HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-20 - Orange Coast PilotI • • .ers, a Ill I Mer~ury Levels Weary President • • Arrives OD. Coast I In 1878 Tunaiisll " ' ' ~71 Mar~ For 3-week Stay ' ; DAILY PILOT .:·: * * * 1oc * * * ·: FRIDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 20, 197.1 'llOL. '4. NO. 1"· 4 Jl!CTLONl .. 4' l'A•ll Nixon Arrives O.t.f\. Y l"ILOT Sit ff l'IM19 PRESI DENT GREETS YOUNGSTER AT EL TORO After a Long T ri p, Tim• for a Few H1ndsh1ke1 President to Dedicate VA Hospital in State By JOHN VALTEJlZA Ol the Di ll.,. l'llfl! Siii! With his family wl'iling in the wings at the \Yesttrn White House. President Nix· on touched down Thursday aflemoon in San Clemente. appearing obviously weary Orange Coast lt'eather The \Veekcnd we11.ther outlook fnr t.ht Orange Coast area shows early morning clouds Rnd fog. clearing by mid·clay to clear $kies and sun· !ihine. Hi gh!> al the. ·beach 75. in· land 85. Lows around 66 in both areas. 11\'SIDE TODA\' Thr .l t1111o r I.rap'"' nf .l\"r u1. port Hrrrbnr hn.~ "ir " hrf1h .~ro1 with 1'.~ f'.rh1b1f n/ a rtl.~I Cln1 rr F"nll<r n.~lr 1n nt l h' S/1Prn1a n G,,/. l.t.ru . ."tnru n11r1 rlcrurr.' 11rl' "" Poge 23 nf tnday·,, \Vrrkr11df,r. l&1!lt!1 • Mt'f'if>t ••• Cl"llr.r1t11 ' M1tu.i , .. rwt, .. <"-"11"' "' " ... 11 ..... ·~ ••• Clt uil'-1 ll·•• 011....-C1t11tlY • (Ofllkl " 11:1-\!llH'tlth .... CrottJWMd " Jylvi. ,..,,.. • .... l'ltl!Ct• • ..... U•t• llt¥11"Cll ' .... Mlrl<lf1 1t·ll ~9119rlll l"ttl • T1!e¥lllat1 " '"'""' '·'1 '""''"·' ,,,,. '!-Me" " W••I~..-' ... ""'" .. Wem""'' ... ,.,. 11.11 MIHM• • •••141 '"' ... M• .. 1111 l.lt•'"'" t w"'""llw ..... but talkative just the same. The chi ef executive launched his three-- week work ing vacation with another public appearance today as he l1ld Gov. Ronald Reagan new to Loma Lindi to dedicRti a new 640-bed Veteran's Administration Hospital. White House Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler said the fa cility. to be operated in conj unc f,i on with Loma Lind• University's school of medicine . would replace the Sylmar VA Hnspitll wh ich t1•a1: destroyed by an earthquake last Feb. 9 Ni xon !tad a midmorning meeting with Rea.gan oo the first d•y o( a lh ree-week working vA cation at the Western White House to di scuss welfare refonns and ·the ne~· economic policie5 outlined by the President last Sunday. Reagan 11 11eh~ulf!d In leave "900n nn a tral'!e mlssltln to Asia . ~ rnettlna alMI ~·ill afford Nixon and Reagin an op- portunity to discuss the politic&] situation in California Md Republican chanca 0for !1-uccess at I~ polll!I in this crltlcal !It.ate In 1!172. Today's trip ca me deaplte comments by Mr. Ni:ton late Thund11y that he ""ould re~t and "have very few IOC!al functions" during his annual lons visit too San Clemente. ~efort hf' joined hJ11 wife , Pat. tlitughter Julie Eisenhow,.r 11nd hill Irish setter King Ti m1hoe, President Nixon f'a gtrly greeted Coast Gu11rd br1 ss tt.nd their f11milie1. challl'!d with the so n •nd daughter nr NaUonal Security Adviser Dr. Henry Kt8!1nger. then commented on iSu. NIXON, P11e 1) I 1' (I ~~·' LA.Ft Wrangl.e t_-:1: 4th Court Rejects Appeal t Bid by Caspers, Battin 1. ~ · ..... , By TOM BARLEY Of m. 01ltr l'llef stiff Attorneys from the Orange County Coumel 's Office this morning suc- cessfully argued before a packl'!d courtroom that Newport Beach Superior Court Judge J .E.T. "Ned" Rutter !ihouldn't preside over the contempt nf court hearing against supervisors Ronald Caspers and Robert Battin. At pres5 time. court a ides were husll· Ing about in an effort to find another Superior Court judge to hear the case against Bat tin of Santa Ana and Caspers of Newport Beach. The hearing was 1el toda y after thr. f'ourth District Court of Appeal Thursday rejected the 1ppeal action by Caspers and Battin. That terse rul ing was handed down In San Bernardino in a unanimous action by ju.slices Robert Gardn er, Marcus Kauf- Bogus Of ficcrs Loot Valley Home Of Cash, Camera Four coast men told Huntington Beach police. they ~·ere robbed of $780 in cash and camera equipment by two men who posed as police officers. The four victims -Peter Smith and his brother Jin of tMat Linden St.. Foun· lain Valley: David Kershaw, ol 1517 Superior Ave.. Newport Beach. and Mitchell Margaritch, of 214 Walnut Ave .• Hwitington Beach -said the two men lodk $200 in cash and the camera gear while searching Marga.rltch's home as part of an alleged raid. They told the real police they were about to have diMer when the two men, clad in blue shirts and white bellbottoms, came to the door. The victi ms were told their house was being searched as part of a r1k!. The two men came in with Jong barreled revolvers drawn and handcuffed the four friends while they searched the house and their wallets. At the conclusion of the search the ''pollcemen" tGld the four they had made 11 mistake and apolotiied. They released their prisoners. but tGld them not to go nutside until all the police units had left because they might get shot. After the bogus Gfflcera left, the men noticed the money and earner• equlp- mtnt w111 missing. man and John Gabbert. It came after four da ys of del ibe rations. It means that the appellate court recognize& until al least Aug. 23 Fullerton Councilma n Louis "Red" Reinhardt and Anaheim Councilman Charles Pearson as !ht rightful holders of LAFC seal.~ earmarked hy Bellin and Caspers for Los Alamitos Councilman Joe Hyde and Anaheim attorney Herb Licker. .Judge Rutter had scheduled a full hear· ing into the LAF'C controversy for ~1on· day. ll is expected another judge will nn w likely rule on \\'hat he feels to be the lawful composition of th!'. LAF'C board . Today ·s co ntempt hearing wa ... callerl :i.fter al!egations that Battin, Caspers and Hyde called an 8 a.m. meeting of the LAFC for Aug. 9 in defiance of a tern· porary restraining order issued the nigh t be.fore 11gainst the trio by Judi;ie Rutter Battin replaced Pearson with Licker in a six-second debacle that ended with pro· cess servers and stvera\ of Orange Coun· ty mayors running towards the board I.able while Hyde and Battin ran for th£ exit. Papers were flung into the air, un· parliamentary language was exchanged and the meeting ended with Caspers sit· ting tlone digesting hi! personal copy o( Judge Rutter·s order. That meeting. arranged during th e weekend by Battin and Caspers, was prefaced by a 6:30 a.m. meeting on the county courthouse lawn in .,..,hich the League of Cities unanimously denounced Hyde and declared Reinhardt to be its chosen representative on the LAfC board. Reinhardt was accused or being the tool of the Irvine Company and part of a com· pany pl1n to en.sure that Santa Ana's bid to annex the "promised land" was defeated. The tax-rich 931 acre 1ector on Santa Ana '1 southeastern fr inge Is eyed by both Sant.A Ana ind propontnts of Irvine city hood. Irvine through the Council of Com· munilie1 of Irvine was favored last month by Superior Court Judge Raymond Thompson in • ruling which rejected San· Ui Ana 's argument that the Irvine Com· pany virtually promised the laOO to Santa Ana eight years ago via anne xation ac· llon· League of Cities repre.sentative.s replac- ed Reinhardt with Hyde by a 13 lo U: vote before coming back a month later to swttp Hyde. out or the; LAFC at a tumultuous meeting. Many of the county's mayors said they llad been subjected to "tremenclcw (See LAFC ROW, Pase 21 i ---· SENTENCE REDUCED Lt. C1ll•y of My Lai MercLu·y Levels In 1878 Tuna Same as Today By GEORGE LEIDAL 01 IM 0.11.,. PllDt Si.II Charley the Tuna's ancestorJ whose re- mains have been preserved by lhe Smithsonian lniititution since 1878 show no more traces of mercury than do Charley·s laller day pals whos~ taste for Mercury worries F'ood and Dru g Administration officials. Researcheri; at UC Irv ine today releas· rrl findings that support the conclusion "that there Is nn noticeable increase in contamination of the sea based on a study of both old and new samples of tuna muscle tissue." Dr. Raj Ki!hore, assistant to Professor Vincent Guinn at UCl, said seven tuna sam ples caught between· 1878 and 1909 showed a range of mercllTy con- tamination of from .3 lo .6 parts per million. · The federal standard is ,S parts of mercury per million parts of tissue. With the UCI findings that at.andarci may be in question. The pickled tuna samples were pre.served In al cohol by the Smithsonian Institution, Dr. Kishore said. To compare them accurately with fresh samples. the UC! team computed lhe dry weight ratio of mercury to flesh . The adjusted mercury contamination range for the old 11amples was .5 to 1.$ parts per million bis~ on the dry weight. 111e rMge for a 11lmilar number ,or IStt TUNAFISH, Pate 2) .• ,.,,. • --.... _ -• '.,.::;::;;·:;:,.;..~·~"~":.,.. ' -~ ...... •. "n,..t • ....,., ,~ ....... ~. ,,,.. .. ,~...._ .. ~··-. •• 1 ... tr"'ej • ~ ..... ] J.[ITIW~" 1!t--:::::~~-=~~'::.1 , J -., ' .,:_ ~-;. ..... -· ' -•.Ja--. . --i r . .. ~. . - Officer. Says Decision Appropriate F t. McPHERSON, Ga. (AP) -Ll William L. Calley Jr.'s life sentence for murdering 22 Vietnamese civilians at My Lai was reduced to 20 years today by the 3rd Army commanding general. Lt. Gen. Albert 0 . Connor, lhe rirsl of· ficer to review the case. said the r~uc· lion "was appropri11te for the offenses." The case now ~oes up a chain of review ending with President Nixon and further reduction is possible. Callev. 28. has been confined to hl.!1 qua rters at Ft. Benning, Ga., .:i;lnee his conviction nea rly five months ago. He could be eligible for parole 11fter serving nearly seven years of the sentence, In Salt. Lake City. Calley's attorney, George Latimer said : "Obviously I'm pleased. And J 'm sure Lt. Calley i.! thankful t.o Gen. Connor. Ultimately, of cou rse, we hope to get the situation, upon appeal, so that Ll. Calley will not be the scapegoat of My Lai. The action (Con· nor·s) is very favorable." The announcement was mad!! by MaJ. Herman Kassner, acting head of the public information officl'! here, who said : "Based upon the testimony and evidence presented at the trial, it was delermined that the conviction was cor• r~t in law and face and thal the reduced sentence was appropriate for the offenses for whkh he was convicted. "Gen. Conoor took his action after con- sideration of all the evidence In the record of trial, after con11ldering the •d· vice and recommendation of his legal staff, and after considering matter& in rebuttal by the defense." This completes the first step in tbe lone review process in th e Calley case. Preai- dent Nixon ha1 announced be will personally review the caae and make the ulti ma te finding. Calley is confined to his quarters 1t Fl Benning, Ga., while his case works ill way through the review chain. With a 20-year sentence Calley could be eligible for parole after aerving nearl;t seven years. about one-third of the tlme. Condor Land Bought WASHINGTON (AP) -The a:ovmt- ment and a private conservation croup have jolned in purchase of 162 additional acres for a Callfornla condor 1anctu111. in the Los Padres Na tional Forest . They bought the rocky land In the Sa~ ta t..ucia mountains of San t..u11 Obl!pO County, Calir., from Its former owners for $12.600. The Nature CoMf!rvancy pt.Id cost1 in ex~ss of what the U.S. FQIWI& Service was able to pay. -· .. ----·-- ""' 'Big' Minh Withdraws Fro1nRace SAI GON !UP!l - Gen. Duong \1an ''Big" Minh \j,'ithdre.w today fron1 the South Vietnanlese presidential race, !E>a 1·- ing President Nauyen \'an Thieu as the 60le candidate. Both Americans and South Vietnamese predicted that out- breaks of civil violence v•HI follow. Minh's decision was not unexpected :since he has charged repeatedly that Thieu rigged the election so only Thieu could win. The Wi thdrawal upset the U.S. embassy's ho~ for a free and fair elec- tion to express th e true will of the coun- try 's 17.5 million p!'rsons. U.S. Ambassador Etlsvo'orth Bunker, accompanied by Sen. Robert Dole \R· Kans.), conferred wlth Thieu for ~ minutes today and then Bunker stay ed on for another 15 minutes. Bu nke r conferred Thursday v•ith Thieu and with Minh in an effort to persuade him not to withdraw. Asked when J\1inh made his decision to withdraw a spokesman for the general said. "I believe it was the moment when American leaders began insisting he shou !d accept the role of opposition leader ." It was not clear what the United States long range plan would be If Thieu re- mains alone on the ballot. But U.S. em- bassy sources dismissed as "wild'' reports that the United Stales had threatened to cut economic aid to South. Vietna m. South Vietnamese and American of- ficials in the past have agreed that some $550 million will be needed in annual economic aid for the next fi ve years W insure the success of South Vietnll.m 's in- dependence after U.S. troop withdrawal is campleted. Thieu apparently has the option of re- maining on the ballot as the single c:in- didate or presenting a referendum to lhe people asking for a vote of confidenc". He also might ask the legJslature to declare a 90-day moratorium and dC'lay 1he elec- t ions until opposition can be found. One of Minh's closest advisers said Thursday he expected wide s pread demon~tration! and civil disturbances if Thieu wins the election. And there is a growing body of opinion in Saigon that such widespread disorders would bring an end to the war with unpleasant results {or the United States. The Viet Cong has issued new direc- t iv<>s to their cadres across the country calling for antiThie u violence. Minh, Ju:ler of the 19!ia coup that ouste<l Pres i· dent Ngo Dinh Diem, has em<'rged as a focal point for people bnnewc;iry of fighting -Buddhists, some Catholics, students, disabler! veterans, nppo.~ition politicians and lately even the Com- munists themselves. There was no comment from in- denendence pal;ice on the ~1 1 n h withdrawal. But. Vice P resident Nguyen Cao Ky, who fa iled to muster support !Cl gt't on the biJllot. sald Thieu had rigp:ed lhe elect~s "to an un imaginable deeree." The su preme cnurt. srr\·ine; a~ a r efcre11. issued a statemC'nt saying i1 had formally received Minh's request to withdraw. But it delayed action on the Minh req uest and that nf three 11ther c;in~ dldate complaints until at least Saturday. The court also mav consider whether tn reverse an earlier decision which barred Ky from the ballot. Black in S. Africa JOHA!'.'NESBURG (U PI\ -~la!av;I President H. Kamuzu Banda, the: self· ('Qnfessed maverick of black Afri!"'a, wound up his tour o( \l.'h\te-ruled South Africa today. Banda dined Thursday ni i;:ht wlth Sntl th African President Jacobus "Jim'' Fouchr. and Premier John Vorster in the downtown President Hotel -a unique OC· casion in racially .segregated South Africa . OIAN•I COAST DAILY PILOT H•~ .. t•• '-''-,._,. Y.uey ... .._ .. OltAMGI COAST f'U8Ll!H1NG C:OM,.AN't' lolt•rl N. w •• ~ f'r.1;o..1 ... """"',.... J1,k I , Cwr1•y Vite ,,_,_ •nf ~r•I MIM9W Tiiom1•·k11vil l!fltor lhom11 A. Murphi11• Ml .... "'f f<ll"" Ch1rl11 H. loo1 R.ic~1rd r. Nill N•b!fnl lo\IMO .... f.fll'IO --C:.11 Mat: l» W•I ltY S!rft't M....,... 8 .. (11 ~ .JUI N-'1 llou:-rd ~ a...;t.: m ,._, ..,.....,.,. H""!I"'""' ••1<1'! 11115 a .. c11 &o<ilfY•rd •111 C._.,,t1: .103 Nori!! 1!1 Ctm""' 11 .. 1 DAILY f'ILOT, w1111 ""Id! It~""° ,....,.,.,.,, i. Pl*tl$l'ltiil fl•Hv "c"'r '""" •• , In M'Pl••lt .Olllortl for .._ ........... ~. H-1 tluc~. c.ni. ,.._,, Hun1ir,.ro..-. ileldl, ~!lift Vlllt'I. "°" C'-t!U1f """'',... .... "'"""~•ct<. 11o"t .. 1 ... -"-...,_ cdtllcw1. f'rlf'ICIN1 ,..lotl1flf pl~ It 11 JXI Wft.l .. ., """'• Colll M-. , ........ f714) '42-4J21 Cll!YilHIM M"'rbl .. 142·1671 S.. Ch rt1 Al ,.,,,,...,.i Tchft 1m 4'2-44H (..,.......!, 1ftl, &..... (Mof f'utillt~T .... ~. Jil,f -lllWlft. Ulllrr1t1-. M IM11111 IN,.., or ff,,,.,, .......... !I l'l«.i., -b( ,~ •11'11ow1 .... "'' ...... ,,.._ ... ef CW'l'f" .. I -· t.K-t 5-1o1 _,._ M loli 11 Nt"INH IM&fil .... C..•• -· (..Jlllor»i.. ~•1(11 ... .., U"°'' ll H ,_.,,,," W -II llt.'1 _,,,I~; MlllM"I -tl!>fTlonl. J1JJ -My. t " -;'r Close Up DeeDee Heikes, 5. has eyeball-to-eye ball confrontation with saddle· backed caterpillar she found in ba ckyard of her Bo\vie. Md ., home. Bug is about three·quarters·of·an·Ln ch long, has a brown body with a green saddle, green eyes and a green dot on each end. Eventually, it will turn into a moth. From Page 1 TUNAFISH TAINT. • • freshly caught tuna taken from Cali forn ia \Valers \\.'as ,4 to LS parts per million, Kishore said. This similarity in the amount nf mercury between the old and the new t una raises considerable question about the contamination of the ocean by mercury. "Increase of the m er c ury con· tami nation of the ocean since 1878 is pro- bably negligible," Kishore said, noting the UCI finding s nlake no conclusions about mercury pollution of inland lakes. Mercury in the ocean is believed to have been carried by strean1s from in· land areas or to be produced a ~ a result of undersea volcanlc action. Bllrning of co11l or other fossil ftJels releases mercury which is washed fr om the air Fron• Page l NIXON ... the nation's reaction to the v.•age and price freeze. He stressed he was impressed with the widespread public acceptance and sup- port for the drastic economy moves and admitted he expected some op position "'from some special interest groups" - especial!y organized labor which has set up a howl nvr r the wage freczC'. k$ the visably weary President patted children's heads and shook hands his f;i mil.Y v.·aited in a green golf cart behind the thick walls separating the Nixon estate from the Western White House of· fir'~ cnmple:x and grounds. They did not join the Pre.<;ldent until i\1r. ;-..ixon sped off to\\'ard La s Casa Pacifica. Briare his custom electric cart sped awav J\1r. Nixon poked fun at Dr. Kiss- inl!Pf ·s status as a bachelor. "Don't do ;inyth1ng tonlf!hl 1 would n't dn " !hP Pre ~idPnt sairi . '"\\'ill there be a \1'edding tomorrov•, the i\lr. Presidentq " one reporter shouted. "There sure 11'11\." caine the repl_1·, Pres ident and 1'.1rs. Nix()n planned to 11.t1ci1d the wedding tonii;:ht of 111ureen Finch. dau~hter of presidential adviser Rribcrt N.Finch, who met her fian ce at a \Yh\te Hnuse party. illiss Finch and John Ellnn Shaw. son "' J\1r. and Mrs. John R, Shaw of Broom- field, Col n. will he married at 8 p.m. ln- d:iv in the Presl>.vterifln Chu rch ln La Ca.nada. a suburb of Los A ngel~s. The "Nixons will be accompa nied hy I hei r daughter. Julie Eisenh1111·er. \l.'hfl is spe nd ing a fe1v days with her pi!orent11 h('fe_ The first family and the Finches are longtime friends. The free-and-e asy hr.ginnin~ of tile st:oy 11t San Clemente is ex prcted to be follow- ed by several appearances by the Chle.f 1-.:xecutive who already this \\.'eek rnade hops throughout the n;ition. No top-le vel cabinet members ac· companied Mr. Nixon this time. Dr. Kissinger -as he a1-•:aited ~tr. Nix- on 's arrival -con1mented that probably none ~·ill arrive through the duratl on of the 11l~it. ~ome sources ha\'e s11ld the President plans a brisk schedu le ol appearances lhroughout Southern c aurornia. onto the land and carried in storm runoff to the oceans, Kishore noted_ Bu t the results of the UC! neutron ac- tivat ion analyses seem to indicate there. has been littie change in the amount of mercury deposi1ed in the sea since 1870. The samples studied by the ucr researchers included two skipjack caught off Massachusetts in 1878, an albacore caught off California in 1680, a blllefin caught in 1686 at \Voods Hole , Mass.; a skipjack fr om San Diego taken in 1890, another skipjack taken near liawali in 19(1 1 and vel ;inother l'ikipjack caught near the Philippines in 1909, The UC! team makC's no recom. menda!ion about the federal regulation of . 5 parts per million of n1ercury. '"1t's for biologlsts to determine \\."hat level of mercury content is dangerous to humans,"' Dr. Kishore said. Hl'}wever, the UCl fi ndings 1v11l be. made available to the Food and Drug Administration on request. Further, they"ll be ptJbl ished In the weekly scien· tific journal "Science." The .fl ppm standard has been used to recall lhnu sands nf pounds of tuna and other types of fish in recent years on the ground that the FDA bel ieves mercury content beyond that level may be harmflll lo hunlans. The. UC! findlngs indicate Americans have been eating tuna for many years that may vary in mercury content Very little. V.-'orkin g v.·lt h Dr. Guinn and Dr. l\ishore on lh e stlldy project that uses UC l's nuclear reactor have been Prof. f . S. Rov.·lanrl, Dr. G. E. Miller and i:iraduate students Pat Grant and F red :>iteinkruger. The r~cent study confirms similar fin· dings. of the UCI researchers \\'ho ell· an1ined a 25-year old swordfish that a lso showe d little difference in mercury con· tent. Beach Re sident Freed By Court On Check Charge Hun tington Beach residen t WUllam l,ouis S1nith. 36. arrested by Huntingtnn Beach police J uly 30 on a felony check ,1·arrant, has been released by a Los Angeles County Superior Collrt. Srn.il h. v.•ho appeared in l..Qs Angeles courl t'ln Aug . 13. \\'SS re le:ised 11fter his probation 1vas extended to 1973 and he promised to pay a rastitution fee of $300. The 'varrant that led to ~mith's arrest In Hunting ton Reach was issued in Los An'1cles in 1970 char~ing him wilh the felony check violati on and viol ation of probation . He was on probation from a rheck case that had occurred in Los Angeles in 1967. At the time of tiis 11rresl, Smith had Ap- plied fo r 11 business permit as the president-director of the National Kidney Clinic Foundation . f\.1onday nigh t the city council dtnied the application unanimously a nd v.·ithout commenl, From Pn9e 1 LAFC ROW ... poltlical pressure" at the tlme or lhe fir!t :tilainst the. Battin group. \'ole They identified Bat.tin as the lt'ader That \'Ote cleared thr, V.'fllY for Trvlne. or the grollp which practlca.lly (creed cityhoocl vla \\'hat is: expected to be an llvde into the LAFC st:a l. over\l.·he\mingl}' favorable vote in the 'Judge Rutter's ruling pul Battin, tornmunitv for the creation of a eily that. Casper), Reinhardt, Pea rS(ln a nd Mayor i.~ ex pectid to be the large.st In Orange Stanley Nor f.hrup of San Clemente int() Coun1y. . the l.Af'C seats !.:isl wetk for i;ti ll Bul the vahditv t'lf thil t \'Ole 'till 11nothcr vote on the "pronlls&d 13.nd" deptnds on the ruling macle by the juclge i~suP. 111 the coocltJston of Mond.11y's vit11l tiear· Th~ rrsu!t "'as :i ~olid 4 (~ I 1·ntr inr, ----r1 )r-~ r ......._ 1 r ~"'--'°"'-.... --.... ,~-,,....-,.,.,..._..,.. . ---------·· -.. :-:---~ ' . -_, .... - ' .. U.S. to Use 'Muscle'· Pu1·cliasing Power May E11forc'e Freeze From "'Ire Servlc:es WASHlNGTON -The administration said today it would use the government's $100 billion • year purchssing power to force businesses to comply with Presi· dent .Nixon's wage-price freeze. Bui almost as Caspar \\'. \Veinberger, the chief u_s. budget writer was reveal· ing the govemment'1 threat to use its muscle, organized labor and consume-r advocate Ralph Nader were calling the new policy "elitist" a nd "a t11x windfall for big business." \Veinberger. deputy director of the Of· fict of J\.tanagement and Budget and chairnian nf the Regulations 11 n d Purchasing Review Board, said the board's· formal order direcis purchasing of fittrs to consider "as a decisive fac· tor' whether firms doing business v:ith the govemmtnt comply with the wage-price- rent freeze in all of their business deal· ings. 1'he Bureau of Labor statis tics. meanv:hile, announced that the cost of living rose a moderate 0.2 percent in July -the last full month before Nixon's im· position of the 1\·age-price freeze la st Sun- day. Nixon's new· policies are designed to stop a r11pld increase in the cost of living, which rose 0.6 percent in June and 0.5 percent in May. Nixon said Thursdav when he arriVed at the We.stern White House after a five- state swing that he expected the op· position of "special interest groups." But he said: "The overwhelming majority favor what we are doing.,. The AFL-CIO and the AFL·CJO 's chief congreaslooal lobbyist former Rep. And rew J. Biemiller (D-Wis.), said on na- tionwide television that Niion·s economic policies were "nothing but 11 giveaway, a tax-windfall for big business." Biemiller said that corporate profits and high interest rates, not workers' wage demands, were the principal cause of inflation. Nadtr said the economic policy \\'as ''elitist." He said the freeze did not appl y to interest rates and corporate profits, and the program v.·ould provide billions of dollars for big business. He said the wage freeze forced the working man to stioulder the burden of the new plan. With Nii:on'.s program now five days old, there were these other develop- ments: e Gov. Preston E. Smith of Texas refus~ to back down today in his de· fiance of President Nixon"s freeze on wages by ordering pay raises for more than 100.000 teache rs. e A series of revised government reports issued today showed modest Im- provement.! in Lhe national economy. The Comme:rc~ Department said fhe Gross National Product increased $20.5 billion in the 11econd quarter to an adjusted an· nua l rate of $1.041 trillion. The increase was $800 million above the _preliminary figure issued a month ago. -The managing direct.or o( the lnterna tlonal Monetary Fund (l~IF\ said Nixon's decision to :.noat " the dollar places the world"s post·\Vorld \VRr II money exchange system ''in jeopardy.'' "The pro~pect before us is one of disorder and discrimination in currency and trade relationships ~·hich will seriously disrupt trade and undermine the sy11tem which baa seni~ the world well," Pierre:-Paul Schweiller told lMF's 117 member nations·. Heuri1i9 Slated -In Brussels , the six European Com· men Market nations failed to 11gree on a unifiep. monel.ary policy to deal with the new'U.S. -policy and said they would react individually. N.B. Planners Endorse 011e-yeru· Higl1 Rise Ba11 By CANDACE PEARSON Cit "'' billY f'llll llllt Nev.•port Beach p 1 a n n in g com- missloners Thursday endorsed a one-year ban on high rise thrOll ghou t the cif.y ~·hile \\.'Ork progresses in updating the Newport general plan. A pu blic hearing on the ban, to be ac- complished through an ordinance \Vill be conducted on the proposal by planners Sept. 2. F'inal approval will be needed from the city coun cil. Commissioners endorsed the total one- y~ar ban after rejecting an earlier prC>- posal for a two-year freeze within the boundaries of the Lower Newport Bay Civic District. "Two years is too long for the depelopers," said Commissioner William B. J\lartin. "but by one year we should knov.· the ideas of our general plan and be able to decide from there." The clly has estimated it will take tv.·() years to get the new master plan adopted, althotJgh Cit y !\t anager Robert L. \Vynn i;aid this morning an interim plan can be ready In four months. mnrt moe Acti'ng cit~' attorne}I Dennis O'Neil said the new ordinance -if passed -may not be effective until after t h e moratorium on building expires Nov. 18. "It will be very close," O'Neil .s1id, "There may be a six week or so time dif- ference." Commissioner W i 11111 m Hazewinkel said, "you couldn't have that much hap- pen in slx weeks. No one will ru!h right in: they're not ready to build now." City Councilman Carl Kymla, chairman of the Lower Newport Bay Civic District study committee, who urged the two- year ban, said this morning, "Those who think the high r ise people \\.'on't come in for permits during any time period are naive -they're ready to roll." Kymla, who still Sllpports the two-year d i.~trict limit, i;aid, "The intent of the height limit on high rise was to protect an asset -primarily the shoreline. I can't see how a height limit on such pro- perty as Emkay Company hold.s near the airport is realistic." The district ordinance can still be e nacted, O'Neil said. But no further action can be: taken unless an appeal Is filed v.•ith the city council within 15 days, he said. '"tf that is the case,'' Kym!a said, "I obviously intend to appeal it to the coun- cil -no question about It. ''I feel very s trongly· about it." he con· tinued. '1And I feel stron~Jy that the com- mission '.\'asn't looking at the real picture -which is preserving a public asset.'' But some cotnmissioners 'fhursday were not sure the OOundaries covering district shoreline development only were fair. Commissioner \Villiam Agee su pported Martin's resolution. contending that the district ordinance is '"much too selective in the proirerty defi ned . It shollld be broadened substantially." Hazewinkel agreed, saying that "The builder on the other side of street from the waterfront would have ecol1om.ic 11d- vantage over the guy required to stay un· der 35 feet on the waterfront." Commissioner Gordon Glass atteinpted to point out that the district \Vas "In- tended to be ~elective because the effect on th e waterfront by property. and on property by the water" is special. At one point Glass moved to adopt th~ district ordinance, a mended to el i1ninate extra side-yard requirements, but it v.·a~ defeated by a tie vote. Com mission Chairman, Curt Dosh. and Commissioner Jackie Heather voted witll Glass. Commissioners tlaze\\•inkel. Marlin and Agee voted against it, with Commissioner Don Adkinson abstaining owing to conflict of interest. ' After that action, Glass asked if pro- ponents of a city-wide ordinance wanted to exempt any areas from the limit, but did not name any specific places. f\.fartin said allowing no exceptiol'lf would be fa ire:st. A number of speakers at the hearing told the commission they \\'ere working und er a "threat" of a perpetual ban OQ high rise \\'hi ch Cl'.luld possibly ('{)me a bout if a Newport Beach citizens group seeking an initiative is successful . Third Quint Dies BOLTON. England (UPI) -A third quin tuplet bom to Pauline Grundy, 23, died early today, doctors at Bolton General Hospital said. Doctors said th e quintuplet \\'ho died was Shalln, who weig,IJed t\\·o pounds and was the fifth of the babies born to Mrs1 Grundy, who had been taking a mild fertility drug. Final Sale Week SLHl'll SO'A Fin•I w••k of warehou•• ule. S.lec:tion• of mia· \ cell•n.ou• furnltur1 •t • fraction Its criginal pric:•. \ Hundr.ds of y1rd1 of drapery •nd upholstery fa b- \ rics all dra1tic1l ly rMlucad, -.~' . ~· SALE PRICED STARTIN5 AT ,,, $239 • DEALERS FOR: HENREDO N-DREXEL-HERITAGE NIWP'OIT STOii Ol'IN •ttDAT 1'1L t NEWl'ORT BEACH 1717 Weotcllff o,., 642·2050 OPEN fRIDAY 'TIL 9 ProfMtlonal lnttrlo,. De1i9ntrt Avallabl.,_AID INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Co1•f Highway Phone: 494-6551 • '!> • .,. ..... ---..... •,·-,~--........ .,..-... ---''•· ___ ____,.,, . ....-• ~·~::==:;;;:~·~n! ... ~·;.::::::;:;:..· ~·~·-~·i.;i • · 'J, ·r··• -.;-:ti:;._ -,,;A. ----~.1 --.-.-.-~ .. 1T ·•g 1 ,1 ,..,,,~··- . . .--- I 11 I i I I ~ l ' I "' -....... --. ,. ',,...,,-. ,,. .. • --·. ·---- "un'tington o·. -~~h !Fountain Valley N.Y. Stocks VOL. 64, NO. 199 , 4 SECTION S, ~6 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA F~IOAY, AUlaUST 20, 1971 TEN CENTS Huntington Seel{ing Controls on City Horses By ALAN DIRKIN or t~e 0111y Pll~t ~i.11 If 8 ho rse could Lalk, it v.•ou!d probably tell tht city o! Huntington Beach to gel off its back. The city would probably reply that il has enjoyed the ride, huL now is the time. to pull in the reins. At leasl some cnun· cilmen feel that way. The councilmen 11i-e al<1rmed al the in· crease in the city's horse populatlon and feel that, if controls are noL se l on the 11).any stables that are opening up it will be a dog's life for everyone. Horse lovers reply that. health and sanilary controls would be in order, but rhe number of animals should not be curbed. "Dogs and cats are allowed in this city,, 1l'hy not horses, as long as the stables are kept clean ," says 84-year-nld Oscar Stricklen, who operates the Huntington Beach Ranch off Mai n Street, north of the high school. OA!l '1 PILOT f'h•t~ by Patric~ O'~n~NI PRESIDENT MIXES WITH CROWD AT EL TORO A Pa use at Marin e Base. Then On to San Clemente W ea1·y Nixori in Cou11ty For Th1·ee-w ee lf Stay By .JOH"\ \'ALTF.RZA (JI '"" 0•1I~ P1I~! ;11fl \\'11h his fa n11l,v w:i1ling Ln lhe 1111ng~ at the \Ve!>lern \Vi.11e House, P re~irlt>n\ :\Ix· ln t{lucherl do11;n Th11rsda,v aftcrnMn 1n San C!en1 en1e appe;:in11g ohvjously 11·eary but talkative just the same. Bogus Officers Loot Valley Home Of Cash, Can1era • Four coast men told Huntington Beach police they 11·ere robbPd of $780 in cash snd camera efjuipmcnt by two men v.•ho posed as police officers. The four victhns -Peter Sniith and his brother Jan rif 1848! Linden St .. Foun- tain Valle:": Oa1'irl Kershaw, of 151 7 Superior Avr.. Ne11•port Rr.:ich. <ind Mitchell Marga ritch , ol 21 4 Walnut Ave .• Huntington Beach ~ s11id the 1~·0 men took $200 in cash lllld the camPra gear while searching r.1arj:?:aritch·s home as part of an alleged rairl. They I.old the re::il police they were ahout to have <!in ner when t.he two men , clad in bluP. shir\5 and 11,•hite bellbottoms. can1e tn thr door, Thf': \"icti1ns v.•cre told th eir house w:i s hting searrhecl AS part <JI :::i r:iid. The two men camP in wHh lo ne barrrled revolvers drav.·n ,qnrt handcuffed the four friends while they searched !he house and their wallets .. At the r;l)nt lush1n of lhP JJ rarch thr. "policemen "' told rhe four thr.y had made • mii;take and apnlni;:izeci. They released tneir prisone r~.+ but tn!d ttiem no! In ~n outside unlil all I.he poli cr units httd le.fl becnuse they migh! get ~hot. After tht bogus offic:ers left, lhe men nflticed th~ mllne y 11nd camera equi p- ment was missing. Thr r·h1rf l'\rcu t1re \;iun chl'd hi~ thrPr· ll'Pfk \\1n1k1n1; Var:::i t1rin 11·11h anolher pllb l1c appearancr· tort;iy .:I!> he .:ind Gov. Ron;i ld Reagan !Irv.· tn Loma Linfla to rl rrl 1ca!c ;i new 640·bcd Veteran's Ar!n1 1n1str;ition Hospilal. \\1life House Press Secrclary Ronald Zi egler said the facility, to be operated in c o n .Jun c t i on with Ulma Linda l.'.nivcrsity's sc hool of medicine. would rP:;lace the. Sylmar VA Hospital which 11·as destroyed by an earthquake last F'eb. 9 Nixon had a midmorning meeting with Rea,san on the firsl day of a lhree-week 1vork111g vacation at the Western Wh ite House to discuss welfare reforms and the new economic policies outlined by the President last Sunday. Reagan is sched uled tn leave soon on ~ tr<1tle mission to Asia. The meeting also will afford Nixon and Reagan an op- pnrtunity l.o discuss the political situation Jn Ca liforni:i and Republican chances for sutcf'Ss at the polls in this critical state 1n l!l72. Tnrla y's !r)p C;tn1e tie.spite comments h,v 1\fr. N1,;nn lalP Thursday thal he 11'ou lrl rest and "have. very few social func tions " r!urlng his annual long visit to San Clemente. Brfore hP joined his wife. Pat, daughter .Julif'. Eisenhower and his Irish setter Ki ng Tim;:ihne, President Nlxon eagerly j:?:reeted Coast Guard brass anrl 1hcJr fam ilies. chatter! with lhe son and flaui;:hter of National Security Adviser Or, Henry Ki.~singer, lhen commented on the nation 's reaction to the wage and price free ze. l-le stres~rd he was impressr.d with the v.·idcsp rrad puhlic acceptance and sup-- 1)()r1 lnr the drasuc eCQnomy moves and arln1itt.ed he expected soml! opposilion "from snme ~("lf'cia l interesl groups" - espcriallv nri;:anb:ed labor whlc.h ba s sel U[l :i 1101-1·1 ovrr !hf W81\C free ze As lhr vi:i;11bly \l'r.ary Prc~idenl. palled ch!ldren's heads and shook ha nds his fi"!mily w;i 1!ed in 11 Rrren iznH rart behind !See ~lXON, Page 2) A!'> a result of council action this week, the city is conducting a sUrvey of horses and stables in the city. Building inspector Church Gerarden is doing the field work and has already fround that the number of stables has more than doubled since the la.st check was made in January when there were 10 slab\es in the city, "I found that many in just one da y at Jt." Gerarden said. He believes there are •ow between 2,500 and 3,000 horses and ponies in the city. The .survey is being taken with a view to introducing a new ordinance that would impose controls on the stables, At present the only e<>ntrol is lhat a slab)f': may not be built within 50 feet of a public street or within 100 feet of a homt, unless it is the owner's own dwelling. "I'm afraid that i! we don't control the 1table.s we'll end up try ing to control the County Pair horses:• says Building Director Jack Cleveland. He believes that an ordinance that would limit the number of horses per acre or half acre might be appropriate. Complaints have been received of horses being walked along sidewalks and trespassing on private lawns. Stable owners deny this is e<>mmon. "Moat sti1bles have their own rings and corrals and the horses are seldom taken oJf the .stable," aaid Bob Ro!a, owner ol Win • the Rocking R Stables off Slater Avenue, between Beach Boulevard and Golden West Street. ··The hor se Is part of the American heritage," Rosa said. "I feel kids who can ride horses are lucky -20 years from now you may never aee them." Rosa feels the problem ls one of the growing people population, not the grow. ing horse cou nt. "People come out to an undeveloptd ~Ste HORSES, Pa1e Z} Delay Battin, Caspers Contempt Hearing Put Off By TOM BARLEY 01 "'-DIJIY l"llOI Stitt .A plea by Orange County supe:rvisors Robert Battin and Ronald Caspers for a delay of the hearing on contempt charg~s filed against them by the League of Cities was granted today by Superior Court Presiding J udge William C. Speirs. Both board members successfull y 11.rgued through Depuly County Counsel Arthur C. Wahlstedt Jr. !hat they had had insufficient time to prepare their U.S. Could Twist Arms Over Freeze From Wir• ~ce.s WASHINGTON -The adminisb'ation. gaid today it would use. the government's $100 blllio1' a year purcha~ing power lo force bu$inesses to comply with Pres!· dl!nt Nixon's wage-price freeze. But almost as Caspar W. Weinberger, lhe chief U.S. budget writer was reveal· ing the governmen t's lhreat to use its musrle, organized labor and consumer <1dvocate Ralph Nader were calling the ne1v policy "elitist" and "'a tax windfall for big busi ne ss." Weinberger. deputy director of the Of· fice of Management and Budget and chairman of the Regulations a n d Purchasing Review Board , said the board's formal order directs purchasing nff icers to consider "as a decisive fac· lor' whether firms doing business with the government comply with the wage-price. rent freeze in all of their business deal· in gs. The Bureau of Labor statistics, meanwhile , announced that the cost of living rose a. mode.r&t.e 0.2 ~rcent in July -the last full month before Nixon·s im· ptisitinn of the wage-price freeze last Sun- day. Nixon's new policies are designed to stop a rapid increase in the cost of living, which rose 0.6 ~rcent in June and O.S percent in May. Nixon said Thursday when he arrived nt the Western Whit e House after a ri ve· state swing that he expected the op. position of "special interest groups." Dul he sa id: "The overwhelming majority favor what we are doing." The AF'L-CIO and the AFL-Cto·s chief congressional lobbyist former Rep. Andrew J . Biemllter (0-Wis.). £aid on na • tlonw ide television that Nixon's eronomic policies were "nothing but a giveaway, a iSef': FREEZE, Page %) Apollo Craft Already Gone Sorry folks, lht. Apollo XV cOm- mand module went through Ora.ngt: Count.y P.arly this morning and hardly anyone got a loo k at it Officials of North American Rockwell said the module was transported early in the morning Instead of mid-day as predicted, because it took up two lanes of the highway and they didn't want to block traffic. Thursday, Rockwell authorities ~aid the module, which carried astronauts David R. Scott Alfred M. Worden and James B. Irwin to the moon and back earlier thla month, would leave San Diea:o between 9 1.m. and 11 a.m. However, Newport Beach Police s1.lid tod ay the modllle pa11sed through their to~ about 4:30 111.m. A frock c11.rried the It ,000-pound module UI' Paci.Ile Coast Highway to the North American Rockwell plant ln Downey. .. defense against the allegation and 1ub- ~na witnesses on their behalf. Judge Spelr.s set th! hearing for Sept. 7 over the strenuous objections of League Attorneys Tom Woodruff and Tom StP.wart . "This will be the format from now on ," Woodruff commented outside th fl courtroom. "These people will try to delay this contempt action by every means possible." Judge Spears act.ion followed the filing by Wahlstedt of an affidavit of prejudice against Superior Court Judge J. E. T. "Ned" Rutter who had been assigned to the contempt hearing. -· But Judge Speirs made it clear that the delay will not !ffect Monday's hearing into the u:tion filed against Battin , Cas· pers and Hyde by the league. That hearing, which is expected -lo finally detennine the legality or otherwise of the present Local Agency Formation Commission, is scheduled for Lt. Calley's Life Term Reduced to Twenty Years Ft. McPHERSON, Ga. (AP ) -Lt. 'll'IU~ L. P•ll11· Jr.'• IU• ""'-'for murdering 22 Vietnamese clvtlbin1'1t ""My Lai was ?tctuced to ZO yeara today by the 3rd Army commtnding gtnerAI. Lt. Gen. Albert ll. C<>M<lr. tJie first ol· fleer to revlt1f the case, 1aid the reduc- tion "was ;PPfOprlate for the .offenaea." The cue now ioe• up a chain of review ending with P)'.e.sident Ni.Ion and further reduction is possible. Calley, "8, has been ronfined to .his quarters at Ft. BeMing, Ga., since his ronVlction nearly five months .ago. He could be eligible for parole after serving nearly seve~ years of the sentence. In Salt Laite City. Calley's attorney. George Latimer said: "Obvkiwlly I'm pleased. And I'm sure Lt. Calley ls thankful to Gen. Connor. tntlhlately, of course, we hope to aet the situation, upon appeal, so that Lt. Calley will not be the scapegoat of My Lai. The action (Con· nor's ) is very fa vorable." The announcement was madf': by Maj. Herman Kassner, acting head of the public informatJor: office here.,'wha said : "Based upon the testimony and evidence pre!e.nted at the trial, it was determined that the conviction was cor· reel in law and face and that the reduced .sentence was appropriate for the offenses for which he was convicted . "Gen . Connor took his action after con· sideration of all the evidence in the record of trial, after considering the ad· vice and recommendation o{ his legal staff. and after considering matters in rebutlal by the defense." This completes the !lrst step in the long review process in the Calley case. Presi· dent Nixon has announced he will w . .. SENTENCE REDUCED Lt. Calley of My Lai personally review1 the case and make tl1e ullimate finding. Calley is confined to his quarters at Ft. Benning, Ga.; while his case works it,, way through the review chain. With a 20-year sentence Calley could be f:Hg ible for parole after serving nearly seven years, about one-third of the time. New Sewer Line A Must But Location at Issue By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of ,,,. .,..,., .. , ... llfff No one in Huntington Beach appears to deny that the new sewer line planned by tht Orange County Sanitation District ia a nectsslty. People just can't agree that it should be on Brookhurst Street. The 98--inch, five-mile·long pipeline will link the Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach sewage treatment planb and relieve congestio~ of existing llnea. Policeman Shot Down CORPUS CHRISTI, Tu. (UPl) -A 1niper abot and crlUcally ·wounded a rookie policeman Thursday ntaht. 11 the pitrolman left the re:ar of tht Corpus Christi J)olice 1U.Uon to eo to work. The 1unman escaped. The vktim, John W, Sartain, 23, w11 listed in crlUcaJ condition today with a bullet wound· lo hJs bead. Two offlcer• were standing behind Sartain •hen the single 1hol Wl5 fired . \ But for months. merchants along busy Brookhunt Street have argued that con· structlon of the line will' ieverely disrupt businesa during the lf...m(lnth con!truction period. The city council agreed with their protest that other routes 1hould be re- evaluated and the controversy has now aone to Superior Court. Attorneys Aprfttnting · the Orange County S.nltatlon'Dlstrlet and the city of Huntington 1'e•ch, whlch has denied the district· an ex~vatj6n perlnit for the pro-- ject. todty lppeared in Su'periOr Judge J .E.T. "Ned'·' Rutter's courtroom to argue the case. The jtidge took the matter under aubmiasian. J>tficials from ·the Orange County Sa'nltation District!, on the other hand, claim lfla.therorily economical route and that al!frnalivt1 which have been JUI· Jufed are unfe&aible. An independent study published In July by consulUnc englneera Carollo and Ke ith t.llt w!ly Uie district chos< Brookhurlll route. The Bro(lkhurrt route b th'-cheape1t of (!Oo SEW!R, Paa• 1) 9:30 a.m. in Judge Rutter's courtroom. It seemed possible today that the jurist ma y again be named in a second af· fida vit of prejudice. Earlier on Thursday, the Fourth District Court of Appeal had rejected a legal appeal by Caspers and Battin against Judge Rutter's ruling on the LAFC composition and the contempt allegation. That terse ruling wa s handed down J.n (See LAFC ROW, Page Z) Los Alamitos Mayor Plans Arniy Protest The mayor o( Los Alamitos is 1)\anning to answer the Army's pOssible takeover ol tht Los Alamitos Naval Air Station with petitions of protest. Mayor William S. Brown aald he will urge the people of Los Alamitos and com· munities surrounding the station to sign their names on petitions "protesting Army helicopter and other air activity." His statement followed a rt an- nouncement by Rep. Richard T. Hanna (D·Anaheim ) lhat the Army is ponder ing use of the base for reserve helicopter training. The 1,400-acre Naval Air Station waa scheduled t-0 close June 30, but the direc· LiVf': was froien at the request o( Sen. Strom Th urmond (R-S. Car.) chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee. Brown and other citY olficials hsve eyed lhe station land as the site of a future model community and greenbelt system. Saleh Home to NY? NE\'Y YORK (A Pl -The widow of jazz greal Louis Armstrong says she probably will donate to the Cily of New York the home she and Annstrong sha red for 28 years. Mrs. Armstrong also told a news con- ference Thursday that since her husband 's death July 6 she has received more than 39,000 letters of sympathy, in· eluding almost 9,000 from foreign nations. "It has so many beautiful memorits; 28 years of happiness," Mrs. Armstrong said of her home in Queens. Orange Weather The weekend weather outlook for the Orange Coast area shows early morning clouds and fog, clearing by mid-day to clear skies and aun- shine. Highs at the beach 75, In· land 85. Lows aroun d 66 in both areas. INSIDE TODAY The Junio r League of New· port Harbor ha.~ hit a high spot 1l.lith its e:r.hibit of arti.Jt Cla ire ralktnstein ot the Shtr71'1an ·Gal· lery. Story and picture$ ore ma Page 23 of today's W•ektnder. ... It"' Jf M"'IM V"lt C1Uftt"ll 1 Mutvlt ,llll<fl 11 Chtck!"" U1> 11 IC1tlorl1I Hawt W Cl1ulfJ.. JI_., Ot1-ClllldY I C1ntll• 11 1t1tt1wr•"'' u.11 Cr111wtN 11 S11Vll ,,_,,... t DM111 l'llllfl'I I 1Nt1' 1'"11 llh•1rut I Strock M1r1l1h 1 .. 11 .. ,,.,,., ''" ' T1twb1&111 21 l"!HIKI f•ll TJM1len l1·1f ... __ II WNl!l..-4 "'"~ L.ellfen 11 w-··,.... 1>-14 11.111i.1~ ' M•r'"9 Ue""'" I :::..!..-.,.-;: • • ! DAll V PILOI H frlclCJ, A11tu•l 20, 1911 Freeze Fight Urged Labor Leader Supports Non-cooperation WASHINGTON (AP ) -Labor chitf Gtorge Meany called on Conttress Thurs- day to take control of the nation'll economy aw1y fro1n v.·hat he called President Nixon 's ''mismanagement.'' And he urged all unions to cancel c11n· trac~ where workers Jose money under Nixon's wage·price control.<;. Meany, after a plea fron1 Lop ad· mlnbtraUon officials Lo cooperate with Nixon'& new economic program. told a ne.w1 conference '"We 're not goi ng to cooperate." Meany also ver bally blistered tw o r-:ix:- on Cabinet members -Treasury Secre- tary John B. Connally and Liibor Secre· t.ary Jame! D. Hodgso n. Both had said Meany, In opposing Nixon, was out or 1tep wlth Amtric&n workers. "I don't pay much attentin n to !he aecrtlary or labor. After all, it you have a problem with the landlord you don't dbcu11s It with the janitor," Meany said. Of Connally, Meany said, "I think what he's looking for is the enfnrcement con- cession" in the wage-price freeze . "Ht wants the horsewhip concessinn ~o he can sell horsewhips. Connally doesn't know anything about people's problem~." Meanwhile, in San Clemente where the President Is beginning a three.week wor k- ing vacation at the Western White Hou~e. Nixon conceded his far·rcaching nt'w economic program poses "some pro- blems." But, he expressed confidence lhat most Amtrlc1ns favor his apprnach -"and that's what counts," Nixon advised newsmen upon his arrival in San Clemente Thursday night.. "\Ye have some problems." he said , ''but the public reactinn is v.•hat is im· portant. I think an over\\"helll'ing ma- jority of the people thrnughnut the coun· try favor what we're doing, and that's what counts." Nixon, addressing the Dallas con- vention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Thursday -and a ppearing In a half-emp. ty auditorium that normally seats .10.000 -asked for support of his eco nomic -policies. He also said his curbs on federal outlaya, aimed at counterln& Wlatlon, will not encompaaa any n e e. d I e 1 • re;tr11!nts on military spending. While Nixon spoke in Dallas, Press Secretary Ronald L. Zlegltr Issued a statement deoouncing An order by the Texas governor Preston Smith granting scheduled pay raises for teachers and government workers despite the wage- price-rent freeze. Said Ziegler on behalf, he said, of the eritire administration: "'ll appears that lht governor of Texas, for motivations of v.·hich only he is aware, is seeking to single out a group of Texans for preferential treatment. \Ve don't think any Texan wa nts that, particularly at a time when all the nation is banding together to defeat inflation and at a ti me when many Americans are being requested to make temporary 5acrifices for tht good of all." Nixon later was asked If he expected any legal problem as 11 result of Go\•. Smith'! announcement. .. , think Gov. Connally can handle it," said the President, referring to Treasury Secretary John B. Connally, former Tex- as governor. Although both Smith and Connally are Democrats. they ha ve often been at odds. ~1 eany urged that labor unions ca ncel all contracts under which workers woold lose money as a result cf the wage freeze. Such moves could pave Lhe way for strikes which the administration has asked be halted and avoided while the largely vol untary curbs remain in effec t -a period of 90 days subject to ex· tension, Nixon was asked if he had anticipated a hostil e reaction from high labor ranks. His reply: "\Ve always anticipate some reaction, There are very special interest group.!1 alv.·ay! affected by such freezes, and there wi!I be sume in buslnes~ and some in labor that "'Ill be opposed ... but what really mallers ... is "'hat the peo- ple of the nation think, and I thln,k that when the Congress and the Jeaderll of special interest groups hear from the country, that they're going to go along with the country." D•ILY Ptl DT "-'! P~•!t Gl ~LS RIDE 'GRAY LADY' DOWN BEACH BOULEVARD City Offlclal1 on Horns of Hor1•y Dilemm11 OllAHCil COAST DAILY PILOT OllANGI! COAST PUI LISHl"'G COMPM Y i 1b•fl N. "'••' P"u<ltnl a"41 P~Olh~I' J •• ~ ~-c~d·v Viet PrQldfnl •nd C0.1nt'•i M1n•01t Th""''' K.1vil •• ,1 ... TJi o,..•1 A. Jij,u•p~;fto Mon1~l,,g l o "'' Alu• Di•~<~ W.•1 Or1n,1 c-•Y •411or H~111111,1111 b...c1'1 l)Hk • IJl tS ••••~ l oul ••o•d Melli~. Atltl r1u: ,.0. &01 7t0, '1641 Otl!er OH!t .. Lt•...,. IN<.": ,!! p., .. 1 .-v•n.,. c .. 11 M•n • H•l w"' ••v '"""' NIW'°" l11<h: llU ,._,_,,, '""' •v"'d hR C!tmtri!t: JOl Nw!h l l C•mln• •Nt T~ C714l '42~JJ1 C""'""'4 A"""'*°.Jllt 642·1'71 C-rf ... I, 1'71, 0•1..... (DU I 1'1t9/lo~"'I c-1•1. Jje 114.""> ,,.,,,,, 111o, ... ,,...,., Ml!ltr .. 1 '"-'ltf ., 1~'11.-.,lil"'l'll ~ .... ,,, "''V N ..,..,...utli.4 wl!lltur 11«141 ,_,. 11'111..., ., llPl"il"! ·-·· 1.n.io1 elf .. •Mtti ,."' •' ,.,_,, 111c11 .... CNl9 M .. f , (..tl ...... 11 ill ... ( .. f !llwl a.v , ... 11r t~.tl _,,....,., IV ,.,.~ "11 ....,.,,,1., m llllttW ~tltll'Jf•&no. ll.1) ,..,.,~., From Page J HORSE S. • • a rp;i anri the next rh!n.i: you knnw thev \\ .1nl shnpping cent ers in and the hic k.! nu!,'' ht said '"I ste restaurant.:; openi ng up all along Beach Boul evard but nobody rorrplains about that. '"\i"hy sOOuldn"I a man bt <i llo\\·ed In npen a stable lf he O\\'llS the land or is IP:tsing it and keeps the stable cltAn And !e.i:al :'" Stricklen says that he also instruct.~ hi~ students not to take horses on side wal ks or private properly. '"J can't 11top them of cour!e. once thrv lr.a\'e the stable," he said, "but I think the riders who come to me are sensible enough oot to do It." Mrs. Elliabelh Creasey, 7382 J uliette L.ow Drive, HunUnaton Reich, whose dll U!'hter Christlnt, 13, rktea at the Kand i\1 Stables on Ellis Avenue, Is 1 firm believer ln horse riding for children. "It's 1 fantAstic e:rperience for them.'' she said. "They cit.an the stables, feed the horses And do 1. lot of bard work. It teaches them discipline. Third Quint Dies BOLTON. En1land IUPI ) -A third qui ntuplet born to P11u lint Grundy, 2.1, dif'd early _tnday. doctor11 11t Bolton G!.'nPral Hosplt1I said. Ooctrirs said thf' ouintup\e:t wlYI d lf'd v.•aJ Shaun, whn weighed two pounds and \1·as lhe fiflh of !he ba bies born to Mr11. 1 rundy, wlvl had been taking 1 mild f"r!llity drug M11ny aave NLron p.a•ain& cnidlt for propoalng lifting the automobile e1.cl!e tax:. but he urged Congress to klll Nixon's proposal for a business investment l.a1. credit and to order the White House to pay $600 million In an Announced pay freeze for federal v.·orkers. ··instead of ex:lend ing the helpin g hand of the federal government to the poor, the unemployed the financially strapped stalt1 and clt.ies, and to the inflation· plagued consumer, the President decided 10 further enrich big corporations and banks." Meany said in criticizing the e.x· emption of profits and il1terest rales from the freeze. "The President of the Unit ed States deliberately sought to mislead tht people of the United States about the condition of the economy," said the 77·ytar-old AFL-CIO president. "Because of Mr. Nixon's t conomic mismanagement, the number 0 r unemployed workers has nearly doubled over the last two and A half ytars. More than 5 million workers are without jobs, 141h million Americans are on the reli,f rolls, the number of persons ll ving in po verty has risen to 251/2 million -the first increase in 10 years. More than 800 communities are economic dis<ister areas," said ~1eany, reading from a 11tatement by the 35-man e1eculive coun· cil of the big labor federation. Hodgson 11aid after a meeting in the AFL-CJO headquarters that ht and other While House emissaries had asktd lhe cooperation or labor leaders in Nixon's wa~e-price freeze and other economy policies. From PGBe 1 FREEZE ... tax:·\\-·indfall for big busintss." Biemiller said that corporate profits and high in\erest rate!, not workers' wage demands, were the principal cause of innatlon. Nader said the economic policy was "elitist." He said the freeze did not apply to interest rates and corporate profits, and lht program would provide billions of dollars for big business. HI'! said the \\'age fretze forced the working man to 5hou lder the burden of the new plan. With Nixon's program now fh·e days old, there were these other deve:Jop- rn e:nts : -Gov. Preston E. Smith of Texas rf'iused to back down today in hi~ de- fiance or Pres ident Nixon'! freeze on wages by ordering pay raists for more than i00,000 teachers. -A series of revised government reports issued today showed modest im· provemenll In the n11tlon1l economy. The Commerce Department said the Gross National Product increased $20 .5 billion ln the second quarter to 11n adjusted 1n- nual rate of $1.041 trllllon. The lncrtase w11s $800 million above the preliminary figure issued a n10nth ago. -The managinf! director nf the lnternat!onal Monetary Fund (J~tFJ said Nixon's decision to "float'' the dollar places the world's post-World War 11 money exchange system "in jeopardy." "The prospect before us is one of disorder and discrimination in currency and trade relationships which wi!I seriously disrupt trade and undermln11 the system \\'hich has served the world well," Pierre-Paul Schweitzer told 1~1F'1 117 member nations. -In Brussels, the six European Com· mn n ~farket nations failed to agree on 1 unified monelary policy to dea.I wit h tht new U.S. policy and lisid they would re:act individually. Beacl1 Resident Freed By Court On 01eck Charge Hun tington Beach resident V.'llllam Louis Smilh, :16, arrtsted by Huntington Beach police J uly 30 on a felony check "·arrant , has betn r'leased by 1 Lo1 An~eles County Superior Cou rt, Smi lh, \\'ho ~ppeared in Los Angelts cou rt on Aug. 13. was released aft.tr his probation was e~tended to 1973 and he promised to pay a restitution fee of $300. The warrant !hat led to Smith's arrest in Hunlinglon Beach was issutd ih l...o!t f no:.:!eles in 19i0 charging him with the felony check violation and violation of probation. He wa1 on probation from a check case that had occurred in Los Angeles in 1967. At the time of his arrest, Smith had ;ip- plied for a business permit as the president-director of the N1tlnn1l Kidney Clinic Found1tlon. ~londay night the city council denied the 1ppllcation unanlmoualy and without cornrne.nt E'rom Page 1 NIXON ... tht thicll: walls 1ep1ratitif the NixM estate lrom the Western \\'hite Houlf of· f1cP cnmplex and grounds. They did not Join the President until ~Ir. Nixon sped off toward Las C11a P11c!fic1. Before his custom electric-cart sped 11way Mr. Nixon poked fun at Dr. KJs1- in.;!er's statu~ as a bachelor. ··ncn't do 1nythint toniaht I wouldn't dCI " the President said. "Will there be 1 weddln1 tomorrow, lh'l Mr. President?" one reporter sh 11!r<i. ll'insmne Fourson1e \V ith the opening game of the 1971 football season less than a m onth a \\•ay, Golden \Vest College's ne \\" song leaders have been practicing dajly. 'faking a break are (front from left) Dibbie Brev.·er, 17. Hunt· ington Beach, and Sharon Nakata. 19. Garden Grove. Behind them are Donna Coalson, 1.8. \.Vestminste~. and Kris Strube. 17, Huntington Beach. Golden \Vests first game 1s Sept. 18 against Orange Coast College. From Page l SEWER LINE ... a ll possible routes, according to the engineers. It would leave the pipe in a safe, accessible location and allow lv;o- \1•ay traffic to be maintained during co11- struct1on. JI would also not endanger an existing overloaded sewer. Alternate routes along the Santa Ana River. the Edison Right of \li'ay. the 'Talbert Dra inage Chann el and Rushard Street \\"ere rejected by the eng ineers. 'They had been termed less disrupti\·e hy the merchants. The Santa Ana River route, the engineers claim, would be ln dal'lger of washou t under extreme flood conditions and \1•ork could be accomplished onl y in the si x·month dry season. Although there would be nn traffic prn· blems the overall pipe length would be longer than any other route, boost ing the construcl!on price from the present $12.5 million to $13.8 million. Routing of the sev.•er line along the Edison Company's easement would cost only $400,000 more than the Brookhurst line. but has been rejecltd by lhe Edison Company. Edison officials say the strip of land could not be joinlly used for a stwer line since it ll'ill be needed for future re- quirements and undergrounding. The Bushard Stret l route which would es11entially run parallel to the Brookhur11t r~te. has the advantage or causing no disruption to busi'}f~S. Traffic could also be re-routed onto tlher streets. In addition, !ht pipe length would De a bout the same as the Brookhurst route, about fh•t miles. The problem, according to the engineers. is Iha!. an existing 54-inch sewer is lncated on this street and that an additional line v.•ould run \\'llhln three feet of it. f'roM P,qe l LAFC ROW . • • San Bernardino ln 1 unanimous actloo by justices Robert Gardner, ?.1 arcus Kauf. m an and John Gabbert. It came after four daya of deliberaUom. lt means that the appe:llate court recognizes until at leut Aug. Z3 Fullerton ~ Councilman Louis "Red'' Reinhardt a.nd Anaheim Councilman Charlt s Pearson as the rightful holders of LAFC teats earmarked by Battin and Caspe.rs ror Los Alamitos Councilman Joe llyde and Anaheim attorney Herb Licker. J udge Rutter had ~-::heduled a full hear- ing Into the LA FC controv ersy for Mon- day. lt is expected anoLher judge wil l llO\.\' likely rule on v.·hat he ftel!I lo be the lawful composition of the LA FC board. Today's contempt hearing wa s called alte r allegations that Battin, Caspers and llyde called an 8 a.m. meeting of the LAFC for Aug . 9 in defiance of a tern· porary restraining order i!sued the night before against the trio by Judge Rulter. Battin replaced Pearson \1•ith Licker In 11 .six·seco nd dtbacle that ended with pro- cess servtrs and severa l of Orangr Coun- ty mayors running lov.·ards the board table v.·hile Hyde and Battin ran {or tht exit. Papers were fl ung into the air, un- parliamentary JanguRge was exchanged and the meeting ended y:ith Caspers sit· ting alone digesting his personal copy o[ J udge Rutter's order. That meeting, arranged during the \1-'eekend by Battin and Caspers, was prefaced by a 6:30 a.m. meeting on the county courthouse lawn in which the League of Cities unanimously denounced Hyde and declared Reinhardt to be it!I chosen representative on the LAFC board. Reinhardt was accused of being the tool of the Irvine Company and part of a com· pany plan to ensure that Santa Ana 'I bid to Annex the "promised land" 1,11as defeated. The ta:r:-rl ch 938 acre sector on Santa Ana 's southeastern fr inge is eyed by bo th Santa Ana and proponents of Irvine cilytlood. Irvine through the Council of Com· munities of Irvine was fa vored last month by Superior Co urt Judge Raymond Thompson in a ruling which rejected San· ta Ana's argument that the Irvine Com· p11ny virtually promised the land to Santa Ana eight years ago via annexation ac- tion· · ~ League of Cilles represen!atlve.s replac- ed Reinhardt with Hyde by a 13 to 12 vote before coming back a month later to S\\'eep Hyde out of the LAFC at a tumultuous meeting. ?.1any of the county'! mayors said they had been subjected to "tremendous political pressure" at the. lime or the first vote. They identified Battin as the leader of the group w~ich praclic111Jy forced Hyde into the LAFC sea t. Judge Rutter's ruling put Battin, Caspers, Reinhardt, Pearson and t.tayor Stanley Northrup of San Clemente into the LAFC aeats last wet k for still another vote on !he "prQmised land" issue. Tht resul t v.·as a solid 4 to I vote against the Battin group. 'That vo te cleared the way for Irvine c ityhood ''13 what is expected to bt an over\\·hehning!y favorable vote in the communil}' for the crea tion of a city that Is txpected to be the largest in Orange County. Final Sale Week ... SLllPH SOFA ' ' SALE PRICED STARTING AT ••• s239 Fin11l we•k of w1r•houM 11le. Selec:tio"' of mis- cellaneous furniture et 1 fr11ctlo" its original price, Hundreds of yard1 of dr11pery ind upholstery f.11b- ric1 all drastically ritduced, • '~ ' ,, /'!" ... • DEAL ERS FOR : HENREDO N-DREXEL-HERITAGE NIW'°IT STOii 0'1N P:llDAY ill t NIWl'ORT lfACH 1717 W•stc:llff Dr., 642·20SO OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P rofesalonal lnterler 011lgntr1 Av1Jlabl._AIO INTERIORS . • LAGUNA BEACH 345 NorfM Criii•t Hl9hw1y Phon•: 494·6551 1 I I[ 1878 By GEORGE LEIDAL 01 lfle D•llV .. 011 tT•H Charley the Tuna's anceslors whose re· ma ins have been preserved by the Sm ilhsoni an Institution since 1878 show no n1ore traces of mercury than do Charley's latter day pals whose taste for mercury worries F'ood and D rug Adn1inislrallon officials. lle!!-'!archers al UC lrvine today releas- ed findings that support the conclusion "thal there is no noticeable increase in t:ontaminalion of the sea based on a study of bolh old and new samples of tuna muscle tissue." Dr. Raj Kishore, assistant to Professor Vincent Guinn al UC!, Sil.id seven tuna Cou11ty Resort May Go Broke Without Aid The con1pany that 011'ns the 5J)OIJ..-acnt Orange County recreatio;ial re s ort, Cota de Caza, laces involuntary b;inkruptc,v if so1ne 70 creditors don't agree to n1001fy its payment obligations. Vi ctor H. Paln1ieri, president of Great Southwest Corp., told stock holders Thurs· day that changes in management and operational policy have made some im· pro\"ements, bul the coznpany still lost ~2.706.268 for the sis month5 ending Jwie JO. Great South"·est operates Coto de Caza in southern Orange County and Japanese \'illage and Deer Park and t.1o vieland \\'ax t.I useum in Buena Park. Some of its other holdings include the Six Flags ainusement parks in Texas, Ceor;:ia and ~lissouri, and !he Richardson l lomes Corp. ( mob i I e hon1es). Palmieri told i;tockholders in Lo~ Angel es that the co1npany h<is rid itself or $35.000,000 in mort gage debt on California holdi ngs, or 66 percent of its total debt associated with California propertr . r.reat Soulh\1•est 1nanagemenl plans lo en1phasize its mone.v-making atnusemenl p<1rks and tibandon much of its land holdings. Coto de Caza is one of the fe1v California land holdings it plans to keep. Palrnieri said programs are being dc\"eloped lo reduce the continuing cash burden of the Coto project and that Great Sout l11restern plans to protect its substan- tial equity in the project. Despite the 1nanagemcnl ch;ingcs. Palmieri 'varned or pending rinancial troubles. ''\\"e ha,·e been in con:-tant discussions and negotia!ions \vith our ma- jor creditors since ~lay of !his year." he e~plained . He said they cn1nprisc three distinct ~roups of d11mest1c. banks. and two J.Jrnups of fore ign lenders -over 70 in- sti!utions in al l. PaJn1ieri \\'arned that 11one of them had )"et agreed to necessary ehan ges in Great Sou!hwestern's repay- ment obligations. Tuna samples caught beh~1ee.n 1878 and 1009 sho"'ed a range or n1ercury con· laminat ion or from .3 to .6 par\S per ml Ilion. The federal standard is .5 parts or n1ercur)· per million parts of tissue. \Vi\h the UCI findings lhat standarc.i 1nay be in question. The pickled tuna s a111pl!'s v.'el'e preserved in a lcohol by the Smi!hso111an Institution, Dr, Kishore sald. To cornpare them accurately with tr<>sh samplesi the UC! team con,puted the dry weight ratio of mercury to nesh. The adjusted n1ercu ry contarnination range for the old sample.~ was .5 to 1.;; parts per million based on the dry Close U11 ;( '· \\'eight. The range for a similar num ber o( freshly caught 1una taken from Cahforni~ \\"atcrs 1>.'as .4 to 1.5 parts per million, Kishore said. This similarity in !he ainount of mercury between the old and the new tuna raises considerable question about the con ta mination of the ocean by n1ercury. ··Increase of the m e r c lJ r y con- tan1ination of the ocean since !878 is pro- bably negligible," l\ishore said, noting lht UCI fintl.ings make no conclusions abou! mrrcury pollution o( inland lak es. Mercu rv in the ocean is believed 10 ha ve beeii carrier! by s!reams froin ll"to DeeDee lleikes. 5. has eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation \\"ilh 5addlc- backed caterpillar she found in backyard of her BO\\ IC. l\·ld., hon1e . Bug is about three-quarters-of-an-inch lone:. has a brO\\"ll body \\"llh a green saddle. ,::r t'en eyes and a green not on each end. l::\•e ntually. ii \\'ill turn in to a moth. 'Big' l\lii1l1 Witl1ll1·aw s SA IGON /UPI\ -Gen. Duong Van '"Big"' 711inh wiU1dre\1• rodav fro111 !he South Vietnan1cse presidentia l race. lea1,·. Ing President Ng":·en V<1n Thieu as 1hr. sole candidate. Both American." and South Vif'lnamese predic1ed that out- breaks of civil violence 11·i!l follow . d{'n1ons!.rati0ns and ci\"il <lis1urb<HK"C'!' tr Thieu 11'ins Lhr e!ecLinn. And there is a ~r·o\l'ill~ hody of opi11inn )11 Saigon th11t such widrspread disorders 11'0ul tl bring a11 rnd 10 th e 1v;ir 1~·it h unpleasant result s for !hr L"ni!ed S!;11rs. Level land areas or to be; produced as a result of undersea volcanic action . Burning or e-0al or other fossi l fuels reltases mercury which is wa sliet: front the air onto the land and carried in storm rwiuff to the oceans, Ki.shore noted. Bui the results of the UCI neutron ac- tivation analyses .~ecn1 lo indicate there has been little change in !he amount or mercury d{'posited 1n the sea since 1870. The sainples studied hy the UCJ researt·hers inclurled two skipjack caught off ;\1assachusctts in 1878, an alb.'.lcore caught off California in lflBO, a hlucfin e~Jght in 1!186 at \Voocls Hole, r-.1ass , a skipjack fr on1 San Dl~go taken in 1890, another skipjack taken near Hawau in -,.-. • -., ""t "T"-,. ' I t '!.. -. T.-_. Same As '71 1901 aod y~t another sk1pjack caught near lhe Philippines in 1909. 'n1 e liCI teain niakes no rel"on 1. rntnda!ion about Uie fedt'r1t! rc-gulation of .5 parts per n1illion of 1nercury, .. ll"s for biologists to determine what IP\'ei of n1ercury eonteot 1s dangerous t o hun1ans," Dr·, Kishore said. 1-fowever, the lJC I findings will be ma.de available to lhe ~~ood anrl Drug Adn1inisfrfllio11 on request. Further, they'll be published in the weekly scien - tirlc journal "Science " The .5 ppn1 sla11rlard has been used In retail thousands of pounds of tuna and ether types of fish 1n recent years on 1he. l,lround tha t the FDA believes mercury content beyond that le\•el may be harmful 10 humans. 1'ht UC J findings indicate American• lu11e Oeen t'~ting runtt for many years that may \'&ry in mercury content very little. \VorJ.;ing 11'1lh Or. Guinn and Dr- Kisllore on lhe study project that uses L'CJ"s nuC'lcar reactor have been Prof. F. S. Rowla11d, Dr. C. E. Miller and grnrluate. students Pat Grant and Fred Stcinkruger. The rec{'nl study confinns siniilar fin· dings of the C"CI researchers who ex· arnint'd a 25-yea.r old swordfish that also .~howed little difference in mercury con- tent. Marine, Solon Battle B ea cli Use Issue Tri g·g·ers Bitter Clq,sh The heavy artillery ha s i'K'en brought out late this 11'e<'I\ in a fu ll-sc;i lr 1r;ir be.tween C;i111p PcndlC'1 Qlt B;isc Coni- rnandrr t-.1;i j. Gen. George Bown11ul and 1hc Los Angeles congrcssn1a.n who 1'.'a11t s six 1niles of J\.larine Co rps U1·ach Jor pu!Jlir usr. It began Thursdiiy 11ht·n Gen. Bo11·n1;in -in sisting his controversial co1nmrnts \\"Cre ··off-lhe-rccord". called fl C 11. Alpho111.o Bell (H-Los Angelcs 1 a ··1·1.,1\11 '1 ll'ho 11·ant~ the ~larine beach opened to hippi{'S. Bell bristled, aod lhl!'! niorn1 ng, r{'taliated biHerl~·. Hr accused lhe command{'!" of the \vorld"s largest t-.1ar ine ba se of bcl1cv111g hurna11 li fe "falls into t1\"0 categories lhnse who are i\larines and !he re:;\ ol us ,1·ho arc hippies." lie a l~(l ac1·u:;ed the gener~! or nrderi:ig- troops to lreat the gener11! public !t'ying to use secti(lnS or the ba se· ... be~! ~urt ing beaches as .. Vici Cong" '''hire endo1·si11g the use of the s<1me be;iclies bv ··soci;i!IV pron1i11<'11l Californians" al th<' pri1·at"e San 011ofrr Beach Club . !"he wt1rfa.re began "l11ursdnv ;1s t:e11. P,011 n1a11 took questions fro111 till' tloor at 11 Vista Lion"s Cluh regul?.~' luncheon n11•e1 ini:. A lone rc1)0r!cd for a local p:lpl'r 1\as in t he audience -1nl'1t ed by a club off1c1HI. ""Thrre 1s a <.:01u:rrssm;in 111 Vis Angeles \1 ho s;i.v-; he II' ants the bearh for hls 1"nn- sti1!1cnts .. Darn right ," the Genera! si'jd ""Il l' sold all of his beach 10 pnva!c 111- <1 11 idual s a.nd now he doc!'-n·t understand 11h~• W<' don ·t gi\"e up QUr <'nlisted n1rn·-: heurh club (u1 the northerl y corner o! !ht· nro1Xl~Ccl pubhl' beach area al Pt>•1dle11111l "After a.II. lhe:(re onl~· i\larine,;. Ye.>. thcy"re only i\larines. hut they hal'c been nH. ott1d !hey st11! are fighting a w:ir. · And rhis elown says (l1rn u over to tlte hippies because. the tllarlnes aren"I. using it '•That hea.rh (the enli~ted rn:in's pnr- tinnl ha s a c11paci!y for 11000 people : !Jul 11·hal kind (If people '.' Cine thou sand hip- pies, or people \l'e can trust':' A see!hing Bell !hen called a press c1111- fr rc11t·e p;irly !n<lay and lt•1Tled /11.~ fln;t fornla l counter a\!atk. "The gener:il statci; he lhnught his un- f1·i1•ndly l'o1111ne11t i; about rne 1\'<'rc off tile record, yel a reporter \1'hh notebook and peneil 11·as clearly visible. "'This leads mt lo hope. that the general';:; future assignments ought not to include ser\•1ce in the intelligence branch of our military establishment,'' he said. Ll1 exico Prison Escapee R ezJorted iri Ccilif or11ia i\IEXlCO CITY /UPI ) -,J(l('l [)a1·1d n1oti1atcd hirn and a member of his l\t1pl:1n. lhe eo11v1c:1ed rnurderer £ro1n ra mi!)• tnld me it \1·as his spirit of ad· l\e11· \'or~ 11 ho escaped 1n a helil'opte:· venture." \1·ith another 1n;u1 fn1111 a 1\lexic11 City The 1\Uornev Genera.l's office gave this prisfln. is in the United States. the outline of subSequenL developinents: Fedtral Attorney Gencral"s office said to-1·he blue. and \\•hite Bell 470 helicopter da) · ferried Kaplan and Contreras lo Actopan, l\apl;11i"s ccll111iltr, con vi I' I<' d a 1·i1Jage aOOut 100 miles norlh of Mexico \'cnc1.ue ta11 1·11u11terfc1lrr and fo rger t:il1-. C;1r\ns 1\ntn1110 Contrcr11i; Castro, pro-'['h{' !ncn el1a11ged into a sn,alt Cessna b<l bly is 111 Guatcrnala, tile offic1: said. n1reraft.. The Actopan airporl has no Kaplan, 42. ;111d Conlteras, 35. e~t:iped lights anti the entire op{'ratlon \l.'as con- \\'OO nesday night ;iboard a hrhcnpter that duc.:ted under Ilic headlights of a Cadillac la nded near their dnrn,it Clry 1n thl' Santa !linousine. t-.l ar!;i A(•atitla Pr1sn11. Prison gu<i rds. The plane flew to La Pesca. ab()ul 150 thin king lhc hel icnpler 11·as nn an official 111iles south of Browns1•illc, Tex. There, n1iss1011 , pre-;ent.ed arms and znade no at-Contreras transfe rred to a second small l!'n1pt to stop !!. plane that fle\.,. hiin to GuaLemala. \"i('tor Vt'li!Z(itir7 .. h.;1111nn's la\\yer :ind The plane carrying Kaplan flew lo au ;ii;.\1i<·1;.1!e nl l .f111i.~ 'li1.('r, i;;ud Kaplan Browns,·i\le and later to Sausalito, Calif. ~as an ;ige111 of the Ce11tr;1l lntclhgencc The h{'licopter \\'as later flown to La ,\gency tC!A i. r esca. \\'here 1l \\·as found abandoned Thursdav. ··1 don"! kno1v i1ho helped h11n escilpe ." The A.ttorne'-' General's office said the \"el;1zque1. s;i1d. ··1 11·as np!'n-mouthed ~ ,1·ht•n r learned the nl'\\'s. But it wa.~ a sn1al1 planes were lea5ed 1n r..1 cAl1en. Tr);as, the helicopter ¥12~~ rented in \\'{'ll -kno1>.•n fact 1h:lt he 11•as a CI A agent. Casper, \\'yo. li e didn"t try ln hale it ·· The pilol of lhe helicopter was iden- Vclazquez told UP I that l\aplan·s l ified as ROR{'f C.uy Herschner. of Glen- uncle. J. ~I. l\:i11lan, \1'ilS on{' of the Cl A's dora. One of the pilots of the light plane chief elandcstinr financiers. A few yea.rs "''as identified as Orville Dale, of it g:n it group of IJ.S. Coni:re.~~mc·n charg-Bro\\•nsville. ' ed 11111! the .I. t-.1. f\aplan fund of Ne1v The 2ft0 RUards al lhe jail a.nd the 00 York was 1:1 CIA condt1il, ad1ninistrative 11·orkers 1>.•cre being held lie Silirl .lo(•I Kaplan o p r n I y for riueslioning in~ide the priso n. During <1ck110\1•!edged he had done 1vnrk for 1he the investigation. the L384 convicts wer1 Cl.I\ "I of!rn \l'Ondrred \\•hat. n1ight tu1\"c being guarded by 500 riot policemen . ~~~~~·~~~~~~~ Life~uard s Eye Heavy Weekend AJon g Beaches 1\finh's decision w<1s not unexpected since he has charged repeatedly I.hat Thieu rigged the election so only 1'hi{'u cou ld "'in. The \l'ithdra\\'a) upsel lhe US. embassy's hope for a free. an1t fair elcc- lion to express the true ~ill of the coun- tr;.-·'s 17.a mi llion persons. Summer Sale • • . Now in Progress at all Stores. Despitl:' 01·ercas1 slac~. Orange Coa~t li feguards are bracing for another big '1·eekend at the beach \\"a rrn 1>.·ater and risi ng su rf are. the J.;ey reasons for the reelinf! that beachts \1 it! again be cro11·dccl. The ;iir t<"n1- prraiure is et<pectecl to reach a high of 11.1 clcg-rees inland and 76 de grees along the ('r1;i:.t In 1\"ell'porl Beach. lif tii;uards e.:.:pccl !lie \\"ater 1e1nperature to be a ,1·ar111 71. lleg rees with surf running up to fi ve ftet. They have i.~sued some 11·arnings about possible rip tides. A "nice day" is expected in Muntingtc.n Heach, \\'ilh early n1orning fo& expected to burn off around II a,m, The surf has been running three feel to a sporadic eight feet through the ll'eek with water temperatures about 67 degrees. Laguna Beach lifeguards predict fa ir surf of one to three feel ·with a 11o·ater 1r.m pera1urc of 69 degrees. Clouds ha\'e covered the !>ky durlng the morning. The \\·a!er has been a warm 71.11 degrees th is 1>.·eek In San Clemente. but the surf was na1. Lifeguards, howe1·er, e:ipecl the su rf to pick up 01•er the \1eekend. ranging from two to four feel. Seal Beach \\'atcr temperature is about 70 degrees. \\'il h surf running two to three feel. Lifeguards say the. area has rt'- mained clear of red tide during the week and should stay clear. C.S. A1n bassador Ells\\·orth Bunkrr, acco1n panied by Sen. Roher! Dole 111- 1\ans. 1, c(lnferred 11·11h Thi{'ll for ;)O 1ni11 utes todav and then liunkrr s!a\ed nn for another 15 minutes. Runker cnriferred Thursda\" wiTh Thieu and with :0.11nh In an ('ffnrt ,-0.persuade him nnt to 11oithdrHll' A~ked when :O.li11h 1nadl' his decision tn \1·i1hdra1r a spoke~n1an for 1he genrral :>aid. "I heliere it \\":IS th{' 111,1111enr wl1rn Arnerican leaders began insislini:: he sl1ould accepl the role of opposition leader." fl \\'as not rlear 11'l1al the t;ni1{'d Slat!'~ l011g range plan 11.·ould be if Thil'U re- mains alone on !he b;o.llot But U.S. e1n- bassy sources dismissed as ""wild" reports that the United States had threatened to cut economic aid to South Vii>tnam . South Vietnamese and Anl{'rican <1f- ficials in lhe past ha vt agreed !hat some ~550 million ¥t'ill be needed in annual economic aid for the next five years to insure thP success or South Vietnam 's in- dependence after U.S. troop 1>.•ithdrawal is cnmpleted. Thieu apparently has the option of re· maining on lhe ballot a~ the sin~le can- didate or presenting a referendum to !he people asking for a vote of confidence. lie also might ask the legislature lo dtclare a 90-da.v moratorium and delay rhe elec- tions until oppt:1sition can be found. One of ~1inh 's clo/iest adrlsers said 'Thursday he expected w i d e !'I p r e a d Birtl1day Boy Battin Kee ps Cards Co11iin g Orange County supervisors Chairman Robert Ballin Is find ing time today, while dodging brk:kbals, to send birthday cards to hb constituenl$. The campaign. \\'hlch see.1 colorful cards mailed every day to resident,ot In Battin·s f'irJt Ol~trict in Santa Ana, is being organized by the Frank 1.ianio Com mittee for Battin. ~ Several recipients have returned the cards in rrcent day~ with unpub- llshable comm<>nts on the supervisor·s actions in lhe still raging Local Agency Formation Commission contro\'ersy. Btitlin was TIQt available for comment. "Jt's a prclty nice thing ;ind ~Ir. Battin has alwaya tried to keep in touch with his constituent..~," an aide s:iid, I .. 4 DAILY PILOT \ \ •' I ~ps C&B Express Derailing Set? By TH0ft1AS ft1URP •UNE Of 1P11 ~l/J ,., .. , Sti lt RICKY TICKY POUTIX: Jndttd, 1t \ I \, ; ' I I has been 1 difficull wttk for Fifth ~ District Supervisor Ronald Casptrs flf Newporl Beach and First Distrirt Supervisor Robert Batlin of San1.11 Ana. The are suffering Excedrin headache number 544. All that is lrf1 lo happen In them is for the Civic Center roof lo fall in en their heads. It all be&an, of course, during lhlll, abortive !!lx·second meeting CJf the Uical Aiency Formation Commi ssinn aftf"r Caspers and Baltin JOinr.d with their nrw buddy J~ Hyde in an effort l.n tie the can to Charlie Peirson ()f Anaheim. VICE PRESIDENT KY ESCORTS WIFE !DARK GLASSES! TO FUNERAL Ois1bled V1teran Klllecf Self Be<1use Ky W11 Shut Off 81llot SUPERIOR COURT Jud~e ./.E.T. "Ned" Rutter put l he quash nn that one by ruling that Hyde and the nlher prn. posed new man, Herbert. Licker, co uldn 't le~ally sit on the LAF'C. So Caspers and Battin appealed that ruling lo the Fourth District Court l'l( Ap- peal. Now the appeal court has upheld J udge Rutter. Addilionally, the appellate jude:e~ alSll apparenlly agree thaL Battin anrl Casper~ 11hould be; hailed before Judge Rutter to answer ch11rges or cont empt of court. TIUS STEl\IS from allegations I.hat the 11upervisorial duo mi1:ht havto: ignnrP:rl the bench whto:n they held the LAFC meetin,,:: in the first place, with Hyde wir.lding the gavel. Numerous legal p11per:i1 were flut- tering ttlrough the air during that six seeonds. ft will be up lo Judge Rutter to gort out lhe8e que1tions. Meaowhile. city councils alnn,1? lhP. Oran1e Coast have been mP:eting in the past few days and. in variffl rlellfte! fl( vituperation. have cast mnre nasties upon Messrs. Caspers and 8?J.!in . Costa Mesi ·~ city rlarls wrrf' prob1hl~ the roughest or all when they called for the removal of C & B from the LAFC. Laguna Be1ch pass~ ii ·•resolution nf displeasure" O\•er the LAF'C political shuffling and Councilm11n Ed Lorr delivered a verbal broadside at Caspers. HUm'JNGTON Beach voted for a let.ter ttf censure as Councllm&n Don Shipley described the LAF'C business as "a circus." San Clemente Councilman Stanle.v Northrup, who sits. legally, as nne of lhl'I LAFC members, urger! a Gr;ind Jury probe of lhe whole af(air. Rut hi~ felloW councilmen failed to ~upport the thin.11 in a rather surprising case or fool·shufOing. FOUNTAIN VAi.LEV'S city council hasn't passed any harshly·worded resoJu. tions, probably figurinR their M1yor Ed ,Just, in his capacity on the League nf Cities, has done plenty of talking on the ~·hole imbroglio alre11dy. Ne~'port Beach counciln1en will ponder the whole l!lffair at their Monrta v ses&ion and thP: 11me is true in Seal Belch. As for San Juan Capistrano, May(lr Tony For!ter plan~ In hrlnJ: 11 hp. ''Personally, I strongly ohjcc1 lfl thr supervisors' action." he i-a1d torlav "! woold suppor1 11 Gra11rl .l11ry 1n. Yestigation , Vi'e i-houlrl .<:lilnO up In lhf~<' people who have \'lr1uall.v un!tm11ed power.·· S-0 it goe.,. ln\k~. Frnn1 Sr;i! Rrarh 111 San Clemente. thl' rlrum ~ arr rln1mmini;:. 'You realty \\'Onldn '1 hl:in1r r 11spc'rs an<l Battin if today I hey :ire 1',Vtng 1hr pla~lrr on the Civic f rntrr roof wlfll some measure of suspicion. Ky's Bodyguards Flash Weapons At Viet Funeral SAIGON (UPI) -Snldier11 in the party or Vice President Nguyen Can K.v s!aged ;in armed confrontation tnda.v "'Ith South Vietnamese police at the funr ra1 of 11 disab!P:d ve!eran who hurned himself l.o (!e11th f\.fnnday in Saigon. Student.'! joined 1n the frR y al onl' point 11nd beat 11 pJ11inrlothe~ pnl ir.em J1n ~::1v1gel.y after he tried tn infillrale thP.ir ,i;:1·oup. Tht'y left him 11ncnnsc1ous in the :oitreet, Vietnamese witnesses g;iirl, and he \l.'MS carried 11way by other policeman. The ;irmed confronl11tinn occurred downtown where road.-; to Tan Son Nhut ;i irfield 11nd !hf': big U.S. 11irbase 11t Bien Hoa crns11. \.\'hen thous;inds of mourner:ii in the funeral procr~~ion wended their way toward a ce:met.ery where lhe \'eleran was to he burier! Tht wilnPs~e~ sau1 nat1on11I poh<'I'. orderer! to the ~crne h~· the nffirt' of Pr~idenl Nguyen V11n Thipu, werl' lol(t tn leave thP 11cenr hy l\y·.~ 11.rml'd bodyguard~. The botly,i;:u11rds 1'illid 1he police offended tht!: funeral. which w1s orderly &l that point. When the policr refusl'rl In mnv,.. witneS!es s.!lid, Ky'~ men levelled f\.i·l ~ rines 11l them. chambered hve bullets 11nd told them l.n mnve RWRV. Tht!: pnli ce left lht 11rene. in,. "·itnt'sse,,. .'l::1id_ Rut lhPy popped up ll&ain tw ice more 11.long the par.:ide rnu!r, Wicks \ - Heath, Lyneb Clash 2 Soldiers, Youth Shot By Irish Hoodlum Duo RELF' AST, Northern lreland ! UPI \ - Twn ma:;kt'd gunmen invaled ii Rllman Cathnllc hnmt!: lnd&y 11nd wnunrltd l~o off-duly British t.rooper11 and11 17-yearo()ld ;v(luth. pn!ice said. The soldiers, (ln le;:ivf. from W11.~t f.trmany and nn1 pa rt or 11ecurity forcl!11 1111signed In lhe prnvince, w~re t.1ken with the yo uth to Royal Victoria Hospit1t. A U.S. Pounds Red DMZ Gw1sites, Loses 3 Copters SAIGON (UPI\ ~ Americ1n B52., :itlruck at. Nnrlh Vietname.Ae gunaite!I in· :iiide t.he demilitariied !DMZ) tnd ay while ln1ens~ Communist antiaircraft firf. iihnt t1nwn lhrl'r U.S. helicopters tryinl[ in hrin,1: in supplie:; In Snuth Vielnam,!IP nutpo.'11.s along the allitd border rlefense l1n r. Thi' tl.S. Command 111id nnl' w11ve nr B52s hombed rocket tind mort•r p::i11ition11 11nrl 11usp~ted Communist troop posilinn11 nine miles north of Cam Lo in lhe are• of tht OMZ know 1111 "Rocket Rid8e" from which North Vietnamese gunner~ ha ve been bombarding allied bases near the bu ffer zone. F'ield report~ said heavy fighting ""a11 raging around & .!!Iring of b.tses below the OMZ tod11y and th1t lhree Amf'rican lJHI helicopter!! were shot down , twn at Com- ha t Bllsf' Fuller l!lnd lhe third 11 tht former Fire Base Sar,11P. l\fili!1ry ~urce.~ ~;iiid somf' ArnPr1can helicopt.er crewmen '>''ere "'nundtd but none wa!I killed. South Vie1namei;r military spokesmen ~11id 4~ Nnr1h Vietn ame.se wtr~ killtd 1n lwo mM1or b.aUle:o; Thur~d11y 11round fhf! Df\.17. hu1, nnf' of tht. ar.tinn.~ t'06l govP:m· men!. forcP.~ 17 dear! and three woundt'd. ThR1 fight inJ.! wall 2'7 mile.• northwest of fa1np C11rro ll , lhP wrstrrnmost point of lhf' :Jllicrl drlrni-e lint .aloni;: thP. DMZ. tnnk 11r pnsilions &round the b111e . All rhr base·.s artillery w1s airlifted nut <'arlirr. ~pokesman Jilid two of lht victim11 were "comfnrt1b!e " and doc1nrs wert. .at· tl'!mpfing l.n ~llVI' thP life ft[ !ht third . In Londonderry, the de11t h tnll ~ante impMilion of internment without tri.111 Au&. 9 roae lo 29 Thur11day ni1ht with lhe rleath nr ll l ~ye1r-old youth frnm gunshot wnund11. Police said he was found fatally wnunded in a house. He wa11 identified 11s James C. n ·Hap:&n . Police said a search of the are11 lurned up a .. 13-c11liber revolver, 11 spent f!artridp;e c1111e, some 11:elignile , 11 \en.c:th of fuse wirt. .and snmt: rt!:vnlver am- munition. A spnke~mi10 ~aid f·1rcumstances or the 5he'IOtina wert' nnt known . On lhP: political !'.Cene, PrimP Minisler F".dw1rd He11th nf Britain Thur5day niJhl rebuked Premier Jack Lynch nf the Irish RepUblic for his cnndemnation of what 1.ynch said were British .attempt s to (ind military solulion5 to Northern Ireland's problem~. "Ynur lell'gram 1nd::iy i:r. unjustified in it~ cnntP:nt, un11ccepl:Jble in its attempt. tn interfere in the 1ffair.~ of the United Kingdom 11nrl c11n in no way contribute to lhe ~olution of the problems in Northern Ireland." Heath wired Lynch . The shooting nf the two .British soldierit nccurred shor!ly 11fter midnight in thr. Westrock 1rea n( the Ca th n 1 i c Ballymurphy section, the po Ii r,, ~pokesman s1id. He .said one. nf 1.hP soldiers WI! enRaRed to 11 girl living there. The teen-ager W<'!~ her brother. The men bur11t inlo the room , said to the 1irl "so you 'vt' got somt British .'IOldiers here," 11nd beg•n shonllng, lht'. spokesm1n said. The girl was not Jiurt The shootina came hours .after ma.~krd p,unmtn raided the headqu11rt r.r~ of thr ~ovrrnmenr~ Unloni!'.t Part.y. Thc,v lock, rrl Willi11m Kennedy, ii Union ist membtr nf the Nor!hl'm Ireland P11rl i1menl . in ~ room And planted A 10-pound bomb. HI' ,,.~r &[ll'cl •nd dr.molition etpert.!i dt-/used th<' dt'vist Weather Mostly Pleasant Russ Craekdo,vn On E. European Satellites 1'old LONDON IU PI) -Ea~t Euro pean rl iplomal,11 !lair! today the Soviet Union 111 making it r lear lo Romania 11nd Few Showers, Thunderstornis Reported California Y111101l1via not lo nverdn flieir r!rivr for independent politir.al action. MOBeow apparently suspecl$ th11t lht'y m1y be lrying to gang up with the pro-T~perature• Chln!ae Alban:a 11nd is alarme:d some: fOUT"4•11tl'I (:,\LIFOll!oll,\ WllTltllt I • UftllHI '°"" 1•tt.,,t 11Nltl Cl-"'0•nln9< rnn!lnue •", lloutht•n C1llrorn1• ll>(l~y, w I • 11 lllundtrtl>ewt•> nvt• !II• Sl'>tllllf'n """'"'l hu '"" MK!t~~'" •"'II et>le•n ··~rt•. Tflt l!ltlll>Ol WIS I&• mo•t nf Ill• ll-S..!Ut<llV N~~ .~~~llr~~~o,;;v~~. tn:.11;~.:1~ '"i.n durlnt 1111 morn1n1 Tl\f Wttl,,.,. tu••~u lorttt l! l\11v 1un•llln• Mr llM '"' ef !II• dtv. wl!ll no1 m ucll <111,,.t In llmptttlli•I ,\ 11191' Of tltOul l l Wt l f.•.HC!t'O' boll\ tno;lov 1"111 Stl!ff• .. T, -11'1't '" OYt•ftltlll I-nttr ti. ,\ lllf!I ,...,.,.,,1ur1 !" "'-l1wt r 1!l!o ""''' l'ortc.11! lot lhf ot1<~ ""'' wll~ tM """"' tt"11N••lurt n S11mmarf1 av Ui'llTll> l'ltESS t"'TlltN.t.Ttl>i'l.t.l .t. ••w ,,...,.,...,! •"<' '""""t""'""' '"""e<' '"' F•Jtf rn (n•it •"<I ,.,.,. ,..,.,, Cl ,..., t'fl .... WI OI t "ft "'"' INUY ln1orruol11'1t 0!1'10,..,..11e nlt•••nl "'''" ... ,,..,..,.1ur" "''" n••• e• •II•~"• •l'.IO"t 11110n.ll '*''" In mMI .. ,,, "' l~t <OuntN •"41 ••I• •"-'-1 wo•t '"" ntlf '"""-' tflt n '"' '"'"'"'" Tt•t.,Mt t "ll M '""""""~'"'' • .,,.. o!flt(HI • 1.,..._ ol Olt~'""'· 1(1n , t MIUt 11 "'1111 -.Ul,, .. 1! nf Gt rdt n cu~. "'••vt<. "' •1..e11, o• 1~1u1lt1 •• ........ ...... • ..... ,,..i In 11\f t rlf 00111""''" lllutl<l•ro+,,,.,,, l'•llO:hHHI t111I~ wl ... 1 (l ullflf Mtll lt •11 11or"''· ~t•lv '°"''"I"' '""'to•••+11•"' '""t•~ f 'flm JI ie c;.,..., Fc•11. s O, •c It 1• Tflt ,,... .. Coa•lal ""11\tly "'~~y 11>111 ¥ l.ll M v•"t blt ..,,.,.,, "'""' ·~ ..-O•~lnt !'Inti" &~· '""''~f ,..,, \II t&ul~wf.11 I le I.I '""fl '" ""''ftOlln< IOdtY t flft .\olu'" II•• M•<I~ ttod••, •l>Mil "'Ill 10. {,.•l•t+ ,..,,"r•t •u•'I •t~fl lrQn" tJ In ti lnlt "<! 11,,.M•U U"I •Onlt 1•0"1 tJ '-1-. W•t•• lttl"tltl lUft 1}, -"" n11~ F i•ll l~W ~O(nncl l"t~ ~-..,, !nw Tld~• f .)lo f"' •II ) 311 t m. I I S.t.TUltl>AY •~n •m. '' •.l• t m. -tit lft ·INl•m, J' ~Uft llllU ~ l.t.O ... • ™ "·"' 1. ''" l .ll • m, ~·tt/1'~"' M~~n IP01t1 h O> o '!I T1m...-11..,..s '"" ~rttl111111aoo ,,,. l'leve.lopme.nts may have 1nti·Sovltt 11>1o l '-"""' 11t•I011 ""'1"0 ,11 • •.., undercurrenl.~. they said. ,..,.,."v Albull11or1111 0.<><"o•tlt 0.!11n!a a1>.tr1lit1d illcl1• "Olton a11n11c ClllC•O<t <.lncinn,.11 (lt vt lt'llt 0•11•• DfflVOf Ooot M~nu 0.1,..11 title ... Moneh.itu 1no1.,...,.1 .. J1c~-v1tlt 0:011$.11 (lfy l•• v .... Lot Ant~lu Motn""lt Mlt ml '°'01,..lut;H Mlnno1Hll• Nt"" Oriti"' N-Yttl l>lllt /\Otllt Chy °"''"" ~nt11 .. i•~la .. hot~I• l'lllollu••ll 'or11.,•• •1.iO' (llY .. ~ ~.( ......... . S•. l811lt l t l! l.t~t Cltv ~·· 01-,\.t" ~'"''c11ce $,•Hit Hll~ Ltw ''''· u •• Romani• received ils warning to lake. 1t _, ~ easy when Soviet Ambess11dor N. "' " " '" "' • '" n .. • " .. " " u " • " ~ " '' " .. .. " .. " .. " " " • " " " " '" " .. .. ~ n .. " ,, .. .. .. ., " n " " .. .. " " • " '·' .. • " " " " .. • " .• ••• ,. " • " • .. " " " Drozdenko mel willi Romanian Presirlcnt Nicolai Ct:ausescu in Bucharest this .1l Wt'ek, ... YuRo.~la vi11·~ Marshal Tito will receive a warning pr.r.son11olly from Soviet Party .01 Chief Leonid Brezhnev whl!n they meet in ,11 Yugoslav!& nexl month, the sources said. 11 The source~ added that the Soviet .oJ 1Jnio11 prob11bly would tell Ti!n not tn push for 11 Balkan alignment with Romania and Albania or other nations in the are11. The Communisl diplomats indlcat.ed the Kremlin i.~ increasingly irked by Rnm:Jnia's liile~t gesture.11 of determina- lion to pl11y 11n independent and even ac- tive role in internaUonal po!IUcl!. ,,. What la resented roott in Moscow h1 n Ct auMaeu'1 nlrt.ailion with Peking anrf .:! lhe J111ter's 1pparently 1rowlng inroads OJ Into Russia's spheres of inte:rest. they aa ld. The .aurcea left llttlt doubt "lhe heat I~ on" In Motc0w for an all-out campa ign In counlt.r China'' 11pparent Krowin.-: ttetermln11tlnn In pu1h ita tnnuenct. at Lhe exprnst' of the Soviet Unlon. Again•t Lelti•t• Rebel Uprising Sweeps Bolivia LA PAZ (UPI\ -A rebellion by rightwlna clvlllin., and millt11ry against the lefUst military regime of Prealdent Juan Jose Torres Gonzalea spread acrOM the nation today and the insurrecUonisUI claimed more than half the t'Ouotry was in their hands. Torres procJajmed a countrywide st.ale of revolutionary emer11ency Thursday night when the rebellion broke out in the city of Santa Cru:r:, a center of anti· government actlvll.iea i n c 1 u d i n g demonstrations by as many 15 1,000 persona in lht!: slreels of the city. The rebel radio Grigota in Santa Cru7. sa.id the city was totally under the control of the F1langist revolutionariC$ to<lay and that they also controlled the 1t1tes of Beni. Pahdo and Ta rija -more thin ha.If of th.is nation famed for its tin exports. Fighting fl1red in Santa Cruz when demonstrators tried to frP:e political prisoners jailed by the Torres govern· ment after he announced discovery of a plot against him -one of a series or such plots reported in recent month~. Beni &nd Pando are in the agricultural natlands in the northwestern part of thP South American nation end Tarija i~ in th e mountai nous south centr1l sec.tor . The city of Santa Cru:r: Is in Santa Cruz 11tate. E1pl0Aions of unknown origin were heard in the capital nf La Pai Thursday niJh!. It was unknown what the: military regime intendP:d to do about the uprising. Falangist revolutionaries seiied the ci· ty in tht. hilly jungle and agricultural region 330 miles southeast or La Paz Thursday night -and claimed in a radin broadcast th at two 11rmy divisions, a rlialrict naval command and an 11 ir force unit had joined the rei>e;Jlion. Army Chief Gen. Lui,, Reque Ter11n 11aid a civilian was killer! anrl a non-com· missioned officer wa5 wounded ~eriousl.v in the Santa Cru7. fight ing. Unoffici11I ~ource.~ s11irl two persons had been killed ;ind two others wnunded. Offici 11I ~nvernmen! source~ said lhr. city had fallen. Initia l reports s1id th r. revolt 11temmed from an attempt to free :io persons arrested Thursday on charges er conspiracy against lhe government. ON BOLIVIA HOT SEAT Gen . Ju•n Jose Torr•1 Santa Cruz for ve;irs has been 11 hotbed nf political re11Ction to the La Paz military A"Overnment And i!I in the art1 where guerrilla leader Ernesto "Che'' Guevara was killed by Bolivian forces in 1967. ll was reporter! lhal 14 prisoners harl bet.n released to the rightwing group, &mong them .Ju an F'rancn Suarez, honorary ron11ul In ne ighboring Pt"ru. A nationwide "state or revolutionary emergency·• wa!'. announced Thursrlay night by M11rio Velarda, minister nf th t presidency in the leftwing regime of Gen. .Juan Jose Tnrre!'.. Backer! by Communisl·infiltra1.cd l1bor unions and students, Torre!'. seized power in October, 1970, when he emeraerl 8S th1 leader of a three-m11n military junta. Thi f'alangist rebels hold tin mining .!Ind other commercial interests. Three Arab Nations U11ite Fo1~ces in Federal U11ion DAMASCUS, Syri11 (AP\ -The leaders (I( F.i;:ypt, ~yria 11nd Libya put their :<1ignatures tnd11y on a constitution th~t. will bind their roun1rie11 1n a federal uni on. Tht. constllutinn will hr i-ubmitten 10 11 rr.ferendum in I.he thret countrie~ SepL ! and 1~ cerlain to be overwhP.lmingly en- dnrsed . The ntw union, tn be known 1111 th" Federation or Ara b Republics, will have. a popul&tion or more than 43 million. The: three countrie~ will rP:tain !heir ~par2J.e seats al tht Un11t'<l Nation.~ huL try tn work nut 11 rommon milit ary l\tr&legy .11:ia insl lsr11el i nd a common forl"ip:n poltcy. F:ach "'ill he responsible for its own in- lernal Affairs. Presidenl~ Anw11r Sadat nf Egypt. J-la fe7. al A~sad of Syria and Liby8n leader Cnl . Mu11mm1 r l\adeft s1~ntd \ht' fcder~l constitu tiol'I docu ment 1n 1he stair S:llf'~l palace, winding up a three-da y con· ference in the Syrian capital. Arab qu11rrt.1., ne.vertheles.c; took away it;Onle. nr \he high feeling~ or SlJCCe!'.~. Alt!"r lhf': SiA"ninl ceremony Sad11! ht':ad,,. lnr Sl!lud1 Arabi& ind talk~ with Kint F1isal t.o discus~ the. co ntinuin.c mnflict bet"·een Jordan and the P1lestinian 1uer· rill11s. The new union on pilpt.r i.~ the l11rgpst mili tary power in the i!0Ulhe1sl Me:dlter. ranean. Egypt'll inOuenli11l new~paper f'ditor Mohammed Haaaanein Heiktd or Al Ahr•m !!aid today !he federation is ex· pecte:d to "t11ke up lhe responsibility of Ar11b confrontat ion with Israel." He urged !he union to cnnclude 11lllances with France, Mall• and Cypn1~ to win 1 firm hold on m&jor se1 Janes to and from the: Middle E11st. Hr alM> called for 11 "special re la- tionship or 11rrangement with the Jertist. regime of Snuth Yemen to "fighten the federatlon ·11 mntrol on 1he Red Se•." A fourth nation . Sudan, is expected lo join tht. fedP:ration next yea r. The orw federa!ion will h11ve one fla,,::. ~ fcdr.r11! parll•ment 11nd jnint mllit1ry and foreirn policies. But e1ch country Pearson Book Slated NEW YORK (AP) -Tht Nt!:w Vorlc publishin11: firm nf Holt. Rinehart & Winston plaAA lo publ i.!lh the I 7 million word person•! dl1ry of the l•te W11.shlngton column13t , Drew Peaf30n. Tyler Abe.II, Pe•rit0n's stepson. disclOll«I nn Thursdiiy Acquisition of !he tli1ry b.v Holt. but he detlintd to discuss fin1nc111/ dtt.Nll . An offici11l nf llolt .!l alrl, hnwrvrr. lhii1 thl' r<>nlrl cl rmvldrd fl'.\r "11 $0hd llix· figure •dv•nct'" and publishing 'ourct~ ~.~l im.tiltd lh11t lhe thrte-volume work c11n bl' rxpN"lf'd to drllw mor(' than SI m1llron 1n roya!tit's • WI\! ma intain II fret' hand in clome~tic ar. fll.ir.~ and will mainlll.in its se&l at tht United Nations. Medina Did Not Give "License' To Kill-Witness F'T. ,_1 CPHER SON, (;.a . (UPI ! -A forme:r Army p\Atoon leader tt-slif ied I.~ da.v that C11pL Erncsl L. Med in11 did not g-iv t' an yont thr .. license" tn l!laught.tr ci1 ili ens 11t My Lai The 1111tnr.-"s .. leffrrv Larro~.~ or r;ra nd Rapid~. ~\1rh , also .~a 1d he r1 id Ofll .!ll't. any miscnnducl. by American lroop~ 1n thr v1ll11gp "'htrf' Medine i~ accu.!led nf loll1n~, nr penniUini;: hi.~ men to kill, 102 old men . wornen and <'h1ldren. L;ir ross 11airl at one lime rlur1n,1: !hf! M.arrh \fi, 196!1 nper1:1t1on he did feel that rerh11ps 10() m:tny civili:Jn.~ were heinit kill ed, bu1 ::i t about lhl' !iamr 1imf' th" nrder ran1(" lhrnuRh tn stop b11rninl': hnnt chcs and a ce.asl"fire was imrosed. Lacro~s .~aid he saw Medina two f1r lhree time11 the da y of rhe M.v {,;ii mass<1 r.rt hut, like tht l!I 11·itnC!l.!le~ whn preceded him, he. could not place Medin.ti in .the vi llARe at the limt. the kllllng wii.~ going on, nor establish !hat Medin11 knt.w it was occurring. Lacross set the body count fnr !he dav At 126. but said that .included everybodV ""'h? ~'Ols slain -. including tho.~e kllled b}t artillery .!Ind helicopter gun.~hip fire. F'. Lee 811Uey. Medina ·~ clvili.an •I· lorney. aeked LlcroM about 11 briefin11: 1'1edina g11ve platoon 11nd 5f'/U8d le11t'Jers the nighl before the assault. "Did he lry to jack up the squad and p!i1toon leaders'.'" "No sir," "Did he give " licenst lo 1nyont. lO sl11 u~httr civilians'.'" ··No 11ir." "I( for some reasnn Capt Met1lna h11d been 11laih. 11nd you had become f.ht com- m;inder at My Lili, did you ~~!' 11nythin,l lh11t \Yould h;ive causer! ynu to .'!I.op miscnnducl by American troop.'!"" "Not a thing." Ba iley called Or. l.t:moyne Snydf!r amt .!liX" other polygraph experts Thursd 11y I.I\ testify th11l 1 lie dP:teclor test Ill 11ccur11te 11 nd reli11ble enough 10 be introduced into, evidence. i\lexico lo Civc U.S . Huge Christ Statue SAN ANTONIO, Te.J. (UPI f -,_,e.x-1m "'ill give " giant statue of .fe.su.!I Chrilll wilh an obf:erv11tion tower In the crown of thorns lo th!' Un ited St11tl':.!I .a~ a preAe.nt fnr America's 200lh birlhd•y celebr11lion in 1976. ii w1.1 le11rnt'd Thur11d11y Th.,. i;!11tue. t11lll'r th11n I.ht' ~t111u,. rtf l,i!)('rly. \\'i1f ov~rlnok Corpu~ Chn~tr Bay 1111 !hl' Tr.x.::i,~ ro11 ~1 " ,l.: n IV. Justi 'I bl or I fede I n1as r<1ci :1 ChrL Th lf'l"e1 \\'ed llep• bH plem I v HO 118"" birth toda " m for s jo1 ci Sin Aug. semi infec lness lhe tralf1 Bet censt popul IR pe nf fh .\nd I U•ll urba "' T l I 11 Al' A 111 .l\1rl1 hill "' "' land tng I abo " p --,.----- '11 Blacks Charged In Death JACKSON, Mis:i. 1UPl1 - Eleven members of the blaci. aieparatist "Republic of New Africa" ~RNA ) faced a preliminary hearing today on murder charges in death ol a police detective during a gun- battle. Distnet Attorney J a e k 1'ravis said the charges were filed Thursday against l 1 members of the b I a c k organization under a 1'1ississipp1 law that provides that those who "atd. abet. assisl or enCQurage a felony" are as '"guilty as the prin· cipal." . ' .... -- QUEENIE --By Phil lnterlancll • -~-.JO frid.iy, August 20, 1971 FALL KILLS FVGI1'IVE NE\11 YORK (lJPil -A man being chased by poli ce across rooftops because he was suspected of being a heroin Je!ler died todav when he tried to jump frOm one building lo another and miss- e<l, DAILY Pl~ 5 Grand Opening MONDAY, AUGUST 23 BAMBOO TERRACE • • CHINESE CUISINE TROPICAL DRINKS • • Travis said his office l\'Ould ask thr Hinds County Circuit Court to convene a speciaJ L:::::~:l::::&!::!::::!:~:_.:_ _ _!,::;::_ _______ .J gri!nd jury 011 the first Mon-d Op~n Daily, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. day in September to consider "The od s are three to one hot-pants are not for you the charges. He said the RNA • • • and all three of them are facing you.'1 153 E. 17th Street 1ne1nbers would be he Id -----------------~'----­ without bond until th e Bob II ope Takes C11t Con1edian sho11·~ his little league learn. t he ··s ob Hope Indians.'' his forn 1 \\'1th bat as they bonored hin1 for his 16 ye ars as team's sponso r. Looking on is Peter ll1cGovern, president of Ll ltle League Baseball, and several team members. Justice Black Sidetracks Co1·pus Christi Bus Order Vl'i\SJ-IJNGTON <UP!) JustiC'e Hugn !,_ Black ha s blockecl for the ti1ne being a federa l court order Io r niassivc busing to achie1·e a racial balance 1n C.Orpus Christi. Tex . public ~chools. plan originally proposed by th e department of health, educa- tion and 11·elfare. obligations In f\1 ex i c a 11. American pupils and its ability lo provide enough buses 111 transport 15,000 students daily. pre!in11nary hearing is corn- pleted LL \\lilliam Louis Skinner, :iii. died or head v.·ou nds in the predav.•n hours Th u r s d .11 y follo111ing the Wednesday gun- battle v.·ith seven members of the RNA. Two ot her officers -a city patrolman and an FBI agent -were also \\'ound· rd in the fight bul are listed in satisfactory condition. FBI and police offici als said !he shooting l':as started bv lhe blacks aFrested a1 thf. RNA headquarters. Ehner Linberg, acting special agent 111 charge of the FBI office 111 .Jackson. said the officers drol'e up in front of the house and used a bullhorn to order rhose inside to come out. \Vhen they refused , authorities said tear gas \Vas I ired into the d11'elling and !he blacks bega n shooting fron1 in- side. They said police then returned the fire. Teaclier Suspended After Clia,11ging· Sex BERNARDS N.J . (AP ) - 1'0\\'NSHIP, J\lrs. Grossman, .11 n elementary school music teacher v.'ho under\\•ent a sex c h a n g e o~ration has been suspended 'vithout pay by the local school board. The school board president. Paul Ma lll'.ln, presented a lisL of fi\'e charges again~t Mrs. Grossn1an ·rhursday night. to be :ient to f\1rs. Crossman and her attorney. Het'bert Kester. On Kester's advice, neither tllrs. (;rossrnan nor tile ;il- lorney was present at the school board meeting. She declined comment on the charges but said she remained optimistic. The case. goes lo Dr. Carl f\1arburger. state com- rnissioner of education, who niust either reject the case or hold a hP.aring within 60 days. The charges atlege the presence of r-.1rs. l~rossman in the school s.vstem \Viii con- tinue to crea!e a sensation and assert that being a transsex- u<1I is abnormal. f..lallnn also charged that r-.1rs. Grossman did nl'.lt give lhe school board adv<1nce notice of 1 he sex change operation, \Vhich was perform· ed at an unidtntified place in the. United States in f\1arch. Come to thla Christian Science Lecture Spo111or.d by the Seco11d Cl!urth of Cl!rl1r, Scl•ntl1r, Ntwporr koel! HOWARD H. IRWIN Board of Lec tureship of lhe Mother Church, the First Church of Chris!., Scientist in Boston. !ltassachusetts On The request for a stay in 1he l(lv>er court order 1vas filed \\'ednesday by the Justice Department, \1•hlch sought to b a r i m m e d i a ! e i m- plementation of the busing Black. who issued the stay order while the full nine- member court "'as in summer recess. said he was expressing no view "as to the wisdom or propriety" of the J ustice Department's position. I n seeking the stay. the depart- ment. sought further hearings on the local school board's The Justice Department's entrance into the Corpus Christi case \\·as the first ac- tion since the \Vhile House said last week that P.residenL Nixon had told government of· ficials to order massive busing onlr as a last resort to desegregate schools. Police Hu11t Murderer; Victi111 Lived 12 Years f\lallon said he felt such an n~ration v.·as not acceptable in the area and said the teacher :should be dismissed for incapacity. f\trs. Grossman rejected a school board offer a ·week ago that she retain her JOb by surrendering t h e leaching certificate she held fl'.li' 14 years under the name of Paul Grossman and applying for one under her new na me, Mrs. Paula Grossman. She also \Vl'.luld have to surrender l.enure. and switch to a high school level course. "THE WONDER OF LOVE" Saturday, August 21st, at 10 A.M. The Edwards. Newport, Cinema Theatre Fashion ls.land, Newport Beach l2tli Bi1·tliday In a one-page opinion. Black n:>·instituted a stav of the bus- ing nrder thfl l waS overturned by the 5th U.S. Court of Ap- peals Aug. 5. SAN ANTONIO. Tex. (t;Pl l -Almo st 12 years ago, t'llagdaleno All·iso ,,.,·as shot 111 lhe head during a barroon1 b1«llo'.'I. A suspect \11as arrested and charged v.·ith assault but. 1vas not indicted by a grand jury. Alviso. an invalid since the Shooting . died l\fonday and police have confiri:ned they are looking through their files to find his assailant and charge him \1'ith murdP.r. Eve11 Hawaiians Fail To Escape U rha11 Ills The stay order 1von·1 exoire tJntil July 1. J9i2. but U.S. Solicitor General Er\\•in N. t:ris\vold suggested a hearing be scheduled bv the 5th circuit 1-IO NOLULU 1 A P 1 Hav.·alians c~lebrate their 12th birthday as an A111ericr.:t .•late today but for state leaders 1t is more apt lo be an occasion for .soul searching than for l'e- J01c1ng. Si nce acqu lring slalehood 0 11 Aug 20. 195!1, !he se se mitropical island s h;ive hee11 intecled 1\·1th the ur ba11 iJ- lnessPs !hal plague st;ites on Ilic m111n!and -p11lh1\1on , lratl'1c jan1s. noise, cr1rnc Between l!llill ;i.nrl l~iO. census figu re.~ shri11. thr popula!1on nf l!;ill':.11 .1u1nped 18 pe rcent. n1a k1ng llnw<i11 one of lhe f;.istesl g1·011111;; ;;lairs 1~nd i8 percenl nf 11s ix1 pul <1· 11011 of ;ib<iuL /.'J\l,000 li1 e 1n vr ban ;i reas Despite <"onsr1t1111nndl dif- Thret· hilled l 11 Air Cras h Al 'G!JST1\, i\laine 1 UPl J - A I 1• 1n ·enR1ncd D o \\' n e 2. s t .<\1rl1ne.~ plane crashed 11110 a hill Thursday nigh t in tog in J\1anchester \\'hile lrying !o land at A1Jgusla airport. kill· 111g three of the eigh1 persons aboard. Ficulties. there is talk· of pass-•·on an expeditfd basis." ing a la11' limitlng the nu1nber "It is apparent thi!! this of newcon1~rs to Hawaii. State (·ase is in an undesirable s111tr Sen. N11dao Yoshlnaga has of confusion and presents said he is searching for a legal questions not heretofore pass- v:ay lo stabilize the population cd on bv the full court but by legislating against the \1•hich shOuJd he." said Blark. niigration or nev.• residents. "l1nrler the s r circun1 · Rut people ha ve come and stances, ""'hich present a very so Ju11 e the problems. "Con -anomalous. new anrl confusing t'J'ete jungle" is the phrase situation, I decl ine '"~ a single rnan y use to describe WaikikL justice lo upse1 the wi sdom or ;;nrl nn!y rccen!ly h;<\'C the propriety of !hf' solici tor gen. 1·011struction and tnuris1 111. er::il's po~itinn" The school dis tr\cl !old dus trics realized that l.he .v hare overbuilt there. 1'he Black the HE\V plan l\'Ould rP.- quire 125 bu.~es al a n \l'aik1k i hotel occupancy rate estimated cost of SI 7 ntil!i()n for the f1 rs1. six n1on!hs of 19';"1 bu! !hal ii hHd no Stich fund s to i~ drnl'n about 16 percent trnrn pa~· for 1.hen1. \\'hat 1t 1,·as tor the sa111c _ __ _ ______ _ peri?d th; yetlr before _ ., • . , , , , .,,r,.. "lhen~ s nn que~\1011 that ~"~~-,~ 1.\~fi; .~ ('.'. fi, ·,,: ,,,,. v:c\·e 01·er!)u1 lt," said Donald :1u~. '4f.t.;,. .t::\;~-• A BrPntnC'r, r x e c: 11 t j v e ;1'~ ~;_,.. . Y\ · • ;.;rcretnr.v 0£ the \Vaikiki f.J,; ~ .~ /. ' ' ~ .. ; lmpro1·en1ent Associat io n. ;ti~f·~~ :.;~~· , ~ '"There 1s not a valid c·on-!ff 41-i. ~ : ,. ~ nrct1on hel\\.een the nllmbers ,.~·:.._);\~ ;·J· of hotel rooms po~~ible and ;1lS-!'r.V.1 '-• the market capacity." "l \~..,a., Offi<"1als admit that bip,-t1me ~ • · Hl'.lmicide LL David Keene called i~ "the strangest ca~e I've ever i;een'' and told the lollo"·ing s!ory "Moments before midnight. Sept. 17. 1959. police \v ere sum111oned lo a lounge on the n·e~t side of !he ci!.t·-\Vil · nesses reported a miln had been loaded 1nlo a car and dril'en away. There were pools of blood at th,. lounge "l\'ot long ~Iler. a man iden- tified as Magdaleno All•iso, 2J - \ear~·old a1 !hr tin1t". wa.~ brnught tn Robed 8. Cr·een organized crime has corne to • Hawaii. Since 1%2. there hal"e · SHA PE UP been 20 confirmed gangh\nd killings, nine mi~sing persons .~ believed In be victim:5 of the "~yndicate'' and 6 c11r bom- bings . • WITH A NEW SH I' To t1vlv e your 5099Y \ummer ~p ir!t ,, pic k out • new 1hirt from J •c.k l id. well's n1wesf e rrlveh, You c•n choot• Pacific Goldfish Farm from: I. • 1i1111y new body shi rt, a nea t now print in red, navy or brown. $10. [i(J' AUGUST · ·7 KOi l? SALE "~$1so t• $5000 ~ r;::=::::,.,,j ::----~~===i IAIY KOi WATIR .:u::~uM 1 O. $ 3.50 HYACINTH covu a 25 • $ 8.00 ITAITlll tlf so. $15.00 WATll I 00 • $28.00 UTTUCE $9.95 O,lN DAllT 10·.S 2. • soft luxurious red velour shirt, with e button front e nd long sleeves, et SI b. 3. the perfe ct dreis shirl for fe ll, soft stripes in blu•. pink or beige, e t S l r. '4. e neat T.shirt withe bend of fl ower\ ereund if, in e1sorted colors, $5. Who els• wo uld heve it bu t J ec.k ? 31b7 Via Hospital. \\.'ounded in the head bv a gunshot. As a result of the wound, the man became a p.11 r11plegit' "The next day police ar- rested a m.1111 and booked hi m (or assaul t to m u r d e r • However. in July 1960. a grand jury no-billed the 1nen." COME SEE THE SELECTION I W11 ouvr• you 1~01 w• ~-•h• lorgut disploy you'•• ••er .... n ol ony o"• 1i111e, induGo~t I~• UIH/'111011 Every ti111 <1rid thope to •••. feel <inti le11ch, No '"°" to~loO 1hoppin<1 n•c•uory. Se•- ing i• b11ntvl~g. DISCOUNT PRICE w, h$Yt ail nll the forn:y frllh 1hor (OI! YOU clollor•. N. (Orp11!il'IQ--f'O f11ncy •howreom. Jusl bolter ptic111 <1"d '""'· lion i1 whot ycu'll •••· lmmedkll• d .. fiY•ry "' pi<l up l••c•pl O!I oelt n.,,,. .... ~tn d....no"d lfl<ly be grH1or th11t1 •upply "" ho ndJ OUR WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM Our -•llhou1t ..,.,.,.,._, h 1 S,000 llllf· ~. d1t11!H I• i"" on• tpeci•I futllilure product. You-• ii IO )'ouoa!f N vi.it the lor1111t dilf'lcry •f dtn•"• Hh, 90'fl• •'11, dinill(I Mii, ban end 1!e0!1 b.f••• yo u bvy. Oinlno ''""from S3J 10 SJOOO, :iom~•h.ino far.••~- OPEN 7 DAYS AWllK MOllJ.\ Y nllU mDA T TOiOO A.M. It l:JO P.M.. SATIMDAYlU•SUJeAT JIOON.J ALL ARE WELCOME CHILD CARE PROVIDED COME AS YOU ARE M t On, 1hr only Os S•t. Aug. 21 10 A.M. 'til gone Makes a Unusual Offer. • • Th•'' fir'! two it•nu ore th t b•ginning o f o ur "Traffic: Getter1' bi.rys. Becous• of o ur vent whol•sol• conn•ctions, we will otter i1 ems lo you ot TREMENDOUS DISCOUNTS. ln foci, we wi!I NE VER MA KE ANY PROF IT on ony "Traffic. Getter'' m•rchondise. Pteose !ell our sol•t men what t!ems you would 11 ~e us to purchos• ond sell to yo u on !he "Traffic Getter'' no profit deol. This w;11 bt our woy of soying th onk1 to o!I of you_ Pl•ose note · "Traffic G•tter" it•ms nre in llm11ed quon1•r 1e~-so Flr{ST COME, fl .ST GfT, Plecue don'I l:f ongry ii you come lo!e ond oil js gone. Thank you, Wotch for our ne:w;t Cus!om Dinette "Traffic Getter" Buy. 5 POUND LUER CANNED HAM $ 3 75 WITH THIS COUPON Sit Aug. 21 Only llMnlO 10 1,.000 HAMS IN JJOCK 0"• Ha'" t or '0..,,1, Muoi .. 11 •• 014•• SATURDAY ONLY! 24 Can Case of CANADA DRY s1a9 P" C1s1 CHOICE OF FLAVORS Sat., Aog. 21 Only UMnlo 10 100 CASI' IN SJOCK ll .. lt ' ,.,. ""'' 1 ...... "'~'' &o !I r,,.•• Old"' 18085 EUCLID ST. FOUNTAIN VALLEY ~ SAN DIEGO FRElWAY J.NO • ~ EUCUO ST. TV'NOff 962-3325 or 546-1611 , ) • DAILV PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Save Ever since v.•nrkmcn set the last slone on the grare· ful Huntin.s:-ton P-earh l·ligh SC.boo! tower ln 1926. 113 jmage has been associated with the city of Huntinglon Beach. Son1e have ~ug gcsled it is the clly's only landmark next to lhe profusion of oil detricks and the municipal pier. 11 ma.v not be n1uch lo n~er . 1'he Mcdilcrranean-lilyle bell \O\.\'er and adjarent audiloriu n1 and cl assrnnn1 v.•i n,g are rnns1d ered unsafe under the Field .:\ct. \l'hich specifies that i:;chool build· 1ngs must be earthquake prnof. .'\lthough the \O\.\'er ;ind the other buildings ~11 1th · stood numerous temblors. including the devaslaling 193:1 earthquake. sc hool district IJ'Uslees have been faced with the prospect of either shoring it up or demolishing ir ~l ore retentl\', the cH~trici'.s ne\.11 architecli:; have E.uggesled 1hal the. lowe r and _old s~hool faca ~e could he retained while a nrv.· i;.chnnl is bui lt beh1nr1 1\. That .:i.ppears In be an exrellenl idea. It \.\•oulc1 .~ervc Lhe needs of 1he educator~ by rrnv1ding more effir.icn1 buildings '"'hile at lhe same time preserving .some of the city's history Resc uin g th e Forgotten L!11til the Free l"lelp ("linir opened 1Ls doors last April. the doctor's sign always re ad ··out." for Hunting· ton Beach's fo rj!otl en people. They are the long-haired youths. pre.t;nan r girls, e lderly peof)le a nd even t he occasional unemployed aero· Epace "'"orkcr \l'ho share the common bond of pover!y. Despite great odds. in less than four month~ !he converted vacuum cleaner shop at 222 Fifth Sl h;i,o; be· come a medical sucress. Bell Tower sons treated for various problems. The clinic. support.er! en lirely hy don.a lions. pro- vi des med icaJ help and counseling se rvices to anyone in need. without asking questions. Surprisi ngly, more than 50 percent of the patients are residents of Huntington Beach. \.Yhil e it is unfort unate that. so rnany poople of this. ;iffluent society have no other place In turn. ll 1.~ also enco uraging tha1 lhose persons in genuine need of med· iral help havE' been rescued from the realm of the for· gotte n. 1'he f 'our-da y Work \V eek ·rhe first anr1 natural reaction of many taxpayers on le arning that a rnur-day "'orli week is heing st udiec1 fnr Huntington Beach city employes must h;ive been some· thing like. "\Vhat. right afte r t hey ~of a pay ra1.~e ~" Once that hai:; bern sa id, one can 1hen c·oni:;1rler the concept 1nore properly fnr :1 1li a ~ro\\'1 n g practice in private enterprise and "'arrants examination on ho\v il 1night be applied to public agenci£:'s. 1'he q11e.sllon ls, "'ould there he an increase in effi cienry. an increase 1n public servi<'e'' ln many areas, !he ans\l'er. aprarcnlly, ii; _vcs. Sinre the pl;in ca l]<; for a IO·hour rlay. cit_v hall wnul ct be open rrom 7 a m. to 6 p.m and nf course the shif lli would he arran,i::ed ~Cl it v.•nulrl appl y Monda.v throtigh Fri<lay. \\lriter and bul1d1n,C in~pcetors mia-ht accomplish more if I.he s1.;irt.ing and !ilopping tune lli ru1 off at lcai:;t cine v..1eek d ay. Conversel\'. ~u rvey crelvr-, in thr public \\IDrks de· pa rl.ment might find the schedu!r 1mpr;ictical i:;incc the~' h;ive tn dnvetail their hours to the normal \vork day of contractors. / .,.,.., ~.:t>.....> It isn't reflected in the clini c's accnunl books bul i~ rather mcast1rc d in terms of no fe\ver than 3.700 per· . . There are. in fart, many in triguing poss1hilitiei:; anr1 11 l~ In l-l untingtnn Be;i rh'i; credrt that thE' city n1anage· men!. has fhe imagination to examine them. H 'THE IDEA IS TO CONTOOL IT WITHOUT B ~EAl(ING ITS SPIRIT.' Ge11eric Nu nie Cun B eu Se111antic Si11 f Sydney J. Harris I Noticing lhe playbi lls I brought back from a thealer-going trip 10 New York this spring, one of m.v chtlrlrrn rem.:r.rkerl that none or 1he theater.<1. I attendl'd '-'"3:< localed on "Broad'-'·;:r,y.·· I explained that "Broarlway · was 1u~t a generic name for the New York the ater, and that Actually 95 pcrce.nt of Ole Oleal.ers arr no side s!ree!s in the 4-0's. In the same 1\•av. eve n dur ing 1he hc.v· day of !he movie.~. there v.·ere onl,v orie or two stu dios in ''Hollyv.·ood.'" T h,. rest were in othe.r subu rbs of Los An- geles. but Lhe whole industry v.·as refer - red t.o as "Hollyv.·ood. ·· Likewise, we. still speak ol "i\·lacl 1son Avenue" as the locus of the .::ictverus\n~ business. when three-fourths or the bl~· gest agencies are on J.ex1nµ.1on or Third Avenue or other streetli th.an i\\ad1snn . THERE IS a tremendous psyrhologieal need 10 codify and caicgnnze and label all things. even when thr lahr1 docsn'1 correspond to reali1 y. Thi~ brs:1n~ ii' ;:i handy dev ice, hut 11 of1£'n ends 1n nor lilk · ing !he label [or Lhe rcal1!\ -v.·h1rh 1.~ one of tlie ~ea l ~emant ir !"l n~ ir1 human cnmmun1ra1!on \\"e t:an scr the. <ta11gPf rlr;ir l\' 1n -urh popular medical terin ~ a!. · heart arra ck"' Dear Gloo111v Gus H;i.~ Hun!lngtnn Rr;1rh PVPr rnn- sidererl selling lanrl IL h::i.~ bou1!hl for lhP Top nf the Pier plan lo the stale. for a frec>1•ay" -1. L .J Tt.1• !~~•u•• ••nee" ... 1a1•1' "'""''' "•I n~t,,,.,,1v o~o'~ of '"" "e"''"ID~• .. .S@"~ rour ""'t 1>e1v1 ta Gloa,.,y Guo, Dlilv l'llot. nr ··1·anrrr" -which ;ire o!lrn 1m- prer1se. n11slt>arhnµ. and lngh!ening labPI~ of little rl1n1c;1I \·;:i!ur \Vh;.1 lhP puhl1r l110srly ri:iH~ a "hear! ;it!ack " c;in bP an.v nnr nf ;i half-<101.rn cl1flerent ailmen1s. 10 .~nme or "'h1r ti 1hc he;irt m;iy hf only cas11<1\ly invn!vcd . Anrl •·1·anrcr" 1~ ;i i::cncric name fnr ;:i variety of malignant grnw\h.~. ran_e - !OJ: from the easily trcat;ible ro the in- curable. Ru! mnst nf u.~ respond In th~ word rather than Lq lhe n1cd1cal acr 11<1 llly. YOU l\1A l' RECALL lhc s1n1·y nf 1t1r y.•on1an \\'ho returned ln 1hc rlnr.lor·s of- fi ce a wf'ek after shP had Lakcn ;:i lr~t there. "Ah. J\1 rs .Jones.'· ~;iirl the doclnr. "! have good nc.,••s for yo11 " "J\1y ni:imr ili i\1 iss .Jones."' sa1rl 1he woman "Wl'll. ,l\tiss Jonei:;," rep!ird the doctor . "\ hal'C bad ne.ws for ynu · And. of rnur.~r, thr r!<1SSll' slnr~' about the way we 11\'P by labels more than hy reAl1ty concern~ the nlcl pea.~ant wholit" f;irm v.·;:i.~ on the Huss1an-Pnlish OOrdrr rl 11rini:: !hr long rnnflic1 hef'-'·rrn rhosr :-!ales ,\s 1he bat11cli cont1nucd back and forth , hL" land kPpl eh;1ng1ng sides. from Russ1;i 10 Poland. and htirk again Vinall:-;. !hr Poles conqucrerl. ;ind ?..~ !hr ;:irn1v lrtt. lht• 1·nmn1and1ng nlf1rrr ,is~urcd the farn1rr 1h;1t hr wa~ no\\' ~afP ­ I\ ;inrl pern1.:i.ncn!I~· 10 Pol 1~h lf'fr1!11r..-. '·Thank [,nd,·· "illrl lhr ft1 rn1r r · \'nw nn n1ore of those icrriblr fl u.~si;in 111n!rrs"' Inside Deve loprr1,ents WAS HI NGTOf\' -Prrs1drnl ;\1>-:nn ~ flew economic pol1ci!!S, ~·hn.:h '-''11! alfrrt the pocketbnok of every Amenc;in. are still being shape.d in the backroom~ nl Washington . Here art the inside deieloprnrnu;. -The Pre:;idr nr has ord e rert lhP n~essary prepara- tions to ex1end tM wage -price -rent freeze order ;it lht end of 90 days. Hr will take anolher look a1 the economir indicator~ and will t.xamine the enfnrcl'- ment problems beforr 1'1e decides whether to continue tht freeze . -THE PR ESJD E"'T hti~ expre.sserl private concern !hat the l' $. ma.v become a second-eta:'>~ rrnnomir power unless prod uctivity io; 1ncre;iscrl Thi~ rnean! American mi\naJilers ;inrl wnr~f'r~ must boost lheir nutpul or lhr CS. v.·ill be surpassed by thf' wor111·~ other ~real industrial nalions. Alreerlv, the harrier workin& .Japanesr anrl Gt>rmAn~ h~1·e productd better goorts frrr \rs~ rnst. The ir lncre1sed u lei havt lnret'rl American planU: to 11tiul down and hll \'t thrown American worke~ out n( jnb.'. If the tte.nd conUnu~. the Pre.'lidt"nt fea r~. !he U.S. will !OM U .. • sLlndinA; as the 'll'Orld 's 1reate1t lndW!llria1 power. -' INSIDERS SA 't' I.ht rre.s1i1rnt faAhioned hls new economic pro~ram tr.Uhout ronsulling Vire Presidrnl Agne1,1·, u'ho hea ds Ult Cabi net Council nn Economic Policy. The Vice. President wa! ( 1.Jack Andersou io1nt1•e(! 1n thr lnunr 11":0-<'l'nnnn1ic rlehbf>r;itions. but he wa:<;n·1 brnught 111 nn !he final pl;1nn1ni:;. Hr wasn·r pven lnvi trrl In Camp Da,•1rl for 1hr disru.~s1nns that !t'il to lhe PrcSHlent '.' clrama1ir 11.n- nnuncen1ent. A spoke.~mnn pn1nted 011!. nf rnursr. th;iL Agnrw hil.~ oo direc t responsibility for fiscal polic). -ONE \VHO p11.rt1 c-1patcd 10 !he Cilmp naricl di~cussions ~·;i:i; Tr e a s u r y l:ndrrsecrr1ary Pil ul Vnlck('r. R fnrrnrr v1r(' president nf ChasP tl-1an h;iUan B11nk. \\•ho 1s regarded insid<' thf' Treasury Departm!'n! as a champion of !ht> bank· inJ,1 interests. Jt ma.v br ~ililnific;:r,nt 1hat. in leresl rates v.•cre ri.:cmpterl from 1h,. frerze order. Bank:«. ca n ~n nn bom;t1niz lhf'1r profils thcrrfnrc. 1,1•h1lc ~·ages. priers and rents are frozen -PR ESIDF.NT NIXOf\" i:i; r<'porterl !n ht partirularlv upset over the nppns1r1on nf AfL·CIO Prl"!s1rlcnt Geor~e f.1eany in hi.'. rrnnom1r mov~. Th' nlrt curmurl~cnn nl 1hr labor movcmen1 has been su rly in lhe hackroom s. In lht Brnnx-accenlc:'.'ri l.itni;i.uagr of lhe plumber ht once w11.~. hr h;i s brnkrn up more than one mttli11R "i!h Arlm1n1s1rallnn 0tf1ri11.ls h_v ~rumpini;i. th;i1 !hr Pres1clr11t has m1sh;ind\ec1 lhr trnnomy Aftrr .it rrcrn1 srs~inn Y.'11h Labor Sef'rcl;:iry .lamr.' Horli:snn. J\le11ny rln11rly refused to pose ~·1th hlm for picture~. E111.e1•9e11.cy Actio11 Pleases Btrr11s Objective: General Price Stability \\IASHlNGTON -The chairman n( lhe FrclrrAl RcsrrvP Board. Dr. Arth11r F. Rurn s. 1.~ eminen1l.1• p)rasef1 111 j th Pr-esiden l Ni.~rin·s rn1rrgenry ar!1nn nn !he :;!::tie nl lhr eennomy, anrl 1·ighlly ~n. Ha rfily i:inyth1ng allurlcd !n hy nr. l3111·n!o! 1n hL~ J1t;1!cmcn1 tn the .Jnin1 F:cnr1 nm1c Cnn1miHec nf Congress nn .J111.v 2.1 11'ilS ll'fl n11! of the PresidenL·s ne w econn1111c p<tlit'V If Dr Rurns ' 101111- r nce conttnurs to hr rnntrnlli n.i;, the l\/1x- nn ;:irlm1n1s1ra 11nn will rlr v1sr in rhe prrsenl 00-rl;i v Will!I'· pnre I ree1e prr 1ocl ;:i m n re permilnen! m r ch~ n 1 ~ m ff\r chrrk1n_e wage ;inrl pri er 1nrrra~r .... This IS \\'ha! nr llurns Wil01 <;. lhr beginn1n~.~ of an '·iocninrs policy.'' In n1akr rhe rran ,,i11nn 10 grnrrill rrirr st;ibi lit.v. Surh .~1;ibil11y 1s ad11111t1•dly a lnng wa .v finll'n rhp mart. Thrreforr it i.~ rr;i~nn;ihlr In 4·011cluc!r th;il ii nrw inrch.:r.n1~m fn r· wai::r-f)rl!'" ('011t.rnl I." likely to bccnn1r a clurahlr feature ;inrt this is a radical dcp:i1·111re fron1 pas! pol icies rOLITICAL SE1\1AJ\'TI CS bc 1nc 11•hal I.he~ are., the Preside[l( and his sccretarv Hi ch;ird Wilson of ll1r I rr.;1sur~ can sa.v the~' ncvr.r will go for \l'il!:C-pncc control Th ey can even 111<11111ain !hat !.he prcscn1 freeze. is not w;igc-1lri Ce cnntrnl \Vhen the,Y speak 1his wa\' 1hrv r·an br rrfcrring In rhe ng1cl 1nrrh;in1.~m~ nf \Vnrlrl War II. with ril- noning 1nf·l11df'cl. anrl s\\·e ar !h;il it shall nr1·rr h;ippcn ;iga1n. al lrasl 111 pr.ar·rt1mr Ha vin g ~;i 1r1 all 1111~. 1hry t'illl I hen rurn ffl wh;it Or Rurns 1,1;101.~ Y.•hirh 1.~ ~Orlll'lh1ng mnrr th;:in 1;1w-bon1ng rir J!\1irlrl 1nl'~ anrt ~nmc1h1ng lrss rhan w;:i!_!e- pricr rc1!ulat1on 1\•hu:.h hf' w 1 \ 1 1111cln11h1cd l~ ou1l1nr ,,, ~rr;i1er cxplic1t- nr~.~ ri11r1ng !hr 00-day frrczc so th ar thf'rr 11·111 hC' i;n111r thing to put 1n1n cffl'CI fnll ri w1ng II \\lh~lrvrr t.hr words 11~rf1 In rfcsfribl' 11 . 1hr nr11• mcch:in1.~m In be effcel.i\•P '-''il l h~1'r to hr rrsprrtrn b.v lhP maJnr in· d11'ilrrc~ of Lht:> tn11nrrv. llllT . 1\lORF: THA N THAT, 11 11·tll h;ivr !fl hr rrspf'rlrrl h_v !.ht> ni;ijnr la!)n r union.~. nr Rurn~ ~u.~rt'cts H1a1 tht>re has brcn a gr;idual shif! nr power al the bargaining 1able. in favor or labor. Managemen t reprrsentativr .. ~ have been cavi ng in 1-1•i1h regul arity . fearful nf ln~­ in_e preferred m;irket pn:;i linns lhrnui::h lnn~ strike.~ ;ind awilre !h;il. pubtir '-''C lfare pro~ram.'i ran be used to sustain men on the picket lines. The resul! has been ~ :;harpe.r lh;in t1s11al increase in wage~ in1m Pdiate!y follnwcrl by pnce increase~ 10 a s!.:i.gnant econnmy. wh'1rh IS ;igainst ;:r,11 !he rulr" Tht c:nnrl1t1nn Or , Rurns has brtn rlest:nb1ng. ;ilth<ur~h 1he.~e are nnl h1~ 11nrrls, is tha1 of ro!lce11ve b;irg;i inin~ in 1-1•h1ch labor runs off \.\'i1h ;ill the hargatn~ 1,11h1le prier!\ ri.~e. profit.~ fall ilnrl 11nemplnymC'nl inC'rea.~r.~ Ao inrnmcs policy . .11t 1h1~ st.agr nl 1hc prnceerling~. mus• n1e;H1 prhntinlv !hr rrslraint of n1ajnr industry wa,(!C 1n- rrrasc.~ and l'ecnnrl;iril.v lhe res1rain1 nf pri er incrrtisrs Thal i~ nnl popular. Mil· Jnr inrf11stry l;ihnr ncgnti a1nrs h<1ve gol!rn 1hr1r harga1n.~ ;ilrc;irty t h1.~ year rn thr fnrn1 nf v:;ige increa.'ic.~ nf 12 percent ;inrl nlnrr tfl lhr fir.~! yc;:i r :incl mou nting up in 1hr Sl'f'flnd ancl third yc;ir~. Tll J<: llARl.l FACT THAT the N1;.:nn .id- minlstr~hnn ha~ cnl t.n facf' aftrr thr prire frcc7.P i.' rncl rtl 1~ A ~hn1vclnwn \11ith organizerl labor or else. adm11 thal 1t can- nn! 1·opr 1-1·1th "thr mns\ difficul; ernnnmir issuP of our 11mp ·· A µresiclenfi;il elrclinn .vea r 1~ ;:i h11f. time tn h;i ve 1n rln !.hL~ h111 N1xrin ha.~ 1111 Alterna11ve 11o!e.~~ hr desires annthe.r frus1 ra!rrl "grin1e pl;111 ·· Org<1n i1.erl labor w1\I b<' <lcfi;inl 1f th" stalc.mcn1li nf \ts !ead('r~ c0mn1rntini:: on the Ni;.:nn prngrilrn .'lrr ;in 1nrl1 cilt1nn Ni;;:nn 1::. illTU!il'rl uf discrimination ;igainst workers \1•h1le g-\v1n~ 1nd11 ~1ry ~ lilx bonan1,;:i, although rhe 1nvPs!1r1t•n1 t;it rrerlit 1s nnl il hnn;in7.~ hlit ;i nr.,·1ce !• .s1 irnula1e en1plo 11nrn1 T\\TO PliRPOSES 1,1·rre r1·1f1 rn1 10 N11t:- nn 's f1n:il clcr1s1 nn ln clrp11rt lrnm hi.~ nn- ;ie11nn pol 1l'\ ;1nnn11 n1-rrl hv Srrr('l;irv Conn;illy nn (r ;i fe 1-1· \11erk.s 'r;irlirr. Th" firs1 v.·~s to r h;:ingr !hf' 1nfl;i11nnt1rt/ rsychnlot;~' of lhr t•n11nlr1• anrl 1n1p~~ rnnf1rlPnt·r in rffcc11\r ac·11on hv thr ~nvernn1c111 Thr succe.~s of 1hri! rUrpn.~ll will be meas111"cd if inlrre~! rates rnmr rinwn. Thr srr·n11rl 111:i 1nr 1111rpn<>r w:is 11'1 in1pnsr -a 'i!.3n!i.'ir1ll nn \\'il~r~ ;ind prier,, fnr ft tl1ref' mnnlhs prnod rl11r1n.i:; 11•hrr·h nr11• niarh1nr1·y 1·n11lrl hr <if'1'1~ed tll c·nn- tr(ll \\'age ;:inrl pri t•r 1nnvrmenrs The .s11r· r·c'.~S.. nf th1~ p11rj"l{l~r "''111 ~<· rnra,~urrrl hv t.hr rffel·rivenrsJ1 nr ;1111' nrw 1nrch;1n is m in ar1"e.~11n_g rsc;ila1ing wages lci:iding I!' escalating prices Relations With Japan Are Souring An un1ntrnl lnna1 re~u!I 111 p~,·~1r1rn l \1i.:nn·!" Ping:-Pnni:: rliplnn1;1c1· ;inrl or11• rrnnnn11r pkln h;is hrrn 111 push .1 ri p;H1 rlnsrr !n h1t 1lcl1ng 1111C'lr;ir 11·r;1pnn'" Th111 .l;ip;1n h.::i~ lhr lf'f'hn11";il k111111.h .. 11 lf1 1.,111 !hr nurlr;ir l'luh lli nnl rl rn 1hl!•d \ nlil nnw hn11P\'f'f . ;i H1rn~h11na cnn1pll'~ h:o ~ 111.adr ;:itnn11r 1vraponr:-; pnli1ir ;ill \' 1111;ir rrpl.:thle ~·1or!'nver, .!ap;in h;is hr<'ll ;:ihlr In l'f'l.v on (hP t.:ni1cf1 Si.;i1i·s l!I! 11.~ drfrnsr Hui Tnkvn is h;:iv1ng !fl rC'\ 1rw nl rl A~surnnrinn~ 1n thr 1,1·;:ikr nf f'rt·~1rlP11! N1~nn ·~ f1i>r1s1nns In visit mn!nlancl ('h1n;i anrl 1n di.~rnura~r ,];:ipane.~r "~pnr!s In lhr l' ~ with 9 1fl percent su rcharc.c In illl,\" futurr lihn•11dnwn be:tv.·rcn Japan ;inrl Chin::i, for example. rnuld T n k v n ;:iulnmatic;illy assumr lh;i t the l'n1reri S!;ilc.~ wnuld lake .Ja pan's side~ And rlnrsn'1 N1 ~nn·~ nrw ChlnA pnlir~· rnnt1rm the 1·iew lhar only nations '.l'ith nuclear Hy 6 eor·y e ---, Dr;ir <ieorge· 1 i:im a llepublic;in. ronser\·at 1\·r. ol rl ·fashinned and :1 1cetnt;ilrr. ~1v )!"irl i~ Democrat. .:t hippie. mnctr rn and lo..-es high Jil•inc J\1 v prnhlc111 i~ r.hi~. r>r. ynu think 1,1•p h.:ivP ~ rhance of v.·;ilking in h~rmnn.Y df11\'ll IHe's pathway" \VQNDE R!NC; Drar WnndP.rin~; l)(ln "t hr R{Xlloj!"el1r ;ihnu l hc1nc a Republican and maybe nnborly 1,1·ill r'IOtice. Dca'r Geof~e · I think your advice lo ~lrl s "'<IS rretty slupid . ~bout oever let11n~ !ht guy kiss hrr on lhP firsl rnuple nf da1e~ i\-ly wife Anrl I never harl A rlAlt' before wr ~·ere marrird. and now ~he slaps me e\'Cry nii:hr whrn I Rel hQmr from wnrk . Mind yn11r 11'-''n busines~: FURI OUS [)('RT Fur1ou~· L'h. <irtuall)', 1 didn ·1 mr;:in a .ci r! ~hnulrl nevrr kif-:«. 1f -tln ~rrnntl lllciu~h1. fnr~ct ii An,v mnrr nrl virP In l'it.hP.r nl you L~ 1usl j:OlllR tri r(\mplic11 lt malf¥r~ furthe.r Edi torial RPsParch w1·;1p1u1• ;1rr enn s1drrrcl 'h1i:: pnwl'p>." 1\'IH"11ll fll ff'Spi'rl" T H~: SOL'l!l \:r; <11" rrlall11ns hrtwrrn .l:i p:1n :inrl !hr l'n1lrcl :;ia1r~ is nor nl thr rnn.~1 cl!'!llt:1'rn11~ 1n !e rn ;il1 nn ;il dr1rlnpn1pnf ~ 111 rrr-rnr .vrars Mutual tn1s1 1.~ l;11 ·k1ni::. T0kvn lrars a rralign- mrnl of forf'r~ 111 !hl' Far F:il.~t pitting the l n1trf1 Statri; ilnrl China ;11:;11nsL .l;ipan. rh1nr:o;1> rrro1irr Chou En·lt1i rnrour<'IJ;Ni lhl')<P ff':ir~ 1n his reren1 rnnl'ersatinn wirh \r1,1• \'nrk T1111"s1n;1n .lamrs Rrstnn Chou ·.~ rnmpla111ts 2bout a possible rrsurgcncP nr .J;ipancsr mil itarism sui::- .crs1ed !hat he m1gh1 hf> ~ef'kln.I! a L.S · China .:tlii;nmrnt ;ii::;:i1n.~! Tok yo F;:iilurc nf lhf' 'IJ 1xnn ;:iclm1111s!rilllnn !fl i·nn.~ult w11h it~ alt_\', .l.:tpil n 1n ad1anrp ril rhr Chin;i 1np dc1·1siPn h;:is rin\v ~erl'Pd In incrc;>.~r Tok~·n·.~ Al;irm. Almnsl 1n rlr.~prr;1t1nn. .J;ip;inrsc l<';irlcrs ii r r 1niinruvcr111g fnr a vi.~1t tr0m Prcs1ctrnl. !\1~n11 hcfnrr he goes In Pr.kin~ .!;111J1n 's ;in1h;ii;s;idor tn !hr Un1lrr1 S1n1l.'~. Nnhuhiko l]i;hiba. lnld !he N.:t· 11nnal rrr.~i; Cl ub nn Aug. 11 · · Thr onl y rcmerly for !.he prev;iiling .fapanr.se r+l - mn!iphrrP nf unc;isinr.lis i,~ to shov.· hnw clnscly ;ind effeclil'cly the. two na 1 1nn~ cMrdinarr their pnlic1r~ ;ind rr.npcr;i !r v.•ifh rach other in the rnursr f)f coming f'Vrnt i;."" J APA/\''~ MILITAflY 1·;tp:1b1tiry ;it present ls limited to "sell-defense forces" Peril to Ba.sic Freedo1ns Thr n1cnar1ng sharw of lhe IRrm labor nr~11n1z1ni; clr1ve hrcJ1n1e rle;ir in !hr long. drawnn111 Californ ia table grape bn1·rntt Thi· lhrral tlf lh1s type of nrgan1z1ni;t !actir In· 1..: S cnn~umcrs. farm '-''nrker.~ and ai::ricu lt11r.:tl prnrluclivity ts clcscrihert 111 ii rolir.v J1!alemcn1 nf 1he America n Farm Rure?ii l"edrralinn. The stfl!Cmcnt. s;:iv~ 'Bnyrntl~ of a_gnr11!tural prnd11l'!s by laDnr unio ns eflcct1vclv Io re. c 1 n s e. nii1rkrt:o-for entire comioodities whether nr not 1nd1virtuRI producers may bf in· V(llvcd 1n ~ labor di spute-or hire any 1;ibor ;i1 ;11l-i1nd whether or not workers wanl !o join the union .... ""'F. H.ECOGNIZt prnducl boyC{lt~ A~ mnrkrl ~cizure~ that h.11ve assumtd many nf the rharticlerislics of social revnluUon rl1rrc1cd nor only Al lhc destruction of farm mRtkrl.~ bul the destruc\lon of the m;irkrl syl'lem t!:o<.rlf ~;lement~ of !hr. hn1'r:fllt lrarlrr:<h1p have npcnly callrcl for la nrl r<'f(lrm p1111erncd ;t,fter lhP hnrs of l~l l n Amrr1l'an r11nfl:<C'i'lt1nn fll priv ate prn1)Cr!r .... agr1cul1ur1• ;ind the nation Guest Editorial nlu.<:.I ;iw11krn to 1hi~ peril '"'hich hci;i.1ns 1-1•ith ;in assAult on f;irnicr~· markrts and C';:in rnrl in !he destruction nl our mil.rkrt ernnnmy." THE AMER ICAN ~·;irm R u r e ll II Federation strongly supports the enacl· mcnl of n:itlnnal legls htrinn izovcrnin~ farm-wnrker rtlalinns-legislation !h;it recn~n ir.es tht: distinclive problems nf agricult ure. The Farm Rureau offer~ !lpecllir guideline! to 11ch1evf' thi~ end in the. rlevelopment of f;i rm-l;ibnr legisla tion Emphasis Is on voluntarisn1 and !he pr.,_ 1rrlion nf I.hr r1J!hl.~ nf hn1h ~·orkcrs ;ind producers. lt."i rccnm mrodatinn~ are 1n 1101'. \1'1th 1he. prinr1plr Of Nln~llmf'r fft'P (' h 0 Ir " and 111" rCQ\Uremt'O\.~ or 9hn cullura! pnxh1rl1\•ity lndo~lr ial Ne w! n,1·lt • lh;it ;;rr 1nndr\I ltl n.:+l11rr ,\~ 11" f'fnnnmrr anrt r ul!urii! 1nfl1 1rni P -~rrrad., rhrn11c l10111 l·:;:i•I 1\~1;i Tnl.\n 1~ lrn1rtrrl to lr1 lhr .<1·mrrl lnr1T c ~rr r p;1rr 1\nrl .l ap.in ha~ ,·nn1r 111 rra l11" 111;11 ~n111r nr ii~ rl;11rn ~ In thr 1•'.;.i<;t ('h111 ;i Sr:i m:i1 pil l I! 1ntfl rnn 1rr•nr.111rin 11 11h n1;i111l;.nd Chtn;i. Al i.~,<:.ue 11 rr lhr ~l'n J..:ik11 l ~l;inrl <.. "hH'h Ch1n;i r·1;1 1m ~ hut 11 l11 rh .l.'1p:+11 1nlPt1'IJ1 In r;ikr o\'rr at lhr l1111r nl 1·r\'f'r ~1nn nf lh11 R1•11k.v11.~ 1111r lurl1ng (\k111;111';i 1 111 \~i2 ThP :;r;ihcd arn11nri !hr 'r 1~1 .:inrls 1~ hrlirvct1 In hr rwh 1n oil ;i rrliOUft'I?: whirh ni!-pntlr ,J;ipa11 m11~1 rx~1ln11. Prk1ni;:'!> J'rf')plr ~ f):u h· l a~I 11·1n1rr \\'arnrcl lh;i1 thr 1.~l;incl s Wf'rr "fh1n:i·~ ~acrrc1 trrr!l(lry Yr! .la ri;in ·~ nrfrn:o<.r D1rrftor C;encr,i!, \'p.~uh1 r.l ;\';ik ;i~nnr . hil~ l•s1ecl the i 6land~ 1n thr ~roi)(" 11! .Ja11:1n :< defense. Furthrr rnm11l1 r;1 t1ni,: the .~1ru;:i ­ hoo , I.hp Nil l innalt~1 \.h1nr~r izov ... rnmrnl 11nrl S<>uth J\pre;i also arr 1ncke\·in i:: lnr pnsilfnn nn thr J::;ii;t Ch1n.:t Sr;i ·~ eon · linrnl;:i! shrH. J~Pill\ nn lnnJ:rr t an rnunt ;i~ re;:idily on Linrlr S;:im tn prn!rrt l!~ in· tf'rcs!s 1n such cli ~p11!rs An ;:illernt1l1vr . nl cnlirse . i~ lo s1arl bu1ld1nc up 1 !~ 0"11 rnuscte. for the i;?amc nl pnwcr pollt1r~. OllANG>E COAST DAILY PILOT H<ibr ,·r /\'. \Verd. /'11b/1.~l1 rr Thn'"fl·~ l\rrvrl, Erlnnr .'\lhri r \\ ... Rnrr.~ f:rl1 tor1al Pngt f.:d11(lr Th .. rrh!"fl .. t f'il t?P "' th .. n:i1ll' r iln! ~rPk• to 1riln1·m ;inrl •IL1nu!;:i 1r 1"".1rl- f'r< hy prr•rnt1n:; 1h1< nrll •flll l"'r, ••n1ri1n11~ .lt1rl Mmn1rnl<1r\ no 11101r~ nr 1ntrrr.<t ;:inll ~1c111l1 r11nrr, t>1 fl r•>- \ tlilnc ;i fnr11n1 !11r "hr r\r1r«•lnn ot n11r rrarlrri · "fltn1nn~. ;i nti h1• pr,,. ~rntu1:.:: 1hr rl1•·rr<r "'"" pn1n1 • 11! 1n. lnrmri\ fl h•rr1·rr<o 11nrl Joiprtkr"111rn 1111 TOJllCS o/ lhr '1.11 ,I 't ' I • ... ~ ' . ' Ne rt Deaeh Today'• Fl•al ED,IJ ION N.Y. Steeb TEN CENTS Newport Planners 01( One-year High Ri·se Ban By CANDACE PEARSON OI 111• Dl llJ' 1"11111 $lilt Newport Beach ' p I a n n i n g com- missioners Thursday endorsed a one-year ban on high rise throughout the city while work progresses in updating the Newport general plan. A· public hearing on the ban, to be ac- <'Omplished through 11.n ordinance will be conducted on lhe proposal by planners Stpl. 2. F,Jnal approval will be needed fro m the city council. Commissioners endorsed the total one- year ban alter rejecting an earlier pro- posal for a two-year frttu within the boundaries of the Lower Newport Bay Civic District "'I'wo years i! too long for the depelopers:· Mid Co mmissioner William B. Martin, "but by one year we should know the ideas of our general plan and be able to decide from there.'' The cily has estimated it will take two year! to get the new ma11t.er plan PRESIDENT MIXES WITH CROWD AT EL TORO A Pause at Marine Base. Then On to San Clement~ Weary Nixon in County For T11r ee -wee k S tay B.v .IOHN VALTERZA 01 II•• Dll!y "!lol S!11! With his famil y waiting in the wings at the We stern Whlte House, President Nix· on touched dov"n Thursday afternoon in SAn Clemente appearing obviously weary but talkati ve just the same. Tiie chief executive launched his three· week working vacation with another public appearance tooay 11 s he and Gov. Ronald Reagan new lo Loma Linda In dedicate A new &ID-bed Veteran·s Administration Hnspllal. White House. Pre~ Secretary Ronald Ziegler gaid the facilily . to be operated in conj u TIC' Ii o n with 1Am11 Linda University's school of medicine, would rl!'place lhe Sylm.1r VA Hospital which was destroyed by an earthquake last Feb. 9. Nixon had a midmoming meeting vt'ith Plan11ers Okay Condominium At Ba lboa Site TM N"'port Beach Pl;inntng Cnmm1s- 11ot Thursday Approved p I a n s for 1 lhr~story, 24--unit condominium nn lhe tile of Balboa's former Rendezvous Ball· .-. Owner J ohn Konwiser. who acquired the1 property .. l 60Mit4 E. Ocean f'ront rec_tntly from Mr. and ~1rs. Ernest Neu- feld. said he lnteOOs to pot • ~ondo­ m1nium, nOl iip&rtml!'nts on the s1tf:. Konwl!l!r representf!d JAK Construe· llon Company, which will •IYJ build the U.foot stn1cturr. Konwi~~r 111gref'd with ~111H rl!'Commen· tlations th11r ht a!lempt tr. U5f' 11 plungtr· type elevator versus a cable ell!'vatar and elim inatr.. 1 lhree·foot 1rchitecfl1ral para· l"L Re~an on the ftrs ! day of a l.hree·week working vacation at the Western \Vh\te House lo discuss welfare reforms .!Ind the new economic policies outlined by the President last Sunday. Reagan is scheduled to leave soon on a trade mission to Asia. The meeting also will afford Nixon and Reagan an op- portunity to discus.s the political situation in California and Republican chances for success at the polls in this critical state in 1972. Today's trip cam!!' despite comments by Mr. Nixon late Thursday that he would re.!l and "have very few social functions" during his Mnual Jong visit to San Clemente. Before he joined hi! wifl!', Pat, daughter Julie Eisenhower and his Irish setter King Timahoe, President Nixon eagerly greeted Co11st Guard brass and their families, chatted wit h the son and daughter of National Security Adviser Dr. Henry Kls.-;inger, then commented on the nalion·s reaction lo thto! wage end price freeze. He ~trrs11ed ht' wa~ lmrre.~se<l ll-'ilh th" Y.'idespread public acccplancl!' and ~ur­ port for the drastic economy movr,.~ anrl 11dmilted he. expected some apposition ·'fr(l m some special interest groups" - especially organized labclr wh ich has set up 11 twwl over lhl!' wage frttie. As the visably weacy President patted childttn"s heads and 1txlok hands hill family waited in a green golf cart bebiDd the . thick walla aeparatlng the lftxon etlat. from the W'*"1 Whit. Hou,. of. fief': compler a~ ground1 . They did not jotn the President until Mr. Nlron 1ptd oU toward Lis car.a Piicifica. 8ol'for~ his cu&lnm e.lectrl(" t 1rt sped 11v.·ay Mr. Ni xon pokr..od fun at Dr. Kl••· inger·1 Stiitus t18 11 bachelor "Don"t dn anylhtng tonight I wouldn't dn. ·• !he President 1111id . adoptr..od, although City Manager Robert L. Wynn said this morning an interim plan can be ready in four months. Acting city attorney Dennis O'Neil said the new ordinance -if passed -may not be effective until alt.er t h e moratorium on building expires Nov. 18. "It will be very close," O'Nell said, ''There may be a six week or so time dif· ference." Commissioner W i J I i a m Hazewinkel said, "you couldn't have that much hap- pen in six weeks. No one will rush right in; lhey 're not ready to build now." City Council man Carl Kymla. chairm.al\ ol the Lower N~wport Bay Civic District study committee, who urged the two- year ban , said lh is morning, .. Those v.·ho lhink the high r ise pt.<>ple won't come in fnr permits during an y time period are naive :... they're ready to rol l." f\ymla, whn stil l suppnn s rhe two-year district hmit. said, .. The intent of the County Pair height limit on high rise was 00 protect an asset -primarily the shoreline. I can't sr..e how a height limit on such pro- perty as Emkay Company holds near the airport is realistiC'." The district ocdina~ can still bt: enacted. O'Neil said. But' no further action can be taken unless .an appeal is filed with the city council within 15 days, he said. "lf that is lhe case," Kym1a said, •·1 obviously intend to appeal it to the coun· Win cit -no question about it. "I feel very strongly ilbout it." be eon-- linued ... And I feel strongly thlt the com· mission wasn't looking at the rul picture -which is preserving a public ilsset." But some commissioners Tbur.t.ay were not sure the boundarie.s covering district shoreline development cnly were falr. Co mmissioner Will iam Agtt supported l\!artin 's resnlullon , contending thlt the !See HIGH RISE, Paae !) Delay Battin, Caspers Contempt Hearing Put Off By ro:.t BARLEY Of I~• 0 11"' PIH!t Sllfl A plea by Orange County supervis ors Robert Battin and Ronald Caspers for a <lelay of the hearing on contempt charges filed against them by I.h e League of CitJei:; was granted today by Superior Court Presiding Judge \Villiam C. Speirs. Both board members successfully argued through Deputy County Counsel Arthur C. Wahlstedl Jr. that they had had insufficient time to prepare their U.S . Could Twist Arnis Over Freeze from Wire Secvir.e& WASHINGTON -Tht: administration said today it would use. the gove rnment's 1100 billion a year purchasing power tn force businesses to comply with Pres1· dent Nixon's wage-price frcezP Bul almost as Caspar W. Vt'ei nbe rger. !he chief U.S. budget writer was revc<1I· ini;: the government's threal In use if:- muscle, organized labor and consumrr advocate Ralph 'Nader wrre calling th~ new policy "elitist" and "a tax: \.\'i11d!all for big business." Weinberger. deputy director nf !he Of· fice of Management and Budget and chairman of the Regulations a n d PurC'hasing Review Board. said the board's formal order direcJs._..purchasing flfficers to consid~a decisive lac· tor' 11;hether firms doing business v.·it h the gov ernment comply v.·ith the v.·age·price- renl freeze in all of their business deal· in;{S. Thf' Bureau or L.:ihor i:;tati:;l 1r~. ttl"'ilnw hile, annnunceri 1hat lhr rni;t nf livin,i:: rose 11 mnrier2J.e n 2 pf'rrrnt in ,Julv -the last full mon1h lx'fnre N1xon·s 1m· poi;i tion of the wage-price frr!'ze last Sun· da~. Nixon·s nev.· pnlicie~ are dcsi,5;ned tn sWp a rapid incre ase in thP cnst of living. which rose n.fi percent in June and O ~ percent in f.lay. Nixon said Thursday v.·hen he arrived al the \Vestem Whiff': llouse aft er a five· :i;tate swing that he expected the op· position of "special in terest J!'.roups. ·• But he said: "The overwhelmin g majority favor what we are doing.·• The. AFL-CIO and the AF'L·CIO's ch1r.f congressional lobbyist Former Rep. Andrew J. Biemiller (0~\\1 is. I, said on na· tionwidl!' television that NiKon·s '-'Conom 1c policies wl!'re "nnthlng but ::i J(iveaway. a <See FREEZE. Page 21 A pollo Craft Already Gone Sorry folks. the Apollo XV com- mand module went through Orange Counly early thii:; mo rning and hardly anyone got a IClOk tit it, Officials of North American Rockwell said the modulP. wa~ transported early in !he morning instead af mid-day as predi rr.ed . hecau:iie It took up two Janei:; of the highway and they didn 't wsnt to block traffic. Thursday. Rockv.·ell authoritiei:; said lhe mod ule., which carried astronauts Davld R. Scott, Alfred M. Wordtn and James B. Irwin tc lhe moon and back earlier this month, would leave San Diego between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. However, Newport. Stach Police. &aid today tbe module pasHd through their town about 4:30 a.m. A truck carried the 11,000·pound mod ul,_. up P11cifir Co::i~t Highw11 y lri the North American Rockwell plant Jn Downey. • -•I ,~'~*'" defense against the allegation and sub- poena witnesses on their behalf. Judf:e Speiri:; i:;et lhe hearing fnr Sept. 7 nver the strenuous objections nf League .:11lorneys Tom \Voodruff and Tom Stewart. "This will be the format from now on," Woodruff commented outside the courtroom. "These people will try to delay this contempt action by every means possible." Judge Spears action followed the filing bv WahlslE'dt of an affidavit of prejudice against Superior Court Judge J . E. T. '"Ned " Rutter who had been assigned to the contempt hearing . But Judge Speir~ made it clear that the delay will not affect Monday's hearing into the oction filed against Ballin, Gas· pers and Hycle by !ht league. That hearing, which is expected to finally determine the legalit.y or otherwise of the present Local Agency Formation Commission. is scheduled for Lt. Calley's Life Term Reduced to Twenty Years Ft. tlcPHERSON, Ga . (AP) -Lt. William L.. Calley Jr. 's Ill' aerrteoce for murdering 22 Vielnemei:;e civilians ilt My Lai was r!Jluced to 20 years today by the 3rd Army commanding general. Lt. Gen. Albert 0. Connor, the first of- f1cPr to reviev,r the ease. said the reduc· lion •·was appropriate for the offenses." The case now Roea up a chain of review endini: wil.h President Nixon and further reduction i:i; possible. Calley, 28 . ha s been confined lo his riuarlcrs al FL Benning. Ga .. since his ronviction nearly five months ago. He Cflllld be eligihle for parole after serving nearl y seven years of the sentence. In Salt Lake City, Calley·s attorney, C.eorge Latimer said : "Obviously I'm pleased. And I'm sure Lt. Calley is thankful to Gen. Connor. Ultimately. ot course. we hflpl!' to get th!!' situation. upon appeal , sn thc>I Lt . Calley will not be the fcapegoat nf ~fv L;ii Th e action fCon· nor"\) is very favorable."' The annt\unremenl v.·as ma r\f by Maj. 111'.'rman Kassner. acting head nf the puh!1c 1nfnnna1in;-, office here. who said · . RR,\Pd urn~ !hf' testimo ny and f!Vidence presented ~the trial. it \vas de!ermined lh11t the conviclion was cnr. rec t in !aw and face and that the reduced sentence was appropriate. for the offenses for which he was convicted. "'Gen. Connor took his action after con· sideration of all the evidence. in the record of trial, after considering the ad· vice and recommendalion of his legal staff, and after considering matt'!rS in rebuttal by the defense." This complete5 the first step in the Jong review process in the Calley case. Presi· dent Nixon has announced he will SEN TENCE REDUCED Lt. Calley of My Lai personally review lhe case and make the ultimate finding . Calley is confined tc his quarters at Ft.. Benning, Ga ., while his case works its way through the review chain. With a 2G-year sentence Ca!ll!'y could be eligible for parole aft.er serving nearly seven years, about one-third of the time. Newport Citizen Cited On Narcotics Charges A Newport Beach man was one <1f eight persons indicted Thursday by the Orange County Grand Jury on charges of &ale and posi:;esslon of dangerous drugs and narcotics. Michael ,Jnhn Plews. Zli, of 120 43rd St., I~ one of a group rounded up l88t Aug . 7 following 11 raid organl.zed by Huntington Beach and Gardl!'n Grove police and Me kong Dike Bursts VIENTIANE. L3oa (AP) -The rain· swollen ~fckong River burst through a protective dike ln three pla~ today and waist-high flood wattrs i;wept over Vien. tlane's Wattay Airport, closing it to all tr:i rfic. Refugee.~ wirh belongings on their backs trudged into the {'l'n~r of the Lao- U:1 n CApltal lokk lng lnr high ground . City workers hegan butlrtlng 8 backup dlk11 ,11cross lhe main boulev;ird of Vientil.ne •s 11 precaut.lonary measure. ' --. • backed up by agents of the State Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement. 'l'he JO charges endorsed by the Grand Jury Include lhe allegation that a member of the group offered an un- dercover officer 250,000 pills classified as dangerous drugs for SS.750. The H> count11 filed against the elghl defendants include one t II at am· phetamines ind cocatne were told in Huntington Beach and Gardtn Grove on Aug. S, 8, Ind 7. Named in the Indictment with Plew~ were Gary O\uglts Hubbell, 21 , Warren Frank Peak, 25, Md Hollll Kent l..()ftig, 28, Ai l cf Garden Grove ;_ Glen IAyal Peterson, 'ZT, a tc1mlen~ Richard Eugt.nfl Ellis, 25. of Buena Pirk. Robert Kenneth Saila , 32, of Rowland Heights and John W. Bowen, $7, of El Monte. All eight deftndanta will be arraigned later today In Superior Caurl . The in- dictment r:anctls proceedlng11 already in· sUeated In West Orange County Municipal Court . The dtfendant~ Are held In lieu of ball In Orange County JaU, 9:30 a.m. in Judge Rutter's courtroom. Tt seemed possible today that tM jurbt may again be named in a second af. fidav!t of prejudice. Earlier on Thursday, the Fourth District Court of Appeal had rejected a legal appeal by Caspers and Battin against Judge Rutter's ruling on the LAFC composition and the contempt allegation. That terse ruling wa~ handed down 1n (See LAFC RO W, Page 2) Master Plan See11 Near For Newport By t... PETO. KRIEG or ""' D1lty ''i.t 11111 Newport Beach is a lot closer to hav· Ing a master plan of development than anyone realizes, City Manager Robert L. Wynn disc!~ today. Wynn said the ci!y can have .a prelim· !nary general plan in just four month!I -although il will take· two yeara to get one formally adopterl, Tri a message to city councilmen , Wynn pmp()ses spending $130,000 on updating the plan this fisca l year. The council will meet Monday to ad on Wynn 's recommendations and will also sl!'t a tax rate for the 1971-72 fiscal year that may determine how the money will be rasied (see separate story). He said he doesn't knl'Jw how much mnre money will be 11el!'ded in 197i-73, but assured t h E' m it will be a.Jesaer amt'Jllnl. "'ynn i:aid It won"! be difficult at 111 tn 2e t rhr. interim pla n rtady. "There i~ sn much infonnatinn here already that just ha sn't been pulled to- gether,'' he said. Hf' pointed tn nu merou s Individual !'lllrlif's alrP.ady under w11y bv variou s riepartments. such as c0mmuni!y devP.I· npment. harbor arid tidelands, 11nd the pnllce department, anrt ~aid , "all we ha ve 1o do is trans~e them together." Wynn noter! 1ha1. a lot of lmoortant Information won't be included in lhe pre- limin:iry plan. but ~a id the init ial stud}' should al least give residents an lndica· tion what the. final plan wi!I look iike. '·We can lake Jt lo public hearingir," he :-;aid , .. a.ci we will h:ivl!' to do when the fil'l~I plan is finished ." Wynn alsn recommends !he city draw heavily frnrrt fhP inl'IUt m e11rlier Stud)' (See. PLAN, Page Z) Orange Coat Weatlter The weekend weather outlook for lhe Orange. Coast area '!lhow'!I early moming cloudJ and fog, clearin& by mid-day to clear 1kie3 and sun-- shine. Jilghs at the beach 75, in. land 85. U:lws around M in both areas. INSmE TODAY Thi! Junia,. UagUt!: nf NetD- pnrt Harbor hn$ hit a high spot with its exhibit nf nrtiit C«rirc ralktn1t4'!in at tM Shennan Gal· ltrfl. Story and pictur11 art a" Pcge 2! of todav'1 Wet.ltf!nder. kllllrt• • CIMl'Wwll 1 CMctrlflt \I, 11 Clloull"'°' jl-'4 Corrtlo n c,......... J1 0.1111 Nlllcol• • Dlwtft" • 14111,111' '""' • ''"'"" t-11 H1,•w:-H ARR L•ndtn n Ml!IW• • M~ Ltet<-I -~ .. M<lhltl ''""" ,. " ......... "" ... Or•llM C.ullllY 1 lt1l•1WWM'I .... , Srtvl• P"'91' t ietfh ,~,. Slfl(r Mlff!Mt "'11 Ttil•lllH tt Tlll•t..'• t7-lt ...... ,.,.,.. . w_,.., "''" 1,.1• Wffloll '°"'" ... WIM...._. I>-# - J DAILY PILOT " Frl~.:J. Au1u1t 28, 1971 Newport'·s 'In Chips' Fundi1i!f Seen Available for Master Plan •Y L. PETER Kflll::G .. !fie o.u, f'lltl i lltt There ii plenty of money in the city tru1ury to C(lmt up v•ith the $130,000 Newport Beach nffd1 this year for work M a new master plan of developml'nt. Cl· ty Mana1er Rabert L. Wyrui said today, Wynn disclosed the c.ity show~ a fl69,400 surplus in iU general fund for the 1971·72 fiscal year and lhtU: monies, coupled with the $100,000 already hud&ettd for general plan work. will n ver first-year plan costs . Wynn al110 said he will tell councUmen Monday how they can have an addltlt1na l *70,000, il tHey want it. by leaving the present la.I rite at $1.225 per $100 valua· tJon. Councilmen must adopt a 1971 ·72 tax rate at their Monday meettng, but have already declared in a buds:tt policy they will reduce that rate by two and cne-haU cents, lo $1.20 per $100 assessed valua- tion. Th1' m11ns if tfle rate ts dropped to $1.IO. the 4vera1e P0.000 home in Newpert Btaeh. would pay a city tax of $1 50. Jf the two and one-half cenls is ltrt in . that tax would bt $3.12 more. In his financial anal ysi!, \.\'ynn ex- plained that of the $100,000 already budgeted, $50,000 has been earmarked for the general plan fr om the conti ngl!ncy reaervt ac C1'.lunt and anoth!!r $Ml,OOO is budg!!tl!d for th' traffic st udy. In discussing the proposed tax ralt. Wynn !aid there v.·ou !d be a projettl!d $28,000 surplus this fiscal year if the rate is dropped to $1.20. If it is kept the same, however, Wynn said there would be $96,000 available for city project!. The $1119,000 surplus in last year's bu de et is th' result of I wo things. One, major mid.year fiscal maneuver· lngs prompted whe n former C i t y Manager Harvey L. Hurlhurt told council Lhe city w1s headed for a $250,000 gener.a.I fund delicit. Two, there were $17 ,llOO in capital projet:ta bud.leted lh1t wtre Mver urtdtrtaken. It v.•as at mid-year that the council starl!!d lo v.·ork outlining new ground rules that were follov.·ed in preparatio n of the recently ado pted I971-7Z fisca l package. Wynn this n1orning disclosed that year· e:nd figu res show major surpluses in tv;o other accounts and an expected deficit in a third. Wvnn said there v.as $8&0,000 left in lutui·I' water sourcl's fun d as of June 30, the e:nd of the last fiscal yl!ar, and $184,000 in stall' gas tax monies. These: funds cannot be used for general governml'nt projects, however. Wynn said lh!!re was a $!13,000 deficit in the: building e:xci~e tax fund that was covered by a council-authori.zl!d loan from the water fund and immediately repaid from revenues at the start of this fiscal year. 2 Largest Firms Delay From Page 1 PLAN. • • Comment on High Rise efforts, in clud ing and especially New· port Tomorrow. WyP!n is forma lly asking the council to dire ct the planning staff to ''compile appropriate excerpts" from these studies "to be used as a hasis for the prelimin· ary or interim general plan ." The two biiitSt ctnnmercial developers tn Newport lieach, the Irvine C.Omptny and the Emkay Devtlopment Company, today declintd comment on the one-year clty wide high rise ban proposed Thurs- day night by the planning commission. "If It ls as we understand it to be, it is aurprlsinf; aside from that, we have no con1ment," a spokesman for the Irvine Comp111y said. :Robert Allebom, prtsident nf Emkay, refused tD talk to reporters saying any comment would have to come from his vice president In charge of the 2~acre development hJs firm plans south of Orange County Airport. The proposal r~eived atrong aupport from one develo~r, Rich1rtl Stevens, ex- t culivt vlce president of the Balboa Bay Club. "It ia unfair to Um the thrust only at Ult Mariner's 1'.1ile area (the orie:ina.l plan rureested by the Lower Newport bay Clvie District rommittee),'' 11dding he would support an ordinance that ~uld covtr all Newport Beach. He siid he thought Newport C~nter and tht Em.by property should be excludtd, f'rom Page J FREEZE ... t.Q..wtndfall for blg bu'inesa." ilemWer said that corporate profits and high interest ratt.!, not work,rs' waa:e demand!, were the principal cause cf inflation. Nader aaid the economic policy was "'elitist." He said the freete did not apply to interest rat.ea and corporate profits. and the program wou ld provide bi llions of dollar• for big business . He said the wage freeie forced the working m11.n to 1houlder the burden of the new plan. Wllh Nixon'• program now five days old. there were lhese other develo~ ments : -Gov. Prest.on E. Smith or Ttxas refused t() back dov;n todsy in h!s de- fianc1 ef Pre.s ident Nixon's free1e on ""'ages by ordering pay ra is~s for more than 100,000 teachers. -A seriN of revised government reports l1 sued today &howed modest lm- provemeni. In the national t:CGn()my. The Comm erce Department said the Gross National Product increased $20.5 billion in tht second quarter to an adjusted an- nual r1tt of l l.041 trillion . The incrt1se wa1 POD rnilllon above lhe preliminary fiful't; lssuecl a month ago. OlAN•I COA.SY DAILY PILOT ~ANGI C041T ~U SLIJH llllO (~l"ANV' ••lloerf N , w ••• '"'":fell' •1'111 J'vO!leMr J•c~ •. C1111,.., V "t ,l'ttlll•I .... ~II Mt~tftl' l ll•1111t K•tvll ••n.,. lh•"'•' A. M11rl"l.i111 ""-1"'1 Ed119f" L '•fer ICri•f H.._. t-i. c;11y l•l!or ---lJJJ Hew,et-t le11ltvt•~ M•lli .. '-'1'•tt•: P.O. l •t 1171, '166J --C.11 .,_., Dt w .. r ••v '""". w-.. du n: ""-' ........ . ,..._ ... , lleftflt 1111~ ... (!'I ............. .. 1M ci-M1 .. H.,.,. 11 C-lr-. 11: .. 1 "'"•··· f7141 64J-4Jt1 • • ............... ,7. however, from any ordinance:. ActiJ'lg City Attome:y DeMis O'Neil this momlng s1id even if a d!!veloper obtains a buildlni: permit, he: must start actual construction before the: free1e. Grading wouldn't count, O'Neil said, One project ready to ~o 11 th!! tower at Hoai Memorial Hospital. A hospital spokesman this morning de- clined to comment on the effect of the one- year ban, but on the height limit, itself, he: said : f'rom Page J HIGH RISE. • • district ordinance i11 "much loo selective in the pro perty defined . It should be broadened suhstantia\Jy." Ha?.l!\Vi nkel agreed, saying tha t "Thl": builder nn the. other side of street from the w2Jerfront would have: economic ad- \1antAge over the guy required to stay un· dtr 35 feet on the: waterfront." Commissionl":r Gordon Glass attempted to point out that the district was "in· tended to be: eelective because the effect en the waterfront by property, and on property by the water" is special. At one point Gl1ss moved to adopt the district ordinance, amend!d to eliminate: extra aide-yard requirements, but it was defeated by a tie vote. Comml!Sio n Cha irman. Curt OQsh, 11nd Comrni.uloner Jackie Heather voted with Glau. Commissioners Haiewinkel, Martin and Agee voted aaalnst it , with Commissioner Don Adkinson abstaining owing to conflict of Interest. After that action, Glass asked if pro- ponents of a city-wide ordinance wanted to exempt any 1reaa from the limit. but did not name any specific places. Martin said allowing no exceptions wou1d be fairest. A number of speakers at the hearing told the commission they were working undu a "threat" of a perpetual ban on hlth rise which could possibly come about if a Newport .Beach cltiiens group seek.inc an initiative ia successful. Old and New He also formally asks the council to approve the proposed in-house work pro- gram, pointing out that it does cal! for hiring consultants to do individual spec- ial st udies. One of lhO!e consultant stud ies, th t traffic pla n. is already underway and Wynn sa id thi! morning he hopes the first phase-will bl! done by D!!cem ber snd can be included in the interi m gen· era! plan. Although he <lidn't make any formal recommendation to the council , he also said it is possible: the city will not 11eed to pay fQr lhe third and final phase, ''im plemen tation," but rather that could he done by staff personnel. \l.'ynn said the most impor tRnl outside study will be an economic anelysi.s of the: city. ··v.•e must have thl": benefit of valua ble input fro m things such as the economic data that will not be availah!e /or !he preliminary plan," \Vynn sa id. An economic study, he estimates, will cost SZS,000, Wynn noted that amnun t •nd the $49,- 000 he figureg will bt: spen t on the tr1ffic study this ye:ar. are included in the $130,· 000 total proje ction. Other easts this year, \Vynn sa id, would be $10,000 for a housing study, $.5,000 for a geological survey and $15.000 for ad- ditional staff. He i! proposing that onl y two more persons be: hired this fiscal year and the third be retained beginning July 1, for one year only. Wynn said the council this year should also budget $25,000 for shoreline studies and do its best to get matching federal, state or county granU!. He sa id It could take up to S!00.000 for the needed deta iled shoreline fea5lb1Hty study. but poi nted out a gl":neral plan doeso 't involve the details such a study calls for and therefore a c:omprehen!f1·e: study doesn't belong in the general plan programming. Ea!§t Hall (right), a new 22-classroom buil ding at Newport Harbor Hich School, has been blended into lf!30s·styl e architecture of the. campus. New building is part of $2 million expansion project at the campus. Project is du' for completion in tin1e for opening or sc hool Sept 13. l\'ew library (c,nterl ah;o blt!nd~ in v.·Uh e x i~ting architecture. Expan· t.ion means campus ""'ill have room for 2,800 studenls lhi5 fall . I DAI~ Y PILOT INll 1"1111• Full Speed Ahead Dick Winckler (bow). Nancy Smith (deck) and Gen. Thomas Riley fbridgel. form a1_1 unlikely a crew as you'll find around Newport Har· bor. Winckler IS a boat yard owner. Miss Smith is ltliss Newport Beach and Gen. Riley -well. whoever heard of a general on the bridge of a ship? Anyway, they are looking forward to Newport Har· bor's unlikely Character Boat Parade Aug. 28. Labor Head Asks Congress For Eco11on1y 'Takeover' l\1ASmNCTON (AP ) -Labor chief Gt:oree Meany calll!d on Congress Thurs- day to take control of the: nation 's economy away fro m what he called President Nixon's "mismanagement." And he urged all unio ns to cancel con· trac ts where workers lost: money under Nixon's wa ge-price controls. t.feany, after a plea from top ad- n1i nislratlon officials to cooptrate with Nixon's ne w economic. program, told a news conferl!nce "We 're not going to cooperate." Ml":any also verbally blistered two Nix- on Cabinet mt:mbers -'J'rea5ury Secrl!- 1.s.ry John 13 . Connall y and Labor Secre- tary James D. Hodgson. Both had sa id Mean y. in opposin( Ni1on. was out of step with America.n workers. "J don't pay much .a.ftent!on to the secretary of labor. After all , if you ha~·e a problem with the: landlord you don'l di~cu~s it wlth the janitor," Meany said. Of Connally, Meany said . "I think what ht:'s looking for Is the enforcement con- cession" in the wage-price freeie. "He wants the horsewhip conression so he can sell horsewhips. Connally doesn 't know anything about peoplt:'• problem~." Meanwhile, in San Clemente where the Pre.sident i! beilMing a lhree-we:ek work- ing vacation at the Wl":stern White House, Nixon conceded his far-reaching new economic program poses "some pro- blems." But, he: expressed confidence that most Americans fa vor his approach -"and that's what couuts," Nixon advised newsmen upon his arrival in San Clemente: Thursd.a.y night. ''We: have some problems," he said, "but the: public reaction is what is im· portant. I think an overwhelmfn& ma· 1jority cf •hot people throushout M cbun- try favor what we 're doing, and that's lvhat counts." Nix on. addressing the Da\la11 con. vention of the Veterans of Foreign War11 Thursday -.and appearing in a half-emp- ty auditorium that normally se11ts 10.000 -asked for 11upport of his economic policies. f'rom Page J LAFC ROW. • • San Bernardino in a unanimous action by justices Robert Gardner, ?i-1arcus Kauf. man and John Gabbert. lt came after lour days of deliberations. It mean. that the: appellate cou 11 recognize s until at lea.st Aug. 23 Fullerton Councilman Loui! ''Red"' Reinhardt and Anaheim C-Ouncihnan Charles Pearson as the r ightful holders of LAFC seats earmarked by Ballin a11d Caspers for Los Alamitos Counciln1an Joe Hyde and Anaheim attornl'y Herb Licker. Judge Hut ter had ~:::hedu!f:'d a full hea r- ing into the LA FC CQnlrover1y· for Mon- day. It i.s expectl!d an other judge will no w likely rule on \\'hat he feels to be the la1-1"ful con1positi11n of the LAFC board. Today's contem pt hearing 1-ras called after allegations that Battin, Caspers and llyde called an 8 a.m. meeting of the LAFC for Aug. 9 in defiance of a ten1- porary rl!straining order issued the night before against the trio by Judge: Rutter. Battin replaced Pearson with Licker in e six·sl!co nd debacle that ended v.•ilh pro- ce!S servers and seve ral of Orange C-Oun- ty 111ayors running towards the board table while Hydl": and Battin ran for the t'-'<i t. Papers 1\•ere flun g into the air, Un· parllan1entary language \\'as exchanged and the meeting ended v.·ith Caspers sit- ting alone di gesting his personal copy of Judge Rutter's order. That meeting, arranged dur ing the weekend by Battin and Caspers, was prefaced by a 6:30 a.m. meeting on the county courthouse: lawn in which the League of Cities unanimously denounced Hyde and declared Reinhardt to be its chosen representative on the LAF'C board. Reinhardt was accused of being the tool or the Irvine Company and part of a com- pany plan to ensure that Santa Ana 'a bid to annex the "promised land" was defeated. The tax-rich 938 acre sector on Santa Ana 's southeastern fringe is eyed by both Santa Ana and proponents of Irvine city hood. Irvine through the Council of Com- munities of Irvine was favortd last month by Superior Court Judge Raymond Thompson in a ruling which rejected San· ta Ana's argument that the Irvine Com- pany virtually promised the land to Santa Ana eight years ago via annl!xation ac- tion· Le1gue of Cities representatives replac- ed Reinhardt with Hyde by a 13 to 12 vote before coming back a month la ter to 3Weep Hyde: out of the LAFC at a tumultuous meeting. Many of the county's mayors said they had been subjected to "tremendous political pressure" at the time of the first ,·ote. They identified Battin .11s the le.11der of the group which practically forced Hyde into the LAFC seat. Judge Rutter's ruling put Battin, Caspers, Reinhardt, Pearson .and Mayor Stanley Northrup of San Clemente into the LAFC seats last Wl!ek for still another vote on the "promised land'' issue. The result was a solid 4 to 1 vote against the Battin group. That vote cleared the wa y for Trvine cityhood via ~·hat is expected to be an overwhelmingly fa vorable vote In the community for the: creation of a city that is expected to be the largest in Orange County. Final Sale Week t \, SLllPll SOfA SALi PRICED STARTIN6 AT ••• $239 Final we•k of warehetuae ul1. Sel.ctiona of mis- cellaneous furniture 1t 1 fract ion its original pric e. Hundreds of yards of draptry end upholatery fa ir rics ell drastic1lly reduc1d. DEALERS FOR: HENREDO N-OREXEL-HER JT AGE NIWPOIT lfOll OPIN •I/DAY "YIL 9 711111111 flfMlfl. " NIWl'ORT BIACH 1727 Wettcllff Dr., 6'2·2050 0,EH ,RIDAY 'TIL 9 ---~J>;c. - Profeulonel Interior 0.1igner1 Avallabl._AID INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH 34.S North Coa st Hl9hw1y ~ .... , 494-6ll l .. -·---- ' I I! I ,, ' Ii 'i I I, 'I I ' \I ,I OAJLV O!LCT f$ Bob ff ope Tait-es Cut II Blacks Charged In Death JACKSON, Miss. fUPl) - Eleven members of the black J>eparatist '"Repubhc of New Africa" t RNA! faced a preliminary he:ering today on 1nurder charges in death of a poli ce detective during a gun · battle . District Attorney J a c k Travis said the charges were filed Thursday against 11 1ntmbers of the b I <i c k organizatio n under a l\1ississippi law that provides that those who "aid . abet. assist or encourage a felony" ere as •·guilty as the prin· cipal ... Travis ~aid his otfitc v.·outd QUHNIE ly Phll li)letlandl ask the Hinds Counly <:1rcu1l ~:l!::~:!;;~:_:.:...!~::..-------.J l'.011rt lo convene a spe:cial l.:::l:~ - grand 1ur.\' on thf' ftrsl !\Ion· day in September to consider !he C'harges. He said the RNA ''The odds are three to one hot-pants are not for you. ..• and all three of them are facing you." niembers ~·ould be hf' I d ----------------------- v.-ithou1 bond until I h e preliminary hearing is coni· pleted. FALL KILLS FUG ITIVE NEW YORK (UPI ! -A man being chased by poll. across rooftops because: he was suspected of being a huoln seller died todav when he tried to jump fr0m one buildifli to another andj rnis8i· od. Grand Opening MONDAY, AUGUST 23 BAMBOO TERRACE • • CHINESE CUISINE TROPICAL DRINKS Open Daily, 11 o.m. ta 11 p.m. • • 153 E. 17th Street {1/2 block E•st of Newport llvd.) COSTA MESA 645-5550 ('0111edia11 shO\VS his Jillie league tcan1, the "Bob Hope India ns." his forn1 \Vllh bat as they honored hun for his 16 years as team 's sponsor. Looking on is Pe ter J\!cGovern, president of Little League Baseball, and several team n1en1 bcr!'. Lt. \\lil!1an1 Lotus Skinner, 36. died of head wounds in the prt'dawn hours T h u rs d a '1 following the \\le-dnesday ~ur;. baUlr "'ilh seven rnembers of the RN A. T11•0 o1her nff1c en: ~ a t•l!y patrohnan and an FBI agen! -v.·ere also 11•ound· ed in the right but arc listed 111 sa!isfactol"}' co11d1t1on. Teacher S uspe11ded .4fter Clia11gi11g· Sex BE:R .\'AROS l'\ J. (APl - 'rtl\VNSH IP, ~!rs. Paula charges but said she remained optimistic. Learn to help your family through prayer. Justice Black Sidetracks FBI and police officials said lhe shooting 1\·as started bv the blacks arrested at t h~ RNA headquarters. F..:lmer Linberg. acting i;pec1a1 agtnt in charge of th e F'BI office in .Jackson. said thl' officers dro\'e up in front of lhe hou.~f' and used a bullhorn to order those inside lo coine ouL Grossman. a n elementary school 1nus1c teacher 1vho under11•ent a se:i.: r h a n g t operation has been suspended without pay by the local school board. The case gots to Dr. Carl fllarburger. s I ate com· missioner or education. who must f'ither reject the case or twld a hearing v.•ithin 60 days. Come to this Christian Science Lecture SpoMOred by the Se,0114 CllYrch of Ch,ltt, Scle!llitt, Newport h«h Corpus Christi Bus Order The school board president. r aul i\1allon. presented a list of ri ve C'h<ir~es against l\lrs. Grossman Thursday night. to bt sent to l\1rs . (irossman and lier attorne.1•. Herbert Kesler. The chargts allege the presence of l\lrs. Grossman in l !he school .s~·stem 1v1ll con·1 tu1ue to crea1c a sensation and 1 assert that being a transsex·I ual is abnorn1al. , HOWARD H. IRWIN 'VASHJNGTON !liPl l Jus!tre l-lugn L. Rlark has blocked for the l1n1e being a federal court order for 1nassive busing lo achieve 11 racial balance in Corpus Chrisli. Tex . public schools. The request for a stay in the lo\1•rr c·ourl order was filed \Vednesday by the Justice Department. which soug ht to bar i:nrnedial e lm- plementat1on of !he busing plan originally proposed b~· the department of health, eduta· lion and 1velfare. Black. who issued lhe stay order while the full nine· member court was in summer recess, said he was expressing 110 vie v.· "as to the wisdom or propriety'' of the Justice Department's position . l n se:eking the sta~". the depart· ment sought further hearings on the local school board"s 12th Bi1·tliday Even Hawaiia11 s Fail To Esca1le Urban Ills HONOLULU I AP 1 J-!a11·aiians celebrnt.e tl1cir !2th b1rthd;:iy a.<: .:in Amcr1t?.'l slate today but for :-;tale leaders il 1s more apt lo be an occasion for ~0111 searching lhan for re· JOic1ng. Since acqu1r1njl statehood on Aujl. 2fl. !959, t h es e sem1 !rnp1cal islands have been infected 11·1th !he urban ii· lnesse<: that plagu e states on the m111nland ....... pollution, traffic jams. noise, cnme Betv.•een 1960 .:ind l!liQ, census figures sho11·. lhe population of llawair 1u1nped 18 J"l('rrr-nl. n1ak1nj! lla\1·ai1 one nf lhf' fas!ecl ~ro11 1ni:: <:tatcc And iR percent nf 1ls f)t}flUla · lion or about 750 ()()fl li\"e in urban areas. Desp11e const1!111lon;;J dlf· ficulties, there is talk of pas!-i· ing a law limiting the number of ne"Tomers to Ha~·a1 i. State Sen. Nadao Yoshinaga has said he 1s searching for .11 legal way lo stabilize the population by legislating against the 1nigration of ne1~' residents. But people have come and so have the problems. "Con· crete Jungle" 1s the phrase many use to describe \Va ikiki. and onlv recently ha\"e the construction and tourist in- dustries realized that lhf'y have overbuilt there. The \Vai kik1 hot.el occupanry rate for the first six months of 197 1 t~ ri own about Iii percent Fro1n 11h<1t 11 1ra.~ fQr the sa1nc period tht }'ear before "TherP "s no question 1h;;1 ~·e"ve 01·erbuilt." s;ud Donald A. Bremner. t x e c u t 1 v e secretar.v of the \Vaikiki lmpro1•ement Association. obligations lo ~1 ex I c an. American pupils and its abili!y !o provide enough buses to transport 15.000 students daily. The J ustice Oepart.ment"!i entrance into the Corpu!i Christi case v.•as lhe firsl ae· lion since the \\'hite !·louse said l11st \\'eek thnt Presidcnl. Ni xon had told government of· fici als In order rnassive busing only 1111 11 las1 resort to dese,1trf'gate school s. In a orie·pagf' opinion. Black re-instituted a shiv of the bu s- ing order th11l wa~ O\'f'rlurnf'd by the 5th U S. Court of Ap- peals Aug. :i. The slay ordf'r v.·o n"t exo1rf' until July t. 1972. but U.S. !Solic1\or Genera\ Erwin N. c;riswold sugges1ed a hearing be scheduled bv rhe 51h circuit "on an expedited basis." ·'rt is apparen1 Iha!. th 1.<: case is in an undesirable .<:lat e of confusion and presents qu estions nnl herelofore pass- e-d on by rhe full court but which should be ... s;iid Rl flck . ""Unrlcr the~,, i:ircu111· slances. 1~·hich present a ver.v anomalous. nell' and confu s1n,i:: situation, I decline ;o.<: a singli> justict to upstt the ll'isdom or propriety nf !h(' solicitor gen· cr;il"s po<:i1ion ·· Thr school district t<ild Black the l!E\V plan \vould re· quire 125 bu~es al. a n f'.<:lim.:iled 1·n~I nf $1 7 m1ll1nn hul rh.:it l! had no such funds !o p;;y for thern. \\'hen thr.\· relusrd , :iuthorities said tear gas \ras fired into the dwelling and !hr blacks began shooting fron1 111· side. They said police thc11 returned the fire . On K~ster"s <id\'icc. neither l\1rs. Grossn111n nor l he at· torncy was presen! al the school board meeting. She declined comment on the Police H1111t Murderer; Victi111 Liv ed 12 Years SAN ANTONIO. Tex. ~UPI 1 llosp1t;;J. \vounded in th e head Almost 12 years ago, by a gunshot. As a result of \1agdaleno All"1so wa s shot 111 the 11·ound. the man became a the he ad during a barrooo1 paraplegic bra1\'I A suspe<'t was arrested "The ne~t day police ar· a.nd charged with assault but rested a man and booked him '~as not ind icled by a grand lor assault lo mu rd e r. jut'."'. Alviso, an invalid since Hni,1·ever. in July 1960. a grand the shootin~. died l\1ond::iy and jury no-bfll ed !he man." police ha\'e confirmed lhey - are looking thro11gh their fi le:c; l\lallon also eh<1rgcd tha1 I !\lrs. Grossn1an did nnl g1 ve l the school board advance ' notice of !he sex changel operation. \\'hich "'as perform· ed at an unidentified place inl the United Stalts in iltarch. l\1allon said he felt such an operation v.•as not accrptable in the area and said the l tt.acher should be dismissed 1 for incapaci ty. ~lrs. Grossm 11 nl rejected a school board offer a : 1\·eek ago that she retain her job b.\' surrendering I h e I teaching certificate she held for 14 years under the name of Paul Grossman cind applying for one under her new name, t.tr!. Paula Grossman. She also i;..-ould have to surrender tenure and switch lo a high school level course. Board o[ Lectureship of the !IIother Church, the First Church of Chris t, Scientist in Boston , riiassachusetts On "THE WONDER OF LOVE" S•turday, August 21st. at 10 A.M. The Edw•rds Newport, Cinema Theatre Fashion Island, Newport Beach ALL ARE WELCOME CHILD CARE PR OVIDED COME AS YOU ARE In find hi.~ assailanl a nd charge hin1 \Vilh 111urder. Homicide Lt. Da vid Keen r <'alled 1t "the :-it r·angesl case l"l"c ever seen" and told the follo1~·ing !'!or~ Ca lifornia's Largest Display of Dining & Grune S els(,1~;.;.,) "il1on1en ts before rn1tln1gh! Sep!. 17. 1959. police \vere summoned lo a lounge on thP \vest side of !he citr. \\'1t · nesse.~ reported 11 m;:in had heen loaded 1n1o a ear aru! dri\'en away There \l'('re pools ol blood at the lounge. "Nol long after. a n1an iden- t1flf"11 :t<; l\1agdalrnn Alvi:c;n, 21· 1ears-old at the t1n1t'. 11·a.; brought to Robert B (;r('rn ' . ' .• I'.~ ..... COME SEE THE SELECTION I Wt ou urt you !hot we"-th1 lor;.t c;juplo1 'f'Oll'•• e•er '"~ ot O#I)' on• """'· ontl\Xling t1!1 Vf\<11va!l fv1ry lit• and 1~01>9 to 111, f••I ond loi.w;I!. No ""''e «1f<:olog 1hoppi""' n1t•uo!')'. SH · i~ i1 b.li••ing, M t Ont dty 01111 0 S Stt. Aug. 21 10 A.M. 'Iii gone Makes a Unusual Offer. • • lhes1 fir s! two ilem1 ore the beginning of ou, "Traffic Getter'' buyt. Becou1e (I f our vo1 t whol esole connecr ions, we will offr r items to you ot TRfMENDOUS DlSCOUNlS. In focr, we will NE VER MAKE ANY PROFIT on ony "Traffic Getter'' ml'rch ondi11. Pleas1 tell our sa l11men whot itr ms you wo ul d like us to purchose ond tell lo you on the ''Traffic Getter" no profit deal. Th ;1 will be our woy of 1oying lhonks lo oll of you , Three 1\i ll cd Ju Air Cra>.11 "There is not 11 valid c11n· nection betv.·een tht n11mbers ~ of hotel rooms pos!!ih!e and .., the market c<ipacity" '°\ . . ~ '•.) DISCOUNT PRICE W t ha•• git oU the krncy frill• t+.vt co.I YOU dollora. No ccwpelillQ-ilO fancy •~owroom. Jutt b.it1r prl1e1 a nd .. 1,.,. tio~ it what 'fOu'll ''" lmrntdiate d .. liv.rt 1r pie. i<p l1~t9"' .,. .el• 1tem1 wh.., cll"'Ond lllDY IM erlGI., ffllJll avpply on koMll Pleo1e nolt: "Truffle Getter'' itemt a rt in timired quantilies-so FIRST COME, FIRST GET. Pleo•e don't br ongry if you com e lore Qnd oil is gone. Thonk you. Wo!ch for our next Custom Dinette "Traffic Getter" Buy . 5 POUND LUER CANNED HAM ALGL"ST A. J\ltune I LJPI I A 1"1n-t>n,;;1ncd 001-1 ne;i.s l /lirtine.~ pl.:inc crashC'd into a hil! 11iursday n11!hl 1n fog in 1'.1anchester "'hile tr_ying to land al Augusta airport. kill· ing three or the C'ight person!'! a hoard . Officials adm it that bi,1t·lime organi7.ed crime has come to li;;"·aii . Since 1962. lhcre have betn 20 confir med gangl and killinfl(s , nine mis.-;ing persons believed to be victims or the ''syndicate•• and 6 car bom· bings. Pacific Goldfish Farm ~ AUGUST KOi SALE $150 to$ 5000 ; OJttH flAllY lfl·.S Cl•1•fl loH1il•Y "'"" 893-7105 14642 EDWARDS ST., WESTMINSTER OH TH! S.&l'J O!!GO f'NY. AT GO\Dfi'.I WfST •~<I IOIS A •• SH APE UP WITH A NEW SHlr - To revive your 1099y summer ~pi r:ts, pick out • new shirt from J •ck Sid. well'1 new est err iv•l1. You c•n choose from ; I. • 1•tty new body shirt, e neat now print in red, navy or brown. $10. 2. e ,oft luxurious red velour th irl, with • button front end lon9 sleeves, e t $I b. l , the perfect drest 1hirl for f,11 , soft 1trip1s in blue , pin k or beige. •t SI I. -4 . • ne•k T.shirt with e bend of ftower1 around it, in eisorted colors, $5. Who else would have it but Jeck 1 < OUR WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM Our worH.ouH •"-"-;, 15,000 "-· fl. c1 ... o1ed to jud olMI apeciol furMvre produC'I. Yov..,... ft to yev'""91f to ¥idt ti.. lorpn dltploy of ~ Miii, ci-- Mtl, clinino Mh, bon ond rteolt befor• yav bvy. Diltlno Ht1 tr.. $33 te SI 000. ~~-·"' .. OPIN 7 DAYS AWllK MOHD.lTTlllU fllDAT 11>.00 A.M, ••;JO P.M. SATI:MllAf JN e SllllAT MOOll-5 $ 3 75 WITH THIS COUPON Sat. Aug. 21 Only ltMnto ro f,000 HAMS IN St OCJI" o •• ""'" , .. """' Mv" .. II., Oldoot SATURDAY ONLY! 24 Can Case of CANADA DRY SJ89 '" Ce1a CHOICE OF FLAVORS Sit., Aug. 21 Only llMnlD 10 aoo CASIS IN SJ"OC.11' 11 .. 11 ' c ...... "'"'"' .... ,, k 11 ln .... 01..., 18085 EUCLID ST. FOUNTAIN VALLEY ~ SJ.N DIEGO 'IP.MA'! AND • ~ fUCl/D .ST, TU~NOff 962·"25 or 546-1611 --. ,, -~ - ' • DAILY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Hold Down the Cost .r A new polirt' and administration operating cenler is g.or@lv ntedPrt in Newport Beach. The city counc1I has scheduled a referendum Or! 5 tn determin't 1r ''nter!i \viii agree to pay for it with gen· era/ obligation bond.~. the cbeapest type o{ Joan available lo mun1c1pallt ies. In their rnthusias m ror the pro.1ect. h(11\lever . coun· ell men have 1akcn a preliminary step rhat seems un\\'.ise. Fortuna1rlv. it is a step that can be cnrrerted any time before the ·bonds-if approved in Orlnber-are sold next year. · 'J'he c·n11nr1I ~a"' fit to artopl ;i lrntalJve ma1ur1ty schedule for !ho!"e bonds that \1·1t1 prove cosllier lhan need be. costlier 1han a maturity sc·hedule recommended bv its 11\.vn f1nan c1 aJ consultants, the firm of Stone and • '\'oungber.i;:. . . t inder lht> !entative plan. 11 "·ill ro.~l laxpayers $7 3 million to repav lhc S7 million note over a 25·year per1· nd. Stone and . 't'oungberg harl urged a srhedufe that \\'OUld have COS! only $0. 7 mill ion in interest. 1'he altrrnat>\'f' \\•ai: enrlorsed because i1 rai l.~ for ln1ver payments. and less impact on the tax ra1e early in the retirement ~rhcdnle. It's a gin1mick that may help sell rhe bonrl issue, bul unfortuna!cly 1\ is not the best long·lerm program. Ridi culous Rejec tion Once i'lga1n the ·ruslin Union High School District Board of Education ls placing its conservative ideology a.head of the needs of students. 1'rus1ee.'> have turned down a chance to seek $ J 2.000 [rom the ferlcral government to aid children "·i th read- ing and mat.h computa.lion diffi~ult~es. . The monev is available lo d1str1cts enrolling children from "'elfare families. Tustin district has 50 such sill· Ge11 eric Nanie Ca11 Be <l Se111a11tic Sin .. I Sydney J. Harr.is \ .I Noticing !he playbill~ I brought bar.k from a thea1er·,1:n1n~ trip to New Ynrk this sprins. one or 1n.v children remarked that none f)f •ht theaters I attended 1,1·as \{){·aled nn ·'Brnadv.·11y" I ,:\pla111ed th::il "Aroafh~·a~··· w11~ JU.~t 11 generir n<ime fnr !hr f\l('w 'York theater. :ind that 11ctually 95 percen1 or the lheatf'rs 11rr nn ~ide strf'Cts in !hr iO's. In the same \vav. even during 1he he.\· day of the n'nv1e!'., there were only onP nr two studio~ 1n "Holl\~·ood." Th P rest 'were 1n 01her suburbs nf Lo s An· geles. but the "'hCJIP industry v.·as refer- red !n as ··Holly"'nod ." Like1111se. we ~1!ll speak l)f "l\1adison Avenue" as the locus of the .idvrrt1s1n_1:. business, when three-fourths of !he big· gest agencies ;ire on Le~1n~l on or Third Avenue I)!' other strc>ets th.an l\!adison. THERE IS ;i lremendou~ p~~Tholog1ca\ heed lo codJfy and catt'gonU' 11nd lahrl all things, even "hen the liihrl cloesn't "Orrespond l.o re.ality This beg1m. a~ a handy devirr . but 1t of1cn <'nds 1n ou r tak· 1ng th!' Jahel for the re::ih11 -"·h1ch 1~ one nf th!' gre11t srman\11: .~ins 1n hun1an con1mun1r::it1n11 '''" c:in ~"" the dllni;!rr rl ,.11rlv in ~ll<'h }Xlpular medical terrn5 as "hearl all ack .. Dear Gloo111 Y Gus Am 1 the only sap in lh1s nnrl'- quiet rity who is sick to DE:AF nr that hyper-mtrus11e police hcli· copter'.' -D H. t~" !•Huro ••"•c?• •••Or<•' ~·~'"" "ft! n~c•n•ri!• '""u •' "'" "''""•oo•. ,~,.~ ,our ••I ~•••• It Gl,..mv Gu1, D•llJ '''•1. or ''r11nrrr" -"'h1ch arf! nflrn tm· precise. m1sle11d1n11 11nd frightening lal)els of litrle rlinicai 1•,11luP. Wh::i1 thf' puh!ic loo.~f'ly '"'lll' ::i "heart. ;iftack "' ran be any nne nf 11 h;ilf-dn1,en ciiffere nt a 1!menl~. 1n .<;(lme nr wh ich the Jiear1 may hr only casu11lly involved. Anrl "cancer'• Is 11 generic namr lnr a \';iriety of n1ah~nanr ~rnwth~. rani:.- ing from the r.asily treatable 10 th, in· curable. Bu! m-0st nr us respnnd tn !ht! word rather than to the medical artuahlY. ''OU fti.fA 'I' RECALL lhr stnr.v nf lhc "'nman "'hn returner! lo I h' dor!or"s of· lire a wPek afler ~he had 1akcn a 1 r..~t therP. "Ah, i\lrs, .rn11es:· .~;iid !hr dnclnr, ''1 have. gnorl new.~ for .vo11 ·· ''My narnP is ~l iss .Jonrs:· ~air! !he wnman. "WPll . ~1 1.ss .Jone~." rrpl1ed !he doctor. "I h11ve bad news lrir .1·ou ·· Anrl. of rnursr. !hf> c;lass1c stnr.v a~ut thr "'"Y wr 111 e hy labels more than b.v re.alil,v eoncerns the old peasant whnse farm \1·a~ on 1he Russian.Polish bnrdrr dunng thr Inn~ c-nnfhcl be!"•een !host .~tatrs A~ !hf' baltles cnn1 1nued back and rnrih. his l::i nd krpr ctian,t:1ni;( suies, from fi us~ia tn Pnlanrl. and back ;iga1n. F1nall_1, lhr Pole~ rnnqu<'rPd, anrl 11' tht> arrnv lrFI. thP rnrn1nand1ni; offirP r 11;-~11rrrl rhr larmrr lh:.i! hi' 11a~ now ~aft· Jv anrl prrrn;inrnrlv in Poh"h rrrritnrv. 'Thank \.nrl _ ~;i1rl lhr fa rn1rr ' Now no n1nre of those trrnbll' Ru.~sian winters:" l1iside Deve lopr1i erit s V.'ASHTNGTO~· -Pr('s1denl ~1xnn·$ new economic policies, \l'hich will affect ft1t pockelbook of every Amer ican . .:tre !iUll bc10~ shaped in the. backrooms ol \Vashmgton. HerP art the 1ns1rle developments -The Prt"!11drnt has nrd tr ed th• necessary pre.parit- t1ons lo t>Xte.nd the \.\'age -price -rf'nt freeze order a! tht end of 90 da.v.!i. HP. will take anothpr look at the econom1r indicators and will examine. the enfnrre· ment problems btforr he decides whether to continue the freeze . -THE PR ESID ENT has expresse'I private. concern that lhe li.S. may become a second-rlali~ f"Connmic power unless productivity is increased. This means American managers and "·nrker~ must boost 1he.ir output or the U S. "'ill be. surpassed by the worlci's n1her ~real industrial nation~. Atrearlr. the harrier working .Japanese and Germans have produced belier goods lor lcs~ cost. Their lncreued sale.a have forcrd American planll lo 1hut down 1nrl have lhrown American workers out nl job.,. Jr the lrtnd cootinue.,, the President fears. !he U.S. will lose its ,;Landing as tht: world's are.at.est lndustrial power. INSlDERS SAY lhe flrt!sldent (ashioned his new economic program without consulllng Vi ce President Agne"·· who heads the Cabinet Council no Economic Polley. The Vice President "'ii I tJack Anderson L ln vnlverl in !hr rnun!'11'~ rrnnnm1e de hhl'rallonli. bul hr w::i~ri ·1 hrnu,t:hl 1n nn the. final planning. !I(' \l'<lsn I t'l'f'O 1n v11rd In Camp Da1·1rl lnr lhe rl1.~('Us~1on~ 1h11l lerl to lhP Pre~1rlrnt's dramatic 11n· nnunremP.nt A spnkr.cn1an pnint rd nu!, nf C'Ollrse. that l\,L!neu' h::i~ n• direct re sponsibilil y for l1sral policy. -ONE \\'HO p11r11c1p::i1crt 1n 1ht Camp Dstvirl '11sruss1nns 11'11.~ T r r 11 s u r .v l"ndersecretar;i-P;iul \lolrkrr, A rnrmer 1·1ce president nf Chast Manhatlan Bank, u'h(I IS reg11t d<'d 1ns1flp 1hP Treasury Department a.~ 11 cha mp1nn nf the bank - ing lntcresl.!1. It may be s\i;:nificant that intere~l rates \l·erl'. rxrmpte.rl from lh!': freeze order. Banks can go on boosting their profits thercfnre, "'hile wages, prices and ren t..5 are lrn1.en. -PRESIDEl\'T NIXON i.o; reporteri I" be particularly upi:e! nvrr thf' nppnsiUnn of AFL-CIO Prt:sidenl G('Orgr Meany to his economic movt>s The nlrl curmudgeon nf lhe labor movrmenl ha.o; l'lern i'!Urly in !he backrnoms. In the Brnnx·accenlrrl languagr or !he plun11>er he once \l'llS. he has brokrn Ul'I more-than nnt meer tn,11 "-1lh Administration nlric1al~ h.v grumpin~ !hat !he Prrsicient has mi~handll"d thr Pronomy. Alier 11 rrcent lirss1on \l'i!h J..abnr S«'retAry .Jan1r~ Hnrl1::;;on, Meany dnurty refu~e<i lo pose with him Int p1cturea.. dent.!. Twenty wnuld have benefited rrom the grant. The district won't gf'l the grant. 11nless the board changes it5 lune and fi les a late application. according t.o Oran ge Count.Y Department nf F.du cation officials. Tustin discussed only the welfare criteria, conclud· ing the program \vas "ridiculous." No l once did they d iscuss the program's hencfits. Students served by the program in their dis! ricts last year gained three mon ths or reading improvement (or each month of study. T hat ls hardly a ridiculous use of public money. \Vhat. is ridiculou.~ is that. ;i rllstrirt that has lo.~t more than SI00.000 in state equaliza tion aid this year, should believe itself sn wealthy as to turn a\vay $12,000 \.\•h1ch \.\10uld impro'''-learning opportunities. La,vbreakin g Bike Riders Bicycle ri ding. enjoying an inrrease in popularity, ts also generating an increase in accidents and traific hazards. The ignoranee and negligence d1 .~playcrl by rnany hicycle riders in Newport Beach is fri g:htening. especially those adults who have just taken up the sport. They ride against traffic. cross against lights and u.~e side\\.•aJks. 'rhese infrartinns, nf 1·nurse. s hould be F.topped, but the irresponsibility sho1.1·n by riders 1nay not be their fault alone. '!'h e ci ty or NP,1vpor1 Reach rerrnlly took l,1.110 com- menrl<'lhle ioteps to im prove the s1 tua1inn -A bicycle !rails commi11 ce. designed to study nerd ;inrl loca tion "'as rc.:ic t iva !erl -Councilmen have instructed 1he rit.v ~taff lo pre• pt11·e an informational hrnrhure on h1ke safety. .'\nd it is hoped every body on two "·heels \1 1!J al so help. \ I \ ' 1!9 .. !~~rJ 'THE IDEA IS TO CONTOOL IT WITHOUT B~EAKJNG ITS SPIRIT.' En1e1·ge11cy Action Pleases Bu1•1is Objective: General Price Stability \\'ASHINGTON -Tht> th.:t1rn111n of !ht FerleraJ Reservf.' Board, Dr . Arthur f', Rurns. is eminently ple;iserl w i I h PresidenL Nlxiln's eniergenc.v action no the state or the economy. and righ11y so. Hardly anything alluded tn by Dr. Burn.~ in his sta1e.menl tr.i the .Joint Et(lnon11r Cn1nmi!le~ nf Cnngrrss on J11l x 2:1 w;i~ ltf! nu1 nf the Pres1dent'.s nCll' eronnm1r po hey ff nr Rurns' 1nfh1. rner rnnt1nuc~ In hr <'nnirollin~. thf' NI~· nn :idmin1srra11nn will rle v1sr in thP.. pre~pn1 !l0-rl11v Wil,l!P... rrirP frCf'7.P Peril'l('f ii ,,..,1 ," I m n re permilnf''ll '. -•. _-. ,I m r c h 11 n 1 .~ m rnr f <'heck1ni:. w;ige anrl prier lncre;i;rs - This is "'hfll nr Burn~ "';in (~. the he1:inn1n,;?s nf a11 'income~ policy." In m;ike lhe transition 10 grner::il prier s1.abil1t.\'. Such ~lpb.1ti1v 1~ admittedly a long way rlown the rnarl Thcrcfnn• 1l ii: rra.~nnahlr tn f·nnrlilrlr !h:i,! a new mech::in1 .~m for "'al!e-pri!'r cnn1rnl 1.~ likely 10 become ;i rlur:iblr feature and this is a radical departure from past policie~. POLITICAL SE1\1ANTICS br1n,1: wha! !hey are, the President and his secretary Ri cha rd Wilson nf thr trr.asur.v ca11 sav thr.y nr1'er 111ill C{I fnr \l'(!J:C·pri cr cn nlrnl. Th r\' can C\'l'n n1a111ta1n lh:t T thr prrsrnt frrr1..e i~ n\1! w.'l;:_r.p1·11'p rnnrro\ \\'hrn. thev ~pe;ik this wa v thr1· /"an hp rrfrrnn_g 'rn 1hP ri1?1rl mrch;in1sm~ of \\"o rfrl \V::i r II , w11h r:I · l1fu1111£ 1nrluricrt. ::inrl !;"\l('ilr 1h::i1 11 ~h;i!I nr1·rr h;ippen ai.;a 1n. ;it lea~! 111 pc::i(·rl1mt>. H::i1•1ng .c;:11rl ::i ll 1h1i:, lhr\ 1·:in 1hrn •urn If) "'h;:i1 Dr Rurn\ "·;int ~ 11 h1rh 1~ .~nmr!h1ng mnrr than JllW ·bnn ini: or 1:1nrll'linl'~ aorl somrlh1ng lrs~ than w11cr- prir,, rri;:t!l i1!1nn which he 11• i 11 unrlnuh1rrlly n11111nP 1'1 grr:l!c r r~nl1c1t· nC.'i"-rl11r1nc-thr 9(1.d~v frP('ZP i:f) !ha! lherP \1·111 he somrlh1ni;. to pu! 1nlo efferl lnllnw1ng 1! Wh;itrvrr lhe 11·nrrl.~ U~l'd In rle.~rri br 11. lhr new 111erh<1n1 5m In be rflertivr "'111 havr 10 hr rr~prrtrrl hy lht' mainr in· duslnrl> nr !hr rn11n1ry· Rt "T, ,\1fUl f. THi\ '-' Tll AT. 11 "-111 ha1·r In hr rrsprr !rrl h1 the maJnr l;ibnr 11n1nns rlr Rurns su~prr!.s !hal !here h:i~ been ii gradual shift or power at thr har.[;;iin1n;;: tahle in f::ivnr nr lahor , M;inagcment rrpresent<ilives hat'e been caving 1n wil h regularity, fearful ol los- in~ preferred rnarkel posi tions through Jnn;;: strikes ;ind aware. that public "'r!fare programs c11n be used to sustain ml'n nn !he p1<·ket linrs. Thr rr.o;ul1 h;i,c; bf-en a sharper than 11su11! 1nt·rr.;isp in "·11ces 1mmed1atr.ly fnllnwrci by pr1c-c 1ncreasec; in a st ilgn;int ernnnm y. \l"hrrh lli ilJ!.:t1nsl all lhe rul<'s The eonrh11nn Dr Burns h::i.~ been rlrs1·nh1n 1:. al!hnu11h lhese ;ire nn1 h 1 ~ \\'Ord.<, I." !hill of t·nl!rct1ve b;iri;a 1n1n~ 1n u·h1ch l;ihfir run~ off w1rh ;i ll !hr harg;i1ns \l'hllr priers fl.SI'. profits f::ill and unrmplovmen1 1ncre.a~rs. An 1ncnn1e.~ fl(llir y. 111 1his stage of the pn11·rrd1ngs. mlllil me;in prim11ril~· t.hr rrs!r;i1nt nf ma1nr 1nrluslry Wll!!P l!l· crr;1sc~ and srcnnrl11rily the rest.r;iin! nf prier 1ncrr:i,c;cs Thill i.~ nnt popular. Mil· _inr indus1ry labor 11cgo11a1ors have go1.11'n lhrlr bar.i,:a1n~ alrcarl.v thj.~ year in !hP. fnrm of w:i.i:r increase.~ nf 12 perren1 ;ind more 1n 1hc fir~t yrar ;ind mounting up in the ~crond and lh1rd year~ THE: HARll FA('T TllAT 1hr Nixon ::irl· n11n rstra11nn h11s i;n! to larP af!pr lhr prire lrrcu• 1s enrlerl 1~ a showdown with organized labor or else admit that 1l can· nnl enpr w11h "1hr 111nsl ddfirul.. ecnnorn1c issue of n11r lime ·· A pres1dent1a! elect1ori year 1~ ii ba~ tim e to have to do this but Nixon h;is nr, .alternative unless he desires another frustrated "game plan .. Organized lahor wrl l he defiant if !h• lll.:ttemrnts nf it~ IPadrrs romn1 en11n.'!: or the J'lhl'nn prngrarn arP an inrhra!1nl'l Nil'nn 1s arl"U'i('rl or n1.~cnm1n<1tirH'! ;ig;110~1 wnrk<'r~ \\'hill' 1:11·1n i;:. 1nrlu~rr~· • t:ix hnnanz:i, ;iJthnuiih the 1n1•estmrn1 la~ credil 1s nnt a bonanz::i hut 11 rle\'ICe to stimul;i1r cn1pln.rn1r11t . T\\10 PURPOSES \\'rre rvirlrnt 10 t\1 x· ntl·s fin;il rleri.~1on lo rlC'p11 r1 fr("lm hi~ nn• arr1nn pnl1r~· ;innnunrl'rl h.1· Sr1-ret11r:-r Cnnnally only ;:i /P iii "'eek~ carl1rr. Thf!. fir~1 w;i.s In rhangP lhe. 1nfl11r1nnarv P~.v1·hnlogy nf 1hr 1·nun1ry 11 nrl 1mp;irt r1111f1drn!'r 1n cffrr!ll·P 11 r1111n h~· lhc i:n1 ernmf'.n! Thr s1 1ccCliS nf !h.:11 r11rro •e will he measurcrl 1f interest ra\rs conic rlnwn. The :;rrnnrl n1<11or pllrpn~I' wa~ In imPQ~(1 ;i ,,.!;inrl.•ldl on \\'::t.i:r.• .:inti pritl'.<1. fnr ;:i lhr-Pe mnnlh~ period rlurin,£ whirh nrw m<ich111rrv 1·0111~ hf' rle1·1~erl tn ronn· 1 rnl wage anrl prier rnn\"rn1ent.\ Thr ~11r, f'P.ss nf this p11r['lfl ~r \1·ill hr rrtt'::i~u red hv the effrr1 1vt>nr~~ nr :1ny nrw mcchant,~~ 1n ;irrrsung e~calating \l'agcs leading to escalating price.~ A Call for Dog Owner Cooperation Tn the Erl1lnr This s.unitnrr nur rlo,e:" ha1·e he-rn h:in nrrl from thr nrran hr11rhr~ and ,,•;i i~~ l;ir_cr ly hec;iust \\'P rln,1! 'lV.'ner., ha1·p nol hrrn f'l ranini;:: 1111 ;iftrr nur r1'11!" Thr rllv r(lunril 11•1ll 11_gain rnn.~1rlrr lr111n.i: rln~' on lhr hl'iH'h in Sept.en1hrr. Thi.~ 11•11) prn- tiab!,v be nur las! npporlun1r,v sn I he'l1r1·r thnlie of uc; who enjoy br1n.': nn thr nrr;in bcachei; ;ind w:ilJ.;.s shnuJd writ!' !n the r1 I)' council. cif)· hall. !\·rwprirt Rc;irh 92Flifl, i;ayin,1: .~nmcthin.c: likl! this · r 11m I.hf' nwnrr or a rlni: l1rrn.~rn in Newporl. Beach . and I nr11m1c;p I "·ill <'lean up after my do.i:: if the n<'can he;ichc~ ;ind walks art: opened In me 1n tht rail ·· "'E HA \t[ FOUNO 1! a simplP rnatlrr ln keep p;iper bags and plastir bre;ici and produce haj!'.s with JI trowel ne;ir our rlo~·s leash. The cily requires lha! all rl1:>,e: manurP be ~ccurely "'rapped ;ind plactd 1n !r;ish c11ns on the bea r.h. If all llf us dn what is nnly thr ngh! thin~ in cle.anin~ up after nur pet~ lherc will tiP little reason fnr dogs In he kept off the beach. \\le have hiid a s;:imple nf lhr ban this summtr -I hope in lhr fall wr'!l all ;:issumt> nur proper re~pons ihi\it V in rle::inin,c:-up sn !hat. "'' m::i.v again en· joy the ocean be;iches "'ith our do~ .... MRS. WARREN J. CLARK Correcl Rike redn/IHIJ Tn the Editor: Thro present. upsuriz;f! in the u~, nl bicycles prompts me lo urge tha t peiiple lt:arn the oorrect mrthod of riding them . r refer specifically tti the simple fvn- damental of pedaling. I cringe when I "et a 1•11i;t majority of rider~ ped::ihnR w11h lhr heel on tht JM"(laJ or even !he instep Fnr proper freedom nf action n( lht: Ion! 11nd ;inklP. thP ;ige-old prnven methnct 1~ tn pu.~h from the ball o( !he fool. In the old davs. I-Or clips ~rr1•t.d this purl)flSr In .1111 thr yrars I hiive spent nn B;ilhn;i l~lanr!. I havt never sten 11 C\'f'lii:I m;ikr !hi!' rcq 11irtd bnult>\'ard lilnp · If injune~ result from btini 5truck b}' :i car, this in· '1 ui lhox !r::u·l1nn .,f 1h .. 111\\ 1·nt1ft1 •1rll kf'rp thr ndrr frnn1 t•ollrf'1 lllC (1;1n1;1gr~ FRt:E~1A/\' A RE:EU . '1~111i1 1 .~1 ll<•l if'O pte r Tn the F:rl1!nr 1 "·;i~ 11"·;i krnrd a!. 2 ,io a.m by lhr Ne"·pnr! Rr;:if'h pohrc hrlirnptPr v.•hich hu1:1rrl I •ur1·1'1'Prl 1 lr1 ·1nP Terrace lhrl"'e sub!'l'C'[11r nt rimr.~ Thi s "inno\';ili ve" !ealurl' of our police drparlmenl has hrrn r;:il\cd !o rn.1' ;iltrn11on se1·rr;il 1unr~ rPl'Pn!!~' 1 p i1UflOi?. ml' d'1U,11.hlt't ' rrrrnt 11·rdrl1n.I! on nur h:irk1;irci p::i11n iillrnrlrrl h\ fl!) rrlilll\"I'~ ;in{I f.111.<;,p fri rnrls lnnnr nf knn ll'n crim1n;il 1nl rn1 1 1\hr n thr n11n1s!rr ~ \f">l('t' \\ii~ drn11nrd nut hv lhP hrhrnplrr ;ind thr <;,f'fl'!f'C !rn1 - pnr11ril.1· 1nlrrruptcd . nn ~r1·eral O<" l"a.~10ns "'hen lncnrls ;ind ne1~hbors h;i1·e 1n1nr.d mP 111 my pr>0l-;iga111 w!lh mnr1v!'s of pleasure . nnt crunc. \\'HILE SOM to; c11 y p<)lirp drpArtmrn!s ;irP :it·1i1·cl .v PnJ:laaed in innovat1,1Jr rrimr prr1·entinn programs nr \\'hicb r 1·er.1· murh apprnvp _ [ que~lion !he \/;ilidit.v nf any crime preven!i{ln 1·:.lue· via lhP heJiCflpter Pl'CCp! in thp r~!.egory nf dcte.rrencr !hrough nni se .iinrl o,, "'11rn1n~ associated with that no1se-:.a1 bes~ Iii -Peril to Basic Freedoms Thr menacing shal)f' nl the rarm lahnr organu.in~ driVe hecamP clear in thr Iring. rlra\\•nout California table grape boyroll Thr lhrr:il nl this t_vpe nf nraan1zini; h1r11r to ll S. cnnsurner,\. farm w(lrkrr~ 11nd agrirul1t1r11I prnrluctivit,v is rlescriberl in 11 pnhr.v statrmen! f'lf the Amenr:in F'::irm Bure;o.t1 Federation. The statement liay~ "Boy1:{11t11 or ;:ii;:r1rultural produr!s by labor un111ns e(frctively r 0 rec l n ' f' market.' fnr ent1rr cnmmrniities v.·hethrr nr nnt 1nrl1vidu11t produ('t.rs may be. 1n· volvPrl 10 11 [ilbnr di~pute-<ir hire any labor at ::ill-11nd whether or not worker$ want lo join the union .. , • "\\'E RECOGNlZE produC'I hoycolts ;is markrt seizures lh&t have assumed many nr the characterilltie11 of 11ocial reV(llulion ciitttf('rl not only .iit the destruction or f:irm m:irkel~ but tht destruc1ion nf thP mRrkr1 .~y~tem it.'ielf. Elements nf !he bnyrntt te.iirler~hi p h1111e oprnly call{ld tor lani1 reform pllltt'rnrrl af!er tht l1nt11 nl !.AtJn American cnnfi.~f'a!lnn of pn~·;i1e 11rope?r1)'· ... Ailrlculture and the natJoo Gu est Editorial mullt 1111';ikcn In thi11 prril 'l''h1rh ht,i;in~ "'Ith ;:in 11 l1sault nn f:irr11er<;' markrls and can rod 1n 1he destrucUon nf our market economy. THE A ~fER1CA1" Fa rm R u re a u Federalion strnn11:ly l'IUpport5 the enact· men! of nat1nn;il ·!!'~islation i;inve.rn1n¥ farm .worker relation~-lrgislA!ion tttAt rerogni1.e~ thf! rl1J1!1nct11•t problems of a~ricull ure. Thf' F11rm Rurc1111 nffers spe.ci lir tzu1drlines In achievf! !his end 1n lhe develnpmcnl nr f::i rm·labnr lrgislation. Emphas1.~ 1~ nn nlunt11rism ;ind lhP pro. trrlinn nf thf' n)?hts of both workerli .:ind producer~. it., rrCflmmrndatlnn~ 11rr 1n line v.·11h !ht pr1nr1plr nf rons11mer frrr r h n I rt and thr rcquirt1nent.s ' or agnrultural prorl11rt1v1ty l ndu~t.riAI Ne\t'S fl.evlcw ncg;il n ,, 111111a1 ! In rriv flp1n1nn 1 h~ hrl1roptrr ;i(irj~ !o IJ{ll~r ;ind iiir fl'li\utinn a~ "rll ;ic f.."inl! :in 101 ~~•on nf rr1v;irv 1\T A Tl\110: 11hrn lh• ('111 ril \r1t'1)1"1rf R<'.:irh "'Pl1\\ In hr 1n f1 ,, .ii 1·ri~1• 1t m1ghl hi' 111c r to ;ippl _\ rn<;I :tnill\ <r.~ !ri ~n!nf> nf tl)r · c;rr11rp\" v.h1rh n11r r1tv prOl'idr~. '1!10,\ Ill~ !hr~r ~rr1 H'r' fnr rr- fll"I C!l ("V i!Orl ('('flJllHl]I , C('l(IOC: 11 n f}rinri!ir .~ nr \l h11\ "rl"\ il'l'C 11rfl llf'rflprf 0\0~1 anrl lhn~r wh 1f'h :ire 111nc! Pllrr111·r . .:inrl !hucr whu·h f.<ill 111tn rn!rgorir~ nr need \\"hich we_ :is t;:i~p:ivrrl" ran :i.nrl want In ;iflnrrl Thp /\'r"'Pfltl Rr:ich rnliCC [)rp;irtmenf hrJr<.'nplrr IC ;i ~t::Tl"lr'I of dub1nu~ valu!' "'h1rh I wnuld rl1m1n:i rr. .\IRS. L UCILLE KUEHN Letters (101•, 1rfulr1.1 l)rr 11•r/rnmr l\·nrmall.tJ u·r1/t>r.~ .~hn11l1t r'n111·r 11 fh .. ir n1cssages tn 300 irnrrl.~ or /('s.~. Tli t r ight In Cfllttfrnsr lrtlrrs fn /rt -~rnrlf nr e/i11nno'-r. libr l 1.t rr.tr n·rn. All /rl- lrrs nnt.~I n1cl11rlr .~1p,,n111r1> nnrl mnil· 11tp arlrlre.~.~. b111 11nn1.cs 1n1JJJ br 11·11n . l1r.rd. nn rrqur~t r{ .~11ff1r1r 11 t l'l'fl.~'l'l 1.~ nprarrn/. Pnf'lry ul/I/ not be fHlb· 11.~h('d. Olll.NGI COA.5l DAllY PILOT Tl r1hl't / ;\'. \\'"Prl, 1'11 b/i.~l1 rr Tli()ttff).~ f..'l'r r1/. };rlrtnr Al~rr/ IV, Bnrr.~ f'rl11 ri1·u1/ r agt 1:rlnflr ThP rrl11nr1.ll ['::II?,. nf !h,. l'l.111~ F"l!o! ,.,.rk~ tn )nfnrrn 11 nrl l'llmnl;i1,, re;irl - .,,.... h) pt'<'•rnhn~ !h1, """'<flllpr(• nrun1nn.c 11nr1 Nlmmr n!:ll'\. "" tnr11r\ nl onll'l"f"J:I 11M ~1Clllllf'llnr". l>,1 J'll"" \•1rt1n~ a. tnn1m tor 'hp r'fll r•~!!'ln ...,f nUr rr11rlrrs' pp101nn,, 111•rl h~ pr•· ~POI In~ !hr rlll Prsr 1'11'\0 pn1n!• n f 10- fnrmrtl nh•rr1rf'< ::inti ~rn~r~mrn n11 1nr1r~ nf t h~ d.1 ' Fr1da,Y. Augu~I 20 . IJ.l71 l .,,-...... ,~ ,,~r---~..-...-·----_,. --4o .. --:--· .. r • '* --..... ' . . . . Cosia :_Mesa Today's Flnal EDITION N.Y. Stocks VOL. .6<4, NO. 199, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES PRESIDENT MIXES WITH CROWD AT EL TORO A P1 us1 at Marine Base, Th e·n On to San Clemente Weary Nixon in County For Three-week Stay By JOHN VALTERZA 01 IM O•lty l'!lcl Stiff With bis family waiting in the wings at the Western White House, President Nix· (10 touched down Thursday afternoon in ~M Clemente appearing obviously weary but talk alive just the same. The chief executive laun ched his threl'· week "''orkinJ: vacation \lo'ilh another public appearance tnaay a~ he and Gov, Ronald Reagan flr w 10 Lnma Linda tn de dicate ;:o nrv.· fi40-bed \'cleran'~ Ad1ninistrat1on !lnsp1tal, \Vhile Hou!'ol! Prrss Srcrrtary Rt'lnald Ziegler said the facility. lo be operated in con j u n c 1 lo n v.·1th !Jlm;:o Lin<l;:o University's school of med1cinr, v.·oulr1 r eplace the Sylmar VA ilospi1al 11•hi rh v.•as destroyed by an earthquake last Feb. •• Nixon had ;:o midmorning mer\1ng \1•1th Tu:!agan on the firsl day of a thrC'C·\~·c.ck \\'orking va cation al !he \Ve slern \\ hite House !o discuss 1\'elfare reforms i!nd lhe Til'\'I economic pollclcs outlined by the President last Sunday. ~Reagan is schedulr<l tn !ea\'e soon on 11 trade m is,~ion to Asia. The n1cetin.i: also wlll afforrl Nixon 11nd Reagen an OJr portunity to di~cuss the poli1ic;i\ situal ion Jn Cal ifornia and Republican chances for &uccess at the polls in th is critical slate In 1972, Today's trip came despite comments by Mr. Ni xon late Thursday thal he Orange Coa1t l\'eather The \11cekend weather outlook for the Orange Coast area shows e;:orly morning clnud,~ and fog. clea ring by. mid·day to clear skies and sun- shine, Hi~hs al thP bc11<'h 75. in· land /IS, Lows ;:orounrl 66 in both areas. INSIDE TODAY Tlie .Junior J,,ngu , nf N11c- port Harb or hns 1111 a high .~pot with il-7 r i:l!1b1r, o/ nrti.~t Clairt rdUce nsrern at the Sherman Gal · lt1'v. Story anrl p1ctr1rcs art' "'~ Pa pe 23 of today's 1Vet kender. .... 1 ... • M..,i., 11·" CIMlot<tl• ' M11l~•I ·-· " CMctl,... " " NHl<tftl l -~ ••• Cl•ulflM l!·ll O•Uttt (1111ttr ' c-11,, " 11 •• ,.,,. .. ri 1}:11 , __ " s,1w!• ... w • -Nt!Klt • ·-· , .... orv.rett '*' 1'1•~·" .. ,,, l!lflNflt l ,..,. • t,i.v1•!9ft " 'lllllW• . " Tho•lon ,,.,. MONO(-" """"''~"' ' l,n<t L•IMl1" " ""'"'""'I !hw• IJ·U M1llM J ' W~rlf Now1 ••• Mtrrl•" Llc••11t1 I w .......... 1l ·Je \l.'OUlrl rest and ''h ave very few social function s·· during his annual long visit to San Clemen te, Before he joined his wife. Pat, daughter Julie Eisenhower and his Irish seller King Timahoe. President Nixon eagerly greeted Coast Guard brass and their f;:omilies, rhattcrl with the son anrl daughter of N;:otional Security Adviser Dr. Henry Kissinger, then commented on the natinn's reaction lo the wage and price freeze, Hr i::trci;sed hr was imprcssfX! with the v.·idespre<1d public accc111ance and sup- pnr1 fl'lr the drastic economy moves and adm1t1cd he expected some oppoi-ilLon "frnin some Sp!'Cial intrrest i;roups" - rspecially nrganizcd labor which has set up ;:o hnwl over the 1\'age freeze As the v1sab,ly v.'cary President pattrd children's heads and shook h;:onds his family waited in a i:;rccn gnlf cart behind the thic k 11·alls separating lhe Nixnn rs!al~ from the \Vc!ilcrn \Vhite House of· fire compl ex and grounrls, They did nnt jnin the Prcsirlent unli! tl1r. Nixon sped oH toward L11.~ Casa Pacifica. Before his custom elcclric ca rt sped ;:iway Mr. Nixon poked fun Ill Dr. Kiss- inger's status as a bachelor. "Don't do anything tonight I wouldn't do ." the President said , "Will there he a wedding lomorro"'" (See l\lXON, Pa1e ?I Fastes t Hips To Cavort Here With Hula Hoops Some of the faslest hif)!I in the Fa r \\1est will g;ither in Crn;ta ~1esa Slllurday ff'r th" \Veslcrn Regioniil Hula Hoop Contest. The Ci!y R('crcat,ion rkp;:irtmrnt is hosling bnth the 1971 District ~ (Southern ~lifornia 1 cnntesl 11nd lht Western Reeional event C<lntes t lime \11 1 p,m, at Costa Ml'!sa Park, 570 W. 18th St. T~ winnu of ,the District 4 title will then compete agalnst champs from Ariwna. Los AngeJe11 city. Los Angeles County and ce nt r a I California for the regiOna l title at 3 p,m, The regional winner will belUe for the n11tional Hula Hoop crown Aug. 26 at Universal Studios. ~1is~ ~lelody Howe. from Los Angeles. the 1970 Hula Hoop National Champion. will he on, nf the three judgc5 in Siiturda,v·~ conttllt Tht other judges ;:or, Rnn Wh itley, superinlendent of recrtiatio:i for Newporl 8';:o.ch. and Gary O;:ivl11. recreation ~upervi!lor In Jiun tinglon Beach. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, '1971 TEN CENTS· County Pair Win Delay Battin, Caspers Contempt Hearing 1 Put Off By T0~1 BARLEV OI IM D•lll' l"IMll lr•lf A plea by Orange County supervisors Robert Battin and Ronald Caspers for a delay of the hearing on contempt charges filed against them by the League of Cities was granted today by Superior Court Presiding Judge William C. Speirs. Both board members successfully ;irgued through Deputy Counly Colrnsel Arthur C, Wahl stedt Jr. that they had had insufficient time to prepare their U.S. Could Twist Arms Over Freeze From Wirt Ser\'lre11 \VASHINGTON -The administration said today it would use lhe govemmenl's $1 00 billion a year purchasing pov.•er to force businesses to comply with Pres1· dent Nixon's wage-price freeze. But almost as Caspar \V. Weinberger, the chief U.S. budget writer was reveal· ing the government's threat t.o use its muscle, organized labor and consumer advocate-R:ii.Jph Nader were calling the new policy "elitist" and "a lax v.·indfall for big business." Weinberger, deputy direclor of the Of· fice of Management and Budget and chairman or the Regulations a n d Purchasing Re\'iew Board, said the board's; formal ()rder directs purch11 sin~ officers tn consider "as a decisive lac· tor' whether firms doing business with the government comply with the wage-price· rent freeze in all of their bu sine ss deal· in gs. The Bu rea"u of Labor statistics, meanwhile, announ ced !hat the cost of living rose a moderate 0,2 percent in July -the last full month before Nixon's im· pnsition of the wage-price freeze last Sun· day. Nixon 's new policies are designed to stop a rapid increase in the cost of living, which rose 0,6 percent in June and O,J percent in Ma y. Nixon said Thursdav when he arrived at the Western \Vhite 'House after a five· state swing that he expected !he op- position of "special interest p:roups," But he said: "The overwhelming majority favor 'what \\'e are doing," The AF'L-CIO and Lhe AFL-CJO 's rhief congressional lobbyist former Rep, Andrew J . Biem iller tD-\Vis.L said on na· tion..,,•ide television that Nixon's econon1ic policies were ''nothing but a ,1?iveav.•ay, a tax-windfall for big business." Biemi\ler said that corporate profits and high interest rates, not. workers' "''age demands, were the principal cause of inflation. Nader said the ec0nomic policy wii !I "elitist·• He said the freeze did not. apply In intere,~!. rates and corptlrate profits. ;:on<l !he program would pro~·idr billions of <loll;:ors for big business He said the wage fret>ze forced thP wnrkin~ man to shoulder the burden of rhe new plan, \Vith Nixon ·i; program now fi vl! days old, there were these other develop- ment~ · -Gov. Preston E. S1n11h nr Texa!I refused to back down toda y in his de- fiance of President Nixon's freeze on tSee FREEZE. Page ?1 Apollo Craft Already Gone Sorry folks. the Apollo IS com· mand module went through Orange County early this mornlnij a.nd hardly Myone got a look at it. Officials of North American Rockwell said lhe module "''as tran11porled early in lhe mnrnini:t instead of mid-day as predicted. because it took up two Ja nes of the highw11y and they didn"t want to block traffic. Thursday. Rockwell authoritic!I said the module. whl('tr-..curied astronauts: David R. Scott. Alfred M, Word'n and James B, Irwin to the moon and back earlier this month, would leave San Diego between 9 a.m, and It a.m. Howev~. Newport ~ach Police ~.11id today lbe mod.ult passed through their town abnut 4::l0 a,m, A !ruck carried the 11.000-pound module up Pacific Coast Hi ghwa y Ill the North American Rockwell plant in Downey. defense against the allegation and sub- poena witnesses on their behalf, Judge Spel"s set the hearing for Sept, 7 nver the strenuous objections of League attorneys Tom Woodruff and Tom Stewart. "This will be the format from now on ," \Voodruff commented outside the cnurtroorn. "These people will try to delay this contempt action by every means pos~ible." Judge Spears action followed the filrng by Wahlstedt of an affidavit of prejudice against Superior Court Judge J, E. T. "Ned" Rutter who had been assigned to the contempt hearing. But Judge Speirs made it clear that the delay will not affect Monday's hearing into the action fil ed against Battin , Cas- pers and Hyde by the league. That hearing, wh ich is expected to finally determ ine the \eg111i!y or otherwise of the present Local Agency Formation Commission. i5 ~cheduled for 9:30 a m. in J udge Rutter's courtroom. It seemed possible today that the jurist n1ay again be n;imed ln a second f• ffd.:tvit of prPjudice. Earlier no Thursday. the Fourth 0 1slricl Court 0f Appeal had rejected a legal appeal by Casper s and Battin ;1;.:11inst Judge Rutter·s ruling on the LAFC composition and ' the contempt allega tion. That terse ruling was handed down In /See LAFC ROW, Page Z) Lt. Calley Gets July Welfare Study Shows State Drop Reduced Sentence FL r.1cPHERSON. G;:i. (AP 1 -Lt. William L. Calley J r,'s life sentence fo r murdering 22 Vietnamese civili;:ons at My Lai \lo'as reduced to 20 years today by the 3rd Army commanding general. LL Gen , Albert 0. Connor, the first of- ficer tn review the case, said the reduc• l ion ''1vas ;:opproprlate for the offenses." The case now goes up a chain o[ review en<ling with Presirlent Nixon and furthe r reduction is possible. Calley, 28. has been confined to his 11u;:orters at FL Benning, G;:i ,, si nce his conviction nearly live months ago. He could be eligible for parole after serving nearly seven years of the sentence, In Salt L;:oke Ci!y. Calley's attorney, George Latimer said : ··obviously I'm r!easerl , Anrl I'm sure Lt. Calley ill tha nkful lo Gen. Connor. Ultimately, of courst>, \\'e hope to get the situation. upon appeal, so that LL Calley will not be the ~capegoat of ~1y Liii. The action (Con· nor 's) is very favorable," The announcement \\'a! made by Maj. Herman Kassner. acting head of the public informatio::: office here, who said: "Based upon the testimony and evidence presented at the tri;:ol . it w11!f determined that the conviction was cor· reel in law and face 21nd that the reduced sentence was appropriate for the offenses for which he was convicted, ··Gen . Connor took his action after con· sideration of all the evidence in the record of trial, after considering the ad· vice and recommendation of his legal sta ff. and after considering matters in rebuttal by the defense." This compl etes the first step in the long revie"'' process in the Calley case. Presi- Bogus ·officers Loot R es idence Of Cash, Camera Fou r coa st men hi1d Huntingtnn Beach J'l')lice Lhry were robhed of S780 in cash and camera equipment hy two men who posed as police offi ct?rs, The four victims -Peter Smith end his brother Jan of 18@1 Linden St. Foun· lain Va lley; David KE'.rshaw. Qf 1517 S11perior Ave,, Newport Reach, and ~litchell Mar ga ritch. of 214 Walnut Ave,, Huntington ~Pach -said the two men took SZOO iJi ca5h and the camera gear while searching Margaritch's home as part of an alleged raid. They told the real police they were about lo have dinner when the two men, clad in blue shirts and white bellboltoms, came to the droor. The victims were told their house was being searched as pllrt of a raid. The two men came in with long barreled revol vers drawn and handcuffed the four friends while they searched the house and their wallets. At the conclusion or !he search the "policemen'' told the four they had made a mistake and apologized. They released their priSi)flers, but told them not' to go ou lslde until all the police units had left because they might get shot. After the bogus officers l'ft. the men noticed the money and camera equip- ment was missing. Mekong Dike Bursts VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) -The rain. swollen Melronrz River burst through a, protective dike in three places today and w11ist-hlgh flood waters sv.•tpt over Vien· tlane's Watlay Airport. closing it lo all tr a Hie, Refugee!! wilh belongings on their hacks trudged into the center of lhe Lao. tian capita! lokking for high ground , City workers began building 11 backup dik e 11 cross the m11in boulevard of Vientiane .es a precautionary mea.wr,. Al' f'hoi. SENTENCE REDUCED Lt. Calley or My Lai ci'nt Nixon has announced he \\'ill personally review !he case and make the ultimate finding. Calley is eonfine<l to his quart.ers at FL Benning, Ga,. while his c.1se works its way through the review chain, 01a the .Job SACRAr.1ENTO jLJPI) -(lov. Ronald Reagan announced today lh.at the number o( Californians on \Velfare declined in Ju· ly for the fourth straight month. "These latest figures cons tit 11 t e dramatic proof that the actions we have tak~n ;:ore grabbing hold and reaUy \\'Ork," Ileai;an said. '"The y bear out the effectiveness of the ovrrall approach we h11ve taken lo bring \Velfare back under conlrol in California ," The governor sa1d there were 2,188,40.t persons rt>ce1vin,I! \\'elfare in California d11r1ng July, rlov.•n 12,500 from June and JOS ,17:1 from March, Heag;in's announcemrnl wa s released in thr form (lf a prepared sta!ement from his office. The governor himself wall meeting with President Nixon in Southern California anfl discussing, among other things. their differences on welfare. Rra~an i-aid "!he ,~lea<l,v rlror tn !he number of per~on,• nn the rolls in C,:a lifornia rlunng these la st fnur monht11 contrll~, 5harply with the national trend and stron,gly confirms nur hclief that the rrngram we h<1ve devell'lpcd here clearly points !be direction for true welfare reform ," Loan De faults Told \\IASHINGTON (AP) -About ~o.non young persons have reneged on repaying $,in million "''orth of government-backed sludent loan~. the Office of Education says, adding the 1 percent default rate i& nothin g to gel \l.'Orried about. OAIL 't ~ILOT Hl91e llr 0'" k"'"'"' Mn . \Villlam T, Ruckle y doe~n'l normally deliver the DAILY PJ'LOT i_n the Me:sa del Mar section of Costa tl1 esa1 but she did Thursday and she may be doing It for several days , lier son Timothy, 11 . is the regular carrier , but he came down with the chicken pox and 'good ol' mom' has taken over his route -tcmporariJy at least. '1 I I 2 DAILY PIL OT c f'reon Par" I NIXON ... ~ Mr. Prea:ident?" onl! rl!porter •houted. - "Thl!rl! surl! wilt.'· camt the rl!ply. Prtlldent and Mn. Nixon pllM"I to -·!ht woddJna ttnliht of M.,_ tinehl. da ughter ot presltltnllal ad vistr Robert N. Finch. who met her f11nct at a \\'hite House party. Miss Finch and John ElWn Shaw, son of 1'.tr. and Mrs. John R. Shaw of Broom- field , C.olo. v.·l!l be married at 8 p.m. to- day in the Presbyterian Church In La Canada, a su burb of Uis Angeles. The Ni.xons will ~ accom panied by their daughter. Julie Eisenhower. v.·ho is spending a frw days with her partnts hert. The first family and the Flnches are longtime fritnds . The fre~and-ea sy beginning of the stay at San Clemente is e.tpocted to be foltov.·- ed by several appearances by the Chief E.xecu1ive v.·ho already this week made hops throughout tht nation. f\o top-level cabinet members ac· <:ompanied ~Ir. 1\"ix on this lime. Dr. Kissinger -as he awaited r-.lr. Nix· on 's arrival -commented tha t probably none will arrive through the duration of th' visit. Some sour~s have a:a.id the President plans a brisk schedule of appearances throughout Southern CalilornJa. Work to Begin On High Rise In Costa Mesa Construction Is scheduled to start next month on the first hij:h rise off!Cf! building ln the new South C.oast Financial Center in Costa ~fesa . A 60.000 squ&re-fool, six-story office building has been designed by Los Angeles architetts L1ngdon and Y.'Uson for the Segerstrom development. The new office will be located at Bristol Sire-et and Sunflower Avenue, across from South Co1st Plsu shopping ~enter. The building is valued at Sl.S million and sits in the middle of 1 deYelopment where more high ri!:t bulldin11 are ex· pectod. It wlll join a growlnr list of high rise devel opments in Co1t1 Mesa. Other structures already up include two seven· story dormitories at Southern Callfornla College, the five-sWry city hall and the 13-s Wry Bethel Towers , retirement com- plex. City Councilmen als o hsve approved plans for a five-story Holiday IM on BrlsWI Street. less than one mil• south of South Coast Pl11.1. The five-story office build ing Is ex- pected to be compltted In Jul y, 1972. Chai.In C.onstru ctlon Comp1ny, bullder of Newport N1tlonal Bank i nd M1riner'.s S1vll\ia and Loan ln Ntwport Beech, will build the Cost.I Mesi hlrh rise offiee. Huntington Boy Remains C1itical After Accident Th• condition of a 12-year-old Hun. tinjton s .. ch youth has r•m•lntd virtually unchan1ed since. he 1ulftred muslve bead injuries Aug. 13 when he was truck by 1 car ln South La1un1. A 1pokesman for South Coast Com· munity Hospil1l said P1ul Sch.Hti of lT~l Ger1ldine Lant ii still In crltlc1l C('IO-- dilion in the interuiive care unit al the hospit1l. Accordlng to tM: Callfomla Hi(hway Patrol , the boy ran acrou C&ast Hlahway near Allso Pier and was it.ruck by a northbound auto. The dri ver of the vthl· cle, Clthy J. Keith, 2!, of !l77 Lombardy Lani, Laguna !!each, rtpertedly did not set the younaster. Therl! ls no cro1sw1 lk .ft.t the location as pedt1Lrl1ns use an und er11"Gund tunnel to cross the hl1hway. The accident Is still under In· \.'estlcatlon. OlAN•I C:OAn DAllY PILOT ORANl>I C~ST l"UaL11HINI) COMl"ANY l•lt•r• N. w •• ~ ""-:•...i ..... "'*'"- J •• ~ .. e,,rley Vite iar-.. w W 0--•I M....- lh•••• "••...ll a•1• Tlri•lll•' A. M\1•111hl11• M•OMtllli a6!1W ctr..ttH H. L •• , ll1~•" ,, N.rr A.dlllMI M-elrlf llll,.,_. e .... 111 .. OMM JJO W11t l1y $.,,.., "'-111 .. A44r•u: ,,0. ••• ll•O. tl•I• --......,. .. ff!: JU:) N....,.n hv:-1111 1£ l•do1 r. ,. .... , ... _"' ....,. hl<ll: 1n1; a ... ~ ....,'-,,. $M1 lei al Ntrttl I I C-IM ..... DAIL'>' PILOT P~olo ~y ll!th1r6 KotMl r Face i11 tire Glass Ann Harber. 6, Costa 1il esa. peers through d isplay case at hand wrought jewelry during recent visit lo Sav.'dust Festival in Laguna Beach. The jewelry is by Tracey 1i1oscaritolo, a meta! sculptor and silversmith exhibiting at the festival, one of three annual summer art sho,vs in the Art Colony. Heari11g Slated One-yeru· Higl1 Rise Ba11 Endorsed in Newport By CASDACE PEARSON 01 1111 0 111, 1"1111 11111 Newport Beach p \a n n Ing com- missioners Thursday endorsed a one-year ban on high rise throughout the cltv \.\'hi!e work progresses In updating thl! Newport general plan. A public hearing on the ban, to be ac· c:ompll!hed throui h an ordinance will be conducted on the proposal by planners Sept. 2. Final approval will be needed from the. city council. C.ommlssioners endor11ed the total one- year ban after rejecting an earlier pro- posal for a twn-year freeze within the bounda ries of the Lower New!Xlrt B1y Clvlc District. "Two ye1r.s ls too long for the depelopers,'' said Commluioner Wlll l11m 8. Martin , "bul by onl! year we should know the ideas of our general plan and be a bl e to decide from there." The city has e~li ma ted H wi!l like t,,..·o years to gel the new master plan adopted. althou_gh City fo.1anager R.nberl L. Wynn said this morning an interim plan can be re11d y In four months. Acting city attorney Dennis O'Neil 611.id the new ordinance -if passed -ma y not be ef fective until after t h e moraWrlum on building expires Nov , 18. "It wilt be very close." O'Nell said, "The.rt! msy be 11 six v.·ee:k or so time dif- ference " Cnmmissionrr 'v i 11 i a m l;laze1vinkel said, •·you ctiuldn't have that much hap- pen in •ii: weeks. No one wlll rush rij;ht in : they're not ready to build now." City Councilman Carl Kymla, chairman of the Lo,,..•er Newport Bay Civic District study con1mittee, who urged the two. year ban, said this morning. "Those who lhink the high rise people y,•onl come In for permits during any time period are nai \·e -the y·re ready to roll ," Kym!a . who still supports the two-year dis trict limit, said. "The intent of the height limit on high rise ·was to protect an asset -primarily the shoreline. l can't see ho1~' a height limit on such pro- perty as E1T1kay Company holds near the airport is rea!Jstir." The district ordinance can still be enacted, O'Nell sa!d. Transient Takes Off, So Do Stereo Alliun1s He· bit !he hand that fed him. &he told pollce, A Costa r.htsa woman returned home from vacation this week to find 3S stereo rcrord albums and 70 empty sort drink bottles missing. In her report to pollce. the woman blamed the thefts on a transient she and hrr roo mmate had given shelter to for a 11'ef"k She said he \vas th£' la.~! one in the apartment and had left in such a hurry, his clothes re st!ll there. D41LY l'ILCll l'M'9 ll ~ U!Nt Old and New East Ha ll (right). 1 new 22·rl ass ronm bulldlng at f\1t \vport Harbor High School. has been blended 1n 10 1930 :;;-~ty!e architecture oft.he C"ampus. New building is part or $2 million expansion projert at the cAmpu~. Project is due for completion iu tin1c for opening of school Sept. 13. Ne\v library 1centerl a l~o blen<ls 111 11 i\h exi~tlng architecture. Expan· ~:on n1eans ca mpus 11 ill ha1 r r0on1 for 2,800 ~tuden1s th is fall . Freeze Fight Urged La,bor Let'J-der Suppor~ Non-cooperation W"'1flNGTON (Al') -Labo' chief Geora:e Muny caUIMI on C.ongres.s Th ur•· day to t1ke control of the nation's economy away from whit he called Prt1\dent Nixon's ''milmanaatment." And he urged all unions to cancel con. tracts where y,·orker3 Jose monfy under Nixon's v.·age--price control~. l\teany. after a pita from top ad- mlnl1lratlon officials to cooperate with Nixon's new economic program. told a news ctinference .. We're not iOin& to cooperate." ~ll!any also \'erbally blistered two Nix.- en Cabinet members -Treasu ry Secrl!· tary John B. Connally and Labor ~re· t.ry Jame! D. Hodaaon. Both had said Meany. In opposlni Nix.on. was out of step Y:ith American v.·orkers. "f don't pay much attentio n to the i;ecretary of labor. Alter all, If you ha1·e 1 probl em with the landlord you don't discusa It with the janitor." Meany s1ld. Of C.onnally. Afean y said. ''I think what he's looking for is the enforcement con· cession" In the wage-price fretie. "He wants the horsewhip conce.ssion so he can sell horsewhips. Connally doesn't know 1nything 1bout people's problems.'' Meanwhile. in San Clemente where the President is beginning 1 Uvee-.week work.. ing vacation at the We1tern White Hou~e. :r\ixon conceded his far·reach!ng ne1v economic program pmes "some pr~ b!ems." But. he etpressed confidence that most Americans f1vor his approach -"and that's "·hat ctiunls," NlxOn advised ney,·sme n upon his arrivtl in Sa.n Clemente Thunday night, .. \\·e ha\"t some problems." he sa.id, '"but the public reaction is \\"hat is im· portant. 1 think. 111 overwhalming m1- jority of the peoplt throughout the coun- try fa\"Or what we 'tt doing , and lhal'1 "hat counts ." l\ixon, addressing the Dallas con- ventlon of tht Veter ans of Foreign Wars Thursda y -and 1ppe1ring in a h1\f-emp- ly 1udltorium that normally seats 10.000 -asked for support of hl.s economic policies. He also sa id hls curbs on federal outlays, aimed 1t countering inflation, v.·lll not encompass any n eed I e 11 restraints on milita ry spendlna. While Nixon spoke in Dal111, Press Secre tary Ronald L. Ziegler issued a statement denouncing an order by the Texas go\·trnor Preston Smith granting scheduled pay raises for te1chers and gover nment workers despite the Wlit:- price-rent freeze. Said Zitaler on beh•lf, * * {:r From Pagl! I FREEZE •.. v.·ages by ordt.rina pay raists for more 1h1n 100,000 teachers. -A series of revised 1ovtrnmtnt reports issued toda y showed modl!sl im- provements In the national economy. The Commerce Dep1rlmenl 11ld the Gro1s National Prod uct Jn crt.1s&d $20.5 billion in tht. second qu11rter to an 1d justed an· nual rate of $1.041 trillion. Tht increase was $300 million above the preliminary fll(ure lsaufd 1 month ago. bt SI.id, of the entire administr1tion: "It appears that lht ao vernor of Teias, for motivations of which only he is aware. is seeking lo single out 1 1roup of Teians for preferential treatment. We don 't think any Tet1n w1nt1 that, particularly at a timl! when all !ht n1llon is banding toaether to defe1t Inflation 1nd at a time when many Amerlcaru are being reque1ted to make temporary s:tcrifices klr the 1ooc1or111." Nixon later was 1sked if ~ ex:pecttd any Je11I problem as a r11ult of Gov. Smith's announcement. "r think Gov. Cann1lly can hand.It it," said the Pre1 ldent, rt1errin1 to Treasury Secretary John B. CoMllly, former Tex- as governor. Although both Smith and Conn1lly are Democrats, they have. often been at odds. r-.1eany urred that l1bor unions canctl all contr1cts under whlch workers would lo1e money as a result of the wage. freeze. Such moves could pave the way for strlkl!S which the administration has asked bt halted and avoided whlle the \ariely volunt1ry curbs remain in effect -a period of to days aubject to t.l• tension. Nlton was askt.d U he had anticipated a host ile reaction from hlch labor ranks. His reply; "We 1lway1 an ticip11te some re1ction. There are very special interest aroups alwaya affected by 1uch freezes, and there will be some in business and some in labor that will be opposed • , . but what really matters ... is whit the peo- ple of the nation lhin k, 1nd I lhlnk that when the Congress Ind the leaders O[ apecl1l interest groups hear from the country, that they're going lo 10 atoll( with the counlry . ·• r..1eany gave Nixon pa11lng credit for proposlI11 lifting the automobile esciJe tax, but he urged Conlif'ess to k111 Nl:11:on'a propoJal for a bu1ineas investment tax credit and l(I order tht: White Hou1e to pay MOO million in an announced p1y freeie for federal worker•. · "Inste1d of extending the helping hand of the feder1l governme.nl to lhe poor, the unemployed the financially strapped state• and cltita, and to the inflation- plagued contumer, the Prl!sidtnt decldld to further enrich big corporations and banks," Meany said in criticizing the er· emption of profits and interest rates from the freeze, From Pagl! 1 LAFC ROW • • • San Bernardlno in 1 unanimoUI 1ctlon by justlcea Robert Gardner, Marcut Kaul· man and John Gabbert. It came after four day1 of deUOOatioru . It means th at the appellate court recorntz.ea until it least Aug. 2! Fullerton Councilman Louis "Red" Relnh1rdt and Anaheim C.oun~llm111 Charles Paarson as the rl1htful holder• of LAFC seats earmarked by Battin and Casper• for Loi Alamltoa Councilman Joe Hyde and Anahelm attorn1y Herb Licker. Jude• Rutter had scheduled a full hear- ing into the LAFC controver1y for Mon· day. It ls expected another judaa will now likaly rule en what he feels to be the llwful compo1ltlon of the LAFC board. Today'• contempt hearlna w11 called after allegaUona that Battin, Cuptr1 and Hydt called an 8 a.rn. meetlna of th• LAFC for Aua. t In defiance. of 1 tem. por1ry l'fl11tralnlng order \a1utd tha nlcht before again&l the trio by Judge Rutter. Ballln replaced Pearson 14•Jth Licker in a six·second debacle that ended with pro- cess servers and several of Orange Coun- ty mayors running to\Vllrds the boerd table while Hyde and Ballin ran for the ex it. Papers wtre flung into thl! 1ir, un- parliamtnl1ry lan1u11e was exch•nied and the meetlnf ended with Ca~per1 1111· ling alont digesting his personal copy of Judgt Rutter's orde r. That D'leeLin1, arranil!d during the weekend by Bat In and Caspers, 'Wis prefaced by a 6;30 a.m. meeting on the county courl hou~e lav.•n in which the Ltagile or Cities unanimously denounced Hyde ind declared Ralnhardt to bt its choaen rtpresentat.ive on the LATC board . Reinhardt was 1ccused of beint the tool ol the lrvlne Company ind part of a com· pany plan to ensurt. that Santa :Ana's bid to aMtX: the "promised land" was d1feated. The lax-rich 938 acre sector on S.nt• Ana's southealtern fringe ls eyed by both Santi Ana and proponents of lrYiD• cityhood. Irvine through the Council of Com· munitits o! Irvine \\'IS favored l1et month by Superior Court Judat Raymond Thompson in a ruling which rejected San- ta An1'a argument that the Irvine Com· pany virtually promised the land to Stnta Ana eight years ago vi.ft. &Mexat!on ac· Uon· Leaeue cf Cities reprwntatives replac- ed Reinhardt with Hyde by a 13 to 12 vote before coming back a month later to awup Hyde out of the LAFC at a tumultuou1 meeting. Many of the county's mayors s11.id thty llad been 1ubjected to "lrtmendous political pressure" at the time of the first \'n!e. They identified Battin a5 the leader nf the group which practically forc ed Hyde into the LAFC seal. ,Judge Rutter's ruling put Battin, Caspers. Reinhardt. Pearson and ~fa yor Stanl ey Northrup of San Clemente into the LAFC seats last \reek for still another vote on the "promised land '' issue. The result "'as a solid <I lo 1 1"ol1 against the Battin group. That vote cleared lht wa v for Irvin• cityhood vi.ft. \\'hat is txpect~d to bt an tiverwhe tmlngl y fa vorable vole ln the community for the creation of a city that is expect!d to be the largest in Orange County. But the v11idlty of that vote r;tlll depends on the rulln1 made by the judga at the cti nclusion of ~tonday'a vital hear· ing. Final Sale Week -•. • • SLl!~IR SOFA IALI PRICED STARTIN4l AT •• , s239 Final wt1k of wertlioust tale. Stl1ctiont of mis· c1 ll antou• furniture at a frac tion it1 orltlnal price. Hundrtds of y1rd1 of dr•ptry an .. upliol•t•ry fab- ric• all dr11tlc1lly rtductd. DEALERS FOR: HENREDON-DREXEL-HERIT AGE NIWPOIT lTOll OPIH •llDAT 'TIL t NIWl'ORT llACH 1121 w .... 1111o,.,1142.2oso OPIN fRIOAY 'TIL 9 "r•ftul•nal lnttrlor 0.1l9ntr1 Avallahl~ID INTIRIORS LAGUNA BEACH 2•S North Ct11tl Hl9liw1y rliont: 494-6551 •I "f.1 ,, I. r ., .. ,. I • .. ~· :; ·.....; . . . ~··· . ,..., t ~· • .,P'",e, .. • ..... \ ... -""' - Bob Hope Tal~es UPI Ttlep~o11 Cut --~ ,.-M-------·---··--... -·--.;---.--- ~ 11 Blacks Charged In Death JACKSON, Mis s. IUPI l - Eleven members of the black separatist "Republic of r\ew Africa" (RNAi faced a preliminary heating today on murder <~harges in death of a polite detective during a gun- battle. Di:-;tru:t All orney J a c k Travis said the t'harges were filed Thursday against 11 men1bers of lht:. b I a c k n r g a n 1 z a ti on und~r a f\1ississi ppi law that provides that those \\'ho "aid, abet. assist or encoura~e a felony" are as .. gu ilty as the prin· cipiil." Tra\'1s said his nff1cc \\'Ould QURME --By Phil lnlulundl ask the Hinds County Circuit l.:!:~~~~:!:::::!:~::...::...!.::~-------.J Cou rt to convene a special grand jury on the first ~Ion­ day in September to consider the charges. He said the RNA .. The odds are t hree to one hot-pants are not f or you • •• and all three of them are facing you.'' 1nembers \vou ld be he J d ----------------------- \\'ilhoul bond until t h e prelin11nary hearing is c:on1- pleted. -........... ~ .. ,_,,,_. DA.ILV Pl~ 5 FA.LL KILLS FUGITIVE NEW YORK (UP!l -A man being chased by police across rooftops because he was suspected of being a heroin se:ler died today when he: tried to jump from one building to anolher and miss- ed. Grand Opening MONDAY, AUGUST 23 BAMBOO TERRACE • • CHINESE CUISINE TROPICAL DRINKS , Open Dally, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. • • 153 E • 17th Street I I /2 block la1t of New1»Grt llvt1.) COSTA MESA 645-5550 l'on1cd1an shO\\'S hi s little league tean1. the "Bob Hope India ns." h1s'forn1 111\h bat as they honored him for his 16 year s as team's sponsor. Looking on 1s Peter i\lcGovern. president of LitUe League Baseball, and several team members. LL \Villian1 Louis Skinnrr . :'16. died of head wounds in the predaV1T1 h0urs T h 11 rs d a y follo wing the \Vednesday gun- hallle with seven members of the RN A. Two other offict:rs -a cit,v patrolman and an FBI agent -y.•ere also "'ound- ed in the fight but are. hsted 1n satisfactory condition. Teacher Suspe11ded After Cl1a11gi11g· Sex B ERN ARDS N.J. (API - TO\VNSHIP, Mrs. Paula c.·harges but said she remained optimistic Justice Black Sidetracks --. Corpus Christi Bus Order t\"ASHl!\'GTON IU P!l .Justice Hugo L Biack has blocked for the linie beini; a federal court order r u r inassive busing to achieve a racial balance in Corpus Christi, ·rex . public schools. plan originally proposed by the department of health. educa- tion and \velfare. obl igations lo !\'1 ex I c a n - Arnericlln pupils and its ability lo provide enough buses LG transport 15,000 students daily, FBI and police officials said the shooting "·as started bv the blacks arresled al the RNA headquarter;;. F.:lmer Linberg. acting special agent in charge of the FBI offict: 111 .Jackson , said the offit·ers drove up in front of the house and used a bullhorn lo order those inside to con1e out. \Vhen they refuser!, authorities said tear gas y.·as tired into the dwelling and the blacks began shooting from in- side. Tht:y said police then rt:turned the fire . Grossman, a n elementary school music teacher 11·ho under11·enl a sex c h a n g e operation has bttn suspended v.·1thout pay by the local school board. The school board president, Paul i\lallon, presented a list oi fi ve cbarges against Mrs. Grossman Thursday night, to be: sent to ~1rs. Crossman and her attorney, Herbert Kester. On Kester's ad vice, neither l'1'1rs. Grossman nor the at · l:Jrney ?.'as prestnl at the school board meeting. She declined commt:nt on the The case goes to Dr. Car!1 1 ~larburger, s I ale com- n1 iss1oner of education, \vho must either rejert the case or'I hold a hearing "'ithin 60 da ys. 1'hr <"h<trges a!lege the l presence ol r-,irs . (:rossman in 1 he school systen1 1r1!t con· J linue t.o c.·reate a seni;ation and 1 a:;scrl that bring a lranssex·j ual is abnorn1al. fl·lallon alsn 1:harged that i r-.Irs. Grossman did nnl give1 the school board advance! notice of the sex change operation, \vhich \\'as perform- ed at an unidentified plact: in the United S!alC's in ~1arch . Come to this Christian Science Lecture Spo111ored by tit. Secco"d Ch..,"h of Christ, Scle"tl1t, Hewporr hCKh HOWARD H. IRWIN Board of Lectureship of the ]\fother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston. r.tassachuietts On The request l'or a stay in lhe lower rnu rt order was filed \\'ednesday by the .Justice Department. 1vhich sought to bar immediate 1 m- plementar1on of the busing Black . .,...ho issued the slay order while the full nine- member cou rt .... ·as in summer recess. said he was expressing no view "as to !hr wisdom or propriety" of the Justice Deparlment"s position. I n seeking the sta y, the depart- ment sought further hearings on the local school board's The Justice Department's entrance inlo the Corpus Chrisli case was thr first ac- tion since the \Vhi1e House said fast \veek that President Ni xon had told government of- fi cials to order massive busini;: only as a last resort to desegregate school~. Police Hu11t I\1urderer; Victin1 Lived 12 Years ~fallon sairl he felt such ;n nper<1t1on v.•:is nnt accf'ptable in the area and said the teacher sh1)uld be dismissed for incapacity. fllrs. Gross man 1 reJectrd a school board offer a1 \veek ago that she rt'tatn her Joh by surrendering I h e 1 teaching certificate she held i for 14 years under the name of Paul Grossman and applying for one under her ne1.,, name, ~1rs. Pau la Grossman. Shel also would ha\'e lo surrenderl lt:nure and switch to ll high1' school level course. "THE WONDER OF LOVE" Saturday, August 2l•t. at 10 A.M. The Edward• Newport, Cinema Tliei1tre Fasliion Isl and, Newport Beach 12tli Bi1•tliday Even Hawaiians Fail To Escape Urban Ill s HONOL ULU 1 A f' I Hav.·aiians celebralt: their 12th btrlhda:v as an Americr.'1 slate todav hut for sti:1te leaders it ls mOre apt to be an occ asion for soul search1n~ than for re· J01r1ng. S1nrr acqu1rin~ stalehood 011 Aug. 20 . l!l59. I h e s e semi!ropicaf islands have been infected \1•ith the urban il- lnesses that plague sl<tte~ on !he mainland -rollu!1on. tral"f1c Janis. noisr. cnrnr Betv.een 11160 ant.I 1970. census f igure.~ sh1n1'. thr popula !1nn of H:l\\'::1 11 ;umped !8 percent. n1aku1c l\ri1\·a11 one ol !hr fasle-"l i.:r(l111 ng ~!air~. .<\nd iij percent of 11s popul<i· \lon of about i!i0 ,000 Iii t: 1n urban ;ire<1s De~p1le con.'>t11ut1onal Tlirr e In Air Crash :\LCiL'ST:\, :-.1a1n(' 1UPI 1 - A t111n·eniz1ned Dov. n t r.. !I t Airlin<>;; plane cr11.~hed inlo a hill Thursday night 1n Ing in ?11anchesler 1\•hile trylng lo land at Augus ta airport , kill · 1ng lhrte of the eight person~ aboard f1cult1es. thert' is talk of pas~­ ing a law limiting the number of ne"·con1ers to Hawaii. Slll!e: Sen. N;idao Yoshinaga has said he 1s searching for a leRal way to ~tabilize the populat.ion by legislating iigainsl the tnigration of ne11· residents. Bui people hal'e come and so h;il'e lhe problems ... Con- ('tete Jungle·• is the phrase m11n1· use to describe \\'aiki k1. and ·only recently hare the 1.:onstruct1on and tnunst in- dustries realized thal lhev havt Q1·erbuilt there. Thf. \\1a1kiki hotel occupa ncv ralc for !he first six months of 19i1 1s dov.'n about 16 percent frorn 11·hat 11 v.·as ror the san1e period the year befort'. "The re's no question tha1 "'t'\·e n1"erbuilt." said Donald A. Bremner. t x e cu Liv , secretRrv (If thf': \Vaikiki lmprove.ment Associatlon. "There is not 11 valid con· nrclion between thf' numbers Qf hotel rooms possible and tht: market capacity " Officials admit that big-time nrRanized crin1e has comt: to Ha"'aii. Since 1962, there have been 20 con firmed gangla nd killings. nine missi ng persons belie1·ed to be victims of the "11vndicate:" and 6 car bom- birlgs. Pacific Goldfish Farm ' AUGUST KOi SALE .~_s1so 10 s5000 ~ r;:==:::..., ''--~e===;j . .)~- ...., S eAL. IAIY KOi WARR AOUAllUM I o . $ 3 .50 HYACINTH covg a 25 • $ 1.00 ITAITU llT 50. $15.00 WARR $9.95 100. $11.00 unua Ol'fl'f 0.l llT 10-S In a one-page opin ion. Black re-instituted a stay of the bus- ing order that .,..·as 01·erfurned b~· the 5th U.S. Cou rt of Ap- peals Aug. 5. The stay order v.·on't ei oire until July I. 19i2, but US. Solicitor r.eneral F:rwin N. (;riSl\'Old SU~~ested a hearing be scheduled by the !ith circuit ··on an expedited basis.·• "H is apparenr thR! !Iii.~ case i.~ in an undesi1·able stR1 r of confusinn and presen!s questi ons not heretofore pass- t"d on by !he full courl but \l'hich shnuld bt"." s;iid Bla ck . ··under ! hes r l'ircurn· stanc~. v.·hich prr..~ent a very anomalous, new and confusin g si tuation. I decline ;.s a single justice to upset the wisdom or propriel y of !hP sohritnr J:rn- er;:il"s position." Thr school dis1ricl !old Black lht: HE\V plan would re· qui re 125 buses ;:it a n Pslirn;;!ed cri.~r of SI I n1ill1011 hui th;11 11 hiid no surh funds 10 pa\· for lhrm. SAN ANTONIO. Tei. (L:P!1 Almost 12 years ago, :0.1agd11leno All•1so V.'as shot 1n the head during a barrooni bra.,...1. A suspetl v.·as arrf':sled and charged v.•ith assl'lull but \\"a:o; not indicted b_v 11 grand jury. Alviso, an in ral1d since the t'.'hooting. died Monday and police ha1·c confirmed they are looking through their Iiles rn find lus assailant and chargr him 1vith murder Homicide LL. Da1·id KePnc railed it "'the strange~! case I \·e et•er set"n ·' and told the fol1011·ing slor.1' .. Moments before nudnigh!. Sept. 17. 1959, police were summoned to a lounge on the west side of the citv. Wit- nesses reported ii man had been lo;1df"d into 11 1:ar an<t drh·en away There were pools of blood at the lounge. "1'\ot long afte r, a rnan iden· l1fied as ~-lagdalenn . .\!v1:.o. 21· 1ear~-qJd ai 1hr l1n1r u;:i \ brought lo Rober! B (:recn SHAPE UP W ITH A NEW SH I' ' .. To reviv e your so ~9 y summer 1pir1ts, pit k out • new thirt from Jetk 6 id - well'1 newest errive ls. You c an choose from ; I. a 1a 11y new body 1h irt. a neat now print in red, navy or brown, $ t O. 2. a 1oft luxuriou1 red velour 1hirt, with e button frol'lt end long sleeves, a t Sl b. ). the perfect dress i hirt fer fe ll , soft strip es in bl ue, pink or b e ige , •f $11 , -4. a nee! T-sh irt with e b•nd o l fl o werl a round it, in assorted colors, $S. W ho else would h•ve it but J•ck1 b7l-<S I 0 l!ospilal. wounded in the head by a gunshot. As a result of the: 1vound. the man becamt a paraplegic. "The next day pol ice ar- rf':sted a man and booked hun For assault l.o rn u rd er . However, Ill July 1960, a grand jury no-billt:d tht: man." -- All ARE WELCOME CHILD CARE PROVIDED COME AS YOU ARE California's Larges t Display of Dining & Grune Sets (518,,~~) , COME SEE THE SELECTION I We anur• you I/lot w1 h~• t/le lo1gt1I d i1play you' .. e ..,., •-at any •ne time, iriclWillQ th1 1.111i.nuoW &ery 1it• a..d 1hG~ NI '"· f1el and !ouch. No ........ ecrtalt!Q 11\oppi .... ~''"""'"Y· s- i111 ii bele¥ing. DISCOUNT PRICE We hCJ¥• cul al! th1 fanq frill11ho1 <OJI '\'OU dGlla n . N .. cc...-1in~ foncy 1~awreom. Jin! btltt r priu. ond 1tl•(• tiot'! it w~at yau·B •••· lmm.-di.,t• d .. r.very Gt pitl: "'P ft,.tt pl Gt'! i.o1e it.ml wk'"' d-"d may bt o•ea!tr tho" ·~,ply 0" ho"ll! OUR WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM our-.+.o...seU.-;, l!l,000 .q. ~. d...et.d to jwt OM 1peciol furnilur• p....,uct, Ye"' ewe it lo yaun•lf 1'o 'liiif th• lo'ffll dlspk.y of di....-ie tet1, oome Hfl, dining Mis, borJ Giid lteGtJ brf.,,. ,..,u buy. Di,.,ing 1f'11 f,om S33taS1000. Somt'!king fQI...,.,~. OPEN 7 DAYS AWllK MOMDAYTMlUFIJDAY 10.00 A.M. te ~ P .M. SATilllDAT 1M•SUfCIAY NOON M t One .!1y o"IY 0 S 511 . .lUf . 21 10 A.M. 'tit IOIMI Makes a Unusual Offer ... Th e1e fir$! two items o re the begin ning of our "Traffic G-1"ter'' buys, !ecouse of our vo11 whol esole conl'leclion1, we will offer items to you ot TREMENDOUS DISCOUNTS, In fa ct, we will NEVEi! MAKE J,NY PROFIT on ony "Traffic G•tt•r'' merchondi1e. Pfea1e tell our 1ole1men what items you woul d li ke u1 to purtho1e and sell to you on th e "Traffic Gett•r'' no profit deol. Th11 will be our woy of saying thonk1 le oil cl you. Pleo1e note· "Traffic Gett•r" item1 ore in li mited quon•1tiei---to FIRST COME, FIRST GET. Pleou1 don't be ongry if you tome !ote ond all i1 gone. Thank you. Wo1ch for ot1 r ne•t Cu11om Dinette "Traffic Getter" Buy . Sit. Aug. 21 Only UMITIO ro f.000 HA.MS fN srocK 0 •• Mo'" '" ft,.lh Mvot lo ti ot Olcloo SATURDAY ONLY! 24 Can Case of CANADA DRY SJ89 P" (41St CHOICE OF FLAVORS Sit., Aug. 21 Only l/MITfO ro 100 CASIS IN StOCK 11 .. 11 , c ...... 1 ... ;i., M~•• lo 11 y,., or Ol<1e• 18085 EUCLID ST. FOUNTAIN VALLEY ~ SAN DffGO FitEW A Y AND 11!!11!! ~ EUCUD sr. TUlfNOf1 - 962-3325 or 546-1611 r • DAILY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Council's Hard Decision At least three Cnsta ~lesa rJly counc1lmen il'e un- popular figures in one section of to\vn_ thhs \11eek . Mayor Robert Wilson and Councilmen Alvin L, Pinkley and \Villi.am St . Clair made few friend s r..1nnda.v night \\•hen they approved !he five-story l{oliday Inn a! 3131 Bristol St. T\ventv homeov.·neri;. 10 the aLldJPnre orpo.o;;ed it. and they gave lhe council a 154 ·name p~titif1n 10 r1ppositton. Their primary argument. v.•as 1nva~1nn nf privacy. The llolldav Inn ~·ill stand 42 ~ feet. hi~h a n~ at one point is oniy 22 feel fro~ one hon1co\vner'" ba l'k- yard. Residen ts fear that the.tr home s anct b~c kyarcts will provide free fhows for lioliday Inn ~~e~ts, 1 hey also resent having to look up to a 42-fool building. To get construction permission. lloliday Inn de· velopers needed two zone except ions f~om the counr1L They received one for the. height 1,vh1ch exceeds !he city's usual 35·fool hmit. and the nther fnr a use nol Listed on lhe property-if s commercial land, but motels aren't listed for il. The argumt'nl ad vancer! in favor or 1he ~lo,liday Inn ls lhat it is the bci:t use of the properly and 1s a ,goo rl project ror the ritv as a v.•hole. Councilman ·Pinkley told residents that a building 35-feet high could be buJ!t righ! on _thf' prorert.v line without council approv;il 1\ll rounc1lmen also rl nv..·n- graded the complaints of resi,dent.s a blor k av.•a.v v.·ho said their privacy "''ould be invaded. V.11llard .Jnrrlan, who voted against the mote!. said: "\'ou can 't buy that much privacy.'' And those councilmen whn favored the pro1 ert ad- m itted that about a dozen families right next to J-l oliday lnn would surrer some, but said the suffering could be worse without council control. Either way it was a tough decision. but the ultimale Generic N a1lte Can B e a Seniantic Sin 1~:·~-""' ... -.. ,,~ ;a.,_,,. ... •.>'>. '\ l, 'Sydney ]. Harris ,I Notici ng the pla ,vbills I brou~hl ha ck rrom a theatcr-~01ng trip to Ne"' York lhis spring. one of my chitrlren remarkl!rl thal none of the 1heater.~ I attended "'as located on "Broadw11y. ·· I explained that '"Broarlway'" "'as JU~I a generic name for the t\ew York theater, and thal actuall y 95 percent of the theaters are on side streets in the 40's. In the. same way, e\"en during the hey- dJy of the movies. li1cre v.·ere only ()ne or two !'i[Udioll 1n ''Holl ywood... T h e resl were in olhPr suburbs of Los An- geles, but lhe whole industry was refer- red to as ;'Hollyv.•ood." Likew ise, we still speak of "Madi.~on Avenue"" as /he locus of the ar!vertisin.i;: business, when th ree-fourths of the big- gesl ag encies are on Lexington or Third Avenue or olher slreels tfian t-.ladison . THER E IS a tremendous psyrhQlog1cal need to codify 11nd c11tei;inriZP and lahet all things, even when the label doesn·t correspond to reality This begins as a handv device . but 1t often rnds 1n our lak· 1ng lhe label for 1he real1t v -which 1~ one of lhe Jlreal ~eman11c ~in.• Ir\ human commun1ca!J(1n Vt'e can see. the danser r.lrarl\ in sur h popular medical Lerms as '"he.art altack" ])ear CJ00111 y C us ,l,I. least !he person holdin& a $314- per·month position in Cos1a t-.1esa only has to go to th e 4th floor for welfare. -J l to.I. T~•I •eMU•• '"""'" ... n ... ' y,~ .. ,. "~' ••CflU"IY fhtl~ el .... ., .. ,PIPt• s ... ~ YOM• ""' ~uv• " GIM"11 Gui. 0111, l"llftt, or "can<·rr" -which arr often 1m- prt>r1se, m1sleflrl1n~ .:i nd frightening !abe.ls nr little clin1c11I value. \\Iha! 1he p11bhc JonsPly c;ilts 11 '"hear! att;ick "' C'an he any one of 11 haH-clozrn difff'renf ailmenls. in ~nme of whil"h the heart may he only casually Jnv\'llV<'d. And "cancer" is ;:i generic namt for ll variety of malignant growths, ran11:- ing from I.he easily 1rea111ble to the in- curable. Ru! most of us rPspond In !he word ra!her than to the medical actuality, ''OU 1\IA Y RECALL the slor.11 of lhr "'nm an "'hn rrturnerl to the doctor"i; nl- f1re a week 11fter she. had lakrn a trs! !here_ ""Ah. Mrs . .Jnnr.~ .... ~airl thp dnr!or. ''\ have ~nod ne"'-~ for yno ., '"My n.:ime L~ 1\l i~s .Jones:' .~a1rl lhe wnrn;:in "'"'ell. 1\1iss Jones."' replied the docto r, "1 have bad news ror you ·· And, of COllr~e. the cla ssir story about the \vay wt live by labels mort lhan hy reality concern:o. lhe old pea~11nt v.•hn~e Jarm "'a~ on the Ru ssi an -Polish bordrr rluring the long Lonflict ber"·een tho~r ~1aies. As the batlles con11nued bt1ck and forth. hi!\ l::ind kept changing ~ides, from Russia In Potanrl . and back again r~1n1lly. the Pl"lle~ conqucrrrl. ;i11d 11.~ !hr arm\' lrft. rhr cnn1n1and 1ni;: ofllcrr ;is~urrd the fflrmer that h"' "'11~ no"· ~afl'­ lv and pPrm;inen!!v in Poli~h !rrri!nry. "Thank God," .~a irl 1he /;inner ·Now no more of !hose terrible Russian "'Inters'."' Inside Developrri ents WASHI NGTON -President N1:i.11n ·~ new tconomic pohcies. "·hirh "'lll afrrct tbe pocketbook of every Amrr1can. are ~till being shaped in the backrooms of \Vashington. Here art the inside deve/opmen~ -The Pres1dtn1 has o rd fr ed thr. necesi-.ary prepa ra- Lions tn ex1end tht "'agr: -prirt!' • rent freezf' order at rhe end of 00 day.~. Ht v.·ill lake aMlher look at 1he r.conomil' jndic.ator~ and wlll examine tht enfrircr- mtnt problems befnrr ht decides whether to continue the rreeie, -TH E PRESIDENT h11~ expressed private concern that th, U.S. may become a second-<:la~!\ t conri n1ic power unle!s produclivity i~ inrrl'a~r<i Th1:0. mean.s American manager!\ ;ind v.·orker!'l must boost thtlr outpul nr 1hr t: S. v.•i!I be surpassed by tht world'li n!her ji!reat inchulrial nations. Alread y. !hr h11rder working J1J>f1.ne1Se and Germans ha~·e produced betltr goodii for lrss cost Their incre•!ed ules h11ve fnrl'erl Americ1tn plants to &hut down and h11vr lhrown American worll:en out of Job~. If lhe trend coatJnuea. the Prvildent fc3rs, lhe U.S. wJU 109t it.a standing as !hr "'orld '1 , ........ lndullrlal -· -INSIDEIU SAY tM Pre1klt.nt fuhioned hi& new tc000mie program wllhout con1U1Un1 Viet Praidtnt ARJtew, who htad" lbt Cabinet Council on Ecmomie Polley. The Vice PrWdent waa I \ !Jack And erson invol\'ed 1n !he council".'!" economic deliberations, but he wasn"t brought in on the. final planning. Ht wasn't even invited to Camp David for the discus51ons that led lo lhe Presidenl ·s dramatic an· nouncemrnt. A spnkrsman poinlrd nut. {lf course. !hat Agnf!w has no direct responsibility for fis cal policy. -ONE \\'HO par1.1cipated 1n the Cam p na\'id d i~cuss1on.~ "'as Tr e a ~ u r .Y Cnrlersecre:lary Paul Volckr.r. it former vice prc~idenl of Cha ~t' f..1anh:1tlan Bank. v.·ho is regarded insidP lhf' Treasury Department as 11. ch11mpion of the bank- inp; inlerests. It may be si,l!niflcan l that inlcrtst rates were excmp1ed frnm the freeze order. Banks can go on boosling the ir profits !hererore. "'hile ~·ages, pncel!I and rents are frozen . -PRESIDENT NIXON l~ rtporlt"d to bt pa rticul arly upsel~·e.r tht opposition or AFUJO Presiden Gtorgf! J\1e1tny to his economic moves . e olrl curmudgton of the lahnr movement a~ been surly in the b1tckronm~. ln th Rronx-acc l!nll':<i langu11ge of tht!' plt1mbtr hi! onct V.'ll!\. he has broken up mort th;in nne mt"ttin~ "'1lh Ac1m1nistra1 1on {lffJc1als by grumpin~ !hat the Prr11 ide.nt ha~ mishandltd lhe t conoiTiv. Afler a re.l"~nt :o.cs~1on with Lahnr Secretary .Jamr.~ Hnrlqson, ~1 tany dourly refused lo pollt "'11.h him for picturea. vote does make sense. Bristol Street is i1nporlanl. to the city for good commercial d evelopment. ,o\nd . other than inconvenience. it isn't likely homeowners \vii! sufrer a great Joss of privary. Holiday In n appears lo h;ive <1 good project, taking every precautio n ~o hel p homeo"·ners that is possible with a five-story building. While the project may not be perfett, 1t sccnlli the best use of the property. 1'he Yo uth P robl em Cen ter In vie\v of its fine record the pasl year, ('o~ra ~1e sa ·~ \'outh Problem Center came in fnr some unjustified skepticism before the city cou ncil this u.•eek. Councilmen were openly concerned \Vhen I he cen- ters directors asked pern1ission ~1onday to ~h ifl nper· ations from 333 E. 17lh St . to 132 E 18th St ('nunc1lman Alvin Pinkley even "''Cnt so far as to sug,gest that some of the troubled youth v.1ho use !he center m1gh1 he Ilk· encd ln members nf the Man.~nn famlly. F'nrruna lely, his 11 a.~ the Jone negati\'e vn!e; 1he rnunf'1l alln"·ed tl1e n1ovr 4-1. Bui <'ountilmen drd put a one-year prob:i1Jnn nn !he rrnler .. '\I the end of tha1 ti me center r11 rer!or.~ n111sl :i!i k permission 10 s1ay ar the ne\\' locat1on F'ear v.'as ex· pressed bec;1t1se the center i.~ 1nov1ng from a tntilll.Y corn· mereial area to a partially resid entia l area. l'he cen ter tries In heip yo uths of all ages \l'Jl.h all types of problems from pregnancy to rirug abuse In its year of operal.ion lhere ha ve been fev.1 complaints and many \l'Ords nf praise. f'ity f\-lanager Fred Sorsabal gave it a clean slate. The counciJ was unjustified in 1!s s kepti- cism and the center has another year lo provr that poinl. / . ' 6' ... ,.._.__,~ c 'THE IDEA IS TO CONTROL IT WITHOUT B~EAKJNG ITS SPIRIT.' E1ne 1·g e 11.c y Action Pleases Bti1·1is Objective: General Price Stability \VA SHJNGTON -The chairman of the VederaJ Reserve Board. Dr. Arthur F. Burns, is eminently pleased w i I h President Nixon's cn1ergency action nn the sta re of the economy, and righ!ly so. Hardly anything alluded In by J)r. Burns in his s!aTemenl rn !he .Joint Economtr Cnmn1iltee of Congre.~s nn .July 23 "'as lrft nut or the President's ne"· ccnnon11c pcitiPV If Dr. R11rn~· influ. pncl!. conr1nues to ht cnntrnJl1n~. !hf' N1•- nn <1dministral1nn "'ill dP\'l~r in 1he prrstn1 !lO-d;iy waj!e- price free1.e per1nr1 a .. ~) mo r ,, perm<1ne11t -. _ . 1 m r rh .11 ni .~m for l"hecking wagP. and price increase~. _ Thi~ ts wha1 Dr. Burn.~ wan!.~. the lx>ginnlnits (If an '"incomes policy," to make the lransition !o general price .~!ability. !iurh .~r abil1ty is adm1!ledly ;i lon11: way down the road, There fore I! 1s rca~onabl!" ln ennr·ludr lh11I 11 new n1echfln1 ~m fo r '-''<l~P-prir" control is likelv In brcorne 11 d11l'ablP fcatur~ and thiS is a radical dl'p<1 rture from past policies. POLfTICAL SEt-.lA,\'TICS be1nR wh:i! !hey are. the President and his secretary Ri c ha rd Wil son nf thr !rea.~11 1·.v c::in sa.1· !hr.\I ncvrr will .i::o fnr w;i.i::c-prire cnnlrnl Thr,\' l'fln p1·rn rn::11 11la1n 1h;i 1 !hr pir~rnr frecrP is nnl 1•11gr .prirr ron1rnl \l"ht"n rhr.1 .~rr;ik th is w;iv lhrv (•;in bl' rl'fr>rrini; tn lhr rii::1d n1r1"h;i111sms of \\"nr!rl Y.1;i r II . "'1lh r;i- hnn1n.c 1nr·l+1r1rrl, and ~"·car th;il 11 :<h.:ill nrvrr h;ippen 1111.ain, <i1 Jc>;isJ in l"t'll C!'llr\lr H11v1ng s;i1d a ll rh1~. 1hr1 c·;.11 1hrn I urn to wh111 nr Rurn~ "~nt ~ which is ~nmerhin g more lh;in J"'W·hnn1n.: or 11:u1rlehne s and snmc!h1n.i:: less than wage. prier rc.i::u!at1011 "'h1ch he 1\' 1 I l 11ndouh1edl~ ()11t linr 1~ grratrr t'~plirll· nrs~ during 1he !lO-day frerif' !<O rh::ir Jhere will ht' somrlhing 1(1 put into rffect lollowing it. \\lliillrver 1!1r wf1rd~ 11srrl to dr:;;r-r1bfo 11. !hp nc>w mcf'han1.~m In tie l.'fft't"!1vt will h;:i vp In )ip rr.~p('f·lrrl hy lhe major 1n- fju~tric ~ n( the rr•11n1r.11 Rl"f. ~fOlfE THA\ TllAT. 11 1~'111 h;i1•e In hp r·r.~prrlrrl t'ly lhe n1111nr labor 11n1nn.< nr Rurns s11:-pcr1.;; I hat therP h.:i~ bren a grad ual sh 1fr of power al thP b;irga1n1ng !able in favor of labor. Managernent representa!ives hav~ been caving in with regula rity. fearful of los- ing prererred n1arkel posilions through Jon~ srrikes 11nd aware that public \1'rlfrire. programs r;in he u.~ed to sustain mrn on !he picker lines. ThP re!<olt has brrn ;:i ~hrirper th11n usual incre<i.~c in v.·;iµe~ !mmrd1atel:v lnUnwcrl hy prl CP 1nrrc11scs 1n a st ;:ignant eennom.\I, "·h1ch is 11~111n.~r 11l11he rulr~ Thr cnnrli!IM Or. Rurns ha.~ hecn rlp~rnbini;:., 11 ll hOU l!;h these are no! hi~ "nrd~. 1~ !h;ir of rnllrr-11ve barga ining in wh1rh J11bor ru ns nfl w1Lh :ill !he h;:irgains while pncrs risr . profit~ fall and une mp!nymenr iorrea~"'.~ An incomes pohcy. 111 th1.<; sta.11e o( the prncr.eding~. n1u.~1 n1c;in prim arily !hf'. rc.~lra1nl (Ir rna jor rndus lry wage 1n- crr;iscs anrl seco n<ianly 1he restraint nf pncr increases Thar 1s not popular. Ma- .1nr 1ndustr~· labor nrcnt1atnrs have ~ntten thrir h;irg::ii n.~ ::ilrc;irlv this vear in the forn1 nr \\ace 1 nc n'::IS('.~ of 12 ·prrcen! find n10rr 111 Thr fi rst .\·r;ir· ;inrl ninunt1ni;: i1p in 1l1t> sr!'nnil and !h1 rrl \'C'<ir~ Tll F: l!i\Rn V1\C"T TH AT the l\'1 \"nn ;:irl. n11n 1~!r:it1011 h:is l:!O! tn farp af1er th€ pnce fr€e7.e \.~ enrlrr1 1,\ a showdnw n wilh organ1ieri tabor or el£e adn11t that 11 cao- not cope with ·•the 1nosl difficult economic issu e of our time." A president ial election year ts a bad time to have to do this but Nixon has no alternative unJess he desi res another frustrated •·game plan , .. Or~anizcd labor v..·i tl be defian! if lhP. slatcn1cnts or it.~ )efldcr~ rnmmcnti ng (ln !he Nixon program ::ire an indica1ion. Nixon 1s 11ccused of d1.,cr1n1ina1ion again.~! "'orkers v.•hile _1!1v1nji! 1n<ius!ry 1' tax hon;inza. althou~h Lhe 1nve~t men1 ta)I" credi t is not a bnnan7.a but a device to st imulate employmt"nt. TWO PURPOSES were evident 1n N111:· (In ·~ final decision to depart from his nn· ttctinn pnlic~· annnunccri by Srcretar.v Connall,v only <1 few week.~ earliPr . The fir~! was 1n change the inflationary P·".vrholo.cy nf the country and 1mpaft ronfi(!ence in effr.c!ivr ~c!1on hv the .cnvernmr..nt. The success of lhar pt.irpo.~e will he measured if interest rates come dnwn . The .~ccond major purposr. w11.~ 10 in1pnsP a standsti ll on "'a~rs and price~ fnr a three mon !hs pcnorl d11rin.i; "'h\rh nP\1' m11rh1ner11 cnuld hp devised tn rnn· tr·nl wage and price movements. The ~lll'­ {'rs~ or this purpose will hp mPasurerl hy the effeciivene~s or any new mcr.ha ni.s m in arresttn~ escalating wages leading 10 escalating price~. Relations With Japan Are Souring An 11n1ntention.;I rPsu lt of Prr~1rlrnt \'111:on·~ Ping-Pon~ d1plnmac~· ;inc! np11 t"rnn(lm1c plfln has h<'Pn !n push .l;ir;in rln~er !n buildini:: nuclear "rapnns Th:i1 .lap;in h;:i~ thp trrhn1 e11I knn"·-hn 11• to 1u1r1 thl' nucle11r cluh 1~ nn1 douh1<'rl , !'n11I now. ho"'r1·rr. ;i H1ro shuna l'On1plr~ l1;i~ madr Atomic we<1ponry prillt.icflll .v 11n,1r- 1·eplflhle. Moreover. ,j;ip;:in h;:i~ brrn ah l1t !n rely on thr: l 'nited Sla!es for it~ drfcnse. Rut Tokyo i.<; h;:ivini:. to rPvicw nlrl ;:i ssumptinns in lhf! \vakP of Presirlen1 Nf;\'.on·s <lerisions to visit m;iinlanrl China ;ind !o discourage ,JapanesP t"Xpnrt s tn the lJ.S. with ;:i 10 percent ~urchargl.'. ln 11n,v futurP shn"'dnv.·n be.lwt"rn Japan and China. for example, rould Tok y 11 aurom11!ically a.<;sume th11 l the U'l!lrd Slates would take ,Japar,·~ ~ide" .And dnesn·t Nixon's new China policy confirm the view that only n1tions "'Ith nuclear By George ---, Dfar George: 1 Am 11 Rtpublican. C(lnse.rval11·p. old-fashioned and a teetotaler. M.v j.!irl i~ Democrat. 11 hippie . modern ;ind loves high living. M.v problem i.~ this. 1)(1 yo•J think WP. ha vt 11 ch ance of walking in harmony do"'n llrt's pathway~ \VONDERI NG Oear Wondering: Don 't. be apologelic about beini:. a Republican and maybe nobody "''ill notice. Dt':ar Georgt: f think your 11dvice tn girls "'llS pretty stupid. 11bout never letting lht guy ki~s her on lhe fi rst Muplt nr dales. ~fy wife and I ntver had a da le before we were married . and oow $ht slaps m~ evf'ry night "'hen I ,!!el hnmt fmm work . f\1ind _vour riv.·n busines~~ FURIOUS De11 r Furiou~: Uh. actually. I iiidn't mean a li!lrl !IMuJd nt\'tr kl~s if -nn 1'f'Nlnrl l hou~ht. forget it. Any mnrP 11dviC'P tn f:ilhf'r of yno ls ju.~t going lll enmpl\c11lt m11 tt.ers further E<l itorial ll CSf' arch 11·r11rnn~ ;:irp 1·nn•1drrrrt 'h1.i; pn11rrs '' worth\ nl rr~rrc1·· Tilt>~ !\Ol.'Hl:O-.'C 4)J." rrl:ilions hrtwrrn .!;ip.:111 1111ri thr ( !\llrrl St.1 1 1>~ I~ O!lf' nr !ht> n1n.~1 r!.:inc r r1111~ 1 n t t r n ::i t Jn n ;i I dr1·clnprnrnr~ 1n rrl'rn! .1·rars. ~1ut11;il trus1 i.~ l;ick1ni;:, 1"nk\'n fr::irs a reahg_n- mrn1 rif fnrcr~ 1n !hr F.ir F:;i.~t pilling the i·nitl·<i Sl;i1r~ :inrl Chtn;i ;:i.c11inst J;i pan , Chu1r~r l'rrm1er Chou En-lai encour11_gcrl the~e rr11rs in his rerrnt C'onver~at1on \1·1t h \'('" Vnrk T1me~m11n .Jt1 mrs Resrnn. Chou ~ rnmpla1nls abnu~ a pnssiblP, rr~u n:cnrr nf .l11p;inr~r m1h1ari~m ~ug­ ~r~1erl !hflt hP might hP srfl;Jn,1! a l' S. Ch1n11 ;ihgnmrnr ;ig;i1n~! Tokyo F;i1lurr nf lhr ~lxon ;idn11n1~1!·;:i11rn 1n r·nn~111! 111th it~ allv Jflpan . 1n ;if!v::inl'r rf thr f'hin;i !rtp rlrr1sinn h;i.~ flnh· ~f'r\rd In ln!'fC'i\<e Tnkvo·~ ;:i):irm .<\lmn~f 10 tlr ~peratinn . ·.J;ip;i ncse lrarlrr~ 11 r e 1n;inf't1l'f'rlnJ! for ;:i 1'isit from Pres1drnt r-.t~on bclnrP he J!f\('~ ln Prldng .l;ip::in·~ amb::i.~s;idor to thr lln1lrrl Sl;ilc.s. Nnhuhikn !,,'~hill;:i . !nlri !hr ~11- l1nn;il Prr~s Club nn Aue . t I: "The on!v rrmerl.Y for !he prevaililiR .l;:ipancse ai- mnsphrrP o/ unea siness !s In show how l'lnscly and effectively rhe rwo nrillnns rMrdina1e lhl'i r pnlil"iP.~ and t"OOperate '-''llh f':Jch other in the CQUrse of coming e1·rn1 s." .JAPA1\"'S MILITAR)' capahililr 11l present Is limited to "self-defense fo rces·• lh;il ::irP mod('.<( in naturr A~ 11 ~ Pr11nom1r .::inri l'til!u r;il influrncp !'prr11d.• lhrou.chriut Ea!'1 As1;:i, Tnl..:vn 1~ lr mplf'r1 In Ir! 1 hP ;i rmPd fnrrr!' kPrr )lilrr Anrl .lfl)l<ln h;i~ rnme In rr11l11r th;11 )0001 r or ii~ rl;i1n1~ rn the. t-;;:i~! C'h1n;i ,'\r;i rn:i \ p11t 11 into r-nnfrnnl;i!inn w1lh m:11nl;:inrj Ch1n;i. ,&.I 1~~ue ::ire lhr Srnkak11 lsl::inrl~ wh1t"h Chin~ rla1m s h111 "'hi r:h .l;ip;in 1ntrnd~ lo t;:ikr 01·rr ::ii Lhe time nr rrvrr~1nn 0f !ht 1ll'11k.vus 1 inc:lurling C)k1na\\•11 \ 1n 1!172. The ~eabcd .arnun<i thrse i~l;:inds 1.~ hf"]irved In he rich in 011 -;i rr.~nurct "'hich nil-poor .Japan must exploit. P eril to Basic Freedoms Prking·~ P('<lplr·~ !);ill~· l;:ist w1n1pr 11•amcd tha!. !he 1sl11nds were .. Chin11 ·.• ~acrcd rerrit.or.v." Yet .J;ip;in's Tlefrn.~fl! DirertorGr.nC'ral, Y.;.~uh1r.-1 NrikaSllnr. ha~ Jisred the islands in !he st·nr>f' of .Jar;:in ·' df'l ense, Further cnmp!ie11!inJ! thp .~1!ua­ tinn. tht!'. Nationalis t Chinese ,ROVrrnmrnl 1'1 ncl &iuth Knrea al~o 11re Jockry1ng for JXISition on tht East China Sra·.~ r{ln· t1nrnta! shPlf . .l11pan nn lon,Rer r11n cnunl as readily on Uncle S11m 1n prolrt"1 11~ in- lrresls in such disputes. An 1tllrrnat.iv,., nf rou rsc, is to start build in~ up 11~ own mu~cle for the g11me nf J>O"'er politic~. Thr mrnacin.I! stiapr or ·rhe farm lahor nrgan 111n.t: rlt1\'e became clear in Lhe long, rlrawnou! Ca1irorn1a !able grape boycott Thr thrr;i1 nl lh1~ tyf"P of organ1 z1ng !acl 1r In L' $, co n!)umers. farm workers and agncu l111r11! rroductivi!y ill dcscr11Jed 10 A pn!1l'y ~t11tf'ment of the Amt"rica n F.:irm BurcNJ Federation. The statement say~. "flnycort s nf 11gnrult11ral products bl' l11bnr unions effeclivf'l y In r e r I {1 $. r m11rkel~ for rntire comm(ldi!Jr.'I "'helhrr or not 1ndi\"idu11l prnducer~ may be in- \"olved in .11 lahor rlispult-(lr hire any labor 11t all -11nd whether or not worker.'! wan! to JOin the union .... "\\'E RECOGNlt:E produrt boycnlls 11!! markt'! seizures tha! h11 ve 11ssumed m11ny nf the rhar11c ltrlsli~ of social revolution direclt"rl nol onlv 11! the destruction nf f:lrm market; bUt thr dPsfruchnn nf the mRrkrl .~ystcm 1lself. Elemenl.~ nf 1he boyro1! lradrr.~hi p h;i\'f' openly caller! for 1.:inrf reform paltrrnt'd Afler lht 11ne~ or l.;i!1 n An1erlc;i n 1"nnfi!>r <1!inn of pnva!t properly .... ngnculture and the nal100 Guest Editoria l must awakrn to !his [le.ril ""hirh begins "'1Lh an as!'>aull nn farn1ers· markets nnd r;in rnr1 in !hi! destruction of our markeL economy .. THF.: Ai\1ERICA~' Farm R 11r t11 u Feder11t icm strongly suppcrt.<1 lht enact· men\ nf nil linnal lt~islat.ion ,l!()Vern1ng f;irm-worker relations-11.'gisla!ion th11t remgnit.t.s tht distinctive problems of ll~ricullurt;. The FArm Rure11u offer~ ~ptrific guidelines lo 8chic\1e th" end 1n the devtlopmenl nf f;:i rm·IAbor legislat u:in. Emphasis Is on volun!ar1sm and the pro- tf'<:linn of the rii;ihts nf bnlh wn rkrrs and Jlroducrr.~ lls recnmmrnrlallnns are 1n li ne wi!h the prlnr111lc of rn ns11 ml'r lrcr I' h n ! ct: !lnd thr requiremenl.~ of a~rirul1ur3] prod11ch,,.11y lndu~tri11J Nrv.'~ Rl!vil'w 011.ANGI COAST DAILY PILOT Robert .• "¥. \\<"!"Pd , Publi.shrr Tl1ritnas i...·Ef'llll, Editor .4/hrrt lV. Bnre., J:rl itorin/ Pope E:rl 11.nr Th,. ""11!orii1I P-llle nC lhl! Daily r 1Jo1 ~r,.ks 10 tolnrm and 1<1tmul111e 1'1">1rl- t"n< by prr$rnhor: 1h1• ~w!lfll'rw>r"s np1oj(ln!l 11 nd rommt"nl11ry {lo rnp1r~ of 1n1eN'!'I 11rn1 lt2'nif\ri.nrP, h.v prn- 1·!r11nc k lrir11m for 'he r>;nrr~<1rin n/ our rf'1drrs' 111111u11n~. 11nr1 hy Jlf"- ~rntin~ thl' rlJ\'rr':<f' v1rwpo1n1.~ nl 1n- lornirrl nh.•,.r1·"N 11fld 1pokt-,;tnrn rin l~WA Of lhf' dll.\ ~·r1da y· .• .\.ugust 2CJ . 19i I . ··-· ·-... ~ .. ·.•·. ~ J/J .,...-~· • I - --. ---·· --- Saddlehaek EDI T ION Today'• Fl••' N.Y. Stocu * . VO L. 64 , NO. 199, 4 SECTJO~ PAGES TEN CENTS ear • IXOll • Ill emente Over Beaches Solon Attacks Pendleton Brass The heavy arliJlery has been brought out late this ·v•eek in a full-scale war between Camp Pendleton Base Com· mander Maj . Gen. Grorge Bowman and the Los Angeles congressman who wants Road Work Paring Down Continuing San Clemente's engineering staff is C<lntinuing an effort to pare down plans for major reconstruction of sections of El Camino Real near the Shorecliff.t area. City councilmen reviewed one scaled· down v e rs i on costing about $200,000 earlier this week, then told City Engineeer Phll Peter to keep on cutting. Originally, the project wAs to have cost l350,000 <A'ith the cost split down the mid· die with the County of Orange. It included an exptnsive wall at the base of a segment of the bluffs, plus a total reconstruction of the roadway from Camino Capi!ilrano to Avenida Pico. This week's emended version called for reconstruction only on a short stretch, then minor capping along the rest of the hi ghway. The wall wai"i deleted, but a p:ived i"ihoulder for bicycle traffic was in· eluded. Councilmen "'ere in accord over the need for a bicycle pathway and the reconstruction of the dilapidated section bct~·ecn Camino San Clemente and Camino Capistrano. But ft1v "·outd support the capping of the entire slreleh 11nd several councilmen questioned the. ne.ed for curbs and gut· lers. Peter promised lo return in l\\'O "'eeks 9.'it h a less expensive version. If that is Fou nd adequ;ite and coun· r:ilm!!n approvt the plans. then a ne\\' rount.y agreement on 50-$0 financing would be sought. Viejo Elks I nvite Fa111 ili es to P icni c Saddlebac k Val!ev residents are invited lo the firs!. famil y Picnic sponsored by the 1'.1iss ion Viejo Elks Lodge . The event is set for 10 a.m. Aug. 22 in Wilderness Glen, located al Los Alisos and Trabuco Canyon Road in Mission Viejo. Ga mes. refresh~nt.5 end food will be ~rnvided for Sl. For information on the picnic call Don Robinson, 8.1(}-02ti4]. Orange C:Oa•t \\'ealher The weekend weal her outlook for I.he Or11nge Coast area shows early morning clouds and fog, clea ring by mld·day to clear skies and sun. shine. High11 at the beach 7.'i. in. land 85. Low11 around 66 in both areas. INSIDE TODAY Thr. J unior I.t!!ng ur. t'lf Ne w- port Harbor ha$ hit n high spot with. it.s e:r.hibit of nrti$t Claire Fo lktnste1n nt th« Shernton. Ga l· /try Story nnrl pict11.res are an PaQt'. 23 of tnday'11 Weekender. ."'"'' " Ctl1'9n1l1 7 C1'9t_1.., U• U c11u11i.1 Jl·" c.-1t.• 11 CNH-· J\ 0.tlll Nt!l<tt I Dl w-.tc•t I l•l•rlll P'IH I P'lfttll« ''" IMN Kfft U .lftft L•....... ,, "4911M~ • Ml trlf" Ltct .... I I Mtwlft I I·" Muhl .. '"""" II Nttl ... t l N....., lo-J Ott"" C...Olt'f' I •.. , .... _ , .. ,, J.,IYI• l"trft~ t SHrh 11o-11 S~ Mt,,,eto 1 .. 11 T .. t ¥ltletl It T .... f..-1 17•1' Wffllltt 4 W.-'t ........ 1>14 W't1'11 Ntw1 4·1 Wtt_fft_ tJ.ll six miles or Marine Corps Beach for public use. It began Thursday when Gen. Bowman -insisting his controversial comments were "off.the-record'", call ed Rep . Alphonro Bell (R·Los Ange lei"i) a "clown'' who wants the Marine beach optnttl to hippies. Bell brislled, and this morning, retaliated bitterly, He accused the commander of the \VOrld's largest ?o.1arine base of be1ieving human life "falls into two categories those who ar!! Marinei"i and the rest of ut who are hippies." DAILY PILOT Piiot. b., Joh~ V•l1•n• He also accused the general of ordering troops to treat the general public trying to use sections of the base 's be st surfing beaches as ''Viet Cong" while endorsing the use of the same beaches by "socially proml n~t Californ ian!!" 11 the private- San Onofre Beach Club. WEARY BUT TALKATIVE,. PRESIDENT GREETS FAMILIES OF COAST GUARDSMEN At Sin Clemente Arrival, Nixon· Makes Sm1ll ·Talk While-His F1mily Wi lts Behind Will The warfare began Thursd11y a!I Gen . Ro\vman took questinns from the floor at a Vi!!l a Lion's Club regul&r luncheon meeting. A lone reported for a local paper was in the audience -invited by 1 club official. "Thert: is a Congrt.'l sm111n in Los Ange.lei wbG says he wants tht beach for his con. 11tltuents · , . Darn right," the General Sf.id . "He sold all of his beach to private in· dividuels and now he doesn't understand why we don't give up our enlLSted men's beach clu b (in the northerly comer of the proposed public beach area a t Pendleton l. "After all. they're only Marines. Yes, th!!y're only Marines, but they ha ve been off, and they still are fighting a war. ··And this clown says tum Hover to the hippies because the Marines aren't using it. "That beach (the enlisted man's por· lion I has a capacity for I,000 people; but what kind of people? One thousand hip- pies, or people we can trust? A seething Bell then called a press con· ference early today and leveled hls firs t formal counter attack. "The general states he thought hi s un· friendly comments About me were off the record. yel a reporter with notebook and pencil was clearly visible. "This leads me l.o hope that the general's future assignments oughl not r.o include service in th!! intelligence brancb of our mil itary establishment," he s~id. Bell inferred that Bowman should be chasti"scd because, indirectly, his com· ments abou~ Bell assertcdly reflect on President Nixon and Defense Secretary Melvin Laird, who also have championed the public use of the six miles of Camp Pendleton beaches and 3,400 acres of San Mateo Canyon uplaods. White House press aides could not be immediately reached for any official reacUon by the Pruident to Ul8 General 's comment... Battin, Casper s Grant.ed Delay In Cow·t Case By TOM BARLEY Of fJle Df llr Pll91 ll•H A· plu by Orange County suptrvisor1 Robert .Battin and Ronald Caspers for a delay ·of tht hearing on contempt charges fi led against them by the League of Cities was granted today by Superior Court Presiding Judge William C. Speirs, Both board membe rs successfully argued through Deputy County Coun sel Arthur C. Wahlstedt Jr. that they had had insuffi cient lime to prepare their defense aga inst the allegation and i"iUb- poena witnesses on their be half. J udge Speirs set the hearing for Sept. 1 over the strenuous objections of League attorneys Tom \Voodruff and Tom Stewart. "This will be the format from now on ," Woodruff comm ented outside t h e courtroom. "These people will try Lo del ay this contempt action by every means possible." Judge SpeArs action followed the filing hy Wahlstedt of an affidavit of prejudice against Superior Court Judge J, E. T. '"Ned"' Rutter ~·ho had been assigned to the contempt hearing. But J udge Speirs madt': it. clear that the delay will not ;iffect Monday's hearing inlo the 2ction filed against Battin, CaS· pers and Hyde by the league. That hearing, whi ch is expected In finally determine the legality o r otherwise of the present Local Agen .:::y Formation Commission, Is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. in Judge Rutter's courtroom. It seemed possible today that the jurist ma y again be named in a second af. fidavit of. prejudice. Environmental Education Federal Fund Bid Denied B.v PATRICK BOYLE El Toro, Laguna Hills and Mission Viejo. 01 "'-D111r l"Utt •11tt The plan called for sptcla l educational An 1pp!ication for $200,000 In federa l programs in tht 1chools, field trips by funds to pro vide environmental educ1Uon cbildren and adults, studies of recylcing ltl the ad ults and 1chool children of the projedl ·and ol.her ·endeavor1. Snddleback Valley has been denied , UC Prior to implementation of 111ny ·of the Irvine officials have learned. educational programs in the schools, The application, filed in Man::h of 1970, Baisden noted, task forces would ban was one of 1.925 such propoul1 filed from been orpn.lztd among residents tn each different are11 of ~ country for the of the canvnunJUe.s to help develop the 11pecial funds. Of this number, money was programs. only available lo grant 71 praje<:ta, nont Baisden said UCJ will atill attem..l to rrnm Southern CalUornla. according to -"'----~ ucr Dean of E•t.e:nsk>n Richard Ba.iaden. Implement some tort of environmmtal "The amount of money aiYallible nt· training programs in the valley, perhaps: tionwide was extremely small," Btllden throuib homeowners groups. He aaid the noted tn ex-prtssing his disappointment at lhdivkf'µ.11 task force1 woul d not be the rejection of lhe 1noov1tlve project. torrned, however. The project. wblch would have been ad· lie'. noted thlt most of the funds •pplied ministered by UCI, wa1 jolntly aponsored for would have been used fl) purchase by the San Joaquin Elementary School specilll materials for the. elementary Di1l.rict. the Orange County Planning 11ehool1 Involved in the proeram and to Department "nd ProJK1. 21, • study llnanct. the fie ld trips. 1roup headquartered at UCI. Baiadtn indicated VCI w.W consider The pilot project wa1 de1lgned to <ftepPlyinl the fetlerat. t rant in 1972 in deve.lop an "environmenl.11Jy llt.er1t.e hopes of lmp}emenUn1 I.he educaUonaJ population" 1n tht eommunltle1 of Irvine, • P"'lrt.m• • DAILY P'ILOT Pllett bJ Ptlrldl O'OOllNltll PRESIDENT MIXES WITH CROWD AT EL TORO A Pa uN a t Marine BaM, Then On to San Cl emente Expanded l(itchen Eyed As Aid to Golf Course Stn Clemenl.t will Wk a .con!lultant's help to dttennlne if expending 1 kitchen 11\d inatallln1 new gigns would raii"ie clubhou!f" revenue! at the municipal golf cour ... The advi~ will come free. of charge. CQUncilm•n leame<I, from an expert for a professional re11taurant it!isociation. At Issue. Is the renewal of a five-year lf!l&e for the clubhouse concession operated ' by Peter Ber~r. NegotlaUnns over reoewa.l of the leaMi hive bogf!ed dnwn In a runntng dispute nn many Issues between Beraer and City Mt1nager Ken Qlrr. C.rr 11 an advocate of rfl!Vltvertising on the· open bid market to s~ l:f better of· fers would come for the concessloh,.Jeasc. Berger insists lhal with modlflc1tion of the tiny kitchen.and 1 new..ilp for night bouri"i could increase revenues. Councilmen Wednesday agreed that they would give two more weeks' study to the aspect11 or the lease renewal before deciding on any new improvements. The i"imallneas of the kitchen . Berger. has esserled. forbids preparation of din· ners nnc1 banquet fare . A large r room with better equ ipment wnulrl assure ade· qua te. 11ervice in thf! evenings. Councilmen registered 50me dism11 y 1t the poor relationship betwetn Berger and u~ city 1taif. -·~ -----.. . -,.. ------- President Sets3-week Vacation By JOHN VAL TERZA OI lfi9 IMUJ l"lltt Stiff With hi.s family wailing in the winst at the Wei"item White House, President Nii:~ on touched down Thursday an.emoon ht San Clemente appearing obvioll!ly WUl'Y. but talkative just the same. The chief executive launched hil thrtt- week workin g vacation with anothe.t public appearance tod ay as he and Gov. Ronald Reagan flew to Loma Linda to dedicate a new 640-bed Veteru'a: Admi nistration Hospital. White House Presi"i Secretary Ronald Ziegler said the racility, to be. operated in co n jun c tio n with Loma Linda Unive rsif.y's school of medicine, would replace the Sylmar V.A Hospital whicll \Vas destroyed by an earthquake hist Feb. •• Nixon had a midmorning mee ting with" Reagan on the first day of a thrtt·wee.lt working vacation at the Western White House to discuss welfare refo rms and the new economic policies outlined by the President last Sunday. Reagan i!I scheduled to leave 11oon on a trade mission to Asia. The meeUng also will a.Hord Nixon and Reagan an op-o portunily to discuss the political 11ituatlon in California and Republican chances for i"iUcce.'!.!I at the polls in this critictl st.ate in 1972. Today's tri p came despite commentl by ~1 r. Nixon late Thu rsday that he would rest aod "have very few llOCial functions" during hia annual long viJ lt to San Clemente. Before he joined hJa wife, Pat. daughter Julie Eisenhower and hi! Irish 8etter King Timahoe, President Nixon eagerly greeted Coast Guard brasa and their families, chatted wi th the so n an d daughter of National Security Adviser Dr. Henry Kissinger, then commented on the nation's reaction to the wage and price freeze. He stressed he was impressed with the widespread public acceptancf! and aup- por t for the drastic economy moves and admitted he expected some opposition "from some special interest groups" - especial ly orga nized labor which hl.l!I set up a h1Jwl nver the wage free.le , N. th!! visably weary President pe.Ued children 's heads and shook handa his family waited in a green golf cart behind the thick walls separating the Ni1on estate from the Western White House of· ficP complex and grounds. They did not join the President until ?o.1r. Nixon sped off toward J.aa Casa Pacifica. Before his custom electric cart sped away Mr. Nixon poked fun at Dr. Kiss· ini::er"s status as a bachelo r. .. Don 't do anyt hing tonight I wouldn't do," I.he Presiden t said. "Will there bt a wedding tomorrow, the t-.lr. President?'' one reporter ghnuted. "There sure will," eame the reply. President and Mrs. Nilon planned'. to ettend the wedding tonight of Mureen F inch. daughter of presidential adviser Robert N. Finch, wbo met her llan« at a White House party. Jl.1iss Finch and John Elton Shaw, IOI\ of Mr. and Mre;. John R. Shaw of Broom· field, Colo. will be. married at 8 p,m, to- day in the Presbyterian Church in La Canada , a suburb of Los Angelei"i. Hot Air Fills Council Hall 1'-feetings Jn San Clemente'• ooun-- cil chambers In recent weeks ha..,. been hot ones. The tempe rature and humidity• that is -oot the iasues. In a te rse, one-line ttcom- mendation rteeived by c It y councilmen this wetlr:, obvioully uncomfortable p I 1 n n t n r com. missioners begged for inltaJlatJoa of 11ir conditioning. The heat wa ve was ltill on last week when Lhe cammlaslon lllued the plea. It has been cooler, since. · "Now tha t the heat wavt J1 over," quipped m1yor Walter Evans Wednesday, "1'11 move thl lclle.r be received and filed." That will probably mun • dtl11 of the cooJ.alr lu ue -untll nut summer. -·--......... ---_ .... _._,....., _ _,.. ... _... .. s ______ ,,_._...,._~ ~ ..... - -----• . ---------r·· -·.,...----··~;~ ·--,. L..,..... --_ ... ---.... ,,x:, -~ -· I. . • f' . .. • - 2 DAJ LY PILOT SC 1878 By GEORGE LE!D>.L ot ftM D11t1 Pli.t llaff Charley the Tuna's ance stot'! who~ re- m.i..a have been preserved by the Smithloni4n lnsUtutlon 1lnct1 1871 show no mort: traces of mercury than do Ch1rley's Jitter day pals whose ta!'ile for mtreur)' worries Fooci and D r u g Adrnlnistralion officials. !tesearchers al UC Jr.'ine today rtleas· ~ fi ndings that support the conclusion .. that there is no notice<1 ble increase in contamination of the sea based on ii itudy of both old and new samples of tuna muscle tiuue.'' Dr. Raj Kishore, assist.ant to Professor Vlncenl Guinn 1t UCl, 111id seven tuna Plan11ers Okay Newport Ban On High Ri se By CANDACE PEARSON 01 lh• Otllr ,.11411 lltll Newport Beach plan n ing com· missio ners Thursday endorsed. a one-year ban on high rise throughout the city while work progresses in updating the Newport general plan. A public hearing on the ban, to be ac- compllshed through an ordinance will be conducted on the proposal by planners St:pl 2. Final approv1l will be needed from the city council. Commissioners endorsed the total one. year ban afte r reject.in& an earlier pm- posal for a twt>year freeze within the boundaries of the Lower Newport Bay Civic District "Two years ii too long for the depelopers," said Commissioner William B. Martin, "but by one year we should know the idea s of our g~eral plan and be able to deci de from there.'' The C"il y has estimated it ~1ill take twa years to aet the new master plan adopted. although City Manager Robt"rt L. Wynn said this morning an interim plan can be ready in four months. more moe AcUng city attorney Dennis O'Neil said the new ordinance -if passed -may not be effective until after t h e moratorium on building expires Nov. 18. "It will be very close," O'Neil said, "'There may be a sit week or 50 time dif. ference." Commissioner W 111 I a m Hazewinkel uid, "you couldn't have that much hap- pen in &i.J: wetkJ. No one will rush right in; they're not ready to build now.'' Apollo Craft Already Gone Sorry folks , the Apollo XV com- mand module went through Orange County early this morning and hardly anyone got a look at It. Officials of North American Rockwell said the module was transported early in the morning instead of mid-day as pred.icted, because It took up two lanes of the highway and they didn't want to block traffic. Thursday, Rock we ll authorities said the module, which carried astronaut& David R. Scott. Alfred M. Worden and Jame11 B. Irwin to the moon and back earlier this month, would Juve San Diego betl\'t:en 9 a.m. and II a.m. However, Newport Beach Police said tod ay the module pi ssed through their town about 4:30 a.m. A truck carried the ll,000.pound modult" up Pacific 01ast Hi~hway lo the North American Rockwell plant in Downey. DAILY PILOT OltAHGli co.sr P'UBllSHIN? COMl'ANY -·"•·• "'· w,,d l'"ft;Mo\I ...... ,.ulMIM!lt J•~• ~ Curler \lie• I'-~ -"-r•I M•MOlf ll111F111 K11~il 1:111!11 Tli1rt111 A.. Mu1phin1 MIMOl<ll (ClllW Ch11\11 H. l 11• ~ith1ri r. N1U Au l1!1111 MIMOlno fdl:o11 Let-.... Offk• 2!2 For11I A•1nu1 M1ili119 1ddren : ... 0 . l o• 666, '1652 S. Cl•-... Offk • J05 N1rth El C1'"i"o keel, 926 12 O"'-' Otfk" Cail1 Mn1• llCI W1tl •• , llrflf M..,.n S11<1!: llSl Nt ..-,&rr ......... ... .. ""''"""" kfcll; 11'71 •MCI! .._, ....... ... DAIL'!" "II.OT, -.!WI ....,.di It _..,.. .. "'_..,_, lo "'*lo111• •.i1r n~ 5-••Y i. ........ 11 .. II ... flw ~ a--. ~ tMcf\. C..11 ........ H1111I~ ~ '-tti. Y1lltf, k " ( ........ '-I C•t>lt,,_ '"' 5'.,1,111~ 1q wl!ll -,.,..., ... 1..... ...11!<.i.el ,...,,,in. ,&lllt It .. -........ , l ffMI. C.11 Maw, ,. .. ,, •••• {7141 l42-4J21 Cl-..NIM MMffhl .. MJ0 Un '4m Cleat r1 Al l•,.••z•: Talr1• r p I 491 ..... JI ................ ,.,.-.: ,,,,, .... '""'"" ' ·~ tt'11, ....... C..t ll"WIMll ... ~I'. JM -• ., .. ,, U1vttr1!11••1, ........ --... .._..'-tit Mttllt _,. .. ~ 'lflltlMt ..... ,.... ,.,... .. flt ................ . l«W orte.. ,..., ... 111'-et N-.itf1 l lflftl .... (ett• MAI, (11,,....11. "*'«11'11111 11r utrlw u .n -11ry1 lby ~11: 0 .11 ,_...,..., MllOtfl' ,_,.,..,...._ 11.JJ -tl!lr . . -. ---~· ··--------· ... --... -·· Tuna Mer~11ry Level Saine As ~71 wnpla caitj:hl bttwten 1818 Md 1909 ahowtd a range of mercury con- tamination of from .3 to .6 part! per mUUon. 'lb.e federal standard ls ,5 ~ft.I ttf mercury per million paru of U.sue. With the UCI findlnas that at.andarG m1y bt ln quu tion. · The · plckllKI tuna wnples weR preserved in alcohol by lhe Sm ithsonian Institution, Dr. Klshore said. To compare them accurate ly with fresh !!lamp!es, the UC! team con1puted the dry \ol'eighi ratio of mfrcury to, f!e&h. The .adjusted mercury conta mination rani t!! for the old samples wes .5 to 1.5 pa rts per million based on the dry wtight. The rqe for a 1imUar number of fnshly caught tuna taken from Califoro ia water• waa .4 to 1.S parts pe r million, Ill-llAii , ·ru slmUarl~ in the amount of mercury between the old and tht new tuiia raises considerable questlon about th• contamination of the ocean ~ mercury. "Increase of lhe mt r cu r y con· tamination of lhe orean since 1878 is pro- bably negligible." Kishore said, noting the IJCI findings make no conclusions about mercury pollution of inland lak es. l\.1ercu ry in the ocean is belie\•ed to have been carried by streams from in· Birthday Boy B attin K ee ps Cards Coining Oran&e County suptrvisor1 Chairman Robert Baltin is finding time today, while dodging brickbats, lo send birthday cards to his constituents. The campaign, which sees colorful cards ma iled every day to residents in Battin's First District in Santa Ana, is being organized by the Frank l\ianzo Committee for Battin. Several recip ient11 have returned the cards in recent days with unpub- li shable comments on the supervisor'• actions in the still raging Local Agency Form.atk>n Commission controversy. Battin w1s not available for comment. "It 's a pretty nice thing and Mr. Battin has always tried to keep in touch with his constituent&," an aide &aid. Shows Muscle U.S. to Use Buying Power On Nixon Plan Holdouts From Wire Servlcea · WASHINGTON -Tht: administrAtion said today it would use the government's SlOO billion a ye.ar purchasing power to f0rce businesses to comply with Presi· de nt Nixon's wage·price fr eeze. But almost as Caspar W. Weinber&er, the chief U.S. budget writer was reveal- ing the government's threat to use its muscle, organ ized labor and consumer ad vocate RAiph Nader were calling the new policy "elitist" and "• ta1 windfall for big business ." Weinberger. deputy director of the Of- fice ol Management and Budget and chairman of the Reg ulations 1 n d Pun:hasing Review Board, said the board's fonnal ord er directs purchasing off icers to consider "as a decisive Jae-- tor' whether firms doing business with th e government comply with the wage.price- rent freeu in all ()f their business deal· in gs. The Bureau ot Labor statistics, mtanwhile, announced that the cost of living TO!e a moderate 0.2 percent in July -the last full month before Nixon·s im- position of the wage-price freeze la st Sun· d1y. Nixon's new policies are designed to Lifeguards E ye Heavy Weekend Along Beaches Dt:1pile overcast skies, Orange Coast lifeguards are bracing for 1nother big weekend at the beach. Warm wa ter and rlsing surf are the key reasons for the fee lin g that beaches will again be crowded . The air tern· perature Is expected lo reach 11 high of 85 degrees inland and 76 degrees along the coa.tt. In Newport Beach, lifeguards expect the water temperature to be a warm 71 degrees \\'ilh surf running up to five feet. They havr issued some warning! about possible rip lides. A "nice day" is expected In Huntington Beach, with early morning fog expected to burn off around 11 a.m. The surf has been running thret fett to a sporadic eight fett through the wetk wi th water temperatures about 67 degrees. Laguna Beach lifeguards predict fair 11urf of one to three feet with a water tempe rature of 69 degrees. Clouds ha\'e covered the sky during the morning. The \\'aler ha! been a warm il.8 degrees th ls week In San Clemente, but the surf \\'SS fl at.. Lifeguards, however, ex.peel the surf to pic k up ovrr lhe wtekrnd, ranging from two lo four feet. St:al Beach water tempe rature Is 1bout 70 degrtes, wit h surf running two to lh ree feet. Lifeguard~ sa v the art:it has rt'· mained clear of red ·tide during the v.·eek and should stay clear. stop a rapid increalie in the cost of living, v.•hlch rose 0.6 percent in June and 0.5 percent Jn Ma y. Nixon said Thursday wh~ he arrived 11 t the Western \Vhite House after a tive- state swing that he expected the op· position of "special in terest groups." But he said : '''I'he overwhelming majority favor what \~e are doing.'' The AFL·CIO and the AF L·CIO's chief congrtssional lobbyist fonner Rep. Andrew J . Biemiller (0-Wis.), said on na· tionwlde tele\·ision that Nixon's economic policies we re "nothing but a iiveaway, • tax-windfall for big business." Blemiller said that corporate profits and hl gh interest rates, not workers' wage demands, were the principal e1u.se of inflation. Nader said the economic policy was "elitist.'' He said the fr«te did not apply to interest rates and Cftrporate profits. and the program would provide billion1 of dollars for big business. He said the wage freeze forced the working man to shoulder the burden of the new plan. With Nixon's program no w five days old, there were these other de\'elop- ments: -Gov. Prest-On E. Smith of Tu1as refused to b1ck down today in his de-. flance of Presidmt Nixon's freeze on wages by ordering pay raises for more than 100,000 teachers. -A series of revised governmf.1ll reports issued today showed modest lm· provtmenl.! in the n1tional economy. The Co mmerce Department said the Gross National Product incnased $20.5 billion tn the second quarter to an adj usted .an- nual rate or Sl.04.1 lrillion. The increase was $800 million above the preliminary figure issued a month ago. .,...The managing director of the Internalionat t-.fonetary Fund (lt-.1F') !aid Nixon's decision to •'float" the dollar pl aces the world's posl·\Vorld \\'ar II money exchange sys tem "in jeopardy." ''The pros~ct be.fore us is one of disorder and discrimination in cu rrency and trade rel ationships which will seriously disrupt trade and undermln~ the system which has served the world well ," Pierre-Paul Schweitzer told IMF's 117 member nations. -In Brussels. the six European Com· mon 1.1arket nations failed to agree on .a wtified monetary policy to deal with the new U.S. policy and said "1ey would react individually. Red Infiltrators Die SEOUL (AP) -South Korean n1a rines killed two North Korean inliltr1lors today on the island of Kanghwa, 30 miles \\'est or Seoul. after two days of intensive search operations. the South Korean counterespionaae Operations Command announced. The South Korea n side losl one ma rine and l.wo militi amen killed and three mari nes wounded , the command !ald, It Got Very Far Chris' Balloon Wins Vi ejo Contest Nine.year-<1ld Chris Snnw I o o k t d mournfu lly at hi1 hel ium.filled balloon one windy aftrrnoon 15 it &lowly agct'nd- td 'mid a nurry of ILs brightly colored brothers. "Mine isn't i oin,11 lo &el very far," he lamented. He was wrong . l t lr1veled 300 mile.s. The Mission Vlt jo boY'll balloon trave.1- ed farther than 11ny othe.r launched from the Marrueritt: Recrt 11tion Cenl er Junt' 19 during the t nnual ''Balloon to the Moon" ~ontc..st. \Vhen ii fi nally dropped to e1 rth It wl!I on the V.'. H. Ha ggard f •rm In Gila Bend, Ariz., whe re It WI! di1covsred by G11 ry Morton. Following lnstrUctions found an I postcard ln the balloon. Gery mai!M It to the Mission Vit jo Rec reation Center. He reC'fllved $10 for his effort.'!. Chrill. son .. of Mr. and Mrs. Robtrt Snow. 26632 Pariso Drive. MlasiOn Viejo, rt'ceived a sis savings bond for sendln&: hi• balloon tht. greattst distance. Runners up came tram Temecul1 and Rancho Callfornia. land 1reu or to be produc~ as a result <Jf undersea volcanic action. Burnin g of coal or othtr fossil fuels relrases mercury which LI washet: from lhe air onto the l&Jld and carried ln 1torm runoff to the oceans, K.lshore noled, But l}U!: result.s o( the UC I neutron ac· tlv1tion analyse.s 1!4!em to indicate the.rt ha1 been UUle change in the amoun t or mercury deposited in the M-a since 1870_ The s11 mple:1 !tudied by the UC I researchers included two skipjack caught off Ma ssathusells in 1878, an albacore caught orr Ca lifornia in 1880, a bluefin caug ht in 1886 at Woods 1-fole, Mass.; a skipjack fr om San Diego taken in 1890, another sklpjack taken near Hawaii 1n • 191'.ll and yet anolher skfpjack caught near lhe PhUlppines In I~. The UCJ team makes no recom- mend&tioo. about Lbe federal rqulatioo of • .5 part.a per million of mvauy. "It'• for · blologllll to detrrmlne whit ltvtl of mercury content i$ dangerous t o humans,'' Or. Klshore said. t However, the UCI findings wilt be made available lo the Food and Drug Administra tion on req uest. P'urther, they'll be published Jn the weekly scien- tific jou1nal "Science.'' The .~ ppm standard has been used to recall thousands of pc>unds of tuna and other types of fish in recent yem on the around that the FDA believea: mercbry C(lnten1 M:yond that ltvet m1y be ha.nn1ul to humans. 1'he UCI findings Jndicale Americans bave been u.Unc tuna for many y .. r, that may vuy In ?nen:ury content very little. Working "'ilb Dr. Guinn and Dr. Kishore on the study project that use~ UCJ's nuclear reactor have been Prof. F. S. Rov!'land, Dr. G. E. Miller and graduate students Pat Grant and Fred Steinkruger. The recent study confinns similar fin- dings of the UC! rese1rchers who e•· amined a ~year old swordfish that also showed little difJuence in mercury con· tent. Calley's . Sentence Reduced ... ,.,... SENTENCE REDUCED Lt. C•lley of My Lai 'Big' Minh Out; Thieu No'v Onl y Viet Candidate SAIGON (UPl l -Gen. Duong Van "Big" t.1inh ~·ithdrew today from the Sou th Vietname!e presidenUal race, leav· ing President Nguyen Van Th ieu as the sole candidate. Both Americans and South Vietnamese pred icted that oUl· breaks of civ il violence will follow. Mlnh'll' decision was not unexpected since he has charged repeatedly that Thieu rigged the election so only Thitu could "''in. The \\'it hdrawal upset the U.S. embassy's hope for a free and fair ele c· lion to express the true will of the coun- try's 17.5 million persons. Ft. l\tcPHERSON, Ga . (AP) -LI. Wl!Jiam L. Calley Jr.'s life sentence for murdering 22 Vietnamese civ!l!ans al My Lai was reduced to 20 years today by the 3rd Arniy commandir:g general, Lt. (len. AIJe rl 0 . Connor, the first of- ficer lo revie\v the case. said the reduc- lion "\\'as appropriate for the offenses." The case now E:oe~ up a chain of review ending with President Nixon and further reduction is possible. Callry, 2ft , has betn confined to his quarters at Ft. Benning, Ga .. since his conviction nearly fi \·e months ago. He could be eligible for parole after serving nearly seven years of the sentence. Jn Salt Lake City, Calley·s attorney, George Latimer said: "Obviously I'm pleased . And I'm sure Lt. Calley is thankful to Gen. Connor. Ultimatel y, of course , we hope to get the situation, upon appeal, so that Lt. Calley ~'ill not be the scapegoat or h-1y Lai. The action (Con- nor's) is very favorable." The announc ement was madt by Maj. Herman Kassner, acting ht ad of the public informatio:: ()ffice here, \\'ho said: "Based upon the testimony and evidence presented Bl the lrial, it was determined that the conviction was cor- rect in law and face and that the reduced sentence was appropriate for the offe nses for which he was convicted. "Gen. Connor took his action after con· sideration of all the evidence in the reeorrl of trial, after considt"ring the ad- vlce and recommendation of his legal staff, and after considering matters in rebuttal by the defense.'' This completes the first step in tile long reviev.· proc ess in the Calley case. Presi· dent Nixon has announced he will personally review the case and make the ulti ma te finding. Calley is confined to his quarters at Ft. Benning. Ga., while his case \\'orks its v1ay through the revie1~· chain. With a 20-year sentence Calley could be eligible for parole after serving nearly seven years, about one-third of the time, Junior Hi gh Da nce Pla nned in Viej o A dance for Junior high·age youngsters \\'ill take place Aug. 21. in Mission Viejo. Dan cin g to a live band will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Montan oso Recreation Center. The event is scheduled to end at 10:30 p.m . Admission will be $1 for recreation center members and $1.25 fo r nonmembers. Resort Owners Facing I nvolitntary Bankruptcy The company that owns the S.()00.acre Orange Cou nty rt:c reaUona l r e 11 or t , Cola de Caza, laces involuntary bankruptcy if some 70 creditors don't agree to modify ill! payment obligations. Victor H. Palmieri, president of Great Southwest Corp., told stockholders Thu rs- day that changes in management and operational policy have made some im- provements, bul lhe company still lost. S2,706,2S8 for the six months ending June JO. Great Southwest opera tes Coto de Caza in southern Orange County and Japanese Village and Deer Park and fl~oviel and \Vax 1'1useu m in Buena Park. Some of its other holdings includr the Six Flags amusement parks in Texas, Georgia and t.tissouri, and the Richardson Homes Corp. ( m o b i I e homes). Palmieri told stockho lders in Los Angeles that the company has rirl itself ot S35,000.000 in mortga11:e de bt on C111ifornia holdings, or 66 J>forcent. of it s total debt associated \\'ith California property, Final Sale Week • ' SLllPH SOFA Final wH k of w1r1Muse 11le. Selection s of mis· cellan.aus furniture at a friction Its original price, \ Hundreds of yards of dr1p1ry and uphol1tery fab- \ rics all drastically r.duced. .· -·· .. " . .l SALE PRICED STARTIN• AT ••• $239 DEALERS FOR: HENREDON-DREXEL-HERITAGE NIWl"'OIT ITOU OPIN •ltDAY 'TIL 9 NEWPORT l!ACH I n1 Wotlcllfl D•., 642·2050 O,IN ,RIDAY 'TIL 9 Profe11lon1f Interior 0.1l9ner1 Av•ll1ltle-AID INTERIORS .. LAGUNA I EAC H 345 Norri-I Co1 st Hl9hw1y Phone: 494-6551 • ~f--" .. ..__ ~ _,. --4--------·---...:.--=--==--~ ·--···· . --.- I , --:;.. ~.. . . ' . ,.., ·"'· ...... · .. -~ . . -- Lag••••a Beaeh EDITION Today'• Flnal N.Y. Stoeka VOL 6-4, NO. 199, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNI;( FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, '1971' TEN CENTS Battin, Caspers Win Delay in Contempt Ca·se By T0~1 BARLEY Of I~• Dl llJ 'ill>! 11111 A plea by Orange County supervi~rs Ro~rt Batlin and Ronald Caspers for a delay of lhe hearing on contempt charges filed against them by the League of Cities wa.!i granted today b.v Superior Court Presiding Judge \Vil liam C. Speirs. Both board memDers successfully Argued throi.;gh Ix-puly County Cowisel Arthur C. \Vahlstcdt Jr. that they had had insufficient time to prepare their defense against the allegation and sub- poena witnessrs on their behalf. Judge Speirs set the hearing for SepL 7 over the st renuou s objections of League 11.ttomeys Tom Woodruff and Tom Stewart. "This will ~ the format from now on," 'Voodru!f C1)mmented outside the cou rtroom. ""These people will try In delay th is contempt action by every means possible ." Judge Spears action followed the filing by \Vahlstedt of an affidavit of prejudict: against Superior Court Judge J_ E. T. "Ned'" Rull er who had been assigned lo the contempt hearing. But Judge Speirs made it clear that the delay will not ;iffect Monday's heai-ing into the action filed 11g11inst Battin, Cu· pers and Hyde by the league. ear Thal he~ing, which is txpected 1., finally determine the legaHty or otherwise of the present Local A;ency Form11tlon Commission, Is scheduled for 9:30 •.m. in Judge Rutter'5 courtroom. It seemed possible today that the jurist may again be named in a second af- fidavit of prejudice. Earlier on Thursday, the Fourth District Court of Appeal had rejected a leg.al appeal by Caspers and Battin against Judge Rutter's ruling on the LAP'C composition and the contempt. allegation. Th•t terse ruling was handed down in San Bernardino in a unanimOUI action by • IXOil Budget to B-e Unveiled No Rate Boost Needed • Balanced Plan 111 By BARBARA KREIBICH 01 lht Dllf'f l"ilol Sl•rl A 1971-72 budget ol $4,164,862, "-'hic h would balance without increasing the ex- isting property tax rate of $1.95fi will be recommended to the Laguna Beach City Council by City Manager Lawrence Rose at a special budget study session Monday night. This would compare with last year's budget of $3.8 million. It ""as pointed out that the $4.1 million figure includes an estim2..ted $268,000 for the Main Beach park project, conditional upon securing special financing. Thi! could be a 50 percent grant of Federal funds plus bond sales to finance the re· malning $134,000, &4,e &u1aesu. Mexico Prison Escapee Reported in California ~fEXICO CIT\' IUPll -.Joel D11vid Kaplan, the convicted murdere r from Nev.· York who escaped in a helicopter v.·ith another man from a ~1exicn City prison, is in the United States. the Federal Attorney General's office said to- day Ka plan's cellmate, convicted \'enezuelan counterfe1Ler and forger Carlos AntClnio Contreras Castro. pro- babl,v is in Guatemalii , the nffice said. Kapl;:in, 42, and Contrera!'i.. :15. esca[l('d \\lednesdn~· night aboard 11 hel 1cnpter !h<JL landed near their rlnrmitnr~· 10 lhe Sant;:i t-.tarta Aratit!a Pr1snn. Priso n F:tiards, thinking the htlir:opter \\"as on ;in off1c1 al mission . presenled arms and made no at- tempt lo st np it V1clor Velazquez. Kaplan's lawyrr and s n associate of Lnuis Nizer. said Kaplan v.•as an agent of the. Centra l Intelligence Agency /CIA 1. ··1 don"t kno"' whn helped him escape," \1elazquez said. "I v;as open-rnouthcd v.·hen I learned the ne"'S. But it "·as a well-known fact thal he was a CIA agent, He didn't try to hide II." Velazquei told UPI lhal Kaplan·~ uncle, .I. ~1. Kaplan , wa s one or the CIA ·~ rhie f clandestine financie rs. A few year! ;i~o a grnup of U.S. Congre~men Charg· ed 1.hal the .I. M Kaplan fund of New York v.·as a CIA conduiL lie said Joel Kaplan ope n 1 y BrkrXJ\Vltdged he had done work ror the CIA . '·J often wondered wha t might have mot ivated him and a member of his Festival Used In Commerical For Television The f't stivaJ rif Art.\ li!rounds in LagUJl ti Beach bec:ime a sf'I f,..,r a tele\·\slon com· merci&I toda y for the Be ll and Howell Corporation . Aa ;i commercial for came ras fnr emsleur film ·makrrs. Bell and Howell c11me up with an idea of a you ng man shooting movies or his girUrll!nd as she peers Into the booth.~ of the exhibiting arlists. Festival publicist Sally Retve nol.ed the commercial would be 11hown on na· l\onwide TV. "It'll give lrtmendous publicity tor our artisl.s," she said. Work on the commert'illl 1$ e.-peclcd ln lake all d.:iy. \\'hilc the Festival did not rharge f(lr the use of lhe ground11, ol · ficiids i;ti pul .:ited that the n11me "Festivti l or Ari s'' be prominent somewhere in the commercial. (ami!y told me i~ was his spirit of ad· venture." The Attorney General's office gave this outline of .subsequent developments; The blue and white Bell 470 helicopter ferried Kaplan and Contreras to Aclopan, a village about JOO miles north of Mexico City. The men changed into a small Ces1 ne aircr11fL The Actopan airport has no lights and the entire operation was con- ducted under the headlights of a Cadillac limousine . The plane flew 10 La Pesca. about 1 ~ miles south of Brownsville. Tex. There, Contreras 1ran.sfcrred to ;i second small plane that flew him to Guatemala . The plane carry1n~ Kaplan flew to Brownsville ;ind later lo Sausalito. Calif. The helicopter wa,'\ later flown lo La Pesca. where it was found abandoned Thursday. The AtlOrncy General's office said the small planes were leased in McAllen, Texas, lhe helicopter WM rented In Casper, Wyo. The pilot or the helicopter was iden· tified as Roger Guy Hersc hner. of Glen· dora . One of the pilots of the light plane ~·as Identified AS Orville Dale, of Brownsville. The 280 guards el the jail and the to adminir;trativt work;er.s were be ing held for questioning imlde the prison. During the investigation. the 1.:184 etinvlct!I were: being guarded by 500 rlot policemen. Parking Rates Not 'Frozen' The Laguna Beach hike in il'I fine for parking violations from $1 to $3 effective Oct. 1 will not be affected by !he. price freeze announced Sun· day by President Nixon. '"The various go vernments -i~ eluding the city -have the right to increase laxe1 and levies in 1pi.te of lhe free1.e." f":tpl&ined Ci l y f.ienager Larry Rose. "Sa we. •ill go ahead with the rate increase." Rose·~ re.m•rkl were ditt,oed by Judge Richard Hamilton of lhe Soulh Orana• C.OUnty Municipal Court. The lncrtast In the fines w•a an- nounctd by Judie Hamilton al the request o( Roie 1ut net. H1mllton. · tn am!OUnelng the in· crease. said lh11t 1uch communities .11.s Newport Be•ch and San Clemente ch11rgt S3 for p111rklng viol11tlon. 11nd that If Lacuna Be1ch did likewise, it would f1cllitate im- plrme.ntalinn of imrkin1 laws. Without the Main Be1ch project. to be 1pecially funded , the budget would only sllghtly exettd last year's figure. The city staff today wu busy prep&r· ing itemized budget worksheets for coun- cilmen's use at the Monday's 4:30 p.m. meeting. M~nwhlle, .after rtvtewing Rose's list el""!riiMlnory ~ requ.11!1 ,....,. Laguna Beach city dfp&rlmeot held1, Ci· ty Cm,ncllman Roy Holm said toilay tt:tey conllnned bi.I convicUon th&t 1 bllm:td budget could be attau\ed without iny firo- perty tu intrea.se. Relei'rlni to Councilman Edward Lorr's wernin; that the city i~ in a dangerous financial position, Holm said, "Councilman Lorr is in the awkward position of having slated the city is in deep financial crisis, which is not the case, and now ha ving to correct hi.! state- ment or manufacture a crisis." Tot&l budget requests presented for the information of councilmen, w l t h o u t review by the city mana1er. amounted to $4.3 million. Estimated revenue for fiscal 1971·72 is $3.66 million, which includes $500,000 in government grants. The discrepancy between total requests end estimated revenue, &bout $640,000, Holm said today, could easily be eliminated by tr:imming the department heads' requests to hold the line at the current level of city service, by amortlz.a· tion of pa yments on needed capital equip. ment and by the use of new revenue 11ources. Rose's recommended balance point or $4.1 million indicates he already has done some pruning. Additional personnel r e q u e s ta amounted. to S218.000, Holm said, but he understood not granting these requests would not result in any reduction in city services. Another SJM,000 was requested for new equipmtnt, but Holm said that even if all the requests wera granted by the city council, not more than 20 per~nt of that amount. would be payable in • single fiscal year. Most equipment payment.II, be 11ld would normally be amortlud over a period of $ to a ye1rs. The councibhah also l\oted that purchase of the Aroo ga.s station on the Ma in Beach, for an eslim•ted $210,000. would nof. involve putting out this amount of money in the coriiing fiscal ye•r. '"The gas station." he said, "would be purchased by the Laguna. Be1ch Public Improvements Corporation with 1 bond iasue payable over a 30-yur period." Principal budget reque.st.s c&JM from the Public Works Department, seellln& $1.4 mllllon, the Police Department, llOO,~ 000 and the Fire. Departme.nt $500,000, of which 1163,000 is for new equipment. Holm cone!~ lhat by ellminath1g most of the $218.000 for personnel, all ol the $210,000 for I.he Arco stalloa, and payin,c only about $74 ,lm In the current ytsr for capital equipment, mort th•n rrno.ooo coukl be removed · from OM estl· mated exptnditures. Holm said that In talkln& with munielpaJ financt expert Doug Olden. wh&w11 hired to rework the city btJd1et. he !tamed that Lacuna has In the past reUed more Jit•vOy than moat t:ltt. .on -phtperty tax fncre•MI IJ a source ot. revenue. New IOUrtttt that will be recom· mended. he said, include a realOnlble se.we.r hookup charge, standard In most cltfet, "Jona ovu&le" increases ln 1arba1f! •nd lrlJh fee&,· lncr!.aHd PJrk- lng flne.s ind a posaiblt lncreue In the bed tar from I t.Q t percent. jUl'ltices Robert Gardner, Marcus Kauf. man and John Gabbert, It came alter four· days of deliberations. It means thlt the appellate court recognizes until at least Aug. 23 Fullerton Councilman Louis "Red" Reinhardt and Anaheim Councilman Charles Pearson as the rightful holders of LAFC seats earmarked by Battin and Caspers for Loa Alarnito.s Councilman Joe Hyde and Anaheim attorney Herb Licker . Judge Rutt.er had scheduled a full hear· Ing into the LAFC controversy for Mon- d&y. It is expected another judge will now Jikely rule on what he feels to be the lawful composilion of the LAFC board. Today's contempt hearing was: called after allegations that Battin, Cas~rs and Hyde called an 8 a.m. meeting of the LAF'C for Aug. 9 in defian ce of a tem- porary restraining order issued the night before against the trio by Judge Rulle.r. Battin replaced Pearson with Licker in a si.l:-second debacle that ended with pro- cess serve.rs and several of Orange Coun- ty mayors running towards the board table while Hyde and Battin ran for the exit Papers. were flung into the air. un- parliamentary language was exchanged and the meeting ended with C&lpers sit· ling alone digesting his personal copy of Judge Rutter's order. That meeting. arranged during the weekend by Baltin and Caspers, was prefaced by a 6:30 a.m. meeting on the county courthouse lawn In which the League of Cities unanimously denounced Hyde and declared Reinhardt to be its chosen representative on the LAFC board, Reinhardt was accused of being the tool of the Irvine Company and part of a com- pany plan to ensure that Santa Ana's bid to anner the "promised land" was defeated . • Ill emente DAILY l"ILOT l"llolfl b"f l"tlrlck O'OOnlMIT PRESIDENT MIXES WITH CROWD AT EL TORO A PauM at Mtrln• Base, Then On to San Clemente Congressman, Marines Square Off Over Beach The heavy artillery has been brought out. lite this week in a full-scale war between Camp Pendleton Base Com· mander fi.faj. Gen. George Bowman and the Los Angeles congressman who wants 1ir miles of Marine Corps Beach tor public use. It beiln Thursday when Gen. Bowman -insisting his controversial comments were "o(f·the-record", called Rep . Alphonzo Bell IR-Los Angeles ) a ''clown" who wants the M•rine beach opened to hippies .. Bell bristled, and Ulla: morning, retaliated bitterly. Ht ICC\lsed tbt commander of the world 's largest MarlM base of beUeving human life "falls into two categories tbo&e who are Marlnea and the rest of us who are hlppLes.'" He alllO acc:\Jted 'lhe gene.rt1l 'of ordering troops to lrt•t the 1ener1J public trying to 115e Jectlonl of the bate'a best &urflng be~chet •• "Viet Cong" while' endors lna the use of lht same beaches by "socially promlntPLt C•llfomlans" at the private San Onofre Beach Club • The warfare: began Thursday as Gen. Bowman took qutl'fion.s rrorn the floor at a Vlata Llon's Club regular luncheon meetu:ia. A ltme reported for 1 local paper wa.s iq the a\ldience -invited by a club official. "There Is a Congressman in Los Angeles who says he wants the beach for his con- 1tituents · •• Darn right," the General seid. "He sold all of his beach lo private in· dividuals and now he doesn't. understand wtiy we don't give up tiur enlisted men's beach club (In the northe.rty comer of the proposed public beach area a l Pendleton). ''After •II , lht.y're only Marines. Yes , Ufey're: pnly Marine!, but they have been off, tlnd lhey still are fighting 1 war. "And this clown says turn lt over to the hippies because the Marines aren't w:ing tl. "Thst beach (the enll!ted man's por- tion) has,• _capacity for 1,000 people: but what ktna of people! One thousand hlp- plfs, or people we e1n trust? A aeelhlna Bfll then called 1 prtu con· fertl1Cfl early today and leveled hla flnt . fonn•I counter attack. "The general stale! he thought hls un· frlendly t;Omments about me were off the record, yet • re.porter with notebook and pencil was clearly visible. "Th UI: leld.s mt to hope tht1t the genera\'11 future antgnme.nLll oustit not to Include service In the tnltlllaet1ee braoch ef our mUltary e.stablishment," bl said, President Sets 3-week Vacation By JOHN VALTERZA Of IM DtltV 1"1111 Sl1fl With his family waiting in the wings at the Western White House, President Nix- on touched down Thursday afternoon in San Clemente appearing obviously weary but talkative just the same. The chief eucutive launched bis three-- week working vacation with another public appearance toany 11 he and Gov. Ronald Reagan flew to Loma Linda to dedicate 11 new 640-bed Veteran'• Administration Ho!pital. White House PreS-1 Secretary Ronald Ziegler said the facility, to be operated in conjun ction with Loma Lind.t University's school of medicine, woul d replace the Sylmar VA Hospital which wes destroyed by an earthquake last Feb. 9. Nixon had a midmorning meeting with Re8€an on the first day of a three-week working vacation at the Western White Houge to discuss welfare reforms and the new economic policies outlined by the President last Sunday. Reagan is scheduled to leave soon on• trade mission to Asia. The. meeting also \\'ill afford Nixon and Reagan an op- portunity to discuss the political s\tuat.ion In California and Republi can chances for &uccess al the pol!s in this critical state in 1972. Today's trip came rlespile comments by "1r. Nixon late Thursday that he would rest and "ha\'e very few socia l functions"' during his annual long \'isit to San Clemente. Before he joinerf hii; wilt, Pat, da ughter Julie Eisenhower and his Irish setter King Timahoe, Presidf'nt Nixon e11gerly greeted Coasl Guard brass and their families, chatted with the 50n and daughter of National Security Adviser- Dr. Henry Kissinger, then commented on the nation's reaction to the wage and price freeze. He stressed he was impre.ssed witb tht widespread public acceptance and tu~ port for lhe drastic economy moves and admitted he expected some opposilio11 "from some special interest groups" - es-pe.cially organized la bor which bas set up a howl over the wage freeze. Orange Coast Weather The weekend weather outlook for the Orange Coast area ahows early morning clouds and fog, clearin,c by mid-day Lo ricer sides and sun- shine. Highs at the beach fS, in~ land 85. Lows around 66 in both areas. INSWE TODAY Tht Jun.lor Leagut of Ntw. port Jlarbor has hir a high .spot with i'3 txhil:Jit of artist Clairl Falk1nstt i.n. at the Sherman GtJl. Iery. Storu ond picture1 are on Page 23 of todau's Weekender. letllftl " (lllf.,ftll , (flft~I"" U1> 'I (l•llHllll ,, ... (flftf(t ti c..,,..... JI Df.1111 .... tltn • <Ol-H I •411Nflll 1'1.. 6 l'IAtMt t<H "'"'"'... It Aftft Ltllltn 11 Mll .... t I M ........ l lc-1 MnlA ,,..,. "''""" ,...... 1• """"" .......... °'"" c.... • It•~-·"" ,..,. .,..... ....... . ......,, 1•11 Slotdl .lol8TUh; lf.11 Tel...,ltlM n TllHlln U.ft w""*" t WllfMll't NIWI 1 .. U Wlf"lll Nftn W w-..... . -.;ii::::c --~~·-1 ~-_ ... -...,_ -----==-=-±---:--------. ~··-----~ z D.\llV PlLCT -· i-r iU,y, Augu~t 4:0, 1,,1 . 1878 Tuna Mer~ury Level Sa111e As ~71 By GEORGE U:IDAL Of flol C.Ur l'lltl 1111! wel&hL Charley the Tuna'.s ancestors whose re-- maiM hive been preserved by the Smltbsonian ln!titution since 1878 show no more traces of mucury than do Charley 's latter day pals "''hose taste for mercury worries Food and Dr u g AdrnlnistratJon officials. aamplu eaught bttween 1171 IJ\d 1909 ahow~ a r~n1e of mercury roo- tamlnalloD of from .J lo .s part. per million. The federal standard Is .S M ttf me~ry per million pa.rt.s of Uasue. W!lh the UCJ flndln1s that 11.andarO m1y bt ln question. The pickled tuna aamples were preserved in alr.oho\ by the Smithsonian Institution , Dr. Kishore said. The ranee ror • slmllar number ol f~!Shly caught tuna taktn frem California waters was .4 Lo t.S parta per million, ll!ll!OfO °"ii, 1'hla siiiiilarity in U~ amount of mercury between the old and tht new tun1 raises considerable question a.bou t the contamination of the ocean by mercury. Researchers 11 UC lniine today re!ea~ ed findings that support the conclusion "that there ill no notice.able increase in contamination of the sea based on a study of both old &nd new samples of tuna muscle tlS!ue." To compare them accurately with fresh siunp!es, the UC! team computed Lhe dry "'eighl ratio of mercury to flesh. The adjusted mercury ct1ntamlnation range for the old samples was .s to l.S pa rl! per million based on the dry "Increase or the m e r ~ u r y con· lamination of the ocean since lll78 is prG- ba bly negligible," Klshore said. noting the L·c1 findings make no conclusions a bout mercury pollution of inland lakes. Dr. R1j Klshore, 1ssistAnt to Profesaor Vinctnt Guinn at UCI, said ~ven tuna Planners Okay Newport Ban On High Ri se By CANDACE PEARSON 01 tilt D11tr Plitt llt ff Newport Beach p I & n n I n a: com· missioners Thursday endorsed a one.year ban on high rise throug hout the city while work progresses in updating the Ne v;port generaJ plan. A public hearing on the ban, to be ac· compllshed through an ordinanc e will be conducted on the proposal by plaMers Sept. 2. Final approval will be needed lrom the city council. Commissioners endorsed the total one. year ban after rejecting an earlier prG- posal for a two-year freeze ·within the boundaries of the Lower Newport Bay Civic Di.strict. "Two years is too Jong for the depelopers," said Commissioner William B. f\.1artin, "but by one year we should kno \\' the ideas of our general plan and be able to decide from there." Tbe city has estimated it will take two years to get the new master plan adopted. although City Manager Robtrt L. Wynn said this morning an interim plan can be ready in four months. more moe Acting city attorney Dennis O'Neil said the new ordinance -Jl passed -may not be effective until aftf'r the moratorium on bu ildin~ expires Nnv. !II. "It will be very close," O'Neil said, "There may be a six week or so time dif- rerence." Commissioner W 111 l a m Jtazf'wink el l•ld, "you couldn't have that much h•J> pen ln six weeks. No one will ru sh right in : they're not ready to build now." A pollo Craft Already Gone Sorry folks, the Apollo XV com· mand module went through Oranae County early this mriming and hardly anyone got 1 look at It. Officials of North American Rockwell said the module was tr•n•porttd earl y In the morning in stead of mid-day 1s predlcttd, because It took up two lanes of the highway and they didn't want to block traffic . Thursday, Rockwell authorities said the module, which carrltd astronaut' David R. Sco tt. Alrred 1.f. Worden and James B. frwln to the mocn and back: earlier thi s month, would le&ve San Dlego between 9 a.m. and 11 1.m. However, Newport Beach Police said today the module passed through their town about 4:30 a.m. A truck carrif!d the 11 ,000-pound module up Pacific Ol;ist Highway Lo the North Amerlcan Rockwell plant in Downey, OlAMel COAIT DAILY PILOT 0 JIAMl$i:;! COAST' l'UlltSHlHG Co.Y.'AN'f J:1t••f N. Wi ed P•t1:111111 •NI ,..,.ll1Jtrr J.,. It C11rl1., Vitt ,.rRlfwol 1"4 G-•t Mfftl f 1r n..""'' "•••ii • .i .... T~o,,.11 A. M vrp~ine M i fllt ll>f IEl llW Chtrl 11 1-t, loot Ji:1d1trd r. Nell .A.ul1t1n1 MtMtlllt lOl;or1 L-J•H ..... Offlc• 212 fere1t Aw111u• M1ili11t 1tltl1e11: P.O. 111 ''"· t1611 1n c1 ... .,.. Offk• )01 N11th Et C e""l11 A11I, t267 Z 0 ...... OHM" C.11 .MM1 · Ull WHI a1y l'"'9f loltW'9fl INch; W t Nfwpeq s .... 1w1rf H11t11"9Wlll '4oltll; 11'1111 S11"' a.u ........ Mercury in the ocean is btl~ved lo ha ve been carried by streams from In· Birthday Boy B attin Keeps Ca rds Coming Orange County supervisora Chairman Robert Battin is finding time today, while dodging brickbats, to send birthday cards to his c<:1nstituents. The campaign, which sees ct1lorful cards mailed every day to resident• In Battin's First District in Santa Ana, is bein g oraanized by the Frank Mamo Committee for Batlin. Several recipients have returned the cards in recen t days with unpub- 1J3hable ct1mments on the supervlsor'a actions in the still raging Local Agency Formation Commission controversy. Battin was not available for comment. •·1t 's a pretty ni<:e th ing and ~Ir. Battin has 11Jwa}'S tried to keep in touch with his constituents," an aide. said. Shows Muscle U.S. to Use Buying Pow er On Ni xon Plan Holdouts P'rom Wlre Services WASHINGTON -The 1dmlni1tralion said today It would use the government's $100 billion a year purchasin g power to force bu1ines1es to compl y with Presi· dent Nixon's wage-price freeze. But almost as Caspar W. Weinberger, the chief U.S. budget writer was reveal· ing the aovernment's threat to use Its muscle, organized labor and consumer advoc ate Ralph Nader were calling the new policy "elitist" and "a tax windfall for big business." Welnber~er, deputy director or the Of· fice of Management and Budget and chairman o! the Regulations a n d Purchasing Review Board, aald the board'a formal order dl recl.!I purch asing' nffictrs to consider "as 1 decisive fac· tor' whether flrm.s do in1 bwln1u with the government comply With the wage.price.. rent freer.e in au or their business deal· in J S. The Bureau o( Labo r statistics , meanwhile, announced th1 t the cost or living rMe a moderMe 0.2 percent Jn July -the last full month before Nixon's lm· position of the wa1•-prlce freeze last Sun· day. NJ.xen'a new poUcies are de1l1ned to Lifeguards Eye Hea vy Weekend Along Beaches Despite overcast 1kle1, Oran1• Co1s t life1u1rds a.re bracln& for another bif weekend at the beach. Warm water and risint 1urf are the key rea~ons for the feeling that beaches will again be crowded. The air tem- perature is expected to reach a high of 85 degrees inlan d .and 76 degrees along the coast. ln Newport Beach, lifeguards expect the water temperature to be a \1'arin 71 degrees v.•ith surf runn in& up to fi ve feel. They ha ve issued some warnings about· possible rip tides. A "nice day" Is expected ln Huntin,l!tOn Beach, with early morning fog expected to burn (lff around II a.m. The surf ha s been running three feet lo a sporadic eig ht feet through the week with water temperatures about 87 de1rets. Laguna Beach llfegu11.rd3 predict fair surf of one to three feet with a waler 1empera Lur1 of 69 degrees. Clouds ha ve cover@d the 1ky during the mornlng. The water has been a warm 71.1 degrw this week In San Clemente, but the surf was flat. Lifeguards, however, expect the surf to pick up over the weekend . ranging from lwo to four reel. Seal Baach water temperature Is about 70 degrees. with surf ninn1n1 two lo three reet. Lifeguards aay the are1 has re. mained clear of red tide dur lna the week and iihould stay clear. stop 1 rapid increase 1n the cost of llvina, which rose 0.6 percent In June and o.s percent in May. Nixon said Thursday when he arrived 1t the Western White Houae after 1 five. state 1wlng that he expected the op- posltlon of "special interest groups." But he said: "The overw helming majo rity favor what we are doing." The AFL-CIO and the AFl..rCJO's chief congressional lobbyist former Rt.p . Andrew J. BiemilJer (0-\VI!!.), said on na- tionwide. television that Nixon's economic policies were "nothing but 1 giveaway, a tax-windfall for big business." Blemill er said that corporate profits and high interest rates, not woril:ers' wage demands, were the principal cause of inflation. Nader 11ald the economJc· policy w1s "elitist." He said the freer.e dld not apply to Interest ratts a.nd corporate prolit.s, and the program would provide bUlions of dollars for big bus iness. He said the wage freeze forc ed the worklni ma n to shoulder the burden of the new plan. With Nixon's program now live days old, the re were these other develop- ments; -Gov. Preston E. Smith ol Texas refused to back down today in hi3 de. flance of President Nixon's fretze on wages by ordering pay raises lot more than 100,000 te1chers. -A series of revised govtrnment reports l11ued today showed modest lm- prevements In the national economy. The C.Ommerce Department said the Gross National Product increased $2t'l.fi billlon In the second quarter to an adjusted an- nual rate of $1.04.1 trUiion. The increase was UOO million above the preliminary ([gure Issued a month .ago. -The managing director of th" International ~fon('tary Fund i lt>.!Fl said Nixon's decision to "Ooa\" lhe dollar places the wo rld 's pos l-\Vor!d \Var JI money exch ange llystem "in jeopardy.'' "The prospect before Us is f1ne or disorder and discrimination in currencv And trade relationships \l'h!ch ~·til seriously disrupL trade and undermine the systern which has served the world vie.II." Pierre-Paul Schweitzer told fMF"s 117 member netlons. -In Brussel,;. the .!Iii Europt'an C:Om- m(ln ~farket nations failed to 11grer on a unified monetary polic y lo dtal with lhe new U.S. polic y and said they would react lndlviduaUy. Red Infiltrators Die SEOUL (API -South Korean marines killed two North Korean infiltrators today on the Island of Kangh~·a , 30 miles ~·est (l( ~ul, after t.,.,·o days of lntf!nsh·e search oper1tlon1, the South Kore11n counterespionaae OperaUona Command announced. The South Korean 1ide lost one marine and two militiamen killed and three m1rlnes wounded , the command said. It Got Very Far Chris' B alloon Wins V iejo CoQ,te st Nlne-year..(l)d Chria Snow I o o k t d mournfully at hi1 helium-filled balloon one wlndy afternoon 11 ll alow\y asctnd· td 'mid 1 flurry of Its brlahUy colored brother11. Whe n II finally dropped to earth it wa1 on the w. If. Haaaard Farm in Gila Ben<!, Arit., wh1rt It wu discovered by G1ry Morton. Following lnstructiona found on 1 postcard in tht balloon, Gery maned It to the 1.11sslon Vl t jo Recre1 Uon Center. Ht received $10 for his effo rt.II. "~fine lsn 't aoln. to i tl ve ry far '" he lamented. J[t wa1 wrona:. It tra vtled 300 mile.a. The Millslon Viejo boy's balloon Lravtl· ed farther than any other l•unched from the Mar1uerlte Recreation Center Junt 19 during the annual "Balloon to th• ~foon '' con te~t Chris, son of Mr. ind Mrs. Robert Snow, 26631 Parlso Drive, Mission Vl•jo, rect!lved a $25 savings bond for stndlna: hla balloon the greatest dtstAnct. Runnr rs up came from Temecula and TI<1ncho C111lfornJa. l1r1d areu or lo be produced 83 1 result of undersea ~·okanlc action. Burnln1 or coal ot other fOllil fuels releuu mercury whicb la wube<: from the air onto the 1'1ld and carried ln atorm runoff to the ocu.na, KJahore noted. But Uie re1ulta of the UCl neutron ac- tivation 1naly1e1 seem to indi cate there ha1 been little change In the amount of mercury depo1lted in the sea since 1870. The samples atudied by the UCI researchers included two skipjack caught orr r.11uachuselts in 1878, an 11lbacore caught (lff California In 1880, a bluefin caught in 1S86 at Woods Hole, Mass.: a sklpj1ck from San Diego taktn in 1890. another sk.ipjack taken near Hav.·aii 1n lllOI and yet another sk1pjack c1ught near the Philippines in 1909. 1'he UC! ~team makes no rtcom· menc!•llon *""' the r..S.n l ftllllatlon of .5 PW per million of memll')'. "lt'• for biologists to determbte what level of mercury content L! dangerous t o humans," Dr. Ki.sho re sald. However, the UC! findinga will be made available to the Food and Drug Administration on requellt. Further, lhey'!I be published In the weekly sci'en- lific journal "Science." The .S ppm standard has been used to recall thousands of pounds or tuna and other lyPfS of fl&h in recent years on the ,around that the FDA believes mercury content beyond that level may be: ha.rmbtl to humans. ' The UCI findinp lndicole AmoricaM have t>een t•tlna tuu rot OWiy yeara that raay vary In m1m1ry content vuy tittle. .working with Dr. Guinn and Dr. K1shore on the study project that uses UCJ's nuclear reactor have been Prof. F. S. Rowland, Dr, G. E. Miller and graduate 11tudenb Pat Grant and Fred Steinkruger. The .recent slud y confinns shnilar fin- dings or the UC! researchers who ex· amined a 25-year old swordfish th at 1lso showed litUe difference ln mercury con-tent. Calley's Sentence Reduced AP '11oi. SENTENCE R!DUC ED Lt. Calley of My Lai 'Big' Minl1 Out; Thieu No 'v 0 11l y Viet Candidate SAIGON (UPI ) -Gen. Duong Van "'Big " Minh lYilhdrew today from the South Vielnamese presidentia l race, leav· ing Prellldent Ngcye.n Van Thieu as the .llole candidate. Both Americans and South Vietna mese predicted that out· breaks of civil violence will follow. Mlnh's decision ·was not unexper.ted llince he has charged repeatedly that Thieu rigged the election so only Thieu could win. The \Vlthdrawal upset the U.S. embassy's hope for a free and fair elec- tion to ezpress the true will of the coun- try'a 17.5 million person~. FL ~lcPHERSON. Ga. (AP) -Lt. William L. Calley Jr.'s life sentence for murdering 22 Vietnamese civilians at My Lai "'as reduced lo 20 year! tod ay by the Jrd Army commanding general. Lt. Gen. Albert 0. Connor, the first of- ficer to review lhe case, said the reduc- tion "was 11 ppropriate for !he offenses.'' 'l 'he case now goes up a chain of review ending \1•ith President Nixon and further reduction is possible. Calley, 28. has been confined to his <JUarters al Ft Benni ng, (ia., since his conviction nearly five months ago. He ct1uld be eligi ble for parole after serving nearly seven years of !he sentence. In Sall Lake City, Calley'! attorney, George Latimer sald: "Obviously I'm pleased. And I'm sure Lt. Calley is thankfu l to Gen. Connor. Ultimately, of course. \Yl' hoPf to get the si tuation. upon appeal. so that LL C1tlley will not be the scapegoat of ~l y La i. The action (Con- nor's} 1s very favorable.'' 1'he l'l nnouncen1ent was made by ~taj, Herman Ka ssner, acting head of the public informatio~ office here, y,·ho said: ·'Based upon the te~timony and e\ idence presen1ed at the trial, it was deterrnined that the conviction \.\·es cor· reel In law and face and that the reduced lentence was appropriate for the offenses for which he was convlcted. "Gen. Connor took his action after con- sideration of all the evidence in the record of trial, after considering the ad· vice <ind reco1nmendalion of his legal staff, and after considering matters in rebutta l by the defense ." T~is completes the first sh.•p in the long review process io th e Calley case. Pre11I· dent Nixon hall announced he will personally revle\Y the case and make the ultimate find ing. Calley is confined to his quarters at Ft. Benning , Ga .. while his case works its way through the review chain. With a 20-year .!!le.ntence Calley could be eligible for parole after serving nearly seven years, about one-third of the time. J unior lligh Dance Planned in Vi c jo A dance for Juni or high-age youngsters v.·ilt take place Aug. 21 , in tvlission Viejo. Dancing to a llve band will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the t.1ontanoso Recreati on Center. The event is scheduled to end at 10:30 p.m. Admission will be $1 for recreation center members and $1.25 fo r nonmembers. R es ort Ow ne rs F a<tig I nvolzintary Bankruptcy The company that O\\'ns the 5,000-acrt Orange Count y recreational res o rt, Cota de Caza, laces invol untary banliruplcy if llome 70 creditor!! don't agree lo moci1fy !ts payment obligations. Vic:tor H. Palmieri. president of (ireat Southwest Corp., told stockholders Thurs- day that changes in management and operational policy ha ve madl'! some irn· proven1enls, but the company still lost $2,706.268 for the six months ending June 30. Great Southwest operates Coto de Caza in southern Orange Count y an d Japanese Village and Deer Park and !'.tovieland \\"ax ~luseum in Buena Park. Some of its other holdings include the Six Flags amusement parks In Texa3, (;eoq~ic>. and i'l-t1 ssour1, an d the Richardson Hoines Corp. ( mob i I e hon1es J. Palmieri told stockholders in Lo.!l Angeles that the company has rid i!Sflf of S.15 .000,000 in mortgage debl on Californi a holdings. or f.6 perrent ur i1 s total debt associated with California prriperty. Final Sale Week ' . r. i SLRPll SOFA SALE PRICED STARTIN• AT ••• s239 Fina! we1k of wa r•hou .. tile. St l9Ction1 of mis· cell•neous furni ture 1t • fraction ita original pri ce. \ Hundr•d• of yards of dr•pery •nd upholst•ry fab- rics •II drt,tlcally r..:luced. l DEALERS FOR: HEN REDO N-DREXEL-H ERITAGE NIWPO•r ITOll or1H PI JDA T 1'1L ' NEWPORT BEACH 1727 WHtclllf D•., 642-2050 OPUl PRIDAY 'TIL 9 ProfM•lonal Interior O.slgner1 Av1Jl1ble-AIO INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Ce:-••t Hl9hw1y Phon e: 494-6551 r. ' . d • I ) San Clemenie Capistrano * VOL. 64, NO. 199, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES EDITION ..... _ - • N.Y. Steeb TEN CENTS ear • IXOD • Ill emente Over Beaches Solon Attacks Pendleton Brass The heavy artillery has been brought out late this V•eek in a full-scale war between Camp Pendleton Base Com- mander 1'.faj. Gen. George Bowman and lhe Los Angeles congress man who wants Road Work Paring Down • Conti11uing San Clemente 's engineering staff is continuing an effort to pare down plans for ma jor re conslrurlion of Jiections of El Camino Real near the Shorecliff! area . City cnunctlmrn reviev.·ed one i;caJed· down \' e r s i o n msting about S200,000 earlier lh.i!'I week, lhen told Cily Engineeer Phil Peter to keep on cutting. Originally, the project wes to h<1:ve cost $350,000 •Ith the coat split do"n tht mid- dle wilh the County of Orana:e. It included an expensive wall at !hf.I base or a 5egment ()r the blufls, plus • tot.al reconstruction flr t~ roedway from Camino Capi!itrann to Avenida Pico. I • This week's amendM version called for rtCQnstruction only on • short slrP:tch, then minor capping along lhe rest of the highway. The w;i\I wai; de!r1ed. bu t a pa ved shoulde r ror bicycle lraffic was ln - ciuded . Council men v.·ere in accord over the 'Tleed for a bicycle pathway and the reconstruction of the dilapidated section bctwet:n Cami no San Clemcntt: and Ca mi no Capistraoo. But few would support the ca pping of th£' en tire stretch and seve ra l councilmen questioned the need for curbs and gut· ttr.<:. Pet.er promisrd to rf'lum in !v;o "''eeks with a less expensive vcrsinn. If tha t is round adequate 11nd CQUn· c:il men 11pprove lhe plans. Then 11 new rounty agrermcnt on 50-50 financing would be sought. Viejo Elks Invite f'an1ilies lo Picnic Saddleback VeJley residents are Inv ited l.n the first family picnic sponsored by the Mi~.<:ion Viejo Elks Lodge. The evrnt ill set for 10 a,m. Aug. 22 in Wildemess Glen. local~ Bl Los AliS()S and Trabuco Canyon Road in r-.1ission Viejo. six miles o( Marine Corps Beach for public use. It began Thursday when Gen. Bowm1n -insi sting his controversial comments were ··on-the-record", called Rep. Alphonro Bell (R-Los Angeles) a ''clown '' who wants the Marine beach opened lo hi ppies. BcJ\ brislled, i nd this morning, retaliated bitterly. He accused thl'! commander of the l>.'Orld·s largest Marine base of believing human life "falls inlo two categories those who art Marines ind tht rest or us who are hippies." He al so accused the general of ordering troops kl treat the general public trying Ill use sections of lhe base 's best surfi"JI: beaches as ''Viet Cong" while endorsing the use of the same beaches by "socially prominent CalHomian11" 31 the private San Onofre Beach Club. Tht warfare began Thursday AS Gen . Ro..,,·man look questions from the floor al a Vista Lion's Club regule.r luncheon meetinp:. A lone reporlcd for a local paper WI! in the audience -iovile;d by 1 club offici•I. 0 ''1'here Is 3 Congressman ]I\ Los Angelc1 who .s.ays he wants the beach for his con. ttltuents · •. Darn riaflt. '' the General s&id. "He sold all of his be1ch to privat e in· divklflals and now he doesn't understand wht"je don't give up our enlisted men ·s be8cfi' club (in lhl! northerly corner of the proposed public beach Area a t Pendleton ). "Afte r all, they'rP: only Marines. Ye.<:, they're only Marines, but they have been off, •nd they still are fighti"A • war. "And this clown says turn it over to the hippies be<: a use the Marines aren 't using iL "That beach (the enlisted man's por- tion) has a capacity for I.000 people ; but what kind of people? One thousand hip- pies, or people we can trust? A seething Bell then called a prtss con- fertnet early today and leveled his firs~ form1I counler atta ck. "The general states he thought his un· friend ly commenl!i about me we re off the record, yet a reporter wit h notebook and pencil v.·as clearly visible. "This leads me to hope that the general's future assignme nts oughl onl tn include service in the intel!l~ence branch flf our mi!i!ary eslablishmenl, '' he sa id. Bell inferred tha l Bowman should be chasUsecl because, indirectly, his com- ments about Bell assertedly reflect on President Nixon and Derense Secretary Melvin Laird, who also have championed the public use of the six miles of C1mp Pendleton beaches and 3,400 acres of Sao Mateo Canyon uplands. White House press aides could not be lmmediately reached for any official reaction by t.he President to the General's comments. ~._. -.. -... ... ... __ WEARY BUT TALKATIVE, PRESIDENT GREETS FAMILIES OF COAST GUARDSMEN Af' San Clem•nt• Arriv1I, Nixon M•k•s Small Talk While His Family Waits Beliind Wa11 Battin, Caspers Granted Delay In Court Case By TOM BARLEY Of """ DlllF '11•1 Stoll A plel by Orange County supervisors Robert Battin and Ronald Caspers for a delay of the hea ring on co.tempt charge!! filed agelnst them by lhl! League of Cities w11s granted todt1 y by Superior Court Presiding Judge William C. Speirs, Both board member11 successfully 11rgued through Deputy County Counsel Arthur C. Wahlstedt Jr. that they had had insufficient time to prepare their defense against the alle gation and Eub- poena witnesses on their bcha\L Jud~e Speirs set the hearing for Sept. 1 nver the !trenuous objections of LeaRUA attomeys Tom \Voodruff and Tom Stewart "This l'.'ill be fhe forma t from now nn." ~'oodruff commented outside t h e courtroom. "These people v.'ill try to delay this contempt action by every means possible." ,ludge Spears action followed the fillnJ:' bv Wahlstedt or an affidavit of prejudice a'ga inst Superior Court .Judge J . E. T. "Ned " Ruller \\'ho had been assigned to !he contempt hearing. But Judge Speirs ma de il clear thal the delay will not affect Monday's hearing lnlO the tt:tion rilerl ;igainsl Battin, Cal'i- pers and Hyde. by the league. That heari ng, which is expected to finally determine the legality o r otherwise of the present Local Agency Formation Commission. il'i scheduled for 9:30 a.m. in Judge Ruller'11 courtroom . It seemed possible today that the jurist may again be named in a second al· fidavit of prejudice. ~... . ~ Games, refrt.shments and food will be provided ror SI. For information on the picnic call Don Robinson, 83().-0260. Environmental Education . ~ -y ' • l " . ' .... ,.. +"! _u._ . DAILY l'ILDT ''"''' 11'1 l'lltlctl O'C.-11 Orange Coast 1''eather The weekend weather outlook for the Orange Coast area shows early morning clouds and fog. clearing by mid-day to clear skies and sun- shine. Highs &l the beach 75, Jn. land · M. Lows around 66 in both area. iNSIDE TODAY 'T'h' .lunior LPO(}ll' of Nt lJ}o porr Harbor ltt1.! hit ti hig h spot with its t .t h1bit nf nrt1,,t Claire Falkt!n.&Lt.in at lhe Slu~!nnan. Gal· ltru . Story nnd picturt .! (trt·on Paar 23 of today'~ Wtckender. ... , ... , . ,.,,...., n-tt C.tlfwRll 1 """'"' ,, .... , 11 CMdlflot U• 11 llfl1\tllll ..... • •• ( .. H llltoll Jl-tt (1111lct fl Or-c.....,. • •nt1w1.m 11·11 (rtH--' J1 Srtflt ,........ t l>flltl NlllU• • Dl-tt I SHl19 '"" S!t<I M111!1ft. If.II •"~ri.i ,.,, • •1111111:1 ,.,. Tflt¥111eft ti TllMt.l't lf·n "'""-It W11"'9r I ARI Lt...,_ U Wiii!"''' NI .. t>-U Mlll""r I w.,.. l!lnrt .. , Mll'•ll" LICMWJ I WHttRffr n.Jt Federal Fund Bid Denied By PATRICK BOYLE 01 "" 0•11'1 ,lltl lttlf An application lor $200,000 ln federal fund s to provide environmental educa tion to the adull11 and school chUdren of the Saddleback Valley h•s been denied , UC Irvine o(ficials ha.ve learned. The application. filed in March or 1'10, was one or 1.925 such propos1\s flied from dirferent areal'i or the. country for the special funds. Of this number, money was nnly 1vai\able to gr•nt 7t projects, none from Southem Galilornl1, aceortting to UCI Dean of E1ten1ion. RJm.nt 8_1l~n. "The amount of money 1Yailable na· tionwK!e w11 extremely sm•U," Baildtn noted in expressing his <Usappotntment at the rejection of Ihm lnnovatiYe project. The project, which would have been 1d· ministered by UCI , was jointly sponsored by the San JO.!llquln Elementary School Olstrict. the Orange County PlaMin( Department and Project 11, a study 1roup headquartered 1l UCI . The pilot project w•a delJl(ned ~ develop an "envlrmmnitally !Iterate population '' in the et1mmW\JUcs or Irvine, El Toro, Laguna Hills and Mission Viejo. The plan <:ailed for special educational progr1ms in tile .schools. field trips by cl\ildten and adults, studies of recylcing projects and other endeavors. Prior to implementation of 1ny of the. education•! programs in IM schools, B1i.sden noted , task forces would have. becrt organiied •mong residents in eitch of the communities to help develop the programs. Baisden said UCI will still altempt. to Lmplement some sort of environmental training programs in tM valley, perhaps through homeowners groups. He .s•id thfl individual ta5k forces would not be formed. however. He noted that most of the funds 1pplied ror wauld have been wed to purch1se 5pecial materials for tht elementary school• involved In the program and to flnanet the field trips . Baisden indicated UCI will ctinsider reapplylnl the feder1l (r•nt In 1972 In hope• or lmplemenu.n, the educ1tlonal proaram. ' i1 PRESIDENT MIXES WITH CROWD AT EL TORO A P1u1e 1t M1rin1 Baae, Then On to San <l•m•nte Expanded J(itchen Eyed As Aid to Golf Course San Clemente will serk a CQnsultant·~ he.Ip to dett rmlne if expanding a kitchen and lMtalllng new signs would railie cl ubhouse revenues 3t the munici pal golt course. The 11dvice will come free of charge. countllmen le11med, from an expert for a professional restaurant associa tion. At l11s ue Is the renewal of 11 live.year lease for the clubhouse concession operated by Peter Berger. Negotiations over renewal of thr. lease have bogged dnwn ln a rj ing disputr Qn many Issues between B ger and City M;inager Ken Ciirr. Carr Is an advocate__of.-adve rtising on the open bld ma rkrt"to see if bt:tter of· I fers would come for thl'! concession !f!ase. Berger Insists thal with mod ific1tion or thf' liny ki tchen and a new tdgn for night hours could Increase revenues . Councilmen Wedne5<1Jiy agreed thllt !hey would give two more weekf.'. atud y to the aspects of the lea~ renewAI before deriding Of\ any new improve mifit s. The smallness of the kitcben, Berger. ha.<: asserted. forbids preparation o! din· ncrs and ba nquet fAre. A larger room ""'ilh petter equlpmcnt would" assure ade- quate servlcl!: In the evenlnl(a . Councl\men regh~l.ered 1Sofue dismAy 1t the poor relationship bet.ween Berger and lhe city staff. President Sets 3-week Vacation By JOHN VALTERZA Of t1M 0-11'1 1'011 S"tf With his family waiti ng in the winfl at the Western White House, President N!J; .. on touched down Thursday 1ftemoon In. San Clemente appearing obviously~ but talkative just the same. The ch ief executive launched hla three- week work ing vacation with another public appearance today as he and Gov. Ronald Reagan new to Loma Linda ta dedlcate a new 640-bed Veteran's Administration Hospital. \Vhite House Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler said the facility, to be operated in conjun c tion with Loma Linda University's school of medicine , would replace the Sylmar VA Hospital which was destroyed by an earthquake last Feb. 9. Nixon had a midmorning meeting with Reagan on the first day or a three-wetlc: ~·orking vacation at the Western White House to di scuss welfare reforms &nd the new economic policies outlined by the President last Sunday. Reagan is scheduled to leave soon on a trade mission to Asia . The meeting also will afford Nixon and Reagan an op- portunity to discuss the political e:Uuatioa -n California and Republican cha.Dees for aucces1 at the. polls in thia: critical state ln 1972. Today's trip ame despite emnntenfs by fo.1r. Nixon late Thursday that h• would rest and "have very few toeial functions'' during his annual long Vi.sit $.0 San Clemente. Before he joined his wife. Pat, daughter Julie Eisenhower and his Irish se!ter King Timahoe, President Nixon eagerly greeted Coast Guard bras11 and their families, cha tted with the son and daughter of National Sl!:curity Adviser Dr. Henry Kissinger, then commented on the nation's reaction to the wage and price freeze. He stressed he was Impressed with tht widespread public acceptance and sup- port for the drastic economy moves and admitted he expected some opposition "from some special interest groups" - especially organized labor which has Rt up a hriw[ ov rr I.he ""'age rreeze. k. the visab\y weary President patted children's heads and shook hands his family waited in a green golf cart behind the thick walls sepa.raling the Nixon. estale from the Western Whitt. House of- ficr complex and grounds. They did not join the President unlit Mr. Nixon sped off toward Las Casa Pacifica. Befo re his custom electric C3rt aped &way Mr. Ni xon poked fun at Dr. Kiss· lni::er's status 11s a bachelo r. "Don ·t do anything klnight l wouldn't do." the President .said. "\Vil! !here ~ a wedding tomorrow, the Mr. Pres ident?'' one reporter shouted. "There sure. will," came the reply. President and Mrs. Nixon planned t«J attend th e \vedding tonight of Mureen Finch, daughter of presidential adviser Robert N. Finch. who met her fiance at a White House party .. r-.1iss Finch and J ohn Elton Shaw, aon of f\.1r . and Mrs . John R. Shaw of Broom· field, Colo. will be married at 8 p.m, to- day in the. Presbyterian Church in LI Canada, a suburb of Los Angele~. Hot Air Fills Council Hall ~1eetings in San Clemente's cou~ cil chambers in recent Wef!ka have been bot ones. The temperature and humidity, that is -not lhe Issues. In a terse, one-lint recom- mendalion received by c.l t y councilmen this week, obviously uncomfortable p I an n In 1 com- missioners begged for lnsllll1llon or air conditioning. The heat wave was still on lait. week when Ille commission issued the plea. II hu been cooler, since. . ''Now that the bl•t wave la • over," quipped mayor Walter Evans Wednesday, "I'll mcve the letter be received and flied.·~ That will probably me.an a de.11y of the cool-air Issue -until nti:t 11ummer. • ' •• • • ~ tlAJLY Pll~T ~C --- 1878 Tuna Mer~nry • Level Sante As !'71 By GEOftOE LEIDAJ. 01 1i.. 0111, l"lliil "'" Charley I.he Tuna's ancestors whose re· ruaius ha\·~ been preserved by the Slntthlonl&n lrulllt.itlon alnce 1171 ahow no mort tract1 o( mtrcury than do Charh~y·s laHer day pals v.·hose ta slf': for mercury ,,.,·orries Food and D r u g Administration 0Hic1als. Re!t'arr.hers at UC lrvinr today releas· ed findings th11t support the conc-h1!\1011 ''Lhal the re 1s no noticeable 1nl'rl'ast': 111 con1am inat 1011 of th e sea based on a study of boltt old rind ne\\' s!rnples of tuna muscle l\Saue. ·· Or. Raj Klshore , a.11!1Stllfll to Profe ssor Vlncenl Guinn 1t UCl, said ~\'en tuna Pla1111 ers OJ,ay N elvport Ban On High Ri se By CANDACE Pf.AltSON Of l~o Dolly PllGI \Iott Newport Beach p I a 11 n i n g com· n1issioners Thuradey endorsed a one-year ban on high rise throughout the city \Vhile \l'Ork progresses ~il updat ing the Ne\\.·port general plan. A public hearing on the ban, lo be ac- C'Ompliahed through an ordinance will be condu cted on the proposal by planners Sept. 2. Final apprn\'al will be needed from the c!tv council. CUmmlas!Oner11 endorsed the total one. year ban after rejectln~ an earlier pro- posal for a two-year freeze within the boundaries of the Lower Newport Bay Civic Diatrlct. "Two years Is too long for the depelopers," said Commissioner Vio'lll ia1n B. Martin, "but by one year we should kn ow the ideas of our general plan and ht able to decide from there." The c!fy has estim ated !! 11.·ill take 111.•o )•ears to gel the new master plan adopted. AHhoug:h City Manager Rnbert L. Wynn aald thill morning an ltiterlm plan can be. ready In four monthll, mnre moe Aeling rlly 11:ttomey Denn\11 O'Neil 1111\d the new ordinance -tr passed -may not be effective untll after the moratorium on bul\dlng expire~ Nnv. 18. "It will be very close," O'Ne\I 1aid, •·There may be 11 six week or so time dif· ference." Commt.11s\oner W l 111 am Hazewinkel said. "you couldn't have that much hap- pen In 1lx v.·eeka. No one w\11 ru!h right in; they're not ready to build now." Apollo Craft Already Gone Sorry folk11 . the Apollo XV com- mand modu le went through Orange Qiunty eRrly this mornlnji and hardly anyone got a look ;it ii.. Officials of Nnrth Americ11 n Roc kwell aaid the module. ·was transported e;i rl.v in the morning instead or mid-day as predicted, because lt took up l\l•n Janes of the highway and they <l.ldn'l want to block Ira.Hie. Thursday, Rockwell authorities 1121id the module, which carried aslronaull Da vid R. Scott . Alfred M. Worden and Jamts B. lr11.·in to the moon and ba ck earlie r this month, would lea \"e Se.n Diego between 9 a.m. and JI a.m, However, Newporl Beach Police "aid today the mndule passed through th eir town 11bnur 4 :~0 a tn . A truck C"&rried the ! 1,0()(l·pound 1nod1 l!e Ufl Pacific Cn;i~t l li~hwll~ to the Nri rth Anicri can Rockwrtl plant in Downey. oaAhG-1 COAST DAILY PILOT OllAMOI! !;OASt l'U,l 111'.lNG (().\li~A~Y t.bort N. w.14 l'•n :lll'nl '"" ,.u111l1lltr J ~t.~ R. C~•l 11 Vi(t "'"~"'' '"' Gl!ntret Mtral!r Tho ... 11 K11y1f fOlllr lt.1 ... 11 A. lrot wr 11hl"1 MI Mflnt f:<l>lllr C .. 1111 1 H. l101 R i t~•rcl P. Noll ""l111nl M1,,.glng Efiton &At••• t-) Office 111 Forool AY•~w• M11!111, 1df11u : P.O. 111~ l66, t!.51 S•fl Clomtft,. Otllco JOS N11 lh ll C1'"i"a R11I, •1•11 0 "'9t' Offic" CC.II Mt11· )JC Wtol Illy S1r~ t.lewpor~ l .. t n: lU~ NI"'"" II°" 1•1'"' 1-t\lfltlllllOll 111<"! "'" l11tfl l1ui.~1.,, t:MTL'f 1"11 .. cr. wit~ w!l'Cll 11 ~"""'Ill• ,.,...,...,.,..,, II M ll1hrf 11111 owt.,t ,..,.,. dlY Ill ._.ftlll llrtltM for U f ll!'ll IHtl'l. !>1....wJ IMdl, ("It -·· MWll .... IM ... cit, PWM.tlll Vtllf1'1 ltft Clo'"oni.1 (.tp/11,_ '"' lr*llrb•Cll:, oll':'ll •llfl .,., rt<Jlor\.ltl t<llllon. l"rfr.tljMI Jlrlllllflf !Illini II 11 lit W•I .. , l tr"t· C...t1 Mt11. Taa.,llcl11 1714 1 '41-4111 CtnaiftH AdMf'tC .... M2·1'7t ._, ............... ~: t••••••11• 4tt-4•z• ytw ...._. Al 11,u:l ....... I ,.,., .... 494-t4l£ C#f•leflt. 1t'1, 0,...fltl Cllnt fi'u'41illli>t C111n111n•. Ht Mwt 11t1"1t.1, lllvttrl lll•Uo .. ltorlfl 11\1119!' "' ff~t<tl .. '"111111 111rt tln ""' .. lftt~lll:M wUMMJI tPKlfl 1111"· "''"*' "' (llofl',,.ltllt _,,,,, 1.-<onl tllH -lift Dlld t i Nrw"'" • .....- 1'111 co111 Me••. C~lllO•n!I 1~11.i""' br c:•111or 11.n -"'"~· &y ~·" n .1s ..-1i.1y, ,.,uui rt <1••tl"'!~M. 11.u ,,._'"''· • 11mple1 ca1.11ht ~lween 1878 and 1909 attowtd a range of mercury co n- tamln1Uon ol fro1n .3 to .II parts p1:r million. , The federal standard Is .& partl of mercury per rnllllon p1rt11 ()f tl11ut . Wllh lhfl UCJ flndin11 thal •landard rn1y bt ln que1tlon . The pickled tuna 11mpl&1 were preser\'ed in alcohol by t11e Smithsonian ln~!ltuuon. Dr, K i~hore 121!d. To con1parl' rhr1n ac('Ul'H lely \\1!h fre sh sarnples, the CC I 1ean1 ton1pu terl Lh e dry ..,.,•etghl r<1t10 of rnercury to fl esh. The adi us ted ri1eri:ury conran1inat lon range fur I.he old 11a n1ples was 5 10 I.~ part.!! ptr n1ll!ion based on the Jry we ight. The ranat for a 1lmilar number or freshly cau1ht tuna taken from Callfornl! "'alera was ,t to J.$ parta ptr million, J<isflore a1ld. 1'hla almllarlty lft tht 1mount or n1ercury between the old and tht new tuna raJ.~e• cona!derable quntlon about iha con tarnln1tlon of the ocsan by mercury. "lntrease of the m' r cur y con· tarn1 na1lon of the ocean since 1878 is pro- bub\y negligible." Kishore said. noting 1he L:CI firulings make no conclusions abo ur n1t'.'rcury pollutton or Inland lakes. ~1crcury in thl' ocean is bel ieved to hal'e been carried by fitrr11ms fron1 in- Birtl1day Boy Batti1i Keeps Carcls Coniing Orangl! Coun!y supervisor!! Ch ainnan Robert Battin l.11 finding Ume today, while dodging brickbats. to send blrthday cards lo his C{lnstltuents. The c11mpaign . which sees colorful cards malled every de.y to resident• in Battln's f irst D!~lricL in Sant.a Ana, Is being organized by the Frink J\tanr.o · Committee for Ballin. Se\•erRI reclpients ha\'e returned the CArd.!I In recenl day.!I wlth unpub· Hshablt comm ents on the supervlsor'1 actions In the still raging Local Agency Formatlon Commission conlroversy. Battin w11~ not avallablt for comment. "lt'1 • pretty nice thing and f\[r. Battin has alwa ys tried to keep In touch with his constituents," an aide aaid. Shows Muscle U.S. to Use Buying Power On Nixon Plan Holdouts From Wire Services WASHINGTON -'fhe admln\1lr11tlon said today It would u11e the government'a $100 bill ion 11 year purchasing power to fnrce businesses to cvmply with Presi- dent f'tlxon'!I wage-price fretze. But almost a~ Caspar W. \\'elnberger, the chief U.S. budget "'riter was reveal- in~ the government's lhren t to use its muscle, organ ized lllbor and ro nsurn('r advocate Ralph Nader were calling the new policy "e.litlsl" and "a tax 'A"lndfa!I for big business ." We lnber,1ter, depuly director ol the Of· lice of ~-\anegement and Budget end chairman of the RegulaUon.11 a n d Purchasing Re view Board, 11aid the board'!! formal order dlreclA purchasing officer.!! to con!!.lder "as 11 decisive fa r· tor' whether firma doing bwlne1A with the gnver nmenl com ply with the w11ge-prlce- rent !reete In all or their bualne11a deal· ings. The Bureau of Labor statistics, mPll;nwhlle , announ ced lhal the cost of Jiving rose 11 modere.t.e 0.2 percent Jn July -the last full ml'lnth before Nixon's im- position of the wage·prlce freeie la11t Sun- day. Nl1on'11 new policies are designed to Lifeguards Eye Heavy Weekend Along Beaches Despite overcast ak left , Orange Co11st lifeguard! art bracing tor another big 11·etkend at the bea ch. Wa rm 11.'a!er And rising surf ar' the ke-y reasons for the fe!.Hng that hea che.11 .,.,·ill again be cro wded. Th' alt tem- perature i~ experted to reach 11 hlgh or 85 degrees inland and 76 degree.'! al ong the C:OP.S\. In Newport Be11ch. lifeguards txpc.ct the w11ter te1np('ralure lo be a warm 71 degrees wl\h fluri running up lo fi ve feel They ha\'e Issued some warnings about po.'!11lble rip tides. A ''nlce day'' ill 'xpecled In Huntington Beach. with early morntn~ fog expected IQ burn off around 11 11.m. The surr h1111 been running thre' r,et to a 11poradlc eight !eel through the week with w1ter temper11t.ures abOut 67 degree!. L8guna Beach \Heiuan:l.'! predict fair ~urf of one to lhree re!.l v.·tt h 11 water 1em per11ture of 69 riegree!. Cloud11 have ('overcd the sky during the mornlni. The 11.·ater has been a 11.·arm 71.8 degrees this wttk In San Clemente. but the su rf "'es nat. Llftgu11rds , ho\\'tl'f'r, <'Xpecl the surf to pick up O\'er the \\""P.ekend. rilng ing fro rn two lo four feet. Seal Beach 11·ater leniperalure Is about 70 rlegr'e~. wllh su rf running two to three feet, Lifegua rd!! say the area ha~ re- mained cl ear of red tide cl.uring the v.·eck and should stay clear. stop a rapid Increase ln the coAt of living. which rose 0.11 percent in June and 0,5 percent In May. Nixon 1111ld Thursday when he arrived at the \\1estern White Hou!e after a five- state s11.·ing th at he expected the op- po11ltlon of "!lpecial lntere!t groupa." But he .said: "The overwhelming majority favor 'vh:it ,,.e are dning."' The AFL-CIO and the AF'L-CJO's chief co.gre~3ional lobbyist former Rep. A.ndr'w J. Blemil!er ~ D-Wis.), s1ld nn n1- tionwid' telev lAion that Nlxon'.11 economic policies wert "nothing but 1 giveaway, a tax-wlndff11\ for big business ." Biemlller said lh11t corpora te profits and high interest t ale!!, not workers' wage demand11, were the principal cause of in na tlon. N11der said the economic polley wa11 ''e!itl~t.'' He .!laid the freeze did not 1pply to !ntc.re1,t rates and corporate profits, and the program would provide b!lllon1 of dolll'lrs for big business. He 1111\d the wage frte1.e forced the working man to shoul der lhe burden of the new plen. \Vl!h Nhton·11 progr11m now five d11y1 C1ld, there were these other develop.. n1ents : -Gov. Preston E. Smi th of ~xa1 rc fu l'-ed to back dO\\'n todll.y ln his de- fiance of Pr~ldent Nlii:on'1 fr~r.e on wag es b)' orde ring pay raises for more than 100.000 le&cherA . -A !erles of rtviaed go,•ernment report s is Slltd today !hl'lwed modest lm· provemtntt. In the n11tlon a\ eronomy. The Commerce Department 11ld lhe Gross National Product increaaed S20.6 bl\l\l'ln ln the ~econd quarter to an adjusted an· nual rate of Si.041 trllllon. The lncreA.se v.·Rs SBOO million .abovt the preliminary llgure Issued a month ago. -The manag in~ rllreclor of !he Inlernallonal Mohetary fund (ll-;1F ) 1111\d Nl11.on"s decllliion lo •'float '" the dollar places the '"'"'nrld"a post-World \V11r 11 mnnPy exch11 ngt system "ln jeopftrd y." "The pro11pect before ua Is one of disorder and discrimination ln currency Rnd trade relat ionship.!! "''hlch wlll ser\ou~\y d!srupl trade and undermine the iiyslem which has served the world well." Pierre-Paul Schwellztr told IMF's 117 member nallon8. -In Brussels. the 11!x EuropeRn Com- mon J\tarket nations f111led to a11rte on a unified mon!.lar y policy to deal wit h the new U.S. policy and 1111id btiey would re1cl lndl\"lduall y, Red ]ufiltrators Die ~EOU l. (A Pl -South Korean marines kllled two North Korean lnflltr11tors tod ay on the l!i\and or Kangh"•a, JO miles west ()( &Dul. after two days of intensive i:;c11rch operations . the South Korean counterespionaKe Opera tioni Command e.nnnunced. The South Korean side lost one mnr\ne st11d 1wo militiamen killed and three marines 1vounded , the commanc:l said. It Got Very Far Chris' Balloon Wins Viejo Contest Nlne-yel!lr-old Chrl.'! Snow 1 o o It 'd mournfu lly &l l'ils htllurn-fl ll td h111loori one windy afternoon 111s it slowly 111cend- «I 'mid a flurry of ill! brightly t()\Or~d brother!. "Mint t1n 't goin a to ~et \'try r;i r." he lamented. Ht was wroni;.. It tr11vtltd 300 milt!. The ~1\s?<ion VIPJO boy's balloon 1ra1·tl- td fa rthe r th11n Any other l!lu nchtd from the ~111raue rl t l' RPcrt-"t1on Ctnltt' Junr 19 t111rln.11 t11c nnnu al "08\!oon to 1he J\foon" C'Ontr~\. \\"hen it fin ally dropped to e11rth It Wit on tht W. H. Ha1g1rd Firm In 01111 Rend, Ariz., whert It wa11 discovered by G:i.ry Morton. Followlng instruction! found C1n • polltrard in the bnl\nQn, Gary milled It 10 lhe ~1\s!.ion Viejo Rtcreatton Center . He recel\'ed SIO for hl~ efforts. Chris. so n of Mr. and ~trs. Rnbert Snow. 26631 Parlso Drlvt, ~U~slon Viejo, rrerlvPd a S25 St1\•in~~ bond for 11endtn1 his balloon the greate~t d\1tance. RunncrA Ufl c111ne from Temecul1 11nd R.1ncho c aUfornJa . land areas or to bt produced as a r'sult of w1derH11 volcanic acuon. Burning of coal or other f011i1 fuels releasrs mt.rcutY which LI wuhe<.: from the air onto the land and carrtld ln storm runoff lo the oce1n1, Xlahore noltd. But the naultJ of the UC! neutron t c· tlvatlon analyaea 1e1m to indicate there ti1a been llttle chan1e in the amount o[ tnercury de!)O"ited in the sea since 1870. The samples studied by Lhe UCI researchers included two skipjack caught off J\la.ssachuset!s in !378, an albacore caught off California in 1880. a hluefin caught in IS86 at \\loods Hole, T\lass.: a skipjack frl'lm San Dieao taken in 1890, another 1klpj ack taken near Hawaii In 1901 and yet another •klp1ack caught ne1 r the Philippin es in 1909. The UC I teBm makes no reeom- mend1Uon 1boul the federal rrtulttkln o[ .6 parta per million of mtrcurf. "ll'a for blologllt! to d1termlnt: what 1evel or mercury content la danserous t o humans." Dr. Klshore said . Ho..,.,·ever. the UC1 lindi nii• will be made available Lo the Food and Drug Admlnls~ratillll on request. Further, t~t.'y'l_l be pub!i.11hed in the weekly scie11- l1f1c journal "Science.'' 'fbe .5 pprn standard has lw.en used Io rec1\l thousand s of pounds of tuna and othsr types of fish in rf'l.'e.nl years on the 1round that tile FDA believes n1ercuf)' content btyood that level may be h•nnful to humans. The UCI find1ngs indicalf' An1erican' hlV'l betn eaun1 Ill.ft• ror many year:t lhlt m17 \Ill')' 1n mercW\1 content very little. \Vorking \\"ilh Dr. Guinn and Dr. Kishore on !he stud.Y pn.iject that uses UCI'li nuclear reactor ha ve beer\ Prof. F. S. Rowland, Dr. c:. r.. f..!111er and ,!!rldu11te 11tudents Pat Gr1111t 11nd Fred Steinkruger. The rect'.'nl stud y cunfirn1s sl111ilar fin· di ng.~ of th~ UCI re~arch<'rs who ex· amlned a 25-year llld sW•lrdflah that also sho wed little differt>nte in mercury con· tent. Calley's Sentence Reduced SENTINCI RIDUCID Lt. Cilley of My Lil 'Big' Minh Out; 1'J1ie11 No 'v 011J y Viet Ca1u.lidate SAIGON (UPI ! -Gen. Duong Van ''Bii.:" f\1 inh "·ilhdrew today from the South Vietnamese pre11idtntial race, lea v. in~ President Ngn yen \Ian 'Thieu as the sole ca ndidate. Both Americans and Sou th Vietname!e predicted that out- breaks of civil vio lence 11.·lll follow. Minh'11 decision was not unexpectec:l since he ha! chargrd rrpeatedly that Thieu rigged lhe election so only Thieu could 11.·ln, The \l•ithdr11w11.l up9et the U.S. en1bassy's hop~ for a free 11nd h1\r elel'· tlon to ex press the true will of lhe coun- try 's 17.5 mllllnn persons. Ft r.1cPHERSO N, Ga. (AP) -Lt. V.'i\lia1n L. Calley Jr.'s life sentence for n1u_rc!erin g 22 Vietnamese civilians at t.1y Lai was reduced to 20 years today by the 3rd Anny co1nmBndlng general. LL (~en. Alber! O. Connor the flrsl of- ficer lo rt'view the case. said the reduc- tion "wa s appropriate for the offenses." The case no1v ~oes up a chain of review ending with President Nixon and fw·ther reduction is pot11lble. Calley, 28, has been confined to his quarters at ft. Benning, Ga .. since his conviclion nearly five months ago . }le could be eligible for parole after serving nearly seven years of the sentenct. In Sall Lake Cil}', Calley's attorney, George Latimer 11aid : "Obvioualy I'm pleased . And I'm sure Lt. Calley i.I! thankful to Gen. Connor. Ulllmately, of course, we hope lo get the situation, upon appeal, .so that Lt. Calley \\.'ill not be the .'!Ca ptgoat n! My Lai. The action (Con· nor's) is very favorable." The announcement 11.·a1 m11.de by Maj. ller1nan Kassner, acting he.ad of the public informatio:: office here, who said : "Ba.'!ed upon the leslimony and evidence presented at the !rial. It was determined that the conviction we!! cor. reel In law and fRC'e and that tht reduced sentence was appropriate for the offen11es fnr which he wall convicted. "(Jen. Connor took his action atter con- siderat ion of all the e\•tdent e in the record of trial. after co nsidcrlng the ad- vice and reeomn1endatlon of his legal staff . and aft11· considering 1nalt ers in rebuttal b.V the dt'fen.~e." This cornpletcs the first step in the long re vie1v proc ess in the Calley ease. Pres1· <lent Nixon has announced he will personally review the c11se and n1ake the ultimate fin ding. Calley is confined lo hls quart er.'! Bl Ft. Benning, Ga .. 1vhile his case \\'or ks its \.ray through the re vie"' chain. With a 2(l...year sentence Calley could be eligible for parole after serving nearly seven years, about one-third of the Ume. Junior l-Iigh Dance Planned in Viejo A dance for Jun ior high-age }'oungstt'rs \\.'ill Lake place. Aug. 21. in t-.1ission Viejo. Dancing io a li\'e band "'ill beg in at 7:30 p,m. at the f\fon!anoso Recre11tlon Crnter. The event is sc.hedu\ed lo end at 10:30 p.m. Admi~sion will bt $1 for recrea tion center members: and ...t~.Z~ f o r norunembers. Resort Owners Facing Involi11itary Bankruptcy The comp11ny that own11 lhe ft,000.11cre Orange County recreational re a o r t, Cota de Caza, faces involuntary bankruptcy if some 70 creditors don't agree lo modify it1 t:iayment obligations. Victor 1-1. Palmieri. president of Great Southwest Corp., told slockholder11 Thurs· day tha t chan~es In mRnagement and operational poli cy hllve made some im· provemenls, but 1h(' cornpany stl\I. lo.st SZ,706,268 for the six month! ending June JO Great Southwesl operates Coto de Caza In southern Orange County and JapAnese Village and Dee r Park 11nd ~1ovieland W11.x r.tuseum In Buen11. PRrk . Some o! il~ other holdings include the Six Flags .a musement park!! In Tc.Xit!I, Georgi;i, end i\tlssouri, and Lhe Richardson llomcs Corp. ( mo b i I e hon1esl. Palmieri !old stn<"khn!clcr.'l In Lo~ Angeles that the rompany ha~ rid il self of S:t.'i.000.000 in mortgAi;e debt on C.:111ifornia holdings, or S6 perC"t"nt or its to tal debl associated "·ith California prnpe rl y. Final Sale Week • • \ plll!!!!!!!!""'~-~., Fln•l w••k cf war•hou11 1al-., S.19Ctiont of mis· , cellaneou1 furn ltur• at 1 fractlen it1 crl9lnal price. __ , SLllPH SOPA \ Hundr1ds of yards ef dr1pery and upholstery fab- \ rits •II dr••tlcall y r1ducld. -· -· IALI PRICID STAlTtNa AT •• , s239 DEALERS FOR: HENREDON-DREXEL-HER ITAGE NIWPOat STOii OPIN ,.alt,t,T 'Tl l' ' l N!WPD~T l!ACH 1n1 W11ttlllf Dr., 1M2-2oso OPIN P-IDAY 'Tll 9 ProfHtlon1I ln .. rler Ot1l9n1r1 Avalltbl.,_AID INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH J4S N•rth Ceoa1t Hl9liw1y Phon" 4'4·6551 I l 1:.;., it Buy it Che11per 1'he Ford l\1 o!or c·ompany has relcai;e d fo r shO'A'ing its 1972 Gran '[' n r inn model. \Vith a l l8·1nch u·heelbase, four in ches longer thAn !hat of the t'A·o- door model. this pillared hardtop has exceptional interinr roominess. It of- ~ers nearly .three inches more leg and Knee room in the rear seat than it~ lead- ing competitor. And the President's \\•age and price freeze makes il Jess ex· pensive. Yotrr ltJ01aey's lt'orth U.S. l11dust1·ies to Be11efit F1·om Ou1· Devalued Dollar? 8~· SYL\11 .~ PORTER The U.S. doll.:ir ls bernR df'\'alu t'd a,i:11 inst the m11jnr currencies of thf' "'orld for Lhc fir.'lt time si ncf' 1934. more .tha n a genera!ion -and Jl's good c-connm1c news for vou as an American. · It means our nionev 11•ill he. \\'Orl.h less in lt'nnS of lhe. Germa n mark. 1he Swiss franc. the British JX!Unri. etc. etc. -and !heir currencie.~ \\'iii he worth n1ore in terms Qf )he dollar. It 1nran.~ nur exports will hf> cheaper. for forrig11 cur- rf'ncirs will hu.v more of r.:onds priced in U S rt nllars:. U.!' 1ndl1i:.trics. 11·hirh ~hnuld particu larly bf>nefit fr 11 m lower !'Clling prices <1broad, include. fa rm pr nd 11 ct~, chemicals, a i r r r a f t , rflm· puteri:.. el P.Ctron1c rquipmenL It mean~ 1n1prirts 1nlo the United Stale~ will he more ex- pensive anrt they 1\•ill be niadf' evrn morf' expensi\'E" bv Presi- den l Nixon·~ in1pos1lion of SI 1n percent rlllrii r;ix nn 111! ri11tiab!e imports t>ll«rpl 1hnse &lread.v subjer·t In restrirtion.~. Thi.~ co11ld thcnrclirally <'llt ~·our huyini; o( forl'.ign car~. ;ippl1<1nces. TV !ll"ls, radios. gourmet foods. etc 1t \\'ill mean that lravelin.'( ::.broad will bf' morf' expensivt. t1nd thf'nrf'til'ally this should cut into .11nur 11pend inii nr tra \·el dn!l;ir.s in foreign lands. All of these nloves should J1el p improve our tr a de balan c e, "'hich h11.s deteriorated ir. recent years frnm enormous surpluses to jus:t abour. zero. As for the price of monetary gold. that's uncerlain. fflr how much the prrce nf monet11ry r.:n\d n~es depends nn the rie i;:ree 10 wh ich the doll11 r is drvalued . and !hal won 't hf' kno11·n until \he dollar f!n;it ~ in the "·orld's n1<1rkets for ~t least <1 few day~. rr the. de valu;ition is 10 lo 20 percent. the price. or nionel.Bry gold \Vnuld r!~e nnlv from the S.15-an-nunce level fixed in 19.14 10 the SJ8 to '42 range, hardly ii ,'lambler 's drea m. Domeslicall,v, devaluation is virtually met1nin g1ess tn you. \\'ha! is erodinr.: 1he vsi lue of th e dnll11.r vnu use within the horders n[ ihe l!nitrcl SU1te~ I.~ our domrstic inflarion. And \rhile thal i~ hehind the de v11lu a!inn of the doll ar ;ibrnad. !hi" lin k i.~ nol nr direct mf'<1nin,i: tn you hert . Th e impnrt11nL lh1nj! is that French Auto Experts Mou11t Ne \¥ Offensive ;'\1E\V )'ORI\ 1\'Pl) -The French. wh n led 1hf' rnrelfll:n rar 1nv.::i i'tr>n nr lhr l"ni!rd !'!;Hr-; af1er \\'n rlri '\';ir l1 nnh· in losr nut ~n the r.r rmiins An d Jap;inrst'.'. ;ire 1nnu ntl11jl a nr" offrn~l\'f'. Frenrh ::I Ul!1 r~nnr1~ rlo 11r ll f'\'rrv\1·herf' P>.rep1 1n lht> 1 · ~­ i\lorr Frenfh rars .::irr ~nJrl 1n Ctcrmiinv . Br11.::i1n ;i nd Swrrlrn th;in !he~ autnmakrr~ of those rnuntrir.~ ~ell 1n France ~lh LARGEST The Fre nch ROVr.rnment- nwned R!'nault Cn, which also make~ the Peugeot. 1~ the f"ighth !a ri;est <1uln butlrler in the free \\'orld ;ind s"ll 60 prr- rrn! nf il11 annual produC'lion nf 1.5 mill ion rars abroad. 1t hi!!' p!11nl!I in 2!1 1·nuntr1es. in- clurli nr.: two behind the Iro n Curtain. bul Ren11ull salf'.~ in !hf' l ! !-> last vear v.·erc <1nty 20.700. Volk~waRen sold "'lmnsl half A milliQn ; an d rhc .lapanese expcc1 t(l hit thfl' U.S. market lhis .rear with MI0.000. The Peugeot and 1wo 1)1her French cars. rhe Citroen and the Simca. 11lsn srll well on the world market. And Rennul1 hi1s penetrated non -car areiis on the U.S. JTIArke1. It ~upplil".~ t ngil'M'.s lo the K1e.rkckhaefer ttfercury Corp . of Mil w11ukP!' for it.~ M!"rcruise r ~tern drive marine po.,.,·er plant~. 11 ;i\~n ~upplie.' hoth ga~oline and rliesel industrial engines tn Tell!dyne Continent!!! Copr And re:ct'nlly contr11 r1 cd to sell All is Chalmers Ol 2.000 trac- tnrs. WITHDRF.W SITtfCA Chrysll!r rectntly withdrtw the. J:iiml"t1 from the. United Sl ate~. ~ayinR it 1s h11rdly \\.nrlhwh ilt for S1mt'a 10 lry In meet fhe lncreaslngly lough A m~rica n exhau.~r cmi!lslon 11.11 nd11 rr1~ But Pr!'s1denl .!~An Ordner nf Rf'n1111 lt'• 1· S ~ub~ldiar\' 1n~1 ~t~ RrnA1Jl1 will dn a! le11'~1 A~ wr11 8!'! Oetrn1\ 1n rnee\!ng the cl r;,n air Jtiln· diirds "' Ordner says he 1n1rnds In hnn~t TlrnAlllT s;:ilr~ 11lont :'10 pcrccnr 1n the nei:1 12 month~. Hf' rrl 1r.s nn 1hrrr main fac - r nr~ -\'Rriely. ~erv1cc <ind lh<' frnnt "·heel dri ve. ""Rennull no w hii~ !he fulle.~t line nr any fore '1gn rar tnanut acturrr $ell ing in lhf' t "n1lcd Sta1es," Ordner sBld. "Like Dc !roir ~ dealer~. our :'l!l~ dealer~ can offer the An1eriran motorisl v!rtually any f.\'J>f car he wants." As for service. Renault now ha.~ ~even distributors ::ind 11 revamp<>d parl.'i riistriburion and scrvicinJi[ setup. !'iO BACKL'r F11ilure !o prnv1de l!dequ111P ~rrvirin.'( backup fnr i t ~ popular n.:i uphin e 1nodrl ~ome ~·cars 11go v.·a~ thP. bigge~t c11use nf Renault losing fl.• r:11rly post -war lead in the U.S. for eini;: car market , "The trend to the Iron! '4'heel drive i.~ increa~ing all over th, world because front v.•hfl'el drivl" cRr~ are roomier, safer and hold the roAd bet- ter," Ordner .'laid. ''Ren11ult now i.~ rhe world"!i le11ding m11kt'r nf front wheel drive~." This i~ 11 bill switch. Onlv five year!'; ago, th' more pnpul11r Rcn11 ult~ werf' rt'ar· englnerl. Renault now has bull! more 1han five million lronl - '14-'ht'el drive cBr~. F:ven though the fronl wheel drfv(' cost~ more In build, C11dil111c 11nd Oldsmnbil!' in the United Sl11tes. MG in Britain, Peugt.ot and Simca in F'r111nce, Fial In Italy. Audi in Germany and ont J:ipanc~e maker also have inlrnduced rron t-wheel- drive models in recent year~ Curicusly the fronl wheel rlrlve wa!I pioneered in th~ linited St<ilt5 1n lht Cord. m11r1t in !ht \!l:\O!I flt Auburn. Ind . h.v lhfl' ~11mt' coml')any th,.1 made I.ht Auburn 11nd th• nvescnberg 11·hai i~ heing dnne 1111 remov- ini;: the. cloud nf ufll"ertainty as lhP onrf'·mighty doll11r h11~ ron1 fl' unrler increasing 11U11ck Antl !hal loo i ~ good new s. Why did it happen'.' Bec1111ee fflr years we have continued In spend m!lny more billions of dolla rs abroad than "'e ha ve earned abroBd -permilting foreign gnve.rnments Bnd cen- tral banks In build ti p mon slrrius dollar r I ii i m s ;igain~t nur gold re.,<'rves. l Jnderpinnin,i: the d n 11 a r thrnuRhnut this perind w11.~ the fACI !hfl l. ou r exports nf goods \l'f'rf' so mu<'h grratcr than nur imporl~ nf ji:ood.~. hul then tha t adva ntage 11lso d\sap- pC$1.red. \\'e were nnl In danger as lflng a~ nur foreign credit.nr!'i h11d cnn fidence. in our economic stability 11nd 11 bility to manage our own l!ffair.~. Rut wilh inn1ttion <'ontinuing Al· 11 n in!olcrable rate for 11 n 1nt1llerBbly Jong period and \\'ilh Nixon refusing f.\•rn In jA"'hnne ag;i in11t 1nflalinn, our forei gn creditors ha ve Josi their fa ith in 11~ and they ha ve been stai;:in,i: run!'i nn thP do!l;ir. They key "'ord all a!nng has been ··fa ith ." No"'· on the dome5tic rrnnl. r-.·ixon has finall y moved loo, ;ind this is more good news. I The "·age-price free1.e will give lhe wholr cfluntry essen- 1.i;rl time tn make ;idjUstment.~ and accommndat inns I h a l have hf'co1ne increasinRIY im- per11!.i 11e. The lree?.1" need not. I \r/\d !o detested a n d l unwnrkablt Reross-thr-hn11rd cnn!rnl~ R11.ther il r11n le11d tn estahhshment nf machinery \l.·hirh v.·ill help u.~ bre11k thP. cvrle nf expectations ol evl!r· relf'ntles~ inflalinn and ever \l.'orsen1n.'( exress"-~ ti 1~ ho11nd In heir. 11 r n1tld even "'nrk Thf' i.;,v \l.'llrd aga in will he •·fa i1h.''.ln f11.c!. I dBre go on lhe lint' "'11h the JUdgment 1ha1 Aup:us1 1~. 1971. I m&rks the turning point. AU ergan Develops Nc 1v Cream IRVINf,; rBW\ -Al!erRan Pharmaceutical's derm11tolo1y division, r.. S. H e r b e r 1 Labor11tories. annnunC'ed th1'l il h8d received cl e11rance of its new drug applicAtion 1 NDA ) from the Food and Dru!! Adm ini~lretion to m 11 r k et Flnflrnplt• Crc 1'm useful In treating pre-c1tn- Ct'r011~ 11kin condition~ caused by over exposure to the sun. The condition. officially call- ed 11cllnic kl!r11losts. is prevall!nl in fai r-s kinned pe<)- ple who fire expo~ed to ex- ce~~ivt. sunlight Flunrople.r Cre11m, the lie· r.ond Fluorour11cil pr n d u C' t markeled by G. S. He rhert!I l.abor11torie1. is expected to it id the derm11tologl1t \n the treatment of pre-canct:rou~ !!:kin condltion1. f'luoroplex is 11va ilsble only on prescription or from a physician. Distribution of t"luoroplex Cream will .starl soon 11nd culminate..~ n1ore ttran two yrars (Jf 11 ct i v i 1 .v hy re~archer~ 11t Al!erf1!:an In dfl'vf'lnp, rlinicaHr te~I. Jlnd prep11rt the n e.t e.~ •,. r Y dncumen!ation for jl'.Overnmrnt apprn\/\I. What Troubled You Before Freeze f;ditnr·.~ Noll" UPT ~1(1,~ ju.~t con1 plftl!.d o 50-s trdt. $UrofJI nf pnllora! lendt.rs, a.~king tlierri what ihcy 1/1ouglit 11;ns rrnubling Amt'riccn.t, t.11hen Presidt"llt NIXOlt Ull· vi!.i ll!.d his 1u•111 l!.cnnomic p rngrarr1 The Jn//01vo1g rl1.~­ pC1 fCh IS based 011 that SUr"· tlf. JI. By RAY MOND LAHR WASHI NGTON IU Pl l President Nixon veered AWAY from his nld economic policies just as they appeared to be leading him into 11 pol1tiral minefield 8nd endangerin g his chanees of rHleclion. Hr.wever successful his new polities may prove In be. it w9s cle?r the ntd program~ v.·err h r i n gin r.: widl'spre9d public dissatisfact ion a})ouf. such thin(!;s as the r11te nf 11nen1pJoymenl ;ind lhe prirf' nf groceries. These conrlu.'lions w r r P lira"'" rrnm 11 UPI !lurvev nf ~ta l r political lf'lldl'rs, p011rd jusr heforl" the President's Aug . 15 11nnouncemenl nf 11 new e<..~nom ic co 11 r s r . C.ol'r.rnors, .'ltate p 11 rt y <'hairn1en 11nd other party spokesmen were poll~. In thl' SO sl.ates, ~ ~ Democratic 11 nd ~I Republir11n \e11dc rs listed tht'! st11te of the P.Conom.v firs! when Asktd wha! is.~ue.'I or proble!T'.~ w{'re of p;iriimount concr.rn to the penple of their statf' Overall, ~2 ~mflCr81 .'I a11<t :\ ~ Repuhhr.•M put lh11t isaue 11mnna the top lhref' Son1e listt.d two nr three \·ari11 nts of lht ernflOmic issut11'he O\'erAll total~ would h11ve been larger If those surv 'ed had included such rel11.ted. is~u~ as ~tale budgel!'i and ta xe~ and lhf' coat or welfBre proj!rani~. "Thr thrf'l' things that C'(\n- cern Ulahns mClsl are all llffi inf(\ one thin ,i:, :ht l'f'OOOm\'." !laid Oemocrati1• Cn\' CAi vin L. Rampton of Utah ··rd put then1 inflation, u11e111ployrnrnt 11 nd the l"OSl of liv1ni,: Utah·~ econnn1 y is extrP1nelv hf'althy and in Rood rond1 t1on at !h1.~ t ime, but Utahns seen1 to fef'! !he ~!ate of !he nAtionRl economy will hurt us " "Thf' 11tfltt' f1f !ht f'('1ulO!I\\' :ind ils effect on th!' fan11l,v:s pnt•keibook 11·111 ht rhr Nn 1 issue 111 the mind~ of the peo- ple durinl! the con1ing 111on!h11. s11id Rrpu blit'all \;(Iv finn;ilrl Rf'a,t:an of t'al1fnrnin. "Thrv will t>e w;itchin,c: l'lnsel,\' to !'f'f' how f;ir rach dnH:ir will gn <tnd hO\I' O\llt'h or rarh p,11ycheck v.·ill he l<tkrn <1w <1.v from lhen1 tn finanrr !hf' Rrnwi n~ cost of tiurea11rrat1c gnvf'rnment at e\·ery lcl'rl. "Thry also will bf-keepini: a wa ry eye nn the job rnarket ;ind ii.~ effects on thf'ir in- dil'idual per~nAl 1ivf's as v•e con!inur the rlifirulr ll'ilfl!'itinn from a w11rlin1e In 11 pea1•t>timt' l"tonnmv , '' he ad- d.-d • Tht> \'ip1nanl war ~· 11 s fllt'n!loned 1n 41 rrplies but not ;ilw;i vs in the ~a1ne rnntt'xt A n11rnhrr of R e p 11 b I i ca n ~ n•gardf'd Nixon's rnfl\'t'~ to \\ 1nrl down the "'llr ii~ ::1 rrin- trih11!1on tn h1 ~ reelt'<'l1on . .'inn1e fX.n1ncTa1.~ w P r " d1 ... ~atished "'Ith lhr pare of w1thrlr8w111. Oilier issues rnen1innl"d n10.~t frequently wrre «rirne and rirug abuse, stair. hudi::et.~ 11nd taxf'.~. improve1nenl of thf' rnv1ronmen\, tonridcnce in ~OVfrnn1<'nt. 11 nd busing for rt1cial h11lancf' in ~<'hools. 1;0\'. \Varren E . Hrarnrs of l\lissouri. a Democra t. linked niitinnal and srete economic is~urs this w11y: M l11.~nuri11 n.~ 11;e lnok - in~ ::1! pnckrrbonk lssuf's f'lO th,. n11honal lt'vt>I and montv, nr new 1axes, Rt the IOC'A! ltvf't Th1!'i 1J1clurit..• ! he ~f'rvices lhev want but don 't w;111l In {i1ty fnr . Th~!e oversh1triow !"verything el.'lt. I think . (;O\', R1rharrl B. 0,i::i!viP. Tllinois Repuhhr11n, Ravt tl'lis aMe~smf'nl of the issue11 · "Taxi"~ 11nri the blrlf'rnl"s.• in Ameri<'R. I "'1sh al l American.~ wnuld Slip In think hnw far WP have corne Jn realitin~ lhf' dre11m of rhi~ 1~un1 rv be.fort setting nut lo tf'ar 11 J1p8rl Srttl1ng nur diffrrent''!I in thP prr.~ent atn1n~pherr i~ nf'lt irll· pn~sible, h11I it ig very dlf- ficuh." Rtagan said Ainerirans 11r' deeply rnn('rrnf'rl ;ihnut ··the 1111l11ant worsh ip of chnnRe ff'lr iis own s11kl" 1hrnu1thnu! lhr nation ~.id its f'ff PC'L~. for ~onrt nr f'Vi\. on !hp p11infullv r~t11hlishrd fRhr il' 11nd 11n1P provrn n1nr;il haekhonP nf nur societ~·." He ~11.iri working 1nr11 and 11·ornl!n 11lso wf're "1 mpatirnl 11nd 11ngr_\' hf'r R 11~t' a mon.~lrou~ Rnd o u I m n d P rt "·elfRrf' svsten1 . wiufh hA.~ failed mi.'li!:r11hl y tn heir tho!!P \1•ho ne-ed it n1osl, i~ l\llnwed lo )!pawn 8 run;iv.'81' ca~clnl'ld cnnsi.,!inR Jar~ely nf those who nred it ]pas!." Althou,::h hfl' list Nf I h t eeflnnmy ::inrl hu~1n~ nf ~rhnnl children first l'lmnn~ th,. i11sues, LI r.nl" ~en BRrnes of Texa11, who \11 ~king thP. Democr11tu:: nnmin1tlon for .11,overnnr, 11aid thl11 1bo0t welfare problems: "The third problem mn."t nften menlinnttl to me by ou r citir.ena ill the recurring cri1i• in wetfart. The mountlni finarl<'ill demand of o u r v11riou11 welf11re programs has beeome the No. I cri11i11 of the dec11de. Unle!l11 goYernmenl, both stale and federal . 1ulopt!I signihr11nt reform11 in tM weHart 11v11tem, the 11\1tlt11 will soo n be f1u~ing the po1111ibility nf b;inkrupl<'y." On the bu.'ling is:oiue. Barnt!! AAid the Admini.~tratlon hi t! follnwtd 11 ·•v acill at i n~ policy." "The Adminllltration ha r> handlf'd thi.~ i.~.•ue b11d l_y, 11nd ;ill rili7.f'n!I. nn molter what. !hf'ir politi<'a l philsophy. their cnlnr. r11ce or reli11ion, 11re srnnu.~l_v up.11et," he .'l11iO. "The ac!inn11 taken ha\•e been 01.~oriianized, inl'onsistenl 11nd harmful. not only to publiC' C"ducatinn but also In every srhool C'hild in the stale." Amnn,:: tho~e deploring II !'horta~e of puhliC' C'onfidenC"e in governn1 enl was Re p. Ken· neth R. Lee . Pennsyh111niA House Republican Leader, wh11 s;iid •·people in recent years h:ive almn.<it completely \tJ~ f<1ith !n th l" c.11p.11city or nur 11y.~TC'n1 In !'nlvl" rhe neces111ry prllbll"rn~ nr survival." Good news for business owners! • THETI Our new checking statement simplifies business checking accounts. Hecontil ing-a check I •ook can l.Je a grind. Especially for a busin ess. :-io al Ban k of A mrrica "'E>,·c c:rcat erl a ne\\' thecki ng- !-iLalcmr·nt J,,r }'t.>t1r l111siness accounl. l l JisL'; your checks in num erical ordrr ... rathcr than the orde r they were cashed. And yo ur ,:heck num-; hers arc printed on the .l - stalcmcnt ... alongsidc lh c amo unts oft he checks. An asterisk indicat.es ch9ck number is magnetically encoded. Check numbers a\'9 shown on stotement. An afltrisk indkates missing checks. ' 1 ' \ .. . .J ..,., the dir('ks slill n11tsta nding , ;;o )'OU can ci uickly see which on r s ha1 ·en 'L cleared. As shown brio\\', nthrr Jcal111·c·s speed check lxxik bala ncing C\'Cll IDf'>l'l'. 'l'hr1·c is no rxlra charge for th i:-; 11rc·n1i1tn1 ~C'r\·icc \vhPn j'OU p11rdiasc your checks al Rank ol Amr1·ica. ~( 1101i 1r!111hl likc th e 11r1r 7'i111 (',..,ft l'e r S'f 11 Ir JN c n I, Ct s k j'ur 1·l <1 l u 11 ,11 fJ_/' u11r bronchtti..:_ Jt's a1·ailahlc ll'ilh mosl t_rp1•s nf \ busine:;s chec king accnu nls. '· "· BANK OF AMERICA Special deposits 019 Minimum balance governing service cha~ ~any. ..... ~-·\•U. ..... • JO D"JLV PlLOl SC ____ rr 1d~, A 9 !\l ?O )CJ]l Hor·de r J_,00f, Alcol1olic W oi·kei· '-•"-:.::!";' lft,1•• .. •11~· ~ ... , ...... •I •• ,. •• mUflY ... "" I .m Pf...SO • t !Miu•• ttU I or m•r~up m• ~--•• rtmm I 1~ Rttli11g Studietl ltlo~,,.. I•' ~ I , f 'J '1'0 11.!t 1:;f') Sw ~b I,\ -h• 1~ owln9 I ! lluc~eY~ NASO Listings for Thursday August 19 1971 ' ,.~ \ f' l ••oPt"•H 10 o o P•" G• II S9 t PM-W " l, Ii P6! ~~,n G I Pbul~• P • Nf \\ 'OHi\ ~I I'll \,11 that thr ~cd1•r ii (1111 :Striirt Cvrn1111:.~11 n 1111 tnrilli h"' nil ed rhu 11!1 liul1~11 1~ 1111 l 1" <ind ;ii(uJ1jif1 , Ht l lll lhr1 1 SI\/; 1~~11' !IP 11ll!ll IJU llll'~ \\Ur!d 111!1 /lit!, l tkf' ;i h~rder look ,1 !11t prubkin Tilt> (1111 S1111rt 1 1111 ini-. .. "on u,:t~d ~fll 1 con~re~' urdtitd II to ,et up it rrhab1l1111on pr t-:l<Jlll I 11 ;tl\fhl"llil' (I llllii >Ill> p I\ U!I 01 r r !!1r i!11 i(ll 1 h " ~rdrr~I (1111 !-.1r11lr h 1~ betn a pionN:'r 1n ~1.'llln~ thr 1 inr Bv H11 !,!h c~ • H 1:;hr" \1r \\ C'i1 ha~ pt 0 posed 1 26 ll('t t:t"n1 cu t u1 its 1nL1ndt11p 11ckt"I cost IM-t\iren Los An,...eles Burbank Ontario Santa An 1 and l as \ egas 10 1>r o\1dc a :-.pec11l pl<nda' fare on i::rrta1n u l)S Pending appro\ al bv tht' C 111 Aeronautics Board thr standard i:Ja s~ fare \i ould he reduced fri Ill s~~ !o s~o IM-rilnn1ng \Uj'.: 29 il(CUI ding 1o St.in French 1nanager of pa~senge1 tar11t~ Hr s;i1d 1hf' 1u 11 pl !ld.n f"ir \i ou!d he pphcablr t1r l1a1rl !( l is \c..,1s !rll111 4 P rn < n Sund 11 ~ lo rn1<ln1 gh! 'll \\ednesda\S \\cslbounrt r 11cs 11ould he f'fff'ct11e on \1on<la1s rue.:ida\S 3 n d \\'e<lnesdays \\es!bound rittes v.ould he effec111c on ~Ion da)s Tucedays and \\ed ,\ <'rine"d n ~ On f\1ond;i1 Sept 6 rifler the l abor DI) 11eekend 11 \\Ot!ld be rffer\11 e onll to J as \ ep:as The reg1nn al < ;i1i 1e1 series morr 1h;in 100 l J11C" and ci in n1u 1111rs 1l 1uu,..h i2 ;i1rpri!~ 10 e g h1 \\ estc111 :\1ates illexiro and C1n1d1 ' . L l: G \L 1\()1 ICl: F 11'10 FIC.lll lOUS 8UllH[5S H.0.M[ STAlEM[Nl lo 0"' n9 o~ >nn !ID • l TT LE Lt~A t:~ • ~ •• bw• n•• Ir "" a~~r • ( tin Vot1•lnd~ In•~" o• ... . .. O<>• " 0 lnO v ~u• 'I•~" • ( ' .. ' ;i .,,,.,, ' i•n " (1 0,n•(nl lfll ~v S•~H v I """ .. c .... ~ 1"• l~U ry on A~~ !1 D•ow v ( D"" "~~1 n•a O ~no• r • o~ ~ Pio ~·~l•,..,t• Jlll I ~'l~L\ I 1 l1 n • ... Lt<(, \I 1'Uf1Cf f Ill ' f Cl ll lO\J' &U\ NESS HAM[ ~t•lEMEH T +o 0"'"9 o• ~n 'dooo OQT P .>11[1>"' CO 1• M~ t o~a· t~ C• 96'1 ""~ I lol~ '" /Va ~"" n t "~ (.-' •11 1 C ne • '"' ' l~fl V Ou• ' ,. ' • " ' " ,.., • ·d "' " ,., ;• t "l•>• • J M ~CO• . " • • <'b \•n'l,.~• ~" I l I " ' J ~ " • • LEI, \I \OTI( F. f 10 • ~ (1 TIOU~ fl l/SINE~! NOM E SIAlEMEr<l " . " • 0 " " '" ' " '" ' " . • • ,.., , I ". • " 0 ' " ' ' . n ~ a~ •• • ,, l l:GAL i'OTICI F H "J J CT HOU~ BUllHESS tj.l.ME sr•1rMEHI "N ~O ''ve ~ nr1 ' "' • " "" • ~· f ~ • r AQU lJ M 000 O•D Iv ( ~ "' • ' '" ••• ' , .. )~ JI ' ... 0 v P !r ~··~'lb• , ?1" II Ll:l.AL r;or1CE-- ~ 11111 f l(llTIOIJ' nus HE'I tl •ME sTat[ME l'tl " 0 "'" ~" 'oono t>u>"" >'<"!TERI ' Y I 11 .. ( I pgo Pr~l .... ~ • " II) "D"'• 0 SI Lo ' " " ll~ooo ~~ C I! B~• oOO Ito n ~o SI~ L•0< II .,~ I 6• 1~• bu•no b ~• tO~<l<•<I bv " i.o P• P "• 1 ion ( ae~n• Tr•" •-n•il !Id .,th t • t . 'I •1~·0 o·~~•C ,nn •u• f;y 6••••' J li•OO~ 0•~ ' .. " Co n, I' b •~·d <} AnO r "" Jou~"'' 11 >') )I '"° '" th • I\ ~ 5•pt~mo• 1 )l<o 11 LEr.1AI fl>OrlCF , 11011 ,IC TITIOUS ftU\!NE \S ""Ml ST.t.TEMEl'tT 11\r rolw.nv 1>1rJ.Gn• 0,. •u~.,.<I .... I INl ERNATIONl<l M•l .t..~E MfN T I .o.'ID Mall:KEl lNC. G ~OUP WEST ~ J PlllNll I. CO ltoJ ~~· 0 O<' F l 1 ~· Nt NDOl"I Be11th (JI 1 'nMD S d~ev ll and! 1111 ~h•t nq n~ p r )O'O N•w!lil•I ll•ttn (•I •166'1 I 1~ """1"•" • WM cOlldu~lfa O• •n Ind • dut Sao•• ~ 1n~t l ~ < ltol•m•~I f •a w"" tn• ( ..... ~ I•' of 0 •"'-'~ (O<ft • O't J 1' 11 1'1 •• fl••• It J M•OtM• O•~ul• r111 n v '" t uo • •(! l'I •••• f n• O• ~ ~ ~ J vl• :.i '"" au•~ , l ~" o "jltll I • • \tit < 1t<1 llunne n or 11t)r).ang 1ondilions tn th ~·1-•1 ~Ku 1" Bu•" s.., L 111 d s '1 •• ie .. """ D•rT (AIW5 1 l ta1e11 I atM1r un ions :~· """''"' lhn~ C•"D•"N I\ h1( h 11 \··· ~•u•or><~ I. 1 "" Cdnn M I flit' U'C'.tll <lcnl ind1nn l 'r"1 •tock1 c 11'1 .,,., B~n~ ~ l 1 •nno~11 I Ill ,..llJtJOll Of the t! llf' h o ijanc~n "'" ~A" •O P p ii 1101 ic 1! 11 a 111 1 .. ,,1 : ',11• ~· • • c'": ~1"" Ill < "~S1•\(I a 1 ll \0 1 n1 :,in11111i.: 1141 rker• ""~11 11",c J1 ll c.; "r~~' /Jll b ihll 11 ill bt t niholdtned Sno., p,. :1 j; ~· • Ce " p If d U \ • ""' )1 I " • llld 1 I •'~ lls ('111anrl 11g\ll l•t>' v~ "I 11r1 ;J ~·' r; P h h "-all 7! ·~~ •Ge re:iu e ol the Cl\ tJ ~"11 lt:t l'..a~.1,;;., lS c. ~un l llllll lih~1on s !>land ...... , c.. o , It. ~vi' .. , ' A A I ~ l• ; r llF..S I O!'\SIDll IT \ .o.1::i 1 c 1 t.,,.", " I! a f ~ln ocn.o"' 11s u1!1111a!1ly ~hould niean :~:"1 ~ 0 1l • o l l•• !hit f inµlu}f:'!~ 1111( ha1e tu :n 1~ 1 F. u l t lt'p! 1nu 1:h niore ... "" 11 " "rn 11a1 r1 -.pons1011i ty For a11:oholiLl :f~ '\. a 1 ~~ 0 s. 1111kcr:. I" 1~1 10 • c~1 < "' It ··-.. .,.. Hp J t_ ,·~~. : 111a1 uo:C01nr h~rd~r lf ::~1~: 17 I CIJ•~ /~· no! 1n1po~~tble ~unph lo hre ~ «m Lb s ·~: c•~u•ng an at1:ohol1c out of hand !or : ?,•~" lf./,~ ) ~•~n~n c~ 1 l lll ni: lo ~ho11 up or ni;.iking : q 'P.~~ 1 j [ ~i"" ~d 'eru 1s bltndt 1 ~ A1aE u1 ~ ~;c""'c Ob f .0.Ynl\ 9 Com'i I !OU~ I f lhlS bet Oll\r~ Aloo C 1 I~ Co'" G~• Ir ,O.ph 1 (om~ P~ 1r ra~e en1pll11t r~ mus! take •10 o""'G·o 2 0 •com P • ~1cps 1odea! 11ith the problem :E111L.: :: ; ~;:;: ,;"' Tht>\ 1111! ha\e to 1111 ... ~1 ,0,1,. •me ... ,1_ 11: Cfrot 1•( h <a D < ..,.., F n rnm-. r 1 nuc more thoroughlv lo : F ~1 ts i~. I~ : ~~~ :~., c Ch'l I 111c1p1ent alcohol ~n1s ... :;: G~•~t 6: 6 ~ co 1 • anicng Job appl1lan1s anil b~ :..:11~~e ;. ;~ ~~;ns0 t 1 ( n n1ure flj!.Ofiius 1n t 1t :::'cw;~ 1 & :;~.; Z0' thing Up \\l1 h !he \I OrkCI \\!;" Ann•u• ~ SO ~ 1C 0'> 'n ' ' a •·e I If v Ao~• In 50 ( \!I R ·' ere pro J crn dnnker Arn 1 n / "'· c 1 F•a II b 11 .t.. d 1 ' 1 'Cvo Com en lt' boss e itches up 1111 11 ,.,.._1/~~· 10 • 10 o~"~'"~ the bl d A • I I~ Danly "' pro em nnker rnOnf'\ ,,. ~1{,1 ,, '~ • 1J o~ • co '"r" hh 1 a1e to bt' ~pent to l ~~0;. H 11 ,; g":! ~~ re 1a 111ate h1n1 "''""" sv 11 • l Od•o "~Q '1 A (( l 0> In f' " anv companies alreath A1IG• 8~: •& oe D•v s Fa a d A 15 t II I) y 0 I I\ re 0111,g tlus but !he re s a~~o 15'a 1 • :l jDtLu c nothing ea~v or su re about u" a "'' ',·"~ • ~.·,, ',", h I 11~ I PoTC ~ " It' ab11!a1Lng a I coh o I 1 ,..~ s~nq 11v u ~ • n.1" o b''' lb '-" B~~m ll:l1 II • 1'01 CanT < USe {' C lU~I.' I~ not Ba nq Ii: 7• ll • O•t In I\ k Ir B• ti ,,-1 I D·•~• El 0011 n 1s no! C\Cn kno11n Bau;:; , "' •O o "'c, 11 hether a!cohoh~ni 1• " a.-,1 >1w '' • 76 o ot•I 110 I ·' "a~•ln• ~ (l 11 lllnt n "' ''' '" 01 I I ~ h~ Ml 0 D '" ( " Jll\~C'll IH nutr111011al n1aladv 111•11 L•t> ,0 ~n ° < ' 0 ' ,,1 ll!llfl c 1~n1drr or a auu v 1; 1; Ile< • psi l IJO~I ' : ~t So \' I ~~: ) \or ha a ,n 11 <l e ,1 of "<k H , :i; :ii • n • • n" f109u• El IDn• 0 rnO!lt'\ anti 1 llor1 \Cl gont intulBoo "'" 1, ~ • guoi,:., research on the nia!ttl \\hC'n l :,•ndk@, 1~ 1 Fl"•-• HI B•5 l!r M s~ OOSC'\ f' t J\o-:p1L.al 1n Ne1i ll "'"" •; 1~ 11 , r~ n r \ork rcrcntl) rcceJ\l'rl $IO Br~ B• io ~~ 1~~~0 l•b m1ll1on from H Brinkle\ " ' ' • ' ' S1n1!hers an 1 n v e st m e n ! banker for re~earch 0 n alcohnl1sm 11 was described as th e largest grant either pn1ate or go1 ernmental ever made for lh<' purpose Com P ired to other 111 rd 1 c a I rf'~f'u rh prn,..1;in1~ liltle n1nnr1 1~ sp"'n! on 1k<lh(i[J,m OCC Seeks f ll\1111 IT\TIO~ I url\ l} pit: ii or tor poi all 1JJ lf,.,ra1n' lo r('li lbil1111 ~ ith ohoht~ 1s 1ha1 01 Brthleh<'!ll Shel ru1p star1r1l 1n 196;> 1hr Rf'thlchern proRran1 ha s rehab1!1 ta1ed 53 11or krr~ and 5-rnore arr behe\ld Iv he ein lhr1r 11.-.v to reh;.rhil1ra1ion 1he unusual thin~ ah 1ut 1hr Hc!hlchern pzogr un 15 th<lt 11 1' largely run b\ l ('COl l!Cd alcchrihc ~ Dr I a11 re nee T Sni1 lh lhr to1np.u11 s a~s!:. lanl n1ed1ral d1rf'cloi 11ho s t 11\flt lhc prog1 11n ll Reth lrhcnt s Jnhnsto11 n Pl-1 pl inl s11~ hr l)e('1n1 r an al rr hol1t 11hilP 11nrk1nf!. on the pr og rini uul h;icf tn Lake Lhc 1reatn1cnl h1lll'"ll All Ill' t ;in do 1, arrr 1 11l1ohoh~111 b1 ~ctt ini: thl' 1101 ker olf 1he l>onzr ton frssr' Di S1n11 h \\c t i.ln l l trrr air oho I ~in ( nn1pan1r~ n111s1 rr.COJ!nir.f' IJr Sn11h ,,:'!1(t thal iknhnl1<-111 1: 1n 1111 , n llll\ ql(1;il lr1r l and rh~l Qne 01 1he !111 !h1 11gs l'On1n1on 10 ;ill 1\t1hol<~ 1<; ~11 1n~Uil1 t • 10 f:·u t 1ht'111,1!1r' in ! 11 , I I 111 tfl\:"JIJ]r hfl\\ 111111 flf tin prohlen1s thr ;il<'oh 111 lhlltl ht h,. hid r!1s ippe 1r 1 hi' 1 "hr bir"k~ a11:i1 !roui Iii• hnltlr ! l)i:--nc v la 11t I Hot el lt a~ 1)1,nr1 lan(I t\1( air II 1Th its U\\ l I I 'rd i 1rr1111 tl'lr11~1on ~l;ition iihich IW till~ J>l U:;!f;illl' Of "IJCll 11 Ill 1t tr>~1 to 1 a1('\t r~ and t on j 1l l11 1un ;:!U<.1~ 1nh1 ~u ~uest lt~llll~ l1ir ll 1hl produtcs 11 ~ o11n ~hn11s I Hl pif'Sf'lll S (he111 01 f1 l1n IHh~>l•OC ;>.11d l11c from \\i II e4 u1 pj.ot( Ct nlral sturlio~ ~ 1 t1u1 t r1 ~r" rhe ;irt11111/'s ~1:~a!~'1\r~~t1~;~ u:e' 1;:~~;~ :~: !hi' i\n l1r1n1 art' 1 ;i n d lh r11u~h1u tS u!htrn C ihfurni L Lh11h lt let is1s ;i r~ lr 1n,1n1t1r1t 01ir r1iinnrl 1 ;ind are !Jmf'rl Int l"lllll 1dr 111th Ilea k roon1 ocr.u11~nc 1 11 hlL h rtfl(hes a 111aJ:1nium of :iooo pt l'le :i da1 ()Ur '\Sl!\11 1~ dr~1gnetll f11 s1 ~nd 1011111<~~· ;i ~ 11 guesl ~t'!lltf' '<II~ 11 1\f'I pre~1dl'nl l ~ rnnk Brr! 1 hri r t~ ~11 n1uch tu do 011 011 r 60 ntie C'11 n1pll'~ "11h 'lllh rrctnt j ridd111on~ """our \\;itcr \\orld Hllract1nn and 111 c o ursr the flntrl 1~ lor 1led 1n !he he:-irt nl tl:r n:'lt 1on s r n1r rl nnmrnl tPntl'r So tq ht lp 1hr \\~ilor 1111h't 1hr 11"10$! nf 111 ~ t mi hrrt 11 1 prr~r 111 up In 1la ll' 111 I n1l!1 11 n I\ 1•hirh 111 11 ;iid 1n lhr 1l ti ion m;ih1ni:: 11n,c 1 ~~ ~ 1111 rr 1n I.!' 1 r.~t ln ~rr h 1 tn ~t i !hf'I ( ( ll l'•I<. 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' ' ' I I .[ NE\V YOrl:K (LIP!) -The stock rnat kc\ finished on a st ead \ note I r1day but volun1e fell con~1der ! .... ~1 Ct n I l Yr Ccro ably ffOffi the bltStering p:H:C ~('l early 10 the "eek l\L nc folJ011!ng Presi dent N!)(on s \1eekend announcement 8~~(~ «1 10 of a ne11 plan to 11~pc oul 1nnat1on anrt "JlC(d ~~c "~ II economy re< n\ t t \ 0~"c . u' 1 Volume :11nn11 n1ed to ar ound tl 7!'i(J noo shares ~ .f .. '~o"';.' belo\'t the 14 190 000 share~ traded I hu1 sday and a l~ ~ ~ m ~ far cry from the record 31720000 ~hares \1h 1<:h ufl f c• o I~ [ ~I ~ l hanged hands durin g t.l onday ~ h1stor1 c market uno c ~ oo l"!~A 11 \(I advance un ""' r~ 1 I lftPoc~" ShottlV bclore lhe linal ~onj.! l 1e Do\\ lonei; \.Ao ""' ao I I I \ b h d I "RO 77 U"l•G~•I o nt ust1 1a r \(l :l,ir.!I \1 1s .1 ou1 ti nr anJ,!e a o vnir~·~ ,f 1 ~tandarcl & Pnnr :. !'iOO slo<k 1nde)( shCH\ect a gain ~~:'~f.',: of 0 22 al CI R lfl 11 l11le 11dvanres 111pped c1erilnes ~":';"'!•1 ,: G94 lo 616 an10llJ:: the I 6:l l 1 .,~ues crossing the tare ~1 .. ~ln ~~h. 'IO I hl 11£'11 s harkorounrl alsn \I :is full of encour '" r ~ co1 lg!flg l!l'JlJ<; \\as s! t on;:r1 ,... l n 'r llO rnust of nh1th 111d11 alrd the etonom} "' "d )Cl \I t I of o) 1n rE>cen1 n 1011 lhs th 111 ear!1('r go\crn L~ ~ 11••? d n M\\ I)(! 111enl rC'pt11 ls ~u ,g g<'sle N c 1ht lo1nm£>rce Dc ra1 1111c11 ! srucl 11~ 1e\1~ed "~:'0""~, f1gu1 (S ~hr111 f d thr an nu il ratr of the Gross 1\::11 on ~ ~ ~1 i 0° al Produ(\ (f,NP l fo1 lh( ~r(o nd rplfl!IPr nf this ~r, ~~11 11',~ 1('ar 11;.i s i1041 :l b1111 011 ~uoo 1ntlliun 1110 1£' than ~" ~"" 1 l <rnM 'O 1L1l\ s pi elt1n1nar} figure~ ~ ?A": 1~ ~--WWW & EX'•..,..~=-=-= --·-----.-. ._,--.J-~--1 ~ r Y(>i 11 uSPC~ II ;o .1 I THE BEST Til'11.dr1 ~hip p o 11 8 prO'-f' l'Pnn tls 1~ <nr of l hf' \101lr!s 11 1n~t J)(l!Ulnr romic ~1rt1• ['ll'n(l Ir d111ly In th" DAii \ rILOT Co111plete Closing Prices -A1nerican Stock Exchange List " • ' • • ' • ". " .. ,. ' .. ... ,j " , . ' ' ,. . n ' .. '" .1 " • ... " " " " '" ; "" ' " " ' .. '" " ' l ' ' " " " " '" ' • '" ,j .. " " ' ' ' " ,j ' '" . " • '" " • ' 1~ .. • • .. '1 . ,. ' ,. .. LIY"" " ,l(N'llO n ("'""" tn• 1 'It"' n~u ~'' o Con ntmeo , Co"'~ d Fi b • Cnna•t Co " { " . ( Conr<• n tnr<•~r• (.~nO~nS 0)9 S•ln NI! UMll I Mith \.IW C:!ttt Chi • ' .. ~ ' . ' • • ' " ' " • . ' ' ' ,. ' " ,, -I•'• .. '" • .. ' .. ' " . • • • T ' '" ' • " " ' " j ' ... 11 • " .. • ' ' • " . . " ' ' " ••• • • " " . ' • • • " • " . ~· ' '" " ' , l . " •• •I ' ' ' ' ,. < ' " ' 1 1, " " " " " • •, . ,' ' ' .. .. " • " ' ' ' . " ' ' .. ' • • ' " ; " ... ' .. ' • ' ' .. " ' ... " •• '" ' , .. " ' " . " " .. ' ' ' ' '" ...... . . ' ' ' ' • • ' " " '" ' < I I ' I l'o A '' I " ' • • ... • ' . 1 (1> •• l~I> (on /J 1~ A ' " ' ' " 'It ~ c,c; I)! 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" " ' " .- 'i ' " 1 I} , J • I I~ 131 •1 ? ? • t 1 ... 2 • ,j 1l~ 1!.: l JI• JO• 1 1'"' 1'·'' UGll l• 11 7 t lo :' ~! !: l J ) • I~ Ji ~ Jt~ lo' • ... 1 •o ' ~o 'l O• ·-""' lt•• ·~ lt': ll : 1•11 1•1• I• • 14\• I •o T~­ > "'1:' •. ~ ' 17•• • • 1• U•o I .. 11: 1:i: I:! 0 11 ••• r !O t\o ' ~ '\l~ ·~ II 11, • ~ r· ~~ 11 t, " .. • " • ' " " •• ' " . .. ... " ' ' • " ,. '" '" .. • • ,j ' ' ,, ' " ' " " u .. ' '" .. I ... '" " ' ... .. ", • " .' l~U • • " • . < • < " " " " " i " ' ' " li ' ' " '"' " " ' 1l ,, : 1 l" t 1 : t 16 ,, : ': .. ~ · 1~ I' I . • ., 1 o 15 I I •• I ~ 5 I ... 1t' Ul(i 1 ~ , J 1 o o-1 II lllllJ . 6' 11, '"" ... 1! ,,, ,,,, .... l-lt t•, n 11" _,, . . . . . -,, J\ l} • 5 I • !•• i•1a •i.1a .... 1~ 1;, '11 3ii ' 11 .. "1<'1 •'""' J To JI J Fina11ce Briefs • ' " 7J ' • 1, .. -• Thr markt'l 111 magnifying 1!11 problem11 11nd igno rin g such favorAbte devtlopment11 11s th e 11lrong adv11nct In aecond quarter corpor111e prorl!1 the Alrlllndrr ll11m1l!on ln!lltu111 bfohevts Thl11 11 a good tlmt 11> huy qualllv atork1 In 11n 11clpallon of " p11ycholo1lcal lumaround the lnveslment sdv1ser says ": I ~ .. .. I'' , .. ll ' • " '" ,J ' r I ,t;o " " ' " ' . ... ... • • • .. '8 •• no11 fl • • unoUI~ •I , Unlr1' oth•rwl11 no!fd 'llH ..i d 111 • !lln!I• In ""' fort•el"' 11~1• t•• '""U•I <1l•l>u"•m•n•1 bH•d 1m 1ne 1111 QU&•t• " ,1cr tfml •nnu~ dtc1tr1t t n 51>1cl1I .., ' e•I•~ dlY!!l•~!I• "' OIYml"ll no! dnl• n~tf!I ~• '"Iulo' t•• ldofnllll•d In lht fol ow ng l~Mno fl " ' " . ' " i. t: ..._Aho ••••• or t •lrtt -..,""u•I r•t• ?lut S1oclr. o vl~tn!I e--Ll~lllttlnt a y~ Otn!I d-Df< ortc! Of ... 10 In 1171 • UI •10<:~ "y dend, e-Pt " • I Y~•' ·- P•l!I In 1!otk 11urln1 n11 t itlmt ltd t i in YI u1 on •• dlv/111"" t• tx...,lt! lbl<llon d1Tf t -Dff o •d or t• II ot IAr tnlt , •••r h-Dt<l•rl'd or oald lli.r 1!<1<11. " " ll'• -'. -'l" + "' -,,.._ '" I: > ~ dl~IOflld o• sol t UP --Ot c lrttl M ••Id 1 tnl1 vtt r t n t ctumullll•• lt1>11 ... 11,. ~lvldtntlt !n ""'"" n Mt., ltlul - "•kl lftlf •••r dl•IMnot c"'ll!H .., ) • l • '•"•"or ... 8UIMI lllrt•., 1101 dl•ldl ... ::· -~ "'''""' •-01t '"" a• ••Id In 1'1d •IUI 1 v. Ito<-al•!d~nd, 1-,.110 In •"<I! durl11t t o 11111 t•llm•l1<1 c••" •I u• '" t i! dlYldt.W '.t -~.,••·<lit!• bullo~ Ol!t 1 '> _ l-J11a1 fft Plrll It 1 , lld-(l!le<I 1!-('I f "-lllfnd ,,_liM dlvlo 1~\, O•llCI 1nd 1•lft In lull ., .. 1.._E• dltid-j• • ' '!>\Ilion ••-E• rlt Mt •w-Wll"""• ... ,. ~·• -3 14 ''"'' W•-WI!" .. .,,,"" w-w""" di .. 11 , I• 111.o•oa ,.._WM!I luuHL. twt-111.~1 "• ._,o.11v.,, :~~ -; ~ YI-In btn~•UPIC'I' •• rl'(t l\ll r!hll _. n"° 1 ~ 1111,,. •to•••"''" unc!tr •Jlt 1!11nl!t'llat" I ) \o AC! t• 11nirll ti ,11umff D" tU<~ C'9fT>o \', a•,,ln •1-&-. lnle•tll e1-C:t t1 """"' •' 1 t•-s 1ma111 1-0.•lf In II•• •-Mt v• .. /1, I I& l!flnd• "~<>O!l1bll !• m•t lrtd bY "'l lU' tr } ;j .. d-No•! dl V dtll•l tW ,,.._l['I ... 1rr111tt. 1 , f<IUll IU~n ttl , ft:_"' .. i f D•ll V PILOT History Preserve() I Bv Far111er .t ' <:F:HREH. lfd " -C,A H11m11nn ha.~ 100 ;uTrs of lop .1 11<1lit~, \1•he;H on his r11n1 ·h j us1 fl\llside nf (;crtwr, ;:ihou1 12."1 miles north 11f ~aeranH~nl<J I F.\'rry _l'e<ir ahout 1his ti1T11'/ he brinf?s out till of !us modern I f;:i rm cquipn1c111 ;ind cf· "icien11v h<1rvC'sls ahout 95 1cres ni it. The n!her f1vr .<u:·rcs : 1usl lie there unhar1·csted rorl ~wh ile. He dof'sn't ~ct a fann 1 ~ubsidv. ·rhe 5 8 · v e 11 r +n Id rarmef does 11 tO prrser1·t: 11 1 li!!le history fnr 1he oldtimrsl llnd thC'ir l·h1ldren and grandchildren. I ('f)rne Lhc l .ilbor Dn.v 11•crk-1 end. Humann will haul nut 1111 , IR.11 reilper ni;iehtnP ;ind h111'h 11 up to n11e nf his hnr:-:rs. A 1916 kcrnse ric-h1u·n111g lraetnr ('OfflCS <ilong pt1ll111g ilrl nl1l I gr11in hinder. probably !hi.' l!l.10 ' Vint.age one :-;1nce the older l)ne are gelling riekl'l.v. Ne1J!hbors and fri end." from thrnugh11uL 1hl' .... rate \111! hf' ;it Humann"s anriu;il thre.~hing hce -!he l<i~I (If i1s kind 111 Cahfnrni;:i -In :;!at·k lh(' grain hy hanrl in!n tu1r...,f'·drawn "·agnns anrl 1hrn pill"h i! into the 44 -vc ;ir -o ld stcan1 lhrrsher. • T "·o 111 ules pull rl1P 1903 bailer. Folks sac ·k the grain anrt se~I' the sacl.s h~ hrinrl. All ogc1hcr 1hcrc'.~ :is piccrs nf n!dlin1c f;.1nn l'fllllf'll!lCnl. fnr thP :innual lhrrsh1ng hf'f'. An_r'>''hc1·e frtnr'I 1.fl(IO tn :J.000 people :itrrnd. ;.i11(i a l'Ouplc ht•ndrrd :ir·tu;il!~ grl nut anrl help in !hr old fashioned har1·r:;l "l'r;inkl\', l"d ,..,;1v 11"(' dnn 'I ,!!Cl !f"IO 111°al1\' nf thr You nger pcnplr. sa:• frnn1 :-i.c:f 1:. 1n :io or J.'l," llun1:-inn s.1.1s, a l1t11e- :::nrry ;ihout Iha! f"llll hr S:l\'S r h1ldren <ire brnught hv thr hundreds h.v nldl'r p;ircnis and J?randp;irrnt.~ \•din w;u1! to shnw thr.ni how \Tflj)S \1'rrr h;:ir1'cstcti Hl thr1r d;i1· I 'l'hal ·.~ l1n1v I lun1;inn gfl1 ?O!;:ir\crl 11n !hr 1hrr~h111g hrr l 1dr:i h1n1srlf n1nl' \f';:i1;;; ;:igo Rnrl hf' h:-i.~ hrld .<:~1 rn, !'1\1[1.! p!flC: jll.~1 f\\'O h;id \{',lf~ '\\'hrn I 11 .~~ ii !Jii1 11r> 11~rrl thrsf' !h1ni;~." lit• ~;i,1:-"I \.\·:i~ !->n f;is('1n:1!r>d Ill lhcrn. I tho11i::h1 nrhcrs 11·1J11id hr. ti~· llf' ~"'~ !heir ;uc nn rnntr~1~ anfl rm pr 11r~ 111-.1 nld-l;i~h 111111•<l l1;u·1r>,1 "'''flll1'•I ('\{'f\ P!l!"I' Ill ii llhilf' Jn rh;ingP rq111p111r111 . Are you getting enough out of life? Come lo 1h1o;, Christian Science lecture SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Ntwperf ltlH.h Moweird H. lrwh1 lool tl"b•I cl lh• c~ .... , ... Se ). •"<.• 804.,f rl l •cl11•••"·~ "' 11, M<'!lhrr Cl.•ncl., tlo• ~iqt Ciour<.h 'lf Cht,\I. 5,,,.,1:,1 ,~ "THE WONDER OF LOVE" S.1 .. A1111J. 21 at 10 '·"'· fd· weirch N•wpotf Clttl"'lt Th1C11- • "-· 11-.. 111111 IJl•11llll , N1wpert ...... /I ll Ato W •lt:'l"'I Ch.Id C••• Pra~id•d Ca"'' A1 Va11 /H• -• r 1---- SHOP EARLY, SOME QUANTITIES LIMITED 93• OFF BONDED ACRYLICS! • Machine wash • Dri p dry • Pla ids, solids • Full 54" widl h YAl!OAGE RlG. 3.59 YD. ELASTIC LEG NYLON BRIEF! • Smooth nylon tricot s 01/t • Carefree,"comfortable 't • Choose white, colors • Misses' 5 6 7 EACH 1 ' SPECIAL llNGERIE LIGHTWEIGHT ATTACHE CASE! 311 • Vinyl-cover wood frame • 2 lid pockets, locks • Roomy 4-inc h width • Ric h black color STAllQNIPY SPECIAL 52 OFF CHAIR CUSHION SETI • Danis h replacement set • 22x21x3 1/2'1 seat; 17x21x3" back • Avocadp, orange, blue OltAPEllf~ 988 RlG. 11.99 ·. ·.-.-·.:~ .. :~--~:~. . ~-.;;;::':;· __ ,,,~.--"?"-.t" • BOYS' TERRY CREW SOCKS! 49~. • Soft stretch cotton • Terr y comfort • Groovy colors • One size fits all SPECIAL $10 OFF TYPEWRITER! • compact portable 4488 • 9 1/21' carriage • Preset a·-stop tab • Lid is case / RlG. 54.99 0f"C£ ~OIJll' .... f~JT HANDY MASKING TAPE! • V2nx180' roll 36~LL • Handy to have when painting, wrappin g packages ... morel PAINT SPECIAL DENIM BOXER-JEANS AND KNIT SHIRTS FOR YOUNG BOYS! s1EA. SPECIAL • Striped o r solid cotton kn it shirts. Machine wosh. 3·7. • Double-knee jeans in blue, brown, green. Sizes 2-6. CHllDl'l:EN 'S WEAR MEN'S CUSHION-FOOT SOCKS • All cotton; rib top • Choose black, white • Sizes 10V2 to 13 • 3 pair per package MEN '~ WEA ~ • Instrumentals • Country & Western •Rock • Movies, Shows 1 !?.OF3 REG . 1.89 PKG. 4-TRACK STEREO TAPES! 99 4 •Top ma jor labels • Top name artists • G igantic selection • Hurry in todayl STEll~O /TV SPECIAL WHITE WOOD TOILET SEAT • Enamel-finish wood 299 • Easy to clean • Economy priced • Excellent replacement PlUMllNG S'ICIAL SAVORY BEEF rnw WITH VEGETABLES! 99 4 • En joy rich, hearty stew • Fresh tossed green salad · • Choice of soled dressing • Roll and creamy butter 100% ACRYLIC PLAID JUMPER FOR JUNIORS! • Double·breasted • Patch pockets • Bold plaids •Junior sizes 5·13 .NNIOR FASHIONS 3-PC. ATHLETIC-GYM SET • Handy gym bag 3 88 • Athletic supporter • Stretch athletic socks SET • Sizes for men, boys S~OltTJNG GOODS R(G . 6.47 $3 OFF 2-BOTTLE LUNCH KIT • 10-oz. a nd 16 oz. vacuum bottles • Red-white·blue vinyl • Full-zi p top HOUSEW .. lfS 588 REG. 8.99 1.60 OFF INSULATION ROLU •Roll covers 50 sq. It. 2!! • Fire, moisture res istant • Fiber glass; foil back • 15'' wide; 4'' thick IV11 0t.IG MATE~IALS ltlG. 4.J9 ., SHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 'TIL 9 PM ••• SHOP SUNDAY 12 PM TO 5 PM ' ~, ... JUST SAY "CHARGE IT!" " TORRANCE d1! omo fo1h1oro 1quo11 phone .542-6971 LA CIENEGA lo c•«l'ego 01 18th it, h0<1111 8J6·7917 NORWALK imJ»riol ct nOfWolk b!¥d. M 868-0911 FULLERTON hn•bor ot orong•thorpe hone 714.879-2500 HUNTINGTON BEACH 1d1.,9 11r al beach boul11¥otd phone 714-892·6611 -. • 11.1 'tf'' .:t......""""'-'~ ~ --· . ---._..). SANTA ANA bro•tol ol 1event1eP1th plion1 .547-6841 VENTURA 500 M>uth mills rood 48.S·S421 642-7.541 PANORAMA CITY tob!os ot ioscoe 01'111 894-8211 CANOGA PARK toponga ploio hon• 883-1000 .. ROSEMEAD rosemeod blvd. o! tot'I bt!rronrd1P10 fr11woy-phon1 573-3110 COVINA botTonco at son berno•d1rio freeway -phcn1 966.7411 '")" I t I 1 VIS ITING ETH IOPIAN DISPLAYS NATIONAL EMBLEM E1r1 Go rfu Describes Speilrs and Shield to Mr. ilnd Mrs. Lilwson Etl1iopia11 Lil\:e s Viejo- By PAi\IELA llALLA N 01 111• D•ll1 ,ll<Pr Sl•U Ezra (".orfu 11•r.s di sap1>0inted 11•hen he first saw 1'.tission Viejo. "I thoug ht America had skystra;>ers in every city," he said. But after three v.·eeks, ~lission Viejo 's a tmosphere has gro11·n on him and the ne\.\' American Field Se r\'ice stu dent an· nounced he "likes it very murh.'' P.zra Gorfu. is frnn1 Azn1a ra. ~:thinpia. He wil l be attending r-.1ission Viejo High School for one .vrar. lie i!. slaying with !11r. Md !l'lrs. ~·att L<1wson, 26531 All· t·ante. Visiting 1be U.S. was a tough detision lo make. He would have been entering a university al home . bu t instead Corfu chose lo come to the U.S. "I had never been ou t of my C'Ountry." he said. "I \.\'anted lo :;tudy American culture." He said he particularly w;i n!f'd lo study the "hippie" 1.:ul1urc wh ich has no coun terpart in E.:thiopia Ezra 1s eager for srhMl In ~t<ir1. He hope:; to rorm a small soccer team at J\lission High . a ~port in 1\•hich he ex· celled in his country. Although he has no hobbir~. he likrs In fool around in the kitchen . Hr·~ already prepared one of his favorite d1shcs--doro v.·at. a kind of chicken ::.tew. '·\Ve eat Italian food in Ethiopia:• hr said. grinning. "But I never brfore tasted r-.tex ican food . I like it VCJ'}' n1uch." He SJ}{'aks nos!algicall)' of ho111r . describing his country ;i s nne of brautiful tnrests and ~tr;111ge anin1at~. Although near th r equ;ilor. !hr cli1na tr nf ~~!hopi;1 is niild because of 11 s high elevations. he said. He prnudl.Y' prnclainis 1hat I hi> Ameri can ll'ord colfef' origin<1ted in hi s country, v.'hich has an ancient civiliza· lion. "\\'e ha\'e a province l'alled l\nffa and nur countr~'s main export is coffee ," s:iid E~.ra. "\\'e think 1·ri rree is our!'i." Ezra is th e ;;on flf r-..lrs. Jl;irtgu liurlu :>nd the Jntc '.\h ~ :11r:u. :in au thor ol tbeological boo ks. Ile has five brothers ;ind !hrf'e sister~ ;ind hope~ surned:iy tn be~ome <111 cnq1neer He is the ~l·(lnd /IFS ~!ud1'nl In al lend ~llssion Viejo Hi]:!.h. JPartncttc '.\\ayora of Venezuel;i was the fir st. Marine Jet Flights Irk Saddlebacli Reside11ts The increa::.ed fl ighl at11v11y al El Torn P.larine Corps Arr Slalion. c<1u~ed primarily by fii;thters returfling rroin Vietnan1, ha s sparked the ire of Sad- c:lleback Val!ey residents r-.lembers of Jhe Saddleba1:k /\rea Coordi natini;: Council ha ve suggested that the so·called problem ol 1ow·Oy1ng aircraft co uld be~I br ~oherl by •·a re1v irale phnnr calls to the h:isc ·· !lfarine Corps off1{'1al~ s;ird 1hr rrason L ag una 'l'cnni · 1'ournan1e nl Sig nu !JS Slated Tennis p!aycri; 11·ishing to c1;Lnpe1e 1n the 14th 1\nnual La11:una Bt.ach Tenn1., Tournan1en1. st:heduled for Sept. ~. 5. 6, 11, and 12 may pick U\) entry for1ns at the recreation depar1 menr, 175 N Coast Highwa r. The tourney is open to pl11 yers who reside or work in Laguna Beach. South Laguna, En1erald Ba y or are present members of thie. Laguna Beach Tenn15 As:;ociation. Entrv ftt. is $4 for si ngles and S3 lnr double~. The ree includes lhe price of ;ii...,·ards for the first and second plate fin ishers in each even! and tennis balls for all games. Events include r-.1en's and \\'omen 's A, B, and C singles. /'.ten·~ and Women's A, B, and C doubles and mixed doubles. A person ma y enter up lo three even ts. Entry forms should be completed anrl r eturned by ~fonday, Aug. JO. For fur ther h1form ation. 494-1124, Ext. 45. Ola Vista Road Bids Pre parc<l Bid advert isemenl<1 \.\·ill be Issued soon for 1 major rei;urfacing project covering nearly the entire length of Ola Vist a-a major oorttl--south artery through San C1emente. Ci ty councilmen lh is 11eek al!".reecl to «.-ommil $7~.roo ln state gAsol1ne l<1 x rebates lo the resurfering projecl wh ic h "''ill extend from 1he inlrr~e<:11on v.·i th Calle Granada , southward to /\ve n1da Catafh\. Clry Enginttr Phi l PPte r said ~orne ~lions or the ro;id~·;1y 11L'i0 ~·HJ re<1 uire installation of new water mains. .. ..• • l'Ji .... _ for the in<'rea!'e in al'lirilv is hrc:au,<;_c a set:ond largr air iring, reC.rntl.v rcturnC'd rronl Viet na111 has been stationed at the bai;:e. Counc11 president Rar1 Spendlove said !he nircraft noi se_ prnb!eru has been i;:ol \'~ erl 1n the past by tht' 1·alley ho1neoll'ncri1 ~imply calling lh\' h<1.;.r "Thry Iba~,, <1fftr1:i 1~1 ;:rrr 1't"T~' .~('n.•it11·r In pu bht opnuon." Spt'ndlove n1Jterl /Ja g 111u11lf f11111 g er B<1cked i11 t\10 1:<> To Enhance P11rk Lagun<1 Lle11t•h City ~tanager l.;r11 rc11cr nn.~(' \l't)!l <·11 ~· ('0tllll'11 pra1:-f' ror hi s poeti(• ob~cr\·afion~ on U1c suhjrt't of nut· d0<1r life in fi t'islrr P:irk this v.·eek. ;ilong v.·ith solid h:ickinr. for his prupni;::il.~ to regulate park activities -but grn11 } Hespnnding to a pclition fron1 resident~ \\hn l'f1mpl<1 inrd about cxcessil'C 11se o! !ires ror cooking in lhe park. Rose agreed rh11t the park lately ha~ bt•t·fl used very exten.~ively for tonkin_g and that many people bring portable cooking equip1ncnl to augment the existing fixed braziers. He al so noted that "·hilC' L<1g11na has m11n.v regulations for bex h used. lherr ;ire nonf' for l he park, ex cept an anti· li11ering law. In order to provide for n1axunum public enjo,vmcnt of I.he park. "'hile Cj)!J· !rolling possiblr da1nagc by fires. I.hr manager prn1>0sed. and th<> council a"rC'ed. 1n: limi1 nrcs ;ind cor,kin;: to prescribed areas and prohibit all portable 1:1w'\in"; e~uipmenl : cnnverr the t·1·0 unu sed roque courts tnt.o picnic ground s. but prohibit fires and cooking !hr.re; 111· creasr I.ht cap11eity or the picnic arc.as by adding 12 braziers and n1ore seating. F ire Chie f Se lc c1 eil J<'or ::Saildle ha e k Area A new fire <-·hief hH s been chosen tor the county stafiOflS in Lagun;i Hiiis. El Toro :ind Mis!.inn Viejo. He LS (:eorge A. Toussaint of l~ilkc ~·orest. commander of Ba11alion F'our of lhE' Oran~e County Fire Department and the California Di\'is100 (Jf Forestry. Ile has ser\•ed as a fire pre\·ention Of· licer and has bern with the forestry divii;1on for I I vears He succeeds Hobert Day \.\'ho Y.as ·promoted to a position in San tA Ro~:i . .. s DAIL V PILO't 3 Pot Drought Sparl(s Dope Rise Coca,i11 e Heroin Use Surges Duri11 g Lc1 g ii11 ci 'Dry Spell' By F REDERICK SCHO F.:1\IEJll.. An upswing in the use or crn:aine and a "dry spell" in the availability of 111an· juan<1 mark the sun1111er drug scene In Laguna Beach. Sgt. Neil Pureell of the L<1guna Beach Police Department Special Enforcement Division 1SED1 said today. Builder Loses Sewage Bid W itfi Cou11cil A Luguna Beach builder (ound hi1nse!f wit.h two building lots. a septic tank , lhree cesspools and no building prrmil to· day, after an unsuccessful attempt lo persuade the city council to grant him relief frorn the Arch Beach Height:i building n1oratorium. f'ii"1n Arco li told the cot111cil \\lednesdav ni ght lh11t he had put his life savings Of $1 4,500 into the lots. and archilectural plans for hon1es to be bullt on thern and 11ould suffer grave financial hardship ir he could not build . The lots are. in an area subject to a building rnoratoriurn for one year or until sr1rrr hookups are available. Arcoli pointed out that one of the lots is equipped \.\'ilh an exceptional!~· large and expensive sept ic tank and I h r e e cesspools. all installed in 1961. but never used. lie planned to hook tlH' houses up !o tl1is faeililv. he said. until sev.•ers v.ere in~talled. ·then transfer to !lie sev.·er 11·ith in 90 da.vs and have the cesspools fll!· ed. llefnre purchasing the lols. Areol i said. he had chrcked v.·ith the city and be en :iss1u·ed thev were acreptable building si1es. '!'hr ri1oratoriun1 \\'Cnt into effect <1fter he h:id co1npleted the purchase, he said. The council lislened sy1npathetical!y lo his appeal. but final!~· agreed that if one excrption to the moratoriun1 shou ld be 1nadr. others ll'ould he entitled In !'eek simi!<1r trealtnent and the whole pc:iinl or the b11ildini:, ban. to control Lhe he<1l1h ha7.::1rd created b.v excessi\·e cesspool use, v.·ould be destroyed Lea~ue Slated For VoJle ybaU Thr Laguna Beach Cily Rrcreatiun Depar1menl is in the process of forming a six·rnan volleyball leagur. Thf' hiph ~chvol gyn1 11·il1 br opcn tor pra c1it·e beginninr,; SrpL 15. League pl.<1 y 11·i1J bf'gin SepL 29. C:nlry lee per sb:·n1;111 I.cam is $13. Further informatio n nn !hr !cai;!ue is 111·;iilablP frlllll the rccre;i1 ion depart· 111rn!. liS N. Cn;:rst Highway, 494·1124, Ext. 4.'i "There's alEio a lol of Prem(l i high grade hashish! in to\.\n and WC''\'e nolict'd heroin is 1noving up again," the senior narcotics officer s;iid. Purcell no!ed tha t rnany large mari· juana arrests this past spring helped to dry nut the lo\.\·n. •·we know there's a lot of stuff waLt1ng to (:Orne across the border. but lhe shill" pers are ha ving trouble gelling it aerO!'i.'i, "It rnay open up soon. Those ,i.:uys know tht>rc's n1onf'y to be made. Un lil the pro- fit's i;tone. lhey'll still ship," Purcell conl· lTI1'11!f'(I. Psychedelics. too. ar·e also on thr up· swing, \.\'hich usually hapµen.s \.\hen mari· He llates '"Big' L<1.g unun Co1icerned With Gro1vLh By HA Rii \llA f\R t-:JRIC'll 01 II>• O•i!y '•IOI ;1•!1 l.agunan Vernon Bl:il'k111an ('an 1·(1pc with astronomira! nu1nb<!rs <1nd dollars bv the million in the 1:ourse of his \\·ork, bUt he has a strong personal <l\'ersion to bigness. espt'ci11lly higness rrlating lo conipanies, buildings and cities. Sceki11g a place to n1ake his hon1e \l'hrn he first Cn1ne to the \.Vest Coa st in 1957. Alnck1nan se1tlcd 011 Laguna because 1t \1•as "srnall and beautit111'' and ren1inded hin1 of Princeto n where he had J;itt'ly been teii ching . Now he is 1·onctr11ed th at Laguna 111!1 ,i:ro1v too big 10() fa st. Citing a \Vall Street Journal article about the population exodus fr()tll Calirorni<t, Black1nan suggests. "I !hink it \\'OUld be a good time to re-cxan1inc lhe general plan in the light of ne1v popu!;;- lion projecli(l11s. The pl;in looks to a riopulation t)f 28.000 in 1990. It may be thal this is higher than "'e de sire. need or • 11 l'an absorb.'' Far from thin king about increa.•111,i:: ~~ hf' c·o n tin u e ~. Laguna need~ "d01\•ngrad1ng" in hrr zoning. to decrca:-c the dens11.v pnt.cn1ial and Insure the 1·11n· SEES EVILS IN BIGNESS tinucd :il!.ra cti vrnf'ss of thr cornrnunlly. l 119un an Blackman "!n lh is sl:ilc." he s:1~•s, "we ha~'" drvelopcd the p\1ilo~ophy th:il la nd ;ilw:iys i.,ioes up in v:il11e and ;iccon1p!ish Lhis b,y rc1.011ing upll'ard to greater density. therefore gi·e;iter value, !f you buy on thc stock rn arkel !11ere's no guarantee of profit and in my vif'w land i;hould be snld on the same basis as stock. al the buye r's ri sk." Tl1crr is a great deal or t<ilk a!..,n1t "property r1gh1s" he added. but l'~· a1nin111ion or thr Consli1ullon reveal~· 1111 1:uar:intce of such rights. "It's an ;irf'a 11·hrre nnr nia1fi;: 'right' may f'asil.v 10- fring!' on wha t another believes lo be hLs 'richr /\ ~cicnti.~r 11·hn is inlerrstrd in · a lflt flf rl ifrerenl thin gs." Bl<1ckn1an recenll.v r1ncr~rd from 11 long period of relativrly Hgh1 civic: activit.v to serve nn the ~1 ;iin Ocaeh Dcvt!npnH•n! Commil!re and pl;iy il n1aJOr role in the anti·h1gh ri se in- iti;i!ive campaign. A dr\'oul helie\'C.r i11 lh c (l-!;ii11 n f.';:irh Park . he allcnded the first organi za!i(1nal mcc!ing of the Civit• League whrn ii \~·ris for111ed In carry on lhc beach purch<1 sr r·a1nn;:iiu11 shnr111' ;1/ter !he Sf't'ond bea ch bond election had ended in drfe<11. No\1· b:ick lo the beach pict11re, he bel1tvc ~ ;1econ1plish1nrn1. of lhr p;irk n1ay l1elp "hc11l sonic or the town's "'Ot11\dS" .~.:id hopes 1hr pro1ccl ll'll l proceed rrgo1 rdlcss nf the uut come of Federa l fund app\icalinns. "l'n1 optin1i!ilic lhal 12 rnnnlhs from now n1osl of the buildings 1\•111 be dov.·n and !he park \Veil 011 the wa~." he says. B•Jro 1n \\'(l(}dbur~. N .I .. 41 ~·cnrs ago, B!:ickn1a11 .11ter1dccl Colgalr L.nil'ersity .:.nd \1as gradu<ilcd 3s a 11hysi1·s 111;1jor Ln 1951. The 1inly olher physic.~ n1ajor 1n the i.:r<1duat1ng class 11·<1s A 11 L hon y Oen1etr1adcs, \1•ho l~l'nl on to C;il 1'ech. \'p;11·.~ latC'r, the 1110 mP! again -as d1re{'lor.s of Lagun11's Civic Lea~ur lllai•krn;1n \1'1'11! lrnm Colg:i1t tn )'rincclnn [o !;1ke Iii.~ PhD 111 physic!! ;ind le.:ieh un!il 1~!~7 "'hrn lie n1ovcd \Vesl lo ;iccPpt ;i posl w11h f:1:111nini Scirntific 111 S;u1!:i An;i. Twn \'Cflrs laler. \vilh a frirnrl . hr ffl r1n1•rl ·his 01\n scirnriric rrse;:i rch cn11 1p;-111,v in Newnorl Beach. \1·h1rh cvntually v.·as sold lo an Eastern firm. JU<toa LS ~parse in town. Coc·a1ne, t11e officer noted , is sell ing for S23 to $50. depending on the size of the fix. i\l os t l)t'Ople <1re not shooting it, but arc "Snorting" it, llke snuff, Pucell said. ..It's bad ·coke'," Purcell added. "'It gi\es the. people one hell of a deprrssion when they come do\.\·n. It 's rougher th211 must other drugs." Heroin, the agent said, \.\'ent up rapidly rlurin~ the spring, then leveled off. "No\Y it's mo\'ing up again." he said. Price of heroin From Mexico runs from S~• 10 $20 a fix . "BLll it's of a low grade,'' hl' said. "\\'c've hern gelling some heroin from Victn111n that is ve ry pure. It sells in \'1al.~ for about s;.O.'' Purcell said. Purcell said !hat despite the Jack of large busts, the SED is still trying to go ;ifler the large dealers. then the con· nections and finallv the small user. Since summer tJegan , the SEO working "'ilh three agents has n1ade 138 drug ar· rests. and has been assisted by county, st;ite and feden1I officials, Purcell said. "\Ve'\'e noticed that much of the drug. activity is n1oving from Laguna Canyon to South Laguna and consequentl y we are working \.\'ilh other agencies in more en· forcen1ent d0\\'11 there," the sergeant said. He n(lted that this area serves as the "central market'' for psychedelics which are produced in the San Francisco Bay area. "Thry srnd the stuff dow n here where it's put into tablet form and sold." An average "hit" is going for $1.25 to $2. he said. Purcl'll said the patlern th is summer L• much the same as !'iummers past. "It'~ harvest time for pot in r-.texico, a nd all lhe stuff is down there waiting ·to move. It'll slarl soon," he predicted. Planners Cancel Stu<ly Sess ion On General Plan Due lo the resignations or lwo Laguna Reach planning commissioners this week , a study session on the general plan, ~cheduled for ~1onday night. has been canceled. \\'illian1 Larnbournt. <-·hairman or the l'on1mis:non . and James Sctlmiti, an· nounced their resignations al \Ved· nesday's tity council meeting. They said jhei r positions were: •·inco1npatible" with the resulls of the Aug. 3 initiative elec· lion .. f\ I hi rd commissioner, .John McDowell. v.·ill be on \'acation and so the Monday's mrct ing \1•as cancelled, said \\';iyn'e 1\londy, director of planning and develop- mrnt. The next regular merlin~ or I.he cnm· mission will be Sep1. 7. By that itm e, l\ln1xlv hopes the city council will have selected replacements for the two open JJO!'il.~. Summer Sale ••• Now in Progress at all Stores. 111 r.. - ' I • 4 DAILY PI LOT \ \ \ •· I ~ps C&B Express Derailing Set? By THOMAS fl1URPHI NE 0t 1k DtU• l'lltl Sll lf RICKY 11CKY POLITIX : Jndttrl, it has been a diffi cult week for f ifth District Superv~or Ron.11(1 Caspers of Newport Beach and first Di5ltict Supervisor Robert Ballin of Santa Ana. The are suffering Excedrin headache riumber M-4. All that is lefl to happen tn them i~ for the Civic Center roof lo fall in on their he1di1. Friday, A119ust 20, "\\ \ ' ~· ~ t . ' ~ .. ' Jq71 ~ . ~ ~ .. ..... . . ·. ... , It all began. of course. during that abortive I.ix-second meeti ng of the Local Asency Formation Commis5ioo after Caspers and Battin joined with their new buddy Joe Hyde in an effort !(l tie the can to Charlie Pearson of Anaheim . VICE PRESIDENT KY ESCORTS WI FE !DARK GLASSES) TO FUNERAL Oi11bl•d Vet•rln Kill•d S.lf Becau1• Ky Was Shut Off Ballot SUP!:RJOR COURT Judge .J.E.T. "Ned" Rutter put the quash on that on! by rulinr that Hyde and the -Other prn- posed new man, Herbert Licker. couldn'l Ie&ally sit on the t.AF'C. 5() Caspers and Battin appealed that rulini kl the Fourth District Cou rt of Ap- J>U!. Now the appeal court has upheld J udge Rutter. Additionally, the appelJatr judgr..~ 11!~0 apparenlly agree lh11t Ballin and Caspers should be hailed before Judge Rutter to ans~·er charges of con tem pt of cou rt. TIOS STEMS from alles:ations that the supervisorial duo might have ignored the bench when they held the LAF'C meetin,1:: fn the £1rst place, with Hyde wielding th! gavel. Numerous legal paper~ were flut- tering through !he air during 1hat six seeoods. lt will be up lo Judge Rutter to sort out thtse questions. Meanwh ile, city councils Along !hi' Orange C0tist have ~en meeting in the past few days and, in varied dl!!,(Tees or vituperation. have cast more nastie!'i upon Messrs. Caspers and Ar.I.tin. Coll.a Me sa's city d&d!'i were probahl.v thrt roughest of all when they called for the r~moval of C & B from th!': LAF'C. Lai!Jna Beach pas~ed 11 "resolution nf displeasure·• over !hi': LAF'C political shuffl ing 11nd Councilman Ed Lorr delivered 11 verbal broadside a1 Caspers. HUNTINGTO N Beach voter! for 11 lrttcr nf censure as Councilman Don Shipley descrlbtd the LAFC buslnrss as "a clrcus." San Clemente Counciln1an Stanlev .Norlhrup, who sil.!I, leg ally, a~ one or th.e LAF'C members. urged a Gr:.nd Jurv probe or th e whole aHair. Bui his fell n,,'y councilmen failed to support lhe. thing in a rather surprising case of foot-shufning. FOUNTAl!'i' VALLEY'S city council hasn't pas:iied any harshly-wordt d rf'so lu- tions, probably figur1nR their ~1ayor Erl ,Just. tn his capacity on tht IA.ague nf Cities. has done plen ty of talking on lhe '""hQ\e imbroslio already. Newport Bl':ach councilmen ~·i ll pondtr fhe whole affair at their Monrlay session and the same is true in Se.al Beach As for San Ju1n Capi slr:inn. r.1avflr Tony Forster pl ans to hrin~ 11 °llfl ''Personally, I stron~ly nbJcrt In thr supervisors' acti on.·· hr sa1r! tnda \' ... 1 would support ;i (;rand .lur.v in- vestigation. We. sh0ulr! ~tanrl up tn thr~1> ptople who ha vr l'il'lualJy unli mitert power.·• So it goe s, folks. Frnn1 Sf';:il Rf'11 rh !11 San Clemente. 1he drums 11rr rlrllmmini:,. You re.ally wouldn "I bl;imr Ca ~per~ anrl Ballin if today they :ire eying rhe plasttr on the Civic Center roof wi th some measure or suspicion. K y's Bodyguards Flash W eapons At Viet Funeral SAIGON (UPl1 -Sold ier~ in I.he party of Vire President Nguyen (;an K.v staged .an 11rmed confrnnt11li<1n loday w1!h Snurh Vietnamese polire 11i !hr. funeral of ::i rl1 s;:ihled veteran who burned him11elf 10 dea1h Mnnd;:iy in Saigon. Students joined in the fray al noe pn1n!. and beat a pl11inclothe!'i policeman :-;avaRely after he tried In infiltrate their group. They left hirn unconscious in lhe street. Vietnamese "'i tnesses said, And he w11~ carried .-:iwa y by other pol iceman. The armed confrontat io n occurrrd cio1.1'ntown IA'her!" ro;:irl~ to T110 Son Nh11 l airfield ;ind the biR U S. 111 rh11se :.l Aien Ho;i cross . ..,,·hen thnus11nd~ (Ir mourner.- in the funeral proression 1.1·enrted lhe1r v•a y to .... ·ard a rrmetcry where lhe veteran w.:is In be huried . The "''1tnesses said nii\i(lntd pnhre. ordered to the .~cene hv the office nr President N,1::uyrn \Ian Thitu. were 1.nlrl to leil vl': !hf' scene by Ky's 11rmed bndyguards. The boclyguard11 said 1hl': pnlice offended the funera l, which "''as orderly at thal pninL \Vhen !hf' police refusf'rl In nlnvP. ~·itnes~es ~aid, Ky':oi men le velled M-lfi rine~ 11!. ihem, cha rnbered liv P bulll':ts ;inrl told them In move f!wa .v. The polite lefr the sf'ene. !hr 'ol.'11nes.•t'!I "-il ld. Rut. the y popred ur 11~aln tw ice more 11lon11: 1he par11de rou l.e. \ --· • Heath, Lyneh Clash 2 Soldiers, Youth Shot By Irish Hoodlum Duo RELJ-'A ST, Northern Trel.:ind llJ P!l - Tv.•o miiskrrl gunme.n invi ted 11 Rom11 n Catholic home lodey and wounded tv.·n off-duty British trooperi and a 17-year-old :-inuth, police 11aid. The soldiers, on !eavl" from Wetil l.ermany and nol p.11rt of 11ecurity force,; ass i~ned 10 the prnvince. were lakcn wit h the youth to Royal Victoria Hospital. A U.S. Pounds Red DMZ Gunsites, Loses 3 Copters SAIGON !UPI ) -Ameri Cllll B52~ slrtic k at North ViPtnamese gunsilr.~ in· :riide the dem11itaiized (DMZ) today whill': intense Communist antiairr.r11 f\ firP .sho!. rlo1\•n !hree U.S. helicopters trying 10 hring in supplies lo Snulh Vil"tname~,. oulposls along the all itd border defense l1nr. Tht t;.s, Command said one wave nf A.~2s bombed rocket and morlar position.~ and suspected Communist troop positions ninf' miles north of Cam Ltl in the are11 cir thP Ot-.1Z know a~ "Rocket Ridge'' from which Nort h Vietnamese gunn e.r.'i h11ve. hern bombarding allied bases near th !': buffer zone. f ield reports said heavy fighling wt~ ragi n~ around i>. string of bases below the Dl\1Z today and that three American UHl helicopters v.·ere shot down, tw o 111 Ccim· ha t Base f'ulle.r and the third 111 the former Firt Ba~e Sil rge. ~1 ili!arv sources .~airl snmr Amrr1c11n he licoptef c·rc"·men were ~·ounded but none w11s l;illrd_ S<iu!h \11r1 nan1esf' milit ary s~kt~rnen ~a ir! 4.1 f\'ori h \'1 etnamcse "'CrP ki ll ed 1n ''"'" Ol'110r h;:i lf lr~ TI1ur.~rlay :1ro11 nd !hr. DM7. hu1 unr nf thr ;iclions co.s t J:!OVPrn. 1nrnl forrr~ 17 def!d anrl lt1rer woundf'r!. Thal f1i::lilrng 1\'.<ls 2'? 1n 1lr.~ nnrthwe~r (If (';:in1r l"<1rn1l1. thr wes!.ernmns1. point of thr all1rd rl rfense line alon11 lhf' DM Z. fMk 11p posi tion~ .:irnu"d the b11 se. ,.\II thr base's artillery wa s airlifted out i:-arhcr. :11pokesman said two of the. victims were "comfort11ble" and doctors were at- tempting to .sll \l fl' tht life of the third. Jn Londonderry, th!': death toll since Imposition nf internment without trlal Aug. 9 rose. to 29 Thursday night with the dl':.111h of a 111-year-old youth from gunshot wounds. Pollce 111id he. was found fatally wounded in a house. He wa s identified 11 ~ James C. O'Ha~an . Police 11a id 11 search of the area rurned up 11 .38-<:alibe.r revolver. 11 spent f':irlrid,i:e case, snmt gelignite, 11 \en~th flf fu!'i l' wi re and some revolver am· muni tion. A s p n k e" 1n a n said 1·lrcumsta.nces of the shooting were not known. On the political scene., Prime Minister l'.-:dward Heath nf Britain Thursday nig;ht rebuked Premier J11ck Lynch of the Irish Republic rnr his condemnation of wh11t Lynch said were British attempls to find m!lil ary solutions to Northern Ire.land 's problems. "Your teleg;ram today i~ unj ustified in it.~ content, unaccept11ble in its 11ttempt to inlf'rferf' in !ht :i ffair.~ of lhl': United Kin~dom 11nd can in no way contribute 10 lhfl' solution of the probll':ms in Northern Jreland." Heath wired Lynch. The. shooting of the. two British soldier.• occurred sho rtly 11fter midni ght in the Westroc k area or the. C a th n 1 i c R;i!lymurphy section, the po Ii re spoke.!lman said. He said one of the soldiers was engaged to a girl living !her!'. Th,. teen-ager was her brother. Thi': men burst into the mom, said In I.he girl "llo you've got somt British ~oldiers here." and began shooting, the spOkesman said. The 11irl was no1 hurt Thi': shooting came hours after maskrd J!Unmrn raided the headquarters of thP. J!OVtrn mcn!'~ Unionist Party. They ]Of'k- rrl \\'1!1i am l\enned y, 11 Unionist membtr (If rht Nnr!hern lre/11nd Parliamen t. In ~ room .:1nd planlrd ,. ]().pound bnmh Ht e~C'.1J"l{'rl and demolltion e.tperts defu sed thr devise. Russ Crackdo,vn Weather Mostly Pleasant On E. Europea11 Satellites Told 1,0NDON <U PIJ -East Europea n. diplom1Ls said loda y the Soviet Union i~ rn!kinR it clear lo Romania anrl "'i'ugosla via not lo overdo their drive for Jnriepenrient political action. • Few Showers, Thunrlerstornis Reportecl f.1oscow apparently suspects that they mAy bf! trying lo gang up with lhc pm- Chinese Al bania and i~ alarmed SOmf' tievelopments m11y have anli-So viel unrle rcurrents. they said . California f OUTMll .. C,llLIP:Oll .. llt, 11111,,,THEll • , u~11·~ "'"' t~t••~ui.11•• Cll)Ud" mo•nl..,,, '""!lnuo In • ~""'""n C•Ulcrn!o 11•<'•~. "'' • 11 tllumlt,IP!Owt" ~ ... , ,.,. )Oul nern ••'>O.tnl•!n1 •"4 j,(l!Jfl\trn '"" •••Tl•n llltMr!I. Tht ovlloo•· w11 t0< ml" of ,,.,. ....... hlvrd1v. LDW <llK>cl• 1111"9 CV'' (CH ii i t"i! tH11c11 1r<11 111•-f\ou! 1111 Lo• ,llnttl•• r"lon lllVrlnt !llt rn(lrnlnf Tllo Wtll!lel' 1 11•1111 IO<&<tll lltl> •un•lllnt le• "'' '"' al !llt dtv. w ith ""' m11tll c M119t Ill ltmHr1t11rr "' 111111 o! ollOl,ll I S Wt l t lf K ltd bor!ll !Odt • I nd St tur• oe,, .. 1111 t n o"t•nltlll 1iiw ,,.., rlf. A ni,.. lt"'1H•••11•r In "'• lowtr '6\ '"fl .... Kiii le< •l\.e Dtt Cll frtl .. will\ tllt Wt lfl' ltmH•t•u•• 11 Sumttaory I • U .. ITID fl'll!S l INTIEll!•UTtD"ll l "' !no ..,,_,,, """ 11\v""""C'"'' """"" !ho Eo\lt fll (""'' •nG ~·· l•O<>I ol •n. "''n"''" ,...., """ '"'!'•• "'"'~llr'f Oi'ot fWllt t lltll M ...... ... T-rt l11•h wt r• nr•• n• •1111111. '"°"' ........ 1 ........ '" -·1 ..... of 1111 rouni,..,. '""' ''" J•lu "'''' 1"' N I• tlll>tt tn.n , ... l fCf"'9" Ti'tvrMe~ 019111 lh~Nf .. >!e"'0 ort1- *'<:M I ,.,_ I! Dl1lllM , ... " . •-I l T "'llt1 '6ulP•••11 ~I Oor~•' c11,, ~. ne '"""' "' r .. 1v•'•' or Iii"''" w••• ••"6'10f! I/\ t!w l'i~ ~l!IW••t '~"no"1••1Mr"'1 ••td...:te 1v•IY wlf\d• c1v11n1 am oll ... , .1 ........ l!l •I• r'f>l\fM•• ''"'"'' "''''' ,."'"" ''""' 51 '" """!! ~···• '0 '"If •• '"*"'"' Conxfttl ,,.,n,11~ •··~•v •"<I•• L••~• .,.,.,.~ .. w•~o· ft••M ~"" ""''~!~• t""" ,,._ "'"""' """ •n '"'""'"'"' I '' IS • ...,,. •n •"•·~oon, •Oii•• •ftn S1•11•· ~·~ ""ft '9<tt v, •INN! "''~ 10• ( .... 110! 1-•tft !ul .. rl ftfO ,,..., j \ I" •S !~!•"" '""°"'""'"' •I Mt !r""1 •l 10 ''· w,1.,. 1""'•"•t•,.• IJ, S ll ti 1 /tJ 00-11. Tlde1 ' Jo\ O ... I ft l J.\ • m. l 1 lt.TUll 01t,Y r 1.,1 ~IO~ F"'' 1n.i St C!tftllo ~l•n ~frnns 1~ ... '<1~ •• , ... , •• .., VO~~ ~!II\• g) I m IG l?o m •J ' )~ ··""· ~, 1n r,,, o .... J , • ft\..... '. , ••• ' 11 .. "' S.1'1 In".., Temperatures r,,.,~''""''' •~d ~·•c1it11 1!111" t~, !~f 1'•"011• lt•!e<t e~Gl~O <! • • "' '"ll••nv '"'b"""''""" "'"(ho•••• Alli~!~ 81~~.,1111d Aolu 8oi1nn ll'1,!11n C~lt•OO c.1"connt1I Cttvola""' 0 •11•• O•nv1r 0.• Mnl"41 ™'""" Hllt/\t '"'-1,.1u l"<'1•1n1ool•• j~(••ft""'"' ~-M·) (•Jy l •• "'··~· lftl •nctlrl ""'"'""'' ..... ,,.1 M11 ... .,..,f. '''"""•IHI•• ,,. .... 0'111"1 NIW Ttr• ()11111\&""' Cir~ 0...•fl• 1'1111•"41•~1• n~oenl• ""•tl!Jrtll .... 11,,,, l 1J1G Cllw .. ~ \•crl,.,~Ml> ~' L•ul1 ~·" ~·~· (11\1 $I n ('ll- ''" "'~l't(llt~ s,.,.,. "Ith ltw '°'"· " " " ~ ,, " " " '"' • '"' " .. " " •• .. • " • • " ~ n " " .. " .. .. " ., " " " • " " .. " '"' " " .. ~ " " " " " .. .. " • " " .. u " .. " • " " " " " .. .. " " ., .. ~ .. • " .. " •• •• ·" " " Romania receiv~d il5 warning to lake it t'asy whe n Soviet Ambassador N. Drozdf:'nko mf'l with Romanian President Nicolai Ceausescu in Bucharest this )l WP.Ck. • • Yugoslavia ·~ f.1arshal Tito will recelv~ " w11 rning personally from Soviet Party .o. Chief Leonid Brezhnev when the.y mCet in 11 Yu~ostavia next month, t~ sources said. 21 The source~ 11dded that the Sovitl ·01 lln1nn probably wou ld tell Tito not tn pu~h for ~ Balk.11n alignment with Rnman i:i and Albania or other natiom iR the Arca. 1'he Comrnun isl diplomat~ indicated the Kremlin i~ increasingly Irked b y Rom11ni11's l11test ge.stures of determina- tion lO play an iodeptndent and even a('o Uve rolt In in~m•Uanal polllks. .tt Whit 11 reeent.td moll\ in Mo!ICow l" .ot Ct1111PCU'1 nlrt.aUon with Pekin1 11nd 1• the latter's 1pp1 renlly ... owing inroad.'1 ,II to• ,.,, lnto t\u.ul•'• 1phert1 of lnttrest, they 11ald. 1'he aource1 lett little doubt "!he hc11t 1.~ on" in Mo1cow for an all-out campaian 11'1 counter China's •ppa.rent growin,R: rlt.:l,.rmln.11lion 1n pu8h it.!I innutnct 11 lhe e;xpen~ or tht Soviet Union. Against ~l•t• Rebel Up~ising Sweeps B.olivia LA PAZ (UPI) -A rtbelllon by ri1btwtn1 clvUlana and mlllllry a&alnst the. letuat military re1lme of Pruklent Juan Joet Torre.1 Gonsales 1pread 1en.1 the nation today and the iJ11urrectionl1ta cl1imed more than half the country w•s In their handt, Torres proclaimed • countrywide state o{ revolutionary emer1ency Thunday night when the. rebellion broke out in the city of Santa Cnn:, a center of anti- government acti vities i n c 1 u d i n I demonaltatlons by 1s many ~ 1,000 pe.DON in the streets or the city. n• rtbe.1 radk) Grisou in Slntt Crut aaid the city was totally under the control of the Falanatst revolutiona ries tod1y and that they also control1ed the st1te1 of Beni, Pando and Tarija -more than haJr of this n1Uon famed for Its tin eiporta . Fighting flared in Santa Cruz when demonstrators tried lo free political prisoners jailed by lhe Torrea (IOVem- ment after he announced discovery of a plol aga inst him -one of a series of such p!ot.c; reported In recent months. Beni and Pando are in the agricultural flatlands in the northwestern part of the South American nation and Tarija i.c; in the mountainous !40uth central sector. The city of Santa Cruz is in San ta Crui: 1tal.e. EiplosiorL'l of unknown origin were heard in the capital of La Paz Thurtclay ni(lht. lt wa s unknown what tht military regime intended to do .11bout the upriaing. Falanli:ist revolutionaries seized the. ci· ty in the hilly jungle and aiJrieultural rP.gion 330 milea ~utheaat of L• Paz Thursday night and claimed in 1 radio broadcast th•t two army divisions, .a district naval command and an air force uni t b11d joined the. rebellion. Arm y Chief Gen. Luis Requl': Teran said .11 civili an wa~ killed and a non -com- missioned officer was wounded seriously in the Santa Cruz fighting. Unoff\Cial sou rces said two persons had been killed and two other!'i wounded . Official 1011emment aource.c; said the city had f1llen. lnHial reporU s1id the revolt !'ltemmed fmm an attempt to free 30 persons arrested Thursdly on ch1rgea of coni:piracy asaln.st the 5ovemment. ON BOLIVIA HOT SEAT G•n. Juan JoH Torres Santa Cruz for years h11s been 11 hotbed of political reaclion to the La Pa; military government :ind is in !he area "''here guerrilh1 \eider Ernesto "Che'' Guev.11r11 was killed by Bollvlan fo rce11 in 1967. It wa5 reported that 14 priwners h11cf bel'!n released lo the rightwing group, a mong them Juan Franco Suarez, honorary consul to neighl>ori ng Peru. A nationwide •·st11\e nf re volution11ry emergency'' "'1111 announced ThursdA:f ni«ht by M&rio Velardi. mini~ter of th1t presidency in the leftwing ret:iml': of Gen. Juan Joee. Torres. Backed by Commu nist-infilt ra ted labor unions .and students, Torres seized power in October, 1970, when he emerged as th• leader of a three-ma n military junta. Tha F'al&ngist rebels hold tin mining and ·other commercial interests. Tl1ree Arab Natio11s Unite Forces in Federal Union DAr-.lASCUS, Syri11 (AP) -The leadera or Egypt, Syria 11nd Libya put their :r-i~narures today on " constitution that will bind their countries in a lede.r11l union The ronslilut1on will be 11ubmitted to a referendum in tht thrl':P. cnuntril':S Sept. I 11ncl is certain lo bt overwhelmingly en· dorsed. The new union , In be known a~ the fl':der11tion of Ar1b Republici, will have a. population of morl': than 43 mil lion. The three. counlrie.s will ret11in their ~f'par2!e seats al lhl': United Nai tiol\3 but try to "'Ork nut A common millt11 ry 11ilr11le1Q' a,l!•ins1 Israel ind a common forrigo pnhcy. F.11ch "'ill be responsible for ii~ own in· leroal 11ffairs. PresidenL~ Anwar Sadat nf Egypt, Ha rez .:i i A~s11d of Syri;:i and Libyan leader Col. Muammar Kadaff SJ,Rnl':d the !f:'deral con~!it utinn documen1 in rhe ~tatfl' i:11es1 palace, wind ing up 11 ljlrel':·day con- ference in the Syrian c1pit11L Arab quarrel~ nevfl'rlhell':s~ roo k 11w11y lli(lme nr lht. hifh feellna~ of ~ucces~. Aftf:'r the signinji! ceremony Sadat heads fnr Saudi Arlbla and t•lk.~ with Kint Fais•l lO discuss tht co ntinuing conflict between Jordan and the. Palestinian iue.r- rillas. The new union on paper i.~ the large~t milltary power in the southe•st Mediter- ranean. Egypt's influent ial newspaper t:dito r Mohammed H•ssanein Helk l l t'lf Al Ahram said today the federaUon i~ et· pttled to ''lake up the responsibility of Arab confronlalion with lsr1eJ." He urged lhe union kl cQrlcludt alliances wit h Fraoce, Malla and Cypru~ to win • firm hold on major .t« lines to and from the: Mlddle East. Hr alS<l called for a "apecial n l1- tionsh ip or 1rr1ngeme.nt with the Jeftl 3t rt(llme of South Yemen to "tilhten the. federation's control on the Red Sea ." A fourth nation, Sud1n, i~ eipected to join the federation next year. The l'ltw fede.r1tion will have one fl a1. " federal p1rnament and jOlnt mllltary 11nd fore ign policies. But e11ch country PearMon Book Slated NEW YORK (APJ -Thi Ne• York publWlinr firm or Holt. Rinthart At WIMt.on pl•NI to publlah the. 1.7 million word penonaJ diary of the latt Washln1ton eolumnb t, Dr" Pear*>n. Tyltr Abell, Pearton'1 stepeon, dlacla.ed nn 'Thunday acquialUon of the diary by Holt, but he declined lo dlacuas financial detAila. An offici al of Holt aald, how ever. tha t the contract provided for "• .olld 1IJ· fiturfi adviinee" Ind publl1hlnJ 1ourct1 e.~timatttl that the three-volume work can two exptete<f to draw mort than 11 million In royalties . will ma intain 1 free hMd in domesUc af· fair~ and will maintllin its seat at th• United Nations. Medina Did Not Give 'License' To Kill-Witness "FT. MCPHERSON. r.a. i UPI l -A former Army platoon leader testified t~ day that Capt. Erne.st !.. Me.d ln11 did nnt 11iv e anyone lht-"hcen~e" to .c1l11u1hter civilian.c; 11 My 1.a1. Thi': ~·itness, Jeff rey Laf'ross nf (;rand Rapids, Mich ., also seld hi': did not see any misconduct by Am f'rll'iln troops 1n the village ~·here Medina I.~ .:ICCIJ.~e<f nr ktllin):!, or perm1l\lng hi~ nie n In kill, 102 old men. w(1men and f'hildrPn . Larros11 ~aid al one ti1ne during !ht r.1arr.h 16, 1968 operation hr did feet rhat prrh~ps too rn;in y c1v11ian~ were hting kill ed, hut at about the !!llm e t1mt !hf! order cAn1r through In s1np b111·nini hootche.~ and a ceasef1r1' wa!i impnsrd. L;icross said he. ~11w MedinA lw0 or three time.,. rhe r1Ry nf the Mv L'lf mAssacre but, like lhe 15 witnes.se:~ who pre.ced~ him . he could not pJ 11ce Merlin A in th@ village at the lime the killing w,.,,. going on. nor establish that Medina knew it was occurring. Lacross set the bcxt.v cou nt rnr thf' d11y at 12&, but said that included everybody ~·ho was slain -includinR those killed by artillery and helicopter gunship fire. F. Ltt Bailey, Medin,.·!'! civilian at- torney. asked Lacross About 11 hrlefin11 Medina gave platoon and sQu ad leaders the. night before the a.'l~aull. "Old he try 1.o j11ck up the .squad and platoon leaders?" "No sir." "Did he give A hcen.'le to 11nyone t() s/1u1hter civilians?" "No air." "If for some reason capt. Med ina hid been sl1in, and you had become the com· mander at My Lai, did you St:e anythlnr that would have cau~ you to atnp miscondu ct by American troops?" "Not a thing." Bailey called Dr. Lemoyne Snyder and six olhtt polygraph e.x-perl,-ThurM1y tn testi fy that a lie detector lest i~ 11ccurah1 11nd rellablt enough to be introduced into evidence. Mexico to Give U.S. Huge Christ Statue SAN ANTONIO, Ter. 1UPJ 1 -Merit'!) will give a giant statue. of Jl':sus Christ with an obse.rv1Uon tower In the crown of thorns ta tht United Staltll as a pruent for Amerlc11's 200th birthday cele bration In 1978. It was le.Arned Thursday. TJie All tue , t11ller than lht. St;itutJ nl Litlrty. will OV!rlook C-Orpus Christi Bay t!n the Texas coa111 • • .. 11 Black s Charged 111 Death JACKSO!':, ~!iss. tUPll - Eleven members of the black. separalilit .. Republic of New Africa.. (RNA; faced a preliminary hearing today on murder charges in death of a police detecli\'e during a gun- battle_ District Attorney J 1 l' k Travis said lht> ch8rge:;; were filed 1'hursday against l I members of the bl a c k or1an lz ation under a r-.1ississippi law that provides !hat thost> "·ho ··aid. abet. assisl or encourage a felony., are as "guilty as the prin- QUEENIE By Ph il lnterlandi FALL KILLS FVG I TJJIE NE\\' YORK fU PI) -A man being chased by poli'ct> across rooftops because he was suspt"cled of being a heroin seller died toda y when hr tried to 1ump from one building to another and miss- ed. Grand Opening MONDAY, AUGUST 23 BAMBOO TERRACE cipal." '~~~c ... Travis said his office \VOuld ~ .. ask. rtw H ind.~ County Circuit (,2;~CJ~~:i:;:;:!~:_..::::.::=::...-------J • • CHINESE CUISINE TROPICAL DRINKS • • Court 10 convene a special grand jur~· on lhe first !\lon- rlay in &-ptt>ntber to tonsider the charges. He said lhe RN.-' ''The odds are three to one hot-pants are not for you ... and &11 three of them are facing you.'' Ope-n Dally, 11 a .m. to 11 p.m. 153 E. 17th Street (1 /2 block E••t of N•wport l lvd.) niembers "·ould be he l d -----------------------COSTA MESA 645-5550 Bob Takes Cut l'o1ncdian sho\1·s his Utllc league team. the "Bob Hope Indians." h is form 11'1th bat ~s they hon~red hin1 r.or h is 16 years as team's sponsor. Look ing on is Peter 1\lcl,overn, president of Little Lea g ue Baseball, and several team members. Justice Black Sidetracks Corpus Ch~U;ti Bus Order 'i\' ASHl;\GTO\' I Li Pl 1 Ju.~tite Hugo I. Rlacf. h;1s blocked tor the lune being a federal cour1 order r o r rna.~sive busing to achieve a racial balance 1n Corpus Christi. Tex., public schools. plan originally proposed by !he llrpartment of health, educa- tion and welfart'. obligations lo '' t x l e a n - ,-'\merican pupils and 1\.~ ability Lo prol'ide enou,c;h buses 1o transport lf>,000 students d11ily. v.·ilhout bond until I he prelinlinary htaring ts com- plt>ted. LL \V illiam L0uls Skinner, 36. died of head wounds in the predav.·n hours 'T' h u rs d a y following the \\'ednesday gun- battle with seven membt!rs of the Rt\'A. T"•o ntht>r officers -a eity patrolm1111 and 11n FB I agent -v.·ere also wound- ed in the fight but are listed in satisfactory condition. · F'BJ and police offir11ts said the shooting v.·as started bv !ht> blacks arrested at the RNA headquarters_ Elmer Linberg, acting special agent 1n charge of the FBI office in .lackson. said !ht> officers drove up in front of tht> house and used a bullhorn to order those inside to come out \Vhen lht'y re f us ~d . 11ulhorities said 1rar ga~ wa~ fired into the dv.1elling and the blacks began shooting from in· side. They said police then returned the fire. Teacher Sus pe11 ded After Clia11ging· Sex BER~AROS TO\VNSH!P. N.J. !API -~frs. Paula Grossman. a n ele..-ientary school music teacher 1\'ho undcr"'ent a sex c h a n g e operation has been .;uspended v.•ithout pay by tht> local school board. The school board presiden1 . Paul !llallon. presented a !isl of five l'harges against ~!rs. lirossman Thursday night. to be sent to ~Ir~. Grossman and her al!ornt>.v. Herbert l\es!t>r. On Kestrr's ad vicr, nr ither 1\-lrs. Uross1nan nor the ;it - torne.v was present at !he school board meeting. Shr declined commenl on the charges but said shr remained oplimist1t· Thr case gue~ lo Or. C.irl t-.tarburgcr. s I a I e com- missioner or education, "'ho must either reject the case or hold a hearing \\'Jlh1n 60 days. The charges allege the presence of il1rs. Gros.~man in the. school S\'S!t'!TI 11'111 COO· linut to erea!~ a st>nsati0n and assrrt that bein g a transsex-1 ual IS abnnrn)a! Come to thla Christian Science Lecture Spo11tor.d b~ tt.e Seco~d C"un:Jri of Chrl11, Sclo11tl11, Nowport leech HOWARD H. IRWIN Board of Lecture.ship of the ~fother Church. the First Church of Chrisi. Scientist in Boston, ~lassachusetts On '[he l'equesl for a stay in the 1011.e1· <'Otllt ordel' was filed \Vednesday by the Justice Department. 11·hich sought to b a r i m m e d 1 a le i m· plementation or the busing Black. who issued the st.a.y order while the full nine- member court was in summer recess. said he Y1as expre~sing no viev.· "11.s to the wisdom or propriety" of the Justice Oepartinent's position. I n seeking the stay. the depart· ment ~ought further hearings on the local school board's The Justice-Department's entrance into the Corpus Christi case v.·as the first ac· tion since the \Vhite House said last "'eek that President Nii on h11d tol d government of. fi cials lo order massive busing only as a lai;t t'esort to desegregalt' schools Police Hunt Murderer; Victi1n Lived 12 Year~ illallon abo !'barged !hat 1 r..trs. Crossnian did no1 giv<:" the schnol board advante 1 notice of 1he se.'> change 1 operation. 1vhich was perform·j ed at an unide11tified place 1n the United S!<ites Jn 1\-Iarch. I 1\-tallon said he felt such an nperation \1'11s not acceplable in the area and said the 1 teacht>r should be dlsmissed l for 1ncapac1ty. 1\-trs. Grossman1 reieeted a sehool board offer ,,.1 \1·eek ago that :.ht retain her' JOb by surrendering I h e I teaching cerlificatr she held 1 for l4 years under the name of l Paul Grossman and applying ! for one under her new name. l\-1rs. Paula Grossman. She also v.·ould hal'e to surrender lenure and sv.·itch to a high school ll'\'t'l course. "THE WONDER OF LOVE" Seturday, Augu1t 21st. at 10 A.M. The Edwards Newport, Cinema The atre Fashion Island, Newport Beach In a nne-page opinion. Black re-instituted a stay of the bus-SAN AN'T'ONtO, Tex. ( liPI ) 12tl1 Bi1·tliday ing ord er that was overturned Almost 12 years ago, by lht 5th U.S. Court of Ap-r.·lagdaleno Alviso was shot in peals Aug . 5. the head during a barroom Eve11 Hawaiia11s Fail The slay order v.·on'1 exoire bra,vl. A suspect was arrested To Esc a1Je Urban Ills until J uly l . 1972. but U.S. and charged with assaull but Solicitor General Ern•in N. was not indicted by a grand Griswold suggested 11 hearing jury. Alviso. an invalid since be scheduled by the 5th circuit the shooting, d ied Monday and HO:-.OOLULU ~ A p I Hawa11ans celebrate their 12th b1:thd;n• ai; an AmPr1c;:>:1 !ilillf' tuda y but !or state leaders 1l 1s more apt jo be an occasion for ~ottl searching lhan for rc- JOici n.-:. ~incc :i<'qu1nng statehood 011 .. ~u p; 211. 19$!1. 1 he s e sen11!ropi(';il i~l;:inds hair been infected \1•ith the 11rh1111 il· l11essr" !h;it pl,1guc stale1' on lhr rn;i111!<lnd -pn\l,1t1on, tr11ff1c sams, nn1st>. enmr. Bet11·ren 1960 and 19i0. rensus figurt>s sho1v. lht> population of Ha~·ai1 JllmPf'd 18 perce111. n1ak1ng Ha\1·,:111 one nf 1he !asle<:t ~ro\1·1111? "t:itr~ _\nd i8 prrcen1 nf 1\s popul<1- t1nn of atx'>ut i50,000 L1 e in urhan areas De~p1tr cnnst1 t1111onal T hrf'f' l\ille rl Jn Air C rash d1 f- ALC.UST1\. \1a1nf' I UPI I - /\ cv.111eni;ined IJ011·nP?.s l \1rl1nl"s plane cra~hf'rl 1ntn a hill Thursda.v n1 Ftht 1n [og in ~1anch!'slrr \\hilt tr.\'i ng to !and at Augu~ta airport. kill· 1ng 1hrt'e of the eight ~rsons aboard. f1cult1es, there is talk of pas:.-"on an expedited basis." police have confirmed they ing a \a1\' limiting the number ··11 is apparent Iha! thii; are looking through fheir fllei; nr nev.·comers to Hawaii. Stale case is. in an undesi rable s!atr 10 find his a~sail11n1 and Sen. Nadao Yoshinaga ha.~ of confusion and presents chargt> him v.•ith murder said he is searching for a legal quesr.ions not heretofore pass-Homicidt LL Da vid Keene 11111y to ~tabilize the population f'd on b~· !ht full court but called ii "fht> strangest cast b.1· legii:.lating ag11inst !he which should bt'." ~aid Black. l'vt> ever seen'' and told !ht 1nigralion of nt>\r residents. "Under l ht s r cirt:u1n-follow ing ~tor.1 But people ha.Vt' come and st ances, ll'hich present a very "Moments before midnight. sn have the problems. ··eon-anomalous, new a nd confusing Sept. 17. t959, police 11·ere rretr jungle" is the phrase situa!ion. 1 decl in~ ;>.~ a single summoned to a lounge on the rnany use IQ dt>scribe \\'aikiki. justice to upset !ht> wisdorn nr v.·est side of the c it~·. \\'i!- :i nd onl.v recently hal'c the pr()p rif'ty of thf' solicitor gen· nt>sses r!'ported 11 man had construction and tourist in-t>r;il's position.'' been \naded into 11 car and dustr ies realiztd that I hey The school district !old dri\'en away. There wt>re pools have Ol'erbuilt there. Tht> Blac~ the HE\V plan 1.1·ould rt>-of blood at tht' lounge. quirt' 125 buses at an "Not long after. a man iden- \\'aikiki hotel occupancy rate t'stim11ted cost of $1.7 million t ified as Magdalt>no Alviso. 21 - lor !he first six months of l9il hut rha t ii had no such funds 1o \'tars-old a1 !ht !1mt. wa~ is dn1rn about 16 percent from pay for them. brought In Robert B. r.rt>en "hat 1t v.·as tor the saint>--'---------------- perind !he year bt'fore. "Tht>re 's nn question that '"e"l'e ovt rbllllt," sa id Donald A_ Bren1nt>r. secrel;u·\' or lmpro1·e;11ent Association. "Tht:re i~ nnt 11 valid con- nr ctinn he11vet>n the numbers of hn1tl room.~ pos~ible and the m11rket capacity." Offici11ls admit !hat big·time organi7.ed crime has con1e In l·l11w11ii . Sinct' 1962. there h11ve bPen 20 confirmed gangland killings. nine missing persons belit>ved to be \'ictlms of the ··syndicate" and 6 car bom- bings. SHAPE UP WITH A NEW SHI '- Pacific Goldfish Farm To r•viv1 your 1099y 1urnm1r 1pirit1, pick out 1 n 1 w 1hirt from J eck l id- w1ll'1 n1w 11t 1 rr iv1 l1. You ce n choo11 from: I , • j11.1y new body shirt, • neet new prin t in red, nevy or brown, $I 0. AUGUST KOi SALE . $150 lo s5000 ~ r.:::=~ "=---~==;-j IAIT Ko~I WITH 1 eaL. AetlAllUM I 0. $ 3.50 HYACINTH cava a 25 • $ 8.00 ITAIRI m 50. $15.00 WAnl tf 95 I 00 . $28.00 UTIUCE • OPll\I DAl~T 10-S (lt1t il y.,.,.,.y """ 893-7105 14642 EDWARDS ST., WESTMINSTER 2. a 1oft 1u•uriou1 reel v elour shirt. w ith • button front end lon9 1111¥11, et $1 ~. ]_ the perfect dr111 1hirt for fell, soft 1trip11 in blue , pink or b1i91, at $11 . 4. 1 n11t T-shirt with • bend of flew1r1 eround it, in 111ort1d cofor1, $5. Who 1111 would hive if but Jeck 1 673 --4510 . I llosp1l<1 l. wounded in the he.&d hy a gunsho1 A~ a result of the "'ound. the inan became .a paraplegic. "The next da.\' po1 icr ar- rested a m11n and booked him For as~aull to mu rd~ r . Hov.•ever, in July 1960. a grand jury no.billed the man." COME SEE THE SELECTION I W t euu1t you thtrl wt ~-th• Larg.,1 d;1plcty yov'¥t .. .,. '"" al a"y et!O ""'•· i11dudi"O I~• u~11t11<ill fv..-y ti•• "'"d th.,,.. lo It•, ftt! a~d 10111:~. N<> mo•• c<1taloo tlioppina n..:11M1ry. St•• i•o ;, bt~••ino. DISCOUNT PRICE Wt kevt ull ell !ht fa ncy l•il!1 lfiot <OJI YOU dellan. Nt carp.tlno-119 fgncy t flawroom. Jysl bttlt• p•ice1 ""d •tl- tio11 it who! you'K .... tmmtdio!t d .. li .. t r, or pick yp Ct~c.pl on llllt if-1 wil•11 cl.-nd "'tTf i.. o•t01•• 1h011 tl;pply .... llnMll OUR WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM Our wom...u.. 1~ i1 1 S,000 "'" ~. '-'"'to iutt .... .-1o1 """""'• pr.duct, y.., ·-it to ye111\.11f ,. ,.iWf lhtt la•f'"I di1pl")' •'dine!!• .-ti,""'". Hit, 4ifli11g Mil, bon cmd 11oelt ....... you hvy. o;..;.,o ,.., frMI $33t.S1000. Sam•lhirt; t.r..-ari-- OPEN 7 DAYS AWllK MOHDAYTNIUFllDAY 10r00A.M."1:30 ,.M, iATUIDAY tO.. • SllllAT NOOrt.J - All ARE WELCOME CHILD CARE PROVIDED COME AS YOU ARE M t 0111 d1y '"'., Os St!. Aug. 21 10 A.M. 'lit '""' Makes a Unusual Offer. • • These l1td 1wo 1te m1 a•• the beginnin g of our ''Traff!' Getter" buys, Becciuse of our "'od wholesale c:onnec:r ions, we will offer item1 to you at TREMENDOUS DISCOUNTS. In fac:t, w1 will NEVER MAKE ANY PROF IT on ony "Trofflc Getter'' merc handise. Please !t!I ou' 1a!e1m en whot item1 you would tike u1 lo purc:ho1e ond 1el1 ta you on !h1 "Traffic Getter'' no profil deal, This will be our wriy of saying tho nli1 to oll of you . Plea se note· "Traffic Getter" ilerns are in !irni1 ed quantities-so FIRST COME, FIRST GET. Plea1 e c!on't be ongry if you corne lote and ell i1 gone. Thonk you. Wotcli for our ne•! Cu$10rn Dinette "Traffic Getter" Buy. rrJi!ili£··6·-1~ -. tl 5 POUND LUER CANNED $ 3 75 WITH THIS COUPON S.11. Aug. 21 On ly UMttfo ro r,ooo l\IAMS 11\1 JtCICK O•o M•'" ,., '""''If ,....,,a. 11 •• OlifOr SATURDAY ONLY! 24 Can Case of CANADA DRY s1a' '" c ••• CHOICE OF FLAVORS Sit., Aug. 21 Only l/MITIO ro 100 CASIS IN S10CK u .. 11 1 c... -10 .. 11, ,....,,I• !I '"·•• oi,., 18085 ElltllD ST. , FOUNTAIN VALLEY ~ SAN DIEGO fUfWA'l AND • ~ EtJCUD ST. TURNO,f 962-3325 or 546· I 61 I ' .- , ~ •• .. .. .. .. ~ •• •• .. i: • DARY PROT E DITORIAL PAGE - Putting Students Last Once again the Tuslln Union High School Districl Board of EduC'ation is placing its conservative Ideology ahead of the needs of students. Trustees have turned dn\\'n a chance In i-ee k $12.000 from the federal ROvernment to aid children v•ith read- ing and math rompu tation diffirull !es, . The 1nnney is available In district." enrollLng children from welf;i re ·fam ilies. 'J'u:;;tin fl istrirl has 50 suc h stu- dent._, Twenty v.·01Jld have benerited fron1 the grant 1'he d1stricr \vnn't ~et the granl. unless the board changes its lune anrt files a late application . according to Orange County Department of f:ducalion .officials. Tu stin discussed only the \1•elfare c.r1ter1a . cnn clud· ing the program v•as "r1dirulous" . Not. once d id they discuss lhe program 's hcnef1ts. Students served by the program in their districts last year gained three months of reading improvemenl for each month of study, That is hardly a ridiculous use o( public money. \Vhal 1s riditulous is that a rl1st r1rt that has losL n1ore than !100.000 in :<:late eciualiz.ation airl this year. should believe its el( so wealthy as to turn a"•ay Sl2,QOO v.•hich would improve il'arning opporluni t1cs Things Aren't the San1e Laguna Beach's famed corner of Coast 1-ligh.way ;ind Laguna Avenue has jts usual sum1ner traffic Jam, but things are not quite the same without the red·.1aekel· ed figure and loud "Halooos" of Laguna Greeter Eiler Larsen. The bearded Greeter, now a rather frail 81. has ha d lo spend much of his summer in a hospital fig:htin,I! lhe Uls of the flesh that come with age. with the strength of his spirit. which seems unquenchable. Doctors say he cannot return to the rnom at the 1-lotel Laguna that has been hi.~ home in recent years. nor to his greeting post on the strce! rorner. He musl be where lhere is readily available nursi ng care. someone Generic Nanie Ca1i Be a Se1na1itic Si11 G ydney J. Harri~ "! l Noticing 1he playbills I broughl back from a theater.going trip lo New York this spring. one of my children remarked that none of the theater.~ I attended was located fJn "Brnadway ·· I explained that •·Broad"•ay"' "'as JU~l a generic name fnr tht> Ne"' York !healer, and thal .actually 9:> percent of the thcalers 11re nn side streets in the <!O's. In the samr 1v~.v. even during the he~· day of the mo1iies . Lherl!. "'ere on!.v one nr tv.·o studios 1n "Hollywood." The resL v.·ere in nthf'r ~uburbs nf Los An - geles. but the v.•hole ind ustry was refer- red kl as "Hol!yv.·nod." Like1vise, we still ~peak or "r-.1adison Avenue" a~ the locus nl !he advPrtis1ng bu siness. "'hen three-fourths nf the b1~· gest agencies are on Lcxinglon or Thtrd Avenue or olher st reets than ii<ladisnn . THERE IS a 1remcndous psycho\Qg t<C al need to codily and ca1egor1ze and 1ab£1 all things . r:ven "'hrn 1hr labrt d'lC!sn'I correspond to reaht~· This begins a11 a handy device . bu! it nften rnd.~ 1n 0ur 1ak- 1ng the lahel fnr the reah!y -"·h1ch 1~ one or 1he grea1 srman11c sin~ 1n human con1municat111n \Ve can ser the rlangrr r!r;irty 111 c;1w h popular medical term~ as "hear1 attack" Dear GJ00111v G us Tn thos,. L;;igunans gutlt.v of cr11rl· 1v Ln ;;inimals: Therr's snmf'!,hin~ sO verv drr;;1dful. ~n satanic in tormeniing lhose ...,.h\l havr. never harmed us. who can'!. defenrl them.~e h•es, and "'ho are utterly in our po"·er~ -C. O'Jll. t~,. l••turt rf•lt<'l "•ff•" v•tw>, n•I ~eceut,.1¥ !Ill>~ or Ill• n1w11111r. ,..,~ •our 11! ooov1 le GIM"'• Gu" 0111~ ,.1191. nr "f'ancer" -which ;irr nftrn Im· prrcise, m1.c;lead1ng and frightenini: label.~ of htt Je clinical valut. \\lha1 the puht lc lno.~rly c11lls a "heart ;itl;ick" can hr ;:iny Onf' n( <I half-dozen <1iffercnl ailment.c;, .in .c;ome of wh ich !ht.: hearl mt1y be only casuall y involved. And •·canrer'' i.~ a ~en('rtc namf" for a. variety nf mahgnanl .i:rowth~. ran,t:- ing fr om 1he ~sily lreatable to !ht 1n- l'Urable. Ru1 most nf us respond tn the word rather than to Lhe medical actuality. YOU .MAY RECAl,l. the: s1nry of the v.•oman "'hn returned In th e doctor's or- fi ce a week ;ifler sl1e had taken a 1est there. "Ah . J\1r~ ,Jones," said 1he doc!or . ··1 havr goorl nell's for you ." "My nam~ t~ ~Ii~~ ,Jones." ~a1rl !he w\lman. "Wr.1 1. i\1iss ,Jnnr.s," rPplird the doctor, "1 have l)aO new~ fnr yo11 .. An<1. or C'(lllr."r. 1he C'lass1c .~tnry ;ib<iut. lbP. 11·ay v.•e llve hy labels more th.:in by rcal11y cnncer1t~ thr nld peasant whose farnl "'RS (HJ. 1he. R.u~s1an ·Pnlish Jxirder durinJ: !hf' IOng ronfl1ct bet11·ccn those; ~tales A:<: thr ha1tlrs C"nn!1nuert back and forth. his land kept changing sides. from Russ1;i In Poland. and back a~a1n, Finally. 1hp Pnle!i c·onquerr<1. anrl a3 lhP .:innv lrft. lhr rnmniandinli!: nff1cer ;i.~sured ihc f;innrr Jh:H hP v.·;:i~ now .~ale· ly anrl pcnnanrn11} 1n Pnl1sh trrri1ory '·Th;;ink l.nrl ." ~a1rl lhP farn1f'r "NOii' no more nl th ose 1ernblr Ru.~s1an 11'1ntrr~·" Inside Develop1lients \\'ASHI NGTON -Presidrnt Nison 's new economic policies. "'hich 11·11\ aHrct the pocke;tbook of e\'ef)' Amenran, are 5ti1J being shaped in the ba ckrooms of Washington. He~ arc the 1nsidr de1·elopmcnts . -The President has o rdered lh~ necessary pre.para· lions to extend the wage · price • renl freeu order al lhe end of 90 days. He will lak e; annther look al the economic indicators and will e::i:amine the e"fnr cP· ment problems bdorf! he decides whe!her to continue !he; free;u -THE PRESIDENT has expressed private concern thal the; U.S. ml'l,V become a secnnd-clas!I Pconon1ic power unless producli\'ily L~ increased. Thi.!i means Ame;rl can managers and ·wnrker~ must boost their flUtpul or the t:.S ""''ill be surpassed by the world's fl ther great Industrial n8tion~. Already, !he harder workinf!'. .Japanese and (-.ermans h11ve produeed better gon<1~ lnr 11"5.4' cost. Thtir incrr a~ 18le.t have forcrd Amer ican plants lo &hul down and have thrown Amuican wnrkers mil of jnbfi:. H ~hr t.rt.nd continues. thr: Prr:sident fears. the U.S. will W IU lltanding as the world's erealt ll lndWilrial power. INSIDERS SA\' the President fashioned 111~ new ecnnomu;. program without con!ull!ng V1re Pre;sidrnt AgnE"'· •ho heads the C"btnet Council on EeooomJc Policy. The Vice Pre5idcnt v.·a3 { \Jack Anderson I . .., in \'ol v<'rl in !hr cnunc1r.~ rron{lmic riehberations, but hr wasn ·r brnug h! 1n nn the final planning Hr v.•asn'I even invi1e;d tn Camp Dav1rl for thr discussinn~ that !erl to the PresJ11enf'~ dr11mat ir an· nouncement. A spokr.sn1an poin1 ed 0111. of cour11". thal A;::new hri!' no direct responsibilil~ ror fiscal pnlicy. -ONE \\'110 partu:.1pated 1n the <.:amp !)avid rti scussion:i; was T re. a s 11 r y Undersccrpta ry Paul Volrker, .:i former \•ice pre$1drnt nf Chase J1,1anhatlan Bank. \\'ho ill regardrd inside the Treasury Dep;irtmenl a~ a champ1nn nf the bank- ing 1nteres1S. ll may be significant tha1 interest rates v.•r.re e.xempte.d frnm rhe frep1.e. order. B;:ink.!i ran gn nn boostin~ their prnf1t~ thrrrfnrr, ""'hi\f~ wages, prices and rents 11re frozen . -PRESIDENT NIXON t~ rcpnrled 1.n be parliru larly up~tt over the opposition nl AFlrCIO Pres1rienl GeorgP i\1eany to his econnmic mnve.~. The nld c11rmud11enn nf !he laOOr mo11emenl ha~ heen surly in the harkronms, In the; Brnn~-acctnltd language nf lhe plumber he once was, he lia~ brnk.e n up morf' than nn c meetin1t "1th 1\r1m!n1s1ra1 1nn offici al:i; hy s:rump1n.11: !hat th e; Pre.o1ldcnt h.:i~ mish11ndlrd the rrnn111nv Alltr 11 reren! ~rss1n11 wl1h Lllbor 5r<'retary .J;ime.c lfMi:~on . f.l can y dourly relused to pose \\'Ith him <or p1rtu res. lo supervise bili meals and medication. Eiler . or course. will have none of this talk and 1n· nounces with conviction that he "·ill ".soon be as good as ever:" Meanwhile his friends are riulelly arranging !or his care when he leaves the hnspilaJ . Perhaps, if he ran be in Lag una, even without as much indepcnrl ence as be- fo r~. the Greeter will be as happy as "'e. will be to greet him home. t\nd if ht!i 1·o nv1ctinn Is C'orrf't.I. as It us ua\Jy has been. he just may sneak out and deliver a "Halloo" or two. orders or no orders. End tl1 e Guessing Games Once more pointing up the. need fnr completing and adopting an ordinance that would permit planned resi- dential developments (PRO), the l~aguna Bearh Planning ('nmmission this v.1ee_k unanimously denied a new pro· pns'al for suC'h a dtvelopment. Properly owners in the Skyline T>r1ve-Pat1ric area, "'here the 28·a!'re developmenl "'as proposerl , joined in vigorous npposilion to the plan presented by a Los An· ,geles developer. \·le sought the apparently 111ndes1 den si ty nf about lv.•o dwelling units per acre and a plan lha1 would cluster houses on a common lo t line. leaving c1 uantlties of open space between. But he failed to convince either the pub- lic or the co n1m issioners that the development was de- sirable. Undoubtedly the wo11l rl ·be developer and his e n· gineer put a ~ood deal of 1in1e an d effort into preparing "'hat they must. have considered an :tcceplable plan. '!'hey gue,.;sed v.1rong. / ~ .. ' ""--' ..:l>< ..... If the PRO ordinance. no"' undrr.i::o1 n.i:: 11.~ u1nr1een th revision. could onl y he C'omp!eted and put on the hooks, th ese guessing game$ should nil ln nger be nr.ressar.v and perhaps .~ome rational ;ind aesthetically pleasing developments could be achieverl 5 'THE IDEA IS TO CONTOOL IT WITHOUT B~EAK.JNG ITS SPI RIT.' Eniergency Actioti Pleases Burtis Objective: General Price Stability ~'ASHJNC.TON -ThP chairm11n nf lhP. Verleral ReservP Ro;ird , Dr. Arlh11r F. Burns. Is fminenlly ple;i~erl w it h President N ixon '.~ rn1ergency action nn the stat". of the economy, and righ!ly .~n. Ha rdly-anything alluded to by Ot. Burn~ in his state.mcnt to the .Joint Economic Committee nf Congress on July 2.1 wa.-. left oul of the President's new econ0m1c policy. If Dr . R11rns' i11flu. rncf' cnntinUC'.<1 tn hP l'nntrolling. rhe. Nix- on artministrdlinn will devise in rh,. prese;nt 90-rla y wagP· price freeze period ~ m n re perm.ane ni. me c h::in is m tor check1nR waRe anrl price 1nrreases. ;.:) ' . . This 1.~ what Or. Rurn!\ v.•.:int s. !hr bcginnin~s of an "incomes policy," 111 make 1he transition !n general price stability. Such stability 1s admittedly ii long way ctO\\'n rhe road Therefore ]1 is rcasnnablP !n 1·nnrl11rlr I ha! a new n1r.chan1srn fnr ""'age-prier <'Ontrol i~ likely lo brt•nn1e ;i rlurabl, feature_ and this is 11 radical drparlure frnm past policles_ POLITICAL SE~tANTI CS being what. they are. the President and his srcret.ary Ri chard Wilson Qf the treasury can say they never will J:!n for wage-price control. They can eve n n1aint ain that the present freeze is nnt. wa.i::e-pr1ce con trol. \.\'hen the.v speak th is w;;.v the y can bf' referring if) !he rigid mechanisms f)f \Vnrlri \Var II, wilh ra· t1nn1ng 1nrluderi, 11nd ~wear tha! i1 shall ne\•e_r h;ippen again, at least 1n pearPl1m e_ H.:i v1 n~ ~a 1rl all lh1.~. they can !hl'n !urn In wh;it Or. Aurn!' v.•anL~ which r.~ snmeih1n g mnrr lhan jaw.Onni nr;:: or J:Uidehne~ :ind srimet hing less 1.han wagr- rrire rcgulal!nn which he .,.,, 1 11 undouh1edJy outline 1111 gre;iter exp!irfl· ne.~.~ durin,11: lhe !lO·day freez.r sn 1hat. thrre will be something 10 put into effect follnw ing 11. Whri!ever thr v.·nrrls 11sf'ri !(I describe i!. !he new rncchanism to be effective will h;<vr tn be respecter! by lhf' major tn· du slr1es of lhe coun tr,v. RlJT, ~1()RE THAN THAT, ii will h;ivp !\l he rrspected b.v lhe major labor un1nn~. Dr Aurns suspects tl;at there ha.~ been a gradual shift of pa v.·er at the har~ainin~ t;:1hle in f;:ivnr nr lahnr . Manage1 nent representative.~ have been c;;iv ing in v.•ilh regularity , fearful of lo.~· in.Ii: preferred markel positions through long strikes and aware that pu blic welfare programs can be used to sustain men on the picket lines . The result has been 11 sharper tha n usual increase in wa,l!e5 immedialel.v fnllnwrd by prire increases 1n a st agna n! ecnonmy, V.'hirh 1~ Againsl All thP rule,~. ThP condition f1r. Burns ha.<i be-en rlescribing . t1lthnugh !he.se. arf! nn1 hi .<1 words. 1.~ that nf cnllectivr b<1rgain ing in whirh l;ibor runs nrr with all the bllrgain.~ while prier,<; risr. prnfils f;ill and unemployment. incre11se.o1. An inrome!I policy, Al thi!I stage cf the proceedings, must mc:tn primarily the rPslrain! (lf ma,ior industry wage in· crease.~ 11nd secondarily the; restraint nf price i ocre;:ise.~. That i.~ nol popular. Ma- jor indu.~try labor negotiators havt. i;:otten their bargain!' :tlready lhi.<i year in thf' form or wa ge incrc;ises of 12 percenl and more in the rirs1 year and mounting up in the second 11nd third years. Tfff. HARO "'ACT THAT the Nixon arl· ministra!il)n has i;0l to lace after !he price freP7.e is ended Is 11 shnwrlown v.·it.h organized labor or else admit that ii can· not t·(lpe v.•ilh "lht · mnsl d1rficu ll pcnnomlr issue of nur time.'· A presidential election year 1.~ a b11ri time to have to dn this but Nixon ha! nn A!lernat ive unles5 he desires anothrt frustrated "game plan." Organ1u::d labor v.·ill be defi ant Ir th, .~tatements nf its leaders cnmmenting on !he Nixon program are. ;in indic;1t1nn . Nlxnn is accused of discrim1nat iol'I a,l!ains! v.·nrker.~ while g1v1n~ indus!r.v .. lax bonanza . 11lthou~h !hf' inve!itment r;i~ credi t i.<; n11t a bonanza hut 11 devic• rn stimulatt emplnymPnt . TWO PURPOSES were f'\•1r1rnt 1n N!l · nn '~ fin;il rleci.~ino In rlepllrl from h1!i rin- ;;iclion policy 11nnnunt•rd hy Srcretar.v Connally only 111 rew weeks t-artier. Thf' first w;1.o1 tn rhanRe the inf!atinnarv p:i;ychology of !hp c.:ountry iind 1mp;irl rnnlidence 10 cffecti11r ;1cl1nn hy !h"' ~overnmen1 , The succe.~:i; nr that pur po.c;" will be measured if inrcresl r11tes com 11 down. The .~c:cnnd niflJOr purpose wa.~ In impose a star.:Js!ill on wages and pricP~ for a three rmnth~ pfriod during whicfl new machinery coulrl be de11isccl to ron· lrnf wage and pr ice n1nv£menL<i. The. ~11r.· ccss nf thi:i; pt.rpose will hP rne.:i~ured hy lhe effectivenP.,i;s of any new mechanism •n arrestin.11: escalafing wagcs leading tn escalaling pn<:t:s. Relations With Japan Are Souring An un1nrent1nnal rrsult of r reslrlrnf J\'ixnn'.~ Ping-Pon11: d1plnm.:irv and nPw rconnmic plan ha~ brPn tn pu~h ,l ap;in f'lnsrr In builr11ng nucl£:i r 11·rarinns. Thal .lapHn l1:1s thf' !P('hn1!';il ~11(1w-ho11· 1n .1n1n ~hf' nuclear rh1b is 11111 rl nuhlri1 l 11111 nnw. hn11•pver. a 1!1rnsh1m;i r·nn1plr~ h11 s inadr ;itornir ""'c;iponry poli!iral ly 11n;:1r- cep!ahle . MnrPOVer .. lap:in hris hcl•n .:ihlr lo rely 11n !he Lnlled SLa!!'S fnr 11 s drfrnse . Flu! ·Tokyn is havrni;: tn rr1·icw nld 11ssumritions in !hr wake nf Prrsidenr. Nixon·s decisions 10 visit mainland Chin;:i ;ind to disC'nurage ,J;ipanf!~P rxpnrl.~ to I.hf' L·.s. with a !O percent surcharJ::I!. In :iny futurP shov.,dnv.•n bctv.•rrn .fapan anrl Chin:>.. for example. rnuld T n k y n 11 u1nma!ica ll,v ;issume that !hr Un1tf'd Stairs ...,·nulrl takP .fapan 's side~ And dopso't Ni x:on 's new China pol!cv confi rm the 1·iew that only nati\ln~ with nucle;:i r By George --~ Drar George: l ;im ii Republican . r onser1•alivr , nlrl-fash1oned and a teetotaler Mv ,i:irl is Democral. ::i hipfliP. modern and loves hiJ?h lil,inl! ~1y prohlcm i:i; this, Do vou think we h;i1•r a rhance or waiking in h;irmon.v rtnwn life"s p;:ithway? \VONDERING Df>.11r \\'nnde ring : Don 't be apol o~elir about be1n~ 11 Republican and maybe nobody will n:otice I:H-ar r.eor.i;P I think your llrlv ice l.n ,!o!lrl~ wa.~ rrett.y stupid. abnu1 never lettini:: lht' J!:UY kiss hrr on the fir!'ll rnuplP of dates. ~ly wife .11nrl I oel'er harl 11 rl3!t' befor~ wp Wl':fP married . .11nd nov.· she slaps me every niRht v.•hen I ~et home from v.·ork. ~iinrl y11ur ov.·n business' FURIOUS Dr11r Furious : t:h . artu.111ly. 1 rl 1rtn '1 mran 11 ,l'.!lrl shou ld ne\'tr kis~ if -nn SPcnnll th011i;ht. forget ii An .v morP adv1cf' t11 ei!hrr nf .vnu i~ just ~01ng Lo rom plirale m<'ltlers furthf'r. • Editorial Research 11r;;[l0n~ ;irr ennc;Jdf'rrd "bi~ powers'' worth.I' nl rCS[lCCI" Tl-IE SOURI NC. OF' relation~ bc.1wecrt .J:ipan and lhP United States 15 one of thP mnsl dangcn'H15 1 n I e r n 11 I Jn n .a I <Jpve lopments in rrrenl years. Jl,lutu;:1I trust is l;:ickins:. Tokyo (Pars a reali,l!n- mPnl nf (orces in the Far Eas1 pitting !ht. Unil eri Stales ;i nd Chin11 againsl, .Japan . Chinf'SP Prrmier Chou En·lai l'nmura,l!f'd thr.~e (ears in his recent conversation with Ne v.· Ynrk Timesman James Restnn, Chou·,. f'Omplaint .~ aboul & possible rrsurgrnrP JJf .Tapanesf' mi!Jtarism sug- J.!.CSled Iha! hP. migh! be. see;king 1 US,· Ch1n;:1 alignmi>nt ;ii;ia1ns! Tnk yn. Fail ur P nr 1ht N1x0n ,1(1min is trat1nn tt1 rnnsult v.•ith its all y, .lapin1. tn adv;inrP or tt1P China !rip r1cri.~inn ha!i nnl~· !ierv,.d l\l lncre2.~r Tok.vo·.~ al arm. Almost in rlcsperallnn. .Japanrs" lrarlcrs a r P maneuverin~ ror .oi 1·lsit. from President "Nixon before hf! ,i:oe~ tn Peking , .J;ipan 's amhass ador to !he Vnilrd Slates. Nobuhikn Ushiba, told I.he Na- tional Pre!is Club on Au,e. 11 : "The l')l'lly remedy for the prevailing .Japa11ese at .. mosphcre of uncasine~s i.~ to stiow how closely and effttlively the. t.wn nation:;i coord inale ttleir polif'iC!i and ~pert1lr with each other in the course of f'Oming e11ent!i. ·· .JAPAN 'S MILITARY raplbility :.l present is limited to "self-defense; force!i" Peril to Basic Freedoms ThP mrnacin~ shape of the fa rm la bor or.':an1zing drive became clear in lht long, rtra"·nou! California lablt grapt 00,\'CO!L ' Tl1r 1hreat nf thi.~ 1.YP«' of organiz.in~ t11clic to U.S. consumers. farm worker~ and ai;lricul tural productivHy is described 1n a pnticy statement nf the. American F'.iirm BureP.u F'ederation. The state;ment SR,Y!I: ''Bnycnlt~ of 11grlcultural products by l11bor unions effe;ctively f n re c I Cl s t marke;l! fnr entire commodities whether nr not ind iv idua l producers may be_ in- ,,nlved ln a labor dispu~r hire any 111bor 1111 :ill-and whether or not worters "'ant to jnin the union .••• "WE RECOGNIZE product boycotts lls merkel seizures that hive .asmmtd many of the ch11racte;ri!llic11 of M>cial revolution directe;d not only at lht destniction of fl'lr!'ll markcl!! bu1 lht. de:strurllon of 1he markel system itself. Elements l)f lhl' boycot l leade~i p have optnly called fnr land rrfnrm pallerned after L~ lints of l.at in American ('(ln fisc11tlon of priv11tP property .••• agriculture and the nation Guest Editorial \ . musl aw;i:ken to this peril which begin~ with an 11ssaull on f.trn1ers' markel!i And l'lln tnd in tile de;structinn nf our market economy." THE AMER ICAN F'11rm Ru re 1 u Fede;ratinn ~lron,i:ly ~upporls the enact· menl of n11tinnal lcgi1lation aove;rnin~ farm ·worker relation!!-legisl11inn that recognize!ll the; dlslinctive problems of agriculture. Tht Firm RureRu 0Uer1 1pecifk: ,Wdellnes lo 11chieve thi~ ertd In the development nf fa rm·labor legildation. Emphasl., is on volu marism And the prr.. t«tion of the ri,i::htr; of both wor kers 11ntt producers. lts recommend11 tit n!i are in liJie with the princlpll' nf rnn!umer frte «'.:ho I c ~ and lhr rf'quirement.' of 1gricultur11.I product1vity \ttelu1trlal New1 Review lhar i1rr mocle~r In nii!urr .\.~ "' ernnomir and cultural in flurnrr ~prra rl ~ lhrou_i::hnut Ea~1 As1i1 . Tnkvn 1.\ lrmritrri In IP! lhP ;irmed fnrrr~ kcrp p::i.r·r Arul .l::i.pan h::i.s rnmr 1n rr;;i1i7,p tha! .~nmr 11f ii~ claims 1n rhr F:as1 Chin;i Sf';i m::i.1· p11L it into ronfronl'illlnn 1r1lh 1n;:11nlan11 fh1n~. At is.~ur ;ire rhc Srnkak11 lsl:inrls .. whH'I\ Chlo;i rl;iims hu1 which .Jap11n in1cn0,\ In fil kf' over at the 1.lmc nf re11f'rSinn nf th~ Ryu kyus tincludinp: Oldnawa1 in 19i2 . The 1<eabed Bn1und !hes,. lslanrl~ 1 ~ bPl!evcd to be rich in oil -.a rrsourr"' which (Iii.poor J apfl n musl cxplnil. Peking's People ·.~ Oaily last winlrr warned Thal the isl;ind~ v.·err "Chin;i '' sacred lrrritory." VP! .Japan's Oefrn~I' Director General, V;>.~uh1r11 N;:i k;:isonf', h:>.• lisred the islands in thr ~cnpr of .J;ipan '• defense. Furthe;r compticatini;: lhP sltu11 • lion. lhe Natinna lisl ChinPse i;invrrnment And Sooth Korea silsn fire jrx:keying fnr pnsition on the 1<;a:i;t China Sf'a·~ ron• lincntal shelf .. Japan no lnn,(!er ran rount ::is read ily on Uncl,. S;im lo protect Hs in· le;rest~ in ,<;uch disputes. An all.ernalivr, nr rourse. is to i;!;ir! huilctini;: up ii~ own muscle fnr !he game of pnwe;r pnlit ir.~. DAILY PILOT Robrr1 N. Wet"d , Publishrr Thnmn.s Kee vi/. 1'.:dlfnr A/bi>rr \V. Bnlr.~ f:d1to11(ll Pnue F.dlto•· Thi' l'fhlorl11I piia"' 11f lhf! 011 1ly P1tn! ~,,.~ to 1nfn rm J1Jni1 ~11mul111"" l'f'/1111- .,.r!I b:-o prPvnrini: 1h1-. nrW~Pl'Jll'r'!I nritn10nc .!Ind romm,.nt~ry nn 1nr1M nF Jlllt'~81 11111'1 !l:;:n1fiC11nrP, hy flrt'- \•ldlnC: i1 lnrum lnr :ht txrirr.o.sinn nl nur rea clrr,i;.' nr11n1nn!, .11tl'I hy pr,.- ~f"nttn.i:: 1ht dive;rst 1•11>wf'l('l1nt~ nf 1n· rnrml'CI nb~rrvP,.. snd 1poke~mtn on IOJllCj of the d•Y- Friday. Augus l 20. l!l71 ult '" "' her th• ·nn. ion ' '" ,, ,,. ,~ ar.Y "' ary "' th• II• ,, ,, not nl "' '· 1r M " h• 72. " ,. '" ,., " •• ,. . nt '"' n• "' in- '· • Boost N eeded Tax Rise Halted By Nixo11 Freez e SACRAMEf\11'0 I UPI l Calil'.ornians will be ~pared 11 slate tax increase during th~ 90-da y v.·age-price freeu but * f.r f.r will hr hit wil h onf' soon 111· ttrwarri. Gov. Rooald Rea- gan·!! chltf fl~ral Ad viser pre· dieted 1'hursday. State FinanCe 0 i r r r 1 n r Nixo11 Mo ve s· Blasted Verne Orr {'flnrturled fhP. rree1,e v.·ill nnt ha vr a "measurable impacl" on the Californ ia treasury. B y \'eci chers' U11ion But he empha~izeil durin.c. .11n intP.rv 1ew "we 'rtt gnin.i: tn nf'f'd new r e v e nu t ~ rej!ardless" of \\"hether lhe free7,e hl'!ps nr hurls thr sta1 e·s fiscal cond1liC1n. SAN FR ANCI SCO rUPl 1 - Th,. Ameri<"an FederR linn nl Te::irhers. l'PSpond1n,1: In Prcsj. drn1 Nl~(\n's \\'a ,{! f' pr IC' e frf'P~.r hf.can a dn\'e 1od:11 10 raise ::i $! m1ll ln11 "pnlit1ral 11·ar rhc~1 ·· In nus t Nixon 1n lhf' 1!172 election.~ "lt 11·ilr hf> used tn h:i('k \\'hat.Cl'<'r na!tnnal randidiltP, nr tearn nf <'andida tes. prn· mises t.n he !he most f;ivnr;ihlE" In erlucalinn." AF'T President Dil1'id &>Iden said . The l\FL-CTO a ff i 1 i 11 t e, v.·hich represents 250.000 nf ihe rrit.olry·.~ lrachcrs. apprnvrd lhr funrl -r;:iisin,'t effo rt Thur."- d?.~· at it !'i !'15th ::inn11at cnn- l'ent inn as a part nf a resolu- Unn cnndemnin~ N1xnn·!'i nrw ecnnnmic: pl:in. The rrsnlu1 inn railed thr v.·age-price c n n ! r n I s a .. devastating hln >A' ;i J: a i n s t education. teachers a n d v.•orkers throughoul the coun- lr.v. ·• Selden s.:i id the war chPst n1oney would hf' r .:i 1 s P d lhrough '' o 1 u n t .:i r y rnn- lribu linns. The rnnvcnl inn·~ 1.2!ln dele~;:itcs were .:i.~k eri to make lhP firs! rnnl rihufinn.~ tnd;:i v .:it thP. fin;il session or the five-da y mertini::. L::i helini:: 1 h e w;:i ge-prirr frce7.c h o I h .:in "un· c on sc ionable'' ;:in d ''disrriminatnry'' <.>.".'.1. by !hr President. the union rc;if- firm cd in its resolution it.~ trad itional J>Olicy of urt:in,oi locals 1n follov.· .:i pol icy nl no contracl-nn wnrk. Disc J ock v Imprisoned Locals v.· h l r h completed negotiations prior (II thr wa.l(r- price free1.t werf' urged to in- sist \11)(1n the payml'nl nf bnth ~.:ilary schf.'du!e increments and increases. Sta le Fair Opens Doors In Capital SACRA 1\1ENTO I APl -The 1 IRlh Californ ia :;;t,:ite Fair npenerl a 20.day run today 1•:ith at tractions ranging from a hnl Pants cnn!esL In a farm machinery shn"' lo monn rnc k.s brought back on Apollo It Thirl.v girls h,:ive entered the Maid nf California contesL with tke v.•inner , who will reign over the fa ir, In be sele<'led rnnighr A former Mri irl of Calilnrni;i , in l!l.')11. is RaquP.I Tej;:id::i, nnw knn\\·n .:i s R::1quel Welch, the movie acr ress. ln .:irlditinn tn !hr f'Xhib11~ .:i nd amuse1nent p.:irk :i l'e.:i, thf're wil l be livestock shows. rnden performances and 14 d11ys of thoroughbred ra ci ng. Attendrince is expec1 cd t!'I hi l one million during the run nf the fai r. being held al !he S2.'l million California Ex- posi!inn and Fair site opened in l!lfill. Admission V.'llS frrr un11l ~ p.m. today aft er Which !he chargf "'RS $.I each for adults :ind 50 cents for children 7 to 11 years nld. Altho11i;::h taxes wall onP thin~ President Nixon did nn! freeze. Orr i;:aid f'l'en if !hr s1ate wan!ed rn it f'CIUld nCll meckanicall.Y i m p n ~ r ;:id- r1itional 1.:i x e~ during the 90- day perind. Virtually ever_v slate public official fro1n Reagan to the mos! iuoinr !egislalnr hari Agreed berore the free~.,. lh::il rht st::1te wnulri ha ve lo suhstantiall y r.:iise taxes thi s ye ar for I.he first timf' ~ince l!lfi7, when they were boosted by a record SI bilhon. The amount of new !axe~ is estimatP.<I at from $.100 million In SI billion, depending upon "'htther the i;tate decides to just balance the budget or alsn moves lo help .chools. rai~ civil servanr~· salaries and provide property lal relief. Two I.axes ~·hich stand lhf' he.<;f, bf.'I nr bein~ raised art" ppro;onal inr(lme and salts. 1,1•hich nnw prnvidt the sl;:ilp v.·ith 5:1 prrcenl nf its revenuP. Rea.c,;;n 11 n d le,gisl::itive le.:iders havr riesignated taxe.~ ;:i.~ ~heir I.op priority when they return from a three-week vac.:ition after Labor Dav. Orr's preriiction that Prc.~i­ den t. Nixon'l'i free zP. 1,1•il l ha ve no "measurable in1 part" nn sla1P: rrventJe.o. contra ~t~ v.·ith !he fnrrcasl nf al leas1 nnP other s!.:i1 t. Gnv. Marvi n 1\1.:in-1 ri el or M.:iry!;inri ~airi Thursda " hi' ~t.:i l e may ha 1·P. tn raise laxt:!': In nrr~et .:in expected in- come tax loi;s. Fo1: Sl a ying B11gg~ Bid Nixed LOS ANGELF.:S r UPI 1 - •u sed Car' Too For Aivoy n 1sr Jockey Harvr.v "Htimhlr Har\'·• l\.1il!r.r. whn said h i.~ v.·1fr. 1aun1cd him !n ,i.:rt his .iiun and shrot hrr. "'a"' ~rn-RAKERSFIEL(), C <i 11 r - tUPI 1 -In ,11 letter a u"'f'<i cri r !rncrd Th ursda~· In 1i1•e .''('::ir.~ Center in Houston, wrnl.e the nn!e nf rejection. explaininJ: 1r. lifP 111 pri.~on for .c;rcnnd !'al r~m;:in v.·nuld bP prnuri nf, dr;:?rrr mllrrlrr lhe sp::i1·p Rgency ha"' rr,1Pr!rd Iha! lhi> vehicl" lefl nn the n1non ha~ nnt vr1 hcrn drr lared i;:nvernmen.t surplu!'.. thr hi.c,h bid fnr irs abandoned l\.1i!ler. :lfi . \\'hn pl,:iypd rnrk Apnllo ta mnonh u.i:i::y. "I am !'.ure if 1he vehicle \\'nu ld br offered for salt'. i!~ ~cl!inii: price would h.:i vP !o l,:ike inln rnn.~idrrat inn its lnw mile.:i;;:t. i1"~ e ~celle nt cnn· ditinn 11nd a l.~n The fact th.:11 11 i.~ Yimf' 2!'!f1,l!Oll mile.~ lrnm Parl h." (iilru!h wrole.. "Rul ynu v.·ill ~er!11inl.1• hr mnt:ir!ed if it ever bctomes :t l'ailable In lhr pu blic" m11.o;:ic nver r:.rl10 .c;1atinn KH .l. Rnh tl1 e;irs. owner nf the !nlrl Superior Cnurt ,Jud,l!P 5p;:ire ARP Alarm Cn hl're. ;\tlhur 1.. A\;i rron hP al rradv rPrently nffP.red SR.onn for I.he h.:id been scntencrd v.·hcn hr lun;ir rol'er 1f Jr WP.re hrou i;::hl. .c;hn! h i~ 11·ifr. f..·l::1r11. !;:i~1 ~1;:iv )).:ir k tn p;:irth H1"' "'"~ nnr of ; He .~a iri hP fa red' a "lifrt1mP srvrr.:il hids frnm throughout nf rr.c,rrL remorse and .~nr· the 111nrld. rn"· Dr. Rnlwrt Cllru1 h. d1rPrlnr ln 1n1po!=.1nt. !hr ~rntrnrr . nf lhP t-.1anncd ~p.:ire Fliii:ht Alarrnn rrrnrnmpnderi Mill Pr -------- lw p;irnlrrl riftrr the n1inimum lt rm v;,:i.c; .~rr1·t"d \filler ont:1n:i!lv p\r11(1crl 11.uillv hut la.~1 11·cc k inri1ratrri hr 11·as ~nin e In rh.:i ngr hi~ plra tn innnrrnf Hr 11·::is scntr nr rd .:i f!f'r hr tnlrl rhr .i11r!ge he \\':.ntC'rl hi.~ nrig1n:i! p!r;i In s1.:i n<I tn 11 ha nrl\1'fi1trn li~-p.:iJ::r ~t.:ilemenl r..tillcr submitteri tn lhr prnba1ion clcpartmf'nl. he s;iid he br !icvcrl h i~ wife "'""' h:ivini; .:in affair v.·i1h hi s hesl friend and ht fr lt "like a. ~!ef\­ prd-nn <1nt I w.:is rhe cnmple!e rnol " (In !hr mnrn1n i;:. nr lhr killinii: In thPir Hrillyv.·rorid I/ill~ hnme . l\'til!er 1iaid hi~ 'l'ife r ame hnml' anrl lhc" .:iri::ued Hr s.:iirl she launlerl hi m In .~hoot . her and "I rouldn 'I st11 nr! ii Anvmnre. I ran int o rhr li\dnii: rntim anil p:nl the R:un from next In rhe fi rf.'place." Hi~ ~·ife said rhat ·if he did nnt use it nn her. ~he v.'nuld u ~r ii nn him. Miller s::1 \r1. Shr _1.!ra.hbhed fnr !ht v.·e.:ipnn .:incl "! pulled h.:ick from her and pu!lf'd thr lri~i;:cr ,'' l\liller sairl hf' 11imcd In (Int ~idr "but ~he. jumped right in· In !ke J(un." U N l T EI> S T A T ES :\/A Tlll l\/A I, B A .'\/ K SOUTH COAST PLAZA ,RANCH NOW OfllM SATURDAYS ' '" I fl ,M, MOM.·THUll.S. 111·5 fl .M, llJllDAY5 111·6 '."4 . 17141 540·511 1, Lec"t•tl h1: 5•. Ce•tl flll'r•, Ceate lilH• H. M. STOLT E ••••••••••• •• •• • o o o o o o llUKE NEW AIR CDMDITTDNED o o o 0 o o o o l.l. CONYENTION·EIHIBITION CENTER llel.ls ..... .NewSt!lle HOME SHOW~ NOWthru AUG.29 IU.lf'l'OID -A .......... .._, ..,.,.. __ .... -.... -·""""' ... ~ -· A 11nt m1y 11 '~"· chorm, ....... millll•t i• ... bi( llln ••.. tlr1 1lll•at1 it ldus for ...... 1¥111 FDR mRYONE! *** IRTHllllXCmNGF!Al\JRn ~ ..,.. ..,..,,...,._ CC*l'UTlll llOtlS - ~~--""'""""tA ._ '"' ,,,_,,,.,.., -,._. '"' •tc• .,. ...-OOr ....., "' ,._ c ... INCfeol. ~ -_,. --Cllt:A""' ~ -M -- ••• l(lo~ "'"" r-. e-.--94 .. -... ... _ ~ -_......,. -...1111 ~...-.. -WIUI -Sii-"'° ltloM ....i .... .._ .... ~ ............ -i.. -- unn&, W•lCM -~fl-, -.._. ..... .,. _ ... -lpo"" ..... ...,. --... ""'. , . .,,...,., -"" .. -----CIM. t--'"""' !lo"' .ti ... ~ ....... -............. _ Uonl''I WOl'Yl'f .... _ ...... 0., --··· 5pof'a- -.·1 o.., .1o-7 .. -· .... llMC,..,._ ""'° ...... -"' """'· -· ... --_..,,.. .-.i; ~ Hlfly-- -~" -• 'ftC .... Alll COflllllT10illM , .. _.... COIVEITIOll·EIHIBITID• CEITEll .. ..._,, __ .._. __ _ "°°"9 ~ !IAC.' tt llOO# AO!ll rs "'" -JIMt(JIM .. , • .,,,. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• \ OAJ LV PILOT 1 LIN·IROOK $2 .00 OFFI :Z in 1 REDWOOD GLOSS • Permanent, sui:i -fosl gloss redwood stoin. • Excellent for restoring beauty to old redwood a nd cedar. • It's fix·vp ti me: for fences end yard furni!ure1 $ REG . $7.99 99 SALE! 16 f t, EXTENSION LADDER Ch eck the se fe aturtts: V' 3" "I" beom co nstruct ion. V 1 1/1" sli p proof rurig s. V 5prina loaded steel climbi ng hooks. V Rope & p ul- ley included. V U.L. listed & labeled. pla stic end -cops • """"Mor proof sofety feet. lllf.G. s1 a .99 REMEMBE R . , , IT PAYS TO BUY A BETTER lAOOER I Acrylic Latex SPRED HOUSE PAINT •Applies, d ri es end cleans-up q ui ck!y. • Great for wood, brick, stucco, concrela or primed metol. • Beauty & long term protection 1n hundreds of beau!ifvl color5, REG . $7.99 Endurance HOUSE PAINT •O ne coo l completely covers most surfaces • Non·cholking: for sid in g , tri m & shut!ers. • Combats climole, mil dew ond fume ~. REG . $8.99 YOUR CHOICE GALLON DRIES TO r • j/ A MARO LUST ROUS FINfSM ...... ___ ,,,..Spred Gli de -on - MASONRY PAINT Acrylic • fr.~y lo opply on 1lvcco, mll 10.,ry , b11c~. roncrl!tt , (Ubesto1 1!1inglei nnd rol t •ooh. • One• qu•c kly-, e 11111 weo1!1er, war ~ r, C•n rJ::ng 0' peelon 9. REG. $6.99 HOUSE PAINT • C,1v .. < yov • 11ome o new loo~ w11!1ntJt r!t nling tn e budge1. •No 01m.ri11ng b ru1h drag 01 pull. I f r>1t tlryong redUCll!S bug & dust d omogll!. • Soop & woler cl eon·u,,, REG. $6.99 $59?. latex $59~ DRIPLESS WALL PAINT • C!ingt lo your roller & lloyi on 1),e woll, • Orie1 in 30 minut es ond cleon-up is o brse(I, • White & 6 co!or1, REG. $3.99 $29! . I DAILY 'iLOT Fo1~ tl1 e Record u we• s /Harriage Licenses - M••'••t• lotl n•H "'Ved """ ln<luO~ /,\lo( !.AllEN llFNNIN(',l ll: Jul¥ 11 Wllhl"' C.o,.>on. JS, et 011~1~. ""~ f'•m•lo Lt•. '1 "' N•w""'' fl••<" 5(HAOEGr. ~rnNO JulY 11 , .. ...., •• Jou o" ll o• ""'""'DU"' 1'1<1 c.10101 Jon nt lo ft Wn tmln<!" l'>•lKIN ~M .. YeA -Jul• 11 llo6•r• J n 6,,o """'' "'""· 11 ""'" o• "'"""''n\!f' H •RSA.NY· ... '0011f Jul• 11, ~11Phtn c , 70 •"" K1tnt""' J~•n. 1t. t>o•n ol (OITI M •H WHIT ING·HOLMES Jul• 1 1 • 11 ,cnord. oj, ot W H lmln1l1t, i ncl C1•n1""' E ' ~ ol An1n11m MILLEll:·COTT llELl Jul• ti , Do••d AH•n. II, o1 Wto""'lno!e<, Incl \nco"•I Anl>OM'1f, 11, o! G;tdtn G•o•• TMQVAS·THOM.0.5 -JVlr 11 11!11'\11! J ;1 1...i Mt tY " , 11, oorn ol \'.•11m n1!t • MOYl JE~TEll -Ju" II. P ocr.ud L•>' • 71, ol ~"""'''" Voll••· ono l ne1 t f< l~ o• lo• .o.no•l•t 11.I M M••OV.0.1101 Ju·• 11. flyO• {~1e<n1n, .~. •<>G J <JT!I Al..,,., l• b<>lh ot (n•'• M •lt ~ESl Ell l(A.15A"IS J"I• 11 Donni• O••n. l;. 1n<1 LO<J•H. H. 1><>•n o! W•1lmin .. f', I EN11E!.·BILLI NG5Ll!Y -Jul1 11, tt lcn1rd, U, ol Wu tmln111r, Ind ~1ncv. ,., o• G1rot n g.,,.., "0 81!RlS0N·MA.TlHIWS -J!t•Y 11, O••ld fl . •1. ol Huntln11on 811<n, 1nd (1•01, •I, OI WI<! COYlnl . OPOCl!N51(Y-NUM81!RS -J<JIY It Jo•~p/1 wovn1, 11 , cl cn1•1u1on. S.C. 1nO J11n. ll. cl L11un1 Ille~. ll!<O'l.Ol ·COOK -J~lv "· Mlcn111, u. 01 Hunllnv!on f111cn. 1nd 1(1!nlH n Ii' •• n."' A.n1n•lm. Cl..~IL EY·LITTLE -J uly 11. Ool<t l1• W••n•, H. 0...i S1t1<1•1 Cn1rl1nt. :n, bO!n ol L11un1 811<~. NAll0 1NE·M0111 L05 -Jul• IO, Jenn p . l l, ,..., A lblr11 Norm1 .... l>Oln o! HuMlrgt"" B•a<n C.U"lOEllMA.N·MCELll OY -Jul1 1', WAllv, ,... 01 ..,,,.,1,, ano om1. 11, ot Huntln1ton l11cn. l OL .. N·C ~A Y!. -Jul• 7ll J1m-. J J•. •I.'"" E. J1n1•, •l . l>O!n o! "lun• ""o•on B•1cn l C'1UL T2·MA.50N -J uly l'C. Cnt r1t• ~'""'· ••· o! w .. 1mlr•••t. 1"" P•'"''' Ann. )I. of LOI An9ol10. ,1.0.:0E"'50N GOODE -J ulv l l, 1111, •l. •nd "'°'""'"' t<, Jl. l>Olh o! Coll• •~·""· (1..llll·flMM -Julv ll, Jim~• A.. 11. •n<I 0 •1n1 l!l'111U"lh, It. l>O!h o! "lun· tor;•l'n B1•<h floJl TEllWOot T'1 SPE,itE a Jul• ,1. t<trnfl~. :ll of Lu<••n~ Yl ll••· t ncl Luc.II• G. •l. o! "'''!n"n•l>r H .. ~YEY-FE ll'fl'ELl J ul • 71 M .. 1.n Jorlr, 11. •n<I >.o!nl•en Junt, 11, bo!n (If Hunl•nut"" B••<h "'~Ot<E L •><DB~llG Jui. 11, ••oori L • 11 ond Hrlr n >. . 61, b(ltn <rf "'~""'"'"" l f.At<-8EN50N -Juw ll, Jorln C , O, o! Foun,..n ll~llrv, onO Yir1<n!1 M, <J, of S1nlt """ TYLE'I SPERLING -J"ly ,1, J•mr• M .• '1, ot (0111 M1.,, 1na Ell n(lf M••lt. •.I. ol NtWl>Or! Botch. Dissolutions Of Marriage Sr"'"· P10~,';!'';4 .~:'iYIJn!~a J "•Uorr••d. B•oo~'" J ~na Ea .. ln E o~ttv C:1•al Ann t na cnorlt• Tnom•! C1n t •, L•1'08 F1vr 1n<1 l illy G!~n. Jr. ""''""~'' 01ntr 1n<1 G•IOll " lPff•. Jo>ool'I Ptudtn<1o 1 '><1 YotlOrLI '"" i·~;'!~'l,,~u~ .:~a.;.;"i':.,11nt Mo rc•l lo l(oll•• c1;110•<1 w end M.,;, A Sn1tl<1" J°"n M••lln •n<I f.Olhlr J,,.. .• , Jov<t Ind Ho!to<>CI Gono "1~11. Cn1r1on• H one L•"• L Wjllitm•. l{o""'ln Gtno '""' Oil "!: to••"" Na"on Juho >. t nd Tn...,,., J '"""'"''· A.•lhur E uot~ •n<I Dlllv f.nld De ntli 1''otice.1 t<L!lf.11 lt •n"'~ H l(lt O•<, 01r i.., of tl)·A. w. 1111• ~· Cc"• Ml'>" 0 .. 1 o• "'""• A.u1v11 1', ltll, Su•· .. v1d tiy b•Ol~tr. Fro:! 1{11n~• ol M•nn•>011: 1wo t•1•1r1, 1110 Cf M•nftt >OI• G,.vu io1 n •vl<"· lu ... aav. ltuOu•! 7•. •I II 1 m, St ,.!!llo NO!I.,.,., C•m•'"'• Ln< A"<i•l•'- NG LLEll Jonn N"l•r of 111'1 :.~'lord. C.1•d•n GrO•f 0'11 o! O•ol". ""OU>I II, 1911 . ~u'v"ea DY w.1., Do•nmy Nllle•. of t"• ~om•: ~ ... i,~nt.,, ti»<• McConnoll of Hunt•nOI~" B.-cn St'••Ct >. '°""'· Au•. :>O. l om '" W1•""'' C~1 <>fl. JI,., 11,n. •t nl Gotto"o o•f'¢•1''"' ln1.,m1ni. P•to· ''{ \111w M1moil1I ...... WU l<llH Mor- tvt fY. D«1ct"'' 'f."ICf. ''""" .... Pr n<t. o! lll\I Co~<! H•O"N•'· Se•V•<fl 1>tn(l1no ~· W•U<ldf MCl!Ul '1. llEED All •ltll• lltttl, of !01ll y ,,.., Cl•Ol1, Feu~'''" 11111., Su.v•••<I b• "'' o•no. Jo.I»<>: ..,~, 1(1••<> A. ROid: bro!nt •, Jo• .-on lloo .. , P••lloo: '"'""''· M• 1n<I i,, .. , Jc•r<"' 01vlo11 llou ••· '"""''· I o -n 1• •••I F om!•y (o>onl•I r u .. 1•11 Ho,.,.1. fhou""' M•n \olu•d•v Au•~·• ?!. 91t"rd S•<t ••"•n1 C"~r<" IM(""'"'· C"•od S~P<>"rrd ComO!orv P ••• F tlT' v Colon••' Fun .. 11 f'O<n• O"t <lc". lHOM,SO"I M "'""' Tnomof.On Ao• o! """'" 11.1• In Gl!>IY>n,.1,. IO•'IC> F~rmorly Of Co••• "'"'" I"'"'"~ b• '"o o•u•ntt•<. "•"•· «• s,..n., ""'' M•• J•«'I' J"'•"""" '"" b•Ol"I '' ~1rd ~~!I lloy Co•><o ... '•~ t h ,.•I, M l(lrr<I "''''"'' •n~ t••~ £I• ..,.0,,n Sr •tn "''"orn la'"n •nd ont vt01 l-O'•natn•ld ~~n•lf•O. /Aon~•• 4u•, ~J 01 i ~ m '" fl• 1 e• .. d.,•• Cnt~tl '"''""'•n•. '"' .I OW•. o''""'· Btll &r ... awa• Morlu••• O•rt<IO'I lO•uLL D• G•vto•d io~<ll n! •l l r ~•• ~·. C:M'• M••• 0•" o• <I•""· •uv 1•. 1,11, 5u•v,v0<! II' wlf• "'",.'" lo"'" o• •~• non" No!nor r.\" Ml " loh"I ~.,.., G•••ld•nt cru..,a o! Cot•• M•,. F""' 1•&""e~•lo•1n l ola, P•m•l o,,H.,~~' t<orn1 1M G•••o•<I Tohill J• t<I o! Cool• Mt••· 5.,vic.,; Mo~, -'"'· n . w .. 1<1111 C:h•o•I. ll!r• Tllnm•• C•umo n'tlcll •I~• !nt"· .,.,•n! Mo•f><l• lln! M•rno•111 1'1•~. wnt- tillt Mo•lu••Y Olr...:Ta••. ARBUCKLE & SON WESTCLtFF l\fORTUARY tri E. 11th St .. Co1ta !\Itta -' • BALTZ l\,ORTUARIE:S Corona dt:I l\lllr G73-!t5t Co1ta J\,t:wa lt'-?Ut • BELL BROADWA \' l\IORTUARV 110 Broadway, Costa 1\lt:~a LI l -343J • 1\1~CORMICK LAGUNA BEACH l\tORTUARV 1795 Lacuna Canyon Rd. fM-9415 • PACIFIC VIEW 1\IEl\fORIAL PARK Cemettry ~1ortuary Ch1pel S5t1 P.clftc View Dri•' Nt.,.rt Bue•. CaUfontla .... ,, . • PEElt FAMILY COLONIAL F'UNEllAL ROME 7IOI Boltt AYL We1 tmln1tn" at:J.illl • S~tJTR'S MORTllARV C7 l\faln SL llMJJI frld<1y, A11911Jt 20, 1971 Se1nina1· Pla1111 ed Supe1·vis ors Ba ck On E11 viro11m ent Zo11e F 01·ewarning SA;"\TA A ~A -A n1ol'e to A free public .seminar on Holm : Robtrt Ballin. Orange rrL~u rr tha l all person~ af regional environmenlal pro. County su pervisor : U. S. fec ted by proposed ior1111 c. bccan1e apparenl tu 1nany people until after they 111·tre under way." Aapla ct: you1 ugly gar bag' and Hash can$ with one nea1, .::on11en1t nl, <111d ~nnary lrdshpa k ! Holds as 1nu1:h a~ toura~g• garbag · n~! l• etime wc1rran1y on !he t.ieau11ful n~ Trashpak compactor For a free home demontlra1ion cal l: blems v.·llt bt htld at Orange Repre.stntati\•e .Richard T. ch<inges are notified by mall Coasl Collegt: in Costa M~a, Hanna t D-A nahe.im I: D r. and !hrough local homeov.·ner Aug. 30 through Stpt. 3. Philip Ruod el, UC lr111nt, and urgan1~.at1ons has been e11c!or!'i- Dlffert:nl .speakers 1 n d ot her profe.s!;Ors and local ed by 1hr {)rang(' Count y panelists v.·ill bt involved each politic.111 leaders. B1iard of $up('rl'Lsor.s day of the v.·t:ek-long semi1u1r. The rirst day's session starts ;::;=--======------., The bo:it•il ordr.rt.:d 1h1: 1·uun, H's sponsored by !ht US. al 8:30 a.m. AH other day's Wh o Cares? ty Ph11111111g l'un11111s~uu1 10 O.partmtnl of Housing and st;irt at 9 a.m. and run to 4:30 dc\elop ;i 11ol1f1e:llinn :>)S1l•11 1 l'\11 ll1hPr JIP\.\-"PllfJ('r Ill tl1e t.:rhan Dtvt:lopment. p.m., \\·ith a !onch break.For ,1.,,rl rl 1•i1n's nhn111 y1111r 1•1·111-for boa11I ;.q)[ll'<J1;1I 111 the l1gJ1t "Properly owners within 300 feet of any zone change or pl;u1rung niodi[1cat1on ha\'e a right to be advised of the L"hange in every w a y 110ss1 blt>.'' Clark :.aid He urg- ed tha t they tw cont acted Jh rough 1u;.1Ued no I l c es . thruugh lion1eo\1111·r groups ;ind lhroubh the 1nscrtio11 oi ad\·erllsements 1n I o ca I 11e 11,sp;1pers. 1RJISHMK . The: rt:gional seminar \\'ill p.ni.. \l'llh a lunch break. ~·or n11u111y Jik •· )111 u· r111n1lH1111 'Y "I \1'11:11 S111k.·r11!>"f [{;1Jpti cover com munities located in flirl her inforrnAtinn phon(' l!,1 oi) 11•"""1 '1!1 '~ 1· d1•f'l>. J L~ 4'1<1rk !>.lid 11a.~ ;1 "lung hi:i:torv lh' Los Angeles basin, .south Orange Coast College. lh•' [J,\!L\' l'lLUT. of zoning change:; that ne1 er (714 ) 546 -8233 to the Muican border. Fi vel-::__~::___:_:_::___:_:_::_:::::_ __ ~========""°'===-::__- full-day programs will dea l HAVE YOU VISITED OU R NEW STORE AT: :.::.h ·,~~.~r'".::~.:~;~ 30222 Crown Valley Parkway and Hillhurst in regional envionmental quea- llon! and answers; regional planning; staff development and !raining for the futurl": and speci<1\ problems i n l:oastal zones. Laguna Niguel The serninar is ;in attempt to get a practical v.·orking dialogue on actual localiztd en vironmental problems. says Or. Josl"ph Tomehak. director of the seminar and professor of anthropology at Orange Coast. Guest speakers include Long Beach Councilman Roy W. Analy st Wins Bid In Firin g SANTA ANA -A Lagun;i Beach man who lost his job as a public health statistics ;inalvst for the Orange County Health Department after he allegedly attended a [i\'e-day medica l con v e n ti on in Houston. Tex.. \\'it ho u t permission h;is asked for and v.•on a Superior Court hearing into his firing . Marco Fiorentino, 430 Anita St., and lav.·yers fo r Dr. John Philp'a health division will debate the analyst's fi ring Aug. 27 before Judge Ned Ru t- ter. Fiorentino contends in his \1•rit of mandate that he left for the convention lasl Oct. 23 because he took Dr. Ph il p's silence on his request for permission to be his chief's "tarit cort!ent" to the ap- plication. He \\'<IS firt:d Nov. 2 and 11llegedly refused a hearing in- to the circumstances behind the firing by Personnel Direc· tor William J-lart. f"ioren!inQ asks that the dism~sat be st:! a:s!dt: and that he be restored to his former posl. Absentee Ballots Av ailable SA!\'TA ANA -Absentee ballots for tht Sept. 14 bond election in lhe Saddleback College District are nO\Y a1·ailable rrom the Orange County Registrar of Voters here. The elt'Clion is being held on a pr()posal for the ~1 iss1on \"ie- JQ col!eJ!;e 1o ~ell $24.8 million in bonds to fi nance !ht: con· structlon of new build ings at its ("ampus. A pp I i c a ti on s fnr the ab~entee ballots ~re avaJl;iblt: fro 1n tile offict: of the Re~L~lr;ir of Voters. 1119 r.. Che.~tn11l St J\lailt:d reque~ls should be actdresst:d to P.O. Bo't !129R, Sanla An11 . 927\1. Ballots \\'ill he a v a i I a b I e through St:pt. 7, T EAC HER'S RITES SE T GARDEN GROVE 1"!emoria1 r;ervice:s for a San~a An11 Coll tJ:t: as!ronomv in- structor will be held al 3 p.1n. Sunday in Garden Grove Com· 1nunity Church. Chapman and Lewis Streets, Gerden Gro1•e. Charles E. Bomgren. 45 . d ir t:ct or of Tessman Planetarium. w&s ki lled last Sunday nt:ar Tonopah, Nev. \\'hen he \.\'BS struck by a pass- ing auto while chtcking a flat lirt: nn his c11r. A 1nemorial fund In his nan1e has been established to ;uri the Santa Ana College Tessm11n Pl a n e I a r i u m del'elopment program. LOCAL EDI TORIALS The DAILY PILOT Quit o O ften Fights C ity Holl f'OUNT•l"I YALt£Y -1"0< Ml<1nlll1 .SI. o! T1lb1ri f'OUHl.llN Y>.LLI Y -U!<l "'''"' l lva •• .,., EGl•t•t f.L 1011'0 -El Toro II llO<O'l•elCI 111•1 HUNTINGTON lf.AC'1 -11111 B••<n Bl•<I. 11 A.llinl• SA"ITA. .IN• -l4M W 'El•nq" •nd &rh !ol 11. \\ES lM IN~ 1 £11 .-U1/ w.,tm1~U., .i Gol<lr~ We•I COSTA. ME!.• -tlOO Harl>Or 11><1. 11 Wilton SI. l OITA. MES• -lll E. ll!n St, HUNTl"IGTO"I &EACH -,..I -'''""'at •tooknun l HUHllHGTO"I &EA.CM -I••<~ •na f.l•nt•• t lVNl lNGTON BE•CH-Wa•~., &. Sp,.n!JOli• Center, Beach Blvd . a t Atlanta, Warner at Sprin!=!d a l~, Adatn$ at Brookhurst Stores. . .i~ -· -J,.' ..... _ ,\, • ~ o111."Jt ........ Smart Styles for Back to School Discount Prices;, __ . Sale Stm1s 'l'oday-Prices Gootl thra Tuesday, August 24th . "'"". ...... -' ~ -. .. ' . . ·--.-, ... \._ ' ' ' "' 99' Value! Isl Quality ,, I < '" ., ' .. , ' , • Soper-Stretch Miracle Yarn "One Sile" Panty Hose c Onc Sizc Fors Most ! '.:.hort Toll, Mcd1u rn cir -~,m<ill: • Perfect Fitting-Won't Y()U'll cn 1oy !h('1 r nll ,,,_ one gortcrlC'>~ 11ottciy, !inc ~•t, comfort und long weer, Fashioned ol new super ~tictch m iracle yo rn thot n1c1kl''> t1 perfect ftt p~s1blr_ !ri the 5eoson's bc\1 ~hodc~-'..>p1~I', Coffee, Beige .• ct a p rice you <.ori 't beot for rh•\ quol11y1 Bu·,-for Ike year ond ~O,i:"· ' (, ' ' lag or Wrinkle! • la 3 Top Fashion Sllodes ~ . Womens long Sl•H ' Knit Shirts _, s398 · 'Goy -.Color stilllld n~lo'l ~ ""'" wnh c:OV«ed but!Of\S er ~. ...iid color w it), )'Oka t.or>f pocktt floPS. 32-JB. • Women's Colorful Striped Skirt and Sash $333 :-;,.;"'Jlna Ill' •ttit>ld nuno.. ~korh In or:rtol~ ond ny!<>n bl•.-.d •lrh long 72-••..:h >rlf ht-I•, •lo1!ic W<>•>tbontl 1..,2 • ...i s. ••• k Hi-1tyte c!.iP-drv poly u <'Of· 1~n woth nn~•hv •lcl<1<l•"V (f ,1,1ct.1ng ,....,_ ,.,11 °" 32-38. Women's Vinyl Handbags Roll-Up Sleeve Women's Shirts s.368 Thrifty offer\ you o superb col1ecti0t"I of .::osuol hondbogs in today's most wonted styles. T hr+fty low d1SC01X1t prict ! \' ' $198 tow COl'"t-, no.iron bloiid of po!v,stcr & cotton if'! choice of styles--new lo'.h· ion dttoll1ng -!ol1ds and prints.. Choose from 1izes 3'2 to 38. -• -. " ' Reg. 79t pr. Men's Courtley Stretch Crew Socks pr. for $ lllY 6 pr. ond So,e '.$1.7.C • Hoovywc:ighl • AbooriocfOI • Sr.,.u, Rib TOPS (omlor!obl<', long '*ftlt"'o lull c:u:ohlon loor crew >Oc:l\s wrth ~to~· VP nb fnps, In ""1it•, toro:I, ol•v<', ...,...,., "'°"'• gOJd, OYCCodo, blue, b l0<k. s., .. , J 0 lo 13. •Reg. Stt Bors' Cr-e ... Soc:kg, 7-81/2, 9-11, 6 pr. $2.00 Men 's Knit Sport Shirts $298 "FC=~&h ~~ Men's Casual Nylon Jacket $298 JJ,,11.ckv POl,..,.tff ff t<ltt~ bl~~ In lot••t ,..,.,i.,,, lopered & •a •IN. llold :i.rupn, print~~ a.1 8, c,,.,,1,,,.1obl~Joco•"''d .iroPf &'i"t.d ::;. ro;h.o,..ight ,1~1~ .., u.,1.r,rd \,,,11 '" lc><>cv crew ,.,,h i oPDf:• • .;. ,1,,.11 1ac~rt, thot a•e -..o-.~la•• fr !><Jtlc><> o lgCl\<'I collgr <l.-.d W<llloc• .. ottr-••n~ll~t. c~10 ... S·M-l -XL. B~•"l"'Ylr,.$.M-L. •loy" Nylo~ J•<l.io 8-1!1. 2.29 Men's & Boys' Fruit of the loom I st Quality Underwear Men's latest Fashion Ties l\o:;.t ,.11"'0 .....,.. ... idths in ~ ... l·'r•>d<. •.c;h lvb•iU. -.cl~. 1 h1<llV0$ ~.,...,--ld>ef .-a r~ ..... ~. $199 I , $2" Boys' \No-Iron Jeans 1 •224 polY"'t., (, cMIOo'O N o-iro n Western Sl irns or Regulors 1n heovy d1.1ty 11 v~ oi:. dt'nim witli 5 pockets, dOllblit kn~ f~ extra '#'9Qr. Colors in 3 -7 (., 8-!8. U.5 A. mode. long Sleeved Dress Shirts C«d lool.ino" ~ • .., toilore.f ... ,,., 2-bunon ruth, r,.nct. f ""'' .. Jth motch•"O butt<>M. N"" kn;i ~ lloir collort.. S!•iPft. Pids, S·M-l ·XL. s391 Courtley Men's Knit Shirts s229 Hondsomt striped knots ;,, tht sl!O~'s ~t wont~ colors. Full cl/f 5i:e1 S-M-L-XL Yov can't nc,.,, too monyl • l <1ya' Knit Shirts, t -11, SI 7t • 3.7, $1,•<> , .. ,, ' ,, '.:• S, I I " t '· " ··~---------- Buy it Clieaper 1'he Ford ~lot or ('ompany has released for showing its 1972 Gran ·r or inn model. \Vith a I lR-1nch 1vhcelbase. four in ches longer than that of the twn· door model. l h i~ pillared hardtop has exceptional interior roominess. It of- fers nearly three i nche~ more leg and knee room in the rear seat than 1t.o;; lcad- 1ng ~ompet 1 !or. t\nd the P resident's \\•age and price freeze makes ii. lcs.~ ex· pensi ve. Your ltfo11ey's Wortl1 U.S. l11du stries to Benefit F1·01n Ou1· Devalued Dollar? By SYLVIA PO llTt::ll The t:.S, dnllar 1s being de1·al ued 11ga1nst !he ma)nr currencies of the \\'nrld for 1he: firs! timf' si nce J9.l4. more than a gcnrrallon -and it's J:ood f'COno1n1(: news fnr you as an Americ11n. II means our 111nnrv w1 J! be worth less in , term~ nf lhl' German n1ark . the Swiss franc. the Rr itish pound. ct r. etc. -and their currencies 1,1·il1 be worth more in terms n! ·tht dollar . !! n1eans flLJr e:l'pn rts 11•111 hf' cheap~r. for fnrc1i?n cur- rf'nrirs \1·1!1 bu:-i ninrt nf 11:oods priced 111 1 · S dollars. U.S. 1ndustr1c.~. 11 h1c h .~hll11ld pttrtl('Uiar ly beorllt f r Om lnwer Sf'llinJ,! prt('f.'$ :ibrn:irl, 1nclurle rarnl p r od uc ts , chemic11ls. a 1 r r r a r L. cnm· puters, electronic rqu1p1ncn1. ll mf'ans imports into 1he t ln1tcd Slates will be n1ore_ ex· p!'nsi1·e and they 11·111 he made e1•f'n mo re expen:;ivr by Pres1· den!, Nixon's 1mpos111nn of tt !ll percrnt. extra la x nn all dutiable import.<; r xccp! those already i;u b;ect tn rrstr1 c11nns. This cnuld thcnre11c;ill v rut \'our b11y1ng <!f fnrrign ·c;irs. appliances. TV i<<'ls, radios, i:Ourmel foods. etc. !! "'ii! mean thal 1r;ivel ing ;ibroad wilt be mort expen~ivt: ;ind 1he<1relic11lly this .cthould cut 1n!o your spend1nR of travel dol lars in rort1gn land.~. All of these n1oves ~hould hc lp 1n1prove n11r ! r a de b a l rinre , 1,1•h 1c h ha!'I rl elcriorated in recenl. years from cnornious surpl uses to JUSl abour zero. As fnr the pricf' of n10nl'tary .1:0Jd. that ·s uncertain. for how n1uch the price of mnnetary i::old rises rlepl'nds on !he degree tn "''hich !he doll11r i!'I devtt htcd. and that \\'On'! bt known until 1he: dnll11r fl oats 10 !he l'"orlrl 's mttrke1 s for 111 lc1'1S1 a rew da.\'S. If !he dcvalual1nn 1~ Ill tn 211 percent. the price 01 n1onel11ry J:?Old wou ld rise nnl y fro m the $35-an-ounce levt'I fixPd in 19.14 to the S.'l8 to S4Z range, hardly a gambler's rlrean1 . Domesticallv, drval uation i1t Yirlually mea.ningless to you. \\:ha1 is t'rodin.1: the value nf the dollar you usp "''i!hin !he hnrdt'r~ nf the l ln11rd State.~ is nur domestic infla1 inn . And 1l'hilr t.httt 1~ hrhinrl the drv:iluatinn of thf' t1 nllttr· flhrofld . !he link I.\ nnt. nf direct mi>an1ng !n .vo11 herr. The important !lung is that what is being dnnf' Is rtmOl'- ing the_ clnud <lf 11ncerta inty 11s !hf' nncf'·mii;:ht.v dnll11r h.111'. come undtr incrt'11s1n1: Allack. And 1hat lflO 1s good news. \\1hy did it happen'.' RK11ust' for yt'ars we h11ve conlinued l.o !!pend many more billions of dollars abroarl than 1\·e h111·,. earnrd abrnad -permittini:: foreign governments anrl cen· tral banks !n build u p monstrous doll11r cl 11 i ms againsl our gold re~rrves. Underpinning the d n 11 tt r throughout thi.~ pcr ind wa~ !ht facl that nur exporUI or goods wer t sn much 11:re111er than our import.~ of Ji!oodS. bu! !htn !hat ad van1age ttlso disap· pea red. \\le we re not in dan~er a~ lnng A ~ our Foreign crCd itnr.' had co nfidence 1n nu r f'ronomic sttt bi lil .v 11nd ability lo manage our own affair11. But with 1nnation continuing al an intolerable rate rnr 110 intolerably lon.1: penocl and \\'ith Nixon reh1.~1ni:: Pl'r.n In jttwhnne against 1nf111!ion, nur fnrl'ii?n creditors h;i ve ln,~t !hr1r faith in us :ind thf'y h11vt' been slaRing runs on !hf dnllttr. 1'hey kt>,v wnrd al( a!nn11: ha:o; been "f11i1h ." I Fre11ch Auto Experts Mou11t Ne ,v Offe11 sive NO\\', nn the_ dnn1elll ic front. \'1xon htt:o; !inally moved loo , ttnd !his is more good news Tht wage-pr ice lrt>e7,e will ~ivt the whole country Pssen· tial lime t'n make adj1islmenls 11nd arcnmmoda!inn:t I h 11 ! h11ve bf'cflme increa ~in,1:!v im· prralivf, The rrre1.e need no1 ]f'Rrl tn dete~lt-d 11 n d NE\\/ \'()RI\ 11 ·r 11 The Frf'nr h, 111)11 led !he fnr r1r;:n rtt r 1nv<1~1on nf thr I n11 rrl Stale~ aftrr \~·orltl \l'.1r 11 oulv In lose nu11n thr 1 :r rman~ ttnd .J;ipanP~f'_ ttrr mnunllng tt nf'\\ nffen~1vp Frrnrh ttUlll l'\jlllrt" dn 11rll r ver\\\hf'rr r'.l.reru 111 thr ! S. r-.lnrr Frrnl'h rar.< arr ~nld 1n r;f'rn1ttn1 Rrilarn aorl Swrd en lhtt n 1!1r ;iutnmakrr~ nf lhn~e roun t rir~ ~ell 1n Fr;:incc 8th LARC.EST Thr French ~01·f'rnm('n1· nwnrd Rrnau lt r n, 11·h1ch al!l n make~ the Peu11co1. i~ !he eight h l 11rge.~1 au lo b111Jder in 1ht frre world and sell SO pcr- ce:nt nf its annual prt>duclion nf l.!"l mill ion r;:ir~ ahrottd II ha~ planl $ in 29 f'nu ntrirs, in- rluding lwn behind the: Iron f'urt.<1in, but Rr n;iufl ~ales in the li.~. 111~1 vr11r wPrr nn l\' 20,iOO. Volk~11·liRrn .~n!d almn.~I httlf 11 millilln · aod the .lttpanr:o;r expect In hit !he l' S m;:i rkel !hi~ ~Pttr 11•1\h 6()(1,flOO. The Prt1gen1 and rwn 'lthr r Frenr h cars, 1he Ci troen and !hi!: Simca. al so sr!l well on lhe V.'Orld market. And Renaull has ricnetrated non-car 11rr11~ nn the U.S. markrt It supplie.~ engine's to the l\icrkckhaefer ~lercury Corp of J\.filwsiukee for its f\.1 ercru1scr stern rlrive marine power plants It silso ~uppllr~ bn1h gasoline ;ind rl ie~f'l ind ustr1 tt l en gi ne.~ In Ttledynt Conl inc.n!al Copr. "nd recently rontrac!l'd In sell Alli~ Ch111lmer~ Co. 2.000 trlle· !Of!I. \\'TTHJlRF:W Sli\ft:A Ch r)Sll'r rl'Cfntly wtrhdr'w !ht SimcA from 1he t.:nitrd St•ICS. Jllly ing l{ I~ hard!~• worthwhile for Si mra to 1ry to meflt the inC'rea.,i ngly tough American exh11u~t rm1s.!l\On J!3nd~rd:t Rut Prt·~1dcot .Jtsin Ordne:r nf Rrnaulf :ot l ~. l1Ubsidl11r\' 1ns1sts Re:naull will dn 111 lr111~t 11'~ wrll 11~ r'l<'!ro1! -·· ~ ,.. --,, .. in mrc!1ng lhe clc;:i n ;ur ~1 an· dttrd<= Ordnrr ~a\·~ hr in!rndc to honcl ll.roau.!1 i'ifllr~ ttlnnf ~O pcrrrnr 1n the next 12 mnn1h.~­ Ht rl'hf'~ on thrre mt11n ftt r- l nr~ -variety, ~erl'JCC' and 1 hr fronl whrrl dnvt Rrnttu l! now ha.~ !hr fullr•( l1nf' of ttny fnrc>1s;:n c11r 111 <1n11fa rlurrr ~c ll1n~ 1n thr l 'nil rrl Sttttr•." Ordnf'r ~11id . 'Like Or1r011 '~ dc11l rr<. fllJr :l'l4 dr;i ler~ c11n offrr 1he \merican motons! virlual!y any 1ype cttr he wan!~.·· A~ fflr i;erv1ce. Rt'na ull nnw ha~ i'if'V<'n di:o;t ribulnr:o; and " rr va mp<'d part.~ rlistnbuli on and servicing se tup. ,\'O RACK UP Failure to prnvidr. sidrqua1r sf'rv1cln,i;: backup for i I ~ pnpular naurhinc model snm!' ~·e11r~ ago wa.~ thP bilitgf's1 c11u ~ nf Renauh !o~ing i1s early po~t ·war le ad ln the L'.S. loreing c;ir markrL "The trend to 1he fronl \\'hr.cl drive is 1ncrcas1n11 ;ill over the world bec.iiuse lronl whcrl drivt C"ars art' rnomitr. sttfer and hold the rnttd hct· ter," Ordner said. "RcnRult now is the world's leading n1ak r:r of front wheel drive11." This is a big ~witch. Only fivt. years ago. the more popular Ren aults were re ar· engined. Renault now has buill morf' th11n fi ,,.,. 1nillion fron1 - 11·httl d rive cars. Even 1hough the fronl whtt'I drlvt> cos~ more lo build. Cadilh1c 11nd Oldsmobile in the lfnlled States, Mr. in Brlt •ln, Peugeot and Simca in f'r11ncf', f'h11 1n Italy , Aud l in Germ11 ny itnd one .J 1tp.11nt.<1e maker 111 lso hRvf' introducl'd fronl -wheel - drivf' modtl11 in recenl ye111r~ Cu riously thf'. fronl whef'I rlri\·r w<111 p10n l'Crcd In the I niled Slat es in tht Cord. m11dt \n I~ J!l;m~ 11:1 Auburn. Ind .. b_v the ~ilm~ cnmp•ny th;it m11dc 1he Auburn 11nd th• nucsenber11t 1 1n\\'nrk~hlf' arrn~s·th,·bn11rc1 ronlrol:o;. Rather i! ran lr11d !n r.ctttthlishmt>nl or m11rh1 ner~ v.·hirh wil l hel p 11s brrak thf ('\TIP nf CX(>('Clat 1on~ nf f'l'('f relenllf'SS 1nrJ;i11on a nd r vi>r v.·orseniniz t>xcessr.~ I! IS bnund !n help It. roulrl rvr n 11•nrk , Thr k'Y wnrrl agHu1 1,1·111 bP "ft1 11 h ' ln f11c!. I d111re i?n fln lhr linl" wi1h tht iudgment rh11t Au.i,:u~1 I.~. 1971. m11rks the turnln~ point. Allergan Develops NcH' Cream JA VINE (RW 1 -Allerg11n Pharmticeulical's derm11:tology division, G. S. ll e r ht r I l.11bnratorits, 11nnounced th11l it h:id rective.d cle11r11r'H"e of its new drUI( ;ipplication 1 NOA I from lht Food 11nd Drul! Administration In m a r kt t Fluor n plc1 C rt 11 m u~eful in lre11t inR pre-ciln· cerous skin condiUons cause<! by over expo.~ure. to tht sun. Tht condition. off iciall y call· ed actinic ker11to.~11. is prevalenl in f8ir-sklnned peo. pie who a:re exposed to ei· C"essive sunlii;rht. F'luorople1 Cream, lht st- cond Fluornur11 cil prod 11 rt mRrkete-d by r.. S. Hf'rberts L•bor11torie:t, I~ expecltd tn 11id !ht de rm11lologlst in the tre11tmenl nf prl!:-rar'H"emu:t 11klo cond itions. Jo'h1oroph•x l~ 11v11!1able only on prescription or from a ph ysici an. Distribution or Flunroplex Cream will 1t11rt MJOn •nd ('ulminale.• mnrt rh11n two ye11r~ of 11r1lvit y by rcsesirchcr8 al Alltr11an ln devC"lnp, clinic:itly te~L 11nd prep111re the n t<".t l ~a r y ~ocumenta:tion fnr ROVtmmenl Apprnv111. _ .... --•• :;'L":" ,,,... __ U'lr _• ,,, ... -· D.6.ll V PILOT What Troubled You Before Freeze F:ri11nr ·.~ Not r llPI /1(1s j1i.~r e1111111/el1'</ a .~O·.~tnlt ~U"''lt nj pi1/111rn/ lrndrrs. ri.~klll(J iht>111 u1/ia1 rli~u 1/tnu"ht u1a.~ rrnubl111u An1t'r1ca11.~. ivhru Prt>.o;tdr ur /l.'1.1011 u,1. vc1 /erl h1.~ 11r 1.o r cnnnrn 1c prn9rnt11 1'ht fnl to111111u di.~· pat.ch 1.~ bast>rl on rha r ,o;ur· Vty, By RA YMONU LAHR WASHIN(;TON (UPJ 1 Presidtnl Nixon ve:ered away from his old economic ?Olicics just as they appeared 10 be leading him into a pol itical minefield and f'ndan~erin~ his chances of re~lecl1on However sueressfu! his new pol icies m:iy prnl'e In be, it wa~ r lr?.r the nld program.~ were b r i n lil 1 n .i,: widesprelld puhlit' rlissatisfaction about .<1uch th1ng.<1 as the ratl' of unen1ployment and !hr prite of grocerirs. Thei;e t·onctus1ons w r: r r dra\\·n fron1 a UPI sur vev of ~l ate politiral lradrr.<1. p01lrd jusl hcfore 1ht President'!! A11 i?. r~ 11nnnunrr1nrn1 of A ne\\· ecnnom ir c n 11 r s e , r.ovf'roor~. slalr par l ~· rhairn1en and n1her par!)' spokesmen \\'£'rt pollrrl. In thl' 5fl slalf'!I , ~ ~ r>emnrratir and ~1 Repuhl1r an leaders listed the !ltatr of the PCQnom11 hr111 when 11skrd ·what isSues nr prnblf'rn.\ \\'ert of paramount cnnrrrn lo !ht' pt'nple of 1ht1r i:l11te O\•trall. • 42 Democrat~ and J t fl('puhl1cans put thA I 1S3Ue amnng the top lhret Son1e 11.~tl'(j twn nr tltrtt \'ariant.<1 (If the f'C'Onon11c issue Th' 01•erall 10111I!'! would have been t~rRer 1f rho.<1e surveyed hAd included ~uch related 1s.~ues HS .<1latt> hudgets and taxe!'! 11nd the rost of welfare proi::ranis. "The thre.., 1t11ngs that t·nn. rl'rn Ulahns 1nt1st are all tied into one thini::. :ht' ~··nnnmv ." said fl.t>n1ocra11r Cnl' Cafvin I.. Ra1npton of Utah "I'd pul then1 inflation, unen1plov1nent and the cost of hv1 ni.: Utah '~ ('Connn1v is "Xlrf'111elv hrallhv and 1n 'g()()d C1l:idit in.11 at thi"s time, b11t Ulahns setn1 in fef'I the strite or th t national ecnnnn1.v will hurt us " "Thi' st;i :~ of lllr ('('onn1n ~' and it s effect on tl!f' f;l1n11y·~ po<:kl'lbO()k will ht' !hr No I issut' in !hf' 1n inds or the pet). pie durin1t lhe con11ng n1onlhs. s:i1d Hepubliean Cov. Hnn:ild Rr;igan nf f'alifnrn1a . "Thi'\' \\'Ill he watching l'losel~· to see ho11• f.'lr ear h dollar w1!t J!n and how rn11ch nr rar h pa.vchr<·k \\•ii! br t;iken ;iw::iy frnm then1 !n r1r1anc·e 1hf' growing <'OSI of hure<111l'fal ir ~overnmenl :it f'l'ery level "Thry a!sn will be ktt>ping 11 v.·ar~· eye nn the job marktl and Its rffr('ls nn thrir in· <fi\'id11al J)('rsonal 11vrs 11.<1 Wt cnntinut> the di!ir uh tr11nsi !inn frnm 11 w11rt in1e tn II peacel!me e<·ooorny." he ad· ded. Thf' Vielnttm wttr w a s rnentinned in 41 rrplir_11 but nol ;ilway~ in !ht 11amt context. A nurnber of Rep u b I i c a n 8 regttrdf'd Nixon 's nioves to wind do\\n !ht war 11~ a eon- tribut1nn to hi~ reelection, Some Oen1o<"rets we r e diss;itisfied with the p11ce of withdrawal. Other 1s.<1uf'S 1nentionl'd mo.~t Frequen!lv wert ('fllllt end dn1g abu~e. slal r budget.ii and laxes. in1pro vemenl of the f'll Virnnnient, t·nnf\rlenc'! in i;:01'ernn1ent . and busi ng for rttrial bttlall('t In .~chool~. Col' \VHrren Jo~. He11rnts nf M1si'illuri. a Democrat. linktd national 11nd l\l<"J le t.<'(lnnmic is11ues lhis wav: .. M1ssnurians 11 re look· in,1: ttt pncke!bonk is~ue:t on tM n.alional le11eJ and money, nr ntw taxes. al tht local levt l. Thi:t includes I h e ~rv1('es !My want but don't want In pay for. The.'\e overshadow evtrything t lst. I think . (;ov. Rich11rd H. Og!l v;,, Ill inois Republican. Rave thi1t as.~ell~mtnt of the i:t1tut.s: ''Taxes 11nd the billerneSll in Aml':ric11. I wish 1111 Amt":ricans would slip to think how far we hAvt eome in realitinR the drt11m of thi11 countr11 before :o;elling out lo ttar ii 111pt1rt SeltlinR our dilftrtnce!I in the prPsenl 111mnJphert i.• not im· possi blt, but it is very dif- firulL " Rea.Ran l!ai d ,f,r11trican~ are det:ply conc,rntd abour "the n1ilitant worship or chanRt for It~ own Silkt thrOll.RhOUI the nation ?.'ld it.~ trfi>cts. Fnr ~ood or Pvil. on the painfully t:stahlishtd f11hric and tin1e proven moral bi1ckbone of our socitl}'." lie s11id working mtn arid womtn 11!10 wl':re "imp111ient 1111d 11n1try btt'llllSt ill monstrou~ 11nd o u l n1 od e d welr;:irt system , whirh hii s fi1 iled miser11bly In help tho.~e "''ho ne td ii nlo.~I. i.~ lllllllw...O !o spBWn a run11wa y ci1 sr\narl cnnsi.~tinR l11 r11el y of thos t who nel"d it ltasl " Althnuj'.!h ht" listed I ht t'cnnnrny 11nd busing of school <"hildrtn first 11mon1t !he issut~. LI r.01'. Ben 811 rnt1t of Tt.1111, who la .eelcinc the Democr1tic nbminatlon for governor. aald thi.t 1Mut wtlfart problems: "The third problem mo...t often mentioned lo mt by our citizens is the recurring crisi11 in wtlf1rt. The mounting fln•nclal dem•nd of our various welfare proarams ha11 becomt the No. 1 crisis of the dteadt. Unles.o; 1overnmtnt, both state and fl"deral. adopU significant reforms Jn the wtlfare system, the states will M>On be facing the pouibiltty of bankruptcy." On the busing is.,ue, Barne.'! said the Administration had followed a · ' v a c 111 at I n g policy." "The Admini:dration has handltd lhis i!lsUe badly, and all cifi1.en.~. no matter what !heir political philsophy, their tolor, ract OI" reli,11'.lon, are Sf'riously up:o;tt." he 11aid . "The acl ion!i taken ha 11e bttn disori;:anl1.ed . inconsi11tent and harrnful, not only to publir f'rfucalion but also l.o t ve ry school child in the statt." Arnon1i: those deplorinjl'. a shorl.agt or public confidence in go11trnment wa.~ Rl':p. Ktn· ntlh 8. Ltt. Pennsylvania Hou:tt Repuhlican L.eader, whn said •·ptnple in recent year~ h11 ve almost compltlely loit f11ith In the capacity or our systt m lo !'!Olvt the necusary problem~ nf aurvival ." Good news for business owners! THETI Our new chec~ng statement simplifies business chec~ng accounts. Jlrconei ling a ch eck book can Ix~ a grinc!. Especia ll.1· for a h11sincss. SoalR<rnkof Amcriea ~·P0\'C ('l'flHLe<I a nCV•/ t:he<'king- ~ta ic n1 c nt f(1r .\'(HJr liu . ...;inrss al'<"OtinL. JL JisL' your chc"k' in 11 un1 erical (IJ'<IC·l' ... rallir r Lha n l he order tlir.v were ea.,h ed. And WHJl' rhf'tk num-~ hers arc prin.Lcd on lhe /''! • slalcmcnt. .. alnngsid c Lhc amounts of lhc· check:;. An asterisk indicalcs Check number is magnetically encoded. Check numben are shown on statement. An asterisk indicates missing chedcs. \ . • ., . lhe ehrcks still 011lsta rnl in!(', so you ~n quickly see whieh ones haven'tcleared. As shown h<>low, other fralill'f'S speed eheckbook balancing C\1en morC'. 'l'hcr·c is no extra char!('e for this premium sc r·1·icc when yo u purcha"c ,vour ehecks at Bank of A mcrica. J( you 11·011 lrl like t lt.e 11r1l' J'i111 csare1· Sf(tferne-n!, nsk fnr it (I/ ""!Io( oiir bronc/res. It's arni lahlc with most types of busi ness checking accou nLs. . '\ .. • •f ' '•, " ' ' . BANK OF AMERICA \ \ • ~" ~1 r;;• . ,. .. Minimum balance ~ing service charge, if any. • • J' ··' -~-..1.uu.-- • • ... 111 O"!L 'I' ltJLOl s r•fl'l~V 1971 Harder f ,ool.: AlcoJ1olic W 01'ker / R11lit1~ St11<liecl L OVER TH E c0uN1,ER • " " • EIP.o [I I • EIU• S t " • ' I to" C.1 ·~" ~· , .. ' . }l ....... ~ l•"d«I ) .. " . .. P• • 0 P• •> t "• '. !..• p, ·~ H f'• '." I~ '"' p P•v•I ~ \lo\\ \OHf\ (11'11 \111 1ha1 !llf' l-t-:1rn1I l 11ll ~~riu C 1 1t1n11••1or1 lunn di\ hi!• nJI f'd th 11 ill hol1' i 1 1~ ad , 1,1 ind <Ill 1111)1, 11 1rt 1l1d r41 'ilJ.. il !1 {1 lh! \\)\ \1 l)hllll 111 r Id 11 ill t1111 I• 1 1~t " h 11d1 r lv-1~ l1 lhi pr•Jhl <in lf1t (!Iii S!'flllt \•)l!I 111•-.1"n 11 11...:t 1!h r 1 uih:ri , Ill dt J t 1! ii lu •ll up ;i r1t11bil11! 11n pr u!!.r 1111 al1h1ll\) •n Lntli p 11 ru I il I! 1111 l (df't(ll (/I j "' Fare ti ' 1d('- '1 (i llt l ll lllb !111 '" ' :0-.Jlll ~ lhr " " I 111' J-1 u !! he ... ' llu,.,ht~ \ r \It '! hts pru 1"1'rd t <:f1 l)i'ltl'llt lU1 Ill II' r und 111p 11rkr1 (O•t ht'hiren !~" Ani.:tle Burb;ink On!;tr 111 S.1n1il Ani ind I 1~ \e .,,1~ 10 pr "1 idr " ·1.11:c 1al plon d.i} • l 1rr 111 ttrta1n 0,11, !'rncl1n_ <1npro1a1 hi lhr ( 11 11 \e1 11n1u!1r' B it1ld !he 't1nd11d tJ::i,, f1rr 11uuld he 1rd11(ed 111,1n ~~4 ti ~40 ht'g1n111111• \u ~ 29 Ir St;in ""F1t n~h ;lt( 01 dillj.! 111 llldl:;Cf 1 f jl l''f'llj.!i'I I<!! If!< Ht ~ ud 1hr n~11 'pl;nd:i I ut 11 nuld be :ipplh ililf' ft r 11<.1\t ! It l ,, \c_;i, frnin ~ 11 n1 •Jn Su1ul:i1s 1, 1nidni_ht "n \\ t'dnr<=<J;n ~ \\r•t! 11und r<ih • 11 r u\d he f'!1f"I U l t .,11 ,, nfl11 ~ Tuf':.rl11 ;in d \\ rd11c•d i1 \I r•tlYiu11d r ur· 11 >lid hr rllftlJI(' 011 \Ii 11 d11 < lured11' :ind \\ed \\ I 1 ]I <ti ! (ln \1011d11 1 Si>pl Ii :-illrr tht" 1t1"1 D<11 11rekcnd 1t 11ould hr f'ftcctn r Qnh to l ;'[-. \ r~as fhc re!,!1nn;il r:ir rirr <;f'f\f'<; n1 11e tl1 :in lOO tllll'S :ind t riin rnun1t It " I h1 ou~h i2 :in pot 1 ... 111 r1,..h1 \\e<;t('Jll <t;ile<= \liiun u1dl;.in1d 1 I I I,\[ < 11 1~ r {1 !IOU e ,, F<I NAMf 5TATEMEN1 " ' • ~ • n1 n "•Ions ~t ~nd Ill SI O\:SIBILI '' I 111• 11!111111t111 -huuli! nu ln 1h11 11n µlo1rr• 11111 hilt' 10 ~ict'pt rnurl\ rno rr 1 'I' 11~d111it1 fUJ d11111011! 1 ~r~cr< It inn bt l unH~ h 11iltr it 111 I unp!):.:.1hle ,1 np ll to 11ri HI 11loh )Ill nut of h ind Ii 1 111111;: to -~11 up or ni 1~111g 'I I ll,)LJ~ b!undt I ' l)l)11uu-h 1! Ill .. IJ.ti ulllt• 1he t 1st' e1nplu1 er, n111 ,1 1 ikt 'rp< (n df' ii 1111h !hf' p1 uhlcni fht\ 11111 hR\r 10 1n11~1ig;it• in Lu h n1ure thfu ou~h\I tu drtrct J11t l[lll'l11 ;ii< (iilnli~rn~ ~n10n,! Job :ippl1c int• .u1tJ hi i \ t n 1norr ri gorou ~ 111 (;it r !li ng up 111th !he 11 11 krr 11 ho 1' ~ •Pl rf't prnhlt>lll drinkt r \\tun rhr bo~-. r Hehr• up 11 nh thl' p1 nhlelll d nnk{'r l)lQ!lf'I 11 ll h<11f' to be •µt'lll !u Jf'h 1h1lil<llC' h1111 \J I 11 tnnlp 1 i" • ,1h t 1d1 nn' doing tn1 ~ bit thti1 , n111h1ng r J,1 ur •u1r ;il1ou1 lf-'h:illil11n11ng a I r o ho I 1 , < he.n1hc lhe l Hl•t 1, nr1 kn~l\ 11 ll h no! e1e11 kr11i11n 11 hrtlic1 ako hol1•;in 1, ~ P1l\"1c.il nr n Jl1 11nt al r11nl~d1 11r ~n r notiona l chsorcte1 or a p-11 hr1~1 \ur ti h II j!rf' t! Ill' 11 HI 1n11111andPl•nrt111 i;!Hl 1n1 o rt•ltrlh1111 !hf' O)~hf'r \l htn R11f1 l11lt llr•~p11:it 11 \r11 \0 1!.. rrr~nlll ntr11rct ~I ll 1n1l l1on lrt1111 h Hi 1ni..lt 1 I Sn111her:. an 1111 r ,1111en1 b:inkcr tor r e~e~r1 h n 111 alcohol!srn 11 11as dt":.erib(d :is !he larg,,~t gran1 either pn1 air or grllernmental c1er made for th e µurpnse (0111 pared to ot htr mrrl1r~l fl 'c 1rch pn1~r3nl ~ I 1 1 1 I r in 11111 I• -p~n1 on 1k1110[1,n) I I J.11\IUl IT\IHJ'\; I 11rh 11p 1 ii of u1rpo11 1t1 I p11 r 111~ lo ri 11 h1l11111' 1l1111i1l1l~l,lii1t11l f ! hltlHlll Sit llorp ,1 u1 ~1111 l<lli Ilic H1 thli il l 11 p10,...1 lln h ~, r1h1btl1t ll~d SR 11orker~ and !io rnore arc h, lu 1 • d It • lit 011 lht'lr II I\ 10 fl h 11J11!t 111<)11 I [1<1<' 1,. [I•< N <I E P(! m •O ( D 11 .. 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Prcscrvccl B·v Far111er • (;EHHl·~H rAP i 1: II ll urn;;inn h;.is Jl~J <'ll"! PS u( tnp r;11;iln~ l\"h!'al nn !us r;-in1'h j11~! ou1s1d" n{ lir1 h{~r. ahnul 12.·1 rnilf's 11n1·1h nf :->:1cr.1n1entn I ' E1er1· 1r;11· ahriu1 this IHHC hr hrings-0111 all nf his n1ndern I f;:irm C'Jlllpn1r11t ;i n rl rf- '1('1f'ntlv h;irvf·sls ;:ihout ~ii irre;;; nf 11 The nth('r f1ve ;irrf'Sj 111.~! hr there unh;:lrl este<i ro.- (111 hilr. I He doesn't J:t'! ;i f<1n11 .~11hs1dy. 1'he fi R. y r a r - n ! d f;irmfr rl<lr.~ 1! l!'1 prf'~Pfl'P ii I lilllc histnrv f(lr 1hf" nldtin1r~ :i nrl 1heir. chlldrrn and gra nd(·h1lrlre11. Cnn1p 1hr Lahor J)11.v 11f'f'k 1 rnri. Hum;:inn 11·ill ha11l nu! :in 1R.11 rPaprr niachinc anrl hitch I 11 11p I n nnr nf h1.c: hnr~t'".'i . A l!l!Fi lirrn;:rne-hurn1ng 1r;ictnr ("Om('." ;ilnng pulling ;in nld l!r;i1n hinder. prnbabl~ th(' l!l:lO \·1nta~e onr s1ncr the nldrr t')nr arP g<·111ng rirli('t r. t\eq;:hhnr;: and fr1rn<l~ fr·nn1 thrn11i::hnut the .'it:He 11'11[ hr ;i t Humann·_.. annu;il 1hresh1ni::I hrr -thl' \;i s1 of it ~ liinrl 1n (";ilifnrn1;i -tn ;:!aPli lhl' gra1r1 I h1· h;inrl 1ntn hnr~r·dra\.\·n 11agnn~ ;inrl lhcn p11 rh ii 1nln thr 44 -i•ear-nl(\ s1can1 thn•sher. · T•1·n n11 ilf·~ pull !hr !!M\.1 t>a1\rr. Folks sack 1hf' j.!r;:i1n ;i nn sew !he ."-ar k"-h~ hand. Altngrlhrr thcrr·s l) piei..:r s nf nlrl!unc f,1rn1 rriuipr11rn! f<>r !he. an111 1;1I thrrshing hrl' An.1·11·hrn• frntn 1.nnu in :l .oon prnplr ;il!rnd. and a r-n11plr h11ndrf'rl a1·1t1;ill1 Cf'1 nut ;111rt ! hP lfl lfl \hf' nld fa ~h10rlCd hllf\"PS1 ! ··vr.1n~l1 . 1·d •;11 111' 1l•·n·1: _t'PL 1nn ni~nv nl lhf' \Ouni::l'r pPnfllf'. s~1 frnm ;i.:e l.i 10 JO or :l.'>."' ll 11n1;:inn ~"~~.a l111lr snrr1 .ibout tha t R111 hP ~a1·o;; <'h1ldren are hn•J;:'hl h\ thf'i h undr<'rl.o;; hv Q[der p.;;f'n1< ;inrl 12randpatc r1 t.~ 1\hn 1,;1 n! 1n ~hn11· thrn1 h1>11 'r·•p<; \.\"CrP h;i r1{''<.tcd In 1hr1r 1.l.11 Th;il".<; h1111· 11 11111.;nn ~111 !'=!11r1rrt 1111 lhP lhrr,h1ni:: hrr l 1rlr;i hirn ~rlf n1n(' 1rars a~n. i:ind hr h;i~ hr!rl 1<r1rn .. "kip pine 111 sl l11n h;id 1 1•ai~. ' '"\\"hf'n I 11:1<; i:i 1~,, 111' 11 <:.rd lhco;;c 1h1nc ..... ·· l1r <.,1 1~ '"I 11:.~ S(l f;i<:.1 lfHl!Pd h~· lhl'tll. 1 l/1n11cht nthl'rs wn1rl1l hr, 1u11 ·· !Ii• s;n~ thrrr ;;1f' 110 1·nn lr"!~ ;1nr! 1111 pr11r~ iu~1 nld f;i<.huoru,d ha111',I ~l ·•Pl)••d r1cr1 hn1 •r 111 ;1 11l11le tn rh;ir\ge l"lp11µn11·nt . Are you getting enough out of life? Comp to this Christian Science l!:'c:ure SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Newporl l eoc:li Howord H. lrwln Mt"'b'' nf 1~, Ck,.,1,.~ s, .. ~~c, Bo ••d ,.( L•c:•y•••~•p ,.,j 1k Mtot~,, Cku•tk. 1~. ~ •• ,, Ck.,,,~ nl Ck.;,+, St''"'"' '" 80 1!0~. M~"ot~.,,~1+1. 00 "THE WONDER OF LOVE'' ~ol,, .4119 . 11 ot 10 e .111. 111. w11rd1 Ntwp11r1 Ciltf"'fl Tltt!O!I • hf, ''"hlo11 11!01111. Newport ltech, ,t.,.)t Art W.ltl""'• c ~.l ,.j c ~·· p,,..v,,j•,.j c., .... A1 Yeu .A re ft•d~~. Auqu~t 20, 1971 SHOP EARLY, SOME QUANTITIES LIMITED 93' OFF BONDED ACRYLICS! • Machine wash • Drip dry • Pla id,, solid• • Full 54" widlh y..,~OAGE REG. 3.59 YD. ELASTIC LEG NYLON BRIEF! • Smooth nylon tricot so~ • Carefree, comfortable ~ •Choose white , colors • MiHe•' 5 6 7 EACH ' ' SPECIAL trNGERIE LIGHTWEIGHT ATTACHE CASE! 311 • Yinyl·cover wood frame • 2 lid pockets, locks • Room y 4-inch wid th • Ric h block color Sl~TIQNfPY SPECIAL s2 OFF CHAIR CUSHION SETI • Da nis h replacement set 988 • 22x21x3 1h" seat; 17x21 x3'' bock • Avocado, orange, blue DltAPfltlfS RIG. 11.99 BOYS' TERRY CREW SOCKS! 49~. • Soft stretch cotton • Terry comfort • Groovy colors • One size fits a ll SPICIAl s10 OFF TYPEWRITER! ·Compact portable 4488 • 9 1/2" carriage • Presel 8 -s top tab . • L:d is case REG. 54.99 0ff1(£ ~0UIPMfNT HANDY MASKING TAPE! • 'h"x180' roll 36~LL • Handy to have when painting, wrapping packages ... more! PA INf SPECIAL DENIM BOXER-JEANS AND KNIT SHIRTS FOR YOUNG BOYS! $1EA. SPfCIAL • Striped or solid cotton knit sh irts. Machine wash. 3-7. • Double-knee jeans in blue, brown, green. Sizes 2-6. MEN'S CUSHION-FOOT SOCKS • All cotton; rib top • Choose block, white • S izes 101/, to 13 • 3 pair per package • Instrumentals • Country & Western •Rock • Movies, Shows 1 !?.Of3 REG. 1.89 PKG. 4-TRACK STEREO TAPES! 99 4 • Top major labels • Top name a rtists • Gigantic selection • Hurry in today! !-f(~fO /rv SPECIAL WHITE WOOD TOILET SEAT • Enomel·finish wood 2'' • Easy to clean • Economy p riced • Excellent replacement Pl.UMarNG Sl'ICIAL SAVORY BEEF snw WITH VEGETABLES! 99 4 • Enjoy rich, hearty stew • Fresh tossed green soled · • Choice of soled d ressin g • Roll and creamy butter 100% ACRYLIC PLAID JUMPER FOR JUNIORS! • Dou ble-breaste d • Pa tch pockets • Bold plaids •Junior sizes 5-13 ' \I JUNIOR FASHIONS <;) 3-PC. ATHLETIC-GYM SET • Handy gym bog 3 88 • Athletic supporter • Stretch athl etic socks SET • Sizes for men , boys S~ORTING GOODS REG . 6 .47 ' s3 OFF 2-BOTTLE LUNCH KIT 588 • lO·oz. a nd 16 <>Z. vacuum bottles • Red-wh ite-blue vinyl • Full.zip top HOUSfWAltfS REG. 1 .99 1.60 OFF INSULATION ROLU • Roll covers 50 sq. ft. 2!! • fire, mois ture res ist a nt • Fiber gloss; foil bock • 15'' wide; 411 thick BU1l01NG MATERIALS R!G. 4.J9 SHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 'TIL 9 PM ••• SHOP SUNDAY 12 PM TO 5 PM ' ~· .,. JUST SAY "CHARGE IT!" ,. TORRANCE dal omo lo1k•on 1quo11 pkOflt .542·691'1 LA CIENEGA lo C•tnt go ot 18th 11. hone 8 36.7922 NORWALK impe1iol ot norwolk b1Yd. 868-0911 FULLERTON ho•bor o! ornnge!horl)f; hone 71'4.8 79.2.500 HUNTINGTON BEACH fod iri ger ot beach boule.,ord s*ion• 71 4.892·6611 • SANTA ANA bri 11ol ol 11v9r1f11nth phone 5'47-68'41 VENTURA 500 .outk mills rood 48.5-5421 642-1.SAI PANORAMA CITY 1obio1 ot roscot orw 89-4.8211 CANOGA PARK >oponga pl••• hon• 883·1000 ROSEMEAD ro1em1od blvd. ot ion be1t'lo•dino freeway-phone 573-3110 COVINA bo•ror>'o o t t"on b@1nordirio freeway-pkont 966.]'4 11 • • Weary Wives No 'C I op-out Each Styles Life on Police Beat By CANO,\Cf'; PEAllSON 01 1•0 Dall• ~lkl! '1•t! ''\\'" i;:n1 a doi;: r1.i.:h1 ilwa.1 ~o I wouldn't bt hnm" alnnP. I ht';ir th1nj!'.s " "I rlnn 't thin~ .1011 e1er 11d1u~t to tu~ hour~ " 'It '~ lrue !hf' d11nrc•e rillf' 1.~ h1~h in !h1~ )Oh -11"~ P::IS\I /or the wnm an to f11il tn ;id1u~1 b(>(';iui::t he rut! himself so lotillly 1n!n his j1.b · "l1 ·s lhf' 1·oun !Y'i1rtn thai 's cr1ppltni; lhrn1 Sn n1an.1 people Jl?r! off on t rrhn1cah11c~" lhf.~P i::tatrn1cnt~ were 111<1dr h,\' ln11 r rl1ffcre111 women. all ynuni::,. all nl.:trried !rs.~ !11;in ;i _1r:1 r. All ill'f' cnr1rerned that 1he p111\l1r "clnrl'n't rcahzr ho"' human '' thrir h11~hilnd~ Are. \\'hen !heir hu.~b.1ncls lravr !hr hflu~t. ii ·~ nn1 for 11 sa fi;> 9.5 job. De;:ith 1s an nc- cop;ir1nn;il h<17.arrl They are new "'11·cs of !\cwport Beach Divorce: A Hazard? ll'.~ nnl nnly 1nugh on ;i nriln In he 11 rnp. It C'<Ul hi' Jl1.~1 as h;irrl on h1~ \.\'1fc. Survrl'S hrar lh1.~ n111 The d1vnn'e rale prnvr.~ 11, 1)1vnrrr,~ h;ipprn Sn I\ f j P n , pnl1crmrn ilrf' rounsP lrd nn 1! when lhP.v firs! l;ike rlasse.~ ;it lhe Ln~ A11~r!rs f'nt1cl' Ac·1Hlem.v. A .~t url.1· ("Onduc1rd by ~alllr pnl1f"e showrrl a AA perrenl ri'llf' or m;irri;ii.:e d1ssolu1inns during !he rirst rhrC'e )'e;ir.~ of ;i mr11 '8 srrv1c·r 11 11h that rl t jlartmrnl \n rl :i1;i rxis!s for NP\.\'pclrl Re:ieh pflltrrrnrn. ;ilnne s1mrl.v bl'l'ause lhp drp:irlnH•nt ncvrr h<i.~ tned ln find n11t P.ul ii Lo.~ An,cPIPs Pnli cr Dep;irt- n1Pnt P\Vrhnlngisl .~;:iys the r;iJe lhrre 1~ lnwrr lh;:in !hr ;11·rr<1J:!P. ~nd milr kr.d ly lnwrr than lhe Sr11trl1! ~II(\ rl 11r i\1;irlin flri~rr .~i11rl hr r•11n- rt11r1rrl ii .~l11rl~ nn thf' s11hJr>r! '·brr;iuse 11f lhr dis tre.~singl,v high" ~r;;t!IP figures . HP s;iid his .~turl1r.~ shnwf'd ii 4.9 prrrrni rill!' nf d1vnrrr during th e firs! 1hrrr 1r;ir~ 'See DIVOR CE. f'age l~J pnhcemen and lhe,v talk willingly, rnr thei r men are in an (l('ru1>1111on the~· feel h<i.s been too lnng m1sunrlerstnod ·· 11 re;i ll_v cuts me deep 1n~1c1e wh!'n ~ n1any pt>Oplf' dnn ·1 minc1 1ellin~ ml' hnw •hey hate polire." s::iys l.;:iuriP .J;1roh~. 2.1. whose husb;ind . .Jim. 27 . nf'IW works 1n pol ice adn1in1s1r;:it1n11 -!n her rrllC'f i\l;:irried l;ist M;iy. l.<1ur1e 1s .~prretil r.\' to a UC! dean alld ha.~ JllSl rrrr1\'<"d her BA in history. She L!'i lurk~ .Jim nnw wnrks A-5. '"In l;ic1 . shf' sa,v.~. ··ihr pnli!·r rlep<1rl- n1enr prnb;ihl~· "'ii~ mnre nr ii hiirr1rr br1wren u~ when we wcrP rl a11n11: then nnw ·· HftURS IRR l':f.ULAR Bu! Sh;innil Slndriilrrl . 21. find~ Thill lhe s;i n1f: h;ir ricr keeps her (rnm wnr k1ni::. "His hnu r.~ ;ire ,;n 1rre,i::uli1r \.\'f''<I nrvrr see r;H.:h other if I 1vnrkr d." -"he sa~·s. spt>aki11g nf her husband. !\en!. 24 '·Tht>re are lune.~ 1 ('Ollld shl)Ol !hr y,1hnle stallnn, but hp 's h::ipp~·-'" ~<i.v.~ Sha nna , a former l11i::h school model ilnd dental technici;:in The Stoddards were married lasl September. Conflict nF hours hasn't heen ton n111<"h "' probtrm rnr the 11nums, n i;i nr . 24. ilnrl Dilvf'. 2i, milrrierl last i\l<i.\". Ahhnu11:h ~he work,; da.vs al ;i h;ink and he wnrks t'vrn- ings , :;;he says, ··ir he worked lrntn a 111;, t"d h;i ve a hard .time being a rrgular housewife and cooking every night " She finds her~clf hecnm1ng "1nnre pnhrr-nrienled" and \l'::1n11ni.: penplP tn reali1.e "pnlice llre hun1;in -rhry ran tn:ike m1stilke.~. Au l Pil!:N't"s blnw 1t up y,•hen police dn things wrnng. Ynu nr1·er hear aboul 1he good things." A,t:reein,t: with hPr is .le::innr Fnllrl. 2:1. V>'ife Qf Officer Don F'nllP!, 27. r.111rrierl &I nce October and hf'rsclf ii r>nlirewnmiln \\'i!.h the l~os Angf'lf'.~ Pnlicf: 0f'p<irt1nent, :iihe s<i.vs, "It"s sn murh mnre lhan g111n_o: l 1C'ke1.~: il"s ~av1n,i::s li ve,;.•· JOR RENl-~FITS The \.\'1ves n1enllnn Joh hcnef11s like np- portun1t1e:i1 for ad1'ilncemPn1 . ri11r l1,1 _i!Md p;iy, a feeling of security and ,llnod frienrl." made 11n1nnR nlhrr pnl1<'Pn1en . Bui. !here ilrf' d 1ffirult1r.~ CilUSrd h.v lhe joh whirh lhf' puhl 1r may nevf'r rrilli7.t exi.~f. Thr hnur.~ 'l"hn11gh a pnlu·e111:111111;11 ht SC'hedulf'rl 1.o y,•nrk 4 p 111 . rn midnighi. nr R il .m, In 5 p.m .. wr11111,t: l'!rrc.~! reporr.~ nr tllilkinR an ;i rre.~t nrar rtif' enrl nf 11 shift orr.en detain~ him ror hours . The rn11r1s : A pnl1cernan mil l' h:ive tn Sp!'nrl his rl;iys nff iln~werin_s:: s1.1hpnPnilCS l.n C(lurt rn test1fv nn a rre.~ls hp'~ milde. 1Sce POL!t:E WIVES, Pagf: L4) 'I t's so much m o re than g 1v1 ng t icke ts ; it 's savin g live s' - Je•nne Fo lle t -.·~ ~--~J' 'Th ere t11re t imes I cou ld shoot the whole 1tation ' -Sh•nna Stoddard I 'Wh en 'If worried •II the time I'd prob•bly get •n ulcer' -Diane Doum pe opl e say th ey hate the po lic e, it cu ts deep' La urie Jacobs FISH Bridges Troubled Waters R ~· RAll RAR A Ill ,\HTE 01 !~• 0 •11• "He" l !UC If !hr phnnp rinc ~ at R am . 11'~ 1:nirig 10 br ii h11.~y '1i11 . H 11 rings ::11 n11dn1,t:hl. earh r1n~ rrhnr~ ;i prnb;iblr rmrr.c rrH'.\" l\"hrn Alex1111drr r.r11h;im Rrll 1n· \·rntri1lhP111~1rumrn1 . hf' pPrfrtrm- rr! ii 1·1r.:il ~rr1·1cf' fnr n1'1nk1nrl A l'!ri!n-'11' lnoklnl( app;ir:ir11c ill hP.cl. ii srr\r.• ;i ~ ;in 1nv;ilu11ble l1np nf cnn1n111n1r;111nn. . Fnr ii person in trouble, 11 can be ' l1 Frlinr l\'1thin the cn11sti1I cn mmun11.v. lhrrr 1.~ no nri;:aniz;:ili on mnrf: il"'are nf thi~ 1h;in FISH . a Chris· l1;in volunr rr r ~ervi('P nrfpring a 24- hnur l1nP !n 1hn~f: in rrnublf:. ThP FI SH symhnl nr1~1n<1!r.~ frnm lhP r.rrck wont IXTHUS. mrilninJi fish. ilnd 11·:1.~ usNI l)y r;irly Chri~· 1 1<1~.~ to'irlenrify-thCm~ph·c.s tn ""'!! J1 nnrhcr. Todiiy. tbe lli1rlx1r Arca t"I SH Inell svrnbol17.e.~ ;in nr-'1an11,;.it1n11 cif .12JI volun ieer~ undrr .~ron.~nrsh1ri nf thi> H.:irhor rn11nr1! nf Chtirrhr.~ \li 1th1n the r;ink~. vnli1nlPf'r.~ c·;ir- ry no !hr ~p1r1I nf nni::111;i\rir~ hv re,;rnndinc 10 tho."" 1n nrPl1 nf r;;n'. .~rrvH'P ;inrl undrrs ranrl1ni;1. Fl~H \1AKl';S llESCU t: A "ilhrlr;iwn youn,; rnilr\ rr l11~('\ In ~r.:irlu;ilr y,•ith 111.~ cl;i~.~-A dispil!r her send~ flnf' nf hrr f11·e lramm;itr.~ for the d;iy In <"hr1·k ilnd find.~ !hp bo,1• 1~ the ~nn of iln :tlcoholir mnthrr. ilb~rntrr flllhrr ilnrl dr,csn't fl "'" 11 suit fnr i:rarluil- linn. A ynunR ~irl "'l'Pp!I 11! a rpsf;iuran1 CllllnlPr. Shr 1.~ lrnm 011!- of.~lil!r ;:i nl1 hil~ hf'pn 11nsurrr~<;hJI In find1n11 wnrK -wi1hou1 /unrls nr .~hrl!cr, An r.ktcrly cnuplr unablr rn rlriv l! r14n "t.1:rt In lhf' dnc!nr. A wnm;in with c1tnr.c r ;:id mils she '" •lrrr1n£ 11n h.n.\ -prini:::~ hrr:11t•f' .~hr rln(·~n t h;i1f' ;i rn;i 1trr<:1; St1rpri.~1ng "' Yrl 1hr~r rrnplr ;ill 111 r Ill thr 1·0111 n11111111 i\nrl 1111• 1~ 111~1 ii Sil111pl1ni::: nf !Tl!lr;:il .•1lu;.i- t11111• ,..1 ~11 1nliir11rr1·.~ ha1·1• rnr t ;i n1! ~nl 1f•ll 1l111 1ni.: lhrrr .1·r;ir' nf :O-f'l"lll'f' 1n ('nrnna 11rl .\lilr, :-.·r\\11"t1rl f'lrilrh . Hun11nclr111 Reilf"h . ~-ounl,;i1n \l;illr.1. Cn~1a ,\lrs:.i 11nrl lr1·111r "Lnlor!11n;11rl1 . m;in_v or rho~r 1n rl1rr nf'('rl ;irrn"t awarr nf rnm. mun1I.\ rr~nurrc.~ ilnd sr rv1rrs." Mr5 !lobert ./ .\·lill1kcn. e~rrut11 e .~f'('rrlllr.\", nn!prl. "Mns1 c,11/s ;ire lrgithn:.ilp." shr added. · /\nrl 11 .~ alw;:i_v~ gr;:it1fy1nJ:! tn .~urpr1.~1n,t:lv rffi{'1rnt S('f' lh• w;i1· n1 y vnlun!rrr5 rnll up thr1r ~h."r1•r.~ :inrl re~nurrcfull~' l;irklr ii\ m n .~ l ;:inyrhin11: " r n1nl 1n11, OIJ1 lhr,1• Arf'n ·I flnilrl- r!all.v :ihle lo htinrllP rrqursl.~ fpr money. C;:iro!yn ;\f illiken e"pl<11ned lh!i\f' "ilh 111nnrlarl' 1111r \ ;ir,, Jl •'l~lrrl 1n .~nmP nlhrr wa1", 1r rn•~1hlr Hl-:1/l l·:~T~ 1\HE (: .. :.\·1·1, ... ~; "".\ln•I p1'flJ1lf' :ir·r rrRlh· 1r1·1n;:." .~hr i)rl1rv1•s "l ;1kr lhr r·a.•r nf 11n en;::1n1•rr ,1nd h1• "'If P who w;i~ ;i fnrm rr I!\: lff' h;i~ hf'!'fl n111 f\f \.\nr ~ fr,r •on1r l1n1r , ;:inrl .~hr 1• lil k· u1c ;i hn1~h np eo11r~r 5n ~h" r;in f.!O h;ir l. In "'wk "Th1•1 wrrr !ryu1,t: In ~1r·11ci:::I,. ;iln n.i; ;inrl frrr1 lhrrP 1·hilrlrr11 "'hen 14'r fnund 11111 1hPy h<idn"! h;irl ;:iny foorl 111 !hp house fo r !hrf'e rla_v~ " Thi~ w;i,; nnly nnr or 4!111 rrqur51.~ h;:inrllPrl in lhr f'U rrrnl rhrer-month prr1ncl Jn .~urh c·;i'""'· illl in1 1',~lt~11til'r le:11n rhr1·ks w1!h !hr lilmill• In rlr!- rrm1nP /1J.~!1 f1cRl1nn, 1hrn s1;ir1.~ thr ~lrevr nilling Tr11n ~portal1nn, wh11•h is 111111/rrl In thr ;irr;:i. i~ a ni;;Jnr f;:irlor lng- _s::ini:: in ar 21 I trip.~ 11nd R milJor porl1011 n( lhP :l.241 hours ln talcrl 111 lhr rcpnr1 Bu! nnl ;ill C'illls ;ir,, .~o Pa::tily handlPd. Oispiltr hi>r i\1r~. Cer1I Holfml'ln . V.'ho run.~ 1'! 12-hnur .~hill nnrP ii monlh . rited R f'All lrnm a mrnt;ill~· rli~lrilllj!hl y,·nmiln v.•hf'l.~fl' husband h11d JU~l lt'fl on 11 •np. "She w11nl('fl .~nm{'<Jnr In 11.~lrn rnr h:tlf ;in hour, ~nmennr In f<'lrP. She tlirln "I w;iol mr ro nlfrr adv1('e or ~nlvr an.v prnhlPms Ir \.\'a ~ hrr mcthorl nf ~tilvin.11 off 11 mcn1ill hrr:ikdn111n · Mrs, J.lnf(m11n, ii n1crnbrr nf thl" bo11rrl, tnnk lhf' f'all hrr~lf, hul RIVt·.~ t remcnrlnu.~ rrrrli1 tn her l.(>;im ~ \\'hll "SRl'f' !he rlil,I' .. Mn~! vnlunlPcr.~ arr in1·nll'Prl 1n I' handful or r.nmmunity service~ .. ~hf" ' f111d~. h11T 1t1r\ r·r nr\'rr 100 husy In hrlr nthrr ~ llnl1il:i v~ 11~11;;1lv ilr" fl l!trl 111 Ch! r;;ll• ll~l lill lv \IJ:rlill ;in rn1rrg1•111•v ('111nr1 n11,1 I \1,lt ir11r1 •r \11<. 11•'111;'1111111 C. ~rn11 n 1~ ii 111rrnhrr nf ~IX .~rr\'l("f' cluh~ 1nclur11oc V!SH ""1!'.<; P"'nplr 1111·0/l·rd." ~h r ih~rr1·rrl ··ilnrl Al!hotiJ:!h wp'rP: ;f\!llf'lllll('~ rru.\lrill!'rl h1• prnple ""hn ;irrn'1 where !hey"rr .~uppo5er! In he. 1l"s a rcward1ni:; cxpcricnct.." Through inJlenui!y of !hr ex· Prurh•r ,;ecrrt;:iry and hC"r leRm, n1rill.~ arr prrparrd for lhc infirm; hrrl.~ arp fnund ror ner.~nns sleepini::: on !hr fll)(lr mrnlally Ill 11re liirect- rtf !n prnpcr rilrr: ~hnrirwrs airl thr. hl1nrl an1I 111, mr~SP¥:f'S are rle· Ii\ Prrrl , 1nh.~ founrl; ~hnvrl~ dug ur ... ;ind sn it l!ncs nrriur.~!s run 1n ("yclrs 11•irh fivf' m;itt rr.~sr.~ nn lhr "c;:in you help" lis! when lfi beds were in storage ~1x mnn!h~ a,t:o f.1a inrit)' of unfillrd requests ;:irf: ff'lr carf' nf !he f'ldc rly nr lem- pnrilrily brdrlddrn -mo~1 nf whnm iire 11hlr ln p11v 11 re;i.~nnablr amount fnr lhr ~rrv1cP. If shP hnrl rn rlrf1nr thP rnle nl FI SH, l'.ilrnl\'n 1\11 llikcn "'nulrl lf'rrl1 11 Chnsliilnitv in Arlion -~:iti.~f1tr­ t1on or ,t:lvin,c: a par1 nf on('sell to othrr~. "I! reminds tne of 11n nbservatsnn mildc> bv. ii min1~tcr "nmc year~ ai;:n ," shr recaller!. "lie tnld hi~ ron.izrcJ:alion 1f 400 (;ind 11dmllt<'ri he w;i~ nver11:enernus 1 p!'nplr in· vnlvrd 1n f'nmmu11i!y i:;rrv11·p wf'rll rrrnovr.d, the cnmmunily wnuld r.nl· larsr ," BEA ANDERSON, Editor """ tt Ann Landers Problem Raises A Stink 11EAR ANN LANDERS: I ha ve I !f:r- rible prnblr.rn and if is ruining my Jiff!. r~·r been si tt1 ni;: here for htilr an hour trying tn word ii delicately so you ca~ print !tin rhc p;iper, hut lhc re seems .tn be nn nice way tn say it and I'll just have to br vulgar. I :im ii girl. 20 years of age. who ha~s to be ;:i round people because I have an offensive odor. I take a shower every morning and evrry night. r change underwea r daily. If I h;:ive 11 n evenii'lt date I 1.1•ill ch;:inp;P ai:?,ain . I ha ve tried e1·er.\· kind of deodorant, anli·perspirant, n1outh11·ash. hreath-s11·eelencr. colognt.. duslinl!' powdf'r -all the intimal!! reminine products ildvertisf:d in the ma1:azines -but still I have this em- barrassing odor. No one has P\'cr ment ioned it tn me but. am aw arP H is there. It has made ma very self cnnstious and I !ry tn keep my distance from l)f'nplr. ls !here any merlir;itinn that will relieve me of lhi.1; c-nnditinn '..' Oo I havp ii chemical im- hal;ince in 1ny system th;:il !he doctor.1; c;:innot identify" I havf' hPrn to fnur di)('"· tor~ 11wn skin specialists ;ind lw!'I gyn{'cologistsi <ind they say the re i~ nn!hing wrnng with me. 1'hey also .s;:iy they cilnnot de!cct !hr. odo r thal plagu~ mr nif;hl and rla y. Please help me. Ann. -NOT NICE TO RE AROUN D OEAR NOT N!Cfo;: I suggesl 11 fifth tfnctor-a ps3chintris1. Ynur enn1plalnl I~ not uncommon. I rcccivr. one like ll about onc-e 11 "'eek. Thr. probll'm II' In your hrad. The onl y ~·ay In rcsoh·e It ii'i> lo talk nul ynur ler.lin~s ol insecurity and Im· agined "'o rthlessnr.ss "'Ith a 1herapl11. DF:Afl ANN LANDERS: Your h;.irdboil· «I an.~y,·cr Ill ··un"'illing Screl'!mer" bt New York -"You make me ~ick, kiddo" -m?.'ie ~I E sick. kiddo. Shr was th11 w1fr 11hn 1'ouldn·1 gPt her husband 10 makr minor re.pairs arnund the house. I rlon "1 knn\\' \.\•hrrr you ll\'f', Annie- R<ib). ilnd I don't Cilrt. hur the last limfll 11 rep;:i1rman set 1001 !nltl 1his house it rnsi. mr $11 00 and h, didn 't spend mor111 lhan Jfl m1nulc.~ hrrP. The.s~ days you 11on "t hire II don(' .. unless you are rich. rir·h , nch. lo.!y hu~banrl 1.~ ;in arniablr housr. guest l.1kP '"S('rcamr.r"s·· husb;ind he settles rl nwn in Lhr famil.Y room the minutl! .!Up- per 1s nvr.r and !he whole pl;ice could fall rlnwn nn hi~ head and he wou ldn 't movt> " muscle -especially if ht> is watching TV nr reading Lhe p;:i/)('r. Of cou rsf:, J am Ahle ln install a lig ht bulb, Screw in soma l'.'up hooks and paint the basemenl stair~. hut a wife need s In feel that her husband has an interest in the place, loo. Sn please Jet "New York &reamer" know she is no! atnne. Ann, even though you i:ave her nn comrort. n1J sympathy .:i nd no help rm -SCREA?o.f!NG IN OHIO DEAR OHIO: I heard from tho111a11d1 nf nthe r 8Crf'a m,.ri who 811ld J wi.1 "'rong . bul I 8lill think I Wll8 right. Twn principal rt a!lonl for marrl•1e f;iil urr.s are bort-dom and nalj'.glng. J ••Y & "'·lfe v. ho asks her husband more ttwt twice to do something 8ht can do her1elf Is a rnol. Re~atcd nagging can 1aur lht best marriage In the world. It's Uke htlna nihhlerl lo death by • duck. If 1 wire I• going lo chew at her husband ll 1bould be nl'Pr snmethlni mBre lmportanl thin 1 leaky faucel or an anp1lnted wlndow1lll. CONFI DENTJ/\L TO AW A IT I NG YOU R ANSWER. S~fARTYPANTS : t f lhf' animals in the Philadelphia roo 111rt1 suffering from emphysema ii may well he due to air pollution because as the he;:id kctpcr of the mammals noted, thl!ii animals do nnt smoke .. How wl11 you know whf:n the real thine comes along ~ Alk Ann Landers. Send for hcr hnnklct ''l..nve (lr Se:r and lfow lo Ttll the Difff:rence," Se.nrl 3~ rents In coin and ft lnruz 8r.1f-addrcsl'!ed, Slampetl envelnpe wirh ,vnur rcques1 In cart of tbf: DAILY Pll.OT. J 4 DAll Y PILOT I r•d•Y August 20 1'1• l Coast Clubs : Fill Calendar ·. Exchangettes nead y to open t1 new year next month under n t w leadership are N e w p n r 1 Harbor Exchangettes. Mrs. Norman Vnn Herzen, president is bf'ing aided on thr board by lhe Mmes. Wilham Boyer. \'ice president: Gerard Wooters 11nd \\11!1iam Loi1z, ucretar1es: Dv:1~h1 G i c k , treasurer; Coy Walts, special events chairman: Theodore Robins .Ir .. social coordinator, :ind Dav id Robert s , hospitality OC Associ ation Mrs. E. ~aomi Bobzin will be installed president nf th!" Orange County Chapter. N:i- t ional Association of \Vomen in Construct ion. The event is scheduled after a 7 p.m. dinner Tuesday. Aug . 24, in the Mesa Verde Country Club. De lt a Iota The second annual picnic sponMrtd by the Delt.8 Iota Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha International Sornrily will bf' 9erved on the beach in South Laguna on Sunday. Aug . 1 1'1embers reeentl.v c·haperon- ed the Young Adult Social Therapy Group of the Orange County Epilepsy Snc1ety on a trip to Lion Country Safari From Page 13 and ~·l.11 take them to Angel Stadium nn Tuesday, Aug. 24. Xi Xi Tau f..trs Stan Classic. president of X1 Xi Tau Chapttr of Bt>la Sigma Phi, will be honored hy the group during a farewell party Wednesday, Aug . 25. 11t the Dana Point home of f\t rs. Eldyth Hatfield. The Classic family "''tll lea\'e Sept. 1 fnr their new home: in fo.lorgan Hill. OR T f\lrs. Robert Plevin will open h~r TrviTie home 11l 10 a.m. Thursday. Aug, 2fi. to all women whn are interested in learning about thl" Women'11 American Organization for Rehabilit ation Through 1'rainlng. Crlsi~ of .Jewish Identity in Suburbia will be the; topiC of f.1rs. Edward Clement, pa!it president of the South Coast Chapter. Softball Costa M e s a Recreation Department will conduct an organizatinnal meeting for lhe women's Fall Softball League. The session, for women age Hi and ovf'r. "·ill take place at 7·30 p.m. Wednesday, A11g. 25. in the first floor conference room of the Civic Center. Games are scheduled l.o begin Sept. 15. •• I I I·~ ' Attuned to Benef it Ne\\' and nearly ne1v fa.~hions 11·!!] be au r tioned as niodels parade lhc r11n1vay at Ranrhn Ca pistrano after an_ tl:30 am. lunrhrnn Thursda.v. A11i::. 2fi Sponso ring th e benefit 1s Las Dania df' la \'1Jla , a su pport group nf The \·1!la. an Orange c·n11n ty farJI · 11y for alcn hol1 c \1·nn1cn . Al.tuned If) thr event are rleft l.o r1i;:h t1 the ~11ne." Arlhur A. Graves Jr. Rob- ert LaCa nne and ·r honias F. Riley. Nuptial Pledges Solemnized BRADLEY .MYERS Joyce Lorraine r.1 ye r s became the bride of Vaughn Thon1as Bradley during nup- tials 1n the Cnminunity Church Congregational, Corona del .r.1:ir. The !lev. Dr. Philhp G. Murray directed lhl" vow ex- change for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Myers and the Mn of Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn E. Bradley, all of Newport Beach. Attending her sister as ml'ltron of hooor was Mrs. Michael T. Pelis, a n d hridesml'lids ~·ere h1 i g s Natalia Rez and Miss Donna Jves. Jerry Bradley i;erved his brother as best man, and ushers 1,1•ere Pe!Js and Paul Thompson. Both the bride a n d bridegroom are graduates of Nev.·port Harbor High School. He ls serving in the Army, ~ stationed at Fort Eustis. Va . WOOD.ST AFFORD Home in Costa Mesa are Your Horoscope Willia m Ralph Y..'ood and his bride. the former San1ra Lee Stafford "'ho eK changed ''O"'S and rings before the Rev. Or. Charles Dierenfield in St. Andrew·s r res b y ! e r i a n Church, Newport Beach Their parents are '1r. 11nd f\1rs. Nelson St;ifford of \r\'ine and J\1rs. .r.1ary Bell'lso of Costa Mesa .~aid of honor wa s f\1 1ss San- cira Huber : bridesmaids, the Misses Ginp;er Hannahs. Linda Fan:c;ler and Pat Gunkier: best man. Steve Ball . 11nd ushers. Steve Olsen. Carl Jackson and Bnh \\'idoe. The bride I;; 11 ~rarluale nf Ney,·port Harbor High School aTid a business colle~(' Her hushand . al.~n a ~ 1-1 H S graduate. auendf'd Orange Coast College, San Vranciscn State College an d graduaterl from California State College al Long Beach SLATTER Y.LANG follnw1ng ;:i Rardf'n "'<'rld1ng. Thom11s Edward Slattery and his bride. the former rrieda MRS. W. R. WOOD Kathryn Lang departed on a t"·n-year tnur nf Europe . Africa and Asi11 . The new r-.1rs. Slal\er\'. whn 11-role !he marriage Service Virgo: Complete Chores SATURDA Y AUGUST 21 Supennrs. others sh o "' allernat 1ves. Make rnnlar ls. dl"pendence upon ~·nu Ynu 8Sk f!uestlons. A\·01d ar<'' h;<1·e chance tn rnunsel. rnm-!endenC'y to .ns1~1 Ynu get Ry SYDNEY O,\IARR fnrt Special :irfair Al hnmr yr:11r way thrnugh recepti ve_ AR IES !~1 1'1rch 2!·Apr.l l~) wnuld be construC'!ivf'. D1splav ntt itude. Young person 1s con· Trying to hring orrlcr nut of ability to cut ! h r nu g h fu sed. cnnfus ion may nccupy nin~r nf nonessentials Be direc1 AQUARIUS <Jan. 20-Feb vnur lime Be flexiblf' Cn "'1th LIBRA !St>pt. 23-0c1 22 1 \8 l Be meticulous in checking perforn1ed by !he Rt\' Patrick Callanan of SL Cathenne-s Catholic Church , was marned at the home of her parents, Mr . and f..lrs Frederic k f.1 , Lang of South Laguni:i f..latron of honor wa~ ~1r~. Ronald J) Pi~ri:e. the bnde's sister. The bridegroon1 . snn nr fo.1r. and fl1r!!. J,oui~ Sla tlr1'\I nr La~una Be<tch. rhn~e ·his brother Gerald as hesl man. The bride 1s a graduate nr UCLA. did pnst i:ri:idua1e \\'nrk at the University or !he Americas 1n J\lcx11·n Cil l'. 11nd t<tught art 1n thP Garden Grnve Schoni Oi~lrlcL The bridegronm !~ 11 ,t:raduate nf C 11 I 1 for n 1 11. r-.-1arit1me Ae;:idcmy a! VAlleJo \4-'here ht> earned a BS in marine eng 1neerin~ KLING-KOVACS Home in Huntin~ton Be11rh are George f\l inp; ;:incl his bride. the fnrmPr .!11nP l\n1·ar:i1 who exch;:inp;rd l'OWS befort !lie Rei· Dana l!,111·ks 1n !hf': First Unit.rd i\1 r t h n rl is t Chun·h, Hunl1ngtnn Br;:ich. Their parcn1 s arf' Mr and !11ri; .lulius Kn1ars and 1'1r. and h-fri;. Harold Kling. all of Huntington Beach. Attendants 11'ere Mr~ Sally Barnet!. matron of honnr , the r-.1isse s f\lary. Sally ;ind Lisa Kovacs. l\al hy f:ri t1. and Laura DeNu cc1n. hride~rnaid~; .Jeff Dornthv, best man. and Henry Klin&. Ph11!1 p Prel!y, Oick Oliver and Dann.v .Jones, ushers. Thf' new l~·wprl ~ 11rr hradualfs of 1'1anna High Schnol and attended Golden \Vest Collegr.. CRA BB· FORDERBRUGE~: fide, Leave routine lo others. Finish pro jecr.~ al hnme h;ise; policies. debts ::ind cnllcclions , Arlju st yourself In ch::inging before cmharking upon sup· T;ike. inventory. Revise pro- situatinn. Humor. diplomacy posedl v gr('ener firld.~ Arie~ cedurcs: lear down 111 order tn arP ;ilds. c;in hclrt set rrcnrrl straight. rebuild. Nnl wise tn delegatf': Home in Corona de\ ~1ar ;:irr TA URUS (April 20.f..1ay 2n 1· Learn views nf oppnsit!nn. Oh· assignments. Some friends Robert S. Crabb and his hr1dr. • • • Police Wives Check prices befnre makini: lain gr ea r c r perspective, argue Slay nut of i1 . the fnrml"r Carn! .I t An purch;ise, ordering dinner Ynu'rr gn1 ni:; p!acrs PISCES iFeb. 19.March 20 l: Fordcrbrugen. daughlrr n! re.~Cr\'ations. Funds nnw may SCORPIO 10c1 2.1."-:n1· 21 1 11·late, partner m11v not he Mr. and l\!r!I Kevin .I. not stretch A~ far 11s miji!hl he S1udy Taurus 1ne~~as(' Check ;iware of all far!~. n·ralize thii; Forderbrugen nf Corona rlch "The most irritating lh1ng." says hfrs. Doum . "1s 1vhen he breaks our plans to '"'nle 11 ,·ery detailed report 111od ha!i to go to court and then the ~uy .ts found inllOCent I "·ouldn't ·mind if he "'orked four days in a ro"' "·1thout seeing him if the courts would back him "P· The family l!fe Beside.!\'. contending with publi c images of pollce, the wives ha ve to compete with 21n unusual suitor -the department it.selr. A major rcslllt nf 1hi!i dedication i ~ "" limited ~oci;:il life . . . restrictffi Rlmosl 1 totally to IE"llow policemen and their fam ilies. MORAL SUPPORT ·.Mrs . Doum feels t ha L .!ocializ.ing mainl.v "·\!h other police is a "rorm nr moral r, support ;:it part ies ll seem~ like. everywhere t'lse we gn Da"e 1s always be1n,1? l'lsked to fix ticket~ nr !iOmeth ing ." It's also 11 mauer or an in· LAURIE OTTERBEIN Betrothal Revealed Mr. and fo.1rs. Keith W, O!· t.erbein of Corona de! f\1ar have .announced the engage- ment of their daughter. Laurie otterbein to Patrick Steele. son of Mrs. fern Steele of Ne wport Reach . Miss Otterbein Is al\ending Northern Arlv>nt1 UTiiversily where !!he pl~g!d Dl!lla Dtlla Dell>. Her fi.ance 11tltnds the same university ~·here hi' 1s 11.f- fUiated with Sigma Chi Correct Dote It was pre"iousl)' 11.nnounct:d th1 L the pancake breakfast planned by the Huntington Beach JuTilor All Amerk:an fontball would be Sunday, Aug. 22. The eveTit wlll take plact from 11.m. ln noon Saturday, Aup;. 21. 111 Lakl" Park. Hun· !1 ng1on Be.acl1 lensel.v fell huddy systt.m tml'l,l?ined. Conservati"e cour~e tendency tn crea!P p<.'rs:.nnaJ -hut a1·nirl h('ing back-sr.iit f..1a r. among police . say thf' \l•ives. i$ best: he ""'arc of details. infla!ion prnblcm. Dnn 't 1rv 1n riri1·er \\Pait ;:ind nh.~ervf'. Re The bride's l'lltcndanL~ "'Pr" The dangers. All the wives St11dv fine pr int. buy arfectJnn_ Yn11 ma .1• rind will ing to exchange "1ews . her twin $i~ter. l\li5~ 1'.lar.v "''nr~· abou1 their husbands' GE1\flNJ ! \lay 21.June 21"1 l yourself allir.d "'1th Lfo 1n-Being 11 good l1stcrnrr now ForrlerbrugPn a~ maid nr safety·, but wilh different in· Prnlect security Don't tamper Oivi dual. A1·n1d unrlue obstin· proves in1·al uable ai;set honor. and ~1r~ n 1 a 0 "'· lensitics "If 1 ""orried all thr . To av('lid d i~appolntment , prosprctive 1,1·ith rul e.-;. r ,_. g 11 I at i 0 n s acy. Crt frr.~h 1·icwpoin! IF Too A y IS YOU!t L;:irnard. 1'.liss Helen All'lrk lime rd probably get an brides are rem inded 10 have 1he1r \11edding Famiharizf' .\'ourself ""it h SAGITTAR IUS i ~n" 22· BIRTHDAY you possess drii'e, ::ind :\1is$ Barbara Hardacrr, ulcer," says Mrs. Doum . stories 1vi th black and 11·h11e ~lossy phot<r special signal~ ~I es s 11 g e Ike 21 ~ You ma" nn! be 1ntcllcctu;:il curios111• You bridesmaids All !he police wives "·orrif'd graphs to the DAIL\' PILOT \\'omen's De-shnuld become increasingly seein,g roo cle;:ir!v Takr time sE"ldom are satisfied. ro kno"' Donald La11Tcnz "'as hr~t wheTI .Jim lrardinf'r and Dick partment one \\•eek before the v.·edd1n~. clP<1r Hold off nn contract In focus nn ou!11ne, formal ~nmething happened : y nu m;:in :ind ushrr~ \\'Cre S!r1P Ellingham v.•ere shot bv. 11 61 . s1gn1n,t:. Check leasP. Obta in hint fr()m Cancrr \ranl reasons. You in1·estigalP . f'rt>stnn. Cl arence G;:iuldin and P ictures recl'ived after that time 11•1\\ not J 2 1 1 22 1 k "-• k f J h B II k year~ld man. hut tn .!im and be used. CAJ\'.Cf.R r une \-, u y 1· messa~e. .on ,,._.vnnu f)('t!.'' 1,1·n11!d ma ·e 1ne reporter, Re· n n u oc ·. Laurie Jar.o h.<:. it was an extra Relat 11,ei; fii.ture prominently obstacle's l\ePp ultin1a1e goal renl rmntiona! inl'nl\•ement The bride i.~ 11 gradu11t P nl rea!il)' E:Hingham was the tn purchai;e . ~ale 11·hich 11ffert~ in sigh! Re"1"w :i.~piration~ '1;:is left you wiser if nnt 11f-f.orona del Mar Hi,eh Schon! bes! m;:in al their wffiding and F or cnga_i::rtnent announcpmenls 1t is f1n11ncial i;tfl tus. Strive fnr ad· CA PH ICORN ! ner. Z2·J:tn fluen1 New C()ntacl~ now and Oran,ee Coast Collrg~ H1>r .IAcobs' fnrmf'r roommllte. Imperative th a t 1he stor,\', al.sn accompanied rlerl hilrrnnn~· cnoprratinn. Hl 1 Rr.st rri11ri;r nnw 1~ noT prnve ravnrable Ynur cyclt> is h11$hand 1 . .:: 11 t?rad11ATF: nf the hy. a hla.ck :ind 11 h1!e "l o.~~.Y pi c-t!!re. hr .sub-Put nff i·nurncv if ""Ssible. d i r Pc! ~-1 e .:in .'I f In rl nn ll"~w1n". rniversity of H;i11·;i1 i. "11 really hi1 homl"." S<I\'~ ,., in· ------------•·_...:_•--------·---'--1'.lrs .. Jacnb.<1. "JUSf likP it hi.d m1tterl s1x 11·rck~ or 111orP beforP the 11 r<irl1ng nrla,· visi t lo onr "'ho con· --- happened tn .rim . lt'!! the rl <itt". Jf d eadline is not incl, on ly a story ,1·111 firlc~' tryin~ problems unE'Xpl"clcd th;it scare.-; you" be usrd. Tr~·~n~ ~~ulyacc~~A~~~h 2:~n 1l is perhaps partl.v lhe To help fi ll rcquirctnrn!<: on ho1h 11·rd-much al o~<'f' can hr nverl.v danger and exlr;:i stresse.<1 a· d 1n~ an c>11ga,c:rn1ent stor1e~. form$ ;:ire Fxpensi1·e Know th i.c:. and caused by 1rregul11.r hours ;:ind available in <ill of 1he 11.A.fL\' PILOT officrs. rlra"' rr1n.<: on burlget Per111 \t· "devnlion to duty" that causr Further que.,tinn .c:. \\'ill be anS\\•ercd hv tint; in1.1gination to run 11"·av problems in pc:ilice marr[P.ges. \Vomcn's Section staff members at 64~-4321 from vnu \4-'nuld he errnr S"·' the 1,1·i1·e<;.. · B or 494-941ifi. ('h;innrl crcatil'e fnrce!i. e \\1hen she "·orked as 11 desk rr:.1 1~111· off icer 1n a Hollv"·nod slarinn 1 \'lRC.(l IAiii:: 2.1.srrt 22 1 :<a.1.'i Mr!i Follet. ~hf' r---------------~------------------.,1 11ns ... 'errd m:inv c a ll~ frnn1 I \1111·t~ "checking up'' n n hu~b:ind~ "And it's lhP hnm l' hf P that I m11kes nr breaks ;i p<1llcPn1;in Ht can '! ht: wnrry1ng :ibr.11! his home 11•hcn he's Ctn 1he J()h •· \\'t rr !he stil\-ne11.·ly"·rd~ prepared for !he adrierll i;!res~e~ pr.lire l1fr "'nuld bring " To some ex tent. !hey sa.v. yes. Bu! l'I~ !\·l r~ Sto<idard PX plain~. ''!Vln1conr cn11ld e ~· pl111n 1t In mP n1·er and n1·er. hu1 ynu ha ve tn l11·e through p t intil yn 11 havP. ynu just can'! tell .,.·ha! 11 ·s like ·· From Page 13 1 D. I . . . 1vorce He couldn't explain the ~ percent difference. saying on- ly "I'm not sure how fhe Seat·1 t!e suryey "·as made." Or. ReisC'r i;<iid he r o u 1 d nnlv "spl"culare" oo wh.v 1he L.A figure "'a.<; sn low '·ThE" klnd nf the ~eleclion proce.~s for police could effect it -in 1hal the p5ychologica\. p:c;ychiatric screenin,1? can also apply to marriagl"," he said. I He also I isled 11: rtcrult 1 \\'ives orientation class. which discusse~ possible problems and 11vailable cou n s e 11 n R sf'rvices as contribuling fac- tor~. Rei~er also round that the t'lvtrall di\'orce rate for the: of . f 1cer~ "as 21 perctnl . compar- ed tn a na1.1ona1 .-i"erage 1 fnr .1111 groups nf peoplel nf aboot .'Vl percent and Californin average nf about 50 percent I In an intrrcsling sidelight. Or Reiser found t h 11: t pohccmen ~·ork1ng from mid- night to 8 11 m shifts h11d "11 1;ignificnn1l y highrr d!vorre experienc-l"" th:1n lho~r wnrk· lni.t Froin • p.m In midnight He w;i~ nnl }'Pl ('Prta1n of l/1r ~~cif1r Implication~ nf th1~ find1ni; a ... 1) • 1n MOMENT OF MADNESS GE delivers crushed ice or cubes right to your door. ,\\odrl Tf'f·2tr.L GE Delivers Cub es Without YOUR OLD REFRIGERA TOR IS WORTH UP TO s9000 ...... tn !Mt 21.2 cu . ft. Americana Refrigerator-Freezer \rlth Cusr(lm Dil>Pf'n~Pr • frrr1rr hnld.<1 Up rn 223 lbs • All111 ~1;i hlr, rempPrrd t !~~~ <hrh r< • 7-Tl~.\ \lr;u l\""I"'" rru11rrl< !o r:-:lrll '"grtahlc •lnriti::r e l\nll< n111 nn u·!1rrl~ • Only .i:f· 11 irlr. 66 ~" h1 c11 $689.95 90.00 MAX. Ttl:ADl·IN MIT P'llCI COLOI IXTIA Crushed Ice Or Opening The Door ---- DUNLAP'S-THE SALES AND SERVICE CENTER IN THIS AREA FOR GENERAL ELECTRIC f''''" ~· FREE JOBE FREE TO bE ... INVOLVED. COME VIS IT OUR FREE TO BE CENTERS, IN All OUR YOUNG CALIFORNIAN/DfB.ONAIRE SHOPS. SPECIAL PLACES FOR DISCOV ERING. LEARNING. DOING! YOU CAN GET INTO LEATHERCRAFT. CANDLECRAFT. WITCHCRAFT! OR MACRAME, POETRY OR PERSONAL ECOLOGY! DEMOS AND SPECIAL GUESTS All THRU AUGUST. TOMORROW? HAIR SINGEING DEMO, 10:30·4:30; ABBOTT TRESSES WIG DEMO, 10:30·4:30. ROBINSON.$ NEWPORT ROBINSON'S NEWPORT • FASHION ISLAND • 644 .2800 Friday, AuQUU 20, 1971 DAILY PILOT J 5 CHECKING He Sells to Celebrities EXCLUSIVE at Mew Th••tr• Cont. D•lly Up BEVERLY lllLLS (AP) -e • "'l guess sorne of these rich people have probl en1s." sa}'S thr-11egetable vr ndor of Rr-vtir· Hit Y ot1r Fit1ge r? ly l!ills. '"It's just lhat paying bills isn't one of them_" \Vith hi s aging pickup truck. ,John Musante piles the posh resldential areas from Be\·erly Hills to J\1alibu . 11101•ie stars and the vrry rich are an1or.g Hold It Up Higl1 Hy L. 1\1. UO'l'D T\\1ICE AS J\IANY school senior bu)s own as O\\'n typewriters CllASI-~ J\IA NllATTA.'1 110\V estin1atcs the average 111ed- ding costs Sl.fiGG ... IT'S A PHOVABLE FACT rncn nan1- cd ,Johnson are n1ore prol ific lathers than 1ne11 nan1ed Sn1ith , . A.'1 ASKE!) !he 1nosl popular houseplant. !'\o question. rhe African violet . Ul'RIGJIT f'llEEZEHS 0111 sc!J chest n1odcls nine lo one. !hcn1sel\'cs 11hen the rnoon is at tt s r!osest to the earth. \' () u AN U YOU R n1Jtnn1onial mate 1night like !(I 1ry this little experime nt t:ach of you write do11·11 privately the names of your Ill best farnily friends. If you're t_vpical. the scholars say, onl y three nan1es 11·1!1 appear on both lists_ They also contend the rnajority of names on the combined lists 1vill have been the husband's f r i e nd s , originally. those \\'ho gree t him. Years ago, he said, ''I got lhe Nixons on the rea>m· 1nendat1on of the Reagans," referring to the presirlential family and to Gav. Reagan and his wife. "Mrs. Nixon used to come out personally. She's the kind or l<Jdy \vho can he a housewife or the '>''ile of a president." •· t.1rs. Reagan does her own menus, and she s I i 11 telephones in her order v.·hen she and the governor are In town ." The vendor admits he chooses well -to <lo neighborhoods because · · i t pays," but adds that after 25 yet.rs he has C<lme to know many of his customers well . "They bocome your friends. Jf you're late a half hour they 'A'ant lo know ~'hat's wrong." Customers have included \\'alter M at th au . Andy W illiam.~. Susan StrRsberg, Grace Kelly and Cole Porter, ~1usante , in lus 50s, also makes friends with no n ce lebrities. I "I've gut a lot uf smart dogs on my route," he says. "I car-I ry dog bi.~cuits. T here 's son1ething grt~al about a dog.I He's an individual, and he's always happy to see you, nol mailer how you reel." . Sllawt: J ·4·6·1-ll DAILY 10 TO 10 SUN.-10 TO 7 '\'llAT SHOULD you do f1r sl 11·hcn you hit your fingernail 11·i!h a hilnuncr'! ilold said fl attened ringer high .'ll)01'c yo11r head for at le<Jst 3U minul£'S. '!'hat'~ the rerom· nien<lal1011 ol a C;1liforni01 ph~sirian . !le says it may cul do1rn lhe pain and save the nail. AHGUJ\1ENT CONTINUES as to the identity of th e best of a ll knock-knock jukes. Let's :c;ett le it. ho ho. I say the fir st really good knock-knock joke <"<Hne out in 1935 and \l'en! like this: "'Knock Knuc k." "\\!ho's there?" "'Highway c op .'' '·Highv-'ay cop 11' h n ? '' "Highway cop every morning 1v1th a headache." \Vhat. that's not satisfactory? Name one better. COSTA MESA and HUNTINGTON BEACH STORES ONLY! IF YOU TALK English normally, you'll spi ll out about 220 syllables a minute. If you talk French normally. you'll deliver about :!50 syll;:ihles a niinutc. That's l\'hy a 1'-renrhm11n is rnorc ;ipl lo understa nd 110 Englishinan rh:1n vice versa ... YOUr>;G l'll AN. ARI-: .vou lonely"! Look- ing for a girl7 (:ct a Joh 10 ll hospi tal. r~our-f ift hs of ;ill 1hc people v:hu v1or k in hospitals are female. CUSTO.\IE!l SEH\llCE: <!. "Didn't yo u sav a Yo-Y o used lo be Called ·a bandalore'! \\'he n ~·as ·vo-Yo' coi ned ~" A. .Just 43 ycii rs ago. By Chicago loy manufacturer Donald F. IJ11nea11 ... Q. ··\Vhat's rnorc likely, a royal fl\1 ~h 111 a j)(}ker hand or eight aces 111 fo11r-h<1n· ded pinochle~·· A. Thr ro.1 al flush •.. t~. "Oocsn'I lhc suicide r11te nuctuatc ~·1:h !he phases of the moon?'' A. C:in on ly report Gern1an scientists claim 1norc pcoplc k 1 11 \\lllAT FOLLO\'t'S are in- structions on the art of kiss· ing. Heprinted from an article published in Boston shortly after the Civil \\'ar. Entitled "'\\'hat the Young Traveler Need Kno•r." They read: "'The ,l!ent!ernan should be taller than the lady he intends to kiss. Take her rig ht hand in yours and d1·a 1v her gcn1ly to .\'OU: pass your left h:ind over her rig ht shoulder diagona lly du11·n across her back: press tier 1o your bosom. At the sarne tin1e she v.·ill throw her J1cad back and yo u 11·ill have nothing to do but lean "' li!!le frlrll'ard anti press your lips to l1ers." )'ol/r f'//(f",~,i(/)I~ (///(/ /'(l/Jl· l"fl11r'i 111c 11·c/£·r1n1rrl. 11nrl 1r1/I be used 111 C//fCK/JVG liP 1cl1rre1•er possi ble. Ad· /'/re.~.~ /c flet$ rn L. i'f. Bn!!d. P. 0 , Box 1875. Newport Beocli, Co/if., 92660. I . ~ 48" LIGHTING FIXTURE Rt 9. I S.18. Whil t en,.mtl ll~•P•C•n ! li•lu•e h., J.h, co•d, 7 li9h11, h~nq ch•1n, U.L. •pp. .. 996 I; ' I 1 LB. CANNED HAM SAT., SUN. ONLY 99c r·ully coo ked l lb. i1n portcd ha n1. Exclusive Cliica110 '--- 2 DAYS Co11gress11iu1i See 1i 7x35 BINOCULARS 2366 SACl1 A!\'1F.f'TO (i\P) -The Den1ocrat in ch;crge of re<1p-· portioning the Senal c s:i,\'s f\l exican-Amt'ricans ;ire hkl'lv to gel a new district cspccinllY dra1vn for then1 in East Los Angeles. gil'in,i; them their fi rst Sr-natc seal Gui a Hcpublican douh!.s 1! "'Thry'rr :isk1n~ lur ;i spec1ri1· di~li ICI II hi1·h II ill J!tiarnn!ee the clcc!ron ot :i Chica no,·· ~;1ys :'1-1 e r 1· 1 n O~·n1a l ly. the Democratic ch;:iirman of the Senate Eler- tio11s and Heappur\1011n1£'11L Con1n11llf'C. '·A:; I see 11. !he Senate ;ind the Assembly h;11 c to respond to th:ll requl'.<;t hecnuse f.lcx1cn n-Arnl'ric~tns consti l.ute a \ery s t ron g Joynlty f a c tor 111 the Dcrnocralic l'nrly." ''! ju~L dnn'I lh1nk 1l1Pv'rc goin!! 10 do 1hut." <.:ounters Hepubli c:an 1\ssc111hly111:H1 .Jer- t)' Lewi.~ of ll ig h!:ind. v1ce- chairn1An nf lhc A.c;scn1bly'~ E I e c 1 to n s ;11ui ne;ir- portionn1c!1t Corn111it!f'c. i!c savs ii l\'Ut1ld t'J"C.1!e too manv prOblen1s for D e 1n o c r a I 's because dn"·nto\11n district margins of inc u mbent Democrats "·ould h;n·e lo he pushed out into the suburbs - \\·here ()(>mocr:its tracli!ionally don't clo as \1·cll a s Republicans . The Legi~laturc 01 u .., l redra1v district lines lor the As.'\cmbly. CAii fornia Scnatr 11nd the sta!e's congres sinn<ll , dr legnlivn lll1s ye;u· to reflect population changes since l11e 1!160 crnsus . By custom, each hou.'ie of the legislature draws up 11~ own red1stricling pl<1n . \1·h1ch is then approved 11·1th no l'h<ingc.~ by thr othcr. l)C'mocrats. ~Ith 11 42·37 edge in thr R0 -1ne1nbcr 1\ssen1hh ;1nd ;1 21 ·19 rnargln 111 the 40-nicrnbcr .SCnute. nre in 1.:om1nand of reap- portionment comrn11 tecs_ Thr- "1dr:11 ·· :\~sen1hly d1 strirt has <1 !X1f\Ul11!1rn ot ,1hou t 2:i0,(IO<I :111d lh c Sen:11t·~ 1listr1cls must he ~lhout 500.000 Al!ho11g J)\·111;1llv s;iid the \' 1 1.: I u r i :i n -~11·ie Scnatr ch~1n1ber \1'iil pr(ihvhlv see i1.~ !1rs1 ( 'h1rc1no sc11a 1nr ·because of lhc 191 ! reapportionn1ent. his As .'i em b I y ro11 nt erp:irt , I lenry \\iaxrn.1n. h;isn't 1naclr any public pron1ises ahtJul ~·lex ic,1n-/\ n1crlca11 re pre.s en- t;!! ion. ONLY 7•]!. -E•teplrond l /or ovldoof 1porh, ••"• wid• •n9le. wit!, 1211,• fie:d ~;, .... 1 · 111~ I .".. ()' 10 ' " -.9· ~ .-,. '~~: .J. ', 7 0'· ,5 . '. ' ' ., ,. ' ' WIDE -AWAKE BELL RINGERS '2 Days Only Reg. 1'2.96 s900 COVERED CAKE PAN Our Reg. 1.57 · 1J -11 a, • .,,, 1-11a" <1eo• 94c 'hig h·dome'' (Overed pan in de(or (Olors. 1deol tor hoking, toking. BEVERAGE SAT ., SUN. ONLY 84( "1 think the Dernocrat1c Part,1· 1s deeply cnncernr.d .1boul !hi.~ ~cause lhe :'1-leK· il'an-A1nrr1c an t'Qmmuni1v i., Bold Wedgeheld c::lock in mod yellow, oronge, green or one of the distinct gruuiis ;11 1 wh11e , w ith (Opperlone dou ble bell tho! o1orms loud end lhc roal11 1on lhal m<ikes up clear • .4" diomeler. Dependable 30.havr movement. Sovel the Democratic party," \\'ax- 12 01. plt1!i c pil ther .. ;th 1;1 !O 01. •~mblt11. In pinl., •YO<t· do or 90Jd. St•t ti th ;, low Km1rl pr;ce! nuin says "But reapportinnmenl is riol !he sole ans11·cr lo el ecting mnrc ~le'\irP.'l·A merieans to 11fficr or elecling more blarks In nH1ce." \\'axman add~. "The key is in the political coali- tions that become operative. I See Dy Today's Want Ads ti Tll.\T 1'HER ~: AHE SF.V- J·:RAL I N 1' P. I G U I N <i J T~;.\1S IN TMIS AD TO LOOI\ UP: Jncl ud1nl!'. ~ .\lap]r ptne11pple JOUl'f'"-~· Irr 1~·in bffi, 11 Girls Sch11·!nn 21" hiryr.lr, An F:v<'rrll <:hr1rd l'lt'J:lt tl ,(;, tll"nch, a s1udio couch co r- nrr unit and a l'epi;i Ct11!1 h.<tns::1n~ Tiffany lan1p. This il!n'1 all rllher i;tl hro11·se through tOtlny~ Ads. e CO:'llBI ~€ P P.ACTICA t.... MEN'S, BOYS BASKETBALL SNEAKERS Ou< Rog. 4.47 2 91 S11rt -foo ltd '"''k ~r con1i•u<te.l lo lt~• the ..,.,., t"d lttr (If h~rd pity, Tau9h callan ttn•t• with 8ounty P,V,E. 1olti, Wh ;lt. s;,., 1'1>·•·•'1..11. 30 GAL. TRASH CANS SAT., SUN . ONLY 267 ' Stro n9 9•l••ni1td lO t•I. ttnl f' wilft fjQhl lid1 !(I ifCUf l lt t•h, Rutt ••1i1l1"*• N11I i1vin91 too ! White Q111"tity l••h. ALUMINUM Screen Door l6".J1". JO"•IO". COMPLETE "'ill. 9rill i ncl htrdwtrt for in· ll1 llttion. l I I DOUBLE KNIT POLYESTER SAT., SUN . ONLYs2 97yd SS" ~~d t.1" .. ;de d cubl~ I":+ polye1t~• r~bric• fo• new,.,..,. mer f.,1hoc nt. All m"'"'"f w11 heb lf, no ;,o"in9 net dod . 10 It I l .,..,d lon9th1. STURDY FOLDING BED Our Regular J 3.44 Aluminum folding bed w11h 1" lubing_ 7 -lh!C k mol!•e~s lftl ~ cot1on 11c::k- i1•g. F old ~ lor 1roroge. 29'' .•. . -.~, LADIES COTTON SLACKS $300 Yolues To $6.96 STEP LADDER $4.22 Auorltd 1tvl11. <olot1 •~d mtleritli ;d1 1I for I~•• ,ummt• w••<. Si111 &-11. Mvlti-p11rpo1t ,lum;num ale p ltdd1 ,. l 1t1p•. Solid riveh, No -mt r, vinyl· c1pp1d f1 1I, ., -.-·..:..-: r ·-'"' ,l ' 'I l1 'I I· 1 ' I BATTERY LANTERN 'j SAT., SUN. ONLY s2 94 ~: I It Floth] Tftrow• • 'f• •mil• b•em of light , lnc lud•1 1!1nd11d I ..v b1!11•y, SIMILA.It fO llLUSTltATION -= ITV \VITI{ ,\ BARGAI N rnrr.E A N r) YOU'LL CO:"-.IE VP \\ rn r A 14' Hrln111'1'ulnr !ha1·s li ke """' lhroui;:h ciul . COSTA MESA I HUNTINGTON BEACH 2200 HARBOR BLVD. (1t Wll1<1n) .. ,, 19101 MAGNOLIA (at Garfi•ld) 8 DAIL V l'IL OT Frl!'.!111 AuqllU 20 1 NFL, l(ansas City Crime Commission at Odds KANSAS CIT\' t APl -Tht \atll'lnal football Le:aflH' and the Kansas Cit~· Crime Commission werf report.Id a.1 oc;ids Thursd1y nigh! O\''"r a business tr1nsac· tlon invnlv1ng all·prn sa ffty ,Jnhnny 1'.obinson. The romn11s.,1nn ha.~ 'l u ,. ~I; n n P rl whether the NFL shnuld h11vr .11 lln11•f'rl Rnbinsnn 1n enter inln a t ran~11ct1nn th11t resultrd in a cnrpn r11•i(ln he heNI.• nw1n~ S27~.000 tn .:i K1ns11s t1tv man 11•11h 11 polirP rf'rnrd · Thi' transac111'ln 1nvnll'e~ \hP p11rrha~" of the Mirrnr Lakt Town Club. nn11 .Jnhn- n~· Robin~on·s Swim and Tenni~ Cluh ... This u•as done 11·1th a S7~.0M dnwn pa~· ment and 11 promissor.11 nnt e sign~ by Robmson for 127~.flOO. payable to Ld.,.,·ard r .. Eddie Spitz" Osadchey and his 11•ilf'. The NF'L !old thf' Associaled Pre~~ Thursdav 11 h<1rl .11 lre1rl.1• in vf!~li1:11terl I.hf! nfff'r , rf'glllrrtPtl th t transaction 11.~ 1 •·s1mplt purchal'f' nf prnptrl~."' anrt 1·rit1cl7.ed lhP crimf' C'l'lrnmi~1'nn fnr hav· 1n1 r 1i11erl th'" is.~11!' !n Niew Ynrk. thf' NFL nlf1rr s111 1t1 "Thi~ nffil'P ha~ bf'('n h1ll.v ilwar" nf lht rtP1ad.~ nf .lohnn.1 Rrihln.~nn ·~ pl'npPrt.v purrha~i> sinrP lil~t Der ~ Al Iha! t1n1e h" 1·nluntarih· rrquP1'lrc1 nur ;is~1~tante In nbt1inlng inrormalion r t lf v1nt !n the then prnpnserl tran1'act1nn "Al no t1mt h111'e 111r rle1enn1nt rl th at the Lr11n~;H"t1nn 1s 11nything more tha11 a simple purchase of property and tlUr in· \'f'Sfi,liatinn e~11b!1shed nn suffll"tent r .11use lnr taking tht dr11!tir a!"llon of r11rPclln& Robinson !o r!ive!t him.,eH nf !hf prnperr_v. "It is unfnrtun;:itr lhlll a 1·nl11nterr nr11:11n11.allon shoulrt Sf'f' lit In tssut 5elf· srrvin~ s1 11 ren1f'n!.~ whir.h tenrt to cl'lnh1sf' r11ther 1han lo 1"l.11r ify the !lluatlnn," The <'rimr rntnrnis.~inn h::id wri!len !hr NF'L e.:irti .. r lhi:o; week ;ib(lut 111,. tr11n~11 r· tinn. ~Hy1ni:, ·it w;i~ no! 1n the brs! 1n-!rrf's!.~ 'nf prnfess1nnal fnotl>.:ill nr the Kansas Ci!y Ch1f fs ." 011adchey·~ polict rernrd shnw~ 11 f'nn· virtion in 1932 of a ferier•l Prnhibitton Ac! violation ;ind a convictinn in 1%-4 of coruiplflnJ: with lnur others lo defraud lhf' gO\'ernmenl of l.u!! !".In aJCt'.lhol while (lper1t.Jn1 the ~1irror Lake Gol! anti Cfluntry Club. Rnhin80n. 11t firl'I de.rlined tn con1ment "nn !hf' advice l"lr Coach Stram." but l.11te.r ht 111id his purchll!t nf the Mirrnr l.11kP Tnwn Club w.11:o; c.nmpleted nn ly .11fter hP rtce!ved 11pprnv11l nl tht> lt11gue nffi<''" tn fll'l llhtad with the lr:in11a cl.inn. "Last winter I visited with coach Hank !\fr.11m," Rl'lbln.'lon s1id. "and tl'lld him th111 I w11s con1Jdering buyinfl!. the Mirror L1k'" 'rnwn Club in Nnrth Kan~A,( Cily. He 1 dvi~ed me th1t bttfore 1 finalir.ed the purchl8e I ~twiutd rontal"I the !e11gue nf- f11"t . 11nd thrnuRh its 11ecurily dPpartmtnt, rnndu(·I ;in in1·"su11:.:111rin of lhP r!ub and .!1.l! mrttter! 'Ufr(lund1ng my prnpn~~ purchase. "Thi~ 1~ ,11 nnrm;:il procedure for prn footh111I player.~ contemplating .11 hus1ne8.~ venture. "!n r 11rl:-i 11N'rn10fir r rl'el'IVPd 11 repor1 nf the inve.~tigill inn rnnduclerl b) thi> li>:il!:Uf' nffif'r Thi> rr1J('Jr! did not contain :iny prohibilion :ig:i1nst rnv prnpn~ert purrhilse and . lhf'refnrP. nn Drre.mbrr 21. l~7fl, I ~lflneci a eonrracL flnallzln.: rhr transartinn " Stram ~il1·c lh1~ }.IC<'nunt nf thf' tt-:im'" JX'l~ilion "Last spnng 11·e were for·~·11 rderl a rf)py of a repor1 by the league office del&iling Jnhnn~ Robinson's purch1se or the ~!tr· r{lr Lak:P Tnwn C:luh. "Thf' rPpnrt was prPp11red b.\ lht lf'11gue fnr ,/nhnn~ ;it his rPCJU f'SI "ln ~1arch . .:it the requt~! nl !he l\;insas lit~· Crimp Cnmmi,<:inn, 11.'f' mf't 11·11h 1hrf'e fnpn1hcr~ (1f !hal 1·nn1n11s.~1nn ;inrt lhey prO\'idrd (J~ with thr 1n· fnnn11tinn cn1·ennl!: thr re.:il e~l;:i!e tr:in~11rt11H1 1(1('ntir;il to that whtrh had bren .~rnt 10 u~ 111 thf' lr.:i~11e nlfirc. .. 11 IS !hf' funr.1100 n! thr lr:1jl!llf' nt!w~ I•) 111v('<:!1~.:ite ;:ind rul(' nn plal'Pr 1n 1·p.~1rnrnl rniit!rr~ nf lhi~ n::itur" anrt ~1nce !he.1• h:irt thr fAct s nf !h1~ rP:.1 r.~1.:11 e transactinn "'" fP)t the matter 11',11~ ~ing prripe.r!y handled." Nic klaus One Back Lag1111a Youth 111 Golf Lead; Rho111e to Ra111s I Hill (Mike) Leads Doug Thflmps0n nf La~11n0 Rcarh 1.~ the !P.ad er in lhP bo~·I' lfl.;:inrl·llnrlrr ciivi~inn of 1he Juninr 1rnrld r;Cllf Ch;impinnship.' as th irrl-rnund p\'1,1' ,en1 undPr 11·11.v thi ~ morning in San Dit,1:n. ''oung DnuR fir'"d ,11 1n1 durin,c 1he Sf'· ('nnd round nf cnmpetitinn to hnld the lead he gr11bbPd nn the firi;t da~· nf cnm· petition. Aclien fnr lhP .vnun_rf'.r l!:nlfe.rs. 1n- £luding Thnmpsnn. will end today 11·ith the l fl-17·year-olds playinr: a fnur1h round nn Saturday. The tnurne~· is fnr both hoy.• and i:;ir!s thrnugh JT yPars nf agn. e Ranu (:!aim RhontP Jarry Rhomt. a veirr;in nf six N11t.inn al f oo tball League seasnn s 11s ~ backup ouar!erb.:i ck with threp team~ 11•as c:l1im· ~d on 11·11 ivPr~ Thursday bv the l.(l.'1 An,i:rlPI' Ram~ ThP R;ims .::innnunc:e<:I !hal Rhnmr. 2!1. "''"'~ sig11£'rt :iftrr hi.~ rPIP:i~i> b.v thr Hou~tnn Oiler~ He lrd Tht n a tinn·~ rp;qnr crillr~P. pa'°~,.,r~ 1n HIM ;if Tuls:i. thrn pla~·rrl fnr ye::ir~ wi!h nall.11~. ri11r with c1 .. vel and ::inrl la~t .~f'A~nn It Hnu~lnn Hf ~."!"' hi~ mos! e1len.~i\'f' prrif1".~.~1nn;:il ~er1·irt 10 1970 whrn lhP Oller.\ re,eul :iir quarlerbark w:i~ 1n.1urPd Rhnmp c:nm· pleterl 83 p11~SP~ in 1 6~ attempt~ fnr l.o.'l! ~·ards and fi"'" tnurhdn11·n~. • IJl'nl ou ...... r1 \\'ASHJ N(.TO~ -The D1~trirt nl Cnlumb1<1 Annnr\' BnArrf has nffere:d "";ishinR:lnn !'f'n.11\nr~· nwner Rnbert Shnrl .11 r1P.:il 11 .(.:i.v:o; 11·n1!1d .~a1·e him 112~.oon 11 . vr11r in u~e nf Rnhf'rt F. l\~nnf"dy St11rlium . Arlhur ··nu1ch" A'r2m<1n . managf'r nl thP boArd \.\'hirh 11rlmin1ster~ lht . .sladium. s11irl Thur~dA.\' !hf' prnpns;:il woulrt ;rillnw l;hor1. "or whnpver eJ~" might ope.rate " fr.11nrh i~r> hr rf'." rf'nl -frf'r 11.~f' nf fhl' s!;idium un11\ :iltrndanrP rr;irhr~ nnP million Thrn thP hn;irrt .:inrt Sr n;itnrs 11·nulrl d111rlf' rl'vrn11/' rriualll The St'nalnr~. hl'l11·p1·rr. wn1ilrl h;ivr In pa1· .~115.nnn rnr "ei:pPnses rel1ted l(l ba~eb,1111 that thP hnarrl nn11· pay~ .. e 1\11111 l 'r•lp• t 'np Billir .r e11n Kin.1: nf Lnng R'ach dt'!ft ;i!t't'I Kerry H:irns 111 Aw;t r alia. li-1. 6-2 1n lhP 1'lUN'\f'rl1nal• nf th~ $20 .000 \'ir1t1n1il .'\l1m• rlav rf1ur! 1 Pnn1.~ rhAmfl· Jon~hips at Leki> A!ull. Ill Thursd,11_1· ~l r• Kini:· ... rlnuhlP• r;it'!n .. r. Rn~t1n;ir1· ('a...-al\ nf ~;in Fr.11nr1~rn r1 1<pnslrrl nf f;eck1 \ r.~!. li-2 . i;.~ lll l"lrl thr rl11n 11,.,n 1n dnublf'!' n1•er .Jill f nn[ll'r anrl ("nr1nne fo.lnles11·orth of En~lanrl. j .• ~ .'ii, ~.1 Dodge rs Launl'h Road 'l'rip PHJLAl"IELPHIA -Thr Lfn An~eJI',~ Ondgrr.~. 1\'hf1 rut 11 l111n.<I (1\'r g::1 1nr.' nff S&n Friln<'1!'f'o ·~ ]r ad 1hr l;:i.~1 111nr !hf'y "'err nn th!' rn::irt. ~!~r1 ;i 1.l·J:i'trnr lrip ton1 ~hl ai:;a1n.~! thr rh1ladelph1;i Philtits 11'.• !hr lnngr~I lnp nf lhr ~ra~nn fnr the Ol'lrtger~. i•, i;:amr.< hrh1nt1 thr r.1an1~ 1n !hP r..-1111nnal l..t'ali?,11r ~ \\'r<!rrn Di\'1s1nn af1e.r w1nd1nJ: 11r a lnsin£ homP~<:t.11nrl nn Wednrsda1· 01,ehl Al f)o11•nin£ Sf'f'k.~ h1~ 1.'11h 11r1nry :ii~Ainst Pi,l!hl df'frill,• lflr rh'" f><ld.1:rrll a.1;am~1 Phil!1tlrlphi:i ·~ fhr1.~ Shnrt. 7·t:I. in the hr~I nf thref' Rame~ 11·ith th". Phillie~ Toni~ht'~ t11t riln be h"Ard nver Jfatinn KP'l 1M0 1 ThP Oocli;; .. rs thf'n i n In f\1nnrr .. :i l. ~l'w ''nrk "-nd Hn11.,tnn btfnrt re.turnini: Mme Sep! J to meet C1nc1nnat1 and Si n F"rln· ctsro ) ' ' .. ~~. ~~..--. .J' ":. • A ' ... 'i .. ~. ""''*' .,., ..,.<:J.JOI ................ ,.\.~~··· ... " ... ~ .... .,_. l<IOS EYE VIEW OF VIRGINIA SLIMS TENNIS TOURNEY. Youngsters in Like Bluff, 111 . Viaw the Cl.ty Court Event Fr•m le11 V1nt19e Pcint. La\'er No. 2 Pancho Says Newco111be ' Top Player in World Nf::\\' \'Of'lK 1ur11 -r;:int·hn r;nn1.:il,.1. df'\r5n·i Ii.th! it .:inymor'" Nnt likr hP usf'r1 tn An.v11·;:ir ThP bl11ck-ha1rrd. pl'fflPl11;illv s11n-1annl"d ~H \'!',,uvi11s nf th!' lenn1:o; t'ru1·1:; ~Pl dnm r1·pr r.rur1.~ !ht~f' d;:i,v.< A.I!" h:i~ 11 Int tn rln wilh it A.ti:r ;i nd th~ w1~dnm wh1rh romf'~ with n.1tur11I r1·erv day living · P.:inrhn (;n111,Al r 1 .. nner !hp fnrf'mn~t lrnnis pl11.vr t In thr wnrlrt. 11' 4:1. H,.( nnt rt-1111~· nlrt. hut nnt that ynun,11. f'ithPr Hi!'~ nlr1 rnouah In know rtllf'l I\' wh11 t ht~ rh1ncrs "rt 111 thr l ~ Open trnn1.~ rh;irnpinn5h1p.~ >.1·h1f'h h'"'ll hr pl.:ivin,t 1n ;i1 Fnrtsl Htll~ r .... ·n "'f'rk.~ lrnm nn\I' h•!I ~till \'n11nii; Pnnui;:h 1n 11·hip kiri' h•lf hi~ .:i gf' ·~·hn'll alsn hf' In thAt PIP01. ' ! snrr nf \(1(1\.: RI 1 .. nn1~ 11n11• JI~ JI 11:an1r th11t ,ll11·e~ nH' ~11 nppnrruni11· tn rnmr .:1rnund ::inrl .~,.,. m\· nl~r1 .. nrt.~. ·• c.11111 r.n11 1Alf'7. .ll! ii ~l'!·tn,llf'!hrr !h'" n11'1rr rl111 Thi~ par11rul.:ir i;:1 thPrin~ "'Ill( 11 rrl.111rc1 nnr 1"111rinfl!. lhP r1111r~'" nf iT f;f'ln1.Alr·1 w•~ namrrl tnurnam••n! rha1rman n( thr f1r '1 S[YIJ'!S lf'lehri11 lr nn1s 1n11rn11 n1 .. nt fnr thP D'"Wllr·~ C:up 110r1 f"\·rr10nf' prt.~~nt ,e r nr r 11 ll,1· 11 ,11...-h.1!1·1n,t .11 i!nrlrl 11mr P.:in<'hr'l r;onr.1lr1. 11·a.,, r1·ri1~ 11111rh Al r ?.<P al~o . fnu!d fh ;i1 hP !hr rr;i~nn hP ~·;:i .< rt1i::l11n,c 11p lhi...-rnilrt f.:irin .. ,11 hn111 lnok1n.i: .111 i .. n ni~ nri11· !'Inly 11.• ~nmf' kinrt nf ~nr 1"I \'f'hirl~~ Th'" l'lnr-11mr kine rir thr "l'IUrl~ •m 1lrrt ··1 :o:.till h;:i1'" rnnfidf'nrt rm ,tnnn.:i win rn11 tch"~· l JU,•! r1nn ·1 l(nnw hnw m11n1·:· h, ~aid. · "\\"hat About !hf' I 'S. ()pf'n lt!lr .. " r.nn1.:ile7. ~h rLIRl.!.tri • \\'ho know5"" hf' •lit!. "1 f"lll 1'1•r 2nl .11 rhanr'" n!her11·i.~t I wouldn't bf' r nm- pe11n~. I'm not .1onn11 qull , I'm 11rinn11 try ... HI' w•!I ht11nnin11: 11'1 ~flunrt l1kr !h'" nlrt Panthl'I Gnnzalez. thf' nn' whn nn("f' $airl -"I'm !hf' bf'~! p\11y1r 11nd I dt~Pr\'f' thi> mn~t mnnt~··· -and nnw the~· he1i:1n 11~k 1ng him ,11bn\1! Rrw:I Laver 11nd "'hi t hf' !hn11,eht Llll''"f cnulci rln !l"I Cf'I nut nf lht dnlrlrum~. ·nnf' !h1n.1 h'" rlln rln i~ nnl nl.:i v 1n 111 s n1.:1n 1· tnurnamPn!~ ... Cri'ln1.al .. 1 .. <.11irt "A:o; \'Oii l:f'1 nl rillr. ml' A.I!' nr Rn.~p11'al l '.• ll Jl:P. 1•n11 h;i1·p In .llrcrpt thl' f.:irt vnu'rr nnt .11~ ,c(l{)f'j ;i<: 1·n11 <inrP wrrP Al :t.1 yn11 rlnn ·1 lr1· 1n rtn !hr lh1ni:.~ ,l'nu dirt whrn ynt1 w""rf' 2.1 . l..llv(>r h,111< tn :id1ust. ·• Rul !h.:il rnnlract nf h1.~ s.11 1·~ hr hn~ tr> p\;i1 " . ··HI'.( Cl'lt !!'I t:n in !hrrr ;:inrt ;irl1u~I that p.:irl nl 1!. !fl(l." r.onz.:ilP7 i;airl '"'nu!r1 ,\'nu .<.a.1· l.::t\'Pr slill 1~ 1ho> hP~1 lhPrP 1.' in 1hP 11·nrlrt. sl11rnp anrt .1111 .. ·· 1 11·nulrt nnl. .. r.nn111lr1 ~.:tid ' I think \"r wrnmhp alrC".:ic1.1 h;is ~urp;:ic~,rl him ."t wrnmhf' wnn 111 \\'1mhl r rtnn !hi~ vr::i r. l.:i •I 1·r•r ;inrt 11 <'nup\p nf 1p;ir ~ hf'fnrp !h~l Hi< r .. rnrrt 1<: mn.~t nut.•IAnr11ni;:. F1· .. n !hnui:h Rnrl Y.'nn a numhf'r nf !hr cl J1 .~~1r P\'('nli:: !'r1 r •!P :\pwrnmht ;i hr ;irl n( h!rn II !hP l>.1'n 'J.'t rr !n pla1 nRh! nnw l rl h.111'f' 1n fl!'! nn ,\' .. wrnmhP .. AS(;l\'LS St:.'\llJ !11A \' AGA/l\'ST \'A '\'/\/:'E.'i Thr (•11ldnrn1il AnJ<Pl~ ~r11rf Rllrlt \1;:iv Afl rr his r J,11:hth 1'1rtnr\· fnr !ht ln11r!h !1rni> tnn1,l[ht 11·ht n tht.1• ml'f't 1hP N'"11· \'nrk Y.:in krp:o; 1n lhf' nprnrt n! ;in 11· 11:.11n1~ hnm ... ~t;ind ~1111\', wh11 h11s ln.«1 h1' l;:i~1 lhr'"r '1rri~inn• '1nr'" h!'11r 1n.i;: M1l11•1111kf''" w1lh 111 fl'lur.hi11er Au.1, 2. will h'" nppn~Prl h.v !hf' \'111nkrr~· F"rit1. Peler,nn. 1:1-7. ,. IP!t - h11nrlf'r 11·hn hl"llrl~ .11 12-2 carH r m.11 rk a,Ra 1n,1 lh'" Ani;:el~. Tonight'~ sam" will hP hrnartr11.'!l 11ver r.11idin slA!ion KMPI 1710 I ldlr Th11r~d.11~. !hr An11el~ won nnlv !hrt t 111 ninr R:.'lmf'.'! nn 1 trip to !ht t,11~!. Thf'~ arr 1n lnurlh pl ace JU~! nne ptrcf!n- !11,:• pntnl 11he11d nl Minnesot1 in the: Amf!ric;in t..e1guf' \\'t$1. E1110 Upends T en11is Rival After Mishap FORT WORTH, Tex. Nt11•pnrl. Ar11ch".• Rny ~~mf'rsnn. whn rr c£'1vert a nr;ir fat~I f'lectrif':il .~hnl"k \VPiinf'.<dav, r1f'fl.'11tPd Ron Hnlrnber11: n( \'.'p:o;\ Point. NY .• R-2. 7-R, Thur.~ci ll,V, atlv.11ncin.c Ill !hr. qu.:irtPtfin11I.• nf lh~ $.'il.flflll ('nlonill l ,\'A· !inn,11 ] rrnfe.~~innal lrnnis thlllllfllOll~h1p~. r:n1Pr.<nn'.~ mAll'h with Hnlrnh .. r.ii: \I'll~ nn.ii:1 na!l,v ~rhrd11\Prt for \\lrrlnl'.'srl.:i v h11l "'"~ pn~trnnert v.·hen F.mer<on rert 11·erl thp .<hnr\.;. H'" w11.• slanrlin,c in thr w .. t h111htuh nf hi.< hnte l room 111he.n he r'"achert fnr ,11 lnwr:I nn !he. r Ar k. Emer.•nn ~1111rl tht rack w;i~ lnuch1n.1: 11 11.\·\'0l! elertrH.".'11 lin'" il'I !hf' 11111!1 anci th,. rurrr nt rrn;o:e h1• h.t1nrl In fhl' r ack . Emerson fpl] llnd h1< "'rij hl pulled !hf' r:.r k frnn1 thP 11J1ll , hrriikinR the rnn1ar1, H1~ ph~·~1r1.:in <J1 1ci lh'" llth!r le s111f .. rPrl nn ill '"flt rl<: nlhrr th;in wh;it hf' lf'rinrrl r "~/ n'"l'1P 11·aun1 11 In Th11r<rli11 ·• m::tlrh En1rr<nn hart nn l rnuhl, 1n 1h,. f1r<1 <" 11·j1h Hnlmh'"r~. ~n11a~h 1111rl 1'"11n1~ rniirh ;i i !hi' l ~. M1lilarv Af':irfrm1 ~:me:r.'Vln hrlci 0!1 In 11•1n lhr sec.nor! srt in 11 !1e.hrr11k er 11f!rr tr.-ici in,c hreak < with Hnlmh .. r11 In nthr r mat<'hr.< Thursrt;iy, ~ixth-crf'rt. l'rt !1·1anv fl1t.~sen nr Tuc!nn fnur h1 nff ni;ilrh f)llint in .11 tif'-hre111kPr a,c;:iin~t .\11,<11·.:ili:in Owen n1n·1snn hefnre 11·1nn1n .'! f.-i _i ....... , Al.~n rr iichin,11. !hf' qu.:1rtrrfin11ls wl're .l(lhn t\\l'tflnrlPr nf A11~trah;i, \\'ho nu.<1 f'rl Anh ('<1rn11rhilf'I nf FrAnr t . Fi·4. fl-4. ;inr1 R.11ktr(flplr1".' n .. rin1~ Ral~1nn. whri rlnw n- '"ri Phil 01'n! nl A11~lr11l11, "··'· F.-4 Fl ies.~t>n .. ceek 1ni;: hi~ M-cnnd !nurnAmrnt 1·1rlnrv 1n lhP mil1ifln-r1nllar \V(lr[rt Ch;im. pinnsh1p nf Tl'nni~ ~rrit., ln~1 thP ftr~1 ·'"' ll'l ll11virl~l'ln in 11 llP-hrr;:i \.;pr ::inti litl'Prt m 111rh poinl in thf' !lt:Cl"lnrt nnl\• tn rf"rl nff thrt !' stra1,1?hl pn int ~ IO e1·en th1nR~ ;it nn(! -'t' .. 11 Thf' fl"lrmf'r Nnr1h11'f'~1 f'rn ln1vrr~11 v b115k"lh111\ 11nd l !'nn1~ -111 r !hen hrnk'c D11v1d11l'ln tn th, fnurth game ol tht lh\rrl .'!f't 1111d held 1"111 to wi11 Wichita Crash Survivor Ret11rns WlCHlT A. Mn. 1 t.;Pl 1 -Rnh Renner Is a kicker .11nd 11 reservP qu.11rlerb11tk fl'lr the Wichil11 St11t11 football tf'am Hf' ~uited up for Thur1id11y·~ first d1y nf prarlic-e fl)r thf' l!l71 SP.'IS('ln but hf' rl 1rln '1 riuitf' fH.I r i gbt AS hf' lonkPd Al thf' fll('f'~ nl hi8 younger te:amm11ll'~ Ht rememl>f'rl'd in.'l!t.'ltl lhP tt.:1 m h'" played "'ith rlurins: thP f1r.~1 part nf 111~1 ee1snn fnurtf'f'n nf thn~r pl.ll\'f'T' \\' .. rfl killed ]a.'!l. fall v.•h"n lh'"1r rh11rtPred pl.tin" !taking the.m In lllAh ~m 11rk"rt 1n!n thf' ~irtt nr ii mnunt.ll1n In Cnlnr.11dn "ThP thing lhal upsrl~ mf' l~ I fr rl out ol pltace... Renner ~11 id Thur~d11y. In "Pring b:tll I fell llke 11yln,e: '1 rlf'ln 't helon;?: nu1 thPrt · I w1nll'd In tf'll thn~e: freshmen. 'it'• U\ 111hti Ml'lnj! f'IU! there. 1101 \fJU ' .. R~ner s111• f'!Uf nf h •.~ rln~r~r frtf'nd~ •. • burn~ death ~l, 2. He wa_! one.qt tJlt ~ 1 '}.Wr -·.-~')l<-h · lucky ninr 'll"hn r.~1·11r>td Th1rt.1•..nnp persnn" rlletl , 1ncludinQ: t ~ pl ayers. hf'ad t'(!.iirh BPn \V il~nn. and 11!hlelir riirtrlnr Bert K11t t t nmeyer. "!'I''" il\ktrl m~·~Plr JOO.~ llmr~ 11·h.1· I 1!1· .. rt.' Rrnorr s11 itl "I rlnr I h81 P thP iln~11·,.r Rut the~· rtitd in .11 11·;11· likf' thr\1 knp11· it "''111 ~ their rimP. II 1i.;i~ ltkl' r.<ld 11 ::i• •n11hnR r1n11·n nn mf' 11nri ~.:iv1nJ1. ·nn. ynu r1nn·1 JI"! In ,11.n lh~\ llmt " Thr fnnlh11ll tr•m 11 11 1> nn it• "II' !fl 1.J'ltz.:in. l:t11h. lnr 11 Ra n1t w1th ll!.11h ~1 111 1 ,. The: p!.11nr ~tnpJ)f'rt in Df'll\'Pr tn r'"lu'"I ""''ht n "'''" !ell Orn1·rr 11·p .11!1 nn11rf'ri th11! tti~ mount1in., "''f'rr ahnv'" u"." Rl"r"I· 11r r s111d "It 11·1 ~ rf'111tl.1· hfo:i ulllu1 \°nu had In look u~ tn ~'"' !.hf'm 1 111~krrt r(IJ1rh \ri)snn lf rh11 ! "''-'~ 11nrm111I And ht <11111 ·;1 ·' 111~1 rnulinf' · , • ...;. TJ1en ._w_.e bankrd_l 11·1c! a~d. !_asked ,,.. ;i,1;;:i1n anrl hr ~ilirl. '1·r:;. ir~ 1u.~1 rnu11n'' Tht nrxt lhin~ 1 \.;nev.· V.'' went rii ht tntn th• trl'e.~ \\''" h111rt nn ~· a r n 1 n I 11·h.'l!S()f'l'f'r A~ [•st a~ I ('nuld say. ·nh. IT\\ r.nrt . · "'~ 11·erf' dl'lwn 11nri it 11·11.~ .111! nlf'r RrnnPr',<; l"J: llTl'rk;:i~p llnri ll•m'"( w;is p1nnrd 11'1 !he plane hur~I lhe 'I p111ltrl ~nd pullrtl a11r1 pullrrt Thrn I ~tiirt rrt pr11y1n,1:. I tlnn't knntA· wh,1. hul I rPllr d rn n'IV tl.11rt >.1°hn i~ tlt.'lc1 1 111irt. ·n~:1. J'1·, 'i;:n! !O Rl'I thf'. ht tl OUI nf hrrr Anrl .. ,u<1dtnl.1·. t "'"'~ Frrr. tht nnl~· !h 1n~ I h11rl nn 11·.:1~ n1v 11nrlcrw .. 1r I'll \,,.,. In 1h1<: rl:il'. r rn11lrln't ~,,. my r1 ther nr rh " l.11rtl hut 1 <'l'luh1 frtl thl'm •· R f'nntr'~ rln~r ~1 fri,.nrl. R.:i11rh· 1'1,.~.1111. t1·~~ n111 ~~!1gn('rl lo Rrnner'~ pl~n'" Hf' -~'~S. l.Q ri~e io the second craft. the one '' ... r.-- I th;it h1nrlrl'I ~;:ilr l.1· Ru! hr sne.'lkr!d ;ihn11rrt 11•ith Rrnnf'r .11nri told him "1'1, Of'\'er ridden ""Hh th~ ,.;t rond le.Am btrore .'Ind I'm nnt Jl<lin.I[ In ~111r1 now ." Ktf'~,.11 ttied pinnrrl in thP ll'rl'r k11i;:r nP11r whPrf' Rtnnf'r w;i ~ f'::tu,i:ht. RtnnPr'.' l'llhf'r rln~t frlf'nrt~ .. l;ick VP!lf'r i nd Dnn C':hri~t .. n. diM lhrrr. Ion. · ! 1\.'llS !r11lnt rn hrlr thrm," Rr-nnPr i;.11ir1. "'Tht,\ 11·~r, <!yin.ii: anl'I lt.111·1nJ1 thi!! wnrltl. hut it wa~n·1 tikt thev .,.,.f'rf' fi"IHin,c tn .\l::t\' Thr 1· ~rrmrl'I In l(nn11•. \\'hen .1111ck .\ 1'11.~ .•t arted b11rn1np;. hf' ~aid 'Bnb. rm burninR. r,,.1 nut 1"1( hert ' R11ndy <lirtn'I ~II,\' 11nytl'tlni:. Rur hr ~hnok hi~ hP11d llkf' hf' wa~ tellin~ mt nor tl'I rrv tl'I h11Jp him .. R f'nn~r fr,.f'fl himstH anrl r·r•11lrrl lhrl"lu~h 8 Ml~ 1n lh'" f'l'!('kpi1 1n rv apto Two minutel.!Jter. lht p[Me uplcsie<t,. Philly Golf Classic rHILAn ~:LrHlA rArl --Mik~ Hill'~ hil:!J:Ps! prnblrrn nn lhf' i;:nll tf1ur i~ 10 I!(! prnpl~ 1(1 .~tnp r allini;: him D;i v .. u ·~ nnl r.aS)'. ~1 ikr \fl(lk.~ 11 Int !ikr n111·"· anr1 if _1'!11t rln.~e ,VntJr PVe.~ ynu'rf .~11.'f'il r it ..... :i.~ n a1·e ta!k1n11.. Thr .. .:i~irs1 11·;iv to tell the 111·0 ;:ip.:tr!, hnll'f'l'Pr, 1.~ nn thf' 11n lf cnurse. whpre yl"lun,l[er brnther Mike 1~ 11~ rl11ferent lrnm Oa vr JI.~ A hnle-1n-onf' Is lrnm a dotJble. bnJ;l.',I. Vnu rnulc1 Sf'P lhe ci1f~crence Th11rsrta.v 11 fler i\11kP ftred a ~e1·rn unrter p;ir .15-.)0- fi~ In t.:ikp thP fir~t rounrt IPlld tn lhr $lfi(\,flfl{l lr1r1u~1r111 I \'11lle.v A ;ink Phil11rtelrih1a c;nlf Cl.:1 .~.~ic HI' Iran., h~· 11 s1rnkr 4lVPr .lack r>.'1rkl1111.~. whn shot ~2-24-fi~ .-ii 1h,. Wh1trn1.11 r~h V;i lll',\' Cn11 nrr.v Cl11 h rour.'"· Rr<1 f'k P,1Prl ;it ~7 RS lhr f1r lrt nl 147 !11.=trt!'rl l hP sf'cnnr1 round Fr1rta.v wP-rf' Rob Ro~huri;:. Rnh ~111rph,1• ;:i nrl T n n1 \Ver~knpf. Th'" h~n~n1r. rl.irk -h;i1rf'd 11111. frnm .!1tck.~l"ln. ,\1 irh, isn't as 1n1rn~,. :i.~ brn!hl"r 1"1,111· .. 11·hn i~ s111n a !ht> rr.' fnr :i million r1n!lar~ nl't r ::i f1nr ll'l'Pl,.rl '1 i;:ain.~t him. MikP 1:o; thP fir.(! 10 :irlmu hr '.~ no1 il.'! out!!pokrn ;i.~ n.:ii·t . "'.'Jn ~Ir. 1 dnn·1 r 1f'n ,11 1tPn1r1 1!." h,. ~n;ipper1. whrn a~\if'•t 1/ hr ~fll'lki> hi., p1Pcr i" thr n .:1 vp H1!1 1r11d111nn . 0 11v,. I~ :I hUR nn !hfl lr<hnr!':il ROJ:\I' ,,f lhP i;:11mr. Mikf' ha ~ :i n.:i!tJral .~11·1n 11:. anrl i.< rnncrrntr1 mosll\ ;ihnul \.:crpini;: 1t ti, thP ~ronvr Hr 11lsn hrl1r1•r s 1h;ir ;i lilrl!'" )ll'rl'rnt:i,cf' nf ~11cTr~sf1il l!nlf ,c.;imr i.'! n1r nlal i\11kr was hl'l1'111£ hi' rt'nhlrrn~ f\1'(1 rnnnth~ .:ii::n .. ~n hr rlrf'irlrrl !n t;i).:p 111 rr.~I. HP s;.i! 11111 11ie C.:i11 11r!ian and Milw11ukef' Opens hf'fnr'P rrjnininl!: thr tnur fnr lhf' Wr!!trn1 nprn, Hr rame h11f'k in 11 hf'l!rr lr11n1e nf mind .11nr1 ha~n·1 f1n1slif'rt wnr.~r lhRn ~ix1h s1ncf' lhrn. Parn1nfl in rxrrs~ nr S.IR,000. HP mnl'rrl frnm 9.~th tl'I ::i~th nn !hP mnnl".V 1111nn1nR li.~t . .:1nrl hil~ nnw e.11rnert i2A.2~2. "! 11·a~ !.hrrr p11111r1~ ;i lnl. and r1·rry time I m!S!ert a ,c reen I 'A'AS 1hink1nR bngP.V. 11•h1ch IS "' t1t',C111Jl'P 11'.l,I' t.o play !hf' _2amr.'" ~l1k,. s1111r1 ··11 ant to bP m .. n. tal sn ! rtrcirlf'rl to t;ikP a fp11• 11•rrks nlf." Hill alsn s.:i 1r1 th:it frlloll' prn r.a)' Rrf'Wt'!r helprrt hin1 with h1.~ rrr;:in! r 111. tin11. Hr sa1rl the t11 o 11•rrr playll'll! ! prac•u·f' rnt1nrt .:inrt Rrr11'rr nnr1ced 1h~! ~1 1kf' 11 as us1n11 tnn m11rh h.:inrl~ ;inti nat ennui;.:-h Jt rm.~ ;i nrl shn11ldrr~ ~11ke m:irlr the ,1r1 1u~!ment. ;:inrl nnw i:ay~ hi"'.• strikini:, 1hl' hall snfier ;ind 11·s rnlline: hf>!ter. HP h;irt .10 putts rnr h1~ Th11rsrt;i y rn11nrf 11•irh sr 1·rn nnt-pu!t i;:rrr11~ .:inrl nnly nn~ threr-pu!1 hOJ::P_1· hnlr. Hr> m1~sed <ml~· nnl': ,crrf'n ;ind S.ll\'f'rl p:ir lhPrf' 11·1th 11 p11rh fr()rn lhP fnni::c In 1\•1!l11n ;ihnut six inches nf lhr c11 p Ht>:; s£'ek1n j.\ h1.~ f1rs1 111 lnry nn lhr !our ~ineP the l!lli!I Dor;:il Oprn. N1f'kl.:111s, who 1nartr a sp1>c1.:il po111t {n pl2)' ll'I !hf' rhillldf'lphlii f'laS~1f' hPra11<<1: hP \\'1!hrlrew l;1st yrar ;:iflrr nnr rn11nrl, 1i.;is pleil.,rrl wirh his .~1x undr r p.:ir rn11nrl. Hr .:ilsn hac1 an r'11!1" nn lhe f1f1 h, hin111i: ,11 three iron 11 ff'<'! frnn1 lhr pin :inr1 ho!· int 1r HP h:irl six birdies ;ind ~ pa ir of rhrPr-putr hnge~·~. ,. ...... ,,.,., ···~·" ~•"" (I•«·• M•~• "" 11;o '-'•c•l•u• """ ""'~U'O .,.~.., "'"""~' """ Mu•<>" ""II ~~~~'" ~··~· nr"''"''"" I""" ""'"' C-••d""' l"l'r~·•I~" /)•V• M ••' r"v• "'•II "'""'•'" Al1or" Ac1 W•ll """ M(l~"~"" I••' C.Mn•!'""~ ( ..... ~"" j .... ... ( •• ,., j .... ... ,1.,~ L•w•• ~n• ~~''"' l')-,ug !J""" ~" M•"""~·to (-•• ···-·· l •mmv •• ,.,.. n ol• l'>nU?'"' '"'' J1,.,1 ........ ''"" W'-'""" 'E.~ '"""" I""" L«l•• l"u r,.,,..,..., "' I \' .. " " .. '" ' • "' 1 1 • ' I ' • I, \t t . f,,,. ' ,. . ,. '" ,., 1 ,( N'i' r"·l•1•10••• -I\ \fl...-'\ 17 J•--• ,11 \J >I ,, l'--• 1 •• 1\.-•' "·H "' ,, 1' "' ",, -·· \1.J• ""' 1•1• .. ",._ .. '• l!-<'' 1 I I) _,,, l.'·-" '" "'·.l•-'" l •-llo-'~ 1' p '" " 1)-'" "·ll 7~ J• 1)-·~ "-:U-'" ,._,, '" \'-l'-'" IJ-"-'" t•.J~-'" lo.JI-I~ "'·l•-'" " 1) '" l~·ll-10 \l•I T,11~~~ JACK NIC KLAUS 8-EATHES A SIGH O• RELIEF . Pro Golf St.tr .. $lnk1 1 Putt fa L.S•cond Pl.tc• In PhHad•lPhi-t • "' ,, ' 17,..,. • -\.~+rin PUFFING DENTIST -l lnivr rsity of Tll inois pro- fessor 11nd ph:-;sical ri!nt s!' P-x pert Dr. 1'homas Curt· ton \lef() checks vit11! capacity of Costa Mesa den· ti.~L Dr. Frank Fl(\re!i nn a !'riro111 r1f'r. ( urcton 11·as in lhe ;irc::i rPC'cntl~· to rlcn1oni;rra1e his !1mc- honored f1 tne s.c lf'r hn1riues and rrogran1.~. Spirometer--Reliable Test Pli )'·~ical Fi tness Exper/, Gives D e 111 0 11 .~t r"ti.011 R~· PHii. ROSS 01 tho (h ll> r 1,.1 u on nnrlrrj!radu111e swimmrr II I 'ni\'Prs.it.1•." \'a I e r·ro!rir 1·1r<·tf's 11·hi«h i~ lnr.r.1rrl 1n llr ("11 rr1nn c trrhn1r;il 1n:in11;il lhP has1~ nf Dr. Thoma :< l\irl. C11re1rn h:is arh1t1'f'd f11m,. th rnup,h m'1 n_1· 11·nrt.h11·h1lr 1·nn- tribut inns tn rhr wnrtrl nf ph~·<1r11 I f!tnl'<<. ~ut the nnr which ht lik•s 1n hr11~ ahou\ !ht mn.<;1 J.~ the prnr•urrment nf a )!.:!rlJ:rl r11lcrl a ~pirnmr1rr . A rlrvir r 11~rri In mf';istirr air rnlrrin ~ 11nrl lr111•in,i: thr lun,e.~. thr spirnmrti>r h11~ l;lfof"n nf utmn<t irnpnr!anf'f' In lh, 70."PRr- nlrl hrii<I of lhP Phv.~lr11l F1tnri;~ ln~T 1l11!r nf lht' lln\ler~11.\.t nf 11\inni~ ~I ('ham- p~iRn. f)r. ( 111"rl 1u1 wa.~ in lhr Or ani?r !'1)~~l 11rt>::i 1·r rr11tll In rnndlll'I .:i lwn-d:t v rlin11; ~nrl (t>m1n.:1f nn ph,v~lf'11I filn f'5S .11t C1v:a a ~lr~~·~ nrar1J!P Cn:tst. Vl\l('A Thr 11 ut hnr nf :t lrnR,1hy honk :inrl tPchniral m11nl1:tl no thr ~llbJPCt n/ fi!- n~i<~. f)r f'urrinn It\'('~ rf'lil!i1111~il h~ lhr ~pirnmr!er HP s11,1·~ nl thP l11.•ln11nrnl. · It me.:i~urr~ tun,11; vn\11rnP In f.:ic·1. it'~ \!'I 2 10 n ~k f::lil'!(lf\ fn u1<l11·.11 1r l h ' \'Ulnt"r11h1t111· rnr hr11rr rl1•r11 ~r "('h11 l,'<tPrnl f'f1Unt 1~ .,.;n l h,. •riri • In hi~ rirmlln~1r;11 1nns "h1rh li:tkr him In p\'t r1 part nf lh" l ' S nr f:urrlf1n hll( Uff'rl man1 rliffrrrnl 1n~tr11mPnl~ ~nrl I t~!.~. Ru1 hr l'l:i1m • ntlnP 1s mnrf' rr l1~hle th i n thr ~p1roml'l r r "11 1lhr :<pirnm,.t ,r i j, prl'!h;ihll lhr <implt>~I nf !hf'(r l,S1!" hi!! II ~ l'f'f\' m,iinini;:lul 1n rnras11r1ni;: r1!~I r.:tp;ir1t1 ''f"nr ,~~n1['llr. I 11 111 " th f' ~llmf' 1•it11l r1par1t1· 1 harl "'hPn l "'"~ ll 22 .. 1,.ar·nlrl Or. Currlnn attnhlll f'i ht~ prr,.rnl r~­ rrllrnt phl'siral {'nnrlitinn 11nrl n1cn1111 ;i1ertnf'.~!i tn prnprr ph,v~ir11I cnnrl1r1nn1n'l lhrnu ii,hnu1 1he .v,11 rs. "It m11k,s a rliF!Prrn r("S in A pPr~n1f<; /11nr"~ 1r hr h11sn 't ht:t n lln 11ny t.1 pr llf pn\gr11111 \l'hilf' ('11rr1on arlhrrP.~ In ::i srrin11~ ha ~1r prni::r11n1 lnr both hlm~,.lf :inrl 1hnsr 11nrlf'r hi~ lutr!.:q:r . hi~ lifr hll$ ;il!'n hPrn Wlerl with :in orf'a0 \n11 11I nnv,.lt\ 1w1st In f'!llP 1nst;ini·P, lhr Onr ~w.:im 11n - rlPl'll'll!f'r fnr 2'1 l'nJ:1h~ 111 lilf' f11<antu: ~wunminj! ponl nf lhr lll(i A1nh11s~arlnr 1-lntrl in Ln~ ,l\nJ!rlr.<. An<l that fra1 i'i hrli r\·rrl tn hf' 11nprrr,..rlrn1rd. r ~nrr1:111.v 11 hrn i t'~ .:i mirlrilr·<ij!Cd rn;in "'hn rrrfnrmf'ri 11, In Or ('11rr1nn ·~ t\Olf'·hnnnr<'rt prn- cram. hr ha< prr<;nn11 l!I' r1p1·rlriprrl "'1rh f.:irf't h1m~,lf 11nri ha <; rno rl'l1n~1 ,.n 111 nf th" 1·ariahl,~ 1n1n 11 "'rll-nri;:.::in11.f'ri fllnP'i~ tahlr Th,rr ::irr /1\'l" h11.-1r pnrt1nn~ 1nrt1H1f'rl nn a ph.v~i ral fltn ,s<; rh11 r! "'ll h rnn· ~'\'T i\ ,\1."-Rl."--r r,, r·h111·~ \1,,n 1.:ilh:inf1 nf \';i n '\111~ anr1 11m;i1r11r \l l~" l\rlll nf r'llfllrl~l--·flrf'rt <f'1rn 11nrirr-p:or 1'\.'i~ fnr Thf f1r~t rnunrl lt>arl 1ri tht s1:i .noo r :il S1a1r nrwn ,i:nlf tnurnt mf'nt Th11r~rl~1· ;it S.ant;:i r-..1;:in.:i Cn11nlr~ f l11h Bas eball S m1idin gs A~IE:RICA .\' l.El\fiUF. ~1J11morr Rt>sl.On Ot.troi• Nt w '\"ork \\'ash1ngtn n f l1"vt l11nrl 011kl11nrl l\a.ns11.~ r111 Chiciti;n Ari1t l~ ~1innpsnl 11 Mil"'.:'IUkf'f' E:ast !)l\'i~ion W L i4 44 hh ~; Ji,, ;.,7 ~, hi !'>1 ""' 70 i ~ 74 ~·t~t 01,·l~inn 7~ •• fi.1 ~ill; All f;,1 lii AA .i.\ I.Ii ;,1 70 t~u••lllv'• lto•ull• "'"""~ 11 P.•l•m"" r•d ...,,, n~•v '""'' 1t~'~"'"~ 1.-l•v'• 0 1 ... u Pr1. .1127 ;i,17 71.l.1 "" 421 .:\~ 1\.1!1 ~71 ... •:>Ii 1,};1 .421 GB 1n11 II " 2~ l_'J 27 1'? 14 1"? ,,.,1., 22 1-, 22'1 ~Iii., w""""''e" ,.,.,,L~I" 1.1~ ~"~ '""""" • "' •• I('""' (Uy <•l!T"'~"" \I t•~ W'l'M 1 .• 1, ! l'wh~l~M C••c •or f l·•~'"" '' ·~• " C:••u•I••~ J(n•t-.+ l ·l ' ••I M \l<•.,•lf"'• , • ..,., 17 "I •' •0111..,e•• !ON\ .. ., II--• "''~' "'""'"'•~•• '""''""' l ~l•I 11 Clf t..,.t fN.,,_.,, '.J' ...... l e"f<" '""•" n " " !'\•ti•·~ I ~'"" n.11, ,.1,~· N••• V~•• !ICI••• f '1 ! OI ...... !""•• 111, \',.\TlONA\, Lf':Ar.U I'~ E:a~t l'll vl1lon PilUburgh lhiC'lffl S• Ltiuill \'p.,. Ynrk rhiladtlphia ~1!1nlrt.1 l 1. " "' " " " 71 "'f'!I Oh'l'l"n S;in Frii nc1scn 71 ~1 Ondttr~ l\li :'lll A1!11n!;:i fi.~ li2 Hn11~111n 1\1 ~2 C.incinn11t1 fill M San Oi l"I() 4,; 711 T~11·•~••" 1tuulh "•"•bu•t h I (!"<'"""" 1 (\••• ...... tc~ori11•0ft r.,, .... , ••111•• r rt. ;,r(I :it~ l\4fl .4111'\ .4J4 .41.1 .~!l'l t12 ~l'l 4!lli 4 iii .. 1M GB ii; 1n 12 1~,., " 1-it '"'O" !"'~"<~ '" ""' r ...... ~.11 ol C~tCl9~ I , .... ~1 ... 11 .•• ""' ,,.,. ...... , •• ~111 ...... l 'l. I "''"' °"'''" !~•I"• !1 I I 1! •~llO!l•I•~'" (t~"'' , .. ,_ "'"' .\I" 01••" f ltl•~ .. 11\-\~l of 'lo,. Vt •• fl("""""" ' n •I.hi \•" ~fOl'(o"" !M•••tft•I Il l\'' M••l••ll ,,.,..,. ""•" I> IOI, "~r• •"""'""~ 111 1...,. • 1· .. c,.,, •••. 1 •r ... ~"•• I 11 n••h• V LUI''° ff lf••'•"~ In l•I '' ••ooftl• I)""" . "' .... ~. DEAN LEWIS 1966 HARBOR ILVD., COSTA MESA Mod•r" & Compl•+• S•rvic.• & P"rts Oapt. Mode rn Body J),op for All C1rs 646-9303 540-9468 Oriln;:P-County's Lar ~P'-111 nd Most ~fodern To~ot1 and \'olvo Oe.,Jer OYll~IAS Dlt.JYt l Y SP'ICIALISTS ,,,_ -- mns t nf h1~ rirn1nn~t rat1nn~. Orfan1r f'nnrlilir1n. nr ;irTf'p1;o.n1•(" nl lhr prnp,..1· 1t1('l11r.1· hah1!s 1s hsl rri 1n !hr 111- s1rlr ('l!Tlf' nf 1he 1·har1 rh~:<iqUf' i-~ 1•n1·rr1•ri in !hr ~r1·fln1t r1 r- r lt> wit h hnnr.~ ;ind 111us<'le t,l'pe !hr 1m- p<1r!11nt f;ii·1nrs 1hrrr ThP 1h1rrl rirr!r fn1 •1Jsrs on mn1nr r11nr~s. or pi111·r r. agll 1!I'. h11lao rr 11nrl rt1nn1n.i:: A <rlf-r~p l::t n111orv rl11·1s1n11. :<r11snrv fltnP~.s. n1·f'11pie.~ !h<? fnur!h r1rr·l r whill' skill( in l'llripui; ~PfJr!s :.nrl fPrrrar1nn;il 11r1i1·1tif".s nu1kP up rirclr Nn. ~. Ont l'!f lhf' pr01plP 1nvnlvrrl 111 hr1n ,e1n11, 111' Currtnn htrp ls Or Fnink Flnrr.\, ;i (ll~l a f.1f'.~:i rlrn11s-1 :i nti rK ·llSC Inn~ Jllm· ""' Flnl'f'~ s141·~. •·sn1n r nf 11.~ hr i;i rrt his lrr- fllrP l.:1 •1 1·r::i r Ai 1hr NPll'p<!rt Harhor ,\rarl1•rn1 nf f)rnt1~11·1 "'\n. 1• 1t h thr rnnrrr:i!1nn nf I'd\ Rrnll'n ;'lnrl th<' Y'f(" \, wr i;nl him n111 hf're :1 e.,1n 1/a11ne lif"'!ll hi!> Y'H'\ ~!A1 v.1lh nt< \11f,. In thr tr !)n(l\P l1·11!1 rr tn !hr ''1\r\ p11rJ..1ni: l11t ()r (\1rr1nn ~rf'm~ rll'rlirfllrrl rnn11.c:h In h1~ l1r lri 111s1 111 hPnic v.-1ll1nR rn fnrrj!n 1'. t'nmfrrrtahlP hnrrl rnnm wh 1l r tr111r l1nj! \\'h,rf'1 <'r hi' rll'!'lfi<'~ !n hunk. n11t 111 n1 11h1 Thfli!:1,h. rh>~1r·;i) f1lnf'•~ h11R,< ;i rn111"1rl lhr (lrani:r ('(111~! 11rr11 ll'r kf>f'P· 1ni;: lh r1r f1n,1?f'r~ r rn.'i<;PrJ 1n hnpr~ 1h11I nr r 11rr1''11 r,lurn~ ;..,.re net t ~l1mm,r !nr ;it lr;i.<;1 annlhr r rl 101r VOLVO 1971 DEMO t•! SED,&,N 21 •4 111 ..J,~ H••!~" .-utnm ~f;e Tt•~• [T lO!YJ()!T!Al '71 COROLLA ,_ ' ---- UAll • "1Lll1 J 7 Nutrilite Five PUJ'ne ll to S tart (Jinche~ Ti e Forni er OCC Gridders For Open Titl e Boost Califorriia Attack r-.·11,ril1r, rlinchrrl n!'I ""r ,, lh111n a ti, for lht. C:ost;i f.1PS::i Open su1nm,r basl.,I· h1tll lt.:ig11, t·han1p1nn.~h1 p Thur,1;rl11• ni.1:hl with 11 mt!hod1r::il ll!l-fl.1 ;11·1nr,· "''"r L11rmn1le Thf'.ll11'f's 111 Sn111h,.rn c Ali fnrni11 ! 'nlll'R,f'. In tl1r 11tn1>r 1111. LA Fnnrl11 ·~ ~!.:i,e:p,rrt'rl Lnni: Rr11rh , ~4-~1-:i~ R!"ll1 Rr;irnn 11'11.\ ,l;\Jf'f·r ssf11I n11 .:i onr-.:inrt..nnP :<1t 1H1tion lrnm !ht> lrtr rhro v linf> Wilh nn 11n1P lefl Thr 11ph1!1 I 1r1n1·1 J..n1w krrl lhf' ln.~rr~ 1111! nf ti11P rnnlrnt1nn :.:< Lnn£ Re;ir·h rPt'ripl rfl fnr 11s l1f1h Ins!" ,"\u1rili1 p \tilrl!" !hf' loop 11•1\h 11 12-.1 m;ir\.: w11h nn f' Rilm , tn gn f.1nnrl11.1. LnnR Rr1;u·h h:irl ;1p rr:irr d In h:i•t' th1nRS Rn1niz: its v.·11~·-hu! L::rt'n1rnlr's RiC'~ .J::irk:<nn !":ink A 2!'i-lnnt Pr v.•irh ~tx stronrls lrft tn narrnw !hf' p,ap rn !'i.1·~2. Thrn Re;ilnn inrrrC'Pflll.'rl ~hP inhnunrls p:iss anti v.·as i;uh:<t Q11rnll,1 fnult>rl 111- r,1np!1ni:: tn p.r.s:< 10 anntht>r tramm;itr wilh 11 split srC'nnrl rttn1111nu1t. Rc;:i1nn prnrrrrirrl tn srnrr h1.~ nnlv point nf lhl' liernnrl h11lf to rlt'rllil l.<1r\~ RP11ch's l1llP rirr;in1.~. J.11 Fnnrtri 's h;irl 11 hi\l1111r·rrl rffnr1 w1lh Tnn1 l.(lnl! .~cnrin~ I~ wh\IP Rirk .1 11ck~nn, fi nn Tnrtrl ::inrl .f1rn l\rv r~ f'Arh l;illit>rl 10. /\l<tn Yn11nii: 1 \9 • anri Pl'tt' Hillm::in I l~l flllCf'rt !hr :-.'11!ri\ilP AllRCk /IS (hf' lnnp lrartrr~ ~1rf'::ikrrl tn .:i l2·pll1nl h::i!ftime 1n:1rR1n anrl ll'l'r'f' llf>\'Pr lhrr::11rnl'rl fllhPr:< in rlnuhlP l!1:11 rl'~ fnr th,. winnrr~ 1nr!urtf'r1 f~nrrl~ J\1'1rlin ~111 anti nan Rni;:f'r.~ 1 10 1 Rnhf'rl P11 1m11n \\'R.~ h1 Rh for Uirn1n1lf' \\'ii h J!l !\lnnria.1 ·.~ ll!'l1nn "'r:ops II.fl lnn p hns1 ili11r.~ wir h :\'utrllirr mrplln.i:: Lnn,1! Rr<1rh lnlln"·1n.i:: !hr L;irmmlP-SPl\f m11t ch :ii 7 I~ A :<Chrrl11lrri maJ..r.11p 11.:in1P hrrwrrr1 <:r11n!'~ Rnv~ ;inrl l,nni;: Rr11 rh Tur.~rlll\' 1.• in rin11hl s1nrf' lhP outrnmP. "'11! nn1 ;iffpr! first nr :<t"ennrl place 1n lhr f111'1I lnn11 !'1 11nrl1n.i::~ . '-'' ,- L• •~"no'• 1)0 l•"• lt•~h ll,'I , .. ,.,.,.., -,:., .. ·~· "l•I~" '• I• ~· '" ) I l I ~•vM"\ I 1 l '" l•f'" 1 !" .-,,(IV'- / 1 ........ I H lhHlf 1 I~ Hdt •~ " •! Ir , " ' . ' " (••····· " " l •••h )II lo II " l •to '\ 11 ll I~ I> '"'""''' l""O ~oorh )t l • '""•"' 1• L••''"'''• T•••"•• !1.11 ,. I! DI lo ~""" '' l I I v '·' n l ..... ,..... " "•"""' ' 11 ~u"•'"" ? It T••••• '1 II <I ... "....... """ t." 11 ~utrolll • 11•1 l• " o• •• "·"'"'" • n ) '" ""Y"O D~•">' "' ... ~. """'"' ~"Q'" I •• ,,,.,,,. ' .. ' " • • ' " I ' 1; 1,l!ln •• " F1\'P for1nrr flrRn i;:f' Coa.•I [.(11\r~P fnn!- hflll pl l'ovP.r~ f1ii:ur ,. prnminl'!n!ly in lhe !!nh•,.r~1ty nr C11tlfnrn111 tB,rk,,l,.y1 lnot- h:ill pJ,11n:<; th!:< ,I f';l f Thr fiv, 11r,. Ruh Purnt'll . l\11rt ('lpmrns. Rnh Curr\·. l'lav• r.1,.11.~nn 11nd H11rr 1> C.;inn11rk All hut Pumell pl11vt.fl for ()('[ Nla<'h Olrk Turkt.r list stA~nn r urnt>ll 11·,11~ a Plr•tt. 11 c('luplt nf yt.11r~ ;ip,n. rurnt lt. a Huntin$:1lln Re;irh H1Rh prn. rlur!. fijlllTf'.~ tn hf> thf' C.nlrlPn RP.:lf\. i rar1in,:: rf'nltr ARllin this st:11snn H" 11nrl Rl111rrl F:rir Sv.·11n~n are !he nnly lP1- CRA I G Sl-I El'F lt.rrnrn rr11.1rnin1t In !he inl P.ri!'lr f11·P. ~p<rl .• nn nffrn~r . "He h11fl a finr spr1nB:· ~11.1·~ Cal nl - frn.•i1·p tinP {'llilCk nirk \.nrrirk nl P11rnr)I, "[t W I~ t.nNlUrll l!"inp, tn .~t'' him pirk up "'ht rt hr IPfr nff ll'lsl ~·,.11r . "Roh "'11~ runnin.i:: "'i1h thr 1n1rri lf'11 m whf'n pr111·tirt st11 rtt'<l 11111 ~·,.11 r ." s;i~·.\ [nrri«k. "hut ht flemnn~tr14!prl in !hr First fP"' wrrk.• nf pr,11rlicP th111 ht. harl th• .~1ren~r h anrl RRili1.v in start ." ;\·1f':inv.'hil,, Curr~' rn;irl, ,11 h11:, im· rrrssilln nn !hr ('111 rn111·h1nf s111rr hrfnrr hr1ni:: inj11r!'rl in lhr first sprin,i.: 1nrr~· .~riu11 rl ,i.:11n1P Hr rrf·t"il'f"rl ;i milrl f'nn · r11~s 1nn 11nd 1111s:c;rrl !ht l;ist wrrk nl rlril I.•. lurry 11·111 h~1·r his h:ind~ 11111 hrrak1n~ 111ln 1lif" ~l ::t r!tn11, rlrfrn:<il'f' h111•kfitlrl Fnur 1,1trrmf'n rPturn -· inrlurlinii: R11 v Yn1rn1:hlnncl 11n All-r .11ri fir-R rhoirf' \:i'I ~r:i~nn . ('Arfli;t!'l., ('\rlllf'!\~ i:tn<l (;lri:t ~nn fiJ:Urr In hon~! lhr C1I rlr(rn.~il·p cnrp~ l.lr11~nn Wll!" 1111 ;;l\-~t111t dl'ff'n,,1v,. t11rklf' Anrl Or11ni;:t> Cou nty's .IC linf m11.n nf !he 1·r11r in '70, He fip,urr/i 1n ~rf' mnre playing t1mp lhan rifh,.r Carm;irk I ll !1nrh11r krr 1 nr C\rn1rn~ 114 rlrff'n.~l,·e J,;\l,llrfl I. l'nl1kr 1970. !hr ('al rtrfrn,.r shnulrl ™' ~lnlll,I!. 1\•1th ~f'l'"n .~!Artrr~ rr!urn•njl.. 1n- 1·l urlin1: f;-\ 2.\0 pnunri 1:11·klr Sht rm11n \\'hUr ~n11 ;ibou! ntntr 11rP11 .JC tran.~ft~: fnrmf'r !'11<ldlth11rk C<1ll1<&P. 1l1r Rntt f.r111·,t. •·ill ht: h.111tlln1 fnr lht. ~n. I quartt.rbark •iwit 11 C'.111 !'t1tr 1 l..11nc Jil:f'lf'h 1 •·ht.n thr f!lf'rl np,n flrll11 S11ur· fll!I'. R111urnint 1t1rlcr RRnfly llrak , 11nrl LJ~C lrlnl fer .Jlm f'111Srl Art. Gr111•e~· rhif'f ob1t1rl,1. Th, 41t.rl 0~11 th, ·;1 1rherlul, ~'P" 11. mtttin1 Mi11t111lppl in .JAck11on, o\111111. , _ . F.1-r.nldtn \\'tlil :irr.~ Ch11rl1e R11rkl;i nd anrl Tnnv Ronw,.!I 11r, vyinR rnr ~rartin~ df'fen:<ive .b11rkf1t \rl hf'rth~ 11 !he l 'nii•t.r~irv of W11h1n11tnn. ,,nd La°guo;i Rt'11rh '11 Slf'\r \\'iezhr1\o,·s k1 fi1n1rf'll prnminentl~ In th, Hu.~ki,11' pla.r 11 klrkLnR pl ani; ;ind prnhahl~· wil l play l')Ullt 11 bil at rnrnerh11ck. Wir7.howski hit nn :l) nf .11i f'Xlrll [miOl ::il!enlpts lllll .Ilea.win ;inti ~lx nf ninr firlrl i;i:ntil lrir.~. \\lit h sr.nsatinn;il qu11rterbaf•k Snnnv Siiki\ltr hark (nr hi.~ junillr yr11r, thi Hullkies fi~urf' tn llrf'lrf' .:i !nr nf poinls in '7 1- Two othf'r (nr mrr r.oldtn "'i sl pl1~·ttr~ -riPh~n~lvf erul Roh Sr,rf'l wlk an -I 11'-eP l'irtrk Rlf'h11rrf Tlmm t-rm an -wlll be in fre.~no Sl;il, unllnrm.11 lhlll Si'<llllt1n, Arnund !hf' .IC beat: Rin H(lnrlo Cnll eRf' footh11\1 cn;ir h M11 r1 1· Al;irksrnnt' :<avli hi.~ '71 offrn.~e roulrl be mnrr PXp!nSi\;r anrl \'f'rRatile lh11n !hi:, 19ifl 1n;irhinr that avtril1t:td 27 pnlnl.~ ~r i;:imP 1n r:.plurinii: lht Sn u I he r 11 Cat ifnrnia Cll nfer("nrt !!tit. •·onr thinR thal mus! bf' rernl'mi)f'rMt." sa 1·s Al11ck.~1nnP.' i.~ th11t we sCf'lrtd 11 2 n( nui-2!17 pninls in !ht fllurth qu11rlr.r. Tha~ me:on~ th111 nearl.v h111f nl our 1core~ C'Hmf' in the fin:.I !Ii minutr /i. · 11 wall f'~ri lin,:: hul the prrss11r, w:i~ trrmrnrlnu:;, ! thin\.i Thi~ l'rar"~ nffrn.~.<1 "'i\I s1·nrr J11sl 11s muf•h ~nrl 1 hope II rlnesn't WP~! until lht fourth pl'!rinrt ." 1 The Rnarlrunnt:r~ ;ir, Slllltrl In ho,t nf:r Ort 2 ,11nd t;ini:I,. w11h (;nlricn \\'est in 1hr :<ril,~fln fina\t l'\nv 20 . (;racbn cr \Vins 1\1\VERFfln n . ri -1·1;i.Tk r.r:itbnr.r f'!f Nrw \'nrk ~1ir1·ivtrl twn m11 trh pninl.'\ Thur.~rl;11· nij!;ht hf'fnrf' n I',. r C' n m 1 n I! Rn~rne Tannrr '.1-fi. fi-2. 7-~ !r'I rtarh the st mifinals nf !hp rrnnsylv11ni11 L.:iv.'n T,nnis Championship~ t;rnrhnrr w11:< J1llf'lf'rl in !hr .'rm i~ hy Fr11 nk Frnehl!n,:: o! }''or1 La urlerrl.11!r. Fl;i . {'(llln l)ihlrv nf Au:<tr.11 1i11 11.nrl Ri1 ·harrl S!nf'k tnn nr r;:irri,n l,l1 y. /I: Y. YOUNG & l~ANE TIRE CO. AUGUST VACATION SPECIALS 15-POINT ENGINE TUNE-UP !Mii 111'1111: ON L I ~••6'YI IJ ~ "'"' I ••' ti~ ••'•• I ll 11 .,~, II •~• "" '""•"·•• lrulu9•• •II l•h•• •"4 11•"• tltt•4 ,,.tow ... O"l'f y.,,I £01 ""' trA1\. pl"~'· f'l>ll>". f"!~! on./ "'"rl'""' r r. ... ""' •r••11lr•t• ,,.,11 d •11> In•\ f.•>d, .,, foll•r 011-i futlo,..., ,,.,j '~•~I. -11n1t1n11 ,.,. • ., '1"tnll11tnr ''I'· •l•'l'r, ,.~11l11nr. ~'""•l•r. !on bdr. r•linrl•t rnmr"'"'"" •nrl h1ll•r ... NOT .. v .. u ~atf ~I \OC.&TIQN~ WllM IM11 '1Ml0L 0 ATTENTION: W OWNERS GOOD/YEAR "MARATHON • TIRE $1 ' ~~ll.:~.~j~~;~}1~c • A•lil•l>I~ wil h ~x!ra na•row •id~w~ll ot r!pt 11 11.ghTly hi1h1r prie•• • l.nn1 rnlle•ll'ft Tnf~yn mf.i>DT Aak about our Easy Pay Plan A OOODYEAR BAmRY ••• JUST FBR YOU I $ 2 9 7 0 :~::~.::;. LnW 'I /CI D ,nwrt 1a ,,,., • r··~ r~• lnr,,unr~ "'""~•ftJ Jll'Wtr. • n~· I'"'"' ~·•l!d t'IVer prtvtnt1 rnwor 11111. • llh•l'k on<! h•~I ta•i•l•nl /nl•rr.-11 """""'~toro for lo~g Jr/~, ilepond1blllr)'• 1 llllll "''°'" IUMi -lOW MOlllMl ' PAYMr•n • , •• , tMllALll flllMI SPlCIAt O,,fRI OIL CHANG! & LUIRICATION $366 .. , ... ~ '~" .... ~ .. 1, ••• '''\I <I • .,,., • ., ••• 1 •• ,,.d l•~• , • .,, <•• .. h•r• rh• ••••"• •••• 1).,, ... , ,-.,. ••l)f'rl• hl >t th~ "~nnw-hnw~ '" 'I'll~~ '"'" , . ., ""' •~l""'h•r on.f 1•/•r. [ln11'1 ,...,, . , • f,1 '"~ '"'" ,., '" 1"<'1•• o~rl uk• ulv1ftr11~ cl !hi• lnw rrP'• ,.flu '. BRAKE & ALIGNMENT SPECIAL $ R•;ular SI 2.9 5 Thll W••k Only GET FAST, SUll:E STARTS rN ALL KIMDS Dr WWM01 ....... ,,...,. rllS MAW'I' ,Ol"OUrl CAIS ..... ~ 1 ........... •· ~ ............ "•' ... • ..... r.1o .... 1., • "'"""'" '" ...... , .. • ,., "' --. ., ... ,,.1 ""··-. •..! -"''" '"•••<I , " .. r.,. '''"I" NI -Jill' _,, .... 101 ••• -.. ...,-... $1&~~~. :;~w. Ad A&11nl' 0-,_.,,,_,.,.,,,_ FftU llQTAU.A. TIOftf 4 One piece Aluminum Spoke Mags ......... SPECIAL • 10000 111'1/f•' ~11101lro1r • ...,11.~I• ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~- ASK ABOUT OUR EASY PAY PLAN YOUNG and LANE n COSTA MESA 1 596 Newport lfvd. 548·9383 I ---· I ,, ~-~· ---··-· _ .. --... ·~ LAGUNA .,, -··~· l ·-g,_ ---·---r=· -·---.r.~-- .. (,. • ·1-. . . o.~J L Y PILOT • .t~ • 'f WAGS NUMBER 2 Ct.J /l<£ f\IJGE/.. 5' ALL-71ME HoH£ RUN -Hrr PARNE WITH 91 Will BE GIN!NGING f'i::R IH£ ·~AIJG€L5 AT /HE 6/G A 5A,WRD/!ll -7:00~"1. . // ~" ~ ~ • { I •' Ala111ito~ Racing Re s11lts '1'hur1<11•, Aut . n , 1111 Cit •• & , ... FIRST RACE -•oo '"'"' l ··~· <>Id• •nd op, Clo1m>n; r , '" \ltOO. Mr M•"< (V•u;nn1 t •J l,tll JG!I (,oWo'\ T WOQ ((.fl,.bY) , iO •1 1~ l~• V•rl .. 11\H,>"l 'IU T•m• -.io 1,rn 1>1 ,11 P~" -l •"Y Bur fl,•,<u<I. l'l••I F•• I. Blo<k A<>u••lu!, U"cl• Eo9ao . P• .,um sn •. St"ll<l>•d -r<1,~.v W;,u SECOND RA CE -J<n Ydt<I• l ''"' <>Id' Cl•,mon,, P""" 1/0\llJ c,p T~• l-•m•! I Smith I 16.lll 'Oil •.oo lt•P'• C. l 1 olv !Hori! ·e /0 • oo O«•an10 Patrol f(rosovl l,OQ Tim• ,II 1110 11.lw ll<ln -l-en•' M•n , ""''-'"''' P•ll•c'I 6 or, ~..,,.,9,n9 T~•. M• Sl1•ov, o~v<>I~ A~~•n_ 'Stf•ttl>t<> -Vau1 t~vm~~ -··· 11 NIGH'Tl Y OOUBlE I -""" M •n• ol j .(i., Thr l1mi!. Pfld 1111.0I, THIRD RA CE -·•()() YM ll' M•w•n ? "'""' <>l<I• bred •n (•'" Cla,m•ng. Por" 11800 l•d• L i nd .. !O'tY"'I l>~O<le·!~n \(,.,d~1') S~n•l11& IP~'"") f•mf -_11 l/lO •i.11 ll on -11"'1>" Bov. ll •ccol• l101>1>i• lleed Ba•. 1,.1~'""'" Ghi<tn. Arf~orlll•. Na Scralcnes, FOU RTH RACE -\~9 va,O> •<•• ntcl• •nd ""' •llQwonc~•. PU>!P lll\:C M•<1w•vMilll•IW•l,onl 1100 ~i!I ~io l>eorel• IPetn~rl •!O J iii G•1•11i!o) IMl!cil•ll) • ;o Tlmt -ll ~,1 Q. Al'o llan -P•n,c••O\J' \~"I, ~"' WM (hie, Ol•l B••ndv. Bv,.~•·• !.'•·• No ot< .. l<h., ~!FT~ llACE -J<O y~ro , M"r.on ~ ~·M olO' Pyfo \l~l;-nond• !;(~n IP•,n•• I • •O '~/\ •C ! ·~ B<l• W""h ("'"''on\ ) 0 7 '0 ~P•t • tlo•• It 1P" ,.,, i(I T.m• ,18 j 10 ~I.lo P.on -D••O: ""'"" "' 11, ~! 1 ~""· I'm " (vi• B~• '~1 "'"""''" ~" 0 "o ~cra!c~r· SIXTH llACE -'lo ,~.n ., .. ~I·· .•nd VP '" m•nq I\"' I •I ·~· llun llol\11om• 14 ~C 11 T •'ti "''' ~•m• ,.._~~"' l1a ·~ Mo•~h• iJ\llo.,,nl :J io f ,,,,._ ~~l'O J\l'o Ila/\ -N• P•t O•••li•y, 11•1\W~V Tom, IMC•"•' RQ<k'1, Bo (loo 1'!0001. // r Ad0<>u11t• Se<•!~I\~~ -(vi Fot Acr•. " t:XACTA, ldao """ l l ·B•• '•m,, '•Id U~l.SO. \\ f )(AC'T A •• -ou .. •• Dolly' c - Ol•dY'l Jtf, 01+d Mll.st. Arca Pla v1·1·s On A 11-,;la rs Three Orangr Co<i!'! ;ire:;i Americr.n Legion baseb~ll pl8yers have been picked to play in the 26th annu::il Anaheim tnvltnHonnl legion 1ournament all·~tar g a me S..turday night at La Palma f'ark. Named to lhc 26-n1an Fifth Area team were infielders ~like Shimaji and G a r y \rarney of Fountain Valley and <;on:ton Blakeley of Midway Ci ty. TM: Fifth Are~ team will meet the Sixth A.rea all·slars with tht Ult slat t"d to begin al ' -;.. ' - rnday1 .A11gust 20_!Q~ ---- t 'or Los Alatnitos Racing Entries Lo• A,lamoto• Enttfe• for Frld•V Auqu•! lO, 1'11 'ltd Nl'ihl (le"' I. Fttl. FifSI FQ>! 7:tj ~.m. 11 N iqMIY Doutil• on 1•1 & lnd ••te• SI Exaua on •th & t!h JU(e1 F IR~T llACE -J~~ ~erd•. J v•M ~Id• A uo C•<i•mlno. """' 11100 (!alm tno D"(~ S7>ilQ 11.oan /\l,<.,at~ (Po•n•d 11• l;nnl~·~a llo<ln<· IA~·"'! I;~ I hrotll• a~t~ ID•"•"'' '·~ r ;1,,.,n. BM • ILml'""'' I' llc11w !1~n~ ((~tdQ/,,I l'i F•c.I To <;u IJ\lll•an/ '·~ J'llM• IWo!!onl to/ Doll 5hD•I lNoo,rl I+< ~ECONO I/ACE H~ VM<I• I 'l"M o'<il .!. UC (•!11 br~~ (l,.omrna. P u• ,e \IQ\10 (1,nm,no llf'<C. 111{,10. W~l<h Curr Go ILion•m> Iii Foll•·o llnt Hm~ 15mithl llO Pec~n 13,,, (\.M<IO/d I I I I 0old ln0<1! (Crn1b•I l 'I 5h•wn Do nlon il'••n••l 11~ Lo.1,non IAlll:1<ml 1'1 llM /ll•r1 Jr. (W61,onl 11, l • Tooll• !Ha11 1 •1~ (hk l!~·ou•'' IS"8U',,I Ill Irv• c~ri r.1, IJ\r.,,;,-, !IQ Al'o Eliotblt l)h Da<111> 'L•<>"·""' Ill Tr'"" GI"""' !All•;onl 119 'T HlllO 11 .0.CE <0~ '""'cl' l "t"' nlcl. & u11. (loim'""· Pur ,f 11JW Cl~·mlno '"'<• Ii~ E ~,I lndi~n (lflli:;onl 11? II~~·· (~Jr!i• (WM•o~I 11 9 61obbv (h~•qu <(r,.,b,., ''' S•'n!'> 6onlo IA<1:• r I 1?1 Mi[INO• fl~n~v l><,•'1! Ill So l•nt Gr~un~ l(•r<1ci10 \ 1'1 l\r,b'> ll•r En<l IUl!hoJm! 119 ~OUll TH RACE ~ ~·· V••<l V•~r old1 & uo Allowan(•> ru"• 111~~ Tho $coll,m•n IJ\<J,"r) 110 ~~Q~~~,.,~~~}, 1t0u',~~"A11111Qnt \j~ 1cco DonUv ll~(Doon•cll 11• Mua ;,, Yr,tlf Fvo IPN1e l I~ o~mi WMch 1 (."d~••I i1~ ~"" Gho~I IW•i<l!i!I 110 (,e"i"I Hos• IP•rn••l II~ "''·' Gmu Pa,k~ ''""" II• FIFTH llA CIO '10 v~•~· , ' r'~ & ug (IH"!'IO<l PU•\• S)M'lfl (lo m r" Dti•• ••,n p,.,.~ Q, < lono I II ,Icy' 1 I? ~~•lo Prt IDt•>~/I 1<0 ,., lh,y ll•Cl>'' 'A"•"I no T ;.1' 1•~<'' •I"•! 0"' 111 Y" 01""'~ I p .. rn!t I l " Ill>•'", ~,,!Joi IM,ll "n•l II, \l)(TH llACE -J'll ''11 ~; \ y•·.•1 d~ """"""" '"" ''''[,.1 ~o e~"' Bo~• 11 '"~r!I 111 '"·•'1""" (L.o~•ml In ~ ... ,~1., M 1 11• •! ""' 111 I 1• !on'/ \'/"!ch 1$''"" I I!/ "!'' L ;,,iy L<Jc~ lf.11,1,101 P' \''"""'~\1•v1~""'"'' 1" J .. H,· \\·~nnM !Ali•·•• 1•1 M .. Je•,1eo lrlrt"'"' 1!1 SEVEN'TH llACE -~10 VM<'l' ''" 1 r,lr, '-"" c1 •. 1m,no Pvr ,, ll"('' • ''""''~" ro I<>• i.\"~0 l«> INl!I ll•O•h~"" l > f ~'i MO<l~ M•n l/\ll•<onl 111 ~'""~' l'"" IPrrnrtl 110 J\ltlvl,·•t {[irtYNI l(O 01'• An~ Only lSl1'o"1 11 0 ~C.'tl A•'v•nhor• IH••1) 111 """" •D~n•v llov l/'<1"or1 ''~ l!IGHTH llACI! -JSC v&rd' ] v·~' TODAY! olll• .I. uo, Purst 1'1000 The l!art 1,,.,,1 111,.,·, Gold l(~roo1•I Ill f'l•o~t Hl'I IAlll:OO\I 110 Tro Pru (Ho" I 111 C.0011 Sir~ Ba'' lllO~dml llA K•w••'~ llor IA<l•'rl I'll HA~<ll~i (W~!'oOn ) '1) O••mona :>un Jot' IP•"'"' I I It NINTH RACE ~In v••n• l •"~'\ nl<J< I\. VO (li"n•nQ, PU<\• 11~~0 (1at,,.,1ng otict I~'\" G'°o'V'n l~OJ,'1 1 1~1 5n•c<I• ~•v•n <'l'~I n"l 1'11 ~""' Pon< ·,Alli•on• 11@ All Ill M• 1\Vr ,,,,., 1191 lo\o (.up,d l M(DOn&I01 "'I (h•<o<ee (OO'I !CrnlP» 1•1 1 Pul••ll !Lin~""'' 111 l on /<Mn H1~•11 1 11 Dee p Se a Fish llcport $ANTA MONICA -1<C "n~:~r.: ~ h•"•<ulla, ll rolico ba·•. 51 ••n~ b•"·i ' ~a11ou1. B~·~•-66 on~le••-II ''"d b•"· ol>O m~<~•'"I, SAN DIEGO IMunlt•Oll Pi .. ) -16~1 "o~•r"·•!K ~lo~ro•.,., ~ v•tlo·,.1.,1. !4 bM"""~"· t$ n<>n 10, !01 c.•l><o bn,. I ,Al'IAOIS£ COV[ -11) ~n~le•J' 1,000 t'I«~ ~""· • """bv1. LONG BEACH (Pitrl>Oin! l~ndin1l-1 1! OMQ••r~· I] b .... ,,,u~•. l!l r~llC.O he,•" 1?1 <Q(~ r<10. 7 l>,1li~u!_ Ulotmonl Poor) ~I ·~ol~r~: •I b~:\, I bMrJ· I <U~~. ) ~dlollvl, J0• ro<:~ 'od S~r~•­ i• ''""Ir• 10 h>l", •1 mor~or•l.j (PA<llir Sooel!i>l>in•J Ill ,.nQler.: '• V~lltr .... al1, \ WMll• ·,•~ ""''' I h,,l<!>OI. :;°' 1"trd t>.1<~. II n\•(1'.,~I OANA WHAllF 1~7 ~,,qlo«-,~. ,,1,..t-,,,•,1;t •·""b~ ,,,,.., .. ,v~· /~ l>r"d~. \ ~.I,~"'• J ••1'0,,•.,,1, I\) ,n,1c~'f•I, I~ ,,111,1CU'"· T "'"'I"' MJ\Ll~U o> ''"""' 'O(l ttl'C'O b,>· J "·" ~'" 10 ·~cl. ,.,,,., ~J\N PEOllO f11•~ S!, l•n~1nq)­ " ~,,01>1 ; '''!"'"" I ••ILr,,p,,1 I v •t.i• ·~• l>·l" II' •"tiio nn ll h>l·l/1•!. <•''"I !>O'' 1: "''''~•rrl SEAL eEA(" Ill •"ole'' l'I ••nn 1>••<. 11 c~ll<o 1>,.,1, n~ r<><~ cod. I nMro<ur>. I ~'''!>"'· •1 ""'""•I. ~, ~<--IU ~nlll!'" I 1 !>,.,,,,,1~;, !I h·nd~ ~\ '"'"" ~., '· I ~·"tr·••, 11(1 ,.., t~•r-1 MA~INA OE'l lfEV .~fi '"" rdn, ?11.1 -•• n,1 1),1 NEWPORT !P•v0 •'• lo<l"'l ~"ttlor\ I Q~rt~(ud•. JOO """a h,,.., l• •~nd ~DH (Ar!'• Llrldln~I -Q9 ""~l•r. ll.I •·'"M ~~'" 120 '~(!; (\)<!, I h•l.1w• .• ; mM ~et•I, I ll~o C<XI. l .,,.... ,.,'i HUNTINGTON ll E~CH-1 1 ,.oqloro 1" b~•·· l •I re•• (('d. l h~llhv< ~eautiful Stick-on LABELS P•rsonalized • Stylish • Efficient Order For Yovr•elf or 1 Friend Nl•y be us ed on envelopes •s return addres1 labeh. Also very h<'lndy •1 Identification l•b•li. ~or markin9 personal item' such •s books, records , photos, etc. labBls stick on 91•1• •nd m•y be used fo r marking home canned foc.d items. All 141 bels •re printed with stylish Vo9ue type on fi ne quality whil e qummed p•per. r -----------------------, •>11 "' 11101 ,.u,.~. c1•0 •~4 m111 .... 1h" n 11: I I •tlO! ~ti~!-l •~cl Oiv., ,,0 , ••\ lltt 1 ,.,, ......... (llol. •l•U I I I I I I I I I L ----~~L-~!-~!~J!~~----J· Alba core Fishing Decreases Or<i nge Coast area ll:;lung /or bass has been generally good bul albacore ha ve bf'cn on a teeter-totter for the past \\'eek and a ha!f according lo the area landing n1anagers. Albacore, the ruua of the :-;ea, hit v:ell on Monday ::ind 1'uesday after a three or four Jay layoff th!.!n i1;c>.11e gone into hiding for the past 111•0 days. \Varn1 \1'arer Lemperatures arc partially to blarne for th e <.·hanging fortunes or lh e longfin Iishernicn. Art's Landing vf Newport reports a lot of bass being caught pound locally wiL!i a 21P ·1· halibut boated thi~ 11·eek. Bay fishing has found a lot or short b:iss being brougl1l in l'.'ith one keeper in about seven fish. A few halibtlt and an occasional spotfin croacker have been taken. Davey 's Locker says bas3 fishing along the coasl has been good \vith an occasion;il !eg;1l b<irracuda and a rcw halibut being laken . A lot of blue bass are in the catch. Dana \\lharf Sportfishin~ reports bass fishing a bit on lhe slo1v side the past few days. A Jot or fish <ire being spotted but the bite has been slow \Vith a pickup expected for the 11·ekend. 1\lcCullah brothers landing ;it lhc Hunt ington Beach Pier reports fair fishing 11'ith five lo :-;even bass per fisherman 1111.! general rule. 11ith (:il1c11 ;ind sand bass being" taught n1ai11ly with an oc(:asional h;i libuL Bob 1\·lcCu!lah ~a.\S. "llsh111g is goucl one day <Jnd down the ll('X1 "\Ve fish tt1e llunt1ngto11 Flats. :1bout 10 lo !5 niinutt'-" out frorn lhe landing 11'hich gives our p3~sengers :i in:ixl- 111un1 ::1n1oun1 (Ir fi shing li111c" W-1-D-E General Calibrated® Jumbo780 • ORIG1 NAL ED UIPMENT 'I" new 1971 c:.1,., • \,LASS-GEL TED IO• Ii•"(/ •rnleaQe •POL YEST ER C011D hody lor st1 enq11i • CAL18RATED 4'1 cori1pu!e! -proce•, ,Pd lor a ~moo1h "CIP FRONT END ALIGNMENT U S. Cars Clwt Sptt!olists Correi::I C1nt..r, Co"'i.." Tot·l1t, Tcr·011t. lnspNt ond Ad/1111 ~terrl1tQ. DONE BY EXPER T TECH NI CIAN S Checking Out Area Greens . '· Hermann on Golf Board Dick Hermann. a re sident of .Joaquin Golf Course stagetl a Corona del Mar and a 1ne1nbe1· two divi.sion low net at Irvine Coast Country Chili, tournament over 3G holes has b<!en appointed to the ret-enl!y. board of directors for the U.S. Jn the seniors (50 and over~ Nalional Senior Golf Associa· 1..tivision, Pat Wade was the lion. -winner with a net :;core or 136. In making the an-A tie resulted !or second nouncement, president Frank between Bill Asher and Ed Chilson i;\ated that Hern1ann, Nance al 139. Fourth place along \\'ith Victor Dan1us of also resulted 111 a tic between Van Nuys who y,•as also named Dick Boucher and s 1 e 11 e to the board, will be active Jn Yekich at l4:l. comrnittec work and will participate 10 the 15th annual In the under 50 division. Jon U.S. National Senior Golf Devault 1vas the victor wi!h a Classic in Las Vegas, Sept. 20-137 net score. Dave Stolte cop· 26. ped set'-Ond at 139 with Joe Al the present lime, there Lawlor next al 140. Fourlh are eight ;irnateurs and seven place 11·ent to John Kelly (1421 professionals comprisi ng the and fifth to Bill Hasmussen board of direclors_ 114 7 !. flataclrf) ~J Jn a better nine tournament Tor the women's club, Zola The Rancho c;olf Associ;H1(1n Barlho!ornew fired a 37 to cop men·s club al Rancho San flight A honors. Fern Sproul Oil City Sm·fing Meet Slated Thi s W eeli.end rv1ore lhan 200 :surfers ll'ill fling themselves into the \1•::ives this 11·eekend as the City uf Hunti ng ton Beach presents its first sunnner surfing championship. The compe!ition will be keen since the lop 12 n1en and 1vome11 au1ornatica11.v qu:1!ify fur tile big one. tile U.S. !')urfboal'd Chainpionships in Septe1nber at II LJ n Ii 11 g t on Beach. Recreation su pervisor flip fli bb!t· s;iitl ll1c con!r.~t is heing held lo sa!is l.v !he i11- lcrests of dft'a surfers 11·ho did 1101 recei1•e ~ln invita!1on !o t11e nntionul championship. out or lhe running.'' said Hib· blc, "This contest 1vill give our local boys and girls a crack at the U.S. championshiJl." F:lin1ination heats will be held fron1 6 a.m. to I p.m. Saturday at the foot of Golden \Vest Street and Pacific Coast Highway . Semifinals and finals are scheduled for the snrne ti me and pl:ice Sunday. Top seeded surfers in each of 1he six divisions a1·c Jeff Le1vis and Bud Llamas, boys ; f~icky Kunn . Randy \Veeden i1 nd Scotl \Vestgale, juniors; .J etr1• ,Jones. Sieve T.inak;i · :ind ·craig Hoshide , men: Don Pveior and Bub JV! o o re , n;aslers; Loren Brooks and ' "'l.eorge Draper, seniors. and Slt !\t Shaw and Diane Van Druff, 1v0n1en. David Van J)ruff. ci local 1vc1s second at 38 1/.:. In the B flight co1npetit ion. Doroth y Wright copped first place y,•ith a 3·P.·~· Jo Asher and Viri;inia Ide tied fl)r se- cond at 38 with Vannie Sturgis next at 3811:,,. Pat Lackner 11•as the C flight victor with a 37 followed hy Annn Shetlrr aud Vivian Troulin:.in at 42. B el t y Blakernore \Von the D fli gh t 11·ith a 36. The men's club annual high- low lournament is scheduled for Sept. 18 through Oct. 16. Co1npetition is nlatch play ~·ith a consolation bracket tou rney starling the second week-end for all first round losers. /ti e 111f t)IVI 111•1.; The men 's club <1l rvieadowlark Golf Course \l'ill trlvcl to 'Varner Hot Springs this weekend for a two-day tournament. using a charter bus for transportation, In a partner's best ball s1veepstakes over the past weekend. l\1illard Andrich :ind Claude ~farshall 1von the con1- pctition on Sciturday 1vith a net ~core ut 55 . Dick Turner ::ind C..eOrgC". Hicks finished in a t\e fmo .~e­ cond \\'llh Hob Lyman a™fBil l {;allagher on one tearft "and Lym::i n wilh Dick Carilel:al r on the other. Jn Sunday 's co1npctitio~ ~'. E \Vaggoner and W. J-l:"ad(' were the wlnnrrs with' fl 57 followed by a three-way ·ti~ fnr sceond. Lyn1an and Car~\'<llf" Ued with George Patchcn-~ncl Bob Cle1nens and an-Othe 1· tea1n of Don Wade and Harr_v Caulkins. f ,t1g111111 lleacli ' The Laguna Beach ' .(:01: Cou r5c won1en's golr l'luh ~la.l!cd ;1 field shots ldllfn ;1- rner1l 1rith Gracia .Johnso11 wu111ing A fli~ht ·with a . 27. Nlrs. Bayn1ond Stys \\'al\. sc· cond with :l 30. The B /light co1npetition wa~ 11·on bv [\..lts_ Ari Griffin \~ith ;1 2!1 fo.1!01ved by fl'lrs. Sam !\·larks with a 30. · :··' In Lhe C flight. compelit!nn. Edith ?I-larks 1vas the vi~tor 11·ith a 30 f111ln11·ed bv Mhi('.~ .larnes O'Connor 132) '·llnd Ch::irl cs ~1()rrison 1351 . ... ~ '· "The \Vcslern Su r f i 11 g Associf1tiuu i;chcdu!es .:1houL l1iur point con!ests ench year. If you don"t 1v:itil to tro vC'l lo S;i~ta R11rbara and other p!accs. you·re :iu1 otn\ltic;,i lly i!u11ting!On 13each SUrfCl', \l'iil I D"!"blo!od by Th~ Alfted Hai( Comp1ny • 80 Proof • !00 ~~ Gr•m N•"tr1I he the :.1nnn11nccr. Fils BUICK SPECIAL, CHARGER. TE MP EST, F-85, TORINO, IMPALA, BEL-AIR nnd man~ o1her1 2ror $50 · ., •. f 'I! 14 ~ r ·s-•!·to\,..1•·, I•',,,"'·'' !'IU« S?'·!o ,v1t/ ~;>f ! r1•'1 ! , 1,; O~I I••'' Only SJ,00 mere pt r tire tor Jw1n·Slr1pe Wh:!ewill1' fi1s MUST Afo.I G, COUGAR , CAMARO, F!REB!RD. CHEVY II and many other• l\ ~ ,r.~~:~'~' \~., Only ~3 00 mart per !Ire lcr ) r .. 1n Slripe Wh11e wall~1 Flis MONTE CARLO, BISCAYNE, CAPRICE. CATALINA, FURY. MONTEREY .Fits FALCON, VALIANT, DART, CORVAIR GREMLI N, VEGA. PINTO for S•lC A78·13 tubcioc.~ bl,u.~w.Jll olvs $1 90 Fed, EK. Ta~ pe1 l•1e ONLY $3.00 MORE PER TIRE FOR WHITEWALLS! 1<1• t••e• "'""'~ ''" .,.,,,, .+ ..... . • •• •·••• ··~ """ o ..... '"'' '''"' .......... , ... ••O-" ··~·· .... '"' ' '•'' "'""" or .,. '"'"''"f ,., ' • [l11r•orn• ri .. :,t,n• ll!a~ • c~n1our~d s~o.i.1~·· Su• 5~0·1~ llLACKWA.ll $1695 . 1«!101•'9 '. ' Dl•~•·~•ll Only... ~~"d' ~~.1;:~: r.encral DURA.JET • 1ub11lcss who!ewalls also• 1vail~hlE! to lot m11sl 1mp11r1 .ind ~f\0'1 cars, TAKE YOUR PICK.· USED TIRES LOTS OF NON-SKID TR EAD $595 p h1i Holt o~d loi::ol lfll'll COMPLETE CAR CARE BAN KAMERICARD Since 1959 Don Swedlund MASTER CHARGE I Houl's : 7 :30 to 6:00 Daily PHON E , \) • )>\• r•1•' 11 <· ·•_•_'_'_1~ _________ OA!tV !'.:LOT ffj Newport Tourist Trade 'Good Could Be Better' By L. PKTEI\ KR.lEG Of ltM DtllJ ,.UM •ttff Newporl Be&ch made good money off the tourist trade ,, ft.Ab summer, but for the most . · V'f"t busintss could ha Ye been '. ,1 ~tter, sPokesmtn for various , , nwrchanl!I associatlor13 told . , ~ DAILY PILOT Tuesday. ''It bas "'gehtrally been , hqldlnc up a.II over." Jack •'i"iarnett, man11ger of the fllewport Harbor Chamber or Commerce. reported, adding "• tbll !ht ma jor restaurants , ., tbrou1hout the city are doing 1be11t of au. ":1·Some of the specially shops on Balboa lsland are com· pJ'-in~ng," he said, ''b~t they .~re Just one or tv.·o isolated cases.·• BUSINESS BAD . ·The operator or one of them , \rllo asked not to be identified, .said business was bad on the isltind for several reasons. •. ~ She bl?.med the city for not ,.doing something about the ,.traffic and she blamed it changing charRcter of i.51and .,.\',l.'litors, as well. · "The clientene was cruddier ,J,his year," she said, "they ,,weren't spending nearly as much money." M t r c h a n t organization spokesmen were a Uttle more delicate. "The economy hurl us. to some extent," said Leroy Kroesch, president of the Balboa lsh1nd Merchants' Association, "and so did the heat wave." • He said it \\'aS 10-IS degrees v.·armer inside most stores than it was out1ide during the hot spell that broke only early this week. Kroesch a nd Barnett said in .~ral, bU5iness was as good ~~uld be expected. ·~ ;..'! ;;;~rs HURT :'•;:r.-10.st 1nerchants !;t'O.ssed '.~~t the .same as they did ~ year,'' Barnell said, ~:;:~;;;:;.:;;:,;;::;; ~;m~I meeting next month. He admitted there is son1e ,,~t for concern. ~"¥- ~4 Sisters :-:-:r:: Will Murry :~ .s • ~At 1 Tirne ~ SAN BERNARDINO (APJ ~ The four daughters of l\lr. ~nd Mrs. Justin D. Hund don't ~~rant their father to foot the ;~ills for four \vWdings. so ~; hey're all getting married in o,;; ne cere1nony. ~, "The girls thought iL would !.:«easier 011 their dad's pocket- :-;-P>ok this \\•ay," said Mrs. ;~und. ::{ A bride's father traditionally ;.~ys for the major \Vtdding ;~xpenses including the churc:h. ~hot o gr a p h s . food and ~~·erages. Six hundred people. :qia,·e been invited lo the Uct. 9 ,,..)iuotial mass. ~:.. "It \vas kind of a joke at ~Jirst." i\lrs. Hund said "but it :..;~ happened that all of the ?.;iris .\~·ere going steady at the ~n1e. ·~ \~'hen Judith, 24, became ~·tnga,ed on Valent ine ·~ Day. :·~lhe 1okingly said she'd "'ait ... r the others be.fore setting a ; a"te. \Vithin "'eek~ Janice. 23, : qJnie, 21, a nd Jeanelle. 18, ·ere engaged too. and they ~ greed on a co1nmon wedding .. · ale . :1' ''I've been running. running, nnlng" said Mrs. Hund, who as had le help her daughters t!!hop for trousseaus and do the ~thcr things mothers of brides ~rt-supposed to do. '!'; Problems~ There've been a w bot most have been iVttt The girls' dresses. eils and no"·ers \\'ill be dif- rent. The brides will enter church according to age. here will be one pastor and r wedding cake.3 . And the reception line. "'ill l~e 10 parenta, the Hunds d the mothers and fa thers • · Gerald Howard, Ke nneth fln,ith, Darryl Stllas and Lar· ~-H1•der. I~ Hund, a arocer. hasn't gured the cost but he kn0¥1'S • 's saving money. ' "For awhile I wondered hat w1s going on," he 11KI. ut I'm happy about It. Each rl plrked 1' nice fell ow." Hund said It took careful Anning lo figure out how ht Id escort e11ch dauihter to altar without c1 e&llJll all tenninable processkln. His lit 1&y1, "I'm a:olng to have bla cry.·· KIDS LOVE UNCLE LEN •:SATURDAYS IN HE DAILY PILOT "We've n/\-er had any pro- blems before," he said, "but I think we 're going to have to do some studies to find oul what changes may be taking place." A more. optimistie note was sounded by Sammy ~1iller, a !pokesman for the Balboa Merchants Association. who said business on the Peninsula is better than ever . "Everybody he.re is doing better than last year," he said. "and last year was bet· ter than the year before Iha\. LET'S ALL PARKIN BELLFLOWER '!· "The s1ghtsee1ng boats ha\ e betn doing re;,iUy 11·ell," he said, "and I go by thHt You t•an tell 11 the tourists <lr't' l1ert'. they go out on the boats." His report was 1nore lha11 eC'hoed by Reg J o n e s , manager and pro111otion dirct> tor al fashion Island. TOURIST TRADE "Our ~tores have averagffi a 12 percent increase this} car," ,Jones said. lie L-rcdtled this lCL Ue a co1ubinat1on ol f a (' 1 o r .~, prunarily an increase in thl' share of the tourist lrade ;ind the fat'\ that many of tiu· ~lures there are now 11µer1 011 Su11day. Ile said the association n1el yesterday 1norn111g an •t representatives of the 01/IJOI' stores are predicting record years based on the indicators t11 d<.1\f'. .Juues <Jl,;l'eed that busini:s~ \vas off fur some -n1osll y !hose dealing exl'lus1ve!y 111 luxury 1ten1~. ,Jc~·c!ry .salt•:.. fur 111sla11et', is off" he ~aid. noting th:it thl::; ubvu1u::;l r :<lf'1!l' lrOnl 1ht• slugg1!.l1 Cl'Oi1011)1 !:Jill ~·lood. pro 111 u t 1 u n r11;11i:1i::t·1· lu1 \\t'Sll'lJJI l'la1.a, sauJ bu:.inc~1'1llc11 1 11 c r e ''aren't sho11111g \lie i11cr€';1ses 11·t"1 c h<•ll i11 p<.1!.l year~ "Un the utl1er hand," ht· ~;11d '111lh111:.h ~· :<1ngl11i.! 1h1· blues ... l"hiud :;aid llr• I t' i• l i- 111crch.::1nls tht•1·e !l<J11• llt1·11 llold111g !lle1r 1t11n . ";111d Jli;it',<; ' su1nethu1g. in il:>t:ll ·• lr1 Coro11;i 1!t>I l\I fl r 111erchants have lell the t•I lt'l'ls ot the cconoruv . ltMi. 1)111 tl 1ey arr reportlnK accl'p!uhl<' pruf1Ls. :.ays Jes:.1e II 1 I I . 1nanager of the Cd~I <.:ha111l11'r of Cotn1nerce "They would like lu 1111\'f' ,inure buslncs.~.·· she· su +tl . "iind they're ha1•ing tu 11urk hJrder to gc:t •l .. Out "cvcryl>ody s t•t·111s 1o ltunk it's b('(•n 1usl f111<'. ,.,_ t'rp1 for lh<' hot ,.;pell," .,llt" 1'.Jhl ''I ha• \11111• 11<1' li11 1111g 1111 lh UJI I 11111+ ll\llJi•! {'." 1'11t' 1'.Hd , '\)111 Ul i;C l)l'!oi l t'\ I I'\ I •!di li:tlJIJ) ' \\iJllli. 11,\Hlll:'.lt All ~··r11•r':1 lly culll'Uri·cd th.it tile t11un~1 ~ 11:1\'l' heen hcrt· hrutl::.c:ti pvu1li:d uut tl1:11 :<UITJ 111cr· re111.1I~ 1111 B~1lboa 1~1;111(1 11('!!' llilrd lo ~JR Jl1''f!'l'llt of ('illJCll'il }'. ;\I\ ~·;.1dn:1 H1\!l.Y l 'IL~rr 8urvl·V ~llo~·Pd 1!1ar :ill i1rf·a~ o[ !111! i.:ay 11{'r{'t1 l doin~ qu1tr that well . hu! ~altors in i.:1•111•1 ;d 11.ni rf•fJV l'lcd !h;1t hui.iue~~ Y.H:. :<olid Sp~\·H11• dollar 1olun1es !>ll ll arc: 11t11 lo.no" II, :11\d \.\'flrl'I I~ 1·1 ~11 un a g1·neraliztd tJ11s1.'.'I 1111111 ~;1ll'S !.'.Ix l1gures for tlut .. uu1111{·r ::ire 1·eported hy th e ~t<Jl(' "\\'t''1c JUi<! talking alJout 1·~11n1Hlcs. Ha 1·nclt pointed i>lll , "If ~ hard ti) wr11ni.:l e 11~un·~ nul of ;iuy cJf !1 11' 1n1·n·li.u1!~ lhey ketp them prcU)' :.<ltl'rd " SHORTY'S MIDSUMMER I ~ Adv•rti••d •pKialt 11ood 1hru Aulil Utl 2~. !!7! IAad th•n •••m !<1 go ri!iJh l on in1o .h• 1Un ••1.f 6x8 FT. METAL BUILDING A nice weatherlight buil d ing lo put tools or bikes o r whate ver in. Comes comple te ready lo put on your deck o r 1lab. Ul you 're interested in reducing your bills. put them o n mic rofilm.) 77ee 5 FT. TUB ENCLOSURE Sliding door. towel bar. heavy extruded aluminum frame. (My b rother-i n-low is such a bum that he 1end1 me a pos!card which says. "Enclo1ed plea1e find a check lot the money I owe you.") 1667 NEW CANDLE MAKING DEPARTMENT SLAB CANDLE WAX .. Well. our Sho rty, {o r one of his henchmen ) bought out a Major Eu ropean Art Supplier (probably "Major" is his first nan1e.) Seascapes. Portrails, Street Scenes. Landscapes, Abstracts, and St il l Lite. 2500 pain ti ngs on display in our four stores. Oils and Acrylics , all on stretc hed framed canvas. "At a fraction of the original cost. We are selling by size. (Maybe we 'll sell by the pound. extra if yo u want it sliced.) 12xl6 16x20 24x30 24x36 15x30 20x24 24x26 24x40 24x48 ·,·~ ~ .. And w e got the ca ndle color, the sce n t. !he whole la1h·up. Make your own and laugh at the art colony. 197 Pl " ' \ 11 LBS. SUPER BAR-B-0 WAGON This is the smoker with all !he stul!. Got the See thru oven. !he wheels. the adjustable firebox . the worming oven, lhe condiment shell. the motor. the hec lc you say. 2997 NO. 66'1 SIX LITE LOW VOLTAGE SET Sale. p retly lighting. no conduit needed. six colored light1. tran1form1tr, cable. and Noel Lel1hman's goodluck wave. a cheerio and a small G in. Y•1. •• ho•• low •olleit• wLr• In bulk. l ur it In cnr l•ngth. 4777 32 GAL. PLASTIC TRASH CAN Just the thing for ail the tra1h. Including all newspapers and these weird ad1. Snap ltd, ·it won't rust. (Any lool knows that. why do t keep saying It.) 2se : ,,,.I ' -· Ill....., ' I FRAMES AVAILABLE Art Is !or ev•ryone. 110 gel o painting you will •njoy, or one to make lhe guy upstairs c razy. ·-'1 4 INCH DRYER VENT 77c I know a lady who 1aid it wasn't worth lhe 1rouble lo venl her dryer lo the out1ide and no w the whole family ha1 web feet and mo1s on their north sides. So watch oul. ~ "" -~-· ---., KITCHENAID BARRACUDA DISPOSER A good garbage d isposer. who! more can I !IOy. Unless you want !o buy thr•• of th em to make one horse and roe• ii al Del Mar. I /3 HP. 1999 HO . 10 I il0 DAllY Ptli.I! Big Race Saturday • Lo11g Beach Fest H e1tn e1111y •' l 'up 1'ops tit 811! \\'1~hn1rk of ~t'\.I 'l ork 11 Ill bt• out to retain hi~ It .id in !he '.IVrld Ot!e 1>01111 1)1Jr"U!I Bnb :'\11(:11,io/11 111 fl11a1n1 P,.e,nh \\111 a(tc111pl10 1n1rco~e 111~ lead !or n.1111•n,1t f)(11nt, Sh•vi ~tu.:rt of ~11,11111 ,1hu lit'fll '!>lo hu!d on!n h1 ti l(1on 11 ltlk (h···~ k.1d Clt l1ili,w,;1t ufBcvcrl; ll1lls 111!1 h, 1r1u1g to ~h•} \JUI jront 111 lh<' \\cs1 coa~t tliairl p1onsh1p sl <1nd1ng~ 'fh.'.ll will be 1hc 1)1cturr S ilurd,1\ 11ht11 lhe oflshore p<111er<}(),\t r 1t111g fr 1trrn1t1 ,L\l'l~ Lhl' st.11 t1n2 sJgn;il 111 the Long Br.ich ll£11nes~1 lup 1 l<iSSJl fill l\l'll( IS !ht top Ii dtlJrr of the (';il1forn1~ Jn1crn,Jl11\n<ll Se;i ~t".o;t11 11 al Long Beach \\'hat tn:ly sct'nl tOnl1.i tllrlor) and tOnlus1ng 1s ~11np­ ll11ed \11th lhe unrlersl;ind1ng or the go\ern1ng st11Kl11re ol !It( 1ntrrnat1011.il sporl 111 1Jlf ~llnre powerbo<1t racl'I~ Wo1 Id wide governuig bodv 101 th is and olhrr phasts nf ~pted00,-1L1ng 1» the l 111011 of 1 n tt"rnationill l\10101hoat1ng 'lJIM ), he:idqu<1rl1 red 1 n Ghent Belg1un1 The l lf\.1 ~<111ct1ons 11earlv !\\o doze n 111orld chan1p1011sh1p roin!s r,i£es t111oughout the 1r.ar ~ four 111 th1 n1 111 the U S and others 111 1he Baha1n<15 . I urope South America and South Afr1t:i Sco11ng is on a 964'.12! bilS1s .Ht11rd111g to lhe ovl1all ord~r of f1n1shrs -regardless of Pil\.1-Cr s}ste111 -so long as boats quahrv under Ull\l rules pPrta1n 1ng 19 safc!v equip 1nenl tot a l £11g1ne tl rsplacen1enl of lt'.:;S than I 000 cubic inches and o t her 1er~1111cal detail~ The Uli\l ~coring yrar Ulln1an l8t .4.f ter :.r Newport's Fortney Li<lo Rat'C8 Pri111ed for He1111essy Defending (hlln1pu1n n::i1r Ullm<Jn 1€ cl ,1 f1el1J nl J!l f1n<Jllsts <Jfter !11 0 r:He~ 111 th~ Lido 14 National lh;i1np1nnsh1 p Hegalla at l\1Lss11J11 B lJ Thu1 s da~ rhe final !wu r 11..:es of 1hr <'hdmpiunship "1!1 be sailed to· d ill ~l1kr I 111k uf llunt1ngton ll arl>our '' J( ht Cl11b 111 lhe 36 hn;it consulalion d1 11~1on Behind U!l1nan 111 the cham .p1on<;h1p fhgh1 111 nrdlr of .S!<111d1ngs we1e • (21 R1!I 1.!(lQ!d BYt 11 ~ t (' IY Robe1tsun 1\l;in1 1 11J~ H11 'l 111 Dan \\ebb tlftss 1011 RI\ 'll 1')• )f)ll Lh1ld111n f\ll,C, Iii I Ho11 l:-1nd J 11h111,1n 13 ' G 1/1 f,>ll 1\1u sh 111 ABYC 1111 l1.1rr) \\<x1d AB\C 1~1 ~C(11( ~tli()(k !:IV( ilfl1 !ltnr1 ti<hvlH.'ld 1\H\ (' I ht ser1rs 11111 he ,..,, the hcst three 1 <ites der ided 'I 10111 Lipton Cup Caplurccl By Briton:, R11!1~h ~ 11)01 s 011 lour nl l's 1athl1nr rrntrr1> \\rd nesda\ sC'ill ed ;; :ii 11tL111~ l!ll'! 1he11 /\!lll'll('lll lHU!l !Pt p,111 , in 111nn1nR !lh:> L1p!1111 11 f'l ph1 lot lhr 1\1111 ~11 Arr1C'rH'llll l n11ers1t1r' 1";1111 t 11rnpel1ll!n1 \!)e 1l 11!1 l;l!•'S llf'I• ~11l1d 111 L~brn H1•12 d1ni.:l11r.; !1ul i1f :.~11 port 11 111~11 ',11 h! ( 11111 \1rn1l1crs 11f !ht Br1!1~11 1r;i111S 11e1r 111 111 lJ!ll!h(I~ !\tek <lllcl n11h \1111!11 Prh I ( l;I\ don .+nd lnhn If t• ~ ~ ;\Jurpl11 :-111d Alan l u11 an and ]'('IP/ (Mptl 1'11alH ) I (•1 tnrv of r\ewpo1 t nc.~ch and h(s pD 1r of n1ons1rn11<; supeic li;irgecl cng111e~ t .ip ible o1 Ii 5 0 hor~ep011c1 r,ich 11111 tin~ 1hc best \\esl Co.isl hopes lor ,1 breo kth1 ou~h 111 the v.1nnr1 ~ r11clc 111 S<illirdays Long Be;.1ch llrr111('ssv Cup o!fshoic 1 ice 011t nf I ong Beacl1 1·or1nev )1,11> inst 1lled the 111 0 lloln1;in & l\luod1 1nboa1d t11g1ncs 1n his 1achrnl 35 f0nt non Jones d('sJgncd p1cklefo1 k nosed tunnel hu ll f or S<Jtu1 da} s 188 nuler r a c e ,,\ 1r1111g al 10 a 1n off Beln1orl! :-ihoJ e Pier ·1 hr race is cxp(r!ed !() f1111sh ~omt three hou1 s late1 off lhe f,1111,ul of the Queen i\1<1r\ Avr1;<ge sp<>cd 1~ ex p~t:l ld lo be t lose lo iO rn1les re1 houi The 1:u r 11111 bC' 01111 tile I ~111 ct outi ng fo1 thl' 53 vear ol d I 111 tnc:v s Z1p11e, an 01 angr 1 el101.1 pu1 ple and 11 h1Lc t.it11111.iran type speedster 'fhe boat 1venl l;-imc after 150 rniles of 1he Bahamas 500 nffshore r;H r June ~ then /11usl1ed a fast-closing r1rth l,1~1 luh 15 111 the Hennessy < .r .ind P11x at Pt Pleasan1 \ 1 b(',lllll); n1arl\ or f l!~l1nr r rat:111g s established sJ;i1 ~ In both J.onne) r;Jn nrPv1oll~ 1 aces 11 \lh con1c11t1onal Sa11ta11a H "'"" I [11 II( ,,1 1 :t( c of lh<' t:.,111,1111 2:.! \i11n111I thri1n p1 •11~h1p l1 e1 1tl i \\ l~ sr hrt1111. 1 d 1 • grl 1111drr 11 11 oil !hi' II 1lh111 !'It r .11 11onr1 lnd<11 '!hr c1enl is spons11rrd l;r) ll llhn.i '.1th! ('luh f110 r ires 11e1~ !11 be s:i iled I• d.11 111 0 n11l!e :-i.itu1da) and I lie I 111<1 I r iH r 1•n Sunda1 ::I KWIZ 1480 AM RADIO ... • ALL THE GOOD SONGS BY ALL TH E • .. ~ m i I I • WIN FREE! IT'S EASY 1971 Austin America CASH (lots of it) Hundreds of other prizes Send a postcard, or the attached coupon with your name, address and zip code, including phone num ber to. KWIZ, Santo Ano, Col1f- orn10, 92703 . ON! tNTltT ,fll •lllSON r ----------------------, KWIZ DREAM WHEEL l ADDRESS•------------- I I I I CITY-~~~~~~~~~~~~! ZIP---------------I I I PHON•~-------------1 •• I L----------------------J Listen for your name on the air ~ ~ 428 cubic tnch 111erC1 u1ser .o;te rndrive eng:11es Me return ~d lo lbe s up c 1 ch a r g e d rngu.es after the East Coast Lttd ers-16 Signup8 Scheduled Reg1~t1 al1on and s a ! 1 measurecnent ror the up- co m 1 n g Luder~ Hi lnterna t1onal Regatta \1 111 start Satur <la} at 10 a m at the sponsor 111g Newport Harboi Yacht Club Batc 111an Tops Lido Juniors "' ..... ~IC'fl1l0UJ I UUMal• Nit.Ml STA1'1MIMT tellowln• -->Cl~ I• MIM ~ .... /\ ... LEGAL NO'nCB LEGAL N011CE LEGAL N011CE LEGAL NO'nCE ,• • --DICK TRACY -.:TUMBLEWEEDS I Nl1f ONlY Rf\lE:CORAIEP YOOR HORSE HO~ 11!J1;J',Al50 W~E:P HIM Of HIS AWl'U~ K~lf •Of'CHEWING "fiAACCOJ...r-:-.....,---i:= ETTU, ·· cur Pi.Ult? . ' •Olo I .... , . . ·~··. ". ' ~-~· ' ,, . -~ ~!'TI AND JEFF )ON, M.A.''4.M, ~ DID ""'°'-J SA.'/ ~REC i'MA.T C.UN ?' By Chester Gould By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith Sl-llRL6Y, SWEETHEART-· REMEMBER WHEN I ASKED 'lt>U FOR A LOCKQ;: 'rOUR I WENT WITH SHIRLEY ' TEN YEARS AGO-·~ 'TODAY IS OUR. WOODEN? YEH-- I ASKED HER To MARRY ME AN D SHE WOODEN! WOODEN CHA KNOW/ t\AIR AND YoU GAVE ME: T+1E .WHOLE WIG? FIGMENTS .. . ' ''.,..--~./ . . . . . -· . .. ' . . •' ....... ~---- .. • , .. WOO DEF.I ANN IVERSA~Y By Dale Hal• By Frank Ba11lnsk~ =<== =- I DAIL y CROSSWORD ••• by R. A. POWER I PEANUTS , .. 4l Crown 4) Remote l ~p~011 47 Ont who has r~!ar sc1e,.11 ... ~de 11 5 '11\ti'I 011 48 FU1 nlsl! ¥1ith ~ l1riuu'! l~ C""it•r1 ,~1t,..er1t l~ Onf[a1·~ .. l1~rf)tn • l S ~f~i1a1 !tOC!'.1111~'1· 11, lJ~le~s 17 ~~h l a '.',...-- .1i1d .Lace'' 20 ~'Om&1hin~ l,,€ipeclt rl 22. A'!tari hoHdi!Y bi1kXr 2 l 'l(jM or blok/Sr 7~ .ls~n 11t1 2&.0/J;_qling ti M er 27.,t~Cortrd ~..,.,.oni1n \11 'danc.t 30 Altsorbt :;.,~11[y 34 Ch-.,igrd -di!'KliM 35!,~~fuslasm 3& ~ligtnce 37'..<li!iir 38,~'!10 -.arrlessly "10.'1Jtbr1ed ~l·f!tr G.ynt's • m'6tlit r 42-V.\olr nt iiubllt :~s~der ,qu+pmenl 4~ F1is ~ 50 Mrd1e'lal narr 1t•~rs 51 -·.&.~iv 54 (.r~und t~c a'lation SB f.I ~rrow r;ca11t' 1rtlorrn,i l g Prol)l!1: 2 wCJds Archaic bl K•nd of '1 St~ b•rd mus ic~I 10 Cit~ in co111poslt!011 WJsc 011s ln '2 BHhlvr Stllte ll An ar um pflnl t.) A.rtlst's trll>Od 12 Bt~olrnt f,4 Sn&r t 11 Whlrlpool 65 E. hidiAn l' 01)\j)lt n~tivr st rvAnl 21 Alll.o h6 Room !or t1b \r 1ccrssory linen~. rlt. 25 Linen lttms 117 S. Arierican 26 Arouttd: u n1grr 2 words DOWN l Shrrt !!f rriatted cottOlll Z Prt v11 k alor J Useless 4 Ct1!tr hill of 11.ome S Ki11d of resort 6 Stparatrd 7 U11t ~prclrd sports result 27 VA ln1blr •iolin : lnlor1111I za To some ,,,... 29 Fortes along JO Downti.rn J l El,l'Optlll .)Z Becomts weary 33 Plant parts JS Plumpness 39 Ot cay 8 20 '71 40 Build !ng connected With ~ ChLXch 42Salary lncrras~ 44 Made ~old 4& Or l1tt lr value '7 Str1•n!l \ray 49 Discontinue $0 Low t~i l prop le 51 Cana!11an p!'O'l!l'K t : .ti bbr. 52 St.tJ1rcl GI a LY•t lical Jokr 53 Mrlt 55 Ripped Sb DlvislOll of a tribe 57 Ind ian lang uag t 59 Urd111st1nd bO E~!tsll cMhtdral city '· ~·Ju 'l ; ~ ' -/'' .... ....-.-,...,,, ---+ • 1 -·· JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH ~TMU~, 'NOULD 'IOU H Aat.E m HELP TEACl-I -rHE "°'-'~ER ~G'.!JV''-PEOPl.E TO 5~1.1. ? PERKINS .'" ·.,"' , .. ,,, . ,., ... " ,., "' ,.. ,,, "' '",, r "' "' "' '" ... "',.,·" 0 ::'~" ... .. " ,. " . . "' ~· "' ' "'..,•!.' ,;: .. , •u .,,'~,., ,., .• "' "' '" "' ·~ ... "' "' "' .tt " ... '" AJrTHUllf? ~U THINK l-lf'S SMAfl:T fH()UGJ.i ~ ll'l ABNER (-~ITYA (Hll'Nl/OALI-~ -;J.Ur-.~?-IS IT nt£ ~~/MM/AL CHA IRiC) GORDO MOON MULLINS I l . ., .. --··-~ -·-···~- ¥JELL, l 'LL t31Vf H>"° A SPIN AN~ A µE'AvY P•P 1ALIC'.. fOR Y,A, .JO)<'(:. • ANIMAL CRACKERS '-10!>1" PEOPLE H•VE. TERRIBLE. ~\661\Jl ~S ASO\IT US BOA CO>JSrr<1ci-o•s. ... "fHEq HAVE rr I~ TH!ilR Ml~DS TJ<AT W" ARE DAU<'>EW0S., sU>A~ CeEAnJl196 . • Fru!,,y, Au,ust 20 11'171 DAIL V PILOT J -------------~ ly Al Capp "ft'E Fl.CT OF THE Mj.,-re" 1s .• WE H.'VE EXT"EMEc'I DR<J SK1,..i.1 Ai!D1 J6, FOi" 'DAU<!>E£0U5 " MOTH lt.Ki LIKE E)C.ERC15[ TO KEEP A MAN HEALf\.f'( WEALTo.r1 AND~.' WM>H6 CAAIR !! ~1 By Charles Barsotti By Gus Arriola ··•1j.fgf.la. FAIN! By Ferd Johnson By Roqer BoU.n i ... Qklll.l IF WE t=Ea. 1 jH~E).TEJJED4 TRAPPEP! ., ~£ED0<·· l (UATU.,ALUJ) ... HU~1'>£<1 . ! '---~,r~--~' • ~ . • :J:,, L-.L.3' ----"It:..-' "" " se •? NO&ODY KNOWS .JUST' HOW STL.l'IO YOU Art:E.! Charles M. Schulz By Harold le Doux ly MeM lllCiM'T". :r AM Wl-4Ai V0U CAL..L A CLOSET DOPE. By John Miles c ;Ji THE GIRLS "I don't kn{1W -all the drtR~es the~e day~ seem tn hf> dr8igned Ju5t lt'I ft! the han1erft ." • ... .4ND lWS iS CALLED' 'S~Uffl! Off TO 5UFFAln" ~ '" 'AND 1MAT~ OOZ:D A A!;fZ:Zl.!EKR'Y I ' ' I 22 D.lll V PILOT f';tMfLl ' CIRC't:.S 1>11 Bil K ealMI "O key, cool it , rooster l We 're UP!" Soldiers Share Di slike Of Servi11g i11 Ireland BELFAST, N0rthcrn lrtl;ind (uPJ \ ...:.. 1'he Irish and !he British soldier .:irP hy traditinn enemies But some have nne thing in ('(lm mon-a desire nnt to have anything lo dn \\'\1 h the provincr of Northern Ireland. The British soldirr nn dur~· In Belfast is !ired. His ncrvrs ::ire raw and he is bit.rer ::ibout !he deaths or his friends hy sniper fin~. ''I've had !WO hnurs slf'CfJ a . night for the p<1sl five night s." said a corporal in ·o· rnmp;iny of the paratroopers. "And the way things look ! won't. be get- ting much n1ore " The corporal ;idjus1rd his green bcre1. His farf· w;i.~ blackened by mud and he hnd spent mos1 of the ni ght <.:roucherl hchind a hcd.ce w;:itching for sniper~ in the mixed Ardoyne area where Roman Ca t ho I i cs nnrl Protestants hurncrl e a c h other's homes last week. ··r.1ayhc wc'vr ,J.(f\tlcn t011~h rluring our nrnis scarrhes ;inrl ar-rests." he said, "hu1 when the IRA l'rovos 1 prov1s111n:il \1'ing of lhr nutlawed l l'i~h Republican Arrny 1 say tht'y'r·r. J:,oing to sh00l a Rri!ish snldirr P\'cry day, yotl don't stop in he nice." His four nion1h tn11 r nf rlutv is aln1nst up nod hr is ~\:id . lfp rl ncsn'! pretrnd In undrrst;inrl why the prnvin1·r i~ :it w:ir v.•tth itself. Hf' disl 1krs bring thr man in thr niiddlr . "ThC'se pC<lplc srcin In h;n'i> nn reason and nn lngir b<'ln nd !heni. You nrvr r knnw wh:i t. they're going In do nrx1:· hr said. "One n10111r111 I h e Cathnlics ;ire gi1·ini; \'1111 l('.<1 and !he ncx1 lhry're 1".:iking a pot shot at you " "~1o~1 of 1hr nH'n li:11•r a rl erp di.~likr fn r the 1l•llrnf'r1•( hn1h sides ur hrrP,'' hr s;i 1d. "You dnn 'l l1 kr 1n s!io01 " 1:1-vrar-olrl ho\· 1111\1 a P•'ll"nl MITih. yn11 rlnn '1 likr .>:hoot 111g ~·our nwn peoplr -h111 11 h;is In hi> donr '• "l1's n(ll !h(' ('"I h " I i r mnn belief !h;i1 we are ?.II very ca~cr In cross the parti!ion tn free our fellow Ca!holics." s;iid Capt.. Pel~r Archbold, who helps run a refugee ramp ;i! f;ormanslown Air Basf! jui;t south of lhf' border. "Thal is very far from the truth." LikP !he corporal from Belfast, the trnubles in the r\nrlh have 11llowerl him only a few hou rs sleep for the pasl week. hut. instc.<1d nf ;;hoolinR snirwr.•( hP has been changing d iaper.~ and nursing nervous v.·omen . lie feel.~ symprtlhy for lhe Ari!ish soldier in the north. "We have no gre;it. love for lhe Rritish Arniy but no soldier likrs to sre. annther soldier killed hy ,q i;niper." he said. ''I wfluldn"t likc !n he fighting up there ." Like. the Rclfrtsl. sold ier, Archbold doei;. nn1. really understand lhr mind of the northern lrishm.<1n. "R.efugPe.~ who oomf! here .<1rr. so poverty-stricken hard ;ind cy ni cal." hP said . "They m11!hl .<IS \1'r ll hp frnm thr n1her side of the c;irth." '1 aHey High Aid s Ne \\' Students Fo11 11!.<1 in \';illey High Sch(\(11 h:is SC'hcc111led ~Pvrr.<11 pre- s('hnnl i'l1·t 11·1t1rs 1n 1\ugust ;inrl Srptcmhrr. in cludin,R enrnl!· ntenl ;.i nd rir·p-tcsting of in· co1n1ng frcshn1cn. New ~t11rlcnt cnrnllrncnts wi ll hr held bcl"·een 11:30 a.m. and 11«10 11 .111 Au g. 24, 25, 2~. 27, .10, .1 1 and Sc-pt. 1, 2. ;ind :I r;irrn1.~ i'lnd 1<!uden1 .~ m.<11· 1n;ik(' ;111 ;1p11011 nl111rn1 hy r ;:itl· 111.c: 1hr -.:rllnPI off1t·r S111drn!s 1 nl('rr~1rrl i11 r1ff1<"r r xprrirnrr rrrd1 t fni· thr nr ~I .~r·h1>0I l'c:ir shn11lrl al~n nii'lkr ;in ;ipflo1n1n1 rnt with lhr1 r 1·011nsrl 111·~ ciur1ni: I he !;tlmr prrirl!:I. population. it's lhr If!,\ th;il .----------·,I p:ets you." hr s;i1d , krr p1np: his rifle fi xerl nn " n1n1•i>n11•11I nn the rooft op nf (lll(' of !he 1•l1r1 r- rcd houses. 11 co11 lrl hr ;i hird or a piece or dchr 1s fl;ipp111g 1ui the "'ind or sorncthing fi'lr 1 mnrr d.<1ngr rnu s I "Nobody "'ants 111 rl1r n11s 11•a\'." he sa1rl On !hr nthr r .~1dl' nf !hr border. !hr ~nlc1 1r r frn1n lhr l rish Republir h;is a rliffrrf'nl \']pw nf thr Nnrlhrrn lrnuhlrs EXC LU SIVE 11t Cont. Mesa Theat re Daily Sho ... 1: l -4 ·•·1 -10 "There sccmi;. In hr 11 r·1Hn-1._--------... oll YOU ASKED FOR IT so NOW we HAVE IT AT DUNLAP'S WHIRLPOOL Batlle!.. C11•\ons 11 n(j 11., Trash Ci1'1S 3 '8 (Or'f\0-'I CleO by almoM 'J 000 pourods .,, p1es~u•e 1r. one 11e<1t bag' Uo to a w!'e~·s v.•or1h ol 1rash +-; 11l t11e bag 111 the d<11wer. 1n lhe 3.t· 1,1111! lhal b111ids-in or 11ta>1 ds alone. lnstearl Ma o! h11ul•ng oul 3 twenty g~11on 1rash cans carry out orie c.leari Trash Masher Bag! S•mple. bul t h•'-1- p roof operl!1 "' FREE ~E MONSTRATION • ,, ..... . . , THE ON BOLD PRICE SLASHING ON MOST WANTED ITEMS THAT EVERYONE NEEDS ••• DON1 MISS OUT! UNBEATABLE VALUES ••. TYPICAL OF THE GREAT BUYS YOU DEPEND UPON FROM WHITE FRONT STORES! ONE DAY . a SATURDAY ONLY! . CONSUMER Of FER 4 BAAS FOR TH! PRICI Of 3 CORON IT . ' 10 LB. BAG "KITTY LITTER" Four bars ol 1.ux in bonus pack ; beau ly soa p lor ~mnot h s~i n and ro dio nl rornplPxioo. COMP. Al Si c (FOR 4 BARS\ INFLATABLE 2-RING POOL WITH BEACH BALL 4 BAR PAK 35·· diameter inllaiabl e pool is 6'' deep. Six pdnel inllalable vinv l heat h ba l l incl ude d. #P135-Bl 16 c COMPARE AT 1.21 DIAL B OZ. ANTl-PERSPIRANT Long lasting protestion agai nst odor and wet - ness. 6 oz. spray can . Ill BOLD SAYE 51'1. COMPARE AT 1.29 c Sanitizes and de odori zes . Economy size 10 lb. bag. SP ECIAL PRICE 10 LB. BAGS c "--~-~·\' :-....____ ::. _,..---..... ,,....-. ·---- . .=.-:: 1----=-·-::: "'1::=. :---~·-/ ---~ \ ------...... _,, __ ·-!!I ~.=.-:-..._ --. - ,_-__ •1. ,.--"OLD ·-, ____:_ SAVE !DOA1 -=-·-o:., __ _ 10 OZ. TUMBLERS IN COLORS Art1acl1y e rippl~ de- sign 10 01. tumblers in lime green or sun- shine gold. SPECIAL OFFE R s FOR OX OF 25-GAME LOAD SHOTGUN SHELLS .No. 8 dove load shot shells in 12 or 20 gauge. Box of 25; stock up now. OUR REG . PRICE 2.19 & 1.39 ·~ BOLD SAYE 13-11~ 99 8)02 -t. CHARGE IT·!< SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVERS AGIJlic shoil slco'I CCC pul l- over. Soli ds or stripi:s . Red, \vhi tl'.)1 brown, ~,.,vy or yellow. S11cs S M L. OUR RE G. PRICE J.97 1101 AV61\68l( AT fORIAJll(( 97 MISSES' SCOOTER SKIRTS Nrw fa ll fw hir'n cul lun '°Mirr shirtc sty led so rn;ioy 1v11y·,J W1;1r, ~1;1!n rJ 1ror1t or A-linr: ••• in Y..'i ld ;ind 1~nndrr:Hl pr:r!·; or :,o l1dS". Add sh ad es of 1rd. h l;ir ~. brnv.n. 11J'•/ orb ue and you·r ~ read} lnr showing olf! S11c; 8-15. 97 NCH AV A 1\A8 ll AT TO~~AHCI LADIES' ONE-STRAP PUMP Antique finish man ma de uopers with per- loreled loe tri m & Slrao. Hidden gore for pcrt ect 1r1, brown only. Si1ec to JO. OUR RE G. PR IC E 1.69 66 e IANllAMlllCAID e WHITl,IONT CA•O e MASTl•CH A•GI Costa Mesa 3088 BRISTOL AYE. e JUST OFF NEWPORT AYE. .'.STORE HOURS-Cr Daily 12 to 9 p.m. S11 t. 10 to 9 p.m . Svn. 10 to 7 p.m . BETWEEN SAN DIEGO FRE EWA Y and BAKER ST. 0,lll Y PILOT Q DER A Complete Guitle ••• Where to go • •• Top Artist Exhibited On Coast The .l unior League of Newport Harbor h11s sel, another high with its exhibit or Cla ire Falkenstein's varied works 11t lhP. Rhcrm11n F'oundsition Caller~. 2625 F:. Coas1 Hig hwsiy, Coron;i del Mar. Mis s f 11lkenstein . who has ht'r art in m11 ny ei1ies in the tlni!ed Stales incl uding Nrw York . Phoenix. PiUsburgh. Ros!on, Ral timorc. Sa n F'rancisco and l...n:oi: Angeles also ha s works in London, Paris, Rome and New Delhi. One could easily go on an art. safari just !racking down the 1nagnilicent work of this arti st. Eve n Costa Mesa is fortu nate enough tn havp one of her revolving sculpture~ within its city limit s. ll is at !he Hyland Laboratory complex hy the S;in Diego Freeway. The sculptur e was in spired by thr molecular Slructurf'. California Stale Coll ege at f"ullerlnn . i!I ,:::raerd by 11 f:icllde or hers on thf' ~yn1nasiun1 anrl her work is represenred In thr. permanent ('O llC'ction 111 the Long Be;ich Mu seu1n of Art and the Los AngC'lcs County Arl Mu i;eum . Los Angeles ha s a variety of her work both in private collections and on public view. One of her "Point as a Set'' series of sculpt ures may be seen at the main en1rance of the UCLA campus. There i.~ one or her fountains at Century City. and 111 St. Basil's Catholic Church on Wilshire Rlvd .. ~1is.~ Falkenstein created the M- £ool-high stained glass windows in the lowtr ~nd the nave v.·indows ?.J; well 11~ lhp riHagrce front doors. FALKEN STEIN CREATED THIS AC RY LIC AND METALLIC PAINTING IN 1967 Perhaps her besl known work in <:aliforni a is "Structu re And Flnw ." a dramatic founta in in front. of lhP California Sa\'in~s ;ind IA"lan Building on Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles. When this fou ntain was dedicated in 196.'i ;in im- mediate ruror was hea rd Imm !hf' more conserva tivf' citizens or !hp arc:i who v.·ere not able lo understand lhe non- rf'prescnlalinnal nature nf the work It rl'.~em hles 8 hujte. t;in~!f' or <!riff.wood pilrd up in ;i mo untain river ;iftcr the Sprin~ th:iw. I 11ter111 lss lon Su11r Note for Cre£Ltors ·Of SCR 's 'Moth er E£Lrtlt' B~· T0~1 TITUS 0( !~• D••\r Piiot St•fl P1c1urc yourself the c·o-crcator n1 an original rnusicat "'hich is premiered in your home 1hcalcr !n a 1nounling chorui; nf resounding acclt1in1 . rlaying to packed hn11ses fnr fnur full mnnths ~:itura ll), you 'd v:an1 ~·nur show ln mnve nn tn !hr ·'b1_g lime" so, after "'eCk!'i nf rarch1! c·nnsulta!inns. ynu sell the ri~hts !o a prnfcss1nnal producrr ;>.'Jd J>oon «n Equity cnmrv1n.v 1s f11nn cd and t;nmc nnportant hookini.:s arr sccurcrl Ynu flprn 1n S.1n l'rnnr1sen 1n cr1111·al huzzahs. an<1 )'nu feel you're <H1 top of 1hr. v>nrld. The ro~~\hili!y of taking the show In ~rw York grow.~ b nghlrr ;ind hnght- er-and. s1nc·P you·re also lhe Jc acl in g sin~l't' 1n I.he show, you"re flushed with lhc ;:in1ic1pation '1{ personal recogr.ition a.~ :i pl?rform cr as as '•••ell as a compos- t'r. TONI SHE.I.REil Then fhc clouds begin to form. You bring !he show lo Los Angeles \\•here !he reception is good. bu! nol Ji!:reat. The n comes the news that you r direc lor -who \\'rote the script and lyrics -has bee n ri red anrl a new di reclor rrcru iled t.n "spice up " !he show. Whal do you do tl1en? BY Tll lS Tf,\1£ you proh;ihly have guessed. cnrrcclly. Lh:it the show in ques- tion is "Mother Earl.h" and the person in whose place you are being asked to stand is Toni Shearer , composer, 1nus1c:il dire<!- t.or and dynamic liOngstress who, with 11u1hor-direclor Ron Thronson, rnadc thea lric;il history in Cost.a Mesa when the li hnw fir st erupted on the stage o( South Coast. Repertory. Much has been v.·ritten in this space about "~1ot her Earth," and ii v.·as hoped I.hat this week 's column v.·ould bring au · diences up to date on the "success" of lht production. But it was a defeated and depre~ Toni Shearer v.·ho lalked to th is columnist backslagc at the Hunlington t lartfnrd whert "Mother Earlh" winds up 11 three-week stint tomorrov.· prior to returning 1o San F'rAnc1sco Tflni won't be gflin~ ba ck with it. "I'm le;iving the show," she An- nounced . barely man:i~ing lo hold hack the: tears. "I can't fig ht it anymore. They're: trying to chan~e !he numbers Around and paint spangJrs on it and put in a Hawaiian numhcr. There won'L be 11n}ih1ng-left aboiil ecology ln it v.•he n they get through '' ECOLOGV. ,\S \11EWt-:rt s of !hr original Costa Mesa production v.·ill rf'c;ill, is the raison d'etre for "r.lother Earth " 11 is a clear statement. albeit ver~' cn1rrtaining. on fhr condition of our Co\·irnnmenr and a musir.:illy eloqurnl plc:i for help in the name of future generations. Thronson's kcf'n wit, hoth As V.Tltrr anrl rl ircc1nr. and t'.11$.~ Shearer'.q musical \ 1rtunsity as com['l()ser and performf'r :irC' the two nar<1mnun1 rrasnn.~ whv "!\-1othcr Earth" w<1s thr ou!!'>t:inrl1ng suf· ce s!'> it v.'as -:i nd, to th is po1n1. i.~. NMv hoth arc no longer nssocia!ed wit h the show. havi ng relinquished all clai rn to their infant prodigy to ;i corporat.c entity called ··ri.fnther E;irth Productions. Inc '' And il vd ll be a long time before e1!her of them can look b:ic k at their painful beginnings wlth professional theater and sigh. ·'\Vcl!, I.hat's showbiz." Shov.•biz il ma y be, bui one cannot help hut Question the mentality of a front of- fice ntan who elects to ta1n per with ;i show "'hich bo;ists the track record nf "Mother Earth." It may yet reach New York, and may even be successful there. bul it will Ml be the same ··~1other Earth" that brought Orange Coast audi ences tn thei r feel. every night and t wice on Saturdays a few short months ago. MGM 's 'Ganer' 0 Stars Santos Joining stars Jerry Orbach, Leigh Taylor-Young , Jo Van Fleet. Lionel SlMder. and Robert. De Niro in MGM's Chartoff-Win k.ler Production of Jimmy Breslin's best-selling nove l, ''The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight,'' are J oe Santos. Paul Benedict and Fat Thomas. San!os. whose mosl recent fil m is "Panic In Needle Park," will portray Ezmo the Driver in Kid Sally's gang. He ;il110 starred in •he Actor'i; Playhouse pro- duction lhis .<:pring of "The Olathe Rcspo n!'>E'.'' Bened ict IP.kcs the. role of f.1r. O'Toole, lhe mother hen of the motor poo l for lhr. National (~uard. He previously 11ppet1red 1n "Taking Off." "Cold 'Turkey." "Thty Might Be Giants" and "Deadhead Miles." Thomas, often wri tten about by Rreslin, plays one of the lop mobster'1 bod.vgu;irrls. FA LKE NSTE IN WI TH BIRD ~· Jll1o1inn and space :irr or pri1nr im- portan('e !o I his work 11.~ Mis" Fal kenstein exp lain.~. "Thr rno lioo is not kinP!ir . Motion 1s lhf' ~p;ice-rime within 1he pit-cf' itsel f. 11 starls within thr interior ancl moves out. a flow of .~pace through th@ structurr. The mnvcmenl. i~ the work itself -it ~oc.~ to !he observer. When the obsf'rver becQml'~ involvrd hr should fef'I the work rro1n hi s inte rior out. It should be a visceral experience ." Alv.·ays the innovator and explorer of new m<1leri11 ls and idra~. M i s ~ Falkenslein was one of the firsl artists lo lranslatP abstracl expressionist paintin~ into sculpture . ln contrast to the m::issive '11mrnsions in v.·hich she has dealt . her l:itcst efforts :ire directed In !he smaller .~<.'<1lf's or graph ics , cer:imic~ <1nd uniQUI' jrwelry such 11s th;i t which wa ~ in tht Orsi~n II show in Pasadr na. In her presrnt t ll:h ibit ;it. tht. Sherm11n . --·· .. , ' ,,. . J_,eslie Uggunis Sings Pert Leslie brings her musical ta lents to Disney land's Tomorrow· li'nd Slage Monday through Friday al 9 and 11 p.m. beginning Aug, 23 through Sept. 3. What to tlo • •• 1 " ~1 ' .,. . ' ' ., '."t. STAINED GLASS WINDOWS IN ST. BASI L'S TOWER AND NAVE r.altrr.1• which i~ ln<·;itrrl in thf' C::nffrt r.aroen <ind is nr>en frrun 10 ::111 il.m. ro :'l ::lll p m_, Mnndar lhrnugh S:ilurrlily , :ihf' will show ii llC\\' clrrlrnnli' ~raph1c prnces.~ which Lrilnsfer.~ original pnn!.~ on- to nlastic :;~1ri:-.rr,~. A pu.~11ive anrl a nriuiri vf' 11rr usrrl IOJ::rthrr lo produl'r mn!io n wi1h \hf' f!ssislanre of :in os('i ll1110r. 1\l.~o 011 1·ww 111ill hr t1rr sC'u lp lurr. jf'wrlrv. 11rr.vl1c anrl n1r!<1l l1r p.11int inR,; and hrr rnfldrl~ or th r st:iinrrl gl:is.~ windnw.~ nf SI. Ras11's Ch111-rh_ Tomor riw-night ~1 i.o;s F'rilkcnstc in will gi l'f' A lc<'turr at I.he Sherman r.allcr.v A' SI p.m. The title nf hrr talk is "Strur turo anrt riow in Curved Space." f«>servaJ.lnn: arr nf'C'C'Ssary, hut you still ha ve time ti i111end if you phone fi42·4~24 . A na!1ve n( Coo.o; Ray, shr .'l!udir'1 "' !hr Universil~· or CalifomiA. Rerk cle; illlrl l;iught ii! lhr Snn F'r<1 nc1sc11 lnllti t1d.• nf Art :ind a! ~·!ill.~ Cnl!cgf' She'h11.~ work rrl ;i11rl livrrt 1n San Fr:incisco, l,o• An~clcs and raris. Wh ile .~hf' ~tiJI m;:iinl :i1 ns ;:i s1url i0 in r;iris .. ~hi' if presen tly residin g 1n Venice. Californ ia. Holly1vood B11cl,stage Cyc1e Stunter Eve] l(nievel Tal\.i11g Rough Road to GJory 111· Pllll. l'llll:\l.\S AP ,., ... ,,,.,u•• W•lttr "l'\'1' hrokPn f'l't.'r.v hnnt 1n m.v hod.v l'~­ rrp! n1y nrrk," sa.vs rl 11rerlev1I F.vrl Knievel. whn r1ro;r hnpperl onl11 .ii mot(irryrlr whrn hr w;i~ !l .vr11r,; olrl :inrl i!'> ~ttll ri rl1ng t:iH 1n 1he sadcl!c ;it the .:ige of .12. ··1t got 111 mv hlQOrt." l\nif'l'('I r~nl:i1ns vn th ;i grin ;is h1• tPJI.., of how hi' h:is ~pcnl lhr p11s1 sr.vrral yea rs 1.001n1ng h1 .~ mo!orc.yclr DVf'r sueh assorrcd oh.~1acles ;is a box nr r:i ll lC'snakcs, rnountain !inns. anrl ;i long line of p:i rked 1·ars f'or risking his life doing !hcsr high p;,pcf'd stunt ~. Knievel s;iys hr r;i1·ns h:i!f a million dollars 11nd rnorP a year hut adds. "it depr.nd.~ on !hr year La.~l yr;ir 1 didn 't do loo well berausl" I broke m.v hack tv.·icE" an d alter th11 t I got, hit by .11 c;i r while l v.·as on my bike . 1'hat wa s a bad y('ar " Wearing 11 red Jll mpsuil, th e hu sky, soft·spoken Knievel is quick Lo point out that his re;il namt> is "Rohe rt." "F.vel is 11 nicknan1e," he lau ghed . "I gues.~ I was such ll good litt le kid that e:veyone called me Evil 11nd it ~tuck. But I changed the 'i" to 11n 'e' hecau~c I didn't li ke Evil." After a life th:i t included stin ts in prn- tessiooal hockey, ski ju mp ing, hunl l n~ 11 nd fishing lrip guid ing. 11nd the in· surance business, Knieve l. 11 native of Butte, Mont., got in!n motorcycle racing after hi~ Army service. "I used to ride ~ f;ist that they'd put me ln the back row Rnd I'd 1llll win," he 1r1:rinncd. His specia lly Is jumping -~ettln~ the motorcycle up to a high !ipeed. rooming up A ramp. and then sailing through 11 paelc! to land on 11nothtr ramp that may be as much as lflO fe«t 11w1y. "I've jumpe<l a bike farther than 11nyone: on c11rth -150 rcet, thars the t ('C(Jtd ." Knievel sa¥!1i. To m&ke this distance he has salled hls spcch1lly·built molorcyclr. -which can do up to 140 miles An hQur -across a football field 11 nd also jumped l!I cars parked si'1e by side. a feat which he says is "con5ider~ a world record." "If you make. A mi i1ta ke." he Adds wry· ly, "i f say you 're jumn ln.11: 12 c1ri1 bu t ,Vf'IU 1And .•hort ;in'1 crash into the 10th r ar then you end up in the hospital." Hr nhsPr\·rs mal1rr-nf·f:irrly !hal "J'v1 hecn nperatcrl on :io or 4f) times in thr 111.!' fi\r ~·e:irs 11nrl <1b1"H1t 12 of !hf'm wrrt' rna1or nper:it1nns. Righi no .... · I've gnl 11 ~trrt plar;, 1n my lc-J:; ancl another one if1 my arm In add1li0n In h11r1 !1ng n1·tr c11rs. J-;n1rvrl once j11n1prd hi s h1k r over ;i ho) llf 5fl r11lllr!'inakf's wh1rh \v;is guarded bv a nH'lunt;iln l11in 11! cac·h eorl. ' \Vils ht> wnrn rrl" "I gf'I rnncrrned sn n1elln1r!'> ... he says, "bu1 rm not afraid of :i nyth1ng " A n1ov1r rrcen!lv v.·:is made: of Knirvet's t1fr s!orv. "I t'.~ r111lrd ·f:vel Knievel." hP silv~'. "ll's h11sed nn in- cirlcnts 1n my !ifr. Snm r th 1n11:s ;ire very. vrry 1rur ancl fJlhc rs are fictionalized i hit In prorecl the guilty . · "r.eorge H;in1i l1 on pl;iy~ n1r in tht moviP, b111 all rhe 1umpinJ: stunt:oi: I «jQ, The.v've got no stuntmen 1.0 rlnuble for.nw. and the y nf'ver v.·ill gel anyone to dQ s0.;1 ", '. "'E EK ENDER . ·: ' INSIDE FEATIJRES ·~ LUC Y BELL, Ed itor ... .. : f"rid11y. Augu~I 20, 117 1 ·:· Richarrl Chamhcrl<1in, who slar· '• re'1 11s 1elevision·~ "Dr. Kildt1 re.'~-f will have top bill inJ: in "Becket'! ~ at Ahmanson Theater. See story : :ind picture on Page Tl in loday'i ; \Veckender. ' Stan Delaplanr Hobo Kelly P•ae u . Page ZC ' • In lbe fjalJerles Pate !4 ·: Prize fltm5 P11t !4 : Out '1''' About P1ge1 21 · 21 : ' Catalina Ari Ft stlval Page t1 "! OdeUa ra1e %7 ': TV In O'eplh Page %7 . : Rleharrl Ch ambtrlaln Pait f7 r.ulde In MovltR Paae %1 Guldt lo F'u n P11~e • Live Thtatr:r P•a:t It Bu rt SMvelov e: Pait ti . ' . . . . ;1 DAIL V PILOT rr1d•T. August 20, 1971 1 Jamaica Has Top Hotels By ST AN DELAPLANE OC~IO RIOS, Jama1·ia -It 's a couple of hour~ bre ezy ride from ~1 o ntego Bay Lo the posh resort area at Ocho Rio~. It used to be all gray.green sugar cane on o ne !-iide, a painter's blue sea on the other. Now elegant hot.el s and \vatering holes have sprung up .along the route. At Rose Ha ll. At Discovery Ba y. (Where Colum· bu! landed.I At Runaway B111y. 1\\lhere the Spaniard~ left under Englis h guns. \Vhat a real estate take· over ~) There's a stri ng of .Jama cia's best ho tel~ at Oc.ho Rios. ''ou can get. a pl ace fit for a Duchess: .1fternoon tea and creaking Joints. Or the lively PlAy· boy Club l-lotel : C'hocolate bunny "'ai tresses and a rummy drink called The Rabbit Punch. * Up to December 15. half pricei;. About $30 to $40 for two with two meaJs. On the magic Decem· ber 15 -Hello, Santa Claus? * "Ctn you suggest some fithir1g towr1s on the Gulf of Mex ico?" Lots of fishing from Guaymas, a day's rtrive d own from Nogales on the border. Allow an hour for that border cro!(sing: Cusloms, car permits and Rll that. i A cou ple of dollars each to the immlgra· tion. car permit and Customs people shows your appreciat ion and mo ves things faster.) * A half dozen or more good motels at Guaymas. SeveraJ trailer courts. Fishing boats for hire. * A d111y farther do\vn, turn off Highway 15 to the port of Topolobampo. It can be HOT! In September, fi shermen were coming back at 8:30 in the morn· ing. Too hot to fish even under awnings. But - they were getting plenty of fi sh. After a couple of days, one man shipped heme a couple of hundred pounds of frozen red snapper, Shrimp freezing planl there ~·ill do the job. * Accomn1odations at the Yacht Cl ub Hotel were grim. The wheezy air conditioning lost every bat· tie. Better to .s1y at Los Mochis on the highway. Good hotel there. a half hour's drive to the boats. * • "Where do we find the yaur1g crowd in Lon- :: ·den?" ·: Chelsea's the scene. Start al Slaone Square. :: Walk R couple of blocks up one side of the King's :: Road and back the other. Halt at each pub. Good ;: spot for lunch: The Great Americ11.n Disaster on Fu/- -; ham Road. VERY popular. And they serve a good ·: hambur_'!er. \Vhich you \viii appreciate if yo u've -: ever tried the \Vimpy r ha in. That i.~ !he REAL ::\mer1can d isa:-ter. * "We would like to try som• good Mexican food I•• the Galleries W atefuolors CHAU.18 GALLERJES -1390 S. Coast Blvd .. Laguna Beach. Hour.11 : tl a.m. to 5 p.m. d.11lly. Currently on exh ibit. "The Art of Watercolor'' ln three interpretatloru with Rex Brandt, Frank HamJtt.on and Robert Ludry palnUngs on display, through Sept. 4. BOWERS MUSEUM -2002 N. Ma in St.. Santa Ana. Hours : 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tues . ..Sat.; 1 to S p.m. Sun., and 7 to 9 p.m. Wed . and Thurs. No rharge. Photographic Ellhibit, through Aug. 29. ft1ARtNERS LfBRARY -2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. On exhibit through Aug .. paintings by Mary Jean Bender and seashell collection of Nel Murbacker. CORONA DEL ftfAR LIBRARY -42() ?t1arigold Ave., Corona del f.111r. On exhibit durina reiular library hours thrnu1h Aug .. p1intln1s by Gloria Brade.son and sea shell seashtll collection or Net Mulbacker. GLENDALE SAVINGS -500 Newport C.enler Drive, Newport Beach. On exhibit during regular busine1s hours, original painting from company's permanent collection, through Aug, MUTUAL SAVINGS -2867 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. On exhibit during regular buJi.ness hours, paintings by Chris Stevens. through Aug. LAGUNA ART ASSOCIATION -307 Cliff Drive, Lagun11 Beach. On exhibi t to run concurrently with the FesUv11\ or Arts, through Aug. 1.8. the All California Show. Docent tours at 2 p.m. Fri., Sat. and Sun. TV STAR HOBO KELLY AND TWIN FANS Mch1el ind Robert Florry Can Htirdly Wtih SAWDUST FESTIVAL -700 block of Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Festival of arl.J and craft& will run through Aug. 29. Over t60 area artists will display their work from 10 a.m. lo midnight. Admission free. 'Hobo Kelly' to Appear At New LA Ho111e Show ART·A·FAIR -346 N. Coasl l!lghway. Laguna Beach~ On exhibit through Aug. ta, Sun. ·Thurs .. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Sat. and Sun., noon to midnight, \l.'Ork af various artists. Admission, 25 cents. SHf:RMAN FOUNDATION GALLERY -2625 E. Co11.st High- "'ay, Corona de! Mill". /Formerly C.Offee Garden Gallery.) Hours : 11 a.m. lo 3 p.m. ~1on.-Sat. The Junior Ltftue of ''Hobo Junction," long a familia r television landmark for children. will hecome a reality al the Los Angeles New Style Home Show . Aug. 20-29. .11t the gijl:iintic new Co nven - tion -Exhibition Center And il, most po p 11 r a r resident. '"HoM Ke 11 ~·'' hersclr, will be !here dailv between I :30 and 3 p,m. tO greel hundred~ of her young fa ns. according tn H. werner Buck. Home Show producer. Buck disclosed !hat an exact repl!ca nf "Hobo'.i;" hnuse will be reproduc ed hy designer· artist Richa rd Sheltra , who "'!I S 11lso the dtsig ne r f('lr the fllmed lelevision series. tracks running in front nf the Newport Harbor exhlbit feat ure.s varied work by Claire Falk- house -"'ill be duplicated in enstein through Aug. 26. this exhibit." Buck said. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK -1&6 E. 17th St., Co!ita f\1esit. ··F.ncompassing a 20 hy :lO· On exhibit during regular business hours, oil paintings by fool area, the hobo junction Tony f.1arsh, through Aug. set points up our policy nr of- fering a qualit y show which TRANS AMERICAN TITLE -170 E. 17th St., C.Osta f>.1esa . will have <1ppeal for every On exhibit during regul11.r business hours encaustics and oils ) mC"mtier of thP f P.mily -even by Manci Schonthal. through Aug. lhe children." he added. NB CIVIC CENTER GALLERY -3300 Newport Blvd., New· Television 's prize·\.\'inning port Beach. Currently on exhibit in city hall during regular children·s show ," "Sesame S!.reet."' also will com e 10 life business hours, photos of Upper Newport B11.y by Joan at Home Show. Cloverdale through Aug. According to Max lnfitntt. COSTA MESA LIBRARY -566 Center St., Cosl.ll Mesa. On coordinator nf F.ast Lo i'I exhibit during regulAr library houri. oil paintings by Gwen Angeles field ~rv ice11 for the Conway, through Aug. Ch i l dre n 's Telel'isinn \Vnr kshnp. producer s nf the l\1E5A VERDE LIBRARY -2969 Mua Verde Drive East, n11t.ionally-11yndic11ted sh o "' , Costa f.t esit. Cu rrently on exhibit oil paintings by Alna the exhibit will stre1111 the Ph illips 11nd J::mma H1trr is, through Aug. ed11ca!inn::il Iheme nf !ht two-AVCO SAVING -3310 Bristol, Costa t.feaa. On exh ibit dur- yt::ir-nld prngrHm Ing regular bu11iness hours, oil paintings and ac rylics by Shir· Featured in lht hooth will be lt y Leyrer. through Aug . twn of the show"s prominent Spotlighted DOWNEY SA VJNGS -HO E. lnb It., Coat.I MIU, On n · hlhit during regu lar huslnw houri, oU palnlin&• by Gtrtn.lde Mattocks. through Aue. FIRST NAT IONAL BANK -lSIO Ad1im SI., Coat.II. Mea11.. On exhibit during regular business hours, oil paintings by Marvel role.man, through Aug . NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK -1090 Bayside Drive, New- port Beach. On exhibit during regular business hours, through Aug ., pen and in k drawings by Frederic k L. Payne . J\.tARINERS SAVINGS -1515 \\'estcliff Drive, Newport Reach. On exhibit during regular business hours, oil pa int· ings by ~1ark Mccullock through Aug. The VILLAGE WEST SUMMER FESTIVAL NOW IN FULL SWING THE wur~ FINIST IOOKSTORH HUNTER'S BOOKS FOR 120 YU.RS-SINCE 1851 Located At FASHION SQUARE IN SANTA ANA Pnono 17141 543.9343 66,500 looks & Paperboc:ks 32,000 Unusual Cii'•etlnq Cords BARGAINS GALORE! OPEN EVENINGS ''l'IL 9 P./tJ. Kids Love Uncle Len, Saturday in the DAILY PILOT ; while we are In Mexico City ... " I'm high on Prendes 1n the nlci section o( the · capital. It 's brightlighled. Tiled. Nn cozy candlelit atmosphere. Rut when the Presiden t of Mex ico ha s a pRrty. Prendes c111ters it. Many f\1ex ican ci ishes you The dllepidHtcd. \lot11ther- 0ta1en . r r .11 d y I o . t n pp 1 r srructurf' will cnntain all nf the f11m11iar obJetls of ··H(lbQ . lunc1inn." A pnl -be!lied stnvt, rher kere<I drape.o;. r i r k e t .v r hair.i; .1nd mnre. will make the .o;cene real fnr scores of youngster~. ··F,1•en thf' careta ker's C(ll- ta,i;c:r. presided over b ,v 'Hnhn's' butler , 11 n n I her distinguished 'knight. of lhe road ' et.tired in tht-hobo's 1·ersinn f'lf a full·dress tuxed(l -;i~ well as the railroad <'hil racter!i, "Ritt Bird." stan-CROCKER BA!'!'K -2300 Harbor Blvd .. Costa f.ie.~a . din,i: eight feet lall , 11nd On exhibit during regular buslntss hours through '"Roosf'\•elt f' r a n k I i n , s 'jiii'.ii"gii'i;" 'ii'iil'ii'ii"iidii'ii"ii'ii"ii"i.biiyi.· Gii'ii'ii'O:ld:.;S;:"';o-~h';:"~'-;o"-----..---.. ... -.. --------------•-.,.--.,. ... -_.; f>.·1ol her ." one of the popu\ar1I "m11ppets" on !he television • never heard nf nn the menu. Little crayfish in gar· lie butter \vith dark Dos Equis beer is really some· thing! series. These w I 11 be refurbished edilion!i of their flnral counterparl.o: seen in this year's Tournament of Roses Parade in r asadenA. Infante cxpl;:iined. * .Jardin Angel is a new garden restauranf in I.he Aeling ;us props wll be. most WB 'J [' nf "Ses<1me's"c l11ssroom pnsh tnurisl. d istrict. Bel!inghauses -same district -is another J?:ardcn resta urant. Both have gnod II, Y equipment. inclurlin~ w a 11 chitrls and other s c ho o I f\1cx1 can food. * To Collcts m•teciAI. "I want to tape record our trip to Europe next I n fo rm a 1 inn nn the " \Vo rkshop's activlllt..11, In· year · · · h Warner Brns. has signed eluding its new fllll television I carry the Sony 1'V·40. IS99 ere , $70 in over-Richllrd Ca lles as direcinr nf pr 0 Ar 3 m. "Th~ Electric seas freeport ~.) &ok size. Ruiltin mike. Recnrc!s on ··r hr St h nf .Jul\., .. a Larry Compan~"" a c h i 1 d re n 's lighl. ('heap rassetl ec:;, \\'nrks on hattrrics cir plugs Thnr .ind Don B 11 c h r~ading prng ram Rtllrf'rl !fl I.he in. Can be set for any kind of current. :'IC'reenplay. arrording tn .John ::;even-tn·lt n-ytA r-nld lit: r o 11 p . * r all•v rxrc-ut11e \' 1 r e will be a\"ailable at !ht: hnolh. "Can we use Amer!c11n coins to tip in Europe?" prcsiri~nt tn rhargr n { Pamphlets 11nd the '"~5Ame Only at a1rpo1ts. 1 he por1cr ra n r;i~h thf'm 1n production Street" m01ila11nr "'111 be l al the .a.irporL bank Olher banks rtnn't v.ant !n F'1lm ll'!ll hr 'hnt Al !he ha ndrrl nut hv r1f'ld "'Orkers. handle coins A maid 1n a f>.1~rlrul hotel shn\.\1ed me .o;turl1n and f'ln \"a rious crn$~ aided hy mPm bl'r~ nf the l a bout $10 \\'Orth of foreign ('Otns she \l.•a11 stuck \l."1th . r(lunlr\' lnca11ons Nt 1,i:hhnrhood Ynuth Corps . 1971 Prize .-,,,,, .. =__, ___ ~~;-~~·;:;;~~~·--;~;;~;"-'·' ,.-=1 ' Fihns Se t For Coast \ ,• I ,, • n Blue ribbon v.·1nner11 frnm lt fht 1971 Ame.ric11 n F i 1 m f~ F'sli l'al will he shown In the ;J publlr In both Hunl1ng1on ~ Btech and Nrwpnrt Be11ch ~ r1exl month ., Thi' scre1:nini;!11. spnnYlred f. by the H11nt 1n~Hnn Beat h ' Public libr11.ry in Cf)(lptralion ' 11rith the San!iago Publlc Library ~y~ltm . will be he ld Ci Sept. IJ.17 1 Fi\m11 11dll be shQv.•n 1n the Hunlina1 on f l'n11'r mall frnm 1 ( p.m tn ~ p.m. 11nd from 7 p.m. to ~ p.m. eeth day nf !ht. 4 &Klthern Cali fornia prem1rt' J WE PLAY BALL '1· Us The Hit.'· ·1 And Our Suppliers Give I , $41dl111 gr11p111 as big al piob,,lli , 1uppl i11d by Kap lt'tn frui t Co., Loi Art· g1l11 . 2. Kumqu•l1 big 111 pirtg pong ba it ,, 1up plied by Cal fru it Co., lo1 Ang•· 1.1. ], Pl ums big 11 1 lertro ii ball1, i upp!i ed by Gium •rra Bro1. <4 . N1c.te rinet big •• b•1eball1, iuppli1d by Cal Viti , lo1 Angeles. 5, Pea ch11 bi9 •1 1oft ba ll1, iupplied by Weit Fruit Co .. lot An9 1l11, 6. L1ttuc• bi9 111 bowling b•lh, 'up· plied by W•1f Gal• Produ c• Co .. Lo, Ang1 les. 7. Husk c.oconut1 big 111 bt11~et· bti lll, 1up pli 1d by l . A. Nut Co., Loi Angele1. S. C1otaloupe1 big •1 footbel_l1, 1upplit1d by l<1ufm an Produce, lo' Anqel1s. 9. Cell'll '"' th111 f1bule u1 fru1t1 that h11 v1 m•de u1 n1tion11lly ac.c.l •im ed "Worl cl'1 Fin e1t Produc• House." -....... -• l XTRA ADDlD • • CARNATIONS • 2 ooz. • • • ROSES - 1 do1. • • Your Cholc • • • 99'u. • • With thlt coupo" • .. I I I -8 I I .. I•••••••••.• • iroa HIAlTHS SAKI • • --Largt Zucchini • 5' LI. --• • . ··-... • -• IJl9clal l'urch••• • J/01(Jer:! • GOltGIOUI • • MARIGOLDS • I I by debra • 39,l<h. • W1 wir• flowe ri • limit -1 • • Wlth this c.eupe" • .. I• I -I• I • • -- ·········~········~ LAllOI StZ! IAT YOUR PILL NOW ICEBERG : TOMATOES : LEnUCE • • 1 O' U . : 1 5' loskot • • Limit 10 Lb1. • Limit S • Limit ) l••kett a Wit .. This (..,,.,, With Thl1 Ceu .. , • n • Wllh Thll (OUjt91'1 • • ALL OF AUGUST MID SUMMER I I ALL OF AUGUST MACH ET TIFFANY FIXTURES For the month of Avtust the famous line of Mechet Tlfferny Is evelloble at tremendous 1avlnt•· Maeh•t Tiffany It the llghtln9 fixture che1.n sa often by the top natlo1twlde teleyfslo11 1how1 for thtlr eof.,hl, 1aphlttlcatM seh. l•itt<l•llf •••l•11l'lf lo •11ha11c:• Sp1111!11! 4Hor 24" SPANISH $107.35 You ha•• a room that needs the: touch of vibrant colors, we hove avollable for you the tntlr• Machet llne of tlffanln ot SAVINGS FROM so•;. to 60°/o 22" TAJMAHAL $15.40 19" COLOA COLA $87.05 20" TULIP $87.05 22" VICTORIAN $85.40 14" CONCORD $54.41 SAVINIOS fROM 50°/o to 70°/o end mot• on all of our entire stock of e lm,.,-tM & Domtstlc Ch9nctellers e Hontlnt Lomps • Wall Seoncet 19" FRUIT $87.05 At Ne wport Rf'11ch"1 Fa~hlon I •• IAllnd in Island House. lhe j-t : films mAy hr setn frnm 2 p.rn. ,. ; to :1 ;30 pm. and rrom II pm. · ; to 1:30 p.m. on !ht 111me day5. · . I SOUTH SEAS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ELECTRIC & LIGHTING COUPONS IXPIRl AUIOUST l5 NO W I Nation1lly Accl t lmtd World's F\r1e1t Produce House TROPICAL FISH J : ;~;~;2:~~. :~ e N~!~Q~!.k ~~.9.~~CE :~E11: ~ e LIVI POODS ~ r • Ltn Pt.ANTI ,! 2616 Newport a.ulevard on the P ~11lnsulo 111 "· w11.101o1. Ct'.11'• ""111 1•, "l,5 Y'"ttr• ol Produce "Whtrt qun/if" ta t/tr !Mt ,..,.... .. ••1 1•ntt c If 222 Victoria Street, Costa Mtsa {Aero•• from GrHnheven Nurttry) 646-3737 Special Cou rttsy to Build"'N 6 lro t,.rlor Decoralor1 01 USE OUR OWN CONVINllNT LAYAWAY PLAN • • • • i • • 'Alli"/ Elecfrie 6-L(ghfins ,... .......... HV"''"''o" •••c" J Kn oin flow" Ord.tilllot the Hot11t" , • (N•ll ti Now l11c••·11 I • .....lU M••~v ... ,~,., "' °""" 11 ... ,~.,. \,11111 U tl•MI. Ml• • ,Mn,,, •••• J1M"-· , ........ YIU• "''''· !• _______ ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.. ___________________ ..J ... _________ _.wt'a"' ... -_ ,_.J~.· .•• .-...... •. -.;~-.:... ..... _ .. ,.,,., -'..-:..TX."-·w ' -· • ~·-· ···--_... . .. -..... ---·· ----, ~ ·~ .,_. -·-·-i ,..... -~. ,..,. -- -:. ·--:..,:.1_1'!' ~ _.._ __ _ UAI L I PI LOT %~- \fEEKENDER OUT ' I N lly AB 0 UT ,,(llflll STA,\' LEY sc~:_J f ORANGE COUNTY'S RESTAURANT , NIGHT CLUB AND ENTERTAINMENT l . X 11 ... t.".:l''-..... , :e t WdiL..J'l --. .. r ~,; Danc ing al. !\Tilla {;rab vou r favorite senors -or senorita, a~ the case m":1y· be ~-hang on lo ~·o ur so1nbrero and gel ready to step ou t on lhe area's ne\vest danee floor. Even be prepared. if you like. h1 cut a fancy fandango or foot-stomp1n 1-'. !\texican hat dance . ,Ac• 't<~ /~~f The spot \\•here you can no1v underta~e a gra ~l baile for the first lin1e 1.~ tile top-rater !\·l11la !llex1· can restaurant in Costa 1\·lesa. And fro1n the appear· ance of the cro1vd on hand last Satu rday night the nc1v action here has cal1ght on quickly and big. lt should con1e as no surprise. of course. thal the progress ive folks at 1\1itla have co1~1e up 11·ith yet another innovation_ ('hanges of one kind or another -all lo the good. let it be noted -have been hap· peni11g at lhis place for nearly a year. KUDOS TD JOSE O\vner Jose .Saucedo rates the kudos of out ·n' abouters fo r his continuing efforts to enliven and enhance fl.Iitla. One sure sign of a good restauran L -as \Vell as a far-seeing proprietor -is bypass- ing the ten1ptation 1.o stand pat \\'hen tile status quo enjoys \Vide publlc approval. The '"lllingness to alter and expan~ i1~ the hopes of developing even broader appeal 1n?1eates a strong desire to please. t\nd suc:h <.:on~ern is very evident in all the recent c·han ges 31 tl·Jitl a. Preceding the addition of a dan ce !loor. other departures fron1 the foriner scene considerably in- creased the restaurant's attra(·\ivenes~. These .1n- c:luded revan1ping of the dctor an d the 1ntroduct1on of entertainment as a regular feature. as the Azteca ·Lounge. this cheery little haven bids .rest and relaxalion -especially \\'ith such entice· n1ents as an or iginal and great house drink . the blue fllargarita. A NEW MITLA Not content with all the va riations initialed at the ('osla l\lesa establishment. .l ose has JUSt taken anolher giant leap for\vard. 'f'h is n1an)1noth under· taking consisted uf opening a brand ne\v, nun1ber ty,·o Milla. The second restaurant is no\" of! and running at 12118 Brookhurst. in t~arden Grove. It offers the san1e menu as in Costa r.·tesa and pretty 111uch fol· lo\vs along lines. \\'e \Vere tol d, of its parent opera- tion \rit h the ex(·eption of cotklail service and danc· ing. \Ve haven't. as vet, hit Jose's ne1v ~·litJa nt11nber !1\·o. but 1ve·re looking for11'ard to doing so as soon as the first opportuni ty presents itself. In the nieall· tiine \ve'll hold on the dinner visit l\'e paid to lhc older. more familiar restauranl in Costa tl1esa Sal· urday last. ~ OUR SELECTION Keeping all four of our orders lo the con1 bi11- ation plate si de of the menu, the first selectio n \l'a s enchilada, chile relleno. beans and rice, Sl.70. 1'h(> second choice \Va s t horizo con huevos, be ans and rice ft\\'O eggs and tortillas). $1.70. 'l'he othe r dinners \Vere pork t hilc verde. bean.c;· and rice \1·[t h tortillas, $1.70; ca111arones ala 1'an1- pi co cshrinip 'fa1npico style). 1narinated in ati1 la 's :-;pecial Mexica n sauce. served \rith beans, rite and tortillas, $2.25. qu1le a distante. 1'1le road runs fron1 locos at 50 cents eaC'h !() a clule vcrde burr1to for 80 tents . Open seven d:t\'S a \1·eek for lunch and dinner, tllitla ~fcxH·;:u1 rcst<iurant is lotated <1l 547 \V_ 19th St , c·osta l'\'le sa. Ll;iilv dining hours are JI a.111 10 11 p.111. Enlcrtainn1C11L and c1~uu:1ng and 1\ztcr;i Loun ge bo11rs run fron1 9 p.n1. to:! a.in , Friday <llld Saturday nights \Vhi skey Treasun· Surell' Lhere .-ire fe\1· out 'n' aboutrrs \vho are not pnl1tciy interested in so111e phase of drinks or drinking -be tlH•y li ght. 1nodl'ra1e 111· heavy in1 · hiders. :\nd t·ven the IPelotalcr~ in tllC' <'rn\l'd aren't likel y 1(1 avoid f:1 :-.l'in:it1 on 111th :inyth111g-111 Lilt real111 of the rar(' ;ind ro:-.\1~ 1\ good exan1plr t·an be t·1Lcd in :'I recent ne\vs 1ten1 11'hirh nn1de hc<1<ll111rs frorn coast to coa~l. lll c<.1sc you r n1en1ory h:is to IJe Joggl'.:d. it dealt \Vith a :-.t'art'e bollle of ~intagt' 11111c· ;~ut·t ioned for an un- prel'elien ted bid of $5.000 Several \\'el'ks ago 11·e ;irtually held son1C'thin;: qui te sin1llar in 011r 011'11 h:111d s. Unfortunately 1vc didn't get to sarnple lhl' con\<111 \s, bul the rnerc t'.xistencc of this pa r th·ul~1 r bott le an d the story be· hind ii falls .iusl ;i sli ade short nf int'f(•duln11 ~ REALLY RARE \Ve rarTH' upon t!11 s :ileoholie rarity during a brie f holiday sojourn ir1 f'olnr;.i do. C.)lher lll an t;iking our fill of fresh rnount;iin ai1· .-ind the daily lin1it of l'ainbo\v !rout. lhC' 0pportu11ity to cxa1n1ne a bottlr of 11·hi skcy 12101·c 111~10 100 years old provided one of the lrip's hig hlight~. n c!lf'\l'ing iH'qU:Jin\iil\l'l ' II llil ;u\ oJ <J fa1niJ\' ::\s al\\'3vs at l\fitla. ll\'O of our 111ost i1nportant friend . Albert S1;llnpft'I. a 11;1!1vc ;.ind l1ff't1n1c rcs1· criteria for Judging r.1exican food \1·ere n1et 1vith den t of Hico. t'olo . a d1s(·11:-s1on ol' Lile nt·(·upational ~ perfection. Pl atters arrived at the table piping hol rursuit \\IC enjoy her<' 1n Ora11 gC' ('uu11t.v It'd to (•Ut' Foreniost of al l the ni od ifications. ho,veve r. lstove-\vise) and sauces didn"L (s pice·\visel. host sucldC'nly leaving lh{' roon1. Betur111n g a fP1v \vas an extensive r cinodellng progran1 that le d to A LA CARTE 111ornents later, he prn('t'C'(lcd to rcn1 ove the tloth the installation of a bar an d cocktail Jounge.CK:C..no_"~'-"-1-==T=l=10=s=e='='=h=o=p=rc:e=f e=r=lo:::'g~o~a~l~a~ca~r~te~c~·a~n~t1~·a~1~el~:Tf--'-''_''_P_P_'_"g_r_ro"1-11_a_t_rc_a_'::"-'.'_· -:t_h_a l_11_rn_'_"_11_1 . .,.v.,.s_11_0_11_ld-::-b-•_ The Bull and Bush Your f riefld ly British Pub Pre~ents PIPING ANO DRUMMING CONTESTS 019dnj1ed Bv Th• PACIFIC COAST PIPE BAND ASSOCIATION Sun day, August 22 at 12 :00 Noon - Farewell Appear.a nce of the Fa mou1 BELFAST SINGERS Salurdt1 y, August 28 at 8:00 p.m. Eniov An A!mo1phe•e of R .. l,.xed Con~•v•tli ly 8&oked bv" Goadlv Sele< lion of 8rit;1h B1~e'd<jel dnd Pub Oinn e" 877 W. 19th ST. COSTA MESA 646-9930 NO\Y 1\l'PEARll\'G THE SENSATIONAL FRIENDS Tues. thru Sun . -9 to 2 SUNDAY BRUN CH 11 A.M. -2 P.M. LUNCH e DINNER COCKTAILS e DANCING EXQUISITE HORS o·oEUVRES 3333 W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH 642-4298 On Th• 81y At Th• Arch11 Exciting 1'/iings Are 1-1 a p pening a.l ''0'' JOE'S NOW APPEARING PETE'S PLAYERS 9 P .M. TO 2 A.M. SUNDAY ANO MONDAY NI TES KELLY & COMPANY SERVING TOP QUALITY FOOD FEATURING STEAK • LOBSTER Lunch Daily Monday thru Friday Dinner Tuesday th ru Saturday Evenings COCKTAILS 10 AM · 2 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK 843 W. 19th STREET "'"·:· --n-.. ·_----·-----• ------ DON JOSE' NOtY Al'PEARl1\'G YELLOW BRICK ROAD Featuring GERMAINE IV 1•/ c11111 <' A /Joa rd COSTA MESA 2300 HARBOR BLVD. 540-8535 ""Jol\9 ·R_oger, RESTAURANT ('rr111 r Joi11 011r ('rcu1 /!'lid t/11' "MIKE JORDAN DUO" >OR DANCING,No DINING s,.,, 11111 /Joi/11 Bi I 'ii 11 I:.~! ·L11 rH·h · D111 n1 ·r fl j:rJ We Promise You Good ol..i'3 ,,,;1 /au1-a11l C~l~ 1111d AMERICAN CUISI NE TROP ICAL COCKTAILS ENTERTAINMENT Enchilada and Taco , ..••.. , .• , , •• , • $1.35 POLYNESIAN SHOWS Chili Relleno · Enchilada .... , ........ $1 ,50 .... Served wiflt Jtie1. l•ont, Touodlfo1 ond Sal10 FINlST MEXICAN FOOD AT REASONAILE l'RIClS e COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Adams I At Magnolia) Huntington Beach 962-7911 • Thur. thrv Sun. Nightl NOW APPEARING Thurs. thru Sun. Niles 8:30 to I :30 Th e Sen\alional St1moan Vocalist Guil ari~t TIM FULOA 8961 ADAMS AVE. (at Magnol ia) HUNTINGTON BEACH 968-5050 '""''" ~Gf' The ~''-~'r HAMBURGER.,~ ~ HAMLET ~I . r·-------..-----------·------·-----~ \ kl'pt 1v1th the ~ol d iri Fort Knox f<'ro1n under !ht• t·uvc r tiirne 11hat. al J'1 rst. ap· pc~rcd tn hl' an ordinary 11lnskty boll le But 1•·e quH:k!y learnl·d ulhl.'r111:-r and n1arvelcct frorn 1hat rnornent on :ibnut th" pr1<:eless ~·01l\t"llt. and the f~'let that uo rnnrc th an a fr1v drops have been lost by evaporation U1rough all the years. r \ I •. -I --rr SEALED AND PRESERVED 1'o ou r chsbcllcv111 g <·y1•s -\v1lh the aid of a po1l'erful 1nag11!fyin g gla s:> -11c read the 1nsc r1p- tion cn1beddl'd in the inet;d 1·ap that .~crvcs as a seal over the l'ork lt ('[early ~1 g-nnl cd a bottling yt_a1 ·11 nev('r find in ,\'Olli' favorill' ne1ghborhood bar. tJnder 1h{' glass. thr t'nllo1\•ing \Vord.~ 1\'c re un- 111istakab!.v ll'gi ble ·'ffpr1111tage l)is till cry. l 'ooper l)istil!ed. Purt• Hye \Vlli skr.v. \V .\. Caines & Co . /'rorrictors "()Id Vro11". IJ1stlllcry Frankljn C0 ., Ky." Onl v the date. ;1s luck 11·01dd havc it. ('Oll\.'.1 Jt1S one indetern1lnatf' figure. MORE THAN CENTURY OLD 1\ctua lly. the itnpreeise 11un1ber -third of the four thus leaving: the <1etua! date open to debate be· t\Veen 18.59 an d 186!1 -d11cs11't rr1akc a great deal of cliffcrcncc. In our best JUd gn1cnt lh c nuinber is tlefinitcly a 5 or 1-i \Vhich. in either tasc. dates the - bottle as 1norc lhan a (:entury old_ Onl y frag111ents of the Origina l label arc still on th(' bottle. and only one printcrt phraf!ie is decip her· able. 'fhat's a repeal of the 1vords ··\v. ,!\.Caines & QUITE A HISTORY Albert ro::;sesscs a rcn1arkablc kno1vlcdge of lh e origin and hi :-1tory of thi s prt~<'1ous_ bottle o!' 01~ \ 'ro11'. It all goes ba ck to lhC' tuuc hi s fathe r 1mm1- gr<1t ed 10 this t·ountry fr o111 (;e rn1any, earl y In !886, .'In d started \vorki ng in l!\C ("oal n1incs near c:anon t'itv. Colo. · Several years latl'r. h;1v1ng :;avcd every dol lar THE Continued on Page 26 OPENING SOON Completely Remodeled MARQUIS RESTAURANT LU NCH e DINNER e COCKTAILS Entertainment Nighrly CHARCOAL BROILED ST EA KS CONTINENT AL CUISINE 1670 Newport Blvd .• Costa Meso '1'~~ ~~ ~Q'. ~ Co,ona del M" ~ l·'i11e lt11fi•111. C11i .~i11e C1•cl~t.t1il,'f 232S E. COAST HIGHWAY 673-8267 Open Doily -5 p.m. to l a.m. CLO SEO MONDAY SOI JOtlt ST. RESERVATIONS NEWPORT IE.I.CH •1s.0100 tt11• .~er1·p l / .. 'i. l'ri111e E11stc1·11 Co1·11-fed lleef 1~·.,·1·l11si1·el!J· 1•e1·st,111rtt11 Selecte1f A11rl Ar1e1I 111 0111• (Jtl,11 (,;f,Olt•r A 1'/11·et Generation Frnn ily '1 radition -f,'.~f. 192 1 TEMPLE GARDENS Q1IWt:S:SResl1111ra11t Visit Our RICKS HA COCKTAIL ~~~~~E Ent1rt11lnm1nt Fri. & S11t, F'1>11turing Ext)tic Troriical Orin k~ l uncheon & Dinner Daily BUF FET LUNCH 11 :30-1:30 Mond1y thru Frld11y 1500 AC'AMS (11t H11rbor) COSTA ~l\ESA S40·1937 S40·1923 FINEST ,. SEAFOOD AND OYSTER BAR IN THE SOUTHLAND ' ' ' . . ' . . . . . OAJL y PILOT ________ f""rida,-, Auquit 20, 1~ ! ....... _.,._.,, ________ ,,,, ............... =--... ..,..,...,,.,... __ ..,,,..,,...,..,_,,,.,...,,,-'Clm"""llllor.="'--r«-=,--,:=='~"· '-!..,...,....,..,= ... ~ I j WEEKENDER OUT 'N ABOUT llSl.l&BT ~~~~~==:::::::::::::::::-~==~~===~~~~/·-=.., ..... ,MSDG""~= ... ,.. .. 111=~•e•~a~ ........ n<aaa:;;a;:..,...,~.,.-=.,, ..... ....,""''""''*" ._.._ Continued from P•ge 2S Albert assured us he still likes a nip of Old New furnishings hav e taken over throughout and the type of operation has been changed alto- ~ether. F1r!>l and foremosl. Sunny's 1s now pattC:rn- ed along hncs of a fast food pla ce. . SU.FOOD CONVHSA TION Ev1ryon1 j, telkin 9 1bout our delic.ious 1t11m1d c.l1 ms end 9 i1nt I lb-20 oz.I Auslr11i1n l ob1t1r T•il1. SUNDAY BRUNCH Served from 10 A.M .• 2 ,,M. E11t•rl 1inmtnl I 01ncin9 HAl'P'T HOUl M•11. • frt. S t• 1 ,.m. wltti H1,. 4'Mwvt• IAN9111T PACILITllS ; 317 PACIFIC COAST NWT. HUNTINGTON llACH Dl'EN I DAYS R•••rv•lion1 Accepted /'I t l'•rTl•t 91 I 1< ..,.,. 516-2SSS NOW OPIN W!TH THE SOUTH COAST'S FINEST FOOD SUVICE ENTERTAINMENT LUNCH & D!NNER DA!LY ii A.M. to 1 UO P.M . COCKTA!LS to 2 A.M. e SUNDAY BRUNCH 9 oJO.< CON1'1NENTAL Clll.'ill\'E SEAFOOD e STEAKS Now App1•ring HANDIE IRANDON DUO Tu 1s. t hru Si t. 8:30 to 1:30 Thur1d1y F11hion Show-12:15 · 32102 Co11t Hwy. (At Crown V1lley ,kwy.) ('row nO\V and then . but re1nain!i \Villing to settle he could, the senior Stampfel '"'ent to Pueblo and for that \1•hi(·h t'an be purchased in the local Jic1uor bought four oxen teams. He loaded two of these with store. '!'here's a stubborn reluctance to crack his liquor, and the other two v.•ith hou sehold furnish-rare old bottle for any occasion ings. and set out 300 1n1lcs lo open 3 sal oon ln the Jn 1vl1at was probably a \1·eak ruon1cnt, he al sn boorn1ng min ing ca n1p of Rico -a toivn then em-told us he mighl be talked out of his prize for the ploying the services of 5,000 miners and 300 sport · righ~ prite. O~r slender bank balance kept us fro111 ing girls. quoting anything even approaching an ope ning bid. ~ SOON CLOSED '!'he result ing "\Vh ite Elephant"' saloon operat- ed for only a fe\v n1onths \\•hen the proprietor de- cided to strike out on his O\l'n as a 1niner. The re- maining stores of liquor \Ve.re removed to a vacant residence located on the bank of a placid little strean1 know as Silver Creek. THEN CAME THE FLOOD 'l'he fil'eY.•ater stayed in storage there until 191 1 \Vhen Silver Creek. swollen by late melting snows an d heavy spri ng rain s. staged a rampagi ng flood that da1naged or destroyed a large section of Rico. 1\r11ong the first buildings lo go \Vas that 'vhere the liquor had been reposing some 23 year.~. Out of curiosity. in 191 9. 1\Jbert started digging in ,,,.hat had been the basement foundation of the old house \1·hich \vas den1otished by the flood. ,<\.m ong the objects he unearthed \l'f're t1vo bottle~ of Old <:ro\V in cluding the one, or cour s e. that 's still in his possession. THE OTHER BOTTLE? 'J'he other bottle \\'as opened in 1920 and served S unny 's ~idcwalk Cafe '!'here's good ne\VS for those 1vho like the side- \1·alk rafe type of d ining so con11non in t-:urope. 1\ recently opened ~pot in Laguna Beach provides an1pl e opporlunity to enjoy one's rood in the great California tiUl·of·door.s. ?\·Iid·su1nn1e r, too. see111ed an appropriate tinie lo launch a place ""'Ith the monike1· of Sunny's ~ide- 1valk Cafe. \Vhile the weeks ahead signal \vhat 1s probably Laguna's nicest \ln1r of the year. \Ve feel such ain Cli lablishn1cnt tan be <ippcalin g ne<1 rly an y <lay or night in the to1vn. OLD GASL!GHT ·raking up in lhe preinisci> forn1crly ol·cupicd by the Gaslight Broiler, tiunny's also undcr"·cn1 ~o n si~eral>le rcmo~eling and alterations con1111g into its ne11· slate. fhere's very litlle that will be recognizable fron1 the (;a.slight days. • 0 ~ STEA K AND SEAFOOD Steaks an ti seafood hol d forth as the house specialties, and there's a limited bu t 1vell·balant ed :-;el ection of each. On our first outing 11•e opted for the J\'c1v York !>leak ::;and"·ich. $4 50. and the fr ied ~hruu p, $'.:!.65. Both proved very sal1sfar tory and 1ve rc ac.:com- panied by r;rench fries and a cho1t c of Sunny'• ho111en1ade t ole sla1v or salad The steak c:am e broi led to the right degree of pink and the shrimp sauce 1vas especiallv piquant. r . OTHER MENU CHO!CES . 'J'he uther n1a in cntrees on the menu are grilled halibut slet1k. ~2.95. and ground beef s teak. $1 .95. 'fhey include the same sid e d ishes. /\ varied sand1rieh selection ranges from grilled cheese or egg salad. at 75 cents each , to han1 and ehcese on rye for Sl .25. Additional possi- bili ties in this department in clude hamburger or t·heeseburgcr. giant grilled hot dog , han1 on rye, and tuna salad. ":::==:=:=:=:::=~=====:::;=======i...E!o~nLe' jigger each-lo about 30 guests attending a :. party in his hornc. PIZZA HOME DELIVERIES-- ·LAGUNA NIGUEL 499-2626 4'6-5773 Tn addition to the patio or outside section or the restaurant acquiring a c:on1pletely levC'l floor. !~c interior h~s been revan1ped fron1 top to botlon1. I he rnosl noticeable ne1v reature in th i ~ area is re· r>l_acen1cnt of I.he old bac~ 1vall s 11·ith large pictu1·r 1vrndo1vs al101v1ng a s11•eep1ng v1 e\v of the beach and coastline. /\ number of n1odcstly·prieed side orders an a vailable lonion _rings. etc.I. as arc a variety ol s11·cct:;. Sure to 11•111 your nod for de ssert. ho111ever, HAVE CHANGED A LOT .··SINCE THE ;_QLD DAYS Real Cinlonese f Pod e•t her• or t•k• home. ST AG CHINESE CASINO is S'unn y's homemade cheesecake. 75 cents per slice. Open seven days a \veek for lunch and dinner, Sun11y's · Side1val k Cafe ls localed at 199 N. Coast I ligh\vay. La gun a Beach. r»F\ THE FINE ;EAFOOD RESTAURA~T-1 -.-~==~~=, WITH A SWEEPING I VIEW OF BEAUTIFUL NEWPORT HARBOR 'GOllK'N" GLE.i\VER 111 21st pl., Newport Be•ch ORiole 3-9560 II 1-: E F II.: II() fl Z. .. : Get the Pizza with Pizzaz 'lnG~Sis ~ ............... ~ I I I I I I I l l Boscon Ch1n1 Cho"·dct -Tosscd Green Sal.id - Lobster -Clam5-DJkcd Chicken -Corn on 1hc Cob - l)cssert Boslon Bro\rn Bread Bcvcra~e .\lso serving our c:on iplelc. gourmet n1cnu. EDDIE FREEMAN FOR ENT~RTA!NMENT AND DAN C!NG 01M11 Y"r llr•ull<ll D•lty 12-1J -Fri. •114 S.t. 'ril J •.m. mITLf.I MEXICAN REST AU RANT "F!NEST MEX!C AN CU!S!NE iN ORANG E COUNTY" FEATURING TOP ENTEllTAIN /tlENT ,"ND DANCING FRI. AND SAT. NITES 9 P'.M. to 2 A.M. Dining Hours ! I lo 11 Da ily Ailace lounqe Open To 2 e .m. Fri. end Sal. S47 W. 19th ST., COSTA MESA FOOD TO GO -642-9764 PRIME RIB $2.95 OP'EN :111 . ·SAT, 1 A,M. 1 A.M. OA!LY LUNCH SPEC!A l BAR-8-0 RIBS $1.75 Doubl1 Bubble Cocktail,-7 Days-I I <'l .m. to 8 p.m, 2750 S. HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 545-9505 )""~·~~-di~FLING ::~=.::ll ENTERTA!NMENT • 1 N!GHTS A WEEK DANCING * HAP HALL DUO '"'"' D~I "'~'h on lfn MON.-lUIS.-WID.~I * La rr y Lake Stn;;"r f.tu1a1·i~l 1ln1r. thru Su11. ~ For Ea rly Risers and La ll Players Open Daily From 6 A.M. lo 2 A.M. Re1r.Mesa Theater ML~• scu •~f bu19en 11 :JO om-2 pm betf 6:00pm·l1 pm bo•1t 11 :00 om-2 om 428 E. 17th ST, COSTA MESA 645·5410 RIVIERA l'lESTAUltANT Co ntinent•! Cui1in• Cocktails Sri r111 g Lu1u;l,co11 and D11u1cr ~101J dny tl1rouyl1 ~ol1trda11. Closed Sunday s 2.7·1 I II''. Cooa.1t llu'y .. N r1vprJ,.I Bt'<ll'h (714)646-5057 ~ s~ 145 f , l'lth St. Ju1t ott Newport ll•d . W 1 are lo caled n•xt to •-~-~~ ... -------::._-_-_-_:C:C:C __ ,l th1 Mey Co. in South Co1sl Pl.,ze . ......... ...................... -.................. " ,)I( I EVERY SATURDAY I 2 STEAK DINNERS FOR • Fren ch Fries • Fre nch Fried On ion Rings • Tosse d Sal ad • Roll ond Butter 8rin 9 • frie ri d! Take 1dv1ril1ge of th i1 d•liciou1 d in- ner fer 2, 11 • ju 1! ri9ht price. 1/1 ID. ti nder choic1 1t1ek, cut to Bredford Hous1 1pecific1tion1. Be 9ood lo • fr iend, or m1yb1 th1 f1mily1 Th it m11I, i1 • f1voril1 with ell .. , yo u'll be • winner! .. $ ~KNOWN fOR VAlUES OjMl'I D1lt., M•"· thru set. t :JO •.m. ti t ,.m. Svnd1y 10 •·"'· to 4 p.m. ADA.MS -HUNT!NGTON BEACH I.l\ll'J' ~SEEN (u lN ) -.id' ...... Jz d -.. ------------·-. ----1~ .............. ,>Jlo ... ij;..w~· .. ;.. . .. ....,""';c... ... ...,. -..... ,._ ~t.--1.'J~-_..-,. U l!laWlMlts"'f'l:rm ~,.._... ·-w ----·-!)'/:-...................... ~~ ........ • NOW •· ---------·. FOBT ~ LAUDERDlrtB~ 1LORZDA c (J d AT ll3J S. l rl\lol Caito M.,. 540-1140 ALLEY 1111! PRESENTS ih• Sen1.ttional TONY FLORES Guit•rist I Vocalist Folk, Classlcel, Spanish TUE. THRU SAT. GINO LANZI FEATURING DINNERS In 1~1 S~n F•1nci1co Mtnn•r RACK OF U.MI STIAlS e SlAfOOD S TO 11 NIGHTLY IUSINISSMAN'S LUNCH 11 :00 TO S SATURDAY-1 1to5 LUNCH OR BRUNCH SUNDAY-BRUNCH O'EN EVlllY DAY OM fMli OCl!AN ADJACSM f TO MSWl"OllT l&ACM ,IEll 2106 W. OCIAN FRONT NEW~ORT llACH 1-- For 1\dverl ising in Ou t 'N' 1\bout Phone No rin Stanley 61 2-432 1 1 • STEAK & LOBSTER NOTHING ON OUR MENU IS OVER e CHOICI T ·Bone STEAK $)99 e HIW YO•k STRIP Noth ing higher on the menu. N•tur1lly·1ged U.S.0 .A. Ckoice beef only. No tenderi1er1 Steak d inners start 1t Sl .65 and include 11!1d, to11t & potato••· Baked potatots from 1 I A.M. 'tll 9 P.M.I "Well -done" ste1ks cooked with tender lovina care, too! TRY MR. STEAK 'S DELICIOUS TERIY AKI STEAK I oz. Sirloin-$3.50 NOW S!RVING BEER & WINE Sp«l•I Clllldr..,'1 M•11u -Ah•: A , ..... "h•lt f•r Ill• llttl1t rot1 -lfc: WI A•I WAIT .. ESS SERVED OPEN DAILY 11 A.M .. 9 P.M. 2267 FAIRVIEW IAT WILSOHJ COSTA MESA 548·Dl61 "BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH" (G) The huntfor the Great White Shark Evidence of greatness. -W.nl1~d a1e•1nli, LA. Me1J/d·[A1rninr r Superb ... A feast for the eyes. -Pllyocy Mllll"ll Best film of this year. -""'""o" ~lliant. 13 ~EK! I -1"'""'"'·""" The story of a ge..mbl1n& man and a l1uet.11ng wome-.n . WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS' Scandalous J9u~!~ ....... &•1A!'ll AU'Of'I~ KEITH ·ARAU ,.. • .,,,. MIC!lll(. RICK CAREY ·LENZ llAJIRY MORqAN (loll TMllTllS fOl 11101111WIU ~I "'\Ol'O OAKLAND l!il==- JlCINCaO•" '.wftSIDJt' l\.ids Lik e to Ask Andy Ca tali11a Sets Art Festi va l The C1talu1a Art Associ ation invites amateur and pro- fessional artists to show their work in Avalon during its i3lh annual Catalina Festival of Art , the weekend or Sep- tember 17. 18 and 19. Painting.~ will be displayed on i;ptcially designed racks spaced aloug the lop or a serpentine wall which t!Xlends the leng th of Avalon 's colorful ~·aterrront pedestrian mall . • ------ • • , .._.-i .- -·· " r Deb11t at Greelt TOURNEDOS OF Singer Odetta will n1ake ·_her G1:cek.1'heater Debut next ~lond.ay ".Vhe n she ap- pears on the program \Vt th Net\ Diamond through :\ug. 28. She 1s at ho1ne at festivals, co llege eampuses. night clubs and in toncerl appearances \\'here her responsiveness to audiences has made her a favorite. FILET MIGNON .Sauer !\!11cl1•11·a I upprd 11 [Ill Brnrniu~r AMONG 20 SlLICT DINHlll ENTREIS G ENE MEGS AND COMPANY NEW SUMMER DINNER HOURS Sun. thru Thur1. 5 to 11 Fri. & S1t. S to 12 .Rela.xC'cl and Casual Intimacy Corn~ of Pork & Morin• lalffa Island 67l .. 5JO 8 ·· ffilYRKO Luncheon Dlnotr Cot klail• Oµen 7 doy1 jJfl So. I.os Robles, Pasadena • 79S·700S J3 TO\\'R .\ Countr~'• Ora nge• 541-330:.1 NOW APPEARING TIM MORGON SUNDAY JAM SESSION 3:00 P.M. GUHT ARTISTS SATURDAY & SUNDAY PATIO IRUNCH CHOICE OF I. HUIVOS aANCHl•OS l . STIAW I-IGGS l . IGGS llNIDICT ,1u1 IXTINSIVl lllUNCH MENU . ->--c.4.LL Fo• •ISlllVATIONS -541-1166 2601 W. CO.A.Sr HIGHWAY -HIWPO•T llACH 2 GREAT WALT DISNEY HITS! BOX OFFICE OPENS 12:00 DAILY • He rode out to b•tlle The windmills of change! • ' ' . ··-··· , ........ -. ---· WALT DISNEY PAOOOCTIOl'fS' Scandalous JOHN ' ____ ,,_ .. -·--···· ... ··-. • ••~''• •Ll'(!Jo... "°'"U' oo<O KEITH · ARAU · CAREY · LENZ ALSO DISNEY 'S "20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA " NBC's 'First Tuesday' Set for Fourth Friday 8)' Terreoce O'Flaherly When NBC decided tu n1ove its monthly niagazine serie~ "First Tuesday'' to the fourth 1-'riday cf each nionth. ob- viously a change of name \vas required. Last week NBC ean1e up with "Chronolog." a paste-up \1·ord y,·hich br ings to mind ab solutely nothing. Gar- rick Utley. the anchorman for the series. had a better idea , He wanted 10 l'all 11 : "If It's f irs1 Tuc:;day. Tins Mu st Be Fourth Frid ay ." * Bill tl1oycrs, the lorn1cr press secretary to President. .Johnson and the publisher of Newsday until lasl year, will become the anchorman for a new weekly public affairs series to be telecast 011 the PBS nelwork. starling th<' first \\'ednesday in Oct obe r. It will be called "This \Ve c \.;' · {instead or ' ' f i rs t Wed· JOAN RIVERS '"' LOU RAWLS Au1ust !6 tltru 25 Two Shows Per N11M 8 p.m. Ind Midnigh! • C0"41NG TONY BENNETT Au1ust2S 11tru Septemb•• 2 Am1ri;1'1 firtl1t sl V1c1ll1n I ll)' . for Aeserv11t1on9 c1ll: Z!nlt~ 9·9924 0' Kings Castle l i ke T1ho1t l N1vad11 (70216'.l l·l 111 ncsday") and \\o"il\ foc us on the single rnost import.ant news story of lhe week. Arrording to a publicity re!eas(' from its producers. N at ion aJ E du cational Tele.vision, the half-hour show will "provide in-d ept h background and perspective on the story" -which pretty \\•ell covers all angles, I'd say. \Vhatever happened to plain straight-on coveraae of a news story? * Other in-depth iten1 s with perspective : Otto Preminger. "·ho is generally considered to ha11e Lhc last word on everything in films -whether it makes sense or not -is going to n1ake his first televigicn show for ABC ~·hich he will pro- duce, direct. and also slar in. IL will be a courtroom dram1 based en a controversial spy trial. Homes with color TV in the US .. 29.7 million or 48 percent of all 1'V households. During the period January lG June 1971. color set sales were up 26 perc-ent over last year : 2.8 million. • ::! KWIZ 1410 AM RAD IO • ALL THE GOOD SONGS IY All THE • . ~ i WIN FREE! IT'S EASY ~ I ~ 1971 Austin America a I! CASH (Lots of it) I ~ = : Hundreds of other prizes ~ 1 ___ :::-:-==--:::.__ __ 1 I ' ,.11 r' ,, l.'xclusiue Engagement 3rd Recnrd We ek ON =,·ANY SUNDAY A "'" ft' WIG •Rt WM IQ I ! ~ E Friday, Augutt 20, 1971 DAIL V PILOT 17 Dick Cl1amherlain Set for 'Becket' Richard Chamberlain v.·111 star in Jean Anouilh's Tony Award-winning play "Beekcl," the fourth attraction for !he Center Theater Group's 1971- 72 season, at the Ahmansurl Theatre in Lo.s Angeles . Chamberlain, who was one of television's biggest stars in ··or. Kildare," graduattd suc- cessfully into motion pM!tures ("Petulia," ''The t-.t u s i c Lovers··~. then went on to '''in high praise for his classical atage debut in "llan1\et" in Britain, will portray mercurial King Henry II in the CTG 's "Beckel." Described as .. a tapestry or politics and passions." the hi storical drama is set for six \\'Ceks, from March 1 through April 15, and rounds out an all- hit season for the CI'G· Alunan~on. Already announced ;ire: "A Funny Thing llap- pened On the \Vay To The Forum." starring Phil Silvers tOct. 12-Nov. 21J), "The Caine ~I u l in y Cou rt-Martial." directed by Henry Fonda !Nov. 30 -Jan. 8). and the current London and Broadway Tony Award suspense drama, "Sleuth," ·Nilh members of the London and Broadway casts, (Jan. II -Feb. 19). C hambt!:rlain's emergence a.! a fir.!t-ratc classical actor has created much stir both in England and here. lie was the first Amrican star since John Barrymore (1929) to play Hamlet in Britain. He opened in repertory. laler moving into Lond on, and his celebrated perfonnancc established hin1 indisputably as a se rious actor or international reputation. Subsequently, he triumphed as l·lan1let in the Hall of Fame TPlevision version . Last Spring, Chamberlain made his Amer ican Shakespearea n stai;i:e debut playing "Richard II" at the Seattle Repertory Theatre. The critics again lauded him and h is 55 sel l out performances pulled the con1- pany into the black for the first time in its eight-year history. \Vi th his new and colorful role as the "Adolescent lout." Henry II , he is offered a greal scope for his classical pla}•ing. The Anouil h drama poses one Burgess Cast OICK CHAMBERLAIN 'Becket' St ... Stir- of the most compellin& coD- frontations in hi at or y ~ delineating the love-hate re\a~ tionship of a king (Henry ) and his favored courtlrr (Becket) "·ho. upon be coming Archbishop o[ C&nlerbury, puts God before monarch-and: friend with history-making: resul ts. The story is told t~alnst the full panoply cf st1tt-churc)): court life in the MlddleAge~ It unfolds in 21 3cene1 plaoed iJ!. castles. cathedrals: and evui the Papal palace. There are 3t speaking roles: in Ute cast. : An absorbing drama DI idta~ based en an historlc1! the?ne) the play-initially opened witl• great succeM In P a r i 1. Translated by Lucienne HIJI~ ''Becket" w1s: presented irl New York In 1980, starrln& Sir Laurence Ollvltr as Henry and Anthony Quinn as: Bttket, a nd played to enthu1lastlc 1u- diences ror 2J weeks winning• Tony Award as: the best Broadway play of the aeason. Anouilh, one o( France·a moat distinguished playwrithl.91 has also been represented on Broadway with such pl1y3 as ''Tkieves' Carnival." "Tile Lark." "Time Remembered.'' find "\Vallz cf the Toreadcrs," \'ihieh received the New York Critics Circle Award. - Announcemtnt of a co-star for Chamberlain and a direc- tor for the Center Theater c;roup·s "Beckel" v.•11\ ~ n1ade shortly. accordln( to Robert Frver, man 1 a: in g director. The play has never before been staged in a m1jor Los Angelefl' theater. THE BEST -. ' jff DAILY PILOT _____ ....___..._ ____ - Friday \ e---ning ) AUGUST 20 Saturday Morning AUGUST 21 1:0011•1.._. .ltHJ D1111pl'ty. 1:30 f]Summtt St1M1t11 (})AIC """ R11l0~11/Sm1tll. 7:00 6 ~ .. lon6o11 Show D OJ mAtt/Nrt fooetll The 0 19J m101111cio1ery $how Cltvel111d Brown \1. the 01111$ Co'fl m Thu~lbinh bi:iys ll D1ltu. Coontlnued from ~:JO 7:JO t) Gusty's TTHllovM l'M. 0 ttl HtUM & Jed:ll •• ,... (!) Discovtry (J) .... W\W w..t 0 ltad; L1peritfa 0111 O'a.ct: ~: (C) (90) (l):S..111Mt St111cste1 -S... .t IOl•111tt11~ Conclu&!Gn @} UMM RllU (drmu) '53 -GrttofJ PKk. Sust n m feti l friudi H'JWanl, AVI Cardn1r, Hilde111d1 l:OO 6 l up l unftf/Rlild 1'11111111 Hour Jltfl. Wllllt Oii 111 Altiun huntin1 0 €t'I Woody Woodpetktt trltl. 1 """ becoma u riously ill ind O CD 00 l.Mlnlot Link ltil fihi, witl! its w1ndffilll td'l'tn· (f) Cbaltt !ht Jatel tutti 8M laws. paues be l011 his O MoorM: (t) "Sllld!.n 11 P1ncht 17t1. '1111• (dr1m1) '61>-Pedro kmen-m flle ~ d11it. Doloru Otl Rio. Ill lllt lrH m C.rtoolls Elli Art SllMll9, T• &:30 0 (lg m Tht l u111oct1 IE !Widtrw 34 0 C.mpus ~lile QI lln Jim Hnrttlomt. m Cisc.o ~ l :lO (1) Nnt Bi11 Huddy. !1:00 0 (I) Slbrln1 l the Croowlt Coof. I]) CIS ""'5 Walt• Cronkilt, In mn. fJJl111 Nu11 D ®l mDr. Dollttle fD IWl',..SI' Lodi' 0 Movie: "De.th Vilify" (weslern) a!) D111le u htloa '46-Robert Lo~ry. Helen Gilbert ED iUC ,._ 0 Cl) 00 Jerry Lewis Show 7:001J C1S Nrwt W1lltr Ctonkit1. m Mll'l'in: "Re1N111btr Pt1r1 Hit· 0 'Miit Scru• TIHl.trt: (90) "The bor"' (d11m1) '42-Don B1rry, Al1n Mi•.,.• Ci.st" (mystery) '44 -CYrtb. "Thi lit Wtittl" (dr1m1) lOll Q11ney Jr., John C.r11din1. '49 -Mickey Rooney. 0 wur't My U.? ID Moolits: "Str11111 Anbnin(' m 1 ~ LtKy (dr1m1) '59 -Let Bulo:e1, Caroli ID([) Dnrnet MtthtwS. "Slfttl Cui11 It 111na• m TlllriJ lllllutls Wltll , • • (wntem) '58 -Lolt Albri(lll. Im Aqtltn lh(J'M ID Cutnla J C11itmn m ... ,_ GI!) r .... ra1111 Uti•• 7:911 e Tiie ,........ (JI) !:lO 0 ®I m The P111• r1nthef rn ..... (C) (2N) "tritk'• oo Tijua!ll: W1Hn to u.. s.vt11 Cbelc:I'" (COll!ldy) '63 -Bob Hope, 0 rn n. Doubledecllers L11cllle 111!1. 0 lllcrwie: IC) "30 Wincl!erhn lot D (I) a> n. lrldy t uldl 00 ntablo" (western) '6~r1 Mohncr, (I) .... : (C) "TM Owf·tllt·Hlll '!) Atrlbti ~I Nortt liiMI(' (eomedyJ 7 0 -Pat O'Btitn, 10:00 6 ([) .losil & the Pllssycab W1lter 8t1nn1n, Ctlill Wills. 0 ®) €n H.R.. P11lnstllf O Mllllll $ Mftie: (Zhf) "SlllOll 00 Retl Esatl hnltls ff ru.ie!I" (f.Olllfdy) '6l-£1nut 0 @ Hot Whffb BofinlM, Anl'ltl B1Xllf, John Mills. fII Ludl• Ullft ID TMll • Con~· 10:30 e (1) H111t111 liilobttrotteri m" libs I T1lllt 0 ~ m H•N Comts lht liifUmp fD Ill~ TMlttl (JI) "The 0 Movie: "'Tht Jun11t" (adven· Fil'll Churchllls." tur e) '52 -Rod Cameron. Im (JCnlla. Musk.lllil 0 CI) SkJ H•wks 1:00 Q mat Mrws 11:00 6 I]) Arthlt'I funhouse O ()) Q) ltMI & tlM Prott 0 ~ €n M1jor Lra1~ l1wMll 9111,_ llJ lllf Pit1sbur1h Pir1\e1 n . Cincinnati m T1TIA1lll TMll ~~OYll; "{lpt11\lo11 HIJlilt" (•d· IE9JMI' ~ venture) '50-bne Nie;h. a:J.... 0 (I) Motor Mouse l:IO I) NIM..... (R) Q Mo.It: (C} ~Min khind tht 0 &:I HIP ct11p1ml (R) c ~n" {western) '52 -R1ndolph 0 ._ Nltl Slla9 Scot1, P1trite Wymore. o Cll m n. r.rtrld1• ''11"' <R) m v1ritdld allrHM: (~ ... .,.Ute I Thitr' 11:30 0 (.})Tht H•nlJ IOJt (ld'ltfttur1) 66 -~tron MOOfa. m Movie: "lilt Rine" (dr11na) ·5z KHn111 Wynn, ln1 B1hn. m D...W frnl stiow -Ge11ld Mohr. Rrt1 More no. l!I DrlP'f tD Mino 1 Mano R111thtre fll ltNl!111¥1ri f") ''Robf.rl1 f\1U'' G) luy-1.lnt t:Oll O CIJ cas rM., Mrrit: 1c1 cz11r1 Afternoon "Tllt Wl'llll In'" (comedy) '66-- John Mills, R1lph lllclltnlM>n, Ml· 12:00 0 Seooby-Doo d!lll C1l111, Pthr Cooke, Prier S.I· 0 McM1: ~eor11 lo the S.ddlt" Itri, Jl11'11tt• N1wm1n. The m1dc1p (adventure) ·s..-LeU [1ic~son. 1t11mpts bJ vuiotJs members ol 1 0 Cl) m A1111rit111 81ndsltnd ltmll)' la Inherit 1 1lz1 bt1 lorlunr. Cl1 Bltm1n D (I) Cf) Till1 Clr1 (R) m N1tio111I Dnc Ifft Ch1mpioft• CD,,..., Squid ihips GI No19.....il (R) "A Visit With EI! Teatrv F1nt1stlco Good Jlela:hbon; Coun!ry Music." a!) PtMculu (1 0 hrs ol movies) I!!! LI Crild• lltn Crild1 11:30 6 (}) Tiit Mon~111 G'i) !Mii ,er1 Yt1'9111u (!) Mobltt Hom1 Show l:JO 0 i IPIC11\ I Thi ~1~1 '•mity In 0 Movie: ~Sera:tinl I el tM Atltlltl Tiit Kini Slr!ers.. Alvino Rey, roreirn le(ion .. (1dventure) '60-- tl11 ICinJ Cousins. Tln1 Celi, lklb Clirlsti1n li\arqu1nd, Noell• Ad1m. Cl1rb, llrlll L1flOll i nd !fie Kini J:OO O Rlnu Prt-St11011 fooltr.111 lrldt Ilk• 1 music ind d1ncing @ C..m p\IS Profile tow of Olll fll '.he n1tion'1 f1stest !I) Movie: "The Stiel tkl111tt" (dr1· ~n1 cltla. m1) 'SJ-Gene Evins. 0 (I)(I) t:!) Thi Odd Cou,it (If) 0 MOYie: (CJ "'S.Odit Tr1mp .. 0 later Wini MIWI (weste1n) 'SO -Joel McCre1. I!) QUiit frlf Alhltrturt (])TV I ~ks It U1ri1in1 El LI Cnir ~1 M1ri11 Cniat IE) Newt Nick Carl er. fD MoN: "DtA•" fdr1m1) '46 -€[) D Prin dpti ldiott .loin Cr1wftwd, P'1ul Burke, D11ne !l) Thi Uplo11ri B1krr. J:JO (!)Voice el Aa:ricwlturt ID:GCI n ,._ II.twin S.nders. 0 MMe: "Sured to De•th" (m)'l· 0 m CIJ m L-. "-""" strk ler,) '47-Joyct Compton, (R) '1.ovt ind Lis Ve113," 'tcve (fl ln\em1tlon11 ttou1 1nd !ht Good S.m1rll1n"' i nd "LO'lt m Movie: "'Tht Dr.1perldot1 ol.tt 11'111 lh1 M1rri11e Counselo1." In Town" (we':item) '!>&-Rex Rtl· 0 lllO'Wlt : (C} (Zhr) "Tow1rd !ht sen. Ro!Jert Arthur. Kathy Nolin. Unblewrl" (1dvent111e) '5&-Willi1m !l) Africulture Report Holden, l !Dyd Nolin. 2:00 rn Ac:rou the fenct m Ntw1 P11tn 1m/fi1hm1n. Q Mowlts: (C) .. Blood ind Den· fE M1irtrt, 1nct" (drem1) '&6--Andre1 Basic, fnl ll1lltlt1 (R) Gerud L1ndry. Jo5t Gre<.o. "'lid• a!) lKlll Llbft 1111n'1 Country" (western) '5! - IO:JO 0 1(1(1 Till HMf Bin Mier wrel· e~ster C11bbe. Gtorre Mon!gomtry. comn lH Meriwether 1nd Sen1!01 fJ Roller Dtrtiy Miki Gr1"fJI ID.·Al11~1). ®J llnow Your Bible I) tiill!!U Bt11rt1!111-M1 Now m Mqvl1: "'South ff St.. Loub'" Thi Witts l1bof Ccmmun!ly Action (wtstem) '48--Joel Mttie1, ZKh1ry Comm!"'" ihows llle1r Mlnl·P•rks Seot1, Alexis Sm11h. Dorothr Milone. Bul.lllfiutloft Pm]ect. €n Sports World m ..... B!!t John1. a) Ktt WhHll ID D IMlril M llM Stl!Oritl k-Z:JO (]) SHtthbd ~ @)Te h Announ<:td ll:OOl')(J)f[)ltNt "'O Merrit: "The Spoll1rr-(•elven· D ml Nnn turt) '56--)ttl Chtndler. Annr Bil· 8 lllnil: ~ stltp" (wrest· ttr. RIJ Denton. Rory C.ttlou11. em) '37 -R~hlrd Oil. florel'lt« ([) Mowie: (C} "W1lell Wonds Col- Rlee. lid1" (sci·ll) ·~1 -B1rb1r1 Ru,h, CIJ Mrill DlllM ®) HIRfl Speed LM111 fl(}) m ..... m Wines le Ad"rrturt m .,.: "Ill.,.. " Ce!iirld"' m SQ H•"" (dfllM) '51--Vlnct [dWU1'1, Phillip rt"', Hllxti.I Btmtrdl. Cla.ettlrllla.t. m Cass:•""'•""" 1'1,dllatmt Jl:llEU...M J:OO (]) Moorit: "Tn T11I M•~'" (wu1er11) '55--(.111\ G1bl1, Robtr1 Ry111. 0 'lkk·Bo1ln1 @ Te It Annou11ttd 0 Mnle: (Cl "'Bu!lllo 111r (we,t- ern) '44--Joel Mc<:r11, U11d1 011· nell, M1ut1en O'H1r1. (1j Sde11e1 fictioll Tht1tn I l:Jt • lillJulll: (C} -Ttilt 1111 .... lMW T11 ._.., (dram•) '63 -Ad•m W..t, l u.U, Grtco, Jhncy l(w1n. e a m ,.,,, c.,.. O lDlil lll""tmtt (J) ...,.: '1lft Celde1 lleuri'" (cemedy) ''I -ltlH Kov.te:1, Cyd """"" U) lllnit: "Sr... M1 the St.ri" Cro- m111t1) '49 -l eni Lynn, Wiii f)'tl•. 1 fII Rh'lrta M~iiul m Thi 111 Pkl~r• G) Moltr MovM ti) ....W. (C) "lhed t. fort .\lt11e .. (wmtera) '6' -Kin CIU). J1n1 o•. U.• fJ MM: "1ntltit II Ill Slry" (xl·ll) '56 -IOeimi Moon. I l :JO (j) Movlt: "'M•n l1tr cm~t•r)) ·sz -Geor11 Bunt. ')11111 Don.. (!.:) E Mllfldo l _, Lott m TM Ad\'lfltun (fJ "" .. .., ..,. Penn)' Pi11cher Ads Turn Sense Into Dollars I ' • • t ... Yo11r Guide to Movies , 'B.S. I Love You' (P.S., It's X) Ed l. t n r 's Nolr : Till.~ 1nov1e guide is prepared b11 the films C01)lfn1 ctee of l larbor Cau11cil PTA. /lfr!I. llurry /11ellor is pl'esid.f!'nt nucl /lf rs. Bruce Nordland is co111t11itlee tha1r"w11 . It 1s 111ten i.led a.'I a refe.re11 ce 111 <leler1nu11 na suitable f ' l n1 s for ce·rtaui age 9ro1'11S n 11 d z~ill appear 111vekly. Y o " r vieu•s ore so/H·fted. /11 a1l theni ro /11o· vie Guide. ca re of the DA ILY PILOT. * ADULTS Aadersoa Tapes jRI: Sean Connery portrays a rrin1inal mastermind planning to heisl luxury <ipartment bu ilding, ''JIETURN OF COUNT YOJIGA" (GP) p1~1 • Seeo~d c~1 1 1~, "TNE HOUSE THAT SCRE.AMEO" CIJPI w ........ . I .. .,,..,_ )JI 1!1L • ·•::... .. ~e· •. ''.Jtl llOUU Tll•T Dll,PID l lOOD" (!_rJ W•1• Ol,n•v • "lC•ND•lou' JDMN" CDI ,I~• • Jtmel M1•0<1 .. ft,IOf LE•OUIU UNDll lNI Sii!' M""<' ' "'U• ~ ,, I i..o••rl "MAI:! DOCS " INOLHHMl!.H'• !I I "'.S I LOVI YOU" 11) "•OSEM.Al!Y'S llAllY" a jded by electronir dt>viC'es At tht same lime both hoods and police are spying on him v.·ith the aid of surveillance devices. Tbc Arrangement I R I : Persot1ality and s e x u a J hangups of a brilliant public relations man portrayed by Kirk DouglJs. f'aye Dunaway plays the uninhibited olf1l·e mistress. Deborah Kerr is the establishment wife trying to save her world and marriage. 6.S. J Ul\'c ''ou IX I: Peter Ka stner portrays young n1an on l\tad ison Ave. going through gro wing-up process. Has arfairs \Vilh a nymphomaniac and then her mot her -a hard-hailed lady executive. l\lean1\•hi le sweet fia nce 1ra1ts for him in Con· n~'ticut. lluoting Party IHI : A story of violence and h u m H n baseness u1 the old \\'est. Oliver Reed . C.:<.u1dtce Bergen and Gene Harkinan star Klutt (R): J ane Fond;1 porl[ays aspiring a c I r c s " turned prostltute. Unable In establish real relationships she regards her busin~ss as :.i form of ac t i ng . Don Sutherland is policemau nn hunt for missing friend in thi s murder mystery. r~ aM\1t ~ro11itln nf ~"· u1d11y, <i llo!lywood p!'od ucer trying to seduce an old hometown ~irlfriend, and as the father of a relurtanl bride. Flosen1•1ry·s Bilby I X 1 : Newly"'c>ds 1nove next tlnor ti) de vil cultists. l\l1a l':.i1-ruw t!renrns ~hr suL·curnbs lo adv:.iril'1·s ot' de v 1 I· 1 i k <' 1-reature IJl1rinc p 11 1 n f u I preJ,!11a11cy ~he be co inf'" suspicious 01 <1 d1abo llca1 harca1n bl'twel'n hu sband and the ne1ghbc:·s. Ryao·!'I D11ugbter ! t; P ~ ! llobert ~litrhurn, Sarah 1\liles .111d John :\1Jlls star 111 a lo\ e story sel 111 s1:enie Ireland 0£ J9 lfi Hestll'.'>S. beautiful \Vile of rnidd le-aget! f;C hool teacher has al'filir "'Lth English fn'1JOr. Tragedy ror all results. Su1nmrr or '42 I R l : r\ustalg11: rrlui·n to early \\'ar _years dcpic1111g three teenage boys :111:1kenu1g tn 1·omance ;111d :.ex. Tl1ey while a11ay :;un11ncr at <11l Ea~tern shore resort r I a n n 1 n g conquests. Sensitive Hermie f<1!1s in lol'e wllh beiutihll Arinv 11111'. 5t:;rs Jennifer O'N eill and Gury Crimes. l\IATURl!: TEl!:NS AN!) ADULTS Greto 8'rcts tGP 1: Action- packed account of I h e \l irtnam connitt as :;ren through lhe eyes of the (;reen Beret volunteer forces. John Wal'ne stars as their leader The 1-lnu~e That Dripptd Blood (G P): Psychological horrol' story h.v author of 1110 gunfi ghter in !hi!! "better "·h1le-than-Red" story of the America n \\'est culm1nat1ng in Custer's Lasl Stand. i\lad Oog5 and Englisbmto 1G P1: Hartt rtll·k star Joe Crocker filrned on t•onccrt tour "'ilh a large cornn11.1nal tour- 1 11~ 1·on1pany. Shows group 111 vff·slage life. Pf"ter ll:t bbit 1G1 : !1:111l'ers ril' th r Ro.l'al Ral let Cun1pany nr London on l 1f e .J1ke cos\t11nes and be~me Petrr B.a bbit. Jen1inla Puddle-Duck, Mr. and f.lrs. Tittlernouse In this bal!et \'ersion of the Beatrix Potter classic done "·ithout dialogue. Rrlurn ()f ~ounl ''orga (G PI: Hobert Quarry and Mariette 1-lartley star in the return of the devastating vampire 11,ho terrorizes the co untryside. \\'ail Unlit nark ~G P~: Audrey Hepburn stars in thri ller in "'hich two thugs try to force blind girl to reYeal whereabouts nf fl doll stuffed \1'ilh her oin. It had been thrust upon her husband hy a stranger lie wa s un::iware of its contents. \\"hat's The .\tatte r \\'ltb Hrlen !GP~: Two rno thers of l'Otll'iets con1e to llollywoocl to esc;ipe scandals of sn1all Iowa town. The v start successful dance school a n d conl· plicattons result. Debbi e Reynolds and Shelley \\'inters staf in this horror filn1 recreating the thirties. \\'illard IGP!: Bru c e Davidson stars in terror story about a little boy "ho captures and trains large rats. They are taught to obey his every con1~and. He releases them on those he wishes. Ernest Burg1une t·o-st:;rs. l'A .. \l!LY St·:i ndalous Jobo tG I: Hrloin l'l·ith po1·ti·;,1yini! hal'd·drinking oldster. unaglnes hunselJ boss or 1·ast n1nch. lie actua lly o"·ns one ILJbercular long horn. II is sympathetic gr<indd::i ughler f:dls In \o\·e 1\·1th St)n of c11nniving !:.ind speculator who 11eeds John's reinn:int. Sonit or ~ur\.\ay CGJ : L1£1' ;1nd music of Edl'ard (_irieg r.1<1rried to c hildhood :-"'eelheart, he becomes io- faluated by opera s tar . Follo"·s lier to Home but d1sencha111cd, returns I o Nor"'tlY and rrdlsc(t1 ers \'ivid, \l'ild bcautv ;1 n d trarislates leclings into n1usil'. 20.000 Lea,l!.uf's L'nder the Se;1 IGI: \\'all DISfl{'Y 1ersion or tile Jules \'erne <'l assie. Kirk Dougl:is. Ja111c s l\lason <ind Peter Lorre st;;ir in the story about Captain Nemo and murd er and intrigue beneath the ocean surfarc. * Tlie letter trn medialely ofter the title 1111.licales the ralll1!1 OiVe11 t he picture by the ~l otiot1 Pict11re Code. The Code A·11d Rating pro- gra111 11iay be /0In1d 011 one of tJie 111otion pictil're pages. l\.lcCabe aod i\lrs. l\lillrr (R): r-.·lcCabe builds saloon on bleak hillside of E n g l 1 s h mining to"'n or the 190<rs. Sets up J\1rs. r-.liller as madam of three-tent brolheL Success spells trouble 1vhen syndicate tries to buy them out and brings hired killers "'hen lYlcCabc ~tails. ··psycho" this non-Violent fihn ;,--:~=============~=======::""11 eenters around a gloomy1'1 English rnansion rented by Farnous horro r star wh ile he n1akc.c;-n101·ie near-by. Ile disappears. <is did the. pas! thrte tcn;1nts I l\lidoight Cowboy t X l : Dustin and John Voight sta r tn a study of \onli ness and surl'iv:;J in l':ew York. Plaza Sui te (GP): Scree n version of stage lriology :.tar- ring \Val trr l\1atthau: as a high-pcnvered executive 11·or· Or•n9• Cou~!~'I 9IO<~hu•le• SllO• V1lu• "PANIC IN NEEDLE PARK" '" .-.1"' • Elliel Gould lR "LITTLE MURDERS" "CARNAL KNOWLEDGE" IR) 111rnnt J•<~ N IChGl\G" .-.n" M•••••I Ootn Al ' -Show u Duo.II No ... I I POPulJr pr,ct• ''JIY.AN'$ DAUGHTER" M1 t10 lhOm1• "JENN Y" The lluuse That StTeamed1 fG P J: A horror lilm telling of n1urder 111 a picturesque! Hi1'icra i.;hatea u, The L:1st Hun ~G r\: Aftrr a r11nc .l'f'Llr hide-oul in LB1in America, gang~1e1· conies out of hiding 11•hcn he can't resist1 one last ass1gnn1ent. GeQrge 1 {'.. Scott 1s the under"'or!dl figure . Lit tle Big i\lan (GP I: Dustin _!!off1nan stars :;s a 121 -year-1 The runaway be1tseller is on the screen. 111so ...__ St•n>ng -·-Cannon• ,....,.,..,'' O<••t•fO ~ ROBERT ~t \VEI T MAN . SIDNEY LUMET 1~P....::.'!:':....-:::...o 2MD •T IOTM MAllDI I J & tlMIMA '#111 ' I :::::,•t 'The Pursuit 01 Happiness' [G~ WED . thru SUN.-8 :30 '@ Jbuth Coast Repertory ilox Office: 646-1 l63 or oll A«Jencies Forget everything you've ever heard about heroes. Now there is .. ,.."'._ ..... ,... ,.. ...... ; RED TENT" A FRANCO CR1STAl 01 PRODUCl iON , SEAN CONNERY· Cl AUDIA CAf!OINAl [ ·HAROl ~RUG[R 1 P[ 1£R flNCH. G····· N ... 1 :JHERtOl[Nl". MA5.'i!MDGIRO!Jl·1 ·""'· 3 ·1 .,. '"'' •••• MARID ADORF , •••.• 1...:i.r '""-•• •• """""""' • .......... , , .• , ..... , -........ -.. ·~··''l'ICll[lll!.11.11 ..... -( .. 1••••;,'!'> .. .. ~·<'<l·""" So ng Of Norway ~ ......... ·--.. 1d .. 1•v~1 ••.• , To••I~ llortn•~ ,\l•ur•!»d lltoixJ,.,,o., l I\"''"" honk !>< 11011,n rorr .. tt• .......... -.. u .... r t•1,,1;ol'-1 '"t>fort ,\IOfl,.w [d"•"jG ~ob'"'<l" L.. .... ::J ·--. ..... • . 2 GREAT ND ATTRACTION John Wayne Richard Boone "Big Jake" HELD OVER! EX ClUS!Vf OR ANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT ~ .................. , - .............. ,,_, .. ln 1 ......... ,. ....... _., .. f .. l~"<I<"'"'"~"~" 0•<"""' •-~·-•I , .. 1,.,., •··~"' "''"~ t «o•• -····1···" ..,,.. ........ , ., .. . ·-· •• t , <u <MI •_ .... ',: 1~.~:: ... ~ ......... -. c> I'• 1...... ·~· .... . [•·~,c.c~=~~.=,c-=c~~,c~~ .. -~ ~ ... "" ,_,.] . ~........ .. .. ... ·--·-·-NOW EXCLUSIVELY ee..c .. ••VO. •T •u.I• • I ... c ..... ,_. ,.,..,., ••• ..-. 8'17·1MK)8 o MUNf UOG10M II- NOW EXCLUSIVELY SEAN CONNERY PE rER FINCH ClAUOIA (AROINAl! [gj e> llC"""°'Dr· • ,.IWl!Ut H 1Ulll Pl~~ '°''""''"". "''"'"U ~ui:.M I~ •01!$ IAU" Oi>Mt•• "KAIOAIDU~ JllUI" I "'WIW WOMI• A THI (liD<OUll ll(IOl f " MllW Al ClllJ<ll VIUO. Ml!SIOM VIU. MoJI-11-0 II -><>• U . COITo at So .... OSll I '°"" oo.IT~ II< I-'• O•HO <rf HELD DYER-ENDS TUES. The runaway be111eller i' on the screen. (I) u"~'' ~1<1~•1•, ,,.,.,, .• lbe Anderson Tapes Al '.Q l'•"I""" H.,1 ..... "' "TMl ,Ut!Ull Of MA1PIMll!,. auo PL•YIMG •T IOW•ID! (llUM• WIST f I, WlSTMINSfll '.IA":·WID •11i. i) A• f0WA10$ M•llOI • 1. (Oil A MUI .. tOlll IOlll Tot•1~ •• ...,. "•n•~' •ti>••..,,. -"•l•·/ -.................. ,_ .. ,_.., __ PIEMllRI ENGAGEMENT ~~ MR'· MILLEl Plu,.l(irli Oooglol•lnyt Dunowoy "TMI ARRAfllG( MINT " EDWARDS HARBORcZ:,1 ,.,._ ••o "' •IJO<I " (:OUA .... 040 OSll 1 "'"' _,.. .... 1111,0 .... PDSlllVELY ENDS TUES. MGM·" George C. Scott '"'last Run ~:P 1,1[ l~OClllOR l'~~l~ISIO~' 0 Ml..·~· •I~·''" "" "'" •• "1MI U'MI 11lMI10,I Of !Ml wo111~ ' ~" "K•~O.t!OUI ll)lle" I "Woll" 1'Nkl l ,.,. Cl•ulo .. 'l<llty" -... 11 tiM-v .. ie, •1,.1 .. w:.;. "BIG JAKE" -- i\O. I ON -1 THE COA8T Your Ho metown New1paper 11 The DAILY PILOT GOD HELP BOBBY AND HELEN They're in love in Needle Park ...... L~~ ..... ~,..,, ...... .-.~.e..o.~; I I I Millt~JadtNiddson. I j f.andilt Bagm,ArtluGarillllid. • s Ann~ and lJlcs Ftillet i f Camal KncWdgc I • ~ ~ J; ! l L"]...,_..111Z~ . .-...,..__ . ..,<s~~.-....-f Ell.l.USlvt ORAHGl' COUWTY INDOOR tNGAGfMl'NT 0 NO a•lllVIO llAfl. •v•,.., NltM J:OI -J;U • 101• -I&. II!. & I-l tOO•JIOO •J:• \VJIX)DUSBJJD /Bll[}ig PJmK r rld.U, l u;usl ?G, ,,.,, Mil V '1l1'T ?I) l' our Gulde to Fun 'Wonderland'· • Ill Laguna Live 1'heater AUG. %0 • t7 Fll.M-O·ftAMA -A pro&ram of "Mo,•ies under the Sl.lrs," sponsored by Ole Newport Be1eh Library, Santia&o Film Circuit and Fashion Island, will bt 1hown at 8:30 p.m. each Friday evenina lhrou1h Aug. 'l1 in the mall at Fa 5hit"fn Island. Fllma aeared to family audiences ~·ill be l'n lcr- t.alnin1 and informative. Aue. 20 the film.:1 \\"ill be, "Bob-a- Job," "Riding the Waves" and "One t.lan Alone." AUG. 20 • %S CffiCUS -The Rin£ling Brm;. and Barnum and Ba iley Circus will be performing at the Anaheim Conventfon Ce.n- lt!r, BOO Katella, Anaheim, Aug. ?0-25. Ar-rial acts, clowns end \\-'ild anim11I 11cl.s will help make it the funnitst show on earth. Tirkel pr1ce.:1 are $2.50 -$$.SO. Phone 63~·5000 for further information. AUG. 10 -t7 PROGRAM P'OR ICIDS -Tht. P.ftJI Verde Library, ~9 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa. Mesa h11 m1.11y pro1rams for children durin g tile summer. Pre-school story houri are held at 10 and 11 a.m. each Wed. and Thurs. Every othtr Friday there are films for children first throu1h third grade. AUG. ZO • 27 FESTTVAL OF' ARTS -1'he Laguna Btaeh Festival or Arl, and Pageant cf the Misters will be held on the Fe1tJval or Arts ground.~, 650 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach throurh Aug. 21. The Pageant ia presented each evenin r ln the Irvine Bowl on the grownda at 11:30 p.m. The FestlvAl which includes arU1ts, craftsmen, puppet shows and musle on the 1reen each Sunday, opens 1t noon each d1 y. 171 craftsmen will lhow and sell thelr work. AUG . %t ·SEPT. l BAND CO:'</CERT -The Wt!tminsttr Community Band will hold a stries of Fri. concerts at McFadden P.J.rk, Q801 Mc- Fadden Ave., \\'estminster at 7 p.m. Concerts are set for Aug . 20 and Sept. J. No admis3ion char&e. AUG. 11 LA PRESS CLUB -The Los Angtles Press Club invite~ thr-public l.l join iii membtrs in a tour nf fashian de1igner ~lr. Blackwell's m11nsion, 531 S. Windsor Blvd .. Lo! Angeles from 2 -5 p.m. Aug. 21. A talk and fash ion show by Black- ~·ell : view of his 1rt, antiques and trta1urts; a wine tasting led by Mike Roy; Danish cheese ta sting ; ce.lehrltie1. guests of honor, i nd much entertainment is included in the $7.50 ticket price. Phone (21~) 380-0681 for reservallollf. AUG . ZI ·SEPT. 11 STORY HOUR -The. Costa l\lesa Library, 556 Center St ., Costa ~ft11 . hi! scheduled some Summtr programs for children. Story hours v.Jll be al 10:30 a.m. on Thur1days. A fi!m, ··~1us1c &;:" \\'ilh Laurel and Hardy, IO :JO a.m,, Sepl. 11 . AUG. 21 • 22. CRn.DREN'l\ THE.~TER -"Adventu res in \\'onderland'' will be presenltd Au.1i1 . 21 and 22 at 2 p.m. in the LAiuna ~1oulton ThealPr, 6()6 Ulguna Canyon Road, Laguna Be.11ch. Members of the Playhouse summer workshop, 11ge11 6 through 19, will be presented. in the production. All co1- tumes. stage sets, props and backstaa:e work ha1 been done by workshop studenu, Ticket&, $1, may ht resr-rved by calling 494-0743. AUG.12 SAN LUIS Rl-.'.V -The Old t.llsslon San Lula Rey, on High· way i6 just ea st of Oceanside , will cclebr~le Juniper() Ser· ra Da y wi!h special ctrtmonie~ honorin1 the foundtr nf the Cahfnr nia Mission ch1 1n, on Aug. 22. A diapl1y of Serra dncumf':n\3 and artifa cts ~·ill be shown all day. Tht public is in vited. No admission char~e. AUG.%% TEEN TALE1'T -The finals of the Teen Taltn! Contest will be staged In the mall of HW'ltingto" Cftnlt r, Ettinger at Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, Sund ay, Aug .• 22, al I p.m. Ptrfnrmanc~s v.·ill be judged for prli.es by Herb and Jne of the Herb and Joe Trio. AUG. U FASHION ISLAND CONCERTS -The Monday niaht con- cerLI at Fashion Jsl11nd will continue for tht month or August v.·ith Henry Br11ndon directing the band. Every- th ing frnm BAcharach to Sousa will be heard at I.he II: IS £i,d,o NEWPORT 8£ACH -en tt.~ 1 utrorhv to tt.t" fuh 11I""\ lido ''" OR 3 AJ JC,t ••• * ••• * ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••• WINNER OF 2 ACADEMY AWAJtOSI ROBERT l//Trn.JM 1RE\a l-IO.'#IRD ad SAJ(N-1 Ml.ES "~s Daughter" ~--· -o- Evening s: Sun. thru Thurt., I p.m. Fri. -Sat., 1:30 p.m. la!l1T M1:H.M MATINEES Wttl., 2 p.m. Sat., 1 :30 and 5:00 Sun., 1:00 and 4:30 p.m. concert. Brine a 11t·upon and enjoy nuaic wider the 1k1es. No charge. AUG. Z' ·SEPT. %1 STORY ffnUR -The Ll;una Beach Library. '11!1 N_ f.a a1t Hliih l'ay, La1una holds a story hour for children each Wed. 1t 10 a.m. AUG. 21 -S~PT. 30 5TOR.Y JfOUR - A story hour ror pre-school children will bt htld in the Marinr-r's Library, 2005 Dover Drivt, New- port Beach, each Thursday at 10 a.m. The Corona del Mar Lihrary, 4:l0 Marigold Ave .. Corona de! t.f1r will hold a 1tory hour for pre-schoolers every second and fourth Thurs· da y of the month at IO a.m. AUG. %' CA RNIV AL -The We~tmin3ter P.11rks anrl Recreation Dept. will spon!Or a camiv;il, Aug . 26 fmm noon !II 4. pm. al McFadden and ~isler Par~. A "balloon 10 the moon·· cnnle1t will be he.lit and food booth~. de.monstr11tion.:1 Anrl sk its are on tap . Phone 893·4.Sll, exl.. 261 for further infor- mation. AUG. !7 BE1''£f!T SHOW -The Weslminsler Community Theattr is pl1yln1 a performance of "Once Upon 8 1'.lattrt!ls" for the benefit of the Albert Sitton Children 's Home, Aug . 27, al 8:30 p.m. in \Veslminster's Seventeenth Strett School. Tickets are $3.Ml and SS. Reservations may be made by call· in& 892·fSBS or "°"703~. "Tbe Odd Couph~" Neil Simon's comedy on sla1e al the t...agun1 Moulton ..... _._ Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon ~ M u"•·t1.1s Jr'1 "·" c111~.., 11e R d La e h t 8 ,,, T .... Ol•My ...... 11 ... s11eo ... oa ' iUJll eac ' a ;"V "l'INOC CHIO" t•I p.m., Wed.·Sat. throu1h Aug. Pluo . D'lnt y Adv•Mu'• ~••tu•• 21. Reserval1ons -•94-074.J. "TH• WILD COUHTltY" "P'elffer '! People" A nuaicaJ revue. on st.age at eflMf• , the Santa Ana ·Community Thtater, ~ \V, 6th SI .. S8llla l .illJ:i1.'!i~fli~~ Ana, FrL -Sal. at 8:30 p m.1•1 throu1h Aug. UL Reservations -543-7647. "Felffer's Pe.opl t." South Co as' Repertory's version of the music11I rtvut on stagr. 1827 Newpor t Blvd .. C<lsLI t.fesa. \Ved .. Sun. a.I. 8:30 pm. throUgh Sept. l1 (excr-pt Sept. 5). Re.servations -&46-IJ6J. "Once IJpnn a ~1attnss" ~1usical comedy on stage at the Westminster Community 'UK a WOODSTOCK ONAWAVa' l ·~o 'SPECT~~~E: \\o o The11 ter, 17th Slrtet School Shevelove Sl.gns to Do Auditorium. wutmi"''" '"· 1t Hoover St.. We.stm!ruter, F'ri. -Sat. 1t 11:30 p.m. through Ah1nanson Theatre Show _~,' 1 '· R"'"" 10 "' -"" Bu rt. ShevelovP, the Jilifled ad Ip ( t r-d ire.C\OT Of the Broadw1v supersuccess, "No. No , Neneltr-," has been signed to direct "A Funny Thing Hap~ntd On the Way To The Forum," the prr-mlere at- traction of lht Ctnt!'r Theatre r.roup'!' 1971 -72 spason 111 the Ahm11nson The/\trP. Tht' pact 1 n .I?. mark.!! features a score by Stephen Sondheim, rtpresented cur- rently on Broadway by "Com· pany'' and "Follies.'' Now gettin1 pl•udll.s for the manner in \\-'hich ht directed the original 1925 "No, No. Nanette" inlo A fast movtn1 1971 Rmartw11y smaah hit, Sh1"velo1•e ha~ :imort~ hi~ olhtr outst."'1.nrling direct(lr\11 rred lt.~ the m u .sic a 1 . "Halleluj.11h . "Aaby.·• flt al~o ha~ been .ti<"· livt: off-Bro11d\l.•av, ~·hr.re. f('lr il'IStllnCe, he adapted 11nd directed "Too ·Much .John!On ." MO\llE RATINOS FDR MRENTB AND YDUNO PEDPl.E ,,. ..__ ti ,,,. .. ~ ...... ,. ...,,,,.. ,..,.... ~,,,.-·_,.el _,_,.,_,,..,.,,,. .......... PGclfic Viblutkwl I ,_ ........ d ... <H;IA .• ~ SttV£ Ml.1...1" IN«> ... WOt..1'fWG RY "'°""' ... ANO """" QlHIRS r.;'1 ........ JOHN ~<ti ~-COLOR .y --..... a .... .t-<C.,ON 0/11llNA1-oU --elt11 _I __ _ I Shr.vtlove'11 "r!"union" with one of thr bi,qgr~t hi1~ in hi~ r:i rr.r r. In 1962 . hr-co·llUlhored v.·ith L.:trry Crtlhart "A Funny 'Thin~ Happened On the Way 'To The Forum," winnina a Tony Award f(lr their su~rlative efforts. Th'" rnusical prod uction i ts e l f rl'cei1•cri a total of s 1 x "Tony5." In his nPw c;:ipacit.v v.·1th "Forum." Shf'velo\'e will he riirerttni:: ::in al!·~t11r ca~! 1('lp- perl hv Phil Sif\•rr~ as th f' kn.rtve-sl1 ve. Pseudolus. The mu~ic11J comedy, which optn!I .11. idx·week run on Oct. 12, alsn He has contribul.id pr()- dlgiously to le!e.vl~lon. pro- ducing lnd directing hundreds r,f shov."5 . Among them are "Art Carntv f..1eet s Ptltr And The \Volf:" "Thr Judy c;arl::inrl Show" ::ind ·•An F.ven· ing '\lilh Rirh.'lrd Rod,1?.er!ii .'" His scrrrn rrerhl.s inc!urlt rn· ::i u1horing 11nd rn-producinil the Victori11.n romp, "The Wrong Box ," ~t11rring Michael .••..•..•...•....••.•....... ! .... g :ap, -ill ·~ .... .,,., I TIMES ---1 W/4•Vt 7 :JO & 9:Jt Calnt . • BALBOA ~~~-4048 -NOW SHOWIN• - ~:45 719 I . lal~ latltd l'tnln1ula Tiit Plilure Y•u',,.. IHI HMtlllt .Ali•11t Wltll I •f Hit YM r't l•r 'etfermer1 This Summer's Most Exciting Fiim Fare! Ill:.~" lloYllnd ........ i ' c.... t . 0.. .... _r.· . Oil~• • ,..... , Kiter.-. • g;.. lfGl.Oll""Cltl-" J DARREN McGAVIN -- ·~'"""'°'"''"' 1 ... _ ...................... -...-h f ... 11111. J :l~S:l0-7 :J.._,:Jt C••tl••••t Dely, I ,.M. .ADMISSION 11.10 A411I" ••4 Jrt, u11tll 4 p.111. 11, Clitl4te• -FAMILY SHOW- OIAN61 COUNTY l'DMMIDl'l'DIU«:dS,. IMERm'AI..BmEI' ~ A Joh• 'Bn"""""·IU<'-f ~. """"""" A ._, f.._EMT Fil•Prod.Ltd.•Ttdulicllor® : PLUS IHOIT IUIJICTS Kids Like to Ask Andy stereo 103FM the sounds of the harbor ~d.~~7youve never heard it so good • , " . "• ' . . . ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH! IMPERIAL Costa Mesa $ BRAND NEW . . . 1971 CRICKET .S1ri1I t4841JIR098662 \N FUL1J SWING DURI NG OUR \(l\1\~1J YEAI\ ·END OUR WHOLE LINE OF NEW AND DEMO 1971 CHRYSLER • PL YMOUTHS ARE' GOING AT A RECORD PACE WITH UNBELIEVABLE SAV· INGS NOW DURING OUR MODEL YEAR-END SALE. HURRY WHILE SELECTION IS AT ITS PEAK. BRAND NEW CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2 DOOR HARDTOP LOADED o" MA.NUP:ACTUJllllS STICKEll. PIUCI BRAND NEW 1971 DUSTER $ S1ri1I #VL29BIE I 21490 • 2929 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ph. (714J 546•1934 or iA~Lg~t~o 5~~ETE~Av · ASK ABOUT OUR 5 DA Y FRE'.: TRIAL EXCHANGE '68 CHRYSLER NtWPORT 1 Or. H.T., V.R. Auto, R8d;.,, Heoler. Powtr Steering. P o w • r Br1ke1, Power W in- dow1, Air Cond, IW~l695 '69 CHRYSLER NEWPOIT CUSTOM 2 o,, H.T., v.a, A~to, Rfdio, Heeter, Pow1r S+•erin9, P o w 1 r Br1~11, Air Cond., ;·~2~·95·· .~ I•-~~ ~ '68 OPEL ltADITTI 4 •P••d h •n1miu io n, redio .•nd he•ter. IZPN702) '66 CHEVROLET CHEYELLI SIDAN VB, •utom1tic tr•n•· mi11ion, r•dio •nd ~11!1r. CSSL019l ' USED CAR '68 CHRYSLER '" c Dr. H.T .. Auto, R.,. 'dio, Ht"'"" Fowtr S!••r1n9, P o w • r a •• ~ ••. St•••o tep•, tilt itlt1copic wh•1I, ~ow•r Window1 , Pow· ;:.~1:99§·;,· '67 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 DR. H.T. va, •ulom••ic, r•dio, h••ltr, powt r 1le1rinq· br1k11 • window1, ~;, co~d., "inyl lop & more. (TX09lll '70 PLYMOUTH DUS Tilt Coup1 . You'll ~•v• lo drivt thi1 on1. Wt'11 1ur• you 'll buy ii, l84bASJl ASK ABOUT OUR FREE 6 MONTH Used Car Warranty '68 CHEVY '70 DODGE JMP'ALA CHARGER 1 Dr. H.T., V.S, )..u to.. Vt. 1ulom•lic, pow•r R1dit1, H••'•'· Powttr tle1rin9, r.id;o, h11let, Steerin9, whit• 1idt whitew1!1 tite1, Vin yl wills. !VZLOOS l roof. !700 CT R! '69 DODGE POLA RA l D•. H.T. Y-1 , Aul", R,d,,,, He 1 l~r, P.,,,..., Steerin9, P o .., e r 8re ke1, A,;, Co"d .. l•ndeu Top. fY RE. 07 11 $1895 SE HABLA ESPANOL • • . ' BRAN D NEW '71 CAMPER ELDORADO CABOYER . Equipped with Uove, \onk, ice box, d rape\, plenty of cloael IPOC• • .i.cmc ~~. ~ pone ltng. 1172•7 ONA NEW '71 FORD V-8 PICKUP Equop.pe-d w11h 11·8, •od10, heo•er. 11ntt d glo\J, hr;ovy duty rod1otot. (# F lOGJ!M.0750') COMPLITI CAMPIR PACKAGI $350 ~~~~ $85 74 PAYMENT MO. SJSO ,~ lotnl rln. py111!. ond S8~.74 is lllkll rno. pym1. ind. IOI, '71 licef!Se & cill lil!Ol1C8 [lln•g~1 on~. tted.1 tor d8 ITICI~. Dtlei rKI pymt. prKe i~ $ddbS.~2 ind 1111 fonar<s cr.orq~s. 111xe1, '71 IN:tf\\" rir 11 ~1'141 prl!ltr to poy cnsll. lull rosh prire •S $3712.40 ifw:I. Sllles kU & license. ANNUAL rfRCENTAGE RATE lD.15% IMME DIATE DELIVERY ~aRPINfo $ FULL PRICE (l RlOW TB.4093) OVER 60 NEW '71 PINTOS IN S-TOCK --~_,,.... ....... ...._ .-..._ ~,--~ ---· ·~ B RAND NEW 1971 MAVERIC K Rad io, ~eetttr, specie1 paint, wh it ~ ....,.,11 tire~. $199 TO TAL $67 TOTAL DOWN . MONTHl Y PAY MINT PAYMENT I "'" lo IOt•I ~n, CIYmt, •nt! l•I " IC!•I ...., l'Vil ;,,..! !Ar. '11 hfl''"~ ~ •II "''""'r. <:l'~r9et on •11cir. (•eclll i.r ,. ""''· O .. •rrod py . prl<t UOll 11'<1. ••I +;"•nee '""'"''· It•"• '11 li<tn1f, ••ii '(011 prM•r I• P•Y <•oh. t I <••I' P•kt I• Ol'ly lllOJ.tJ !•cl 1•1 .. It•. '71 llC..,•t. •IKflUll7020 Af'<f'<UAL l'EllCli'NTAGE RATIE 11.ll. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ·. F E . TILIPHO~~ APPRAISAL Use the equity in your old car to make the down payment on the new one · Po id for or not. 842·6611 · 540-7780 '66 !?~~.~!.~ ....... "" $7 88 i111. f•ctery sir. (TS OIOO). '6 9 !?~~ .~.~~-~~~. $118 8 1teerirtt1. (lllBSW). '66 '69 '66 ~~~~:·50·~~~ .... $7 88 i119, r•ifio, h111t1r. {TSFOll) ,rld.iy, August 20 , 1?71 OAJLV PILOT :JI 1 'Q, c BOYER New '70 eciu~d wit+! stove,, "ve,.,, hood, .stcirile5s steel !inks, icebol', plenty of closets & t lectric outlets, drope~. wood po,.elin g, sleeps 6 ;., cornfor!, (904736) I ·~.Jr.< '.~l\:i . J FULL PRI CE I IMMEDIA !E DELIVERY I N w I l [?ANC HE RO $ RADIO, HEATER (#IA46ll55276) ··""·"' ~ FULL PRIC E IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FUi.t PR ICE (lf0\ll70002)' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CRIDIT COUNSELING • Short on 'Do"frt Payment• Little Or No Credit? • 0Ytrloaded With Bills But Still Need An Automobile ? • Short Time On The Job? Call 842-661 1 '68 ~!.~~~.~!i;,;,,.,.,;.$68 8 11l tir11. (ll D,1,9101 '67 ~!~~.~~~?:.e .... S788 t r, ,j,.yl retf fV IO J•l) / 6 8 ~'!!, '~•~•?IWTF J9tl $ 8 8 8 '71 ~-~;~~R.~ •. ~ .. D~ .• ,,,$17 88 wa ll1, •••Y low mtl". IA1442 0l••!5l ·• 68 PONTIAC TIMPIST Avll tr1111., re41t , hrel t r . (XISl•7l $88 8 '67 uu1t~•·,,.9.".:,". $1388 '69 !~ff~,~~~;,,S~~ ... $1588 tary '1'• ••I• ''1111" t PS P I radlci heaf· 1w tr 1ts1rl111, r 1llli 1, o.,, ,·.·,· ,,·,·,· · r Vll711 '"'· '69 ~,~!.~~.~ ....... $1 68 8 Va t Dl tct ll rt lld'f. IZDM1117 ) '6e 7 ~.~.~.~~.~?.-~:!: ... $988 i111 . {UlMl 01) COUGAR M.T. Y·.•, reilis, (UOFl41) ''""· $9 88 0 FORD Custom$1688 '7 v.1, ~111s. '''!'' .. ••••• • 1111r 111t, ,..;,,, leMtia te11, ltffter. (t 22Dfll '69 '70 ~~~!.~.~~~' $2 388 AIR , v.a, 01110 +r11111., p1w1r 1l11rint .(J910Jl) Galaxie 500 $2 4 VI, ,ACTOIY Al l A•tt '''"'·· ''""'' ,,,.,; ... r•lli.1, ltepttr fSSIAUIO '68 ~~.~~~!~~~,$2 5 8 8 ·~··•••Ill, ''csll•• '"'"· (llW7S1) - 3f DAIL V PILOT I r1day, Au11ust 20. 1~71 Everyone Has Somethin g Th a t Someone Else Wants DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It, Trad e It With a Wa nt Ad The Biggest Mark~place on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results I~ I -... -I~ 1 ··-·"'"" I~ I -.i ... I~ I --- Gan•r•I Uener•I BAYCREST * J1!<'11.I s1•1t1n~ for 51'1,..rie J1v· 111i:. l ltl'(l1x>un1~. l{lrmal 1iirj,jl!ijii11•ilrliiWlrlrllloill •th11r~ 111on1 plu~ fitn1lly * * * * * * TAYLOR CO. * I I CALL FOR OUR PICTURE BROCHURE OF CUR.RENT LISTINGS OFFICE OPEN SAT. & SUN. UNIVERSITY PARK 3 BR., fan1 . r111 . tO\\'nhouse. near pool.s. s<:h ool ~ etc. $2\J.500. Bellr Partch EASTBLUFF 5 BR . 3 Ba . Lusk home-large fainUy rn1. ·1- forrnal dining. $59.500 4 Br. Vie"" \\'ilh delightfttl patios. i\'love in before sc·hool. $52.500 JUST LISTED -WESTCLIFF Charm galore ~ 3 BR .. din. & fam . rooms- sparkling pool & tarefree patio. $53,950. Mary lia rv~y BAY FRONT 5 BR .. 4 ~2 baths. Lge. master bdrm. suite \\•ith fireplace. overlooking bay. Separate maid's quarters. Pier & slip. $187.500. Ka thryn Raulston UNIVERSITY PARK BEAUTY Family expanding ~ See this 5 BR. home- has c,·erything'. fast poosession. $49.500. ;'Churk'' l .e\\Pis CAMEO SHORES -OPEN SUN. 1 • 5 4507 ROXB URY. !\lost unusual ho1ne. ('er· amir tile floors. shutters. imported \\Pall- papers. $82.500. ('arol ·raturn HOME MUST BE SOLD!! Owner \l"ill SACRIFICE. C'on1e to OPEN HOUSE SLJN. 1-5 & submit offer. 25 1Z LIGHTHOUSE LN.-f'ORONA OF.L MAR. Bud Au stin OPEN 2 · 6 P.M. SUNDAY 2015 BAYADERF. -IRVINF. TERRACE. 4 Bdrms. 4 Biilh .~. Rest ba v vie\\' home in area. Patio \\"ith large pool. $159,!lOO. Gene Vree- land OPEN SUN. 1 • S BAYCREST 1707 Ct\NDl.ESTICK L1\N E. Truly a great fantily home on quiet. tree lined SL 4 Bed- room. 2 ~7 baths high b{'am." in fa1nily & liv- ing rm. Also room for pool. S73.500 l\lary Lou ~1arion OPEN SAT. I. SUN. 1 ·I Large 3 bdrrn .-3 balh-3 car j!ar;ige. For- mal dining & fan1ily room combination. 1927 ~AN'f!AGO. Asking $73,450. F'ee. Bil l Co mstock OPEN I · S P.M. SUNDAY 1924 110LIDA ,, HD .. R.A. YCRES'I'. 5 Bdrrns .. 3 baths. dining room & fan1 il.v roon1. 8{'au- tifully planted palio \\·ith large pool & pool- house. $98,fiOO Bob Yorke MOST FOR THE MONEY 5 Bdrms., 4 baths & fam. rm. t~iving rm. \Vi lh blt-i n si1 dO\\"n bar. Large fenl"ed·in pool & jacuz7.i. ~cparate C'h i ldrcn ·~ play yard. Dog run. 889.500. Jun l\l illC'r OWNER Wilt FINANCE Ch armin g horne in 1\'r\1•port I !eight." l loui;e- \1·ife ly rlean. 2 Rn 11 1th den & l;in<11. graced by mature ~hr1 1 bs :\ 1n11~t :-1er ~Rn.son. Ha rry Frederic k 4 BR-DOVER SHORES-4 BATHS Al $86.800. lh1s 1s a "Rf.S'f" Rl l'''" r;r('at vie\1·s from f1vr roo1n~. \'ie11· is best at night. Formal din1n ,i:t ro(Jll l 1:1111 rr)o1n, .1 l'ar gar- age. Ent ry patio. 1\I Fink BAYCREST-S BEDROOMS Big family ,'?..; s 1·n11ll h11d1=:('t ? See th is 5 BH .. form. din rtn .. f11 ni r1n . 2 fr·plcto:.'. large y:lr<1 \vith lrre~. Fee land. ~:i!>.9.50 , ~l C. Buie PANORAMIC VIEW-BAY & OCEAN l ·Bdrm. plus gut.'51 apL. is custom re1nodel- ed & ta.~tefully derorated. Ele~an t master suite \\ith slt!p-do"u sitth1)! roo111. Sl49.500. Eileen 11udso n HARBOR VIEW HI LLS l-Tere is a cozy 3 bdrm. l .u~k hon1e on a cp iif'I street 11·it h friendly neighbors. c·atl for app 't. lo see th is li ttle gem. $63.950 in rludes the land. TWO DUPLEXES READY Tn Corona del ~ta r. $79.900-has 3 BR . at S350 & 4 BR. at $450-spoUessly rlean. On waterfront at ss~.000-\l'ith deck & doc k. 3 BR . up. 2 RR . do11·n. Gd. financing. La\:era Burns EASTBLUFF-5 BDRM.-LUSK Reduced $5.000. Grl!cious home. f'11m1 lv room h11s fireplace.~ L"tlr garage. l .. arge yard Room for pool. $59.950. Cathryn Tennille IRVINE COVE VIEWS BeautUul custom 5 bdt'nl .. 31 ~ b!llh ho1ne. Private beach. f ormal din roon1 . Grea1 2· generation nonr pl<111 5198,500 (;eorgr. Grupe 133-0700 Coldwell, Banker 644-2430 550 NEWPORT CENTE~ DR .. N.B. • .... ~ n~1111. 1\ ,·Ju1rnung J1•11 n \\'1•1l1.1 hunu• 1111 fl'!' !And a l 1~·11 1>1 t"t'J•l:11 1•1n1•rn •'OSI. VIEW-BROADMOOR 2612 Wavecrest, CdM Open Sun. 1-5 1':1n11Jy pl;,nnf'r1 & Jan11ly pt>r· lf'•"I ,\ ·I h1•r1n.111m l,>f'rtU!~ IU a 11rll 1l•"!>IJ.:J11•1\ Sj1l11 11.'I'· rl. B<':Hll'''' 1·1•1!111J:? l11·111g n~Jnl. f,111n .. 1 J1n1ni.:. i.:fl r· <ii'n k1t1•111·n &· 11 ,<.;UPF:R f)(.'F:A~ \")El\" OEC'h'.. LIDO SPECIAL A RARE OPJ'Ol!TU:....'rr1· t'OR A J.100 LOT. S31.fl00 615-5930 Salisbury Ro .. h y BALBOA ISLAND OPEN HOUSE FRl./SAT./SUN. 1-5 230 PEARL ST. F"an11l.v JM11nf', l.~00 :.q. ft., lop hw:;t1011. llom" 1n Pf'l - fN't '"11<111Trln ,t· n>£:4•11tl y re- n11~tl'l••d. I 'l:o .1 r"n.,1r1•·1' lr.1su1K unfurn.1 P.arharu J!11n1 11hr1-.1·s t;;:,.~!6 Salisbury Realty 315 MAHINE AV~:, {17:1-ti"fl(iQ 11ALHOA 1.1.;l.Ai\ll MESA DEL MAR DREAM Yo11 "ll think y-riu'rr r1 rf'11m- 111i;: .1.~ .vou lt•!ls\ .I OUr l'Y"~ on 011~ l,ll't!f" li[l1H). ~ lot>d - l•~"ll. ~l(XK) liflll/l/'f' f~ll hfllll!', l ~1r::•• li fl•h'<I Oil /l/1111>!1~1 fa nuly n"un ll'hlur1'.~ a .'lf!'r- nri.t l 1N·pt~11i•, palll l'.1", 11111! 1·h.,..t•t. !l'1h11i;:-hr:ll. and lw:;1 ,1· 1n~ul a hon rirlfl lr1111·1•r- r.r \\ 111d11\\ ~. ~;\"lf'H l.Jilll l·Hl s1wal.,.r~ 1n 111any 1"')(1111~ fli>d l<;ol";t):I' r ail f,1~1 l!P\ 1!11,, orw ;,.ii;.~::t.\. Only $1:),!I()(}, \-0' THE REAL \"-ESTATERS ' 'r, "" ' • FHA/VA MESA VERDE Ch11rn11ng. llcl i1d1tfuJ_ ~-h1•rl­ n>1111. :.! halh ho1111> 111 ;ih- .~nlu1rly !:UrJ!1•n11s <.'Ondi11on. J h1i:r ra!.~f'd l11·:ir1h r1r1>- pl11('t'. lil r~i' ra 111ily roon1. s•"p<ir11 1e •r r1ri1·r porch. All huil11n.~ 1u1d nr:ir Ill'\\' d""P shill! •"ilf'Jll'lin:.:. A!mo~I 1n1- n1r•ha 1" Jl'(•~Sl'io.Slun. l'rwf'd 11nt1••r 1111 n1h1•r.~ Rt SJI .~. <"1111 ,\I r \\"o,..,,lson 11t ~.i;:..11~2·1 llJfM'll f'\'f'~) \outh ~ (~ oast 1--INiiESTOR_'_S - P RIME LOCATION TRIPLE X F:,\.'-:T:'ll)I-. co.-.;T1\ ~n::s,\, l\.11lk In 11111 Si. Sh<JPJl•lll: t<.'l1·1i II llh 11111 hrdl)•Jill< 1 1 ~ h:•lll~. H111i 1 111 1:nli k1·r/1'"t1 11'1lh •l1~r·•~Hl"-. !:uod n11id 1- 1,.1n 1;urni.:1 .. ~. ~·on AP- r'0!.'>T:vlE!'iT CALI. BEAUTIFUL BAY ISLAND You would Jove living on t his picturesque tropical isl and of 24 homes surrounding a beaut. park of flo\1•ers. trees & tennis court. ('harming 5 BR home. $135.000 ATTRACTIVE PROVINCIAL -$55 ,000 Great value in this 4 bedroom home! Tropi- cal landscaping surrounds the lovely 18' x 36' pool. Lge lot with auto sprinklers. Close to schools & s hops. Hurry! 1701 IRVlNE OPEN SAT-SUN 1-5030 LINDA ISLE -$145,000 'frue charm & beauty! 1'he best buy on th is exclusive island. Entrance with deep over· han g. So ft colors & functional fl oor plan. \Ve invite you lo see this 5 BR home today. FR \\'/\Vet bar. Pier/slip. Plumbed for pool. CAMEO SHORES -$17S,OOO 1'he greatesl for entertaining! Luxurious 4 BR & den home '\'/formal OR. No expense spared in finest interior design. Lge pool & huge lanai. 4* baths & 1 bath by pool. SPACIOUS S BEDROOM HOME In \VestcliJfs most delightful area. I-l uge rumpus room u·ith extra stairway lo rear patio. Rm for pool. Close to schools. "Drive- thru'' garage. Call to see. 579.950 EXCLUSIVE LINDA ISLE -$250,000 Exqui.~ite decor in th is luxuriou.~ English style 5 BR home. 3 fireplaces. rich \l'OOI cplng, elegant draperies & 11bundant marble & air cond. Pier & slip. Call for brochure. LINDA ISLE -$155,000 Ne \\' ba yfr0nt hon1e read_y for imn1ediale oc· cupancy. 4 Bedrooms, family rnl. forn1aJ din· ing rn1. study & 51/'.!. baths. Unusual design by \\'ell kno\11n architects. Try exchange. 8 LINDA ISLE OPEN SAT-SUN 1-5:30 AUGUST SPECIAL See your drean1 hoine in lo vely !Jover Shore's. Rrand Ne\v 2 Stor\' \v'4 Rdrms. studv sun room & dining r ni. island Kitrhen & 3 ear garage. 1\ real bu~· at only $105.000 41 0 l\IOR N/i\G STA R OPEN SAT-SUN 1-5:00 DOVER SHORES WATERFRONT J\'en• stone1brick exterior "European Style'' enhances this 6 BR home. Private fron t court· yarc1 plus tge ''"aterfrt patio surrounding pool. Pier/slip $175,000 LINDA ISLE -$160.000 Brand new 4 Bit home \\'/ fan1ily rm, stud.v & DR . 2nd floor features a huge sundeck accessi ble to all bedroo1n s. J ust a tourh of formality here. O\vner \\'iii consider an e.-:- change or lease \V /option -$1.300 mo DOVER SHORES BAYFRONT -$117,SOO Not too large.' Just right for smaller family. Inviting lge deck & \Vonderful vie"' of ba y. 3 BR & den home \\'i th pier & slip. A NEW LINDA ISLE CONCEPT Fabulous NF:\V 4 BR hom e on lhls i~l and of yarhling .~fu n . fR. study & tge. DR. Unu.~ua l ar1'hitect11ral design. 2 ~lory ceilings. Inter· est111,1,: sunken fireplace area. $155.000 CHOICE LOTS -PR IME !-lO' Front. le\'el. Fee LOCATION !JO' r an. v i£'\\". rorner. l.cai;e 57' \\'aterfror,t. pier·slip. Lea!ie \"11 ('hina l'ove, Ray & Orean FeC' 4 .')' Lin rla Isle. f.,ease 1011· l.inda l!i le . L('a::;(' BROKERS & SALESMEN s 21.;oo S 31 ,JOO s 49.~00 s 6.\.000 s 73.000 $125.000 \\'e ;ire expanding our sal es staff. Our prin1e re,1ui rernf'nli.; are in tegrity and en1h11si11 sm, If .1·ou are genuinely intt:'re~ted in a profes- sional real e.~t ate. t areer, even thou~h you n1ay have limited experience. \\'e are intere.~t­ ed in meeting you. Intervie\\P by appoint· 111Clll. "Our 26th Y•11r" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtor$ I f-:\·rn1 n~ Call &l:l-i·l311 2111 S•n J oaquin Hills I NEWPORT CENTER Road · 644-4910 ,-1~-* * * * So-o-o-* * v •• u prun111il'\l l"'r 11 ~ iflr-Gener•I Gener11I d1 ·11. 11"$ 111 Baysl10rf'~! t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; l.flJ¥1' '1 R,.dn10m rt.~1drnef'. Cut.1• hn-111 11,-,'. oprn bcan1 rr1l 1n1t~. f'ntt'rt111111nt'nf Jl.1 - 110 -rillr} H1•1•1-,;~ Jn1n1f'd· i11 1e IJHl!'"~~lon. fl~'Tlrr wilt l1n111l("f'. \\"l::iult1 ynu hc!irve -$~:1.000, ·r1i1~ wnn't 111~1 : Cull nnw fi7:.-4rt:u!, c~:.:1 EXPANSE ... NOT EXPENSE I P.U!lt lt· J-:aioT!Odr hnrnf' nn t~r,;:r n.z lot, rlM"'lf'll!l"r1 Pl· tlu. 1'Q111n f,,r h">111 . lrAdf'r Alli! 1u101tw-r unu f,14 ,500, A~k lllr i.-Luymr s CAii 540-1151 i01lf'n ,.,,. •. ) O\\':-.:-F:R Trans. S1•d m pool. 4 br . "111J1-!n•. Brk. $2'.1.7:1() ("111! 'l11ri11.n \lrG•ll rl11.y~, ,!fl 1120 •IT f'\•• !'lllll-~i~ " - BAYFRONT -PIER & SLIP Ne\ver 4 BR. 2 hath. 2·story hon1e with s hake r oor, dbl. stone frplc .. lil'ing r1n. &. .1Jep. din- ing rm. overlook Big Bay_ secluded patio area & lovely lawns. Lge. 2 car garage. Good cond. & some ne\v carpeting. Our exclusive listing. $195.000 . Call for flpp't. lo !hO\t'. "'42-2253 Evening• associale11 BROKERS REALTORS "015 W. BALB,OA BLVD. ORANGE COAST'S SALESMAN •• OPEN SUNDAY 1:00-5:00 2352 Orchid Hill \'!•U al'l!: invul'd to inspect thl!i -I bedrooni UeatJtilul S1m111~" ranl·h sr~~e home only 1hrt"e ~eitrs young. O!M' bed1wn1 a nd bath o lf larn- Jly ronn1 n1akei;: '1'nnde11t1l JCUE'SI t'fOOrll, uffice o r hobby J'10nl. 01her thrrt bt-dl"O()ms Bl't' dN."tlrat!"!l with lo\·ely 11·allpaJ)"l'!l. Sf'paratl' d1n1ng 1w rr1 1u:rt l1<1t;t• fu1n1ly tnllrn. LandSt'apin~ fr11 111rr~ hy- hrkl llf'rn11111.t l<1\\"t1, n1!.ll\Y hi'•1l!l1 fl1 ) !l't>Ps and a1117lc- ti1r ]llu.v 11rM1 lor young onl"S. An all 11.rot1n<I goorl tarnily homr on ljlllf.'1 s!reet. Priced r1i;hl $~7.950. Call 646 -7171. \-QTHEREAL 0--F;~r{'TERS DOVER SHORES l~ll-1 Gala:<y Drive ()pf-n ~unday l to :J Con1e S(>f"-Or~ of the. pretties! custon1 built homes in 1hr area. Outs1andinri: 1·\e.'"· L- shalJ('<I plan, 4 Hrf1rm, 3 !Mrhs. panelled family roon1, fnrm11I r11nitlf:' mom p!u.~ r-nlorful brrakta ... ! roon1. Sparkling (•uu1•ryard pool . U11·nf'r tran~fcrr1ng_ Quick fM)~~M:SiOtl. ROY J . WARD Co. REALTORS 1&19 \\'E~-l'Cl,JF"F DR. f\p11·[)(1t'I RP11t h 616-0228 Sil\'lllg $2(l(l(l. i~ JUSt ii kf' ra1·n1ng $2,500. ,\lr and i\Jrs. Bi-own h111,. rf'ft•u't'd lhe pri<"e or rh1·1r ]H1rl.>' .\ Bed. 1~ .. u11, la111il.v •·•·•nl & fM;}oil )iOlllt' JU~I !hat H!UC'h! \\lhy not Ue !hr lurky one to enrn $2:,00 no \\'Ork ill\'{llvr{I. l.""t .;~ show you ~29.l Ari· to>lla Laut'. ')llcsil\<r6c'.RcaCtr 546-5990 Gen1ral G1neral MACNAB -IRVINE FINER HOMES SPECTACULAR BA Y VIEW-ONLY $89,000 F:xc:iling ne\v lva.n \\/ells Custom 11ome on (;alaxy Dri ve. Ne\I" floor pla n. ConstructJon to start Sept. 15. 1971. ~~or details visit n1odel homes at 2006 Galaxv and 1027 Mariners Dri ve. Newport Beach. OPEN DA11 .. Y or r~ll 646-1550. BAYFRONT CONDOMINIUM fu!lv decorated. fireplace -2 car garage - Lovely 3 BR Ba yfrnnt <:ondon1inium. Taste- fully rlecorated. f''ireplace -2 car garage - heated pool on manicured gardens. Pier and !ilip optional. ~89,500 -a very sperial buy! THRILLING VIEW or !·!arbor. Ocean and Isl ands. Exciting, con- temporary home, glamorous small S\\•imming pool. sunke n LR . huge 1narble fireplace. 4 BR's, .Roman bath \\•ith mirrored dressing room. 3 garages. Custon1 built. ~1ay lease or lease-option. Open Sat. & Sun. 1-5. 1023 Dol- phin Terrac:e, Cdl\1 . HARBOR HIGHLANDS Immaculate 3 BR, 2 bath home. Spacious den \\"'hig-h beamed ceiling & fireplace. Beauti- ful shag carpet. Large lot. $38.500. Open Sunday l -5 p.m. 1539 Priscilla Lane. Ne\\" port Beach. FABULOUS DOVER SHORES BAYFRONT .l\ 1n ini-palace. Sumptuous 40' LR . 60' patio overlooking pier & float. Pool table size f'R \1 '/\\·et bar. I.us<'ious carpets & exoensive \1·ail coverings. 3 RR 's. Built in TV. Price $129.500. Ca ll Bert fehren t-175-3210 for appl. Open Sunday 1-5 p.111. 30 1. North Star Lane. CAREFREE "BLUFFS BONITA"' Vie\v of trees and rolling \a,vns. Rare one story 3 BR. 2 bath, DR -hiszh bea1ned c:eil· ings -beaul ifull y rl ecorated. Asking $42.- 500. OPEN Su ndav 1·5 p.n1 . 537 Vista G1·ande, Ne\}'port Be.ach. HARBOR ISLAND ESTATE ;\n elegant Bayfront ~Iome . 4 BR's, den. FR. thildren's play roorn . 51,2 bath. Lg. pool \\'/ Ork. del·king. Pier & float. Beautifull y se- cluded an1idst tall trees. I1ra1't ically reduced for quirk sa le. Asking $379.000. VIEW BAY & OCEAN Prime location on quiet i;treet. Decorator's (·uslom home on Jarsze corner Jot -3 BR. 2 bath, formal Dlt -den -pool -fee simple. .'\sking $79,500. !!!!!!'!!!!.-..,....,,.....,....,.fDAY or NIGHT --EAST~SIDE Enjoy a large entertainment center \\'/sliding COSTA MESA roof ~"-splash ing fountain. That something Payment1 $177 P .l.T.I. different you've been lookin g for .. 4.. ve_ry :l Brifrnorn plu~ l!lH.'Sl 1oon1. special 4 BR.. hon1e built to order for partJC• hardwuod rl<Mll"". dlniug ular people. F'ee land St 15.000 . r(K>111, s1•r;·wp r11Jn •h, on R-2 1••1. CJ<r.;(' r.1 t'11111nl1c ch11rC'h. YACHTSMAN'S COVE A-~~un1e Ii i-FM,\ lo11n. 7•r,'0 Ne\vport's most exr iting Bayfront Home.<; inlPl't'l<I. H1111111 rnr annthPr no\r being fran1ecl . Four homes are available 111111_ No 1111a11t"1111: rharges. for early inspeC'tio n. F'rorn $226,350. :10' \'01'11nt . va~t "1'1T11w. frontage anrl in dividual slips, Open Sat. & OPEN" OAJLY I TO 6 Sun. 1·5 p.m. 1641 Bavside. Drive. 193!1 ~·ULl.ERTON, C.i\I, Lachenmyer Realtor SHORE CREST 3 Bedroom-2 Bath $30,950 L1 \r 111 rhnh'1• l10.:•111·1nn ne1-1 r 1111 ~<'hl ~ll~. bt•;H·hr~ !l lld ~hoppi llJ.: Th;~ lt'I)-llP lll, 1r1n1 11 .. 111r 1,~ "1 n1ove-in rond1l1nn 1111d r~a n11·r:o. a lnmli.1• t'1!llll "1:11 1 ..... ~k~lu>i•·· ··~. ln1·t·ly 1u r1t 111111 r•;it jn, i.11111-111 l11'1t•lr 1~-f!..Q, hl<"M·k 11 .111~. l'.'\ll',L r11v.1 r~·-Ex1~1- ('!\ loan i~ 11~~\llllahl" (i1 ~,.~. ';i-• Sc-t-it! C.111 J.IG-2.".13 1-0· THE REAL \'.."'\. E~r!l.T~R.s 180" VIEW Lar]r1' ~ hctr111 2 l)J1, rorm11l .t1nins.:. ran1 ll.N'8 oft khch· r 11. ('on1plrr,.i.v l"!'-rarpe!ed, ju't p111n1,.1t. Lari.:r~1 101 in F:AS113l.l!F"r ~ $~9.500 w/~ 11011 10 b11~· lnnr1. HURRY -l~l~I EOIATE POSSF:S. SJON . Call Glnny 54a..842-I 4~11,\lf'S,J \o~th ( oast 10°/o DOWN IN WESTCLIFF OUR BEST BUY \\'11lk tn shop11, srlM>OI 11 nd pt1rk. Be11u l!ful 4 hf'r1ronm. l ball\.~ ""i th largr pot•!. Thi5 horn" i~ ~h11rp 111111 el,11 11. OPEN DAILY 1 lo 6 1345 Sussex Lane, N.B. lachenmyer Re.llto r C1t1! 646-3928 E\·t5. 642-22.l7 O\\~'F:R Or,pcr111r . A~llnmt !1\0 ~ .. .11pr IO!ln. l Rr , hugr 1~111 rm, 11./rl,.,.plR cr Brk. S2'1,!l:l0 C111l 011n Kirin. ~0-11:KI VACANT LOT-LINDA ISLE BAYFRONT One of t he finest Bayfront l.ocat ions in the Harbor. Offered at a very lo\v Sl 15.000. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNTRY ESTATE Reautiful 3.000 sq. ft. ho1ne ~ituated hig:h ahol"e th e San Juan Capistrano \·a!le~' on <1pprox i1nately 8.5 ar res o f choir e property. (~orral s. guest cottage &" \rhite rail fencing. 1'he forever vie1,1· ex 1Pnds J'ron1 ('atali na Island to ~tt. Ra \dv. 1'he hon1e \\·as custom buil t for the present O\\·ner. <..~real ll"e of \\'uod through -out. The central air co ndit ion: 1n g ass ures year round c·on1 for t. Offered at $270.000 MACNAB -IRVINE 675-3210 642-8235 1010 Bayside Crlva 901 Dov•r Drive N•wport Be•ch -.r........-..o:s:itff.IY....-- Gener•I General CORBIN -MARTIN, Realtors WATERFRONT ST. - CORONA DEL MAR English country cottage -large fa n n style kite.hen -3 large bedrooms -and bunk- room. all ne\\·ly done in u·ood & stone. \"nu must view it to enjoy! COWGE PARK (ORIGINAL! \Veil located 3 bedroom. 2 bath contemporary home on large lot. Built·in elec. kitchen, en· closed lanai. P riced at . . . . . . $3 1.000 . MESA VERDE...;;:\'ACANT (CUL DE ~AC). t .. arge lot. among the !inest of home s. Here is you r lot -to build your own home, just the way you \\"Ant. A real buy -only .. .. • .. .. . .. .. . S20.000. DANA POINT OCEAN VIEW LOT Panoramic ''ie\11 or white water & the ,·iew & lot is you rs for only $12 .500. BUSINESS O,PORTUNITY 'i"our chRnce to go into business ror yourself. Nol a frAnchise. Onlv $10.000 & you step into goin$: "Taco-Tio" .shop. C~ll for complete dela1ls. 644-7662 CORBIN -MARTIN Newport -Corona cl1I M•r • Cost• M•sa --4~-~.-1-;i, ..... ' ..... ' .. ... ' General IORISI L OLSO\ '" P E AL roRr OPEN 7 DAYS ,\ \\-~EK SPANISH RANCH Hors.el, Dogs, View Ra 1nbl111g "! srory ··Old \I orld 1·ha rrne1'." ~ mal!:<11·r bunk· h•>U:<(' l>fit r>'lon1.~. llu~" pan- •'lt"I l ..111111~ ••.nn1 ".t"o" plf-, HU'!' ll HWl(I\\• ,.;pei.:11tc·11lar 1 1•1e11 or roll111;: 1n011nr;i1nl!. I RP ;or sk111 1·u·i:: flrr placr . I (i .g;it1fl1; 'l,i() >ii!. !I dn-an1 kJll't1en. \Vall nl i:::lass fol f'IP1•atM palio . .7.oner1 ror ' hOl'l;~ and dogs. I FULL! ,\CRE. Pr1co>d ro st:ll. Hur-1 ry ! Dial 645-0303 2'1!19 Harbor. ('os1.1 ,\lC'sa HlKtST E OLSO\ .... . 11 £A l 'O ll S WANT ACTION??? \\"E"RE SOLD OlIT. RIJSJ. NESS llAS R~:N SO 1'f.:R. f{[t'lr. ~10~..-r (1~· OUR LISTl!l.'CiS ARt" i\011' IN f :SCHO\\". O\\'N EI : • 1:--1- \'F.STCJf!S ARE 110 \"ING HF.t'{)RE I N T ~: R EST n .\TF:S (;Q 1 ·1 ·~ C,\l.L FOR A 1-'ftF:E APPf!,\l.<:.r\!,. NO OH!.!\.AT!O.\'S. II-" Y 0 U \\'A.,'\"/' ;\ 1-'A~J' SALE LET PROFESS !Oi\Al~". 1.\' A 1.0:\G Tl~·l~: ~::-;TABl.!SH­ F:D OFFICE, HF:Pll:ESENT YOU. A CAI.!. 1.c; .-\LL YOU ?'.'E:ED 'J'O DO. Evening.~ C:ill 612-i-l::S BUSINESS PROPERTY J,'11 h . f1unta.l{r :<. l·HI !1, rlf'pfh, 7.0nf'rl C-2 11 uh f'.\ls'.~ 111):: A1110 rl'p11 1r gar•lt;r. F.XTRA b(lnus IS a ;\ hed- room ho111r on ;"l()·x1.w· r.on• t1i;:11011s Int, 7.0ll t'{l R-2. S15.00J. (lo"" n. S-'5,000. full pli ("r , Newport •• F•irvi1w 646·8811 (•nytim1) HOME FOR SALE Ont nf rhr n1r1~1 W.1111t1 ru1 hnmM _1011'11 t(nd 111 \!r~a \'r1d,. ~·,.11111rf'~ ~ brd room .1 b01 Th<, 11111!1' ~1,.p-clnwn r,1111.l.1 1'•>111 wuh hnr k fire- !Jlf«'" .111.1 "rt Q11r. and ,11 lorn1ill d111ini;: 1'1o'ln1. ~lu~t hi• ~rr11to\1111prl.'r111 ·r 1111 th" f'•.:!1':1)1 lf"idr a Plo! nu1 . Jr llp.:1rklP, l1kr 11 n1or1rl ll(lmf' ;..nd p.r1rPr1 a! $1!i .!f."~I l'or 11101"' 111fnn n11rmn nr a p- po111 T111Prll !11 ~1'•', p II 0 n ~ ;, lj;.:.i.•, 1:: 1-0· THE REA!, \"-ESTA'l'ERS ' . " ., ' NO YARD WORK HERE! Al...-, 3 P')OI~. ~11un~ h11 fti, Ja· i·u:..z1. 2 1tnn1~ <'<lU rl"!!, all )UUr" in "•1.io) S1arr "Re.al. ly 1i1·1n11:" 1n th1~ 4 brllroom eoinclnm 1n111m. r I c> s " to l.l<'~c·h Only S:lO){IO ,/C;,,,,,,. co:Ts ·~WALLACE · REALTORS -54'-4141- (0pin Ev1nings) -------£E!E§_ CAN'T FIND 117 1t \\'ILL Bt:ILD _\l(lur dn!l.l.1 hon1 e. Hal'e ~111 !1 for com- plete home packlil"e. P u! .~our cor1fidr!K'f' 111 OUT ~9 yrar~ nr quaJlly ru~rom home builtiing. ~ f!':<ampl"' of pn'll'tuci at 2006 G11 l11 \y, DnvPr Sboret. Ivan Wells & Sons • 642-2511 • \\'ELL locale.rl E--s!M, C.M. tr\plt-~. 2 BR't !!-It h, tned y&.rd~. 211.r11.r.!-. in~,,TTI(' $4 20 mo. s:~.500. By onr, 642-Mll "'r'll hrlp you ~II! 647-!i871 Gener•l General Ope11 Ho11ses THIS WEEKEND leep 11111 ha11dy tlir•c1or, whh yo• thl1 wee•end •I yo• 'JO hous•·h1.1nrin9. A.II the locotion1 li11ed below or• desc.rilM'd In 'Jl~l•r derail by odv•rti~lt'J elw- wi..•e In 1odoy'1 DAI LY PILOT WANT ADS. Po,,ollS 1howh19 open houw' for "rl• or to rent ore urqed to list 1uch iniormario11 I• thl' column eoch Fridcry. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 Bedroom 1312 !Jolphin 'l'errace. ('ornna del l\la r 673-8550 S47.:JOO !Sal. ~'\:. Sun. 1-5 ::ID) l::l l:? l1nlph1n Trrr lr\·1n(' ·rcrrac::e. /'\ H. 67~-8~50 847.500 1Sat & Sun. 1-5 ·30 l 2 Bedroom & Fam. or Oen !7~i :\nt iqua . ]Jover Shores 6..\4-7662 1 Fri Sn1 1Sun J-51 1213 ~'\.-1215 \Ve~t l:\ay .<\1· ISalboa 1~enln 642-5200 tSat & Sun 2-5) 41 ~ San Bernardino !1\11\·pt l/gts \ !\r.n . 042-5200 fS Jt S..: Sun 1-5) 3..\·t 1::. l6l11 St ('os!a r<.Je~a 546-5880 l S<11 & Su11 12-5 l Bedroom 1927 J\•l;_1 r1ners J>r. 1\Vestc.:l1fJ'1 i\.13. 642-ti472 : 673-:J468 eve. (Sat & St>n 1-5) 2207 \\'aterfront SI.. Co rona del J\!~r 644-7662 1Sat & Sun 1-5) 307 Aba lone {L itlle Island ) N. B. 675-4000 (Sa l & Sun l-5) 537 Vista Granad<i t'fhe Bluffs1 N.B. 6i5-3210 $42.5-00 j Su11day) J Br. & F am. or Dfln :!ti50\ 1\!icantc. t l)ean IJ01nes \ !\l is1'1on \1icio 8:l7-i677. $:.:!9.500 1Sat & Sun) * 1820 I r villc Av. NC\\'jlOI"\ Beach S5G,500 642-3187 I Open !)ail) l *640 St. .Ja1nes Rd . 1 t 'liffhaven I N. B. f~6-fi00 1 ; fi7 5-Rfl00 fDall y 1-5) 2303 F::iirhill. l 'os ta \lc:>a · 646-.1255 ! Sat s, Sun 2507 Ran11Joo 11·:asllllt1!f 1 N.r.. li44 -ll:l.1: 044-0940 Eve:-;. (Sun to riuskl 1927 Santiag-o 100,·er Sh0res1 N.n. li4·1-24:JO: 83.1-0700 !Snt S.:. Sun !·51 2042 (;;;tl;:ixy i)r. (Dover Shores) N.R. li42-A2.35 fSat & Sun) 15:19 Priscilla Ln. !llc1rbor llglds) N ·H. 675-3210 (Sunday) **301 i\1orth Star Ln fJ)o,·er Shores I N.B. 67:1-3210 iSund<iyl 281 2 \!iff Dr .. Ne11. por1 ncach · 64fi-il 71 1 Sa1 ii Sun 1-.''il 54R \'i"l •1 (:r,.nc!f'. ·rhc Bluff:-; 67 :l-3550 S4.~.500 <Sun !-:l l 4 Bedroom *;JJ46 ,.elln\1Stone !Jr. f "os l;-i .\le:-;i 540.1943 $30.900 ~Sat & Sun 1·5) 18t1:l9 Evergrern c·r 1··ountain \'alle'" 9ti2-4310 S2G.&OO t Snt ,\: Sun 12-7) *20 15 Bayadcre 1 Jrvi ne ·rerr l f 'd:\1 fi44-24.10 :· 8:l:l-Oi00 (Sun 2-6) *1701 Irvine. i\1c\11port l::each fi44-4910 ::i55.000 (,S;:it S.:: Sun 1-:il 4 Br. & Fil m . or Den 23fi \\"RkC J<"o rcst J1C!.. ('os1a ~!es;i 5-19-200."i !Open 11oily) 21172 :11ra!h1nnnr Ln .. Jluntin_g\011 Bch. !:16~-1 012 $~10.500 (Sat l'\z Sun 1-5 \ 2871 l~<ivshn rl' !Jr , N.JJ. il3a\'shnrc:il fi7 5-S!i80 : 642-7781 1S;1 l "& Sun 1-5) 2717 ('jhola /\\' .. c·osta i\·lesa 5-11)·5880 S3:1.!J50 I S;i t & Sun 1-5) 2il.'i Rl11 l'.' \liatcr Dr. ( /3roaclrnoor 1 ('di\1 fi42-~:JM tSun 1-S) 1217 ,'\: J'lJ9 \\c ~t l~a\· ,\1· l~nl ho;i l'enin. 6-12-:'i200 · ! S;it ,'\: Sun 2-5 1 2224 r';1C'i !ic J)r ('orona dr l i\l<ir fi7.i-:/i21i !S:-tt S.:: Su n 1-.il 2.101 .\rb11 tus (J<;1.~l hl11tl1 :-; r: GiS-!"i!/.':O 1Snt ,~· S11n 1-S :!Ol 4tili !ln ~hur 1· l f ';1111co Sh ore.-.1 ('cJ \J li44 -·)-1.10: n:r:-OiOO !~0\lll 1-.ll 2.'i 12 l.1 :..hthr111 ~r l.11 Cor•1)1t1 <l ei :'llor li.!4-2·1.10: l!:l:{-0700 1Si1n 1-5 1 liOi <":indll'!>l ick !.11 1r::i)rrcst \ :-.; 11 ti.j4-~-i:io : n:1:1-01on 1Sun r-.'11 ~Sf! S ;.1 111 ;i ls;1bcl l'l:H'k J:a 1 .'1-t3-4f:·l'.1 /(Jpc-11 ~;11 ,\: S1111 1-.il *10~:~ r1olphi11 ·rerr r lr\·111c ·rerr. 1 l"rl .\'I li4 1-82:;5 /S;it & Slllll 410 l\l0r11ing S1 nr 1 Ll01 er Shuresl >:. H. 644-4fl!O ~l<l:l.000 !Sal & Sun !·~) **II Linda Isle J)r /L1nd::i Isle) N It ri44 -4fl10 -~l.'i.i .000 I Sat S,· Sun 1-3 :50) 2352 Orchid I !ill , San tJ AnH 1-lgl s. 64&-7171 /Open Sun 1-5) * 19.10 Lee11•ard. :'\ic\\·port Hench 64fl-7171 (Sun 1·4) 61~ \'ia Lido 673-7:100 5 Bedroom Nord 1L1do lstel N.B. i S<tt & Sun 5 Br. & Fam. or Den 1924 ~lolid a.v Rd . IBaycrestl /'\.!~. 6-14-24:10 : 8.13-0700 !Sun 1-5) * 1027 l\lariners IJr., I Uo ver Shore.c; I N. H. Mfi-1550 rDailyl *2006 GEllaxy Ur. (Uovcr ShoresJ N.H. 6-16 -15!;0 !Daily) DUPLEX FOR SALE J Br.&TBr. 720 N<1rciss11s, Corona dcl ,\tar 67fr5726 (Sat & Sun 1-.5) CONDOMINIUMS F'OR SALE 2 B edroom~ **5 \\:c:;1cliff \'ilia . N.B. Buckinghan1 646-7684 \Vestcliff al ISat £..: Sun) J Bedroom' 2150 \'1:;:ta lJorado. 1 Bluffs) N B. 847·3188 ISat & Su n WATERFRONT LOTS FOR SALE **1641 l'\ay.~iclc N.B. 642-8235 (\1achls1n nn·s C"nve) rSat & Sun) *Pool "* * Wot•rfr•nl ' -·- General Pele r/Jarl'e f l Rea ft'J p1•e:Jenl:1 MOST POPULAR AREA MOST POPULAR HOME PLAN -\'011 n1us! sec tlus 4 bedroo111 hon1e th a t has been exquisitely and profess 1011aJl_v decoraled_ 'l'he price Includes lhe furnishings -and Hay vieY<'. 2715 Blue \Vater Drive. ('d~I. (Jpcn Sun. I to 5 CONVERTIBLE HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION -('an bC' in- stantly changed frorn 2 bedroorn . den and studio apart1nent to ..\ bcdroon1. fainil_v roon1 a nd dining r oon1 Salc.sn1a11 tui property, ~alur<lay & Sunrl~y '.! 10 5 1~13. 1215, 1:!17 1219 \\"c ~t B;i\ ·\\'(• .. l~a!boa Peninsula. ( · LOWEST PRICED BAY VIEW HOME CHARMING CA.PE COD -2 Bedrooins anrl fan1ily roon1 \Vith sliding cloors to a lovely .carden and pa1io J·:ating area in kitchen a s \Veil as separate dinu1g roon1 . Pr·ice of S-19.f!OO includes land . 41.'i San Bernardino . N.B .. ()pen Sat. & Sun. l -5 CHARMING PENINSULA HOME BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED -;) 1.:~ed­ room \Vilh ocean vie1v l'ro1n spacious tainily roon1. :?. fireplaces plus rnany other extras. ~65,000 . BAYFRONT-DOVER SHORES JUST WHAT YOU'LL WANT -6 l:ed- rooms. living roorn "'ilh cathedral ceiling. cozy den. lovel.v Bayside patio fo1 s111111111.~ or entertaining plu~ separate pla.1• ~·ard Pier and side tie $130.0'JO. General General SAY "HELLO" TO A GOOD BUY •\ 1 1~ hlock fro1n·llH.'·Ml·:.\t'll IJllPl.EX has a :l Bcdroo1n & a 2 Bcdrot)111 01111 plu:-I Rc-d· ron111 111-la\\' quartt·r~ Lois of shag r·arpe!111 :..:. !\('\V buill1ns ;ind 111 lnp shap1•. ·ri-:Hi\'IS'' Pick th is 011c for $76.950 -------- "ADDS UP" TO A GOOD RETURN l!ere :i re 27 spunking NE\\I \f)tll."I' .\P.i\!f['. l\IF;N'l'S. con.~i sting of 1-2 &: 3 hcdrnu111 t1n11.~ 11 ith 1 8.: 2 ba1 hs. f(':it:1r111 ;.! n pool . b:1r·h·q area, r ec roo111, 111d i\'tclt1:1I f.:arages . built111~. shag rarpetin~. rn re!:'d air hC'<ll. lnunclry fH· «ilitic:> aud a1v<1rcl 111111011 ~ l<111c\.-.('::tp1ng,_ Let us sl10\\' \'OU t hese hpa1111fullv tlt•s1g11c-d anrl bnilt uniis. \\"I th a prOJ('('led. <:H OS:-: l\H 11.- 'J'lf'LIEI{ of fi .9. Heally a bu~· at S42:::!.ono. "WHEN YOU'P~ HOT YOU'RE HOT" Let's <:nol-off. si 0~1\ DEL i\L\H 2 1•1·l a\\' qu:1rt('. \\'011·t la~t at 1 the h10 1l \\"<'1 1n c '(IH- Vl' fi Jn\~t'I \' il'-. pl11..; Ln\1' n1a1nle1J<i.:H·t• It Sl27.000 BAYCREST I LIKE NEW -4 Berlroon1 <ind fa1111l y ronr11 , heated and tillered pool. en\ ered p;:i110. I spr inklers, fenc::ed side yard for bu.1l nr· c._·;1n1p- I Cl'. $69.950. LUCKY. LUCKY YOU!! (·l1HON 1\ IJEI. l\1.\ll 1)LIPLEX--l_i pper IC'v l'l rrnnl unit ha~ 2 lJPdrnci11l'-. torn1:ll dinn1g rno 111. f1rrnlaee, ln11\l 11i:-. LOl\Pr level has IN·l.1\\V quarter~. pr1\;1lr i:nt r<1n1 ·r firl·· 11lacr . lar):!c tJatl1 Hat·k un!I 1 ~ an :idor;iblE·. l;11·gc 1 hc<irooni .i\ gcrn ;ll ~(J 1.son LARGE R·2 LOT I EAST COSTA MESA -1 l~edr0nn1 hnu sc, roon1 and plans for 3 n1ore uni1s. S28.500. i ,MOTEL YOU ASK FOR IT Lrl us shn\\' vou this <'\I ra sh.1rp. :-pl1t l!·vrl . 2 bcdrQnlll, 1·1 .. ~ b<llh honH' \1·11h \1a!l lo \\":·111 c<1rpet1ng :-i11d lluill·ins ('lubhousc ,\: P')t!\ \1'!1h ll's '"N O l '1\HE'0 pr1v1le gcs .I\ rP<ll find al Will EXCHANGE FOR RESIDENCE, DUPLEX OR ? -12 Units <lnd coffee shop. corner n1ajor high\V<ly. (~o ffee s holl leased $35-0/!'vlonlh. Offi~e Open Sa turdays & Sunday' PETE BARRETT REAi. TY 1605 Westcliff Or., N.B. 642-5200 Gene ral SPECTACULAR VIEW Of bav ,'i.,;. nc:ean. exciting. hoth dav ,'\z n1 <Jht '!'hi:-; ne\1' listing in fashionable Jlarbor \'ie\v I !ills. <I Redroon1s \1 ·ith mag11ificen1 !>u11kcn ·"'1 in1111in g pool i11 t:nrnplctel ,v privatr v;irrl. Fa1ni!y rnon1 \l'i\h bJ r. poolside i.;n11rn1e t k1\- t·hcn \l'ith rntrall('C' lo 111idcrgro11nd 11·int:' <·ellar $79.500 CAMEO HIGHLANDS f\11cely dc1·ora1ed ~ hedronn1 ho1nc <'!rr1n S.- .~harp as ran be. "'ilh .c;epiira\C' din1n i; roorn, l;irgc grassy yard. lo1·a 1ed on a <1uie1 i'.frC'cl. $52.800 LIDO ISLE r.:iv \'1r1v ho1ne 011 ~ lnt.c:. on exel 11~i\'(' l.idn 1.~lr. \1'11h :l berlroo111 -. t : hnoklinrct r!rn. Lo,·rl~· Spani.c:h l rl<' r nlry 11·1th 11 a1er fn11r- !<li11 . SpiH'ious h;iy Y1r11 l 1 v1n~ ro11n1 P~H'll<: nnl o rru·lo.~ed v:ird s .. i.;:irrlen .1 1·;1r J,!ar:1-:::c $1 24 .200 HARBOR COMPANY REALTORS "SINCE 1944" 673-4400 General -Waterfront - Corona del Mar 1.ast large fee parrel on Ne1vport 1-lart>nr. 1-\pprox. I acre -170 fl . on \v.1ler. v:ilh 3:100 ~q. fl. heath hon1c an<I dock . \Vii i :>ell all or parl. Priced under ron1parahlc "·aterfront prorerties. $23.800 TIME TO MOVE UP?? \Pl'E.\I. !;.\l.C)HI~. i11 ils 3 ron111 v herlr11(1il\\. ~CJ">.:\O ' .-.nlar111111. :l hath.~. 2 f1r1•pla 1 f'" lH1!.!C' 1·0\C'rC'cl 1Jat 10 1~1r ;itrd 111 tl n· \'l·rv ('\"4·111.<:1\r pnrv .\·rr. r,~·r.,·r1·:s. 11el1gh1ru1 ;1L s:-1!! :100 ~ ~~o·••o<•••r• REALTORS' 644-7270 '2828 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. JJntfa J J£ PRESTIGE W ATERFRONT HOMES 3 Linda l~le Drive l .O\'t'IV nc•1 ft'on l t1v r1n I 11] II frpl1 I 1r{·pL11·t· f> BI L 41 ~ l);i hn1111· '' 11 .11~·1 .~ (l tn r1n (>al. 11:1 1u·lt·d 1:.11111" ~l a ~tl'r HI: II '-11 1111,L'. a!'ra ,'\· :'i I 7H ~,oq 1'2 Linda Isle Drive t·:lc;.;an l. 11t·11· :")H f! ·11.! h;i h1 Jl1l(' II l1J l'l1 \,i1 din 1'111 . fa111 l'lll . I\"('! h:t r 11ll ]ll"C'!'.S1Vf' ('II· try c·o uJ'\ 11• Iii ft 111 ,\1111g 1lnor.~ $179.iiO ll 92 Linda Isle Drive 1:e;i11l . !) !Jll ·1 !);1. tui11'1c \\' f0r111;:1I d111 1·111. & fa111il y rn1 . :l Frplcs. ()ul ~1dc ~l:111'1\'~1 v . J~uill·1n gun 1..:abinct l\,· book!o.11el vc:-$lS!"1 .00fl 72 Li nda 1,1. Drive Open Sunday 'l'rnd1t1onal ti l:IL ;,1 ~ ha l10111c ion lago(1J1 . \.\' do{'k, 3 C<ir ,gar. \V;i tcrlro111 l1v . rrn. l'I.:. lor1nal din. rr11 . :-.c p h:unil v rzn 2 inaslcr 1311. ,,uitc:-. S:l1K).OOO F11rn .. $.175.00tl unfurn. WATERFRONT LOTS No. 44 : JOB Fl. on \l'at er NI). 7fi : 3 ('ar garage. f{educ:cd In i\10 . 88 : 108 Ft.. \\"ilh plan ~ For Complete Information ~l:l5.000 s 77 .000 8145.000 On all home1 & lot1, plea1e call: BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR New Location al Entrance To Linda Isle -The Islanders Bldg. Phone; 642·2171 or see your broker ~~~~~~~~~~-~~ 341 BAYSIDE DR., SUITE I, N.B. 675·6161 I Gen~ral General * 5 BR-. -*-!~:SHDOWN * EXCLUSIVE * IRVINE COVE EASTSIDE Bl'.1hi;:. rl1n1ni; · rnl , lurnil,v rn1.. buill0 1n kl!ch , dhl. I .i:arngr plus 10.'nrk11hop. Oul duor ;;a.s RBQ &-i.:a:-. rnri·h. Beaut 2.Jrvrl lrKhc•pi:: 1n ! h;u•k )11r1! Lncaro.;I 01111u1"1 1·111 111• .~lie .~l ri•c•I. l\sk1~ s 11.;.IJ(}. CHIL T ROBINETT REAL TOR 64S-Ol28 I 2303 FAIRHILL-- OPEN SAT-SUN l-S :: Bcdroo111s. 2 balh~. Lai•i;:-c: r !ltio lor ou!donr l1 vit1j.( s:11.~:.o /\G~:NT fi tfi."l<': •. 1 \'nt1 ll rPnlly l..'tl inln nrh1! n\'1•r 111,~ L>ic:, roon1y, C<o!On- 1.il, 2 ~1ory ponl homr. llui;:-c n ·/"""tr1..r1011 /"ll)l11 ad.t01ns l11n11ly p lf11T'I. 1;1i.:11n t1c. 11100. •·1•n k1.l•l1o·n \1/c•f'r11tnll" !tic • !\Unlt'I" !up-. I B1 •d!f1on1~. !' ~ h:o!li-lorm11I 1l+111n!; 2i1ll1 •ti. fr fll ra n1dy J1v1n::. Jusl rf'<._h.11'f'il 111 S-1.11.~ This gracious hon1c has 3 bedrooms. fan11Jy room , den; 3 car garage, hobby \\'Orkshop : htult-in electric kitchen "1ith hu,ge breakfast hflr . Residenls of thi s exclusive, one of a kind rirea . enjoy !heir o\vn privale, sandy beach 11•ith lifeguard prolection. This home is .sharp: l1lease call for appoint111cnt lo show. CH IL T ROBINETT, REAL TOR 645-0128 /Ca... COATS I ~ WALtACE General 1-G-,ec-n-:ec-ra':'.l'OC:c-==:---· I REAL TORS O\\'NF.:n Lt~AVJNG !1t11tr . ~ * 2 DUPLE XES* Open Evening' Aclr·n1 .. l h111h~. huizP h11n1ly 1 N1•\\!'I'. 1HdP hy s1d1·. S1•ll onr • 9Q2-44S4 • /'Ill. t1~1!1Jll"lt f,~; •. ln.'l.n 1 " htlth 3 BR Z ll;1 ,.;,, r-.·1~1u• ---.., .... -----1 f>1f11!l;: 1'11l, 1-lflQ 111"1']111 , !lar•h $52,f,(1(1 r'Hf'h 6 l'i\rf.11 _:-E11~t'>1llr (' '.11 fll'I<, ~lS.l\f'f! llrlrn U l !in'~ GeOrge Williamson ('I"'" 10 .~1·h•••I• & •htip~ il~v~ 111 812-tiffil, t \'J::o;. at Realtor l•nrllM r (f, llllr~ fil2 ~~lfll .11 1~-il(J:;. 1 67J.4J50 • 645-1564 ----' .. ' Fr1da1 . .August 20. 1Q7\ DAIL V PI LOT J."J --~ --------- General General Gener-al THINKING OF SELLING? Let us he lp , we will buy you r house for its lull value . The on ly additional expe nse is I 0/0 of th e selling o, we also hav e a waiti ng list of qu alifie d buyers w:, .. ;).. sire to move to th e Costa Mesa-Newport area. If you ARE cons ide rin g selling 1 pl ease call our off ice. You wil l receive friendly co ur teous se rvice -absolutely no obligation, it doesn 't cost anything to investigate our se rvic e -you might even save! 546-8640 2629 HARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA 546-8640 - General General -~ BAY & BEACH REAL TY, Inc. Call for your copy of 01•r brochure with pictures & prices. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5 VIEW -VIEW -VIEW inu· \11c-\1' of h:1\' & nl'ean. !Jelt.~hlfull y 1h'tor· <l\C(I ·l l)H. S,· l'i1n11l v r111., \vi1h fnr111;.1I d 1n1ni.; 1·n1. ,y_ brkf:-! r1n. · l·'or1ncr ~loclcl I lon1e IS on(' nf 011r lil'SI bu vs ;it ,~il·l .Hr-10 :lli07 St\llS.\- L.l'J'() 1nft :\l:1r)!t1Pi·i1e l. THE "EVERYTHING" HOME llcl'a n~1de of 1·o;:i s1 111\.V 111 l "t1rona del l\l,1 r. ·r h1 ..; lln11u• b:is cver\·1111 1il!. :! Bd r n1.~ n d111- 111!_!-d\•1i . l\.op]H'l"-l\l'l!ll'-1\ l\t:hl'll II 1\h lot:-{lf H"i'd hru·I. 1:1·:i1·1(·d t'l•il':o. fr pl1 plu:-:1 1·h.111tl!ll).! ~Ht•.-.1 :ipl II !Ill IJ;11h t11r ··1 11-l:n1 .... "r !f't•J1;1t!Pr ·:-. rPlr(•:11 s:l:! :100. OP EN SAT .. SU N. 3-6 P.M . 319 POINSETTIA LEASE WITH OPTION? \1\ ('\("Pl lC'nl nppor11u111 ,\' In oc-c-up_v i-1 dr:o.lltH '· 111 t' :t tilt . 2 b:11h hr11111• 111 .t ;1 half-l1h11·k l !'Oltl lhr be uvli. Incl ude:-;i 11Hif' SU ft lot.~ ;1 '-l'JI· <1 r;:11 f' ~1ir-.1 llll ,\: h :1lh OPEN SU NDAY 1-5 21 9 NARCISSUS ONE OF A KIND ·r111, l ·1 :-H·r1· \I :1., :-;elt·r·ti·d by tl!i.' de111IDp('r ol Shor'r·1·l1!'1's ,\· ('0ron;1 ll1 ~:hJ;.11ids l11r h1 :-11111i li111n(• ·r111:; 141\"{'I\' IHlllH' h;is ·I 1:11 .'i b;_1lhs ,~· ,1 l :1r:~1' pool 'l'lif~ :! ! ":i r ,i.::1r<1t:l' ,v_ ~ 1·;1 r- port:-. p1·i111 dt· a1nplc park111 g. 'flit· p;1n1irn1111t· Ill'\\ g 1v1•.; ;i fl'('l1ng \"OU ill"!' ··1.n1•(t 1d ;ill .\(Ill ~ur\'<'.1 ·· $!75 ooo \1"1 111 i111ere"'1 only oil ~H9 .SOO. MOST EXCEPTIONAL DUPLEX ( 'ln_,,. In u11r f1nes1 heach th is luxury <1 11plcx h:t~ 11\(1 -.plcndul <!Jll" llllf' 11f 4 nn 1\· rlen the u1h('I" 'l l;!l ,\·den 'rhl' O!"('.Lli \ll'\I IS l'lf',11' l·"1q· 1111• 1p1:1li1 \' ,'<:,: lot";.l [llJll \111 :-1:-, :lti px<·1·lll'1i1 h11 \· ;ii s1:J4 .!l{l0 WATERFRONT WITH SLIP ll.1 \C 1•our l1nat flip lr1 :18 JI ~<it your trend l\onr• ,'\• ft-.h 111" .~\11111 I ro111 I h(' :o,,111d\ ht•HCll lrr1n 11nc nn ll11 s 1·nstf>lll·hu 1l t hn111l· '1\11/l 11~ 11\u l:11·1:j• p .111 11.~ 1~ :1 ('ilr ;.:;-11:tgl'. ln lilt!t!lt' 11;il(•1I1·r.11I 111 \1•11 p11r1 for nnl ,\' :ii70,;}00 HAVE OPENING 1 .. <1r !O:x pcr1r11c1•d S;ilesn11:11 Sr·c \V;.iltcr I f;1;1 s1· 675-3000 2407 675-6426 E. Coast Hwy., CdM General G~nera l * * * * * * * LITILE ISLAND * J UST LISTED :i Hdru1 '.; h:1 !hs plus lan;:ii, 11ecenlly rcrnnd- etcd. L.cc . 11 \'ing rni 1vi1h hean1ed ce1I ,'it. cu .<:\01!1 sh1111cr~. IJel11.'<c kilchen. $fi!l.!IOO OPE N 1-5 SAT./SUN. 307 ABALONE * CORONA DEL MAR * CHOICE LOCATION SO. OF HWY. 2 Bdr n1 . honle plu s l·hdrn·i. ap1. Sho\vn app·1. only. $52.500 Call 13clty Huf(·hins * BA YSHORES * AN X IOUS OW NER :l Bdrn1 . 2 balh hn1nc l.gc. p;i 110~. <:ar~gc ,1· ('lcr opener :l5 1G V1s!a .. <\IJ offers s11h- 11111tcd. ,\sk for !\i("fda f :1b ... n11 . CLARK SOMERS, REALTOR 306 Marine, Balboa Island 675-4000 * * * * * * Read The Daily Pilot Classified • General CUSTOM BUil T ~ ! l:•'•lo••n•I loi •lll!· ,i..1kf' n•>l. ~··r1 11•· 1••1'.-11, •ru . .1 11.v r~i-:- 1u·1· ,\ olr;q~·-ian:.:•·, I'~ [1 'I.: 11.1,;ii n1a1·h, di•Uh~ ~·u , :1 ['I .I 'S I l:Pdn~•~ :!l"''I 111111~0· \I,!, 111 1\;l .... n,i11 ,,,,1 \",i. ... 11 • :-;,,e ~ l\•Oll' SlJ,950. :: -. ·. OCEAN VIEW LO( \\!-.SI' .;1r11·; i :1.t :~·I-':\.~: \)1t1• ·1 ~I•'" I, !'\n·l l«nl :• It• •·:J1l><•<h••WI $\O,.'illl.::1 'I ' • oj, Ill II ( )\\ llo'r \\Iii:• "" ,. Roy McCa rdle Realtor: l•l11:>..-1'l ''"1 l:i\d,C.\! ., 548-7729 "' -~ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1·:1·0•1'\oltlO ' q11.1l1 l 11·~ tu ~~~luri; 1111,. 1 .. 11 11110·1·,.,• VA l•i.o ~ 'I 1,.,, ,), "l"d 1nnd•·r11 ·I twoJ: o '"'ill lo••111• 111 •jllli"I 1"4"'"\o d•'lll1.ol or,·,, "1111 1111 !111 11;: 111,, , ... ,~ lll•"il.11···. f;,1111~ 1'•1•1111 ,111,I "'''l"~il•'d l"I \\'I ~ pl• Ill\ •II '"""I loll i~'-tl ,)r io 'Hli I \\ d • IH p,11 "ili ~' 11'"'1' nnd ·h,,1•11111c U11{t _\'J!l,'I ~I •• l":oll ol1~l~I '"1""11 , . .,.,1 ~ -- outh oast ----· COSTA MESA EASTSIDE -· A-~11111, t :1 I""" ,,f \11. .fll) "' ""·" "" "" "' ·~ Sl1!lh1 1••1 11111 i;r.-.11 •or'! II• I 1 .. 1 "' II fwo 'I '" I• .lll•·t ·" , ' I , , I• I ''" lh , , 1, ll'l"f;' 0•1 I••\ 111.· • 11 • J1uo·1 h i~ lt••,hl.1 f'dtllh"<I lhfll••lll flf; '" 111·1' 1-:1•'• 11 ~11.1~ • ,u·r~ L; Ill ~ 11'1'1111111 : h11g r• lll'o t• t'''"'I <•I , ••II\• 11• ol <kll .<I'~ 1,.,•11-I· ••1'1t1 11 111111n; ,,1.,, 1 ;1 ~11.,•l""""'·Flf1 1!111 <1•11111 1ol •o1 "' ,i 1l,1hl o·, =·1 Walker & Le~ ~7·~1 llu1·i1r11· 1:11·.t ~1 1 ,\d,<11 rl. ·,1,,.(1 I<:, ( !l'"H Id 'I I '\I : . OPEN SAT . & SUN_; 1-5:30 1312 Dolphin Terrace Irv ine Terrace Fr.-.,. fr•1fl) 11-•i-r a1hf h ~•l"rl lo,\ II•<.' "''l'.111 h1•'4!/I' l:••t01l r .. r hn.11 .111•1 1r.11l<•r .111 . ...r $1;,.~JIJ l'l11n11· ti7~-SJ;,f] ~m• -!800-PRESTIGIOUS SQ. FT. \<>r• al!rm·111,• I •~·1!1 ••111t 111••1io'I l":1d•·d \\ilh •'\lrr1s.- l'•1t•I .1nrt p.d1u .,,,,. l.1! l.1t1~ ul 1110 1• Ill I''\., Wlll k 1\ 11111~( «<·r !•11· lh•· d1~1·1i1111na 11nq IJU."f'I' Fnr 11ppn1n11nrnl , ••all \\'11!1;('f ,'i, l.•'t', flf'Rlhll"S. Walker & Lee ilP,tll•>r• ~'-' 'I•' BAYSHORES VIEW & POOL \\,,h.,/r.onr 1•11~1 ho1111• I nr • hdri n~ Vn•1< ll11n1 !ll<l.-.1 t'••n1~ ~i F1 lul ~1>r1 r1ous y11rtl. i :ru::.o;i0 '3Y 1ii1µ111 Bill Grundy, Realtor ::11 n .11,1.i.·, :-.:n Gr: ... 6161 t)\\":-0.1·.I: lll<~l't·:r:ATE . ·I npd 11~11n , 1 li;ilh~. lu11!1.n1 t'!llll.:I' ,~· '"''ti. f!1 -.h11a-.hrr•. r:1 1111I~ 1'1~!111, !'l'IU' l 11·ir~ 1111 1 .. ii 1,~:: .. ·d)ll \!111 '"ll j\1,.r;111. .i.1).~ :n ;1 10-li~lfl. I'll'·. fl/" o)l,)(_~l'~,X DAIL V ftlLOT [ -··-]~'(..--~---u.~)~I HweflfS• I~ I ~l~Ue )~ [ Mwe .... , ........................ , ......... .. G __ .,.._r_• .... • ______ .. IGen.ral Ce1ta MtH • FIRST TIME OFFERED --------· IASTSIDE l IORM. GI PLUSI 4 Ntrt 11lzf'd ~mom,, 2 REPOSSESSION hllrh•. al)f'cial c·arptttng, e ANYONF. CAN BUY e A.nllq utd k11r hen c·ab(Ml11, •• 11 t N th C t M• l Bamelor un1'" lor1ttl'd In to the rear or th~ proptrty. Hom~ hH J queen-siztd bf;c:lroom~. C.oraeou1 balh and all comple~ly rederor- at!d Jncom" from units 111 $220 ' J)l"r mo. Submit your OOWI\ pllyml'nf And )IVt l'l'llt r .)(("e f'll or oe a .... hf.~ m c•,.1lrngr. 11 n ti extra I ... . ,~ , t p1t lio Joratmn, !W'ar Oninge Cce.ttt ~f>e<'111 ''1"'"' ""~ Colli' t . 3 Bfflroom l bath, ovl'rfoc1k, rl'1Ullllt hshpood. di . J( tie d ood' 11 Qu1"1 prlvarv on rul-df'-~a r 1000n'~· d r w ""'11 00.ra. • 1 O• •,1 S own. r •I price \\Ith room lor ~s·u tr. ~~ ~ 11 t I thl $~ FREE. Full prl~ i~ $37.500, $:t1.:.II1() ~ ,. , 0 II mon y . Cali c a11 ~~M2• !OPf'n evet1 f~~·v'~vtry11ung, vacant. Walker & Lee \outh , Coast -- Cllll ·;,40.1151 1ope11 eve11.) .-. J 1190 Harbor Blvd. at Aclams ......... -~.,,_ .. NlllTAG( 545-0465 O~n 'ti! 9 PM ' IUt 1"'" * MESA VERDE *- liiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill _________ 2 ___ 4 BR, 2 BA. Top c-ond. in SUPER DUMP :i HOUSES -SlR,500 top lorarion, Corllf'r lot "I t:ood uwomt, clean older matul'l' II't>I'~. Ownf'r 11nx. h ... _ lh 1.A t l101nl'~ :1 hOU!\P!I. 2-2 Rr, I lous. Will llf'll htlow 11pp1·11 i-·r111r-u ,gn l t(1 .... p u·-~ A lo Br homP Alt on appl'OX 11111. A~kinl( S29.900 W 1 10~ M ;ill t1vr 11ppP1~. nng " ,111tr hll\ll!< ll nrl .1hoiPI '4 ~. .11cr'I' Al~11ys rentl"ri. rlown. ;)45-3946 or 54:i--4~7. hl'rlmom~. 2 hA th~. latnil) Pityl~ on all ~ homt~ Sl44. * COOL_* __ t<00m, o•111bll' fir rl11 rt and mo incl tuPs, rns; lnromt Covtt'ed patio . B-R-Q in 111 rgP 101 ''1th plMI) ot h'Om fll'Op, $322· mo . Pri<'f' walll'd yard , • BR/2 RA OVl'l'J!'l11"n tl'l'I'• T~rr1ll<' Sl~.:ioo ind. '<lrR loL Call f11mtly homf' neu jfchools. loratH'H' ori qturJ l'lll-<iP-sac, ownN' Rtvrrsid,. tiR9-5.'>.'i3 nr ALL . TERMS avall11blP. Th .. besl p11r1 I~ thl' prll'". IHllP 10323 Cam fl b I' 11 . S26,5Cl0. BROKER. 642-4~16 \all II.( for t1Prt1lt for ~t0t1I R1vrrs1'1t-_ l STORY ht1u11 only' BREN HARBOR VI EW STEAL Call :J.16-:ll!RO •Opr11 F'.vrs.\ Sp11r1ou~ near nt'W 4. BR .. 21"J Jo'anlai;tic bargatn at onl.v I 1 hllths. ~'am1ly &· dininjt rll1!\. $~.500 Whirh inrhtdP~ • mzn HlllTAGE Luxuriou11 thn101ll. lmmed-huge hf>cfrooms, 1.-,x20 ll1m- -~ M MA'll _ 1111r n cc up an <' y, •109. ii) room. lormal rl1mng '----"-------~.'>9,900. room, l b111hs, mrprl~ t.· TOT AL PRICE $24,000 Hom• Show RHltors drapes thruou1 plus nVPI' NO DOWN G . I. "Armrtu11r Houl!l'hunting" 1800 sq. It. No misprint or BUYERS 3:'135 F.. Cont Hwy., CdM mlstakr. Trade ~·our.~. s100 DOWN '1>!2-2~ Walker & Lee PAYMENT F .H .A. $29,350 for this fabulous 4 bedroom, 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 2 story houst with :I b111hs. 4 Id + f II R 545-0465 Open 'fil 9 PM Rrady tor yo11r occupancy am y m. NEW LISTING 11011 . Complr1,.1y 1·a1·pl'tt>d 3 l>alhs. la.r-gt room~! lh~-J BR 2 BA, prnfes11• rf'cfpr'r1. 1111·11ou1, 11lso rtraprs .• "iPlll' ou~. 4 bPdtoom, ram Y) h. xlnt area. Walk to schools I h ·11 h111ll-1n 1·1111li(e -oven . ,,.~ . . . ~tylt kitrhrn \\llh 81 Ill -. h r' I !'140-17:l0 move In before !\rhool in 1nrll1rf1ng <hc;h"' ashrr· "'38 er. 11 Pp RN'. · • 1t11rts. Hun·v• noubl .. "llrllJZP Srhool~ anrl TARBELL l9SS Harbor I . · It . , .. ~--. --a rw1n rea y, inc. i1hopp tng nr11rby. Lf'I us BEACH BARGAIN 21:761 Rl'ookhul"!lt, Hn :~n Brh •how it to ,YOU. R<'au t. :i BR., family rm.. 546-5411 anytime Wa Iker & Lee ht1n~. 2 ,.11r ga1', A11 this 1or -.-~1r.sA oF:z. MAR * onl\' $2:.1,;Xl(), By 011 ner, ~ BR, lg llv rm . 27!IO Harbor Blvcf . at Adam~ CAYWOOD REAL TY l\. ba. 1111 '~/rrpt. Spat'. :l45-M65 OpPn 't1I !I PM 6:l06 W. roa~t Hwy., N.B. l11mily rm & k1trhP11. Sirlr MR. PRESIDENT: 541-1290 .)'rl fol' trlr or ~ Many xll'a~. ---DOVER SHORES ~3~·~00 assum. 51·~ % FHA . PRICE REDUCED ,'>4:r5694. Viti" Home -Galll.Xy Dr. ---- Spal'iou11 & icleal !or enttr-COLLEGE PARK :1 BR. 2 $1000. tor fa111 sate. La11?;e 2 lainin"' " indoor pool & RA r'am rrn, Many rxtrM. t1tot"' Mr!ta homf'. 4 Relf -"'' o "°2 p · n -' · . $122,000 • I 6as• or wnr1', L<> r1nceto11 r J'OOm, fllmnli( 1111d llll'RP 1am· Ja<'ll7.7.I "' " $29 n:n f "• SI r 000 -ref'. Bv app't. ·"·"'· ..ow rlown ..,.,;,....)'260 ily !'('Om SllJ>f'I' sharp tt11·11-:i, · o Sat ~ s ~~ Olli ;;&, ,.~ lnrHl rl\n hr ac;. Bill Grundy, Realtor -~n~ ._un · · · _ _ sumPrl, Full pi ic•p now l::H_Rays1de NB 675-6161 Cul-de-11ac :i lrg BR. 2 ha. s:H.!00 o" nPr mO\tng.e MESA VERDE-• paneled _'rAm rm. C'ov'cl norl'h-tt11rr~ 1 pa.tJo. 2'512 An<lovrr Pl , Call ;.,.10_1 I.ii iOpPfl ""'c;, 1 ;1 RPrlroom, lam y kl'f'htn, ~15-:i12'1. l'l\t'<'llPnl condition. $27,9:ie>. 4 BR. lamily POOL: lg,-JoL CONFIDENTIALLY Back Bay As~11mP 51.4 o/r VA 10;111, N>ducPcl p1·1rt to $?.{).900 V11ry pr e l t ) '. Ownf"t 540-194:). --..---. ....... ..-----.-,.,...,._ lh1ll'crtst k Mrsi1 riel M11r BY ownPr: 4 br/21!1 ba, F'or df'tails Wills Rlty 1"17 M;i1·1nrr~ nr. I~ thP r!in 'g Im. df'n, dintlll', 2 ;,.i&-77:\!l ' • spotless. ('OnVPl1U'lll, WPJI patlO ... , 2 frplr. :;it~84~. -----h · ~ BY Owntr-6% r·:. ai;~umiihlf' ii11~1inrrl & wPll t1ilt · 1e;iboa llland loan. S4000 dn. 4 BR. FR-2 Mrm. WP~trliff Hom .. 1h11t __ _,, ______ _ ~1111 haw• 11tway!< """'rrl. OlJPLE"' 2 h t . l BA. $32.950, Mesa Dtl Mllr " -r ups a.JN, 5.'i7-65.'16. cU'RT rDOSH 0 , ii~'alt~r-1 :::~~.0~;~;7 OW!lf'f. $ 49 ' 000 ---rBR.2h&~ Goo<flo<".- . Lovely yards. $2·1,9:,0 2 RR varat10n houg~ on M11nhai1 RPalty fi7~ &12.1;1n E"·~. fii:\-:1 1681 ~mall Joi . By owntr, $3:>.000. 17;\0 w. C'oai;I Highway fii;)..-2!!ri 4 RR, 2 RA, ramlly & dlning room. 231i Wakt Fol'l"st Rel ., College Pk 111·t11 . 54~200~. MESA VERDE POOL HOME WATERFRONT LOT South bay R~ OWnf'r fr 67J-~0 Dan• Point tmmarulatp 4 hdr. f'31"'~"'· Corona del Mar $22,9001 ,,,, RI F:l.,r1r1r krtrhrn FANTASTIC Rrarn 3 bl~. Orr11n """" 11\f.l?.f' !irPplR!'f', •lll'P palinl O VI J•1·plef'. I Brl homf'. Mr\\lt r 111,. ~p111·klini: 10x40 11 pool cean p& ~faly D •W in nPx l Sat 496-:m7 Ont\ 2224 8CI C r . ----------Hurt·\ on th1~ onr E t Bl ft · Ofll'!I S111 Sun. 1-5 Br11nd •• U $41, . .00 4 b-' ----------~-('1111 fii:J.R:i:I() nr"' t•u1<rom rn-JtVf'1 o-OPEN HOUSE $24,950 n11. plu1< fa mdv rm. homP. RP111111ful II\'. rm. l.r 11t11dy. '""I h~r, hlln krtch. ind. 2507 BAMBOO rt1shwa•hrr. rt111111Jo? & tii m. SUNDAY 1 TO DUSK ;ii·Pa . l,(l\ Pl.i mi;rr. h«rm. Luak • Eastbluff 11 lgl' 11 iilk-1n dnsrt", slirt· Cl 1 I I 1 no t Ill!? rtoor~ 10 ~11ncltck. J IJ '°'~" · pvp 1111 ' ' . 1.h k .. f11 mtlv rm. homr. nn lc;r lril 3 Id + F 'I R Rii 1hc 11' ~ .. a.11. r s rp · . aml y m. ..: ' Nrw ral'prttnl!' ,'i, rrr~hh• ~'.Irr ga rll.l?P 11oor op,.nrr 1 · "'"'"'~ rt"l'N lllrrl \~~11mt> 11trli;i• 1 Sl'.l!l "I()() pa1ntf'rl, ow l<'a~l'llolrl Sl. 'i 11pr 1'1An ll11t r fRrn -0 · p< · ·" Pl·1<'f'fl 111 S·tli .. 1()(), Plrase 11 nrr 11nx1ous, makt nflet'!' 1h 1 m dintn.11. rm , (J1·i-rl11l't'. ~ . p stop by, or C'llll • ~· he<lr~,n~. rf'nl hkt pa~· '<'f'~l<' __r:>Pt'rtiel! ~75-~7~ mPntt 540 1no OPEN SAT /SUN. 1.5 i , ~~ TARBELL 2955 Hubort 720 NARCISSUS [.. ~" J·1 (' -Cozy-Cottage 1 DUPLEX ~r.5t -'. "/ ~ 'i}U :l AR. 2 Be. pill!< Prl\'. p11110 .__ !\rar :"\l'WPQr1 lll'ight~. 2 ~n , f,,. ~unroom, oHiCt in gar-,/ •"' rcn l 1 \' l~l' k1trh ~ /hd<1i.I. r~')f)k, agt, AIS<J, f'harming l-bdrm. ~ " NP\\ly O"Mt'111HI 1n.:1rjp Sr ilHrage RPI. \\/lae. JUtnderk. 2111 V1sta Ori Oro 0111. \·a.cant. Ai.kin~ S21.!l00. {))l'n('r 1o1 k askin& only 1'of'WpOrl Brarh CALI. G) 64'·1•14 t5:l.:ioo. . •. !>44~:! ~4-0!110 Evf'~. BY OWNER, $ :lA, 00 0 . AMumt 6"~ FHA. rr1l <'1"'6n 4 br. 2 ha, att 6 It wk PndS ~:l!+-() 175. --------4 RR homr, 1-.. b11., a.-.sumablt 51-.. '7t> FHA loan. S:.!UOO. Ry owner. 962-4310 Irvine r A VIEW .. that nPver stops & ntver will. VfE\V lrom the HUGE matr. h«rm., VIEW fl'Om tht' Hv- '"~ I'm.. VIEW from the d1n1ng rm. Picture yourself on the 2-~ty. bakony over- looking TurlJp Ro<-k It tht>. su1·rouoding toothill11 &: the f11111rt Regional Park. You must SI'!' thl~ ONF. o~· A l<IND <''(l'('UllVP homt in UnivPr111ty Park. 4 Bdrm~., 21~ ba'~ .• family rm. SEE IT TODAY ! "f.l11h··1 \1lltt. -- -1lP111!11r "SINCE 1946'' lst WPll'tern Bank Bldg Univf'~ily Park Daya 833-0101 Nights --· ·-- TURTLE ROCK Rri111r1f11l, nt'1uiy nPw 2-iily., 4 hdrm., :i h11 ., largP fAmlly room " walk-in c•loset~ .. 1 Car g11ragP, p11tio. With lanrl. only ~5.950. ired hill 11F:ALTY U111v. P11rk Ce111t>r, Irvine C'all Anytimf' 833·0820 Huntington Buch 4 BEDROOMS $21.9:,0,, 2 BA . $2'.{()0, fTl(Wj) 1n, Sl"llrr na.vs 11 II <'O~f~. p;i,vmrnti< lrss lhAn rrnl. 1•rp1s, <11'])!;, hookshrlv .. ~. drcoralor m111'0r&, tirepl, hltin R10, d111hw11hr, .E'A ht, l11m rm, fenced, ldscpd, ov- l"t'sizoo dbl gar, clean neigh- horhoo<I. walk 'to 11hoppmg ancf srhool~. l' illage Real Est1te 962-4471 ( ~:~) 546-1101 PRICE REDUCED ;; Rn, 21 z RA, l.irit!' p11.11rllnl film. i·•w)m, J'l()OI ,:1u lol wl tn11t ll'l'l'S. As~ump 712',,. ~'HA loan. Lo\\, low rlown. IHJSll1 * CAL L 847-8507 * I fnrnwrty Brashf'ar RI ly.) 16'x28' FAMILY ROOM And """t.v1h1n~ n1r.11 to go wrth 11 J BR, 2 BA ~nd dintnl! ll tPi\ Only ~24,!l9o. Real Estate by McVAY SELLING YOUR HOME? r,,.,, appraisal -WI' buy rriu 111PS. Persona.I 11.tt.rntlon. 2,) V~ l'XIM'rll'nf't . COLLINS & WATTS 1-.vrs. h-12-0427 VACANT! ONLY $28,500 rr:icr:n FOR Qlll\K SALF:1 r nr11f'r' I RR 2 RA' VA ntA 1<'1-111-• f'l'rr1IH" HAFFDAL REAL TY OllT of llllll~ownf';-ht1'f'-m ~I'll hnm,. rht~ wPrk. I .Arl(p 4 hr, l11m rm. wAlk In hf'h. V /\ Ii·'\% loan. $38,7,00. 'l!iR-R9!l4 LA Cut11l11 homt hy owntr. 2 Slo1v, 4 hNi. :l up /, 1 llown, ~ h~11 h!I l.111·gp yim!. Brick h11t1· S:ll\.:..00. !lf\8-.1012. Huml""9ft hedt SECLUDED POOL REDUCED $4,000 8 Foot wall lndrclt• plu1h "Deane p.rden" ho m,. HIJi'e muter bedroom · Ith EWm&I\ bath and walk 111 closet, overloolCJI tr~~ h, apukliJI&' pool. Formal liv· In, room futures floor.to. cellinr Spanish fireplace and plum anar carpetlnf. Popular prden kitchen hu inalde-outllde counter •ml formal dlnin( atta. Th.I. gorgeous l bedroom home J11 avillabte lor only $38,950 • Call 545-8424 (open e~.) \outh Coast -.... . COUNTRY LIYIN' In the city In this xtra aharp, r&mblint r8.J1ch home 1eaturi11g twin- 11iu bedrooms panelled for- mal dining room, 12' x 13' private den, hardwood floors, w/w crpts & crps, ch~try-bright kitchen with bltin R/O plus lot:g of stort- &J: cabinell!. New paint in k out! Deep, deep lot, nice- ly land1caped with ta!J, tall tt·ees 11.nd many shrubs. Full prlct $22,500. All te1ms. Call 8-47-1221 SEYMOUR REAL TY 17141 Beach Blvd., Htfn Bch Open 'ti! 9 PM VACANT l larf{t bedrma, 2 baths, fam- ily rm, r.orner lot for a hoat or camptr. S31.500. Ynur 1term11. Real Estate by McVAY M~!M~ 1193-115.'l:l -NEW4 BEDR~ WESTHAVEN. C~lct nf'w l'rpts. Sum>und~ by $45,000 horn~. Only one Jett lit $32,500, Alt *erm1 K: •ella Realty. 347-4!061 -Something s,,.cial 4 Bdrm. nr. bf.ar.h. Lge. dPCk, POCJ. pittio, f'rpl., rhildren'11 play a.rte . $32,500. 5-X % Finan<'tn~ A. v & i I. NtwporJ Wt"~I. 22062 lsl~.1- <1P1· Ln. 962-~3!1 BY owNEn-=-s-1s~900~3-b~. 11 t ba townho11sP. Call 96R-9641 --------5 Br. $34,950. nr schooli; & ~hpg. friA S230 mo, fi12 i;t,,. 7031 Rl~Mils M~700. Irvine it BR, 21., BA Townhouse. frplr in liv rm & mast~r ~llllr. lmmaculatr. h y 01\'llt'I', $32,900. 833-0019, li:\0-3040. UNIVERSITY Par1< 4 Bd. 2'2 ha, 2 frplc'1, Cnv'd patio, Many XtrAS, IA $30's. 113.~75. Laguna Buch . WHITE WATER VIEW Mint C'ondihon'. 2 Bclrm .. own -your • n\\ n ap1. Closf' to shopping It bfoach. LI!". htal~ & tJit 'd. pool. Good r111and ng. $23,500. ~ ~ ~~ -;::" lOd so. cour H\o\~'. SOtJTli LACUNA, CAI.IF. • 4~Z!IOO * -MONARCH BAY ('harmini l bdrm, home on :h" Mall. C'to~t to ~ach. OC'P11n v11'w,, Opt"n beam ,.,.11 8., wood i<1ding. :l baths. Lgr. view deck -$62,j()(). Turntr Associates 1105 N. C<tMt llwy., La.&'IJna _.M-1177 Anytime EM-ERAlO BAY LOTS Bargain View lot 3~7 Emerald Bay •••. $36,500 lar9Ht View lot 1127 Emera.Id Bay .... $90,000 Bill Grundy RHltor 341 Ba~ide, N'pt Stach. '75-6161 '11111~ ~. &-1>nw Pmpert1P11 675-.1726 Why 1tore tt In the attic ~ .#C. A.~SUMf:-7"~(;-1-STORY when you c:an turn it 1ntn hr, nr l'l('ran, bkk wall, boat FOR 11&.il' or leuf': 2 BR. Nur Nt!:.~1L;.v,, Ofrtu I ROOK 2 RR RY' OWNER. mOlley throuaih a DAILY ~11tr. lnrl~·pr;:, patio, $:\3.500. hilltop house with ocean LA -QUF:STA home, n·a.nsf-::l -Fi·pli" rnthrrinil hf'Am1>d PIT.OT W11nt M . OwnPr !'fiR-7177 view. $29,000. 494-74:l7 $27 ,950 <'1>1hn1?~. nrw i<haii;. Charm-...... ....__.,.. ______ ......., ____ .........., _____________ .-............... ...._~ 1n~ p;.1110. b eaut I fl.II 4 Id + fa ii R l11n<l11r.apina. W11lk 10 hrh nr m Y m. !1t011'll. Plti nll f()r 1·r11r 11ni1. B~11 11tll11I hom,._ 4 hl>droom~. Trulv 11 uniquf' hom~ In im- plu,, llen IMI 1•011!0 hi' _!,th nrnr. rond. $44.;;o(), 1 n41 ~drm. f11m1I~ rm. h111lt-1n~. 6~:1-44.1;i flttJ)lllN', piH't< hkP 'llJYI -I. -''...:..---- !l4().1720. . WhoH Hom e It That? TARBELL 1955 Harbor •P"onl11 ottl'n 1111k about this lltEPOSSESSIONS -homr. ii '~ that lnv111na. Sparklin.rt clean homts, .a<>ml' ~wly p11intl'rl & r111"Pf'ttl1. 2 l, 4 A 5 bdrma, Some with Roomy 2 Bil + 11nut I-RR. .1?.llf'lll 11p1 . Loti1 or ithr11ba It gt·a~~ Onlv s;,2.:'>00. ~·-FHA-VA N'lnv. terms, University Rulty from S20.000 lo $40,000 3001 J-:. fi;1 llwy ti?:l·ll.'\10 roLLIN~" WA'rfS rr--<_~· -WAl,1' TO -BF.ACH- Adam11 Avt.. 9fi?~;u23 C:rr11t huy undtr S:,0,000. * * • * * $1\!0ll l'lown. l Aft, 2 ft.A . $21 , 9 SO 11rn. h~ l'IW~1'r 520 Of. Anu Cu' 2 8 ,...1 '--m .. ,., llr1vr l\7~;i700 f """m. "" ,. nn .,.,.. _ -----__ 13!i' lot, Ct 1TF. 2 JU\ homt w/lrplc, .ArMld & Freud 1111jt1 ir11r11,11r k r•.rkl.-.? 111't'1 n,.., lcil. Rv owrYr t.03 ~ E . 17th. C'.M. ~77&~ OM"hld, <'dM flfr>.all17. OWNtJt TRAN~-4 Aedrm, Cesta Mesa '.\~ hur f•mlly rm Asxum,. ----------~~ '7'# 1111r lt'Wln. ,.ntry hlll. COl.1.FX~F: Park <'uste'>m 4 111.nlnt f"!Otn, ti 11 1 I I I n • , Ira.! hr•. ·' hA . ~4' hv mom. '1'1'pl11l'f'. r·u~1nn1 tfl'atrn. lrplr .. rlto r"', l'ltln ,.l,.r kit. BJ'k, S.'2.9Yl. nan Kltln, Jux11n rllt'pl'I, 2 (Mlllf\1. •x '1ay1 1! \40-17~ ft'n• lrwf11rpnJ . ~·ng I V --• :_ ... ,,.>J • .,,._,_ I I),. S©~~}A-l&£~s· The. Pun le with th• Built-In Cltudle G horronoe le!ters of ilia four acrombled words be- low to form four .almple WOfd,. I 1 ti•c I; El s I I I TARDF I 'l _ I I · r I _ I s JWEJ F (REI j 1 lh• honeymoon I• ov1< _ _ _ _ _ . • when ~. 1torta usino btnt ;:I =l=O=H=u=c=1=--1 Po~r clips for - -. t·.t• .,__,,.r-.,...-,..-"IT"...,.,...... 8 Complt,. th• c:hll(kl• qUOtM I I' I j J' J' by f<tllno In tfle 111l•t11t ~~s ._ __ .._ __ .._ __ .._ __ .._ __ _,,_ _ ___,_ yotJ devt loP frOl'll """ No. 3 below. ~ rn~:.~UMemo 11 r 11 I' r ]' I' (' r I ~IT~~,:~ r I I I I • I I I I 1 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFIED 700 ~-.. t ,, L•1un• Buch PRIVACY Over 'l,000 sq. f:. home, lo- cated af end of cu! de sac st.rttl, in Ttmple Hilla on street ro sU'tel lot, Roomy tamily room ntt built-in kit- chen, ha~ tireplaf'1> &. view neck. 3 SpaC'lOUs bdrmi .. 2i., baths, laundry room & dou- ble range. $45 • .SOO. Call - AG tan REAL ESTATE I 190 Glenneyre St. 494947:1 54.9-03.16 --------BE CHOOSY Select your colors & carprg. in this 3BR. 2 ba., beAmed ceU. h<>mt in very dt11irable ~rea. nr. beach. Asking $44,900. Really Different Unique redwood & glu:s :\ BR 2 ba. Close lo high school. Askina $39,500. Make otter. REAL EX RHI E state 917 Glenneyre, Laguna 494-8561 ---* HANDYMAN SPECIAL Ocean view! Oldtr 2 BR. r"Onv. d I' n, trplc, carp. orapcs. Sheltered p a t i o Needs minor exttr. repair & paint. Only $34.950. MISSION REALTY 494-0731 THE ideal Cmwn Point home or. La&una's most beautiful sh·eet. 3 br, 2 ba. lrg 1am rm, secluded atrium in cenler of house.. Must be setn to be 1ully appreciated. $58,000. 494-8314 or 833-9080. BEAUT. ocean & cyn vu. 2 BR, l12 BA. Comp! remod. Dbl gar & elrr npnr S33,j()(), f\33-8648 or 54~2463. Laguna HIJl1 _ ..... _ .. _ .. _)~ Newpert a.ach GREAT VllW -ot ba.y, ocea.n and O.::alina Ft-om large up.tajn family room and trom first .tloor livint room, eeparate din- ing room and brea.ktast area you ma.y view the busy upper bay t~ bas- in with its ever ch&.nainc display of bo&tln1 activtti" Ttria 2800 aqua.re loot CUS• tom home awa.tu your in- spection. $72,500. C a I 646-7171 tor ~:.:au.. \ THE: RLAL R L~>TAT[RS I WORLD'S IEST VIEW Beautifuliy landscaped New· port H~ightK charmer with 3 btdrooms and pltnty ol cozy comtort. This la a must see tor you as a discrimin· aling buy~r. Priced for sell- ing ai $44,500: Walker & Lee 2043 We.tclU1 Drive 646-ffil Open 'til 9 PM Lease·Option Bayc:rest Elegant Mediterranean 3 bedroom, family room, for- mal dining, step-dOwn Jiv- ing room. $500/month or $800 furnished. Call ~7171 \o · THF. REAIJ ,, ESTAT[RS , , I, WATCH OUT FOllt HIGH TIDES They·~ that close to the water. 3 and 4 bedroom beach homt's. Easy walk to the beach, tennis courts or swimming pool. $29,500 to $36,:;oo. 90% loe.ns av8.itable. Walker & Lee HEATEn pool, split )l'VPI homr, 4 RR. :i ba. wel bar. 2(}13 Wtstclitl Drivl' C'ov'd palio. 830-l:l!l~, 646·7711 Open 'tll 9 PM Laguna Niguel $ REWARD $ 4 GOOD BUYS Pleasant working conditions, 3 BDRMS .. 2 bath:s, carpets fop commission split, bonus. drapes. $31.900 Need 2 top R.E. salesmen 4 BDRMS. 2 bQths, c~. now! P1eue call tor app't. drapes. with panoramic SEMPLE view. $39,950 Real Estate 675-2101 4 BDRMS .. 2 haths, carpets, 2:;15 E. Coast Hwy., CdM drapes. $32.900 4 BDRMS .. 2 baths. carpets, I BEACH COTTAGE $21,000 rtrapes. $34.900 F Laguna Niguel RHlty I ult price. Cute & Sha.rp. Fun 830-5050 .. 99-1344 living At lhP heach. No rlmvn vets. ~550 down FHA. * Niguel Shores * Call <today. Pl11»l! hav,. rh11ngPl1. Mu~ Walker & Lee ,.;pll :\ RR , 2 BA "F" plan homr in 'lini1 increment Clf Ni~,., Shores. Primp 101. Swf't"'J)i~ ocran v i ,. w 11. About l mo, 10 completion. Call owntr. 49!l-419R. 5~2''2 Ba, t2,000 5('f . f1 . view lot. Df'rk t rovti-M patio, ~autiful bck. yrd w/sprinkltrs. $41,000. By owner 4!l:r.4474. BUSINESS forces sale by ownrr: :\ BR immsc. vitw home. Many extras. Be11.rh prlvilegf'~. S32.9;;,Q or h<'st offer. !Aw llown. 495-4462. ----------Lido Isl• 216 Via Lorca Attr. rxp0sed btam :; BR, J 1190 Harbor Blvd. At Ada.ms fl.15-046.'> Optn 'til 9 PM Teenagers Delight Cllffhavan Pool w/cabana. Lie. family rm. & frplc. Near Jr. & Sr. .Hi tchools. 3 BR. 2 ba. Only $36,500. Open daily 1-5, 640 St. Jemea Rd. PYRAMID EXCHANGORS ~1 Realtors 675-SfOO IA~t priced in the BLU,FS iJ3.000, 3 BR, 2 ba, tri-level w/view, fl'J)lc .. dbl far, elee. opener. Nr. CdM High & Catholic church Moving to lrgr Bluffs unil. 644-2865, Ownr. Ba. homr w/souch patio. On-WATERFRONT ly $65.00". 112 Via Wailers Charming Condominium on 4 BR.~ h&, Wa~ on Homes I the bay. ~lightful view - T1)1Jr. Indnor pll!ntl"rs & pool, pier & slip. sunkr11 l1v rm. Sl"p. 01n . ~79,500 rm. Bt>autllully dP(.'1'.lra1ed, I TED HUBERT le ASSOC. l94.~. 3471 Via Lido, 67~8500 Tip of lido Isle ~2 ba, 2-<:a.r rarage, Braut. 4 BR. 5 ha. homr. 2 trplc, beam~ c e i Ii n I s . frplcs. !"6 f t. "lllE'r Iront-Pool -1· l u b h s e -tennis 11.ge. mom for larit' boal membership, l~i blks to ~ltps. Reduced to sell a.I beach. Crpts & d r p s . J37fl,OOO. $34,950. C.U 644-5973 Bill Grundy, Rlt r. :\11 Baysidt. NB 6T.>-61fil NO TIRE-KICKERS PL.S -* OPEN HOUSE-* HARBOR View Ho mes, hv owner, prime Joe, 4 BR 21 ~ SAT. & SUN. 2-S BA, LG. FAM RM W/wet 615 V ia Lido Nord bf\r. ~7.500 L" as ch old . Custom bl I. ~ RR. 5 Ba. 644-2649. $' 2'.l.;,c)() BIG CANYON LIDO REAL TY INC. 3.000 sq rt hou11e in Bi& Ca.n- 3377 Via Lido 673-7300 yon w/f&Jrway v~w. Avail SEE AND COMPARE! in late Sept, $112,000. fk new ft>e baytrt 5 Bd, ~ 673-5059 * 4 1, Ra , 220 Norrl ·194-"4 l :l Mission Viejo BA YSHdRES. By owner, -4 BR + den, Over 3000 sq tt, ..-Prlnclpela only, S 5 5. 1 O O. QUICK POSSESS. l Must sell, by appt, 67~0. El Dorado home. J BR.. k 642-7781 family t·m. Clost 10 schools,-:--=-:--::=-=:-:-:~-=---=-=­~ shop'(. Selltr wiU C()nsid· * EASTILUP:flt S IR tr r~ntlng prior to d.ose of !By ownerl e11crnw. Malet otftr. All Luxurious exe-c home formal terms avail. U0.500 Dining: rm, l Ba, Frplc * * * * * * Wooded, $-47.900. ~·-0530 FANTA$TIC VIEW s.56.500 BEAUT. txec. home. J BR. (or 2 BR../: conv. den). 3 BR, tam rm. din rm, Plu1h shag csr~t thruout. Anthony Poel, 2 (>At!Ot, Prot~s. lndscpd. Seller tnx• many extra&. Mlnutes t6 ious! Quick po11sus. All u.c.r. Owner, 64~137. 1&20 tcnn11 avalt $.'Ml.!iOO lrvlnP Ave. Ca II Nell 130-2808 B~L~U--F._F_,,S_CO......,.....N_OO_,_b_y_o_Wll('_r MiMnon Vlrjo RN\lly on t>e11u1. G~ Btlt. :i BR, SACRIFICE! Mu1t tell -21.t BA. Shown by appt only. property 11ettl,.mtnl. 3 hr. 2 Open hou11e Set • Sun 1-5. M, $29,500. 26501 Allcante, M7..Jl88. Wiil CC?Midtr lee. Mls1ion Viejo. im-7fi77. RA YCRES'T lmmedlste posa. Ntwport B•ach " Bil, ~ rm. fam rm, .. • ~ • 18x40 pool. trult t:rH1, IXCLU5fVE 642-3600 Bkr. WI STC LI~ F V 1 L LA p ::-A-:-:R""'J\.,... -Ll-dd-=-...,.T&-wn_"°U_u-. _,.3 Bt~t condo hy owntr, !;;()() BR N BA Pool. No polnt11 . sq It, l BR, l ba, All owner. 547-5Me. ~TVkts. lnnfr COUrty&.M w / Olympic • si pooJ. ;; nfE BLUTrS, by owner, ~ Wt&lf'lltf VlllA, Bur kingh11m I RR, 1 !A. 1 ltvtl Lind• 11t w~~tclltf. Gatr No. J, :-r....,fod,,,,,,,_e_L.,,.,844-__ 1.%3:_3_. ---p-- fl.1f>.7684 Optn rr1 Sat II 2 AR. 2i., ba. condo. Pool, ~::~ Pllnt Wl\•tt Ads -1\&v• I f~~~~~N re~;a~I~ h~ bArJAln~ i i t6,... I Fnt lleat results! t.c~~ { ........... ] 11! Newport a .. ch WESTCUTF CliftOm home, 3 br, 3 b&. Irs ponl. MT,aoo. By o~r~5.1 Newport Hei1ht• . .. . PRIME LOCATION 3 BR. $>4,fOO Tree shaded aettlna on a cor- Mr near Oiff Dr. O\armln1 3 BR, sep. dlnlnt rm, brlck trplc., hdwd. floors. Huie bath wl tub It 1t&ll ah6w~r. COOl patio. Obt. av. A car- port on alley. .. -. ""' (tl•te. [JI} Gtlltrll ..._____, Leh for Sele 170 AnlNTION BUILDERS 1¥4 ACRI R-3 Will take 37 to 40 unlta $75,000. PERRON REALTY-M2-1m I Mountain, DHert, ReHrt 174 . ., 110 llAR LAKE Wattnki, &h, hunt, rtla;c ln . cozy cabin in the woods. CALL CD fU•Ut 4 Only $8.IOO. An except. buy. Ph: Ron (714! 536-1733 or wnte: Spencer R~a.1 Est>.t'e, P.O. Box 28~, Big Bear Ukt, Ca.hi. '>·~--Jt&A y Nur Newpert r .. c Otrlu IMMED. POSSESS. U>vely 3 BR. It family rm. plus 20x20 rumpUs or poof room. Frplc. F.A. heat w/ 11ummt'r cooler. ~duded pa. tio. COpper plumbln1. OWn- er leaving am Ir must Hll! Otte~ for $31,000. MORGAN RIAL TY '73-6642 675-445' San Juan C:apl1treno SHADES OF SPAlN Tn our city there it a com- munity built alon1 the lines ot 1:he Cities of SP&in. 8 fl ""<ills surround each Jot giv- ing you complete privacy. Tile roofa, wrouctit iron g111es and tumbllnt bau1a.in· villea compte~ the picture. We have three dlttettnt homes there to otter you, From $46,000 CAPISTRANO VALLEY REALTY 31501 Camino ca,lstnno 493-1.1.24 ARTIST'S VIEW H OME Near new, 2 stry, .( BR, 2 BA, a1L appls. cpt drpl, frpl, big corner lot, nr school, quiet hillside l'nttt. i29,500. BY OWN ER. 494-mU 493-4Slli. Sen Cl•ment• OCEAN .tc Harbor view in Harhor Estate&. 2 Br, 2 ~. very spacious. ~. View Lanai $41.<XX>. -t9&-!al5. OWNE1t 3 ~ti. 2 BA, custom, o. view. 403 E. sa.n Juan $41,900. Terms . 544-<294 Santa Ana ... 3 BR, 1'~ ba. Frple, 2-cllr gar_, Big yard w/patro, located in cool. smoa-trtt Back Bay ana. 5 min. from UCJ. 10 min from beaches. $27,900 full price. Assume S19,000 15( mortj'age al 61'>, Owrnor will t&kt ll'ld up to $5000 At 6% &: la t;e m~l ('8.J' All part of down. 546-2154. r lt11l Est1t1, G.ntr1I Jlj) AcrHg• for aale 150 . FALL.BROOK INVESTMENT 4 adjacent 2~ ac:. ranch estate sil.e$. Gatew•.Y to Fall brook Villaf e " San Luis Rey Downs. Sp<l'C· IAcuJar views (>f hlllsidt' grov~ &. ho~ ranches. Great country for A weekend hldt -away w/ tax shelter. 21) ac, $17.SOO. SJ.000 dn. ~ Bia.ck burn Co. 646--0231, 646-6300 eves. PRIME 5 llcrcs. acroes from Intercontinental a Ir p" rt, Palmdal"· Potentia.I unlimited. $7,<XXJ. l!J1 acre l>'7o down, 1% monthly. Owner 17141 67H040. REPOSSl.:SED 10 levtl acres, NO DOWN, $25 mo. Nt.r lrg lakt. '.)M.-0047 Condo miniums for ule 160 . . ONE STORY 2 BR, 2 BA, Tiburon "Mali· bu" resale. Vacant. Low down assumta FHA 1% loan. larwln realty, Inc. n;;s2 Brookhurst, Hntan Bch ~5411 anytime lncom• P reperty "' G .1.'S NO MONEY DOWN 4-PLEX Buys S.375.00 per mo. in- come plus your own home tn live in. Gre1tt 4·plex rif ht ht-rt in COi ta Me.a. All units ~nted cootinua.lly. & your own landlord tor a cha.n1e. Call Walker & lee 7ttlO Harbor Blvd. et Adam& 5-15-lM65 Open 'ttl 9 PM 4-PL!XIS ~n d&.lly noon to ! '8.000 down. Prlct $55.000. Warntr • Oak, HUrll Bch., l blka W. nt 8eaeh Blvd. N~ c:rpts k drpa, tl~pl'•. ta ht, ga11 bltln11. Gd lln. LEAOERSHlll Ill. E. 84 /.5913 84~ OWITT:R FINANCING Home & incomt. few mlnutH octan H.8. Stlltr CU'T'lel lit T.O. amort. lO yrs. Sper, 3 !R. + 3-2'1, Consider trade for 1arreT units. IA~tta ~~ Alt . 147-6061, Evt1 536-71 . Lets t.r Sele 170 111111 "" CHOrCE lot. Pt-2. lOOx\35. Paved all~. 348 E. Rl'l(.'hl!ster St., Costa Me~. CloE>e to 17th St ahoppln& aru. S22.000. 173-9!!09. ~-----~--~ Out of State Pr09. 171 * SOUTH OREGON * 10 acres. level, timber, meadow. smog tree, Quit-1, Vf!l'Y trlendly people. Xln investment. Road from hl- way. $475 P/A. ~rms. Onr, 7141827~266. Rtal Estate Wanted 114 ' R-3 LAND WANTED S to 30 acres. McMichael Company. (1) 8TI-3950 . ...__F_iN_nc_iat __ ll • ll~ •••••••••r· lu1ln•11 Opportunity 200 · * THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING * DISTRIBUTORSHIPS ap-, painted by the leader, New-. port International, can ~x-: pect lucrative eamings! whil~ working only a few~ hours per we~ refilling;. AUTOMATIC MEROIA!'{.; OISE.RS with nationally! known "PUDDING & FRUlTf CUP" Snack.&. and collect-i . i.ng tht money boxes, What ' an easy way lo make• money! rr you are r eli11.ble,; have a good car, and C&n! l.mm~lately invest $800.00 j to $2100.00. you may be sel·i eel~ to join our succe1s1 ~earn. Drop us a note show-I ing your since.re interest,, and we'll show you how, Send name, address, and phone number to: Newport· Intemational Olstrlbutlngl Company, 3700 N~wllf'rt( Blvd.: Newport Beach, Caill. .9'2660 De PL a n lA Motel for Lease 1 71 Units in Cost• Mesa Dlvi1ion of Hithways Mr. Gottwalrl Zl:i: fi20-35l4 Aug_ 23 & 24 from 8 to 11 AM only. BE yow· own BOSS!! Shrt. hrs. substantiat profit. Ca· tering truck estb. Laguna route. Fully lie. CASH ONLY. 496-6365 MACHINE Shop. Profiler & Mill -Chucktr saw _I Pa.rtograph -Air comp. 9811 W. 18th, CM PARTNER needed for pic- tutt frame mtg. bus. SAM req'd for mold complt tion. I Call 498-2500 I PIPE ?fi&n_ shop. Rano · tool~. jig~. pips & console&. 11 appr. value. 645-WJO DfSTRlBUTORSHIP, Entine POWER and zrr uni!, Sale. 1 ~vefi S. Gua.r. 646-4871. OLD hquor li<:ense for sale. Call Dick ~tween 2 & 6 pm, 4!M-7503, Investment Opportu"lty 220 ELECJ'RONlC k Pi p e Orirang &\'ail. You 11dvanct pure hast' price, we resto1' & •~II. Profits shartor1. Xlnt r!'1urn. Newport Orga.na • 645-1530. M.ney to Loan 2•0 1st TD Loan~ 7% INTEREST 2nd TD Loan Term, ba11ed on equity. 642-2171 545-0611 Serving Harbor area 21 yra. . S1ttl•r Mortsi•oe Co. • l.S E. 17th Street --------- HeuM• Furnlahed 300 . 0.Mrel JUAE INDEED-Tiny cot- tqt :xlnt location. Utll Incl $105. ALA runtaJ~ • 645-:1900 STEPS TO OCEAN! Great tor lingle. All u1il pd. SllO. ALA R.total! • 645-3900 LOS ALTOS Pride of Ownership Home famUy with t~n11gers ok. 4 B<'droom 1 bath, built ins, Cal'J)fllirt&, drapes, least ~ "' mo. Phone !Ang Buch 21J • 429·9551. • (· Wf?<'T'Elt flENTALS: Chole. 1electloo of 2.3_. !R. hom~s.j . A11ail for !ept. CALL NOW! SI lO·STEPS TO B~1ch.l~ I Bachelor pad w/ ru. Pe I eonrlden"d, um pd llACON * '45-011 1 - OAIL V Pi LOT :5 f -"t~• .. l~I Houln !or Rent Houses Furnlth9d 300 Houses Unfurn. 305 Houses Unfurn. 305 Houses Furn. or :WO Apt. Unfum. l•lboa l1land US Apt. Unfurn. ' Coit• Me•• 3'SApt. Unfurn. l~-.. -.-n-.-,.-,------Gener•I Unfurn. 310 D•n• Point ---------· Bell>M Penin1ula Costa Mes• ----------N•wport 8aach FREE!! 2 Br, fq1l1·. O<:'('ar1"1t11 . crpts. SU.,IMER & )Tly. l'<'nlals; L di d O drps. rc-Creora!l'd, 2 l' .. r ;::;u· ILE--S--------tuier hoinl!'s in ~ach a.rt'a . an or s-wner s A E-Bay V~w Home, 3 Bill Grundy RJtr. bi:'.H:il61 \\-~ \\'ill J"f'ftor ll'nant.s to ~u $22j i11u, 33872 Violet L<tt•· hd, ~ ba. ~·urn. oi· unfur e $35 \\1K k UP -On Oetan <'Lovely Bachelors I BR. ~ta1r1 Af'rv1~. Pool. Unl prt, e CaU 675-8140 e FREE of chari;f' ••. f.1any 1t>rn._, _0_-_Pc·------Clost !o sirs. Qu1('t. S350 lalboa Island de.~1rahte tenants Oil our El Toro ;\lo. l"tl. rf'qu l rrri -1\\1•. l BR, near Bay, frpl<', Prfl !. Sl.25 ~lo. Bachelor, all ulil paid, Clt>iu1 & quiet. Pr1v p.at<o, rt11L~. drp.~. •ingle St()l)', adult!! only. 613-2056. D•na Point "i~;::~f.~~ ',:I: ;j;· ;A ... s;;~_;;t;e '"i>1~; ~ .. ~:.~ 2re~~i~1;2::~~'. It 's the fun tizne of the year and living at "UX"''RY ,__ 4 BR J BA wai ling llsl -----------C'rrely. Bkr, .;.10-2960. ~1nglr l (l\Jl!. S\25 mo. yrly, ----------- .., "u "vme • ·ALA Rent~I e 645-3900 e \\"ATERFRONT H O~l~~ • 1~=-~--------: SPAClO\..'S 2 Br duple."< viP11•, Oompletety newly r 11 r n s ' Lakr fo•~~I :; bi', ~' _ n,.. '.i BR., 2 Ba . Pl"l1'alf' patio. I "~"-"'..:.pdc_:.67cJ-_ll_7_"____ :iU!i.!eek, laundry. Adiilt1;. 675-{i)l7, i\<IERRli\<IAC: \VOODS rnakes summertime f.l'a!l .&pl. l;)!h to JunP BY THE SEA-1 lrg BR .. Cpt:s, s:J9?,. 8:'.0-107t ;;.;+.J1!19. \Valk tu . f)()(\l, h<>.tch & Costa Mtisa SJ!I:. ~1~y trasf'. -196-1~ 13F:DR00~1 unrurnished. Yearly. Call 213: " ~th, S.:.00. JM"f n10. Al~11 E drps, child ok. Silo _ ---slore~. \\1n1rr OI' ytru:ly l Dayton PJtr, 673--1.124, eve ALA Renta ls • 645•3900 Founta111 V•lley rfiHal. s:::(I, 64~--0900. Huntington Beech .34~7. • ., :; BR, J3, h;i , rll'<' hlt111.'. ll't< San Clemente 1 I s~.12:.1rm. ;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -'='='"-'='='-' -------: La Quinta Hermosa Selbo• P•n;"'"1• NE\V; or 4 Bil,'.! or ·; ha1h s F'A,lllL' NEEDED--BR. 111.n1 1·111 i•/tlill' P1111., I I Elt>l' kllrhen \\ /dsh\\~J' fn ("d yai•rl, t'lll I gar, kids &· {' l' p I I d J' r < s ~·,;fl/ 11\ r1 }!~;, fll'~I &·· li!.;:t + $100 ~"' -ELDEN - /rplc, patio. a:aragr. A\'a1i pct<. Sl~5 9i.i2-j(J:-:J i•ur, '2 Br, crpts. drp.s. ~1S Spanish Country E~tale Llv- BRAl\'D new !){'luxe 3 Br. 2 Ba 11p1s. !600 block F.. R1l boo Bll'c!; <'lose t11 ocean or bay. I yr lf'a~e. l!X'l 11/\\', rlrfl~. h'pl & c1-pt. 673-~14R !or appt. even n1ore enjoyable. The people who make their hoines here knO\\' the many extras such a!i S\11irnn1ing pool , recreation roorns and lounges and conven ience to parks and gol f courses. \\'h.v nnl find nut for you rself? ("ome out cind see r..•JERR!i\11\C \VOODS this •veek- end. iltodels open Daily. Sept 15 to Julll! 1.i 539-111131, ALA Rentals • 645-3900 Huntington aleach A\'en1da Ro!:.1, ~-C. Spal'kl•""' :--IE\V 1 BEDROO.\t ing & Spacious Art$, Ttr- 638-8470. 67~ ~"20. .., · .,...,,., ~!OVE !:->.' TODAY-2 Br, r-pl!, .,. ~· . . Condominiums-turnishtd gard,.n ~riartmf"nt. tar.et\ pool; '11ni(en ~all BBQ l 'c"HcAofUc,o,c!N''G"'"2cc-b-,-c-oo-o-,-.~&I drp~. l'ncl gar kids & pets. t ... BR, dh bbo. lbltn~. trpl< "1 Furn. 315 Luxurious pool, lu•h la.11d-Unbelievable Living • Only l & 2 BEDROOMS w ith Terr•ces Adult Living from $140 to $27S ca.rport. S2Z5 mo. Call Slll ' I bltnui oor ar-}-q,1xi\·eret'I·----------seap1ng. $"1 85. AdulL~ -no l l Br unf $150-furn $175 415 MERRIMAC WAY, COSTA MESA l-~26.i or 956-2790, ALA Rentals e 645-3900 patlo, l'lose 10 sr~ils ~· _shp~.,Lagun• Beach Pf"!.'li. 2311 EJden .\w . 2 Br unf $175 furn $210 S230 mo. ~1 .1 3.11-91!1;1 /or -----------64:;.:>78(] or 6-16-8666 All.. UTIL I~CLUOED Bays.hores CHARi\flNG-1 Jrg BR. Huge ap1ll. BLUE LAGOO=--2 br/:l b11, Spe\"'l1ll ~onu.~: 8 ~ilver- ATTRACTIVE ~ BR :.l BA liv r"n1 . Cpl~. drps, frplr, FOR RENT pools, 1'1~'1 hf"ach, t<"ttnis CASA de ORO plated candle snu!fe r i~ ' ' >I-• SI'~ ('\)lU'l~ $300 Ava.JI 1/13·':'.' ne11 ly de.t,, frplc, u 1 , ...... .,.,_ (Br. nr br11t·h. ··01ru•1· J,;t ~!6-li;:~· 1q.)_3!=()6 yout.'li ll you bring thi.!l 1d Q, s_h~'i:i ~he l', 11. 1n 1 er ALA Rf!nta\$ e 645-3900 I <:Pis. clrr:<. hlrir~~ :1.'hf l!r;d ·~ '' · · · ' C,\.~UAL C11l!r. L1v1r.l 1n a when )'-OU visit our modP.!s. ~S-J""l16 BEACIJ PAD-l..;1guna . Pri1. f.~!<tlf' ;\lart. ~l.-~.•31 !".~\li_port Be,.ch \\"arm i\letlltP.rranean atmos-4 blk11 S. ol ::an Diego Frwy -phPre Sp&rious color ro-on Be;i ch, I hlk \V. on Hol! Corona del Mar for• 2. Cl11ld k sml pe! ok. FOR ]f"a~,. 01· l<'.!~<' r.pir.•n. AVAIL ~pl I.'>. Furn !'<1nrlo ol'dinRted a.pis _ <!e~Jgnrd t,. to lb"'.!11 Pai·k~ic\fl' Lane. SWll. [ l_argt '1 br', \\Alk lo hr.1• .. ·h, :: BR"~ 011 I floor, ,._,110 ..• _; 1 1 -1 , 8 .-.. urn1shet ,or sly , .., cen1-(7141 17.5441 BEAUTIFUL, lar:;e, ni0<lern ALA Rentals e 645-3900 , rmn1<"<!1<1lf' rx•ruran~') $ .. j(J p00Js, Purting gi·t>en & wiOr Jort • Healtd pool e Kiteh· ,. ..... _..,..,.,,..,..,..,..,.,.. honir. 4 Bedrooms. den .. _ ., I mnntl• 968-S~L oµen \"It'\\ nf RA<"k Ba). $3!'1J e.1 \1'/ 1nd1reC"t l1«hll'"' •, t"RF.F: ulll, fui11 t BR ap1 Nr pl&yro0n1 \Val~ 10 pnvatl' :'\EED .\l011r Ro om 3 BP., 1 _ .. ..,,. ·. . . Cp'.s drp~ lncd ·ard kids I BF.AU r ~ ~101'1 1 h!' -hrl , [l{'I 1)10, .llH!'llO I Delu-.:e n 10 Adults. No pers. I hl"a1 h, ponl Sl~O lip Call beach 'l:ear1y 01 9 n1o · _ Y • forn1al C1h,. r111 111 < .\ C d --\BR -•1~· turn ~~r ~---'-''~ -1~2 "'lJ'' I ' 1 1 s 1-& pet~ s1s1 ~ · on om1n1ums · •a · i.,. .... .,,,, ... ~i-·-~ .....,u-"'" PasP .... i·ai a1· e ep1 .J ' " • f:i.n1 1v10m Garrlrit>r 1nr l trl1LITJES INCLUDED ---. ----~~:I~:. Box 635 Sun VaJley. ~LA R~nt~ls • 645:3900 I S3.l0/mo. 9fi2-671('! Unfurn. 320 J 36~ \\' \\'1lson &12-19TI I s~C:~l~E~~R j~~~7 1~--~-------1 GARDENERS DELIGHT-1 j e .t Bdrni, ~ Balh, frplr. Co$ta Mes• *$35 Wf;EK & UP* Costa Mesa Br, ~ R;i. Cpt~, dJTI~. kids/,, I hit-in\ crpL«. drps. S~4() 2"im". 2 BA, .,;::;"d;;d. Studio & ; BR •pis. Lagun• Beach . pet~. ~200. '110. C;ill !168-:\477 . S CRES NEAR ~Jay Co., lge, nr nt\\', ALA Rental ~ e ,45_3900 : · _ PMI, rlhl ga1·, :11onticrllo. UNNY A HUl;F: 1 BR w/p;ll\o oct>an 4 BR, "] BA, 1 ,;try home, .• BR. 2 h;i , l 0lf'!1-111ar ho1nr S2'!·1 1110. Ptnu11 Rt>a!ly. MOTEL \'1!!11'. Also STUDIO 11p', S3JO mo. RE.SPOKS!BLE FA:'\T.>\STJC• -4 BR. 1 Sa 2 1 w/1, t•p1. dp~. I' \' N hl ti-12-1771 prrtly ru1·n. Laundry & pool. gi'Oups 11·el('()nit>. f·ar gar. hlli;:c .i·.11.irl, kids' & I 0 1;:1. $2:-G l\;f' ~>16-0::_; __ Townhouse Unfuru. 335 llll-' sn11lh or F'a111rrnunds Quirl , -49-1-Slf:ili 976 1)(-nver Dr., c. ~I f'f't::< ~l?"" 2376 N~11-port RJvd. B -~--- 21:'.: 439-6954 ALA R:;ntals • 645-3900 , Huntington Ha rbour Newport Beach 5"8-97:,j Newport each AVAIL Aug, 2-l rll. ElPganl ~ 1999 Harbor, C.M . IBE . .\T lhe heat! Love\.~ 4 *Adults Preferred* Unbelievably Beautiful 2 AR. pa1•o, (·arpl'lt1, 'i hlk ~rory, 3 Br. den . .$.125. ino. RENT OR LEASE BR, acros~ ~1 fron1 water, 1 BR ·) R· f· 1 VAL o· ISERE GatdPn Ap1~. lo twoach 6.: lM). Ac-557~l1J. plnsh area. V11cant. Ag!. -, · -:1·• 1P ·· P111;~~ 2 Adult:!l -uo pe r~ f1011·pr~ r-0111n1odatl'~ 3 or 4. A1".111il ONE LEASE \''IOPTIO'.'I ~~6-3&1.11 Ca ipvrt C;;e o/ pool. $-·1•1 <'l'rryv.11Pt'f'. S!rea111 & S!'pl 8 to J une J;). bi:>-3.!31 East Bluff fi HO.,l ES COSTA ~fE~A . I :1 BR. 2 Ba., fi·pJ., ne1v cpts, l\'alPtlall. ~:'i' pool Rer. Rrn. R. F.. Coron• del Mar ON 1'EN ACRES 1 & 2 AR. Furn. le Unfum, F'irepl&ct.s / priv. patloa, Pools Ttnnls Contnt'I Bids!. 900 SE-a Lane, Cdtll 644-2611 tr-.iaC"Arthur nr Coast Hwyl I BAYPORT ,/ BA \'VlE\V RI Idol TOWNHOUSE 2217 Harbor, Nr. \\'1]~1111 2 DR on l fl1". :\Int cond. Ll'g. closet.<: • l'arix>1·1. S12:) e He11!f'd pool-,\dults onl,v • No pt>ls-,\dj. 10 ~hoppin,1: THE BE~T tYlSTS LESS ln111.gine: 11·e1 har, firepl~('r, A',""'"'''>"O lh< Q"><l o->>>'i c, ·1· " "" "' ,,. " .,.,nn1 N'J ings, 1uugh-hP11·n of Bayport A pt~. · ·fo r panelini;.:, bis.: pr11•atE' '1alio, Ad11lts; And !hf' slightly le~.~ 2 RR-2 BATH. l"luhh<Ju.~". quie1 <JpeJ11n1: or Ba)vJew pco!, V-tia ll. $1 i·1 ::s7 \\'. Apls. • .fol' fa1nilil'~. I Ray St. other 1 BR's !l'Qn1 Call 171 4\ fi·~l-:1:,.1.-. Slf>J. All adul1~. rl() pPl~- ~E\\"-A grenr pl11r e lo h\'P. BAY ~J EAI)(}\\'.'\ AfVI'~. tht> ye11r itiund! \\'alk 1n * Cell f;.16..()07'.l * s110ps, walk ~fl ~arh . 1 Br, '.? 1-------____:::::__::_::_::_::_c__:__ Ba . .F'rplc, Priv patio. Kil. hltn~. Close in gar. T11.s1rf\1! decor. 330-A t.Targi.1erite, 673-09:\7. UJe&liBJIU 21 ~ BR-lreshl_v painll'd S240. S·IOO 3 BR. \\'atrrhunt. , .i.10 dl'P~. 2 r-ar gar. l·'acrs pool -----------GREAT vie\\'' 4 BR. 2 BA , \v/:i:r slip, 1'~ ha, pool, C~\LL REALTOR .).lS-69GG Sannrt. Sgls 1-'.! Bdrm. Fu!'n-\\"Jr-:TER Rf'rrt;il 9-Hl 1hru F'OR lol'ely y.&.1·d, s.;7;, incl. ~ ~~~olle~r Pk.Vshag S240. Tcnni~ i·L ~·16-~.llJ:\li. -l lnfun1. rro111 $135. SEE IT: 1;..~o. lg, t hf-Orm trlr. 1'11rn. r~nt on 6 ~11f1l('i'!.St' 1 BR. Rp!, Tf'nni~ C'Our1, f:ood f.14-:111'16. New Beautiful Garden Aparl- n1t!nt1, Private Patios, Pool. nionth Spa. Gai·age. Luxuriou.~ Pool, la ndscapi11g. Ad11lt~, no pets, loc. i 2 HR .• S~.l. ~·ul'm slu~rl \'·aiter/:;;:-ai'Cl. Avail Sept. :, BR· rg. • c.,-a Prcle S32.l. Duplexes Unfurn. 350 '2000 Pa1.,<;0n~. 642-lWiO. !'iiilflble ! or 2 adolfl'l. Fni:d &t-1--664-L " -C<1llf'gl' Pk. sh.i,o:: .s23:1. Irvine Costa Mesa HOLIDAY PLAZA Y•l, ~11n(lf'rl-.. l'lo1'f" in O(·f'an. / .1 BR. -s2;,:i, U nru rn!~l1rd 1-.-· RR " J;".;11111' 1'){1111 S2."J(). -;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;; I ,,.. u I I -1~ ,. .... , L B h • DF.LLIXE: S I RR · '"· n1n. 11 P'. ",.,.....,,,_. .•. aguna eac ·; HR. ~lP.~a \"<>rrf., si;io. I · · · J:ral'.lou~ -1 1:1n, rrpt~, r\1 P\ , ang" EMERALD BAY 546-9521 or 540-6631 :!. BR 2 hath~ ......... $:.lb~ Z Af{, I'~ fl .>\, i;ar, hltin~. ru1·n ap!_ SI:~:,. Hr;iletl pool. Beech Frnt. Rental-1 ,,11",~ n"rlrr'tl. Arlll<, 11., ~Dll-.nnu al ·.> R",,· 'I. b'lh<., "">• ...... l10fl rrfr1i.;, n~11 Shaf tTpi< I \ l k Ad I < B > h · " ~-UDH Al N• h I R I E ! ! • '' -, ' '" ·r . . ., . . . . . nip ,,. !1'1'" 111g. u ts:no I", :., ;i llpl, 111111r1 or prl ~ .$\6~/n10 Ai:,l, 67:..-IG)(i I \Vl"~TER . OCP.antron!, ~pa(', IC D s ea s a e ... BR. l ba ~-. atr1u111 .. ~~~ ~h311J. SliiO , 6-lH-19.11. P"L<, 196.~ Pon1011a Av ... C.ll. ,l'!'!,1· L P~ta1rs-Orean Vie\\', I ., "·l''-1'>71 . -"·I i h · '?" " n ~· 'l~l }; 21 ~I, C Ill f>.Hi-S666 :1 '-"rn1 .. , bat home; din-.1 BR., 21 ~ ba 's. lam. rm S.>:·' Huntington B N ch ___ ~F:\\'LY derorated I Br. tlf"\\' li\~-17:i1i. ---------'--'----'---------~ iog rm .. lan;ir, inner patio. L'R!-.'I''· RE,TAL oERVICf,' ;\BR., 2 ba's, bonu5 ·rn1 S.l:iO NF:AR root llr1rlgl', I yr, nld 2 ~ _ ., ('Pl~, drp~, panl'g, slt11'r. DELX furn 2 81'. on quiet Furn .• s.:.oo :.lo. ~ B d ' B I I 4 BR .. 2'~ ba .. f11rn. rrn S.1~.'i L\l~lAC 2 BR, (mt, dt""~. RR. 2 ha . 11p!: wif!I' drrk. * Span1'sh Elegance " e roo1n :. .11.t 1. argr ·" " r! .~ h 11• h r, ga1·. pAtio. strel't nr bE'aC"h priv pa!lo r.r. 67, ~7 YEARLY -oct!anfronl l bd-Pllnelcd fainily rooni ll'ilh 4 BR., 2 balh~. ramily roo111 Rlln~. Patio, Lol'rl.v fnrr! SI''/ L ~IO . ' • ' Arll1~. M p<·t~ $' "-"'· .,...\. · r ni. quality honle, f~irn. T R k $3.'".0 d p . ·'"-' nio. ea~ e. 1• -"ar, rrplc. &-e to 11.ppriec.! $7~ mo. fireplace, nell"i.I' painled & in urtle VEoc ~H"E'R"s' groun s, r 1 va I e dbl Shalinia.r Dr. Apl A, C.:'ll. $240 1110. 6.1~220 l'l'I'~. sm -2 AR Srudin. Ne\v "" carpetP!l, nrw double oven \\'E HA u• gar-.igr, S160. ResJ)l')ns ible sh11g, h·plr, pool. w;ilk to Other 11"Jnlrr rental! ,t, d ishii·~shrr. Brauiirill n1an·ipd couple. 1142-32ifi . Furn Bachelor & I Br \\ Ji\'TETt-lo"rr 2 Bn. 2 AA. lx-h. ;1~7-11717 nr ~>\~2440. from S·loO !"llonth eonclirinn lhl'OU"hoo> .12~.00 ••ewport Beach Exceptionally nice. bt-11u1if11ll y turni~herl S26:1. -------' ,,, " 5 110 .. , L· 'S" 3 BH, c.1·p1.'>h\'l)·'· h!tlls, Turnf!r A ssocialf!S 1111:'. a1·aiJ. r1ow: :~lG-Sli-10. 130 up. 2 , .. ewport 1 "1"-Ii.Iii-~ .. \IJ '!rplt·. pll1i'1 , So nf 11"1'· 110.l N_ Cn.i.-1 Hwy., L:t;:una R!t . .\:XD . ...;'E\V lln<l VACAi\"T l\1PT l~I~ '1'trf1·n1 1r/ p1rr Blvd., CM. ':! BH, 11p~lr:<, ,·\f'11n, 111· bf•h &· S:t:t:1-\'l"ly. fii.'\-l.i7.o:i ~94-1177 Anytime 4 RF:,'.' ~101)' h()l)lf". <'l'PI.~. fl i•;•t P.l'/:l B:1, !l'p), AAf'!TF:Lo:-1~ ,:-1fHr;:--s1'\n l .~l(>l"l'S. l!1 il Pd. \\'inll'I" ~l :l(l. -,----;,,.,----- "BR Vo $'>:;;;--1-B" I hi I h l't1r1dl'"d~ $'.: . .O )t'I}' l.•e.1 "''' ,. ''"· '''""kl". ,,,.111~ :;11() _ ;;.\fh SI ost• esa ·' " h \\", ··"' ITIO ''· r ·,.,,~. Tin~. ))I'll!' t lP <'ll"h~ ~ ,.,. • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ,. ' ,. , ,., t>i:r-71i7'.' -----Slti inn. Fa1nd1t>s onl.V. I r'< br;ni!l!ul "~J N.II•: 1 ·lu' ll-Vlli l., flil tilll pa ir1 , Nn "'11> ;i Rf!, 2 BA, on n('P;111-1 ·19'1--l7-19 or '2131'24+-6:~% for Sl!i,l prr 010. Agi•nt l~t \\f"slp1·n R:i11k Bld.1;:. Westminster ··l11ld1·1·n. 11" 1w1s . '.~.I!! El , r1on1 . !J rno.<. lra~r. S22:l n·,n. . e 7>1G-ll·11 • Ur111 •·1~itv Park Ca.n1 ifl0 a4&-04:l1. I f;0)-.1~27. Lido Isl• , Days S33-010l Nights. '.! B1". Ot1p.1t·,,. _11n r 11 r n . ------ 8 Ibo I I nd I Cbllrl k 'l2 Shady· Gardens-Pool I i11{rc;irr & <"hl'•·rful 2. BR COZY .'.!BR 2BA A ., Se t a ti s a . (('fl ,, ' ·' .. 11rio. New New New Villa Cordova ,. . · vai -_ • P · -·· • Call ~4"~2 * J &· 1 BR., fmm $1 3:>. 1 11pt, \V•nter only, Aayfron1 ~-\\m_t_ei. ~i-plc. Appliances LITTLr: lshuld J BR, 2 BA, I;; BR. 'l'z ba th.<:f' .• $300 132."i NAS.<;AU PAL.\1S. J child, 11/pa1io. 11n J1¥!~. 6i?,-.?tJ:-,~. L'OOL -FRESH! ine. Gi;r52Z3. _ 1·u1<lf'ln1 horn~. ytarly, $3,j(). ~ 1iR. z ha. lnh~c ...... $.~2~1 Duplexes, 355 _1i7 ~:. ?lnrl SL 642-364~ 3 BR rhiplf'X, ,.]er:-N;:-btach QU!li' ·SAFT. S7j(), :\IO. by o\\~ner In lirly. 67J-6720. t .1 AR. 21~ ha. :nh~ .... S.~!1 Furn. or Unfurn. .~11;) in $12.)-l Br. Bflrh arr./ .t. ha,v. V11rn or unrurn,, 1~~"LJ~:c~:;j~~ !'E'S~. teiiant. Sept-.Jut\e. :t Corona del Mar :\ BR 21 ~ h;t, t1nn1"' · ··· .';'.l.'iO Balboa Peniniul• ~!attn..,. Rrlh.<: nnty n!'l'rl 11p-li7:H;.·)2f>, ~11 :;{;th ~1. 1 BR B.vt:r111 fi'fl.-4133. I .~ BP. 2 ba •6 1110~, , ,. . $,\2.l r!.i . 1\'o pet~. 213.i E.ldPn, 1 Bit.ANO NF:\\' ~ hlock Ap11rtment Complex Newport Beach ·~Br.._. in The nluff~ .•• $.~:ri I ' d h YflLY-2 BR,·~ blk lo heach. ,,lg1·, I 0cPl\t1 J RR/~ BA. ~·rplr, l & 2 BR. Apts. ~pa<'IOU~ ·:. B~ · .• ... ..$:l~t I i-·. •11 ~,;~1111·; ~rl11!1~. , ~1·~i1 !Ill. ADULTS _ 1 Rr. r\f'\\' ''Pl.<:, gai·agr. ~ nin , S:IBO. '.,2:l-0022 En1erta1nl11.o:-11'ilJ bra. plea~-DEL!GHTF'Ul. :t BR,'.! EA -l BR.+ \11'\\ ..•.....•• $~~ . . re I $ •. .o. fi7:l-.Sl.~7. %1-:10T.1, 11rr, D•'«Ol'>1lln11: l)llS 101·~1.1·. ap! hon1Pon be-.;1ch. B@ac:on H0~1F.: SHO\\' RF.ALTORs . · jiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii f hl!n~. SJ;;:;, Al~? _Br. t1nf~1 fr-:-EA\l -;:-RR . 2 ha, irplr, 1 sp11,·1011~ RPI 11111 hr a Jny. B " B I -~ I ~-~-1-C .,.. avl 11ppro.\ !l/l.~ i1,i0 Af1 .1 Ilk > h I \' ,.1 , h ay, ,, 1orn n1v>1C'rn\, ,,,,,,., · .. oasr Hv.:y. Cdi\1 ~,. .. 'I'\' ·-· l · n "ii<'\, "II ~ • .'i/){'r"1J fa 1nr1 SJ.lllf'P I o. ' J 1-$1'" • -~· .,.,-• l ~r..AL I )~ k 11·knrll'I'., !'l4S-2A!l1. I' .,. II I , • .,,,--ava1 ..,._-pl o une ·"""· .~• f:i·,,.,..., ~.1 · 111 1;i ~· urn. J..,... · .~.,. 1 • Lor.k l!"llrll!':'f'!I' 11• I Jg ~ror d '" ..._ I Univ .. Park Cl'nl<'t., lrlvne Ap1 tme t I ".... Er TO\l'''HOU<E " BR 1' Pp . ,.o pep;;_ .. .,.1v p11yVl F:\\'hoill"·lRr JS.. J r "'OI"_"'" y " ·. · . ~rnLY.li!,.lhr,lilln~.PA tio.•Rn1C?1!e Lndr_v e Pll!io:<; ST:;.-~j.l. rlns1r.~· ~ Rt". 1 R~' t1p~tr.~. I Ca I .o\nytirne_ lil'l-O~:l\l BA. r'Qmpl turn, t:r~.~~ly hlk h;11 .{. lw!1. Slli~. Avail. e rJ\V /dt!<p) e !111£<' £a~ stve BEAUT morl. tn11'nhou~. :; Sunrlc<·k. Cpl~ rJi·ps lhru-L painJrd. pon!. 64&-66lO Sl7.J. !Ill~. 6°7.i-67111 • Spt>c1al ~Oll(l(lproof1ng D •11 • 8 1 1 ,. · I aguna Bea ch Apts. Furn. 360 2 8 1 I ir e Df't'p 2 rolor sh11, ~r .. 1 a. rp c, P~ io. nul. all ~pp!,;inr"s 1 blk , r, ll". roomi;:. f'l'O · 1 * or F. ANf"RON T-\\'inter pool. 2 car gar, all bhns, Ol'f'<in. l'\r11ly rll'rr>I'. Adults 'OCF:A.\l Vtew h(lmr, :1 hr. 2 General ~hop~, '.1tll prl. $177.:iO 1R84 ,..,111~1. s2:Jl l'>f't' mo. 2 Rr, 1 ~~~~!'~,\~.!~;~~ PAll"l crpts, dranP.~. Lea~!' S33.\ Clnly, $J16. ffi'.~--01 17. ' l)ii $:i2.i. !~1guna l\1'11lt_v, ~-loru·ov1a. C!\l F.;., End i::~t·_ 61:!-SOfll (11 J"l::--4710 or 846-5991 e\'es 2 BR & df'n, rl'.'fng & stoi·r , J i~~"i s Cria~r H"Y 49+-00Ti. Rent Beautiful l-"urn1tutt 1 Bn. ~pt rurn. _,12j/\tO_ -W--l.-'T· E·R-RE-NTAL·s -1 Mo. to Mo. From $140 bl'rn·n S--10 or 11·k11d!\. 1 , !or a~ little ~s .1 , .,450 1.,. 7.:12:1 Elden A1•e, C~I A<ulls. no f>l"1~· 'i rly ls,., Mesa Verd• ONE MONTH 11/1111 · · ~ pt"!•. -' ( AHBEY Rf·:Al.TY i;.11-.\S,"i/1 1 See iltirr Tcfl \\'nod!IC'iHI \\"f:-..'TER ftpn f; 2, bd, Jrlll'Si :.1~ Avoc11r!f'1. /\IA.]. !l/l !\f'\l'p(lt! Bll'i'l. \:\I. 646-0032 rm. 1•. bllth. p11tio. frpJ Sholl'n 11("~i1e11rls 1-3 pni. BE1\UT. l''l'f' 4 fi1·, 2 f',,.., 1 Rr l'ML t'ril JYI, Singl,.; San Clement• !B!l!!l!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Obi. ~ 11 r, 11aFh 'ril')·Pr·. ·1::0.-'.l~.~~ r.r 67:>-fi!ll!l frplr. hl':1111rc! .. r1l 1n~"· "' complete with i 11rlul1, i\'o fl"I~-i\1· shop".!!· I Ar $1·10 m" rrf>t<. util n,.,! 67.i--8\1:.6. CCSTO'll '.\ Al\. 2 RA hn111r d1n•c1 11::11110;.:, flw111. rl1n 1n.r, your Joo•;. [h•l11x. <;J-19. ~-:l.14.~. I 111r·I ,\.-rr"-c Pli1 1.1 rark. Quiet Adult Living Sh11.g Cpl e dt'Ps e h!t11~ Beautiful P<J11I • All uw Pd 2 lilt. SliO Adul l~ only-no pcl:\ :.!11 /\1·oead() ,..,1, li16-09i:J * Deluxe Apt t . G1,•uud r1r. Ad 111t blrl~. N" Pf'I~. 1 Br, :l H11, $Hi:1. J B1·. 2 1.~a. pl'll' 11a tm, rlhl gar. $,,1:1. ~,.i:;..1110. ----rDWNHOUSE- 2 BR, I "~ lia, Crpis, Drp~. Stn1·,., P111 p:ttln, -~l f>(I n1n. Arlll~. oo flf't~. I Iii i'lelndy 1.11, * $170 * :'l Br. 11, Bii, nilllo, blln~. \"'!'pl~. t!rp~, A . .;k about 011r •llsCOunl plan, 81!{) Crnll'r St., Cil!. &1'2-R1~0 .. -~18·2G~1 DLX 2-Bll:-;;tl;;11o.-;:-p~ rlrp.~, bltn~. I child OK, nn rwrs. ~i:.:, 1110 "·ln~Prl \\"{'d/Th11 rJ 9:18 J:;I Ca1111no :"Ylfr(H.11 BA\.SHORES 'II hi> " 0 I .~ !,\nld,1 i·rn. ,-,·p1~. drp$ p h 0 t ' ----I •• -:1 ns •. o rran s1dr !1\1~. A1·~1 SI-pl urc ase pion I '·'lr'ILL rur1_1: hac_h io.p1 11.,11 _11·1•lk 111 B('li ·1:12-·1'll_1 __ _ ' O"/ 1\ . 1 d/11 , hl l111>, "~llri/ C,i\I', . _ ~P AC, 1 t. J Bl' ap!. $l4D Up, Jlld 1»11. Pla_v yd. Cp1s. rlrP~. hltns. p11tin. !\iris nk. 19!H ~1a ple No. J fi42-3S13 221~ (\1l leg<> l'\o. 6 fi4&-228i ' 2 Hf{, I RA, (:ar<l,.n U1111~. Sh11g r rpl).!, d1·p~. r!10.'hr, p11l 10. IJ1'IH1l '""•lln,g<. frplr". ' gar. :,i.;;>0 J.:h!r11 . ,1;;7-312:1 . fll'I~ . ·"" 1)10 r <'llr pn1·a r lhtli, \rl1d1, 110 l""t< ~~·1'1. Ind . ill'n1 s~lert1on. 11111 (1•-rr ,,., i R1. nlt1 ~-1 •pt. UnfurP.. 365 b I ( .. 11 '" 11 1,. 1 ,,~. rn1! ~!01«1gr a1·r,1 aull'J d" 24 H D I • p;i(· 1 ~ tM·.,_ • 1 \In Ii•.-. .;!,.;; our e y. '"•·111·1 11. 1;.lf>..~·l!YI. n1, r'f•)I l\/hf'~I"• !:·!'!\I r>. * \\"l."\TER RE:->..TAL-Oeeiin-Ll::T"',;-HP.. 2 011, rlPn, patio, ~ u 1 n , h 111 r 1,, ;i 1 ,1 r , CUSTOM <n-;("KT='G-1 -BR ~:1i·drli I General wesliBJlu -ELDEN - frtJ111. liXl 11 O('('ilnfmor 11"1 •' rl11 , ,.1,1~. lfl'p<., -h Furniture Rental I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;; ,. ro;1tr•1--t«11'f'r ,.. "A an a ~p!, pno , n•1• rr.nm, ~n1. • ca11 i;1:1.1 :1 r,. ;ir1111h, •l(J p.-1 ... 1,0;... . ..i()l; t.c;i,,. s100 c~11 .,.1fl--2<1s2 ,ili •1• 19111, c.\1. 548-34/!t r1"i:; oK .. ~11:i ur. i;.i.;.:,:1~.o. VENDo~•E . 1 ' esPARKLING NEw• u U f 30S ., BR - ' -----------Anahr1n1 774-2800 -----------m I B rl II" ..-iOU5e$ n Orn. ~ -. den, din r111 ,1·plf·, ~ Rr •. 2 r,., .-111 1·lJl.rJe-~ar'. Lnll'ahra 694_3708 1 BP.., h\ln.<, ('l~Pd ~;it, "tmm ............ · ·'·" rprs, rlrp,., no p~1s, ~:!:.Q I <,1111~ rlip,,' ni\"" fl""" t.-. · • _ 1 riu 1,.1, (l1,1,.r· arlul t. no r~1.,, li\f:llACULATE.APTS! 2 Bertl"".O'.)m ............ s11:,. General )••arly, 6iHn74 --,\l'<I. ~l;in_v '\i i-;i~ s2.~~ inn S~YIO. "1lrl l.11rt1~1 t/lllha1·" i·los" 10 lflii·n .. ~12;1, +;.ll>-fi9fll . ADULT nnd_ G/\RDF;N Af'T!'i. S 16:11 I ii) DI.,\'~; 2 Hf::-hilii~ rt<fl'l!<. \\ Ill' •"(!I, \]J JI'•, j1 1 I V trnlcon~. i::ar., 1111 1·01111., ~l i.'1. ~_c-_1 1:~0 ___ _ .. BEAUT!t"UI. 1 K· :l RR . Cont<>m)lOJ"l'll'J' c_;11rrlen ,\pis, Palir,s, f r· p I r: 11 , pool. .\1.'11-,~16:, (.'alt :.,.1&-;;Jf;l. ,\j F.S:<\-v;;:(!e 11-;:;;-:-N<"11·Jy Cost• Mes• CHILDREN •••NEW••• AL.\.IOST READY! .C:.uflf'r Con1for1ab!t JO uni: b1dit. 11·11h (IOI 2 BR. 2 B.o\ APARTMENTS Must See to Appr eciat e ;\'1'~1· mol Nwp1 Back Bay, ~l'!i()(JIS, p.11·k!!, \':llCA, Boy's ('luh, ~hoppg, fnvys etr. {;·\.<: hr.<11, gas-cooking, 11·a1pr, all paid. /110/1110 r1-0111 S!!I~. :1324 FJrlen -aer. n1· eail 'red \l'oodhe&d - Villa Cordo1·a across stre-e l. &ki-OOJ:l DELUXE APARTMENTS NO\V AVAJ LABLJ<: Air Cond -FJT1l r.'s -3 S1vim- ming Pools • HeRlth Spa • T"ennl11 C11 s • Game & Bil- liard fl()(>m, 1 & 2 BEDROO~t f"RO.,I 31·1{1 MEDITERRANEAN VILLAGE 1~00 Harbor Blvd .. C.ilf. 1il-IJ 5ji-Sn20 F..1-~NTAL OFF"JCF: OPEN 10 Ar>l TO 6 P~ -~FA=1R=w=Av~-i .. VILLA APTS. 1 & 3 BR's Pri\'l'LtP. patio. pool • lndiv, !11.llnriry fac. Near Oran£e Co. Airport & UCL Aduh11 onlv. 20!2'.! S;1111a Ana five. i\li::r. lllr!. Jo;1rl11m , Apt l-A ~HG-621~1 Park-Like Surrounding QUl}:T • DELUXE: J-:! & '.l RR APTS /-'iv patios * H1d Pools Nr shop·~ * AdW!:'t only Martinique Apts. 1777 SH11!11 Ana Avf'., C.\J /\!gr. Ap1 11.l &16-5.)>12 I Bft lnr s1111tle p('f.o;on, E:-s1tlt>, C.:11. Crpt~. rangl', .... rrie.. &'al". S125 n1 o . ~10-699!1 $tiQ -1·"'s"Rc-cdc,,-p1c,-,-.c1-,-,c,,cd->, non s111okPr. Srv, refrii , rirp.•, /\o P"I.~. Der. Rel. 9.;.i 1r~t 171h. :~1;,.4,;35 sruo10-2-sn, n P. w 1 y p;iinterl. Adult~ on!y/no pf1s_ s1:1.'i. 1).12-2:7.50 c r ;~Hi--~t!'J: :'\'-F.1v --,~R"n-,.~r,71~. nrJ'.~. li l ln~. fl'll·in. 1'!'11r $1T'i. :189 \l"nnd!orl<I rt. fi7:1-2t:i0 2 R!r,-~TUl11()-, -ut1I p.:ii7!~ $1 :lt !lr·>trr! Pml. No j)('I~. Ph li\2-~l 1~1 , -----• O("f·:A.~ flr>i -Lr·t: .1 RR . 11, R\, 1.ilTns, t'!'flls, 1h·p<> ~1~:.1,rn. ;...'() jlf'I«. ~ <'l11ldn·11 nh Aval] N'>pl 1. ~~t:i-.1~\.1 IAR-:--;;pt~.-~1.11 ~~hr·. rf'lrq:i;. Arlll~,. ~n pP•~ Slli. Av11il ~/I. •:,10-f.1.1.l E11st Bluff ~·--------Lt;E, imma\"' 2 El: 1 B.>\ 1.t":l..-r ,.,.!~-Ol)iti ~··l.'i-61:12. l)P.1111 PJ'l"-'tllto Ha<"1"_~d11,1 $16.'i~-h";-blt~rt"fll~ Cl ~A.\lllhY s .. _.-11onp k 2.111 ~-!~:!,: ~~Lr,1 drn. din rm, !rpl(". b'lln. hk·k I Newport-a .... ~h ~"')J :1~1 SlOO inn. ~;.1~!17.1,1, drJ)!I ·1·l~r • lo ·~hn11p1:.: I ~se !O. 3 o:::.1n~, b ar 64: ... 57!'iJ 1;.i~-!00.i 10 bch. S.):JO. 67:>-1().!li all 5. Balboa Island 11u 1;1;~ 6·\.1.-41 ',i &\:!~6:121 ' ~nai·iou ~ 1 '· ' •JS w. ltth, con• loll5A ---O SL E __..___. ---~ _ · ' ' ---· tr :-;,\'JO\ poo , p11t ·~-een 11"'" 2 llr · r-:\rp, di·allf's, NEWPOR:T BEACH lilh1s. Adlls on(} S140 Viii• G r anada Apts. Houses*Apts . 4 RR.:'. Rath brai·h linll.lf',,~ N.E,WP ~.T .~ *. Yt.:ARLY. ld<'at for I P"r':f111, 2 BDR:ll ~11~P. t1·:iilP1· :\1:0 1 • ~·rpl, lndiv '-'!dt")' far"!:ri ~1i1Ylencr. __ $~!!0 111n /\i,iil \\,,lt'ifiont, '~"· -An.~ lhri.pla"iiil S•'pl 1,11.~17:, P"'' 11111, incl all u11 I, r>in 1845Anahe1mAve. * 6-45-0111 * :-rpl 1.ti• . .,...19~ •vnv_ rlrn, 2 ~ Ril .~, lrpl 1noinr·lu1il bi:~:!9i,;. '1·111l<1T"'n.G-12-~2t'i. rns-r11 ,\tf:s11 fi-12-2.~2'1 -<,.,~,,,,~ '-/I I C M Lo\rly p;,t><i. Rlt>no; Do r k -' • --~ -,_,..,....,·,... ____ ..,. ., ~·.,., ,,.. .,..,,,, ''" ·' osta •s• . ,-I ,·;,..,, Balboa Peninsula 'S!!O ur Vf'ry ni('P 1 k ".!. R1·. --spa<'P 111 H.tl. ,..,.,. Y · '"" n10. I -l' \\' \\' 1 ' A I Apt S pply Inc EASTT<n1· c i\l • 1 BALBOA BAY PROP . . ninh. hnn1"~· L . · ·i <;an,! • • ~ • rn.!ll-JUST P.1ghl lnr OnP! ' . . o~ra ' esa 1 • PF.N1i\Sl1LA P<11nl 111Cf' 1 "4" "10~ .,.;,_.r·\O f"A1·1-.et~ Ju1'n!llll"f' l!<IHll~. h<l 2 b 'b c. F hi I''""\\ B I'"· '"" '"" -... ,, ('\1 '} """'' '" ""'' .h ' • '' • l BR. S101'f', re[rig, a1·a 1I i·m. 11. nvrnt-. re~ Y ,iv;, • a uv11. "'~ ,,,.,.,. BR. lJ!il. pr!_ y ,.11.r!y. $1~i0. · 1 Plumb"g. clean·~ ,<;()lu rions. 00"'. $l·lfl-SEPAP..ATE 1 Br. Yard tor kids & pi!I. G01r. Easl · aide, Ci\!, ~ainte'1. 11lso new gi·pen UNUSUAI. VALUE~ n10. No pe ts. fl75--5Qj,,~. $17o, l RR hnu.•r. den, pnn' J652-f N,.11·pr111 Bh'd, CM .~hag cari>ets thruout, Ohl. i\('l•·por1 R1v1t'ra, lito~ul . ~ PE:;.TN PT l b .---pa1in, llR r' 11<1\Jltll. 11<) pl'I~. tt-1~-Zll~l garage, C(l1'n<'r lo! 11·1t h Br. f'/R, 2 Ba Cnnrlo, lqz ,, lb 1·1"' 1• n r q11iet Mf..~3764. fPnccrl ,11 'd RP: 1 1 s:xr ON>an ay. "'' n10. A good want ad 1s 1 :ood ,\ 1 . ·~ 11 .J p~tio. nu dt11s. crpt, d\1 h1·.1 =:::=:;;:o'o'o:"~"""~· ::;;;;;:;;:;;::::~~,,-0~'~"~';,'~n~'~";:';:"':;';:":;;;,_;;":':':::::::i:'"~"~':;'',;m:;•:;"~'======-ner n1011th or npr1on to huy. pool rer & eh1lr!ren's play1• Call Broker ~:.--0465 -Open 11.rr~. Sti;1 \Sf'. 673-JS.X.. ... ,.,., . .:TUD!O ,,..,.... 1 B,· 11• El'C''· .,......,.,, "'" ---°";---.,-,--,----~---1 BEAUT n1r.d. I0\\1nhou~e. " $A. Blrns, c:pL'I, clrps. Child-·1 BR, l': ba, Fa 111 rin, I Si', 21ii B~. 1rplc, r 11tio. "p .-,1,,Q .. ,e_ • ,. 1 " 1 ' '"" r!'p l, w·g nl" y .11.1·d . pool.2t'll rgar.111lbltJ1S, Children & pet~ l\'f'IM111e. 1 rrpt.~. drapPS. I I'll."!!' SZ9.l . nSO-~'"TUDE:\'TS l!ne: J sr.. \\a!l'r pd. 16:,0 Tu~t•n Avr. '\I :123-4710 OI' g.v:-:.991 e\e;:. 2 BA. !':r. OCC. fil2-7~S9. li,.!wn $1--10 ror \\knrl~. n &i-POOL + :! RR 2 Bii . ~HAnP · LGE -4 hr, 2 h11, LRC. hl'llUl1ful. ti. r I 1 s I 11 0 G 11·/11', drps •. bl1ns. Lease J aPf!nei;e :iryle 4 BR. f11m ft'PlC, R/ . araa:e. ,,,-, c II p ~ ,1 me>. o eae 11 r k. nn ll0n1r . J patio~. IO\'f'ly IEACON * 645-0111 540--0374 lan<is1'11Jling, orean view, :; BR, 2' i BA, pool, elee! &ar Lf'll~. 673-784!1. $9). 1 BR cotra11, util pd, tot l'lpt>nl'r, $2"j0 r.fn. Ginny A: per OT< :;.J.)-8-4:27 54-0-2286 Newport Shor•• n'Jo. Z *BR :acal~n. "'III ? BR hou!f' S160 nn pets $ij 1 ~ AR 2 Bii. 2 -~ty \\"/Ilk t('I • ' -I n 1 ' h"arh. '\'!'iu"I\/ lt>ll~t! lod!!, f'W"'s OK r ("R ll g f<"C 1 ~1 Poniona .\RRJ-:'t' Rf.:A0LT\' 64~38.'lO * ,,.. * ,\•<", Co~111 '1,.~a $1.1.1. J BR plu! \\"Ork !IJ<'lp, z Bf:. 1989-B-Char!e SI. San Clemente f!'ncd lor kid~ & Pf:!s. l140/,\IO. /\o riogs. C..al l .1 Br. 2 hit f'Uittnm hrln1,., _ * * , tr 0.'6-7017. fi-12-Z2Zi9. I Arl11115 only, o Vlf'\\. $1j(t n.;o, ~BR 0~11.nliont lw)n1r. Sli.~\JQ, ,, BR Form"r ;\lnve in SepL >f. :144-419<1. kids /.: pets OK 00 I '-"' ~ · .i-* * m e 1 ~,1nr . "-'I'' f, ._.. ps. Westcliff * J>llUO. ~!l--0726. 1-----------J SJOO, Ho!'se ranch :i Bft nn s )II ALL ro1y, ne...,·l)' I~ ac:rtt. kids, pets horses 2 Br hoU•e. East sid!'. LaJ'ie 1 · · · OK. ' M!'k i·11.rrl. Sl6:l roo. 213 rll'('(>tllte(l, 2 hr, llhAt t!pf, STAR 6"2B60 ~128 l?Te'. p•llo~arlulTB, no pets. *LET -' · s?.2:.642-260Je1·<'1. GOV'T REPOSSESSIO:'\, 101\ :.RR :!BA. Bl!iru., 11oOO •r~&. tin R~Fume 101\ int loan A1a 1I lor 1 yr P ... tr1a & I f;ll·~v quA.l lfy1ng. B k r .t_p1ano S22:1 n10. :,..i,,...'JS51. I &42-424~ AnylJrn~. Call 642-5oi8 No,v! 616-2627 __ . _______ F'<>ur hedroom, wil!'I baloon. ' EL CORDOVA * N!CF.: Unfurri 1 Rr, 11ril. ie' 11bove & ..,.lnw. Gracin1n1 11·/ pool, ~lr•se IO ~h(lp 'g ;..to living & quiet 11.uT011 nding Apts. pt'ls or c:hilr!rtn. 313 E. lith for lamlJy \\'Ith Olhi!drrn. :.. El\' I .t· 'l BR Lu:oiu1y Apr.~. Pl. ;',43-tii_'c·'c'·------Near Corona de! ~far High n.,hwhrs, ,>;lr;i cl~Pt.<: l.: t'ur-UPPER !ri;\ 2 Rr .. f·p!s, <I rr~. School, F'ireplace we: bar&. h<J11rrls, l11:oiu1·y ~ha~ crrt'R, h!l11s, ~ngl gar. 1 ehilcl ol<, h11iJr.1n kilchE''1 aPpliancP.s. ~au1. L"!'C racll & POOL, .\140. J l6-9jJ7_ 835 A~tIGOS \\'AY ftt-1.2991 Ad11lt11 e No pe ·s. l-0CEC.L_U_Xc.c..1=.RcRC,-G-.,-.-,-,.-fl il Col<iwell, B11o~r I Co. 2()77 Charle ~t. 6-12-4470 P.f11.nagb1g Agent 5't!.S22:l Sl'pt. l Adult11, no Pf'.lJ, Sl.'l\ e NEW-DELUXE e 1E~A l DO ·150 E. 21st, 646-6016 1' " ,J J Br. 11pt. Cpt.~, 1 -----~------1 .l BR, 2 BA Apr fnr JeaR, Incl dt11~. bllnA, clote to Jhop'g I BR, sharp. Cl'ptl!/r!rp~ .. Nr_ ~p.&c. m11~fl'r suit~. din rm & OCC. H111 lmh;.r rm, pool O,C,C. & U.<:.L $1 3.i. 973 ,• rlhl ~aragr, allto r!oot" /., f'lll'P(ll'I~. R"n!.~ ~!a rt VRlrncu1. ;i:l7-7lf:ll. from $13.i-~1411 A.~k fl houl '! Ar. f'llmily Uni1~. l'\l'wl y our rl111C011 nl . 1846 Pl11cen1ia, r!ri·or, l'nnv to(' r fl<'ll. Slti,) . ,\!gr Apl M. 64tl-R5&1 I Vll.L.A i'lf:SA Apt~. 719 \''- INDIVIDUAJ, PRIVACY . \Vllson. 646--l~.'iL Olx-1 Br\\'/ i:::~r k ~!or, Jl1 RR ; ~rlult~; cpl~. drp~. bltn.'. ll'ICd )'rl 11•/ J»'t.iO, water pd, 1t~nt-r/ma int. CaJI b~·n 1-:. pm 636-41~ 2619-L Sllnt1t AM Ave. S15.'i 661-K Victoria St. $15fi 2 Br/P{i h11. Sh arp . Crpr/rirpi:;, 1200 sq fl , 31&;,. 973 Valencia, c ,,1 5.\i-7768. 2 BR, 111 ha, frplc, patin, t!J'l)I& & rlrpll, encl 111.rag:e. $16;1. &1::..-08o6 a fl :). CLEAN 2 BR. $145. O].J('ner avail. Pool k Rec_ ·' a1-ea. • $:!7:1 • Jl65 An1iJ:O~ \\'ay. NB f.farnigf'fi hy \\"JLLl/\1\.1 \\'ALTERS CO. NE\VLY tieC(lrated 2 Br-2 ba upstaJN apt. Bllins, crptJ, drp5, 2 c11.rpor1~. pool l Child or ptl OJ\. $2~ mo. PJIONF-;: 67~i-6050 ·-. ._ . . . . . . ' I Aplftmt"h !or "ent .. 1 ~1 A,.rtmw1t1 ftt RM ,• _ .. -.. I• I~ .__I _·--1~ I lt.iit• 365 Apt1., I Rooms 400 Business Jtent•I "'5 F urn. or Unfurn. 370 .-. -=---:c--:-'""'.":-1·-------------c-'---:-::--,.1 ' ________ ..;.. __ I ' S15 pP.r W ~ • k Up. STORJ::, prim!! klci1hon, •~. 1 SllARE r1rivlna " ridirc t<i Apt. Untur n . J6SApt. Unfurn. Apt. Unfur n . 3'5 Apt. Unfurn. Newport S.•ch Newport Be•ch NOW YOU CAN AFFORD NEWPORT BEACH EnJCl\' S750.000 hea llh clu b & s pa : 7 pools, 7 tenni:11; ('011rl s. Bachelo r, J or 2 J3r's. ;\lso 2- storv l<l\•;nhouses \\'I 2 or 3 BR's. !~lee. kitch- ens." pr1\'a1e balcony or patio. F'rom ~175. Sub1erranean park111g, ele\', n1aid service. Full-!ine fO<ld n1arket, dry cleaner. beauty s<ilon ~·1th1n con1plex. 7 beaut. 1nodel apts. Y a1n to 6 pn1 daily. other t11nes by appL ,Jamboree & San .Jo;iquin I-tills Rds. N. cit Fashion lsll'!nd. 714 : 644-1900 !or leas:ng info, PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS Apt. Unfurn. 365. Newport BeacM -'------- Newport Beach Rl.l"t-f"<; di\ Tnh~P 2 R1 . 2'• I f'll, i•l1n~. fqil. 1 ~.,;. 11·~ I 11!'rll, rihl ,, .... , 1:!J11· A•1ul!.'i S~2:-.. (111 !l/1. iil\-tYI0.-1. i:;-r.!k ft••!ll hf>R<'h.-~ml. 2FIA. hlt-1111< fWlllO . Vrl) l~P Sr-p1 1~. Re r.~. 675-t».li, 11A-1r,1 RllY~'Rn:>:T. ~"'"' d•,.,·k~. P-"-- 11111 :l Hr .. 3 h11 , f1rf>p!;irp, S.'1;(1 111•'. 2 Rr 'l R11, $."./)() 111", Hr~h.~r ,;11;.(}"711 CflAg\11:-;r, I Ill~. ,-rp1J t.· •11"1'". J'•'fl"IC. ~lnl P, fr11lr ~-1nrl •i ll<!!I II 11·r t< I .f':!!<P . ll",(J t11f\ litfi q·~ r\I'~. !)ail~ f'1lnt \\'11nl Aris have h!irg;nn.~ g;i.lnrr Apts., F urn . or U nfu r n . 370 N e wpor t Beac h Sant a Ana J ft("l(),\1\' RR, 2 RA hlflJl.". .11t·1 ul·r~·k, s!ep!'; '" hay " hf'll•'h. Y11_,. 61.-.. 1s;.1; CAN'T BE BEAT --..-r~:11~ lo rw·r:•n-rl('W lu,.;ury 7 "'· )~P S~\ Arllt.o: ~119 SJNGLJ-.: s-mn y H I\ !'t'. 642--JO:!.'i. lt'\8.-~ 712 South :':Pa Atmo~phrre RA Yt'P..ONT .1 Rrl.1 Ra.. lrpl ~ RR .• 2 FIATII ~11t11111I J:;r , 16."'1. f\(i;it llnclf:rl (';iq)(>t.~ k drJ):'l n"nr-da1ly 9-.) :i.1~1:;(11_ ;\1t Cnn!hfll'lfll'<t --I'l'll':llP P11!in!ll San Clement• Ht:ATt:D f'OO!. .Jl'"T ('<t!llplf'!f'<\-2 k ' R•· P\o>n!y or la"'" f'ln~P !o ho,~,.h N ~hop'i.:. All Carpori & S1nr;i.t;f' hltn~ 1111"1 \ "'""· 11 l11ff•'. '"· l-llDDt:N \'11.LAGI': ,,,,.,...,Ill ~~i<l rm .... trplr«. '" :?;m Sou1h Si\1111 • 546-1 :.25 !'"'~""• f'I "" ,!.':lltr<:. '.!'12 Air Si!.n1a Ana )\allli\ A;i.rhara . 7 ! I I 4fl2·lli;-(l fl!" 11 I 492-tl:lO 01• ._,,_..._.,,..,...,...,...,...,...,...,.....,_ 1>·11·""',,1!¥1, A t ___________ , p ... Ap t s., F urn . or U nfv rn. 370 F u rn. or Unfurn. 3701---------- ~--~~----~----~ Huntington Beac h RESERVATI ONS Huntington Beach Huntington B•ach N o w Se ing Ac cepted ;::;:;:;;::;:;::;::;::;:::::;:;:::::;::::::::;:::::;:;:::j (::;::;:::;::;:;:::;::;:;:::;::; Gener al ('l("~:A~Fnn....-r 1 1r\\. hP;i.rh. •ur.0 .. ,1.;. IJl'"rr •II' J All. l"-!tn•. rpT~. rir'p•. 111!·1. l!Ar, nr ~11nr<-/...· rrr Sl<"" .• \rlul!•. Rill>1 f)f.: i~f.-:.'1~1 ,..-;)'\r,1,~· ~!nr.1 rlrl111r f'Rl ln :1p1 2 Ar 1 I~~ 'h:ii: 1·r>1•, P•ocl g~r SI~:), 1'17 (;prl('\;t.. .-•. "'.f.-~~:l ' ---------1 !.\. .1 RR . 2 RA .~111<1•n 11p1. Le~ fPl1r~rl ~rl. "nr·I. .:11r:i~r ,\1·~·1. allfr r\11c. 2'111'1 . .s1~:1. .11~2-1.'>1!1. WALK-TO-BEACH- l..n1 Pl~ \ /...· 2 RP.. 1•p1 t!rp<. hl1n•. rt.~hwhr. ~.l"i-.~:l.'17 t.r.F. 2 hr. 1 h;i. ~111d1n ;i.p! "/pa tin f.· .1rri. ~11 h!•n". !nrlry r11r1I. Sllll ~12-<1:.1Q. 2 RR. patpro. prinl, rl\I . •h_.:pl, rrfr1i:, nr ho~1•. 1111! rrt. artl1<. ;i,;i1I Srpl 1, ~12-::i lq:l f RR. l hlk.«-lrottra;,-$1:'.i mn. Ariul!•. C'illl :.::i:.-1~10 BEACHBLUFF APTS~ 2 ~-.1 RR. l RA. f"""l. pa110, rl". ,,r. ~hnpp1n;::, ~l<·.l!l~<. .l-BR~r·ll'll'r tn hr;ich, .. ~ prT.<, f"rp1c. <11"f'-". S1 ·10/\l0. rll. ~1fi-!M'! .<1n1 r . !R-r i\01 . :\o r liildrrn. ""' JY'I~ S'.1:1/n1n '• hlk~ frr1 m 1 ~_:_n:.__11 1~,'.!~:.::!7,_ --I "* "* S14"--2 Rr 2 A;i. <'r1-. rlrr<. hl1n_.:. ~, ·1-21 :,2, ~:'li-:•1'l1 . Lt ':\I "RY ~plf 11·11h ~mog-ff'<'r 1 I :'.'\•·\\ pnrt-Harhnr !..· orr .:in \ ·r 11 ~. "1rrlr•ok1";: l.1d11 1~1,. \\1th r11111..-.11n1,...n1;:i] ~n1ru1. 1 1•'~ !'1 1ni·l11rir j T>ll /\ill\ t·luhl1t111_,, P'"•I .~· 11n1q11" fX"'ll-har. :'.-~101-y l.f>nr \';ii . Jry f'11,1,<'a1J !.· 11·;.irti11nn11I rlr!<iCrl n\·pr .•11[,.1rrrlloP~rl p;irk1nc -l•Jl l1 r·j..-.1·~Tr\r. 1·a~1rf1il lrihhi>'<, •r1·1 1r1l.1 T\ "·'"11·nl. 21-t1r f'.tlr.,ilr d. r 11,•ln_,rrt r·n1n1111111iT.1 fnr 111"\.1111111'1 ~N"llrl!?. ~1riclP~. I h1lr'n1. ~ tvlrm. f.· .'\ Mrm )U\111 \ 111111~ nf :./,l'\flt"I .<I\. ft, F1ll111 S?.\1. -'l"n1111y V ERSAI LLES "" !hr Rlull<= ;it -'°"'lfll'lrl. •.\hn1p f'ar1lw C'na~I II"~'· 1>..-.1'"'1'11 .'\l''"J1nr1 Jlarl>nr k ~U pf'rinr. 17141 6-l:l·fl()fi(). Ollf"11 in :1111 1n fi 11111 * BRAND NEW * ~~ll"t2 ~an1a .·\na .o\1·r, l /l<Tn~• llY'lfTl ~ ·" 1·n1111tr\' ('111h •. ~fl"''1n11.: I ~· i P.rl !11111". ~-1·nn1 -$1:<'1. Hfl. Frplr~ p1·11·. p;i11n•. \n;;d~ .. r .-lo~P(«. Arluh"'. \lt:r. il0-0"111. RR~'.!IT!ITA !,:lj\!'; \.'lf";\\- S'.!;n llucr ~RH :ipl. l\it:h on R11l'k P.i+_v Rl11lf_.: \\/ r1·1 h~l,·nn1r". !rplc, \1 Pa 1 r rl l""'I. ln~ri• of rlfl~rl~. .\rh1l1< ~i:; !"1!1ni•ncn Or. •f" n \l I! i" • C'all M.'>-l2fl\ I' ALMOS T READY 2 BR 7R°o1 Sl;i.!rr Al"P !! R 1 Rr •• Sllll-l Rn sr;; •. llP s1:;o ' mn, mer. :~1 ~laTPr, r rt\. pa11n. hdl111rrl rm. h1tl ~~7-ft!P,f; niuiPr. i:l9-Xl.'i.11. 1 f"..-.1 1• 1~1·u111, ,\l'l11J t"'-20101 . Rir"l'h :':. '\A f;l.';-1~1f..O. Me•• V •rd• n1.x 2 1 .l Br, 2 R;i., '"' 1 !.':llr l l"il G.· up f:.r r1t:il nfr. ;J'Y.t;i \larP Air. j.lf>-JOJ.t. Newpcrt Beac h R\ UIUI Oi-h\\~"hr1 , p;i!u• ''"' hi/I~. \1:111 for J-1 1,·11.1111 111·1 Hlth_ ('llnl<"'" nl , q.r,/dq1". r;;_r.~\~\ IL E. HAVE A NICE DAY LIVE AT CASA MONTERREY In your maintenance-free I u x u r y apartment. We do all those weekend chores while you relax around the pool, practice you r puttin g and dr iv - ing, play billiards or workout in the gym. After a hard day at work enioy the therap~t i c poo l and saunas. We have l and 2 bedroom apartmen ts with air conditioning and fireplaces iust waitin g for YOU. ALL UTILITIES PAID PALM MESA APTS. R11 c·hl'(or un r11rn • , •••• Sl.1.>. 8 1<rhPlnr /urn ........ Sltl. 1-BR 11nfurn .......... $140. 1.~11. 1urn ........ 1ron1 s1 a.-.. I 2-RR unfurn , ......... S-11i<l . 2·BR !urn ........ lrom $l7J. ' e POOi. I e !'AUNA e JACUZZI J:ifil '.\\P.°"'i Dr. .si-n111 An;i I LIVE LIKE A KING At Budg et P ric e s! f'liR,'\/ISJrr.n - t!Nt'URNISHJ::D 1* POOLS * ENCLOS ED GARAGES I* CONVENIENT I TO ALL R~:ACllJ·:.c; FR O M $140 MO NTH A DULTS PLEA SE VILLA PO MONA PHONE 642 -2015 1l7F"JJ romo1rn 1'1•r .) 'l-2 RP.-.•. Vu.-n I.· l "11f. $1'.!0 ur. 1nr l uTil, nr"•I_\ rlrr • 1 h.-11111 carrlrn. fl'"l'·•I . rrr Ar1ult~. ,...., J'f'I•, 1'.l"'l tllapl,. fl•r . ('\-! \1c:r. 111•1 ., l RR furn nr 11nr ··pi~. 111·r• ;-..,.. •·h11r11pr1• s1~.n. 'J.~:i Oran2r '''"· 1\p1 B. 1 Rn~~1 11t r". ~1.lll. 1 t~r.. l lnfurn, 11111 r.O $1R" 2 RP.. l "nfurn, S140. &lfi-2:--11 .. r :~i~-"-~1.1. ::._ ___ _ Huntington Beach H · B ...a... W/Kttc~n. S..~ w-eek up 17th SI, CM. ""I .nnu-~ I L.A. dnwn1n.,.,·n .trnm CdM unhngton ••"'" -..... ._ I ap~. ,\ nrwly ~. inf'l In by 9. ,,tlf by . Hrs. 11T11- -;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;, !\.-1olPI. * ~U-97~ ~. ~T"P!J. f"gfl It_ lwtr. ibl ... 67.\.-J04it .-Cl.EAN. qulf"I, hlo'. Bdrm, 66--0.111. 1· ~~~~~~~~~~~! ON BEACH! NEW APTS pr1v homr. wlw wardrolM'! MN CLEMENTE -_\'100 -i ; ;I <'IOSPI, 646-2041. ft. pnn1,. "P"t.'e 11'W mnp... P•r1onal1 $14-SLF.EP'G rm for m11.n ping <'f"nt"'r. P LA Z A 11 ~;;;;;;;~;;; l Rr 7 RR J BR From S'l/1 l"rom S242 Fmm $.375 n\1"1' :10. NP11 r J7. -': lrvinP.. REAi.TORS .o!96-4996 '.I CM. ~7\6.. SHOWROOM mfi;:. It. off:ir~ j Person•ls Ava1labl~ l'll rpf'ts-d r;i. pes-d 1sh washPr hf'llti>rl J)'IOl-.o:;i.unas-1enn11 MALE collf'K'" _,turlf'nt or itpi!cr. Cl~ in Lllguru. loc.1---------- lf'llcilf'r. Vir J"h SI, C.M. $~ 1n Sl'IJ Mn. 494-46.\l. • f'UtJ.Y _LICENS_ED * lil mo. ~S-121\fi. f-;--O-R l...ea~ llJfof"f"fmnt bldi;:. Renowli('d H1nrlu Sp1r11llalls1 rer room-ocean v!ew11 p11l1fl'l-A mple .PAMonr Sf'<'urity i;:uan1.«. ::::..::=:.::::...=:c.____ , Arl .,.1cP on 1111 matlf'l'll. BEDROOM in prtYalf' twlmP. \1 -1 7/lllf', approx J7CX) sq. I J.nvf', .M11crlll.I:"'. BU!l.llW'll HUNTINGTON PACIFIC l.ady nnly. K.1!. pr iv. rr .. 2072 Pl11crn1111, C.M. I Rrarl1nll~ Jll\lf'O 1 '111.yR a ~8-211f\. NF.W .11tnrr~/lhopro:. al N"p! ""f'f'k. 10 11.m. 1(110 p.m. L\RGE hrirm, nr So. f'~t P1f'r" 01 ... 11n f rnt. $100 up 312 J'\. tJ C'11m1no Real. Pl111jl. Pn. f"fWT"l!inre .i. bath. R<llho;i Blly Prop. 613-7420 S;in Clemf'nlf' 711 OCJ::AN AVE., H.B. til ~) 5J6.14ll7 '."l-ID-561:'1. SAI.f;' I.so> -C;i.fe I Rar .. 12 429--9136. 492-007n LARGF. rt1nrn for wnrkint i;i100!, fully f'Quippr<i. ~ MEXICO----! Olr nJlf'n \O 11m--6 pm 011ily \\"IL!.IAl>-1 l\'ALTF:RS CO. 11.·001;i.n nnly. i.:11 . k l1111nrlry -~· rt. 2..17£ Npt Blv<1 , r..-t. SAILING VOYAGE privi;:.s. C.M. ft.lfi-7~ e Prime RPtail Location e I MPn k 1uJn1f'n \\.'llntf'rl m jnin Newport B••ch Gue.1t Home .C15 lllx40. Xlnt tl'affic. 1873 AAihniz vn.'•I!~ 10 Me,..-,rn H11rbor. CM. 646-66.'>4. Sharr "'XJlf'n.sr~. F:nc 12\lf ·*PRIVATE ROOM E. llth s"C""cmi11 ~ .l78·971l. RIOSOrt Living I ~ nr f'ldrrl y 11111,11. Rctizhl • S1nro>-0lli""· SliO Per \1on1h :C.:..C:..CCA~PC=A~Rc,~. ----1 l'hf'E'r.v .i:;i.rrlrn ~un'flundu~. lll>Alonoml<'!'; Rkr fiT;J-f;700 VA.sf'l'!nm.v, NutnnouK meal.~. ~8-47.l.l. 1c:.:::::::::c::::._::.:::::._..::::::...::: mil-S R t 1 Industrial Rent•I 4-50 I rinn. Info It ummer •n • s 420 642-44l6 l1nn ro>crral1nn .. s111mm1ng, -~· c·---~--- Lll\"IJI)' .:ir1 !1vin" \l"/$1 TP11n1s, h1iliarrl:<, ;i.nrl vnl· 1 CORONA Del MAR * COSTA MESA * Al.COHOLJCS AnonyJTl(lll~. ]ryh;dl, ho>al1h 1·l11hs. ;;;iun;i.s, $9S. & $167 per month. Pt>onf! 5'12-7217 nr write <'l11hhn11~r. p<o1Ty nx1n1, N!si-Qua_r!rr hl(l(•k to hi~ hf'11.r·h. '.t !nrlustr1;i.I units. read.II Jor p _(). Rox: T.!2.\ f:011t11 Ml"!<ll- rtrnt ·l<'nntJ prll ,r,, prn l!hop , BR. ~ RA. f;i.111d:v lnn1P occupancy. lJ0-220 -Po'o\lf!r Social Clubs l'l '1rl 1n\11·h nl(ITP! Sin.i:lf'S, 1 NPf'fl~ lf'n'1f'r NlTf' 11.•h1le nn .. C, NArrRESS RI.TR, * 1 /. 2 Rici's. J-'lH"n-Unfurn. VA<:11t1nn. S~. Jnr \! rl~y~. 230 E. ]7th. C.M. Hrn!.~ fJYlm Si ll , •. No AUK. ~!h·Sf'pt , !\th. ll..11hfir 642.J4!1S \<'a~p rrqu11"<'rl, Mflrif'l.~ Open rlay1 (':ill 67:>-6000 or ~~ve~: NF.ED M-1 hlr1~ I ti r D11 il~· lfl 10 11. li7.~7:l7~. wnntlwnrkin~ Mop. Ahn111 OAKWOOD GARDEN 4B~2 hit, s11:1 \\'k. nP.~! l("i'(I :<q fr. N.f:. Cnsta MPAA I APARTMENTS rinor 10 lllly, Ra!ho11 Pen1n. or Npl &h p1·f>f. ~!\lM _ j NP1<'fl'1M -Nor1h Srpt 4-11, 11·18t+i. C;i.11 Storag• 455 !!It() ] l'V!nt: A \"f' 64j .("f.i.'I() _".'1~'>-:·:"~"'~·_:::: _______ ! ;":"";~;:;:-"":-:'."?:";:-":::::-::--- . '2 Rr nr Bay "-Cluhh<iuse. GARAGE f!f'edM _lor i;tor;i.si:e NP\\'JlOf'l·South I I.irln J~lf' S 15 01 wk. rlf'!lr Dana. Point M11rina. J7m lt'r~C:t __ flil2-~in 1 S4ll.-,/mo. Call .,7:\-i\S.i. 21J~1!1-7970_. _____ _ e NICE e i --.SR.~SlOO \\'M"kly Rent•I• Wanted Thi· rnnsr .,..:11111ful vio>w nr I e :mo !r 111 oc~;AN! !ho> h;i.y & nrran in thr I fi1.'>-1 .i.'ll nr 1>o1:.-07J~> ('ONSTR! JC"'ION .,.. n r k-,. r Harhor 111·r;i._ 2 RR. 2 BA -,---------11re1t.• rnnm · L11,i:una l!fll.• f(lr lf'Ai<P. f;1 2-(Jfll A\ .All. Au,i:. 2l! -Si-pt. ~-RPl!Ch 4 t!;,.vc/ .... k ~1nn thru -.-----Of'F:ANF"l10NT ·I Rr/l Ba · ' . 1 RR DI.;\ .tlflT. ,.,,. ... ,."Irr>." ti) Thurit. 1.11... N'n·. i\.11k"1! 1>1:>-4.i..~.n nr f>-i:Hl7.1.-, ,., 1 •• 7 ncran. Nil ... turlo>nt ... nr f"'lit, · :<~· "~ \. I 11-· • ·1 •· 11"0 l"I •· I •ROR flt.~· -. ~'C-c---~--~ r:11· ~· .. 1.1. ''1"a1 ...... p!. "" '' ,,-. "' 01/T of !nwn f'Xf'<'uli\IP nf'Prl~ 1.'>Th, 117:.-16i7 V(lf"/\'fl(;N· h"~;~~ ~7u I/:. N R. apl. l\.1tin-rri. "'Ill APT:-;t;i;J~fnrn , .1-Rft-;2-h:i 29-Srp! 1 '~ r. ·-'-· _ .~haro> w/nthf'r p111·ty fN" nn r>.'r111por1 Rny Yf'arl.11 lsP. Rent•I• to Shat re 430 \\'Prk-4'ntf. \\11nTo>r renT11I 111'- Rn11t rlock :1\';i.il. fli.'>-.J9J1 •'f'plahlr. :'>'li-il{l"~- "1Al1JRE arlul( tn ~hart 3 ----,------- Santa Ana ' RP. Conrlo r"("l'f'atil'ln k F'AMll.'i or ~ w;i.nl." 4 RR 1 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I I I ,.,: "'"!"Ii IUr'l hru1.'<(' nr ;i.pl . lp1"1'r vr-1 • I">"'"' :!('\ I If'.( .• ~...,... " . • I lyl. Mu.•I "" n1co>, .'l-111s! ht> VILLA MARSEILLES "'o-RK1Nr.-<lr-_..1Ur1tn1 g11l ff' H H' · '" Npt ;irhnr I ri 1."l!"ICI. t BRAND NEW i;h11r~ niy mnrll'l. Pnn l MG--0642. SPACIOUS pnv· .... ss1 mn. :.1,w.477. Q111r1 non-smnkini.: _co>nl. & 2 Bdrm. Apts. ROOMATE 11.•anted to &hi!.re rir~irf'~ yrl.v h•k~. F.;it. Adult L iving l hr 11pt in C.M . 1•1. tn 1100 fi·1·1-1).111fl F u rn. & Unfurn. • 1\75-4301 .---------., D. • h I d' I ----------J RP<lronrn nr 2 w/ rlrn, _ ,<%.IR TRAVEl .• t:R.<;; l NC. hRR hN'n lormffl tn nf- IPr lnw ms! 11 ir tr;i.w] tt1 it~ mPmhf'n; anrl In m11k,. 11 vallflhlr ''izroup r~tl'~" 11'1 unu~ual ~· intPf" ... rins:: pll'lf"<"~ lol" e vrn1niz or .,..ef'k"nrl tl"ip!l Thruou! ThP yf"tl.r Spec1;i.J 1n1trr~t trip.~. 1<\lf'h llll skin f!1v1n11:. lii;hinr::. .1::1mhl1n2 . .sk1n1:. 2nllirlf:" nr l!\'f'n 11 :r;11'>pp1n1: trip i::11,n bP. .~rhl'flulf'rl RI wh~IP\'Pf timP. riAIP or pl:!Cll!' fhP mf'mbPl"I' "''l-~h. ThP cluh own11 !111 own ~ir rr::ilt -'l nrl wilt nPf'rllho 11111 n1ch111; 1v11h rh, lull ·~ prnvRJ 1'1! thP frrlf'1-;i.I AV111 - !11"1n 1\;::rrll'y 4t"AA1. Th" :1 1rrr;i.fi Ill!"" m111nt11 1nl'ri 11nrl inspr<'IPrl , mf'f'lir11! "1 I th~ l'f'q11 1rf'mf'rrt11 ol t°l"rlf"r11,J Air Rriz.ulation. Tho> rluh i11vitr11; ~prcllvr m<'n1h-Pr1t lo \'1 ... 11 OrRnJi:f' Cn. Airpnr1 nn Sa1 AUi: 21 a1'!i S11n Au1: 22 hrtwo>rn 1 11nrl ;. r\1 \\'hrf" nnf' nl thrir 111rrr11h will bf' 11v11il11hlP fnr 1n5[lf'r!lnn 111 1 H;i.ni.:~r N"'. 7 llW'XI te ttw Fir,. S1auon1. AIR TRA\"F.LE:RS CL!tA 1004 \\" Sant~ An.'I Rlvrl. S;i.ntll An.'I 927fl\ 1 ... nw11 ... rr -co or coor lnA -SH Art~: k11•rly 3 Rr h;i.rk he:!' I R I . ! ~ t· 1 rl r I h h . I ill 1 lo tPn llP!"Jl'fl'I: .. p - ' 11pp 1a.nce~ ·pus a ag l hn1 "/nH1 f11rf' "011111 11. J\\I nP~r nr il<'f'f'«sihlr lo h•.ch ~.~: .. 19~1 carpet -choice ot 2 color I ~r111 Sl:.f:"> llll pn\I. h-1:.!-7~71 !Ot"hr>nl. \.\'ii! lf';i.Sf'. Call i \4: !~~~~~~~~~~~~! schl'mts 2 ballt!; .stall ---------• • I d -_.. ~'E;\1ALE R.oomnl~Uf' for 2 .1;,~7~19 l.<tJl'lll;i.. __ _ 'nO""Cf." _ n1 rron~ "·a1u-· .-_ I rolJe d~r~ _indirect Jighl- 1 b_r IKlo~"· $ll2_1nn. Balhna. M isc. Rent•ls 465 la1111)dfound I I k"t h b kl f ""r•L lsl . fi1:\.--{1 10~ '"'"'·•· ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ng n ·1 c en -re11 as ____ -----1 nf'KF.D 1 MLd 1 fn bar -hul"!e priv111 , ltn~ I Garage• for Rent 435 ~-· · "11 1-f'~~~I!! r I · 1 h I id · 11n11!s nr <'ll mper-3. ""'' per p:1 t1n • p 11s a1 sr.a.p1ni;: • P''R 1 1 f>.\'l~"6() i Found (free •d1) 5SO hr1ck Bar-B-Q'~ _ 111.-he11.I-• • GARAGES S25 c-no · • · · I -----------Parkl1kr Rriich L11·1n; • .,~ I " ------fo•r Ar1ull~ I crl pnnls & !:111111. t110NTH. VERY tr 1enrt1 y tiof:;. \\'F:~TC1.1rr :irr~. 1 fi r. ~ ~, .1· 1 Rf"! t11..:. :irr~. rrr1~. 6551 Warner, Huntington Beach 3101 So. Bristol St. <"ALL M2~.~~---[ I~ mf'rl-sm11ll. "'h11" '111/lh., R~ .• frplr. rnfn~. A'11,J 1!'fl'. hl1 111 .... 11r lln:i::: Hn~r . 7141847_8526 Casa Del Sol (IJ.i!\.li.N.Qf So.Coa.st Plal.8.) • SJNr.LE r.ARAi.F. e Annoonctme011 Tif14 n1~t N>lnr"fl ... Pois • ._17-71 2 RH, !Tpt~. 1trp~, ~ln\'P A rrfni: 1,;,~hrr J.· drvrr. :-'111 '""rd,' :.rn 11<'11, Clll1tt:r -,,1ult.o: niil _•, roh f'l'li<. SJll.'1 h[l-1.'.:l>I l'lr li1fo..IL'•i. • • ro11-~11nu~r:. 1 Rt 111 R:i. rrn !'llll,.,.., :1r111I L( ~.nly, r,n pr!.•. S220 n10 172!1. RPrl- hrrl (.;lrlr .\.\.1:-0'>:11 nnly. r 1 ..... hl.' I'~ 1 n T P<i. 'l~O -.~'.!.?fl. \l.cr·, 6·1 1--t:l~7 nr .~· :!' f~l1-f111"11 11nf. P1·1 p.'I· Santa Ana In !-lun1i::1n B('h • S2<t mn _ . ~t E~r.:inc111 k Arl11r11~ Arei:t i.xvilml'l ii7~4-;t;7 l'l'.!-1~~1. tin. frrlr in 2 Bl1. rlr\'lln.-~. PHONE: 557-8200 • • f;.16-;?f;~7 • .-~~·~ll_:::.!:r. :\1fl-~1fl.t jT2-Rn-1mr11 rn \\.r•rl"l•ii 4Rr.-,--R-,,-,-.,-,-,-_-,-,-,-,,-d~hw~hr~. 0·1·1•1.•. rlrp~. P('!~ ____ Offic• R erital 440 Announc•ment1 500 fNll; \.\'h1 •h11i:::i.:y 'Ir~~ >~"11 <1rr To\1 11<, $.lrp~ !n P..•:irh. l.ra~P ~roft 1tio111lly M1n1ged Dv South•r11 (ou11 lit t Mtml. Co. lll'('l'l)lrrl. Frnm s 1.i:.. QUICK CASH 11.'/.rrrJ I ,,,_,_,.i lo,Rl'.~·y r.~·11i:rY f,\~-~c;:"'l '~-========'.'.'"-:--~=-=====~ :11f.,f;l Fl rr>nkl111r;;1 :-;i, HB. L01v···T PRIC>. P"" "· ' · I • •7141 9ti'.!·!>fi:•.1 • THROUGH A ATIORNEY'S A~:;:\r11;;Rr: .. ~ ~::;~;;:~~r. ~~!\-6.160. Apts Apts., -Apt •.. Apt1.. __ _ Fu.;n. or Unfurn . 370 Furn. er Unfur n . 370 \ Fur n . e r Unfurn. 370 F u rn. or Unfurn . 370 SF.LLlNG Yn11r bOA!? '"I.isl " DAILY PILOT OFFICE SPACE ['l i."""l!nt f'lllnr r n r 1 r ~ 11 • fOUNT"l-----:-ilite-! em 11 I,. 1 _ _;_.:;.:::_:::.....=::.:...:....:....:.~...:....:....:....:._.:.......:.:...;.:.......:.. __ ...:....:....:.....,.-------::-.,.--::-------"·1t h u~ .. sPll ii f;i~l. n;i.1ly WANT AD frnm Sl~-~. Call f).C. P ., PPT~1An r .:tl. Vil"'. P~rk Sant• Ana San t a Ana Sant.11 An.11 S.11 nta Ana Pilot Cl11~~ifi<'rl. 6-12-"67" M~ 5.\lJ .,.,.1.,, ---------1 Nr'" l ln11"1n Rank 1'1'11\Pr "1 __ -_· .·--------· N~\\·prorl. D;i.y.• ...,,,... .,.,.,, eV"' Apts., Apti., hrau11f11l ~r"lY"IT' Ce-ntf'r. QUICK CASH I f.tt-ii:-..4. Now Sn "nTl't \l'f!\'(' ~f'llf ~·OtUlj!;~IC'fS l"'htnd "hf'n ~·ou l'O~ OV<'f ff' inspect Onon;.::r l:oun!~ ·s J,!!itterin)!. n~w llflllrtrnN1\ COllHllllnil \' -SOUTII COAST '11 i \<,For \\•hilc yo11'rt' Rdmirin~ the ~•11nph 1n11s private Cl11hh oust and luxuriantly lan<l~<'l\"Jlf'd ground.~,"" lia vr n fc\v ,t:oodi'°~ 1h11t"ll r\rli.clit thclr liu lr hl'Arl'i" too. Like our SIJ00,000 Child Ciirc Ccnl<'r 11nd rlarl11ncl. soum 01\~T\ 111.A ~ i~ \.\"h<'rr both :id11lts and L·h1ldrf'11 l1a \'f' !he he~ nf e\·c~·lhing. De<:o•lllor slyfed I, '} & .3-b.droom 1po1rtmenl-home1 • Cenlr•I 9•1 relriger•l•d •ir·condifioni"11 • B•l~ncl!d Power l<itch•n! • Color-h1rmoni:red ~r.ori•11ceJ, including di1hw•Jher • l'riv•I• terrec-ti • W •lk-in w•rrlrobas • 'OOO·Jq, fl. Clubhous• with ~nl~rfaining & dining /11cr/itie1, 1~un•1, bi/fi,rr/1, '~•rl•oemJ • C11b•11~1. b1rb.cw , bedmiMon. 1huHl.board • 3 h-•led pools and J1cuu i • Chikl C•r• Ct nfer & p/1y!1nJ. All this family luxury living from $145 a month F urn . or Unfurn . 370 ' F urn. or Unfu rn. 370 --~----.-~1 --fanlll~llc 1 ll'\\ THROUGH A t·nu!"l"n p~<'riphon ~ ""llf'it · Newpor t B•a c M New port B••ch ... AND All THE PLEASURES ..,,a~t:j OF ADULT LIVING IN BEAUTIFUL BACK BAY •nd 2 l•droaml Vista Del Mesa Apartments Tu1tin & M1~a Drive Sup .. 1!0" le V,C I , (,.;~• l•du•l••ol (o..,pl•o, l Ou I h (.,.,,, ""'"• fo•l!•<1• hlo•d end 11!• '9nt.~, OIY"'I';' 11-I. ,.f,.nf;o• <••'•r w.tlo P<l'I>/ '"""" QY"' I b!lliot<h. i•ou1i. Jul ''""' tloor ...,.,., !lo• ...... 19•1! RENTS START 51 SS Ph. 545-4855 Rnl;inrl ~ R;irru1nP in ~urr Cnrnn:i DAILY PILOT '•1"-mn. Call 644-0023 WANT AD !':0..1.,,1.1. "h11.,. r1n::. m.'li.•. ,rir Ff'firr;il ,_ v.r1nr1;i.. u.1th 642·56 78 IY'llnrl nr~ t~o: '-\f....27l9. oF:sx ~Jlll.re-~11i11tble-i.-....i1fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil mn \V11l pmvidP furnitur<" * at $:i mo. An•'\'"'rin.i:: ~trvir"' * * * * 111·:J1ll'JhlP. .lO~ No. E 11,..---------------------.. C'Am l no R,.~1. S:a n ('lrrnrntf' ~!l'.!-'"1 120 nr rrn1 nfl1rr ~u.ir u1 ~!•<1pp1nt: rrnlrr. 7·-i() Sf\ 11 f'.:r<·rpl rn1 , 2 nffl<'I>"'. ~!nr11~r. h:i, 1·1·pt"rl /\v~ll 911 3.1.1 ~: 17!h SI. rM $1 ",/) f; i: ... ~•1"11 Trader's Paradise ------Nf;\\' IVAtrrh-onl Ofl1r,.l! S:l7:'l To 3.1.1;, \1tinlh .,.hli\'f' Thr l ~l:in<irr ~1! °F:ll,1'~1'1P nr., N"pl. RP11rh Rill {~nirlrl.1• Rl1r. fi7.Hlfi\ lines times dollars nr~c:K :rir11cl! 11 ... a11i11blt sso '----------------------' mo. Will p rnvidP furnlf11re , o;; 111 $S mo. An!t\\"ering ."t'rvl~ ~ CHRJ. CR.-\FT. l:i~l , 11\"lllil;i.ble. 17873 Bearh Bl\·tl . !!lH"Pl' 4. hf'~r1. ~allP_1·. ]nPI. Jlunlington &11rh. 642-4321 ll~h1ng J!"~llr. Tr11r1r for 111r· BAY VIEW OFFICES pl11ne, in111ll"r ~1 or ~ !162-9-l'M ---Dt>lu~,. Air-Cnnd1tin"'"ri l.1rl(> _,_r,.a -~ Sq. !"!. li11v, 4.l un1ti<.. 2 RR., Jli, Ro>;i.ln110m1C'~ Rkr. 61;;..mno r.111 ·~ .• £TIOrl Inc, ~:xrhanizl! OF.SK ~!Ml!'t 11v111 lahle S.~ M.,.n fnr i;m;i.llrr unu~. mn. Will pmvlrif' f1tmiti1T'f' for11n Cn. Rltr~. f:-f;t.:-«lf) 111 s;, mo. An~w,.rlng urvl<'f! _1_11.::_: \\",.~t<'11ff. :\'A. llv11il11hl,. 222 !"oT'f'~I Ave, l.111:\tOll fl.f'J11Ch. -'M-9'flifi JNDU~RI AL JlJl:!l'fl'-12M 11<1 11, NP \\' hlri2 w/llflirP. l ,1•2 rr.11r Onnr. 17!!7 "'hittif"r SI .. c '1 ny~: 64f....;,()11, "'''"It: I 1>1fi....Ofo1:1 . f:XF.CUTIVE'. '1r•k ~Jllll'fl' for l"!'n! l.!'l"fllf'rl nM1r Rr11rh R!vrl . ~ Slln Dlriro F!'N'"'•~'. f.'ltl ~\7-~001. • ~rf\vro·~R~T~R-,~.,~,.,,~- 2f') :UXO-:.OO ft •. 'l'w- CORVETTE "6t rP1 ff'('I Co11rl1!1f'n Tr11rlr for :"ailhoa l "* !\7~Jil!lll "* STORAGf: Bo·-,-. 7M~l,-.- 1'-1oirt~. ~ll!Ji!<, lnvf'ntory. RP11rly M;irkr1 Slf>IXJ. Consll!rr <'llr. or I.~ mf'ld~ :'49-1}: .... ~\'t-.c llr \\kPnfi~. 21i' DiPy>[ a ux .•IO(lp 1n N.S . Vlltuf>rl li t S4;;(W'l. TrRrlf' f(lr 1rnpnr1 or dom.-~tic .11 1Hn ul th.111 \'11hi,. or - :..~217 I• xiNr-n~!icr-.-,-.-,-r-!;·,'·,-1-.-,.-.-,,,-,c11c"':::::"'c"':__"_'_"_'_'_ nnw 111·•U l,,tdo RlrlR:, 1\.'iSI. , , A ~ •1. · I • ~~ . "" 1•n .... ''"'"'· ,, 11n1 . • 111 _:.111n.~ .R. !•·\.-4:lCll. _ ""·' ltl'lnt r,..1rl,.nt1~l nr e:mo SO. ti $Ii :..1 m ,, ""ll<'h ~,.,.11 mmm~r1"111!. rrr1·11. rlrp"rl. Co~1• M's".1 f?1<'h tr" 1n Rhr. li7.J.&')t;(! fAll f>·11i-'l1.'IO • ----11,oiv, ';;f; ldr-111 travPI :t111l- l INOIVIOliAL hlrli;: lnr nf-rr R"xlfl' \\'ill lrllrl ft>r l•rr~ nr stnrr, 211 \\' 111;""' 1r11 11Pr tn ht u~~ tor Tr~rl,. N'w lfi f('IN u ih ns: C<1t11mariin 11nd tMi ilrr for A~"f'n nr PQUal )1 ftr.'lft •nrl ,ms.II outhoiu·rl ITKl!Of", nr.~2.ioo ----·----! 4 AR, hnn1P !.:. 1 BR Ap1. CrlM 11.1i\-t f'llUl ty I"""'"' 11n11~'. TO".•. V.'lrlln!, ne\\' (';i.rj or ('n11tinrnt11I. Ptrmn Rra.I!)-' ~2-1771 ·n; :;11nhf';i.m Alpi""' .11nd nr 'AA ChPv1nlr1 Pif'k-up fnr ira<;iP, "n.\' R~!!'"I~ cnnsitler- erl. 111111.,. lWl Pf'll.rl rin!n \lllJU~ "' s20 .. ach. w;u rn.tlf! •r\Y nr 111t tor r~r . brwlt, antiqu- ,.~. i::un.~ f'r 1\7,1-IW\2 .H·c,-,.-.-~-,-n 111f'w~lo-,cicnnal!°""'= I r;i.ln. Vrrrlr• n,.~r W11nl hr~rh ~rr-11 rluplt., l'lr hn\tM'. RICH IR\\"IN R~:,\l.'l'flrt ;;7.:,...f,llM rrnc-b holl~7 hi'.'lm hy :JI" .(. "&' f'hr-1· ~ rir j;tll WllC. fl'\T, Jiii" Tr;i.rl"' lnr " T. r1rk11p. 1:1;1;, l"nmnn11 Ava. i\f)1 i\ $at-:;un, \\'11.....,n. r M li-12-fif"A! n1nl>tlr h(lmP \.\'hiit rio vnit hllV"' tn tr11rl"~ ti~! ii l1rrr -in Or11n~ (nunty _.. l•n.:r~I f'l'lld rt'Ari· tn-1: tlfl(! i;.1::t.:w;n l'rof111 io 11tl!y M111•t'~ ~y $11u lhtr11 C•u11tit• M9ml. Ce. I TtlP fA~l,.~t rll'llw in th,. \\lr <I • t-;;.1~-i'IS!ll • • Ot r ,los>td ~, 'l11r!o" '""'"""•"' l11e. n I Pl\ Cl Ill-• * * * .• 111 y O! II~~ ""'I * * * '-------'-"-·-·-·-!_. _<_. _._,,_1_,,_,._c_,_"_· _____ _,I Ari . "47~1i ............................ . • .• ~. < ,• ' . , •,:. .· ... ' ' ' \, ' ~ ,, ' •, ,• ' .· ., .. ,. ... • or.· Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD 1. Stove 2. Guit1r 3. Baby Crib •· Electric S1w 5. Camera 6. Washer 1. Outboard Motor 8. Stereo Set 9. Couch 10. Clarinet 11 . Refrigerator 12. Pic kup Truclc 13. Sewing Machine 14. Surfboard 15. Machine Tools • 16. Dishwasher 17. Puppy 18, Cabin Cruiser 19. Golf Cart 20. Barometer 21 . Stamp Collection 22. Dinette Set 23 . Play Pen -24. Bowling Ball 25. Water Slcis 26, Freezer 27. Suitcase 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31 . B~r Stools 32. Encyclopedia 33. Vacuum Cleaner 34. Tropical Fish 35, Hot Rod Equipm't 36. File Cabinet 37. Golf Clubs 38. Sterling Silver 39. Victorian Mirror 40. Bedroom Set 41 . Slide Projector 42. l awn Mower 43 , Pool Table 44, Tires 45. Piano 46. Fur Coat 47. Drapes 48. linens 49. Horse SO. Airplane 51 . Organ 52. Exercycle 53. Rare Bocks 54. Ski Boots 55. High Chair 56. Coins 57 . Electric Train 58. Kitten 59. Classic Auto 60. Caffee Tabl• 61 . Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV Set 65. Workbench 66. Diamond Watch 67 . Go·Kart 68. Ironer 69. Camping Trailer 70. Antique Furniture 71 . Ta pe Recorder 72. Sailboat 73. Sports Car 74. Mattress Box Spgs 75. Inboard Speedboat 76. Shotgun 77. Saddl• 78. Dart Gam• 79. Punching Bag 80. Baby C•rriagt 81. Drums 82. Rifle 83. D•sk 84. SCUBA Goor can be turned into cash with a DAILY PILOT WANT-AD so Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 These or any other extra things around the house .• OAJ L V PILOT :t7 1 ~1 l•;;;"'"";;;'"""~l~;;;1 l . .-.-...... J~l ---·· .. ·· J ~I """"'"''-·I~ _L_·--·_l_[II] Found (tr .. •ds.) 550 Auto W•xl nn Carp•nt•r Hous•cl•an1ng --------• H•lp Wanted, M & F 710 GER~t AN Shep U'ITier flup~, Skeeters Wash N W•x CARPENTRY HO U:; t.t:L1>.Ai\':.:-.:L1. Ef. ----------2 to l 1110~ br ~<: '/I.JI' •k , l!ca•nl t:ll'I 11 i!! l·,eal1 hous<' • . VL· -~~'·i 1 . .: .• 11 . .''( •. J Cn111~m-:1s $7.25 Standnrds ~IINOR JlEl~AtltS. No Job blwn.8A,\l & ... f,\t.b4.\-IS2~.1 Accounting Clerk 00."". c. _ • llat i "11 & $9.lJ (Jua:k Scrv. Ca1n11e1·s Too S1nall. Cabinet tn gar. -. -. -. , , ., -----Pt't'111. p 11111c. Tyfnni.: !1.1 19!h C.,\l. 6 \5--191J._:___ ;;, ;'\Jubilc 1>•'1""\ a1ai.l. )\1u1· &..1;es & o I ht r r;illin~t,,. L\Pl::•~·~l·~C.:l·.;J, houi>el·lcaH· wpm. !O r>t')· ar!drr. 4 i"n'I \\!HITE: fe111a lP k11\l'11. al;oul l 11<11111· ur 1)1lk uo. Reas. ;rl.J-817~ ii no a11s11er leiavt ini:: S •• J hr. B.u~si!lin::, ,.,.,. :rccin~ OCkgrntJ req'd (;111- :: n1os. oltl. 11ranr1~ lira .,,1. L1ean-up i. reg, n1anil. nug. at &U>-2.172. H. O, ~·1 1'n _irunui,i: :i~S~.St!._ hfr: lrn!u.~1r1P~ !till \\1i11urr, 1111', 1't'l) a r l 1• r 1 1 u n a 1 e I b l.J·1.1..i0. A11derwn. lia.) f..· IV' Jch J.1111\til'iaJ .\! 612<?100. I :\l1ss1on V1(•JO. SJ0...4~1 ~I Saby;itting ______ l:::'\1'1::1:. r e 111 0 r1-; !~ Cti•l:, 11 u~lu11 ~: 110.1.r ._ , tt·. 1-:11oal Op por. i-:n1p1 .. ,,·r 1 FOUND ,YOU/1(: r e Ill ;LI· 1·;ib1r1Cli<. r"Pdll'·'· 111~1111. f\u r.r~. ~-lnn1n1 I b\6-l l(I!. t\C'tUifDIONIST-"a!l!f"11 llW [ Shf'pllri·d L1i.:t11 1 <i 11 COSTA MESA Juli 1001 .:.rt1all. R,.. a•. -.\h·l'>";(·iraning-S<>r1':~e -~·r+ l s.11 r111t·. Apply h• 11111 [ I "'/bla1·k s;.,ddl•'· \'11. C.\J PRE-S CHOOL lil(>-42~,I. CaqwL>. l\'ir1<low~. Floor r rr. ! .! ,~ .1 (Jin. ~11 1:;s Chalr1 llOSfll!:ll, 6-12-ll~'lJi. t I• nrvll ll0\1 ror fall Cat•ring HP.'ild . & Coo1n1e'l. 'i--l/r4l\l I 1:.• ... lll!ll":u11. 111 No. !-IN1'j)Ql'I \fHT./Heii;r lrg, r,. lli a I ~· liO:!h ,\ ,\IOIH'<JI Ht, 1, ri:.y T l!OL:S J<:-01·-cLEAN-: ' B:it! . ~ -B. )OtJng do;;-11·c•an11i.: ulri 11'<! lu[, •l.1y ~''-"·'1011~. Planru•d ALL F UNCTIONS Profe~s. CJ!'Pf!l Cleaning. j ..,.__ ... ._oiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiol 1\11la1 . l'h' l-.•1an1·1., 1111.;n p1'1~ra111, ••>t lunehc,.,, Ai::i·• ALL J<'Uf.)DS t'r('(' f"sl. Her s. 612...ljg'.!1. 1 Adm Sales. :'."hool, G-12:::."..0:lli. --1 \i. t11·, 6 .:o ;\.\1 ti Pl\!. ALL PHIC"J<:S Ironing 'l'.211 \\1\-l'jl.\ll'Af\.E! t:l<!-·1-0JO Coast Ca l1'1't'l"S l~l-1-ti7~7 1---.:.... __ _ FOUND 111ak. g1"') /:· hi>. I pootllt> \\'/11·hi1r lt'l{S & tat •'. I Vit'" Ada111.• 8. BrtM'lkhu1'~!. I L Ii. ~IU."-:1 19::; \],\LL hn1wn/hlh !I;.:• r J 1110~. old \ '''· Co11>111d d1•l :\lar B~•:it·h, 11:;24;!),)1 l f,\L!-'-;:..'1u,111 •>ra111.!r /..· 111!1!0' 1n:de killrn. \'Ir. Fa~hiou 1..: I i;~4--01.?,9 1111. t 11.111. I LA.RGE S111111P~(' n1x];-;i.tr.:a Verde. 5-J0-,36.~~. FE:\TALE Coll ie pup, Pacih~ Sands area. ~3&-11.Jt l3,\!~Y'i!'l"l'l·.lt:'""lol'111i:: ca1~~ Cement, Concret• ___ SERVJCl::i\ll-:~ & -;;,.~I l'I ill•. Jl I 11) II• a I ,,~. fH '· l\f)IJH'll do11'1 sl;nf' 0\1'1' lh:1I t 1 iii"'· 1i·1u·rd .1:1i·d .. \;..:•·s Pt\TlO SpPl'1aJ1sls. A d d hol n]f' iron JI'! 1111• dn 1!' ~..f, 1""11 L1n1llW"l'J.: .'\(:h•o0I d1~11nc11un lo )oor llu1nc •l!\~-~IU _ hl~-N .. :I 111111 a rusto111 p:illO <l<',,ign-IRUNl~(~loiw-1n rov ho111e rnli.o f \,,,. 1n--;1y1~1m;~ f'(' <'.,,1w·t·1ally fo1· ronr home. ~1 ~ .• ;1n hr· II"" !!iru ~ d. B~l:1n1.•1•d Qu.1l11y. I'.;-; P" r i c n c c • • G-l~HlS~.lb • • n1t•:1ls ,\· 111,.ny f1t·lii 1111,s Nilosf<1rt1o n. t . .t»Otl & Sons --- Cuns11·u!·t1u11 !:118-0769. t>ainting & f'.11 .11·1·11 11.11-0:.-:1. _ _ --Paperhanging i •• 1 ... ,1.-1,1,111C"""11 -1 P1\TIO~. >1 oll;s, dril'c install 1 " l'I" II ~ ~l'l'a , ' ______ ...._____ . , . . ,., rlf'11• la11 11~. ";n'. 1ll'~ak, ;",o \\·a~\ut:.: l .. 111;• ~d/~,1r11llio" (Tal l~. ·is..,'\l''~ 1 t!;1!aru-1•tl lun<·h. :'\lii'1 1·a1"c. ~uv,· ·1 ~1· 01:..'."' _ * WALLPAPER * t,;.1;,:r..11. e e COi\'l'l:ETI~ Flw1·.-.. \\"h<'n .)U'I 1.:~IJ ".\l,tC' .. -LIC'D CHi"LD_C_A-riE-palLU.<., ill·11"rs, .~.1d~·~1<1lks. :i-!S-!·111 •HG-lilt 5SS , Lu· ti Rrri s. Dun ~ •. 11-S.>l~. ------!lar!i.ir .t· [,;1k{'r, C-'1. 5 yr~. -.--. -. ~-. --PAINTING. Pl"•f··~~1·11111I .. \II Lost LIDO .. ,.1 •"•p.l\1{~ .. -1.1.-,_~!J.1:; C~.t\JENT \\Ollh,l\OJob too iroi'lt :;u:tt tl . !'n lof r L<lr , k1l\('ll h11 u~1.< l /'\l'\""ITTl"'C _____ s111all. rrasunahlr. ~·ree spP ••i ali ~I . ~6 1-til·l:i I llht'll l!ll~~111i;: ~llll'r" s11t. '• • :.. · • 111 111;v hnnH', Es!Uil. II. ~!uflif'k •. i~.~-l!Gl:i. _ .. • ··sug;~t" 1, 111 .~ n•·rtl~ 1111.~ "r "'P•'fl•'111·r 11·1111 __ _ _ _ _ _,.1 1-l·l-!1. 1 111rd1<·:~11on. An~ inlu. pl•··•~" ~1n:dl •·h1lr11·1'n. ~·12-lti!i l <'0:\Cl~l!:'rF: \\"OH!\ PROF~p~1;g-,.,,1/111t-,ll•'>:I.! II •--'•1-0 I II I J\O .JOB T0t1 S,\l,\LL , ,, ,,. '''-"' .. , I 1 <"a ,;r., "'· _1l'r nl•l ,,.r ··1 Builders '·1'.' "178 i,,1 ... , ... u .~ ... l n_i!s , peoplr an' i;;i·1,.1•t11.~. "" ..., Ft·rr E~L :urlr.~s sp1•ay1ng. n: r ls . :\!ALE G"rnit'-"' 1~r 1 ~g I NO .IQh Too Sina.I\: Rl'll'k :'.:ontractor 817-1:1.-18.~ ;::nld S.· t\!tl roll.,r.:, i\ns,1s lo I IJ),k·k. ,·nnL"n·11·, ci11·ii\·n1r1· PA !'EIU lA:\li ~:R-_:-,.1h1un 1 '"Uppv''. Ch1ld1·r ri'~ i"'t. 1 add a nn. hou,;c IP\"j•!i ri:.' i\lY \\"a,i". qu;ilily honic \l'od.;, nn JOh tC\J !-<llltdl, :di An:..:io.us. II u 11 I. G«h. ;c;ir Uoor n•pa1r~. Frr(' <'-'~'. l'('!llU\I., \\"al.Ii<. ceiling, lloor.-: ~uar111. For fn·r P~I. call 9GS-JlO-\\" , 1. 'lli:l-f9r f'IC. No JO b too s111all. 9Gi\.--O"'J 6 THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO START MAKING BIG MONEY! .\! r:.\' ' ;-._ .. \llLl1'1\HY \\'()\!~~.\ IF YOU'Rl< 1\l;LtHI-:.'· sr1•r:. \!Q.'\EY ~10TIV1\T Ell ~· CA."J H/\,\'ULF: rtt:-1 ~F'()SS!l':!l.ITY I\' E ' I. I.[ TRAJ.'I YOU 1:-;m TnJ1 1 Ei\R:"l°l:'\r. POSITIONS I \l ,\I l~!Jl 1\T~'.J, \' -.:o c·o1.1.El:J·: on r.;-; . Pl·:ll I E.\'t"I·: ,'IJECE:-\...;.<\ 1: r : 1Jt:C1\USE \\"~: \l',<\:'\T YOl TO I.EARN OUR PROV!·::\ rROF ESS!Oi'>AL \[~:'nl ­ OIJS or OOJNC fiU:;il:"IE-".;;, YO! T C.\.'\ F'.1\P.:'ol $1:1,!XJn Yf)UR ~"!HST YE.\R \\'TT!f , t'S Tll RO\"r.!·I f '0;\1.\11~-· 1 ~/OAS ,t, SERVICE F£J:;S. ' • ' .J. OJI ·1•. __..'.: .J :lli-0036, :!-\hr /111S. "Cl"\' ~-,, • ------ LOST s....,11, Torto1~,. u·a111rd Carpet Service -----* INTEHIOH E:'\TE:P.JOR * e <"ililill.1r (;1r Pl.111 1 b1-f-.:i.~:i1 sung-la.~ . ..r.: ~addh· I t'JlQ.\I addili~ns _lhl'ti l"Otn 'l. Lie, 1ns. guaranteed. Call 1 • ~·u11 ~·nng<' B('nefu,, tan ca~r. a~ Pr11~c;« r ash. I lr1ri~ldiu·1<H'Y :O:prt·ial-Coniplc re ~r\•icr, pl:'lns, Har1·i~. lil'!-·l~1JS. Expcr1 I e Plush Offic"" 1 ~. 01· \\ii \\ r 1 i; ll t s, 10', Di . .:counl rstinialrs. Joc Rowr. Gen. airless spn1yi11i:. e :i1;111 J1nn1cdi.1.i•lr Contr. 612·.J!J97 1 1i \6.!~~I()::. · RF.\\'A/10 :ii 1-l:Zu·: I ~l •'.111\ <>1 •h:o111J1f10 1 ic,1n111i; ---~ ----p A I NT I NG : 1! o n r ~ 1 GJ1 .\Y h,t:<'r ~1 11pr 1~1:i-n DIAMOND \VATI-:RPRF vinyl d ci·k gun1·an1rrd work. Lw'rl A11y Tn E,\'ABLF. VOU m I (·al. !?rtrn lira (~'I. 'n;'11;.nl. l(1·µa 1r~ or Jnstal1:1l1Pn ('O:Jling-.~. ;;II lypc!I. I.re :;it.t' joh. C:i.11 67:1-~1710. ;'11Af\~: IT BIG L'IJ T!IE I Al.SO. 111111" .'11an~>11hall"k fr,•r E~1·. Cr,.1::17 _!'eo:_ri~;: Co .. (',\J, &1~:_72~-PAll\TI Nl;--lic7(!;~~:-Fr,.; J'.'o:VF.STi\!ENT Jo' If; J.. n' 1 -- -d 1· · R 1· • YOU'LL HAVE Tl!~: AID k HP11<11"<l ;'\lh~1un V i "Jn. JOllS"'C· &UI 1. -A t111on.~ * rn1ocir1ng r ·iini Qu:ilily niat'l dcpcn· S::o.-.tl!l · ·" .• 1r11•'I • p 10~1ery Lit•riiil-k I.· Son 11,. :; · • _ ; ~t l PPOP.TF!lO~I rROFE~1 C'lr:in<'I'~. !'.::>.tr' o ,., • • . ' ' · ... dablP. 2·1 hr~. il·l1-t\~S. 'ION•! '\I E'"'I\" R " ----. , 6,3-6()11 • ~\!J...!ljO ---------.' I"'~!·'-'••.~ • r., I * $100 REWARD * !'.il>an1poo Irr'<' !'.icotch}!u,1nl . ----YOU s11pply lh•· pa in\. J\HOl\Erl:. ~·1:-J1\NCJ1\r, l:\'·I' I Si!kv Trr ~!vi' h•'"'•' I So 1 ! R e I a rd a n 1 s l . Electrical Roon1~ paintril $10 •'a . Al so V EST~!Jo'.NT AN A LY~ T,, f,,111 no rollar fii~2:1~f: l)~i;rea~rrl>: & all (•olor i::L E'CTRICIAN , licensed t>xlrrior. Cull ~10-70·11.i.· Di\VJD B. LOOKl.'\GLAND.I I TAN n1alr Shrph<'n! p11ppr ::"gh:enr 1 ~ •h. 10 niinule bonded. s1111111 johs, n1ain1: f>AJ"N-T1NG/1>11pcrin:!. lK 1\·ith blar k no~e. V1rof 1!11<"k ~ <'1tr 1 or "' ite carpets. & repair~. j~g..;.2(1;{. vrs. in Harbor :u'r.1. Lir t..· CALL NOW ! Bay on r.tonda)', ,\ui::. 16111. save your m?ncy by s:iving . horwlect. Hrt's furn. 612-'.!~:ili. &IB-9:,n. 111., c:..:u-a 1r1pi;, \V"ll ·le.in Gatden1ng __ livini;-rn1 d1nini.: rm & hall rort clran & 11(<:'11 paiulu1~. 558-0444 LOST Sn1all hlk rlog 11 1th SI \ •-AL'S GARDF.NING inlrrinr .~. ,.:o.:1rn111•, \.111 I Ask fo, M,, Todd .i, • ny rn1 ~1 .JO, courh ;::rry far". An~l\C'!"' 10 lh•· I 1 1. 1-[o r gardening &. s m a I I Di"k ~fi~-ir,1;·, ·----------•! r.ainr· ,\lf!'rrl !ll~ .·.::li-fo~!:rt. 11'· i· .:ttr '1• J ~·ri:. e'\(l. ls \anti~raping servi('P~. c;Ul --· -.... -1 . . •iiiiili-illiiii••••••i wh;ll 1·01111 1s, no, 111r1hud. I 5-IO....!'ol!li\. Serving Ncivport. Pn:01··.~:..,~t!)\,\I. p:11nt 111·~. 1\!l((f\1\rT Pl;1..;:trr P;1tlrr11 rl•' work 111yst:ll. C:.otlfl rel. Ctli\1 Olsta !IT!~sa. Dover i n1rr1ot·/r\l1·ri.1r Qu.d1!y lt;ilio ·t', .\l,1,lrl<'r~. C 11 11 [ lnstiuction )\ l• ]1 i>~~;~o~te;--:nr~~~~~t~l:r~ ING .-~1;:~t;r '.11~:1~·;:~. :.~~~; ::·ir -.~: .. 1:~~11'.'.~.\ r \J.ii.,,.:• 1. our ~;;;;;;;;;;~~! .\rw J .. 11·11.~. lif>l'l11kl1•r-. ,,r. I' ·~·i·i ·i· 1, <·I r. \I • ·'· '~' •':O..J~T II • ftlll"I' ' C,\l'l'!·.·'·'1'"\' b U k Ln.~ '. , .. '''I-•111 ' 1•·"· 1:111,li f'n. !'6~-!l lH: ' " y Ill' :111 h•il'~, pat1us, lt•rh·•" 11· . .11.~. 1 Schools & 1 ,. 1 · · A1·r.....,u~. !'<'1 ini:~ ~ 1 u 1· "0 ----, o11t·.<. Lll.-l')lll \\'OOl\\Ork. l.l!'d !'Qll1 r .. 'l;i~l1 •rC11;11~~(' .. r ·,~ f' .1,i .,.. '/\TTHACT!VE 110111 ~n instructions 575 Fonnk;i. ct1·. fi".•••I. "•'m"•· 1·1 · ·· I · -"' 1·1·r rl' in. rre ~ 11111 ' ~ I I 1 I • 1 I 'l.,·.-,1~~.' " .... , .. ...:...2 1·' Of'f"P··'·'"'···'._ ~'.l~)-'.l\l:\1,G!1 .... 11IO ~·lt .\ l)l'f'IO"< {! !'al'n ... · 1·a,·1prn-___________ ..,... " (.;001) F t! J ll'~s1un11J 111ak1•-t1p. ~·1111ur, GUITAR Lrssnn.~. '.110 prr A":\Y 1 H ri ,I . _.ar.1 p;ani·n~rs "-.-r;\rr1TPt ~l\~T l-:Hl:'\!i-p/tinir. i.;,.,.l'., po ~i rion mo. your hon1<' or 1111nt' . Sl JO~. l'Sl • t·o1n111 • Jo;p('1.aHi1sls Ill y;ird n •Ju1f1n-Al t w~ f1·rr r~1i111a1r ;. ,...,, .• 17 1 111r!u<, apiJ>. AH 1~'fl<'~ 11·ork. at11111 ,t niain1rn.in«r, niow I Yl c•·,, c•l\ ,,~~-:11•11il. Call V1vi:inr \VoodarcJ ~,,.,....;., • ea1·e n1t>ssa:::r. 1, f' , ·'"'""'"' J c <<r ~11 1181 _ . ,<'as. l'f'P rsl. !'161-l!l!il. ,(· •'<!~,, S•'l'\'l!"I', L.i!I a ltet' ' · • osn1r s, "',_' '· Theatrica l 580 -i ·1!11-G::;;~ Plumbing J AXON II i\I .· ' I I Th(' ra~lr~• ilr.11v In !h" \\'f's! -·--A-NT·H-0-NY'S--___ _;.:...._ ______ _ . 1 . 1r 1 a~1(111n .. J 1r . ,,. Daily Pilot CJ;issitlC<l PLll.\IRINC l<EPA l ll or n1ai;1c !or par11r~. $.>.011 I Ari. !\12-'.""l.7~ -'h1111h!y i\L\l!ll. IJ1•of<', ... ,l\llill, l'\•I j11h !1111 ~111/lll EXPER. ·lrt-1-.1fili!l •·.\p, Hrli:1hl<'. f{('a,,01111 tJlt'. e G12-312S e COMMERCIAL TELLER =========='--=~---"===-. li·ll·JS,;n --·· -·-------------COL.E PLUMBING No Matter What It Is SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 FltU,\'T Y;inJ l..:11111 :lriv .. \10 2! Ill'. ..;:f'l'Vl("E'. 6:J:J.\lii1 I 1110. Backy;1rt!.~ 11 l s o \\'reding, .)".•nl 1·lran-up: ~~~ ---·----- 002-81.il:l. LEE Roofinit Co. r.ooling or Piillft::SSJn~Ar. (;:inl<'nt't', ;ill !}'Vf'~. ltrco\'l.'J', repair:;. Ire<' 111>1'k, p 1· u 11 in:::-. 1!irr-n10 t'Olll roa ting5. 11·hit,. ~pr111klc1's. •·lc<lll tlfl joh~. & ""lor. Lie/bonded since land~c aplnb. Gl'<ll'~C, '•17. ti·l:t-72~ ---- ~,_.5,Q!J:l. 1\-J-,\lohit" Jlon1 r Ronl in~ 1"Ui\l'S Japanr.~c l:a11lcnr 1· s.>n·1("!' Rl){1r1< i• ii ti I k r d , APL -J 11r1u~rJ-CQn1n1'i·H"s1--""·11< .. 1 & Cu111erl. f,1.)...2.",."iO. d<•r11 't. Cornp, Lawn Can•_ Sewing/Alterations '•'w 1;11111, s pr111klr· ;,::1 .. 1111; __ _;::..._. ______ I I \{·1 ~ --1 Al..TF.HAT!O\'S · 1 I • Mn, .1111\ '<'l'l'l\'f'. \ii•':-./ ~ \\'Q\!F:"O I fl'''" "'' 111•1\V r d~~ " ' • .. .. ,., . .--1"~1 ·1~.().1 1 7 '•'"1111111, 1·!<•a11 11r1 (1141 __ ,)•J· ··~· --1 :1,;~ .. u1("I Alterations -642-5845 l,A\\,\ (,\HI. ,\ :..'.·•l'd"n :\r31, :irrura1r, 20 )'f'!it~ "'fl· 11rwk lighl hn til1111: ~:\p'd. Tree Servlc• f\.l'J~Ollo1/Jh•, (",11! .>\,',..!)"j;;·, ..,..... _________ _ •. ,P-J "p~-;-.-, -1• I GF;NEP.AL Trl'e Srrv. Yard r~. . .... 11,_., .~n l'ncr. , J\nuw linw up-keep plaiil t"lran-ur1. h11ul1n!!. sprinkler 1w~1. 1r1111 1 111111i;, t.:l~iin-up 1_rr-p;111·~. Rra1<. 6·1G-.-~~·lll. ~~:,.;. .. ~i~i; Tile 1;.;;.:: ____ _ ci:!:;,\'l'IVJ<~ 1; .. '\J\Dl.i'>l/\1; Ci'~llA.\11C hie I)('\\' s .. \In, .\l,.1n. J.. Yd. rlf':ln-up, rrn10t]cl. Frer r::t. Small l.111•1~('.1 jHll~ ~-~p1·1nklr·1's · b I ~~" ?\~ JO !i 11·e r~nl<' .. ..,. ...... ~Q. 111'1~. rr,.r/,.~1_._1_;1:0.-1 _1r•_·_ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~ '~;~;.,:l~nr~~·~(fin~,1~~~li~~: l f:mploymenl 11 1• I ] T1·ash haulinii;, lot cleenup.l '~;;;;:;;;;;·~~f~ nepair l>:prfnkter.~. 613-1166. !1 • Y;\niiiurhi Cnrrlen Scn:icc Job W•nt•d, Mal• 700 Fn·c Lan1t . ..:cnpe Consuilini:; &12-62G~. R MLETS LAWN "'"'"'· • ""'"""'· SC A l.ic'(l/ln~. J.arry ~1:it~U\\'lt· ANSWERS k1 's Gardeliin~ Serv. 612-097~1 C0:\1PLF.Tf: lall'n S. i;artlen-C k D I r _ ini:: Sf'lvict•. as f'I -ra I -r11rj .lini 7~184Wl:i UnCQtl -CUFF L/:'\l\S ---Th,. honryn1oon 1.~ n1·r r F:XI'. Jap.11W'l'.f' g:1rdrfW'r. wh,.11 h1· irl art~ U'Uist /)1'111 Co 111 p It' I t-n1ainlt>naoce. parwr 1:1 111~ for ("UrF LINK.;. ~·r"r r~li n1atr~. 6-\G-OlnO. ---· 1-----------IBARTENOl:.R -N . B . l::X.PER. llawah11n Gardener r('l!idcnt presently en1pl oyed Co1nplete Gardening Ser· in L.A. scrks position in this vi~. Ks.ma1anl, 64&-4676. area. 616-3853 anytime. General Servic•• H•lp Wanted, M & F 710 rnrr;Gs by MOO!lt', LI. EXPER. PROOF MACHINE OPERATOR -UNITED - CALIFORNIA BANK h ,\lo11.11<·h R:i .~ Plt11.1 S.•u!h l.J~11n<1 496-1273 1:n11JI 011r•u· ~.n1r l")"f BABYSITTl~I! 11anli·d. m} hornr. \11"-...;flln V1e r.1, 6 A· ~ ~r~ 01111 tr;1n.'. rrl'f. ~:::0-1 p. ·1 ila.1·~11 k ,11]j.j"lll H1\B\"SJTTl<I'. lh Pd<·1I fl /I' :; ~I' rild 1~11·J ,(· !l .1 r uld ho,.. \n )!'hL 111· 11111 \di'~ \1u't llf' 1n our h1,1n1' ~li-7111 llf; Bt\BYS/Tl"~:J~. av;ul on shQrl nollcr. da)~. Vw : Ail11n1~ .t-\lrn:no!1.i, 011 n !ran.-. %2-7."i(i:l. ~ABYs11·~r">:"n""""'1oc,-. ,,-,-,-old 1•hild, ;, until 12 midnigh!. ~ duy.• f"'r wk. :\fat11rf' adult only ~·1!1-4274 alu•r ;, pni. DACJIELOR rcq\HN'S girl lor hot1:'('('!c;irun.i:-a rr'v hotir.; wei'kly. C :.1. 567-0.107 brrorr !l :in1. Banking EX PER • SECRETARY -UNITEO - CALI FORNIA BANK 6 ~fonar{'h 8 11.y Plu.a South Laguna elect., plumb, len<..-e. Ille, Accountant . . ta $1200 instln!l. carpentry, paint etc. A1n'! pott'ntlal. Lc;uhng land 496-1173 54:..-0820. developer. !'t1ust have dt'• EquaJ Oppor. Employu --grcr CPA or PA cxpcr "'"''"'~~~~!!!'"''"'""I II AN I:!Y .i\-1 A N, ~11.flK'~~f}. Mkt.' Analyst .. to $1200 BEAUTICIAN p~umbtng & ell'!ctr1<' ability. Arlm. A~l~hinl. Conduc! r<IATURF..: v.·om11n for hu"Y \\or k guarn. 968--06J7 . fleid r<'!!Carch. AlJ Phll8CS C05ta l\tesa Salon w/~mf' \\'INDO\V l!C~rl &-:<ll'rt't'n R.E. & land dcve!opment. clicntclr. °"'nrd by Nat'! door rt'pa.ir. Venetian blind Dr•ftsm•n (4) . , ep.n f<"lnn. $1 .65 1tUa.rn & con1m. 11ervicc. 64&-IOC'>S. C.E. OOckaro1.uxi for land pd VII.cation. Call f<.1gr. I 5-l&-!1919. Hauling d cvt oper. YARD, garaae. Rtmovt tree~. ~kipl oader, 347-2666. ch~anup!. dil1, ivy, backhoe. NEWPORT P•rsonnel Ag•ncy 133 Dov•r Dr., N.8. 642-3170 TRASJ{ k (;aragt rl<'sn.-up,I""''"'""""""'"'"''"''"'"' BEAUTY Op(ralor f or childn •n's hail' styl!ni: shop. Tempol'8T)' no.,.,'. pl'nn11nrnt 1n1er. Oppor!unl!y 10 lta.m lron1 ou l ~IJ\nr1!n; pro- fr~~ional. 644-7(}1•1 7 day~. S10 " load. ~·l'tt ~5L lloU."C J-funtini;:~ \Vatch the j t\ .lt'OOd 1~nt t\t1)'l11t1t . ~l~:itl:':1 , OPF:I' ltOUSE rnlum". invl'5!n1cnl ad r. a rood ------- ; AOV llflll ll'l"T AOVIJITUIMl lfT 'l~l1e Daily ·rnda v's Jl . .\I LY PJLC>T 1:<: ii n1nrlern ne11 sp;;iprl' produrini ~evPn ed1l1nn s a rla,v •1·11h .~1>:·day·a ·\1•ee:k <"irculatinn nrarin,t; 4:i.nOfl 1n tlr:ingP (na ~i r0m· mun1l1P:<: frnrn .Spa ] Rea r h !n San Clemen1e. :\nrl it '.~ a lnni: $l C'p rrn1nl'rrt frnn1 lhe !tJrn - of-the·rrn!ur \' 11pr kl 1r s rron1 \1h 1!'h 11 descenderl . '!'hr f'n~·la 1\1f'~il pl<111I 11tl1r h !1011.~rs the sun• port f11n c11nn<> nf t h 1.~ rn11l l1·nr11•r;iprr npera1 1nn h.!1:<: :12.4(18 ):."(!!l;i1·r frr! nf 11 nrk1nc sp;u·e ~1 u<h n( lhP .~pa1 ·f' ll jt~ (Tf'il!Prl \\'Ith 1h€ f('('('lll d1sm;inl11 nc. rrn1orlrl1 ni: ~nrl l'Xp.:1nrl 1 n~ nl !he J .1 .~97-~rpiarr-fnn t h11ilrl 1ni:: 11hlr h 1!self hiirl e1·nlv- f'rl ;,i nrl r xp::inrl rrl ::i t thr R;n anrl 'f'h urin ::t rer r.~ l"lle n vrr 1hr .Yr<1 r ~ 1h~1 tl1r ne11.sp;q1rr h<l.~ ottup1ed the rornrr .\II nf !hr 1ir•11!'p;:iprr's seven erl1t 1on s -~ix t;uJnred frir h0n1r rlrl1 1·rr.v in <l.~ n1<ln.v rnn1n1t1n1 - !1e.~ ;:inrl nnr .. ~t rr rt rrlil1on '" fnr self-sa le frnn1 are;:i nr 11 .•r;ir ks <trf' prrid11r Prl 1n the n1r11n pl.<1n1. 'J"hE> nr11 .~p;iprr hil ~ s[;iff 11·r1tcr.~ anrl erl1tors 11hn n1,e1·:itr nfl u·r s in Jl 11 111 111gton Re;:i ch. l\e1rpnrt. P.e.<1f'h. l..::i _c11 na Hr at·h ;ind San Clrn1en1e . ·rhe.\' ;:i ll ff'erl n1;i1rri;:il lo r·npv rrl 1 tor.~. phnlo 1e!'hnir1ans and printrr.~ 111 1·ns1;i ~lt"'S fl to hr lransformrd intn the d;:ii l.v nr11 sp;ipcr !l:\11.\' 1'11.(J'J' carriers de.liver frnrn Se;i l Rca r h tn San ('lerncntc_ ~oph 1s11 r a1t"'rl rq11 lp1nenL an rl highly tr.::i111rrl f'r<1ft ~n1r11 11 ork 111 ("nsl;i !\1c.~a tn produr r 1rh~t. an1nunrs tn !'even rl1ffrrent ne11 spapers erirh driy Mond::i.'" 1hrnugh S;il11rd<1.v. Pilot Story HP<tl"h /)1\JL\' PILO'J', Saddleb;ick l.J.<\JL\1 PJt.o·r 1fnr l,agun<1 Ni.ii:uel, f\11 s.si on \'1e.10. E:I ·rnro <1nd ~urrounrling aret1 s1 or San \lernente-l;ipistrano DAILY r1LOT. Erl1tnnal pn li<·1c.s and ne1\'S de1·1sions <1re ,::re<1tl y 1nf111encrrl h.v erl 1 1nr.~ in earh nf the various arpa.~. 1\rlvert i ~e1-.~ are .~erved by advertising stafr per.~onnr l tt ss1gnerl In e;:irh of !he ('On1n1un11ies servPd h.v the ne11·spaper. Ru t lhe 1oh of filling 1hP p 1r~·r.<1 tn_i:elher - !hP con1pl1 1·a1rr1 ta.c:.k of pr·nre.c:.~1ng r1nrl "rnanufar- t11 r1ng'" ri'leh rla.<.·'s ne11·spaper-ls hanrllerl at home bil f C'. :110 \~·efl Ra y S! . Costa l\1 e.~;i '('hp .•lnr \" r an he told 1n thf' re c i l ii l of a st ring of fat'1.~. CI RCU LATION --l 'ovrr·s t1pprn.-.:in1at.ely 14:'.i !'flll<1re 1111le.~. a1;erai,::P rnore th:in 44.00-0 1·npie~ pP.r <la v ll'i1h a nne·rlav co11n1 nf 44.RR:l fnr l\1arrh .11, IH71. S11hsrrl hPrs 011·ill pa _v ninrr thiin $1 .2 niillinn lh1 s yr;ir In h;ive papr.r·s rlrliverrd h.v n1nre than 8fi0 ('ill"!"l{'l"S. EMPLOY ES -l\J7 r11 ll -tin1c ; 3:l part-time -- fi~ 111 prnr1ur-tt1H1 ;incl pr inting rlrpa.rtmcnt.~. 3fi i n n1'11 .~ rlrpiirlment anrl H9 1n husines.s anrl cirtul;i· lion o ffir·r~ .. \nnu::1I p<1,l'rnll lh1s _vrar 11·il! 1np $1 .9 niillinn 1'rh11t. r!nrsn'1 in<·lude c;irr1rr.~ 11·ho ~·ill rt1rn ~:)25 .. ')00 thi.~ _\'rilr,, plus c::1sh anrl other p1·ize.~ nffererl il.~ hnnu.~ 1nC"Pn\ives. 1'hey're inrlepenrlent <"ontr::ictor~. not ernployes.1 ___ ..,.. .. .,,. ' fir ' ' --:'>! 'l"hr1r rnt1.~thcrirls lt1hel \ht'.111 ;is ,111.~t. plain ''DAI!.~' PllJ)'I"" rt he .~treeL cdi1ion ) or: J-lunling1on Rr.irh -Fnunt a1n \'a!lr,v l)AILY PILOT, i\1f\l"pnrl. H;irhor DAILY PILo·r. L11g11n a ADV ERTISING --1.100 rc ~u l ;:ir a.rlvrrt1srr, 700 rrt;iil ;:inrl 40(1 in rlassifierl Ne1vspaper'.• arlver1i.'\ing rPvP.n~ir hreakdr11,1"n .');')per rent retail, 37 perrcnt f'l a.ssified l1n;:ii;1:e. fi perrent frnm na tion· art .~ ;:in rl 'l pPrcent from l e~al anrl misreJlant!nu.• adverli.sement.s. HOME BASE FOR ALL DAILY PILOT EDITIONS IS 'NEW ' COSTA MESA PLANT Ed itors Feed in News 11nd Photos, Get Ba ck Tailor-made Community Ne wspapers Todtly's News TodcLy-12 .S te11s fror11 . Deadline to Delivery for theDa.ily Pilot 1. REPORTER-PHOTOGRAPHER tr;:im colla.bnrate.~ on lof';i\ storv 11·hirh 11·ill be fra.111rP<l in the rl t1~•~ er11Lion . DJ\11.\' Pll.O'f often 1eam·s camera. .•pcci alisl 1r ilh 11 riling ~riecialis t. 4. COMPUTER h"n ~1.~ 11nrd~ r111 1ht"'1 r 11 ;i\· :i1 t1 lrnn.<1 t unheliev;ihlr .•prt"'rl h.1· <1'""1"1 111 ,~ 11 11h _Jnh of pcr fora.t1n;:: iare 11·htt·h <ict i v;ite~ Lin0· type 1n ar h1 11r ~ l lr rC'. pa.pf'r 1apr l'i frd 111 tn $2~.000 ('nn1p utrr . • 7. PHOTOGRAPHS, n1c;i111l'l11lr., arc hrin)? sf'\r('trrl 1n he prorr:<1.~ed in Phntn l..ab . pulling p1rt11re~ 11·11h 11nrrls fnr 1he rlay "s collection of informatinn ;ibout your \rorlrl anrl your ro111n111nit y. tO. MAT TAK ES lmprr~s ion of sill lypr ;inrl f'n_1:ravtn,1t ruls \\'hrn ii, I~ l11id on pag~ f or m i'f'd fnrred undt'r roller 11·hich exerll' up !o 3.000 pounds of pre.~.~nrr prtr Frp iare 1nr h II 2. WI RE REPORTS fron1 throughou t l he 1\·orlrl <irrive on hnth .t\ssoc· iaterl Press ;inrl Vniterl Prf'.~.~ ln!crn;it1nn;il 11 irrs at r1.i\ll.Y Pll.O'f. ~:ditnrs often select hesl elrn1cnts front hoth rcror!s. cn 111bii1c them. 5, GALLEY OF T YPE is rrady for prnofin g ;:iflc r t;:ipc-;:i r tiv;itrd lin cr·;i~1 1 11 ~ 111<1( hint"'" ..:r l 1! 11 11 in l1n r ." nnr 1·nh1 rnn 111rlr ·rhf' tr;i,1· on 11h1r J1 11 1s :irr ;i11 ~t"'d 11' c:il lr d ;:i !.;<lll r y. hf'nr r th e 11an1e "'gal lr ,\· proof." 8. ENGRAVER t;i ke.~ rr:illy 1·ln.~e look ;it the nrgati\'e 11f!er makin,1t ;i photocopy of a photograph 10 he rcrrodurcd in the ne11·sp;iper . Jrn;ige on nei;:alive 11·ill be etch ed on sensitized n1etal c<11led a cut. 11 . PLATE MOLDED from 1n.::it hAkr'd into ;:i eurvrd sh<lflf' r an hA \0ckcd nntn rn1ary rrr i;.~ 11111.~. likr the one sho11·n here. 11·hcre f"(!Ch pla1c prints one page of the ne11 ~paper . ' 3. CO PY DESK _iiels infnr1nation frnm ~ c v r r ;:i I diffcren1 rrlitnr~. rhl'ck.~ stories !or accur;iry in sprlling. gramn1;:ir <lnrl st.vie. llr;irll ine.'i are "Titten her~. (_'opy is pneumllc "tt1her1" to printers on firsL floor. ·~~ I 6. PROOFREADING L" nr xt .clrp. t;a.llr.\' prnnfs. rT"nof_~ nf hf'::1rll l nt>.~ anrl J'rin!rrl pronf.c flf prtgr ~ all a.rr ('hcr krrl 1n r roof rrarl1nJ:. nnom before ncxt pr1nt1ng ... \rps t1 rc \~k en 9. PAGE MAKEUP 1-=rrs 11·nrrls an d pir lurrs hrou,ehl 10.i;:e!h('r in - form callerl a ('has('. It is like a metal frame. nc11·sr::1rer·pai;:e size. 1n which engravings r·cuts"') and Jines nf type are ;:irranged. 12. WHILE INK is still rl r~in,e i.fter the prcs~rs spill 011t the d1y'1 r11n nf D.i\ILY PI LOT edtl.ions a! 70,000 nr1~·sp;iper~ per hn11r. carrier hustles along his route lo drop ''t oday 's 1l'orld"' on your lav.·n. ' ' ! l l 1 ·. . ' . OAJ LY PILOT J8 '----[ _ ... _.,, ... ~J[IJJI ~ _......,_·-·~llI1J'I '--_ ..... _,,_._l [Il] I ,_,,,...,, llI1J l '--_·-_-_l [Il'--·----· J[Il] I ![§] L_I _"°""""'_ .. _][§]: ;;;I ;;;"""""""'~!~;;~, H•IP Wanted, JI. & F 710 H•lp W•nted, MA F 710 I (i!RI. r nrlll), ~ 11'1 fi hi"< t1a~. i;~:.4.\ "!"\ o r r n "r n r1 I I\ .,r~n. PE r.~1 \ TRF:S!' I ~ Htt rtw'w, Cn11a \.1"':..._ ~o'la ! MAn11lw-1ur111i: COLUMBIA YACHTS ft>d hfon<'Fir~. 1"P11 r 1'(1Utlif ''"r"-•n rn<'l'lf'r~ f11,.i1111P~. I I 1\111,..1,.r r 11rp<'nt<'r -11 11 ph,..~­ ~· n nl l<' · ma n !n<r11!l1111nn •'lll'fl"l11 <'T . H11 rrli<.:1rl' 1n:<lill 111 11011 f'hnptrr ~un nfl!"r11 rrir. J-:,Pf'rl<'nr<'t1, "75r-.1rCnrm1o"'k "' ... (" .. 1. I r'l1111I n11rorru111 f\ <'111 11ln~·r r -BOYS 11-14 I•~ <iPl11 "f pllpt'ft 10 lh" •""'ll rl<'n1<'nl r . S11n J11 >1n C-ap1<- f1'~no and C>1p1~ano Bt ar h lll't'll DAILY PILOT •l:t!-4~~0 ---.SUSBOYS;--- ""'1· 1'11k 1n11. A!•fll11•11 111'"l!I f<'IT' rlur11t1nn nl -rhnril 1P1'111 A· lollnl4tni: !'11rnml'r. \prl• 11t1tr 1 P\1 rhe F ive Cr owns Restaurant \~!II ~;. f'IH,.flr f'n11~1 11•1 .1 ., 1'n1·n nll rjrl Vl;ir, .\'r> ph 1·1111~. "'1l1 r=n-cA RF:-l('nku11:-r;; I fhP r1i h1 pl'r~nn ~ r ;irr fn1· 1n1 n11r ~ r •'lrl. r rrfl'r· 1n I 1r 111, (,01•PI) hnmP 111 :'\.R I "r' 1-11.1. ___ _ •<HILD r·;i1·, fnr 2 i1rl~.;. I.. ~ 11/!r r ~rhml , T11~t 1n :001·r 11 l,j,p 1r1,.n111n .S.·hMI. f':i ll 11ft ~ pn1. ~0---<1.~11. 1cJ~F.ANINC.-..,-TI-m-,-,-.-l tlnl,. 11 o\\n trllnF , mu.!1 h111 r .11....-vl phnn,. 1n1«<'. 111,. 1.vp1nc, ~m!ll l hnnk~l',.ptn;::, plr11 ~11111 ~ln1n~1)hf1'<', t 111l fnr ~ppl ""'11;-l.i2:l. GRANT BOYS SALESMAN WANTED Fnr C!orhtn& Drpt l'.:!l.Pl'"r pre!r rl"M. Th1~ Cnuld Bf' A c ,..rl'<'t Oppnrrun1ry, .~1111!,1 1n f""l'SC'n B'"'"""" 1 .10 & :; .'\t\ P\I The Bo y• ;\'f:\\'roP.T Bl.\'D rnS'rA ~IF.SA ' 1-:r111~1 nppor'tun1ry ,..,1nlo~rr !;\11.1.!VF.RS R ESTAllRA!\"T !,lll'rh fnn<J \\rTH'hP~ I.• h n•hr\I'< II !Ill P\pf'l"IP11f'( nr"' hf'l!l~ tnlPr1 1r >1,,rt . !l 1n 11 "'ll' nr' 1 Jn 4 pm, 1 ~4.1::1 \1;trArlh11r Rl•·fi . n pp 1 t , • 11·alll:P C0t1n r,1 Au·pnrl I i'f(;11 ~rhnnl hn.1· .,,.;nJ;"rt -fl'\~' <'lr 1111ur A· .\111"1 1<nl'k, :-r:1 r1 ~I SI J;,/hr, st47-7~·1!l ---:C=~­Hnl 'SF:KF.F:f'F.R.f'Mi.; In r \lnnarrh \1a111r,. 11 I rl n \\", t" ,. '"· I month, Th11 rJ., V1r Af111m• A· '1 R;?nt:l!111, Ou.n n·11n•. \Ill•! t1rh<> :-: ..... r11r ri'n\.lrl- 1 ~1-i'il:: l"{l. ('nmlnrr11hlr , pr11'11I<' -----'lll ~f!l'f ~ \\llh T .\I c1-.En1.:; h •pi!<tlrrr·rn1 ... 1,. .. 'J •· fll'ff1'rnrri;<'\rh :1 n :tt1-I ,~fl"" n1 r 1" 10 k<'y ~:,p ~'.l!L.'ID-ifi. nrr, 11prl,v li-11 Pl11r,.nr 111 -H-OU--S-E·K-EEPERS-c 'I ~ In I P•\1 ~ n,.l.'rlrr! fnr :'\';._.-<'AR: I r,(1\\-~ Rr~r11ur;1n1 npP n1n~ ,\11i;:11•1 .'\(! A11!1l,1 1n f'"r•nn ~I f'~fff\\\t nf'•IRl l!":llll j;,!i1 11 1rn1r!;i r,,.,.,, s~n 1 1 .. nH·nr" ~ ·1.~ /1.1~1 hr1"~r n ~llm A· .'>flnl F.'l:[l<'r. r1tll Timr Huntington Bttech Convalescent Hosp. 18811 Florid11 Ave. H.B. 847.3515 ~1 rt 12 \!'< hn_I \I .1•r<-lnf'i!1f'ri In I! 11n 1 • n I! t n n Jl,,.rhn11r \\!~"'"'"_: f"TII t ;.11 711: J;!i-"9711 nr 21.1· :191-~~-1 a~k ---H ()I I ~~~ 1\ E f; PER-I!""'"· \1n!h<'1'lr<~ f'hilrlrf'n 4 r':I !" $7.'Jl 11\.j...J;;'<l'j hnmf'. 1Ai. Brh I.· Ii_ ~lu"t l\~1·• i l!l-1 lfti: Help Wi1nti1d , M & F 710 Help Want9d, M & F 710Help Wanted, M & F 710Help Wi1nted , MI. F 710 Furniture 110 Gar•g• Sale 112 • Mi1cellen.ou1 Ill :::.:.::.:::::::::.::.:.::.:...:.:::1-~-iiiiiiiiiiii 1------'----- ·'1ATUAF. l;tt1)'·hl <' 1n, 1·~r" r.-,f l<WP'y hnme l. 10 yr nlr! 2 1rl \\'nrk1nt p ~ r r n l 1 Nlllllt7" npl"n. M~.1.121'1 -----\.fEf'HANlr -l\.l11st h111•e own rnnl•, Sfillll 11p Appl,v 4f;7,C C111npu~ Or, f';.R \IF.C"HANIC r <'lr t 141:0 nr l'l<>mr!'tir. t.<iofi p11,1' /:!'!'11<'1.\ ,f,.h M&-8310. I W• •re now acc•pling 11pplic11tlons for - * HOSTESS * BUSIOY * DISHWASHER Apply in P•r1on f!~1l1 Si Ill ;'i 1!1ti2 .".[4 ;A1·rhur Bl••rl r Arrn!<~ ITY1rn 0 (' Airpol'tl "°""'f"'TT Br11rh \10TEL 1'1AID-FULL OR rART TJ,\l f: \Qj ~1~111 , 8111 J;j,'l-Si7·10. -----------'10\IJNC. I.. •tnrllR'<' rnmp>1nv 1!< ~,.,kin~ ~n .... fl rlr1\'<'r t.· ru1·n1111rP ha n 11 I "r . f~'<· J"f'l"1<'11("f' !• ~ 111!1~1. ll:ll---<1.1."1 h~! $1-.i \Inn Jhn 1 r r1 e e NEED~E~D--I Two Offic• G irls ~!11~1 l'I<' r., ... nn ~!ii"' 10 rl n v,, -APPLY - lilt: f:. If.th Si . f' \1 !\'!iRSF:S Aidl'~ few 111u-s1 n~ l1nn1f'. ~:\"f"'I'. fl r " t · rl , 1'.l4-gf')7~ j1:,11't A,\J-:1rM finnF.R '"' i:;;;;,-... •n111-,-,-.,c;c,.c1,-.1 HOURS & DAYS TO FIT YOUR SCHEDULE SMILE A LOT-PERSONABLE LIKE TO MEET PEOPLE GREAT TRAINING PROGRAM (no ••tHri•nce nec•ss•ryl 2 Or 3 Ni9ht1 A Week Apply fo r our Waitr••• Tr11 ining P rogra,., Apptic11t ion1 giv•n 9-5 p.m. di11 ily lexc•pt Sundays ) DON THE BEACHCOMBER 3901 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar ------. ---H•lp Wanted, M & F 710H•lp Wanl•d, M & F 710 THE NEW REUBEN'S PLANKHOUSE Accepting Applic•tion• For: • Hol'lei:;~P~ • ('nckla!I \\'a1 1rcs.~ • \\l.1itres.5eS • looks • Busho\"S • Dish"·~c;hpr~ • Bartenders • Bookkeeper Fr1n~e Benefit:; Include P111r1 \'11 r11t1o n. Shar1 n.: P!an . ~111 j0r r-.le<l1ral Pl;i.n APPLY IN PERSON Tuesday thr u Sat urd111y Profit 6060 WArn•r Avenvt ICorner of Springd•I• & W"rn1r) Hunting1on Beach n1·Pr HI. <111 "~ nr ,.,.,.. ~\ii\ [~!!!1!!!•!!!!!!!!!!!!11!1!!!!!!111!1!!!!!!!!!1111111!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!~ nr p1111 llmr wnl'\( f1•n111 n11r l' ----:-.~nl:i Anll nffir" ~n .. ,11 H•lp Wanted, M & F 710 , Help Wanted, M lo F 710 nM·f'.•~11ry . Sa l~ry ~1.6~ hr . <;; :\ !. F !'. G l R L-E\p'fi lflr .'>17·117.1. ""' ~ ~~~~~=-----1.11·rl~rP ,.:hofl, mH!'1 ~f'I\ PART Tl~1f.. "XP"fl<'l1~<1 i ('~11 !nr 10 1~r ,·1 "" ~11· tn1rk I.· ~ '1 u1 IJ Ill I' n' fl'l l·i tm"nl. jj~~-~3~-1 ;i;:lo: lnr rnf'chan1r 111 fh l11 nl • j \l o< \hholl ii-1~-i11'> I ----------- TELLER ~tAPLI:: ptnti pJ'lll' lnurpo&!tr SAT 01\'LY g ra :l. Bro~ .\10 VING llllo mobl.i.e home l"ln biol'!, S2j. T .... 1n !ll.t itrounrl ?.iijJ 5'-rl ni. p, otf 1 ~lapl!! hutch. i• prict , $2:l0. "'"1'!-", .,,.~ ~rrinf'· 525 \lt~<t. \'t rdl' E"st. \Ia11y : 1n .. plt llrt~M'r, ir.!rrot &. Z Gi.rls _£·h111nn 21'' byryclt . I 11t l1'1' 1ocl /orrfd I U' h11 I nir ht ~ta!Y'li, SlYl : better $2., E\'trl'tl rhord nl"ian 1.· I unn S•l;i \\'attr soltt r'll!r Sl"I m;idt corn.-r bed r roup. bfonch. S32J Sturl1n rouch I ... morf' Si83, Sony 600 taper~tr. r<>rnrr LlnJI , Sl."..O. Ptpt.J Col11.1 LO 0 ._ 1 S7J. phot-02raphy dark room ha~1n;; ntl11.nv l~nlP, S~I}. I A ~ "1 iood lurnl!ur,.,, oc!rh, 1,, r nd~; new Uruttun ; Stark <>ltnmll.n SlO AJ,d ln,~·•. rlnthrs, h~hold items, I 1 ~,. •-k ,. I ~!SL prnf n\ll'l'tt>rope, S1'J, n11<r n!1iU1al oil p..<11nri n"s. ii ~o i:vv• m11r "' )Un -.il2 f..l~---<1~2.1 Ct't~l \·1~11· f)r. \ s garat~ lull 6f odds & etxls. EXIT. rl<'!k ~x~ 111~w1vf'l rh1111· 52:.0 0 111 rn1 !;t b!P t. 1'ha 1r~ -OT'f'xr l ?'r a n 4~ ', ~:'ll'\O P11rio Jnung~~ R .C. ,! \?:i Crrl.a r r"hr~! 17:o &firm Ra)~hrwr ~ :H&-607:.i Sat & 1967 V\\'. runt. exct!lent. Sun 3 A.\1 S7JO 19SJ Crylon Dr, C.'.'lf. BHIE~'CASI::, n1en' & I ."l-l(J...J:Jl~'~====,,--..-1 \\On1r r1g r!othes, !a ,.n 1 •AUCTION• rlr,,~·"r i2 ' ... 1m1rrnr SlOO. i;.J.\-.l!l~1 111n11 ,.r nt!d dish!!!, \'I.SES [ books .. luega~ro. i ll1t llr : HOUSE lamps t.· m1!'!' 962-:i!Sl. l~!IHi ~"'"' Cl11.r11 C'lr. r vly. ---~-BEDS. rll111r~. \ 11 mp i ""~~h:n' n111 rh , rnlor 1~: NEIGHBORHOOD Sa l ,. k11ch,.n ~11pnh<'~. bnys hik,. I Furnitul"!' P111i Pong tab\,, \]n,1nc mu<r ~f'll 171\fl l ~!r,\rlr , n~1~r ,\JI under S2.'-> 1 Tu•J1n .\1 ~ , Co~lll ,\lf'~A. _,.q I.Liar ~n. C:'\1 Bl"•n 21-22 J ~~-::,~4:! nlf ~nt11 Ana Sa r -Sun Ill· .. .\uCfJOOl l!Vl!ty f'n. 7 pm f11rn. Apph. Antiqul"s ,Vll.'i \V. \\1a rner, S.A. ~ follnw sr .lrrh light I :>l!l-2241 • :>11-n33 *AUCTION* f'1n" r urniture & Appl1a.ncPs Auruoni< Friday, 7.00 p.m. W irid y's Auction Barn COOK, EXPER. r 11 1111<> ~:,,, •h1r1 \ll -~T h~; f'l.~:AN A· .~EAT ;\O r11 n11.•v f r\l.I-"' Anrl.I' '" rwr«1n. :"1wf A • ..::1 r!n 1n, ;,n.1ri \\" <'M~t 11",\., ~ R DE,'\"T,\L Ass1st;in1 ('ha1rs1fir . ,.,.,, rJfll"1 O r rh(ll'fnnrir nlf1r .. f l'ncrn111! r-n1'11'1nmr11 1. 1nr f''I 11npt'fl'{ 4 rlv•/1\11 nrnt· 11 01·~ f l..'.F F. r ~ 11 . '' -----SAi r«;; -"'"" r / T I \1 F \1;11rl-MnUP"1•1fr I ·-11 J F:'l:p ~a• 1 11z~ A Ln11n t<'ll<'r Prn,;rrf'~q," f11'11 nr1•J 1n~r 1 rur1nn \l~n1 h,.nl'!11• f'ln portun11\ fnr ~111 .. 0r'Plllf'll .. DENTAL RECEPT. r\llf'f, !11'f' fnr '"'~ nlr. n..<k n nl.1. ""fTl" :•: h,.nrfu~. H ,F;, ~ u;. -..-.10 h•!•I .<;;:111, ~' ... ~. fl~.:\ 1""1-ll.Yt'<'ll1~1 -~"'l't1 T F~(lfT,p In .117 ~1 11,lf.f' ·"''· R~JM11 1•11111rl ~--fl ~ \ T -~ !, .\<<1~111111 -f.,~r '1l"('r <•:1!'1 ·\1u.•! kn"" \ 1·~.v~ fi•ll'-1~~2 [1F'\'T,\I, rr1•rp!11.,n111, f'"T'I 1•111" Typ1n;: <krll• 11,.r :\-r.11,v~ hrlpflll. ~·12-2fil', nn ~rF.R~f"'r11 1n!'~. r \.r·r1 . Tl'lr 1111er• rl ~ • ~ ,,. f11·:1rr r1r <, ~~:,.1 R1rrh ,o;:I '\•11pnrt Br iu·h. Mf>-1 ~.1 1 -*DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! ~l11<t h.11\1' rll'~n ('11l1r. firiv. 111~ ~·rnrrt r-;n1 undl'r 25. YELLOW CAB CO . "'~lYFll \Y l11h• r \ll'I" ·~l r <nl ~" T,,,.,. A "'"'' \i1 hr< \f'~I 1r ~rrr•r i:-1~-\i;:1 ':xrn IR\I ,.,.mr "•"r npr1~1'11 "_1 <1"'m N ,;;;l~P' -'~!n11r ~r !1rl 'r~ll'"" Pn C111,<1f1r rl ~rl "-" ",(f'I 1'~111 r In• r n fin.~ l:'>fifl, fn•I,. ir111_, i I ''I' '1 ~1::111'1 P.1r1•f'I• n1 .. r!1 :11111 on . p<"f'~nn, ,'l(lr'tfll Vi ii+'~ Pin'~-l.<'t . Jo.'.Xr>~:R-:-;11-~1"'11ntl t irl lnr t1rn1"'I <1lr. N-nrl Ml"l11lll'" h~n<il'flltl'n fl'~U m" '" :lli '11111nr . 6111~ l•l;infi 1 "r nnn 11 < 11\ n 11n h "ilt\~f"''""'l "'\ In -:....n .l u~n f''1Jl!•ll'llll!> l'l~·~Hl ~II ·, :-rrr1· r /111• ('n!<' • \l f'~:I f1 I "I . l~m1h ~ 1fl An·~I 10 ri•ri. .. , :ini·o;:~~J.;;.·r:rrr.. 11" ~ ~ plri>~<>TJ1 f~•TI,/:. ~1 1~ ,;,~ ~II rl 11 t i f' .• 1•hi•~r·1, ~ 1~-7'7 1 I (;f'nt'~" A!l,.n R)l4n-l A11'r- r)' 1fll>-R F:. 1~rh, !'.A ;17..fl,\'l~ H()TEI. \11111>-F:xp'fi fll'O'f rl !.:1~111a ~l';irh, • 1 1111 4!\.1-llflf' • !RVINE PERSONNEL SER.\~CES "AGENCY I-,,-p ;. )-'" ... rn•111,.n• I BM Keypunch 1455 ~,\prr. n~ r ,1 1"' 1. 1•~ f .. 17 h 1 ~1 frv 1nr • C-\1 642-1470 SELZ! !!!L§2! • .IA ."I I TOR-".1111nt~nanrr· \-l ~n • f'~ II "1'!-~X<I t r11!1 •n P'"'"'"'l. H11nlln£ll'lrl STOP ... .o;:.h,.r .. • ''"'"'· :iion2 n...""'11 LOOKING & ACT /\\f',HFI. I --_ --------;-S;;\,.~ mlnri<'rl Jlf'T"~nr.. Jl'f' f<>r f'nF.S.'i\IAN r11 r1 1•11'." 12.il'l l '''""'"11 ,.. rP.'11 r iu·<'e r nr- 1.· 11 ,.l;<"f"" '"nrP l.li:ht hi n 1 ·1.n;11·n11;·. X:n1 fUlll l'f. fllr fir~· ;,40-'lf;~','. 1 :·~1 ni~ ·1. J-'.11rn1n2~ «1'ln1- IMPERIAL SAYINGS & LOAN PAl NTE R I r1c111'f' 1m'lll'iil11 lf'ly ~hn11IM t'\.f"'I" rPt f'\?.11'111 ;,, IO "~""~·,,r ~.~(l(I ru>r 11 ~ \Pllpo"fi R<'~rl1 i;;,\.,'ll.~fl La!; "111·~. ,.;;chm1rt1 ~" 1·~11'.·A~•1n;? "r ~<il1r1 t1n;: ----11·r~TtLI r·i·· I n1rr ... 1,11 ~ h~ 11.ppo1nrmf'11I TRUCK DR IVE RS PFr..::o;-:~;1.·1 •. \r,t::sry r.nl ,1 <i.;-"""'k M11\-~ !>~n H11r TrAn~-tnnt1n,.nt!l l Cl11 <s ,\ 2fH:; ;\,.o;·rl·I! llr' !"Fl rh :,:14.~1(1.I I LIT App!_v lfi.l\ rl~rrnli?., ___ &·:i.;;1~ -__ 1--sA l e:sMAN--('\I, , r>r:r.sn"-·"~L. ·"'crPt,;r1. CARPET SALES ~··;f'!!'T. !'i 11 pm. 4 Hr• ~ yr •'l:P"'T trr1• l""'!Ulr"-1 ~l~-~1~ XI\ P~r Yr ('nmrn ~~.~-4 rl~·.~ .. 11 k \,' !l'P"' i>il \l"fl•T', !<111'1~ hllnfi 91\1 c,r P\f' Prr.f\• o;hll'11l0:, ~,I <;r •l)tl'p 11 111 L;i l\l'l'n,·~. rt 1rt11phon•. ~·i11t tl'np nnrn :.:1" 1 nppnr. w 1~;1 f< lr"s 11'1f', :.'fl~} ~1 1rhf'l~nf' !>r , f.'<"Jl~'l<ll<"t: <''tr('r l <'ll;>lf!, C~RPETERIA ,\,~ lf'r T~rl "r 0 1r k ·Z'l ~I ~1,'1-}'"\('(l f'R()FE.C:.SJO~.\~p h n n ,. "-ALE:~·Rf.o\I , ~~S :-\Tf'-- $n1u.·11nr -1!11n11 P oint, ~11 n PROPERTY MGMT n .. m,.n!<', ('11p1~h'll no .. r .. 11 r 1111:. "1th i;::r,1fl ,.:;i)~r.• /. ri<"'l r fll• ."'111th CnA~1 Con1m11" it,\' l·~n~r111~]. .~n_111h !,11.;1u1,1 I 1~1..11, f.•! :l,ifi, \\11rk 10 yn1ir nl'n hnm.. INCOME UNITS Rr-<;f rlr~I n Il l'*~ f'hnn,. H.H. Ar mistead & Co. ~.1~,_1 1fi:, ""l"e<'n ~ 00 ... M [ f'11 ll 11\ .. .,,_! f'r.1 ~ o\rj ll(ll'H I , i] 11 o;:"':.o\ il;fln PROOF OPR. E xpe ri•nced -UNITED - CALIFORNIA BANK fl'\~ t 11 l"• ""''Tl~/1 Yi-:11 h"• .,~r "·· r;.........i 11~~ ._ h ""':11• r~~)\1n•1~ '"r 1.~ fr1.-111r 2~ ~~•h 1nn 1~111111'. "-r•lf"l'""! f'Pntr r F.11-llliO 'Ir< ll •ll ll1i1H:ll'.:"1" ;..1r11 f"'l'' 1.-('n<I~ \-1<'•11 t ill ... h0p'< ~:'.\;f1 f"'l )n'"'"''''"''" \1 n11 Aue 7:1 4 Tn ~ P'f . r;1111,,nn r.1 r1~. ~11r11 ~"•:\~ 1 1' rlL!TY mr-r• n"rrJrrJ fnr """ (' \P.R()\\ o;:, Rr <l •1·r,;n1 "•/'l<'nu1t A11 ;::•1c· .lfl ,\flpl;.-I" rrr-1'1•1 ~1 r~,., . .,,,, r ... ;,,1. "~··· r;,'f\ \\I'! d;i r rn :'-1· r ~.,,..,,1 .. ~/'.!i A ~ ~t h ... "'"'"' ,.,.,, A: "·rlln --------"' '' rt·:n ,.,.,., ... 1 .~,. 111 "'f ,rr 11111'111~r ·""•i ·'· •·l1,.r1 I " 'I " r k fr r :I 'h .,., ' ,, r, I ., 11 " I\ ~ ... , ,., ,.,., .. ~"' 01 r•F:r.-H-;;~111-;-;:;tni~r~ 1n~ l•:r;i] fn1· illf'IO:• BP" nffr1· "-.1 ~11..._n1,. \11~ 1>1 :-11:.~2 ;!flr r f, r m I II~ I• 1-\1·'.!\ I IOI?/-:-~ o-;ll' \• ~~h•r-:t \.. ( .. \\'., '10 '"'fW'l'I T"pa1r on ~11 n1~kr~ ,i:. n1od~l i :3 1n ;\'f.\\'PORT BLVD. C~t NEW HOURS • Fllllln"SCl'fl l \Ji h!J r l"n.e:. 2 hulhs !fi.2.i 'a !it\2-3241. )ll,'\"K sr,,Jr , Paid SllOO wh1r e. \ikl!c ~w . Sacrillce $400, ... ,. ,., • .. . ' . . . ~ ~ 8 CWLY P'fL OT FtldaJ, A1.19ust. 20, 1971 -ll§l /~I ·-_ ..... ~]~I ... ,. ... ~fqiipaft l~l~I ,_ ........ _ ..... ~Jlil L J[i]1 l~·-·····_M .... ~]§] I ......... l§l x•·u~ .. ·.•. iiie:;~poiiiii,~.od·-·•i%tl I 3 Lines, 2 Times, $2.00 Mu1ic•l ln5tr um•nts 122 l ••••••••• * BABY GR.ANO Piano 'BEAUTlf1JL blaclc LAB, 6 25. '01 3• mo. old. Lo\'es children, S250. Vihrs, SI !J't'(' !o good home. 897-8SS2. l'\e,1·port Oh·(!, C,\I. TICER kll\eus 1•/Ilu ~hvli; CONTl.LLO ar11ll'd_10n. oniy to good ho111cs. \\11U ptt)' 11 used I rno. Cost s:>:iO -niakc S/1<1Y. ll'f', ~16-87Jl. otrer. ~!).l-4221 . I BLAD\ LalJOradnr malr. I 1 ~ Offic• Furnitur•/ 1Ts ulcl. rrainrd t las all Equip. 124 I ~1~~1$. &12-321.lJ. I FHEf: TO \'OU LARGE r-.:rrutl\'c d r ~ k • r.REY KIITY ~la~ !Op. ~\\ 11'1'1 {"hall'. SI :?.i. 6 \\ k~ otr! • .l-15-00:.·I Dovs 154 Bo.ta, Power -'--------909 Cycle1, Bik•s, Mobile Hom•• 935 Trucks 962 NE\-\'ESf chp Jt)lll! 111 lo\\·n; 1".ewporl J))i.: l:l'OOfllf'f)', 2903 C f\e-wport Blvd. N.B. 67.J.. 77ti6. SllE'l'LAND Shrrp Du~. pup- pies. 8 "ki., Ai\t. ;:,1-1-&:~~ a!lj1>111 & 14·knd~. !RISI! SC>t!r'r rnalr 6 nl-0. Papcl'S, .$!()()'. ' 6-12-20;)9 READY for i m 111 t> di• 1 e J_IO_B_l_E_Ca_l _l_G_, -5-mo-,-old-·. I Scooters 925 CONTEMPO- dclh·ery: New '71 33' Con· Lime green 1\' / yellow D B LAGUNA HILLS l'Ui'd B1·1genlf'1n" s p 0 r 1 decks. New S!Sjj). Seit SI~. ave urroughs' F1sht>rn1an 11/111·ir1 g ll ~ }'irin. Trtlllf'r !ncl'd. Xln! House of Z:SOI RIDGE ROUTE DH. rni;1n1•s, kils ol ;(!ras. J ain l..'Ond. S42-33Jj, Suzuki • Triumph (Corner of ~1oulton Pkwy 1 ~,.IJ1n;,; 111y deah•i·shi p & ==~=-------1 S ~ • Preslib'E' adulr con11 .unity ad-" I ..... ~ , , CU1'.E Characl<'r bot1! 19' ALES·RENTAL·SEJtVJCE Jac••>l >o , -,, .. ,, \\o,I·'. ruus1 S<'u I H!I """'t. Nvw ii; N k' ....., " u )01u· cha11ce 10 ii!ivt-Jots "01 gRll rigged cut Irr. lnbd ow stoc tng a con1plc-te line lieaullfu) sU1TotJ11ding.~. all head 1 bunks 12131 330-2'124 of Triumph. Suzul<1. and rnorie:t . Contae! Chu r k '°"°""'°-----==·! ~toto Guzii. luxury appointment~. Ther- Cirnvlo, l:sh1nd Ya('ht Sales, LIDO 14 $895 apeutlc poot SaunaJ', exer· 1000 1, 00 1 1 Hous e of ci~_, gym, 4 bill•·•-" labl<•. """ ~!Ir r sand,· San 1 * 67:>-1::2:; • S k -'" Diego, 714/291-181*! ='7.==~~~---1 UZU i •Triumph much n1uch 1nore! , _______ _ 1967 CHEVY >;. TON VAN W>lh t'limp•t'r, <'!.ln\'er.non, Real Good Cond. Auto Trans, V-8. R.adlO, \Q1:i00:1J $2399 CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd, Co31a ~tesa .i46-JWJ BMW Automotive Excellence 0 I ROY CARVER, hie. ~ Harbor Bl\'d. CO!lla 1'-1flla 546-4444 CAPRI Sttu<ly old c!l'sk. $15 .1----------- j.jS-:l:;<Ji. •'1 l·~ lfl.1-:!ij71. 2 SF:'ITEF.S I !-.i ~-t/1-S Ft. P iano5/0 r g an1 !26 1 Call 616-1~12 after 6P.\I, Al\:C Alo~kan i'llal<1111t1lr 21, .'l\ sl1fJ\\, JH"tll'Cll stud . SAC. ).16..i228. AJ.\C t,;ER;\IA.~ Shepherrl pup.~ "'f.sholb , i·ht11np l1n.e . Coll 1\ k-days, ;)Kl-:1763. ,1, S 21' AURORA, 3 sails, oulbhl, 16112 Had>0i' SI., Sec beaut. furn inodeis iu :.. "hust£T Ne1v 200 hp 1..'0n1pai.s_ Sl rilO. •. 1, 1 p· 1 k l'k 1-1\'!!E EL Drive, f~ I 1971 Qpri 2 Or. Sad. 1\lc1·(·. 111-QUL Rigged fQr r ou nta1n al ry a· -1 e scll1ns. * • WS-;KJ6:l • ft !"ill-K"t-IO e 53 1-3:>15 CALL 8:ID-390() or SlJ-7900 11·/327 Chevy eng & ::::ll 'I'HE S.D;Y l::UROPEAJ'l Joni: range f1 shu1g. 80 gal. 'luocill'~i<J;'&:--;;;;;;;::jj--:':'.'.~'.:".~..:::'.2'~'._-i..i""~~;;;:::~~~;,:::.,j h 1 1 · c -" · • LIDO 11 11/lrlr &· 1·u1·t•1·, rats, O\"rnrive, omauuo TI1._ atU'dct1ve one O'l\'llE't ga.s. Bait tank_ Out1~gge1·s. 2 Ext1~1s. XJnt roil(]. S900. Cat! THDll LOOK HERE ! Tire~. X!n! oooo. SlL:iO, Aft 6 and tia.os Md 1hr llf'st uf ** SALE ** TO _g1lOd home I s1nall blac k t"<i!, ( black killen. lnen<lly. 536-1 J'..'i 'nK' siore ~ha! is fa 1110lb !or 1n11•gr11r. rl;;pend11h1J11y ,t- ~rr1·1rr now ollrrs fabulous d1st."Ounl,.; on Ol«llO~ II: 01'- gans. Al\C t·roiale Sco11y, 2 yn;, lo good horn" only, li.J -11i!h papers. )l;ri361 or :}.j7-28i6. hunks. CB radiQ, hea1!. 110--6-1 1--0"17 J20V J"f'fer. lleavy duty trlr 6,lG-8730 HOND1 a Jo'or your new ]~Iii · "" and has had leh lx';;:I of 11·11h elec. 1\rl}("h & i\licheHn f''L[PPE=R-,-,-,-,.,-,.-,,.,-,-1-fo-,·I ~ i\lOB!Lfo: HOi\11:; '6 1 Clle\'Y P.U. t·ustom ear('_ Poµ.ilar l1n1c n11:i-t fin- t'Rt::F: clran fill dlr1. U-haul, 6."::i Plun1f'r S1, Co,,1a ;\lesa. ~S-~. 98 k I ' . II I 111 Jl , .. ,.,,.... neetsidr insulalrd cam""r io,;h 11·1111 .;addle tone 1nt!'r• It~. I \\'. 18th, Ci\f ·1c s. . a 1"1;;:;:-1ng inc . • "' ,.. SCHNAUZER PUPS ----$~. ti7.1--06~~ ''FRIEDLANDER,. $3,650 :.hrl! (Pilgrin1l Nr\\' brakes. 1or. 4 Sj>'i'CI 1ra11.~. Rad1U, ZY Flybr1t.10·'e 011e115 spo•'I b 100 fl "· D B k -----[)()ulJle \\"idl':. t•;u· , etc. Sl or best or-eater. rv11cr i:.c ra r.,. ~~~~-6 "k old flu Uy 1rh11e & Chan1plon al !;!lid. inc. S.IG--08::9. giwm-f1sher1nan. Galley. head, KIT1'.: ""Ith tra1l,,r, m9 ••AW CMW'f', •I r '"' "91' o•yl J l J •I J d J $5,650 rr. -s:rt--<> ••• "' er s: te 1 1f'e s ra 111. •lC'11· £.-'O\"rrs, bait 1ank. 2 sad~. -'~J!l."i. 1-I d · Xew v.-alnu1 :;11in••ts, rr~ $i:l'l. ll()11· $7>9."1 e :-,'.c11• t'On:.v1c,.t in all ~!)lrs, pt•t:a n. oak .~ ll";\llHl1 , l"f'J.: !O $!1.J.°J, f1<"1\\ Ji~j e Grand.~. re<'or11f1t1c1n- 1mmon colored kitt\'m;. e1n- BESf.r\JIS. U' .. -,,.-,-,-.-,-"'-.,-,-0! bt'"f'e<I. Sn11'll, harklr .~~. orlor!rss. $7.i up. 1-63~rl36. r;ut1.,, LOTS OF DECK * ti7:::-:?::I9 * 5::7-GS24 e 8~~.-:.66 .\II w11h choler of i·a1·pr1:., e 'i3 OIEV PICKUP e P1>dlurs l:1 l'l'tJr groupH >o· I -~---------1 draperre~. app!lan(·r.~. *. • Asking 1~00 • • * (' U 1ng fi'C 1n1ng Sf'at~. ur-SP/\CE! SJ-19:). Call 6·164i2ti9 .\QU• , .. 1 1,.,1.,m"'""-1:t. YA.\fAllA '70 230 DTl, n1od . ~ 0 •h '""'HQD> " "' ~ " .... \I 1• t;ikr trades. Aftrr ~. 49-l-ti367 ·J n ~ one. "'~ .. O "c.'-' <:GCll>-O;;::O..c'c9_d~I-'·=-~-~ I 0,-• ·.·I••-$"'". ,,,u-also Png, framf' & suspe11sJon: $'1"'--J h •. ..,_ • .,,,..,. ... 611-18-18 • * 8 yr old loy Ulack poodl(' To lo1"1ng pr-rson 11 i 1h"u1 child 1.,-,n. Papr1"!i. !IGS-62®. ""'-' ·• •-<>W L• WESTERN MOBILE Auto• W anted 9~• _,,,,,. o n . .;on ,.,, .-..,11. ~wou "I' f" JI & s av·'tlablo. "'"J'.!:>,1 <'"<!t't'mely fast, Xlnt. handl-vo JI J Bl d c M ,, r. ow~ · le\1•art <'bn ° ,):f!.r" -· 12L1 No. Horbo,·, S.A. ar Xlr v .• osla ' esa. f'd & f<'S!l'UllJ.:", \'a.IUl'S lo ll39:> fron1 $39;) Al\C frniale York1l', 21 ~ mo's old, Tcr111s. · ------------! 111g, rehablf', never J"ated. ~-•n -~~" ci·uiser, fully e q u l P 'cl, LIDO l•l \\'ITll 'T'RA!Lt:I: 8J9-6lSO WE PAY TOP -~-·-~~·~==----1 3 bfil)y ki1lf'f1S & n1amil c'al . ';! Org:ans. hrand 11rw '" ryth111. froni S79.-, e Orsan~. u.~ert. rallt~J. Grod 11·/ch1ldren. f1'0111 $3!!."1 e Floor 111n<lcls __ • • !')37-::986 • *-- & de111o's, S<il'C lip 10 s;;oo I BL.<\CI\ t.: 11'hi11' Cock-A- B;ink l ina1ll·111,i::_ rrc(' •11'!11'-POl"!s, I n1<ilf'.•; I_ f~n1ale. 6~:> rry. Our l;in1ous warr:Jn'.y ('()1·r , C.:\T. 612-,18fl2 • • S92-1:i39 * • COLLIE pups, Al\C, l'han1p s1n::1I. s!1ow & /)Cl. \\'helped 81~111. 612-1·12·1. Galley, !!earl. cS/S radio. • • • lR:l.I • * * .$6:t~~. I~r. Ply_ 7141673-0!8;;. Closl'd S11nday CASH -CORTINA Nrw gas tanks, dingy. 4~1-8&!1 BOY 'S light frame 10 sper.d :"'.'!!!!''"'""'"''"'"",.;...,..,. l\toor/ng avail, .$3j(J(), Call 26-' -E-.-N-D_E_· A-\-'O_R_S_loo-,.-B-o.-t 1 b_ll<:, ni;eds work .$30. 2 'li6 Great Lake~ 20x50', fan11 -'67 CORTINA 2 dr, Riii. Torn 5-!8-9707 7am-3pm, equippt-d in fltet. to.lust sell, gll'I s. _Stingray bikes, gOOd ly pa!'k. 18000. CaU art 11 a1110, m~uwn \V/blk 1n1. on 1111 111s11'UllH"1llS fi~'.l\Uf. 1111n1 t'OlliP-. -,-,-n-,·~,, OPf'll daily 10 lo ti nialr . lo1·cs rhihlrrn. COAST MUSIC • &1 -1-6:;12 • . '\E\\'POP.T K· llARBOR C~11-1 \le~a * &l~-'.?a;,1 SUi'lli\lF:R CLE .<\ RANCE SALE Ka1,ai. Strinway, Baldwin, \\'url1tzer. !\1n1ball. Lowrey, Cvnn. 1\Ut'n. Etc. S2Zi & up. RENT,U.S. Pl.AYERS. friendly 1rll'phone lnfor. Jo~IE:LD'S PIANO CO. lS.13 Newport 1311,,1. Cosla f\l csa 7141b1:>-::2~i0 WOULD YOU BELIEVE SA:\10\"ED Husky -f-REf;, L11·rs ldds & is genUr.. Call :-ki7-2tl-23. 3 ADORABLE, healthy kit- ten~. !rel' to good hon1es . :\l/F. &l&-l7'i3 or 6-12--6i47 FREE kiUrns. near Baker & Fa1r\ie\\", C.:\I. :i.'ii-$.62.i t~llE~: l\rTTENS (!Ulf', play- ful k1 ,tcns nee<! hon1r. -196-9j(),1: Pet• ind Supplies J[B AKC rr-g DachshL111ds ~ll. Chl h11at1u11.~ 1~:> & Poodles ,i3,J. :l1i-JS.ll or ?!<17-!1::091. :? l1E:AUT1~·u 1. ti 11·eek old BEAGLES, $20 each. &t!--4818 • ~iJ.l-311,llj :\1 1NIATURE Schn.luzc>r pun- pics, A KC rcgi.~. • * 5::7--0%5 •• Hor se1 856 1-lORSJ::BACK Rid i ng Lessons. Our horse $3 per riri,·atl' les.i;on. All ages. English. \\'!."'stern. 1-lorses bo;irdrd 113 rno. 5.i7--062:i. l.ARGt. hor"!ie oon·al, S20 mo. Tom Thumb Pelham bridle. :-;addle, S20. $>J-j...j9Jl \\led lhl'U Fri. make. otrer. 675--0198. concht1on .$10 each. 1169 a.ni., 8·17--6537. -O:ii'"lfl<Oii:Ai:i:iC:-iiO::ii3i'l,.;0oc;;;'~''~'cL~·~"~'';c'c:'~1,_,..,~~I "'"'~~--1!l11 12" !-\OHALLE:. No :'.!137 , . . . . : . l & 2 Br illobil" Honii'.<. 21 fr. cabin cruiser, (19&,ii Luger 11'/bcrth~. galley, 1967 lrailcr. Goocl cond - Priced tor 11nn1f.'{liatr sale. $3000 or 1nake offer. For in- lor111alion call Unil'ersity ol Calif. 833--6:>48. 2:i' Trojan Express crui!>PI". Caltt•y, head, sips 4, 1W"11' CO\'Crs. h;i it tank. 7:; 11•all w/brai·hu1~ 1·u<lrlrr. c·u1't>r GIHL S Sch\\'~nn Shck Chitk. Adulls. B<1ysfop Village, 300 8: 4 liff' 1"1'.~I~. ~62j. 67:::-1727. likf' ,11rw $·~-'-il'!an"s :J spd E. Coa~l. l-h\·y. i\lr. Sp1<1g:uc. A.\11' \\'/child ('iUTir•· l'•k-1-----C -=~'-::CCC --. . ' ,-]]• ZE~l'lll fl.\"li'\li .Jr 11' \l'/h11-y llf'W ~10, \\·ou1an's S(·h\\"11111 ·' 1raili'r. All ... 1ras. Xlnl <:Ond. 11•/child carrier, gd tund ill 11·aikr park .~7JO ti73-6:i78. .~30. &l+-7014 * :YIS--lJj7· ..- !6' Super S..1c1Ji1r. Co~l new '70 Bultaco. i\1atador 2.xic1., TRAlLl::R f.· c~bana .. \lust .$1300 new for s:,.;o, Dirt & S!l't'.-'Ct 1 _ 1 F _ IX' mo1 fi.I off ~pact'. l lurt)', GiG-1172 or l/bS7-27·1~1 ccUen1 cond. Les.~e~~a~ 1 ~ lSOO. 612-1611or642-9996 . radio. CLEANEST BOAT FIBERGLASS Sabot. all llC\\' nu. 981 \\'. 18Lh, C.\I IDEAL for l\lelicao vacation ~pol_ '.:.~:.:8 Used trailer. S8.i0. 6-\6-1)9 1 I i\' THE: l\1AP.INA. $".>49.i riggin;;. rt-gi!itC1't'd \1 1th l'oof HONDA ':ii, Call 6-16-6269 or 6-16--0539 dlr. ~'"ac:ks 1n<·J. ;,?,&...9ij9. .S~9. Opcrativ"· J2' Tolly 1-r SKIPPER all Jibcri.::lass. Call ;-,18-4~36 Motor Homes 940 T.g., F.n. immac. l'u1·\'ry Likr 11r11'. 1\lust sacnlicr! lo.c,.,;-oTc:,::.i1::>o::,cpch~ToR~,=. c,0.,,~c=c~.: ---:C:-:O::-:N-:-:D-O-:--R:--- t.'0111plr1rd, (rN'h bott·~n1. A !Hi2-2667. Good eondition, i\lany spurr tor used cars & truck11, just can u11 for free estimates. GROTH CHEVROLET Ask for Sales i\fanager lR211 Beach Blvd . Huntington Beach 8-17-6087 KI S.3331 CASH t'or CLEAN USED CARS Bill Barry Pontioc 200(] E. l~t SI., S.A_ :W..ll.-1000 \\'E: p,\ Y TOP DOLLAR FOR TOP USED C,,RS Sleal at ~11,500 by owner. \VANTf'D g I l & boo par!s .. \600. &16--31 &S-GUY J{E:'IT l.F.ASJ-: J..18-:J!J98 ~ · ;ii • inas -m '<,-;c;c;c:cc-=~----1 U your car i! extra clean, -.,,-~----~~---! tor S11011hh·ol. 1'69 Bullaeo l'JOcc niany r . ..:-SP~~Cl,\L ;.;,\VINGS NO\Y .. ,,. c BILL CORWIN sec u~ fil~t. e11!ut·), J~:.09, 11P11 ly * :>-IS-%91 * ll'a~. ,\lake offer. BAUER BUICI{ painted, 22::) hp G rr \' Sabot gd cond, $175 • !IG2-002G * FORD ,\Jarinc, ship to ~l1ure U<'tiiii I :z:v: E. 17th SL find<.>r. bail !a11k,' S800. * til:l-27;).1 * ·;o HONDA. 173 :\l-0to-~pvr1 . :.'.::(! .C::(l. ,\lriln St., On111i.:\' Cosla i\le&1 ~lS-7763 l':ew Png, trans, tires, phi.~ n101•c 1$360 in new rqpt) Xllli. $:i7:1nr1"r:-id" ~97-1084. DATSUN '71 BIG 510 SEDAN 01'<.>rhead Cam, 4 S[K'r d. rl lr., Radio, Heater, Bucket seats, tinted glass, lo lo mile~. sacrifice. s.lG-8736 . 49-l-6911 '71 Big Station Wagon -I ~pd. dlr. 1-11. R. fact. air, l"l'i'. Sl'a!s. T. gla~11. W!IW. Unrler 4.IXXI miles. Sarr1- f1cr! call aft. 9 am 49·1-6811 or j46-873!i. '71 Da1 s11 n P.U. Tonrwau CO\"l'I', f_\! Sl r1"f'O l"ad10 & 8 lrk lapc dk, lo mi'11. 6i:J-i20:!' FREE ORGAN L~SSOi\S as lo11i; as you like! No reg- istration. No ob!igatlo11. Just C()mE". i'l1ondays 7:30 11m COAST MUSIC &12-ZS:,l P e ts, General 850 57;>-713'.i. Boat5, Slip5/0ock1 910 3·600 nll. Clean. ~-150· or best '. n1i. N. oC Fashio n ~qu;11·" ANNIVE"R0S0A~R"v~-•"s"o-;-c-:;;--,;;:;;;;::;:;-;;-;-;:-;-;-I;'~'~''~"'~· ;6"i~.>~2~J~1'~·~~---1 AUTOS WANTED ''iO Darsu n :i10 srd.1n, 2 dt, CHARACTERb"~l.~l',-le)l :;s· :-;1,JP-Poll'cr 8na1 s.\l OTORCYClE t · I "li!I \\l~Nl:J3AGO ~I' T i,1 ic k,c.,tn1s .\1.1.JIJ. Boall Md I•*) M1rin• Eq~pment le,. ~~ HAi'lli'llOi\'D St t 1 n wa Y. Yamaha. 'N£'w It. used pl<111u.~ oC most 1naitt.'s. Best buys in So. Cal1r. at Schmidt J\-Tusic Co., 1907 N. tllain, Santa Ana. A:\'h\lALS n US ee j\lonkirs S:l9.9J, PekraPQOs !'il!l.9:1, Ch1pn1t111ks $-1.9:1. Free Cha- n1rlon w/purchasl' nf ra_!ie. .'\'.:9-8.">20, J&l:J \I'. j\lcFadrien, :-;.A. inbrd, excel cond. :\!any Bayi,i<ll' Villa"r :;oo E . · .• 1 1. • · 1a1 rr LC\V :V11LF.AGF: Lll\E Nl·:\V Ofl dollar fvr 1·lcan used I 8374.137 P "' \\'/ 1 1rensc Can be usf.'d e -l!l--'l-~ e c111·s. Scf' 1\ndv R1•011·n. x!ras. arad~ Iavor i te. Coa~l H11')'. N.B. 11·/V\V. 6~2-:i<j3.~. .r · '1" THEODORE 1971 2·!0-Z. likl' new, a1r CAPT Al N 833-!4-l:-i. DRY boat & tr;ii!rr ~1ora10:r .6• llDNDA JI)' 1'1967 DODGE Islan1ll'r 22', cnnd 3,000 mi. $ 4 8 2 5. G•n•ral 900 U ,,. 'I d J' · -" ' "rug. Re{'entl1• I 6 If · 11 ROBINS FORD . tu1n11 e 1rense -any l':"l\1ss 17 FT., C;1h. Cr., fish & Ski, B1lysidr L<itl!l«htn~ ran1p . ·h· 1 1 Good . s ff'PS • sc conl. A auto. 67.>-1570. 1 30 y · O\l't au r>r. eond!l1un ~s-::;o 8'l-197• t . I ---~=---~--·I ons. enrs l"~f)('nl"nrr :.ct hp k 71 ~ hfl. el. st., Trlr, 300 ~= Coa~! lh1-y, NR. S300. j.JS-7l::i. " 1 • • 1-··a I ;i, 2000 !!ARBOR BLVD. FERRARI sail & poy,·e1", Pro!C'ss~onal 1vino-Lks, BQ1v rail, r'l:tr;u:, k T,0,'le,s T''v I 945 COSTA 'JES\ &12 ~·JO ..,, fo"HOKT-T 1r iloc rnr rPn1 up 110,0 .. ~"'CL •'-" 1 , e · -~ 1 -uv 3 :\TANUEC:-Tnomas nrgan, 606. l yr nl d, Sa\e !'ilOOO. DOUBLE SJ.>Ol't fishing ~1id<.>: i\1 cxican 011·n-mo\'r. 178:i. :->J7-l:i:S. In 21)', NB 32 OO 11. f • " ·••'-' . uvu.1 tf)flf r111. 11,.·~ ~~11:~~1· ;i~~1i1:~1::: & C~~::~~! ;~;11:.~~c~ ·~n~I~~~: 1/0 IWG Lone~!a~18~:AI. hfl r 67:'r-091~. OOL ~~~~bi~~~~-! l>cll, a~k: l~hr1~;;fs~~~~ 1~1r: al; I ~J~ ANNIVERSARY •50 f u';·~~~~~O lilllr <ind 1s \"f'l"y frir11dl,1·. Cllf'l'Y II. Tradrr. Nr11• \\'A''I 1 l ·J I .. ,.,. I I I ~r.;CAA] 0 \LE< & SERVICE I inn in boa! handling, sr;1. • 1 b .1 . 1 ' O rrn -s 1p 01 ·•-'lil Jlond;i IVl 1·· 111~ 110 l)!h1 . P.f'S! offf'r. llOO·A·CAll •" "' • \1'111 s!arnl -Oil ~·our arn1 1150. . 1·u1·c1· "' !on. tc ui I d1·11·r. 1 . . . ""' •.i. -• 1 . ~l!J...?62.l. n1ansh1p. DR S.· celr-!i1 ial :'!:!WO . .}lg.O.'!z;, 1)(J11rr_ Joa!~~ 0_~1 . 01 nl'a1 S!rrlrrafT Barb<>r s 1 y I i 11 b .'i-18-889.;_: ..'..'1·_ ~.1-11r~1. __ * * * P!,\;>;0 , "l'lnP I , na111?a!ion. PICJ\'. UP & ·.-___ ,. 1 _~n111sul:i. 61.,-lii-S. ch~ir .. \l:i_ ;"rll-6ll8• 1969 P.OAD-Lmrr !ravrll PINT(J \\'/AUTO. . NEWPORT • 6:;(.r{IJ7 ff Call 833-lSOI * • Gr.:1,1 n S? ".(). 11!•0 ~rr;,r & caprain ;i l'ailablc for ex-s ceps ·, ca , ~a I'\. X 111. .,., Cl. 1 ·ea "• E Lr 1 ·-IMPORTS Jc~~<' rrrnch. hloncl, $2.--:-1. BANTA.\t l"hlc «Ulir~ $1. r-a . DELIVER\' A.~Y\\'llErt F.: 281 C!~1RlhS dCnAF 11 r'. ~a;1 d. DOCK for r't'nl. 11 1111rr nnlr. BP.IDGF.:STONf:~ !railer Tan. ll hf'••ls. 20' s.\'. 1 Tran~. l~d;iy, ':Jc mtle. -• d k 2612 l--I. 1,.,1,·,-g ,-.. ,~~. ,,. ',fl to -·1 1·1 61~_nn311• .. aJ • n11lea"r, 1650, ~,, s11,1,-, ·','Ye 1 t uich. J::&-4086. T HEODORE BALDI\.,~, ··•-. -• s-··-··· I UC s. -·'lf'l>ll lJr (Up" I .,,,_. ,,-,,,,,,, E-1,-·,·,.~ "'-" "... """"' --. -· ,.., ,,,.. .. "u.,,... r-• t. ...,, '., ......... s" tr•d<. -2-"'2·1. . 'e11·1i0rt s r. ,,,_ ·•~ 122:1. ~13-28P.6, Aso hrvy_~~r1_·11ck. ROBINS FORD lu!l pcd;1l ke)IJOarc.J, like Ba) 1· adn1 ini~1rahve experienee. "" ""' 3100 \V. Coast Hwy, 11('\\' S1250. &1-l-4277. GF.N"·r=1.=E-~-.. ,-,-.. -,,-,-,.-"-,.-,.-il &M:l-2977, 18' GLASPAR Cab\11 Ct'U iS('1'. BOA,T Slip Spai:l'S AV<llL l :i. :\llNI Bike 3 h.p. also br<ikc~. • • USED \\/ARDS "'111 COS20GOT! ,u,,E,~ABOR BL•VD'. Kewport Beach 1 ,~---------10 o·. ss:,. 11·a11r1·, nc'v t1 n1. :-pare 11·1i1. '~:::· :;;,;' '.;"'.:'~=-=""'':-"-00~1~0'. l ----c.1::r----1 Sporting Gooos 830 &.a, l ~,._ :r, woad ,f, gl11~~ '70 :::1· Unirlilr spor! 7::) hp Johnson. Trlr. E . ..:lras. · 67~,."-iv -·-r-"" -FIAT I ' ·1-1 e-••d. •1S1.·,, •·•S.'.•,1nr .__..,,..,,"' X.!\--7:>2:1 ,o.H...,,lJ1.•-~-~-~ l.\1POHTS \\'ANTED !~,-----------ea:.:(' 11/JIC 516j(), &11....(;jOS. ~~d~n ••••....•..••• 'i~l .:iOO. -" " • ...., "" S 911 .- GOLt' ~l'I, r;ir!, bag, 11·0ods1 -•R ABBTT 0 0 E S-'f;~ 21' Cilillphcl! F G ;;DG ]7' Chris Crall Runahout, Boat1, Sp•ed & ki •• Y,\:\IAI[,\ ~:iO ~trr<'t, Auto Servic t , Par ts 949 ?(~;g-~ ~~~1~~~ Bill BARRY ,t· i1u11., 111rh A1u111l1111111 fr1 I ,. "16 ~,-s cu. in Chr1y Jots of rr]liip-196::. l~Kl. SK I or fishin"" boA I + lr1r, St'll i'h"<tJJ~ i'\t>~ds sornc 2 (hrvy e'.l'O>'>•· o-. lrn•. ~hafl . li~t'd 3 llnir ~. _I' 'a" •1 ·, ·" _ · • "' k --·-6·!!0 " • " CJLL i\lAXEY 1'0YOTA C .SI •nent ................ ~l\!"l(l(l, * Call 67."r::32J. * "las~ 011 1rood hU!f', near ll'OI" • ·'"1 " ll'lllrC'~. V\V Tu Chl"".' J.'8S.l "-•<·h Bl••d. PONTIAC-GMC·F IAT Sa.tTlfi1·r fn1· $2.",0 01· hr~I of· I ats •r" 1~ L·-,.. '' 0 " -...ti~.-. .;,..~ ll<iy. !ll'in ,\lf'l"r .,,. \l",l•-o•-y •. IJ,·•k, <>l>I· nc1v Ct1rs"slc1· '" lisp. ::o;, I!,\\\"~. \'•~ly ~·ood <·nnrl. 11hl'rl ;ul;1111Pr •. i·hr"n1r 1,., II B frr. Pli: :'<l1kc_a1 9fiS-!IJ97r1r l----------~11·i0 -""··" " ~ s2;r , ~ v ••. each. Ph. 8·!7-8.i.i:i '71 FIAT :,i: ... &-l2"1. !'l·'.,\LPO!N'f :iinnil'se kit-i"l'lll:<1'i' .............. · · · snlid. ~t.OOOi or br.'il nlfrr. Runs like a cl1·ea1n . $j5(). ,J. <)di r1·ellin:;~or brfol'" nut~ .t "'l1ccl l<x:k~. All fnr LATE niodet ear. lo nlileag(\ tc-n~ 10 ,1,,rl\:. o\rl, ·~~-~~'..\'.'.1:1~.1:·~.~~-1 '.1 .. ~~a'.~i79.l. 61: .... :l:'m-I :,::;7-368:!. ll_:iin. :i:Ki-~l9:i ~:>() 3is....:1."'..~fl. 4 ih"., 11ir. under S:'.000. 850 SEDAN Store, Restaurant, ho11~·hl'nl\l'n and 11c<111•'d, ~· O\\'ENS ·r1;:;, E.\preS.'i CHHIS CRAFT 16'. Cav .• ·1 SHAr<P ::o~, 1·r Hon cl a '6J VW Engin e, $150. Phonp J IS-69::2 I Ser. 163103-1 ~ .sprf'(l, front Bn 132 SI' -2 '"'Si Full ra{•r P-C~I .... sz.·,9;., I 1 V g o -bl r 1 1· '~1 -.~h · Cndser, new ('Og. e.-;;ccl yrs. ' n! l"Ollr -· .~"'111 rr. <Jr ' irl or * Cnll 5'~;.9178. ft L k 1 d ool ----Userl !\ii" #190 .. , ... ,, :i:.i9:i. • , , c 11 6., "l~~;J;;;;;;[I ~~~~~~~~~~~ Autos, lmpo,ted 970 1 ra·es. !'.Cae c ing 11Y5• 2 JG BURMESE KITTENS -•>II. Sar1·ifie<, m;ikr olfrr . s1t>r. a . .., .... , h L !!TEn ~nowca~r~; R . V. STAATS '" '"Ill, ta<: 01ne1cr and n1any ll~l"lt;h!n floor w/J shrll"('~. $;)1'>\S. s:i.-, up, :..:7~1i1-I :?00 1 \r. en~~! 11\\'y, N.B. ~:!-!Y.111) 611\-1:;10 20 6{<'k din lh',1kr, Runs good. I I~ Largoef SFeullelyction extn1~$.265 DOWN ~l_ixll\"\.)1), J Willi, 70xj2"x·I .. n ,\llE !hn1al~an Hyhirds. 1 ;,1s-.':..1.11 Boa ts , Rent/Chart'r 908 '!i!l l 7' llYDflO-S11111 • l. 00 s ~uor lOO. Auto5 /or~1. ~ ~1.).•l"i:-".(). I T rl" I C r i'ltcrc I O S'l'i!JO • * :rlll-7T..6 •,. . . . .;'. 1 :·. i-r.,ir(l:. no Pllfll'l'ii. I 11 ·~· ouitxw ril, li hp l'll-Cal 2S + Catlin• 27 c==-·-~ ... -~"~---"~J:l~:·~·::;::·::--c::-l--.-C-HOPPE-R-.--1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;; Recond1't1'oned TV, R ad io, H 1F1, 1 .. , Pach. l!!l.-~.o. 1 -:;111r. ::nod O('r ;in ho:•I. S-1$0. S -----Guarantee the lo.,.,·es( rates 1n I · I'-kl J 1"'9 H 1 -s · tereo 136 Pl'H!'.:Bllf.P s1anir~r K•I." I r.n~1nn "halrr :.qu;ill \1 I . i\IUST ~e I 16 :x.-r ry · r1. = 11r ey 1•1. • ho11• b1kr Gene ral 950 Used V-W's :::::::-:::-:::------1 Eo. Calif. "CRtlina cru•s-he~r offer. n,iy~ )11.)...2090. Srr toappre-c1atr. ;\lus1 sac·!·l-----------STF.RLO 19il .. I I l•·ns, inii.l!' .~-fem. 8 11 k~ olll. s.111 1."llO. ~~•l-2·1.12. in" club". Location Ne" po<l p h 01•~1t . 1 Ir SlO t;·· -·1 ----" El"r~; XS--7611. $1800. Call 6.tJ-Sl\6 :u1y11111r. * GR1\ND 0 PE r; ING • OrSC eS--.su,:pc11s1on ~peakcr~. Gar-· '·""·"'' -_ 1;· ·I ·' T!IL1;-\nEnR1Rn llarbor. 7J~/96S-48·10 for info . ..::c..;~::;~"'°'~,.---l;;o;co.~=c:"~c-;;.;.,c..-cccc.:1 VAN & c,\,\·TrEr.. Dl{APES, I D 1 I l t 2 · 'l "' lS' SKI BOAT l\"IF'~.: s.1ys "'N-11"' ~' dirt C & V S 1·a n l auto111at1 c lurnlablr. ogs 854 I ll 1(\;,i·i . 0111 >nar•rl ~ .\ ,o -~·~ zii· P\\T Crui>.rr S~ day 7il \\'. 1~11h S1. f:,1111r C. C \1. amperS an \\J/f\J \" t C ~l i; \? -SO O F ibrr!!las_.; i:• .luhn<On, L:\r!lr b1k('s-Grrr\·r; 1::.0 & Ka11·a_ '· -· i,!f't"M radio f.·, . ··1 u·••P:i, ·· --J · :J7'Ntll .:,,l p~J l28cla~· 1'12----fif.UO. AU n1ob1le 1n-lQll'it 30DayorJ000:\-11le,: talJ(> dro k Sllll llf'll. 11 ;1, 11.1,ll :-;, rrr1· PHP'. ,\hC ·.1(Wlr,~2 1.-1irrl 1r;iilrr 19.".0. ~:'..ll--11:i7 lij . Sa{' or lradr for Ir•""''·. G"'"'"''' r ,, ~ ("ha nl 1 I n r _ _ ______ 1 Sr;.i Cn~,:! Cniising Cl111l S~..126. "' lf'fl "11 l;1_1-;i 11<1y. lh•1i; '"111 I h if I! ~ t fl 'lh" .,-(~' :1-JL\:J Sr~•l'I 12· ,.,11rr. ~trrr-l\""llfY•rl ll:irllf\r. t"l."r;1~.(l(I P11r1.11 S.· Lahor e F:nginr e f,.1• .~:~ !"(1; p11y (llf h.1l1111or ~ 1"'1 If r _•_:__I.,.. · '·:.::"1·· -1 in:::. r<">iHrnl.~. ·~~;·1. :~1i-:fi'.!,", ~ -, ---.-.-.--.-;--;--[iJ ·r,~ Y.\\l,\!I:\ :!~ii 1-.:0."IJ\·r.n Oun• Bug g ies 956 1 Tran;,. e Front S: R1•;ir Ax!r olf $126 nr !'111111\ pet\111r111~ 11~1 ~11 ~1 tl"r pupp 1,.,~. 1\KC, I 01 !i'i:l·2~:!S 1·:r,_ tL~_Rr.lo<,t. _Ciui~ r. lr1nsport1t1on Iii DT-! (!are srnr~l Jr~" 1 ]1.~111 -----------,\.~~r111bl•t>s e Br<1kc Sys- (\,llrt·1u111 1:>.·r1. 71 ·11~93-0:,01 Cl1an111 ~11rd, p, 1 ,t ,h .. 11 , ---~!~:~ 6. ~iil~· r'lrd 1.IX' "~'r" -------~ 1 .r~ll) 1111lt's, ·;1 lkrn.,r_ S l~JJ. 1:17rt S111wr ,1.;1•ir!. rnl'IHI 1eni e F.lrrtrk<il sv~tr~ _ ----I • * ll'l~-'i ll'.l ,., • Boats, M a 1nt./ .\),.1/1l;iy , $100 11k. f;.1l-R211 . ('.111 ,,1.,.. ... 6·11>-,'R'."J I ll1<k". lolur, T '"JI. ;-01 hp. P"\· · l!)d A{J\lllt \l. 1'.°0 I ("Ir ---____ ' Se•v;co 902 -,-----'' ~ 1 '(""!" r ) Boa t s Sa il 909 SI /R 1920 001-1 <-1:--1.,-1 SL '~llQ>>J~ •t'I 1und :'IJ~kc_ offer, Lall ]'"ii.ill• li•1-•i' ll\11, <'•1~1 t 1 o \-.\-(ff flllPfl.' fo1· ~illi' • Campers a. •n r ....... .,, • •'""' '"· fi"" -.o Slll. Ca."h .~ <"illTY . All 11<.•11 311) 10 \\rrk;; t1\d , Call F ibergla ss R epair ' In nHlr~. p€1"[ 1·r111d . .\1L1"Tl~o'c"-'~'=~~~-~-~ rull \\~\T.1111,1 ABC Clil<>J' d!t--~J~ll All t.1res • b1~ fll' ~111a1 : • In I s··. ~·O•Tck._,• BILL BARRY ~cl! rh.·ap• 8 J l -24 8 9 EliU \ll~l-T ))Ullf'h\l~~\. ~~ TV ""21 l •I l II n IQ ' I ,., )' .~·ll-2131 :\lp!,1! ~\<Iii<', 1·up. chl"0111{' 0 . '"' 1 ;in a. . . OLI 1 E1\,C:l1sh Shr-r1 .clt'<.; 1 !llJ P-1' 1 IJ -n11 ~ inp, •v ra1·., %"-'.:~211 _____ p1r..:1. 1\l~C -~2:,1J oo Call '"'fl· ;1~· '.i:;,;.~616. 21.; PONTIAC-GMC-FIAT "67 HOND A ~o:, Srra111hlrr "111" 96~-i:i2: 1 ' a;S CB 1111!10 ;;!{I Jr•hll<.011 !.· :i11i-~.!"\!l()/E1 r~ :1 lll-:!l:i'.l 1::;-.. :,.11\i. '71 G Mc L1g-h! f'U~torn )f"/11 Xlnt r I Bl"fRG-L..'S~ Llun•~b11;::;.:1 , 0 .J~P ~lf'.•S\1Jli.:1•1. i~ .. ch,HH1rl~. [PooDCE.-;~\l\C. Tei1!·ur-:'=B-.-.-t-.-1 M"~.-,-in-.----• • • ('Oil([ ~300 67:rG22t ~h'('f'I lct;.d !.· l1r1•n•l'd a.. ,,Ji ~ln1 . !~i11r1 S1.i0 All 6· Toy~. rup.~/Ar!tilts. all f'ol-Equip. lf04 -BROKERAGE-A:-i!J ·10 YA:\1.\.HA 12.j F:~DURO ~l;i riy s 11•1" SoJI• ;,\!l--2-111 "\1 fi.11--0 .• 1. 1· f•t'-". Stud sr1-.,·, ll9~-9'il9. ______ ..,..._____ -SALES-CAMPER lo n1i all stnis. SIOO Sport5, Race, Rodi 959 :119-::031 E."\I . l:iG or 67 ELl:C"TR -2fJl HP intr1-rrpf'or. V SI :, Tun P.U. iiilh 8' l'<llllfl"I". * !162--0Zl~ * 190fl 111,RBOR BLVD. ~ Cl;\IC stuilent •lr"d~ F~:r.IAL!·: S11kY Trrnrr flllfl· f _\\".C. V"l"1't flr. 1-1. ('Olll· COSTA "E'-old colur ·rv·~ no! "k ·I S""f'd ll'ilOS. :ri0 \'8 rn-'68 600 cc TRIU.lfPll _,,,. ,\"S'TIN ,,,_ coo-, ... ,.. . ·_-_._· ---• •• 11·.,;· 1111:. p1rs. ,\f\C. Ch;imp l1nr plrlr ~ .. 11"11. 6-11-11'.ltl. LISTINGS WANTED "'" " " .,...._ .~ -\\ill Pll) r;i<h 1\1~ 13,\:\\' s!hd-ai·;iil. l?lnc, hr<1v~· dul y canircr rn_ginr, all chrQmf'. hlk t., ln111111r ~h;ip• · c11~tr1111 flllllll US EU portablf's. ~i:ii-0976 61~ ~~-JO!li\':0:01" outhoanl :\lo1m.:i rqu1p1n('nt, 8 ply 111·es, ra-:<ih·er 11-fTT pi""i>. 6-12-S-112. and rxll•<1s. s:uoo. 3.il--6:.90 SPORT CAR ~----'"""'·""' I h ,-(I SANTANA'S on Display 1 •-,,-.. -ADMIRAL, 1111 ('hannrt BEAUT!F\;L-6 rno old Al\C p, . * 64·1-8000 • 21", 22·, :r1", 37' dio, gaugt'1', 8, caniPl'r il"lt 1 Cuslom Honda ~l·T-,u-c_k_s _______ 96_2 colrir TV. r.;.,w pict\ire !Ubl' slo \·r-, dinette table, refrig-Af!l"han houn<l needs A lq: LllJO J·l's d !Cl ;i i':o 1\·/2 yr 11·arr. $1~. Pri\'. haek~l'd. S200 or hst olfrr. Boats, Power 906 * * * * ~;~,an .[11Any "· r, s. 1 · CLEARANCE SALE ?-·Jany ne111 part!!. * 54a--0906 • 1970 CHEVY .J/4 TON 2:iO HONDA Se r an1blrr, PICkUP $39.56 PER MO. $2ii.; 00 i~ th" 101111 <lnwn pay- lllf'tll. S:l!l.;J6 1~ th<> 1-0!al monthly paytnf·111 in(·l ui;l1ni;: 1<1\. l1crn~r and llni\ncr ('ha1'-".::P.~ f)I) appl'O\rd rr.-d11 f11r JU O\•)nlh~. l 'h" r:i~h pr1rr !11rh1•!1n;; Til\ 11nd l1r1·r1!'" 1.~ ~11~1.;j_ Drfrr-rrl j!rt•·r 1~ .l l1iS9 If. )11('itld1 n= 1.1.\. !1cr11~r <in•I f1 1111 nee rha rgr~. l\111\11;1t 1lrrcen1age riltt' 1s 10.~l(lr, •• Ovrr 200 nr11 t.. 11s1•rl OOr.! 111 rhonsc rroo1 ; npr11 "t11 10 p.111 . ' :?000 ~-1st Sr .. S.111111: Ana !lsr St. 111 s.,\. f'i-1ry!1 ~>.)8. HIOO """'~~--~--1 • Co1nrll"'le. S1ock of ~DfiJD Tllll1• s .. "FRIEDLANDER"' ll1SO llACH ILY.,; (Hwy. ltJ • prty, ~7-Dllil6, •196-1111 nr 1!i~:i311;2. ANNUAL 2900 Lafayette S!i'"t'l'I 9 DOWN l J" Color TV-l ·Au;OO"°'""""'~-.,..c.-----1 Nc11por1 Bearh, Cal. 9Z6(i() $4 5 !{ABLE poc.dlc pupp1l"s. CLEARANCE SlOO. • 67:1-'lj36 t>lk & 1 ~111·,,r. 7 "k~. (71~! 673-20:.0 11N-'1:ls niinor repair, $150. Bii;: 6 Enginr. 4 Speed, Ra- Call &12-!M>Z:> attf.'r :J pm. dl.1. Nie<'. l~\l!IFJ FRITZ WARREN'S S93-7:i66 e 537~.A; SPORT CAR CENTER '68 f"IAT. 124 Spor1 Coupr, 710 E. Jst S.1., S.A, ~7--0764 E:-;•'t'llt>nl. ~1u.'i1 ~~I I ! Open dally 9-9; clrn;ed Sunday 1 _6_1_:>_3'_'_73_'"'"1~1 ~'""~"~'cP_,_,_;_1 NOW! PORTABLF.: TV . ret'On-ReR."41r111.blc. 64:?-·1818, SALE COL 26 .\IK II. linmat. Full S115.57 PER MO. ditioned. l"HFf\lll F, $4i :.::~-::SIG. sail:-. stet'l'O l<ip!'. i11hrrl B0NAN7.A mini bike 3 hJ). h'Ont shock~. )tint cQll(!. SiO. 5..1fr10SJ. $2899 CONlllELL CHEVROLET &42-6989 i\l\C ff'>: t;t'"f'at Dan<>~. 7 SAVINGS fut•!. \\'/slip $6400 f!l'm . ~e Up To $3,000 at &•acll('o111ber ;\lar111a. $ 193.r.(l 1.~ ti"ll' 10111 1 dOl\'O pay· ml'nt. s11 :i.~17 i~ lhr 101011=~~~~~=~~~-1 Ja1•111'11lnrf.'d bahics, 1 111 3 f. A\1.\ZO;<-; GnEAT Di\~l:.S Nu. 13. 2633 \\', Cna~I 1111-y j:.''i-~gs. POWER NB hl'rorr. ~....C11 ll : ~~IS-07:11. ~''" '_' v~__,J ~ '71 YAillAHA ;\lini Enduro, n,onlhly payn1c111, in(•lud ing good cond. $2:"-il. la;>.. licensr 11r1cl !Inaner 6~~ 7267 fl 5 2828 Hurb:ir Btl'd. AKC SHELTIE (1oy <."Ollie 3 Lin•,, l: T imes, $2.00 puppirsJ. Chan1p s l rt d _ l•_,, ........... l u''"""""''70~'·~~~~­* *FREE i mo., pre!ly, IAl\C Silv~r. Poodle, m,alt', 8 while German ~1lt'ph(>rd \\ks. m1n1ature, c ti amp m ix, '°'~' c h 11 d r, n _ i.ire<I $.'iO. 5.16-4924. 67>--3268. PO;\IERl\NIAN Pl-JP~, AKC. ADULT beagle, tem!Ue, lo Rf'd S11l!le, i'llale & feniate. * SKIPJACK * *FORMULA-* *LUHRS* SAIL s.,n.HOAT 36" fibl'rglas!i kit ' 1nos1 inside "'ork done, Rig- ging, nlolo1· & much mo1-e oSll,500. 4:>6·2·100 (•harges on 1.pp1'0vrfl c1'l'clit I.;-a er pm for ·18 nionlh.!I. The cash 2 f\E'V IO apd Sch\l"lnn bikes price_ intl\ld\ng ta.x and Hr.-n1an and \\'Ome.llli S180. en!lC' I~ S4•167..S0. Defcn-e<i 49&-4122, 495--5.'m. Co~1a 1111-'~!l :J4U.]<'QJ • IK P ACIFIC C ta N price I~ $6042.36 tneludlng '61 HONDA CL90, a maran °· tnx, llce.nsC' and rfnnnCf' Jrrtcrnatlonal Harvester 2-16. H"'Y trlr, rarillfl: rig, $lli0 * a-IS-4982 afl 6. RECREATIO'. CENTER · charrt~. Annunl J>('rcentagc " ~p1nnaker, S2200. &42-9678 or rBlf' i3 lO%. ·n KA\VASKI 173 Endure, ROY CARVER I 673-t:i01. 1.300 ml, cl~n. n1lll1Y ex-' ftC. IJ, '· k .__ "1 ' h e e 1 • s···· 612 1oon 292S Hartxor Blvd. CHOICE-SPORTSCARS JENSEN '69 m -:.>"".-,0 roarls!cr hnHp e ".'!.~ 190-SL roadster lrnn1ac JENSEN • '66 & '67 Porsche fl1'1, ln1· AUTHORIZED mac, i\1ag \\"heels, At\1/fJ\1 SALES :. SERVlCE, e ·~ Fia! 8;:() Spyd~r road· i<tc1·. "iO l\fGB-GT. Lo mi's e '69 Bi\l\Y 1600 e .i\lany mort• ro choose from. f 1 ) 523. 72jft ALFA ROMEO g ood h"ome onl y. • ::.31-&83. • * HOBIE CATS* *AQUARIUS * *CATALINA* ..,.pstra e ....... t, .. 2 P Ove_r 200 Nf'w & U,.,-d Can 1 "'· '""'· -. ...,... Costa ?-fesa. 546-4444 Evlnrudf" fokl-up. s 1 7 5 , 'f C f' 1967 ALPH,\ Romeo Spider, AduK/oldtT dlffd:ren prefer-BEAGLE, Af<C !email', 10 red. 96:1.-:1694 nm. 11ood \II/children. S50. 3 UUJe !(tum,. 1 Ms mll-, "'""'i-,;'"·"'1'6=. =-~~~­~ 1 gry striped, k Ba1· ~INIA11JRE OA('l\shund man ff; blk lo id home1. PUJll, black, tan Ii rtd, AKC NEWPORT PACIFICS Be.i>I offer this \\'l'tkend o hoo~. rom 1970 f<A\\'ASAKI TN1il ~· '61 CHEV. ~; n Pickup. St.~. Good cond, clean. takeR. 67~7379. Opc>n 'Iii 10 JI.Ill. I~ -cxcellcnt 1 • conchlion. Run 1 i:: 0 0 G 0 0 d ~:>-0367 evf's. :IQOO E. 1~1 Sc., Silnt11 Ana S3.i0. Phonr &tG-;;.,1. 1 r 1 n $p 0 rta110 n . $.'i7:i. l ------~~--- 16' Pl"'anion dayM_ile.r, J (hr\ St. At S.A. t'rv.·y) Mob 1 t•• -,.1 •• , ) AUDI '62 CHIA. llf'w rng, mtth. grrat. Lookr l\lakr offer. &12-l3Jj. "'"'· I.ad . ~O ' $15. ~8--i4-IO. SIAMESE c.ot 2 )'n, IJl(l)'fl!, senUe TrH '3 tood home. -BLO.NDE ft ,..._ nnxed l...Ah pvppy, • wka ol!!. Cdi\1: , *'* &n-1064 • * . FREE. low.able, chocol11.le cock,«'.-p , . j . moll. kwef. c:Hd~. MT.all :J SHELTIES I i\1 lnL1 t ure Co!lk"tn 7 \1'k.11, AKC l't'R. Yo'/J;ho\I. S7:J. 494--0626. AOORABLF. Cotk-A-Po Pupp1C1. SHI. ! hlk & 1 \\ill. 968-9013 SA1\IOYED Pup~ SlOO tcnnl!. Alst1 f"rrc: &1rnjl. • CA ii ;)!.HIJQ * & CAP'N ED'S · '""~"-1000 i • Homes ~ _,,,,..... .,., . Nils, tr'8J)('2e r 1 R g c d , -;:;;;:;;;~~~·~~;-.c;;;:...J::::;.:.:..;:;::,:,:::_ __ .:.:;:1'69n<T:1;;:;;;i~J200:>i5 I ""ltrlr. $:i~. <4!1-1-&.l l or ·7, FORD RllnJtc'r ,_.1,T Pk-Ufl 20XOO BROA0'.1!1QRE l BR l '6!1 INT "...T11raYrllll 1200• . 3'.15 :\1UST ~ll ! 'i i Aud i. Xlnt "J.-0-31 · • · · f'n• '" po1rer a.tr nd '000 m•' A k ''' J-1 1 \\'/II' 1rlf contained PA.rk· full i,. dsfl"•hr h"pll' A\.l'n. R 'd 1 493-l503 ' co · "• · ~ "'• lll' Oe-!"p k~I 11-ailboet, 11111!' d11le caml)l!r lf'S~ than 3,000 inll", 2 '1tor11.ire ~l\e(\'I, 'SFl:iOO.l:.,,..'7"0,i;'i'i""'c'c"i;i,'' ;<Ci;--=:~· <I c"::::;..ro,=.~ll~dy~·~:_>10-~:oC26!J""~e~>e~.·~·-1 2200 W. Co•1t Hwy, incl apinnaker &-~1!03, mi'1. ~lu1t ~II. leavln~ !'p. 9~1• llunl[l'llClon Ry Thft 6'I INTERNATtONAl, \•11.n, 6 AUSTIN HEALEY N•wport B.•ch Great for CatallM trip. a.tft. ll39MZ> Srn, N.-\.1•1111'111 1, Pt1c. CR! "Y!· _CAii 1l•t r 6 pm. '45-1144 $A.'i0. 96l-S10-l. '70 Dodge vnn ru , I om Jlwy. Ownr !"i.'6-iGR.1. 64.i-41.'2. '67 , JOO l\1K Ill, ereampulf.1 36' GRA1'D BANKS, 11~dn c=A7J.~,,.~~-.-.-m-,-,.,-.-,~,..~.l-,,1 c1mpt-r. S.1600. Stt 10 e.p-AOULT Pni1c-l 1, m! irom 1!l6S r.1.1c Viu~. Ion. kl ml. 0/D. Pirelll's nl'w tor & die-u-1 S28.000. \\'/botlt ~lip. prl'-cl111e . &12--0418. OCEAN. Comj">lf'i~IJI !If'! UJ'I. 2fi1:l 0"\lord If· C.~1. Call battery. $109:i. 1 1~1521}-l l~j. 1-1:}:t-;il).;gor 826-3220 * 6-16-4~ + f"A(.'IORY (lirrt·I rlr11lrr, lO'<j O r•o"h11<' hon1 ,., ~i9J6. ,... DAILY PILOT for acll<>ni Turn unuttrt l(f!m~ Into quick "i\1njor.,·ay & llnlf Pint. tron1 S111·rirlf'f' •! $J.650 t•11i.h . '57 Chevy penel~ c~11 612...Y,TI! A Sltvl'! c·11..,h, c1111 &4:2-~7S Si9.). 869 w. IR!k St. c ).1. 646-13)111. $200. 8-lfi·~i:>.:I 6". ~J 1•11 nfll11nn. top ~· lnnnrAll . ;\IUS1 !'I'll, ;\lAke on. f'T Ml~7m. LOTUS LOTUS Al!rHORIZEO SALES &. SERVICE NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 IY" COltSl Mwy,. Nt'wport Brach ' -----------------'f~·111.k:' -...... I ~·.-... -. •. -9:_~~ -J --·~ " '67 Rl"nault Goniini 4-1;p. 'H~c hrk.s, RIH, 1.; rni 's, Xlnt, $6.'JO/ot!P.r. !">4~2695. ~ Harbor Bh111. SUBARU C'oi;1a Mf'sa :~16-120.1 ---------vw '.69 DUNE BUGGY 'AA ~ah% dC'IUX<', A-1 ~n<i, $1299 Sl ,400 or hf"~r off•r . I.P'S~ 1h11n 7,1100 m 1 IP~. I COUNTY~ ;;2i-1 ~.1Q_. __ ;pttd~ •'"n1{1Vflh/,., lOfl . h 1" Most Modern Facility TOYOTA 111·,.~. m11:,: "'hM'l s. 1 YZLO:i21 HOUSE OF IMPORTS ---------I· NABERS CADI LLAC '"'"••ved °"''"' ' 1971 TOYOTA 2Wl HARBOR RL., Nrw ,(. Prr-.ownf'(j CflS'fA t'<f~:S.I\ 6Sfi'l M;inches!PI'. Rurna P k 1 ('ALI. : ... 1(1.,100 S.A, f"'11•y , 8PiH'h Rt t11rnoff L:iw milr~. •fl44~ op ~;~ Stl'NDAYS ···~~.,.,,,, I s1111 -'6fvw~e11c- 4 ~rd. dlr. );Jui, mnd , &ir- rifirP! Take flldrr rar ir1 " e.11t Lemi.1 MG T AUTilORIZCD OYOTA 1rarl,. or ~m;i!I rlnwn. Will 1Mf. Ha1·bor, C.l\f . 64&-!l.'1,()3 finanC'P pv1. pl,V, 1\'DY19!l 1 '70 TOYOTA M;irk II 4 rlr ;,.16·R7:1.6 nr 4_'-''·-"-'.-."--- 1 ~Prl, fart ,.tr, 4 .spd, S\9'ill . l!f.ol> VW RUr.-Sun1"1<'1f, f11r- SALES & SERVICE NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 \V_ Coa~t Hwy. Newport Beat t I :-i4.'>--1 •17.1. tnry l'f'hll pn;:. nrw hr11kP<, -,-69 CRO_W_N rir<'~ .to p11 int Xln! ronrl , $67.l . C;ill &-14-;'197~ STA. WAGON • THINK "~G'' Tiir rof thP 11 11,. n1n,t.•I' .'-itrl s .. ~"t'Virrrl h;oi •1!': ~1nrr nP14'. 4 ~rerrl. r;irhfl. hra!rr. <Xf'S- 'fiR VV.' Caml""r-Ful! P!'llJlp, r11rl i11I.•. 2 h;:it1rr1ri., ;u1ju~l · I ;ihlr ~hocks, mint. S2.i,'ifl . .139-.\l l!l. -------'70 V\V -Air ronrl • \V(">(l(i rl"r-R11dio--Npw hi·akP~-P ~-' I.ct 1"/arbour \'olks1ra,c:cn Prove 'fo )'ou That \Ve .-'\pprcciale Your Bu si ne ss OVER ISO NEW & USED vw·s TO CHOOSE FROM. BRING YOUR TRADE, WE 'LL BUG YOU IMMEDIATELY. GREAT SELECTION OF AIR CONDIT IONED VW 'S IN STOCK OPEN Sli~[l/\ Y Harbour Volkswagen Aut hori1&d Volksw <!l g&n Dedier 187 11 BEACH BLVD. 842-4435 HUNTINGTON BEACH . ' . ~ -------------------. ''fRIEDLANDfR" '"M· , '"'·\. · :::: ',""' ., h"' '""· arquJS Motors ·"-"'' '" ''"' r~. VOLKSWAGEN UH• •IACH lHWY. >tJ ~ ~. Csr. H ii.::hw~'. 1.. Brh. BY n w n" r, ·1QV\\' --------- VOLKSWAGEN 893-7566 • 5.~7-fi.11.24 l!J.1-7:l03 e ;,.10-.1100 .~ua r"bllf'k, autn r~rlin. '·e ·1;9 "U"R•' RL•f ' 1··-,! .. ,. r l ' h k • · · -~ r -" ,llJU (I ·'" .• fll'W ra r~ riutch J.;ttl:.2 MG TD2: Both fnp~. TRIUMPH lu ::::iza i:." r;irk S19!ill,• xrras, $1.'lOi I 40hpl'n£ i ·'il ., • ' n<'w E"n.i::-, body sharp. S!l()'J, fi-IB--2816· ;.1;.,...;,tiltl. 1 * • ~lfi-:itoo • * &12..t;:i7.~ ·~1·.9!>2~1:i:M 9fi2.--(122~. 'Fl! TRIUMPH Rf'rl Rdsl!'. '63 !\ARM ANN r.h1;i ('on1 I =~~~-~---cccc--------S27.'i Nf'rfl< V.'Ol'k Sl:il. 'fiS Hnnrlll, 6"1 V\V <l'rl;i n, Pi irrrl r1~h1, \I\\' pnp-lnp r;imp,..r .. ~~."'10 'fi2_ 1V!GA-lfi()(], prrfrcl IYlfl. ;',();, Sil()('!' Ha1o1'k S 2 .lO ., \\'l'Pkrl11,v•: frM-11146, Ev('l>: I m1. Xln1 f'niirl. Cioln.': abl'oad. rl rt1nn. nrw p;ilnT j n)), * ~2-0litl * _ fi.12-4~ 1 fi';',1--ifi~L Rri:1 roffr r•. 191 -llfi;l ~llf'f'ifi1·P .~fi.'il. '.°162-,'\6,'ll TR~ ! J!'M>J --1 ·--. · nl'w int) Ot', . ·. rr ,.rl.v 1i:~ 1,11, R 1 ·r,~1 VII'. -~-'Iii \'\\' N-rlan, clPiln, runs ':i!l :O.TG. 111''1. Pn<:, tirf'.~. xlnl In !'~Cl.'. Privatr p;irTv. $7:,n '. 11£. Rll n, llf>w frronl , I 0 ,. -flee. 1,., ", 1-,1.-, · rli~r ht'Rkf'~. rfl<l1n, linP 'fi7 \I\\ !'t]llill"h~f'k, ~].(}?;. I l!<)f>(L ~.",()jl rnnr . S;irnfl('t-s1 :10. ·· .. .r-.,, '1'1 -----mnrl SlOOO. 64:,..4!121 1!ll-it¥!~ * •' -,. " * . . l:l-\t; H;irbflr, C.r.1. &16-930.1 Autos, lmported--970 ISJSI ••ACH (HWY,,..; 893-7566 • 537-6824 Autos, Imported 970 I OO'"T JUST WISH for furni!hlng1 for your home, find attat buys in tMay'1 Clll.SSitied Ads. "THE BEST AUTOMOBILE IN THE WORLD" Playboy, June 1970 says: "Many pro f es s io n al teste rs present ly give t hat ranking to the BMW 2800 CS coupe." To ti nd out why, see us for the free book let, "33 Reasons Why BM W is Better." Or ask for the key. You'll get the message. BAVARIAN MOTOR WORKS ROY CARVER, INC. AUTHORIZED B.M.W. DEALER 2925 1-Iarhor Blvd. Cois la Mesa ;)46-4444 ' . . . Immediate Delivery Rotary Engines RX2 CPES.-RX2 4 DRS. RlOO CPES. NO WAmNG SPECIAL '71 Rotary Coupe $2395 #l.744 '71 1200 Coupe $1945 No Price Increase! SAVE BIG NOW! SELECT USED CARS 1 ''0 M.t.ZD.t. Ste1tle 11 Wa9011 Exc;•ll•nl c<>"ditieA, t'078CJB $1995 1 •70 YOLKS IU• l ik• N•w, 244AL0 $105 1 •61 YOLKS IUG Engi"' IO k" ~•""· ~••v 1pt· ci•I, t2520JF $1195 1 ''' Fl.t.T 114 C,e. 5~•rp. Cla•n. s 5p•H', #51 l AGE $16'5 Read The Daily Pilot Classified .. 67: ..... :i:i::.1. 1 ·i;~'l-TR-6. sufJ('r m 1rl t n • 1100 MG SF:DAN I ~l11s1 i:r,..,· 11.oon 1 ~1~~s. AUto;:-TmpQrfed--970 I Autos, Imported 970 , Autos, Imported 970 j AutOS":-1mporl-~970Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 970 . S2,ill. hlh-1.">-1~ 11t1,..r fl rn1 MGB 1>7.1--12-J:' 11hf'r fi pn1 VOLKSW.~A-G-EN '64 VW SUNROOF '70 :vJGB Roarl~1Pr. Xlnl, ~;J{)O * 646-269'( f'flr1rl, R;ifl10. wu.,, v.'hl'f'L~. 1 ·\%.1 VW l.a1.'ik\:'~,-,.-, -,..,,.,~. l'Rriial tirr.c, lnnn,.;i11 rovrr. f\1rrh. prrfrrt. ake oflPr. Arit i~h J'~Cl fl2. ~T'f'f'rl. Call i;7: ..... 12~2. l all.;, 171 -11 96R--ll.~2Ei. ·im V\V l?ll<I, nl'I<' 1irl'!, 'AA 1iGry-GT. Xln! rnnrl. 1 h1·;ik<'-•. $7.)fl_ Call '.lfi2-.11Z5 .'17.f100 m1 , ,<\11 OP\" !l\'P~. f'il-1 nr !liif>--.~.t!l , l'XI. 21 , r11rlin . $11>9.i. !i11:-%~11 or l ~VWR h·k--h-:1.1R--\71>.\ I III;. nf'\V I ,<, ;itt, ~ij0 i---~-=c~---I llr,.~. i\i.!n slirk. l~f"' rlPrk. •'('.: OPEL I 1\1\1/l-':'ll. 1111~!~. f;7,1-.'\i11. :•·· ' &-·•~--------.;~· . '68 OPEL 2 DR "~' h0~··'"'· "" • 6 Ill-:\~::1 Spnrt Df'lllXf' 4 5'f)rl, rllr.] '67 V\\'-hll!.':, fl,\1/~·M:'"""(~ St1·nni;:-ru1ir1f'r. \'rry .r:(l(I(!, 1·n11rl . L1('li t hl11r , Rr-.~1 nfrrr_ ~tmnr. Prrf"fi fnr «nlll't:P. %1'---839.1. fiil--11.~!l 'T;ik~ ~tnall <101\•n. \Viii !1n--1958-VW SEDAN illlf'I! pvl. pty, I \IJ~S98!lJ ~~1~-!l.~.~7 _ !i-1fi -.lfi~fl Call .1.:i.mP.~ .<1 ! .J.16-1:736 or --~-- · ·494..fi,IJ]l ;if1 !) ~m. V\.\1 V11n, 711 \'ilnlpl'I' \1RT1,V. m;iny xrra• ,\fT,..r ~pm. !&..~:1-~~'j'i PORSCHE ~=- 'fl$: 912. _vrl\f\1,· 11 /hl;ir k in. ·i;s V\.\' hui:. rxrrl rnnrl, trnnr 1\,\1/~'\t Jn m ilP~ nn Sl ,\OO """ 'r11i:: t, '.\1 if"hP1 I~ i\ fi7J-~21~ aflrr 6 p111 hrauty_ $.~.7.J() or Oest 0ttl'r. 1 1966 V\\' rlr\u,P ~~2-0JJ~. wf~1 nrrof. ~·11f"to1·y rebl! 'f.4 POR. C;:il'! A~l /t'M/S\.\', <>n101ne. $11flll .. l41l--1~41 Xll'\I rond, Xrn1~. Rhll '71 Rnc Clrmrnti nr, fl wk~ In f'rl£/h"1111111. St l I/ l r 11 rl t , 1-:urorw nnl.y, R /1 1, xln! '!ll-!ll\.'>fl. Mnrl !i100 m1. ~1 ~;,fl. S.Jll-94711 ~nmnsc~1 -s:-T;ik,. V\\1-~~:r.m ~~!-;-;:;; ,.,v,.r fl"m~1n . 21 rnn of ,11'\ nlfl ""JI _ r v1 Pt.;:, nni;: 1'.l14'11('J' l ~a.<r Nn "fJUl l~· ro ~ 1. S90fl lii::-fl.\lil . i;::2-ll2W,l flf f..14--()770. 1>11g1nf' N tr11r1.~. MIL"r s ~r,!, f',"(lVi':'• ~1-C-rnr~rh-;-A 11 PX;;;~-:-;~-: r"l M nrl_ S2.200 or hl':<:l nf- frr. ~iJ-271:1 1. • • • C;:i11 !07.1-9:\:-0:l • * * 970 ! Autos, Imported Autos, lmporred CHECK THESE VALUES Harbour Volkswagen 18711 Beach Blvd. 142·4435 " Huntihgton Beach GA•DfN G-•OVI D.t.TSUN G l~ES YOU : e l )IU l l llANT l•ll!' '011Cl • \IJllllA l ll!' !)OWN l'aVMENT e N(WEST, MOST MOOltlN SNOWll()OM • IN(llf;OllLI l EllVl(I • l'Ll(l lll l ,.-INAN CI NG • NOT llllW COLOlll ----·-' ~ --'• . ~ .. JOIN THE WINNING TEAM GARDEN GROVE DA SU '67 DATSUN S871 -4 Or. Auto. +r<!1111. I VFL IS l I '67 BUICK S2071 RIVIERA. Full Power, IU 0Ml47 1 '68 DATSUN S1071 ol\ Or.Auto, Tr•nt. (WJR2b7 1 '70 DATSUN S1971 PICKUP. Redio, H11•fer, Ma roon. 187JAFV ) '66 DATSUN S571 STATION WAGON. 4 S"eed, Reedy t ~ R.o ll. IJSX007 I '68 VW BUG S1071 Sh<llr" with A•r Cond. !XO A787 l '69 DATSUN S1571 PICKUP. R<lld io, Heeter, Western M irrori. I YQY94l I '66 MGB '68 FIAT 850 ROADSTER. IVFL89 I I '67 KARMANN GHIA S771 Redio, H&<!i ler. ( TURSS4 l '70 DATSUN 1100. Beth Top1 •nd Tonne u Cover. !01 4AYI ) '67 MUSTANG V -8, Aut o. T rdra., Power St111rin9 . ( ULHS 16 1 '68 JAVELIN V.S , Auto,. Power Steering. IWEH3 901 '68 FORD TORINO FASTIACK. Power Steering , Auto. lren1., Bucluit S&<!1+1. IVTP7SI I '69 VW BUG Radio, H••f8r. !YOR.853) '70 DATSUN STATION WAGON. Aut o. Tra115., ~•d i e, H••f· t1 r. l98lAKNl S1071 Rad io, Het+•r, Sha rp Wit• Whe•ls. ( 102CPH I "" ~-- ' . ' . Frld.ay, August 20, l'l71 FREE! THIS $12.00 VALUE SOLID ST ATE 8 TRANSISTOR RADIO iu•t for coml11g & chec:!il119 our •al~c-s wllll tllb cid. AulOI for S.le l§J ll._1 _ ..... _1~_-_,]§] [ ...... ~ .. ~ J§l l 1 ...... ~, .. ~~~,~~~ l§J I l§J , ~I ;,,;;; ..... ;,,;;; ....... ;;;;;;J§j~ .. ·I -~ m-~ m-~ m-~ m Autos, UMd 990 I Auto1, UMd 1--'------CADILLAC CHEVEW CHEVROLET -------CONTINENTAL CADILLAC CADILLAC 1961 CADILLAC 1966 '64 CHEVEL.L.E SS Conv new 1970 IMPALA 1971 Contin•nt•I ''E L DORADO" SEDAN DE VILLE bra.kes. clutch. &1011 1011• CUST. COUPE HT Coupe FACTORY FACTORY bllU' book $395. &47~13. Vinyl Rool, Au Cond, Auto, I LIKE NE\\'-5,000 :\!lLl.:i AlR CONDITIONP."G ,\JR CONDITJO~TNG Radio, Power Stttnn&. Sl.lre 'flus ~auntuJ car 1nus1 be Full po11"f'r, i>!erco, door : F ULL l.~ATI-IE"R INTERIOR CHEVROLET ~HT. 1?2476• i;~n and driven ra appl'~t·t· locks, paddC'd top, nll &-1rJ~-I Vinyl paddrd rop, llllJ pow-1----------$2899 &le. Cl1ts.s1c .Satin Black tin-1 scop1c l'1N'l'111.i:, ,.!<'. Local r> op1lons, A,\1/F'r.l radio, 1969 IMPALA CONNELL L~h wuh blark landau and one ownf'r. 1X.SS779J rarl1at IJJ'rs 8.: n1any 01her CUSTOM CPE black Jev.tht't 1 n 1,. r r or. $3599 11r-lu.\r xlt'a.~. ::O:r·c 10 1:111p1·re· Pc r.r SrM>nng, Vinyl Roor, CHEVROLET Equ1pPfil "'ith uie fin('s1 1,111·. t.'iL\'~O."i l Air Cond. Au to, Radio, [A,I ~'uJI PO"l't, 6 11 11.~ r•IHl"I' NABERS Cadillac $1599 .\11!1.".s, Likr new, iZKSJ7."u 1828 Hti'bor Blvd, sra1, rill slrf'l'lng iihrrl, $2499 I Costa ~'~""' .).16. i.:ro:: Al.i'"T'HORJZED DEAL.ER NABERS Cadi"llac -_ Auto tr111p 1U1· ,11nd, Po1,l'1 2600 "6j 1~1PALA :l door. "··cllop. doo I k · ' I Harbor Blvd., CONNELL I ,,_,.. 1• Ot' s. ~lrrf'oil lllwll-p t'.\ Costa l\lesa .\t.'THOR!ZED DEALER PllT '"'ll', auto, Call alte1· 6 radh'.l, .\lu:t1e!l11 R.i d1aJ Ply ~ Harbnr Al\'d, CHEVROLET 1 P~I. &1.2-4101. l 1~s. ar.d 111ueh 1110rf" CADILLAC 1969 CPE OE VILLE FACTOR'i' Cn~la \lt',n :zi:i28 Hubur Bll•d, '66 El Camino, "ti9 350 cu in Plr11.se-ask lor a den1on~1J·.-. C;.JJ .J.10-.!IJIJ() OP"n Sunday Costa i'llt>Sa .'>IB-l20:.: rng., kpd, Xlnt L"Ond , non. 1660!-:.Xtrt Johnson l. ,\IR CONDITIO~ISG LARGEST $1.'.:00. 897-54EI. So11, 2626 Harbor Bh·d, I 1971 OlEvY Capr!fe :! dr Costa .\les.i.. :>;G.SliJO F'Ll.L PO\VER, v 1n)i fop, SEL ECTION OF c~. Only 1800 nil. Au·. PtS, '62 CHEVY II. <I cyl, Lo mi".s ltathl'r 1n1enor. 1t!1 telr-, CADILLACS IN P'B, p \\', \'inyJ top. _\lusr & l'iean. 1970 MARK-11_1 __ !K'op1c 11·htt1. ~tere<J niuln-ORANGE COUNTY sell. $4£1'.J."i. Pri pty. &1~78:? • • 5-lS-0100 * * Perlecl~ 1''ull & ron1ple1el,1 ple:-.:, door !Oo"·k.,. •YRY96~H. SAL ES-LEASING 1971 VEGA COUPE 64 Chei·y Impala lu.\tu')' l'CJ t11pped locally 011·11 $4399 AUTI IORIZED Pl· P/B e< &. ha:\ bern se1·1•1t:cd by Auto. Radio .'lf'i1· Cai· Cond. 1 ::;.... ' ll:uod 11· 0 r I. i 11 & authorited l.JncoJ11 dealer NABERS Cad.illac ·::>ER.V ICE-\474SZC1 1 condition :Sj9J. :>J7--t"2.l·l. Nabers Cadl"llac I J0,000 11·c1J n1aintaJncd AUTiiORIZED DEALER $2395 I 'St Chell Impala ~ dr h1, rr.J..lf'.~. 'liiis !uxtu·y <'ar 1s Z6oo Harbor Blvd.. 2600 111\P..BOR. BL., CONNELL I ~m,,"'.;_~,.:1 l'Unn1ng. S l i J Clawles:o; & ll'"lllSl ~ st"ell &. Costa il1esa COSfA Ll1ESA .,.... driven robe apprttiaterl. II Call 7;.10·9100 0pt"n Sunday 5-10-9100 Open Sunday CHEVROLET '69 EL CA.\lIN0-350, ", '""· 1 is pncf'd for 11 quick salt 'iO COUPE DeVJLLE. Only '69 E! Dwr<ido, .:iii". :-.l~reo. 211:?8 l!arbor Blvd, mags. :\lnL cond. 11 1 $68:xl. Pbonf' 67.3.881!. 117 1."J.(){)() mi. & in J.\t:.!AC l1dl p11:-. lc> .. thcr inter . Pvr Costa !\!es.a 546-l:.ID3 • Call 968-862& V1.i. h'.oron. Lido Isle lift('!' 6 cond. Evl'ry conceivable <'X-~673-JZ.'>.J. TRANSPORTATION SPCL '.'15 Chev. Good cond11ion. 3 I P.'.11. 0·11. Priced r 1i;:ht! \\'111 con· CAD ILLAC 1967 'ti2 Che11y. Ne11• t•res, ba1-1>pd. colum. &st Offer. "fi6 LINCOL:-J Cont. P..&1-1., MOTOR HOME .~~c>r 1rade. . . CPE OE VI LL ES tery, n1ulflt?rs. Priced for 673-342 1 au", tuil power. Run! :;ooc!.' SALES & SERVICE ~3::-0111! ~ll--01~-I ~1·es. 1-1 Tor~~~~~~·ro1111 quick sale. 96S-~l35. 1970 NOVA SJOOO. Pri. pa.1•1y. ~Sl. I we·ro r~e 1,cia.... CADILLAC 1970 1970 K INGSWOOO + 4 Door. Radio, Auto, 6 cy!, 1970 C lean Mark Ill ;~~~"~":::::~~rn:.~ SON. OE VILLE ~,Air. CO~'D!T!Ol\"I:-.:G WAGON j Factory\Varran1y. !l50ASQ) Call 675-2030 •~d E~p:o•t' MO-FACTORYAIRCONDIT!Ol\"· FULL PO\\ER, choice o! 9 Pass Auto Air Cond Ra-$2399 t(Hl: HOl~Es we ~·c FU ?O [ cloth or leather ttl1 tele · ' · ·~l>i,r •If ,,,,,.,,.,, r,~ '.(: LL. \VEP., <""'lorh . . . '. -d10, Po11'er Steering, Nice, CONNELL •nil ln.,,11 Q"""'•· I.· IPa'.ht'r intPt•iol', Ai\! "f").J , ~rope 11hrt'I, i;te1eo multi-t90IBTZ) int. """'",,, s•u"" rarl1n, :r~s than 1.'i.000 ml/es. , ·' c. 1 • • ' · $3599 CHEVROLET '!il :!-dr, fa c air. ~liver. tV>d Jeathl'l'. orig 011·ner >.lnl eond. $895 . ."H0--157;: ' FORD Ford '71 LTD S-4599 Hardtop t"C!U f)(". ~·al.'101y air cond Full pov.f'r ind. ~t1.ts &-1;10<.lo"s. ~tl'rto mul11 - plt .\, d ua.I 1-ontrn! du&) J1'01 .• litAL,. Ux:aJ onr own~ rr Lri;:o. 1h11n 2,:iQo m1Jer. 1.M)\011.• e NABERS CADILLAC :ltiOIJ HARBOR BL., l'0:0-.1'A l\ff~SA ('.'\LL :~I0-!1100 flPE;ll SUND.l\'i'S -,,.,-RAr~.fcH·E-RO-! V-8. ro .... CJ' Sief'l'IJ'¥:, Powrr' D1:>e Brakt·~. R1d10. ShaJ·p. 1-;-J298C1 $2299 CONNELL CHEVROLET :!11~'8 111.rbor Bh rt {'()~!~ \/('~.. >-'6-l'.!!l~ '70 G ALAXIE SOO 1 DOOR H.T. '\l U:-,~r s~~Lt. Braut"lful Ligh1 rv.v l;il!d tir1- lsh 11 11h gold 1nlt'rmi' !.· dari; broll'n Letndan roof, l::quip- prd 11·ith Auto Tran~. fta. d10, Hratf't', Po1\·cr St<'ering, Factory /\11· Cond, This a1- 11·ac:t11'e Cai' re flee Ls r.\ce!-t lr.11t care. A . ..;k !01· dc111nn- ~rrano11. 1 ::!ljA UH\ !129jJ. ,l,)hnson &· Son. :16",ffi Harbo1• Bh-d. Co~ta i\lf'sa. 5'10-!Xi:::o. 1969 TORINO CPE-. V-S. Stick. Radio, 18,000 mU •• c>.s. t665CPH 1 , ' •c,,, "" <or~11<cn· I ple~ el TEM6 UOS423 •vs:e"'" & i;nl!e.-. (74.SCT:"\i LlKP21.0, U!Si;(IS1 CORVAIR '~""" $5799 $2599 CONNELL "°'" ~~~"'°' "1'~1203 ·s; c""'"" emu "'"" CONNELL NABERS Cadillac NABERS Cadillac CHEVROLET 1966 CHEVY WAGON SpyM,· '""""" Loo"' • CHEVROLET $1599 ,\LJTIIORIZED DEALER AL'THORIZED DEALER 2S23 Harbor Blvd. 6 Pass, 42,155 miles Air runs good, chrome ttverse 3$:28 liarbor Blvd. 26Q) Harbor Bh'd., 2600 Harbor Blvd., C03ta :\I~ 5-16-1200 Cond, ~·er S1eerlng: Ra-11·hls. ;..tS-7236 Costa ~lesa 5.J6-l2m Cm:ta '.\lesa Costa ;\l rsa ·57 ;\lal1hu. ai.tc., ra~io, new dlo, Auto. Sharp, IRVK004) • ~~OR sale: 1$2 CoT"\·air ==...:.:=:_ __ ...::.::..::: BRAND NEW '71 PACE ARROW MOTOR HOME tn" " tnt n•'" 10 !toter, ll coni· pl•ttl, •tit con11'""' nom1 on W~MJI, 101111>!.!ty con1lru(!"' ""''" 1u10. l••n• .. p/l!Ndn~ .. btl~H. •Pl<IOUI Wtrdrobt. A *"lltully IPP<>ln'"' kit· cn1n with l bw•n•' 1t.v1, loec"' uni! ~Ml. 01~. Mlh.,,.m & mtn, Ill••• 111•11•1•. 111-l)U. No •ttt.f illlport ciffen till th"• ftotutft os 1._1Hh1rd equlJ'm•nt: Adj1111ablt u .. rl11o;i col11"111, flow thru Te1tilotlo11, ftoflt dlac brolln , 100 hp e11,i11e, r~U11ht9 buc•Off i.eoh, hlddetri ••,..•• ,.us up to JO mpt. S..-. :'L211C1SJ01405 --'70 DODGE '68 CHRYSLER COUGAR CHALLENGER 4 DR. HARDTOP Fullf F•cro•v fQU•OPf<! Ol).i) CLEAN •799 '67 CHEV. '69 CHEVY CH EV ELLE STATION WAG ON r~, .,,.,,, .. ,en•'"""•·, •• £ ,1 ··~~V I'"~'"' "'"!am•t't t·~~l'I"~ 'r. l"t•I IM, PoN•• 6'~'•> & $1tt"~~ ' E <~''<'H•W Sr>et 11 \\~ •e w1 11._, P&d o A t<•o"r i;1.,.~ tlZ ~ 9'~' " lluC•tl ~••" llOllOl) I •ass •12sa 1 ---- '70 FORD LTD STATION WAGON .l !1••t•, •I"' ('"i>ICITIO>.i";C. l"'lQ•Q' "'•<>, P~w•• ~lfff•";l POAI• 5,.,.., OJ\IA[ll '3388 '67 V.W. '68 SPORTSMAN VAN '69 DODGE PO LARA • C• VI ~•er Al~ "''~ I••~• "'ow~-~'"""~~ rAo o o•a no•let L•t "~ O..J5R U •11ss '69 CHEVY PICK-UP '70 DODGE CORONET ( \ fl<N" '•t' "l ...,~ ~;•d. '"'' ' .• ~' (·., '68 CAMARO '68 CHEVROLET MALIBU '67 PONTIAC FI R.EBIRO . ' ,., With Tr•nco Conve rsion I Ulll LE TOP ''"''om11t' mln•e<o L+c li·6•91 D•d10, Hot•t• V.it, A "'"' ~~••Pl "uC'. 'HT 0'""~ n •'l<I•• . V.> '""""''"~ 1 ·•~•~·1 ,~~ "'~'·You'll bu, ''· Lit 11.,.'AI ~~..,.., ••tt•,~o. Ll'>C1•~ <ll U! ~'.' •21ss '1688 •999 FREE 7DAY TRIAL EXCHANGE-GUARANTEE • -~,· . . ' . ..., - Cal! J40..!l100 Op~n Stinrlay t..11!: .)-la.9100 0f)l'n Sunday belted nres, 50,00V mill?'S. By $1299 (.'Onvertibte. 18,000 a ct. O\\~ !he onJy car on your ·i ... .... .,., block 1n ""l"frct condil'lon. C 1966 Sedan ~\11llr, lac:rory ori: 0\1•nrr. Exrcl c:ond. CONNELL n11 t'S. ,,e11• ,.., .... s, ...... nT run-,.. "6.) ,\OILLA(', Xlnr c..-.nd, d 1!167 Ford Gala!>:ir , factory fti!l.v P"uip"rl. Ct"""··r ron-<1lt <·ond .. rull 11011·rr ~brak· Sl ,,m. 847~1;)()6_ lllnf ron . Call -.>1:)-1846. ' ., " CHEVROLET I'l l!', 1•a(l10, hPa!cr, ~90 en-trol. New !JJ'e:o;. & air, SI2JO. cs . .!>lei'nng. windoii~. rloor" 1970 MALIBU "f,6 CORVAJR, good (•ond. g1ne "'Ith au1on1. n·11nsnus-- R42-7219. locks .• si>.-ii·ay Sf'ilt•, good 4 Door Hardtop, Power Slrer· :.'828 Har bor Bh•d. R&:H, new tJ·an~. S400 slon. Uphols1rr-y, pa1111 .\Jld tires. Carl11!11c l1C1'\'1ce1l. nnc 1. C d \ 1 R dto Costa ~1-·~ '-16-'')"' 516-7937. bod 1 Al '68 Cadtllac :?--Or, !\!1n! c'On•l, 36000 I $!77" 1ng '1r on.' uo a ' '""" .., ~ j .Y In n11nt "onc111011. Has t'.'l'f'l'"}'lhing, $3450. O\Vllf'!', ' mi f's. ,J. Lo~ !\Illes, (37761\riV) '66 CAPRICE 2--cir. Buck"'t '62 Col'\lair '.llonza 4-tlr, 4-, • .!;traJ at $1,100. Call 644-i:xii, 490 -1""1 $3099 ~ h"t l . 1200 ~42-2,'J.M cir 67:)..2j~1 a!! 6pm, seats. A.\l/fo!\1, rar t air. lir., w 1 "'· 011·11'1". . .. venings. '60 Cad 1 O"nr1", ;i 1r. f/p. ** :;.1&-7282 ** ~=-'='"'-~~~=~-_, '69 Cadillac Convert , , ldJ'as. Xlnl en~. inl & t'>.t CONNELL P\\T, u1s1rument IIT0\1p, Lan-·!)9 fORD GALAX IE 500 Sacrif1Cf! $3900. p hon e dau top, steel radials. i\1ust CORVETTE Air, landau, po1i·P.r CaU1y: 644--7658. $j,'l(), Pvt pty 646-:t::jll CHEVROLET s~ll. Exceptional good cond. • '7(1 GALl\XlE 500 foUlly rlark '68 El Dor arlo .13J.OO mi. 2SZ8 Harbor Blvd. ~200 be!o1v book. Call aft CORVETIE .68 ,quip"d, SAVE'. l!!M CAD conver1, 011nrr 111011111;; to Hr111·a.11. C ta ~I~ 5"46-l20l f 6pnt k 11·Jrnds &15--112·1 or Pl"rfert con<:l ltion ~I\ .i23-72.'il1 bro1vn. beaut. cond. :--take $3800 4'.f.1-0626 os &12--4&11. I .""°~~~~--~--I otte.r. 5-15--0337. I '6.) Chevelle 32'7-350, 4-spd, 1 * 67>-JW• '67 f'ord, Country SriuU'f", CAMARO !luri<\ !1nkai::e. headers,f 1969 CHEV. COUGAR C'lean, top n1rch. rond. NOW'S THE n1ags Goodyl'"tlrs, $12 50., TOWNSMAN WAG. ronrl 11·1de tii"f'.~. roof rack. TIME FOR 1969 CAMA RO CPE ~94-4'!060 1 .... ·orkl or 642-3706. 6 Pa~.-.. Po11·pr S!rrring:, Po11·· 1. ·i . ;;90 CID Engir1e, $13!m firm. V-8, Srir.k. Radio. Surr ~lc,,1-~~~~~~=~~-rr Br;lkti: .. -,Ulo, Radio, 69 Cougar - dr,. !o n11 . ."l,"ii-~111. Q UICK CASH it;.-;\\.)().·,1 1969 IMPALA SE05AN Lo\\ Lo" Prit·r. iZC'N8Sll P1crlecboot thn.i-o 1 ,,ul. \\holesaJ,.. 'j! FORDS: G--;-laxi~ $1799 ·1 Door. Auio. Po11•er leer-52199 bUf' k $1 ~-•. Oo;:t>;;r ol· THROUGH A ing, Radio, Air Cond, Kie('. r~r btJ\'S. til~J8:i7 !\lus1ang~. "' Torinos. H'rtz CONNELL !Y05.>l2I CONNELL • ·69 COUGAR-Lo n11. Corp. '71~1 77S-4<r.JO. DAILY PILOT CHEVROLET $2299 CHEVROLET p,..,,,., '~""' N <ed 'I""' f"ORD c;,1~": 500. Good WANT AD CONNELL r.:i.ttung. E\'es 67J-38.i7. {"find. $400. 6-12-!1840, I 6 2 5678 ~2S Harbor Blvrl ~ Harbor Blvd. . 11.m~:Jpm . 67.'\-80j3 '1e.,. 1---4-· _____ j lnsta ,\lrs;i J.i6-120.~ CHEVROLET r.o~la '.llrsa .l-16-1203 DODGE i 1966 FORD Econohnr. big 6, I ~ !-! ....._Bl d 1967 NOVA SEDAN 1 S9.;o, Good t·ond. Aller 6. 990 Autos, Used 990 ar.,._., v · '66 DODGE DART C°'" "'" .;J6.1"ll 4 De I <'N"l"I "'"~' Pow· I 96'-6417. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj;;;;;::::;::;;;Ojiiiiiiiijiiiiiijiiiiiijiii f' · S11>pr1ng, Radio,· Auto. I =~=~~~-=-E~,-.,~11 1 NEW '71 CHEVYS CAMAROS NOVAS MONTE CAROLS $99 Plu• IMPALAS T~• and Lie. VEGAS OVER SALE PRICED INVOICE GUARANTY SELECTED USED CARS WITH Z TEAR QUALITY WARRANTY '61 I 110 FORD 1/2 Ton P ickup V·! wll~ ~ulO l'•n>, !' s!1lt;,~~ ~<'<I ~·~ .• 1111 1•) &.uto Tro"'' ITU•b<I • Po ..... .;•1•rm9 Po .. 1r 8r•.,e•-lo,.11•!1 ,.rtfl E•c~M•~n~I Co'>d SI> •t)I• II_ '7_0 _CHE-VY-Monte Carlo ----'62 ~.~.~~~1os~~~o~!~~~~~·O •na • ;'•~1 OUV ~" • IJ64 '70 ~::::ed~~~!I;~, H~ttt, "•rf 11119 " !~ Lew ¥lies. ~i. • U~ '63 ~!.L~~O~<~~!~~"r,~~·. '•~·e· l<fl!I•, '<ltt , ST~. •llH '66 FORD F1.irlan• 500 11 e • .,,o .. ~ .... , s•-· "O D~~'" 11!•1 ... St~ 1 ll .. ---'68 CHEV. Station Wagon !!fl J .r l>•!l•n ~ ..... VI """"' '''"''"g "u'n""""' '""~'"'''"o~, pOW•• WO~!IOW\ ol)t/ '67 OLDS Cutlass • 0• lilr<ll~O ll•d•o, ~ •• ,., A~t,.. ""AUC lrt ni , M-• •'~••1~1 •" '<1nQU1o"lr14, ~·~YI,.,,.., •Ill/ $1295 WAGONS NOW IS THE TIME . C""H , .. '" -kin,, ...... l 1!11t" ,.., .. ,,,, 1111,,t. OHi" Vht1 c.,,1,.n., '•tto, ,<on I" f:•<•Jt1f<l•I CtMlho~, Inf GF911 IW~I -U11" lllftllNry ot WMt WlfM>. '68 Chevy Nova. Orig 011·~r. t _ ! '64 YORD Galax.1e 500 " 19,EiOO cl!?an miles. 847-6027 (UOF1621 6 Cy!indrr Automal'1r, 26,000 <'c>nd. S377J. or best oHci· beforr 5 pn1 . '6.'i Chev ln1pala, 4 barrel carb., 327, fan1tly car, \'('I")' clean. $6.'JO. 968..(,()82. . .'i6 CHE'V 2 dr, HT, V-8. auto 6-M&-2190 * 'tH l'.\fPALA. 285, 4 dr. HT. F;'ll/rad. Orig O\\·nr.i .. Loca.I car. S7j(), 548-3838 VACANCIES Cost money! Rent your house, apt., store hldg., elc. thru a Daily Pilot Classified lid. $ 1399 n1 ill'S. Local I 011·ner car. 646-1698. CONNELL rMrGB231 J ~9'i. M l c.,~,~FO~R-o-a,-,,-00-,-,.-.-,-,·.I CHEVROLET arqu1s otors 11111/t1n, f' ~·(' c p 11'0n a11 y XI(! So. c:i. High11'y, L, Sch. 1 cit-an . .'il39j. 962-8.'!39. 2!!28 Harbor Blvd ._ 494 -7.103 • 5-10-3100 i 'jO Ford Cortina, Sa<-r1rief' Costa r-.tl'S<I. 54tt·l203 DODGE i .. !on Van. RE'bll for quick salr, $!KXI, :\lnt FOR Sale: 'f,6 Nol'a hrdtp, 61 l"ng. Good r<>11<l. Ne 11· I cond. 536-699:: alt .• pn1 cyl, Cll"an. No dents, ""'hite: ~rakl"~: tires, S.)()Q. 968-W40, 196j SQUIRE \\"gn. Good "/blu7 uphol. Auto trans. .>\8-31.),). I conrl, tac. air. &>low Blue N~w ~s & bat1. f1ne cond. '56 DODGE Hard!<lp. 46,000 Book. Drluxe. ,;,.1&-5857 $725. 546-4162 aft 4 pm. nrig mi·s. All TW'll' tire! f.: JEEP CHRYSLER 1968 CHRYSLER JOO 1 OR. H .T . brak,~. Auro rrar.s. lmmac c.11nd. CoU('clot·'s 1tl"m. SH '&I JEEP X1n1 rond. ;o.tany ro appi'f'('. S IZ5. 54~361. fi7 Dodge Van. 6 cy1. ~ spd. • 644-1061 • Call 642·567S & chllrge 11. SALE rnlt ED I AtO'a(':l\'e :::old llll!'I n1r1al11r: I Autos, Used 990 1 hnish "11 h hl,1ck huc k 1 ----------sra1i;, l· !.anrla11 "lOI. l:.QtJiP· Pantlrd. :::ood tu't'~ $\(XX}. ol' 1!4.i~ .Jrrp. nr1v r nill\I', 4 p.1rt trade !or ITIUl"ll <"u· ->4~;!).~ "'11"PI dr11 r. RI!!. 'iiOO or lllLLkr Otf('I 8J9--,1il,';{) 1967 OODGE 1an, 6 r~I. r/h, _:c::::.__.:Lc:l_:_N_C_:._O~L-N--BIG SALE p.-d with ~111n tr..111.s. Fl:11.rl10, l-le;atrJ'. Pti""rr ,~·,.,.1·11111:. Polll'J' Rr<ik<'~. I'll'. Ctran th111ughour. 17.X\'Jlll 1 lll>'7:.. 41.001 lTil]PS, l'f'iU' .seal. rlran ~\, 1M :)36-1~01. 1969 LINCOLN MK I ll At Hl.nhland Motors J11tmson ,!, :-;on. :.!626 llaroor ~ -Bh<I .. Co.>J "'·'·'-:,~,JOJO. FALCON I !\f"I\ CA!' Cond., \"1n~I l;<)()f, ----------Elf"f'! :'°('.ils, l\'lnrln11;1. ~;;,ll!X) '64 FALCON I "'""· 0"' n<b"'<. <ZLA6tlJ< Crrd1t No Problf'm \l'c Can·v Our Q11·n Cnn!rilcts 10 1 ~o•o O:Al.l.ltl~ VI , Iulo. • Clr. H r , ll&f-1. P.S .. (JllA !H I $149 1'61 CMIVI Lll. SIOr.,. 'Or Auto,P.,1-1 . JI S., JS.DOO ""' • 11•1 o• N•w C:1r W•"'""' isi:o. ••n HIGHLAND MOTORS 2141 H•r••r 91,4, C1tf1 Mna 441·.1414 CHRY :;;LEH N ""'ptirt l\lichelln 111·rs , nl'1" f'ICC· tries, vrry depend 11b1 e , 644--2;,t;.I t'\'('S 6 cylinder. 111!110, hl'alo'.'1'_ E.\• N"!l l"nl n1~eha111<'<1.1 rondl· 1 11on. A ~'f'al :it"rond car. $5799 CONNELL CHEV!!OLET COMET ICYG7'2, ~"''· -------.-Marquis Motors ')'.~ Harhrlr Bll'd Cmt;.i .\!rsa :;i.;.(:.!(13 l ;\ll;ST l!f'U. nv1 part~·. 61 f 900 So. CS"\. H1~11·a1. l .. Sch. Co1nr1, Good t"Orlf1, S200. 494.7:,03 e 5-t0.::100 MAVERICK 6i.'j.-64fl6. I 1 ·•1 ,\la1"'1"ick Grahber. hk,. '62 Comr1 4 dr 11·11gon, look.11 FORD nrll", au', 1011 1ntlcs. S.'.1400. "-runs iQOd . $100. 494-i\&5. 11.1r, ruu pv.T, "uio trans, '70 MAVERICK . 002-8068 COSVERT. '65, 500 Xl.. f·ael 1 -----~----1 CONTINENTAL A'.\1/F~f. ~"' patnt &. tires. $11~ tl'adf'. &16-26!l! 1969 CONTINENTAL 4 DR . SEDAN '.\l UST SELL B('Hut1tul platinium blu!' 11"lth dark blue )ea1her 1nr,rior Ir I 1-nrlau roof. ruJJ Luxury Equ1pJ)l'd 1n<'llldir1g faclory ~r. tilt wh,.rl, Pnwrr door 1 locks .l much n1ore. Sale Pricf'd i 19.1Bilf\V I $3875. Johnson &. Son, 2fi26 Hllrbor Bl~·d., Com. t<.lesa. 5-10-5630. TO SETTLE ESTATE \Viii 1.ccept any 1~asonable off'r on beautiful blue & \\•hl ~ 1910 Mark Tl! 11,p- praiud at $1000. Evtry Jux- IU')' extra plus 50.!XXI mi. :, yr. "'atTUlty. Loct.J deal- e ju111 complrted 18.000 ml. con1plE"fe check-up. In be:t:er [I than new condition. Pl'lone Trustee 642-8ll9. '65 4 -dr , c onver t., A i r I p owe r, N f'w t:ites/bnUcn, Re&! duaic, $675. ~7397. Fo. RESULT! )'Cl.I csn 0.-I pend on, Call ~ SU~r­ :, a I • 1 m a n .. DaUy PUo! 0 1.sslfletl M2-MTI • pla~ your ad .t dW're: II! Good cond. Priv p r t y HOUSE Hunttnr ? \\'11.fch the • 968-6777. I OPEN HOUSE cclumn. , Au tos, New 980 1 Auto•, New 980 ~ SPECIAL PURCHASE WITH SPECIAL SAVINGS flOM FORD MOTOR CO. '71 COUGARS All .,. l•••ry 94111,,..-l1tel11Ui., f11ct11ry elr, Le11ll1111 rHI, etc. OoM .. i.ttf•• •I <•l•rs ltvt UmltM , , , HU•l'l'lt All le• 111Uu. JOHNSON & SON 1 Miit Solfttt •f S•• DI .. • ,,....., • ., Lincoln Continentel e Me r~ Ill e M11rcury e Couga r 2626 HARBOR BL VO .• COST A MESA S40·S630 642.(191 I ]§] _[ AM\ot_..,_ .. -J)~ '-( ~_'°'_111e___,J §J[ '--A-utMfor_s.l•__.l§JI '--A_utoitor_u. __ )§] Autos, New '71 Bonneville 2 Deer Hardtp Factorv e•t<ullve ur, Radio & Hu ter, Auto. matlc. power S1eerlng, Brtke$, WlndOW$, Fac- torv Air, Vlnvl Roof. (262571Cl136Ul SAVE '71 Plymouth ~Jllort Satellite • Pass. Wagon. Auloma-t1r Tr~nsm1uron, Power Stt11tr1nq1 Powtr 8 rai<t'\, Factory Air Cond111on1nq, Rdd10 & Hcattr l6160JOI SAVE '69 Chevrolet lmp•la Custam ? Door Htrdtoo, Automa· tic TrAnsm1u1on, Power Soe•ring, Power Brakes, Faclorv Air Conditioning, Vinyl Roof, R1dlo &. Hear- er. IYDXI07) $2388 USED CAii. MANAGllt'S OEMONSTRATOlt '71 Grand Prix Comolt ltlv loaded wllh ''rreo. POwer windows. ~" cond11lonln1. p0wer br~kr\, power steering, Auoomat•c 1r•nsm1sslon. (SI~. ,211) 9IO Autos, New 980 Autos, New 910 Autos, New 980 Autos, Used MAVERICK 1970 MAVERICK 2 DOOR SALE PRlCED-14,000 MILES Smtrt competition yellow with black 1tr1~. 3 s~ traM, R.adjo, Heater. 4 brand new tltts, a11ractive interior. See and dnve a bargain. t Z73ASV l. $1475. Johru10n & Son. 2626 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. 510-5630. 1970 MAVERICK CPE V-8, Stick, Radio, Sharp. l YYJ490l $1599 CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 HarbOr Btvd. Costa Mesa 540-1203 MERCURY 1969 MONTEREY 2 DR. H.T. ~'9 .... ~I. VERY CLEAN. MUST SELL '70 Impala "Thi$ Chevrol•t A door lies rtdlo. h~Jer, au1oma11c tran$m1n 1on, oower $titer· ono, p0wer Drake>. vinyl too, alr col'dltlonlng (160- CFN) $2888 '69 Firebird 2 Door Hardtop Rad•o, h•a•tr. au1omaHc frdn~m1S.!>1Cn1 pcwer SIC'ef· ong CYPP0691 $1988 '68 Pontiac Catallncs '68 Le Mans '66 Oldsmobile '69 Bonneville 4 Daor Hardtop Luxurious ~ DOor Sedan. 4 Doar Hardtop Rtdlo, heater, automalic. AuJom•llc Tr1nsmlu lon. Automttic Tran1mlulon, power stttrlng factory Full Power, Rtdlo & Power Stterln11, Power ' H It F• 10~ Air Con Brake>, Factory Air Con· air. vlnyl roof. (JJ1lttl· H r, c ·' · dl!lonlng, Vinyl Roof, Rt· 600IOt ) dffionlng (ltXS410J dlo & Hffter. (YCZ'671 $1688 $1297 BUY NOW WITH CONFIDENCE 100 % MONEY BACK GUARANTEE '69 Ford Cust. '67 Mercury Co11var XR7 4 Door Sedaw $2588 '68 Chrysler Newport Custom Aulomttlc Trarumlu lon, Power Brak•n, Power Steering, Factory Atr Co,.. d11oon1ng. Vlnvt Root, Ra· dlo ' He.ler. (VTO&l.S) $2089 '68 Pontiac Catall11cs ' Coor Sc<IAn f..vtomatlc Transm1S$1on, Power Auloma11c Transmission, 2 Door Hardtop Auloma· tic 1 ransmhslon, Powor SCetrlng. Power Bra~u. Factorv Air Cond11lonlng, L•atMr Trim, Radio & Healer. (ZSR116) ' Doer Hanllop Auloma· l•C Tr&n$mlulon, Power !>Jeering &. Bra~es. Fac-tory Aor Condlltonlng, Vlnyl Roof, Radio & Hett· •r. IWI096JI Bra~es, Power Steenng, Power SJeerlng, Radio & Factory Air conc!llloning, Heeler. (8EL2611 Radio & Heater. (WIC317) $1388 SERVICE MANAGllt'S DEMONSTUTOlt t71 Safari $1188 l'INANCE MANAGflt'S '71 Firebird Th.~ orie l>u II ~II In- $1788 Dave Ross's Personal Car $1788 DIMONSTUTOR '71 Bonneville Lwurlou• ''Minn wagon. cludlng ~Ir cooo11oonlng, Luxur1ous blt clr and load-Air Condltlortlng, oowt• pcwor Windows, oower power brekt•. oower b ake:s pew.?• aleer1~ $leering, • ., condltlOnlng, eel wllh everything, (Slk r • "•' pOw•r bra~h. •utomallc: llttrlng, ~ulomalic '""'. •7101 Au1em1tlt Transmlu lon, trln$mln 1on. (Stk. '°1071 mission. (Slk f121 NIW CAR MANAGER'S (Slk ;66) Award winning Marquis styl- ing! Popular British -.-reen metallic finish with gold Landau roof, WeU equipped with auto trans, Radio. Heater, Power Steenni:. Power Brakes, Air Corid, etc. Sale Pri~ CZW05ll. $2245. Johnson & Son, ~26 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. 540-5630. Mercury '69 Marqu:s Brougham 4 dr. h.t. Factory air cond., vinyt top. full power. Most all options. Low miles. local 1 owner. (YRW-, 426), e NABERS CADILLAC ~ HARBOR BL., COSTA MESA CALL 540-9100 OPEN StJNDA YS '67 Mrrr romm wagon. 3 sear. Pt S, P/B • air. clc11n, ht-low wholri;alf' $99:1. By owner. 2505 w. Coast J-fwy, N. B. 646-0~~1. '68 Montcgo MX Convr 3ir am/fm, auto, 390, $1490: 642-2307. '67 COUGAR XR-7, vinyl top, au-, disc brakes. original owner. $1400. 492-2133. 1963 Cornet wagon. !>tandard, 6 C.YI, good rubber. $2SO. Call B ill, 642-506!1 MUSTANG 1969 Mustang Gr;inde-390, vtry sharp. Air, i;ten'<'I and all the op11ons. N t w polyglass w1dr track~. only S2195. Call ~92-85;)2 aft 5pm '10 MUSTANG, ;iuto. 111r rond., ps, pb, r xrdl cond. 5 Yr. 50,000 warr. $2800. 644-2159. '67 MUSTANG Fastback-Xlnt cond. Air conrl, a uto Lo m i. Shop teachrr's car. $1350. 96S-7327. '65 MUSTANG trans. r adio, ownrr Good :5.:JR-1590. V-ll, P /S. cond. '65 Mustani:. I owner. lo-lo-lo miles. Unbl'ltcvable cono. A treasure. Must sr£>. &l"l-0997 MUSTANG '6:1. ps, auiO:°G cyl, In mi. hick w/mi l.nt S600. Call af1 :l. &l~!l.)~. I 970 Autos, Imported 970 , .......................................................................... ! WE HAVE A SELECTION OF THE GORGEOUS XJ'S AND Vl2'S FOR YOUR CHOICE. WHY DON'T YOU STOP IN TO- :DAY FOR A TEST DRIVE. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TOO! ·-. , ' I BAUER . BUICK 234 E. 17th St. in COSTA MESA COSTA MESA 548· 77 65 . . . Friday, August 20, ic111 DAJL Y PILOT 43, ONE ••• '· A be~ 4eel e11 olth., • MW or ..ct cer II ,_ •• close as yaur telepho11e! We ore •ulo11 te thaw yOll those cars. Cil•o n • coll et 141·0611. or 540·9164 011d we'll haft • 1alnt11G11 H Ith .., to your hollM 111 mllfltft. Cell to4oy Olld toH • w~lch of t11 ... ura ya11'd II•• lt,.lltiit te '"' ..,. BRAND NEW '71 CRICKET SEE THE MAN WITH THE 'WE CARE' BUTTON VINYL ltOO.. StlMI,.. •••IJ!Mllf .. eludes: "'•er mount• '*" .,... tre-.. power front dlK llr1kn, rOlllltl ,iy ,,,.... lll4lvklu11 fnHtt lluc .. t ,..tt , reel! & _.. Ion stt1rln9, ~II 111r1n1 '"""''"' o powerful htttint •IM lltw fllf'Mlfl .,,...,.. t1J1n1 1vst1m. 14 cw. If. trUllll Wlftl -<H ltd spar1 tire & 11Mny, 1111ny 11tMn. ltrll l 4141J IROS7fU. '71 DUSTER DEMO ,.Acro•Y Allt, Auttrn.tlc Tr1111mls· ti.n, Power Sturlng, Tinted Olen . Whotl Covert, lhdlo, Httttr, Wllll~ w1lla. ~V12tCllU4ltJ. '65 PLY. FURY '69 GA LAX IE CUSTOM '68 COUGAR '4 Or . v.e. Factory Air Cond .• ,A ylo., V-8, Auto., Power Stterin9, Radio, Healer, Power Stoering. <YEP. H ultr. I YQB642 I $I 09S SHI $595. Rtclio, v.a. Auto., Fectory Air Concl., Power Steering, Vinyl roof, Raclio, Heeler. IXCFSOO I $2195 '68 FIAT 850 CPE '69 DATSUN '4 Spcl .• '4 c yl., Radio, HHter. fWFP- 1 Or. 4 Spd .• Redio, Hu ter. IYSP-205) $895 868 ) $1095 -------------~~-·-, ~~~t -~·- -~ '65 MG MIDGET '66 CPE DE VILLE 4 Spd Radio, H u t1r, ( L2 8049) SS9S Full Power, Fu tory Air Cond., Vinyl Top. ITBA9l9) $1999 t!·~~ ·tr ---'~ '68 CHEVY CARR YALL '65 FLEETWOOD Auto. Huvy d uty unit. 19484481 ~•clory Air C oncl., Full Powe r, $I 8H maculale, Ermon Sil••r with L•ndou I PFN899l $1795 1m- ('!1' ccr ri~.~ rr---.._ ft. :.,e· '69 DODGE SPORTSMAN Blk. '70 CHEV C·lO 4x4 PICKUP V.a, Radio, Hut1r, Air Cond.,,.Auto. II t r R d. ( 558CPI I $2695 • •nu o new car w•rronly, 1 10, Hut11. 4 Spd., V-8, 4 Wh .. I Orivt . (89914Gl SAVE SAVE '71 DODGE 34 TON '70 STARCRAffT C •mp•r Speci•I, v.a, a Stu rin9 , Power lreku, mile1. New Drum•r, C•mpor. SAVE SAVE All Aft. Cora S11~fect To ,,,., s. .. Spd., Pewe r 20' Motor Home, comp. Self Cont., 250 Aduat w/power pl•nt, t oo m•ny extrea to C ab ovor mt ntion, 4 yr. 40,000 mile rem•inint C hry1. Wtrranty. SAVE SAVE '70 ROADRUNNER CONV. 4 Spcl., Power Stu ring, O nly ll,000 milu . Bel. of 5 vr .. 50,000 mi. wu · renty. ( 49URV) $2695 4;- '56 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL 4 Or. li~e N1w, F.ctory Air C e...J., Power W inclow1, Royal Mut1rs Tir11 worth HSO. IOKL2l0l $05 ~ '~ '69 FORD LTD V.8, F.ctory Air Cond., Auto., Vinyl Roof, R•dio, H .. t.,, '•wt r StH rint • Powtr Bra~••· <ZAC52tl $22U '67 PLYMOUTH llLV. V.1, Auto., Vinyl roof, Fact. Air, Pewer St11rln9 , Power l rakt1. I UQX· 3)6 1 $ t 095 '69 Chrysler New Yorker Factory Air Concf., ,ow•r StHri119, Pewtr W indow1, Vinyl R .. f, Le•Je4. IXYE604 I $2191 l • 44 DAil Y _PILOT f'rlday, Auqu" 20 , JQ71 .. [ '""1"~1 ~J .__'"_'"_"'_ .. _·_~II R, ,--: ... ,,,~~~1 1 ... ,., .... ~ WI A"llCIATI rout IUSINISS . CALL US NOWll Phou 557°9220 INSTANT CREDIT YOU llUD AllD STIU SAVI YOU MOlllY I .If yoo ore new in Colifomio 3. If yoo ore new on yoor job 2. If yoo owe money on yoor 4. If you hove li1tl1 or no cor credit LIT Ml TH TO AIUHI TMI CllDIT AID TllMS TOU lllD SO TNAT YOU MAT Ori ... e Home Todoy in tht tor of yGUf' thoictll ~~~~~~ CHALLENGERS List Your Cost JH/3806439053 SJ41 2.60 s2916 's JH23CIB 132083 53342.30 s2951 1s .Ji1~361B206640 SOlD i3788.1S 13321'1 JH?3G 1B l 3~10 1 JH?JGIBI 10008 S4047.50 ~345940 $4141.98 1354Q1S $4237.45 \362 111 --~SOLD S4248.SS "36191" DARTS, DEMONS & SWINGERS StRIAL !I ll?9Blt l2017J L1)t Your Cost S2536.15 s2 779•t LL:i'9Clf1 2·1410 $2916.60 s2585 l' LL29Cl~l2~SOLD $2916.60 s-2-58511 Ll29C ll 124d l'I s291 6.110 "2585 31 ll29C!l124 79 1 5 2929.JS s2596°1 lL29(1[1 390B2 SOLO s2q2s.1e li 26E)8°1 ll1 1?3Elfl 324B'i' SOLO S3Z29.1G "2826'" l l79Cll 131523 SJ373.3S 1294217 \H 13Glf106'.J46 S3457.9'1 '3057 9' ltl'961[l99763 S OLO--S.-~3&1-r lH73C I! 153'>33 LH23Clll 295'.J4 '. LH23GIR760600 S3bl7.4d s3 173st sJ11Jo_90 i31 ss •0 S3702.45 ~3252'9 SJ781.00 \32921' MIL8~GE '71 PINTO . ,,........._ ByfORD 1 ,w~ ·---.._ - CORONETS & CHARGERS SERIAt II-List Your Cost WH23GIE1498 71 5 3564.20 s799511 WH23GI E149867 53564.20 s7995 ii "r\'1 1236\El49866 SOLO SJS64.20 12995 11 WH'23Gl£1 36557 53944.62 13282 19 Wll4l61fl31515 SOtD \.4GS3.40 133571' Wl<ll61l1JlS14 SOLD S41Sa.49 134221' WlldiGlfld17e l SOLO S417l.SQ 13491 11' Wlll'361[19>t386 SOLD \.4 327.90 s3579•• WH23G1£1 750J6 S43 39.80 135891• Wl l:'3Gll i 1998S SOLD S4J1'2.&S 13606Jl WH2J1<1~1044 58 S4436.25 1370841 POLARAS & MONACOS SER1At ii list Your Cost Ell41 EIB92!86B SOLO~J4J7.JS 1290¥J S401J.8S 1335641 S4013.8S 1335641 S4025.9S 133646' 0£23GID109 ! 74 DE23GID?04 J 72 Dt41GID27b?48 8fi'3Gl8 1'A2bf9 01: .. 161015951 " SOLD _,,,.,_,911'<9to<.6>00---':i3!J6~4~6.U'6 SOL0_,>4'4<-455'Sr.<.6><S---':i3~71-11f1111'11 Df4JG 102e 11 Bl' soto_,,.,,.,, .. 4J>,.7sss---~'J~7hlµ41-"" Df 13UD27J0/7 S4SOJ.9S 137451' 0H46l1D201101 SS87b.70 1466511 DH-lJHID?82? IQ SS911 .48 1471 840 LOW MILEAGE By CHEVY . ~nret' •tF·l•O 1'. ll~n:~' •' V/ 1,,~· bo·l ~I ·,,.. RuJm l; 1,0•11•r. nu101ml1{ !>11t~r1 'et l l''"'~I I~" '·" ,•,1~··'''"II /'.0011111• '1l:(PC· rn,le.~12JOC>A) $58 DOWN $1699~L?PRICE$58 MONTH ~ooRN/;s \)8 i>to•n< d" O'"'' S~6 r1,1"I "'" ( •''" ""' '"' 1, ,.,, •t. oll tn"f''""''"''l'."'" o;.pr.e<r-i•l Im j~m<,' D•f•"M~1mt ~ri<e S1tl6B ..,o;I •o• ~ ' '"" lllll ' "' ,. "\. ie ?\ "'' I··· ~ i •'"'" ~·:·1UAI PJOUNl/.{.f ~.-.11 n b\ < LOW MILEAGE '67 ~HEVY CHEV ELLE '71 DODGE COLT JAPA N'S lEAOING MAHUfACTUR ! R ••I "h"I !OIJI~ ,, '"""'·' ~" b10~< ,, '"-' '~ol<. tu I I' ' '" DART 2 OP. MARO TOP ~ ... <>~ 'D~O.h'""I~ :/:.0 1"1'"' 1"/ll'o'l '~ • ' ' , " ' "I ' ;. ' ••• lo1. I ! •• ' ,,, ' ' ' " $599 fULl PRI CE '68CAMARO 311 \' R "'''" ll11r1' PO"'" '·'"'""'i •nO·"' ''""°' .. ()',.,,.!1. tr.Ji•." 1""'" vv~n~ $949 FULL PRICE '65 DODGE PIC!tUP $498 FULL PRICE '67 PLYMOUTH FU RY V ! «''< '"'"' ,.,., .,.,011 1.,.~ ... lo!!I <~''" ~oit.>9 lo ' ! •Lo<l ••"('< ''' "'"'' I 'i \, ,,.,,I "'' >I I, $10 88 fUll PRICE '70 MAVERICK $1288 FULL PRICE '70 OPEL $888 fULL PRICE '68 v.w. ~.~ "lo.••,w•>'•"'ulll •<' H,1h• NI' \, ''"'"' 4,o/,'<! FULL PRICE '71 PEUGEOT O"l"l /, t•"(I'•· !>JO •'I ·'"'' rO"·OI > • """'i' w~<,l!r. $1699 FULL PRICE '65 CH EVY IMPALA .. ~., ~·"'~' ,,.~rt"'!, '0~" .. \Ho~··· ··•~I , PP{.~00 $396 fULL PRICE '71 GREMLIN "''" "'"·I~"'''·' I·''" 1-...h !"""'·· ,.11 """ """~ "'I 'l~·\'11 $1566 FULL PRICE l§J [!,. .. -;:. ,,,, l ~I l~ '--I ._ ...... _ .... ,._,J~i C .... ,,,,,,,. l ~; ~! ._,, .... _ .. ~~!§:! 990 I Autos, Used 990 I Autos , Us9d 990 , _________ , ______ _ 990 Autos, Used Autos, U•ed 990 Auto$, UseCI --------------PONTIAC I PONTIAC I PONTIAC ------,B"'1-'L-L B-AR-RY-BILL BARRY I BILL BARRY BILL BARRY OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC ·r,7 OLDS il l1 Spcw1 Cfl"., Jf),000 nlL)f'., !-.\<'I)'/ ("('>rJcf'1\;1hlf' opt. $129j or nr. 11,,. \I' ,u 1.:on .. ~1UL·r trati1·. PONTIAC·GMC·FIAT PONTIAC-GMC.FIAT '"<--0'" I '71 VENTURA II '65 PONTIAC lX'.1-{JJdi; VJ~lfl Cr u,..icr ~t.i l Se1· ,\'o. ~1'..:S1~. <iu!o. Lr.ins., l G T Q PONTIAC -GMC-FIAT '69 PONTIAC G.T.O. PONTIAC-GMC-FIAT '66 PONTIAC . GRAND PRIX 11 ,1t:. pf.•, plh, <ilr cont1 , 1 J'.id1n, hcalt'r l\S\V 111·1·,; ' • ' ' ·" I • "1'32"" V ' . , POWf'I' ,..IL~'".I°" , .. ,,, II"~" <JU,,. 1<111.~ . ..>-:r 1~ 1nyJ H11n and nianv t•.,lras. , · '~' ''"'· .... · , .. ,:.., ------· $250 OOW.N '..,~~,i:ar1i;t:ll'u117'.!'.!:~!PBJ- !. dr P'lj'. ~l1',, l ~po!. f(.Vl l . l:f"l'lll l"iH", ,IU.,1 J1k1· Ill'\\. I I ti ,\SI\ I - 1\1r Qind., auro. tr a ns .. pow. rr S1C('l'lflb IZ-16() ITSM 107) o.-, ()id: Cunl'l'I"!. Dyr1;u111r SS. ., u \\1111 !"tJ 11dIIIU11 $!):,0. $93.82 PER MO. SPECI~~ $895 U\<'I •.!(1(1 111 •11 ,\-ll~f'd t <1n; l l11-:hs 1n111i :.i1;...1;:ru ----------- PLYMOUTH SPECIAL $1695 •• SPECIAL $995 •• lti \"J 100~~· fron1 (Jr,.n "111 IO rirn S:!-X! i,, 111•· 1111 111 cln1111 p;1y-TU CJJOOSJ-. !-"HO.\! 1n~n1 . $~i::.s-:J 1, th•· total \Jf>t·n 'Ill If) pin n1011t11ly f1.;y111.-·111 11u·lud111g ~~;1~1 !·:. !~1 S;in1a An,1 la". li\·cn,;,. ;111d f111ant:e 11 ~1 ~t. J.--;-.;.,\. Fnvy 1 r-------1:.~ Pl_l 1noulh B<·h 1\i1i.:. ~'"'I' f'll~~ !\•·1·,ls p<11 11t ~· t:.rody 11 11rh S 100 nr hsl u!r. 01(•1· '.!!~1 'lei\ .1: l 1 ~1't! c •• r., ']",, Cho•i-;1• !· 1u111 :!1~111 I< 1,1 s .. :--.11)1,J .\1111 (b l SI :u . ..; ,\ l-'r11.1 J ___ 1:~~-tr~:11 '.!(){Jlf E. l.!>! Si . Nnt.u Ana \ 1:.1 ::ii. <l! ;-.; A. f"rwy) :i;k>;-J(JOO --------1·ti~:~ Hili. __ I 'ti:: V.1!Laf1I. (jon<i 11rr " So I 1·;1d10. S'.°JS.S~l. C;.!I af1cr ~i I <"harg•·s 011 "f!IJL\Jvrd !T<'dlf :1Ji'\-JIK)(J /!Jj ;;ij 1•11 11 1111~. "l'hp (•ash ' --B·l-LL-BA --- Pl u~f· 1ncl11d1nc; la .. \ and 11~·-, RRY BI L C BARRY~ RAMBLER BILL BARRY 1·n~1· is s::1 !!I.Hi. o~,1rrrrt1 I 1 PONTIAC·GMC-FIAT prlt:e IS s::u:l7.5[) inr·lulli11;::: PONT1AC -G MC·FIAT 1966 Po nti ac i l 196 I PONTIAC-GMC-FIAT I I •I 11 •• ->] 1-{)3 \ ·1 --'ti:; PLY.\J()UTI! Val1;i11l !lla. \\",ii,; .\li1'I l 'Olld. H/H, Ji\ll 1it~. ~t0:1. -,u;....;;\J.i. la.\. ii:rnsr and hn<u1e'' I 9 Poritiac Bonn .. evi11e Sia .. Wag. •·h,orj..'1's. t\r1ni1a1 11rrl·(·n1a~c LEMANS 068 Rambler AMX I t\1!1" lt.111~. ,\11· (•111d. P••11-' J"., 11· I>, !O.:t:>' • ., \ I /( I l)1x1r Jli<t"dlDp. L;indatJ 1•1· .'i1r r1•111:.:. !'11111•1· Dr:ik('.', · ,1 at 10 • ~ ~rid. V-S, J u~r PONTIAC • • 1·1~1r , .\u!o Tra ns 1\ir Ci'Jnd 1SJVi.J91 · !1k•' nr,1. BILL BARRY 0Vf'r '.!l~I 1ll'1'' & u.,•·d <·c1r~ I · · $ 113'.SUDI Pu11i:r Sl-IPr1111-:. (XOP.72::1 1495 '" cllnibp {/'l"Jl\l SPECIAL $1495 ""'" '111 IO p m $1 9'15 e e •• PONTIAC -GMC-FIAT '68 PONTIAC 700'~ ~;. Isl SI • Sa111,1 1\1111 1Js1 S1 . ;ii ;-.;.11 F1•11'y l JJS-Hl(lfl e • 0\('r '.ii~! nP11 .\· u~i:d .:ans 01£'1 :?Ull 1\!'11 ,\· 11~t>d ,·;,r:;. 111 l"h111l-l" frn111 OVl'i' :.>oo new&. LJSf'd e.i.n 1n •·tJ(~>~r ll"uni IJp,.n 'tll )fl p111 lo chocsr lron1 ---LEMANS i\Ul(1. l l"l!il~ .. air 1·ond .. p111· I ~II"., p11·r . l)rks., lhp ;.,lulll \',( A Ill~'!' !1tllP 1·<1r JJ1 f"X- lTll~'lll eond1!1011. 'XODliliJ i..1 p1•11 '111 lri pin lllU() r:. 1,1 :-:r , S;•:il.1 Anc1 (Jpr n 'Iii 10 p.111. Now ~~10 !< ls1. ,..;,1111;i .l\n;• • 1.,1 .-;1 a1 ;-.; .• \ Fr""!'' ~(X)(i E _ ls1 Sc. S&nl.i .. l\na · 'S THE 11.,1 sr_ :11 s .. \. r 1.,1y1 .• .,~.J ~r:n 11.-1 s1 <ll s .. \. F1"11·;1 _ ~,,·,~-~)1)(1___ p1;;v !\i"nli,tr• J:o1HH'\'11!1· l Dr :i.-,S..l(}()() J TIME FOR io'I r IHJ.Brr,JJ ~a1 r,u,PI ird, ll;1nlr:.p .\!11,1 ~t·ll '" .<f'illP T-BIRD j QUICK CASH bl~ 1111 __ 1_:" 111 1Jr~. xln1 cond. ~: $11(XI. Call 612-l~l:l. I 1· SPECIAL $1895 I S221lL _,,,._()'j'.)7. '60 T-BIRD $JOO THROUGH 1 SELLING You r bo,1r? ··Li~!"' TIRED OJ that old turrnture".' 1--(;7.1-1660 till 5 pm ••• In c!ioo~f' fiuni A I 1vil l1 us .. srll ii fast. Daily It's r('a!ly no! that hard T-H!ll.U ·6:L Full P.:•llf'I". ;11r, t Jpr n -111 10 pni DAILY PILOT Pilot Classiried. 6~2-5678 lo replace. J u~1 Y.'<~tch the <'ir;in. \lakr offer. A lt ~ pni . :?l"XJQ I~. Isl, Sl;lnl11 i\11;.i I :fJ'"S A hi"l'c·a· .. s(•I! your fw·rJture & 1n i.sce llaneo:is I :--:!:~:;•6· . Over 200 111·1v & u.-rd cars 1 ls1 :-\t, :ii !'.1\. Fri\)'. I WANT AD i1~'n1s "ith c;tsc, u~e Daily colt1 nin! in tile Classified ti'., 1 hund~rb1r~. lite blur . ___ ·"•.-,~.10Qn Pilot Classified. 612-:ifiiR Section. ·1-.(l(](I 1111 r ully loilded. A_u_1_o_s,_N_e_w _____ 9a_o_1 A_u_••_s'-, _N_•_w ___ .....;9..:S;:o_I :A:.:"::.'•:'::':.N::•::w:_ __ _;9:;8:::·o~:.:A~u:_:t~o~"~N'.'.-~e'.'.w ___ ~9~8~0~1~A~'''.:'.~~~·~~1~~:.,~ \~~~:_::1:'...· '_ 1 ·'_'"'_.,_.,_1._..!9!!80 i Thank You Mr. President! .l lr. ~i:\:t111 l1•ts .-111nf>1111<.•(•1l l1i~ 1•1•c1•111· 111t•111lo1tif•11 ll101t Cc111 g:1•1•s . ..; t"('"llt•;1l tl11• 7f~;, 1•x1•is•• t;1x 101,,· c111 011111••,,. <."Otr . ..;. '' i1l1 tl1c• 11111lersfo:111cli11~ tl1<1l flit• s;1,·i11 g"s 11111st I••· 1••1ssed •••• t•• ~-1•11 . •·tl1l• •·c•11 .... 11111t•r .'' 'l'lai s. •tltt11g" wiCl1 tt11r .v t•o1r 1•111J 1list.·••1111ts ••l ,J11l111sc•11 .;111d St••• •••···(•rs ~'ttu t l1c• ••1•1•or- f1111il )' fct t .;1k1· .;111' ,;111t,;1J,tt• ••t' ti•'-" ltt,\t•sf 111·iee."i evt•1· ••••••• PLUS YEAR-END DISCOUNTS! ---J~X 1\1,1 l•Lt<;---~ 1971 MERCURY ~l..\114!UIS ,\Jr.,.oud ... ·t'.l!I ·I ·\ \'-K .. '"i" 1·n111for• 10 11 111:•• "''"'"· •·orn<•rinJ.: h11111H•. MS" b1·l11•d I ii°"'• 'I ill "'"'•rinr.! u lu•l'I. 6 ""'.' 11ou•·r """''· \\1/1.'ll "'"'"''" r ;ulio" P"""r ~· indn" s. )I I Z64N6 I 1018 ---EXA 1~1P.LE-­ l97l C0UGAR X ll-7 Air 1·011d •• :1;; 1. I\, ... ,.,,.,., ... 1,; f1 1 '"I"'"·· \\ S\1 1 i r··~. '"''"'. &:l"O!lp. 1il1 '''"•rin c ""'"•!. f'""''I" ''"rrin i.</rli ... .- hrnl-•·•. \lJ/f \I ,,.,,. .. ., r11dio. l'""''r ~1ind""'• 1<por1 r 1111.•ol•• "it lo 1·1fu·J... 11 l·:l~l ("l·:I) '80620 1 F9JM5605()J NOTE THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE EXCISE TAX REDUCTION We have a wide selection of the full line to choose fro m Orange Co unty'.t '' l.-amily off ine Ct1r' ·· ohnson son r I LIN CO LN MERC UJ1Y - I COUGA R CA PRI MARI'\ "' 2626 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • 540-5630 ------- " / ' .j F"rlday, Augu st 20, 1'171 BILL J!9!~S ... s .. ·~ SAYS THAT THEY'RE .. ,,·~· •••••.••••• ~ SELLING LIKE HOTCAKES OUR '71 OLDSMOBILES ARE MOVING OUT QUICKLY BUT THERE IS STILL A GREAT SELECTION ALL SLASHED TO CLEAR OUT! GIANT DEMONSTRATOR •••••••••••••••••••••••••• : YOU MUST PRESENT THIS AD : : AT TIME OF DELIVERY FOR : : THESE USED CAR DISCOUNTS : • • : ~~·7'"~~~::0~~~+~.~ •. ,;,, $895 : • r•dio, heater, vinyl top. !UlMl .. 6 ) • • • CLEARANCE SALE!! : ;1:00~~~~,:~~~ A ,,.1 $1595 •• = • steal. IZVE127 J : '68 OLDS 98 e (26) '71 STAFF CARS REDUCED FOR· QUICK SALE! 98'5-CUTLASS SUPREMES- TORONADOS-WAGONS-HONDAS • Luxu ry sed.tn. Has all power a1-$1895 : • ,;,h ploo ,;, <o odifooioq & vioyl •• • roof. l97408V ) • • : '66 VOLKSWAGEN $695 e FACTORY WARRANTIES -FULLY ECj)UIPPED -VERY LOW MILEAGE : Bog. R•dio "d h .. to •. IRYStbll : • • OVER 120 NEW '71 OLDSMOBILES e '69 FORD MACH I e • 4 •pud +,.,,miuioo, "dio, h,.1. $189 5 ·: • er, pow•r ste1ring , ell the goodiet. • IXVZHJ I • • : '67 CUTLASS 4 DR. SEO. $1195 e & GMC TRUCKS DISCOUNTED DURING THIS CLEARANCE EVENT . : ~~;Jm•li<, "dio, hu t.,, ITWF. . : • • e '57 GMC 3 /4 TON $59 e : T.,<k, 4 'P"d froo•m iuioo. 5 :. • I Lb5849 I • • ~ ~ ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST VISIT OUR : ~~~.~o~~~:~~o. h ...... ,,, $1475 :. BIG • conditionin g. I UJX084 ) NEW & USED e -. ------------e TRUCK CENTER e 66 CADILLAC $ e the truck people from General Motors e A Lo•d •d s.d., 0,v;n •. Foll 1895 e • • pow,., l•do•y ,;, <oo dit;o,;oq. •• Fro m Li9ht Pickup s New '71 GMC 3/4 TON e IZSJ90SI H D {';11111•"1' S 111'1111I :.!!"l:l •·1 1 in, 1·11c111r , \llll<> • -------------• to eavy uty 1 .11~·· 111 ••. 1.ir!u· 11.,111,.1. iw•11•·1· st••f'J· e Custom Ri9s • "''· '~""' """ '""'"" "''""" e '66 TRIUMPH $795 e OUR TRUCK EXPERTS PSR~~~ $3295 • Yoo'll h.,. lo ... lhio 000 .,d : CAN SERVE YOU • d,;,. ii. Yoo'll boy'" ITB877bl • BEST e e TAKE YOU R CHOICE 11')n1111"· 11·11nsn1ls•1on, 11111vallan hl'nnle " ., ,, ,, .. .,, e ~~1~ d'.1~yl rq~~r~ r~~-~1~,~~~ .: 'C6o8•o"T•~YdOooT•.AA·,, <o·d·,,·,o·,···· $895 =: NEW KING OF THE ROAD ""'"1"' "''''''"' • IVH BJl4 1 0 ' P5R~~~ $3295 : -------------• :.:~·:,~·~=~:;~!~;,~~~~";;·,;;; : :6•8po~;:~~~~o, rad io, h•at. $15 9 5 :. HONDA CAR DEALER NEW 1971 HONDA $300 CASHDg!,~R.f,DE s45a7 PER MONTH 36 MO. 36 "' .. tht 011 opproftd credit. Totol cnh price i11cl11dl119 taln tor 011d lt71 llce11 .. t .. Sl6tt.7S. De,.rred pa,111e11r price J11cl11dl119 tor. 1icl'ft,,. 011d f111 011ce chor9H SltSl.J.t .ANNUAL ,lllCIHTA.GE I .All 11 .0I •••· SEE US TODA YI New '71 GMC SPRINT e 191001 er_ ( 588CPG t YOUR $695 VR. pn11rr ~1f'f'rl!lC, n1d10 and hea1rr • CHOICE ~n:cr~~~~"in~i1~1~~-a 1 :~:9;, in c•1lor u • -------------• ... ;1h p urth•1•of11twfr uc~. SAL( $ • '70 TORINO GT $2595 • • PRICE 2995 • Automatic, a ir condi:io:in g, P.5., .: 2200 CHINOOK MOTOR HOME • P.B, "dio, h"'"· l898AGGI 11.oof oir, 11Hp1 6, hrlly 1olf •onrelMtl. Sptclel order 111111. s .. thb 011e 19· dow. {7711 • BEA UTIFUL NEW AMERICOO CAMPERS Cu1 lo~ buill lo 1uil you. OllDl l TOU ll:S TODAY New '71 GMC 2 TON li'111J!" \\I~, 3:.0 \IH, <I ~P""d-2 .•pd., du11I S1"11 111nk~. R x 20 fl . fla t h!'d Y.-/hyd . bulk llf'11d 1.t_ oak ftnnrs. (117452 1 :~~~ $5795 • • : '67 CADILLAC $2495 e • Coup• De Vill e. Full power, fee-: • to•y '"· lu th" ;,+.,., v;,y) roof. • • IVFTJ25 ) • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• . ~ . JC DAIL V PILOT rrld.ay, August !I, Hr! l:l ~ Tlmo M•ii:•IM THEODORE Qu•lity •ler ROllNS $R. A.wort! for 1171 2V2 USE D CARS ACRES OF MUSTANG SALE Many to choose from. '65 thru '70 models. Coupes, hardtops, convertible and 2 + 2 Fastbacks. Some with 4 speeds, also air conditionin9 and automatic models with power steerin9. EXAMPLE: '70 MUSTANG H.J . Fully f.,ctory flquipped, white w/red interior. Rad io, heater, 9ood milt.s, I064CIE I OUR PRICE $1996 '69 TOYOTA $1296 '67 TOYOTA $996 Corona 4 Dr. R&H . 4 Dr. Cnrona. Auto. air cond .. 4 speed, goat! shif!. i<nnd miles. miles. I 937BQC \ I UIJ-!j.j,'~ • '64 PLYM. % DR. $596 '69 CAMARO _$1996 Hardtop. V8, standar 6 cyl., fact. equipped, trans., good miles. good miles. (&lOBRl I ( I24CPN) '69 DOD~E $2096 '69 DATSUN $1296 Coronet 2 Dr. H.T. 4 Door. Lo\v, lo1v R&H, a_utn., P.S., \llnyl miles. 4 speed. equipped. roof. air cond . lnv.· f833ASK / mill's. I ZSP.011 ) ALL OFF ERS CONS IDERED TRADES ACCEPTED PAID FOR OR NOT • '67 BUICK Convr. $129 6 '65 OLDS CUTLASS $8 9 6 Skylark. F'ul! !)O\VPr, 2 Dr. H.T. Full po\\'er. a ir cond. Good milrs.. air rond .. good miles. 1043AVVi tNOX057 1 '65 CHEV. Impala $896 : '64 FORD PICKUP $1096 S.S. Full pov;pr. air \V\th campe: shell. cond., i;ood n1iles. VS. R&H. (N.18760 1 <0X0857J '66 FORD WGN. $996 '66 FALCON Wqn.$1096 Country Sed. Po\\·er. Radio, heater. _a uto· air cond., ll.ulo., VB , mauc. good mile.!.. .1<00d miles. ISAA196l (RUZ19."o1 FORD -LTD-GALAXIE- TOR INO-WAGON SALE Many to choose from I '65 thru '70 Models, Sport Roofs, Formals, 2 door ond 4 door Hardtops and Se- dans. Full power, air conditionin9. Warranties avail- able. EXAMPl.E : 1970 FORD GALAXIE 500 2 ~r. H.T. VS, a utom atic. full power, a ir co~dit:onr119. good mile~. l94JAKCI OUR PR.I CE $2796 '69 MACH I $1 99 6 '65 PLYM . Satellite 5 796 Spor t roof. Radio, -HT. Ra dio. he11ter. heatrr. Jl!~\\·er strrnns;:, ~li t" .. P S., t;ood miles. a n· .-ond1!1orun;::. good (TGi\1592 1 milrs. ( YPU7611 '66 MERC. WGN. $1096 '&5 CADILLAC 1696 r11ll P""'"f , ill,. ~nnd .J Cnl,..n v Pnrk 9 Pa~.<. . Full l~\\'fT, air \'"tlli , _ Vii•· n11lr>s. <827(1ft:• gnnd n1tl rs. 1 SSl::~!)~1 '71 TORINO Wq'.$3396 ;6~,r;?~~,LfID,_,,.,$2296 O\,·ncr tninsferred. approx. 6."oQ milrs: V-8, P S., f~r 1 . a ir, i;!Ood ho\1·er, auto .. radio. n111,,~. vi nyl roof. ea!cr & extras. \Varranty a1·ailablt. 1XSS,llfi1 \064CQR1 Used Car SaJ~ Prices Efft'ct11·e 72 !'lours Aftl'r Publ1cat1on Brand New TORI NOS 550 ROPE THE ONE YOU WANT . AND MOVE IT OUT! OVER FACTORY INVOICE ON ANY NEW 1971 GT-HARDTOP-SEDAN IN STOCK. EFFECTIVE THRU 1/21/71 BRAND NEW RANCHEROS DRIVE PINTO WITH MANY "CUSTOM" MODELS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ANY NEW 1971 RANCH ERO IN OUR STOCK Effect1vt Thru 8 22/'71 OVER 100 IN STOCK! Fot•get Tlie Window Sticker WE MUST MOVE 'EM OUT! $ 50 ~~~~y CAMPER SALE! New ELDORADO s50 OYU NAV.&JO II' Cob O•er ~.4CTORY fl b lbl 180 7S8bl INVOICE New ELDORADO $50 nv" SHAWNEE 11 ' Cnb 0¥ar ~.6CTOR'f (55 21 19075561 INVOICE New ELDORADO $50 0 ,., COMANCHE 11 ' Cob O•er ~.t.CTORY f859 l l 8 152J6l INVOICE New ELDORADO .$5 0 ovu 50101.A 11 ' MAT.I.DOii FACTOll'r' (18001 1902lib6 l IHVOICI New ELDORADO s50 OYU SHAWNEI 11' C•P o.,, FACTORY 12388 1 (~078b6l INVOICE Eve ry camper and Motor Home in our Big Stock Now at Clearanc• Discounts. LABOR DAY CAMPER PACKAGE SPECIAL New 1971 El Dorado bn New 1971 Ford F-1 00 I' c.h ,.., OHo. $3995 we ctm!'n• wi•h ,fnv•, ov8n, Ice bnir. 10 9tl. ""•'•' lonk , dbl. •'•in1 8<t 1tael 1i~k. d>nelle,, fully ·~ui !'ped. 10-46b \ ( 100b77) CAMPER & TRUCK COMPL ETE ""•NEW '71 F·IOO !on9 b~d •tvl ,.,;d, l';,~u ro. JbO Vt, r odi~. hn .. ter. ha••v duty ''""' &-,.,., '"""'I' ' b.o.,v .• tc. ~Tl'l7-4 l l .l'I O'f ll.M20l6J ) . A ,1· service facilities on the West Coast / / ~ 81/z acres of the most modern Ford sales and ,,,. .';' \J ,..,., /,.......,__,,/; ~' ~RIVERSIDEfWYTheodore . ,.--.....z... __ , ,.;/ .. GARDE:~&:: r~/ R 0 bi n s SALES DEPT. HOURS · · ~~/ ~o@~Al~~~~+f~ Ford SERVING : li:J. 'J , :;f!!:4t ~~ SINCE :eit,/ a ~ :!5 C0 , , : , ¥,. 1921 , • COAST o:i o:i n:t' "\ \ ~D / HIG"'"Y ~ C-" \ 'Irr~ _ ~-~olAArit. .__. ·-· I I ,..--.. 17Ttt --====---' • li ttlfll!' ~ ' . ~p~' ,I· "---' _.,1..-.:;......::,:'"'"11 1v ,...._ ... ,,-.. 2060 Harbor Costa Mesa <lf!i>' 642-'0010 •.................... 1 ....................................................................... . 8 AM TO 9 PM MON-FRI 8 AM TO 6 PM SAT 10 AM TO 6 PM SUN I PARTS-SERVICE HOURS 7 AM To 9 PM MON 7 AM To 6 PM TUE-FRI I PARTS DEPT. ONLY 8 AM to I PM SATURDAYS ... . '~ ,·