x6 FL Si1• .. $1 .99 • 8x6 Ft. Sit• . $3,99 • )Ox6 ft. Si1 1 . $"4,99 Reg. $3'' & $4'' · ~ Ladies Sun Glasses ~ . -. I s2'1 Value Sirco r. Reg. $2911 Magnus· . J: [s:;\ Chord Organ " , · ~~ 2494 i · -~ . -~ ~ ~ , ""\one con ploy '" 60 ser-.1~ •:~! II e1rid~ ,.,fhout lt~!.O"~· 1 'l "]' chord buttons, J7 lrdllc kt\ s. ·~. ' "'-----------:·· ~ " I I ,,..-----------....· ' I I Clearance $1 25 : i I" t Boxed Stationery ' ! I /. ( •SJ.SO Stue" 11•!! '"••• M;tl ' S•ot'-"••1 .. .. ,.,. 11.,. '" ·-----~ ' / i S 1.59 Whilln1 knu1 811 · _ -' -...__ 'aper ~nd En•tloptl 83 1 '-;;;;_·6JJ1'·"'-··,::; !l!-.Hh f.50o••fl•PU ' . Regular $1 25 Breck Basic Texturizer ~~~~'.·@ 4Bc .... -I -Th .. N.,, 1 ho.r rond1!•otitr I odd~ body(, IC•!U'C, ' " •Rig. $2,SO S-Pack 99c 1 I Reg. $1 ''Wall or .:( Vanity Mirrors ' @ $144 ' 1 0~ I '2" MOd M<"JC:lerl' rlt<(ltO• ~ lnr .,..,u o• ~on1t11 ""'''<l'' ;., l Red, Yellow or L"'Tlf. B·u;ihreri ' on~ room. ' ~ . ' ' _, -· -· ---·---·-· .. -----r-*' .. ., ' • I I I, I i I ~I PILOT t.nVtl\Tl j(R ' • . COIT• Mii• -I" I Im"· I nv,_ 1 II,,_ '·~L ~ Y - 1 /tOI 1"•t ... 111 )I .. l l ltel'f ~OU .. T•IN VllLLI Y -UU1 He-1 1~1. tlMll lllrlfH" l'L lOlltO -1!!1 Tl.-11 l 1tr fl•l9 lltH 'IUNTL#O r•11 llAtN -Mil UI"" 11 1 ~1101 "UllTtltOTON llACll -,_,, ... 111 .... i•11r• .1.0111 -"°' w '"~'"' '"" 1 r+• .. 1 11. ICO,Tll MllA -ll'° ,..,..., l tvl , .i ,,..,_SI. M\INJllllOTOh llAClll -11111 ............. M A1ttat1 alta ~odka a& A Thrifty e )(ctu. sive and best sell - er! Buy t he big half gallon size at ~ big Thrifty sov-~~ ings. The tellings in the tasting. Try it today. I .,;_\_ ;. ' l.l:" t Scotsford Scotcll Great import blended & distill- ed in Scotland. Built in pourer. Sal e Buy! Stock up your home bar now ! Light or Da rk Ri coro Rum ~""~ Fifth Gallon , lllCGfl0~ r> .. t.y•', w" b"' $2 99 , r-i , 1. I ,die•. o.~1o11cd "' !\l .ii'll t!ic \'.'c1t!nd ies \ -.-::ii ;;,..:.. · 11 "' ~ u gar cone J.• ............ -J "~lo ti. r .-ir de- Johnny Magee ~ Scotch Whisky fikh Gallon $399 86 proof imparttd scotch distilled Cr .bltnded in SCot · ~ lond. ·'.~-'' .:fl I· ·~ ~umm tr ~[_\~;~;:.·-"'-''-··-------~----------- : ·~~ Wat erfill Lo rd Balfour ' ""l • ~ & Frazier · r•).'.~ Kentucky ~-· Canadian Whisky • Bourbon fifth Gallon S""90':h w h i , k y now pticed ,.,,.,, lowtr thori it1 evt rydoy low ptlc1 of $.3.99. s31• $24'5 Value16 Inch (•,1horcon- \cn~ fer"'' of t-~v's or god's. /,, :,,., beo1.ng .. h•cls, s e ml- l"'"~IJIJlQtic llffl, ~C1lc111 rroining .. heels. '91 ~1 . For loy1 and Girl1 --.• 11" .... -' -··· -. ' . . ,. Wtel~est!ay, AuQul~ 4 }q~1_1 ______ OAJL Y rrLOT 13 NO LI QUOR AT WESTMINSTER, VILLAGE CENTER, HUNTING TON BEACH .CENTER, WARNER AT SPR INGDA LE, ADAMS AT BROOKHURST , BEA CH Bl VD, AT ATLANTIC STORES. , t\\ )~ '. !" ... '"":' • ' • p1,;va_1~e~1Span.1sh Style _ Record:Utility Cabinet ' . -~ -- Rick ·iookil'IO 2~H .cobin•t in "i-gee bloi:tilully ilroon..d, !i.Cratchproof s Dal'lt Soon.,,, c_;... or new Avoca- do filrtith. With Corved.-look tT0<1t ........ . " '•39u,v11••! iJ 6' library Unit i $29'5 Han<komt ~nilk "Oork Ook ' · rervonffr •!th odjustoblt '°'111-~ ~ :ic•· .. ' , .. --;• '' Super + \ Platinum Blades ·••ift•ff "" 69t • tliu191• £41• 10'1 Reg. 2 for 59' Kai Kan Pet Food MPS • StN t Bur~r ROYnch. B"Y 4 ':J fr Sov1 JOc in Salt ! 70' Value! Union '76' ·~ .. QUtlrt PremluM Motor Oil .. ·" 37c:: • '----........ "-.,-""', .. , .. ;~-:!.."'.'-· -----• .lc::r.. -~" f1', .. ..--Reg. 98f Easy-Way , -Spray Paint ~ ~· aaci:: 8111 14 ~~oz. con. Choo• metol-A loc to!o", locqutrt. or ptimers, W ·~Ti ~ .... \: " •164 j .;> Wtathtrproof. lightwtloht-' lost to 50% J°"'Qtr. Reg. 89! Safety Plus •• ~ Drain NE -l~ Cleaner 37c ·~'.. r'. Worki bt11e r, fa,t•r. Won't burn Mfldt. Dt-odorllt1, non· t lommobl1. ... ~: ·" ' . . Reg. 6 for 89' · ' Dixi Cola 12 01, Cans O.liciou~ and rtfrtthing nt w thirst qutrld'llr. -c ' ' . -.. -·-~-·-' -. --... ,~....._it: --, ... --It • .. • I _J_...,.., ---~ ' \ ....... Zf UArt.Y PILOT fd..,otd\ (ol'lelll!I \l•!<O !><i0>0•f'OOl"'1' o•\ofo1 Mo<'"'"V>fto NOW! fo 1 fu lltnooi 110~ f.>t.,~. 81.t s2s.41•1 Pouf1c'1 Pouh1 N•"'llO<T ! "1· flol .. I•• '~"b "'""' 4 • 31 3 Edwo1 d_> (1nerro We~t 11 lo, ~o (00~1 /1 J l• 10 ,,,.,,. Poc1!1~ \ Oro119e II I ~•nlo A,..f...,.,al("<ICI......, "''""''""" 01 !>•ldo" Ao· t .,..,, .... " .... 1•2·•4•3 ..... ,, 54b·2112 o .• ..., • SS8·7022 ~~··· DAILY LOG Wednesday Evening AUGUST -4 1:00 IJ llf: """ J.ry Ou"f'll,. CI! AIC News llea-'Olle\' S111iH1. 0 K"IC,....,. Torn Snydtr. D Ylfpit. ,,..._.._ st.ow 0 Sh O'tloc:k Mwit: ((:) (90) '"Rid. ttw Mlrfl CollntfY" (wtstei n) '62-ll•ndoloh Stott, )Oii JrdcCiea ROii ST•n, limes D1ury. Two 1ain 11 o ,11 ct.i rn Ti.. Sl!iilh 1 ..... ity (Ill "No Pl1tf! la Hide." C~1d Slt1s nut to ~!• !ht pusher tupply1ng drugs 11 '°" Bri1n's el~m!f!l~ry ir.hool. m T~r Dlwid flea! Sl!u• Bu~dr Rich , J1ck ll<rn£l1s, ~t•ko. Rob<n Mc· N1m111 111'11. ID Dr11fl9( f1ll OEIUT l oboqlrivari (R) A 1ep911t Ill the KCIT·produted wits ol varied rnusic1I artills. Toni~ht'1 guest is blues man Freddie Kini . .,..Ito sings ind pl1ys the eltelrtc RU1lar. runrnen, down 11"1 their luck. team t :OO 0 (~ MlldU t.m1r (II) Jtck uo lo r u1rd I l'Old sn1omtn1. bull CJrttf 1uesh 11 1 hasp1l1! e<1ter· -°' 1hfm--••ded b1 1 yoon1 duft· li iner ""o is unawut th11 ht 11 tr -1e:h-to double·ttOS!i his lrefiou~~ ~I ~imll!lf. bud!ly' ind t1t•I tht aold. o Charlie Callas casts m 111, F1111t1teonet * a comic spell on m Sb• T"k The Des O'Connor ShO'# :r:nJ1 Tora I -~--. "" ............. -....... . ., .... I !d;JI "" ...... ~I••• ....... ...,_ ... ..__ . ., ......... -............. ~ .. •···· " .. , ... ·-· ........ .... .. .. ..... .... "' . -~ ... ~ ......... ._ ... .,. ....... _ ._ .. . I ,,...,.. -.'.:"-'°'"'""'' ....... -.t<'I • ' __ ._: ~ :. :· :-~:1~:,..:c-l!:oi;;-""·~ ... SI AlJIUM II '} ORANGr 639 88}0 ·~ ·"" ··~" ." .. ,,, ..... ~iie· CINEMA WEST I 1 WESTMINSTER 892-4493 Also • ··s1CILIAH CLAM'" Also "YIMISHIMC POINT" ~~G°J f._, ·~. "BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH" , '" The hunt for the Great Whfte SharX ... •.•!, ~~: . I 3rd WEEK! I"...- 01'1 .llll LO 1•11 "KELlY'S HERO ES" (GP) ffi Al1 $h1dia, Ton 0 yc)l €?) °" O'Cllnit0r Show o-i '~------------------------,1 @II Motlc:itro J4 welC!)ltl8S Ch1rl1e C1ll•s an-d [n@!i$h m 0.1!11 Val~ 01:11 comed11n ~ Baler, I m /lfews Ji111 H1"'1horn l 0 i J 1 r6) rn lov• "' I Rooftop 1 l ;JO (31 .... BIM Huddt. (il Truth tr Corlleq11tnt~ (1}C85 llltw1 Im "IC""" IR I "The !~ Mis~nde1sUndin~" I o~ve's &rO i1 sn111er&d when lul" p l1 tht netdl'd t1sh for 1 new UM!d 111!n11:er~t01 b1 stlling 1 draw;n11. IE) Tiit Bil Y1Ury ID Fi1iii2 tint ~r~nnnn C•v1 wA' d»<o•o•td by Jl,,..mv LIOyd in 190! A low mo"'h• ot llOVd'• p<oma1io11 •nA !ht '"'"" II •I•"'"~ rO!• on "Th• Court1hl• OI End•"' F""'"' L•o~d ""' n;ocov .... ed M•"n,..,, ""'"· F,n~ our ,! yo" ,..,Iv h•v• • €h.On<• . CAll. NOW , (/!Ol !<J 11'1 or !H-U'I Jor o frtt bro· '""" Of .o f'EllSO'<AL tNTEllVl[W Wltl4 JIMMY LLOYD, JIMMY LLOYD ENTEllPlllSEI I'<(. HOllVWOOO •f><l 1A'<TA ANA (Al l~. m Tiit flyin1 flu~ m Hec1"9fdr1 toc111• cr:> Rosa1 per• Ve1onic1 ~ 9;JO 0 l3l rJ) rn Tht lml'l'Mlrt1I (Fil I ';,.; "San,luary." Be~ lhr.tlirds i, b~ !!tended by I af1iu p of lnd;1n1 y,h•n m Dll"1 It~ lit~ l 1th1rn. al) L• Aficiotlldos tn !1 Co111unid1d (DAIK N ... r:•IJ CIS """"W1!1e1 Cron•11t 0 m llllK "'" 01"d Brin~lty. D Wldt Stt-ThMff• ~90) MC.p· ~. it 1niurMI in 1n 1cc1dtnl. Sal M•nea gu~1. H l1rtn W11d M.., aJ L• Ctmz tit lil•W. Crlftft tM W-~d w-~ <my'1tf}') '4l-10:00 fJ (i ) H1w1I f'"IW-0 (fl) McG1"ttt Jdln C1nad111f, [~elyn Mherl. I (Jrepiies 10 COOf wrl h 111 Heilptd r'1 Tt ltn Utt Tnrtll cttnv1ct 1nd ~+I !JJS!)!'Cled ltn~ •II~ O W1ur 1 MJ Line! an old time mobsltr ®' MCIM: (ti (2h1) ~p,(~ r.•111'1 0 [lOI €D fou1·1n·OM: Rod Sir- .... ~ (dr1m1) ·5~ -Jtc~ Webb lln1's fl ight Gallary (R) "P1mel1'1 .II""" Leich \l°'ce," st1rrin2 l"t!y1l11 O•llH and I) 1 l -l KJ John Astin : ''tont S111v1Y(lf," sl1111ng Jcffl~ Colleos: and "l"' Doll: ll&r· Q) (I) Dr-cMI ;In~ ~ Wi!ti~ms_ @) ti.incwMI '1Cl'l~•~(Wskv livm p/loftf •4." 2uh•n Mthll toridu~I! ~· I en An~tl~1 Pllilh&rrnonic Or thttio 1t 1ht Hollywoocl Bttl"I m Anrt'lillll fltrro• () f'IW1 Ktv•n 5.111dtt,. 0 Mav~ (t) (2hi) "BO!'lb«t 1·52~ (rlr1m1) 'S7-M1rl M1lde11, Natflte Wood. f.f,em Zimbthll jr~ llobert N1(hol1, Mars/!• Hunl I J:JDG (i) .... •t LI• (II)" d•~turbl!d m hhnh-.p Gut.~! II rom Ourri1, 1een12tr, 1•iled lo! 1'nul!1ni ~n foul'ldll!'f ol lh1 s..!111n1 lsl1nd f rtl 1ll01n.Y. bttomt1 1 clien1 of !hel S<:ltont. lhttl youna la~'' I rn l""'"" II 1'1191 (R) M)Oll" H!r1· 0 m Mtn from Shiloh (II \ "h1mp' !1>1d' Uo " 1111 fl te M11or1) t!t~OM !•om l (El 101 l"roftWonat 1 chain a•n11 ~lier beuli lr1ml!d on 1 honiit•ll! th•i~11 10:30 0 fh1111 Actoa" 0 i ' ,-6 ' CD too1rbhi1' .i lddlf-'I 0 (J') f6J rn Nfl Actlcl• f1tlllr (II) "Ol\r<Ollnt t~ a tor11 m ltelr"I 81!1 Jnhnt_ \llllPI Word ~p~!td lOVf " fdd>e €I)£1 D\Kin M lNll Stnori\1 D• tf:la ~11 In~ wan~'"i· ten It 0 M~l11111 t Mov1t: (C) !?trr) •Th! Run~in1 Min" i ~r 1 m1l ·~~ -I 111 11:00 £) (I €IJ Nrors ••no:~ Hilovef 1 M ll•..,,1cl •1a111· Q lj"Q ffi N...., ll~!m • voonr ••On .. d•s.tO\<fl S 1h1I (6,C1ll of !ht \11'1t1 h~ h11oJt,rd •1 n~t '~~I ; d•1d hill 0 J ClJ N"°' ::,~nn:rn~t;~ !~'1~~~~~~~~,u~~:c~I m Mov ie: ''lh1 OrJotrt dnt1" w•t~ 1h• mol\!!1 !hty d1l(ovr1 1hil (wt!51ern\ '4.1 -ll1ndolph Sro!1, Glfnl'I ford, Cl~•r8 l rtvfl<, m l rlfftl " Con1M)wncn (D 8"1 It.. Clock m II lalllt • Th111I I f1il 8eot Ifft i?i) f ntll1da ill Lorot Jl:lD 0 (l l M....-'rilfiw liOO 0 ["31 r6' m Roolll 222 rR) "H·~ I 0 il~ m lohnnr C.rt0ft H10 Hoor1v " ltach"I Ptlt O"on 0 MO¥it: "Suddtnly 11'1 $rllin1" sltr1' 1 Cfl•h "con( ,r •11t1~111n !e (mmedy) '(7 -fri!'d M11;Mu1r1y, •~rt 1 rll!I at Walt Wh1!m1~ H1~h ~ IOll!bt ll llrnt 111Mt Wtb!ttt H1Rh mt. rt11 tat 1rv1h fill Tiit J...,ch Chrl l?i1 llldle LIN• al)Nint l;JD I) r1 To lto"'4 Wi1h l0~' (I!) e~r bar• Mc/0 11 fu~~I~ a• tht un11nf1: P'DP"~~"" ol 1 n••htclu~ ... no !·~ ures l!'IJ"llt nnu11, '" t 1hn...t1 ol Rood 10<1Ulll' for lht rnd1cot11 I 0 ~ ... o\l(ltfl Sha9 S\t'Oe 1 flUeSIS i nd GllO'll Phmp1011.. I Pwul~t!i Goddtt'I. O (SllTl alDid ~ Q) Morie; "Thi !Mirit's lil-nfH'" (ltocror) '61 -lon Ch•IW)', K11'~ Kadltr', Jon~ Crawford. 1:00 f) Mew1t: "BMablrdilf" (dr~m1) 'i3-111ndol~n Stott. Eddi!! Albfrt, Robo'<t ll)1n. (j) D 0 (()@1 "--" m ~u.111ifht SMw: •'Oocf« s..ta"'' Rollot," "J1.,.. ind '1111 ll&tfTJ'iflt ~ind.~ Thursdoy bXVnfU Movlts 1 1:00 m "Tht C1flt Gilbtrt I Sulliv1nff (mus1al\ '53-Rob~rt Morl~y. MI U· f'ct rv1ns. Dinah Sheildan. 2:00 Q ~HOfll1 ltln !>trl " ldr1ma\ '!Xi -INn ~1mm1111s. 0111 O'Herlolty, I t:CIO ID ,..._. ff ttll '"9n MOO!ts'' {d,.mt) '(h".tew1rt Grtntlf, Phyl "' c.i._tfl I J:OO I MC.rlllf" (dr1nu) ·~-Shir!ty 1 M1 tlo1n,, Do111 Marlin, An!ltonf t:» D '1ttrlkt .._. 1d .. m11 ·•s - Jet" 1'11\11'. RuUitn Haf11r11 . MRu"I fw ti. Htllr.~ (comtdf) '5>--Sottny T!lfta, l1r1IMO Pl'(lon. I tfn<;•O'\.I rfQ\ "lht fllfflt Ru~_.. (OrJm1) '51 -R., Danton, Collet~ M1!lr.. •:JO IJ (Cl "T'M '"IHI" (rnu1lc1t) ·~ '· ' SEEi ••• THE ONLY !AAJOR FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW IN SOUTHERN CAllfORN!AI SEE/ ••• lHf INSTANT ~ ... oo .A •OOM" //Nl (A1Allfl P~•ru DOME HOU~( .. _ o• lonl~'•d '" I~• ~~"'/•1 i..,., No"'' ,..o~"""' MEETI ••• TOP OESIGN[RS IN THEIR f'U ll-SI ZE DECORATOR ROOM& • PACKED WITH THE LATEST FEATURES fOk BETTER LIVING! • IT ftllS THE ENTIRE CO NVENTION CENT£RJ • ECOLOGY EXHIBITS AND DISPLA YS! •TH E LATEST IN MOBILE HOME & VACATION llVJN G! SHOW HOURS: .S-11 ,. "'-Woe~doy\ N0<>n·!I JI,.,, $otv,.laYt N0<>~.9 p,,,., SuAd<tyo ADULTS .••• $2.00 JUNIORS •• $1.00 !(~!l<j, .. -11 Pt H -~~ ,..,_,,, SAVE SOc S~f1 11I D,t<.....,t T·t~tll •vo:i1~ .. •' Tn'lf ~•orOll .\l ,~A l (IA M.t•· l ll 1~•11 n b-UC. SIOI! ftlllH~ r•o~ (l "lf l UH lltO (Allf, I~"' Of O•AHtl (DUHtT Fullerton Season Revealed A lhrf'f"-play sea~n ha5 been announced fnr 1971·72 by the fo'ul!erlon Footlighters, who also have named officers for !he corning year. Lt-ading off the schedule will ht Ronald Alexarider'.~ comedy "Nobody Loves an Albatross.'· direetcd by Corona del f.-1ar's Tony Brandt , who played the leading role in the show several years ago in Orange. .. Albatross" will open Oct. 22 and play through Nov. 13. A murr1{'r melodrama . "Kind L<idy," will be the Foollighlers· second pro· duclton, runn ing from Feb. 18 by Donald Henry. 'w'ioody Allen's "Don 't Drink the Water" will close out !he season from f.-1ay 26 through June 10 under the d1recl ion of f.-1 itchel1 Sanford_ S<tnford, a 2;..year ve1eran of sTagf'. ~c reeJI. radio and telev ision. was elected pres1- 1tent or the F'ootlighters al their re<:enr annual meeting . 01hPr officers of I he Fullerton thr.aler group a!'e Mary Lynn Shea , vice presi· dent : Gwen BPr r y n1 an , secretary. and Bob Hansnn. treasurer. All production,11 tir I he Foollighters will be staged in 1he Muckenthaler Community Center. 119 Buena Vista Drive. in Fullerton. PACIFIC WALK-INS 110)( OJ f'ICI! OP'IENS Mo11. thr~ '"· ,_ .. ,.m. l •t. & Sun : 11:00 p.m. All Color Show il•v• M<Qu•*'> "l.l MANS" (GI PIU\ e Ou"'" Hoftm•n "l.ITTLI l lG MA,N" IGP'I .... , .. ' ..... . ··~·· '" ,.,. All ColOI ~"m'"'* f ng~Q•rnool! Gf'OtQ• C Stoll "TH( LAST llUN" (GP'J o•u• e Sh•ll•v W•AlelO e 11oot•1 w~an•r "HAllP'Ell" , __ _ _.,._, .,, .... 10 ~ " " '" '""~· ~ Al! (DIOf F,)milV ~OlfflOln"'fnl wt'll1 Ol•n•v'• "THI! MILLION DOLl.All DUCK" !0 ) plu• e Jot Flrnn "THE l\A,ll(~OOT llrlECUTIVI" (G) ............. .. ··-""'"''"I ... , H I\ All Lo.n• "'' "'•"• Enq•o•m•nl• """"' 11 "'"'' n• w 1n .,..,..,1 "Mc CAil( 6. Miii MILllll" (I I plu• e "ll<EIE W&S & CllOOlrlEO M&N" All (DIDI """''"" l •·U"Q'~'oot SI••• M {Qu••n '•ON AfolV IUNOAV ' !Gl P•u\ • ~00<•! 11..,Po•n "OOWNHILl llll(l!ll" <G P'I I ·.,.~•n •.• W•"o''"'"' .,, '"' "Tl41 HEllSTllOM (HllONIClE" 1G! P1o11 • ?na F~m!lv F••h•'• "l141! CONQUEllO~ WOiltM" 1Gl All E•<luo!vo or;v,..1n Snowinv1 0.Mol• ll1ynold• • Shttl~ W;Alt" "Wl4 •T•S TMI M•~Tl ~ WITH 14EllHf" lGP't ,.1 ... e '"'n L•nc•"•' ''V•LDl!1 t1 COMtHO" !Gt"! "" -,,.,_, ··-\<1.1111 P'•l!MllRE l folOAGIMlNT w .. ,. o"n•v·, "'INOCCHIO" !8l pl.,. • T~• A<h..,turouo f l~IUff "Tl41 WILD COUHTIY" !Ol ......... ...... ......... 10 -JHI -' ~'a ~lg '""''"" "TH .. llJI" !G~l "Mll•OONIO" IGI "l•TTll l lNIATll Tl4l IAllTl4" JG ! D "Tiie Cfl'IMil a.II" IOOl'ltldy) '43 -•tY •111 ..... 1•111!."• Got!d•1d a "T'-&1r • .,.. 1~1 ·~1-. ea,., &r-. w., Dr•kt ... (I).,,..., u.c lAC" eonc iu,•on lm\ISICll) ~s-fltd Asttnt, l "''" ~0,:11~;~~7 R1yrioid1. ROM Jil111t, I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!l'---'----~~==='-''--~ !]') SMlt " 10 •M Lllfiw1, ,.- S:OO O ''ltt•""1•' OOd11n,~ r~v•,...11 lure) '!.g.._.J a~ Huttlt1 , 0-•ld Jin~ ""' t•n, For 'l'op Sports <:overage l{<'ad tlu· DAILY PIL01' • ' . .. __ -·~ --._ -"' ,, I ' .:. ,...,., ... ; ___ ,. _____ -r~ ··-ilC... ---'-, • , STARTS TODAY! CO H\f- "']H[R[ WAS I CROOKED MAH" I .L;. I ---It Wll bis frr5t job in 9 years . It was his last chancP to do it right. '"' C-OLOll (0 HI! PA UL NEWMAN •• "HARPER " P~CIFIC'S ''· FOUNTAIN VALLEY DR IVE .JN •OUNTAIN V•U tr Q61·1481 co H'1 ..OU51 f/(A! o.i,r1 0 ~1()('10 (,Pl Woo 1• .. 1~111 "W•Util.' 11 ' 15' 11(1(1 ... o .. ,.~ 11t .s..1s ... ·w,111r1 11 1 1~t 11nn "''~~·rt1 c ~ ... n•'••~ •• ~.111••..,, :IY'"" -·· .. )'. -;;_:tr .. ' \ 4(' 11(' ' •• J . · ~ . I) ,. ~, ' r -e I "\ t 'OLtllt • 'll T "!HE t RP.f1N ~lMtNJ " EDWARDS ... ,_ .... ~ ........... ,.,•>I•··· STARTS 'liCDAY! r1.u1~ N' /. \' A~J t "" 6r"l'I:;, ----· ·' •\ ' ,, , I{•., ~1•·r ~o·• c 11 ·r· •o,r1 ,1 t-..l f1 ,\: J f l ~· .. ., • _..__ -~ ----.. ~ I \ I Saddleback Sets Fairy Tale Play A fai ry tale drNna for children, "The> Princess and !hr Sw1nrherr1." v.ill he presented ill S a d d I e b a r k College Saturda~· The pr<1ciur1ion will ~ !!lag· -~~ ' PHONE S48-15l 2 Continuous SHOW DAILY FROM 2 P.M. 2NO BIG WEEK ed l'A'trr , firs! at 10 11 m and 111~in at 1 pm 1n Bui1d1n,: R. thl' dram11 the11ter Admtsstnn is rrer, but advanre rPser1·.,,. ltnns arl' ad1·i.~rd. TI1e children!;' su1nrtit>r pr, .. dU!'linn I~ by playwright ~111d)(t r-.llllrr. Ir t~ a 1·nmir 1·r rs1nn nf thf' slnry .1h111 a prlnrf'.~5 who harl tn le.1rn 1n1r Villue.~ from a I ow I y s"·inchrrr1 . 1'he cast 1nclur!c~ Kathy l\1ilsnn or S11n Clemenl r 11s Pnncrss Rnsalir . 11.1 1 r ha r I Srndd:irrl nf L~una Rt'arh. \hi' lil'.1nehrrr1, Mil.I': Rlandi:i nr San Clen1Pn1e, 1\10,e: C'hPrrin. .John Schw<irlt of l.a,Runa Reach, Nimble. thr royal Jf'S\er ; ~1 ar.v Casey of 11.!is~inn ''iejn, Vi\"itn. third lar1y-in- waitir1i.:: Vr 11ncr~ Schr11nt>l of 1-:1 Torn, Elsbeth. second !acl.v- Misslnn V1Pjn, 1.i~ette. f ir~l !ad:-o·in-waitlng, Mel B e 1 t e I Killion or Lagun.. Hills. Mi.s! Prirnm, governess tn tht pr Incl''-~ The production is under the clirect1on nf Bonnie Cogbill. ChoreogrHµhj. will bt by Rt'lly Killion, and technicia n~ in· elude Renne n u M ou ch .;: 1. li~h l lng; Cr11 ig N1t1 .. sound . I.et' Bnrn.~tein , cnstume!'I : and Ha l Propp<', !'let. Re~ervalinns rnay be mude b)' calllng the Offic P nr !'tu· den! Affa ir~ 111 8.17-9700, 49~- 4950. or 4W.-22 11. GOD HELP BOBBY AND HELEN ~I Also This 2nd GREAT EATURE AlSO Morie l homat I" "JENNY" ... ·• ' RATED G_ '.BU T MAY BE TOO INTENSE FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN. 130 minutes of excitement! -., , '' I 96 of the most cr111cal houis in history! Suspense to last a lttetime! ""''· R1lBERl ~ """"""'~' =ANDROftEDA SlRAIN ~!NI\/(~ P'CTU~l Tt~ica.ocr p~ I Nearly Ever)1one Li ste11s to Landers ' ' , " ; 1 ' ' _'{ • , ' ' - ' They're in love in Nee dle Park Jack Nicholson Candice Bergen • ' ' ' A<thU< G"fo"k'~ J flt'· Ann -Margret • • ; ,~ ~ ~ ;l_~_l_es F eiffer 't' ~ W • 6 ' R . ~··~· • ~" .... J ' ' ~ ·• ! ;~l'·r AQ ~-ll·JM • l!tO J ~ r., .. ~·~ ''"~''"Cl § 111t\'oung 6raduat~s= Allulll Sl.50 Jr1. Sl.50 ChU4 75, Or•"•' C•u"IV" 116.:t•uotu Siio• Vo!uf "PANIC IN NEEDLE PARK" I R) "CARNAL KNOWLEDGE" (R) ......... Joe• Nl<h..t"" '"'" M lr•••l O~o~ A! I ~~ow "' l"Ju•k "l(L\/T [" Al,o • "1 Hl .O.llllA .. GEM EOI T" o, •• "' I -5~•• 01 llv•- "10110 TOllA JOll ll." "5 1C lllAH CL•N" , Exclusive Orange County Indoor Engagement i No ~•st rved Seat1 l •o•• .. 1.~t -1,(I0.1:4.1.1e:J~ Miii. '"'· & J~•. !•H-J;l(l-J •bll I.=-_ an. fonda • donald 1UtMllG in a1 {; J:1 J oal .-1d oroduction klut• ~ ............ , __ ,,..+ .. .,..~ , o'n"' po•·.•'o o·oti 1c' --. 1•0 .. "':! 1o·e t~ ·on :"l~'O ".i' ,.,.. ":-~ ., -, o.1'!. ro-1•0•• "'J r"l:l' .. , c •O~ -:i••o., o:;ieo•g • · do•n'•f 1· ''':l""' rriy r 1~ .. e ::i!r · r 'll -;in"'."'"''· r;,.. rf-l oel 1 ... nll · N ' ., • .,bl' -dv or'l d1v" 1 .. .,, 1 . c1 nroo ir •-:1 by dov•d lo,.,g e · r-•nllv''"l o.,d .; ·•c••<.'I' by 0!011 1 po~vl n '}"OY 1 o·"' l•r~., co'o•~ f•o'°l "'"'r•r 0·~11 r, I ·-·~ • s ·• 1•rY1r ao -fR ••-'" .._. .. _.. -• • ~k .. -........ -..... -.. STADIUM #1 DRIVE-IN NEWPORT CINEMA ORANGE 639-8770 All O "THE ARRANGEMENT" / NEWPO~T 1'3EACH-8 4 4-0760 All O "PLAZA SUIT!" ... l1'l. -------. ' ''l'Jl\,. --· 1 . ' .J~ . ' • l , l u I EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT SECOND BIG WEEK I WOW! FANTASTIC -Jo..,oo ... ~ •• Nowo BETTER THAN ~ENDLESS SUMMER' {G) -••• J••••, T•l~v•• RT AND THE MEN WHO RIDE 011 AllY SUllDAY ('n-lt1l Bo x Office Ope ns 7:15 p.m. --"---'---.: :;;:,:;·;'i,.':., Show Starts ,,. tllJ at Dusk ~LUS St eve McQuee 11 1.-:'.j "Til e Reive rs" -~. (11'1'1 I l)n "~l/lf[UT" Al111 IM l~tl l~I ~11'11'' •1 I I\ Intl •~D -•l•' .... ID llOMJl l ~ "I• •!'<fl\ D4~ Y an• fonda · donald 1ut'-11G --~ } 1' i"·: i't lf' ,oi11p:11 ··1 :r ~ klute LOTS OF GUYS SWING WITH A CALL GIRL LIKE BREE. ONE GUY JUST WANTS TO KILL HER . -• r •· · r -• ' -. '" ·~ "~' ' ; ' -' '" ~·' <;• • -~~~I '"''~" • • -·· .• ' 1 · -'' .. "' ' ~ . '' -,• . . ·-. ..,_n,_. "~·-'RI •. ;,; •. -- ' I ' T FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT CENTER • • •• • • •••••••••••••••• ••• • •• • • • • • ••• • • • • • '!'"'! ., .. ,;'\.".':: . • ONE WEE K ONl Y • 111 .I (,rl•,1t An ra1·1it>n •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * COA ST HWY. AT MACARTH UR.. BLVD. " NEWPORT BEACH • 6•4·07fi0 1:~ '-"1"•".-"~= STARTS WEDNESDAY AUG. 11 "SI )N(; 01' N < )J( WA Y " Fw/1ofrrh• PREMIERE ORAN GE COUNTY ENGAGEM ENT . . . . ' . • 2nd TOP ATTRACTION • 'r ~n.,, I I f 0>1r f1,,.r, •I/ ') "THE ARRANGEMENT "(R) o_ P r<'n1 a ·rc l·.ni.:;o~1·1nl'n t '" '1l •IO• \"°"'"'' CfOO I• l!:OWAAOS HARBO R --"''· I ~••too ""O " •••!O• " (01" ..... • .. ~.,, OV!" f I•• Dll~~ , .. , ·MATINEES DAllY•• e2ND GREAT HIT• PAUL NEWMAN AS ••H .i\Rl•1<;11·• -····-···· ...................... . u.au1 •·~"' 1te•t • '"" '"'' ••11. 11 .1, OIREC I FROM ITS SE NSATI ONAL ROADSHOW ENGAGEMENT! ~ '" 3rd GREAT WEEK WiLLAll It w,1s his firi;;t jrlh in q y e o1 rs. It W.llii hii;; ltts l rh.1nre lfl do it rii;::h l George C. Scott r""LastRun NOW FOR THE •1 lST TIME AT POPULAR 2o.PRICESI -- "VANISHING POINT " {GP') "WHLll WOllll AllO TMl (MOCOtlfl rACIOIY". IOT H I AT ID "G" ..,. ~ "~--·~ .. ..,..-,._ "PINOCCHIO" & "WI OUNTRY" Af~ ot [DWAllOS CIN!MA VIUO • M1~~K)M VI{ . '\~,, • \ 2f DAIL v .>ILOT • -'~~· ......... --&It'" --.......--- -~--~-~-NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES 'Fiddler' 'Father' ' :1 Ope11 Tl1i s Week 1: ..... ( I u Ji 1 ·c t II (!11 ~·1· !Ill' ll l ]111/ J.l.rrr1r;11\ 't,rk ON ANY SUNDAY , • ~ .. ' fty TO~t TlTti!'; T'ne !01~5~s. ;<:;r:r.1r..c n1u~:.-;.; &"d I.'!~ ionge~'. r 11 :i n I n f? a:r4h•. pi;~ in Brtl8dw11y hi.sta! f opening in the sa n1e Wei'k.!. 1"i1:0!".o. !:he unusu11I siiu111 1on r t•r.f r on t in~ coast:i! !J" ti1t>aler.:;~r.s "'hen '"Fiddler on t:it-Roor· goes oo !ht board.s •t Orange Coast Cnlle~e 1n Costa Mf'S3 tonight and ··Life ' V.'ith P'ather" dPbul.s fridav at thr Lone Beac-h Commu"iiity ' Playhouse. Couple'' heads into ]ts rourth '4"H'k 1Migh1 under the direc- tion of (;wen Y11rnell Alan Harl and Paul Tcschke play the rnismatched room· mates in domestic chao~. with Helen Briggs :ind .Judi!~ Hirsch supplying the romantic interest. Allan Jones. Wa ite Dudek. Dzvid McAd11m :in< Joe Kent complete !he Lagun ca.st. Performances arf' ofrerr· Wednesday~ lhrou ·;· Saturday~ at the playhnu•~ fi06 Laguna Canyon Rna A flLM ff aaUC:I 8ROWN TAKE THE NEWS QUU The [\\O l\f'W \"nrk l'h/lm · , . . Laguna Beach, Rcscrvatior. p1ons _won I be Sf'tllnJ: anv 4~7..{1743. We Dar e You . Every Saturday .. longev1 1y records nn thr \\'est __ ---------~ C-Oasl. how""" -"F;ddl""" ' lnck-..j in for a four-da.v-nnly run . evf'll !hough i!'s 100 per- cent sold oui. 11·hile "Father"' \1":11 ht:1lrl forth for lhf' nnrm 11I siX-\l'eekend engag~ment a! Llln ,i: Br.ach . Ir .\·ou havpn 't re.scrvf'd vnur lirkels for occ·~ ··Fiddler."' you l'an forget atl aboul iL The show which recently surpas..~d "Hello Dol ly"" 11s Broad way's all-lime rnusic11 I champ has established a local rrcord of its own as the first Coa~I production sold out • brfore opening night. ·: .John Ferzacca. II' h n s e previous OCC credits incl ude ''Indians·• and "Marathon :1:1" and who served one season ;is artistic director of the L2.gun11 Moulton Playhouse. is staging the popular mu sic;4J. Gary r.ordon of Los Angele~ v.·ill pla~· 1he central role or Tevyf'. '"Fidr11er " wlll be prest'nlPd lnni~hl !hrough S;iturda.\' nnty in the OCC auditnnum * ,Jamr!\'. DohPrt y is rl1rccling the re\"iv<.>J nf Hnv.·ard Li ndsay 11 nd Russe! Crnusr·s '"Life \Vi1h F'a1hrr"' for 1he 1.nng Beach Pla~'housr. ThP during .story nf !hf' reclhradetl Clarence Da y family v.•ill br- on .~lase Frid11~·s 11 n cl S11turdays fnr six weekenrls . Comprising the Long Rea ch cast are Juli?. Anderson . Philip Bailey. 'Ted Busch .. ludi Dill. Jean Koba, Pat L;iVoy . Mimi McB ridr. Larv Orlell . 'Terry Peckh am, ·Re 11 e Rohinsnn . Susan R n e d He,111.her Sander~. O!is S11n· ders. Glenn Sterling and Rruce \\Purl. Performance~ 11rP ~11·rn 111 thP Communily Pl11yhnusr . 5021 E. Anaheim Ave , Lnng Beach. Reserv,11tions iZl3 ) 4J8. D.\36. * Continuin,li ils madcap nr.~h lhrough thP $Ummrr sP.ason ril Soulh Coa.~r Rcpcrtor~· i.~ "Charl('y·.~ Aun1 ." resuming tooif:,hl 11nd cont i nuin~ throu1:h Sunda.v on its nexl -lrrlasl ~·ef'lr; R ob f' rt Rnn;1ventura d1rttts thP turn of 1hf' cenlury English fiirt•r. Rfln Boussnm 1iikc.s lhr 1111r rn\r . v.·i1h S1c1c Pa!l prsnn anrl Tim ,l\1 nn1ch a~ 1hr cnn spirinf,: n x f ... rd u n der.c:r?:iuillf'~ I Oi11rr~ in thr ca$I 1ncludr Dnn Turhr. Pal Rrnwn . ~i1kr Fu llPr, \l11 ry F1r n1ing. ~1;ir R nh1n~nn f":im prnn Ynun)? 111111 J;in i~ \1.,rri~~rtir Prrlorm11nrr~ :irr ~1\lrn at S!"R ~ Thirrl S1rp Thr;:i1r ~ 111'.!7 '""POfl 11flr1 t n· rlo11n1n"n cn~til \1 f' c ~ Rr~rt1 ;:i11nnc li4f...l.lli.l I !'ornrci~ ;o_l (o 1~ king pJ thr Laguna l\toulton PIR1hnu ~r \1·hrrP l\rll S1rnnn·~ ""T\1p (lrlrl TUSTIN SQUA"IE: N-·~1 ....... S-1• •-p,_ s ••-•eve C..,lod I ~ •f'fr«1tt•li9• J •ft• '•""• e 0o ... 111 ~w•h•rla..­.. 1'lVTf"" ~·) •lwl e ""lOVl>I~·· wilto r.-orq• ~"V•I ·Ev• M"'T• S•;~•• SPt>Cl•I Ki<I• M>h•f.-.SOI. 1 JI 1' M . BALBOA 673-4048 o ... •:45 7"1 ...... ....... hft"'~'· ALSO '450,000 REMNANTS 0 ~~:LE WORTH OF $175,000 HERCULON l 00% Herculan Olefin Pil e, New Miracl e f iber. Slain And Wea r Resis la nl. Bea uli ful Deco rolor Colors. NOW SALE PRICED •.• 99 r1 SQ . YO. SAVI $2.00 , INDOOR-OUTDOOR CAl,(f I Y GIHllAL fill/CROWN PIODUCTS THE NO-STRINGS 3 -Yl:AR GUARANTl:l! rn,11,.,s fibers Gua rantees This Carpet Mode Witt\ Morvess Olefin CG AqoinsT Ro!t1ng Weoring 011t Or The f'ffpr.1 ~ 01 Weoiher. For Re\•· de1111nl u~,. Indoors Or 01.11doors. Or w, Wtll Re place This Carpel FR[! l •clus11·~ ol lns1al lo11on. CARPET TILES·SA YE $ Feels Like Velvet -Out wears Other Carpels-Eosy To lns!all. 1 :Z "1 l :Z" • Indoor Outdoor • \Q.y, w,or T rllf'd SAVE • ~10.n R~\<\Ton1 • B Otco•o•or Colori • 100% Nylon Polf 59, ? NOW SALi PRICID ....... . DO-IT-YOUISllf 29~ .DUPONT NYLON 1on 3 Continuous Filament Nylon Pile. 299 Popular Two·lewel Pattern Combine Bea uty, Durab ility. Many Co lors To Choose From so. ro. SAVI NOW SALi PllCID........ SJ .00 COMPARABLE RETAIL. ••••••••••••. $4.99 DACRON SHAG DEEP PILE 1 00°1~ Dacron Polyes1er Pile 8~utifut 499 New OeeD Shog With A Full Deep r,1,. Many New Decorator Color~ l o se. TD. Choo~e From, SAVI NOW SALi PA:ICIO .. , Sl.00 COMPARABLE RETAIL •••.•••••••••• $7.99 KODELPLUSH 100°;., Kadel Polyester Pile Rich. 499 luxuriously Thick Pile. New Decorolor Colors, so. TO, SloVI NOW SALi PllCID........ Sl.00 COMPARABLE RETAIL. ••••..••..• $7.99 KODEL POL TESTER 100"1.. l<odel PolyP.:<.ter Pile. 3 Pile 499 Height Pal!ern In Gracelul Design, Rugged Durobili!y. Seout ifu l Colors. so. TD, SAVI NOW SALi l'llCID ........ SJ.00 COMPARABLE RETAIL •......••.•••. $7.99 ENC RON POL TESTER r i1! of I 00 °1. fncron Polve~ler. Deep, lh•c\.:, 999 I u ~ur•OU~ Carpel. Opt1m u1T1 P~rlormonc~ . lonQ \Vear. Eo~v C.ore R.e~1lien1. Mony Col· so ,0 or s ro Choose fro m si.vr' NOW SALi PRICID ................... , S6.00 COMPllRABLE R!TAIL. •.•••. $6.99 COMPARABLE RETAIL ......•..... $1 S.99 ---==~''• . .,., • ' .... '6-7 ·-I •l·-·-··--.¥ ALL LABOR UNCONDITIONALLY SELECT FROM THE LARGE ST CARPET INVENTORY IN THE WEST EVERY ROLL Of CARPET IS MARKED i PRICED FDR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE ~~~o,~ r•, ~ -~ ~™'* DUPONT NYLON TRl-CCLOR SHAG 99 I 00~ DuPont Nylon Pile. Deeo. Ric h Durable Shag. Beautiful New Thr ee Color Designs. [!IEw] KODEL TRI-COLOR SHAG ~~~~ 100% Kodel Polyester Pile -Rich. Deep, lu11 uriously Thic k Pile. M.on y Ntw Hi· style Oecorolor Three-Color Shag To Seltct From. Resis t Dirt And Soil Stains 99 • SQ.ID. SAYE IJ .00 NOW SALE PRICED ..... ••••• NOW SALE PRICED •••••..••••• SQ.ID. SAYE SJ.OD CLLAHESE' ••mui: TRI -COLOR SHAG t~f ff~TtD NJiMf Ir.I PllftS , l 00% Fortrel Polyesfer. lush. Deep Long Wearing And Hord To Soil. Stays Beautiful With A Minimum Of Cort. Very Res!tienf. i eo utiful Decorator Three·Color Shag. NOW SALE PRICED ............ . COMPARABLE RETAIL •• $1.99 99 SQ.ID. SAYE SJ.DO COMPAUILI RIT AIL••• o • • • , .. • •"• • .$6, 99 · .. <;~PARABLE RETAIL ,,,,, 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 • ,$1. 99 C•lo•OH • 'O"••I "• l•od .. ,,or• of P•b•• l"d~•"••I. l~t. ~:=:::iiii!!!i!iiiiiiii!!!!iiiiii!i!!ii!:!!ii::·i:"""""":i~-~--~-:·,.·:-~. ~ii!i a;wn... !!!!!!!!!l,_..~-::J .. &.!~m~§_,,.~.!·],;a!_,!!!~-~~·~·~··:--..-~=~ ~V/jj PATTERN POLYESTER ' Joo•;.. AVU~ Po lyester Pile. [.l(lro heo11y, thick NOW . 99 rontttrned design. Rugged. durable and eosy lo mo1n· DUPOnTI" Fabu lous• Frizz.fre e Shog Carpel , wifh !he Stal.I Oft shimmering o~ronce ot hondmode Indio iii Broadloom ... 99 Rone·like pile yarns ol 6.000 Denier stoy-Your Choice NOW 101n. mode with NEW continoous f1loment AVLIN ii SALE polyester. PRICED ~.., ...... h• •• 100( c .... SQ. YD, SAVE $3.00 ·loft nylon by OvPon1 -spec1olly devcl -of 12 Multi.Hued SALE SQ. YD. oped for crisp, clean, permanen t shag Tweeds ... PRICED SAVE textures. $4.00 ==C,,,OMPAAAILI RETAIL •••••••••.••.••.•..•.•...•.......•.••..•.••.. $8.99 COMPARABLE UTAIL •.•••....••••.•••••••••••••••.••...••.•••• $11.99 _J~ . ., ~,..,. a ~..-· a ~--·-...Al ·•"~ ... , -1••....._ •'$~._ ...-.. ..,,,.. 1 ~~r-·~u~ ... :=-=:-ff=--=-Dl~1$:-::,-MD~l~IITT-•_11r1_._c_o~-:-:IM~ll~~~c~•E~D~IT-~~SrM~D_1111~1n~••_S_A_YU_lJll~E-·,t_~_L_f_N_F_1_1E_S_HD_P-_IT_·_HO_M,E~SE~•-~c_1_·_V_1s_11_~_._c_us_1_0•,0_1_in_1_1_0_1P_I.~~__, WEST LOS CELES WIST COVINA ANAHEIM 11141 Wll1klr1 llri. 2526 E. Work-• A•L Mt M. hcli4 SI. 477.5525 964-4471 635-7614 So~ 00..,o ,......,.., 10 w~ .... ,. J,,.n off. 6 blotk1 W"t Oii Wd· "'"' CANOGA PARK 21ms.,.,_.w., J47·2U4 3ofl hr"""""° Jrwy. lo Citru' St. , block• No. on (•IM 11 Worli• NORTH HOLL YWOOO 7007 Uwrtl <••Y" llri. -U2-220G '2 block' Morttl ot Sontio A.no ,,... wov on tuclid "°'nn1 from (ol1f. ""· HOLLYWOOD 1115 fll. y.,.... •• , •••. "6-745S I WMb...,.. et ... .,._.. ....... .,.,... Moll........ood ,,_.,. lo ~nnon Woy, 101110.Lou• .. (OllJOl'I 11<.d 1!11'1111 PASADENA 2660 E. Colora•o II••· 577·1900 t. ( olortxlo 111 .. d 01 Son Cobritl 81~. MONTEIELLO 71J W. Wlilttler 11"4. 72M167 TORRANCE 42J6 Art11l1 II••· S42-H'6 I Bloc:-(CIT of MoW!llorlw llJ..d. on A~t..a. VENTURA 2501 E. Miio St. MJ.5041 LONG BEACH JOO• .. 1111 •••• 11•4. 421-HJ4 $o" °"'Go f rwwov lfl lfllftowtt' llvd. Tum off Hortfrl °" ltllfloM•. COSTA MESA 1714 Mew,.rt 11¥4. M5-3020 1"wporT llYd. 01 I )!ti SI. OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS SAN FRANCISCO MILLBRAE ',,.. -· ':zl;:!':;_... -·~ -· -. ~ --~I -·--. - I .,,. -..... " -· ·-.. ' , i . ' • I Too Few Cooks Spoil the Broth CA ROL ~H)()flE D• 1ht Dolly '!1•1 5Tlfl 1::1er munched a bread slirk. anothe.r . a lh1rd . and drank apparently endless Ire warr.r ·while wailing for an order in a rPslauran1 and blarninii the delay on lack (Jf PXperience in the kitchC'n'.' The suspicion n1ay not ha1·e been too fa r from the truth Rut r.i11kr f;111e11r. l)a1·e l\npi,;ho, Rlehard ~1ohn. Rill l\'arrcn and other ap· prcnl1ces are eon1ing to 1he rescue through an fln-the-Jnh !raining prngr11m ori:anized by lhf' Food Services Ex- t'CUT ivr~ As.~nriatinn. Thf'y will Pase the critical shnr!age nr qua!tfied rook i;. in Or;in,ce Count .i's 1.472 food operations. reporled b.v Sn] Tnm- berg, State of Cahfornia ;ipprenticr-.c;h1p consultant. He \.\'lshr.~ !hrrr "'rrr rnnrr indu~tr.v l upporl for the '"O years of training !hat combine~ 4fl-hnur \\Ork\1·r.r.ks a l rPs!t1 urants or hotel~ "'ith t1 culinary cur· r1culum at junior collcces. STATION Ol'TV Thr workin,e par! alone rrquires 4.000 hours aL all the · ··stations" lhal a dinner house cook n1usl ma strr saucP !gravies ::ind snu ps1. broiler. panlr.v (Sa lad making 1. meat culling and handl- ing ;ind preparation nf fruits and \'l'gelahles ··our F'SEA proi;n1.m is a great brncrit to the hotels and hclp!i 1he individuals provp themeselve.~." sa id Gi! J\1artine7. chef of the Sheraton Beach Inn. Hunting- ton Beach . Gillette anr1 Kopsho wrre rmploye~ there who b1?Ca1ne apprentices as a run,1?. up the larldcr ln managemen1 positions. Gillette just graduated 11nd \.\'as promoted to second chef. Hr has high pr;u ~r for thr s~·stPm no thing that "schooling alone isn 't enough for an understanding or this business "In cJt1ss v.·e le;irn the cooking basics but nn the jnb we ha ve to adjus1 lo Lhe. large n\<1C'h1ncs. all·1mportan1 !lminiz. working last 1111d krrping clr.<11'1. cnn· trolling thr IC'mper and pleasing !he r:usto1nC'rs." r.i!Jette adrlcd . ··And \hr pa_v helps \\'ith sd1ool and fam1l;,1 expense~.·· There is nn J,?nvernmen1 ninney in- \·nlvrd in !.he tr11inin11. E:mplnyers pay ap· prentices bt1sic \\'agei:. A,\10UNTS \'ARY ~nr llrf' thcr,. an.v rreipei:. per i:r. Rest11 ur<1nt rMkbook~ ju ~I. lis1 111· gredicnL~ 11nd the conk has to rlrte.rminP. <1moun1 s rirpcnd1ni:: on Lhr si ze nf the p;ir- t~·. Apprentices ;il i:o learn variation.~ Jnr .Jev.·ish. ~·lexican. Japanese. German and Hav.•aiian cookery. 1 ' ~1ohn and Y.'arrr n. let1mini;: from Chef Armund Vlcnaire at B<ilbo.;fs Tatr of ltMo \\hale. appreciate 1\s seatoori menu "Fish is easier 10 prep11re lhan meat becausr vou don I havr f(l "'nrr.v a bolll each perSon·s op1111on of wh11t medium · r;11e IS. Apprrntu·Ps d1Her on whr11 lhev con- sider the tricklesl p11rt nf thr Jnb ... gra\'1es .. 0rdrrin~ ingredients properly tn gu;ircl aet1in.~I spoilage "working thr wheel ·· coordin111 ing cour~e.~ and get- ring orders )urned nut in srqucnce. piping hr.! R11t rhe hus1e.~! .~r 1111on i~ unanimou! -sau!einf! "\\'r JOUrne\'mf'n chefs polish the 11p- prenric·rs ' i:rfirr1ll outlook. makin,£ it f'a~1er :ind r11~rrr for !hem to prepare fine food corrr rll\' tn plrase 1,1·half\'er taste! the rusromrS ha1·e ... said !\lartinf'l. ti mrmber of thr Americ::in Cuhnary FedC'ralifln. v.•ho ~t ::irted' his career 16 ~·ears agn 11! the P:ilace Hot el in Sa,. Francisco. ·QL"ALIFIE!l' t."i KEY Fred Holp. foori ser1·1ce "uperv1sor ror Arckn1an Jnstrurnf'nl~. Ful!er1nn. e1- 1~lainC'd the complexity nf the shorta~r-nl riual1 fif'rl conks ;:is opposed tn short-order fr,\· ('(l(lks. "Rrs!lluran! owne rs ;irr al lhf' mrrr.y of unq ulllificd conks v.·hn are unable to h;indle traffic and maintain cnnsistenc.v rif prnduc1 and opcr11tifln. Ye1. exrep1 for chain operators. inanagernent is hesit;:inl tn fin11n£·e training nf cooks. "Small establis hrnen1 nwnrrl' em· phasi7.e inco1nC' :ind don't want ln take mnn('v out of 1heir oper:ition fnr :ip- prcnliceship. The.v rlaim rxfr11 ~raff is neC'rled to (."(lm pens:itc for lt<1in1ng lime. "Rut 1h1s 1s not neressarily so. If lhe.v 1rnu!rl 1<1ke fin an eager, v.·illing, pro-- l£'ss1nnal minded pE"rson. he v.•i!I learn procedures quickl), de1·elnp loyalty and bC' :i .!!nn<i asset." Tnmbrrg dr~crib<-!' 1he "at1i1udin11I prnh!e1n" ;is indu.~rr.\· recognizing the shorta.!!f' (determined b.v ;i surveyi bul nl1rr;itors unwillin c; to rracl "The.v wor· ry n1ore 11bou1 pir11cy than tr;iinin,!; or conk• · "Th" fll'ngr11111 drpf'nds on \\'iilin~ncs.~ or r nioln,\t'rs In hirr apprcn11rrs." he 5aid. ''\\'hen thr.1' arr 1a11ght corrcctl.1', ,r;;peed, atTlll'.<1c.1• and n1•1ff' bu.~i nesi; will follow .'' App1·rnlicrship 1s nprn to 1ncn nr 11•(ln1rn. lrnm Ill In 40 years nf a~e . v.·ith .11rarlr school educa!inn Thr s11me draft defl'rments :ind 1·e1cr;;n·s ~nC'fll~. ap- p!icahlr to Juni or cnllrge student s. are ;:i\'ailablc ,Jnhn Vin<en7.i is in charge nf !hr cuhnary instruction <H Orangf' Coasl Coll".'ge. • • II Sheraton Beoch Inn C hef Gil Mortin ez i• pleosed with th• meat-cutting technique of groduote cook opprentice Mike Gillette who wo• promoted to •econd chef. - Do ily flllot flhotot ~y Ltt P•yitt leorning to prepo re Jo rge quontity foo d fost ond fonc y, Dove Kopsho , opprentico I left) o nd Gillette watch Ma rtinez carve ice for buffet . Kopsho practices with whisk ond sk ill et. ot right. BEA ANDERSON, Editor ,,,. 11 . 'l Tips Offered for Cooks • Stew Over Preparing Meat By DOROTHY \\'ENCK 0•1~·· (•llftlY '""'• Ad¥hOt Ho"' do ynu decide wha1 cfloking mrthod i~ bei;t fnr the differenl cuts of meat !ha1 yo u buy? Do you kn(}\\' the rule~. nr do )'OU coo k every mea t cu! the ga me \\'llY? · ' Conkin~ can dn one of '"'o lh1n,t:~ 1n meat. I! can makt 11 n1nrr l~ndPr nr 1t can makf' ii mnrr tough. \1.'h1ch method doe~ wha!" nry he<il cooktnR -that i.~. roast1n~. brnili np:. harbecuing and pan fryi ng - ha~ 3 tou11henin11 cfrec1 on mea1. J\1nii;t hea1 cookin,11. "'herr thr meat t5 cooked slowly for a long limr 1n lhc pre!<f'nct of mni~111re. ha~ a !cndcrh.1nI: elfecl The mri1st11rr softe n~ lhr tough cnnncct1 ve tissue and makrs rTira1 more tendrr You m1gh1 usr " 11n1111! <1111nunr nl 11rl. t!rd n101sture nr JU~l lh<11 \\'hich •~ prr.~enl 1n thf' mc11l. rnr ex11mple wl'irn you bake .11 pot m,11st wrapped in fo il , or ---· -· ... _ -.. Home News and Views when you cook a po! rn;i ~r in .11 l i~ht ly rnvPred pan with l1tllf' or no 11dded liquid. Tl11s mok1ng melhod i.~ e111lf'rl hr11i.~1n~ If you cook nieal 1n a In! nr liquid , lhr method is cetlr.ri ste"·ing Snmelime.o; you brown the mr111 heforr 5tcwini;: 1t, !'nme l in1r~ you 1;,imn1er i\ 11·i1h<lu 1 hrnv.·n· 1ng. as whcn you m.i1ke corned beef. The secret or surres~ with mr11st he;i1 1•(1tlk in.£ i~ !he Jon_I? ~low C'Mking The li- quid ~hould simmer. not bo11. !low rln you knn"' whr!her ;i mC'a1 <'Ill 1s tt'ndrr 11nri can hr t'nnkrrl "'llh <Irv hr:it nr 1,1•hC'ther 11 ~houlri he trnrler1zrrl with n1ni~t hrar ~ Therr. are !hrer clurs lhr kind of anim11L !hr J!nirlr nf thf' mr111 ;ind the location of the cul on lhe anima l. . d -. •• .... .. ~.ir--··"~"'. J. The kind nr animal. Pork itrn1 l11mh 11 re ;iJmn.~t always t.en~r becau~ they are young 11·hrn i;l;iui;:hlereri. lkef i·~ .d11ughtered over ;i much wider ;ige ~p11n and the older animal~ 11 re likrly to bf> "les.~ tenricr." ~The meat indu.~1 iy never .~;iy.<; "lnugh. ·· 1 2. The grade of ITli'al Most heef jo; ,1:radrd ror quality either with the p;irkrr'.~ name-brand grade or lhe offiri;il JJSDA Jtradc~. USDA Choicr beef i.o; bci;I for rnast1n,11 :ind broilin~ l.o\.l'tr ~r11dr~ .~uch a~ l 'SDA Good or Standard will bf> le.~., !rndrr :\. The loc11l.ion nf lhr c11t °" the :i nin1al ThP mu."4:1P.o; whirh ~f'I the mn.~t exercise• -those ot the lee. shoulder and -.• • ·-· r11n1p -will br the lea~t tender. The musrlcs of the b11ck gel less exercise and 11re the most tender. ~·ro1n the back seclion of beef we i;i:et rih ro;isl~ anri sleaks, club, T-bonr, porterhouse ind sirloin sleak~. plus lhe l>n ne!e.•s tenrierloin i nlet mignon l, New York, lop sirloin and spencer ll teaks. All of lhese cuts can be cooked ~uccessfully with dry heal : broiled, barbecued, ro;istl'!d .. Just about all cu ls of lamb and pork ca n be cooiced "'ilh dry heAt because they 11re youn11: and te;nder. The ~houlder of beef ii; called lhe chuc k 11nd ii 11:iveit u~ all of our wonderful pol rna~t!i -7-bone, round bone . sllnuldfr clod -and lhe chuck steak!. These cuti; 1111 need lo be t.endl!'ri1.Pd by cooking with moist heat or by treating with meal 1enderizcr or ma rinade before corJ\\ini;i:. Thf' back le,11 of bfoef I.~ called the round 11nd from ii we (!Cl round steaks. honclc.c:~ lop 11 nd llnttom round arirt eye of round ind sirl oi n tip roast.& and steaks. These arr ;ilsn besl when t•ookeri wit h 1110111! he;it or !rc.<11.f'!d wll h tenderir.er . as are the briskf't, short rihs. 5hank 11nrl flank . The rurnp rna!'>t ma y he roHsted rl<'pend· ing on !Is q1u1lily. Gr11de G'hnltc rum p may be leridcr enough for roa.~tin g. Lower 11r.i1dt!> of rum p 'are usually better when cooked wi!h moist h('a1. QUESTIONS \\'E ARE ASKEI): Q. ~1hat is •·11i;i:rd'' beef'~ A. A,11cd beer i~ high quality beer which has been held under i;pecial .t!tor11ge con· d1lion~ from 'hret' 10 i;ix weeks Al lempcrature~ frnm 34 to :lll rlr~rre.~ A~· ing develop~ 1 f'nt!C'me.~s .i1nrl a sp<'c1al fl11vor, wtiirh i.~ highly prl7.ed by !'<ln1r pMple Q l!ow lnn,g ran y11u slorc frf'sh ltlC'fl1 In the rrfrigcratnr' A Mc1H !ihOuld be ~tored in lhe coldest p;iri nf the refri,11era1o r where lhe tc1nper11111 re is between JO and 35 ricRrees. Roasts, rhnps anll .~l£11.~11 may be held three lo five day.~. But grouni:I meats i;uch as hamburgrr or po rk saus;ige should be used within a day or tw. · t:urcd tncats ~urh 11s h<1n1 and b11con may be kept ror one or 1wn week!. l.oosP.n 1he i;\(lre wr,11pp1 nJ? on the fresh n1ea1 . or Tl'"'rap the me,111 loosrly in w<1x- ed p;ipr.r .~n that the .11ir can circu late around ii Q. \\'hat oven tcnlpcralure j3 besl ror rnasting meal~ A A lemperalll re of 300 l!' J."JO degrees 1~ rcenmn1ended for mastin11 lender nica!~ With JZ.l defi!rces being be.st f0r nlo~I cul~. Meat cnoked 11l 1 lhl~ tcrq- pera!ure shrink~ les~ and 1s niore te"'1Pr, ju1cll'r :inrl rnore navorful than meat cooked 11 t higher temperaturts. I l U DAllY PllOT 11 Ex ercis,e absolut e control o ver bod y a nd e mot ion s. You are what you think you " a re . I ' • Yo ur Ho roscope Taurus: Wit's Forceful THURSDAY, AUGUST 5 By S\"Df\"E\. 0~1ARR Actrir Glt'nn F'nrd . born LJnder Taurus. is much con· c·erned 11'11 h such subJerts as re lnr ;irniit1nn t'Xtr;isrn~0ry percepti0n and astrolng~· ThP. mn11on picture ~t;.ir fetli> he ''livpd" in a prt'VlOU~ !1fe .::ind i~ drterm1nerl lo je1 a~ much out nf this (Jne as poss1blt. AR IES i.1'-larth 2l·April lll l \'11ur dp-s1r('s become mnre rr;ilist1(· Thus . many can nnw be fulfilled. Gemini ind1v1rlu;1I n1.::i.v bl'dger ~·ntJ ~1a1nt.<11n poise. ap!nmb. Ac t:cpl ~or1Al 1n1·itat1nns Fril'nd ynu had neglected deserves ;ittent1nn. P"~it ion 1s h;.i~irally str("lng \'lRC~O 1 Aug 23-Sept 22 ' AssociAte en-worker helps prnvidr Ot'\\' nu!lt ! l..t'n :n- d1v1dual cart's mnri> th an YCILI might 1m:.1ginf' Re ~ e ! I· suffir1 enL not arrogant. Cherk med1cRL dental appo1ntment.'I. Onn·t tttkl" heallh for granted. LIBRA 1SPpt. 2:1-nr1 22 1· Accent nn affair~ nf he;irl. l 'se 1ntu1t1on conrrrn1n111. nr- pns1tP srx Currenl situ;it 1nn dut' tn chttnge -mAkl' ii 11; rnn~Lrur1 1ve one Ovrrrnme 1empta!1nn 10 <:fH'rul.::ilP with val u:ihles You gel nnlhinR for nn1h1np:. ~CORPlO 1()('i 2.1·:~01 21 1 One ynu resprc1 11·11! ~hare knnwlt'dllP. Re re t ,. p I 1 I' t'. S1111;itinn which h.::i~ hl'('O hang1nl!, nn 1~ r1ue In rnncludl', Sa11:inariu~ 1nd11'1dual ('lli'lys key f()le Oppnrtun11~· exi~r~ ti) ;:i1'qu1re prnpertr. Re perrrp- t11·e SAG l11'AR!t·s I ;\'ol , TA l..I Rt.:S I Apnl 20-~lay 20\. ~1<1inliiin sle11dy pac e . Assncia1e whn 1~ stu hhnrn can be won over with humor_ \\'1n r;ilher than lnrre 1·nur 11a1· Libra ind1v1rlu;il ran· ~hn11· ynu Adju~! 1n dnme.~1ic arei!. Be \'o·dl1n~ tn do ~o. Dec. 2l \: Check ,11ppn1ntmenls, inv(llVl':d. Organize thoughts. e:mot ion~ Know where you are going and 11·1'1y. ~B rteser1·1's brnt fll of doobL Respond acrnrd1ngl,1. CAPR IC'OR.)".; r Dec. 22·Jan. 191 Bank acrnunt. earnin& capacity j!rab a l t t' n I i o n . l'ransfer nr funds m<iy be. lo 1·011r hes! inlrrt'S! Study 11T1t- ·1en ma1err21I G-et money·s 11nr1h You dest'rvr more at- 1en11nn ;:ind ~erv1ce. Ask ques· 1;0n~ -nbtatn answers. AQL'·\RILS Ll«n 20-Feb. lft 1 Lun;i1· ryclr high. take tn- 1l1at11·e H1ghligh1 pPr~on .1 !1ty, appraranl'r . 11·ill1ngness tn in- 1 C'S! \0 011 ~ t a I f' n I s . (1rrumsr::incrs favor unique efforts. :'lr11· cnntatl proves r.:ilu;ihlP Gn pl<1re:s. dn things-. PISCES 1Feb l9·i\1arch 20 1' Girls Gain Freedom Through Fitness GEi\-tl Nt i M;:i\' 21-.June 211 1 reservations. Short jnurnP v 1~ Add tn knnwlrli~J'. Study. read on a,e:rnda , Rel;iti\'e mi1 ~' he ::ind write Tr;:ivp\ provides 1- Plav l'.<ird~ cln°e to chest. Dnri ·1 rt' veal all ynu know. TPm)Xlrarv eonf1nemt'n1 1s 1n- d1r;itrd. ('hPck resource~. Ona 11hn cnnt1de~ sPrre:l m;i\' h.lll'e ultrrinr mnih·p Refuse ff\ ~arr1f1rt 1ntt'g:r1ty. Throw off ft ar •l1mu liil1nn. Onr ;it a disLanci:-1-:::::::;;;;;;ill••••::::::;::::=m•15 disr!itchrs v11al mes sa Re .~ 0 ~ HB Coed c_--=.___ -=~-._ .. , -e .. = Wins Grant Peering By BARBARA DUARTE 01 "'" Diiiy ,.+111 i11ll The word today is rap. If ynll 1o1'ant to communicate, th a!'s what you sil dow_n and do. So we .~at on the cement floor' 1 in .::is perft'ct a lotus po.~ilion a~ rusty joints permit) 11nd spent an hour r apping and practici ng 11 form nf physical 11nd mehtal fi tne~~ called H11U\a Yoga with 15 teen.::i,11ers. Mns1 of them enjoyed lhe session . Some n I d ! l me r ~ rlcn1nnstr;itcrl thr "fish" .::ind "knPe rolls" -nnr or 1wo gip:- ,glrd in ;:rlf-conscious em- b<irrassmrn1. UPTlf;HT One was 11r11gh1 anrl m.::ide a h;i l/-hear1Pd <1 t temp I 1n partic1p;ire u~1n,g lhe excu~e. "It·.~ p:ninp: tn hurt." Any one of lhP ~ids could be ~·our di111p:htrr. ~·1l;iyhe nnr 1s. 'l"hry're ii rr· ... .shly-scruhbf'd, for thl' most pilrl all'rl. i;irnur flf girls rrnm l'.l 10 111 11h11 ;irP lr;1rnin,g ;i lrs~on lh<11 n1:i.v hr•lp lhrm ('ope v.•ilh the pn·~s11rrs 11f lhr wndc1 Thrre·s 1Jnl.v l'lllP d1fff'rrn!·e ht•f\1•rrn t hrn1 ;ind I he i r enunTrrparr ~. If ynu w;oinl tn r;ip v.•ith 1hrn1. ynu hi'll'P 1n p;1.~< through thrct' !f){'ked dorirs. Ct11cr rapprr i< _v11g;i 1n- strt1ctnr Marley ~lf'l'C'nS whn aims ;; "shotgun blast" (If in- fnrmation ;oind ps1·1·hnln11:v ;it inm.::itPs nl Or;:i~gr C~unty JuvenilP Hall t'iu·h wf'rk ··rt give.<1 me ;i glnw ;i ll rl~y \nng," I hf' ;oiuburn-ha1rr d teacher p r n c I a i med en- !hus1.::istic;;lly, "I have great concern for the 11:1r·ls . 1hE>v'rt. the mothers nf tomnrr·nw. - "1 wa.~ a depres~1r111 child mysl"lf. 1 knnw wh;it i! rrrl.~ hkl' In s111ond 1n ltnr fnr hand- out.~. A pf!r5on can br rni1de I I -· • Around Z<Jnli! (')uh nf \'r11 pn1 I fl11r- bnr h.::is ;:i1111rrlrrl 11.'i 141h ;in. !\EL E: r T F: Tl II' ;in nual Or;ini.;P (nils! t 'nllrt!f' nf ( 'n.~l.i Mrsil. 11 rrrrnl Oulsl11 nd1n ,;: l 'nun,e \\'nmrn nf \1\SS PA:\IELA i\nn ('\.'!:in schol::ir.,h1p In ,\li;,,s l'r1q·1ll;i gr.::id11;:itp nf St. \'1nrrnrs Amerrrii for 1,'il '' :i.11·, H;:ii!hrnrk nf 11 11nIi 11 ,e.1 n n Cnllr,e.t' of ."\ur.~ln,e.. 11'itl rPrnrl l\.::trl'n .\·li!urn nf S!'ulh L;i>:1111;i Rrach ," sn1'1nln.:_1 i11;qi1r 1ihr. !n For! S:un Hnustnn. S11n ShP l'i be1n,;: rnn;.1drr·rd for !hr int!!nrls In hr1·nme ;i tr;ir'hrr Anlnni11. Trx_ nn Au,;: lll for a s1alf' s 11ut~t11ndin1: ~·flu n ~ A srlf-s11ppnr l1ni:: rnnlhrr of s1x -wrek h;:i~ic: lr:iinin.'] Cflursr . rnur. J\1r.~. H<iilhr•n('k ni.::iin-Shr then will hf' com-wnin11n of the ,1e;:ir 11w.::irrl tainPrl a :l fi cr::irlr pnlnl nii s~innrd a ,'ir('nnd lieulrnanl whic h is g11•rn 1n rr1·n,llnll 1nn Rl'rr;:i~p br~1dr hrin.e: 1l('t11r 1n ;inr1 il<'Ct':pt ;in a.'ist~nmen1 to nf cxccptinn;il rnn1r1h1111m1~ 10 sturlen! cnl'rrnn1rnt 11 n d !ht' mili1ary hn~pi1fl1 at Fort lhe hrttermrn1 nf cnn1munily, ;::{'r1·1ce rluh~ nn !he Costa (;nrdon. Gii. prnfessrnn 11nr1 rnuntrv Mt\~::! carnp11~-f------------------- ShP v.nn i.11r E "toorr f\l asonil' ::i1•;1nl fnr n11r;:111nr!- ing frr~hn1;1n -..nn111n fnr 1970 and the srrv1l'e pin fnr rx - l r!icurrirul;ir 1;nnlrih11!1nn.~ tn hrr ;::rhnnl. ~Ir~ H:i11!1(·or·k plans tn tr::in;::fer 11! C.iliforni.::i SlalP f'nllrRe ;it Fullerli>n. LET'S BE FRIENDLY 11 Yl'lll ha1,. nr11' nr-lchhn1·s or know nf an~rinr mo\'1ni;: to oqr 11-f"ll, plr111u:~ 1rll ui; '"' t h11 l "" m8y rx!~·nrl a friendly \1·.-\rrim,. 11nd hrlr lhl'tn to h,.rnmr ~r11u11in!rd In th,.ir ""'v s•H ro11nd1ngs. So. Coast Visitor 494-0579 494-9361 Harbor Visitor 64 .. 017~ LOCAL EDIT()ll IA L:-i Th e DAILY PILOT Q ui te Often Fight. Cit y Hall Going Almost Gone!! This Is absolutely the lest week of our summ•r sole! W• hove mode fl. nel r~uctlons en jewelry, penty- ho5e, ond sole m•rchonclise. All sole jewelry ls now SOc er $1 ., our penty• ho~• are $1, ond th• clotht-1 are half.price or Ll!SS I Yeu"ll h•'• your· self the rest of th• 5umm•r If yeu miss out on thn• lldtlque ler9a lnsl ·--. '-"'"~ BJDTIQUE !n ft>l'I in ferior for any number ~'nga classe~ for two and one nf reasons. half years and s!ud1ed fnr 11 ··1 try In make them un-under Indra Devi. derstand every persnn has f..·1other nf 1wo snn.s. she perfection within." she ex-1'ie1\'S weeklv classrs ;i t plsined. '"Amnn~ students ;;\ ju1•rnile hall aS .::i prlv1le,'!e and my Eas!Prn Aris Center 1rr-an nppnrtunitv· to eninv dozens Anllheim are d is t r au .e; h I of d;iught er.~: · widows, alcohnlics and people v.-·hose mf'nt11I " t t i t u de m.::inifests Itself in physical i!l- nes~. Ones Yoga help".' "\\"e're snld nn ii."' s;:i_vs 1'1rs. Paul Rouse. vicP prin- cip;il nr OCJH school. "It's just grr;:it. ;:ind ii';:: really h"lred thr girls." ;:idrls i\1rs. Re1 ty H;:i1•en. I' o l u n teer l\nl}ll' 1ru1h when \"nu en - c01.1n1Pr il J)nnr nf npportunily CREATIVE open~. Ynu can enrc r_ Dn oo. CA1"Cf.R 1.lune 21-July 221· LOVE F1nrinc1al st;itus nr nne close In _vnu m;ikes inroad nn tlmt'. SPPk facls. Sincerity 1s nn s1Jbstitule fnr c n r re r ! inetho<ls. Be ;iware n( nwn s{'curit.v requirPments. E:mn- 11nns run high .... epar::ile fart LE0 1.lul~1 2.1-Auj! 22 \· KPv rcla1ionshir <'an he rPv11.::il17.erl FA SHION FABR IC AND FA NCY TRfMS FROM SNt~ ~~· ... S110PPC '°d fK'l>OO l l\1ain1i1Hl srlf-es1rem On!' whn ( )Jj( ~.COAST HWY . CORONA D~L MAii: .::ippcars cnntrary m.::iv br1 011-so~o ··1 didn'1 111ke up yng;i llnt 1I ! was 40 ... ;;he challenged rising lrnm a cross-Jeaged pos1t1nn without usin.e; hrr h:inds_ "This exPrc1se rel:ird~ 1/1r. ::ig1ng pr·nrcss .::inr1 cleanses n11l the rrspir;it(lr.v s.1'slcm ·· fl eoN1t•M'l!J.~l(.l.~O M•IT~• CH<l"'GE surrrv1snr. 1rst1ng vnu no plenty n ~ Thry ;:igreP lhr pr rrcnlage rJl~"~"~n~i:n:'~· ~:"'~'~'~'~''~'°~'~JL~e~t ~~~!~·~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nf part1c1p;:i\1nn 1.~ high and n!hcr:; m;:ik,. fir~l mn1'e Ynur l Snn1r ;:irose rasily ~ nlhcr.~ i·healrd a little h_v pushing \\'Ith thrir hanrls. ,'\i,.xl r-;im1> hrt<llhin,i;. .~nnrt 1ni:: I 1 k e dragnn.~ ;:ind exh;ilin,I! and 1n- halin;.: 1n rlrcp bre;ilh~ g irl~ whn 5!udy ~Pr1nusl_1·1 ------- brcnme mnrt' cnnper a\1ve and ANNUAL SWIM SUIT Limbering lhc sp1nr fnr rrl11x:irion nf nrrvrs. s1udcnls lo!'krrl lhP1r IC~-~ 1n ;:i ln111 s and t1f!rd lhf'rn Ol'l'f lheir hc;id~. Sho11ldl'rs lowf'rrd to lh« llmir w11h the hr:id 1()-ri!hrr s1di> p r·evenL~ rurv:itun' nf thP -"Pine ,1nrl ~trRi~htcns the b;:ir·k. Fnl l0w1n~ kncr 1·,,11~. 1:. youni;: wnn1en !;:i.\' <:rlcn!ly nn 1hr1r backs ;ind 11..,lrnrd 111 (he snunrl nf lhr1r brrath, lhrn cnnc·enlr;i!Pd nn the beat nf lhr1r he::irt. CONTROL "\\lhr11 .\·our minrl V.'ilnrlcr~. bnni;: ynur ;i11rnt10n h;irk tn your hr.::ir!beal F. x f' r cl s e ;:ih.<:nlulP f'nnlrnl nvfr rnur bnrl~· .::inrl rmotinn~ i\lll'fl/<: r·r111r1nhcr ynu are wh;11 ynu think ynu .irr "lmpr0vr111rnt nf srlf 1n1<1gr i~ ;i lnui;:h rnw In hne. rsrrciRlly fnr 1hrsE> l!,irL~." r-.1arle~ remarkerl fnllnwinl!. 1he srss1nn. The fnnnrr ;:ir. l rt'ss and newspaper coh1mn1st h.::is !;111.gl'lt prn·atr .::inrl cnll"l!.I' c::iger. I OF.OICA TIO:\' 1'1<irlev Slevrn~· drd1<·<11inn dne~n ·1 ·end herf'. She 1,~1 pu~hinl!, for yn11;.::i 1nstruct1nn 111 public school~. Mginning al Jun1nr high level •-11 ·s the hil.~I!' snurc·r nl pl1y~1cal ritnes~ ;inrl tearhr' ynu!h how tn keep fl t all their Ille. Ry achlev1nl!, ;:i h;:il<intr. ;:i tccn;i~er e;:in minimize 1he 1 sevf're hi~hs .::ind lows he normallv experiences. j "Bec;iuse he feels better. he C'an c0pt with d11i!y prnblt':mR j -;it homt':. at schonl and inl public life. 1 ··Thrnugh yng;:i , he \e11rn~. hnw he functinns. why hr h11 s1 moods. and what he c;in dn - without drug~ -1n maintain a natur11I feeling nf wt'I! being. It inlegratt':~ the body. mindi ::ind spirit Into nne ha rmnnious unit." The l'nd of lhe hnur was ne:.ir. F'iftt'en young girls l;:iy siltntly. listening In their hearthe;ir~. Ont' or lwo may have bt'en able to temporarily ~till the sick ft'elln& 1n the pit nf !heir stomach. That ;:if.1 ternnon some were In face the jurlJ,11". ----- PROFESSIONAL WATCH REPAIR c .,..,,,1,1, '"'•loh ••11 •it •••~•(• 1.,, OMEG A ,ACCUTllON, ROL~X !~i 1 <ncluil•• e~•e•e9<•11 h" t!1>p w1tth•• •nil chronr>- "'•hfl. w, ,~,..;, w •'e~11 el 111 lvr•" Cempl•h i1 :.1 ,,_ f;ni•hin9 from I S •nil "'i"'"""'' e.')'•t•lo f,.,,., $1. PROFESSIONAL JEWELRY REPAIR ~'"9' ljt•il 1nil •• ,, •••• " o ...... ""' ••• '"" 1 1 9~··~·"· c ...... 11l1h co1ti•9 l1 tdltv f~, c v1t•M tf •119n1il f•w1lry, P11tl 1•il b11il 1•1 lrin9in9. W1 do 111 Iv ~•• e l j1w•lrv ,,,..;,_ Open Mon., Thurs., Fri. Tiii 9 P .M. H•Jll('I• 'M(l,.Pil.IG CI Nttl llfll' H••ll<!r •ive C~•!o """'" 10.,.u MUNTtNOTON (I NTIJI .... {~ • [ti"'"' Hv"ll••ie~ l•orll U l ·U01 0 I s::,~~~1/tt Id SALE "" 1;3 to 1/2 OFF REGULAR PRICE Entire Stock of Swim Suits on Sale at All Wet Seal Stores! .... SELECT FROM THESE FAMOUS MANUFACTURERS' *COLE *CATALINA * JANTZEN * SIRENA * PETER PAN * ELIZABETH STEWART * BEACH MATES * TOP DRAWER * HIGH TIDE All Summer Merchandise Goes! HUNOREDS SHIFTS OF COTTON MAXf & Mf Nf Regular to $25 .00 LSE l 'Ol'R ARNE L & COTTON HOT PANT SETS Rt1gul1r to $28.00 ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER $300 SHORTS & TEESHIRTS ~:9~:;'.oo TO .11 ,\S'l'ER CHARGE ONE AND TWO·PfE CE DRESSES Rgeul11 r lo $50.00 BA\K.-\.llERIC.4 RIJ POLYESTER, COTTON AND BLEND JEANS Reguf" la $17.00 ALL SALES F1NAL SEVEN SOUTHLAND LOCATfONS, 204 Morine, lelbN l\le11d 270 F.. 17th St., Co•ta Me\e 321 Main St., El S~undo llll Bris to!, So. Coatt Plate 1777 Edln9er, HUntln9ton C•nt•r 240 Braodwey, Lc9una leach 4000 W. Chapman, C ity Centre, Orantt • ·-· ··--.. -r--' ..... • _.., l.)t ·--------·--,.. ' •.. • :_ ... -" ·.--' ----·--..__,.,_ " ~ I Wrdntsd.1y, A119u,l 4. 1971 OAJLV .,LOT 19 Evening Eleg ;~~ce"U'>I!·~~ Alphabet Soup Unscrambled l Heads Up for Heels Heels on men '• boots are on are bia and bl'llwny, with the way up for fall and winter. more than a hint of JuthenUc ,1;ays the American Footwear 71171 Half Size -Fontana l lere is an el egant evening pants suit designed by Fontana or Ron1e for half sizes. '/'he rounded C'urve of the neck is m ost becom- ing an d cn mplcn1cnts the. yo ke . Note the designer detail of 1h c gnctc:t at 1he ruff. The side seams turn into a deep scallop at hemline. An ideal top for the pants-set \\'ilh an el asti c casing at the wais t-that have a bit of a flare at the hem. Originally sho\vn in acetate and viscose, this fa bric used by the designer in the Italian collections is avaUable. 7 t 171 is cut in ready·lO·\vear Half Sizes 1 2 ~"2 · 22 1,~. Size 16 1h requires approximately 3'4 yards of 54 " fabric. To order 71171; give size, name, address and zip. Send S2. Address SP.o\OEA, Box N, Dept. CX·IS, Milford, ·N. J. 08848. To order the original fabric, request local outlet fr om the above address. Pattern Books by Classification -Fall an d Winter Dresses $1. r Announcing -Too Much For Your Money!{ . COME IN AND UNDERSPEND! ROtn: 0Tandlull'0 RINSE C "' o ' • Unmed•otelvl @ Cov~" oroy ccrnpitl•· IV' lone_• oloooh•d t.<111' Mn!cl1•• l>leoct>e1 t-"''' 10 r>e"' o•o,..1n lJ ••C•!lno co•o•• -""'~ ,., -,n~mPoO ""' -nn 1~d,.,o ~~,YL~OSHAt'6P~g @· : w ,1~ ~ou• ~t>a...,~O" l'>C'! ~· "O '"'" U~.,,. ... ' ' VALUABLE COUPON •@;J:J• ROUX "FANCl·lONE" TINT TOUCH-UP I l ottlo of fl"' __ H< All YOU PAY IS &ood I• Atl 5e l""' Mon. fw..., -Wod,._r~ '111 !:_DO ...... __ __,, .. ,, •• ,,._,, •• !"'.!!:'!... -- Name __ ~ddress ___ _ : City ------' ' ' ' ' ' ' : Phone : I COUPON l)(PlltllS 1112/l! I ~ .. ------... --.... ---·--.. ·' f> MtN 'S & . \ ~ BOYS' ;:'./I .-HAIR \-f \. CUT i $)25 ROUI n.lc• cbanq• l Col..,, In 10 mirwtet @· l~•to !or wffk.o wllhoUI ""'o~•de end rub-<>f! t-'Q!\lrol colon ot Q•ov '" dull l>olr. G.......,me< l~r bl~ocl'l!d. l<>CIU<le• S1v1e ond So•. TASHION STYU:O &. HAIRCtJY .. I ,.. VAlUABL! COUPON . .. ' ' 4j;14• ! PERMANENT WAVE RAZOll HAii CUT S2" 1 o.,, •~1. lo• Pfic• _ 0111 Pll~t A :;~ ~,o"_. 0 YOU CAN GET P(RMANENl WAYI F R E I GOOd tft ..,u Solo~• M•"·· Tuot~ W•L. _n. ....... •111 4:00.f,~ 111 ...... __,.., ,. -•e1J ... 1s1 bcfot• ..... re•. Name ~ddress ___ _ Cily ____ _ , Phone I COUPON llii lll'tRIS 1111111 ~----····-----·-·---' A ';.(H <)\. Wf r.ltl NOT,., ' oPltl . : . &outh Coast ?taza LOWER LEVEL-NEXT TO MAY CO. COSTA MESA s4o ·8888 -' "Tr# DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have been dating 1 young man for 1e:veraJ year1. Dan is everything a girl could want. W~I. almost. He is kind, nice looking, con- siderate, fun to be with and he makes good money. 1·he only drawback is Dan's grammar. For e:a:ampte. he says, "I seen", "vouse" and "have went." I bile i-ny tongue when he n1akes these awful n1istakes , especially tn the presence of my friends. l don't want to be ashamed of him. Ann , and I don't ~·ant to embarrass him either, but I'm afra id one day 1 rnight. Is there ll chance that we can have a good n1arriagt> in spite of this? I am 26 and a college graduate. Dfln ls 27 and attended trade school. I do love him. but I fear 1 ·11 be a nagginr: wire -or worse yet. a silent wife who is ashamed of her husband "s g rammar. Please hurry your an~wcr. He is v.·ailing for mine. -YORK PENNA DEAR YORK : Dan sounds too ~ood to discard. Ask him U he wants to be cor- rected -when the two of you art alon e, of course. lncldenta11y, yo u misspelled tht ~·ord grammar throughout your leller. It is AR. dear. Perhap1 you and Dan art not so far apa rt as you think . DEAR ANN LANDERS: I've been enjoying the snoring letters immensely because this subject is very close to my heart. I used to s nore, but I don 't any more. 1'he solution was suggested by my friendly druggist. I'd like to share It wlth you. Everyone kno ws thal Jnoring occurs only when the mouth is open -the Lrick. is to keep it sh••'. Just lake a piece of adhesive tape and place it over the snorer's mouth. Try il, Ann. ll really works. -DES ~fOIN ES READER DEAR O.M.· Thank.a but I doa 't have t4I try it. I don't snore. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Not Jong ago you had a letter from a reader v.·ho wanted to know ir il is possible for a woman lo be pr8"r?J\lll for ninth months and not know it. The writer to ld about a lady who had given birth in a parking lot -and until the last minute she denied she was pregnant. /"> few days afl e1· I read that column the san1e thing haopened in Grand Forks . N.D. This young couple (married for fil•e years) had been told that they would neve r have a chiilci and adoption was rec- Children's Home Society ommend1.->d. Shortly after, the young wife was stricken with back pains. She call~ the doctor because she was sure she was having a kidney attack. He rushed her to the hospital and her baby boy was born a few hours later. The y,·oman had been taking Alka Seltze r and Sal Hepatica for six month! to relieve her "indigestion." She had also been dieting to lose weight. Her doctor told her she had a ne rvous stomach and not to worry. I've heard many peoi>le say you make up letters because somC of the things that appear in your column are too rar out to be true. Herf' is a good ell.- ample that truth is stranger than riction. -N.D. READER DEAR READER: Righl you are. 1)-uth JS Str8J'lger. Unsure of yourself on dates? What's r ight? \\lhat"s wrong'.' Should you? Shouldn't you'! Send for Ann Landers' booklet. .. Dating Dos and Don'ls," enclos· ing with your request 35 cenls in coin and a IOnJ:. self·addresscd, s lan1ped envelope in care of The DAILY PILOT. Sally Banana' Reolly Is •.. Bananas, That Is New Director Chosen J ohn R. Jamison of Whittier is the new director of agency· operations for the Orange County district of Children ·s Home Society, headquartered in Santa Ana. His appointment was an. Association of Social Workers nounced by John f'. Porter of and the Academy flf Certified Newport Beach, chairman of Social Worker5. the Orange ~nty Board of Children's Home Society Director5 of the statt:wide provides assislance to women counseling service and adoi>-concerned w i t h unplanned tion agency. pregnancies, those considering A former college teacher, adoption for their children , children needing adoption and Jamison holds a master'• couples wishing to adopt. degree in 90Cial work from lhe i-==========""-1 Institute. Ornaments on same western. SPECIAL SALE NOW IN PROGRESS l/3 to '/2 OFF SUMMER SPORTSWEAR SEPARATES AND PANTSUITS ONE WEEK ONLY !Port f9 • fkll /Pasadena ~400 VIA LIDO e NEWPORT BEACH 675·7810 e SHOP 10 A.M. • 5,30 P.M. LADIES! You can learn to MAKE YOUR OWN DRESS PATTERNS, in iust 60 minut11 ... Attend a local Fashion PA nERN cun1NGSHOW .--~LEARN HOW TO~---. •Make '"r ••• ,..,.,.., • ,,,, c ....... , t.i1hlH1 • Crtialt .,..r •w• '9111•• • T••• j11t two"'"'',_..." IR4 111 I •trfKf fit •wery li•t, Pro11•rti .. 111,1' Htt11111 • , ... feet f lt 1l1cb & 11111lr1IH All THIS IN JUST 60 MINUTIS OF INSTRUCTION. NO CONTINUING CLASS. IS. YOU LEARN IN JUST (1) ONE DEMON. STRATION. . University of Washington. He has ·worked with public and private agen c ies in Washington, Colorado, Idaho a nd California dealing with probation. adoption, school social work and ag:?ncy ad- ministration. GlllOLES IRAI 3 Days Only UNBILIEVABLE? SEE lT AND Bl CONVINCED! He belongs to the National Jokn R. Jamison Avai/abf• of our storff fflOfvring Ire Cream ICE CREAM 'AND SHERBETS- ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES f ine Ice Cream (Reg . .S 1.39) V2 Gal •• , $1.:2.5 Fine Ice Cream (Re g. 45c) Pint •• ,,, ••• 39c Cooling SMerbets (Reg. 35c) Pint., •••• 29c The smooth richness of 17 vori eties of Fine Ice Creams ond cool, refreshing Sherbets- en;oy them during Ice C reom Carnival. ~~.~~~>~6~~.!!:~.~.~~~ ....... 35c Visitors to the West Coast t ry th is then write fo r more. So mony woys to serve this versatile product. You be the cul inary expert. • 17J7 E. Co••' Hi9hw1y Coro"• cl.I M•r-Ph. t.71-1,SG ···ft•A-rlc•nl •M•"•t Cf11r1• ll Yt•rt Ill l•m• L9't•ll<>" STARS SydMy 01n11rr is nnr t1f th!!! world"s gr~at a.~troln­ gers. lli~ C'Olumn i~ onP nf t.h~ DAILY PILOT'S great fellturrs. • Wed., Aug. 4 • Thur,., Aug. S e Fri., Aug .• 6, CLASSES 3 TIMES DAILY 10,00 A.M., 1 P.M., 7,30 P.M. DEMONSTRA llON FIE$1.00 (llUllA•D ADMITIID fllfJ WOltO FAMOUS JNSTITUTI Of PATTllM DISllN SNOW MOW 10 DllAW ANO CUT YOUI OWN PATTllll$ USllll TMl 'DOT PATTflN' STST(M. Alt (QUIP'MfHT, IMClUOUU; A FASHION MANUAL Of OVll 100 FASHION Of SIGNS fl OM WNICM YOU CAN QUICllT ASSEMllE AlMO$T ANY $Tllf. Will IE tVAILAILI AT lVllYCLASS RODEWAY INN 1400 PALISADIS RD. COSTA MESA BAKERY SPECIALS -Thurs.-Sun., Aug. 5-8 Blueberry Muffins (t.g. 4.5c) Pk9. 6 .,. •. • • • · · · • · • · · • • • • 39c For St.widoy Brunch or to complement o fonc.y d inner salod entree, Von de Kemp's Blueberry Muff ins, wormed, add extra touch. ~~t~.~~k~~.~ 6 ~.~~~~~ •• c~~.~~. 4 5 c Plenty of sliced Almonds, lightly iced, otop this generous, tender coffee coke. Pleose worm in its troy ond occentuote the-positive. Chocolate Gold Cake (lleg. $1.49) Sqoor• 2 loyer.,,, ••• , ••. About the men in your l ife, This big mole fov0ri te with our creamy Vonillo Ice Cream will make you Quttn for o Doy -ot leost. Van de Komp's ® BAKER ES • Peach Pie on Special, too -great, new crust In ..,.'Y good food •IONt A OIVl~!ON or GENll!AL HO$T COil,. ,,, Tr •. ---------~ ....... ---""I -._,,,,,,.,. -. -.. I ) • '' \.\ 3 .• IWl.Y l'llOI Breakfast on Bun Brin .gs 'Hot Dog' Praises ' Jusl a llttle imaginat ion is needed to see 1nuny ways ui whlch hot dvg rolls and harn- burger buns c;i11 tlt' used - other than the ll'ay lhl·y but their nan1('S. For pe<Jpl e C'.ln t11t· i;,n a "brecikfa.sl 011 a bun.'' Sl:'r\'c:d buffet s\vle !)11 the porch or patio. inC!udes iir.'.ln~t> JU1t't', st·ramblf'd eg~s and b~tr!in 1111 frr11kfw·!er rv!ls .111d ~nu~:!Rf' pa!tirs and scrainb!ed eggs on ha1nburg1•r buns. rnllk .1n<l hnl coffee_ l!'s e:i~y !(• tis. jt111 10 e!i1 anrl the ~11r1d1 .. 1<'lil·.-. 1·;111 hf' toted ;;long 10 br 1·:11c·11 1J11 the 11ay 10 ''urk or play 1f dc.sircd F1,1r lunc·h th11~e t·\t1·:1 bun~ and rolls e:111 t~ 111nH·•! 1111n ;ittracti1·e "huti t:.' 11r ·~J1clls'' for a \'?~·icl v of U~t'' F11r a buffet ~uppt·~ the ruund l1a1n- blir~er hun t:1n 11111rkl~ hl' llirned into a 1n1nlalurc 11111.:1 or the hot dog roll t11r a d('Jighltu l bc1 kt:d tll•lk·;11._·,1. ties. Canadian bacon. ham, bulUgn<i , deviled ham, minute beef steaks, dried (Chipped) b1.i:f. lbh burgers or any kind ol canned or deli-luncheon 1ne <1ls rnay be. served on a bun, ~·ith or without the ~C-r<lrnblcd eggs. SCRi\1\IDLEO EGGS Hreak eggs into a bowl. Add labll·~µoor• of n1lik or C'Offee crearn per eggs, add salt aud µepper lo laste: beat slightly wl!h ;1 fi1rk. Heat butter or 111arg:1ri ne in skillet ove r rnctlium hecil : add egg mix- 1\Jre : retluce l1eat lo lo1v and stlr l'Ol.lked portions gently ll'llh ~lf.'.J!Ula fro1n botton1 and :-ides vf pan . do NOT overcook !('ggs should be moist and l";~s rx·r serving for c1ich bun· g!nssy 1<hcn done I. ed eggs, cook above mixture in top of double broiler over s1~mering, not hot water. st1 rr1ng occasionally until eggs arc thick and creamy, \'nriatlons 'T'o egg 111ixture add chop- pe-d fresh herbs -chives parsl('y, tarragon, chervil o; basil ; or add a dash of curry ; or subslltute sour cream and add a dash of lemon-parsley salt. Saute fresh or can n e d mushroon1s ( J or 2 table- spoons per egg) and a dash of seasoned salt ; combine left· over harn scraps "' i t h scranibled eggs, or sauteed pi(•('('S of dried (diipped) beef; add a rab!espoon grated ched- dar cheese per egg, or z tablespoons cream('d cottage cheese with a dash of Angostura bitters. SAUSAGE PATTIES easier, let lhaw, brush wJLh sprig of watercress tn both sandwiches in mayonnaise and parsley for garnish. goes \\'ell .,•:Ith c-anapes indoo~ melted butter and teost until ends : or dip ends of rolled ground peanuts or minced Alm oat any kind of punch or out. But for a garden pz.rty, delicately broin11ed in ho1:[[1-r--•·"·--------.;..-.-.;.....;;-...;;-..-..-------oii.•----"""--------..-, oven ). HAr.I AND ASPARAGUS HUNS Roi! we ll drained ~pear of canned asparagus in thin slice of harn : pl&:e 2 or :J han1- asparagus rolls in each hollowed out Jong r o I I: sprinkle v•1th bu t le re d crumbs: dot \\'ith mu.s!ard- n1ayonnaise: top \l.'lth grated sharp ('hecse 11nd place under broiler until lightly brov.•ned. CH ICKEN SALAD IN A BUN Fill hollowf'd out and toasted round buns with chicken s11tad : top each 1viU1 a t.able- spoon of chutney : serve \~'ith toma to aspic on lettuce !e<.>.ves. For a soup and sandwich suppl'r. serve tomato so up top- ped with dollops of dairy sour cream and miniature pizzas. Stokely-Van Camp PORK & BEANS 11 Or. Can SPECIALS THURS., FRI ., SAT.-AUGUST 5, 6, 1 FARM FRESH VINE RIPENED KNUDSENS FRESH POTATO SALAD For br·c;-i kl:.i.<.l 111(• 1111·11u (',u1 be 1':i r1cd in n1an) 11 ;1y~: eor·n· rd bee f ti11rg<'rs n1n;. hl' uscrl instead or the saus~gf' :::1:! egg s: link saus<'..gcs. bet! : .. 1l· Spor111 <into split buns that h:.ive been bullcred a n d (o:.i sll'(! lightly : add st>.u.sage p:1ttics to other half of ham- burger rolls. bnco n to the long liuns : St•rve at oni:e. I Allo w 2 epi::s per serving for e::i eh bun- 11 IL'IL 1 Shape sa u s age 1neat between p<1l1ns of hands (wet PIZZA·BURGERS Cantaloupe PINT CARTON f\ol l': For crean1y scrambJ. hands to keep from sticking\: On a greased cookie sheet pl?.ce sausage in cold skillet place split harnburger rolls, and eook over lo w heat unli l fl:ittcn into thin circles with li ghtly bro1.\'ned, about 12 to 15 back of tablespoon: pinch up tninu tes. Turn 'Nith spatula, small rim : spread ""'ith soften· pou rin g off fa t as it gathers. t'd butter or margarine and Or bake sausage cakes in 375 cover with tomato sauce: top degree oven in open pan until with thin slicl' of cheese. F 0 R c L B s c c done. turning once to broll'n. Remove toothpicks \Vhen l'\cv('r prick sausage with fork. -~r~oa~d~y'__'t~o....""~r~'°"__a~n~d'.....'t~u':.ck~a~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~w,,,,•~·~•~H~•~~~·~T~H~l~l~l~G~H~T~T~O~L~l~M~IT~9~U~A~N~Tl~T~ES""""""""""""""""""~ Drain on paper IO\.vels. """"""""""~ BACON To pan fr y: separate pieces. place in cold skillet and cook over low heat, turning oc- caslon<il!y. Drain on paper 101\'C)s. do=ssing, extraonlin!!!Y! NOW AT YOUR GROCERS To bake: place sepa rated pieces of bacon on 1vire rack on broiler pan or-Jay on crumbled aluminum foil; bak- ed in 400 degree oven until crisp r11d lightly bro\l.'ned, about IO minutes, (Better set the timer.) Bacon cooked on crumbled foil in oven will have a \l.'avy, pr('lty effect. For lunch remove tops from round and long buns: hollow ou! centers leaving firm sides and bottoms (fr11:ezing the rolls makes hollowing them out Special buy. We'll ring you up for less. 19.88 and 29.88. For men, 29.88 Synthelic s tar sapphi1e, • For women, 19.88 Cultured pearl. opal, d iamond, sn1oky topaz quartz. garne t ot c<irnco in ·1mag 1native cat 's eye quarl z. onyx. diamond or bi rthstone in heavy 1 OK qo\d selt1 ngs. 1 OK gold setlings. JCPenney fine jewelry The values are here every day. Shop Sunday noon to Sp.m . at these Penney st ores: ,AV(l i!...,bl,.. ,,, 11.,. f 1. 1 , l ;.'l• ~'·A Pf\0 1( C/IR l~E\AD OOWNl'1 fA~HtON VAll [Y. SAN DIEGO 'lll' ! I' I 1 r, !'IPJll"-, T( IN l\Ll\C ~·! \Ar.I VJ00lJ M,QN 1(1 AI P NlWPQllT BlA(H ORANG[' TH! (!TY ldl/L~:;ilOL V[N JUHA. U~or Per1[1ey1 J.rnc: Poyn•t'rll Pion. .. . , . Jfi -!!> - I \.).).("'---. -· ·------- rJ;fe., With a nErW home freenr, you can take advantage ----.....-:;:--. ..-": • -.. ·"~1'-i. ,. · ol special l!ales, ;;fr.k.:>.."f!iJJ d II' discount prices, and C~.i'...~~ I' \ seasonal savings! ;·--1 ' Sale·priced quantitles 1 \ \1 of your family's favorite food• can be stored in your freezer for months at a time. Fruits and vegetables cen be purchased at peak: quality, when prices ;ire lowest, and pr eserved for us throughou t the year. With so many advantages, a home freezer can freeze your food costsl And , today's no-Trost feature ellm!natea the messy chore of defrosting. You ca n start saving now with $25 worth of frozen food . .A $25 Food Certificata lrom the E.1.A. is yours, FREE, when you buy a home treezerduri ng the month of August at a participating E.l.A. dealer. '· 'i\Jft. w; Be prepared t . r ,'{/_c- f or all occasions Family dinners or unexpected guests, lunch box meals or party treats, whatever the occasion, you can be reedy with e · variety of prepared meals. Cook foods well in advance !or special dinners; double your favo1ite 1eclpes and lreeze tial f. Bake more than one pie or ceke or onother batch of cookies and freeze the extras for fulure use, A freezer keeps you prepared and makes meal pl'ann!ng eosy, Your freezer keeps foods fresh! Flavor, texture, and health· giving nutritive va!ues,~:;;~~~~lllJ~ are locked in to stay. Freezing pr eserves 1he natural vitamins and minerals in lresh produce. Choose young, .fresh vegetables and fruit for freezing .so they wi!l keep peak fla vor and tenderness, Only lop quality foods should be frozen, Freezing retains quali!y; ii does not Improve it. EA .. )\ ,, c ---~~· 't' 09 r ... ;,~ ~~ .r>--, 6 ,_ ., ~L Freez~wi~me ~-.. and fresh fish Hunters and fishermen can freeze their catch, keeping it for future use, in a home freezer. Wild game, such as deer, moos e or elk, can be aged, chilled, cut and wrapped for storage in your treezer. Freshly caught fish from ocean, lake or stream, or game birds, can also be frozen. Prepare fish or birds !or cooking, package and qu ickly freeze. Enjoy the rewards of the hunt months later with a home freezer, With a small amount of preparallon, nearly every kind of load can be frozen. fish and shellfish, fowl, meats, fruits and berries, vegetables, plus baked fooda, cooked foods, prepared foods, stewa end soups. Even dairy products like butter, milk, eggs and cheese can ba frozen. In fact, when thawed, freezing makes leftover dairy prod ucts useab!e in casseroles, egg dishes, and baking, Conveniently packaged, easy to use Foods can be easily packaged in moisture- vapor·proof con1ainers end stored !or months I<::~~ at e time fn your home freezer. Freezer jars, plastic containers, outer V{axed cartons, freezer aluminum foll, and laminated papers all make good w1apping ma!erials. Remember to package foods in meal-size amounts or indiv!dua! servings 10 make 1hawing and" reheating quick: and easy. No more last minute hurried trips to the store ara needed with a freezer. ''.~::< ~ik. '~.~ ~·~.t .. J:~ .. a ft' ~,;; *' ' .,~., ~;-)iir.. :.".1/1:-1>-w·· ·, !~ ~ '~ &•°!:_\ °7 ~-.,.,,,, ~ •9J.~• I ~~J,ci]j . '1~ ~~ :r.t"!(. 4 • '·1·' -·\/·-'', ~--t ...,.,,. \!!I '" ••• • •• * 12~~ ~ !Tu@~ FREE g~~ri:~~;~R FREE $25 FROZEN FOOD CERTIFICATE lrom !he E.1.A. ls ~.,_ ··.\\ yours with the · ·': _. .. ;C :i:~ ~~~csht~~~~:d ~\3'>:"~···:~1 size model of \1{~1 ~ '6; ~""" a participating ~ .. ' ~--,,. ... ~ brand new lreezer ~ •. ·""'"' between August 1 <ind August31, 1971, at the dealers listed below. The certi licale Is redeeNbfe st any of Von's Markets. A marvelous way to star! filling your freezerl Cho0&e from these Famous Brands: • ADMIRAL • AMANA • BRADFORD • COLDSPOT •GENERAL ELECTRIC , . , just !or asklng at any one of the pa rticipating dealers lis ted below. You can tielp "Freeze Your food Costs" when grocery shopplng by using this handy shopping aide, whic h Inst antly computes the cost per uniL The Unit-Price Ca lcu lator helps you get the most for your money! Enter Now! August 1 thru August 31, 1971 Now's your oppor1unlty to -win a beautiful, tlme-savl ng, S money-saving home freezer! 'J 95 freezers will be given away free, one at each of Von's Marke!s , Reg!ster now at any Von's Markel or at participating dealers Ustad below. •FRIGIDAIRE• HOTPOINT •PHILCO• WESTINGHOUSE •WHIRLPOOL If you buy a freezer belweeii August 1 end August 31. 1971, end are a winner In the drawing, the purchase prlce Of your freezer will be refunded up to $250, based upon purchase receipt. COSTA MESA 0 .. 1 .. 1,.-.,,11.ll(ft 411 I. 11rtl $t. Mey C•. JlJJ lrhtof Dw1110, Appll•IK•. c,111,.11, 111 S Newperf A••· ..... JJJJ lrhhll Go141 JOit lrht~ w..,,,. Rlflle H .. dwe~ l Appllo11~n 2666 Horbor ll'f"d, Tlpte11'1 TY & .. ,,n .. e c-ter 2100 "•'"' ...... Wlllhl Fre11t JOll l rh,el NEWPORT BEACH C.OOll (IMtrir. ll 2 Newport ll•d . -); , .. _ _.-.:\¥-· -·· Da•I•-•,..-AppllOMn 19046 l raekhwnt ffl:tery Dlr.c:t lalft 5116 Edi"' .. W. T. GtOllH tll I Atfo"" Home S.n'lc• Ce. 17242 h~ll ,,,,, l•o11ardt 16672 a..c:h .,.,, HUNTINGTON BEACH S.On ... ,. 1140 ldl11ter 6f12 ldh•tof .... S..n '''"'a11es .... tOSt Ade1111 St, 2651 I. Gctte ""· , ....... Miln Applle11c:" 401 Melli St. 1122 k•llle To•en'1 I. L, R~SMll & Co. Grold••wnt I Wonier 7021 Poe.Ifie: llfd, Twe Gwp W°'"' Wll1011 9112 Ado1111 St, 621 S Pee: If le ,. ,,.>:_--.r ~· - .. • JO P1LOT-.6DVE RTISER S W"'nt\dly, Au,11rt 4. 1971 OA.J LY PILOT Dieting's Serious Matter for 'Laugh -In' Host By JOH.NA BUNN BEVERLY HlLLS -"I publltlu the far! I'm • diabetic to give hope to oth!.r peoplt, et1peclaHy youn,eaters 10 to 12 years old. who mljhl gil•t up," &l id Dan Row1n ol Marlln·and, looking htllthy !nd sun·tanned. "Being a diabetic posu 1 Ito.•: problems, 11s d o ts anything lh a1 requires a persnn 111 adhE<re to a reg1n1en nf regular hours and con· trolled diel But being 11 d1<1br1 1r need nol be 1 fnghten1ng experience." ThPrt art several ways of cnntrnlllng ft from takln1 insulin to proper diet and ex- ercise. I dl:r.rov ered m y diabt:tts several years ago before Mime minor surgery 11nd ::iside frnm CUiling down on drinking, I eat very well . "'The few prnblrms I have in !ht area of food are re!.tllvtd. l httnk~ ln my wife "'ho hit! btcomt quire a nu!riuooist in her nwn right," ht 5lid, "milin~ al his lovtly blond wife, Adriana. a In rm er Austr11liAn modt:!. Dan m11kt:s nrt pretenst: at hein g a chef. Ht: delega!t.~ tht rlnmes!iC' chore~ to his male. ,:in exC"el\ent cook. 1 by all reports ) and freq~! hnstess. His current lifestyle -Is a far cry frnm leaner da Js when hr \1ved in chea p hole] rooms in New York. cooking on two hot plt1 te.s. "I'd buy franks. car· rots. polatoe.! -. 11nything I coul d boll." But thel was all before a successful teleseries called "Laugh-In" !NBC.TVJ. What rettlly concern s D11n nowan today is the fact thert !re so many people walkinJ around wi!h diabete&. many not even aware they have it, ''And you don '! have t.n gpjil 11 doctor to dt:tect the diseS-Se." he said. "Any drug store. can lt!'Sf. your whole ramily ~everal times a year fnr pennies." Adriana said !hat h e r hU.!!band's diet is no problem in tllat it's nor. !ha1 different. ''!t'!i a low-fat. non·suga r diet !hat's basically the Weight \Yitlcher'!i diet." she said. "He cats less food, but more ~m;:i JI meals. He avoids lal·marbled bt:ef and lends to ca! morr C'hicken and fish. .. , include 11 numhl!:r nf fresh fruits 11nd VCRclables. I Y.'a1ch my l'o'eighl loo. but 1 play lots or tennis and I eal more dessert.~. If you WAich your food intake c<irefull\'. vou can indulgr yourself ncC11sional1y. "11an cut.~ down on his i11sut1n by Paling carefully ::ind having the right Arnount of el.- ercist'. Hr must avnid gelling ovrr!ired. An d ht: had to cut dnwn on li is drinkinR hf-cause liquor ,llCles immediately ln sugar lhal only adds usele!'is calories. I control lhe rest or Jewish Cooks Rely On Matzo ~1a1ln mr;:i l, used Ill .fe wii;h rui~ine. t~ av::i ilt>.b!~ 1n snmr :i;uptrm,11rkr!.~ ~ATZO BAl_J,S 2 PRff.S 1 ~ rup n1alzn mt:al S;ill 2 t;iblPspooni:. buHe r. mellt:d 2 l::ihlf'spoons rold 11•::1ter 1 l<ib!r.~poon m1nrrd pari:.lty In a s1n;.ill mix1n.':, howl. hf'lll e,R)?li sl1,11;hll.\', Adrl m::111,o meal anr1 J te<ispnnn salt: stir until i:;mnoth. 5tir in butler. watPr ;ind p;ir.~!ry. Cover anr1 rhill for about 4 hours or nvernighl sn mixturr will stiffen UsinR ;:i round~ !c.11spoon nf !hr mixture ror each. sha~ 1ntn ~mall b::ill.s. t Mixture 11•l 1J bf' ~oft. so .,.,·nrk dt:ftl y; usin.': '-li,llhtly d11mp hands m111y ht:lp i Fill 11 ~-or 5-quar t s11ucepnt wi'h u.·a1er i;everal inche~ from top and brin.i: !n R boil : add 1 12.blespoon S!ll ;:ind clrop in m<il7.o balls 1'.5 you shape lhem , \\'hen 111! balls ArP 1n w11ler 11nrl it rnmt~ In A boil a11aln. bnil unrnvel'f!d for I hflUr, t Balls rist tn tnp \ Dr11in and !if'tVf' balls in bowls nt hot chicken broth. M11ke.o; abou t 2 dozen. Stop Shrinkoge Tn pr,ven1 mu~hrnoms from ghr(nkinR when !hey are grit/· ed. bl11nr.h lhem in boiling water imn1edl1tely bf! (or t l'flOking. TAKE THE NEW S QUIZ We Da re You ... I.ht c1lorte1 ln tht 1ctual CDOlt· ina." The Row1n1 art tenn is ind u tlin& bufts. They own two ~ts, including • 27·fnot sloop moorfd In Ma rina Del Rey. "Whtn we go s1llin1.'' Adtl1n1 said, "we often t1ke alon1 brolled chicken o r cheeae , sticldn.,C mostly . to prt1tein foods, but 1dd1n11 fru its and vegttables for f iller~." everyont's always un "' dlet!" They nflen entertaln O\'rr tennis and serve l:Hr lunrh outdoor~ "Oan tan \n1l11t.1:e himself 11 httle 1fter strenuous exerr1se ," Aclr!Ana ~aid . "so we have things hke vegeLable 1on1be ( s i m 11 11 r 10 a r::itatoullle), cold r o a ~ t chicken. !Ssorted thtese i nd a .!ilmple dessert, with a bottle of w1nr . p1111sloni" <1r asparagus . 11nd your rneal'• Adr 111n11 has le,;r,rned from complete." Dan'li diet , "f nr.ex1mple, I AOfllAi\"S VEGETABLE s!?rm his \'e11eu1hles wlthn'l1 TOMBF. b1Jt1('r. usin.i: nnl.v .11a!t lhr seasnn1n11-And D<in lovt:.s fish. few dr·ops vrgetahll' oil but cookrd without a haller. I i, cup chopped spring nn1ons takr lillets -&ole or flounder ~. cup chopped celery (few -and g111r lht>m 11 gnod leave.~ thrown in/ dusting with seasont>d sail, 2 cups peelPd fresh paprika 11nd pepl)('r mmatoes, choppf'd ··Then ! i;pra~· a 'ikil!ct w11h 1"J t'Up rhopf>t.d potalnts .a))(lu! a drop nr nil -you t cup chni;ped rArrors cheat just a little -11nd then 1.-.i h11y lraf wiPf' 1ha1 off and gr ill !hf' fish Srnalt clove ,1111rlic, pressed rhi(·~ell bout\ Inn~ F1,.shl} .'!ratrd Pannesan cheP!ie Piii('!:' f •• .,., drops vrj!,l'\able oil in skil!r1 lf)r sauccpan /. Rub 1no5! of oil nff wllh itbsnrbtnr paper towrl. Add \'f'gC'tablcs and season1nas. Covrr, eook civtr low heal atxiut lO n1'1nutes. stirring of1cn . Add liquid, cook about 45 m1nutrs 1or unlil reduced to 11 snl1d 1. Correct sca.~onlng~. Servp hol, grn1•fn1J!'.ly 1;11r11\~h· ed "·11h frPshly gr a 1 e d rarmc~an rhe-P~I". 11:i; side d~1h QnP of !heir best fril'nd!>, Ernie Bnrgnine. owns a bo;ir !lsn docked a1 lhe m11rin11 . "ErniP,o; ;i gn~ cook and his \\'ife i~ 11 &Upt:rb one i;o r11 m<il<P a lTustle~~ 11pple p1P with but!rrrrl crumbs or fl~ a 51mplr rnmp<11r of ::ill fre.~h fruJ\., 11•1rh ;:i spl.Jsh nr Cointreau that's my nvrr moderate he::it Serl',. copt1on11I 1 1h:r1 111th 11 thin wedge <JI Salt, pepper In tas!(' to rold roa~1 rh1cken or DIABETIC TELLS OllT • lpmon . steamed green brans 2,.1 cup liquid 1watPr or lurkey. Ser1'P' 2 Adrian•, Dan Row•n ~~-~---~---~~-~~~~ ------ • • ·son! When you !top to think about i~ it's the evcrydAy priom that n 1n up your weekly food bill. Most of us are price conscious, and .;,.e all want to know where to get the moet for our money. Not long ago, Ralphs rnn 1t nempaper ad listing all our everyday prices. The headline read, H'l'ake this sd into any supennarket and comPare our everyday prices." We atill feel the same way. We "'an t you to comp11.re priCE!f!. We're the only supermarket in town to GU.AJlANTEE you: No everyday supe1ma.rket prices Al'P. Jo.,•er prices than Ralphs prices on identical items or quality, excluding weekly advertiaed speci&l.s.. " No everyday supermarket prices are lower prices than(-?@#» llDAGradlA FRYING CHICKENS !\111.l. Miiiar 11111 '7·BONE BEEFSTEAKS .29 .89 EVERYDAY Wfl' PRlCES Meot Meller IMf eal'lel••• SIRLOIN TIP 1o-1 ••• ROAST or STEAKS FAMILY STEAKS lonele11 -T erid•r CUBE STEAKS ' lb.1.39 ~.1.09 ..1.39 ~ .• 89 soNr'L['ss STEAKS lb. .88 cl'.irc0i<rN·;R1eo sTEAKs .89 BEEFKIDNEYS lb .• 35 &el'lel•11-Beef BRAISING STRIPS INTERNATIONAL WllDIB DI' Hall SLAB BACON Evll'yllay Price • lb. .39 JIMMY DEAN ~~j, 75 PORK SAUSAGE. En;RYD-~Y l,()W PRICES Califamia Grown-Grade A Friday Fre1 h FRYERS wi..1. Ca l1for1>ia-Grewn Cut Up FRYERS C•nl•r Cut SLAB BACON Ralph• 1 lb. Pkg. SLICED BACON 8r1ad•d -froren VEAL STEAKS Fre1 h.Sl iced OX TAILS s..,al! Size COOKED SHRIMP lb .33 lb •• 35 lb _ .47 lb .• 55 lb_ .97 lb .39 Holl 98 Pavrtd 1 SILVER STAIMLISS STlflDINNEI fOR.KS, J AU,D FORKS, DINNll KNIVES, TEAS'°°NS LAST W££K TO COMl'lflEYOUR: SET UNl /rtus B UYS •re m11nuf11ctur~rs tfll'ri•I ann .. ·1nce1 • "'ith thP 1111\'in i:"' pas~rd ""to you. frozen foods KE MILK "M .1 5 .. l,oh1 .17 SHERBET "M Ca<t!J,.o~G.e<lo A .n FISH STICKS 1--.. ~~. c.,.,,,.,~G•edo &, , ... ···-1.!5 FISH STICKS C&W-•/C"-"""'' 1-... ~ •.• 45 PEA PODS Joh~•'-"" .. ~ .... .75 ECLAIR PIES WHiTEBREAD .......... 43 u...y.~1.,. SANDWICHES "'··el l .n Green Giant w1Buttar Sauce Vegetables "" ..•• 29 (M1•icarn -M1dium Peo1 -M1••d l/1<;i1tabl11- (,,,,., Stylt Corn) Household Needs ..... .Oh•1ph~•· • PUREX DETERGENT "'-·~~ ... n "'• '~"'"""'' PUREX DETERGENT,._,,~,,,. !.09 ,.. ···-4.24 ALL DETERGENT O••••gonl .. , .... ,i., .• 58 WHITE KING 'D' 10•,,·c •• , ..... _,ht89 FRYING PANS .&lw"'i"""' -h .99 ICE CUBE TRAYS , .... 1;,.~-1i•<><• .,. rl·•-lor) "·--· .48 COFFEE MUGS lno\wdoo 1 ~. Olf lfthol •••. _ ... _ .88 PUNCH DETERGENT BAKERY DEPARTMENT Whtt.11rWheat-Sand,,..ich 11r RALPHS BREAD ) .lb. 1-aJ, loof .33 MELTAWAY DANISH _, .49 Ralph• Hol DaQ and HAMBURGER BUNS Pkg. 45 el 12 1 •alph1 -(P!11lr1 or M11rble) POUND CAKE Whale .45 DELICATESSEN DEPT. .&5 .l...,.aur All MEAT FRANKS f&"' TACO SHELLS ,..,, ol 11 • 35 Poto!a & Colo Slaw On!y RALPHS SALADS 2·1b.earton .63 llalpho Slitod-4 Yt.•4 \li COOKED HAM ~ ... 49 Ra lph• S!ic•d -4 Y1 •4 V1 COOKED HAM ·~ .89 DAIRY DEPARTMENT Rolph• •9 15 B UITERMI LK "'·••" ,, °""". Ro lplo.a 29 Imitat ion Sour Cream ""'. llllphs -Candy '" ... ~49 (Gu,,, Drop•.°"""'"' Slk•J -Spic• Dre I" I Pantry fillers FOL GER'S COFF EE ••"· 2.29 ... ll-n ,_, •• 59 DIET RITE COLA lolly(•~<Lo• ;6~ .~ •.• 70 POTATO BUDS c • ..,,,.rn~ nr. ..... ~ •.• 83 SPREADABLES PILLSBURY FLOUR 1-11o.,i.. .• 58 Doi Mon<• ,, __ .27 FRUIT COCKTAIL 0.1 Mol>i• ·--.31 PINEAPPLE JUICE A ll~ .... ..... ....,. .39 PRUNE JUICE Large, Yllllow Malad Fl'llllm PEACHES ... PLUMS lb .• 19 lb .• 19 CeUf.orn ia Haa1 AVOCADOS Sweet M•1l11w _ •. 25 .15 '°'' .10 HONEY DEW MELONS '"' f•e•h Le>ca lly G,.,,,." CUCUMBEltS ~-.10 Mdd, Sweet Brawn ONIONS lb. .10 US. Ho . I llakin'il S;.e • .,,. .. , POTATOES J;n ;RYDAY WJI' l'RICF,S LIQUOR DEPARMENT Sofldy MacAlliller-Dittilted !" Scatlafld SCO,TCH """" 5.29 A.S.PEN.GOLD BEER """'.85 '°""" , .... ,... 3 19 VODKA or GIN ';"''"· • Old Glenwood -b Yr, Ohf 4 89 BOURBON •~ • Golden Pre ro1iu m-G,.,. •ie1li.,..er Zir1f11.,d t l -St lKtetl far Ralph• WINES ,; .. 1.79 Health & Beauty A ids """ .. pl!< t"<l~clo• le Off L•"•t ilJ:. "LISTERINE ,.__...,.. .15 c ...... ARRID DEODORANT t ... c~ol h10Jo" HAND LOTION v.. ... ,. .. BRECK BASIC si..,,,, __ ..... 0 ..... 0.1, PROTEIN 21 ..... _ BRIGHT SIDE AMi.llo"l'"-..t-1 ... lu'" t& O#'I l,eW RIGHT GUARD •"-' ALLERGY TABLET ,_ ...... 85 .......... 7! ~ ....... 18 ,_...,.1.H "-· Mi'ole • n J.i-.-.i! -~" 1.81 lVE GUARANTEE.,, to m eet itny price by any oth.:r rupennarktl ff ft ii a reilllar n117day price on Identical bnnda or iden&Jc.al prod.act QM)tf. Fro2•n FooJ Hou••holtl N••tl• tui'm DINNlRS 11..., ...... 39 --· Ml.AT "llS ._ ""· .2S -Looh .. • 79 COfFl l CAICfS 1""-""· • ....... 1 FlllDC:HICKfN '"'-•"-· .69 fGC OOllS ~,.. .19 -lllfTACOS ,...,.,.,.. .52 ~IATHSOAP •·"'.JI DOWN('( ,,.., -· • 71 LAVA 1.1.R 50.lP .....,_, .15 CA$C.1.DI DITlll:GfNT 11 ... "'° .&9 c,a,sH D"IRGfNT ........... 13 IVORY SNOW 11 ......... aa· I• Jure lo pick up • ~our fr•• copy of Mo rtha Rondoll'1 • tottll b oo~ltl ' '"lei's to lk 1olod greens" ........ !!< .......... _ PIHf CL(ANIR IEA CH TOWELS roNDu1 SETS 11-• ... ~. SNOOPY TOY IANXS J(ll:GENS I AR.50.!.I' ZEE TOILIT TISSUI: , )< .. i.. .... 59 -1.18 -1.99 -.88 --.10 "if.ol4 .43 Panfry Fill•r• fOLGER'!o COFfl ( I"' -.14 ... ,.... 26 M.'iNOAR1"4 OU.NGIS 11 ... -• WY'FOOo -" .01 Ju"NiOlll.1.IYfOOD ...._ .... 13 .. _,... 31 ALPO PET fOOD , __ • .... --19 SPAM ii-.-• More than just low prices. Escl\lllM-".l:r ~ ..... l'ontry Flfltrs -·--09 1.1.IY JU ICI ,, .. • l.Ki0 ltANS 1~-.29 ~-· 47 P.l.NTll:Y Glt.A~AMS 11--•l.f· • ........... CHILI POWOEll ;jl$f ANT COfF££ iirST ANT COf,ff -·"" 1.09 -~1.19 H•oftlt & 1.auty Aitl• A~.i,o,..,.._., 1 49 GILLETTE TECHMATIC ""·"''' • Oi:Y'S1e1M CR.EAM .. -. • 71 ILISTrX' ........ ~ ,fMINIMl °"""'"' F.1.STlETH ~~·-hOll....., DINTALCllfAM --·34 ,__1.11 -.-72 .... -... l~sm···. 59 SAVI 19c WITH ~UPON COUPON 0000 AUG. 5 te .l.UO. I I , l t71 LIMIT 1-ONLY OHi COU,ON 'Ill: CUSTOMfll .. m.W.~aftl~~ . Every Saturday )RALPHS STORE IS LOCATED AT 9901 ADAMS BLVD ., HUNTINGTON BEACH, Store Hrs: 9-10 Daily 9 am -9 pm Sunday ·' ....--. ,,. 1 J --~·---···· . t;MILY PILOT Wed riesday, A11gusl 4, 1'171 i · Alpha Beta's ~ iMan in Blue says: ,, a ' ' DEL BUSH STORE MANAGE R 9045 ADAMS HUNTI NGTON BEACH in this ad, including 63 DOUBLE DISCOUNTS, RED • RIPE WHOLE I '''"''' GRAVENSTEIN • All PURPOSE ~-.. -~ APPLES ~D ..... ~ CAUfQl l li ~ D .. c ount ~ AP?UI ~ 00 ~'111'.t 00 WHITE ROSE • U.S. NO. 1 POTATOES 10 " '" TOlo\l DISCOUNT S EVERY DAY :!.OM£ A<PllA Btf.t. STOii($ Dl$CO\J"1' CtWlG( PJl lCl 8 Ol1NCt .a.r.RO<>OL CAN ~STU DRY ~ANTI PUISPIRANT ;.rl' 97' ----------------7 O'Jr:.:i: fiC n:.!"' ~.---.. R[r.UU.11 • TlRY • OiLY o .. :::. PROTEIN 21 • I I z SHAMPOO J».1 ---------------- ---------------- ·-~ D . ., ••• , tt,.Ql~I'. '!\TBI: J&J Flrsl·Ald ,.,: 451 Cr11m ~c ,., ASSOR'!'CD COi.ORS & D£S1GNS • 9·1NCff 0 1AMCT'tll. PLAY BALLS and SPORT BALLS J4C 591 -· ·-~ o,,, •• ~. CALlfORNIA HASS 25~ AV CABOS • RED LE.Ar • BUTTER • SA.LAD BOM. LETTUCE TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY OAY VA II DE KAMP ENCHILADAS 10! SOI.I[ Al.P~l·6[1.t. STOl!£1 OISCOUHT CHAR~t f'R IC!'. ~ PfT 11:rt . ~~.oz. l'KG. ~ APP'l.E PIE 39C C JO T ARD Pl£ • 22 OZ, • fROZt:1; / 43~ AlPHR IH TR • "4·0Z PAC • fMOZtN MIXED VfGETABLES ,;;:t, 45' lfi''1':T:N' OR 1\J"I ~-f c,-; ri'<. • rPnzr•r BANQUET PIES © b"<;io. id • iric.:. rr.r.. + l"'l'lr: GLAZED BEETS ~---- )1t 191 ~€ 39' ..39& 351 COSTA M£SA-241 t . 17th St. HUNTINGTON IEACH-f04S AdOflll HUNTINGTON IE.t.CH-lllll N. Moltt St. FOUNTAI N VAllEY--llfO Wor11M LAGUNA HllLS-2JS41 Coll• d• lo l wl\• IRVINE-11040 C11I•~•. U11l•rrr11lty Po•ll SOUTH lAGUNA-JOll2 S. Coo•' Hlway save you 511.27*" Your Alpha Beta Neighborhood Butcher (the Man in the Red Apron) Proudly Offers: SUTCHEirs PRIDE MEATS M EATS YOU'LL BE PROU D TO SERVE •Quality oriel S<:iti$fo<::!ion Guaranteed •Discount Proced BONELESS RIB STEAK 1°9,b. STANDING RIB ROAST ~~~E 97!. ROUND STEAK BONE-IN CHUCK STEAK BLADE CUT T-BONE STEAK DUBUQUE • 1-LB. ROLi,. 99'1" 65'•~· 1.581~. DELICIOUS HOT OR COLD BARBECUED CHICKENS 68~b. ROS£ • fll:OZ[N a.ouNC( PA(ltAGE EUTCHE!'S P!IDE ' BONELESS FAMILY STEAK 09 LB. FINE FOR BBQ 1-LB. PACKAGE IOWA MAID BACON DUaUQUI 'ROYAL aUPFn' BACON 1-LB. PACKAGE c PURE PORK SAUSAGE SHRIMP 49:. mCKS PI CNIC FAVOR ITE 3 LB MAR.K{S . FllOZEN SANDWICH STYLE SIZE :::~~~~·u 44:. DUBUQUE '"' 0 " CANNED~98 Jl-Y DEAN 77' • SAUSAGI .. HAM THESE MEAT PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY th,ough WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5-1 1. ---------1 ~-::~ TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY \?.OUNCr: BAG <'LA Il l OR PEA.NUT M L M CANDY I~ OIJNCI': BAG SOME ,1,1_1''4,I 1£TI S.TOJffS CISUlUHT Clll~GE l'~ICl QUALIH BAKlRY OI DI SCOUNT PRICE \ -"' •• -.. -. Rl PHn BlTn •II PA.CJ::. D,.,.... RASPBERRY ,,;, VAC 491 LEMON TARTS AlPHA 8£ln • 2~ oz. LOAf 391 TRIM 'N SLIM BRUD;7cv.1.t.. DOLLY MA.DISON • 10 PACK.,~ 72' SUPER ZI NGERS ft' ~I PMR8[1 ~ •8-'NCH 69' PEACH PIE . a~ VAt ur:· \'1'1'1 ~•Ii O"lNCf. ).'.R Pl~ENTO CHEESE SPRUD ~.---.. :.MOtt.f:RAn D ...... ~O .COUNT PLASTIC JAR '"""' BEEF JERKY '> "1 T}.ll!" • 1'\fll" J:"T }.':~ BOB'S SALAD DRESSINGS ?Lt"J CHE f.SI: • ~ 0~ IAR Rl'.'.'OVtro P.T . 8-0 Z. iAR' to "' 'N('f 'lQTTtl" TREESWEET ORANGE JUICL 1 i' · r ,. . ...,._-,,,1u:11 '."k VJJ.Ut: RLPHA BETA SOUR CREAM l·1'1NT CO!-.TA!Nf.R ~>e VALUC •tc 11, C AtlC'N •FRUIT PUNCH • GRAP£ • 'iR.'.Nr.r • 1 FMONAOC ~ 25' HAPPY DAY DRINKS VAWt ' 14-0C. CONTA!fil:ll • 3'k VAL. 371 ALPHR BETA COLE SLAW Ji·Ol. CONTAINCR • 6'ii: VAttJt t k WE WELCOME FOOD STAMP SHOPPERS ';N .I.NY LOS ANOEW, 111'.'!'.llS:f"iE. SAN Bf':RNARDJNO OR ORA/\GE: COti/\T't AtPH.'. fl l;lA TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERT DAY HEl»Z • U l.OZ, C.l.N~ •Tit AN ... '!i>.M • CHJCICtN NOODU: SOUP . CH!CIXN mcr • SPUT PEA. W!TH HA~• VEGT, BEEf • VEQT WlTK BEtr BA07H . GREAT AllERICAll . 231 SOUPS 2llc , ~PIWBURY • ~ 5·LB. FLOUR j3C 56' © SEVEN St A.S • 11.oz. SOTTLt GOLDEN GODDESS DRESSING ~ ~ llBl!Y'~ • 9-0l. CAN ~VIEllllA · SAUSAGE 5llc © sro1>-Pr0 :io'f'. · '"' ;ac 29' 51 1 63 1 © i'.1'B&Y' ·otiv'(s""' s3·c 81 1 lJlfi-OZ. JAii • MANZ.'.)<!tl.A. 'l)i'\ 9!~ L1BB'f'S • 10-0Z. C.'.N • ~LC!:D IN fl !JTTfR GREEN BEANS Jlc 21 1 CORN IN BIJITER • \li,. nz ··' 2l<: PEAS IN aurrm . 1J-6Z. . -y:: 22<: ©B1JRl\A.NK • 15-0Z CAN . H°olili ilr "'"" J4f 11 ' . @ nEt. MON'!'!: • CRUSHW • II' )UJCt l~·OUNCE CAN Pl.llEAPPLE }JC 28' art MONTE • 46 Ot. CA1'1 Plll11ppl•Gr1plfrult . · DRlllC )9c 351 STOKE HOURS MON"DA T tllroool, tllrDAY-l!l A .M. '"' 9 1' M. SA~OAY & S'JND,l,'f; H\ A.M. ("7 JlJ.A. TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY OAl 6•{1--01, CA ~~ ctttml!'. W1fl'n: CHICKEN DF THE SEA . 4l ; TUNA ft -• 7-0Z. SOOD WHITE: PAc i;r.o lN W.'.TLJ\ 7-0'Z, t;OL!D WHITE "";.<c 'k <:6-0UNCE: 1Afl • R£GUU.R HEINZ BARBECUE SAUCE in.RING PACV.Gl'. MAX PAX COFFIE 2C-P.1NG PACKAGE 1:-..0lJNct CArl OEl MONTE TOMATO SAUCE ;(c56' ~84' j..r( l .17 )fc 19' Jl-OtJNCl'. CAN 2"" VAN CAMP'S PDRK t BE.AHS . ,lat D• !>).OUNCE: C.'.N ;.a: •1~ CRLAIJ.\' '"CHUNKY • 1S-OZ. JM ~.! 66' SltlPPY PEANUT BUffiR .... ' ~ ou•Jcr. CAN .J 111 YU9.IN INSTANT COFFEE ,,._, © o'Y:L A': C('AR~"· ~().OZ. ~AG WATER sonENER DIM SALT 8lC llU" , • :: l',:\.:.!1:11_!'.p'X>'"' • HC .1. •_·.~H -__.ll\L["J' ~, nz B"X . CAT rooo I 391 LITTLE FRISKIES ~le ~.---.. c; ()'Ji,cr. r,1,~J --•1;1-1,1. CAi rooo D...... PURR MINI BITS ~ .. ~r>Arr.n :;p:c~ :oNt.S ~~ couur ZEE PAPER NAPKINS JO< 121 -• SA"flS~ACT!ON GU.-,11.ANTt fO OR YOUll. .MONfY A!J'UNC£0 • 5,_L!S.lA)I. COLLICTIC> ON ALL TAXAILt ITtMS • Wf 11[~£11.YE TH( ATGHT 'TO RCFU!>f: S"LES T O CO .... MfllC+l\L D~ALfA~ . ' .... _,_ -_...___ .. ,... --.,.-;;.-~-----'----"lf' . . . . . . .. 7 PILQT .AOVERTfS(~ Wf'd"fs-day, A1J9urt 4, 11)71 DAILY PILOT J ;J RIB FRYING CHICKEN OJT-UP FRYERS ... LB. 33, U.S.D.A. GRADE A WHOUBODY CHUCK .. ROAST ·-... · U.S.D.A. CHOICE ., . ORSTATERBROS. WIENERS CERTIFIED IEEF ST 29~. 47~ MORRELL59 PRIDE C ALL MEAT 1-POUND PKG. 6-TH & 7-TH RIBS . -. . . :~ ... ' •.:,.'} y:-'J ~ "' • • -'.',t _ ..... ~· LB. RIB ROAST 1-)T THtU ).nt lftlo LB99c SLICED BACON MORRELL PALACE TENDER SMOKED 1-LB. PACKAGE 45~ . ,,;BONELESS ROUND STEAK .•• LI. 99c 89 .-<' ROUND STEAK~NE ........... LB. c U.S.D.A.CHOIClORSTATfR•OS.ChTIFllD lllF 9 5 .. ~WJ~!:'.!!S RIB STEAKS....... .. .............. LB. c VEAL STEAK COOK "S TENDER DELICIOUS BREADED STEAK CANNED HAMS FRESH• LEAN• DILICIOUS ....:.GRO!J.ID HOURLY GROUND BEEF ..... ······ ...... LB. 5 7' U.S.D.A.CHOICEORSTATERIROS.CERTIFIEDllEf s 1 19 STEAKS:~~Of:.~:., ................... LB. OVtOWHCOUNTIVSTYlf •PUllf 39' 12-0Z. 49' U,\.D . .&.QtOIQOIST.&fll:llOS.CRTIF.:D•f 69' PORK SAUSAGE BULK .. LI. PKG. ROUND BONE ROAST ... LI. U.S.O.A..CHOICfOtSTA.TQllOS.CllllflfOllEf $ 145 T-BONE STEAK ........... u . IXTIAttANA.NOnAVOlfUl 89' GROUND ROUND ..... LI. lA\TUINGIAIN-flDTtNDflSHOUlDl• 69, cono SALAMI •ONElJ$Slfff»fOUlDll 99' PORK STEAKS .................. LB. ,,., .... 0'1LOCID ROLUD ROAST .............. LI. STATlltRO\.Atl MfAl OIAtl lflf 12. 59' 12.oz. 59' U.S.D.A.OtOICIOllSTATffltoS.atTlflDlllF 89' SU CED BOLOGNA ..... oz. PKG. RUMP ROAST ................. LI. M01tlllt'5 VOltkSHtll ltlG 0 1 THl(I( 49' SUCED BACON ... LB nNDlll-TAST'f 39' BEEF OX.TAILS ........... ta. U5.D.A.CHOlaOltSTATlltUOS.CllllflfD lllf $ 149 PORTERHOUIE1naa ta. U,S.D.A.CH01CtOt5TATR'llOS.alTlfllDlllf $ 179 TOP SIRLOIN ITl&I< ...... lB. *'8e4t 7~ '?~ Z"'-14!* STOKELYCUTORFRENOISTYLE 3 69 I wiiFLESr0.~~'-·-~~39' GREEN BEANS .. . .c':~s c M'i"c'i'ioNl~.~5£.. . ...... 5 ~.o;,$1 SSTOKWELY EET PEAS 4 s1 VEGETABLEJ,UBILEE _41' oH'8ov'P'OT'ATOES .. "~'· 36' ·········. .. ............. .. c!0~s BA0BY 0LIMA BEANS _ .... 29' (i'iiiiLIC BREAD -.... 37' ST ATER BROS. -RICH FLAVORED 8 9 sr'rliiWE'Rii1Es _ ...... 59' PEPPERoN1P1zZA_, .... 89' COFFEE nrEn 4-oz c MEXiCAN DINNERS ....... 45' · DRIED -·· ···· ___ JAR. "'""""''" COLLIER-OIARCOAL 10 7 9 ~~f.;~~E~~~3~~!,~0~W~ii~;c1~:-oz ~!; BRIQUETS ............................................ LB.BAG C ,,..,,. ot ~~"'p ei u "'c"u~l 57c c~uN KING 75c PURR TUNA ENCHILAD.A_., __ .114"1. EGG ROUS,,,,. __ ...,_ 8 s1 MA~RoNi&cil'EEsE _38' £iic'H'i'iAiiis''..:.'.'.:',.,~ 40' CAT FOOD .......... ................ ....... ~AoNzs LIBBY'S-REFRESHING 29 PINEAPPLE JUICE ...... . ...... 4ti~1$ c THE UNPOl..IJJTER s 12 5 DETERGENT ....................................... 1~·g: WHITEANDASSORTEDCOLORS 1 5 SCOTT TISSUE .................... S~NOGL~E c I STOKELY WAX BEANS "" STOKELY APPLESAUCE GRAPEFRUIT •::·::~.:-. OCEAN SALT .,.7;'' :. ' .~n I 2 41 '" " 0 ' 31 ' r ·' '{ 1'11 23' r ,,•i , .. , 36' (.fl/oj !>•1 I Iii 85' STATER BROS. BLEACH HAli GAL ..... .28< FOR ' FLEISCHMANN YEAST . "" 19' • $ ' ROYAL PUDDINGS 'lG . 2 ei2 3\1 "' LARGE FANCY ROYAL GRANDS 3 SANDWICH BAGS G"O . -• '"CT 34' ..,, NECTARINE .... .. ..... LIS. YARo&LEAFBAGs .. ,., , , 73' CRISPG• .. u 4 25< SPAGHETII '"" 80'" '" ' :i. LONG TENDER ·~ REYNOLDS Foil't:·:,;;;,',:: · '0 " :~ i' cucuMBERs . ...... .... FOR KELLOGG CORN FLAK ES ... "Ol 32' ~ EXTRA FANCY RS 4 $ ' COCKTAl~,~~.~IMP O'Ll''5 •• , Ol 51 ' 1'l BARTLETT PEA ....... LIS. . SHRIMP "'°"'"""""' "'oz 83' r?. •v1Nsn1H 2 39c . MAZOLA MARGARINE 'lG "42' ~ LARGE FANCY GR~ s ZIPPEBUF 5 s 1 \ APPLES NEWCROP ..................... LI ~ TAMALES .......... . 1 .0 1. J~;;M'9/Mftlll ~ · . ' I KAU -KAUNA GOUDAS .. '0' 59' .,,,. •#. KAU -KAU NA EDAMS ... .. 'Ol 59' I ONIONS '0'" 0 "'" 23' :JOl C,\N J~r ............... I! Ol ORINKMIXES \','~~, '" .. . ,o, HI' KITTY QUEEN i~~·;,•,0 2 ~.~~ 33' DELSEY BOWL CLEANER .. _, oi 79' TREND DETERGENT . --.,( 41 ' SWEETHEART ~b~g0"" . 2 ::;~ 29' GLAD TRASH BAGS :~r:" ,. Cl. •t.s5 GLAD10.co...,, 73c TRAIHBAGI ........ . ------. .. ) j/ fltt KOTEX ftGUlAI • IUPll ••tot ... __ ------ lfflll-WJNOOWCllANflt DEALPACKACif 39. c SMUCKERS TOPPINGS AJAX CLEANER ~[~:l~:.'~ -:~::~:·:~'.~~; HHW• 10·0l. PIMl ... PPU ~,.,, .o, -))< C»OC i Y•UI' • •i <·.~: ll o We Rcdeen1 USDA Food Sta1np5 in our Los A ngeles. Oran_qe. & Riverside County Store,<; '7/e41,fK, & 1Je.eu4 ~ CLOSE-UP ~e!!~!~~ TOOTHPASTE S.,UOA 43 All.NVLONS ( 16-0Z. PKG. SNOWY BLEACH 20 ... 76' C "°"-!~ nMOVfl TDOTM POU\1-4 6 9 CUTIX PEARL DROPS •·Ol.49< l 7J-OL 5 127 TEK CRIMI RINSE SHAMPOO HD MOil f ... HGl.l~ JOHNK>foll JOI IAt't ,. ~=: f-->-O_L '_1_0_9_..__"_°'·~9_:;9::_'_· BAND.AID ADHlllVI JOHNSON 6 JOMH\ON •DCI05S Ta.N MfotUM .. HAro .... 29 STllP~ C l• • l /l oS PRICES EFFEC. THURS . lhru WED., AUG. 5th•111h. -. --~--! -----"""' ,.: . .,,. JS'4 W"' '"""""· A...ii.f111 2111 Ntwpfrt lhlf., c ..... 14,19 1171 1811 Sn.et, C11tt• M"' fC l71 IM Hiii A.,. ... , Tntl~ • l421J fillhlltA....,., WMnt.r --·..!' I I ~-. 34 DAJL V PI LOT --~-,~---·-~.,- I Su1nn1er IS ~our 1nv1tallun lo carefree h\'1ng . Hot, Cold Clues To Food Danger lt can be an 1nv1tat1on to food po1son1ne loo -1f you get t";ireless as v.·ell as carefrcl' Food poisoning isn't J1mitcd lo surnmer. But the threat 1s gre;iler bccau:-;e of 11;irm tPinperature 1.1nd f<1.;.y l1v111g v.·Hys. The first t and hardest 1 fa ct lo face ts this : the over\'. helm· ing n1ajority of food 1101soning oulbreaks-can be traced to mishandled food al hon1c 'l'ou :ilone are the bel>t safeguard :1gaiost fooU puisonu1g. 'Instants' Save Time At Cookout By MARTHA HANDAL\. The theory of cooking a\•:ay from home -he 1t hoatin~ or barbeque, picnic or pack trip, camping or t·ahin -is to n1ake it easy on yourself. \Vith all the rnodern con· l"enienee foods and dispos;ible ('()Oking items you can pick up on a hike through your supermarket. you can easily have gourmet meals by lantern light. Delicious camp meals can be prepared in minutes -and vd1hout rf'.'!rige rat ion: Th c secret? Think "multipurpnse:' ar"Jd take complete ad van!agf'.' of the instant roods now available to us in many forms. Vital cons1deralions r n r vacation food arr : 1. Good nutril111n. based on daily servings nf thr Basic Fou r (fruits and vegetables. d;:ii ry products, bread and cere;:il. meat group !. 2. Quick and ea sy prep<ira· lion. J. Utilization of convenience food~. short cuts a n d disposables. 4. Low bul k a n d un - complicated storage, oFlcn v.•ithout refrigeration. 5. Make a list and shnp ahead so you y.·on·l ha\'e lo stop and shop on \"aca tion. Take you r !isl along to rCt"Ord successes and ideas f(lr nex! lime. When you return hon1e. pu\ these notes wit h ,·nur tookbooks. lo consult for )'our next trip. Children sh<nild share in ran1p cooking. 1111 adventure .,..,hicr will gi\'P them joyful. lifetime memorirs nF family fun . Let them pop corn. roast marshmatlo"'s anrl hot do~.~. <1nd prepare 1hrir own desserts. Never before ha\·e ~o many ne"' C<ln\'f'nirnce food.c; <1nd produ cls been a\"ail;ih!e rnr camping in comfort. New packing lechnique.c;. c·omp;ict .c;izes and lrer1.e·dried food.~ s;;ive hour lirne and energy J\1any multi purpose food.c; arr drliciou.c; ::it eithrr brr;t kfast. lunrh nr ri 1nnrr Take full ad· "antasP of lhrn1 C'omhlne lhC>rn \1·11h n1hrr lood 5 and create your own spec1aii11e~. Grapefruit Shimmers In Curve s Esprr1<11ly 11Urar111'e "hrn m<idr 1n a fluted n)nld is this sal arl. f:ttAPEFRLl lT SALA n FRA \1CES l en\"elopc 11 n f I a \' or c d gelatin 11 rup rold v.•a\Pr 11, cups orange Juice 3 l able~ponns fresh grape- fruit JUJce ..... , cup suga r '• teaspoon salt 111 r ups membrane-free fresh grapefruit sections, hal\"e<l. In 11 mediu1n mixin ~ 00"'1 ~prink le gelatin over cnld "·ater to sof!cn ll eat I Clip of the oranii:e Juief to boil1nii:: pou r o\•er softened gelatin: stir until dissolved. Acid rema ining orangf! iuice. the grapefruit Ji.lice. sugar and salt: .sli r to dissolve sugar. Chill until th ick but not set. Fold 111 grapefruit sections. Tum inlo a 1-quart mold : chill unlil set U n n1 n Id . (;arnish wilh ~a lari J::rtens and pass mayonnaise. Makf's 6 to 8 servin,11s. i'l"ot.e: Drain gr~pefruit i;cc- liOfls, II they ha ve collcct.cd juice, before adding. Crops Rotate H ~·ou"re planninj,! A \•eget11blr. garden. "rotR!ing crops"' will g1vr you lrr.~h vegetable1 lhroughnut the growing sea~on ·--............. -__ ........ .,.,. ........... ... ·~ . ~· ....... CHUCK STEAKS "SWEET N' JUICY " -,., I rood Safely ~tarts \\Ith I pl:1n Plan ~'our wnrk scht'dule so that hot foods can be kt>pl hot and cold foods stay co.Id. .. llol" is above 120 degrees and "cold" 1s below 50 dt'grees. A short cul c;in be an in· \•ilation to disaster. Th<1v.ing !11('<11 <1nd f i<•h ;i! roon1 trn1perature is one. Room temperature and rnoist n1eat -Or fish a re idea I for growing food poisoning producC:"rs. Some of the pcison pr1>- ducPrs are heat rcs is1an1 .. Just bt'cause you cook the n1eat or fish after thawing at rooin h::mperalure doesn't mean you niake It safe to eat. If you have "always done ii that w11y and nothing happened." you have been lbck"y , Cook meat and rish from the frozen slate llr thaw them in the refrigerator. Once cOQked, foods shoul d be. kept hot, or cooled quickly. Cool food in the refrigerator in tht very thinnest layer YQU can make. A heap of frit'd chicke n will not coo l quickly, even in the re!rigerator. Center pieces wilt be still wa rn1 when outside pieces have chilled. It would be great If you COi.lid avoid foods which 11re most likely to set up a food poisoning haz.ard. But that's not realistic. Your family likes creamed dishes, meal stuf- fings, crean1 fillings, potato salad and all kinds o f sandwich fill ings made with mayo nna ise ... and sandwichts spread w i I h mayonnaise. So what ca n ycu do? Always be sure they gel the "Very Hot" or ··Very Cold " lreatmenl. Thal means "Very Hot" or .. Very Cold" in the center ... as well as on the surface. You ph1n for food safety w prepare food safely. Slife food is absolutely clean. When preparing food, wash hanch and ulensiiJ tbarOtJihly aOO often. That quick rinse under the fa ucet lor hands, chopping knife and cutting board i! hardly thorough. Soap and water are w on d e rful . Recently, at least five cases of food poi.sonin a: v.·ere traced lo pet turtles someone handled the turtle or the tu rtle's accessories (water, etc .• ), then handled food without a thorough hand washing. LEAN & TENDER You can make your summer meals practically poison proof . Prepare, cook and cool food properly. Keep food clean. Use foods that are sale without refrigeration. These ioclud~ most summer frulta • , . cher· ries citrus, pea<.-hts. nec.- tariOes and melons: Pkkles, fresh tomatoes, celery. lettuce and ca'rrols can go plc knicklng without beat or cold If all this sounds scary. it Is. ~1any cases of Sl}oCal!ed •·24. hour upset" pos!ibly are really food poison ing. Your food sup-ply i5 safe but you mus t bandle it iroperly. PORTERHOUSE SPARE WELL-TRIMMED ORT-BONE STEAKS $ 47 MATFAll'S BREAKFAST SPECIALS ~o~t~~~.~AC~N .. 5 9c MAYFAIR'S SEAFOOD SPECIALS ![~f~R~~ st~C'S~~'~·RP~ETCHE~, ..... lb. 98' FRESH DOVER SOLE . 11.19 - RIBS EICULEKT Fii.ii IARIECUE MEDIUM SIZE ·~ lb. RIB STEAKS ·::!t'," $ 09 WELL TftlMMEO ...•...•.•...•.•.•.•.•••.•.•.... lb. 1 !9,~,~~ ~!E~~~,. 98c !~!~.~.I~ !I~.~\~~ ,.$) 39 BONUS BLUE CHIP STAMP SPECIALS • COi.GATE TOOTHPASTE FAMILY SIZE ''"oz .... -. JOO STAMPS IAYllASP•IN 100 COUNT •.••.•••••• ···-············· 100 STAMPS VASELINE LOTIOll IN TENSIVE CARE IO oz ............ _ . .100 STAMPS TAMPAX TAMPONSR eG. • suPER ""·-·············100 STAMPS DIPOllT ' PK. SPONGES .•••.•..•• ·-··-·············-····50 STAMPS •NECTARINES •PEACHES rufm•IS •PLUMS vu~~1s lbs. s IYTHI 1•at. •••••••IA. RIB ROAST '1HE KING OF ROASTS" B~ ARDEN DAIRY PRODUCTS -. . - ----· -__,..----·-r __ ,.._ ""----~--11)1----··-----~-.,.......... -· ,,... . -·----;.,"--··-· :•• . ' / ( 11 ,. • ••• VE l;E lllG I ~I . MIA V~ )., KAl :S COil VANll.L TA1: COi ft SCHJl LI / FAVORITE FLAVORS COMBINED IS SALAD RING DOUB!E YOUR M Take home ONEY BACK GUARAN~fE cook it any CtJf of M . , ea t ing ~he Way You li::f~r r s meat f ie d thai <:'t ~re not comp/ ;ti If afte~ and a to 1 1s the fine!'it e "".Y satis-Your AA P ~a/tJe for · eati ng meat •vrayfarr M }'our:-mone . you DOUSL E" ark: et wi II 1h y ..•. is how s YOtJr mone b en grve fines t mea~re We are thai th~ck:._ This Your money is 1s the EXTU LEAN GROUND BEEF can btJy! FULL CUT • BONE IN ROUND STEAKS C BEEF STEW :~:~~':... ,. 98' ROUND ROASTS ~:·:;:~~~'l139 C SIRLOIN TIP :~~~:s:;,~~"·,.1139 !OP ROUND STEAK "'"";:, 1139 RUMP ROASTS •• ,. •• ,""·''s119 STAMPS! . I l.EMONADE . ; FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS ~·· ~-;;,·: ·. MAYFRESH .,, II . , <OZ. CA N " .. s: I); n ~IO~ OP :IClES 49< 12P~ ................. ., •• , ............. .. El jETIBLES ~::~::-;5 , $) lG l~ •. trrGA .8 l AhlS ,Ol . 0 IA \If)., l"EAS AND CAllllDTS 10 os. II. 11;sco. COOK IE 45 Oi )llES~:~;~IC H c ANll .LA, CHOC .ASST.15 07.. A1;0 49 ~! ~1!! 31• oz .. .. . c ilil'MOO' ~ llff!!DOO Van de Kamp's SPECIALS Tllurs.·Saft., Auf. ~-8. White En&lish 35c Muffin Loaf ........... •••·'" , Butterhorn 45c Coffee Ca kn .. . . . ••• 11c • Blueberry 3gc MUffiH ............... :1,•* l~AIUIUOfllY 11 IHYFAlt MAIKCTl WITH VIN DC llAM" um ·~1n11.urrwoo-oo-w ~ --.. -----·- MAYFAIR'S DELICATESSEN .. ~,tlN~HEON MEATS _£;:1'1.•;~ ' ~~kTMYEAT BOLOGNA -PI CK LE LOAF "/ . ' L OAF-OLIVE LOAF ~ ) 6 OZ.PKG. 3· • ;, 'MAYFRESH 9C DANOLA HAM 59<•. IMPORTED SL ICES 4 Ol, PKG ..................... , EA. c PUDD•GSBETTERMADE . CHOC. PINEAPPLE TAP 39c SHR RIC E PINTS.... • IOCE.· IMP <D<KTllt 49 •·••····• · LASSCC0 '4 0 Z ( ···-··· .. Px•!YfK.lf.tP1.M. ...... . CANADIAN WHISKEY ROYAL OCCASION to PROOF •••••..•. , . !P.,!P!t'1,ffiTo~~E·.~~~, P•c~ . 9 9c ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS THURSDAY AUG. 5 THRU WED., AUG. 11 • _W_ctd_•_•"'-'.:Y:_' A_"9.:_c';_l _;4,_1_•_7l _______ DAILV PILO T :f.) Fruits-in-ring Crown Luncheon How about a dellcioualy cool salad ring for lhal special luncheon you've p I a n n e d ? Milady's Luncheon Salad Ring combines the favorite flavors of fresh western oranges and strawberries in a colorful gelatin ring. · A creamy mound of cottage cheese fills the center, with a voca do wedge s and l'(tapefruit sections providing the crowning touch. Serve with crackers or wafers for a d e light f ully light and memorable luncheon! Wmt ?Hts COUPON l!MIT I COUPON PE• ADU tr CUSTOMftl AUG. $·AUG. 11 To keep lhe avocaQo wedges from dar-kening, dip In freshly squeezed lemon juice before arranging on the salad. fitlLAD\'S LUNCllEON SAi.AO RING 3 cups fresh strawberries 3 oranges, peeled, cul into bite-size pieces (I If: cups) 2 envelopes u n f I a v ore d gelatine 1% cups cold water 6 tablespoons sugar \, teaspoon salt 113 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice Salad greens l ~ pounds cottage cheese (3 cups I 2 medium avocados, peeled and shced 2 grapeCrult, ~led, sec· tloned Wash strawberries: cap and cut in half. Chill berries and orange pieces. Soften gelatine in 1,1 cup of the cold water. llcat remaining water with sugar and sal t and bring to boil ; add softened gelatine and stir until dissolved . Remove LIMIT 1 CHEER DOERGENT GIANT SIZE 49 oz. WITH THIS COUPON UM IT I COUPON f'l:R ADULT CUSTO'il.ER AUG. 5-AUG. 11 DIAL SOAP DEODORANT BAR BATH SIZE LIMIT I MAYFAIR DETERGENT LIQUID LEMON 32 ox. BTL wrm THIS COUPON llMIT I COUl'UN Pfff .\OULT CUSTOMER TRIPLE"41 STAMPS WITH MINIMUM U .00 PURCHASE COUPON GOOD AUG. 5 THRU AUG. 11 n..-poi1 r.r1111U .. _11""*••0li9s-.......,c-,..•1o1.i ........ -....... ...-.. .., .................. ONl COUPON NI ClllTOMll: A.DUL Tl OHL 't 175 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa ' Crom heat. Stir in the lcn1on juice; chill untll s l i g h t I y thickened. A r r a n g e cut strawberries ( re s e r v i n i: several for garnish) and orange pieces in 8-cup ring n1old . Cover with I t! 1n u n gelatine. Chill until set (2 to 3 hours). Unmold on large platter lined with salad greens. Spoon cot· tage cheese in to center of mold . Garnish Y.'ith avocado crescents. and grapefruit sec- tions: top with severa l strawberry halves. r..1akes J\) to 12 servings. On The Move l ' ' ' . ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' I ' , , . ' ' .. ~ ,-· ' I ' I ' I J .... ~ 1, ..... __ ;i,..-- ' ' , 90 39 B-IB Always on !ha move! Supple. li ip-lo-hen1 ~enn1inf: ~v.1nr > you gracefully 1nt11 sun11n·'1·. Choose no-iron fabrics l 1r daytin1e jaunts or Wl'ci-l'nds. Printed Pattern 908'.J : l\'I·:\\' 1'.lisscs' Si;i;es 8, 10, 12, J-t . lfi. 18. Size 12 tbusl 3.JJ take~ 211 yards 39-inch fabric. SEVENTY-rIV E CENTS lur each pattrrn ~ add 25 \'••n:'i for each pallern fur 1\1r Lll.111 and Sp('cia! II n n d l 1 11 g otherv.·ise th ird-class dl.'11\"t•ry will take three weeks ur Ul•i!•'· Send lo J\!arian r-.1:irl1n. Ilic Daily Pilot. 44:! Pallrrn !Ji·p. , 232 \Vest 18th St., Nc\V \'orf., N. Y. IOOIL Prinl NAJ\Jfo:, All llll/':SS with ZIP, SIZI~ and S l"\'J.J·: NUJ\IBER. Si,•:ing into Spring! r-.·1·11', New Pattern C.'ltalog 11:1 ~ separates, jurnpsui1s, s!11n- ming shapes, free p:iltcirn coupon, 5~ cents. INSTA NT SE\VJNG BUl>I~ sew today. wear ton1orro1\'. $!. Jam Ke ep s Sunshine That !usehl\IS he 1ry. the stra1\•bcrry. foll o11·s the s1u1 And nov1 !hcit sun~h1nc 11 ·1<:. brought a rosy glo\\I In tile berries, they arc readv 10 harvest and rn~kc their iirhut. One "':iy to h:ivc a bil of 1hc berry throughout thr year is to make some jam, now. To best preserve thl'ir fl;n·or and color. use pecti n :incl l!at quick short·hoil mC>thod . i\.<:. a favorite companion to the s!ra1vberry; rhubarb i.~ high on the list -here the 1w'o arc blended to make a flavorfu l spre.11d. STRAWBERR'' AND Rll UBARB JA~I 3 ~-ic cups: prepared fru it (about I pound red-stalked rhubarb, 1,:, cup water. and J quart fully ri pe strawberrlc!I) 8\'1 cups (2 pounds 14 ·ounces) sugar ~bottle liquid fruit pectin First prepare the fruit. Stire thin or chOp (df! llOl peel) about I pound rhuba rb . Add 1, cup water and s i min er , covered, unt!I rhubarb is son- about t minute. Tiio rough!y crush, one layer at a !ii11c. abou t I quart strawberries. Combine fru its and measur tl 3 ~ cu ps into a Jarp:e saucep;in. Then makr the ; A m • Thoroughly mix sugar Into fru it In saucepan. Place over high heat, bring to a full roll- ing boil and boil hard I minute. sUrring constantly. Remove from heat and at once sti r In [ruit pectin. Skim off foam with mt:l~I spoon. Then stir and ~klm fM" 5 minutes to cool slightly and prevent floatins frui t. J.adlc quickly Into glasses. Covrr at ooce y.•ith ',\i Inch hnt p;1r.1Hlr1. ~!:::s :rbj~~s. 9 nt e .. d i u 111 -'1;1· ..-.. . -~--. -·· -.-'-------~~-··t--t., ~ ..... -..:--" .___.. __ ._.-:--_,,,.,,.._= -.-.~~, ~ ·---.---...--c ---=·-• I ' ·' ; ' J ,, • l-Do1. Ctn. Ideal For A Thirst Quencher! . • Quarts $ (Plus Deposit) Yellow Cling Sliced or Halved • 29-01 • Can • 16-01 • Loaf . ' ,_; POTATO-. ?·-,,_·~atlPS ' Porty Pride-Regulars or Dips • Y:i-Gal. Round . Ctn. ;'JOd;HQUi E' . PE-S Firm, Tender And Swee! • s 16-01. 2 Can ' s1e;.!~_ Tomatoes •. j'+- · 1• I s '·'-<• • T 9WTl House s'.Of~y Product ll·Ol.2· oc ''" S Facial · Tissue T•, I ... 24 ' . "' 1! lDO .c-, Salad 0"11 '"M0''-'"· ""57 ' ~ '"~or Cook•"1 ~ti. S Com Flakes ~ ··~N'JY c;,~ '·f 11 u . 37t ,.,. IS> Peanut Butter ,~;. @ ::,"79' IS> Shortening ;::~ 3 :~ 89 ' ' S Fruit Cocktail 1~,,.. l~ u. 39 c ~ .. \~ "' BANANAS 1' Firm & Golden Ripe Economical Fruit Val ue. Idea l far Picnic Ba sket lb or Luoch Box. • Yellow Onions ;;•, 3 i':, 29' Bell p '"'"~ "' eppers 11<Votr f.olcrd 11.25' Yellow Peaches ,',~ .. 4,.,•1 Bartlett Pears ,'.~'. 4 ""'I PRICES EFFECTIVE IN LOS ANG~LES ORANGE COUNTY & Crisp Carrots ,~'; M h 111cr"'" US f00mS Vor11ly ( b \lot llouu ucum ers <iro""ll ' p d M G•" Ooo''" otte ums '" w .. ,,., 11 ~···· .) . , :• 1 'I. • . . ~. . ~ ' ' . I S EDWAR .. ··'1~ . (Off.El :~_·, • 1-lb. Can . . . ' TOWN liillSt -' , · ·col·11 -,:t..~ ; ,. "~· !. . • • :. ~ . \ ~ -:.. ....... ~ Sweet And Tender Golden Kern els • 16-01. Can , SAFEWAY BAKERY BUYS! USDA Choice Grade Beef Flavo rful Cuts. Full Centers Bone-In lb. "·'-'"-'"-· ' ~ ' Chunk. Style, l ight Meo! Rtol Tasty • 6Y2-01 • Can • Giant Roll Wi lson's Small Sizes I to 3-lb. Avg. Great For Outdoor Barbecue. lb. • Wlltff hn (1""'1 SI. dB c n ...... ".'"'"" ice a o ." ... , ... ,,. .. , Hormel Sliced Bacon ~::: J• Dea POii<. Sou"1!Qt -Pu•t llftlftJ ft Po•~-(/ lb. P~.it $1 ~3) Veal Steaks .:~:~~~~"'0"°1··1 F• h St' k Co1111t11lc1 -IS IC S Wondtr'..ttorHor1 dC>e\M~ =:...=:-=.;._:;: __ --... ::=..._ .. ·--=-~" _,;: --------· -· _ __.!_ --. --::::.--... -.-. ,)· • • • • ' • '"·53 ' Jkl. U·11.59c Ill . "· 77 ' ... 95 ' ,._79 ' PJLOT-AOVE~TISER 6 -BRAND! 't • • • Deluxe Satewoy Guaranteed Produtt \SJ • 19-01 • Pkg. .... t:' O_RANGE ~? .. :JUICE · Bel-air Fro1en Concen tro 1e • 6-01 • Can Plump And Meaty Whole Body 2 "J. lb. l 11. ;__ __ _ 1~~1ib. 35'1 lb. ... ~ .. ,21 cl ·"'· j OAJLY PJlOT ¥ Rainbow of .Additive Colors Makes Food More Appetizi Colors added to foods for ap- petite appeal are increasing in tifectiveness as a result of new techniques, reported in Food Engineering, for dispers- ing FDA·approved co Io r pigments in food ingredients. Food colors have been used for n1ore than a century because they 1nake products more a ppetizing and thereby help stimulate intake of the variety of foods necessary to assure g o o d nourishmenL The y are under the sur~illance of the Food and Drug Ad ministration, wich has been monitoring them since ils beginnings in 1906. can achieve lhe desired result.c; with n .\tu r a I Ingredients. Chocola lt and cara1nel. for example, are nutritious foods that introduce both flavor and oolor that matches. Bt!ta- caroien, the yellow vitamin A I ingredient used extensively In margarine. imparts-the ap- propria te color t.o the product while improving it.s nutritional value. Food companies also pay much attention to the reten- tioo of the natural color values- of products. Fresh meat is an excellent example. The appetizing bright red C1:llor of meat will tum dark and unappealing in a meat case unles:s protected from tile nuorescent lamps by an opaque wrapping tnaterial, at least on tht side facing the lamps. C u r i n g ingredients such as nitrite and nitrate compounds help to fix the natural colors 1n cured meats. CALIFORNIA GROWN GRADE "A" Since a person's first im· prw;ion of food is usually visual, a major parl of our willingness Ul accept a particular food depends upon its color. The products on the market today, and those en- visioned for the future using TOM TURKEYS riew and be l I er dispersion fr-,...._ techniques, are a far cry from LIQUOR DEPT. the white margarine into which a capsule of color had to be mixed by the housewife. Older homemakers, and cer- tainly their mothers and grandmothers, well remember not only the inconvenience of while margarine but its en· tirely u n a pp et i z i n g ap- pearance. And therein lies the whole COUNT MICHAEL VODKA ANDERSON 'cLUI GENUINE SOUR MASH 90 PROOF--6 YlARS OLD KENTUC<Y BOURBON STllAIGHT · FIFTH s2 99 story of why colors are added IAllSAIN IASll'.ET $1099 to ,;ome food s by m.o"foc-SCOTCH DI""'"''' k•""' turers. Consu mers do not '' PROOF 'Ii GAL wan l. and will not buy or eat.1<.-._ ___ .__,...._..__.,..,.. _____ ,.. foods that do not look ap-1 • petizing . Certainly color is a basic factor in eye-appeal, and ~ it even plays a role in the ac-HEALlH & BEAUlY AIDS tual taste satisfaction of food products. Very few people, for example, would enjoy grey frankfurters or green oranges. Thus lrankfurters are suc- culently (and wholesomely) red and orange!\ take on an ex. terior coloring to conform with their interior natural coloring. Citrus trees are unique fn that they bear blossoms and fruit at the same time with subse· quent chlorophyll (the green ele ment ) spreading through the tree and causing green areas on thoroughly ripe fruit. Since market demand for orange..colorr.d oranges has SECRET SPRAY DEODORANT 7 Or. Atroiol Ca" REG. Sl.59 AT OTHER STORES WILKINSON SUPER CHROMIUM DOUBLE EDGE RAZOR BLADES REG. 89 ~ AT OTHER STORES GILLETIE FOAMY SHAVING CREAM REG. Sl.19 AT OTHEl STOllES SCOPE MOUTHWASH SUPER SIZf -2<1 OZ. IOTILE REG. Sl.98 AT OTHfR STORES 98' PKG. o•' 49' been consistent. a s m a l l:r i..__,...._...__,...._._.._.,._._~,....,--,. amount o r FDA -approved artificial coloring is used. Di spersion of micronized. high -d y e ·Content. color pigmen1s in ingredients such as coconut oil. cararne\ and solid fat, by the new method ha s meant an advance in food colors and color technology . The high-color ingredient is fn turn blended into the finish- ed product. Via this method the powder from which a gelatin or pudding dessert is made is itself more c0lorful. e1'en before the water or other ingred ients are added to pro· duce the ultimate product. If color were not so im· porlant to ta ste. food packers wou ld not go to the expense of buying color additives or of controlling color quality. Synthetic CQlors /\re nol us· ed. although they are entirely i afe, when the manufacturer f.RESH MEDIUM AA FRESH LEAN GROUND BEEF OSCAR MAYER PURE PORK LINK SAUSAGES SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUE BOX OF 200-2 PLY TISSUES Care In proce$Slng aliso la essential to acllleve a food with the color that appeals to the appetite. Peanut butter can become unappeti:r:lng, for example. if the nuta are roasted at loo high a tem· perature, which dtrrkens them. Uke Jama and jellies; ca:te: Researl"h and development beverages, toofections ... laboratories ln U>e food in· snacks more eye appeaJ1 duslry are constantly striving consumers, and to emplof ror better ways to use both or control in processing natural and synthetic colors t<> to eohanee the pleasu make everyday lab!e foods uting. USDA CHOICE-CENTER C , ROUND STE USDA GRADE "A" l LEGGED FRYING CHICKEN USDA CHOICI RUMP ROAST . 98~ .. BAR M BULK STYLE MELON CUT RUMP •••••••••••••••• Sl.09 LI. SLICED USDA CHOICE :~~~,:~~:f"'0 $129 BOLOGNA TqP ROUND ROAST Lt, IAR M CHUNK STYLI r~::: SAUSAGE OSCAI MAYllt ALL MEAT 011 ALL IEIF WIENERS IAR M BRAUNSWEIGER TASTI FRIIS . POTATOES 5 OZ. PKG-. 7 59' CIRTl-ff!ISH OCEAN PERCH 1 LI. CARNATION SOLID PACK ALIACORI WHITI MEAT TUNA ~~~3qt FRISKIES LEAN & LIVELY DOG FOOD Sl"RIHGi:IELD LEMONADE POLGEllS COFFEE NAllSCO OREO COOICIES 'OL 10~ COFFEE 3 LB. CAN 12.29 1 LI CAM 83c 1 lb. C•llo Pk9. 49c SEGO INST ANT •, • plentiful foods AUGUST 1971 LOCAL EXTRA FANCY l<! OZ. CANS DIET FOOD6~ Box of 4 Envelopes y- FEATURES WHEAT PRODUCTS Other Plentiful s FLUID MILK SUMMll VEGETAIL!S PIANUT5 AND rEANUT l"RODUCTS fRESH PLUMS AND PURPLE PLUMIS CRANllRllY ANO JUICE IROILIR·P'RYERS P'RESH PEARS UNITEO \TATEi lll!P.lllTMfiNT 01' .lGli!ICUlTIJ RI 1"11~111111 I'-• P ... rlm Dirt Collects The balhroom scale eolJecls Its weight of dirt and grime. SIZE CANTALOUPE VINE RIPENED 6 ~ $1 00 ORANGES SWEET 8 ~:; $1 DO VALENCIA BELL PEPPERS -19~ Therefore, wipe occasionally . _ with a sudsy sponge for r::-1parkling 11ppearance .a n d <lea~~~g~ ON ii :~~:~~ :~~: 11 - THE COAST I WITH THIS COUPON I Your Hometown New•paper Is, I The DAILY PILOT I 1 VOID AFTER SUNDAY, AUGUST I ' NO MINIMUM PURCHASE-NO MAXIMUM PURCHASE ONE ORDER ONLY AN Y AMOU NT fOU CHOOSE TO 8UY AT IAIGAIM IASlfl FLAT CANS "-HIRARDElLI FLICK-ETTS MILK CHOCOLATE CHIPS CHECKERBOARD FROZEN FOODS IN COOKING POUCHES e Chicken Ala King 15 Or.I • Macaroni & Beef (5 Ot.) e Giblet Gravy & Sliced Turkey (5 Ox.) • Mac a roni & Cheese 17 Or.) Prices Effective: Thursday thru Sunday August 5, 6, 7, 8 Prices subJect to 1tock on hoftd. WE GLADLY ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOD COUPONS 6 i ,, WI GIVE, ILIJE CHIP STAMPS CbSTA MESA PLACENTIA WE GIVE ILUE CHI, STAMl'S 19th and Placentia 71 O W. Chapman CHEERIOS CEREAL BIG 15 OZ. PKG. C.OOD CJlliLY AT I ARGAIN IASKn -- I ..:-... GOLD MEDAL '~ FLOUR 10 LB . BAG With th i, coupon, no m:n1m'""' 11rtli.1e required, l.i'"i+ I b•t p11 coupon -On• coupon pt • 1:u11om 1r. Yoicl 1fl1t Su11d1v, Aut . I , -··-,... ---~< .• ;_~ -_,, . .., ....... - \ ·-..,_, ..... - 31 DAIL V PILOT WITH SALLIE WALKING DESSERTS Pto?lt eaters . • . to pacify while shopping , • _ n!llltin8 in th l' pal!o ... nr the quick refresher when stopping ti:nt lsn'l .. Could bf' 11 hole ln 11 donut . or • true old fastiioned ('J"eam puf/, ll8htly fluUed with po1~1dered 1-ugar. top- ~d v.·1th a cherry anrl ooz- ing u.·1t.h purt> real wh ipped cream, Fruit tart8 , • .the deli.shable:i; ... pineapple, cherry, berry or apricot fill wit h custard c:ream below and more whipped cnam going round the edtes. Richard's Bakery version of an itay·bitzy trifle: In sparkly serving cup, lt.lck: chocolate cake soaked in rum, delicate custarli cream, sunny sweet pineapple, more luscious putt wh.ipped cream, shim· mer chocolate bits on top ju.st below the cherry. Elegance in eating motion. Also to charm a patio sup- pt':r. .90phistlcated ladies luncheon. or an afte rnoon together with cofftt or tea. SPICED AND ICED SECRET BLENDS B ig elow make ~ mysterious Ct'lffee talk with Cafe Cinnamon . . Cafe Anisette .. , Cafe Orange .and Spice . . . Little packagt11 t.o add water and ice and wi nd up with 3 chill- ing glasses of taste intrigut. Ano ther set of llttlt packages makes 4 cups of the same haunting fla vors of hot coffee. Might be a fun coffee tv.·ist to let ,\·our cof- fee lovers do their own thing. If thert are tea sen· Ument.alist:o; in the crowd. Bigelow'.c; answers with the lilting l.aste of Plantation mint, lemon and sugar. PASS 1'HE OIL AND VIN EGAR PLEASE ... The salad green5 art" &creaming for juice . , . Soy bearu:, com. flalnower~ or peanuts all enrl up in bottle<:. to fry things in or make oil and vinegar dressint: out of. So do olives. in a posh fine go.~amer w.'ly. ll::i lian olives from Lucca make Star or Bertolli imported Italian Olive Oil ... F'rench Olives from Nice makt O!d Monk lmpo~ French Olive Oll , Pompeian olive oil packed in Maryland has been brought over from France Jn big barrels. New~ 1n the olive oil circuit ls Lindsay. very pure and v e r'.v California. Put 1 1~ cup~ of any oil \.\'ilh ~ cup of vinegar . tlie flavors stretch from apple~ to champagne ... add salt and pepper, your leuuce will sing . BUT DON'T STOP HERE Add personalit)' curnbled Roquefort. d r y mui;t.ard, chopped hard boil- ~ egi-' . . any herb. di ll. basil. mainran; ... Schill· ing':o; Italian ~e a a o fl i ng nia ke11 1! ltahan , Ree~e Chee~ning . . \V ilsnn 's Bit.5 0' Bacon, the real stuff . . . Lawrys Baconion, Southern St.tr Baton Bits .• . Betty Crocker's Pepr-Os, Saus-Os or Bag-011 ... Pe~ pcroni. Sausage and Baton, tasteful tmi!ator.~ Rttse Shallot !<.alt u.·it h rhiv('s , , • Spice Islands poppy or 15esame seeds ... Hain's Oil ()f Avoeado, sheer exotica 111 ~adad oil circles, also tX· C'el!s as • aki n sofetener and scalp conditioner. Planter's butler-like Popcorn o i l wraps fried chicken with crusty fl avored: zing. SANOCASTLE CLARET ... GINGER Clothes color fling for fall •.. ireat .stri~ of grten, r ed. nugget And black ... new loob In tt>~ with brass buttons, the pants T'ed or er~ . . . Oame5 and clothes ..• J.'Jck Winter's " Desk Sets. yactit shop. Rlchard 's, the Pt: n p 1 t, Store. recommend~ you !ry on the new clothes fir~t. Lhen ttl your i;rtam pulls please. You 'll h11 ve more Jun . ... .~-· '¥·~···· ~·~~ -'··-~ PHONE 673-6360 FOR HOME DELIVERY PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGU ST 6, 6, 7, I ~;;~3M/ 1N OUR DELIVERY AREA GRAPE IVY ~ i J. .. "4 .f.' 2..--REA LLY SUPER I , FINE TEXTURED BUTIER-CREAM BREAD 49c L•r9• pl •nt i in b" p,.,t,, luih, leafy •nd v•ry full. LIDO MARKET CENTER 5.95 EA. NEWPORT Bl VO. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE •...__ DELIGHTFUL WITH ICE CREAM ANO FRESH FRUITS P!RK UP A CORNER OR WINDOW LEOGEI OrCJolin .Seren4des for your pl••sur• by Ber nice Fay POUND CAKE 79c FIRST OF THE SEASON. FANCY MOUNTAIN GROWN BARTLETT PEARS 5 LBS. $1 BUTTERY.FLAVORED, FOR SANDWICH ES ANO SALADS-HASS AVOCADOS \ 5 FOR $1 IT'S SUMMER SALAD TI ME! FRESH, CRI SP CUCUMBERS 3 FOR 29~ ITALIAN, SWEET 3 LBS. 29~ "CUCUMBER-GO .WITH ." GENUINE RED ONIONS G~~I CBOFFEE L.B _ 79c M.J.B. COFFEE I LI. 1.57 SUNSHINE 1 LI. 2.29 JUS T RIGHT WITH OUR NEW HAM ! BUTTERFLAKE ROLLS 6 for 31 c: JU ST IN TIME FOR PICNICS, POOLSIDE BUFFETS AND SANDWICHING! A Brand.New Reaw·Cooked Haro No one else hts it! Our ham has taken a yedr to perfect -it has an especially good hickory-smoked flavor , ha!. been trimmed to leave only enou9h fat fer bastin9 and fl avor . The re's very little bone , bec4use the bi9 shtnk bone is removed. AN OLD FASHIONED HAM, WITH NO WO RK AT ALL! WE'RE HAVING A TA STING DEMO OF OUR NEW HAM, FRIDAY AN D SATURDAY-COME IN AND TR Y IT! BONE-IN RUMP ROAST Loh of lean beef eating r BONELESS RUMP ROAST To rout or Borbocuo 98~ LB. 1.19 LB. MARINADE FOR RUMP ROA ST-Corribin .. 'Ii C. oil, 111 C . ,ey 1•uc•, 1/i C . Beurben. Add 2 sm •ll onion\, 1liced, 1/1 fsp. ga rl ic:: powdfH, ) T, chopped pr•••rv•d 9in g•r, I tsp. fr.,h ground bl•ck p1pp•r. I t'P· dry mustard, da 1h of wine vi neg•r. M•rinat• m••* •·b hr1. Use m•ri· n•d• for bastin g too! ROUND STEAK BONELESS -GREAT FOR CHICKEN-FRIED STEAK 1.09 LB. SWISS STEAK A DELICIOUS IDEA -PIZZA STEAK 98¢ LS. . .J SWISS PIZZA STEA K-Roll 1h11•k in s!l•IO ned flou r a nd brown. Cembine 8 01. tomato t•uc•, ~Vi or. c•n pi11• ~e uc ~. 'Ii C, w•f•r, 'Ii tip. sugar, 1/1 tip. o r•9tno. Peur over me•t, Top with slic ed on•on. Simmer 10 min. Cov•r t nd b•k• I hr. PEANUT BUTTER WAFERS 11 oz. 45c Boneless BEEF STEW MEAT .N;,. lor b .. , ••dy•ki GROUND CHUCK Try Hunt'• now Sk;Jlot Dlnnorol GROUND BEEF TACOS ARE GOOD SUMMER EATING! 1.19 LS. 79~ LB . 59~ LB. ASSORTED FLAVORS , DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES ,.., .. , 3 for $1 KNUDSEN LA BON BUTTER LI. 83~ UNCLE DAN'S Southern Dressin g Mix •· oz. 3 for $1 SCHILLING Ground BLACK PEPPER • oz. 39c GELATIN DES SERT MIX JELL-0 6 OZ. PKG. 5for $1 HUNT'S RED KIDNEY 1BEANS ,..,,oz. 6 for $1 HUNT 'S SOLID PACK TOMATOES '"''oz. 5 for Sl HUNT'S STEWED TOMATOES ,..,, oz. S for $1 HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE I oz. 12 ior $1 Hunt's TOMATO PASTE •oz. 8 for Sl Smucker's Toppings 20 oz. 3 1°,$1 BUTTERSCOTCH, CARAMEL o• CHOCOLATE FUDGE REYNOLD'S 200 SQ. FT. 12 .. WIDE ALUMINUM FOIL 1.29 GALA Family NAPKINS "er. 1 Oc STUF<FED CABBAGE ROLLS ''""' '"-.......... , ............ _,.,,,, 98( LI, STUFFED PORK CHOPS "'CIAl "'""" m •o• •"'"er 1.19 .,, STUFFED ROUND STEAK ,,., .. ""' .,,,. "'"""' "'" ,_,,,,, 1.19 .,. AND A MARVEL OUS SELECTION OF U.S .O.A. PRIME BEEF , TOO! !AR·M MAKES 'EM EXTRA GOOD WIENERS ALL MEAT LB 59~ KRAH SLICED MOZZARELLA CHEESE 6 0 •. 49~ KNUDSEN 'S HAMPSHIRE SOUR CREAM PINT TH ESE ARE A LARGE, VE RY MILD DI LL. PACK ED IN W ATER . Marjorie Kane Pickles n •• 59~ TRY THE BEST 1 Reese Salad Dressing • •· 39~ TOMATO MARINADE, SPLENDOUR, SIMPLICITY, ECCELENTE, GREEN GOOOESS, CUCUMBER N' ONION ~;m~~"' SUMMER REFRESHERS lslo nd Inn MAI T Al MIX •or. lslond Inn Morgorito Mix 'oz. AUNT JEMIMA BUTTERMILK WAFFLES I OL BIROS EYE FRENCH GREEN BEANS • oz. BIROS EYE CUT GREEN BEAN S ! oL BIRO S EYE MIXED VEGETABLES 10 oz. HOLLOWAY HOUSE STUFFED GREEN PEPPERS ,. oz. HOLLOWAY HOUSE 5 for S 1 5 for S 1 l9c 5 for SI S for Sl 5 for SI STUFFED CABBAGE ROLLS HOLLOWAY HOUSE 14 or. 6tc •tc 69c SALISBURY STEAKS HOLLOWAY HOUSE STUFFED 12 OZ. BAKED POT A TOES .,,. ,,_ 14 OL l9c ;..n-_i ~ MARKET ~M. ~<Gr-...... HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS ·":'/"'"-'J. < ---"' • --t· - ' OPEN DAILY 9-7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN DA ILY 9-6 -·---I. • OPEN DAILY. 9-6 SUN. I 0-l DA ILY 9.s,io. SAT. •-S OPEN DAILY 9-6 DA ILY ,,J0 -6, SAT. 1,Jo .s • ''!.-.·' '~ l -·-~~ --•• ~1}! • N ro~ SUN/4!1 TlllEFIK F~IJf TOTAL DISCOUNT THRIFTIMART FREEi coupons good for ~ price MAGIC MOUNTAIN tickets Aslt any Th rifitmart checker ADULTS ONLY -MINIMUM PURCHASE REQUIRED TICKETS EXPIRE AUGUST 31, 1971 a GOOD MONDAY thru FRIDAY ONLY \V OVEN READY FOR AN OUTDOOR BAR-8 -QU E SIZES 11 -21 LBS. U.S.D.A. INSPECTED GUARANTEED FRE SH FRYING CHICKEN PARTS ' MEAT lll·:l'AllT~IEN'r FRESH LEAN ROUND BEEF ECONO PAK 3·LBS. OR MORE c EVEll\'DAY 1,ow DISCOUNT l'IUCES ON MEAT U.•Ol lNO 98C j CIH1fl CU! 69' RIB ROAST ................ l •· t 7·BONE ROAST............ ll. T•IL• 0 " , , SI I 1001<111 l"OUlOll • , •• 1-BONE STEAKS •••••••.•• : LI , I CLOD ROAST ............... LL ( How would yo11 or1d your fomily lik • lo 1p .... d o wol'lderhit fur1·r.fted doyol Magic Mo"'r11o:n ... where you c:Qn all thrill lo 1he endle11 number of •11citin9 1ide1 and fobuloui live entertoinmer1t? Thr ihimort Di1co ... n1 food1 it g i¥ing odulh who mo~e o minimum pun:ho1e ... free half.price coupon• for ticket. lo Magic Mountair1. And otl rides Ol'ld ..... n11 o re at no elllro co1t wilh yowr odmi11ion ticket. So hurry! Get your ·free coupon1 for half-price lickeu to Magic ~ounloin ... l1om yo ur checker 01 Thriltimart! SUNNY VALLEY U.S.D.A. GRADE 'AA' LARGE FRESH EGGS c FRYER I DRUM- BREASTS . I STICKS I 1 I I 1 1 I I FRYER THIGHS JONIUl •TO l-01! $1•• I ll• .. 111• 39' TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS ..... L1. I SHORT RIBS ............... 11. H><o11 1uic• s1 6 a I ··10•011 111·· ll~"H"'ou 95c ,,., o ... ,..,. .... u-··· v .... ._ "•·-1·,...., loo .. 1 .. °"""""' 1.,.1 •·""' SLICED BACON •••••••••••••••••••••••••• PORTERHOUSE .... . ....... 11. , CORNED ROUNDS , ... ~.':! .1~ Lt. JIMMY DEAN'S PURE PORK SAUSAGE .... !!!·.~9\' ... 77c lb. 65~. l 59~. 55~. FRYER WINGS ......... 35~ •. : BACKS & NECKS ....... 10~ •. DISCOUNT SEAl'OOD FRE SH NORTHERN SILVER SALMON STEAKS I PIECES DOVER SOLE •...••• n o11 .. WN111 NO .. NttN HALIBUT STEAKS .• OKAI -YU H OU.... 73c O>CU .... n. '""" 68c •Ost' OID IAl>llON t-2\'o l lo.. SLKID •AC1N.11i.. SllClD IACOM 11-o.. :=~~~'"1' , .. ··~I. WILSON 'S TENDER MADE or HORMEL'S CUR E 'Bl' FULLY COOKED $129 BEST .Of THE c LB. Califotnio G..e11 Gro-n>l•i" 18 ~I Colifo,"ioG'.e•n 33 C APPLES ... • • •• • . • . . . . . . JUMBO AVOCADOS • .... ••. Cr01p CrYnt~y 1 OC U.S. No. 1 3 >O 28< CUCUMBERS • . . • . . • .. ••. BROWN ONIONS OAo. Your Choice FRESH CUT SPINACH, GREEN 1 oc ONIONS, MUSTARD GREENS, REiii LEAF OR BOSTON LET· TUCE, BEETS, TURNIPS BUNCH •:\"EHYllA \'DISCOUNT l'lllCES ON t 'llOZEN t 'OOll . cu:r COI N .. .. o. 9•• 42< "NtW"UI• 'IUCC .. tNI 99c CM•C<ttlOAOO tOlltO I lJID l <bo. $3•• P1ct1weet Peos . . .•. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Paul's Casserole ,.'.'.~~ Turlcey Roa1t ............... . ~""QUfl $169 O+<IO•,.alCANDIN"l!l'oo< 37c (AONAflOt<l•tAt>ID(l-0 1,"'l Fried Chh:llen .. ··········'-~h; Enchilada Dinners ••••• '.'.~:· fi1h Sticks .............. ~'.~:· 85c 1• .. QUl1 ~M<>JDU"PllNG\ 511CID JUO(ll, $1 l 8 Oll-•D• l O 3 7c c;.00:10!<'S f'"Gl1~M 'Ol! (16 0 1. ll<: Salisbury Steak, Beef Stew 1lb· -Onion Rings ••...•..••.•••. :. Fish & <hips •....••.•...•. !·~~·; $1 4' (•U.VO 10 63c •••DS!\l(U•.. •o 28c ... J ... 1Dlol~GOut .. lt Avocado Dip .............. .'; French Green leans ...... .'. FANTAIL SHRIMP ........ •.~·; 95c ~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....;;...;:;~ DELICATESSEN DEPAHTMENT Philodelphio O 39c -CREAM CHEESE ••••••••••••• '~ .'; JANE ANDERSON , 15-0Z. 3 8 c ALADS :~~·:~o"' COlE SI.AW IA. l>l!lt(;INJ s1••. AJAX ••.••....•.•••.•..••• ~·~ ..0Ull'10ID 0 16' Ajax Cleanser •••.•.•..... "!. (QNl ... NJ NO •..O~•N•lll ··white Kl"J Soap ••••••• ~:·:: otlftGfN1 G Bold ..................... .'~:·. 59' 88' l,IQUOll D El'All'rMt:N'r 10. Df•l Gain Detergent ••••••••• ~;:: 78c: OllltGINf O.ydol •••••••••••••..••. "::7. 88' ·Padre lflia Wines YOUR CHOICE-GALLONS · ROSE', CHABLIS, BURGUNDY, PINK .CHABLIS ................•............ London a ,;dgo 9~ $298 DRY GIN............. Fifth • Jonov • $2 VODKA.............. ~.~ . Bar Tender Dry Mixes MARGARITA,MAl·TAl,COLLINI, Your 99c WHllK•:u~~~~:i:;AQUIRI, Cholee $1~.9 : 89~ .. BONELESS HALF HAMS • • . LB. SMAil VITA -2SO "'9· -100'1 JOMf Vitamin C .............. ('"~:'a) 69c '"'"' . ~·) $128 Bufferln ................ ( c=:::· R~bbl~g Alcohol .... ( ,:;:::.) 18 c 1.0t'I' SKIN -7-01. • ( -) $107 .leraens Lotion . . . . . . ':~:;· ,u.snc aOnu: 3.oL ( 10Mf ) $ 18 lolarcalne............. '::::· 1 wt wtlcomt .-11 .... MIOJlllRI AT All TllllnlMAaTS Ill PAITKIPATI•& r . ... ' " -. -.. " '. -~ . , I ' l '· • I ' 1 1 • ·. , , ~ ' ~ • ' J f '• ., • .. ' •' •• '• ' -'·' . , > j .. !· . ~ " ' l . ' ~ l ., .. .. •• 'l • ·1 • . . • 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA! 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO . ' I ·-' 1--=-~ ---~L-·-I -• ~-:,.,.. 4r ... ,.;: -· -' ,, ,.--_ ff DAILY PILOT Wrdntsdiy, August 4. 1971 • Hints Told for Mass Cooking at Church Camp DEAR NAN: Yoa were ql'lk ult wafier lalC year 1nd they flowlni. t.endl Lo cloud the recipe specifies olherwilt. lop and carefully ladle from turned oul way loo salty. Here 1ra1i1 for makiq bread a11d carbige. miUIW't, I ea" t •. I 1.4 '-_ .. _..ID tb I -who twned dark. LI LL I AN brine. Use fresh herbs and 1plcu:. kettle IO as not to disturb any the problem was In reverse ctreal1 or m.a.k their own ara11, etc. I make our com· r l •n • ........ 1 e a .. , HUJ\'TLEY, S 0 U T H ER N Pound !or pound, granulated Old ones turn pick.Je1 dark and sediment. from yours. 1llelr n10Uiers ye111t aod yogurt? I do 110 post in an old bathtub. Our wai warrled •bout havta1 '° PINES, N.C. and flake salts have the 1a1ne strong.flavored. Use 1 oft Add 1 table!!poon vinegar undoubtedly used pickling salt, those thlacs and wou.Jd enjoy •'pestle.ides'' are I n • e ct · cook for a cburcll camp to be Always use pure refined strugth, but they do not mea-water for making brine. 11 per gal!On betore using. Last these readers had used table bearing from others who do. repellent plao1 1 and a bollf:d 1urt kl cbeclr. the camp 1lte dairy, pickling or kosher salt a.i re the same so make sure yours is hard or treated year several readers salt. I raise my garde a concoction of carl.lc. ollionl first. Sbe did o.ot me11llon the for any kind of pickle for best wha t your recipe calls for. heavily with chemicals boil it complained that old time oraanlcally and can and freeze and red pepper wbirh I strain lellflh of time, the number of results. Table s alt, whlch has Increase the measure of the for J) minutes. Let stand pickle recipes lhat had always DEAR NAN: Do any of your • variety of thlng1. Our to spray on plants. SALLY _.. been treated ti) keep it free flake type by one-half unless overnight, remoYe scum from worked well for their mothers readers 1prout 1eed1, griad fertilliers are k It c b e n GOODPASnJRE, POLO. MO. people to be 1ervcu, or /-------------------------''--------------------------'--------------------- wbetber lbry would be within rta&0nable driving distance of • town or markel.. If they are lhty shlluld make 1 deal with a local ,tore m1U1ag er to get perl1hable i:hl.ngs at cvt t'llle and, posal- LETS ASK THE COOK by Nin Wiley bl y, dally dtli\Jer}'. When you buy lo bWk and by tht case )'OU 11ve. At one function some years ago perml11loa l\'BS obtained lo dig a pit tis feel detp and large eaou1h to hold an old· fashioned bed1prlng. ( The "coll 1prlo.g" type.) The bot· tom of I.he pit was lined with fist·slie rock1 to bold the heat. *u m.1a"' locaftol 'ef .... ,.... ,... c.al ~ f tol ••• 1IGS TlllllS DRUMSTIW * Ii l ~ IVORY ~~~ENT In each corner four larger rocks were placed to elevate the springs •nd that strved as .11 grill. Ont end of the pll wa1 tapered for easy addition of fuel, 1crap lumber at1d planer tnd1 v.·bfcb bad been donated by a local lumber yard just for the banli.Dg a\l·ay. BEEFROA5~-fUSOA( c=~ ~, .... lltllllWT 11111 WlllS uas111as CllCllll UYll COlllll • ...... w ! lf22~9c -1---""..:::..Ill .. 39' They thea purchased wbolt (and then bl.rbecued lhem that way) 1teers, Iambi and piglet! alonr with chickens and turkeys. Buylllg ind cooking this v.·ay saves untold time, fu ss i nd monty. CHUCK 89~ aool•w 1tm ::t:=. .. t .. ROAST . CLOO • 1 .. == ..... ....... hit Ritts :0..~-.. -.. 79' Ground " · ··· 59c FRESM.YOUNG HEN TURKEYS 49! I . ~ 'T.i.~~, ... lloohO..C-... C-.. ".,, ,,,.' "'' """~ ,..,.. _, ---............... •p• Aluka<ndt .... _..,~ .... 19' "'~ 1c~~[1 • 59' 1 !UR~[V B~EA~f • $1oq BEEF ,., Needless to say, the pit was ooe ol lbe mOl'i t po pular places In camp. Everyone would come b~ Jn1t to smell tbatt delicious vapors. At night the meeting place "''as "Tht PU" for a 1ing·•lou& before bed· time. Teahouse RoH' Porcelain China ... All Pieces[, Accessories Now on Sale! FINAL WEEK! Using cleJtn wasbtuba Is Ideal for making I a r g t amounts of beans. bolled potatots, bard bolling eggs, mli:tng salads, etc. Another spring (flat wire. not the coll typt) was placed across tht dttp tnd of the pit and 1en·ed as a gTill for the tubs. Chris & Pitts BBQ Sauce .~~. 31' Treesweet Orange Juice..,,~ .... 43c B&MBakedBeans 0"'.Io?~ 69' NBC Cookies """'~=-~--47' Johnson Pledge """"~::w sin Fancy Farms Pear Halves i:.~·39c Top Notch Dog Food ~~~""" 99c Organic Apple Juice ~~ 43' Ordinary pieces ol wlrt win· dow-ICretnlng were ""1ced o\'er each lub to keep out ashts and debris, yet a1lowed one to 11ee through to tell if <"Ootents needed stirring or •d· ding of furtht r ln,(redlent1. \\'orked "slick as a wbisUe," Also, lhert wa11 a 11hare-tbe "·ork detail, each person went aloni;:: ~·itb It ~·Ul ingly and <"heerfully. Very succes&ful. The last d:1y ol the jamboree the nldtr boys gol together, filled In the pit and worked a clean-up plan that left the camp In better condition than ~htn they first arr iv ed . t:nfortunalely, It seems that by th' lime you ba,·e formed a amootb-runn.lng detall It is almost lime lo break camp. Ab , Yi tll ~ Good eating and ha\'t fun~ \\'lt LO WDE E S~fllll. SAN OIEC'.0. Tha~~ you for your perf<'Cl\y splendid letter and ideas. We'll have more along !.his line and, rradftS, if you have already staged your sumn1er camps. better file this for next year. DEAR N.'.N: Could you tell me U t.btre are. co11rctors in- te rested In buying o I d cookbooks': I have 11-1 0 I th ink are okl enough to be in- teresliog. The col'era art "'·orn but tbt Insi de s are In e1cellen1 co11dltion. (Auld you tell me what they might be wonh? t.1RS. JOE B. STRONG, DEN. TON, TEX. Such books, like other anti- quu, are worth jusl about as mui:h as someone cares to pay for them. I get many requests like youn and I always refer them to a little shop "Cookbook!! Only" 1727 Second AYe. New York, N,Y, Do not send your book, Drop them a card giving book title, mpyright date, general con· dltlon (good, fair or poor) and lriet your own price. GREEN GIANT CUT GREEN r;;l BEANS@-! lln. llWl;s lnolW Slrioip ,. .... '2" GortmRililC::Wp1 ' ... , ...... IL.. .... . ~Wocl:m.i.---.. '1" ~c..iRltts ---·· Mn.f!Woy'IP..i.t Skfoop .......... ..,..., Frlol HaliNt---·-· lhporl'11rto1~----·1" Carnation Fish Sticl<s 1" 95 ' 55c ·They do not evaluate. They 'fill list your book In their next •Ulng or they may already OURl:;j have a request for It on file 'Ebere ls, of cmine. a crcbarge for anyone buying a ...... ::,.. .... book but Jt lm't uorbjtant. lnll--1--1-They advlH that' If your -.,.. ., aat -II' ::v: ~~ :;~~'i.:e~o~o~~ FRESH BREAD ~ 251 .......... ' ,.. __ ...... ... •· The company e.njn)'I • .._ _... • ~::~·d1!:..i°':.-:i~1~': SLICED BACON ~ 4tc to burlnl •nd .. 111111 bolh new ai;:E: ::: .. ""'.. FRESJI EGGS :-.;::c.:331 Birdseye Vegetables . . 37c s llfl&NOOl WHISKEY =.rsmiS1199 ' ~~-6.- MllNOOIC a"IST.11. VODKA BEER ..... ft'il -·--= ...•• i"= 89' ~ ... ~ :,=:-,~·~ 10111 Adams Ave., at Brookhurst, Huntington Beach ::m.~.u:;.~ .~:k.:,~~:::.; 34081 · Doheny Park Drive, Capistrano Beach 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach Laguna Hills Plaza, El Toro REGISTER NOW AT ANY VONS MARKET Now'& yo11r apportunity to win a beoutifu~ timMa\l•ISJ, __,.. SQVing home freezerJ 100 frMxets will be given away,...., one ot each of Von'sMcirke!s. Regater nowatorryVOf(s Marbt. WI,.. ners names will be po.st9d by Sep;t. 9, 1'?71· ' . .. ' , ~-~ ------· SANDWICH MAKI/IS . ~;: '<'·•,,, . ·-- VONS-MILD ,, HEDDAR ,~ ,·CHEESE AGED TO PERFECTION FOR;lt/ ··~ MINIMUM OF 90 PAYS ~.!~:s""!!l!!,~~TS 35t LT. TURklY ·COIHED lllf·CHICWC•PASTl.t.W-4.ol:. fm. •••• ..... PRANKS.KNACKS ~u~grt 89' Vl!H~ lllf-IZ.OZ. 1IQ,, , RYE BREAD AUGUST .. lmolll SAlllMlal MONTH a!JlUBJ Light-Creamy, S..Oild or Plain Sourdough - c 21D82 Beach Blvd., Hunti ngton Beach 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Valley _, - ·--Ir •• -.... ... -":' --.. _J::;_.·-------~ ·-... '''~·-••' ~ ~1-...--.--~-------~ •<<'"11c•~-""T"r ··•! ·-·-. --····, •I "">'---_.,. -·---•1'. • j • , .... • ---·~·: ' - -... ~ -. -. . - It's the time of the year to enjoy Southern California living .•• great eating ••• and El Rancho 's Super-Savings! ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••• ~lllf~ c~~~•~ ~~~~~~~ ................ ~~ S&W ••• plump beans in a rich New Enzland 5tyle sauce ••• rreat for summer patio dinner! :zg oz. So much tender ~·h.ite ineat ••• because lhey'1·e cut from Kin&" Siu Cali!orai& fryers••• a:ad so !tea.&. I Heinz Ketchup .................... II Chic8n logsBThighB. ....... 51 C~eck the choice at this low price! Regulu or with onions in H oz. btlea ••• or 12 oz. wide mouth jar! Rich, juicy dark meat ... and ~o much of it! Xing si:ed !rtah .CaJiforni• frY<l'll offer more iood ••tinrl , Tomlllill Sauce. ................ 3 .. 258 ChickBn Wlng1. ................... 211! Eant's ••• 8 o:r.. cans ••• from red ripe tomatoes and se111oned ju5t ri1ht! You'll love El Rancho's price. So meaty I Ex cellent for :soup stock ! ••• because you aet so much more roodness for your money! ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ............ ~~c ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ .................... ~~" S& \V ••• cris p slices in the 2:! ounce size! 'Th ey belong on. the table at a. cook~ut, and on a picnic menu ! J.<~reshness makes al l the difference in the world ••• and !reUtness is the diffe rence at El Rancho ! Tree Top Apple Juice .... H!l~·G!L;0~ ••• 5 9' So sparkling clear, so colorful, so in vi tin&" I Drink apple juice for health, for refre1>hment , •• and savinis: Top Sirloin Steaks ................. $1~ U.S .D.A. Ch oice Beef ••• trimmed El Rancho style io giYe you more value for yourinonty! ••• Compare! Kleenex Facial Tissu~ ........ 4 i $1 Fresh Beef Brisket ............... 89~ They disappear so quickly ••• so ·1~re know you'll be zlad to stock up at this special price! ••• 200 ct. pk.a'.! Whole or point half at this price! Delicious sprinkled with onion soup mil: and wrapped in !oil! Great American Soups ... 4 101 $1 Welch Jelly or Jam ............ 59¢ Spare Ribs ....................... 59~ Cure 81 Ham ................ $1.49 I), . Heinz makes 'em hearty and flavorful! Everybody's favorite ••• sare on {he 3~ oz. jar! Lea n ••• mealy ! for a delic ious barbecue! Hormel f&mou• qu&lity •• , whole or ha!!! Sliced Bacon .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ... 591& El Rancho's o~'ll ... ranch 1t;·Ie ! M.J.B. Rice . ..,, .................... 53 ¢ Long Gl'a.in ••• saYe on the big 42 oz. box! Ground Round .................. 89~ Ice Cream 01· Sherbet . . . .. .. 79¢ :Royal Host ••• J·our choice of fla.ro rs ! HaJf.ga!. Fresh bulk or pa tties at thi s price! Del Monte Green Beans 4 lot $1 Smucker's Toppings ........... 29 ¢ Choose Frencl1 Style or Cut t •• , No. 303 cans. Jifake Ice Cream Sundaes ••. any day! 12 oz. size. Zee Napkins .............. 2 101 19¢ fruit Bokae Yogurt ...... 2 lot 39¢ Packues o! aixty ••• choose colors or ~:hite I . Johnston's ••• frozen to preserve fla\·or? 8 oz. Fillet of Halibut ..................... 79~ · Reynolds foil ................... $1.49 Big savi ngs on the big 200 fL rol l! Ore Ida French fries .......... 39 ¢ J ust hea t them and serve ! ~ lb. pkg .••• !roze n. Snowy Bleach .................... 69¢ Morton's Muffins ............... 37 ¢ So kind to all fa brics! 2G ounce carton ! Ser\e 'em piping hot ! Corn or Blueberry, frozen . M.J.B. Coffee .................... 79~ Johnson's Glo·Coat ....... 79¢ rif!lif An old favorite, priced for savings ! 21 o:r.. Two lb. can ••• 1.57 'Ihrc.e lb. ca n ••• :?.29 Breck Shampoo .................. 89¢ For reiu lar; dry 01· oily hair! 11 oz, size. Breck Creme Rinse ........ 89¢ Regular or lelllon for blondes 111 oz. Super Delicatessen Specials! Ham .. ?u~~~t}~~ .... ~ 2 89 Ne\V! from S'i\'ift ? With brown _irurar or pineapple aiaze ••• round shape, perfeot for all oocaa1on1 ! · Swfss or Jack ... 3 '" $1 Sliced Ham .......... 79' Cache Val!ey ••• 5 oz. sliced ••• for Pl · ted '· buffet •Preads I umrose • " lmpor • .... r1e Ille 6 oz. pq.I String Cheese .. ~1. 49 m. Armenian fun food I •. by the piece. Polfsh Sausage ...... 98* Old style, •• 12 oz, ••• Slolkowaltll Cook·Out Specials! Briquets ....... ~~.l.~~~ ....... 69¢ Kinpford ... clean, euy start! 20 1~. i..1 ... J.3T. Wizard Fire Starter ................ 49~" Burna of! clean, no odor I ••• H•lf·1•llon ••• 19c ~lild flavored .. , firm te>.-ture ! Serve it barbecued ••• or from the skillet;, the deep fryer or the oven I PDQ Shrimp ...................... 89¢ Smoked Salmon ........... $1.99111. Peeled, cleaned, deveined ••• La Roca •.• 12 oz. Alaskan King ... 8 to 12 ounce portion•! .,, Summer Produce Specials! ' :· ... ~·~· W t I 5c ~ .co:! ,. ' (' ....... : • :~1 1," ;'!I:-..\ _ "·· . \ a erme on............ 11. Thump ing ripe? ••• sv;eet red me.a.t ••• tl& \·or that invitea you to pr&ise .summer I Ripe Tomatoes .................... 29~~ Ripe enough to serve today ... firm enouah to keep !or •evual d&ygl ... Solld !or alicil!r ... Cucumbers ...... 2 '" 19¢ Romaine ......... 2 1or 19• Long and crisp and cool! For a aalad with flavor appeoll --$uannmmn@tt~@1l®im Burgie Beer ................... 6 1 " 99e Old f&6hioned re11Ular beer i~ 12 ounce Wial T&lce alonr a six pack! ~~ Wlnes ......... '1.89 Vin Rose or Chabli• ... your choice! Fifth. Ancient Age :i. '11.39 S•v• on the blr size! Straiiht whiskey. El S t h '5.. 79 Holidly Vodk '199 i!Anoho co c n1111 .,..., a ....... Barbecue Sauce ......... 3 '" '1 Chris & Pitts ••. Hot, Rerular, Hickory, Garlic I Prict! in t~fect Thur. tit.rough Sun., Aug. S, 6, 7, 8. No 1ales to dca ler1. Op'" daily 9 to 9 ••. Sunda y IO to 7. Bottled Jn Scotland l O..ort •·•• Smooth mixer in a crowd I Quart ARCADIA: s"""' and 1111111mv1on nr ;:/,';/. PASAD£NA : :1/i';;. SDUTH PASAD£NA: /11,'!t. HUNTINGTON BEACH : n1 1't NEWPORT B[ACH nn N'"'"''' ,,.,,, , "' j(I Rancho Center) ·.1i•.•1· JJO w~st Colorado Blvd ,11.1,1~ Fremont 3nd Huntington Dr IAM~·. Warner, and Algonquin tBoardwatl l.''tnter) ;,,.;1.•, 2~5~ E.i\lh1ull Or f(;i,!!Jluft V1ltarr CPllll'•' ' --· _ ..._ ·'r.""' I -·---cy- f • OAILY PI LOT t L W1d •· AiwouJt 4, 1~71 DEALE·R NO. 1 IN ORANGE COUNTY .•·/ i 0ooRS \\ . ' 4 0ooRS \ ·, ~flGONS } llflRO'tOl'S ) ~ .. ••• '' • . • '111111111111 .·.· \. · HOOSE FROM THE FOlLOWING MOTOR NUMBERS ••• /: <WAGONS MAVERICK. MUSTANG TORINO GALAXIE FORD L.T.D. T·BIRD IJ72S I 00907 IJ74Hl82bl7 IJ72H I J39b I IK 91U134527 IK93Tl42810 IK91V194680 IFO I F125037 IF02H I 5b930 !FO I L1964l62 IA25F 133452 IA3 2H 13440 l IA33H13608! IJ SSH 124515 IJ58Hl24516 IJoJS I 38008 1Jb 2K I 29l87 IJb2Kll712b IJ6 4S I 35282 IY8 JN 12 I 794 IJ84N 178966 IJ94N I 00130 PILOT.ADVERTISER " $877 '67 Mustan . $1177 A~lomalic Iron• .. y. 8, roo10 ond ntotor. wlo~H'-~ l'YXX6~\ '65 FORD F5DO '"" '67 Mustang , ......... ,, .. , $1011· :;::·~~:;~""" USED CAR SPECIAL OF THE WEEK • • • ......... ,.1 . -·.-"""-~--• ' . ' 'wt IELIEVE'OURDOWN PAYMENT ANDTIRMS ARITMEIEST AVAILAILt IFYOU CAN DO dlill. •• SHOWUSI ' ' . !!!!!!! • ,• -.:...· .... , .. ' .t-., _____ _ .!.. --... . ... --~-·~-... ---..:"-_..., -' I . • • . ' • • J1 PllOT-.lOVE:RTISC R ~ -f _ --l ' ' ;:, •' ' .. ·' ~·, \ .... .. < ? ... r ,. ' A LITTLE MANSION N'_.\y li11.HI Mt'!!A Vrrdr. :1 brd1·011nl. 2 hAlh ~ul y IOf•titPd, nn a flUi!'t r11l·df'-.~11 r J:lrPrL Ex· f'ell"nt Miil.it" i!ArpP\/:, nf'"'ly dr!IJ"lf'd 11nd ,iU!'I rr· rerill!I' pa.intf'd insidf' a nd our. A dPli!.y m11.y m .. ;in riiMrpoinlmf'nl -!H'te th1.~ u n u~ual offer 1nday. 130.~. 546-:l:l\.1 TWO YEARS NEW! Owni>l"K lo;;!t--\"011r i::1tin 11o·i1h 1hi~ hPe.u •ifully llfl- fl!li nlf'ii •·ralrrn10" hon1" in t111rhor ViP'l.v Hill~. lflCaled ''" 11 ~park111~ 1·01nr r 1111 lyou 0"'" lh"! land ~. The 01,·nrr~ rrall.1· 11·,,n1 "a ll-n1 il" 1n 11r- J!'.l'lldin.sr:~ LovPl y 4 brdronin, dinini:: room ·• lam- ily room ""ilh ""I. bar. A Vr1·y S1l"rial homP f<"lr '""l'Y i:pe1·i11I pr oµlr. Call for an llJlpoiotm!'nl with charm. 646-71 71. WALK TO SOUTH COAST PLAZA 4 hfodrnom .. 1 h111h hon1r th11t lonk~ l1kP 11 n11>drl. A douhle tirrplar•r f'fl"tl~ lo ho!h rnn1·Pr.~3tion pi t and fllmil,v ro111n. (;l!lmoro11~ .:ard<>n ~rrv 1r1> kitchf'n with srlf·•·l<>11ninc. "I'""· srp11ratr dinin~ room. w11lk -i11 t'lf>~f'1< U\ rn11s!t'r s11ilr k 11,·n n!hrr hedrooms. Frnr1 t f'o11rt .1·ard "il!1 li1 ~h land~c·~p1ni:. QuiPt. eul-dr.-;11,-.~lrret. 1-'rice ~38,950, Calf now for 1howini;: ~46 ·:.!3 l.1. t'~ ~ .. \,. ( . . t ,.~~.: ' ' f,. -. ,i' •. ,., .. • ·' ! IT'S ON SANDPIPER MESA VERDE .. -~·:r ;~ " R<'aul1f11I r.rp111il 1r -~1ili1 -!r1f'I hnrnr ''<>il\h1nr_.. fni·- mal .. !.,;::anrf' 11nd h1n1ily o•ru11 fnt·r 10 q111r1 ~P llin;:: r>f rounr.r y ar rnn~phrr" v.11h 111a.\"irnum pr11·11r.\. f ratorP_.. fl hrdronn1 .... lar~r fa,rnily rMn1 \\'llh hrirk firf'plll r" \1 >'1 h11 r. rnrn111l rli n in~ r1Y1rn , h u,i;:P ·m111sl"r •11it1>. ln\'rl,v .:nld shllg 1·11rprhn~. See i1 10 11 pprrclalr! F ull price ~.)4,500. Phont M."l-2213 ,.._ ........ -• ' _.., . .,. .. ~'!" MESA VERDE'S LOWEST PRICED HOME \Vo1v ... :! ()nly $27.~"lf'IO rnr 11. -"h&rp :i h1>drnnm 2 b11U'l'.hnm,. "''il h pnnl ~i?.rd re11r yard ~itu11t!'d ""·a . trl'f' lint'd lnw lr11ffic 1tr~t O nly 107-> down. Call 673~ 10 set. -tl.to""4•~· ' .. ,.J. \ .. ' I •• .. I I,"' I ' IT~ ~· •t· • ~-~--t 11':" i~ • I i 'DON•T BUY THIS ONE" If yn11 'rr Jnokin): !nr a f1xf'r-upp1>r, for2PI lhi!I nor, f:v1>rylhin1:" u1. nf'11·. SPllf'rs have um.:rBd!'d lh"'ir home a nd n1us.t srll. 1541-25:15 WATERFRONT BEAUTY Flra11tifully 1·E'd ecoratf'd. 3 l&ri:'e brdroon1~. 3~ hath!, li\"in,; 1·no1n, rorinal d1nl ni:: roon1. brr111kfa.~t room 11 large 1111n ny kil f'hPn nn lhP M y, plu~ 11 prnprr "turiy ,,...ilh fi r,.pls1r·r k "Plbar. All thi!I rnuplP<i "'ith nff ~•r••r1 2U"-"' r>11 rkin2, ~r11r.'f' fnr 11 ~"1mm1ni;: Jl'lf'I J11nrl 11. \11r£" pr1•·11 1r pl'ltin. m11.kf' l hi~ 1n .. 111,,_•l P,\Tllin2 nffrr1n;: nf th<? year for conly $164 ,000. Call 673-8500 for d el11.ils. WONDERFUL WESTCLIFF Th e enclosed entry lead:i; to a charming 3 Bedroom. 2 bath with completely enclosed lanai -l·Block Jong. No traffic street - Lovely landscaping -(~lose to all school.~. ~7.SOO. Phone 673-15SO for appointment. CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX T"·o sPparate units -1 bedroom . 1 bath and 1 bedroom. I ba th. Walking dista nce lo all {'orona del l.lar. \Ve il maintairied. low ma intenance. $42,500 -Call 673-1550 to liee. DUPLEX ON THE BEACH 'l'hree bedrooms ind two halh.~ up and t hre~ herlrnom'.'i and two b~th~ do'¥1'n. The \vhole beach for your front yard. $69,SOO. Call 646-7171. MUCHO ROOM $53,000 Jn thi~ Custo1n Bu il t hon1e on a 14.'i x IfiO Joi. If _vou need roo1n for ram pers, boats or '"hale\"er you musl tak e a lnnk a1 1hi.~ home . . It (·oul rl he 1. show place \\'1th 11 little ·r L.c.. 646-71 71. EASTSIDE-CLOS£ TO TOWN 3 Bed room ha rd\1·ood flo or hornr wit h ga~ bu ill in range and ovrn on R·2 lot ~ 1\lle.v in rear. \\la!king di stan<:t lo 17th SL shop- ping. Don 't delay on this nne. Call now. 646-7171. $24,950. TURTLE ROCK V'"" .,( t lnivrndty of C:11lif. [)on"! l'.lrl11y tn XI'" !hi_.. 1An1f!l.1ir .1 hrdrnom 2 b111h Adult nrrupird home. II ~ !1.pollf'~~. Ju~t 1t"p!t from a br11utlful f)llrk~ ,. nool. Only $.17.~. Do lt now. nn nbligll· tion for mort information C'alJ M6·2313 -.. .. \, • ...,~, ..... .,:'l. ... ~ ....... ·1 I ·-'· -.. '~ ' \• WATERFRONT Sp;1rklinc Bf'auly w ilh 60' f rontaJ<P nn S uns!'t Jidf' nf Admiralty lsl11nd. Hu.i;: .. p11rt iAlly 2t11~s('d fl'llin (lff f11mfl.1· room 11n!l n111~lf'r ti...dronm. 2 l11 r1<:" b<odroom!I. plu~ 1·onv!!rl1b)P dtn, Cu~rom· h.rrl hnnir "'il h ,.Xrf'llf'nl built-In f,11111rt~. Only 184,.'l()l C8ll nnw fnr-appointlnPnl. fi46 -7171 or 842-25.1.''i. G<>caus!' ii h11~ "'"ryrhi11~. lf>l·11l itl11, o·ondltion, prier and finJ111nrin~. Thi.~ ti.r~uly h11~ .1 h1>drriom, family rnnm. 2 h11th~ . .oi.rid ~ ln\'rly l11rgr ,.nrlnsl'd P'tlin. In Rdrl ilion lhr i;:arai:" 1.• ro1nplr1rly J)ll n· f'lrd 11nd idf'lll /or ,.n1rrt11in1ni:. s ,.,. lo aprr"• ciatt a l ju~l SJJ,900. Tty lO'io down. 546-2313. LIVE IN -BUILD Room for 8 uni1.~! l.ive in a spacious 3 bed- room -+--den home and build one at~ time . Income from 3 bedroom hon1e is $250 a month Only S4 l.950. 1 ... cated 8 blocks from the Upper Ba y. Cal! 546-231 3-for appoint- ment. LIKE TO ENTERTAIN? 1'his is the homP for you. 1.ava rock water- f.a ll and cathedral ceiling in the livi ng room set the stage. There are decks, terr.a rt>.~. formal anrl informal dining. even your o"'n "corkla 1! lounge" in addition to 3 bed· rooms, 1 famil y room and an ofrit:e or den . Can yo u imagine all this for $65,000? See· ing is believing! Appl. only 673-1550. 4 BEDROOMS-$23,500 \.VherP. el~P ran vou ri nd a 4 hedronm hom ' o n .a 103 x 118 rorner lol plu.~ 11 ss11ma bllP' paymenl.~ of $171 .70 per month~ This one won 't last, call us now! 842-2535. $ SET UP $ FOR PROFIT Ha ve $125.000 e<J uity in prim r \\•arehouse and offires in T .a~ Ve- ,£:as on 2.4 acres-Potential income $31 .200. "''ill exch ange for 11 rea from lluntin~t on Bea r h to San Clemente. Local L:id y o"·ner ran· not. manal.!e Phone 646-7 171 For Details 'i , "' "TRANSFERRED" Art'hrd rnrr11n1•1> w11y nprn~ inlo 11 l11ri:r 4 hf'fl. room homr. Wrt)Ugh1 1rnn r11!1in.R;5. lnv~l_v r.11r· p!"l~ and d r11.pr.11. a formal dlnin11; roon1, pl111 A hnnu1 lot. Thr ownr:r1 11.r• movlna: and mu~l aacrlfice, 842-2535 WMntsdJ:t, Au91ut •. l it7 t . NO ONE OFFERS MORE! No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 . ·: ·~" ~._,. .,,,,,,_, ~ ., • ""· J:1 .. , :-. ... ti. 'A .. .. • ........ ... ~ .. ' ). • .... I """ >!'..' ',j l. • . ·~-) ~ .. •.o. . .,.. ·~""" I .J ""' ~ MESA VERDE GOLF COURSE $47 ,500 A lop i_olf f'nursl' lnr1111o n \\•11h a hrl'11lhl11k in.i;: vi""· 4 bf..drnom~ Ar dr n, :I hath~. forn111l dinini;: r...,,,,,, hrl"akf11~1 rnon1. Th,. n1o~t tnrxf>Pn.~h1 .. ~nit cnHr~" hnm,. in Mr~a Vrrrt~ll 64fi-7J7 l. $29,950" t lnhrhr,·ehlr p1·i.·r •In lhi~ ' brilrr1<1rn \\'llh :?0 x 22 rumpu~ rnnm. t.rra1 floor plan a nd walkin~ dist11.nrP In 3r hools. 842-2515 RIGHT PRICE! Ne"'ly list ed this home has 4 bedroom!!. and 2 baths ·is located in one of the mosl desire· able areas in (:osta Mesa. Neat as a pin thruoul. Hurry on this one al $28,500. 546-2313. ORIGINAL OWNER! ''es and. It shows it. Thi~ sharp 2 or 3 bed· room home is iinmarul11te thr11ou1 and fe al ures a beautiful enclose d patio plus a beautiful yard. Compare and you·11 a11ree it~ a y,1inner. Priced right at $29,900, 546-2313. CONTEMPORARY SPANISH $47,950 Ne\11 on Markel -'{our own park·like yard planted "'i1h beautif ul trees surrounds this spacious 4 bedroom. 3 bath home. Large famil _v room with wel bar and for· ma) dining. Decorated ~·Ith beautiful wall· papers. wonderfully equipped play area for smal l fry. Owner moving lo Glendale and wants action! Call today 646-7171. RURAL ATMOSPHERE A 4 bedroom. famil y rnnm hom e with l'Om· plelP privacy . l.ike ne w sha~ rarpetin,i::, happy kitchen and nit'ely landscaped. Lot~ of room for a pool. $35 ,500. BLUFFS CONDOMINIUM Tired of bein.'(' 1 pe rpetual \\'eekrnr1 J:ar· dener & handym a n~ 'l'hen enjoy yo ur "'ef"k- ends with fam ily & friends anrl fori::et. all about it. \Ve have found a tlH'!'f' bedroo1n home in The Rluffs \vh ere Pvery lhing j,i; done for you, eve n a com1nun11..v pool JA'here you can swim & .~un anrl entertain your friend~. All you rs for $43 ,SOO. ·call ~73-8550. MEREDITH GARDENS l..il q;:.-RrdrMm llnd h11lh Oil li r~I nnor. Thr'o!.'!' bedrnnmi; 11nd 2 h11.th.~ nn •r,.nn!l floor. Pllnelltod lamily rorlm, fnrn1al dininJ< rl'lflnl, thrrr c.1t r ll"-· r&..:e 'Jn!l a cnrn,.r 'lri1. °'''""r tr.1tn5fl!!rro!.'d lo !ht Mid-Wr:al. Priced at $45.500. 646·7171 Ill ....... hfwe afWI aftw tM Mk. .. tNliilif ,.1..,..,1. ~ I eHk•'t. ....... ttv.-- h1 A4Mrtl-"".-C-itl.._ c•"*'• _, tM ....... Mr ArM ev..-y llay. '" l•I .. 1,. th• HarW ...,_,,..., ,....,_,._. Th'-9 h; wher• ''TIM Act'-..... 1 LU$K HOME HARBOR VIEW HILLS R.rautiful horn"' on a rornpr Joi "'ilh compfel!! rril•acy. 1nv .. ly. P11tio '"llh panoramic ~e.• vi .. 1\·, four bf'droom!. dini ng rl'lllm. farrllly rnnm,, ru~tom pool, no yard main!Pnancte. $84,:500.- C.1167:\-8.')5010 ~Pe, IRVINE TERRACE Cozy '-· C-reBii, high aOOvr thP bay nn ·Dolphin TrrracP. F'rf>e from noist ;iind 1·nnlf'd by 'lh• or!'an bre~ir:. Dbl. rlPt11rhf'd gar11i;?r -61 x l!\I Int with !id!' driv rw11y -ronn1 for ho11l k IJ'&il· .. r. toltortrir TV a nt.enna includrd. Ju&t '$49,SOO. Phone 673--8~0. ·PARK HUNTINGTON, ASSUMABLE VA LOAN $6,000 DOWN Aln1osl """'· •·tt,.lml'lm11n'' model fr11.ll1rto• 4 hrdroon1s. 2'ii baths, 111.rJ:!' f11mlly room wll lt hrir k firPplll.<'P. ~:mploymf'nt relocation lo W11sh· inJ<lnn, 0 .(.', ."'IPCt'SSilJ1lr~ ~air 'lUif'kly JI! ]psJ lh11n n111rkrt vaJur. Sr,. 11 nr111• nnl' prirr!l 11t $40,490 -lhPn r·omp111·r "·ith lh i~ hnmte hll vini; imprn\'Pm!'n!.~ of S.1.000 1n v11J11r. Ral'f' oppror• tuni!y •l .$41,500 llul hurry! Ph11nr 546·2Jl,l, CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX 11on't ft;:hl !hr ~um1nrr rr11.ffir. Va l'"' th!' c:Ar J111t hl'llllP 11nd. ,,..·11lk 11 fr"' ~hnr1 hln('k~ ln eifh1n• Chin11 Cnvr or _Rii,:: Cornn~. 2·T"•o bf'd.room 11 ni1 a in onr of Cnrnn11 drl M11r'1 hrsl ~outh-of-l hr· hig-h1.1.·11y d t1plrx lncatinns. On!)' $4~,950. Cl.II 67:\~,j.)Q NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW $tPfl~iou11:•hOmt!, v i('W of Nr¥.-·pnrl, B11 y 11.nd ~•n. Larg!' llVlnr; room with 811.-l n iihr1Vf'$ -t-111.orQI", font111.I dining 1 hrr11.kf11•t &rr;ii ; Hu.i;:to u"8talr• family room r Bar. All with Vi"'" nnt! rif-a -klnlf i·u~•nm hnmr. Lnv"!l.Y. bric:k pet.lo •hown by a'p· pointmenl, $72,500, 646-7171 I ·&:RS NEWPORT BEACH 1700 Newport Blvd. 6'16 -7171 COSTA MESA 2790 Harbor Blvd. 546-1.3 I 3 H NTINGTON BEACH 17931 Beech Blvd . 842 ·2535 CORONA DEL MAR 332 Mer9uerite 673 ·8550 INVESTMENTS 2784 Harbor Blvd ., Suite 201 : Co1ta Mesa 546-2316 • -,_ '--.• . . .., ..---*--• • -.. ·--. --··--=---~--. -· .... -· -·· .. --..... ,..,_ ... . _,.,.. ,--,, .... - I bl..... -.... ~ ,, .. ' ' ' .I DAU.V PILOT PILO T -ADVEATISER J ~ ,, ' E.veryo~e. Has Someth in g Th•t Someone Else Wants DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Se ll It, Find It, Trade It With a Want Ad ., The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results '·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! -~.. 1~1 _,.... I~ [ _....... I~[ _ ....... ,, I~ I -........ I~! -····· I~ I -··.. I~ I -...... I~ I _........ I~ ''t~•;n;•;r;•;l~;;;;;;~~~~G~•;n;•;•;•;l;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~!~G;o;n;o;r;o;l;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;~G~on;;o;ro;;l;;;;;;;;;;.:;;~,:~G~o;n;o;r;•;l~;;;;;;~::;;;;~G~•~n~•~r•~I;;;;;;;;;;;;,:;;;;;~ ' I • t ., ... • ,, . "COME HITHER HOUSE" 1\PPf.: . .\L GALORf;, in its 3 roon1y bedrooms, 20"x30' solarium. 3 bat hs, 2 fireplace.~. huge co ver~d patio. LoC"aled ir1 the ve ry exclu~1ve PRIV.<\TE ES'l'_.\·rr:s. Ol•lightful al .. $59,500 MAKE AN OFFER!!! Seller savs "MUST SEJJ, IMl\1 EDIATEL, .... Here·~ a 't\l'O story, vacanl, ready and an x- iou~ for you r fa1nil_v ((l eniny it'r; 5 supi>r bedrooms, 2112 bath :-;, famil y room. fnr ma! dining room. 2 fi replace!'. Seller mu si "'BAIL OUT,'' \11hal's your offer ? OOPS, YOUR SLIP IS SHOWING A PRIVATE SI.IP AT TH .i\.'f j\\1el! ii can be yours ). descend ing fro rn thi s beautiful o.ove r Shores VIE\V home with il s sumptuous·r1 v1n.e: room and inviting f i repla c~. 3 !luge bed- rooms includin g a 1'-lAS'l'ER'S SUl'l'E Hhat's \rnrlh the priceJ. 2 Delux e baths and a gour- met's deli fi;h l kilchen. Make an appoinl n1ent. "Don't slip-up on th is one,'' a marvelous buy at '''''"'"':' ...... "'"'." 1117 ,,\00, TAX JITTERS?? He rf' are 27 spanking N~;\V ADL'L'l' 1\P.J\Jfr- /1.lE NTS. coni;-is t1ng of 1-2 & 3 bedroom unit." \vi lh 1 & 2 /Jath .~. featuring a pool. ba r·h·q 1 area. rer room. ind1 \'idual g a rage.~. h11 il!ins, shag carpctin~, forced air heat. launrtry fa- cilities and a111ard \\'in ning landscap111 g. l ,l't us shO\.\' you these heautifully designed an d buil t unii.~. \lilh a pro1ceted (;ROSS illl'L· TIPLIER of 6.9. Heal ly a bu y at $42'2.000. "BUTTON POPPER " ON POPPY . CORON:\ f)EI_. 1'.1.J\Jl DUPl .EX -Uppf'r lc,•cl ·T front unit ha s 2 bedroorns. formal d1n1nl! room. fireplace, builtins. J_,o"•er lr,•ct llas ·~ tN-1..A VV quarters. private entrance. fire- place. tar11:e bath. Back unit i~ an adnrahle, large 1 bedroom. /\ i:ein al $01 ,500. UNITS 52 UNITS !i2 RR .i\Nf) NE\V garden-type apartment!'=. Ch eck nn the 200'' depreciation. t\-L.i\-l)f:. l~UX E 1 tNJ1'S featuring ind oor-o utdoor kit· chen~. private patios, built-in range an d O\'· en. dii;h-1\·a~he r . re1.:re~tio11 hall. healed <i nd filtered POOJ ,, Bar-B·<J un its. billiard table, ·,shuffl e hoard areas. a t·11rd rou111 and lush landscaping. Very de.~1rA hle ren ta l. area, con- venient 10 ~hopp111J.( and retrcat1on area.~. f i n-1n('in~ i.~ excellent. lN\'F,S.f()R S, you'll be rte li i.th1l"d at the return on this investn1ent Priced right at ........... $827 .000. -· ·.· . • REALTORS i 644-7270 2111 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF, neral General i ~--~~~I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;; Macnab-llvlne PRESTl<iE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 91 Lind<t 111• Drive Beaut. 5 BR . 4 ha . hnrne \I fn r rna! din rnl. & famd.v rtn . '.1 l·'rplcs . Ou1"1de sta1r11;i1·. Built-in gun cah1net & bookshel\'e.~. Si55.000. For Complete Information On All Home1 & Loli;, Pie••• Call : * * * * * * TAYLOR CO. BAY ISLAND -ll lS ,000 Se('lu ded fam1l .v living on th is exclu.~tv e \\'Or!d of beaul y. 1'ennis t'I .. private park \-\'1!h trees &· flri\1err; <"hRrm1ng 5 bcdroon1 home v.· pier & ~l ip. Call today to i;ee'. "Our 26th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 1111 ~an Joaquin Hill s Read BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR NEWPORT CENTER 64-4-4910 NEW LOCATION At enlr'1nce to Lind., lilt G;niral G•neral I l..,i,.'.,' .. B,.•_..Y_•,.;d.._•,,±.,o .. ' ... • .. s.._";.._'•,._..,'_·,.N,.;,,,,.B., . .,.,.,., .. 61_s-.. 6,.16"1"'I 3 BEDR OOM VIEW HAPPY? 1-G;;•;;";;';;';;" I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ IG -;;";;".;;';;';;I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I CONDO I n"~r-11 p "r A 1·• ·h Roe k ~ 1 • • r1n1 "IP "alk in l,1ri1P Cn- HUGE Cnnipl. rr.-lr,·. 11rw 1·rp1~. l''•n<I Brno h, 2. Ari rm_<. 2 d/:IH•~hl'. nf'frll,!, 11·~hr. & h"r\o~, II lif'<'k. nn hPi!U!, BONUS ROOM rlry r 1nr-luilPd , Pnred belo11o· Hn1rl ll 1!1r C11 nynn. fee mkl. sunplr ,I, .\b\l,;>i}(I, ........-- Coldwell, Banker Ui'I HlU( 11CJ~fS fl••I E11tte, 615-6000 UNICJUI'. liC~(S fltll E111r., &7!>·60CO , .. 1 f. <~·" , ...... Co1-Del M1t, CaJ1t S10,150 4 PLEXES Jn t'lp 1'flnrl , :\lr11a ri~I ~1ar. flPllf ,.rhnnlit .oinrl 'twipptng. $.195/nio lllNlmP, 15"'n dn. S53,500 HOME & RENT AL (',n .. 1111 rJ,.l \l11r 4 HR, ~ flA Bui lt On Your L'1nd -l:M:I ~'I · /I l<1·1n:; "l'l'<l -.\lj I 1th .\, r•J;p;jrr -!!aro!ll•••! • .. i.11,,.IJ -llt~·;dd.1~r l•.•r -----------l-1•uil11111n l1.1 lh< """""""' . $ 26 950 JUST S9 .53 S.O. FT, --------1 -."1•:1•·•··u~ 1<,•1•h""'~ 833-0700 644-2430 I 1 l 'l;111n111:,:-11r~1 i::n-~·11111n,.11111: 1-----------C·•!u•i:•• !':01" a1 •'" :; 1 ..... 1,,~·1!!1 , ··1 1(11') 11,.,,u·~ ,\· llparrn1rnrs _ - - - - . -I '.,! h1tlh, I "J'lll't' lu! t~/1111' 1<1lh built ~1n1 ,. ',10 • ALL WET? l!Plltf'(\ pool , hlln.•. k Cnrnn;i Dr! i\!nr (11nv<>n1enc,.1<. 1n th111 "P""· 2 Mrm , l hlltll hnmr, .10~1 l1Slt'd Pxclus1ve- ly at Sl'J.~. 675-3000 Call !<>r "'!kH\lP~ Fn1· l.11·u1i:" i\l;<l!111u1r 1:\-'l!IOflilll)' 1ll.'f"rlht1 1Pr1 l BAY i BEACl-I REALTY 1~r BEAT THIS ONE UNITS -$17,500 FOREST [ OLSO~ . 1• .. • • RE/IL TOll S ]'11';1 Hl•••k h111 <I /\\'l'. Jlun11111!1.111 n,.,,,.h EASTBLUFF MONEY MAKER I tnr.: 11~s111n11lol1• 1 .. ,,11 a l 1:•, C ALL 537.QJSQ •I HI!.~·. 1111. 1~""1¥ l.u.•k General ASSUME 6°/o -Waterlront VA LOAN \'Pry dr11n en<! 11herp 3 bl-0- 1")()m1t, '1 h/l.1hK, l1N'pl&N', wt w ('!!l'P"!it, rlr!!fl"ll, hutll· HI kirf'hPn, f'01'erM PA""· 11prin1r1,n1 rro11 1 11rll'1 ~&r ,.rr . $2.'()0 rin"n Tn1111 Pf\Y· m,.n111 $1911. P"f month. Jm- mt"fil.oi ~ ocrtJPfl rn-y. Corona del Mar La st large fee parl'e\ on l\'e\•.iport Harbor. Approx 1 acre -170 ft . lln v. ater, ~·ith 3300 sq . ft . beach hnme and dock. \Viii sell all or part. Pri<'cd under romparable \\'il lerfront properties. Phone: 642-2171or1e• your broker" JC'-. W::f::E ~REALTORS -S ..... 141- ===== f ORl \l L Ol.SO\ '" Rr A I T()R1 OPEN 7 DA i" 3 A WEEK SPANISH RANCH r.amhhni.:: 2 .~lflrv ''0h1 \\'nrld ch11rmf'r.···4 ma~· •11 r hunl>hn11.•I' hrfi . rnnm~. Ht1i:" plln"l"rl f11 rrul1 rl)(!m. :l;i' p1rrqrP "1nd~11 . S 1JPCIArulA r 1 ir\\ ,,f 1·nll1 111,! mn11n- l <1 i11•. Rr1>r .•kin rlll! fll'"Plll•·r 1;il,!11n!ir :.1'.'il) ~'l /I rlrr11m k1l •·lil'n. \\'all ,,r 1:111.•~ Ir> rlr1~1 - rrl p11l 1n. Znnrrl fnr h"r•~• ~ n rt r!flcc J Fl I.I. ·\rl~f.. Pr1rPrl to 61'11. H11rr,v Dlol 645-0lOl VACANT "Spanish" 1 Gener•\ I (Optn Ev•nin91) I -~--I Need Tax Shelttr? The Mehtlins ~ 1h1!1 r1!lf' inromll proi> Are Movinn I "'~th • !11n1:lf' 2 A':-· unit~ ":it '-''llh i.:11r1111:f>11 J.. pal!Oll. lm-~«·p -t'l S11n 01,.i;:n th~I I~ I ma<'ul~l p ('(lr.r11t1nn, refl,.chii 11nrl 1r~v1111.: a 111l1y ~ ,hPrl-1 prirl,. of ownPr~h1 r, Tn.p J'{)o1111, I-'. ha lh r>-1Pi;11 \ o>rrlP \ocatinn. Pr ic,. $:i4.!l.i0. Hon11• ,l"n ·~ with lhP 0 1\', of H1i::ti1•11,v ... Rnrll!',. 0 Pp1. a11rl lh<'rP arP more-hr1rhi-,.s tn ht11lrl th,.rf! than l'W'rt. (';u..-.1 )l;i.c; rl eror11red hfor hnm.-. r12h1 up 40 snuf -ll 1< ~q11,.11ky rlran -ckl~ 10 .•<'hn"l~ -11hnpplng-a nfi 1t11n.~pnrlAhnn. A nf"a l ~~. r~ ll\l\n th;ir m11,\ h" "'--""'um"'1 1111h p11,1111rn1.c; nr nnly Slffi_ t"u ll pnc-e S2!i.~. !'m1JP whPn ,1·nu 11 .c;k Jnn 11 hnul h1~h11 ay hrtdstl!s 11 n.1 e11rth· <J11<1kf'~. • COlESYvt>R'THY&CO.I -1~T~11.,,,, 833-0700 BUILD SIX UNITS On l11r2P 1n.l' ~ 175' rorn,.r !nr, AU uultr1f's • ~w,.r 1n 1<trr,.:. Prirp M ~,.n 111 $1~.!f.l/1. \\'i!h [lf'>><.~l(llP lf'fmll . VIEW LOT I WESTSIDE BLUFFS 220E,17tli 1flr·,.11n ·" Mnunr111n11J Qu1 fl>l I E:v~ning'!< C"111l fi46-4~79 rul-r1 r-$ac ~'l. $\6,;,()0 , -~--··-MESA VERDE 2-story 201~ ·'·CAPELLA. c.:-.L Triple l's OPF:N SAT & SUN l-5 TIW> 11.rl~P n11oi ~fl>7. n-<H'l·O ht' Rrirm N_ rl,.n, ~'oli b#l ~h, quirk nn th,.llf! 3 th"'' brd- f11'1'pl, h!r1n~. mv fl pi1 nn. I ronm Mm,.~ nn nn, 1('11. !<hak .. r""''· hlrl J. l'ltrrl PriN"rl ror 1mme•h11.:f' W,. '-' /!,.rtTI~. • rno1. •. 11uro 11:ar1111:' 111 s.i,11.~. CAIJ.. :-.•ow: rl""r "!"'""r, t'O'lm lnr \>n11l li7~49'.Ul. "r •·11n1p,.r nr rr111l,.r $4i ,OOO. I ICOLE$WORTHY&CO.. Roy McC,,rdl• Re•ltor REALTORS 1,10 •• RI ·" c ,, I _.. N.OeJ ....... ,, ... u ••t'"rnr1 1''·· ,_ . ___ ----- 548-7719 * * * * .. LOOK -------1 2 RPrlrnn•n h<>m,. ~n .~ ·I <i••ar, ""'I. 111 1, 111r [,oll' ol•n•u ['.11 /,,r ll•l'lt '! r:ih- '"'· ·1 i,j.,, k, Id I,, l.t• .<1 1. I •l,1\\Ulto\\11 H1~ 1!1•.or l.:ol.1·. 1111 l'.~I Ill J"i'~'l't";I T l•>ll JlJ'l)ll ••rl )' ~11•1 h1• 11 11 l11111•r. '1!1•''"'t. f•n,111,.,u, 11ro> ju~I I"'. 11 • 1 ,, I I ' • V'Nh ••<1n11 lo•t"r "'" ...... 11<1111" .. n 'l"'"T '11·rrt "'~ Sl1l/111,._ H,,./ f,o\"" .~· 111-u i ·~~ 1 \ 10 ·4 1 1~11111 .• r"'>n1 ,t, fnrn111I <11n-1 ,11 n1n•·•· l h1"f'~ 1t1 <1 nin1i•-1 ·· _., 1" · ' I 1111! ll•·>111•1 lnll• d"'"'t"lllf'r!, /u 111•11' l~>lllf' a•1rl _1 flll i'~11 e;,(IT lNCO Hil..:•• 1" ~<·ti<••I•. shnpr1lll! .~· T ;>.: Ff1Rf.CIJ 1S\i l1E '! R1111 k II ant' II fll<1 <Pll , '.I h1i:: l1f'r11n1•n1~. f,,!r;i. !11 rC P l111n1h 1nr.111. Sh:i1p O'l1i<l 1lf'11t1 .1.1~11r nld ll••Ol" c·11 q"'1~ ~nrl (1 1 'll"'~ i!lo iolfl••rl ('10111• 11!"1"h l1111rl<r111"'fi H111.:~ hue" '1111 r""' Pr! 1n .1 ~rrl f.'(i •tini: I>~.~~ 1n11n r 11n hr 11~<11111,.rl 1• 1111 ln11 rl""" Al ~" -.,,r.,ll~n l l'"f llll'HH 1111: ll \'ll i)AbJP, J)nn"t r1 .. 1ay DIAL 645-0103 • VACANT • Rf'11rl .\ /nr pni:~,.~~ion. l h1~ llf''11·n,.<, ln1·m11! flin rm, f;<niil) r n1. ho>ll\'.v 1th11k,. 1()f)r. fn: hr 1rk fll·,.r1. l!f)r1n- k't .. ,-.: ~· l11 11!1fir.v rm. 1"P1\ 1·11r[l"'I~ J,, J#l \111 Pnl"'ri r>nl,v S2~.900. \"A rir t~H A ltrm~ ni.;:. It'll. fln1~· .~2'1.9:,0. Arnold & freud .vi.g ~: lith, c ~1. Lachenmyer Realtor $31 ,000 '4 Bd. & Family Rm. l'11'illrr II 1nd11\\' II 1111 ~l\lll· 11101" nl!h1 In'. • ~ J \ I r.·rn\1< S \~1 'l",d, Newport BUILDERS, INC. _...._ .al *ON GOLF COUR SE i I .........---.............. Fai rview 11· .. 1, 1i 1111· .i.111• 111i:. 111 11~1 ·1~ Cokfvvell,Banker \\liil1• il!lll lll! Ill f\11·u111I d ill, ~!!(ICO...••n . r1n . ~11111.1'11 111 111c n11 , l.or·i.:•· /:111111,1 1·•11. !"'I:•' 1ui1>:1·1 HI: " "alk 1n ~·1<1.<rl l'Ll S .l 646-8811 (anytim~) 833-0700 644-2430 I>\ I'll, -----------, I ORI.\ I E Ol.,O~ .... llE A J roR~ 2299 Hft rhor, Co~!!I ~tMt 1 -TURTLE ROCK- c1111 :l'l4'-:,,;;i~o lllfl"'n t;v""·• College P•rk ('nnlPnlrri Hflm,. lnr S~1P R,v O"·nrr .~ li;i . RR , 2 BA r~ii~~i;i~jjj~l Gr11c1n11~ l.R . np11· rlrp~. cpl! 1?ft HlllT.lG( i P11n,.IPr1 l11m. rm. ~ IUI ltllTI Sri'\·. pnrrh .. 11,,,r 1~1 1 1'1'. ·" ,, r 1·1••.1•11111.: .. ,.11· ~ .' r~ $~·· ~-~) .. Id. lln,,1r .\.<kin~ TOWERING TREES ' Rr<>11rln1Mr llfl>11111~·. l t-J. $25 ,950 l..t ('01'. p~!tn, Fn11! lrPl!S S.11.~ ~''• "'~ t'HA Lnan 2512 Anlinv"r Pl. ~.:;..jl2l OP'n Slit t.· l'l1n l(}-!I JUST LISTED C.11! '..1 1 1-~l.'I It 'J '< " >'I ' < 1 \outh ~oast DELUXE TRIPLEX 2166 MINER, C.M. I ~,'HJ:, 1 I Ill~ 11• 11 • .1qw·I~. 1 ,\111 1 i"°ll<I. $.•~'.:M ill 1(1', <Ill. .. 11 i'~·I 11uw1 rul-.ir--.111· •n ,.,,,,·r .. l ('<>.t11 ,\lf'sn J R"d- l"''nl, 11!•1111~ ,(. "l h1t •n•, .,, .. ~, •• 1 ... 1. r11 •·p!;"r d··•1- 1.1,, i:~ 1111:" 1:. ,.1111 l1•r t• ,,., nnfi 111,,i.oi 11.1,.1<' rt1 r<~;i•n 1>ri.·,.d 111 S-'1"7"dl 111th 11~­ .~11n1:1!.I, ;,\' 101>11 . -C11.ll ;, !0-11 ·,1 1 ( tr•··r1 ,., r • l f•Vl!llc, 2 t,11 1hc . Hr11rr th~n t1Pll.' N nnlv S42.'IM! CORBIN- MARTIN REAL TORS 644-7662 REDU C ED!~!! \.\ill ~PH undrr t'i!·\ -'Pflr~ro- 111' :-. .. 11. ,.,, Tl<'IU1£, l .. n:r 4 BO , + FAMILY RM. I Fl"lllJT1'11l h<>m". • t'-''ln '1lt rl tv--irmc . r11m1l.11 rm • flr9'- pl11 1·r. a••ume :;' "1~ apr. 1n11n -.10.Ji20 TARBELL 295S ,·nrn"r lnr ~lift 2 H <\ \I 11 lk I 1n. ~nn_11~1ni::' A~k•n11: Slo.'~i/l. I "I ,•·l,1-~11 ! IO[lf'n f'I'~-•) -. t>11. r11n1 rm hrkl~! nrYJk. 1·~111!rr1 rl'1hn£•. 2 lrplr•, 2 P""I <llr<, \'1P'-', C11I! F.<i·l--ft.~2. PENINSULA BAYFRONT Ml \P,\H-.:c; (1\,11 ~;:"-\.1.1 ~1! ~ hf'r!tYY>!ll ~·1i11 ll1H O.:l>il 11'f'll1 ,:.,~· 1·1r11 !1 nnt ~llt'. :o.••p11ratr $11mmo>1 hoU~l', ll'f'r.~ 11nd 1n1·f'l.v 11:11n1tn, p1rr k. rJ'M\:. $l~."-OO f\1•11l1y ,·,,1n1·~ny NATURAL "'I' ... 11 !.11 t:" 1••1n1~ .~· !l~ll"•ri n 1q1lr \ l11111111r •. ~ br BEAM CEILINGS 1,,,~ .. t .,iii,, 1111, 1,11111111•. ""t1•1'<h•"''"'1 '!1;1~i.::11"r~1 "l!k,il"'irbc:Rtaft~ 546-5990 outh oast lo \l.,tr t>ti rn1 slH!P pill• ~ 11:'1' hrl1r>io. '.'1, R<1 lh•, ,.Jr ( hl111 k11!'11, r11.n11l1 r m. & lnrmal rl1n1 ni.: I ,11\lll'llll/1' rhi'\"'111, 11 11 2-\! S-1".,')'Jl. Hom11 Show R11altor1 ''Ar n1rh11•r Hn11~ti11nt1n_t'' ~.'>.15 E . ('n11i<t Hw.'I., C"rl ,\l 67S-721S ONE & ONLY CORNER DUPLEX SOUTH OF HWY, S40,SOO PETE BARRETT REAL'TY 64'2-S100 G.neral . I ('l.!l!\~irn \ \\·:iin1, i·u-.11, l'l ''l'I ,,·, .111] ,~II I l•r ll~lllt ~pl, lliol !..:·•· ----------- ~ lw\1·111. hon1". ln1~ .. r ""'!TARBE LL 2955 H-.rbor ~ ;•1'~111 + '01~1•· can•~:<'. REPOSSESSIONS I SWIM POOL ---- ur11] 111M~I ,{· h•"~ 1•,.11,-BEACH BARGAIN .• ·:·. ,,· Spal'klilll:iJ1•:i riho111r~.~n1n~ BAYFRONT APTS. 4 Bd fa 'I R ~11f' _1:.nl. l'n\·rd h,.J.," H•'r1111. :l Ill\. ''"'"h' r111 ,: 1i 1..-:\I"~,.. ~l~-n;i., El'r.•. nr"l.i· 1,;u1111•,! .r,. r:irprlrrl 2 4 BO . + FAMILY RM. \.,,111 DP! J.irln. f•irr I Sli p ., "11 Y m. Fil.II 11p1)1·111s.o1I. hl1u~. '11•i;r i:11r. :\I! th1A r.~r J. 4 ,t. ~, hdnn•. ::=;0111 e \\Ith ~pl11 11111 rrno ·f' ,.11r1rr1,.~ th1~ !!1'~11. f rom SJl ,50{), s,u or D11111nr111•,. 11rr t11t,r!ul'f', flnl v S'/'l.:~ti 1 fl"'ll~ t"llA-\ ;\ rnn\·. 1erm~, rhArn11n.: ll<'n1r , A...,.11mP )~11al', J h1'11 uhl11llv pla nnNI, l11 ri;iP CAYWOOD REAL TY I l rnn1 s2or1001n S•IQ,OOO, '"•'· ]t>an, r:r~r !1\'1n11: rn1, G•org• Wil ll•mson IR m1l.v rn1 . P!,,r11n1 ""'J'Y 641-113S 675-3110 G.106 \\',(\,~cf 1111~ .. ~.R. I ('(11.!.IN.;;; ,f,, \\'A.ITS IXC. 1!11u1 tf.! 11u. ;,1n.17'10 673-43SO 64S.IS64 eves I M l!. rl1n1n2 rm, :>40.17ln ... ---------l'~---5~4~8~-~11~·~0:____ 11~4.' \rl11 in' ,\1·,., ~i.~·1i3 TARBELL 195S Harbor Realtor TARBELL 2•Ss Harbor 1 General G•ne r al 'G".-n-.-,-.clc-------· l;Gce-n-e-,-.-'!________ General I Gener al Gener a I -" -$39,500 $32,950 Macnab-llvlne WALKER & LEE has •• • SOLD OVER $1,000,000 OF REAL ESTATE EVERY DAY THIS YEAR ! ! ! List Your Home NOW With Your FRIENDLY Real Estate Giant ••• • • Un iversity Realty .~mi ~:. c~1 H11 _, +;7.l--6.~l/\ IMMED~OSSESS:- f.n1'"1:-i 2 t_. flpn: !\_ hll 0 •., nt('"l.'I' fi ,.mr.oi tPrl Bl1n~. Rrkl111. hil t. \Afll k dr-'pt':I. r ,nr.i , nr-" llnn. MORGAN REAL TY 673-6642 67S-'451 General I ' list your home ~ .. with your friendly, local~'~l real estate gianl filll'I ------•. , • WALKER & LEE, INC. BUYERS STANDING IN LINE.!! I • Huntinqton leach Office · 842-4455 1 Co1ta M•HI 5,40·Sl 40 2790 H.-rbcr Blvd. , 7612 Edinger ·--·--....... ----------., ',,,_ ---• ---.,.. --ll-- ---·--·-·--r Day• 545-9491 I Ne·oYport Bead! Niq hts 545-0465 2043 w .. cnff °"· •1 --.,.,,,,.,_ --" -·-, - 646-771 l I Open Evenl"t' 961-3 371 Fountain Valley Office lrfl11khvnt Hr1UJ I••"' Ll11h••ek l"ltr4•• .. Open 'til 0:00 P.M. ----·--------· _..._..__,__ --. --' ' ~ . -...... _...._ ....... -------· :..--.. 1--... .._,. ---·---~- "·' ZO PILOT -AO\IERTISER Wtdn~daJ Ai;g11n 4. 11'17l Wednt~}J~, A119111i 4, 1971 DAil V PILOT ti5 ---1~1 1 ...... f .... l~i ~·-'~·~_::i'_' ~ ~"'---'_<:!'-_"::_" _,~1 1'-_,.....,_ ... _J~l ;;I ;;"""";;;;;;;'"'';; ... ~~ .___ ___ _J I Acr••SI• for ••I• 150 Income Property 16' ~Y to Loi1n 240 1 HouH• Unfurn. Irvine l~I I ~! lr11 ine Huntington Beach Newport &.1ch $21 ,500 HEATl::D pool, .i;phl lt1•f'l WATERFRONT -,-,-"-1:0-s:-;-.. r-,-EM-s A-.-,-,-;<J ) ~g:~·L:~EHlc;,MEs 1st TD Loan IG __ ._ .. _,_·-1------;1u sm Pt>T A«r~ REDONE 7-H INTERFST I FAMILY GONE •• , • 1 VANDERBILT . S79.l. 101~1 ra.sh. 3 BR bt11~ty. ho~e, 4 BR, J ba, ""1 bar, Charmin.1: Con'1omuouni nn Or just Retting started? I .~ the name of this stun· !'onl~ " i·f>I· nioni~. \I alk Co\• rt -i>al•o. L n d st Pd ' I 1h1> ha r Drl1ghtflll v1t'" Ri;1 011k u·N>~ "'"" h1uh11n~ l' .. w "rrr~ 1W>111 rlrJ>!t 1W>w 2 d TD L RENTAL FINDEftS· Sl!f'~,11'('r<'~t1011 lnvPSlmrnr lilt. rw w 0noor, fK'l•o ... pilln• n oan I •ll W.1 .... COS'lA.Wlia nr n>l~N'men1 F,asy TPrm~. Huge lot. 2336 f.ldrn A11r .. I I · I' I !H ~·~·ppl,,~ ~"d ~l'hoob 330-139:'>. -.I I ! Be sure lo see this n ing floor p lan ; con1-* CALL 147.1507 *. -----11()1~. 111t·r 1°19~· I I · Ii d c ·rn ~ Laguna Niguel ......., VERY SPEC'IAI.. 2 bd-Pee~· \au ~ el 1 .g. 1lorn1•~rl~· Bra~hrar Rily I TED \I UBEilT ,1, A.~:-iCX.'. 2 b &d r a Ill at I c noat1n~1 Ll.'E LIKE sta1r1\'a y to pr11'. n1 str A 11 · rm.". a 1ownhou se at -~ • .1471 .,.,! Lido f;7.'l-8j()(J r h n n P ; HO;, 9'/'.?.fi!;Jfi , f'M. 160,000. Owotr, t~vrs [ Trrm,, bas~ on ~u!ly. Hou1ea * Apt1. 9'22-}1Zl\I. Or wr11P, ~.1~ s. 616-5.'lO:l '42-2171 S4~11 * "45-0111 * Hn'lad\\'11~. Sa1Hll, /'11~ris. -C~M~l ) 4-PLEXES-SPrvinit H~rbor arra 21 yn ...... ,,,,_frrf' 1,.1..nt1dlvrll· a very •pee I f m1 1ona1re 11"Tho111 thf' R-,,,,,-n•--v ·it-.-- ,, 'Jil prl('C 0 rel real. l"ge. fa1nily rn1 ros1 . Beaut 2 RR ~ R~. '' .~. ·-1 11~"· 1 Rr & "28 950 G e . b It & • ddi 'I bd u uri SIAtls Af~I !Al10 • . I r1tn. 2 hn. Nr11 h dr1·or11l1'd '9 • • •I' a1 g reen e · .1 a . r1ns. are \_ _ ....... ., .. ( 11c1 u1 1 J1v111g 1n 11 ~ert1ni;: nl R v ( R k R location & 2 car garage, I l ucked a\\lay 1n the r~ar ~ 1>eau1 . n'f'f'~ & shnili!<. Only I F'"aLJ~ 1~" r" 1 "'l!oc1 , ,;·~· <'allf., !131.\.J. 1 , 1 '' v .... Sattler Mort•••• Co. 1 --•' ..l')l: u(' lJ)I; l)Oll!!, Nii '-l uf'. > 2() AC. -MnjA\'P f{1~'Pr Nr .illOpµlng, ~·"·y·s, r ti-. --3.~ _!· l71h ~tree! Nf:WPORT HF.JGHTS, ctlfe. loo!• of the house. & lhe pr ice ____ • rew sir >s to hr111rd t 11 11" · "'-' .' · ~1 ui7.i has JUSI been r educed I RY 011nPr .. i hr Prcs!\.i:UP &. &aun11 ~Car gar S3S.i:. Ra ! ~Il l' ,"'"a11 Ir--;,, rllllilrrn r1·onlage-111 A!•Pll" Vetll")'-lll' ,\,;5un1(' ln11n. prini·ipal Oil· Mortgages, I Ar . Wllh jj'llr., ~:ov,.i . f{o1.~f'-C11 ~carlt>. P.APll) 111~ ly. l l41,9iil. ~17·21176, Truit De.ds 260 rPftli;, 11l~11l lvr coup». COMPLETELY to ~44.950. 1700 n1odrl Nr .tC, Jt·hls. OWNER TRANSF. ~·~•i1.~.i;i~~~~ r;:.~u~;;·y. REDECORATED S:M.9:-0 ifl:'ll Alu ""~11 l l s,3 Bit 2 811, trpll' hl1ns _ • .,,.:iti .. ·:_'· ••• :... pr.·('11111011 pou•r1t111I 111 8 lo" ~: .. 7161. I Sl 10. l l.000 pf'•' ar. \·l1ghl ""!I ll'F'h~\· i';J.Dt:N Cl!OICI-: Si!,000 T[) t:mrrg. -- p1•rl. 'l'rnD• \<'!") 11'""\JI•' 27 UNITS I ~lu!\1 ~II qui.•klv. Pa~.<. WALK 1'01'01\':\I, eoiy I Br., "/pr1•pa1d 1111. 111111/rl!' In! •12000 l:?.:1'91 1110 9~~. 114-i~1J:15 blrn.'I, t nd pahn. Sl15. "nl~ r11;..n1 t n1,, Rkr ll · •la.v nr •"f' -- f;.11-11,00 '1 \l'rhh f{1•all) ~11-1'(1~ I i"P.ESM 1,, 11.F.AN. 111:" l Br'.' T SWEEPING VIEW 11 12~700 A.~king S.,1500-rnak~ofl<'r' I TH~: HLtu·~·s. h~ ~'"'tir>r. '.t hruout, is this s park-1 8,.-Qw1l('t-lri ~ br hom ... 3 S BEDROOMS BR. '!RA 'l: lr1il L1nd11 lin g clean :'I bdrrn., 2112 Of foothills (ron1 giant. ~r~ old. ~\'lllk 10 b"h 2.,,1y,,,,. 11,." o,~~ s3liqin \lr,,.1.~1 r.11.1 .• ~_ ba. plan . J\ot a thing b alcon ied .Jatk & .Jill s:~.:l({I. ~.R~. Lagu"'a N igu•I Realty llARROR \'I('\\ ll11n1r,, h\ needed to mol'e in & bdrin · fr plcs 111. l!\·. 1 Br flOOl ll(lmP, 11·,.Jk 10 b<:h 130-5050 49'-5791 ''"nr r. 1°r1111f" 1 .•.. I l\ll ~·. start en1oy 1ng the good r13n~. k&d instr,: s t0 111 e · As~t1n1r ~'~ ron\'f'nt1onal Lid;-1--;1, --1 R .... l.l: fA\l l!\1 11 1"""1 -C!IOll'~. l+.O ACrit:s-16-lfN JTS. ~:11~1.<.irlf' C.:-01. I ~ llf'\\' cpri1, r o, ('h1lrl OK, , R 111 1 1 fle lfol f J t!u~r In &·hool' ,_ ~hnp~ I "-•• forR il\l ...... SIJ.). --- """" 1 "' ' ' "' t' · (' RI · lil2 :J(X)() T'CJ ~11h<111·11ir ·" inal.P Ing _rn~ ~ 11 · -. _ L. _______ _, 1wnl11' ,,A\lE YOL'R 0\\':--1 Lots for S•I• l70 ~PA<"tOU~ .i Br. 2 ful. l:P~, . · . . . . ric e . pa 10. 1\·ner 1 ln:in. ~-:.:\!Ii. har )~i:ll')O t:n.:i.i1'l life in Un1 vers1ty Park. is offering this i1n 1nac. -----------1 R-,..Y~l lf"~~:s i•hr11,.,.-ln•·~ bll ns, kld11 ,,,.l"l!'<"lml", S150. ·::;1~·~~~~ .. 1~:~~11.'1~~~-il:;;_;•11;~ WAT,ERFRONT LOT \ Hou111 Furni1h1d 300 Offered at only ~29,950. 2.000 sq_ fl. 4 bdr 1n, 2 1"i LO\lELY 3 BR, 2 Wt, PflOI. S56,000 lir>n' 4 Rr J', 1111 1l1n. I b h r I t•u11" \'rprrl. !o.lnl cond. Onr. lmtnar., hkp nr''" 2 ftR plus So Su Y S E a . I0\\'11 ouse or on y ,,0 , 1'110111 Jlui:r n1n•1•·1· hr NN IN ID i •. 8 . O O O INrl.Ufl·-S29.000_il9:l-JU,... t11n1ng r{lf'Jm. .1 ' " $&9 SOO Sli!l,'-1"1 Rr;1t1"r. n.l!Hf7:1'.! R.~ n\\nior. Ruiltl ,1nu r n•1 n POOL ----f ~lip "' n1·r11n1 !)l>U~I" !Ill t'll' I Generel I pall<l, -+ 2 Br ., "rw:'I ~:ir ., ln<"1 ysrd ror 101 Jlt"I. \'ou th ink _vnu are out· ING 1'1-ll:: L,\ND. Huntington Harbour _ ' $'d B · ht I f t I I -1J B<1rm plu~ ram1h rn1 . {ln \'It.LA '"'· :11, B11.1 ~11lt' l e. rig ' ('Jeer \J \I Al.I-; 'l hlk In tlf'ath k large lol . V1l\11cr, '..' h1". 1 l\ft, 1'11 ll<·h contemp. n estled in a JUST LISTED mar111;,. ~ Br ~Ra, cho1ct> $125,000 1 S.· !JC'('I Sltl.•)()O i;1~-~i~"l. beau!. garden overlook· I In T urlle fl ock, Broarl·' 1 1 • lfl A('. ranrh ~llP. NO t111,1·fn1nt 111 twat1l1!ut Dnvrr .--...---------SI;,(). [)()\\''.\' Hr~µnn larnily ju.:.\ Shon•.< Si>S.~lllO, f'hour LOS ALTOS 1akP n11•r s2;. pf'r lll\1 S4.~.24;q, P ride of Owner ship P.' n1n1~ C\tlS--flO.lT ---.-:-,-. Homa - - -r1101c1·: Jn• 100...:1.1:1. u,. 0CF:ANV1 f:ll'. 1 Rr 111 gun... Re11('!1, 11:arai:;?I', pe.I OK, fl."(\, ing the park , pool & n1oor . lhe 3\l'ard v.·in· ten n i s cts. Features ing Plan 4. Love ly en· incl. 4 bdr1ns .. 2 ba's .. f try & lo 1v upkeep rea r 2 patios. atriu n1 & 2 C'a r pauo: sharp ln:-irle & gar. IMMAC. ('ON !). & 1 out.4 Bdrnis .. 21.':! bn's .. i n1 n1 ed . occu~ancy. 1·er~ s pe ~ia ll_v priced a t Only $43.500, INCLUU-$4 1,500 in cluding the ING THE LAND'.! 1 VIE\\/. "fJ II b 'l ) I'll ii, ---1lP nliur "!"!:\CE 1941\" l s! \\'<'.<;lf'fn Bank Rldi;. l:n11'<>r•sil.\· Park Day1 833-0101 N ight1 1 .c_._''_•_M_e_•_•-----1 Huntington Beadi CLEAN & NEAR I SCHOOLS ' 3 bdrm. ba!h & '\, lgf' 11allrrt I COUNTRY LIVIN' [)~v Is P. 1\C&!l(lf\, " ro1· lo> 011nr '213-a92-1~9t\. -- Irvine LIVE IT UPI ~'.l\\TI)' ~\\'llllll111lJ,!. 1 rnn1~ • 1:0H . !;o 1011·nhnt1~f' wii h this (•lr>llll ' Rdrni., 21, hath. f111nily rn1. hl'llllf", ! Jl!~ of f' \'1!'11 ('[Ol;rl~. Q1111l l!y f'i!.(· prtin~ .~ <11<1p<'~. \Veil 11.·Q11h s:n.~ri0. (i red hill nr:Al.TY t.:1111·. Park Crnrrr. Irvine C"a!l AnrumP il:lJ-Ofi.20 l BR . 21, ha. frplc. cstm rip~. ~ha ii <•pl, pat10. IPnf't"rl yrl, l'f'C fa(' pri1• " ' yrs old l.Mfi:I" l b(lrn•. pl•!~ pool , hdrn1. ~urs! s1J11r On 70 fl. )(l!. $200 ,000 I Li&. Nord ha .l'f!'l'lrll 4 Btlrm. i p!us tlinini:: rin , l1hra1·y & 111urt.v. On :lll 11, 101 "1th p1('1', 6 .. ll'llp. ' I bowonb loweon jq. I ..eolt0!9 1416 Via L1rln 57;,.4::.t;2 216 V ia Lore a Attr. expo~d 11E-11 m 3 BR. 3 B·. homl" 11 'south patil'!. On· 1 }' iW"J ' CXXl. I 912 V ia Lido Sou cl Charmini: ~1ngll"·sly. ,l RR . , ,, honir nn 00 f!, Inf v~rd ' brick /ron1. ll!e. pa!1t). $96.000 Tip of Lido Isle Braut. 4 RR., !'! Ra horn" 2 rrplc.~. 56 11 11·~rr r frnnfll.Ji:f'. I N•wport Heights , ?I) AC-1/2 !la!, '• li 111h1•r, f'al'<'d llllPy. 34s F'.. f'a rnd.v 111rh lePnagP1·~ ok. ------'.".".,,.,---'' /.sprini::. \\'. f'.1~n~ Crt·Pk P.O<'hf«!f'r SI, Cosl a ~le~/I 4 Hrrlr'1101n 2 ba1h, bUlll in.'I, CLI FFHAVEN R~, OrP_~s.ooo._~16·fiAA~--('l,rt~f' '.': lith ~1 . ~hopping I c-;11·iwr 111~. dn1µr.'. lt>a~t $2~5 , BEACON * MS..0111 3 BR . t 79•5oo Apartments for 1al1 152 "IP~ S 12.~ 67.l-!¥.109. I ll\'r jll(>. Phone Long Beach ' s~:--\~Bfl. pr1Vlllf' rottag~ )\'PllJl<'fl llr 1gh1~, 111·nr Cl1 H -'" -21]. 4:r.l-9;·1.'J 1. ~.lh f()\' & rl"h·i,, I) ''I , f'I' I 11 ~ ----Sti.iOu. 1.n·r ;.,·~121.:.· 7.\ll\f'r1 + -·--' 1<'1 ll ' , .... 11""" 11 rra " '" ,:. ' * NEW . UNDER f(l r .l 1111 11 l'i. ~1 A. COl'.Y co·rrr1c~:. C111 ~'I arr'P,' " '''' fl(~~,. 1,11..iwn h l1n~. ONSTRUCTION 01.· '"'"' I " ·1 , c C -l'Or\STl.INE RE. !1'.l6-~777 llf'I •~. ~1 ~v In~· l1.,('~ flll · Slflll. 1 RR pr1vall" ,.nml". t·arpP'•rl):. 1111 fli>o:•r" R1<,·~ I 10 UNIT APTS. nr .'i:lt>-t:itJn BEACON * 645-011 1 1 1r;1 r. F'encrl lor kir1:o; & pr111. .\';;l'.1 hi~ <'rH>iic.h lnr f''1rli 10 Drlux 2 BR t BA. 2111 · . -----1 --1 rinnnl 111111 Pr 1~"'1. HJ',· E.den A\'f", ('.tit, ~1us\ srrf Mounla1n, De1ert, I (I~ TllE Rf:ACH . ~ RR 1 $120. 2 Bil. f'l'Pt', <lrpio;. 11tovt>. <1r>«ll. Jn Appr.,..rialf"1 $1i\000. Re1ort 17' B;;, trplr . .:;111'. lorls/per11/ ff"fr1g, fencd tl'!r ku1!1 & J)f't:o;, CALI. G) 646 ·!41 ~ (h1nrt':_ F:1·P~ ~16~5302_ ITiRF:D OF (:A,\fP'G IN I ~runrn!~ rinf'. S'\()'I \ ;'Md C"O ·as I BEACON * MS-0111 SlllO. '2 I. df'n nr l BR '+ • ~ Bu1ines1 Property 1541 " \\ · :· --R ·c--M-I gar, len<'rl mr kid11 & pets. t'AI TV . I • I .... U.I' y011r O\l n l'Pl'lt'al1on, Olla ••• Nt• r "'''"P~•I .Poo l n frlr t 1 F~~f( HO~IF. ,J R FlUsl~f.:-."l rl"tirP 111r11I land i11 hf'111111f11I ------------$4 Qoo RE QlJCTION -( -2 7nnPtl. -"' P thi~ 'hnirr Nn, Calif. Trre.•, V1r11 . nr 1 ~~l .EL:ANT 3 Ar. den, '2 .~I) • 1nr~l~1n. l.a!'~f' ''fll'll<'f Int. l1tkr~. fW'f'fl!l 10 11c nnl~ Anl1Ql1f' dri'Or'. $1'10 ~. incl l\l akr~ nur I hrr1ro .. 1n .1 h1t lh Rllraf'llll" J bf>flrn1·i:nnd for 1-·~i 1 , ·, h I t f I h ! I·'"" I'! .,\lYl ll, A 1:,t, ~Rrdl'llt'f. S:li..().11 1. . nnH' 1 lf' "S 1"0\1' 11' ,-, hnnir ;11i.t t'llll\'i'l'l<hll' flf ·1 f>.1&-.~l:l6 - --·c;c __ _ 71 B1~ 11\,,,,.,.,,,,n .~ t1111lrr 11,.,. ~;x,.lustve -· .. ____ -1 Laguna B•ach storagr .. u allr•. R1kr 1n 1111 Al{r•ll 61~.~:!:>.l I ArRF. PiH'('PI lnc11trt1 tn l si·hor•i< $;~!/~lO ('ali r Pulf'~ rnr ~;i l~. Call l"llAHl-.lli\'G 1 BR. frpl, bi t- e m.te'v .\~ ··.:7 1 111~. nr ,:hopping cntr, $175, Uni\,•r,ity R•.iilty e ,, ... "'' $11i0 Vil'"' of <X"f'lln, ·' AR, I'll'~' C~.'I. Var., Kirls QI(, PrivatP homt n11 horse r;ui<"h. f; hnl'Sf'll. ('(')ITlll.•, 1hl]I~. ~hrrl k arl"n11 S200. ~A~:!~ 63'-2160 yard. 21s.; Ralr1.i.:h St. ldr>>tl honle !or k11ls ,I;, Pf'1S. tif'Xtble rrrn1~ Hi· o" 11rr· h1'0kPr. :'ll).8Jl~ 01: 51S-J9li 11l1f'r 4:30. L I /C ypti 156 -------v .. •:tn, 4!)<1.6;i9-1. c----.'.001 ~: (\1 H") flT.1·11:110 o 1 r E,.,.1tu1i; T:tl>l'!f' t'f'!'rr.111nn11t -in the City CH,\H.:\1 fN( ;-c-11 ,1 0r11-3 Br 2 4 I .OT~ in Rluf' )o;pr\I( f' ~r,-. p1np4•1 1y 1 't!l1t1f'" Incl r or j NewPOr"t-&;'a ch 1n this x1r11 sharp. 1'an1hling R1t .. <::h:HI" Tl'i'f'~. lo1f'l1 l~•n ~t ll;n·tinr RP ~ I i11ro. 1·nll 6'12-fi<f.!9. ~ Rfl.. util ps•d, M;iturP i.1~,.100. ~ll-?.:191. llnrtm ~, laq:e """ 1>1ip~. ---~-PMC'f' $.'il(l,000 Laguna B•ach rxt. '2 BR p1•1 hom ... v11Clln1, ltnrPd lor kids & peti1. ~ BR., 2 8 c-A-.-"-,-.d J"111,\ I h!tln B·R·Q. C'f!l)('rrll.' hl~·J.. wallrtl yrl, l'lo.•r lo ,.;('h•~1!~ - shoppin~ S26 .. l00 • • * 2 BR., cnv'r1 p:1110. ft.:l. ]Ill. S23,:il0. B11ikrr f>.12-4~lti --.--sv-OWNE_R_•_ 2 RH , !'~ fl,\. 1\1 /\V 1·r1•, rlrps, !lrr>plHC'f'. All bh·+11~. J'1•11·a1f' p;1 11n. Pool. R•'<'. 1 rocun k launril'V nn. /\11 rhlldrf'n unrlPr 11 :.l!i-Olii'I. VACANT--All Terms l.nvl'l,v 3 Rrdn1nrn hnn1e, 2 h4!ths. hnr n<'ll!.hllflrhrl<>.-1. h1'r1"d floor~. sh:tke ronf. Rl14lf!6. LEADERSHIP R . E. FOR Sal;-b,Yo~1 n"r ·' ht', 2 ~ ii\ Ranrhn :11r~a .J11~t rrrlul'f'd s2.ono $h :{!() !fl >1 ssu1nf' j;"). f;r \.oa!1 "''·~1% n1n PIT. ;.,,I0-!1:122 B ill Grundy, Rltr. rant h ho1nr fl'aninng l\\'lll·I rarpl'11n.:; '""" hri1•r1 ...,·oo<l \l,..mo1·1MI PArk, Slj'.1 t'il1·h~O~t of State Prop-.-171 ! or liux1n('~~ "'on1an nnl y. ~11r hf'drnoms. p;111rllrd fnr· l.1:. hnl'k 111·,,pl. f~••f\1\lPd I.I S-,\Qj.i \\'ill (·on~1r1.-.r ... ~,-h11ngin1:, FOR SALE ~11 Ray~1rlr. NB fi7,)-Glt11 -FOR TRADE $1~. 2 RR I f:'UP~l t-. Vic. ~·en<"f'11 fl'!r kid~ It J)f'I~. n1ill rl1n1ng 1001\1, l:l' x l::'r li1·111gr1n 11·,1rn11· 1•h,,_•ln111 --r Cor-:'I~ l\R-l'D lnls-·' /\(' '\/n;'11 rrr1 11ood 2 F1i·1 p:ir111tl ~r1·1·i1 'f'~. r.<.pt'('i:illy t l:I!\ 3 RR "'·,1r11r in C .l-1. Pl'll'lllf drn, h;1rd"'rl(>(! I I I II 1 pnril'I, f)l'li"hlliil ll'l'•'nf'f' 111 fl._,1,11 f]••·I 1-,,,,.,.,, h•r . fn1rl. rtr1\lr rl \\I'll. lit / I I I "' I" , k. 'l!J)<'I' AH'll l'(IUlol }' \I'· I ,.. ~, •, \\ n .l'll•l«l "'I .,e:!i ., Ftnet'd lor 1r111 .• floK•r~ 1111 ~·rp1~.~'1rps.' 1•1 bf Id 4BR.4ha.!lOxAA .. SJ ~:;.ooo f".1~.v >1J'kl'•'f1 i:<ll '(trn/ '. 'l\\c-·•J•'ll flh '·d·~ I'll!) rd ()t•r11:. $\•l "(I0.1 f;.\ff-~~S:lf'IP~ 1 ' OR LEASE/OPTION ·l BR. 3 ba. 60x!l0 .... S77.'.>00 .l Bit 31·1 h.i. 4:.x~~ .. S!H.~ h . I I J.. I ·11 .•\l!l,f"I lU!llC. f'fl(t' lllln LIDO REALTY INC I ~ ,-nl>--•' f\ '1~"'-'-h1(Hili{i1 f' f'('f~-lrti:lT llcit·n 1'11 1ho Erologu-~l w1ulfll!!'rncnt · ll<'l'P lnl f,11)..\'l'll HE:AUT •nnrl_~housP . l Sl60.~Bl<h1 nt if\H11nl Bch. l)IT1n H 0 pJU.<; J111s o( $111)1'· or ST,\TEl.V THE~:s. :'>AN· 1~77 Via LickJ fii .1.i:UYl ".'l"I' ff"'"'''·'. 4 R1· •• _, ('F;\iETF.HY lnl, l.alu·~irlt'I R--h F ---I . nl: ;·;ib1n1·1~ . .'\r11· p;.,1111 111 ' • ,.. ' ha, ~r,·11un, 1'~(·1 hr V1.;-'1 j\lrn1 anc e1, •rmi, I Ar. ~·~ R<t , trplc\ p111io. ll'il h 1·1ew Qf l'll't'~n. fiY Bt:,\CHl::S AJ\D ,\ ---1.,111 nn. 1:~r. rn1·rl. ~1 1 ,000 1,.. '''~111·: Grov•s 110 ""'ll, 2 rnr g;.,r, All h\111.~.1 F.· nu1: Dr>rp. fl('rfl lril. nl<'"· '.\, l·.Vi::ft ENP!Nl; Vil:'.\\• 11~-M11a Verde I 0 ,,,,,, -.· ,,_,,-,-, " I ,.-! I (I r1 h 11 !I ~· • • --_.._ rrpl~, rlt'~l1<'~ lr11•P S:•l:1. $12.1_ 1 RR hm .. w11.~ nur tn 1 :in ,;,-;i~· 111! 1a , 1a 1 TllE ()Cl'...\'.\' & CATALINA 2 SliNHlSF: plot~ 11'!11 . .....,nu••. l\IH1Tl !ERN f'a11 r R:inr!i, 111 :;,1~-fi\ll nr ~lf'.-;~1 f'',."I 111., rnuntr~-. Kid~. prir, a nd 11·r>1·~ 11nrl n1>111y i:hruh.<.. r tll JS!..\l\lJ, Drlailril . .111J "'(l{)(f 32".ll Jl.11NN F.WTA. Spollrs~ .l San Clem•nle rac1lu· \''""' :\1f'111 n r 111 !1 1 s~7 ;, rwr Ar1I' t A 11 : hri"·n 11_10 nr wkiit1.«. hill rlimhf'r.'I 11.l"lcom•. pnt~ S'.!~.',(JJ. All !rrni!<. ·! f''<h·l•Or, !n;:·iltNt ,111 th+' hr/2 ba. fa m rn1, hlln.<, :l I';,;\. S100 '>1:>-2.~;,R __ R1 k'.li31'-\~XI A.•·k 101 Roll il1 · S EYM co'ful 'Rl'i-Rl2E2JALTY I OCt'.Ai'' s111E OF 'Jl!E lrplr, nr\\' cpl/rlrp.'i. S2!l,:i<lll RY h111ldrr. lll~t t'fl<l1plr!rr!. 1 1 Hnnal 1011. PAcdir y,,.,,,, () \\ R1\~·s11onF.S ~ hr l -ha ,! s_~A_R * L ~3'-2''° ; hi " i t I ll'1n1rr rrn1;i1. 112~ • mo. \.OV"!' REPOSSF.!;S!ON. ll'!w HI\'\'., 1111h l~AT!l\~'AY ·'•"~ A'!<uma,. lpan. "·' «'1J;l""111 '1 '11 ~ h'IJ'lf''"~· \11'1ll"n"l IJll, Pvt Pt.v Real E1tat1Wanted 184 J./'.AIJl'.\'\j TO Tilt: R~.ACI!. o\\n"r lii3-~J.ll09. <'l<•.«P 1n h(>;,. h !.· ,hnp'i,:. 'l .~· 1.,,11 hi:\-to,i; ('"II f;.\2.;~11 On, As~nnll" low int 1!'111n, Ji 111 Rr arh Rl\'rl , lllgn BC'h 1)rwn ·1 11 9 P\1 B elow Governmen t Appraisal I ,\flfl!'al~r'1 Al $:1.'1.~:i(! P111·r ) ,.,.d rn $.l 1 !r.1fl, J BR \l.-a· d'1\\' !!nn11-. .1 R,\, h"R'' ~hakr rnnf. h!k \\all. r•ipl•.J rlr'fl<, \\~ll<'r .<nflnrr, lpl, sr1-1' f>!l!'('h. ;ill .-.f,,1• 11\"ll k11. 2 Jrg p;lllM, n ,.;itt'r1 rlhl I i,:;,r. arhi!r •11 ·r, IMk~ l1kr 111ndPl. Your 1rnri~. I P\'T I' ., R I --11.1 •. 1.c-.R R'',,•r ,11.-F'.as.v qua li f}ing. Bkr , l•1t1 111r ~.to(frn1 !IO!lr plA11 Mi11lon V iejo ;l BR All hlt•i~ uwl. ~ ann, Commercial I}. :.. ,. ~111•!' " ' ... j1.i ~ ru ~l•r Iii. rnl. 11ilh v;11·, ,I 1nlrro•on1 •y~lf'rn~. 1)0(11, h11~,. l!l, tt 111r1 ~I ~hnn l'i,..r/f\nri•. I hr. li1:~~~·1:i Ruytinir . 11 ;i1L .. nf('l11'kS.nalural\\O<>d~ RR 1 rlr1• t:,;11r". p11 p;111to~. Property 158 •h l1Pt11 l0r·ll rn11r1 p.1l~n11I~ (':ill 61\-1••:1 l,\l;\'IF,J)l !+.TF. POSSF:,<;;SJON " 1 1 ... 12·,.10·1. l Wt , · 1 '·f .·.11~1 n•11 .... l'l1': -1 1 , h t c ... p;t 1H·ll1nt: 10 rT !!IGH . lon11i.11 oa•1111·•~. l'illnn.;rr,· INVESTMENTS Newport H1igt1tl -.,~r .1 ·' r lflrn t' In ,,..~, l'EIL/Nli.;; (.JF OPF:.'>J Tl~!-llP\\, air "nnrl. d1·p.'. t·rp1~. /, 111.-l"·r><l 111', ilnwn :!11 \1.,\NT TO p,1 ·~· •, '" i; ----ft1·r;1 $2i0. il~/99.l-l :rNI . '' frncl.'d, p;ir1n, lrnnt 1ar•l 1'.""llll!' s~nra R .. r h II r.. \\'l'nl "MAJOR" L .,,~·-· l1n~1.. 1.. If,,,,_ ,, flR. l AA Hr11lrrl root. J>1r·k Pf'• k Hf-.!,:-.. "''r.1~~11 ~.'1~" 0.r '.'.'~-lndsrrwl. s::~.:>()rl. ~6 ~~2 TF:.'\l\NT.'i·L~~A.<:EBACKS ,,.. '' " ntf'd l,J.,\S:-.'K~l.l(,HlS. p ~:10-''l''l f:l:?-.~4'l0 Orrn 11 -:i Ot'F!CE t1nttnn Bral'h trnrn n"nrr HP11 r11'. frpk. hl1n~. l r:ir \,·f,,,_,,1,. RR!('L. F!Rf:· a('ll l{l ·_ '""·· San J C · f'linn,. ~l:l-O.;jo '"' ('om•ul"r l lnl111•n_ S\00 " uan ap11trano ·011•rf'RCl\I f'l.,\('L', W/(lRNATt: HOOD ~ RF:DRQOl\·J Elr1qrad11 llP-1 J•' " ' ' .+-df"p filf..-2:n'l , lli.»14'• l .f'll~P. lA"llllP Op!(nn ' k AP'r RI o·r.s f1 .. 1 l.ANn \\'ANTEn ('rn1Pr~l;11l"f'llhil~11nt iqur ~ril1lrrl, l11nd~rapPtl. p;irin, THA.-.;~F~:Hn F;r"I WR DUBOl.S '·INC ~1n .10>11·rr~. M"\l1rliRPI H~9$-Unfurn. -305 ·I RR , rnnvl"11 ril"n, 21.1 AA , 1',\THr:DHAJ. \VJN IXl\V o ~· Ii·\,.~ 126 .. '>flO. 0 11 n f' r · · • • <1•n r111. f11m rn1. r\•r1 pA tio, ~rA IN~:n Cl.ASS f.: CRY~· Mlj.f\.f\ll ~111~1 lr;111• t·lian111ne. l l~R ·I •rt~: flnikci~1 ~ll.!l-t·I~ {'c11npHn~-'11 ~7 T-~9:;fl G•neral poo)I. l-IOO 1110. Ark fi<ft .. 4Rlfi ; TA!.. AJ)pN1X. 100 Yfl.S. ~ACRIFIC:f.:.• ,\!11.•I <.ell 2 h;i li1n11h nn hn111r 11 ·\-CIU·. -f ('i\Ht-:<::H-Alj 7nn.1,, '!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""~~~~~' l\rll krp1. •Hlh l1ko· II"" · ii~, 1 ~1 -----------1Corona del Mar 01.D, A truly 1:ourn1<-1 k1I · p!'O""rl.v .~Pll!f'!llrnl , :i hr 1 .<· <'d ,.,,. Alli~. 1nnr••I. 1·r1n<10 •• 1 FREEi/ NG '. ,_ ,., f'Hl 'fl"I• lir11p"• \l'rll · 1 t' •. 1 I f inJ nciJI 1·1,,,11 11/~:1.1·:C'. RA . <Y ha. l:l!l.:..tXJ 2t;:l(l1 r11 11.11111r,1 on ·"1"" 11 r.: Ji~non. 11 11 1· d Q SHORECLIFF lnrf.;1·1lrl 1111h sp1·111klrf<. l'L-------Landlor I · wnert :-:El.f-CL~./\:--1 Ov~-:N, D . ..;H-i\11ss1on V!rio. S:l7-ill7i. frnnl f.. 1,1.,,r F.\'islinc VA "~\!'!li•n l 11t·rnn 111'"· 1 \\Ip will rrlrr rrnanr~ In you 1 At>droom. h11 th & 'n. <1inlnst Back Bay A..,:-OwnPf~ v.'Ps"1~1rl~ B!Ur~l hr. Ii.: .\'rrt. pa111'!. 201!!' ~1<111T'f1\'I~. ~21.!J::.0 fi\{;-3 1,;L (:0N5'Q~llN i tJ"'l l.~r hr, li1' ,t. 1t111 rm, ha Pr.-.~ .t· !1l<lr1 5lfl.fXXI, i:;.1;..m:-lli 11f! n "Ea-,; Bl~ff , l f i I E:XCJ.L'S!Vl: AG!'.:~TS e 962-4471 ( ~!~) 546-8103 , \\SllH . c1 :1::1:-.F: CF.NTE:R. 3 BR. 2-BA~ <'r;i~.-drps, 'In! ln;:in ~'1111 pp1·r S'J,.l.:.OO. h)"r~ rr·i•,.1111_v intt•rth1111e:, ~·rt r:E or rh<11'$:f".,. ~·11111.v [ room. lan1ily rnon1. 12 10 Ill 1''11 "r li-vrl f('atur<·~ J Mnd. f'ion('('d I:.· J;ind.;eaprd, ff!ll 1!13-11'.M Rrnlror I 1''1111 f'r, "~111';"1 !hfof!Ull l~\1 '' Bl•1ine1s dr.•1rahf> tenan!~ on o Ur mon!h~ 1"a~. S·I~ P"r )>flrrn~, f, 2 ha!h~. ,\,\5tr. 1 , . "I""" • _ _ ---f1 R, ~ ~ al 1' inn'"· R}' Opporlunit\ 200 ,.,,,,,., 1,,,. I n1nn.1h in1·lurl111i;: .Q:_ardf'nf'r. l!f' ~ '0·' "" """" "·~~Unlr S t A l T~ ?1172 1 '" " SALES . LEASES f I -DO YOU 'HAVE 5 members in 5 ,· ·, ·, J' r you• fo mdy?? -,:;[ . .' •••,Jtifi If •n. 11" r·:itt ~rll ~nu 11"' • 1 "'--... ~/ 1.;rt'At I \'>l'(tr•10111 ho1nr •\I) r cn lt )· l rhr ''\l·\I' ~-H\ ·-:..... 1'r1 •t'r.i •11 f,,, 111.,_1 ~lflll (}l f;>< '.!·ll~ V1<1 11 n ... ! 01"0 il'f'11·pr1n R<';:i<'h F "auntain -Va lley ,;1 1 11.•:1 rf.,\I t\ p.1\ IHI l'I I hie !111111" d111pf"~ '.' ll!\111 "'II' '"l!ll~ F•1ll r1·1"' I• ~:···~~I (,ill"~ hdrm .~111tr l· 11rr~~. 1·m i;rr. RJ7_9621. I an• na l<r < 1'11'.:.r. ..... ALA Rent•ls e 6'5-3900 I AlJ!>'l'IN-S~UTH (;oRMAN h.i~ \an L1111 -'itll C'(lvrr1n!.""· --:-.-. -,--,-,;----\~·r. nP•·r1 rnmn1rrct;,! '"'h *THE PROOF IS I 11rKf 11.•~oc111r"~ REAl."f'OR.". ;11 ,\-;Sll ~; OL/J AOOB~~ Af.(,F.AN lhlb. $ ... "~ finn REA\ .. !' ~BP.. l'. BA, frr1l1-. crnw1h pnrrnll;il, "'''-" ~11<' IN THE PUDDING *I• if'Rll T") •'i"D 1 "'· 21'1211 f'.11~1 <ht~ 1112.hway, lfl "'l'I \(''' ~·1 )'('\NT F.xrf'I hu1 . 1\.(.<lHnP Ii ~ ln111\! . _ I h I " ' r ,, ~ r .• 1 , r. · ·" · . . h1rl"'r1 fh •. l'ltll~. er porr 1.n" rlo"'n 1>11~1\1rnl + r •·r>. Dl.;:TRIAL'TQR..:!-llPS . l'llll i:a.r. 111 :dnl Int', _f'n~~na r1'2.~11r._644·71i0. H .ITHl!A~ltl 't:~:Sl l!\,11-\F:N ~hr.2hii.f11n1 rm 'l'il-~21 !. p>1li•'. 11!" ch;irl.' Int nn >"lit in1r!T'I C'iill 17\1 1 . I ' 'I •P " ----I ' f"•ll •l•'rl '" lhf' r11drr 11,Wy \100. SP!f'rl 2 !., 3 RR. homes tor 1 l B. t!hl p11llmiini<. AU IA~: Newport B•ach 1·ul-dr "If' ~r ~· ll(lf1l• f, 61.• :.~~.! Rn•krr. !'\~I\ l'flP,T li\"l'ER'll/\Tlfl'\-'. I Al.A Rt>lllRI' e &1.i·]~ lf"il.lll'. Al:<n ('hfl1c.-Mnn11n-h fllHI'\ ,t· h;11h 1rin1 ilrr ,,,.. 1<h111: S:!:>.:>1111. ()11 n,..r mu~ .. 'f.f"l '"I• "I'\..;.: p,1fr!'t -Condom1n1ums Al.. 1 .. 111 t~pr1•1 h11·1·;i111•P I B11v hnn11" "''l1 h pnvare ~ r. .. \I • . BEACH HOUSE ~rll "'11-'.:0•r.t I I hr> h fir.'. ~~~n hli•nduii: nf r;1•ual rJri;:an1·r, BARG AIN for 1al1 160 ,•;11 111111:~ 11hll" ""l'k!l\ll: ouly e At.hC1 1 PAO 1 hll'k 1n Hf' ...... "'. lnr Unive ri1ty Park 11 '""'' hllll•'-1.rr ""''~ rrr1J1-",~111·'','11,0·1.ove rrfr111: 11 11 uril lfai~~·~~· ·l lll r1•1~"" !n1 .. •IPJ1~ tn "'"•II l. l!l 't.~. Ht:llR\l...:, 11 , Ai\ 1ni;: ,\1'T(\,\1A T1f' ~!F:ROI ~ MI SSl~~4·~~ALTY Hnomfnr '!n1lun11 \1111 .11•n 1 Hr "·\\•lhl•ll<f' ~·,Ila.'.! 2 <rnry, •·lrrr h!tin•, n•·>1rl ,\\ff •l,..;t;r.s "'l!h nilllonalJ.~I A LA kcn1HI' e 6~7J .. l!l00 ' _ •. • . !ht l11n'! flnh J'~1 ii)(\ 1r,,1 1·~ \!nr!rl honir. 1 ,., 1 f 1 II 11n1< n 'l'llDDINr, le 1171 •-:d 'jj :o., ·'" "11 ' ~· u r . J . HORI ,\'Ill n.1 ,,\i,'l'(JH -,,, .. ,.,", f····, ,,,,, .,, ~P\' H rFn R '• ,. I'" , lf lll I ''"!\>I " 11f'I' \\ 11 , ~l<I...., AM• Cf'illl I ' • -"" ~1,,,,1 1.,,, 1!1r Ph (7 14 ~ 4940731 .-'' " ., S~l.-(\11 ~111! prwr·• ·,II' ('I,, ...:n;ii·k.11. "'11rt . ~·i\\ll!.Y l\',\N'. J r. IRVINF. Trrr .. 1 hr lt 2 ~ one • -· A•k tr r fli11r \,Ill :.l\fl 111,.~ <In 111\111 R I I • ..-.11 .. 1 ·1111~ thr 1nonr.v ho\"< ln•"f1 }d .. n<'l l!Hr kid~l 1 FANTASTIC POOL h"11'" "'''1 '\PL"11 thr OWN ER ANXIOUS fij~/1!li _ ~T,.1'101 I 1.r•11 11i,.r1,norl. r~n 1,~ ~1!1 L.Jrwinl ea 1 1'1' n<R. h ll'hH I ;iri rH~.1 "·~.1· 10 n1akr nrt• OK. S\111 . RPH llt lnri~•·prl QI ti "' ai1t1 .i(lO s(]. f. f~rrl't'llllf'!1· l'!"lCl itt•1 1 ~1\1\2 Mr•••(l\11r,t nlc.n r· •· ' ~. rh1ld1·rn Ot\. l.f!r1! incl. \,1'<•11'~ ri11rilr, rn~P '" THE BLUFF'S I fr-,r nppl :,if\ •. dll .,1,}llltlf' nio11r~' H .1'n\1 Ar, rrluihlr .. ~LA Rr11111~s • 1J·~900 1 s·~· li7~~tfl" rlll\1 -\\1 11 Rurnri11~ n0rt111 1'1111 "11~(' Walker & Lee 11 .. :i,·11 T1p-1ror ~11,.rr 1.11·,. s,l~.flll(l. ~hr,,"'· ,,.,1,,ef l----11111,." i.:(•l(I 1·~'" 1111r1 .. ~11 ~ -.sf' "· 1 · · ~. huill·tn "'rl h;ir ;in1I fl'••i TIME FOR I P I 166 2 BR 11 ---11, ,-.11~. 1~1 •r11A11! h"IP_ n)akr 11 ,.1,.11 , lrplr·. '1hl '"'· ,1,,,. 1 ncom• roper 'I 1n1n1Pdi;.,r l,I' 1nvrst $~00.00 • r·:fo.SY no~.:-; r r· 2 AR,,· • ~ Oii. r rit. dns. r .. fri11:. tahlr, mnkr lh\~ A f;in11h k 110 ,_ • I · I s2~ 10~1 ll;irhor Rhrl. ;ii l\di1n1~ l"flC-llll~. A~ ins.:: ,.r.,, " n('Jf'nrr J'\r ('d\1 11i .. l1 N • J< .t21f(}rl(). "'<l\! n111.I' ~)<' ,,,..! r•pt~. rlr11«. •·h1ldrr11 OK. tl(''.'1111 _v1"":· .~" ·"' rnn. rnJn.vn1rn1 Arid •! hr·1!ro11111s. "' u CK CASH PLEXES ' f;7' "I~ Mfi..'~""' ~,J:,..H lfi:,np,.,1 'fil ~P\l n1u 0t 0 'c"E-AN VIEW f'11 1hr,l1r ··hu1r h r,--,1,r,1 Q I 4-Jr(•tf'd lo.10111yo11r~u1•1·P~~ nrhth.112:0. .. I _;_,....,·~-~~'~'·-.. :l t>ath~. tirllllrl nrw ~hilt!" pnrr 111 Bl<if!• ,\lnl'I O.£; tn 1;f\l)ll t'INA:"l'IN<~ IPRnL Urop1111111lftlt>~))()ll ·1 ALA Rrnl11I~ a 4;.1~·~91)11 3 Br/:Z 1)11. 0r¥11n vir\\.'. 111 "' c3 rP"1111 ~ ;1n'1 "'1~11111:: Need A 1 °R , •• , ,.,,, .l h111h~ '2 1 Bf ff ' -f r· ,., ~ Y 1 A k f A ·1 7'?'~ Rninial f"'rl'l'n!ai::;" 1• · ~" · ,',~~ •. u .~ 111111, 6 1·1·1~:,, THROUGH A ~"·~•l<nwn r11'" .1.,,••r• u1~ .\"lllr' ~11u·r re 1n!rresl, r11r y s or n111. •I 5 Bedroom Home frpl r~. 111\\f'.~I pril'"r1 hnmr ~.. 11 ;,rrirr t_, O~k. M1111!, R<·h . ::111(1 "'r'll shnw .vnu hn\\'. e NICt: LIVING 2 RI!. 2 , .Jnnp~ Rily 67:1-62111. rl!.tf" Rrllf'I' S('f' !hi~ Oil<' d <>I 11~· !Yfl" 111 !hP a rea R~-,,~CR-,-•• -T-R-f --'2 hlk~ \\'. of Rr111·h Rll'rl Sf'nd 11;,n1r, 11rldr1'.'~. 11nrl Rrl r•pt~ drp~ prl~ weJ., Co•t• Meo• 1nc111.,, 1\1in. nl SJ.000 Q•~n ()11no•r Tr11n.~rrr.rrd nruf " · v f11ne1' \n1 0 · " ·· req111rrd. I \1L:STSELL !h1~:i Rrrlroon1 D~;E,,,S,,,.PERATE OWNER 1n111• 4 .. Ar f1 hr~ ~!ur110; DAILY PIL T N"w n·pt~ f, '1 r:-.,, f1rrr1!·~. pl1onr> r11unhl'rTo· Nr\\·port r'flnH•. Sl:i5. l ____________ I & L '' R fa hi. 1:11~ hllin'. ln!Pnla!o•lll>tl l)\.11tr1hul111ji: ALA Ael\1als • 645-3900 1 Walker ee I Rr1111t\. _ \1.\:""Y .\10RE F;X. , R, lam 1•n1, r1111 rm. ll"P LEADERSHIP R . E . f\lh!ACUI ATF' f BR (l1t! nr tnun Ollflf'r 11anls fH~1 t omnan.V [)<-pf. •2111\ ,,70() ' • ' • t:pl!I. 'IT:A:-; ll)(·&lrrl 1n 11u1l r> l"f'~i· hrk f•! rm. h1· rin WANT AD ,~. d bl Q · 4--I 1 salP l\r lh1~ ~ hrlrm. nn li;:f'. lh b 1 ti 1 842.4466 962-2017 Eves. Nrwrnrt Al vr1 : Nrwpnrr e srARKl.fN(; VIE\V, I.a-rp1<, 1011· lJll"I PPX. Nr 2700 Hartvir Rlvrl. 11 . Arlarn.<.1 <1i'l11llll Al'!'il. i\il lrrm• 101 . llf'Wl:'I 1·1,.an-up P.educ· ~ hi-;am ~; f'rl olr <1rpd'· Rf"ll<'h, C11l1f. !n660. gllllll l BR ~IOVI" rtlrig I lrwy~. Ar1u JIJ only. No Pf'\J. 0,.. 0 . I" P\f ;nadAhlr Al $.l,l,0:11, C11.ll .,. ~a nr • ,, ,. y 642 5678 4.1 UNITS. ~oofl l(l(', Sf'll or ' ' . • ,...., 21111 l ~ "-Ill' .oopf 2 5-tj. m.) prn 11 " ' I !1·1~.'l,"}.\'i. f'<I In 1-1.()()fl \l,'1nf1w11rrt J.n. :;1 1•t,. •11~•um _ I r\c'han~P rtnwn ---A~t-o_m_o-tiv• rn<1 g11r, child/:o1m pel. ~...,. -~ "" ,..., ' ' I I ONE OF A KIND lrnin $61 ,:1'IO. f.-~rotT .. F'lrlln Co. Rltr fil'l-~"00 Management Sal11. Sl.10. ( .. M. 5'it·laM {lr ~l.VI * 5 BEDROOM * I J,.'"!ninn1 l.an£,'>l'flflhy rif'"'ign, :;:;:;:;:;;:::;:::;:::;:::::;:;:::.;:::::;:!.;;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::::=::=;::::;..;;:::::;:::=;:::;:::;:;;;;:::::=;;:;::;:;;.IDt> yotl hkl" Yl'flrkinll' w/ ALA Rf'n!11 I, • 645-1900 3 BR, 2 811. $21&!. Vat:'!f: 2 aior:-. 2".'..00 I i<Q It 21, rr='lll.• <11ffrr .. n1 l bdrm., 2 Jlf'OPlr bul Oon't likr Jl"ll· -----4 Br, 2 Ba , $27;i Avl lll:IJ!i f\a, Only s.t4;1() 1tn A•~ur11r h11 A•kini;: S.l!l.:.00. ing .. Clln you manllll't e NF.EDS T.L.C. l BR. 1 ha, lmmac. homf'll;, cpt!!ld~ 1 '1 ~ ~-HA loo n. ~r"I·'' WHITE WATER J>MPI"~ Ciln yo;i 11,.,.tpt 110 frplr, l r11r R"r. kit111/p<'t. frplc'11 hl1n11., potln. J\11::5£: paintrri 111 !.· fllll . n""''r $42 .00 VIEW \\Jl}A °' !fa lfl('flmP P'Jl<-ntlRI ol S2JOO Vnu l1r11n & no ctean ree. ~~R IJ_!::__:""l6·~11~~ Pni: ' Cf!!\ tJ;. y<!Uf on!y C'flo<[ Ir Yf'lll fhn1cr ln! 1n ~·lyst1c H i ll~. $© ~ £ s· I S\ffi ~ \'f'r~· A n~inus 1, h 1 -pl"r ml'l t., up~ lnvP,tmenl · · 2 BR, frpl1._ IH"an1 ceilina. ••J llrr 11 rr , 1t11 J'li!,\mf'nl• n ,. I f I d I I ALA 1 O ... 9f10 ·~ * CALL O"t -8507 * ,.,,.1·Pr11 rf't·~ pan IP on ll rpq'rl . S~""" ~CCUl'f'd. PltAJr Rt>nt11' .>·.l new w/w shag cpl, ri/>¥ only l 20o 11"!. mnnth .. 1 Rr>rl· S'I ~"" t ' • .~~"J -----(formrrl.v Rrashrar nit~ l jl'Y\111~. ~rp;ir~tr JatuH1r.v. -'··~rl Tne Pan!~ wilh 1he Bui/1~·1,, C_hac:ile r11ll 171•1! 778·\TI( hMwn rf'trig, ~•11, lenN'rl y1!, $2.'ll WOODS COVE 9an1 /, 4pn1 Mon !hnJ ·rliuN1. e VACA TI 0 N Y F. A R lu. Av11.1l 9/1. 1-783-2841 LEASE-OPTION 3 BR I,,_ BA. 1n fine f'.V. nei11:hoorholld. r !nsl' rn schools. liurry 11nd call on 1hl& ont'. $2\; tmn. SHERWOOD REALTY CAL:L S>I0-8555 h~r-d1""10fl llror~. Full fl fl ('(' C'h11rmin1t .1 hdrm .. 2 h.11... O R~ng.1 l..rten d tha Nice l,illle 8 .. ,1,,. •. ,-'ROUND · Nf'wJ)(lrl Bl"::trh, 646-lT:Kl 1 $'.!l..141. hr;io1 ~ f,, hltn~. y ... ,, clJOl"f' four ICl'Ombl.d warrlt lie-" 2 RR I d I -- R I E b " .. low to form foor limJ>!e words. Ar1 IJ f ·r '''P ~. '1>11. enc gar. l BR--;-1 BA. rrplc. nl"W wlv!, Mea cVstaAteyy nf can1·~E5!4L~x I ~:~~0"~:~::~.:~;~:~ ~:~( r1r!~·f'!1IAI.~ • 6·15-~ ::~~g.c~;1~ '~.:MAv!;~· 8;;~ R•al E1tate I IG ul N ,~ 1 ,: ,· I l{no1 IPll~f' S?.000 t•cq'rl 1nrl 1 ~ I~~·~ _!lvrt., c.~f. 1 7!13-184 1, 641).1720 :1 917 t;lrnrn"\.•rt. Laguna "'•srsro• C f M • --*. inVP.n!l'!J)' "' 011!.'lun ~l>1tion r~,. '• ot .1' f'~ll ·' 3 BR 1"-BA CONDO d 494-1561 "'2 ,_, ,u,,, •· bl1rm. l bAth homt. t"reshlv. • · ·• I ff U G 0 D · I ' we:n. '7' ...,_,,. llr ........... i.'i8. ir11 r, blti n~. dshW!!hr. retrttf CLOSE IN CAWN-11Mrl_G_11~-;:;g Plllnterl , 111~ new rrtrn t>rp1.11. tlrps. pool, club~ SELLING 2 Bdrm. plUll dt'n. thin"""rl I I. j ' I;;" j ~j. Sf'1v1ct fnr .oo~le : Sl ,150 rll"I .othllg r Arprls !hruoul. D~I. Sh11rp $21;,. ~-;,.'>8(). ;; YOUR HOME? io;• _ _ _ _ • • _ I 1-. Rare.gt, corner Joi with -----·------=-==ti r rf'c appraisal -\Vr huy s, 1•1l111gf' vif'W. Brick p111h ff I T S 0 . Th . •• Sl.000 of pqup. 11rwt tn1ck prr monlh nr option 10 buy. l BA, 'f'n<'erl yd, ('(!,,.~~ !19J.R\l.l hnmr nn rorrH'r lor. 0cP1111 I I pro !I Tl"'' mo. IO<'ludf"fl len«d y11rrl. Rt!nt •t $205 AVA IL. Aug 1:irh. sm. :t 8~ equ1 r1es. Pl"r.o;on11.t "!!"nticm. f'Ur.•f'!I thru ga_rfi,.n tn tn· ii ere Was o t ime when, 1f S.i,001 lull prlrP, ll l!'o wUI Cllll Bmk'-r 54~91. I pat1o. __ h'PIC, crpt11_ & <1r1f, rluntinglon Beach 2.~ ,IF'!.. f'Xpt'flf'llf'P, Ir,\' r 1N'pl•-. ,.,,w deok•. > I I' I I ·. a _kidstart1d sowingwildoo1s, tr111n, .. ri .. r fi p.nl .. ~~1-;i140. c II"--'" a<>M <•~ 0 ,,, SUPER SHARP COLLINS & WATTS i;:11rR_1:r.Orll;<SJ1.9';;o rort1U1 --• .. • . FAST lllQfl rt~t ll ur~nr . f:RAND NE\\• Bnct VACANT 1-1 -·"'...,.,,"'_••_·~• ......... ·~~t A. -""IP fi~,. \'A IMn. l 13NI· 9f;' •. ).)2.l ~.\rs. 642·0.IZ7 1.a.suna Chllrmt'r. C11ll . I H E S R H T ,~h~n~~d starl~ lhe B -r;a: S31.~llO -.:Int Nf"11. ...... r1 4 BR. 2 .oolory hnmt'. Prpi\, I i\tF:si;_ Vrrdl"• hod me, •'· "1•""··., l ,.,..,... -~ ---1 A c 1 I h L ... •.1 . .J .~ Mr1>9. hhinA. l'l@llr lht be~rh! bA. ' t·p1~ fl)fl, I 'f':f room~. l11n11ly l'l'Y!m. fnrmsl Vacanti Only $28,500. • ~/"'O Ja. 6'1 I · j' I j' V b~~1~: 1~ ~1i!"::ai~;~'d Rrsrh lflf'llnnri (~ prt'l\06 t·11 millr.• only. 11·, l:lf';iufllur ~f'hl I. .oohpg + many xll'fl!, d inini:; \Valk 10 ~hoob 1trn1 4 RR' C.ORNF:R' CAN'T r,.. ,,,,/f'Ot,• II/ .. _ .. _ . 'fOUdivtlopfl'tlfftJ!tpNo.3 below. lnt:otnl' At pntPnt111f. AGT f(lr S:lG.; l)l"r mo. AJ!:Pnl 1$:.l!Gnio .. WHll52. ~~711•! shops. I hra1 !.""'' liA t11A trrm~ I lii~!l.'IO _'l"l l•lf • S27.•'fo•l•d ~. o-··. d-~ b HAFFOAL REALTY REAL ESTATE & PR!N r NUM>mo 11 I' I' I' I' I' I' ,. ,. I ----'~ c• . ~ .... •e RMeal(EvstaAt•y Y ,q 12 .. 11p;. F:\'f'~ ·.11 .211A ll!'IO Glcntx'yr·p s1 lrnt11s • • • • • . • . • • CAF'F..1 "1ui~l>"'n:-1r1f'111 for 1 AVAn. St>pr. i~i. F:.s1dr, .1 ~hr, ljtr mm i·m. l ba. I ~ _ _ _ f'\ 'fll """ll' nr~n11 r oor ~ l'lr f'llltrlns:. BR, I•\ twt. w/w rp!, rll'JI~. 11:11rrf.rnl"r famil i~ on!Jt I 11\' nl\'IJ('f', ~ RR lh1n11111:;!n11 . ·. •""'"""' ~ UN5Cl!,,,Melf fO~, : I I I I I I I I f"l l' RrR~. G12-2\4fl f'ollr"e rArk. ~.)..~~ .. v hlt11~. trpl<'. f'A hf'111 , 1 l"'llr .. .__ ___4. Cnntulf'n!al miY!oi "/~ink JRVINE Covr r~si1lence-Li'f" AN5WE~ Of1,\Nf;F:-.rul lu~-ln'>I-rlllwn 2111', fn('(f h11f'l(iHr"1. pl\!Joi, 2 hr 1 h& duplr.,, Crp14' .. ~nrrr S!!iO(J dwn, TO.r .I [Vlfl!/ri1111n. Prinr1p~.1~ only. SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 900 011nrr "rll f'll.·rr~ Ownl'r rn111ur'f" •ri11ll~. m pr!,, S225. rnrrl hArk yJW·rl On t1d ..... .t!\.l-~;,J.l ~~!Ifill. -'"~"-·~•:_hY:...c'~PP~f-'~'~··~"'=-'-:__c _______ .:._::_:_:_:_.:_::_::_:__~_:::..:.:..::.:.:...:..:.::..:..:..:..:.:__...:.:..::..:.. -'-"-·"-·'_,_._,_.,~"-"'~"'-·---_Mfi-17~2 ~A<'. Slfi'5 mo. 612.-1860 -·.:.:.---~---.;...=.=.::::~..!=~,Qt."!:_.~.· ' . . ·~ • ----"'-· -~~-­' --- ~. ' • . ' ' I . .. ' '. I l --·-.. ,,.- h I .. ,.,. C.m !hadt "'OOd! , Mis«ion CHARM ' leUidt 5 g&njen itt Inc tu, . .all T"li!-<:lear, 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS (Any Item Priced $50 Or Less) " n ' .~ ... -. ~· ... .. •. •, . . . . . .. ,. • .. '. ' ' Pi11~h 1-T 0111•sf'lf -~\ Pile Oi Pe1111ies (01· E,·e11 Dolla1·s) 642-5678 Penny Pinchers Dial Direct for Details Pile Up Profits North County, 540-1220, Toll Free DAILY PILOT PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS _, "LOT-AOVUTJSU Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD 1. Stov• 2. Gult1r 3. l1tty Crib 4. Electric Saw 5. C1mer1 '· W11her 7. Outbo1rd Motor I. Stereo Set 9. Couch 10. Cl1rintt 11. llt1frig1r1tor 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sewing M1chin1 14. Surfboard 15. Mlchin1 Tool• 16. Di1hw11h1r 17. Puppy 11. C1bin Crui11r 1f. Golf Cart 20. B1romet1r 21. Stamp Collection 22. Dinette Set 23. Pl1y Pin 24.. lowllng 1111 25. W1t1r Skis 26. frH11r 27. Suitc1M 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewrft•r 3 I. Bar Stools 32. Encyclop9dia 33. Vacuum Cleaner 3.C. Tropical Fish 35. Hot Rod Equipm't 36. Fil• Cabin•t 37. Golf Clubs 38. Sterling Silver 39 .. Victorian ,.,irror .. 0. Bf!droom Set .. t. Slid• Projector 42. lawn Mower 43. Pool Table 44. Tires 45. 46. .. ,_ Dr•pes 48. linens .C9. Hor•• SO. Airplane 51. Organ 52. Exercycl• 53. Rare Books 57. Electric Tr1tn 51 . Kitten 59. Cl111ic Auto 60. Coff11 Table 61 . Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64 . TV Sot 6S. Workbench 66. Diamond Watch 67. Go·K•rt 68. Ironer 69. Camping Tr•il•r 10. Antique Furniture 71 . T•p. Recertler 72. Sailbo•t 73. Sports Cir 7.C. Mattress Box Spts 75. Inboard Speeclboat 76. Shotgun 71. Saddl• 78. Dart G•me 79. Punching 111 80. B•by Carri•t• 81. Drums 54. Ski Boots SS . High Chair 56. Coins 82. Rifl• ~.83 .. D•sk y-B'4 SCUBA Goo• can be turn•d into caJh with a DA:lll P.IL:OT WANT-AD so Don't Just Sit There! • DIAL DIRECT . 642-5678 ........ ~~--·----~.._..--~\--"'-::--~ _, -__ __,. ~ --_.;::..:. -<+:.. • -~- OAILY "LOT 41 [ -... -I~ I _,__ I~ E ---I~ I ·..,·---I~ I .... --l!tl _____ , HouH• Unfurn. 305 Duplex•• Fum. J4S Aph.. Furn. 'c'",-,.-.-Ma~-.-.-----l·c"a-,-,-,"'Ma,.,--.. -----c .. tr. Mes• 360 Apt. Unfurn. JQ Apt. Unfurn, Corona d•I Mer Cott• Met• ~,.,.--:--,----:-1 ME S A V ~rd e 3 Br. FURNISHED Duplex a pL J I " t BR Tnlkra. tB0 It Up. LIVE in qui(t It comfort. Al· rpt1/bl1M, S2'3!>/mo. 1~1 & BDRM. No children or Pf'IS. Eld.l'rly pref'd. 133 E. 16th irac l Br w/all amen1tu!11, la.~f mo. advarll'e. :i.i>.2786. \.llork'.1 girt pret Clll 11.lhlii St. C.'1. 641-1l65.. I So. of h'<l•y, Sl:'i'.>/mo yf"Uly. 3 BR , 2 ba home w/fenced let phOfit r uig. 54&-2813. • il It 2 BR. Tropkal Pool. ;;6~13-<1-;-7"-;.7"------1 yan:t, encl patio. Xlnt cond , Newport Buch f,..._c. Patio. From $139. 14fl Coit• M••• N.w N.w New:: Villa Cordova 1l .. S26i 5fi7-8000 F.. ,18th . &l.2-4003. 1---::0"0'.".':C""',.--- --------J BR 2 BA + ''" ,,.~I -FAIRWAY !}11).IED occupanl'y -~ br. Se 1' Le $2.j() . 2 BR SPACIOUS, lo"'ly l & 2 Br C'OO~ t~ESll ! QUI · SAJo'"E IN &ck Bay) Bar Harbor. S300. Eves ; ~A a~ a\•aii ~~ nlO'. Poot n'!<' rm. Sl_GO tu Sls:'i. I &38-6341, Bkr ;.IJOO Nephi~. Look & c11.Jl Br., U!lf 1140· &1~5.)3().__ VILLA APTS. 2 BR. bltin$, garage & pa!IQ, roUttl !71 41 629--1492 TOY'NlfOUSE, 7 BR. I'., 40 Unit Adult Ap•rtment Compl•x • ~ Adults only, Sl35. n10, fZIJl -BA, rompl turn, 1rPshly 617-0016 tor appl Oupl•x•s Unfurn. 350 painted, pool, ~10 $177>. 2 BR, lncd yrd, Sl.3.l No Pf'IS. Costa M••• 2 Rooms divided b Y Cpl only rh1ld olc tJathroom $!!>. uti!':!!: inc. 213/:ii3-S:H7 1 BH. y.,•/w, £!/reL. g::ir (al· C ider lt'na.nl!I' only 642--6.)60_ l11etd srnl jlllllO. I t1dlL Srnl ~LY decora1ecl 'l bf j Fountain '\tall•y tl11ld ok. SI28_ 642-8~. ra pt-Adult& only, oo pl'l.O.-. I n- I 2 BR, l'~ BA, gar, ))111115, l)Uitt 11~,'J Rochester. l BDR:\1. 2 &th, arro"s r·c!rig, llPW Sllalf ( J pi s. l BR dupll'X, d owd garagl' I trum elen1enliu-y achool. Sh~rp $100 642--295 1 'Adult ()vtt 30. No pets. Re f. walk to shop g .& h1gll Huntington B••ch !$130. 646--422.f I M'~l S7?.:i/mo Ca 11 S.l ~J.5 UTIL pd. Pool. extra lge 842-5016. 2 Bf{ + den, I' BA, W/D. 12 BR '.!FIA adul!s. J.18-2407 FOR lease 4 BR, 2 BA nt'I' blt1n-:. drp.~, Iii· 1rn rug, 1 646.-429z' crp1. p tt i n 1, di~l1w~~hcr. Dbl gar_ Frnet'<l )d, Ava l! (I!' • ___ _ ao~.-to S('hOOL~. big yard i111m1•rl. ~2(fal • 2 BR. TRAILER • $2'2:'1 1110 :-.40-68.li Newport Ba•ch $130 It. • 11313.1'".>-8841 J BR, 2 ba, h"plc, run:-t:rptr!, ;>.PT !~le wtrfnii w 'piti Huntington lk•Ch drpt. Niet>ly lndS(:'f)(!. $2·!0 noa!. ! Br/2 Ba, !rpl "'-""' '"""'''· 1m ,.,,, 1~ .• La Quinta Hermosa J RR rondo. 2...:ar ~RrfU:(P, 61~7H7'.!. pa1 io. a ll bl!n!, $2;)() n10.l~iiiijiiiijiiiijiiiij~~~~:~Spa.nL'h Country Estate Ltv-8~2-79j·I t\e! Ii in&: A Spacious A~ts. Ter- Ap;,irtn1en11 lor R"'1t m raced pool: 1Unkrn 1as BBQ ~------~ ,_T_,. Unbelievable Llvini • Only Huntington Geach !ffi.7,;;d,;;:-;~b;';'.;;:;!I~-~----~ I Br unf SIJO.furn $175 :\ BR, sni den. 1'~ b11.. <"ov·d A 1 F 1 Br unf $175 furn $110 patio . Nr ~hl~. 1.~1 !.· last -.,,_P-'·--"-'_n_. ____ -1 ALL trrn. rNCLUDEO ser. $22j, ~92-t ~Yi. Gen•ral Special Bonus; a silver- $13.) -2 BR 1hiple\, frnt:('d, plated candle anutfer is Kid~. pel OK Nrw paJnl Rrnt Beautiful 1'Urn1tt.re your1 U you bring this 1.d 18754 B<:ach, &14-8:191. lor as little as n•hen you visit our models. ONE MONT 4 blk1 S. ot San Diego Fnvy J BR. 2 BA hoo~. Xlo' m~l. Ho on Bea eh, 1 bDt: W. on II Nr. Brookl1ur~1 ·" Adams ro 16711 Parkside IAne. $25~ mn. 52l'1-l"i67 art fi. compl•t• with 1 , (TI4) 8!7.5f.4l you• 100•,. !'j !~':!"'""!" ..... ~~ ..... LRG 2 story, 3 BR. :t h11 , children & f)l'I~ OK. S2i;, mo. ':l4l}-121>3 111•1. 11e1n .o.-eltction. ¥ Ovrrlookini;: beaut l!Ar<lt"n 24 Hour Dely. pntio Ro htti pool. Adult~ CUSTOM Av11 il Aug 1. 103S 12th SI. 2 &. l BR 's Private patio pClOI • lndfv, lau ndry lac: Near Orange Co. A1rport It liCJ. Adlllls 01ilv. 20122 Sant• Ana Av'" :\la:r. i\lrs. Joachim, Apt l -A -546-6215 ORLEANS APTS-. ADU l.TS ONL y_ 2 & 3 BR. AvR il, Pnva!f! p.a - tro, pool -indiv. laundry tac, (N1. Orange Co. Airport; Tu~. on a• l lrh S1; nr_ \\/i:ste!irtJ. 17·11 T11.~111\ Cos1a ~lf!M [ Mu. l\lr.'I. 'Thon1p!llln MZ-4E't ---,====~ THE BEST COSTS LESS Tn1aginc: ~·et bar, fireplace , beam ceil 1ng!>, rough-hewn panellng, big private pati.o, 7BR-2 BATH, d ubhoute, pool, V-baJL $185 incld1 gas I< wtr. 3ll7 \V. Bay St. other 2 BR'~ from $100. All adut~. no Jll!t-s. BAY !1-IEADO\\'S APTS. * Ca ll 646-0073 • *** LIKE LIVING IN YOUR OWN HOME .•. 2 Br, l Y.. B~ unturn, Cpl&, clips, encl, pario. WILSON GARDENS Apts Ph. 642-6811 aft 1 pn1. 1 &. 2 BR. Apts. ' Entenaining ~il't be' a p1e..r Urt'. Df-coruring !hill lovefY,. !JlllCJOU11 apt wilt be a joy'. • Specia! c11 b10l"t i;pact e Lock praJrell w I lg-~ • Bm <-"f'li • Lndry e Pati(lf • D\\l/d1$pl • Hugf! gas stW • S~1aJ liOU rkiprootinr 1 • 0 Pep :l rolor shag ·) •:8.fl)ei.o.-, drape,i _ GAS lt \\'A.rEO PAJD . ' Mo. to Mo. From $151 2323 Elden Av". CM-~: See ~1gr T~ Woodbt>a4 · 646-0032 '• DELUXE APARTMENTS NOW AVAILABLE Air Cond -Frplc'1 _ 3 Swim- ming Pools • Health Spa - TennJ...-c n s • Game ' au. Hard Room. l & 2 BEDROOM FROM $140 MEDITERRANEAN· VILLAGE 2400 J-lar bor Blvd ., C.M:. i 71~) 557-8020 RENTAL OFFICE OPEN 10 AM TO 6 Ml ·: * Spanish Elegance Ouiet Adult L ivfnt Shag cpt e drps e hltn.~ Beautiful Pool: e AU Utl Fd 2 BR, $170 Adul!,9 only-no Pf!t. 241 Avocado St. 646-0979 4 e r. T11h.•t. l 1 ~ Ra , C~/rh'p~. PMl $220/nio. :>48-140:! nr 6·1£.-67!\1 Purchase Option i ,·!. Ar. furn. s 1 3 S /m o . Furniture R•ntal ~,·rzy,;"< fn.lln Lelif' Parle Ulell:liBJIU ZI 5.17 W. J9lh, r .t.I. 5.18-."81 .'>::&-~!12 , N 0 _ ·rui G 1 • REGENCY e > .!~=~~=~~~~-ew .oo:::auo anlen Apar • IMM Anaheim 774-2800 LRC: I BR. Nicely rum. ' AC. 2 BR, l Ba. Shar ~ mf!nts. Privat• Pafio.8, Pool, Irvin• LaHabra 694-.5108 Pool , patio. Nr Beach Blvd c-G ,,,_,_,_, O'Jl'g, weir dean, Pll' OVf!'I'\, "!"'• aragot. L ..... w 1UU5 _. h h -" 17• J BR t A I Adi! 1140 "~ w r. "'"-, tar p&tio, IT/ 2 BR 2 harhs •..•.•...• $265 :1_ , \'ar-utit pd, ,. rnm~. ~-· land11ea ping. Adult!;, no pets. w. "'il~n 2 BR.' 2 bath~. drn ...... S300 S80. I BR, var, u!il tld. j::6-6TI1 2 BR -SISO. 3 BR . S255. C l BR. 2 ))B 's., a trium •. $:ti:; 195. 1 RR. ki ds/rie1t. ok. ..,c--;;B~D~R~,~!S~.-. -=0,~.-..,,~ho~p~p~i,,.:::-. I ___ all ,""-="""'---=I . ~BR., 2'J hfi 's, Jam. rm S325 $1 10. Urrl pd, l\.B. Nf11·ly de<_'Or. SllO P f'l' mo. ....~ .... UZI • QUIET! I e 3 BR 2 ba'~ bontl!; n11 S:J50 5110. 1 BR P\'I llni1 ovr car. Realonomi~ Akr. 61::>-6700 -...,.......,. 2 Br. drPf', nl'w crpt'g, Bakfo.J' 4 BR:: 2'-t bH· .• fan1'._rin s:l·lj $110. 2 BR, \'!I<", lllOVf' in now. •BACHELOR , pool, uti] pd, $, Harbor shop'g, Loclted • BR ' "·!h I I STAR.LET 6" '160 l.'.>l E . ~l SL, C.1'1 . 646·8606 '"'· Ad"'t•. --·-. ~-• ·• ., • ""' ~. ami Y roo~i . -~ near ho.~pital. Avail Aug. 15. w '"' .. ~"' --In Turtle Rock ...... $35() I BR, .Kitc:he~ll t, fowtr • ,142_5192 • P•rk-Lik• Surrounding mo. 645-3515 or 644-07'53. \\'E HAVE OTIIERS duplex trpl 1. blk" to --QUfET • DELUXE * $170 * priva r~ hracl~. ro<n 1·hiJdrr.n. Newport Beach 1-2 "3 BR APT~ ; Br, l 'i Ba. patio, bltn~. "!Joh 11i•llil. ----'ll11uhur no fWTs. $1 2:, n10 . 4!19-;1,15l 18Rf1~rn, ln>ei,.r. 11p1<talN-AIM ~-urn. Baet1rlor erpts, drp$. ASk About our ---R _, I , , I P rv p;itio...-• H1d Pool !<. d•scoun! pl""· "" C-t-Balboa lsl•nd rl'ar, Pm'"'"'""· ~ i oors .. ...,.,. ~ .. .,, h11 y, 1 blk library • hu11. Nr 11h<>P'x • Adult11 only St .. CAr. 642.8J4Cl, 548-268? "SINCE tl·ki'' lsi \\'es.re1'Tl Bank Bld g, Unlvf't'llily Par~ LITI'L~; ISLAND, wintrr rrn«iJ. All llt"W MIUXf' 2 br + !ll)nclf'ck. $12i'1, Avail Sf'pl I I th. 67.'l-4:\!W r.1a1ut'" a~Jll11 pt~. no Martinique Apts. VERY NICE 2-Br. Dupl•x . longhair.;_ Gnragr . $1 25 incl im San!o Ana A11t ., D.1 SIY.l . .'i0-$169.50. 1-'rplc bf!am ntil. \VinTrr rf'ntal. Coll bf'f i\1gr, Apt ~--M6-~'J'I: 1:r1I, patio, Adu-lt3 o~Jy, ~ 10 or 11/T 6. t173-81J4, 317-C ""I.A R f' ,,..,~, "'·· Coron11rlll Days 833-0101 Nights Balbo• Peninsul• e \VE I!AVF: RENTAi-<;! e --·----\\'in1.-r a nrl Yearly t * UNJ\'ERSITY PARK 11-e S.1:•,ll'J.; .~. l'f' -O"' (k:ean ABBF.Y REALTY M2-38:-..0 ., I~ 1.,,. l.ri,rlv B;1eJwlor.~ l :BR. J BR . ._ ba tnhse .,.,., .1,~ :\I d · p .• -~1 pd N•wport Height• ~ BR 2 Slil , Il l s('r1~cr. ()(n vu • . . '~ balh~ ........ : -e Call 67:r-H7.\o e ·1C-L-E-,A-N_l_o-,~,:--o.,.-.-,,.o-:-,~llA,,--"° 4 BR. 2 ba. hollsp ...... $:16J 1~---Corona del Mar f)f'I ~. I.;:-Kil , Sl ?:>-$150. 2421 i .. . ed h·11 l----------·I E . 16th St, N.B. 646--JllCll. '. . . r I LRG Bach•'"'· 2 "'' Big S•nl• An• r orona. Jl :'i;i/mo Y r 1 y . -,:--:--:c-:--;:~-;:- REALTY (:aragr A11ail, l Ad rt . Roy•I Suites Mot91 61, o"20 S4~ f'E'R WK. UP L'111v. Pa1·k Cen1P r, lr\ 111e -,,., ----------Complet" kilchen. line111, ph, Call All)'!llllf' R1.1-0il:IO 2 Ar, lrpl, hRl1'0ny , yrly only. llf'tv l"!ld pool· TV " maid 1:<1 & h1~1 SZ2fl. ~ 21 · ...., ' -------t1e1·v o., .. Mi11 ion Viejo II •' I 1 o ! r op f' Avl 9/1 STUDIO ... I BR. I ~:'=:'lii-1."). __ -· __ (6 m1;Pll: 10 Np! Beh, :!. miles HAPPINESS 1~ 2667.1 Dt'"N1, 1 Bil lurn apt "'/garage. l'O D1~neylandl 4 Bf\, J;,z:, sq /I. V1c11, $27:1. 1!6j •nn 11-a:Jl-3930 • I il•l /~.l7-lfi.18 . •• (,7J-1109 ** ~1 5'!. Harbor, S.A. ~i .-;;-1i;.--1rril1·. 24481 Co1ta Mes• \pt. Unfurn. j Chn~anT11 Ur. $2~" 1110 Avail ~p1 1~1. ~3~~0J•C. 1-C-;;::-A:-;:Sc-A:--d-;-e-O~R;:';O;-IG:o-•-n-o-r-olc------- N1wport Beach CASUAt. CaJ1f. l,iv1r.g In •I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1<·arn1 Med1trrra1JM1n a tmos-1" BEACT n10<l , 1 ownhnu~,, .i PIH'rf'. Spaclou11 <-vlor co- Br. 2'1 BK , lq'!I<'. patio, nrrlin11led apt~_ designed I. pool, 2 C'Rr gar. 1111 l1ltn•. furnished !or ~t,yl" & con1- crpt~. drape.-. l-"'''~" $29:. loM e lfCtlted pool e Kilc:h- 11 J J23-47l0 or ft,Jfi..:i9~1 evrs ,.,1 11•/ lndirect Jighling • ~'"'n 8-10 or wknds. Deluxr RIO. AdQ]ts. Nope-Ls, "PET \VELCOME!fi7'-1 BR.-$175 tum. BLOCK TO BEAO I l iTILITli'.:S ir«:LUDE O Lov"Jy 2 Bdr, 2 Ba. bonu~ .. Y,1 \\I , \Vilson 642-1971 off iCf'l stud10, tilr 111·t·k. 11•1 " *S3S WEEK & UP* tio_:...127:, m~. U-:1~~· :i43-8'.>J2. Studio & I BR •pts. VEN DOME J:\t:\IACULATE 1\PTS! ADULT and ~'A.\!ILY Sei:t10t1 Close to shopping, Park " Spaciou5 l BR's, 2 ba • Swim pool, p.1V grttn • .Frpl, lndiv/Lndry fac'l1 1845 Anaheim Ave. COST A l'-IESA 642-28>1 UNIQUE ' B,, 2 "" ""'I, SUNNY ACRES A-1 Apt Supply Inc heach. frpl<'_ /\o 144 MOTEL 1652-A Nf'\\'J)OM Blvd, CM Btlys1d4!' V1lla)ir_ Arlulls, °'-' &i2-:2fl2I i\lESA Lido. I & 2 BR <ip1s. ,.., . e 8. ,,.,,,., • .,..nta Ana: Crpts, drp!;, blln.~. close to 1111 6 c11 ll ;',411--0:l7!l. s~ f.. OCC. Has lnliryl 1-eoR ~1~r,-,,~"-.-~--,-0170-.,,,-.1 t·oom. Pool Ir t·a~rt~. carper~ .i dnipes, ~ Hrnl• s1ar1 fl'll1t1 $13.1 ro , pool & 111ashing raciJitjH. . SJ~. A6k AbotiT (h:>COUOl. ChH.-lren 0 .K. No pets, tis 184h Pl11.Cf'nll11. :">l>:r. apt II. Moor'-" Vi.'IUI , COl!a Mesa, ..... .,.. ------------UPPER 2 br apt unf'Urn 'ffiE (;ABLE~ painl. No Chklrn or pet.'!. t.i·g 2 Br, l~, Ba. wfgar. J160/n»-S35 clog chrg, lJ3 JJj,). Adult!. Cpt~. drp;;, F.:. J7tfl Pl. Ph: 54S-65J2 bltn.~. rnro .yard w/1>3tio. 2~:l7 Orange Av~. No. C. 636-4120. I SPAC. 2 4t 3-Br .a-pt. $14(1 Up. l l!d pool. Pla,Y yd. Cpts. r!rp.<r, blln.'I, patio. K id.<r nlc 1994 Maplt" No. l 642-381.1 2214 College No. g 646--2287 HARBOR GREENS l BR, 2·~ ba .!IUdio, ept'a:. dl'pf!l, bhm;. Sl90/mo. No pets. 998 El Camin o . 546---{M,'j J. 2 RR, P¥ ba. sh.Jdlu ..,i. A(!lts, inrnm ok. Priv. patin ll!l r. ~1-D Wal la c .- :J'l!!-282'2 GARDEN A SI'UDJO APTS B;ich. 1, ~ l BR'a. lrom tllO. 2700 Peienon Way, C.M. ,.,...,,. l-oo=~=~~---1 .XL.NT VALlrE! Cpl:-;, drps, l BR, 2l'I ha ~tud io, cpl'g, drJ>!i. hllnl!. $190/nio. No Pf"I~. qga Et C a m 1 n o , rlshwhr, P OOL., l Br's . Sl:t:I. Ma rure Adult~ only. no pell!:. ~78 Ol' 6424129. _,...... __ ~1-.'. _ ~~~--c 1 e ll&>-AD UL TS only, quiet SPACIOUS Z Br/2 Ba, cpl, 2 Br, l 1, Ba. CF, kit, 2 ca.!' d r pa, lock t:d g ar . ear. 240 F:. 16th PL 54~12. Harbor I Be.ker • r ~a , IA;E deluxe 2 It J Br.. 2 Ba .. new cpts-drp!;, p&rio. ;1&0. ttfrilf., Ml-9996 or 642--161 1. p r i vl ·e:c-c2~B'°"R-.~,~B~A-STUD~~,-0-.-~-.,-.I rond., Cprs. drpg, patio, POOL.. 1 child ok. 646--0!96. 557-5459. DLXE 1 BR. bltll6, .,.,/IV Cpt drpa, hakony , g;i.r.. nu S17~. 962-4180 3PACIOllS 2 BR, P,; BA, to"·nhouse ap1. P11I WJ. $150. 637-2943. DELUXE 2 Br/1 1; Ba, l'pts. LARGE 2 hr apt av11 1J 4th. SCQ_ &i2-2Gll A"<. ptt11. Yrly only. l2f10. 421:!• I bl lt .~oulh of Fairgrounds l0 0.--;-.,.--;c----- 758--1J61 or 9Pr ini;:r. 2376 Ne~·pori Blvd. 8•1bo.t lsl•nd drp~. !;LOVf', ds h"·hr, g11 r. Oril.dren OK. SJ~. &12-ni8. 2 BR, !pl, bl\11~. C'ler . .:ar dr, 5"!1·9755 lSE 2 B 2 Be. St fric J BEDROOM 2 b b pt 11•a,lk tn Mach. $230 Yr l~e BUSINESS mf!n~ 1 pf> c I a I .....,~/d r, Ma~~~ ' • at 1; ., 2 BR , J~ B.ot. 1tudio. E~I patio. End of cul-cte-s.lc . 1'9 C1briUo. 642-3933. 87()-10:)11. ('Vl' wkly rates now otrel"f!d 10 ~,... tpll. _ an-, c:iu'Pf!ts, dni.~. $1~. ~--~-. -.-f'Vl'r\'One. to a.'I S.'16 ll'k. ly no ~Is. $ZlJ. tr:i--OM&. 673-0053 S•nt• An• Heights Seal~rk !\1otel. 2301 Npt Coron• del Mitr SJ.5Q, I.owly garden duple:i1.-l UpP"r 2 br crpt/drpg. bltno;, sgl gar, l child Qk. Avail 8/16, fl>tS. 546---9531: LRG. clean l Br. uppf!r. C':'.:o-o-:,--:---c-::-::::1 Blvd 6-~7445. br, 2 bA, Adult.. 834-5289 or Nr K-,\1art. For adlltt:s ovtr NE\\ILY ri('roratl'd .1 BR ., 543-8007 homf'. Large yard . $200. mo. DELUXE fi:Rc hrlor Ir 1 BR · 35. SIJO. 548-2407, ., 544-9";,18 Apts-L'i n110, !rom beach. ~ 2 Br, cto.e to 9Chl &: lhop'r, 2 & l BR. Crptll, J>rpii;, 766 $.~.i weekly &: up. Mo n tes. q.~' f'ncl yard. $145 mo, ~-l7Sl ShaJlm&r HoUMI Fur n. or Terms svall. 998 El Camioo. or 6#4137 S6l-6943 aft 4 ......, Unfum. 310 ~·-" "1'1 ;;""'""'""""~;.:,":C:,."'--1 .~...,...,,.;) . BArnELOR, Sharp, c~ to $1 50 UTIL PD Pool xtr. Cost• 'Me•• HOLIDAY PLAZA ON TEN .jQ\£5 OCC a: UCL ruo. Inc. util. Ip 2 BR. 2-BA ' :. DELUXE Spaciou~ 1 BR. 1 ~ 2 BR. f'um. A Unttra. 973 V1Jioncia.. CM ~7-7768. 548.-240'7 or 6-16-4292, a ' furn apl_ $135. Hea:!ed pool. Fittplaca: I priv. ,_Uo&. B -- 1 BDR.\f holu;e for rent. $]4() An1plf' p11 rking. Adults-no Pools Tennis Contbt1 Bkfst. 2 r/1 ~; ha.. 5 h 1 r Tl ' LGE 2 BR, c:rpt., drpg, trpic, SIOO S.. , _.._ CdM 6tW6ll Crpt/drps. J21Xl sq fl. $1&5. patio blfJ'18 l --.. $135 pr.ts. 1965 Pomo111i Ave, CM. lMa.cAr~ em. HWJJ 91l VaJencitit, CM ao"1.7768. 548--0ln or l.cu?i°... \' · :--.,.-*-"'-~_...,1>_•1,..*_-. .. 1l i1~B~R~.C~p~~·~'"":E~·~bl~tn~1~.;.,.~Ik;l~i!!~iil!!!!!ii!~!!ii~~ mo. Townhouse Unfurn, llSr in clost t1, frplc, l Milt. $134 . NEW-A cttal place 111 Un ----------I mo )'Tly. Open Hae, 116 E. tM yf!t.r round! Wal) to Cnt• M.1• Xlth. G42-8520. ~hop!;, wa.lk to beacti..'r'Br. 2 REAL Value! CplA, df'pll , Ba., Frplc. Pri11 p<1tio, KIL L'~O~V~E~L~Yc-:2-.,c-y-,.lo-"'-"~h-,,-.-:41 dshwhr, POOL, 2 BR's. blu., ao.. in cer. Tutef'ul Br, 2 Ba in ,\'.lonlicello. $14.), Mature adull1 only, no deror. ~A Marsuerit&. Swimming pool I; clubllou8f' J!f>L~. Quiel. 2295 Pacific: 67!)-4373. privg.'I. s~. mo. aft ~. A v~. M8-6878 or 642-4429. l'ro'°"R""i.u..=~o.;::,I~..,.=--.. =,.-.n°" ~22!19. Shady G•rd•n ... Pool elec 2 Br, I B a . I & 2 B·R., fmm S135. Unohstructf!d v~ of bay 6: NASSAU PAL..'\fS. J ct'11ht, ~an. A(nf.I. on1¥. 673-«192. Newport Ba•ch Adults Pr•ferred int:. 22nd St. &tl-3645 VIEW of BAY · Attr~ 2 br 2 BR. 2 Ba., f1"]'11 , palio. 2 I BR, $135. Pool, Laundry d11plex. Cpl.II, dr-plJ, bltrwl, Carport. Uw nt pool, $225. rooni. patio fled<. $250 mo. Yearly. 3 BR. 2 Blrl., frpl, nf'w c:ptJ;, * • 642-21~1 • * C7Ul"a6. drps; 2 C'ar f at, races pool. Cl.F:A}I l BP., CrptA, Drpl. $Z2S -2 BR Studio. 14'1' $'85 monm. Sl40. No Jll"lll. fhag, trplc. pool, MllJr It) C11!1 R",11J1or !'il~.fl9frli __ \ .. :l4()-.9721 • • heh. j.17--8717 or Sf9-244i NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUCiH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642·5671 MESA VetW are..:l br • ~r. crpl,. rl'1Jll!, bttnt. A<lllta oncy, lll5. ~:mT Eolt Bluff N'EWLY df!ctnlf!d 2 Br--2 )9. up!Jt.ain apt_ BJtllw, ~. d:rp8. 2 cal'Jl(lrls, pool.: 1 Child or Pf'! OK. 1ZIO rm. PHONE: 6'1>6000 Why atore II tn thl a ttse ru.m Want .u. f .. l '" ..... , ........... -c--... . •. •, .... ' ' . . . " .. . . ·, •, ·. ', .. . . ... ' fl DA1lY PILOT \Vtdntsday, Auvust 4, 1q11 Wtd11t~d•1, August 4, iq71 PJLOT·AO\IERTJSEll 22 ;: 1>~--~--~1·•~ ... J~=·~l ._~-~ ... ~ .... ~)~~ ... ~ .. ,..~ .. ,w.~ ... ~ l ~~l ~l~ ...... ~)~~11 ""'~·-)~I I Swvk"'"'"·~~ l~l / ............ -1~1 1 ~~ ...... ]~ ~[ _.....,_.-_][I] ~! . .,. tnta Ana --------1 Unfum. 36S Apt. Unh.tm. _., Business Rental 445 Found (fr" ads) 550 Carpantar ~~~~~~~~l•~~~~~~~~-1 Painting &. Sant• Ana VILLA MARSEILLES ATTRAC ~!ore & ufli('e fOUND ~m n111lc· blk puppy BRANO NEW i;paces .S:.0 & up. D"·11h1·n 11•/blk t'\lll&r. lie has 2 "hi t.lrNOR llEPAIRS. No Job CARPENTRY t East Bluff EXP. Japanese Garde ner. Kr1a1v ho\\', up-keep, plant pest. triinnung, clean-up P•perhanging HARNETT PAINTING : ' ' ' -~.' ·NEWPORT BEACH "" Villa Gr1nada Apt•. CAN'T BE BEAT SPACIOUS San Juan ('api!itrano, nr rr, 11boul 6 wks . V11.·. San-'foo Sn1a1l Cabinet in rar· 96R-34~i. Special offer. Stuceo eaves, labor/11111.1 '1. 111ngle $135. 2 Stvry $!8.j, You u·im & save. Llc'd. 8-;6..00J~. 968-l236. Vll\YL pap erhanging specialist, "'"rk guaranteed, free est, Dan &:h1,ar1z :..17-5846 or 8·16-2182. \ J"our ~ms with baloon. :· le above & .)elow. Graciou! L1vizl1 .l quiet MUTO!'nding .,'i, b fa.mily 111lh "bildrt'n. -: peu Corona del Mar High • .$chool. Fireplace ~·i:: hat & : "'but.It-in kitchen ePpllances. • GS AMIGOS WAY 644-2991 • Coldwell Banker I< Co. -~ llanaginr Agent 541-5221 ' . ' ttuntington Beech ;;;1:\CLE STORY .'i()Uth Sea Almosphere 2 BR .... 2 BATI·I Carpets & Urps Air Conditioned Pr1ratr Patios HEATED POOL P!enly of \a\\'ll Carport l Storage l-J!DDE:--1 VILLAGE r-ro South Salta S.:.nla An,. • 5-16-1323 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apti. n11ss10u, 493-l.153. tia~o llr. & Aut1gua \\'y, ages & other cabinets. Adult Living SllO\VROO!\l mJg. & off ice J\.B. M6-190i . 5-15-Sl7;i i1 no aruwer leave l-A-L-"S_La< __ "_b_c._p-,-,.-. -.,-,..,.--,-,_ Furn. & Unfurn. space. Clo~ 10 Ulguna loc. BLACK and white k1Urn n1sg. at 646-2372. .lL 0.1 moval. Yan! ren){.(Jellng. DLsh\\'asher. color coonilnat-$95 To $350 ~lo. 49'1-46:i3. \\/g1'ft'n J"M'f:k band. vie i-""--''-""--"·-------Trash hauli11g, lot cleanup. e<l appliwices • plush shag e Prirne Hcta\l L-Ocalion e Ouk St., La.1,,'ll11& &>11.ch. Catering Rep111r 1prinklen, G7l-J.l66. carpet • choice ot 2 color ]flx40. Xlnt Craffir. 187'.I ·1&1-002'J. EX.P. J&.1m ncse gardener. sehemes . 2 baths . 1tall l!;irlior, C~·l. 6·!6-66;).l. 6 i\!o. old. 111a,ll' kit1en blnrMI ALI. i--u r-.·cr10NS Comple t e rna1ntero,"lnce. showers -m irrored ward· t"Oll ll'ase s!Qrcfront bid~, & \1 hll r 1.1:/cvlhtr vie. ALL f'OOD.'i f're-c estimate-s. 646-0830 robe donl'! • Indirect llght-i\l·l 1.ollf', l'lpprox. liOO sq ft, Jlaleii.:h & Victoria, C.:'1·1. ALL PRICES SPENCER'S Lawn Service, -ing Jn kitchen • breakfast 612 1997 Coa~1 Caterers &Hrlil'l, 2Cl7i Plt1 t'cn11a, C.:'11. · -· · · ., J-"rec t'SI. Lawn care, cieun.-har • hug!! private 1enc:ed _:o:.:_~:::_:::::_::::_:::_::::_ ___ li;-::::;;----------,,. C C r-:(J \Vasr1ni:: * WALLPAPER * \Yhen you call "t.lae·· 5'18-1444 &Hi-1Tl1 patlo • plush landscaplJig • Industrial Rentai 450 lost 555 ement, oncrete U!>S. RellM!nable_ 5'18-5213 brick Bar-B.Q's _ la.fl:!! heat------------IS:\1Al.L .i;livf'r & twii:e silky EXPERIENCED Japaflt'Be PAINTER, rruw b t· ho o J .d pool• •. 1---1. * COSTA MESA * · ', " II PATIO SJM>t:1aJ ls1~. Add Gardcni•r, 1'.f<1i11tenance & 1t•iu·her. Exler I Jnler. ~ "' """ li'rrier, 'ulllSC')., nu •'" ;11·. • 3101 So. Bristol St. $95. & $167 per month. l.<i>l 011 Balboa !~land. rllst1nc11on :o your homl" clean up. 537--8374. <..'()ll5. C"CLlings, airless equip, \\"alk 3 blk11 10 Bi'ac11• (~J i\Ii. N. ol So. Coast Plaza.) lnrlu!ilrial unns. r<'<.tdy Jor Uiuh•r ,·rts (';jn•. t"ainily 1' 1!h a cus~om patio desig-n-1--c-,-,-,c,-1,-1-,-G-.,-,-de-n-,-,-,--1 \\'ork guarn. Reas. 64&-•1519. i.r J BR e~. ne1.1 ly dl'cor. Apts., Santa Ana oc-;•upanc-y. 110-?20 l'o"-tr ht•;1r·! lirokrn. Tir "(l r(i 011.ys l•i.! "~Jlf'l'!a !ly for YilUr hon1e. Senltce PRo~·. painting ext/int, neat · * FRESH AIR Obi.".·"",--. t~l·. ''• Furn. or Unfurn. 370 C N • S . Q .. ·,111y •0 , p--, .. , k 11 -~'""' "" .,.., /:~~~~;;;;;;~1j~~P~H~O~N~E~'~5~5~7·~8~2~00~~ 111 '. r'Al'l'Ri;:S J{l.TH * ~16-6JI!. e\rs 67:'1-231\H. '" • "'· "' e .. c F'ree E.~!ip'late., 673-1.166 1.1or . AC<'OUs ce t ngs, Ba. 811111, except re.rru:. G'"'''I iiiiiiiiii . ..,,. L' J7rh C.:'11 · Sa11~fa<.:1 1on. Ea<;0n &. Sons 1------------1 airle~s sp")'ing. R, f,. ~:J<J c... · · · \IJ:'\l·l'oodle, hlk. 'l )l"l<i okl. LA\\-'N l\taint Hauling nc • S!r.i. /\o sngls, 110 JJl'l.'i -£.12-l JSJ <.:on.\tl'UCrioo. 5-18--0769. · · · " ~7-lr.i!. -----= ----I f!, d nt•n 1·0Jlnr. V11•. l'arsnns -Ja..,,·ns, cll"an-up . pruning, I ==-c-'-----~-~ :)36.!ill. PALM MESA APTS l _______ _,)f &li J ~-01~ LEA~E -isoo !i4 It. ui 1<00 hlk Si nall r£>111trd & CEr.t~:t\·r "'ORK. no job too }'rec est. Call 5-l&-7379. I...:'r & Ext<'r. Painting. :* KIDS WELCOME • Rent.111 ,_. C;i rpei.·d o/,·s, a u· ro11U, Iii{' .i;:real ;ipprl'c1a11011. 61: ... 2·166 sn1all. reasonable. F' re e 1-D-IC_K_'_S_G_A_R_D_E_N_l_N_G-1 Lic'd, ins. Free t-st. 30 yrs . ),IOVE !:-.' TOnAY. Atirai'· , rioor" nuore~ ·en1 ! t < k11 -- -Es1in1. 11. Stullick, 5-IS-&il5. expt•r. Chuck, locaJ ref'~. B t:""! el unfur !l'" I .. •••••••••• ., ., · i.: 1 '· · · LAl tGF-: Cr1>cn p ;;1. r o' P•\TlOS, ,,,,,,O""'., .-,,, .• ,-,·:,.,_,, Rrsidcn1iaJ-Cornrnereial , ,.., "<'"''. ,bl"!" 2 BR APT. Sl r ,..S!.19 11 1 nr " ... · · · .-.. l.11 • ~t·r~ ur ba!l1$. l~a111. hl1lg 1 11 h 1 . n 1,__ ~ c· .... d..U Cl u Ph &l2 • .-3 _~:.:;;~..:.:cc.' ______ _ ~\$ POOL l' •Hacht•lor fu111 S!~I 1 1.--f . 11 Yf' O\\" rac \"IC a ·~·a & ean-i>s. . • .,..1 ALL Ex,,.... . ' ets •..•.•.. ' '•Rooms .. OD lnr ltf' n1 rg. ,),).I ~1a.ernT1;1 [·[· ! n · . I 67'' .~-, llf'\11 h i \.l'll.'!, i\a W, bre11k, -------Ext. Int. Lie. Ins. ""· !736'.-A h'.e·I-. n Lii 1-BR unfurn .......... SJ_W_. 1 , .-1, .,1~n--0 ~.•n•. ~ii.irr . ,,....,,, -18-"'""f EXI'ER.1-fa\\·aiia nGarrl.-nl"r .,... " '"' _' It' " •· v .,.....,1 • . li';".'l-Q.l,'1(1 r"!llO\'t', :. """'' or Psi. lS yrs e.\p. f'rcP es(. 'jl-6Z33 o~ 96.~·7.ilO. 1-Bn fln'n ••...... fro1n Sl.1.1. 11-l'l'lt k ,. !'IO -Complcle Gardening Ser- Help W•ntt d , M &. F 710 BEAt,;TY Ope1-ator, e x p . \\'/loUowing ror shop In Mesa Verde area . .)j7-43.;J, ask for Sur. 8£ HAPPY. \\'Qrk }1lUr own speed, Net'd 2 iUod liceni;ed Real Estate ~alesµeople right a\\11.y. W. E . Lachenmyer Rltr. 646-3928 E ves. 673-4577 BOAT CARPENTERS Cus10111 hoal building exper. retj\i. ·I l)ay wk, top \\'a~. \\'1Jl:.r<l Boat \\'ork~. 1300 Logan A\'t'., C.:-0!. BOAT CARPEN-T~E~R-S-1 Esteni;ive fibf'1•gh1ss 1oolin11: prob'l'8m, exper req'd, 4 dily 11k, top wagl'5. \\'1Hard Boat \Vorks, 1300 ~an Ave, C.\t -SOOKKEEPER Gen'! ledger thru T.B, A/P, AIR, Pi ll . E:-per. only . Submit resun1e or eomplet" applk-atJOn 111 777 \\'. li1'h St Costa .\lrsa. loterviews to foollo1.1• 111 sel'eral dayi:, BOYS 10.14 l =~=~·~c=-~'-=-,---,--I' RI\ f ll"n ·' ~ '1 . 1111 11·/ 11. · NI·:\\' 1ndlls1r1al bid"<:. prinH' TO\' ,_1,-,,---.~-~,.-~1 --QUALITY c~'mrnl \\'ork. Let Acousl. ceilings. &1;,...5\91 •• iul urn ·•· · · · · ·•• '"'· k 1 'l O'fEL ., ac pvvu!C 11 gi'\_'t'll vice, Ka1naJani, 6-IG--1676. DELVXE l_ BR. 2 BA, alr· :!-BR furn ........ ilvm $173. 11 rc up. ap s.. " * C:'ll l<)(' 12~'3 Logan A\'e. c;rorgr Jo it. Lic.'d. bonded. PROFESSIONAL painting -to deliver papers in the San nd Bl I d h ~ ~1~-971i ' . <'•lll nr l•J<:t \'lr. \, l' f' ,, n 6-1 " !6!1" SOD l.all'flS: 1000 SCI. ft,. co . r1n! 11K· s ws ,r , • p()()l. ___ --------lllflll _10 .'000 ~q . IL_ unit~. Si'·1· \';d lt')' Heward. 9fi8 .. 0886 .. ,. .1-•• 1. i nlel'ior/exter\or . Quality Oemen1f', S;:i,n Juan Capis. ' patKI 11/lncl •'" l "l "f-ltLY I '' rt ol t o · u Hybrid Brr1nur\11 or n_ P'" · e 5Ali~A • .• .., . 11v!l111n, consuf'r 1 1· 1(1111:1.~ 011 J J s1 r 1 -1r. 1~1-2 Cleaning Service \1'ork & material. 557-7-155. trano and Capistrano °"'acb \\'alk 10 B1x111-y shopping • JACUZZI prnsionrr, l)(la rr! & rooin. i·a\l eves 6'i3-14l7. _, •-' · hluegrass $2-19 ins111llr.d, area. ll B !20-<11 "'6' • --Lo!fT-\\'ch-,,-,.-,c,;-,,~h-,.7;,-,",1"Tce-·-il Ali""fl Cl•••••'''" & "'l:"lrnntl'ed. ll ll'h 54(}.l-l~'l. PllOF ESSIONAL Painting -· . ;,. -""'" JJ61 ::11t'sa Dr. Sanla Ana C;ilJ r 1Ps, :,1~-:J)!;_.~· ___ 12WIO SQ. It. <.~J111111l hl<!g r.-u· 11 1 ' c. ~"' ,., i\Iaint "' "' ; DAILY PILOT OCEAKFRO~T 1 lica '!1 ------,.-i C\l .\I 1 d t 1'1('1", • '1 r 11 !;"li.:s. Vil': Coinplr!{' i\1a inl $t'r\·k·l' Hauling in!C'r extrr . l!ont'st work. l:i~·4•l:!O 1 • 'l<'w. · 1 . C 1 M !lOO.\I & pn IH1Tb, 11 /.~tf·n·<i, Cse 2 . . _ . 1 ,__. ;;;c: 9 zonr 1 , nex In H:ikrr & ' l!:irlJor, C:'ll ,., J..i('. & in~. 5\S-275!1, 6-15-~iO. --=== , .. -1-k. new dl.'I'. 2 BR. os a eu k" 1· ,. I ' , .... ,,,. C;u'pt•ls. "(iu1·s. ivindov>.~. BUSBOY·P/TIME ••••• l;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;,I coo 111g p ·1vi.:s. ,,r n1ys. -. ·' , "' ' ., -·-t~l''l p \I '"f I,. G II bHns, t'pt:>, drpll. !dry, ~ar ·I• O!Ller arlull. :~!t-101.i t"l <'S. :J1S-'l022. "·~-·~ --------rll•. 6lG-?OS:l Commerci<il & YARD, garagr, <"leanups, ' '' '~ : 0 ne s t' Exper_ Orer JS. i\1UST BE nr shops & pitor. $180. LIVE LIKE A KING Summe< Rentals 42-0 St 455 l/US!l Srt1l•r 11~ yr old flea Rc:-;idcnlial Remove trees, dirt. ivy, guaranteed \\"Ol'k. Lic'd. c ... EAN &: NEAT! Apply ;, ·Adults. Baby 01\. 536-2131 or age t·nllar: Lost in Nr11·port Contractor s kl p Jo ad e r, backlKM!. Any size job. Call 67a-5?-IO. At B dg e' P · I 1 person. SU!'! & Sirloin, 5930 CHOICE 2 BR. 2 BA. a ir-U rices. BALBOA _ Nt'illy rlf'c. 2 tir BOAT & TRA!l.£R _:1111NI' ti7.1-~19::1 ll·li-2666. PA I N TING/papering, 18 \\', Coast Jlii·y, NB. cond. Bltirn1 O/w, pvt patio . f'L"P.N!Sl rED -11r ix'achrs & shop'g. Ava il STOllAGE I.ORT nialr 11h1 &: 1nn 11 11·<' ADDITIONS to C.:oni'l . TRASI! & Garage clean-up, Yrs. in llarbor area. Lie & -=RoEoc=ocR=D'""K'=EoE=P~E~R~- nr Brdwy iihopping, ll.B. V;>;f'UR~ISHED \\hly or n1n!hl). ti75-:,SJO. llunt1ng:ton Bch arra Trrt"1or . Vit· Bakrr ,t,. Coun-Conipl rte Sen.·ice. pl ans, 7 llays. $10 a load. Free est. bonded. Ref'~urn. 6~2-2356-CASHIER l)65. s.t7-0l63. L\GU,.,.,\, :,ICCr74. IV-k~ 107-3621) afT 4 11111 !ry Club._Rr11·ard. ~'>-1~11. i•stiniate~. JOf.' Rowe. G<0. __ A_o0y_n_""_-_,,._S-_51l_J_l_. ___ PAit<;TING , lic"d ins. Free . * POOLS ·~ " Exper. TIH"ifl 01· Nnanee co. BR. patio. pool, d". rih:pl. a\";111 -J uly :11~1. Aug. l-11h Rentals Wanted 460 J:os~t;;nf'-harn owl . Contr. IH'.!-:J997/&M>-!12il3. ilfOVING, ~aragc clean-up&. esrim. Quality mac'!. depcn-10 work in thru 1 ofc.. localed r nr hosp. uni pc!.* ENCLOSED &· 21s1. Call i7111 S~S-:>-l·IO. . \\"f'stl lirr ,(· fJo1·rr Shores i]y \\'a\' qu·iliiy horn" lite hauling-. Rca.o;on11ble ~"'c'c1_'_· -"~"'c'-·c80"_-'_1208_·_~ in \\'ol"ld hilcz1r;; ol Avco no rig., 1 GARAGES ------\\ANTED to rr111 or lease 2 ~, .. ,.,_GI" •1-,_-, ' ·:. .• . . 'Pl p h R a!Jul1s. a\'ail St'p1. · * CONVENIENT OCEAXFHONT -!lave !hr yrs or niorr: 3 hr. 2 h;i niin. _" · •. --'"-'--____ I r-cn1ot1 .. \\al_ls, ceiling, floors Frr" estimales. 61;,...l!i02. Biter, ate , e ;->a ir }'inancial S1•1T•t:t's. Xln'I . 342-5192 1-.·,·h ,. , .• ,, •• , ,.,, •fl·•· LO" r ,, I I ' h ff I "'" ··o JOh loo II Hou•ecloan<ng .... ,, ,,.,,, "" '--n~f1"•• TO \LL BEAC!IEt:; ~" " "' ' 1 10 3 n1i lron1 bc~aeh. Qui<'1 '' . rry i;!f' 11 111" "' u _ ~-~· , sina · * PATCH PLASTERI~G .,..,., · ' , ... .,._-.,~ ~- • !!EACH BLUFF APTS. ' ~. •1111 ~1~iOl•1 k. fi-12-~1 a11 I 1 b 11 I li-0036 2-1 hr ans sf' Appl,• in ""'"~""· Avco FROM $140 MONTH ' · lr.r Atlt1lts \\' 1n1{'1'•Tal1Jr· • rr;1" 111;j~ ' cat. c 1 f ~ru; _::__ • · · rv. All types. F!'f'e e5lin1ates ,~ l2 k 3 BR. 2 BA. pool, patio. 2 Rr nr H11y &. Cl uhhousc. rrf• a~ ll'~i"Jrs fmn1 Rollin:::; ?I :\IS-11 .. 1 Add1t1011s * Remodeling :\1Psa Clf'aning St'rvil:-e Call J1(}....682Z, Thrift. 6'.20 i\rii pnrt ~nler dll'. :\r. !hopp1_n;::. ~1;.39j7_. AD ULTS PLEA SE Lido 1slr. $1 5 0/11•k. ll1Us E~talrs. S?.00 111a..,, I.OST wllt/hr11·n s po t!rd Gr iwick & Son, Lie. Carpets. \\'i11do1.1~. Flnoretc. Dr. Suitt> JOJ, N.B. , Plumbing $150. :z BR tri-plex_ r i·pt<, VILLA POMONA S~s.'i/11111. Call fiTI-7_1R_.i_.__ ~1.l';"-:::1-1~ or 213/3711-0i-!6 '.\Ir Trr!'il'r. Nir k1 r .• J111y JO, 67.1-6011 * 5-l!}..2170 Resld. & Con1mc"J. 5.18-1111 _.._,,.~-=-.,.--.,,,---! C,\BINET J\takcr to buil<i drps. blllts., patio. '.?'i\8-8 Rentals to Share 430 ~etiq::r. C;ipo Bt h. r1•11al'd, •196-411~. Electrical l!ouseclf'aiung nY l);y-.-TAKAS & Snns Plun1bi11g store ti.-cture~. ·19-1-4263, or ¢1orida. PHONE 642-20)5 1 f;P.;ipl <11· 1 0 11~ hOllSf', !!1n1, 011n Tr·;i nl'por!Arion lic'd, bonded. repipc l o'~'"c'='-:30'°"""<c•-l-_Oc9S0-'-.--- 11160 f'Q mona A\'r.J 'B f '\I Cd\l I I I C•ll 8."6' ~-I< <emoxlol , .. , .. •on•·t f "<< CAPABLE I --• I .. . .. ' . RENTAL TO SHARE? f r 1 "n ,... r.-, , -· · wcnser · ---~ est. &16-8340 for NB ff" LG E ~ Br ·1 bil ~1ud10 l\J)l • • -or .fl('f'< er 1Y I I ~ t" I F.C"TRICIAN l I 0 ,,,....."' "'• '-~ • ' l'i:;'.11.& :w?Cre ary ~/p!ltio & yrrl. fill hllns, ,\i\IAZl:\G Adult L 1 v j n g \\"<> , •. ,n , .. 11, \"OU• pr<' r.~~ !'JTI:• "· -~•. ,.otl ln1troct1on i-.,.--bonder!. Sniall J'lbs, n1a1nt. Bay & Bc11ch JanifQriul · · 0 ICi'. ' t"~~TY ari · · · Beaut. J & 2 BR furn or unf NEED ROOMMATE.? & repairs . ., . ..,, .. " .J. 1·pts, 1vrn ows, <)()rs elc. oM I J S\50 842-4::i49 ~ "" ' nvl"r ~H~) ll \O + C~"~"~l.j ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;j o•oc20• C · d fl PLU.\!Bll\'G REPAIR 6-16--966~ ~ fi . .\f>-0:!1 ! 1•1·es 111· 11 knds, & c ·1 646 J IOI ;-..·o joh too sn1all , -. 2 BR, closed :;11r. Child & Apr.•. &>If c.lean. o\·Pns, \\"<• c;i n hrlp YOL1. lrwl' ------Gardening Hts. onim · · ~ · · ~I Jlt'l ok. $1-10/lno. Call D/\Y !tn 2 Hrt d1spls, shag BEACON * 645.Ql I I \\",\!\"Tt-.:D !'1 lP•t~l·: ·f-or :'i I.Jr Schools & HOUSE:CLEANli'G by da~'. 8 e 6l:l-:ll:lS e rifi-8365 or %2-76.17. c-p!s, drps, jaeur.r.i & sauna h"ml'. unlurn, 111 /'.1ar111i'r instructions 575 AL'S GARDENJNG 10 4, _\Jo n t11ru rri. Jean.-COLE PLUMBING 1 Br, ivrll lnAt~ ha1hs. Huge pool. Si·hl 1!1~1. Call <·ollet Ii•----------nrllc Nixor1• :}12-7!117. 21 hr. sl'rvicc. 645-U61 A . 1 1 d M errimac Woods YOU,'\r; h•a,·hr1~nnls .~,1111c :.?1 1/r!G--6:.!ji!J. n~;CE.\T lr\'ine ;.:r<irl in-lor gardening & small -Slll>. l'ftl . 1nme. tn .~h;u'I' '1 Ur •lll Ocean. : ... --lt•rc-slcd Jo ii·ork!n1: lancisC'aping services, call e l\OU:->ECLE.\Nl'."G • Sewing/ Alteratlon1 5.."6-S900 4:?Z. .\1r rrunac \\",,1y, C .. \t .'i l:\f.L~. 110111a n dC'.•11'<'~ rt11•n . 54(}..5198. Serving Newport, nnd/0r '.llothrr',o; Jll'l""r. :S Jf(t n1 ... r a. Furn. Paulil _1111 in Crl \l l.11w rrn!. \\'ill 11· srr111u.~ p1;1no .'1 ud1•1u~. ,,~ l SR,'.\ blk5 lnJm ocran, $133 Huntington Beach 1>i:-6~:."! B<•.c1nn1"t"s or cu111lnu1111: ,\JI Cd:'l"i, O>sta J\·lt?sa, Dover J::.~perirnrl'd . ~>18-1·131 ~ •. Ad••I<•.. pr rlor'111 ~"r\ Tl'C'S t lyp1n.c;. 1 1 010 ·r•,.? Shores. \Ycstt'lil!. I ~--=CC----'-----,_ • · 1·0···0 2' .i 1:f's \,,. <~11nr .~...-.1 ~,. I ron ing -Call a:".6-1710 Parklild'' Brach L!\"lll;;: U -' rlliltl, "• \\IShf'~ II) i:o11dr11111:=. "llt1111.:l ll11--1701 VT -.----Professional t;ardenr r for Adul!s 1n<J1r '" l~•t11n,1 .irr1, 10 -M -. I 465 P Pl<ino lr~;;ons, $1.> mo, L • h IS I h· 1 1sc. ent a s , h · k Trrc \1ork. 11 r un1n ;:, e11un• ge•c Casa De 0 s ;j)f' 1nu,r vi .ipa1·1!11rnt ~ 1 f',1 11 rr . IRQ,'\l:\G donr in m~ hon1 e • j ~p1 1nkler~. clran up J(lhs, ' , B . . 1 l\l!li •'•1nr. 711 -.~r .. Slll\ . • I "" IH2-9:'9,1 ""f'~ • 1 1 , , ,,. r, .. ,...... Sl.2.'> an hr NE\\' octanh1lnl : BR. • A. l &· 2 Hn-tu1n un . P11 pa-· .. -----l.OCf':l·.IJ, frn1·r rl ~l ro1 .•~f' t.)r ii~~~~~~~~~~ A 11 1 s ·a fl ".. ". ,.;,. .. "" f;.lj.-.1)821) "" * U a....e tn1. lrplc i n ~ BR. «lcvatnl"'. \\ 1:-;11 lo shar1• Jo\·rly l;1rg1• I hoal.~ 1.•r <.'>u11prr~ . .)!Ji llf'l'jl~ 1;.u}-~11!9.~. ; • ~,:«) Cl1!f Dri1·r • • dsh11·shr~. (·rpts. d11is. Pets BaPK Ray honir 11· 1t h foot l~ll-6:."60. [ [fCl GEN YD CL EAN-UP Janitorial <"II NE\\I OC'EA:\'FP.0 ;\T • aCTt ptrd. F rom $1·t·._ hu;;1nrss lady. fi.W--1::1~1 ~~~~~~~~1111~11111 · Service1o Jnd Repairs~ T1"f'f's. ,..hrub,, II')', ~11aped, l----------- 2 BR.. 2 Ai' 21r-.m Bronkhurst ~r. llB. J\'on-~n1okl·r. :'llulr lS-2:, I: I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~; I n•sh•tfl''d n1· 1·rn101·1•d. i\rw S1\VE• Family 0 ,,. n" d ! Le~. ;:~Cl iff Dr·. • +i14 1 %'2.flf.)~ • 011·n ix-fhoo111 All 11n v1legrs I II ~ Ill I; 1111.<, •Pf1ll'd,>ro; 111slalled. l,;i1.1·n<, 1nmplr tf' rrs11!en-Ptr1onJl1 - f..ido Isle ON BEACH' Slli\ltE •1 ~:~~:11:~~1r near I ~ ~~::,::x;:sh N Wax j\~i1~~1;!:~;.ng._IJf'_'_' ~"-"_'_''_''_· ~1~,r~r< rosm:S~r~~~!1111~~11~~~;: Sl'Ac lOU.S, Jo\'('l.1· 2nd fln 1r • lia~. L id11 1,,l:1nd Cl11 ldn•n ,.. ~·<>-S Cft ~:i\Tl\'L <_;:J rd P nl 11;;: ~>IS--h.ilO I P .''.n.I' SJO '1>111[}.."l<'ls ,., .-J •. 1;in1 fanl.~ .pl ) b'. 2 h", l'>ll ns. ·'EIV ,\PT.~ 11cll'on1r . Call_lil:>_--_•"-'' _ ~r-i'\·1rr Con1,1lr·1r ilta1nt .~· Moving n $9.2~ Q11 1C"k Rr-rv. C.a n1pl'rs 'asti1,shr & rrlr1g, C1·p1d, J r:r }"n)m $2'17 Gara gas for Rent 435 ,!;, Z'llobilc SPI'\'. avnll. y 0111. C"h'i•n-ur l ~"lndsi·:•ri 10;; .~. Alterations -642-5845 i\"eat, atc11ra1e. 20 years e.xp. D ressmaker, Custom Sewing & Alterations Also have fabrics. Phy llis, 962·6269. Tree S•rvlce GENERAL Tree Sl'I'\'. "fard cl<"11n-up, haulttl~. ~prinJ.der 1'f'pa1r~. flea~. &;6 • .J/HS. Tile BUSBOYS And DISHWASHERS IS Ot Ovrr ~lust '101·k r ves k 1.1·knds . .\pPly In Pcrs<in 2:30 P:<I '111 S Pi\f 1555 W . Adam• Costa Me•a CEr.1\.\llC rile new & reniodcl. Fref' f'SI SinaU COO!\, J ~lays P'('r 11·k, J•ib~ \\"f'l t'Unie. ~'1~21!. J11'r-i11, ca.n.• for elderly -lady. Own hr!rn1 &. pr1 balh drpd. 2-car garar<f'. S375 on 2 Alt t"rnm $2-12 __ _o_ ________ IU(ff f'U~TllOL~ \'(_)LI hunie nr pilk llJ!. J':r,i::. ~prinkloT!!: 1n::L fn'c r sl. ,\!OVJi\G •. For )lltlr loca l or J!W. ~hown by "fl pp t , 3 BR FroiTI $37j GAft,\Gt.: !nr Hr nt, 1·,1r or \I'll.I. lli\Vt; TO{:();.,' l'R()L (1Pari·np .~· rri.. m,iiiit. fi7::-:ll·l9. long d isT:u irc 11101·ing, cull l 5'14-20-1.l. .f urniTlll'f' "'"atlJ.\JI(> S!Ol'ilg(' s 1:i fll'I" Ill". !llS YO Ul{S!·:Li" IV :you AT-&15·?~-.o -,-.;x-·1-){'~,-,,-,,,-.,-,,,-,-,.-c-.-;1)-.,-le-,.-,-r OK Van & S!Ol'fl l:l', ~lll' [-toy-, 100•··~ f';dri1 Sr, !I B. ;,3G--Jtil8 or TEXJJ Tiit; :-i PE!•'.D\\'AYl _c. -"'~·--------"~ ,,_, ~,a Verde Ca rpc1s-drapcs -rl 1~hw~shrr B b 'tt' Conip11'1e ~d ~<'rv1t·r. Nr;it lot:'al alli<'r! agrnl. Pallerized ;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;; in charn1ing little house. :i.19-12-!l COOK. f!'y Cho111 Bell, Bl\'rf, CJ J. rxper. Apply 2ji4 Nc1\•port -heai~-> """l-~aunas-icnni' :1::.i-197;1 ,\!OTORCYCLE II1\Ct:S /IT a yst 1ng ""' ·' "" I I ·1 R.11 "JOO ~" '""' ., i; n ,\ ;-.; l; E C() U !\' T yl ·--,,.,...,_---o---.t.: Reli11.. Free 1·.~L ,,..,,.....:i,,,. s orage R so a1•11.1 . -v· . n ·c roon1-otean vieo.i.·s 1 _o_n_1_ee_R_•_n_t __ a_1 ____ 44_0 FJ\lltGROU:\DS O'.'\ 1•1,1_ COSTA MESA jjoijjjij;i.;.i,;.ioiijiiij,0:.i;iiiiiii•iiimiiiiiiiiii µJL.'\ 2 & J Br. 2 Ba, r nl·l pr. Sl:ll & up. Rl'ntal ofc: patios-a mple parkmg ' PRE SCHOOL * * Se<:u rily guard~. Bl1S.!N f-:SS.\T f':~-Yn111· 0 1\"ll /!,\\' NJL;Jrrs /\T g P :'ll <:: • s . * * * * I urn 1 sh r d fl/r1cr +n '1111'.:Y ARE A RIOT. SIGN. ' pccial un1ni_r r !~ro.i;ran1 HUNTINGTON prrs1 1t;O\JS llf'I\' bt1 1hlini:: \n r·n· [l .\RBY 0:'\LE'Y 18,~ t: ·'lonrov1a, ,, day + PACIFIC Oriui,t;r c o. l'llq xir! Rusinro;~ __:_ · · · ... · full day sessions. rrannerl \\"ll'Hl\\'£1) h11~1nl'~.<:n1.-u1 'Ill p1~igra111, hot /un(•hcs ,\<>rs 711 OCE\" A\"" 11"' Ce11tr r ~~l~m Sl lO lll•l. e-MARINER SQUARE '.~ r-.. ...o. ar'!\I•' ht>nr,t "Ul1'f'l'r, rn-2-6, hr<: fj ."10 A.\1 _ C P\f 1 APARTMENTS (ii 11 :'>.'b.l·IS7 &rrrtnr1al, 1h1pl1<·a1 111i:: £. nu111 11(' S· n11tl'r1a;:r ·111ndr d SLS "·k-CO:'ll l'1\ll~:· r~12.111:.o 0 1 lo ' h-"} IU!~\\l'l"l!l.! •I'll••'•' ;o\,ul. k "'' ar\uhs d""iring 10 J11·e <'open ilm· pm 1r.11y :-1·.-1ni.: 11•1n1;•rr !"tHt11!rrra11. C<>l l l "( 1 .1 1-1 -,- \\.1111 \l \\'\LTf"P.S CO 221l 1Ju!Jont J)r ~:':."; ... !J";fr::. l'f I' I ,.., '• · • ~ !.!It \\I 1.1 f' ·' "d ~ , b lhe s"a • · ,\. · • •· · ' ><l \ 'I . .".11' ~ "'lll''Olr. I I I , II "-I _ aumt ~1 .,.,au Y )' ·... OfFICf-; hhh.:.-·l:~!-:-<I 11 J r 11 1 rr11 n 1r ,.,·a<''· .. in the p11!sUg1ou.<: \\'esic1iff i•.--........... _,...,...,...,...,,j APC1\llE 1 /,1.'~ ;i 11 k SJ hr ;~1~--0~'t;i ill<'ll. laguna Beach roon1 offu•r 111r11 + 11~1·ku1~ \'ll.'Pi"!!J'll}. :\l••i(, .. t•. i\dnr>-:\fl , ~lr ~!~~. ~~~a.i::c.r I nn. t•Ja,.{' 10 ~.ea rh & shops:, :';;:r1:.:·ll;~~\'~'.1 ~~."I~ ''.,'1o,1~::· ~1;~~ I !~1~'.110 ~-t "11 !t'•'1111~· ('1111.1\--•..• rf'.-111•-lin111•· 'l ·11s..l0t..'I \t .. 11-Vn d.1) P1.,.-~,l1rJt1I a"..;" 1244 lrv11w Ave N.B. CJtllf't arra. · a.lure p<'~ns · ' \,ti\~.<,\(;•.:--,., ,.,.,,.,,,,.,._.-;;,-r_ j•H·J \l..iiv ;;\< 111·1tu•, ,1\,1 .l Cal! &tZ.-0252 nr1ly .. 'io P."« pleasc .J.JESI\ ~rmcc ;i,·a1lable s:..o prr'rnr i• 11:::s:1 n f',(•l•a 1,12•11,,1 S095 !\1ace Ave. :i.16-103~. ,newport Beech Trader's Paradise lines times dollars Job Wanted, Female 702 --------ATTENTION (,\PISfRAl\'0 l'LE:\·JENTE S1\N J UAN AND SAii B IJSJ:"<ES:l· ~IEZ\" -Arc ~1.1u looking 1 Jor a c.i rablr. 11ua1 1fil'(J ~e.c­ rrlar.v : .\Jo1·1ng :f'I ~C. \\"1.~h .-n1plt.1) m••nt 111 area. Con- ra1·1 :'111-s. Ca1r. 20lti \\"al- l;1r·r . Art. F, CO!.la .\IC$.1, &.m1. -----~-1 f'/C kkpr. \! .. ;11rr f•'rnaJ,.., Si llini;: t.,.,tt~Tr. !·~err!. I\ Lil(' Cla.<..sl11r rl ,\d :\n 31 1. (':'l.ilv ' CP I. Apt-,\lolr l, 11·1ff'-n1a ld wrk, husballfl-lL ma1n1. Furn apt + Utl. Star! i 2;:,o 67~741>. C01',Fl:::t·.: Sho p \\"<1ltress, c:-.-p'd Costa :'o1es.a Golt & Country CJ11h. JiO I Goll Cours(' Dr. C ,\1. CO.\IP.'l. ... lu~ f•1r-.1~,-ld"·-,-,, lad1t>s. prf'pa rr hit> lunch. no o1hrr du11c~. J llay prr 11 k, • Sur.1 la) 1 San1-.-1pn1 On- ly J'l'l lahlf' neM apply. $1.W hi'. ~l.'\-7'22.'J 1-~PcAcR=K"N'°"'E''W'PORT ,\9-1-1 lfr~ ;t ~m-7 p1n 1no._ \\'ill prov1d~ f11rn11urc I r111.·J1 Rd. H B. s 11 .. ;.2'.''2. L-d"""""""I 1 a\ S::-n10. 1\ns11 cnn~ ~e.r\'1t•e -.. ---ll.\-B\'S!'il'!~t :;-;;-n1Y1;-:-:mr . APARTMENTS 1 0 s e a1.,11111111('. Jl"J::i No. E l .-'11.COl lO!.!C~ An1•11:.11"i11~ nil a!!I'• 1"'1•'<•1'1\• 11'"' 8afhrl01-, 1 or '.! Iif'<.iroom~. Cain i no ft ra l , San l'h'•l1<' :'>11-7111 r.r 111 11•' ri,··~ \·1, '''"·<'ll ."latrr, 1'1101, Hox I :MJ, (;Q~i .t )Jes~., C(!S:'llETICIA.'\-D1u~ Cltrk. '----------------------"I l':i !t'.'il 2•l I Full)· •'>.p only. Doll"n\Ol\"1'1 .. . . Job• Wanted , M & F 704 ~-:-i.>;,...7;01. rn. 11i1-: 1.011· :-.11 1:F1\r;F: Trn d,, l~'at11 r ... lac :X hE nF.;.;r"".1c1.-".1-s~c.,-,,1c,,c,,c1.-,-,-.,,.-,1 anti Townhou ses. Spa , pools, I :-\V .1 11r. 2 11."J. l>a)1rtin t Clt:'n1tn1c. 4~2-1,120 !' n._l~~x 12:l'.:, C~1" \1•·· 1 11 1:. ii1i -7::0fl tennis. )'rom S\7j. Ac•ros.s Apl s. s.12:, r11n 1rh . u ESl ' I bl S · I Cl b 53 h' 1 1 ri 1 1 Bl' 1 f \\ kl · 1. "fi.1e<' n1·u1 a c S30 oc 1a u s 5 Cabinetmaking fmnl f'as 1on ~an at ' 8111' -' '11~ r'vllt i!p\~ rl' .Y mo \\'1ll pro\'1rlc furn\\\ur ;\H(l"I)!~ lh1~ll:: 11 ~<' 111'11, :!.'1.l-\1 ,11 1 1"f''1 111'l'l~.lo11 \ ... I cl1;iirs11ll' P/tinl<' l rla 'i ~·u1t S\].\l.I. R-:l LOT. 1n1l<•s. t'f('. \\lh;i r h.1\'f' )'•lll .!O !~.L ni.:1 ~:.;.:rr. f'X· Il k H B ,S 1fl--Ofifl~· ) 1 !'f:t· ~-1-.r~ F,\:'iT {'llST.\ tn uffcr.:" l'1\1p.'r!~. lots ca1· prnr nerd all Phl\~r"' tir , · • ' ''-·---·I ooree & San .Joaqllln lhl!~ nr _1,.~rb ;1! $~ n1C1. Answrring srrvh·e Roads 17141 fi.14-1~1'1. :-0 II!\ li1n 11.,hl'd hnusr S\,iXX) a\'ail;iblc. 1187.J Beach Bl\'tl. ~w i1n.:i ni: ('r}llfll"S ~\'\!IF: \\'OHLP i11 11t;.or.so, ;-."t1-11:.is -----------1 · ,,. ? f,7~.;,1 ~7 f'I P->. n1anai:;c1nr111 flrange Cn .. COOi\ -rr T 1I'l'1TI c n I :'\! ll\' 111 t)1 ;11a.'r Cr1un!1' l'n '-_:-n·::::,\._:d!l-::i ,,;, --_ -----1Jr;i.•t1 prefrn·rd. j 1 4 : 1'Ps11.Je11er. Prcfrr s o n1 e /111i-!1t'ol ll~l<l11l:1r klll·hl'll Sl.i.ill MI l''I(~. l»';llll ;~!)~) ,.q • "' .. • • • .. ~.Jt;..:~a7 (fJl'lil!"Y f'\pl't"ll'l1Cf'. X2-.'ij3J * BRANO NEW * Month llun!lngton Brnrh. &12-4321 Rr1;1 11T \\'1r~1 Rllr. 6i-~17~3 204.3'.?San1a 1\naA1T'.l1\r ross · .,.... .. ,. BAY VIEW OFFICES rnhinr i<. ,.,..,11111,'I' 11, P ~ 11 2 ,11'\ I BIO 11 .. nH• ('ulll!n. CHI<\"\ Cllpncr l"ar, 1 dr, Help Want•d-:-M & F-71-0 1;in111r" ,'I,, p11lln1a11~. :i111k~ C.ol 1;11·.;; hnl $1 :1,1)~1 fnr lu;iilrd, l"f'I)' g•!Otl L'\Jlkllli<.111 L>~.:'>IU;">;STHATORR -Toy & ;::1/! parlies. Ho11~r1v1\·t'll rarn up 10 ~2000 co n11n iss1on hy Df-1-. 1~1. No del1vPT')', no 1;ollPct1on, lrer hoi;.lr ss a,:ifts. Nee<! car. 6-16-68.'>!J from S.A. Co111111"\.' Clul'll. Newport Beach l'lr!u~" 11 c 1 ,. 1 I · II"· t1Tl•l lOlll'! .~· pl1unh11n: !1 ~l un-~ 1-ar-lh "<1J>d t·h·:~1·,.,1ht·n11.,l'I"• Spaciou~ I & :! BR Ut11!~ l·----------1 Lido i\re<1 • :i()c-."<1 . 1-·1. [ l ost ~nd f ouod II Q~ I IOl') l)il"1'('1 _ llu i\dt'I" ~ ..,i11! rn11rl. ':11-?Hi.• Fi'Om Sl:D up. f'rplr~. pn1·. Resort .Tiralvnon11rs Bk1·. 67:1-6700 l'ru·e h, lhr f'nhlir \'t~lt --patiQs, load~ of cl0t>r1.i;. i\tgr ---· ~ , r "Id du pit,\ 111 <\1)1 ~v L• • DESK S""'C'C a va1\ahte ~en "Il l' Sh o \\ r no !11 A~ ' L I I .;;,1.0111. 1v1nn ... -~ o! l\11~. ~-,,,,. ,.u11 p .. ,.n.t. BREATitTAKl ~G \"IE\\' "'2' mo. \Viii provi<le furniture F d (f d ) 550 \\";1rr-ho11~r . f(l!l \\'. IO!h Sr. l·~ hr, I l t11. F.VC. Trad•• Luxury apT li\'l ng w/$1 mil-a t P mo. Ans1~·rrin~ service oun ree a s C:'ll f>.1;....;:1~1 1111 i~·o s l .. u~:•~.-.t'. Rrahnr ~H uge 2 BP. apt. lh~l on hon recrrat1on .. s111mm1ng, available. 222 f'orC"st Ave, ~-ouND _ Thl't'(' 6-l\ "k old Carpet-Service 8a<"k Bay Blu lls 1.1/2 P'"' lf'nn 1.~. bill iards, and \'OI· ~~n Beaeh. 4!l4-9-IG6 Cocke r Spanu•l PUl>f>ll'.~ •)ll ~l:l-_51ll/l. -------- balconies. b·plc, hr 11!r 11 le}·ha ll , hclll1h clubs. sauna~. or~·1ci-:S-!or rrn!, utt rd. J{ntund~ of Oa\"IS .Jr lligh. OJI .__ U hol \\·111 1r:tdr lU 1"'"1. H'1">g<11· pool, loads of 1·1()!;('1!1:. 71:0 clubhouse, par1y room. res1. tTp!. p\"t rs.trms Loe. 1000 ;,i&--69ll.-. J :'\ :-. Carprr .~ P slcry ed ,11"1~·.-"' ·i l'f'\ll .1ls in 'Dominm Or. IC D.~1 .H.S.I r!('n\ 1e1111is pro&. pro sllc:ip ;.;. Coa st lh\~'. Lag lkh --Clcant'1·~. f:xlra Dri -lle111 ct f1lr (.lr:ingc C'u 1n- c.ll ,,,;__,...,n_ -" h s· I t"OUXl>-l.a1ly's 111·1~l1\':1 lch Sl••"'l'-I<-. s, _1,.0., .. ,,-1 1 .... ..-u uu a,.._. niut more! 1ng es, $!17-Sl i!"i. 19.-.-:'ill\6. '" ,._,., '" '" ,.. ... " ~·c11111• p1"1:1p<•1·) 1-'~=cAT.'L"M""'O"S'T'"R"EoA"'D"Y"l 1 & 2 sn·~. F11rn-U11lurn.~-.--, 111 Viishion 1~1:ind 7130111. l So 11 Re t ll rd 11 n t s). c1111 11 1 ~)1;2.2~.6\ r R 1 113... ~· STOHt. or 0f11C'f'. N1'\\J10r1 t,, 0111){'r 111ny t la11•1 b~· 1dr 11-D<>~!':i~t'r:« k all color -----J n p_ Sl:i0-2 BR s 11:.. UP. ('Ill~ rum J . -• 1'0 B c 20~2 ( bl7 I'll~ Rf'UllllfUJ Oak j~l\'l'n'fl .. ?riv. patk:I. blll1nn1 rm. htd 1Pa.<e required. l\lodels Open .,?~rl rC1~1"l" ,'.,:! INJ·,,1,·por,1 ~1111:. __ -_. '-,.--~-I l•rli.:lilenrrs & JO n11nu1e llfl l'~ ll<'l'r &•quo1.i. c!,,l'l' io •~I 10 8 ""1 • · · .> ;i 11 [I(· t"i\D. 1)1•5cr1 Tortv1.<1I" 1\·,1lk-hleach lor 11·hlte cari·..,1s. _ tlOi 1.1•/jaci1zi l, 20101 Btrt'h '-'"1 Y lo · 6;lfr l2,'t2. '" hi!! lakf'q, Trarlr $2.0110 S1, !\B. &i >-IJJO. O G E _ ----------in).. down ,\!t hea llr_. H.B .. Sa1·r your money by saving-riiuuy for ;1<tuilr in la rf!<'r OAK WO 0 ARD N Sll!llLl-:TI'ING \\'es1cllf! Ofr·. Sli-2G71. 1111:-extra trips. \Viti ole.in iTIObilf'. /U,>:-ljl .', or frll-?3'!1. fl:AYF'R01'l. OOat dllf'k~. rx-APARTMENTS ~ Nier s·t. l\)llT!l.'1 1720 ~CZ fl\ l;l-:H.\1.\1'< Sh(>Jlflr-rd yuuni: l11i ng rm dining rrn k hall l tCLtlc 3 Br. J Ba. liJ?plncr Nrivport·Nor!h Newly 11a1nte<l. Call :H5-114117 frmali> ,.1('. Tu~lin & Avon $1 ~, /\n,y r n1 $7.;JQ, couch .t61 mo. 2 Br. :i Ba. S300 ,, •• , .. A"~ ,,1 .~00 __ 11 for fl1'1ll ils. 111 N.B. f..J6-2'.l:ll $11), f'l1air $.l. 15 yrs. e.'Cp. ls !!1.0· Realtor, 646--0732. AA0 ~· .,, ••· .,..,,-,,.,., 1 hod I --• XI.NT {J~·~·1cE ~P/\.Cf.:: l'OU ·n k" \\" 181 C'llU!lls, IX>\ inti . BALBO/\. BAY CI.UB now a\'Ail. Lido Blrlg, 3355 N .l:T'f'Y 'l\ll'll .. ;\f'l>li)X, a~, work ntYliCll. Good ref. l;~;:;_lud:·~:l~S200::::1~ Nr\1·po1·t-Sou1h 4 m»nth~ II u n I 1 n ;:: Inn S~l-OJOI.. 1 Kl •P • · mo. 1i00 16th Si. &12·!1170 J ~ Lido, N.B. 673--4501. llnrbc1t1r llNil l~nll ~2'-1:'116, . -------- • • V iSf'A DEL MESA-t NE\\"POT!T BE:ACJ-1 -~'l\D' -----Du1mond Cal'Jlf'f C\r~ning l.11.:una Besch \"1e11· 101. all f.2?5/mo yrly. Ocelln Vir"' ''00-300~ I l"" \ Rik ,t,, ht"Oi1n pup /n'f!. ~i2e roorii lS ]n1p1ilven1rn1s 111, $~.'.''rflO Apartment• ~ • L • i.::: 11 /br:'l1tled lta!hrr <'Ollar. R · · • I II · \illuc. ·rmrlr 111.v V#l(I alrt, 3 Br, 2 Ba Jr;:: aund<'Ck. 1 • 2 BR. }'um. & U·! 0 ., •. h-Ph. ?>I r. Ei'\in, 67: .. lf.<ll 6,1., .~""t epain ng , nsta at1on.<1 • • • • tt. IJ'ade nn h•unr or units. l----------- t>l1· lhl0 J\CCLP..\TE l)pist to oprra 1r .1·c1_-"-E"-,-,_-'-s'.J.~IO'--,_-,-.,.-po-,-.,· 1 t_l"l)('S('!Tlng f'qu1 p .. ~ "ork in Ui•nch CH U J)r"e honi<'. <'ld\'Cl'l 1s1ng agrnc.1 \\"e 11 111 :!::.'00 sq 11 ror .~niallt'r ir14•n. r hone 6~J..-IG91 !vr in- 11\1r1hf'a~1 C.\I or 2-3 unns, _,_,,_., 1~·.,~-..-..;C"""-o--- 11lk.' l'lli. '2nd. 646-6-119. $ A CT NOW $ "..! 11"!1 rt'nted hon1rs, ·1 hr, 2 !1-1 ra, 111 Sa n l\!atro F.. l~··lhn•111I. Henls S2-l.J & S~'liO n1 n_ T r;11l1• up. l..fil S. Lag- a ..... <r. Ht•,11Jor fi7:1-4.1().( \\"ill trilde Irvine Coa.~1 ('ou111 ry Club f,,>til l n1f'n1lx'r- "h111 fur lfilt 1nodrl st1111on 1111)'.!1111 spnr1~ cal' Roll;; f~1•.1(".:_:_,,_,_.,_!Jil). __ · ___ _ 300 Xtras !.· 8 11 ph1y<'r~. Also. 11('11' fa{'('~ for mmmC'rc1a.ls & llLlll·U lllOll I 1 l m s. 12\3} IUl-30:i:. --'---~­APT hsr manai;:er 2S units luxury hflyfront rnusr havt ro1nplc1r knc11rlell.l:'t' o f ni:111agcn1e111 + n1in maint. SlOO. rno .. 2 BR 2 Ba $400. 1110 11pt. f'or appt. IH6-8316, 5-18-1436 or1.~~30:11. Couplc.'l onl y. r: i 11 ~-N-f";aclgP1 s D F.PF:~DABLF: habysitter needi'd filr' 3 ehildrt"ll, 2 ~hool fll gf'. Prelerably In n1y hon1e 1n l-1i:r1.1na Hill1. fi;>.(\.-(,(.(;9 11flf'r 6 pin ~-~--1 DRAPERY l::xper. )lemmrr & trlliflef", Rea1·h Dral*l'Y S<>rvi(·e, !IOO \Y l7!h, C.\1, 5'!0-6464. DISHWASHER * APPLY * \'?1;11 ~n1a.ll PIRJ)() Or t.:tlor T'f. Trr1!lc i:-00 ,.<p11 1y 111 11· acr~. 111• Palin ~pnngs, h;"1l:1nrr Sl j a nl(I, ATTRACT. WAITRESS REUBEN E. LEE Exf}l'r. Not under 21. NO '* • .:i.%-1131 ... ---------f';tllbroc>k lnnd, fn"C & 1;lfar. 20 11crc!'; 01•rrlook';;: lu111rr l11kr ·rradr for ls! Tru<1 f)(>l"d , bo11I or ~ ~ ; 1'1101\f:: CALLS. App!y in 151 E. COAS'T HWY. Nt::'\\"PORT BEAOf J>l'r!IOll Su11 & Sirloin, 5930 --~=---~-~--1 \V. Coruu H\\·y, r<;B. DISHWASHER ftl')" clean. f;.l;,....1178. "· ·' -------,,...,.,"" Fl'\'e E:<t. &l.~131 7 r<1u1r) lor h!)usr . 1lnpl1•.\ nr Irr 2 8 "asher • Sto\'t> and P.cJrli;: • •W SQ. l'T. Sf. j I 111 ° · S.\IALL hill.ck S.:·hnauzf'r vte llOUSF -o~· Cl r l\N ~ :111.1 1!>1. I l?ir'&'!'TCL r, l'J B~ Sh;ig rrp!'g-Lri:; P.f'<' r"fnler. Crpt•d. drJf(J. Costa :'llf'S;t.. Bak•'r ,t,, ll<l rllnr. · · · -"·' 1 --.~dlts, no pets". $2:1)/mo RENT Starti SISS C:1ll 61&-21:11) C:O!ll1t Prof1•~<. l'IU'JlCI (i('1tn1 ng . /1,,,,, 201 ~· all ::111°, 1nhnl- • &t~-1~i9 • \\ ,\:\ r <'11r or olr. l lAv~ 20' ART!Sf -I nt er v ie "' i 11 g :.ru~ be clPan & ·neat, (!Ver \"ersalllc ar1 istt. to manage 21. Apply in penon, Surf l 11f'111 art servk'f' bu~iocss. Sirloin, 5930 \V. Coast Hwy, Some eoliciting. 646-ll~ l"B. J128 °"<!lord Ln. ~8-7lll Tust••n & Mos• D<<'vo ---\h•,a. 962-~;".? frr(' ('St !{rf'11. &12-{i,i124 outlw.-1 ho;1I, <;ht" _1 \'~ f'n::. li\"DfV IDU1\J. hldg for of------~ J \ ht · f;°1'1tl Ana * S.CS-485S * ll('f'1; or ~tf)t'f". ~l! "'· Al'll!COT 1'.-'1"~11111 :on111ll 1.:11-Carp•nl•r 1111u ·1nr Ill'~•., 1,.,...1,,. t /; trn 111• r.olr!r nrnr!. llnr l•'r J11 nk \\ trlr, FOf< n •tr1i:"l"· ••lr..----------1---.,,jfCE -.---\\'ilson, C:'-1 f·l'.l-0:'.f.() V1r,1 11 111~. 6~l-214i A:r1t 1ruf'k. fiiJ,J\!li .. 3 llrl'r"CI p::inl11 Th<-nltn<:t l:tt'11Ullful 1·1e"' ril ;>;PT-uC°hSt"1<"11.1 rn1 1Jr -;_!~ , f -1-1-, ---0 -- 1 e LE r P.1111 •lo II C~,''lll'nl1 .). j ,, .• 8-,.,,, ·'''' 2 .,, 1 "I', _,.-, C, Q :-;\ 1\ , , h lll('t! W/ l'A (~•ll;u' f " • " t-L.~ Ul>OOllM' ~1c. RD 1hr lmy A: '.'!'"'1411 in 1hr 1'f1AN' 1000 .•Q fl. Park'g, I f'r1 <'111C, ,,,llf'l•'1r •' rm 1n-H\ I I ~ ~ ChTid Csrr C~nrrr lh1rhnr 11 1.,,~ 2 Bit. 2 BA J1T.1 ~;o Np! HI (~1 ~-:1•;:11 \If', Tiiif,>!tt•lr l.n, ·~111 1,11~. \\,,i·~ ,i.;1111111111rrd ZS ·' •:nc, 11"1 ' r i prc -'I Gr-eat"""' I. 2 It 3 Bd~ <"l••1r••1111', l'l].\3j<'I I 11.,. "'I' I.I ~12,1i · Sl'l,1lOO r"r 11~ ~ ),.•, 'nil ~1~5 ~~" fi12·22111 _ BusSless Rent~l--441 · _ ---ll'1n1r . (':'II l .. u~1·11111,rr SOUTH COAST IT'S Bt'ach ho\l~e timf'. Bi•-..._._ !-\l,\l.J. hlk frinah• tll"t. n•11r('Anl'~.:\'TRY hv r>urk1n Rl l:i lfi-~~!S J";\(' :,..i~~t.-1 VILLAS 0 C Cn-i.1 \!r~.1 IH"ll .~.,7 .. :,r.t • tr ·" •· i • 1 . n .. •ro1 h1101r llO' ~ C'(lntplerr. I I I. l.>o,"!~r rha"-<is, ·:,i; C11d, rn~. A/T, P/U • P S. Air. Rll rel111'lt~t·11l1 h_:1J&31 2'f..'.:. T R J\ D F: C0\Tl\1ERCI AL i).\YIS-\\'F;Ll ."i 10" TAOL~:: ~,\ \Y ro n CLF.A.~ s & \Y flR ('QLT :til 'SPF.CIAL I l'JS'JY)l. * * ~i"ii·!i884 * • ((t-51 seltcrlon rvt r' Srt lh" llAR1.l H rr11r r, (." '' ~ ! ;1 " ,/1•nr~. CU"\n))I 11,)0(ll\oll'k , • UOJ 1"1ac:Ar1hur Rlvd. DAll.V PILOT 011.Mlflt'd :.lri;11 J:i· .. r,· ~!•1r1.'"')l!!n. s.~.1. j 11t1..;1 1-:. •• 11,,r-,;;_;-4:niJ°~t:° Fnrrn11·n . l'lr. llt'~hl,·romn1.1 * * * * * * •-----~-"""--"-----•..!.r<'tlon mwl n1n. !)6.11-:J">-l:'i \" n . f;;J~11 1~. l'ki-:116$ !i!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i __ . ~ -. --' --~·: -., --..... •"·... -.-;:;:.:....' ...... .:.--·...:.... . --».('"':; ... r .M "---""" . " ........ ~ .. _,, .~-ll -' --- BA B Y S I TTER . I i 1,. DlsntlBtrt'ORS \\'AnlOO, sell 1101.1~\\urk, n1olher tl'ach<'s Bai\ie II -Protein - (°hl'TI !r.:ulSp. R<'f'!. Nr. \'11an1in. 6-16-4323 &~706. BABYSITTER. JO 11111-6 pm :\Ion-Thurs: lOam-9 pm Fri, L11e hse1.1"Tk. C:\1 Area. l\ly hnm,. 0nly :i.18-8182 BARY ~T11En for lnt1L11t Call afttr 6 p.m. 6-12-9287 *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! ,\fu.<1! have clPl\n Calif, drfv. in~ record. Not undtr 25. YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E . 16th St., C,M. _., • ... " -- .-- ,~.,.-:-.-. ... I' • -·-. --" . ' . ·' r ,2JI i'ILOT-AOVE RTIS£R WtdntW.,y, Aug~st 4, 19i'l Wtdnt~ilY, A11911st 4, 1'171 DA.IL Y l>llOT .-9. I J[IJ I! ['---_-~J [IJ [ --. J~ [ _._ )[§] L-[ ---·~J[§J:;;;~ '-:--:-:-,---:-_ "=-v ... _JI:" -3 Lln11111 2 Tlme1, Hel11 W1nted, M & P 710Help Want9d, M & F 710 Help Want~. M &. F 710 Help Wanted, M & F 710 I Help Wanted, Ma F 710 I Appliance• 802 Gara9e Sale 112 Mi1cellane~--•-1_1 ][IJj~.__,, ... ~J[IlJ [ I ![!]I BURROUGHS BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR RESTAURANT \VESTINC ll OUSE auto ANTIQUES from Enrl1nd * AUCTION * e e NEEDED HELP GENERAL Tax Accnt. $1000 v.'asher $60. Kcnn1ore auto incl rolleclion of aamplers: FRIDAY 7 P .M . ABAN"OONED black &: ~ kiuen, love people. l ; 8'16-7426 • O iel, Brotll'r 1\lan, Bar1f'n, j \'r,. ~-f"tlCl'!il/Stalr ~'lrp., WB.!her $10. Borh l o. te lbe l\lan1:W1 ocgan, ~ t-iip Two Offic• G irlt d{'rs, \\'aiters \\'11irre-s~~. 111.tl\1dual, 11i..ist, 1.111.rrner-rnoilels, xxlnt rond, Guar & COU<:'c pot , shu1ters, p1ct11r1• AUGUST 6th S!ust be 2j 11nrj able 10 <IM\'C ll(r.11ess, Con1bo H(IS.trss .. liiv, '""' 1'':.ea.i\:h. d{'J1vered. ~12, 817-.'illj, h'tllne,;, prints, 194-0 re1_,i11t ft1<'di:. k in;:·St bdrm 1:C!, Di- FREE to ieood h om t , Cockrr-Poodle p~. •ti 1veekll old. 6'12--6961 1 N E WPORT lb k. 137 vans, 01c:.~ of Or&.1<.'f'1'£, -APPLY -Bookkl'CJ)('r, D1shw;ishers &. PORTABLE DISH\\'ASJI 'It a un1s, \.\a\t'r Sis . Per~onnel Agency ' A 6 1 b Ol-sks Glli ss coffee tables. j 1c.c='~"~·~Ec._16_tchcS_<~.,_c_·_·'cl.~-I Por1f'f. Ne11port Brh 8.l't'a. 833 D D N B • Lady I\~· 11 in 0 r fOp<i.Z 1·enue, a · u a "'URSES d-' Approx, Sl'.'111. I O""nin"•· over r ., · • Ai•<om,,\\•·. \\"hlli• \\'••·\• ~ !~land. N · net' .. ..., for fl\"I du· ,~ 6-42 3870 ,,_ ,,_ r -70-.,,-___,""''""' Preferably With experience on the Bu r- roughs E-4000 or 2100 series. Includes post- ing of accounts receivable, general ledger & payroll. ry . All types _all s hilrs _ G11•e r('r's. \\'ril{' ~·las.'i1fird • ping hllX'k lup. Like n' v ,\ U S Tl~ALIA Bound-'.\1ust Rel. ne-c. Lesroulie Nur-i;cs "" no. J9!i, D11.ily P1 Joi, P.O. $1 2j. 968-9037 sell a!! by 8/S. llavl' d 1n111g I,_, !''", C·-·,, ''"",Coli/. T\VO l11rl i{'s lo live-in rent --,,==,---~~~.---I I I ... 1 R I I 3·1 11 Ii l n.• ...,,., JVV ""' ~..... "''IOVl''G II !l('t, so a, :. ereo, t11· n ..C!, eg 11 ry, .1 · osp a n.u . "".""""· fl·rt• & t•aN' fnr l'lderly • ;• n1ust S•• l\l',.,n101"t' NB Call ""2 ~' ho :>~uLu 1 n11~ hshld itenis. 10!;) B · .,.. _,,,,..., 11ny ur.1~~~~~~-----l larly/e.-;f)f'nst.•s. i'n. T'O()m & v.·as 1er & ur,,·r, :.:ara~e l nterv hrs. 9a-5p, r-.1-F. PR 0 FE~~ I Ci~AL dl.llll'f' b:i lli. Ra.yslde V I l I a g c , upen1.•r $:l.J l'al·h. 6j~l9lJ all Ainerlran Pl, C.'.\1. &l'!-3038, NCR OPERATOR studio nia111:1.~"'L'!I . 67~3~1 5:3(). Bl::D davenpon, chair, drsk, Excellent \VOrking co nditions. salary & fringe benefits that include fully paid med i· cal & insurance, 3 \\·eeks vacation after 3 years. credit unio n. ctt. TELLER ::-~10-a.:.io <lr 6l~i--OT..,,..; ------~~---c.~,c1Ac,c.T=A~Gc,-,-,-,-"-"'-'-11-hc0-,·I 2 end !ablr , t'X{'rt·isor, QL.IT OR SA!-"E S:\IOF:T\'r.-* TYPISTS * ._:asher xlnt rond. delv w;OO 1"f'f1·ii,:, 2 c1u11 p s1ovcs, Good ill<"<llnf' ~<1n1e 1in1f' nei:::1strr !or da)· g:uar. $JO. S::l-~7 book:i. ret"<lrds, m is r · P1\l1·en hy ~lD's at 1t•r .; '· 1-s a tt•n1porary )Ob 6-16--0-129 Gas Ranh•' w/!·f'nlcJ" 1n1ens1vr n•,,rarrli. 64.)...3~13 today ~l'iddli', ,·1'•1111 :Sl:J. J111rr.111s: !!-!'.! SALES -i\li'n Call &IG-61~9 t:qua1 Oppor, En1plo~~·r ----STOP!!! 1\lale & F"f'nHtli' PORT,\13Ll:: C F~ d1sh11ashr1>, .::.:::33 \V. Coast H11·y LO We ster:i G irl Inc. S7j. 67:>--1232 if oo ans11er 642-4321, ext 277 ·''"w'' "'"" OKING & ACT ,1 ___ "'•-, "'·'''· I -kit>/ 1\lacArthur Bhd. .. ..... --v OPERATOR for ans,1·erini; Sali"s minded pe rson. see for Ne1<.'Jll.)rt Beach -G,;-0-JSJ_l\_\_\S-llcE-r.----,- , -:;{'rvlt"t' yourself a real c1111?f'i" Of/· '"' ' · •• portal> e, !Help Wanted, M & F 710 I Help Wanted, M & F 71 0 •• -. 491-1003 • • • por1111111Y. Xl_nt r.ulure Jor , -;;;;;;;;:~;~;-';';';'---;;I u~l'd 6 nio's, Slj: •.•• . • * * S37-12jJ • * 1 PROFESSJO~ \L right man. Earnings ('(lnl· ---~ __ , . · ' fl h 0 ne nlC'n~ 1n1mc-dia1"IY should u RGENTLY \lll!RLPOO L RE~'P.IG ER1\- . • . souc:itor • Dan~ Point, San be in excess ol $250. !X'r 11·k. TOR. )'..'OOd condit ion $2:-i. Call Mrs. Greenman at the . \pply in Person DAILY PILOT CENTINELLA BANK 814 St:AUTIFUL f1 1r rctor s chairs, \\'h ile leather, •/s, c-hron1e !..: plai;ti1·. 100'";, Polyeslr r blk & 11 1ii!<' 111X'a ru~~ & full :<ilf' s111nrhu-d lll'1I. All likr l'o('11". 67;;.....t.i!l6 M iscellaneous 118 C:xec. Sales • ~~"mken_!e, Capis trano area. No canvassing 01• soliciting. NEEDED ~lii-8 1jO. or in ~ur 01vn home. Intcrvie11·s by appointment "''°""'="'-c--=~~ I LOOKING ?;;. Best f!ca1 Ill area . Phone onl 9-3 11-eekd 83" 2771 KF.Nl\!OR:-RUio \\'asher. 2'~ I 'Riis is for Rea FOR A PRESTIGE • -" &35-1~65 ~t\\·een 9:00 a.m Y ays. :i-• yr. old . .\Int cond. POSITION ~ -· and noon. . SALES: Thf' ~To1ving lnc11l • SECRETARIES SJ.-, 497-lQS.I Gi\RBENSTANGELS, No WITH UNLIMITED _ l~===~---~==ll•fr of a nulk•nally k11'l11•11 PROFILE 0f){'rator. :-.rill in~ co, \\illllS }OU if you ,1.11111 10 • Furniture 110 1-"'.a;,:, D111ly Pilot offrrs to EARNING ~ l\1ar hinc l\len, J..alhe ,\Jt>n, sr ll. C utH;.inh·f•d Tl"I $.'."()•. TYPISTS h1.s;hl'.,I bidder the winning POTENTIAL? Bench 1\le11. Apply i\·lorr1son Call Bill H<il"f"IC'L' :'>lr}.{;n.»S Ted von Hemert pair 0{ g11rhcnsrn11gt>\s built $50,000+ fR\llNE PERSONNEL Engioerring Co, I 76 ·I ~ COA"J'Al, ,\Gl-.'.''C'\' \\\•rk whrn !..· 11 llrn: hy Or11ngr Coas1 College ror ~ .-Interiors Warehouse s ·1d l'-1 SER.VICES•AGENCY A.rn1s1ron~ Ai:. San111 An11. 2793 Harbor Bl at Ad:inis ,1·u11 11a11I ! "\101rlrl";; rirs! u1 a "'"'Ir!' No11' \\"orking .iO hrs \\"k. Interim & Remnant Sale G rl)('11s1a11geJ Cont t-s t , SALES: I f vou ha\"r sul'-Boh ends, !iflt' selel:llon of "\\"aync'' has fivr \1·ashini:: i.F YOU"Rl:. F'l~A;\'Cl/\I. ASPfRATJONS f.!Ah:~ YOU TI-ffNK T~ TER.\lS OF EARN fNGS $.)(),000 + YOUR FIRST YEA!t (CQ.\1- i\rtSS!ONS !-SERVICE FEES) YOl.J r.tti\' t•r:EL YOU HAVf: TO HA\'E A LOT or PREVIOUS T~X­ PERIENCJ-: BEHl~O YOU -r-;o·r TR.Li~ \V!Tll OUR CO.\IPAN\'. Secretary $500 ~JU 1 8. L 1 C c· S 8 : c~y cessflil!y solrl mutual funds Personnel Service dru(lt'ry .i;, upholstery lab. niarhinr tub-~i:t.L'd flowers J c 111 ni~ator, i!y 0 11 \.\'{' ha\'e a (l1lleN'nt p1'0(1uc\ 1irs. i\!J~ furnil urc plel·rs wtth rotanng pistils-all in Gen'l Secretarial Duties, H. E. expcr. helpful Co n1pany paid ll'f! uan a P 1 s ~ r" 11 0 to for V\lll . Guara111~d :SlOOO. h C M d1·ast1ca!!y rl'du<-1. \\'ft""'·· o · I t · 778 W 20t ~~ "J 11"ann bro..,,·n, orange, yl"I· r I?: 11 n i z e lrs com-Call Bill l·lar)l('r, 5-10-60Ci5 · ' ·~ ·S92 cliff storp only J7Z7 \\"est· p \ pi'l'hrnsin'~ public saft>ty COASTAL AGE\'C\' 642-7523 54c.-2 cliff Dr, N.B. • IOI\• and r('(I. " hosp 1111e · · · · !------... -..--.. Plus'" is rebuil! 11·nshini;: 111a· Mktn9 Sec'y to $540 1~ skills sr 1..,•.1ce!i 1n. con1mun11y. in-......... ) !la d.,._· Bl al Adam~ rlurling c::n nie pi·c\·en1lon,i-'-""-----· ______ 1\\",\/THl::SS 01·c1· :!1, 6 rlay, .\!0\11 1'{.;-;>.Just M>ll llt'au! 9' eh1nr \\·i rh a n1cssa,e:e. S<'C' •li~~lf'I")' ~ apprf'hr:nJ':ion. SALESl\"0 .\JAN EXPER. Ca-altt'r noon ~l11ft, i,::ood rirs, go!d vch·et sofa & Jo~'csea t 10 app11'eia1e a t Daily Pilo1 P op . 4 j2;1, Sala r v l"'l.'('r mirt<led 10 work inro l!t':vl Bagi'!, Balboa l~l;ind. l·11~1.1111 tufted J~)Und arni' p!an1, 330 W. Bay, Cosza ~l:l,:ro. _ $1~.801., x 111·, a!>S1. t11gr o f fine lad i€'s \\'ANT cti•\lt'nda!ilr & i"f'l iiihl€' 1101·1h S600, sen S27j_ g: i\"C'sa. P~ds 10 Oran1?c hene lits. Btiin :;;1 & 5j, 10 t1oth1n.:: l'lia1n. Plrasr apply \\"Oma n 10 11-l b.i~il in my hl11rk fl!Hl~ahyrlr sofa ,t· Coo.~! Cntlr~C' Srhola.r.d1ip )TS prOl!:rrssivrly responsi· in J"'rson, Baek Slrt'ct i\o. honll', 'l!l6-~.i!l7 afl. ~::'.(), IOl'f'!ooCll\ J!j:i, Spani!:h Oak f-·11ml. l\lakl' nrfr1-s in "Ti1· hle f'X""ricn!'f' in PoliN' 2J r·ashion T:<\<1 1111 , _N.B .. -------101111'(' t.1 bli' \\/niatt·hin.g ini;: 10 Puhlir St'rvirc DC'p1., ,\larkr11ng l'xper. helpful Con1 pany paid !Cf' Secretary to $600 Sh.1 rp, capahl" girl 11·~lhng 10 work ror sel'C'ral YOU'LL BE TAUGllT THf; 1\10ST ADVA1'CED. 1\iODElt:'>l 'rECl!N!QUES or· BUS!Nt:ss 1'11 ROUGH OUR FOR:llAL TRAl:-.lli\'C eXl't:ut1vt-s. Co. pa hJ [;!t•. ,,_ -\\.0.\1/\l\ 01•'1" 6.i ,l l"'<, n-a r ~· (U -"' ll·~ I O (' D I p ·1 0J'('rat1011s, kno11·lcJge of S EC· Y -0 F }-"ICE GIRL, · niniuues, .N. A I less r:ingf' oa~t 111 Y 1 ol, fli'I". 11<'\". p/li111r . FLX'f' fol' II 3 Id p 0 &I J'-'"1 c " F igure Clerk $350 illath ap;Jtudc. EnJoy 11·orkini; 111til flgurl's CalHornian la .... · enfor1·cm1'11t Drst'n firn1 11· / r ~, p II' a I ian n10 o . · • ·" JVV, usta ' C'S/\, d1-1y .t n1tC' hr;;, i\l in. w11gC'. --C \ !l"L6~. k c•rin1inoloi:;~·. Applications desi,;n pt·rsor11 i<'l 11ccd:!-girl i\:r, llt1i1 J:: l\ls p. Call h,.fnr't' L~AVING StllTf'~ ,\Iu s1 Mail Clerk $315 J,ROG RA ... 1, l!EADF~O BY Piek Up, sor1 m11~, opr DAVE LOOKINGLAND d upl1eat1ng 1nach1nes. bt'1ni; rr rei\'l'd 111nr Aug. 11/co n1mon scn~c & cx11cr. 9 a.ni 4>1. nf! 6 pnl, IH1-99.">J Sacnfire~ Houselul of f'l('ar 31sl, l:ljl. RPqucs! a p-6-11-81 ~12.J-5pni. llf'I\! i\ledilerrancan YEL LOW PAGE--plo~·»1irin fron1 P rrsonn<'I Of· SENIOR Cilizcns, 1 or 11101.(' 1tu·111tu re, Jorinal d in i n i::: fiecr. 32-100 Paseo Ac!C'lanto, mPJ\ for plll'l 11111c Sl't"l"icc SALES ronn1 set 11•1lh large rhina, :i Fl ~/\NCIAL INVEST:\11-'.NT , Typis t $350 S J C 'oJ""-C•l1'I 11'1' \\"<·~!'·· lUl'""''~I lllfl<•Jirn-~-d1'001•• ·-J· 9' ool• & I ·an 11an 11p1., ''""'• " ·· i;lal ion 11·nrk. :12. per hr "' " "' ~ ·"· ·» · "' On' ANALYST, R. E, RTtOJ\F:ll.. 60 11'.p,tn. 1yp1ng. 71 "0'1171 dt•lll [Ot"<d h'lf'11honr din•c·1· seal \'Olf"~ 1->bl• & •o J 'f-1, • .-• + eonim. Ki11g"s Lido R\1-h-· · '" " ~ • 1 TO GTV'E YOU 'l'HF: E:\-Calif. (~1ilect1on f'~P<'I" r~rltl 3WO i\"c iii>1i r i lii3-'..l:)iQ, O')' pul1!1shrr ncc-d.~ adili-1·on1niodes, sterro, patio ~rr, PEH.IES'CF. & JN !'10 :-.'S IC G irl Friday to $500 ---------1\'.'JO\V LEDGf.: NF.EOF.D ;\Ja1ur" di'Jl('ncta blr lady Production A rtist SERVICE S1a 1ion /\ttcndanls 1i•)n£JJ .c1J.l<'~111f'n to n1••r1 ('ur-l11n1ps p ir l\ll'f'.~. etc. Prh . TO START ,, PROFF:S· 11'/Stron;:: gen"\ of(' e.\JX'L". for llo! i\'€'1\·por1 Brach a;;:cy -All shifts. Apply 41i78 SJO/\AL CATtF:f:rt J'.'J TII F. & hte shor1hand. Koow pnntini;, production .t campus Dr, N.B. 1''!11 C\Jl:!Jl~1u 11. 1-'/111nr, Ply. Z13-:i32-J3:;7 fl"TITI,, n,1 !Ja\'rl, h1·rarn- 11•i:.~. 1•~1ato. prod uo·t_ -=cc---•.'iEEING 1$ F:XCIT!NG JNVEST.\lE.:7"1' srl1r d11h11i; "·/x111·1 board Sl!A..\IPOO Girl, I 1 c" 11 ~ r fl ELD. \SS E. I i!h la1 li•-incJ (.;\l. s kills. ,\lust ha1·r-:i yr~ e x· l"t'q'd. ;-.;u "~f)f'r. n r ,. , Bl:.:LJ~::VJ1"G • F11rnltu1'f' bari:a 1n! 111 ~11·r-a11 ;1y ~'" 642·1470 per. Ten1por11 ry l/11111e, po:i-All n•rto s l[,11r Eh·. 6j;>...OOi0. AS A:--1 ADDED l.'\CE.'\-1 :;ih1l1ty of )l('rn1;inent l/lin1c Ask Joi· ~!i~s1, IJ.-11111 !Oan1 No l"i'C•"~1rin hrn• -111' ha1·f' I ,,1·~, A 11 hl>rn 1111Tra~1r11,; b11,,1 nr<;, ti.v !lcr<l!'U lul' 1!1'111.~ rrturni'd r,1.,1r 2.-,•, Pf'L' yr l"r pn-1 3 ) f.'i & "il r.~fW'l"li'{.f 11• hr r~C'n hl!!ll<'r. '"1111 inodi'I ho n1f'~. Sor;.s, lu n1r1~. uibl<'.~. r 1e. ~lt1:-t s1·r TrYE TO \\"ORK i l.·\flD .~, po:>1\1on as production ma n-t.· 411111. LE.,n .. -"OU'l.L J\AVE agl'r. C1111 8:U-16iO =""""''="=----~ ,., .... , 1 STENO-CLERh.. City of £,,n 111 E OPPORTUNITY TO -----------r Juan Cap1s1r:u10. B1vad Si io apprl'ciare. Bring !his ail 1.,,r lu1·1 hl'I' n•(lUctior~. Ca n hr :;{'en at 301.l Oak SL, DRIVE k O,\.N AN\' NE\\' J . W . ROBINSON'S POLISll & dctnil man. c.•· varied c!cru;al CJ'pC'r., die-If you'r,, a111h111ot1~ I.· a~- Esr GE CAR 0 ° YOUP. e N.l'.:\l"PORT BE,\CH e < k P1't I r • pel'_, top n101lt'y. C . .\I. Car talion 7:J, typing 60, r.~ui;r grcss1 1r ,. :Sf'r 11 carrrr CHOICE. di \\'E"LL PAY \\'ash. 20;,9 llarbor Bh•d. :S."..0.l.·$615. Apply Ciiy Hall, in cla.~~1r1rd rcl!ow ra=:r •'OR IT Has i.11nicd1a1 r 1 1 salr:;. 111!':i••· l1'""r! in ""'r· r R F:CEPTIONIST: P/tirn" :i2100 Pasro Acean tu, r~· 1·· upcn1ng f<)r so11 lflr inrr·1...-1r1•, .11 7pm rv rrAN sora & f"ha1r, r t1'1 thl. pPcl\n, Srt.\ .ll" n'llHlri "~tl'rv!ahll' n1anJe dinin~ ~r1 l'/6 t"hl'S, $1 :i(). ,\l,<;0 ("iif(<'t' C1\LL NO\\' TO ST\RT A CARF:F.R \\"1111 DIGNITY. PRESTIGE & L1\Ll ~Irr Eu 00:\IPENSATIONS. 558-0444 Ask for \\lr. 1·;1gg<1 r1 EXEC. SECRETARY GRILL COOK Experienced JOh for ;?al 11·ho 11a11ts lo 49::-l lil. keep lwr !an! S;l('11<.I 11 day STliDE;-..'~ln'<'rY hi·lr. Tht11••d;i,1·. Au::. 51 h nr 9an1 I I F'1'1(J-,y. ,\ui:-. firli. ;II r.u~kry at bcac i. I w res! 111 ;-i1-;\lust htnc n11·n c11r. l'ulle r tbl,. shtillrr i•ah11l('!, trar.1h·r ofC'. Typirig, public £3nish. 'l"IJ/6N-{Jli6 or Ilros ,t. Cn .. !.iOS I~. Brood-h11l'k 1•!11·. 642-7j7.~. \\"fly. /lr1ahrim. --_ _ --~~-tf'lar. S111 rl $2. !lj6..3$l9 .\lliST .~.-11 )iv1n.i; n11 & di'n Call .\];1ry Lcr, ~1-l0-6Qjj rT.c,c •. AcC_'Jc·J-E"R-1--.-,-,~Ba~h_,-.,-,c"-"-· I f11!'n 1ncl. l"rlvcl snf<1 ,f.: CQ,\STAL AGE:\'CY -"" Lus.l(r.v fi1·1l~ !..· ro , Jn.- 2j9!J Hi,u·hor Bl at /ldain.'J Sept. lo Junr. i":30 A;>.l-:.!:j(} :t;rr1·ini; Ilic \l'i'.•I ~","" l!ll!l lv1·i'sc•111, !bl:--. I amp~, Po\1.. Two girls, ai;es :l '~ & 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ h•·r(·tdon sel, i;:rune lb!, f'!t'. f.ECEPTION IST: Su p f' r ~ J8 1110. 838-7::11 for in-:\Int t"Ond . 6-l:'Hl0.16. la<lclf'r ~-or A (CALIF, GOLOE:-.'1_"_'cv=io7•0·=~=-"""""--r [ Me-rthi ndii• If "'-J \1'HITI::J.·ornu1.:a d-"*~ll-O.~li. Apply Jn pel'$0n JO.j p.1n. GfRL.J a glanioin' joh.r TIME KE EPER L. _______ _;_ V r ha1r:<, 1 lrn1·r~. Cus!nrn ll 2 Fa~h1on ls1., N.B. Model a/r, b€Kutihll ofc. C ERK uphol. chair and otlo111 ., an· ,. _, 1 ·1 1 Lots of p11hii(' relat. $~00. COST L 1 h d I · Call l\!{'(>1 & greet pilo;s & a ir· i;,l[u .... oppor u111 )' cmp oyer Good opportunity for eagrr 1q 11 1Tc carve c: iair, f 1.1 h Call :'.l!iiry Ue, ;,:!0-(',()j.j Antique1 800 &IB-o4oo. era t o\\'ncrs 11· 11 c you an· COASTA L AG ENC\' applicant 11 111iria1h•" & ac· ====~~----~ dlC' thr pPrsnnal work of a -TI':IO 1 la rhor Bl nt Adam.~ counting nl111ily to bt'<"<l1nc I-----------FLl RNITURE. h u u s c h IJ 1 d JQp r:>:rc. 111 tills gro..,,·111~ e.\· Job~ Part Time r ~-==~-~~~--c-1 a(·qu;i.in!t'd \\·f;1ll dt'i)ls ol J.'<2l] E \l!'IRE :v,1,1 r"1"11fr<' I 11r n1s. lr<lnl n1y Dover (•1ti11,i;: l'fl. ol.iOO. H.f.CEPTIONl.ST: En.JO)• the ntanu[ar!unng <'Q. ;'11ut.1 be t;1hle ina•lf' fl'Oioi Kolfl li'af :->horr~ Ji()1n". I.Iv rm, 1ln Call :\lit.I) !.{'('. ~~10.00:1:1 KEYPUNCH CPR. r rr ... 11i::r & f'Xt:Hing pul>lic fanuliar w/ofe n1;i,·l111ies. fHl'IU t'l' frani<', j' .<;tlf:J, an-1 n u. hr n11\, k11 _All fl nf' COAS'fAL ., . .,.·'·'CY (..:in;:t<'l 1n ll11$i plr.1~a nt 6 "'-'r, r.1s1 & accurall' 1v/h~in·c~ & 11q11t•d n111.IJ>i;:;1ny "h ,. s 1. f"M:~, Pvt pl,\'-lf"r-1.iOO 2~ 1111.rbor ~I a1 /11J.11n~ I n1odern nrr. Stan S·IOO, ha ve Sl>rn(' fornuil accounl· ,r111., 1.,1• "I:,,~ ,.11,,1,,1, C-01,,,,1_1, 1,,110;,.-.. n 11::-1-1,1-111 • ___ . -T1>1tl f•1rar) P rune <ifl(!111n~ Call lll'lrn ll;i.yl'~, f>lll-f>O:i..> " " "' " ,. '' ~ ~ '" " F"ASlllO~ ~I ) l •s t f.-.1 111 ailabll'from4:.10-S:30 1'i\I. COAST AL AGE:-.'('\' 1ng training or r.\Jl"r. Send 1 .. r ~ . .11 ~old leaf fr1tn11•d t11hll'. qi11l!Nli'il('nill"urtu.1 fl<'<'·Llnr. \\ 111 rra1n !\"o 1 ·yr •'XPPr. 011 a n J B~l 029· .-,-,,,, 11 , RI A 1 l"l'SUlllt !O Cla~s1f1l'd 111! nn. n1111·or. lil2-S.~1S t.1k" l"lC'll'. rr a ~o n ah t t , I l I C -•i"lr 1111 .-,r ;it 1n1n.o: p 0 o. 1 c ~I'. 1·0 lrt·lion~. ar .~-Oj9. Requires nex11b!e un1 · ---------:-19!1, Daily P1lo1. · · ,., .. ,. -, :-.--:it i<>n.11 ca~ti flr•c islr·r :S-60~il.IJl9 nr 6j:....,~Hl0 r10011" TlN"'"'~. l\vrk 01111 ~;hC'ih.ili ·. R~~CE !'"J l 0:0.:15T for lf':i.s1ni:: lY,IJ, Cosla ~l~·;;;i, C<thl. l1r-.. C;il1 Y1·onnr, :)!!)-{;.IQ< 11H11•f', ~·ounl;iLn Va 1 l r ) 9~\i:!!i. (Jlil. \rr~· n.-n;1tr hr.1~-.. <",1<r C,lllEE::-.'-S1/•' sofa ~lf'f'J'<'I". Xlnt 1·ror11i. & 11nrkini; c•l'fll'i ' -;In! cllnd ~l:..tJ. 2ljj9 B.o tl011 lrl<•;1 I ror ll'>ul1•111r "'11<J)•, f'll". 1.11, (' \f 'i?i7-i2()3 'l!' .i.t:-.~.-,7 1. Apply 111 pi·i·:-ull. ;irp,1 l·:\P'<I. Xln1 ty1,1 11g. Equ11I Ol}Jlfll'-En1ph1~rr f',\,.,ru1 rakla~I (-(.,).,-~, Pl::l1 I PHl<P. IC AL BUSJN ES.) 1.-:s?:.:1--::;:i::;ro::.:,~·,:J ~'::2~·-............. 1 ·--W~STCi:ii;'f __ _ Sun. no holul11),;. (;f")()<J p,1) EQUIP:'lol EN'r. !~C. WESTCLI FF 111!2 i\11111<t1"f111g Rf';iJ F:siate Sales PERSONNEL \!11~! :,f'll. ~:rio fil:',:~->'i~/ .. l"f', i11V!EIL\--,-.;it-;-111r1-0Cr1-: i)LIJ ~-;ft1";1hlC:-$."IO-Olrl ('1111r-!Jn n1~l1 \\!11lnul. Like m:'\\. Sl1';de;hl li:u·k !'l\il11", s111all ~i.-1 .• ~::'.l-Oill!l. i\ppl,1 111 P11r~un, Kra111L•r\ 19111 & 1t:i1·l1C1r. you le~1·11~ T l;r 11•i n t; hu s1 nf'~~-Rai.~f'~ & acJ1 11 1lt~llll'!ll (>j)!l••I' + hrnf'f1t~ + puhl1r 1·u11l;1cl' !'1aJ'1 $?.:?(!. Ci\ll i\IUI")' Ler .• u~i.;:, COASTAL ,\(;Ei\"C\' .?i~ Ha rbor Bl a1 /\d;.nt.o: GIRLS 21 or over, lull nr p.1rl time for housckcep1ni;, S2 hr ~92-J2i~• (lrvint• Jnd11~tr1nl Comrlrx) INSTANT MONEY I AGENCY I Join The Profe1sionals 201! ,,. 1 1·r1 u \'I' Sunra Ai1<1, Cal /. ~:Zj!iJ ·. cs r 1 1·.. . , Sal es Trainecs-n1cn &. 11·0. Tui·n J>:11.,1 nn A!ton off Rl'd n1cn nri'drr[ lo join hli;:h!y e Apfll';iist'r $1 :r. r:~i'f'l h•111 ~1H;..~,.~fJ2 RLO:-llJJ:.:-;.111-,,-,,--1'-hl<--.-,; OLJ1c,;;;,w1r1,o:-!J~•·k eh11i,.. r !\111r~ & h11fff'1 2!\M n. r:rrini~hrrl .,. n1·11 c;1nr $10. Tln.l'al Palm Di·. rir. f3.1kf'r , llilJ 1;) blks North of 1'-1ac-succcs~ful 1r!!.m ol rf'l\J c~-e /\rt.~unta111, Tax r.ri urn~ /lrlhur -Rf'd l!ilt inll'rsec-la!c prolrssionaJs. Bonus, • As~t. ,\!11t1'1 bf'r. Hotel FRE~Cl l En1p1rr rahlf' S.· pr. Garage Sale 112 11011 1 1ur11 righ1 al Arm-pairl incdical cov<'rat c, pd, • ,\!alrnaJ i!an11i{'r of rh:i 1r~. 8 hand "llf''f'd s!rung . i·iH·ations, trainini: proi:;ram • ,<:;1'<.'rr111ry-Co11stJ11r1lon larlr!rd1:u·k i·h;i.ir"!<. :)11 .2:1:11 .\!UST i\lovt" -e-vcrything: --... -.--...,...,.-.. .,.1 for i11txpcrienccd, d rav.•s • R!'cepoonisl ~! ~-urn itu1"t' anrl loU of t ADY lo carr for 2 available if you qua lily. Jltg . ' ·\\'H IT r; E Ll::PHANTS" 1ir11t 1hings. !st Come, ls! Prt'-sclloolers during schoOI Bch. Ore. open. Call Jcc-ry 645-2770, 545-5685 Sr-1-i·i>d, J.18 i::. Walnut S1., hours. Pl'rn1ancnr position. Gro*sso si~!~~~~nRht*lm. 1 ...................... -1 overrunnini:: .)'OUr house~ (.\I. Our hornc. SalN)". Start "Co•h", ·'"" 11 "-· o. I & 2 3 .. R•alty & Investment DAILY ..flLOT DIME -A ., • !Cm u uu The faste:sl draw In the \Ves t ·'<:"PL s t. j -. :!16 c .~I. LINES . D ·1 Pil l Cl U'-• -~-,,:1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~1 -' cost you Just pen-Da ily Pikll Classified ..• a a1 Y o as! lcu LOOKING fu r ~vC'ral cx-nie11 a day. Ad, &12-5678 JOHN'S BIKES New * U1ed Repairs 23-10 Nr\\"JX)J'! Bl1"fl. UpPn 6-JO \\"kr1il}.~ .'ia1 ,i;, !':un 9,6 64S-472D -\\'ill takl' Trarlt -lns- SPEC IAL THIS-- WEEK J:•i-1 lR:ll Flee l)11r111·11"r. Ji" C'<lll'liHO:t', n1•11·Jy ('O!ld l· 11n1wd Si:<t. ~r /\ & :\I Sur- plu.~ lur .dJ )uur elcch'0111c fl<'('ds. !SOS. St't:l1vn 0 , Lo- gan, co~•a ;\Jc~J . .-~tl-1001. ELA!tti~~R~6----;;1o"i; olrl. Tahlf's. Frf'n1·h prov. chairs. Pi~·!Ul1'S. Lauip.~ \\"un11·n"s 1•lot h 1 n ~ S-10. ~·1111 l11•1l. ... pr1'11rl. !':hr1•1.~. r r g . J-'old111~ cl)!. r.cr1 1i.:. 11 111 , G .1l'S olil, Phll<..'O, 1'!.>ocl 1•ond $.i.i. ;\11.~(". 6-12--1.)S(] -* AUCTIONT l-'i11l' r urniture ,f.;; i\ppliall("f'S ll11<'lJ!lns 1"r1ll11y, i:OO p.m. Windy 's Auction Barn 201;,1 ~ J\'c11por1, c:.1 6,16-8686 o~·h ind 1·ony's 131Ug .\lat'I LiK-£NP1v &firS"t:xrr·cyclf' SIO; G.E. ron1 h for floor &. earpf'1 srn1hhrr & floor p;;:1l1shf'r SJ.-,; Salon a ir ('On1I ha 1r dr,1 1'r .~.~.l: \101 If' :-1-r{'l'n $."1 :,l'\-li,~:l all 6. -;It f.\! flf:t:;':! [/I-;-;-,;;:---:~ 11 ~ •'''" 1•1rt B"'"'h Tenni~ Cluh. SJOO. + tr:1 n~f('r IC'I'. l'ti',C!. p11t'f' 1<SO. 17 !~~ ij2-:11."1l f'XI lll -~~~~-~---B~: ;>;NE T T B1·n<!h ur.1• Sl'a.~r-111>" S.17j. Rr " Bntrl\lt 11 .• t•·r i.:111 .. r $;!:>(). Hl"r1u1r etch1ni:: S(;;,. Olhi'rs. l'nv. parry ;,3.l-:1:1o;i.;. :i: i'\a!1L1wd ('.i~h IU•i::is11't' $ Oki, ""ry orn11tc lll"11S~ <.:11.~c. .Xlnt <·r•111I. & work1ni;: on!cr. !dr:d f!,1• 1 ... -1ull•jlli' shup, l'lc. ,\lust ~l'lL $.1.iO. 6 12-3?!~9 cvr. BABY Sil.Ji'--~-;:1b-. -$!0; ~trollf'r, .$1:}; cilr :«'11!. S:i: 1•lnth"s. bo1ilrs, shf'f'!S & bla11kc1.~. 1Uys. E.xccllenr roruf. 5:17-I-1-10. ENGA(;E;>.IEN"t ring &, wctl- (ling ring, ncvf'r used, I yr old, S~j() llf.'\\", 11·i t1 !!ell for $200. 67J...i709 e\'CS, :>l&-U61 v.·eckclays. 196.1 ooo~c=.c=-~n=,-,c,-s=1-,. ~ ELEC'l'Rrc RANGE 4 D1ne.l!f'S, Cun1n1odC"!, Bu!· I t\\'orkis) • 1 lrts. B<iby granJ piano, I Call ~a..dg l.1kr llC'\1• eler organ v.·/ . pti n1u l11111allc 1ie1'l'Ussio11. Col·18 :'iJO Pa.rt tt'Trlt>r , o1x•d ·rv·s Ste1'l.'OS. App!!· outside dog. Alw dog~ I an,~·~ ,t, \iUCH CllOr.E~ • •&ii-6200*' *" ' ; WINDY'S AUCTION E'TRAORDINARY b .. i .. kittens. f 11·h!te &: 2 arey,.;fi co:11 ~: RftO\V.SE AROUl\'D 207:,1 ~ 1'\'ll'po11 Blvd. Bl·hlnd Tony·s Bldg ~lat'ls Co~T~ '.\lrs" • 6·11l·86Bfi: Ul'l·.:-i D:\!LY 9 lo 4 L,\ \IP~ flr~1r & tahle, S7 J, S3. P1•at'fie·k 11all plaque, 32", ~j. 6iJ.-j;j()7 Miscellaneous Wanted 820 CASH PAID FOR rinf' furn11u1·c, appliances, a ntiC/ll('S. One pie('(" or housrfu1. Call clay or night, :Hfl-22·11 or :,.t7.7il3, C..\l\OE wantl'<l, :;lass, ~ood shape, rca;,onah!e. ;i.JQ-2888 lC'a\"r nan1e !. pbon<'. Musical Instruments 822 DOUBLE ~~t of Son a!' drums, Zil1ljlan C'ymbals. Good rond, bcsf ofler. 6~2--1:);;). Guild & Lyle "'ui!ars XLl\T COl\D Reasonub!e • 6-1~-i'.l l-I FOH Sale; Fender Tcl<'Cas1r r Guit;ir. :S'.1'.?j or hl'sl offer. 8·17-!!5.'lJ. ------~~-GIBSON F.s.::3.i !luinbucking pirkups. Rl'.ISr11ood n<'ck. .in:> ~1110 ~~E!\"1)1:,H, Pro -R r v " r h /\nip, .JBL's ,r.o_ Vlbrnto. N••w $00). f'irst $17:J + &l4-213J. "k~. box !rained, 646-8749: 2 i\IALE Klitens. l beip., l orangf', b!'a11rilul, healthy, \\f;'llned. til:HJ.l.86 ' LAB. fen1ale, 6 1110s. BLa.~k . To good honlt". Call a.fta S. \ 536-I.52~ FREE ll'rrier puppi~,-· 1flj v.·ks old. ii! • 64;).::107 ... l ADORABLE healthy 9.,~ old ki!tcns to good hOme 6-12.-0i~7 or &16-lnl a.rt~' ;) FREE K!ttcrl6 --I v.tilft, 1 black & v"h1te. filJ.-4231 FRF:E PALi\I TREE y(i:J' take out, • J.l&{r.57 .. W\BRAOOR Fem 6J~ mo old. Very friendly. To atJ hon1i'. !H~1. LOVABLE Coe k -A -Po'O needs lan1!y to care toi.· him. 8-12-1316 atter 6pm •. KITil::NS, male & fem.ale. parl Persian. llealtby. li•I \\'ks old, :H6-4~1. l 11J yr old black It. whl.W Be a g I e named "Fa:. Allle11"'. Call S.13-6113 \\IE lo\'e you, comt" get ua &1 I005 i\laria.n Ln, N.B. ~ No. 1, No 2 &: No. 3, ~ !\10 ()Id Basset puppy ~ to good home. Call 968-lil-i,. eves FREE SJA~IESE KITI'ENS 499-2121 Pi~Organs 826 [L ______ _,J~· WOULD YOU . Ptts and Supplin .1_!7V BELIEVE FREE OR.GA~ LE:SSONS as lon>t as you like! No reg- i~tra!ion. No obligation. Just Con1t. :'.llondavs 7:.'\0 pm COAST .MUSIC &12-2Sj l HA:\l:\lOND, St e in IV a Y. Pets, General 5.l gallon i;ho\li tank, r-.tet:i. lran1t-\\"/equipment I )Je fish. SJJ.-&116. Cats &52 Y<\mahn. .~('IV & \lSe(I AF'f'ECTIONATE b I a c It pianos of n1oi.1 sr1akes. Best male short hah"t'd cat. l 'yr. huys in So. Cali r. a1 SChmidl 0 11· n er s n1 o v i r i to l\lu~ic Co., 1907 N. illain, 71laryland. ~2·~2 'til D ~nnla Ana, p.n1. SACn:--\\"mcc.,cil-w-,-. -,-.-.,-,=h-o I 00°09--,-------154= nrg11n, lo;i rdly used --L~St Si:l!I, take $600 c a ~h . IRISH SETTER 497-1.521. PUPPY SllMME"·n~CcL~l·:-A~R-A_N_C"Ec··' f<'nla le 13 11·ks old, .l'!lK:1 SALE papers. Sho1v qua.l ily, ~ K1111a i. Stri1111ay, Balril\'in, 67j·619J 11.~k for Dennis. ' j \\'11rlil1.cr, K1111bal!, Lo\\Tey, ,\KC reg. beautiful whltt• {'onn, Al!rn, Etc, $2% & up. San1oyed puppies, l male, l ! n r:NT!\L.S. PLAYERS. fl'!llH]{'_ Shots & decl11wsl Fl'l<"n<lly l!'lrphonc in!or. rrmo1·cd. $80. & up. 8 Wk1.: r ·1ELn·s P1.11r-;o co. _i>.J_!i-j:):r,. I 18:13 !'."CWPort Blvd. POODLE pups -\Vht fdf: i Coi,1a 1\1csa 714/&15-3250 11ht, blk, brn m iniatul'IN;j • J:.:LE:c:T 1l1C po r r able v.'IH siandards: Stud &eJ'Y -· \l'11rli b:rr Piano $100. or ell l'OIOn; &: sizes. 8J0..5471 I hrs! offer. li75-l'106 YR Old Collie, fen1aJe, shotl.~ UP Hll illT piano for sale, SIOO or !w~t fJl!t'r'. C;tJI 5ji -20i! ~~~­i\·~_\\' [3,\LD\\I:-.l A<•rosonir, <"ht'tT) 11·(,..,,.! full keyboarci. $900. :,111-1011. Sporting Good$ 130 Li;C house, 3 n10 food, C!i.: l\"redii olde r chil dren . j..js--0.J.17 • I POODLES AKC, Teacup -- Toys. Pups/Adults, all ral- 01\~. Sturl serv. 893-9719. SCl!NAUZER pups, groOn1-: Ing, stud service, t!'nns. I e SlJHt'BOAfl.PS e * Jl;l6-083!1 * (i'f," Chut·k CXont 1111 11 f111 S·IO l_=\cK"c~r.=.-.. -cAclgcl-rn-o--pu-p-pci..,-. 6' Chuck f)cnt ll1in f111 $-11'.1 l\lonl s, Dari sho-.v dorsJ.! 1°':\l::EHO,\HJ)S _All coloi·s. j.l{)-9589 I j ":1" Grt'•·k ~!J()Jt1 ~3.i :1' r.1,1~~ ~IJC"•lll :'120 OLD t:riglish Sheepc,log, ch. j' Cltt~s t·k·~ T.itl :'110 sir{'d. AKC rei;. S3SO 11 \\•ks1' 1\LL XLt-<T cc.1xorrroN ::.1s ... JJ:1j4. -.~~-~---• Call &12-7712 e HURRY! Ador11ble, sili,i"IY ScU_R_F_D<_)Aft~6'6'~ n111lr Lhasa Af)!IO-Poodlt'• "l..;('cck" Lik" nrii', puppies, JJO. 499-2128. I 67~i:,!l6 11 \\'K old Beagle pupp~1. =T"v~~R~d~. ~H=·=Fc.----1 lcn1alr . AKC ree. J40. , oll 10, I I, Stereo 836 8.P--1526. • YORKSllfllE Terr ier-•. J!JjJ Zeni1!1 & .Admiral clOSI'· rea!IOfla.ble. AKC. out sale. Lowest pricc-s in 64M718. Or.ingc Co. Antc1uia in-I ~==--,,------,,---.,--,-I 11111.lleil v.•/all 23" & 73 .. PART Ge-n nan Shep~, sets. i\·lost 19i2 models now part Collie puppie~. 17.50. in s!ock, ABC Color TV. Set' both pa.tt.nl~. 642-71166. Or:1n'le County's I a r g f' st AKC Irish Setter. n1ale; fl Zc11lth dl'aler, 9021 Atlanta, mos., Thendrrin line. H.8 , 968-3329, * '* * 4!b-5149 .. 1r 1r 1 HARO\\'ARE S..ih·~-Ptrn1. ?ll usl ha1·e Rbihty to n1cct & ~erve customt-rs. llard11·are. Pier !ri(·al. plun1hi n~ e)(Pf'r. dt~irfVl. Bur v.·111 train. Gd ~tar1 lni;: SA I 11 r y cn1n- 1ncl15Ur11ll' "'/ahillly. Apply in pP.n!On, 11. \V, \Vri't"hl Co., 126 Roch~!f'r SL C'.11. penenC('d, n1ature cleaning R . E . SALES J;::;;;;;;;;;;;;'°';;;;;"';;::;::;::;::=;;:;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::::;;::::;:;::;:::;:;;:;==;::;;; ma t ron~ for high demand L.arwin Realt y Inc. l'OfTlnif'rciaJ buildinlo!. Nt\\-!Resale Div of L11.n.1·in Co l G~ST' "'R GA,.E-.:>1'-:J(¥' pon arr:i. Part lim~. e\:es. 21~162 Brookt1urs1 Av{', 11.B. A;..ir;gJ{ A\ ~ ,.C":9.. _.,. ~ ·~J ~t6-5.'W. 71-1-~.l-ll J 21 3-JJ2-321 I 1--='-""-'-..----Br ct.Ai Jt POLLA}'(---..-..,.---1 ·Aa.11s H .• .._.. • 'J M L111A \\'agn. Tran:sp. <:nr Jlj.)_ STEREol9il n1odel. \Air JV"J(')1n n1r concl11iol'o('r, ~~ T. SUSJX'Mio n speakers, Cu- i 2:1 &12-X:OO rHrd automatlc turntabl<', SPECIAL-Skill Sawa No. 77 A~l /f~T. 1rcreo radio & AKC Irish SetlC'rs, pc~ ~ Sholl'. PUREBRED n1ale Boxtt, ~l yr old. nttds good hl:«ip. S20. 347-4142 :\IATIJRF . Opcn1nRs Jor t11·0 part lime k'.A~.21 V Youruai1fAdirilfGu1 • y sut.2Jrf'l . ~ \\'Oman, purr ti me. and 111•0 lull 11n1f" exf)f'n· J.,,; '' A«0rtllng to llr• Sto1'", oc1 ,1@~~ Music barkgrncl pref"d bu! ,.nrr,:1 R.E. s<1lespeopl('. Br!-[ . .,..; 70 dewlap rnnsoge ~or Th1.1r1dcy, s.sl.s,J.,c...-'"'; ----not PS6f'n!.1nl, In assist tt J41.ss.e1.aa teod worlkcon~•l"!Q ton.m~rs n.72.731~; HOUSEJ<EEPE!t -l\ololhcr ctirector 1n mu~ic school for 'fer ian avcragi' comm, ro. ,efl-,T.4UlUS cfycurZodl01.:b1rthsign. SCOlPtO •11. 2 Children. Drli"hlfu! h'ld 4 • Id C 11 Pf~. mnj(')r mrd ins. \Vr ha\'f' 1..., '1 1-ic*it tlMmt • ,.. c 1 ren, ...., yrs o . a '\ NTf 10 • -r ocr,. •;~::-:· home_ 6 Day wk, 1\lust ,lf'lwl'C"n lO& 12 am : 642.1851 19'.Jlnf'thing diffen'!nl, drop in '--' : 2You J2 1n eiSolid I Ml\TimE'<O;;;;;o;.,i;e,;;;f.'~""::::.~·~·'~k~'1~0~'~"~'~· ......... 1 ~!""""MAY'° J l""f'l'rirog Jl OpPCSltim t.J()r NOY. 21 " rirlve. No an1ok1ng. 64&-.~741. U &-1&'.n-~ A It'• J•Whi" 6ol rl'OJ"l'l"IY a. 9•1 .. 15 548-lS44 l\·1AT RE .,·01nan lo rare for ¢ ·.Q..83." 5£.osy JS Gn t.SGrou~d •.1.SJ~ ,. • . l'Onvalescil"lg stroke palienl. Reuben's .Sh :i.ss..-u "6Tll<iov l"''"""---""t lfSKPRS E I I Gl"MINI 7L-t J10t 157u.--. ••GITTA'1UI mp )T pa:;s ce. liv·in, noo-.~n10ker, Must ~ ~ • I :ta r"" "''~--, -I nd A NAY~· p-....... '""" Hor.n ~.~ Georg~ Allen By n gen-drive. N.8. aren. 962--0161 !·iJuH't,. '9~ J9 ~rt 69~.wth , ~· I6h SA < 10To ... 0 1 ..... .-.g 10~ ou:.>t ,;a"! ~~B E -t • . ' 1 ,clc'-c.OclcCcAcL-Tu>~-,-~~,;ci,.,-,-=Ec,·,I ..... ~ 2..JS.,2-6 11 Opthlo\tit Al lotrt 7t l111tiolt4 7J.34.56-6]..;;. _ l)('r. !/timr. Personlll'I dept LAGUNA HILLS IJ67..f.S.6& ?~~ !i~,,....,, ~~ivt ~';"~·~79~>~.:.<><~~ HOUSEKEEPER, 'li1:; &Ith lloag Hosp, NB. CAHClk 14 ~ ,.4 t..,,,,awo 7.c 1....-. C.4PllCOIN st. N.B, "'"'"""" 1 ,c1-1c0~0~L"E~-,-.-.-,~-.-.-"-,.-0-1 COOK ~JuH,f2T ~~~ ~r;r ~~w ot~.u ~{~ **'"~~•• I 1· k' 101111,, __ ., ..... _•-n! .,,Fi"' JAH.1,<.:.t.~ w11nll'il , iv~ln. 1\e Y.'Of . 11 -.,. ""--"' 'f HOUSE\\lVES, nN"d hil(h 12i1.10.21~1 1BPrqioar1y ABYo..• :ia~r "'-''·""" blk fmin ocean. Pt-nnantnl 32• l'i!Tckc All S!wo~. 7tJ 5,,,1,,,11 ~'t.6l,68 earnings lo s u Pp I cm " n I home. y,11ger;, 6 7 3. 21O 2 flpply ui Pcr9:111 20T~ !CT<> '.O W~ ""''.4l.1Vi il . \\' k -IOO uo :n ~ .51 Uri ~,Pait ... fam· Y 1ncomt'. or )'1(1•• momings. Z l Ave. IX l..aCerlot1 /,?!, JU!Y''Zl 22Sttt~s 12 0.. 112Hot JA~,10 .c:(1 nr f/!inlt ct.oose own hrs. LaKU n:t. llill11 ~!I':: AUG, n i23sm~ ~l loi'J a1w11! 1 ""'' E , • •-N . •~ (' "-El T ~ ' ·2.CA. ~TM Mllld f ft.t ""'""y am rre war .. m,,.·. o 1n-NCR Bkkpr to -.. : 1,..,. oro ort ramp rn12.1+25 ll5 fol\:,w so:.~~' 1s 1.. "'"~~ \'K"fmt'nt Ce.II 968-5739 or :t \'N cxper, Thru p & L. S.D. frttY.'B.yl 7S-77 f ,.61J1>ll1c S6Tlw U S!ri&! »70-80-~ AN:3 'lJ h><J 51 !.noq 111 ,...,....,""' t \""IJ ...,.,... ..... >. • Ilul'lla Pk. \'JIGO :is I~ !>II~ u [-·!rnta ~ Fo. RESULn; fOL• ca.n ~ NEWPORT PER:-.tA1'f.NT pRrt-tiine job ~AUG," :l'Q M«ftd !>90..,,r111, 11911<1""' fEI. '' ~ pend on, Call the super-Perionnel Agency "'ith Ria-F'rlla ,\1 en'11 \Vf'ft r. 51,+,,, i;JO ll'f N:>laday WT';/~ MAi.1D -<=~1 .S alesman .. Dally Pilot 133 Dover Or., N .B. ,\lust bto 6' or ovrr. Stt i\tr. ,,.?·~2! •11@Gor:J @ Mtme f)t-;c111rrl ~Jill:~• Cl.ua!ned &ll-M78 -place I 642·387G Nation, 191:1 llarhor Blvd., your ad Ir chure II! C.M. ,l .. -I --,,., -.. - &. No. 3ti7. Consrructlon lYfll! $6j or !t'ade for pwr la1vn nio\\"f'I' & edger. 8'17--2684, 1{Wr.! Ross Ln, HB BRUNS\VICK Po o 1 Tb I ·l'~x9', ,Jacu1.7.i Whirlpool, Excrcyclc. All ;i;lnl oond. 54~19(}] FISHER POOL TABLE $350.00 Call .\TETAL slo1'8Kf' ~he<l 6Xl0' $i'JO. lnf'lude~ noor. * 962--0IGl • GIRL'S Canopy htd se!: refrlgt'rator: twin b ed 1 . 513-0136 • ·l:iO po11 £'r r e fr11 c tor IC'leM'.O~. S."iO. 557·1658 CAC\lELLl/\ ~ALE, Heal1hy, nlntl.lre pla.ntll 11i redw"OC1d MO!AinrNi. i;M2-2489 j'l;f:\\.POHT lkh T1•nnis Club r:.n1i!y memllcr~h!p. $450 lncl trnn.~ 'r"t'~. 134-1-?281 -- tape deck, Sllli new, v.·as le.fl on luy-a11·ay. Orig sold for $2l~.95;..,11y off bala11ce ot $126 o r 11maU payments. Collection IRPt. 71ot/893-0,Xll l\fA CINTOSJ I stereo luner, !>TR 71, waln11l cabinet. $275. Klipsch model H speakers $300 pa.Ir. Ko~ pro-4 A stcl'ffi pl){lnes $3.). Xtra "'·a!nut cabintt $10. Separate or sa1:> all. 4~3164. '65 PACKARD-B~LL sterro, 6' con50ie. l\tu lt i ple x A;\l /f,\I, etc. A.ll musk incl. $~. 5-18-JO;t) alt 5 Ah'.C rt>g Ptklngese fem1le, 2 yrs old, Grtal w/kids. Se.;,· SlOO. 838-4~75. Hor 1•s * 8 YR. old ?-.forgan &: Arabia niare with ba.rebe.d< Jed and b'!"idle S.150. 637..QQ. _... * 3 YR OLD Re'g Quuwr mnre, gretn broken. UGO A' T!l.Ck $17a. 54S-868S STEREO conllQlc, Grundlg, 6 YR Gt-ld lrw: ROH" ~. At'-lff'l\1 s hortwav", jumpirn: polenllal. 1..5\t:' lurnlahle, Beau! cabinet, I ~"'c'-·_36cl_>_. ~------,=I sm. &14-412:), 6'1fi-3Jf.G. Liv•stock IA 21" Color TV, saer\lice $95. t9" ~r!.11blP $25. 21" t.ih\e niodel $20. AU a.re in xlnr cont!, ;.:i7-->!082. 2.1"' PACKARD Bl'!! ~'Olored T V/stt-reo c-o mbo . He11~nH blc. :>1!HJ.68 FOR Sale: 30 Layirc bcndl 11.l $1 ea.ch. 5-18-ll)J. The fastest draw In the Weit • a Dally Pilot Cl..ttled Ad. 642-5871 .- ----------- • •• .. ·-· .. ·-· • • • ...,..._.,.... • • "\ -• j •, " • • • " " ··-···~"·.· . . . DAI LY 'ILOT WtdNWlq, A119Uit 4, 1971 PlLOT -.ADVERTISE• 24 l§J ~I ;;----;;_ .. _;;';,;l§J;;; 11~ 1;;;;;"';;;;;"' ... ;;;;; .... ~I~;;;~ /.:-1 _.,,,._l~ ... ~l§J~~ Cyct.1, l lkt1, Tr.1ll1r1, Travel MS Ar.ltfl, lm,orttd 970 Auto1, Imported 970 Autos, Im po rt.cl 970 Auto1, Imported 970 Autos, Used 990 llil .__I ·_-_.,..__.JJ[i]llL-1 _ ... "_ .... -_....J. l§J I I~ I Scooter• ns; 1----'------1--;.......:.-----1----'------ HARBOR BOAT U' SCOTSMAN T"il u Larn• S•leclion MAZDA '" HOUSE Liwrn lcal Porta Pot. u bolt "2 13650 Harbor m ... d. TMlm and 110 Uchta. Beat oUrr. of Fully Cm•" Gcon "7·-HONDA ......., -"'"''·'™· RKondllloned N~w 191'1 13' O\J')'sler Day - NouPI -Doop -""" -S.iloc • ..,,..,, I'''· .,.,,. ''FRI-......... J I ~ I Used v.w·s 'Thte-•h -THRASHlNG. 1"5 stef'I. rit rina: $&'$. Old un.AIWU\ Auto• IOI SM Ponch•5'-~r. waa a tln1e wtlfn, lfl' Mt.libu outria:l!'r Vt'/ -llllofoOI "''"" ., it a kid wtartfd '°"1118 ~·1d1 i•il~ .• , is S295. Largr •e· M?-6824 • 8~7566 Campers & Vans -. hJ• d•d ,,, ... _.. tM !ertion ol tn.ilt-rable boats. -~.,..,,~~-"=~-'-,.~= C }())" '" D o• 1000 •11·1-• "~ eTHE BIKE SHACK• Antiques/ l•11ic1 t5l 7~ JU "Y ' '' LJ THRASHING machlnr. LIDO 14 ·w/tn.ller, u.tl M. __ .:_....; ___ :.:._ __ : Gu11r11.nlt-P PACKET N iling l a u nch . 1701 in xlnt rond. hu bf-en NEW BICYCLES 1925 Unc:oln .i-door sedan. Parts &: Labor e EnJt"1ne e Ctutlc. Jdeal bay boat for kepi in il'ldoor 1torage, PARTS • Al'CESSORTES Orig. mint rond. 56.000 mi. Trans. • f'ronl t,, Rf'ar Ax lr LOOK Immediate Delivery Rotary Engines RX2CPES.- RX2 4 DRS. RlOO CPES. lO easy pas~n£PN . Good Ready l\'.I u,il, $¥.ia. ~!l-!1507. E XPERT REPAIRS Exct'Uent ru nnln! rond . /\11sen1bllrs e Bnk11 Sys- condltlon. 1\lany e xtr ai . N "· 0 I ON AL L MAKES Curtom body .• S3,000. Call tein • Elt>ct1•lc11.J f;)'l!le>1n NO WAITING 17' ••rvnal ~ De&ign "' Brazing t.. \\'elding 636 2'"" ·' fi1l-4&3:i. in rood rond or IEe motor-Near Fairvif'w • ~16-4130 MERCEDES BENZ OPEL e CLASSIC ·~ 190 ha rdtop. C.ood mod. otter. fi1J.-.l 066. MG MG AUTHORJZED SALES &: SERVICE NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 \V. c.oa1t Hwy. Newport Beact. SL 'G~ 'I ELLO\V 1ta wgn -Opel Kadet1. L& .. Pfl&. s1000. can Ah 5, 613-5838 PORSCHE WE BUY USED Porsches DO" BURNS PREST IG E PORSCHE, AUDI SUBARU '6(1 SUBARU Sia r, To)'OI&· 11i.e +.cir M'dci.n. ll.000 m 1'a, Ve ry good cond. l 9 5 O. S-16-0491. '1C SUBARU. 1\IOi"!el l60. Very eronnmical 4,l n1p1. f\·11Js1 Ae ll. leaving 1"0Untl')'. Pd SOO:J, Sar. 5-WO. &Ha9. SUNBEAM ------~~ 1967 ::Ounhf'!illl Alpine, 36.000 01111>.~. Vrr_v clran. $800. Phol'lf' 616-4107. TOYOTA 1971 TOYOTA 1-foorin&' &\'a1J. $39~0 . tr\1·. Sell or trade for V\V 1093 C BA KE R, CM 1 ;4";S'"pot.c;~~~oluxe ~ MIRACLE MAZDA M" ELCO CLAS.SIC Cruist'r cyclt'. 673-9525 CMvy Sedan, all orig. :\1nl ~ ~ 1 ~::1 Harbor Blvd., G.t.;. indudinE H1rbor moorlne:. ---~-~----1 1070 JAWA-ESO spttd"''•Y cond thru-olJI. S700 or bst ~ 0 I (Justs. oJ G.G_ .Fri\"-'.) All xtni. Tmmac corxl. Neiv Schock-bit Ende•vor rattr. Only four meeting, ofr. D)'1o: 548-6-124, Ei·es. s H'l111c nf !hr Rotary Eng1nr • THINk 63S-23:::: J t-ng. Slip &\'ail. 26', •40, Xlnt cond. $4200. ntvt'r hf'nt or broken, !op !~·,"",~·.,A -<o"-. c.,,,. ~O -d; 21:i0 Ha16400~··57Cooos1a i\l('ga ''~_6" I 1964 PORSCHE SC I Lo1v m!IPs. •O-ltl 5'1~. ~um 642-~ days; 673-5303 t \'f'~. rolld., $995 1ncludt-~ gearing, """ ....... ..,._ """ ' p .r -· l j" GLASS o1·er ._'OOd boat Gl..ADIATOR 24 ' l b r gls spa.res and wo r k 1 hop motlf'l unrTsto~on.;:.<'onrl ~,d MERCEDES BENZ $1777 sloop. Xlnt cond. $4r.i0 or manu&l. Al!O 970 Kaw. 90, '-•' ''fRIEDLANDfll' R I $l6'l. Dal!.un i trtet buggy Body In mint cone! $65(1. ' f'Ct'ntly pau1~ed s1l\"er ''"' fl l . reas orter. 548-4563 l ike nf'\I', 690 mi .. J26.l. fi))...2'.!88 AM . 6 pin. ' ;)\fl.3Q31 Exl. 66 or 67 blat'lr 111 rer Eng n>bl1· p 1 ll A•• 11 ... • $600. 962-!i6lS ~ dR}'I 675-5954 f'\"el . [-----~-----1970 HARBOR BLVLJ. UHi al:AC" , .. WY. ttl relli tu-es I. cl 'n . -·, ""' _ .. B .. h , M1int./ I LIDO 14 No. 1967 HO:-\, "DA 2;;J Scni.rnblt>r, l:Alcc 1 ~7 NOi'.llAD. f~re l!'i Ill) COSTA ~1 ESA 893-7566 • 537-682-4 C u me rim~. YOLYQ Xlnt L"<>rxi. Full ra•·e, clf'a ner : all original & i'I G ·us101n exhall(! wnh many Service 902 $850 846-46,)2. k!1, \\lr b4-r cams, bi.i valves, 2 'I 's, '39 &: '60, RPbll r -.:tr11., • CLf:,\;.: s~.2~ or 11 10 I pistons, filtroo air stock. Sl:JOO. 557--o62i r BMW eog's, New l•rl"S, GOO<I mllkP offer. 714-933-0839 ']!W; Ha rbor,('.~\, &J6-9300 CAL '17, 4 mo's old, Save 1 C · · 1 k *-A rare find '54 Chrys!Pr: cone!, S900 cash !or both. · I-----I FIBERGLASS repair -All $1700. c ea nt'r, '"nani or~ "' Automoti ve Excellence "6R Po111che 9f2: Blue--hl k. 1:16~ TOYOTA C oro I a •-k• $300 Ti"m Pia-it> blac k, 2 dr sedan. Gd cond. 67.'>-.)934. <· '' II I ] ~_big or 1maU. in shop • • 714 1835-3007 + • '"-"-• ' "''•~· S<IOO. 536-8653. & }"rn-Sw. tintl'd glass, nlag~. ,..;pn~!Pr, . " .nw '.\' c&me ~. .,... 673--0171 days. 1966 !vlGB-Yelloll', E:'(cellent "'-m-cll•. ·-m•I.", ,, .. 1n!ri 1or N""'IY ~erVJced, -ou! 5nup. ..,, yni exp, S" SABOT fil'>f'rglu s, tra!lt'r ~,...,,==-'-.,~~-~= ..,., •-.. """ ,, TI41536.6646 or 213/435·5419. &:-motor, 1375_ tl10N'fESSA Scorpi<ln 1!169. Dun• Buggl•s 956 C'O!lrl SL'.XM'J nr Off Pr. Can hausL 1 Owner. 29,000 ac-r:iceel_''f)nd. 962-1281. 8oats/M•rln• 53&-2651 250cc. Xlnt cond. $·150. ----------1966 J\fF.RCEDES BenzD. "11<'r 4 l)m fi.l 4--{Mo7 tual mi.13700. <l~7-10S4. 196:1 TOYOTA Col'ona. 2 dr E 1 904 546--02SI '64 INT. SCOUT P.U, ROY CARVER I A\1 /F;\1. a ir. Xlnt shape. '68 i\1C fl.f idge!, ~light body ·:ill PORSC1-IE. good body. n1 , ~randl\rd tra n~. r/h, t'X· qu P· Boats, Slips/Docks 910 Electric Ca rs 930 , nc . $1600. ;,.1&-1630. rlama~". n1hrrw1~e Sar. nr w Pll"clll"~. ninning g()()<I. cr l L"Onrl. Sl .200. 89·1-1077. l:o'."'.:c---:--:-0-,..:-=--.c-BOAT sl!p a\"a\J, J uly l!t. lor 2 \VD, dlr. Goo<'! runner 2925 Harbor B lvd. * Cl.Af;S !C * $995. G1~g: l!.33-8577 SJll.00. 4M--(t360 rlay, 494--61i97 c~~!on~~s,.!~.4 . ~~Ut'a, 6(}'w70'. 'V!dt slip. ELECTRIC Car·Stlck drh·r. irtronr heart, take. small Costa Mesfl 546-4444 l!l60 r<·l rrrf'rlr~ Ben7. 220 SE. '6:l '.1-IG 1100 serl11 n, ,\t ust sell a!le.r 7 p.m. 673-6606 fibPrglus lop &: curtain.~. down. Call alt. JO:OO 546-8736 Bi\!\\' "67 2000c, auto, tranF. 2 t-u!'I lnjrcird ·1--~prl 011 C'OI -S28J. ·""~='--==~--~ TRIUMPH Inc. Ca.II ~7--8'.!77. new b&t1~rirs. \ale modrl. • 494-6811 {\\'BJ819). rlr. Xl n! con<1 . 39.000 mi. Pvl ••m· ·''''"''' ''"'' All 2 '69 912• EXCEi. r 0 n r! · THE TRTU;o;JPJi SLIP SPACE AVAIL " r ' " • + * 6·l6--4.'>4 alt 6 A:"lt/f:"ll, sler""' t~ ...... 0 ••. 1 ~• $550 ca ~h. no ch ~ c k . Pty "'" 1846 ...... "'~ '-"''' VB STAG nr;io 25'--30' SAILBOATS 53&-TI3B. '69 V\\', (old fltck, fibre, top · ~ · nrw Golrl w/br\\·n inter MGB oflrr Du~. 6-n--:Z:nt. e'r-* Sl3-6fi06 * curl*ins, r11dio. 1 ownr, DATSUN .Ju~1 hi:id enf.:ln<' 01·prh:iuled 1 G+J-1880 I NOW ON DISPLAY Boet1, Power II' Fbrgl1 Ov•rnit1r Slps 2. 80 HP l\1r rc eng., Boats, Speed & S ki 911 1 -M_•_b_1_1._H_•_m_,•~'=,...--'-35 sAcr ilice, 493--3051. $1:\00 .. Jr rr BC'rt:;. !°>IS--0293. Mi:iS'1-M!IJ, '69 ~fGB, bl lll'. 19.'19 PORSCHF.. gooO mr(·!1. Conie in for a !!'st rlrlve! us.ed 20 hrs, ~ mph. BJ1n 1----_,..-,...----,.. b11i1 tank, 50 \\'&n n dio, SKI or fishing boat + trlr, reacly for ""-itter 1khna, fish-glas1 on \l'Ood hule, near CONT EMPO-Trucks 962 '71 OAJSUN 4 OR. \\"ANTED -l!l69 i\lrrcrdrs rxcel ron<1, rac!lo. 11·11~1 1'()nd<1ion_ 1960 V\V hod~ I FRITZ WARREN'S LAGUNA HILLS BC'n'-280 SE srdao, fully 11l'l!'el~ L\lalit' or!er. 67.l-566-11 p11.r1~. goor1 rond. Nothini SPORT CAR CENTER 2:3301 RIDGE ROUTE DR. SEDAN r<JUlf'I. e'il'C'l rond. Phonr a rL;, O\'er S6 6~6--:i696 7:o E . 1st SL, S.A. 547..0764 (Corner or r.toulton Pkwy) IH.• rt;i.y.~. 6-16--?9~. e1·es & ••• '!CB ROADSTER ··a Po,..,·~L-""" ·1 0 J"-·'· . Open daily 9-9; closed Sunday \\'knd~. 64&-.'16,)7. I '' " ~ · .i. ,.,.._,II! ... .,n\ CV1J Pttstlge Adul t com1 iunity ad-Low milr age fact "'·arr11.nty . _ New rop. r uns S:CilXI. Rt>bh f'n::;-. N<'rds bo<ly '69 TRIU~!Pll GT6 +, r.d. jacent to Leisu~ \Vorld. 4 l!pd dlr R.i:.H ·1\'lls S:l!S6 61. :\IERCED_ES Bl'nz_ 100 SSOO. 821-&1'.l'\ ;inylime 11ork. S6Z"1/nfr . .>lli-16:!9 f"\"PS DID. lo m1, gd rond. $25(l() i1111;. e tc. Little Oudt trailer. ne1v Chnysler '55 Hsp. N.B. slip avail. Runi like a drTam . ~- Best offe r over $1700 557-3683. For informallOn call 16' Tahiti 1969 w/125 HP Beautiful 1urroundine:&. a.LI Internaoonal Hi\.l"\·ester · · ' ' D 1P.•e 1. Ne. w Pa 1 n I . --.------or bst ofr. &!~1473. luxury appointnlentJ, Ther-no1v $1886 l639CAXJ. Sn1all unhol~TPl'V h,.;irlhnf'r 1.3<)(! 1 ·s:i :'lfGB. Reblt t'ng &. n-i1n!j. 1910 POR~CHE 91~ -Pf'rf _ ----~-~--I a peutlc pool Saunlls, exer-RECREATION CENTER dQwn o r forTign car will o\'rrh~ui~d . P.."rll(I. hr;;,.r \!UST SELL! S900 or hst ofr ronrl, Jo m1. i\·lu~~-"".1~ 1n1-1 'AA Tr1un1ph G~ R1H Lo m l. cis.: i'}'lll, 4 biUiard tables, ROY CARVER. Jnc. !in. pvl. nly. Call ~en SI 100 (ir rn fi.l'.1---22\3 11rirr 6. 816-9074 1 _niPd , Bes! ortC'r. 6~1.1~ 1 lnl C_?~ld. ~1.1.'JO or ik ovc1· niuch much more! 2925 l-larbor Bll'd. a-Hi-STJ6 -4'.l-1-till ll. , 'fi,l 1'>1GA--\\nT' whl!l, "'""' ·52 RF.Bl.T f'n~, 1-ompl n,.11 _11ay._fi , . .--l6L._ --~--t ;.18.46()1 ).Irr<' 0 B, t>t<:h I.: 11!1 rqui p. 21 · O\\'ENS !2100/be~t otr. 96S---la23. Just painted, varn i~hed k "16 J9'i0 TRI Hl..L L "11 '.'ii) rechromed. New c11n\'R~ & hp. Ne"'· trailer, dJ., other stem room. Engine like e xtra&. $2350. 549--0752. See beaut. f\JL~l models lo Costa t.lesa 546-4444 '67 DATSUN PICKUP QUICK CASH tran~. top & brakes. S6:)0 f'lutch. Xlnl mn<l, mus1 srll. '6~ TR!U:'llPI!. excel rond. park-likt-setting. 1969 C1-IEVY C30, l 1li ton VS, fi7~i~:ig Pves. I $1•1:11/olfPr , -;)--\6---:i61!1 n1any xtra!. $1.000. 8!12-5086 new, radio &: depth finder. '!!!tiJJ!!!!!!~ sips 6. N .a$6~ &\"ail. ;L _______ ][E J CALL 830-3900 or 830-i900 custom blt alumin Sxl2 bo:-., THROUGH A OPEL ROVER aft fi:30 P ni. roll type TI"&r door. Excel 4 spd. dl r .. R&H. 1 o1\'l'lf>!'. DAILY PILOT ~~~~=~7"C==,- HAO ENOUGH cond. $2.~. ~e at Cht'vron TAke foreign_ car or i;in~ll --------• VOLKSWAGEN Tran1porlation For informa!1on call """'"' OF DAMPNESS? Siati"o•. ""' S. Coa•I Hwy. down fZCJ87.J) caJ\ 546-87.16 WANT AD 0 0 <-, R .•• I ---------·! ~love 10 SIERRA DA\~. 49-i 6811 " ~ I ·!i:, GE:R.\IAN pt>l Karlet!. '&I R Vl'.R .--.·<1 iln. ehulil ... I LAguna Beach. 494-71·10. -· · _ __ 642-5678 -1-$prl, run~ xood. Cl('an. r ng. undPr 8,000 mi. &-s1 or-'58 VW BUS 11 ' CUST0 '.1-f Roamf'r Flying ·--------· Bridi e Cruiser. Built l!l6i A ircr•ft 915 St@l'!l hull 1/5 r11dio VPl"\I ---------- ctlmfortabie. Anxio~s t ~ 1 CESS:-\A '61 173, 890 T.T. 35 sell. $5-l!li Call rollttt h.rs on T.0.H. !'l!KlI '1 anytimt , 17141 493-49!8 Il lh"V, NP1v uphlsfy, m ust Ii " 1967 :'llERCR UISEn l/O. sell. Call ~7610 o r Full co1·rr~. 120 h.p. Dp!h ""'~·-'-·"°-· ~~~~-= findt r, trlr tull.v rquip. Ski Ca m pe rs, Sale/Rent 920 &: fish. $1830. 4i8 F.. 201h, Alwayg dry, balmy, c Pf\r. '67 DATSUN SEDAN N• sm og or tog. lrleal for '70 Ford Van Chateau 1 S7CJ l>1Csl ofr. fi7f).\lll~i Cd~! fer !l68-600j. 1 S-17:1. 6-16-68.>2 arthritic or bronchial proh-F'acl air, 4 yr "''arr. ~ ton l·A~u-to-,-.-N~,-w-----9~8~0 Autos, N•w 980 ! Autos, New 980 -A-.-,-,-,-. ~N~.-w----~9=90 lems. Al SIERRA DA\\'N v.•/&-ply tireg, long :whl R.ue 3 lifll:I. rll r. r.. l• .. ,l"<'llrnl ........ you O"''O .)"')Ur O\l'n mohilf -liaS(', h'a''Y duty shock~. l"Ond1t1on fh111 otit. f'lld r11r horn" lot. Rents keep going $.V!!Jj . 714/:'135--0782 o. sinall <1011 n r,:in !in. up. \Vhy pay f'f'nt? ~·or tr'f't 1970 Forrl ,, Ton Sports 1n1. pty_ Pl,.;i.~E' 11/1 9 a m bI'Q(."hUi"'· 11·h11e O..pt. 3 Cus1om P .U. VS. auto, ps, 5-'6·8736 ·l!l-1-6S11 __ SfE RRA DA\1/N, Htme1 , Ca pb, !oadtd. G11-rag, kPP1. Lo '66 DATSUN, hd !.: sfl lop~. 92343. mi. cainper .,.. I b t cl. r11.d111J~. rarl10. R.R. CLEA;"{ AIP., CLEAN S.IS-4129. 1800. l11ke Sj7;). 49iwl.}:l\. Coo t.t '.\1611. ~3i82. 33' 0Vt1"ENS BRJGA~'Tli"E l~Jec aalley, 2.5 K.\\". ONA.N". SIS, CB ADf. :\1nt cond. \\'kday! 8 1 1-3 4 4 0 ; \!'Imel! S.18-9830. '69 ~STAR 812-9' offse t cam- per "'·/lull cabo\"er, slrf'ps 6. Buta.ne elt'c nofrig . HeU Siar jacks. boot thru to truck. A + rond, Sl29S. 557..1)896 \VATEn. TH E GOOD LIFE '67 CHEVROLET ·'~ 1on pirk FERRARI on a low budget. 2 BR. 2 b11., up w/19i0 8' Gala.'l:ie c11b ------·---- mobile llon1es on Th~ h11y in ovf'r Cl!l.mper k boo'-:'lfany FE RRARI Ne11riort Beach. Prtv. bf'11.cb :<tras. ~lu&! sPll. 968-9870. AUTHORTZF.D & a!I rern-11.t1onal l11.cil1t1P~. EXCEPT clean !960 Ford , ) SALES &: SERVICE Arl11 l1s only. No pe.t:i. Come 8 . I 300 E Ion. 3-~pd. V P . U. 36' Stephtra "Clasaic." Slrr.; 'S9 O odg• Y2 Ton PU look. Bayside Vil age. · · 11·/camper !hell. s j 9 5. 5. Npt moorinf . $13.500. Art ~J ton, 8!) l t. ol'erhe-ad camp. Coast Hwy., N.B. 67~~\;:1 J pm. 213 /8 2l·65S 5 or t-r, sletpg 4 \\"/range ice FOR just Sl0,500 you can •54 CHEVY TO\V TRUCK TI 4/538-254 2 8ft 6 pm. box, ovtn, \l'irtd, e tc., 've1; own a 20'x55' mob ile home 11 1 NEWPORT IMPORTS l c 1J 557 9792 S77:> or hest o rr. Aro 33' O\\'ENS 1966 T .S. 225 HP. I~'='~'~'~·=·~~·~~·~-~ Ol'1 golf course a t tilt bf'.li rh. weldiniz torches $ \ 5 O. 3100 W. Coas l Hwy. Teak rlPck~. Sf'e at Bays ide 1970 G:'l lC Truck, d~luxe a \r J-!:is largt'tl 111creenl!-r! rO<lm 5-11~)8.)9 Nt'wport Beach Village, Slip No. 132, N.B. rorxl. R&H & 101 ~' P.oyll.I k fenct'd patio. P11-.rk has -:'.'.'..:::'.::'.__--~~-=1---'::.C.~~:O::=--·l oi BE'st offer. sn.~24 Coachman Ctlt'llper, seJl-<.'On· all fadliti~s. 536-4 719. '10 Super Van, VS, 302, RAT · • 7 ------~~-~ Stick, 36.l'l:YI mi. Liv rm on"----------.f,6 OV."ENS 30· Empre~i; ,_"'='-"~''=·~""'"'~~=''=----8x2!:: furnii;hl':d tr.:i.ilt r. tdel\l 1· l"'heels. $2600. 536-9576, lOam Crul.ser TS, SS, OF, APACH E CHIEF lt'nt tr.ailt'r for i;ingle ttliid"nce, trav,.l -Jprn . Xtras. 11 /11rld-11..room & extra~. or cabi n 1i1e. Ope n 10'.lr i11--~----~--- ! ,1 ......., '67 ECO:\O Van: R/H. nP\\' P\'! Pl): 6-12-623.l $500. E ves 5-IG--1 295 s pection 9 to p.m. .~IN. 962~278. ti res. Tinter! glas~. "Big 6." 18' SKI & f1shini boat. 100 l1FACTORY d i r t c l dealer,-""-'--'-----~--If' mi. $112j or trade. HP JohnY>n k lze "·hi trlr, r<la.jo1..,1·ay &. Half P int, tro1.1 CLOSE to ha.rbor, rnkls, nr 497-tOM. all hrand nt w. J 2 g 0 0 'I Si95. 86S \V, 18th St, c.ar. ~w l2:oc46, poreh, r;ht'd , Ind-=~==~~.,.--.,.--c-1 Thl11li: s.. "FRIEDLANDER" ~9Z-3024 --8("p(\. Buy ar ss::m .. 49&.32i2. '63 CHF.V'l' pickup truck. · '69 VW Sundiel Camper rTblt r ng. s.xio. or bf'~t or-11750 I E.t.CM I LYD-1~· GLASS, lop rond. full)' ffil-6113 '66 Great Ui.kes :;nx;,o·, lami· frr. 6r.>-Jij.'.;_ :Hwy. ltl ~ip, 4? hp Evinrude Lark. j Cycl•s, Bi"'k-.-,-, ----ly puk. S8.200. Call 11ft 11 -1~,,~5:...,F=o=n=o~r=i=CK=·=.u=r~ll=oo.1 __ .,_::.77:.66~~·~5.1~1=.sm-'--- !'ew paint, ~ki nr f15h, trlr i Scoot•r1 925 -'-·-"'-'-' _,._17_-65.1_7_. ___ ~~ Tlt'f'ds tra n~ "'\"Irk. JAGUAR incl. l-1%. s.i&-6861 Motor Homes 940 "'-lO·Ol3.1 17' 1969 CH RYSLER l.>5 lip '70 HON DA 100. su-r S"""\, ----------c Ev,·'·'-'--.~.--.,~ '69 XKE R d I I/O, marine radio, full ,~ ,..... ~ 'fi l H · trur.;, ne 5 0G 5 er cover . Xl nt cond. S28!15. $12J. 'TO Bulli!lrn PurMng CON DOR mi rior \lnrk. 0 th er '11 ! t 3 Rand Rlld10, urider \l.000 67~2319. 250. xlnt, SiOO. '71 Suzuki 90 good cond. $:\00. 642-!12XI or1gtn11l m1lf's I (l\\·ncr iZVC Git t\i!-Akron1 .'I, Joarltd'. Thto yacht that's not ll boat. '62 STUDEBAKER plrkup. •!!*!). PO\\'ER.-Mahoiany &. Ollk 6iJ.-~~~ or 5 4 7 w25 95 CO rN FORD oJ.d-colirl 28" Bst o 11 .. r /:11Jn--lpm. BILI.. RW VII. auto. $200 or be-st oHl"r-Marquis Motors 645--3394 Oninge County's Condor Di!· rn \\', \8th SL. Ci\1. Apt. ft.. >I L B h . '61 HONDA C L 1 2 ' A ~h"lo 230 S Mal• St 900 So. Cst 1ghv.y . C · 1~~.,.-~-=~-;~=o l -,,_ '"'' u r, · " ., Autos Wanted 968 494-7;l()l • ~-..10~3 100 Boa ts, Rent/Chart'r 908 Sc.ran1ble.r. New parts, hilt· Ora.ngP. Close to thrtt ma· Cal 25 + C•tlin• 27 Gua.r&ntee the 1011.·eat rates In So. Calli, "Catllna cru!s. illE club". Location Newport Harbor. 71 4/968-4S40 for info. 36' FLYBRTDGE Cruise:r, Sips 6. fully eqpd inc ski p. );13 5 /d a y , $7 00 /w k . MUZU. 30' DIESEL ketch, slf'eps 4. ldt>a.I cn.iiJiflE boat. .... * 4!W-6\0I • * • 909 tP1;.•. ~procket~. c ha I n a , jor freew8J'll. 639-185() Or lif"lf'!'don1r ter. tirts, new top. K. 7-0444. 6j3-l932 aft 6 pm. RENTAL. New 71' Condor CAT Sli~shot mini bik!'. motor home. Fully f'quip. Ne1'' f'ngine , m11oy l\'tr3.'I, Dual a fc, g}ttP5 8. Info &: J75. l6S.i Tu~tin Ave, No. 6, re!lf'T"Vll!iora, 4 9 6 -6 l 4 4 , C.:'4. aft 5 pm. 496-24!KI. WE PAY TOP CASH ft>r uHd can • truckl, jult call ua tor free e1tima tea. GROTH CHEVROLET KAWASAKI JOO Trail &5$, 35' REAR f'lll bus part. COB- rPlll nit"f'. :'llany f'xtnt.i;., vtr!ed. 14.000 of'Ut. miltt S3.1J. CaU coUect {TI4J S4950. Best offer s-1 P M. 629-492 A.ak for Sele. Man111er l 543---74"8. 18211 Beaeh Blvd. WANTED FOR RENT -lettcon:ained Huntinaton Beach l1onda ~-305 Scrambler. air. aeoerator, $250. v.·k, 5c M'f.fi087 Kl S-3331 'ii) :-.r:E Roodster. xlnt cond . Sil\"f'r ,i::l'A,V, b!k inter., an1/fm, S499.i. 54&-8606. JENSEN J ENSEN AUTI-lORIZED SALES ;, SERVICE Running or not \\'ill buy _!'m~··~.~m~""~'~·--_:._-~,l :~ijj;ffirei!l:Ai~::-j;jij"I par!!. 551.Sla). 1969 23 FT. t.totor home'. aeU ANNIVERSARY •SO t~--'--'-'=~=::....- 77" PJVER tri·..u """· "''' ~=~='----KARMANN GHIA 8Mt1, Sail otter or TRADE. Call .68 HONDA 100 cc S!J'ttt or ('Ontair.ed. &lps 6. For sale. ~ 545-J tS2 trail S~ or bit otr. S7.500. 897-8639. ~ P CAT full ra« \l'/trlr. --;;;;,;co;"',,;,·~'98~2=--Tra ilers, Travel 945 PINTO W/AUTO. Spt'c\.al Sl695. 1968 SUZUKI 250c:c, 67""~7 6SOO ml. SlOO. TRAVEL TRAI LER Trans. $5 day. s.c mile. ·57 GHIA, nev.· p.alnt, excel ti e ng & tram , good inter ior. " Chrome v.·het-ls. S 5 0 0 . 54&-2938. C'11 54>-5637 TH EODORE LIDO 14 N 3329 le1 -;:;;o.=--:';;:c::.:.,=~ 1952 Ro.dmuter. g• x 71'. ROBINS FORD •'al! GllTA w Sychrome11h o. • comp '· HODA KA ACE l~ ~->I '~ ~-h 1 Co h"''Y trlr. Top condition. ........, .. , "VV • ......,, or erms. n-2060 HARBOR BLVD. trans. Oean. Sl.ZiO. 49!}.-2482. 64~118!"1 Run~ fOOd. vr r1ed M 110\I flnd miturt.I COSTA t.fESA 642-0010 S59j * 64&-33-1;) f'Vf'I!. ='"'""°"'°'"-~~~-S~. 5-l~. gu. NrAr new 9' rt-b1rer. HOLIDAY 24' YBWI, 5 111.ll~. -~ .• ;;;-===,,-=~-a·tor, efectric water heater, ANNIVERSARY #SO '69 K. Ghia., orange ronver. 1-L-1 f'...,. 11-<I ~ .. -,-..i 10 TRIUMPH 500 AUTOS WANTED 2£.000 mileii. Si.750 or bes1 ""'u "•• ··-· ""'"eJ'"'"'· CLEAN * r.tUST SEIL a ir condltioner, new carpet-Miiit cond <f~tt.6 I -• I ~ •·th. Top doll •• ~ cl••• ,_.. ott,r. 494--4089 11.lr 5 536-9472 AFT 6Pt>I Iii , m.:wu ll."'TI 111 • .,.. ..,.. .... ..,. -· ~ BOUNTY 19' •loop. Dfty 1 --.;:-c.~,~H"D"N=o7A~3"'~.~.--I~ of .rorace l!p&t'e, up CllrL ~ Andy Bf'!)\Vn. '68 KAR.i\tANN GHIA RuM Sailer. Xlnt cond. Sl.500. or SUPER CLEAN! Like ,,,.w! and ov•r stepe, xlot penel-THEODORE rood. Nttd!! paint. Slfi.IO, 1=-'"='~'"-Pri-''..;"'~· --"---· ~ t 1490 • m.son ''•· &<>"'4 an. • PM. ROBINS FORD 1 -"""-77_64~· ~=~--r TH~ 11&.il.bol.t. complele, • • 1910 3;:(I SL HONDA. I ~"~"'~'"'=""''""''"'hyC.,:Cepp"'-··::.· --~ 2'.l60 HARBOR BLVD. LOTUS $Z50 1969 ROA~Llner tr ave I COSfA MF.SA 642-0010 · ~* •-•~ • * Xlnt ccod. -II• T "--i. 20· -~;;::;:::;.=:=-:::"'C7.;.:.:I -----------.-.,............., S:«J + Call 671-3969 "" r iu1. \lo'""' • '·"· -WE PAY TOP DOLLAR L OTUS UDO lt No. 21$. Ruif!ll Euy U ft h itch. 53&-4086. FOR TOP USED CARS ~ ~-~-, .. ~ Al SCHWINN 5 •P<f. ~ Also ChtV)' ~ truck A1Jlll0RIZED ,_,_, uu • .....,,._ ilMU. t Cnitf', llll:f' new. C a ll i "="":..:-:.....=·.::..:.:::~·--lf your car b otra d ean, SALES A: SERVTCE 5 pm. 673-3439. !i-1g....1975 6 30 AtRSTREAtll '69 dlx 29'. see UJ fin !. _ 3 .rt : 1'tJ\. A!C + x!r11. J\1i n! cond. BAUER BUICK e ]0' SABOT wltlll trailer. 1969 H.....,.-CL ·~. 1_. noo .,,.....,. ~ uvu U~d 6 mo. R.rotis. IHS4685} 23-1 E. 17th St. ·~ ..... ,...... 8tl11.~. many J'lew p.llrl.1, Chl·ner (7'\4) 493-4012. c-tA f.fesa 5-48-7765 ._... ....,.. .,,,,, e\'N S47~. 6+l--fi644 belorT 1pm. ....., NEWPORT IMPORTS ol ihal old turnituniT CHO l9' AI RSTREA..\1 1963. tbmpl 1i'-1PORTS WA.vtED l t•1 -·"-_ -·i "·nl H. D, PPER, losrle<l, Y"l!--ron1 ·r1 . Xlnt c o n d . Oranre Counflt's 3100 W, Coe.111 lfwy. ,......,. '"" .... """' lob or thtOme. with -ail.-. I to replaot. Jult watch tht 6'12-6391 " ' \99.i :'i-l:J.-6328. TOP S BUYER Newport Bell.t h ~ • miacflllan«tJl t -~~~-~~~~-~~30 RO AO;\IA!il'ER, ptrfl'('t BILL ~IAXEY TOYOTA DIAL dlteci. 60-5671. Q\ara:e ~ in thl Ous~ Metcli let• '6'7 $600 lnr mts, bt'"ch, t!f'!!oert. 18881 Stach Blvd. YQ\ft ad, !Mn 'It twick and 5tc:tlan. * &$2-7007 * S\~1/~! offer. 642-6&24_ H. Beach. Ph. 847~ U..ten to I.be phone nnct ----·· ... ,"-..... '::! .. . ..... - 15 BRAND NEW '71 PONTIAC FIREBIRDS $150 OVER COST -?11..m~ee.:-:-.•z ::: l:•11 '63 FORD G-AlAX IE 500 1 Ooot llt rd1()1', •~d·c. ll t •t t •, •YT~m.ot•( t••n•"'lulo1>. 1> ow • r •-•lnQ Ono o..-n••. !NVIC , .. \ s599 '69 FIREBIRD 1'M1 Ponti•• ' Door 11n1ip, """" r1dlo, llt•!· t r, I UIO, lr1n1 , P /S. P/ft, •!r tend. wll>VI Jop. (ZAC. J:ISl '70 IMPALA l~,, (ftov•ol1• • Doi>• ""' •r<!•~. ~ .... ,, •u!O '""', P ~. Pill, v!nvl •~r ~'' cor>d. (160 (_<'Ill '70 Bonneville lllOUGHJ.M Tiii• P""ll•r. • Ooo• ll1rdto1> Ill\ 4M FM r~dlo, trll ,..11.,.1, 1plll ,Mt. •u11 no•e• 11• (Of>(lllionl"CI, ' • 0 l rnfle• Str, •~1ltll"C:I· ""' SAYE BIG '7D CHEVY NEW '71 PONTIAC GTO H~rr ~ fer t~i 1 c"t • , . H ~ny ;" "c-•.• w. ~ .... I~• bi9o;••t ••l•cl,on of feelur•• '",j color. Don't mito l~• f1nt11tic ••vin91 e n our comp!t lt sloe~ of 6 TO'i! Wltft •u1cm•llc """'" mla!lon. power ''~' 1....,, P"''· Or•~ts. ta<-to•y tlr. l>ftWfr win· """'' .,.,., ~l>'f<l ... l!lo t .. 1nv1 roof. llC.l !tf l s1997 '69 PONTIAC C•••lln•, 1 door lltr~· top, •Mio I. l\t f (t•, •utomt!I< ''""•"'11· .~. 00...... llltrl'1!1, OOW ... bt•~ ... I I• CD"• 1111~1"9. (~0 11 )(01 s1997 '7D MERCURY COLON '!' PAIK WAGON l'"ull """"'' ttctory l lr, lot•I o'""'" on!\f U.000 n1lle1. th l. w1r• ••nlv 1r111>'9rr1blt. "''"' '"· Make Offer • ...:.·-~_,.·~., '69 Y.W. • T"" O•t ul ~ "~' •"!Om~"< ''~"'"'''­••D", l>I>"'"' t!f •""'I• t•c1or~ '" conO!!fon. l"CI, raOlo J. l'>ffltr. (Vil.I tJtl $1788 '68 LE MANS TlllO 1 ll<>Or, 111'<1!01> •1~, 1 u1c ....... 11e !r8"'- m1u;.,,., ~wt• site•· Ing, """''' b;t >f". t lr c-11\on;l'IG, r1llio I. '"'""" cwoo "'ll s1797 '66 WILDCAT f ~'· H. T, A~lom•· !•<. 111!! """"" ... , l•to IOI'¥ t it. !ll_VS HI ), -- "•• • •n•fd t••noMlt. II 1•Dn. •~dlo j, lo!1•1r. " ll BZ ·~•) 4 $1368 ! '67 LE SABRE lll•> llul<' 7 OIJI• llrlltP II•> fl l>IO, ll•t-.... oytO tront , PIS. ,. El, •!• (""". 11+roy1 tcp • On• Own., IVQ, IOI)\ $1668 168 CHRYSLER , 0 " O r llHd!Oll, •1110m•Tlt l••n1n.io- 1>ot1. llC"'f" ..... 1,., l'OWtl' II••••• •If C*n-!!UlonJng, !!Niii A 1' .. t1r. (VJV l:ISI ~ ! ....... -·-··--··--.-"lllr-•··~ -· ~~ •• .;: t... ,, __ ,, ___ _,,._ .. ____ ._ ----·--··-----s .. fll LOT·AQV£RTISER §JI Autos, lmportM 970 I Au tos, lmportMI VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO 1-~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~ 970 Autos, Used 990 Autos, Used CHEVROLET DODGE LINCOLN '69 VW BUG VOLVO '67 CH!YY 396 SS . ., DODGE i..no." Gd LINC. eo,t. Marl< 1v . .,. motor " cond.: )') mi per Luxunou1, one o.,,.·~r. W"· 1a.L S300 22.30 An.ha, NB mlita. S35Q. 67.)..3773 DEMO SALE Lo" m1leali:f' excl!Urn1 t'Ond thruo1i 1 4 spl'I dlr \'11Jenc1a I ~· 111k .. old e.lr or sn111JI do"'n 1·11n fin P\'f. pt.'. 1110-i BQK1 Mti-8736. 4'.~-6Sll alt 9 11.m. $2998 1 Door Coupt. ~1un!W New P 11n1. (UDE162l. $14~. Marquis Motors "'·11"' MERCUR-Y--1 '67 OODGE Van, Al!J8, J apd , auto. nf'w tires, shocks, paint Ir brakes. 546-2612. !9j\ Vo'lvo 1« Std Dfomo • 7460 90o g,, Car HlihWy, I., S ch. 4!M-750J • 540-1100 '62 S22 Comet, 1 150 . l.969 CHEVROLLI 1ration '68 VW BUG "•••i:on, 1tra!1ht 1 h 1 11 llALCON Automanc rren11 , a.tr cond. 644~407 Jtadio, Hra1P r r,.i-,v Sha r p' A-1U~I Seu IXEll'i.).11 11095. ..Df.411 Lew W TOYOTA ••/nvrrdr11·f'. i !'.IOd C1'.lnd . I-:"""==""",,__--MUSTANG eng rt buUt. $400, 71 _. "64 FALCON 289, J sp:I, ---------I 9,_.,,,, I iood 1T1n1. S2SO '68 ~lUSTA..\'G, Landau top. Marquis Motors !IOO So. Cst H1gh".I', L Sch 49-t-7.ifl.I e .'J.H\.3100 1--- 4 · &44-7298 V-8. PIS. ,CruiM'lmatic. !" l ~ Harbor, C.~r ~ 9303 I ..-AR I = Ch ---~----· _ r u 11. t : ~ ii v mtleqe. on1 Qwnfr $1400 THINK Hardtop Novi Xlnt cond FORD or bf-it ()Ur r. 968-6772 '59 VOLJ\S---"hlfel~ri int. Lo" nult:"ace. 1 unroof . A:\1-f)f radio. l"XCeUrnt conrlihnn Quick .. 11 S1250. 64.>-l982 or i~7~8J. vo.LYO' ~k~~~~r . C&!J ~162 alt!> LUXURY 1967 rord Ga.J&Xlr 166 FORD )1u1tang UI xlnt in pertt>r-t condllion. r 11ctory rond. S800 or ~:s! otftr ·63 CHEVY II ""\JOll. 3 Sf'I!. 1tr. radio, he111er. l90 r n-S47-~~33 : "fRJ£0LANDER" 6· aul\'.I .. P.S., P.B • 10" (Int "'llh 1111u10. tran&m1l!-l~,.~,~,7.1c"·s~T~A7.,~G~3~0l~.~""-''.1 milts. S~. 546-:776-l ~ ·u "·I I 1:11tl l•AClo IMWT .• ; 11on. · '"' llN!'$, puu Slf!r), RS:H. farlOI") ;i ?r Vin~ !l'p 893-7566 • i37-6124 CHRYSLER pa1n1 and body Ill mint con· [ X1nt <'Ond ~122. ·s.; \'\\', ,~IT• <'It.an. "'" Autos, Us•d 990 d1non A fi tf'a l •t Sl.100. Call OLDSMOBILE paint .~· st11 ("(Ivers. 1~75 '6.1 CHRYSLER Nt'.l'J>Orf 644 -7201 "''f'n1nll'~ J.l.'1-1170; I CADILLAC ~;~1lch~~n X::1\rd' h r~~5~ ~F:l.TOO'l!hf' h!'-h -,.~,-,",-ro,-,-d-,-,-1' '&,l Olds 4-12. F>''!y eqlllp'd. '69 \'\I BUS 9 PA~S I ~ · -c·;i_n 11~·-· GalaXI!' ~l UM ~I'll S'!JOO "f &!! ()ffl'r :>.-sprj !lick. 1400 "44-25f>4 tn m1n1 CQnr1111on Re.d 10. 1 &1.:r4.1c~'l • 6-l·l-73·1~ '.>4.~-11f>,! afr Ii pm I LARGEST 1966 \hry,!er 4 dr 1edan xlnr he111t"r, lac1or-,: air, 390 =~=~~~~~-I 1 ~---I d A I J IQ~< t"ng ine \lith ,· "''· -•··· 11001 F-8.i OLDS S!a \\g11 19,0 VII. c • SELECTION OF fYln · tr, pow@r., c. ·-~ u " ... amlJ"r -r •l'lo'\r\' 642_194~. lnlP rif'lr. paint k bod v l!'P Good tran~p()rt&fl(ln r.tr campmoh1IP. JX!p-!op, IPni. CADILLACS IN J>f'rf@t1 Good l:lre~ 644--7201 I s:io. 8~7--6206 t"tr \,1;,000 1111 l111111~r Or1i;: ORANGE COUNTY COMET 1 f'Vt"J ---p=1N=T~O~---I pv1 n"·nt>r s11w i;.i: .. 2141 I SALES-LEASING ·m \111:--Fll~th;f"k~~ Cllf 1 AlJTIIORIZED '55 COl\IET fl <'YI. 3 spd. 1966 TORO Rllnthl'ro. aufo.1----=---..,.--. G '-1. "--SERVICE . Good cnnd 1n /.: c ul. $.175. h\'Y duty equip. 34.300 mi. '71 PINTO • ,\111.g~ & gOOl'l otnjj: ,,;ie~ in ,,..u1schl1111<i I Spons liner !op Be~r oUe:-~·ea.r tir!!s. all extra~. S~2j Sl750 Ei7:Hl6.>7 Nabers Cadillac 642-261~ 673-1248 t..· r11k.. ov,r payn1ents. '8j V\V PA.'\'EL sL·s. S7!:_1;1, ! 2600 HAR.SOR BL., CORVAIR '71 PINTO \\fmaJ:I & gooc1 _•_4:.._"'1_3_•_11_'--~--1 t)(cM.ngP ljQQ C<'rn en1inr, t COSTA. MESA j ye!lr t1~i:. All extru Paid I PON'fiAC new pain1, Good cond. 1 ~·9100 Open Sunday '60 CORVAIR -Dan111gt d sn~ 1111 Ei Sf,')..26J3 ---------I "31i-M61 'JJ COUP£ D[ VILLE "''"' "'d -B"' nm•"''" i970fo~o Cocnn .. 2 D' I ''8 PONT;AC GTO '&3 w r ~u11rtb11ck. rf'hlt '6l'i I 19~ fi-12-5920 1111 ~ Stirk Botlv ti~s brake• -F11cr. air. 3 spd euto tra n~. e~~· f\'P 1' hrakf's & <"lurch Lnllrleri. nnly 4.(r(I ml!!".;. CORVEnE izrra1 ~h3 Pr'. 11oori. ~!191 l:liark l11nrlau ,r., n111ck ,·in~·\ .$j.50 or h5! o!r S.10..2631). I Corporannn prestdenls.' ---------huckr1s.. ronq)lr, l•'()("l(f __ l!ll;l XL :iOO Gal11.X1r. looderl p s. Rill. r 11ri 'efi w ·. New en.11;. :dnt tran' I 1>.·lfts' prtv111t car !..Jke new ',18 CORVETTE. mlnt cond J.· ~In! S7ll0 r.r,.al buy' i;:-r11 1" Stll or rrad~ for hikP. !\.lake I in "''ery respt>ct CA.II Kent Cheap 111 S\5(11 I ; ... U)....23~:! !'Jr :>-lll-IS!IO · I 1n;lo;:;s 'l.ltrhe:1n X tire ~ E:.· ot!@r. A!! 7 ~7-519i AUf'n M2443;i for rlemon. • .ll4l-)l·H • -----rPIJt'nr rnnd1110r: ~lu~1 ~ell ' ·~ci FORD Chn1· Xlnt boclv k Pri1· P1y. $119;, or ot1 tr LEA VING !ital~: 2 V\\. ~IT11t1on appolntmenr. CONTINENTAL . int l::n1: ntP<is \\ork. Bl:'sl .1:1<.~.1,11 8iJhcki:., "67 I.· 'till, ~ell one CAMARO I n!ff'r 1;1:1-.':177 kttp rh, other. li7J-7436 I 1970 MARK Ill Til FIKEBIRD, 4·sptl Air e ·fi7 FORD \.AL.AX![ 4 rtr j rond. PIB, Pl~. make (If· HT · Air. P l~. Plb. Gnnd 1 .. r :1.1 7-"'l~llll r!1·~. 968-4-03~ '67 SOUA REBACK .-'7-C-,m-,ro-. -, .. -, -H-,.-,-.,-,-. Very rl1i1ir1. O"·n,.r: 0:.-'! mags. SljOO Xlnt rnn<i PerfecT~ Full I.: compl .. tely ll1xur.1• ~quJp[Wd !oc.iiy own- '°'; & has bP .. n !erv!rtrt h.1· 11uthortze'1 L1nrol n d1"11ler 2'1.000 "''JI m 1 1111a 1n~rl <'f'nrl :..1Jl-.~nll """~ !· "'knc!~ · tti-1!1.1:: ... \·e~_216-309J I • • 54,;....1244 • • JAVELIN ·5~ SAFARI \l'11.1or . 1.narl.,<i . I All . Full fl"'''· Xln! •"lnrl, l!lfi6 V\\. lro'l Squ11reb•ck Xlnt ronl\. S800. or hf'11 "'·I f,r tielorf' A11.1; 7, ~!17-~ln. • rn1lfl'~. This !11xury rAr 1~ ll11 1vl,~ I.· m u~r ht" Sf'Pn I,, drn"t-n m ~ A/lPN'Cilit..O . Tl 1~ pnN"d ff>r 11 11uick Ml" At SAA~ Pho'ln,. Ei7.1·88 ll 117 Vu1 Koron, Lido /!J., 11f11>r 6 p ;i.1. ---------flir warranry, $200 0. JA \'f'.:L!N ·~. Rerl "'"'hll,. :111:.-7~21 \'1nyl 1np. r,no,; e~nd P~'l 1 c.6~,-L~E~,~17AN~''S-.-,lf-.-,4-,,.-".I JlT;> l\&H, P is. P lb. Sl49J . A'l 'I PSIPB .....,-I t11 r~. 1 ( . • . fi 1. ~tra! $1750, !)AA.j93~ All .:._ LINCOLN l'lfii PO~Tl.\(' TPn1pr~1 . '.! dr l!T :i11r rf'mi, Pxr·rl 1n11ol '66 CONTINENTAL ""; C•ll '"'''"" ,.,,.·,1" 4 DOOR B'"I UrllUl • tully ~l pp!d ~"'" l1Tf'.!-, ~ 10 apprt'Clii.11": (RZP4401 S149S T-BIRD '6.i T-BIRD, Lan<'lau tnp lull OV.T, l lr , 11=.'/ .. .'.~.l.1Ei'l:, VALIANT Marquis Motors 1rw:ri VAJ.J,\~T. Gf'ofl('.I rflnrl 900 ~.Ctr . H11thw~·. L Sch S20ll 4114-7.i03 e :wi.JJOO • • ~-40!'.' • • OPEN HOUSE column. r A good wan! 11.d If • iOO(:[ Housr. l·lunf\n('?' Wa tch the j "'-""~'c."_m~•7e_l ____ =I Autos. New 980 Autos~ New 9IO '71 CHEVY CLEARANCE THE NEW '72 CHEVROLETS ARE ON THE WAY AND WE MUST IMMEDIATELY MOVE HUNDRERS OR NEW '71 CHEVYS AT NEAR DEALERS COST! GCt?;e.... ~ CA MAR OS! IMPALAS! N VAS! CHEVELLES! $150DOWN cilU\ tc• end 1,..,._. '57.96Mo. lr•l'lcl "•w 1971 two llloor •od.n.. fro111 lllli1c r.roko1. 1900 11 on9ll'lo, ~k•t ....... 1111. ·-... ,cl •-•· , .. , •oll, "'•r 1101•, etc., .,,.,n, •• , .. u•r oiitorlor. s1 .. 11 f 4119. f ot ju1t 'R "'""'~'on ll!o!t &l e<•,,.. •of c•IHlll, f~ll """ pro(t "O"IV '''IQ.11, ;,..I. IO> o"d 1•<t~lt. Deltffl d P"Y''""' P"C t '3101.1• 11>(1, /1.,0f'Ct (~ff/I ... ,.."~ol 111rce-•oo• '"" 1-l.Jl fle V-8. Aulom1tlc Tran.1 .. R1dlo, Hfft@r, Power StHrlnc. Air Cond.., Vinyl Top. f.):tra Ne,, • t26 LIBERAL TRADE·IN ALLOWANCES LOW, LOW IANK FINANCING HERE IS JUST ONE EXAMPLE OF HOW YOU SAVE IF YOU BUY NOW! New 1971 Nova Coupe 'owerful V-t ln9ln1, Tinted Gl•.11, O.Or ld91 Ou1r41, White ltrl,_ TlrN. ,ull WhMI C1v1r1. AM R11Ue, Vinyl h1t11.,. Steck •3712 •o• lijtf 41 _.,,h, •~ ,,, ,,,,. • .., .,..,,, 11111 •••~ '"ff ,. •~Iv 01'1 11 fMlotf"" II• .... i!HllH, All,..ti .....,Wiii .. Tl .. )l.,M,, """"tf!ly M Y-I Ml.11. 52875 '67 $150 DOWN l lu1 fl~ t!ld Lk t ntt 01'1 AttNvtol Crt11llt '10 •-:, 69 '67 51395 '67 51595 '67 STATION WA.ON s2950 Klnpwood Utat« t Pa.u. Radlo, Htat.:r. V ·8. 2 Door Air Cond~ bN.utltul cond. •e636 eHm Sedan. V-8. Automa tic Trant., Pt'lll'o'~r Sturl n1. Alr C.Ond., Radio, Heall:r. • 1026 ·'67 OLDS V-8, Autom1tlc TTans.., 1'0'loJer St"1ina, ,\Ir Con1 .. Vinyl T~. 1tadlo, Ht•t•r. • 1221 MALllU 396 \' ·8, 4 S\'lffd, 8uekrt ~r11t1, Radlti, Htell'r •131:'! CAMAlO 6 cyl., Stick, ltadlo, Ktattr. • 1302 NOVA CPI. 6 cyl., RAdll'I, HPlltr. u·l'IJt• t id1 "'lllt. Extra ShArp. •1:Jl7 51075 51275 GUARANTY CHIEVROlll ~[R\llCl DEPT HOURS Mc.n . 1 •m tot pm , fut"t thru f rt , 7 •m to• pm., S•t , I noon . --.. -~-·-_ .. .,, ! • '' • -.,, == ... z -t -" Ill oz om ~~ m ... -i~ l!.:::i!================~ .• " ' ·• •, ., ,, ., •, ·• ·- -• . . •, ·. ' , . ; , ,, .. ( • ! 0 .· -. . . -. . -' . . .. • • -• -....... • • • • • ••• • • .. • •',., •• f• •........... 1 .. ~ •••• , ...... ' • . . -·.. . ... .. . .. . . . . Wtdnt~day, August <II, 1971 BILL JACOBS IS SLASHING ALL NEWAND USED CAR •••••••• EXAMPLE: Br and New 1971 TORONADO Custom equipped with air cond., tilt & tele steering wheel, AM-FM stereo, SAVE$1367 power windows, power seats, Brougham interior, padded roof, power disc brakes, turbo-hydramatic, power steering, and more. ( 3A6571 M724333 J. FROM WINDOW STICKER PRICE • GIANT DEMONSTRATOR CLEARANCE SALE!! (26) '71 STAFF CARS REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE! 98'5-CUTLASS SUPREMES~ TORONADOS-\VAGONS-HONDAS FACTORY WARRANTIES -FULLY E9UIPPED -VERY LOW MILEAGE PILOT ADVE RTISE ~ ~8 -------- '65 CTO 4 SPEED • • • • $4951 -------------· : 2 Doo r Sedd11. Radio and • heater. l YPU78 1 I • : '65 OLDS 4 DR. H.T . • A,to ., FACTORY AIR. $11951 • • OVER 120 NEW '71 OLDSMOBILES . • INQR4 11 I . . . -------------. ~ , . i '6~A~~~~~~ $)95 ;_• . & GMC TRUCKS DISCOUNTED DURING THIS CLEARANCE EVENT NEW 1971 GMC TRUCK SPECIALS NE\V '71 HONDA SPRINT V8 , pcwo• b·r ~e •. <•<: ~. '"' <]l•H. d••• ~d~o c;•d lo~~'' 9rd1. r•llv >'· o• ~ """~ b'""'" "'""~ "1 ''"' 1 00 - b'171 Wondow '.;• (J.~, i ,•7 t SALE PRICE BRAND N EW '71 GMC SHORT WH£El IAS~ YAN Au•. 1eel powe r broL~, l •c••d •u!o,..o+•~. <:~~9e1. cohrome bumce• qrd1 , d~,1. v~l­ low w bl e,lo 1~!~•. ( 1 S~OISJ Window si,,~!• 1180'1 1 TON SlA!fE V1,<1 c:o~,· "''""'" H.O 1hoolq . •D"'"<ll·~u•, lSO V8, du1i ""~'e l , f." D. e let. •'!U•O., ~•1 1r< E)12 i1 •'•"• bod'/ 11'15751 W "dow 5.tic~er s~ s 9 1 SA LE PRICE BRA ND NEW $3995 '71 GMC 2 TON Lo~9 W.I .. CE5750l, lSD v a, 4 •r~-2 11l-<l • duo) 1!ep 1.~~1. 6 i$,20 10 p!y li•e• & bYd .. -~1,. 8•20 It. fl•I bed "' hvd. bul~ ~eod & o•~ floot1 . t 11 7. 4$2! w;ndow Sli'k'' S611l . -. ...1.~ .... ----:--. .-_ - • ]~ rno11th' on opproved c:redit. Totol c:ath price l11 dudl119 •ales tax a11d 1971 lic:ense '" $1S99.7l. Dcfened poyrne11t prl~e l11c:ludl11q tax, licen" and finance> chorqe• $1893.44. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 18.9J0 o, $200 47°!. CASH OR TR ADE DOWN BIG SELECTION COLORS 36 MONTHS VISIT OUR BIG NEW AND USED TRUCK CENTER! • From Light Pickups to Heavy Duty Custom Rigs • OUR TRUCK EXPERTS CAN SERVE YOU BEST • the truck people from General Motors TRUCK & CAMPER SPECIAL New '71 GMC 'I• Ton Camper Special Ti11I. 9l•n. t u1t. 1pl. !tuck w/h i"' ,,.Jd91 .. c•mo•• m iHCHI, H.0 . 1hock1 -''"'"9' -1••bili r!•, ~u+o .. PS .. P.di1c b••k•1. 7 50r l ~ 8 o!v tir o1. R&H. lSO VS. With 8 '/,' ANGELUS C•b-Ov•r C•mo•• with 1cr••n door, 1;de di"•"•· tlov•. O•f ll , l••g• ic• bor, 1h •pl 6. •vo,odo ini•.Oor. 111201/6 1 (2 612) TRUCK & CAMPER --· -·= .... --··-or---• _. -"'----- • Radio o&nd hea ter. f RH N. • 255 1 • • • • '69 TRIUMPH e i MK 111SP~~~~E wh ,.I•. $799 :.· • IZSH0551 : '67 CUTLASS $1195 : A,tom~ti~,R·,.:~~· h,.! • er. (TWF_178l ·------------- ! ' .:~.~ C~~~RO"d io $16 9 5 •.= • he.!ller. l 588CPG ) ·-------------· • • : vs . ~~~o!.',R:B ~R~. R& $199 5 : • H, ,;, <ood., ,;,yl •ool. •• • 11 29970 1 • • : ' D~~~ s~d~~E~lt~~"d $15 9 5 : • '"""· "dio, '"'"· •• : IZLA708 1 • •: A:~~!.~~.E8!~~.40P0s $16 7 5 : FACTORY A IR, ra lly • : whel!llJ, vinyl roof. I UJD. • .2191 • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . ·. ·. ·. • • -- "ILOT -0.DVE'ITISE JI TI ~I E c:J Tlrn1 M•9•1ln1 Qu1llty D••11r Aw1rd fir 1971 TH!ODORI ROBINS JR. MUST ANG SALE Many to choose from. '65 thru '71 models. Coupes, hardtops, convertible and 2 + 2 Fastbacks. Some with 4 speeds, also a ir conditioning and automatic models with power steering. EXAMPLE: '70 MUST ANG H. T. Full y factory equipped, while w n!d iti t'lrior. Redio, hrater, good m il e ~. I064C IEI OUR PRICE $2096 '69 FORD YA N Rk H . 11 utn. 1.ir. good mi lP~. I :'i!l4]9f I '71 PLYM . Ouster $2196 ~pnr t C(l11 ~ Lo" mil••. codoo. h•""· stil"k ~h lfl. 19Q7BSY 1 '69 DATSUN $1296 4 Door. LFI". lo'" miJPs. 4 !!"'ed. equ1 p~d 1&1.1AS K t '69 CORTINA G.T. $996 4 SPf"Pd 1ransm1ssion, lov.· mi!Ps. 17.\'l !ll!l • '71 PINTO F11rl.,r.1· "Qulpp!'d, t:nod n11l,.~. 1127C0T • '69 CADILLAC $3396 (Pf'. DP V1!lt f ull P~\T., f11.c! lllr. A'.\1 -F'.\t •·1nyl roof. rr111~" r nn- trnl, til !-tPIP. \\hL 4 ~ASG1 ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED TRADES ACCEPTED PAID FOR OR NOT • '63 FORD Galoxl• ;;ll(l ;;,.,nan. \'~ H,io.H, Au!n. I'~. I:'""! Oll)P( I :l:1.1,\Qf\' ·45 CHIV. lmpola S S. Full IJ<lll "f. iur r ond . t::M d milr', 1 0 xn .11:;;, $596 '66 CHEVY Sta. Wq,, $996 ,\!11rh11 \'~. ri'!d1n. hPil.T P T, 1111 rnn1!'1 !1r po""r !'l "Prt'1C, t:nllr! nillr< •TEXh:l~ • ''6 CHR YSLER $1196 """' YnrkPr l Pr 11 T F1il l 1-.n11 Pr fll• 1Ht\ 111r, .:t>••d n111,,~ 1cin1c9:-;1 FORD-LTD-GALAXIE- TORINO-WAGON SALE Many to choose from ! '65 thru '70 Models, Sp ort Roofs , Formals , 2 door and 4 doo r Hardtops and Se· dons. Full power, air condi tioning. Warranties ovai!- able. 1969 FORD LTD 2 Door ~erd +op. R&d;o, h,.,;f'r. 11 ulom11l•t , pow11r 1l i!!e ring. fec:tory "''· 9ootl milel, vi,,yl roof. (XSS416) OUR ~RICE $2396 '69 MACH I $1996 ~rnrt .. ,.,,,f r.11rl1n, h"/111'1 f'"" "1 •IP<'/'ln11.. 111r r'1nt1111nn111 c i;:nn<l milr< • yr1 Phl • '68 CHA RGER $1696 v .11. 11u1.,n1111 1r r ~rl.o. h .. 11 trr. rn\\ r r ,, .. ,.!'. in:::. 111r 1•rir1 rl , ln11 milr.-. 1fi~:1rJR • '69 OLDS 98 $2596 f\P lt11 ru~t nn1 -i dr H T Full f"'l"rr. f11r- torv 11 ir. ~nt">rl mil"~ 43~\ "n:::. "' turtvi. 1YCLfiJl 1 SALES DEPT. HOURS .. '66 CADIL LAC $1996 ("I"" ri .. Viii .. Full f'""~r 111r r~n d1t1nn- 1n·_• vnnl'l '1111"' •I :r)t-."j'fl 1 '69 DODGE $2196 rhllr:::<'r P.11d10 hl'll l· r r, 111110 p,;::, Air c0nd . r:"nt1 nHIPs. 1671 AZ(;t 8 AM TO 9 rM MON.FRI 8 AM 1'0 6 rM SAT 10 AM TO 6 rM SU N I .. Brand New TORI NOS 550 ROPE TH E ONE YOU WANT AND MOVE IT OUT ! OVER FACTORY INVOICE ON ANY NEW 1971 GT-HARDTOP·SE DAN IN STOCK. EFFE CTI VE THRU 8/8/71 BRAND NEW 1971 1971 MAVERICKS 550 Over Factory Invoice ON ANY NEW MAVERICK IN STOCK OVER 100 PINTOS IN STOCK 11 FORGET THE WINDOW STICKER'' We MUST Move 'Em Out 1971 RANCHEROS 550 Over Factory Invoice ON ANY NEW RANCHERO IN STO CK 1971 MUSTANGS 550 Over Factory Invoice ON ANY NEW MUSTANG IN STOCK CAMPER SALE! !V!JIY NIW Jt 70 CAMI'!!!. IN STOCK 5lA5Hl D TO '\, s5000 FACTORY INVOICE OVER BIG SELECTION-NO DEA LER ADDEO CHARG ES-JS MODE LS TO CHOOSE FROM We are the Ora nge County Show Cai• Oe&ler Fo r El Oor•do Campers. RENT A CAMPER * RE SERVE TOOA Y FOR ASSUR ED DATES . . ' • ' • •• PARTS-SERVICE HOURS • 7 AM To 9 PM MON 7 AM To 6 l'M TUE-FRI I PARTS DEPT. ONLY 8 AM to 1 PM SATURDAYS • ·~ iC' •• . ~ ... -. ..... ; ~·1. ' ... -:-: ' . • • ,-• • • (4 ~LV PILOT OPEN EVERYDAY INCLUDING SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 10 P.M . • ' r (J R! 1Wl 91 0RB ~ )00 90 " IOlnl ... p-. DM 1b7 ~ ... "'"" ""'· PT"" ;...1 "'"· '71 \>(•n••·~n ,,......,_, •ho•9•f on """'· "*''I lo• 34 ""''-o.for•od 'ynll JI<~• S?l~~ ~b ...,.1 .,lj •...,,,.., r+.;r90K. """I. '11 hr•n'""' ~.,.., ,.,1., 11 P"'I' '"'~~cm+. P"lt•" i •1;>1 O~ ond, 14111'< ID• & ht .. ". ANffU.ll ,llClNft.51 IA n 10.50% ' ~· • (Se<'iol ~.1F'Oll170002l FULL PRICE '66 F D CUSTOM 2 DR. '65 PONT LEMANS '65 FORD WAGON • . ...... I-. -.,, ~ , f. " ~..., f '67 CHEV. CAMARO '67 FORD GALAXIE HAIOTOP. v.1, ,,,.., "'"'·· ,, ... , .,,,..;,,,, .;,.,1 ;.urit •.jfUitl6) '67 MUSTANG 2+2 SAVE ON USED CARS OtlTIT S•tlll \I I , ••I•.''"''" r14le,•••lor ,&STIACl -4 .. \I-I,''"'" •Ot!t, •M. !TStJl•l "' '66 MUST ANG --"=;;.;;, 6~8:.:P;:-0:;,,NT""I A~C:-=..;..... • ••ntM. v.a. -. -.. ,._ """"'· .. on., liiHltr, lllllUK) '68 TOYOTA CORONA a.to. trot1. hifto, Hrior, J&CJ41 , '68 G.M.C. Pick Up - ,• •f ~ I • ~ ~ •\ ,, (.)eriol No. 1A27l235249 1 FULL PRICE '67 RANCHERO 1)11 V I. ov ••. ,,.,., .. '"'"'"' ••••·•~t. 'e4le. ~••h•. .. ~ih••ll •, wi1111 i•teri••· {\13162?1 '66 MERC. Wagon C•'""' tor~ t o1vle• t t •n 11·1, P&CTO I T &It, ••'•· ........ ·••••· ~"'''·ore 1411 1 '70 FORD Maverick " 1 0 DOI .•<<'"' t '"''' ,..., •• •1ou•, _..,,,, .;.111 . ••WIW) '66 FORD CAMPER i . J'' ICONOL!lll \1&1111,1 •llh at•••• 11~•. ltt~••· ,.1110, ~o•t1r, ••<ellt• .-.•4J !TIJPOO) '68 VW CAMPER '"' Ttt v, .. h.tr, <•"''' •1•'· \IACATIOW ltAllf. XfW 7SJ. j1 K9 1T199702} $1998 FULL $68 1~~~ $68 ::c::~MlY PRICl PYMT. PYMT $b~ '' 1<"111 ri•• n1•"r ""'1 11>8 ;, IOI~ 1no pyont ...,1, lo<, ·7 I I~-· i !WI ~ ..... ico' cho·o"'"" "fn• "'°"'' for:lb ""''· 0•'"'"" r•"" n•~• \?~\h ""I n~ ~· '"••0•1. '"'"'· ·n 1~.,.,,.. .. 11 \'Oii p•rle< "'r•y '"'" h•tl '"'h p•«•" only S'/13/9(1,,....! 10'"''"' ·11i.. ..... AN NUAL 'lRCUllAGI IATI J 1.01% , ... • I. J ,"'• • ~ .· I BRAN D N~lJv l :· " ~ . · j . • FACTORY AIR Crl.Meo..,otic. power !.lee ri n g/b•o~e.1, rodie. heo1er, pti:. ( lYSJN 129598) $ ,r , ' FULL . .,,. '• PRICE FREE 1 DAY TlllAL IXCHAllOI l•r Mt tf ••r ••••rti1'4 1111111 C•r1 .... llri•• it. '"'"'"' ••••lo•r~ M•'•I ..,;tti 11.a, ••l•.11'9•• .. t &I&. Mr 7 41yJ ..... jf J•• arr •ti ceM,ltttly 1ttlt:-_....:;";:";:"'!":::"C:"~'";;;;"·c:•;:;"'-''='""';:";:;i••;;•·;:,"~w;:•:-":.'"' -I fi•• .. ~ . tr••• it tow• nl ••• t I lllt 200 •1tf '70 FORD CUSTOM ""•••"•"•· . ~ i1"' -.;!! ' ~~·1 " " . " ~ -.._. ' 11 1 .••••. ,, ...... , ............ , ........ 1 ....... ,.,. h•et••. l0210ftl FREE TaLll'llOlll APPRAISAL '69 PONT. CATALINA $ I I"'/; U1• tilt f41 t ity i11 r••• •I' ctr to"'".-' 1•t "' •••• '•r•••I •• tlir ••• ••t . "''· 142-6611 . S40-7710 ~· VI. l&CTOIT &It ............. ~ , ••• ;·.~ ... ;..,, -FRIE 4i•. hNl•r, ""' ,.._. <••lilltlH (lll'WIS:tl ....;..;.~;..;,...;~"°'"'~""'°'~,..._-1 CRllllT COUllllLlllO '69 CHEV IMPALA , , .... ~•·-··-••u ..... M,..._ $1 8 M . i • O.ort.,llttll wittl ltill1 i..t ilill 1"4 ••·-,. tHW .. ? , " SIMrt ti•• N 'HI• ~t C111 lfl·6'11 _,, J 0001 llAIOTOP. \I.I, 1111 lr••i.. 11w1• 11""1,.., r14i•, h1ellr, ftll•w fl1i1ll,.I••• i•I•. llWi°lttl '69 FORD L.T.D. $2188 f ACTOI Y & II, 111• lr••I., 11w1r 1t11rl•I • •1411, lli11tt•, oi•yl n•I. !YIPlll) RINTAL SPICIAL 1971 PINTO or MAVERICK $15 IDT·A·r.All l fro111 2 '.M. fri. to ID AJA, Mo•. FIRST 100 MllES FRH -~·~· --· • • 7 '" Ii\' th lk de \'; "' " w. pl. (' ,., " "' "' th