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1971-08-25 - Orange Coast Pilot
7 .; 1 • Judge Out Newport Charge Fuel Oil Blobs Voters Kiek Out •oathe~ 3rd Seal Beaeh_ Private Heaeh City Couneil1nan DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * WEDNESDAY AFTERNOO N, AUGU ST 25, 197 1 VOi., '4, HO, lot, 6·SICT IONS. 11 l'AOl.I High Bise Kitty U"\ T•lo""I• "Squeakv," a Siamese ca1:look ~.~ession of t?l is.bird•hou.se in·A lbfo n, ~licH .• dfspilt · 4ts.ippto~a.J. · ~~ i:ie_ighbnrjng bt,cw· sg_u_itr~·~s .. who _prev. iously ' had wested ·it frOm ·()flgtnaJ w1n·ged ocrup.a nts. Cat's owner. John<Re{>ec. a.dogiWaR!en •for Calhoun Cou nt,-, setUed the argument by rem,0vin~ the ca t. • Vote1·s· Sweep Out TI1ird Seal Beach Cou11cil1na11 B~ RUnl f\°IEOZIELSKI 01 !tit ,,.llY to1Mt It.., Se81 Beach voter!': .!:lruck Thom.:is Hoganf s name frnm the city council list T1.1e8day niAhl and wrote in the name of 1 2'-year.Old l!chool te11cher. They elected Thom1.11 B11rnes lo .11uc· ceed Hogard 11~ councilman durin.R" the city's th ird rtca11 election in six monthll . Barnes h11<t failed to c<illect lhe sur- ricienl amount of signatures to have hi.11 name placed nn th,. nHitia l hallol. Ht'. won the election through an active wri !e· in campaign . Hogard, lhl' h1.111 remaining member nr 1 thrtt·way vnring bloc which 11.11.11um~ power in July 197{1, was recalled by I 780 lo .,, vote. Hi~ former ''f"lf.ing partner~ ~·tori'! removed from office in two previous • rt:c::il1 l'lection!I. COUTK'ilm:in Cnnu.•iv .I. F'uhrman "'8.'\ ousted in 1\.1arr.h .... ·he.n II~ percent nl lhose "'"hn voted npposl'd him and Councilm11n Mnrlrm A. Raum lost hi., ~eal in July when liO ptrcP.nt of those who turnt.d out vottd a~a1nsl him. Hogarrl lrn;t hi:ii office TueMl<'Y by 1 6.'1 Pflr~nT mar11in. The high .11chool teacher wQn hi.11 wril.e· In camp;iign by defeating lhP nffici11J c11n· didal e. busines.11 executive .l11mes W, DuM Jr., with "' .11c;int 17-voltt m;irgin. The t;illy iihowf'rl 52.1 \•otc.~ for 8.:imes anrt 5(Ni for Dunn. R.:imf'll 11eff'atrrl llunn 1n lhrre nf !ht> four prtcincls but Inst In nunn 1n Prf'clnct :'I The eler:t1nn lnvn!vecl nnly HoA::irrl ~ Councilm11nir n illtr1f'f Ont> "-'ll1ch cover! (See HOG A.RD. Page 21 it • rv1ne 00 ove ets u Air Cal A warded CASPERS TELLS HI S OW N S1'0Rl' Oro:inr_e l'nun1~· fHlh 0 1stric! Sacramento Trip Super\·ii;or Rnnalrl Casptrs of Nev.·port Be;ich h;iii reprised his first mnnths in nff1rl' and nffrrf'd hi.~ ::in:1Jyi;1~ nf lhP tllmll!i° in ro11nty i;n1'P.rnmrn1 rlunng A ·wide-ranging 1n-rlrpth lntrr\'irw with th e DATLV Pll..OT Fnr Caspers' v1ews in lhl" quP.~l inn-anli·ani;v.•er .'lession . see Pa~e J t.od11 y. B,\' L. PETl.11 KR lt::(i 01 1~1 Otllv "•lat U11! Air C;i1ifnrn1a Tu esda~· v.·;i.~ !old 11 can Initiate rhe firs!·Pver nnnstnp f!1,1!hts rrnm Or::inge Coun ty Airpnrt In 5:icrarnenrn. The C;ilifnrn1;i Puhli c \ltll i!1r~ \nm· n1 issinn auhhnnzl'cl four fl1.i::h1i; ln1n1 !hr lnc;il airfield In lhe s!:ilt! c11pit.nl. 1""" nf lhem nonstop and tv.·o or them 1·1a San Jose. Air Cal1fnrnia Prrsirten1 Ro0Cr1 W. Cl il· f0rd s.:iirl lh1.~ mom1ng lhP serv1re will start ~Ppt. 22. He alsn :;;airl lhr :ir11rn1·;il dnr." nnt, me;in thPre "•ill he ;in incrf'ase 1n !hf' number Qf Air Cal fl ights inln and out of Dt1 r id (,'ro sby, Frie11,d s Cf ear ed Of Dru g C lit1rgc.~ ll.N'~ i;1n,l!er D;:1 v1d Crn.~hy ::ind {11·r frtend~ arresl.cd .Junf' !I 1n ~ewpnr! Br11r ti on m;:1r ij ut1n<1 ch;ir~cs wrre PIParrli of <1ll ch11rge~ thi~ week H;irhnr .Jurl1r1:1I 01."tnrl .JudcP ~,1·rrrlt \\'. [)irkey rl1~m1~"Prl 1111 ~1 x c;:1.~r.\ i\1on· d11v hi>r;iu~r of ini;uff\ri rni Pvitirnc1>, Clc11re1I of m:iriju;ina p n ll ~ e S s 1 n n rh;ir,i::r~ .11lnnR "'ith Crroshy "'rrr: -1..l'Rny S. Finn fle, ~2. whn r_;:ive his 3rtclres~ 11~ Crosby·~ ~·achl. "l\.1ayan .'' -(;wrt• f:. WAfkf'r. :ti. nr 2.172 Bav~hnres Drive. Newpnrl Brach. ~Rohert O. \\'ll5ft n. :tO nr 900 Lido P:irk Drive, Nl'wpnrt Reach. -Sht llcy I.. Rner.ker. 1!'1. nf Hnllywoorl. -K;:11herine L. Ro h t r I 1 o n , \IJ. Hollvwnnd. C~osbv. 2!1. lhe le11der nf the folk rock Rroup Crnsby. Still~. N.:ish anli YnunR. was 11rre111ed June 9 vdth hill frlPnd~ nn his vachl. 11nchored "' the t1mp in the Lido. Shipyard in Newprirt Harhor NPwpnrt Reach Police i;:laime<I l.hrv 15po1te<I mariju11na fl nalinR tin top nf I.he 11•;it.er 11rn11nrl Crosy's yacht. 11f1er heAr· inR the bilRP pump~ operate. Judge Dickey v.·as disinclinedt however. T es l T e nned l-l aza rd 1.,0S ANC',ELE~ t AP ) -f''ive of seven, sovernment. agencies which ~tudied potential efl ttL• of a nuclear test in the Aleutian Islands warn nf h;iiards, Sen. Mike Gravf!l. (£>.Alaska l, say.11. But Gr11vel I.old A new~ conference Tlle!<cla v. "I have tired for lhrre v.·eek~ In Ret th11't .~1urly and I c;in'I e'•en gel the cnurtcsy or 11 reply." r.r11vf'I 1t<11d the v.·e.:ipon~ trst cnuld tri11.Rf'r !40 rarlhqu;i k, lh11t m.:1\• 1nurh nrf !4 hui;:" r1d11l wt1\'I' 1n th" Pacific H' ~11 1d !he Atomic Energ~· Cnmm1ss1on m11de the study 001 he dirln 'I. identify the nther agencies v.•h1rh partic ipated Orange County, v.·h1ch nn"' total 24. JUSl under !be cnntracl !1m1t. HI' ,o;a ld thP .::iirhnf' v.ill rlrnr ;:i! !Past an f'fjt1al number nf fh.i::hr,~ 1n San 01ri::n . The rerluct1nn nl San Diego .~rr v1ce v.•a::; lnn.i::·rl;inned. Clifford sa1rl . anrl "'Ill be el· rrcfi1·p &>pt. R. l!iffnrl1 al~ noted Iha! Air Ca lifornia alrradv ser,·es San Jose and those s.::ime f!1.i::h1s 'v.·1!1 be u.~ecl for the !wn connector rn111es , Hr s::i1rl a i::rhrrl11l r h:i ~ not 1•r! hrPn rlr1rrn1 1n1>-l hu l 1hcrr wil! hr nnp parlv rnor111nc !llJ;?ht. onr at nfl(1n. 11ne mid· nf1rrn(l(ln anrl nnr r1rn111~ fli,i::ht Thr I'! r· r.~r;:ih ll~hffi lhr f:+rr lnr a nnr 11:1 1 l1r l.rt. nnnstnp nr nlhPrv.·1.~r. a1 ~22, 01•li1d1n1? !a~ Thr rarr tn S;in Frn1r·1 ~rn ti' no"· $21 fin In ;ipprn11n.i:: lhP Or:ini::~ !'nlln!y - S;:1rratnrntn fl1gh1~. thr rt ·r Tur~d ;iv ;:il~n gr:intrrl /\1r C';1l1fnrn1a rn11tr :111thnr1 11 f!'nm OnlArin tn S:iPr:iinr n!ri . hut w1!h 11 ~1npn1·rr al Or:+ncr ('nvnt1 Thi• routP v.dl hr !hr nnn5tnp (}ran~f Cn11nll' In S:if'r:in1Pnln fl1,e:h1 Sevrr11I other rnu1e~ wrrP c:r::intrl1 !n Air (';il1fnrn1.:i ;:1nrl In r;iC'1 f1r Snuthv.·p ~t Airl1nr,<;. r SA w;is ,1:1vrn :iu!hnritv tn llv lrnn1 Rurh:ink nnn.~tnr In S;ier:imf'nln ;inrl frn111 San [)i('i:11 1n Sacramentn, \'la Rurh;ink o11nd Oakl.:ind r SA ;il~ has 11pplir:it 1nn.~ fnr !'>rf\'if'" In Or:+n~P ('n~1ntv frnm hn!h Rurh.:ink .:inrl Oakl:inrl bcfnrr !hr rue but that ca.~e ha.~ nnl vr! OCen hr11rd. Sinr(' ·PS/\ rlnrl' nnt. h;il'P tern11n;il .~pllCP. ;:11 lhe locAI R!rf)(lrt however . 1hP. O>unty Rnard nf Supervi!IOrll ;ind se ve;r;1I munic1p:il1r1cs h11ve taken .'ltrnn,1t stand:'!' 1n nrpn111tinn l.n the reqUP.st and see chanrei; lnr approval a,r; shm . F in<lnce Woes Get 'e in Dotv1i Fuel Oil Blobs 'Bathe' Nixon's Private Beach Pre.~1drnl N1xon'll pri1·:l.1P hPach 11nd !hr i\1::irinr Corp;; ~horPl i ne rln"·nrro<ist rPPP!l 'Pd ;i dn~e of t)('ran11n1 ni;: /\avy fuel nil Tl!f'.~'1il v . <'rP"'~ frnm ('<i nlfl rrrrilr\nn h;irl !hr tilnh~ nf fuPI nil rlranrd up quickly, .~pnkP.~mrn .~:11r1 lnl1a 1, f)psp1tl' .~nn1r ;:1ppr::iranrr~ nl !hP ,e:m nn lhr rn.::i.<.!hnf" hrl"""" San Onnfrl' ~nri l"l:io:i Pn1nr . thP hulk of lhP ;irr1rlrnt,1ll.v sp1llt:"ri fur.I rPni<11ns al ~ra anli s0me of 1t 1s s1nk 1n.'! or hre;:1krn.'! up Thi' ~m;:il! blnhs of larry nil <ipfJP:arrrl with thP. rl:11•·n !OO:i.v ;:11 Cnl!nn'.s Pn1nt ;inrl al.~n .~mP:irPrl .~nmr JY!rl.1nn.~ nf !hi': .~:i ods on hc;irhC'S up and dn"·ncnas! n( ! hP Pre~ident "" hnmf" PrP.~1rlf'nt1:il F'rr$~ Ser rPl<'lf\' non 7.1r2lrr wn;; ri11nterl Tue~rl.:i v a;; ::;:l\'!n.Q: thP rrei;1rlrnl w;i:o: "cr.rta1nl~' rnnrerne<I" ahnut the 011. OthP.r rf'prirts quoted lh>! chit>f ex· rcutive as saying he "'ant.ed nQ spe;cial treatment on his beach by the. cleRnup cre"''!I. Despite. lhe. ;:ippe;irance of snme p;il.ches of gnn and sv,,irtly acting Navy .;ind Marine cleanup cre~·s. the oil slic k is far frnm a disaster Beach a!tenclance Tuesday along the South C.Oast w;is better than average And ~"·immers werf' more in jeapordy from TRE:NTON. N .. r. IU PI f -Se.vf'n he a\'y ~urf than the floating blobs, pl"rMns wi!h the li<1me prnbl P m~ IHe~uards said. will meel Saturda.v ln seek :o:ym· San Clemente'!'! rcsrue!I totaled ahnul p:ilhy from eai:h nlhf"r . fi.'i Tursliay -lhr Averajll'e lnr a hu~y Th!!y've found l111 lr ~ymnathy weekend. n!lr a lonr wcekday-beca 11~e nf else where. bccRu~r they sh;ire lhl': hf11 vy surf anrl ~nmt riptides. problems nl becoming "nvernight Na vy sfXlke!lmen ""'Y expert.~ stil l .:ire millionaires'' in I.he New Jer~ry Int· trying to determine. the Amoun\ of hea vy lf'r~'· fuel nil whirh w;is mistakenly spHl t d nH "The first vr;ir !I 101·ome 1ax i~ Sari Clemente Island last weeke nd 11s !he the blggesl problem for ;ill." said Oile.r USS M:in11tee; di.!1pensed fuel lo the Edward Henry, J9. e I e e. t e d aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga. 1pokesman for lhe mll1inn11ires. A v11Jve w;is <iccidentally left oPen tiy a Henry, a trlcphnne companv cre:wman, causinl{ the spill i.nlo the sea. employe ;ind 11. resident of lh'e Officials predicted appearance~ of !"Jl'WArk suburb of West Caldwell, f h · f d also !isled "the rosl nf lawvers ll nd patches o l e litrry nuisance or ays to · comP. on South Coast be.aches. ;icrnuntants" P.mnng the "mu!ulll This morning's concentratinn :1eemcri prnhlem:1" of I.hr lnttery winn<'rs. l.n be alonp; San Clemenle Stale Park ;~:i~u~~i~L meet at an unc:Hsclosed Re11rh 11od !he Ri\!ier11 beach upcoast 1n San Clemrntr f.;irh of thf' ~ven "'ill r1>ce1 vr S511.l100 pa.vmenl,11 each year fnr 2n Earllf'r in thr wf'e.k Dnhenv SlillP P;irk .l'l"<lrS. Sn far. lhev hll\'t recel\'td Bt'ach 11nd lhl' IJ(>11f h rn::id 'i:nlnn~· v.·cre nnl~· the first tnstallmenl. hit by streak!I n( tar le.fl ::ifl tr h111.h tide. , __________ __; ___ _, • Navy crews c:leantd up most or thAt. I l Publication Fu11ds Win Board's 01( A moVP to create a new city of Irvin« got ;i gentlf! push forward Tuesday from lhto Ort1ngr County Board or S!Jpervisors. The bnarrl, led by Fifi.I Distric t S11rcrvi.~0r Rl"nald Caspers, voted I.It allo"· U1e $llOO expense that ·will bs r re;iled by the publicalion of the city's in· cnrporatinn proposals Caspers said the publ ication will allow lhe boarri In SPI a hearing for possible pr!ltests 1ntn cily 1ncorpora!ion. That pro- ced1ire, hf' i;airl . will be followed by th l sett1n~ nl an election date for voting by residents nr [)le prP.sent community. \rPat1nn of a cnmmu nily that v.·lll have. .::in 1nit1::il ;irrP<'l,llP nf more rhan 18.000 arT"S has bf'en apprnverl by tht Orangt loun_t~· Lncal Agenc)I Formation Com· m1ss1on. Glass \Vindow 111 j urcs Woman A vnuni: San C"\ement.e woman suffered severe gashes on ll~r legs Tuesday when shr accldr.nta!Jy walked through a sliding ~lii~S dllOr, Pn!irf' s;:11rl Sv lv1 ;i l\1ae Hamden. 19, su fferrd srvered blond vessels 1n one knee and se\·erat other dl'ep cuts in the 11 4fl a.m. n11shap al 2603 Del Com· mPrc10 Thf' "'nm:in wa ~ !re;ited for lol'S ot hlnOO and the severe r.uls at Sou th Coast Community Hospital where !he: was taken !n the city's fire departme nt station wagon . Coast Weather Th~ temperature; wi ll be In the mid-70'!'1 11.Jong the coa5UJne today 11nd Thur.!lday rl11lng to the low 80's inland. !.AlW!I klnlght prf!dicted tn the M's. \.ood da y for the beach-- that is. if you 're not working. INSmE TODAY rn,. \\11>5f,m1n.!tl!T Community Thear.rr mnrk3 it.~ JOt.n. 4nniver· sriry Fr tdn11 roi.tl1 n musical comedy, •'Once Upon o. Mat· tress." See Enterta inment, Page 31. lllMl!llt Jl C1lltot"'• I (.ltltf CG•llff 11 C~tclll11' U11 I C.1111111.C 4,.U Ctm l~• Je Cr0t1Wflrd 10 Olll~ NGtlrt • t or .. a•r•t t lidl!a•it l tt11t I lll!tfll lf! .... ~I JO.JI i1'1~11't• U·1' l>lt•et<-l,I ..... ~llldtfl ,. "'•HIN>~ I Mlfrl1 .. LI<-t MM 111 S..-vkt tt-l't Mevlt• •11 Mllt\I .. llW!Mlt M Ntll~1111 1'1""11 W 0•1"9t C:.0011t'I' e S1h•l1 f'trt.r ti iH<"h ll•lt llOCll: ""'"'" , .. ,, T11e .. 1ue11 Jt Tltttl9" Ji.Jl Wttl!llr I Wtllt. Wt tll 11 Wll"lll't Nt WI ~ ltlt .. 1111 ...... •• l.... • ... . • . . ' . 4 • • _,... ___ . ,. f OAIL ~ PllltT ' Lockheed's Loa11 Appeal Hits Snag 9.'ASHINGTON 1UPJ1 -A decision on u:hether to grant a S2~ nul11l'.ln govern· men1.guarant!f!d loan tn the fln1.nc1 ally troub1t'd Lnckheed Alrrrjj,fl Cnr p., wa~ ·~s~pt1ned toda\· b\' the Federa l Bnard CN'llted by Cnngres~ 10 rle11I wnh 1hat is.•ue_ Aftt'r meeting for two <1nd a half hlXlr~ ·the bnard annnuncPd on!~· lhat 11 "will mee1 again la ter. 81 a d.!lte to bt $fl! !n enn11nue rnnsiderat1nn of !ht Lockheed ll'lan dpplirat1on " Th,. board is composer! of Tre,,s11ry Ser rt-rarv .John P, Conn ally .Jr . rha1r- m:in Arthu r F Burns of the FedPral RI'· ser\•e Svstem and Chairman William J Casey Ot 1he Secunt>es and Exchange Commission , Cnnnally was lhe Ar!m1n1strat1nt'l 'S chi~! champion of pr0vir!ing: a loan rn Lock· heed tn a!low 1hr big firm In ;il'Prt bank· ruptc~· wht!n the 1ssut .,.,,a!i ~fnre Cl'Jn· ~ss. Bur the :iH1turle nf Burns aorl Casey tnw<'lrd the lo<'!n g11arantt"e was never re1·ea led. At least 1 .... ·o of tht. threP member~ must tfipro1·e the loan gua rantte before it c11n bt made. Lor kheed . thr na11nn 's 33rd largest cnr- ~atit'Jn . savs ii nrPds !h"' $2.11} millll'Jn to ct'l!Tlple!t building th~ Tr1st<1r h1termedi- a te tange .Jetliner which 1,1•ill compete «iilh the Mr 01'1nnell·Douglas DC-10, al - rt'adv in servi~. Without the 1611n. Lorkh"'M SH,\'~. it "'ill Jose the $1.4 bill ion alread~' invested in the airplane and be forced into bank- Iuptcy. Priso n Guard Buried SACRA,0,1Er>.11'0 !UPI) f r a nk ~Lel'Jn. the San Quentin gu:t rd whn pri s- on rf:ic1als said found a g1Jn in Genrgl! Jae! nn 's hair and .,.,.as slain a few moments la ter. "'a.s buried here Tuesday. Funeral service!\ wrre ht"ld earlier 1n Petaluma, whf!re DeL€on , 44 . li ved with his wife Vivian and their five children. Del.eon 1s also survived by his parents. 1'.lr.s . Charlotte Caligarri and Prank P. 't>eLeon. both of Stnckton. OIAHCil COAST DAllY PllOT H1 .. t.ft•1 S-ii f .. 1t.t1 Yel..., s.. c1 ...... OltANGE COAST ,.UBLISHING COM,.ANV Ri.b1rl N. W11d r rft ,0"'1 11\d ,.110lltlll'f J eck It C11rl1v VIA ,.,..Jdw.t 1r.d Gt"trtl o\ll"•ltr T~or•u1-1(11vil EO•!Ot 1ho"'tl A. M urph;~• M1"t Gl"f Edi .... Ch1rl1i M. li.01 Rich1rd '· Nell Anll~t"I MtMglng Edl!M1 Offi<M Co.ti Mt'I: llO W""I 81y Sit~ 111--1 attc~: nn l'rwriort 1w~w1rd L•f""' a ... ch: In Forest "'"""'"' Mv,.tlftg"°1' Bttcll: 1117" a11c0t !.Gult vt •d ~'" c11 ....... 11; :»S NO<"lll fl Ctml~ ltHI 0.1.ILY ~l lOT . WIT)\ -tell I) '"°"'"lr.tc \~· H•wto·l'r-.1. " -ll1hf'd dl dY t•(•()! !v~ lltV I" ·~""'-e<1orr..,, !Ot L1g""'1 ,., ... H.......ort l•lc~. !'..O'ltt Ma,1, l'<V"li"9'"" e .. c.,, """'"''l" v111ev. .St" '''"'"'''' C111l1Tr1t'IO e-d S•OOl!~!Cl<. 110-~ "''"' ~ rev-11 Dll•OI~. l'·t~(•D!t l 11•••!1-q Dll"t II II "° WRO! 8 1v Slrro., CO•!• ............ Ttl-,he11 11141 '41-4321 Cl...JflM Ad.,.r1l1l1t '42-S,7t Se• Cl-'9 All D•••rt!Hlh} T1lepfle.111 4f2·442D ' c"""·1~M. 1111, o .. ,,~, t~••I "vbl""'-.O CC"'lll"Y. .... "t'•" •fl>P'I"", •lfin"•'I""'' ~d,t<>t•tl "'""" M ~dven•••"'""'' ,.,....,., .,,.~ 0( tfO'""'\VC.fd w,!~O)UI J~,.I (>ft· ,..,,,...,... of copy•i;h! -..er. SoctP'ltl cl•n """'~•c ""'~ •+ ~e""ll"r' llurlo '"' Cot'• "'"""· C•"'O'"I•. .Sllflt(f•I>""' bv €•"'"' n H ""~"'" y, bv "'~II '' 'S "'O""''Y• mll1!1•~ (lf't:\"11'0"1, '1.1) ,.,.,..,1~1y, 43 STORES • • CA ILY .. ILOT Siii! P~M8 PRESIDENT DISCU SSES VIETNAM WITH NEW PARIS NEGOTIATOR PORTER !LEFT), DR. KISSINGER Former Ambass1dor to Kore• Prais td as 'a Highly Capable Negotiator' Nixo11 Meets Nixon Studying Cliina New Paris Negotiator l 11 Preparatio11 for Trip By JOllN \'AL TERZA 0! !~e ClilY P':I~! S!lf1 President Nixon mtt wilh his new top negotiator at the Paris Peace talks Tues- day ln u·hat is t xpected Lo be one of the last formal function at the \\'estern \V h1!e House during the currtnl 1,1·orking \'ara· tion . Operat ions sh1ft erl back In the Laguna Beach press headquartPrs tnda.1· as lhe President resumed a routine nf ~1011·-par· ed studv and meeting 11·11h a handful of adl'1sers. On Tuesd;iy V.'ill1Am .!. Pn1·1 et mrl fnr a h(lu t an hiiur \l'ilh the President !n discuss the thrust of lhl' bargaining tffort \n Paris. Press Secretar~· Rnn Z1rglrr "·ould .i;n·e n11 .o.pei;lfie details (If I.he t:ilk s. bu! h,, praised lhP forrnP.r AmbAsadnr to Korea as "a highly f'ap;i.ble neg11tiato1·." Pl'lrtl'r. a slight. S1'111·srnken m;in 11·11h th111. gra y hii ir, IA'ill arrivt in Pari.s Sep!. 1 after s1nppinR off in V.'itshin~r on and his ho1ne 1n Boston rn clean up personal mt1l · ter~. Zie~lPr ~11ir1 . The rnnfrrenre vnrh Pnrl rr th,, nnl v ~cheduled eve11t at !he Presidf!nt ial cn~ pound this IA'el'k Attnrne~· Genera! And fl1rs . Joh n M1!ch t l! pa1rl a s•c1al rall nn the Pres1 dent later Tuesday, staying only a short time. Thus far I.he annual August tnp IA'est has been a 101,1•-ktyed hle.nrl nr con· ferences 11•1th a fpl\; a1de.s. phone rails In \\'ashingt{ln and med1ta!.1on by Lhe chief l'Xl"rU lll'P Elven ~1 xnn 's Clff 1r.e rn11!1nt" -11·h1rh r>n busy San Cl emente stays starts with the d;i11·n -1s starling lat.er In 1hl' di!,\', i1:1xon ·,~ wnrkdA y bei.;:an ;it ~am Turo;. da\. Ziegler ~a ir1 . Twn prime issue~ il/'I' capturing !he Prl"s1rlen!'s at!entinn durin& !he u·nrktn~ 1·acation -!hP impact nf N ixon ·~ v:a l!!e· price frt"eze and the pol1t1cal cllm;ite in Snrrth \'1eln;im 7.11"_;;!et' has rema1nrd 1ai;ue on !hf' \Yh1te Hnuf',P rnll' 1n the rnn11nu1n,g lf'l'ISiOn tn Snu!h rietnam('Sf' p1'11Jt1r« He h11s ;uim1ttrd hl1\\'P1·Pr, rha1 1h• F'rr•,.1rlp n1 ha.< hrf'n "In l'Pr:> rlo.~e 1nuch" 111rh .c;tarf 1n s.,,1,eon \nn1 ,or,c ;:rl 1nn~ Fi lf;n 111·p frrrpirnt, hf' F,;i1d. 11·11h TrPa~11r1· ~rrrrt 11r1 .l<'hn (-nn n;i!l l' 1n \\'a.ch1no:lon. 11'h1"t I ~ kPPp1n~ th rrrs1dent up-to-rlate nn thr ecnno m1r r1c- turr RE~O ! l'P! • -Th~ Rt nn ar~a \l'il" sl1i;:h111 rl'lcktd Tue.sd ::i.1 b~ ;in t::i rthq11akr ll'tlh a ma~n1ruti1" of three. nn the Ri1h!er sr::ilf' By RELEN TR0~1 AS V~I Sllff Wrltor President l\'1:.:on 1s stud.vlng books nl! Ch1 na and keeping a top secret label on plani; for his trip to Peking y,•hich may takP pl;:i re liitl' thi.c ~·e.1r. A high "'h itr Hnu~,, offir\a! "'ho e::irlirr l111d tnrliratrd thfl1 Nixnn 'i; "Jnurnry fnr Peace" woulr1 be unrlert.:iken 1n rarly 1~72 nn11• is sa.ving 1he President will tril 1·el '·sooner ra1her than l;il('r.'' Thr only deflrlline the \\'hite House h ;i11 ~1 ven i!i "hefnre ~·!;:iy" to kepp 11 0tll of lhe realm nr partisan politics durtng ;in elecrinn ye;:ir. l\1xnn said at hi s news rnnfrrence Aug. 4 1hat there would be extensive negot1a- l1nns fnr lhf' ht~lnric 1·1s1t lo the Chine~e n1a1nland within the next t11·0 or threi: mnnrhf' But lhrre Arf' nn fu1·1hrr hi nt.~ nn the rreparations. PrPSS Serretary 11ona lr1 L. Z1e!!IPr tnlrl newsrnen, 1n re.~pon.~e tn a flUP.<!ion ,\1nnrlfl,V that neither 1.hP Prl'51· f1,,nt nlir Hl'nr~· A. Kissinger. his Nfl!i(lnil l SP<'urtt,v Afl;i 1rs Adl'l.~nr. h;:i .~ heen 1n tnuch with rcpresen1at1ves of Lhe Pe0ples Rrpubl1c of Chin;:i Ziegler also said fl;it.ly "no cnndit1nns" ha\'e bee11 set by either side on the \'ls1t Alan Shepard To Be Ad1nirn.l I\' A s H r ~' c; r n N 1rr 11 AmericA·.~ first man in spacP. Alan R Sherarrl .Jr . will be rl,,1·a.terl In admiral h~' thr :-.•avy Thursda~· ~ thP first a~!rnnaut !n ach1e1'e ~t ar rank Thi" PPntfll"nn flnnn11nc rrl tor1Av lhflt ;:i prnmn!inn rrrrmnn~· 11·11! l!l ~r rl.-rr 1n thP OffirP nf :-;a1·y Sr rrrtitr \' .lnhn H !'hafef:' .ShPpilt:rl. 47, hPl';jl))f' 1~P f1rot An irrtr;in in ,c;p;rrl' 1\1;i_1 j, l ~fi l It 11;:i~ ii lj·n11n 11!r. ?~-.<N'(•tlrl rid P 1n :>. l1n1 , brll-sh,qprrl l'ilps1ilP nflmerl Frrrrl1'1n1 7 ThP ll1~hl tnok h1ni p;<rt -11·;11 flcrn~,c; !hC' A!l;int1r Orf';in h111 nnl t'l p;irlh nrh1t :ind rx· pnscrl h1tn In ::illnul f1 1·e m1ntJles nf 11 r1;:;hl lf',<;snrss l ,;i~! Frhn1;:i r1. mflk1nc h1< f1r•t !11cht 1n ~p;i r,, ~1nrp Frrl'rlom 7, Shrp;irrl l.:indrrl nn lhc mnnn. ;i<; rnmn1::inrlrr !'If tl1P Apollo I~ m1~~1nn , with Alan Bean. YOUR CENTER WITH FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS AND HELPFUL IN ALL ON SERVICE. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING BOTH FRONT AND REAR . MALLS. STREET LEVEL er the a!;enda Arkansas Rep. \Vilbur !'>i1Jls , a possible Democratic pres1dtnt1al candidate, h.:id suggested that snme co n- d111nns m.'l y have been placed on the trip u·hich wr111ld put a crimp in :-.·i x.on's lrav<'I pl;ins. TherP is .~prr·111a11on Iha!. /l.'1xnn m;;iy sf'nd ;i hiirh-l p1·el de legal inn nl rrn1n111ent An1erifans. 1nclurling Chinrse srhnl;irs. Lo Pr>k1ng tn f11nhPr hrr~k the ice anr1 to P"I'" the 11'.'l.Y frrr his ;irril'al. \\'hile Chinese f'ren11Pr C~11u f:n-[.;ij h;i~ freel y expre~sed his \'1ews nn a ran~e rif suh 1£'cls rf!rlain to he cnvererl in the unrrl'cf'r1l'n1f'd tAlks u•1 th Nixon , the \\'h11 .. Housp has rPma1ner! mum, lri his sprerhes t\Jxon drama11zr s his .1ourne~· as the forerunner nf Pl'ent;; thal \\'Ill lead !o a generation ;ind e1·en longer of 11·orld peare. F1•111r1. Page 1 HOG ARD. •• thr sra\1•;irrl !i1rle rof Se;il B<"ach's "Old Tnwn " .:inrl 1hf' Surf.~tde rnlon y_ Recall rrnponrnts beg an lhe1 r :i c1 1 v1le.~ a ~·pflr flgo in July whrn lhr poll'er hlor nf Hoc1u·rl, l31111n1 and Fuhrman d.ecidrrl 1n n1rs-1 fnriner ('il.v M<1nager Lee Risnef, nnw rn1pln~·rd in I ,;i Habrfl. Thp new counl·ilrn11.n c.1mr;il,1.1nrrl ::11< A cnn.~rrvatinnis1. l(p Wfln!s lo prrserve lhP s1na ll tnwn ('h;ir;ictrr of lhr t·itv hv in- 1·nking hri,ch! limlls Aga1ns1 h11ilr1.in,c~ fl nrl r1isrn11r.:1ging aprirtn1pnt co11s1n1C'tirin. ~ ' GEM TALK TODAY by OIAMONO S YOU MAY HAVE NEVER ~EEN f--l;:i\·e _1·nu ei-f'r ~(>('n ;i hlark or bro\\11. hlue nr pink d1.:1mnnrl? They do e111sl , and $fln1e <'Ire ex tremely \"<lluable, f!s is the h!ne diamond ;i.nd lht! rrlnAry d1a1nond v.•1th IL'i clc-<1r yellov.· hue. \rin1 1he excC'ptinn of bl11r , A to11ch nf any of lhese colors in the v.:h1te d1rirnond a v;:iiJable to most. or ur-lessen~ the s1one',!; value. as rlo (';irbon ::;pot.~ 1na"''s) or po<tr cuthn;::. .1\Hhou;::h the~e lnily magn1f1cent r\1amonrls are r<1r e, lhey are oc· ca.~ionally a1·a ilrth le : and if you rtre interested. you might register )'011r nAme "·ith us so ~rou'll ha\'e an opportun ity lo examine nne . Al thi~ time .,...e kno\\' n! a four c:i.rat blue rl 1;imond available, 14 truly rare ge1n . TO llr----.. Gem p11rch11 se.~ ::ire 1mrortant invest ment.~. and "'hen you buy a diamond the expert's knO\\'ledge is priceles~t's wise t.o be guid · ed by a n1a o kno"·s tine gems and by a m;in ~·ou can tn1S1 to telJ I.he 1nlth ahoul nf(-color tinges, liny ~reeks or ]'\Nlr c11 t 11·h1c h ;ire $0 nften missed by l::i~ inrn. l.A:'.'1 us h£>1p y C'ltt , \\'f!'\'P ll\'t>d \\11 h d ia- monds ln C0s1a 1\1esa !or O\'Cr twen'.J1-!our years. SERVE YOU 2300 HARBOR BLVD. AT WILSON JUST SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FREEWAY IN THE HEART OF COSTA MESA THINK "Back To School" Top Values-Low Prices Every Single Day 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA -· -~ .. ---• ----- Court Disrupted 'Soledad Boys' Claim Beating SA ."'J FRANCISC{l (UP! f -·rhe 11\'I} sur\'il'in,g "Solertiirl Brothers" stripped tn \hf' \V<11st and shoutPd they h~d been bf'<ill'n <'ll San Quenlin Prlsnn ;i1 it courtr(Jom hr;inn~ Tuc>sd:iy. R.1ot po1!1ce y.·cre e;illcd In restnre order. 'l'he pa ir ;ilso <1lT11sed Sfln Quen tin gu;1rds of "Olllrtler!ng." l;~·orgf' ,)<1!'ks1in r1unn~ S;iturdH y's rSC'<1pf' attempt in whi ch sl~ IK'rsons were k1!\('d , OnP r1efensP ;ittnrnPy b;inj!.{'(i on ;i gl;i "" bullet ·Pl'Of'f h:1rr·icr i~o\aling the r1e fr11- r1flnl '> Frorn lh1> rrs! of the l'!H 1r!rn111n ;ind shn1Jl t;><L "ll'i:r" ~ning to lcar lh1s god· d<'l1n11 thing driwn .. , John Cha·helte nnd Flect.:i l>rurngo hanclf'd !hPir :itlnrnfY-~ :i pct1l1nn .-;ign"d bv '.!Ii rnnvicts \~·hn 11crf' in the :irl -,i~1st 1nt'nl crntrr of the pri~nn when the 011\brf'flk ncrurrcrl 1l ;i(·1·u ~ed guards of shrlf'tin2 J:irk~nn 1n lhP ll;iC"k. CluchPttr. flrun1.2:i; ;inrl ,!;i rk.~on , knnl\ n as the "Soled11d Rrnlh rrs." were :ill 111 ~an Quen tin 11 waitini! tr1<1I on rh.:irges nf kllling a white guard at Sol edad Prison last year. Joaquin ~chool Groundbreaking Slated 'fhursday A puhl i1· Rl'IHlndhreak1ng ('f'remnnv fnr the newe.~t intrrmPr1iaie .~r hnnl 1n !he Sfln .Jn,qquin Element:iry SchOQI District will tak e pla re Thur.~day. Di~tri('( and com n1unit.v nffic111ls will be on hAnd to !urn 11 shovelful of dirt nn the site nf the new Los Alisos Jntcrmediale Srhnnl al .1 r m. The srhnol. ln1·<11rrl nn Muil'i~nds P.f>1drv:i r·d Whl'rl' l,n<; Ali~n.~ will inlrrsf'tt tl 1n F:I Trwn. will hqu se $;)fl studenls anrl i~ l'rheduled for cnn1plrt1nn hy fall of 1972. Studrn1s 1n lh<' F:I Torn ;irr.1 11·111 e11n- t1n11r to ;ittl'nr1 La P;r1 lntrnned1;i !r 1n l\hs~ion Vi~Jn until their srhnol is r11m- pl"l"rl P;itnr k R1 1~hn1;in 1~111 hP lhP r rinr1p11I of the srhnnl. the ISlh in the district, 11 hen it i ~ opened. Jor,lan lo Step Down BO!SF:. lrl;ihn ( AP l -Sf'n. Len R. ,Jnrrlfln of lrl;ihn says he will not Sl'ek re- eleclinn nPxt vear.' "1\-1.v 11tfllth ·is J:nod . I ht>lieve I ;im ~till Plect.:ible r1ir ;innihl!r term. It i~ ii RMr1 tin1e to step r1uwn whf'n nnP h;i~ fl h11r i·h;ince fnr ;innthcr ltrm," the Idaho 1lcp111lli1·11n s;.1 id T11rs1ifl.1 -. .lnrrl;in, \l'ho srtTrr1 il.~ g11ver11nr nf ld:ihn frnrn l ~~I tn 1 95~. \\'<I.~ Aproinler1 In lhP St-natc in 1!11'12 Cln the death of Sen. llenry c. n11·nrsh ;ik , ThP appesirflnC:P 1'u~sday WI.! far arguments on 1n0rion s to disqualify th' asslgnrd tri;il JUdge. Pri~i'ln officials had f:ii l<'d tn ~hnll' 11p 1,1•i1h the defendants at a ~Lhcdulf'd hl'ill'lng Mond:iy. Clueh<'tle Hnd llru1ngn w:ilke<l ~lnwly anr1 p::i1nfully into eourt, !heir heads :-h;.iVl'll Thry ~ll'i nJ)t>r! 10 rhe w;ii~t 1n the 1· .. 1ir·1n•o1n. <.:la11n1ng their borlif's "''ere brui.~erl h1• hr:iting.s, but the judge declin· cd tn rxan1111r lhe m. Cluclit'tl!! ~tuiut ed lo ll1p bench thi!t the1 w1·rrn t tirought 111 ~1nnday's .~('h0<'rlt1lcd hP:-inng !1"01n S;in Qucn.tln bt>l·ause ''lli cy 11l're slill h<>;-ilin~ u~." l)ur111g !lie twn hours of !hr chantic hf':1n11g, Suprrior Judgt' Sl;inlr,v Evans ruled lh;it Judge Fr<ink \V . .'ihflw must be rl isri11;i lif1rd frnm lh·:1ri 11g the rase brcause hr 11 .';\<; 1n !hi· d1~1ru·( aunrney's nff11·1• 11itl1i11 tlir p:i~I 11111 .\IL•ar~. Thi: ;i1t11n1r_vs tln.:n told .!urlge Carl Alil'fl. \.\ hu h;uj L.11.. .. 11 th1 • hfln C'h fl ftP.r F:\·an.s ruled nn the d1 s<1u11 l1 fi1·atinn. that their <"lil'nls wen: in d;ing1•r or lo~1ng their Ii\ es unless lhe Jllrlgr orrlererl an in- \'Pstigatinn or let outsidrrs into the prisnn "The blood of evcrybvdy in San Quentin ll'ill be on ,l'our hands ," said Lloyd J. Silliman, fll!nrney for Cluche!1e. Judge Allen set 9:3_ a .m. Thursday for resumption of the case on defense mo· lions. ~1e.:iny,•h ilc, at the Sa n Quentin coni-- pn11nrl. ;in elflhnrate es<·ape mar. plastic explosive!> ;inr1 hulli•ls wrre fou nd hiddP.n in 1he high scr·unly adJu ~mf'nl center v.·here an eseape .:1tlen1pt hrou~ht death In six i:ie1·sons, prisiin sources say, The sources -(JUOlcd in ~::in fritncisro ;ind S<r n Hafael newsp;i pcrs -sAid a zip gun .:ind the h;;.rrel nf l'l .22-<:a liber t('l'nll'er v.·l're found in the cell nf •·snlcdad Rn1tht'r" Crorgc .!ack.~oo , wh~ pulled ;i !I-MM pistnl rro1n hts Afrn-s!»le hflir Saturd;iy in <1n al trn1pt£'d breakout during 11·hieh he 1r;i s killrd. A drlai!ed m;ip tn1c('d an escape rnute thrnugh the prisnn ('Onfine~ ;ind Snu!h to i\1arin Ci!r. ;i di sl;inr e nf 10 mllP.~. :ac· c·nrd!ng tu s"!llTl'S 11uo11•d 'fuesr1ay h,V the ~11n Raf:H'I lndrprndrnt Jnurniil. r.l;irin CJ!\' is ;i µrl'dorrpn<intly bla<:k communlty In ivr:illl1 \ .\·1;irin Cnunlv. l\ssnc ia.!e \V;rrdrn .J;i1ncs rark nf ~11n Quentin ~:iid an Afrn.stylr 1vig wai; lnu nd in fl tnilet in 1111c of lhe i1djustn1en l center {·ells. bttt relu~ed to co1111nrnt on the mllp and ~hells. 1'he new infnrmalion w;is disl'l0s~ 11s 1<late nffiri:ils bl::i med outside 11gitat1nn flnd lcnlrnf'y in thr pr isons for thl' out hrl'R k 11 nd ;innounc:r.r1 .:i sweepin~ 1Tfl('krlnw n 11n "revolutionary type" in· 1n ;itcs. r:irk (':.irlirr ~;iid t.h;.it. 1't guard had ~een a }?.Un 1n .l<'!tksnn's hair ll'hile the bl"'tk ff'Volulinnar,v 11·;1~ being takt>n frnm t.hl'I 1·isitor'!i an>;i !n hi~ cC>ll. This 11pparentlv 11Terked a \l'l'll·pl:.nnrd n1 ;;r~s e1<ca pe in 11·hich s(tme rnnl'ir1s 1~oulrl we11r the uniforms ri f s\111n ,>:u11rd~. LIMITED TIME OfFER ' buy3 get)f1·ee! T!'a5poon't Place lorl<.s P!ac~ kniYet Salad forks F'tace 5DOOflS Spreade~ Cocl<tai! forks ~itasse spoons Iced bevera;e spoons f rom $ 9.00 fre>m $14,SO f rl'm $14.00 trc-m Sl2.00 from $12.2 5 from$ 9.00 $10.00 $ 7.50 $12.50 J. C fiun111hri eJ JeweferJ 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COST A MESA CONY['ll[NT f ~P M S lANl(AM E~ICA RD--MA STCR. CHA R.G.£ 14 'l'~.A~$ ~A ~[ LOC AT I0 '-1 r1-1o~t ~ .. 8.J•o1 ___ _,, . ' ... _ •• i ,i,,!'"l ;,::;.~. ~~ , ., ,I " I. I 11 I I I . 1 I r -,...,__ ...,..,....._.. -.,__. -- Huntington· Bea~h Fountain Valley EDITION * VOL. M . NO. 202 , 6 SECTION S, 78 PAGES Today's Final .N.Y. Stocks ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TEN CENTS Special Agent l(eeps Tab on Organized Crime By JOAN~·~: REYNOLDS 01 1~1 D•U1 l"llot sun Keepin~ tahs nn or.11anized r nme and revolutinn;:iries ln Hunliogf.(ln Beach has beromP. a full time occupation. Sn "'Hh a $111.700 gra nt fron1 the California Council no Crin1inal .111.1.llce. the Hu nt inRI Qn Be;ic-h Police DeJJt1rtmf'nt \l')i! be <!dding <I rull lime IOlt.Jllg f'nC(' Of- ficer lo their \"1Ce and intelligencf' unit Police Chirf E.:irle Rohitaille said the nt"' post v.·111 handle nothing but in· lelligent e work. "As it is now , the !hree men who "'n rk tha t delail uli!ize less than half a man en intelligence. The rest of their time is taken up "'ith vice and permit in· restigalion," he said. Robitaille readily ackn0wlerlJ,:!es lhat organized crime opera!es in Huntini::,!on B!'a<·h. ''\\'henever I hear the name •[.;i Cns;i f\nstra' l Wfln! {lJ laugh," he .~:lid ' f think that's a n;ime Mr V11lachi fabricated 10 nu1ke himself Jnok J:!f>Od "\\ihen I !'peak nf or~an1zerl rnmr. J'm :ipeaking of prns1i1u!in11 , pornoghaph}'· gambling and extortion on an organi zed ba:.;is. Even though the organization l!i loose knit and somewhat nebulous, the same penple keep showing up -people whn m11k e !heir livelihoods from the pr~ ('l'erl~ nf 1 hP.~e activifies." The Px ten1 to which organized crime. ha.~ ·in vaded Huntingtnn Beach i .s unkno\vn. '"I don'\ !hink ::invbodv really k nnw.~ hnw {'Xlensi ve it is, ·but throu gh our in- telligence uni1 we hope to know more." the chief s;iid. In add ition In the work on nrg1nized cri me, the intelligence officer will be spending a major portion of his time keeping track of v.·hat R n b i t 1 l ! I e de.scribe!!: a~ lhl' hierarchy of r::1dicals who operate in Huntlngtnn Beach. He will alsn be expecte<f to proje<'t Are1111 nf future prnhlerns by correlating avallable informal.ion wilhin the depart- mf'nt. "A couple nf year~ :.,go hefnre wf' h:id the Special Enforcement Oe111il or thP. \•ice uni l. v.·e had a very bad problem on 11 Se<'linn of beach. \\'e spent 1111 nur time: I'll. .~taff meetings trying 10 fi ~ure out why and I.hen predict tactics to u.~t "What v..·e did n't know was that Lh11 detectives and juvenile officers had the necessa ry information in several reports, "If v.•e'd had the ability to coalesc e thest reports, v.•t-v.·ould ha ve rta!ized lha l v.•t had a grou p from nut of Lown who had decided to make this portion of the ~af'h theirs. J\1ost or them wt re nn parnle nr probP.tion, so lhe problem was laken rare of by making ii a condition nf !heir probation to stay off the be:ich "Once "'e understond thf' situa tion, I hen"'" could devel op a strategy. Instead wP had a running battll! going for four or li ve weeks." ht. said. The gran~ period ol one year wa s Lo ha ve. begun on Aug. I. but. lh@ chief !a.td he has gotten an extention to Sept. l , an d v.'lll probably ask ror another one to Oct. I ··\Vha !. I'd Hke lo do is mo1·e one of the existing vice officers into the intelligenc e ~Jot. replace tha ! n1a n wllh someone from v.·ithin the dep.:irtment and then hire a nPw m::in for I hat bntrnm sllJ! '"\\'e're ha\·int: a little problem finding lhf' right man. so I 'II ask for October l!l gi ve us the lime I don '! "'ant to pro- stitute our selection pr....-.i:~s JUSl Lo grab !ht money . The grant won't disappear," he said. !), ""j' '"' -· iW ~ v~~ "!' • Barnes on Council ,, Hogard Strikes Out iii Seal Beach , , ·-l l ·. )' ..... , . - ;",-; ~ -. ,. ;:·~~~ ... _~ f ;. ..... • ./.'< .,,, .. ~....,., '.,,,.., ...... ..... , 'f"' .--,,,,,.,.,,. ~ . A~-~ r --~-: "' "' ...... ~~ "' Seri l Be11 th vnlers s1r11ck 1'homa!I Hogarrfs name from I.ht city council list Tuesday ni~ht anrl wrntr in the name of 11. ZS-year-old school tPacher. 1'he.v elected Tho1n as Aarnl!~ to sue· cced Hnga rrl a~ councilm11 n during the city'~ third recall election In six month.~. MARINES 'POLICE THE AREA' ALONG SAN CLEMENTE BEACH NEAR WESTERN Barne.~ h;ici failed In co llect th e su(. ricient amount nf signature!'i to ha ve his na me placerl on the nffici;il bi1 llot. He won the election through an ii ct1 ve write· in campaign. Oil Spill Annoying to B•achgoers, But Somelhing Less Than an Ecologic1I Ois1st•r Hogard . t ht l11s1 remaining member of 11 thret--w11.v vnt ing hlnc wh ich assumed power in .Ju ly 1970, w11~ recalled by a 78D lo 444 1•ott. Flve-n1lle Line Council Ruling Awaited 011 Street Sewer Per11iit Tht Hunlln!!tl'ln Br;ich rity t1 1 1nrney·~ t1ffice \;; r.n awai t further instructinns from the city cnuncll on "'he ther rn ap- pe;:il Tucsdi1,v's Superior Court rulini:;: lh;it the city i.~;;ue ::i pe m1it for the Brookhurst Street ~ev.·cr ltnr Derut~ Cily Attorne~· Dan \\'h1tes1rle 1u1id !he rleri l'inn wn11lcl be reporled at lhe nrxt r·nunril 1nrr1ing. Srpt 7 This mni·ning f'n11nrilma n Al Cnpn .~aid th::it hr "·nutd ;isk !hf' ci1\' a1tnrn!',1··s nf- firP 10 ari\·lsr !hr rnunril nn whet.hr r l hf'rP l'l rf' ~nund. lf'j!til ~round~ l(l suppnrt 11n :ipj)f'a( "Thrn it \1·nulrl bC' our ciM·i~1nn ;i~ 11 rnu nrd !ln tl'l d1rrr r him to ::ippeal nr nnl.'' hf' .•aici . 'V.'p riin·1 dir!a!P .~ometh1n~ l1 kr t hi~ In !hr r1t\· ;itl(ln1r1·," .l11dµr .I ~: T ··Nr-rl" Rll!lrr Tur.~driv nrdf'rf'rl thf' r1!.v 10 1 ~.~11f' .:in ""r;iva11nn permi! In thP nr;in!!r County S.lnitat1nn Di~lrirt rnr ll~r of lhf' rit_hl or W:'l l' on ~rnnk.hurst Strt:"!'l In la.v !hr fl\'r -nu le liOP. ThP city council had denied the pcr1n1L Hunting ton Asks Tax Dedu ctions On Utility Bills Cnuncilmen in Huntinj:ll!ln Beach tire pushing ror the lnlernA I RevenUP Servif'P tlRS l In j;iVe a t;ix break ll'l all l11Cal utilit v user~. ThC al"t inn rcl;itci; In !he 5 prrcr nt r 1!y tiix on the use or utilities -"'Birr. ~as. f'lectricity. ;ind the te lephone -added I.fl bill.~ !hi~ year. The cnunril approved ;i resolut.1nn J\1nn- dav night ur'ling lhP-!RS lo al ln1.1• in- di\riduals In deducl their ci l.y utility tax paymf'n l~ from their fe<leral ret urn~. in rc.•pc;n~e l.n prnlrst~ h1· b1i s1r1rFsmrn and hnml'flwnr.rs on Rrnnkhurst !'lref-'t th111 the 14·mnnl h prnjert v.·nillrl disn1p!. hu~ine.<>." And tr;irfir In ;; grr;ilpr f'X Tent lhan anv nf lhP other rou1P.~ eno ... 1dPri:d. bur rf'jf'ttrd h~· the srinll:il1nr1 d1<:fnr1. nick Lesch. m;inager nf Ln1·t'." I\ nor! Pit RarbrCLlf' rrslaur::in1 ;it Brnllkh11ro;;t S!rl'f'I Anrl Arl;;ms ,\\'rnnr "'ho "'" :irtt'd as spt1kt:'~trH1n fnr thP prnt!'~l111i:; h11 ~111r<><: group. s;iid that he hoprrl thP r1I,\' \\nt1ld Rppt>:'ll "\Ve :irP ... urP lhr s;11111:1t111n r11 .. 1r1rt \1011lrt h::i1·r RJJpriil..,d if thr v h:id 10~1 :• Lr<>rh rnmmentt'ri · Thr-rr f'r:i!h 1<, no prf'('pdrnt for ;i r:i ..,,, l11if' 1h1< ·· lllciin11 hilr . thr hlrl s 1111 lhr p1'"1r1 I ~1·rrP nfl 1r1:ilh· nprnrrl T111"rl;•1" ;ii lhr <:;inil:i!ion rl1 Ji!n1·1 '<: r •• unt,11n \allf'\ hciirlquiitlrr~ Tl"d Knrdu ~ ;:ind B;11ino; r nn1r:1111rs nf R;i lrhl'1n r:irl.. 111·r.., 111r ;1f1 flarcnt l(lw biririrr " "'1th :i h1rl 11r Sli ·1R1 ll 1 for lhc romb1n:1tinn 9li-111rh ;ind 711-inrh trunk linr . Th('rf' wrrr ~1x (llhrr r·1'1111- re1 ilnrs with the h1ghr•I hirl hr1ng $7,4f!9 ,!14.l. The trunk linr "'11! ru n :il11n~ r;111s AvenuP in Founrain \';:illf'v frnm thr i;an1t;itinn rl i.ctrirt"s lrPalnlPOt rl:in1 I 1n Brookhurst S1 rl'f't whf'rf' 11 \\'1l1 t11rn ~n11tti and run f(I pl:int 2. near the mou!h nl !he San1<1 Ana R.1vrr. O:instnwt]nn of the line is sc:her!u lerl IQ ~lart this fall. Reno Qua ke Rceorrlcrl RET\'0 ll lPI 1 -The Renn arra "';is sligh!ly rnc_\,;pd Tursd:i.v hy an !'i!rth11u:ik,. \\'ith a magnitude of three on the Richter scale. Poster Fuel Oil Blobs 'Bathe' Nixon's Private Bea ch Prc~ic\Pn! Nixon's priv:itl' bearh aind lhe 1'.1.:irine: Corps shorelinP rlo\\·nc(la.'l'l rrcrh·ed ;:i cto.~e f)f nrean~oing Navy fu~I oil Tue.<>da_v. Crr1vs from C;imJJ Pendlclf!n had the blohs or fuel nil cleaned up quickly, spokesmen said tod ay. Despite some ;ippearances or the lilOO nn the coA.~t.line het v.·een San Onofre and Dan:i Point. the hul k nf the accidentally spill rcl fuel rrmain.~ at SCA and some (If il lS sinkinlil nr hrea king up . Thl' srn.:ill hlnhs of la rr.v oil appea red wilh th" d;i wn tnd;iy a~ Cotton'.! Pnint :i nrl :il.~n .~mril rl'd ;;omp pnrlinn.'I' {•i tht s:ind.~ on hr;i rh..,s up and dn"'ncoa.st of ihP l'rl'.~1dcnt'.~ hnmf'. l'rr~1rlrn11.:il Press S..rrl'tarv Rnri Z1r;:Jrr 11·::is t'jUnted Tuesrla.v ;;.~ !'t;iy1nii: th, rr,.~id..,nt 111.:i.~ "rf'rt ainly rrinrerned " ;iho11r rhr 011 n1hrr rrpor1s 1j1101ed lhr rh1rf "'~· r11111\P ;;~ ~;i\·in~ he 11·;inrrd nn ~JJcci;il lrra1 mf'nt nn his be.lrh hy the rle.:inup ('!'('\\ -~ nr~p1!r the .<!f)pr;ir·;inre nr ... nmt j•R1("hPS or gnn 11nd J:Wiflly iiclini,:: N:i l'y ::i11d M;inn~ rl('<trJll P ere\\'.~. the oil slick is f;ir frnn1 a rlisastcr. Rrii<"h ;il!cnd::inr.f' Tursrl:iy 11!onll( the &iu!h Cn.:i.~r was beUrr than ;iverage and ::11·1mmrrs \11CrP mor, in jP.11pnrdy· from hr::i1·1· surf th:in the flnii ling blobs, l1fra11arrl.~ .~:iirl , ~~n \IP!l1Pntt'~ rc~rur/i ln!;il rd ::ihnut 1>~1 Tucsd:iv ~ the A11rrilJ!f' for .11 bUI\)' 11·1,rkPnrl. nn1 ;1 lonP WPekci;iy-hecause or he<il'\' surf .11nd some ri ptides . N;:i~·y spokes men ~ay t:xpert~ ~f ill ;i re 1ry1n.a tn rlt!ermine lhe amount of hea vy fuel nit \\'htch was mist.:ikenly spilled off S;in Clemente lsl.:tnd last weekend a~ lhe 01IPr t:ss Maniitee dispen~erl fuel to the ,11rcriif1 rarrie r USS Tico nd ern_ll;i. r\ \';il ve w:i!I accictenlAlly le ft open by a c!'e1vman, causing the spiU inlo the sea. Hi1: formPr vntin~ partners W!':rt: removt:d from offiC'e in twn prt:v ioua recall elections. Councilman Conway ,J. f0 uhrman was ousted in Ma rch when II~ pe rcenl. nf those who voted opposed him 11nrt Councilman Morion A. Baum Jnst his se1I. in .luly wh!':n Iii) percenl. of those who lurnerl out voted Against him Hogarri Inst his office Tuesday by a 6.1 percent margin. The high school teacher won hi ~ wr tl.e· Federal Board Delays Lockheed Loan Decision \VASHJ NGTON iUPll -A rlP.Ci.~ion on whet.her to .11:rant. a 52511 mill ion gove r11- menl-guara nteed loan In the financiall,v lrnuh!ed Lockheed A1rcr11 ft Corp., wa~ postponf'd tod ay bv 1hr. F'eder11 ! B!l;ird crf'a[Pd h.v Con,ETt>S~ In rleal with 1h11t. l.~.~Uf'. A(rrr n1er11n..: for two :inrl ;i half hour.~ th, ho.:ird annnuncf'd onl.v th:il. ii "will n1ee1 ;i~:iin !atrr. :11 ~ rl11Lr to bt ~Pt. to cnn111111"' t•on~lrleratuin of rhe LockhtPd ln.:in ;ipplicarion."' Thf' board t~ C.'OmJJo.~eci nr Treasur,v Secretary .John ~-Connally .rr , Chair- m;in Arthur F. Burn~ of rhi-feder.:il RP· ~crvP: .Syst em .:i nd Ch.iirma n Willi:i m ,I, <:.i .~e.v Or the Secu ri!ies anti Exchangt Comm1s~[Of\. Connally was thf.' Arlministr;i tion's C'hlf'f ch<lmpion of prov iding a loan tn Lock· heerl to 11110\11 the hi g firm to ;ivert b;ink - rupirv when the 1sl'u' wa~ befrirt Con- gress. R111 tht i1 ttJt11rlt of Burn.~ ;ind r;isf.'.I' tnw.:irtl rhe loan gu.:irantee wa5 never rP vt aled. At li-ast. two of the thret membtrs mu.~t "pprnve the loan guarantee. before it can bf. m.:i.de:. L{)('kheerL thf na lion·~ JJrct larges!. cor· pnrat ion, says it nel"ds !ht $2.'Kl mill ion In cnmplPte building the Tr is1.ir i1termedi- .ittl' range .Jetliner which will compt!e with the McDnnne.Jl.[)ougl as DC-JD, al · ready in service. Case Dismissed Thr resolutio n notes thRI. under A rur· t f'nl rulin~ nf lh"' IRS. nnty hu~inP.~~"'·• mav deduct lh r !Of'al t;ix from return~. ("Ot;ncilmen ;i pprnYed lhP re so lution after leArnin2 that thP rity nf Fresno. nne !lf '0 nthPf C.:tlifnm1;i rilie~ \l'ilh a utilily tax. h11rl m.:tcit" ~1m11!1 r ple;i to lhe IRS. Popeye, (}li ve Oy l Objects of Beaclr. Controversy CAS Pl';R S TELLS fllS OJfiN STO RY Orange Counl.y Fifth Oislrict Supervisor Rnna!d f,.as~r!i ol f\ewporl Ae:trh has rrpnserf hi~ first month~ in nfhre And nrferrd hl!!i anah sis nf 1he tumul1 in rn11n1y J.!lll"ernnirnt durin~ a wicte-ranJ,?in.c; in-depth intcrvif'w with 1hP OAll.\' PILOT . ~·or C11spers' 1·iP-Ws ln !hr q11rsl1nn·anci·11n.~1.1·er gession. str r ai.:e: l today. ..... -.,. __ By TI UOI Nlf':07,IJ-:l .r,;f\1 01 IM Oou• ~II~~ S!oU ''You r;in .~now rh;it Pripr~'f' ate hr.s spin;irh and :ircnnlpli~hcd a lnl of thin~·'· but !his .• ~·· .Judge fl o"·ard E Crandnll r.:1 1~t'd hts to\'ebrnw~ qui1.1.1callv a1i he unfurlrd thP poster. It showed !he fabled sA1lo~ in 11 compromislni: position ~·1th Ol 1l'P Oyl The 12 item. srized b\' l\unt1np;tnn Reach policr officers frnn1 ;i ;\-lain S!rcrt pn.~ler s hop l11sl .July \\'fl~ abn11t 1n t>rcomr lhe Pl'Oplr '.\ rnm" (·1•1rlenrr unl!I !he JUdJ!:f lhf(\\' !IJP f';I SP fl\l1 Of Wf'~I Or;ini::r County '.\ .lurlJCt:il !)1~1nrt <"nurt ·'Ynt1 ran't SCP 1h..,tr h<lCl1r~ fin rnu ~uppn~e !h is ciriiw1n!: lnc·11 r s ;in\flnP !11 [A~rh·io11sne1is? Vnu'\·r !:OI 10 h"\c 11-omc !mi1g1na!ron lo !:el any 1itX into th1~ JI~ rHit!asteJut. I agret.'0 ~aid Judge Cran- diill. rnl1ce had hrnu,::ht misdemeanor rhari.;c~ ;igainst poster J;hop nwnf'.r Kathy (; FnwlPr and her employe .. Jim Tomer. fnr ex hibiti ng 11nd distributing harmrw mat!cr tt1 a minor. Tht poster. showinjil Popeye 11nd Oliv1: <h t nlaking love while full y elolhed. w1111 d 1~playrrl in A black light room at Stri ctly rostet!I, 12.1 f\.1ain Street. whe:re children hRd Arcrss l.n it, according l.n police. '"1 rlnn'! know if this appeal~ tn prurient !nlrrrs!s nr stupidity," .Judi;tt Crandall r•nrilirlurd . "PPrsnnRlly. I ca n't Ima gine anvno r h11y1n..: surh junk ." 1\llrr !iprnrl ln.1:, the hf'llrr p11 r1 of a ctay ~rlrrl init a 1ury to try lhr pnstrr c11s,., .Jurlge Crandall dismissed !he charge on !hi-ground~ thal lh~ poi;ter's primary ln· tent. ri!'H'!s not 11ppeaJ to prurient interest~. •·would your cllcnls st<>p .~elli.ng such junk~ They could ,;ell a Int nf nther nict: posters. Maiybe Wf' could havf! Pope.yr. climlng • lad der ln.s!caid," hi suggested to defen11P-11tt<irney John Guerin. The judge ordered the defense to ~tipu\1te there: was prob;ible cause FQT I.he arrest of Mrs. f owler 11nd her employe. "The officers diet a good thing in stopping thi~. but il was right on the borderline ," he .~·aid . , Police t.L Bert Ekslrnm SA.id ht wa5 rictreme:ly dt s11ppointtd with the court's cte<'is ion. "I rAn·t helievt thf c.-our1 rould nor recog11iie 1 drawing depicting ~uual in· !See POPEYE. Pa;e II -:::.1r-~. . ""'--1 . • I ,~• ,'1",u-.,~· .............. ' .. in campaign by defeating lhe offi cial can· didale, business executive .James W, Dunn Jr., with a ~cant 17-v(lte margin . The tall y showed 523 votes for Barnes 11nri 506 for Dunn. Rames defea terl Dunn in thrPI! Qf the rnur preci ncts bu t los t to Dunn in PrPcincl. :I. l'hf' election in\•nlvcrl only Ho.iia rrt ·~ Co uncilmanic Dtslricl One which cover~ the seaward side o{ Seal Beach's "Old Town" anrl Lhe Surfside colony. Recall proponents began their activiU!s 11 year ago in July when the power bloc of Hogard. Baum and Fuhrman decided ti) oust former City Manager Lee Risner. no\\' employed in La Habra. Th e new council man campaigned as 1 conservAtionii:;L He wants to preserve the small town c-haracler of the city by in· voking he ight limits against buildings and discouraging apartment construction. Seeks Re-evaltwtion 3rd Councihna11 Opposes Present Top of Pier Plan R~· Al.AN DmKJN 01 lit• ~JUy ~fie! •t•ll A third rouncilm.:in i.~ no"' oppnsPd l<'> lhe present scope of Huntingto n Beach'g Top of the Pier plan. Cnun c!lman Don;ilrl Shipley, "'hfl vo1rd with the 4-2 majority in Jun!': when the r.oun cll reaffirmed lt,, f.:i ith in the plan. s1'id today he believes the project should be re-evaluated. ··11 should at lea.~! ht cul down." ht': 1aid. ex plaining th.al he ('nnsidus lhe $.1.4 n1illi!'ln central library ;ind S8.fl million civic center of ~reit1.er importance to the r lty. "The: city Jll.~l dnesn't h;i vr the mont.v tn embark nn all these projects:· hi' s.:11d Shiple.v·~ nP"' position nnw puts him in a rnlumn v.·ith M:iynr GeQr~P McCracken iinrl Cnunc1lmao Teri BArtlttl. !ht l.W!l rnunritmen who opposed the cit.~ ,itnini: ;ihc::id with ihP pl ;i n fnr 11 five·hlnr k park· in~ ln1 i1nrl v;i inl,v r:i!led for 11 In be cul to a thrPe-hlnck prnje<'I. ··1 had ah . .,•.:i.I'.~ brrn npfl(l~ed tn !hf' tnn- repl nf R parking Int !1 ke Iha! down town, bul \\·ent along with it in June because I Beach Trustees B ec ome Neutral On Unification Trust ees nf the: H11nt1ngtnn F\",11rh Union High School District ha vt reversed their e11rlitr deci~ion In hack :ii three-w;iv unification pro~11I for I.he d istricl'~ s2. squAre·mile ter ritory. The five-man bnsirrl took the surprise 11ctio n al Tue scta y night's trustee session by 3-2 vnte. Al the same time the board decided tn become neutral on the unifica· ti(ln issue. The three part plan. proposed jointly by !hf! Ocean View and f ountain Valley Elementary School Districts. would create three smalfer unifi C!J districl,, One would be rormed Sy joining thP Westminster And Se<1I Be;ich school di.~trict11 anct the olher t\)'n by dh1iding !ht Huntin~tnn Beach City School District bet.ween the Fountain Valley and Ocean View .school di1trlcl~. Hi~h schol\I Trustee .John Bentley made the motion to withdraw supporl hecause he had some "reservations·· about the plan. He wa11 joined in his vnte by Trustees Ra y Schmilt 11nd. George Logan . Bentley suggested that it ml(tht be more equ itable to the proposed Se31 Beach-WestmiNter unified district by extending the 11nulhf!rn bounciiiry tn Edinger Avenue rather than Mcfadden Aven ue. ·II!' That change . he argued. would give the district an addltlonal high school , the P.1arina campu~. . E11rller, &choo lmtn f ro m !hr Westmln.stl'.r ;ind Seal Beach rii~tricl.!o had eom plti lned bitterly that thP 1hree-way pl11n would give lhf'.m nnly one hig h (~ UNIFY, P11t Zl . I saw nn point in continuing to oppose the maJnri!y v1ev.· on the counctl." Shi pley said. 1\1ran"·h1lt. staff work on the first slep in the Top (If lhe Pif'r plan, the creation of a 1.878-space parking lot fro m Sixt h Street lo F'irst Street alo11g Coast High wa y, ha s co me to a virtual standsti ll. Adm inistrative aide Bud Belsito. wh() w.:i.~ instructed 11ft er the June meeting to buy all the properly he could from those landowners who were willing to sell at the apprai.~ed value, has stopped wri ting check~. HP spent $412.000 in buying parcel~ in lour separate bloc ks in the project iirc:i •·1 :im not buyinj!" n.ny more untl l the prnJert IS reviewed ," he said . PrnJ ecl Dir f'ctor Vince Moorhouse. !hf' harbor~ and be11rhrs director, repeated thal. the staff can'! go any farther on ths rrn jecl un!i! the council approves fund· Jn;:: "\l'e h.:id a \;1q::rt date nl Nov . 1 for rnnstructinn In hei;:in on the f1rs1. block, hu1 n!lw lherr is no v.·a,\' v.·e can makt: !hat dare." he s;ud ··\Ve are moving ahe;id wi!h minor !hings. planning and dcs1go, hut \.\'£ can't do much more unttl si ca~h rlow ls establ is hed." Another indicalion of the s t a f r i;talc mate nn the project came Tuesday ~·hen a sc heduled staff meeting on the specially shopping village lh;it was to be huilt bP.hind the parking Jot v..·as can· celled. Nobody .~hov.·ed up. This villag e. wh ich had been dubbed a "Roa ring 20 's" district is now termed the Main Street project. Criticism of the pla n has kept pace !See PIER. Page!! Orange Cout "'eatller The temperature will be In the miri· 70'1 along the coaslline today and Thursday rising lo the low 80's Inland . Lows lnnight predicted ln the 60's. Good day for the beac.h- that is. if you're not working. INSIDE TODA\' Tht We.!tf111111.~/e r Communitll Thtnter 'norks it.~ 10th on11ivtr· sary Friday ivith a mu.s1col comed 11. "Once Upon fl 1\.fat· tres&." St.t Entertainment, Por;t: 31. k •!1"9 11 C1HM1!11 • CtrMt c ...... , II Chl(ll"" U~ 1 c11u111c111 u.u Coml(1 10 C•0>1weril M Otl!~ Nt!ICt.I t Olw1rt11 t l<llll•ltl ~··· • lnllP1111\PMlll .)6-ll ""'11c1 U·U M•ttH:lflt JS ~11n L~tr1 U Ml lltlJ f M~rrlltl Lk ffO.., I Miit' II\ S•rw!ct If·~ ,..,..... ,..,, Mul~ll 'U"'• J• N1ll•111t N,ll'I 4<1 Or1n11 Cov11ty t 5y!wl1 l'tr!tr U i111r1t It-It llMl Mi n.II\ ll-JI TtltwllMI~ .• Th1Utr1 M-11 W111to1r I WMlt Wtl~ II w~"'•ll'J Nnn U.41 W•r..lf N••• l-i -.~ z-:: ··-.-· - ' . . . . . . Z O~LY ~!LOT tt •I "-u~u1t 2.5, 1971 Nader A·ssails State 'Land l1it erest Ravaging Wild Areas' Jly Mm!: SU.VERMAN ... _,__. ....... Ntl!t r Ca:Jif6rnia's rema1n1ng ?.'lid areas are quickl y bt.ing ravaged b)' pn1·ate land 1n· teresU while governmental agencies either eoope rate or v,•,tJtch he\plessl.v. says 1 Ralph Nader task force i.n !he second installment of a mass1l'e stud\• en11tled: PoWflr and Land ln California.· Governmenlal planning anrl regulat ion of new housing de\•elopment s in the st::ite are "virtually nonexistent·· sa ys 1he report. prepartd by 21 "Nader's Raiders'' and released in San f'ranc1scn tnda.1• by projec:l direclor Rober! F'e llmelh The reporl a!.sn calls for abolillnn o/ the State Lands Commission ' ' a s ):lr"eMntly constituted." saying it has given away control over state tideands to local jur lsd1ctions. Nader task force members, y,·ork1ng within the Boise Cascade Corp , which the report calls "the bigge!t not lhe wor.!it" l'lf Calift1rnia land de1·etnpmtnt concerru. found techniques us ed to pursue company interests inc luded heavy ficials. lobbying by the la"'' hrm I'll former G<iv. Edmund G. Brov.·n. and campaign eontr1butJons to •lteteG of- .!ialts leafl ets which contain "ftP!lelt lies." the report said. Tht rtporl cilits "'hat it describes as a lac k of tHecflve centralized control by government over land planning, v.·ith the result that de cisions are too oftrn left tn local control. v.·hich it terms "the df>veJ{l rier ·s hes! friend ." because of local nfflc1a!s allegtd susceptibility to 1n· fl uence. "Loral communities." the report says, ''ha1e not onl;,o f2.lled to arid s11h.stant1allv In npen space reser\·oirs in the face. nf ns1ng population demand. bu! often fai l to preserve what v.•as established yei\rs ago," A prime 1hreat to pr€'ser\·ation of land for recreat1on;il ust. the repirt hol ds, comes frnm the state's 01~·n highwa y pro· gram, "v.•hich v.·i!J consume two million acres by 1980." !\e1,1• residential cterelopments i n California, 1t says. are subject to \'irt uall~· no tffecti1·e restrictions and are nften poorly located and fraudulentl y financed and sold . Task force members, the !'!!'port con· tinues. 1·1slled a Marin County subdivision marketed by Oeeant Marin De\'elop:ment Cori). and y,•e_r t told' the land was stable, although "the ground was giving wsy under our feet .!Ind some of it rolling db\\•n into the oct>ar. " L-Ocal governn1eots are "rnore cnn- cernPd 1,1·1th ::ittraf't111g huilrlPrs fnr !ilX base purpri~e:c; 1han \l't!h o;afP!)" anrl ha1·e impnsed fPw 111Pan1ngful ~tanf!;irds anrl little enforcement . the report ~{Iv~ "Land prDmo11on." lhP rrpo1t i;;iy~. •·1.~ as <\mPri<"a n as 1,:herry r1e. It is an t'nlrrpnse rnl'.:ilE:f'd in fnr nnl,v nnP. rei'!i;nn · the making nf h11,t:I" prnf1ts frn m the tin1rl.I' purrh;:i~e. i;;ile ;ind rlP1'rl•lp· ment of wh;it niight be cnn~1rlered the countrv's mo~t precious resourcr." "Caflforn1a 1s gning tn ha1·e tn ch(](\~r," it ('nntiriues . •·between tr::irfir cnngr~11nn, en~·irnnment;il darnage, highrr lanrl ::ind 1·rlated cri~ls. Jess pnl'af'y and e1 rntual shortage Qf ope n sp;:ire J::inrl, nn th<> {lne hand. anrl h1rlh ron trnl on the nH1er h11nrl. •·\\'e recon11nend immo>dJ:il,. a n ri ma~s11·e fam ily pl;:inn1ng f'rlu ratinn and subs1d1zal1nn . As \altf(lrnia Sl1rrePrl3 1n meeting this probl em . It can encourage reciprocal policies na1 io n\l•ide. '' Nixon Studying China f 'r t1 111 l'1ige l PIER ... In Preparation for Trip \\'I th the climbing costs of the. parking Int projecL Originally est1m;ited at $3.5 million . they are. nn\.\' generall y conceded b~' city accounta nts tn be closer to $9 million. B:y HELEN THOMAS UIOI Sit!! Wtll., President Nixon is .!iludying books on China and keeping 11 to p .!iecret !11 be! on plans for his trip to Peking whi('.h may take place late this year A high White House offi<'tal who earl1f'r had lndicated that Nixrin's "Journev for Peace" wt1uld be und!!'rtaken in earb; 1972 nl'IW ls saying the Pre~ident wt!! travel "sooner rather than later." The l'lnly deadline the \J/htle House ha~ given i! "before May" to keep lt out of the realm of partisan politics during an election year. Nixon said at his news cl:'lnlerence Aug. 4 that there v.·nuld be extens ive netntia· 'tlons for !he historic-\'!Sit to tho!' Chinese ~l.lHG E COAST DAILY PILOT e~A"Gf. co .. ~T l"UI L\Slo!lNG cOAA •AJJY Jt.'i>~ct N. w •• J l"rt•,&tO! •~& ,.u~ll>'ll' J o.le Jt . Cu•l •v l/1et. l"r•"''" •'~ C.•"""'I M1•1'tr T~o1"•• KooYil ea:t<lr T~e,..1 1 A. M ur&~;nt Ma•tt •"O &8•10r .i.1 •• o;.\,~ Wal o .. ,,e .:'~'·'~ E~r•o• H~~·l "9t&• beoe~ ()ffk t _ 111 7 ~ loo <~ Beul ovt r.i Mt ili ~t ,t.iirou: ,,Q, l eY 770. •2b~t 0 th., C'.'lfflea.s L1..,.,1 ... ~~· ~r. •o••' ""*""° C:O>'• "•U Jl!' W .. ; llV ~'''"' loit'> .. -···~· llll No"""""' Ii>" ......... i1• Ctt"''""· lO~ N"'1~ !I C.."''"' ,,WI et 'L" ••1.6"". "''''" ~··Cl' I•,,,_,,_ '"• i.0...,..•,ou 1, euo ,.,, ~••I• "'""' SJ"' 11 1 l• uao•o'• ~•a•• '"' l 1~u·1 l ou•. ,.,. .... _, '"""· ,.,,, ....... ,.~ .... , ..... ........ ..,, ... ,. \• ... ~.. ,,, .. .., .. , Coo'•'•aro '"" SUo <•'" I e·~ "''" l>"• •ot o.<o' <0"•t • 0• ., o• e· "'"I 0"0! II U ).3ll l'.oH l o/ !'"*', C'"'' "'"''· -r,1,,~•ft• 171ll 64Z·'l11 Cl111lt1•4 Ad,.,rtl:lftf 6 ~J.t61 1 C••""'t•', 1••1, ti·••I• C.0 >>' •u•'"•'·t co-u·'· "' """"' "I"" ' '"'"""" ... ·~· •' ........ "' ·-·-..... .,... .. ~ .... .... , ••. ,, . ..,, ... ~ ~ .,,.,,. ,.,.,,.1 "'" Pl•J>;"" r. ~•0 1·~·· ...... ~-, • .,, .,...,,, •• o •' "'""'" euc-Jo ••e co,•• ........ Co .•• ,...,. !co«•••""" I f co·r•t • <.,; "'""" •. "' ,.,, J; 1) ..,., •.• y' ,.,,. ''"" '"'-''""'"""'' J~ ll ..,,.. .... ,, STORES TO SERVE YOU mainland within the r1ext h'CO or Lhree months. But there art no further hints nn the pteparati1'ns. Press Secretary Rona ld L. Ziti;ler tolrl new smen. in respnnsl" lo a q1u~st ion ~1onday lhat neither !ht Pre~i· dtnt nnr Hl'nry A. Kissinger . his N:it1nnril St>cun1.11 Affa irs Ad1·isnr. h;:is hrl'n in tt1uch with representat ives of thl" P!!>oples Reruhlic: of Chin;:i . Zir~ler ;;lsn sa1 rl flail y "nn rnnrlitinn.~" h;ive been .~t'I hy ei ther sirlto nn th!' v1s1t nr 1he a1:enrla. Arkansa s Rep_ Wilbur f.1ills. a poi<sihle Demorralir presidPnti::il candidate. had sugg!!'sterl that some \!'10· ditinns may ha1·e been placed on the trip y,·hirh 11•0uld put a crim p in Nixon 's tr;i.l'el plan s. There 1s ~pecul;i1 1nn th at 1\1xr'Jn may st nd a high·le1·el delegation of prnminent Amer icans . inrlurl ini; C'hinl'se srhr"Jlari<, In Pl"ki n~ 10 fUr!hPr brPak the ire and to pa 1·e the 11·ay for his arnl'a! \\'hile Chine.~e PrPm1pr Chou En·L::i i has frl'el y e1:prPssed hi s l'il'w.~ nn a r'1ngr of suhjerts certa in 1n hr rn1·Prl'rl in the un prtcedent ed ta lks with \'ixon, the \\1hire Hou se has rema tnerl mum In his spttc:hes Nixn n dramariies hi.; journey 11s thl" forerunn~r of t'l'enls th11l will lead ln a ~eneration and even longer of wo rld peace. From Page 1 POPEYE • • • tercoursl":." he fumed "~'lhat did the y think the ptl'lplt> ll'l":re doing'? S1,1•imm1ng nr armwrestl ino:~· "'The fact that the c!'lurt hQJd s that h,tJrmful matter must Appea l tfl the prurient lnterests {lf lln adult man . th is is what upsets me so much. Ho11· can yo u turn arnund ant! use thl ~ .JS a i:u idt \l'hen ~·riu·rl' talk in~ 11bl'lu1 rhildrl'n'.'" Ek~trom bellt"ve~ law ma k er~ hari ~ rt1f· ftrPn \ stanciard nf ,111d~mtn! rn mind when Section 31.1.I or tht Penal Codt 1\·ac, written, ·I'm gt'lini! In \\'rit e In !he Attnrney f',en~ral lo Sl'ek ru1 t !hi' 1n1ent of t hl ~ le,E1slalinn At the l!me it was pa.<,serl." the l1P-utl'nAnt i:.aid . "The~,.. 11·ere car1Mn rharllrltrs a1ml"rl ;ii children t1 nd $n ld ;it a pl ar~ where rn1nrirs ha1·e fre,. ;i rrf>~•," hto adrl,..rl., Pl'llir~ nf[1rrr<, ~P\7f'd th,. 11ffenrl1n'! r-"~1 ... r aft rr re("ei1·1nc a fnrnnli:nnt lrn1n a rnn(h l'r Pnlirt l\i\Hi. fJ\'t' rhildrt.n 11't.re 1n the ~ho p looking at the poster when of· f1rf'rs arri1·td. The. city c:ouriril met Mnnda,\' nigh t tn set the city's I.ax rale and kept it at the present $1 45 lf'\l'l. The efff'ct of !hi~ was tha l at_;3Jn no funrl~ \\'e re prn\'\rled fGr the Tnp nf thr r1er pl11 n. ~1al'nr Cenrgr ,\1cCra(·ken this morning e~eed 1t 1\·a~ fair 10 intPrpret that the c1Tv 11::11; entrring p, period nf rev1ell', e 1·a luat in~ 1t.~ pro~r;im~. project s and ser1·1ces 11·11 h it~ rel'enuP~. "\\'e. are ~rttini:: do1,1·n 10 !he nitt~ ~ri l· ty." he sairl _ "As fnr lhe Tor nf the Pier plan. 11·e all \\·nuld like to ~ee snme1h1ng happen do 11·ntn\l·n, hu! 11·~ h;i1·e to temper our enr hu.~1a~m 11·11h re;i!1srn. \\'t ha1·e In ~ee 1f 11·e c::in handle it and tf the penr le \\'ilnt it 11 may bl" ll'i 5e t.n c,;ll a puhl 1r mtoet 1ng nf the do\\·nlov.·n people \0 get their 1·fo!'ws " Da vid l 'rosby, Fri enrls Cleorecl O f Dru ,!! Char{{es Rnrk 1;1n~er Da1·1d Crl"'~hy end fl" P fr11>nrl~ arrP,,lf'rl .Jnne 14 1n ,'IP\l'por! Brarh on m;irijudni'I cha rg"" we re clrartrl nf all c h::irt,f>.~ !h i" 11·,.p k H:t r!Ylr .Jurl ic1;i l !11,lnr·t .lu rlce f'~YrrPtl \\' DirkP;.' di"ml."~!'rl ;ill "ix r a~P.<; Mnn· d;:i 1• h<>r;n1•r n( 1n~11ffir1Pnt <>\'1rl('llf P rle;irrrl nf m<lf'l)ll!ll1 R f\ n ~ ~ t' SS\ f1 0 r h::i rc<>~ ;ilnniz ll'iTh Crn~hy 11•o>re: -1.P Rn\' ~-Flnnnt. ~1.. 11hn c,;_1-p )li<, addr'Pl'~ ~'\ Crn~hr'<, 1'<1rh1 , '·\Jtlran ·- -r.rnri;t!' E. \rAlkrr. ;1L nf 2$72 Bal'~hnrr~ !1r11 <>. '\tv.'jV\rt Rr::i rh ..:...n,,b,r1 n. \r il ~nn .. iO of ?On Lidri Park Dr11·p, '\,e1rrnrt Re::irh _ -::;h!'ll !'1 L. PnecliPt. IP. nf Hnll,1'\\'nnr!. -K~thrrinf. I.. JI ob ,. r i ~ n n, !R. \-l n111 1<nnrl rrn~hl ' 2~. th<> lr;:idpr nf !hp folk rnr'k izrnup (.rn,h1, :-nil<. :'\~~h ;:in!'! Yflun ~. 11·;i~ ::ir rr,trrl .luni> 9 1•·11h h1~ fri prirl< fin hrs \a(·ht. ;inr hnr,..rl ;i! th<> Inn~ In !hf' L1rln' !'h1r1 ::i rrl In \("ll'p111t HR rhn1' ;\P1~·rnrt Rrri rh r nl1 1·p l'i<ll lnl'ri lhr1 ~ro!ttrl man iu::in;i fln,;_T ini:: nn 1rir nf !hi' 11·;11er arn1111rl (rn~1 '_1'.:it hl . ;ifl~r hrilr· in ,:. (hr hil (I" pump :'> nrer::1te. Judge [)irk r1 11;i' rl1;1nr·l1ntorl. hn11·!'\'!'r. • • YOUR • CENTER WITH FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS AND HELPFUL IN ON SERVICE. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING BOTH FRONT AND REAR MALLS. ALL STREET LEVEL 2300 HAR80R Bl.VO. THINK "Back To School" Top Values-Low Prlca Every Sin9J1 Day .. ,_ ---' '"' .. . ~~-··:i .. AT Wli.SON JUST SOUTH Of SAN DIEGO FREEWAY IN THI HEA-T O~ COSTA MES• . · .,. ... . 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • • ' I From Pqe J UN IFY • • • 1chl)(!I while lhe nlht r districts Wf'.IU!d t11ch havt twl'! t •. t ~-·-- r!" ef-----;:.·_=--=--=-J -·?! -~;t Thev ('nn1end~d lh<'f vottrs livin1 in Sf;i l Bearh l~is11ri: \Vnrlrl probabl y would defeal a bond proposal fl'lr anot htr b.Jg:ll 1chooL Poles S1•1·011t Tn1s!ets 11alph R11uPr and 0.:Mis f\.langerl\, h<•lh su pporters nf the three- w~~· srlit. s;i1d a bounrlJ1r.v chi:1nge would on ly create n1ore inequities. "1'hre boundaries were drawn accnrding In an equitable distribution of weallh. The flce an Virw Schnnl D1i;trlcf's 11bl1ity I~ rallle rnone1· is berau~e nf ll ('nm mltmtnt tn Pdu l';;ition." ~;iid H~11rr. al ~n a trustee on the Oct1an \'1r11' ~chnol board. "The penple there are 11lready s11dr!led with a high tax rate anl the bnundary t'h:in~e 11'nutd rrrno\'e lhe Huntin~ton L'cntrr which i.~ ~h<tllt the only 11sst~d 1•alualion rhe Ore::in \11rw Area ·has." l\1a n,i.:rri;, a ff1rn1Pr F'ounta in Va!!ev ~chool principal , reaffirmed hi~ rns1tio"n !hat 1he Ocpan View -f'n1 1nlain Valley 11nilieal1nn p\;in is hes! for all the children in the hii;:h school district. 111' ::ilso s::iid prescr1·;:ition of commun ity idt>nti1 y. one nf tho!' nlajor issuts in the unif1c:it1nn ri11e~l1nn . i.~ not !he m11jor r!!'a ~nn for trnif,vin i;: "The hil!h ~chonl tin11rrl out In be 1nnkerl !Ii for !cadPrship but. ntoulrali ty ha rdll' stn kes me as sh n wing leader.~hip " Tn1srre r:eorJ(e Lfl.'!an ar~ued lhll t, by t'nct nrsin,o: ,;_ plan which is th!' "ll"lllll in· rqu1t;:ihlr," !hf' ho;irrl i.~ nnl shnwing it~ leadrrship. He sug~eslo!'rl ihto district de1·pln p H.~ own pl::i r1 11·ilhnut l neriuil!~~. Sookesinen for (;cncr;,! 1'rlenhone and Ed ii:.on sa\' thei r f 1r·1n ~ rilan lo mo\'e \he~e pol es th.:it. ~eem tn ha ve sprnutcd ln the midrtlP 0f (;;ir. fie ld Avenue in Huntington Rea ch. Garfield is he1ng \1·idenert to four lanes under a $145.901) contract covering the stretch het\1·een Be.:i ch Boulevard anri Brookhurst S!reet. The oole~. u~ed hv hoth General Teleph0ne .:ind F:dison, formerly \\"ere at the side· of the road. A\lhnugh the hnarrl wilhdrl'w itll llUP· por! of the Ocf"an View·Fountaio VAllty pl;i n. it l11ler affirmed its 11uprnrl of th'e concept nf unification bv a 3-2 vott with Ln~;:in .:inrl Schmitt dissf.ntinp:. - Tri d::ite . three different unifi~ll · lirin propos;i l~ ~;ive bPen received by th!'! rn11nr.v Cnmm1!tee on &honl Di~triet Orl!ani?,::i!inn, 11•hich will meet, nn the 11nific::il\on issue al 7::10 p,m. Thu rsdl!il' in lhP Hun!ington Reach High School cafeterra. Boa1·cl Clea1·s tl1e Decl{s In ::i clrlitlno tn !he thrre-w;iy !!.plit. plans r"r lnt.:il unirirat.in n .11nd a rour·ll'ay split hAl'o!' Alsn tltf>n adv11nced . F 01· I1~vii1e City Electio11 The l:i!!er 1\·nuld allo111 $e11l Beach lri jnin with the Ln$ Alam itn.~ Schonl Di~trict ;ind rorm unifi~rl district.<; frt1m the \\'estmin.~ter Schon! Di~trict, the Hu n· tlngtnn Re::irh C1111 S('honl Oistrict. i nd 11 romhinll tinn or the Fount;i in V11ll ey and Cktan \'irw ~chonl rl is(ric1.~. B~· rn:i.t BAR LEY 01 t~• Ol llY l'llG! Sh!! Orange Cnunt~' :c;uprr1·isflrs tnda.v srl Se-pt. Jj a~ !hP da te {10 ll'h irh the\' will h1>ar prot est• again~L thf' plann!!'d in· cnrpnr<1tirn nf thP ri ty of !1·1·1n<>, Thr1r :1rl 1nn r lri'li-"rj lhP 11::.1· fnr :i r1!1 hnnrl r lrrtinn wh1rli ."l"Prns llk<>I•: lri he l'rhl'ri\il rrl fnr l;ile "ir11 rn1her or e.lr'l v Oo>rrllihrr. · Rn;il'rl ;H·l111n. lrd hv V1 f1 h Jli <:l1'1r>! ~'lp('r\ isn r nnn;:ilrl C;i/:PPrs l'lf NPtl'pnr t RC'{l("h, \\'~<; 1rii::i:rrrrl h\' thP r111ng ];:o.lr TuPsrl;i ~· nf !hr rrqt111erl $ROO f('f' hy prn. pnn<>nts of the !r1"1ne lnrnrpnr;:ition move· ffil'nt, Thr riri_rinrnt rlr;:ir·o; lhr ll'il,I' for ('i111nlv Cltrk \l.'U\i;im St John lo publ1~h nn1 ic<>s nf lh1> prnlr!'.'t hl";ir ing .:i nrl SP!. up ;irl. m1n1:c;tr;iti1·e m;:i rhinf'!ry for tht: re:c;ulting el<>f'T 1nn C;i~pprs lf'rl thP rnnl'P fnr !he ~Pp\ l.'J hf'::iring i11~1 24 h"11r <; ;iltrr h<> h;irl urgrrl thr hn;:irrl jn h::i rk h11n in hi s mn1'PS fnr '~I' ' ; ijjV lfb"I """"'~ ~ TODAY by ~ ~ R J. c. HUMPMR ll'! i Siiawwai!YkZti1SS(,WJi""*4 M< ii>< DIA MOND S YOU MAY HAVE NEVER SEEN Hn1·e yo~1 e,·c r ~e<>n <1 blric.k or hr0\11l . blue nr pink rt 1<l.m0nrl? They rlfl P.X l'l. <'!llri ~n ine are extremelv \'~luablf', ;:i<> i~ the hl11e diamond ;ind the c.:in.:ir')' diamonri \l·ith its clr;ir yel lfl11 hue, \\'Jth Lhe exccp\1!'n of blue, a touch !'If i'lny of 1he.l'e color~ 1n the voh ite diamond a\·ai!able In mo.o;t of us les~ens the st.one's vRi lue, a" do cArbon ~pol~ (na\l'S) Cir poor cutti ng. .'\Uh011~h these tn1ly magnificent riu:imnnds are r are. they are. oc- cri ~iona \ly a1·a1l<1hle: .ind if .'·0u are interested. you mighl register ynur name 1,1·1th us so you'll have an opportunity t.o cx;imin e one. At this time \\·e know of a four carat bltte diamond at·aila ble, a truly rare gem. Gem pu rch;i,.es nre itnportant. investments, and u·hen )'OU buy a rliamond the e~pert 's kno\\-\edge Is priceless. 51'.'1 it'~ wise to be gu..id· ed by a man v.•ho kn0\1'5 fine gems and by a m8n yl'.'ltt can tnist to tell the ln1th ahout of1<olo r tinges, tin y ~peck s or pnqr cut i;i:hi ch are ~o nften m is st>d by laymen. L<'t us h'Jp ,vnu , .. \1·e'r '-llved \tith clla- monds In Costrt !11e~a for O\ er twenty-four years . r an r::irJ.1· t€1'f1lt1linn nn lf1·1nP cit vhoorl. C1tyh n0d proponent,<;, ;:imong '1hPm !ho!' r<impaiF:nin~ l n11nrtl nf Cnmmunities nl Jrvinr. are llr j:!1ng that lhP 1'\Prl jnn ht> hPld in Tim• for ,-hr nPI\' ri!y to '111.'l lifV fr,r ~l;il r r,..h;:i1e~ nn i;:;i_<nlin!.' ;inrl ,-;all": 1<1Xf'~ in 1972 Tn \l!I ~,1 , 111(' 1·11;.· \1'1111ld h;i1 'e tn h~ rr1·11f1(·!1 hrfn re .J:in I \912 ('( ! l'li:111·n1.1 1\ .lnhn f'!111·l1•n h;i ~ st r·r~~. rd tn lhr hn:irrl lh11I !hr rlP•'T1nn ni11st hP hrlrl h('fnrr l>er .. ~I lo prrmH prnrrrt~ in tb" pnlpn.~r~ r·11y Iii £f1 nn thr cn11nt.v a ;~rssnr·s 1'172·7.1 !ii:< rnlrs. rl;in~ r<1I\ for the 1TP~l1n11 nl ;u1 !l\.2U7· ::tl'f'; c11y jn the central lr1·ine Ran ch at'r(l ('1·r ;1ll<'n nf ll1r r1tv 11:is hrrn h;ick<>rl h !h<> l.nr::il 1\gent'y. Fn1·matlrin Cnm- 1n1.«s11i11. If 1'11•nr1·.~ 1·fnrr~<'nl1ng !>I prr<'enl C"r 111nr p of lhr l;inrt rl_pc1~n;i1rrl fnr th!' 11e11• c1t,1 rr·n11"~\ lhr in,.nr)'l<'r';,11'111 lhen lhe tll'rlinn d;i1<> 11·il1 hP r;inrPllrrl Critics of thill prnpnsa! claim it Q:nuld 1·inl;ilp thP $1atto F~d uratinn Code whli'.'h ·'f1Pclf1el\ !ha! carh unified l\chool rlistriet m 11.~t nnl v::ir.v mnrP th;in lfl percent. ln ;i~~"i<.~erl \'::i lu;itinn th:in thl" 11.verage nf lhP ren1a1n1njl rli~lrir·I.~. Thf1· pn111t nut that thP ::;l';il 8e11c:h· L""' 1\l<1 n1 1tn~ 11nlf1erl rli~rri rt ,:1nrl t.hto H11n!in11:tnn R\"rich Citv unified ri i~trict wriuld enjoy more \.\'('alih than th~ t1ther1. Prison (; ua rfl Buried :-:AC l1Ar-.1~;1\'T(l t!'P!J f"r 11 nk llr.L!'nn . lh<> S::in Q11rn11n' ,;:11;irrl wiln prL~· on nffiri ;:il~ .~11id fn11nd ;i lil Un in Gt t1rJ;e ,J 11rksl'ln·~ h111r anrl w11~ ~l.'Jin a fe1v mnmrnl $ l::itrr. w;i.~ h11r1erl htrto Tuesd a1". F11nr ral ~rrv1r('~ 11•rr·I' htlrl l"ilrlier in r e1<1l11m::i. ll'here OtLeon . 4t liven with his 1,11fe Vir1;in 11.nd !heir f1 vto rhildren, LIMITED TIME OFFIR buy3 get)lree! Now is ttoe ,,...,, IO start OI" ltdd to"°'" Towfe st9Pfl11t ~1"rv1ce. Bu·,. 1hrre n•ece~ and set ti,e fourth one '""'· For e>1amplt: buy thrt>oe teaspoo/\S •!'Id you reee,.,. tM fourth teaspoo" free. Come lfl tod.,-111d c~ fl'el'l't our large sele<:t•Ol'I of Towle pa~ '" solid silver. Off~ 1va f!tble in fol.lowin;: pieces lrt aft «it"'-t ..- 5lerling Dat1erm: Teaspoons Pi ke ftirks Pf aefl knives Sa!1d forks P\Ke 5j)OOOS SpreM:Jers Coekt1111 rorlcs Oe!'?'t lte K e s ~M keel tievu •ie apoont ft-on'! s ~.(!() fM:Jm $14.50 fT\')(11 s 14 .00 fl'Ol"f\ $12.00 fr°"1 $12.25 ftOl'l'\ s 9.00 $10.00 $ 7,,0 $12.50 J. C. ...JJ,,,ml<JhrieJ J ewefer j 1823 NEWPO RT BLV D., COSTA MESA CONVlNl [NT Tf ~U.~ I A'°'ICAM Eil:ICAltD-MASTE lt CMJ.J:GE • 14 Y{-4 '9:S SA.Ml tOCATtOW PMO~I 141.J~l)I • I. I 11 I Too Slow At Safe, Murdered Nf-.:\1.' \'ORK !Af'I Thomas V. HigJ;ins .,...,,a un- familiar "'llh the romb1n1l1nn nn the 11u~rm 11 rket sa le. and m1ss11:d it the first lime around. He ne\tr i:Ot ln try it aG:a1r1 H1gg1ns rno\'eri too slnw tn pleasr one of four robbers of 11 &hark su ~rm1rke1 in rh~ Flatbu!lh sPction nf Rrookl yn 1'uesda,v, 11nd !he h;indil .'ihot anrl k111rd thr 51l·.vrar-nld ;issts1 11 nt ~torr m 1 n 11 ~er, pollre s;:i1d Ht,'lgin~ 1s nrwm<ill .v a.~s11o1nPd Ii) annthrr stnrr 1n 1he rhaln, bu! \.l'a s filling in fnr thP \',~"'"' t10111ng n11n11ger nf 1he sfrore lha1 the four rnbhers rntererl Three went In the c11.sh registers. and twn nf !hen1 dre.,.., gun5. police s;ud The.v nelted S781 from the rash registers. Another armed h;ind11 r(ln- fronted Higgins and ordered the saff' opened Higgins fumbled nPrvnus!y "'i !h the co111bin11t1nn a.~ th!' rn))ber cursrd and thrPatenerl him . Sudrlenlv. the bt1nciit br~;in h1tt1n~ H1gi,:ins in the he;irl with the gun. As Higgins fe\1, thf' bandit fled. bur whirled And shot H.iggins nnre 1n the side, pollcl'. said . All lour rob· hers then escaped in a '''aitin~ car. ix:ilic'-sa id. There were no other injuries. Pot Hii;ed I 11 Fre e:.e SE . .\TTLE fl'PI I -(lf_ flc1als at the regional Olfire nf E m er ;;:enr~· r rrparedne.,r;.o; repnrt !hat thP,\' received A lnng-dtslanre phone r<ill /\t0n · da y nigh1 complainln~ that lhe price nf Marijuana had risP:n $40 per ix:iund despite Prt.Sl· dent Nixon's wage -pr ic e ftl!rZf' Spokl!'sm;i n John L .\l;il;cv Ea.vs "he. said tha1 at that prire he u·nuld havl!' 10 turn tn hard stuff and ht didn 't wa nt " - 'ONE ISSUE' LABEL DROPPED Tap Oi•••nt•r Sen. McGovern McGo'1ern Will Reject War as Ca111paign Iss11e DAJL v PILOT l) 'False Evide11ce, etc.' Lobbyist Voloshen Illi11oi s P1·o secuto1· l11dicted Dies , 73 In Raid on Blacl\: Pa11the1·s Nt:W YORK t AP 1 -Narhan M Voloshen, whn w111 oon· CHICAGO r UP1 1 -SlAte 's left m1iny q u es t 1 on ' v1ct fd or peddlini his ('()n-.11!!orney Edward Hanrahan, unan!5wtred nt.<'t1ons with former hnu"e !he city's tnp prnsecu tnr. ha11 •· · ,. d .. Tht l'OUOl" grand )Ury Sp e. a k, r ,Jn h n \V . ut:t'n 1n 1cte w1r n 13 othrr J l11w nf(' · I h r charged lht Lt Indicted men McCormack 's nUice I 0 r . 1c1a s nn c arge11 o cnnsplring In obslruct jusllce with "destr0yln1:. 11!terin1, lucrative fees, has died here in a \!Wi9 pnltce rrud in which concenhn,:: a n d dtsRulsinc, 111 73 Ne\" Yoi·k two Black Panthers were kill-phos ic 1 d 1 . i\1nun1 !'1na1 H (l s r it ,. J ~ Pd .•· a ev1 ence .. p an\lng ·" T false evidence .lnd ... reporlt"\J Ul':~ll.V that the rh1cag• r 0 I 1 ft ' su~r1'n-, hi ( I 1 d l bh · d ,..l 1 ,. ' t-' urnJ)I ng " se 1nlormat1nn." d;iv.:yer an n ,vist 1 -~n'l-Welcon1 es !~nrirnr .lamf'~ R ("onl 1.d1 u:as II !IJllld H11 nr11han. 50, one of av twn hnur!i after f'n tfrtng ntil inrl irlt'rt hul ":i.~ ni1 mrrl 11 lh ii" cnron:iry tntrns1\'f' rare ' lop m!'n in M11yor Rirhard unil <'o-cnnsp1rfllflr . as \\f'l'f' 1"0 nf ,I n~Jry')\ 11 tmn cr 11 1 1 r \'nlnshrn pleadrd ~uiltv tn M M ht)\ pnhct init>sliJ.:<itflr)\ and ori:11niz11tton , made "fal~e. 11 nrl (·h;i rges Iha! hf' ust rl hi.~ ITI· {)()I} e fl lwfl nf Hanrah;in "s a~si~lan!.~ t n f Jammalory'' Sl.llt@menti'! rluenrr 1n to.·lcCnr•mitrk's nHire Tht. rhart:rs wert mitrle whil l!' nbl111nin,1t .11 n a!tt>mpt.erl seven Panther~ who survived the raid. in (\blilln f;ivnr~ fnr r!ienli'! NE "' YORI\ 1Ar1 -''Th f' public Tursc1a.\' 1n r he munie.r indictmen! 1111,ainst fl'nrn gnvernmt;nlal aR'-nCll'!~. mfl!!'ffC'lldf' wa.\ thr 111nsl 1m· rnurtroom nf .Jud.er Jnsl'!ph A (~~~~~~~~\lliJil(iii!ijj:A'S~~~~~~ He w~~. ,.01 ,0,,, 1.,,1 Pnwer, chif'f nf rnminal r VIBGINIA 'S ... , ' " press1ve th in).!. 1·,,, .~f'en s1nr t · ,.. k ( No veml'wr lfl pa y t1 S!0.000 rourts in '·00 :nnnty. who, SNIP 'N STITCH SHOPPE fine, but fcder•I .Judoe M•'"'" Ill'. left hea1·en ," \,ol Da1·id n had suppressrd 1hP 1nrt1rtmPnl J E c eo " Scott. sa1rt J 2' d f .. 33'4 •i.f o•li Hwy . e Ccrana del M•r E Fr;inke! decidfd ag;unst since une ·• an re useu t!'l1 i;enrting him tn pri.Vin ht>causf' 'fhousands nf New Ynrkers llccepl it \\·hen 11 \\"as first Phcn• 673-SOSO the ~n1·rrnment ~aid Vflloshrn :i nrl tnunsr~ rheerl!'d Senti an(! votf'd 111st April \\.':IS ronper;iling 111 furtht'r 111. h i~ ftllnl4' A pollo l~ 11stron.11ut~ ·Thi!' 1ndictmenl ~1rm.~ from ve~tioatinn,s Tuf'srt11.v a~ !hf' thr~f' wf're. II raid au!horitrri h~ Hanrahan \\'A>,"l'IN,'(','[QN' LllPl 1 '1 (' h • i 1• r ,01•r:rn l!i I e co·11ulhor \lnlnshen . who rrporterllv .civt>n ;i rararlP rln>.1n F1f1h t1nd marlt h~· pnl1cr assi gned New Fall Fashions FROM VIRG INIA'S Srn. (;pnr,ct: t11C"finvrrn. a nf I ht> cont r o v l' r s 111 1 rerPivrrl ur tn $~.fKlfl ;oi Jn h. AvPnUP. twn .'if'1.~ nf n1rrta l~ tn his nffler nn Orr. 4. 1~~. 1 narne 11 lmnst ~vnonvm\UJ); w1lh Mrr.nl'ern·Hatfir lrl ";i.mpnr!-~,11 1rt hr hllrl !hf' :iirl nr anrl ,11 rPcrpt1nn rrn1in1srenr nr Black Panther lr;.rtpr~ :0.11lrk d1 s&enl agllin~t thf. \'1e1n;im ~1cCnrniark 's ;idministril!•vl' ll sn1;ill lo>.1·n wtl rnm1nc the Cl :irk rinrl Vrrrl H;in1111nn 11•erl' h d d " I h h rnf'nt ln f'nrl !hi!' "·11r ·· th:il "'ar. as ec1 e" n s un ! e ;1ss1st;:int, ])r, ~1artin Swe.i.c . in hn.vs home. k11ltrt h~ ,1tunf1re 1 issue for the rrn1:i inrler of his 11•nuld havf' t'ul off funds fnr ~ri ling i::ni·ernment 11 ~,nrie~ Smile.~ .:inrl rlapp1n~ t:l'Prl.trl The counly ,er;inrl 111r.1· (;oilrr pre.'lidentia! camp11 1gn US hght1n,it zn lndnrh1na His tn hfo.l ievr 1hr spe.itkf'r w~nlrrl &ntl. Lt C:11L Ja n1es-f\ lr"·1n said thi: r:111thrrs hart f1rrd Struggling tn rlive.i;t himst:IJ poli11c;il career ha s cnn-rrrl<11n actions rakr.n -such a11rl ~1aJ. Alfrrd to.I \\lnrde.n as nnl,\• nnf' shnt on the. "nne-issut." label thal centrril !d .:ii most exclus1 velv a~ lhe issuing nr Army I hey perched on tht. b;oirk nf .1J The cnunt.v gr:ind 1ur.v "'hlrh has stalled his c;:unpaign . Ill thf past four yr;ir.s 0n di•char~P.'i or imptlr! licr.1;-.1'..'I rnnvertible nn the trip h'I City Tf lu rned thl' 1nd1r1menl 11•asl McGovern lold n e. u· s me n leading the fight to end a "'ar SweiJ! was c-on1•icterl nf flO!' Hal!. t>mpaneled hy Po\\·er las-I ll 's th •t lil'Tlfl •9.tin. N11td n11w 1chael cl ath11~ 7 Co!'T'l tl in .,.,d let UI httlp pl•n your w •rdre911. W11 h•"• tht1 l.tt11 1t in 1111w navt1!ty kn it1 , cotlori <1 ni!I poly ,.1ter. The 1all loo~ i1 in, 1e try our bec1 ut ifu l printed ier11y1. F<1nla1fi( n11w 1hipm1tnt of wid8· wal .. c.ordur ay, ~ettl1clcth end trim1 hes jus t 41 r. riv111d . S11f1 Yau Saa,d VIRGINIA Tursda.v !hat hr con~idered an immnr;il rnunt nf 1n,1urv :ind st:irtt>d ;i An Plrlerh· man held ur " De.cember ar !hi!' urg111 11 nf "1 will hAve verv !il!le corn -blunder and A maJor nationa l :JO-month pnsnn l'ientenre July sign sav1n.:. ",lne "'i!!lcomes st>veral r1v1r arnup~ · •vh1rh • IANlAMl:llCAID n1rnl nn th t "'ar ri·nm hert. nn , _L_ca_g~e_d_,. __________ 22 ___________ -~lh~•'_'.'m~oo~n~m~en~.~"--------'':a~id'._'11h~•'_{,fe~d~e~,a~l_'.'.ln~'_""~'~'•~'~l1~nn~,~~~~~~ e MA.STER CHAIGI nul. . 1 expect tn sa.v very li!!ll!' .:ibnut lndnchina 1n lhr Of'Xl ,\tt"ilL" Thf' Snurh f)aknl;i Dcmnrr1t 5;i 1rl hr l\'Ol/!rt fnru~ h 1 ~ r;im- P-'IJ:n 1nslP1ld nn !ht l'cnn11m.I" anrl nlhfr domr)l!Jr t~.'IUI'~. ' nn u·h1rh the 1!172 electtnn "'tll !urn " 1\"hile he <;air! enrl1n.i: lhP war 1v:i ~ still lhP natrnn·s !\n ! pnonr ~·. hr h:id tn facr lht fitct 1hal "pnckelhonk i&sue$" \\'!'re th!' nnes th1t would win 1·n1e~ "1 "m A pnl it1r11 I rl':ah~! i nd I hr l•p1·e lhP s111tf" nl thP ernnom1· 1~ mnrr df<"ll'iivr p<'h t1c:i ll~··" hr told e h1nrhl!'l'ln 2ath!'.nng f o t \\'.11sh1n1ton financial wr1ll'rs eon non-stops • oenix Load of Books to t t Julie Fractures Toe 111 Sc liool Accide11t ATLANTIC BEACH. Fl11. E1senhn1rer, ts stat1nned at 1UPf 1 .lul1f' ~·1 ~nn E1~e nhn11·,..r .~11ffrrl'!d a hrn k~n {Cle Tuesrl11 y whrn ii mrlal c;irt Jnadl'rl "'11h hnnk~ rn ll t;rl n1•er ht"!' fl)("lt. at the Atlantic Beach El e.mentar~' Sr ho o l "'here shP i)\ a !Pacher. Offirial)I .sa id Prrsidrnt K1x - 11n'.'I ynunjlf'~t clau~hl er "·n111d recuperat!' lorl av in htr 11 p11 r1 mtnl and prnb:ibl.v return rn tiC'hfln l Thur,r;rl11~ .!11111!' "';ii; ru.~hPrl hv !if'("!'CI !-erv1remPn 1o ;i rill;pr ri.~ar.\' at n~:ir))v -"l;ivpnn \'111·:i l S1.11t 1nn After thl!' :ll'i 'lrl Pn! 11nri hf'r fMt 1>.·a,r; plarPrt 1n A 1.1·.:i lk1ni C"R~t Julie 's hu~h11nrt . En$ Da1·1rl 111a.1•rmrt Agl'nt)I 1mml':r!1alP.1y c1Jll'!rt tl1, \\'h1l f' HrHJ.'C. Ph~·s 1c111n , nr \\'aJ!,r TkArh. '''hfl 1n· fnrmed pres1de.n1 11.nd i\tr.• N1):on nf thf m1sh<1p Th, first fam1ly 1s i;ta.vin,!; a1 the 1,1,'t slern Whit e HoU!l' in Sa n C!Prnente ' tllrs !\'1xnn telephont"d .Julie. 2~. tn nff Pr her s~·mp;ithv i\1r~ Cflnn1P S1u11rr. thf f1r~t lady·~ slaff rlirl'rlnr. said Jul it 1nlf'nrted In rt>t ur·n in ~rhl'lfll rn- rl ii'' ""Sh!' !h1nki; 11 '_~ it ~1111 ll C· r 1rlen!." sa1rt ~tr~ Sruart. in S:in flrmr nll'! Two rings for two· lovers ••• both rings $88.00 ,,,.., •~•llty 41e,. .. , •11• ,..i.'9re41 I• 1411•e14-k1IM fot'ftrecfil l•IWIS I tf11,C•1'll Cl(COVl'llJ ovollel.11.e u,t to 12 month1to1'tl'f lonk.ArMricorG •Marter Ch1110• "THE STORES CONFIDENCE BUILT" l•t1bll•htd 43 Yt1 r•I NUNTIM•TCM CIMTll 9Hclo ... ldi1"''' H1tfltlflt''' l•et~ lfZ·i51!1 H.All C'l• 5HOl'l'IH8 CINTIR 2JOO H1•lt11• lt,d. C11\11 MMI S•l·f411 n,EM Mt'IM . THU RS l ,ll 'TIL t I' /Ill -· 4 7:35A.M. Sleep later. Miss the freeway traffic toL.A. lnttmatiomLArrivm Phoenll. 8:27. 8:50A.M. An ;deaJ m<>rning !fight for moot travelon. Not too early. Net toelaie. Arriv .. Pllocni>, 9:44. • 2:15 P.M. Onr mid--day .flight, arriving Phoenix at 3: 10 pm. U you leave your car overnight at the airport, remember parking ;. cliuper "' Santa Ana. the fastest way to Tucson 1 n " , .. I 4 7:35A.M. Aft.er a 2(}.minute st.op in Pboenix, arrive& Tuaoo 9:25 1.m. M:><:b ahon.r time , and fat i.. halole, Ill in all, than dt!Yf.ng ro L.A. Intarnatiooal for a TU<IOD lfiajil 5:20 P.M. A1ain, ~you're ataying cmnsiah~ it's eheape: to leave your car at Saota Au than at L.A. International. Arrivea Tucaon 7:09 p.m. 5:20P.M. Leave after work and arrive -at 6: f 6 p-ID, jaot in time for dinner. No figb~ mah hoar tr:dlo tD L.A.. Internatian.al Hughes Air West from Santa Ana We fly more people to Phoenix and Tucson than any other airllue. \ .. _. __ ------. -. . -· ,,. -. DAILY PH.OT EDITORIAL PAGE A Reasonable Solution Fountain \'alley should reconsider 1ls reJect1on or the con1pron11se alignment for the Hunli ngton Beach Free1vay !Houte 39 ). Either Iha! or tl1e city staff should be inslrucl.ed lo continue talking \\'ilh state high11•ay engineers and of· ficiaL" in ~lunt i nglon Beach on v;orking out some solution Lo their differences. The dif!erences are real. vet it is difficult lo believ e they Jre of !he magnitude thai puts thern beyond resolu· lion a! the local le vel , But to request a reopenin.i:: of hear- ings on th e route. as the f ountai n Valley council did last 11cck. is ~h utt ing the dnor on negotiation . Reali~· v.·hat is at stake here goes be,vond the fu ture of a cn1nn1uni ty , but ralher CQneerns the grov.·th of a rcs:;ion. Ry ref11sing to sign a freeway agreC'ment \\'ith the slate -and Fountain \ia!ley has sairl it u•11! not sign unles.c; the route is chan~cd -fountain Valley can block the freev•ay as presently routed and prevent the econo· n1ic rlevelopmcnl o[ itself and 11 unti ngton Beach. To many observers. the compromise suggested hy the Division of HJgh\1ays seems reasonable· S\\1inging the rou te a fe11· hundred feet lo the 1rest of Ne11•land S!reet so 1t v.1ould n1iss aln1o:il al! of Fountain Valley ex· rep\. fo r a section al Ne111land Strert anrl \\'arner ,\ven ue ·rti is adjustmen1 11·a~. one tha1 ror!ld b(' handled at the design hearings on offranip~ and 1n1rrrl1an:_c:; and \.voulrt not require for1n al ne1v heari t1~-; !htd migh! re· :-111 lt in cosll y delays in actual conslructinn . One does sympathize \Vi lh Fountain \1;illr.v l(i 1J1e r 'i1ent that the route adopted by 1he 5!ate Jlit:h\vay Cnn1· n•i ~~inn in 1968 is not the one Ll1e co1111nun1ty \1·a11trcl. Rnt h }l untington Beach and Fountain \'alley 11·:intcd the frcC\\'ay to go dov,on Gothard Street along lluntinglon Beach's induslrial sector. Bl!! that \\·as not to be. No1\' plans have been rnade around the adopted route and to delay con5lruction or change Ille free1vay path \.l'Ould place unjust hardship on those \\•ho have n1ade decisions based on \he. 1968 de- tern1inatlon. f ountain \'alley count·Lln1en acted re~ponsibly in puslung for son1e adjustment 1n lhe rnute. l 'hey i:;:ot il. 1·11e cotnpron1ise ~uggested by the J)tVt~ion or H ighv.1 a y~ d oes represent an improven1ent JI 5hould be given furlh· er consideration. Horses in th e P a rk Dogs nn the heaC'h is an issue thal cl!vitles r1 t1zens u1to fernctous debate 111 rno st coastal con1muniti e~. Jn lluntington Beac·h. the issue. scpn1s to be horses Jn the park Son1e councilmen are concerned at the cny s gro" ing horse population -about 2.500 -and a lack of ordinances to control the n1any stables openu1g up, partic.•u la rly around the C.'cntral Park. 'fhe only restrir1ion al prese111 is 1hat .'i l ab1es n1ay not be co nstructed 11•1th1n 50 feet of a public street or \\•ithin JOO feet of a dv,1elJin)'.!. unless it JS the O\\'ner's o\vn home .. A. survev is hein)'.! taken of lhe nurnber of h or.~es and stables in 'the ci1y 1vilh a vie1\ In 1rn posi ng greater con!rol.'i, possibly lin11tlng ··horse de11 s1 r1 es·• lo so n1any µer ;i1Te . ~u<·h a n101·e rrnbably has n1 cri! but the rnunc1I had be tter be prepared tn fa ce the horse lnhby Stable 01v n· er• and parents of youngsters 11·ho ride 11·1Jl be sure to poi nt out Lhe. he althy virtues of the outdoor activi1.v. Controls lo Insure cleanliness and :;o und construe· lion of stables should meet !itUe opposilJnn but. a_ny ac- tion to curh the horse population 11·1Jl be certain to ki ck up some. dust. H Attorney General St1ys All Rellso1wble 1llea11s Tlll.,en. to l11s111•e -- LONELINESS I I Trite Story ot' Assassi1iation I. ' Younger Expected Conspiracy Theory • Ill Sirhan Case Tn the Editor; In recenr 111.,nrhs. questions ha ve been r::ii<:cd concerning all a5pects nf the Sirhan Ci!Sf' by a 1·anely of penple for a \'aricty of motives. \VhPn. as Di.'i!rict Atlorne.v nf Los An,r:('les County, I pr nsccuted Si rhan . \\'e knrw. and I sn slated on oumt>rOU.'i oc- c;i~ions. that some dav someone "'nulrl t <111'e que!'lt1nns cnnf'cro.1ng thP manner uf df',1th ;:ind !he p;irt1es re~ponsiblr It "·as ine\'11able tha1 the conspira cy th ... ··~v 11ould be sugge:.ted -!hat makes e hf'l\er story. E1en though l knew that snme ptrsons, 1,1•:1nst> mot11·es m1i::ht or mu~ht not be ap- parrnl. ¥.'nuld orvrr a1!01"' rhe case to be put tn rest. \\"f took all re<1sonable means ln insure !hat the !rue story "·as develnped and perpetuated HO\\"E\IER. IN recent mnnlhs thal. 11'h1rh 1\e predicted has occurred, and ! am ~till fr equently asked whe ther or not lll"l"e 11·ere incnnsistcncics in the testimon.v at 1he Sirhan trial. .\1.v answer: Yes. definitely there Were. \\"hen 65 11·itnesscs irslify concerning any 1n,.idcnt. 1 arn no! disturbed concerning n1inor inl'ooi:istencies in the lcstiinony. I "'riulrl be cnnccrned if all 65 witnesses !Pstif1Pd in prerise!y the same manner. Hnnf'st 1ndil"idua!s testi!yloi; lo an event 1,1 h1cti they (lhsrrvpd t•nuld nor possihly see. hf'ar and reral! !he e\·ents in the ex· acr ~amf' \1ay locnns1strncies of a rn inn r ll itlllrc !rnd CrC'rlrnce to the testimony or \\llne5~cs In !he Sirhan case such 1n- ("nnJ'1<;tcnc1cs as existed in thr te~1 1mnn~· of thr 111lnr.i;~e!-\.\rfe considered and e1 aluared by !hr Jll! 1· IT SllOL"LU Bt rrrnrn1 berrd !hat !he ln\rS11pat1nn fn!lri111ni:: !hr a~~ass1na!1nn nf Robert F Kf'nnrcl 1 nn .!unr ~1 . 1%11 bv th" l.J"lS An~rlrs Pnl1rl' flrp;irlmPnt ;ind n!her cnnp('rar1n~ drn,1r!111c11t~ 1nc!ud1ni:: 111" Ln~ Angrlrs Cnun!y Ois!r1rt Al· !'•nlf'· ~ rirrwc 1)1,, FRJ anrl nth•'r ;i•.:rn· r·ie~. 11as nne nf the niost rn1nplrtr. 1! not thr llill~I CH111plr!e. c r J JI) 111 ii I Ill· \f'~ti~at1nn~ r1·rr 1·nnd11rtrd hy a law en· forc e1nent agrnr~· in the Un1!ed S!rlles 11 w;i~ dc1cnninerl lh;:ir all pns~tble 1n· f0rma!inn \1•nuld be obtained and bP made a1·ail<ihlP to the public al a !u11e \\'hen !hp const1lutional ri gh ts of thr defendanr could not be jeopardized by the attendant publicity f.IOHE THA ."\ t.OOll ""ltOCSS{:S ~'err. in· ter\'1ewcd S1xly-fi ve "'i!nei.sc.!. were rall· ed by !he District Altnrney of l..ns Angeles Cnunty to testify rlurini;:: tht course of the trial. Al lhe C'nnrl usion nf the case. rrpnrt s co1·ering ln!C.r\'1rws with those witnesse~ who had not been callrd 1<1 testify by either part,\·. con1- pri sing !!!'.! 111 all. were fi led "'Ith rhe Superior Court a.~ exhihits and beca1ne a niatte.r of publir recnrd Al !he requrst of defense cnunsP!. rluplicates of mnrr than 150 fi lPs r11n- la1nin~ inler\•iews of polenhal 11·1tne.~:o;rs 11·ere deh\'ered on pretrial discn\tery mn· lions. lorluded among thesr filPs "pre recorded inter\"iew~ nf n1nre than 70 prr!'nns who "·ere alleged to ha1·e observ· ed the de fendant at snme time durin.1: the f'\'ening of .June 4 and the early niorning of June 5 at the Arnh;i~~ador Hntrl EVELLE .1. YO L;NC.ER Attorney [.;Pnrral Stale of Californ ia f'ree1c nfJ S119gestf1,11s To the. ~~ditor : The issue of the Coast Free"'ay has becon1e sn clouded Qne doesn"t know if "'hat he hears is true or false. I hear from Ne\\·pnrt Beach official.~ th;it the freeway is dead and should be buried. yet the department of transport;:ition still L'l· sisls it is \'ery much alh·e and will not be deleted "'!thou! !he cooperatinn or Ne"'IXlrl"s ne1i;hborini;:: c1!ies. dC'sp1le Gn\'Prnnr Rf';ig;.io"s ne"' poli cy lO\l'ard coastal freewa~s Costa f.lesa ;:ind Hunl1ng1on Beach huth 11·ant their freeways \1•hde Ne\\"port BPrtch and Fountain Vallf'y are aJ!;iin~I ;:i frC'r11ay in !hei r c1t1e:;; TherP i~ 11 solu1l•)ll tn !hC'~e nroblrrn~ R:i!hcr lh;.,·1 du111p111~ !ht f1 Pc\.\·ay tral1ic nnto cx1~1lni;: srrerts al thP free\\-a~"s end. 11 is quire loi,:1r;il 1n link ll1e Hu nt1ngtfln Bct1rh and Ne"'PQrt frep";iys tngeThcr at 1t1e cn;is! Tll E ll UNTl~(J l'O,\' BEACH frce11ay ! fl nu!P :l!l 1 1"<111 be run along Be11ch Bnule\lard and !he Coast High11'a.v :IC• enrrlin~ 10 their plan, hut a! lhe Santa /\na River 11 cur1·r~ slig htly !o lhe nor1h. hypassing Ne11•port Shores and. fo!ln1l.'ing the con1our of !he land . runs jus1 sou1h of \\"C's! lli!h Street (Completel y "'i!h1n the J'\e"'llOrl Beach cit~· l11111ts1 and links up r.·1!h the Newport Freeway \Rou te 5$/. The onh· roadblocks to I his solution are. Costa r.lesa's desire ln ram a free"·ay Two J(inds of Boredo1n ThoL:ghts at Lari::e: To be. horPd by 01he r.!. may he n1erely !he sign ol a restles~ n11nd : to be. bored hy oneself LS surely the sign of an unde\'eloped mind • • One sunpnscs that the. Kalional Association nf ~lan- ufacture.rs in I g ht cnndemn as a "'(0111- munisl'" the Sf>P.a ker of the5e \\ntds '·People. of !he sJ1me trade seldom meet together, e\ en for merriment and dt- version. but !he con. vers.;.'ion enfjs in a ' ' ' ; ~( ' . conspiracy against lhe pubhc or in some. contrivanct lo raise pri<"r~" -but the 111<UemPnl \J Adam , m•th s. In his "\\lealfh of r-.1al ion.s." the bible of cap11al- lsm • • Speaking nf prier~. I dnn"t thin k !ht public minds Ml much being chea tl"d 1n ('n!il a.~ not Ji!Pl lfng valut in the _1:onds - afUor all . we can dec ide. hQw much wt • r ) Sydney J. Harris 1 . ., v i;\'a.nt tn pay for snmelhing . bu1 il is dif· fieul1 to know if e.ve n n1inimal v11lue !s buih into lhe products at any price. • • • The most intense fe.ar is nesa1 ive. IO I. positive ; we fear not so mu ch being repulsed from "'hiit we: desire. hut losing "'hat \\·e hal'e. attained, 1Thus. 1he reason radicals Ol"erthrow cnnserval1 \'e.s, and not the other "·ay around . is th;it the r;:idicals can afford to be. much bolder. havrng Jill le or nothing to lnse>. • • • f.1nsl flallery is self-flattery -"P.. com- phme.nt people nn thn~e '1Ual1!1es !hal. make 11! feel aJ in1elligeot and grac1nu~ as themselves. • • • Adm1n islra!J1'f' 111oralio i.~ aJ11ays low in an autorr;it ic compan1, rn1· 11 L! un. pt)i.s1 hle lnr the jun1nr l'J.:Pc11111 r~ tn bf' on their toes and nn lhr1 r k.nrP:-~1 1hP .<;unt rin1('. .\'I a ii box Lrtrrrs frn111 1'enrirrs nrr 1rpfi•n11•r. f1:orrr1tJl/_!J u1n/fr.; s/1011/rt f'O l!l"Ctl t/11i1r 111es$ar1es 111 300 u1nrds or lr.~.1. ?'Ir e 1·1g!it to conrlrnsr> letrcrs /n /H .~pf1re or e/1111111arp /Jhel 1s r esr' r·rd. A ll lr l- trr.~ 11n1s! 111cl11rle s1r1nature and 111n1l- 111[1 nddrr.~~. liur 1lt7/llrs 111r111 br 11 oh- hr/d 1111 rrqursr 1( .~11ff1c1r111 rcn.•011 1~ nrflui r ut. Por try 'rill not be pub· lt~l1rrl . l hrnu~h ."\P \\port Bt'ar.h an rl A~~tmhh·rnan Robert Burke"s 1nfafuat1on ""ilh frre"·a,·~. Laguna Bea.ch ~av~ it a.J•n ncpds a lrrewii.v !o rellCVf tralfu• on 1hf' rna~t Unfnrtunalely. ;iny free11·ay th;i1 11' nnt ri~hl on the coast "'ill only bring 1nQre lrafllc !'l the area PEOPLE \\'ILL still want to use the Coast. Highway for beach ;u.:ccss . Thi': departn1ent. nf transportation ~aid this 1rn s true (lf Newporl Beach :ind Laguna·~ lr;:iffic problem is murh wl")rs r A frre1\'il.I' throu~h L;i)luna Ca.n.l'nn \\'1!1 nnt onl.v bring e\'en more traffic lo the area. hut \\'Ill also tear up a n111Jor por· l1nn nf !hr proposed L<1,1!Una Beach grrrnbe11 This free"·a.1· sre1n.~ lo ex1sl only herause Sarr;:imento \1'ant;; In niake e;irh slate h1gh"·a,1· 1n10 ,:i frf'e"a~ J hope ou1· elel"led n!/1rial~ cou.~1drr lhr~P sui::gcs11ons and clear up thi5 mess in 11 hurr~. OA\"ID (; POFITJ:;R Free1i·t1 !1 ll1)111 i 11 ~1 Tn ! hP J::rlll\ir A~srrnl'l.1·n1an Robel'! B1ii-kP 1 R-Jlun- l 111i:1no Be:irli 1 111<1.1 nnr rr1np111br1 h11!. hack 111 Jf+6R. lhrrf' 11·a~ riu1 1r ;i <'Oil Lrn vrrsy rrganling '!h1> fl riu tP :1'1 l'ree.wiiy A puhlir hrann-: "·as held at Hun11ni:tnn Beafh Hig t1 S!.·hnnl I ha\ r sevrr;,I le!leri: frr11n hi~ nff1f'e, date<! 1968. 11•herehy he carefully ex- plained th;:it a fretway ~elecl1no 1s .:imnn~ !he c111es, stalf' and D1\'1s1nn of High11·;i _vs. aod 1s no1 a leg1.•lal1vr matter. At that rime he was extremely non-com· n1i1tal regardin.1; the mal!C'r. In the DAILY PILllT of Au~ t9 Assen1blym;:in Burke refer~ In The fact thf' cilies ha\•e been g11'en n1nre authority than prel"iOu.!.ly, in free"•ay n1al!ers. Since the "cities" ,:ire comprised of t a~ paytrs. cQuld it be po~s1ble that the •·city" officials art fi nally hearing the ma1nri!y l"ie w ,:iorl are attemplin~ tn represent the ci iy·s residents as they 11•ere. elected lo dCl'.' I l\tliST CONG RATULATE Fountain Valle~· ror this representation and the fact !hat they hold firm against enorn1ou.~ pressure from all sides, In 1968 the ma- JOfll~' of residents of Huntington Brach and Founlain Valley 1vere 111 fa1·or of the Gothard route, to no avail. as ~·e. were told lhe state would consider no o!her alternates. even soulh of the. cit~· or Westminster, "'hert all the comphca1inns begin. The: "pro\·incial'' 1·ie\1·s held by the residents of Hun tington Beach. FC1untaln Valley, Garden Grol'e. Cypress. 11nd ot her cities in 1968, "·ere substantiated hv an M"Onomic study of Orang Count,Y hy Development Research As.soc:'l;ires and lhree traffic engineers. formerly \\'ith the. Di vision of Highw;iy~ ll ¥.'as the ir com· bineri 11 nalysi~ that 11 "·eslerl.v rnu!t or Gothard, woulrl he in !he be~\ intrre.<l i. nf OranRe Uiunty. Nei!.hf'r rhe. H1ghw;i_v tommission nor lhf' Dil"i~inn n f Eo~neers has prn1·1rled an\' pnK'lf !h;i t !hr frte\1'a\' wnulr1 bes1 llPllCl!t the al)o1e rltll's ln 1tS adopt~d tnutc 11' r\I R. BUR KE HAS taken such a broad \t1ew of the Wrst Oraogt County ;i1·ea. perhaps he can prn11ir1t s!ritistic;i! proof lhal the freel',:ay best benefits bo1h beach 11nd nther cities in the rnnst eiistern location or those proposed . Our \"i1lu:1hle indusrnal j:!rnuod which !he city of Hun!inglon Beath coulcln '! :iffr1rd tn lnse. st!ll lies dormant with httlf' nr no in- du s1r." 11 has becn prol'ed io case ;iftpr ca~e I hat 1n11ned1ately upnn adnpt 1nn or a frrrway th rnui;:h industrial f.!, r 11 LI n d, <le.1 elnpn1eo1 ht"gins Cnns1denni: the financial posir1 nn uf Hunlington !;}each, dnes th 1:r; no! seem a logical "'<IY to begin del'clnpn1enr~ Perh;ips lht> only w11.1" thr puhlir \1·11\ 1!,C I !rue reprPsentatlnfl with no polit1<"al ol'Pf"!nors. will ht 'A'hen thel' n1ay cast !heir l'O!f' nn 11nr. nr UlP seleCte<I rf'cnm- menda1lons b~· lhe D11·1sinn of High"'a\s and enginrcrs. ! :is nne tilizrn fef'I il'lr. Burke is lhree years late ln a('! as in- tcrrncdi;:iry. Thi' onlv sta1ement he made In wh ich I agree is . '"cities tc ity, bcl11g po1Jularion gorerned by a ci ty cnun- r1l 1 111 blocking freC'11'ays aod the po11•er 1n <In sn. shnuld be given a court test." Sh;ill w,, 1ry it'.' ~1 RS RONALO Bl.AI R CnncPrned Ci!ize.ns Counc\l IJ(•llat•'1 Stret1gth Tn !ht E<liror In rl'spnns1> In rractinns nf Tass i\t'\\"~ Ai:!>nr.1 10 th" PrPs1denrs acunn relatin;i: In An1rrica n currrn~, 1 submit the. fnlto111ne I r.:in arprN 1.:itr Ta <;..< cnntrrn fnr rhe Sll!"\11al nf l" ~ rrip1t;:il:~m I sui;gei:t. hn11e1rr th<il 1n nrdrr tn tC'l1 r1r th,.1r rlf'rr J1nX1,.11 . !hr1• nh.•er1P th,. q111 rk rrr·oirn 10 ·,lnre fnr 1h~ 1· ~ (!nl lar (ln 11i.r!d m;irk<"l~ nR~f:fl \·r, . .\I ~"lO : I ~:uropC"an.~ acc11 <tnn1er1 !o fixed ru r· rf'n1 ·1' s1~l rn1< l1a1f' d1fficult1· tHl· rlrr\l,1nrl1ni:: that 1' S r11rrf'nr1· 1s nn! flX· Pr! tn a i:nlrl !'!<1ndi1nl. onl)' the price of i;:nlrl har! hrrn f1x"d 2 S1nrr !l1r l" s, df111ar ili a f1a1 c.ur- tPn1·~" 11 h;.i$ brrn 1·ary1ng accord in.11 10 .~11rrll' anrl de111anr! rnr se1·eral cenC"ra· r 1nn~ !n th11' srnse i! is cnnslanrl .v ~r l f ad111st111,r: anrl rhrrP 1.o; no hard PXchan~t. ha~1i. for de\·atu a1inn . Thcrefon• !hr scran1hle to rp1'alue "'Orld currencies will ~ fC'l"rrs1hlP 111 <:horl order :i The !'l'lf 11d1ulitln_1: dnllar "arirs re.i:ul;:ir lv a<'cnrrlin.I! In it s li!fllrlual self· dt\"alualinn ¥<'h1ch we c;.ill in flation. 4. OE1\IA /\'n ARROAO has bf't'n \"f'TV strooi;:-fnr ! · S. dollars i1s rlPmonstratPd hy !hi' b!l litncr nf trade. GoOOs from abrn;irt rirr s!ill floodin g !hi' l.; S. mar].;r![Jl<icr 1n ~earch nf li.S. <loll ars . 5. \.old rl'~C'rv es m,:iintained 1n f t. Knnx are nnr in ~i~nificant prnportinn 10 d01lars in circul111inn be<'a11se thP dollars art the real mnnc.v ;:ind are VAiued b.1· holders in ~rrorrlance with the goorls And .<,eJ·v1re~ lhrse dn\lars "'i ll bu v. Gold is held ;i vailablr. fnr PXCh<I0.1!1". With lhe governn1enl.'i "'htch p\11rr their l ru.~t ln the harrl metals rathfr 1han the l'conomic value or th! toil and compensation fo r toil Ii. In Amrric;:i 1he rto!lar is e1·irlence nt the fruits of !;:iOnr and are exchan~ed for thP con1 forrs of our afrluenl r:xi~1encP Yl's. Ta.~s. the Amencan Wl\V i~ still the best by far and aflcr t ~r \.\'orld m11rke1 real iZPS what has just happene<i the dollar anr1 Ameri can caritalis m will be looked upon as the !eade.r 10 be reckoned ~·ith in "'Orlcl11•ldc economic~ KENNETH E. CLISSETT Jobs l'ln 1Vnnl Ad• Tn lhP ErhTnr /\.• thr n~·ner nf .I! _1:rn\\1n;; bu~inl'~~ :1111 rn11.~tan1l1 ~rrk1ni;: nf'w en1plO.\'I'~ In arld1\inn In checking 11·1th lhe. statt. and pril'ale employn1ent agencies. I have tried the classified pai:es of lhis nf'1vspapt:'r. Thesr pagrs ha\'e nn1\'t.O to hr ;i n1arkct plate fnr hu11dre£f~ of pro- duct~ and ser1·!res n11rr !he .l"riirs. Yrt, when i! comes Jn "c1npln y111cn[ wanted"' ads. 1hcre are ~rldorn m0rc than nnP nr 111·n l1~trd . Cnnsuiering ll1P lhou~ands nf 11nPn1pl nl"cd 111 Oran.(!P Cnt1nl1 phi~ as n1an.v more whn want ro helter their Jnb~. rh1~ 1s ;:ippa!ling ' iUO~T PEOrt.i:: tu rn tc1 lht> 11·ant ans 11hcn !he_,. ll'anl to ~ell ;:i rar. rrul a house bu~· a 'TV. g11·p a11a1· ;:i cal. ;irirl a hnndrrd othrr nppnrtunll1es. bul 11•hrn 11 enmes In 1hf' n1nsL 1n1pnrtanr !h1ng in their l11·r s, thelf rn1plnymr.n1. !hf'Y 01·crlonk rhe nin~! nhv1ou~ mr::in~ or lf'1· ling pPnplP knnw what !hrl c.:;n dn . Thr$P .~,:in1r uncmpln~·rd must al~n f;.11! In read !hP hundred<: nr rmrl'l\"!11Cllf Off' pnrtun i1 1e~ listed I hal'(' ;:id1rrr1 srd fnr help sevPr;il time~ iltlfl ha1·p ne1·rr had nnr qu;ilificd app!1 can1 <1ppl,1·. \\'HERt: AHE T UE thnu~;inrls n! unemplo1·rrl" .A.re thev .~!aniline rn line ;i\ the u11c1Tiplo:rrnent. iri.\uranr·p w1ndn"· nr ~llt1n.(! at homt> 11·atch1ng rv·• There arr picot .~· of 1nb oppor!11n1l1f's 1n 1!11.~ <1re!I A wrll 1vnttc.n rlas~ifirrl ad 1'hould be the first thine a nian nr woman ~hou ld tr~· \.\"hf'n he nr ~hr neerl~ Prf}plfly• ment nr a betlfr pos1!1.,n ROBF.RT L EBY .fii 1199 cs 1io11~ \I 11111 1•11 Tn lhP F:rlit"r F"or n1rr ;:i 1·rar 11r hair hePn 1r11ni: !n ;:idnp! a m1nnr1!1' i:.rnup cl11ld hut h11rf';i11rrar1 and rrd t;inr ;1rr n1;ik1nc it 1rr1· rt1H1rul1 fnr 1~ \\',. 111111 nu r O\\ll h•oJ;l<'. h:i1·r " ll 01 ~ 11•;1r, ,,111 .:i11t! 11 1> tnlerr~trd 111 ;:idf'opl1ni;: .:i 1110-r1r.ihrrr- ,1,,;i r-<>lr! girl \Yr cont;ietrd th r Chtlrlrrn ~ H"n1r ,o;;;nr·1r1\'. h11I 11111·l11rl1n~ fl'r' l"!.':tl frr~, .:i nd rh.1·i:;1ral rx:i1111na11nn i. lhr rn.~1 111~1 In /:'r! the l"'hild lll l(l nur h1q11r n111~ ! l'''r In t 1.oon 1·hf:'rP ;irr ;il~n 1·ann11f; hnn\f' l"'herk~ 1\ hich I cnni:1dcr !o Ile :1n un·aAinn nf prh•a!'V \\'c trirr! the ()r;ini:e OH1n1v l\el f;ire Rurcau. but thP \\'ailing rrrind IS Inn~ ;ind lhrv <av lhrrr arf' 11n chilrl rrn .:il"a1l;:i!Jlc Thrre 1.~ ,:i fPe nf .~500 to pla re ;i th1l1I 1n !I hnnte HC"re again. 1hcrr are hnme t·hrck.~ In rlcte rm ine 1ht ~u11 a 1.i1;11y of the prrml.Se.'i \\'f. HF.A Rll THAT Ril'rr~1de Cnunrv \\'rlfare Rureau has a surplu.~ nf 1\IPx- ir-<111 . Indi an. anrt hl;ick children A c;:ilJ tn then1 rr1ealt'd that it i~ not pnssib!f' In adnpl children ou tsidl' ~'our own c11un1_v ""irho11! fir~! gnini;: lhrn11ch .l'nur (l11n enunt.1• -which pu 1s us r1gh1 back whrre 11·p sl ar!l'd 1 fpel th;:i! the initial fre turn.~ awa1· a Int nf prns[X'eli\'P adrip l11·e. familic.!. whn ranonr afford In pa.1' a t;:irgp an1nun1. hu~ 1\·ho cao affnrrl In ~upporl ann!her ch1 lr1. ~f.1· quesl1 nn ;.iDnut !hi' fee heh1_1: rerl 11t'"rl "r wAivrrl brnugh! this response frnm an Or11n.1:e County welfare rC'prrs<"n!;:iti1e ••\rrll. lhf ~tale Iii.rs !n cnllf'I"! 1!s rnoney." It Is rn1· opin1nn that the st11!r 1s cos!lng it self a lot mnre lh.:in i1 i.~ hr1ng. ing in b.\' mak111ii 11 sn di ff1rul! for pefl- ple 10 adopt 11owaoted childrrn IN ADD ITION TO toslnit !hr $.'>flO t!'l'. tl•f'' P.re htt .• •,.·u~rl ,. ' • ' "t h~eding, clolhing, r1nd hou sing the child 1111 i1I someone turn:; up ¥<ho tnn ai1<·11J J:,00 I feel hnme chrc.ks arP unncrei.,ary 11.nd unwarrantPd In !ht fir s! pl::icr a f~ ·10)1· 1~ O"' l1krl• I" rlrci··,. ,., ;i·' >t a minorily child "ithou t 11 i:rcal rlcat nf thou_r:h! The\' are not likrt.1 ln hnn,11 ;inothrr mnulh fn rcrd 111!" lhf' h•1'1h' \\i!hou1 mak1 ni:: ~urr 1hr~· 11rP fu11111cl;illv rapablP nf hanrll111:.; It \ ou 11r1uld 11l•n rhink th11t people wnulrl he 1·f'r1 harip1 In h;ivt. you lake a child off welfarr rather tlian hnngini:; another person into this alrParly n1 enx1pula.ted wC1rld. If an.v nr ,1·nur readers ha1·e an y sug- ~est ions. we 11011ld be most delighted I() hear them . ~11Clt E:Lf, BliRGESS 2fltfi2 f.l1dl;ind Lane Huntington Beach 92646 c·11ll e !1 's Set1f e tt c e Tn ihe l'.;cl1!f'lr: l!'s intercst1ug In nn!r thal Lt. \l.'1lUam Caller .Jr 's life srnte.nrP for murdering 22 V1C'1nan1rse rh·ihans ,:i1 111v Lai ha ll bt'cn reduced !n 21! ~ears j DA ILY PILOT, Au,1?. 211 • \\'h;:ir·s ""l)rse. he will he ehg1hltt fnr p<irole all rr nnlv ~rl'rn 1·c;irs cno· f1nemcn1. A 20.year sen!rnc't fnr thtt n1urdPr of mnre than 20 people 1.!I unheard nf . 11p until 11011, 1hal is If Charlrs 1\!a11snn h;id rcrc11·t<I thi.• I.ind nf ~enl.enc<' 1n the T;1Le n1urder rase, people fn11n all 111rr lhP n.:1ti0n "'nll ld dicn1anrl a119thcr trial, <111rl e.1!hrr a 1118 ~cnrence ur lhr .c<i ~ ch,in1hcr In shnr!, thP entire An1t:'ritan .Jud1ci;1I svste.in would bP cn11~ized arid r:is!1ga1cd. · 110\\"F~Vt;rt. IN Calley's c;i~r !he s1.0rv is A differen! Qllf'. Fnr one thine. he wri's co111·1cted of niurdrr1ni: alinnst lnur time.!I a.~ n1any people a.~ i\-lan~on w:i.~ F(lr another. he "·as dcrlarrrl a 11at111na! hero b.v thnuf;and~ nf Ame ricans [or h1~ .-i;. l ino~ Bu1 thr rna1n and mn~I 1n1port.:1n t d•lleren1'e 1s his J'en!encr a chance fnr p,11f'llt" ;i ffrr !'P\'en .1 ears ;i.~ compared lo l11r ciis rh<1n1bcr I~ this JUSl1rr" \111/ Hrrrnan l\::i<:snrr. a~·llo~ hear! nl 1111• pllhlu.: 1nfllrrn:i t101, nffire at FnrL \Ii PhPr~nn v.hn 111;;rl1> the annnuncrmenl pul-it1c. said .. IT \\"4S IJETEH.\11/\ED 111::11 lhr rn n- \1tl1011 11:i~ ('1irrer1 1n 11111 a'1d far ! and Iha! Thr !"f'rlurcrl srt\!1'11CP w a ~ ;rpprorr1.1te f11r th(.' 0ffcnsr.~ f11r 11 h1•·h h11 w;1s cnnv1r ted ·· Th i.<: sl<1lr1nrn! makes ah~olulclv nn sen~<' tn n1r l!r1"· ('n11lrl ;r reduced Srntrnct be .1us11/1rd h.v the k!ll· ing of 22 ri\'ilians'.' This ca.<:r , 1! ~cems 10 me. (lnJ.1· serves to illustr;itp •1 h!!t ;r f;rrc• !he whole system of military law rea!Jy is. Clints BHODERICK ["Re Fire S ft1fio11• Tn ltie ~;<!Hor· ·-Apathy Help.!. Bike Thie\·e.i." editorial Aug 18 ll i~n·1 thP Ice . 1rs !hr Oill1cul1v nf tak - 1n.i: s1~ bike::. tht' f11·e ltl six n11lf.\ to thr. cro1'-'de<i c'1\tiC rrolrr pnlicP ~!ation . Olhrr c1Tie~ u<:e the f1rP s1a!ion~ 11~ l1l'l'n~P )nr<i!lon~ The\ ,:ire near lhe bikes ;ind 1f tl.:-111f' nn Sati1rda.1• mnrning are a1·;:ill;rhle In kid~ 11•i1h hike~ ~1AnK HOH.MELL OllANGI COAST DAILY PILOT Rnbrl"t .V. lVeerl, PubllshPr TJi o,..u1s ,...-,.,,t11/, Ed1'or ,\lbrrr \I·. Rnrr.~ £d1rnr1Gl Pnrie l::r/1/(lr Th,. "d 11Qr1al P"i'.''" nl Thr D.tll) P il'11 'ef'k.i. ro 111/n1·1n ,.11t1 ~hn1ular"-rt!i!d- er5 hy p1'!'ioiont1nc 1h1~ ne11 ~p3prr"\ nri•n1"ltl« •nd ("T11nn1,.nt.:ir;,o on 111p1rs '11 1ntere1u anr! 1ol~rhlJr.tnce . h1t pin. \ 1rl1 nl! ~ lor•1r11 tcw-"ht> l'\l'll r~~1rtn "' our ~rnrlr rs' rop1n1nns, !Intl h.\ pr~ :-"nlill:; (j\r •l t\"Ji-f' 11'""1"''"'' n! 1n. l<irm"d • lt•r1 1 f>r~ ~nrl sriok11•mPn "" tnp1r .. of !hr rliJy I· -- )3 ~IL!T-4 !V£1Tl5'• M STARTS THURSDAY AT 10 A.M. COME EARLY· HUNTINGTON CENTER ONLY LIMITED SIZES, QUANTITIES AND COLORS WOMEN 'S SHOES ELECTRONICS AND APPLIANCES Orig. 4.99 ta 1.99 ~tind o!il\ ~.,d llt'l lJ ~n~t \lyl1"1 s<r,., NOW 188 WOMENS DRESSES Misses & half si2es 0 1st. style s and fnbric!i. Orig . 8.00 to 15.00 NOW 4 88 10 8 88 YARDAGE CLEARANCE ce rdurl'Jy ('1 '1 d !e n r clo rh 45 " .,..1dt h ~, wos•H'l ble 1pl!c1o!ly pncen, 77,~ ~--- WOMEN 'S BLOUSf! & TOPS Orit . •.OO I• 7.00 ltitt1! 1tyling NOW 4 88 1;mired 1;1e1 WOMEN 'S ANKLI PANTS Orie. 6.00 111 •.oo 1un•or 1 n1 i11e11<1e1 NOW 4aa to 688 n ew~,1 f..,brir s g, style s WOMEN 'S PANTSUITS Orig, 6.00 lo 23.0G l"nio r & m•1 1 e~ 1•1"'1 NOW 4 18 to 1288 ?4 ..,nly, 11'lv• now MATERNITY WEAR i'l'°''"~•r~, f'l rtos1'"' hi:-nom\ 1•u Tnp1 WOMEN 'S UNIFORMS whitP nnly 1ho,t 1lf\tove1 BOY 'S SPORT SHIRTS TODDLER 'S PAJAMAS TODDLER 'S TIGHTS 11'\fl •,.;, "YI,.,., <t"!mlt ,, o"1 n !lr". 1•Z"' 1 1., 4 SOFA SL!EPER ..,.,.,,.,,.,,,,, l"''" '!l•e!'l ll'!V• ) ~(), i "'nly FULL Sill HEADBOARDS Orie. 6.0G I• 14.00 NOW 2aa to 9aa Orlt . 6.0G 10 •.oo NOW 4 18 -- Orlt . t .•I to l .SO NOW 3 for 5oo Orit . 2.f& NOW 111 Orl •• 1.00 NOW 1 22 Ori9. lft.00 NOW 159oo Ori9. lt.OO w.,1,,.,, f;.,,.~"'-' NOW 15oo to 19°0 b 19 1avinQ~, 7 011ly 96" DECORATOR SOFA Ori1. Js•.oo lu.wu.,ou1 g•t-•n .,,.Ive l NOW 288°0 1 011ly OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Orit .16f.OO lt er;t r u•h•on bee'.: g. 1 .. .,1 i-11!'.'l·l NOW 78?.~ vinyl, 2 til'lly V.W. IUG SEAT COVERS Or!1. Jttl diomond l'lVih d •sigrn, d vro l'll• NOW )911 vi nyl vo riou1 celer,, 10 only CUSTOM TOYOTA RADIO Orl9. J4.•f IJ)l8kt r inclvd efl NOW 2611 p u1!ol b v"•n ce f!l1•l1 ' 3 pc. component stereo .............................................. Or ig. 189.95 NOW 138.00 AM -FM -MPX comp on ent stereo .................................... Orig. 199.95 NOW 168.00 clock rodio ............................................................... Or ig. 24.95 NOW 14.88 ca55etle recorder-ra dio ········· ........................................ Orig. 89.9 5 NOW 68.00 portable color TV ..........•..........•..••....•....................... Orig. 34 9.95 NOW 328 .00 Telephone hou sings ................... , .•............. Orig. 19 .95 to 34 .95 NOW 9.88 to 19.SS top load dishwa sher ................ , ............................... ,. Orig . 189.95 NOW 158 .00 BARBECUE EQUIPMENT 24" motori ze d brazier .................................................... Orig. 15.99 NOW 10.88 24" bratie r .................................................................. Orig. 9.99 NOW 7.77 18" table top grill ..................................................... ., ..... Orig. 5.99 NOW 3.88 18" picnic grill ................................................................ Ori g. 6.99 NOW 4.88 tiki torches, o pa ir ........................................................... Orig. 4.88 NOW 3.33 charcool lighter ................................................................. Orig .. 49 NOW .29 bar-b-sorb firebost ....... , .................................................... Orig .. 79 NOW .49 FIRST FLOOR WOMEN 'S PANT UNIFORMS Orig. 10.00 WOMENS SLEEPWEAR Orlt. 4.00 I• 6.00 'otloru ,,,,rl rn!ye\! .. ,~ NOW 7aa Hylnn boby doll \ NOW 2 88 n\sru ted s!yl "\ 1IOl ~ up •1nw g, sn''" WOMEN 'S 2 PC. PANT HTS Ori1. 16.00 WOMEN 'S GIRDLES Orlt. 6.00 I• Hl.00 1oo e1~ ri olye 11er, 101·'1 rr>ltHI NOW 7 88 nylon nnd '!'J"'lrl 1t ~ NOW 4 81 r>1•Sli!'~ 11/f'I. reri,.ct fot nnrl rnmll\t! MISSES BETTER DRESSES eri1. ll.00 It 52.00 WOMEN 'S SHOES Otlf .I.•• 11111.•• rnly"•l"r fnhrtLI, 1888," 3988 l""-!1111•1 or 1•oah h,. .. • NOW 388 toll lolot:!. NOW n<S <''HT'"<i \ ;""\ WOMEN 'S JEWELRY Orie. 2.00 to J .00 MEN 'S & BOY 'S CANVAS SHOES 0,,,. '·" '"'·" ll P• ~ 1<11 "''· 111,U\ NOW l 22 n••nt11n o>nT r>i ltylo>• NOW 2as to 3ss <1 n•rn•g1 or r lin1•1 s {l>,011erl 111 e \ MINI-HITCH HOSE Ori1. 1.00 MEN 'S SPORT COATS Orlt . J4.fS to 60.00 rer ln r e rn p,,•1 1 t (If r'1 ,n; h 11• h NOW .33 2 b t1l1011 1tylin9 NOW 2488 pnnly, 111•s shnn. nvf'r".IQ"', long CP l1 11'f V!'nf SECOND FLOOR - INFANT 'S CAR SEAT '"'nil<.,,., l 1 o,,ly GIRL'S ACCESSORIES wlln • 0 1,.,,,., I'\• f"l'""""'' ,., . .,! GIRL 'S WIGS ..... ,,. l"f /,..,.,; 1,,1 ~ f"lll" f fn r"lri•1 FOAM MATTRESS SETS },1 ' ·"!'1•. ') m f"IM r•<l'"I f">•r 1•1 ") , •• , ... ,.,1y STORAGE BUILDING 1-o•i::r In It , 7 I• 'l ''"~" '°'"rl ""'''· 5 nnt1 STORAGE BUILDINGS 1rHO'" ~"" 11} f1 .. Q ft ~,!! .. ,, ..,,,.; wh•tt, 2 only Or l1 . 14.tl Now 1088 Orig.1.6t lo 2.00 NOW 122 or;9. 10.00 NOW 2ss GIRL'S FULL WIGS wn n t erl 1hnr-l .. s, •<"t•y In 11y l• ,,,. •n'" .,,.i,.,, ,, r l•n• l'ln'" GIRL'S PETTI -BRIEFS GIRL 'S SPORT TO'S f.(,.1.,,,, n l •h•ll 1 onrl 'N•('I! ,o,,,.,, ,., ... , '" "'/, THIRD FLOOR Ori9. J0.00 111 BYRON NHSON GOLF CLUBS NOW 25~R nl11 n\1oll!l• •hnft1, f.,11 <•I •••'"I"'! N" l w..,n,.j ""''"'0· ? ••t< ""'Y ori,. ••.oo GOLF HEAD COVERS NOW 7911 o r•f"ll f.,, g olf\ lnnl'l1t1c 1nv•l'IQ\, add 'l u"'lbe r1. r:olo•1. Orit . 19.00 GOLF BALLS NOW 7499 lk11tid t l'n ter high comprt \Jio n BETTY JAMESON GOLF CLUBS Orif . f t .ff SKI PANTS .,J,,monHm 1h"!lh Now66°0 n,.,,,,, or womt n'1 full Jtt . .5 ~eh ,,,,1y ..,,,,..,.,, 1•7'"1 AUTO CENTER - PORTABLE TAPE DICK Orlt . 7f .f5 COOLANT RECOVERY SYSTEM r.~n b • 11i t rl f.,r l'lll lti hn.,,• o r ~I NOW 5918 prevt "T' ovt rhenl1n9 a. 1011 tif n r"n ribl•, P:onttt •••J inrlu d •..f Cl'lolnn!, incre o•tl rod 1otor &. h"~e lo! ... 8 TRACK TAPE DECK or1,. 1•.•s LAP SHOULDER BH TS t@l)d•ote 1lod • f l'.lnl rtil\ NOW 6911 1 oo•Ao ,,y!t:in, melttl chonne l 1e lt (tor to mete l n ucld t or19. 1t ,oo NOW 5 18 Orit . 1.00 NOW .77 NOW 118 O•lt . l2t.tl NOW 77oo - Orl, .. ft & l .2t NOW .11 Oris .. JI ''· NOW .33 ... Orl1. 2S.f& NOW 1511 - Orl9, f.fJ Now311 or1,. '·'' Now411 J\nne'll The values are here every day. W.1• ... .,, ... Ult :B, 1971 H DA.I L '1 PILOT J 6 BOY 'S JEANS & SLACKS r 1 .. ,r1, ,,, ,,..1 "' Orig. 2.91 to 4.SO l rle~6 !o Ill 2 for SOO NOW MEN 'S SLACKS & JEANS Or ig. 3.81 ~ln tt1 \ 1n 1 t rt11~h1 nr fin rt" 1 .. gs I"'""',., IH1 ir l'J n Ptnr. f'r•1! i 188 NOW MEN 'S TOWNCRAFT SUITS ' h !1 1! l'H\ Cl"'1 T"'r Orig. 59.00 to 11 0.00 Vf'n l 11yl•n!;I "' rll'.l <!hll! br,.o sl ed mocl el~ 248 ~o 74 88 NOW MEN 'S GOLF SLACKS Ori1.1.•1 h ell lo"r o r cont1np n 1ril \I( r NOW 3 88 srnnll .,1e' ""'Y MIN 'S GROOVY SHIRTS Orig. s.11111 6.11 1"'"9 onrl ,11,.,,1 ~1 .. ,.,.e1 -NOW 3 18 Jiles 1n1n ll, merl lq. MEN 'S SWEATERS Ori1. •.ti 111 I l .ti 1"'" ln11~ n d rin NOW 7 88 r LP!ln.,,., .. "''"' \ m I MEN 'S DRESS SHIRTS l<nlQ •IP"'""'' l,.rrdtr •n vo,.q\ NOW 2 for 5°0 MEN 'S GIFT IHMS fll1t9•,' ), .. ,~ ... 1., NOW 1/2 Off c"hhng" bn"""'- PINCH PLEAT CAFE CURTAINS '''•· '""''·" "'"· Jnh"''· "''"'u '" s"1'"' 4 ~ .. NOW .88 to 7 88 "'''"'"· 14" ,.., ~, .. 1 .. ,,01hs DECORATOR WOOD RODS Orit .. 9t ID l .I& Al:i ' 1(1 91'' l'""Q!hs l-1n'>"t<, j "' nl< nv" 1.,i-.1 .. NOW .66 to 2 66 DECORATIVE TISSUE HOLDER Ori9. 1.11 NOW ,99 OUTDOOR COOK sn Orl9. t .•I ti "'"" nli.m'"''"' ,,1 ... 1 •• rl.,,1>. NOW 4 18 CHf">\, 11 ••ti f'lf11y FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES Ori,. •.oo t• 13.00 (llna u•• 0""'· .,..,Q l•l NOW 333 to 9as k•11ght1 """' \W 'lf.'fl INFLATABLE TOYS Orlt .. 6t 10" Drn1y ln1•1 hoe nrl for r .,erl e r NOW 3 for 1°0 pln y·yn rrl PLASTIC LAWNMOWER Orit .1.&I room ml'llO• NOW .99 blue. rt rl, Y'"ll!'.'lw CARGOMASTI! 920 NYLON TRUCK TIUS RfG. NOW 710)( 1.5/6 2 !.~.II 16.11 9 00• 15/6 2 .. 88 19.11 650• 16 /6 21 .8.11 16.11 7.50•!6 6 J;r illl 17.11 MINI AM RADIO Orlt . !4.f5 12 velt, ,,..,,.or n 1g. g•o ,,-.; NOW 1411 rflu rnbwhe t1:I t ol'l!rol1 ,• II DAILY' PILOT Boy Needs Physician By rrtf'r J. S1ri nrruhn, ,\1 .0 · f>t';ir nr. Stl'.ITK'rnhn : '"' ht1 ve a :l·\'E'(lt-Olrl bo\• v.'hn h;is bf.en 11lfnn~l llnc·Ontrn!l;ihle &ince abnut 2 llt• v. ill nn! dn 11 nv1hini;:: v.·e :.~I.. h1n1 In do He heh;n't'F barlll , I I e lhrnv.·s thinR-" anc! t;ill.s h11J·k tn u<; \Vhcn 11e h·ll h11n !n rlo son1Prhini;:, he lf'I!~ us , "!'rn nn! guinl! 10 dn 11 '' \\'p h:ir!' trif"d n1:il..ini:: h1n1 en 1n hi" rnorn 11nd spank1nf.!. h11n 1'1nlh111i: hf'lps I !'JX"nrl rnv whole dil\ 1·nr- recti ng him. He lx'ha1e.~ h.idh· ~·hpn \\(' gn nut flp .IC'lls ;1nrl run.o: From tis iinrl 1hn1 11 ~ 101 ~ in !he stnrrs Hr 1s nr1·rr :;rill He run~ 1111 the 111nr and whrn !<landinl!, hp i~ jun1p1ng up :in11 dnwn. fl1ng1ni:: his a r Ills around. 'W'e rrin't grt l111n !11 ~r t still lnng cnnu.iih In r11t a tll<'<il 1\1' j111nr:i; un ;ind rln"'" nu! nf hi~ ch;iir. rr 11'P rnrrert him h<' s;iv:i;, "f}:"ln'1 !r ll n1r whnt to dn .. " HP lhrn111!'. )11s fnrk ;u1rl spoon 11nrl h:is hi1 u!'. Wr h:ivp rlnnc Pl rrvth1n.i: in nur po'.1-'f'r to fr:ict1 " hi1n lo beh;:ivr . but h;i1·r f:i1l{'rl \\'r ;:ire neRr lv !lick "·t!h w11rr1 1111 vn11 think it is :id1'i<;:ihlP 111 ~ive a <'hi!rl 1nedieinr In <·l'llin him down '' \\ r :irr alrairl (lf this. -M r.~ .. J COti.t~11~'.NT 1'hrrr h;1<; hrrn much in thr l\{'W<; l;ilrlr ::ihnu1 lhr or11h!rr11 nf 1hc 111('1·;ir·t11r child. If vnu have r{':id ahn111 It. you m~.v rrf':i!l lh:11 rlnr!urs ::ire usin!? i;:prC'ifll n1 rd lf'1nr !n ~lnw rlnwn 1he hvf)Cr11r-1111 lv. Ynur nwn doct or 11·111 knnw about ii. .h1s1 hnw 11 work s Ill •' dn no! kn1111•, \'v"e wn11ld '">PCf'I il IQ oversl11nul:'11r 1hr f)al1rnt. bur it sE"rm:<> to 1·;iln1 lh<' r.nr who i.<; ;ilrc:id~· n1•erst1n1ul:1ll'd f \\'ill n1JI Cl\'t' \'llll II.<; 11:.lllH' hec<111sP srll-tn•alnirn1 1n:i1 <1.1!.l!rav;i!e lht' cnnrli1in11 "~ I :<:rli rl. 1 l' t Vf\11r t"liilrt's <lr"·lnr rl{'cirle \\'liethcr nr l\•11 In 11sr ii Jnc1dcnt;0;1[v, h.1 .. \u\lr hol' bren chc1·k1'rl f11r . rn~s1bl~ brain darna)!r·• .f\ •·11n.~u11at111n "'ilh a nrur11ln,e1:>:\ is 1n nrd1•r An e Ip r lr1l{'ll{'C•J1h;1lr1i:r:un ~ F.l\{; 1 rn:i'" he nr1't'S.<.arv 141 df'tPrminP '11hPlhf•r nr · nnt britin 11•;:ivps 1trP 111\1'n1al. Tn sun1 u11. \1r;;. J . ii i~ li1nr fnr 1·o n1plrtr r1 ;111!:11 1011 nf tlir 1>r11hl<'1n . \\'1th proper rli;i-"10~1~ 11nrl t r ,. ;1 t 111 e n t . mitn~· pa1 ir11t.~ liJ.i r ~"11r so rl ha vr ~hnwn .I! rt' :1 I 1111· prnvellH'llL A." 11111ny p<i rrn1.~ h::irl sarll.1• lr:1rnl'd sr.1nk 111.i: ::ind nlhPr ro1·111~ nf run1sh111rnt mrrrl~· put nff nit' d<t.r 11·11<'11 lh{' prnh!<'lll or th{' nvrr::i1·11 1c child n1us1 he 111{'\ hr;+d nn. IHrnlir..-tn Rr :ut~·r..-1 f'"flr ,\1f~ J1 ~lfl!'t' \'IHI ;\l'f' f'nnrrrn{'d ;ihnut ;i · frw Sf""'!'"·• nf 1·i11lli:n l~rnnnlh, !11!hl·r·nl nn;>rl r:itrhr~1. ! lh1nk \'"ll 11111 bf> inlrre.<.tcrl in thr fnllr•11·111::: It'll er· r>citr nr S1r1nfTnhn I 11:1s P.~["1Pr1itll\' 1ntrrP<.!rd 1n \Ji<. \" ·~ lt'lt~r in \1 hu-h ~hr .~!alrd •·I ::irn hrc1n11inc tn ln."11;, 111." ;:i rln1~·n " 1 h11 1rh:td111il1i::r1 <.111 r r lhr iti?r n[ 71 a1u! :1111 11<'\11 111 rn\" l:i1P .'in~ 1 h;n r 1! "' rr 1111 p~!irr Mil.1 (\~I !n1•· lo 11111\,, in !hr 1 ::i1 rl . 111,.11111i.:. 111'•'111111:. ;inrl plit n1rni,:. I twi:111 In 1 ~tll I!) e;0;rl v ~rring '!'hf' 111lilt' phu·,,~ bf'eOn1e wl11ler ;inrl lhp r1lllr1· areits t::in. As a trer1;1j.!cr 1 11 ;1~ <'"II ~cinU.\ (If Ill\ ::IP11f'.11'ii!H'('. h111 nn"' 1 lal..r 11 1111h l/l•' prn\'Pl'hi;:il cr:i1n nr <:tll 1 h;11·1· hf-pn ll!'~UrPrl th:11 II II 111 11<>1 affrr-t mv i;:rnrr::il hr;il!h ~Ir friern1 ~. r r I ;1 1 1 r r s. hushanrl anrl a~s1w1;11r.~ itrr userl !n m1· appc;1r:•n1'r. \'rr1 r;0;rel~· i.~ ;:in1 r·f\1111nrnl 1nartr I rPrl lucky lh::il I rlr1 11111 h:i1 p ::in vthtnJ! "'nrsr , ;0;nrl f\-lr.~ \' !<.hOuld feel the ~an1r -,\1rs R. Fnr f.1r!' f ' I 11·,u1lrl nn1 cnn~1der 1ak1ni:: \{'n1nn 11t1f'r 111 hol "'11ter t'l·fr1 111nrn1ng 11 bad h;ib1!. c!'pr{'1;:ill1 wtif'n 11 ~Poems 1n prnmn!r hfi1o.•el reJ!tr111n1 1· A.~ ltor prC'l{'!ll ini.: "rheuma!1 ~111 ." ! h '11 1~ !lnmethin,e rl.~P ::ii,:n1n YP!!. I h11v~ known ~nmr rhr11m11 1 u·.~ 111hn h111•p lrll ht'tr{'r t:ik 1ng IMir d;:iil~· quol::i of lrn1on juice i11 hnt v.·111rr A! leR!!I it is not h11rmru1. The t1p~ar::in1·r nf !hr s\..i11 ls oltl'.n ll b11rnmrtrr nr thr heallh ll::J YS Or. S1r1ncrnhn in bis booklet. "Pr11ct ir:1l f;u1dr T.o Skin Prohlems." F'nr a copy wrile him In carr nf lhill nt>wspaper t'OClnsinc 2.\ rrnt,; In coin and ll ST Af.1PF.0. SE L F -AODRESSF.11 , J-:\ VELOPE. Wh o Care•? Nn nlh"r """~l"'J"''' In !h<> 11 nrli1 r·11rr,; Ahn•l t ~n11r ""'"· m11 nilv Jlkr Jn1tr r11mmun11~· i111il v '"'"·o.·•PAl""r i1n,.~. l!"• th• 0 DAJLY PfLOT. '' . WN!ne~day. A.ugusl ~25:::,~lc:9::7l:_ _____ •:.:ll_O_T ·_•_o_vE_•_r_rs_r_•--=5 HAVE YOU VIS IT ED OUR NEW STORE: FOU'MTltN VALL!'Y 11904 MIQtlOlll St 11 fflbl'1' "'01Jlri1AfN VALLEV-IU•I H1,b0r llilVCI a. flllf>V• EL IOlt0-1!!1 1"'0., •octti.111 "°""' (05Tl M[54 llOO "'•"!IO• I'll"° 11 Wlfo.011 ~t (QJ!!l MEM-?ll E t/tl\ S• 30222 CROWN VALLEY PARKWAY ANO HlllHURST IN LAGUNA NIGUEl "Vlri1i"IGTO"I 80C:H-J11JI l•Kto 81""' ••I.Ult"• ~,&"lf4 llrill-•* w E•itlo•' 1n<1 1'1•11101 ~· WESlMINSTElt ...... 21 w .. rmltlltt• .. Gokl ... w .. 1 HU,.TINGIOlri l'IE•C:><-"61 AO•"'• •• P.·-~ur.I HUN lllriG1QN 8EA(H-8e-~11 ~ [O•"'lr• HUN )llriG ION lliE!l(H-WlrMf I. 5p"f'OIW" No Liquor 1t the Westminster, Vill19e C1nt1r, B11ch Bl vd. 11 Atl1nt1, W1rnw it Sprin9d1le, Ad1ms 1t Brookhurst Stor1s. ( • S\4.15 V1l1t1 21" W,tk'1~tr 1711 • Sli.9) W1tu1! ,, .. ,~llm1• 19.JI • •t l5 Y1 l1t! 3·,itce Set S21.91 S1urlly, long bou11d con1l•u<!;o,., '11)'01' li ning, Wi!h G,..,. or !lu• cove,., your chol<•. 'r4\tfteg. s3 9s Women's Rib Knit Tops long & Short Sl eeve Style1 loce Tie1, Zipper1, and Clossic1 @ l1.,11thv. l<11••• huggi11111ap1ta 11o w!1h pot1h, .... h . s .. 1.11. & 1poce drell , ..... 11. i~ 100% acrylic. S·M·L. Buy S & f lo1•ic l•o 0<110•• !tri1ft wa•h oooa1, llrr q .. !<U1. Cho·•• of •hi" 01111 p..,1.1, Save 4Sc ,,, 1 .. 11 ,.,, ..... :1. 6, 1. . •$it.es. 8, 9, 10 ,,, 4 for Sl.00 $995 Value! Desk Lamps ., /(.':;\ $699 ~ 49• to 99' Values! Reg 12" Gillette · Techmatlc \;),Band Ra1ers •• i Adju1table Stainless Tableware • Kni'ltS • T~aspoons • Table Serving Pieces 19c f'\o o ... u~ l'"'f~··· ar ... rr•o. f l n1 •1u •l1ty •~•1nl••• 1t•ol . Gl.,.,t ••\~cLLon or "'""'Y ~lff~rlfn poll •"'' ..,~ feol1n o. S••• ~n l l1rt nn 1k11 ThT!fly •ronp p~rck••~· $JO" Value Squibb 1heragranM r. $2.,, .. '"' ., • -·• $7.lt lettlt •f lDO ltO r1r $438 ... • BACK-TO-SCHOOL DISCOUNTS . ' -. ' -~ ' . . Reg. $994 Men's Calendar @ Watch . '""· .... ,, .. s594 • Swi•• Mo•tMtllt M.11'• S•iu mo-•"' col111dar -~ lo fully guoro11!•1ll. s..,ort l•o•~•• 1••ap. Famous Waltham and Other f•mous Brand 17 Jewel Watches : ::::;·:, s 1995 Hamilton J e111at;on10I ..,(u•o in a hu110 1e!,c1ion ..+ M111'• & W-••'• WG!<he1;•l11cluding 1ole11do .. & avto"'"';u , Fall $694 Spec ials Ou.,1o~di 1111 otyle• '" •ih•o~t fo!I co!on.. Solill <olor '1-ne<k corlli- 11011 hoo ... ~hi(olor 11<ipi1111 down l•ot1I a• ~ontro•I pip;ng trim, Hi·<•ew h<u <OM•Dll "'ip1ng. ''"' I. f..,;1 lio'-lo, bo11bo11 , pocllo & ,.1.,), dioli•1 ill 1ich golll•o .... High llylo ~g• in MOdorn. con- -•tional & llo'°I po11o rn1 Ii. !~oh 11.ogo. Mo11-J..;d hado, 12 Ch. CaHda Dry Soft Drinks let•lar er Lo Cal \ • With Elapso<I Timo Dial • • Wator Tosto<I to S ATMs 1"1111•11 a"d ho1111.....,, >porn -t<:h for th1 0Ui•1 "'"" 011 ri.e gol f1otur11 o lopo1d ,;..,.dia l, ca le,.llor, 1tylltlt ltopic'ol lt'11p ""d ch•o!lll b.111. O"t- llo"lli1111 -lwel Save $6.94 Reg $14 97 Men's Automatic ~~:~;~~~:~~~~-~;.~~.::·~I 094 b•1okolole mainopting, • ft11111u1 W•l!elo• 'lull' lr1' Pock•I W11tch Sl.94 ... ' . Short Sleewe Ladles Pullowers SJ98 l••tu•i r.d dotibl1 k11i1 11ylon• with ..... ~ turtle,.ecU .•• g•eat wiT~ foll'1 ••w "''"""· Populor colo'1 11RlfTYSCOOPS 1HE tOWll! ~ Reg.$119 Pack of 500 ____ --:'Filler Paper ~U~ c.11 •. ,. 63c ,, " -.... •""• or Wide -$K Rule ll choroe1 1 r li•ybaord with corry '"''· j y•n• "'""anty Stull•M•P•<inll Reg . $3 77-12 Quart Soup Pot @$219 f ........ 1 • .1 ... ,,. 1; .. ;,1. ,..;,~ blod +.'"'· G•eo! lor "'"'· <Orn a. "'Or•. 1 .,..s.' " S<hool boorll opp•o,..d filler _ ~ ~~1e'." pop1r nt 1h1 •10.,...,, p•ic• ;.., "''""'· S!o<k up for the w!.olo >•m•>!er! _ 79c Sheet Protectors PACKOF 12 57 CLEAR PLASTIC c ".;;,__,;,,_:;,;;;,;.;.:.._-=.~ --79c Theme Book Famous Sp irol 2 ~$I Buy 2, Save Sit Jt Pack of 35 Pencils Discount Price 88• Your Best Bu y1f 19c Cello Tapo Tuck 1000 inch 111 br;vh1 d11i11111. Wi1h '/1 P'"' "'""""' bottl•, la11g life !.011dlt. '"'"''" -~'99 or ...... ing. (on ... 1 , "' co11-11it •I l""'P 1ob!1 "' 11°gh1 1!onrl. Doi~•• 11, 1 ~" plnq~ .. ...;,), •ht Jonk & fool ol wcod. Chaott """' "'"'''Y e[ llo•ivn•. $198 'vos Value! $2i~1 •• 1Nina Antl-Persplrant Deotlorant Shampoo •Regular •Dry• Oily • Cream Save $2.01 • Rolf.on M011e9nim Stnilght Bourbon -fabulo11s fruits lS·Oz. Sizt • Sproy flllio $299 .. ,'" Now -II 1-r t"'-ltl ~law JIM• •I ,J,-tf +or o li..Ot.11 Ii- Candles &off rkl. fruit ••r•o-. •- ed wl!h • m;,._m11lly .... II. D11ido~1 flava.., 7 • ...,. ... '2" Infants lie Iron 2-Pc. lift Sets $219 1 I --_, Newport Bea~h EDITION Today's Final N.Y. Stoen VOL. 64 , :1\02, 7 SECTlt. 84 PAGES* TEN CENTS Nader Force Says State Wild Areas Ravaged By ~llKE SILVER~IAN Au.ocl•t•d ~r•n Ntll•r California's re 1na inins:: wild area.!i are quickl y being rava~ed b~· pri vate land in· lerests whi!!! g1111ernmenlal agencies either cnopP"ratr or watch hrlp!e.;;sly. says A Ral ph Nar\er tcisk force in the secnnd install mPnT nf a 1nass111r study en titled . Pnv.•er and I.a nd in Cllifornia. finvernrntnl al pl anning ;ind rrgulat1on of new hnusinR deve loprnenLs in the stair ;ire "vi rtually nonexistent'' Sily.~ !ht report, preparerl by 21 "Nader "s Rriiders" <ind released in SRn Francisco today by project director Robert Fe.llmeth. ! Tht report a l~ calls for abolition or the State Lands Com miss1nn ' · as presently cnns1itu1ed." ~a.r1n~ it ha s g11·rn aw ;.iy control n1·er stilt£' tideands 10 local jurisdictions. N;ider task fnn?P member~. v.·nrkJnJ.; wi!hi n thP AnisP C'a!'.l';ide Cnrp., v.•hi('h !he report c:i!ls "1l1e b1g~es1 ... nn1 !he 11·nrst" of C;il ifornia l;ind develnpmtnL cnnrcrns. found 1echni qUPS IJS('d to pursue cr1111pany in1 r.rest.~ incl uded heavy ficials . lobbying by lh_e J;.i w firm nf former Go1•. Edmund r.. Brown. and campaign contributions to tlecled of- .... -' ... sales leanets 'vhich contain "explicit lies." the report said. The rr port cities wh;u it riescrihes as a lack nf effectivt cenlnitizerl control by ~01•ernmenl Ol'er land pl11nninA". wilh the rr.~ult 1hat derisions are too often left In lnral control , which ir tPrms "!hP dev(']Oper"s best fr iend." because ol Joc;i l offic ials 11l leged susceptlbility lo 1n- nuence. "Local <.:on1n1unitirs," the l'rport i::i .vs, "have not f111ly fa.ilerl tn add suh.<il,antiall.v In open sp:ice re.<iervnir~ in the race or rising population demand, but often fai l ·-" .. • • j .. ' I OoU L1' PILOT """'• a~ lllt~lrd KH~l•r HARBOR PATROLMEN BRING IN CHA•RED A1 Camera& Click Away, Explo1 ion Below VESSEL AFTER EXTINGUISH ING BLAZE Deck and Re,utting Fire Route Skipper Cabin Cr ui ser Catches Fire Off Nc ,\·port A .12-frot r ah1n cr111.~r-r burst lnlo n a me.~ ;it lhf' Pntr;i,llCP In '\';'\l"J)Ofl Harhor T11Psrl:i1· :is thr nwner slood nn riPr k fl(l~ln~ for r1('tllfl'~ !hl'I ! his \\'lfe 11·as t.<k lnl! rrn1n iinoihrr hnat. r\~ his w1/e 11 nrl frie nds lflOkl'ri on. 1 ·ran~ \\'hi!Prl. 24. of Los 1\n,1?.elrs trieri 10 haltle thP fl;i.rnr~ ht11 v.·::i~ fnrrerl In ;i.hanrlnn f.h1p. The nc:i rh1 r n11<ier pulled al'lng!i ide to lakr l\"h1lrcl ahoiird "\ heard ::i n111ff!cd r xplos1on in the bil~c." V!1h1!rd i;a1d la!e-r. alter J\'ew port Bea ch f!re1n;in ,l!ave him oxygen because of smflkl! inh il:it1nn . The Oranp:r Coun!v Hiir·b<ir Oepartme.nt "'as caller! :ind :i Harbor Patrol bot1 t sped tCI thr ~ccne to que ll lhe. spreading fla mrs U'hi1cd"s boat. !.ht Minnt11nnka 11. ;:u~· h1.ined :1n tstimiiter! $f!.oon in dama_ges and had to be towed to sbnre . Ne\\'port to Hold Sept. 13 Meet On Ordinances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Clen1ente Session Nixon Meets New Viet Pe.ace Talks Negotiato1· R1· ,lQH'\' \ AtTt:RZ.\ ' or "'' D•ltv p;1et sun Prl'~1r1en! ;\1xnn n1rt 11 11h h1.~ npv. 1np negot1:ilf1r 111 thr r an.~ rearr !all..~ T11r~ rla.1• 111 wh;it 1s f'l:prrtrrl tn hi> nnP of 1hr !:isl formal funrtlfltl 111 !hr \l e.~trrn \l"h1 IP 1ro11sc dur ing tht ru1Tf'n1 v.·ork1n R 1;ira- 11on. Opr!';i!1nns sh1f1rrl h:ir ~ to 1l1r L;1,:11n;i Rr.a('h prf'.~s he;::idriu;::ir!.rr.~ t oria~· ai;. 1h,. rr,,sldent rcsumerl 11 rn11!1ne ril ~lnw-p:ir f'd st11rly and rn cet1ng wit h ;i hanrH11I nf ad1 1,~crs. On Tuesday \\111l i;i m ./. f'or1 rr mrl for ahnut iln hour w1lh the Prrsulcn1 tn di.~C'us.~ rhe thrus t of tht:. bargaining effort in r iir is. r ress Srcrrtar~· Ron Ziegler v.•nulr! i;t 1vr IH• SfX'C lfic drl;iil11 nf the til lks. but he pra ised the fornler Ambasador to Korea as "R highly rapr.ble negoti a1.nr." Portl'r. ii slight , Mfl-spoken m:in v.•it h lh in. gray hai r. will arrive in P;iris Srp1. 1 :iltcr stoppin~ off in W:ishin glon ;ind hi.~ ho me in Boston to clean up personal mat- ters. Zit1Z lcr said. drn! lal pr Tursd;i~" s1<1y1n,1? fl nly 11 ~ho rl t1 mr Th11~ h1r lhP annu ;i l AU,l!U~l I.ri p \\'f'Sl hii<i hf'pn .:r lov. .. kryPd hlend nf rnn- rerrnrr~ vri!h :i fp11· aide11. phnnP r;il\.~ 1n \\';i ch1ngtnn ancl mrrl1ta l1nn h\ !hr rh1ef f'~Pf'l!l ll'f'. F:1en :\'ixnn '.<i nlf if'f' rn1111n P -v.·h1ch nn hus_v San C'lr.mrn1.e stays i;tarts \\'1th 1he d;i v.·!'1 -1.~ stilrt.ing !:it.Pr in !hr d;iy_ Nixon·~ wnrkd:iy beJ::in ill 9 am Tue s- d::iy, ZiP,l!ICr said. Tv.·n prime iss11rs arc raplurinR the r resirlrn1 ·~ :it!ention duri n~ thr workin it \';tf':t tlfln -!he impiiC:t or N1xnn·.~ W(IJ,le- prirl': free·1.P ;ind the political clima te 1n South Vietnam. Ziegler has rt'ma ined l'<1~11P "" lhP \\'h11e Hotise rnlt in fh P rnnlinu1ng trns1nn in Soul h \"iel.nAm!"st pnl1'1r.~. He has admitted. however. thar !he rresidenl ha.~ been "In vt ry clost touch" v.·1rh staff in Saigon, C.onversat inn~ 11lsn art freq uenl. he said. v.11lh Treasury Secretary .John Con- nally in Washington , v.·hn is kPeping th Prl'..~ident up-to-date on the t:ennomic pi c- lurf!. lo prtser\·e \\'hat \\'as established years 'go A prime •hreat lo preserl'at1on of land for recreauonal USP. the rernrt hnlrls, comes from the ~tat p "s nv.•n h ighv.1a~· prn- l!ram, •·which will eon.<tume tv.·o million acres by l!lRO " New resident1;il de1elnprnr nts in California. 1l sa.v~. ar·e sUhJect 10 1 1rtu::ill y no effec ti 1•p rest.r ic!in ns and are oft,t>n poorly lnciited rind fraudulently finan ced and Sll!d . Ta.~k force members. lh~ report rnn· tinues, visited a r.1arin County subdivision ma rketed by Oceana ~!ar1n Oe\'elopment Corp. and were told the land 111as stable, although "tht: ground was giving wa,\' under nu r feet 11nd some of it rolli ng dn11·n into the nre11 r. " l..oc;il governm ents ;irl' "rnore con- <'f!rned \\'ilh attract ing huildprs fnr Lax h:ise purpnst s than v.•ith safety" Anrl have impnserl few mraninRful i:.t11ndards and littl e Pnforcemenl , the repnrl. say~. "Lflnd prninntinn ," th e rerort sa~·s, "is <1s ·\mr.rican as cherry pie. It is an entcrprisP Pngageil in fnr nnly nnt tl'ason : the making of huge profits from the t.imt:ly purchase, salt: and develop- me nt of o;i,•hat might be considert:d lh11 country's most precious resource." "California is ~oing lo ha ve to choose," it cnnlinue.s , '"btlwf'en traffic congestion, rnl'1ronmen1al damage, higher land and related costs, less privacy and eventual sh"rta ge of open sp;ice land, on lht: one hand , and birlh control on the other hand . "We recommend immedialt: a n d massive family planning education and subsidlzatior1. As California succel':ds in meeting this problem , it can cncouragt: reciprocal policies nationwide." City Hearing Set lrvi1ie Protests Slated Sept.15 B.v T01\f BARLEY 01 ,~, O•!lv Pilot S!•tl 0ran£P Cll11n!.v .~uprrv1snrs tMay set Sep!. J.'i as !hr d;itp nn v.·hich the.v ,,.,ill hrar Ol"nt ests iigainst lhP planned in- r nrporatrnn of !he ciry nf lrvi nr . Thei r :ictinn <·IParf'd thP wa1· for :i cityhonrl clPrtion wh irh .~rrm.~ likCly tn be .o;chedulerl fnr !ale \'nvemher or early De.cembtr. Ro:irrl acl.i0n. led hy Fifth 01srrit t supervisor Rnn;iJd Caspers or Newpor1. Reach. wa s 1ri~,i::ererl hy.thr filin~ la te Tuesda y of tht: requlred S800 fee by prn- ponPnts of th t Irvi ne incorporation mo11e- ment. Air Cal Gets Sacra1nento, OC Flight Bid Ry L. PETEii f\RIEG DI 1~1 Ollil' ,llnl Sti tt Air California l\1esda.v was told 11 can lni1 1t1Le !he firsl·Pver nnnstnp IJiA"hl s rrom 0 1·ange Count.y Airport t.n Sacr:imtnLn. ThP C;:i ti fnrn1a Public U11H!.!e:<i Cnrn · n1iss1on auhhnrized four fli~ht.~ from tht: local airfield to the sta le capitol. two of 1hem nonstop and two nf them via San ,ln.~p Air ('all rorn1a Presi rlrn t Robert \V. C\if . fnrrl i;a i•t 1hls morning the service will ~!art Sf'p1. 22. H, 111."o ~t1 1d lhe: iipprn1'al doP~ not rneiin !hrr,. v.·dl he an 1111're11st" in !hP n11mhrr nf Air Cal fl 1chr.o into :ind .,ti! of ()ran,i:r 1·011111.\, wh1rh now total 24, JU~l undr r lhe 1·onlrar\ l1 m1t. He i;;11d !hr :i1rl1nr v.111 rlrnp at \p;i<;t an rr111al n11 n1hrr nf fl11?ht ~ tn San f)1 r .cn. Thr rcd1 1rt1nn nl ~a n l)1eg11 srrvicP w:i.'.'i ln11 J1;·pl;i nn('<1 , ('l1l fnr<1 ~a 1rl . Rr1r1 V.'111 hr ('f fer111·p Srp1 R ('l11f11rc1 :ilsn n11t.rd rh;;il Air l":il1 lnrn 1;::i 11lrrady ~ervcs San .!nsf' :ind !hose same f11ghls will be usrrl fnr the two ronnectnr routes. Hr SH1rl 11 ~C'hrrl ulr h:is nnl VP! hrrn rlr 1erm1nl"1 l'iut !hrrr will hP ~"" P.1rlv rnorninR Jl 1~hT , 0nr ii t noon , nne mid • :ifternoon ;inrl nnp eve.n1ng fligh l Th, PUC PSlllhl i.~hrrl !hi' f;::irp for II nn"· "'llY li1•kf'!. nnn.~!op or nlhPrwi.~e:. at $22, 1nr\1 1d1ng 111,,; Thr f:ire to S:in Fr;>.n1·1srfl i~ nnv.• $21 'ill. tn appro11n.c thf' On1ngP (011 nt ~ - Sarr11mrn10 fl il'!hl!i. the PUC T1tf>.~day al1'0 gr11 n!ed Air Cal ifo rnia route aulhnn- ly frnm Ontario lo Sacramt:ntn. bul with 11 stopnver al Oranji!e Cou nty. 1'hi~ rou1e will be the nonstop Orange t:nunl.v In Sacrament n fli~hL !'everiil n!her route.~ we rr A"r;in1cd In Air C'alifnrn 1a ;ind In Pacific Sooth...,•est /See AIR CAL. Pag~ ZI The pa~·rnen1 r·lrars lhe v.·a~· for ("ou nty Clerk \\'i!ha m Sl Jnhn tn pubhsh nn!ires nf the protest hearlnR and set. up ad· minrstrat1vt machioery for the resulting elPr!in n, C"as rers lrrl 1he movf' fn r 1l1r Sept \!'. he;irinA" Ju.~t 24 hnurs aft.Pr he had ur,itPd lhe bo;.ird to bf!ck him in his movts for an earl.I' resolutinn nn !rvint> ('ityhond. Cityhood proponents, an,nn,1t the1n the c:imp;iigninA" Council of Communities of lrvi nr. are urgin.t'; that lhe election be held \n timt: for the new r ity tn qualify fnr ~t;ite rebates on F:,asoline and salt taxes 1n 1972. To do so. tht city v.·ould ha1·e to be CAS PERS TELLS HI S OJV N STORlr Oritnge rn11nly Fifth Distrirl Su perviwr Ronald CasperJ of Nf'"'port Beach has rrprisr.d hL'I' first mnnfh~ in nffi rt: and offered hii-t analyi-tis nr the rumu!1. in county _2'.overnment d ur in~ 11 wfrle-ran,e:in~ in-depth intrrvirw ..._,l!h !ht nAILY PILOT. For Casper.!i' views In lh~ 11ue.~tion·and·11nswer session. ste Page 3 tnda_v. K y1nla Appeals Hi gh Ri se Ban Bid Re jec tion \:rll'prirt RParh r 11r ("nunr.ilm an C'arl 1\1111l::i h1<1 ~i!'i rhPrk 1n hand. th1.!i morn· •n~ fnrnl;\IJ\I arpralr rl !ht' r1ann1np: rom- m 1~~lfln drr1.~1on 10 rrJPf'l !hr pro posrf1 111'n-vr:i1 ~hnrrl1nc high ri.~c ban he h;:id pl"nJ)O~Pfl . K~·n1l;o. ;ippcarcd in !.hr 0ffice of Cily Cler~ Laur!i !...a~ios shortly afler ~ :i rn· tn file the paper~ thaL will bnni; the mat· lf!r hcforP Lh~ c:1ty council Sept.. 13. Cnunc.:1l men th?J. day al~n are expected tn j!.l't thP planning con1m1 ssio n's own rlJUnLerprnposal -;i conrroversi al one· ,\Par h:in on hi gh rise throughout the en· lirt city. RHLh prnpnscd nrd1 nancpi; art dr.signed In ptil a l1rl "fl mnstruc!1on Qf tall bui!d- rni:~ prndini;; cr mplc t1on of 11 nt w mu ni· c1ral m:i~t rr pl;iri \\'h1le !he planning comm1ss1nn h;:os n'll formally acted lo rccnmmend ll!il nnr-year h;in, 11 rlld ~herlulp a pub lic beAri ng on !hr ordinitncc for Sept. 2. \,nmmi.~sioner~ could modify, nr evf!n throw oul. lhri r nwn proposal fol!owlng lhat hc:iring or cnuld vole lo recommencl ;:idoption. an ac!ion that would automa- tically send i1 lo the council SepL 13. ctrtified before J an 1. 1972. CC I Chairman John Burwn has 1tn~ ed to the board that the t:lection must be held befort: Dec. 31 to pe.rmit property in the proposed cily to go on the county assei;snr's 1972-73 tax roles. Plans call for the creation nf an 18,207· acre cit.y in the ce ntral lrvint:. Ranch area. Creation of the city ha.s been backed b !hP. Local Agency Formation Co m- mission. lf owners representing 51 perce.nt or more. of the land designated for lht: new city protest. the incorporation then the election dale will bt: canct:l!ed. Judge Clears Da,1id Crosby, Five Friends Rnck singer David Crosby And five friends arrested June 9 in Newport Beach "n mllriJuana charges were cleared o! all charges this week. Harbor Judicial Dislricl Judge Everett \V , Dickey dismissed all six cast:s ~ton· day because of insufficient evidence. Cleared of marijuitna po s s" s s io n charges along with Crosby were: -~Roy S. Finooe, 52. who gave hit addrt.S.!i ai; Crosby'.s yacht. "Mayan." -George E. "'alker. 31. of 257% Ba yshnres Ori vP:. Newport Beach. -Robert 0 . \\'ilsnn. 30 of 900 Lido Park Drivr, Npwpnrl Bearh. -Shell!'~' L. RoeckPr. l!J. of Ho\!ywoocl. -l\111hrri11t: L. R n b t r I 1 on , 18, Hnl 11·wnnrl l.~o"'bl'. ~-!hr leilde r 111 lhl' fol k rock gro11p Crosby, Stills. N.::ish and Young, \\"a~ arrested .Ju ne 9 with his friencls on h1 ~ yacht. .::inchored al rhr time in the Lirln Shi pyard in Ne wpnrt. Harbor. Newport Bear.h Police claimed lh~Y ~potted marijuana nnating nn top of lhe 11·aLcr around Crosy's yacbt, after hear- \n c: !he bUp:e pumps operalt:. J udg• Dickey v.•as disinclined. howe\•er. Nissen Heads Team LOS ANGELES fAPI -The Ju.slice Dep:irtment has appnint.ed Asst.. U.S. At- ty. Da \·i d R. Nissen to hr.ad a lhret-man !Pam rrn.~f'r11ling Or naniel Ellsbe.rg on a ch11rge of unauthorized poS.!iession of the Pentagon paper!i , a study or American in\'olvemenl in Vietnam. • Orange Coat Ntv.•pnrt fl each cit.I' rounc1lmrn ht11•e ~chedu!rd publir hearini;t s Serl. 13 on a •'idf' ranji!e or proposed city ordinantes, Thi' cnuntil Mnnde y introduced and pai;sec! lo setonrl rcarlin~. The conlcrenc(' with Porrcr lhP. only ~cherluled event al the Presidential com- pound this v.·erk. At.t.orney Gent'ral and Mrs . .J11hn r.Hlchtll paid a social call on the Presi· U.S. Justice Unit Won't In his appeal filed today. Kymla cited !hi' lime rlevol.ed Lo the question of high rL~e thal had bee n put in by the Lnwer Newport Ba y Civic District study com· mil lee. ci panel he chaired "It was B consr.nsus of npininn that In <lrrler In preserve , protect. and enhance the natural beauty 11nd protect the. marint: lt'eather Tht: temperature will be In the mid-70's along Lhe coastline today and Thur!d;iy rising 'to the low 80's inland. Lows lonight predicted in the 60's. Good day for the beach- that is. if you're not working. -Ao ordinance providing lou~her re~ulalinnfl nn refuse disposal. -New rrKul11tions i;tovrrn!ni;t l he amount nr (lff·slrcrt p11rkin~ cnmmerrial de vplnpers 11rr rNJuirrd fQ provide. -Prnpn.~ecl re1·ii::ioni; in the. boundBrif'.~ of rnuncilman ic rlislrirts. -f.nacl.mcnl "r npw speed limils on 11retl5 in Newport Center. -A SJ charge In be madP by the police deparlmf'Of ror f\ngerprintinJ: lln)'OnP b1.1t criminals I Acllnit City Attornty Denni.~ O'Nr.il said lh is 'A'Ould not violate the nA- tlonal price frec1.e l. C.ouncilmcn l'llSo 11dnplcd a policy th ;it l llllcs lhr.y will ronsidPr impo!il!Oon nr parklnl'! timr limit ~ In varinu~ bus ine~.s are;i ~ nf !ht: city upnn thr rcct tpl of pet1- l\nn~ from 11 m::ijorily of mcrchRnl~ 1n Rn llTPR Thrv rlrclinl'fi In fol!ow thP ~t alf reconimrnrlatinn to i:.c1 limt> l1m1t ~ tn the t.frF'Rrlden Squa rr art11 ~caust no such rormlll petition had been received. H it-riui Drive r E.~c<1p es 011. Foot A lnud .~crN>c h nf ures wok !' Balboa rc~ident~ in lhe ;:ireA of \\' Ba y A11tnut and Femi1ndo Street shonly after mid· night lhi!< mnrn1n11. The noise was caused whrn a New por t Be:ich Pnhcc nfhcei-cl\ast:cl a driver rlf'lwn Bay Avenue afl cr 1he (l ri11cr had s1dcsv.·1ped a parked car Police !'airl rhe unldcntifierl rlri1•f'r m11df' a riuic k right. !urn onto Fer11anrlo ,i;1 rre1. r11mmcd 11nnthrr p11rkcrl c11r. jumped oul nf his own vph1cl r anrl r11n rnv.·11rd the hav Thr abancloiierl e11r turnrrl 11111 In h(' n."~1.!ifPrt'rl !n a ~1onrnv1 a rar dt;i)er, hut had no1 bePn rPnortPrl s!olPn. A SPa rch- l1ght ~Wl't'P of the ~rea by thr poll rt helicopter ta iled to lurn up the drj_ver. The us. .Justice nP:parlment said Tuesda,\' It v.·Hl not try lo block .::i majnr stock dt:al between Nl'.lr!h American Rnrkwtll Corpnr11tinn 11rwl Cnllin.s Rad to Compa ny. A spokf'sman ror Collin!<' plant In Nev.·porl Beach said tod11y the .!!lock eJ1 - ch11ngt involves ~ million worth or rreferred convertible Collin!! stock which North Amt:rican plans 10 buy givi ng Jl conlrnlling inler~1 . Collins stockholders mt:et Tuesday (() 1·01e on lhe tr.rinsaction. which directors nf Ille radio rnmpan:v 11ay is ntce.!isary to strcnJ?lhen the company's v.· or k l n ~ r:i pit.nt .l u.~l.icr Oe:parlm enl al1 nrneys said lhry looked into the transaction becau.~e Nort h Aml'ncan Is 11moni;: the 200 latResl in- dustrial conctrns in !ht na tion. ThP. briel JusticP Dt:parlmt:nt an· nouncemtnt ~111vt no reason for the clt:elslon not. In interrert:. Cnllins Radio i!I headquartered 1n Oall11s and has plants in Nev.:porl Be11ch: Cedar Rapids, Iowa. .t1nd Toronto, Canada, with 11 lot;:il of 19.000 employu., The Nt:Y!'porl BeRch plRnt specialize! in data transmission equipment and. micrn- tler trnnic compone.n1". It built 11\1 nf the rAdio equ lpmrnt. u~ in the recent Apnlln l!I mQOn Oilt.h' Thf' stock 1ransac(1nn wlll enable Nnrth Ameri can Rnckwell In ell'cl 11 majority on lht: Collins Board ri f Dirt:e· tors. PnvironmP.nt of LilwPr Nrwpnrt. Ray, a ,1:;.fon1, hPight ll mit should be imposed w~hi n !he prnpn..~ed civic distri('I. 11rea pPndin!Z completion of" general plan ." "I believr that th is i!ISU{' is nf lht UI · mo!il! importance to tht fu!urt of Ntwport Btach and warra nt,, rev1tw by the city council." Kymla said. T1·ial of Ac tor Set On Shooting Charge VAN NUYS (UP I I -Acror Keeft: Brasselle will stand trial Sept. 7 on a charge of <issiult with 11 deadly weapon for ~llcgedly 11hoolin& a man in 1 bar· room brAwl. Bras11elle. 47, a leading man In lhe l!MO.!i. w11s charged with 11hooling Ri chard B Cn~wford In thr. che5t during a light at the Wri&htwood Inn In Studio City. INSIDE TODAY Th( Westm111.1ter Comnu111ity Theater marks its 10th a11n 1uer· sa ry Fr1tl.'11J 1vith a musical com1.?dy. "Once Upon. a. M<1t- tres$." Set Enterta1nme11t, Page 31 . &t tt!M ll (t U!t•Plll I (t re1• (tm11 11 CMtkllt1 Ut 1 Cl•nlf~ •t·n (t ... lc:• .. CtOHWi•• M D1 ot11 Nollclt t Dl..-rc11 • Edll ... 111 1'111 t E11•••lllfl..,..,t J&..11 ""'"(' U-2' H8rel<•~• ll Ann l.t lld..., M. Mtllllol~ f _, M1rrlt" l l«llMI f Mt11 111 l tnokt •·ti Mtwltt Je.tl Mulvtl 1'1111f1 H Nat1t111I Nnr1 t4 Ort11tt (lllft" t i1twla l'fl'lff u s"'" 1 .. tt .Jto1;t Mtr'oll ll t'•tl T1tewl11tf1 A Tllt11..-, >1-U w........ . w~n. w11~ u Womtn'I NIWt M·4t Wtrl• HIW'.\ ... _ ......... ~-·-.. 2 CA.!LV lt'ILOT N Court Disrupted 2 From Soledad . Claim Beating SAN FRANCISCO ( liPI) ·-The !\l'O surviving "Soledad Brotht-r:s " :stnpJ)"'d to the "'aisl and shout,_.d thl'J had bEion beate.o at San Quf'nt1n Pnsnn ill a courtroom hearing Tue sday Rt(lt pnhce wPre called tn restore ordPr The pair aJ50 acC1.Jsl"11 San Qur nlln guards ol "murdermg" Ceorgt ,JarkSlln during Saturda.1 .. 1 t5C'ilpt attempt tn \\'hich six pers"ns 111ere ktll l'd One df.fense aUomer banged on a glas s bullet-proof barrier isolating fhe defen- dants from the re.lit of the court.room and &booted. "we'u gomg to tur lhis god· damn thing dnwn .. fa ~ed to show up with the defendants al a scheduled hearing ~londay . ClurhP!tt 11.nd Drum~" "'alked sln"'IY and painfclly tn1o cnurt. their ht11i1s sha l'en. They strip~ lo the w11l:st zn the rn11rtroom. rl:iiming thf'.lr bod 11':S were brui~ed b\' bea!lng.!'. but the judge decl1n- ('(l '" ,x11m1n1> thrm f luche!te .;hQUl'-'d !o lhP b:'.'OCh lhat thc1 weren 't brou~hl In Mond.av·:s ~~·1r1u!ed hearing from San Quentin btcause ··the1• wrrt lillll bl'at1ng us " -· . . ___ ... Oe&AM Nixon Beach Oil Cleru1ed By Marines rre:-1drnl N1xnn·! priv:itf' h,ar.h and thf': M"'r lnl' Corp,,. ~hnrl'line: tlnwnr.fla.!!I rrreivf'rl 11 close: nf nce:angning Navy fu!'l oil Tuesd.:1y. ('rpwi; rrnn1 ( ';:unp rl"nrlletnn had !hi" hlnhs or fuel oi l <'let1nf'd up quickly , spokesmen said today. Or~r1te some appet1n1ncf'.'i of the goo nn !he coastline be.lwern San Omfr .. ti nd !'l:i n:i rnint, the hulk nf the llCC'ir\tontalh• srlllrrl furl rrn1;1in!I 111 sp;i 11nd snme of it is ~1nk1n2 nr breaking up. The sm11ll hl()h.~ nf l11rry nil ::ippeared \\'1th !hf': rl<iwn trxl11y 11t Cnttnn's !"flint ;:irirl ::ilsn sme11red .•nm, portion~ 11f th, s::inrl" nn hf.oaC'he., up and downcoast of lht rre.-:ident's hnme . • John Cluchetle and Fltt la Drumgo handed t.he.ir attorneys a pe.l1t1on sign~d l;ty 2fi convict! who were Ln tilt ad- justment c~le:r of the pn~on whf'n the outbreak occUrTtd It arccu~ed guards nf shooting Jackson in tht back. During the t1.~1n hours nf the chaotic htarini::. Suptrinr Judge Stanley £v;ins niled that Judi!!'! Frank \\' Shaw must be ~isqu;ilifif"d frflm hPanng the Cil~l"' bl'cau:.e he ..,,.;r.s in th e di.~lrirt attnrnty'J ot r•re "'ithin lhl' past two yea rs Nautical Parade Route Presirlrnti.:11 Pre:s.': Stcrl'tary Ron Z1e2ler w.:is qunled THPsd11y a~ 111 yinr. the Prl'sident \vas "cert11 lnly conc erned" about thr nil. Clucbette. Drumgo .:ind .Jackson. kno"'" :u the "Soledad Brothers." wen'! all tn San Quentin aw.ailing trial on charges of killing a white guard at Soll"d.!ld Pr1~"n last year Thi' :attorneys then told .JudgP C::irl Allen . \\'ho had takt:n th, b.-nch aftl'r EYans ruled on the d1squ;ihf1cat1nn. 'hat !heir clien ts \l•ere in rlangf'r nf l"~1ng their lives unless t.he judge rirdered an in · \'{'St1ga!ion or let nut sirlf'rs in!ri the pnsnn 1·h 1.~ ts 1he rou1e to be fo !!ov:ed Saturda.1' by various i;raft experlerl to turn nnt. fQ r 11th annual r hararter Boat Parade ln Nel\'p('lrt Harhnr. r;i.rade :-tart.~ at 2 pm. in frnnt of Balbna Bay Club. F:ntranls should assl'!mb!e at Say Clu b bet" een 11 a.m and noon. E''ent is sponsoftd by Commodore's Club of the Ne\1·port Harbor Chamber of Commerce. Olhf'r rrpnrt~ riuntffl th, <'hirl e1- rru\1\'P "·~ sa~·in.11 hP \\'Anted n" special tre11tmenl 11n his bt';:ich by the cl eanup (TPW!'I. The appearance Tuesd;iy was tnr arguments on motion s tn disqualify the assigned trial judge. Prison officials had "The blood of e1'er;.i 'oncl y ln San Qucnlln will be on ynur hands." si11d Lloyd J. Sillim an. attorney l0r Ciuchet!e. 2 Persons Hurl In :3 -car Crash Charity Badge AL Intersection Council l111poses Solicitor Rule Tv:n dr1\·ers ~llffl'rl'd 1n 1unes 1n .!! three-\ar cnlhs1nn :a! 111 n"clork !li ts mnrn1n,e: ii! tht 1nlf'r.SeC'!t011 nf .J~mhnrl''" Rn;i.rl an i1 E.:>$1 Rl11ff Dri1·e 1n \"p"·pnrt Brar h '\'ou'U be 01ble to tell a true United Fund sol1cJ1.(lr by the badge he carries. Newport Be..1ch City C.OUncilmen Mon· day night made sure of that. t:v!ll though t.be. Harbor ArPa United F'nnd officials don 't seem to think it 1s nrcec;sa ry Tht council unanimously rrjl'Cll'd a request by the charily to w11iYe !ht re- quirement that all solicitors carry credtnt1als. ''We are presently sttklng ways to Jnw. tr our printing <'"OSts Md reduce the pack- 01.t.N•I COAST DAILY PILOT Ol•NC.f. C0"'1f ~Ul~l~Ml"'C. COMl'AM'f l e!Mrl ~. w •• 11 '°'"' ""'' •Ml 1>vn11,....,. J t c ~ II.. Cu•l•v Vke ,_,,,.,.,.1 t MI c,...,~11 Mo~ .... T~ .... 11 ICt t vi\ f.<l llnr TJ.e,.•• A. 1111\irplo-i~• .v........... l!.dllDI' L !"t it • Krit' ,.,_, t ... c• '"~ £dlter N••l"f' ... ti Otfk. llll Nt..,.pert loult~1 1d M1ili~'I All~••u : P.O. In~ 11 7S, '1/)llJ -""'"' Coo•• Ml1<• lll'I w .. 1 11¥ ~ ..... Uo,,..1 a.,cfo n:: l'nr•1 ""'""lie MunllfOOIO• &Mc•· !1111~ tuc~ loul""l 'd S..~ Cl-It: JQS "IW'l!I El C:1onlM ll;eol !).llLV 'llOT, ..,...., -«" •1 ce~..,,~.., ·~• Ji--• ..... i, '"-""'"""" <11111 u ceP• \u"- <ltv I~ MtP••t~ _,,,,p ... ''" U-• '"'"'"• N....._: .... cl'o, C:O.!I -·· ....... I~~ m auao. "-'"'~ V1U•Y. St l' C:lf,.,.,.,,, C..011'1•1•1"" 1•<1 S•d<'!leb•"°· 110~ "'I'~ """' '"'"'""' ld"'O'I """""'' """''"~ .1 ... 1 " 11 .Oil W•I ao1 S••M., C""tt ......... T.W,lleM 171 41 ••Z·•l Jl Claiffifft .t.4 ... •rtl,!11t •41·'671 C!ltlrl11~1. 1011. o··-Cl>U I ""&'"" .. , °"""'"v "e "'"'" •IO'•.,, '""''"'"~"" ..i11er111 .., • .,~ e• t.<lv•'"''"'"''"'• ~··••~ n'IY ti( •tP...,u.'t<I "'"""'-'' •De<:IOI P"· "'lu:.00 el r90Y"I'" e...-. ~ clou eo.togt t>tl~ al Oj • .....,.. .. s .. ·~ on.I c:oi•& ..... ._.. C•""""" S11bv·'~"~~ 'y :::.•~!.,-U U """''" y. D¥ ,..,.r Sl 11 ......... ,. """'l'Y d•'f~O >i .... ,, '1 )' .._ ... Y. ~3 STORES TO SERVE YOU 1ng nl special mattnal~ Int sohr1!nrs." Murett L. Johnson, Un11rd fund e~ecu· li\"e director. told councilmen He said camp.:iign "·orkers "'l"r! "r.:i re ly asked le produce credentials .. "The police rlep11rtmenT 11nd l1cen.~e div1si(ln recommend they bP r£'qU1red t" providl' suitable 1dentif1c<1t.iCJn for their nwn prott:ction as wPll as Fnr the puhlic," City Mana..c;er Robt:r! L. Wynn report!'d "'\.r"re all in favnr nf helping the Uniter! F'und." pointed nut Mayor Erl Hirth. "but this is a matter ('If good sense " C.ouncllman C11rl Kym!a. added that the requir!'menf "is for lht protecti"n of the l1n1 ted Fund ;is we ll as the taxpayers of Nt"'port 8,_.ach . "This could bf' an npen in1·1 taL1nn tn people tn t;ike advantage of the situ . 1tion," Kymla said District Okavs -Purchase of Six Surplus Trailers Tustin Union lligh Schon\ D1striC't tnis1res have vot ed to purcha."I' si r sur- plus ira1ltrs rll".c:rribl!d to br 1n rxct:!lt nt condition . txcept fnr nnr minor n.\w - \hl'v have nn sidf'.!' The larg_I". 18 bv ~:t-f Ptf 1ra1lPr.". ll'h!<'h v.•tll be used fnr storage. :a rr 10 ~ pur- chased from a Torrance schnnl di5trict for ~6.'iO Pach. In aski ng funds fnr thl' purchase-. d1s- tnrt superinttndent \\'1ll iam Zogg nl"l!•d that ~ ntw tr.\1\Pr, 16 h~· .10 fert 1n ~17.P , v.'1'11J:rl rn~t S2.8l'IO H(lll't1•er . in 11dd1rron !I'! !ht ~l'.'>11 1n1t1;Jf co;oi. Z<i:i.;? :s.11rl th1t d 1~1r1rt fnr po\rh tra 1lf'r. will pa\' S20 :ax. $~0 !ran~pOrlil· 11nn cnst . f \no fnr a 1ransfnrmPr anrl ahn•1t S.1:.0 fllr rrpil lr -1n.•!alla nnn nl .sir!ft an rl dnnr~ "Tht\' ;:ir, \n ptrfPrtl~ ~norl sl'l111"lf'.'' th' srhn(ll su~rintPnrlPn! sa id. "hu1 th~\' 1uo.t rlrin'1 h.l v, ~1rlP.~ rin !h'm " Tht adrl1r 1nnil l rhiltli!"~ w ilt )'iM~I !~, rnn of ''<'h unit to abnut $1 170. 7,n~g tnkl !h'" hnarrl ThP tr;1.1lers. which rl n h11v, f)t1r,1t1nns . !Jgh t~ and hr.:i1in11: pum p!. illread\' 1n · stallt:d, will he ustrl fnr stor11ge 11f equlpmrn1 and supp!l l!'S by 1he: h11.!h gchool :s in tht district. Pnl1rf' ~i11l1 ~1rs Fum1k11 .\11·1\;11'. .tfl. S;inta Ana. w::is apprn;irh1n~ ,!amborf'" Rnad nn Pnrd R11;1.d. "'htn her g;i.s ptd11l stuc M ::inO f'Vl'n with !hi" rmPr)l;f'nry hrak~ nn and bn!h feel nn lht hri!.kf', hf'r c;ir "'rnt h11rtl1n;: intn !hi' inl f'rsrr11nn at F.5 milPs prr hnur «.1<:<11ns1 a rrd l111h1 ;\1rs. J\l C'Kil,l''s rar <'lipped th"" IPft rP<i r nf ;i rar rlril·,.n h1· .!nhn Adk1s~11n . :i~. Orang!'. 1.1:hn 11·::1~ hrarlerl snu th nn J<'lm· borer. pnliC!" .c:a1rl Bnth rar~ thrn wrnt spinning lnt11 -'I thirtl C'.lr rlr1l'Pn h\' ,J,_.ffrrv Krns~t. 211, !"If 221'18 Al!a \"i~1:i .' ;\P\l'PC"ITI Bta rh. whn 11·;11 ~ nn E;i;<t Rluff nr11·f''. \\'il ltin,2 for !he rrr! 11-:h! In rh;in~I' r nl1rr .c::i u1 ,\Ir< \lrK;i1• ;inrf Arlkis.~nn <11Hrrrrl ('\Jt .c: ;inrl "·prp trPat t rf at Hnag !\1rmnri;i: Hn<pi1;i) Krn.c:sr w,115 nnt hurl. arr,.rr11nc tn Jl(l)ire rf'rnrt~ Aftrr thP t1<.·n <':IT~ hil l\rn~<r. ~!rs ~1 rK11,.·~ r;ir burst into fl.am!"'. rnhc, ~airi l\rnss, 1f'i!Ol"ri ou! rrl h1~ r::ir, ran tn pull \1r3 J\~rl\~v nu! nf hPr \'lurn1nir .a uin. then ht lpPd · Arlk1sson . 1<.•ho wa! pinntd in hi~ car f'rottl Pnge I AIR CAL ... A1r l1n.-~ PSA was given aufhnritv '" {11,1 from Rurh::ink nnnstnp tn Sacra:mentn .:ind 'rnm S;in f)\PC(I tn Sarr11mPn!l"I , 1•ia 811rf"o:ink ,11nd Oakl;inrl PSA a l~n h.:i~ ;iprh<'iiltnn~ fnr ~pr1·1ct tn Oranl.!P ('ri11nt1· lrnm hoth R11rbllnk ;i nti O;ikl11ni1 ht>fnr, !hf' Pi 'r hut that r;i~e ha~ n(l! ,.,., kePn heilrrl f'inrf' rSA rlflP~ nnt )\;!\'' tPrm11111l ~Dil.<'P it1 th~ !nr;i.I ;1:1rp!'r l hnw.-1·Pr. !h, rn11nl\ Rn~1 d nf ·'U pPr 1·1~(1r5 11nd ~rl !'r ~t m11n•r1r~h11 ,.~ li .;1" tak"n ~1rnn11. (fill"!ii~ 1n nppo~1 t 1on tn the rl'q u"~! and ~t-t C'h:anr Ps lnr 3prirn \·al a~ (hm Rt>nn l)uake RPc nr<IPli RF.XO 11'Pl 1 Th• Rr nn ar l".'I "'-"~ ~!1'1hth· rnr~f'rl Tue!rl.11 h1· an .-~rthquai.:, 11 1th a m;ipi:n1!11dr nf !hrr~ l"ln !hi' Rirht"r ~<'ill !' Or Al;iri R,1;i;IL ~ . .-1~m11 lni;i1~! at Ill" l"n11·,r~ill' of \'p1'.lrl.1. rlen11. ~a1rl !hr q1111kP hri;:<il' ~hnrfly .;f!Pr 4 am anri cnn- l1nued fnr ~bn11t nn" r111n111 .. ------ YOUR ~ CENTER WITH FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS AND HELPFUL SERVICE. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN BOTH FRONT AND REAR MALLS. ALL ON STREET LEVEL 2300 HARBOR BLVO. THINK "Back To School" Top Valu•s-low Prlc.es Every Sln9i. Day AT W ILSON JUST SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FREEWAY IN THE HEART OF COSTA MESA , 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA Gas Firm Gets Moving [)e::pitp 1he llpflf';:i r;incl' nf srmr p;i!rhe." nf .1100 11nd i;.wiftly a.ctin~ Navy ::iru1 Mar ine rlt flnup crew~. the oil slick is far from a rli11i1.~tP.r. Orders Fro1n Newport Beach attend;ince Tue.v\a.v 11!nng the South Co11st \\'RS bPtl'r th11n ll Vf'rage and sv.·immers v.·t re more in jea prirdy from hta\'y surf 1han the floating blobs, lire.(iuards s;iid . After 30 .\'l'ilrs of ma1nta1n1n g ~n of- f1<'e in 1\l'"'port BP:ach. the SouthPrn C.l l· 1fnrn1a G;is Ctlmp;iny LS moving nut of 1n11·n ThP rnm pan,\· i~ i!n1ng tn repl;icp the ;-.•towpnrt nff1re-w1!h payment s!11t1on~. hut anybnd .v w11h ii complaint 11·1!1 ha ve 1n la ke 11 tn S.:inta Ana . or Laguna Beach, or Huntin21nn Rt.:ich. 11try're taki 111g Di11.~y Gnnn;i.ge aw;iy, IM Fnr 40 yPar~ IJ;i 1sy h;i,~ bien on thf' ~a!! romp;iny's payrnll and :1inct 195!1 .~he'8 been running olflre~ in NPwpor!. fi rst nn Palm StreP\ in Ba lbn;i and for thr p;i~t 10 yea rs n~x [ In thp l'vlarket Ba.~ktt he- t11•eion NPwpnrt anrt R11 lhni1 RnulPt'):lrr\11. .\·lt.~!'! GrinnajZP. whn l1 vt>d 1n N~11·porl HP1gh!~ Sin<'' \!l.1R 11nrl whn .~tarted with the ('Omp.:in.1 1n !!I.ii. 1n Pomona . will b" promntPd Sh!' h115 ht-"11 named managt>r l'lf the Santa Ana of11ct . Prison G uanl Buried Dai5y 's lnng-l!me .JS.C:tstan t. Mrs. JM- tph Jory. will also rem11ln with the com- pan.v, work ing out nf the La guna Beach off1tr. A 11:a.': <'11mp;:rin,v ~pnkr.~m;in ~111d th e cln~p nf thp nnlv H11rhnr Arr11 nffirf' - !o he e!Fertivt SPp1 24 shouldn't be an impnsitinn 'Jn 11ny rusl nmtr~. "Mnr" thiln !lO percrnt nf nur pa_vme-nt.~ ;:ir,. m,11de h.v m11il.'' .JamPs Oeckrr, 01.~ tric1 m!"nll,R£'r. ~aid . HP ii!sn pninterl n11t 1hrr1> ll'il l still be fn11r p!11rP~ in thP. Harhrl r Ar€'A whPrl!. Pl="PIP r11n p11.v !hr1r hills , nnp nf !hem a nl'W lnr;i finn ;ii the J\1?.rkf'! Flo;i ~ktt, thrPe rj(lnrs rlnwn frnm 1he olrl offirr Rill~ mil.\' ;il.~n hf' pa1rl ;ii the M.:irkPt 811<ket .:II 2!1i.i H.:irhnr P.h•rl. ('n.c;t;i M,.~11 : Af'tnert'.c; Dep;i;rtmen1 S1nrr. !Rl ~ NPw - prirt Rh·rl . rn~t il 1\.!P~a. :ind Crn \\·n H11rd - w11 rP .. 11n7 E. Cn11.~t H11i:hw:i.v, ('nrnnil rlrl ,\lar Only rlPinen·.~ 1-1·11 1 11r1·rpt !;ile Pll.Y· mi>nts. hnwP\•er. l)(ocker s.:1 1rl. H" .~111rl 1he ulilitv y,·111 ;i;rrrp1 rlPpn$it -.: bv m:i11 fnr nPI\' !'.ervirr ;i;nrl C'Ustnmprs \\•ill nnt. h;i1·p tn ;:rippe;ir at any .~!i!.1i(ln to San Clement,·~ rPs<'Ut!'I loh1letl about 65 Tut::day -the aver11.11e fnr II bU!i~' "'eekend, nnt ii lnnt Wl!f'kday-because of hta1·y surf and some riptirle ;<i. N'a\·y spokesmP.n say expert!'! ~!ill ArP trvinli: tn determine the amo11nl "' heavv fu"el (Iii which wa.~ mii;.t11kenly !'lpilltd nir Sa.11 Clemente 1..-l11nd l;i;sl weekend a!'I th e Oiler USS Ma natee dispen,.;ed fuel lo the a1rrr11fl t•arrier USS Ticnnderng11 , A val ve v.·11!'. 11ccidentally left open by a crewman. causin.'! thP spill into the ~ea . Offici;ils predicted ;ippeair•nces of patches nf thr t11rry nuig11ncP. for d.!lyK to come on Soul h Cnt1st be11che.~. This mnrn inli:"s cnni;:ent.r11 tion Keemed !n be alnn.1: San ClementP State. Park Bf'ilch arid the Ri viera beach upcoast ln S;;.n Clemen!P. Earli,_.r in the wt:ek l)(lhpny State Park RP11ch and !hi'. 8f'<irh rn11d colnnv were hit by streak~ nf t;ir left After ht i h tide. Na1·y cre"·s cleaned up most of that. Jorrlan lo ~l c p Down SACRA.!'\1ENT0 l l;PI ) Fr 11 n k h;i 1'" p_;is turnprl 'ln. BOISE . ld11hn (Ar~ -Sen. Len 8. .lorrl;in nf !d;iho says he "'"ill not seek rt:· ,1eclinn nrxl ye11r. DeLf'nn. the San Qul'11t1n guard "'hn pr l~-[)ecker ~i1 1rl thP derision In <'lfl!;P. 1111! nn offici;il~ ~;i1rl fnunrl 11 gun 1n r.enri;?e Nrtvl)(lrf Rearh (lff\ce c:imr ;i~ part nf th P ",\1 y hPalrh is i;!nnrl . 1 hPliPV!' I !Im ~till t lect;i.l:ile fnr 11nnther !crm. Jt i~ 3 good tin1e to .~!f'[l rlnwn whE"n nnP l'iAS 3 f11 ir l'hanr.e fnr ;i nntller IP.rm," the Idaho Rrruhlic::i n .~;iirl T11r.~d;i;1 J 11rkson·s h111r anrl "'"~ ~l11in ;i few cnmpanv's rnliry nr rrn1r11liz:1!1nn . m11ment,~ \iltrr. "'A.~ hurirrl here Tutosd11 v. HP al~('! c·nnc·Pdf'tl i! w;i.~ cns1111~ !ht F'1 1n.-r.:il i;r r\·irP.' \.l'PfP hr lrl r:irlil'r ;n u!ililv ton m11r h 111nnl'\' PPt;iluma . whf.rr [)cLe.on. 44. li v•rl wiH1 ''The lln11r 1r::iffi1· rln~~ nnl w;i;rr;:in t tli P .lrirdiin. whn S<'l'l'l"d ·:is c:n vrrnnr l)f lrli:i lin fro m l!l~I In l!l.'iS, w;i.~ ;ippntnted !n the f;rn;:i!p 1n l!lfi2 nn the death of Sen. Hrnr~' r [lwril'.<li::ik. h 1~ \\"If' Vh·i.:in ;inrl thrir fi1'P f'hil drl"n, nfflrP r tprnsf'... 111"f'krr ~11irl . ha.~ti !v DPLrnn 1~ also s11 r1·1vrrt hr h1~ p;irent~. ;irlf11nl! !h ~1 rnnl:i<'! y,•11 h fliP <'nm rt1 nv r.tr~ \h;irlnl!P ('alii;:.an! ~nd F'rt1nk r . ("fl\l]rl hP rri;:irlP frnm lhp lli1rh11r Arr;i hy Pr.LPnn. hn1h nf f'1r>rk!nn. rll;i.lin.11 a tnl :.rrrP tPlrphnnto numhPr ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~·-GEM. TALK-, ~ TODAY I by J. C. HUMl'HRIES ••&• ZS GAW• DI AM OND S YOU MAY HA VE NE VE R: SEEN HR1·e ,·01; p1·er !l ei'n a blt1c.k or hrnw11 . hlue (Ir ptnk rliamond~ They do ex i~t. ;i:nd some: are. extremely vi:iluahle. A!! is thl" blue diamond ;:inrl the cani:iry diamond with its cle::ir rel lo"'' hue. \\'1lh the f'X C'Cfllit'n of blue. a touch nl rtny of these colors m lhe \l·h1t e rl irimond a,·;tiJa ble to most of us !e~sens t.he stone's value. as do carbon ~}XII.( i n11u·~) or poor c11tt1ng. Al!h011J:'h t.hri:.e trul)· ma,e:ntflC't'nl d1amnnd~· Are tRre , they are oc- c11Si("ln~lly 11.vallable; and if you are intere.~ted . you might regi~ter your nrimr '"''11h 11 1; sn you 'll have ;in ripporlunrty to examine one. Al this timt we knou• of a four carat blue, rl1;:imond a1·ailablt'. a truly ra re gem. • Gern purchAses Are imPortant lnvei;l£"ent.s. 11.nd ~·hen ~-ou buy a rh;imond the expert's knowledge l.s pric-eless. So it'! wi~e: lo be guid- ed by 11 mA n "'ho knows t'lne gem~ and hr ll mAn you cAn tnist to tell the tn1th 11bout ntf-<'olor tinges. tln'y $perks flt poor "cul "·hich are ~f'\ nfte_n m i~~f"d by l~~m~n . Let u~ heir ~·011 • . ~·e ·\'e lived 11·1th dia- mrind~ In ro~tA ~lesa for 01·er LIMITED TIME OFFER buy3 get)lree! Now ~ the time to st"rt or add tc J'Ol1I' Tl!!Wte ~ s~rvlct:. B11y tl'!rft Pltlef!.!i Ind get the tourth one. frn. ror ex,11mrte: buy three te1~~"'' aM ~ ~ ui. fourtti t"ll1sooon Ire.. Comt ,,, today al\d choos• fttlol'd ClUr lari:i:e sel~t101'1 •of Towle l'-'temt ifl solld sltwr. Offer llYl'lllabte in foUoitrint: p61ces itl au 9d:M T .... 1tertins i:i•tterns: Tetspoons fmm $ 9.00 Mi ce forlu; ft0<11 Sl4.50 Place knives ~ \14.00 ~l.!d !'cir!(,\ fl"O!"I $12.00 Pl"ce 'poong f~ Sl2.25 Si:irt•dtrs from$ 9.00 Cockt11I lorb SJ0.00 Demlt.ts1t &Po0"9 S 7 .50 tc«l bitvwq• lpoont $12.50 J. C. fiiunphrieJ J eweferJ 1823 NEW PORT BLVD., COSTA MESA COl>JV(Nl[NT rt •u~ t,1Nl(AMf J:IC,l•O-M.4.STEJ: CMA ,l:>l 2• 'l't,1•5 SAME LOCATIOl.J ~HO"Jl l •l.J•Dt ••••••••••••••••••••••m•l!lll!lll!!!!l••••••••••••l 1 'twe.nr.y-fo"llr year3 • • -·. .. -,\\'\~ ..... ...; --7)::..~-·· .... .;:.. __ . • -~·~...-----~. ---------' ----..... - • • • -- -· --- Too S low At Safe, Murdered NEV.' YOR K 1AP 1 Thoma~ V. Higgins was un. fam iliar ~·1th the combination nn th t supermarket safe, !'Ind mi:i;sed it lht f1r.~l lime 11rnund Ht nPl'fr gnt tCI Ir.I' il again H l~111ni; mn1•prl loo slnw tn pltasr ont nf fnur robbers of 111 Botiack supez·markt l in the Fla!bush st clinn nf Fl ronk!vn rueMifly. and lht h;:i ndi l ~tint and kil led !he 58-vear.nld .<1ssistant i;1 nrt m 11 n ·a g e r , police .!!aid Higgins is nnrmall,v assigned tfl ano!htr store in tht chain, bul w:u; filling in for tht vaca· finning manager of the store that the four robber~ entertd Three went 1n the ca&h rf'gisLers. and !wn nf thl'm drtw guns. pohct said. They ntltf'd 57!1! from the cash reji!!ster·~. Ano1htr 11rmPd hanrl1t l'On· lrn n1td Hig11:in~ .:ind nrdered !hr i;;;ife opened. Higgin.~ fumhlcd nPrvous ly v.'ith lhe cnmbiniition a~ 1ht. rnbbe( c:ursed and lhreatentd him Suddenl.v , I.he handit bega n h1Uin~ Higgins in the head with the gun. As Hiagins fell, the bandit fled, but whirled and shol Higgins once in the side, police s11 id. All four rob· bers then r:sca~d in a v.·ailin~ c:ar, pt11ict: said There were no olh tr injuries. Pot 1-li/..·pd 111 FrePze SEATILf; 1liPI1 -Qf. f1cial11 At tht reg ional Olficr l'.lf E mt r gency Prtparedness rfport that they received a Jong-distance phone call Mnn· day night comp!ainlng that the price of Marijuana had risen $40 prr pound de~pitf Prts1· dent Nixon 's w a g e · pr ic e frr:eze. SpokPsman John L. t-.1;:ike~· sa.1 ~ ··~e. s11 1d 1hat at that price ht would hal"t' to turn !o harri stuff and hr didn 't want." 'ONE ISSUE' LABEL DROPPED Top Oit1enter S•"· McGover" Uf'I T1l1~1>t•e McGovern Will Reject War as Ca1npaign Iss ue OAJL V PJ LOT 5 'False Evidetace, etc.' Lobbyist Voloslien Ilfu1oi s P1·o se cuto1· Indicted ' Dies , 73 111 Raid on Blacl{ Panthe1·s NEW YORK (AP I -Nathan ,.,f. Volosbtn. who was con -CHICAGO UP ' ' I I l -Sl11te's 1efl m.1ny q u f. 1 t lo n 1 ~even P111nther1 who survived virted nf peddlinl his ron-attornf'y E:d¥.·ard Hanrahan, unllnswr:red lht. r.1id. neclinn:i; wllh former House th • c:lty•ii: top prnsecutor . has ------------ Sp Pa k r r J n h n \V , been indicted v.•ith !l othrr l 'he county grand Jury M law off.icial~ nn rhar".'' ol charged thr 14 1nd1r,ted men cCor m.:ic-k 's office r 0 r ~ cnnsp1nog In nb.c;lrurt ju:i;llre with .. destrn~·lnit. 111Jterin<, lucral1 \"e fees. has ditd here I n a 1989 pn!1rf' r;ud 1n whic h cnnrPali ng 11 n d disguising a! r-.;~11nl :-i1n<t1 H n s p 1111 I Ne\\' y 01·k ~~fl Alack P<tnlhers \\"ert kJI[. phys1ral l!\'!denre ''' plantin,11: repor1Prl T11ei;dav that the l<t l~P PYidrnrr And , , lawv~r anrl l!'lbbylst ditd Mnn· Chica~n P n I 1 r-" Suptrin· /urn1sh1ng fa lst infoi·matinn." d h Welcom.el'!-· IPndP.nl .l;imn R \'onli~k WA!'i It said Hanrahan, '0• 0 nt of a.v two ours Aflf'r tnttr1n" -d' '' " e-nnt 1n 1cted hu! wa :i; namtd a tht lnp mon In hf•ynr R••hard 11.~ cnmn<tf\' 1n!Pns1 1•t. rai"e ' uni!. · c(')-Consprrator, fl !' wl'rt two n( J. Oi1Jr~"!'j n e m 0 r r a I t c \'oloshrn pleaded guilty to Moon M.Cll his JX!lice investii;:ator!'i and nrg11 n1zat ion . made "fal st and eharges that he usM his in· lv.·o n( H11.nrahan·.~ <tss1st11n1s I n r lammator.\•" 5talements fluence 1n ~1 cCormack's !'Jffire The charges 11·er,. mitde whi lt. nbt::iin1ng i!ln attempt~ l.n obtain fa vo rs for clienu NE W YO A.K IAP I -"The publ ic ruesrl::i v 10 the murdtr indictment a,i;i:a1nit from go1·ernmentaJ agencies. motorcade v.••s thl': mo!'i! im-•ourtroom of Jud.i:e Joseph "·11 -;=~ =~==~j HP V.'(l/i sentenced la•l Pov.·er. chief or r-riminal 'I vmGINJA'S = " prt~!'jl l"t' lhtn~ J'l"t i;ren s1nct t · c k c Nnvember In pa y a S\O.flOO cnur s in on ou nty. who1 SNI P 'N STITCH SHO PPE \I f' lrf! hPal'Pn." C"ol D••••d R had '"ppr -"th ri t t f1nf'. but federal .lud.i:e ~1arv1n .. ess.,.. e in JC mtn I lll' E C Sen!! si11d i-incr: .lunt 2~ <tnrl rPf"•ed to " •'t o••+ Hwy. e Coren • 9•1 l-A•r E f"riln~PI dPCirlPrl 81-!flin!'il "" rl . h' I · b Thnus anrl!' of ~·P,,' \'n•·k•r•. arcep1 it 11·hen 11 w~, 1,·,,1 Phone 673 -1050 ~en In£ 1m 0 prison f"Ca U/if' I' " n \ht> ~01·ern mrn! s;iid Vnlo!iht n and rnuri11rs chPl'r"t d Srnlt a.nd 1·nted J;:ii;I April. 11·;:is rnn)lf'ril tlni 1n furl her in-hl li fC'llnv. Apnlln lil fllit.r"nn11 ul li ThP 1nd1ctmrnl i;trms from 1·e~tJgatinn.o;. Tu,..c;dav ii~ thr lhrf't v.·p1·e a r:iirl au!.honzed hv Hanrahan \VASHJN(;TQN 1UPf 1 f..1r(invt.rn Is the co-author Vnlnshen . who r·rporlrd!y !!.lvt<n ~ pilr<'ldt> down Vifrh 11nd m11de by pnlif.P assii ne:rl! Sen George McCnvt:rn. a nf the cont r" v e r s 111 l rerPiverl lip tn S.'in.oon A Job, AvPnuf!. two i;el s of mpd;:ils tn hi~ offi ce nn Drr 4, t!lli!l New Fall Fash ions FROM VIRGINIA'S 11arne almos! synnnyn1r)U:ii with McGovrrn·Ha!fieJd '"1tnienrl· :c.airl hr h;:id thr aid nr 11nd .:i rccrp11on ren11n1scenl of Black Pan!hr.r learle.r.'i ~1ilrk dissent at:ainsl the Yietnam McCnrnlark's ;idministr;:itivf! ;:i srn;:i!I 1nv.•n welcomi ng the ('\;:irk 111nr1 Frrrl Harnp!nn v.·erf' v.·ar. has dtcided to shun the ment 10 end the \\";:ir'' th;i! assisl;;int. nr. ~1artin Sweig . 1n bo ys home. killed by gunfire. / issue for the remainder of his would ha l't cut nff fund s for get tini; government a~t>nriei; Snulf'i; and tlappmg greett.d. The county j:!r.:ind Jury lflter presidential campaign. U.S. rightin~ in Indochina. l~1s tn believe the spe1:1ker wanted ScnU , LL CCII Jame~ B. Jrv.•in said the Panthers had fired Struggling !o dive~! h1m,elf political career h a s cnn· •ertain actions taken -such 11nd Mi'IJ. Alfred ~f Worden a.. only one shot on the .. one-issue" label tha~ centrated almost ex clus1vr:lv as lhe issuing nr Arm y Lhey pe:rched on the back nf a The county gr11nd 1ur.v v.·h1chJ has stalltd his campaign, in the P•Sl four years nn di.~rha rges or import ln:enses cnnvertible on the trip to City return~ the indictmrnl was 1 r-.1cGovern lold n e ~·~men learl1ng the fight Lo end a war S"·e1,e; was convicterl of one H111l. empaneled by Pnwer last Tuesdfl.v. Ih a! ht consider~ a.n immn ral cou nt Of 1nJurv and startrod 11 An Pld,.rb• m;:in held up a December Al lhl' urgini! nf It '_, th •! l1m "' ag•"\. N11ed n.,w 1chool cl&th,.~ 1 Come on .a nd 1 .. 1 l.J s helit ~lari your w.ardreb ... W • h•v• the lalest in n•w nevelty kn itt, cotton and poly11,+11r. Th • 1oft leok is in, 10 try our b11<1 utiful printed i"'''"Y'· F•nl aslic n41w 1hi~m111nt of widot• wal111 c.orclurey. k•t+l•£1oth end trims h•s ju st •r· ri11ed. e IAHU.MlllCAID S1 • You Soon I VIRGIN IA e MASfll CHAIGI ··t "'ill ha ve verv li ttle cnm · blund Pr and a ma1or national :Jn.month prtsnn i;enlen\t: .luly sign s1y1ne. '',lfle v.·eJcomes sevtral c1v1c groups ¥.0h1ch 1 1nPnl lln !he \\"Rr f~nm here nn -"-'~S_•ri_'_' -----------='~'-----------~t~ht~m~oo~o_m~•~n~" _____ __.:s~a~id~th~e:__'f~od~e".r~al~ln~"~'~''~'i~a~ti~o~n~' ~=~~~===~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~ ou!. . I expPrt In say very l1lllt ;ihnut lnrl nch1na in !hi' ne~t yei1r.'' ThP Sout h D;i knlfl Drn1nrra1 ~aid ht> 1vnuld fnrus his <;:I m· pa 1.1i.n tn:i;t e11rl nn lhf" ecnnnmv .11.nd oth er dnme:stic issues ... nn 1vhich thf' 1972 eltctinn \\'Ill turn." \Vhilf' he said ending thf" war V.'as sti!l 1hr natinn·s No. 1 priority. he h11d to face the fa ct tha1 "pocketbook tssues" wrre the ones that would win l"Olf'S. •· 1 ;im a pol itu·.111 realist anri f b~i1p1·p !hf' :<-til1f' nf !ht' eronnm~ 1~ mnr~ rl('r1~1 1·,. pol1t1c.!IJJ,1· :· hP told a luncher•n 1il.&1ht nn,1:. f n r \\"ashington financial "'r1l.ers. non-stops • oenix Load of Books to t I Julie Fractures Toe 111 Scliool Accident tUPl 1 .Julli-Ni x n n Eisen hower ~u ff Prerl a hrnk ~n toe Tuesd;:iy v.·hen a inelal earl \naded v.•11h bnnk~ rolled over her foot at th t Atlit nlic Be1ch Element;iry ~ch no I ~·here. she i.~"' tt;icher. Official~ ~;iid President Nu: nn"!I. .vou n11,r:i;t d.:iughfer \.\."nulrl tl'cuperatr tndii~' in hrr aparl· 1nt>nt and prohah!y rt turn 1(1 echnnl Thu r~da.\. .lulle '-''flS rushrrl b\' .~f'1·r·e1 ge rvirt mtn In .11 rl 1i;pr 0 n.,ary at nParli\' Maypr:irl Na\"<11 S1 at1on After 1ht arrident find ti"r rnnt "·as plar e.rl in a walking c.11~!. . h1hl'·., hu~hand . En~. Davi d ~f;i,vpnr! Agent s 1n1rned1at.t ly called the \\."hill!. Ho11~e Ph.vsic1An. llr \V;i.llr r Tkarh. v.rhri 1n· formed pres1d~nl and f..trs. Nixon of the mi sh ap. The firsl fam ily is $!a.v1n p: at the V.'e.ster n 'Arhi1f' Hnusr in San ClementP '--!rs. Nixon telf'phont d .J uht . Z.1, In nff Pr her _q~•mpath.v 1\fr~ Con n1P Stuart. the flr~t J;irll"·~ s!~ff rltrrr1 or. ~a id Juhr intender! tn ret urn tn srhf}l'.ll to- d11.1 ""Shi' !h 1nk~ 11"~ II ~11[1 I C· rid,.n1 .'" s;i irl ~1r.~ Stu11ft. in San Clemrn!I': . Two rings for two' lovers ••• both rinas $88.00 flflat ~111llty ....,4 .,.4,..1.~1 I• 14K e•l4-"•M (..,.Cf'lldll ftlft\I t rl\r.ofJll'I! 0,(CIUl'lb evoll1~!1.• up I& 12 mtlfllht lo Pfl'/ lenkAll'llricard • M&rtff Chart• "'l'llE STORES CONFIDENCE BUILT' HUNTING-TON CINTlt .... , "' ldllltfl" H11nth1tt•11, I••'' ,,J.t5fll HAllOll SHOl"l'IN• CINTll ZJOll HI'~"' 11.,.11. C•''" M*-"• S•S·''ll Ol'IN MON , lHUll:S & l&l l 'TIL ' l'.M ' •• 7:35A.M. Slt~ later. Mis!! the freeway tnftic to L.A. llUtmational. Arrive& l'boe!1ix, 8:2'7. r , 8:50A.M. An ideal morning ftjght for most tn.vele.rs. Not too early. Not toe lALe. Arrives Phoenix, 9:«. 2:15 P.M. Our mjd-day ftigh~ atriv;ng Pbocnil: at 3: 10 p.m. U you leave your car ovemig}lt at the airport, remcnbcr par.king is cha per at Santa Ana. the fastest way to Tucson ~ . , 7:35A.M. After a 20-minute 1top in Pboe.nix, arriva Tuaon 9:25 Lm.. Much shorter ti.me, and far 1-hlllle, IIl in all, thu drivin& to L.A. lotanatiotal for a Tue.on !tiafit. 5:20 P.M. Again,~ you'r< otayin& mmlllb~ 1t'1 cheaper to leave your car at Sama Alla thu at L.A. lntmlllioo.ll ArriY• TllCIOll 7:09 pJD. 5:20P.M. Leave after work and mrit'e Phoenix at 6:1 6 p.m., ju!! in time fer dinnft'. No fill!ting rnshhmrtr;dlc to L.A. lnfttnatjMal Hughes Air West from Santa Ana We 8y more people to Phoenix and Tucson than any other airline. --- • • DARY PllOT EDITORIAL PAGE Fresh Looi\. Jn his o...,•n quiet way, the ne"' pre.!.1denl of lhe New- port-Pilesa Unified School District board of ed ucation has led !he board to s peak loudly on an intportant commun- ity issue . The issue raised by Rod ~1acr.·lillian at last "·eek's trustee meeting concerns the nearly $400.000 col lected under the disl rict's f!.5 cent per SlOO of assessed valua· Lion con1munlly services tax California 's CiviC' Cen ter .A.ct provides that a school d istrict may levy up to IO cents each year to provide m oney lo create and or n1aintain fa cilities on school property to be shared by community organizations. Bui. as ~lari\lill1an and other board members dis· covered the olher ni gh!. almost 67 percen t of these funds In past years has gone to pay salaries of people "'ho must staff the schools or ad1acent a thletic fields aJter sc hool hours. Ad1nitt1ng the board of education has never revie"·ed the spending of llus n1oney before. trustee!. supported titacf!Iil lian's contention that lhe district might \\'ell look for better \1•ays of spending the nione~'. including dis· trict·i nspired con1munlty prO_!;l'arn,s_ The, suggestion is \l'ell t;iken and ~hot1Jd 1n sp1re dl5- Lr1ct stfff to take a fresh look at 1\'ays sehool spending can in1prove life in the Ii.arbor .ti.re.a. Tou uhenin!! Garbarre La1v ei u t ' Cautiously but decisively. Ne\1'port Beach is lay111g lhe' gf OUlld \VOr k for a cJampdOl\'n On the pruble.rns Of garbage collection. Using videolape. city staff Monday sho\,ed coun{'I!· men some not-so-pretty pictures of alleys and streets 1n this fine city blighted by unsightly -and uncovered Is Needed -garbage cans They saw paper bags spilled by dogs or people, their contents stre"'n rando1nly. Cou ncilmen agreed they didn 't need the pictures to point otit v.•hat they kno\11 ex11jls prartirally every· \I here ln IO\\IO. and didn 'l \vaste time by ordering pro· pos ed changes in the ordinance pa ssed to secn nd re ad· ing -anrl public hearing -Sept 13 .'\mnn~ other things. suggested rr,•isions lin1it the l._vpes of rcfu::;e the city 11·iU take. require property 0111n· ers to supply acc·eptable receptacles if their tenanl!'i 11·on 't and require cans to be sto red ou t or vie\v from publir streets. Coupled 11•ith another retcnlly-en11ctcd ordinance. lhat gives ~a nilation div1s1011 officials the ri ght to issue citations lo v10Jators lhe city appears lo be headed in the right direction lQ\vard a sol ution lo lhe prnblem. F.du cation \\•ill precede enforcement. officials have promised. But at least they .,.,•ill !.oon have the tools to see something is done. Sea fa ring Shena n.i g ans \V it h a rasl of t harac!ers n1nre colorful than ever, lhe annual 1\1e111port H;irbor Chan1ber of l'ommerce ··character Boat Parade'' u.~urps an.v sane LlSe of the [.()\l'Cr Bay Saturday at 2 pm 1'he Chamber"s C'omrnodores' l'Jub ha ~ adopled the thc1ne "Re-Living the Comics" for the 1971 edition of its seafaring: 5henanigans. The us ual range of t rophies. liloie lhe "Blg ·ront" and "S\\•abbicsl S\va bs" a\\'ards are abou! the only thing about the event that can be cal!ed usual . ll's an annual thing lhal is as n1uch for spectator ai-; participant and well \\'Orth a look from the \Yater or the shore. N LONELINESS Attor•uey Ge1ier•ul Says All Reusonuble /Jfeuns Tuke1i to Insure True S toi·y of Assuss iuuti.ori Younger Expected Conspiracy Theory • Ill Sirhan Case 'i the Editor : In rect'nt mont hs, riuestio ns ha ve Deen raised concerning all aspects of the Sirhan case by a variety of people for a \•ariety of motives. \\'hen. as District Attorney of Lns An"eles County, I prosecuted Sirhan . we kncv.·. and I so slated on numProus flC· ca~iQns, that s{lme da y someone ~·ould raise queslinns roncerning the manner ol dP.1lh and the par1tes responsibl!!. It 11as inevitable Iha! the conspiracy t h"·;r~ "ould be suggested -that ma kes a heller story. E'en though I knew that some persons, \\'hose molil'eS might or might not bl! ap- r.aren1. "·ould ne\'er a\IOI\' the case lo be pul to rest. we took all rl'a sonable means to insu re that the true story was llf'velnped and perpetuated. HO"'EVER, IN recrnL months lhat \\•hich l\'e pred icted has occurred, and ! am sti ll fr{'QUently asked "'hethtr or nnt lh<'rf' were inconsistencies in t he tc~limony at !he Sirhan trial. \IS answer: Yes. de fini!ely there were. \\'hen 6.'i witnesses testify C-Oncerning any 1nr-iden!, I arn no! disturbed cnncerning minnr inconsisteocit's in lhe tes!imony. l wculd be concerned ii all 65 witnessts lestified in precisel y the same manner. H,.1est ind1\'iduals testifying to an e\'Pnt \rhich lhry nbservrd crruld not possibly see. hear anr1 rec;ilJ the evrnts in the ex- ar! same "'.:t.\'. lnconststl·nc1rs nr a minor n.11ure lend cred£'nce tn the testimony nr t1·itnesscs In lhe Sirhan case such in- <''ln~1stenc1es as existeri in thr !est1mnn~' of !he w1!nrs~r~ wrre considered and r1al uatPd by !he 1u ry. TT ~HOL:LD BE rl'ml'mhrrrd th11t the lnl'est 1ga11nn fol10w111~ !he asS3~Sina!lon nf R.,bPrt F Krnnrrl.v nn June .i. 1968 hy the Ln~ An::><>lr s r rrllcr Department and r•th!'r CTYlperat1nc: drpar!111en1 ... 1nrlud111iz lh<> Vis An!'rles Cnunly Dislr11·1 At- 1-·n"' • ()f'\r" lhr FBI ;inrl n!hrr <1 "rtl- c 1~. '\~~or,,, nf lhe mosr r-omplele. if not tn" :iv •l co rnplete c r 1 n1 i n a I 1n - •f'(1I0:3' >"n~ evrr conducted bv a J;:i.,.,· en- frJrr~ffi,.r::. a>;eoc\· in the United States. It ... ~! Ge :ermined that all possible 1n- fnrr ;;•y.n u.riulr1 hP obtained anrl hf' m;iCe a\·;ulabl<> tn thf' publ ic at a time ~-hen tilt ctJnst1 tu11on;i.I righL~ flf the def~Mant ('f)Uld not be Jeopardi.i:ed by the attendant puhl1c1ty ,l\10 RE THAS 4.000 v.·11nesses 11.·ere 1n- len·1e ... et1 Su:l\-ll\·e w1toesses \\'ere call· ed by the Dis lru::t Attnrnry o( Los By Gtth1·9e --~ Dear George I ha ve bern reading snrne fa scina ting SIQr!l'5 abnu1 !he an- cient. Chint"se art of acupun rture. By simpl y ini;erting needles at Cf'r- tain points or tht" body. it's c!<iimed tha t pain can bl! slopped dur ing operation!\. Havt }'OU ever trled this and dMs it ~·ork? CURIOUS Dear Curioul'i: 1 dKfn't believe acupunclure cnuld work until I read a fine piece nf reporting by Scolly Reslon ol T~ New York Times. who underwent an operalion in which acupunclure was utilized. Ht 1111ld he felt nn pain, 50 I lritd It. Jl 's marvtlotli'i~ I ft]I ab501Uttly nothing! (Of COUTS!', l added one slight modirlealinn. Ether. Nobody st ickli ntedlt5 in mt unlPss rm under total 11nt~lhei'ii8 ' J CONflDENTIAL TO l\.IARCUS WEL.~Y: Tl stands for Doctor nf ~fedlclnt'. Yeah. I know It should rtad D M ., bul whn arl! )'OU i.nd J a11:.11insl the A.f\f A : Angeles Cnunty lo teslify rluring the course nf !he trial , At the concl usion nf thP case, reports co11e rini: interviews with those witnesses who had not been caUed to testify by eith£'r par!y. com· prising !!l!l in ;ill. 1\•rre filer1 1vi!h !hi? Superior Court as r :\h1h1ls and became ;:i matter of publir rerord. At the reriuest of defeni.e counsel, rluplic.itPs of mnre than l.'iO hlrs rf1n- taining interviews of polrntial w1rnrs~rs \vere de livered on pretn;il rl 1scnl'rry 1no- tions. lnclurlerl am{lng thcsr file~ 11rrf' recorded int ervie\\'S of more than 70 pP rsons "'ho v.·rre alleged lo have ohsPT\'· ed lhe defendan! at snm!! time durinc the evening of June "4 and the early morning of June 5 at the An1hassadnr H:>tel EV ELLE J. YOIJ~G ER Attorney C:rnrral Slate of Californ ia Cit11 Plr11111i11g To Ille Editor : The editorial. "first A ~l as!er Plan" fDAIL'' PILOT. Aug. 18) has fur1h er drav.·n the battle lines. Tl1e Pil ot ls now on i·ecord as favorin,;; tht dr.lern1ination nf Nf"1\·por! Beach's {uture by "con- tracted planning ex perts. · and hy .11 city council that seem~ unable to resist pressure from dr velopC'rs \\'ho procl aim their sa('red ri~h! to n1asin1um return fro1n their land 1n 1·eslmenls Your somewhat d1sda1nfut sr .:i temen! " . another c111zcn's cnmm1!tr.P has ap- peared with annlht>r prorinsal to bypa s5 thr eslahli~hed mech1tn1cs nf loc<r) gnvernmrnt. ' ignore~ The fact !h<it ll is prf'CJ<>t']y thn~p es!ah!ished mt'rhan 1£'s Iha! ha1'ti led lo fnrn1a !1nn nf citizen'.! grours such as the Freev.•ay f1 i;h!ers and th" ,l\lCL. "'MEN' C01'\CE RNED citizen s' groups Pfrcen-"" thril loc al gnvrrnn1rnt is nnt ar· tint: in thr1r bebl lnlere.,Li-. lhf'\' tenrl In ;ir! Art the1· dirl nn !he frer1\:av 1s~ur , 11nd ar r. 1he.v· \I'll! on hlgh-risf'. Thi-Pll r\'s con!inued r.ha racteri7,alion of such action as Pmorional an1l n1isguirled is pure ar· ro~anc£'. and completely unsupportable. Our pr£'Seot ci~_v cnuncil. wi1h the ex· cept1on nf Howard Roger.i., has not been anr1 shn11's no 1odica1ioo nf becoming suf· flrienll,\' av.·are tha.t its pr l m a r y responsi bility is In Nev.·pnrt Bc;irh res1rlents. rtnr to out.sirle landholders. I BELIEVE lhe s!'nse of the coun"il "as expressed by /\-firnn Dostal 1vhen he expla1nerl his pro-vole rnr 1he PromQn- IC'r\· Ray <ipartmenl complex h1· s<i,\•in.i::. ''The Irvine Compan.v has a righl In de- 1•e!flp its properly. \on." ~1r. Dnst;il showed llis lack of a grasp on lhe prnl). lem by that stateinent . since den~ily. nnt rlevelnpment per se. was rhe basis nf ril iien pro!es1. \Vhat lhe distinguished coun::iln1an said then , in effec t. was that 1he owner should bl" ;illowed to delt-rm lne 1he ultimate u~e or hi~ property, 1•·ith'l11f. in1rrfcrrncr frnm rrsiden!s who feel they "'ill be adversely affected. Tll E PlLOT i5 b11cking A trend. Thl'lt lrenrl is characterized by a ~rowing reillllzalinn that rletermh1lng land use can nn Jongl'r bP based on 11heer econ{lmic con~1derat1ons. Continua!ion or that pol icy will destroy Newport Beach 11s ~·t \.:no"· ii. rhanging It from "' pleAsant resident ial -resort com munity tn A con c re It· and · s It e I commercial monst roi.1 ty. ROBERT D. RIES Rnnl Ln11nr/1 i 11g To th' Editor ' A fpw mon!hs ago I wro1e In ;\1~1lhox c.nnrern1ng rhr. lack nl l<iunchinJ! rac1 htlt!> rnr lr;i1lr r11lllt ho;iti; in this ilr~a Unc reader respond!i"d i111d stated th:l! 1r ~1 a ilbox LrU cr,~ Jrn11t 1·rndrrs n rp irrll·111ur, l\1nr1nnliy un'/IPI'.~ ~l1r1l(/rt cr11•r•f"'y thfi r n1es so.rics I'll 300 u1orrls nr IP~-~. Th,:: l'tflh/ rn conrlensr le/Irr.~ In /1 t .~rv1rc or el11T1/ll fllP /1bPI 1~ rr.~r rrPr/. All /pt- tPr.~ m 11.~i 111c/11rlr .~1.q11nt11rp 1/l1rl t11111l- t 119 arl</rr.~.~. hur 11rin1r s 111"!1 hr 11·11/r- lir/d n!/ i-rr111r ~t If .~n(f1r1 r ui rcni;n1l 1.~ 11rt"n·r11t. PoPl~!J 11•1/l nnl bP pUb· ltshrd. I had been 1nnrP oh~cr"ant. I 110\lld h:ivr bre11 aware nf 1he launrh1nl! r<11nr nPar the hrirlgl' 011 Pa<'il1r Coa ~r H11:hwa11 Granted. there i.~ a nic e r.101p .:i!. th~t lor11.tion . hut i! is on the wron!: ~ide of Ille bridge if .voifrl' a sailboat sailor as lam. Last /\fay l tal ked 11'i!.h nnP. of the persons who operate thar facilit y. I \\IAS !Nt"OR/\1 £0 lhat Irr .'let under the bridge you would have trr s!Pp your niast ;ifler padd ling or mQtoring under lhe bridge. To make matters v.·or!ie. the pa rking lot 1va5 almo~! full br(nrt' thr boaling st'ason had gotten into rul! s11•1nf;! and it 11·as mandatrrr\· th;ir vou rrturn and get ~our boat nut: 11f 1111' ·;irca by If) p m So often I rc<id ar1Jrlc£ hoas111u: ahnul J\'e.,.,·port Harhor· being such a f1nP sn1;ill boat ha rbor and I a!?ree I 1u.<I 11·r~h thrrr 11•;is snme reason;ihlr way 111 jl{'! a b(la1 111 ;iind nut nf 11. rsper1all\' ;:r ~:u!ho;:rt E C \A.'\ HOOK :iJt 1llt)ce lligl• R ise lrrlt1111l T(l The f,{!11 nr \\'h1· ;:rll thr <1rC('lnenl . prr. ;:rnrl r.1n, abo11I l11gh l"l~P huilrl1n1= nn 1l•r 1111• lanrJ•, shutting nff \ 1r11 s ;ind r~l'fl'illlnn ;il ilrr;,~ of thr proplr 0 \Vhy do Iha grerrl,\1 rlel'el11prr.< li;i vr trr (ln i! the hard way 11·hrn therP i~ ;ilrr1rlv plenty pf i!OOd solid l;inrl s11ilahlp for hlghrise building5. 1he ideal sifrs~ S;i ve 1hr bc.ichr.~ ;inti the \'It'"~ for thr pt!'lplr. \Vilhnur peoplt'. there would he no nrrd for anything. H1gh-ri!>e buildings. such as al Fashion Island. leave ptcnt,\' or open 5pace anrl magnifict'nt v1rw~ of lhe heautiful Pacific Oce.:in "1fhou1 sp.')ihng anynnt's view. THE RE ARE AREAS in Newp1Jrl 6tar h !hat nred 1Cl be renPwPrl and are in lhP he~! location~ ror hich·TISe ~!l'UC!ureS surh a~ tht ridminislralnrs of thr Hoag llnspi!al ha1 e st'cn . A.~ the shore !ine in Newport cannot be. enlarged. 11nd BS the crowds are pushing, r·· '1 in'!'. evrr thicl;rr tn11•:i rd the beachP~. the one v"ay Is to move inland a way and u.i.e all lhe hig h-rise \anrl a11ai111blr. LEi\'A f , BROCKETT Freemny Suggest ion• To th e Editor: Tht issue of the Coast Freewav has btcome so clouded one doesn'I krlnw ii what he hear5 is trut or raise. I hP~r from Newport Beach officials that !he free.way is dead and should be buried. yet the. department of Lransport11tion still t'l· sists it is very muc.h alive. and \j,•ill 001. be deleted withour the COOptra l1nn nf Newport'i; neighboring rifles. de~p11!1 Governor Reagan·s new policy to~·;ird coa1>IRI freev.~ys. ~sta Mesa anrl H unlin~lnn Brnrh hoth want !heir freeways while Nr"·pnrl Reach And fnunta1n Valley ar' ag ain.,I fl freev.·ay in thei r c1!1t~ There is a solut111n rn r hc~e prnblrnl~ R;it.her !h?ll r!un1nin,11: lht O'ccll'ay traffic onto ~1~1lng sl.r!!cls at lhe fr ee wa y's en d, ii. is quite lngiea! 1n !ink the Huntington Beach and Ne"'port freeways together at. the cnast. THE HUNTINGTON BEACH freeway I Ro11!t .1~ 1 ri1n be run al ong Bei1rh Rou le1·arr:I and the Co.:ist Hii:h"'a\' .:1c- cnrd1n.(! tn thrir pl.:rn. hut ar the San1 a Ana Rl\·er 1! l'Urvrs sli.(!hll,\' to lhP oorth, h.1 passing i\rwpnrt Shores 11nrl. fol1C111•i ne lhe ron1our fir the IRnd, runs JUSI south or \\"csl lfilh Strerr fcnn1pl!~!Pl.\• "'11hin 1he i\rw1lflrl Re11ch riry l1m 1ts1 :ind !inks up wilh the Ne wfJf1r1 Frrev.ft)' !Route 55), The nnly ro;idbloc ks ln lhi~ snluHon are Co~tii ~l es.:r's r1 eslre to ran1 a freewav t hrnul':h Nr"p Qrl RPac h .:i nd Assemhly man Rnbert Burke's infatua!inn l\'Jlh free1\·a.1's, Lagu n;i Be;irh says it ;il:;n need.~ a freeway to rrl1e1•t tr<ilf1r nn !he coast. Unfortun;i!ely, <111y freeway rhar. is no t nght on the coast will only bring more traffic trr tl1c art'a. PEOJ,LE "'ILL sti ll v.·a nt lo use Uit Coast Highw ay fo r beach access. The department. n[ transportatinn said this \\'as true of New port Be<1ch <rnd Laguna's tr.iffic problem is much worse. A frf'ewa,v 1hrnu,1?h Lairuna Can.\'on wf:t not only bring e1·en more traffic lo th e area. bur "'111 al~n te:ir up a major por- t inn of thl' proposed Laguna Be;;c:h ~rrrnt>rl! This frrewil\' seem~ t.ri exisl pnl.\· bt>causr Sacramrntn 1vant5 \n make e;irh 5late hl.li!h"'flY into a frerwa.1•. 1 hnpP our Plerted off1c1als conside r thr~P sui:~es11ons and clear up this mess 1n a hurry DA\'JD G. PORTE R Pt•l I 111·' • .~ t r e 1tg t I• Tri lhr E<l1lnr Jn rr•pnn~" In n•.oictton~ nf Tass i\P1\~ 'i;cn1 ,1 tn thP Prf'~Jdrnl 's. actJ(ln re!;it1n~ 111 /\n1rrir<1n r11rrrn1·_r. J ~ubml1 1he frillO\' 1ng I ean .11111rrc1<1 lr Tas~· concern f(lr the surv11"a! nf r S t'apitali~m 1 sugi::est. hnwe1,rr, lhat in nrr1rr to relie1·e thrir 1lrep anxie ty, they obser\·e the quick t'<'('fl\rrv 1n ~!nre fnr Lhl' lj,S. dollar on 1\·orld 1narkr!s OBSE RVE ALSO ~ ! F.urnpeans .11cc:us1omed lo fixed cur· rencv S\'Sterns ha''" diflicultv un· drrslannini:: thal U.S. currency is Ont fix· ed to a gold s111ndard. only the price. nr golrl had been r1xrd. 2. SinC'e the L' .S. rlnll:ir is 11: fi111 cur- rency, 11 ha.~ been var~·1ng accnrrl1ng In su ppl y anrl rlen1::1nr1 rn r several ,li!enera- t1ons. In this senM" 1! i~ ronstantly sr\t arljus11ng anrl there i~ nCI ha rd exchange basis for dev;ituatinn. Therrfore thf' scramble In rl'valul' 1\·nrld C\1rrencies will be rrvrrsihlP in short order. J Thr self arljust1nlil rlnll;ir va rif'~ rrgularly .:rrrnrding tn its gradua l self- drval ua!ion which \~t c11ll in fla tlon. t llf':!\1AND ARROAO h.:is been ver.v slron11. for U.S. dollars 11s demonstra!Pd hy lhP b:tlance llf trade. Goods frn1n 11 brnar1 i!re stlll flooding tht ll S. 1narkelplace 1n se<rrth of U S. dollars. 5. Goltt re serves maintained in Ft. l\nox are. not in signifi~nt proportion to dollars. in circulallon because rhe dollars :ire !he real money and are valued by holdtrs in accordan ce with the goods 11nri ~ervices lhese dollar5 will bu~·· Gold i~ hrlrt a\•aila bl e for excha.nge ~·iUi th,. j:JO\'emmtn!s wh ich pl<rce their tru~I in !hp har1J mf'lBl5 rathrr lhan the rconomir 1·alue or tht toll snd compensation fo r tnll ~ In Amrrita lhp rtn]1a r is t l'lr1rnct nf 1ht fr uits nr lahor Rnd 11re elchan,11td for thr rnnl forts of our afflurnt t:xl stencP. Yes. Ti!.~.~. tht Amrric.11n w11y I~ still lhe best b,\' far and after tht world markel realizes whal has just happened the dolla r and Ameri can capilalisrn will be looked upnn as the leader tn be reckoned with in '"Clrlrlwirle econnmic.~ KENNETH E. CLJSSETT J t>b• \'in n ·m11 A ds Tn thP Editor: As the Ol\'n!!r of a ~rnw 1n::: bu~in£'~". am con111.:intly ~erk1ng nc~· rmpln.11P ~. In ;iririirinn rn check1n,e: 1>.1th !he s!<11e ::i nrl privale employmt'n ! rigrnl·ir~. I ha1·e tned the cla ~s1fied 11acr~ nf lh1s npwspapcr. ThrSP pa~ri;· ha.1·e pn•vrn tn tll" a marke! place fnr hundred~ nf prn- r111('ls and St'fl'ICCS over !hi' yrars_ Yrl. 11·hr.n it cn1ne.~ In •·rmpln~rnen l ~an1et1 ·· ad s. !here ;irp sf'ldom ni ure lh11n nne rir 1\1 rr listed. Consid£'r ioi;: the thnu.~ands 11/ 11nrrnployed in Or;inge Cnunl.v plu~ as many mnr P whn want to better !heir Jnh;,, this is appalling' J\10ST PEOPL E tu rn In the wan t arl$ \\'hen rhey "'anl to sell a car. rent a house. bu~· a TV. give 11w11y a cal . ;ind a hunrlred other npporr11nir irs, bur 1\·hen 1t cnmrs to !he mo st in1portant tilin g 1n their Jh·r.~. their emplo.\'ment. thc>y n\'rrlnnk thP mn.~t ohvious mc;:in.~ nf let- tinE penple know 11•h.:rt thrv can do . Thesl!' .~amP unen1pl orpd mu st al ~o fai l In re::id rhe hundreds nf employmrnt op- p<1rlunil1!'s h.ql'd. I h;i1·p :id\'ertisrd fPr hPlp ~€\'f'l'al l une~ anrl ha1•e nf'ver had onp qualifiPd applican1 appl~. "'HERE AR f'.: THE !ho11~;inrt~ ": unemployed" Are thr.11 ~raodtng in line a! rlie unrmpln1"111rnr insu rance wi nd!lw or ~111111i;: a! hon1e-\\':tlrhinii TV" ThPrr ~r•' plrntv nf 1oh oprinrh1n11lf'~ 1n th1~ arr;i A 11·ell 11-r1tlrn cla~~1f1Prl atl $hnulrl hr !hP fir~! rhin_i:: a man or "'nman ~h.,uld rr,I' 11·hp11 he or shr nrrd~ f'mp ln.1·- n1rn1 nr a het lrr pos11inn RCI BE:RT L EB Y .lti11~/gP.'itio 11 ~ ll1tlllft'tf To !he Editor · f'nr O\'Ct a .\'e:tr we have ber.n tr,v1ni;: In ilr1np!. 11 min0ntr Rrnup r hild . but hurPaUt'racy anrl rrd trine are m;ikin,I.! it very di fficult for is. We n•rn our o"·n home, have ;i bny !"I years nld . .:1nd are interested in adoptinF! a !WD-or-lhret- year-old ~id. \Ve con!acted the Childrrn·s ll ome Sf)('iet~·. bul rinrludini: fer~. IPl!<'ll fer~. ;ind physical examination f. the !'OSI JU~I to CPI lhe rhild into nur h'lme runs cln~p 10 !1 .000. There <'Ire alsn 1•ar1 ous hnn1e check.~ which I C{lnsider In br 11n in\"a!'ion or priira c.v. \Vf' lrif'd !he Or;in,ee Cnun1 y \\"el fare Bureau. bul lhe l\';illing pt'rind Is long find lh<'Y ~<1.v lhf're are nn chiklrrn available. There is a ft-e nf ~;,I)(] In plare fl child In a homp , Here 11ga1n , !herr are home check~ In determine the ~u ilabi:ity nf the premises. WE HEARD THAT River.~irlP County \\-'etrare Bureau has a 1u rplu~ nf ~1rx ican. Indian. ;ind bl11ck children A call tn thf'm rf've;ilPd that it Is not poss1b!P 1n ;irlopl chilrlren outside your own county l\'i1hout firi>t ,llo1ni:t, lhrouch your own county -\\'hich pu!s us right back ~·here we sl&rl~ I feel tha t the in1ti11I fee tu rn~ ll~'AV 11 ?ht of prnspcclil'e arlnpti\'f' fam ili es ~·hn cannol afford to pa~· A largt am'lunl. bu~ 11.•ho c;in affnrrl f(l support another child . My question 11bout !hP rN! bfin11. rl'rluc£'d or ~·ail't"d brnupht this respnni;t fmm ilO l)r11nl!e (riunt.v 1yelfart' reprPScnra1i1·e '"\frll. lhP st<1!P 1ikr~ to rollf'l'1 11\ n1onc y." H Is m\' np1ninn !h111 lh(' ... i;i1p i.~ cosung ILseH 11 \n! n1ort' than ii 1~ brini;:• 1n~ ln b11 making 11 ~n diff 1<'ull for re~ ple 10 1rlnp1 unwanterl rh1 ldr'n IN ADDITION Tf) Jo.c;\ni;t !ht S:.i\n 1re. they art burdened with lhe expense of fcrd!ng, clothing , an d housing the child 11n1 ii someone !urns up who can afford ~j'l(). I feel hnme checks are unn ecessary and unwarr;inted In the first place . a family ls nnt likel v ln decide to ridopt a niinnrii y r-hild wi!hout ;i £real de:il of thought Th ey are nnt hkel y to bring ;in'llhP r mouth Jn ft'rrl 1ntn the hnme wlli'lou1 m;:i k1ng ~urr thrv are fi na ncially rapahle 11f handling 1t. ·vou wnuld al s"o !hink that people wnuld be very happ,v tn have vou lake a child oH wrHare ralhcr !h;i n bringing ano1 her pel'son into this altPady 01·erpnpulated "'nrlrl. 1f ;iny of your readers h-i ve an.v sug- ges\lr>ns. v.·e would be most delighted to hc;ir them. ~!!CHELF.: BURGESS 20162 ~1iclland LanP. Hun!1nglon Bt'ach 92fi·1~ Ctiltey'11 Se 11te 11t.•e Tn !he t:ditor : It"~ inl£'res!1ng to notP lh11l LI Willia m C;il!e.v .Jr ·s life sen!encf' lnr murdering 22 Vietnamese civilia n~ ;:it /\.·1\' Lrii has been reduced to 20 ,\•ear.~ i DAll~Y PILOT, Au~. 20 1. \\'h;:it 's "'or.c;e, he will he eligible for parole after only ... e1·rn \!ear_.. cnn· f1nrmen1 A 20-_vear ... C'ntene.e fnr the rn11rder nr 1nore !h11n 20 neoplf'. is unhcarri nf. up until now. that 1s If Ch;irlr~ :\l;insnn had rt'ce11ed th1.11 k1ntt nf i:cntenc:e in the Tate murder case, peoplf' /rnm all n1·er the na tion wnuld rlemand ann!her trial. and eilhP r a lift: St'n~enl e nr !he .Ras chamher. In ~hor!, the entire Ament·an Jur11cial system \1-ould be criticized and castigated. . ll O"'E\'ER . lr'li C;illey'.~ ra~e th" ... tfl ry ts a d1Herent nnr For nor thing, hr 11'<15 cnn1·ic!erl nf niurdering almost four r1mP11 as 1n;iny peuple as M.:111 ... on wa.~ Fnr another. he \\'as declared a n;11 1nn~] h('rn by thnu~anrls of Amrric:in~ lnr hi.~ ~r· lion~. Bill !ht' niain ;ind 111o~t 1n1p(lr!ant difference is his sen!.enc£' :i ch<rnce frrr parole aftf'.r se\·en Y":trs as ('nmpared to the gas ch;imber. ls !his JU~t•re ~ .ft'la j. H£"rman Kassner, acting llearl nl lhe public information nHire at Forl McPherson who made the announcement public, said: ··rr WAS OETEJ\J\llJ\'ED lhat thr cn11. 1 iclion \1•as correct 1n la w and fart and lhal thP reduced senlence w A 1 appropr1ale for the offenses for which hf! was convicted." This statement. m11kes absolutely no srnse to mt. Hn>1• cnuld a rC'duced srn1ence bf'. ju.~tified by thP kill· in.(! of 22 civilians? This ca~e. it seems !o ml!. nnl)' S!!rires lo illus1ra1e what. a fa rre the \1·hole s~·stem nf military law really "· CHR!S BHODERICK DAILY PILOT Rob,rt N. l\lced. Publishrr Tl1n1nas 1-.:etvil, Editor Albe rt \V. Bnrl's £d1tor1aL Pogt Ediror Tht ed11nrl~I p;lSe 'll !hr O~ily Pilot seekb !o 1nlor n1 And 1umula1e read- ers by pre3en11nr.: this ne.1•!PllJ"l"r'1 np1 n1nns 11.nd ro1nn1pf111lry nn lf'Pl<"S ,,/ 1nter""t 8nrl s.12n1he11.nr". hy pr.-.. \'trllllJ:: i'1 rf}rU m lnr 'ht f'\/llf'~S10n nf ••Ur rt;irlrr~· op1n1nn~. i1 nd hy pre- 'r 111u1~ rnr <Ii\'""'" 1'tr"J'l11n1.~ "'' 10• lnrrnrd roli.rr1•f'r~ 11TKl s.pnkf'Smf'n nn 1nr1cs nf 1h~ <1,:iy \\'ednesda.1·. r\ugust 25. 1!171 l I I J I ' ( i I j I • --.. .. ---· ------~ ..... -----~ . '1 PJLOT AOV[RTIStR N Wtdnt~ay, A1.19ust 25, 1971 Wtdnt~d•Y A110Just 25. 1971 N OA.JLY P/lOT JD Fall Extension Class Schedule Listed for UC Irvine l'•IO•Y, S••t•"'i..' 11 "UnftnPID•,.,..nl In O•on90 CounlY MM• Lntol ,t.1>1><.,•<h•• to Ou• 0..-••)<- t<I Econam•." • <""'°"""" ,,_.,..,,.., "" UCI e~irnoi"" 1n c00<>or o11..,, ""'" ....,mor""' •••ntl•• onG 0<oonl1 ollon• In •ddlllnn 10 lo<•l •••"'"' '""'~~..,, l"'lu<lo H-••d Hollman, l'rotld•nl, (f nl., !or' Go.,~rnmrn11 I ~lud•••· W1•Mn11.,..., DC 11'1d Gt<>reo Bon,...11, E••cullvf Ol•Klot, Prolt tl MA" IMon..,wtr ... n l111nco !'•01r1m ), W•.•nln1ton 0 ,( , I ·OO • ! )0 <> m , Seoenco LKluro H•ll, UC lrvlnt (1m- ou1. ,\dmlu lon "••• "ln• IHOl,.nino• D•v•loamrnl or ~l•1>0Bcl( trom 1n1 Froncl\ F1rc1 &rwl [nllll>h V •Udf Oillf lr•dl!IMI,'' L•~!!o<" 1,..; Fiim•. "'"' F,1110<. ~n.o .. ou i•- tonr 1>rO!"'"' ~· ["on~~. C~•Pm•n Coll•ao. Fl'" c! a UC lrv<n• E••1nJlt1n lt<:luro '""''· "(,n•m• Sl•o•ll<\."" I 10 •.m . Sdt nc• l ot!uro HoU, UC l'vln• <•m~u' F•• non·<'•dll, t•!OO: cr.-fll. lllo0.00, no l"•QI., •·wor~1non on """ Fl<hnn: M•Ga<•no •'Ill l'tl'U" Arll<I• Wrdln1." Ar'""'I" H1no. II.A. wfi'r' Finl ol 10 mo1tlnp1. 1 . 10 om . llm 166. Hum1nitltJ Hill. UC lrvln1 c1m1>u1. F•t: '5!.00, {<•o<m .,.. 1udlrt. no t lnll••· MONDAY, Sopl..., ... r H "Kl,,.,orQl•1•n Pr,,..r1m1 1.-.d l'rA(· llc11." Brrnl<• NouaH. M.A . t11cl>O'. L"""•ll Jolnl ~cr.0<>1 Dl11f\ct Fi"I 01 11 m•e•inoo. ;.JS Id om .• ltm n. !!ouon• Pac\ Hlah kr.ool Ftt: l J.SOO. tc•e-dll or 1vdlll, no t intltl. TU(lOAV. Sr~11ml>tr 11 "Th1t•JQr. Int l•I0<1ry l~lnt·Glo•• Wnonon In So(;,,, •• lltllK 1'11 DY 'Nomen \n l•• .. ••""'·" Nine• Jo Ho,. M A , ""'In< o1 (1ncla11<. 0.,1Artm1n1 ot llomon<f t onau•..,•· Ntw Yor~ un•v•,.11• """ or 17 m••"n9•, ?•lll 1n om. llm llt, Humanll••• H•ll, VC lr•Tn• cornou• F••. 1~00. l<lfD'I or eud "I• rio .. ngl.,, TU~SOl'.V, S1011m~rr ll "Un<1rtJtona1nv tto• F • rn •I • l'erocn•ll!Y." Lynn o ... n. M A 1r1cr.t r. •••••«~••. Fi•11 or •1 m~e!lnp,, I • t :<l o m., ll m 111 Hum•n•li•• f!fll, UC ••••no camou•. ~Pf: uo oo. \cro<ll! or •u"l!I, ,... 11 nt l••· "Sh11Clurol 1~1frtr1llon (llOl!ln•'·" T~M••• II M•Jon, 0 ( . t~!r~o"' F lril 11'1 1 UC: '"''"" E~••n1;nn le<:1urr Me11 • Ill Service 1 \ • N;ivy Petlv Officer First Cl;i_,s 'vernnn.\\'. Jaek~nn Jr .. hu.,b;ind or l he former ~1 iss Nancy L. Hoops n f 16672 Cooper Lane, H LI n I i n g l n n Rr ach. v.•;i!; n;ime<1 Petty Of· ri cer of the Qu;irter aboard lhr light ~u1ded m is s i le C'ruiser USS Oklahoma City. homeported in Yo k o s u k a , Japan. He v.·as cited for high v alue !;,prol r s~ion ril p('rformance. leadership and devollon to du t~·. Navv h renH1n Grei 1\-1. ntarl;,g, "'"" nr !\Ir and r.1r~ ~lerle (; Deririn~ nl 21~62 rac1f1c Cn;i~t H1ghw11y, Hun· t1ngton Rrrich, \\'A!> gr;iriu11ted frflm F:lr-rtrir111n·.~ MR I e N-hMl. Sf'rvtrl' School l"nm· m;inrl. N;i11al Tr;in1ng Center, S;in l11ego. \'11vv Se;i111;in 1'11ul 0. flbrrhiiH1cr. !>nn nf ~1r Rnhrr1 H 0bcrhnllzrr nf 41\.l Tt11rd 11:r11d 11;i1erl fr•1Jl'1 rec r u 11 fr11ininR al lhr N;ival Training Center. San DirJ,tfl. Airman Tnmmy S. \.\'111ling. !'fin nl Mr. 11nrl ~Ir:;. Anhur L \\'all1n~ nf 172~2 Apel l.Rne. Huntington Rca('h, h11i; com· pleled b;1i;1c lr1:1ininjil 11 t Lack!anrl AFB. Tex . He has heen ;i~~1gned. !n Chanute AFB. 111., for training 1n 111rcr11 ft m;intenancr. Airman \\1al1inR attended Huntington Beach High School. Strven L. Smith. son of f-.1r <1nd ~Ir~. ''°°"'ell H Smith nf 520 Begonia Ave., <.:nrnna del M1tr. ha.~ beC'n <'Ommi~siontrl a Sr-cond Lieutenant in !hr U.S Air Forr.r upon graduation from Officer Traininit Schoo l 10TS1 ;it L;i cklitnrl AFB. Trx. 1..ieulen11 nt Smith, srlect.ed for OTS through competitive ex1min.11tinn, i.!I l;>eing assigned to Laughlin AFB, Tex., for pilot tr11ining. ANIMAlogic . ·-~' . 0 ... . . ' ar-;=s_."~ ''~ ...... _ _]; \ .... ... - ' 0 0 "Max" MINI HAIR DRYER ::\, 12.88 Dr. West's TOOTHBRUSHES . .. "' 4:1 .00 ORAL HYGIENE APPLIANCE Mod~I • l1 "Mix 'n Match" LIQUOR ~ SAVE 103• on SAY-ON BRAND libs LISTED BELOW COUNT VASfA E1tr1 Dry 2 87 VODKA II,,.,,, .... l.1! • MACIONNON'S E1tr1 lit~t 3 55 SCOTCH II "'-•••. I.II • CANADIAN JllSEJIVE II Pd. 3 77 WHISKY "'· '-" , SAMUIL [. WEISTEll: ID Prl. 2 96 WHISKEY ,.,_ i.11 , OlD IAll:STOW COUNT VASTA E1lr1 Dry 6 79 VODKA ID Pr11! let. 7.41 • MA CICINNON'S lllr1 lit~l 8 69 SCOTCH II M. .... I.II • CANADIAN llSIJIVE II Pfl. 8 88 WHISKY 101.1.11 , SAMUEL I. WtlSTIJI II Pr!, 6 89 WHISKEY 111. 1.11 , 5WINGUNf Tot 50". STAPLER File Box MElil -Foi hlin& 31S ind•i cJrd~. Chnnse lrom mist &"~ or zr'Y rol11r~ • It(. 41c 8Y2''xl 4'' LEGAL 51Zf Folio w1rH PAD t']:li!;;;;liffill!!Hi!!f!illllir.!l!lfilil:illi;:1i:;;;::::111H A 6 Place To Shop! 3-Ring Binder K!NCSIACHlll MUllPMY -"Y1lue ~ """""Tunic" Tops ;i Ch111r9 01 too·~ pol1• 1~1 or nilon S l RI I CH ~ !ops 1n new 1111 1 r1 cri . , • sci ~• ~nd ~t11pe~. IL.'ttt@&JJ!ffu ~i ~ I on~ ,1,~.• hr led styl~• 11111h 1u 1!1 ~. .=i IM•~ !llltle, "'n~'' and J.J toll<lr~. SrNll, M•d1um, Lug• ~,I•\, <'I: v, SCALE MINIATUll Table Tennis •• ,.2,1 I s \ 2 TOPS FOR . 5.00 AT .Biii IAVIN.GS ii 1: i' ,, Zippered Luggage !j "0,1rsi1e4" ... 3 Ply I ram~. N1ln~ s~ll r•pa1rabl! 11pp>r ~~ Yi •ln lotk. Ktavy duty v1nll . . c11v~ring. Blue, gi~en, boo~ ;Jj COIO!S. :; DRUG STORES A [filIE] Place To Shop! Nf:Wl'ORT l l ACH W/SHAllPlNCR "f'oc\ ol p ,~n t ·1~mll11<; q11~l1'1 vr NUS pcn~11;. • !~~·'!P"" ~ !) ll"tc1'0!". t~lll'lll• "' T~.,.p...,11< P1•c""I"'•· ...... ot9", ~1'•• o• 11 •"••"n••· • 'd ~"'• 1"1111\jfo o! '""'P ..... I!( PIY<"~l!HIY, 11)1 Wu !'°'" St .~·~•• Ano ~ .. l~llt). •rv.;+v~·• "''"· i«ttlir at' • ...,111, ~• . BI G RO LL ScotTowels• Wh ite, Colors ind De co1ated. f cieeiTI"ir·~ TOOTHPASTE r.~~~ "HOT P'ANTS" Panty Hose P~INClSS CHARMIEN - Aiailollllf 1n Sil~!: ~' ID )'~". Rr1. !!c JJt Top Coverage IOO K AND IE!l YOl!NG(R. f r~-p~ ~~Id '(IOI~ tn !!fOlld'i. Come• in IOYr 1 olor 5~ad"·~ 7 Ol. •E~OSOL 3. 95 Softique BATH Oil BEADS ••• ~~ ~ -1. l·Jr,. ,~ ~~d "'"'''" 73c 11 0/. "Love Affair" DOUCHE JUN PHIRf • , • En,01 thP. h11u1y o! your l!mrn n If. 4 tr. 8 11. SACKETS 2CC 99c 1.59 1. 79 .. "Les Femmes" 10wELmEs JE.lH PIEll£ .• , Pit~ 11 21 -1 39 l'ropul11 ¥1 aopi>ah~g !rag•1ncts lo1 1~~•is wnmcn. • ll:fVlON ,(Aquamarine " ' ·-~ ) ··----,_ MOISIUR! t eHON .• , fir r1·1·, ~AC ,YI!/ 1101•'" 1 50 1 i I!, I MILINA JIUllNSTllN "Le Lipgloss" REVLON Externa "27" SKIN CREAM • With ror U';l~t pr~r~~•!•n S1SV1t1t . . .. s10 ' . 38 DAILY PI LOT ~TV · o·AILY LOG 'Rap on Race' Heady Dialogue at Forum Wednesday Evening .AUGUST 2!1 1:00 IJ llt "rn )If')' Ounpll1 •({\ KtWI B•ll Huddr 0 'J) fjJ El) Thi S.i'C-Fe•lty ·Another D11, Anollltt [)ollu" Cnjd \e11n1 \herr I\ ~t!~ 110!.lbi. ,.,.,,. •~l h•m 11 !'iom1 •N~ 1 murdurr ht onct 1nt tltd l\ Nt ol pn~n. H'nry Jont l (U~!I W 01nd frvrt Silo. Gutl li 1·1 O•tl t•IH''1 Dr !rwi~ "1•'1f!un co! urn~11t H~trlf! Vin Ho·"~ CG111< a 11, 811111 1C11t i.s r11 G1:ior 1r.d ti ltHIC H1w1 lom Siwori O Ttwi f uritiv• ({! Wllcl, Wild Wirt act()< b e> P1.1F1Cr. 0 Sh O'Clocl: M!rf1t~ IC) 190) @ 011(M1 "'INth 1i.nl:r\ l lnro" 1comrdyl '6-' ffi ~i.NMt "!Iris 'n1t~t'r1~on'' -rr1n_k1• 1 A~11on Anntltt 1r~nl(.tllo 9:00 O ;1 Meflul t.tlltti rR 1 e11n~1 Don R11:~ ts, Dtbol1h WI ry \ .,_A., I llll(ltnl r ~ who m Tlit flinblonft """'" p l)'S I ~ I -1 lr111 telhn1 hrr docTOf l•1ncr Ttl1f ~ Star nil: I sh1 h11 h•hs fl) '•llery 11 Cllil4lllft M11 [a .. 11d1 • ~· M. Ki nflfdr nt1r,11, 111;1 loof,11 35 0 !~n1g_ht Buddy Greco ol Th1 mos1 1pp111in11: eh1ldrtn'1 00, * 101ns 10 tht fu n on tr11h in W11h1n(t1>11, D C.'1 Na11on11 The Dts O'Connor Show G1 llrry or Arl 0 'lQ: m Dt1 O'CGnnor Show ([I Nohdtre 34 Buddy G•ero. Jtc~ Doui"ll 1nd @D Dt1lh V1lltJ Oars ll!O er 111111 0 Li'~ rn loot Oii I Roohop (I!) "S!o10 on 1 Rooltep" ldrr s h \llU )Um~ 10 I conclUIUlll ... n,11 '~'' c1ll1 htr molhrr lo 1~ whir 1 cravm1 !or orangts, skins and 111, coold mee n. l:lO (() CIS ltr~ O"OJ. NIC Nr..s m Thf f"\y!nf "un fD Hodrtpodfl Lodi'• c:I:l 0.Jtrt Report Jack l11h1m CCJ Lot Alkionaclos 111 11 CGmunid1d mAIC,..... 7:00 IJ CIS "ews Willer C:1on~1!t (}; AIC H"'t Smr!h, llt1soner 0 m NBC Nrws D1v1d Btinl<ley 0 Wid1 Sc:r11111 Th11tre: (90) •Dhd Min's Er•1• (herro1) '44- Lon 011nt)' Jr .. Jtan Par~tl, CIJ lrultl If Co~ll'qUtnCll 0 Wlut's Mr Linet aRJ Mo'lll: ""o Lon 101 Johnll(' (dr1m1) '61-Peter f1nth, Maf) Pttch. m I L"' LllCJ l!)({)Dntn•t €D HGm•..oct Q) Thi Bit V•lle, ff) fi rinr Lin• "What H11 H~pprn'd to lh1 ,1.mrrican Sp1n1?" CCJ Rous p111 Vuonic1 9:30 0 (31 [j)@ NC A A l'rt·St1 ion Sptc:i1I "Nol<~ Dame 1nd hu1: Tht W1shbonr lnclaenf' Bur1 Rtyn, olds, former florrd1 5tate !oolbail pla~tr, hosrs prog1Jm ;n,lud1ng pte· i ame tlc11emenl 1~d prep111lrnn1 m1d1 ti,, Te.as i nd Notr1 01 m1 pnor !o lhrir clash in !ht Conon Bowl in D1ll11, le.oil. on Januar, I. 1971, ._htn lht ligh1ma 111~~ t nded !ht Lon11ho1ns' JO 11ame win· n.n, ,tre•k. 24 ! l. I O l1rltr W1rd Hews BJ Lt Crvl de M1ri11 Crutt1 llO:OD 0 [1 H1•1ii n~t-0 (~) McGarren 1!11mPts to bu1 1 pen o! p1inling BALBOA / 673-4048 Ol"EN 4:45 7ot t . latlt-.. S.lltM Ptnin111l41 • Now Showing ·ALSO IN COLOR· fll o\nt1lila1 Htfl'llS p111es for $2 million horn 1 Naval PETER CUSHING Cl) Mtria '"'" 7:JO IJ Men 11 ln (Jr) H1n\tn i nd Mc/'te1I dt ltnd 1 youn11 collr111 mill lint 1ccu1 ed of 1 pohcem1n'1 dr11h, Q m Men Fro• Shilcih (R) '1he Animal'' Rudr R1mos r uesls as 1 de1f·mul1 lndi1n boy who 11 It!· cutd by Tilt ll'l!m 1 IJO"t 1ee~mf him tor 1n 1lltgtd hom1c•dr. 0 rJ)@ m Courtship 11 (dd it'1 F1\t11r (R) "Ghr!to Girt" An undtr· p11v1!e111d J1i1t with tmo!1on1I prob· lems 1s 11vrn 1 chance to work tor lnm Corbt tl'I m11111me 1nd d11 rup ts I~• opcr11ion Am1nd1 I rnll'!' futslJ. {fl MJb DDcir111 SPfci1I Jae~ f lronnrd, Dor~y I 1mour, Ktn Berry, 1n11l\1gentt agenc who h11 ~1ottn ''The House That !hem. Conclusoon. 0 ®; m fou r-i"·Onr: Sin F11n· Dripped Blood" ci1co lnltm1tion1I Airport (R) "The ~---------- Hig~ Coll ol N1gh!marts" Ai1port 1 man12er Ines lo locate • nMcohcs !h1pment lmkrd lo t murder. ,IJ . btr1 S.almi guts!1, 0 Ne'lf1 Kevin Sanderi 0 Movie: (2V,ht) "Htlen MOl'Jllll Story" (dram•) '57 -Ann Blyth,~ P1ut N""m111. W Hews Pu101m, fishman ffi M1~tr1p f1~hion cr1ht Hani t'gon f U!StS. ID Evtftin1 d Poin (R) Wilham f.1 Buck1r1 Jr. f Ut\I\, DI. Cl\arl" S<:hroedtf 1nd /Oney JO:JO 0 Ra•• Actitn A!nt1n 111 ltaturtd. 0 r3)@ (l} NFl Action fJ MH!ien $ Morit: fC) (2h1) "YCH11 ffi Nt1n Bill Johns MDMJ ff T1ur lilt" (comedy) '66- F1rn1ndt l, Heinl Ruhmann. m Tnrtti M CcinH11u1nu1 Q) It Ti ttl I Thltf @ti lnulld• dt Lwos 1:ooo rn@ mR oont 222 (R l "Dre1m1 of Glory" Pt!t D11on su1· ftlt! ller1 t1 10 de11elop con!Hlence in 1 sm1 ller s!udtn!, with un e1· pecied re~ults. World ~llJ11 chi mp· Ion Chuck Norris fUtsts 1s hrmsr ll m DRUG ABUSE CAUSES? * TEENS AND PARENTS LOOK AT DIVORCE. m Ntenlltins "D1vorce-P1rt JI" £D TIM Frtnc~ Chtl fD LDCPll Ubrt Q!)Jlfl1141 l :lO 1J lt RM• Wit~ l°" (R) Mikt 1rw! hi! ntw )lp1nt1e ne111hbo1 (lrru l ! :00 0 (8) ([) Ht'lf1 Q ;\gl m News Shim1d1) IM:1 Int um1 Problem 12:45 0 Tht Callery By 'T'O\f BARLt~Y 0 1 ,._ 0 1;11 "•lot Sl•ll It 's just a ~tar ago !hi.~ \\'eek !hat black author James Baldwin and anthropolog1.~t extraordin;iry ~1argaret ~fend s<il do11·n in the ir 11rn1ch111rs frir a rap 011 rat>e anrl .<;()(_•iel,Y. 'fh<1t ('hat end l.'d r1~ht hour«: J:1ler \l'!l h the !'Ol"llflll'tifln nf 11hat v.e h;11e a!Wa\'S hl'tn lrd !•1 btlie1 r is nne of the 1nn~t :c;i~n1fk·ant ;i n d s1u·(·e~~r11I 111;.ltl('lJI ('fS in CO!TI!11Ultll':J1 l11n hrt\\f'f·n prof"l11fnt~ of rhe (11fl r;11·r~. Or. f•)r rhat n1a1ter, l1f't11 1•f'n proponents of an.\· rare.~ Ac l<'a~t that marathon ran her a1ne a 111rlel v <1 u n t r rl d1~«:erlat 1nn and it !rd to !he pub!icaiion nf a 1ranscript that has he"n one nf the n1o~t 111rh•· Jv re.~ t documrnt~ nf us kin d a 0 nd 1he e1enlual publifa!inn of a book v;hich is. 11hriou~h· a t'or1df'n~a1 jr.n nf the Ba!dwin- ~!l';id thaloguf'. A ne11 conr!rn~atinn is nn the ~tagr r,f tlir ~\ark T;iner Fnr111n in !he f0r111 11f "A Han On Rare" and i1 fu\\y suppor1~ in lhe first h;df 11( ll~ d<'l h·rry lOS AN GELES ..New S tyle HOME SHOW MOW thru SUMO~ Y Cont. Daily from 2 p.m. Adm. $1 .50 for Adults & Jrs. -75c Children Both Pictures GP thr !heo r\' that the.st t11o·o ex- perts 1n their nwn lield8 did a j:!reat deal 1n their hou rs together to quell a few fears and lay a persistent bogey or two. It '~ 11ery r a s y !o see as Si1rllh Clu1n1nKham and Roscfle IA'e Rrowne 11·arm up lo !heir Baldwin-J\iead rnles !hat lhe pre-1ntern1iss1on por- tion of rhe tt>n!rr Thl'aler 1;r011p produc!inn l.~ prtm;irilv dra 11·n from the f1rsl hours of th;it r1i;111.hou r chat. Bald11·1n is biller bu! he con- lrols his raust1c cnmments to ;i n1 lnimum and e11en manages In eonlribule 11 shade of humor In a conver.wlion that ne\'t>r lacks !he 11·arnllh and un- der s tand i n(: that the rc~o1J rceful ~T is.~ ~!!'ad pumps into 11 at ever}' opportunit~·. "\\'h1te peoplt>, T ~uppost. (·re;:ited histor\'. Thev a~so rnade surt> that ·rhcv wr:o1e tht b1.1ck people ou t of ir That's ""'ha r black people resent most of all "\\'(''re told more nften than an.l'thing E'lse that if we'd only 1rash nurselres and clean nur.~e!I'!'.~ up a bit and get a n101·e nn ;ind work a ti t!le ha rdPr !hrn wr n1ight all be likf' Harrv Bclafonte " Pure Baldwin. nf course, straight from the lik('.~ of .. The Fire !\'ext ·rime" b ut hrauti fullv cnun!ered b\' a ~lead philosophy that refuses to recognize the ntgative stn1cturt of much th a t Baldwin has to contribute. "Ah yes, but we're just on the edge of doing what "''e ~hould do. You agree? Good ~ Freedom i~ .a real possibil1l:; for us all. Feeding the huni:rv is a real possi bility now and ff 11·e can do th is surelv we c-a n resol\'e our racial differenl'es soon'' Back palling '.' l'\ot 11! all. 1'!1ss l\fead pursues lhroughout th is marathon rap her bel ief that If tht bul k of racial strife is not behind us then "''' have todav the where11·ithal to ensure 'that it need never again enipt into {ur,v and violence. She gels Baldwin's grudging conces..~ion on this theme time after time until "'·hat th is C'fitiC' regards as !hf' in- e vi ta b 1 e -in Bald1vin's case-happen~. Jt h;i ppens in the second .Rt'I. .,.,·ell into the late hours of lhe ~fead-Baldwin exl·hange. and it represents, to this criti<'. Baldwin's capilul alion lo !he forces tha t have ne11er really permitted him I o com- n1unica te-for any length nf time and 11·hit'h must have. appearances to the contra ry, ha11e alienated him from his companion ;:it the close of their conversation. "All I rerogni1.e is the f;ic1 that th l' man who flies !he THI' AMEltlC.t.H ll'G!ON ,L.t.YEJ!S ('•II :ttl) ···~· "THE HOUSE ON THE CL!FF" AUGUST '26, '27. 21 SEPTEMIEll 1, J, 4 CurUI~ 1:10 ~ "'· w~en lhtor dlufhl•~ 1rt 1nllutncer:l by 11,h other'1 cull11<e 1na Itel re-1 l:OO O Mowit: IC) "Thi Ouru sl" (dr1 11rlcted !>)' theu O*n m~) '!il -John Ol!rek, Jim 01·1•S 0 Sttn Allotn Show t.u!ll1 1111 W All.Nirht Show: "ltiu Tom1>r1ow Pat 8u1tr1m. Tht <.rrtnd•P•tr Sin~ 1 Goodbye," '1ht lntttd1bl1 l'tlrifitd THE DOUBlE ADVENTURE EXPlOSIOH BOES OFF TODAY! l rl 1r; 111"• Mt10~*"· World~ t nd '1r1ct lh1 Man Down.'' Thursday MYTIM E MOVIES l".00 m '1 Ai111 It lht s:t.11" 1d11m 1I '60---C11rt J~rgtn~. V<'O"I •n1 w G•I Sc1t1 t :JO 0 (C) "Hhn~J o.~· ld11m1) ·~ -Tony Curt ii, P1fH!1 [ 1v11t. Don T •rlor 1:00 ID "Cu.dalcan1I D1uy" (d1•m•) '(] 1'11ll•1m Brnda' lloyd Norin 1 2:00 l:) "Th• ,10111'1 Rift Story" (blOf· j 11oh1) '6l-Ra1 Dao!on. Julie ton· I don, .)1yn1 M •n~l.rld. ]!OD 81 '11Hi Count1rlti! l r1lto1" Con· clus•On (adventure) '62 -W1ll11m Holden. Lrlh P1lm tr. no IC) '1ht Sundo•ntn~ P1r1 I \d11m11 'W-Robtrt M1lchum, D•b· 0•111 ll rrr 0 "ll Rue Mtillt~t" !mfll'ry) '•&-J1me1 C.rntt Moab.tltl Rich •:1(1 EJ "Mw.ao• <1dvtn1tllt\ '~Z-Wil· 1rd {;()n\r. ' I l•1rn 8ffl(ll1, Robert M•lchum, l111t \0:00 i]) "S~11• Ju~r\t" !G••"'•J ·~&--ll ·1s1elt AN ~ . fl)llr C:urt11, Pt! C:•C10l•1 ()~ S..1111 II 10 M r \t:lO O ''list lnln frn"' r.t1d1M;" td·1 ~:oa D "A Cllild 11 W1itiR(' (druna) Piii) '31 -Dolott\J la/llQur. l e• '6l-Bul1 l 1nc1sllr, Gen1 Row- ... u. lands. Judy G1rl1nd. Stevt n Hill. .. I See by Today· s Want Ads e 1'!11~ I~ l.tltJll ti)n (.',\H l'1\1; TH~: f\JDS l."\. ,\ l.ii1.I \'\\ HI.I.<, 11 s Ill o::·•lff f\11111'111: '"11111111111, t''/11"1'1.ill.' 111f' 1 1r<'~. hr'1l.- e~ an.-1 duu·h l.<'l1k It up •n 111(' l\'r.n1 ,\,1~ e pO V1lU \\ .\'\;'f Tl) J...:~011 J-: X ,\CT t. Y \\11 EH1'; \'Ill! ~r.1~11";~ 111""" lll'I' I r•'l)O"tf',ll' l Jvnlf' lr.tif'r'll'•, 2~· <l18rtH'l<'r, l\l r('dwuod, th.n hA\'<' 111• t.•J ,.,..nnrt·to1·< /, l•>h!l \\ill n·adl" for 1'1111o-.1 ll11)thrrl\! e \I'll\' ;-..'OT ~llArt~ '111 1· 1!0111': II !TII A ll:11·1,nr pupp,11 1h:11 I• !•~II !'~~ !'•'tr J/ou1 .. ·n,~y 11rr ti \\'f'l>k< 11l!l ·---- AT THEATRES AND DRIVE-INS ALL OVER TOWN! :rH!'l_EE f'..~ST GUNS AGAINST ONE CETERMINEC MAN! GREBDRY PECK •. HALWAWS ~~ SHOOTOUT ~T QUINN ~ROBERT F.LVONS ---.J~ t(llltl\-·lt~IWW'i' --l'lllMi. -•I •II lfil'l-"=--=- ~ == America n flag IS so1ng to ktlJ you. He 1s not my fel111w Arn encan, he J."l m y enem\ And so is e~·ery po1iCen1an rriy enecny and my tormentor." ··No 11· 11·ha1 rhyn1e nr re;ison 1.~ there 1n that~". ~1 1ss r.-1e;id asks. ••J10w ran we possibly build hridges 1v1t h CO-HIT AT All THEATRES "THX 1138" that kind of attitude ?" • I am no t here I nevl'r wiU he here Our onlv answer ls let htow 1t all uP." mumble.t fhild"·in in what can only bit de~t"ri bed as a dcpres..«:i ng and bewildering end In a talk !hat had such 1mn1ense poss1bH· 11ics. :GP! rm itSIO• rtC'<tCOIO• IROM WlRN iR BROS. I KINNfl l[ISUR[ S£RVICE PACIFIC 'S FOUNTAIN VALLEY , LA HABRA & ORANG!# 2 DRIVE-INS . tWALK-INS I: TITAN, FULLERTON . FOX, ANAHEIM· HARBOR # 1, COSTA MISA. "BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH " IC.! The hunt for the Great White Shark <'I r' ' 6 TH "UGHTATTH(f[)(,{ WEEK! Of TH[ WORlO" Evidence of greatness. ~. '•r" p ~. 's. r ~ H~" r11 """I'"'' Superb ... A feast for the eyes. Best film of this year. r ~.~,,1.1~11~1r. ~ -. '"' ''·"'" Brilliant. ~· • ur ft o::;11 1111-.;1ng 11·,q 11 ll:lrt I\ ill lA'l11.g 'l.VOrn!l!l •Ar ' ., .., ... , • "1~1 IJfl'IGIMflil" EOWAA OS .. -· . '"''" "' ' ~· .... ' .... .,., .................. o ·-· "ONE OF THE BEST TIMES I VE HAD AT THE MOVIES THIS YEAR!" Dustin Holfrnan "Who is Harry Herman and why is he saying those terriole things about me?" -Gene Shalit, Look Magazine I I -•-w':!-- • Costa Mesa Today's Final EDITIO N N.Y. Stocks VOL M , NO. 202, 8 SECTIONS, 112 PAGES , ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORN IA WEONESDA Y, AUGU ST 25, 1971 TEN CENTS Nader Force Says State Wild Areas Ravaged By i\1 1KE SILVER,\tAN Atoocll t•d "'"" N•i•tr California '.!! remaining wi ld .:1rf'as are quickly ~in~ rav11ged by pr1 vatt_ l<:ind in- terests 1o1·hile J?O vtrnmental a,1:enc1e:o; either rooperale nr "'atch helplel'isl.v, says a Ralph Nader task force in the srcond instt1l!menl nf a rnass1ve study entitled: Power and Land in California. Governmental planning and regulat ion of new housing developments in the state lire .. virtually nonexistent" say5 the report, preparerl by 21 ··Nader's Raiders" a nd released in San to'ra nciscn today by project director Robert Fellmeth. Preside11t Wi11d s Dow11 Worl{ Weel{ By .JOHN VAL TERZA • 01 l~t Ollh' l'llOI S!l tf President Nixon met with hi.-: new !.op negotiator at. lhe Pa ri.~ peace talks Tues- day in what is expected lo bP. Cloe of the last formnl function at the \\'estern Y.1hjte House during the current working VllCa· t1nn. Optr;it ions shif1erl hack to the Laguna Beach pres.~ he;:idquar ter., !od<1,V a~ the Presi dP.nt resumerl ;i rouline or sh1w·pt1<"· ed study and meeting with a handful or ad1·1sers. On TuPsrl;iv \\ illian1 .J. Pnr!Pr mPt. for About 1tn hr.ur wilh 1he President In discuss the thrust of th e bargaining effort in P11ris. Press Secrell1ry Ron Z1cglr.r \\'OUld give no Sl)e(:ific details nf the talks. but he praised the former ."irnbasador lo Korea as "a high ly capable negotiator." Porter, a slight. ~ft-spoken m11.n wilh thin. gr11y hair, will arrive in Paris Sept. t after st.oppin~ off in Washinp::tnn and his home in Boston to cl ean up personal mat· ters. ZieJ:;ler stiid. The conference v.·lth Porter the only scheduled t>VP.nt 8l thl' Presidential com· pound 1his week . A11orne.v Crneral anrl Tllrs. .John t.li1chP11 p;:i irl a ~oc 1:1 l c;ill on lh!' Prr.i;1- drnt. J;:irer Tuei-rltiy1 st11 y1ng (ln l~· 111 short limr. Thv:o. f11r rhe ::inn11;:il Augu.~r trip we~t has hfien ;i lnw-keyl!d blend of con- ferences v.·1th ;:i few ;:iide.~. phone calls ltt Washin~t(ln and meditatio n by the chief •xt'culive. f:11P.n \ixon·.~ office rout ine -which on hu sv San Clemente sta vs slarts with the d;:iv.;n -1.~ s!;:irt1n~ latei-in theda.v. \i);on'i; v.·orkrl;:i y bt'gan at 9 a.m. Tues· <ta~'. 7.1e~ler s;iirl. Twn prime issue.~ art capturi n~ the Prcsidrn!'s t11!enr1on dur1n;: the v.·ork1n e \·ac;i!,1on -the 1mpac! nf Ni xon's wa i::r· pr1cl' free7.I' and th" pcil1tical c[lmaLe in So11th \'1etnilm . 7.iP,1tlrr h;:i s rrma1ned v11.gue on !hi> \\'hill' Hnusr role in !hr <'ont.inu ing tension 1n South Vi Plnflme~!' pol itics. HI' htis arl1111tted. however. tha t th!' Prf':~ident h;is b<!en "!n 1·ery close tou ch'' "''i!h st,:ifl in Sa igon . J'\ i ~sc n Head s Tea1n LOS ANGELES (AP l -The .Justice Deptirlment has .:1ppointed Asst. US Al· tv David R. Ni!lsen lo head a lhree-man team prosecutin"" Dr. Daniel Ellsberg on 1 charJ(e of un<1uthori zcd possession nf I he Pentagon papers. a study of America n involvement in Vietnam. Orange Ce•st 1''eather Thi' l.rrriperaturp will ht> in H1P. mirl·7fl':o. 11l0nR the cna~llinf' lorlAy ~nrl Thursd11y rising In the )(Iv.' RO'~ inlanrl. l..nw:o. loni~ht prr.dicterl in lhl' ff!'.•. Good da y ror the ~ach lhAl i~. if you'rt not working. INSIDE TODAY Th r. Wl'.~fm inslt:r Comm1111 it11 T hr:aUr marks it.' 10/h a111111itr· •ary Fridnfl with 11 muiicaL r:omtd y, "Ot1cr Upon n Afar .• trrss." Se t' Enurta1rrmr nr, Part~ 31 . le•11.,. " M•r•l•t • l l••'llt• 9 C1n'"''"• • Mt~ Ml llntl(t l1•l't C1rr1• Ctmt , " M&Yltl ,.., C~~'"' U• ' MUil' ii FU~I " C!tl"!~ .,.41 N•ll .... 1! N••• '" Ct..,lco • o ••• ,. c..,.," ' Creu-•~ " !.•!rill "'"''' " Del!ft "'"'"'' • ~·&111 1•n o ....... '"" M•ttrrt• Jo '' •••11•1•1 ..... • T•l1v•1le• • l!!'!!•M1!•-•! .... T~tllffl •·•1 l"l•l•(t Jj.)I Wtll~tt ' ....... ~ ... " W~lft Wt•~ " ..... l••••" u w ........ N•wt , .... Ml llllt• ' Wtltl NIWI '" Thr repnr! also calls ln r ;ibnl1t1o n of tht Sttite L;incls Com m1~~1nn · · a s present I~ cnnstitulf'rl. ·· i;a\ 1ni;: 11 has gh·en 11v.·a.v control 01er s1;:i\e ndeti ncls to k>c11I 1uri$diclions. Nader task f1Jrce mem ber~. "·ork1n~ within !he Boise Cascade Co rp .. "'hic h !ht report c111ls "the big~est . . nol the v.·01'st" of California !and rievelopment tonccrns. found techniques u~ed lo pursue company interesr.s included hea vy ficials, lobbying hy the law firm of former Gov . Edmund G. Brown. and campaign contrihutinn~ to elected of- IJ~t Ttl••~•!• Cc lehrnlr • 111111 Grandm;i r.'tinnie ·ruckcr <·cle- bratcs her birthdav every vear \\'ht'n the saln1on hcrr1ei r'i rPn 11nd th is vear \.\'ii!' her 11 llh. She lives· h.v hcr.'-r lf 1n nne- ronm cabin 111 Fa1rbankl"I, AJ a.~ka . "I'm never alo ne." i;he sa y~, "the U:ird is 111!h n1r " Burcr lars Stea l !'."" 8227 From i\1oosc Lodµ;c in J\1csa Rur):l;i r~ \\'ho 11pp;:irr111i1· knrw lhl'1 r v:a 1· ;irn unrl lhf' rl11h look ,~221 1n rhar1tv mone~ from !ht> i\l nn~r 1.nrlgP , 4.l:. fo; 171h St . Cn~t11 :'llr~a . ~nmrr1n1r !hi~ wrrk Lnd~f' men1brrs rrJ'Mlr!f'd the theft to pn liC"r Tucsrlay. Police ~a 1'1 the th ief, or lh1c1r~. m;:iy havr enlrrrd thP lod2e w1(h a ke.\ Onrf' in.~ide. rhe.1 pried ope n the nHirr r!Mr and r11nsackerl lhP. nfl icr lronktnf! for m(lne,1·. A small s<1le 10 lhc rorner of lhe room "'/IS also pried open. but whoever did 1l missl'd $400 1n cash which happened ro be stuck to the noor. under a pile or picture frames, polir.t said. from the office. lhe burl:!lar.~ lrAvr!li>rl through !ht metting hall and broke into the barroom. Police believe the JOb "'a.~ handled bv someone who knev.• h1.~ way around because of the trail of damage. Poster sa lr.s le;i;flets v.·hich rontain "explicit t1Ps." !he report said. Tht> repnr! cities what ii rlescribe.'! as a lack of effect11·e centrali 1.ed control by go1·ernment over J11nd plannin,i::. with the resull lh11! riecisinns are too often left tn !flC'a1 control. v.·hich lt !.erm!'i "the drvPloper's best friend ," hec<iuse of local officials alleged susceptibility to 1n- nuence . ··Local com munities." thP. report. says. '·h11vr not only failed to add subst11n1i.1111.v t0 open space reservoir1 in the face of rising population demand, but often fail to preser1•e v.·hal 11·11! eslabl1shed yea r.s ·~" A prime lhrl'at to pre~er\aF1on of l11nd for recretillon;il u~P . 1hP rP pnrt hnlrls, comts from lh P s!:itP 's o"'·n h1gh"·a~· prn.. gram. "wh ich "'1!1 consume t\.\'O m1l\1on acrt's by 1980 " /'\ew resirle11t1;il drvelopment~ i n CtilHornlil . 11 sil ys, are sub1ect tn virtually r1n eHecl11·t> rr.stri ctions .:ind ;:ire often poorl.v localed and fraudulently financed and snl<l. Task forct> members. the report C(ln- tinues, visited a f\tarin County subdivision m;i;rkrte<l hy OrP ana f\1a r1 n Dt>vrlopm rnl Corp <'Ind wPre told lh2 111nd \1·as stablt', al1hough "the ,i;:round "'as i;:111ng w?y undPr our feet 11nd sotne of 11 rolling dO\\'n 11110 !hi' CX'Pilr." Loc11l i:n1·rrnments are "mnrp ron- 1;-erned ,1·i1h a!!ractin l:! huilrl rrs (or t;uc hase purposes than 1v1!h safely" and have imposerl f!'w meaningful stand11rds and !1Hle enforcement. the repn1·1 s11ys. ·'L;ind pr0mntio11." the report s:iys, "1s "s '\ITIPrican ;is cherry pie. 1t is an en!el'pTJse en_i::,:i,c:erl in for nol,v one reason; the making of huge profits from City Hearing Set lrvirte Protests Slated Sept. 15 Rv TOf\f BARLEY 01 1"" 010¥ "ll•t St•lf Orang' County su pervisors today set Sept. !fl a ~ the date on which they will hear prot.tsls a~ainst the planned in· corporation of the city of lrvinP.. Their action cleared the V.'11,v for a cil.yhood election which seems likP.1,V t.n be i;cheduled for late November or t:ar.fy Decemher. Roard action. ltd b~· Fiflh Dil"ilrict supervisor Ronald Casper~ of T\1t"wport Reach , "'as triggered h,v I.hi' filin.t: \atl'- Tutsda~ I'll the req uirerl $MO fee by prn.. J>(lnenls or tht Irvine incorporatinn mo1·e- ment. Board pelays ;W!• Loan Action For Lockheed ~1 ASHINGTON f UPIJ -A 0Pci~ion on \\'hether 10 grant II $2Sll million govr.r n· ment·guar.:1n'teed loan to the financi;:illy lroub!ed L-Ockheerl Aircr11fr Corp., v.•,11.~ postponed today by the f'e dera l Boarrl C'rl'atf'd by CnnJ!rl"~~ tn rleal with th;:it i.~.~llf'. Af1 er meet1n,a /nr 1 wo ;:inrl .:i haH hour~ !hr bnarrl announced (Inly that it "'-'•il l mee t. again la1er . .1t ~ f'late to he ~et. 10 continue con~ideration of lht LockhePd [o;in 11pplication." Th r board j~ rnmposrd of TrP.:1surv Sr<'rriar.v .John R. Connally .Jr . C:h;:iir· man Arthur F Burns nf the f'erler11J Rr - ~ervr Sy~1em ;inrl Chairman Wil!i11m .I . rase.v or the Set unriei; ~nd f.xchan~r Cnm mis~inn r onna!lv w11~ th!' Arlm1ni~rr.:i!t!'ln ·~ r ht Pf 1·hamp1on. of prnvirl1"g ti lnar. 10 Lock· hl'ed ro .:1 :10"' thr hi p; firm tn ;i verl h"nk- ruptc,V ~:hen the is.~up w11~ hpforp Cnn- i;res.~ R11 i tht a1111t1rlr n/ Rurn.~ ;:i nrl (';i~ev tnw<ird th!' loa n 1H111 ranlt'I' w;i, np \lpr rPvr;ilPri, Al lf';:i;;t 1wo nf thr lhrf'I' mrmber;; m1rs1. :iripro1•p the lo11n ~uarAntee. bPfore 11 c11n bf' n111(1r. LorkhP('rl. !hp na11nn ·.~ .t'lrrl ltir~e~1 ('Or · rorauon. ~.:1ys it nePd~ lhP S2.11l million In l'nmplet l' builrling lhf' Trist;ir 111!ermPrli· ;:i tr ran11e ,jPJliner which will rnmf)('!'- w11h 1he r..1rDnnne1!-Doua!a s OC-ln, al· reacty 10 scrv1~. Tria l of Ac tor Se t VAN ~U\'S !LP!l -Actor Keefe 'Rrassetle will sland lri1J Stpt. 7 on • chargr. nf assault with a deadly weapnn fnr allegedly shooting a man in a bar· room brawl. Brassel!t. 47. a leading man in the 1940s. was charged with shooting Richard B. Crawford in the chest during • fight at the Wrightwood IM in Studio City. The p11~·n1rot <'lrars !ht \\';:iy for C:nunt,v Clerk \Villiam St .John to publ1Sh noti ces nf the protest hear inl:! ;:ind set up ad - ministr11ti l'e mach inery for the resulting elec1ion Ca sper.~ leri the mnvf' for tht> Sept I ~ hearing just 24 hours af!rr he had urp:Pd lhe bn.:ircl tn back him in hill movP.s fl'lr an Parl y resolut1nn nn lrvinl' rityhond . C1tyhood proponent~. an1nn~ !hrm thr r.amp11i!!,n1ni;: Cf'uncil nf Comm 11 nitir~ ol lrvinr. ;ire ur~in.i: th~! !ht elr.ctlon he helrl in tim!' for tht> npv.• c!I~' to qualify f0r s111t!' rrhate.~ nn gasoline and sale taxto~ in 1~72. Tn do sn, lhr cit~' "·ould h11 1'e lo be CASPER S T ELLS HIS OWN STOR Y Orant1e Counl y l"ifth Dlstrirt Supervisor Rona ld Caspers of f\ewport 8P.ach h11s rt>prised his first months in nffirp and olfert>d his .:in1tlysi.~ nf thP. tumult in county government durin.': ;i 1.1nrle-rangiog in-rlPplh intervil'"' \\'Ith 1hl' OA!LY PILOT. For Caspers' view.~ in the que~tion·anrl-ans"·er session see rai:e 3 tQda y. Da vicl Cro sb)', F riencls Clea reel Of Dru ~ Charges f\n1·k ,qni;:Pr n:i\'!rl Crn~b\' ;i nd ri,-,. fnrnd~ ;:i rrri:.l rrl .June 9 in Nr11 f'Mlrt Bearh ol'\ rn;:iruuan;:i rhari;es v.•pre rl Pareti nf 1111 rharJ:!f'S !hi" '-''erk p:i rhnr .lurl1r101I D1.~lr1('1 ,Jurl~r ~;\'Prr l t \\' [)1r krv rl1smis~erl ;:i ll !>I I> r;:i!>»~ i\lon· rl ;;1· l)rr;:i LJ<.P nf 1n ~uffir1rn ! p1·1rlrricr Cl c;ired nf m;;n1 11a n;:i p o!>~ r ~ .~ 1 n n l'hil r~p <. al0n i: wi th Crn.~hy "'Prl' -1,rRoy S. F'innoi>, ~Z. \.\'hf'l J:!fll'!' h1 ., atirtrr.~.~ 11.~ f.rni:.b~··s yacht , ":\1;i1·an " -Gl'nrgr ~:. \\'11lkrr. .11. or 2.'>72 R:i.v'.'horr" Driv ... Nr1.1•port RP:irh. -Rohrrt 0. U'il~on .. 10 fJf !H'IO Li do P:irk l)nvr, \\'rwport Rr-arh. _:_,"ihtllr~· L. Rnerkrr. 1!1. nl Hnllywnnrl. -K111herine L. R n b ' r ! ~on , Iii. l!nllyv.·O(l(j Cro,.by. ZR. the lrader nf the lolk rock ii:rnup Crosby. Stills , N:ish and Youn;:, wa~ arrested ,June 9 v.•lth his friendJ. on hls yacht. anchored at !he lime in the Lido Shipyard in Newport Harbor. Newport Beach Police claimed they J.polled mariju11n11 noatinll'. on lnp of the "'altr around Crosy·,. yacht after hear- in,e: the bilge pumps operate. Judge Dickey WA S disinclined. ho"·ever. Case Dismissed. rer1if ierl hrfore J:in. 1. 1972 . CCI Chairman .John Burton has stress· I'd lo the hoard th11t rhe election must be: helrl hef0re 11ec. :11 to permit property In !he propn~erl cit y !n go nn the county assessor's 1:-172-73 !a:t ro!rs. Pl;in5 c111I for the Cr£'11t1on of 11n Ifl.207· ~ere ci!y in !he central Irvine Ranch arr'1 Cre;il1on of thP city h;is been backed h thl' Local A,l\enry fnrmation Com· m1ss1nn ir n11•11prs rcpresent1n,c. ;,1 percf':nt l'lr mnrto of the land des12nated for !he nt"W r11y prnle:sl !h!' incorpnral1nn then the election dale \\'lll be cancell ed. Air Cal Gets Sacramento, OC Flight Bid B.1· 1.. rETEft KRIEG Of !~1 011!v "llBt S11lf Air Caltfnrnia Tuesd11 y was I.old 11 ran tn1l111!f!. lhi> first -ever nonslnp f11.eht~ frnm Oran~r f'n11nr y Airpo rt. to Sacrament n. The C11l1(nrn111 r 11hl1f' lil1lit1rs Con1- mis..,inn 11urhor1zr.d fnur f\1µhts from Lhe l11cal 1t1rlielrl 10 lhf' .~tale c.:ipitnl, tv.•o of thrm nonstop anrl two of them vi11 San Jnse Ai r Ca l!forni;:i Prrs1rlcnt Rnberl \\' \1 1(- fnrd sl!trl thi~ mo rn ing the service ll'lll ~1;:irt Sept 22. Jlp .:i l~o sa1rl the .cipprn1•:i l rlfll'~ not me;:in 1herr w1U he ;in tnrrea.;;e In !he n11111hcr nf Atr C11! Fl!,i:hL" 1nt0 .111d ou! nf nr;:in;;:r County, '-''h1rh now Iola! 24 , JU~l unr!er the contr11ct 11111 11 Hr ~;:i1r1 lhP ;:i 1rl1nr 11"1!1 rlrop at lca ,1 an equal n11mhr.r of fl1.c;hts tn S::in D1f';:n Tht' rrrl11cr1on of S;in l11t'gn ~rr1'l rP wa~ lon.i:·pl:innrd. f'hflord s;i1d . and will beef- fr<'llVP SPpt II 1·1 1ffnrrl al<;n nntcrl lt1;:i i Air <'~l1fnrn1<1 :ilrr.1rl.v SPr\rs San .loo;p "nd l ho~r ~aine !lig ht.~ ll'ill IX' 11.~rrl for !hf' two cnn11 ecl11r ro11les Hr "llld .:i srhrrl1ilr has 11nt .1·rt hPPn rktPrm1nrrl b111 th rrp will be nnP rarly n1orn1ni;: f li ~hr. nnr ;:i t nfl(ln, one m1rl- afle rnno11 ;ind nnp pvPn1 n~ fl i!!hl Thi' r t r rsl11hl1.~hf'rl thr lar·p for a one· 11·111 t1ckrr. nonsto p or 01herw1se. at $22, 1nf'l11d1n~ l;:i x The fa te Ul San l"r211c1sco i~ now ~21.6(). In approv ing the Orange County - Mcramenlo fl ighlll, the PUC Tuesday also i;ranled Air California route aut hori- 1~· frnm Ontar io tn Sacr;imento, but \\'Jth a stopover at Orange Cou nty This rnute will be thr nonstop Orange County to Sacramento f11gh1 Sever1:il o!her routes "'ere: granted !lJ Air \alifornla and !n Pa cific South"'est Airlines. PSA w~s given authority !n fly from Rurba11k nonstop to S11cramPn!o 11nd from San Diego to Sacramento, \'ia Burbank and Oakl11nd. Popeye, Olive Oy l Objec ts of Beach Controve rsy J-1 it-run Drive r E sc apes on Foot By RLJOI r'l.1F.OZIELSKI 01 IM Ot Hy '!lti 11111 '·You can I.how thal Popeye 11te his spinach and accomplished a lot of thtngs, but this ... ~" J udge Howard E. Crandell raised hi!I eyrbrO"'S quiz1jcallv as he unf urled the poster. 11 showed the fabled ~11ilor 1n a Ct"mpromising JX1Sili0n wi!h Ol11·r Oyl. ThP $2 item, seizrd b,v Hunlini:?lon fl t'll<"h po1irP nffic('r~ from R ~fain S!rrrt pt1strr ~hop la-:;1 .l1tl\' 11 a~ .:ihnut tn hecrnH• !he Proptr·~ primP ('1'1rlrnrr un!1 I !hr jurlc:P !h rrw !hr r;i~r 0111 nf \\'r ~t Or.=in:r C:o11nl,\'·~ .l11rl 1<·1a\ Ols tr11·t f:(\tll'I "You ri'l n'I ~rr lhr1r h'Xl1r!' f)n .1·ou suppn;.P lhi~ rlr11"·in,1t inri11'!i .<1n.rnnP In l 11~cil'1ou~nrss~ Y(11J°\'e ~rir r.n h;:i vr soml!. im11g ina1Jon Ill ~el ,11ny ses lflto lhis. II'• dis!asteful. 1 agrtt." 1aid Judge Cran· dall. Police had brnught misdemeanor chargeA against post.er shop owner Kathy r.. Fowler lild her ernploye, J im Tomer. fl)r exhibiting and di&trlbutlng hannfuJ m8tter to a minor. The posltr. showing Pope.ye ttnd Ol i\'P nvl makin~ love while fully clot~. WilJ. displayed in .11 black light room Al Striclly Poslu!I. 123 f\1ain Street. where children had 11ccess lo it. Accordin,£: lo poller ''I rlnn'I know if !his 11ppeAl~ tfl prurient in lPrr:st.~ nr stupidi!v.'· .Jurli::r Crand11!1 1•n11ljnuPrl ··Pe:rsnnt1lh•. I c11n·1 imA(:lne 11n1·onr huyin.i;: ~uch junk " Aflrr s~nrling th~ hettrr part nf 11 d11.v i;c li:ctinl:! " jury to try thr pos!e r cas!'. Judge CrandJU dh;missed lh& charge on ,. thi> ground!! th~t the poster's primary in· tenl dDl'!1 not appeal to prurient inlere:sts. •·\\1ould your chenls sr,0p selling such junk~ They Oluld sell 11 lot of other nice poster1. ~faybe we could have Popeyt> c\iming 1 ladder instead." ht 1uggested to de(ense attorney John Guerin . The judge ordered the defense lo 11tipulale therP was probable cause for thl' arrest of Mr!I. f'owler And ht>r 1>:mplnye;. "The nffircrs did a 2ond lh1n2 In ~!ripoing !hi~. but ii "'11 5 ri ght nn the bnrdPl'line." h' ~;i1d. Pnlirl' LL R('rt Ek ~t rom s;i id hr w 11 ~ r~lrrmrly dl~;i ppnln!ed w1!h lh!' <'()u rl'5 derisinn "I can't behrve the court cnulrl not recognizl' B dr;iwin,1.t drp1c11n,1: sexual Jn· tSee POPEYE, Pa1e ll A loud screech of lirts wokt Sa/boa rt9idents In lhe area nf W. Bay Avenu l! ind fernan1o Streel !illortly ahe:r mid· ni11ht thi1 morning. The; noise was caustd when a Newport Rea ch Police: officer chased a llriver down Bay Avenue after the driver had sideswiped a parketl car. Pol ice !Aid lhP unidenhflerl rir1ve_r marlt a (l uick right turn nnrn Fern;indl') Street. rammed another parkrd ca r, jumper! nut nf hi1 own vehicle and ran 1ow11rd rhe ))av Thi' ;ib.<1ndonrrl cR r t11 rnrd nut (o l)P r·e,11isterf'1f In ;i ~1nnrnvi;:i r11r dea lrr. ~1 1! harl nnt, hrrn reporterl ~tolrn A scRrch· !l ght swetp nf lhr .:1rea by the pot1c.:e: bellcoptcr f1 i!t<1 tn turn up the dr1v~r. ' ·' , the lln1el\' purchase, sale and develop. men\ of 11hat n11ght ht considered the count ry's n1n.<:I prec1ou:. res0urre ·· ··cat1forr11:t 1~ gn1nq tri h;i1e to rhoose:• iL continue!>, '·brll1'l"Pfl tr;iff1c congestion. en1·1rnnme n1:1l rl.:irn.:igr . h1ghf"r land and rPla1 rrl ('0St". Jes;; pri\'ar~· and e1·en tu11! ;;hortagc nf npen ~pare 1aod. on lhe one hand. and birth conlrr,J on lhc nrher hand, "V.'e recnn1n1end unmrdiatc and m<issive famil.v pl;i nn1ng educa tion anri ~11hsid1za!lon . A;; C;i liforn1;i succeeds !n tTit'eting !his problem. i1 en n encourage reclprocal pol!cies n;:ition"'ide ." !j1<•e11te J i ll :\Jr ~. ~!;iry :\nn Q111n n rriints flti;::rol{' ."~08 frr! ahnve fresnn . ~!ri;. 1)1111111 . 43. hi!~ hC"cn pJ1nl· 1ng-flfl~rnlP•. s!cerle:-. to1vcr.5 tln d ,<mokc!'t;irl\<; fnr 2.5 \'Car.r. '' 11.ho11t an ar{1flcnt .She \i·ork:"! fri11r rir five r11011!hs a year. sk i~ tile rc.<:1 Cahi11 Cruiser Catches f'ire Off Ne \vport A 32·foot cabin cru iser burst Into flames at fhe f'ntrance to i\e"·port Harbor Tuesday as the owner stood on deck posing for pictures that his wife was taking from anot her boa t. A.~ his wife and friends !nok!'d on, Crai& 'Vh1ted. 24. of Los An11eles tr1ed to batlla the fl.:imes hut was fnrred In Rbandon· ship. The nearby cru iser pulled alongside tn take \\'hite{'I aboard . "/ herird a n111ffled explosion in lh' bilge ." Whiled said tater. after Newport Beach fireman g;:ive hlm oxygen because of i=:moke inha l;o.!1on The Or11nge f..011n1.y Harbor Department was called and a Harbor P,:itrol boat. sped to the scene to quell the spreading flame s ... Whited 's boRl. the ~hnnalonka 11. sus- tai ned an estimated SS.000 in damages and had lo be tO"'ed to shore. Re no Q uake Recorde d RE1'0 1l;PI 1 -The Reno area 1vas sl11?hlly rflfkrd Tur,.ri:ty by an rarlhquake "'ilh a nlagnitude of lhree on the Richter sr:ile. Dr Alan !l~';l!l. scismol0gnst at the l.'nivPrsity of NPvilda. Reno. !liilld th!! quake hegan shnrUy after 4 a.m and con· tinued for about one mlnut~ • I • ' ' ' ,. Court Disrupte d 2 From Soledad Claim Beating SAN F'RANCISCO \U PI I -Thf: l\1'0 1urvh'in1 "Soltdad Brnthtrs'· stripped to the "'aJst and shnuted thl'y had btt n beaten at San Qu"nl1n Pnsnn al a eriurtronm hea rmg Tutsday Riot rxillre were called tn restt1re ord er The pair al~ accustd San Quent in guards of "murdering" r.-eorge Jackscin during Saturday's e~capt-alttmpt 1n \\-'hich sU: person~ '>''l'rl' kLlled San Quentin awaiting tr1a.I on ch11rgl!'s of kt.llln g a whitt guard at Si'.ll~ad Pr1sfln las1 year. The <1.ppt>aranc,. Tuf'.~day \4·;is for .a.rgumen!~ 0n 1not1<1n~ !!'I d1 squal1fy the assign-cl trial JUdgt . Pn~on off1c1.als h.ad fatled {I) shl)\.\' up 1-1•ith the dtfendants al a .sched uled hearing ~londa,: l)AIL'I' '11..0T llHI 'hote Nix on Beach Oil Cleru1ed I By Marines President Nixon's pri vate beach and the M11rine Corps 1!hnrelint downco1st received A dose of oceangoing NAVY fuel oil Tuesday. Crew." frnm (.'amp renrllrtnn h.ad the blob~ or fuel oil cl eaned up quickly, spoke.~men s11id today. Despite. Mme appearances of !he £00 nn !he coastli n' between Ssin Onofre and D;ina Pnint. the bulk of th, 11 ec irlenta1\v spilled fuel remains at stA and snmt nf 1t is <;inking or breaking up. One de fense anoml'y bangtd on a g!as5 bullet-proof bv r1t r isnlat1ng lhe deftn- dants from the rl'SI of the cnurtrnom and 1houttd., .. .,...l'·re eo1na to tear this gl'ld· d1mn thing down." Ouchel!t and Drumgn ""il lked slnwlv and painful!~· intn court. 1he1r heads shal",.n The) stnpped tn the 1-1·a1st 1n the r'lurtrnom. c!;i 1ming their bodies 1-1·tre bruistrl bv heatings. but !ht judge d@C[Jn. ed !n PxaminP thPm THE CURIOUS GATHER ON PLATFORM AT From No rth Ora ng• County to San FULLERTON FOR LOOK AT TURBOTRAIN Cl1ment1 at 90 Mil11 Per Hour The smalt blobs nf f11rry oil ll ppt',l'lrec! with til t day,,•n tod;iy 11t Cntton's Pnint ;i nd al~n sn1e11rtd some; po rt.inn/\ nf the sands on beaehe.s up and downcna.st of tht. rresident"s hnme. Jo~ Cluchette And F'leeta Drumgn handed U!elr attomtys a petJtion signtd by 2fi convicts '>''hn \l't re in the ad· ju~tment center of the pris"n v"hen !ht outbreak occurred. rt Accused guard.!. of ~ting Jackson in the back. Cluchetrt ~houtffl In the bench that th .. 1 weren"t brnu~hl '" .\1nnd;i1· s srli1'dt1IPd hearin~ frnm San Qutnun because. .. thf'y were still healing us ·· Our111g the twn hnurs of the rh.1nt1c hearing. Superior Judge Stanley Evans ruled th;it .Jurlge frank\\". Shaw must be di~quAl1f1ed from hearing the case because he 1-1•a.s ln the district attorney·s office wi thin the past two years. Fron• Page 1 POPEYE New A1ntrak Turbotrain rresidenti;il Prf'ss Secretarv Rnn Z1egltr was qu0lert Tuesday a11 sa.~'ing th•. Presid('nt 1-1·11s "cert11inly concerned" about the oil. • • • Cluchetl.I:. Drumgn and Jackson, knn...,'n as Ole "Sol!dad Bmthers," ...,•ere all in tercour~e ." he fumed . "\\"hat did they thirlk the penple were doing? S1\imming or arm1••restltni;·~' Stops in San Clel'nente Other reports riuoted the chief er· e.cutive as sayi ng he \\·anted no speci al treatment on his beach hy the cleanu p cre1-1•s. Nixon Studying China "The fact that the court holds that harmful ma!ler inu:st appeal to !he prurient 1ntere•!s nf an adult man . this 1:s what upsets me sn much. Ho1-1· can ynu turn zrnund anrl use this as a _e:uide \.\'hen you're lalkin11; about chilrtren~·· In Preparation for Trip Ekst rom bflievrs la"'ma kers h;:id a d1f· ferPnt st.::indard nf Jurl;::mPnt in m1nr1 1-1 h,,n Srct1on 313.1 of the Penal Code \\"tis 1-1-r1Uen. By HELEN TRO~tAS U!"I Staff Wrl!•r ~esident Nixon is studyin& books Ol'l C&n:a •nd keeping a top secret label on pl1na ft1r hill trip to Pek.ina; \l.'hich may take pl•ce late this year. A hi&h Whitt. House official who earl ier hac! indicated that Nixon's '"Journey fnr Pe.ace" would be undertaken in early 1972 now ill 111yi l'\i the President will travel "llOtlner r1ther than later." Tht only deadlint the V.'h1t e H!'luse h1.s (iven i11 "before May" to ket.:p it out of the. rtalm of p.art.i.san Politics during an ~eetion year. Ni:J:on s1id at h111 news co nference. Aug. DAILY PILOT o••~GI" CO.lST !"U aLl~M!M(; COM,.lM'I' l•lt•rl N. W••" ....... _ •'Id ,.""'·~ ... J1(~ I.. Curl•v vi.:a ,.,..,,..,1 •'Id c.-.1 M-g.t• TI! ...... ic •• .,;1 Eon., Th'"''' A. Mur.hifte Ma"fOI"' EfllW C~•rle1 M. Looi 11.ich•rd '· N1 lf Aul•t•"' Ml"IOl"O l!flle<"I. c ....... Offke 3111 W11t l•v S+.-t•f M1iliRfll AdJr111 : ,.0 . I•~ 11611, •Z626' 0 ....... Offk• l •l••ll-£71 41 6•2·4Jll Cl~ A4.,.rthl•• 64?·5671 l'.l>O•"IO'"• 1•11. O•a•O• 00!! •ul>• ...... ce-•••v .. 0 "'""' '""'"" 111.,.1 ... tto»<. fll lfl'"I•> ,., .. ,..,. &t •O~f..,,W..,..,,, ftl<"e<" "''Y '' ••O.-oollleld 'N""""· l!!«•f l II"· ,..,u·o~ 91 <Cll'>YMVI'· ow•~. 4 that there would be extt ns1 vl!' ae~nt1a t1ons for th t historic 1·is11 to the Chinese mAtnland \.\"ithin tht r.r xt l\l.'O or three months. But lhert art no further hints nn 1he preparations. Press Secretary R(lnald L. Ziegler told newsmen, in response In a question ~1onday that neither the Presi· dent nor Henry A. Kissinger. his N.:itinnal Security Affairs Ad visor. has bfen in tou ch \\'1th r1>.presenrat1ves nf the Peoples Re public of China. Ziegler also said natly "n" cnnd1t.lons·' ha\"e bt en set by either side nn the v1~1t or the agenda .· Arkansas Rep . W1Jhur Mil!s. a pnssibl e Demncra1ic prtsiden!ial candidal.t . had su~gesttd !ha.I some con- ditions ma~' have been plactd nn !he trip \l.'hich "'OU)d put a crimp in J\'1xon·s tr;i1·el pl;ins . There is specu)at1nn !h;it ~1ii:on m;iv send a h1~h·le1·el dP!eg;it1nn cif pr(lmJnent Americans. inclurlzng ChinPc.(' srhnlars. lo Pekrn.e: ro further brtak the ice and lo pa1·e fhe \l.'<1Y for his arrival \\"hill!'. Chinese PrPm1Pr Chnu En-L::i1 has freely expres.<:ed his 1·ie wi; nn a ranee of subjects cert111n to be covered 1n the unprtcedenU-d t;ilks ""llh :\1xon, lhe \\/hire House has remaintd mum. In his speeches Nixon rlra.matiui; ha; iourney as the forerunner of events that will lead to a generation and el'tn longer of world peace. ·Im going to "'rite tn the AHnrney r.en,,ral to srl.'k out the intent nf this \1''1;l~la11nn ar the time 1l 1-1·as pa ssed ." the lleutenant said. "The~e "''ere. cartnnn characters aimed ;it rhildren and snld at a place \\"here minor~ have frre ac;ces~ ... he arlded . Pnll CP officers Sf'Jzed the offending IY'~1 cr after receiv1n~ a cnmnlaint from a mother Polict said, fll'e children were in !he shnp lMktng at the posler when of- ficer~ arr11·ed. Tes t Termed Maza rd LOS A\'f;ELES 1 .1,.p I -F11·e of s,Yen gn1·ernment 11ePnc1P~ "h1ch ~tud ierl pn1en11a! eflPr!s of a nuclear test in the AIPU!l;'ln l.~lanrls 11arn of ha1:<1rds, Sen. t.l!ke Gr;i1 el. i D-A l a.~ka 1, i;ays. f\111 t.r;n rl lnlrf a nPw~ rnnferrnre TurW a1·, ··1h;:ive1 1rPd rnr three. "·eeks ln get th<IL ~1urly a11 rl r can·t even gel the courtes.v of a. rcpl~ " Gral'C'.! said the we;:iprins te st cnulrl tn~ser an Parthqu<ikP that m11v tnur h o!f a huge tirl;il ~'a1 e 1n the rarific. He sa id th!!' Atomic Energv Commis.c;inn madf' the study but he d1dn"t ident ify the other agencies which participated U.S. Justice U11it W 011't Blocl{ Rocl{\v ell , Colli11s Thi!' US. Jushct JJeparlmtnl .sl'lld Am('nran ,~ ~mnng thP 2fl0 lar~l'.<:t in. TUt !day Jf w1!l nl'lt try lo hlock a ma Jnr d u~tnal cnnrern.<. 1n the na1 10:-: stt1rk d!al between Nrirth AmPr ic <tn The hritf .Ju.<.t1re [l1>p<1rl mfnl ii n· R.oclrn-!ll Co rpnr.a linn and Cnllin~ Radio nnunremen' ~a l"e nn re<i~<ln fnr the Compan~· der1«1nn nnr 1n int,,rf Frf' A spokesman fnr fnllin,· r>lant 1n Cnllln« RArl 1n 1~ hP::irl'lU.<!r!rrrrf 1n l'\P1VJ)(lrt B~;irh s11irl tnd;:il" the ~tor~ ex flail.a ~ ::incl h;i~ plant« 1n ~"''"f"lrl Rr;irh, r.han~e 1n1'ol1·r~ $35 mdt1nn wnrth nr Cl'rl;ir fl:ip1r1' !n11.:i. ::i nrt Tnrnnto, r rrfPrred c!'lnvertihle Collin~ ~toc k 11·hi rh l.:in;irl::i , 11l!h a 101;il nf \'.l()()ll t mpln1f'". ~orlh Ameri c,11n plan~ to huy g11"1ng 11 ThP ,:\1>wpnrt Re;irh pl;inl <pl'r!All!P:<: 1n cnn1rol1in g in1Pre.~1. rl~lil 1 r~n ~n1l"-"lnri rri111pn1,,n1 anrl m1rr(}. Cn!l1ns ~tnckho!dtr11 mr"f TuP~da\· tn Pirf!rn111r rrin1pttnr111 c; !! h111\1 ;ill nf !hF 1·nrp on !ht l.ran~act1fln , "h1ch cl1re.c1nr~ r::irl 1n Pl')11irirri,,nt u"rrl 1n lhe rrcrnt Ap.i!ln nF the radio comp11 n.v ~ay 1s necl'~sar.v to Li rnnnn ft1 eh l 81• RARBARA c ri;s or ,~. Dt il• P•IO! Siii! San (lpmente and Fullerton ll"fre ,·isited bnefl.\" Tuesrla \' by th' Depart- 1nPnt nf Transportation·s experimen!al Turbn!r a1n. ThP Amrr;ik p;:is~Pn,'ier train i1; on l'I n1r"1'h Jnnt: 12.000·mile Pnduran<·P anr1 puhhr ,llemnns1r;i!1fln run lf"l test i1c; rl ur;ihi r1'11· 1n rcrms nf n1atnlen:inee ::ind !r1 ~n;il\1p .!hp prnnnmrr.~ nf 11fll"'r::illnn. !t pullrd 1n!r1 !he Fullrrton rfrfllll at 9 45 :i 111 for f1ftrc11·n11nurr nhc;rrval inn hv curinu~ nnlonkrr.<:. an('! nrn1·ed an hour lalrr in Sv n Clrmentr. O~r;ir r;riffio. dir£'<.'lnr nr p11hl1r 1n- forma.1inn for the drpartmrn!, s;iid lhe strr.:imlinrd, hich speed !rain 1s ;in ex- prrimrn!al prnjrrt prn1·iri{'('i fnr in !)le Hich Spred (;rciunrl Tr.<in spnrt;ition Ar! nf J~F.5 ll i~ dpsi~nrd b.v aern~pare en):!in,.,cr~ !'If the l Jni1f'd Airrr;:ift Cnrpnra · lirin lo ;:ire mRximum i n I P r c i I y p11s~rn.i:"r .~Prvirr 11·hilr u!ili;:ing cnn· 1'ent1nnal r;i il fa r1l111cs. Th .. thrf'P·r.<ir train 1.~ fl'll\'f'l"Prl hy ga~ tur bine Pn_cinPs Th"Y are lnr::iled ;it rarh end sri thP train d~sn "t have In turn arriund . It is c;ip;ible nf faster 11r · rP\era!ln n ;inrl hu::hPr rruis1n~ ~peeds lhan rnn1·pn!1nn::it-rail tra nspnr!. ac· cording tll Gnff1n Buried SACRi\,\1E:~>TO 1l"Pl 1 Frank nrLPnn, tht S;in Qut~tin guard "'ho pri~· nn nll1r1al~ ~.:i1rl fou nd ;i ,;i:un (n \.p"rl!' .!ackson"s hair anlj was slain a fP\V rnnments la1Pr. "'as burlrrl here Tuei:rlay. F11nrra! .~rrl'i<'f'~ 11·rre hPld P.<irller in P!'1<1!uma. whrre DeLeon. 4~. l11'e('i \l'ith 111 ~ wife V111;in ;:iorl thr1r fi1c ('hildrt"n. !)pl,pon i! 11lsn sUrl"ivffi b.v hi11 pa rents, f,lr~ f'harln11P Calig;irrl 11nd Frank P. De~nn. bnlh nf ~tockton. GEM TALK ·-c TODAY ii by I . _,, .. """" ' ........ ,.J DIAMONDS YOU MAY HAVE NE VER SEEN !>ecs .. tlf U -••t~ el •ft ol "It"""''' 1111.<~ a"CI l'."''' >.I••. (!llfor"11 S"bM'' "''"" ... <•"'"° I~ Jl "'II"'"•• ~y ,.,111 fl II ,.,......1,,., ~""'"..,. ~..,., • .,..,,... s. lJ m,,..1~1y. strenglhen !he cornpnny·s working ThP stock !ran~11rt1nn 11'111 cn;;hll' \nr1h I ffl\'e i·nu E'\'er seen ?i black or cap1lnl ATnrnr;in Rnrk\\'ell tn PIPCt "' 01-'!1'1!"11~· hroH n. blue nr rink d1an1nnri ~ Thf"y Just1re O!"pa.rtmrnt at!orn~ys ~.'lid !hty nn tht Coll ins Board n f 01rec· IMked inln lh' transaction becinise Nilrth inr~. rlo e.,.1cl, ;:ind .<:01ne <ire extremel y ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..iiiiii;iii;iii;iiiiiiiioiii;iiiiiiiii..ii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio;;;j!, , . .::i I ut1 hie. ci .~ 1~ 1 h,. blue d la mo~d ~J STORES TO SER VE YOU 2300 HAR80R BLVD. AT W ILSON JUST SOUTH Of SAN DIEGO FREEWAY IN THE HEA~T 0, COSTA MESA YOUR CENTER WITH .. FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS AND HE LP FU L FREE PARKING IN MALLS. ALL ON SERVICE. PLENTY OF BOTH FRONT AND REAR STREET LEVEL. THINK uaack To School" Top Values.-Low Prices Every Single Day ' 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA ' ,1nrl the c ?i n<1ry rl ia1nnnd "·Hh Its rlr;ir 1 cl\011 hue. \\"11 h the <'\t:C'p1 1nn nf blue, a touch (If .:iny nf 1 hese colors in the 11 hll e chamond a,·aila ble to most. nf us lessens the stnne"s value, as <lo carbon ~pots ffla1,·s ) or poo r cuttin.i;. Althnu~h these truly magnlficent rlianinnrls are rare. they ar' oc- rt1 s1n11.::illy a,·t1i!nblt>. ;i nd if ynu 1qre inle.rested. ynu n1ight regi ster \"Ollr nRnie 11·11h us so you'll have ;:in npportun1ty 10 e x;:i mine one. At 1his tirne y,·e k~ow of a four carat blue dinmond a1·ailabl£1. ll truly rare ~cn1. Gem purch;:ises are import.ant 1n\'estments, and "'hen )'OU buy a rlramond the expert."s kno\\•ledge is pr1celes.~ So 1 1"~ \l'ise to be guid· ed by a m;:in \'•ho kn ou·!li fine gems o:Jnd b,v a man .vou can trust to tell the truth about off-coJci r lin,ees. tiny specks nr poor cut "·h1ch are ~n oftf'n n1i~~ed b.r layml'n Let us h£1!p you . '"e·,·e lt1·ed 1t·1th d ia- 1nonrl!li 1n Cns !~ fvlesa (or over lnsid,. the cars. the atm osphere 1:i; much like that of a comfortable jet. com- ple1e wilh mini-ski rted h n s I es s es, rec!inini;: !eats, headrest.'. ;ind e;ir phnnes fnr progrAmmed music. Fnr lnng- dist;inre journeys. l'I film is .<ilso featured , Thrre ;ire turrenlly lwfl Amtrak tr;i1ns in nperat1nn in 1he n~linn. One n1aintl'lin!'. a rfaih si:hrdule brtv.'rrn Boston and New Ynrk ·1-1·h1le the nrher makes its nAtional ex[l{'rtmcnt;il tQur. The 229·1n1IP strrl<·h alnnJ! !he eastern rn;:ist l~kr5 the lr;un three hnurs .<ind 39 1n in11trs In rover. \\"h!le the trAin is cap;ible nf tr;:i11rl1ni;: Ufl tn \ill m.p.h., ):!radr crnssin@:.~ ;:inrl rnarlbf'd def iciencies restrict the spcrd tn 90 m.p h. Along the 31\·mil e ~!retch betwl'en f \11Je rtnn and S?in Clemente. t he Turbotrain cruispd ;:it 90 m.p.h. Ac· cnrding tri p;:issrn_'1ers, 1he faster the spPrd. thf' sml)O!hPr the ride, ~pred. however. is nnl !he primary in- trn! in th e development of the Turbotr;iin. It is inhf'rr1111.1· f;ivnr;ihle tn Prolni.:?.'". sa1·s (;riffin. ThP dep<ir!mPnl P~limates thA! a se1·rn ·rar lr;11n <'an 1·;irry thf' .\ame 1111mbf'r nf pa~.~en~cr~ frnn1 rlnll"nt o1-1·n In rio1v11ln11·n nn f\Of flflerri!h of t h e hnr~<'Pn\\"rr !h;:it 1:io :i11h•r11oh1!r~ 1·:111 H1x·au.~e nf thr en~ h1rb1nP rn;:inP:-:. fu rthf'l"!TIOl"C', rff h1r111<; rclc;1srfl ;unnunt tn ::ihnut one-fnurlh or 1hni;p lrnn1 in1r rnal cnm hu.<:1inn engines of c11ual h11r.'irpowcr . s::i1s Griffin. Thr 1·11 rbotr;i1n is i'llTu11lr111wl;1ted hy rx i~T 111g tr:it"ks. Thi'rl'fnrr. ;:i,<; C.riff1n pu!s it. ""There nerd nnl be fur l her destruction In the enflffJOm~·nt hec:.111.~r \l'r already h;ivf' src11rerl lhP rights-nf.w;iy." ThP Drp:irtn1Pnt of Transrort::it1rin is pres<'nlh· ii'::1S10~ the 1r:i in.~ for t1-1·0 .l'ear~ from Ur11ted llfr<"rafl al S.1 7 mlll1nn . Arf - rii1i('n::il r<i~.<;en~f'r r11rs will be ;irlrle<l in nr.111 ~pr1ni;:. inrTP.:"l~lnJ:! !he cap<1r1t)' nf r~rh tr:11n frnm 14 4 tn 210 Despite the nppe<irance nl some. p<itchcs nf ,Ron And swiftly acting Navy and t.1arine f'leanup crew!'!, the oil slick is far from a disaster. Reach attendance Tuesday along the Sliu!h Coast WAS better th11n l'lveragt 11.nd :;:win1mer.<> \\"err mort in jenpordy from hPa1·y .<;urf lhl!n the noafing b)ob.!i, lifri;:uards said. S;:in Clt>n1ente's rr~rues tn111led 11hou' 6~1 Tuesday -lhe Rvtra,Re fnr 11 busv 11·rrkf'nrl. not a lone wePkd11y-hec111use of he;11".v surf :ind s11n1e rip!irle~. Na1y SJX1keso1t>n ~;iy experts 1;1i1l 11r ~ tr~in,:: ro dP!ermine the simounl nf hea vy fuel oil \.\'hich w;:is mist;i kenly ~pilled of: San C!ernen!e Jslancl last we!'ke;nrl 11s the ()ilf'r l/SS Man:it ee di.~pf'nscd fuel lo thr aircraft carrier L:SS T1c:onclero;z:;i . /\ 1·ah·e 1-1·as ;ieciclen tall.v left OPf!n hy a erewman. causing tht splll inlo 1he l\eA. Offici;il~ pre('iictecl Rppear::i nce.!'I o~ p<itches (If the tarry nuisance fnr d.1YI tr. cnme on South Co;:ist beache.'>. This morniog"11; conrentral\nn seemed in he along San r1 Pmen1e Sl;ite Park P.e.:irh ar1rl the Ri1 ·iera beach upcaA!t ln San CIPme;nle. F,.::irtif'r in the wePk Doheny Stale Park f\P.<ich Anrf the Reach rn<'!d colonv were hit hy ~trel'lks nf 111r left 11 fte.r hiih tide. Navy cre1-1·s clt aned up most. of that. Jordan lo Step Down BOIS!'.:. 1d;ihn !AP f -Sen. Len 8. Jordan nf Idaho ~;iys he 11,•ill not seek re- e!ectinn next yr11r. "~Iv health i~ ~nod . I hel1!\'I' I Am i ttll el,,ctablr for 11no!her term . !t i!I'. A good time tn .<:tep dri\.\:n \\'hen nne h:is il. f,.Jr chance for annt.hr.r term," the fdah" RepuhlicA n :;:aid TUP~day. ./nl"rl;in, whn :<:Prl'rd 11s gn ve.rnnr o' !riahn from 1~51 1.n 1!'.l.15. was appointed to Hie Sen,11 tp In 1!11\2 on the dea th n! Sen. Hl'nr~' r:, J)wnrsh.:1k . LIMITED TI ME DFFER buy3 get)free! Now is ftie tirne to ~!11rt or xkl to yovr T~ !ttl'finl st'N1ce. Buy three. p1ects ;irni get the. fourth oiie free, For r111mplr. buy three teasnoons and you recervt the fou rtti teaspoon fr~. C(Jme In todAY and choost frcrn OtJr larse selection of Towl e patterns WI solld sltver. Offer ,11v111i11ble 111 lo(low1ng piecea In ell aetiv. TCJllllllMI sterling r"t1trns: Te11spoons Plitee forks Place l..n1 ws S"l•d fo1ks Pl&a spoons Stire11ders Coclrt•i1 lorts Demitasse ~ It.Ml t.enee lflOO'I& frotn $ 9.00 fTOl'l'I $ l 4. 50 from $! 4.00 f~ $12.00 frotn S 12.25 from S 9,00 $10.00 s 7.~ $12.:50 J. C ... Jfu11111hrie.1 JewelerJ 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONV(NllNl l iC:MS l.t."I( AM E• IC.ARD-MAS ft' C 1-1 A ~t; [ 2• "f..l ~S $AMi 1L0CAT10 "' 'HO"il 5 ~1 ·14 0! ' ·- DA.Jl v P!LOf & Too Slow 'False E'vidc1tce, etc.' At Safe, Murdered Lobbyist Voloshen Illi11oi s Prosecuto1· l11dicted Dies , 73 111 Raid on Blacl{ Panthe1·s !\'.'E\.I,' VORK (AP1 Thomas V. Hl1!,11:1ns "''ilS un- familiar ""'Ith !he <.:n111hinat1nn • on the supPrmarkPt s;ife, 11nd missed it tht f1rst lirnt around . He nf'1 Pr ~n1 tn try It ai;ai11 CHI CAGO 1Url 1 -State's attnrnt"v Erh .. t1r'fl Hanrahan. lht. city·~ tnp prn~eculnr. h;is been i11d1c!f'd 1,1·11h 1.1 othrr [;iw off1cia!11 on ch11r)!"S ()( conspiring l.o obstruct JUSll<'I" In ii: !969 po!1Cf' ri11d 10 1-1·hirh t .... ·n Black Panthers were kill - seven Panthers the raid. \.\'ho survived Ul'I lllt•Mrt Higgins mnvf'(i 100 sin .... • In pltasP ont of fnur robbers of 11 Bohack supermarkel 10 the Flatbush 11eclion of Brooklyn Tuesd11y. and the h;:ind1t shot and killed !he 58-year-otd 115Si!'itant stnre m 11 n a g , r , pnhc!! sa ici. Higgins is normallv ass1J,!ned tn annthrr stnrP in tht chain, but 11 as l1thnJ,! in fnr lhe vara· I 1nn1n.1t mana.1ttr nf tl1P store thal tht four rnhhfors Pn1trPrl 'ONE ISSUE' LABEL DROPPED Top Dissenter Sen. McGovern Thl'PP wP nt In !ht ra'h l'",l!:IS!r rs. :inrl !w11 nf !hrm drr11· guns. po!1ee s;iid Th!'y n!'tter! l7111 fn1m the cash re~ist('rs. Another ;irmed hand1t ('On- frnnter! Higgins and ordered the safe opened. Higgins fum bled nervnuslv with the combination as 'the robber cursed anr! th reatened him . McGovern Will Reject War as Can1paign Issue Suddenly , the bandit began hi!tlni:: Higgins in the head with the gun. As Higgins fell, the bandit fled. but "'hirled and shot H1i:gins noel' in the s1dt, police ~;:11rl All four rnb- bers lhf'n e~c<1ped in a "'·ailing c;ir. pnhcl' s::iirl There "''ere no other 1nJur1es. Pot HikPrl In Freeze SE:ATTLE lliPJ1 -Qf . flc1Als at the reg1nnAI Office Ill Em er genc.v Preparedness r'porl lh<1t. 1hey recel\"('d a long-distance phonf' r·all !'11nn- day night compla1n1ng that the. prtCI' I'll fl·larijuanii had risen $4rl pe.r pound despil r Pre~l dent Nixon'!' "'age · price freezl' Spokr.sman .lnhn L. l\·T;ikey Ea~'S ··he s.::11d that al 1hat prict ht" wou!d h;i1t" to turn Lo hard stuff And he dido "t want." Load or Books Julie Frcictu,res Toe In Scliool Accident ATLANTI C' Rt:ACH, Fla . E1~e11hn11·er. is ~t.at inned a! I UPI\ Julir N f :i; rJ n !'.:1senhowr r 1111ffrrf'd " hrnken toe T11e~da ~· v.hr n a mclal c;ir! lo11d!'d u·11h hnnk~ rnlled r)\"t.r her fn<1t at the A1J;inr1c Beiich Elemen111r:-; !\ch n n I wherP she i.~ a teacher, Off1r1al:r; i:.a1d Pre:r;idtn1 N1x- nn":i; ~oun~e.~t dauJ:h1 1'r u·nul<i recuper;i1P lnd11.\· in her ap;irt- mrnt anrl prnh;ib)y re1urn tt"I 6ChM1 Thur.~rla;. .J11!1t """'~ rusht'rl h.v !-Pcrrl ~"r' 1cc111tn tn a dts prns:ir,v at nrarb~· ~la vpnrt ~;1;1 ;ii Statinn af!l"r thP :i rrir1 t"n! :tnd h!'r fiint '11:8!. placiod 1n "' \.\i'llk1ng ras! .Jul it ·~ hus.hand . F:ns . Dai 1r! flla.l'pnrL A~rnts 1mrned1a1ioly rall,d the \\'h1le Hnust Ph.vs.1c1.lln. Dr \\"altP.r Tkach. u·h!'I 1n· fnrm~ prrs1dPn1 and !'l\r.~ i\ixnn nf the mishap Tht.. f1rs1 ramil~· i11 stayi ng at thr \\"rstern \Vh ile H!'IU~t. 1n San CIPOlt nlf' ~lrs :\"1xnn le\,.phl'lnl"d Jul11'. 2.1. !n nffPr her s~·mpathv ~1r., rnnn1" .Stuarl. lh t fir~! \arlv's ~l::iff d1rPrlor. !.a1rl .Juhe. 1ntPnd~d 1n ret11rn tn ~chnnl tn · '" : .. ".hi" lh1nks 11".s 11 s1lh 11r· cidt!n!.'" s;:irrl i\lrs Stuart. in San Clr.mrn!" ~~~--~~~~~ Two rings fortwei lovers ••• both rings $88.00 ~fll'tt 111v•lt" 1Uue1• eii• ~b--1 11 141 t1tl4 -M14ttl torycr-Mit lll'lllU • dl•..!•11t occount1 aYOiloble.• up 10 12 momh1 I• Pfl/ tonkANricorcl • Momr Chorot "THE STORES CONFIDENCE l!UILT" i=-· - 7:35A.M. Skep later. Mils th<-y traffic to L.A. Intcmatioml. Arriv'el Phoenix, 8:27. "'. New Fall Fashions FROM VIRGINIA'S ll 's th •I liml!I •91110 , N11111d "'"w school c.lolh •' 7 Com'! in ll ni1 1111 1.11 hot lJ) J)l.!ln your wardrob•. W8 hllv e th11 l ~l !'lil ii'! new nov,.lty kn it,, c.ollon <!i nd poly11st9r. Th11 soft look is in, so try our b!totuliful prin+•d j •rs11;y~. Fll nl.ts+ic. n111 w shipment ol wid!· w,..1 ,. c.orduroy, k&ttl&i:loth •nd trim1 h.t1 just .t r• r1v 11d . e IANU.MlllCAID S•• Ycu Soon! VIRGINIA e MASTll CH.t.161 eon non-stops to t 8:50A.M. An idW morning !light !or moot tnvclen. Not too early. Not toe late. Arrives Phoenix, 9:44. • oentx 0 1) 2:15 P.M. Our mid-day flight, arriving Phoenix at 3:10 p.m. U you leave your ear overnight at !he airport, remember parking is cheaper at Santa Ana. the fastest way to Tucson i , 7:35A.M. A!tet a 2~m1nute atop in Phoenix, arrive. TUCIOO 9:2S a.m. Much shorter time, e.nd fa: leu lwale, all ill all . than driving to LA. lot<matiOllll for & TuCIOll llilbL 5:20 P.M. Apin, ~you're staying mm>l8lrt. it's cheaper to leave yOOt car at Santa Ana than at L.A. lntemationaL Airivea TUCIOll 7:09 p.m. 5:20P.M. Leave after work and arrive Pbocnix at 6: 16 p.m, just in time !<11: din=. No fighting rUlb hoor tldio toL.A. ID tcmatimaJ l1tahl\1hed 43 Y11r1I NUNTO-•TON GINTll '"'" ' ·~1111 ... Hu11tl11tto11 IHcl> 192·1'01 HAllO" SMO,,IN• CINTll JJOO M•tll•r 11'+'41. Hughes Air West from Sa.nta Ana We Dy more people to Phoenix and Tucson than any other airline. Cell• ~ ... .. ,..... .. • -' " , . • • I \ ' ' I . ~ -· 8 DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Fresh In hi s 011 n quiet 1vay, thf' ne11· pres1den1 of !he NP11·- porl·Alesa Unified School District board of education ha s led the board to speak loudly on an important comn1un· ity issue. 1'he issue rai!>ed by Hod fl.1acJ\lill ian at last 11·eek·s tru stee 111eeting concerns I.he nearly S400 .000 rnllecled under the rli ~trict's 8.5 rent per '$100 of as!'ic-ssed valua· t 10n ton1n1unity services lax . taJ1fnrnia's Civic Center .A.et provide s that a se hool d1~tr1 rt rna y levy up lo IO cer.ts each year to provide n1011e1· to create and1or 1naintain fa rtl!l!cs on sehool prorrrty tn he shared by community organizal!o n ~ Bill. as J\lacJ\l il!ian and other board 111en1bers dis· covered !he n1her ni ght. allnost 67 percent of thc~e funds 1n past .\"ears has gnn£> to pay salaries of_prople \lho nnist staff rhe srhoo ls or ad1acent athletic field s after schO<Jt hours. .•\d11111ting the board ol education has ne\'cr rev1e\1'ed lhe spending nf t111s n1onPy before, trustees supported J\·lac'.\11llian 's conte11 t1011 that the districl m ight \Vel! look for better 'A'ays of spending tht> money. including dis· trict-in spired cornn1uni!y progra1n" The suggesti on 1~ 11 ell raken and ~hn uld inspire rlis· lric t staff to take a fre~h !Cin k a! 11 ay~ ~rhoo! spending can in1prnve life in \he l!:i rbor .'\rea Old farn1ers can lake heart-C'nst;i J\lc;,a rt1rt 1~11 '\ .~n pnflr as son1e people think. Chris Petroff. 65, has only lived here t1rn year ~. b11 l he's proud of lt and 1vhen so1nehody is rritJcril nf 1he land, he gets n1ad .. >\ friend \\'ho recently told 111111 )OU ra!1·l gro\v an.v1hing in Costa tl·lesa \vas ~hn\vn diffcrC'n tl v -the e\'id ence \l'as a full vegetable rat.ch and ;:i 30·1n r h c.:ucumher. The friend \Vas con\·inced Petroff. \l'ho lives at 3002 Donnybrook Lane. also Is Needed grows tomatoes. peppers, corn, lettuce. strawberries, onions, garlic. and aJmost anything else you can linag1ne in a backyard. And aU his products look healthy. 1'he \1ugoslavian. who \•1as born on a farni. feels \'Cgetable gardens could beautify a Int of Costa ti1esa hon1es. ~le lhinks everyone ought to try grov.1ing so.me- lhing Jn their backyard. It's not such a bad idea "J'he 11·ork 1nighl cause a Int of people to shed some pounds ;ind ll'i1h the price of food continually rising a personal vegetable patch could prove ~andy assistance. Petroff has proved you can put your fa i!h in the land, and, fortunately. you ran do lt in r osla ~fesa Su1nn1 e r Rec reation Ends :.\nnt her successful recreation suinmer program Pn<ls Friday in Cnsia ~lesa. ·rhe city recreation depart· n1enl sponsored n1nre than 50 sepa ra le 3('tivities !his su mn1er. prnnarily for ynnths \Rand under. S\1•in1ming 1ras onE. of the biggest program .~ -\.\'Ith n1u1t1p!e activities open at Estancia and Costa 1\-!esa hig h school s1vim111ing pools. ·rtiere al."10 11•cre 13 playgrounds open 1\'ith day-to·day gan1es and ar\i\'1t1cs for the young· er boy s and girl:-, .'\thlct1c events anrl social activities \1·erf' spotled throughnlll the vaeation days as 11·ere such special elasses as guitar. yoga and karate. Several !hou."and yout hs took part in one or inore of LJ1c recreation departn1en! arlivilles and ridults even got their chance al son1e programs. s urh a s bridge Jes· so ns and hasketball and volleyball in the higl1 srhnol gyn1nasiums. Parents \\'ho !eft their offspring in the -:-harge or re~reation people for 111urh of !he summer 0111e a big 1hank you to the departn1ent for its fine program. And d on't forget. sign-ups for fall recreation acli,•ities \\'ill be held Sept. 23-25. c LONELINESS Attorney 6e11e1·ul St1.ys All lfet1so11uble ltleuus Tt1ken to lnsu1·e T1·1ie Sto1•y of Asst1ssi1it1tio11 Younger Expected Conspiracy Theory • Ill Sirhan Case Tn thf'. Edllor : In recent months, questions have. been r'1ised cnncerning .:.IJ aspcrts of !he Sirhan ca st; b.v a variety of people £or a variety of mo!ive!' nther cooperating drrartinents, including thr Los Angeles Cnunly Di.~!rirt Al· r···ne.v"s Officr. thr FAJ i!nrl o!hf'r rlC:Pll· cies, was one nf 1he most cornplcle. if not lhe nios! co 111pletr, r rim 1 11 ::i I in- 1·esti ga!1nns ercr t'nndur l,..d hy a l;:iw en· ff1rcement ai;enry Jn !he Unllcd St;i le~ \\'h"n, a.~ Di ~lricl Attorney nf Lns Angeles County, I prosecu1ed Sirhan. \1'e ~nr\1', and I so :;!aled on nun1crous oc- 1·a<e1nns. thal Sllme day son1eone would raise que stions cnncern.ing the manner of dc;ilb and the part ies re spnns1b!e. It Y.'as ine\"ltab!e that !he conspira cy th " r.v \1·ou/d be suggested -that m;ikes 11 be!lPr stnry. Ei·en though I knew lh.:i l some persons. 1'.hose molive~ might or n1ight not be ap- parPnt. v.·nuld never allnv.• the case lo be put tn rrst. v.·e took al! reasonable means rri insure !hat the true s!nry 11·as cl<'\"rlnprd and perpetuated. llO\\'E\IEfl, IN recent mon!hs that. \1·h1eh 11·r predicted has occurred. and 1 ;in1 s!1ll frequently :isl-ied whether or not !hr rl! 1vere inco nsistencies in I he te ~l1n1nny a! lh l! Sirhan trial. ~1 1• ;in~"·er . ''e~. definitely rhere weri!'', \Vhen 65 v.·itnPssrs !rstlfy concrrnlng any inc1rlent . I ain nri! disturbed concern in.'( n1innr inconsistencies in lhe IC<s!imony. I ·wnuld be concemr.rl if a!I 6.'i witnesses testified in precisely the same manner. Jl .-,nrst individu;ils te stifying lo an event \\'hich !hry nhservrd could not possibly i;ee, he ar and r('f'a l! Ille e1•rnts in the ex· act same \I ii\' l ncons1~1encics of a ni1nor 11;1111re le111! LrNlent·e In !he lestin1on~· of wi!nPSS('~ In lhl' Si rhan case such 1n· cnn~istrnr1f's as t'Xl.~ltd in th<> te.st1n1nny rof lhr 11 11nr ~SP.!o v.·rre l·nns1de red and f1'aluated b.v the iu ry IT ~l!Ol'LO BE rPn1Pn1 hereri tli;il lhe ln1·r ~t1ga1 1nn fnlln111r1g lhP a~~ass 1n~!1nn nl R.,h,,rt F l\f'nnrrl.1 nn .lunP .\ l!lf\8 b.v lh<' Los Angrlri; Pn!1rf Drrn1r tn1t nt and It w;:is drlermincd that all possible Jn· formation 11·0u ld br nbl ri ined and be 1nadf' a\•ail;i b!P !n !11" pu blic at a rune 11·hen the const1t ut.ional righ1s nf !hp defendanl cnul d no\ bP je<ip<1rd1zcd b.v the. atlendan! publici ry. i\10RE THAI\' 4.000 "'Ll nr~ses Wf're 1n- lervie 11·eri Sixt1•·f1ve \\'11nrssi>s were ca ll· ed by the District All.,rney of L11s Angeles County to testify durin!!" the rnu rse of rh e tri;il. Al !he conclu ,ion nf th" c;i ~e. rr riort s cn\'trinl! inter\ 1r11·~ \1·11 h thnse witnesses wh0 h11d no1 been t ailed Ir• trslif.v by f'llhe r pnrt.11. com- pris ing J!l~ in <ill. w~rP filed wirh the Superior Courl <is exhibits and became a n1a ~ter of puhlir rernrd At lhc request of rlrfrn,,f' rnunsrl, rl11plie<11e~ nf morf' th<in 150 fil~s rnn. t<11t1ing intcrvieu·s nf pntential wi!ne5ses wrre rleliverrrl f1n pre1ria l cll scnvcry 1nn- tinn~. Inc luded an1nng 1hr"t' files v.•ere recorded interviews of 1nore th;:in 70 persons v.·hn were all rged 1n have observ- ed lhe defendant ar snm p rin1e durinl! !he e1·enin.i: of June 4 and 1/1r ear!v morn ing of June 5 a! !he <\111ha.•sador Hntrl. E\IELLE J YO l"i\"G F.:R 1\!tnrnc\· lrrnrral Sta ir of ·cahforn1a Bflat f~n11rrrhitt!t Tn the E1l1lor A ff'\\' n1r111!h• ,ign I 11-rol r tn ,\l;11lhn:t c-onrrrn1n.oi lh<' \ar k nf l:iunching [;;r1l1t1es fii r rra1 IPra hlf' hn;it~ 1n t!1 15 .:i re.1 One reader rf>~ponrlrcl and slated !ha t 1/ Ttvo J(inds of Boredoni Thought~ at Largf': Tn he hnred bv 0tt1ers ma y be merely !he ~1 gn nf a rrstlt'5.~ mind ; In be bnte1/ by onP~elf 1s surely the sign o! an undeveloped mind • • One suppnst'5 Iha! the ~at1onal As~iat 1Qn l)f r>lan - ufacturers m 1 g h l condemn as ;:i ·c om· munisr·· !he ~pca ker of !he~ \1:ord.~ ''PPf"lple nf !he sa me trade ~eldom m1>et tDi;;elher. evrn /nr merriment and d1- ve rslrin . but the cnn- vPrs;>.' inn ends ln ;i conspirac.v again st the publtc nr in some: contrivance to raise prices·· -bu1 the: sla1ement is Adam Sn1i1h ·~. 1n hi~ '•\Veallh of Nations ."" tht' bible or capital· ism. • • Speaking nf prices. I dnn ·t think the. pub/le minds so much being cheated iri r.ost al' not grtting value in lhP g00rls - after all, v.·e can decide how much ll'f' "''ant. 10 pay for something. but it is dJf- ficult t.o know if even minimal value j.., buill info the products ai any pric" • • • ~1osl nauery is self-flallery -we cnm- pliment people <ln those qualities that make u.s feel as inlelli .iotent and gracious ai; themselvrs. "''-tend lo judge every grnup bv its ll'ast worthy members , of !hf' 111•io!1·" disciples , by far the bei;t kn n\1·n 1.s Judi'!' • • • ThP mn.~t inren.se fear I!> negiit1vP. not po:s11!vr· "'" feRr not YI. much bt~ng r~pulsed from what V.'e desire, but los;ng ' Sydney J. Ha rris l i 11·ha1 11e have '1!1rllned !Thu s. !he reasnn radicals nverl hrov.• CflnSPr l"ati\•es, anrl nnt the other wav arounrl. is that the radicals c1tn afford ;{I bP mu ch bo lder, ha\'lng little or nnlh ing lo lose 1 • • • Arl1nin1slrat1l'e n1<lralr 1s alwayi, In"' in an <1utocra!ic con1pa11y; for ii 1s 1m. pn.\S1b!P for rhe 1un 1or Pxf'r uf il'es tn Ot on th eir roes and nn their k.nees at lhe san1e lime . Youth doesn't need "ideals,,. lt needs a hitching.post tn hilng them on. !hat n11ly the older generation can pro\'idP • The wnrri "rart>" hrts almosl enlirf'lv 1nst 11s original mr.anlng of "fine'" o.r ··marvelous" in nur llme. 11nd now mrans only "coming lnlrequr.n11y"' nr "un usual" 1L<iwelJ"s f1tm 'lu5 line "'\Vhat is sn rare as a da.v in June~·· is invarl1tbly mi.sintepreted as meaning "uncommon ··) One of the mos! prescient paragraphs in r.lhran 's "The Prophf'1 .. (published in l!r'..J J is v.orlh pondrnni;? in this lawless Pra .. As a single lc:if turns not .l"ell n1v hut with thP silent knov.•lerlge of the: wh olr. tree. !i<I !he 1"'rong-dr1er c.11nnol dn 11 rong v.·1thnu! the huidf'n "'•II of you ~II ·• II .;,,n1ncrar'' th<>! dnrs 1101 genera tf' ;:in pJ11" \1 ill l)f'r1 ~h of 11~ 011 n mrrlnlf'r111, 11h1 lr an el1 rr snr1fl l,v 1hai rlo"~ n...,t hro.lrlP11 lhr rlrmncn1 l1r h:isP 11•111 suf focalc: in it!> ov.·n intellectual g\jjgnat1on -_:_)'_ .... ''lailhox Lrllrrs f r11 m rendrrs oi-r 11•r /rt!lllf'. A'nr111ally 1r1·11rrs shl)ll /rt cnnreu rl1r1r 11u·.~~or1es 111 JOfl 111ords nr le.~·.~. Tl1r 1·i9/i1 fo cn1rr/('1!.~P /r //ers In /II .. ~pr1re nr c/11n11u11r hbrl 1.~ reser nPd .. 4/l lr l· tprs "1 11st 111r l1u/e .~h1unr 11 rp r111rl nun /· l•lfJ nrlrlrcss, inir 1111111 r.~ 11111'1 be 11 1/h- hc/.J ou 1·pq11r st 1f s>1ff1c1f.111 reasr"1 i ~ ornore11t. Poerr;; u·11l not be p uh. h~herl. I h3d bePn mnrP nb~f'r1 ant. I wnuld h;ive bren a1,·;11·e of 1hP l;it~nching r.:imp near the hrirfge nn Par1r1r Coast HJ,ehwa,v. Gran!ed. lhf'rl' is ;i n1t'e ramp at !h;it loc-<1t1nn . hu l 11 i~ nn lhe \\Tong ~jde nf Lhc bridgP if .vnu·re a sailboat sailor as l arn . La ~t ;'11ay I !alked v.·1ih nnp or the persons who opr.rate that facilit.v. I \\"AS INFORi\li'.:D lhat In grt undrr the }Jridi:e you \\'nuld have tn ,\t f'p .rnur 1riaFI af1cr paddl ing or n)n!nring u11rl11r the bridge. To make mail ers wnr.~P. tile parting lnt \1 as ;iln1ost fu ll brfr•rf' thl' boating season had goltrn intn fu ll s111 ng and ii was mand;i!nry lh:i! 1·nu rettU"n and i:;el .1·our bo<i! out· nf the "arra IJ) 10 p m Sn often I read ;irt1c!rs hn,1s11n,:: ahuul r\r11·pnrl HarOOr bf'1ng such a fine .~m;ill hnat harhnr and I aµrf'f' I 1u~t n tsh then• 11a.~ ~nin "' reasonablr 1l'a.1 tn i;!f'! a boar 1n and nu t of 1!. esprr1eilh a sailhfl;i1 E f' \"A.\' H(llJI\. ~R. Freett'ttf/ S ll99t'"'' i•~tl.t Tn !he E;d1!QJ The issue nf the-C"n;i:-t ~·l"Pl'1,;i1 ha\ be1 n1nP sn cl rJLalrtl nne r1roe~n 1 k111•11 1f 11h11! h!' hrars IS tnJf' nr f:il:e I hr;ir lrn111 Nr11p<1r1 Brach nfri r1rils th;it !hr free11"ay 1s dead and should he buned, .veL the drpa1tmf'nt of tran.~pnr!atlon s!ill l'l- i;;ist.~ it is Vf'ry much aliv r and wlll nn! hr de leted \1'1lhnu1 1he conp,,r;itinn of i'\e"·porl,'s nei gh!Jnnni: c 1t1C<~. dr_sp1te Go1•ernor Reag an's new f)Oh ry toward coast;il free"·ays. Cnsla l\lesa ;ind Hunlini;!on Bcarh bo!h "'an! !heir free"·ays v.·hile Nr11pnrl Beach and Fountai n Valley are again~! a freev.·a~· in their cities. There is a solution tn lhe:se problC<n1s. Rather th<>11 r1um ring lhe freewa.v traffic onto existing slrPel.~ al the freeway's end. I! is quite logical In hnk the Hunlinglon Beach and Nev.·pnrl. frePwa.vs logether at the coast. THE HUNTINGTON BEACH freev.•ay 1Route 391 can be ru n ;:ilong Beach Boulel"ard and the Co11s t Highway ac· co rding to their pl11n, but at the San1A Ana Hiver it curves slight ly to the nnrth, bypassing Ne\vport Shores and. follov.·ing the contour of the land, runs ju:;I south of \\'est 16\h Street (completely wil.hln the Newpnr! Be.ach city llmit.s1 _,nd links up "'ith t11e Ne"'porl Frtt\l'ay (Roule 55 J. The only roadblocks to this solution are Costa ~les;i's de.sire lo ram a frer11·a\' through Ne v.•po rl Beach 11nd Assemblyman Rober! Burke"s infatuation with frf'eways. Laguna Beach says it also netds 11 free11•ay In relle\'e traffic on thP coast. Unfortun11tel y. any freewa y that is not right on the coast v.•ill only bring more traffic to !ht: area PEOPLE \\-'ILL slill wan! !o ufe !he Coast Hi,i:'h11•ay fnr ~:ich llC'rr 0 Th~ dcp:irtment. nf transpnrl;itinn d !his 11 ;i~ true nr Nf'1~·port !lPaf'h ~nrl L~~Un<1 ·11 tr;iff1r prnhlen1 is mutb 11•nrs" A frreway through Laguna ( 11011 11 .:! no! only bring even more traffic to the ;irr:i. but. 11·111 also tear up a major por- 1 ion of !he prnpnsed Laguna Be;sch greenbelt . Thi s free11'<1.v sf'ems 1n exist 0111_1' bec;iusr Sa cr;smenr.o 11•ants ~o make e::ich s1a1r h1ghw.:1y int o a freewa.11 I hii pe our elerted officials consider lhci:e su,i:gest10ns and clear llP this mess in ;i hurrJ DA VID G. PORTER llolla1·'s S tre 11gth Tn the E,d1tnr In rtspon~f' to reactions of Tai;s r\ew s Agen cs to the President"s actiQn relat ing lo An1encan ri1rrenc\'. I submi! !he follov.·ini; · I t il n apf1rl'C'li!le Tas$' l"Ont ern for the sur\·11•;;1 nf L" S. car1tal1.~m. ! sug,!les!, hov.·el"er. thal 1n nrllPr In relie1·e their rferp an xiety. they ohserve thr quick 1Tco1·rr.v in .~trll"e for the Li S. dollar on "'nrld n1arkel s OBSE RVE ALSO : 1 r:11rnpeans accustomed !o fixed cur· renr,v s~·-~1,.ms have difficulty un- rlr rs1rinr1lnl! Iha! l'.S, curreocv is nn1 fix- ed In a gnld standard. only t'he price of i;;nld had been fix er!. 2 Since the U.S. rln!J;ir i~ ~ fi;i! cur- rcncs. 11 has been varying aceordin,i: to su pply anr! rlen1and for sevtral J:enf'r11- ti11n.~ Jn th is ~11nse it is constantly srH ad1 11~r in,i: anrl thrre 15 no hard exchan;:e: b11~1s for devaluation. Therefore the srrri1nhle In re valul' wnrlrl eurreneies 11·ill l)f' rp1·rrs1hle 10 .~horr order. :i Thr se lf adjus11niz dollar 1 il nrs rro::11larl1 accnrdin,i;: In 11.s i;?radu;il ~elf. rlr1 al11;i1 1on \\h1rh 11·e call in fla1 1on l P~~'l ·\~ll AHHOAO h;is bcrn \('r1· ~!1'1ll1 C f Pr 1 • S rln!la r~ a:-drmnn.~tr;:it prl h1 lh,.. hal;inr·p nf !radr f.norls frn1n ;ih,-n;id i!l'J> sllll flnnrl1ni: 1hf' l' S. 111a1 kr 1J1l<1rJ> 111 sr an·h of r:; dollar~ :'i !:nlrl rrsr r1 r~ 1na1nta1nerl in Fl. l\1111x arP nr.! 111 ~1cn 1ficant prnpnrl1n11 1(1 dollars 1n r1rcu!a11nn bt-ca11~e lhf' rln!lrir~ <irr !he real nioney and arp l'<il uf'rl h.v hnlrlrr.~ 111 arrnrd<ince \\'ith lhe good~ and Sf'fl 'ICCS the~r dnl!ar~ will buy . Gold IS hf'ld avail;ihlf' rnr PXchancP \\"ith the .cn1·,.n1n1f'n ls wl11rh place their trus1 in lh,.. harrl rnc tals rarhrr lhan !he economic ';ilue of lhP Intl and con1pensatioo for I oi l Ii In /\n1rr1ea 1hf' dollar is e\•iflenee of the fn11t;<. (lr lahnr anri arf' exchang!d for lhl" 1•nn1fflrts or our affluent e.x1stence Ye.~. Ta~.~. rh"' 1\mencan v.•av i~ still !he hf.'st b.v far and afr e.r the 11·orld Dear t .{'('lrge · I ha1p hf'en rr.ading snm f'. ra ~<·1n.:1 :111~ stnr1es ahoul the an· r1f'nt ChinP'r .:irt nf acupuncture. R,v simpl,r 1nsrrting nrerlles al cl'!r- lain pnio1~ of thP hnd1-. it":; clRimed lh.111. rain ran tlr slopped during operations. H:n·p \'OU ever tried this and does 11 \\"Ork? · CURIOUS Df'ar Curious· I rlidn "! hclie1'e acupuncture cnuld wnrk until I read a fin~ piece or reporting by Scnrty Res!on or Thf'. Nr.11• York Time5 . 1vho underv.·ent an opc.ralion in v.·hich acupuncture V.'i'IS utilized. He ~aid he. felt nn pain. so I lried it. It's m;irvelous : I fell 11b.')nl11tely nothing : (Qf ('(lurse. I added one stighl modification. Ether Nobody .~tirk~ needle:; in me unless rm under total ant:sthesia ' 1 CONFiDENTlAI. TO ~IAR CUS \\1ELR Y II sta.nds for Doctor of l\l ediC'in f' Yt11h, I knnv. it shoulrl rf'afl D fl! . b11t whn ar' you .:.nd I <1 i;:a1n~t !he Ai\! A " ' IQ;; •. _ . . . -~.,,_ r ·· .-·• • .... ~.·-,) r-.- -. ·~-----.... market re;ilizes \1·hat has just heippened the rlollar and Amr:rican capl!alism will be looker! upon as !he leadrr lo be reckone r! "'Ith 1n 11 nrlrlwidr "'cn11nn1Jr.< l\EN'.'iETH E. CLISSl~TT Julr& l 1i11 lt'tt11t A tls To the Erl1!nr· As lhP n1\·ner nf a crn11·1ni: bu~1ness. I 111n rrinstanr l~ ~rel-i1ni.: ne11 Pmplo~·es . In .:idd 11inn In checking wit h !hf' sla!P anrl pri\·ate en1pl oymcn t aµ:f'nr1rs, I ha\"e tried the rla~.~ified pa_i:e' nf 1h1' ne"·spaprr These pages have rrrn rn In be a ma rke t plare fnr hunrl red~ of prn- ducl~ and sr r\·1ce' nvrr !he Vf'ar\. Ye1, 11•hen it cnmc~ In ""emp!nl"mrnt 11 antrr!"' a<I.~. thrre ;i re ~eldnm mnrr than one or !1~·0 lic1,..r! C:on~1dcring thl' thou~anrl ~ nf 11nf'mplnyerf in f)r <i n'.!r Cn11nl.I" rlu ~ ;i s n1~n.v rnorf' who 11 ant to bcrrer !hr1r JObs, this is appall101:( l\IOST Pl·:Ol'l.E turn tu l h~ want "1'JS \\'hrn thry ll';i 11t In se ll a i·a r. rr111 ;i hnu se. huv a T\·. i;ivr ;i11'a\· 11 rat, and a hundrPd olhPr np)l"rt11n11ie<. hut whrn it rnmP., tn the n1ns t im pnrt;i n! thi n!! in !11rir l11r ~. 1hcir cmplnr menl. !he.v nV('r)onk !hr rno,q nbvio11 ~ mrans of Jc/- tin~ pPnpl P knriv.· 1\•h;it lhry ca n dn Thrs.f' s.amr unrmpln.\·cd must ;i!sn fal l lo re arl thf' hundrerls of em r loyn1cnt op- pnrtu n1t1('s hs!rrl J ha\·p arll"crti.<rd fnr h"lfl <l'l l'ral l unr ~ and h.11·r nC'l'r r hild onfl q11~l1f1erl ;ipphran1 apph \\"Hf':R ~'. fl.RE Tl!E thn1f<ll!l't' nr u nf'n1plo1 rrl~ .-\1·r thr1· st,1nrli n,ll II" l1nfl ;it thl' untn1pln~ n1rn! ln~uranr .. w1nd n11 or ·"!I rn{! Ill hnn1 <> 1' ;i trh1n(! T\ ? Thrr1> ilrf' plrnt1 nf ]"h nppnrl •111111r o; In th1< ;irp;i 1\ 111111 '1r11111 n rl ;i ,,1 11,..rl art fhnulrl hi' 1!1" f1r <I 1h1n~ ;i ni;i n nr 11,..rn;in \h'111lrl 1r1 11·hrn hr nr o;!111 11f'f"lrl < rn1pll"I\ · n1Pn1 nr a b111trr ro~111r011 Ril!l!·:f\T I. t::BY Sllf/fJP.'illf~fl., ,,.,,,,,,.,, Tn !he Ed1!nr Fnr 01·er a _ve;i r v.·e ha l'1> be.rn trvin~ tn ::idopl ;i 1ninorll.v grnup fh 1l1I. hut bur ea11rr;ir \' rind rerl ta!W' ar"' n1;i k1n_i: il \"rrv rlifficult fnr 1.<. \Ve 011n our 01rn hnrric. ha ve a hi11· :'I .\car ~ n11I. ;ind are interested 1n ad nptinic: ~ !wll-or-r hree· .vr<i r~lrl J!irl \Ve contacted lhe Chllrlrrn ~ H.,me Sorirf\·. but 1 inrl urli nc Irr-lf'C<il fr "·'· and physic;:il exan1in;111on1. 1he 1·ns1 Jtt.<I (Q i;"r l the rhild in1n our hnmr runs rl11<c to $1.000 There :ire 11lsn \arinus hnmf' check.~ which I con.<idcr In bf' an 1n1·as1nn of pri\"Rr.v \Ve lrird the Or:in l!e Co11n11· \l'r!far~ Bur{'rlll, }J11t the wai!ini;: prriOO 1~ lnng and thP v s;i v there ar" 110 chol rlr·"n ,;iv;iilaOIC . The"re i.~ a ftt of $,1()n In pl;ire it r hilrt in~ hom('. Hrr,. ai:ain. thrrr ;ir~ home che cks to determine rhe su1ta bil1ty of the prrmi~ef. \\'E HEARD TllAT R!l'ers1de l (l11nr.v \\1elfare Bureau ha~ a ~urplu~ nf l\lri.:- iean, Ind ian. ;ind hlark th1ldren. A <'all In lhcm rt.tvr.aled th11t it is not possibJP to arlopl children flUf ~idc y0ur own cnun1.v wifh(lut first .iotninj:! throut!h \"our ov.·n coUnl .v -which puts us right bac k "'hrre 11·,. slarl.Pd. J feel that 1hf' Initial fcP turns all'a1 A Int of prnspcclivr 11dopli\"e fllml ti <'s ""hn c;:innnl a/ford In pa y a large amount. but 1\·ho can 11fford In su ppnrl an.,lht>r child . 1\ll' q11e 51inn at)nut the fer benu: reduced or wail"ed hrou.1;ht this rrspnnsr frnm 11n nran~e Cnunly weHar,. rrpr<'sPnl ;i tJ\'t' · \\"rll . lht' ~la!c likes In rollt'r! 11 ~ 111onr1· .. It ls mi· 0p1ninn !h<11 lhP slatf' 1.~ cristJrig (1.~tlf A lor mnr<' 1h11n it 1s hr1n1Z- 1ni:: in hy mak1ni;: It sn rlllf1r11!I for jteo- pl.r tn arlnp1 on"·anlrd children I~' AD DITION TO l<1~1ni; tl1P 11-100 le"'. !he~ are burdened with the expense of feeding, clothing. and hou sing the chilrl 11111il someone t.ur115 up 11·ho can a/ford ~;.no. r feel hn1ne ehri:~s are unnecessary anrl 11n11·arran!cd In the firs! place , a fa 1n1h• IS not likclv In rlecirtl' to adopl 3 111inn~ity rhi ld withou t ;:i !!teat deal of Jhnughr. They ;irr 0 01 li kely ro bring an.,thrr mouth In fr('d into thP home 11ithout n1ak1ng ~ure !hey ;:i re linanciril!.v c;i pah!" nl hrtr.1!1 1ni:: it Yo11 v.ould al so think th;it people v.•nul rl he l"rr.v happ~ In ha ve .\·nu l1tk e a chi ld off welfarl' r<1ther th;in bringi nJ! anothe r pcr~on in to lhiJ already overpnp11!aled v.-nrld If a n~· of your readers ha1·e 11nv su.o:· ~e~tion~. we 11ould be mos t dclighled lo hea r them . :O.!ICHE:[.~; Bt.:RGES5 21llli2 ,\.lidland La ne Hunl!ngton Beach 92646 C1tlf("11's Se11fe11t·e Tn !he Er!il11 r It's 1nreresli11~ tn nn!e lhal Lt . \Villiam f;iJl p1• .Ir ·.~ lifl' sentrnre for murrlPring 22 Virt na mc~e cil·iJi:ins at ~1 .1· Lri1 haJ IJe!!n red uced 1o 20 ye11r~ 1 DAILY PILOT, Aug. 20 J. \\lh;i!'s 11·or~e. he v.'il! be. eligibl8 fnr p.1rnle aftPr only seven ~·ea rs con· f1neri11>nl. A 2fl-.vcar Sl'n!rnc,. fnr the mur der of n1nt·r thrin 20 pPn;Jle ia unhearrl nf. up until no11 . !h;:it 1.< If Charlrs ~l<1 11snn had rrren·erl rhiJ k1nrl nf senre ncr in the Tate murder raSP, pc nple from rill 01 r r the na tion v.·nuld clrmand aonrhrr In.ii. and ei!htr a lire -"r fU Pnrr nr rhr g;is rhan1her In ~hnr1 , the e11l1rP .\n1r nran JurJ1rial ~ysl em i.•.-nuld hf" rr1t1<·11rd and c:isti;::<1t11d . UO\\'f-'.\'l~H. IJ\'. ( ,111('\"s r~,p lhf' ~tnrv is a d1rf rrr11r Pnf' Fn1· nnP tl 11 na. hr 11 ;i'., cnn1 1cll'rl n( 1nurclr1111~ ;il1 111•~I fi"ou r tunr11 as n1 a11y pr'lple i!~ ,\t ~n ~nn 11'a~ f.-nr annthr.1·. hP w<i~ rlrcl;irrrl ;i 11;ilu1n'1 I hero hv 1hnu,o.1nflS flf /\111 rrl!";in ; for his ar'· tfnn~. Bur. t.he n1a 1n ;i nd n1n.~t 1mp<w1ant d1ffcrenre 1s h1~ s:r n1rncr i! 1·hanre fnr parnle aJter Sf'1·en yr;i rs ;:i~ rompared to the gas chamber. ls thi s JU~l 1ee'.' !\laj. Herman Kassner. ar!.1ng head nr the puhlic infnrm<i tion off ice at Fort l\oicPherson \\•ho niade the announcement public. said '"IT \\'AS J)ETER,\1 11\;ED that lhe co,.. \·ir lion was correct 1n la11• ;inrl f.:icr and lh;it the redured senccnrf' 11• ;i .!I apprnpnate for thf' offense ~ for wh ich hf'. v.•as con1·irterl . ·· Thi~ s1alemenl tnakcs <ihsolu!Pl y no sense to me . Holl' rould a reduced ~cnTrnce he JUSliflP.fl hv lhe kill· in.: nf 22 civih;in~·· This <'ase, it. ~eems tn mr. onl\-scrve:i; !n 11!ustr:ite 'A'hal a r11rc11 the whol e system of n11 lit ;:ir~· law really " C.:llRl S BRODERICK ,DAILY PILOT Rnht>l"I A'. ll°Pf'd, PulJ/1.~l•tr Tllo 111n.~ Kr.et·1/. Erlitor A /bl''"' \V. Bair.~ C:d1tonnl Page Editor Thr Prl11on~I ~~P nf 1he Oatly Pilot ~<'f'k.~ IO 1n!nrn1 ll lld i;Umul~tf! nr:.;irt. rr< hy f'l!""~"ntln;;: lh1s ne11 ~p11rw-r .s 11ri1n1nn~ anrl r11n1 111,,n111r)' nri ff'!p lrs "' 1n1Prf'~t ..i nrl -"lf:n1ftr,11nre, h,1 pm. \llrlUl\!" ii fn nJm tnr l\t' P\rr~•'l'ltl 'l( o•·r rr~rt"r!I' nr1ni11ri$. 11 nrl h~ pre. ~p11qn;: tl1,. rt•\"r'e vJP\\f"llil!• of In· lormrd 1•ti•f',•.,•rs anrl •pikP~Ull"n no lo•p lr.s ol !he d,11 y \rcdnesrl ay .. .\ugu.~t 25. 1 ~71 . / ' I l - . I • 11 W~nridilY, 4~ust 25. 1911 o-.1LY l'ILOT Siii! l'~oi. KITTEN AWAITS FATE AT AN IMAL SHELTER Today's Stray Will Bt Tomorrow's Fertilizer Cats Re~y~led • Felines 'Exec ute d' Dnily By BARBA RA GIUS DI !~1 Dtll~ l'llet S!ftt In this age of ecology, e~'en cab; are being recycled in ln Oran ge County . Today 's stray cat at the c:ounty 's Animal Sheller here is lnn1orrow's fertilizer al Lbe \Vest Coast Hcndering Co1n- pany in Anahein1. Orville t\'lason, chiel of s!1clter services. says more than JOO ca!s are di sposed or daily du ring the summer monlhs. They meet a fate called euthanization. ·which is a painless. inst.ant vacuun1ing process that takes place in a pressurized cylinder. It can be t'Ompared, say!!! J\.1ason, l.o a rapid ascension to 10,000 feel v.·ithou t an oxygen mask. The furry bodies are collected and taken Ul the Ana- hein1 rendering plant, where H1ey are pulverized into fer- tilizer or tankage, v.·hich is used by hog breeders as a fat- tening s\Jmulus. J\IATING SEASON. acco rding to ,\Jason. is at its peak in the feline CQmmunity. The suddcnl popula1ion explosion is the fault of nothing more thnn warming !ernpera!ures and swinging screen dool's. "It's a people problern," s<iys Kenneth \V:J lkcr of the 1helter's adn1 inislrative division. ''If owners insist on keeping their cats out or the housr, they must have them altered surgically. or risk the con- i;cquences, v.•hich come in litters and rnore litters ... Neutering nr spaying operatio ns can i.:ost lro111 S15 to $40. sass \Valker. ThP. off-season for shelters and euthanizers. snys \Valk· er , is aroun d Christn1as. \\'hen children ·~ stocking ('an he fi!led v.·ith kittens and ,1·hen mating is ham~red by the simple fact tha t cats don't \\anl to pro11I lhrough ra1n- fi!led puddles. THI:: ANII\IA L sheltt>r in Ora ng e receives more than 100 kitl.ens a dAy frorn the arn1s of mournful owners \\·ho "can't care for them an.v longer.'' Sorne litters cnm e pac k- ed in shopping bags. Other cats co1ne singly, held by Lhe scruff of the neck by irritated neighbors. Because spa('e, manpo\1'er <ind funds "'ill not permit lhe ghelter 10 bccon1e overrun 11 i!h fl'linrs and placement in adopted hnmr~ cannot be pn.11111.~rrl. the st<1ff must resort to "n1ercy killing~" which is done 011 a $C:hedulcd basis. Stray cal~ are kept only 24 hnurs. Those Hint iire iden- tified are kept up !o five d;iys for i.:lairning by their ov.·11- ers. ALTHOUGH THE shelter's objectives are to protect the welfare of both the public and animals. these aims are often not compatible. Cat lovers \1•ill say th:it a gentle death is cruel prevention or life to defenSE"less kittens. How· ever, others point lo health menaces and general nuisAnce \'Plue and say that the euthanization is justified. "It's 11 simple choice for cat O\\'llers." say~ Walker. Either pre\'ent hreeding by al1ering the cats or pay the taxes to staff animal shelters big enough to a~sure tabby ol all nine of his lives. TH IS OAIL'I' l"ILOT llllt,..... IS TANK THAT TAKES ALL NINE LIVES Up to 10,000 Feet Without Oxyg•n Mask Wtdntsdly, Au1111st 2.5, 1971 ALL VJl:NDOJIE •TORBS .JOIN JN CBLBBRA TING TR.I Prices effec1ive through Tuesday August 3 1. Deluxe Insulated KiJ1$--size ?-<\ uarL ... THURS., AUG. 26th, 9 a.m . Ol<' OUR NEW 10,000 SQ. FT. Party Center .• COSTA MESA Stock up now, at th is low low price! CASE ... 0.14 ~h.~ or matd1 6 or more of lht following and saveanadditionaJ 10%! t-.tartin's V.V.O. Scotch Reg. 17.49 SAVE 3.00. • L:iudt"r's Exira Light Scotch Reg. 1:.49 SAVE .50¢ O!J Charter. 7 yr. o ld Bourbo n Reg, 14.95 SAVE ~.00 .•. Ice Bucket \Vol f~l·lun id t Vodk:i XO proof Keg. 9.4') SA VE .SOJ. •• ·r.111qut:ray Cin. I 1nror1ed 94 proof R,g. 15.19 SA VE I.SO .f4'' ff'' lZ'5 8'' 1369 .f0'5 J1u1 in lime for holiday parties! Holds over 5 I.rays ofcu~s! Choose Avocado, Bright Red or Sky Blue with 1old-fini~ J1;uidJe. Oak Creek Emera ld Bay L ondon Dry Kentuck)' Straight King's Ransom 12-ycar-old Gin Bourbon Scotch .. , . ... ,-, :.'-'979 "~' ., " . ·,'· fit th et ·: ··-··:t -C I N .. ,, , \ ,--·. 1-.:\tr~ ,11, tor lhf pe11c,l 111~111111! ·,. .J R'gul1r 13.99 86·p1oof Chatcau Croi1rt Bai;e.> ·Paull lac VALUES Chateau De Sales -Pomcro[ Ch""" t.1;"""''"·Sl.b1<ph' TO 53.50 Chatcau Phelan sc,ur -St. f )tcphc NO\V ONLY C'h11cau fi1111d Co1d1n Oe~pa~nc -S! I n11lo24 9 Chatctu Troplong Mund Cit · SL J rnil1•n l'l1e of I! -l~'J.50 Los Angeles' Lowest· Priced FRENCH CHABLIS 1967 Vintage -EstaLe Bottled. l'' Chatf'nu CI·IEVAL BLANC (SL ~milon) l 968 \'inlagc very r<rc 4 q S Case f 12 • $50.00 fi fth Re~ubr SJ0.00 Save an c.~tr;i. 10%, buy the CJbc! l:a se of 12 S~3.50 Chatf'nu LAFl'l'E- ROTHSCHI LD tPauillac) 19G8 Vintage Red \Vine 99s ca~e of 12-$100 CO LONI Al rLUB ('re~c de Mrnlhr , Creme de (a<.af1, f1flh1£ B:H:~irdi .Ruin -Light or (~old Reg. 11.85 SA VE 1.00 Red Cas tle Outrigger Pre1niun1 Scotch Whiskey J f 41q ,,u.1r:.i1.11:~ ·-.-.. ;;- filth g(, l)IV1'1f S45.15, d'e VINTAGE SPANISH Burgundy-Chab!is - l ight or Gold Rum w,6t lnd1ci rum - distin ctive flavor Sauierne in l"lalf-GaJlon • Jugs 3. "5 $1.99 ea. for Mix or match 99~ Stock up now, Save $1.50Jqq GEORGE AUBERT CHAMPAGNE "Brul"-lmport al Domestic price ' .. ' ....... .. . .. _._.., Bell 's 86 Proof Scotch ~ ~ 4'' fifth Regular S6J9! S59.S5 ca1e Austrian -· "'"'' ~~} Jmport ~ 995 WEIN HEBER A 1 ru)y eJc~ant wine ~rvcr, con1plc 1e "'1lb. chUk1 tu~. A n 1<le.1l gift! RURGE RMEISTER HLE R I :-07.. CA NS Sa"t 10' on evr1y 6·p•<.k of Burgie! Rrgull1 6 for SJ .19 LIQUEURS &.CORDIALS4 .. 0 111plcSe1.',Coffccandman}'ml)rr ' $ l)flf lll:UBLEIN °' l.6 ~ !"""""'• CASCADE Bl:l:R con:TAI LS I \Ira lJ1)' 1'.l~r11111, ~1~1 fa1 . l1unle1, Mdnhallan . .S cinr.rr, M4ri;ir1ta. D~1qu1r1 Pl L'S lhc New Brii~) Mon~ry, I nd f'l(\fC! EXECUTIVE COCKTAILS 'Yuu t l'ho1ce D~quui, \\.'hl~kcy Sour, }.fai Tai .ind Margu!11. 8·oz. ('aoi SH ASTA aolt d1lak1 Your choice of navors! Diet or Regular 4o cANS ,& FOR 99~ Cotta Me1a only NEW PARTY CENTER Satop 9.4.M-JOPM dally, 9AM ·I lPM Frl and Sal. 2320 HARBOR BLVD . NEA R WILSO N PHONE 545-44 22 In C•M of printing .,,.,, rnini'"u"' prit•t P11Y•il elaarettes REGULAR OR KI NG SIZE IOO's •plus sales tax Costa Mt1a enty 3 1•· carton FRITO-LAY ~- tortilla cblp1 Bu y one pac.k at regular pri ce-get th e second park of these party favo rites FOR ONLY 111 Brvrrly ff ills ..•••••• VENDOME 327 No. Beverly Drive_ ....•. ,...... 274-M26 -OL "°""' CENTURY ?.{AC 'S VENDOME 9816 Wilshire Blvd .. BR 2·2765 -CR 5_..311 VENDOME (Cen1u ry ) 8326 Wilshire Boulevard .•. , •• ,,, •• ,, •• , .653·3335 In W 11/u:ooJ , ••. , .• , •• TONY 'S VENOOME 1790 Westwood Boulevard ,, , ••.. 47'4·3535 • 272-2461 IH llollyu•nod .,, ••••• , .VENDO~fE 1700 No. J·lillhurst ., .• , .. , ......• , .••..• , , , .. NO 3·8080 /11 Gltntl•lt ...•••.• _., VENOOl\1£ (S1a1e Liquon;) 82S W. Gltno•lu .•.•••.••. 247·9)59 -242-0681 In /\lo11lrost·Ltt C•11•d11 .• VENOOME (S1a1t Liquors) 214;\ Verdugo 81., MontrOM .. 249-611 9 • 249-6110 111 Crtnsb•w Art•.,_ •• , VENDOME 3869 San1.1 Rosa lia Ori,·t .....•.. , , , .. , , ... , .... , , 293.9040 FREE OR VAL IDATED PARKI NG AT ALL STOR~S ALL CRE DI T CARDS ACCE PTE D ' r J 31' D.llL y PI LO_r ______ w_,,_,._ .. _._ .. _._._,_ .. _, _<_1,_1_q_71 Tops Taipei Red Cl1ii1a Gain s U.N. Seat Favor TA IPEI \U PI J -Com· munist China now has gain~ diplomatic r~gn1tion of more countries t h a n ~a11onal1st China and thf 1narg1n 1s ex- pecltd to ·widen 1n the future. When 1'urkey, On<:e con- sidered a staunch ally of Taipei. S\\'1tr hl."d re<·ognition frorn ·ra1pr1 tu Peking Aui.t . S I~ ~rore stood at an r\l cn 62- 62. Iran tipped the b.'!lance twn \\'eeks later on Aug_ 18 and made it &.1 to 61 1n fa\'nr of Peking. Sierra Leone in Af ric;:i 1·on- firmed its establishment c1f diplomatic t ies with Pekin~ Friday, nrar!y thrtt week;; after ics d e I e g a t i o n s an- nounced it in Peking. and pushed the mari:in to 64 to fiO. So far <is it is known. several more countrits -s1u:h a~ Belgium and Peru -:irP. negotiating diplon1tJ.1c rela- tions with Peking. Other t•oun- tries in Africa and !'.outh America also rnav sh i f I recogni tion \<o•i!hout · w.<1rp1ng . diplomatic sources said. Despite Peking's nun1cric;il superiorily iil the cliplonia ric ring , the Nation:tlist Chinese ,l!'.O\•ernment i;till be11e vei; 1h<1t it has more friend s th<1n Prk - in.e: does in the v.·orld rnm- munity. Na tionalist Chin;i up until early last year held a com- fortable margin of more than HI nat1on."I in what it railed "d1plornat1c struggle"' agains! Con\n1unist China . It was Canada wh ic h surprised the v•orld by an· nounc1n!{ its del'lSIOll I 0 recognize Pekin~ on Oct. 10, 1970, whi ch slart1·rl 1hr d(lmJoo rea<'!1on 11ga1n~1 T;l1pe1, S1nt e then a tol;il or 12 na- tions h<i\ e lnllfl\'l"ed suit N11t1onal1st Ch1nc~t> oflir1als, v.·hile fechn,i: helplei;i;_ ;ire "'al t•hing for a s1 i:!n that this trend 1s stoppin g H not rrvrrs- in,i:. •· !t i.~ like an aval.<inrhe Hui f'\'Cll an avalanche has to f'nd S(lmf'11'here ." nne offici al in Taipei n::n1arked. Rut the Nt1t1onalist Chinese auth1Jrit1cs said that thev cou ld nof. fnrsee the end until after President Nixon retu rns from his pl.1nned trip lo Prk ing /ll'XI \'('llr . Thr I· S rno\'e for redo~ni hnn of !he Peking govcrnn1f'nt n111v not come until quite some tin1'e later. Rut "'hf'n 1t dnes. 1hr Nalinnalist G hi n e :i: e i::nvrrnrnf'nt. knnw1n.e the in- fluen ce Amf'rirtt still holds nver other nation:=.. feilfS Iha! ii mav trii::gl'r .:1 n n I h r r ;:ivalanChe nf r nu n ! r i e s recngni7.ing r.1t1inla11d Chin;:i . Strikebou11d Ships Live in Ow 11 World SAN f RANCISCO (AP I - The sailors be<'almed on thr strikebound ships in San Fr;in- cisco Bay are doing ju::;! what all becalmed sai lors usually have to do-chi p rust and pain! Some 17 ships 11re anchnrcd in the bay. and about 40 tied up at various docks. Some are American. but most a re fo reign ships waiting Io unload. 'Thf' authority fflr the cnn- ditifln.~ ahoard the shi ps 1s Tom Escher of thr Harhor Tug and Barge Co. "·ho makes rc gular rounds collerlin.it l!arbagr. "Each of thosP. 17 ships and lhf' men out there N'e really in their nv.·n 1il11e world.'" he said. "and that Yt'orld is the ship." "1\nd what they do in lhat v.·orld depends on their c;ip- tain." Escher said l'. Tanka, <:h1rf mate of the 10 ,023 -tnn ,Japanese freighter Toten M<1ru told him the crew of 31 nf- ficers and men are becoming "veD' C(lmpl;.i ining." "They are anxious fc1r Japan." said Tanakti. In the month the Tolen P.1aru has been anchored here \\•Ith a cargn or steel pipe and coils. the crevo ha~ been "pain- ting. :i;cr ubbing . ch i pp 1 n g . sightseeing. doing ~ n m e reading_ listening to records and playing baseball wi!h nthrr Japanr:;e ship " ashnrP.. The Crf'w \~ a!lr1wf'd ashore onlv during rhe day. he s;:iid. beCause nights 10 San Fran· ciscn "m1glll he v f' r y dan,i:ernus _•· "S;1n Fr;:inr·1scc1 is not a plal'r for sean1en any more," s1ghf'd second m;it e An!hon.v Sh('l ln1 :in nf the Swedish freighter l\anai:{lora. Th ing.~ are tough all over, he 1n- d1r111f'd. •·Ynu knoYt' th al -...·orn1•11"s l1bcrat1on ~l uff~ \\1f'"Ve gn1 1! in Swt'dcn !no " "Rut a lot of us ha\'e gond cnnnrct1nns in Japan," he s.<iid, !':IS\1ng a longing look nu1 through the 1;t1ld en (;a!P in thP genrral d1rcclion of Dr11 ~ihnn. 1\i,·o &lv1e1 lreiRhlers, lhr Knn~tant i n ra11stnusky and thf' Sulr.vrnan Stauskiyr, f'K- tended 1radiru1nal Hus s ian hospilal1t.v rccrn1!.v to a bnt1lload of 2.) SE'a Scout.~ frnm Beln1nn t. cruisi ng a r n 11 n <l !hem . The in vi1cd th E' m aboa rd . Thr cnsuin~ Hussi;in party "'as fo llo wed by an 1nv1 tat1no from !he Se.i Sco ut:i; fnr 29 Russian scan1rn to dinner in 111 Peninsula homes h.1• vannus parent s of lhe cadets, The rrs111t 11·.is ::inother conVl\'1al rvrn1og. 41 1'la1·~a1·~t· ~ Prin ce.~.~ Do e.~ V1 v11. Tli ing LO~[)()l\J ~l'P l t -Fnr ~1a rgarPI onre said r>f her Princes." lll;ir·g;irrt. life a! ~n Is a rime (or dninii mnrP fl f hl'r own 1h1ng The years th;it ha ve added " frv.· pounds and Jll"I a wh1spcr of 3 dnt1b!e r hin !o !hP rn1 ;i i fL~ure al~ ha\·e !il1rd frf•m her .~hnu ldf'rs much of the royal respons 1bil1l~· On her 41st h1rthdt1y 1\11~ 21. Queen Eli7.ahe1h·S l1t lle 111ster finds her hf P more her nwn :ind less the Ho~al Family 's. The event ilselt y,·as in- dicative. Last yrar. sh e celebra!ed the event "'Llh lhe rest of the Royal Family. She f(lu nd her self involved in a controversv over her latest Portrait The British Rrnad- casting {'_.(lrp. 1 BRC1 trum- peted the doings 01,cr a n:i~ linnwide rad io and telf>vis1on network. For this hirthday. Mar~arrt and her hu.~hand. lhe ~:;irl or Snowdo n-still m a r r i e d , despite a recurring ~patr l'Jf ruinors-were quietly ii n d privately vacationin~ 1 n Sardinia as guests o{ the Aj;la Khan. Later thP.re will he '"" of- ficial royal birthday p11rty. But it will be a small thing, Buckingham Palace says. and even the date i11 uncertain. Princess Margaret rrmains fifth in line to thP. t hron~. behind her sister'~ f o u r children. But the royal dulics aM once handled failhfullv if not al ways happily-the chari- ty appear11 nces. !hf' ship launchings-now have fallf'n to the nev.• .,::eneratlon 11 n d Princes!! Anne, hrrsclf 21 nn Aug. IS. "She'• toogllcr than I was,'' ntrr" Allhr11a:h :-hr s!Jll rnin.v.~ an orc;is1on11.! dance into !hf' Wf't': hnu rs. l\1:irg;1rr! h:i s ,i:radua!I~' i 'l1! hf'r tics ""1th thr nighlcluh :-;r! 1n la \'<'f nf infonn;i l dinnr:r p<1rt1c~ at ht'/' "grace and h11 r•r" home 1n Kensington Pala f'e ,<.;hr of!en cooks lhf' s!eaks ;iprl SnoYtdnn tossr.~ th e salads Sht> rcmains clnsf' 1(1 thr Quern 1\lothcr. hrr stc11diest frirnd and tnnfirlante du nnii her rr[ltlrl.ed nlarital rifls. and .~nn11•!1nH·~ srr~ Princess An ne "'ith ll'hn shf' sh 11 r f's an in!rrr~t in !hr latest fa shion s. Rut !he gap betYt•ee n Ruck· ingh;un Palace iind Kf'ns- ingtno Palace is Yt'idening_ f\1a rgarf't r;irel,\' visil~ Quren F:li;r.abeth lht•.~f' da ys. Rnd her meeting~ 11·Hh Prince Charles. hf'ir tn lhe rhrnnr , are rarer still. The d;:irk -haircd Princess still rnjoys the limelighl-but oflc n ii turns into a Jo!l:ire of rr fl•"rls Ih a! her 1 l·yc:ir mar- n;ige w i I h pholoj?rapher An1hony Arm~trong-Jones is f\11 !he rOC'k~. This ye;:ir wai; M different. A! nne point, newspapers in !hf' l'niterl S!al rs carri!'d reports or a ron1 ;ince between Sno .... ·don and Ladv Jacqueline l sa;:ie~ 24-yea r-old d11ughter of the f\1arquess or Reading. TherP werr. pirlurP."1 or the two !ogc lhrr a! a tahlc It turncd 0111. to be ii partv 11l\'Oh 1ni:: a1 1 e :i .~I 5(1 n"r~ !!'"' 1nrl•ull11(! Pr1nrr \• ~1 11r,1?:arr! ht'r~('l f R11t 1hr ru rnn r ~ ti l t h11 r <l , 11 lth'll11lh-f'~rrpf fnr n n p tnuch\' nl0r\'1rnl in f('h1·u11r1 . l!'llii !hr rri·manrrr·r nf !hf' marriii~,. nr1·r.r h111> bren really douht ed THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY thru SUNDAY, AUG. 26, 27, 28 & 29 Do-lt4 Yourself BUILT-IN BAR-B-Q "Lei Our Experts Show You Ho w Easy II Is To Build Your O wn Cu.stom BBQ /" De lux e Features Include: V" Chrome-pla ted heavy duty grill w_!lli adjustable firebox. V Easy to clean, porceloinized finish. V 16 inch x 18 inch cooking grill-to kes rough opening of 18 3/~ inches x 19 inches. REG . $24.99 SAVE $10.00 ON THIS SUPER BUY/ 6 Ft. PATIO UMBRELLA • Six ribbed co111trut1 ioo. • Tubulor oluminum pole, • Flowered vinyl fob r;c. • Ad ju11oblt !il1 . • F1ing t rr;m oll around. REG. $14.99 SAVE $4 .001 Genuine Pincor Pincor Self Propelled REEL MOWER D11lu•e F11atu•tt lndudt . V 2 •;, h p. Bri gg1 .t S!r attan enqinf. i."' All 1teel lromt wit h prec:u100 groun d ref'I held in 1eal t d btoring1. V Belt .t chain guo1d c:over1 to in 1ure 1ofety. V Cutting height odju11t from 'Ii" 10 2 1/i ". V Ad iu1tablt 1peed & clutch conrro!1. REG. $99.95 THE BEST BUY EVER! ANAHEIM :111•4 W, ll"(OUI !JOO TAI DI I Alf Of U OOltH\ltlfl "'401orl 114·1l00 ... I 2nd BIG WEEK!! WE BOUGHT OUT A DISTRIBUTOR'S ENTIRE STOCK OF CERTAIN ITEMS AT COST ••• AND WE'RE PASSING OUR SAVINGS ON TO YOUI REMEMBER ••• STOCK IS LIMITED! HURRY! 100 °/o Latex REDWOOD STAIN • Newest stain & sealer, •Thin & clean up with water. • Beautifies & protects. REG . $3.99 SAVE $2 .501 11Who1 s That Behind Those Foster Grants?'' Pkg. of 2 MOUSE TRAPS • The tried & tru • melhod for getting r>d of the pe1ky Cff!!t '1. R£G, 2Sc 12' Plcg. of 2 Commercla l Grade 12"x 12" CARPET TILE • Thi1 ii the bette r grode -mode for lof'lg wear. • Cu1hion-bocked- eo1y lo install with double-bock 1tic:ky top1. • 6 t olor1. .. o. 59• 27c SAVI 32c ea 1 O Inch High KID'S TV STOOL • A porfocl perch for the kidJ--0110 handy 1!001 for hard to r.ach 1pob. • Smoothly 1onded a nd roody to fi nish. 110. $1.19 69' Famous Foster Grant' SUNGLASSES • You r choice of a ll the most popular me n's & women's styles. • lenses ore polarized fo eliminale glare. • Pic k up severa l pair al this fantastic sol e pric e. VALUES TO $7.99 SO°lo Off! Speclol Blend 3 in 1 OIL • SAE 20 wt. 101 lubricating moto r1 1/. h.p. or larger. • Non-,ludging- won't run off. RIG. 39< 19~ ... It's Ne wl It'• Greatl BAR·B·Q FIRESTARTER • Fill wi•ll crushed' otwspcrpt r-top w ith briqu•ts ond in no ti111 e your c:oolt are white hot. lullt to Sell for $2.99 69' famous Yale• BIKE LOCK • Safeguard your bikel • ll:u1tle11 solid tale. • ll:ust te1 i1tont 1feol shoe.kl•. • 4 di1c tumblen. • Jut! in time for bock \o school I ·99~9 '.ft) ovr~A;:.001 I/ ~ ltNO,_ ~ .... \ :- .. •' GENUINE PRESTO ® ALUMINUM PRESSURE COOKER "lets You Cook Foods Without Cooking The Goodness Out!" • Speedy pressure cooking retolns all the natural protein & vitamins. • Sturdy, 4 qt. stamped aluminum c•oker. •Presto cooking assures faster, better cooking. REG . 111.99 SAVE s3,001 1/, Inch x 100 Ft. SISAL ROPE • Greo1 for hundreds of home & 1hop U1t l . RIG.$1 .1 5 49' BATTERY BOX • Fits moo 1tondord marine bolll':rie1-1T1od1 of laugh polyelhylen•. • ll:e111t1 salt water, acids, 901011ne- with 1t1op & broc~et 1. REG. $3.9.S . ',, ___ .............. _ .. __________________ _ • " ;- . ·~ ·' . '• .... •'· .• <-., ·" ,.,_ Auto LITTER BIN • leo~proof, unbreakable pla1tic b;n fih over cor floor bump. • U11 for litt1u or 01 a cotch-oU, RlG. If< . 59' WIRE BRUSH • Prt por• !h• 1urfoct befor• you poin!. • 13 inch CUrv•d-back hond!t hot 3 row1 of ) I/, inch tl•el bri1tlt1, RIG. ,., 19' ~ ....................................... .. .... One Quart . PAINT REMOVER ~. • ltemove1 oil type1 of point, vorni1h and lacquer from any 1urfoce. •for inte dor or •~lt1 ior u1 1. llG. ttc Woven Grasa BEACH MAT • Ideal for throw rugt, picnic mots, bec:ich. • JA V2 inchet wid• • 66 inche1 long. llG. lie 59' ,•; .. REMEMBER ••• THIS SALE ENDS SUNDAY! He•YY Duty LOPPING SHEARS • Strong, forg ed steel blades for cutting woody branch es. • Slip-p roof vinyl cushio n grip. •Styled ftr com fortable, untiring u1e--overall lengt h: 22 inc hes. REG. 11.99 SAVE 66• Skokie' 30" BOW SAW •JO in ch blade of 1h1 hiQh t u quality Swed ith t r1el-111bulo1 11111 from1 1 • Cu11 on both for- ward & backward ttrok11. RIG. $'.•t $249 WOWI SAVI $2 .00 SAVE $4.001 Kiddies TABLE &. CHAIR SET • ~lurdy tubular 1teel-buih to ti:ike 011 lh• Wtor' teor th• kid1 c•n give th •m. • 1'" 1quore folding labl• &. 2 cho ir1 . • Toltle top' 1eotJ cov•r•cl in washable vinyl. llEG. $9.99 As Seen on TY I VEG·O·MATIC • Slices & die•• cs fast as electric machines. • Hig h quality cost aluminum , stainless steel blodts, high im pact styrene housing . • Safe, simple & easy to use. As Adv•rtlled on TV for $7.77 HUUTI UMITID TO STOCK ON HANDI POUllTAIN VALi.iT .,,... •• MOCMOMllT 1100 T.1.10110\IJM or W.1.IHllJ ""°"" ····))11 .I Wtdnt~~y. Au9u1t 25, 1971 F ,\itlll, l ' C'IRCllS CAIL V >ILCT !;!.I_ 1>11 Bii Kecuae "MOMMY !" U.S. Influence W indirig Dowri B,v PHIL NE\\1SOi\I UP'I 'ert!1n Ht"'l .1.nlln ! As United Stales troop strength declines in South \'il't11:11n, US. i n f t u r 11 c-t' declines similarly. lJ o I h n1il itarily ;:ind political!~·. 11.lilitarlly an exam ple n1<1.v he dra\\'n rron1 I a s t February"s incursiun 1 11 l 11 Laos. pri1nanly a South V1el- n3111csl' opcra1i u11. The Gn1tcd Sl:i!cs believed th11I \1•1\h !'ein· fo rcen1enls the Sout h V1rl- na111cse could h;i ve sla~·ed longer and tl1c operation yield- ed 1nore profil;ible result~. It was Sou1h Vietnan1 Presi- dent Nguyen V;in Thieu who decided thal politlc;tl lusses 1rould be greater th;111 the political ~·1i11s and pulleLl. his troo11~ back. Pnlitical ll . Thieu 1~ lhe United St;;le~ choice to suc- 1·ccd hin1~e!f a.~ presiden1 :is a n1e a11s of lurthering Solltli V1rt11u1ncse stability. Jl clul's not. ho v.•e\·cr. 11•ant his 1·1ctory to be so OV('rhwhcln11ng as In invile chOT!;<'S 11f ele1·tton n~- Thieu :.uHers fru111 110 sucll seruplcs. ln 1967. Ttiicu \\'Vil r1tllcr ;igll1ns t ;i firld of 10 othrr l'lt!l· clida le.-. 111th only J:'i percent 01 tile vote. lie 11\IS nu int enl1un of being a nl inorily 1lresidc11t again This !<ipri11g , b,1' 11H?ans hi.~ tTi1i t'S h111·e c:11lr.d qucs- !1on;1b!c. he pushed through pllr!itunenl an clcctlun IL11v re- quiring !hat presidential c:1n- didales obl 11in ~ 1g n a t u re s f'ilher of 100 e1 ly or pro vinr:ial 1·ounc1l n1en ur 40 lron1 rlLJ· Ilona! leJ:;islators. Ostensibly. lhc ILi\\ WLJ~ 111 tended to prc1•cnt a11 u1er- abunda11ce 01 pres1drnl 1,1I rari· dtdatcs. Bui 1 t.~ cflctl ha.~ lwcn l11 han fro111 the ballot Vice I 'rr!iirl1~nt :Xguyen C<io l\y. one o! h1ii; mosl outspoken and 5lron:.;t•st rival~. J\y a nd lht o t her strongesl candidalt, (;en. Guong Van l\llnh (8ig 1\1inh i, had agreed that l\1inh 11ould draw hi.~ signalure ... fro rn arnong n a I ion a I legislatorii; and Ky would aet his in the provinces. 1\l1nh got his but Ky found tha t Th 1 e u . foresightedly. ;1lreatly had lied up most of the µrovintial councillors, thu11 preve nting his candidacy. The result is to givl! the OcL :I elections so n1ething or the a\1pearance or sha ving the point ~pread in a crooked b11sketball game, and to em- bll1Tass the United States, 1' h i e 11 has indice.l.ed he colildn"l care less. lie sees no re:.iso n v.·hy he should 111ake things ea~y fol" either of hi! rivals. Ile did not fenr l\y as a n r!eetion rival but he did be lie\'e Ky 1ni ghl t:ikt rnough votes fro111 him to let Big: .\Jinh UL ~1 111h 1~ a Buddhist in <!I µredo1111nan tly Buddhist coun· Ir~· ;ind 1s a hero of lht1 n\crthn)1\' uf the late president /\'go Dinh Dieni in 1963. lie is a t·andidale on a peace pl:1llunn pled ged to a recon- 1·ili;;tion of a!I South Viel- n;;111e...:e e!einents and a j)IJltlicaJ solulion or the \\'Ill'. Thieu . a Run1an Catholic, U<isc.~ his plalfo1·n1 011 four no's -no coalitio11. no neutraliza- tion. oo territorial concessions :u1cl no upe11 Con1munist llC· t11·i1y in South Vietnani. Al present in the United States for tonsultations in \Vashingto11 1.<i U . S . .a111- ha~~ado1· lo South Vletna1n Elb wurth Bunker. He is ex- lll'l'll·cl lo 1· e 111 :.i i 11 in \Vashington about a 1veek. It 11·ould 1101 he surprisirig if. under lhe circu1nstances. he :-hould \1 1sh he 1·ould stay in the Unit ed State"' until the ~n 11 h \'ietnan1e1 e election.~ ..ire all r11cr. JI?K PJa1111ecl le> Bridge China Gap-SaJinger LONDON 1.<\Pl -Pierre Salinger sa.1·5 lhe late John F. Kenned y intended to l1se a sf'- 1.:ond tern1 111 the \Vh ite House to hridge the gap bet\\·ce n tile United St<1!e.s and Co1n111unisl C.:h1na. a.~ Pres1clcnt N1 xfl11 ll(!I\ is st rivi ng lo do. Salinger. press secrct<iry !o Kennedy. 1nade 1hi:i1 report i11 an i11terview with the British Broadcasting Corporation rr- cordcd July. before Nixon announced his plAns to visit China. and broadcasl today Jn the prepared text. Sal- inger also said President. Ke11- 11edy never in!P.nded major escnlation in Vietnarn and ;ilways c-ontended on ly the South Vielnarnesc could ~o!vc their problem 1'lilh the Con1- n1unist North. An interviewer asked Sa l- in ger if it was true that Ke n- nedy negle<:l.ed lo educate thP An1erican public on the necU for relation~ with Peking "Every Atner!can preside nt from 1946 to 1970 can be e<111- ''lcted of the s1tn1' charge.'' Salinger replied. "The irn· menst popularity or President Eisenhower could very well ha ve been used to lead lhe American people to un- der11t1nd that we ha ve to have relations w i I h C.:ommun1st ChinR. "White T arn not a ~real ad- mirer or tht N Ix o n Ad1n lnis tralion. the one thing thev h11ve dnnc \\·hich ha'I been ver'y sensible has to try to THE BEST T:··~d··1'"h1p r• .111 ~ pr .. vl' "f'r·nnut:f' l'I \Jllf' vf lhC. ""rlcl'~ 1111'1~1 1~•p111 11r ''''" !< ~tn1•~ l:ro rl ii d11lly In U1r 1 •,\II _,. 1·11.1 n n101·e i\n\erican public opin ion ill [IJI;' direction 0 r un- di·rslandini;: and acc11pting a relationshi p 1\•ith China. "'President KCnnedy 1\'Cl~ l'lcctecl "'ilh a very s1nall n1:1rg111 li e iooked on the presidency as an eight -year Ol'CUpation and I think he \l«Juld have been reclected in 1!16~ w1thoul an y trouble wha tever. A 11 d he alwt1y~ had China marked as ll part of policy for the second four .vears nf his edminislr8tion. If he had lived he would hl VI! mo\•ed forward to relation~ ~·ith China durin& those four ye1tr11." S<ilinger conceded that Ken - nedy escalated A m er i c an strength in South Vietn111m frorn a rnilitary n1i~sion of 800 nien to 16.000. Thi! role w11" p.;issive. !hough, and there were only 12 Ameri<'&n! killed In 1ha t time.. ht .!mph1sized. "Non•. there's a i:reat leap from that belier to putting 1 half mill ion men in Vietn1m a!f Prtsident Johnson did and crenlin~ a land w1r in A~i•." he went on. ""President Kennedy ntver had the idea that Vietnam was a bottomless. endle!!s com- n1itment so far as the Unlttd St.ate..' was conctmed. The month befort. he "''' killed ht stated lhat !ht flnal ana\y1llf the onl y people who could '*"' thRl ll'R r or lo~I!' that wer were !ht South V i t t n a me•• themselve1. "' Slllln11er 11 ct u std lht military fead trs of in· f \uencin~ lht Whllt llouse into tht• hugr ~scnlA !ion of 1~1an powcr The Ct"nl rii l lntel:1. ~t11rc• 1\~t•1ey .-h1·ay~ w :.t J ai;a1nst it, he said " J4 DAILY PIL OT • " • : ' \ -- ·' AJ ... 1tl ((flt flf.(), ,, ,·t., ·~.f r .J, • )13 '· '""Ji ; - • 011 e 1·11tio11 197l ' ..... ' . . ~· . \ ,,,,.. • •• . ' .. -·~ ' "' • . ' UPI f f ltoho!I Hi t Ca11111ai 9n T 1•a i l Lindsay's Ba cl\:e1·s Fa11 Out I See oy Today's Want Ad s B\· l\11KE SHAl'\AllAN 0Auotl11W Prell Wrl!tr \VASHINGTON 1AP 1 Young, a111ateur bt1ekers of John V. Lindsay have begun fanning out across the country hoping to conv ince the New York n1ayor and Dcrnoc.:rat1c party pros that he ca n take the presidency. Organizers say they urged Lindsay to run fo r president four months be fore he an- nounced he had switched from the Republican to· l he Democratic party. They said they are 1vorking for Lind.say 11·ithoul either his support or encoura~en1ent. Leaders of the Co1nm1Uee for a Choice are Chris Jonas. 26. the bearded vice president of a Ne11· York i111porting firn1, .i nd his brother Stanley. 24 . " moustached graduate studen1 At a news conference Chris • Jonas said L i n d sa y .for - president organizat ions arf' ::icti\'e 1n 15 cities and aboul 300 college ca1npuses. A iust-t·o1n pleted meelLng in \Vashington 1\•as designed tu pull lht volunteer groups under a single urnbrel!a :ind lczunch a voler-registr;;tion driv e a1nong ne1"I Y cniranchiscd 18 -to -~I -)'e:ir • ol ds. Ile said the co rninittec hope~ lo mobilize the kind of ha cki ng forn1er Sen. Eugene :\lcCarthy receh•ed in hi ~ 1968 bid for lhf' presidency. lhnu~h he s<11d Lindsay's appeal 1<; 111u~·h d1t- fe rcnt. Lindsay was held off sa.1·u1i:: 11·hether he ~·ill be a canchdatr in 1972 in any of the presiden- tial pri maries. and Jonas said one of th eir purposes 1.~ "'to put pressure on lhe n1ayor to run." e Till~ JS liOOIJ t-OR Oen1ocr11\1t': contest to unseal LAl-t ll!"I~ 'Ill ~~ K.IUS !:'\ . Richard Nixon has been a ,\ 1963 V\V au .... 1 t"~ In bore,'' Stanley Jonas said. ~ood runn1n@: co1k.1111011, ··'fhe Deznoc rats 5 e e m \ t''lll't1;illy lhe 1 11 c>~. brak· determined lo lu rn 1 0 " f'::. anti cl ulth. 1.Jxik 11 Ufl 1 1n 1he \Yant Ad~. candidates frorn rural states."'! • DO YOU \\',\.'\T TO Li ndsay can draw support f\NO\\ 1·. X ,, L T LY rro m the 75 to 80 per cent of \l"!ILRC: rou STAND?:"~ An1ericans -,...·ho live in urban Then· arr Gevtl(':.I•' Do111~ <ircas as the n1an best ahle to 1 1-aniC'~ 23' d1a n1etC"r, Z:>i2 sol\"e the proble ms nf thr rcdll'ood , lhal havl' 111Ptal cities. he said. i'QOOC('tor.~ & bol ts. \\'1ll <"llns .Jonas .~<11d 1 000 tr;iUr for almo:.1 anything. \·o!untcers are wurkiog acti ve--• \\"llY NOT SIL\RE YO UR l.v in New York, and Chica301 HQ:\IE \\"ITH ,\ Darl111@: "rganizrr fi1('ha rd llo\tzn1a n JlllPP:-0 that ls pan Bas.- :-.<1 id 22 .0IJO a re busy in Jllinois.1 ~rrr llou ·1 · Th".v ilr!' C fir s a i d or1:cinizat1ons1~,,,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~"""'"'"'·,' ,",'',1.~~~~~""-' 1·apab)(' ()f ~·ork1ng r 0 r1 Lindsay 11·111 he srl up 111 each of the prcsidcollal p1·1mary ::.tales Of part1('u[ar unportancc. he said is Florida ~·here 0111-of- .~lalt' co llege ~tudent~ bPtwren 18 and 21 1vill be ablf lo vote Nearly E ver yone Listens to Lander s .\ 1ca1n (J[ S~rlnc_\· L nl\cr:-.1\y \etcri11nrian s perforrn tl1r b1ggcs1 opcrot1on in !hr 11nivcrs1I\ · .. h1 ~torv on T;ira . a 111•0-ton r lcph ant She !1ad a11 abdon11nal tun1or rcn1ovcd 0 lha1 11<1 ; 1hr ~1zc of a foo tball, J)ol'1ors ~a.v 1t rould ha ve ea uscd her dea th "Up until lh1s l in11> lhe on !heir 1·ampuscs 1~~~~~~~~~~--'~~~~~~~ CJ1i111lai11 Vie\\TS War Clergy JJ rolcs lers l 't1llecl '/ 11ini al11 re' \\'AStll\l;TQ\ 1 l"P I • Behu1d his de!'~ 111 lhf' Forreslal Building. al'ro:.s lhe Po!omac ll11 er lrun1 th!' Pen- tagon, hang!' a plaque 1h;1t r<.:<1d.~: "'l.vrd. n1;1ke 111e ;:in ui- i;trunH.·nt of t h~· pe;j<.:c ·· The Ari111 's lll'll' i'h•l'{ of 1 ·hapl;:i1n~ .. \.laj c ien . (~t·rha l"rll \\'. 11.vall. t rel.~ ~t runi::l .1 1h:11 ll<lr ls 11Tung. But he al.~o teel.<> that clergy111rn 11ho da1n11 tlH• milit<iry i111d counsel ~ uuth against scr \'111g in \'ir \11;1111 are i111maturc. I think an.v h<.·l1r 11·r -11·hethcr he L" C;;lhol1r . "r : Protesta o! or .Je11 . or 1f !1r .; rloesn'1 ha1·c ;i n•l1-::uin is "against 11 ar. ··H.1al l ~aid i11 au intervir11 ·· 1 hope !ill I l1opr ·: 11e "rt> ;'.!I a_gu 1n"1 11:1r as i1 · satislactor~ ~olut ion fo." proh • lr-tn.~ •• ··But n1ank1nd ha~n t ,1 1'1 • become so pcrtrctcd 111 it.; moralit v that 11•r 're hl'Lnl! 111 !hat e11viron1nen\ ~\ankin{I still looks on war a.<; a satisfactorv so!u1Lcu1 10 i11- tcrnationai problen1~ Llnlr.~<> lh;:rl c hanges. \l'C 1nu~1 bf prepared lo den! 11 ith 11 ' A Luthe.ran. H1 an has .~i'r11 ~111e s~·nod s · 1v1\.{i111 ti i ~ denominat ion take ;1 p11hl1r • stand th;;t n1 en hn1·e the ri~ht lo decide agii1 nsl lif(hl111g 111 a p articu lar ll'Jr. pro1·1decl !ht;1· ;ire 11,ill in ~ to pay !he pru.:t' nf thei r decision. "It 11·as a 1'c1'.1' i:r;1tu11ous ~tateme11l. and ont' 11·hii·h they \\"ould ha1·e been 111ul·h better -off not making. because 11 did • not take a n1or;il IXl!i1tinn." he said. Of anv religious leaders 11·hn !'lpc.<lk Out af(a i11~l th r-11:i r 10 \'ietnam and thr m1l1t;:r1 111 general-and thr fr11 11hu ha1·t voicf'd ~ll\)l)fll"t fur 1h1· \"1c.I Con~ :ind ;-.or1l1 \"1c1 name::.f. he .;;aul ' 0<1 n1n1n~ the 1n1l 1t.11 1 I· a ( :o ll Cl!C:-i .i\dd 6 r'E Classc:-; hllle h11 in1n1ature T h "' 1n1 ht;ir_v 1s a tool of nat1on;1t purpo:.t" JI dor~ 11 hat 1!'s told. A ~ tor t ho~e th;it are (·h een 111t 1hc 111]1rr sidr 1ir1-J11d th('rt' :irr ~un11· doing 1!-lt1a1 1s ;i lil tlr higgr r prnblen1 th;11 JU:-.t l lt1'11Ct1 Ufl1~ ··Therr ;1rt· 1n;111~, rn an.v l'li•rgy 11 h(l h:1rr ver.1· s111cc1·e (·11111 1c1 ions. Sonic of thrm ex - pre."s their l"011v\ctio11s. Others n1f':1SL11"e lhrir knowledge of 111<' sub1et ! ;.ind clec1dr-therC' !!' so 111uch thcv don't kno111 thal 1hl'I' should .gi1·e their nat ion the. h1~11efit of the doub! ··The onf 11ho are 1nosl i·:1utiou.~ 111 tl1e1r staten1cnts <ire the 11ne~ 11·ho know !ht' 111os1 and read lht' n1os1 <ind :-.t ud y the niost .. 11 1':1\\. :i:i. be1·:11 ne 111e l'l11C'f 11! 1·h;i pl;11ns Aug I ;i f!er ;i 111 1l1tar'\' {"arecr span111 n;.: 26 l'rars lron1 thr biltllefie\ds nf l\nrl'a to 1l11· lrup1ral ht'<'J nf \" 1cl nanl Hr t1nd.~ htr <I"' ;i 1111l1t;1rl' i·ll'rgv man-whethcr n11 the haulef!eld or al ii sta1c~idr pos1-more rrwt1 rdu1g lha11 a 1·1111la11 pulpit • 1 think lhr t·11·1li:i11 l'ICI'~\' nl trn 11·ant lfl pull the seeun' 11al!~ 11f thr parish ;.iround thcn1 ;ind , a~ the r :>i:pl'csston goc~. l<t kl' ll':l 11 ilh \IH' ,:1 1111,·." hr ~a id lll :1tt .:;;id nnr of tl11• 1110:;1 1 hnill'll!:!lng iireas tor h1" 11 0•\.. h !he 11ppor\u 111\1 to 11or k 11 1l h 1oun" 111t·n ll"hn ha1·e t1lund !l1r l·hur~h has hlt l~ 10 ofler thc1n . "[j":; ~ O m e 1 h I 11 g" tht• 1·hurrhrs ha1r n't laced 1111 tfl scr111ush·-h11w to 11h;1~c vuun~ !'o<>oplr int o th{' ::l('I 11! t"ht1rrh 11pt'k" hr said '"\Ir 111 the 1111 1Ltar-i ;ire 1nu1·h n1orr -111·· , e:--.ful :11 11 than 1·111li;111 1·h11n·hrs. hu1 Ir~~ su1·1'l'~sful 111:111 11r ~ho1illt hr Tln.' 1~ ;..!fl1n~ !11 hr 11nt· ,,f n111 hi;! rt1·11 rs 111 1111' II!'\\ le11 l l ;ll'~. In hl'lp l.t•('p 1i1P11 Ill 111<'11 li'f'll·· :<11d ~Os n1111·r 1n l('1·r~tcd 111 lht' ~·hun·h ·· lh• ,;11rl 1 11~ ·\1·1n1 h.<• •'ll l !1011 and 1u 11 ork nut personal problems. Horn 111 ,\leHor1. Saskat- 1·he11 an. I lyatl 1·an1e lo lhr- l '11111>d ))l ate.~ lu at t e o d .-.r111 111ar.1• heca u~e there were lc11 J.uther;in sc1n1naries 111 Canad.1 In .June of 1!14:1 he ioined th e U.S l\rn11·. bct•11111- ing t1 n An1cr1can e111zr n five rnonths liilcr It) alt ~c<·s n,1 real 1·onflict hrl11·een lhe )l!'Ofrssion of ;;rn1s ;ind the n1 illtoir.v. "'There t'i.111 be :-;uch a (;On- flu·t 1/' vou e1'cr beco111e an iipo log1si tor the 1n ililary." he said. "1\·Jy n1issioo is nol to ex· phun the rnilitary. ~·ly n1issio11 is nol to explain the 11'<1r ~ly 1n1.,~1on is to provide spi rilual lradership for 1he rncn who h;i1·c hecn cal!rd tn s r1·1 r 111 1 ht' u111il:1r~ " 11<' re ru~t:s 1n 1 h-.1·u~s th<' pros ;111d c11n~ ol lhe Vit·\na1n \\di" 1\111 1\1\(' ;1~1x.·1·1 •)f th f 11·;1r-1hr s h oo I 1 n g .,( lll11"f'S L.~t 1 0,e: t'll"Lh:"lllS al 1\1~· },;l!-<"011Cl"l"l1S h1n1 ·1 t!unk Ll w:is ii brt"akdown of 1 11 rl 1 v 1 d u a I 1nor;1l l'l".~pon.,ih1li t.1'." lly0111 said Ile lin ke d 1t11s l:11lure lo lul!ow 1h1· law t•onct·rnini; trca!n1cnl ot capt ives lo ii broa de r bre;1k1lo11·n of l;1w in i\1nf'rica · Son1c111lcre :ilong lhc line.. 111 lhr l;1,~! fr1v vc:irs. the pl11Jo:;o phy got Propounded 11i:it yuu obry only 1hose Jp,11·s II 1!h Whlf'll ,VUll ;igrec." he snid. I( i~ obed1cnl'I' or l;nv t h~1 111a kc~ us C'il'ili1.erL he s;nd. "and a thin 1i 1l e :-.l'paratc.~ tts !ro1n 1hc juni:le. I th111k 11l' rr l1nding oul ho11 th111 that l111e ("an be "' "Tlus 1~ 11 hat \\'C' h;i vc been ltv111.i; t·:..pct 11n1•11tu1g ~ ith 1hc fiber 1ha1 h•llds so1·1et ~· t11!!e!hrr \\"r think 11!' can do 11 1lhoul th;11 l1h1•r ·\nd 1 dnn '! !h1nl. thr \"1C'l11i1111 11 :ir h:td .1111 lllUlJ: tu du 1\Llh il 1ext·epl 111' 111a kr Ille lire<> h<i t1e1 11 11:1< 11 rll 011 il s 11'(1 \' hrlorr Fl'i':1 h1111 er sf•nl .111 1 pcnplr H\ ('f (il('I'!' "' 1i.1rl.rrt un :i ~l.\·1><.11111 pt•J).!r.1111 ~------------ 1•• 1·r:il·h 11ot111g pi'oplr. 1n-ST AR S ' luct1n.c n101r "1'1·hr bal l-to-..._,1111,.1. 11111;in· 1~ .,11'" nr 1•1rli;1\1 '' !111111~\1'1' 11hf'r·c 1nen 111, 11 1.l'ld • 1:1·,.111 ;i ~11,,i,,. \\\lr·k ;ind 1ill"l'!'·d:iv r('!l't'<ll~ ::•·•• II •~ '.,11111111 ,, .u1r· .,r n1 ~il!HZl'd by lhe ;nld1ers ill· Iii • 11\I LY l']Ltn S ::rr;1! f Pl< l <I I I'- f f'lld I n,C. fnr rc!1i::1011s 1ncd1t<1-L ------------'1 ~I~ ph\'.~ll'OI rd !I (' a t I n 11 'l;i~:.ei' hi11·c b<'c11 added to thr , .,,...b-Q>>Q...,..,,...,.._,,..q,.,,...,_.,...,,.._,,..q,.,,....,_.,...,,...,,_..,.\ !:i ll schefl11l r n1 Or·an~r l'1•<1 ~t ~ :i nd i.:oldrn \\ r~t 1-;1 c111ng \ § Collcgrs ,\ \.\Ulllcn ·~ r \r1·1·1~e pru i:ran1 1:. ~1.:hcd11lrd In r Tue~a1 ~ !ron1 9 30 11 :JO " 111 :ii the Cns1;1 .\\c:-;n Bo~s · Cl ub ThP eoursc 11111 cn1phas11,c' 11c1i;ht t:ontrol. pos1urc. :.ind l muscl<' toning techniques 1 Ph\sical t 1tnr~s 1ns1ruc·11011 for 1Tirn l'.1l\ hr oltcrrd ,\1on-1 r1ays fron1 i ;10-!l :10 p 111 111 l hr OCC ~y1n n11s 1un1 A c·u-ctl , 1•la~s 1~ ~1·hrdu \rd J 11 r 1\tesda ys f1 rin1 i"-!I p 111. 111 i·oom i'\o. 1i.·1 ul i_;,,\Ucn \\1·~1 ·~ rc.creii\lon ht11ld1111: Scuba I.Iii 1ng 1n~1rur·1 1 11n 11111 he ofl crcd at l)<l(h 1";1111p11~r·~ Tht OCC. ~rt·\1011 11111 nH'!'I 1•11 Tuesda\S fro111 6 :10-!l :lO p 111 in !ht. i:rni. while ii 1·\;1., 11 111 1neet \\'rdnc·-da.1 .. :11 1 ,,,1fl1·11 \\"est. fron1 6 3().!J :lu 111 r•~·1n \'o 1 0~ in the re< rr;Jl1011 building Fre :11 tXt" lor material~ 1~ S8 a! c:oldrn I West. SIS. Square dant·1n~ l1Jr l>e,;111 ! ncrs "·ill ht 1iflcred ;.it bo1 h• r.Rmpuses OCC'<, .~rt·l1011 11111 mtet ~1ondays 110111 7 '.10·9 :m in the gyn1. ~·h1 le V•illtr n \\'esl"s !letl1on 11111 n11'"t Tuesdays ironi i·lO fl n1. 111 rCC"rea l ion roo111 .\"o 2 ! 1 Volleyball ~·•H be leHlurrd , 111 OCC Tucsdll,\,, i 30·!l :101 p m in the 1::.~m and al <:oltl•'n \\"e11t on \\'edoc:-.da.\ s. i !l p rn I in the j\ym Frr for m;ilrn;1J.~ I! S2. \ 1000 ORDER ' ' ',:.; Bea ut iful Stick-on } YOURS 0/ LABELS ONLY TODAY! -J $125 Personalized • Stylish • Efficient Order For Your~elf or a Friend M.,y be 11~ed on tri ve lo pl'~ <!I rPlurn 11d drt\\ l<tbeh. Als o \llt y ha ndy •\ tdentilic:<'lt iori l•bels for m<1 rk;n9 pet\On <!I i i ~m \ \uc:h <!\ b oo~\, record \, pho to1 , etc:. L<!bel\ \lick ori gl a11 <'Ind rn<1 y be U\ecl lor markin'} hom " c:ann ed fo(.d i!tml. AU label\ •re pronted with 1iyli ~h Voqu1 type on f ine q111lily whil e qummed paper. r----::.~ -:-h:-.::-"": : .. :-.--:d :: :.~~,:-- --,I I ~.i.1 P"n",.. ~•ft•• n•v. 1' o ••• n•t I t•"• ,.,, .. ,,,,, n·~~ I I I I I I I I I l PILOT PRINTING 1 L -----------------------~ DUNLAP APPLIANCE COMPANY COMPACT 10 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR 111v1!1 tit in A mere 24" space 1n your krtch en. Big. deep shelves. larlle 1ro-rloo1 ~hr.Ive~. h•g crisoer and l•eeicr whlt11 hold~ up In .J'J po11r rl:; ot 1•0 ~<:'1 !ood~ CUSTOM SUPER AIR CONDITIONER Pu~hbu!lon rontrols with hngc1·1ouch .~e11 1 n'1·· onc.ltJClC The Pa nic Bull on for c~t1 <1-t11:;l roolirig. 8.000 STU cooling capac ity. lrista-MounL allows quick onr-man 1nstall.J1<on. Dual air dlrectiori corotrol. Washable filter. SALE* Days only THUR. FRI. & SAT. ~A VALUE DAYS (!}"BONUS with purch15e ol any Whirlpool 1pplianc1 BIG BOY OUTDOOR IJod!I t WVHlC BIG, UPRIGHT FAMILY SIZE FREEZER Full range Temperatur e conLroJ lcls yo.1 "'f'! !Ile mos\ economical opera!100 for pc111•at nr full (.J50 pound:;) load;. m1!1ion·maqnet door ~f"a ls 1n coin , la~1-'1cc~e :;;hetvr.s 11r~ e)1'" -:;\1oriQ lor ""~~·v lo;id'. Porce1 ~,n-enarnc1 ... n 111tcrin· 2 SPEED 2 CYCLE AUTO MATIC WASHER Your washda y problem~ atP-o~er w1Jn /hi~ qrcat new washer, which gives you 11.utoma!•c .vash-rn1se 1emperatu res, 2 cycle sclec1ion& .>rid 2 wash-spin speeds. The exclusive t>Aag ic Mi:( liltP.r :;I rain s away obieclionable hni. ... '·"""· • -~ rl:~I ,, ,, --.. . -.... ~· • ~..,I • I 'I I I 'I I • Saddlehaek EDI TI ON Today's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL. 64, NO. 202 , 6 SECTIONS , 78 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TEN CENTS • • I 0 s it IXOD eac 111. San Clemente Nixon Meets Top Viet Negotiator By JOHN VALTERZA 01 lht ~1llv ~!ltl Sllll President Nixon met with his new top negotiator 11t the Paris Peace Lalk.oi Tues- day in what is expected to be one nf the last formal function at the Western Whit.e House during the current working vaca- tion. Operations shiHed back to lhe Lagun;i Beach press headquarter:-; today as the President resumed a routine or !i.low-pac- Pd !itudy and meeling with a handful nf adviser.~. On Tue.'iday William .J. Porter met fnr 11bout. 11n hour with tht President lfl rliSCU!'lS !he thrust or the bargaining eff(lrt In Paris. Press Sccret.;;ry Ron Ziegler wnuld give. no :r;pecific details o/ the talks. but he 1'raf algar Storn1 Drains Slated For Con1pletion Construction Ydll hf romplelt! ht!fnrt 1'1Pll:I winl.pr'11 rain;i1: on a majnr pnrtinn nr l'tP\V !llorm drain11 "' Tr11£alf:_11 r C;:inynn in ~:in Clemenle. fAlunty Flood Control l)i.i;t rict. $Pok1":5men !.lid this week. Completion of the qu1:rter-mil\ion-dnll11r wnrk will be complete by late October, thu:-;. !:IPmmini fore ver th!" chmn ir erosion 11nd !lncxtin.l' pmblem in lhP can- voo nmr bel'A'trn Ola Vi$ta ind the ~hnrrlinP. rrrw ~ for 8 joinl vr.ntu rt nf ttie hrm!I nf Salat11-Zurn 11re inslallin~ 1.500 fefl:I nf 12-inch-diamettr concrete piPf' in the pro- jr.ct funded by the rounty district. Thf' linr will link up with 11 srcliC1n rf alorm rlra in recently in~talled under 11 r ltv contract pale! f01" lhrough '1isa~!er rci"i,.r fund~. Thi' canvon. rimmrd hv rn11d~ .11 nl1 hnrnrs . w~~ hr11v1Jv hit ii1 thf' re<>orrl floOOs nf 1%!l. Thi' h1ii:h w;itpr 1111" ""'llY rsn~•l")n wall,.. suppnrl n,i Ola \'isl11 11nd Trafalg11r l11n" .lnd v.·nrkmen werf' l::ilrr hroURhl in to rebuild much nf tht eroded area. Planner-denied Rezone Appro,cd B y Capo Council praised lhe former .<\mh.:1sadnr to Korea a:r; ··;i highly cap?.ble negofia1or ." Porter. a sli~hl. !i.Ol1 ·spokPn m;in 1\1l h thin. gr 1ti.\' hair , will arrivP in Par is Srpl. l ;if!er stopping off 1n Washin~ton ;in(j hi~ home 1n &11ton Tn clean up persona! mat· ters. Ziegler said. ' Thf' ronfercnre "'11 h rnrtrr fhP onlv i:checluled even1 ;i! !hr Prrsidcnr ial com· pound lhi:r; week . Attorne y Generlll anrl fv1rll. .lnfir1 ~1itrhell pa trl a social r.:1!1 on the rrP.~•· flr.ot later Tuesrlay, staying only a shorL time. Thus f;ir !he <1nnu::il A11gusl trip "'est ha s been :i Jnw -kr.vrd blend of rnn· ferencc!i. with a f PV.' airlP~. phnnr r:ill!i. In \li11shin~ton and meditat1nn by the chic! exf'rul il'e. Even !llixnn·s off1rr rn ur1ne -"'h1rh nn btJsy St1n Clemente slays start~ v.·ith the dawn -i.~ starting laler in the d:i v. Nixon 's workd;iy beg.:1n a! !! "m. Tue!· dt1y, Zieii:ler said . T11•n prime issor~ :ire r;::iptur1n.c !he f're.~1dent':r; ;ittrntinn during !hr "·nrk111i: varation -the impar l nf Nixon 's '-''ll):'.e· prie r. free:1,e ;ind I.he po litical rlima1.e in South Vietnam. ?.iegler hair; remained \·ague nn th!' \\'h il.e House role in lhe cnnllnu1nc tension in South Vietn11mesr pol1 f 1r~ He ha~ admitted, however. rhiit !he President has been "In very cln.~e !ouch" with staff in Saigon . Conver.'Ultions ;il sn 11 re frcq ur nt. hP. :i-aid. with Tre;i:r;ury Sef°rPtarl' .John Con· nally in \''itshingtnn. whn is kerp1n~ lh President up·to-date on the econnm ic pie· lure. P erilous Brid ge Railing to Go A rnnr rrtP br\rl11:,. r;ulinc "-'hirh h;i ~ been r11 1lrrl .ii tr11ff 1r haz;irrf h\ Thi' S:in .Juan Caf}1~trann Ci lv 0'111nr1l will ~mn hr rrn1nvPfi · Thi' Cnun r i1 11n1rd to il f}prnrr ;in 1n- fnrmal hir1 marl!' hv !he rr.lrr l\1rw 11 ;i nrt Snn~ Con ~i rurt inn Cnrnpan11 nf ~!l .9~11 !n rrrnn1•,. the rnnr n-'IP r.:11lin1C ii nd rrpl;ire H "'ith 11 fl:i! .~!f)('k mr!;il nnr. The lr.:1Hir ha7;irrl \I'll~ ;i! 111r f'IJ!'!lf'r nf C:i minri C11pi~tr;inn 11 nrl S;i n .l11 an Cr rr l.:. Rnad _ ~lnfnri"t ~ lurnini:: fr nrn S::in .l11;in f'.r eek Rn:irl nn!n C'an11nn C;ip 1str.:1 nn roulrl nnl srr sn11 thhn11nri tr;i/11 r 11·1thnut entrrin.c the inl.er~rrr1nn flirectrir rif Puhl ir v.·nrk~ T ,I ?-.lr11dnw:i; told lhP cnunri l fnrm;il h1rl.~ h:iri once been acquired bu! all were too high. THE CURIOUS GATHER ON PLATFORM AT FULLERTON FOR LOOK AT TURBOTRAIN From North Oransi• County to Sin Clemente 1t 90 Mil es Ptr Hour Streamlined Rail 8011. Ex peri1nenlal Tu.rbotrain Pulls Into San Cleniente B~' AA}l Rl\R;\ r.1us 01 !~I Dl!IY ~llot $loll S;i n r:l~mPntP ;ind F'ullerf(}n \.\'rrf' \'isiled hricfly 1'uPliriay b,v lht. Depar!- n1ent nf Transportation's e:ii;perimenlal Turhnlrilin. Th~ AnllrRk p:issen~cr train is on • n1nn1h.loni: 12.l'JOO.inile endur<incr and puhlic demonstration run l.o te~t ii$ riurability in terms of maintenance 11od ro Rnaly1.e th~ economics of n~ration , II. pulltd lnt.ri th e Fullerton depot :t i !1:4~ 11 ni for fiflren-mi nule nhsf'r\!a lion h_v rurinu!i. onlooker!. ;i nd arrived an hnur lal rr in San Clemrnte. f)~1·;it r;riffin, rhrertnr of p11bl1r in· fnr ma11on for !he rieparlm<'nL i>aid rhe ~!rP;imlinrd. high speed tr11i n i!i. 110 e•- f>PrimPn!a l prn)M'l providf'd rnr In th t. Hi.t:h Sl)('ed r.round Transpnrlation Ar! nf )!lfi.~. 11 is clesignr.d by 111•Josp,11ee rngiorrrs of thP Uni lerl Aircr11fl Cnrpnril· lion 10 J(i\'e maximum inlPrclty rii ~~rni:rr servirr while utilizinir crin· vrn!innal r111[ l;:ir1htir.~. Thr thrrr-r;.1 r lrl!1n 1,.. f)f'Wl'recl hv £R-~ !urh1rir r nginP.~ Thry ;irp )rl('R!rd 11t r.:1ch ('nrl ~n lhP tr111n cll'IP ~n ·1 hav~ In tum arnnncl . It 1~ CllJHlhle nf r.:1.~tf'r iir· rrler;:i11nn ;inrl hij?hrr cruisini: ~perclc than con,·rntinn:il ra il tran~pnrl. 01c· r nrcl1ni; tn 1.rHfin. ln(11ir thP (';ir~. lhr Rlmn~pht'rf' I' n111(·h llk f' that nf a rnmfrirt11blr )et. rnm· plrir 11 11h m1ni -sk1rtrd h n .~I"~~•~. rrr!ln1 nJ:: ~ea t~. hr11rfrP.~l s. ;incl Pllr phnnr , fnr prol!riimmrcl rru1~1r . F'nr ll'ln,l!- d 1~1iinrP 1011rnPy.s, ii fil m 1~ ~l~n IPalurPrl. Thf'rP IHP currrntly twi, Amtrllk train\ in nrwralinn in the n~tino On!' m.:1io!a1n11 ;; daily schedule between Bo:r;ton and New Yl'lrk wh ilf' rhr n!her make~ hJ. nallnn11.l f'X p#.rtmf'nlal lnur . The 229·mile s1rr.1rh alon!'.( th" ra .~tern rnasl lakr~ the lr11in rhree h(lurs .:1nrf :19 minute11 to cover. While the train \~ <'ll p11b!e of tra11elinii: up tri 17n m.p.h .. j?r;id«> cro!i.~inR.'l 11nd rn"1dhN:l flelicienctrs restrict the spred lo 90 m p.h. Alon.I! thr :lA·milf':. slrPtch bel"'"rn F'ullert.on and Ssin Clementr, I he Twrbotriiin cruised at 00 m p.h. Ar· ('Ording to passenjiters. lhP fRsler the spef'd. th" ~mnnlhP.r lhf' ride Spee<i. hnwrver. is nor !he primary 1n· lrn! in !he drvelnpmPnL nf th e Turbn1r111n It L~ 1nhr.rrntl,v f;i vnr11hl r In rrolfl,::.v. s:i.y~ r.riHin. Th" tlept1rtment el'il im;i t.ps that a aeven·car train can carry tht: same n11mher of p11i-seni:.Pr~ lrrim rlo"·ntO"'tl tn rlownt nwn on nnr·flfleenth of th t hnrsepnwrr that 1 ~1l ;111Lnm0biles ran Rer;:iu.~e llf thr .l!Rll lruhine englnl'S, rurthermnre. rfl111C'nl s rcle11!ieri amount In ahnu1 onr·fnu rth of lhn!i.e from inll'rniil rrirnhu.~1inn rni:.uu•s nf eq ual hnrsPpo111er, s11vs (;riffln . - Th,, 1'11rho1r;iin 1~ arcnmmoria!.rrl by rxisting tr;ir\.:s. Thercfnrr . .:is r.riHin pul!i. ii. "There ner.d not hr further destruction tn thP tnv1ronmrnl. bec11use "'e t1lready h;i ve .~rr11refl thr rii;!hls.(\r.way .. ThP [}{>partmrnt nf Transp0rt;111nn i.~ presf'ntly Jr;is1nt. the lriiin s lnr rwn year~ frnm Unitrrl Airr r11f! tit S~.7 n1illion. Ari· <litinn.:11 pa lii~cni:r.r r:irs "'11! br addr<l In next ~rrini;!. incrrllSlnJ: th e capacit y ot each tratn from 144 to 240. Boarcl Clea1·s tl1e Decl{s Fo1· lrvi11e City Electio11 R~· T0~1 RARLEV O• ·~· O•ll• "'na1 U•!f fl rani:." Cn11 nt \• l\llprrv i~o r.t lnrl;i~· ~r! ~pl \.~ :i~ thP rl::i1r nn wturh thr>v 1>.111 hr11r prn1 rs1.~ ;i~;i1n~t thf' p\11nnerl 1n· fnrpnri'l tinn or lht> r1 ty nf lrv1nr. ThP1r iir!1nn clr;i rrd lhf' v.1;iv for a rityhnnd elecUnn which .~eerns !1 ~rl y tn he ,.i;hedulecl for late Nol'emhe.r or early Deccmher. of th,. rn·nlp~t hrar1n,!: and ~rl up ;ifi. m1ni~tr.:1r 1vr mach1nerv fnr the resldt1n~ e)i>l'l lfl n C11 ~pf'r11 lrd !hP movr lrir lhr Sep1 !.'i hr.1nni:: 111~1 2~ hriur~ allf'r hP harl ur.cPd lhP hnarcl 10 h11ck him in his mn ve.~ f(lr an rarly rr.sn!11t1nn nn fr\·1nr ri!.vhon<l A ph1nniniz: c:nmmissinn denial nf • re1,()ne req11es! ha.~ been nverturned by !hf' S11n .Juan Capistrano City Cnuncil. Thi' cnunril Monday 11pproved 11 reque.~I by !he F.nvirnnment.:11 [)f:ovP!npmen! Cnm· panv r(I rf'7.Clne 27 acre.~ ,iust nff Orte,lit<1 High"'ll.\' frnm 11nrh11iSHird lo pl11nnl'<t drvelopmen!. Colorful Gift Board action. led hv Fiflh f)islnr-1. ~upervisnr Ron11ld Casper!< of Newpor t Reach. w:i~ trig~erf>d hy !hf' fil in!'.( h11 P. Tuesday or the rt.quirr:rl SMO fee. hy prfl· ponrnt~ of the Irvine incnrpor11tion move· menL Cil vhonfl fll'0 Pflllenl!i, a n1 nn~ th<'m !hr r11 mpalgnini:: Council ol Commun1!1es nl Irvine. arP ur,Rin.c lh<il thr election h<'. held in t1rnr fnr the nr\.\' rily tn qualify ror sl:ite rel:tates on gasoline and sale ta xes in 1972 To rln ~n. !hr ci r~· wnul<l ha~'e !n be cerrified hefnre .Jan. 1. l!l72 Rnb Rnp:i>r.\, rrprr!ienling I h I' drvelopt'r .. ~iikl plans c111! for a den11i!y of .11hnut. fi.$ 11nit11 per acre. Pl11nninii: (.'Ommi:r;sion denial nl the re· flUesl had been ba std primar.ily nn lhe numbl!r of 11imih1r deve lopmen!.s 11lre11dy under conl'il.nictinn in lhe city. Councilman .Jim Thorpe ~hnerl lhilii rnncern 11nd ~ugge~ted perhaps ii il'i time to limil planned flevelopmenu. jusl as trailerp11rk1< wen~ limi1f'd. ~1ayor Tony Forslr..r &aid tht niliri!' gene ral plan would ha11e to be examined tn thl'll Cll~t. The cily currently hA~ 11 pprnxim11!r.l.V 1.000 planned development unit~ OC· c:upi~. under ronstruclion, nr 11ppmv~. Mn~t Art condominiums of apartment hnme~ 1'hnrp1' sugge~t..O .11 morat nr1um hti r,onsidertd wh.ilt: the needs of lht: cit y are re-examlnect Trial of Actor Set On Shootjng Charge VAN NUYS IUPll -Acttir Keefe Brasir;ellf' will staod trial Sept. 7 on a charge n( A.~<11 dt with • deadly we11ipnn for allegedly shootina • man in a b•r· room hr1wl. Br11sstlle. 47, a leadin~ man In lhf' 1n~~. w11s charged with ~hooting ruchard B. Cr11wford in t~ che!Jt during a right at the Wrishtwood Inn In Studio City. , 'Tlr ,ank Y 011 ' Painting to Police t-taurlt r-.t . Bost.nn of San Clemrn!f' lritvel !! tn her n11tive Rri~a in P<ir h ye.:1r. 11nd for the p11st dec11de hall asked pnlire l.o keep 11n t'ye nn he.r place. They havf' done. it, as faithfull y a~ her <1nnual pilgr imag"' to England. she i:;iy.~. And to repay lhr. department for iL, rliligencf', Mrs. Bostnn pre~nted the c11.v with a gifl this week -1t commissioned painting of lhe city's first police head· Bicycle Rodeo Slated in Capo A bic11cle rndeo hl'I~ bttn nrg11niied for I.hf 87 fnembers nf Cuh Seoul Pack 13 in San Ju1tn Capistrano. Thf' l'Vent will bl! Sunday al 1 p.m. at San .Ju11n F.ltment11:ry Schnnl anrf "'Ill 1n· elude 11 safelv rfpmon1iilrflt1nn bv Offirer Leon11rd Goodwin of the San Clemente Polict. Otpartmenl , Entranl~ in !hf': rnrlen will bf' jurlii.Pri nn how well thf'y control a bike in variou:'I ~kill 11reas. A sriec:ial pri1.e. will bf! award· ~I for the best (h~cnr11tecl bikr. Tht rnden is beinJ; !!ponsnrerf h,\' the San .Juan Capistrano Ch11n1her nf Cnm· mcrct. Trophie~ •dll be prcsenttd by Denn11< ,,Paquin. 111 dtrector of the chamber. I f1U<lr1t-f!i. \.11hiCh will probably fall Under thl' wrerker'!i. ball :o;nnn. In prrvioui: y1'<1r1< !he 1.nken nl !hank.'\ hai: been 11 checJir to !ht San Clementi Pe;:ice. Officer·.-A!i.!i.OC.i11tion. The funds tielr pay for lhe ~rnup'~ civic 11ctivltie11. Mr~. Bn~l.on said the idea for the v.•:itercolnr painting came to her rttentl y \.\'hen she learned the bui1dinp; on AvenidA ~1 iritmar wnuld be torn down . "I have a close friend, Alan AdAms or '-''cliit v.·ood , who is a flnt watercolor p;i lnter." .\h~ said . "1 stressed it would be • commissiont!d pa inting, hut he: insil'ited on doing ll for me nul. of friendship." she 11dded. Police ChlrJ Clifford Murray zaid Arlam~ ~pent two de ys 111t !he old head · quarters. Nnw the results hang on 1 w11Jl or the pnli{'t. station sh•ring the. 1p;ice with large phot.ograph! nf President NiJ:on. "It surt 111 11 nice w11y to 11y thanks, isn't It~" Murray said this mornina. 1\ isscn Heads 1'eam I.OS ANGELES t AP ) -The. .lusl.if't Depi:irtmcnl hill 11ppnintcrl A~st. U.S. Al · ty Oavld R. Nii;sen to head A lhree·m11n team prosecut1n11 Dr. Daniel Ell!berg nn "' ch11 r1tt: nf unaulhnrized posM?Minn nr lhe renL;i~nn p,11per11, • !Jtudy nf Amrrlc11n 1nvolvemtnl in Vlttnam. · • • The pa ymf'nl" r lc11r.'l lhf' w11v fnr Cnunrv Clerk William St John to publi~h notice~ School .Trustees To Discuss New Programs Nf'w progrRms c.arrifd nn In !hr San Joaquin Elementary School Dis trict clur· ing the past year will be discussed at a workshop Thursday. The meeting of the Bnitrd nf T~ustce..~ will l11ke place 11l 7·:ul p.m. 1n the Adm ini strlllion Annex . 14600 Sand Canyon Ave., East Irvine. Among 11chool prngr11mii In be e:ii- amined 11re Engllsh 11s 11 second languaRe at Irvine School, Cont i n u ou s lnd ividuall7.M Progreii~ Proitram 1CIPP1 1111d differentiated 1tafflng, bnth 111 Mission Viejt'I'~ O'Neill Sch n n 1 : ttevelopmenlal kinriergarltn, prf!<'ec.ip1 1ve reading enrichment program ind lhe .~ixth gr&de team·ttaching progrAm all at Univer!ity P11rk School. Oilllrlcl-wlde progran1 In be f'Kaminf'rl will include variou~ test result.Ii, th~ READ progr11m , Met He I It r In· clividualited Instruction, and the visu11lly handicapped pr()J.'trllm Propo.~als for the. 1!171·7'Z schnn\ year Also will be reviewefl A.long w11h preliminllry recommend11tions for lht comln1 .vear. ( CCI Chairman John Burton has slre!!s- ~d In the hn11rd thA l the etcrtinn mll~I. be heJd hefore IJec. 3! to permit prnprrry in thP proposed ci ty to i;:n /'JO the cnunty assessor~ 1972-7~ la:f rnlr.~. Plan11 call for the crra!Jon nr ;in 111.207· acre city in the central lrvme Ranc h arr a. Creation or the rily h11s heen backrrl h lhc Local Agency l'ormation Com- mission. H ownerir; representing 51 pPrcenl or more nf the land designated for the new city prolr.sl the incnrporRtinn then lhe e!Pction d.:ite will be cancelled. Petilinn~ c11 Jlini:: for incorporati on hiivf! been si,Rned by owner~ nf ~9 perc:ent of the area·,_ 11s11e.~sed v.11tuallon and 83 per- cenl of lt:i; property owner:i-. Th(' nt'\.\' rity'~ bnund;lric.c would iitrelch lrnm MacArthur Boulevarl near UC Jrvlne l.n a point above Irvine Bnulevarrf north of th«> Santa Ana F'reewav and lrom the Newpnrt F'reeway area Ul Sand Canyon Rosid on the east. San Cle tu c n le Golf er Fall s, Breaks Leg An elderly San ClP.mentl' m~n gnlfinlil al Shorecliffs Country Club Wednrsday arternoon fell and broke his lefj . H.11rry Willi11m Wilt. f;~, \l'llS takPn In South Coast Community Hospital i~lh Laguna after the ac-cldent. Witt \Ives at U)9 Via Ballena:. , ' • C1·ews Hold Field Day On Sands President f'ixon's prh·ate hfo:a ch and the Marine Corps shoreline downcoas~ received 11 dose of oceangoing Navy fuel oil Tuesday. Cre\1·~ from C11mp Pendleton had the blobs of fuel oil cleaned up quickly, spokesmen said today. Despite .~nme appcarance!'l of the goo 11n the enaslline between San Onofre and Oana Point, !he bulk of the accidentally spil lf':ri fuel remains 111 !1.ea and some of it Is i;inkin.c or breaking up. ThP smt1 ll blobs nf t.:irry oil appeared 1.1·ith !he dav.·n today 11l Cotton 's Point and al~n smeared so me portions of the ~11nris on beachrs up and downcoast of the Pre!iidi>nt's home. Presiden1ial Press Secretary Ron ?.iegler v.·.'l~ quoted Tuesrlay as saying the President was "certainly concerned" 11 bnul the oil O!her repor!s quoted the chief ex- eculil'e ;:is sayi ng he wanted no special treatment. nn his beach by the cleanup Cf'PWS. Oe.~pitP the appearance of some p;i1rhcs rif Jinn and swiftly acting N11:vy and ~111rine cleanup crt:M. the oil slick is far fro m a disaster. 8e:ir h attenflance Tuei;rlay along the Snl11h Cna sl. w;is het!P.r than averagt and ~wimmer~ \\'ere m0re in jeapordy fnnn he111·y surf than the flllating blobs, lifegu;ird s s;i ld. ~an Cl rn1en1e·~ rescues lolaled about 6.'i T11esclay -thf': ave.r11ge for a busy weekend. no! a Jone weekday-because ol he11vy surf and some riptides. Navy spokesmen say P.Xperl'.'> still are trying !fl delermine the; 11mount of heavy luel 011 wh1rh w11s mistakenly spi lled off S;:in Clrmente Island last v.·eekend as the Oiler USS M.:1natee dispensed fuel Ul th! a1rcr;if1 cilrrier USS Ticonderoga . A val1'e wri~ acciden!ally left open by e crPwn1an . c<1using the spill into the sea. Offic1al:i-pred1cred appearances of p;iJches nr thr {Rrry nui sance fo r da y!'l tn c0mc nn South Cnast. hfo:achcs. This morning's concentration zeemed lll be 11long San Clemente State Park: Be;irh and the Ri viera beach upcoast in San Cl~mf'nrr. E;irl 1er in the week Doheny Stat.e Park FP;i{'h ;:inrl !he Beach rriad colony were hit bv :r;lrcak~ of tar left after high tide. !"a1·Y crews cleaned up mnsl of lhal. Glass Windo'v In j urcs \V oman A ~·011n,1; San f\emenle \.\·o man suffered severe. gashe~ rin her lcg:i-Tuesday when shP arcidentall y v.·alked through a slidin& glasl'i rlnnr. Pnlice s::iirl Sylvi;i f.tae Hamden, l!I, suffered severed blood vessels in one knPP sinrl sever.:11 nther deep cul.s in Iha 11 41l ;i.m. niishap 11t. 2603 De! Cnm· mrrr1n The. wnrnan "'a~ tri>aled for loss of h\nnrf and the severe cuts :il South Coast Communit y Hnspi!al \\•here she waJ tak en in the city's lire department station wagon. Orange <:out 1''ealher Th! temperature will be in the mid-70's 11long lhe coastline IOOay and Thur~day rising lo the low so·s inlsind . L.nws tonight predicted in lht: tiil'1. Good day for the beach- that is. if you'rt not working. INSIDE TODAY Tire \Vrstn1.n1.~tr.r Com,nu.n.itu Tllrattr rnn rks 11.~ lOt ll. arn11Vf'T· ,~nry rr1dn.y with n musical r.omttrl y, "Onct UpoY1 n. i\lat· tress.•· See Entert1J1nme11t, Page .11. 11~u1... n t •llfllr11!• • C:•rHr t.t"'lr I! (~-C-IMt "" ' C:itUll... ~··•I Ct.mlr1 -H treuW9r~ J~ Dtt!~ lolt tirtt t ~~••<•• •dlle•lll l'•to I llllfl'l•lllflltll• »11 f'IMll(O • U ·11 .. W'IHtJlt • JI Allll L•"4.n JA Mi i""' ' " .... 1rot1" Llct11i..1 t M•ll Ill ,.,..,l(t tl•n M9wi.t »JI M"twt l 'lHtdt 21 1'Ull6fl•I 11.... "' Ot•111t C:!l>Ull,., • iYl¥11 ~trltr t• i~·" 11·11 SIMI M•rllth H•t1 Tol•Yltltll • Tl'Mll lt" )toll WHIMr f W~I~ Wt lll II WtfTIM't N ... I M•tt Wl•lf II-. .. J • - -· W DAJL V i-JLOT Capo Plannet's Annexation Wins 01( By !'AMELA 8.u.t.AI\ ......... 11'1 1'1191 .,.,, Stn Juan Capistrarm·~ Planning Com· misslM voted 3 to 2 Tutsday lo r!eOm· mend. annexation of Capistrano Stach a.nd Dana Point to thttr ci t,\' Chairman Jerry Gaffn!.v madt !hf! mn· tJori t.o recommend annexation bastd on t"<&'O conUll.itncies an In.depth study must show th at anne1al1on would work for the econom ie and aesthetic bentfil ol all , the form of 1overM11!nl mu.st. ifl!ure rtttntion ol id t ntlf\J fnr a.ll thrtt com- mun11le.s. 1l should prnv1de 11 n r.:iual \"/'!!1ng \It.IC! Tht comm1ss1or1 also 101ed to rtconl· mt.nd that I.he City Councll hive ad. dJU0111l town hall met~• to e.1plaln the eompleI annexaUon iuues. Votina a,ialn!t tht annexation "'ere Commissinners Charles Allen and Carol Heim . A!fen said in his-optnlon, annexatinn "'"S the "stcond-bPs! thing'· for the com· niun11ies. lnrnrporaL1on 11·trh Ca p1s1rano 's hl'lp W•)Ulrl hP heller." Nixon Studying China HP .sug~PS!Pd rut1 ini;: 1neorporation f1n the b111!0! a ~ a th ird choice alnng with \'fl~ or nn for annPxatJon . HP w,JJs told th1~ might r.ot legally be possible . In Preparation for Trip r..-1rs Heim s;i1d her no \'Ole 11·~ based on ft111 financ ial hurrlen thf' annf'xat1on 1s and "nuld hf' placing on the city's !ax- pa \"tr~ In rpron1mend1n,:: ttn nexa!lnn Gaffnr~· adm 1f!ed lhP planners have nnt ye• rPce11·e-d sufftcitnt data to make a derisio n. B~ AELE!\' TR0~1AS Ul'I !loll Wrllft Presid~nt Nixon is $1.Ud_\·int, bonk..~ nn China and keeping a !l'Jp srcrt t labtl nn plans fnr his !rip to Peking which may takl. p!ar.e late th15 year. A high \l."hllt Hou!'it l'!Jf1r1al \1·hn earlitr had 1nd1c,JJted that N1xnn·s ",Journe.\· fnr Ptace'' would bt undtr!aken in earl.r 1971 nn"' is s11ying !ht President "'lll travel ''sooner rat her than later ·• The !'Jnly deadhne !hf'. l\'hil f' Hnuse hils gh·en is "bef!'Jre ~tay"' tn keep it !'JUt nf the rtalm of partisan pali!icg during an eltc:tinn year. t-.'Uon said ,JJf his nt1rs eonferenct Aug. 4 tha l thert "·ould be txltns11·t neg!'Jli,JJ· til'lru. fC'lr the historic v1s1t to lht Clunese mamland within the ntxt twl'l nr thrt!: mnnths. But thet'! are no further hints on the ))rtparatil'lns. Press Secre!Ary Ronald L Ziegltr told nt"·smen. In respanst IC'I a question ~londa.v tha t ntilher lht Pres1· dtnt nor Henry A. Kissinger. his National Sec unty Aff1irs Advisor , h,JJs bten in wuch With represent,JJt11·es of the Ptoplts Re R)Jblic of China. Zitgler also said flatly "no cond1t1 ons" have been si!! tiy t 1lhi!r sidt on the visit or the agenda. Arkansas Rep . Wilbur Mills, a possi ble Oem ncrafic presidential candidate, had suggested tha t snmt con· 01.lNGI COAST' DAllY PILOl ~.lNC.;; COA~T l'Ul llSHINC. COMl'•"IV • ,i,,,1 N. Wttd I'• .. d..,! tto:i l'uer11~•t J 1t k It Curl tv Va ''••de•t •'Id c. ... ertl ,,.. • .,.,.. n.~""'' l(,, .. ;i Et<'Or T~1'1'11 A. M v·n~·"• Mt••''"' ld•lt>r Ch11l11 \.I. L•e• R••~t•lll I', Ni ll ,t,ulUonl Mt•ftlng !d1!o•~ L .. 111e leet~ l')fflc• 111 .'ero1! Avo•ua M1ilift 9 1.tlll•1tt: f' 0. Ref ilbb. •1652 Se• Cle1111• .. Office J05 Neri~ El Ca.,i•e llaol, •1612 OM!er OHi'" Co1to MOH ' llC Wo" 11¥ Sl•lf'I Nt.....,rl a .. c• llll N1wflll'• l ou rvt •~ Huntl'>;IO• IHc•, 111'1 lu~ l oultv••d N ILV ~l~OT, ..,11~ '""'c• '' ..,,...,~1...e !ft• Htw1·••H•, I• 11Ubl•1~re 110 'V t•<r•• Si.n-111 ~ I• u•1•11r °"''"'"' lo• LtGU•t '"''"· H--i ••oc•. Co••• ....... "u•'i"'ll'e~ 1 .. c•. Feun•11• ·1111•• ~'" c10,.. •• ,,, Ctel•trt ftO ••A ~.·11~·,~·I'*. •'rt ..... ~ e~t '-.0"'••1 fdl!!""' l"•"•'llol 0'•"' nq 011~1 I• 11 UI Wtt• II~ Sortt• Ce•<1 l.'1>1 Ttl••lrl••• lll•I 641-•Jll c 1.,11H., Ae•11rtl1IR9 ''l·j•7• S•• Cle-11t• All D"flert111•11ri; T•lt,MIM lt!·4•tO L ...... leec;~ All D•1•rto.i•11t1: r.1.,~ ••• •••·•••• CflllY!"lf M, 1111, l'l•••O• f'ft O\l •uell1•'•1 ee,., ... v. "" """" ··~··••. "tu•'••"""" eo!IH,.111 ..,,.,,. •• r~vo•'I'""''"'' •r·r'; "'"" b: •tn..,,.,<Jtt!l "'''••ur •Pottt' ~•" ... 1,. "" 111 coo••iQ•• e"'••• s ... erd <'I" 111Hl101 eoln r• "'""'""'' !"c• ••II C1t>•1 Muo, (oll'o'"'' ~uMor•o•I.,.. O• '""'' "IJ _,,., ... Ov 11>1•• n II ..,.,"'"'v· ""l''"'Y d"I'""'""'· ll n """'"'"'¥ ~3 STORES TO SERVE YOU rlilions ma\· ha rr hP"tn plactd nn !ht tri p which "'l'!\1ld put a crimp 1n Nl)(On 's tral't l plans Thrrt is i;ptculation that N1xnn ma.v stnd a h1gh·l t vel delegal1nn l'!f prl'!m1n!"nl Am rr1cans, including rhinf"se schnlars. lo Prking to furthtr brl!'ak tht ice anrl to pa\'e tht way fn r his 11rr1l'al Whilr Chinesr. Prt mier Chou En·L111 has freel.v t.Xpressed his vie"'.~ nn a r;inge nf subjer.!s cPrt11in to f)f! cover!"r! 1n !.he unpreceden!Pd talks with Nixnn, the Whitt House has remaJned mum. Jn his speeches Ni xon dramatizes h1.!1 Jottrni!y as the fnrerunntr of t vents th11t will !tad to a generation and even lnni;::e r of world pt,JJct. Youngsters Set Summer .Concert In Emerald Bay A group of mnrr than Ml Emer11ld B11 v ~nun.i:,~lers w1!l hold a summer concerl at 7 pm. Frida.\' ar S"'.tnsnn Park. JU.SI in· side the gate nf !he pr11·alt 'f'Omm11;ulv · Knn"'n as !he "F,merald rh1ml'~:· th,. i:;:r(lu p has bf'en sln.':Lng !ngelhi!r !'i1nrl' the: start of summer. as part of a program to gne youngst ers snme:Lhin~ t.o ketp thi!m bus. The program has hce.n rhrected by ~lrs. E\·a Kramer . 1425 Emerald Ba.I' and r..t rs . .\1ardi Spalding , 1103 Emerald Ba.v The first par! of the l"'O part shO\I' ""Ill ftalure !he .voun.!:er mtmber~ nf the Chimes i;inging .. Consider Y(lur~tlf.'' "You're ,JJ Gnod r..1an. lhar11r Brn"·n ... "The Doctor is In ," "Supprrtimt ." .. [)o. Re-~11 ." and "f\t y f 111\"nn!e Thinlils ·• Fol1011'1ng ln!f'rm1ss1nn. !hi' nldl'r grn11p will perform .. \\'h111! lht \Ynr\d Netd'I Now is Lo\'e," "W!'\·e Only Just Rti;:un .'' and a number nf o!her pnpulttr ~nn.o:.~. The ynung Chimts 11•il! he conduf!rrl bv Dnug Wl!ks a C,JJ ! State fu!lerlon mu!'1r msjnr The 11Jder Chimes are under the rl1rettion of Jack Co!emii n. who hils done Exlensi\·f' music direction in tt lt 1·i!'-ion The public is invited to attend !he frte cnncert. Lagw1a Head-on Crash Hurts 3 A 2·1'e:ar.('Jld bti\·. his f.;i thl"r ;ind annthet rlr:1 rr <tist;11nr:d mtnnr 1nJurit s in a h,.;idnn rnlh~1nn Tue!<da.\' af!ernl'l'1n in L,JJ£Una Be:ich r ,.,hr,, ~:iirl all !hrP!' 11·,.ri• l;i'..pn tn ~nuth Cna<t rnrnm11nl!1 Hn•pt!i1 1 h1 ani hulanr, fnlln"''lni;: 11,, ;, I" m ;:irr1rl,,nt nf',;r 1h!" 1nt l'r~rrL1nn nf Th::i.ha Slrl'rt and T"ml"lf' l·hll• l'rl\'" Th" 1 n11nc ~1 ~r l,l'•lir Rrii:i:~ .lr 11·::i• tr,,;itprl fri r hP;irl <"tr!< l>PfflrP hl'l!"IC rP lr ;>.<. Prl Hi.• f;itht r 1,,.~11~ R Rri~i:~. 2.~ I\/ 9fi l \lt11rln wl art. Or11.-anrl r;irnl I, rhambl'rl ;11n l i , nf \\'nodlan(i H ill~ w~r. h111 h lft';il ~r1 fnr m1n11r cu!< .:i nil hr111sl'~ hrfnr ,. f\~1n~ ri·l~a~rrl , a tin~ r I! a I ~prike.!'m::i!l ~::i1rl r.ny ~1an11ge r Dnna!d G \.\1etdntr tnlrl \hi! cnmm1ss1on the in·deplh study on an- nex;it1on would be completed in 211 lo JO da.1·.~. Gaffne-.v ~11id ht has people to br most coneerned about the pos~iblt t11x rAlf'. "There are ~evtral political en tities curr1?n!ly taxing in Ca pistrano Bea ch and Dana Pon!," he ~aid . "Eventuall.v these 11·ould be dlsnlvefi anrl perhaps !hP city ta,; rate 1vnuld he off!<el by rtduction!'I mad,. bv the dissolu tion of these taxing entities.:' Citv Planner Robert .fl'!hns warnerl that annt~atlon would provide som e problem s for 1he planning commission. "Tht ntw land 's 1.oning would be eras· ed and "'Ould havt to go through new formal wning procedures," he 11a id. John!!: pointed out that ha.std nn San Juan Capistrano's philo.~phy the max- imum population of lhe combined Arf'.A-" of Capistrano Beach and Dana Point "'l'IU1d bt 30,000. San J11an':; populahon , "·hich w!'Juld hf'. 1n a lar~rr geographic area. i~ f'Slim,JJIPd 10 bernme 3i000 Popula!1nn rlens i!y "'OUld bf' approximAtely 10 persons ptr acre The planning comm1s:;1on recnm rn l.'nda t1on "''as lhf' first legal s!ep 1n fnomal annexation 'proterlurP.!'i Tht next step "'i!l be taken tiy the city council. District Oka ys Purchase of Six Surplus Trailers Tu~Tin l 'n111n High Schl')(I] n1 ~1rirt 1r11~!!'r<1 h;n·p 1•01pli to purcha!'e !!iiX sllr· plu~ tr11 1ll.'r~ dP!>CrihPd II'! bt 1n r:i:cell ,.nt rnnrl 111nn. rxrrrt fnr one minor flaw - lhr1· h111·p no ~irlp~ Th11 !arll.f'. lH h.v :i.).fpp!, trailf'1·•. wh ich "'ill bP u.~rrl fnr ~tor;i:~"· .11r~ !n hf. pur· rhai;Prl frnrn a Tnrrance school rli.~lricl fnr $/i.iO rarh. In ;:1sk1"i;: funrl~ fnr !hP purrh11~e, rl 1~· 1rirt !'llpPflntenrlrnt \\'ill1am 7.ng,e no!ert tha! a nPw trailrr. Iii b~· .10 frPt in 111zP. 11·r·u:r1 rn.<r $2 .RM Hnll'f'VPr. in ::irlrli11on !n lhf' $fi.l,ll 1n11i::i l 1·o~t. 7.n,l!,e i;;i1rl lhP r!1,~1rirl. fnr Parh !r;i1l rr, \\'ill ray no !.:ix, ,,;)(! tr.:1n~pnrt::i t111n C'Ol't. -~Hl<l fnr ::i fr;1r1.~formrr i1nrf ;:ihnu1 $.l'lfl rnr r1>pa 1r -1nsti11li1tlnn of <1dr~ anr! rlnor<; "Th11y ::ir , in ~rfPrtl~ ,;?nod shaDt"," !ht ~C'hnnl 5UPf'f11'11Pndrn! ~air!. "bu1 lh<'.V 1v•t r1nn '! h::i1,. .•1rlr< nn 1hrm •• Thi' .:irlrl1 nnn;:i! cli,-;r ;:P<; 11 111 hnn"t Iha rn~I nl !'-'ll'h uni! tn abnu1 11.liO, 7,0,1:.a: f(llr! th" hnarrl ThF 1•·11il1>r< "h1rh rfn h~1·r r.:irt111nn<. hi:ht< ill"rl hr.:i lr'll'.! flllt'f'll'". i1lr".:irl1• 1n <!.:ill,.rl 1111! hi> tr <rr:I fnr s!rir•~e nf Pl'Jittpm"lll and ~u pph~ by fhl' h1ch ~rhnols in !he rl r~rnrt Reno l)ua ke Recorrl e1I RE\"O 1L'Pl 1 -Thr.. r,,.nn arril "'-~~ ;11.':h!h rnrkl'rl Tul'~d<?1 hy "'" rarthq11~~, 1111h ;:i m;i~niturlt nf thrPe on 1ht Rirhl tr -:c;ilr YOUR CENTER WITH FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS SERVICE. PLENTY OF BOTH FRONT AND STREET LEVEL. AND HE LP FU l FREE PARKING IN MALLS. ALL ON REAR 2300 HARBOR BLVD. THINK "Back To School" Top Valu es-low Prices Every Sini:il• Day AT WILSON JUST SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FRIEW A Y IN THI HEA~T OP COSTA MESA .. • 2300 HARBOR BLVD., C.OSTA MESA. • • ' - Ala.n Shepard To Be Ad1nira.l \l.1 ASHINGTO N iUPJ l - America'! first man Ill space, Alan B. &btpard Jr , will be e.lev11ttd tll admiral by the N1vy Thursday - the first astronaut to achieve. slar rank. The PenlaJIOn annnu nrtd lodil.v th wt ;i promotion ceremony will Lake plare 111 lht Office of Navy Serrrf;i ry Jnhri H. C'ht1 fee. ~hrparrl. 47, b<'rame 1he f1ri;t /\mPri ran In sp;ic,. l\111y 5. lllfil. It wa.~ a l5·minu1 e, 22·st>Cnnr1rirlf'1n ;-. f1ny. hrll -s hapf"d r11psule natllPri F're.l"dnm 7 ThP fh,i:ht tnnk him parl·14·ay Rrrn:;~ I.he Allanfir l)re;iri -hut not In f'::irth nr))it -a11d ex· ~sed him to abo ut five minutes o/ 14·ei~hl tessnes,; Last F'ehn1;i ry. m;ik1n~ his F1 r~l r1111.ht rn .~par,. s1nr P FrePdnl'TI 7. Shrp.ird l:inrlrrl nn !he mnon . as cnmmanrlPr nf lhe Apollo 14 mi~~inn. with Alan Rr.:in. 1'ransient Held On Burglary Rap 111 Laguna Beach Laguna Beach pohce Tuesday arrested a transient wanted in conner.lion ~·ith a June burglary afltr a patrolman alltged he recngniLtd the man from an old photngr&ph. Orticer Jack Ev;i ns look the suspect in- ti'! eu~tndy at about 9:30 p.m. ntar the 1·ornf'r of Legion Strtet and Coast High"•ay. Identified a~ Sltven M. Tyl er. J9, polite cl;;im th~ ynuth had committ~d a burglary in .Jun!' in which som e iso<t in r.,sh. g1 1n~, r hPrk" .:ind nlht r 11 1.'m S wl"re l11ktn. The $:l1Spec t lhtn 1\'tnt 1n Ntl'ada , nffirers sa1rl, .11nrl nnly returned to L.:i.l!llfl'1 P,r:irh .:i f PW rla y!' ;:11:11, 11Pl rr11 ves ;i\.<;n cla1mrrl lh;it TylPt' w;i.s \\·antrd nn nurnPrnus l r~ffir. "'arranl.s, f0rgery ch;irge~ and lnr :illf'_l?!':d ly fil1ni: a f.11l se. stnl11n propert y rt'pnrl 11·1th th,,. pnltrP depa•·tmen! ThP :;11sperl 1s to be arraigned Thursday. pnlice no!ed. School Board Backs Sadrll e hack Bonds Trus1f'e~ nr ti'" Ttistin I ·n1nn Hiizh ~rhflOl rlistr1ct ha \ P apprnvPrl ;; rt>!>nlolinn UT,l!in.I!. p::i~<;;:ige nf !hP ~rp1 14 hnnrt mP <1 !'11rP f::1r1nft,! 1·nrrr~ nf lhe ~a<lr11et).:irk Cnmmuni1.y r.ollrge Oislrict. Thi' resnh1tinn, ll'hich rt c e I v e t;t 11nanimnu.~ 11pprnv;il C\f lhe fiv P tru!"1f'P.~. 11·as prrp11re<1 .:ind m:11Jf>d l.n thP bn11rri b.v Sadrllt back Cnllrge rre ~\denl F rt rf P.rrmrr. Arrnmp;in_ving the <1oc11mrnt wa~ A IP!t.rr 11~kin11.: .~uppnrt nf the ~24.8 1n1l!1nn f>nnd mc;:i~urP. GEM TALK TODAY by DIAMONDS YOU MAY HAVE NE VER ,SEEN l·la\·e y 011 r1'er ~een 11 blark or br0u1n. blue !)r pink diamond~ They d0 e:i;i~t. . .:inil ~0mr are exlremely v::i l1n~hle. ::i~ 1.~ I.hr hlne ctiamond i:tn71 t.he ci:tn::i!J' diamond 9-'ith its cle;:ir yellow hu e. \\"1th the f"ic c-cr !irtn f'lf hlue, l'I touch of any l'lf lhf'se colors rn the \l·hit t: rli::irnonrl a\'ail::ib1e to most nf us lessens tJie slnne'" valuE'. as rto carbon spnt.~ fnaws) or poor ctitlini;. Althou.':h the~e truly m1'gntfict:nt d 1r1mond ~ are rA re, they are OC· ca~iona lly availahle; and jf ~'O\' a re in tcre~tE"d . you m i)i!:hl register yo11 r nRme "''ith us !>O you'll have An npportunity t0 t'X:1m·il'\e one, At l h1~ time "''-know of a four carat blue diamond tt vsilable. a tnl.ly rare gem. r.em purcha~e.s are important ln"e~tment..s, and \\'hen you buy s diamond the e:irpert"s knC>wledge ls price.lt:ss . So it's wise to be ~id· e<l by ;i m:in ..._.-ho knt'lv.·., fine ,qems and hy a man you can 1n1~t t(l tell the truth ahout off-color t1n~~ tlny spe(.lts or·poor C\IL which are .~n nften mis~td hy l;iymen l~t U! he!p you , . l':e ·,·e hved .. '.t·1th fl j,.. mond~ In Costa ~1esa for O\'CT t":~o ty-four years . -. . -· • Locl<l1eed 's Loa11 Appeal Hits Snag "'ASH l~r.rnN 1l1Pl\ -A rl rc1sinn nn wher.her In ,i:rant a $2.')0 million gnvpr 11. ml'nL-jit11ar11nt""n ln11n tn th.-fin11nr1111lv !rnub!rr! !.{){·khPl'rl A1rrraft rClrp , wa'" pnstponf'd lnd.:iy hv the FPdrr11I Rn.:tr d rrf'i1tf'rl hy Con.:rr~.~ to de11J wirh that 1.<l)lllt'. Aflrr 01r1>!11111. f1ir (Wo anrl ;:i h;ill hnur! lht bn::i.rrl .:innnunc:f'ti 11nlv lh.:11 1l "'1~·111 mef't a11,;i in lattr. at 11 rla.le 1n be srf. In C'nn1111up ennsirlPr<1t1on ()f lhe Lorkhttd loan 11pplic11linn." Th,. hnt1rrl 1.~ rnni po~rd •lf Tr"""ury ~rcrPl::!.r\' .lnhn R ('nnn:tltv .Ir . rh;i1 r· m.an ,\nhur F Rum" 11f lhf' Ft'rlrr:il Rr· serv11 sv~ren1 11nrl rha1rn1;i:n \\11111.:im .I. f".'l se.v nf thr Sccun!111s ;1nrl f·:xch;in~e Cnmrn l!'~inn Conn;ill y ll"a~ lhP :\rln11111'>tl'~l1n11·~ ch1r f <·ha1np1nn nl prnl'1r!1"1( 11 lo::in In Lock· hPerl lo al!nw !he h111. f1t•n1 In ;i1'rrt h.:ink· ruprry whrn the 1.~s11 P 11·i1~ hf'fnre fnn- ~res~. R111 lhp :it!1!ur1e nf Rurri~ ;ind f:asey lnw::irrl th11 lnari ~u;iran!re was ne l'f'r revriilrrl . At !cri~1 1w11 0f rbr lhr'N' rncrnhrr~ n111.~t ::ipnrn1·r thf' lo::in ~uar.1ntce hrfnre 11 c11n hf' ni::idl.'. l.nrkhPe<I. !hP n<it1nn·~ .llrrl lar~est <'nr· pnr;:it1nn. :o:.ay~ ii nePds !hP $2!ifl millinn In completP builrlin .i: !hi' TrtsTar l11tPrmerl i· arP r11n~e: ./rtliner 11'h1ch will com p!'!!'! "'ith the l\lrr>oinne!l-Dougl;i,, DC-tn, ,JJI· ready in service. Da vid l 'rosby, Frien<ls Cl earecl Of Drug Charges Rork Stfl~Pr l).:iv1rl Crn~h~' ;in<! f1\.,. frirncl~ .:irrr!'terl J11n r 9 1n NPll"pnr! Bf';:irh nn mar11u.:ina char.':es "'trf' clf'11rrd of all ch;i:r_gf'.~ !hi~ we-rk H:irbnr J11r1iei:il 11i.~1rirt .l11rlge Evrre!I \\' fliC'ke.v di sm1s!<r rl 1111 sl~ r:i~l'S Mon· d.:i v ht'r·;iu ~r nf 1n~11ff1r1rnl p1·1df'nr(' r lP;:irrd nf ffi:ITllU/10!1 p n .~ ~" S ~ j 'l n l'harcr~ alon,:: 1vi!h Crn~hv "'Pr('· -Lf'R n\' S. Finnnr. !'12,' "'hu 2::i1e his f!rlrlrf's~ ;is Crns h.1··:; Y:irhl. "\1:i van " -r.rnrge ~:. \\'R!krr. .ll nf 2:'>72 P.a.v~hnr(>~ nn\'P, Nl'wpor1 Rra('h. -Rnbt'rt n. \\'il~rin. :10 nr 900 l.1do P:i rk nr11·"· i\'P"'pnrt Rca <"h. -Shl'llP}" I.. Roerkrr, l!l. nf H0Uv11·110d. -1\:l!hl'rine I.. Rnhtrt1nn, 18, Holl\111.orl crnshV. 211, thf' \r:iflrr fll 1hP ln!k rl)("k proup r~rn~h.I'. !\ti ll.~. i\'::i0 h ::i.nr1 ''nu n11.. 11'flS :in·f"!'tl'rl .Jt1np !I 111th h i.~ frienr1~ nri h1~ ).:IC'hl. an!'hnrt'rl 111 !hP t11nr 1n !he L1rl" ~h1p\ ;irrl 1n Nrwf)(lrt Hll rhnr f\"P1vr>or l Rr:ir h Pol u·f' cl;:i1 mrd 1h"Y ~pn1tr<I rnan,1ua11;. fl<i;ifi ni;: rin tnp nr !hr 11·ater flfOl!Orl (rfl~~·~ }'flf'h1 , arler hP:lf· 1ng the billlP p11mr.~ 11prra1r .• !udge flir\.:P\' \\"II ~ rli~lrJrllnPrl, hnll'Pl'l'r. ... , .... ,., .. Jill ~Ir~. l\lar.v t\11n (.J111nn ra1n t!I fl;:i~rnlf' ::108 f Pe t <1bnvr Vresnn. P.lr~. Quinn. 4.1. h11 " hern paint· in~ fl::igpnles. sierrl('i;. tnt\'PrS :inrl i;n1nkrst.:i1·ks for 25 ye;:ir, 11·11hn111 .:i.n a<·<·irlen1 She "·0rks fn11r nr f1rr months a ,1·ear. ~lo ~ the re1>l. l'ri . .;011 Guanl Ruried r r 111 n k l)el/rio. !hf' .'.:i n Q11P11!1n i;:uarrf "'hn pnc. nn nfrlrt.:il~ .<'a1rl foun rl ?. ~lln Jn Gtnr,11~ ,lal'k.~on's h:1 1r IH11! 11 :i.~ sl;i:1n " l~w 1nnmro111 l.:ilrr. w:is h11nrrl hPJ'P T11Psr1av. F11nrr:i l ~rr111·r.~ wrrr hrl r1 f'fl:r]1,.r 1n r t'1.;l um.:i , where Dcl.rnn, 44 , li l'rd 11•1(1'1 h1~ "·1rP \'11·i;:in ;inrl lhrlr f11·p chilrlrrn . DPLeon 1.~ al •n :i;urr11'1>rl hi' h1~ paren1!, ~·1 rs. Ch;irlntlP C:ih,t:.:irrl And Frank P. n,.r,,.nn, n ... tl'! nr ... !0f"klnn. LIM ITED TIME OFFER • .. , buy3 get)free! Now is the t+me ta st11rt 0t Md to "ftJ41f TO'Wfe "9!frng ~rv1ct. Buy th,.e pt~es and ~t the loorth one fr•t.. For P>1llmphr: bvy lhrff lt.1spoco11~ afld you rec.en<e tile fourt1I ~llSPoO., frefl. ~e 111 today and choose; lnim our !al"R• ~elecf•on ot Towle pat1e-rns ,., solid sllv!r. 0 "er .1V~•l1 ble •'l ro!I OWLn& pteces in 111 &Ct.iv• Towle 5lat"i'1'!g patte~n!.: TeKpoon!I PIK• lotk!l rl«e k n/\f1!'5 Salad fofks "'""""""" Spre.oers .............. from$ 9.00 from S\4,50 from S\4.00 from S 12.00 f~S1 225 il'Ol'l'I s 9.00 SI0.00 s 7.50 $12.50 J. C .JJ.unip hrieJ J ewe!erJ 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA C0"1VfNIENi fl~"'l l l.o1>Nl(AMl~I C.Al0-l.IASfE ~ CMAe !;l .. - • l-4 Y~.1.0 5 5A"t LOC .t.fl0~1 'H0Nl 541-1401 ' •• .. I ii I I I ,I r, ~ I I I i 1 , I I '/ I J I I ' I -----....... -. "' I_,,, • - Laguna Bea~h EDI TI ON Today's Final N.Y. Stocks * VOL. M , NO. 202 , b SECTIONS. 78 PAGES TEN CENTS Nader Force Says State Wild Areas Ravaged By 1\-flK~ Sll.VE RMAN ._,_111t4 ...... N<ll•• Cahfnrni11 ·/i rem;1ining wild areas are: quick!}' ~ing ray;iged by private lanct in· t.erestli v.·hile governmental agencies either cooperate or watch helplesi;ly. sayli ' A.:ilph Nader t:isk force in the second installment of a massivr sfuclv entitled : Power and L11nd 1n California.' rrllvPrnmcnt11t planning anrl rrgul;il1nn Qf nev.• hous1nJ! developmt.nts in the st;:ite are "virtually nonex isten!" ii;11ys th e report, prepared by 21 "Nader's Raiders" and rele:ased in San Francisco today by • proJet'I dircf'tnr Robert Fe11melh The repor! 11lso calls for abo!ttinn 11! lhP State L;inds Cnmmisli!On '· a s presently cnnstitute<l." i;ay1ng 11 hll!i given awav cnntrol over state tldeands to lncal ju rii;dietinni;, l\i1der task force n1cn1bcr s. working "·ith in the Roi~e Ca1ic<1rlf' Corp,, "'hich rhe repnrl callr; "the bigi.:est ... nn1 thP "'flrlil " nf l'.alHnrni;:i. l::ind de \·elnpmenl tnncPrn.... found techniqtJPJi u~rd lo pur,;ue company interest.~ 1nclude<l heal'y campaign contributions tC1 eleeted of· ficial.•;,--.,!o~byins by the l;:i.w firm oI former Gnv . Edmund G. Brown, and sales leaflets "'hirh contain ·•explicit her;." thf' report said. ThP rPpnr1 citles what ii de~ribe:s as 11 l:ick of pffcc live centralized control hy ~ovPrnmen1. over land plann ini.:. with the result tha1 rl ecisions are loo oft.en left ln lnc::il control. which it lerms "the del'Plnper'~ bc~t frie nd,'" hecAUSe or locAI nff1rial.~ allege<! susceptibilily In in- fluence . "'Lnc;i! com munities." the report says. .. ha1'e nor l'ln l.v fa.iled to add suh.ctantiall.v Lo open space reservoirs in the fa ce of rising popu!a!ion demand. but often f:ul In preserve what was established years ,,, ;. prime threat to preser l'ation Df l:ind for recrealinnal u.~e. the repnr! holds. l'nmes from the sl;i tp's own highw::i,1• prn- ~ram. "v.·hich will consume tv.•n mltllnn acres by !980 '" /\'Pw rt'Sidenl1<1l dr l'Plnpment~ in Cahfornia . II .~ay'. arP sUbJecl to 1·irt11ally no eff Pct1vt rcstnctinns and ;ire nlten poorl y lncated and fraudulently fin ;inced ::ind sold . Task force members, the reporl con- • tinues. visited a r.larin County subdivision marke!ed by Oceana ~!ar in De1•elopment Corp. and were 1old the land was stable, 111lhnugh ''the ground was g1 v1np; wily under ollr !rel nod some of it rollir1g do"'" into the neean." Local i;:nvernmenlli are "'more (•nt1- •·ernPd w1!h altract1n~ builriers for t.ax h;i$E' purposes than with safety" and have 1mpnsed ftw meaningful s1and11rds and l11Ur enforcernent. the report says. "Land promotion.'' the report i:.ays, "ii:. ;i~ .\mrrican as cherry pie. lt 1s An enterprise engaged in for only one reason _ the m11kin~ of hugt profits from !he timely purchase, sale and develop- menl of what mi,(lht be considered the country's mos! precious resource." "California is i.:oin~ ln have lo choose," it ('Ofllint1cs , "'bc!wcen traffic rongesUon, environmental rlamage, higher land a.nd related <.'nsts. less privacy and eventual shorta~e nr open .~pace l;ind. nn the ont h:ind. and hirth ron!rol nn the other hand. "\\'p rPcnmmend immedia!e an d mass1\Pf' f;imil~· pl;inning education and subsidization . A~ California succeeds in meeting this prnh!em, it. can encourage ' reciprocal policies nationwide." I 0 s it IXOll eac lti Suit Cle11iente Nixon Meets Top Viet Negotiator By JO HN \1ALTERZ A or !~• 0•11• 11 11~1 s1•rt thin . gra.v hair. "'Ill ;i1'1'1VP 1n Paris SrpL f after slopping nff in \\'a.i;hingtnn and hi:!> homt in Rns!nn to clean up personal mat- ters. Ziegler said. Thf' rnnferencr wll h Porll'r the only ~chcduled !'Vent al lhe PrP.sirlential com- pound !hi:.. "'eek. President N1xo11 met wiLh his npw tnp negof.iatnr at the Paris Peace talks Tuer;- da~• in wh::il, ii; expected to be nne nf th e Ja,;t lnrma! function al th t Yi'ei;tern \\'hil t House during the current. workina var.a· tion. Operatinn!i shif!cd back to the Lagun a Bearh press ht11dquarter~ tnday ll~ thr- Presidenl resume:d a routine of slow-pac· ed study and meeting ~:ith a handful of advisers. Attorney Genera! <ind ~1 rs. .John Mitchell paid a social call on the. Prt;c;i· dent later Tuesday, sla,vlng only 11 short time. MARINES 'POLICE THE AREA' ALONG SAN CLEMENTE BEACH NEAR WESTERN WHITE HOUSE Oil Spill Annoying to Be1chg1Mrs, But Samething Less Than '" Ecologic.11 Ois1ster On Tur.sday Yi1illi am .I, Pol'lt'r mrl fnr ahnllt. an hour "'lt.h !he President t/\ discuss the thrust nf the bargaining elforl in Par~s. Press Secretary Ron Ziegler would give no specific det;ii]s or the ta lks. bul ht praised the fnrmer Ambasadnr tri Korea as "a highl.v cap;ible negntia1nr.'' Porter. 11 sligh!. sort-spoken man "'1th CAS PERS T ELLS I/I S OJVN STOR Y nrange ('ounty Fift h Oi.~trir! Supcrvl~11r Rnn;;ld C:ispcrs nf l\e" por1 Re;:irh ha.~ rcprispd h1~ fir s! mnnthi;; in nff1cr and offered h1.~ ;in;i!\'SI~ of the tumult In f'Ollfll\' govf'rnmf'nt rlunng a w1de-r;ing1n~ in-depth in1rr1·irw with thr OAILY PILOT. For Cas~rs' "''-"'s 1n !he que.~tion-and -11nswer session, i;er. P;i~e :'! !od;iy. Thus far lhe 11nnual A11~11s1 lnp west has been a low·ke~·eri bltond nf con- frrenrcl\ "'il h ii fe\1' aides, phQnt call11 ln Y.'ashlngtnn and med itat ion h.Y the chief executive. Lven Nixon's office routine -\l'hich on busy San Clemente s!11.1•~ ~!:iris wilh the: d:i"'" -1~ st.:1rt1ng later in 1hr d::i.1·. Nixon·~ "·nrkd;:iy began a! !la. m. Tuf's· day. Zieii:ler said. Twn prime is.~ur.~ ;ir" r'1pt11r1n,E: lhP. r re~1rleni·~ ;ittention rlunnt lhf' \l'nrk1ng 1·;;cal1on -the 1mparl of ,\;1>.nn·.~ ~a!!e pncP free7.I' ;ind the pnt1t1r<1I rl1male in So111h V1eln11m. 7,1cgler h;i~ rrrn;i111rd 1•<1i:;:11r nn fh,. \\1hilP Hnu.~t rnl" 1n thf' rnnt1nu1ni;: tc;n~inn 1n Snu!h \'1pln::imf'~f' f}Oli !1rs He h;:is adrn1tlrrl. hnw,.1•rr. rh;i.t lh,, Prc.<;1drnt h;i ~ hl'l'n "In \l'I'~ 1'ln<;p tourh .. ..... ·11h st11ff 1n S::11~nn_ Cnnver.~1ll1nns ;il.~n ;:irr lrN']i1rn1. hr 'aid. w11h Treasur.1• SrrrPtar.1' .fohn Con n::ill y in \\lashingtnn, "'hn 1<; keC'ping th r res1dent up-to-date on the erflnnm1c pic- ture. New .4mtrak Turbotrain Stops in San Clemente K~· BARBAR A GIUS plPte ·with minl ·skirlrd ho 5 I e s~"!-. 01 "'" 0 11"' ""'' •••tt rerlining .~Pa li;;, headrests. and P.A r phnnr.,, Sa n Clen1cnt.P· and fullerlnn wr re ror proi.:r.'lmmf\d mu ,\ir. Vnr lonii:· \!isited bri rfly Tuesda~' by tht. Oeparl-dist;;ince jnur!'IP_YS. a film is 11lso featured . mcnt of Transportation ·~ P:tperimen!Al Thl're ;ire currently two AmtrAk trains Turbot rain. in oper11!ion in the nalion. Onr m;iintains The Am trak passcnRer train is o!'I 11 a d;iily schedule between BQstnn ;ind New Whistle Bloivs On Jr. Football Fund Solicitors F'nlln"·ing An ::inonymnu.~ comp\aint In La,lluna AeRch pol ice. ynun,gsl er~ ra1sin,1;; hind.~ for !ht .luninr All·Amto rican Fool.- ball Lra,eue h.:ivt .cone back t.n !he huri<lle ;:ind re!urned with an 11pplicalinn for a &ol1r1hn,1t perm it. Tht 1.1n youl.hs h;ive hecn enga~ed 1n !tellin,1t candy tl'l reside nt!t for !he pa st "'~ek in ;:in ,.ffnr! !n rai~e mnney /or the. pur"hast nf uniform!>. l-lnWP\'Pr. their plforl!t were hl'lltrrl hr <11 .~neak pl;11· ~1nnrla\' "·h~.., [)fll11·p rrC"P1 VPri an aonnvmnu!t phnor rail frnm a rPsH1tnl 1iay1ng lh t .vnunl!:Sltr!i h.::id nn ptorm!! /I .~pnkei;;m;in fnr the lt";i~Ht .~Aid ln<iRy there h;id been a mist1nder!it11.nding whrn lhP nrgan i,,rrs mis1.:ikenly though! nn pPrrn1L wR.~ nredM'f if the ::icfivity wa~ for chari1able purtnses. "\\'t never thnughl nf i1 in t.rrm!t n( !tPllJng." .~he noted , add ini.: the permil :ip- plici:ition "'as retur ne<I In !he city this mornin,1: f,c;i~ur offici;if~ "XPf'Ct nrt prnhlrm ~·1th !'lbt o111ning lhl' permi1 ;i nd u pecl In bf' bi:ir.k ~elhni.: c.11ndv bl' Thursdav. The ~pplication must be 8pproved by ~t.b tht city msnager 11.nd the police departml nt. Marines Stud y Y car-round Trips to Laguna rnnnth-lnnJ! 12.flOO.mile endurance and York while !he other mak es i!s nalion;:i l public rlemC1nstra tion run In le.<;t its rxprrimenfal lour. Marine Corp!' nffic\.11ls at bitse' In f_hll! <luri1bilitv in ttrms nf ma inten;ince and tn Thr 229--mile ~tre1th alnni;:. the eA!tlern La,l!UnA Bea ch Arf'.a Are considering m11k- 1111,.1v7.r 'thP f'f-'l'lnomic~ nf opcrt1tlf)n. ll coast t n kr.~ !hr train three hnurli :ind :19 ing ye11r rou nd • progr11m f)f tr.11ni:.porting pulled into the Fullerton depot at 1J• 4:l minute.~ to cover. \\'hilp the tr;iJn 1s enlislerl rnf!n on passe~ In thll! Art Colony. 11.1n . for fiftrrn-minu!e. oblitrvallon hy capable nf tr11vel\ng up to !70 m.p.h.. Mstj. LArry Citmpbell. li~l::il -'ervice-' curinus rinlooker-'i, 1tnd atrivl'd 11n hour J:!rArle C'rnssinii:~ 11nd roadbed deficiencie~ nfficer 111 F.l Toro M11rtnt Corp~ Air Sta- litll'r in S;in CIKnen!e. rei;;tricl lhl' lipecd t.n 90 m p.h !inn. tnlrl Ch;imbe:.r of Commerce dir~- Osc11r r.riffin, director nl puhlic in-Aloni;; the 38-milr strrtch between lnrs Tut'Mtay he wnuld like lo expand the fnrmatinn for thr rll"pArt.mPnl , ~Aid thP Fullerton ancl ~an CIPml'nll'. the •~service, which iii now n1n only during the lilrt amline<I. hiizh ~peed train Is an 11:t· Turbnt rain cruilird ;if !IO m.p,h. Ar· su mmer mon!hs. J)('rimental proiecl prnvidt'd fnr in !ht ('llrding In passengrrs . lhe faslf!r !he He ooted that th• enlisted men. wh<I Hi.l!h Speed Ground Transpnrtatln!'I Act of SPf'cd , tht smoother !he ridr . are brought t.n Lii1r::unA Be~ch on A t96.S. II. i~ design~ hy AerOllpllrll! Speed. hnwe:ver. i~ no t the primi:iry in· Mitrine Corps bus, enjoy their ,,lays in l'neinet't5 nf lht United AitcrAFI Corpor::i· ltnt in the development of th • lnwn iilld speak highly or the community , lion to gl1:t mAximum I n t e r c i I Y Turbolra1n. Campbell •ISO noted he ll! preparing An p11s~en1r::er srrvlce while utllizing cnn· II is inhercnlly l11vorabl,. lo Pcolngy. information sheet on Lll flt'.UnA Beach for vrnUon:il rnil f11c l!ities. ~ays Griffin. The deparlmC!nl l!slimales insertion in 1 ~hure provided Marine11 Thr. threP-('ll r lrAln i,_ powrrefl hy .1:'11!1'. th;:it a srvcn-('Rr !rain c11n carry tht !ttlmt :\!, El T(l m, Camp Pendle ton, the Santa turbine rnF(inc11 They arP localed 111 l!RC h number of p.::i~sen,:ter~ rrom downtown tn Anti Helicopter station and a base at f'nd 110 the train doesn·t have tn tum d(lwntown on nn~fiftccnlh of I he Yu m;;i, Ari:rona. !f"IUl'lcl 11 i!I'. ri:ip11.blt of r11~l.t"r 11c-llor~Ppnwrr Iha! lSO automnhile~ can .. Tl ;~ ,1:ood In lltt the Marin~ in town." Cf'lt'r&tion and hh;;:hf>r tn1i5in11: !tpePci~ Rf'CllU~e nr lhr. gas turbint engine~. Ch<Jmber Prt1iidenl Roy Marcom I-Old t.he lh11n convenllon11I rail tran11port. 11c-furthermnrr. f'flluents rele:Jstd amount mAjlr. "H helps l.n bala.nce tht plctw:e." ef'rd1nfl' fn (~rirr,n fn aboul one-fnurlh of thn~t" lrnm 1nttrnill Marrnm. • rtilltnr, did not l!h1bor111e on Jnc1d11 lh,. r;:ir~. '~" a !mn~phrr11 ,, rnmhu~11nn eng\ne!I'. nf e:qual hnrsrpnwer. "'hi!:l kind nf "picture" he was ref erring rp.llch like lh;it ol a comlorta~e Jct . cc~ayLGrilfil\ti-~ io~ 1 , -L1l.!t .. ' Main Beacli Park Takes Council's Budget Ti11ie L;i.,i:unil Rr:ich C'lly <"ouncilmrri held fht'ir first study ~e:<;stnn on the l'.'171 -12 hudi;:,rt J\lond;iy n1~hl hut sprnt .;II !hr1r !1mt dir;cussin~ finanC'1ng nl !he ~lain Brach Pi1rk A recap nf !ht rrm;i1nder budge!. sllll In h,. [)flndcred nex1 week b.v cnunc1lmen. 1.~ ;i:<; follow~· Tn1:il b11f'lcrl rcqur~t;.; h~· ell \' .~lilff ;irnol1n1rn tn ~4 .. 141,2711. "h1ch "·;i~ parPrl 1\1 C11 _1· !'.lan.l,crr L:1rr1· Ro.~P. tn $~.ll7,72t Rn.<;r_ 1·ut. $i4, !Oil frnn1 rersnnnel rr- Que.~ts. $17~.742 frnm nialnten;inC'"-anrt nperations ;:ind ;:iddeci S.'!11 .. 102 In .caplt;il 011lla~·. ror !he nc1 cut of 8223.549. Ro:-e >;how:<; income nl $.l866,51\.1 from i;;urpluses 1$1R9,4551. currenl revenur~ •$2,3R0,5:u\), properl,Y taxr.:<; t SI ,240,4~J anrl lil'.!hling dislrirt rS.'i6.115 l. ThP dirf Prencr bet"'r..en the rev1sef1 rr- QUcsts and the Income amounts l() ~2.l'.l,)4fi. nf which .$131.000 i~ fnr runrhniz nf thP J\.1air1 Rei1ch fnr !and acquisitln n anrl rlPrnnl1t1n11 nf <;Jruriure;c;. ThP rem:11nin~ ~!l!l.fi4fi must bt ra1srd lnr nlhcr it.ems RnSP shnwi;; lhat thrnu1:h srvrral new rrl'rnur ~nurrr~ lhP rit\' rnuld raise_ $219.ROO toward the ~23tl4ii needPrl. I nrlrr" ne11( S!.<ltf' Si'ni!IP hill. !hP f'lf\' 11111 fl'f'Pl~P :ir1 ::11lrl1l1nn;:il .\lll.OOfl 1n ~;;_, 1nnnr1. S!O,flOO hv 11 nn" fX'!'\enl hlkt in hrrl l<1.1i. $71'1,0(J(l h\• m;inrlatory tr;i sh cnl· lrrnon ::it $2 prr monrh. $8.'1.oon fron1 srwrr ,,rr1'!l'P, S2 .. 1(l(I for h1~hrr sewrr "1Jnl>f'rt1on fPes , $:10.000 for 1ncreriscd pa1·k1ng fr.es anrl f1nr..~ and S\2,500 from a rlevclnp1nrnt !<ix nn'P rlirl nnl 1nrlicatP how he would 1·a1.~e lhP remaining money . Cnunc1lman will mPet al 7.3'1 pm. Tuesd;iy tn cnntlnue disrussinn~ nn lh~ hudi:;r1 anrl the financing of the. f\1ain Beach P;irk. Board Clea1·s the Decl\.s For lrvit1e City Election By TOM RARLF.V or t111 ru 11r ~11e1 11111 Orani::t U;iunty supervi!IOrs today stl Sepl. 15 as tht date nn which tt'le.v will hear protests again~!. lhe p!;i nned in- corporation nf the cll.Y of Irvine. -Their action cleared thP w;i~· for 11 cltyhond election which r;eem!i likely ln he: . ~heduled fo r \alt November or eerly December. Rnard ar.tinn, led hy fiflh Oislricl 111Jperv1.snr Ronald Caspers of Newptlrt Beach. w.11~ trig,l:'ered hy the fihng late. Tuesd;;y of th e requlrtd S800 fee: by pro- pnnenUt of the Irvine incorporation mnvt- ment. The: paymenl clcitrll tht wa y fnr Coun1y Clerk W\Jliam Sl .John to ' publish notices nf the protest. hearing and lltl up Ad· minlstratlve machinery for the rC8ulting election. Gas per5 led lht movr for the Sept. I~ hearini.: just 24 hours after he had urger! the. board to b1u:k him in his move~ for an early resolutinn on lrvinf' cityhoott Cityhood proponcntJJ. smong the.m lh,. campaig+ilng Council nr Communlt1e:s nl l ~ln,., Ar'. u1·,1:in2 1h11t lh,. elt clion bt he ld In Ume f9r the ne.w city .to· cwaU(y -.} lnr .state rt>batr.s nn gasoline and sale t;ixes in 1972. To do so. the city wnuld have to be certHied berore ,Jan. I, 1972, C<::r Chairmrin .John Burl.tin ha;c; stre~~ rd to I.he hoard that th e etectlnn must be held before Dec .. 11 In permit pr(lpcrty in the proposed city lo gn nn the: county a5sts.~r·~ Hl71-7:'! tax roles . Plan,~ call for the creation nr <110 1R.207- Acre city in lhe central Irvine Ranch arc11 . Crea{inn ol the city has been backel'I b the !.oc:al Agency Forma tion Com· mission If owner~ representing 51 percent l':lr more of the land rlesignated for the new city protest lhe incorporAtinn then the election date will be cancelled~ Petitions ca lling for incnr rat.ion havr. bten signed by owner~ 59 percent of the area'5 asscs~ecl va!ua ion ~nd 8.1 per· cent of it.s property ownc 5. The new r.lty's bo aries would itlr'.lch from 1'.1ar Arthur Bou\evarl n,.ar UC trvine-In a point abnvf' lr\'lnt. Bnulel'Ard north nr tht ~<1nt:1 An11 Frr.ewa :.' and from thf' Npv.·pnr1 VrePwAy _area to Sa.~d Canyon Road on lhe: cast • -· Crews Hold Field Day 011 Sands President Nixon's private. beach and lhl' i\!arine Corps shoreline do11.·ncoast recr1 ved a rinse nf oceangoing Navy fueJ oil Tuesda~·· Crew~ from Cam p Pendleton had lht blobs nr fuel oil cleaned up quickly. spokesmen said today . Despil! somt appearances of the goo on the. coastlinl'. hetween San Ono frt And Dana Point. the bulk n! lhe accidentally .spilled fuel remains at se~ and some of it Is ~inking nr breaking up. Tht small blobs of tarry oil appeared "'!th the dawn tod;iy at Cotton's Point and alsn i:.meared so me porlinn.c; of the sands on hl'ilches up arid downcoast of fhP Pre~1denl '.c; homP. Pre.sidrnti;il Press Sccre!ary Ron. Ziegler was qunterl Tuesday as saying lhe: Presiden! w;is "certainly concerned" about the 011. Other report~ quoted tht. chief ex· ecutive Rs ~aying he wanted no special treatment on his beach by the cleanu p crews Despite I.he ;:ippearance ('If some p:.tc;hes nr gnn ;;nd ;;"•iftly acting Navy and i\lanne cleanup crews. the oil slick 11 far from a d1sa1iter. Rrarh at!endanC'f' Tuesday along lhe Snur.h Coast was bet1er lhan <1verage and s"·1mmers wcrP more rn 1eapordy from hra v,v surf Lh;in the flna~ing blobs, l1frJ!uarrti:. said. S;in Clen1en1e·~ rescues totaled about h:i Tuesf111v -!he average for a busy wer.kPnd , not a lonr "'ee.kda y-because of hr<ivy surf And some riptides. Navy spokesmen say experts slill are !ryfng to rielermine t.he amnunl of heavy fuel nil which was m1slakcnly spilled oft Sa11 Clen1cnre Island lasl weekend as th• Oiler USS ~tanatee dispensed fue l lo th• aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga. A valve was accidentally lefl ope n by a crel'·man, causin1: the spill into the sea. Ofrici;:i!s predicted appearances o! pritches nr !.he r.arry nuisanc e for days to come on Soulh Coa.c;t beaches. This morning's concentration seemed to bP along San Clemente State Park Beach and the Riviera beach upct1ast in San Clemente. Orange Weather The temperature will be In the mld·70's along the coastline today and Thursday rising to the low 8()"s inland. Low~ tonight predic ted in the 60's. Good clay for the beach- that is, If you're: not working. INSIDE TODAY Tl1r \V r.\'tm1nster Cmnm unity Theater mark.~ it.,~ 10th an nivtr· sar11 Fridnu 111ilh tt, mu.'lir.ai romrdy. ''On.C(' Upon a. Mnt· tress." Set E'riterta1nmenS. PaQt 31. ... 11... JI CllH•rftfl I Cl rH• Ct•ftt r 11 Ci..c•1,.. U• 1 (llolll•" 0 ·11 C:t..,ICI H C,MI-~ H 0.1111 ... 11,,, ' Olvtf'Ctl I •111 .. 111 "••• ' 1 11i.r1tl11lnlftl »JI l"lfltllCo U·)' N•rM<ett ll •1111 ~tltd•n M Mtlll••• t MH rl• .. l ie-t Miii Ill Strvlc• M•1't Mt•ll1 Jt..11 Mutut l l"ulltl M fltllOftl t N"'" 4.J Ot•~• C-fV t Jylwla l"fflt < N JHth 1•tt Stec• M•<1'.tll tt-11 , ..... 1.i... .. "'"'"'' Jl.ll WH I-4 W~Jh W•flll 1t w1m111'1 N•"'" If.ti W••I~ Nt11f\ t.J • • ----- z tllll 'f ~lLOl Capo Planners Annexation Wins 01( By P.\&IEl.l ~' Of ,,.. IMlll'lr •tllll 11111 Stn Juan Capistr•nn·s Pl1nn1na Cnm- misslon vot.t:d 3 !o 2 Tuesday fn rtcOm · mend aruie:rallon nl C1p1str;:ino Bl't1Ch and Oan1 Point tn their city Chairman Jerry Gaffnev made thl' ml'I· lion to reccmmend anne:i.a!lon based on two conll.lll enc1es. &r1 In-depth s!udy must show I.hit 1Me1111on v.·ould 11.'0tlt for the ttfln!'lmJc ind aesthetic benefit of al!: the !orm of iOverl\ll'lenl must 1nsurl!! norention of identify Mr all thret cnm - mun1tie.<.. 1t shoul d prn\'1de !In eq11,:il \'("lt1ni vo1re The romn\1ss1nn <1lso 1·01ed to reron1- mend that the City Council have ad· dlUon&l town 1\111 mHtint:s to 11plAi.11 the compl e1 aMe1ation issue.a. Voting against the anne1at1on .,,,.,re Commi~&ioners Charles Allen and Carol Heim. Alll.'n said 1n his np1ruon. annexat ion \\'as !hi.' "sec·ond-be5l thing'· lnr the cnni· rnuni11Ps l n<'nrporat11')n 11·Jth C<1p15tr:inn s h£1p 11 nuld be betler •• Nixon .Studying China 1--{P '.<ll&RP~IPrl pu1\1n~ 1ncnrprirattnn nn the ballot as 11 thirrl chn1re along with 1 P~ or nn fnr ;:inntxat1nn HP "·as told !his might nor !rgalJ~· lw f10\~1blP In Preparation for Trip ,\l r~ HP1m said hPr nn 11}1 1" "ii" ba ;ed nn !hf f1nanr1 al h11rdPn thr anne\al1on is and 11ould be p!;:ir 1ng nn the Clf) ~ tax- pa\Pr!'. In rPcnmn1Pnd1ng anne_\altnn Ga!!nPV ilrim1tr Pd !he planner~ have not ye' rPceired sufficient da!a to make a riec1s1on, By HELEN TRO.\IAS Ul>I Jtal! W•l!~r President r'-.'ixon 1s studying bti<'iks or. China and keeping a top secret label on plaM fnr his trip tn Peking "'hlch may take place latt this .vear. A high White House 0H1cial 11.·ho earlier had indicattd that Nixon's "Journey fnr ?e1ce" \\'OUld be undertaken in early 1972 now is saying !he President \Oo'lll tra11e! "sooner rather than later ·• The only deadline the \\'hite Hnuse has gil'en is "before May·• to keep it out of the realm of partisan pol11lc1 durlng an election ye.tr. Nixon .!iald at his news cnnference Aug. .('that there would be ei.:tensh·e negntia- tions for thl' historic \'isil lo the Chine5l".. mainland "·ithin the r.ext h\'O or lhree months. But there are no further hints on the preparations. Presa Secretary Ronald L. ZJegler told newsmen, in response t.o a question ~1onday thal nei!het the Presi- dent nor Henry A. Kissinger . his National Security Arfa1rs Advisor, has be-en in touch with representatives of the Peoples RPflflblic of China. Ziegler also said flat!.v "nl') C(lnd1til')ns" have been set by eJther ~!de 0n the v1s1l or the agenda. Arkansas Rep. \.\lilbur Mills. a possible Democratic pres1denl!i1I c'andidate. had suggested that somt con· 011.APrtGl COAST DAILY PILOT Olllol.IOC..'. COAST 'Ul l !SHl,.C. COM,.AN'I' 11.ohtrl N. w ,,,.j I'·•• d..,t '"" l'u~'I•~~• Jtc~ II , Cu•lty V•C• 1'r-i•d1~1 tr4 c,..,,,,1 ltA1,,,.ftr n. ...... l(',,.;1 Edl!Or T~e"''' A. Mu•o~•n• M1nl QO»; fd•"" C~1 rlt1 H. teo1 llic~1 •d P, Ni ll J1u1111n1 lil o"tOl"ll !d1:11ri L.,1•• '-ell ()ffl,• 11 l ~"''" AYtftUt M1iliftt 1,.jdr1u : P.O. lei 111111, •211J2 S.11 Cl11111•,. Office JO~ Ne.tk El C1.,,lne ll.11 1, •11111 Otller OHie .. CM!• Mn1 · JJe We•• lt'i' li!•"' "''""•" l...:ft W ' '"'"'toll" Bou ovt"lf M""HllllllHI lllC~; 1111J l••C~ 111ul1vt •4 CA!LV •l~OT, w•1• ....,en" co..,BllM'd l~I ,..,..., ...... ,. ,. •u•'""•d dl<lv 1•<101 Su"" •UY l<I llPl'lll t<lll'°"' ,,,. l t gun1 Ille~. IOewpo•r llttc•. C"1't 11".-o. ><u••l"ll'&• &eoc•. ~O(j•1tl" \/'tU~y SI• c,.,...., • ., CtOl1tr1"11 ••.e !·dttlr~·&, •'o">G wl•• ""' ro9•t n1I HI•!'°" Prl•c•IMl l l>"l"''"Q plont f> u llll wn• ll •v !•••t•. CM•• Mut. l1l1,lle•1 !71 •1 64Z ·•J21 Clas.HIM Ao•o rtl1h1t 6'41·1671 So11 Cl-11to All D~"-"": r.1.,11 •• , ••2·4420 L .. , .. 9"&11 All o,,..,_.,.: T•'''"'"' •••·•4•• CllP''1"IQftl, "II, ".l••"ll• Coo ! •u~ll1• ., ~ ....... v Ne ...... , •'O"U· "'"""''~"" fl!lln•ll' "'f'lt• n• /dvf•llH"'f~'I •••••~ ,....v b~ •to"llll!uc"'1 '"'"'''"! 11>«•e1 p~r"'111'111> et <OOV"0'• OW~f'. Socer.d cl•" DO•T•;• o.,d 1t ,.,,..11&,, llt"" t •d CO\Tt 1,1.tu , C•l1fornl1 3u~rro111•n llV ~·"''' 111..\ ""'""'"· !IV .,,Ill II 7J ""'"'~•v. ""1'"•'V ~Mn•11lo~•. H 1~ """''~'V •• •3 dillons ma~· ha\'e been placed nn 1he trip \Oo'h1rh would put a crimp 1n /\'ixnn's tra \'el plans There 15 s~culation that N1xnn may send a high·\tve! de!rgation of promintnt Americans, including Chinese schnlars. In Ptk1ng to further break the ire and to pave lhe '\\•ay for his arrival \.\'hile Chintse Premier Chnu En-L111 has fretly txpressed his \'iews nn 11 ran11.e fJf subjects certain to bf! covered in the unpreceden!ed !a!k~ with N1>:1')n, the \'ih1!t Housl.' has rema1nerl mum. In his speeches Nixon dramatizes his Journey as the forerunner nf e1·ent s that v.·ill lt 11d fl') A generation and el'r n l"n:;:er of "·orld ~ace. Youngsters Set Sun1m er Concert In Emerald Bay A group or mnre than Ml Emerald Bay ~·nungsttrs "'Ill hold a summer concert at 7 p.m. F'rida,v 11!. Sv.·ans(ln Ptirk. Just in- Ei1de !he gat.e nf the pnva!e community. Knn11:n 11s the "Emer;:ild Chimt.~.-· the group ha,11 been ~inging ln.Q:ether since the start of ~ummer, as part of a program to give you ngsters somPthing In keep them b11s. Tht program has been rlirl.'r1ed by ~!rs_ Et·a Kramer. !425 Emera lrl Ba.v and ~1rs. i\1ardi Spaldin.Q:.1103 F.merald Bay . Th!': first part of th e tu·n p11rl shfl\I' will fca1 ure the yl')unger membf>r.~ nf the Chime~ singing .. Consider Y0ur~elf."' ''You're A GMd t>.1an . C"h;irht: El rown."' ''The Doctnr 1s In." "S11 pper1ime," "Do· Rt-~li,'' and "My Fa vor1tP. ThinEs.'' folln~·in_R intermission. lhP nlder grnup w1!J perform "Whal the \\'nr!d Nf'Prls NO\\' is Lnve," "Wp ·v" Only Ju~! Rri;un." and a numbfor of nthPr pop11!11r !tnn11:.~ Tht ynunit Chime;i; will hP rl')nrl11r1rrl hv Doug \Vilk.~ a ('a l Sta !P Fullrrlnn m11 ~1r rna,1pr Thp nldcr Chime;<; ;irp undPr 1/11". direction nf Jack Coleman. whl') h;i.~ drine ext.ensi ve. musir. dirt':cl 1nn 1n tPlt'visinn. The public is 1nv11e.d to attend thr free concert. Laguna Head-on Crash Hurts 3 A 2-1•rar--<1ld hn\". hi~ fatbPr 11nrl ann1hPr r1n1·er' 5u:;.t;iined minor inJUTl 'S 1n 11 hl.'adnn cnll1~1nn Tuesrla.v altrmfll"n 1n LAgUni! Btt1ch. l'f'l\11'• s:i1rl all lhrt'r wPrp l;il.rn tn ~riuth Cnast Commun1I\ Hl')opit 11I b1· 11m huJ.i1.nrf' fnllo"·in ~ th, ~ pm 11rr1rlrf\I ne;:ir th,. 1n!erser l!on nf Th;:iha ~trrPI 11nd Tl'mplP Hillr-Dn1't' ThP 1·n11ni;:~rrr . Lf'~l 1r Rr111.i,!• .lr """ ttr<i!Prl fnr hrcirl ru!• hrforp hP1ri~ rPlr;>.~ r rl Hi ~ f;:ifh1>r. l.t~ll' R Bn~R~· 2~ nf ~lf>4 \j~;idr11l'l11rk Ot1l'P , .:i od r 11rnl L rhambrr!111n, II. or i;vno<1l:i.ncl Hill~. ll'P!'P M1h !rt11!t•rl fnr m1n0r cuts 11nd bru1s1>~ brlnrr b!'1ni.: rr>le~sed, a h n 5 p I t A I spnkr$m;;n siud City ~·lanager Donald G \\1e1dner told lhe crimmissil')n the 1n·dep1h stud~· on an· nexa11on "'Ould be Cl')mpleted in 20 to 30 d;:i1·s f.affnrv sa1rl he has people to be n1nsl concerned ab0ur !he possible tax ratP "There ;irp ~evpral f}Oh11cal entJIH'S currently t;ixing Jn C;:ip1st.ranl') Br;:irh ;ind D;in;:i Pont .'' hP ~i!lil ,.f.l'Pn!uallv thP •e 11'01ilrl be d1snlvPd anrl prrhap~ 1t1r r-11y 1ax rate wnulrl be off~et hy reduc1inns marlP b,v the d1~solut1np of thrse taxing ent1t1r s ·• C1ly Planner nober! ,lnhns wa rnP rl that ;innexa!inn "'nu!d prn1·1rle .onme problem!! for the planning rnmm1ss1nn "The nev.· land's znnini;: wnulrl hr rr;io. eel and wnulrl hll\P In j:!n thrnue,h new form<il 1nn1nit prncerlurrs," he .oa1rl John~ pn1nted nut 1ha1 ha~rd on S;in .Juan Capistrann's phdn~nphy the max- imum pr>pulatinn nf the rnmb1nrd arPa~ nf f 11p1s!r<1nn Beach and Da n11 Point 11·nulrl be .10.oon . Si!n Ju11n'o rop11!<1tlnn. v:h1rh 11 nulrt bP in a larger grngraph1c 11rea . 10 l.'S!1ma\rd In become 8.'1.flOO Pnpulat tf\n <lensi!y "'nt1lrl be apprnximatrly 10 persons per acrP. The planning cnmm1.~s1on r·r<'nn1· mendat1nn 11·a.~ thf" first legal step 1n formal anneJ>a1 1nn prl')ceclurP!'; ThP ntxl 11.tep \\'!Jl be taken by lhe. city council. District Okays Purchase of Six Surplus Trailers Tui;t1n l'n1on H11!h Srhm1 n1~1nrt trui:!Pt.• h;:i1·e 1·ntPrl 10 purrha.•e ~1x sur· ph1,11 trailer.~ tlr•:rr1twd !I') b, in r:trt'llP.nt ronrh11nn. PXl'epl f(lr one m innr flaw - thP\' harp nn ~1rl<'~ ThP larl!P. If! hi' ~S-fPP! l railt'r~. wh1r h \\'11! h« 11~rrl fnr •tnraJ;:", ar« !n hr pur <'hll~Prl frnn1 ii Tnrr:inr~ ,<:C'hnnl rl1o;l r1rt fnr $fo!-,O l'.:ll'h In :i ~kll"ll'.: fu nrl;, for lhP p11rr•h;:i <:p, tl1.~· 1i'll't liil~rinlrnrlPnt \\"il l1;im Zni;:,: nnlPd that ;i llPll' lr:iilPr, I ~ hy ~n frrl 1n '17r. 11·n11:rl 1·n<1 ,,.2 Rnn Hnwr1·Pr . 1n :irlr1111nn In th,, $1;.~0 1n1l1a t <'0~1. 7.n:!c. ro;:i1rl !hi.' f11~lflr1. fnr Pi'l<'h trailrr. \\lll p.:11· no l.1~. ,,,.1!) lranspnrla · 11nn rn'! ~inn fnr ;:i ir<1nsfnrmrr ;itirl J1 i)nu 1 .ilifl !nr tl'p111 r ·• 1n~(.:ill;it1nn nf ~l rlf'< 11 nrl rlnnr~ 'ThP1 .:irP 1n prrfr;-Jll l?Mrl ~hapr." thP Frl'innl ~11prri ntPnrlrnl ~;i1r!. 'hu1 lhl'\' !'l<I rlnn't h111·p <1rlr<: nn !hrrTJ ·· Tho0 .:irlrl111nn.:il 'har:;o«< 11 .II h""~I lhP enq nf ra•h 11011 tn 11hn111 Sl.lill, 7ni?;;i tolrl 1h« hn.:irrl ThP 1r111\f"!' 1,h1rh ti" h;11p p11rt111nn <. l11?htc .:inrl hr.:it1n ~ [ll!mno ;i lrPlrl\ 1n •o;t;illrrl 1111: hr n•r'1 Int c1nr~c " nr rou1pmPnt ;ion •1ir r11~ hv !!'I,. h11:.h i;chnnl~ in !OP rl1.<1nrt Br·no ()11 a kc Hrrorrlcrl RE\:0 l \'P!\ -Th" R"rlll 11rr;i 11 ;:i ~ ~l1 r;:hth rr.rkrrl Tu1><.rl;:i, t11 ;in t'::1.r1h'111 'lk'! 11 11h 11 m:i~ri1t11rlr ri f trirP! r.n th" R1rhtrr ~ralP YOUR CENTER WITH FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS AND H EL PF UL SERVICE. PLENTY OP FREE PARKING IN BOTH FRONT AND REAR MAW. ALL ON STREET LEVEL STO RE S ll f---.,,JI TO SERVE YOU 2300 HARBOR BLVD. AT WILSON JUST SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FREEWAY IN THI HEART 0~ COSTA MESA THINK "Back To School" Top Values-Low Prices Every Sl119le Day 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA - Alan Shepard To Be Adn1i rnl \\' A S H I N G 1' 0 N 1liPI 1 America's first man in space, Al.tn 8. Shepard Jr , wjll be e!ev11tad to admiral by the N•''Y Thursday - the first aslronaut to Achil.'\'t star rank . The PPntajilnn annn11n1'f'rl l1.\da..v Iha~ a r r0n1ntion ePreml')ny "''Ill L:ikP plact> 1n H1P. O!f1re of Na1·y SrcrPl<irv .lnhn H, Chilfer Shf'p11 1·rl . 47. hf'r ilrnp thP f1r~t An1enr11n 111 ~p11c,. ~l11v 5. lllfi \ It ";:is a 15-minutt>. 22-~f'('nnrl rirlP 10 <'> t1n1. bell -sh;iperl r·api;ul P named Freerl0m 7 ThP Ille.ht tonk him p111·t.1111 1· arrn~~ thP Al!ilnrir <lreRn h11t nnl tn r11r!h nrb11 -;:in<l f'.li pn,oprf him !n ab<i11l f11 e m1nu\e."i nf "PH!htlr~~nr ~~ L;:i~t ~ ebrua r~, n1akinj:! h1,11 f1r~t fl1cht 1n "P.:I<'<' i;1nce F'rPP<lnm 7. l\heparrl l11nc!Prl nn the mnnn. as cnmmandpr l')f 1hP Afl(lllo 14 mis~illn . "·1th Alan Be11n. Transie nt Held On Burglary l{ap In La~una Beach L;:igun11 Be ach police Tuesda y arrested A transient "'an!Pd in connect1nn "''l\h a .Junt bur11lary after a patrnJm;on alleged hp reco,l!n ized !he man from an old phn11'),l!r.:iph , Qff1rPr .l :ick E1;:ins \nnk the 8U•prct in· !n <'H'lorl1 at ;:ilmut !l .1~ pm near the 1·n1 ner nl Leg1nn Strert and Coasl H1,i;hwi1•' lrif'nt1f1t'fl a~ Ste\'en 1\1 T~·\Pr, lll , poltre t l1111n !he 1'nu1h harl rnmmille.d a burglarr 1n .lunp 1n "'hlC'h some ~.)(\{) 1n ra~h . 1111n~. {'hPr k~ anrl nthPr il Pm"i wpre t;:ikrn. Thi.' ~11~rect 1hrn 11enr In Np1'at111, flffirrr~ ~;:i1rl. ;:ind only returnl.'d lo L;:ii,:1 1n11 Ar11r·h R fr11 rl111·s llJ.lfl. 0P1(.'C \11'('~ 11 lsn ('];:1 11T1!'rl 1h;:it Tyler· "'RS v.·:intr.rl nn n11mPrnus lr11ffic warr~nL~. fnr,:ery ch;.irges 11nd for ;:i llrgrdl.v filing a fa l~e slnlen prnpf'rt.v rPrort v:it h the pnlitP department The su~~<'I ts lo be arraigned Thursda1 , po\tce noted . Sc hool Hoard Ba cks Saddle hack Ron1l s Tru.~1 Prs nf lhP Tu'.<iln l!ninn H1Eh Sr hnol rli.<.lr1C'I hi\1'f' ;ipprnl'erl ;:i resnh111nn ur21nE p::i~~<1J!e nf !hp SPpt. 14 hnnr1 rnr:i.ourr [;:iring t·ntrr.~ nf the ~;:irld\rh;:irk Community Cfll!ci;::e J)islricl. Tht> rr~nh1tinn . whifh rel' Pi 1• r rl 11n;u111nn11~ ;ipprn1al nr lh<' rt1·p !r11 ~[r('~. 11·:.,~ prrp.1rrrl .1nrl 1111iilr<l lo lhr h<iarrl h.v :-;;irlrllf·h;irk l 'nl lf'~P prr~lrl cnl Fr P rl Rrr n1rr. A1 ·rnm r;in~·1ng 1hP rlncu n1rnt 11·;1~ 11 lr!!rr ;:isk1ng suppnrt of the ~24 8 mdllnn hnnd n1r;i~11rr. GEM TALK TODAY by J . C. HUM,HRllES DIAMONDS YOU MAY HAVE NE VE R SEE N J4n1·r .1·n11 evC'r ~een a black or hrn\\·n, blue or pink diamond'.' They dn exist.. find snme are extremely v e1l11;:ihle. 11~ i~ !ht> hlne diamond cind the c::in<1ry rliamond v.·ith its clei:ir yct!nw hue. \\'1th 1he C'XCf'ption o { bill('. A \f\11<.'.h nf any o[ thc ~e "olors in the ~ h 11 e rl1.::1n1nnd ;:i\·;ulable to most "'' u., lessens the stone's value, as fin ("'l rbQn ~L~ (!l<t\\':5 ) M poor rnt11n~. . .\lthou;:h th c~e 1ru l~· m;igntf1 cent d1;:i1nonri s are r;:ire, they are OC· rfl~inn fllly ;:i1·R1l;:ihle: ;:ind iJ you ::ire Interested. ynu might register your nRm(' \\•it.h u~ FO you'll have ;:in npportun1ty t.o examine one. At th1~ time we know nf s four carat blue d i.~mond avrt il ablc. a lruly rare ~cm Getn p11rch~i;:C's Are unportant \n\·e~tm ent.s. and v.·hen you buy s d1atnond I.he expert's knowledge 1s pr1eel e~i;. So 1r ~ wise to be guid· ed by a n1 <tn v•hn kno" s fine gems And hy a man y ou c;:in trust to tell the ln1lh Abnut off-col or tlnJ::e~. tiny ~pN"k~ or poor r ut \\'hich t1re ~,, !'!ftcn n1i.~:-crl by l<tyTn<'n Lcit 11.~ h('l p y ou •. "'e'\ ~ 11\"ed \\'Jlh d i a~ mnnd~ In \()!ti.Fl ~Iesa for O\·er twent}''-f our y ear s • Lockheed's Loa11 Appeal Hits Snag \\1ASHIN(;'!'ON !('Pl\ -A dec1~1()n {11'1 whelhPr tn ,!!rant a $250 tT11llinn 3ovt>r ,_. men!-guar;:intf'f'rf 1ni1n 10 lhr finRnrii11ly lrnuhlerl l.,(lckhPert A1rr r.:ift rnrp , w11s postponed tnd11v b\ !hr FPrlPr;:il Ao;ird r rP11!ed hy rnngr,.~,; to cle;i! wllh that l~~Ut. Aft1>r tnf'Pl1n.1i? f0r IWn 11nc1 i1 half hour.<1 l h,. hoard ;:innnuncrr1 nri!\' rha1 tf ''will rneer .:tl!.:tln lalPr. ;it ;i rl11ir Tl'I hr '.<rt. In <'l')nllrtttP ron~1dpr;:it1nn fl f the [..('l('kheed loan 11rril11·1111nn " ThP hn;:ird 1~ t·i1rnrin'>rrl of 1're.:i ~u ry SrrrPtar\' .Jnhn fl r nnni!lly .Ir , rh.11ir· m11n Ar1h11r F Rurn~ nf thr rPrlPral fl p. ~Prl'P S1·~trm Rnrl r.ha1rm11n \\11ll1::im .J. f'asPy nf thp Securities anrl F:xch11o_Re Cnmm1~s11Jn C'onnall y was lhe Artn11n1.~ir111tn11.'I r•h1p f rhampinri nf prflv irli rt~ ;:i ln11n rn Lock. hPrd to annw lhe bi J,l firm In 111'rrl b;:ink· n1ptry wht'n lhfo i~FUP \\'i'l.'1 hrfnre Cnn· gre.~,<;_ Rul 1he .11!!1t 1Jrlf' nf Bu rn.~ ;ind r asPY tnw::ircl th,. Joan gu;:i.r an(ee w~s ne1·er rr1·r;il1>d. At lra~I '"'n of lhP lhrN> 1nrn1hrr~ ITlu.~l apprn1·p lhe lniln _l?uar.'lnlep l)pfnre 1[ c11n l)p m:irl,., 1.nrkhPrrl. !hP !li111nn ·.~ .l:1rri l;iri;e~1 c·or· pl')r at1nn. ~a.v~ it nef'd ~ thP S2.'ifl million !I') cnmpl~tP b11Jtrl1n.1: 1hP Tr 1.~r11r l'l!Prmerli· a1e range ./Prl1nPr which will cnmprte w11h the McDonneJl.Dougla!; DC·!O, al· ready in service • D"vicl C'ro sby, • Friends C'f enrell Of Drug Cli"rges l'1 11r·k s1n~1>r 011 1·1d ('rnshy 11nr1 f11 p f1·1pnd.~ ;:irre.,lf'd J11nr !I In J\'rwrort Berir-h nn n111riju.:in;i fh11r~PS 11•pre: !'lr;irrrl nf ;:ill ch11r11.e~ th 1~ wrork . H;1rhnr ,J11di1·1a\ [)1s1r11·t .l11dcf' ~'.vr rr1! IV. f)1f'krv r1 isn1issed ::ill si x r;isf'~ ~1nn cl ;:i1· hr1·;1Usr nf 1n~11ffi<·1cn! r1·1c1rnf'r. rlP;1rrrl nf rn;i riju:in.:i p n <:. ~ r i; sin n ~·h.:ircr~ :ilnnc wilh rrn'h.v 11·rr('" -Lrf\(ly S. Finnur. 52 11hn g;1rr Ii i~ ;i(lrlrr~• ;i• Crn~h1 ·~ 1;H'hl . • '.11;:i1;in -f;enrl!e_ E. \\'11lk1·r. .11. nf 25i2 R;:i~·o hnrP~ Dr11 r. ,\rwpor1 Hr;ir'1 -Rtlhf'rt n. l\'ili;11n . JO flf l!IYl l.1dn r11 r k Ori\'r, 'J""'·rinrt Rc;irh. -Sh1•11f'.I l .. llnr1•l.rr. 1?, nf Hnlly.,..•1iorl. -K:ilhrrine L R o hr r t ~ o n , lll, Hnll~·wMd. t:rno\11 . 2!1, (hf' \rad1•r 11( thr !nlk rnek. J:rour <"n•.•h~. Still.•. '\11 sh 11nd YnunJ:, 11·;i~ ;irrr~rerl ,J11nr !I \\'llh his lriPnri' nn h1~ _111r·hf . ;iru·hnrP1! at, tlif' l1mr 1n 1h~ l.trlr> Sh1p1;irrl in i\""WP•'r! H:irhnr ~·r111><1 rt. H~·a!'h !'nlli·r 1·la1 n1"rl (hrv ornJlrM n1"1f'l)llill1il fln<il1n11, r\11 !<-.fl,.( 1hf' w11trr 111·n11nrl C'rn,\1 ·, r::irhl. ;illrr hr:ir· 1ng thr h\lc, rurnp!<. nrrr;ilp Jurl~~ D1rkr\' v.·~, di,1n('l1nrrl, hn11·r1·rr. s'"""'" Jill i\1rs. i\lary 1\nn Quin n pri.1nl.~ r1agp0l e :108 fcr1 abol'e Frcsnn. .'l'lrs. Quin n. 43, h;:is hecn ra1nl· in .i:: fla.£:pnl c.~. i;terplrj;. t<)11 e-rs <1nd smokr~larki; for 25 ye;ir3 1rithn11! ::tn .:it·c1dr.n!. She 11·0rks fnur nr f11·{' ninn\hc; a ~·ear, ~k1,<; the rest. Prison (; uanl Ruried l )el.tlln. the San Q11rsi t1n jil"U~rd \l'hlJ Prl.'1• un nffjr,:1;:il~ ,;a1rl fQ11nrl 11 ~11ri In 1.tnrg• ,J.:iekson·s h.:i 1r arid 11a~ ~111111 11 ff''.\' 111ni-11rn !.~ \a Irr, w;1~ liurird hrrP T11P ~rl11y. F1111rr;il :<!'I'\ icl'~ 11rrr hf'lrl r.'lrl1rr 111 1'rt11 li11n<1, \\'hf're llrLrr1n, 4t !il't'd with h 1.~ 111fe \.'111;in .:ind 1hP1r h l'P C'hil rlrrn. Del.ton I\ ;ili-n ~11 rr 11 rrl hv his pArent.J, r-.1ro. Charlnltr t ·at1~arrl ;ind Frank r. flpl,pnn. hnt h nf Slnrklnn. ------·------ LIM ITED TI ME OFFER buy3 get)lree! Now Is the til'l1e to start or ;idd to )'Ol.11' TC!"1¥1e fl'tl!'f'fl'"C' UN1ce. Buy three poec,1 .Jl"ld get Ille foorth one free. r or "~"mp!e: buy tllree teaspoons and yev rec.1ive th• fourth teaspoon free. Come in today and cnoo.e from our l-'fll' 111lection .of Towle ~s In solid silver. Off« 11v1•!.tb111 in folklMn& pieca In aQ actM TCNM &leNni p11ttems: TeMpoonS F1nai foO:s Pt.tel knives S.l.td forks Plate Sp()OOS S J)rt i9Ckt rs CocJrt1U fort.s o.nitasse spooM Iced btVP.rlJ:I $p001'11 from S 9.00 froim $14.50 from S14.00 from S 12.00 f rom S1 2 25 trom S 9.00 Sl0.00 s 7 . .50 $12.50 J. C. ... J/un1.phrie3 Jeweler3 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA ME SA CONV~NIE NT J[tM!i, 8ANICAMi .. ICA•0-MA5ltlt C~,t.,~5-f 1~ ¥~.t,;S SJIM( l OC .t.flO•I PHON l ~4t .J ~OI I I 11 11 San Clemente Today's Final Capistrano EDITION N.Y. Stocks L • il•~t!WD 'WI ........... -·-* * --. VOL. "4, NO. 202. 6 SECTIONS, 71 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 25, 1971 TEN CENTS • • I 0 s it IXOll eac In San Cle111ente Nixon Meets Top Viet Negotiator By JORN VALTERZA 01 II•• 01111' ~H .. Sii" President Nixon met with hi! new top ne_gotiat.or al the Paris Peace Lalks Tues- day in what i!I expected to be nne nf the last fnrmal function at Lile Western White HOOse during the current work ing vaca- tion. Operations shifted back to the Laguna Beaci1 press headquart11:r~ today as the President re.!iumed a routine nf 11ilnw-paf'- ed study and meeting with a handful of advisers. On Tuesday William .I. Porter met for about an hour with the Pre11idenl. tn fliscuss the thrust of the bargaining effort in Paris. Pr~ss ~cretary Ron Ziegler would gi ve ne s~ific details flf the t.a!b, but ht. 1'raf algar Storm Drains Slated F'or Completion Consttucti"o" will bt cempilett btfort neil winter's rain1 on a major portktn or new storm draini at 'l'rafalrar Canyon in 1'11.n Clemen~. County FIMC:I Contra.I District spokesmen uid this wttk. Cnmpletinn (If the quartt.T·mtllion-.dollar ~orlr will M complett by late OclobV', thu ~ 1temming forever thf f'!hrontc f.'TM!Gn and flooding problem in the can- yf!n floor between Ofa Vista and rhe shfl reline. Crew~ for a .ioinl vr.nture nf the firm~ nf Salata·Zurn are installing I ,fi()(I feet or '2·inch-diamet.er c:oncrete pipt in th e pro- ject funded by the county district. The line will link up with a section o' ttorm drain recently Installed und@r a t=ily contract paid for ttlrouJh dlsastu rf!lief fund~. • Tht: can.von. rimml"d by roads 11nd home~, ,., .... ~ h@avily hi!. in lht record flood~ of 1969. Tht high water Ale away ranyon "''a ll~ support n~ Ola Vi~ta and TrafalJi:ar 1.:tnf' and wnrkmen wert lat.er brought in l.Q rebuild much nf tht erod~ area. Planner-denied Rezone Approved By Capo Council prtiised the former Ambasador lo Korea as "a highly cap2.blP. negoti11 tnr." Porter. a slighL sofl.·spnktn m.:i.n "A'ilh thin, gray hair, will arrivt: in Paris St.pl. l After stopping nff in Washinglnn 11nd hi~ home in Ro~tnn to clean up pe rsonal mal· ter5. Ziegler s;iid. Tht cnnference with Pnrter I.ht nnl.v schedul~ evf'nl al the Presidential com· pound lhi.o; week. Altorney Gene ral Jtnd Mr.~. .lnh n ~1itche\1 paid a ~oci.:i.l <:all nn t.hr rre~i dent later Tuesd;iy. staying nnly 11 short lime. Thu~ rar tht annu;il August. trip we~l ha.~ been A Jow·keytrl blend nr cnn- ferenc:e!I with 11 few aidei, phonr c;:ills !.n Washington and med itation by the chief exttutive, Even Nixon·.~ office routint -whir.h nn busy San Clemen~ ,1;tay5 ~t::irt.~ "''ilh !h11 daw~ -is 1tartinJt J;:itt!r in thf' tl.:i.,v. Nixon 's wnrkd;i y began at II a.m. Tues- day. ZieJtler s;:i id. Twn primt: is.'lue,1; are capl.urinll th~ President',; attenl inn durinJi: !hr wnrk inll vacation -t~ impact of Nixnn·.~ walle· price free7.e and the political climate in iouth Viet.n1.rn. Ziegler h11s rem.ii~ v11gue nn !ht: White House role in the cnntinuin11: le.nsion in South \'ietnam"'~* pnli!ics. He ha11 11dmitted, however , th11t the Pregident. his bun "In very clo~e touch '' with •taff in Saigon. Q:invenation!I .also are rreq11cnl. hf! 11aid . with Tre11sury Secretary Jnhn Con· nally in Wa~hingtnn, who i~ k@f!ping th President up.to.date nn the economiC' pie· lure. Perilous Bridge Railing to Go A roocrrlt: bridgl' r11 iling ~-hirh h.:i.~ been callr.d a tr .:i.ffir hazard h.v lhP S::in .Juan Capistrann City CounC'i1 will .~nnn hf' remnved_ The Council vnlrd In .::i pprnvf' 11n 1n· fnrmal bKl m11.de by fhP rrirr f\jpwil and Son~ Const.ruction C.11mpa ny of S!l,94~ !n rl';move fhe ct1 nc:relf' r;:iiline: .::ind replace ii with a nat stock mrtal nnr Thf! traff iC' h;:i1,arrl was .:i.1 rh,. rfu nrr nl Camino Capistr,11nn .:i.nrl S~n .lu.::in CrPrk Rnad . Motorist.~ rurnin~ fr nm S.:i.n J11.::i n Cretk Rnarl nntn C,11m inn Capis1r;:inn rnulrl nnl sr.e ~nuthbnunrl lr ~ffir. wi1hou l f'nlering thr intersecttn n, OirP-clnr 11r Publir Wnrk~ T. .I. ~1,adnw~ tolrl the council !nrrna! b1rl ~ harl once been acquired hut all we re loo high . THE CURIOUS GATHER ON PLATFORM AT FULLERTON FOR LOOK AT TURBOTRAIN From Nortli Orange County to San Clemente al 90 Mile, Per Hour Strea111li11e1l Rail Run Experi111entul T11rbulrnin Pulls Into San Cle1nenle By RARBARA f;fl.'S or 1~• D•ltv tt+t~r S••ll San Clr.mrntP anrl f ullr:r!nn "''rrP \•isitl';d briefl~ T11esd::iy by lhe Oeparr.- menl nf Transportation 's exJ)f!rimental Turbot rain, ThP Amlrilk p:i ssrni::rr tra in i ~ nn ;i mon1h-lonc 12.fl00.m1 le endur;inrr anti puhlic rlemon.~tr.:i.t ion ru n tn lf>sl ll~ rlurabilitr in terms nf m11 inten11nt'P :i nd tn ;:r n;ilv7.e .the f'cnnnmirs nf nf'tt'r.:t t1nn It pullCd iRl{l th!'; Fullcrlnn rlcpnl .:t i 9 4.1 .:i m. rnr fiF!t'!cn-rn inute nhsr.r vill inn hv curinus nntl)(lkero;, ;i nd arrived an hour IA!f'.r in San Cl ~mente. o.~c.:ir 1-;rHhn. rli re('l0r nr p11hlir in- fnrm111.inn fnr tht' rlPpar1mf'n t. s::.id lhr ~trr;im!incd . hig h speed tr;i in 1~ ;in l'~ perimrnf;il prnJrf'! pr(lvirlrd lnr in t11r Hit!h Speed (;round Tr11nspnrt;itinn /\t'I nf 196fl. ll i~ drsignrd by .:irrno.parr '"nginef'rS nr the Uni lctl Ai rcr;:ifl Cnrpnr;:i· tinn In J!lVP mi:iximum i n 1 P r r i t y p::i~:o.enj!rr ser\'iCP ~·hile util i1.iniz Cl'IO· vpnt inn;il r;:i il racilil1e1<, Thi' thrf'f'-('ar train 1.~ pnt,1•rrc.c! h\· !:ii ~ t11rh1nr rn,l!inr ~ Thry .:i.rr lnc.::itrrl .::it rar h rnc! ~n !hr rr;Hn doc!'n'I h;:i\'" 1n 111111 ::irnund . It 15 r::i pahl e nl f;istrr .::ir· rrlrr;:i11nn and h1ghr r rr111s1nc ~prrrt ~ th.:i.n ('nn1•rnt1nn;.! rail rransrnr1 , tit'· <'nrding tn r.rHf1n. lnsir\P 1hr <'<Ir~. thr .:i.ln1nl'phl'rr !~ much likr lh.:t! nf 11 rnrnlnr!;i hlr Jr!. 1•nm· p!rl r wi1h m1ni -~lortrrl h n <Ir "<"<, . rrr!1 n1ni:: :-;~;i t~. hr;irl rr~!~ .::inrl r;ir phnnr< fnr prngrammrrl mu o.1r Fnr tnnc· rli ~1.:1nt'e 1nurney5, ;i film 1'• .::i\~n lr.:i.lurrrl. Thrrr ;irp r •Jrrcnll y !wn /\mfr;ik tr11 1n' In npP r,,.tinn 1n thP n;:i!1on . n nf' ma111 l 1H11 ~ 11 dail y sc hedule bel wee.n Boston and New Ynrk t,1•hilr 1hr n1hrr 1n;il.;rs its nat.tnnal r x-prrunrnti'll 1!1llr. The 22!l-n11 lr s!rr1ch ;i,lnnJ! lhP r;:i slrrn enast 1;ikrs !hf' tr;i1n 1hrf'P hn urs anrl :19 minute~ In <.'OVC'r. \Vh1 le. tht tr.111n l~ 1·ap;ihlr nf !r.:t1rl!nJ! up In 170 m ph, cr::irl r cr0.;s1ni::~ and rnad hNI rlc.fir.iP,nr1es rr~1 nc1 1hr sprrrl tn 90 m r h \lnni;: lhr -'ll·rn1lr srrrlrh hf'twrrn Vul!rr1011 ::rnd San Clr meote. t h I' 1'11rhn1r::r1 n rn11 srr1 ill fll1 m.fl h. ,\r· ('nrd1ni:: lo p.:i.s~rn_l!rrs, thr f;:istrr the .~r"rrl . thf' ~mnn!h"r lhr rirlr. Sprrrl. hnwr 1•cr. 1s nnr !hi' pr1 n1ar)' in- !rril in I.hr drvrlnpmrnt of th r Turhn lr11in . II 1s 1nl1rrrnl il' f;ivnr;:i l')lr !n "r·nlni;:,v, i;;i1'<; (;riffln Thr rlPp<1rtrnrn1 P~!1m;:i l p:-;- 1h.:11 a ~rven-1'ar 1r.:i in c;in rarry the samr. nurnhPr nf pa.~.~en1?rrs !rnrn rlownLO\l'f' 1o rlnu.•ntfl\l'n nn nnP -f1flPrnl h nf I hf' hnr.;epowr r th:i l 15'1 -"U\(lmnhi\e ~ ran Arr;iu.~r nf the J:!"~ trtibine eni;::tnP.~. h1r1hcrmnre. rllh1cnt ~ re le.:i.~erl amount 1n ;iOOul nne-lnurth nf thn~r frnm 1nlrrn.:i.I 1·nn1huslfnn PO,l!lnr~ nf rqu;:il hnrsc pnwl';r, ~l'l\'S r.rillin. Thr Turbntr;i111 i~ .:i.i·cn mmocl11tr.rl hy rx1~t 1n~ !r::iek~ Thrrrf(lre. 11~ Griff in pul !I ii, "TherP nrrrl nnl hr fu rther destrur t1on t11 thC' rn1·ironmr nr Mr::iu~r wl! 11lt1";,11ciy h:i1•r ~ecl/rPrl thr ri,e-ht.~·nf·w::r_v,'' 'Thr Ot>par1.menr of Tr.<1n 5pnrtatlnn 1~ rl't'~rnl l.V )r;:isin,i: !hP lr:iln~ fnr 1wn .\'f.!A r~ f1·n m Unilrrl /\irr r:ift .:t i $.1.7 million Ad· rl1t1noa! p:.i.~.~cni::rr i·:ir~ \l'ill hP added 1n nrx r ~prin~. incrr;i 51n.1: the ca pacil.v ol t;:ich lraln frnm l•M Lo 24(). Boa1·tl Clears tl1e Decl{s 1''01· l1·,1i11e City Electio11 R\' Tn \1 R An1.~;y O• lho D•ilv '"l~I S•t !I !ltanCP ('nun!\' ~11 prr\·1.;nr<: lnrl.:t \ :.:rl. Srpt. 1:i ... ~ lhr rl;it r nn 11,h1r h lhPI \\'lit hr ;:i r rrn1 r~1~ ;u.::1111~1 lhr rl:innf'd 1n- l"(ll p<1ri'll)nn nr lhr f't11 nf lr11nr Thrlr ;i(·lu1n r·lr.1rrrJ lhr l•il l fl)r ;:i r111hni1<1 clrcr1n n u.i1 1r h ~cr n1 ~ likrl,v In he S('l1rd1il P1I fnr l:i lr i\01·rmbrr n1· ,;idy Drrrrnher nf lhr IJ!'Olf'.~I hr.:i.nni:: and -.;rf up ;11f1. n11 n1s1r::i!Jvr mach1nrry fnr the resul11n~ Pl"r!1nn C'.:t 'P"f~ lrd lhP rno\r fnl' lhr Srpl l!i hr;inni: 111•1 2•1 hn111·• "fr pr hr h"rl 11r~Prl fhr hn.::i nl to h:i<"k hln1 1n ht~ movP~ fnr -"11 ra1 l,1 resnl11l1nn nn lr1·1nP ('l!vhnnd. A pl;inninit commilision denial nr a rezone request h115 been ovf'rlurned by t~ Sa.n .Juan C11pistr11mi City Q:iuocil. Tht cou ncil Monda y 11pproved A request h~' the Environment11! Developm!:nl Com· panf In rezone 27 acre~ just ttff Ortega Highway from unclassified t<1 pl1nntd development. Colorful Gift nn:irrl ilt'11n11 , l•·d h11 ~'1flh ll1 ~1r 1r•f ~11prr1'1.~nr l1nn;1lrl C;i~prrs nf Nrwpl'irl Ar;irh. \1 1'1~ lri.i:.c:rrrrJ hy lhP f1lln,1t l::ite Tuesrl::r v nf th P re'l UlrPrl 'MO Ire hv pro- rnnrnL<; nf thr 1r·1·ine inrnrf'l(lr;:itinn mnvp. rncnt . ('tll'hf)nrl nr0po11rnl 5. 11 n111ni.: thl'm thr 1·;1rr1p<11g111ng Cnun(·il nf Cnn1munit 1r~ nr 11·1·1nr . al'P tH'j.(1ni:: !hat lhf' Pltcrinn hP hrlrl in 11mt fnr· lt1P nr..w cit,v tn l'"juahr.v fnr st:iLr rch;il.cs nn gasnl1ne .:ind sale t a~r~ In 1~72 Tn rln lln. lhe city wnuld have l(l be cer!1firtl hrfnre .Jl'ln . 1. !!172 &b ~ers , representinll I h e rleveloj>f!:r, i;;iid plans call for a dt:n11ity ef about. 8.5 units per 111cre. Pl11nnin1l commission denllil nf lite re- riuest. half been halled primarily nn the numbe r ()f :i1imilar devf!lopments already undl!r construction in the city, Councilman Jim Thorpe. ec:hoed this Cflncern 11nd 1uggesled perh11pl'> it is time fct limit planned deVeloprrienLs. just as lr::iilerp11rk.o; werr. llmited. ~iayor Tnny Fnr.!ll!!f Aaid tht. "1lirl' Reneral pl11n wou ld h11 ve Ul be es:am ined In 1h1I. ca.~r . Tht city currently ha.~ 11pproximately l .OOl"I ph1nnf!:d devtlopm.enl. units ~· cUpitd. under consln1Ctlnn . nr appriwed. Mn!lt Mt condominiums of apartment homl'S. Thorpe 8Ug~eslf.d 1 moratorium be t'Onsidered while I.hr needs of the eity'•re re-examlMd. Trial of Actor Set On Shooting Charge VAN NIJYS (UPll -Actor Keele IJraw:l\e will sllnd trial Sept. 7 M • l"!Uirge of JISSIUlt wtth A deldly Wt:lpon tor allegedly shootlna • man in • b•r· room brawl. Brassclle. 47. 11 leadlnJ; man In the 1MOs. was ch1rs:ed wUh "hooting ruch11rd R. Crawford in I.ht chest during a fight at the Wriahtwood IM in Studkt City . • 'Thank You' Painting Lu Police Maude M. 'Boston nf ~n flementr: trave\11 tn her n11ive Britain eAch ye11r. and fnr the !)Ast dec11de ha!I asked police Ul ke!:p an r.yt n11 her pl11cf!. 'T'hf!:y have done it as faithfu lly 11~ ht.r annusl pilgrim11ge lo England, .she '-ll.V5. And !<1 repa.y the d!:partmf!nl fnr ii.~ diliaem::e. Mrs. Boslnn prese:nled lhe: c.ily with • gift thi.s wef!k -11 commissioned painting of the city'' first police head· Bicycle Rod eo Slated in Capo A bicycle redf!O h111s been nrgani1.ed fnr thr. 37 mmbers nr Cub Scout Pack 13 in Sin .luan Capistrano. The event will be Sund11y 1l I p.m. 1l San .luan F.lementary School and will in- clude a 1.11fety demonstr•linn by Officer Leonard Goodwin or tht Sin Clementr. Police Df!:partmenl . EntrlnL'I I" the. rndf'<) wlU hf' judll!td nn how well the:y rontrnl a bikt in v11riou'.' !!kill are115. A SPf!clal pri1..e will be award · ed fnr Ill! best dec<1r1t~d bikt.. The roden ill: beinf ~ponsored by the Slln .Juan Capistr11;nn ChAmher nl f.nm · me.ref!. Trophie11 wilt be prl';sented hy t>tnni~ Paquin. " 4'1 1rector of th' cbamber. flllllr!f'r~ wh ich will prnb;i bly fa ll un(if!r tllf' wrecker's hRll .~onn. In previnu.~ ye11r~ Lht' tnken nl thanks ha ~ het:n 11 rheck in lhf' San C"lemenle Pr::ice Of11cer·s Associatinn, The funds ht:!p pay for the ~roup·~ civic activiries. Mrs. &1<1.nn l'<!id the idea fnr the: w.:i.tercolor paint ing c::r me t.n her rccen1 ly when sh!'; learned !.hr. huilrlin~ on AvenidR Mlrami:tr would be tnrn dnwn. "1 have a close fr\l';nd , Alan Ad ;im~ of \\1estwnnd, 1 "·hn i~ a fine w11t.err.oln11o. paint.er."' .<;hr si:t id. "I ~tressed it would bt> a commL~s1nned painting . bul he ln,qi..;1.erl nn rlni ng it fnr me out nf fri@ndship," she 11drled . Police Chit:f Clirfnrd Murray ~airl Arl;i m~ ~pent twn days al the old head· qu11rters, Now the re:oiuH.s hang on 11 wa ll of lhe police ~li:tt ion sharing the Rpace wilh largt: phot.ographg l)f Presiden t Ni xon. "II su re ii; 11 nict way to say I.hanks, lsn"C it~" Murray said this morning. Nissen Heads T carn I.OS ANGELES I APi -Tht .Just1rc T'>cria rtment has appoin!ed A.~st U.S At· tv Oitvi d R. Ni~Sf'n ln ht11d a thrce-m.:in t~am prn~t.<>uting Or. DAniel 1-:llsbcrit on A <:h11ri;::e of unauthnrizcd possr~s1on nf lhf Penta~nn p.:i.pers. a !ll U1I~ · of Amer1can involve.mr..nt 1n Vletna1n. The p;:ivmf'nt rlr ar<; lhP 11•::i1· fn r ('n11 nlv Clerk \Villlam St Jnhn lo publish notices School Trustees 1'o Disc uss New Programs Kr"'' prn1?:r::rm~ rRrnrrf nn In !hr ~::r n .!011ri111n ElemPnlary Sch()nl Oilll.ri rt rlur- 111,11 th P p:i~t yp::r r "''ill bf discusserl at a work.~hnp Th11r.~<111~·. 1"hr mPPl lnJi: nf thP Rna rri (lf T1·11s1rr.~ "'i ll r:ikP plar·e at 7 :to pm. 1n thr Arlrni111strRt 1on Anric :ii:. 14fi00 S::rnrl Canynn Alie .. F:11st Irvi ne. An1nng ~rhool prn.11rams tn hf' e:ii:- 11m1nr tl 11 re En,111 ish .:i.s ;i 1'Pennrl l.:ini;:ua2r "' Irvine Srhnn!. C n n l • n u n u ~ lnl'li\'1t1u111llerl rroi;::re:i;s Pro,i:ram !CIP P \ (lnrl rlifferenliAtCd Slllfring . bn1h Ill Ml'.\51nn V 1e1n·~ O"NpiJI S c h n.n 1: rlc1•r lnpmenral kin<l rrg.:i.rlrn, nrcceC'iptn·e rl'.af1 in2 f'nnchmcnl prn,ll'ram and thft !ll:ii:lh gr.:i.de tri:tm-rr.:i.ching program all 11t trniv l';r.;;ity Pit rk Schnnl 01~trirl ·Wide prn izr;im In hr PXllmirietl will incluf1e 11ar1ou~ lest re511lts. lhP RE/\ll pr11w11m. ~1el He \ l e r in· rt1v1<1ualt1rtl 1nstrur111u1, and !he \'Jsually h;inrlic11prrd proj;(rAm Prnprn;al.~ rn r thr 1!171·72 llC'hnnl yt :ir 11lsn will be rev\e\.\'ed alon~ "'·ith pr8'min11 ry recnrnmrnrt:itinn s for tlir co111ing year CCI Ch;iirm;in .Jnhn Rurtnn h11s sire~,._ Pd In lhe bo;:ird that the !';]f'rl.inn must he held heforr Dec. :11 lo perm it prnpcrt~· ifl thf' propnscd e1!y lo Rn nn the count.y as~P~snr ·~ 1!172·7:1 tax rnlc.~ Plan 5 r;:ill for the rrp;:ifion nf ;:in 111.207· ;irrP ci ty 1n the central Irvine Ran ch arl'.a. Crcatinn nf the city ha.~ heen hackerl h the Lncal Agency Formation Com· m1~s1nn. If ownP rs reprcsentin,i;:-;, I perrP.nt nr mnre nf the l;:ind c!esignated for the nPw r1ty profest lhf' inco rpnratinn then the elec tinn date will be. cancelled. r etit.innl'> c:i llinR fnr lncnrporatinn h.:t Vf'. hccn sij;lned by ownl';rs nf ~9 pe rcent "' the Rrc;:i's .:i.ssesserl v::rlu;:ition and 8.l per· cent nf ii.!{ property nwnl';rl'>. Thr new cit_y's bnundarics wnu11i !llretch frnm MacArthur Bo11IPvarl nr11 r liC Irvine ln ;i pninl abnvc Irvine Boulev11rd nnrth nr the &Int.II Ana Frer-:wRy and from the Newport Fre"'w ay area to Sand Canyon Road on the east. Sa n Cle111ente Golfer Fall s, ~reaks Leg An elde:rly San Clemente ma n J:'llfin;:; :it Shnrecliff.~ Country Cluh Wednesday .:iftcrnonn fell Rnd broke his leg, Harry Wlll lam Wil t, 6~. was taken tn South Coast Cntnmu nit.y Hos pit;il 111 South J ,11~11na Aller lh"' acc idt:nt. Witt lives at iO!I Via Ba llena C1·ews Hold Fielcl Day 011 Sands Presic!eol Ni:<on"s priva tf! beach ind Ille Marine Q:irp~ shoreli ne downco11~t received " dose of oceangoing Na vy futl oil Tuesday. Cre"'·~ from Camp Pendlelnn had !he blnbs nf fuel oit cleaned up quickl y. spn kesmrn said today. Despite some appear::inc"'s nf thf! goo nn the cnast!inr between San Onofre it nd Oan.:i. Pninl . the bul k nr the .:iccidentally spil lf'rl fuel remains at sea and some of it is sinkin~ or breaking up. The sm;:ill hlohs nf tarry oil appeared •with the d.:i.wn tnday "' Cotton's Poi nt ;:ind alsn :;;meared snme portions of the :;ands nn heache.~ up and downcoast of the President's hn me. Prcsidenti;:i l Press Secretary Ron Zie gl"'r wns qunte<I Tuestl;iy as saying the President wa s "certa inly concerned'' abnul. lhe nil. Other reports QUotcd the chief ex· ecu Liv~ as sayi ng he wanted no spec ial treatment on his beach by the cleanup crews Dcspilf' the .<1ppe;irance of some p;.r r.hes nf ,1tnn ,11nd swiftly acting Navy anti Marine rl"'anu r crews. the oil slick is far frnm R disaster. Beach at.Lenda nce Tu"sday along the Snulh Cnast was betler than aver.age and ""'·immers \\'t:re more in jeapordy fr om heavy ~url than the floating blobs. tife11:u;irrl~ .~;iitl . San ClP mente'~ re~ue~ totaled about li5 Tuesday -Lhe i:iverage for a bu.sy weekend , not a lone wee kday-because ot he11vy surf and some riptides. N::rvy spokesmen i:;ay experts still are tr.vin~ lo determin"' the amou nt of h@avy fuel nil \\•hi<'h w11~ mistakenly spilled nfr S.:i.11 C!cmentr. Jsl:ind last weekend as I.ht. Oiler USS ~f;:inalce dispenserl fuel lo the ;ifrcr;ift c-i'l rrle r USS Tico nderoga . /\ 1'-"h'"' w.:i.s ;iccident;illy left open by a cre1\•man, ca usin.I!. th e. spill inlo lhe sea. Off icials predicted appearances nr patc ht!s or lhe t.:i.rry nuisance for days tea come on Snuth Coast beaches, This morning·.~ co ncent ration seemed In bf' a\nnJt San Clemf!nte Slate Park Beach and the Ri viera beach upcoast in Sa n Clemente. F:arl ir r 1n the wrr..k Dnhc ny Stale Pa rk Beach ;:iorl the Br.:i.ch road colony \verit hit hv sl reak.~ of tar left after high tide. Ka\·Y crews cleaned up most of that. Glass Wi11dow Injures Woman A .vnu11i:: S;in r lrmentr wnman suffrrt!rl sr 1'er"' g;i~hr.~ nn hr:r Ir.!!.~ Tuesday when. ~hr acc identally wa lked through a s\idin& glass dnor. Police ~air! Syl via ~1ar. Hamden, \9, su ffert:d severed blood vessels in on& knee. and sevrra ! other deep cuts in the 11 40 11 .m. mishap at 2603 Del Com· rnrrcio. The woman w;:i,5 treated for loss of blnod ;ind the .severe cut~ al South Coast Cnmmunily Hospit.al \\'here she was l11ken in the city's fire department station \ragon. Orange Cout ll'eather The tt:JTI()f!rature will be In the mid-70's along the coastline today and Thursday risin~ to the low 80 '5 inland . I.<iws tonight predicted In I.hi'; M's. r.ood day for the beach- that fs. if you 're not working, INSIDE TODAY Thr ivr,~tm.i11sttr Cornm.unity Theaft r marks i ts 10th annive:r· !ll'lry rrrdny tvith. n musical r..r>medu. ''Oncl! Upon n. Mnt· rres.s." See Enterto inmtnt, Page. J I llt tl!M u c.11 .. rfll• 1 C.arff• co"'"' It Clt9(-l1tt U1 • Clt Hlll.. tM I Comk1 JI Crou word If Doff~ Htlk tl • Dl ... rtff • l:dlttrlll tt fft ' l!"!trltlfl.,..1tl •JI t"l1tl!Mt U-11 HtrtKO~t lJ AllR Ltl!Cltrl U />WlM• • Mtrrlt .. Llct""' t -... lfryk t •• ,. ,,.,_,,If, )0-JI Mulllll '"""' t• Nt l .. MI Ntwi 4-1 Ort"9t tev"IT t ,,t•lf ,.,,,., JI l-11 n-n I*-l•Hrttr. H·f1 T1l9vl1l&11 11 T ... t"" .. )! w •• ,.,.,. • W~llt Wt"' 1• we"""'' "''"'' J.ti-4 Wtrlf Ntwa .. J :11 CAILV PILOT Capo Planners Annexation Wins 01( By P .\.\\ELA R..lLLA'.\ GI ~I 0 1!lv ~llol '11tt San Juan CapislrAnn s Planning Cflm· m1ss1on vott d 3 1C1 2 Tut!day In rrrnm. meod annt :rat1on cil riip1s!r.!n11 BParh and Da na Po1n1 In !ht1r r11y Chairman Jl!rr\I Gaffne\ mad' the mn- hon to rtcommeiid anne l a\1on based on tv.·o cnntlni "nc11'5 an 1n-rl•pth ,1111'!:-r must sh<'.IW that annt.xat1on 1,1.·oul d worlr: k!r the eeonom1e and a111!ht!1c benttit ol aJL tht form nl jlovtrnment must tnsurt rl"i l'nt1rm of idl'nti!v for A\l !hret rom· muntltts 1l shoul 'd prn1'1rit -'" !"quill I nl!ng VOIC'I' The eomn11ss1on also 101f'd 10 rrc:on1- mt nd th11t th._ City Council h1vt 1d- d1t1ont.l to •n l\aU m1eun11 to e.rp!.11n O\e complet aMe1.1tion issues \lt11lng ag 1inst the annP.:a:11lon we.rt Comm1ss1nners Gh1rlP.1 Allen and C1rt1I Heim Allen i;a1d in ht!'I opinion. annexatinn wAs. thl' "!'iecond·bes! thing " fn r lhe com · n1un1ties Incorporation u•ith Capistrano·~ help "'01tld he bttter ·· Nixon Stud yi11 g China HI' s1igge~11'<1 pu111ng incorporation nn the b11!1nr as 11 1h1rd choice alons: w1n1 ye~ or nn lrir annex11linn Ht was !old 1h1s m1gh1 no! le11,11 lly bt poss1bl l' In P1·epa1·atio11 for Tri p f.lr~ Heim ~:11ri he..r no vo1t l\'a!'i ha~f'rl on th, f1n11nc111tl hurrlen !he annPxa rion 1' and 11nuld he plaC"tnJ: on the c11~··i lax- pav,rs. !n rl':f'omrnend1ng anneJia!lnn Gaffnt,V 11dm11terl rh e planner! havP. not yet rect11·f'rl sufficient data to make 11 dttl!llOn. Br HELE."\ TRO~lAS Prtsident ;\'1>:nn is studying book.~ (I~ China and keeping ;i 1np stcrtt label nn plans !or his tnp to Ptking v:h tch may take place \alt this .1·ear A high ~'h1 !t' House ntf1c1al "·ho ear11f"r had indicated !hat Nu:on's ".!ourni!.y for J:'eact "" "'Ohld be unrlertaken in e~rly 1971 no1.1.· is saying the Prtsident v.·ill travel \"sooner rather than later '' The only deadline I.he \\'h1te House has given is ··tiPfore h1ay" lo kttp 11 out of ¢e realm of partisan poltt1cs during an elt:etion year. r1hxon said at his nev.·s conference Aug, '4 that there ~·ould be extens11•e negotia- tlmis for the historic vis1 1 to the Ch1nl!.se mainland 11·1thln the ne xt 111.·o or three months. But theft are no furt her hints on the preparations. Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler told newsmen. u1 response to a !luestion ~lond ay that neither the Pres!· dent n!'lr Henry A t<1ss1nf:er. his Nalinnal Security Affairs Advtsor. has been in touch with representatives of the Penples Reppblic nf China Ziegler also said flatly "no conditions" have bfen set by either side on the visit or the. agt-nda , Arkansas Rep. \\'ilbu r Mills . a possible. Democ.r ;1t it prt:~trltnt.ia\ candidate. had suggest ed tha t snmt con· OltAHCJI COAST DAILY PILOT Oil.I.HG;; CO.I.ST l'(Jl l ISl-llHC. COMl'.l.H'f 1111!.t •I N. W1,tl l'•t• O•M •""' 1'uot11~rr J 1•\: R.. C.i•'•v Vit t "'•••Otrl tn~ Gl!f'trt l Ml~IGfl" "Tho..,11 1Ct1•i1 E<!"'' T~11,.,11 A. M v•e~•n• M1n1gl"O l.O•le• L .. 1111• --~ OHlt• 111 f'11 rtd Av1nut M1 ilift ~ 1ddr111 : P.O. l o• 666, 92652 So" Cl1111""'' OH1c1 JOS Norih El C 1..,i~e R11I, 91672 Ott..r OlfltM Ccsl1 MHI" llC Wu• l1y ~T•Hl Hf'W..,'! lfl<h l1l3 N1w..,•1 '""••••ff k .... !11>0!1!~ ... ,~, 1711! 11110! 11a.u1 ....... 01.ILV 1'11,.0t, w\lh wh c• 11 t<!"'ltl"lff lhf ,.,....,., • .,,. 11 P<lfll"~'" ~'"" u ce11 Sun· tlty •• i.10 .. A'• e<IH..,.., tor l tG\1"1 lrtt •. lltwparo 11•-c•. Cooi. ~nt, .. ""'l~;to.~ INC". ~l>ll•'t•• llt llt v. 5t • Clo""l!f'l•f c.o .. t•l rll ••• 5•o~'•b ·<"lr. ··-,.., •• ., •• ''11"'"'1 fl'l l•llY' l'•••clN• """'•f't el•~· II 11 lJI \U•>' eoy 1"ffl, (&>'A Mnt, l1l1111!oow !11 •1 ••t-•JJl Chrnlfl1' Aa wt"l~I"' 6•l ·l61t S•11 Cl1"'11111 All 01J1•""'••'1: r,1,,11,111 ••1·4•10 LttM•O' ler1r;ll All D.,a1t-tt: Ttl•lt~•~• 4'4·'"'' C09"r'tiJl't, 1t1•, l:)••~ur re111 "t•11I'•"'"' C&m111•v. i.o "''''' ·•~·ie-. Hlu•I'"'""'" e(!IO(l"I" "'l 'lf t "' rd"''"'e"'!"" ""'''" "'"V ~~ •tfl'Odl'(~ """"8<!! l~'fl l>!r· "''" ~ o! ceev.,~l"ll o ... ~er !.«o(d 0111.< 11111•~~• ea·~ ~t "'"""" '~'ell '"" CO•'• Me>t, Ci t.•~·"" ~u&trr·o"o" bv <••ti•• I! l..! -~•~•y, ~v """ '1 fl ""e"'"'" ~1+.11'Y nnl••t•le•• 'l D "'O"'~'' •3 STO RE S TO SERVE YOU dllions ma~· ha\'e been placed nn !ht lrip "·hirh \\'Ould put a crimp 1n Nixon '!!i lra vel plaM. There LS i;pecu!ation that r-.:1:a:nn m11 y ~end 11 high-tevel delegation nf prnm inenl Americans. including Chine!'it i;cho\11r~. rn Peking to furrh t r brl'.:tk tht 1ct 1nrl to pave the way fnr his 11rriva1. \\'hi\e Chinese Premi"r Chnu En-L11i has fre:ely expressed hi11 view~ nn l rani:t> of subje:cti; certain to he covl!rl'd 111 lhe ttnprecedtnl~ talk11 wilh Nixnn, the White House has remained mum. In his speeches Nixnn dramaliZP.! h111 Jnur11ey a~ tht fortrunner of event~ th11l will lead to a gene ration and even lnni;er of world peace, Youngsters Set Summer .Concert In Emerald Bay A group of mort than 511 Erner.!! Id R11.v ~nungsrtrs "'t!l hold a summer cnncerr 11t 7 p.m Frid11y at $wansnn Park, ,just 1n· sirlt th!! galt of the pri1·11 tt cnmmunity. Knnwn a~ lhe "Emrr;ild Chi mr~.·· lht, group h11s heen sin.o;in,I! !oll.tlher !'linr t the s1art nf su mmer. as parf nf a prnp:ram to give ~·nun."(1'.ler,_ snmt th ini;: to kel'p them bu~-The prnRram has hee n tfirerte.d bv ~·!rs El'a Kramer. 1425 Emer11ld Ra.v 11nd ~!rs. ,\fardi Spalding. l 103 Emerald Ba.v The first. part nf the rv.•n part. sho\.\' \.1'1!1 feature !he :ynungu member, nf the Ciumes singing "Considtr Ynurstlf." ' Ynu·re a Gocid f\1an. Charlit Brnl\•n."' '"The Dnctor is In." '"StlpJX'rllmP," "Do· Re·M1," and "M.v F'11vnrite Thin,£:~" Following intermission. the nlrl l"r grnup will perform ··wh11t tht Wnrld Nted!'I Now is Lovl"." "w,.·1·e Onl~· .his! RP.I!lln .'' and a numbe r nf nlhl':r popular snn11.s. Tht you ng Chimes "·i ll be cnndutll'd bv Dnug Wilk! "' C11! St11!t. F'ullerlnn musi r ma1nr Tht older Chimes ar, under the. direct.Jon of "•ck Cnltm.11 n. who has done extensive music direction in te.lel'i5i!'ln 'The public is invittd lo attend the fre1 concert, Lagw1 a 1-feacl·on Crash Hurts 3 A 2·.vear~!rl bny. his rather and "no1her t!TJl 'f'.t su~ta1ned mint1r in1unt~ in 11 ~"lldCln rn!h~1{1n 1\1esd11.y 11.f\emoon In L;i2un;i Bl':ach f'lnl 1r!' s;url ;ill lhrel' \\'l'ff' l;i kl"n lfl ~r>11!h Cn;:ist rnmm11n1!~ Hr>\pll;:il In· Am hul.inct folln"·1n~ lh' :; pm Arc1dr rit near thl' 1n1rr5f'!'t1nn nf Th;ilia S!rf'"t 11nt1 Tf'mpl' Hill ' f)r11'' Th, \'Ollllt ~t f'r Lt ~l11" Rni:i~~ .Ir o;o·::i• trPalf'd !!'Ir h1'!1rl <11!~ hefnrt ~int rl'll'?.•- Prl H15 father. IA>s!1 t R Briggs. 2.i. nf 9fi4 \l~"dn\\·lark Or11 I'_ 11 nd C11rr>I L rh;i rnberlain 17, iif t\'f'l0rll11nd H ill~. l':"Tt tv.!h trl'at.td fnr minr>r cult--'11d bn115f'~ bP.fnrp hl'llli rl'IPll ~l'd , 11 h !'.I • p i I <11 •pnktsman .s111d City Manager D<lna!d G We idner tnlrl tht romm i.,sinn the in-depth sl urly on An· ne:i:a1inn ll'CIUld be cnmpleted in 20 to 30 day_,; Gaflnt.v !l llid ht has people tn hf mnst c<inr~rnPd .!1.bnU! the po!!'lilile.. tax r11rt .. The n!. are l!l'Veral P'llit ic AI f'n t1 fiP..~ f'llfrl'n!ly tax1ni 1n C11ptstrano Be11ch and Dana Pnnt,"' he ~<1iti. "Eventu11 ll~ thPse \.\'011ld be disnlvl'd 11nd perh11p' Tht city lax ralt wnutr1 ht nff~el by reducl inn~ m11dP by !ht dissolutinn of the~e taxing entiliP.!i ... City Pl11nner R1"1brr1 .lnhn!'I warned that annex111ion wnu ld prnvidt Ylme pmhlem11 for lhP pl anning commission. "Tht new !11t nd's 1.onin,;i wnuld b# trll.~· td anrl v.·nuld hin•t 10 ~n through new l ormal znning proce:dure!," he i;1tid. Johns pointed nut that baser! nn San Juan Capi!itr11.nn"g philnsnphy the max- imum popul11tiOn Of tht combined Afl':A!I of Capi.~trano Beach 11nd Oan11 Point wl'luld be Jn.ooo. San .Juan·!': popul1t t1nn . wh ic h woult! ~ In 11 l11r;irr gtngraph1t are 11. is !!:slim11tt>rl tn becnmt R;J .l'l()(). Pnpt1!at1on rlen~ity ~·otild ~ apprn:icimatf"ly 10 per.sn na per arrl'. Thf' nl;uinin~ cnrnm1ss1nn ··~c·nm· ml'nd11!1nn w11s the fir.~! legal s1 tp 1n formal 11.nnex11t1nn prncedure~ The ne:a:t .sttp will be taken by the city council. Di strict Oka ys • Purchase of Six Surplus Trailers Tus11n \inion High ScMo\ Distrit l trustee.• h11ve 1·nted tn purrha ~t six sur- plus trailer~ dest ribPd In ~" in txc-el!l'nt C'onrl1tion . txcepl fnr one m1n!'lf flaw - /hf'\' hav, nn 11irll'~· The large. 111 by :r,:ri.ft l't trai!Pr~. whirh 1viU be ustd fnr storagl'. 11r11: tn 0, pur- tha~"r! frnrri ~ Tor r11nce ~chnnl 1Hstrirt !nr Jfi.)O Parh. !n as k111g funrl .• for th' p11 rch11~e . rli.~· lnct supPrintrnden! Will iam 7.o~g nnl eri rh11t 11 nf'w tr11ill'r. l~ by 3f'I ftf'1 in ~11.t, wnu1d rnst $2 .800. Hnwl"vt r. in 11rldir1nn tn the ~.'in in1!i11 t ro!l. Z...g,g: 1111irl !ht rl1~!r\r1 . ff'lr e11rh trailf'r will PaV $:211 111.x. $.ti{} tr.11n onnr1 a. 11on r~.ot. 1100. fnr ~ transformer 11 nd abiln1 s.1;,o fnr rep;i1r -in~111l1 11 11ron of sH1t.s 11nd (']nor~ ·The~· are 1n ptrfrrtly 11.f'\Cld sh11~:· th' ~chon\ 1'UP,rlnlf'ndt>nl said. "nu1 11\tv JU~t rtnn 'i h.:H'" sidr~ nn fhr m ·· The 11rlrl1pnn11I rhargr:i; will ~st lh, r f'lsl tlf each. un11 ro 11hn11t Sl.170. 7"1,g:• tn!r! rh, Ma rrl Tht tr11 1ler~. 11•h1 rh rfr> h~1·" J"1a rrit1nri•. 11:;:ht • 11nrl hrA!in,iz pu mp~. o1.lrl'i11h· !!'1- ct;ill,d tl'lll l'lf' 119erl frtr ,fnra ce "' l"f!Ulpm,.n1 11nrl -'Uppl11':' b.v the hll!J1 schCl<ll! 1n the d1~tr1ct BPno Quake BPcor rl crl ~E :'\O 1 UPI \ -Thi' Rt no 11.rf'll wa~ ..;!lght\y rnrk erl l'ul'sda~ h~' 11n e .. rthqut1 kl'. with a m1tl-!ni t11de r>f thrtot on th' Rieh!tr ~r11le YOUR CENTER WITH AND HE LP FU L PARKING IN MALLS. ALL ON FltlENDLY, COURTEOUS SERVICE. PLENTY OF FREE BOTH FRONT AND REAR STREET LEVEL 2300 HARBOR BLVD. THINK "Back To School" Top Values-Low Prices Every Sin9le Dery AT WILSON JUST SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FRIEW A Y IN THI HEART 0' COSTA MESA 2300 HARBOR Bl VD., COSTA MESA Alan Shepnrd To Be Ad111irctl JA'A SHINGT O N 1u r 11 Amer1c.a 's fir1t man in 1pace, Alan B. Shep1rd .Ir . wit! bt e\t v1ttd to 1dmlr1! by the NJ vy Thursday - thP first a~trnnaut lo ach1l'l'e star ran~. The Pent11."on 1nnnuncrri tol'la y !hat ,11 prnmo!lon ceremnny wlll 111kf pl11rt in rht Office of Nal'y Serrtt3ry .lnhn H Ch aff'e Shepard. 47. hf'f'11n1f' th11 llr~l An,er1C'11n 1n "-pace May ~. l!llil ll wa.• 1 !~·minute. 22·.~rcnnd r1r1t 1n ;i. Jin\". h('lt·'h11pf'd rapsulf' namrrl rreed!'lm 7 Tht fH~h! ll"W'lk h1n1 p;ir1-w11.v A('rn~s lht Atlan11r nr,.iin but nl)f In ear1h orbit -iind l'l- pn!l.ed t11m tn ;iOOut fi l'e m1nu1e~ nf wr1f;!.h! lf'~Snf'.<;:.c l.a~I ~'rhrt111rv. fl"li1ktni: hi e lir~t Fh~ht 1n ~p;ir," ~ln<'I' F'rf'ednm i . 'hepard landl'd (ln lht mnnn. ;i~ rnmm11.nrll'r nf !ht Apollo 14 mi~~ir>n w·1rh Al an Be11n. T ra nsient Helcl On Burg la ry Ra p In La~una Bea ch L.:t,l!una Bea ch pol 1c11: Tuesd11,v arr~ste:d a transi ent ~·ant~ in conn tcti!'ln ~·it ti 11 .lun~ b11r 11.\11ry after a patrnlmAn alleged hP retl'lgn1zed the man from sn old phn!.ngr11ph. Offiter .J1ck Ev11n~ tnnk the suspect in· In cu~tody al about V .10 p.m. near the ;iirner of Le:g1on Street and U:iast Highwa~. Iden tifi ed a~ Sre1·en M. Tyll'r. 1!1, pnhre rl111m !he vnu1h h11rl cnmmlt!rri 11 huratary in ./11nP in \\•hirh som e $500 in rA~h , 11,:un~. r hl'ck11 arirt n!h 'r 1!,.m.~ wer, t11ktn . The ~11.\perl then wenl 1n Nl'v;;d11, nffi rer~ ~;i.irl . and nnly rri urnrd to L11 i;:un ;1 Rr11f'h 11 /pw rlii.1'.~ 11.1:11. nl't l';tivr~ ;i l~n rl11imrrl lh~t Tvler w;:is w11nlrd nn n11mtrii11s tr11ff1 r w;;rr::int.'. lnrgP.ry th;:irge~ 1111d fnr 1t1!'11.erll~' f1 l1n_R. 11 fa \,e l'tn l"n prnperl~· rPpnrt w1!h the pol11•t dep.3r!men1 ThP !'lusptr ! 1~ 10 he arraigned Thursday. police noted. Sc hool Boarrl Backs Sa rl rll t>back Bon1le Trustt:e.~ n( !ht Tust1n llninn H111,:h Sr~onl district hll\'t apprnvrrl 11 rr soltJtinn 11rg1ni;: p<1ss<1,RP nl th f' SPpl 11 Mnrl mea~11rr f.:i ci ni;: \"Otf'r~ ,.,, !he S.:iddlrhatk (..nmmunity Cnlles:e Oi~trlct. Th' re.,nlulinn . which r , c ~ l v e t1 11n11 nimou~ 11pprn\•al nf the fivl' tru~lf'P!'I, w;i<; prepArPd 11nd m;iiled In th' bnarrl b~· :'iaddleh11ck Collt11t prP~irlent F r e ri Rrr n1rr . Arrn mp11n.v1n11: the rlnrtrment "'II.~ ~ ll'!ler ll!ikin_I! .~upJ)(lff. nr !he $24 Jl milliiin hfind tnP11 ,,11fl'. GEM TALK TODAY by DIAMONDS YOU MAY HAVE NEVER SEEN H;1,v.-~·t1u tYf'r i:M'n :\ hl ;1,ck nr hrnu'TI, blue or ptn k d.ia.mond~ They cln e::icisl. .-ind ~nrnl' 11re (':tfreme.!~· v;i.\u :ible, ;i.~ is the hlu e. d.1,:imond il.nrl the r11nary diamond 1;11•1th its cl ea r yellow hue. \~'1th !he rxrep1if'n nf h\11('. 11 touc h of any C'{ these colors m the v:h 1te cliAmond available to most n( us lessens the stone's value. as ctn cArbon ~ (flaws l or poor cult.i nt. Allhoo_s:h thes.e I.roly magnificent d1amonrls 3re r a re, they ar@ oc· cAsionaJly "''aih1ble ; and lf .Vo\I are inle:re:sted. y~u m ight register your nAme. with us !tO you 'll have An npPQrtunity to examine one. At thl~ lime we kno1;11• nf If four c1trat bl11e: dil'mond 11 v11ilable. 11 truly rsre .ize:m . \,eom purchases Are important lnvtsl.menl.5. and when yoo buy s dismond the expert's knowledge i!! priceless. So it'5 wise to be guid- t-d by a man 9-'hn k nnv.·~ flne gems Md hy A mAn ynu C'il n trust tn teU the trH1h AbnUt nff-<:olnr tinge~. tiny !Pf'Ck~ nr poor cul ~·hic h are .~fl nft.~n m issed by lnymen. Let us help you , .. v.1e've livtd with rl iA· mnnrt~ in Ct>Sla 1-fesa for O\'Cr twenty-four years. Lockheed 's Loan Appeal Hits S11ag \\1ASHINCiTON ll'l'1 \ -A rlt'Ct~1nn on whether in grant 11 $2.'111 m1 ll1nn gn1'rr11- ml'nt-in111r,11n!""d ln;:in 10 lh11 flnAnrl;tllv lrnt1blr<I l.ockhr rrl A1rcrilft rnrp. w11~ po~1pnnl'(! lnd.ly h.v 1he F'Prler;:il Rn11rrl ~r,.alt'rl t:ty Congrt'.~.~ In .ieii/ w1lh that LS~UP. Afrrr merlin,;: /or 1wn a11rl i'I h11ll hou r~ lhe hn11rrl annn11ored 11nlv !hRI 1! "will mPPI aga in la Irr. 11.1 11 1h11.le 10 hf' ~rt. 10 r(lnfl "u" 1·nn~i(iP1'11lton of !he ),(l('kht>t.d Jii11r1 :1prl1rillrnn" Thr hl'l<irrl 1~ 1•nn1p11,r1I 11-! Trl'.:l~urv !'Prrrr:-ir.v .rnhn R ('nnn11Jh· .Jr rn;:i1r- m.ln Arth ur F. Aurr1~ ,,r !hp Ff'rlrr;il nr. ."Prv" ~vstrm iinrl rh:11rm:in \\'11l1:1m .I. lllsf'~' r>f !hi" ::.;erori!1{'~ 11nr1 F:xrhrini::e Cnrnm 1so1nn rnnnRllv 1111.s lhP \d1111n1,1rri11nn's !'hirf fh""rnr>in n 11f prnl'1rl1 nc 11 ln;in tn LOfk · h<'C'd tn .:i:Jn\I' the b1.1: f1rn1 lo ::ii rr·r h;ink· ruprry wh<"n !he 1~~11,. 11·;1 ~ br/nrp ('nn- ~re~.~. Rut !he 11111111<11! nf R11rns ;inrl C'11sey tnward !hp !o;:in .l!Uar;intce 11·as nf'1 er rt'vr;ilcrl At le;i~t twn nf !he thn'(' 11l{'l1ilwn:. 1n11~t ;1rrrn1'" thf' lo;:in .1:11;ir;:inlr1> hrforp 11 c;in t>r m.:irlr>. l.(l<'khrerl. lhP n;ilt{ln·~ :l:lrd !;irRe~i <"l'lr· rnr;:i!1on. ~a.v~ it nrrd~ 1hP $2.'>(I million 10 enmr>lPtr b11ilr11n,I! th!' Tris1;:ir i11 IPrml'rll · 11 1 .. ran~" ,lrHinPr which "'iii rnm('l't orrt w1lh thP f.1 c 0nnncJ!-Dougli'l .~ DC JO. al- ready in servitT. Da vid l'ros by, Fri.encls c·leor e(l (}{ Dru g l 'lrar ges f'inf'l.. s1 ngl'r Da vi d Crn'h.v Rnrl fll't' fr\rnrl' arrr~lrrl .l11nP ~I n t\t>\\'Pott Rl':!\'h (1fl mariJUlln il rh11r11.P.~ wrre r·le11red ol 111J char~,..~ lh1s wPrk . Harhnr .J11rJ1r•111I [)1~rri1·I .lurli:" 1-~l'PrP!I \'' ri1 rk r l' rlisrnissrr1 1111 ~1l r·;;'"~ ~l iin rl;;v flp r;:i11s" nf 1nsurfu·1rn! r1 1<1rnr·e rlP;;rrrl nf m;i r1j11;;n ;i p n'' ".~·'Inn ch11r,11 r.' <1lnr11l: with r'rn~hv wprp -IA'Rn~· S. Fi11nn,. ::.2. whn ~;i1•• hl' ;irlrlrrs~ a.~ Crnst:t~··.~ _1;u·hr . ".\1111·iln ·· -r.rnr~~ E. \\'nll.rr. 31 nf 2:172 P,a1·~hnr!'~ On1•r . Nr \\"j)IH1 Rr;ich -Rnhrrt 0 . \\'U~nn. JO nf 90fl l.1dn r:.rk f>ri1·P. 1\'P'.l'pllrt Afilf'h. -Shrl\r~ I.. l\ne~·i.,.r, l'I. nl 11n!11 ~~1•t. -l\111hrri ne L. Rnhf'rtsnn , IR, Hnllv11·()(\{! ('rn'\h11, 2FI. 1hP \(';\!\rr o( 1hP In!~ r111•k _crnup C:rn~b1·, sr111~. 1'\;i<h 11nrl \"nllnl!., \I'll~ iirre.~ter1 .lune !J "'llh h1!'> ln Pnr1~ nn h1' _\ 11rh!. 11nrh'lr('O .:11 lhP llmn 1n !he l,irln Sh1r.1.11rrl 1n l\1'1•por! H.:irhnr /\'r"·pnrt Rr.:.C'h /'nlwr ('l;11m"d fhl'I' !'pnllrd m11rin1~n11 f\1);;11111.; 011 ll'lp t'rf 111" ll.·111rr .:1 rn11nrl ("ro~1 ·, .\•::irht. ~rrer hf'iir· 1n11: !hP h1l_cP p11n1ri.~ nprr11IP ,JuO~e 0irW°l'I \\";\" rll ~lntlinl'rl hfl\\ l'\"rr .~ ..... ,,,, •. f ill ~!r.~ J\l;;1 y ;\1111 (.,iu1nn pai nt.~ fl:'l_epn lr-::i08 frr.1 :ibn1·(' Fre~no. ,\1r~. Q111nn . 4.1 , h11-; /)('en na int 1nr:. fl 11i::p0 l c~ .. ~l rnril<'~. t011ers :inti :.:n1nkr~r~1 ks fnr 2:, .1 rar:; 111\hntll ;in ti( r1 den! She 1rnrks !n·1r I'll" fl\" n'nnths a ~.ear. ~k 1~ the rr~l. l'ri,011 Cuard P.11 ri e d Fran k I teLPnn. thr S;in Q<1Pn l111 'l\lilfd whn pr 1s• "'\ nf!w1:il; ~<1Jrl fn11nr1 a .Qun 1n r;erir2~ .1;11 ~~rin ~ hri tr ,in•I 11:i-; ~l:iin 11 fp w ITIHm<'nt s t;i trr. 11<1~ h11nt'd h<'rP T11r~r1 11v. F11n1·r;il ~r111rr• 1•r1·r hr!rl rar!1~r 1n r'Pr11l11m:i, whrrr /)rl.••nn 41 !11rrl 11'11 1"1 f11~ "·1f P \'11 1.'111 ;inr! 1hr1 r (11 P rh1 \drP'1 . !)PLf('HI I~ ;il~n )illl"l'!I r(j ~I hi• p~renr5', \1r~. !"h111lnlll' l<1ln1.11·r1 .:incl Frank P. I lrl rnn . l"onl\l nf S:ifl!'~lnn, LIMITED TIM E OFFER buy3 get)iree! Now '" t he time to start or 11dd to )'Otrr Towle ~Ing service.. Buy three pieces ;'Jl'CI Ret !tole fourth one fre11. ror e~a mp!e: b11y three 1easooor1s and you re<.eive the four1+1 teaspno., free. Com!! +l't todi9)' and choo!.e fmm r!Ur lafie !tlect1orr ol Tow\~ pattl"fTIS in solid s rNer. Oft f'f 11111•il1ble 1n tollow10g pious in all a ctiv111 Tow1- 5ltt\u1G p11tt•rns; T•tospoons Place lorl<.s P1iw;jl knivPJ Salad forks Pl&ee '-PoOn~ S~rs Coeirtal ~ 0.; oitl:!M Stl(llOM k«I bever11• ~n~ from $ 9.00 h om $14 ~ frorrr Sl4.00 fl'T'm f !200 'lrC!'i'\\12 25 from s 9.00 s 10.00 s 7.SoJ $12.SJ J. L .JJun111hrieJ /j-ecueferJ 1823 NEWPORT BLVD .. COSTA MESA CONV~N llNT T'"C?M '.> !A "llU.M E,ICA~0-M-'5TE, r:.H>~G-l . - I \ \ I I Magic Bus Bu ck llarntet. (le ft) co-ov.1ner of American Carri er Equipmenl c·o .. and Phil S\\'eet. lrightl also a co-O\\'ner. in spect a ne1v double-deck bu s. 11·h1ch \Vill begin operation soon between \1osemite Lodge and Ah"•ahnee Jiolel in Yo!:>c1n ile National Pa rk. A1nericans ~l 01·1{ Lo11g, Hard To Achieve Tl1ei1· Af flue11ce W~dntSd.ly, Aug1J_>t_2_S_, _19_7_1 _______ DAI LY PILOT f.~ New Plan Doesn't Silence Critic NE\\' '!'ORK tAPJ -The ne1v economic gan1e plan has bft'n accla irned for it:; daring and broad dilnension.s. but it ap~ers to h11 ve stle11L-ed one of the adm1nistroition ·s chief critirs ouly ten1poranly. if ••t all. Eliot JaJJeway, Lile ecunun1· mic consultant v:ho has bec11 blasting 8\Vay at policies th al have JUSt been junked, is .~till as unn1erciful as e\'e!' . .still displeased. still concerned. l!e sees the stot k markl'L heading do1vn ne:.:!. yt>ar. perhap~ to 500 points 011 lhl' Dow .Jone:-; l n du .~ l r 1 a I Average, along \\'1th labor unrest and problf'1ns 111 t·on1- in~ up with a budeet that totally satisfies H.ep. \\lilbur f.111ls. He; is just as seathi11g 1n tus il S~ess n1 enl or the understandins or The problems that b<'sC1 t:ountry. rl'a! I he ··Thry read no h1stury."' ht' said. "Tht'y plagia rize frorn thrir critics." he added . And Janeway still linlis !1e ean usr the word '"d1sa.ster" 111 describing f'i'onn1iC' 1wJlic;. I le h<1s nu1v t1dtlcd the word "'nu\- ly." as in · "They \\'ent fron1 one <'x· trc1ne to lhe other, fror11 hands off to total intervention 111 l11e ecuuun1y . It's nully."' As Janeway see.'l it. one suspect!!, the real probleni "'tth the erowd 1n \\laslungton is !h<1t they don 't listeo n1ure elo.sely . ·ro Jane"'·ay. that is. '"Ariyth111g the gO\ernn1enl 111ight now do gl't Wtlh .Ja new11y t111nk1ng will be in the fir.st quartel" " h e tan1entcd shol'lly belore l11e new gan1e plu11 11·01.s an- nounecd, refcrnng-to the 111- Cl'ltahle tune l<ig betwC'en an eeonon1ic decision and the subsequent r(.'sults. And 1f a t'ard111:tl siu 11<1s 1'o nu111ltt'1l 111 r111t heedini: ,Jane"·ay·s ;1d\'1ce bt'fore 11011•. 1L l·erta1nl_v 1s 11othin~ less than ;1 111ort<tl SUI !hat 1he ad1ni111strfll1on h:isn't been 1111 rnore intimate rcrn1s 11·11h ~-!ills. .. J a111 \'f'r~· prout! uf I he 11 a.1' he lakrs frt>n1 tne," s:ud ,Jane11·ay uf !hi' ehnirnl:ln of the lluusl· \\'ay~ :1111! :\1t·ans 1..:ornnuttee, a 1n;111 he respcc1<; J11 ghl.v l11r ll<1th his f'rucl1l1on :111d J)!.)ll'cr He \\'iiS s~ak1ng <ibout ideas. 01d111 ·1'. whether it ii; SQt1gh1 bouj(hl or unsol1tiled 1\nd while h is co1n- 111un1eations are ;i I w ays n1l'n1orable. the\< are also quite often co rree"t. He say the stuck market eo llapse cominc: 111 1968. And he deduced that "Concede Not J. Wby I proclaint 1l will help the c.-conon1y " 1'hen "'htl!'s tht beef"! !)0111esl it'ally, it ('On1·~rns the lreeze. '"'fhe only "'ay for Aruen ea tu get out of th is 1n1· poss1b!t' prublen1 1l m<-.de fn r ils~lf wit h fl wage·price freeze is lhrough a stretchou t ·· \\'hat does that 1neari"' •·stretch our contracts for a ;.oe<tt'. Tell the wor king pe-0ple tin!! they 1vill get every nickel con1ini;: tu thern after a year bu! I/Jal 11 will be worth 6 1"l'll1S lht'.'11 in~tead of ~ .. .J11neway is also concern~d that lhe adrn1n1stration "'!ll be unable to satisfy fvlills on the budget And he sees no pickup 1n busine.'IS between now and Nove1nber, because a "wait and see" altitude ha.5 been encouraged. Internationa lly, he rce l:s that only one-quarter of whal he claims lo be his progra m has been pu! into effecl. Among other things. he w o u I d provide. -An exporl lax credit, a speei fie rebate on laxts for anyone making rnoney on ex· jXJl'lS. -An incentive tax rate to encourage the repatriation of accumulated earnings i n O\"erseas subsidiaries of American eon1panies. Oil Fir111 Gets Stock the Vietnarn 11•ar \\"OU ld cu! 111· c.:OSTA 1\11:-:SA _ !B\\'J _A rnarily to law enforcement to rather tha n l.loos! corporfllf' :tu percrnl interest 111 \Vestern agencies. and sc.lls ammuni· pruf1t~. 1\ u ! u 111 at i r Be I 0 ad111g 11on of Jls own rnanufacture lo l:>t.-sp1te lus t' u ri l i n 11 i n R I-: q u 1 p 111 t' n t I n t· a agenc1t"s 100 sniall to justify t·nt1cis n1. une now delel'ts a n1<1r111facturer of autuina!tc the cost of :icqu1ring !heir own dilut1011 of .Janev.·av·.~ ilt Jd . a11unuA1lion production equip-equipn1e11L \\'hen 1t 11·as suggestfd lo hi1n nit'nt and sniall arms ani-A branch plant for \Vestern. rtuit he eoncede soine benefits inunltlon . has b~n al'quired tile first of seven planned from the ne"· game plan he for stoc·k bv Seneca Oil Co. throughout the nation, has s1Upped l h e conver:;;ition IO'fCJ of Oklaho ma Cit v. \V il-been opened in Oklahoma City short, either sharked. ir1.~ulted , li;in1 \Valker, President or and heg1111 s 11 i pp in ii: a1n· or an1<1zcd by the speriker"s \\lpsf ~rn. annouheed. llllllltlion in ,July. lar·k i1J understanding \Vestern ~1anufactures a11 ~eneca, a dome!itie oil and ··{"one e de ,'' lie s:i1d t1uton1at1e tart ridge loading gas producer, also is develop-unb~l1ev1ngly, and lhen said it deri<"e of patented design 111g coneessions offshore Aus· NEW YORK (AP~ Amerirans are a restless and sometimes disgruntled people despite their affluence. strain of hold ing onto it once they have il -also con· tributes to the restlessness and the sense of frustration. fl. growing number of fa1ni1ies are achieving their goals only by means of additiona l in- comes. This 1~ lhe \lay .Jan~\1 av l"OnH11un1c<1tes 1n speeches, scn11nnrs, !:ilks s h u \I".~. ncwslt•1tt•rs, -books. tt'lephonf' t1)nvers<it1011s ;ind hn·akfast t:hals at his bro11·11 s tu ni' 111ans1on \\•itll baokers and eo11gr1!sstnP11. \Vork 11 e v r 1· l:ease~. <1nd seldon1 dnes the ag:Hu. 11•hich is sold or leased pn-lralia and in f;ngtaod. have that worn oul feeling.1------------------------------------------------'----------'----- They JUSl don't lrno1v how well 1"hey v.·ot"k long and hard and make good n1oney. But they pay high prices and big taxes. And their ever-bigger dreams, year after year, seem lo re1nain just beyond their reach. A curso ry investigatory of affluence suggests some of the r easons why. First and obl'ious is the facl that many people are denied a sense or achieve ment because their desires are n e v e r satisfied. Goals are only beads in a string I hat never runs out. A goal acJucved merely leads to 11nolher. Despite th eir accurnulalions or assets, therefore. they always fetl the need lo enlarge, if nol lo satis fy t he urge lo be rich and pD\\'erful then to allay fears of poverty a nd "'eakness Despile goud inco111es a nd assets. some !an1ilies find they still have tittle-choice In ho\v they spend their money. l\la.ny spend 20 percent on Food, more tha n 20 percent on 01~·11· ing and operaling their home. 10 percent on taxes. 10 percent on trans1>0rlation and another JO percent on clothing. 'fhat's 70 percent for fixed expenses. And the rest isn't theirs lo spend as they please. Thev must pay !0r mrd1t'al and dental car<'. educntion and per~onal itcins such as books and cigorettes. And lo make cert;iin they don"t lose it all , a nalural con· sequence of acquisition. they musl ha1·e insurance polic ies. t.!oreover, tradition ;ind co111- mon sense demand that Lhey have S<t\·i11gs. The tiny percentage lhat is left theore11eall} can hr used flll recreat1011. 1a1·at1<111s ;incl gifts, but many f;i n11!1es I ind lhese ('a!cgones ail' a\ll'ays on the list of drearns that are JUSl be\·ond their reach The str<1111s ot 111a1ntain1ng t'arn1ng power-as 11·ell as the There are llO\.\' rnore than 18 n1illion "'·ives al work, or 40 percent of the !otal, and 10 niillion of then1 ha\'e children under 18. In fact. one-quarter of all v.·i\·es with l·hlldren under three are at \.\•ork. The primary breadwinner continues lo be the man. but studies show his gross income often is boosted by holding an additional part-time job, and that his living standard would drop abruptly :.huuld Ile lose it. But work al su full ills a need other than fin;1nc:1uL .\Jany prople cannot helµ but \1·ork. 'fhf'y profess to be v.orking 111 ach1e\"e financial goals but often they resist rc:l1rc1nrn1 after achieving thrn1 A study of \\·orkers \\·hose schedules ""ere ch<inged fron1 5 days of 8 hours each to 4 days of JO hou rs showed that n1any of then1 declined to use the free time lo indul~e themselves in the leisurely life t hev clamed to have been sel'king. Instead. they hired 11nto another job lo nu the time. A good many family in· conies are al.so supported by the efforls of teenagers, nnd \\"ell they should. fvlost paren!s.are shocked to learn ho11· rnuch it costs tu raise a rhild to the age of 18. As this decade began the tab ranged fron1 n1ore !han $!9.000 to about $23,000 111 urban a reas. with $5.550 to S6.500 of that for food alone. Affluence . it a pp<' a rs , doesn't al "'ays mean the e11sy life. Instead. ii is of!ro arhlC'\ • rd only through great efforl , not just by one 111en1Uer of 1he family but :;on1el1n1es by the entire family. And holdi ng on· 10 it n1ay be just as e:.· hausling . l'\o "''onder so n1any people Are Before You Dig A bulldozer \\'as excava1ing dirt for a backyard s11•1mming pool in Orange recently "·hen it sudden!\' hooked o n to something ihat stretched and snapped 1n two. The contractor's digger had severed an un de rgroun d telephone cable. and at that inst11nt somr 200 people in the neighborhood lost their phone lier\'ice. Il took a crew of s killed cabl~ splicers three hours to restore the communications link. According to P a c i f i c Tl'lephone . lhis wasn't an Iso lated case. An average of one buried telephone cable is being sliced in t11·0 by carele5s digging throughout the county every da}'. As some 3,000 pools are being added annually lo SY.•ell the current total of 26,00:.l backyard "'built • ins"' in Orange County, accidental cuts include chopping o r various kinds, from the .sin gle. narro\\·-~auge cr.!>!es ('&lied '·drops" that serve in- dividual homeo~'ncrs. to the larger underground cables as thick 11s a man's \vrist and containing s e r vi c es to hundreds or tel phone users. And the problems caused by 1he swlm(Tling pool boorn are· sometimes s h a r e d by homeov.•ners as 1vell as the telephone company. Pacific points out that in many swimming pool conlract~. the '"fin<' print'' tells the homeo1vner that he is liable for any damages lhat occur on his own property. in- cluding damage lo buried telephone lines. Many homeowners aren't aware of utility easements that pass through their yards. To avoid possible service in- terruptions to themsell'es a nd their neighoors. horneowners and contractors alike are advised by Pacinc 'felephone to call the company's free Cable Locating Service. The cable locators are deployed in all areas of the county. Their 2 4 ·ho u r telephone number is 633-0811, and if it's outside a customer·s local calling area. he "s invited to call collect. Armed y,•ith charts showing exact locations or buried installalions, the cab 1 e locators prov ide insurance against accidental cuu. And rhey .<1ave builders <1nd homeowners the time and !rouble of trying to locale buried cables. especially the "'hard w;iy" -like r ipping them up with the blade of • bulldozer, off lhey are, Whisl{ey Drinliers Get Treat \\'hiskey d r i n k e rs In Costa Mesa arc being treated In a new last<' 1n \vh1skey - alleged to be a '·sneak prcv1e1v or lhe t:isle of An1erican Ligh1 \.\'hiskry, the sale of whiC'h \\'111 1101 bl' lcg;.i! until ;i fr er July I ol next year. American Light \Vhiskey is the resull of a 1968 ch:'.inge in regulations govrrning I he n1;ik1ng of d1sl1llcd ;,pirits. At rhat lirne 1hl· guvcr11n1enl a u 1horJ7.ed d1st1ll1ng en111- panics lo produce a lighter tasting Arncrican \\' h 1 s k I'. y . <·on1parable 10 cert;1111 Scotch Hnd Canadia11 11•hisk1es. The l!li2 dale fnr lt>ga l s<.1le allows fur four ~ears aging of the produr1 bef ore ii 1s pl;1ced on lhe mcirkel Three n1a jor d1s1illers are already selling in Costa r-.1csa ~ind other key mal"kcts. pro- ducts whi ch tht' liquor in- <itJ.'l!ry recognizes a~ having llll' taslf' rhara<"ll'rl"!I'·~ <1! An1erir;1n J.1gh1 \\"h1 ~kt'). '!°he tirst eu111p<1ny rnarkc! slu·h a pnlCluel was Brnwn·Fr1rn1;in D 1 s I i 11 e rs t:orp. 11 hlch fi11cl'ed out the eulor fron1 11·/J1skt>v 111 n1ake a '"white wh1:-.kry· 1~·11h virtually no tastt'. character ur ;iroma. BrO\\'n-~·orn1an 1s markc!1ng tl11 s under 1he na1111· Fros\ 8- 80 Ind u !-l r .v authori!1e<; ;:ire fjUl'St1on \\hC'lhrr or nut \\·h1te 11·hiskey wil l sell Thl' (·un· :-en~us seen1s tu I)(' 1hat 11 lociks too much like \'Odka fnr bourhon drin ke rs In tw 1n- 1rres1ed and la!-le<:. l!)(l rnul'h hke h0urbon l'lr v fl d k a dnnkcrs tn be 1n1ert>stcd. "Bring neither (1~'1 nur fowl," onr indus1ry n1arkr1111g 11H1n nbservcd. ''wh1lf' v.hi.r;key will h11ve lo l"J"Calr 11 11111rket of t1S own or 11 IS dCH1n1cd /or obli- \'!On .. , Four Hoses blended ""h1skey reeenlly changed ils forn1u!a- tion in an attempt to produce a lighter taste. Formerly the product >tt'aS about one· third full bodied whiske.v and abo11l l\\'O-lh irds n I' u t r a I spirits. The new forn1 ulation is about onl."'..quarler v.·hiskey and lhrpe.fou rths !lf'utral spi rits. This blen d 1s being sold under the label '"Four Ho s c s Y.'hiskey." One con1pany. B ar Ion Brands or Chicago, began pro- ducing 1n 1966 an ' ' a 11 \\'hiskey"' product \1·i th a new and differe111 r:.i ste. l! >tt"ilS dislillcd <11 a high proof and \\'as stored for four years in seasoned oak barrels. It is, ac- cordi ng to a compan y spokesn1an, the only product ct it.s lype on 1hc market wh\ch is fully-matured, un- t.ampered-Y.·ith, all whiskey. It is bein,11. marketed under lh!' name "Bartoo's QT. !he ne111 quiet taste in whiskcv." Although none of ihese nf'W wh iskies claim lo be Li ght Wh iskl e.!, eA ch claims lo have I.hat !!pec ial taste which Light Wh iskey will h;ive when 11 becornes available lo the public in July. 1972. The dis tilling 1nduslry hopes Light Wh iskey wil l slow do"'·n !he gro1vth of im ported Scotch and Cnnadian 1v h 1 s k I e s Sl5 t1 S125 n l1es it said ~J t~e yar•. Ma11y, 11an1 t1 t haost fr1m. • SHOP•AT·HOME SERVICE If ,_ ~·,,·1 c•"'• ;,,, jOlfl ..... .,. .., .. -r •••••••.,l•ti•• will ~1111 w ith • f011i ""'"'• tll•<ll•"· H• .-i;, .... ,., CUSTOM MADE DRAPERY lvnwiov5 f(lbric • in BouchH.. Cdtoftl,. Aa-. 11qve Solfns. le~rv1e1 ond ~ lr'I IM!ow- tifvl de<orat<W c:olor~ SA YE UP TO 50% U51 OU9COll'fll111121 ca1onnm•s All lAIOR CAHftS A llfUIMl GUAIANnl ... -~·--• ' I • • I • • • ,..,.. - :z ,~s..._~·-·~"~'--'-'~"~o~r ___ _::s~c ___ w_,~·~·~r\d.i~ •ug111t 2~ 1q11 ' ' • " ·-.. " • . -. " " •• "' r...: ·~ ... ~ ••• Your /tloney Lo,f Maii1tena11ce OVER THE COUN1 1ER ............ 1¥t 11Lltl ••lw .......... ti.,..........., I A.M. ...... MAI&. ""-' .. -........... ., --.... --., ft_ ..... NASO l1•tin91 for Tuead1y, Augu1t 24 1971 Poi11t for· Vii1yl MEW vo•.c ~·~! •rt1 • ...., fl'lo follow nt ollAn:I May • • •• octO<I Ar-Wt<; t .. tlontl SKu t •• Arn•v ln o .......... ,,.,, .. ,_ "4 By :)\ l\ IA PORT ER Vin\ l h11s l>t'rn ;i l<1nu\1 .r p1oduct 1Q ts hr \e;;rs and surelv \ou are 11\ 1 f' ,\f 11 111 flooring ancl 1 u t o n1o1 1 \ e upholster\ Bui <He \l\U Ill\ Ht' of how 1n1p,>rl int '!!\\I h:i:. recent!v bect>nlt 111 h in)f' con slruction and h u 1 I d 1 n R products" Hert> ire sJrne I Ult! known <ind!< 1cnt1a!l11 valuable po n!~ fr )ftl I 0111 fhomas B ~nnti prl ~1lenl I B f-Goodri<h Chenucal t~ "orld s large.:;\ produ.:er 11! \LO\[ raw malt rials 10 n1ake bu1ld1ng and nthC'J produt:!s Ill• c'"'n t l•n-"rv"*• 1ng bl stering 'Ailrpmg pit "'"one• L ln<tu• I"'"" sv t1ni: or statntng And they 1 :~n!'~~ Tru11 :~1~~,8~1 -" k h B•nCP A"P Su U 11 t ne~ painting lo eep • e• ~· •o • ecc 1 a lhem in ~ood cond1!11n l'!E';"P,_cs ~; '~j ·1::1°P:1c MC flu 4 •l Beno ... Q \\ ln does11I11nyl ha\e to S"1•w Bo• ~I si , Bk•m 11 1 UV• 11~• 'I l 11• n9 R bf painted' v. N Bn> 11 11 ,1e•u• • " '""'''"'' lb•um I \ Rec:<1u::;e 1ls color goes all F d un Lt J' l4 B•t' '"~ ,....,,., 111 11<•1 nf F thr 11a1 through Snot and •FA P ~ t•, ~,lie• l •b bl A On I flll>~MI i;r 1ne are not p r o r: m ~ ., T~ nc ~ • 11111u11• w her 111se 1 r 1 I c:un be tleaned .o.vM c" 10 10 '[' ' -Abel"" J l 1 !1 C~ e 1~ily 11 th a dele1 gent anti .o. ,nn ' en !I ck M • .. Oml l O 1 I ll<>tU• E 11\lt'I The p1ndutls c:an be .. oal1n v ll o l••"""' .. r1 .. d'< Ra> I o I II 1do 111 ntl'd t!1Qugh !I \01 llfll l ln ,.., , s ~ o , , 11 n~ I h I I f ,o. Ind 1 )o B~s~c• 1\1nge I e C'OOr sr1eme o Al>t•Ho l 1 111-.n1.o. h Al I d' .,bel> ]? 1 B•~ B1 vour orne so vinv ies A cc u ~ , s , 11uck11 M 11ell from a safety 11e11po1nt : ~~~ti ~ 'j :~~~~"~ I t iu se t\ 1101 \ suppo1 L rom " cc t...t 1~ 11 Bv n s m A T•cn i ~ ,1c. WSv Q 11 111 h~ 11 1~ I\\ J busllon n1 C'f r di cl f'lectr1c1t) • 9 11 i , , •ml> tJ /laE~I /o l •nnM b(>rome in ht11ld1ng A Build n~ ~ ttO\ the largest n1:ir ket tor p\astlt:~ acc111nt1n11 hr 1n ire th11n SI 5 b1lhon ff piastre 1n 11ertals last )ear and pol~11n)I chloride tP\C1 IS th~ nus! 11tdel\I used flf any pl 1st c rn 1tentil 1n hu1ld1ng The use ot I'\ f 111 l he bu1!d1ni.; rnarket r e<i ly doubled h(>l11.een !!II a and !1170 and 1! \111l rnore than double by l97S Q \\h;it ne\\ 11pphcat1ons for 11n11 11ould be ot most in terest lo con~ 1mers A In s1d1ng gu!lers and down.<;pouts shullers 111ndo11 s and 11 1ndo11 co np<nenls storm doo1s flflsh1ng v. eathez stripping a11 rungs and sofftls -on the iu !s de ln~1de the home 1 u11J p ping 11 1111 11nd floor l OI r11ng and n\tJ 1or m oldings Q \\ 111 !hr gr (j I I II b popularn1 oi 1he pi I'll.I irts A D 1rnh1h l1 1n 1 n 11n u 111 maintenance <ha 1~1er1st11s and altrtl1 e ;ippcil!<Htr In exterior isr 1 nil prod1Jtls can be ex posed lo s in 11 nd rain .ind lernper;itu e e~ lren1es lor extended per 1(1(!;; ,, 1thout rotl!ng n~k1ng [>eel UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR ORANGE COUNTY BANK S & l OR OTHERS £~o• •n<•d •~<t•• f I m• ~~I nq o ole 1 on ~I ~ • 1.rbl.-a ... o ~ ~ ~u pho •• ol vou m~ k• "9 ello t qu 1>oed o ~"~ die ~~mpl ~ • ~d • n9 ptjbl c ~l"t on1 I> cmo on m• ~hon d ng p 09 •"' I <1m I> onn ng th ou9h ft••<"I en ~ ""' "" 1!1ge1 B o~d n deoth ~""'".,., • bec•9 o ~d ~ e oon• bl ~ po• I on• "" •nd •qencv • •9• l'> end wo \ h mt 10 ccmp ~~Y " Ii I Ire 0 .le wkc p rle ' to I•• W !e D •D ~v P lo! P 0 Bo) 91b1b 0 ~t>Qe Coun , "~ lOb O• Iv ~l>O Cc• " Me•n Cl Put u to Joll 1r~ and cents le1n1s \\hit the lo ., rnanllenantt lea\ur~.s can mran to a homf'(10Aner A I abor 1s the highest-<"Ost elen1ent 111 a hnt1se 111 building ma1nla1n1ng or r eno\/al1ng 1L and la b< r cost~ 11e s kv rocketing V.hile 111 nyl rn(.111 be n101e expens11e 1n 11tall\ 1\ needs little or no tnaintenCJnce and thus •"Ill often cost the consumer le ss lhan con1enl1nnal materials over a per1 Kl of years Q Be spec1f1c A A con\ent1(1nal \1ood \11n do11, costs an est n1aled $10 to p~1111t and 11 h 1s lo be painted 11hen 11 1s installed and at regular u1ter11;i1s thereafter lf 11 e use t i CJ' three \ears as a <'Cills! c rC'p 11nt1ng penod in 20 vears panting cfls\s for the 111ndn11 \.\Ould tot;il $70 The 111~1 1llcd tosts of a 111111 cl rid 11 !VI.I 11111dn1 lnr instance 11nuld he about the same as , pl:11n '>l oo<l 1\1ndow 11hen all ln~!~ ~re t1gured 1n and 11 1111 c1 neefls pa1nt1ng flle n1!1;i l 11r1ce and 1n stall ll1on c.os!s of 11nyl piping ;ii r 11orn1aHy 20 lo lO percent lu11er than mo1e • f n1ent1ona l piping ma t er 1 a I s and ITI 11111tnan1.:e ('.OSIS lrl Ill s1;ill~t1011s 1nade e1en !S 11."ars ugoha1ebet11\11lu l!yn1l Q more rn l c:om p 1r1S(l1S A (._ n1pue 1he t(lst~ or 11111 S!tl llg 11 1th \\OOri 1!1pbo:11 d 1 ~h111,..ll'" n1Pr a Z01e u !t'r id l 1 a1 a erige h ie 1111, 1 ~oo ~q teet cf ~u!rg i t-1 lht! 11:10<1 s thng ct•~1s 11 1ul<l 1 inge trorn $1 380 t1i $1 ~20 and the 11n1 I s1d1ni; t 1~1s f\0111 abol1~ $91S lo fl,11 lh! 1 hese costs 11ould u11ol1e lhc 11 t ;iJ l 1~! 10 buy the ">ldltlf: 1he eXJ"*ll SCS 4 f n s1 1llal1on ind tie tosls or rlgula1 pa nl1rg and other re quired nu11nlen<1nce Othe1 SUPERIOR SECRETARIAL SERVICE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT lcgt1I T echn ct!l Gener"! Med ct1I AUTO LETTER WRITING Trt1nscr pt on & D eta! on IBM Eaecul ve & Selectr c Typ ng Resunie1 Ser pt1 Ofl1el Pr nt ng -Soolrlreep ng No 1ob lo 1rn t1 1! no 1ob too large G ve us a call Tel 847 8001 M•rcury Savings Bu ld1ng -Suite '219 7812 Edinger Ave Hunting ton Beach Paul W Rainbow Owner Mgr Free 1 ectures on Investing. Here .s your chance to team about the aspects of lll- vesllng that interest you most Atlend one or more of the 1ollow1ng !eclures All three will be held at 7 30 p m In the Newport Beach off ce of Walston & Co Inc at 500 Newport Center Drive Admission 1s free-but space IS l1m1\ed so please telephone (71 4) 644 6550 for reservations Or mail the coupon below Mutual f undl ln\lfftln1 lor !neon. Thi Role of Stoclo;s &. Bondl in a Sol.ind lnve•lment Progr1m Wed Aug 25 Tues Aug JJ 1 I llS Sep! 2 John Y1n Uden Robert Meyer Denn' Wayri t "'-•toe •11s•<w:-1tls! 11 etcll 1)1 1,... lech,11" chilc\fd 0 Mull••I Funos-A1.19 <'!. O lnwes1 'IQ k)l ln(;aine-Avg 31 0 T~e Role ol Sloe~~~ Booot &lrpl 2 Nam•------------------ Add ''''----------------- cu~-------•Slt , ______ _.. __ _ TM1phon•----------------!h1ames1 ·-Walston &Co. ~-~--Inc.----- Mt.,.ltto N..,. T .. k Sl*<:l l•c"-9 .. '"' ,.,.. Olh• ,,.1 .. , pa1 s1e<• -4 c-•a.dht luko\.., 500 Newport C•nlet Oriv• N1wporl l•oth 91660 171.1644·6.SSO OV(A \GO Of'F1C£S COASt tO CO.,,l .. I • .o. nllo ''' •nnon~ ,.. C " 1 \t an •O P ll. p~nm J (11> M o• •pin G&a l • J o (~p Sw>I "'"' 11'"" u u.c~,.n "' • E LU• ~. 6 . (aP lrc •m E ,. n~ uowlt• • CP "m F n ll '1 'i'" I• Il l .. F nl lS 15 II C• G P Am Fu n 2 o I (•"""" C AmG •e IS~66 JCen •• .l MfdCP 11 11 (tnV ~~ Am l• ,,, 19 t Conv l•~ .ll'f> W• <I r>, ~ •(hone• A .&.nad t ?o 1 o C~1!0I ._ ~~u II ~I ~l IChm l•• Ank.-n " I Cl'I••• In Beckman Reports Ear11ings I UL! E RTON - } " .. ~ -.. l .. -. >I Complete-New York Stock List 'll ' "' "' " ' " • • >ll " ' • ... • ~. '" ... " .... II" ~, .. .. . If .. -" m' '° ll'• •!O j..I ~ t.) lit. ' "' II JI• JO! '~lo ,, • •• »'-• ' ,. . " II II • •O l o ' , .. 11!0 !l • 11' 1 ll>o '" ' ... • • • 36J loll • " 111 I ' " . JS <J ' " '1:: ~ • fl ' • -8-. " • " " " . . ' o? SI " " ' . ' ~11 ~ • ' . "" ' " ,' ' ~~ p ' ' ' ' " • " ' • ... • '" " • • " " " s , •• ' . " . .. ,. • "' • • ' ' ' ' " . ' . ,. " " . > ' •19 • ' ' " . J .. !~ ' " -C-... ' " • • " •• ' ' • " '" ' '" n' .. " " ' ,. " ll 73 ' . ' " IQI J< > D " " ' ' ' " .. l l \ .n J•l SQ fl SS ... " f " ' " .. " "' ~. n ' ~ ~ . " " " " . • , .. n ' " "' " ' . .. . • " ' • • u1. "' J • •• • " ' " " '" ., .. " n " ' • ' ' •• " " ' ~ • '" ' ' . " n " •• .. 1tt . ' . .,, " • • .. • " . " . " . '" ,. " . " . ' " " • • '" " ' . " • • " • " > '" ' .. '" ,. ' . ' ... .. " ,, . " " '" " • " " . n ,. " 11» •• " " " " '" '• > ' . " . • " ' ' " "ff• .,_ " '" ' ' " " .. l 5'o ' . . ' . 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IV ll'lll>tffM ltY m1lur1111 ._ nd-Nt • n1v Ot Iv••• •-I!• •trr.n!t • • + ......... ll llOl'I ,.,. n1 + "- I • • I ' • • .. •· , . . . - DAILY PILOT w.Mr\day. A11gy1l 15, 1q71 PllOT·AOV[RTI SE.11 19 . ·.::_:_:.:.c_ ___ _ Orange Coast Area Men • Ill Service Around the World Nlilvy Seaman Apprenllt't ed al the Li .S. Coast Guard Air Cali!. after a six 1nonth His wife. Judith, is with nun fie.serve Air Group 80 e1board himself as chief of the Promo-graduation fro1n Of f i ctr Paal A. Craig, son of ,.tr. and Station, San F'rancisco. deployment to lhe \\1estern in Gerniany. the anli·submarine aircraft lions Branch and the Com· 'J'ralning School (0TSJ I.JI l.Jefen~c C11mmand v.hich pro- lccts the U.S ag:iin~l hostl!c aircraft and nusslll'S. He previously scrvl'd al l'Cr'l'tD AB. ·rex. ~-r-'I c · f '1\2 Pacifc carrier l:SS-Ticonde roga in munications Officer ,.1anning Lackland AFB , Tex, ...us . ..,..,,.rae r . ra1g o " He 1.s one of a group of hand· 1 · ~larine Pvt. Boyd L. Coker, !he Pacific. Gar d en G rove BI v d ., pitked \'olunteers that will be llis ship served as Positive Branch at J.leadquarters, Air Lieutenanl Brekke, selected Westminster, has reported for used 1n particularly difficult Identification Radar Adv1svry son of Mrs. Beverly C. Coker Jhs squadron is the ifrst F 0 r c e C 0 mm uncatillns for OTS through con1petitive duty aboard the Destroytr rescue missions. The team Zone (PIRA ZJ control ship in or 201 Huntlngt011 Ave., Hun· reserve Hircraft squadron tu Servi<' e, Richards.(iebaur exam1nat!on. is Ut:i11~ a."?isigncd Escort Ship USS J~arold E. 11 ill be deployed to the oµen the Gulf of Tonkin and t1ngton Beach, was graduated conduct actil•e duty training AF'B, ~1o. to Craig AFB, Ala .rol' pUut :\1ar111e Se~:ond L1cu!t'tt~1nt Holt, homeported al Ulng se;i or surf. locate and as.sist performed search and rescue frorn recruit tra1nu1g at the e~ereises aboard a fleet car· He is presently serving as training. i\lichuel ll. Egiln, !>Un of ~lr. Beach. the person in danger. and missions in the Tai 1v a 11 ~larinl! Corps Recruit Dtpol , rier. dirl!ctor of personnel for tilass. and .\.lr~. 1'homa.'> R. E~an ot He is a 1970 graduate ol Speed I.he hoisting ot the en-Stralts. San Diego. ill!adquarters, l'.1editerranean 21122 Lockhavcu Cir ct e . Laki!wood ll\gh Sch 0 0 l, clangerl'd person into tht I-le attended Golden '\'est \l.S. Air Force Captain Communications Region at U.S. Air Foree Sergeant Huntington Ue:ich, graduated Lakeivood, and he attended helicopter. Ariny Firs! Lieutenant College, Huntington Beach. Phl lp hf. Porter, son of Torrejon, \\'llUa m Ii. \\'lllls Jr., sun of lrom the three-week Aviation Lo n . h c·i C 11 \\'llllan1 L. Ben' Jr .. \rhose retired USAF' Sergeant and r.tr. and ~1rs. \\'illiarn H. !nvironmental lndoctrina!ion ng ix:ac 1 y 0 egc. ·1 · · ....... v L ,. e" t • o • o I Com· \\ D 1 D V t f 14· 1z J h 'I B kk f 11•·11· S Co h N I A. Sia i'\a1y Petty Officer Firsl parent.~ !i1·e al JijO \\ 11\11e1· 1,... " "' • rs. J e . og o a onat rin ". re · e, son o 1 IS r. of 8.122 Carnegie urse at t e • ·a\'a tr ~ Navy Lieutenant (jun 1 or Class \,.llliam J. IUcr , svu of :\\'e . Costa ,\]es.1. is serl'ing a~ 1nander Po;iul D. Breithaupt. Galv.·ay, \\'estnlinster, ha s ~Ir. <ind !-.!rs. John H. Brekke A\·e., \\'estminstcr, has ar-lion. Pen..,aco!a. Fla. grade1 Da,•ie ~t. ~lumn1f'rt, \Ir and :-.trs .Joh n A. Rice of au execull'E' officer \\'tlh the son of :-.ir. H. R. Breithaupt of bttn det·orated with the Of 1521 Caribbean "''a y . r1vl!d for du1v at Otis AFli, His !raining cnnsistt'd o~ husband or the fornler J\hss 252j \\'f!stminstel' St , Costa 14th armored ca\'alr\· reg1· i;')3 Center St.. Costa i\1esa. ,\lentol'ious Serviee r.tedal at Lai::una Beach, has been com· Sergeant Willis, a dalu a er odynam1cs, eng111et'rin~ Lanelda A. ~tiller of 31H7 "A" :-.1es3. has returned to his ment near Bad Jlersfl!ld , participated 111 a Kava I Torrejon AB , Spain. n1isioned a second lieutenant systems specialisl. Is assigned anti l<1ntl and sea survival E. 60th Place. Huntington honleporl 11f Long Beach, Germany. Reservist training cruise vo'lth Captain Porter distinguished in the U.S. Air Force upon lo a unit of the Aerospace techniques. Park, is now serving aboard l-=.:::::::.:._:_:.::~__:.:::::::___:.::.:.:::::..:_ ____________ _::: ______ ...:.._ _____ _:_ ___________ ...:..__...:.._...:.._...:.._.::.:....:.:__::.:___:__:c::::::_.::.:.::::c.:::.:::. _____ _ lhe fast cornbat support ship USS Wichita at l.ong Beach. Navy Fireman Gary L. Et· ter, son of l\1r. and 1.1rs. Vernon Etter or 900 Arbor St., Coita f\1esa, particlpatl!d in ncovery op€ratio1ts for Apollo 15 in the Pacific aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Okinawa. His ship 'l'as the primary recovery ship for Apollo's liplashdov.'n 300 miles from Hay,·aii. ri1arine J\hJJOr Do n a I d P. Kllngrr. husband of the fO N 1· er ~l iss Joan E. Rhodes of 3120 Roosevelt \Vay, Costa i\lesa, participated in reco ve r y operations for Apollo 15 in U1e Pacific aboarcl the amphibious assault ship USS OkinaYt'a, His ship y,•as the prin1p.ry recovery ship for Apollo's •plashdown ' Navy Ensign Marvin L. Woolard, son of tilr. and P.lrs. Ralph E. Woolard of 1711 Park Sl., and husband or the former ~1iss Kathlel!n L. Lance of 219 Gl!neva St.. all or Hunti1'.gt.on Beach, is serving with Training Squadron Fi\'e at the U.S. Naval Air Station Safety Field, Pensacola. Fla. 1'.larinl! Captain Alan J. Zygowicl, husband of fl1rs. l..ois E. Zygowiz of 1605 Sher. ington Place, Ne"'porl Beach. has reported for duty at the ~1arinl! Corps Air Station, San- t a Ana. Airman l\'illiam At. Hulton. son of !IIr. and ~!rs. John \\'. l lt1tton of 1821 P o r 1 \\'cs!bournl! P lace, Ne1\'port Bl!ach. ha.~ receved his 1i'.· .• t U.S. Air Force duty a>;1'ig:1· ment after compleling b;ii:ic training at Lackland AFB. Tl!X. The airman has been assigned to a unit of !ht" Air University at r.laxwe!I AVB. Ala .. for training and duty a s •data systems ~pecialist. Army Private Richard C. ~filler, son of r.tr. and ?-.!rs. Richard K. r-,, i 11 e r . 1839 l..tty.•ard Lane. Ne .,,: port Beach, Calif.. recent!~· coin· pleted the first phase of training under the modern volunll!er army field ex· periment at Ft. Ord. r.Jarine Staff Sergeant Roger A. Randall Ill, husband of the former 1.Iiss Donna J . Pederson or 8322 Tyler Circle, lluntington BeaC'h, 11•as av.•ard· ed the Navy Unit Con1· mendation 1.ledal at t he -P.12..rine C o r p s Base, C11n1p P endleton. He served with the Nint\1 1'1arine Regiment ( HeinflJrced I of I.he Third J\larine Division ,1·hen it "'as cited for elCCp· liona!ly meritorious and herolr servi~ y,·hile in Vif'tnarn. f\avy Prtty Officer Third Class Ste,·e L. Baden. hushand of the former J\·l1ss llossll"nn G . .Kosche or 2700 Pete1:son \Vay, Costa r.lesa, has return· ed to his homep:irt or Long Beach, after a six month dep!oyml!nt to thl! \\'estern Pacific. I-Ii~ ship sl!r\·ed as Posili\'e Tdl!ntification RAdar Advisorv Zone IPIRAZl control ship i.n the GuU of Tonkin and performed search and rescue missions in lhi! Ta i v. a n Straits. f\1arint Captain FraDCi~ R. \'t'hltrboutt, husband or the former 1.liss Eve!vn Shifnett of La Canada \\·ay. Costa ,,lesa, is serving al 1he ~larine Co rps A ir St at ion tHelicopter), Nl!w River , Jacksonville, N.C. Coast Guard Se a n1 a n Recruit Brf'nt A. rt-1u\ford, !!On of Mrs. Evelyn L. Ogilbtt of 8262 Snowbird Drive. Hun· tington Beach, enlisted in thl! U.S. Coast Guard for four years · and has b e e n transferred lo the Co a st Guard Recruit T r & i n i n g Centu. Alameda, Calif .. for basic training. Mulford is a g·raduatt ol Newport High School. Ne"•porl ll<ach. . <:oast Guard Petty Offieer Second C1u:s David G . lloblo•, husband of tht former M1-Lynn 0, Sullivan of 1588 SID Bem1Nllno P hice, Costa Mesa, has completed a nine· week ~pecl.111 course u part of 11n expertme:11tal g r "u p , "SARWET" r.Set1-Air Rotary Wini Evacuation TeamJ, b3S· LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, HALLWAY AND TWO BEDROOMS YOUR CHOICI! •DU PONT NYLON •COMMERCIAL TWllDS • HERCULON COMPLETELY $ INSTALLED OVER LUXURIOUS FOAM PADDING IASID ON M SQUAii YAIDS ;< lii.\i-"ti: ;",~f . CUSTOM DRAPERIES l'rcftss1onolly mode cusTom droper;ts. 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OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS SAN FRANCISCO MILLBRAE .... , --,_,...,. I I I 'I I WednrMlaJ, '411911,t 251 1Q71 DAILY PILOT 3 Caspers Talks of People, Politics, the LAFC Since lbe famou!o sh.-lecond LAFC rneeliog, J\·lr. t:asptrs, tbert has bee11 conslderablr commentary In opposiUon to you, parUcuJarly fro1n city councils along lhe Orange Coast and mo1t pointedly lrom Co~ta Mesa. How do you acco unt lor this? CAS PERS . Well, Costa .r-.tcsa got away from us. so to SJ>C'a k I v.'asn·t able to get w.ith anyOOdy. either the mayor or coun· cilrnen, before they made the ir resolut ion asking for n1y rcn1oval rnHn lhe I.AFC. I feel if I cou ld h<1ve even spoken to one. nf !hem or been thrre in person to ex· plain what I wa!i' 1ry1nl{ tn do Of1 LAFC: 10 n1ake it a bellt'.r bod y and that I wa s 1ry1ng to ~ ObJl'ClJ\'C and an in· dependent hoth. which I an1 not. then l don·1 knuv,. ho"' anybody l'nuld hCl\e as mony people ;iga1nsl the1n without being independent or ~tup1d or a liU le b1t ol both . because pol1t1cally J"ve been a moron 10 lh1s 1h1n_g. ~!y const1tucnts 1n the preparation of this Irvine area are mad at me The cities are mad al me And Santa Ana is probably mad at rne. So I don ·1 know how Lhey can say I'm nol an independent voter. Do you hrlie ve that pa rt of your pr1>- blem with the coastal r.llle~ has been ynur close involvement wit h First Dislrirt Supervisor Robert Battin of San- ta Ana'.' CASPERS~ \Veil. my kinship with Mr. Bat!in if there is one 1s the result of "''orking on mutual projects such as the elimination of billboards and neon signs and the park ordinance and the coastal pro1ccuon zone and the drug abuse pro- gram . And "''hat happens ts , although we are working along the same ltnes, each office hris its pct pro1cc1. !\lr Bat!in thinks that the medical !'lcrv1cc in the county warrants a $100.000 study and I concurred with him and sui; eortcd thal motion. And it isn'1 so much !r;ide-offs as it i~ that eac.h office has its 01vn favorite proj· ect and most flf them are !he result flf four . frve or six n1on1 hs of work. And then yo11 go tfl your colleagues and Lry to gct their supf)Or! or confidence in that you have a good program. And J"ve gone to ~l r . Battin -and all of 1he super\•1sor.<> at different times -to try lo get su pport for n1y programs. I believe ii 111rns oul that Ballin and mvself and probablv Jtalph Cla rk have mOre pro1ccls 1hiin the other two supervisors. And perha ps by being more aggressive, you·re also more vulnerable to criticism -or maybe you·re not going to be nghl every lime. But we , or ;ii least I. prefer lo be doing :r-ometh1n.c: rather than nolh1ng anrl I hope lo bat as high an 11verage as possible. \.\.'haL dn you think ynu r batting a\•erage I~ right no"·? CASPl::HS \\1ell. 1t"s sort of like th@: 61.ock marke1. You can be high one day ::ind low 1.he next day. I w::is about as lo1v a ~ you cc1uld get 1he first part of last week , Hnwevcr, I still think my objec11ves Are correct and right. I still make apologies for rha1 bi zarre LAFC meeting because that was nol the way to ~o. On selection of the public member of the LAFC, for example, I would have preferred to see seven or eighl applicants ~·ho v.'ere real public members and selecl rrom them This "oulrl have been the las! chance for one .vear tn do any1 h1n_1:! on this and I fe lt I was .c:liJ:hled snme1vhal 1n April 1o. hen the cu rrent public member was elected prior lo his term com1ni;: up. What do you plan In do in an effort 111 Improve )OUT rrlalionshtp with the Orange Coas1 <'lllrs'.' CASr~.:RS J"m going In slart cnn· suiting with the rnayors 1n the cities whn have had much more poli!ical experience than I have had. I have already started this progr;im I nd I have two mayors yet. lo go ln my district. Perhaps I should meet with all of lhem in Orange Count y because my col· "Th•t Blta rr• LAFC M••fing W•s Not th• Way to Go .. " ! .. ' ' ,~ \( i -~ ·i> .,,,, ,.. .< ·!: -~~~;i· "Politic•lly, l'v• B••n a Moron on This Thing .. " leaguts are complaining ahout what they think is an all·time low imagt of county government. Yet I don 't believe its any lower than its been al any time. Try last December for example when the old board in· creased their own sala ries. And I remem- ber ~·hen the people wanted to recall Reagan and when Nixon wasn"t loo high in the polls. Do you brlie\'t tha t the opposition to yo u was as widely spread as reported? CASPERS· You know , almosl im- mediately after the reports of recall against me came our last "''eek, 1 was receiving messages from snme of the quoted mayors who sai d they h11d already changed their minds . Jn essence, they apologized. They sairl they didn't want to throw any more fuel on the names. How dn you reart tn reports that you art simply a rich man .,.,.bo 15 now playing in politics fa r his cw n amusement? CASPERS; J guess tha1 's the price you pay. l"ve been painted as the guy who <'omes from Newport and hangs out with those swingers along !M. bayfronl. Hell, l"m no jet setter and 1 never have been. Certainly f"m not your friend I y neighborhood plumber, either. So I have some money and snmt people ni;iy re~ent that But J 'm not going In give i1 away. Mayhe they will resent that !oo. I hardly ever go tn public meeting!! because tn pul !t frankly I'm too da rn tired al the end of the day to hop over to a cocktail party I ~uess lo some people seeing a public official is more important than what he accomplishes, We're .c:larting lo weigh lhings a little more now fnr public appearances. I think we'll st:irt fininR A. few ninre fnncli(lns into the schedule. 1 don"l usually enjoy it. fr1variably, snme (lne takes me 11s1<1e and tells me a problem but I don't talk !he political language nf generalities I try ln solvP 11 on the srnt. That usually doesn'I ~·ork nu1 loO "'ell. Well then dn you ton~irltr ynur~ell 11 pnliliria n or 11 publlr orflrlal nr ju~t ""hat'.' CASPERS l"m n9! it Int.al political an imal. But 1 gues.~ I'm try ing to le11rn the best trails of each -those. of 11 polili· c1an and lho.~e of a good public official 1 made a de I e r mi n a ti on to be in government for the future anrl I'm not going to pursue industry any more. Oecasionally, J lei rip with a bomb like !he recent one where I said. basically, th;;it e11ery boa! dock and slip should be removed from Newport Harbor. I ha ve 11 far-reaching re ason for saying things 1ik' that It 's an excel\enl way In spur feedback and I'vt gotten a lot of iL after letting loose. Whtn dn ynu think mMt of the fttd· back you have received 1tar1ed:' CASPERS: Well, I think it snowballed in the first few days after ~ famous eight o'clock meeting of I.he LAF'C. That's when emotion:ii ran the highest and J think rhe decision·mAk ini;: abilities were probably al their lowest for everybody involved . This wa i; 11lso com- pount1cd by the lack or real information b.v tht public who probably never h11d heard of the LAFC a day bi!:fore lhen and lhen. sudd enly, here is this 11:rcat ;almighl.y powerful body that somt group ls trying to dominate. Actually, this whole question gel.3 1 Iii· Ue off base here bttause: you have to a:et back to how the LAFC is formulated. Tl is composed of two memben of !he Board of Supervisors, being 81ttin and myself. two ~ple from the League of Cities, Ren! over by them: and ont public member to be. selected by the rest of us. Of course. I havt nolhing to do wiLh who the Leagut or Cltles sends over. And I hAve stated for the rrcord thal my of· fice had no part of 11ny lobhyini:: effort-' "l1hou1th I know !ht.Y were gnin'1'. on ff) i:rt a rep!::icement for Mr. Relnht1rdt. lfn"· did you ftt'I ahnut lht prnpo~11 I 111 remeve Mr. IWlahardt from Ute LA.YC ud replace him wi th J~ Hyde? CASPERS : AU I can oy is th1t I welcomed it becaUH: I alw ays ft:ll lhat Mr. ReinPiardl waa not the best representative lhat the league could be sending over. I even suggested that a month or two ago lo some of the mayor:ii as I had breakfast with them, with nothing in mind. ·1 just said. "You guys ought to be thinking about coming up with some altecnatt candidates other than just Rein hardt, Reinhardt forever." As I say, lobbying did go on but lhal's politics. People call people and ur ge them to "Vole for this fellow ," or "I'll do ttUs for you and you do that for me" but il didn't come from my office. So when Hyde showed up , it was a. welcome relief tel me and he did a good job of chairing the first meeting -I don't know y,•hether y,•e had two or not. How Reinhardt got the idea to sue and fight that eleclion -whether it was his o"'n Idea or somebody gave him the idea -I 'II never know. But I do think it's a sad day when ihe League or Cities folded up under the threat of a lawsuit by Reinhardt. The reason the League folded up, or course, is because it doesn'I have ii budget and it doesn't havt legal counsel such as v;e are fortunate to have here at the county level. 1 think it was a misuse of a lawsuit and the league should have stuck by its guns. And as a result of that. Hyde gets up 11 nd says, "I quit,'' or "I will quit." or whatever he said. Th is will have to be verified in a court of law. \\'hal dl'I you feel about the mov e to replact. fttr. Ch.arle1 Pearson on th' LA F'C'.' CASPERS : Pearson is a great old gu .v. But apparently some of his friends havr been upset, those who ::ire i:;ood customers al my savings and loan. They have taken substantial amounts out or Keystone . I have always felt howeve r !.hat the public member (Pearson) wa.~ far irom the ideal public member although l'll r. Pearson's credentials are first. class and could never be challenged any more than Walt£>r Knotfs could be or th e Repu blican Party. But l felt somebody a little: youn~er "'ho wasn't associated so highly in !ht past with city government. would bt a betltr public member. I objected lo his reelection in April. I felt this y,•as done - acc identall y or with malice -but it was done before his term wa s up and whi1e l was out of town . It was not on the agenda "I'm No J•t-S.tter And Never Hav• BHn." , , . given to ui; for the metting , or 1 would havt stayed another day before I left for Europe, &!though this was certainly 1 bizarre thing and something I had never pa rtake n of before -a special meeting like this. Do yr>u Chink that 1pecial 3 a.m. mee:ttng wherein ft1r . Pear100 was repl1ctd wa11: the proper way to handle the problem? CASPERS: We had It an d wt did it. The style was undoubtedly obnoxious and in furiating to the public. But it was the results of other actions. taken by other group!! that are also obnoxious. It 's Hkt a couple of kids getting 1 mudball f\Jj:ht. Do you mean lhls was rather llke lht welllng up t1f emollon1~ CASPERS: Yeah, and so where we are now, nabody know1 because the. lawsuits haven't 111 been setlltd even though the mayor of Tustin (Tony Coco I hall asked the Board of Supetvi50rs not to deftnd r.1r. Ballin !l"d me or spend 11ny leg11! money , And our county cou nsel h111 quite clearly pul it that Ml only doe5 the coun· ty ha ve the right but the obllgalion lo <tefen<I because yoo hav@: to rememher that the League. of Cities sued us. We didn't sue: them . f1n't It lrut that a lot nl penplt have marle fun t1I you •nd tht Board of Supervl1or1 ud the LAFC over th.11 e11titt inckltnl! CASPERS: The likening of Ult rect.nl incidents to a Rowan and Martin Laugh· In, or a dark comedy or a contic act -l see noth.lng funny about. S o m e publishers, I think, are demented at times. But then aaain, maybe J don't have a sen.;;: ol humor. Maybe I don't take a joke too .,...ell. We have a list of programs and ac· complishments which have been achieved since we took office and for some reason il has~·· gotten out lo the public. We'rr: contemplating putting out a newsletter about some of our monumental moves. F'rom a political standpoint I don 'I know what it would achieve. It's a long lime to eleclH>n day and I doubt ii it would prove anylhing. Howe ver, it might make the public more with you. Returning le the composition of the LAF'C, San Oemente Councilman Stanley Northrup h111 been one of your 1tro.11gtst critic•. How do you 11sse5s bis role an the. LAFC? CA~PERS : North rup kn ows h i g busi nes:J. He is a knowledgeable member of the LAFC. Ht> h1d a difficult tirne chairing the meeting la.st \Vednesdav and he wa s light on the gavel. He woi.ildn'l even recognize me 1vhen I w11 s planning to mnve he become chairman of the LAFC . San Clemente is a i;:ood place-to have a mernber on the LAFC because it isn 't direclly involv~ in 11.ny annexation business. l"d like tri see us alt settle-back down to business and end all this talk about lie deteclClr tests and fi st fights. I had breakfast with Mr. Northrup and ?-.\ayor \Va lter Evans last l'rfonday and it \vas a good discussion. r.·lr. Northrup said he ~;irt to keep pushing: that there was a plot to lake over county government and he had to keep fighting. I told hlm that that was mythical - lhal I am no part or anything like that. Anyone who says he:s got my vote is kid- ding him self. Hnw do ynu 11 ssess Battin's rnl' in county government? CASPERS: Batl in h;is a difficult time getting along with peoplP. He is vociferous and doesn ·1 mind letting go. Battin is a difficult man to reAd from afar. He is a man of integrity who believes what he is doing. He has a knowledge of !he law and reads im· mensely. I admire him for his gutsy stands. I like guts and brains but I don·1 like. them both spla ttered against the ..-all, On ynu feel that y,•htn you have worked with Tllr, Battln It has been ao efftclf\·e. partnership? CASPERS: Some of our le,i::is latinn didn"!. ~et through, like the lobbyist regist.ration. whirh you mi~ht recall We Jost that J to 2. I think lhtre have been others. F'rcquently, he votes the. same: way as I dn but for a different reason. Jr he has .c:rime type of dislike for .:t personality or vested interest he might choose to vote on tha! basis alone. And I may not like ii. Bul 1 think I.here 11re more objective and rational rtasons. We are all individuals up here so every lime "''f' vote together. the finger is pointed that I am following him or he is follo .,.,·ini! me. 1 don't think anybody's (o[Jow1n.i:; .::inl'body any more than thrv have in rhe JAsl 211 years on thJs board when they ~·tre V!'Jling 5 lo 0 or 4 to 1 or 3 to 2 over and over and over again. I mean. you have to ha\·e rhree or somethins doesn "t even pass. And if you lonk back before: !hf'. new board -a~ r rail it -was here . it wa s al.,.,·ays 3 tl'l 2 or more. lsn"t It tru e 1omr. of _your criti r.r. have •nvl1inn,.d Battin-Cas pers vott11 a5 • P'l"''tr alli ance? CASPERS: What we call t.he new leadership in my campaign brochures can be misconstrued by some to mtan a pn1vcr grab. 1 would prefer lo call it "n,.w leadership'" instead -pulli ng !ht power hark wht're it belongs. with the ~pie and the electorate rather than with the special Interests which I reel have had "''ay too much vo ice. 10 running of the government. Speaklnii: llf votes. lbere ~Hmed to ha v11 been a lot of 1urpri1t la5t Wednesday when you voted oo the LAFC 1111it11t thr. Santa Ana anntxatlon. This would be cnn· 11tn1ed by sa me as a vote in favor of Jrvlu~ Incorporation. Did you change your mind late In the i ame'.' CASPERS: I think perhaps this was classic t:ii:ample. nf over speculat.inn. A diiy or twn before that vote camP. up. the Santa Ana Reg ister said . "Caspers to vole for Santa Ana.·· In tht first pla~ I do111 '1 know how they could re. ad my mind. Maybe I could Rel my little dig in and say I don·t cell that good reporting but over and. beyond that, afttr I voted that way, tilt: coverage was that I had reverstd my position. If you'll check the retords wlth the LAF'C downstairs. you'll find I never voled for the 938 acres to be Santa An11's. Sn there wa~ nn reversal In my mind . But you did vnte against allowin1 Santa An11 lo 11nn't the. land~ What happened Is that I could Set' that th~ whole property was within the pro- po~td bound11rie~ of a cily In proctsK o( incorporatJon Thii had been approved , thtJugh not per~onally by mt, but by 1 t The Ba~kgrou11d Ra11llld W. Caspers isn't at all sot. isfied with his image . .4.nd he 's doing !tveral tlii11f}s to altl'r Lllnt 1rnage. Caspers won the seat. uf Fifth Di.'>· lrtct represe11ta tive oi1 'lie Oranyr Co101ty Boord of Supervisors las~ Novembt.r afler wagC11g what 1s ge11· erol/y acknowledged to have bee11 the 1nost expeus1ve supervisorial electia11 C(1"mpa1g11 in Ora·11ge County historu. Srnce taki11_q ojfice 111 Ja1111ary of Lh 1s year. lu: hus been deeply involved Ill wluit he a11.d Board Cha1rn1a't Robert Battni call n ·•,iew leadership" -a cou1Hy government movcnie-n.t that l!as placed the two men Hl the center nf a great stir ni the cou11ty court· honst. al. Sa11!a A 110. Tl1e "new leodersh 1p " ha.~ nlsn brou9ht Caspers a fnt.r meas11.re nf cr1t1c1sni a'lld bnfflenient even by so»ie af //is st.rongc.~t supportl'rs. The DAILY PILOT hos frc(Jurntl y brrn 01no11'1 those t11ho crir1r 1zcd tfLe nll in11ce's rlrrec!io n and ir.~ ~/feel on the stability nf Orrrngt Cn11.11ty gov- f'r1nne11t. Tlie first uproar rrenle<l b11thr 11t"W leodersh1p ranit: 1n Ja1111a.ry uihe·1t Bnttin and Ca spers. a/o,1g U)lf./i, Ana· hehn Supervisor R.nlph Clar/..· uotert to pince all county deportment heads an our-month notice. The ac110,1 was 'fl!.~<'n!dt>d Inst uirek. B11t tht biggest anrl ltotle~t iss11e has developed 111 recent rveeks over !Il e composition. leadership ond dir· ectian of a COlHlf.IJ t11t it11 knrnvn a.~ the Loral A!lenC!I Porn1at1on Commis- sion. Co.~prr.~ nnrl Bottin arf' mt>ntt>ers nf the LAFC, 1vl11ch 1v1r/rl.~ tremen· rlnus i11//11t>11ce over rrrinexnrions <u1cl /orn1nti<Ht of nl't1J c1t1ts. Two other 111e1nber.~ are elected by Orange Cou11ty mn.11nrs tlirouglt 111,, League nf Ci11e.~ Those fnnr me1nhers, !n r11r,1 . e/.cc/ed. a. fift/1. me.n1her. to 2 previous vote hy the LAFC. \Ve had no bu si ness evtn considering an itrm like lhal.. However, teehnically, iipparenlly there \\'as no v.·ay l.o slop San1a Ana from mak- ing the 11pplication. I tselieve what they were really doing there-I hey never hoped to get !ht approval of that-was thal thev were just doing it technically to be coni· palible with lheir la.,.,•suits and their ap- peals. So lhal"s the reason t voted against thal ~ becau.c:e it v.•ould have been in· consislent with !he previous actions of the LAF'C. Besides, I didn't think it was e\•en appropriate lhal it even be brought up. W~ll lhcn Y.'hat 11 ynur concept cnn• ceming lhe. future cil y of lrvint if It is In· corporated? CASPERS : I ha ve idras on the ciry of Irvine -what it could be and should be-bul the ideas are only niine and I'm nol going In be a crusader for the university.(lrien!cd type of town thal Jl "''as supposed to be originally. l"m slill 1n fav or of that plan . The current plan. however. is fnr a city '"''ire that si1.e and I <lon 't feel ii will bP anywhere near !he Qfi~inal t•oncept that 11·a~ proposed by \\11ll1am Pereira and v.·ilh which the regents concurred. Jn fae!, they wanted lhe l["l('al govrrnments in !he area dll"'"n here to concur v.·ith the plan before they decided lo loc::itr thr unive rsity. Now . if there has been some de viation or son1e abandonmrnt of !hat pl;in . I'd sure hke to know about it. rm ju~t ahoot tn ask the Anard of Regents what their current thinkin~ is. If the Borird of Suprrvisors. when they ha ve 1he city houndaries in fr nnt of 1hern ~horll y, dtride by three votes that il should be somellung different from the original concrpl. then I'm ool going lo lead a single-handed crusade against it. I still think !hat a 10.0CMJ.acre c1ly is the he.st one . flf cnurse, that puts me lln or· posite side! with !he incorporaters who think they ha\'e the he.sl plan. !\s for lht Irvin' Compan~. ltstlf. are you su.l(gestio.I( that you •re no t uniformly oppoled to their projects? CASPERS : I oppose them on some proJ· ects and support them on olhers. OQ yon be lleve some nf your prn blemt in getting your 1lorie1 across he8 stem· mtd from your remark aboul the pre11 when yl)U said, ''Sclmetlme1 ynu have In tell them It'll none nf th eir God damn bu~lnes11?" CASPERS: On m.v statements ahnut the press, we thought about lssuin~ a rclellse immediately aftcry,•arcls but decided It's somewhat 1Jf a sore issut and it would be best to forget il. I felt badly because I believe. the trve point didn't gel through. I was not calling for censorship. I me rely wanted dtpart- menl heads to stop givin,1? out prn- miscuous and premature public relation· type statt.me.nt1 which eould hamper the success of specific progrJ1ms. The prtss, certalnly, can find its stories everywhere. And It should do that. County employes should be like member~ ol 11 corpor11le hody. I feel that !'Orne count y 8111ploye~ lik e lo 1iet. lhE'ir name11 In print (I dlln'l Ilk@: to Stt mine thtre 1 11nd rnaybe they shouldn't take 5(1 mu ch time fOr' dissertations to the pre5s. I BaHi'll ond Cruspers led in a move· ment to declare the tt"rm of one of U~ five LAFC mentbl!rs, "Red" Rein- hardt, expired. Uuder tremendou.t pressure, tl1e niayors re placed him with Los Alamitos Councilman J~ ll!Jde -01e,t reversed Otemselve.~ tnid replaced Hyde with Reinhardt. 1 n lhe nndst of furious public outcry, ('a.~pers, Batfln and l-Jydl! met in o s1.r-secon.d n1eet111g to declare LAF'C director Charles Pearson no tonger a rncniber of rhe board. AIL this llas residted in aome com· ·p/ex lawsuit.~ and 011tbursts of com· nte11tary -011110.'lt all of it critical nf Ca$pers and Battin. Recall of Cas· pers has been discussed publicly by .~vernt ciq1 councils in the Fifth Dis· tr1ct trnd he has bee11 the subject of opi>n criricism by mayors and council· men 1hroughoi1t the co1oit11. Several 1veeks aga. Caspers hired a pub//c relations con s11l tant and 1n the rast week hos nw.de a notable effort to improve his relationship u1it/r. llis conslilue-rltS ond the press. fie made hin1se/f available to the DA ILY PILOT for a leiigthy inter· vieuJ last, Thursday, a't interview ?vliicli productrl. a variety of com· menls ive publish today in on ef· forl to make certoi'n /.fr. Caspl!rs has an outlet t.o express lzim.se/f 0 1' a variety of Orange County affairs. Caspers is 40, tht son of one t1/ So11thern California's most succe:1sful savT11gs and loan executives, and him- self president of Ke ystone Savings and Loan . He is married, the father of five children and li.ues oil Lido Isle rri iVe wport Beach since 1962. He aay.o; hr is a registered Republican al· though he c<rmpaigned vigorously for Democrat Alan. Cranston in the lwt Senate compaig11. Thomas K eevil Edi to' I wish they'd discuss it with me and tht ' other .~upcrvisors first. After v.·e all figure out the answers, then we would all willingly speak to the nress and outline problems \•:hicb hav• been solved. Other things bug me when pre111 reports are flatly wrong : like my middle name. Or that I was white.faced when actually 1 was nu rsing a lobster sunburn. That"s all ego stuff, l know. but iL still bugs me. A~ you analyze pait eycot1 today why do yau hellevt •ome city official• are angry ~·ith yo u? ~ASPERS: I think It's just piqut. J think that as the League of Cities adjusts to Fountain Valley In its effort to collect funds to support the Leag ue's ltgal bat• tie. they will be rejected mo re than they are acce pted . That doesn't make it ' right-just b_eeause you don't havt the money ta.' fight a lawsuit. But I think the different cities, "'hen they are finally a11ked to 1\•rile a check, very few will. J ha vt heard t!1a1 Anaheim. Huntington Beach and Fo~ntain Valley will be comi"g in but lh<'tr pledges are far less lhan what is re- quired and I be:lievt the League of Cities is not a very cohesive group. They scem to hAve diffirulty comini up wirh the same vote twice In an hour. But I'm not here lo c11st a.c;persions on thrrn: they've .ant their problrms and l\"t"ve goi ours. Unfortunately. what they (",111 I.he new era of city-county coopera · !inn. he!Y.•ren the. hoard and the League of C:1tles, I'm afraid by that they mea" we in the county must agree with them nn everything and anytime the Boa rd ot Suoervisors doe5 so!Tielhing not ln their likin11; I hey cnme in and s11.v. "Well, what kind of cooperati!'Jn is th.is~" r-.tore more more Looking 11head now, wh•t do YOU: f)e lievt 1 .. In store for I~ ntlt thrN· ~tars and four months nf yo.r term 1r. Fifth District &.ipervi10r:' CASPERS \Vtll. a.~ not. nnly a freshman supervisor but a~ being brand: new to politics and the political arena, r: ha ve had to team the harrl way that how: to do things seems to be more important" than what to do. I don't agree. with that but It teems tn be the way things are. So J'IJ have to alter my ways somewhat though I still plan to be an act ivist and up front. I've ahvays been criticized sinct I was a little kid for the 1cl of commission; r try l1J do too much. I think a lot of change make! people. suspicious and upset. Perhaps l'R1 runninJi in lo some or: these natural psychological rcacUont 1vhcn you start rattling the cage too violently. So that for flne thing. In my· visits with the mayors I am askin~ them just how lo do th ings. The y 111 h•v• many ears Md are more erperienced than I am in govemment. Jr I ha ve a program for bicycle tral!J or beach acquisi!loo or police helicopter" service or whatever It Is I'm a:olng to ask them at the monthly meetings we wlft have from now on. Basicall y, I th.ink Wt are. all pulling fat the same thing. \\1e·re trying to gel cleaner w1ter , cltaner air anrl helter 1Aw enrflrctment. It seems odd somellmes how you can tie violently opposed for the moment witt1 proplc and then flnrt out you are really &J . pull ing ln the same direction. So t MU 85klnQ: the advice of the m1yors. • • \ \ ., I ~ps Newport Hits Spotlight By THOMAS MURPHINE 01 TIM D<lllY .-1191 Slltfl ONCE AROUND THE BEAT: Newport Beach made the Big Time once again this week 'A'ith an aerieJ color photo on a double-page spread in Time 11aga1ine'1 Aug. 30 issue. . " R ed s on Attack Huge Explosions Rip Ammo Base SAIGON fUPl l -The mil~square American ammunition base at Cam Ranh Bay was rocked today by a IJ..hour u ries of explosions set on by a Communist al· tacit and the U.S. Command said the U.S. armed forces had been alerted for a new Communist offensive. The explosions could be heard 22 miles away at Nha Trang and initial official estimates put the loss at least as high as 25 percent or the stored munitions. Some sources said the figure probably was closer to half of what was there. The Communists also shelled fi\'e American bases in the three-week-old North Vietnamese offensive along the demilltarized zone (DMZJ and a rocket attack on the Da Nang Airbase killed five civilians near the sprawling base. the dump "because it would give the enemy an idea of how successful their at- tack was." Spokesinen at the scene said Uie dum p was for use by the Air 1-~orce, Army and Navy and contained all sorts of munition! in('hJding quantities of l~,000 ixiund ''Daisy Gutters,'' the biggest conventional bomb in the American ar mory. It was not kno'o\o·n if any of these exploded. The f'ntire 220.100-man American fighting forces and the 63,000 foreign troops fighting on their side were ordered on special alert and the South Viet- namese command said its commanders reported the ARVN troops ready to cope vdth any enemy aclion. Thie u to Run The photo was a touch blurred in my ctipy but you can distinguish Llnda Isle (the former Shark Island) and its keyhole marina; part of the Bayside Drive bayfront ; Newport Dunes Aquatk= Park (once Harry Welch Memorial Park); Dover Shores, the Newporter Inn and a secUon of Upper Newport Bay. This is nlce. _______ ...... -. '# ,.;, l ' ·~~.... ,,i '"'""'~)' '1•~.i ...... ~.£'.M"it.1-'· The U.S. Command reversed a Tuesday announcement and said American troops had been placed on alert in expectation of Communist attacks designed to disrupt South Vielnam's political campaign and not because of expected civil violence. Eve 11 if He's Not Opposed Trouble is, the accompanying story Is titled, ''The ']J'lreatened Coastllnes". SOUTH VIET TROOPS GUARD TU DO ST., MAIN SAIGON THOROUGHFARE Jncrea1ed Violen ce I Expected Because of Current Political Turmoil Initial reports said five U.S. Air Force guards at Cam Ranh Bay were v.·ounded by shrapnel, none seriously. and that there was "considerable minor damage" to the base buildings, the closest of v.·hich are a mile away from the actual am- n1unition dump. OTHER PHOTOS that illustrate the piece show effluent clogging Bellingham Ba}' In Washington: junk piled on Ala-.ka's Prince William Sound: oil ct .;ng a rock near Houston's ship chan- n.::I; and Industrial plants lining the. Kill Van Kull in New Jersey. Wit11ess H ed ges About Presence Of Capt. Medin a Heavy Monsoon Floods Communist gunners fi red betv.·een lhree and five 122 M!\1 rockets into the in- slallations 185 miles northeast of Saigon several hours before the base was rocked by the firsl explosions. The explosions began at 2:45 a.m. and lasted until mid· efternoon. SAIGON (UPI I -President Nguytn Van Thieu said today he would run !or President Oct. 3 \Vhether or not he i5 op- posed. There v.·ere growing indications he would use the technlcal presence of Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky's name on the ballot as a semblance of opposition. The caption on Newport's photo in· fonns you, ''Houses crowd by man-made canals in Newport Beach Calif." You study the thing and wonder whether Time thought this Is good or bad. You conclude they figure It's bad. Hit India, Pakistan Thieu emerged front heavily guarded independence palace to meel ~·ith representatives from 44 prov inces. COO· firm ing his int ent to run and urging them to go home and get out the vote. You might be prompted to wonder if they would have Ilk~ an earlier vintage photo better, say, taken in the 1930s. Dead f19h and broken boats lining the bayfront. Flies and sand flea!'l on Shark Island. Mud from the Santa Ana River clogging Lower Bay. Crud from the San Diego Creek in Upper Bay. Oh, well. * SEAL BE ACH VOTERS Tue!'lday com· pleted the last fling in their munJcJpal triple play when by special recall elec- tion they flWlg Councilman Thomas R· Ho"ard out of office. The action came in Councllmanic District I ~·herein reside 1,534 registered votera. Of these. 780 voted to give Hogard the boot. He aUll had 444 polltical friends. One month ago, Seal Beach voters unseated former mayor Mortan A. Baum. Fl\'e months earlier. they gave walking papers to Councilman Conway J, Fuhrman. NOW HOGA.RD'S seat will be filled by either teacher Thom.1s F. Barnes (523 \'Otes l or executive Js mes W. Dunn, Jr. 1506 voles) becaue the 17-vote margin ap- pears headed for a recount. Anyway, recall troubles for Baum, Fuhrman and Hogard began when they formed a coalition to oust former clty manager Lee Risner. Rlsner 's exit has now been followed by those who exited him. Somewhere in La Habra, Rianer must be giggling a bit today. * NO SOONER DID President Nixon ar· rive at his Sa n Clemente estate for a lit- tle rest & relaxation than a Marine general began popping off about con. gressional clowns and hippie!!. Next. the U.S. Na\'y dumps a load of oil on his beach. Nov.', can't the Army. Air Force and Coast Guard think of something nice they can do for The Chief? Black Heads Board HOUSTON. Tex. IAP l -The Houston School Board ha s pic ked a Negro to be acting superintendent of th e nation·s 1ixth \argesl school district. The action came Tuesday night . one day after the board voted 4-3 t.o fire its superintendent of l~ months, Dr. George Gar\·er. Fi. McPHERSON.' Ga. (U PI) -The first witness to place Capt. Ernest L. Medina at My Lai during the massacre or civilians by his lroops hedged under cross-examination Tuesday. Lewis Martin, a rormer radio operator, was the 26th witness ealled so far and the first to say that Medina, 34, Montrose, Colo .. entered the hamlet while civilians were being slain. Martin said: "\Ve v.·cre fil ing through t he village. Captain /\1edina was at the head of the line. lie was followed by two radio operators." But Martin hedged his testimony under cross-examinal ion Tuesday afternoon. Defense attorney F. Lee Bailey asked Martin, "did you ever actually see J\1edina at this point?" ''l just can't recall ever ha ving been separated from the command group," Martin replied. "Where was Captain Medina?" •·All l was doing was follow ing the man In the command group." "If Captain Medina says he was not in I.he vlllas;:e but went around the south end of the village, can you dispute \l??" "I guess that's !rue. I'm not very "'ell oricntrd."' At FL !\1cadc. !\1 tI .. an Army sergeant testified that Col Oran K. 11enderson fold his men prior to !heir sweep throu~h My Lai that "he wanted thein lo be ag. grf':-:sive during lhis opera1ion." The testimony by S. Sgt. Dennie R. Vasquez marked the first time since !{en· derson's court·martial opened Monday that a witness had placed Henderson at one of the briefings before I.he March !fi, 1968, slaying of more than 100 civilians at the small South Vietnamese Hamlet. Egypt De lays Trail Of 91 in Co u p P lot CAIRO (t:PJ ) -The trial or 91 pe rson! a ccused or allen1pting to O\'l'rthrow President Anv.•ar Sadat opened loday in Cairo but v.·as quickly adjourned for 10 days after the 12 ma in defenda nts plead· ed innocent and their att orneys protested the court \\BS unco nsti!utional. Among the defendants v.·ere former \'ice President Ali Sabry and six former cabinet ministers. •le was present an1ong the 12 brought into ne~'IY rest.ored Zahra Hall but another alleged ringleader, former war ~1inisler ~1ohammaed Fawzi, was not. From Wlrt Se.r\1lce1 Monsoon rains caused heavy fl ooding today in lndia, Pakistan, Thailand and La os where residents fled the surging waters and sought refuge on high ground, rooftops and trees. The. flooding of the Gange,.; River and its tributaries in India v.·as the v.·orst in 30 years. The rising Mekong River caus- f'd the rno~t ~evere flooding in northeast Thailand and neighboring Laos in five years. The flooding increases the threat of famine in ravaged Pakistan v.·hich has been devastated by a cyclone and civil war. In India, government offi cials dispatch· ed additional army troops and rescue boats to the marooned and submerged lown of !\lalda in West Benga l state today where flood v.·aters continued to rise. H.anjit Choudhury, an aide to the Malda district magistrate, told UPl in a telephone interview from the inundated to"'" lhat heavy rains had started Tues- Terr orist Blast Kills I , Hurts 35 i11 Belfast BELFAST, Northern Ireland (APl - One man was killed today and 35 persons u·ere injured, some critically, when a ter· rorlst bomb blasted the Belfast head- quarters of the Northern Electricity Board. ~·lnre than 600 employes u·ere In I he building \1•hen the gel igni ~ ch;:i rge ex- ploded , It v.·as belle\'ed set off by the outlall'ed Irish Republican Arm''· Army bomb disposal experts found ano ther fi ve charges close by but defused theni. The blast wa s one of the v.·orst yet in Ulster ,1·here terrorists have set off more than 300 explosions this year in their n1n- ning battle v.·ith the British am1y. Violence has taken 31 lives. incl ud ing British soldiers. in the pa st two \~·eeks. Several senior officials of the slate·r11n power company v.·ere reported among the injured. Dozens of employees suffering n1inor cuts and brui ses v.·cre treated at a nearby soc:rer field that wa s turned into a casualty station. Chicago Areas Flooded Tornado Cau ses Heavy Dnrn age • in CallfoMlla '' UIOT•D ..... ,, IMYlllNATIOM•L lroolc1I ll•llh or •Ir lod1y ''°'" •u<9d w""'· "'U''' Wttlll•• OYlr loull'lt'r" (11ltor11l1, ff!C•N•"'I "'' poullllllly ol -fl ot llll"' ovt r *"°"' tl'le Ot••M ""' mou~••ln '''~~I ..,lo m. CC•t•l1I J lt ln• N~M •r>d mo•nl"I ,1...,01 t M Ioct l 1()9 OYtt 1'11t v l llt •• tlVt wtY IO motll• •unnv but M 1v 1~IH In 1111 LO' ""'"" 5t1ln, ....,,,,. m. l\Jtl\ Wfj t7, ll'lf' l~l>K !t<:I OYt rnitll! IOW 11 ti. OM.t 1t t !n O(U!l r9d t llt r._n 11\un• .. """"" ••OCS..ctd !1'4 1111111 ol 11••11 ll0111;h ln ""' -rl t flll <•ustd 1 ...,m. W ltf "'ldtlY N rtttl 111111111.., 1!rl-" rn ~ --•n mwnt1ln ''""'· T,,. _.,,.,..,, ""•'" "'''' ,,....,, w llfl 1tr-1u11"y •lf!Cl1 """ lott llY 11 ........ ,,,.,..... .... , ............ ,., "'' TN P'llfl61 N rl ,..,,,.., lrom ,.,C.O k9!· ltrM' l'lel..., olllrw1F1 I•(! <tvl r ti. ~n m111nl•ln1 du•l!lt !flt 1n••· ,_, .......... Ill• m.nl:\lrY .... ,.1...., lft ....... IMcr>loe ' _,.. , ... ,.,, "' ..,,,,,.,. mi.. In IM ,,,_,.,_, wllll 11111'11 In 11'11 u.-,,,. '"" 1 11 t t!lvt ourl, Wt .,. WM 71 ...,N I l "'I M H --'"" ~-Sotnt l'llrol T~tv t f!CI !o•tuol ""'•lmllfllt l!IOIY lftclWt'd. L-lrt<ll u.tJ, s.1111 MOf'lkt 11.n , l uri.."" "" •· Ml, WUMll'I ,._,., l't lmo111 96-", ••-•rtlltld '°"""' ltlvtrt+<k o0-0, P11,., ,.,.,...., ICll •lfl, 1111 Dlffl 71·11, !tn•1 11,...rt 1+1J, Allt llelm t ll!I S1rl1 ...... '143, Su111n1Crf1 IY UMlflO .-ltetl INTlllHATIONAI. TI'w.lllCMnlorm 1cllY!" twtr ""' """" <9'1,,..1 flON)Ool ,of l!'>t CIOUllllY bletll ll"rllll tfl JadtJ ,,,_,. bolUl'll 1111 rMYl(W OF "OAA ""TKllUl W(ATHEll $lllVICE TO 1; oa .A.M. Es r • -1• •71 1t•ttt~~-J---,--.,._ t oot .i \ ) ' •• M lfW"! wll'I h+t~ wlNh, ~Ill l flO """"' r11n, Motf '~"" en llldl al '''" PfM.lred t Yor (~/(Ito TutM:ll~ ni.111. CI UJ I ... •~1t1111,,, .,,_,, ... dim•" eflll -..OCk· 1,,. ""' 11um1roua POW•• 11,..1. II 1-0. i.oP•lr°".-d ll>fOV9h - lllVl!lwH ! CMc.to ouburfl al Nu•t r,,lllt c1u11,,. M•fft o.....,.rt.,. cNm•t• H• lnlurl" ,...., •tl>Ol"I..,. ~-•v••· o\n· Caaalal Hu~ •u,.,Mnt toclt•. Lil'l'I! v1•l1~!1 w\nd1 ,,1,111 """ mt•nl"' lloutl be- com<nv ... 111r1~ • to n knoll 111 •"••· noon1 MM:l•r end. TtwrMlt~. H1t h "'" 1111 " C111ttt t lf'ITl""ll"" ''"" ,,....... M ta '4. 1"1....:1 !...,,IHl••!~rn ,,,.., '""" M 10 '4. w1rtr '"'"Pf'''~·• n '""'' 1 ... 1u1r wu 11111ted 1t "°''ft"'"' S Tld WbufWn NOo'"'!>r-but cWd not .. II tin, ~loon, f!• ,.....,,., ""'"• C.•-· Tlnl...,. Per\ •r>d Wl'ON•SDAY "°"'-1111. II!. 111 •""°'1td tun1191 <""1<1• """'"'•d. l te6nd "'"" 17 J'l•tn. J J .... '·"'· J.• lHUltlOAY HI.., wl""' 111,.,.. 1 P&l•t• .. u•d <t r 11!1 lllt •-,..., }I. Cllorlt&, 111. "Mt w•• t <)i"I •b<lu! 11 ..,,l•t •n ""'" 111!1 IUll ~:•r><I O"' KOO't<! on "" .....-." • POiit• l)fll!tl wl\o """"fUtO Tiit IM1cHnl llHI, i"(oncf - Fin! ~•t'I F '"' low '~to<>d IDW s~" 1111t1 ' 11 • .... M~·" lll>f' 10 12 I m J1 •11pm, i t t00•"'· I t l l!P m. ].t ltlt 171tm. ~,1 •• ~ " .... Suburb Temoeraturea I J UNITllO l>lllSI IHTell.N"'TION"'l ff'ITl ... rtlu•H Ind p ... (lplt1H11n "'' lllt ~l·ho./t p1•1od ..-ding t i I t .m "'101nv "'lt>v<tu•r~ut Af>Cl'>Oroot "'!I""'' lo.ton 8 ull1JO Cllic1011 Clm !11n1I! Clt voltnt! 0.011•• Dtnvt r Oeo Mo1,..1 0.1 .... 11 fiflefll ~f!lllulu lndle n111<1ll• JIC~IOllYllle K1nw1 Clrr Lt•V-• Loo"'""!" Loul1vlllt M...,p111, Mle,,,I Mltwl .... N M!nnt1ooll1 H"" 0•1-.,_ Nrw Yo•k .... ~ .-1 .. 11t1t11>1'1!1 "~°""!• Pl"ll>\it•ll Porlll nd ll•nln <ur ··~ ~•c••m.,.•o 51 t 011i• !.!II l tkt (llV $111 Oieto $.on •r.on(h~ll S~•"I• $1>9~lnt Hit~ LCNt Pree. u ~ .. ,. " " •• •• .. " .. .. " " ., " " " .. .. • .. .. .. " " " " .. " '" " .. .. .. • " .. " .. " .. ., ~ •• " ,. " .. ,. " " " ., ,. " " " " • .. " ., " " n " " " .. .. .. " " • " •• .. ,. .. " " ·" ·" ·" day night, drenching townspeople and East Pakista ni refugees \rho had rled to rooftops and ee.s. "The situation this 1norning is even more alarming in many localities \vhere the flood "·ater registered an overall rise of up to two inches over last evening·s level ," he said. About 75,000 persons are threatened by the flood waters in !\1a lda, localed 175 miles north of Calcutta and seYeral miles from the East Pakistani border. The official death toll in the flooding since Sunday was placed at 67. but ad· ditional reJXlrls of drov.·nings in the t\.1alda a rea have raised it to 100. slate of. ficials said. Hundreds of persons v.·ere unaccou nted for and Z./l accurate couht of the missing could not be n1ade. Early morning military aircraft nights '~·ere cancelled In Cam Ranh and roads around the base v.·ere closed for tv.•o hours. The niilltary com1nand refused to disclose ho11· n1uch a1nmunition "'as in Uga nda 'f roops Cross Borders of Tanzania KAMPALA, Uganda (AP\ -Uganda arn1y troops ad\'anced nearly 10 miles in- to neighboring Tanzania during border clashes wit h Tanzanian soldiers, a high go\'ernment source said today. He rePQr!ed lhe figh ting continued until late Tuesday night but \YOlS unable to say h'l\\' 1nany Ugandan soldiers crossed the border or v.·helher the contingent re- 1nained inside Tanzania. Thieu met lv.·icc today v.•ith U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker, before and after hi s 1nccling with the provincial chiefs. but the U.S. Embassy refused to say v.•hether Bunker had given hhn any more proposals lo end U.S. em· barrassinent over the one-rnan campaign. Delegate Tran Van Ro, representing •lau Nghia Province west or Saigon said election officials had adYised him lo pre>- ceed as if Ky were in the race, implying that Ky's name should be used to give th1 election competition credibility. Although Ky has withdrawn from the presidential race. his name still remains on the ballot since there was not lime to remo\'e it and the go\•ernment did not want to \vaste paper by printing new ballots. Bush mills. The whiskey that spans the generations gap. ror 300yea1s, a \Vhiskcy from Bushmill s ha s been \vi!h us. Charming us. Beguiling us in a smooth, polished and ahoge1her lighlheartcd fashion. 1 ~ £1'.!ncr JI ion~ have refined it.15genera1 ions ha ve sipped 11.Theve rdict: Ned r per feel ion. 0 ushmi I ls. r ull of ch.1r ,1crc1 Bur no1 he,1vy-handcd aboul it, FIJvor· ful. Bui never over·pO\\'er ing. 6 11~h rnill~. It rctlrcls 1hc pa st \vilh a l1gh 1 and l+vcly fl.i\01 !ha t 1sJll todJy . Compare it lo your present \vhiskey. You needn't purchase a bottle. O ne sip at your lavorile pub wi ll rell you \vhy Bushm ills has intr igued so mJny gen· e r,1 tions. It is, si mply, out of srghL IMPORTED BUS HM ILLS FROM THE WORLD'S OLDEST DISTIUERY. ' Ill~.~ 01 1~)1. IRISI! \',MIS~ lS-H rRO~f -10111 to IN l~l lArlO. I Ill JOS. ~AA:.[AU co .. ;,{ ,'1 lOR~. N.Y, 111 !I • Too Slow At Safe, Murdered NE\\' \'ORK 1AP 1 Thomas V Higgins w;is un- familiar with the cnmh1n;;ition on the superm11dtrt snfe, 11nd m1~std il lh!' first 11me "rnund. Hr Of'l''-f go! 10 t r~· it aga111 H1gi;:1n.~ rn"vf'il 11'° ~luw rn pll'ilSI' nnf' of ln11r rnbht:rir; nl a &hack .sup!'rmar\..P( tn the Flalbui::.h sectrnn or Rroo klyn 1'ue.~d11~'. 11nd !he h11ndit .~hot nod killed the f)R._ve;ir-o ld ai.~tslanl s1nre m ti n 1 g e r, police s111d HiJ;igins is nnr111all.\ itss1gned In another store in the rhain, hul w11s f1lhng in for rhe vaca· lioning manag rr nf thr slore th11t the four rnbht>r5 enterl"d. Three went 10 thp c3sh rei:1strr~. ;ind twfl or lhem rlrrw guns. poltcf' Sl'lirl The.v nettrrl $iRl lr11n1 thf' cash rf'gister.~ Ann!hrr arr ned h;ind1l t•nn- frnntrr1 H lp;~in~ and nrdered th,. saf e npener1 Hisgh1!i fumhlt'r1 nrrvnusl,v with !hf' rombin.11 11011 as 1hr robber cursed and lhrealened him . Suddenly. !he bandit began hitt ing Ht~gln~ in the head with the gun. As Higgins fell, thf' bandil flecl. but wh irled and shot Higgins 0nce in th e std!!, police said. All four rob· bf'rs then escap('d in a "'ailinii, car , pnlir,. .~aid. There "'ere no other inJ11rif'~ Pot /-lik ed I 11 freeze Sl::ATTLE ~li Pl l Of· ficials ill the regional Olfict of F.: me r e;enc.v Preparedncs.~ report !hat thry received a long-dist.<1nct phone call Mon- day night romplainin g that the pri ct nf r.1an1u;ina had risen ~1~ per pnunri rle.~pitP P1·t.~i· denl Nixnn·s 11· a 8 e ·pr i rt frre1.t'. Spoke11m11n .lnhn L J\·!akev 0.3,\S "hf' ~a ir1 Iha! ilt lhAL pric~ h, 11·nuld h11·e lo l•irn tn hard stuff and ht didn't ~·a nt." 'ONE ISSUE' LABEL DROPPED Tep Olst•nt•r S•n. MtGov•rn McGovern Will Reject War as Ca111paign Iss ue \\'ASHI NGTON I UPI I Srn r;l'.!01'1l:t? McG0v l'rn. 11 11111ne .:ilmnsr synonvmnus 11·11h dissent ;igainst thf' \lir!nam "·11r . ha~ decided tn shun !he issue for the r~mainder of his president ial c.11mpa ign Struggling lo divest himself on the "one-issue" label that t111s s.Lallecl his campaign, McGovern told new ~ m e n Tuesday "I will ha1·!!. l'f'rv littlt rnm· n1rnl nn the 11·ar fi·om h!"rfl nn nu!. , .I f'X pcr! In !'ay l'!!.I',\' ]11111' ahnut lnrtnrhina in thr next ~·l'~r." ThP South Daknl il r>r mnrr;i t said he 11•nu!r1 fllf'u:t. h\5 rilm· pa i~n instead on thf' eronom.v and other dnmestic issut!'. "011 "''hich the 1972 e!t:ction \\'ill turn ." \\'hilf' he said ('ndin,i: lht \\'ar 1vas still thf'-nation's No. I priorl!y. hf'-had to f1ct lhf' f;ict tha t "pocketbonk-issuts" 1\·r re thr nnes th::.r wn uld win vnre~ •·1 a1n a pftlilir:i l reaJ1~! ;i,nrt f bf'liP\'(' tht' ~tat~ Of lh{' Pt'onom\ 1.~ mnr~ decis11·r pnlitlrall~-." ht tnld a lu nr heron garhe rin~ I n r \\'a.~hinglon financial "-r1ters. ~·1t'(;nvern 1~ the cn-au!hnr nf !hi' rnntrnvt rs1a l 1\.1rGnvern·H::.lf ield ''ilm('nri· men!. to end 1he war"' rh;iL would have cu1 off funds for U.S. fighting in lndochinil His political c;irt.er h a s con· centraled al1no sl exclus1vr!y 1n !he past fou r years nn lead ing the fig h1 ln end 11 "'ar tha! ht consirlered an immoral hlundrr and 11 ma 1nr n;il1onill lril,l!;l'rl~· Load of Books Julie Fractures Toe l 11 Scliool A ccide11t AT LANTIC RE:ACH. ~·1;1 1t;r 1i .Julie \' 1:.: n n E1!'i~nhnll'('r s11ff('l'Pri a hrnken toe Tuesrla.v \\'hen .:i n1etal c11rt lnadf'rl wi1 h hnoks rollerl 01•flr htr lf'll'lt at the Atl anlir Beach Elementar.v Sr h (l n ! "'hf'rf' sht i~ a te::.rher f:1sr11hn1ver. i~ o.tat1oned .11 ,\.l .:11·po1·1 Agcn!!' 1mmed 1a tel~' railer! th e. \\"!11!t Ho use Phy~ic1an, Dr \Vall.er Tk.11 ch. whn In· fnrm ed president 11nd ftfrs . Ni xnn nr the mish11p Thf' firs~ f;imi!y i.~ .stayin.R: at the V.'1?.st!!.rn \Vh itf' Hou ~t in St1 n Clrm entr. .. I 4 Lobbyist Voloslierr Dies , 73 NE\\' YORK i AP 1 -Nath11n f.I. Vnlo~hen , 1<.hn "as cnn. \'lc!.eri nf peddling hi~ ct1n · nee-I lnns \.111\h form er House Speake r Jnhn \\', f\.-lrCnr ma<·I\'~ olf1rP r o r l11{'ra\1\(' fres . h.:i~ died hrrr at 7:t ~1nu111 S111.:11 Hn ~r11;il rfrnrtt'ri "f11esrla\· lhar lh" la11 ,\.rr anrt !nhh\·1~! dtrd i\1nn- r1 ;11 Jwn hours t1f!er f'ntertnp; 11-. r·nronar~ 1ntrrt~11·r ra, p u111r \ nloshrn plr artrd i:;u11!\ tn <·hargrs Iha! ht usl'r1 h15 1n- fl uencf' 1n i\1rCorm11rk's nff1r, In nbla1n fa1·nr.'i fnr l'l1rnls frflrn g(l1'rrnmt nta.I a_gtnrlr!'. He 11·;is ~rn1encer1 l;i!<I ~n1t1nber 1n pil,\' ii s1nono f1 11(' h11! f(>df'r -'I .JudE:f' '-l11r1·1n E Fr;inkrl dl'('irler1 .:11z:i1n.~t ..:rnd1n.c, hirn In pri~nn hrc,111··r lhr gnvrrnmPn1 s111d \"nln!ihPn 11·:is rnnnerat1n1: in further 1n. \ ri;1 ir:;i1in11-. · \"nl(l~hcll. 11h11 rrpnr!crllv rr1·r1vrd up !n ,!o.:"111.1100 ;i lf1h, 5:.11d hr ti;id the <11rl 11[ r.1<·rf1rmark ·s adm1nist ril! r,·,. i1S5tstan1. Dr. ~1artin Sweig. 1n i:;el ! ing go1 ernme n! agencif!.'i to beJ1e1·e the speAker "'anll"rt t'rrta1n actinns 1akrn -such ;15 lhf' is suing nf Armv rt1crha rgf'~ f'lr 1mpnrt h1'f'nse.~ Swrig 11a5 C'Qnv1clert of nnP enunl nf in111 rv and star!td a :10-mnnTh f'risnn St:ntf'nt'e ,Juh 22 . l"e'~ )' ork \VeJ('OllH'S Moon 1\<IC'.n \E\\' YllRI\ 1,\r • -'Th" motnrc~d " '''"!' tfil' 1n11st 1m· prr.~!'11 " t!l'n,I! l"l"t <t"n ~1nrr "'" left hra1 rn " f"nl r>a1·1d R Srntt ~a 10 Thnus;i nrt!' nf ,'\r11 \(lt ~<'is Hnr1 tnnn.~I~ rh<"r rrri S1ol t ;1nd h1!' fclln11 .\fl(•ll0 Li .:i•1ro11a\lf~ T11r:-r1a.1 11 ~ lhr rhrl'r 11rt'P j:!ll f'n ;i pilrarll' r!n1111 l,.'1 11! 1\1rn11r lwn ~<'I~ 11f 111rd;il~ .-llld i. 1rl:rpt 1nn 1·rn11111~rrn! of :-1 ~~·1 ;ill 1nwn 11rlcnn1111g thr bn.1·s hon1I' Sn11lr1' ilnci cl;:irp1ns:: s::rrrlrrl Sr0!1. Lt Cnl .ra1ne~ B. lr11·111 ;111r! ~t.lJ Altrrrl .~! \\"nrr1('n a.~ lhty pt rchtd nn th,. back of a 1·nn•:er!1ble nn th<:> !rip to City Ha ll. An t lr:rrrll n1an hrlrl up 11 s1.o:n !'av1n~. ",fne 11elrnme~ th(' mnnn mrn " 'False Evidertee, e te.' Illi11oi 8 P1·0 8e cuto1· Iudicted 111 Raicl 011 Blacl{ Pa11tl1e1·s CHI C.-'iGO l l'Pl 1 -Slatt '~ 11ttornev F.r11<.•ard Hanrahan. the c11y·~ tnr prn~ecutor. h11.~ heen lndict rd 11·1\h !:1 nthf'r l;iw officials on rhar,l!r s of rnnsnirin.i:: !n nhslrurt )tJ.'iL1cr ln 11 l~fi9 flllllrr r;:i1d in whirh t11n Bl:'l r k Piln!hrr~ we,.r ki ll · ed l!!.ll unr1n~11pr11d Thr i·ount~ i;:ranri 1u1·v char~rrl !hi' !4 lnd 1rl l'rl !Tl('n w11h 'dl'5trny1111:. altr nniz . rnnrr<1l1 n,i: and dl1i,l!Ul~1niz phy~IC'ill "' 1rlrn1·r _, pl11nt1ng f;"tl ~r r 11rlr11r·p and . fhu·;i~n r n I 1 (' r Suprr1n fu rn15h1n,e falsf' 1nfnrmat1nn" I 1rnrl,.n1 .!a1111>\ H 4 'nnlJ'k 11a~ It sa1ri Hanrah<1n , .~Ii. nnr of nnt 1nd1r!Pr1 hill 11a~ niln1rd ii thP 1op mPn in ,\-la)()r R1ch<1rrl l cn·conspu·atnr. as 11r1·p !w11 nf .J [)11 lr \ ~ [) p ni n t' r a 1 1 (' his pnh re 1n1e·.t1i;ator1' and orcan1zat1nn . m;1de ·false anrl l\\O (If Hanrahan·~ ass1Sli1nl.~ 1 n / l11n1mil!nr\'" ~tatrn1t'n!~ ThP ('har.c:c~ 11·rrr mar1e 11h1lf' 11bta1n111~ an attenipled r11hhr Tursr1a~ Ill I he n1urder 111rl!C'lffil'llt ai:;;;tnsl 6fl\'fl n Panthf'r~ !ht raid . who surv11·rd rnur1roon1 nf .Judg{' Jnsrph A ,,-~~~~~~~~~~ --------Pn11rr. ch1rf nf rrim1n;:il r \'IRGINl.4. ·s ~~~~~~~~ rourls in Cool. l.nun11·. 11·hn1 SN IP 'N STITCH SHOPPE had supprrss{'r! lhl' 1nrlt!"lffil'nt s1nrr .Junr z~ ;ind rrfusl'rl 1o )))4 E.s~t Co.sit Hwy. • Corona del arrrrr 1! whrn f! 11'i1S fir!! Phon 1 67).8050 1n1rd 111~1 :\pnl. Thr 1nrt1ctmrnl s1r1n!' fn,m ;i r;11r1 authnn1-rrl h1 H:inrah;in ;inrt m;idp h.1 pnlir-r ;is~1i;:ned lo 111 .~ nffl('I' 0!1 nr1· 4. l~fi:J Rlack l'ilfll hrr lradrrs ~·lark llitrk 11nd l·'rrd H;.i111ptnn 11·trr k1llf'ri by i;:unf1rP 1 The cnunty ~n1nri .1ury l111rr sa1r1 !hi' Panthers had fired onlv onr shn1 Tht rount.1· p;rand 1ury 11•h1rh retumer1 the ind1rtmrnt 11·as empanrled h.1· r11wr.r last !1ecen1hrr ar !hf' ur ging of ~e 1·et::.I c11•1r· ~rn11 1);<, 11·h1ch ~;11d \ht fPderal 1n1 t~r1~a!lon , New Fall Fashion s FROM V!RG INIA'S It's th.s t lim"' •9<1 1n. N11@ d nri w school clofh.-17 Com" Ill i'J nd l111t us he lp plan yot.1r w.s rdrobOI. w" have th e Jali,sl in n•w novl'!liy knits , cotton a nd poly•1ll'!t-Th.., sofl look i1 in, so lry ot.1r beot r1hft.1I pr inted i~rs!"ys . Fa nt.s sf1c new 1hipment of wide· w.sl" cordu roy. kfl tllflc lol h •nd trims hi'ls jusl ll r- rived. e l.t.N K.AMf:llCAID S•"I You Socn! VIRGIN IA e MASTER CH•IGf: e on non-stops to Phoenix ---·-1 1 .. ' Offir\R)~ Sil irl rrtsidf'n! "-'ix· nn's )'nun~C5! rl.:iu~ht tr 11·nulr1 rrrupera1 e lnr1a.v 1n ht r apar1 - mrnt anrl prnbabl~· te1urn In schOl'll Thursda.\' t.1rs. Nixon lf'll'phont11 .Julie. 2.1. In offrr hl'r .~\1mpt1fhl' i\1r.<. \,(lnn1t Stu art. thP fir~! 7:35A.M. 8:50A.M. 2:15 P.M. 5:20 P.M. .Juhl' was rushf'rl h.1 !'PC'"rt'1 s1"r1·1remcn ro R r11spcnsarv al n~arbv ~1aypnrr ~a1·11I S1a11nn aft er thr acc1r1rn1 ;ind hl'r fnn! l\'8!' plared in ii 11 t1 lk1n~ c;ist .lt1l1t '.s hush11 nr1. Ens. Da vid IAdl''s staff r1irt:rtnr. $ll id .ruht 1nl!"ndrrl t.n rr-turn tn ~hnol IO· ria~ "Shf' think~ 11·~ a 5111.1 11r· <"lrient." .~::11rl ~rl" Stuart. in San Cleml':n!t Two rings for two lovers ••• both ring1 $88.00 PIJttlt 4•~1ty 4MMt4 ell rttlt,.'941 I~ 1 ~J: 4tlt1 -M""1 f•iycndit ll'7N • Jtt•rl•r1I GtCOUf'lll e""iltble .• u,. to 121'!\tM~s fe piry lenkAl'lllricord I Moit1r er,.,., ''nlE STORES CONFIDENCE BUILT'' HUlolTIHGTl'N CINTll '"'~ ' 11111 .. , .. M11"th1,11" l••c- t•2·1101 H.t.110 1 i MO,.,IHCI CINTll l ,100 H••lltr l l•tl c ... ,. ,.. ... 1•1.t~tl OPIN ~ON., 1HUIS & Fii. 'Tll ' P.M. Sleep later. M~ the ~ay tn.f6c to L.A. lntcmatiorlal. Arrivm Phoellix, 8:27. An ideal morning fli{ilit for most travele~. 1': ot too early. Not toe late. Arrives Phoenix, 9:44. Oor mid-day fl ight, arriving Phoenix at 3: l 0 p.m. U you leave your car overnight at the airport, remcmbe:r parking is cheaper at Santa Ana. the fastest way to Tucson 1· . , I .. ~ 7:35A.M. After a 20-minute stop in Phoenix, ar:ives Tucson 9:25 Lm. Much shorter time, and far leel bwle, all in all, than driving to L.A. Intcmati"'111 for a Tucson !lighl 5:20 P.M. Again, ii you're staying overnight, it'& cheaper to leave your ear at San.ta An.a than •t L.A. International. Amve5 Tuccon 7:09 p.m. Leave after wortland arrive Phoenix at 6: 16 p.Dl.., just in time far dinner. No fighting T1lih hour trallic to L.A. lntrnJ>tional. Hughes Air West from Santa Ana We Hy more people to Phoenix and Tucson than any other airline. •• - • DAILY PILOT EDIT ORIAL PAGE Revise Last ~1ay the Saddleback Co llege board of trustees received resolut1ons adopted by both !he Laguna Beat h and Capistrano UnU'ied School Distri ct trustees request· ing a revision of the college's trustee elet·tion systt>nL It \11as pointed out that !1eavy popu!a\100 growth in- land and slow growth on the coa st had resulted in an inequitable situa tion under \\'hi cb. v.•ith trustees elected at-large, it literally is possible for voters of i.n!a~d dis- tricts to determin e \\'ho represents coastal dtstrtcts on the board. It was proposed that trustees be elel'lcd only by voters in the di strict they v.·ilJ represent. sn they may more closely renect the true attitudes of these area:-. Re-alignn1ent of the trustee areas iltld enlargen1ent of the board to seven members from the pre~ent fi \•e atso 1\•as suggesled The proposals \vere logical. reasonable-and neces· gary-if the Saddleback board is to trnly represent the electorate served by the college. Immediate action is in order. More Din1 es Than Dollar~? 1''e1vs that Laguna Beat:h \viii gel in step "'ilh San Clemente and Ne~·port Beach by upping ovrrtin1e park- ing fines frorn $1 lo $3 '''ill gladden fev.1 hearts. Jt's hard enough to find a parkini:: slot in do1111to11·n Laguna, Jet alone having to shell out three hl!ck ·, if Yl'll r un t1vo ntinutes over meter tin1e, s-ay the unh ~ppy natives. The court is tired of trying to figure different fines in all cities under its iurisdiction. The city has its eye on a nice piece of ex tra revenue fro1n the new parking tab. It might not \vork that \vay. say so me obse rvers of human nature. A motorist \\'ho might be negligen t aho11 t letting his meter run over if it won't cost 1nore than a do!· System Now Jar. is likely to be much n1ore careful if his sloth v.•ill nick hin1 fo r lhree dollars. 'fhe fine boost probably will enrourage citizens to ke er their melers plied \1•ith d_imes, blll. the net to the city may turn out lo be more d1n1es than dollars. The Pla ns of Planners .Just \\VO \\'eeks after the . .\pril. 1970. elecUon. La- g\1na's new c1t v counc.Ll, 111 an (':Xlraord tnarv post· n11dn1~h1 executt.Ve se~sinn . fired the \\'hole planning comrniss1on and appoin ted a ne1v one. This \Veek, 1vith the resignations of \\lilliam Lam· bourne and James Sthn1itz. Co1n1nissinner Carl Jnhnson beraine the only one of the original quintet still in office. His survival is a tribute to his patient tenacity and al~o. as he'd be the f\rsl 10 admit. JUSt a touch funny. l-le \\1as the only men1ber of the previ ous commis~ion lo be re-appointed in that 1nidnight session. and it \vas patently no n1 ore than a token of appeasen1ent. ~ince he beca n1e an 1n ~tant nJinor1t.v of one . The plan had bePn for the ne\v cit~ council to equip il~cl f \ri lh a "progress-oriented " planning con1rni~5 i nn , \~1 th 1\hich everyone \\'Oul d 1narrh for1\•ard in happy unl· 50!1 , II. did n't Quite 1vork out Thon1as Johnstnn recigned 11·hen he n1oved from Laguna. His successor. Jack Eschbach. quit. Rnbert ~l ast· in gs, facinJ?: sur~cry. h.:lnded in his resi gnation. Mike l\la_v and J ohn 11.Jcl)ov.·ell 11·ere appointed to fill the t1vo vacancies. No"' [,ambourne and Schn1itz have gone. And John· snn , the one-man minority, becomes senior member of the planning co mmi~.c;ion, \Vhich goes to show that even the plans of planners can go an·ry. \' s Attorney 6e1ierul Says All Re11sonuble 1'le1111s Tul,e1t to lns1ire Trite Story of Assussin11tion • Younger Expected Conspiracy Theory • Ill Sirhan Case To the Edit.or: In recent months, que5ti nns have been r.:ii sed cont"erning all aspects of thr. Sirhan cas(' by a variety of pe11ple for a varirty or 1nolives. \Vhen. as District At!nrne v nf L"s Anr.c!es C11unty. I prosecuted Sirhan. "'e kn"11·. and I so staled on nun1erous oc· c.:i ~iryns, that some da.v someone would rais<' quec;tinns concerning !he 1n2nner of dr~t h and !he parlies respon..:;1t)I~. It was ine11il abte that the conspiracy lhl":"r1· \\'Ould be suggested -that makes a better slor~'· E\"en lh1Jugh I knew that some persons, "'hnse rnoti1·rs n1i ght or might not be ap· p.:irent. "·ould never ;1]101\' !he case to be put to rest. "'e look all reasonable means Ill insure that. the true story was developed and perpetuated. · HOWEVER. IN recenl rnonlhs that wh ich v.·e predicted has occurred. and I ain slill frequently asked whether or nnt thrre were inconsistencies in I he trstimony a!. the Sirhan lrial. i\ly ans11·rr: Yes, definitely there were. When 1>5 witnesses te stify concerning any 1nridenl. I am not di sturbed concerning minor incons istenci <'s in the testimony. I 'A'OUld be concemed if all 6.'i witnesses testified in precisely thl" same n1anner. H"nesl individuals testifying to an el'rnt 'A"hich they ob!'rrved could nnt prtssiti!y r;ee. hear and recall the events in the ex- act san1e "'a1· Jncons1stencies of a min'1r nature lend credf'nce tQ the le511111ony nf \.l'itnesses. In the Sirh.:in ca~e such in- <'Onsistencies ali exist ed in the lf'!'limony nf lhP witnesses "ere considered and el'a!uated by !he JUry. IT SHOULD BE reml"'mbPrrd lh.:11 th€ lnl'P.St1 gat ion fo!lo"'ing thr a~sas~inat1on nf Rnbert F Kl'nned~ on .June ~-1!'1fi8 bl' lhe Los Angrlrs Po!icl"' Depart1nPnt and f11her cooperating depar\1nen1s. 111''\ud ing !he l,ns Ange les Cnunty [)1strict At · r~rnC'y·~ Off1rl'. the FRI ::lnrl rther a"l'll · c1es, 11·as one of the most con1pl!'!te. if not the n1nst con1plete , c r 1 m i n a I 111- vestigations ever Cfl11ductrd by a law en· forcement agency in the United St;,les It was detern1incd tha1 ;:ill possible 1n· formati1Jn v•nuld be obtained and be n1ade ava)]able tn the pulJJic al ;1 time 11·hcn the con~t 1r.11uon.:il ri<!hl;; nl 1he d,,J,,ndanl cn11ld not be Jeopardized by tile atlendanl publicit.v. i\IORE Tlfi\,\' 4.0fll'I 1vitnl'SSC;'; werf' 1•1- fpr1·ie1\'ed. Sixty-five 11·ilnesses were call· ed b.v !he District Alt..,rney nf L"s Angeles Coun!y to te~llly during the cnu r5e ()f !he trial. Al the conclusion nf II>" case. reJXlrls covering inlerl'lf'"'S wil h lhnse 'o\'1l11esses "'ho had not been called to lestify by either p.:irty . crn1- prising \!I~ in all, were filed "'i1h \he Superior Court as exhibits and became a mailer or public record. At 1he request of defense counsel. ciuplicates nf more than 150 files c0n- !aining int<'-rviews nl potrntial "'1lncsses v•cre ,delivered on prelrial <liscnvery 1110- tinns. In cluded atnong these file s wrre recorded int!"'r1·iews of n1nre th::in 711 prrsons who wrre alleged 1n have ob~erv erl the defendant .:it sn me time during !he e1·en1ng or June 4 and the rarly n1orning of June 5 at !he An1b<1~~adnr llri!rl. E;\IELLE .I. YOUi\'GER ,\1tc1rnc 1" t;ener;il Stale of 'california L(lff It 11 o •I 111f)1•0 l'f' tttett t' Tn the Edilor Pcrhap~ it IS lune fnr Lhe "nrd ''impt!J1·en1f'nl."' ;u; 1t Rppl1es 111 unin111rn1·ed ai ca~ fJf Laguna E'.cach. tn he rrdpf1ncd Next t.:irgPt or '"l111prn1r1nrnr· 1~ upper Dit1n1nnd ~tree!. .:i bf'.:i1 1!1ful and );E'rrne pn1-hnlp1! l;ine riflln!! l'rrv ni rrly n11 11s 01111 \\'ilh a rl!y l1~annJ: srhedtiled fn r rarly ~eplrrnbrr. 11 1.-; nnw heir ;ipp;irrnt !n hulldo1.ers .. ~kip-Jn;idcr~ ,;nf1 dun1p trucks IT IS OIFFlt.:UL T In sel' how rW'rent re sident 011"nl"'rs., n1 oslly 'JUiie happy to Two l(i1ids of Boredo11i Though ts al Largf.: To ht bored hy others m.:iy bt merely th!: sign of a res1 less mind ; lo bf> bored by oneself as surely lhe sign of an undr\·eloped mind . • • • One supposes lhal thl! National Association nf Man- ufa cturers m i g h l condemn as a "Com· muni~t "' !he spea ker of lhese word.~: '·People nf lhe same. trade seldom meet tugelher, even for merriment <1nd di· version. but 1he con· vers.cJ.ion ends in <1 conspiracy against lht public or in soml" contrivance to ri:iisc pricl":s" -but the state.ml"nt i~ Ad;im Smith's, in his "\\'ealth or Nations."' the btble of capital· Ism. • • • SPf!:aklng of prias. I don't think the -publlc mlnda so much bting che.aled in cost as not gelting value In the goods - afte r 11/, we can decide how much v•e want to pay for somf!:thing. but i~ is dif. (iCUJt to know if f!:Ven minimal value is bull! Into the products at any price • • • Most n11uery IS stlf-Oa!:er~' -'A'f' c Ill· pllment pronle l)n 1h"~l": q11 ~h Ir~ !h ·1 makf!: us feel as ln!rlligent an·! gr~' 1 11~ .as themselves TIW: most lnl "n~e fr~r is n!'~Pl !\'f'. n"f J ?Slt.lve : we Jf!:.ar not !O much bctnlil ' ' Sydney J. J-J arri ~ ' ' ·' repulsed from wh.:il 11·e desire. but lns:ng what 11·e have ;iltaincd. !Thus. !he re.:rsnn radicals overthrow con~ervat1ve.s. and !1"1. the o!her way around. is th:i1 !he radica ls c.:in aftord to be rnuch bolder. ha 1•ing lit I le or oothing lo lose 1. • • • Adntinistrali ve tnorale is .:ilways low !n an .:rutocra1)c rntnpany : for it is im· possible for the junior exec1111ves to be on rhe ir toes and on !heir knees at the sa me lln)e , • Yoolh doesn't need '"ideals;" II needs .i h1tch1ng-pos l tn hang them on. thal only the older gener;ition can provide • The word "rare" has almnst f'ntirl"l y los t its original meaning of ""fin e"' or "marvelous" 1n our 11me, and now means only "coming inlrequenlly"' or "unusual'' ~i..IJ"·ell '.!. famous line. "\\"h111 ill so r.:ire a~ a da y 1n .lune7"' is iovariahly nli.!.1oreprtll'd ~<: mr•HllllJ:? ··unrn1nmon "I One Qf thr m'lsl presc1en! p~r;i.1:ra!'hS 1n •.ihr,111 ~ lllf" Pr •flh1"1'. 1p11h!1 ~hr1l 1n 1~'11 1~ 111\r'h r>'•ll(ir1"1•1i; in !h1~ 1R1rlr~s ,. 'I '~ "' 111· 1,, Ir I 1.111 "' nnl 1·cl) ·-.r h"t • ·'h lhl' •tlr11~ k•1~v Ir li;:r rif 1''r 1• l 1--'" 'A thr 1<.1 "i·" ~r ril"'"' rln 11ro11i; 1<.1Jh1JU! the h1rlr!rn will of )'nu all.'' I • , '1ailho:1. Lcllrrs frorn rc111/cr.~ arr u·r /co,11 r. Norinu//y 1rrHrrs .~l111ul(I c11111;f!I tl1r1 r 11n1.~11Jf/CS 111 Jon 111n·ds ur less. 1'l1e r 1u/!t In co11de11se leller.~ to /1r .~pa<"e nr e/1111111<J1e /1bPl is rescrrl'd .. ·\Ii IP!· trrs "'"SI 111cl11</c .~1!}11a 111rr a11d mnil· 111~ r1rl•lrr~~, b11 r 1111111 rs n,1111 be 1r11/'" hr/,/ nu rrr1ii c.1f 1f s11ff1c1r 11l rea.~rni i..~ 11p1laren( P11e1ry u;i/1 not br pub- lished. dnl'e pot -holrs. mn5t of whom ate quite 11·il11ng to 111;:r1n\;i1n the s1rl'el fro111 !lmf' to time, 11•111 be "irnJlrOvPrl'" A y;,rri or rnncrrte has a way of t.:ik ing nff .:rn inch of wallet as well as a moment nf lifl". There is no denying that profit 1m· provernenls will acc rue lo certain lanrf develnpers. n1nsf.ly non -resi dents, who can do n1iraculous things "'llh post.:ige· stamp lots. i\IAYBE A NE\\' concept should be cnn- ~idrred for sntne nf the natural beaur y spnls of La~una Rrs1r1Pn1 owners In pa_v an asse.~sinent NOT lo be unproved .:inrl krcp !hr bulldozers 1n 1hc1r prn.~ Thal 11ould be the L'ltimalr ln1prn1en1cnl Plan. Ti!!'.:OD(>RE: TAYL OH f'rretl•>••• to Rr11tl T11 the ~th!i>r Ye< 1ndccr1. 1111"' ~."Jn Clrn1enle n1a1nr ;inrl lhP city rnunr1I dirl po thr 1~ronJ: 11ay in d<'n.\ 1ng a llrrns" tn .:i [)()f•k~lorr 1\u~ j _ r1rsl. 1n dPl").:11'(' lhe t •111)111U!)I!\' 1'11.t rr;icil lf'l r an adnlt l)nnkslore 1~ 1111 1n· f1·111,·r1nrn1 nn rn1r 1nrl1l'id11al n>;hl5. and thr frrrfhrn1 nf !hr rrr•:- S"cnnd !ri dn II hy SU('h .:in arl11!rary ,111d cti:-cnn11nn11)r~' 111,.,!hr1rl 1\ n1n~t "111 rae.cPu~ !f's a~ if ~ll !he b'll'S i;n~ l<t<c;Pthrr 11 itl1 the n1.:i;-nr a11d ra11 !hr fl.:i,i: down thr pole .:inri lr.-1n1plecl it in !he j.!ro1111d ' .'Ind r cannnl ~<'f' hnw calli ng on the rit~· atlornr.y tn dr.:iw up ,;n ordin11nce dnrs anythinc but C-011\f)flUnd !he error . THF.Y HAVE VIOLATED !he 8111 of n i-hl~. and ~Olllf' frPf'ri'111l loving person rnuld , inrl,,rd sh£1uld. lake 1hrm all the .,.,,.,. tn the S11prrme Court .:rnd bi!rk. FHF.F,DOil·l TO Rf.AD IS OUR f\'A· T!Oi\AL HERITAGE And th.:ir clnrs nril mran 1h.:rt i! ~hnuld l'.'·d~l r1fr.1·v.·hcre in ,\n1rru.:a. c;-;cept in San Clcrnente and Or;:in~e Cnunly ci\ir~ 1\l~k1ng al!oll'anrP~ fnr hun1;in im· prrfrrt1nns, l d'I fr rl th;:il 10 Amerir.;i. anrt lhe Or.:rni:iP Cflunt_1· r111es. Lhe mosl \'.:1111.:ibl,, lhinµ in life is nut n ght lo rc.:id. Anrl tn hs!.Pn tn all !hi"' rririr\sm and hear all the al!crnatives, and to know ;111 the fac ts_ ~!ELDA I. \\'ILCOX Freeway S11ggesrlo1u To the Editor: The Issue of !he Cn11st Frcc\.l•ay h<1~ be:come. so clouded one. doesn't koow if "'ha l he hears is truf!: or false. I htilr from l\"rv.'port Beach olrlc1alll that lhf!: frce1\·<1y is dead and should be buned. yeL the dtpt1rtmcn1 of tn1nspo rtation still i'l· i;1sts ii is ver~· murh ali ve and will no! be: drlctcd \\'i!hout the coopt>ralinn of r\e"'Jltlrl"s nc1;:hhor1ni.: cities. dcsp1tr Cn1·,.nv1r R!'11".!;in's nr\\' 1)()1ify Inward cor~J.11 free11·ays r ... ,t;l ,\1('::1 ;111d Hu111u1!!!rin Rca:h f)(1th wrinr their frcP11·.:1ys 11h1lr ~r11p11rl T~,. '• h :ir•! F'nt1111,1111 \'.11ir1• arr t1 ·:~i·1~1 .:i frr~11 .l\ 1n !hf'1r r!!lr 111rrr 1s a r.nlul·nn tn rt•~ r rf'1')1!('rn ~ H:tfhf'r •hr.•1 rll:rn r·(\ the frtc"·ay traffic 011l0 ex1s!111g .!il1'eel.Ji 111. the lree\\'ay's end, it is quite logical to link !hi! Huntington Beach and Newport free11·ays together at the coast. THE HUNTINGTON BEACH freewa.v !Roti1e :l91 can be run <ilong Bearh Rnule va1·ci l!nd the Coast Highw a.1• rlr· rnrrlini; to lhf'i r pl.:rn. but at the Sant a Ana River 1l curves slightl.v to the north, bypassing Ne1l'por! Shore s and, fnllowing lhl" rQn1nur of the. !and, runs just south of \Vcsl 16th Strret icompletety within the Nr1\'f)(lrl Beach city limits 1 and links up with the Nev.•JXlr1 Freeway (Roule 55 ). The nnlv roadblocks to this solution ;1.re Cnsla i'o1ts;i 's desire. to ram a free"'"'Y thrnu~h N ewp o r t Beach a n d Assemblyman Robert Burke'~ infaluatinn v.·ith freeways. Lagunil Beaeh says il also needs A rre!"'wav to reliel'e traffic on the coas1. Unfor!Unatrly. any free.11.·ay ihat is not righl 011 1he coa st will only bring morf!: triiffic tn lht area. PEOPLE \\'ILL still want tn use lhe Coa~t Highv.·ay for beach access. The depar!ment of transportalion said thi~ \\"as trut of Nev.·pnrl. Bl"ach and Laguna 's tr.:iffic problem is much worse. A frPr w~~ through Laguna Ctinyon wi:I nol onl.v bi-ing even more traffic to the :irea. hul. w11I also te;:ir up a major JXlf· !inn nf lhl" pr oposed Laguna Beach J!rcenbelt . This freewa~· seems tn exis t on!v bec.:iuse Sacr.imenlo "'ants to make eaCh st.:ite hi:!h"A·ay into a freeway. I hope nur elected nfficrals consider these ~ue:i:estions and clear up this mf!:ss 1n a hurry. DA VI D G. PORTER Ilollnr'• S1re11yll1 Tro !hr Edi!or In respnn~r 10 re,;l"tJQn~ or Ta s~ \'P"'~ A.1;rnrv tn ll1t Presidenr"s acu'>n re.l,;l1ni;t 1n A111rr ican currency, I submil t.he fnltnwin~ I can ;i ppr('('1.:ile Tass' concern for the s11 rv1v.:il of L:.S. capilalism. 1 sug.i,:,est. h()\.l'ever. that in order 10 rtlil"l't their rlee p :111x1,.1y. they ohser\'t tht Quick rPco1·cr1· in $.!nre. for lht U.S dollar on "·orld ri1arkets : OBSERVE ALSO: I Eurnpeans acrustomed tn ftxed cur- rency Slstcms have difficully un- drrstandin' 1h.:rl l: S. currency is not fix- ed 1n a golrl st:ind<1rd, only !hl" price of gold had been fixed . 2. Since the i.: S. dol\11r is 111 fi<1I cur· rf'ncy, 11 has been "ar.l'ing 11ccnrding rn supply .:rnrl r1e1n11nd for sever<1l )i!enl"r.:I· !inns. ln !his scnsf': ii is constanlly stlf afljust1ni: anrl thrre is no hard exchane:e h11sls for dC\'aluatinn Therefore !he sc ramhle 111 rr.value 1vorld currencies will bf' rerersible in short. order. :1. The ~I r <1diust1n.ii dollar varlP.s rcl':u1arl,v 11rcnrding lo its gradual self· devalu<1!ion which ""t call inflation. 4. OEi\t ANO ARROAO has bee.n vt'ry strong for U.S. doll ars as demonstrated by the balance nf trade. Goods frnm 11brn11d are still floodlng the. U.S. m;ir\ielplact in se.:rrch of U.S. dol111rs . 5. Gold rCser 11t'1 maintained in F't • Knnx Art. not in significant proportion to rlollars 10 circulation becausl! the dollars Are lhc' real mol'lf'y and are valuf!:d b,v holders 1n acrord.:ince "•ith the. goods .:tnrl scr1•ices thrst dollars "'iii buy. Gold is hC'ld <1 1·.:t1tablt. fnr txchan!!e with !he ,en1•rmmt'nts wh irh place 1hci r tru!'>t in ttil' hard n1f'ta1s ra ther than !hr. ,.crin1,1n1c \'::i 111c of the tn1! and cnmf'Cn~~tion for tcul fi In Anirt 1r1 lh" rloll:ir 1~ ,. •. ;,1 '!'"' 11f 111,. 1.111ts of Jp'·or and 111"' f :~· '1-,1-·\ f111· !I" C' 111<1111s or n11r a 1 ;,.. it e·.is: · "~ \"c·,_ T,:i~~, thr Atn~ ·1 Y. 1• i• 111 !he ~~t by fat ;ind 1111er the world ·- market realizes "'hat has \us! h.:ippened the dollar and An1~rlcan r.;ip1!alis1n "'ill bf!: looked upnn as thl' lea der In be reckoned 1vith in 11 ol"!dw1 rl::> cconnrn~c·' KE NN ETH E. CLISSt:.-r r J1>b• \'la \1'11111 '''" To lhP Ed ilor: As lhe owner nf ;;r ~ro11·1n.: b11>1nr~s. .:im rnn stanlly ~rrking new cmp1n.1·e~ In 11dditiC1n lo checking \\'i!h !he ~1 ;1tc ::1nll pr iva\f' employment agrnr1rs, 1 h~1 e tried the classified p.:i·:<'.~ nJ this ne1\•spapcr. ThcSP p;igr.s have pro1e11 Ill he a market place for hllnllrc:rls nf r•·n. ciuct~ .:ind service.~ n1r.r the -~·f'ars-. Yet. "Ahen 11 comes to •·ernplny111rnt 11·:u11r<l"' .:rdi:. there arr scldnm rn nr" than nnP r>r twn li.~!ed. Cons 1denn~ !he !hnus<1n'l s nf unrmplnyed in ()r.:inge Cnu111 r plo ~ a.;; man ,v 1nore whn want to heifer their Jl•ll~. this is ;1pp111!in,1;1 ' !110ST PEO PLE turn In the 11·a111 .:i<ls 11hen lhev w.:int to srll a car rl'n ! a house. bu.v .:i TV . .i.:il·p aw.:11· .:i cilt. ;ind a hunrlred nther nfll)()f!llOltlC~. but ll"htn It conics !n rhe most impnrt.:1111 th111i: 1n their lil'es. lhc1r r111pfr1yn1en 1. !hrv n1'PrlO(lk !hf' mris! nbVinu.~ mr;:ins nf let· li ni: ptnple kn nll' 1\•h11! !hl'I' c.in do Thc~e samr unempl0_1rd n11J.~! al!'fl f111 I lo re;id rhe hunclrcd~ nr en1plo~·1n"'111 "fl· pnrlunitics h~!rd . I ha\'f' ;1rl1rrl1~rd fnr help Sel'Ctil'I l 1mr.~ .:ind h-'ll'f' 11r1!"'r had onr qu;i lified appliranl ;ippl~. \\"Ht:llE 1\RE Tll E thnu!-Rnrl( l'lf un!"'mptoyrd~ /1rp thry sraodinr: 1n linr at !he une1nploy mrnt 1n.~uranc(' 111ndo11 ••r sit ting ;;rt hnmP 11.:rtrh1nc -rv~ There .:rrr pll'nt~· 11f inh npp<11·1 1in11ir~ in th1~ .:If£;\ A 11 rll writ!rn rl~c ~lfirrl arl !-hnuld br thr f1r.~I th1n,1: .:r n1;in nr 1u1n1<i n <l1riuld tr:--ll'hrn hr l'lr \hr ni:('d~ r1npl,.,; · nient or .:i brttrr po:..11tn11 RORJ:.:!!T L. El~Y .tii119gt'$fior1s 11 '11r1lPff Tn the Editor: F'or 01·er ;:i 1·c.11r 11·e ha"e heen trv1 n,1? to ::idnpt " minnril l' ~rn11p rhilrl , h11t bureaucrac~· and red l.:il'le .:ire n1.:1kin~ il very difficult fnr i$. \\'t O'A'n nur 011·n h"rii l". h<11·e a hri.11 5 years nld . .:ind ;ire interested in adop11nl! a t110-or-1 hree- )'c.:rr-old girl. · \Ve co11t11cted !he Children's H<i1ne ~r··ic!y. but tinrlurlini:: fer!-. l"Cl11 f"f'~. and ph~·~ica! ex.:1m1nalron 1. the ens! JUS l to jZr.l lhe C'luld inta nur h"mf' run.~ tl".-P to S.\.!lOO, There .:ire .:ilsn 1·arlous hnn1e rhecks "'hich I consider !o be an in 1;1~inn of privacy. \Vl": tried the Or.:in r.e Cnu11t1· \\"etra rc Bureau . bu1 1he "';i1fin,e !){'ri(id l( lnn~ 11nd 1hcy s11y !here ;ire n" rhil,!r"n ~\·ailab!e. The.1·l" i~ " fee of .~:'too 111 pl~ct it rhi !d in ;i hnmr . Her~ again. lhrr" 11re home check~ lo determine !he suitability of the premises. · \\'E Hl':ARO THAT R1 vr rs1rle Cr"lnty \\'rlf11re. Bureau hRS 11 surp!u~ nf i'olf'X· it'an. lnrl ian . and black children A call In them rf'l'f'il'led th::11 it is not possible 10 ad"pt children oulside ynur own counly "'i!hout first 11oin11: lhrnu'!h ynur n'A'O county -which puts us right back wh ere. "'e .~tarled. I feel !hat tl'lt lnrlial fee turns .:i11•t1 \' 11 lot of pr11spective adnpti\"e fam ihrs who cannot afford to p11y a l11r j;e 11mount. hut \.l'ho can afford to suppnrt annthrr ch lld. r..i v <ntc~tl"n .:it.nut !hr fee brin:::; r<'•!1it1·il nr w11i\e1 brr ui;:h! this r<'sp"n~,. f r~·111 1111 r~1n -::e C'lunl1• wclf;irr rrprr,r·1! 1111·,. •. ,. rlt lhe ~l.:i!e likr~ tn /'· u,.,., 1:-. m ~ r" .. II !~ mv np i1110n lh<lt thr •!~tr 1~ t •-:: iJ ·Jf ;i In! mr>r r lh •n 11 I! hr· 11::· 1r -In h•· n1;ik1 ·ci i1 ,., rtt'I 1· Ir for p <I· f ir In 1iriiipr un11 .:inf rd (hdrf rr'n IN 1\IH"TIO'< TO I" 111~ lllr ~-.i~ ii'". I.hey art burdened ~1(h the eApell~f!: ol ... -- feedmg. c!nthing. and hnus in~ tile ch ild Pnl!I snn1c11ne turns up who can afford S.iOO I f(·l'I hnme rhrcks .:irP uuncres~ary illld 11nw,1rr;intrd In 1he firs t pl.:ir.r, a f;i·nily l~ n'11 llkrh· In decide 1n ;idnpt A niin•11·it~· c·h1l<I 11 1lhnul .:r crf'at rlr.:il nf thought. Thc:.1• ,;re nnt likely tn bring ci11•"h<'r mouth to fl'rrl into !hi' hon1e 11 11i1nu1 n1•1luni.? ~1_1re thrv .:ire flnanc1allv l·ap;ililr nf h;in1;1tnl! n \ ou ""nul(i ;;rJsO lh 111k !hill prnple w11uld br 1·cr" hilpp v Lo h.:i1·e you r;ikP a child Qff \\'('Hare rathr r Pian hring1ni: anrilh<'r rcr.~on inl.IJ Ibis <i lrr<ld~· nrr rpnputatrd 11 nrld. If <'Ill\ nf 1·,.,11r r1·:i rlcrs l):i\'e anv ~u~rr~ti,.,nS. v·e· wnuld be n1<1st de!1;;titcd lo hP:ir lhenl :>.!H'HF:l.E BURGESS 201~2 l\1idland L;ine Hl1n11 ng!o11 Beach 92646 C11ll?!J'·" St'tlfl.',l('C Tn tlir E:ili!nr: IL".~ in!rrest111g In n(l fe th.:11 Lt. \\'illf.:im C'illlrl' .Jr.·.~ li fe scntrnce for 111urderlng 22 \'1rtn;in1c.~c C'1111li;:111s :il i\11v Lai has hcrri r"clUl"td to 2P ye.:ir.'\ f ("),,II~ Y Pll~OT, Aug. 2Ch \\'h.:it "s wor~e. he "'ill he eligible for p;i rr>le ;i fler nnl.v .~l'\'en years cnn- finrmPnl. A 20-·:e;:ir srnlcnce fn r the rnunlcr nf 1nn1:c lh.:in 20 peopl!: is unhc;:ird nf. up until nn11·. th.:rt is. If Charles ~lan:-.on h;id rccc1l'ed this kind ol scnlcnc,. 1n lhe T;:ile murder casf'. pr11p!e f\11111 all n1cr the nation would rJernand :inothcr !rial. and ci!her a hie ~en lCn(" nr 1hc gas ch.:imbr.r. In shrytt, the enl!!'P fln1crie;in Judicial svstcm "nu!d be rrit1c1ied and cas11gated. · Jl(l\\'E\'ET!, li\' ( :illr,1 ·s 1·.:1.~e the stnry i~ <r diffrl'ent 1•nr f'nr nnr rh1n1<,. he v.·.:i.s l·n111 lcle.r! of 111urdr n11g .:iln10~t f011t !lmP~ ;is nl:'l!\V rrople ;is M.:insn n w;is Fo r a:101hcr. hr "-flS rlcrl:ircd ;i 1111t1n11nl h!'ro b.1· thnu:...1nrls nf .o\n1er1c;ins for h1~ ;ic· l•n11s_ Hlil thr 1n,;1n ;ind mn.~l unpnrl<1nt d!f 1ere.ncr is his sentcncP , a c:hanre fnr parf!le a~!"r ~r1 en years .:ii; rnn1pared lo lhe gas chamber. Is this ju~tice? ~laj . Hcrn1an Ka~sner, <1c!111g het1d 11! !lie publir inform.:i!ion office <1l f ort McPherson v.·ho made the anoouncemf!:nl pu blic, said : ··rT \\'AS nETEfl\tlNED that 1he co"· \"iction was correct in law and fac t. a.nd 11tat the re1luccd sentence was appropriate for rhe nFfenscs for which hf!: 11·as cnnvicled." Thi.~ ~tatemen! nu1ke11 abso lu1 cly nn sense to me. Hnw could a reducetl sentence be justified hy the kill· i n~ of 22 cl\·11ian~? This ca.~e. it seems to me. onl.1· serves 10 illustr11te "'hat a farce the \\'hole ~ystem of military law re11Jly is. c1rnrs BRODERI CK Ok.&NGI COAST -DAILY PILOT 1'nbrrl iV. \\'reel. Publi$her Thomns Kt.evil, Erlitor A lbl'rt "'· Bnt.es Erl1tnr1nl PaQt E:ditor Thf' rd1!or111I ~i!e ol 'he O~llv Pi!ol ~rrl:~ Ill \nlorrn and ... r1mula1~ re.lid· trs by rre~P111tni:: lhi5 ne"~Pllper'1 ••111111..-111~ and rnn1m,.n1111)• iio 1op1c1 11f 1n1 rrr~I 11 111\ <ljZt11 J1ranrl'. l'ly pro- \ 1du11:: ~ fnr1101 hir 'hf' f'>;prr~•in'I l'lf ,1 r 1,...1 rkr<" i>r1n10n~. 1111rl hy pr~· "•i•l1t' tlir r111('r~r \IP\\fll'l ln l~ iii 111· ! ·1· •1•r! f'lt,, 1/"r.1-11nd .s[IOke!lnirn on ti ;-'I "~ f•I "1111 rill~· '~'crlnC';-day 1\ugu st 2:i. 1971 -.... !ld rd ry a t ' "' og me [Jy lso to r r "" m og " T, le O· he is " •• 'Id ,,, rl. m ry as " "' ro r- "' "' to of rt "' r:~ ih• .. a 11- to " ly K , Und er B i g· Attack ARTHRITIS RELl ~F No w ••• A Se1asational New Product! CHECKING •UP• Scientific Efforts Backed i Youn g Diel{ Nixo11 Wa s Pol\: et· Sl1arl\: By I .. ,\I. BOYll Q UE STION ARISf,S rept;iteclly 11bout snnnn.Q: and cure.!! therefnr. RrgrtL tn rt pnrl I h11ve nn list at hand nf fla !nut nr1 er-fall s n n r \ n g cures. ll has hcrn cl;11med, hnwe\'er. 11ny "'!ff' can stnp her hu.c:hand frnn1 snnring 5tmply by se"·1ng an rn1ply thread spool tn the back nf his pajama tnp. ~l ight try th11t. personal. bul nnt Inn •·1vh;i\ 1 mean," hf' 11.-r1les. "1s cnlurnn· v.·ri!ing IMk~ li ke 11 tl.:i rn e<l J:,otwi p11st1me. ~ whal el se could a 111ari w a n t ~ ' ' &in1Pth1nj.! el.~e .. ~ure <'t)()uch. A trou1 farm . that's wh.:11 r'n1 11fter. Li ke e flea saving up to bu~· ;1 dng . HA1'iO\\'RITINr. 1:-:xr£RTS contend only a 11·nman 11·1th a S<'VPre 1nf\r1or11.1· cnn1r\ex ever 1vill dot her i'i; 11·1th a n1ark thal looks like .:i fly1n,g raindrop OUT O F' EVERY 10 npenin g h;ind.c: in poker, f11•e will be 11 nr1hle~.~. four eac h will h111·e ;i p.:iir. ;inti one will be hell er· th.:in ;i r:11r l\'ASHJ:\f;TO"\ 1\'rl 1 -\ wh1lt hack !,nu1~ Ro~fn made !hls lamr nt "Thert 11•.:i.~ a t1n1r. not lnni:: <1gn. 1vhrn sr1enel' :i n d tnn!h<'r'hnod \\r1·e ht') n11d renrnrieh Trirl,1 1·. Mlh :i1e undf'r :t11:ir·~ " · Anet 111lv shouldn 't lhl'V h""' !\l1s11sf'rl 1·r'eh1111lni:1 . bri~r1! nn .SCICnt('. IS bl11111rrl f(lf llliln\' e1·1l.c: r<111i:;1ni:: lrnn1 pnll ut1nn tn s!;iu~l1lcr r.f r n d .1 n gr r e ti ."flC'CI{'~ t11 j!1l rHTlt•n 1<t.11111l 1ng frnrn hel1<'nptrrs And if a 111>rfn't !1w 1n11tt1rrh1w~. .,f •'•l U! ~r \1" 11 nulrln t hP h.::i1 lnJ! .:ilt rlu..- lrnuhlr 11 1lh pc11111l.:it1nn r\ plns111ns 11 h1rh .:irr ~:1 1tl !a thrr;i1rn 1n.1nki nrl 1f n .. t 1111h rx11 nr1 1on at lra~t 111th !lli'irry ~nd desp<11r Rn~en JS c!1 rr~'tnr (I/ the T urk 1-1 are 1n Will T l1r o11: Door.~ ()peu :'ilesnn rh 1s1r~ F.:ir1h!v 11 1 the the nonspcc'1<1h~I ·• L<ts Alamos 1 '.:,\I 1 sc1ent11!c So Rosen takes II (In himself labor11tnrv of th e Lntl'ers1ty of to "e1>p!ri1n 11nrl 1nlprprPI and C11J1forn1a. J 11 s 1 i I 1• ' ' 11 ha1 ~ Atnm !11 1hP 11r1·klv JtHin1:1I Sc i-sn1a~hrr~. nf ;111 ! h 1 11;: ~. Pn1·r. he rr1'rr11!1' ril'f Pndrrl .~<·1. ntherw1sr krin11·n In lhnse 1r1 ,..nrr . 11r i'l l )r;i~l nnP la1 ~f· lhP know !l S p;ir!icle ai> t.r;\nrh !hl'l'l'Of He ahandonrrl tc!rn1tnr~. n1nthf'rhnnrl 011\rr rcmark1ne, Thr puhlw knnw.c: 11 i:0n.1 tlia1 11 ton w<1.~ "undrr 111 · dral ;ihou t ;i(on1 ~1n11~hrrs - l:J(•\; ·· So thrre 1s no 1\.:lv of pardon. 11 .t r t 1 r I r ;1{'- l..111•11111g. frnn1 his sc1r11rP ('('lrr;itnrs Thc1 !'11~t a hrll nf ~n1elr. whelhrr lir ronstrlcrs a lnl (lf 111011('\'. 1\ncl 1hnsf' 11 ho 11 \ndrr1'11~1hlr fir n1Prelv v.·nrk 1 .. ·1!h thrn1 s.:11 lhr u1- ;i~~11n1c.; 1h;1( 11 11'1 11 h;11<' p!cn· fnrm;i11nn lhr~ prn11rlr ahout 1.1 Pr •1tlh ·l' clcfrndcr~. 1hr qn;ill<'s1 hll ~ or 111:i1r r r 11.oscn ft•cls !h;1l lhr c11rrrnl 11 ill hrlp u~ !n untlrrs!anrl lhr ;111 11·1.. 1111 se1rncr 1s l<1rcr!1· 11h•llr 1 111111rn~r 11n11trse u1 'rn1011nnal. prrn 1rra1 in n11l 11 h1c·h 11r ilfl' hurird. hrlrn nf 1cnnran1·r nn !hr \1tl1er11·1~c. 11h11t u~t rirP nn" h;ind and fn1~tr:11inn nn 1hr1 ' Thi~. nf Cfttir~r. wnul<l lhi• ntlv·r .. he use rnnugh 11 vou llfP Hu1 "nnt ;il1 11f thr trn11hle~ :in111ng thr r·11r1nu.c: nnr~ 11'hO 11f ~r1rnrr can h(' h111rn<'<l nn 1vn11<lrr what 11'1' ilff', wh<'re 11nrr.:i.~on1ng rr1 !1c·s .. s :i \ s ll'f' .1rr. 11·hrrf' 1\'f' h111·p hren. 11n~l'n ·'.\ s11hst,1n11a! p;ir! of aot1 whf.rp wr'rc ~n1n,c. 11nrl rn1 r 1111 ~r1·v i.~ srlf 1nlli1'11'cl ." <lnn 't ~111 lrnn1 lhr painful ~c1rnt1s1s h;i1·e h<>fn a1·,·11srrl qur s! tn f111t1 0111 Sttile~. Fewer th.ln lfll'l nf them are d~1·oted ntainlv to , esntrnr re$r;irch Of • thr l olhPr~ alinu1 11 third 11re u~1 1n 1ndu.c:try 11.nd m4'dic-1nP , 11nd1 thP re~l ArP !nnls f0r applied! s~1rnc, -!he kind nf ~rirncri th111 !ur·n~ ni>v.' information in·1 to wa.vs nf i rnprnvin~ the im medi;ite lnt of man G t~t s R e sailts long term relief now available up to six monthl or more f per treatment) to Ylet lm1 of arthrltl' or rheu- matl1m. Nor a n lnje-ctlon or Internal m9dlelr1e. Area (903) CALL : 354-1622 (Teeote, Mexico) R1,i:hl 11011· .. ~ay!' Rosrn. "thr or 11nnual produr!inn of ~nnrl~I Hilton Inn-San Dl~o 11nri servirr~ B.'lliOC'ialr:d "'ilh l Area (714) 27&-401 0 Ext. 161 lht•se: machine.'! i11 about $Z l.o~~~"'.:' ....... ""'. ... "'.:' ... ".:'-' ... ""'.._,.. ....... ""'. ... ""'. ....... ~ hilHnn." --------------- -----------~-••• •cLIPANO MAIL TOOAYa • ••••• EaRN EXTRA MONEY WiTHOiiT SELLiNG OR HaRD WORK learn inr.ome send for JREE information : Now you can learn income tax preparation from • H&R Block. Thousands are earning good money as ij taK preparers. Enrollment open to men alld women af a ll ages. Job oppcrturut.ies. fO( Qual1fted i rtduates. i Cla~111\ St art Septembfl• I 3 &-1 "4 E 111 bring rl1t1;;1.~ inrl1fferen1 10 Rul <In pi11·11rlr a!-rrlrratnrs (lr' tl1stl;11nhll nf "·h:.itr1'f'f !hP h;i1·r a111 "rr•ir1ir;1I" llSP ~ C: p11hl(r 111 1!:!!11 1l1111k nf thr1r Thr1 rrrt;iinh rln This 111;i_1' P\l')ne Wf"dmefre!!lnfo~tion ; HLR BLOCK :S 1875 Ht1rb.,. lh•d., Co•tt1 Mtttll -rll&111 641·6'10 I " N. '" 1111 ~trr11111~ p111'~11 1 ~ s1u·11n~r 1·n•1 .~111cr <i.~ o~rn 1 • ··~ ----------------•·\\'p h111•P nfl1 1:ikrn ~crious-s>i1 s. 1hr ~··1rnt1~1~ 111\'nlvi>tl [3• ~cr • ii I )1 ;;i.1 p:•l'T .,f fllll" )1;i.1·r11"t trirrl 1r!'~' h;irtl !n ldd!Ml----------------- OLD NAVV ,_1EN remcrnber f'residenl Richitrcl Nixon "'" a brilliant poker pl11 yer "'hn won up In $50 a night. Frequenl 1.v bluffin,i: 1r YOU n RO NES were hicknr~. they'd only he half ali s!ron,i,:. ren1rn1· bcr th11 L ..• STATISTI CS nu t of the Federal A v i a I i n n Administration inrlicale larly pilnts Are just about three times i;afer than gentlemen pilots .. A\'[RAGE WEEK· LY allowance flmOnj.': ta..vcar· oltls 1.c: 7fl cents .. AGE Sf! is cnming In hr the customary rE'tiremeot .:i.i:r for executives in J;>.p;in, I'm told. A ll G U ,\1 ENT Clll'<i· TINUE:S as lfJ ll'hr1hrr Su· Conan Doyle c.:iusf'd Shl'rl~k Hnlme.~ !O SFl_I', ··Elen1enlary, ni,v dt:ar \\latsnn." He did nn1. Holmes s.:i1d. "F.lrmenr.:irv." yes, indeed. But not the ottier. l'f'~J'Llll~lhlltl1• t n sn1·1rl1 .'' 111::ikr ::ill ol 11~ 1111tlrrs!arvl ar-City Phone I A.\!K/IRA. Tur~(!I' 11\r'I -nn~rn S.:l\'.!'. •· .... 1111·11 d11'lt1Trs ("f'lrratnrs' ''rf'll'l'.:lllre'' -t o, ''Thttlncom•TaxP.apla" Stall Zip I The f;illolnus lla1·Cn1 nf thr l jlh~'~''J"~';'~"~r~l;'~"'~'~"~o~io~t~et~·p~'·Ie~l_:>~·oJr~tr~l~'~·~,~~~~~~~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tul'kish .~ultans v.11! hP nrirnrtl ;111d 111~t1fr ntll' .:irt11!11rs 111 Thrrr a1·r al:i.,11! 1 IHltl II!' ••••cuPANDMAILTODAY••••• '4f . tn the puhlir fnr the f1n;t timr l::inguagr. · undrrslandable In cpJrr11tnrs in 1he L' n i I e d ___ _ An ITH1\lO\·IAi\'I,\ l.~ wh.:it it'!> <'llllttl, 1hat r.nmp11!sinn In <'n11nl It'~ pr!!l!.v co mmon. \'nt all ar1thmnn1.:i111.:ir 1' cn11n l p1erylh 1n,i:. The.1• special17.<'. f)ne rnunls ~t11i r s1eps. 11 Sf'· rnnd cnun1 ~ 11·i ndC111· p;.ine~. 11 thi rd coun!i; cr11cks 1n The sitlrwalk . Onrf' knew 11 n1;in 11·hn 11·hcn hnmP inv.:iriahly pausrd 1n rn11nl thP lime h1'" clock struck. J\ne"' ann!her 11·ho d.:iil.v kept track nf thr numhC'r nf p>irked c;irs in :i ln t he cnultl .~ee from h1.c: ~1x!h ( l o n r off ice w1n<ln11•. A n r hmnman1ac.~. bnl.h. Odd quirk. CU~TO:O.·l t-:ll :<IER\'ICt:: t.,l. •·111t1n·r Av11 <:.:irtlnPr on«P h.:i1·e f'J llll t a r11n.E w!!h lhe .Err111 llun1phrc.1 Rn.Earl~" .\. f\'pvc r hr.:irtl th.:it In f;irt, unrlersland 1hrv ln;irhe<I eat·h other •. Q. "\\1hcre in !he B1b lr <In<'.~ 11 1-av ·<;11·e the f1e1·1I his rlue'?" A. Th111".c: not h1hliral. It'!=. 1n Sh11kespcarr ·.~ "l\1n~ Hrnrv IV .". Q. "1)(1 c:innib.:i l.c: 11~e kn1 1<c!\ ;:inrl for k~~·· A. Th r v t1•1 . Crremnn1nL1.~h . F;iilure In 11~P kn1vc~ :inti fn.r·ki; an1nni:: Soul h Se.:i lsl;inrl cannibals i ~ l'r.,1:artlcrl as 11ncn111h. II l\INflL\' Cl.lt~NT a~ks 1,·h;i1 1'111 wnrliinii, lnr Th.:11·.~ '\'HF.RE'S a ni;1n thP lldtl- quirk expert tall~ "a cnn1- pulsi1•e i;windler."' \\'ha1 1he ;itld1rt gels From dnpr anri !hr <11\nhnlic i;:rt." frnm lktunr. lh t~ felln11.· ~e!.~ frnn1 t hra11ng. thr1' <·nnlPnd \11, hi'.~ nnl nrrr~sanl) a f PIOn runn1ni: !hr r 1grnn nrnr nn "n 111 f' suburb.:i n f1agwl\llrl. He frr. 11uent1~· npcra1cs in a bus1nr.>.~ 1h111 11·ould be lrgl11n1;ilp wr rr it nnl for h1~ unrnn1rnll11blc urgr A clerk w h n tn· tcrm111cn1l y can't rl'~1~1 lhP 1mrulsr to ra~t ·cnun! lhe shn rl rh;inpr 111 an otherwise decent p1 11·1·ha~e . The ~;ile.~m.:i n wh(1 rvcn .:iftrr thr r lo~c nf an hnnr~I drill sudrlrnh· 1.:ilk~ .:t rhnn,v p1 1rh_ /I hu~in!'-.<; ,.,. r1·ut11•r 1<.'hn '11rn1·h··~ lilt" n.:111~ 0111 JJf ;:in hn1Hll";1hlr ~!Ill· lfil( I \1'1111 ;\ I ;1~I .111 I n ll I e <:.nr:.i~y 11Tiok lP in (lir fi!lf' prin1. lt s 001 the prrsnniil prnfit lhrse ('!111 \UISC'd ~nu\s ::rrk . I'm told (l's the ~;id 1~ti1· nr11a~n11c ('~h1lar<1l 1nn lhry i:,r l in 1he hlroodles.~ bPal1n iz: of c-nn1p;l!n0t~ T hr ~· ' re 111· c-urablr. 1h;11 ·~ knn11•n The nr~I sC'i.;snrhill \rhn knnrk.~ on \n11r d1w1r l\'tlh ;:i hrirfra~r 1n h 1~ h.1nrl m;iv bf' nnr ~urh fl f'warr .. 1·nung fclln11·. Yo11 r r;11r.o;/ir•11 ~ nurl r1•111 i11r 11rs nr r 11c/1·rn11rt/ nnrf 11·11/ ht n~rri 111 Cllf,'G'l\/1\r; ( r irl1rrr1•r r pn.~s1hl r. 1\rl· fircs.o; /rll r rs In / .. J.f. Rn11rl . f'. n. Rn.T l!i7.~. Nr 1rpnrt Rrnr/1, Call],. .Q266n. MESA LANES Scp1. 1 .:ind ;in1nng th<' vi~itnr~ will b<' Queen Elizabeth II nf Bnta1n. Thr 11urrn is 1•nn11ni; In Turkr1 for .:in nrfir i.:it \'1si t 01·1 IR. On hrr rrnJ,'!rarn ·~ a 1n11r nf 1hr .1Rfl-r onn1 h11rr m 1li111'h 11;1 ~ thr fn rhirlrl rn 1l1t11 rr nf 1hr 0 1t!•n1.:in rmp1rr Fur ;il 111<1.~! fnur 1·r n1urir-. lhr h;1rr111 ~f'<'llnn of Tnpk.:ip1 l'al;i\I' 111 Jc1,1r1h•1! wits th" h11111r of thr ."lll1.:in". lhr1r 1nnlhrr~. 111,1·;.il p I' 1111· r ~. hunrlrrd.~ nf hf',11111ful J,:lrl~ ;inrl ;i 1 nl'p~ Qf hlrirk ;ind 1\·h1!r {'U!llll'il ,'\. Thr h:11·r1n 1111s t1 1,h1111d rrl 111 1!122 11·t1r11 1/1r l;:i.c:t .~ul1 an. ~1rhrnc1 VJ, s;i1l rd 1111·;i1· frnn1 1.-.111nhul 1n .:i fl n11sh ".:irsh1r anti T11 d,r) br1·111nP .:i rcr11hl11 . flprn1ng ,,f Ill" l1;irr111 r·nn1r~ al!t•1· 12 'r;11 ~ 1•( rcctr>r:>t1nn 11 n1\,, \1~1t.,1 s 11 tll .~rr -1~1i1~ti. hrnr;it!rrl fl1 rn1!1Jl'r .111 11·h1rh lhr ~ultani; '-'f'rf e11tert;11or1I -T1!Pd ;u11t 1:,1lt-'lr1•nralPrl 11.11 11 « 1\·111111111 hu h 1n1ruzuc l"rl In !hr ~1ran.Ehni;: of n1 al pr111ce.~ h.1• t1r11f ·1n\1te eun11c-h~ ,1 lfh h•l11 .~tn11i:~ -•·Thr (';icr." ;:i 111·!11.:il prt~on apar1111r111 11hrrr 1hr hr1r \\ii~ kepi cnnf1 nrtl in p1 roll'!'! 111111 [rr.111 plnl;, .:inrl \,,rrp t11n1 lrnnl r ln1t1nQ Thr l'Rnn 1'1rd lhr1111r 111· l;11d 111 th 111o11hrr 111 f)(';irl . rrnn1 ll'h 11·h lhr ~ull:>n~ \1;11«h· crl 1ianc1ng girl~ .:ind n1 lrrl ;in rrnp11·r .~!rr!cl1ini:: Jr· n 111 l';i~ahl;ill<'.:l Jn ll11J:,h~rl ;ind h:h;ir!!l11n1 tn Rurl:>.pr~I 1703 Superior Avenue, Costa Mesa, Calif ornia PRESENTS Prisoner of War • Missing in Action BENEFIT BOWLING TOURNAMENT QUALIFYI NG WH EN LANE S AVA ILA BLE CLOSING NOVEMBER 1, 1971 Double Elim inations Ladies & Men 's 100°/o Ha ndi cap Entry and Donation S3 .00 MERCHANDISE PRIZES (One Prize Per Each Ten Enlries) Donated By l oc1I Merch1nl• MESA LANES Phone 646-3993 '1ft+;J' . . . ,_ - SPONSORED BY P.O.W. M.l.A . INT . IN C. CAROL HANSON. Dlrf!ttor SANCTIONED BY A.B.C. W.l.B.C. PHONE NOW 646-3993 WINTER LEAGUES NOW FORMING TEAMS · INOIVIOUAl SCRATCH · HANDICAP MEN -WOMEN -JUNIORS MIXED ........ - • All day comfort. Support, too. With our new Comfort Hours® bra. The support bra that's c omlorlab!e for hours. Made with e xclusive S panr::!1e'I;• stretch fabric tJ1;:it s tretches when · y ou slretch, moves with you. Nylon lace cup, cotton lined. Nylon spandex c eriter and s ide back elastic, rubber/nylon b and facing and back. 32-408, 32-42C. =~omfort $& JCPenney The values are here every day. . .. ·~- --· •.. ., --"" \ • .... ~.. .~ f DAIL V PILOT Closer Scrutltay 1 Prison Refo1·n1 Bid Appears Deacl ' :• SACRAMENTO {UPI) - tl-'rison reform legislation ap- pears to be dead for this i;essitln t'Jf lhe legislature. but " ; • r $3 Million r ln LSD Confiscated LOS ANGELES (UPI 1 - Three n1en 1Yere in custody Tuesday on charges they tried l.o hoard an airliner with 60 pounds of LSD. valued at $3 million on the street. L/.S. Marshal G a y 1 or d C.i'mpbell said the men were arrested at Los A n g e I e s International Airport early Friday while trying to board a flight to San Francisco. The suspects were David Markham, 24, Malibu, Donald Mclvers, 23, Los Angeles. and Mark E. Eredia, whose age and address was not im· mediately available. Campbell said Eredia was being arrested for possessinn of four ounces of cocaine. valued at $1 0,000, when the other two started to leave the boarding area. not because of the San Quentin killings . Tom Carroll. consultant lo the Assembly Committee on Criminal Justice. said Tues- day. the reform bills pending in the le gislature are "probably no more dead now lhan they ever were." "But they're no more alive either," Carroll said , "I don't think v.·hat happened in San Quentin v.·ill in any way affect the bills.'' Assemblvman Wil!iam r.t Ketchum · tR-Paso Robles ), agrees. Ketchum , who said he plans to seek an investigation in to the role of "outside agitators" in prison violence, does not foresee any backlash against prison reform. But there may be. closer scrutiny of reform measures now. Ketchum said. ""Pa rts of the reform bills, in my opinion, are very good . \Ve'll just take a closer look at them now," he said. Ketchum joins Carroll in predicting no reform mea.sures will pass during lhis session. "I don't think there'll be any major prison reform or so· called pri::;on reform measures this year." DESIGNER-CRAFTSMAN BRENT BENNETT-DESIGNER HAS OPENED A NEW S H 0 WR 0 0 M F 0 R INDIVIDUALS, ARCHITECTS, A INTERIOR DESIGNERS. e MURALS e TILE e PANELS e SCULPTURE e PLANTERS e POTS 20°/o Discount With This Ad BRENT J. BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL STONEWARE 700 CAllNATION, CORONA Ille! MAii 675-166] Ma11son Breakout Pla11necl? INGLEWOOD (U Pl l Followers of Charles Manson planned to free the cult leader by armed assault when lhey allegedly raided a gun store and fought a heated gun hattle wllh jXJlice, a deputy district allorney indicated Tu('sday. The prosecutor made lhe implication at the arraignment of five of tllansnn 's rollov•ers on charges of robbery and at- tempted murder in abortive holdup Saturday at a surplus 'QUEENIE ENTER ON CUE By Phil lnterlandl ~ ~···-~. -' . Dettaocrat VP Choice Browi1 Eyes Se11. Crru1ston SACRAMENTO (UPI ) "I think he will btcomP a nomination," he said, u1 think F'ormer Gov. Edmund G. pr~sidentia1 candidate, but I ht has too many critics of his Brown believes Us. Sen , Alan don't think he'll get hte job as Mayor of New York." Cranston eould help elect 3 1,p;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;,iiiiiiii;.;;;o;;iiiiiiiiiiii;.,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;; Democratic: president in 19n 1 BONG KONG by being !he ''ice pcesidenlial tandidate. I CUSTOM TA1l015 & JHlllMAKllS PllMANfNT IN SANTA AHA B!'own, a personal friend of o,., 1a ,ooc ~'""..; c,. ....... , -100·.r. G•a•••-,.,;,,.,.,;.. Cranston's, suggested to 2 SUITS $135 t •• ,, c.., .... , • "'0 ''"'" 10 ' 0 SALl .AU6. 2S-26·27·21 ne\O.·smeo in an inforrna! and oouttl 0 111 wide ranging discussion Tues-Pill-en••,."'••• stoirt day that the first-term Senator srlC1.l1 r•1cr ••9. Now Oo•bl• l oll .. , .. )•~ ,., should be COflSldered for the l s11. "'"'"" ..... ~· 1) S('t(1nd spot on the tieket. I ~~:';:~'.: ·:::::.·. ~~. !~ "l"d like to see A1an 1 ~~1,~ ... ~".".'_:::.":. ~~ •: Cranston nom inated for Vit'el Qi•• .i.,, ' ''"''" " ........ t ... -. SA Vt UP TO SO'/, •• Ho"d lo"o<•d C"''•'" ,.oOe ~""'· '""<••'" s1.., .. , 1~;,,,_ r,ooo f1Nf5T l~lliS~ f~lll CS • Wt flT ANT Jiit • 4 WtllC DtUVllY • fllf >ILTUIATIONI • tAST PAYMtNTS President .'' Brown said, '·I I '1""' °""'1• l••'> •u•l••1• !hink he could carr.v California! '* .,,.,.,..,..,, ''••• s•1•1112 1---1 ffi,.. 1101 W M><•r•~•• II••, lit 141 store in nearby ll<iwthor nc !""~ ,~ Deputy Distrlcl Attorney B --"Z.. ~r,_ ... .., __ _,_.,.:;..:-_...:..., ~:t,· -.. :.... -_.~ , ..,. and n1ake the difference ~·~" ••• r .. "',.,""'' •• !,,., •. _ bttween v.1nn1ng and losing " 1;~0~"':'~'"~"~"~·~,,~·~·~·~··~"~'~·~-~· ~"~··~·,~~~~~~~~~~~g - -/J /, I .__-~<'!.., _; •---• ,_, ;.:, .._-8!'own . \.\hO stressed the -- James hf , ldeman asked ~~Kmi r .. i.,...!;yo~~.,._ lo<., 1~;1. 'l'oold nib" , .. .,,.J. $5-0,000 bail for each of the -~=======:-::-:-::::::::::::::::::':::'_ idea v.'as his and was not al topic among party leilders . s<1id he mentioned th e1 possibility to Cranston at a re-J cent dinner. Asked I. h e Senator 's rea ctinn , R row n reolie<i . ··He liked it ." I defendants and suggested a motive for the attempted rob· bcry. "I have information that the 140 firei'Jrms were planned In be used for an armed assault on the Superior Co u r l downtown !in Los Angeles ) tn rescue defendants on trial," Jdeman said- tl-lanson and \'.l'O followers. Death V cilley Bike Ride E11ds in Vegas When report ers q 11 er i e d brown on hi s political future,1 he turned aside sugges1lons1 that he may run for office , again \.\•lth the w is ! r u t L 'S VEG'S. N•· I 'Pl . I I d d h I s!a!ement· "Run for office " " , • . " -L 1e v.·ay 1 1v en was cig;i,in? I don "t. think so." 1 For six years I\ en n e t h v.•alking," But Brov.-·n said the man Crutchlow has wandered the Crutchlov.-•. 27. lives in Lon-\.\'ho defeated him in his ·1966 Charles "'Tex"' Watson. 25 and Steve GrQgan , l!I. are eur· rently on trial in separate Superior Court cases globe doing for fun things don during infrequent visits lo re-election try for a third term] 1.111111.illii. .. lltJ.ilol~ most men wouldn't do for love his na!i1·e land . During the -Republican Gov, Ronalrl downtown. Municipal Court Judge .John .I. Lynch set bail fl t sroo.noo each for Catherine Share. 26: fl']ary Brunner, 26 : Lawrence Bailey, 22 ; Dennis Rice. 32, 1 and Kenneth Como, :n .. A ~ixth '"filtnily" member was being sought in the al!empled rob- bery. Reagan -may h11ve a shot <ii nor mone.v. NClw. says lhe l<ist six yea rs he h;1 s hitch· lhe presidency, if President Englbh adventurer. lt 1s time hik£'d ar\)llnd the world, run Nixon stumbles. 1 1n s~ttle down and make frorn l.ns Angeles 1n SC!n "lf anything happens lo something out of life. Franci~co, bicycle<! from S.in Richard Nixon. I th.ink Ron:-iJd Crt1tchlow stood in frnn\ of a 11eagan woukl be righ! up nn I Fr<i nciscn to Ala~ka ;;ind push casino-hotel nn (he L;is lop." s:-iid Rroll'n. "I think Vegas slrip Tuesda.v. ;i trophy eng;iged io a v;iriety or similrir nnnal d Reaga n represPnt s cr;idlcd in one arm and a <1C1iv1ti cs. Reputili{'an philosophy more statuesque blonde on !hP "L'nlil this pnin!. ! ha ve JUS!. than Ni~on." I other. lie had JUSt pedaled a The former g(\\'C'!'n nr. 11·ho ~rut of "'andcred around the bike 226 mile s frnm the far defeated Nixon in his 1962 bid , end of neath Valley through v.-·orld living from hand lo for (he governorship. d£'scrib-j tempcra!ures that reached 120 mouth." he said, slouching !he eri Reagan as a "'r<idical con-1 degrees. b<J11'ler hat dov.'n over his e.ves . scrvcitive " "I musl have been nuts." "'That is nn way lo get Bniwn ;i\sn welcomed M<'l ynr said Crutchln1v_ an~·pl<ice in '!ife ." .lohn V_ Lindsay or New York CrutchlO'.l'"s four-dav hike Crutchlow s;iid thcrf' \.\'HS into lhe IJemocratic party. As a method of dramatically demonstrating the ef• fectiveness of our new TRASHPAK hom e wast• com· pactor we will be pleased to visit your block with our portable demonstrator TRASH PAK wag on -a nd we'll pack all the garbage, trash, bottles, cans, & cartons into our 1maJI, neat, le akproof begs In just seconds per home ( 3 to 4 garbage c:a ns compress to one TRASHPAK ba g ). With TRASHPAK your home will firo al!y be r;d of those messy, smelly g arb11 ge ca ns, a nd your block will be t he roeale1t •nd cleanest a round TO ARRANGE AN APPOINTMENT CAL.L (714) 546-8233 il1anson and Grogan arP nn trial for the murder of Gar~' Hinman and Donald Shea ancl \l.'atson is the last member of the cult ln face murder charges in the Tate-LaBianca killings. l\1;inson and three female followers already have been convicted of the slayings and sentenced !.o death. Jn \Va!son's trial Tuesdav, Dianne Lak e, Ill, a fnrmC.r meniher of the cult. tes!ified th;it Watson confessed !n her the murder of actress Sharon ride was nnl his nrst ex-nn!hing in particular t.h al had v.•herc hf' predicted !he former pcricnce with Dea! h Va lie~·, -~co~u~<~ed'_'h~im""t~o-"_''_"_1_1_0_c_h_a_ng_•_~R~e~r~u:h~I ir~'-"_"_''_"_"_"_"d_'_'m_"_'_'~i ======================== La!il yea r he jogged its 112·. hi s life st.vie, snl<'!rr." n1ile Jcng!h in six days. Tate. ··1 did not think it wa.~ going !o be half as hard ;is it v.•ri .s thi s time." he s:-i1d "I could not 1;eem to catch 1ny bloody breath. 1 WilS n0t recouping "' OYSTERS Hlu~lNS MAKE ME WILDl1 • FOR SAFETY'S SAKE Watches that tell the day, as well as the time of da~ Special at 18.88. D (Q . LIMIT SIX OYSTERS l'ER PERSON Free Oysters HIGGINS "ftffltotioa of tfll• c.o•po• •11tltfn the bMrer ori4 party to •• ord1t (nch ptr5011l OYSTERS HfG. GINS ,,..,. 5·11 p.ni, 11i9htty crt Don 'Ii• l•chcemlt- .,, c.,.... tlel Mer. OHu 9Md ol'lly ""'" Septem• • ., 1st, Jt71. GET 'WllJt WITH YVMI I • AT 310 f-E'AST CQ\ST . J.Nty. .,,,i~ . 0 0 0 0 0 ' c Great group ol 17·1ewel walches. Yellow-tone or ~liver-tone cases with calendar or day/date features. And rnod s1raps. And other va lue·pac ked features. Treat yourself and any other Johnny·come·lately you know. JCPenney fine jewelry Shop Sunday noon to 5 p.m. at the following stores: 0 0 0 0 ? 0 < Avail able at the following stores: CANOGA PARK CARLSBAD DOWNEY FA SHIO t-1 VALLEY·SAN DIEGO FU LLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD M ONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "THE CITY" RIVoRSIDE VENTURA. Chacge it. -,1'""~~1 • ....-r---,tt..-4--..... J,:.•lt. :".)~· ,"Jil'!• \ the Licenses COUNTY liUlll. "~ N!S5EN-CH .. DWICIC -Jeotlrov J , )I, "' 1010 ....,,.,h P•IO" O\ve . Sa1>M ,. •• &!!(! li:UllY A . It. ot J'H B<lf'n OtlV•, l f oyn4 ll•t"" ll!GGINS-FENW!CIC -llovmond M, n. ot 616 '•~., Dr1v• S• •I e ... ,~ tnd E111o~m R , )I, 01 611? Wl1>1low Dri••. Hun!,.rn!on fl••<" Mcit.L LISTEll MOll G"N Jor>1•> W. U , "' IJ111 Gt>IO•nwt••, "''~''"'""'' •t>CI v .v1••1 C , 11. ol JU? Sht•on Lone, C.o•I• M•I• l'AS5AllfLLA ROUX -~''"~ W , ?O. of ll61 W•>I B•o•dw•v. Anohp(m And Cenho II . !f , of ltMll )•n Joc<Mn. F(W.Jn!tln V1lltv ltUlllNGER-JACKSON -C".t •v J. 11. ol Siil Ht !I ""'·• Hun1onototi l'l•n<n '"" llon1>l1 O , "· or )161 Ho•vetO, WK!m•"U" ("'REV·ELLIOTl Eo••"nt L 17. cl t'9e C1rm11uo, Logun• 8e1cn 1nd P11r1tlt 0 , 79 Cl )~! ,0.•0<0<10, (o"o Me,. GUNDERMAN MEL TON B~•notd L ' 70. ot 1100 E••' F•·•h8V•n ll<;oo. Snnt• "'"" or.d SI,.!•• /lo • 19. <>I Jn Villllf>OY• llQl!a, (D'IA Mt•• S.O.l.O.l ... 11 11.0SE • llt n<:f l P , )), or !ol71 Ch•51.,ul S!r .. I, W••lor!ln"~' •llO Sonar• J . lt. ot Wt>l"'on'lc•, HEINLE..SlEPftE"NSOt.I Hort••! .o., !I . ol S7!l V<nlurl Or i~•. HunUngton Br•O• ond 1(011>1ron /IA . !I. af 1~111 Mow•°" Orlv•, le9un• Holl~. I MITH·MOll.O.N -(;r~llOf'V T , 1•, of 7"'-1Jrd Strttt. Ca11a Mt>a •nd Narw:v L, 20, ol ll50 W•-" SI. G1r1rvn. Pl•Cr, S11n•• .O,no. l OCkWOOO·BllOWNI NG J!icnnr<> E ., 2•. ar lollll Co•1• H191>wov. O•n• Point •nd !l:arrn L , ct o~n• Po.no CllOWE·KOHN -O•v·~ E ' n. o! IJO Wost WllM>n Slrtf'!, (o>la M .. a ""~ leri L, 11, o! O(ll Poplor Sl•ee!, LllQV<IA 0rllC~ KLING-KOVACS -Gonroo E , 1C. of 16111 l!•llt nt.n• l•no. i<unltn~•on !!leach •1>11 J one ,.. , It, ct l~t•\ Punoon Circ!•, Hunl1nqtn11 B•acn HOOO·M ... SON -llobrrt C . 11. 01 10~1 Crrrilo• .O.v•. St~ntnn """ S•·~ L , )9, of tlJ61 Robblt (lrclO. VIII• P••~. INGEWELL ... NOERSON -JMnt' & , 23. of lOn lvler w .. ., Coua MtH 1nd Lvnn M . \t , DI Co••• M•••· .llUG. llh Ll!NTO-Fl ... SE N .O.u~v>lln• l . ot 806 ~Ill t(i"°" Oriv•, 5an•a "n• Ind P•vll"~ l , it. ol !JOI 1111""" ~•re•t. w e,1rn1n11er OUES ... OA·JIM!NEl M&r •f J , 13. ,,, l&JS "Ill"" "'"" . Cnlt°" an~ Luo• M , 11 of !1111 El"' S•••••, 10vn1inQIO" 6r1cr. Ot( ... 0.11 ESP>NOZA lt>f<ldm• r 1J. ol llln t(•1tll1. SMn•o" •"d (Mol ,._ , 1\, of !0611 t(••I Av• c-~•d•n G•nv• SMITH TUPPH M•tll•el G, ll. ol )I II Vo tn L"•CO, t!•"'ll0•1 6••<11 •nd LD"'" ,._, 1j, o! 119'> Cor•I. B•lt>oa 1•1 .. nc PAl'lt(Ell·HAPlllES 11,c~v L , II. <ll ll9 ~•1tnollon, c,.1, M•,A "''" 'l•ltrlo. 19. of !0801 Bowlin, Gr•on Sir••!. wr,tm•nil" I ERM ... N-6UlllCS -Po,.alO, l•. al l33ll llO<J~t lll>IJI• 110<>0. Cl 10<0 at>d Wiiiie J , 11, O! El Toro. i'A'!'ES·Elllll(t(50N -M••~ S , I!, n! 11/1) Ml•IV L•n•, Hvnlin9lnn Bt•tll and N1ncv L .. \I. nr 6031 M•llon CH· tie. HunT.nRlon 6••<11 W•TSON·HULL -H•rrv E , •!, nl 1'591 Vl1!a Pl•I• Orlvt. L•guna N<gv" •nd ll u!/1 M, '" ol L•9un• N;ouel. 'o'.'I L T.SCHUL T7 -"""""''" 10. n• 1111 R•lelgn, (o•I• M111 •nd .O,nd••• L, •9. cl Cn>I• M••• GO"IZ ... LES SOlllANO J"'''"' J, \t, ol RCl;I Ch•nm•" /lv• ''""'"" " ,,, M1ln1a1 J . 20, of IJll (amp, C•P• "'' $"'.0.W·G~A!H< lllo•n•' A. 11. o! i•6 w .. 1 s.o...111~.i· ~ .. ll•rl"'' , n., M"'~" J, l , nr llH Sorflnqlnn P •tc•. Co••· M•I• C.l OC!i:NE.115ElFNI" fr•~•. O. of 17M Mi"•' ~lr••I, (O\t• //-f\o ond D eafla 1\1tttiee:t: Glt.O.NT llftl>f•I 0 C.••n• Ave lt. ol tll Pnr~ "'~*"U"' L•oun• ll•~rn 0•1• ol d•a•"· •uov<1 •~. 1911 Ov rv>0•d nv 1.,rer, s •• ..,,. w.11. o• M•o .. •• C•tv p,.,.,. •!,.•Cf! ,..,. n.1,, lue>~••· •u•u'f Jf. •T M(Corrnte• l.•oun8 6~acn M<lllu••v cn,o•I Gob.,cll• j•nlqe\ Ane 13, o• ~I, ~ull•• Inn Avtnue, Ne .. oorl II••<" Oo 1• o! ~••'"· A"""" l~. IOll Survlv<d l>v '"von1.r, M•rv Ann !•n••tl, al Ne..,oori lie•<•: •nroe q••ndcn11~'""· "'''~••I, C~"'""" 1nd l•r~'" 6o•n<I!. •II nf N•WPOr! 8oAcl> l!~··•'V• !~n,gru , W•d· "•>d~y. ~ ~,.,, Bell ll•n•a"'"" C"•o•I. llt<luiem M•"· lnu"<l•v. 9 'm., S'. Jne cn1m• C•tno11c t nurcn lnto•m•nl, 1101v ~.,,v1cnt' Cem•t••• 6•11 B•oad.,•V Mo••u••Y. Olrrr•c•• LUE DE II ll LJ I~ "'""'"'' Lue der 1jt Alb•" '"•'•• Co110 Mr··• 01•t o! de••n, Auou11 lJ, 1911 Sv••l••d b• """'· "'" E <11>0• Mon""••· Cr<•• "'~'"' "'""'"' t(ul l u•o.,, M•.,~O· n!•(• !:1l•n J•~t S•• tlt", .,.~ntw, Jo"n M•f>ont Y, N•NPO•f l'l~•ch C.rllv•<inr ••rv"''· ~"""'· It • 1". r.ro.,~V <fW Mrmo,,,I P"\ f-l•n· no!• .. ,.,fn 0•• o"' •" ~·ou•n•· •'" fia t1~0 11~1•1 Cc"' '-'•'• Mot1v••~. MAGONE L.,, '< .Yooon• 1'-' ~'""I Pl•r• (n••• "·"" Ce'" "' 001•~. ""°"" 1• 1e>1 ~e'"''"' """d•nQ ., W•t iri.11 cnoo•• Mr>""'" ~·o <!II lllC( o,..,, o,., JI' rnt•"" ~, p,: • ..,.,.,, B~•<~ o~" o• n••"' A"""" 1• "" .!.u••»•d n• ... ~ 'i•l<Orl R"• "-' N•" "'"' Fl•••"' ••Y• "'"""'""n''" '"" q,e•I •••n<t~n.rn .. ~ G••v•1·n• '""'"'"' ~o!ur~·~ """•J•• 1" •I • .., In...,• V;s•• .Y •mo•i•' ""'' ~"""''~" .,. ·~ Or O•ull•r. Ol•nn rlh<,.!mo • •md~ '""Q"'h t'1no """"'~" <o m •~• "''"'"' •I "'"'"~U!«>n<. "'""" rmur!ntr'• '" r~• Am•rlf•n C•nr"' S~c••I< B•'" (n''" Me'" "'O•ll!•'Y f>,,.,,,., r.o.c11:r.o•" ~,..,,,.,,~ W<ll•~m T•r•m~n ••• 11 nf ~7·' L• p.,,. ,.,., •• l"nJIO ........ r .... M d••tft , •vot"t ll, !~11 !.ur'"""~ ~· '""· w 1111,,.,., 01 r o<'• Mo-.; n•"""'•'· Mr• A~•lln, r,ocd"''"· CD•I• "'"'"' J•1IM, M'1 M•rQO'f! Or<~'"""• M•r"t """' '""' <1••nnr1111d-.n; •I• <1•~•• "'""" r~•ld•!~ S••v<t•• ~••d••· ? om "'•" RrMdw•• c~,,,.I, "''"' O• M•• f l"O l•o•r nlht l~n"o '"'"'m•~' "'•'bo• ""'' M•m~r·•I Pnr•. flrU Bro&d¥0Y Mo,ru~,.. Olr•c!O•J ARBUCKT.E & SON WESTCLl ff' i\TORTUA RV •21 E. lltlt SI.. rosla i\Tesa 146.-4~88 • RALTZ i\1 0RTUAR IF.S Corona rlrl Mar Co,t.a 1'-1ts1 • fi:.1-!USO ,46-2424 BELL 8ROA0WAV i\TORTUARY 110 Broadway, Cosla i\tesa LI 11-:t43:J • i\1cf.ORl\ITCK I.Ar.UN A REACR r.10RTUARY 1795 Laguna Ci:i"}'nn Rd. 494-9415 • PACIFIC Vff:W f..fEi\fOR IAL PARK Cemelcrv i\tortuary ChRrtl utlO Paclnc Vie• Orivf' Nt•P<>rt Bt:nclt. Cnllfon1i1 144-!70I • PEEK f Af..nl V COLONIAL FUNERAL RO~T E no1 8ols1 Ave. "'~stmln1tl'r 8!1.1 .... 152$ • SMJTff'S MORTUARY 127 i\1aln St. 13MS3t R ecord Fr•n(H J , lit, ot 1000 ,..,....,., (a•h M••& l!IUONANNO-GOllOLENE -JPHOll'I A . 1'• 01 SUI T•'""' Qrlvf, 11unlln~ten l!IHU\ •ncl ~an<r•• F , n . ot tt~n ""YIOtl Bt•'" Kt.llG111 ·0"'!' -Jottn G., ?Cl, pl lei E•lt l71n S!rul, Coo!• M•ll •"" Monl'I• E • II, "' IOI WH1 St C.trl•uat. ~""'" "'"•· Helpers Needed SA,..'TA ANA -Organizers Cou ,rt Date Set In_ Bar Shooting· of Eco...lnfo, • new ecological SANTA ANA -A man who S following a shooting outside information cf'nter sponsored shot Lwo lellow patl'ons afler a the Escapade Bar, I 6 6 4 bv the Chrislm8.3 Se a I squabble in the Jo:scapade bar, Newport Blvd., Y.·hich left A.ssocialion, are see k i n g Costa Mesa. ha s been ordered Robed Lee Dusseau, SO, of 7\S volunteer!! to answer phones to appear in Orange County St. Jame:'! Place. Newpor t end help wilh environmental Superi or Court Aug. JI for Beach. and Dusse;i u':i1 son, "uG. 1•1n research. wl11tt could be a com n\itrnent \\'arren, 26, of 160 W. \Vilson lll FQF~ WP1r.KT J•O>" 1', ''· o! .. o s ..... Or.VP, (nrcno <)fl M•r nnd Eco-Info IS scheduled lo rn sl:ite prison. St . Cosla Mesa. M•r. "· 1G. 01 111 E&•t wo'""· open Sept. 22 at the Chrisln111s Jud"t> B_vrun I\ fl1t'fl1iU:in \l.'i1ne:;ses told police Iha( Co'I• Me'" ... l(.1.Ts1s FIA1<:ER o~nn11 , , u. or Seal hcadquar1crs, 1 llM Civjc set that tl<"lle for Thornas Twvn1<"1n wenl ho1ne fnr his n nio M•r<•~ o ..... L• H•bro ""n C•nt•r Dr1·,,. West, Santa Ana. B k T 'O f ?..,, L' fl ' f I I th Wednt*1, ~ust 25, 1?71 (1) Rot•t• Tirt• (2) 8al1nce front whe•I• (3) Rep•ck front wheel btiarings (.C) Ad just Brakes (5) Align front •nd S POIN T Labor Day SAFETY SPECIAL All S Points sn••on L n. 01 111n £ 1 G••o w.v. • " 00 tlf' available for train1n1:, a -er wyman, ,, . n ~·•" r,. ~ a !er an argumen a r IP~1,~_'::fc.:~ _ w.u.~m 11 , 1,_ 111 o0i According to August Saibeni, beginning Sept. 8. Jfith St .. wilh the defendant's bar. The bullrt fired hy lhe 1 777 Hamilton _ Costa M••• 1~"•n• P••••· cn>1• M .. • •"d director of the new service . lnterested pArl1es n1ay con-plt;i in rnunicip;il court of ;ingry df'fendant p;issed1 Phon•forAppointm•nt -548.0246or641-0711 THOMAS SAFETY SERVICE AL'S- ~~~~~·~.1: • "· "' 1101 GID••""·1 J,~o~lu~n~l~•:•~c~s~m~u~';'~"'~~·~l~l~•;•~s~l~l~4~l'~';''~l~t!h;e~o~e:n~"~'~a~l~54~2~-7~2~1~'~':'_~'~"1'1;t~y~l~n~<-~h~a~c:"~'~~of~a~s~'~'~"~l~l-~lh~1~·o~u~g:h~l~h:':'~f~d:':'~D:u~s~·s:'_'~":''~'~:====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1tur11:EL·WALKE11 -11on~·· 1 . n "' _vears of ;i,e, h::i ve their own R.1~3837 for Ju rt her In-with a deadly weapon. IP!i: and struck hi~ 50n in the j 111•1 "•""""" l<untlngte• B••</\ on<t _ ~ .... n M. 11, ot Huntonot°" ll•&rn mean:'! or lronsportation. and forma11nn, Twym;in was arrested Aug. foo1 OUIR07 FORJIESTEll -"ltrtd .o., lt, o• 1161 1011'1 Str•tl, W•stml"''"' •nd '"'"'" c . n, n1 111'1 Gol<lfll Go•~ """ti"glon B••c• TOYODA SAN(llEl -""""" 11 Of 11f!I S•M~ "'""" St~nrn .. M"1 I .. ~. 71 ot 101 Nor1n T"""""'""' S•"" '"' kOPEC ~PENCE II -r .... ~ J .... o• 1~ "M"lll~n Sir••' Co~I • M••• """ C~•ol S , ~. o! 111 Ogl• Sf•~r•. C•"• Mo'• HOPSON·THORSON -Jirnmv C . 16, o! 111117 A•n L•ne, Hun11nvton 11••<!1 1nd CvnlM• L , 2(), ot lS9J Wlt!o .. L•n•, (a''" M•'• GUlllfRRE2.-C,lllME5 -llemon f , 1<. o! 11111 Cyc!oo• ~lr••t. Norwol~ •nd T~nc!• L . lt . ~r tnd S•n•• Lu«~. ~ounl~ln V•ll•• l!I U~HNELL·OEMRllOSKI -Micnoel ~. 11, 01 ~<17 51~1••· Hun!inglon II••<~ ond M&•,•• O, it. or Hun· tinoton e~.,c~ KOVAllKl-AH{INSON -I "-On.rd J ' 1, OT l1•61 •rnonon,.1 W•v, T"'!"' ond M••t•• w . 1.) or 116' Cnlor•do L,1n•. Co•i• M••• CL.llllo<-H ... L~ARSON -Pogr • L . 71. Df ll• ~l•I" Slr••I. S•AI ll••C'• ·~n O~b'& ", II, o! 11-fOl M•nn!ne Or•"•· Tu·11~ BUSK·l(ELLEY -RoQor Q .• 17, o! S?!I', Av<><•do, Cornn• drl M•• •nd 11.•••n S .. )I, ol Co'""" <tol Ma• OOM!lll;OW->IAMMEL -Donald II , lO. of !Ill Grant Str..,1, Newl>Orl 6o•cl! ~na M""'"" ". 7" ot 109•, G••n• Str..,!, N•w<>0rl 6t~tn .O.UG . 11th 8EHREUQT-F0){ -ROl>frt .0., I.I, M 10• Fl••<n s1 .. .i. l•ou"" B••UI ona Fr11nc,c.• t , ll. a! 1006 f11m.n10 ~,,..d, Lo<1~n• Bt•tn NIELSON·FAll!OONI • Jnho l , 20. n! /]{;! W"'""' "'v• "unh,,D10n ll ••fh """ D•t><iran A , XI. or l!l~l ~''""""'' L•"• Hu"l '"~'"" fl•~<" ROMEllO·M\J Nll •nTon•O ". 16, ~· n~1 Founl••" W•• ""'"''• Co•!• M••• ona t;lo••• r . n, or 7711 B•"-'""'~ Or•v• N•~l>O•I ll••ch ~l)ICLIFFE·WR!Gl<T J""'' r, l, Of Ill Vfr•~O 111.... Ir•'"" •nd D•h•• L. n. 01 ll\ S'•Qull L•n•. N•WD0<1 6••c~ ULLOM·JACOSSDN ·-.Jnnn w ' n, "' 19•0 S~m Rrmnl. l••,,n• P.••t n An~ (h•ij!lno E., 20, o• \191 Oo"•I l •n•. Co"• M""' @ ~IGHT M(RAlK W~""' 0 , )< M 611 Sn•""'"'• Co••• M••• •od .0.1.cl• A , 19, or 11J8 P•MI Av•. 8AibOO l1l•nd SC Hf ll·RIV.0,\ -Wotll•m M . JI. ftf )uXI O•.,loOe Qr,y•, Fl Torn ""~ e~vorlv l , •Q, nf El Tnro GUMM·LJ\RSON L.nd~&" II , )~. "' }}} ( '"""" Af tf<. L•Q~n.; B••(n onn Pr v.,I• A 11 or L•9vn• 6 ••<'> O~(KEO DO.VI ~ Fr•n< f'o , l~. n< llb&I F1,oaon11"I Str••I l<unt • .,otc.n B••Cn •nd Oh•• v ll ol •11 l\~le<n W~• N•wnn•• l\••O> 'l'OO'E"l'l·CfCE Jat>n W , 11 n< I 1n••: Oc~•""O"' N~"'"O" Fl••rn •n~ (°"''""'" Q 1?, 01 )O'lt E••' P"'m""· Q•nnoc tA..,8[Pl k(lllllNG l'n'l•I> t lS, o• PWl Mo"'""v c "~I• •nfl Oo,.~n M . 70. or We,tml"•lr•. "UG. !It~ SCKUL T Z ·flACHf LOii -F '""' W . 16. nt l\'-11 W11!••m< Tu'''" """ l •Ann M , 15. {)l 11~SI 6•1)0llt><Jr1!, 1-iun· 1ono!rn ~-~~~n M•RSK ~H\!Pf l(•nn~1n P , ?? ~I ~11 "II~ •ut A•• """'"'-'"" P.•~rn and 6••h"'• L., lt. ot Hu~linotnn Pn•(l'I SIQ((ING 110MhNI -Fr•nk W , 11 01 J7b C.•b•,tlo 5•n Cl•m•nl• """ M•rtn• s JI , Q! ]<!J<. COii< Lan"•. (•;>!'""'" fl•~(" AUG lltn O•\\llS ~O EAKEr;> J•lf• I n "' lol~ 6••"' 51t"<'•. Co"• Mt •• ~"d 11.,.~.,~ J, 11 , o! 161•1 McF•~d•n, Tu>l•n. M ~O<CO·l''JNl<.A LL Jo••on E , 11 "' Jl91) Cnpp., L•nlor , O•n• Pn1n1 •nd cn.r•I o , 10. nl 1~11 ~nvlh Co~•t Hlohw•v. L119unn l!Ob<h o onT-YUR!(K ROil.rt f . 1 .. "' 1711 Nu!woort, "'"""""'' •n<I II•"'"" M , 1<. o! 1Gill Svroe L•ne, H\'" """'~~ B••t n Sr11><ERN fA'!'RE FE\ I~ s. n. of l<ll• e nd''''· """ D•ntrll• J II. nt Co>•• II'.••• °"""'([ Co••• M••• 100 M"t>I• GOl'!QQN VOUNGEll -D~v'°' f , l~. o! !I• Em•rn"1. ll•ll>O• 1,1nnn •n~ L•nd~ ... ' ll ... no·. OP&I ll•ltio• •-1~"d SfAPtE.Y M<(LO.TCt-lElV (f>•rl•' D )\_ "' "" )"""" Cr<I• M••• '"" ~··~<"' A ' n nt Cn•I• M•" 1>(18£DT~ON Wll 1 !AM~ON l'O• N ~.~·!Ill.I E ~•I P1lm•• ('""'010" O••• ,,.d M~r • r O o• ,.,.., B•l>ol<'"V'" Sher i H.,o!lno100 R•arl\ CAIH0 1~5 MALrLAVON JlJ•n J 1~ ., ll•n Gon•o• Po•"· ~·" h1•0 (•~'"""" •rU N•.,• £ )0, o! S•n Ju•o C•o"''&"~ M•lt < l';ELL' W1!,,om I> 11 •' !•I' W!'! •?In S•'"•'· ~•n•• ••• ""~ ~-~~·• D 19 ~· !1"61 ~"" 0••0" c""" r"""'"'" v.11 ... Dissolutio1is Of 1'fn1·1·it1fJe l!•t•rt'll .O.vou'1 1' "'"''"· L•>I•• ••d Tnom•• Jonn, Lnvl•• A•I••"" """ J •"1 Ed (;<"«[• ~'"''I '"" RollY• .\v• Qu•Qltv P,m~l11 """ ~•Oil ~ J"""'· E'"" M•• nnd v,, • ., """"' Gordntr. I t•••& An• •n<:f tl•Yl(I 0 c;101,0 J~ S"l•l•y M•• •n<I lflcnor~ Anl"an• II•""'""'"' P•"I .O.t.,.r! onct Al•t• E.ll•n 11•1<'>~11. L .,..,.;,,. l •net Mi r.I>" W M<>'•I••· r .... a.d G. •nd L ....... l!I .,, • ..,, ... c1 .. ut1•tl• p •net Cann• If M"nwelter, Merd'll L. •n(I l>ltl\&•d L Tue~••, J~~""" Ma• •no C•rl L Gru•!tr, l<•I•• M ,.., Guenlt• ll•C"•td 6r1h """ "'"' llft.,.rt M•• Moi•<" sn•rl"· ••n or<! .O.•mono Lv•• Ol!tf'n•n. JUn• 8 •n(I O•vid Q M11t11, P•~ln a nn Ju1n• (l•r-. V•roon Lff •r'ld D•v•n• M•rT• l<:u~in, r"""'"' 8 ond 11 ..... ~I McGu"•· Mlc~v II """ (OI•"~" M•"• T••••""· Etmrr•i•H S """ llrvn1100 Y, Ell". ~•nOt• L•• an<t j""''' Edwo•d St!'elt, Peo9v J. •M Gro•a• 0 6'""""· O&•••n• H•l•n •nd W••nt L., Mort•"· Loon""" 11.,uy A 8u•ru. cnrl•1Y l •1111 C••I<> M Ja>f, H•lt• M ""(I ll°""rl T 0••••11, Wil[,,.m Oon•I~ •nd 0,m!nd• .I.QM• O'll•"· Non•• P nn<t Tnond-.,. J Lr,,,lko-o. """'~ E J• ond "II~•• '°· Oul""· C••OI L. ··~ J""" P•••oe~ Bu•~•"· N•n<• ~•v ona c .. 1 J•mu 61"""', (;&Y """ Jonn w StN'le. Chrl•lin• Ann •n<I """''" E '°"'' J'A••do ""'"' ""f N•l;¥1d•d M••~'"'· l)<>•oll'I• A ond Cl&v" Cllorl•• McOvl•!o". "''~'• l•rr• ""° ~ttv•n Lo• Ko"'1\!t&nfl Fton-t """ Oo•olny J , t;ft"••d "'u•l•I 19 A"<!-on, ~.,.,, F •M A fht'& J . c.vnor•....,, M1r-v LOU!!• •"II M••~ Sl•dlen El\•"'•~-O"'b••t L••o• •<10 (111•b••" ' Hutt. 11-n C•••I"" or.d Cor!ll J e•n Ou&••• J&•n II •tod l•n~• L Cft-f, 5~•t0f' JVN •NI 11-rl 0"" M~q•n•. Mo•• LO\O l "<I lltul ~ l •&Cll•, 0.vl(I S •n(I f""""'°'" M Enoioll••I, P•trocl~ T •nfl Jfttrr , M E!•••brOH.. l!I•"• Lvnn ""~ Wend• L~"n l u••r•-· l(•!"leen Jo.on •n<t Wl!llo"' (••Gf~, 11•1• Gt ,I •"<I J•""" "'"" (•,,,Ir!, llftlUp Ml(l>••f In([ ~l•lno ll•!•n MfL•~9~hn, JOYCf Metlr •"!! ltObo•! 10""" H110l!I°''""· Cl>•rl•• W•l~•t •"'1 C,1•~'< lYf'n ~"Ullf. (~•·n L •n(I t!Yr(ln J H•v•. K•!ftl••n J• .. •I •"" Willi."' L •w•~n.-r F ronc~. llit~••4 Pn,1i, •noll '•lffJ• Lvntl .. You can spend your time hunting for a better value. Or you can spend your time hunting. If you like to save money, save Sunday* too! -- Foremost Marl in semi- automatic .22 rifle . Winchester model 94 lever acl1on carbine 30-30 caliber # 6 Win ch esler Duck/Pheasant load . ,. .. ,,~ •U ! L_:_·-_ ..... ·=··-"-1 288 box Winchester Wil d Cat 22 long rifle. ' . Gold·l1!1, engraved receiver. Deluxe. hand-ru bbed Am erican walnut stock. Winchester 1200 pump shotgun 109 99 Foremost 30-06 bolt action centerfire rifle 39s9 7999 12999 Two piece couon drill camoufl age au it 699 Colton poplin camouflage vest. 399 JCPenney The values are here every day. Foremost pump-action shol£un. Excellen1 lor hunting. Durable and Pasv 10 care for. Features deluxe recoil pad and slurdy, ventilated rib for easy s1gh!1ng. Special buy sass Canvas camouflage hat. 349 <Shop Sunday noon to 5 P .M. at the following stores: CAN OG A PARK CARLSBAD DOWNEY FASHION VALLEY · SAN DIEGO FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "THE CITY" RIVERSIDE VE NTURA . Use Penneys time payment plan. - • • .. " .. ·--. '• • ••• ' • ' ' -.. - ' ; -t. .. ' . ' ·-" WPd'ltSrl~· Au111U 25, 1~71 Pll crr .11nv [~T!SE R 16 Valle y Criminalists Ri val with 'Sherlock' r ' R~ .JOANN!<; REY'\OLUS OI "'' 0.llv l"MI $!11! f\tnst pt"Op\e arr l;i1111l1;i 1 "'1th Sht rlnck Jlotn1r$' n1rthrll'i of deduc1n1: solu1 1nn'i 1 n fu"I fnrn1tc1 1hr 11) \nh ron s1:.tcd nf a ~11111·11se lh:ir l.:i'.lrl'n('P 1111.:.:rrl 11rni1nil l'.lfh t110• Jll' l;ih 11111k ilrP::r \\;\~ 11~uall~ thr 11unk nf ;1 p;1!r111 c ,;r cr1mes h;i~ nn a p1rr e rif . physicJtl ,1·idence 1h1·.s11 1 r 1' ::r ~ r 1·1111l:l1nrd Rut fe,,.,· Are ;is fam 1l1111 "1n/•11n1e ringer prrrH P1illpnien!. h1.~ modern d ;i 1 t·n11o a C'tHncra :inrl sn1•l" h.1i..:~ for terp:irts-thl' rn1nin::rl1 .sls :inrl e1•1d•'rl!'I' \\ r "t:il'lr>d ;u!r1 1n.(! Jn polite nfflf'<'fS 11ho :-;1;\f( 1.,.,]lf'l' lh::r1 :ind 11rr111 .. ~nnn 11,. h11rl cr1n1!! and 1de:nt1f1r;il1nn l;ih~ thrrr •Ullt':i-"' hr• ~:.11! In F'nunl111n Y11lll'~. Sgt ('::rrl I 11..r> 11111' t rl1·p;1 11n1rn!~. L11 v..'rf'ntl' anrl A$:f'l11 .Jt1r1h'~ !.::rwipru-r 1n thn.s1• cl.1 1~ h;irl 11• \I,' or r p I ' h :. n d I P 1 h P .... rnd ('1 1dc111-!' for anal1 ~l~ 1n A ~~ 1t n1n f' n ts for thr1r fhP rnun\1 . h11t hf' rlr1rlt'lprd departn1en1 ·~ lah "'h" re phoro~ 111ll1s 11 ..... ·u 1l;irl.1•1•1n1 Holml'.~· le<'h n1quf'~ h ::r 1 e \\'hrri Th(' pnlu·r f;u·i1111 11 :1~ r t"p!acffl l'.·1th ph11!0.(!n1pt11e r1rdw::r1rrl 111 .l\111·!1 , J'lil'l thf' ec;uipn1en1 . n11crnsrnpi''i «1111 -.111\i·;i~1·~ ri;i rndr d m ;i1rr111L~ fnr r h P rn 1 !' ::r I Tllr J;ih 1~ t'<p 11pprr111 1111 ~· .. ! an:ihs15 111 ;ind hl;u ·I. anr! 11 h1 1r l1i111 11nrl rhtn11ra1 11 n n I y ~ 1 )l; t1'1lllJ)n1Pn! \\'nrrrll J n 1 n f' d l.:i11rc>nt'P 111 Jul,\, !1170 In \'l\'Cfllbtr. !~70 lhi> If) l11h :irri111rrd a 1 ;in "'h1 r h to11k L:i"' rtrll c ;ol!l \\'nrrr!I SI.Ii nr ~"1cn rnnnlh~ 1ro rrp11r 11 1·;ir- rir~ ;ill thP nc<'C'!>.,;ir1 r n n1P ~c·rnp 1dent1f 1c:il1r'l,1 bnn1bs," L:iwrrn1·e ii<i•d \1111 :n somr 1·11~e~. 11hr11 ll1r 1.0111h g(l(>s nff hrfnrr 11p i:r1 lhrrr. "·e\t used !hr l;ih In c1ere rm1n f' 11 h;ii l.111rl 111 '' hnmh 11 \l':t~ .1nd hn11 1! 11 ,1, dr111natrrl " ,\.•Ide rrfl!l! llH• hnrnh ll"f'k Iii" 111rn r;in ;111:.il1·1r 1·~r11n1 p:u!lphrrnalia 11 ~ wrll ii~ a narf•n11t~ 11nr1 1na1 IJ11:i11il . :i nd lnnl pilrtablr fH1wPr suppl\• l<id Pl:i~sdl' hn~1·rpr1nL~ nnrl drrs. :in nhsrr1<1ltnn plRtlt)rrn n1ark~, anr1 h11n1h r qu1pn1cnl J.;111rcn!'e ~a 1 s tJu;1· ~1111 The hu111h dr1 r'11111t1r1n 1111r1 ~rnc1 d;ini:rrnu~ 0d n1~.s ~u('h ;i~ rli·fu-.1ni; 1·:ip11h1l111 rif !hr I.SO nr Tf'r rn rh,. Shl'nff"\ Fr111r1t:11n \':illr_1 l:ih 1~ "n' nf l1lh wh<'rr 11 tr:i1nl'd r henusl 11s 111urt' u1111su1l\ 11~p;>1·1~. an;il~ ?t'.• ll1rn1 Th,.. 1;1n 1<;; rq111pp1'<I will! ;i "\\'e ha1c 1l1e ahil1!,\' tr1 1lo hral\ wright r1~h111i:: p11lr anrl h11ll1~11r·s , hut we li::11·r n'! got \111•· u-r•! In 111n1·r hn111h!< :t o;; lhr f'q 111pllll'l1! fn; ll _If'! ho' 11rll :t<;; thr ~ll'f'I pla1f'd honlt1 1101/'rl Thr .<;;cr~rant s:i•1l hr -.111rs a11d drln11:it1ni:: dr11rr< hnpr• lhr 1' •• rn J1 a r Is I' n ;dl"I' 1hr liib L\ P\p1lrHlf'rl lll'.li1 ,I pat· Tl1r 11<il1•·r f,1r1lll\' 111<1111:, 11 ·11 '·II hatl and !he rr!1· l':trrl 11 ill he c~panrled bl"~1n· n1ng 111 .J;inu;1r1 l.;h 1·r,.n1 ·P .<;;11d rhr rrnindcl in,:: 1nh 11·111C);p11nd1hr l;ih i\lld ~11ppor1 f;ic1l1t 1r<; Jn !hreP lo lfltJr 1tmcs 1!~ prr~cnt s11.r .Ai:: 1! 1~ nn ll'. the 1;i h cnns1~1s .. r 1hf' l;il'xwa1n1·1 prnpl'r ~u1rl 1 l•r rl:i rk rrn1n1 whwh "fl<'ll~ (\If nf th;il Thrre IS RL~o a roo1n 11 hr re pnsnn,.r• are mlll':.f:Cd ;ior1 print~ ;irP f1n1shrr! ;inrl ;i I hirrl f[){Hll 11·hc1 P Pl 1rlrnrr 1~ st1wr<I l ~111•rpnce dnt~ nnt lhl' COS!S in1 nh·ed Jn .. nrl it~ triu1pment. ... d1.~µute the l11 b "Aul \\'f'\e made it p<i_1 11fL \\'e rlr;:rred bur~larres i\lll'I 1r1rn!1f1cd pr-.ple w1!h SJ>ttd .11nd .<1rcur;i(·y. "There \\as nnt Ci\Sf' 11·h,.re ;i .~h1pnic n1 nf h11.~hish went frn1n \'ictnarn \'n Nev.· York to Fo11r11111n \l((lll'I'. "'l'hr rn1J1tar.~· pn\H'f' in \'rel· n:un duster! 11 111th ultra v1•,lr t po1v..df'r hl'fnrr ii Jrft !h<'rf', ;ind l'lJ~tnn1s ;i~cnts in !'l'ew Ynr·k Spt'lt!rrl It !hrough !lie 1)0'.l'rif'r. ------ "Thr d111 nf lhP 1·1111lr~.~•"n prfll'f'~s1n~ rqu1pn1,..nt. ;i 1;irir i~ n1 rr." L11wren1·e st:i1cr1 ly of OlJ(TO~<·npc<; ((l\d sc;ile~ "1'hr rn11r!s hal'e 1>hnwn 11.~1------- "l\r '1 r hrrn u'rr! 11 1 11111.,-usrnpr r1c1·rs<;;;lr1 f n r · Altrr thr i'~·p;.ins1r111. "''r '\I h:;1 r n1orP spa!'I' ;inrl rMnl for rnr.rp rqu1p1nr111 \.\11' rlfl 11 lit· !Ir h1l nf mos! r1er.11htn l!. ~11 11c f1 nrl 11e need the sp;iee:' ht S1lld. 11·c.~trn1n.~trr rn d r fu s e balltst1rs will he ac·qu 1rcd ---------------'------------ "\Ve 1·;i11~h! lhe ~11speets hrrc \1 11h fl<l"·drl' nn rhe1r h;ind~ a11rl r!olhrs ;ind 1n th r 1r horne ll'r r 1 en fn11nrl 11·hrre 1l 1ras h11ldt>n h1 11.~1n~ ullra 11olf't l;irnp~." hr :-aid. AGENT WOR RE LL READY TO GO FISHING In Fountain V1lley, 1 St rong Pole for Bombs l h11t if 11·e ll'Jt nt 1(1 prn1>ccule ,.. (';!Sf' wp \•p Rill In h<lll' ph~'!>IClll f'\ 1rlf'f1f'P Thill'~ I'. h:11 11·e·rf' hcrr for " f"nunla1n \ 11111'1 's lilh I<\ unusual 1n !h;i! tr 1<:. onP nf !hr fcv..· in the enunt.1 :11 ::rlL ,\lns1 rlepartmrnls rel~ nn 1hr S'1r ri ff's rnn1P 11lh :o rln tnr necc.s.~arv wnrk II is .;ilsn d1Hr1rnl lro ••l\ nlher~ bf'('1l11SP 11 11·::r~ <lc-~11!•1r1! ::i s pirr nf !hf' nru:in:il Jl<1lu·r f::ici\it ~· Ou111 1n 1!11".l \ln~I t.1h~ )l;:r ve bf>rn ins!:illrrl ;iflrr ;i polire st::r r1nn i~ htHll ;ind sn are lnca!r rl in ndrl cnrnrr~ 11nd clnsct~ L>i\l't'f'nc,. s:i1rl 1hr l;ih 11:1~ lnclurlerl 111 Fnun1;:r1n \'11Jlr1 btr;:r usf' C-h1r l (' h ;i r ! P ~ i\li;h11ch.( v..ari1rrl ;i self ~111· firirnt rll'flllrtn1('1l! "ThP cn11 n!.1 is Rf'111ni: ~11 h r~ sn f;i~I. th:il !n rely nn nlhrr .11gr.ncics cnsls time. ;inll Iha ! can cost ::r ri\sl'. AL~o, whrn we're dni n~ rhe v..•nrk fnr nur nwn me n. we h:i1 P " hrOrr cnnlrol of the silualinn." he i;a1d. Bu! in 19fi7. whPn the t'nun lclin Valley department w;is Mai/111 en Sny Do{{ Bite.~ 'Up' By .JOA,'\/\'E REY/\'OLflS 01 !fto Dolly Piiot Sll!I !f~ :i rl!'lfl.'.• !1r,, 1r ~•\ll 'rr :i postman in l h1nr1nf:tnn Rr:irh· The n11mher nf le!!rr 1·<1r· rier~ hcrC' 1h ... r h11 v t hcf'n h1l - lrn hv rln.cs h11~ 1n~·rf<1~rr1 dr.::rmi\t1rallv in 1hr l:i.~I 1r.::r r according lo f'nsi rnas!cr ·Pr!(' DiP11 b1n, Thf' prnhlen1 h;is i;o~l'n In !ht pn1 nl rh:.1 pn.~t,..I nff1r111ls h;i1·e Sl'nt flvrrs !n H .. it1nl!tnn Re:irh rr sir1tnls rrqurst1n~ them In l.rrr 1hcir dni:s <"Ofl· finfd dur111g dr1ivcr~· hnurs frnm 10 11 m In ~ p rn Post office spnkrs1n.:in .\l:ir.\ l\1endos;i s<11rl In d.::r te this .\«'<Ir i\mnn,1: Hun11ni:tnn Rr :irh'.t 1:i11 1erter r 11 rrier.( therP h111·i> hr('n '40 dn~ hitc,t anll ::r n <1rldi11nn:il dnzcn in111r ir~ inl"urrc<l d11c !o 11tt :irk~ frnn1 rlnc• "ThP n1cd1(';il ('fl~I~ frnr1' lhrsl' h1rrs run fl'nn1 <-~n 1fl $85. :ind thPr" 1• !hP ;irlrltltr.11111 lnss nr 11·nrk hn1 1r~ of !hr 1·:tr· Tlf'r ;inrl ~uprr1 ''"f" 11 Ii•• h::i l'P. to prn!'rs~ 1111' l ((rl•111" rrport.~ i\nd fnrni" ·• "hr s;i1rl A /pv..· 1n1Urt('( b.11 r hr·r11 Sf'riou~ rnn11ch to hr>rf'I I hP ,·1rt1m nff 1\nrk 1rn1p11r11nll !ll rs l\1rn<lns!l 1·11 rrl "'lr rl"cf'n! c;isp 111 11·h1<'h ;i frn1;ilr ri\rrtf'r 11·;is :il!:if'hrd f1·r><11 beh in(i h.1' A rl"I! ll'h1rh rlr~.c ~l"!d nff her m;:rrl h::rc. ~1rr111n;: ]P tl r r~ ;1rnunrl !hr neii;!hbnrhnori "Th;it rr~ulrrd in .::rhout 11 lll'n hn11r loss fnr the c.:1 rrrrr 1n pick 11p 1hr lr!- lers." shr s:iirl Jn r;i.~es v..·hrrr lhr dn.c i~ lrlt"nl ilird. 11 r1og inlrdr rcnr·r l<"tter i"' .~rnl to rhr n11·nfr. rx pl11i n in~ th?! lhP pns! nlf11·r "·ill nnl rlcl11•;>r tht n1111! un l1I lhe rloR i~ prnperl.1• ft'"1r1111ird ''l sen1l ;ibnul l fi 11! 1hn~r "'11rh \\'{'('k." l\l r,<;, r.i cnrlns;i S:tirl . Shf' s::rid 1·rry few !0fl~C rinc" 11lta('k lr1!Pr f'.:irr1f'r.~ "~1n~r 11re <ln.c:~ rh11I .11rt in 1he hn11•r <'r'lme In ! hf' rlnnr when I hf' customer i~ i::rttinl! th,, rn:iil 11nrl !hf'~' Rl'I nul." ."hf' rx- pl::rined l;hp ~111cl \rtter c;:irrirr~ rl n C'arrv ;in r1 n!1-clnc spra1· "'·h1rh the\'. c.:i n ust 11·hr n an::rrkrd. "bUr e:l'erl'nne nf !hr)l;f' :i1111rk~ h11~ bet!n ·rrnm l>C'hind ;inf! 1hr c;irrier ju~I h::rsn't i::nl .::r ch;ince In u~, !hr spr.111· .. Mr~. Mendni::;i s::r1d lhr prnblem has "just r!'rr n!ll " in1ten !n !hr pn1nl l h11t b iF'::ibio itent nut lhP ll1 f'r~ i1skin£ the ;i1rl n' Hunt1nj.!1nn Beach re:sidcn•~. "It's .1111 l;axp::r1·rr·~ mnnf'\ that i ~ beini;: Spt'n1. ~o "' 11·.::rn! their cnnpe:r;itinn In rr~ 11nd cut do\.\'n on Stlmt nf 1h1~:· ~hr gald. STARS <;:\/t lYI r1m'l"f 1• '"'" l'tf 1h;· v. ... ri.., • ~'""' 11 ••r"J"- i"r• H,. ''' irr.n 1• nl'I" "' rh,. OAI LY f'I!.J1T 5 ~r,..11\ te•'11r .. , ' i ~1" ~ 2nd BIG WEEK ''MID·SUMMER SAVINGS'' GET YOUR FREE SALi BOOKLET AT YOUR LOCAL 8 . I . STORE! Sound on hath sides. Excellenl to b•1 1ld furn11ur e, cnb1net~. roble top!i. etc. 9 99 EA. ARTIFICIAL USED BRICK M ost complete kit offered onylh<!re! Absolut~ly everythin'] you need to tran sform on old piece of l urn1 1ure info on ottr octlve, d1s1in c11ve cnnvPr5011011 piece. 545 ARMSTRONG PLACI 'N PRISS PLOOR TILi LARGE GLASS BALL SWAG LAMP OR 40" MATCHING TABLE LAMP Ii.I;/ jl/1· 1111 1i,l1 j, ~~ ,, ~ 48"1<:32" ponel5 mode o f polyester. This pane l w 1\l give you more than 10 square fe el of brick w all paneling. They o re fire·res1s ror1t o nd con be use d o s insulation for o wall. This p one ling is mode for ' 12" x 12" This is 1he exciting se lf-ad hering Excelon !ile yo u've se en nn T.V. Choose from 5 pottf!rns. This Your choice Amber or Green. Complete w ith heavy costings, switch , 15 feet of chain and 20 feet of cord on 1h e sw ag lamp. ll I ' exterior or interior us e. Includ es To uch-up kit ond inst ruc tions, 9'9 PIR PANEL BUDGETllR SCREEN DOOi! Feri !u•e~ rnll form frome cn!i~t ruci.nn, re inforced corn~r~. pu>h bo'. knob lo1oh . 30", 32 " nnd 36" widths. SAYE2.00 6'' Place 'n . Press , rakes mos! of the work out o f ' -' ... :A •:.~· I ~ 3 '/2•INCH p 11!11ng down o new f loo r. Just peel rhe popP,r from the bock, pin ce 111 position ond press, That's it, BENCH VISE H ere '5 o greo 1 vise for your work shop. f eatures pipe ;ows -To ugh !op jaw s, ,,. ... ;::'."" locking sw1vEI bose and hr1ght red fin•sh. 3'9 ENTRY LOCK SET SAW HORII BRACKET TUSTIN OllANGI 1212 IRVIN£ BLVD. 13'3 E. k ATILLA AVE. Polished bro &s keyed 1oclc complete w ith two keys. 399 lll//iE:~;;~~==~M~o~d;•~o~f~slurdy steel, rust ·resii fonl ri f•ni1h. Easy to use. No m itre cuts on legs. Hinge type bra cket employs nails to secure b racket. LUMBIRNOT INCLUDID 99:R. WISTMINSTlll 6751 Wt:STMINSTE R AVE . aUINA PARK .... VALLEY VliWST. 2221 w. LA HAS RA Bl VD. LA HAaltA FULLlllTON 2415 L CHAPMAN AV[. YOUR CHOICI 60·MINUTE BELL· TIMER ... -.. - , .......... .. This bell·t•rner comes in OP'I unbreakable plnst1c cas1t, A11a.loble 1n wh•t• or a 11ocodo. E o ~y to reod 60-minute d ial. PIE·CHEE PORTFOLIOS " \ ' ' .... Greo• org()n1zer1 f or home or school. 4~29' IL TORO ,.,,., flOCKf lELO "' 'E. 17th ST. COSTA MISA 9 BAKERSFltLO • CHATSWOR TH 'COVINA • ESCONDIDO •GOLET A • GRA NAD' HILLS e LA CRESCENT A , LADE RA HEIGHTS e l ."NCASTE A • E.LOS ANGELES • RESEDA e RIVEP!SI O[ •SAN BERNARDINO •SAUGUS • SIMI • SPRING VALLEY • TARZANA e THOUSAND OAKS • UPLANO e VAN NUYS e 'llCTOAVILLE • HACIENDA H[IQHTI - I i ' \ . " '• ·• " ' . • 1.:J PILOT -ADVER TISER \\1td11e1d•r. Au~u'\ 25 197 l 0-l!l 'f PIL OT J l ~~~~~~~~~~- 'Peanuts' Home Businesses Pleasurable By JOYCE l... Ki'.:NN£DY OLD ~1 AGAZ INE STORt::S. FURNITURE Rt:t'INISll- l)t,ar Joyce: You M>mttlmes It's possible tn get as much a.~ ER. Jf you have know-how in give Ideas for busiue1sei tbat c Q f e e f hall nl lhp Ofl,l{Jnal price Of old refinishing wocds -or can maJ:lll.lnt:s !11nd n1nrt for I t ' ht 11 I can be dont al hcime or part e<1rn a a ru~ sc 1.11• cou1 ~e C thosl' nr r1nt1que \'tn!a,ge •, ttme 1nd 1tarted nn a shoe-0 r n e r while payin~ pennies pt"r -you can gel busi ne.~s on 11tring. Please give more lrleas pnunrl for your ~lock. Trv ynur own t.hrnu,i.:h clr.~~1 f1r1t a~ 1,1•r: a.re oow l hinliing along hu.\'ini;: nlrl mal,!s f r n rn ads And yellow pa~es l1~t1ni.;11 these 1Jne5. -J, T .. Nr~·port jan1!ors. rubh1sh colle<·lors -tlr. ynu can work <1.~ .'I su h-•' V rnay generate others of ytiur d 1 1 , .. ews, a. 1~posers o ma_.-:s a in· ronlr.o1t1or fnr ;in estah\1.~trrrl The beauty of a .. ....,anuts" own . s ! i t u t inns, lranspnr!atinn rurni!ure uphnlstrrer r !erm1nals. apartmrnt hnul'f'S. IYJ>f' busines~ is lha! e1en tf FLORA L ARRA NGE-e1c. Ynu need a high traffic GA S RALLOONS Vp11 c<in ynu sink. _vou get s0meth 1nR ln ri.I E:NTS. \\'ilh artistic skill, lnc:it1on. but little in the wAy huy hi>l111m t:inkl' ;ind hallonns ~o~·nfn;d·~·1~~~1 ~1;1~1.~11~h mer;;:~~ .\'OU can cnmbint ;irt1ficia l of decor. from \\'hnl r~;ile r11i1·r!1~· cnm - rtnv.cr~ in ton t aint~r~ for so:tlP panies. Yn11'll .also neerl a prevent .vnu fron1 !nstn~ your ,\,\'TIQUfo: rl i\1)!0 l)EAL-.·rn•ll ''''''' ''·"·' , .... •·~ .• ,, I., ' ' h ,,. ' ' b\' word-ol-n1outh <'-'ld through .~ n " n""·' n J e Sal'1ngs in a e ier u ure ING If .1·nu kn<l11· radio elrr-hca1v1, ""'ann wei11hrr anrl ten~ Htnng srhool boys as salesn1en , ~·ou ran multiply )'Our number of loralinns. 1<.hllh l'llu ld i11l'lude Pf'rCeo lagf' drals w1!11 sh1•pp1n~ tenters in lieu (If rent S t:l.~~-OEF£KSE SCl\001.S, l\ara1e. judn . nlher tethn1ques nf self-pro!retrnn 1~ a mar~1nal prospect, depending nn C(~nt· prt111on rrnrn rltisses at ne;:rrby l"C'!Tra1 1nn ("t'Olrrs. B.1sica1l)' \'OU r1CC'rl rrn!f'('(l\'C rna1 s. rn~run1Ps an rl ad· 1·er11(in1? (;1 v1ng .1ng;:i lessons 1.~ a rrl<llcd 1dr a herb gariieos, setds. Jr you have handy hands as well as a green thumh. you n11ght con· srruct n1in1atu1 e window·bnx herh Rardens As a var1tttlon, 1'Pll1ng dned sp1ers and herbs attr;itl1vel.v p<1tkaRed \ n r reparkaged f1·!1tn wholes;ile suppliers I under yuur own l;ihr l m;iy e;iro vnu ;i trw dollars_ A free liS t of spire surpl1trs, 1u1d h/l(lkle!.~ at 111odrs1 cns1. at'r a1;11l,1h!e from !hP :\mrncan Sp1(·e Trade Assoc1;ition. !\ut!P ll:'l~. ~:io Fifth Av£'., ,\Pw Yo rk \' y venture . loct1I rnercht1n!s, Ynu·11 nrcd to locate \1•hole.<>nle buving trnn ir~. takP aril'an!;:ige nf Jnra!ions where m:in~· childrrn SPICES A.\'1} Hl::llAS y,,11 r-----------~ Evtn "'hrn vif'wed as a IH""'· rnnnect1ons fnr ma!crials .. Vnr ~rn11·1ng nos!alg1a fnr anf1qt1P circulale ipicni(•s, f" 1 r .~. t'n11lrl ser a srlrl'r1nn nl frf'.-:h risk lrarning laboral.ory, the Chrislma<> 11Te:iths and :ir-rad ios . AcfluirP sets frnn1 at-pHrarlr~. f'tr 1 Alsn. ~·nu n1i.c:ht hrrhs 111 1nd1r1dual co111;11ners b · f I t' I 1:r<1<1"1 ~h ip 1• n I I .o. pn11·r as1s or se ec 1ng a particu ar rangemcnts you rnay be able lirs and junk shops. res1 ore sell <1 hundrPd ballons <1! a <·l ip hnusr-ro-hnu~r. at ha7.:i:-.~.~ "!'"an111s·· 1~ ,.,11,. nf !hr THE BEST FAitlll,l' CIRCL'.'i ' ....... ~ . ... ···-._ .. ,. b fJ Bii Kean., mini-business should be the tn pocket free pine cone." and and rrscll !n anl ique dcal('rs to ser\'l<'P sra11nn ""'ners. u."1'11 thrnu~h ).!rncflrs. w 0 01 , n · s ""rl1fs n1n,1 pnp11!11 r rninir type nf l'iOrk .vou !1ke doin.c: -nlher · n?Jur:il" in..-:,rPdients or ('ollrclors Ope.rate from c:ir dra!er.~ !!r 11th f' r club~. er e Ohta1n nriginal ~1n1 ·~. r:Part 1l rtnity 111 1hr "This is 0 lot better than REN TING A CAR, isn 't nnt profit only. These ideas from "'O<"Kled areas. you r home. n1erchant~ as at1.C'nl1on-gel-slnck frnrn nurserrrs. friends' D,\JLV rILOT. • D dd ?" ~---'-~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-C....~'-'--'--'--'_:__:__:__:_:__;~-=-=~~~~,,,,--:~~~-=-==-='-~~~~~~~~'t~,_':"o ~y-.~~~~~~~ ~ I • ~ 2nd BIG WEEK ''MID·SUMM-R SAVINGS'' AT YOU" LOCAL B. E. STORE! BASKET TOP CARRIER All-ste e l construction. Fo rm ed steel frome w ith fou r steel slo ts , 4 suction cups, 4 gutter hooks and strops. Hord bond, gray baked enamel finish. Fits most sedan s, hardtops and station wagons. 6'' BATTERY BOOSTER CABLE l•FT. Q uality b ooster coble with copper ploled clomps. Keep one handy in your trunk for own use or to assist others. BUILDERS Best- IMPACT HEAD Solid bras s wi!h fingertip adjustments for p ar! circl e pollern. PATIO LIGHT SET SAYE 1.00 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! BAR·B·Q LIGHTER FLUID r-r-_~ Full q ua rt size. Ideal for BBQ or comp-out. CHAMPION SPRINKLER HEADS Your choic e of duroble, non-corrosive brass •~ sur;~o's~1ch ::~-~~ ~._J~ head w11h brass ~ inse rt. Full, half or quor!er .-----------, circle patterns. YOUR CHOICE ALAMO CABIN TENT CAMEL 8'xl0' Mode of willow green and gold co!orfosl tent twill w ith o completely ad justable ou tside aluminum 9'x 12' ALAMO CABIN TENT ' •63.99 ' • frame, sewn-i n floor, extra large picture w indows w ith storm f lops. 49'' SLEEPING BAG 2 ~·LB. SCOUT BAG Poplin top shell. Green rugged vinyl ground cloth b otfom. Solid gold flannel lining. : 5'x7' VINYL 'TARP .. ;·1.29 4'' GARDEN HOSE NYLON REINFORCED SO'x'l'a" A ll brass couplings. The ho! weolher is here, Thi s hose w ill cod easy :n ho r or cold weorher SPRINKLER STAND )99 P.Y.C, PIPE l/4"xl 0' ••..•• 29c l/:i:"x10'.,, •.. 19c SCHEDULE 40 l/4"x10', .... , 99c #8600 349 59E:. ~ ..:.__B_U_IL..:D=E=RS===BE:'...S~T=W=O=O=D=~l-!===A=N=T=l=·=-S-Y~P=H=O=N===~-\-M_E_T_A_L_L_E...:::A=F=R=A=K=E::::... TOILET SEAT VALVE TUITIN ORAN GI A voiloblt!! in white, b lue, avocado or nl'!:w "Hot" color s-Hot Pi nk, Hot Yellow, Hot Red, Hot Orange, Hot Lime o r H ot Blue. uSJu·I'l 3'' 1212 IRVINE BLVD. WllTMINITIR 134JE. KATE l lA AVE. LA MA•RA :Ve" WITHOUT UNION 6751 WESTMINSTER AVE , 2221 w. lA HABR A BLVD. Solid bro$s onl i-s y~;i~n value prevent1 bock-up water contamination in 1prinkler 3'' [!\Alf I Flex ible meta! leCJ f IL TORO rake w ith sturdy \voad handle, The foll season is coming. 24392 ROCK FIELD MllA "' E.t 7thST. • 8AKERSFl f.lD e CHATSWORTH •COVINA • ESCONDIDO • QOlET.4 •GRANADA HILLS •LA CRESCENT A • LADE RA HEIGHTS • LANCASTER • E.LOS ANGELES • AE SEOA • RI VERSIDE e SAN 8ERNAROINO •SAUGUS • SIMI • SPRING VALLEY e TARZANA • THOUSAND OAKS •UPLAND •VAN NUYS • VICTOA VtlLE • HACI ENDA HEIGHTS " _."'!.,.' .I 1' ·J' •I " •• Coastal Bill Se t In Se11ate B.1 L. PETER KR\Efi O! I~• D•ll• ,llo! ital! A cnn1prorn1:;e bill o n cna .'il;:il 111anagemcnl.. trn1pcrrd ~nmewhAI to rrflt>rt 1hP !1Ul<'rlf'.'i nf C:i1ifnrn1a'! l'hnrrl1nr rnrn1nun1l1C'i. f ~ hr1ni: h:immrrrrl 11111 1n ;i st::ite S('11,1tc ('nm1n11lrr, ~ ;i y ~ 1 :ror~e J):1we!i. N c "' p o r l l~cach harbor ;inrt tidelands d1rrclnr na11r'i , in ;i rrfl(lr1 nn the <"•'IHrn1·rrs1nl 1·oa~r1ine hills in S;icran1cnto 1h1s vr;:ir, rnld ci- 1v cu1 1ne1l111an 1\fnnrta~· !h;:it !11r Srn;ite Cnnunittre on N:11ur;il n csnu rrrs. ('h.i 1rerl h~ Srn Dt'nn1.~ Ca rpenlrr 1 R- r\r wror·1 f'r;ich•. is wnrking on 111 n kev n1cas11rr~ :ind ha!'! s1·hr\h1lr·d· ;i hr;il'in/,: nn them 1\ llC ~() J1;1wrs !i:iirl ii i!i po.~:;1hle Nr11·110rt ll";irh anrl nthrr rlr1 ·rln"rr! 1•n1111n11ni1 ir~ rnav hr r~rludrrl frnrn !hf' hill'.! prn1·1,1nn~ "I! c11 1'S !hf' !il ,.lr <"nnlr11l 11r f'l't'1"1·!11111i:. 1.000 l'l'lrrl~ frnm th" .~hnrrl1nr " 11awr~ said. "h11t 11 rxrhirlr~ rl"1'rlnpetf :irr:i<; ~111·h a!\ Nrv1'f1f>rt Rcarh -II 1th thr ;ipprnval nf \ht' ('tlllHll l~!illln .. f);111£1s !iil1rl thr hill is ;i rom- h+11;1llnn nf 111,.a.~u rr~ in- trn1hirrrt h1• Srnator!i r>onald ~;1·1111.~k\' tn \\';ilsnnv1tlr1 and 1\lfrrrl Al1p11sl 1 D·S:111 ,ln~c 1. ~nl 1nc thr /\lriu1°1"'i hill j<; ll ri1111p:i11111n !n lhe rnntrn1ers1:1l rir:i~ll"•' i n r r n <I 11 c r ii hi' A~:-;rn1hh·n1nn l\l:in Slernl1• 10-l.1 •!; An~rlrs•. 111+\\'l.'!i .~aid Jhr l;illrr 111ras11rr h:i.'i simply hr"n "1n:1r•(11·e n11 thr fl'lnr.'' ",\pp;1rPn!h b" h;i~ brr n un:ihl" 11> 1•01111• 1111 w1Th any s11n110rt for 11." l>:H1r.~ Sitlrl . llall'r<; ~;11ri lhr '"'n1prum1se hill 11•1111lrl ;il.o;n .~11p11la !,,- -All pli1nn1ng rffnrl~ fn bt htt~rrt nr1 !ne;i[ ;igr11r1· pl:i11s -('1!1fl 'i 111111 :irr fo i"Slll'! 1l('rrni1s 1fnr h1uld 1nc rtr l ;inr! nn p"rm1I rrJN'1f'rl h\' ~ 1"1!1 11nuld hr ~uh1f'<'t ' lo rr11r11 S1rrnt\·~ hill. fnr 1n<!.1nrr. h:u1 a rrnl'isinn !h;it ;i rfl.~1rlrn1 woulrl httvr In l!rl it st;i1r f)erm 11 Jn p;i int h1!! ho11,r n111 •r ;i r11n1prchrn~11·,. .,1,11 r r!r1•rlnpn1rnr pl;in i~ ;1rlnpTrd. thr rrj!1ro1111i rt,l!f'11rtrll 11n11lrf h" d1~hnndrrl :ind th ,. r'l''llr"1 ~1hd 1!1 In t":lrrv 11 nut l11>'1u•rl n1 r•r In aj~rnr•1r<; l•kf' S('\!; •Sn11lhrrn f':ilif11rnl.ll A'"n1·1;1l1nn nf t:n1·rn1n1rnl~1 nn 11rr~ .~.11rl sl 111 11 ni11 hrr rnnl1nl'rr<;1itl hill f' n a c t in JI! wi•1r -r11"r:1n~ r nvirnnmenl?J pnlir•irs. ;i!so 1s s!ill ali vr. Thr 1nr.191rr . ~non~nrerl hv /l<"<rmblvm<1n l~d"·in Z'hPr!i! ( 0 -S;irr;imrn!n 1. rreat r~ It ,<;f:>lr ~11prracenr1· th;i! 11•nutd rrnl;irt 11 1•;irir1\' nf slat" hn:i~r!~ anrl 1·nmm1~~lnn' Rnrl "'""1rl h::ivr rn:i~sh·e P'1""'Prs Th!' hil! ha5 p;isscfi !hi' A ~r .. rnhl•· n.1"'"~ .sa irl. Rnrl i• "'"" h"fnrr rhr SP n R t e <: n v r r nn1f'nl;il 01)('ralinn.• ('n"1n1ilfrr n;i11·"~ s111<1 hr lh1nk' !he hill en! ll1rn11~h !hp Al'st>mhl v hr,,;.,1•" ii r!nr~n'! h:ive anv fpnrl1nl! pr n vi .'Ii on .~ anr! /ls.~erTllilvmrn p r n h R b ! v fil!\Jrrrl thrv ""'n11ld let th~ Sflll:l!P rnpp with ii. Jo i n ~ Group Jlunt1nctr>n R,.11r h re.11\dent. Jt1\'(' ,lrnkin.'I rol' ha.!1 bten r 1,.rt"(j to !hr lotrrn:illnn11 I r 1·.1fnrm As:itnriat 1no. Shr rrr,.n!lv rrrl'.'h·ed Of't '':i~lrr 11f ~~rl·1r;i linn rlC'i;:(fl'P. ~•1p1n':1 r11rn 1.:i•1<le. frorn C1tJ ~r-.·r [,nn~ Flrnf'h ·r•,,. 'I'\ is iin nq;:11ni1:11i...,n rl"""">fnd In f.,•nrn•·in~ th.- 111 1~1111 11f :l'S"tl'lh!v ornC!rnm• JI\ :--i'nhlr ,,., ~,.h,.nt rhi!·• .. ,.,, rt 11·11c fnun1lr>rj in 1R11 t>1· !1an1rl \l"rn~·~r nnrl hns 01cmhers ., s.·, rii"l'i"ri~ • • • • • j I • • ,, "•' . ') .. !l~. ,._. :::_"*·~•on""~~:.. . ~---~-·-.... ( DAil'¥' PILOT Sl•I! P~OIO • l;ANA LISANT I PAUSE S ON HER WAY TO COURT • .• • Mi xing Stiow Biz, Jury Duty and l/lotlierhood . • • ~ . . ~,, .••• g·111•i • !!OJ J •••.•••. i S he Gu-goes Lu l'o11rL By r o:i.1 BARLEY O! !~• Dolly l'lltll 5Tlft . • l SA!\TTA A':'.'A -1.ana L1san1i •ht1s n1el IH•r share nf gn1mp.~ 1and h111npk111:e; in ne;i rl\' 11\n ~ m••nths •If ()1·:111~e ( ·1,unty Suprru1r Cn11rt JUr1 du11 . h1 11 !'th(' Pbu l)11'n l hlnnd;: 1h111k~ hf'r p11nr l ~1H 1I I.\ JU.~I ;i~ 1nu1·h fun +.11.~ !he h1unp:e; and grind.~ .~he ,,e.rli: pa1rt hlf 11 ht'n her ruurt dil ,I l:C; fll ('f, The \\'r.~rn1u1~lrr .!.: o -go •clanf'er sa~s .~hP 1s "h.111ni:: a ~nod t1ml'·· .ind l 1nrl1n~ th:it "propl.. arr the i: a 111 f' f'Veryv.•hrr(', 1n or OU\ of !he courlrrM1n1 " ,JtJrl ('(lll\IHl~~IHller .) I Ill \\'1!snn s:i1~. 11'1111 !nn~ur +n cherk. 1h11t l.;ina. ll'hn lrt1d"S 11 ll,\'ltrne 1n1nio; ;ind hnrJ~ foir -..n Pl P C'al1·h1rc. l'i1k1n1 ti-l ;'ll 'tni.i\..C'·~ 1he r1 rn1ng h11ur~ ;11 :i .<:~·prr~:e; h~r 111n1·e ( h ;i n :plc11.~11111 . 1 ~ llif" 1110•1 pflp11l;ir ,jt1rn1· in Su prrior (' n u r t Jii~tnry. A Jnng hnf' nf fclh1\\' 1111·rw~. .dep11 1.1 ::hrl'i fl::. dr nu1 ~ rl 1.~rri rl et1nrnf'~s. mar•h:iL~ ;ind :cou nties.~ cf'l11r1 rmplnyr s 11 ho hill't' ~urlrlenll· fnunrl the rh1rrl ·flronr of 1he c'ount1 cnurthnu~e 'ifl he the hrflrl hf.at of !hr 11- Slf\t~ cnn1plr\ IC'rl \\'11«111 111 lhi11 cnnrlu~1nn 11 nrnr•l1a1rll• s fl!'r Lana t•a111e 1n fiir hrr 'fJr~I <I SSl,1:01111"111 . ~he ha5. 5hr ~r 1Jl< 111r1 A :Jrun1p nr 111 0 111 1 )1 P s:nurtho11~e 11 nrl shr tt110 \..~ !11" ~on~ hours nf \\·a1r1ni:: lnr 11111 11 s~1.c.nmrnt <irr ";i gr r::il h1 i: ~rinrf " • "But 11 ·~ [1111." shr ~-1111 · ! :11evrr rnmpl<11n :ind •1n1·r 1 <tress fnr a11rn!1nn I lhtnk I 'd ~ hurt 1/ s<>inrn11p '1 1dn I :'.make 11 pt1.~s ;if n1" 1 1·~ P1f"n ~-- h;ippened in !hP Jll r~· bn x. hut l d(ln·t thin k th!' judgl' nnlit'· rrl ." I .;in;, a<;s1 11·rs hrr .<1rln11rers 1h;i! ~hr c;in ··~h;;kC' ii 11p'' 111 h1·r ('~·prrsi: 1.11rrn. h11!. she 1p~1.•l s. tl1r11· 1~ ;i1101hrr i:rdr in h<·r llf(' th.it ··111.-1 111 prnplr rn1 ~h1 not hl'h!'1 !' .. -1li:1 r P/ rile hard ll'nr\..1111: lll•dh1•r n r !110 bo_\S 111111' ;o11(! :-<<'\f'll. ;11u l a rour·~e:1r-uld d.1u~htcr. ~he bnni.:~ tl1('in up al11nr :ind ruuls 111nf'. clrsp11e thr lnni! houri: t;1~c111 up h\ hrr go· i!" w~1rk ;ind JUr~· dtll 1·. to h(' 1lrn 11101hrr In one snn'i: Cuh &·011l 11·0011 .. Thr11·.~ ii Int (l( fun fl)r n1r ." :-Ii" ~11111('~ 1t·s d1111hllul 1( 1hc g11gg lc- r~ rd n1;1lrs wh•• follow 1.:in;i rn .:ind fru1n !lie 1·afr1('ri;i hi1l'e l•"f P•'~~ih1 lit 1r·~ ;i~ den 111•11 h"r 111 1n1nd . h111 [.;"111a .~t111ph· ~;ivs 11 1th rt!'>'-· 01 her hlonrlr h('ad; ' I kn"w )1n11 lo hanrllr ll1rr11 "l •C't'. I \(' r11-n h;.rrl rlrfrnrl;inls 1n f"rllll\nal f'~\rS n1i.i k1ng :i ~ p<i"·" ::ii 111r>," -~11" ~;i1d "Thf"I' ill'! d1'1n't ~('{'fO Inn intrrr~1('d 1n !he 1ercl wl ~n1nPhn11 " L,:i.n~ like,;; our '' "!rn1 nf law :i nrl hrllf"I('~ lh;;f r1l'r\n11r to:1~1C';ilh C"1" ll f:ilr rri:il h11! ~hf"'il h~{' 1n ~rr "11ha!'." ."ur- l'"~"rl Jn hr> 11111 uf "lit T'<'""" l1r11i.. 11101 i' Iii." prr1 ~ 1111rt rn•! lh{' •·•1n ... rr1:iltl~' ••11!•·1 11"••plf" 11h•1 rn;1\..r up 11111s! 1111hr Jllt''.- ··1.r1 ~ l;i•<' 11," •hr -.111! · \\p 11111ni:•'I' ;1111'• 111,1 ri1n·1 ;1ff,,r<l 1111 I \\Of~ ;i nrl I flr111 I ~11J111 1[ I r"1i11l ii I h11<t t" !:•'" HP ~ d .11 I r11r !''h f,'I !111 II h.1! l'1 r [11,T h.1 ~ h<'t·11 n1;idf" \IP f.-q lrl l op~ fl"t!1 h;11 p;1t1"1J"; 11hr1 knr" I 11;1" 1111rl,.rcn11•1: 'H!Tll" ('• H!lil!l11• h;:i1 rhhlp hi' t h1~ ior1g Jiii\ ~1111t •• t KWIZ 1'80 AM RADIO • All THE GOOD SONGS BY All THE • ,,. ~ ' WIN FREE! IT'S EASY ~ ~ I % ~ . "' 1971 Austin America 8 " ~ CASH {Lots of it) 0 z ! "' ~ ! . Hundreds of other pri1es !: I ,,. i:: I ~ Send a postcard, or the attached co upon wit h :< ~ ~ • your name, a dd ress and zip code, including c ~I p hone number lo: KWIZ1 Santo Ano, Cali f· • orn io, 92703 . -! ~ OHi IN'll:Y ,Ill: ,fll:SOH " r----------------------, ~I 5 I KWIZ DREAM WHEEL I I I I I I g I NAM I ; I ADDRESS I ,. I I ~ I CITY ·1 0 i I • I ZIP I ~ .. I I I PHON I ~ I I ~ I O• I "' L----------------------J 8 I " Listen for your name on the air :!; I % I -------"' ~ 1480 ON THE AM DIAL ~l I ~ IWII 14IO AM RADIO • All THI GOO~ SONGS !Y All THE Airline Noise Foe Assails County· r •a•ort•n"'•~t! Now ••. Giva Your FALSE TEETH More Biting Power S·\l\'TA A\A t)r;i ngP l'ount1 Sllf.""'t'I 1"or". Inn" ii lr.nk at lhe ('.\j)1r1n~ I r~'"' fnr t11n ,.11 !110(~ u~;ng Oran::~ ('n•:nr1 Airport T11ro;d.11 fH'rl gnl :i l<•n~uf' l11,b1ng 1n the prnr·r•, fr·nrn Alrpiirt Noise Ahalf"n11·n! C11111111111re l'h<1 1rn1~n n an F.n111r~ .. r i\r\\rw1rt f't-:H·h Hern111d1ng !hr lw1:t rrl tll;it l ll'n of it s mcn1br·r~ \.\l'rr c·11111· 11 11ltt·d l!J 1·;un11:i1gn prnn11~r~ tli:H !hf'.I 11 011111 nnl ;illow, illr[)(1t"I 111>1,e lo 111c11>:t•" Er nor\ uri.:rd !hr ~upf'r'1 l~,,r~ 1o l11n11 lu1111r lr:+sr~ ln i\1r ('.111ron\1:1 ;ind Air \\'r\l lo (lllf• }r<ir i•nh t'l'!lll'lllOJ.! lht• l~1;.1d f1,r ;i ll11111ng onll' f,.iflO rt 1{'.ll 1n ~rarits to the A1rrinr1 l..1nrl l<'ata l c:ra ~h Brin~s Jail l<'or 1'r11t'kcr S/\!'\TA 11.'>A -,\ lnwk rlr11•r r whn 11a ~ :<lll'('!'~~fuJJI fll'f'LJ.~('d hi' Ani1hf"1n1 ,xilu·r nf hf"1r1i:: drunk :ind 111 po~~rss1on nf a f;il i:r lirrn~r in ;in ill r·1rlrnl !hat tonk tht> [ifp or ;i ( '11hfnrn1A h1i::hwav p:itrnlman hil,~ bern ~Plltcnecd !n nne to fi\'P years ln state prison. Or11n~e Cn11nl .v Su p e r ! n r ('our! .Jud~e Ryrnn K :'11r\11ll:in 1n1f'lfl"rrl th ;it .~rnirn•·r nn n.11·1rl E11c"nr Knhnnan. J 4 _ Hellfln1•rr. . <hor!I\ :+!1f"r lhr tn1 rkrr plr>;:irlrd nn en11tf'St 111 1ln1n l.. 1!1111n1: ;i n d in;in~la11chtr1 rh;11·c"~ l\ohrn1flr1'; trurk plo11f"fl 1n In 11 !·;ir rlr11r n l-1\ nfl ·dl1T1 ('Hr nffief'r 1lan1rl [)1PM>I, ~:\. Tustin. ;it ;in An:+hf'im 1n- lr rser-tion l:i~t 11f"I' 2 ~ An;i he1m police sairl lhC'.1' h::irl wa!cht>rl lhr truck ll'P.'avtnc 11nd r1·n55111c '1nublr ~·ellnw lin".~ ~hnr!h hrfnre lhf' 1m p;ir l lllf'hrl rl1rd PIJ:h! hr.111·:; lalr>r i!l ;i lnrr.il !1.,~pll;il llf" 1:, cu r1•11 ed bl' hi ., wile anrl f11·p snns J 11vl'niJ es ' l•ce Hike l'o~tpon ed SA~T r\ A.'\A -A n1n1·p t(\ inrrcA«;P f{'('«; fnr r r r ::i n I 1111·f"riilr 'i hrlrl in rti•lnrll' 11 ::r' :,11·n11rrl T11f";c\;1v 11·h"n • •'fl·'' ~ H !1·1<•1'11 ~ 11 re r 1 i 5 ,, 1 ' rf"1nr11 1br1 rd tl•,1 1 ! ':·1" "lrril \1~n11 ·~ 11.ig" prll'r f1r('1.r ap 1111•'<1 In lllf'll' ]I !l;tllf"r! tllltil :\Pl ('ll1hl"I an1 ;"1!lr>111pt h1· !11f" IY1;irrl In lllk" lh" Jll"~"111 ~In lf"r In ~Ii A11rl 1•1f1h n1'-fnc1 S11rrrv1~nr ll nn;'l lrl (";t•pf"r.' rnadr 11 C'l(';ir Ti1r~d;i 1 !hi.it hr will i;:n fnr .i ~211 1111111n1111n whrn he t'i111 1 nl f" fnr i111 1n1Tf"ll~f' I·, •tin! 1 Prr•ha1 1on f)f I 11·pr \ln1 !:.:11'"1 Cri"r rnld lhr hflarrt \h;1I I '"l.'i Ill ~H!llf' ('ii~('< I ;Ill ;i< l11c:h a~ ~1n a rt.. ' II 111 prn1I~ "II th" 111- ~1111111.,11 ·h" ~;i rl r,,rl" fla111 J1 I' "Ill 111"'! r• H!1"f11•! 11 1111 r111lr l.1o·il1!1 h11r 1•1 i1n1 r ' f"I\\ 11 " Inc;(' ;i Int f\f [11flfl<'' ;it lhr rrr'!'lll :qri ;i rla\ r,il r .. At'c·o 1111la11l crakc:-l'o~l Fl l.1.FllT()\ \\':i11 . I F 1;111(lnn 11f Fullf'rf(ln h;1c; t>r"n f'lr!'lf'rl 11rr~11lf"nl nf 1 h r Or;-in,cr 1'1111n l1 ('h,iptrr nf !hP :'\11!111nal 1\".~ror1.1111.n nf \1 1-;nrdon, rl1 \ 1~u>r1 1·.,n1rr1llf'r nf Hr c k n1 ;i n Jn"fr\lf'lrnr~ Hrlfp11rl 1)111i:1on 11a ~ t•h;ipt r r \ IO.'C' prr•irlrnl 11fl"I' In :.0~~11111 in,c lhr rlu1 1cc; nf p1('. 1r1,.•1t 1 "" C1omm1,,uu1. E n1 Qr 1 11~rnPrl th11! ;i ~UgRP~lP<l 111 ··1 1·<1~e in the n11111hf'r of r!"jlll!!U1r• (""'!\ !hP /l ll f'"!! tn,nl 11~ prcsrnt le1rl of 20 rn ,II would 111can "!'I fi2 perrcnt 11w 1f":i ~" 1n thP nn1!'f" 11n rflr1 felt 1n Nf'v.•port Rc:1 rh. "Yr.u should warn a1rl1ne!' 111 an1 fu!ure IP;i se~ lhal !111> lr<4~e will hP trrn11natf'rl 1f 11n1~P lr~PI~ ;i rp rxre('rlerl ," he ~.:11d · Th1.~ 1~ lhP l1r~! op· 1'lflrl11n1tv fnr !111s board In ex !}res~ itsPlf nn this t.,p1r and 11 p r xpt>t l let1dt"rship " ~:n1nr-.r 1111~ reminded th;il ("cirr;il ~11thnnl1es ha{! ;i gre;.it 1lral to s;:i-.r 1n lhe nrerat1on of Or11n~t Cnunl,1' Airport .. Tell the Fedrral A1•1at 1on i\gr11{'y lo j?n to hell." hP si1 1rl "Taki> 1he ar r1nn we need nnw :ino1 i::n tn rourt H neces;~ary In drfrnrl 11 " HP p11rl l!'ll!a1 l,1· ren11ndf'd f'ifth Dlstnel S ll p I' r 1 \so r Ronald Caspers Iha! lhl' hna1d member's campcu~n fl'fr publir offi ce had been run on thP prom1 5£' t h ;i r airport nol.q• w(lu]d be krpt In h~ prrsenl !e1·pl. "f e xpect lf'11dersh1p." Emory i1111d. •· 1 can assurr ~lr . Casper~ 1hat therf' will hP !;nme painful dem{ln!'it ra!ion~ if our v."ishrs ln tht mailer ol a1rpnrt nnise art not mtL" Emorv also ur,l!ed the boarrl tn ensurt rontlnua11ct of !he p:·r st nl ban on night flie:ht~ fron1 the airport. Nn fli11:ht~ ;i1P ;illnwrrl bet ween thf hour~! 11f ll pm end 7 a.m. The Air \\lesl lea~e exptre~ .~ d ~n!urt 1dhf11ve c111 ht lr . fASTEt:T H• Pt1•dt r rt°" 111 t1f tlu" I) Ht lrn hold upl>f'ra 111d 10 ... era lonrer. lirm,.r. •le1d1er. 2 1 Hold.I them mort comfortably. 3J Htlp1 Y.ou tat niore n11 urally. "'by worry! l:ae FASTEC:Tll Dtntur~ Adke.i•• Po.,dt r. Dentur11 th&! f11 •f l t-nt11I lo he1lth. SN your de11tlat recu!ar!y. ~ • 1n Nnvcmber. The A Jr.-------------. Cal1forni• a,l!reemen1 comes ur fnr renewal in Febru ar.I'. 1~72 Thi" hn::i rtl delf'rrt'd .11c!1nn on the leasf renewal reporL I Sally B•nanas Really Is ..• 8.!inan1s, Th1t Is The recent extended heat wave caused record demands for electricity • But we made it! All-time peak rlemancls J'or electrici ty occu rre d during the recent , r ecord-breakin g· heat \\·ave.Th e reco rd pea k deman d thi s year 11·as 77 2,000 kilowatLs greater tha n last su mmer! Every year your needs for electricity set a new record . This means 1\·e hare lo bu ild at lca>t one major nell" genera tin.I!: unit erery year. During this recent period you had the electricity you needed -witho ut brnll"n- ou ts or blackouts-becau:;c of our pla nn ed re :;en ·e capacity. To keep homes,ofliees and fac toriesg·o ing-, 11·e marle every Edison generating resource availab le. But what about the years ahead·: A ft er all, the pop- ulation here keeps right on gro\\·ing. In lhe IA-county area 11·esc1TE'.a bab.1· is born every 2 \'2 minuLes. So more el ectri citywill be needed -for industry, sc hools, homes and jobs. \Ve have been,anrl are, attemp ting to build more fac il iti es-but against strong opposition . New so urces of power, alon g l\~t h necessary transmission li nes, must be built to pro r irle that addition al electricity. Ot hen rise in a few years there ;;im pl_v \Yon 't be enough electri city to go arouncL vVha tever the te mper a ture. .sCE Southern California Edison Only Coast & Southern offers savers all three: • &% two to five year guaranteed certificates. •Saturday Service. •The Insiders Club. '" "'~'"' '"''"'I'""'" "' '"""" r..,. f:ffP1 ltVi=> 5.QQ 0/1:1·5.JJ O/o l"_.o<<i"'"'" '' /1 111111 ~1 5.75°/o·S.92°/o fir ~ ,.,. r ' ·' ,., ~ "'"' 11,,. t_,;i1111r1gS 6.00°/o-6.18°/o 1,, lr·I • ·•-> ~ •1 ·~'~•}~"r,r •1 Ur !fl an r'..i•.' 'nc;~ nf 11IPr1>',I l"H "'' .,,,, ·~: •'lv1•".'.11 l'<''nT P I• 11·1.11tvnn .i'I (('!!'Ii! ...... "' f"IP ·~ Th,. Insiders Clo h· f\' "'·'· .\il\ tn t'f"a' 11 '1"'1•l"ri Ire; fl'"'"t'>"r·.h•r r ;irrl r<>rn1•!!-Vf\U tn huv nf';irtv fVPl\!h11 .:: ynu r·pprl trcvn th• 1•1'":<;! cins \"1 ,,.,,.,. <.t1n·«nn1r1<. i'!l c;o1t··.trr1 t•ill <.-'ti".::< -'t f'f'l·.>•u "'~ '1•1•1,1 11 ... ·-t"'"" P'lll pn·,.111 <.rnrtu 11 jil(l(l(!<., nr.:in<>111>~ "Jl'(l 111111 fl much rnnr 1> Y(l1, ~ i'!P "\f'"l t·11v t 11•<. ;:rt !hP llf'f'I r r•r" i'f''r! •"nt'·I" hrun,,5 ;i···1 ·' nrrnr \ r Ir <. il 1 ~111">~1 "1"1><!1 ~;iv1ni;,:~ I no l"<;•r\"'" r 1•Jh ;il<;f'I r•ni••r; .. -. r-·11 r'l><.! n1;•1!'i no t•r~PtS In <Of'(lrjlnj< ;:ir·'1 r..,•rr la•f1"''•'11 "''""' \ f>h,~ ;:i .•.11nl p It<,~ nl free ~t 'I" r <. <..'If" 'l"f'"~ I r-n~<><. •nnr•1 ,.,,.,/~ '';;, <'r•<.f'lf"(i,•. tnl,., <.<"• <'<;~·>"I'!> <r "' '" ,,., . . , r ,, o'll r " r I ·rrr '" I 1·..-·1 r><'r<.t11r•"'1ll '"" ,, 1 !nr ... <'r~ I.fl()., ... I' jl r.:i1"'nr .. -•·-1 t-·,., 1"'"''· · r: '" "' ""'"'' _,., r•·-ri,r<. '" 1 tr" o: lh .. ••1 •-ii In 11<. ,.,,, f<)rr·~ "·"' '''"' A<.•-',... ',r·r r;: .>! o'I• (n~<' nlf•'" ""••· ~!!'''' WILSMlll[ 11 QltAMll.'l1'1':l' •LACl ,.,,1 W•l •r>"• •1v" l A · \l l 111 ~ l I CIV IC C[Nf[ll. ;n~ 4 "'""~wl y • ,., .. J l!'l~ MUNlllllGYON l l ACM 01 .. ""'"'•t"nC•n!f • •I ll ~• •"'I 1 ~1 1 SANTI 41111 LOAN SC1'Y1Cl AOINCT 1•05111 .... ,"5' ·•11 1 )~1 1 •2\l S.INTA MONICA: 11 • W>I•""" !!1¥" • 11 1 01•< ~·Ill '£0 110. l"'" 4 •• ,.1,, 'l 'l l ''l W[f,T C0Yllll4 ' fou•1nl! ~'"'l'l''"I r1< ·''I lll'H 1'4N0 ilt4MI l:ITl' •~I~ \Ion llluy• ~·v~ • •~~ 11 ! I fl1'l .O.N .. LON~ IE.I.CM [4$T LOS .l.NG[l (5 I t" 4 S~I') !Oll•"'"I !.•~"' Oally Hours -9 AM to • PM Open St !u•dtys -I AM lo I ""4 Net Oo•~ S•tv•d• 1• ---. . . ·COAST . J AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS ., .. -..u.,o,.,.A ..... .,,.,.,,,.. ~ Wrdntsday, Au;ust 25, 1q11 DAILY P ILOT Sl•ft Pholt KITTEN AWAITS FATE AT ANIMAL SHELTER Today'r. Stray I/Jill B• Tomorrow's Fertiliier Felines 'Executed' Dail y Dy BARBARA GIUS 01 rt11 01111 Pilo! sr1n In this age of ecology, even cats are being recycled in in Orange Coun t.v. TOOay·s stray cal at the county 's Anin1al Shelter here Is tomorrov/s fertilizer at the \Vest Coast Rendering Com- pany in Anaheirn. Orville illason. t'hief of shelter scrvitl's, says more than 300 cats are disposed of daily during !he sumn1er months. They n1eet a fate called euthan rzaliOn. 1o•:hich is a painless. instant vacuuming proce~s that lakes place in a pressurized cylind('r It can be cQ1npared . s;iys Mason, to a rapid ascension to Hl.000 feet v.·Hhou! ;111 oxygen mask. The furry bodies are colll'C!cd <ind 1:.iken to the Ana- hein1 rendering plant. 11here they are pulverized into fer· tllizer or tankage, \l'hich is used by hog breeders as a fat· tening s!in1u lus. ;\1ATl1\G SEASON, accorc.li11g to t.Inson. is al its peak in the feline community. The · suddcnl popul;1 ti(ln explosion is the fault of nothing more than \\·arrnu1g temper<ilures and swinging screen doors. "lt"s a people probl em," !'ays Kcnnclh \\'alker of the &heller's adn1inistralive division. "If owners insist on keeping their cats out rJ[ lhe house, 1hey must have thern altered su rgically. or ris k the con- sequences. \Vhich co1ne in lillrrs and n1ore litters.·· Neutering or spay111g opcrat1un s can cost fron1 .~15 lo $40, says \\'<1lkcr. The off-season for sh cl!crs ::ind cutt1 :i iiizcrs. says \\';ilk· c1·. is ;iround Chri sltn:i s. \1·hen childrcn"s stocking ("an br tilled 11·llh kil!Cns ;ind wl1e11 11u1t1ng 1s harnpcred h.1' thr. sin1ple f<i('I. thal cats <lon 'L \1i1nl lo proll'l ll1ruugh rriin- fillc'Cl puddles Tll E A,~J.\.1AL sheller in Or·ang(' rct"rivf's rnorc than JOO kittrns a da v lron1 lhe arn1s of niournful owners \\·ho ''can"t care for ihen1 any lon~rr." Son1e litlf'rs come pa ck- ed in shopping bags. Other crits C(lme singly, held by the licruff of ihe neck by irrilnled neigt1burs. Because space. 1nanPQ\1·cr and lunds 1l'ill n(ll pt'rm11 the ~helter to hcconH' ovrrrun 11i!h feline s and pl:~tcn1ent in adopted homes cannot be promist·d. the slciff must resort to "mercy killings .. 11·h1ch is clone on a schedu led basis. Stray cats ;:ire kept only 24 hnurs. Thosr lha t are iden· tified are kept up tn five days ror cla inung hy their 01vn· crs. AL THOUGH THE shelter's objectives are to protect lhe 1vclfare of both the public and anin1 als, U1ese aims <ire often no1 cnmpatibl!'. Cat lov ers 1\•ill say that a gentle death is f·n1c! prevention of life lo flefcnsele.~s kiHens. Jiov:- ever. others )Xiint to henl!h menaces and general nuisance value and say that the euthanization is justified. "It'll! .:l simple choice for cal 0\1·ners." sa.vs 'Valker. Either prevent breeding by altering the cats or pay the taxes to staff anim11I shelters big enough lo assure tabby of all nine of his Jives. OA ILY 'IL~T tlefl ..,..._. THIS IS TANK THAT TAKES ALL NINE LIVES Up to 10,000 f••f Without Oxyg•n M111k OAJL> PILOT J.'t VEN.DOME ITORBS .JOIN IN CBLBBRA TING TBB ..... THURS., AUG. 26th, 9 a.m. OF OUR NEW 10,000 SQ. FT. Pa,ty Center .• COSTA MESA Prices effective through Tuesday August 3 l. Deluxe Insulated Kin~·size ?-quart tin ly f99 S1ock up 11ow, :i.t th is low low price~ CASF. "'0. l 4 :i11.\ or mal~h b 01 more of the fol!owi o! ~od save 30 3ddltional 10%! Martin's V.V.O. Si:otch Reg. 17.49 SAVE 3.00. . Lauder's Extra I~ight Scotch Reg. l c.49 SAVE .50¢ Old Charter, 7 yr. old Bourbon .1449 1199 IZ'5 Ice Bucket Reg. 14.95 SAVE 2.00 ..• \Volfsl'l1111idt V odk:1 80 proof K1:g. 9.49 SA VE .50~ •• 'J":111q11er<1 y Gin. l1nportrd 94 proof Reg. 15.19 SA VE 1.50 8'' 1369 " Just In li1ne fur holiday pJ!lie>! Hold~ over 5 11ays of cubes! Choose Avocado, lirii:h1 Red or Sky Blue ·with gold-finhh handk. Emerald Hay London Dry Gin ... ,., " Oak Creek K entucky Straight Bourbon ... -~~: .. , /@ EIO~ "" . 1011 BaL·;1rdi Run1 -l igh t or (;o]iJ Reg. I 1.85 SA VL' 1.00 King's Ransom Red Castle Outrigger Bell 's 12-vea r-old Prerniurn Ligh t o r Gold 86 Proof Scotch Scotch Rum Scotch Wbl1key J79 41q " ' ' - ' ;fi, '(40' ... fifth Pt ''~ • Gi IN l'~t ra dry for 11\,· f'l'rlc, l Regular SJ.99 n1Jrun1! 86-p1oof Chateau Cro1~ct Ba~rs • Pau1ll;1.: Chatcau Dt ))ale s· Pomerol VA LUE$ Chatcau La Ci1ace Dicu -St. l·~trrhc TO SJ.50 Chateau Phelan Sei;ut ·Sl. E,icphc NO \V ONLY Oiateau Grand Co1d1n brspagnt-. ~1. l-'milonz4 q Ch~teau Troplong .Montlol -Sl. Em don .-ase of l.!·S2'J.50 Los Angelef>' Lowest-Priced FRENCH CHABLIS 1967 Vintage-Estate Bottled. iqq Chate;:iu CHEV AL HLANC (SL. Em ilon) 1968 Vintage- very rare 49s Case_of l 2 · $50.00 fifth RC"j.'.ula1 S !f!.UO w sc or 12 $23.50 Sa'·~ an t~tr.i I©. buy !hr i;;•;t! Cha!.eau LAFITE· ROTHSCH IL D (Pn ui llac ) 1968 Vintage Red Wine 99s Case-or 12·S100 COLONIA L CLUB fifth $"1t.ie<b11t~ ·-.-..:;:- --' \\'r~1 lnd1es rnm · 1!(, pr,,uf cl1.1tinc11vc tlavo1 ._, .. ,,_,, S45.l5 ,,;a,r VINTAGE SPAN ISH Burgundy -Chablis - Saut.emc in Half-Gallon .$ ~~~~9 ea. J for 5 Mix o r match Sto<.:k up n ow, ::iave $J .50!qq GEORGE AUBERT CHAMPA GN E "Brut"-l mporl al Domestic price 0 •••••Mo•••!• . . ... , ...... ,_..., fifth Regular$().)')! S51).S5 ~·1Je Austrian lmport ~ qqs WE INHEBER A 11uly clq:Jl\t 11111c ,cncr, 111111rlc1r 11·11b i.:h1llcr 1ubc, An ideal g•l"t'. LIQUEUR S &CORDIALS4 .. 0 . Creme de Mroihc. C'remedeCa~ao, fiflh~& Triple Scc.Coffeeand n1any mo"' •J f or., 69filh ~ ..... BURGERMEISTER BtLR 1 ~-o7,. C"A1\1S ~ave 211./ on every 6-p~c k of li11rg1c' Rcgul1r6 l"o rSI )') .. llEUBLEIN ,........._. COCKTAILS E'l.(ra Dry 1'lanini, ~la1 Tai. (iunlcl, Manhal tan. S lin~er. Marga1ita, v .. iquiri f'LUS the New B ra~~ Monkry, and n1ott ! EXECUT IVIZ Vnur COCKTA ILS <hoi~c Dai(luiii, Whi~l:cy Snur, .\1.,·1 ~j and 1'fargaiita. 8·oz. (a1i> SHASTA 101t drink• Rcgu!ar 99~ ca ! Your choice of navors! Diet or Regular REGULAR OR KING SIZE 40 CANS & FOR Cotta Mesi only IOO"s •plus sales lax Co511 Meu only J oa · carton " CASCA DE BEER I ~-oz. CANS t 1gh1 and 1ncllow p1cmium b~cr ! COCA.COLA 12-oz. CANS Stock up now on 1cf1t~h1n1 Co kt! FR ITO-LAY ~· tortilla cblp1 Bu y one pack at regular price -get the second pa r k of these party favorites FOR ONLY Coua Mt~a only N.IW PARTY CENTER 111 Bt:11t:rly 1-lills, ••••••• VENDOME 327 No. Beverly Drive ••..••• ,, .•••• 274·1426 -OL 4..C4« CENTURY f.IAC"S VENOOME 9816 Wilshire Blvd .. BR 2·2765 -CR 5·4311 VENOOME (Century) 8326 \X1ilshire Boulevard . , • , •• , •• , , .. , , •. 653-3335 111 Wtslwood •• ,,.,,,,, TONY'S VENOOME 1790 Westwood Boulevard .•••••. 474·3535 • 272-2468 In Hollyu1ood., •••• ,, •• VENDOME 1700 No. Hillhur1t .......•.•• ,.,.,,,, ..•..... NO J.8080 fn Gltnd11/t ., •.•·• •••• , VENOOt.f E (S1a1c Liquors) 825 W . G lenoaks .......••. 247·9}59 · 242-0683 In AfoHlrQst·U C111111da •. VENOOME (S1a1e Liq uors) 2143 Verdugo Bl., Montrose .. 2.(9.6119 • 249·6110 /11 CrtnJb•tU Art•, , , . , • VENOOME 3869 Santa Rosalia Drive ..• , .. , ....•.... , .. , , .••. 293-80-40 FREE OR VALIDATED P,<IRK ING AT ALL STOR~S ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED $hop 9AM • IOPM daily, 9AM ·I IPM Fri. aed Sat. 2320 HARBOR BLVD . NEAR WILSON PHONE 545-4422 in con •f prinlint •rrer, mln lmu"' prl<•• preveil ' .. ' -··--'""'···--"'Ir·--,. ..... • ' . -H I • • . • • • • • : • ' r -I • J 3A DAILY PILOT Top• Taipe i Red Cl1ina Gain s U.N. Seat Fa vor TAJPEI (UPIJ -C-Om- muni!lt China now has gained dlplomalic recognition of more countries I ha n Nationalist China and the margin is ex- pected to widen lfl the ruture. When Turkey, once t'On· sidered a staunch ally of Taipei. switched recognition from Taipei to Peking Aug. 5 lhe score slood at an even fi2 - fi2. Iran tipped thf' balance two weeks laTer on Aug. 18 and made it 63 to 6! in fa1 nr of Peking. Sierra l.eone 1n A!r1C'a <'On- hrn1ed Its e~tabltsh1nf'nl (If diplomat ic lies with Pl'k 1n11: Friday. nearly thrtt \.\'eeks after it.s d e I e g a 1 ion s an- nounced it in Peking. and pushed !he margin In 64 Lo 60. So far as ii is known. M!\IPral more countries -such as Belgium and Peru -are nl'gotia1ing diptomPJ ic rela- tions with Peking. Other enun- tries in A(rica anc! South Americ;:i al sn may sh i ft recognition without v.·:<rn ing. dip!omatic sources saic! Despite Peking's nun1eriral superiority in the dip!nm<1tlc ring. the Na1innalisl. Chinese ji!.ovemment still believes th;:it it halll more friend.~ than Pek· ing does in the: v.•nr!d com- munity. N;itionalisl China up unLil early last year held 1 com· fortable margin of more than 10 nations in what it called "diplomatic struggle'' against Communist China. It was Canada w h i ch surprised the world by an- nourl(:lng its decision t n recognize Peking on Oct. 10, 1!170 . wh ich started the domino rea(·tion against Taipei. Sinre then a tot.:il of 12. na- tions ha ve followed su11. Nationalist Ch1nrse offil·ial!. wh ile fe('ling helples~. are wat r hing for a sign that this trend is stQpping if nol revers- inf! "It is like an avalanrhe Bul e\'en an avalanche h.:is to end !'tlmev•here," one official in Taipei remarked. But rhe Nat ionali st Chinese authorities said that they could not forsee the end until after President Nixon returns from his plannl'd trip to Pekini' ne-.;t \'r;ir. The. U.S. niove for redn~ni ti1u1 of the Peking government n1a v not come until quile snmr 1im.e !a!('r. Bt1t \\•hen it dncs. rhe Nalinnalist C hine s t' government. knowing the in· fluence America stil! hold s C1ve r other nations. fears lha1 It n1av trigi::er a no l h e r avalt1nChe nr c n LI n I r i es rrcognizlng Mainland China. Strikebou11d Ships Live i11 Ow11 World SAN FRANC ISCO (AP) - The sai!orl'i becalmed on the strikebound ships in San Fran· cisco Bav Are doin.11 jusl. wh<it .:ill beca.lmed .sailors usually have to do-c hip rust and p;iint. Some 17 ships are anrhored In the bav. and about 40 lied up at various docks. Some are American, but most a re foreign ships waiting to unload. The authority for !he con- ditions aboard the ships is Tom Escher of the Harbor Tug and Barge Co. who n1akes regu lar rounds <:olle<'lin11: garhagr. "Each or those 17 ships and the men out there ;ve really in lht'ir nwn li!1le y.•nrld." he said. "and that \\'ortd is the !'ihip .. '"A nd v.·ha1 they do in lhal ~·orld depends on !heir C'a p· lain." Escher said Y Tanka, ct11rf mate of tht I 0 . O 2 J -t n n Japanese freighter Tolen Maru told him the crev.· of :JI of- ficers and men are becnm1ng •·very complaining." ··rhev are anxious rnr Japan.;, said Tanaka. In rhe month lhe Tnten Maru has been anchored here v.·ith a cargo nf steel pipt> and coils . the crtw has heen "pain- llnR. scrubbing. c h i pp 1 n R . sightseeing, doing ~ o m e rt'ading. listening to records and playing baseball \vilh 01her Japanese ship"' ashore. Thr crew is allnv.·ed ashore onl:v during the da~r, he s11id, because nighl s in San Fran- cisco '"might be "er y dangerous.·· ··san Fr<1nc1sen is nr1!. ;:i place for seamen any more," sighed ~econd ni:ite Anlhnnv Shellman 11f the S\\·edi~h freighter Kanagonra. Thin!'.!~ are tough all over, he 1n- dicalcd. "You know tha t won1en's l1ber<1t1on stuff" \\'e\1e got 11 in S1\·edcn too " ..Rut a Int of us ha ve J!Ond c:nnncctions in .lapan," he said. cas11ng a longing look nut through the Cnldrn Gate 1n thr general d1rrctinn of D.11 l'\1hon. Two Soviet frc11:;hlc:rs, thr. l\nnslant in Pa115f11uskv anrl !he S11!cy 1nan !'l<111:-.k1.l'e. rx I ended trarli!1nn:il n ll s ~ i a tl hospit<ililv recf'ntl,v In ;i ho<1tload of 2~ Se;i Senut..~ frn1n Bchnonl cruising a roll n d !hem. The 1nvil<'d the 111 aboard The ensuing Russi;in p;1rly 'ol'as folln\\·rd b_\' an 1n1·i!at inn from !he. Sea ~cnuts for ~ Hussian seamen to dinnrr in JO Peninsula hon1es hy variou s parents of the c-adet.~ The result v.as annthrr cC1n1'1\·1al e1·enin~. 41 Ma1·g111·~t· s Prin ce.~.~ D oe.~ 01v11 Tli iug LONDON (ti Pl 1 tnr Princess ~1;argarel. life al 40 is a time for doi n~ mnrr of hrr :i.1argare! once s:od nf her lllt'f'f' Al1hough she ~1111 rn1nv~ an ncrasiona l d;:in<'e into thf. \oJe(' own thing hnurs. :l'!i:lrg;..rr! has gra<lu;;ll\• The years th;it ha\·e added a cut her tie;; with the ni;:hlclu h few pound s and JUS! ;:i y.•hispcr set 1n f<J\"nr nf infnrrn;il dinner or a double chin tn the roya.1 partirs at her ··gracr anrl figure also have lifted frnm fa vnr .. hbme in l\ensington htr shoulders much flf the ra.lace. royal resp<insihilit y. She often conks the steaks On her ~l ~I birthday Au11:. (lnl1 Snowdnn tos;;rs the s;i!;id~ 21. Queen Elizabeth's 1ilt1e She rrn1:1 1ns cln!<e tn !hr si~1er find! ht'r lift more her Quet'n tllnther. J1rr ~trarl iest nwn 11 nd \ells the Rn}al friend and c·onf1rl.:in1r (lunng f'amily"s. her reported 1narilal nf!.~. and The event il~ell v.a s 111. snmc11n1es secs Pri11ccss Anne dicative. LAS! year. she wilh whn !<hr s h arr~ "11 celebrated the event v.·ith the in1erest in the Jatrsl fashion~ rest nf the·Royal Family. She. But the gap belv.'f'f'O Ruck · found herself involved in a i n~ham Palace and Kens· controversv over her latest inl!;tnn Palace is widening. portrait The British Brnad· ~1argaret rarely visits Quttn casting Corp. IBBC l trum· Elizabeth thr~e days. and hrr meelings wjlh Prince Charles. peted the doings over a na-tionwide radio and lrlevision heir to the thrnne. :i rl' rarer still network I The dark-h11irrd Princc~s For this birthday. Margaret st ill enjovr-· 1hr limrl1gh1-bu! 3nrl her hu!1h11nd . the E::irl n( nflrn i1 turn:'I' intn a glarfl of Snowdon-!11111 1narried. rr(lflr1!1 !)1 .1! her 11 -\rar nl;ir desp1le a recurrln!!. spate nf rhn.:e w i t h phfl1ncraphrr rumor~-wert quielly 11 n d Arlthrynv Arn1strong·,lnnrs is privately varationing I n on !he ·r0£'ks, - Sllrdinia as gues1s of the Ai;ta Thi~ yr:ir was no diff('rrnt Khan. At one point, newspaper!'i in l.211ter 1he.re will Oe i'Jl of· !hr L'nirt>d S!alt'~ riirrird ncial royal birthday pa rty. report~ or a romance hl"tiA·ren But it will be 1 small thing, SMwdon and Ladv .Jarquclinr Buckingham Pal11ce says. and l~:1ats. 24-year-{lld daughter of even lbt date il'i uncertain. the t<.t11rquc&~ of Readinjl . Prlncesl'i Margaret remains There "'ere pic tures of the two fifth in line to !he throoe. toi?elhrr ""' a tat)le behind her gjgter's f 0 U r fl turnt'd nut to bt' II parlv childrtn. But the royal dut1e!'i in1·olv1n~ at I P a ~ t .ill lhe once ha ndltd fa ithfully if .. r>rr<"•"< 1nr111·1111g, Pr11H·~~· not always happily-the ch1t ri· ~1ars:;arr1 hr1·~rlf µ111 ni r ty 11ppearences. !hr ~·hip r 11 rn n r ~ rl I r h :i r rl , J1unchinfj:1'-MOW h::ne r;illt'n lo althr011::h -r'(f·f'tif fr.r n n r the new i;:cnerali'ln an rl t•1uf·t11 n1nn1rn! 1n Fehr11arv. Prfnct.q Anni', h!:'rself 21 r,n l!lfl7 !hr p!'rmanrnr"' nf th ,. Aue. 15. 1n:i rriAt1t' never h11.~ been "She's tougher lhan I "'as," re<illy dl'l11bl1>rl ---,,. ) '\l:.,_ .. ' THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY thru SUNDAY, AUG. 26, 27, 28 & 29 Do-It-Yourself BUILT-IN BAR-B-Q "Lei Our Experts Show You How Easy II ls To Build Your Own Custom BBQ/'' Deluxe Feat ur es Include : V Chrom e-plated heovy duty grill with odjustoble firebox. V Easy to clean, po rceloinized finish. V 16 inch x l 8 inch cooking grill-tokes rough opening of 1 a 'I• inch es x 19 inches. REG. $24.99 SAVE $10.00 ON THIS SUPER BUY/ 6 Ft. PATIO UMBRELLA • Six •ibbed ton1truction. • Tubular oluminum pole, • Flowered vinyl fobric. • Ad justable tilt. • Fringe lrPm oil around. REG. $14.99 SAVE $4 .001 Genuine Pincor •I ' _ .. Plncor S•lf Propelled REEL MOWER Oelu.:• Featur es Include: ""7 1/1 h,p, 8"991 & Stro!tor1 eng1n1. V' All steel fram e wi!h preci1ion grour1d reel held i., 1enl ed beorin91. V' Belt & choin guard covers lo ir1su re 1ofely. V Cuttinp height odiu1h fro1t1 1h "102V,", V Adiu1toble 1peed & clutch con!rol1. REG . $99.95 THE BEST BUY EVER! ANAHEIM 2 144 W. UIOCO~N !100 TAIOl l •IT 0, l•OO•NUIJTI ...io1o11 '''··•Joo I 2nd BIG WEEK!! WE BOUGHT OUT A DISTRIBUTOR'S ENTIRE STOCK OF CERTAIN ITEMS AT COST ••• AND WE'RE PASSING OUR SAVINGS ON TO. YOUI REMEMBER ••• STOCK IS LIMITED! HURRY! 100°/o latex REDWOOD STAIN •Newest slai n & sealer. •Thi n & clean up with water. • Beautifies & protects • REG. $3.99 SAVE $2.SOI ''Who's That Behind Those foster Grants?'' MOUSE TRAPS Famous Foster Grant• SUNGLASSES • You r choice of all the mo st popular men's & women's styl es. •tenses ore po lari zed to elimi nate glare. e Pick up seve ral pair of th is fantastic sole price . VALUES TO $7.99 SO'ro Off! Special Blend 3 in 1 OIL I • Th• tried & true method for ge!ling rid of th e pesky critt eri. • SAE. 20 wt. fo r lublico ting motor' 1/. h.p. or larger. • Nor1-1tud9in9- wori '! run off. (g ltlG. 2 5c 12' Pkg. of 2 Commercial Grade 12''x 12" CARPET TILE • Th i1 is the better grade -mode for long W•O•. • Cu1hion-bocked- eo1y to in1toll with daubl1-boclf s1 icky lope. • 6 colors. llG. s•c 27c SAVI 32c ea 10 Inch High KID'S TV STOOL • A perfect pe rch for the kid1-0110 handy stool for liord to reach spots. • Smoothly 1ond1d and ready to fin ish. HG. $1 .1' 69' REG. J9c 19~ ... It's N•wl It'' Greatl BAR·B·Q FIRESTARTER 3 1MO .. . . . . . - • fill with crushed newipoper-top with briqueh or1d il'I no !lme your cools ore white hot. I ·. I • I : ·. I ( . ' . , l ullt to s.n for $2.99 69' BIKE LOCK • Sofe guord your bik1I • Ru1tle11 1olid tole, • Ru1t r11i1tont 1teel 1hoclfle . • ol dhc wmb!eri. • Jul! in time 101 back to 1chool I ·99;· :·~ OVl~A::.001 Q .......... ·l l~-.... -.,~.._ . I I ' I • I 1 I ' I . ' ' • :· GENUINE PRESTO ® ALUMINUM PRESSURE COOKER "Lets You Cook Foods W ithout Cooking The Goodness Out!" • Speedy pressure cooking retains all the natural protein & vitamins. • Sturdy,4 qt. stamped aluminum cooker. •Presto cooking assures faster, better cooking. REG.$11.99 SAVE $3.00! 'I~ Inch x 100 Ft . SISAL ROPE •Strong, fl e.\ible, lon9 lou111g . • Great for hundre ds of hom e & 1hop uses_ RlG. $1 .IS 49' Marine BATTERY BOX • Fi11 most dandord marine bo!lerie1-mode of tough polyet hylene. e Re sish 1011 WCJ!e>r, acids, 9osolint-- wi1h s!rop &. b1ock ett, REG. $3.9!!: :.------~-------- ., .· Auto LITTER BIN • leokproof, unbr•Qkobl• plastic bin fits OYer cor floor bump. • U1e for litter or as o catch-oil. REG. 1 9 c 59c Qne Quart PAINT REMOVER • l 1mov11 oll typ11 of point, varnish «:ind lacquer from ony surface. • fo r interior or t J.l erior us e. RIO. 9fc Heavy Duty WIRE BRUSH e PrepCJre the surface before you poin1. • 13 inch curved-boclf hondle hos 3 rows of I '/4 inch tleel bri1tl11. Rl'G . 19< Woven Grass BEACH MAT • ldeol for throw rug•, picnic moh, b•och. • 3.f Y, inche1 wide x 66 inch•• Ion;. llG. lie 59' ,•; " REMEMBER ••• THIS SALE ENDS SUNDAY! HHvy Duty LOPPING SHEARS • Strong, forged sleel blades for cut1 in9 woody branches. • Sli p-proof vinyl cushion grip. • Styled for comfortable, untiring ust-0vera ll length: 22 inches. REG. $1 .99 SAVE 66• Skokie• 30" BOW SAW • 3~ inch blade of the hi9h•tl quality Swedish 1!t el-tubulor steel fram e! • C11ts on both for- ward & bockwc;ird strokes. RIG. $4.49 $249 WOW/ SAVI $2 .00 SAVE $4.001 Ki ddie s TABLE 6t CHAIR SET e 51urdy tubulor 11••1-built lo toke on th• wear & tee r the kids con g iYe lhem. e 2.t" squore folding toltle & 2 choir1. • Ta lt le top & 1•0!1 COYe red in wo1hobl1 vinyl. RfG. $9.99 A.1 Se•n on TVI VECi·O·MATIC • Slices & dices as fast a s electric ma chin es. • High quality cast a luminum, stainless steel blades, high impact styrene housing. •Safe, simple & easy to use. As Advertised on TV for $7.77 HU••YI UMITID ra STOCK ON HANOI AIM VALLIY 17,..t, N OOltlfUlllT I* TAllU SOVfH 0, WAl~ll) llllJ!llllllllll ................................ . DAILY PILOT J38 FAUi i . \' CIHC:l/5 l>u .ltll Kea11e "MOMMY !" U.S. Influence W i1idi1ig Doiv 1i Hf l'lllL NE\\'SO~I U~I F•r•il~ Howl it.n•tu! As Unit ed ~tates troop strength declines in South \'ietn;un, V.S. i n f I u t' n c 1· declines si milarly, both militarily and politically. 1\lllit a1·ily an cxainplc 1na~· be dra1\'ll frun1 I a s I Fcbruary·s incur~ion i n 1 u Laos, prirnanly a S..1ulh \11et- 11an1f·sC' uper:11Lon The United S!il\l'~ helic1ed lha1 11·i1h rein - lorcernents the &Juth \'iet- na111cse could h<ivc sr ave<l lungC:r and the oµer:1tion y1Cld- rd niorr 11rut 1!;1ble rcsul1 s. 11 "'US South Viclnan1 Presi- den1 Ngu yen Va.11 1'hieu \l'ho dec ided 1hal J)()liticnl lossr;; ll'Ou!d lw grea!er thun 1he polil1cal g<1ins nnd pulled his troops b~ck . Politicall.1. Tll it·u i~ till.' Uni ted States eho1ce to suc- reed l11111srlf as president as a 1neans uf ll1rtheri11g Sout h \'ieln<1111e:.c s~al>ilitv. It 1101';; 11111. ho\l.'<'ve r, want his viclurv lo be so uverhwheln1 in1t as tO ill\ ite charges of election rig- c1n:;. Th ieu sullcrs fro1n nu surl1 scruples In 1!16i. Th1l'u \\·on ofr1<·I' agninsl ;1 fie!d of 10 olht'r can· dida1e:-11·11h only 35 percent of !he role, lie h;1s no inte11tio11 uf being a minol'it.v presid ent again . This spring. by rncans Iii.~ c1·i1 il's h:J \'C c:l!led qucs- Uo11able, he pushed lhrough pdrli111nent an t•lcction la1\• re- quit·ins thal presldenli<1! call· didates obtain s i g n at u re .~ either of 100 city or provincial councihnen or 40 fron1 na· tional legislators. Ostensibly, the la\1' w.is ill· te nded to prevent an over« 31)Ulld81lCe of presidential ('.<11l- didate.~. But 1to; effect ha ~ been (o ban fro 111 the l.la llot \'tl'C l 'rt'.~1dcn! r\guyen Cao h y. one ol his most outspoken and :;truni:;cst t'ivals. Ky and the u th r r strongest cand ldate, Gen. t:uong Van ~1inh (Big f\linh ~. had agreed that 1'.1inh \rould draw his slgnature::; fro1n a1nong nati o n .1 J legis le!nrs an<l Ky \\'OU\d gel his in the pro\'inces. t\linh got his but l\y found that T hieu . foresightedly. alrt•ady h:1d lied up rnost or lhe pruvinc1;il counci llors. thu~ pt'l~\·enling his C<indidacy . Tht· result is to give the Oct. :1 elccliun~ so n1elhing of th e appearance of shAvi11g th e point ~preacl in a crooked ba1-:kctbnll g;,in1e, and to e1n· harrass tile United Stetes. ·1 Ii 1 l' u h;is indi ce.ted he could11'l rare lcs~. I le scrs no rea~o11 "·hy he !ihould 111;1kc things easy for either uf his rivols lit· did not fear l\v as an C'lcction ril'al hut 0 hc did t.iel iel l' 1\.1 rnlght !<i ll.e enough \'n1<'.~ lru111 hitn to let Big :\l111h Ul l\l1nl1 1s ;i Buddl11s t iu a predu1n1nantly Buddhis t coUn· lry and is a hero or the o\·erlhn1\\' ol the l11te presidenl N~o Dinh Dicn1 in 1963. lie is a candidate on a peace µl:illnrn1 plrdBCd to a recon· 1·1tia11on of all South Vlei· n<irncse clen1 cnls and ,. pul1l if'al !>Olullun of the \l'ar. Thieu. :i Ron1a11 Catholi1·. bases his plalforn1 on four no·~ -no coalition. no neutralita· lion. no territ~iria ! concessions ;ind no open Communist ar· 11ri1y 111 South V1etnan1. 1\! present in the United S!ales for consultations in \Vashi11gton 1s U . S . an1- ba ssaclor lo South Vietnam Ellsworth Bunker. He is ex· peeled lo re 111 a in in \Vashinglon about a \vee k. ll 11·ould not be surprising if, under the t ircurnstances. he ~ho11l(l 1\'t~h Ile rould stay 1n 1he L'nited Slate~ until the Ni1Hh \"1clnan1e~e ele\.·tioni; are all o\tr. JFI( Pl a1111 ecl lo Bridge Chi11 a Gap-Sali11 ge r LONDON (API -P1errr Salinger ~ay~ the late Joh n F. Ke nnedy intended to use a se- cond terin in the \\'hite House lo bridge the gar bet11'een the L'ni!ed Stcites and Con1111unis1 Chi11:1. as President.Nixon nO\v is striving to do. Salinger. press secr<'lary 10 Ken11edy . rnadc this report i11 an intervie\I' wit h the British Broa <tcasling Corporation re- corded July. before Nixon announced his 11l<1ns to v1s1t China . and broadcast toda~·. In the prepared te:xt . Sal- inger also said President Ken· nedy ncl'er intended rnajor escataLi6n in Vietnan1 and alwa,ys contended only the Sou lh Vietnamese could solve thC:ir problem 1\'ilh the Co1n- 1nunisl North. An interviewer asked Sal· inger if ii. was true thal Ken· ned y neglected to educate the An1erican public on the nee d fo r re lations \\'ith Peking. "Every An1erican presiden t from !Hft to 1970 can be con· "icted of !he same charge."' Salinger replied. "The itn· mense popularil,'' of Presirient Eisenho"·er could very \l'ell have bee n used to lead lhe Ameri can people lo un· de rst and that "'f: lla\'e to have relations w ith Communist China. "\Vhile I ;un not a great ad· mircr of the Ni~ o n Admi nistration. the one thing they hnve d~Jne which has bet>n 11ery sensible has to lry to THE BE ST 111111r An1rr!c:an publ ic opu11011 in tl11· c..l1rrc:!iun of un· de1·sta11d ing and acce pting a relationship 1vilh China. ''Presldenl Kennedy 1\'~11 electt'd with a \•ery i;inall margin lie looked on the presi<lency as an cighl·yenr occupation and I th ink he would have been reelect ed in 1964 \\'ithoul an \' trouble wha1evcr. ,\ n d i1e a [1l'ay~ had Chi na n1arked as a part of policy for the se<..'Ond four years of his adtninistration. 1r he had lh•ed he would hare n1ov~ forv,rard lo relations "'ith China durin~ those four years ·· Sali11ger conceded that Ken· nedy escalated A 1n e r i c It n strength in South Vietnem frorn a mil iltiry 111ission or 800 men lo 16.000, The rolt was passi\'C. though, and there n·ere only 12 An1eri cans killed in 1ha1 tfme, he emphasized . "Now. there·s a great leap fr·oni that belief to putting a hair 1nillion n1e11 in Vietnam as President Johnson did and creating a land "'nr in Asia." he 11·ent on. "President Kennedv never had the Idea that Vietiiam was a bottomless. endless com · n1itment so far as lhe United St11tes wa! concerned. The month before he was killed he st~ttd that the final analysis the only peoplt "'ho cou ld win thal "·ar or lo~e that war were the South Vletn altle !I • thi-mftelvei;.''" Saling~r a cc u 11 ed th• military I ea d e r s or In· fl\lenclng the \\'hife House Into the hugr cscalalion or n111n. ..pc,..'.et.--TM 1.-.~ll'al -ln1e1;......--.' l;l'11Cl!'-Agt"llCY 1tlwiry!1: w It~ aE,0111.sl it, he sn ld. • I • , • • . ' ! '· I ' ' :: ' ' • :· . .. l :· ' J .,, • ·-' . • 1tl11111111.fltl1 011 e 1·11tion :\ lf'<llll of Svdncv L111,·cr~11y ve1er1 narit1 ns pcrforn1 th e b1gg-c,<;f orcr;i\1011 in !hr uni\·er.-i ty'~ "tustci ry on ·rara. a \\\'O·!o11 elcph<i11t. She hacl ;in flbdon11nal tu1nor rr1novcd that 11·;i s !hf' siic of a football. Dorlors say 1l tould have c-1111 ~cd her death . Clergy P rul eslers Ca lled 'I 111111al11.rc' 'YASHI NGTO.\' 1L.:l'l1 Behind l11s dcsf. 111 llu• Forres101 I Building. ac,·oss the Potomac H11•er frorn the l'en- 1agon. hang,i; a pl;iqur that reads: "Lo1d. nia f.e inc i1n 1n- strun1e111 ol thy pc;11.:r" The 1\rin~ ·s nr1\ l'h1l·f 4Jf c·h;ipla111s. ?ll<tJ . l;c11 (;1·1·ha1·<lt \\' Hyatt. feels ~1ron~I.\ Th;1l \\a1· is 11Tong But he also lerls !hat clt'rgyn1en who cl;i!nn lhc military and euunsc! .1 outl1 against ser1 ing 111 \'1etn<r111 ·are i111n1aturr l think an.1• hrl1r1·rr 11'hr!hcr hr 1., (a1hol1t. or Protestant or .Jew. or 1! lir 1loe~n·1 have a 1<e.~~h,11 -L~ ;og;iins! 11ar, "Hya tt s<nd in ;111 in\ervie11 . "! hope SO f hopr 11·{•re ;>.11 11ga1n.,1 11ar .t ~ ;i ~1isfac!orv solut1un lor prob· lem~ "But 1nank1n<l ha~n t 1e1 hccome so pcrlrctc1I 111 · i1.o; moralitv lh;it we're l11·ini:: in thal e'n11ronn1cnt ~l;inkind "t1H looks on 11•ar "" ;i satisfa ctorv soh111tir1 lo in- lt>rnational prohlC'ms l;111r~~ thal eh;ingcs. ll't' 1nu:-1 he prepared lo dr:•I ll'i1h 11 .. A Lutheran. Hvat! ha~ .~<'1'11 $:0ml' s1•nods · ,1jjh111 h 1 ... dcnomin~tion t;1kc :i publll' stand that !T}Cn ,have lhe righ• to decide against !iJ!hltng u1 ;1 particular 11·ar. prn1 ided th<'\" ;ire \l'ill1ng to pay lhc pnce or their decision. "It \1'11.S a l'l'l'Y ).!l'il1Ultull~ ~tntcment. and one 1rt11rh they 11·ould ha vr heen rnuch bcltrr nlf nol n1ak1ni;. b<'cause 11 did not take a moral pc1:-1t1on." hr. said Of any rehp.tous lt>;·u.lcr:-11J1n speak out against the ll'Clr 111 Vietnam and lhe 1111!1t;ir~ 111 ~eneral-and the lr11• 11 h1 • ha 1·e V(lll'ed :-11ppor1 1or llir \'1el Coni; and :-.orlh \'1rt · nan1cse . hr said "Oa1nn1ng rhr mih!ilt 1 •~ " c:oll e ~c " ' .\dd (i 1-'E Cl atoitoie" l11tl<' b11 inlrnalurr. Th r n1ihtarv 1s a tool ol n:.1tJ011;il purposC_ !! doe s 11hat it's tuld As lvr those that <1rc che('r1 11g thr other sidr 011-ond lhrrt' ;ire ~0111c do1n~ 1l-tha1 t~ i\ lit!lt• hig:.:er prohlr1n th;1t 1u;>t 1111n1:iturit~ 'Thl're ;11·r 1na11~. 111an.v elrrg,v 11 ho ha1·r vrry sinc:C'r<' t·o1n·it'.l 1ons Senne of the1n l'~ p1·ess their cunl'\c11u11s 01hcr~ 111e1Jsure their k1101rlt>dgc of the ~ob1er:t and drcldr there 1s s• 1nueti thev don't knn\1' tha! lh<',v ,-;hould 'gi\·e 1h<'ir nat1011 1hc benefit of the doubl ·'The vne 11 llo <1rl' n1n~1 r;u1tinus in their ~talrn1ents ;ire tl1r one~ 11hu knoll' thr 1110~1 ;111d rea1I thl' 1nost ::incl :.tud~· the 1110.-:\ " l\l :itt. 5:), bec;11nc t!ir t·hirf ••f ;_.hapl;iins 1\ug I nf!cr a 1111\itarv t'al'f'Cf ~Pillllllllg 2fi 1ears rron1 chc b;1l\leflelds of Kort:-" to !he tr-Op1eal he;,'J of \'if'tna1n Ill' finds hi" ll'i ;.i 1n1ht:1rv 1·lrr011rna11-11·hc!h1T 11n lhe h;:itLfCricld or· :it ;i ~t;11r"1dr pos1-n1ore 1·r11':!l'd111:; 1ha11 ;.i 1·11·1h:•ll pulpit "I 1llink t11e f'il 1lian rleri.::· ofH'u want to pull !hr ~f'1·u 1·r 11;11ls of thr p:insh an11111d 1He111 and. a~ lhf' f'Xl)res~11111 i.:oes. ·1:1kr tr;i 11·1til lhr ~a1nts' ." he s111d lha11 ~ad 011r (If thr 1110~! ch1ilt'11'.!iL1t: arc;i.~ of 111~ 11 o;k i• 1he opportuni11· tn l'.'(IT'k 111\h 1nu11g 1nC'll who h;n·e tnund thr 1·!1urch has \itl!e !•1 ntfer 1hC'111. "Ir:-.-:on1rth1n~ !hr r ·l111r1•hr.~ h:il'en 'l f:iced Ufl to St.'t'lllU:-..h '-1111\I Ill pll<l'il' \'Ollll~ penple 11110 the art of churr·h work •• h<' S<-1111 "\\'r in the 1n.l1t;ir\· ;1rr 11111eh 111url' ~111 ·· 1·e"-.tul :it 11 lh.111 ri1·1h;1n l'ht1rt'h('~. lJ\11 lrss :-U('t'c~-.1ul !hnn wr ~houkl I).(' Tin.• 1~ ~0111~ to hr oor .. r "ur h1g dn1 ('$ 111 !hr nr-.:t It 11 1r,1r . to hrlp f.crp n1r11 111 1 lu·u· 1\'l'll~ :ind 10-: 1norr 111 1rrl'~ted 111 thr r h111·<·h" !Ir "aid the •\r11i1 h.1-... "Ill· 111111 and tu 1•ork nul personal prnhlc111:-. 13urn 111 \lclfort. Sa,,kal- l'hrwan. fly[1tl t:a1ne 111 the l 'nited Stalt'!'i lo a It e 11 d .-l.'nu11ar1• becau:.e ihcrr 11t>rr fc11 Luihcran ~c111111.ines in l'<111;rtl;.t In .lune of 1945 he 1oincd I he U S Arn1y. hccon1- 111g <Ill Allll'fltiill CJllt.en II\'(' n1011ths !tiler 11.1·:.iu :;cc.~ 11n real t·onflict bf'twccn 111<' 11rofession of ;1 rn1 ~ a11d rile n1ilitarv "Thcrr i..:an he su(·h a t'.Vn- fl11 ·t 11 \'Oll c1·er hccon1e an :1 pulOl'.!t~i for the n1ilitary." Ile -:aid . ",\ly 1nis:;1011 1.~ not to ex· pln111 tht· n1ili!ary . :O.!.v mission i.~ not lo cxpl;iin tl1c 1r;1r. i\ly 111i~.,ion 1.~ lo flrO\'ide sµ1ri!ual le;1drrsh1p for lhe r11cn 1\'hO ha1·c been ealled !11 st'l''t' 111 lhe n11l11ar.1•" llf rcluscs !n '11:-i·u~~ !he pros and eon~ of thr \lic111;in1 11·ar Bt•t one asricrt nt lhe 11ar-thl' shnt•t 1n ~ of u11re~1s1ln~ 1·11111:111~ a1 ,\\y \.t11 -1'0lll'Cl'l"t' hall ·1 U1111k 11 11t1~ t1 breaf.dull'U nf 111d1v1d11at 111ural rf'~]1un~1hil1t\'." lh·aH ~aid 1-ll' linked ll11s (;11lure \v lulllJll' lhC' \;111· c·ontcrning trcat1ncn1 111 1';1p111·<'s I!) a broader· brc;1kdo11·11 of l;iw in A1nerit'<1 . "St1111cwllert' a\u11g 1he l111e . in !he li!Sl fl'w ve;1rs. the phil11s(Jph.1· ~n! Propounded Iha! ~i,u ubl'y onl y ll1ose 1 .-.11 ~ 111lh wllit•h 1·n11 :igrcr." he saul It 1~ obcdicner of l;11r 111 :11 1n:ikes u.~ t'•1·il1zed , he s;11d. ..;>n<I ;1 th111 Ii n c "(•pal':11!•-; u~ ln1111 thr junglr I think 111•rr l1ndu1g oul hn11 thi n lh;i1 hne e;111 br" "Tl11~ 1-. 11·hat 1\r have l)("cn duu1g -e-.:prn11u•11ti11g 11·1th lh" fihf>r th:il hold~ SQc:Jet.11 ru:.:f'ther \\'e !h111k ire can do 111t!H•U1 lh<tt !1hr1 And I Unn ·I tl11nh tht' \'11•tn;11n 11:1r h<id flll\lh1n1;: lo 110 1,·1th i1 1rxrcp1 lu• 1nakr Ilic llt'l'S h•1!1cr I! 11 ;1~ 11rll .. n 11~ 11;n· htl111·c !·'.1srnhu11rt ,\(·111 :111y pl'11plc 11 1 r1 1hrrf• · l1;1rf.ed on ;1 :-1~·\"111111 l pn1gr;1111 ~------------ 1 .. rr:1t•h v111111g J"'1lpll' 111-STA RS 1•l 11tl111f! 111nrr "c1bC'b<1ll·l1•· ;-;1.111r 1 11111111 1 •· •·11" ,,r r1rh:1ll" 111 1111 :-;try 11·l1Cl'l' 1nr11 111 .. · "o;·ld~ ~1 .... 1 .1~111.i.,. 11urk and (hrre-dal' retreat~. ,:•T, 1!1~ • 11111111 11 " 1•1\1' ,,f urgani1.cU by the soldier~ al· 11,,.. liA!l.\' l'!l.tiT·...; •:1 r·.~1 r r<'a ! I If'!'• !rnd1ng. (lr religio11~ n1crlita-~------------'' Six ph~ ~ir;.il c d 11 r ~ \ 1 n n fl;;issf'~ ha\'c bcrn added to the ,.,,._.,..q._,,...,.,..,..,,..,,..,,.,, .... .,..,....,..,,..,,.,,...,...,,,...,..,,._.,,~I fall schcdulr a1 Oi'<inge CHil.,1 1 ~ ilncl (;11ld1•n \\c,l Evrn111g t College~. l § ,\ 1ro111cn·~ 1•\f'tT1~e pnt· ~ra111 1~ 'l·hc1!i1led I o 1 Tursd<1 ~·s fro111 9 JO.Ji :l!l a 111 at the Co.-.ta f.lc"a 81}1~· t'luh The cour-.r 1\111 c1n11has1lc 1rc1ghl 1•un!1ul pu.;turr. and muscle !011111~ 1cchn111ur, 1 Phys1c:il f11n<'~~ 1n~lrur11on for n1en will be ot1ercd .\lon· rtays lroni 7 30·9 .1u p 1n 1n 1he OCC g~·n1n:.s1un1 A 1·n·cd 1 ··lass is o.;chcdulcd f o 1 ·rucsdf!VS lro111 i -9 p 111 1n roon1 r\o. 115 ol l;oldl'n \\'t>~!'.., recreation huild1ni; be ~~~~e~1v~\1g1~~~:r~~:~;;:1.~~1~I ~ The OC:C: sec1ion 11111 111cl'I '"1' 1'uesdays fro1n 6 30·!1 :10 p 111 in the ~.1·1n. ll'h1lr a l'l:i ,;;~ 11 ii\ mrct \\'crlnr<:d;1~·~ :it (;0ldr11 \Vest. lroin 6· 30·9 .10 u1 n~11n !>Jo. tO.'i in t/1f' n·,Tl";1t11111 building Ft>e 111 Ofl · 1 .. 1 material~ I!. $8 at ~ :olclrn West. SI~. Square dancing lnr brg1n•' nc~ v.·ill bf orlered at borh campuses. OCC's scruon 11111 meet f\fondays from 7 30.9 301 in the gym. v1h1lt (ioldt>n \\'est.'s sect1011 will rnccl 1 Tuesdays from i-10 11 m. 111 recre.alion room f\o 211 ' 1000 ' ORDER ,l/ Beautiful ' Stick-on ' YOURS 1 LABELS TODAY! 1'°oNL Y °"I:: $125 ~Al IMC'} -- Pe rsonalize d • Stylish • Effic ient Order For Yourself or lll Friend Mdy be \J\ed on envoloprH <1 1 refv•ti a ddre11 l.i bel1. Als o very h.indy "' •dentai,.,t;on labels fo r m <1rkin9 per 1on<1 I items 1uth a1 book1, retord1, photo1, elt. label1 1t itk on 91<1~\ a,;d ma y be u1 ed for mArkin9 home t ii nned foc.d item1. All l11bel1 11 re prin !ed with 1ly!i1h Vogue type 011 line qu1lity w hil e qummed paper. r ----::,~ ~,.:-.::-":.:":-.:-d :: :.:-:~\:----1 I l'•l•I ••t~I"'• l•-•l Dov., • 0 I •• !\_!J.- 1 , .... M•••. ,., .. '''" r 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I : PILOT PRINTING 1 L-----------------------~ Volleyball v.•i!I be featurP.d 1 Al OCC Tuesdays. 7 :lG-9 :10 p.n1. in the g}'n1 and a! <;olden \l.'tst on Wed nesdays. 7-9 p 111 in the 11yin. fee for malcr1<1ls1 a 11. '-"...,...,..,...,.......,~..,,.,,..,...,..~..,,.~ ... #'",....~ ._ ~-- Hit ('ntnf1flig11 T 1•11 il Lii1 clsay's' Bacliers Fait Out / B~· r.t1 Kt: SJI A'l.;.ti lli\N Jonss sald Lindsay .for · Democratic contest to unseat •·-1•'" ,, ... w'""' president 01 ganllatiotl~ are Richard Nixon has bern a WASlll'.liGTON 1AP1 ;.ictive in la cit ies and about bore," Stanley Jonas said. Young . arnateur hackers of 300 college campuses. "The Democrats see m Jobn v. Liadsay have begun A just-eo1npleted meetin; in determined lo turn t o \\1ashi11glon "·as designed to candidates from rural states." ranning out across the countr~ I p1111 the volunteer grot1ps Lindsay can draw support hoping to convince the New York mayor and Dc1nocr<iti1· par1y pros that he c a n take the president·y under a si ngle umbr:ll11 .:ind fro m the 75 to 80 pe r cent of. launch a votcr-rcg1strat1011 Arnericans who lh·e in urban d !' i v c a mo n g n e 11· 1 1• areas as the n1An be~t able to cnf1·anch1sed 18 -lo -~l ·year -so!1 e the problems of the olds. ritlcs. he sa id. I See oy Today's Want Ad s a THIS tS GOOD Jo".OR CARfJ:\li Tl!~ KIDS IN; .\ ll:il VIV Bu,;, 1l'& 111 :~ood J'Unnu~ <.'Ond1!ion, l'i>po:>i:1aUy the tires. brak· •' (',; and clutch. Look 1t up 111 the \\'ant Arb, e 00 YOU \\'ANT TO KSO\V t:.\'AC TLY \\'HERE YOU STAND??? 111cr" 'al'l' Geodesic Dome fr1111l"1'. 23' rl1an1etrr, 2x2 rrdwOO<I, that have nwtal ;,:on~1·1or.~ & bolts. \\'1ll Organizers ~ay they uri;cd Li ndsay to run for preside11t four months before he an- nounced he had s11·itched from the Hepuhlican lo t he Democratic parly. He .said the eom1n1tll'C \11.pt·~ lo mobilize the kind of b:1ek111i.: fqriner Sen. Eu).!enc \lcCa!'lh~· received in his 1968 bid for th<' presiden(·~·· rhriugh hc s:l1d Lindsay's ;ip(ll'al is mueh d1J ferent. C'hri'i Jona~ .~aid 1.000 iradf' for aln10~1 any1h1ng . 1oluntei>rs are working active. e \\'!I\' N'OT SH.\RE YOUR 111 Jn f\ew York. and Chicago1 HO'.IJE \r!T!I A Darlin~ or·.1:;1111zer Richard Holtzrnan' puppy that 1-!. p11r1 Bas- sa 1d 22,0IJO are bu sy in lltino1s.1 .~r11 Hou, ·n1cy ar, I I le s <i i rl orga111z<Jlions11.,,.....,..,.,...---_,,..,...,...,...,...,...,.,",',',';',o,h"I '"""'"'""''""'""~' They said they are 1vorki11~ for Lindsay \VJthout eilhcr hlS support or encourage1ncnt. Lcadrr'i: of the Co1n1nittce fnr a Choice are Chris Jonas. 2f, the hcar<.led 1•ice president ,,fa 1\c11• \'(Irk 11nporling fir1n. ;111d his brnthcr Stanll'y, 24. :.1 mou:;tachcd grt1duate sturlen!. At a ne1vs conrerence Chri~ Lind sa.v 11 ;1~ htld off s;iy1 11,.::: 11 he!hcr he 11·1JI he a cauchctate in 1972 in any of the prcs1dcn- lial prin1aries. and .Jonas said one of their purpo:;es Is "!•1 put Jlressure on the nlayor tn run " "Up until this tune lh• r;ipahle of v.·ork1ng f o r 1-- L1nd~ay 1\'1tl be set up 1n each of the presidential pr1n1ary states . Of pan1eular unporlancc, he sCJi<.l is Florida '<l·hcrc out-0f· state collc;;c students hrl1•,f't'n 18 and 21 \1•ill br ;ihle to vote on their canipusc.~ Nearly Ever yo11e Listens to La11ders DUNLAP APPLIANCE COMPANY i ir"*~!J'*'i" '.i <. ' * • • COMPACT 10 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR 11 w1U hl •n 11 mere 24• space in your k•IGh6f'I. B•o. de"P shelves. large fn-door :1he lve:;, h1Q c11sper and freezer which hold\ uo 111 JI) pourid~ o! f•o l~n food~. CUSTO M SUPER AIR CONDITIONER Pu'.i1tl1iuon r.on1rols wllh finger-touch selling•, .ncluele fhr? Panic Button !or extfil-fa5! cooling. 8.000 BTU cooling capac11y. 1nsta-Moun1 allows quick one-man 111s1a11a11on Dual alr di1ec1ion con1rol. Washable li!ter. • :·!' Days only THUR. FRI. & SAT. ~A VALU E DAYS ~BONUS with purchase ol •"' Whirlpool •ppli•n<:t BIG BOY OUTDOOR GRILL Two8'•"x 14'911llsinblackbody v111t' rrop1cal 9reen hood comp!c:e wo!h h;:mdi-9 rip h;:incfle !net "'"1111la!ors. Two towel ba's and adjustable, n;•mo~aorc lue bo~. ~ s9,~. . $29.95 '·l~d~I El'/l/tOC BIG, UPRIGHT FAMILY SIZE FREEZER Fun range temperature tonttot 10:1::. yoJ n~e the mo~\ etonomrcaJ operation lor par11al or full (350 pounds) load:;, million-magnel door seals in cold, iast·!reeze ::.helves are exh<l ;.rrong for l\ea,,.y load3, Porcela1n-enameTrid 1nte110• 2 SPEED 2 CYCLE AUTOM ATIC WASHER Your washday prob l<>rn~ ~re over v.1th 1111~ great new washer, which 91ves you au!omaioc ~ .. ash·ririse temper alurP.s, 2 cycle selr.cHons and 2 wa5h·s pin speeds. The e~clusivs Magic Mix filter strains away ohjec1ionable hn1. .1!9.l ..... I ' f. ,, I J3 PILOT·•OV E~TISE R s N Wtd111\li•Y, Aog11~t 25, 1971 MEN'S CASUAL SLACK SPECIALS GROU,. I 80 -~olr O!!IV Solld1 & fanc! .. She1 2•·l2 GROU,. II ) 20-Slacki Ne¥•1tT Stvl•• lte4. e• Flore Le,. Slt..s 29-ll GllOU,. Ill <160 Slack• Sho1p Co'11ol Style Solid 01 Fa11cln Sl1fl 29-14 2.88 5.88 6.88 I SHOE DEPT. I ASSORTED WOMENS SHOES Broken 11:101 and color1. From regul11r 1Tock. NOW 1.00-2.BB ASSORTEQ MENS SHOES Not .<111 1ire1 or color1. Fr"m r•gul.<1r 1tock. Orig, 12 .99 INFANTS COWBOY BOOTS Composition 1o!e. Leather upp•r•. Orig. 5.99 GIRLS STRAP OXFORDS All le.<1ther upperl. Compo~ili"n 10111. Ori9. s.99 MENS TIRE SOLE SA NDALS All leether uppers. Welnul tlrt ~ole. Orl1. 9.99 MENS WESTERN BOOT 8rowrt l11t1ther uppers. Compo1ltlen 1ele. Orig. ll.9t MENS LEATHER BOOTS Leether 1olt. Compo1ltlon htel. .. Orig, 11.99 CORK SOLE SANDALS With p11t•l'll upperf. For women. NOW 6.BB NOW 2.BB NOW 3.BB Now2.BB NOW 7.BB NOW 12.BB Now2.00 lwoMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR' WOMEN'S PANT UNIFORM The late1t In prole11lon•I 9 B8 14 BB weer. OrJg. 12.00-10.00 NOW • • • WOMEN'S SUMMER JACKETS IOO•/. nylon and bl@achi!!d denim. Orig. 6.11 ALL -WEATHER COATS Patent ¥inyl .<1ntl waler proof ritrtim VINYL TRENCH COATS Wet look coat1. 6 only. Ori9. 30.00 WOMEN'S SHORT COATS NOW 2.BB 13.BB NOW 19.BB li•rfect with p11n t1 14 BB 1 only. Ori11. 23.00 NOW • JUNIOR POLYESTER DRESSES 100•;.. polye1ter double knit. Smock trim. OriQ. 15.00 Now9.BB I WO·~EN'S SPORTS WEAR I JUNIOR FALL SKIRTS Cftrduroy and v•lour. Lete1t styling. Orlq. I .OD SHORT CUT BIB OVERALLS Limited 1i1es. 25 only. OrlJ . 1.00 JUNIOR FLARE LEG PANT 100•;. polyester. Ea1y care. Orig. 9.00 FASHIONABLE KNICKERS IN Uncut corduroy. Nevy, brown ind bie9e. Orlf. 7.00 VELOUR PEASANT TOPS Limi l~d qu11ntity. Aqua ori1y. Orig. 1.00 MISSES SWEATER COATS 100~~ acrylic. l!•1y cerl!!. Orii;i. 19.00 FASHIONABLE BLOUSES Lac& coll11r1 •rid cuff. Whit"' only. Orl9. 6.00 VICTORIAN RUFFLE BLOUSES L"ng t li!!ev1. Bl ack •nd white. Orl1. 6.00 MI SSES WHITE BLOUSES L11c& trimmed collar and remov.<1bl1 Jabot. Ori9. I .DO MISSE S PANT TOPS Lorig slee¥e, Fully linl!!d. Print. Ori9. 7.00 ~11SSES ACR YLIC PLAID A-l ine 1kirl1. Fa ll color1. Orig. 6.00 LATE ST STYLE WOOL BUTTON Front •kirts. Cr11nbl!!rry •nd pumpkin. Orl9. 12.00 QUEEN SIZE SK IRTS lOo•r. a cryllc p!eld. A-Line. Orl9. 7.00 MI SSES LA CE FRONT p.,1ye1ter pen11. Easy c.<1re. Ori9. 13.00 100"~ POLYESTER COW L NECK NOW 5.BB NOW 3.BB Now6.BB Now 4.8B NOW 5.BB NOW 15.BB Now 4.BB Now 4.BB NOW 5.BB NOW 5.8B Now 4.B8 Now 9.8B NOW 4.8B NOW 9.8B Parit Jl!!t1. Brown. rotd .<1nd 1 9 BB lime. Or!Q. 24.00 NOW • ASSO RTED BLOUSES & PANT TOPS 1.BB .. 3.BB Limited qu1ntlty. E11y cere. Orig. S.00 to 1.00 NOW SHORT SUMMER SKIRTS A1tor1od stripes. 2 BB £111y care. Orig. l .•9 NOW • RIVET JEANS LATEST STYLING Whit• •nd d•nlm. for work or pl•y. Orig . 1.00 Now2.BB I WOMEN'S FURNISHINGS I PANT SUIT LOU NGE WEAR 13.BB Jr, 1l1e1. A11orted colors. 2-pc. 1et. Orig. 11.00 FASHION WIGS NOW Syt1!h1lic fiber. A1sortff. c"lors, Severel 1tyle1. Orlt. 1,,00 NOW 5.BB CLOS EOUT HANDBAGS A1torted 11yle1 erid color1. Your choice ., Now2.8B JEWELRY CLE ARANCE At1orted 1tyl11 11nd kinds. 25 Yeilr cholct. GROUP I • GJtOUI' II .44 .BB STRAW HANDBAGS V1rlou1 1tyl11. Fl11al c!Mn up. Orl9. t ·'' ~ASHION SUNGLASSES At1ortff. 1tylH •nd l1n111. T1k1 your pie.It . Orl9. 1.0CI LONG LEG PANTY GIRDLES NOW NOW 1.44 Al"ttfl4 color• •"4 1tyl... 88 44 S mall 1l1e only. GROUI' 1 • GJtOUll' II • I GIRLS' DEPT. GIRLS 100% POLYESTER DRESS&S l'enn ttre•t. 111•• ,., •. GIRLS PANT DRESSES Orl9. l .00 100% Acrylic -.enllM to •c•t•f1. Sl1•1 :J-6•. Orl9. f .DO GIRLS PANT SUITS 100-;. Cotton. 5 1111 l ·6J, or1,. s.oo I Now3.88 NOW 7,88 Now 2.88 Men's Suit Specials GROUP I 111 New Shoped Sfyll11t, .M°'1erf11I Tollorl119- Mou •U Slln GR(IUP II 63 Towa<:rott Tallored Sulhl Sorn1 AU Wooh Not AU Sl11•1 GROtJP Ill S 7 l1tN1 Q11allry Sul". Go"d Srrl11- G .... d SIIl'I • ,.34.BB ... 49.00 ••• 59.00 GIRLS 2-PC. SKIRT SETS Bonded •trylic. 3 11ylo1. 3 BB Si11t1 7-1.t. Orl9 . .S.&8 NOW • G IRLS HALF SIZE PANT DRESSES & DRESSES 100 '1. r.<1yon. 2 BB Oriq. 10.00·11 .00 NOW • GIRLS DRESSES WITH SHORTS Pal ch work design. Orig. 6.110 GIR LS CORD & DENIM JEANS Solld •nd print. Sir111 7·1.t. GIRLS SLIPS Ori9. 4.00-6.SQ NOW 4.BB Now 2.BB Full and half 1llps. Si1e1 7-14. Orig. 1.S9-1.91 NOW 1.22• 1.44 PRINT PETTI-PANTS Sires 7·14. GIRLS PANTl-HOSE On• t ir• -ttrelch. GIRLS JACKETS Specl1I Buy. Si1111 7-14. Ai1.,rtecf 1tyles. Orig. 1.00 Orig. 1.09 NOW .77 NOW .BB Now 5.99 I INFANTS' DEPT. I TENNIS SHOES Shes 1·5. Pl1ltl1 11nd 700ic 13 E78xl4 G78x14 H78x l4 H78 xlS FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH TIRE CLEARANCE 4 PLY GROUND GAINER TIRES 18.83 + F.E.T, 1.91 22 .09 + F.E,T, 2.21 2l.43 + F,E.T. 2,SS 25.62 + F .E.T. '2.74 2l.61 + F.E.T. 2.80 W~•'• Wallo t.dd l .~ 011 Toto E«ft•n90. POLAROID COLOR PACK II ln•t.<1nl c.,1.,r or l&W plctur11. Built-In ll.<11h .<1ttachmenl. 10 only. Orig. 13.11 NOW 19.BB BELL & HOWELL FILMOSOUND OUTFI T Cem•r•. record1r, projl!!ctor, c•I•, light •nd 299 00 sp111ker. l only. Orig. 34<1.00 NOW • I HARDWARE DEPT. I METAL STORAG E SHELVING 4l"r.l0"•l.t". Ad jusr.<1bl1 shelvi!!t. 10 only, Orii;i. J.99 S2 PC . SOCKET SET 1/4" and 3 /1" drive. Drop lor11ed . 1 only. Orig. 39.99 Now 2.BB 24.BB NOW I PATIO DEPT. I ASTRO COT HAMMOCK Molal fr•m•. 7 only. LAWN SW ING Stei!!I frame. 2 only. WEB CHAISE . ... -.. Orig. 15.99 Ori11 . 59.91 NOW9.BB NOW 39.BB s N OAJL V PILOT J t; STORE HOURS MON., FRI. 10-9:30 TUES., WED., THURS. 10-9 SAT. 10-6 SUN. 12-5 TIRE CLEARANCE 4 PLY 70 SERIES BANSHEE ES WHITEWALL I.~ ,i E70x14 F70 x 14 F70x 15 G 70x 14 H7Dx IS 22.22 + 2.ll F .E,T . 25.88 + 2.ll F ,E,T, 2l.88 + 2.63 F ,E.T. 28.88 + 1.11 F .E .T. 32.88 + 2.94 F .E.T, INST.lllEO Fiil Xcha111• Old Tl1e GIGANTIC WOMEN'S SHOE CLEARANCE Flats, H@ e l1, Sand3ls, Unbelievab11 Sa ving!l 0.1,. ,_,9-10 9, 388 NOW MEN'S OXHI DE HAT Combed Colton poplin. leether •w•.<1lb•nd. and tan. 60 only. Orl9, 1.91 BIG MAC WORK SOCKS Gtey NOW .66 10"/. COiion, 10~. nylon. AbJorbent, M11chinl 3/ 1 00 washable. Site1 10-13, 71 orily Ori9. 3/1.55 • RANCHC RAFT WORK SHIRT \ Colorful pl11id1. 100•/. colton, 111nlorlild. Long Sleev11. Bullon 1111p pocket. Brok•11 3 B8 1he1. 14 only. Orig. 4.91 NOW • BI G MAC JERSEY WORK GLOVES 100% cotton. Gi!!neral .<1ll -purpo1• glove. 93 orily. Orig. 3/1.S9 NOW BIG MAC WORK PANTS 3/1.00 NOW .99 1olldt. Orig. 1.99 TODDLETIME ST RETCH PLAYSU IT Green/white. NOW 4.66 SOi'. poly••l•r, SO i'. cotton. Penn Prest. No-Iron. 4 88 r '"'' LAMPS ~'·~·;FTS I f';., ooly .... ~~~·~· ·~Eo~;~·RNOW • I Ori9. 2.50 DELU XE WALKER & JUMPER NOW 1.BB Oelu~"' w.<1lker •nd jumper. Orlg. 11.a1 Now 6.BB LAYETTE SET B!anki!!t knit 11cque, wa1h cloth. Towel ind 1 3 B8 pr. 1oek1 . Orig. S.00 NOW • MEN'S DEPT. I MEN'S "GROOVY " S~ORT SH IRTS Stylish knit1 11rid wovens, lon1 1l•e¥e1. Sh11 S-M-L-XL. Orig. 7.91-9.91 MENS FASHION BEL TS NOW S.BB Varli!!ty ol Jlyl111 and colors. 5 BB 51111 30·36. Orig. 7.00-1.00 NOW • MEN 'S GIGANT IC SWEATER CLEAR ANCE Slel'.!veless 1wea1er1. Assortmenl of deeptorit 3 BB solids. Not all 1i1!I 11nd colors. Orig . 7.91·15.91. • MEN'S KNIT SHIRTS 100•;. •tryllc kni t-crew neck. Orig. 3.91 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS NOW 2/5.00 Frl!ridi cuffs, medium-Ion• solids. all Penn-Prl!!sl . 4 BB Neck 1i1e1 14 '/1·17. • Orig . 5.91 NOW • MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS 2-Butlon cull, 1p r11ad collar, p,nn·Pti!!SI, ORIGINAL OIL PA INTINGS NOW 4.B8 10 only. Orig. 5.99 t 11 7.99 ART IFI CIAL POTTED ROSE S Petit• pink pe111h. 10 only. Ori9. S.00 NOW 1.BB DECORATOR WALL PLAQUES NOW .99 to 1.BB Printed on wood. Orig. l .99-3.99 KOKO JOE LAVA WARE l 11101 to select from. 70 only. Ori9. 1.59 to 1.00 NOW .22 LAMP CLEARANCE NOW 16.BB to 34.BB Assorted l•ble l•mpt 17 only. I BEDDING DEPT. I DECORATOR SHEET CLEARANCE s1rlpe1 .<1nd prints. Slngle to 2 88 8 88 king. Orig. 3.t9 to 10.49 NOW • to • BEci SPREAD CLEARANCE Twin to king, 10 8B 19 BB 8 TRACK STEREO TAPES Popul•r 1rtl1!1. All f irst q u~li ty . 100 only. Orig. 6.95 GOLDEN PINTO MINI BIKES Demon1tr11lor clot• out1. l only. Orig. 159,95 CAMPER TRAILER Slei!!p• •ir. I ori1y. Oemo. Orig. 1.649.00 NOW BARGAIN MINI AM RADIO Fil• urider dash. All Transistor. NOW 2.99 NOW 99.00 1,3BB.OO 11.44 NOW 40.00 37 only. Orig. '24.9S NOW SCAT TRACK 60 PROFILE TIRES G .<1nd J 60 sh1s, Wide ov•I. I only. Orl9. Sl.00 PORTABLE 8 TRACK STE REO Si!!para tin9 speakers. Pl11y1 AC or DC. 16 only. Orig. 79.9S NOW 59.00 ASST. AUTO SEAT COVERS Comptelt 1et1. For moi l cars. 12.BB NOW 14 only. Orir;i. J1 .9S VW RUBBER FLOOR MATS Fits the "'Bug:· While they l•st. 6 only. Orig. 4.49 NOW 1.BB MINI FUN BUGGY tones. 8roken 1i1es. Orl9. S.91 MEN'S· WHITE SHIRTS Short 1lee¥tl, 1preed collitr, Perin-Pr••'· Si11!!1 14 '/,-lS 'j, only. Ori1. 3.91 MEN'S DRESS SLACKS "'" 3 BB NOW • NOW 2.BB Now 7.44 I I 5 H.P. Briggs enqirie. Oemon1tr•lor. To 250 00 . YARDAGE DEPT. _ ""'· I ooly. Odg. 349.00 NOW • !.PO_L_Y_ES_T_E_R_D_OU_B_L_E_K_N_IT_S ____ __. I HOME ENTERTAINMENT I JO ooly. NOW • '° • 60 Pr,. B•tler quality. M.<1ny all w.,011 . Si1<11 19 to 31. Or!g, IS.OD MEN'S CASUAL SLACKS 7S Pr1 . Blue or Brown. Sl1•• 19 lo 31. Good school 1lack1. Orig. 6.99 Now 4.99 ~OOw;~':.h o~ffy~olor1. NOW yd, 3. 99 ACRYLIC CREPE PRINTS A11ortl!!d fe1hio11 prints. 200 ytl1. only. NOW yd 1.8B M11ny ol the newett styling -b"'''"'d b.:i ck 24 8B BONDED TURBO ACRYLIC Som"' 111 woo ls. Oriq. 47 .9S "NOW • 100•;. acrylic. 2 66 MEN'S SPORTS COATS l._.;;......;...._e_o_Y.,;,;,s.,;,;,· .,;,;,D.;,;,.E_P.,;,;,T.;...._ __ I j" ,, . .,,,,DRAPERY ~~WPT.'' • I BO Y'S SHORT SLEEVE SWEAT.SHIRTS • • Dura ble and comlort.<1bl1. Gre.<1t tor cool nlght1. Od_11. 1.91 BACK TO SC HOOL SWEATERS A11or1ed •tyle1 end color1. your choice. Orig, 2.81 BACK TO SCHOOL SH IRTS Pl;iid 1, solid" 1tripe1. Y"ur choicl!!. Orig. 1.44 ·2,81 PR E-SCHOOL BO Y'S SUITS Fa1hion 11ripi!!. Buy now for fa!L Orig, 6.11 DENIM PRE-SCHOOL VESTS Handsome addition To • 1ui1. Orl9. I.II ASSORTED BOY 'S VEST SUITS Fine clolhing for lalL Gel yourl riow. Ori9. 4.11 PENNEY 'S ACRYLIC KNIT NOW 1.44 NOW 1.BB NOW .SB Now 4.BB NOW 1.22 NOW 2.88 Soli di ind 1tr lpe1. 3 / 5 00 o,;9. 1.9' NOW • BOY 'S LATE SUMMER JACKET CL EARAN CE All 1tyle1 ind t olor1. Choo•• 1 88 6 t - yours now. OriQ, 1.11-9 .811 NOW • • • - ATTENTION BOY SCOUTS COME BR OUSE M•'lY hem1 at reduced pric11 In our Boy 44 2 BB Scout Oe11t. Orl9. 1.S0-5.00 NOW a • • BOY 'S BETTER SPORT SHIRTS Fl.<1t bollom. C111u11I look. Sit11 1-111. Orig. 5.00 NOW 3.8B I STATIONARY -L'UGGAGE I WOMEN 'S FLIGHT BAGS Cerry.on 1lyli!!, 7 only. Orii;i. 17.91 SAMSONi-'fE !RI BEAUTY CAS E or Toi• Beg. One .,f each. LUNAR GLOBE By Rand McN.<1lly . 1 only. Orig. 35.00 PARTY CU PS AND PLATES V11rfiou1 d11ign1. Only SJ NOW NOW 17.BB 17.BB Now 3.BB 1tl1. OrlQ. 6St to 7.Sc NOW .10 I TOY DEPT. EASY SHOW PROJECTOR Orig. 6.11 PLAY N' SHOW PROJECTOR Ori9. I .II HOT WHEEL CARS A11orteG 1tyle1. Orl1. 11c Tr1,.•l1terl1 ... 1hutt1r. With fllm and I Now4.BB Now.5.BB .44 NOW I f111hcub1. 7 only. Orl9. 29.9J NOW 19.8B TIRES & VELA NCES M•ny 1tyl•• •nd color1. 1SO only , CUSTOM MADE ODDS & ENDS NOW 1.44 Many mullipl1 widths. Reduc'd 10 <le•r. NOW 9.BB •• 77.00 CURTAIN CLEARANCE NOW .99 to 2.44 M11n y color• •nd 11 yll!!1. 150 only. ANIMAL PAINT THROW PILLOWS Wild, wild pr ln11. 10 orily. NOW 2.88 I HOUSEWARES I SUPER-S LU SHER 1.99 Mak"' 1lu1h1!!1 !n mlnvte1. 45 ori!y. Or ig. NOW LAR GE BEER GLASSES Won't l••I. 31 only. Orio. 6/99c PLASTIC SALAD BOWL SET 7-Pi•c•. With fork1. NOW ••.• 11 12 on:y. Orlq. 3.77 BISSELL SHAMPOO MASTER Du11I ection. I only. Ori9. 12.94 TRASH CAN CART Alway• h1ndy. J only. 10-CUP AUTO, Orit;1. 4,69 PERCOLATOR NOW 1.BB Now 4.BB NOW .BB T1flon(11) llntd. 7 44 24 orily. Ori1. 13.99 NOW • lsportin9 Goods-Work Clothes! LAWN DART GAM E Outdoor g11me of skill. 21 only. OriQ. 3.99 PENN •JSO SALT WATER REEL Now 2.BB Metal 1poot, l t•r dr•g. 2 only. Orl9. 17.99 NOW 10.IB PENN •llJH SALT WATER REEL H1avy duly 9em•flth reel. l only. Orig. J6.9t NOW 24.BB WET & ORY FLIES A11orted 1tyle1. 15 only. Orig. 1.99 HEAVY GAUGE GUN RACK Rlchly llrthhed h•rdwood. 4 only. Orl9, 14.,. FOREMOST BOWLING BAGS ]·Tort• vinyl f1brlc. 9 only. . Orig, I.ft HEDDON & HELLIN LURES A11ortltf typ11. 2S only. Orl9. l.lt •l .99 CONVERS TENNIS SHOES NOW lroken 1lr••· 11 only, Orl9. 9.99 NOW ,99 Now 4.BB Now4.BB .44-.99 Now5.B8 JC Penney 24 FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT BEACH BOOK CASE STEREO AM/fM/FMX tunrr, '2 only. Orig. 339.95 NOW TRADITIONAL STEREO CONSOLE 199.00 W ilh 1-Tr•ck l•p• playrr. 1 only. Ori g. 499.no NOW REEL-TO-R EEL TAPE RECORDER 299.00 Solid 11.:110 1trrl!!o. 1 only. Orig. 1.t9.9S AM /FM CLOCK RADIO With srioor• .<1l1rm. I only. Orig. 36.9S ~PC. COMPONENT ST EREO NOW 99.BB NOW 19.BB AM/FM /FMX w ith l ·lr •ck player 138.00 [ ·"''· F.UR~1;T'~;E ~;PT. I TRADITIONAL SOFAS P•tlern lebrlc1. 2 only. Od11. 399.00 CRUSHED VELV ET CHA IR Blue color. 1 only. Orig. 179.00 KING SIZE SOFA Spa nish or c1nl11mpor11ry. '2 only. Orig. 349.00 BLACK SWIVEL ROCKER Embo11!d vlriyl w /wood .<1tcl!!nt1, 1 only. Orig. 149.00 CO NTEMP OR ARY SOFA Ertr1 comfort•ble. 101" long. NOW 299.00 NOW 122.00 NOW 266.00 NOW BB.oo 1 only. Ori9. ~99.00 NOW 3BB.OO PRINT OCC ASSIONAL CHAIR Tr1dltional styl e. 1 "n!y. Orig. 149.00 NOW 99.00 I GARDEN SHOP I 18" ROTARY MOWER l H.P. Briggs •11d Slr•lton. 2 only. Orig. 22 " ROTARY MOWER 3 '/1 H.P. T1cum1eh. .t only. Or l9. 22" ROTARY MOWER l '/1 H.P. Tl!!cum111 h. 3 only. Orig, 22" ROTARY MOWER l /"i H.P. Self prop•lled. 49.99 74.99 1-4.99 l only. Orig. l•.9' 21" ROTARY MOWER l '/1 H.P. Sucllon tlfl. l only. Orig. 119.99 22 " ELECTR IC ROTARY ll•ck •nd Deck•r. 1 only. Orig. 109.00 16" REEL MOWER Pu1h typ•. l only. 17" REEL MOWER l'u1h type. Orig. 24.99 2 only. Orig. 39.99 18" REEL MOWER 2 H.P. lrlg91 •11d Str1tton. 6 only. Orig. 79.99 18" REEL MOWER 1 H.P'. 8rl9g1 •nd Stretton. l only. Orig. 9t.9t 18" REEL MOWER 211 H.I'. 8rl911 end Slr1tlon. '2 ot1ly. , Orl9. 11,,91 18" CUSTOM REEL MOWER 211 H ,,., molor. 2 only. Orl9. 119.99 CAROU SE L B-B·O WAGON lnc ludlt motor ind 1plt. 5 only. Orig. 19.99 14" TABLE TOP B-B·O All porc•l•ln with top. 24 o"ly. Or l9. 10.,, 12" TABLE TOP GRILL NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW 39.99 59.99 6B.99 69.99 99.99 77.00 19.99 29.99 64.99 7!:'.99 94.99 99.99 16.88 NowB.88 ld1el lor he1th, etc. • only. Orl9. 1.44 NOW••• • ! •• J 8 DAIL V PILOT Overactive Boy Needs Physician By Pf't~r J, Stf'inrrohn , fl.1.0· [)e11r Dr. S!~in<'mhn· ""'' ha1·e 11 :'l·vear·nld Doy ll'h(l ha~· bffn almo<;I uncontroll11 blt SHU'f' :ibou1 2 HP w1ll nnt do' anvlh1ng "'"' ;isk h1n1 In dn HP h(-have~ hadh•. Hf' lhrn u•s things ;incl t;i !ks back ti'< 11s \.\'hrn "'e tell him to do ionmf'th1n,i:. he cell" ui-. •·rrn ori1 gnin~ In rto ti •• \\"e ha\ f' lrif'r1 m;iking h11n i::o lo l11s roorn an<l spanking hi 1n ~·n1h1ng helps. I sf*nd ni y whole da.\' l·Or· ff'{'!1n.i: hi m. He ht-ha ves badly \1·hrn we gn nu1 He 1·rlls and runs lrnn1 us anrl lhr:nw11 rnvs in the s1nr('S. Hf' is nr1·rr s11ll Hr runs ;ii[ 1hr tinu• aflcl whl'n i;l;indin.I! he ii; j1 unping up :ind clown . fhni;:ing his a r 111 s around. \\'t> C';in"t i::rt hi1n In .~ii slill lnn,i: ennuJ!h In r:il a 1nr;il He jumps 11p and clnwn nut nf his ch;iir. If we rnrrrf'I him he i;;i1·s. '"Onn'! trll me wh:it to dn ·• Hr throw<; h1~ lnrk ;ind srnon ;ind ha.~ hit u~. V,'e h;ive dnnr r1•rry1hin.i: in nur J"lfl\\'er tn 1f'aC'h him tr1 hrh;:i vr . but h;iv,. failrd. We ;:irp nrarly sick "'ith won·,•. l)f) ,vnu lhink i1 is advi~;ihl P In ch·ir ;i ('hild n1l'di ei nr to cntn1 h1rn rin1-1•n"' l\"e ;ire ;:ifrairi of this -t.lr~ J, \01-.1Mf:!\'T Thrrr ha.<; hrf'n n1uf'h in lhP fl"''"" ln1f'l\' ;:ihn11! lhP prohJem Of !ht' (ll'f'r<'ll"!ll'P <'hild. Ir \"OU h;i\'P rr;id ;iho11t It .\'OU ma.v rrc.:il! 1h;it dot•lnrs .<1 rP 11.~inc ~!'IPC"ial 1ned1f'1nr 10 sln11' cln"'n 1he hvprr11C"!ivi1y '\"our O\l"tl doctor 1r 11l knnw about ii. .Ju~t ho\\' u wnl"ks wr dn nn! \.i nnw. \\Ir would PX pl'r'I i1 to ovrrstin1ula1f thir p;:i11rn!. bu t i1 sttm~ to cairn fhe onr \\1hn is already 111'e.r.~!1n1ul:1!C"rl . I will no1 1?:i1·e ynu its narne htC';:i11se ~rlf-tre;:irmrnt m;:iv a.i:cr;:iv;i 1p lhe cn11d1!inn. As I s;:i1rl . I e 1 vnur <'h1trl·s d1x:tnr r!f'{'idr v.•hrther nr not lo u~r if lnf'idrnlnllv, h:i~ vr•ur hov hern chrcl.rrl fnr · pnss1hlr br;:i1n rlarna~e" A (•1 1n~ull;111n11 "·ith A neurolncisl 1s in orrlrr. An e I e c 1rnenrrphaln~ra111 rEKC I m;:iv be necessarv to drrrrmine . whether or • oot hr;:i1n w:11·es are nnnnal. Tn .~urn lip. ~1 rs . .I . ii is limP fnr rnn1plf(r f'\·auln11nn or thf' prnhlern, \\'1!h proprr rl1;:ignni-1s ;ind t r r ;i I m r n t . many pa t 1rnt~ lik r .1"011r ~nn ha\"f' shown g r f' a I 1111· prnvrmrnt. /\s 111any par!"n!s had ~arll v lrarnrd ~o;ink1ng ;:i nd other. fnrms (If pun1shrnr111 n1ert'l.I" p11t nff the rl;:i.v 11 h<'n lhf' orohlf'm nf !hr n1·f'rilr1i1e child rnus1 hr mC"t hC';:iri f'n. ~ Replir~ In Rr;:irlcr<: 1 Ff\1· ~1 rs 11 S111r f' vn11 ::1rr C'Onf'Prnerl .1hn11 t a "f,.~· srnt•" nf ,·itilu::o !smnnlh . licht-rn]. nrerl palchf'<: I. [ 1hlnk \'Oii \\"II! hP in trre~lf'rl in thP fnlln11 1n~ lrtrrr · J)(>;ir fi r S1r1111•rnh1r 1 11':i<: f'~Pf'<'!::tllv intrn·»,trrl 1n \1 r~ ,. "s \t>t1er in 11h wh 'hr f11 ;lJ rrl. •·1 ::irn hrc1nn1nc tn lnnk l1hr a <'ln1o1·n" 1 ha1·r h;:i1I 11!1l11?n sin· rr thr ".t:e nf ~ anrl :1111 11011 111 mv latr ~/ls. ! ha1·r ii nl'rl' 1111· ~n'1 1re bod v. A~ I ln1 f' tn 11·nrl. in the v;:ird, n1nw1ni:. ll'f'f'i°illll! :ind pl~n1111c . I hrc1n 111 l:in 1n e::irly .<;pr1nc 1·hP "'h11 r pl::ice.~ bemmf' \l'h1!er ;u1d thr nlhPr arra.~ l;:in. As a tf'rnagf'r I '' :i~ !'nil· <;c1nus nf 1111· appt>arance. hut nov.• I lal.e 11 w1 rh tl1r pmvrrh1al _grain nf sal!. I hn1f' bt't>n assured !hat 1\ "'tll nut aFfrC't 1111· Jrrnrl';:il health . M~· fripnf'ls. r f' I ;i 1 1 1·, s . hushand :ind ;:issnr·t;:ites ;:irir used to m.v l'lpJW;ir;i nt'f', ·V<'r.v riirelv is ;:i nv l'nn1n1ent m;:idr I fppj luck~· ·that [ rln nnt h;:ive anylhin,I!. 11·nri-e, and Mrs. V. should feel lhc san1e. -t.lrs. R F'nr Mr.~ f' I \\'Olllrl nn! cnnsidr r ra\.i1ni; ]P111nn JUIC'f' 1n hnr 11·al.Pr f'l'f'fl" mnrninj:! ;i b:td h::ibit. espec1;:ill,1 when it seems In prn1nn1f' bowel regular11y. As for prp1•rnt in1?: "rheumati~n1," I ha t i~ !llnrnrrhinJ! el~P. :1,1:a1n \'(';:, I h;:ivf' kl'\n"'" ~nme rhrun1::111~·s "''hn h;:i1·e fplt 1-wtter tak1n.e lhei r rl;:i1ly qun!;i nf lrrnf'ln jui<'t in hnt w:i rer At least it is fl('ll ha rmftil. Th~ ;ipptRrl'r"lf~ nr thr skin i! nrten 11 barn"1eler nf rh(' he<h !'!;iv!'! Dr. S1l'inl"rnhn in his bookJtt. "PraMical r.u1de Ttl Skin Proh1rm~." f or a copy wrih! him in c11rt! of th!~ new~paper enclnsint?: 25 r Pn1s in coin and 11 STAMPEO. SELF' -ADDRESSED. f.J\". VELOPE. Who Cares? !'\l'I l'l lh,.r """.~f'l'lf)f'r 1n 1hr \\l'l!'lri "11fPf; 11ho1t l your ('OITI• rnti nlty lik" vl)t1r ,.nmmun1 ty d"1Jy ne1o.·5ilArrr d1W":1. Jt"s I h• DA.n. Y PrLOT. P!lQT .flO V(Rll5['1 l) HAVE YOU VISITED OUR NEW STORE: ~0(/NIAI N VALL(V 11•1u ""•~noll• S• •r ·1110.•1 ~(IUNTA!N V.l.llfV-111.i l<~•D<" 111_,, I. f·a,"11.r £l 1n 1to El lo•o ~• lloc~r.cio Aa.od cns1• ME iA 1JOO >taroo• 111..,. ,, W•!>en St. (0 !.1 .t. "'£!.• 1U f 111" ~T 30222 CROWN VALLEY PARKWAY AND HILLHURST IN LACUNA NIGUEL MUNTIN<OTON llE.t.C>t )lll l &fKfl 8•,.f •• ..... ,.,. S•"llA AN A-IQ W Edlng.tt UICI '"'IOI )I W£51MIN5TE._-6&l/ WH lmliulfr al <iokl"' W•I .. \/NT INC.ION lll:•t-•1 .l.0•"'• ll ,, .... _.~! HUHltH(JIOH 8£.1.(H-f!ttt~. E'·"tlf • MUNT!NGT(JN BE.t.CH -Wt<ntr • i11rln~I· No Liquor •I th• Wtslminsttr, Vill•g• Centtr, Be•ch Blvd. •t Atlanl•, W1rner •I Sprlngdale, Adamt •t Brookhurst Storts. $12'5 Value! Sale of Deluxe luggage • \ 14" Weekender Case • S1(,9!i Y1ltt! 21" W!ek11•tr S7 71 • Sl&.95 YJl11! 26" P•ll1111~ S!l.11 • «.ISY1l11! l ·Plus Sri S21 ,9J .SIVtdy, lo"9 bou"d co.,11•u<110,., royo11 lining. Willi G,,. • ., or t l•e ,...,..,., y11ur clioi••· f k,.1ic 1•g ocelolt \,r;alo -·h eotlly, cl')' qui1il1. Cho;tf ol wh•1<1 11nd pott•lo in f.,IL cut 1i1•1 S, 6, 7, • Si1e18,9, 10 .•• 4 for $1.00 49• to 99• Values! Reg $2" Gillette Techmatlc \ ~ Band Razors ~· Adjustaltle Stainless Tableware • Forks • Knives • Teo spoons Tab l11 Serving Piec11s 19c e1 ......... l rnf~ll••• nr • .rr'•· f"l111 quUl\7 •l•lnl••• ~l •~\, (lL&flt. ••1 ~cl I"" "' "'""'f d i fft rPl'lt Jl•t.t•m t ""~ d•91Jn •. SO•& dnl]ar• on <~l t Thrl rty l <"O<'f' ru•<~•·~· $JO" Value Squibb Theragran M Vite111iR ,.,....i. witti Ml,_..J, -· $2.69 rotd1 •f JO ~-.. $7.lt ''"'' •f 100 111• r.,- $ 438 Reg. '9" Men's Calendar @ Watch . "''" .. ,.,, .. s594 • Swis1 Movtmtrlt M•"'' Sw'" ""'"•"'•ftl ~a!e,.dot -t(h i1 lully guoton!•ed. S"'ort loo•het '""II Famous Waltham and Other Famous Brand 17 Jewel Watches : :::~;·:y s 1995 Hamilto11 ~•nt<1tiono l ....,lue1 in o hvlil• oel•rt;on al M•"'• & .,...,,., • .,-. 'WOtd1e1; includin11 <ol~ndo11 I. OU!0"'0!;CI. Men's Fashion Fall Speciolt O uto•onciing >tvle1 in Y•b•...,! foll •olott. Sol,d • .,1.,, Y·ne•k <onli· go• hoo "'"lti(o!or 1tripi"ll do"'" lro•t "' contrO>I piping l•i1", Hi·<r•w h11s con!•o1! suiping. 12 Ch. Canada Dry Soft Drinks l•t•ar or La Cal Monegram Straight Beurlten ..... $2'' ..u .. ,..__ ~"-,.. _.,.i .. , low p rito of SJ.•' r ... • ti•t.O Ii-. linperted kett•'len SatdiWWalry """ '-""" ::::;:J::.: $341 '-• """' -_,..i.,._priM • With ElapHd Time Dial • Water T11tod lo 5 ATM1 l uggt d ond "'ot>d....,.. •P11•ti "'01<h for II•• ocliv• 11111n o" ti>• go! l•11fu••• 1 lop1ed ti"'• diol, <olendot, 1111;,h lto11i<ol >lrop ond <li10"'• M r•!. Ov~ olo ndi"ll ....,lu•I Save $6.94 ..,_._ Reg $14 97 Men's Automatic ~~~;~~·:~~~~-~~~s ~::·~I 094 b••ol ob/• ,.,.,;,.,p,;ng. • romous W11tclol 'lulh (y1' llocl!:et W11tch S2.9• Short Sleewe ladles Pullowers Si 1e1 S·M·L 5)98 l •.,ur irad dovbl1 ~nit nyloM wi1I, '"'"~ l1>rtl1,..cO. .•• g•oot with 'oll'• ,..,. II""" Pnpu!o t <olo,., Remington 'Premier' , Typewriters 2' $3988 t4 chcro<I•• i •1boord ..,ith co•ry <O••· .5 yeor '"""onty. S•ude"!•P•<•olt Mo•own, '•P•i••· Tomlo, ATCO, A!lonl;c Mo1own. $)98 . vos Value! ,.. • Shampoo -l'li) .... - Pack of 35 Pencils Discou"t Pritt as· Your Best Buy1r l9c Cello Tapo Tuck 1000 inch In bright dt,;gnL W ilh lh p;nl ""'"""' bot!le, 1on11 hl• h11nd lo. ......... $2~~1 .. 1Nina Allll·Persplrant Deodorant s ... $2.01 • •• ' • .. i }. .· " . ,, ·" < ':· . ' " )i. .. ' . .. • .• • Fabulous Fruits Candles 1S.Oz. Size • R•t•l•r •Dry• Oilr 49c~, • Crtcnn • Roll-on • Spray • ) 5 / I l J I FACTORY AIR '71 DUSTER $ DEMO Immediate Delivery FACTORY AIR . Automatic Tr11nJ- mission, Powf!r Stf!f'ring , Ti'lt!!d G lass, Wh!'al Covf'rl. ~"-!clio. He~t •r, White wa lls . •Vl29C1 El l43 0) All Adv!'rfi~!d Car\ Subject To Prior Sa l• BRA ND NEW '71 SATELLITE ,, 2 Doo• Ha.dtoo $ '65 Pl Y, FURY V .8, i:1,1.,,v "" Co"d. Ai u•o. f.!1•h•. Pow1• S!111ir9. IYEP - '68 CHEVY CARRYALL (•; .. c:rn~. rt--_5 -;r- '69 DODGE SPORTSMAN v.e, '•d•ti, M,.,, .. Ai• C&•d. A.11+&. ! S~BCP!l '71 DODGE 3/1 TON C •"'tier Spet••!. V-1 . '4 Stiel ., re.,..9• S••!'i"<J· Pti.,..t • B·•~et , 25() At+u t ,...,;r,, New Ott •n'l t r, C1b ev11 Ct "'ti•' '69 GALAXI E CUSTOM Au•o. P .. ,..., S•e1r-•9. ll.1d•e !VQBb•2 1 '68 FIAT 850 CPE • eyf ll1 d•o. H11!1•. iwi:;i. '66 CPE DE VILLE P11w1r, ~•tl11ry Air Col'!d., !TS .. ,l'>l $ '65 FLEETWOOD i:.,1.,,y A" Co"d.. i:ull P11w1r. ;'". 5;1,,,, wit~ Ilk. L1•- '6! COUGAR ~•~•e•y Ai• Ce11d .. ~., ... .,, s•.,,;.1, 11;.,,.1 ,.,.,1. ll.1die. H11'1•. ! XCFS()()) 4 0•. l •\1 Now, Fttle•~ Ai• C&nol .. Pewor Windewo, ~ey1I Mt•lttt Tirtl wptl~ i1 so. 101Cl130l '69 V.e, i:1tlo•v A.it c,,,.,f,. A..u!o .. Vi"yl lle&f, R1die, H11+1 r. Ptiwt r 5!t1rin9. ~., .... ,, Br1k11. IZ-"CS21J BRAND NEW '71 CRICKET \llNYl R.OOF Sl111d•r.:I Eaui11..,•n' 111elud e1: Immediate D~livery Floor mu1>l1d lour 11111d fr1n1 .. 11ow1• lro11I di1e br1~t1. •tdiel ply lir11. individuel front b ue•et 11 th, rttk & p;nio11 1111•i n'I, c.11il '"''"'l 1u1111n1ion, t 11ow1rlul ~etlin'I 1 1111 fl11w l~•ouqh ~1niOl 1ti119 •v•'•"'· I' eu ft . '"'"~ wi t~ conettled 1111•e ti•1 I "''"" e!h1" S1 ri1I •!4 1JIR.Ob55l4. '71 CUDA MO DEMO. factory Air Conditionin9 ~11di o. ~eat •r . auto"!1.tt ir. fra111,. heavy d uty braket, con1ole. l!>O""!!lr fop, chroma road wheeh, r•is ed wh it ! letter tirtu, r<!lc ing mirror1 . I BS27H IB2 I 2· '68 VW SOUAREBACK .c«:I ~ , '"1) ., '69 CHRYSLER Nf!w Yorker F1t'e•v Ji ,. Cond .. P.,..,t, S'•••'"IJ Po..,•• w ;,.,d ow1. v.nyl ~.,,,f l0>•..!1J I XYEt.O• \ $2895 '66 CHRYS , CONVT. v.s. A..ulti .. P., ... ,, s·~~·••g ..... ~;;, 1•d1 w1t!1, G ourlJ""' Y1!1t1w, I XOB~ I 21 '68 XKE 4 S11d.. w~il1 w1ll t Sit rt e I 1~1 . (WWH2'>! l lur9und'f ,e;l'l;I~. $2995 SJ! I, '67 PONTIAC Bon•tv;!I, 11.1 Aulti .. ll11'io. 1-1~1 +1 •. Pewt • S!et•ing, Ait Ct111d .. Vinyl! T11p. w~il1 w1 ll1. IVGH'4bl.I *?s;~, . ~~-~---;.;,.,, '69 FORD l To' WAGON le•J1J. Au'"·· ~•t•o·~ Ai• C ond .• 11) Ptn .. Pew1• Stth . Er+•• Nitt , IS•O - lo.VA ) '68 DODGE MONACO 4 O•. H1n~Ot111". F1tt11ry .... ~, Co"il., v,1, A11+11 .. Pow•• 51f'tt:"'J· P11w1 • 8•1k11, Yi"y! Reof. J.e2863•bl / $1595 ~ I ··~ JI DAIL v l'ILOT Differen~e of Opinion MINNESOTA 'S GEORGE MITTERWALD IS MORE VOCIFEROU S WITH STAN DI MURO. Rocket Roel , I!,' 111 e r~on Cl a sir Laver Out of U.S. Open _ j'.:tirrin a de! 1\1ar's Rnrt Laver made 11 dftirial Tuesday -he·s "'llhdrawing trom lhe: U. S. Orrn tennis cham- DXinshipl'. srheduicd tn hegin al Furr~! ij!.Jl s nex! wr ek. :::i..a\·er. 11h1J wnn the Open in l:lfi2 and 1*)9. has e11 mNI 12111.ili 1hls ~ear. in- dud1ng IJ ronsecul1\e rnaLchr~ 11f th!' 'ftnnis Ch::impinns rl;:i!'i<lt' and lh!' South 1'friran and ltali 11n !illf'~ :Jie "'a:< lwtltrn b~· Roge r Tayl11r or ci'eal Bri!am 1n :in e::irl~ round (If t.he Onad ian Opt>n 111 Tor11n111t11i•o 11i·e('ks ago. cf' 11i·hich l1mr hr J<.11 1d hr n~td a rest fJb m tennis rnmpel1!i11n :~•JI he bou nrcd h::irk In ca pture the (i)lon1al nf't tournev 1n Ft Worth. Tex s•nda\ :~nd .he g111ned the final s of the 510.000 DJll:I tennis tournr~· in Ba1nn Rn11~e. L11 . ~esdl'I\" "'ilh a fi·4. 6·fl victory 01·rr Cllfl ~sdale · He·s schrdulrd ~n 111r,.1 long timr friend iftd neighhor Rn.v En1trs,.,n of Ne"·port ltach in loniJ?h!'~ final match. :~mersnn J!a\ned 1/1!' final s 11·i1h an tii'sf't 6-2. fi-2 derii:1nn n1·er \\r[mb!ednn clfampinn John Nf'''Tombe ~ Re1·~on. 114,8!1.1, ,)nP Leonard, litl~B . Steve Kn~iloff. li.1611. Gary Bf>\. lenhausen. 173.577 .. l1m ~!alloy, 171.290 , (:enr;:f' S111drr. 17n !172 e 1·r11.fnr1• ''t•r•snf ire LOS ANGELI:::!' -~outhern Cahfornla roach John ~lrf\;i\· pla ns In al!em:itr pl;i)er~ a1 kf'y nffens1\'e po~1t1nn.~ in !hi~ sPa~nn 's ,!.!Amt'~. ~flm CunntnJ.lh an1 Rnrl J..<111 11.:irns. "'ill trade off rit t;ulbA('k and l11llh:irk. hf' ~•id , while .J1n1n1v ,h>nrs .:i nd ~\!kt H;ie ll'ill 111ternatr at f)UarltrbArk. ~lcl\.ay took e look ~t his running ga1ne in !wo !lfl..m inUll' drills Tues.d;iy 1n the SP· rllnd ria~· nf prr~ra~nn 11.·ork1111!~ e lfodger.• l 11hnr•Pll Ln~ ANGELES -l'CLA eoarh Pepper RnrlJ!C'r~. llnh:irir~· II 11h his 1r.11111's r:oi~;. 1ng ~a1ne. trierl lhreP n1rn at fJll:lrt1>rh:irk TuesdllJ In thr seronrl clay of prr~r;i ~nn footb11ll \\'(lrkou1:-. l"CLA \\·orkeri on pall~1ng rlnlls fnr four hours, 11·jt h thret' 1nrn -~like Flores, Cl:i.y l;aJlaf;hr• and Sr.011 Hrnrlrrsnn - lhro..,,1ni lhe b.1111. RnrlgPr~ ~a1rl ht' w.:i~ ple11~11nlly l'llTIJ! l~l'<I II llh l!iP 11a~ fl~nkPrh::ick 111'!,:· g1I' Er hnlP. and ."pl1t Pnrl TPrr.v \"prnoy 11·ti1•e ratrh1ni.: p;:i~<..f~. b111 11 11'i15 1nn ear- l.\' tn ll'll 11ho111 !hr quar!erh11r k cnrp5 e ti,111:11le:. L'•,;e1 SOl "TH nRA .\'(~E. ;\ .. ! Panrhn Gonzflll'Z and Tom Gor n1 <i n. tu·ri nf !hf' r1"m.:1i n1n~ f11·p t1rPderi n1rn ~ ~1n clt~ pl;ivrr... 11rrr elim1na1rr' Tursclav fr om thr .S!:i 000 Easl Prn I 1 T!'nnl ... Chan1r1on.~hips r.onr.1111'1 . ."f'Prlrrl se1·"nlh bu! thr ~Pn· t1n1e111.11I fa1·nr!!c tn 11i·in. 11·pnr dllwn in •tra1 j!.ht !i~I:< 111 Onny Pan1n nf Nf'\'' ZPal11 nd. fi·.l Ii·~ Thtrfl .... eedf'rl Gnrm11n of Se;i!lle, 11·.:i.~ up ... r1 hy H.:iroon R.11h1m of PAk islan . J.fi. F.-2. i'·fi, Top.~rc<lrrl ~l;ir!y R1ei;i;rn of t;v ans1o n, Ill , drfr fl!('rl ,Jn;if)111n Lnyo-~l8Y!'I !'If Mf'X· irn. fi-.1. :J.fi. fi.(I and No, 2 Cl ark Gr11ebnf'r nf Npv.· Ynrk riry downtd Bill Bowrty !'If Aust rAlia fi ·2. 6-4 Davis Solves Slump By Hitting Golf Balls MONTl\EAJ, I ,\I') -Willi• DO'll tried tn work o~•r t\11 hlttlnt 1!Ulflt'i wlt'rl a aell club. He went out Tueaday rpomin1 and hit a few dl11nts. Hi• remedy wnrlled 't\Je5dty l\ithl whr11 he rapped five ~Its, includifll • baaea-lo1ded lt\plt for the Dod1er1 ln tht..ir 1-4 wi~ over !he f,;1po.,. "1 thmight of how I fell whe n I w11 hlt- A"f ll A"O 71 Aw: n Doelger Slate 0""""'' e+ M~~,.·~· °""'""'' •• I.low Yo•• o .... ~.,, •• '"'"" vo,• ting those golf balls.'' Davis said. "I JUSl thought good thoughts and relaxed. And bonm ~ I go1 a hit. "ll w;i.s 11 hell nf ;i. n11:hl I li k~ thnse kind bet\Pr than !hr kind I've been ha1·· ing . f rel::ixerl anrl that'.~ s.11metl1ing I h::iven 't hf'cn ablP tn rln rl'ccntlv . · 1 irnag1nrrl how I lookPd "''hen I w1s ~Pt ting h11 ~. I knrw I .could do ii. because I h::irl r!onr• ii hefore "Even thou~h I h::irl sorn ,. harl days. I 111'\'Cr gave up brcause I h11ve some t:OHI~ ... f1 <1v1s. 11·irle sparked a livp.run !ixth in ning anr! helped provide st art er Al Onwnins wil h his 15t h victory. a career hiJ!h . Davis n1JW ha s a string nf six h1!s and 11 t•lub·le;iding 11 ver1tge nf JI R. A relieved manager \\!alter Al.i;lon 5lid. "It's nice In ha1•e \l.'illie: hitting again. J don"t expect him lo gel rive hits e\'ery n1~h1. but 11·, net"rl hitn !o get on base .. In the s1x1h the Dodgers loaded th~ Se11alors Ace Impressive In 2-1 Lo ss Pele Brnberg u•on the acco!adel but lost lh,. war. \\';ishin~1nn·~ pri zed !\'n I '1raf1 choi ce frn1n D<irtmoulh C:ollc1:1> was !he main lnp1c nf r·nn\'rrs::itinn in !he California Angel ('!11hhn111<1' Tur1<da~· n1gh1 bu! he 'd 1r11de 11!1 thr super\;:it11•rs if he rould hal'e nne pitch bark -!hf' nnr he made lo Jim Spi>ncC'r in !he ninth innin_g. Sprncrr hit it n1·Pr the n11:ht field fence ''"""' .'ilate .... ~ )\ lll'Q'" ~· W ••M!'Q!O~ ~l'Q 1' "~"''' '" w.,~,,,~·a" for a dr11n1a tie two·run homer that lifted 1he !lngPI~ In 1t i<lunn1ng 2·1 trium ph. .. He lhrn\\S ha rdrr Lh;in Vida Blue.'' i;riid Spencrr w1thnut hr1<1t;ition. "l'vr nevr r seen ;i n1nre impressi vf: .\'llllnj:!,~trr r·o mr \ntn 1 he le111tue.·' put in \\';i~hini.:lon 11i:-1nager Ted Will\a1ns. "J!e throll's the drv1I nut nf the bal l.' nffcred Clydr \\!right. the An~P I pitc hr.r 1,•hn w,11~ lhP chief beneficiary nf Spe nrPr'~ 17!h homer nr the season and lhird In four _l!atnes Thr 11c·1nr\' 11·11 ~ the fnur1h slraii:ht f!'\r Californ1~ a1;d 1n thal sr;in An~Pl pitching ha.~ .v1elc!P C• nnl~' two run~ in ~fl innin~~. They'll tr~· to improve upon those f11;11re~ lon \11:t:t when lhf',V si>nd Rut:l y ~l ay. 119. ;1ga 1n~I \\'a~h1ni::tnn·~ Df'nny ;\\rl.~1n 8·lfi, 11hen the lhree·game serie~ rr~umf'!i f'1·nhf'r,e. 11 nri \Vri,Rhl "'f"Tf ~lalemalt'rl ;>I (\fl r111 rnnQ 1hr 11lfl1h 1nnlnJ! ;inrl \\r1t;hl ,1 ,,~ ,1.,rkin~ on a nn t ·ht!tl'r Ht rt'11rrrl !il P f1 r~1 1wn Scna1or bat~mtn hut thrn w;i\ked Fr;ink Hn'A'flrrl fnr the 1hirrl l1111r ;ind fnlln11·ed 11•11h another p.:i~s rn Jrl( Rurrnu~h ~ n::ivp ;\"rl~nn thPn pl!tH'hrrl a sinr.le In rigllt f1clrl and llnward JUsl iihd in ahead of lhP 111g on A d1~putcd play Rrohrri: h:-id yi elded ju~! h1·n 1nlil'lrl hits And whrn hf' gol Tnn.v Gnntalei lrarlin~ off thr Ang,.I n111!h ii w1s lht !~th n1an in ~11crP~.~1on hP h;:id retl red. R111 .l1m Fr('i;:nsi rlrPll' ;i "''alk tn snap th,, sprl1 and S~ncer fnlln1ved 11i·ith his ~a rl'll'·\\'inne.r , "11 "·11s. R fa~1 bAIL" Sp!"nr.er 11nswtired '''h"n iii<.kf'd for 11 de~rr1p!ion of the pitch "\\.hrJ el~r d(le.~ he thro"''~" WA!H IHGTOH (Al!l'Oltil!A •n • ~ r•+ Uftlf'. '' • n o o ll•~dl•,11> I DDO I' "~"'''" •n 1 I D D "'tC•• ... 1 .. ~ne llu••Ou!IP•, " ~ D ~ 0 "l•llrft l~ ~ I D "'4d!!M ~I 1 noc (•"ft~•t ' ,l n D D Cu"~~.I• >OIO 11•0!>0'~ " 1 n ~ o A ...... l'!> "1"•"· er r-•nrtl•!. •' ~ •@-.m•. " ~,...,., ·~ "''"ullf •. Jb ~HMI!. r! ~·•O'\..,•O<I.' WrlOM. D t~1•1• ~ I 1 0 l n11l1 ""' eu• ... ~." w'""'"g '"" •(~,~· .. ' " '"' 4 • l • l e 1 a J o D D ) I e C ' ' ' ••• ••• ••• • •• W••"'"~'"" llOl'I l)l'W) M• -' C•l"O'"'" 116'1 000 D01 -I ( 0~ -W""'"''"'° .I, C:9•11ornlt J .... -5D••· c1• !Ill 5 -~lvt•• M " r • II ~o " l •ob-•~ ll.J-" I·' > l J 1 • ' W•lgnt IW.11 IJ> t I 1 I I ' Tlr'l'lf -I~• A•~..O•ftt• -•OO• WILLIE DAVIS bases off loser Bill Stone.man. 14·1 1, on inlield hits by Tom Hi ller and Maury \Vllls and a walk to Do11i'T1ing. Bill Buckner nrnve in lhe first run wilh a single lo cente:r. bringin& in relievrr Dan r-.1cGinn. But Da vis slammed his tr i- plf' !n left cenl.(.'r anrl scored on a sacrifice f!y by J im Left>hvre. In the Pighth, Ron f'a irl.v sent On \\'n1ng to the sho"'·ers 11i·ilh A t"·o-out. two.run home.r. Alslon had benched Davis against PAitlidtlMJI l11t week because (If hl! anemll hlltln&. A crowd of 211.l ~R wi tched Da11i5' et· plo its al t.!J• pla le Md brought Etpo \HtiiM Jtltl\dance lo 1,011.754. pavl1 said nf h'ls .!!lump, .. Thert 'I [Jom1thin1 ifulide Lh•t makes ynu ao en. It's h•fd 't.o expl ain what it i5. Th t slump had btt1' na1ging at m•. bul I dirln't ·let i~ gel me down. I believrd I could come out of it. "I fee.I thal tf I do 11·el l. we wi n J"m nol saying lbat when l'm not in there ..,,e wtll le.i;e."' lOi .l HGE~EJ MO"IT•f.Al •Otl'tbo a~r~rlll W•ll1, \S flu<•"•'• rl w o ..... ,, " All.,-., 3n Gl ••t V. JO C•owfo,~. 11 L•IPllw•. 1n W.I'•"'"'· lb l<l llt'· < llU>UH, I• S1m1, r °"wnl"I· 0 \uttt~. o l lt CHIJ"l,1b ~G OI •JllWooc,,.rr 1n oo I ' I l Sw•n-. " I e 0 0 J~"OG010«,l)li t t O OOOOSltu~." 800 • 0 0 0 IA•l•1. 11 • l 1 f •· o o 1 Su•n••I•""· JI> • 0 J I , n 1 o 1!1 1.,ml ". c O 1 O .1 O ) 0 F1ltly, lb l 1 ! I 01o nw1"'·" 1 110 7 0 0 0 ~•i•IV. If l 0 I t llO Oilt n•m•Ol.P l~DO I 0 0 0 McGI""• P D 0 D 0 H ltt<I, D 0 0 D 0 1!1•1""1 ... ~ 1 0 1 • "•vmt"~' o O O O A 01v,on 1 91 ~ Totah J! .! >1 l To••l1 I• • t J LU l "Jtl11 ftOI nil! l'iOO -6 ¥ftMr111 oc1 •no 010 -' E -i•~ue, • ""'" [II> -ln• •ng~•n t. l (')I -L"' A no•'~· 11 M~~U tll 7. 11!1 -11111•¥· JI -w O•'"' "" -""''v Pll !11!1 -~ut~fr· •ano. S••ub. w Di v•• S -Stt>"t"'•~. Oewnlno. St -LelfDV'~ 11' H I lit II iO ()'>"'"'"' !W.•l·l l /.J l I ' ' J S Sut!on !·Ill I D D ft 0 J•o,,•m•" (l ,!•-111 S I .I i I t McG\n" D ! l 0 I H .... 1 0 0 I 1 "'•vmo<'id l aoo e SAve -. ~u"O" .,,,. -bv Oe_;,,g ("t t•ty• WO _ [)OW"'"Q ) 81lk -()l"""'"g f ir'!'• -J:\l 6 11t~n•n<1 -ia.•J1 Cried Like a Baby LucchesiNeverGave Up, And His Faith Paid Off PHILADELPHIA -For 25 .vears of his life. F'rank Lucche~I playP.d 11nd mana,o:ed in the minor leagues, nf'ver getting !ht ta st e of !ht 1t linn 1t•ith th f' maJnr11. And tn snme it may h11•e seemed th<1t the San Fr:inciscan 11i·as doomt'd tn pa~~ from this wnrld someday "'ithnut t>i•er having t<1s1 er1 the fruits nf bi.ct ]!'ague lif!'. But there wrre two peoplr "''h!'I dLd not t.e!if:\'I! th11t wa y -F'rank and "''ife C1thy. "I kP.pl my nose clean, developed o:uc== - --- WHITE WASH ----.... GLINN WM!TI pla ~·e.rs .11nd continued In 11i•in. 1 "'""~ nf'vf'r biH tr about not belniz mnvrd up -1 1ust trusted the good Lord th111 ~(1med11~' th1 dMr 11i'ould npen.'" hr 1nld this column '"I was a lill!e do\\'n in 1966 when tafte r managing Iii years 1 I was srnt from San Oi e1,n !AAA• lo Rrri r!1nj:! (nf AA sl<1tus 1. Rut C1thy tnld mr thrn 1ha t I shn11lrln't l\·nrry -th<1t b~· l!lifl I'd maoac" 1n !he bic l'°llglll'S " And ~hP \\"!IS so fl)!f11 her,oi usf' nn Srpt 2. l!lf;9, Frank .rn:o.rph :.urrht~1 1.1 11 ~ ~I l:is! >iJ:n"d In a lllill"r l r:i~ur r•lllll"art - to nJan;i_ae the Phll11rlelrh1a Phtlllf's. So the man \\'ilfl h~rl hrrn 11:11nrrl 1nan::ii.:rr of the yrar f11·r runf'" in tht> ]n\,'Pr le vf'I.~ was nnw rnrnini tn a pl l!f'I' rerutrdly full nf hno--h1rd~ anrl tough pres~. Yet , hi.~ first ni~h! nr hi ~ lt;ii:;ut managinJ.l ll'fl~ onr of !hf' highlight s of hi~ llff'. h~ rt'ralls. About li.000 ptinplf' wert ga thf'rt'd at olr1 Connie /l.1ac.k Starlium. Thi> !Pam and cnarhti~ "'erti being 1n- tmduced and when f r11nk LuC'rhesi·~ nam e was cal!P.d he trotted nn to the fitld. ··At th at. time !ht <"rnwrl stoncl up and ga ve me an ov.11tion -just lhink ol thal for a guy who hadn'I m11nagrd a !!llmfl yet.'' he say~. "I hrnkr do\1•n and crlM likl" 11 baby. thry must h11ve bf'en all p11isanns in the p~rk. "Then th~y pl;iyPd lhe o.11lion11I ant.hem.,. all the. time~ !hat J"d heard it bf'fore in !hr minors, h\11 it ntv~r quite snunded like this. Th f: fl11i;: was flying and I thnuiii!hl nf m.v mntht>r." Lucchesi's hii:: night harl 11 happy ending . too. Thr Phillif's defeated th~ Chirago Cub.~. 2·0 . A~ he say~ on"" '"Thrrr's nrver bet'I\ an.vthing in my life lo equ11I th11! da~' Th f'y h11d w;irnPd TTIP 11bnul lhP bon·hird !J ~nd had pres.~. bul these ~nple h~ve all hcrn ~re1t !n n1r. I 1hink you get 11•hetrve r you "':int tn m11k e o f ~f'IT'"lhing.'' * t;.S. 0\)'mpic f"ommi llrr pr, Ii I Sl'crelary Bnb P11uJ ~11~·~ that Su r1 .. n1rnte'1 Paui .lohn~nn wa~ nnf' nf the brlghl spot! nn tbP tr.~. 1<nmrn 's tra<"k te11m "'hlcb rrrrnl.ly rn1npr!Prl at tht Pan Amrrlcan Gamf's in f.nlnm hi;i . ,\fis ~ Jobn~nn \\·on lht LOO met er hu rdlrs and Pau l ""Y' •ht may ... wilrh to e 'if ;i orllng .'i l11rt heforl' lhr Jt7J nh rnpics. "Shi''" ~ 11ennin t hurdlf'r - ~he"~ not .I !printtr turnrd h11rr1lrr." r1u! 1olri thi~ column . * D.11\'e Sime. for1n ti r 1vnrlrl rt cnrd hn!der for !hr 100 and 2W. rticen!l.v ran A t 6 1•p11tur~• in an AA\I ml'et ~nft fiefe;i!,.ri I.he Florid11 sla!e high ~chooJ champion lD dninp. ... n. SimP, who suff rrrrl lra,c-lr mu~<"le p11llt1 ~f!'\rP thr 19;,fi 01.vmpi('~. ~ay~ R,lld ~1ilburn lwhn ran .11 wnrlrl rrrnrd 1~ n for the 12~ high hurdles1 Is doinJ sn well lwcaus" h1"s the fir!t 9.3 sprinter eve.r to tr:.' hurdling. La11d1·y Still U11decicled About Quai·terllacl{ Spot DALLAS IAPl -Tu, 0111 11111; Cn1t·boy q11arte rb11ck1ng ~1tu111 1nn is buildlnA up m<'re dr1ma than .:i 1t lev i~ion .'iOl p opera. Cnar h Tom L8nrlry ficlrltfl 11nolhcr b;:ir. compe!in1 to 11i'in !ht' ball ganlP and I just h"d tn l~t him ha1·p thr chanrl'." Landry announrf'd that S!;iubach will Jtart Th ursday ni~ht again~! tht Houst&a Oilt>r.'i in the A ~trnrlon1e .. Texas Chlm• pinn.'ihip" ba UJf' t Savage T't•p• 11(1 Or-..IARIO -S"'·c<lf' Sa1C1ce nf S.1nla Aba broke the 170 milt an lmur barrier Cf Ontario Speed way. t11klng 11nother step on the comeb1 ck road after he 11i·as senously injured last 1'11 rch Atwood Defends AAU Title r1gP nf quti~Uon., making lhl' mo$l between Craig Staub11ch Tuesday on whn was 1round in the b.:ittlt Mor ton and Rn11r He left que11Lioner.s wilh absolutely no <'lU!'s. Nn inOtclion in thf' vnice. nn bhnk · Ing of th t f'YI!~: nn ldf'I . "I don·t know how long Roger will pl11~-." Landr~· sait1. "! e~pt"cl Morton to play some Lanrlr~' ~111d hf' ha ~ betin tmpressetl u·ith fl.1or1on ·s abili ty tn lhmw hard. Morton undt r11i•ent 11n olf..sr.a11&n opera· t1rin ln remove bone <'hips from an elbow. ~v11e w11 one ol nine drh·ers lo top lJI ln 1'ue5d1y practice for the Ca lilornia lip Srpl. s. ~Savage. who was ral~ed in nf!arby San Bernardino. was in a near-fatal acridenl here al the Quegtor Grind Prix last year. He pa11sed 1 pre·rllce physical Tue1d1y. '11rk Dnnohue nl ~ledta. r a , cka\'Orlte In lhe ra ce alon,Q" "''l!h Al Unst"r. hAI'-hl"t"n 11n11hlf' to gt'! nn lht' trick for pracllrt bfic11u~t nf f'ng1ne lrnu- ble. Tuesday's top speeds· Al Un~er. -~'.ai.All!I : Bob~v UaM":,-117 Wi, eelP. • I HOUSTOt\ t A~l -H1ghly -r1te.d Susi e. ln Cahfomia v.·on three aolrl. medals In Atv:ood 's defense nl ht r 200-ml'ttr the 1969 n1 ll~nal i nd the 100.meler baciJtroke tllle highllahts today's opening b1('k1troke ~nd tht 400·meter chAm· pionshlp In the 197'1 meet 11 Los Anjlt\es. C"Ompelllion in lhf' Nt.'.lonar AAU S1>1 1m-Debbie l\leyer of the Arden ~fills Swim ming Ch;imp1nn~h1p:-Club of CAH!nm ia de.fends lhe cham· Prrlimtnaries of !hf' Jfl.el"tnt men 's and p1nnshl pi' in the 400·mt'te.i" anrl I.~ womtn ·~ cnmpetll1nn will he held in th" m~te.r frf't'.!if\'I!' evenr s ~ht is the. !'Inly morninllS and hn11I~ 1n !ht l!1·t ning~ II ! l'll'ln1mrr Pvrr ,,., wl'n !hreP individu1I the ~pec111tly cnnlf'd r.trnbrrok r.1111 gn\rl mrda!~ in Olymplr C'f'mpt'lltion . \.l'lt1r•e f'l'l"ll /\! f1n f' !Un P \Ii ~~ ~1"1'P r he.Id fo11r ThP ~"11nn11 nc rn111f'<'l!l1nn . 1,h1r h r i)J\ 11 nrlrl rrrnnl.~ :infi f11r An1rr 1ran rer.nrdl' .. l1111JP~ rhrnui;:.h ~At11rrl111·, fnl!!'lw~ the AAll Shr 1~ lllP l!1~9 rrr 1p1rnt nf the Sulllv"n dh·tnJ mf'f't ing th1t Pnded ~uod~.\'. A1t'11.rrl and Th~ Assocla~' .Pr!'55' ' '4' AL11i•ood..of lA~\\'OOd.J\qua.(lc Club... .• _ID'in1co"" ward . 'll :t" i;. ----., __ Gary Hall m Garden Gro11e Is top rated am ong the men 11i•ho 1rt to co mpett in tht ~-meter pool -w·hich h1~ be:t:n tDOI· ed to 711 degrees by two chillers which fi n 1;:, tons or alr <ondi1 1oning into lhe water. Hatl w1111 1 triple winner in Lo' An1e1 .. ~. r 11pturtn1 lhr. 200-mettr bul!rrn~ and !he 2fl!l rn1ter lndl~'idu11\ n1"r1lrvs HI' was 11 1ilvrr 11i•inner in lhr 111~ Olympic1. F'riink Hrckl or thti !J)s. Angt!f'S Ariuat lr Club 11·nn ~I" i!Okl mt rliil ... 11nd ont ~ilvrr mf>dal tn !he rerrnt P11n Ampr!ritn G11mes and i1 f.bt dr.f,.ndin1 AA V rh~mpl"n lo th~ IOO·m•rer free.s!ylti .. . -~.:...-___ .,. --.. Land ry .'il id Morton didn 'I lnse 11ny &round becausf' nf An incon si51.t nt performance in Frid1y night's IA-15 N1. tional Football League ex hibilinn victory over Clevf'l1nd "'1\1ortnn·s fini!h mi di! up !or hi~ In. 11bility to mnvf' lht team t 1rllt r," 111lrl La ndry "Hf' h11ndltid h1m""'lf wtll und!r prt:s.'iure -tha!'.s an important f)U1tllt.v ·· L.:inrlry u·11.~ gr iHrt1 1bn11r hi~ fa il11rf' tn gh·f' ~!it11b11rh. lhf' :'\n 2 qurirtPrb;irk rn !970 . ~ l'h.ciorf' In th~ i;:An1r "If s h1rd In pull 1 quarter'oatk ~·hen 1!:!1 h i~ gam~,'' l.andry Sll ld "Mnrtoa \li'AS ' • ... .... ~ ---'• ·,,-, i».-.. -- ''I think fl.1orton·~ arm ia fin•." Landt) said. "HI'. ha~ no after affect.A fr om hl.1 oper11tion. The 11 rm isn't sore." Landry hi*s 11id he ""'ill not choose bU No ! auarterb1ck b1!ed on 1tahrtlr1 ll lOfll' Rut 11•ht n prtssed 11bnut how the twi l"nm1"11"1 il inr~ ll rt rlning nn !hi'. lm pnnrt"r:ihlf'~, Lanr1r1 ~m•l"rl 11 n ' •n~w~red · "I'm very much satlafitd vdtJ bnth q11nft"rb11cks." -'l!L-I '.~...:"-Jio}-po... ·• It'. · • •-· l I I I .. I DYNAGLASS Silent Gila I ·' • I I l .. H ... ul•r ~.1 .. ·rr•J ... ln Tr•.t ... 1111 f'ri,... f'rif .. SIZE •·.E.T. -- .> :!:l .46 I . IJ:? ).) :!'I.:! I :!.'.~R ).) :11 .. 16 :? . .1.) -~ ).) :H.46 ~.RO --- _1·'~8-1 ·l/7. ';' .ix_J:i .<; 78· l ·l/8.~.;, 1.1_ _t ;_~H-l :i@.~.ix l j __:l!1.tJ.l :~:>.:!I :;.64 !.17 it_:_I ~U.;;:; ~ I :;__ :t ~ > ~) .:; _ 1 __ ~_7_. 4'i_> +--:!. 8f I .I 78-1 :-i/8.H.i x I.) 5:J.')5 40.40 2.96 L78-l5/900/91 :i ,I.> $6.9.J 42.71 3.19 ~~ A . .:k Al1nut Sear.a t .'n11i:e11ie nt Credit Plans. Tuhol-m.e\wall Silent Guard DynaglaM i• Ruggedly Con&tructed 2 Fih,.r G I•~• Be]!.~ Pina 4 Pliu ttf Polye1t.er Cord ~ -~·--~."'''' High,vay Ret1·eads* · Brand New Crusader , . •, J\sk 1\hout Scars Convcui«u t C1·ed it l'luns ; YO! It C HOICE: 'J'u I ir I r :-s J ~l aek,\·al I •\ny Size J ... istcd, •• J'h" F_E.T ~~· :1 .\n,J!l)d'[iro ~IZE f .J-:.T. ' .. h 1~1 •. 11 2•1,. "-,u, I! :\2,. ';"'"I' l"I :11,. ,, ·1·,, !4 ·Ml,• -I-,, t ~ .11 .. :; 1111\ ,-, _,-,,. -'""t' I> ,-,,. " I ·,. 1 ~ -.1,. !( 1 ~. 1; .<;1 .. V;"lt il .. well• I Inly 12 .\Jorr f' .. r l 'ir.- •11 .......... ~ "'"a~.i Tl,.. 11...i;~• Fu ll 4 Ply Ny lon Plu l .':'6 F.[.T. t.cb And Old Tire YOUR "CHO!CE1 Tob~le"'• Dlackwallt • •• 1. ... s...u .... 16T..~.n f; •• ~ ...... 1111 ... SIZE Y.K.T. 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"'' \ ... , " ""''· .. , ,, 1sc. or rum . , .,,, i '~1':. s T 0 p . •·\".,~ere'~ What s~~.:. E,xpeft~ ~ii~°"'.. 1 At Sears for a COMPLETE BRAKE JOB i • C1rrfu\ly rcpul.: front "'heel brv1n&J • C:arrfutlr 1et-uild hr· dr1t1!1l wheelc)'linders • Rrmove and rer l 1~c brake ~hoe re I cu e ~1irin11$ • Rrrh'e hold-dov;n 1rrinti' • Rrmow and rrpliLCe l'Orh fron( ~rr~se '"~' •Twn1.t1d rruehra\:e drums or rrface di.JCS • fitncwb1aledv:>C'SOC dis~ rids • Flu •h i nd aJd byJnulic brake fluid u nct:<led • ln1pcct m.uter cylinder and emrrgcncybrU:e •Finally.we tr 3t rour brJke~ out on the toi.d COME IN NOW FOR YOUR FREE BRAKE INSPECTION ••• No Obligation! >" -_ .~. •.«v.-:::=x-.::::::::::,-..~~ J1 ..... ,..vu1y ,\lum .... T.ifrllme (,u•ranlrf! I( m11hler 1111• du" I<> ,(ct.,,n in matr•i•h nr ~1rkman•h•1' f'f i.1.., ... , • .,,, "'""Im or "'•'"'"t :-'~ "·hil" ""ll'"'I runh""' n•n• •h• '•r. '' .. ·di be i rtrl""j ur"~ iciurn. Irr••' "~c 11 rMe •Jr-;.: fr <11•e muttl~r ""' 1n"1I!• '• "'·"r .. -ill ;t. 'in•u l! 1h" nr.,. mufnu • ut> ,,~r '"' l1i><o" ;:-{ ~~:::::-:-::::~=~~%.'<'m".j;i O.E.R.• Shock Ah•orher• SAVE l l.5Z! Regular $4.99 }"It• moat Americ•n·M•de can •oriJinal Eqa.ipmnt Aepl«emcnt lleavy Duty Mufflers C 1Larartteell f 'or A• Long A• l 'o u 01(J n Your Own Car •Fits most Ame rican cars • Lar,c;e, full-length tuning chamber for beuersound·.si!cncing • 22-,l;au ge outer shell, g\avanize:d • 30'.7£, thicker than l shell mufflers Expert l ruta llation A r;ai.lable ., r. ..... '•. .. Heavy·Duty Motor Oil 2 ~i SAVE BOc ! Re1ular$3.79 Meets o r exceeds new car manufac· curer's warran1y requircmenu. l~ SHOP SUNDAY 12-NOON To S:OO p .m. •MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ·SATURDAYS 9 :30 o .m . to 6 :00 p.m. •FREE PARKING a UJNA ,AltK •21·4400, .Sll-4 .S )O CANOOA l'AltK 340•0661 COMPION 6l6·2.Sa I, 6l1•J76 I ,. ... COVINA 9 66 ·061 I l l MONT[ ••l-301 1 OLINOAl l 24S •J004, 2"4·4•11 HOUYWOOD .... , .. , IMOllWOOD 671-2.S11 lONO aU,QC 4lS·012l OtY#ll~C & IOTO 2•1-sitt OltANOr fJ7.1100 ,,. .... "'""" ••1~211,2:5 1 -421 1 Scars I LU.s, 1.0£JL'al.?U> CO • POMONA •2•·•1•• ,,co tJl .... HI lANTAn ....... -...11 ._ .... _ I AMfA ANA THOUSAND OAll'.S VALLI'( •474371 .. ,, ... ,,., s11-11:11 763-1461, ,, ... ,,,0 SANTA MONICA TO••ANCI Vftl:~ONT 3H·•711 542-1.Sl 1 1 st.1t 11 IOVTH CO.UI PLAZA U"'-AND S•tl1h10l•11 Ou-er-ta•I ........ flS•lt 21 er T•11r M•"•Y led1 ----··----·-.. ·~-·~ ....... -----·--'---~ -· J8 DAILY PILOT WtdntWay, August 25, 1q71 Mustangs Trim Aussie Poloists, 8-6 By HO~' ARD HANDY Of '"' CM"1 Pile! ilfff U'1 a long way betwetn stops for the AUitralian youth water polo tt>am and after a pair of defeats in Southern c.anfomia (tht' latest lo Terry Bowen's C.01ta t.lesa High Mustangs Tuesday night , 8-6), they will play in t-.iiami. Fla. tonight in the fourth and hnal game in this country. 1'he Auss ies are on a round-the--"·orld lour and will play 25 lo 30 games during tht.ir abseoc.e from the land do1,1·n under. The fact that the team record is 1-3 at the moment doesn 't con~m coach Tom Hoad too mu ch. .. \Ve arf' leaming and plcking up a lot of pointers that are good. We played bad- ly toniFht and I wasn"t sa\i.s!ied wiU1 !he game at all . I don't believe Cost11 Mesa is anywhere near as good as the team we played r-.1onday night (Newport Harbor •. "That bunch (Newport 1 Is the be1t I have ever seen for its age group," the three-time Olympian from Australia said after Tuesday's lo!s. Bowen wasn 't exactly pleased with the victory, either. ··we played very poorly. We should have won by a wider n1argin ." Asked if the Australian team compared to Orange Coa~t area high school squads, he replied "'They aren"t clo:;e to our teams. But they don't µInv ns n1uch water palo O\"Cr there. They ha"e some good kids and they dn very v.•tll !or the amount of garnes they pla y" It wa s a ease uf c;itchup for the Aussies ;ill ntght after Bob \Valters scored 40 seconds tnlo the first stanza and John \\lhiln1 ore added a pair lo give the f\1ust;ings a .1-0 edge. DQnald Pritchard, high point man for Australia \~ith Lhree goal s, scored 21 seconds in!o the second half to tie the count at 3-J and Anthony Richardson hit a A FISH EYE VIEW OF A WATER POLO BALL IN GAME AT COSTA MESA HIGH. Mike Hollister (19) of tlie Mustangs and Paul Malcolm (9) of Australia Splasn for Po1session. Mustangs Won, 8-6. Shafer USAC Pohllclst Chargers Happy at UC I; l(aze Praises Facilities The San Diego Chargers wil! be wind· tng up dri lls at UC Irv ine soon e:1d the UCI "'as asked of lrv Kaze. assistant lo the president. '"\Ve are vPry happy at UC Irvine . \Ve hope !o 1ra1n there for many, many years lo come. "\\'e are not going t.o hnd a better HOWARD JlA:\DY t raining site anywhere. \~·e have always bttn \:ery happy at UCT. ''They have excellent people to deal with at the school and lhe facil1t1es are 5Uper for getting a professional football team ready for the season ... Whal ever happened to thr permanent pre·season and practice site Lh al v.·as talked aboul 50 ""'idely at conclusion of the training camp a year ago? "forget ii. I clon"t think It v.·ill e,·er materlahze,"' Kaie says. ltow about the Chargers this roming season? Where do they lit in the American Football League standings? "A~ you k:now, we have lo slay healthy to do v.·ell . I'm not saying we are going to win it but l think mMl people feel we will be in there all the way. J know I fttl lhat way." * Bnb Sb11fer, ft1rmrr Santi !\loolra 1port1 writer wba l&ok over dutle1 11 publicity dlreca-r at Ont.aria f\fott1r Speedw ay prior to 111 opening a year ago but le.fl In th e sprl111t, hi worklog out of Udlanapoll1 these days. Shafer 11 'the a11i1tant publici5l for USAC and travels lo 1111 pans of the coantry on weekends to al~nd races 1Uctioned by that iroup. "1 dkta't ttaJltt I ml15td the PR work ao macb •ntll I went to work oo ~ city desk In Slota Moni ca before I found thl• jl)b," Shafer relaW.1. Ht wlll be on bud at Ontario for tbe Je<"ood annual 50(l.mlle race Sept. $'. * Ari P1tss1rella. the form,..r rnaJ11r league umpire who tioe.l'i Holl y"·ood bit r>arts aner he tumecl in his blue srr~,.. lluit, 1tnd twn formrr Pacific Co;a.~t League arbiters. will work tht American Legion Junior World Series in 1"ucr.on, Arlz. in September. Passare!la v.·as bchtnd lhe pl ate for lt1c old lirnrrs ga1ne at Anaheim Stadium recently and ln the spring worked the r\CAA college division we.stem regional tournament at San Fernando Val\ey State Collr~e along with Pat Orr and Cece Carlucci. both of v.·hom wiU participate in the Tucson series. * llr. Jimmie D. \\'hltlt y, 11 n a~~nciatr prnft>ssnr nf ribysic11I tducation :it liC Ri\"ersidt> ror the last yrar <1nd <1 ml'mbfr nf tht' facul1v .c;incc 1!1.)9, has bern namrd a~ director · of phys ical cduc11tion an d athlrlil'~ at Cal Stair HakC'"r~(irld. The llakersfield sf'hool "ill tangle 11 ith coach 'Tim Tift's UC lrvinr bRS kt tbull tca 1n on ftb, 26 in Cra"·ford llall. * Th<'~'l'e getting l11e \VP /\t Virg1n1;:i IJ111vPr.c;1tv Coliseum in crindllion for the 1nvas1on Qr Tift and hL~ Ant eater quintet '4'1l h a pa ir of early g;:irnes. 'Ille Los Angeles Laker/\ and \Vest \'1rginia".c; mn~t famerf baskcthall alum- nus. Jerry \Vest. will perform 1n the Cohscun1 Oct. 8 against lhc !\"e\v York - Knick.~. Lf'~s than a n1onth la1rr. the Harlem {;lobefrott~rs will play in Morgantown on Nov . 4. On Dec. 4 ii \1"111 be the t.;CJ i;riuad a~ain!it \\fest V1rs1n1a 1n the M"cond game of e four-game eastern invasion. S1>orts Notables To Honor Gurney ., \As Angeles Rams stars ~lcrl1n Olsen and Roman Gahrlel, alnng with new Laktrs ('()ach Bill Sharman have jointd the roster of 11porls nota bles whn will be on hand for the Orange Coun1y Spor1~ Ctlebritici; rirst annu11l award night in Sanltt Ana. Wcdnrsday, Sept. I. The banquet will honor relirrd r11c1ni; star Dan Gurney with funds from the banquet slated for the group's first scholarship award. Boxing great Archie Moore. former Dodger pitching st8r Don Dry5d11le. along "'ilh :speedway tic:-es Phil lt!IJ. Al 1tnrf Bobby Unstr. S"·t'de SavRge. A.J. Yoyt and t.111rio Andrett1 ha..-e al~n 1ndicaled their lntenti...,ns 10 bf in attrndanct. Ticktts for the rnrn on lv artair Ar<> ~veilablr 111 thr S:iddlch1t rk Tr11\·e! A~en ry. 11i5S Ea~I First St , Sanla An!I Thr rvrnt. Vtil! be hl'ld al lhl' Sar! dlt'back Inn 1n Santa Ana. ~""-, ....... ··-I .4M.: ----••\'~-"" ;.r~ 1\) 't'llsl~· .. Def e11se l(ey For N elJrasl\.a In '71 Season ' LINCOLi\. Nrh . 1AP1 -:O:chra ~ka rootball cc<11'h BOh Dcvanr>y h11s left hin1 self \1·Hh ;:i tn11gh ;){t tn 1011(111·. His JffiU .\.it111t1;1 I Ch A 1n p Jo n Cor11hu~kc1;, 1\t'1 1~ ll·fl·I. r<i n lhrtr un- beaten ~ln11~ 111 1~1 g:-ime~. l\"tJll thr.1r sixth Big Eight. 111lc in t·ight \'Ci.lrs. a 11c1 dcfralcd Lolli. 1.tna :..talf' in the Orange 80 .... ·l. Thi: ct1ut1otl'· flt\:inr.\ \\h('l~P :in.1 .... ·1n- n111g pcrr ·cn1 ~1t:f 1 I l ;.2.~-r11 maki>:s h1n1 the cnun!ry"s 1111111111~·r I •nrirh ~a\ sc \rhra<,ka"s (h,1 1Hf·~ f•r rl'j•r~lini.: ·are likr ;:i (htol 1n 1111" 1!:1r~ ·· f!O\\("l\T !it \1,1\·' \1:111 l.,,\l!lllJ ;1h. d1r;11t• 111thn111 :1 lr.!1• ;ind 1h1n ·~ :i 111~ ,,f np111111,n1 ir• 1111 l11r ~"!" 1 .01 p :dri11g v.·11h J8 l1·l tl'rJ11r11 111l l11d1n:.: I~ :--.L1r1 .. r:-. The lll1:->kl'I"~ 11111 ~1'! ,11hri111c1'1 pr111{' th1•1ll)>1'1\l'S 111 lh1·1r t1r)>I 11111111~. nprn1n~ at h111nt• <1j!a111~1 1n11gh ()rC'):!nn, picked 11s nnr nr !11<' 1or rluh~ 111 th<' P11c1!1c Etbht 1t11.\ ~ra:-.nn Allhnug h llH' )>pntl1gl1l \VJ!j 1111 lhe or- [en~l' 1:1<;1 yrar ;1-; the Jl u!'kers ;iverage:d :t:1 7 points pr r g;11nr. tlr!rn~c h;is lf1n~ lwrn a D<'\":<nr;. lr;1rlr1nark a11r1 the '"Bl;irk Shirt<;'" -\111· i'.;o, I rlrlr 11:-1 .. ·r unit. -11rl' c);prt·tcd lo lead lhe Huskers !his S!'.1 ~OJ1. !'>c1 en 1970 do•frn~i \ e st.irlrr ~ rrturn. inclucling 6-f()li\-6 210-p<"IUnd 1acklr L;irry .lacnb.,lrl, r nds \\"illle Hiirpr'r anrl Jnhn Adktn~. and thn•I' n1r n1i>rr~ of lhe barkfleld. Thl' 41nl)' rJUC',lJun fln rl Pfrnsr is llntl111~ ;i re plRccn1cn1 f11r grarlu:<tl'rl All- An1 rrica11 l1nrhack,..r Jerry l\·lurl augh, but l.>c\'anev rl11r5 have fnur lcllennrn hncbackrrs ·rcturn1ni! Oflcn)>J\'C I~ Ill<•:'>\ nf the players '''hn provided thr !1nr5l pnint·ml'lking m;:ichinr in Nebraslia h1 ~torv <'Ire h:irk althou~h All-An1enca !11rkle fl ob ~Cl\ Ion. split end (;uv In gles .'Ind running back Joe Orduna will be mi5scd. Devancy's tnughl'~L "problem" Is one ll Int nf roache.~ w0ul c! likr to ht1\1P - choosin).( his ~l:irling ri11 ar!rrback from amonR ~rvrral t:!lr n!crl r .1nc!idatrs. ror 1hr pa~I h\<1 years . .lrrry Taggr and Van Arn\vn~1ln have altern11lcd at !hr posi tion. Each r~ a ta len1crf throwC'r and bnth ti re gnnrl 111 1111l1ng ('lilt frnn1 the I· formation a11::i:rk usrd bv Devane'. r.:ow , ho\1·e\·er. rnt-rr ~rr thrrf'.' or Rl least lherr may be thrrc. David Humn1. v.•ho led the rreshman In an un~atrn litason last year and rewrote the lrosh recnrd book in the proce~s. is l'hgiblr to play this seAson Prrliminilry indir11tions arr. howr\·rr that hr \\'J11 br rrdsh1rtt'd. .l1•ff l\1nnt'\ rt'ttlrn~ at l·h,1i·k <ind has !hr pn~1t1on 10 h1n1~rlf aMrr· ~h:inni.;i lime 11 1!h Orduna 111s1 sr:is'"!rt Th" 1111.c;kr r Rtl:il'k will hr h111JI Rrnuncl K1nnr\ )> n1n111n.:, :int1 11-"~'r' lo fl ;inkrr ./11hn11\· l1•1rl;:1•1' thr tr<1m .~ Jcachng • rrceJ\'Cr as a ~nphl1morc 1n 19i0 ,, .. _ penalty &hol aft.er two minutes of the flnaJ quarter to make it 7-6 in favor of the Mustangs. That was as close as they came to tht: lead. The Australians were never in front and Whilmore's final goal with two minutes remaining put the icing on the cake. Whitm ore was high point man for t- Mustangs with three with Matt Waidelich SC<>ring a pair. Mike Yarwood, Mike 1-iol!ister and Bob Walters added one each. For the vis1torl5, Pritchard was hiah with thrtt followed by RJchard5bn with a pair and Paul Malcolm with one. Irish Shoot For National Championship SOUTH BE:ND. Ind . (AP! -With Jot Thei!'imann no w sco ring touchdowns for the Toronto Argon1 uts of the Canadian Football League, Notre Dame is faced 1\•ith lhe problem of replacing the quarterback who was the runner-up for the Heisman Trophy lait season. Other then that, it appears t he Irish will be ready to shoot for the national championship which they barely missed last season. Coach Ara Parseghla.n'1 eighth team here may well duplicate or belier the 9-1 regular season rttord t1f 1970 and the 24-17 victory over Texas in the Cotton Bowl. Practice for the Irish will open Friday. ··our offensive prrsonalily won't take sh;ipe until practicall y two wetks prior to our opening game," Parseghian 1a id. .. \Ve must replace six offensive performers. The key position, of coune, Is at quarterback. Replacing Theismann will be a giant task in Itself ... Defensively the Irish lost only one end ancl two linebackers and indieation& ar• that this Notre Dame defense will be bet· tcr lhan l;i s1 year·s. whi ch held opponents tn 9.7 points and 220.7 yards a game, sb:I h best in the nation. The offense, led by Theismann and rel.urning wide receiver Tom Gatewood, nnw ,:i senior. finished second in the coun- lrv in tot;;il offense wit h M average of 510.5 yards per gamt'. ParSl'_i!:hian ha s lost 13 leltermen in all, bu1 26 others will retu rn. Spring practice didn 't answer the ques- f1(ln of who is going to quarterback tht lrJ ~h. ··The !'hort patterns are •bout the aame frir ;ill three quarterback~. Pat SleM· hcr~e .. Jim Bulger and Cliff Brown," Parseghian said. ··Bu l~c r is mo re adept at getting the ball there <ln the deep patternJ because he has a stronger arm. But aceuraey, readi ng defense~ ar1d audibilizin1 at t.he line are all part of the quarterback'• duties, and whoever reaches that com- fXlSite first will end up a~ starting qua-.erback." • Bul gar and Steenber1e art seniors and Rro wn ls a sophomore, who could become 1he first black quarterback iD Notre D&.me varsity history. The 6-foot-5 Bulger does not posse.<;s !ht scrambling ability of ellher Sttenbergt nr Brown and Steenberge 's option moves and his experience playing behind Theismann 1nay give him tht edge - prnvided 11 broken linger on this throwin1 hand has healed. \Vhcn anyone speaks about Notre name·s offense this year. he"ll mention c;atC'wood in reverent tones. The 6-'Z o;;r ntnr C'll!IRhl 79 passes for l.1 66 y11rd., ;inrl righ1 touc hclowns la;<t fall ··Ton1 is an exceptional rect iver." s11y~ l':ir"r!:ht;1n ""Ht-attack:< a defen~r •~ a drrp thrr;1 t and if 1he defen~e lay~ back, hr ~·:in l}l<'k 1h!' scams undernt';ith. '·Tn t:o\"r r him . io. team usually nttd.~ tv.o n1cn Th11l open.<; it up to tht run or !he pa ss 1n other areas." he addtd. CHECKING IT OUT -Glen Turnbull (left) of the Balboa Bay ('!u b and Newport Beach Tennis Club's Jimmy Shepherd sc:an the sthedule of events for the Pacific Southwest senior tennis tou rnev. u·hi ch 11F ill be held at the two sites. Deadline for signups is Friday. ;fhe tourney, for seniors 35 and up, is slated for Sept. 11-19. Defenses Outsta11di119 .W esiminster Ace Lau{l s PanAm Ba se ball Qi1ality By ROGER CARLSON or Ill• Di iiy Plltl Sl•lf It was a wild scene. A grand sl am homer had narn:iwt<I tht Unit ed Stales margin t.o 7-8 In the final inning with one (IUl at C11li, C<ilombia in the Pan American Games. ln strutted relief pitcher Eddie Ba oe, all S-10, Jro-pounds of him, to fa ce a menacing Colombian baU er. Tht> packed stadium tl.OOOJ wa!i erupting as oranges and trash came hurling out of the stands. Cries of ''Yankee go home," gretled tht ex-Westmins ter High nash as he reached the mound. Moments later he had forced a pop-up and 1tnick out the final batter to preserve the vi ctory -one ot many memorable moment.~ for Bane, who col- lected a silver medal for his leam·s se- cond place efforts. Perhaps one or the biggest impressions for Bane waa in the quality of baseball ph1ved south of the borclcr, "A couple of guys who had been thera berore told me it would bt tou.,h. but wa.~ really only concerned with Cuba. "But they 1111 playtd great defense." savs Bane. "None of them could hit a~ w~\I as us. but their errorless defenses made up for it. "If they'd gel a one-run lead !ht op· ponent would just go crazy. However. if they ant behind bv a run or two they ~ePmed lo givt up." 811nr ~Ry~. Too, the ex -footba ll ;iorl haseha ll ~taod nut from Weslmin.~ler round homP r;:io bf' pretty 11ppMlinj.1. especi ally v.·hrn !he other gu y'!i b11.ckyard i~ viewed "'I talkf'd In 11 r11han outf1 rlrtrr 11ho "·as 2fi yt>2r-~ old tt1 nd he told mr 1h11 rnn.~1 rx ci !in,i: th \nJ: in hi~ !ifP wa .~ watchin~ a "·nrld series aame in a Ha van11 thratre •·1 realizt>d then how 1:ond horn ,. looked ... and there st•r n1cd to he a i;:uard of SfJr\s rfJ r e1 cry !hrrc Cu ban athletes in the \li ll ;igr. "'There wa~ li ttle cnol"rr~almn frn111 them. 1! ~1ou asked 1hcn1 tn !racle p1nJ the.v"d ask where ynu wrrr frnn1 . thr n turn on their heels ;ind \1•;ilk a11 a,1 ," sa~ s Bane. Ed appeared in four lilt" durin~ the Games. 'pitching rchcl in 1hrel', then started the Cuban issue. The Yanks los1 the Cuhan 111•. I-:!, srl· tling fnr seennd place. Banc alt(iwecl fl\" runs through .) I 3 inning~. coming out with the scor e knotted. Bane was a !atr add1 110n 1n 1he U.5. nine, joining !he tean1 in i\ew Ynrk C1tv as it prepared For the (;an1rs wtth a lour through the east. Among other spots. hr {"rimprtrd twice · at New \'ork "s She<.1 Sl;i_dhnn :ind once In Drtrni\"s Tigrr Slar\1L1111. B::ine. whn niigh1 bc'l hr· dr,1'r1hell :l.\ "The l1dgflcr"" wh dt• 1·ur11·hall 111g lhr 111~ posl lion at \\'est1n 1nsl1•r ll 1gh. nnw ;i1\;11!~ his sophnn1or£> ~r;ir at 1\r114111a !-t::t1C', where a hustling s11·\c 1, :111111·11! l1lr He compiled an 11-2 11011 !n,; l"l'f'orrl nn a 2.18 t'.r.a. ilS a frcshrn;u1 f11r 1hr 1 a1 •1ty ;ind is hnptful tha t ennt111111'<t pr11j!n'~S v.·i!I catch the C\r~ ui ·11;q·ir !CJ(:.\Jt! scouts. "·hn hair ~h1rd ll\l,I\ lrn111 him because of laek nf ~lit' · He "s drl"rl'"'Pf'd a 'h;1r11.:rur 1,, i:.o 111\h hi~ 11·1t·kcd 1·ur\l' h.111 Hr 's ph1!n~11ph11 ,,1 :il111ut h l' 1 n g O\('rlookrcl h~ th•· ~~ •1111 "Snn1r11n1r~ I 1111tu\I r 111111 lhr1 11,1nl. T ~rr 1olhtT~ j.'.1'!1111" d• 1f1,·il I 1,ol rli n"t rr11l l~· l1;,\1• 1hnt 11111• h l ~•ll I ~n .. 11 lhrv w;:iot ;; d11r11hlr p1:\ h• r I 11 .. pi 1•1 prn1 e m~~ct r ;i t 11\ri11111:i S1a1" ·hr· ~;11\ Ba.seball Standings VOLVO NATIONAL LEAGUE .E11I Dlvl•'°n w L Pittsburgh " !"!!"! Sl. Lnuis 70 " l'hictigrr " " Ne11• \"nrk " " Philadelphia "' 71 i\-lontrt.al ,. 72 West Olvisln• SRn Franci!ctl 76 " Dnd£ers " " Atl1tnt11 " .. Cincinnati 64 67 Houston .. 6<! San Diego .. 82 TIHIMll Y't ·-lh Cl1>t.lnn11! 5. C~klll6 • So" Oln11 ,, P~lllll•l1>~l1 t Atlln11 U, Plt11&\lrt~ I Son l'r•n<lltll J. N,w 'l'or~ t S• l11Ul1 J, -..iu1te11 I a.11 ... 1 6. M1111tre•! • ,.,..,,, ··- Pet. .5'• .!1143 .!143 .492 .441 .429 .5'.I .527 .Sil .489 .!M .Jll9 GB ' ' 111 ? 1• HIY1 7"> 91~ 121,J 12\i 21 5111 l'ront!Kll IP•r"' l)<I ) 11 N•w 'l'lrl !1((181• ...... 1-l l C!n<;>11111!1 ll'i•>..,110,. 1•$) 11 C~ICltfl (HI""\ I0.1H Siii oi .. 11 !l(!rt .. 11-•0! 1t Plllllffl ... 11 ISl'>llf! l·l•I. \!1M Deil .. ro (Al1•1...,•r •••l It MO!'lir•ot t••n~, 1' 1)1. nl,M "•"l&llt1h (1(1-J.•I 11 A!l1n!1 (JI "'" l •!tl. "''M SI. l llU•I l(1rl .... ! .. ,) I t ~lltoll ((ff!< 0.11, .. .. ~, AMERICAN LEAGUE East Olvisloa w I. BaJtimort 77 4.1 Detroit " " Snston " 'I New Yor k .. ., W11shing!()n ~.1 " Cleveland " 77 \\'tsl Olvlslnn Oakland !2 46 Kansa~ City " ., Chieago " OS An1e ls 'I " 1'.1innesota .17 " Milwauktt 5.1 72 TIHIUl•1'1 llHUlll 111111"">11•• !, (l\o(OIO I M;IW•u~·· '· cr ... ,1 ... 11 I l,linnt..,!I 1. Oil•"'! I Prt. .6.1 I :'i:i~ .~2.1 .4!1fi .421 .3!14 .Ml .!i24 .... .47:t .4!12 .424 .;,,.,., e n,. i. 1oi1"" •, U 1...,1,,., N•w 'I'••~ I )olclof'd ~ '"''" ). W••~'n•l11'1 1 ,..,,,., .. ,.," GB , -I 1 J!1 I I' 1fi111 " 291,J II 19rl,i 21 12 24 27 \l Milw•u••• !""'"'"' 111-ui of (10wt11...i l ~•ul 1.1i. ,,1,~1 I (lli(•t• l>lorl•" 1-f\ ol llll!lmer1 10ft<!1ftl'I !(. ll. "''"' ''""""'01 1 (l(ott 16-111 ot Oo1ro>t llOllr~ X)-t), I ....,ni I eo•1011 1•11 ... IJt) •I .:.,, ... Cl!f 1f !•1""""" 1·11 ... 1111• N•w 'forte llt:l•M •-111 11 00-!1"4 (H!I"'" II • I 1•1, •l•M I ....... ~ .... lllfl tlOI"''" 1 .. 1)\ •I ·-I• !Mvrt>I> .. •IJI. "lt M DEAN LEWIS 1966 HARBOR ILVD., COSTA MESA Modern & Complete S•rvice I P•rf1 O•pf. Modern Body Shop for All Cari 646-9303 540-9468 Orangt County's Large~tand 1'.tost 1.1odern Toyota and 'v"ol vo Dealer ov1•11A.1 DIL IYIRY ,,ICIALllH , __ 1971 DEMO I t l S£DAN 2tt.t $2998 !T!O!YIQIT!Al '71 COROLLA DEMO SALE LA RGE NE W & USED TOYOTA SELECTION See Us Before You Buy! O.Ul y .,,., !! Checking Out Area Golf Greens Exams Set l<'or Jaycees l(eil Gets Top Award 111 Metropolitan Loop Costa ~lesa Golf and Coon· try Club will be the host for the annual Costa Mesa city golf championships to be stag· ed on the weekend of Sept. 24- 26 with entry blanks now available in all area pro shops. The championship Oigbt will be staged over three days. beginning Friday and con· t·lud ing Sunday. Flight com- pelilion for hand icnp golrers v.·111 be played Saturday and Sunday .,.,.ith a large entry list expected. In a scr1:1mble tournament over the weekend v.•here all members of a foursome play lhcir ball from the be.st tee shot, the winning combine fired a 59 low gross score and \Vas composed or Gary 1-lorton, .foe Cos tello. Bill Cartin an d John Pacheco. A three team tie resulted for second place at 62. four ~lrokes off the pace. On one squad were Bob Darnell. Dick r.HJler, .Jack Reeves and Bill Toolin. Another learn was coinoosed nf John I-tacker, Joe Kirby, Rill Seaman and Don Cole. The third squad had Ralph Cenlollela, lTO\\•ard Belger, Jack Reid and Sol Taormina. lrc l11e Coa1I QuaHfying rounds for the men 's club championship are scheduled Saturday and again on \\'ednesday at Irvine Coast Country Club. Jimmy Jones is defendin~ champion in the event that \viii be sta~ed during the month of September. In the annual jack and jilt m e m ber-gue!t tournament over the v.·ee.kend. !\fr. !\trs. Bob Limacher with guests !\1r. <ind Mrs. E. C. Koster, l\'CrP lhe winners y,·ith a score of 120. !\ten and women c I u b members al Me sa Verde Country Club will have an op- portunity to gel acquainted \.\ !1h l he nc1\' owne rs this 1reekcnd in a two-day tourna- ment sponsored by Japanese Gol f Promotions. Competition v.·ill r;ross and 101v net be in ]Ol't' categories both day.s. Chuck Cobb of Balboa Ialand fired a bole-itK>Oe en the 203- yard seventh bole nnnUy w-. ing a four wood. In a best ball of twosome competition over the weekend , Ralph Moe.Iler and Mark Webster won low gtO!s honors ·wit h a 69. In the low net competition, \\'ebsler and John Brooks cop- ped first place with a S9. Se· cond went to J oe Sparago and Tomm V Liken at 61. The -Sunday-best ball uf foursome competition v.·as won by Michael and Bobl>ie WaM!o with f\-1orgie and Barbara Sim· mons with a score of 56. A tie resulted for second with Doris and Paul Buckle teaming with John and Clara Chvens on one team . t.ir. and Mrs. John Paulv teamed with Julie and Mike Rapport on the other squad with e ac h recording score!! of 57. Ro11rho SJ The women's club at Rancho San Joaquin Golf Course held two tournaments du ring the past week, both called three bl ind mice. In the first, F'ern Sproul Y..'as the A fl ight victor with a 57 fol!O'>''ed by Zola Bartholomey,• and f\.l illie John.5on. each with a 58. Trudy Bone y,·on the B division 1vlth a 56 followed by Irene Thomas at 58. Pat Lackner was the C flight win· ner with a 55 with Vivian Troutman (58) and Ann Hesik (59! following. The D till~ competition closed in a tie at 60 between Kay Leullviler and !\taxine Strickland. In the second tournarnent. r-.·larilyn Jones \\'On the A f!ighl \1'ilh a 56. Be\•erly Corn\vell cooped the n title v.·ith 59. Natalie Heckman \\'On the C crown with 61 and Betty Seiersen was second at. 62. A 1hreey,·ay tie resulted for !he T> cro\vn bet11Jeen Barbani Adan10, Kav Leu!lvi ler and ~1axine S!riCkland , all \V ilh 58. Sa11ia At1a Thro men's club cham· pionship at Santa Ana Country Club v.·iJI be staged in Sep- Fo1· f.,os Alaniitos Racing E11trie s W1<1n.-id1Y, Autvll U, 1'11 •lt!I n1fM < .. I r & !111. ,l .. t POii I.II p.m. i ) RlgMly flcMJbl1 '" hi & t nd t l<IJ 1$ £••<ti on l!h & rlh rt tl1 flll l T ll ACE -JSO vl rd• 1 v''' old m11a1r11. Cl9lmin<1. Pun' 11100. Clelm- •na or!c' I J.500 ~ lv'r n" S~na !Porn1r\ Ronnln<i 0.-vll {Alll•onl ~1llv Sun IP1o•I ~~i ~T fl :::~0~5·;~,}.~!' I l "•med C11h (Wtl!orll \/Jell.,.,!1hit< l(•o•bvl Scv•n Ac•ll"• IWM<ll Ch1ncc At (M1hull1l '" '" l~ "' "' '" "' '" lHlllD llACI!" -JIO ¥•'~· 1 "'"' r 1a1 M•l<l"11• Cl1im•na Pur11 lllCI<! (l1lm;..., arlc1 llSOO l11H,rl'• L•!lv 111111 .. •\ Ml" ~1..,ond P1rr •P•rn•r! f<r••!I n Bu!tl' IV l u<lhnJ lo:woO I~ 1(0<1 IA.111\011) Joli Mold (W•la~U S~d•'• Crl<~•t IP•nrl ,.., Pfr!lnPr (A~tor ) \•11111•• IWll•<!nl 11!• TM Moon !Str•uul fOURlH ll ACE •at' Vl rd\ eld , ,.llow-1nr"' Pm•• 11100 ~·u• (ilv n)•,.r) Rt<lf~I IPtrn•r> NO Pe,1r~1nt IL>n~•"'l l'llft<I< ~n~•rlu• 1(10-bv! ~U"""'• MIU 1w •f1onl V"<IP C1>i<k !Adetrsl Net Winners ) .,,., '" "' ". " ' ". "' '" '" '" '~ "' "' '" '" Ala1nito s Results l11 u <11y, A\11, ''' 1'11 Cl11r a "111 '" "' "' ", II\ "' "' "' ' " PlllST •AitE -HO >'••di. Mlid~n l 0:.~~·~"&•~'7-Z':;a~'"'l J,11f <fl l 111 01111v St••• (5miin1 1.•o J ftO Sir P0\'11 {Ho•1J 110 n,,... -_\I O!lG_ ilil\Q Ron -S1H1> Gl1re. Sv JIOO• "'ICl<IY l(ltt~. !!!I SO"'\ JPW•I. Mr M<>G<" t.l•k~r. 5Mld.,. Dl<ld' Norm• 1r~~~~!'.nzgu, c••. P~~:'21!~ .. ,,~"''""1' n NIG HT LY DDUllL(. l -0.1•'• Dandy & $ -L1!1y Louil-I. Paid IHl,00. THlltO iltACll -350 Vl rds. M lld'n 1 1:1·~.c1:• ·~~1'?~!r!iu•3~11•!f oo l.•o Vlckl•t nture I S•oolo.1) lJ.-0 6 Ml Mon1on1 "'"°" !PA~•l 7 Ill l Im' -, 11 6110. Also ilttn -F'l•lna l tlsll. S~o-alil•. P rll" (1>1c. "°"""v °f.:"""· ~tvmo\1 M~c~~rci!!.r11~ Qu~:o .. 1~::.;~ 1~"· .-1 •. Cl>1nct "'· c 1 .. dv'1 91YO<I, HY P1r0flll'1 l'OUiltlH llACI!" -350 Y•rd,, } ¥ .. , ~I~ f~ uo Ai ~1:1";~": Pv•;•1 t~· (Hl'll I.to J .60 2.to Co.mk CO•,vpr ! 1.~ l.111 Cd Pin~ 11'.ouol>n\ l -llO Tomf -.11 I ft. Alw R1" -(1rnkl flo• f11 r. Ivy II~ !o. S1lnl'1 f11nlo. No Su11tl>I•. lt CO 1.70 l.IO 3.IO J.llO >.~ I.ember with qualifying rounds being played at the present lime. The championship com· pelltion begins on the second weekend. El Toro The El Toro wornen·s golf association held an even holes Lournament recently on the Marine Base courst'. In the A Oighl com pclit 1on, Wilma Haxton and L ou Thoma! tied for first place \11ith 42. Pat Fitzpatrick v.·as next at 4l with Lee Velton close behind at 4311. The B flight competilion WU won by Iola Keystr with a 39 rollowed by Virginia Baylor 141 1i l in second place and a lie for third between Marie ·1.awrence and Elsie Bova al "· :0.1ary Clark fired a 36 ~1 lo win the C flight -competition \V!lh Fran Beslic second at 41 '~. Loy1111a Bea cla The Laguna Beach (io!f Course wo111en's club slaged a low gross and low net tourna- ment recently with f\.1rs. John Poor winning A fight low gross honors \vllh a 77. The low net competition went to Mrs. Paul Waterman with a 59. In the B night, f\.lrs. Sam f\.larks cvpped first place i• the gross competition with an 89 \\'hi!e ~1rs. Cornelius Toomey was the low ncl wi nner wi1h a 61. The winners in C Hight 111- cluded Edith r.tarks with a score of 100 for lo1v gross honors a nd liirs. , Herman Roever the low nel winner with fl 67. Physical examinations for prospective football players at Orange Coast and Saddleback colleges will ~ held next v.·eek. Saddlf'back's G a u e h o s , under the guidance of head coach George Hartman, have schedulrd physicals ror !\1on- dav at 6:30. Coach Dick 'fucker's OCC j!ridders 11 ill t:ikc l.'x;i ms and chec k. out cqu1pn1e 11l from 6:30-8:30 !\lond;iy and Tuesday nights in the Pirate (ield house. Two-a-day d r i I I s are scheduled to begin Vl'ednesday. KelLh Ktil bas been named the most valuable player in t he Orange C ounl y !\telropolitan baseball league. Keil receh•ed !he honor Sun- day at Anaheim Stadium follow1ng the game between the Metro chan1pion Senik Hustlers and the league all· st1-1rs Kr-ii pl ayed ror the t.a Fon- da Dons this past summer and was a 1nember of the Santil An a College team la st season . During the Metro campaign he recorded a .484 batting average (the second hllbest in the league), banged out thr• homers, two trlplu, aeveo doublvs and 21 aingles. He alao drove In ?1 runs. As a pitcher, Keil compiled an 11·3 record, strikln& out tl batter1 in M lnning1. Kei l also shared the ouf... standing pitching award w1tlll Dan Quisenberry (Ward'• Pi· rates) and Mark Barr (Senlt}. The best defenai\Pe playd' aw ard was insented to Bd( Bulling of the Senft team. 2 great tires available at Penneys Auto Centers, even on Sunday.* Foremost Survivor R d. I .d kt• 4595''"'Z661od.w a la WI e trac 1re "'old""· with 44 month guarantee. Every day Si ze FR70·14 Price •..... 47.95 . F.E.T. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 2.87 GR70 -14 ............ 49.95 ..... . ....... 2.99 HR70-14 .•...•..•... 52.95 .. · · · · · ..•...•.. 3.32 FR70-15 ... · .•. • •. · .47,95 ... ·. •· ........ ·2.92 GR70-15 .......... · ·49.95 ................ 3.05 HR70-15 ............ 52.95 ................ 3.41 JR70-15.. .57.95.. . . .. . . • .. . . 3.11 LR70-15 ............. 59.95 ................ 3.67 Plus Fed. la Kand old li r~ 1999s· Heat-Eater auto aircond1tloner. l·ligh powered, low priced cooling. Two front and two side louvlHS send cool air throughout your car. Com pact. !rim styling lakes up 11 minimum of ~pace unde r yo urda!h. E'xpc r11nstallation available. ~' llONTHS C:.UAP~ .. l(l W11H 10 MOHT"S 100"' AiLlOWAllCt ~o,...,o•I '""'l•cuon G~111111e1. 'l'ot1t r- "'<l•l I"• P•alecuon <1u11•n1te co•~•s a11 I"'""°"' pau~n,,.r !ne~ f••c•P' oo• •Pl!-' ••' 1pphc.11lon '"•~ ... 1111 Hpa•1!1 ou••- •nl•'r) •Q••n"' 111 •a •d h•<••d a• d•l ... 1 •a•IU,., ~0" ... P•01.C1t d lo• Ill• .,,,.,. '1111d 1non1110 al 51Uar1n1 ... II 1ou• 111• 1•11~ du,.no Ii.. QUl'Onlee Pflriod. ••lutn II to 111 . •nd "' wilt, ar our oplLon, '"P"' 10'" In,., ar "'"k" on ol•aw1nc1 ll•l•d on t• • O.,Q,nll p11"'"'" ""'"· err.l~dlnQ •D- plic•b'• ro<llrol l.•c'"• f1•, to•ord "'• '""(bo~,e of I """' l"I. We "''11 ,.11,. ... 100•. 01 '"" o•lg>nal ou•cll••• o•l~e. ••-r.lud<ng 1ppl1COl>I• fod•rol ~•C•"9 111 d11<- ln(I 1111 100'• Ollo'"on<:1 11t rlod. Thero · 1110•, w• w•ll 1llow ~o•. or 1~•. o! l~o orl9on~1 pU1c1!1ll ~rl• ~. l >Cludi<lg oppl,. c•b•• f~~"•I Eocll• It•.'"""""'"" pu•- <:h1 .. a t • n•w tirf I ·•• '-""'' h••c w1 f•d••41 (•cl•e '•' ·~IU''"'•M •Ila'"""'' ... 111 I>• "''d• on !II•""'" 01 mo ""'""' •I 1111 111lgln1! l•e1d •ftml•••~Q. r OllfMOlll 11nortCTIOM GUA"ANTEE CH.\lll H1t•'• ~ow your 9\1lt01U1t worltl l nli11 '"""""• pul11d ..•••.• t( -ti•• 100'19 tl!o•o"c1 P•tlo<I .•.••• 1·10 -·~• Ml .... olla•..,<• pe<11<1.0 ,, •• 71·l2 -•ho 25'!1. ollow-• period •.•.•• 3J..(4 "'°""'" l •••• LI!• ~•ot•ctloft. WI bullil '"'" '""'V f o•P,,,oot 1111 ~a'• l••ctl<>n •nd•~•'"" l~•r ~•<!"•' wh•n '"'" h•• •l>o,.1.t 1>e "l>l~~•.t_ I! •!·~· I·•• W••H c.~1 re. OCI :o, l"{ntl<rll ol·~nlftoM) "• w• I n1.••• •n ••l• .. v•"' • l)aJ•d on I~• a""'"~I pU•~~.,. n• •to. e•-nud•ro opphc1011 f•d<r1ll L1c1"" l••. tn•"'~ 1~• PU"' .... '' a! • -1111. W• .... 111 • o• •, """"D l"e 1,,.1 hilt a••, ""tlnQ ""• •••on<! h1U ol !he t l•lltd "'Pnll>• "' ., l'I"'""· ro~"•' E1e1,. 11~ •di""'"'""' ~ 1nw••r • .,.,II Lo "'""' "" "'• bo<ll OI I~• ot•epn• er "'• c11<1•,.•l t•••tl '""'J'"'''~ lo·o 0"""~1•o lo not ''~""'l•••ll''" 10 i. n~1, tnr ,.,.,.,.'I"'"' c•••~·~•• li•hon •~gnr• Foremost Reliant 4 ply nylon cord tire Ind old H,.._ with 21 month guarantee. 9 8 8 ''"' 1.71 ....... Everyday Si ze Pri ce F.E.T. 77 5-14 ......•....... 13.88 . . •..•.•..••. 2.14 825-14 .............. 15.88 ................ 2.32 855-14....... . .11.99 . .. -......•. 2.so 775-15 ....... . .. 14.88 · ............... 2.16 815-1 5 .............. 16.88 · ............... 2.37 845-1 5... . . . . . . .18.88 · ............... 2.48 Plus Fed. lax 1rid old lire 16999 Ousler mini bike•. Features a choppe r Iron! fork. 11 s issy ba1 anda 3HPTecumseh Png1ne. High nse handlebars. fool operaled sciub bra kt>. mag-type wheels add lo tti" easy-rider image. • Mini bi kes a1e not Intended ..t for racing or !or use on hig hways~ side walks or slleets Whitewalls $3 More 21MONTHSGUARANTEE \"llTH 5 MONTHS 100% ALLOWANCE Fo••mall 1'1at1ct111 .. Gu1rantee. Your FDfetnltU llN pro1•ct10" 9u.,~ntee co,,.rl o il t'0t1m011 p,....,,.. tu•• t~•c•P• Olli 5petla! IPPllC•llOI> ll•ff wllh "P•••I• 9u101n1e1\) aaaln•t 111 •O•d h•t••d a • Oef.ct flllUtfl. Yo11 ••• prQl etl•d 1or tne •nth• •!•led monltts a ! QUilj"\~•· 11 vour tore l•lt1 du•lnt II>• 9'J•••"' .. pa .. no, 1et u•" •t t o 111 1n11 w• ••11!1, 11 011r oc>llon, 1e1ulr ""'" II••. or m;11ke "' 1lh'lw111c1 bHed on Ill• o<lq•n ~I purch111 prlco. 1 •cl11dln9 1ppllctbll F..,...11 11!'.•t••• Taw, IOW~f<'l lhl purtlMll ol 1 new !h i . WI Wiii 111o w I GO'llo ot "" 01191n1I pu1th111 prlc1, ••"udll>I ,1Ppilc11l!1 Fede•1l L•cl•e 11•, during Ill• 100.., 1lln wMH,e perl(HI. Th~re1!1er, wo w ill lllOW 50'11o Of 1!o,, "' th• o•i~if111 PUfth••• Pflc•. ••Cludint •P«JllC1- tltl F•dllnl [•c·~· T~~. to wa•d the pu rcJt111 of1n•w 11r•. (~'""'I tielO "'l· F1ojer1I £•c111 T11• 00j111t1Mnt ~11 o w~nce w.tl """'~"eon 1ne b11lt of tM• pere.,t ol FO REMOST PA:OTltCTION GUA"""NT!:S: CMAllT H£Ra'S HOW VOUll: GU.e.RANT(IE WOllK.11 Entire 111u•,.11c p1r111• ••••••••••••• , 21 "''""'" 100.,.allowo"c•pula d ··-·-·-···-•·• t -l"'o"tll' 50% ~uowo nc• P•"o!I ••• _ ••.•••••• , 111·11 "'""1111 25'11. 11tow•,.c1 ptrlod , • , _ ••••• _ ••• 12·!1 motlllll l•••ll L•I• ~rol•Cl•Otl, WI b Uold Into I Yl fY l"0<•mot1 ti•• ••'• tr.\~!l<1n h1d•c11on . 'Tll•Y '19'111 Wf1.t'1 Yo11r lul >hnul!I toe ret>l•Cl d. II your 111• -•rl Olll (e11ce11t fo• +ncott~<-t ~l+qn,..,..,.q """will m1k1 1n 1llow1nc• 111vd "n 11>, o.,qln•I Pt.,Cll1..e 1>rlc1, ••tludl"t l PPllC· 111•• I •tl~-·~I l~ci1e l a·•, 1nw11!1 1111 ll'\lfChl tt ol I n- '""· W• w•ll .11nw L/J durln<1 the l!"t holl or J/4 """"~ the "'rnnd h1l f of tilt lll!ed m °'11"-el .,uu 1nl••. f.e11er11 E~C•J• l11< •dluttmonl 111cw..,U ''"" be "'l()e nn tn• "'"'''"of ~h• pucet1t al 11'11 on,lt11! l•~•d •• ,,.,,,,,1nn. Thi< qorn•"'"" ,, not 1t1<l•lt11ble. It II -ly tor prfllahl N>~~nt)Pt t•''"' NU!"9f' tlaltotl ~· •Moat cars 1899 A FIX cycle f'lelmet Is literally a must for all bike fans. Rugged but lightweight it offers full head coverage. JCPenney Bonolll 1170 Wood1blko iwlnl cycle. Pow•rtul on or off the roed cycle with• 85cc, 4 apeed foot shift e ngine. The values are here every day. *Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.M.atthe following Auto centers: BUENA PARK' CANOGA PARK CARLSBAD CHULA VISTA DOWNEY FASHION VALLEY·SAN DIEGO FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "THE CITY" RIVERSIDE VENTURA •Orangethorpe al Va lley View (Closed Sundays) Use Pcnneys time p1ymenl plart ,·, .. .,. ·. DAILY PILOT Start Yow· Engines! by Deke Hou/gate ~ ...... """"""'""""""'""'='"'"-'-.~'"="""'~'~·~·='f""-""'E*""'~·2A'""~m:.,..,,.. ••• ;, • ONTARIO -The F'ilness Institute of Toronto train11 a1hlete!f ;ior the Canadian Olympic Learn. the Natlonal Hockey League and ').; Otnadiall football, bul never before has it been called on to pre- pare a national celebrity like Grorge Eaton. Eaton, heir lo a deparlmenl sl.Ore fortune ·who ga\'e up the ~opportunity lo become a young magnate so he could do his thing, h; Canada'11 most promising young race dri\·er. #' lie is curren,ly al Ontario r.lotor Speedway, where he hopes ~ 'to qualify this \li'eekend as a rookie for the Califomia 500 Sept. 5. Out Eal.on had a special problem. one brought oo by the fact . tbal last year he did very Jillie racinij, and he felt out of i;hape. "I raced a lot, but I didn't drive many laps'," Eaton said. ,·"!tty car Y:as alv.·ays breaking:• The blond young Canadian v.·as the No. 3 driver on the BRi\t _factory formula I team, and he also drove a BRM Can·Am car ",in North America. His r acing schedule called on him to make 22 . lcansatlanlic crossings last summer, but he had very few laps to 6how for his efforts. "At Lhe end of the season I "'as tried," he said "I knew J , had to do somelhing to get in shape. I have "'orked out by my- ., .. &elf before. but. v.·hen I tried it this lime it wasn't any good. So I .-; • went lo the institute." The physical buil dup routine Eaton was given consii.'tcd of weight lifting, running and bicycling. "f\1y V>'orkout lasted one and a ht1lf hours. about three or four times a week," Eaton said. "/ know it helped me, because hisl ,week al i\.1ilwaukee I v.•as running quicker the last few laps than ;I v.·as at the start. If I hadn 't been in shape I y;ould have slacked ; off." EatoN Strictly Road Raeer , Eaton lla11 been strictly 1 road racer up to this 11eason, when :he w11 picked lo drive lbe es:-Jee Leonard Colt turbo-Ford owned t'Y 1c&or David AUis and U.e Fejer brother-51 Rudy aDd George, ~ were Hungarian refugees clurlJSg tht lt~ revoluU011. ~ "Alter '9.!il 1e8son," said Eatoa, "'I thought tbat what I really ed to do w~ to race in North America. b my opinion , racla1 North America means go USAC." f· Unfortunately for Eaton, the USAC road racing C"\rcult be :,..anted lo run on shrank lo a single race, and there went blii ,_ r850D . . f. Regardle11 of what happens al Ontario, it appears that Eaton •nd bis new raclrtg as11o~late1 are preparing for a big year In ~17!. He bas a sponsor and a car. ltdng· buill for the eigllt.USAC McKeevcl' To Speak Los Angeles Rams foolball !!!tar Marlin Mc.Keever will be lhe featured speaker at a 7:3{t d inner meeting Sept. 13. "·rap. ping up a day's activity for the American Society for Quality Control. f\.fcKeevcr v.·ill speak on ''Football in Generi'J and the Rams in Particular" at Fountain Valley's i\1ile Square Golf Course. 1l1e dinner follows a golf tourney for nlcmbers and g11ests. Tee off JS slated for I p.m. Reservations for the golf tournament and dinner can be obtained by c:al1in~ Bi I I 11erony at t714) ~901 or (213) 62~5791. New Albacore Run Looms \\'1lh new schools o f albacore mOving into the San Diego. area, Orange Coast area landing operators arl!' hopeful of another strong run of the longfins a l the 4-J-fathom bank: in the immediate f u t u r e despite. low counts during the past week_ <~ene raJl y s peaking, howerer, the albacore run hns virtuallv come to a i;tandstill for the ihree area landings. "It looks good for another run with the fish a little bigger than the ones we were: getting earlier." a spokesman for Art '.!! Landing told the DAILY PILOT today. .. \Ye are hoping the San Diego run will spread out to the 43-fathom bank soon and that v.·e can piclr up some fiJih," was the r•eport from Davey's locker. Dnna \Vharf Sportfish'1ng isn't sending a boal out al the present tin1e but plan!! for reactivation of lht>. Sea Horse for the albacore run momentarily if the: lish move v.·ithin reacli. Carl f\.1 CC.'ullah of f\.k.-Cul!ah brothers at the Huntington Beach Pier. reports local lishin~ on the qu iet side. "Conditions are great but the currents have been bad the pa11t few days," he says. The ~1 cCu lI1h s have. recenlly purchased the Matt \\1alsh from Oceanside and will pul the famed fishing boat in operation in the near fu ture, "All soon as we get it here, "'e plan several days ol Cree fishing on the afternoon run," Carl reports. ''There is plenty of room aboard and it is 011e of the most comfortable boats around." Local fishing for baSll and maC"kerel 1vith a spririkling of halibut and an occasional bonito and barracdua is the report from all four landings. NEWPORT BEACH !Ari'• LAn4l n1J- '1 •n~lu• • l>DfllH>. JU c1llci1 !Min, 14 rott tod. I ... llbul, h rn..c~ ... el" ID•· YtY'I LKl<lf ..... tO •n1ler~. :12!1 (l h(o ...... W ml Ckfft l. ICS wnd btU, t Df'flCU<il. CMNA WllARI' -1 .. 1n1le1•. SCI ul'llll 1nd ctllc:o r.au. f C..tt•~"""· I,. tllnlto. I l'e'llOWtlll, J l>lilb4J!, ti-I fJ'llC~1r11. LOlllD •&f.Clll !ltllfl.,.I Pit •) -'1 •Mitt'&: ~ ~llco 1>1n. I t>Orrt(uCI•, I 1>1U11u1, 'n -lll••el. a.1&• -..i l llllltr1: )I tlh«> 1>10, ) IMl"IC.,.,.. l oonllo, I ,...c~ttel. Hi'ltllic L1.,dlntl -11 .,,.141,1; 11 borr1cu<111. I '>llil>ul, •1, b1t1. 110 m<IC~tftl, 111 r11CK C60 IPlt-.olftl LU141ntl -101 •n~ltt\ U M rr1<ude, 111 c1lko totn, I yeJlg..,. t•ll, 111 t-.dl cod, " n11l1>ut. $EAL I EACH-lM 11111!t" 110 .. nd blu, JIS •ock coe1. s n11ow1_ e11ee- l50 1"91•ro: of) llnd bin, l1 OOtHIO, l 1111111111, ,'° 1M1rr1c1H11. 1s m1c~t111. OCl.lltNSIOl-:>Gi 1"911,., I C.."l tU· '11, } -lro, 111 U..., Incl t1l1tO bt10, 1 while st• bl•., • nall~vt 5f.N OtlGO IM<lnl<1~tl Pllr) -•I 1nv11ro: MO 111>acart . Area A JI-sta rs Suffe r -Defeat Orange Co a st 1re1 American Legion b a s e b a 11 players closed out the 1971 campaign Saturday nighl nl Anaheim 's I.JI. Palma Stadium oo the v.Tong cod of 11 3· t verdicl Fountain Valiey standou!!'I Mike Shimaji and (; a r y Varney. al ong wi!h 'Vestminster"s r. or d n n Blakeley, competed for the Slh Area All-star~ bu t a com- bination of 4-!h and 6th Are;:i all-stars made it a long night for the Orange Counly crew, The winners tallied tw!te in the fifth inning and added an insurr.'lce m a r k c r 1n thr seventh. SALE SPECIALS FOR TODAY THRU SATURDAY ONLY! Se habla Espanol WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA FULLERTON 15221 BEACH BLVD.• PHllllE 893-8544 120 E. ARST ST. AT CYPRESS• PHONE 547.7477 1530 S. HARBOR BIJD.• PHONE 870-0700 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY •• 9:00 A.M •• 9 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY • , 8:00 A.M •• 9 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY , • 8:00 A.M. • 9 P.M. SATURDAY •••• , •••••• , 8:30 A.M.· 6 P.M. SATURDAY , •• , • , •••••• 8:00 A.M •• 6 P.M. SATURDAY •••••••••.•• 8:00 A.M. ·6 P.M. SUNDAY .••••••.•••.•. 9:00 A.M •• 2 P.M. SUNDAY .. , • , , • , .•••.• 9:00 A.M •• 4 P.M. SUNDAY .••• , ••••••. , . 9:00 A.M. • 2 P.M. BOAT TRAILER ~~: • llGHT SET TUBELESS TIRES AIR CLIPPER BLACKWALLS CBS ifoad r•ce1 1ebed111ed ror. ae.x.l year. . . . . ...... . ~~r . lUG • NUTS 88 6.00x!J, ~· H~ also has u •1a.11.canadlan". car. under constructlnn . In. , :Toront.o for the USAC champJonsblp trail at a .r11cing facl,lity t.b~t · Attis calls "one of tbe five best in North America, and the be!t ~n all of Canada." · · · · · · · AtUs plays the role. of team managrr foi' the Eatob team, :although he admitted be is a racing novice, He had.rfl seen a :motor race until six months ago. ' "Auto racing Is like the theater," Allis .!laid. "You must be '.(iedicated to succeed. ''ou must walk ii. slf'ep II, drink It." , Some"·here along the line be de\elopcd a critical eye for ;drh•ing taleot. Aiiis said Ea ton was picked 10 drive the Indy car ·~ause: "Ge1lrge Is the best young driver in Canada. He is hi· '.t clligenl, and he is possibly the most underrated dril'tr ill tbe ~·orld. That'~ "·hat a couple of journallsts in Europe 1akt about ~im last yea r:· Ulsior11-111al-:i11g Ride for 1•asse11ge r . i\lagazine v.·riter Ralph Guldahl took a ride \1•ith a friend in ;tus car the 0U1er day. They didn't go far, a quarter of a mile, but thev made hisliJry. · Guldahl became U1e first passenger ever to reach a terminal a;peed of 2i9.50 nt.p.h. on a drag strip in only 5.9S seconds. Mis friend is Art Arfons. the self-made engineer. who stiTI .makes a li ving driving land-bound jet vehicles. The car .,.,.as the :Cyclops II. It is poY:cred by lhe General Electric J79 jet engine, l he same po;rer pl anl used in the Lockheed F104 Star£ighter. Their lau11ching pad v.•as the American Hot Rod Assn. na· ;tionals at York, Pa., \\'here Arfons set an AHRA record of 235.71 )n.p.h. on lhe same day. Guldahl lells his own story: "Art v.•anted our magazine (l lot Rodl to do a story on him, ;and he offered to Jet somebody ride with him in exchange for tbe publicity. Tha~ wa.!!·atl I needed." Promi•IN!J Golf Career Abandone d ITlK 50D of 1137 and 1933 U.S. Open v.·loner Ralph Gutdahl, Sr .. gare up a promising C"areer as a golf pro himself, Mcaui;c be couldn 'l stand to spend Saturdays and Sundays a"·ay from the drag strips. I "Al the last minute bf'lore the run Art i.aid b' hnd forgot 101ne:tbing and asked me 10 5lf'p o~·r.1· to bis truck. 'l-1,rr, sign this "'&Iver form for me:, \lnr )OU'! And by the v.ay, do you ba\'e a v.·ife :'' He was real cute aboul ii. "Ills helper strapped me in to the i;eal. The C)·rlops bas a r tal good lap belt and shoulder harnt!i!i. The v.·ay the car i5 buUt. Ari drives from a pod on one sidl' of lhe t ngine, and I am on lhe other. \\'e can't r\'t'n .!lite: each other during the: run . "Coming up to the: 5larllng line, the car rock5' \Ike a OOot a ~ Art holds the brakes to ~tage It. \\'hen it h~ave.!! you don't hear a Jvud ba n~. I t'~ more like the t>le ctrlrHI hum of a strettcar hut llJagnifled 100 times -or like the spai;e ship Enterprist on 'Star lrek.' i "Tbe forct doesn't bll you till about the onHigbth mile mark. lf you bad a 5wayback, after you got out you·d look like Ste\'e Canyon. "Tbe landscape fla.!!hes by likr: you bad a projetWr and were showing 11 scene with the frames speeded up. Wbeq the chutes pop, ifs lll;e you ba\·e juat ahut lbe projertor off, All of• sudden ~'eU can make oul your 1urrou.odlngs. Everything i~ lo 1low tnotlon. No Way to Stop Wllhoul Ch11ll'• "\Vilhoul parachutes, by the v.·ay~ there would be no V.'ay lo i top. The thing weighs lhree tons. It has triple spot brakes all around, but without those chutes \\'C v.·ould have gone over U.S. 30 and through some: bams before we had go\ stopped. . "Al th e end of the st.rip all cf a sudden this head and should- ..ers popped up o\·er the top of the engine, and Art aiked, 'Arc :>"ou okay?' " Cunninghrun's 4-hitter Paces Co111et Nine, 3-2 Former Orange: Coast Col- lege pitc:hu Tim Cunningham, wllb relief help from Mike Pherrin, paced the Costa f\feu • ComeU to a l-2 win over the: ! Wnt LA Expoe Sunday In 1 »emi•pro ~II action al : TeWlnklf: Park In Co5t11 ,...1esa. : CUnnlnghlm allowed just four hit• lthrtt 1ingles and a double I In collect Ing the vie- ; tnry. He struck out three and ! n lked two,, , The victory was tile: Comets' " ninth irJ 1 row. CuMlngham has won 11e:ven of those. Phrnin came: on In lhe ninth after Cunningh;1m had given up a lud~ff double and pro- ettded to get the: next thr~ batten:. Gene: Adams and R o y Gleason had r u n · 1 c: or I n g doubles for the: Comets in the seven th Inning. C-lt UI •1l '1 ~e'1J • ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' i j ! ~ ~ t .. $1l .OF. FIVE l>ru1 '""' whoo!> <IP w~h rho .. oll•O<ll.,. luv ; null. '.01 ~OU UIS COMPLU•· )29 SET OF S · · RATCHET TYPE BUMPER JACK T~:1 ia<k hao • llwtciv fl,.., baN w11h dolcxhoblo handlo, 1;/h ..., both up " llown O!•ako '"' .~;;~~;-CAUY319 A JACJ( IN . YOUI CA' RECONDITIONED •PERFORMANCE TESTED . WATER PUMPS FOR MOST CARS ,,..,;,;.,~ ... t.ullt It •~<>Ct l1>9<Uiu.!ion1. Wotar pu111p follu•• <an hea•ilt da"'<>g• '"'" ... Ith old .,..,:n•I ................. ·-Tl RE PUMP ~"'tdy "-•1 duty ,..,,.. w:::; hi9h "'"""'" no\tbw ...... 1 ;:~~ ....... -,'"1·-, l 'i'•" x 1S .. Sill JOI THI CAI 01 lllC1 ...... ........ •. , ""'' au.., • ..., , .. ._.. llfo, """"79' i;.,., ....... , ... ..,..;.,. .. ...11 •• 11 •• FIRST AIDKI ICll' ONI IN CAI, OAllAOl, 10 .lltf & NOMI lotl .... oo Hndav ... , IDPt 1••l10ptl<, oot!on o nJ .,..,. .. PGd•-•• "'"""'"" f i r t ho••""'°'"""" ...,.,v..,,1.,, 66 AMiii! ( ... c""""'"' 6.50x 13 plu• hd. I•• of S!.601011.16 ••• 14'5 FITS FORDS, CHEVS, & PlYM • ,1.;, Cl;pp•r Tubtd·typ• !lack..,oll 15 MONTH GUARANTEE" BELTED TIRES! HE NO THUMP TIRE! CORNELL FUTURA TUBELESS WHITEWAUS 2 FULL Pll ES DYNACDR® RAYON CORO CORNELL ARISTOCRAT TUBELESS BLACKWALL 4 PLY DYNACOR• RAYON CORD '27 MONTH GUARANTEE ' f 71.14 (1,J.'J/7.00 "'14) 2200 ROAD HAZ.UO GUARANnr· 1•· '"" •• ,, g••" ••I•• Ca.•oll l lrot loo• 1ou ll1od ••- i,., of ............... .. ell •ood ~••••'• i" _....,_....,., .. , ..... o .......... . .... 11 "" .. ,i ........ ~. " ....... .r -!ltly oll. 1 ... -•• -.. i.o .. .t •••••• 1 •••• 11;., ..,i .... -.. ,... .i.... •. 2.37 2.54 FREE $6.98 WHEEL ALIGNMENT with pi,wdtcut of twv o • "'°'' p(tuertgtr 1ir1• (111otl ""'••ica11 cord PLUS 2 BELTED PLIES DYNAC OR® RAYON CORD G71-1.'J 2259 (l .lS/7.10 • 1.'J) 7.00.ll 7.7.'Jl7.l0•14 <!.9.'J/7,l.'J 100.14 t ,IS/7,10 . " • <, .~ ! •t•lf , .. ,, ••<' '"' 1554 1,,, 1658 ' .. '" 1764 "' 1865 "' EXTRA-WIDE TREAD TUBELESS 4 PLY NYLON CORD WHITEWALL 70 SERIES TIRE li!ZE IACH PUC[ (;70.\' 2600 l .ll/l .00•'' GUARANTEED 36 MONTHS * "'"" 27 00 1.50/t .00.14 G70.1J 670/7.TOol l .'4 RADIAL TIRES THI WIDI ONE ••• 6 PLY Til:IAD 10 SIRllS TIRI T9UUU WMllWALU MADE WIT" TYIEX-RAYON COM> HO fl.Al Sl'OTTIHG 01 TMUlill' 40 MONTH GUAllANTll* 1RUCK11RES IOR PICK-UPS, PANELS & CAMPERS _B_UY_O_N_CR_E_DIT__ 33~~~l~.,. • '·"·" 15•s _ -l .. bff ''"" • - 'Ill "'" '"•~o,., .... ..._,,, .. (;111).1 4 5" L" [l.,.'Jo I'! GllJ'O.ll " '·" 11.lJ. 1Jl Hl.10 1J .!!ld_"I ,,, rtU.lJ) ,, rou• 010 Tii i ACCl,TIO ttOA-Dll» 0' CONOITIOH. All ,..,,, ,lUS PlO. tu f, 010 Till. '• :· ·: .. . " .. Suthe rland Top Lud ers Res ult s Re ve al ed Leroy Sutherland led the Pacific Coast contenders to a 1·2·3 s"'eep of the Luden>·l6 lnternat1<'lna l Cua1npion.;;h1p regatta Tuesday It was the second straight victory for Sutherland "·ho 1s the defending champion Ill the class. A scheduled third race \1•as canceled .,.,·hen one of tl1e boa1 s broke dow11 and could not be repaired al sea. The can<'eltd ract 11 1 11 b~ reschedu led tooay or Thurs· da~·. Tuesday's race was sa iled ln light to niodero1e b1·eczes o\er ;in Ol .1·mpic course off the S<in· ta Ana Rive r Here is the Ol'der of finish in Tuesday's race: i ll Leroy Sutherland, KllYC . (21 Ben Hromad ka, Lahaina YC; 13J Eric Gantner. NHYC: (41 Joe Stautner. Indian H a r b or , Conn.: 1a1 T. Sellers .".·leric, New Orleans: 161 Jo h n Carlson, Chicago : j7 1 Tom Taggart, Nevr Orleans: (8) Aus ten Field. Chic<'.jlJ. 191 Robert !\laine, Chicago; ( 10) Steve Nesbitt. Sodus Ba~·, N. Y.: ( 11 J \\/illiam Peterson, Oklahoma Cily (broke down.} Bill Henry Gold Cup Cha111pion J\1ED E~1 BLJ K, Th e Netherlands 1APl Bill Henry of Seattle. \\lash .. \\·on !he Dragon Gold Cup. the in- ternational chan1pionship in t he dragon sailing class. !\Ion- day. The 28·vear·old real estate broker sUceessfullv held his overall lead by fin i!t1ing thircl in the six th and last rate behind his cn1npalriots .• )0)111 il·larshall and Buddy Frien- drichs. lt was the first International ,-ictory for Henry. 1n the of· ficial world chainpionshiµ~. v•hich \1•erc held earlier 1hif': vrar in Tasn1ani11. he fini shed "12th in the field of Jj participants. "! an1 very hapµ~· \\"1th this victor~-." said Henr.v. '"[ did not expect it here i n iltedemQ11k because r \\'<JS sail· ing a new boat. Even with n1y big lead in the general st;ind- lngs ! \\'as prettv ncr1·ous before the start of the sixth race." In the sixth race on the turbulent ·waters of the Jjssel Lake. howe1·er. lL soon turned out tha1 Henry's fears 1vere un founded. as he qui ckly took thi rd place behind Friendnchs and Marshall. Although he temporarily fell to fifth posi- ti<in, he regained third pl:ice 111 the race 1•·ith a final rush . W1<1neSd~Y. A1,1qust 25, 1971 Hart1nan Takes Coronado Crown Harris Hartman or Mission Bay Yacht Club, a former Lido-14 chan1pion, won the na- tional title in the Coronado-l S Class Sunday in a three-race series at King Harbor Yacht Cl ub. \\/inner of the junior cham- pio nship in the class· was Jack Bateman , also of Mission Bay Yacht Club. There were 25 entries in the championship flight for the senirir rhamplon~hlp anrl I I in the junior division. Results: CHAi\IPIONSH IP FLIGHT DAILY Pl LOT -;13 CAT NO. 1,000 -Part of T\'la cGre go r Yacht 's offite and prod ut tion staff su:-round the l ,OOO th Venture Ca tan1aran produced by the firn1 in a four-month period. Sloop Race To Wright -! 11 Green J\1achine, Harris Hartman, J\·!BYC 12f Honey Do 11. Dempsey Copeland, J\1BYC: !:l1 Boat Baby, Dan Clapp, CBYC; 14) Super Coke, Larry Bedford. MBYC; (5J Shillelagh. Beatty Pu r c e 11 , Anacapa YC. I sland Race To Donovan Al Donovan·s 4 0-foot l'\lt'"Sll l~i1·111 B11ilds 1~000 th '"C at' Ho'.l·ard Wright Jr. () t )\;-e\\'port Harbor Yacht Club topped a fie ld of 14 Sh ields Class sloops in the Southern California Regional Chain. pionships al Newport t larbor Yacht Club Saturday and Sun- da.v. Resu lts: CONSOLATION FLIGHT - I l \ Generation Gap. Glen !\lrlntosh, \\/est!ake YC: !21 L.A Zoo. Tom Linskey, \V YC: (3\ La Seduccion. Bo b Evans, J\·IBYC: 141 ~laria. John Unger, AYC: (5) No name, Preston Mu rrav. J\lBYC. Newporter ketch, Jabbe1'110Ck from California )'acht C!ub was the ove rall C"Orrected lime winner of the Pacific Cup. a 150-mile race aro und San Nicol as Island for schooners and ketches . The annual event is spon~ored by Ca lifornia Yacht Club. ~l;1cG 1·cgur \';;chl Corp. or Costa ~lesa rec e 11 ! I ,1 teleorated 1he prnductinn or it s I .OOOth Ve nture Catama~·an. The ca tan1a1~1n Caho Race Deadli11e A1mounccd The deadline for entries in Newport Harbor Yacht Club's new Cabo Race ( Ne11·port lo Cabo San Luca SJ has been sel fo r Sept. 15. according to race chairman Don \\lattson. The ni ce \\'il l be ~ailed unctcr tl1e lnter11<1!i<i nf1l Uccan Rule 11011 1. /\ liniit of 25 boats has been sci fur th e in- au gural r<ite. Condilions of the r a t' e specify that. yachts n1ust be of a sea\1·orthy type, strongly built and rigged, properly ballasted. with e n c lose d cabi ns. and n1ust. in lhe npi- nion ot' the race and inspection co1nn1iltee, be capnble of co1n- ple1in g the course and 111~1klng a safe return passage. \'<ichts \\'ill not be eli~ible unless th(' "!,'' r11 ctur (l s shu1\n f,n a l'alld I 0 R certificate 1~ ;.H least 26 or 1nore. To Set Sail N a ti on a 1 r.ha n:p1onship rega tta !ot· tht" l·.~n!en1or Class \\•ill be :opn11.>(•red l)y South Shore Saili:1g (.:Jub nH Newport next Sn1urday and Sund;:i v A skip pers rrrrT!1ni; will be held <1t SSSC ;11 ~I a ni. S<1tur- day. The fi rst ol the fl1·e-race series \\'ill bf' held at l l. 41} a.m. The ser1c!-. 11·ill con~t!-.[ of three race:; Saturday and !wo on Sunda1· Fleet di11ner and 11al iona l associalion meeting will be held Saturday even ing ti! 1he home of Bob and Elaine Cerf, 111 Lido Soud. plant has been in ope.rauon denll'rS. lour rnun!hs. )1<1cl;regor's \l'Ol'k forte ex- 'l'he ne1\' car s. designed tn cccds 500 persons at the Costa cuinpete with the Hobie L'n (~. .\lrs<1 plant. About 100 are in· are be ing sold \\'Orld·ll'ide voll·ed in Ille production of tl1e through a neh1·ork of '.ll ltJ cata1narnn alone. The con1- ~~~~~~~~~~ pany also manufactures the \'enture line or single ·hull yachts fron1 l7 to 24 feet. 1'he co1n pa11y was started in 1969 and is now one of the largest builders of sailboats. I. Trirnina, Howard \Vrighl Jr .. NHYC. '.!. Ale rt. Dave Riley , BYC. 3. Prudence, Larry Bau1n, BYC. .JUNIOR DIVISION -11) Hone~· Do 11 . Jack B?.1.eman. il!BYC: (21 Boat Baby , Dave Ohst. KHYC; (J) La Seduc- cio n, Eric Evans, MB't'C. Jerry t.-larkam's \\'indsonf! fron1 Cabri!lo Beach Yacht Club \\'a~ the first to finis h the course in 46 hours. but W<IS unable to save her time. OPEN DAILY 10· 10, SUN. 10-7 FISK PRESIDENT •30 MONTH GUARANTEE 650·13 S 11d1w•ll Tu~lf!n Plui fed, E>t~ Till ot.$1.11) Tub1l11t Siztt 650 -11 775 . 14 825 . 1 4 855 . , 4 855 ., 5 Sl•ckw1ll Whila w1U Pr"' P"c' E~c h E•ch 5 12 5 14 5 1 7 5 19 5 19 5 21 5 23 525 5 24 526 WHITEWALLS $14 A ll PflCIJ plut ftd11111 Exe''' Ta.: 48 MONTH GUARANTEE FISK SUPER SAFTl·FUGHT WHITEWALLS TUBELESS SIZES OUR PLUS FED . PRICE EX. TAX EACH EAC H TIRE •TREAD REINFORCED WITH ST EEL r:::g~g~:c::t=~!::=l==~r:=~ •OYNACOR BELT/RAYON COR D 1-E78·14 ' 351 2.37 f78-14 (775 ~25 2.54 •78 SERIES T READ WIDTH •DUAL WHITEWALLS $23 f.78·14 tbl•ckwalll Tube· I"'· rt111 2.17 f.E.T. G7B-14 !825) G78·15 l8251 H78·14 !8551 H78-15 !855 J70-141885! J78-15 885 L78-15 !91 5 All pticn r1u1 Fed. S27 2.69 .,. 2.80 .,. 2.95 $30 3.0 1 S31 3.0S S32 3.12 S3' J .27 Ex. T•• Pll>S F1d. Ex. Tt>: Each T rrt s 1.7 6 2. 14 2.32 2.50 2.54 WHY WAIT! USE YOUR Km~rl CREDI T CA RO OR YOUR BAN K AME RICARD Recreati o11al Boati11g Enjoyi11g Healthy Gain WHEN 1rs TIM E TO RE· TIRE BUY FREE MOUNTING ROTATION Kmart ,ISK TIR[ GlJAltANTl!!t AU f"11k !Ir•• ut JU&rontted •1•1n11 trood ••ar-out for the numb tr o f mon1h11podnt d nn the .,.1,, h,..okr. If tho tro1d '"!011 th•n 2132" d••P b•fo,. Ibo t nd ol lh• •P•~lfl•d prrlo d r>f "''· Kma.rt will m•k• 111 ollow1ncr' on the pu r~h•H ol • ntw lift prnpor-tion•t• \<'I the number of 1T1onth1 rom1inin1 ln tho hme 1uu •nU e. (Numbt J ol monlb1 ... 111 bt romputed h orn d&!e o l purcb ..... ) TREAD LIFE GUARANTEE Jf • f ltk lirt !1l11 d ut to dtft~ll In workm1n1hJp or ma!eriol or •• & result of rood b1>1rd \•~~•Pl ln ~••••of •bu1t or rt p1lr1ble puneturo. u d•ttm1!ned by KmulJ •I 1ny tim• whilr 2/.1 2'' "'"""''of lht ori&1 n1J head nm•in•, Kmu t will. 1t l\1 opttnn, t 1!htr r•p1u the tit• <>t1T11.ke 1n 11low1.nre • on \he purcb.ue o f 1 new Wt proporUon.t• 1<1 lhc am ount of ori&1n1.t trt1d n m olnin1. CHARGE IT! Recreational boaling particularly lhe s:1le of .~1na ll crafl and ou1hoard motor:-: - has come off a plateau and is enjoying its heallh1es1 g<iin el'er. There is rea snn !Q believe Iha\ the trend v.·ill con· t!nue. This is the opinion of Robert 1-L Scott, \'ice president. Out - board h1arine Cnrpnralinn, division manager or Evinrude Motors, 11-l il v.•aukee, and a director or the Na t i on a I Associatio n of Engine and Boat h1anu fac\urers. Scott made his prtrliction this \\'eek 1Jpon the introduction o f I::\·inrude 's !972 line of out· board motors, Scott ci tes sales of l1is 0111n com pany as indicative of the healthy state of the outbo.ird industr\', Outboard Marine C orp "o r a t i on . of V.'hich Evinrude r-.totors is a major division. had sales for the first nine months of 1971 or $269.704.000 comparl!CI with $228.087,000 in the first nine months a year ago. Scott acktll)wledges an in· dustry gain in d e a I c r purchases of sailboats and stern drive boa ts. Howe ver. he said. the Jargellt ga ins record- ed this year have l)etn 11nd will be in the sector or out- board boats and motors. While outboar d boat 5hipments are down L4 per· cent for the model year to date, Sr.n il. predif'ls a rise in thi~ area before the end of the year_ He points out th:it oul- boa rd boal shipn1ents for June. 1971 , ran 8 6 perrenl 11hetu1 of Jurli. 1970. .. Man,y dl'iil ers ha,·e harl boaU: in inventory," Scott s:11d . "The :-:urge in nutbn;11·d rnotor sales 111d1cnte~ that I hese inventories I\ 111 ~non be depleted. Let's not lorget. an ou!hoard n1otor !';Hui<•! be us· ed without a boat. The con- 1.inlling healthful sale of motors indicates a future s<1le of boat s," In part. Scott says. !lie gains show n by the industr .11 nre has· ed on a trend t,o\\'ard use of boars in the 18 to 23-foot range for coaslat fi shing and cruis· ing. These boats are oflen powered \\'ith a dual in· stallat.ion of 1notors fron1 65 ro 125 horsepo111er. Some carr1· sln;;le la~ge motors of 100 rO 125 horsepower. in add ition to smaller un1Ls . such a~ 9.5 horsep<J\\•er. used alone for slow trolling. Alta Linda Wins Race Ed Feo',c; Columbia·:l9 Alla LindA frorn the host Se<il Beach Yacht Club wa~ the \\'inner of the Dana Point race last weekend. Runner-up was Tanya. an Ericson·39 skip. pered by Bill Setznoff. also of SI BYC. \\'inner~ in othe r rlasse~: Pf·JR F-A ~(I) Leading Lady i Yankec·30'! Ned Koen i g , ACVC: (2\ 01\ver. ISantana- 271 Bill Raus. SI BYC. PHRP-R -i 11 \\.'anrlcrlu~t. Cal·20. F:ldon Perry, CllYC. 121 Seikt)(l iCa l·20) Shirley ~111cl:Xln1t!d. SI BYC. ~10RF-Petitl' A1nif' (Cal· 29) Don Kinstler, SI BYC. •• FISK JIEHE 'S \V HAT\l'E DO: • ln~lall linin~s ·all 4 w httl~ • t<ehu 1ld 4 whe('I l"'\"lindt rs • Hlt'ctl a nd flush sv~tf'm • Hesurl'a.:e hrakt drums • Ad iu~t hr:ike5 • ~ 1nal road te~t. r-10 :::.·r ,\~1 EH ll '1\N :ff 1\i\D,\RD CARS .. 44.95-" • ~"" 1dd.i,nn•l 1>11l• "'••.,<rt n••d ,.J, bul n..,l ll'l•rl •b"' • '"'II r1rry • .uppl-.nt nu l rhu1t. S ell-•rlll>•t1n1 Brakr1 S4 mort. llis1· hr<ike.r; cxcept<'d SANTA ANA Edi nger Street 11:t Bristol, 1400 Edinger WITH TIRE PURCHASE I Thl1 Ju1ront~• do~• not 1pplr lo I.nick or co mmncl,t.l UH'. 'B••!• for lllow1ncc 10 be lh• •cll••I HWn1. pric1 in •lhct •L !ht tlnu ot tht ~dj\ut· me.nt: plu1 fcd•ral e1ri1• i..~. 5 YEAR OR 50,000 MILE GUARANTEE STABILIZED ALIGNMENT 1495 * A. ll~ichl tnd <t•hlll•_.!lon (I ) lnlt•ll coU 011rlna noblli~fn, "' ~2) Ad j111t tot,;on bar II. Ch•ok ind Hl ctrnbtr, carhr t nd tor-in C. l:h•ck ind ad]111! 111.rinc o•elor n , r.h••k ond 1d11n! whrP.I bt•rinp l . T~u ctr f<:11 proprr tlterin1 MoH Arnerican Ctn Air Candi1ian.t Car1 S2 Mo•• !i VE"" OA S0,000 MILE GU_.,A,.NTEE Thi 011rCh11t o ! I il•t>lli1td 1llq<1m11U 1n1<l lts you 1o I 'omot11e ln•p•C\•0" i nd l l<gn. men1 t >U Y $.OllO mH•• '" •• or!en •• neceua•v. w oth no '111r91 !Qf 11">4 s1!1 lnt Of I d· l'"tment ol any 1llgnm1n1 ;.~9•11 w n•tn mav b• "jul••d. Thi• •9•••mtnt ,,110 for ye1" !.0,000 "'""' t191<dleu of p re•tnt ml1119e. "Any 1ddi1ional "''''a< Mtvie .. n..o.d bu1 nal lrn.t wttl u rry 1 suppl1m1n11I eh.trgt. PURPLE POWER Royal Triton Stral9ht Welthh r11.,1e Mator Olh Wirta rro••• G11on11ttMd Scrtftfoctlt• lO WT, QUART 27' WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES COSTA ME'SA Harbor Blvd. 1f Wilson, 2200 Harbor Bl vd. I EACH 222 LA9H FISK TUIE·UP KIT J44 1019. 322• JfP TUNE· UP KIT . . ..•.••.•••• 3.44 1028·2002 FISK BATTERIES 24 MOITH -OUIRAITEE 0c~~TOM · I' JI 95 12••alt ei11dl11111 ... 3& MOITH GUARllTEE pt~~ltER 1795 •~ch•n11 l"ISK llATTEAV C.UAAANTl!I! I! tuttt •y ''found lo be dt!t<:!lwe 1n(I wlll no! "<>Id 1 c"119e w•th!M 90dl.~SOI d1!1 Of llU•tf'llW!, It W!li be replf Ct(I !tee of ch1r91. 11 I tll\1~•Y II found d el1ct!v1 attlf !hi 90 <lty plflOd, l:IUI Wl!hl .. !I'll w1rranty Ot ,.od. It will DI 1111l•ced chugln~ Or>ly • p10°11l1d •mount lo• •acr. montr. uM:(l lrom dll• al 1111rcr.111 1nd D• .. d on !l'>I cunlnl no l,.d•IM M:!Un9 ptl(t . CHARGE ITI WEST·M INSTER Beach Blvd. at McFadden, 15440 Beach Blvd. a4 DAIL v mor Poll Says No Are Solons Behind You? · WASHI NTON i'Pl -A poll of vottr sentiment in !he dlltricts of 10 House leaders 1ndlcates the congressmen and their constituents pay liltle heed to each olhcr·s views. The poll, conducted as a research project by l h' An1erica n Business Committee on National Prior1lles. s hiJ\ls strong support an1ong voters for legislative proposals U1e congressn1en voted against It also shov"s voters y,·cre largely ignorant of how their members voted. even on sul'h y,•idely publicized issues as the draft and ending t h e supt"rsonic-lransport project The committee drew no con- clusions from tis findings other than to say the members appear to be out of touch wilh public opinion on key issues. and to raise the questioo of v•hether !he House 1s really pr ov id t n g representative government The districts polled were those nf speakf'r Carl Alhert r1r Oklaho1na : the Dernocra\lc and Republican leaders. Halt> Boggs. J 0-La .• J and Gerl.lid ford, tR·M ich.:I the par1 y v.·hips . Thomas P O'Neill, ( D- l\tass., f and Leslie C. Arends. (R-lll.1 the chairman and ranking Republican on the \\la\"S and i\leans Committee. \V ilbur D. f\lills. (0-Ark.J. and John \\". Brvnes. (R·\Yis. 1 the ~·hairnlan ·and r a n k in g Republican of I. h e Ap- Instructor 22 Yea.rs Olll CHICAGO f AP) -At the age o[ 22, Charles L. fel· ferman is a professor of mathematics al the Uni\'ersily CJf Chicago, the youngest full professor in the history of the schoot The appointment caps a whirlwind education for !he ltfaryland man in wh ich he went direclly from junior high school in the University of Maryland, skipping the normal senior hlgh school years. The top facully rank at Chicago, conferred upon him this month, carries v.·ith 1t lifetime tenure. University officials said that Fefferman. from Si I v e r Spring, t-.1d .. may v.·ell be the youngest full professor al any U.S. college. Alberto Calderon. chairman CJf the mathematics depar!· ment at the university. said fcffcrman is "Lhc. hesl man lo have appeared in lhe area of his speci alty in !he last 10 or 20 _years " His field is harmonic analysis and Fourier series. Fefferinan enrolled at the University of l\taryland in 1963 at the age or 14 after com- pleling junior high school. Three years later, he emerged \1•ith 8 bachelor o[ science degree. He was also gi\'en a high school diploma. Student lacking high school diplomas are norn1ally forbid· den by Maryland was so in1- pressed with Fcfferman that he was exempted from the re· quirement. Fe£ferman celebrated his 20th birthday in 1969. the san1e )'ear he received his doctora1e fo om Princeton. }le served as a lecturer 111 nialhemalics at the Ivy League school in 1970 and joined the Chicago faculty sooo aftcr\v;irds. Mauldin's Own Favorite •• • • Still Relevant • • • Two wars 1ater1 Bill Mauldin's cartoons still sey it all for the 9uy1 who ire "up front" doing the dirty work. Mauldin once selec ted the cartoon ebov• os one of his own favori tes from World War ll 's "'Up Front" series. I ' f• ,. ' t •• . • • . . , • • He said: "Once I thought I did a -very funny cartoon (obout) on old-time covolryman shoo ting his jeep ••. It hes simplicity; it tells a story; it doesn 't need word s. It is, I believe, the very best kind of cartoon." Mouldin i1 still doing some of the world 's "very best kind of cartoons.'' A few 1trokes of his talente d pen can make some of the most biting editorial comments to be foun d on today 's issues. If you're looking for re levancy, loo~ at Mauldin two wars later (frequently fe1tured in the D•ily Pilot). Look at the Editorial Page of the DAILY PILOT LEGAL S011CE LEGAL NOTICE "ub•;Y>t<I "~•\r,! !I. !911 O•enoe (06•1 0&•1• "'"''· n ~nd ~eolt'Tl~f' 1 a,1--------------- '7''•11 11 .... :tAlt "' .. LEGAL NOTICE , lOlll FICTITIOUS llUSINISS N•ME St ... TEME"lt lo!IO"''"• OOP\OM I• <lo•n• bu~ .... ~. 1111 N•wpor!, $U~E•tOR COURT 0' THI $TATE OF C ... Ll ,ORNIA ,OR TNE COUHTY OF ORANGE ..... A·10lll NOTICE 0 ' HE AR ING OF ,ETITION FOR PJIOllATE OF WILl AHi) COOIC!l A"ID FOR l [ I t f Ill I TESf"MENt ... lll Y E''11Po 111 SAMUEL Tl-lfOOOqf f"•LK, 111•0 •nown d\ S"MUEL r, F"LK.. (H,c••••d NOTICE I) HERE0Y GIVEN !n•I P•Ull"'f; ~•LK h•• l1lea ... ,.In . 1!111• 11,,., lo' ""•h•I• "' w•11 •nd C:odltll end !or 1>>u11nte ot Loll~" lo)l•m•nl••' In P•l<l<Ollt'•• '"'""'"' lo wn1ch ''mad~ tor tv1mor 011dlcyl11r>. ""~ H1•I !t>t l•m~ 110!1 ol•ce of ho~rln; !~I ••m• ~I\ IM-•n ••I 101 .se~temb" R. 1~11 111 t :lO • rn, In •~• (OU""'""' n• D•P•''"'""' "'u J "' •••d C<lllt!, al 7IXI Clvot Cen1., O•ov• W•~!, '" tne (II~ 01 5•"'" Ane, C.1lltorn11. O•tll<l Auo u" 1(1, It/I W E.5!JOHN, NO. I ON TllE COAST Your Hometown Newspaper Is The DAILY PILOT '~ .... Magic B11s Buck llamlet. (left) co-o\vner of American Carrier Equipment Co .. and Phil S"·eet, (righl) also a co-o\vncr. in spect a ne\\' double-deck bus. '¥\1hich \Viii begin operation soon bct 1vcen i'oscmite Lodge and Ahwahnee JJotel in Yosemite National Park. A1ne1·icru1s W 01·1{ Lo11g, Har{l To Acl1ieve Tl1ei1· Afflue11ce Wtdntsday , Au9uu 4_c5:._•.cl•c.cl_cl _______ DA.ILV PI LOT f~ .. New Plan Doesn't Silence Critic Nl::W YORK IAPl -The in the CCQnotny ll's nutty" new economic game plan ha:s As Janeway sees it , one been acclaimed for its darii~ suspe1._·ts. Oie real problem .end broad dimt>nsions. but it with the crowd in \Vashington appears to have si!eneed one t.s that th~v don 't l1s1en 1nore of the administration 's chirr closely. To.Janeway, that is. critics only ternporarily , if at ··Anything lhe governml':nl might nO\I' do get V.'lth all. Janeway ttunking \vill be in Eliot Jane\\•ay, the econ11n1 -the [irs1 quarter," he 1nii: consultant v.•ho h<1s bft'n !an1entc."CI shor!lv belore the blasting away al polic ies thal 11cw g<11ne plan 11·as ao- have JUSl been JlHlke<l. is ~till 11uun1·ed, rcfcrnng lo the in-cvitatile 1Ln1e l:1g bet\l.'een an .e s unmercil'ul as ever, slHI econor111e decision 1:1nd tllc displeased, still concerned. subsequent results. I-le sees the stock market And 1f a eardinal sin "'":> heading down nest yea r. <·un11n1tted ltf nol J1eeding perhaps lo 500 points on the Jane\l.·ay ·s advice before now, Dow .Jones I n rf u s l r I 11 I 1t certainlv_ 1s noth;ng less ad1•1cl'. 1vhether it i.<; bought or unso licited. And \\'hile h i s sought. CO!ll- Average, al ong with labor :han a rnortal s111 that !he tnunications are a I wa ys llttrcst and problems 111 corn-ad1n1n1strat1on hasn·i been on ineniorable. they are also i11g up 11·1th a budge1 that rnore 1nt1m<1te tertns v.1th quite oflen correct-lie say the IO!ally satisfies Hep. \Vilbur f\·lills ~tock niarkt't collapse coniin~ f\lill s. 1·1 an1 \'cry proud of 1he 11•av 1n !968. And he deduced th;•l "(;onc~e pr•ocla1n1 it l'CUllOl!l}' ·• Not \\'ill J \\Phy 1 he.Ip the Then wha t's the beef ~ IA>n1estic:el1v. it concerns the freeze. "i'he only way for An1erica tu ye.t oul of this HH· pos.~1ble problern il n1ute for itself with a wage·price freeze is through a slrett hout " \Yht1l duts 1hat nu~an ~ "Strcll·ll 011r ('(Hltraels for <1 year Tell 1hl' w11rk ing pt'1lplt'! !hut llli.'.V 1\lll gel every r11ekl•I c·on11ng lo then1 Cl lter a ,1car buL that 11 v.'1!1 be worth 6 l'C'Hts lh(·u 1nste;1d of 4 ·• Janeway is also conrerned thut the adn11n1strat1un will be unable to sa tisfy t.lills on the budget AncJ he !>t'eS no pi~·kup Ill bUSHICSS bel\l.CCn now and r'\illember , hecaure a ··1va1t and sec" attitude has been encou raged. Internationally, he feels that 1Jnly 11ne-<1ur1rter of wh.et ht e!ainis to be lus program has been put into effect. Among other things. he w o u 1 d prUl'llJe -Ao PXpilr! lax f·redit. a spc!·1f1e rrt,ate on taxt.s !or anvr1r1r rn;ik1n~ n1oney on ex- ports . -An int·en\11·e tax r:ite lo ~11cour{1J<":e the repalr1alion of a{Tt1111ulated earning.<; in u ~ersea.~ subsidi;i r1es of An1crican companies. Oil Fir111 Ge t~ Stock He is just as scathing in t11s he takes froin nie." said the Vietnam v.•ar 1A.·ould eut in· l'OS1'A .\ff'•,'.·\-IBll'i _, I I r t . -·•· " n1an y !u a11 en oreemen a ss e ss men I o f I h e .Jancwav or the cha1rn1:i11 of lo rather lhHn boost t·orp<iratr II d t d. f · 30 µerct•nl lnleresl 111 \\'est!'rn agencies, <ind se s a1nmun1-un ers en 1ng o tJ1c re al lhfl Huusc \Vavs and J\1t:ans profits. · A 11Lo1n ''I I,. ll ·Io ad>"" t1"0" ol 11•, own manuractu•• to problen1s that beset I he <:01nnHtlee. a rna11 he rcspc1.:ts "'··.•pit• 1,1-._ "0 1, l 1"11 1· n" L "" " " .. • ...-., ,_ " ,_ " ".,. I·: q 11 1 p n1 e 11 t I n t' , , ;1 agencit·s too sn1all !o justify country. highly for bo111 his crllchlion 1Tit1eisrn. one now dele1·t s a r11a11 11[;1cturcr of autoni:itu· the l"USt or acquiring their own ··They read nu hislori·." he arid power lie \\'ilS speaking d1·111t,01, "' .]"''''''•".>"·' .,.·1·•. ... . " " " ., " u :1n1111unitiun production equip-l'qu1pn1cn l. said. ..They plagiarh.~ fron1 ;iuo;H!!. ideas. \1'1••1• 1·t ,. . .,,_ .. _•,g••"·.··t•d to h1'1n I b h I I I" t ' ..... , ·' o"'·' • 111ei11 anti srnall <inns arn· 1 rnnr pant or .es eri1. their critics," he added. This is tl1r 11:ty .Ja11t•1\';1y that he concede sorne bcne/i!s inunition . has bctn acquired the first ol seven planned And Jane11·ay sti ll finds he i.:ornmunica tes 111 speeches, r1·un1 lhc nc1v g:Hnt' plan h(' for s1ock hv Scncc:.i Oil Cu. tliroughoul l!1e n;tlro n, has can use tht> 11'ord "disnstcr" 111 sern111;1r·s, 1a!ks sh o 11 5, :>lopped th r conversation 1l)TCJ of ()kiallon1r. Cil~·, \V il· b<'<'ll oi:H:'ned 111 Oklahoma City describing econmi1.: pol icy lie ne1vslelll'I".~. books. tt•lephone short, either shoeked. insulted. tiain \Va Iker. President of ;ind he~:.in ship pi u g am- has no1v added the word · .. nut · ronversations and bre;1kf;1sL 11r an1azcd by the spca~cr"s \\'e.sltrn. a1111out1ced . 1n11nitio11 HJ .Julv . ly," as in : t•hats al his brown s ton c l::1tk ot undcrst;1nd111 g. \Vester11 J\lanufactul"es a11 Seneea . a do.1nestit· oil 11\d "They 1vent fron1 one ex-inansion with bankers and '·C o 111.: e de ,'' he said auton1at i1.: ca rtridge lond1ng gas prof1ueer . also 1s develojl- treme lo !he other. fron1 cong ressmen. \Vork never unbelievingly, and lhe1i said it de1·1ce of palen!erl de sign 1ng eoricessions offshore Aus- NEW YORK (AP ) Americans are 2" res11ess and sometimes disgru ntled people despite !heir affluence. s1rain of holding onto it once they ha1'e it - also con- tributes to the restlessness and the sense of frustration. A growing nun1ber of families are achieving their goals only by means of additional in- c-01nes. hands off to total intervention ecasel:i. and seldo1n does the again. 1vhich is sold or leased pci-have thel y,•orn out feeling .1------'-----'--"_:__:__:_--:..::::_::::.::_::::::::::_.::::::::__:_::___::~::::_ __________ _::.'.'.'.::'.'.._~_'.'.'.'.'.'._~__'.~'.'."__l:'.'.'.:_~"~'~1~;,'_''~"~d'_';""._'.:E~n!g~l•~o~d~-__ They just don 't know how well They work long and hard and make good money. Rut they pay high prices and big taxes. And their ever·bigger dreams, year afler year. seem to ren1ain JUSl be\"Ond their reach. - A Cllrsory investigatory of affluence suggests son1e of the reasons why. First and obvious is the fact that many people arc denied a :;ense of achievement because their de sires az-e never satisfied. Gnats arc only beads in a string that never runs ot1t. A goal achieved rnerely leads to anollier. Despite their accu1nulation.~ of asset s, th crel ore. they ah1ays fee l 1hc ne.ed to enlarge, if not to :;;1t1sly the urge to be rich and po\l.·erlul 1hcn to allay fears of pol"erly and \veakness. Despite good inco1nes and assets. some fan1il ies find they still have lit!le choice in ho1v they spend their 1noney. J\1any spend 20 percent on food. n1ore than 20 percent on own- ing and OJ>Craling their hon1e. 10 percent on taxes. 10 1>ercent cin trans(Xlrta!ion and another tO per('cnt on clothing. That's. 70 percent for l'ixcd expenses. And th!.' rest 1sn"t theirs to spend as they please Th('_\' must pay for 111cdlral and dental care, educ:ition and personal items such as books and cigarettes. And lo n1ake certain they don't lose it all . e na1ural con- ~equence of acquisition. they must have 1nsuranre 1>0licies. illoreo1·er. lradi!ion and <·01n- n1on sen.o;e deinanct iha1 rh"v ha1·e sa1·ings The l1ny l}('rcenl flf.;e tha1 io; left thcort't1caH.v ca11 be u.~e<I on rcrreation, 1·t1cal inn.~ a11c1 gifts, but m:1ny 1<1n11hrs finrf thesr C«l rgior1cs :ll"f' ;ihl':iys nn the \I S\ \lf drC~llll.<; th3t are JUSL b(')Ond 1heir rc nch The strains nt 1na1nta1n1n~ earning po11·t·r-as 11cll as the There arc no"' n1ore than 18 1n1llion wives at \\''Ork. or ~O percent of the total, and 10 1n1ll ion o[ then1 have children under 18. In fact. one-quarter of all 1vives with children under three are at 1vork . The prin1ary breadv.'inner continues to be the man, but studies show his gross income often is boosted by holding an additional parl·time job. and that his Jiving stanf1;ird \\·ould drop abruptly .~hould he lose it. Rut 1rork also lull ills a need other than ti nanci;il. ~!any people cannot he!p but 1\•ork. ·rhey profe~s to be workin,I!: to achieve finani.:ial go:ils but ollen !hey resist rctiren1en1 after aeh ieving thetn. A study or 11·orkers whose scht'dules v.·ere changed rrorn 5 days of 8 hours each to 4 davs of 10 hours shu11·ed that m.iny of Lhen1 declined to use the free lime !o indulge thrmselves in the leisurely life they l'lamt'd to ha ve been i;eekin~. Instead. they hired nnto another jnh 10 flll the t1111e. A good 1nany family in- co1nes are also supported b,v !he efforts or teenagers. and v•e!I they should. J\tost parents are shocked to le,arn ho\!.' much it costs to raise a child to the age of 18. As this decade began the tab ranged from more than $19.000 lo about $23.000 in urban ;ireas. v.•ith $5 .550 to $6,500 of th::it for food alone. Affluence. it app ears , doesn't a!v.•::iys mean the easy life Instead. it is often achiev· eel only thrnugh great efforl. 110! JUSl by one mrmber of the 1an1ily but sornetimes by the entire !amity. And hold ing on- lu 1t rnay be jus1 as ex - hausti ng. Ko wonder so n1any people Fi11d Oi1t Wl1ere Cables Are Before You Dig off they are. Whi sk.ey Drinkers Get Treat \Vhiskev drinker s In Costa J\1esa arc being treated to a new l ash~ in 11·hi~kcy - a!leged lo be ;i "sneak preview·• or the 1as1e or A111erica n Lighl \Vhi skey . the sale of which v.·ill nol be legal until after Jul y I ot next year. An1erican Light \\1111skcy is the resuU or a 19Ci8 change in rcgutat1ons governing l ht· n1aking of d1st1tled spirits. AL that time the governrnent a u thorized d1slilhng com· panics lo produ ce a lighter lasting An1eriean wh isk c y, comparable to cerla1n Scotch and Canadian \l."hiskie~. The 1972 dale for legal sntc al\ows lor lour ) cars aging of the product before it 1s placed on th e n1arke\. Three n1t1jor dist11!e.rs are 11lready scl!ing in Cost<1 t.lrsa and other key n1arkets. pro-- duels v.•hirh the llquor in- dustry recognizes as h;iving the tt1.<;\c chal"ac1crista·~ of Arner ican L1gh1 \Vhiskey. 'f'hr flrsl con1pany market sut'h a product was Brov.·n-Forrnan Di s I i 11 er s Corp. which filtered out the 1·olor fron1 11·h1ske1 lo n1ake a ··11·h1te wh1skc_1 v."1tl1 \"lrtually no ta::;tc. 1·harac:!er or arorna. Brov.·n.f orman 1s 1na1·ke11ng this undrr 1he na mr Fro~t 8- RO I n du s ! r y 111 a r k eung <1uthori11es are di vided on the q\JeSl1011 v.·hethl'r or nol \l'hi1r whiskey \\"ill ~el! 1"he con· sensus sc£'n1s In be that 1! looks too n1u("h l1kr t•odka for OOurbon drinkers to hr 111- tcres!rd and tastes too n1uch likr bourbon for v o d k a drinkers 10 he interested. "Being neither l'lsh nor fowl." one industry marke.ling rnan observed, •·white v.•hiskey 1vil\ have lo create a mHrkel of it s own or it is doomed for obli· vion." A bulldozer "·ai; ex c-avating sometiine~ sh a red by Four Roses blended \l.'h1skey dirt fr•r a backyard s1\·1m1ning l1un1e(lwners as 1l'ell as the rPren!ly changed its formula-~~ pool in Orani:e recently 1\•hen telephone company. lion in an <.tltempl lo produce 1t suddenl.v hc1uked o 11 to Pacific points out that. in a lighler taste. Formerly somelhing thal stre1ched and many s v.· i m m i n g pool the product \\'<IS about one- sn;ipped in l\l"O contracts, the "fine print" third full bodied whiskev and The contractor"s chggcr had tells the homeowner that he i!I about two-thirds n e u"t r a I severed an u n de 1· ~ round liable for any damages that spirits. The new forn1ulation is telephone cable, and at that occur on his own property, in-about nne·c1uartcr \\'hiskey and inst;:inr some 200 prople in the eluding damage to buried three-fourths neutral spirits. neighborhood lost their phone telephone lines. This blend ls being ~old under service. Many homeowners aren"t the l:ibel "Four Ro s es It took a crew of skilled aware of utility easements Whiskey."' table splicers three hours lo that pass through their yerds. One company, Barton re3tore the communications To avoi d po:;sible service in-Brands or Chicago, began pro. link . terruptions to themselves and ducing in 1966 an · ' ;:i, I I According lo r a c i f i c thei r neighbors. homeowner!§ whiskey·· product with a new Telephone, lhi s wasn't an anrf contractors alike are and different taste. II was isolated case. advisW by Pacin~ Telephone distilled At a high proof and An ave.rage of one buried to call the company's free ""BS stored for four years in letcphone cable is be.ing sliced Cable Locating Service. sea!loned oak barrels 11 is, at- in 111•0 by careless digg.ing The c;iblc locators are cording lo a co n1 pan y throughout lhe rounty every deployed in all areas of lhe spokesman. the only product day. l'OUnty. 111eir :! 4 -hour ol i!s type on !he market As some 3,000 pools arc lelephone number is 633-0811. IA.'h\ch is fully -matured, un- belng added annually to swell and if it's outside a customer's lampered-~·ith, all whiskey. It the current tota l of 26.000 local calling area, he's invited ill being marketed un der the backya rd "built -ins" in to call collect. name "Barton's QT, the new Orange County, accldt!ntal Armed ""ilh charts showing quiet taste in whiskey." cut!I include chopping or exact locations of buried Although none or these new various kinds, from t he installations, the c 8 b I e Vlhiskies cteim to be Light single, narrow.gauge c;.':>le5 locators provide insurance Wh iskies. each eleims to have called "drops" thnt ser\'e in-against accidental cuts. thsit special teste "'hicti Light dividu11I homeowners. to the And they save builders and Yi'hiskey Y.'111 heve w"hen it larger underground cables 11!1 homeowners the time and becomes available lo the thick as a man's wrist and trouble of trying lo locate public 1n July, 1972. containing s er\' i e e s lo burled cables, espcclally the The dlstllHng industry hopes hundreds o( telphonc users. "hard way'' -like ripping Light \Vhl skey 1vi\I slow down SJS to S1 25 ,,111es if sa ri~, lhe 71r1t .. ,.,, .. ,., ,, cio1se 1111111. 1J I .. SHOP•AT•HOME SERVICE II I'-left't •-• lfl, j"ll p h•"• .................. ,.,, ...... 111 •• 11 •ilh • f•ll ••..,~I• oel•tli•n. N• •loli••'l•fl. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERY lv~11riou~ fo bri(' ;,., ~t.. (nPOft'S,. An· l1que Sot•1•~. ! e"turrs c:wid P'riflts, in bitnw- t.lul cl~(Ototor t ol o• ~ . SA YE UP TO 50% USE OUW COMft-T caEDITTDMS All LABOR CARRIES A llflTIME GUARAMTll AndJhe problen1s c.eused by !hem np v.·ith the blade of a the growlh of imported Scotch rit-~ \-. L11e.-~'~:_ ~~ore .~b.u!lrlo1.er .,.---·, ...... --_and_Caol\dian;...w bi s k i e ii . ·-·· I • I ' l • . H DAIL y flllOl s l,'/rdlltsd.a.y ll111,1u~1 25 J9i! Your ltJoney ... -· Lo,v Maintenance OVER THE COUN1 1ER • ...,._...,.,. 111""'4NW ....... M 1..,..i-tllfY.t A Ml "91111 111.Mip. • f'rkeil .. -... , ...... ,.. ...... Mitt:-. .,.,..._ .,. ,_ ...... --- ' , • • NASO L11t1n91 for Tue1d1y, Au9u1t 24, 1971 PoiJ1t f 01~ ViJ1yl By S'li L\ IA PORTER 1ng blistering v.arp1ng pit t ni.; u1 slau11ng And they dun t need painting lo keep tl1en1 1n good cu1 dH1on NEW YOltl( (AP)I" (I '"" -lMe lollOWlflll I II A II MIV 1 • Ml•ctll<I "•kWtG NI I onll SKV lit$ Nf!IV rfl O••len AHn o~•• Anow I'! lt\t counle Bink Atvl<11 •~•ur••«• & lndV> A•Pon sv I II >loc:k• A•C( Bo \ 1nvl has bt'en a 1arnL11<1r product to u~ for )ears :ind surelv .)OU :ire 11\a e of 11 1n f!oo11 ng ind i 1 t o 111 o t 1 1 t upl1olster1 H I 1e 1 1u JI\ 1 I' of ho11 1111por tart 1111\I tir1s rece1!l1 bct on1e It h>n1e con strutllnr and Ou 1 I ti 1 1 l; producls /lei e ;ire so111e In tie known <1nd p u I e n t I a I I y 1aluable poi1ts for -..ou lrom 1 hon11~B r\11 tz pre~de111of B f ( ood1 ch Chl 1n ~:i! lo \\Qr!d s I lrge~I prld 1tei of \ 1 n l ra" m 11erials ttl n1ake building ctnd ott e1 p >tl Lts 8•nk """ T Ull AllG11 l l hi 1>1nc1> Aulo Sci 1.1 &ii sv ao •1 4 ~cc 1n11 I• Ernp S 1• o 1~ • B1 d "' "•rt! NC J1 3J 1811 Pn C M dt 8~t •l olJ 81ng Hv Q \\ hy docsn t \ 1nyl have-to 5h1w Bo• jJJ.. S?, B••m 11 r bt' painted ~.v~ f~: :1 ~1 ;l::J,:r ~ I Mu~""• lb1urn A BeC'f!Use llS coll)r goes all F 11 lJ LI J• ll'Al fhv • M1< I I IN1u1 lri•l1 8<:e ne F I e llCIV I 1ruugh Soot and .. FA. p s • I ~ lltr t•b g11n1e a1e not pr ob lem s:'~s "~c ~ ! :b~ .. ~w beCilt Se \llnyl Can be cleaned :~Ml ~~d )~I l~il : rchSon ea~1ly with a detergent and A<u111n / en a co H ' 1111m1 l ~ '' eov .... e 11ate1 fhe products can be """ •n w 1i , ,,,, 8 001 "'H lidv RM I I> 11> 8 1dt n (l:'lll !Cd though 1( YOU \lianl 10 A o S , 0"• 1 o 8 n~~ 1.;hange the col Jr scheme of ~t>r•n~o f, ~J I ~n,s':r \Ot r liu111e Also \Lll\I Uoes :~~~ '~l.l 1;~::u~~b8~ 11ell from a sr1feh \le\\•V'llnl Ace Lb •~ •S !Buco., •• ,.~ "' d•n E 1 ' Bunngln het iuse 1l \\Ont &Upporl tO!n A co lnd 16 b l lBu n S m A T•<h 1 711 (8 WS~ Q 1J I b ~ Ji ~ \ ll\ I belo1ne 1n bu ild ng I_) 1s!10n 01 CO!ld ll.:t eleclr JC: tty A Q B•• ~ • 1 •1 amb "< All<l EQ UI 7 o I 8nn M I C2 Put into doll ~rs and cents ~ ;,,n ,8~ ~ • ;"' ,:g0:~ ~ A D11ld111g '' 1ov 1le l:irgesl n1a k(! In pl 1;;l 1l~ account ng fol more thar SI 1 b 111011 of p\;J S! c llateri;il:; I ~sl veat and polv~i 11 I ( hlondc l PVC IS the rnust 111de\I llSC'd of any pl 1s\1t n1ater 1al In building The use of P\ f' 111 !he bu ild r g 1n u kel ne u !y doubled between 1%;i and 11170 <1nd 1t wtll n1ore than double bv 1975 " e I •I> n Goo l , 3 0 Cap Sw!I le''''' '' h , I th lo , • <>hrm 1 • 1 le"" M ~· rnau ltnan1.:e leatures c an "'" Bu•" ,, • u~o t11> n "'r "' El laU !l• 6 1 (~p T•< met1n lo a homeol'!ner ""' E"" 1 t.li.110i. c1 • i;:o "'n F n 11 7/1/,(••81 A Labor is the highest cost 1r!°"F~1..,,s 'l~ :.,~:~n•~"c eh nent 1n a house 10 Am G •• 6~ u c .. n •• ... Mt<l CP 71 n (•nV! PS build ng nia1nta1n1ng () r Am,.,~ " n 1C•n• L•b "'m W• d 1<;, • 'o Chi ne• "' rcno1 al ng I -and Jabo1 costs "'"au , 1~. 1 •Che 1 o 1 are sky 1ocket1ng \\hile vinyl~~~:~·~ ~~ 5~ c~~.L~: rna v be nlore expensive 11 Q \\hat re\\ app11cat1ons for \Jn\l 1'.ollld be uf most ul teresl to rnnsumers A In s1dh1~ gt 11ers aid doy,nspouts sh 1tters windows and 111 Jr d o \1 t)111po1 er l:-; storn1 doo1 s fl isl 1n g '\\ea1herslrip1 ng 11111ngs ir1d so f11t s -on th~ i11ts1de I 1~1de tl1e home 11111 ppng 1;ill and fl oor cn1er1ng rd nte11 r n1old1ngs Q \\111 lie gr in., popular !1 <if tilt> pr td1 ct)" A Dirab 111 ~ rn n 1 mu rn maintenance ct ar<itter 1:-;t its and attr;ict1 e appea1antt' 111 exterior ll~( v1n\ 1 proi:lu(t~ can be ex1xi~ld to sun 1\l 1d ra r and tr1npcratu1 e t''< lremes fo1 ex!cnded pe11 xl~ 111thout r It ng flilkoi ng re~l UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR ORANGE COUNTY BANK S & L OR OTHERS [•pl tl>ctd •ucce l I "'" ~ I n9 p ,.,;...., cnol • a \ob o O we ~ n ~II p/>• e• of Y"" m~ Lttln9 eflc I Eq u P'l'fd t" ~~n d. (O'l'P •'• •d•e I . "g pub l ( el~! on• p cmo en m~ ch~n d • ng p "9 •rn• ! O'l' p """ nq I~ "ugh ••e< on a u•I en singe• 8 cod n dep!k ccn "' • b•<~q Ound pnn b • po> I on w !h "'~ o ~mp• ~ ond ·~enov A ~ • f~ • do •gt JS w~o p ~ o o I t •nd wo k n 0 ~qo~ Co ~ v w h D plov Ad JOb D~ Iv P t,,t P 0 Be• I SOO Co•t" Me • 'i201b 11 alh t needs liltle or no n1a1ntenance <ind thus '"1!1 <;rten cost !he consumer less lhan con1entronal materials over a period of years Q Be specific A A con\entional v.ood 1v1n du1v costs an estimated $10 to / ll ~ 11d ! his t, be painted 11 hen 11 is 1 istalled and al icgtdar 111ter1nl~ !hereafter Jf 1 e l sc everv lhree \cars as a 1e ll~tc 11:p111tn~ period 1n :l~ 1e11s painting costs for the 1 1ndo11 wou!d lotal $70 The t isl illed costs of a \in~ l c:lild 1 1 ocl 111ndo11 for instance 1\oUld be aboul the same as a pl:i 1n 11ood 1\1ndow \1hen all costs a1e f1gu1ed 1n and it uevpr reeds pa1nl1ng The 1n1!1ill price and in s1i1lla t1011 costs of 11nvl pip n~ a e 101 m:ill\ 20 In 50 percrnl Jnwcr th HI 11101 e i;:onvenllonal pip ng 01 (I I e I I I I s and ,£.Tin1nt ennnce cosls 1n n -.;!nlla t ons mnde even l:i \e us <.igo ha\ e b~en 11rlunlll r 11 Q An} nl Jre co~t corn p I ISO l~ A C:on1p ire 11w c:osts or \lll\I ~d11,., 1lh \\OOd 1I1pbi1ard rr sh11 gles over a 21).-)~nr p~11od for 11 n1 r1 agc h1rne 11 1lh I 500 sq lee\ uf sting llf'<l lht' 1oOO sidng 1.:usts 11ould 1 111ge fron1 $1 300 to ~1 420 and the 11011 s1d1nf:: < ist,s Ill 0111 t~ut $9la lo SI lO I rhese rost-.; 11ould 1n11ol\e 1he 111111 ti cost 10 buv the Sllhll)!, lht' expenses of Ill ~1a l!a1101 and the costs of reg11I tr paint n~ and nlher re qu red mn1ntenanre Other SUPERIOR SECRETARIAL SERVICE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Leg<ll T echl'I c111 Gener11I Med ci!I AUTO LETTER WRITING Tr.:in1cr pl on & D c!11I on IBM E>:eclll ~e & Seleclr c Typ nq Rll1 umes Str pts Ofl1el Pr 11+ ng -Book~eep ng No 1ob io sme ll no iob loo large Give us ll call Tel 847 8001 Mercury Savtn95 Bu1ld1ng -Su flt 219 7812 Edinger Ave Huntington Beacli Paul W Rainbow Owner Mgr Free Lectures on Investing. He re s your chance to leam about the aspects of 1n \'est•ng that interest you most Attend one or more of the fol lowi ng lectures All three wi ll be lield al 7 30 p m 1n the Newport Beach office o f Walston &. Co Inc at 500 Newport Center Dri ve Admission is free-but space is l1 m1ted so please telephone (714) 64 4 6550 1or reservations Or mail the coupon belo~ Mutu1I Funds I nwst.nc tor I nt<W'ntl The Role of Stocks &. Bondi in II Sound lnwutment Pr0&r11m WI:.'(! Aug. 25 Tun Aug 3 1 Thurs Sept 2 John Van Udtn Rob~ Meyer DenntS Wayn e P1e1ue •e1er.e-a1 sf 11 "eli or !he i.e1u '" chtckftd 0 Mu1u1 Fur>l!~-A119 25 0 !n~o~t~g lo Income-Aug 31 0 T~e A"• o1 s oe~, & a~1-Sept ? Add•$'---------------- <•~·-------'"'------~·- T~tptloflt'----;;cc:-----------9~, no~J Home Wa!st!_n S.Co . Me•btl'ltf"" YllO Stotl ~•<IHl•9• l~t -d Qlh .. '' n P"' )IQct """ C.O••odily f•~I• SOO N•wport C• t•r Drlv• N•wport l•och 92660 17141644-6SSO OVEfll 1Dl'I 0 '"CE! COAST TO C04$T -----,._ ---- Beckman Reports Ear11ings FUILERTON MUTUAL FUNDS Complete-New York Stock List kllil " .. lloft.! Hlefi LAW Ci.M Clll ,.... "" fMI• ) Hltli LtW CltM Cllt "' ' "' " • , ,,, o; • ' '" ' "' , . 3J>o ~ " • J..1'> . " 1ll 1'l • !110 09 , .. . " 57 15 109 !ll• ; ., " 71 • HO 11 I 00 ?~ , ' . ~· 0 • -E F"- .. " ,, •9 • ll • .. . 7l Jl ·~ , ii 10 16 " • l• • ?• • J4 1• • 8 • 1079 l'O • i ' '76 • •o 0 l ., • ~ll51l • 161 •l • • • •l •1 9 •S •1 • • 16 ,. S'100l 1 19 31 l1 t l!o ll J 6 I 6 \j 'Ill 51 '" ' • • 11 • ; . " ' . " •I J ' JM 7J o . " <'! l• ; " , " .. ' " .. • • ~i f .. '" .. • ,,, • " • " ,, ,, " • "' ' •• " • ' n " .. "' • " '" ' • '" " • . , .. • " "' ,. • " • • • .. • "' " • J ' ., ,, . ' ... "" • • " '" . ' • • • " ,. • • " '" . •• • ' , " • ' " . " .. " ,. " " ' .. " • ,, " • ". 6•9 10 50 ?1 J ~. " . 6, •6 ' ·~ ~ ~:. 11 •• l ' '''• -G- •~ • " ,, '" ~. " ' . '" .. '" ' " ". " '" s,~. ,. ' ~~II , .. "" ... u "" " '" .. " • " ' . 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M•c• ''" /""h 7~ N• L•n Ml /\•~P• <) A•• n ~ n A P <) 2 ln ' t>l 1Q M •M 1 .:J .CM Tuesday 's Oosing Prices-Co~ptete New :Ydrk Stock ~change List Slllil Nol ~llft.) Mlfll l-ti... (llt ' " " • "' " Stoek Leaden MOST SBARES ,.... .... l"*-1 Mi. l.N ti-Olt • . " SS fl "I • • ' " U1 ~ ~ ' " ••• . ~·· •• k t~ . ~. 41 l& .. • • • 11'• 19 lo\ • " "' •S •!' i? ~ J J , ,,.,_ IP• .u .. tJh-1• lf~ .... ··~ ll1 .. l~ • ' 41 .... ~~.1\:i Cl .oft +\o ' l!. l!i: ;;u -. Market FiI1ishes Sharply Higl1er ..... Jt\ -11• ... .\. + ~ .U'Jo ~ + •• II 17 -1~ H~ u" .. -NEW YORK \UPl)-Tht stock market f1n1shed 'l 21'4 .. ~ t~• :;v.\lo-: sharply higher 1n heav y trading Tuesday Anal yst~ ,,, 101.~ -1~ &a.id the list "Aas cor::Unu1ng to react to the sweeping ~~ :.r~ + ~ changes tn econonuc policy announced by President 31 ;,n~.-..1,. N d 10 ~ 't"" .. ~ 1xon a week ago Sun ay ~~! ;,,'''!: l The Do-, Jones 1ndustr1al average which f1n1shed g1; fi ~ + at its be,;t level 1n six weeks \I as ahead 11 39 at uAt.. '"' rr~ t!;:t~: 90377 near the final gong Standard & Poor s 500 ~!lc~"fi. , • , .,._ , stock index tacked on 0 99 at 100 33 uhile advances llG CP 1 21 ,., UMCl11<11'1 z: ~·~ .r': topped declines 988 to 458 among the 1 701 1ssue.5 un~ c.o •O n l\ 7n + ,, b ""''IL"' •1• II~ Ill~+ ~f.-~c~r·~·;;•;;m·g~t-e;,U;o,:P;o•;;. ...... -......... P!l,,,. ............ 1Unl NV UQ J7 )1 Un C1mp I !~ , •• +-. ~~~·~~~? 1J 11 .. + ,_.. ~~Ink lb. .~ l.f~, l t 1,'lii + fl'O Tu VII! 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I• f\ Vb <> .M I ~"~ <h io MnoQ" nd Nono t<1 $l ~"'1Sln iftl Non dof7 1~ N'o" Du 1 au tliC<\ PN 1 ~~ f"QNVM 1611 llit>o M~(OI A'e<GanJ11 1 N<•>e~~lS I qf .0. ~711 N<ntNo lO 1' otnro ~ ~O M Fu~ ~ ,0 M St•TT :.Ii M'iL "!I 4(1 1 0 d 1' N un rd~Jq Ii n1lngw I uhyCC )Q Mo~n1S1 ,., ono <10 ,., ~(I~ ~o I • ~ L l>Jg ' • ,, " . -N- ~ . . .. ' ' .. ' . , " ' , ' ' ' ••• ' '" • • ,. " • " • ' 115 n , ~ 11 ~: J, ~: 17 ' • .. ' ' , 1, 1 1. " . " " J• J• " ' ' " "' " " ,, • • 37 J1 . " •l . ., ' ... '" " " 1' ' '" '" " ' ... • '" "' " n " • " " ,. n•. • " " • • ' '" .. " " •• " " . "' " " .. ~ " ' ' " ' '" • " . • • . " ,. . II 7.'i •• • " .. ••O ~l '' ' • ' I •l • 18 ' 1.'i 6 »'• 1• 9 1 • 16 .. , l p ro 11 11 JI .. • 08 ~ 1ro O!! 46 7) 11 )p • • 1 81 8 ~ ro 1 J•' n 1 .,, <.l ~ I~ •J ? 16 -OP-• ' ... ' ' ' "' .' '100 "" '" • ' ro . .. ' .. ' ' " " • ~. "' " ' " . • • . ' ' ' " . • • " " .. • 'tl ' .. " , " " ~ , . ' '" "'; ' .. ., ' ' " .. '" .. " ' , ,. • .. .. . ,,,, " "" • " ' " .. ' ' . 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' ' . • • • ' • • Richard 0 Broome has join ed the Long Beach of£ice nf Eastman D1llon U n 1 (I ll Secur 1tl es 1nd Co Incorporated u a Reglsttred Representath e He has been ln the securities busme!ll since 11117 M• from Broome was graduated Stanford Un1ve.rsil y In 1~1 He reslrin at 1533 An1t:. Ulne Newport Bell.ch with ht.'I wire Rachel and their four chlldrtn Eulm11n Dillon '" on~ nf tht nation " h~adtng anv~er.it bank.Ing and brokerage firm~ The Long Beach office I~ lix.ated at S6S East Ottan Boulevard • DAJL'f' PILOT Wf'dntsd•J. A1.1911st 25, 1971 Orange Coast Area Men • Ill Service Around the World Na\'y Seantan Apprentice ed at the U.S. Coast Guard Air Calif. after .a sil month ll is wife, Judith, is \\'ilh h1m Reservt Air Group 80 ;;.board h1ntself as chief or the Promo-graduation from O I r i ctr Pall.I A. t'raig, son or fi..1r. and Station, San Francisco. deployment lo the Western in Germany, the ant1 ·su b1n;;.rine aircraft tions Branch and the Com-'fraining Sc hool iOTS! ;;.l Mrs. George II, Craig of 5712 He is one of a group of hand-PacUic. ~larine Pvt. Boyd L. Coker. carrier USS Ticonderoga 1n munlcations Officer fo.1anning Lackland AFB, Tex . Ga rd en G rove B Iv d . , picked \'oiunteers that will be His ship served as Positive the Paclfic. Branch at Headquarters, Air Lieu tenant Brekke, selected Westminster. has reported for used in particularly difficult Identification Radar Advisory son of Mrs. Beverly C. Coker His squadron is the ifrst Force Comm uncations for OTS through ('Otnpetitive Defense C•in1t'n.and which pro- tect:; 1he U.S. aRainst hostile aircraft and nussde.s. He pre\•iously served al Perrin AB, Tex. duty aboard the Destroyer re scue missions. The team Zone (PJRAZ) control ship in of 20 1 Huntington Ave., Hun-reserve aircrafl squadron lo Se r vice, Richards-Gebaur examination, is being assigned Escort Ship USS Harold E. will ~ deployed lo the open the Gulf of Tonkin and tington Beach, was graduated conduct active duty· training AFB, Mo, to Craig AFB, Ala .,for pilot ~f:in11c SC'cond L1eu!en.'1nt Holt. homeported at Long sea or surf, locate and assist performed search and rescue from rttruit training at the exercises aboard a fleet car· l·le is presently servi.'lg as training. f\lic·hatl ll . Egan, son of ~Ir. Beach . the person in danger, and missions in the Tai w a ll f\farine Corps R~ruit Depot , rier. director of pe rsonnel for ~lass. ;ind :-.1rs. 'J'h11n1<1~ H Cg:in of lie is a 1970 gr:iduale· of speed the hoisting or the en-Straits. San Diego. lleadquarters, Mediterranean 21122 l.iH'kh:1\'Pll Ci r cle. T.akewood lligh Schoo I , dangered person into the He attended (;olden ·\\'r~t U.S. Air Forl·e Capt;11n Con1mun1calions Reg1ou at Us Air 1:or(·e Se!'geant Huntington Be~ll'h graduated Lakewood . t111d h(' attended helicopter. Arrny First Li(' u I en ant College, Huntington Beach. Pbl ip ,\\. Porler, son or 'J'orrejon. \\'illi;un JI. \\'illis Jr., son oE !ro1n Lhe thl'l'C·\~rek Avlat1n11 Long Beach City Culleg l' \\'illiam L.. Bttts Jr .. whose retired USAF Sergeant anti r-.Jr . and 1'11rs. \\'illian1 ll lnviron1nPntal lndoclrina!1on i\';1\')' Pet!y Officer F'irst parents live at Ji.)() \Vh ittier Navy L I e u I en ant Corn· ,\]rs. Dale D. \'ogt of 14512 .Jonutbon l\f. Brekke , son or \YL!hs Sr. or 8:!22 Canie~ie L'our~r a! lht' ,'\'a val Air SLa· f-;avy Lieutenant (Jun 1 u r Class \\'iltlam J. Rice. son of ,o\ve .. Costa r-.-lesa, is serving as n1ander Paul D. Breithaupt, Cah1·a)'. \\lestnllnster, ha s f.1r. and !'vlrs. John II, Brekke Ai·e., \Yeslnlinsler, has ar-!ion, l'en-,acola. Fla. grade ) Da1•ie 1\\. :\luminert. '.\Ir and r-.lrs. John A. Hice uf An executve officer with the son of r-.tr. tI. R. Breithaupt o! been decorated with I he of 1521 Caribbean \Vay , ri ved for duty al Olis AFl::I . His lrllining t'Onsisted o! husband of the forn1er 1'-liss 2525 Wesln1inste r St., Costa 14th armored cavalry regi· 753 Center St .. Cruita r-.fesa. 1\tentorious Service f\1edal at Laguna Beach, has been com· Sergeant \Vi!Jis, a ctata 11 er ody11am1l'S, enginee~ini: Lanelda A. Miller of 3047 "A" ~fesa . has returned lo his ment near Bad Hersfeld, participated in a Naval Torrejon AB, Spain . misioned a second lieutenant systems speeialis\, is assigned ;i nrl land and sea survival E. 60th. Place. Huntington /1omeporl of Long Beach. Germany, Reservist training cruise \VILh Captain Porter distinguished in the U.S. Air Force upon to a unit of the Aerospace tec!miques. Park. is now serving abcard l---'------=-------.;_ _____________ :_ _____ __;_ _____ _;: _________ _:__:_~_:__::_:_:::::.:....::_:::::._::::_::::::::::.__:_:c_:_:_ ______ _ the fast combat support ship USS Wichita Cit U:ing Beach. Navy h'iren1an Gary L. El· ter, son of r-.1r. and l\trs. Vernon Eller of 900 ArOOr St., Costa t-.tesa, particip:ited in recovery operations ror Apollo JS in the Pacific aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Okina\\'a. His ship \\'as Lhe pnn1ary recovery ship for Apollo's splashdo\vn 300 miles from Hawaii. l\larine J\1aJnr 0 o'n a I d P. Kl!oger, husband of th e fol'l'l- rr 1\-liss .Joan E. Rhodes of 3120 Roosevelt \Vay, Costa r-.tesa, participated in r ec o \'er Y operations for A(XJllO 15 in the Pacific aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Okina\\"J. His ship \\'as the. prin11'.~y recovery ship for Apollo's splashdo\vn ·Navy Ensign f\larl'in L. \Voolard. son of .~1r. and \lrs. Ralph E. \\loolard DI Jill Park St.. and ht1shand oI the former l\l"iss J\11thleen L. Lance of 219 Geneva St.. all of Hunti•gton Beach, is serving with Training Squadron Fi ve at the U.S. Naval Air Station Safety Field, Pensacola , Fla. ~iarine Cap1ain Alan J. Zygowicz. husband of l\lrs. Lois E. Zygowiz of 1605 Sher· ington Place.. New port Beach. has reported for duty at the ~tarine Corps Air Station. S:in- ta Ana . Airman Wiilia m fo.1. Hutlon . :son or t.1r. and r-.lrs. John \\'. Hutlon of 1821 P o r l \Ves!bourne Place. I\c\1'1XJr't Beach. has receved his fi ri;t U.S. Air Force duty a.'l.':Jgf1· ment afler con1p!eling bnsic training at Lackland AFB. Tex . The airm;in has bet'n assigned to a unit of the Air Un iversity al r-.lax"·ell 1\ FB. Ala .. for traini ng and duty as a data systems specialist. Army Private Ri rhard C. fl1Uler, son of l\1r. and !\Ir:-. Richard K. Mi 11 er 1639 Lee"'ard Lane. Ne 1\' port Beach, Calif.. recently coni- pleted the firsl phase of training under the rnodern volunteer arm~· field ex· periment al Ft. Ord . Ma rine Staff Sergeant Roger A. Randall III , husband of the former J\liss Donna J . Pederson of 8.122 Tv!er CirC'le, lluntington Beach. "was award· ed the Nal'y Uni! Con1· n1endalion t.1ed:il al I ti e ~ft.rine Co r p s Base, G;:imp Pendleton . Me served \\'ilh lhr Nin1h r-.1arine Regiment J fieinforc ed 1 of lhe Third l\1arine Division v:hen it \Vas cited for cxcep· fiQna\Jy meritorious and heroic liervice V•hile in Vietn;im _ Navy Petty Offic er Third Class Ste\'t L. Baden. husb;-1nd t>f the former J\.f1ss Hos~!ynn G. Kosche of 2700 Petrr'son Way, Costa f.1esa. has return· ed lo his homeport of Long Beach. alter a six month deployment to the \Vestern Pacific. His shi p served as Positive Identification Radar Ad visorv 7.one (PffiAZ l cont rol ship ii1 the Gulr of Tonkin and performed searC'h ;ind rescue missions in lhr Ta i w a n Strait s. f>.larint Captain Francis R. Wbltehouwt, husband of 1he forme r J\liss Evetvn ShHflett cf La Canada \\"ay, Cnsla fo.lesa, is serving at the ~·larinr Cor p s Ai r S ta ti on I Helicopter), New Rive. r . Jacksonville. N.C. Coast Guard S e a m a n Rttruit Brent A. fo.1nlford, son cf r-.tr11. Evelyn L. Ogilbee or 8262 Snowbird Drive, Hun· lington Beach. enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard for fou r years and ha11 been transferred to the C o a s t Guard Recruit T r a i n i n g Center. Alameda, Calif., for basic training. MuUord is a grnduate vf Newport HJgh SChooJ. Ne"·port Bc:1ch. Coast Guard Petty Officer Second Class l>11vid G , Hobtea, hu11band of the former Mia Lynn D. Sullivan of Ja88 San Btmardino Place. Costfl Mesa. has completed a nine:· week special C!lur~ as part rJf i n experin1ental gr o u p . "SARWET" iSea·A1r ftotllr}' \.'i'inC E\•acuation 'feainJ, bas· Carpet Your ENTIRE HO E LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, HALLWAY AND TWO BEDROOMS YOUR CHOICll •DU PONT NYLON •COMMERCIAL TWEEDS • HIRCULON COMPLETELY $ INSTALLED OVER LUXURIOUS FOAM PADDING IASID OM tO SQUA•l lAIDS '! .• :Mi\« rt .... oi%~:~~~~ ....... y~·,._ CUSTOM DRAPERIES rrof,~~·onoliy f!lodt cusiorn droptr1~· You r r.ho1~f ol iobrn .;, SPECIALS $3.50-$4.50 FABRICS ~11p~rb Vio'''~onsh10 s ) 79 ONLY ........................ YD . ·~·~,,····~~--·"'· ·-· ""'--· . , ~ , . 'r ' ;,;· ··"'·.-.._..-.. -.-.:...a-- .. \ '~ . • 1 ST QUA.Lin NAME IRA.ND CARPETS AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICIS •SELECT JROM THE LARGEST CARPET INVENTORY IN THE WIST •EVERY ROLL OP CARPIT IS MARKED & PRICID fOR YOUR CONVINIENCI .. ALL LAIOR UNCONDITIONALl Y GUARANTIED ·-1'l...-••ru:w:;;..~,:,.., .. my ~YA.•-~';)'..-.. HERCULON l OQ~ ... Herculon Olefin Pile. New n1irocle fibr.r. Sfoin ond wear res1st u111. Beo lJ!1ful decorator 299 colors. NOW SALE PRICED ......... so. YO. SAVE COMPARABLE RETAIL •••••••• $4.99 s2.oo . DUPONT NYLON 100 % Contlnuous Fila ment Nylon Pile. 299 Popular Twn·level Pattern Combine Beauty, Durability. Many Co lors To Chonse Fr om , •. YD. SAVI NOW SALE PRICED .... , •• , \1.00 COMPARABLE RETAIL ,.,., .•....... $4.99 '.',',''.,",',l VELV(T, lASY !02!NSTAL9l c a· Pr!e of lOO~o fncrori..Polyester. Deep, Thie~. 9" , lu:t.1.Jr•::>us Carpet. Op11111urn Pedorrnonre •]("JO•. No•lo 1 f ~ SAVf long Weor. fosy (ore , Res1l1enl. Mony lol SQ YO •6 0~~om1 or\.oor' .S9c ors To Choose from sAv1' • } NOW SALE PRICED.................... S6.00 NOW SALi PRICID... EA. o;;, "i ·~"'. -.-J• ~C ~MPARA : RE:IL ... ~·~·-.:.::: .$1 S,99 [HEW] KODEL TRI-COLOR SHAG ~\Ir DUPONT NYLON TRI-COLOR CLLANESE' ~RmEL TRI -COLOR SHAG 100'}'. Kod el Polytster Pile-Rich, Deep. Luxuriously Thick Pile. M.ony New Hi· style Decorator Three-Color Shag To Selec t From. Res ist Dirt And Soil Sroins 99 SQ.YD. SAVE 13.00 SHAG 99 100% OuPonl Nylon Prle. Deep, Rich Durable Shog. Beo utiful New Thret Color Designs. SQ.TO. SAVE 13.00 NOW SALi PRICED .......... ,. NOW SALi PRICED ......... . II-If llSl~O N .. Mf JN fl&l-~ l OOo/o Fortrel Polyes!er. lush, Deep Long Wearing And Hard To Soil. Stays Beautiful With A Minimum Of Care. Very Resilient. Beai.Jliful Decoro!or Three-Color Shag. NOW SALi P!llCED ........... .. COMPARABLE RETAIL..$8.99 99 SQ.YD. SAVE SJ.DO COMPARAILI RETAIL ........ , ..... $1.99 COMPARAILI RETAIL .. , ........... $6.99 o;:=:~·=:;;:;~,i~~====~-~-u.;;;;;=:;:;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;i..,;;;;;ii;;;;;:i\;:i'i'~"iii ::::!,~-!!ii!""'!!-~·::::::;-::'.:!!!i!i:·::::: .. :c:!~!i::·'""~-:::!i!i!!~""'~·~···::i!!i·:·::~~;;;::;;.!::~~;;;o::::::;~if':C ~V{jj PATTERN POLYESTER DUPOnT" Fabulous ! Frizz-Free Shag Carpel wil h lhe shi.mmering appearance of handmade Indi a • 1 00~~ AVLIN'!P Polyester Pde. Extra heovy, thick NOW 99 ootterned design. Rugged, durable and ea sy fo moin·1' • sta~llOft Broadloom ... 9 9 Rope-like pile yarns of 6,000 Der,ier ~!oy· Your Choice NOW toin. mode with NEW conlin!Xlus filomenf AVLlN~ SALE polyester PRICED ....... ;, • , ....... cc ... 'SQ, YD. SAVE ·$3.00 ·lof1 nylon by DuPont -speci. 'ly devel· of 12 Multi·Hued SALE ooed fo r crisp. cJeon, permanen l :1.hog T eeds PRICED tc~!ures. w .•• SQ. YO. SAVE $4.00 COMPAAAIU RITAIL ,.., ", ......... , ........ , ........... ,. ,. .... $1.99 COMPAAABU RETAIL ••• ,, .. ,,,, .. ,,. ........ ,,.,.,.,.,,,,,,.,,$11.99 WEST LOS ANGELES 11u1 w11.~;,. 11.4. 477.5525 So11 Diego frtf'tll'OY to w~.iw, ll.ll'n off. 6 blocks Wnf on Wii- si!ire. CANOGA PAIK 21031 SIM,_o Woy 347·2334 Vrri1uni l rw.ry to (Ofl09D A.,., _ NMP\ to Shermon w111 thtn riv"'· - • ll·IO·H DAIS NO INIUUI • CONVlNl(NJ CREDIT PUNS IND HNI TUMS AVllLllLE • till fOR FR££ SHOP·Al·. HOME SIRllCI • VISIT OUR CUSIOM DRAPCRY OCPT. WEST COVINA ANAHEIM 252• (. Werk"'•" Awt. 9H-4471 Soil ..,,,..._ ,....,, te Crtn11 St, 1 lllk•••. onCi1rva f'O Worll· ..... . NORTH HOLLYWOOD 7007 L.•rtl <••Y•• lr.4.-912-2200 Hollywood fr~y to Shtr!i'ion Wrrf. foll to.Let\ll'tl Ctnron Jlwocl Mt II. hc114 St. US.7674 2 block1 North of Santo Ano ,,.._ 1iMIV on fuclid AM:iu from Col1f, .... HOlLYWOOD 111 S N. VtrM011t A••· 6 ... 74SS 1 W.CU Mor1tl of IWT«IOd II~."" VtnnOl'lt. PASADENA 2660 (, Colora4o llv4. 577·1900 r Colorado Blvd. ot Son Gabritt Blvd. MONTEBELLO 711 W ... lttltr Itri. 7JM117 TORRANCE 4136 Artoslo llv4, S4?·HH 1 81oc.k Eo•I cf Hi:rwthornt Blvd. Ol'I Artt11G. VENTURA 2501 I. Maio St, 641.5041 3 block, Wt1I cf '""' f'olftts on Mo .. LONG BEACH 3001 lollllowor lld. 421-1934 Sot1 D.tcJo f""""°" to 8fllf'-r Blvd. Turn off Nortlt Ol'I &tlllk:lwtr • COSTA MESA 1714 Newport ll•tf. 645·3020 HfWPl)1 tlvd. ol 11th SI, OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS SAN FRANCISCO MILLBRAE { ' l 1 PJLQT -AOVlA 1 l'.:IE R: s DAILY PILOf 29 Fall Ex t e n sion Class Schedule Listed for UC Irvine' P.-lllDAV. StoltmMr 11 .. Un•moloymfn1 In Or•nOO Coiml~ s,, ..... LO<•I ... oP•OtthO\ •no ... c •• ,, .... ..i Econum"" 1 cenlor•..c• '"°"'0''~ bY uct E•""''"" 1n cao<>••~hon wit~ numerou• tu1n<on •"" oroenu~tloni In tddltion to lo<•I ,. • .,..,. •ot•ktn lnchtdt Howord l<elim•n. P r•,.Cff\I, C•ntor !or Gov••nrr><'nl 1I ~t\jdl•" W•>hlnoton, D C 1r>11 (',eorot !lnMlt E•P<\jllY<' Dort<!OI, P<oo•<I MAP {M&nPOWt r ,.n111 1nc• !' r DO r I m 1. W1>MnOIDft 0 (, 1 00 ~)II D"l, Scion~• Lt Cl'1•t H1ll, UC l•YI,.. (I m· ""'· ,.dmlnlon F • •• IU .. D,t.Y, \i!'Tf.M!f.ft 1' '"Th• B•o•nn"'~' O•••!oam•nl o• ~••otl,ck h om Tn• ,.,.,,," f'1•<• end En'li"' Yo~n•v.11• l,.d•hon,'" l o<lu,. ~nd Fiim•, P•ul ~''"'" Ph 0 . oul•· •~n• orn,.••a• ~· E11u1 ,.n. en~""'"" Coll•o•. Fi••t o• • U( lr.•n• E~trns,<ln l•c!ur• url••• • (•n•mo ~loo•••<"·"' I - 10 o.m , Sr>t n<• t rc•u•• •HU. IJC Irvin• <•mDu• I •• non·C rl'dll. 10.00, crodll. UO 00, no "11olt•. MO .. DA Y, S101emn1r , • .. Wo•~•~oP in Non F•"'""' Moo01on"-•nd F•olu,. Arlkl• Wrl!lno." ,t.rMI~ Hano. B.,t.. wrl!or r;,., ol Ill moetlno•. J • 10 om., R•n ?66. Hum•nlll•• H•I' UC lrv•n• c•mPu• Feo: 1!!.00. Ccrodlt Of audll). no 1!nt l••· MONDAY, \lpttmMr 1t .. IC in<loro•r••n P•oor1m• 1nd Pr•t ,,~•"" Sernice "'""""· M.,., lt f<ner. ltlW•I\ Joont ~cnocl O"l•lcl F onl o! 1? meet\n9•. 1·U -6.•l P.r<>, Rm n. Su•n• P ••~ """ Scnoc! Fet. 1!1 OC. (cr..,11 o< 1\l'dll ), no •ln1lo1. lUl!50AY, Slpt1m•or 11 '"l•rouon 1"• th••••• LllQkln9·GI•" '"'"""" in 5•<'"1• •• Ro!lec•..a f>Y \'/omen !n ll•trthue." Non<• Jo Hov. ""A dG<IO•l l t •ndoGl •e. O•oorlm•nl "' 11.om•n<• Lonou•H•, New Vor\ IJn•v••l•lv f It" of \l m•rhno• I lCt IO o.m Rm 1)6. Hum•n•rit1 .,1!1. \JC l•v<n• '""""" r ••: \Ill Oil. lcr•d•! '" oud•l!. no ''""'" '"Undt t>l•n0•"9 lht F t m ~I • r""""'"'Y·'" L•nn 01•n, M " 1ee<:~•• 1t>t•rcno•. For>I of 1l m ••Tona•. J t .d p m.. Rm )II , Humon<tl11 HAii, UC lr.'lnt c1mou• r.o• ~50 "o. 1cc!'d•t "' •ud;t1, roe lloVIH lUl:SO.t.Y. \oo!lmbtr l1 •·;1ruclvr•I 1 ~1-.gral lon !R~l!ln~\"" T~~.,,~, ~ M••~n. 0 C, l~or•o••I Fl"' o1 • UC lr•1n• Ex••n1len lt<l'-"t .• Me11 in Ser vice Navy Petty Officer Firs! Cl;iss Vtrnon \Ii'. Jackso11 Jr., hushand of the former Miss J'\ancy L. !loops of llilii2 Cooper LAne, H u n t i n g l o n Beach, wa s narned PeH.v Of· ficer of the Quarter ahoard the light guided m is s [I e cruiser USS Oklahoma Ci ty. hnmepor\ed in Y o k o s u k a , Japan. He 1vas cited for high ,. a I u e s . p r o f e s s t n n R I performance. lc;idership and devolion to dut.1. r>.';ivy fireman Greg ~I . Otarinl[. son nf t-.·\r. and t\1rs r-.terle (; De:i ring of 2144\2 Pacifi c t'oa.~t llii,:hv.·a~·. Hun- r1ngton P.P:l4'h. v.·;is gr;iciuattn from E\erlnr1an·s r-.1 a I t Schoo!. Ser1·1rr SC'hool Com- 1n<1nd. N;:n al Tran1ng Center. San D1ego . :'\l\\"V l'ca!ll:ll\ J'au l !). 1)berh~lt1,er, son nf ~Ir Robert H Oberhnlt7rr of 4!\.1 Thin1 J!r·adu111ffi Frn1n re c r u i 1 training al 1hr :\111·al Training Center , San J)1cgn Alrm;in To n1my S. '\'alling, ~nn nf l\1r. and r...1rs. Arl.hur L. \r;1ll1ng of li2.12 Apel Lane. llun11ngton Reach, ha s com- pleted basic trnining a I Lack.land AFR, Tex. He has been assignf'd lo Chanute Al''B, Ill.. for training in aircraft man!"P"n<:e. Airman Walling attended Huntington Beach High School. Slel·rn L. Smith , son of ~lr . ::ind Mrs. Lowell H. Sm ith nf 520 Begonia Av-e., Corona de! Mar, has been commissioned a SN'ond Lit:utenan\ in the U.S Air Force: upon graduation from Officer TraininR School {0TSJ at Lackland AFB, Te x. Lieutenant Smith, selected for OTS through competilivt: examln111ion. Is being assign~ lo L.aui(hlin AF'B, Te:x., for pilot training. ANIMAlogic ( =~' ·;-..~ <....:..----' 0 • '\ , . . :'.\ !l(r .. ;,,,~:.:...J' ( e • I ,,_ ~ ,, \ ,.., .. - \ 00 10 OI. Sil( 9 1bs.l loI. r~-. "ALL" ·~·I CRO WN ZEE . 14 OI . A£1tOSOL BIG ROLL ...,_ ''HOT'' -~-Jergen's "Arr id" ScotTowels 1~.£E£ Lunch Bags ,,__,,._, Cocoa Mix -DET!RG!NT LOTION EXTR A DR Y With Bleich, Bor1x PACKAGE OF 50 -Sa" DEODORANT Ju st add hat Willer. WITH DISPINSIR ilnd Brightene rs. ' now !or Bo1 ck ·ID·Schaol. A lfilim Place To Shop!. "Max" MINI HA IR DRYER :a. 12.88 3-Ring Binder S 01, EXf RA LARGE:._: r Gleem II. TOOTHPASTE /.-.::::...._; ~~~ "HOT PANTS" Panty Hose PAIHCf SS Cll.l.RMfE H Ai;olablt in s11es: ~·to~·~ ... A!(.99t 77c Dr. West's TOOTHBRUSHES .e File Box M£T.l.l -for hlinl Jx) ino~i (i'd~. Choose hom m st grPe• 11r grfY rolort;, Binder with w· RIMcs ... .,, 4il .OD ORAL HYGIENE APP LIAN CE Model • 31 . .. 1t !S lj·lli 1•·--· • ~ Hair Care Aids .. by m Breeze Bonnet NylOll l1slmet wrtb 1al1eta Rltibtln T1•~ In a1sorted · Colors. ( 11 7971) ,,..,,,J'J Brush Rollers Pack 11 I 3mootlL 11eJible brushes that won't scr~tch or snag your hair. i ... b. Bobby Pins -Al1 ·Purpo~tettra- 1Gng p•ns Illa! 11e ideal !01 hOldl~I rolltrs or lllirpiect s rntact. I ~t;: 19c ~~ Barrettes .t..ssarted Styles and Cclors In dilferent qulllllities per ctrd. Rt1 . 49c 8V2"xl 4" LIGAL SIZE Folio w1TH PAD ··------ 3-RING ... l'(ll~~um·11·r 'Ill[~ 49 ~ ~·a~i.tul a '.nftm•~t of C BAC~ 10 SCHOOt colors to choo~e from. f ,~,P~ h~ld ~flOt~ In ~~cnnd;. C~m•1 1n IOU! cnlor ~~adr;. 1 01. A[ ROSOL 3 • 95 Softique BATH Oil BEIOS .•• "T n· " T s LA••"· u 1c op C™iirenf 10~·· n111,••1er or nylon ST R [ 1 CH 1~os in n~11 l~il n,ir,r\ .•• snl1d1 an~ ~h1pes. lon~ il•~v•, t,•ll ~d ~tYI'} Yril h lurt1•, mm• 1ur11•, v~"·" and J.J collM•. Small, ;:::i''':!:;;;:~::::i<;!;i:c::;;:;;;;~'i!l!!:::::!::::ll!l:l~::;:;i!!!i:;;;i:!Ii,;,,. :: r c:::::::::=t C lliJLEliE BOUND '' "Love Affair" DOUCHE L::b&@@d:JtfiJU j'.i JEA N PIER•E .. _ '11. I 11. SACHE1S 2cc A T ~,Ii ..r4V,NGS ,I '""' '"' 1 '""'1 01 98c 1 59 1 79 6'i U your f~m1n1n11y. • • 11, ~! .. Med u'l'I, Laign • .1e~. 111. 2.!I 2 TOPS FOR . Zippered Luggage !.! 5.00 Pant Sets ll" l ti!tlSt Mlf.ll Footlocker DRUG STORES A [HiIJlil Place To Shop! NIWPO IT llACH Woo4 labl,, '"mP•!l~ w1lh 1WO SOO~Q~ rov~r,d Oilldl•~ o•ng PO~l ~~II •~d n•1 Plj/ 1.3111! \enn;~ 1n ~m•ll at~~-U ltll Irvin• •v1,, ""'"''"" 1'1111 IVORY 11•t1• ''"" 5r JOY 11111111 ···'"'' 5r CASCADE ... n ... Ii!' 22.88 HUNTINGTON l lACH "••m1 • ...... ~wru HUNTIN GTON l lACH ,,,, ...... , .. ,..,..,, ~! "O•usizef' ... J Ply fr am~. N•ln" ~''' r•pa1r1M~ 11pp~r H wit~ ~ck. He•vy duly ~1n1I ! i r"•tnng, Blue, 1rttn, b~n~ tolors, ,,. S1ltc111 9.88 Cjrto~ ~I r1r•f - 1601.no 1•tu1~~~rJ 'I ... , .. 1.19 "L F " es emmes rnwnmEs JEAN PIEIA[ •. , Pa tk ti 10 -1 39 P~pul~r an~ 1opo~lm1 k~grances tor 1o~ay"s Yrorlll'n. • IMULTDN "Blue Jeans " Sp!~·h i!. srnon!h it, pull 11 on ..• Yt111r skin '!llill 11ngle e•~1yt1me you put it on. You'll 1ust lo~e 11, 1n4 so will~!. ', .. • '1z. Ctl11-t • • ":" • 2 1r. Pul~mt • 41r. Pow~tr •lO!.Milt 3 50 YOUA CNOIC£ • Silksticks l lYL ON ~Aquamarine " ,i ,I MOIStUll lOllON ... i ,, j /or n~"~\ 3nd M~J. !3J l.JOVoln 1 50 11 11. • I A. HlllNA RUl lNSf llN "Le Lipgloss" RIY LON Externa "27 " S!IN C!IAM u l 11. 30 DAILY PILOT W~dntsd~Y. Au9ust 25 JQ71 ------ :.Jl .·D·~ILY LOG 'Rap on Race' Heady Dialogue at Forum •. ..u -O (;ll!)(!)Th• .. ,.: ... ,~ • BAL-BO~! Wednesday ··Ar.ot~er D1), Anothtr 00111(' Chad 6 73-4048 le1ms !htrt Is senou~ trooblt 1w1•!· OPEN Evening ln11 him •I homt .. i.en 1 n1urd~1er 1 6•45 ~. oner 1 11ts1e~ Is out ot p11son. 709 t'. lalb•• AUGUST 25 I Henry Jones guesu. B•llt<M Prnin1ul• •:oo II lit """ Jrrry Oun11h1 m D1~id f1osl Show Gur1h ue .L:..:c.:...:...c.:....:.:::.::.:_:=~ ' ffi NtW1 Bill Huddy 01r! tipt1: Or. Irwin S1>llm1n, col· O KN&C Nl'll't Tom Snyder umno}! H~1rirt \11n Horne, comte 0 Thi fuf itiwt Billy B1i1r r. 1ct•rss [~1 Gabor ~nd @ Wiid, Wild W•st !Cto1 Jae~ />111ntr. 0 Six O'Clock Mowlt : (C) (90) m Or11nrl "ltac:ll llll•ktl lin10H (comedy)·&• Erl 8oboquN1ri "llris Kri~tol!trson" -Fr1nk1t A~tlon, Anntt1t run1cello Don Roc~les, Debo11~ W~ltey m Jht flintsto11t1 Q) Stir Trrk ED '•llrry ol Clliklfe~ Mrs. [dw11d M, krnnrdy na rrates 1~·s loo~ 1t 35 al lhe most 1ppe1lm11 diildr~n·s POI· tr1il1 i" W1shiniJon, O.C.'s ~1t1on1I Gall el"J' or Art. II)Natkirio U m Dr1lh Y1lle1 Dip CD Nrwn Jim HJ,..thorn e 9:00 f) (}] Mtdiul Ctnttr (I!) Brenda Scott pl•)'! 1 studtn1 nur~• who fea rs !tiling hu dottoi l1anc1 that she his syph11>s. 0 Tonight Buddy Greco * joins in the fun on The Des O'Connor Sho w Q 1QJ m Dr.5 O'ConnM Show 811ddy Greco. Jack Do11glas and Joe BaO.~r gue~t l:lO ([) CIS NtW1 0 (3) [6] G) Love on 1 Roottop (R) "S101~ on a Root1op"' Juhe"s lather jumps 1o 1 contlusion when she calls her mother to ask what 1 cravint tor oranies. skins and all, could me11n. I @ The Bie V1lltJ OJ) NBC Ntwt m Thf Flyln1 Nun @l) Hod11tP<ldft lode• C!l IHHr1 Report Jack Latham C!l Los Afi(lon.dos en 11 Comunld1d CD ABC News 7:00 EJ CBS Neon Walltr Cron~otf (J) Ate Nn 1 SmitM. Reasoner Q m NBC News D~vid Biinklef 0 W"IOt Screun The11fe: (90) "Ot1d M1n'1 Ey11H (horror) '44~ Lon Chaney Jr., Jt!n />11~er. I]) Truth OI" Conseq11ence1 fJ Wll1t'1 MJ Line? ®] MoYlt: '1k Low 101 Johnn(' (dr1m1) '61-Peler finch, Marr Peach. ED firin11: line "What Has Happened to the American Spiri t?" I CID Rous para Yt1onil:1 9:30 0 @ [!)CD NC A A Pre-Season Speci1I "N<"l!1t Dame and Te~a~: Tht W1stibonr lnc1dent" Burt Reyn· nlds. 1orm~1 florid1 Slate football player, hosts p•ogram includ•ng pre· I 11am1 excilemen1 •nd preparation1' made by T t~as and Notre Dame prior to their clash Jn Hie Colt on Bowl in Dallas. T'1as, on Januari I. 1971 , when !he figlitln2 ll ish ended !lie Longhorns' JO.game win. nin g strea~. 74-11. 0 81~te1 W11d Ntw1 m La Crut de :.!1riu Crucr1 ' I ' ~-I By TQ,\1 BARLEY Ot I~• O•lly ~llot Sl•U It 's just a year ago thil'! we('k that t.l;:ick au thor James B<1ldw111 and an thropologist r}l(ranrdi nary ~1[1rgaret h1ead Sil l dow n 1n th('ir <l!'lll('hairs Jur a rap 011 rat'·e anrl society. That t·hat ended eight hours later with the co111pletio11 or wh;_d 11r ha1•e alwavs been lrd t11 hrl1c·1e is one ,;f the rnns t s1gn1fl(·a11t Cl 11 d S!H'!'essful 111Rneuvcrs in con11nun1c;1!iun ht !w('i'n proponen1:-; 11 f rhe rwo r:i('rs. Or. for that rn<ilter. hc·r11·1·en proponents of any r; 1rr~~ Al l1·a~t lh;:it n1:irath11n r[lr hPeanie ;:i widelv q u •l t e d d1~scr1 <1tion and 1! Jed to the pub!ira!inn of a tr[l nseript !hat hi!~ been •lilt' of the 1nnst w1clr· \y re:1 ! d11r·11111Pnl:; of il~ kir1d ;11 1d !he eventL1al puhlirat10n nf ii book v.'hich is. nh\'iouslv, a con1lensat1on of the Bald"·i n- !\le;ir! dial11gut' A new condensa1inn is on !hr stage nr the Mark Taoer Fon1n1 in !hf' fnrn1 of "A !lap <111 llar·r" a nd it fu lly supports in the fir.~! h;ilf of ils del ivery LOS AN GELES .New.Style 1 HOME I SHOW I KOW thru SUKOA~ m I Low LllCJ 6)@ Dr11net ED Komewood in the HEW AIR-CONDITIONED '10:00 6 00 lhw1ii five-0 !R) McGarrelt -ALSO IN COLOR -LOS ANGELE S CONVENTION· at1emp ts lo buy 1 pair o! prinlmi: ([! An1tllto1 Ne1ro1 m Movie G11111 7:30 S Mt" 11 Uw (R) Hansen 1nd McNeil defend 1 youn1 college m1li· lent accused ol 1 !lohceman's deat h_ 0 m Mtn Fro• Slliloh (II) '1 he Animal" Rudy Ramos 1111es!s IS a de1f·m11tt Indian boy who Is 1es- cued by T1t1 f1om 1 pos1e seekin11 him lor an 11l~ed homicide. 0 @@ CD tourtihip al Eddie'' F1thtr (R) ''Ghet10 Girl" An 11nder· privileged 1irl w1lh emo1io111I prob· lems is 1ivtn 1 chance lo wor~ tor Tom Corbett's ma1~11ne 1nd drs· rupts th1 operation, Am1nd1 Lynne ruests. (ll Mi~e Oour111 Sptcltl Jick L Leon11d, Dorothy L1mour, Ken Berl}', p1a1es tor $2 million lrom a Naval PETER CUSH ING EXHIBITION CENTER 1n1e111grnce agent who tias ~101rn ''The Ho use That __ .---~~_.:..,. ·-. ltiem. Condusoon. ~· ~ ,..1 O :@ WFour-in·One: Sin rr1n· Dripped Blood'' -~~~-\.. ~~.....,._,, dsco lntem1tion1I Ai111ort (R} "TheL ___________ _JI -~--;c~"?""' H•gh Cost .of Ni1htmare s" Ai1port liii::i~i~11~;=~~~--~~~iiiii;-'~•1ii°'i·i~~~~ii~,, rna n111er tries to loca le 1 n~rco1ics _ ~hipment linked lo 1 murder, f>J . bert Salmi i:uests. 0 Newt Kevin Sande11 O MoYie: (21/,hr) "Heltn Mor11111 Story" (dr1m1) '57 -Ann Blyth, I Paul Nrwman. m New1 Putnam, Fishman ID M1n\11p fa!hion c11t1c Hans ! gon guests. ff) Evenin11 11 Pops (R) Wilham r. 811cJ.)ey JJ. gue1Ts. Cont. Daily from 2 p.m. Adm. $1 .50 for Adults & Jrs. -75c Children Both Pictures GP Or. Chu i es Schroeder ind Nancy 10:30 0 R1m1 .f.(tion Austin 111 !11tured, 0 (1)@ Cl) Nrt Actio" fJ Million S Movit: (Cj (21f) ''Yo11r @ News -Bill Johns Monty tr Your life~ (comedy) '66- Fernandtl, Htrnz Ruhmann. m Trutt. lit' Cotrsrqut/ICtS Q) II T1Mt 1 Thiel IE [n,.11([1 dt LOCGS l:OOO (})OO CDR 01m 22Z (R) "Dre1ms ol Glory" Pete Doion Sui l"ts k!tJte lo develo p.eonfidence in 1 smaller studenl, w•!h unex· peeled resu lts. World karat e champ· ion Chuc~ Norris 11uests as himse ll. m DRUG ABUSE CAUSES? * TEENS AND PARENTS LOOK AT DIVORCE. m Alttm1tiw1 ''Oi~orce--P1rt I/'' fD The Fr1nch Chet @I) L11ch1 Lib1t C!IJ11h11 l :JO S To ltoJH With LIM (R) Moke 1nd his"'"' Japane se ne•Rhbor (Teru ~El Diario di UIMI Stnori l• o .. unt• 11:00 u oo rn /lfeW1 0 t1m m Nawt S~imada) feet t~t sam~ problem 12:•$ 0 Tht Gallery the theory tllal these two ex· pe.rls in their own fields did a great deal in their hours together lo quell a few fears and lay a persistent bogey or IWO. ll°s Vt'ry e a sy to see as Sarah Cunn ingham a n d Roscoe Lee Browne wa rm up lo their 8aldw1n·Mead roles tha t the pre-interrnission por- tion of lhe Center Theater Croup produttion ls primarilv drawn from !he firs t hours of that eight-hour C'hat. Baldwin is brltcr but he con- trols his caustic comments to a mlnimum and even ma nages lo cont ribute a shiide of humor to a conversation that ne ver la cks the w<i rn1th and un· d ers ta n d i n g that the resourceful f\fiss to.fear! pumps in!n it ;:it every opµor tuni!y. "Y.'hite people, I supposr. created histo ry Thfy also made sure that the_v wrote the bla ('k pe(lple out of it That's what black people resent most of all. "\\'e're !old mnre often than anything else tha t if we'd only wash ourseh•es and clean ourselves up a bit and get a move on and work a litt le harder then we rnight all be like 1-larrv Belafonte." Pure Baldw in. of rourse. straight fro1n the likes of ··rhe Fire Nex t Time" but beauti fu lly countered b.v a Mead ph ilosop hy that refu ses to recognize the nt'gativt' structurt' of muc h t h a t Baldw in has lo CQnlribute. "Ah yt's, but we're just on the edge of doi ng what we should do. You agree ? Good ' F'rt'edom i!t a real pogsibi!ity for us all. Feeding the hungrv is a real possibility now and if we can do thi s surely we t'a n re solve our racial diffe rences s<IOn " Back patting? Not at all f\1iss f'..lead p ur s ues throughout this marathon rap her bt>lit'f that it the bulk of racial strife ii: not behind us then we have todav t he wherew itha l to ensure ·that it need never again erupt Into fury and violence. She gets Baldwin's Rrudging concession on this theme time after time un til what this crilic re,gards as the 1n- e v i t a b t t' -i n Baldwin's case-happens. It happens in the second act. well into the late hours of the Mead.Baldwin exchange. and it represents. to this critic, Raldwin"s capit ulation lo the force:;; that have never reall v per mitted him t. n com . n1llnicate for any leng1 h of tinie and wh ich must ha ve. appearii nces t() the contrary. have alicnatt'd him from his companion at the close of their conversation . "All I recognize is the fa ct tha t the man who fl iei; the THE AMEll.ICAJll lEGIOJll ,LAYERS !'••I ttll .... ~. "THE HOUSE ON THE CL!FF" A Mvoter~ Comt<lv AUGUST l6, 21. 21 SEPTEM8Elt l , l , 4 Cu ru ln l :n •·"'· Oon•lion i t-oo Opening lomorrow nile .•• LES B8DWNAN0ms whan their ~1u1htt1s 1r1 mlluenced by each others cultu•e •nd feel 1t· l :OO EJ Movie: (C) "Tht Out'•~I" (d11 3tricttd by their cwn. ma) '53-John Derek, Jim Davi~. O Steve Allen Silo• Gue1ls are Pll Buttram. Tht .. "e1end1p1ly S1ni I t r1 1n~ Jayne Meadowi;, m All·NIEht Sho": ".Kin Tomorro"' GoodbJt," ''The lnc~tdlble Pe trified World~ ,od ''lr•tk !ht Man Down.". THE DOUBlE ADVENTURE EXPlOSION DOES OFF TODAY! Thursday DAYTIME MOVI ES 1:00 m "J Ailll It the $1111" (dr1m1) "W--Curt Ju rgen~. V1ttori1 Shaw G11 Scala t :JO O (CJ "Jolln"J Utrt" (drama) '!>41 -T~ny Curti~. Piper Lauue, Don l1y\Of. I O "ll Ru• M.deltinr'' (myste rv) v '4&--!am•1 Cainey, An~abella , Rich 1rd Con1e. ID:DO (Il "'Sq111r1 Jun(ltH (d11m1) '5&-- Tony Curti1. Pat Crowlt~, -~-1 t;OO m #Gu•dalt1n1l Ot11J'" (~1 am1\ ·43 -William Ben~•l , Llpy~ N\llan 2:00 0 '1ht 40tor 2t R1rt Stary" (biog raphy) "61-~~I Dan1on, J11he Lon · don . .J.iyne Man~!1eld. l :OO 8 ''lht Co~ntrrtelt Tr1itor" Con· t!usoon \ldvfoluie) "62 -W•lham ~iolden. l<ll1 Palmro . I flO) (C) ''lht Sundowner1~ Pill I , (dr~m~) '60--Rob rrl Mitc hum. Oe~. I or~h Kerr , I , 4:l0 O "Mae111~ ladven!rne) '~Z-W•l· 1 l11m Brnd•x, Rohert M1t~hurn, Jant Russell, w Slmt II JO AM li~tinr iD:JO 0 "Liit lfli" fro111 Mtd rldH (1111 5:00 0 "A Child 11 W1it1n~" (rl11m1) rnt) '31 -Dorothy l u11001, Le•j "63-Burt L1nc1ste1. Gtna Ro,.. , ""°'''-!ands, Judy G11l1nd. Steven H1H. / I See by Today's Want Ads • Tlt1:' 1:-: ~;ou11 rn1t C1\HTl:'<l; 1H~; h'.ll>S J:-,. ,\ l'.llJ.i \'\\ Hu ~. il's 111 J.:Ol>d 1•u1111u11; n:irnJ111on, r~f'11"''1:1il~ lhr 11rr~. t-r11k- <'1; 1u1d ..iut ~h. Look H up 111 tli(' \\on\ ,\rl!i. e DO Y(IU \\'i\;o..T Ttl l\.'\O\\' J< X A I' T /, Y \Vll f;I(~; \'()U ~TA.'\11"'?'.' 1'hrrl' err l..irt1d~·~1r D11111t• lr~t1l('>:., i;r •!1an1r1,,r, :!\:l rr(ho.'fl(~I. 1h111 h{l\'I' n1Plal ,,1t\t1<'1·1r11s ,'Ii l•1l1~. \1111 1r;ul1> for 11l 111ns1 11nvi1H11\! • \l'llY NOT Slli\HE \·nrit Jlf)\I ~; II I 1'11 _,\ 1)~1'1 1ni! rur11v 111 .• 1 ~"I t H,.111 \\ t'f'k .... (11r! I• 1'1111 ltrl" Ttwy 11r~ fi AT THEATRES AND DRl\(E-INS ALL OVER TOWNI THREE FAST GUNS AGAINST ONE OETERMINEO MANJ . _, '· GREBDRY PECK •. HAL WAWB ~· SHQQT DUT ,• Ameri can flag is going to kill you. He is not my f<'llnw American , he is my en en1y , And so 1s every policen1n11 n1y enrmy and my tormenlor " ··No w wha t rhyn1e or rfason is there in that?", ~11ss Mearl asks "Ho1v cari 11·1, possibly bu il d hn dges w11h CO-HIT AT ALL THEATRES "THX 1138" thal ki nd of a n 1tude~·· "I an1 not here. I never \11il l be here. Our only answer is l\'I hlow it all up."' n1u mblt'3 H;i!dw 1n 1n 1vh;it can un!y ~ d!'scribed as a depressing and be11'ildc ring enrl 10 a ra!k that hrirl such immense pnssibil· u1es, PINHISION"· llCHNIGOLOr I RO~ WARNiR BROS. A KINllfY l[ISURE SERVICE PACIFIC'S FOUNTAIN VALLEY, LA HABRA & ORANGE # 2 DRIVE-INS. 1WALK-INS 1: TITAN, FULLERTON . FOX, ANAHEIM· HARBOR # 1, COSTA MESA. "BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH" IGJ The hunt for the Great Whrte Shark 6 TH """'' "llGHT AT THE EDGE WEEK ! Of THE WOltlD" Evidence of greatness. "'''"'N' r• •v fl!,/ A HP1,11'rl l';drr>1ner Superb ... A feast for the eyes. Best film of this year.-' ·';''.'.";,~;; ~ -'"-''""''"" Brilliant. -! T l1.e story of a gR1-i-il-:ol1ng n-ia11. >1l"1Cl n l1 t1eL~l1-ig: w omtln, •fl~•Vf IN lQHIJO Wm liolO'" io''TMl WllP I UN(M" R. "ONE OF THE BEST TIMES I VE HAD AT THE MOVIES THIS YEAR!" Dustin Hufr11aan "Who is Harry ellcrrnan and why is he saying those terril:ile things about me?" -GeneShalit , look Magazine CO-HIT · JOHN WAYN E IN "BIG JAKE" I l I Theater Notes Musical Marks Players' Decade 8)' TOr.1 TITUS Of l~t D•I!~ l'lla! !il1ff It 'll be 11 full 10 years for the \\"1stminslt>r C o m 1n u n I t y Theater Friday night , and they·re marking !heir an- n1ver!ary the samr. wav thev st11rted out -with a niusic8J comed.v. It ""R!I "Ok!ahnrna ."" the ou1growrh of a PTA 1·ariet v sho~·. Iha! brought th (. \\'eslminster Plaver~. as th1y called lhemsf't1·es !hen, 1nto ridi:;tence 111 Aui.:11s1 nf J<l~l . Frida y \Vpstn11nslrr lflunch es its secont1 rlrrarle 11 t!h the popu11tr med1eva; -~ r .1• I e musical "Once L1pon a ~lat· lrtSll .. The npen1nR of "~111t1rell11" a ~per .al henef i t ptrformanre for thf: Albert Silton Children's Gulld -w\11 offic!Blly kick nfr the 1!171-72 season in community lhrater. Veteri1n actor-director Fred \\'est i11 staa:ini the prt>ducllon. assisted by Phyl!ls Cyr a.'! chorroj:lrapher and De Lores Ph illipp ;is choral direrlor. I-leading the cast in the rote marlr famous bv Carol Rurne!t, th at of Princess \\"inifred !he \Vnf'hgone, will be Rita L1edags. Bill Cullen, An a\\'ard winner w i t h \\ esrminsler for the past lwo sea.•nns, will portra.\' her shy swa in. Prince Oauntle.~~ the Drab. y,·hile Doris Allen pla ys fhr heav\ -handerl rulrr Queen Aggravain. l'l~IL'f PILOT Slo!I Pholt Irvine's Leaders ElecterJ The lr111ne C' n nt m u n i t y Theater ha.s announced the el~'t ion of Its hc)ard of direc- tors 11nd officers of the the11tcr gro11p for the 1971 ·72 se1111nn. Ounµris inJi !hr boilrd of cl ire<'1nrs are Honald Ar- rinl!,t nn and Hobert Baghy, hoth attorneys with the firrn of Aut11n <1nd Tutkcr; Rudy B11ron, a CPA with t.ioss· Adant~ or Ra lhoa Island : Allen l">eminp:. eJfecuti 11e d1rri:tnr of the Orange County i\1ll'lll~C'· n1en! Cn11nr1l; Paul llc1ve. \"it e prcs1rlrnt nf F 1 r ! I \\'e~lrrn Bank ; n II n I l' 1 :\1cS"el'nc1 a p111·tner 1n Arthur Y"un j\ arut Cotn pan \". ;ind (:C"nr1'1r 1·(' :'llurrny, ·a L;i.i:11n:i N1J;11el .1e!r<'ss. I O!her rna jnr performer!'i arr Ron Filian and Cher\'! Bovd as thr Inver~. Sir Han·\· ;ind 0l.;ulv Larkin; Andy C!ear.v Rs th.r mute king, Tim BQ\\'n1;:in ;:i.~ the jester and Hank Sorkin a:i; lht wizard. Also in the rasl are Ben Le Beau. Dave N11r1, Ronnie 011'en:i;. ,Janis T:il'lnr', Ali("e Re ich . .Janis f'eh::er, fflreen Ta.vlor , C1:1 rr;il nho<lrs, Larr.v P11l in, Bob R i g II , 1'1aureen Su!liran, James HANDS OFF !Jori~ .'\ill'11 ~~ the q.1L•t•r1 'llll'l1 l ht•!, 1111; {'f i lll11~1a~111 ul· 11 11.· ard Hank Snrk1n 1n a scene J'rorn !Ir \\ rstm1n5ter Co rnrnun1 !y 'J'he<11i::r 111us· 1cal ··one Llpon a t1·\attress," opcnu1g r -1cl:i1 . lt1ehard Doi' \\'!Is rc·rleclt•t! pres1rlrn! or !hr l"llll1lTIUnily l thr•11trr for tl1c <·un1111g Sl'Ol!'"l1 l)l hC'r 11llu '(•1·~ will he H1•.1tr1('f'I Tc11furd. 1 ll'C' µrrsid('t1 T . .111;111 F<1C'1"111 1rr , ~l"L'rt'l11ry, il!Hi He rll' :Rur1nn , trrasurer I ... -.... c o.,.o.roo "''"""' •tl •U• "l'INOCC ~IO" (0 1 ~''" • r~. A~"~"IU<~u· r••1u•• of .. T~E Wl~D COUNTI Y"" !0 1 C:~•rltl"" ~fl lflfl "lNE OMl"G& M&N" IGll! •'"' • 1P>ll 5(1•...:• l'1c1;,,.., D••m• '" "lHk·ll ·· • ICll1 ,_,,, .... """'"''-' '" >flJ (• ~ ' .. r ! I • · • .,, •• •·11 ~lll(I !J C:OMI'<(;'" <O~l <"I" • 1-'·~ W••~I "'C!lltUM" '"l l UI WA.TE• WHITI DIA.TH" "A. IOT NAMln CMA•Lll l•OWN" "CARNAL KNOWLEDGE IRI '""l~q J•t-~khoh•~ Ann r91t! OP~~ ,0.1 I \hQW A1 DUI~ "THIE LIGHT Al THI I OOl 01' TH l WOrtlO"" '"l lG JAN,("" l'ross and Hl1P11d11 t 'h1cs;i. "Onre. Upon ;i :-.·lattress" will be sta ger! fnr th ree weekends, F r 1 d a y s and Saturda~·s, wi!h rnat\neC's <it 2 .~o p n1. on Aug. 28 <1nd Srp!. 4, al the li1h S1reel Sc~{ll"ll 11 u r1 i lo rium , \Vest1111no:.1C'r A11t'nue 11L ll on\"cr S1reel. Reservations 892-4'J3i * Tl 111 rsd;iv 1nchl 11 ill ni <i r'k thr h1rl h <1f <i ;ll'I\' ~·11n1n11 •n 1t1 rhrit!t'r grn11p, I h r /\111rnc<"Jn Lrg-1nn rl;iyer~ nf Nr11·f1!11 l At'<i rh. 11·hn ~·ill prrsC'nt thl.'1r fir.~1 cffllrt. ;i rnvslcry 1·11111Nl 11 r;1llrd ""llllu~e n11 thr ('lifr." ;1! the l,('j.!1nn 111111 Ill n :1 lh11;i. I Lill"f'.I' )'{'l'fllll IS d1rcl"tlll2, lhc pl;1_v b.1 (;l'nrgr ll<il~nn. whi<'h( [r;i111rr.~ Ins SC"hn r 1drr. !inn fl1 rCall. n('I ('rly Z1il\nll', '.\';it l\11 rh11ud , Bill ' ~1 nnrnc ;ind ' C;irl;i On11· fll'rl .. n 11;-11l('f'S 11rc ~1·hf'd 1J l"rl fur 1110 \rrrkrnrl~. Tluirsrl;i\ thr1111i:h S;1t11 rd;i1 ;i1 th" l.r11tnn h;1ll t 21:1 1r11 h sr 111 l'\rwport nr~er1 ;JI 1n11s 67~ 50i0. * l lr;>r1111~ 1n1n 11; :i;r1·1111d 11r1•\.. 1 .. n1ght 1.o; lhr !'il'1 ric11I tl'lll(' "F'r1Hl'r'o: l'l'nplr·· at Mirlh 1 "n:1 ·1 lirprr 111r1· \\" 11 r r t' 11 ll<•;11•n11 d1rrt'IS !hr r1r111111! nf 1·•1\•~rrll· .~k1•11 ·hr~ hy .l 11lc.~ Fr1trer and .-1thcrs. 1 Ttir SCf! 1·;i ~t (;<'nr·gr R;in·ns. Toni [)n11~·l;i ~~. i'l'1ary l.-lr 1111ng. Hill Hr·;idy , S;i nrl.1• fllannn. Dn11~ 1\1rl·:1l'n 11.1 LC'slir Tn.1 lnr. Slt>1P '°"''"" o, lhfrl90t•loo" Du•ll~ Hr•ll"'on '"WHO I~ HAlfrtY KE llElfMA°""' l'lu o 1GPJ •·.1. GUNF-tGHT'" IGP'I .... 1 .. 11 .. 0 o·v~1., J&~""' '"'" s"""•I l(•d• 1.u""••-SU 1 '0 o ... "BLUE WATER n .ft.., ' 111.l'"i~~· •• ..: ' WHITE DEATH" ; . J\' .... • ·:.v-, !OI Thehuntforthe :·~· ~·,, t · ,, . Great White Shark '~,, ,_ \ •.J · .. • ~ .... ~~ I ~·~ Co-H it ''A IOY NAMED CHARLIE BROWN " &Ll CA•TOON FlAlUltf ! Ukc N°KholaJad Nkholrion. f.andke lltrgtn.MluGmnkd. Ann !llrgitl and Julcs ltiller. Cimal~ IX1.l.USM O•ANGI COUNTY rNOOOJI INGAGIMINT "0 lfl ~l •Vlfl tllATI. • ,.,... "••M l•M I ,~• II • _.,.,.._ l •t, I. •u". ''°" IM l W and t'a111t't'\H1 ) (111n':! .\!all 1 Lascoe a n d S;111 11<lra ii 1;itthr1rs· Dl'n1 011 ;11 r 11.J n•ll1 ng 1"hnren,11raphy ri11r! 1nra! d1rre- t1nn. rcspr c!l1·cly. 'l'hr Jr1lne ("t1n11nu nit y 'l'lir;ilrr 11•11s fnrn1c<I in 01<'' srr111g or 1970 ;ind fl!"f'~r1 1t"d sc1·en Jl1'(1duc·tio11s lhus frir, as writ 11s w1nnini;!I sel'rn award~ with two r nl n rs in thr Riverside one.;iit pla~' !nurn:imcnl. · Thr shnw 1s s l agrrl \\cdnl'~rl a~' 1hn111;:l1 :"11nrl;11 :it the 1·01nr1111~ ·.~ Thur! Strr Thc11lrr . 1827 0"r11·1mrt l>l 1d . rn~la :-.1('.~,1 . fie" ('r1at hi11s 64fi· J:lfi.t June \\'1nsluw du·ei:ts a ca~l Pf .1i .1nunc ar1ors 1n 1hr J1 ,,;hthe;ir1cd :;how at the Pl;i~ rr~ Theater, ~!lfl \\I. filh S1 , San ta 1\na. n"~1·r1·ri!1ons 511 i fi·l7. '"l.11•· \\" 11 h F;1tl1er" l·on-1 r-::::::::::"::".:"::".:"."'."'::~------------, \l!lll('" 1··1"1d.11· :1 nrl S111urrla1' on ~~111• r -'C"!P'lt: 90AIT -~' ~m n. l XCLU51YE ENGAGEMENT! !he !-.I.I~(' 11f 1hc Long BC'ach Jrd S MASH WEEK! ('111n 11111 111!1 l 'l;11 hn1 1~r J:11nr~ j * i -.' ~ J:l0·5:l0·7:10·f:J O llnhrr"1~· i~ U1rt'e!111g lh e• ____ _ ·· Frdl1't ·.~ I '<•opl1··· 1. al:.11 !hr lillt' ,,f ;1 ~1 1111l:1r 11 ;11C' 111 thC' Santa .\:1;1 <·01111111111111 Pl.1 ,1rrs" ~nuth group, ;inrl /1•1.i! p('!"ll'fll\illll I'S 11f 1!11~ 111·orl t11· t111 n 11 1\1 hr given Fr11b1y :uni S;:it11rd;1y <'l'('111ngs. i·l;i~~i·· 1·111111•/I\. 11 11h <:lrun \\ i,; :-tr · 1111:..: ;111,1 .lt·;in l\nh:i 111 tlie '-0":\ ·uK• WOODSTOCK :--1 •• 11 111;.: 1•oi1':-;. _ """ ON A WAVE' l'f'1 f1u 111:11u·1·s a rf' g i1 1•tl <'It ~ ft-.. ,·fic Vi=-··at;....1 !111• h11rsl•:.ll•ic tlil'<llrr, 5!121 E @] ........_ I~ 1VJ IVll " A11al1c1111 St. l .ung Rrach. G<Oo ......,,, C:Ql()r1, , ...... ,.~ •. ,.,,,_ •. .., ... ,, .... 11 l ~t·~t·r1;1l 1<H\,~ 121:.I J 4~B·05.16. l"------------------------~1 ~NEWPORT ltACM-ot the tintrOrr6 to thil;fPbulou1 Lido l1le ·OR l 8350 ~ ·-~l-~~1'.!... • . .,.......,.,.,-~ -............................................ BTH WIMNEAOF 2 ACADEMY AWARDS! ROBE RT M !Oil.Vv\ TRt\OR r!ON/\f'D ord Y>AA!i MILES "Ryans Daughter" I ' GP. 0>1111110trn nft (J··•'" Evenings: Sun. thru Thurs., 8 p.ni. Fri. -Sot., 8:30 p.111. f _,?,[j.,j l .~iLI 1Jf'1 MATIN EES Wed., 2 p.111. Sa t., 1:30 and 5:00 Sun., l :00 and 4:30 NATIONAL G!NERAL THEATRES Wah Di6nR.yA\ f<11 c,.,n11.nNJ 1~1, ·>1 J I iDOCChiD '91 i1 1.111111 "l'·~· ( '· , , II na1 ,,, 'FUT·: -...,,. _~ ! \ 1 'l.'flf'IDEf?FUl/ J" / -...:._. ! '\ SD.VG Hl rS f..:::_/\ 11 ·1 She"'''"'•: 1 Z.JO l . I . /' ---..._, .;.\., 11,frt·e :11xngr111r11t Sth Rc,tJ rdtl''crk ON 'ANY •• ' SUNDAY A F1Ut ft MUG aaOWN Q ----------. ------~--~ Th e incredible attack on Pearl Harbor as told from both the Am erican and Japanese sides. • .-.~.~--; ·jtc ?(;I NOW AT BOTH EDWARDS CINEMAS MATINEES DAILY Song Of Norway ··--·, .. __ _ ........ ~' .. , '" -. , .... 1~ 11 .. , .... ,, M111•"•d l lr~rt•""" ( ........... . ... ,~ '· ""'~" r"'""• ... ~ ••..... , --. i.,• .. 10•1.+1 .... n.,; ,.,. --~li.RiO AOORf ·-·, ...... ,I ............ ,. --· ... '" • " -:-:.. ·1 ;~ '.~' ::" .;_·_: !i,,,. 'lNO GREAT ATTRACTION John Wayne Richard Boone "Big Jake" !ID .. , ,. ···- ...-.. -.... ... -~···-C> ._.,, .. -~.' ........ l••l""'•I·•" -·····-··· "" '""""" '·~r.._, """"""' -·. -... •~'•""'"'• ··-··'"''"••I ,._ • ~ 1 · ......... "• ·-·-· !lo < ••' 0 .. H•O• -· I )ot •• l tn">'li~o ~'ll><-rt M 'lrl•• Id" '111 G l nt.•n•"'I H•<l\I \.., nml'>f' (O.<t...r -·•• ~'" -,.,,.,, -~,,. Oil ••!;] Exclusive Orange County Engageme nt NOW EXCLUSIVELY! FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT CENTE R • • ••••• • •••• •• ••• • • •• • • ••• ····1················· • COAST HWY. A! MACARTHUR BLVD . • NEWPORT BEACH • 644 •0760 -.c.-' 'fa. lf•~------s "• • • • Cl All V PIL OT ~ J &,_ <.%' Htoo.Lllllt" > "0-1 r'l(llM Plus -Joh11 Wayne & Ric hnr"d Boone In "BIG JAKE" .... , •••. •0•" ••.• ·--~ ... ' .. ....... .... . ............ "' .... '" .•. PREMIERE EN~AGIMINT ~~ >fRS·MILLElt Plul ~ .. 1, Oou9ln,•lo1e Dunnw~y "THI A11RANGI MINT" ~ .. •o• O«O " "'"o• I' '·"'" .... • .. 0'1\ > •''" '~'" ' I'" 0'!00 • 1 ST AREA SHOWING CIMRLTOrt HESTON THE OMEGI\ 1\1 ,. I\ "'~ MAN ~ "" h'·1 : ,,,: 1 • \l'lt1 :'.'! :l•1Cl r.P Plus Rohc1 t D•1vnl1 & Doonlrl Pleosc r1 t e In "THX·l 138 ' iGPJ 'i lARI S WfD 9/1 "!(LUTE" ••OIO• '"0 •I ••U OO IT (QI U .... UO 0111 ' •" • '""'" o• ...,. "'' o NOW AT 2 CINEMAS l O• ( ........... . . . . -.. ----_ __, ALSO S~!OW ING Al ED WA ROS CIN£MA VlfJO, MISSION VlfJO 8 ·6990 -•••••••"" ••n '"'"'"' • _," ••• •••• ,, .. .,. , ..... """" ' .......... ,, l ·-~H"l~lD OYlR ·1~4 WfUt: ...... ,, ...... - SeanCoMery The Anderson Tapes 2ND TOP HIT 01':<> ,C " .......... , .• _ .. Kuk Douylas ·Yul Brynner '«521 ............ "''.Of-'"" "' ..... "''"' 4 "010 "'"' • U• l •U O •••• 2 First Aria Showings· 2ND All NEW SHOW . llF!!!"!lllrf f!l.CK , . Hl\L WAWI -··- S~IODT qur l IJ~IYJOV• o·r '' "' l!Clrni{'l)t,{IO• oI']O ,.., __ _ ·-· -• ;t ' • 32 DAIL"!' PI LOT ..__ Wtdnt\day. 4li9U51 25, 1971 . . . VOLUME DEALER N0 •. 111 OUIGE .;~COUITY • • ---~· ··--.-••• .....a •• .,,. ~~-----,. ' . . . . ' ' ' . . . . .. -· . . -. . . ASK ABOUT OUR • • • • AND SA . E EDS WE STI LL HA VE 1971 LEFTOVERS .......... 1 ' WE DON'T CARE WHERE YOU'VE BEEN OR WHAT YOU'VE BEEN OFFF1RED ·YOU 'RE SURE TO GO FOR OUR OF-FER. DON'T SIGN ANY ORDER WITH ANY DEALER ON ANY NEW CAR-TRUCK OR USED CAR UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN QUOTED DUNTON FORD PRICES· SEE THE ALL NEW 1972 MODELS SOON ...... ~._. -...... ·~·•,').,.,.. . ----' ~- TORINO'S·GALAXIE'S-L.T.D.'S··MAVERICK'S MUSTANGS· T-BIRD-ECONOLINES-F100-F250 ~ ..... _ -,. , ... ____ ------~---·--------· ..,,__r-.--; 1--··---·--·--- .. • • -----. • Mes ans Fix Safa on Patio • By CAROL MOORI': Of ll'lt 011,., 1"11111 '"" The tlriit 5ttp in adapting natlv« AfriC"an cooking ln suburbia is to fill the bathtwb with marinade .... Actually. 11\e. ne1ghbor11 ol lri~ Placr in Cosla Mesa slatted. by buy!Jlg a \hit, 2.1· pound llOlll and having ll drefised "before we got too ,attt1cbed " lo be roa:;ted on the grill for lhP.ir latest international part~·. The rneal was soaked for si x hour~ \n rP<l wine 11ine~ar. gin'!er, cln11 f'S, su11.:ir 11nd "lot~ nf wine " in a decorative, an- tique bathtub. llcrubbffi clean for the oc- casion. Armloads of orangewood burned i;lnwly for lhc lhrH 11nrl a h;ilf hours nf roas_ting 11s the lemplinl{ aroma w111!ed flver the cul-de-s;u.:. Wive!'i gatherr-d a! the \\'ilh11m Pavne residenrf' dunnt? !ht> <la\1 lo prcparr 'the re st of the rarefully researched Afrir<1n tn1>nu · a l•)m;:ito-avorado-s1lt1r rrcam soup mildPr than ,R:azpacho. ttal1 an fryln g peppers stuffec1 with hi2hl y seasoned ra w meat, cornbread and rire prepar!'.'d wllh stick cinnamon . saff ron. raisin.' and suizar. t~ most favorablt re:>p:in sP wa!<. fnr a VCi;t't'l ahle n1Pdlcy, cooked In an Oriental crisQnes!<. bv parboilin~ q1iic kl\' wi!h garlic and grated ~1n~N' and then fryi 11g ti,trh!ly in nil. Hors d'neuvres w;i' hard to authf'n- tic;ite but Afdcil ahnund.~ with lush truits and shish-kabnbs are a JXlpular nu:.::il fClrm . So thP ho~1rs1'.r.~ imprClvised with pineapple-gr;:ipe-str;:iv.•berry-pilpaya n n skrwers. Describin,R: the fr:.ist ;:i.~ •·nur fourth feat." ~Ir~. PAynr explained rhal the R"rnup had prei'iousl~· ma sterPd f.1ex ican, J+.:iwajian and lt;ili;in menus. ThP Afri can clinner ;idded consider.able spice 11nd ann!her succe.~s 10 their part y f;ire:. The nelghhors 111.~n take pride in the df'coration~ de\'iSPrl fnr r;:ieh theme. This time lhrn• we rt' palm ironds, SPf>ars. !:hiclcls, C'()('Onu1 shn.~nkcn heacl~ and he;id s nf Plcph.:ints fashion@<! out of palm hus ks v.·ith carpet p.:idd int!'. for ear.~. TrihAI dRncin.'( rrcords providf'd dinner musiC'. If you r ;:ippr'11r 11.nrs nn safari. hrrf' tire suggcstrrl rrci pe.~: !\TEAT l\\ARJNADE !For 2.l pounds nf meatl quart red wine vinegar 1~ cup suga r 1 (ea.spoon gin~rr rflQl. gralf!cl [8-20 \l'hfl \e C[n\'P~ 2 1::;i bles ponn1< frr!:h 11.arl ic. chopped 2 _gfll1on.~ "'inr. :-.t ix-ingr!'dirn1s anrl m11rinfllf' mea1 fnr si:i: ho urs. lurnini:: nrra.sinn;:ill y. Use 11~ bastr during ro;is!inJI.. t;THJOrlAN YATAKLf':Tt: Kii.Kii . I Fresh Vt&:f'IAhlr~ with C..:1rlir ind f;in&:f'rl 6 sma.11 boilinl! potato!'~ . .:1boul J inches loni[ J l11rgr c;irrnt.~. pef'lerl. l'tll length"·1s@ into quarter.~ and cross 11'i.~e into 2- inch lengths . 1,J pound fresh crecn bc::ins. washed and ru! in 2·inc h lengths 1~ cup vc11.et;ible nil 2 mediun1 nninn~. quar!ered thrn sep;,ir;:itcd into layPrs and cut in ~1 inch pif're.~ l ar~r 11.rrrn pepper. ~f'ederl anrl rut intl"l bl1r-.~i1.r pirrr.~ 1 t11blespoon fine!.v t'ht1ppe<I 11.arlir 2 te;ispoons flnfly r hnp pl'd frf!sh izinger root I teasponn s111t ~i 1 ea~p<1"n while pep~r 6 111rge sc;:;l11ons. cul in half lengthwist then inlo 2·inch lengths PeeJ pntatoet1 11nd trim into nva l !!hl'l~!I . '\'i!h ~mall. sh;irp knift'. cul nar- rnw V-shapPCI wf'rl_gps l 1 inc h r1Pt'p al ~ inch inrerv;il~ ;irnund length nr potatoe~. After pel"ling ;:ind knntc hing . keep J)(l1.:lloe~ 1n cn ld w;:i!r r In prel'rnl. <lisco\or;:it ion. N n 1 c h i n R m11.v bP elimin::ited hut fltlwrrl' llppea rance nf pn!;itnes ;:idds tn alt r11C"l1vPne."s of fin1.~h erl cnmbin;ition. F'u1 p<1t<1trlf'." 1n rno11ch lii?htl:-r s11ll er1 hoilini;: willf'r In ro1·rr thrm rnrnrlP1 r.lv. i\drl c11rr01~ ::ind strini;i b1'.:1n.<: hnil hrisk- l.1·. unco1·rre<i. for ~ mh1utf's Drain in 1;i.('ge rolandPr ;o.n<i ru n cold wa1Pr over them tn 5top thPir cookins. Set a ~ide to drain rompletely. Glamour RUTH MALCOMSON SCHAUBEL DRESSES UP STEW • • • Roast 9 oa t 7 The p a rty entree sfarted o ut as• da re but appetite ap peal overca me native supe rstitions as the mea t g rilled to perfection a t Afric a n party. Ho st W ill iam Payne b rushes on last of the marin ade a s h a nk Upham holds t he cup a nd Mrs. Joe Wolf supe rvise s. ln !I h@a vy 4-!(I fl-quart r<1sserolt. hra1 lhP nil "l\'f'r mOOtraLt heat until a li>:hl hR7,, fnrm.<: 11bnv'. it. Add lhf' fln inns 11nrl areen ptpper: cook 1'nd stir fnr ;ibnu1 .'I minu tes until ,i;of! but oot brown. Add )!i'lrlic. _ginier , still and pepper 11 nrt stir fnr ::11 minu!e. Arid th!' rl'served pntatne.~. r•;;irrnr~ ;;inr\ sl rin!.'! bran.~. and lhf' sr;illinn~ In thr r;i.~,;prnlt anrl In~~ wi1h spnnn 1111lil 1•ri;:rt;;ih!!'S are cn;i!Mi wi!h nil 111;;;t11rr. Rrduce. hr11I. cnvPr pArti::illy and r('IO k fo r ::ihnut JR minut l'S ttnli l ve11.el..::ibl r.~ ::ire !Pn· rlrr hul .~nmewha l rrisp In lhP hitr. Ttl serv,., usin.JI.' " .\lol.tl"l'i spoon, tr11n.~fer lht \'egetable to a heat~ bowl. Serves ~. hratrrl howl or pl111tcr. Scrvr~ ~ !n ~. SOUTH AFR ICA/\' f.EELRYS 1Yr.11nw Rit't "'·ith Rai~i n~I 2 t ;:ihlc.~pnons huttrr I r.up uncooked. lnn11.-J:r<11n whilf nee 2 rup.~ hoilini.; w::irrr 1 pircr st irk cinn::in1 on. 2 1nt'hc~ lnng 1.. 1r;i~ponn J:rnund turmr.ric r io(•h l)f J:rnund 1'-'lffrnn 1 1 1'-.~pnnn ~::1 11 1, cup ~f'rrllr.~~ r;:ii.i;ln,i; Sll_{!A r In"' hr;iv,1· 2-!11 .1-rpi;irt •::iurepan. rn,,11 lhP h111tr r "''er mor\rr;i/p hrat V.'hen the rflam bcgin111n suh.~idp , add !hr nrP. sti r· rinii: until .ii:r::i in.~ Are ro11 ted v.·ith butter. J)n not let the ricP brown. Remains After \\'hf!n Miss Aml'rica hand1> dn'>l'O hl'r rrnwn . th' yf'A r,( rif 11.lamriur Arui 11:lriry ~eem In di~Apprar. n r r\n th!'Y~ ln~i,aht.~ into thf' prf'~t.11 1-da .v l1 1'f'1' nf M i~~ Amerir;i~ frrim yr.otrryf.11rs prov,. QUltr fiiffrrrn11v. She ·.<; no lnnJ,!er a jugi:;lrr nf p1;:in' Jlnrl tra in 5ChP.dule.~ -hut flOf' nf -.rhool ~hedul es. scout i:;roup~. ;:inrl committee meetin,'ls. lost.earl rif t'rP.:1tin.1t luncheon speerhe~. ~ht '' mrir,. likely cre;itinli!: fund drivr:~ nr 1 rhilrlrt'n·.~ hirthrlay p;irt v. Ru l ~hf''s .~till 11rlivf'. invo]vf.'d. 11nd .;~ lmpnrt.1101 11~ ,.vrr. Thrrf!'~ Ruth 1\111 1 r nm~" n Sch.:1ubf'L lnr i n~t11nc,., \\' h I' n crnwn!rl Mi~s Amerk'a in 192~. ~he IM'cam• tht lhird lady \tl rrreiv' lhill honor of talf!nl. grac"'. ,..nr\ he;:iut y. Th11t shf' rontinut>s to hold thPSf' tal ,.nl.~ i~ tlhvinu ( espeeiatly All t1hf' led thf! p11ge11nt'.• 5()th anniversary par11rt' #Ill C.rand M11rshall down thf' Atl11ntir City Boardw11llc Iii.st year. Of coursf!, her titlf!nl,. l'lrt usf'd differently today than durinR th<ise d;ivs !!ht worr lhe crown , A .. wif• of · the Admini!\ltative Vice Pre .. 1- dent of PMC Colle11e!!. Ruth is COO· !ltantly busy man.agiJtl. thf!ir hnmg in BrOOm;:itl, Pennsylv11n ia. plras· Ina ntr thrtt 11randchlldre:n. J1ntl nflen tnj(')ylng wttkentlll with her family "111 the ie11shorf'." In hl'.r kitchen, Ruth .)O}o,vs trying tverythin,ll from 11 fitncY French llpeci11ty to those· "nl' fami- ly 11t1nd·byt1."' A Beef Burgundy Stew . OM of htr [Jtvntlb:a. 1lwayt1 begins with this basic recipe bel"lw . As you can att. sht: ofttn USPS con· v11:nitn<::f' fnodll -.,urh Jl.'I cnn- dent1t:d bttf broth -In add f!ltra navtlr. quickly and tlllily. nrttn 100. ~ht .11ddt1 a 1~~t-m1nut e "'l'itra .. frnm I.ht spice ~h~lf -· such at1 • dash of .oot pepPf!r 11uct nr a lr;i~prinn nl \\'nr•·P<!Pr~hJrP - in nrrlcr 10 .-h11nc• hrr ·i;.:inll' nl ' Sll"ll' .. in!n i;;nmr!h111J.! nPll .!..nrl nl rn11rs"'. ~hP ll'l'r1'/'~ plr.:i .•1nc an. A lnnJ,!~ 1flll -~11r•h a< ;:i trf'>.h .Jl.'rrrn s::it;:irl with nn111n shl'r.~ ;:inrl ll'Jm::i !I} 11·rrlJ!rS, !n~Sf'rl \1'1!h :i !rirt ~;i\;irl dressini: REEF RURf;UNllY STE\\' 2 pn1u1d.~ l)cpr rubts 1 ;ibflu! 11? inchrs 1 1 l..:lblrspr.nn.~ h 11 l t f' r nr m;irii.11rin' r;in 110•, nunrP;;1 rnnflen;; .. d hPef brnlh 11, cup~ RurRt1ndy nr nlher dry rl!rl winr I rJln 111i nunr·r~ 1 lnmalnPs 1 sm;:ill h;:i \ lr;:if I mf'rlium Clovp car1ir. m1ncrd Dash pepper 1 medium carrot;;. ljuartt'r"d lrngthwise 1abnu! 1"? pnund 1 ~ med ium potatrirs. quar!erl'd ( ;ibnul I ', pnundt1 I 2 rups .. !iced fresh n1ushr1~ms iabnul lh pound \ 113 <'UP W!ller 1, rup flour In l111rge heJt\IY p;:in. brown be1>f in hull er: pour nff rat. Add broth, win,. tomatoes, b11y, lRrlir l!ln<i pepper, Cover : cook nver low hfi:tt 1 hot1r11. Add CArrols, pot.;itorll :i n d mu!hmnms. Conk 30 minut.rs mnre. or until meAI J1nd vep:etables arf! lender. R11:mnvp ba.v ltaf. f.raduallV hlrnd W,IJff!f into nour until smonlh : slowly stir into sauce. O!ok . stirring until thickened. f.fil ~es 8 serYin11.s,. And wbal about one or th(' 111.diPS who h;:is rA<'ently ht>ld I.hr mur.h- rn•·r1ed crown · Dthn1 Rarnf's Mil~. Mis~ Americ11 nr 19fill. typi· fiet1 rhe lif11 or th' prest.nt-<111,v. very ac11v~. ynung hnmem11kf'r -all wife nf ' mu sic te11cher and mothe r .,, l\rlr1 thr w.1trr, c1n11<1n1un, turmrrir , srilf rnn 11nd s;ill .:inr1 . ~r1rr1n.c rnn;;1;in!l.v. hrin_c 1n ;:i hnil n1·rr hich hr;:i1 nrr111rr rhr h";:i1 In low . r•n1·rr lu::h111' ;1°nrl simmrr fnr ::ihnut 20 m1n111('~ nr 11n1il ru'e 1,~ 1Pnrlcr .:inrl ha ... Ah.~orfirrl :ill 1hr liquirl in pt1n. Rcn1ovr lhf' p;ln frnn1 hc:it Disc;ird 1hr r1nn;:i1nnn ~!i<'k ::inrl ;:i rlrl 1·;;iisin.<. Vl11H thP rirr 11.-ith 11 fol'k .~lir In I tr~.~pnnn of ~11c.:ir, tlr n1(1rr !n l:i.<•!1• r:111 ;:i t'in·lr 11f 11·;ixrrl fli!flt'r 1u· foll ;inrt pl::i<T 11 in.~idr thr p11n rlirrf'l)I' nn lnr nf r\r·p \,nvrr Jhc r:in wilh lid anrl Ip! stanrl .:11 rnnm lf'mpprature rnr ;:iilnu t 20 1n1n1111'' .. Ju.~1 before .~r.rvn11:. fluff the ricP ;:i eain \.\'Ith fork and mound 10 11 Reign of Li-tnr>r11h 11:11 rl<1U,1!hlrr l\ri~!I [.111111< 1n .l;i<;ppr \!1~.~r.11ri "' ~1nr1 ll tnv.n of 700 ~h,, a.nrl hPr l111~h;:ind c1 vr 1111 11 ·h 11111,, to thr1r romn111111l1 llt>hh1r 11'.fl•'hr~ Ill rli1\drrn p1::ir11\ «nnlrih11tc~ lin1r In l'l111 n·h 11·0rk ;;inrl In c·han1.v dn1·r~ ~U<'h ;1~ lhr ,\·1;,r('h 111 D11nr~ Ru! hrr rl~.vs of hnldini;: thr l'rnwn ;i rf' nn1 lnrgn!Trn ri1hrr Thi,, _yo>;ir 1'11P 1~ orJ!Rni ~in,R: 1hf' Harvr.sl. Quf'rn Cnntr~1 In hrr own rnm- m11n11 1'. ln.~1(';irl of hrln£ a NlO· lr~tant lh1~ timr tho11 ch, ~hr 's rh!i.t'Ol'l'Tll]J! th::il m::iny hnu r.c Rnrl 1nu•·h h::1 rd "''nrk 1 ~ nrrps;;;:iry ''br.hind tht' i-;c·rn~s" llrfnn~ lhe d;i y of ~f'lrr·tin~ !hr (\Urrn 11 rnvPs. Al hnml' Ochhil' Pnjfl,\'S rook1n .11 :i nrl rn1crt;iininJ! -hut she. kf"PPS hnlh !nfnrn1al. "M,\' f;ivoritr recipes Arr ntlthin2 f;inc ·v -hut rvrrvtlne rl::i1m.~ they ta~te good. Tn 'me, that'~ imp<1rlanl ~" S\li lSS STEA K 11 ru p nnur I traspnnn sill! lo t.Paspot)n pf!pper 2 p<111ods round steak ! 1·i·inch thick1 2 tablrsponn~ shnr1 r.nln,R: I ca n ( 10~ ounces/ condensed tnma!o AOUfl t1 cup ,\lirl'rl onio n 1 c11n j4 llUnres\ mu shrnnm stern.\ and pieces p;:icka gr t 10 ounctll I frozen pr as Olmbiflf' flour anrl K!a!loning!'.; pound Into steak wilh meal h;im. mer. Cul intn servin,R:-!i.lu pieces. In IRrRe 11killtt. bmwn 5leak in 11hnrltning: pour nrr ft1!. Add soup. onion . and mnshroom11. Oivrr : cnok n\'rr lnw hr11t I hnur 1:1 mi nu!.I'~: ~tir now And then Add pra1<: !'Mk 20 min111!'s mort. or until IPnrler !i!l r now 11011 then M11kes I servings . -------~-~ ~-=-·-~~~ N ~/LOT·AOVERTISEll J ~men BEA ANDERSON , Edlto' .,...,..,..,..,,. A1ttu•r u. 1'11 f'••• • Home News / Freezing Flavor Favored R~· OOROTHY WENC K Or•n,, C•""'" Ht"" t<•vlotr DurinJ! the abund;:int iresh fruit 11.nd l'e.li!:elah!P sea.o;nn 1l steins tha t ocu! out nf two call.~ wp rpr·eivl' from consume rs ha s ltl do with hnmP food preserv111io11 - pr1rticularly fr rP.1.inJi!. Today. fnr l'.xample. we 've answprecf Questions abnut frerzing po I a t. o es , peache1', cant11loupt'. rnrn and green pep- pers. f'reezin~ ha s " Int mnrP appeal th;in cannin,R: because j 1 f it 's 11 lot less work ; 12• the resultin~ prndut't 1a!:les more like the fresh food : and (.11 tht> dtin,R:er of fond poisc:ininji! ~ p;irficularl.1· botulism 1 is fitr less likely th::in with home ca nneri low 11cid food s. Ther1>·.~ nnp drawb<1ck 1h0u_gh ynu nf>.t d JI frerzer if ynu ·re 11.oinR tn ~ tible t.O frcezr fond.~ in ;:iny worthwhile quantity. And free1.er,c; are expensive . f'nr thr ;iverai:;P non-farm famil \• that mu st bu.v mnsl nf it.~ food for freeiing. a freer.t>r cine~ not save you much nr l\OY mtlney n.v the time you considf!r the cleprcriatinn and operaling costs of the frre1.er. A fr!'er.rr is a r.onvcniPnCf'. hnwevl"r, Rnd if vnu ha ve one i1'1i certainlv worth ~·our tiine to h11 y quanlilif'S tlf frf.'Sh fruits ;inrl vfgr111hlr.~ in ~r;:i!':nn 11nrl freeze them fnr u;;p dunn11. lht' nff-.~easnn. RA(l'EHIA l)O R,\IANT ThP rl.'<!SH!l why frec?.in~ prf'srr1•ps rood 11' !h;:it hilc'!rri11 hecnn1p rinrm11nt al lrrp7.1n2 lp1n1>rriltUff"S. This mr11ns they witl nnt 11rnw anrt m11Hip!y in lhP IONi . H11wevrr, lhf'\' Arf' not ki\lrri hv thl' cnl<t .:ind will enrlit !n lif P ai::;iin ·and stl'lrl mu!t ipl~·ini:: when 1ht> fond drfrnsl.~. Sn 1hl.~ is thr rea:<on whl' rnoc1 lh.:i! h.:15 hrro drfros!rd -l"spcriaily if it w.:irm" up In rnnm !rrnpcr;:iturc fnr an hour tlr two .i;hould nn1 hp refrozen Th• hac-ieri;:i h;;ive ;i ch<1nce to multiply \1-hrnevrr lht' fnor\ warms up. Fnorl Lh;:il h;i .~ nn1 completl'ly dcfroslt>d nr i~ .'till icP ('nld can ))p sarel.v rcfrn1,cn, :ilthou~h there will be. some loss of quali· I,\'. Frrsh fruil .~ ;:in(i vr~el.:ibles are still livin11. pl;:iot.~ whrn lhf!y ;are frozen 11nd en7.yn1es whi('h r;:ius• il'l,ing will con- tinuing In h;ave effer1, Although much 1norr .o;lnwly. Thu.~. fnr mnsl. vege.lWle.,, hl.1nchin,1t . tlr p;arti ;:il conkin'l.. is rf'C(lm - rnrndcd . Tht blanchinJl destroy.~ the t'071'mt' 11ct.inn. Rl;inr hing u.~uall~· <·flnSiSlg of a quick hra.t trr;:itment tn boiling water, followed b\" )mmedia!P chi llin11. 1n col d watf!r t9 ~'''P !hr C'flflkin11: ;:irtinn . Typical blan- ch1n.'?, times fnr mfln,v veget;ibles are l I.ti :-1 minutr~. Overblfln<:h1n11. will causP 1he vrgrt;:i llll' In be ov ercooked and !Tiushy in trx111rr LOSE FIR 1\.I NESS Frrr;:in~ l"l'IUSP.~ !hi' breakdnw~ in cell !:1ruehtr!' in man.v dP l!CillP fruits so th;it thrir 1r:1:tt1r11 he<'nmPs soft ;ind squishy Str;iwbf'rrif'.( for f'xamplf., lose their f1rmnr.,.~ whf'n frozen . To hrlp minlmizl' this prnblcn1. frf'et- in-: with .~uilar i.< usually rrcnn1rnendecL Thr .~ui:ar -either Jlr 9nul::ir or in lh11 lnnn of .~yrup -ht'lps In maintain not nnly !ht' firmness nf lht' lre11h fruit but ;:ilsn il.s color and navnr. Ann!her problPm ~·ith freezi n,R: fruit s i!I lhP rolor changr -d.:1rkf'nin2 -whieh orcurs v.·ith pe;iches . pear.~. apricots . .JP- plPs. ::inrt the l1kp· The best. w;a y to tivotd lhis brnwninc !1\•hirh is reillly oxidatinll. a,c; whrn mrt;i1.~ n1sl l, is In U1'f' 11 small amnun t of alirorbic acid tn thf: gugat ~yrup. Tn A q11<1r1 of 40 pcn.:cnr syrup (3 cups suc:;:i r In 4 rup.~ w;itrr l ;idd V, to I lf'8S.. pnon .:i~t'flrbic acid. Slier !he fruit directly 1n1n free7.tr containers into wh ich YOU h;:iv,. JXlUred enough syrup to cover 'the fruit. Most supermarket .. sell ascnrbic aicld alon11: with thf!ir freezj n~. canning, and jelly-m11king suppli!'!s. You mlly 11lsn be Ahle t.n 1trt ii at 11 phArm11cy. If ynu can't find it. Y"U can cru~h J1nd dissolve vitamin C pillg a.~ these 11rg the lanlf! lhini;: -A.~rorbir. 11cid. QU&~TIONS WE A.Rt: ASKED: Q. Whal wnuld happt'n H 1 wnu ld freeze whnlr cantalOUJM!~ nr wed,ae8 of can- Uilrn.1J!f? A. Whnlf! Cilnta loupe.· and even <'M· lalOUPf' wedgf!s would tak! up 8 lot ol &pace in your freezer •nd I ex~t their lelture would bf! very mushy hy th!' tlm11 you defrosted them enou~h to cul tht.rn. , CAnta loupe and olhrr melons llrf' he&l If vnu slice Them. or mAke them inin melon balls ;:ind freezP 1hPm in A .'II) pe.r- t•rnl sy rufl 12 cup.~ ~11"11r 1" I cups w:itt>r t (lr mix dry 1'-UJ;ar with tht>m (1 pound ~ug.:tr lnr eRrh ,:, pound~ cut melon f. Eat whi le still &llghtly frosty !or bes\ texture.. '• ' ' 34 DAJLV PILOI ... ··I Free Spirit ~ > • :· ·~ .., c .. ~ ·• ~ Runs Deep ·· . .. . . .. .. .. . " By Jn OLSON 01 1110 C•ll• "If! ltO/ Jim Kavan;,iu"h ili d1scnver. lni] that one must pay a real price for freed om. The prir-st ·turned1>11tl, who took. a leave of ab!lence from hi!! position in lhe C11tho!lc Church Four years 2.iO and never rt>lurned , hit~ cnmpll!ted hi.' secnnd volume of poetry, enrillcd ''\\'ill You Re My Friend'.'" He !lays ii is a little dPeper than his first, entil led "There Art Men Too Gentle to Live Among WolvPs," and arlmits that his own life has grown a lit1!e deeper too . Kavanaugh, who rive.~ In an lsnl111 ed ocean-viev.· home in LEucH!ia, s;iys he h as "outarnwn the otean'! Mallng ciualilie11" and !s ready for a farm with its 11drled np· p<>rtunity for growth. He is looking for acreage ln northern Californla, where he fee ls he will enjoy the .spact , trus and creek.'!!, grow things, have an imeJs and invite people in for interaction. The ~l, whose plum col- ored shirt. lilac pants and woven bell are a bright t'fln· lrast lo the blackness of his prie~thood attire. feels th11t 1•t:ry few people are free . He said th11t in p11ying the price for freedom. which no( :ne.ny are willing to p11y, on e mlL~t glvt: up a lnL of "11rtifici.1Jl supports" ~uch as money. prestige and being busy. One must "\earn to do .... > • • ' .. - n(1th1ng ln a producti1•e soci"° ty." Tn grow, one must "belitvP hr. has a right to lift ," and thJt "lift can be a.nothtr wa y," K.1vaniwgh 111ld No one grows unless they h11vt: to, he emphaslied addin~ that his own grawth came th.roug h "blood, bleeding and p11ln." ~ Kavanaugh says ht "dOf'sn 't lake life .seriously an y more," even though it is h?rd on his male ego tn give up his pot tn· tial fnr m11 kin,1t money . "The male ego ;ind inr.:ome 11i re closely allied ,'' he explained. Sociely ·1s ,e;1 vin g people n1ore of a chanrP 1n be free_ now, he fet"l!I . Mori!'~ rif dre~!> And n'"'-' life styles are evid ence of thi!. ''Youth! es pec1111ly have I chance to be frtt ber2.!l!e thl"y don 't have lo worrv about rf'H'l<l and .shelter as their parent! did . Thty can do other thing!.'' the writer said . Ka vanaugh, who ha.~ been writing pnttry all his life, sup- plied his six brothers wilh vt>rse when they needed M>me for the ir school 11ssignments. He now v.·rhes a ~m as ii comes to him , puts it l.'l ide 1n a drawer !or a waiting period then comes ~ck to it and refines it. Hi.<! ne west volu me, wh ich he read during a .session in Robinson 's. includes tit IP f, such as the "POllt Office ,'' "Mrs. fixer," ''Welf,1Jre Doles." "The Family Alhu."'Tl," "To Lose a P'rltnd" and ----' "Lonely People \l.'eepln& .. Each reflects his .search for beauty Md reality m a world of ~tereotype..1, in11titution.s and ng1d rules. The word~ or the poenl ··Someone Might Sl!f> L's," tell how he want.oi freedom frflm the seriousness of llft' and an atmosphe:re for growth. "But we've i.:nt 10 stop lllughing like th i~ llOd get. some goals or be practical .11od mllVbP s a v P !hr wnrld bec.au.~e someone might see us and wonder ll'h,1• we ' r e \;>.u,11hing, when the b11nkl!rS \onk worrit d and money·s tiJ,:hl "I Did I 11'!1 yn u that your no~e is bt'n l. that ~·ou have hnund 's eye.-; and squirrel's chet'ks and I leive you~)" " . Never Mind the J inx wuwma@@[l !iJ@o@m ~:coed Discovers What Makes Government Tick ' " 8.\' CAHO!. J\1()0RE 01 ,,,, tl•ll1 ,.110! lt•!f f ri ri a.vs the lh irlet'nth don't usually !urn nu! sn well. But that's lhe da,v 11iana Billi ng!! of Newporl R!'.'llC'h "'-'ill remember as the morning !!he met Pre!!ldent Nixon in his Ov:il Office as p<trt or her sumn1er int crnshir v:urki nR for the fe<leral go1·ernml.'nt. "I was fil'sl in lint' si nrl' \\'e Wl't·e presenled alphahetil'ally for the nHic1al pic1urP. lak· ing," said the Univer~ll\! rif Sou I her n C a ! i f o r ·n i a sophomore. •·J wa.~ r·tallv nervou s but he rh11ttrd ahot;I the Trojans." • ~ ThP ll!-~1eilr-n l d r!n11ghlcr nf :-.1 r. and J\1rs . John J\1. Rillings 1\·nrke<I on the staff nf John E:hrlichn1ann, rhirr f'residtn- lia l 11dvi.~nr for dnnle.~tir af- fa irs . ThP. proi;(r;:im i~ design1>d lo in1·rilve rollri;:p st11den!.~ in ft'dera l project~ h_v a.qsi~ling e-0ngressmen and exPcuti1•e of- ficials. •·snn1e people 1ny a~ r "'nnder \\'hat. 1f ;inythin[.!. is bring Bl'to mplished in \\'<tsh ing1nn." 1\lis.~ Billing.~ said. "By \rnrk1ng an d learn- ln,c: rig ht here in lhc huh, I can llt't' hn"' 1·er~· n111('h i.~ goin,c: nn and \\'hsit rffPl'I.~ i1 V,'ill hR I'{' ,. :O:he often p11t in 111-<tnr! 12- hour d1111·~ drnl ing ll'ilh n;i . Ilona! gii;:il~ nf rn1·1rnnn1rn!, ba~1r na!ur::.1 r t sour r e s, population, housing .ll nd ed uc a- lion . Her duties included con- den.~ini;: r e po rt K , 11n.11lyzing surve-.v." and keepin~ !ltRti~tic.s on pu hl1c opinion polls. Miss Billings v"il\ describe her experiences in the West Win,e; n[ the White House ''w;:itchin~ how lhe Estahllshmeol. is btini;: run" In rivi1·s t"illsse.~ 11t. Ne\Ypnrl , ' Ha rh<>r High Srhool where she gradual rd. And her ' ' in s i ri e ' ' in- fnrm<tt.ino is fir,11l hand. \V ith the rest of the interns . Miss Bil!in.':s h,11d a. ~peci11I con- ference wi1 h He:nry Kissinger, <lfter his secret trip to Red China <"nd met Vice Presid ent Agne\\'. She li;is done chvnil'ling raeh d;n"s exc!tin,lt aetivities in \'eJ'.\' .ltngthy. rlrt:iilrd lct - !ers wh1rh her ra1nily l'alls the ''\\111shi11g1Pnion .Jo1Jrnnl.~. '' Alw;i\s i n le reJ;te tl in /\n1c1·i1::1na ;1nd polill('.~. 1\l1ss Rilli ng.~ J;1kr!'i spee1;il deligl1t in side trips Iv historic \\11lli a1n~burg. "Rut the 11111 is nnl ;is p11latial nor the strc•els a.~ rohhles!oucd (j.~ ~1~ y1•:1rs 11,e;o" 11·hcn the fan1il,v \·is1ted E:astrrn lan<ln1arks. This trip her sn11vrnir~ in- C'l11rle ;:i l'nn1r1t1et rlcrnralrd 11·ith lhr f'rcsiclen1ial .~ea l. ,11 jllPC't' nf Tric111 Ni xon·.~ ll'l'rl- d1nj[ 1·11kr $!Ori rnromnric~ nf :ill epi~orle~ she rt corderl 1n her journal5. WASHINGTON INTERN -~1iss Il ian a Bil!i n.ii:s fir Np~·rnr·t Rrrtl'h incets Pres.i dent Nixon ai; parl or her sumn1er \YO rk experience \rith lhe Office of IJomrslit Arfrt irs.. She 1vas one of 2;11·nllcJ!e ~t u dcnts c·hos.en nationally to 11·ork on con_crC'ss1nn:i.I and exe· cutiY e staffs to learn government proceedings. 1'he Volunteer BurE:!au of Southern Orange County serve~ as 11 clearing house for v~lunteer jobs in the community. If you ,11re. Interested in offer· ing you r servic,s. find the .11.ppropriate place for you b~· c.11.llin,i:: bet\11een 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. !\l onday through F'riday at 642-0963. EARTH MOTHER E1'o·lnfn is a ne\v environmental resource. tn · for111ation cen ter for Oran,Ee \nunt:v scheduled to open Sept. 22 in ~a nta Ana . Th' ccnier is recruiting vn!unt,ers to research projects and ~ans\vering phones. 1'elefhone 1nformalion "'ill be g1Yen on the ac· t ivitles o local ~·roups. plarement of recyclini: and picku p stations rtnd slatus of im pending legisl ation • A traini ng session "·ill start. Sepl.. 8 .. o\ugu5 t Stubeni will offer further inforn1 al ion al 835·3837. EARS TUNING /\ volt111trcr 1rai11inj! sesslnn 1vtll take place rrntn 10 t1 .n1. to noo n 1"hursday. Sept. 9. at the Prnvidencr Spe~eh and l·learin,E Cli nic C'nter, OrangP. ·rhe center'.c; pro~rams and the role of the volunteers 11·111 he exrlainf'd. SK ILLS NEEDED Jn slntctors in lapidary. eleclron ics. ceramics ;ind other skills and hohbies are needed for evt · 11111gs and Srt!.urd;iy.c; 11 1. the Harbor Ar ea Boy~ Cl ub, Cns!<i Mf'sa. Fa ll r rogr<im s are hein £ organiied .and Lhn~e interested in pfl!is1ng on a sk ill to an enlhus· iastic group o( boys. a r~ urged tn c::1ll. TUTORS SOUGHT (lrange f'ounty Probation Dept. \1'aJ1ts ere.den· tialed te.achers to aid in a tutoring program on vol· untn y basis. End of Summer Weddings Link Coast Couples ' {$- ·' , .• MRS . LURMAN LURMAN -Y OUNG Sandra L_rnn Yn11ng ;:ind Grt gory Lur m.11nn exrh,11n.ttd VO\.\'S before !he Rt\'. Dr. Philip (;, Murray in thl' fAm· muni!.v Chu r {' h C:nnj!rega- tionri!. Corona dt'I M11 r. The ir purl'nts are 1'-lr. 11nd Mrs . (;rl'lyrion Youn i o £ t\e"·port Bf'arh ;ind Mr. and M r~ Ch11rle... Lur rnann of Al11mo. Mis.o; Lind11 Young \.l'Hl! her 11is1er·s ma id nf h on o r . Bride~maid.~ wtre lhf' l\lis11es Angel ,111 I. u r m ,. n n . the bnrie.e;room ·~ .•lsl r r. sue v.·ebb, Sa~i Ui8111nc and Core!a Vaughn. Attending as be11t man w1111 t.:h arles l .. ur1nann, lht bridegroom 's brothe r, (.fTl'!Mnr.v Nicol. ,Jim Wehh . Rodd y Jtir k."('ln •nd Jerry Nel'e. The hride 15 • gr11dua 1e or corona deJ M,11r HiJ:h &hool and r.olden V.1e~t C<lllf!Re . Her hushAnd, \.\'hn ser\'f'd in !hf! Arml'rl Ft'trres, will 1111,nd Orangt <.:oasl Cnllrge 'llll"Y "111 re.•1rlto in Ne"·port Rt11ch McKINLE Y-P ARKER S1. .!narl11m'~ I at h n I i r Chttrrh , ('n.~111 J\l r.~Jll \l'llS lhr fil'!11nJ< fnr thl' n1Rrri11i;:e link· in~ l\;ilh~ f':irkrr and .Jrlll11 Mrl\1nlcy, T~rir p111'f'11I <. ;irf" ~l r . .1111rl J\.1r~. l\r1111rlh r 11rkr r 1111rl t.lr~. (;f't'!rt1d ~ ~lrl\1nl P:. 1111 nf Cnslil ~lr.,11. ~1llirl of honor w11 ~ 1\1 1~~ Lnuri Co l,.. hr1dros1n.11!rl~. ~li ~~ ~1;11·~ 1"l r t.:1n l ~.1·, lh~ hridr~r·nn1n"..., ~i ~trr and J\.1r!I. .lt ffrl'.1' Slnwl'. Anrl flowrr ~irl, CArol I.ind. Rest 1111111 WA S R•'1h \\'alkf'r o:1nd u,<,hf'l'S \\'t'fl' Roht'T'I Jllnrl Krnn.\' f'.:1rker. lhl' hrir!e·.~ hrnlhrr ,~ .:ind Dtnni..., MrKinlry. the hrldtcroom·~ hn11h,r Tht hrirl e 1~ 11(1 ,ndin i;: CAl!fornla Slate Cnll l'St at ' -· " ·! ... 1 ' ' MRS. McKINLEY F11llrr!nn ;ind lirr hush.:inrl 11:r1rl11attd lrnm Or;i.ne_e lna~t f'.nllf'gr Th~y 11·ill rr.,1di> 1n Co.~T.8 f\.1ts' BAKER -DiCARLO ..... ,. ... ,. MRS. C. L. BAKER D111nP 1l1l';:i r!rt hPr11111t' r'l1 r~ ChArlr~ L. H:i.kr1· d11rt11_g t•rreinnnic.'l cnnd1H'!rrl in thP ~·1r11! Cnited ri.1 e I h n di .~ t f h11n:h, (.:n~IR :'l·lc..-a . Thl' hr1d' Is lht' dauJ.(hlr:i· 11r Mr~. ~lnrilint l11Car\1111f Co!'i\ll ,,!t'~ll And thf> IA!P J\1r. rhil ip DiCarlo, Hr!' husband is thl' Z11r11ora :ind Ron Li nd;>.hl. Co11!a J\!,:i;:i Mr11 .. Jnne( Sn\1th \I'll~ the n1atrf"!n Of hnnnr : ,\1is!'i NRn(·V A,1t1J~lu10 J11nri J\liss N11ncv Lirl- dii"ht, hr!<lt~m11id~. ·R.,n L1111f!!'r, he~! m;in . a11rl ~''''t Z11n1or111 :ind Ron Linl11hl. u.<ihcrs . Th, hr·iilr is ;i i,:rR1 1ri.ll(!' nr E11r,qnri.11 Hif;!h Srhool ll:Od her • h11shRnd i~ a .:rnr!u11tr .if Twen1 ,v·n1n r r:ihns H j ll h &honl Cll~1a ,\l P~.'I rr~1'1rnts !he~· Arf' lll!lend1n~ Orllnl!l' Cn.i ~! {'n!ll'C" GREEN-TUBA CH ('/\I n rl r \":i~.11 11J1s !hP ~r1!1n~ /or rh!' n11p1111 I.., I I nk 1 n I! f.:111hlrrn .J11nrl1P Tuh,qr h 11nd 1\q11n1r Allrn 1;rf'!'n ri f i.1n1hill, l>1·r ,l11d)o!r l.11\\'!'f'lll'f' :\1;irl ~f'n d11 ('1·1r1I ft1r 1.i11 f'X Chilnl.:I' fn r lhr d1111gh.lrr nf r\.'l r anrl :'111·~ l.r11nilrrl ll T11hrirh n f Nf'wport J\r11rh ::inr! thr s1•n ,.,f ~1 r 1111rl ,\1r-.~ l.raf0rd c;rl'rn nf Tn1!'\..re.. \I r ;ind 1\.lr< .Juh11 H T1•n~111 .Ir'. ~r1·1·Pd 1'~ hnnnr 11t- t r11d.:int.~ Jl .. 1h !hi' hrid(' 1l !I d hndPi;:l"ll{Jlll. who will rrsirlr 1n \'ur;i1p;i. ar, 11.raduatrs nf Lin· l1rkl College, ~fr ,\.linnvillP, Ort' Hr affili:i.trd \1·ith Pi l\ap· pa Alpha. MRS . R. A. GREEN RIANDA -DOWNS Sttphanie Cfln1phe!I J)'111ns ber.lmt thr brirl e of l\t'n t H1::i11d11 durin.i: An afl 1>1·n,)on l'Pl'rn1nn,1· ui SI. ,J a n1 ~ .~ J·:p1~1·np11I Church, Newport At'Rf'h . The Rrv . .lohn T. Ashl')' of· f1ci111ed durin~ !he dnublP nnJ: l't>rrmnnv wh ic h linkrd in 1ni'lrri11g~ the d;i ui;:h1t'r nf ~1r.~. .John \':incr Down~ f'l f Tu~tin n1ld !he lalt' Marine Corps LL l 'ol .lohn TX,i11•n-' Rnd thr snn or Mrs . Al HiRnrill of Cos!a f\:\e,11 and ll1e IR!f! l'vlr. Hi11nd:i. rh~tnrted lo the altar hi' Vernon ll Taylor. the bride :isked ~f1ss f;a yle Taylor lo be maid of honor. Other 111 - lend11ntl! were Miss ,J,qn Ri1::.i:s. ~1rs. J(1Annc F'rii sier. Mr!'i. SuP Cr111., Mi~ r ::i n1 \\'e,qtenhtr« and .'i.t rs. S\11.anne Thf!mll.\, The llf'neliicl •11kf'd Rn1·r! Rieber 111 ~ be~1 man. Se111in.1: th" i;:ur.~t.~ ll'rr (,,.,. ,_·1.11 r~tri11. l\P i1h r rrn1wnrth. R I(' k ~·lah,r. r1111I Leifu., 11 nrl ~1 1ke \'11nl111ni11.h11m r;rad1111l r~ nf ()r11ri~t t'f!.'l~I Cnlll';[Ze. the llt:\\'\,Y1l'tds .11..re 111ak\n,£ their fin•,\ hnnle 1n i\~1•:pnrl Rt:i r.h af1 t:.r a Hl"'aii ;i:n hon•ymrinn . HAYES-PETERS An l'l'Pnini;: cl'r~mrin~· in FPrnrla lt Cha()f'l linker! in mArrii'lf!P. NRllC'~' Lee Peters and M:irk Stt'ven,, H11ye.~. Pllrl'nl!I of lhe rnu plt 11re fl.Ir_ 11 nrl Mr~. Ct'rald K. Peters 11 nd Mr. and f\.1r! Roh Hayts. all of Uunlinglnn Besich. The Rei•, Hichard Mil!t.r ol- flca1ed at the doublt ring ceremony. Servin~ 1'1!11 m:i id of hnnnr wa.~ M is.~ Marcia l\Rnnlna wh ile [)a ve Kud ick wii.~ best man. Davt Hill seAttri th!' .i:uests. The n e "' 1.1' 11· t d ·' Ari' i:ir.11du11tc~ nf MRrina HiRh ~hMI The ne:w Mr~. H11vt.c; alsn :itlended Goldt:n We,.! Cnlle.i:r. Thty \\'Ill n111~t !heir first hon1e 1n h-1nyfitlri K~·- FOX-RICHARDSON St .ln::ieh11n '< t' ;i I ho I 1 r C'h11rrh, Cn.~ta 1'>1e.~11. 11·11s th~ sr!1111p fnr lhe mJtT1a,e;r nf llP1d1 \1 n111k:~ l\1rh11l'rl.~nn and t;rr:ilcl n 1:11x of ~.1n Fran· 1·1scn Th!' hnd!', claui::h!!'r ;if ~1r. 11nrl ~11·<. \V.=i ller Rk·hllrr!snn nf \ ll,l::l r.1esa a~kerl h,r sis1rl' 111-l11w, ~1rs H n r ~ t ll11•h.:irrl~11n nf [ o In r 11 d n Sprini::.~ In he hPr m11tron nf h111Hn Hnrlr~111;i1ds were r.1 i s .~ l\;irr11 1l1r h111·fison, M is~ <:;in- di{·r ltc~·nnlds and ~!rs. Philip ~·111~1111 J)11virl .Johnson wa! thl' hrst 111an, 11nd u~her~ "'ere Hnr~! ;11HI Keith Richardson a11rl r.111~l 1n . '1'11e hnde i~ a izr11duRtr of Ne11·1)!')r1 H;irhor High Sch()('ll .inrl \il'I She t'arned her trarhinJ.! credenti;:il~ Ill UC. Rrrkrlrv "'hf!rt ~he nov.· is wnrk1n~ Inwa rds her masters rlCl!l't'(', Hrr hu sbanr1 i~ .:i ~radu111.e nf ;ind Parnrri his mast~r.s from Cam hridge University, En,11land. Tht y will reside in San Franriscn. GEORGE-FEARS SL .lpn11n r CathoBr Church , Lns 1\nJ.!rles wA~ !he: settlnit: fnr lhP mAn·h1-e nf Lynne Fl!Rf~ 11nd C:ire11ory Slephe.n GenrJ.!f'. snn of Mr . Rnd Mrs Ray Gt'orge: ol Corona del M,1tr. The bnde. dRughter of Mr. and ~1r.c;. Charle.~ 'YI'. Fe<1r~ of Los /\np;t'll'.~. wit~ attended by Mis~ \\'endy Ft:Arl!, Mrs. Oen· nl~ &nit, Mr.•. Jack Ge:orgt ,11nr! 1hr MiMie~ Sh 11r yn Rrir kf',\, 1'A~· W11rm11th 11nri K 111h ~· r;,,]l·in Rr.~! n1nn w11.~ [)r .lnhn ri (;cori;:fl . 11nrl ui:.hprg "'-'t re. .lnhn \'.lllrl,1. ~1ikf' &arp;ire. Chrb \\'.1111 And ,l;Jck n ·M.111lry The bride carntd hl'r BS .=ind \IS a1 Ille l!ni1'ers11v rif Snu!hPrn Cal ifornia "'hC'rP ~hfl \I'll~ 11 !TIPJTib'r nf Alpha PL11 ann the Trop1n .Junior A11.~ ili;ir~, HPr hu~h11nri .il~n c<1 rnrrl h1$ H.'i :ii USC 11·hrrl' hr affi!lalrd 1•11h Ph i f\app11 r s1 ;ind pl11yfld \'11rsity fnnthall and r11i;:b1 Follnw1ng a San Fr.11 ncisco ;ind t.11k, Tahoe honeymoon, !he nrw lywetl~ wtll re.•irlt in 'W'esLch e.'!01t-r YOSS-KI PP Susannt Lee V n s s et· rh1'·"1i;!Pd 1·nwg sind ring~ with William Rlch11rd Kipp riuri ng ctremnnie~ ('nnduct ed b~· !.he Rev. Charle.~ Smith in !he C11 lv11ry Ch ;:ip!'I, S:in!a Ana The hride i.'I the d.llujhler of Mrs . F'rllnri.~ E. Mar!mon nf Costa Me . ..,11 And her h1111band's p11ren1..~ 11re: Mr. and Mr~ Harold W. Kipp of Newport Be11ch M11l.ron nf honor Wll!'i Mr~. T hnmA.'I V r n l rnn e : hrlde5maid.'I. ~I r.~. R I 11 i r Smith. Mr!!. Doui: Kuchilh l"in . Migs Heidi Glidden .:i nn M i~!! Nita Whittlr . And fll'lwer girl. Jo.v M11rimnn. Sam GrJhl'lm w111 the best MRS. W. R. KIPP m11n : u~hers. Boh Slt ven!, .leff Millt r. Mike: Br1un, P.!iul (',onn ~r and Jack Carr, and rini;: helll'er, Tim Marlmon . The br idP i~ II 11r11dua!e nr Orani;:e High School anri 1'1 l· tendPd Or.ange Coasl Cnllegt!'. Her husb11nd l~ a 11rad uate or SAn Marino High School and a!l enried th t Universitv nf il'laryland . UCLA and Wl'!Od· bur.v Colleie. He: h.1s served ~·ith !he. Air force. WILLIAMS.PILKER TON Dale Williams clt1lme.d L~·n· ne Pilkerton .11~ h~ bririe dur· inA II double riniz ce:remony in Our Redet,!'1er L u t h e r a n Church, Garde:n Grove. The Re i•. Char!eg Endte.r 11nd the ReY. Ron '-1oore t1f· ffl'l.11.lf!d 11 !ht J11ftern('l(ln nup- l.i11ls. r art'nls nf t.h~ briri • At't Mr. J111lf! Mr11. Jamr11 Pilk,rton nf Hunrin,irton Ae1 ch . Her hu~ bJ11nrl ill th, M'n and sltp-snn nf .\1 r . .:ind Mr,, Arthur Knn1ne~ eif \\lt~lmin~t~r . • Serl'iniz a.~ maid llf honor "'ai; Miss Wendy 'Ukertan . Other .1Jtt~nd11nL~ were 'Plobin Rins, Ca mllle Hulme and Sin· drA Fo,R:l•. Oebblt Kr.11ns was flO"'-'C:r girl while D.1vld Kan.. l~s w.lls ring bearer. The benf!dict .11tkM Bra4 Bates to be best m.11n while the ,llUt.11~ were seated by Joa Gumme5nn, Jim Richards 100 Dale ~ileo. The n t w I y wed 1 ti re grRrlU<tlt'.'!1 nl F'ount,11 in Valley HlSh SchMI The~· "'ill m11k~ th,lr flrsl hnm t In Htw11 il \\lhtl'P h• i~ st ,11t iC'!ned ln lht N1111·y Your Horoscope Sagittarius: Protect Confidential Documents TH URSDA Y AUGU ST 2b By SYDNEY OMARR Gemini is resllcs.'I. Leo is roniantic and Scorpio i s pa s s ion a t e . Aries can dorninale. Taurus er.in in- tin1idat e, Virgo t•;1n criticize and Libra can Sl·ek Justice. Sagittarius (·nn pontiric;:i te, Capricorn can e v a I u a 1 e Aquarius can predict and Pisces can 1>erct'1\'t" And Cancer can cook~ ARI ES ~March 21-April lll l You'll love the many ways of Vision could be obscured bv one who makes sensation.ii clailns. Dig beneath surface indications. Scorpio ts in- volved. Check finances Rel11 - tions wl!h special person are 1n1cns1/tet1. ~1aintain bal;ince. TAURUS (April 12 -.\1a1• 20 1. Judgment. intuilion n1av be oblique rather than direct. V..'ait for opposition to show hand, Base ac!ions on logic. 11n1 in1pulse. Atcent on ho\'1 tu in1prove relations 'ol'i1h male, partner Study leg;il potential. GE:\llNJ ('.\lay 21-June 20 1: V1tal1ty returns if discipline is . . . a nd You'll love Our Huge Selection! WIGS-FALLS-WIGLETS applied. Begin new work pro- ject. Obtain needed materiali::. Leo c;:in aid. Sh:ire spotlight with associates. Rel ;l!ive could surprise wi!h t•all. message or 111si1. Be rnoderate. CANCf<:ll (Jun(' 21·July 221 ; Good lunar aspect now coin-~ tides with investment poten-J; 1ial He\'an1p ideas, coneept.~. ~ • fl<' 111 tune w1!h limes. ~·~r \Ve]('ume change, tr a 1' e I , ,'£..~ 1·ariet.v. Special srudy group y,•itl be beneficial. Aceenl euriosity. LEO ~July 23-Aug 22 1 Seek rxpans1on l\leans dun·! fall 1n- tn I rap. emotional o r n1hrrw1sf' S;1J,!illarius ea n teach you. Re rettptive. Ncgoti;:itions regarding pro- 1>erly could be coneluded. Versatile approach irnpre5ses, wins. Act according!~·. \'Jll GO 1Aug 23-&>p! 221· Responding in h.1 slf> .,.,·ou ld he rrror. Conccnt1·a!e f n r c es . Strc.'is stability. Neighbor or rcla!ive rna y be n1 isi nforn1ed. Hcali1.e sinceritv is 11 o ~uh:-;titute for knOwledge. F.:x- ert'ise intellcclual curiosily . LIDHA (Sepl. 2J·OtL '22l: A Fair Doy New Idea A tirsl ~lf bullt'ring i>ltclr1c pop1wr for po1)("()rn looks hkr a ~l rcarnlin('tl. hubble top lunar landt·r 1n rn1n1ature An i n.~C'rt in thr tr<1n spart>nl lid holds sohd butter that DAILY PILOT 35 Pops Up mf'lls and drips down evenl y on light. nQn ·st1ck hn1ng on the metal part and a k'rnPI separater lo i:1fl out unpopped t•orn The lid doubt's as a serving boy,•I. Cf~~11 ·a1 1 £·e STARTS THURSDAY, AUGUST 2l Items from our entire st ock REDUCTIONS UP TO 50°/o r: Ji0 Y' J1f l'"l All S.1let f ln •I -No L.1y1w1y1 GRADUATE CORSETIERES 250 E. 17th St. Costo Mesa in Hillgren Squire -641-5430 'I -I,.----=~~ Store Wide SUMMER CLEARANCE Group I 25°/o OFF Cotton Avril prints, cotton 1lrelch Te rry Velourt, tOO i~ polyeshir prin t~. stripes dnd solids -Kettle c lolh prints. Plus 'T' Sh•rt cotton knits. Group II 1/3 OFF They're all at .. r/Jaff;,,j f Be ;iw;irc of accounl s. earning capaci ty. /I.lake changr. if nccessar~'· Gemini and \'iq~o individuals fir,u re prominrntl1· Perceptive aUilude results in Rnb\'n Ra11·er~. ne11 lv·rro1\"ne d itaid or Cali forn ia. ,<;pend.o; a bu sy day signing ,EH in. You can arid t 0 autOgraphs at the ('<iii:• ,rnia State f ai r after officials decided to allo11· her to re- Hawdii an te>1t ilf! acryl ic crepes dnd chatli,, Se lected cotton pr int\, I 00 ••• polyester prin ts a nd solids. Sher• red sk •rtin g, 100 ~~ cotton kni ts, Pique print s. po.~st'ssions. P!;in ahead. ta1n her r1-01vn de.c:p1 te disclosures that she 1vas arrested a year a go. SCORPICl r(kt. 2J· Nov. ----· ----------~::_ _ _:_ ________ 11 Group Ill ~ WIG & BEAUTY SALON 548-3446 21 1· Ph.l'sical ;:ippearanC'C' t<; ~ 250-D E••t 17th Stre•t enh;:inced h.1• npw ::ipparC'L Pcrson;ilitv shines: 1·ou l'x udr rnagnclic ·aura. l\la ~y are ::ii· traclcd. including · opposite sex . Stress new s!arts. in- dependence, or i g i n a t ap· proach. Be sel f-reliant. Five for Fun ~ COSTA MESA [ 1-llLLGR J::i'\ SQUARE ____ _ • r l l I l l THURS., AUG . 2• FRI., AUG. 27 SAT., AUG . 28 8''x10'' Living Color PORTRAIT onlr88c*. n~ i~: Jt, ~ ~ies -children -cidults -groups -1 Speciol ol each person singly cni y 88c, p lus SOC: film fee. Groups $1 .00 per person, plus one 50~ film fee. * Select from f inished pictures in rodionl block and white ond living color. * Bonu1 qucility "Guoronteed Satisfaction." *Limit -one Special per chil d. * Fe11t delivery -courteous servic e *Senior Citi1en1 Welc:cime lt141e He•rtl 10 A.M. t• 1 ,,M., t P.M. t• 6 p,M,. rrllriy t• 7~ ,,M.-Jet11r4•y t• J :lO ,,M. GRANT PLAZA I BROOKHURST AT ADAMS I HUNTINGTON BEACH HORE HOURS DAILY 9,30 TO 9 SUNDAY 10 TO 6 SAGITTARnJS (Nov. 22· Dec . 21 1: Accent on srcrrts. hiddC'n n1 ean ini;i.~. clandestine arrnngcn1enls. You \vork best now behind scenes. One who looks over .vour i;hn1Jldrr ;; ho 11 1 rl br reorim;indrrl. l'rn!ret rnnfid1:n1i<i l doru- rnrnt " B<> warl' ('A l'HIC..:01\1'\. !l)ee. 22· 1:111. 111 1· \\'h:i.1 ~l ar1s 11s frirnd.~h1p C(H1ld dC'vclop inlo ,_nmelh1n~ more meaningful. Re respon,.i- blt': <l nn'I pla.v games \.\'ll h cmolions. l\nlhing npw i~ apt lo Ot"Cur h a I f ,,.,. a \' . f!rla- lionships arc in!rns1r'icd. G!\'C anrl recei\'r AQUARIUS <Jan, 2n-~·ch 16 1· Honor due :i.<; rc~ul1 of pas! l>ffort s. Conclude uniqu<' la!'k. a~sii.:nmf'n!. Thro11· off hurclcn not nghllv .vour own . Acgress11·c individual n111v trv lo rak f' pl;i .V fnHTI ~·i•u. n1~rl:iy skil l.~: \'011 <'llH.>rge vi r•lnrlo11". l'l:>'CES 1 Feb. 19·J\1arch 201: i\t("en t nn :idvcr\i.<;ing. public <'Xprc!'i!'ion of pril'a1f' th ough1s. 111 g h I l g h I. oi-igin::ilit.v, in· clrpcndence. :ibil!ty to lakr l'hargr. Strrss philosophical. i;pintuat ronrep!~ Onr at a rli~tance lends aid. Exch:i.nge idea~. IF TOO <\Y JS 't'(l U rt RlllTllllA Y you ;:ire at ~nur lw~I ll'hC'n 11·orkini:: f n r ynur~rlf ,.1111 rC'!"rn1lv ha \'C. d<1rf'rl tn hC' mnrr 1ndrprnrlrn! '" !•" ""' .,.. .... , IUf'• °'' "'" •11 ,.,.,., ..... ~ ,,,., .,.,,., ~.,.,,,, .. o..,.,, ' """""' ~•Utl >t•t1'• fn• ''"" •nrl W•·"•·• ~""" h·•l"~·•• • .,n 1' t •')" In (lnl~" n,1 • .,1') ... ~K<"h "'° 0 .4•l V r •LOI. Bo· ·i-o (,'~"~ (•nlrAI ~·~ I'll"• Nf W Vn·~. N Y 1~11, Peering Around \IACATI ONll\'(; \n S;:infn Rarbar;:i were 1he /l.·1cssrs ;u1<l ,\1111cs. \\I. H. Allrrhanrl, Sou1b Laguna, (;l'o rge Pr in r . L:igun;i H ill.~. and Rarrv f\lichallson ;ind llarry ~y(', Newporl Beiich. PANTS 9377 fACA rROM Ot'E MAIN 8-18 PATTERN.PART II·~ tnu" .h1~1 O.'\F: /1.1,\J\T P1\TTE!l'li PAHT f,,r C'a1·h - lun1r. flr('.~S or 111n1[1f'r. hnt rant~. ~kiri , p:inl!i>' \\'h1r up r hr~r p;irtners 111 C'as1carc pv1Vl'S1f'r!' 111 pnnls. ~n\!ds I 'nnrerl l'111tPrn !}.17i NE\\' 'll~ses' S11r<; R. HI, 12, 14, Hi, 111 ';ird;1~rs 1n p;if1C'rn :-i!'~\"E .'\TY·Fl\'E CENTS fnr r ;ll'h p.11trrn -;1dr! 2!'1 cc11l ~ fnr ca(·h p;1tten1 l11r Air ~1;i!I ;01d SpC'e1;:il 11 a 11 d I 1 n g , nt!i('rwl~!' !h1nl-cla.~~ rlrl11·rr\' l\lli l;1k.r tbrre 11·ct·k.~ nr r"iorr Send 111 \1:iniln :i.bHt111 , O:iilv P1\nl. 4.\2 l';1ltrrn [)cpl. 232 \\'rst Hl11i St, Nc11• York. '.\'.Y 1001 L Pnnl NA.\1 E, AllllR ESS \\"Ith Zlr. SIZF: and STYLI=: J\"Ui\1B ER. :~J?L~~/1f~ -., ( __ ,,-,. -' '7/f.e ~7~0~ --·----608 EAST BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA REFRIGERATED DELIVERY SERVICE' PHONE 673-8310 ______________ ,,. ___ _;'~';';C~IA~L~S.;;;~T~H~U ll:S., Fll:I., 5AT. -AUGoUST 2l. 27, 21 GUARANTEED FANCY· RIPE WATER-FIRM· SLICING MELONS EASTERN· GRAIN FED YOUNG TOMATOES WHOLE PORK STEAK c c c lb lb lb Fashion Instantly Designer P:it Sandler is con· cerncd y,•ith the look of today for fall and winter. For dnytirnr , she pul ;; i! all lo~e1her in the one-piece dre!'s <1nd c11sen1ble with lhe rasual lno k of sporL~wc;>.r .'\11 thr CX· citin~ picci>s ::ire ! h ere : tweed~. swral er tnps, bel!~. ~winginji( r;ip('S to wr 11p i1 <111 "" lr11::tant coordination, inst:int f;ishton. acco rding lo !ht' de si~ncr. "Circus Wagon" 1 free puppet show The &Yer-popul ar Mitchell! Marion ettes will perform on : the .,11 ddity thurs .. fr i·' set . .,ug 20-27 -28 -show limes I t hurs-fri I pm-2 pm -3 pm · 4 pm ti nd 7 :JO pm s.,1 noon -I pm·2 pm-3 pm-4 pm young end old ll lik e enjo y th is great e nl erli'l inmenl. Huntin gton Center, 8edch dnd Ed ing er "' Sen Diego Freewt't y. 1/2 OFF IOQ ",. polyester stripes and solids. Cotton aYril vo ih, 'T' shi rt neck ribbing. Cupersh am prints and many others. Special Group 10°/o ABOVE COST Sunflower Swimwear fabrics f.,cfory to you clos•· ouls, 100 ",. dcryiic crepes and ch.,l lis a nd l<!ces, sc~f'bOWEJl 219 Broadway LAGUNA BEACH 497-1595 l~•~Amrr,.••4 -M•o!or C:hlft• frH p•rking behind Sprouse Reltt: ¢0 when you buy any size Gleemll and start getting its two big benefits. \ f Bene fit No. I is 1ls fluo ride, to help ri rotect yo1 1r re e th. Benefit No 2 is ii ' hrightener. Gel you r Glcem Il today at your !avor1tP. too!hpac:,te s to re and l1dn(j the rnan this coupo n lor your I Oc oil. r!------------------------1 jl0('.1'6 I ,_ '" ..,,3 'Z 1.o ~ .... 2 1 "' g, ~· ,, o, I I I I TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR STORE Coff 1 on any size with both fluoride and brightner THIS COU,ON CiOOO 0 Nl Y ON GlftM D "NY O IHEI USf CONSTITUll~ ,.,,VO. '~'"' ... "' '°'~•••-'°''"•"""-, ... , .. ~•••••·-••'°M ' ...... ._ .... _ ........... ~ .. "-"~ ,.,.,_. • , __ , ..... ""'"""'-'" :.'.::' .::::-..::.:::::: ;::.:.:-. ":.'".!. ::-:: ~ ~:-.:: : :•, ;7"'" "•' ... 0'4 '" H"O .... ,_ ..... • ............ -·-.... 00 ...... -.,., ··-· .. , ..... . ''"">G• ..... .,,....,,,., ••' .,.,..,, 1 -""'' •• • • "'"'' "'' •• '"'' ,..,., ••O•• "'' •' • ••"' • •··~•• "'< • •••••..., ••• ,.. __ ,. .. , .. , ::~· :·~= ·:.::.":'::.-~.';'~ ~~'1.::::. :-.::.-,:.::::.~·:.:~.::.:..::-.:..::.7 ;.;:::~·. ::.:: ......................... -· -............... " .. .. ... -~ ... _ ........ ·-.. ' ..... -·--.··· ' ......... ~ ·-·~·-····~· ..... , ......... ...,_,., ...... ..__ .... ,_,_ .... .. ~::;.:;;-~o';t,"; :-:;~; ;"';,, \' ,:;;;.;,•.';':,"'';',' :-:.•,";,!",~•~•? ~· ''"' ~ ""'-'"'""'"'"'"'IO •oou• c':'..'.':.::,::...,...._i~ ;,•:: PROCTER & GAMBLE ~!a L.-------------------~ .... ---~---ool\ ·~ 1'630lf• ______________ .. ' . ., . -.... . -.• ., 31 DAil Y PILOT Orange Coast Clubs Reach Finale of Social Season QUAI ITV READY TO FINI lH , ... ,.,,,, .. ,., . •.. ·,,,,. ,,,,, .. Beach parties 11nd l 11 e popular Hawa iia n luaus are ftn1sh!ng the season as Orange Coast club members recruit inltiates and prepare !or fall arienlatlo.n. Garden Club South Co11sl G a r d e n Clubwomen and their guests will atlend .1u1 in\'itational mc1nbership tea fron1 2 tn 4 p.m. Friday, All,11;. 27, tn the 'ntrec Arch Rav hurne ur J\1rs Robert C. Robb C&hoslesst s J\1rs t;rnrge Cunn inj!harn and /\1rs. Glenn :P.1. Green \\•ill be: assisted b_v committtt rhairmen, the ~1mes. H. Prrc1val Chase. 'fh<Jmas 8. Harrison. Dora Hills, Clifford Tinsman and Rflbert W1'11ton. Mrs. ~Iles \\lelch, new president, has chosen !he 2737 E. Co•1+ Highw •v Co10n• del M~r-Pll. b1l-l 'i50 •••~~ ... merlc•rO •M•tlt• Chor,. l l Y••n In Sime LICtllo~ thc1ne Fr1eodshi115. Flel~·ers and fun The South Coast club will be represented on the board of Orange C o u n I y Di!tr1ct of California Garden tlubs by ~1rli" R. L. I. Smith and t\>lrs. Jane Tanner. Beta Sigma Ph i Three Beta S1grnil Phi chapters have sch ed u I e d Reginning Da y rnet'tings and a fourth is planning a luau. Phi Phi Chi!pler ha s htd prospel'live member~ lo ;:.. Ret!in n1nl{ D11~· lunch ro n at !J -'.'l(J S.1turday, Aug 28, in the Al Hnzeck h-0 n1e in Huntington Bench ~1 rs . Bay Smock . progra1n cho1 rman, v.· 1 11 distribute ye01rbooks. Xi F.La Xi Ch<ipter \\ 111 celebrate its first day with a salad supper Tuesday . Auiz:, 31. in the home or i\1rs. J\'.eal Glatman. Seal Beach. Chapter members will host a bingo party at the Westminster Convalescent Ho~pital , one of their philanthropie~, on Sept. 7. Men1bcrs of Xi Xi Pi Chapter wi!J n1ark Beginning D<iv with a salad luncheon 11l nOOn. Saturday, Aug. za in the 'Fountain Valley residence of fo..frs. Robert Kremer. tllrs. Norrnan Nieberlein. president. will announce activities for the coming year. A Polynesian dinner a\\·ails Tall Tau Ch1pter membtrs \\hO arrive Bl the Laguna Ni·~uel hon1e ~f f\fr1 . John Blurn at 7 p.rn. Tuesday, Aug. 3! t.lr• J Albert Gould ls lhe new presidenl of the group and Mrs. Gary Rasmus1en I& chairman of the fall sea.son'• rtrs l e\•ent, ""hich will include au then!lc Hawaiian and ·rahitian dances. Sophi•ticates The Young Sophis ticates \\'omen's Club of Southern Callfornla ha:i1 arranged its 1hird annu<1l beach party, Sw1nl!1ng 1n !he Sand, to start at 6:30 p.m .. Saturday. Aug . 28. at Redondo Beach Marine Park. The evening will include swimming. dancing, wiener roast, volley ball and door prizes. Proceeds will benefit a children's ca mp and center for handicapped youths. Mrs. Howard Kallemeyn. chairman, v.·i ll be assisted by 1\1rs. Ka\· Delcourse and Mrs. Robert ·Puckett, Huntington Beach llnd ~frs. Rod g er Rhodes, Fountain Valley. Senior Citizens r.1embers and friends o( Harbor Sen ior Citizens Club, Newport Beach, are inv ited ln a Hawaiian Festival in the clubhouse at 7 p.m. Saturday, P-T Notes Harper PT A J\lr~. Kennrlh Kell er Pres idenl (:O~·ll NG UP : Happy Face is thr !heme se!ecled by Harp<·r PTA fo r ll Back-10-- school F'ashlon Show an d ;~uncheon which wil l be presented at 11 a.m. Tues· day. Aug. 31, in the school. Mrs. llobert Ward , chair· man announced tickets are $1.25 for adults and 50 cents for children. Aug. 28. Co-chairmen, Mrs. Beatrice M c G r e w and i\targaret Schunke, h • v e programmed the eboral 11:roup dlrt.cted by Mn. Jam es Sawyer, a white elepbant sale and refreshmenta. Mr1. Katherine Wadsworth, gadabouts chairman, hu an· ll(IUnced departure dates of Sept. 8 for a three-day Lrip to La:;. Vegas and Sept. 18 for three week! in Europe. l<iwi Club Former American Airlines stewardessea who belong or want to join the Long Beach· Huntington Beach Ki~·i Club will meet for a potluck luau at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. %3, in the Lyle Abbott home, Long Beach. Films of Hawaii ?nd the South Pacific will be shown, rt ports Mrs. Donald Sokol, co-chairman. Camino Juniors El Camino Real Junior \Voman 's Club members and their husbands wUI be within a volleyball's lob of the Western \\'hitt House when they gather at Cypress Shores for a beach party, Saturday. Aug. 28. The relaxing session of sports and batbtrue will precede a busy club year of community pro- jects. City of Hope South Orange C o u n t y residents interested in forming the Maxine Ceverley Ch1pler of the City of Hope are invited to an informational meeling at 8 p.m .. Saturday, Aug, 28, In the garden oppoliite the J11.ck Caverley home In San Juan Capistrano. At 11. recent. sin11lar gather· ing 8() persons donated S500 in memory o1 ~trs. Caverley, to the City of Hope and heard ex- pansion plans for the non· profit facility. Hostesses included t h e r.tmes. Frank Farrell, Dolores Dellinger, Russell W a t e r s , Louis Want, Ch.!trles Piper, I<;dward Reeder. J\1ack Sv•an· son, Rudi Nygles. Raymond f.lil!er and Benny Davis. Beach History The newly formed Seal Beach 1-listorical And Cultural Society will start its eii:curslon Los Brizos on Move Fiesta Halts Siesta With maps in hand . members or Las Briz.as del Mar Auxiliary of Children 's Home Society and I he i r husbands will plot a course for the group's final sumn1er social on Saturday, Aug, 28. Prior to a busy fall fund· raising schedule. the aux1hary will participate in a Fiesta Fling progressive d i n n er charted by Mrs. John Travis, social chairman. "Hora felit'' will be hosted by Mrs. Clyde Story, cor· responding ~ecretary . With maps in hand, the group will proceed to !he home of the president . J\>lrs. James Ackley where a c21t'ered ~lexican din· ner will await them. Final destination for a grand rinale and entertainment 1vil1 be revealed during the dinner 1..'0urse In sha rp contra st is Las Br izas regular schedule whch includes Christmas ca rd sales, a booth at the F'ountain Valley lfalloween Barbecue and a speakers' bureau formed to relate the CHS Story to service clubs in the area. Saturday, Aug 28. with an I~ noon Sunday. Aug. 29. a.m. brunch at the IOI Rarx:h A parade for t1\'lns, games Houi;;e. The group wil be bused and contest& ;o.~e being ar- to Terminal Island for a • ]lJ E 1711, \r 'Caito "!•''·'l-b~~ 111i t B """' It'• H ... ,, ,< r '"' ·•• special tour Clf R I c h a r d ranged for lhe afternoon, ac· Fellows' collection of restored i ·-c~o~r~d~in~g~:'°~~!\I~r>C.~~J~a~m~e~•'.'=~~~~~~~~~~~ street cars. The return to Seal Parkln!On, social chairman. Bettth will be followed by refreshments, Practic al Nurse• M~mbers and guest.!! of California Practical Nurses Association, District 34, Costa l'otesa. will gather for a rashion show. Sunday, Aug. 29, at Don the Beachcombers restaurant, Corona del l'o·!ar. Hawaiian lashions for the family and nurses' uniforms will be modeled. Proceeds arc earmarked for the St. Joseph's llospital Dialysis Center in Orange. Irvine Juniors The first health committee meeting of the lrvlne Junior Woman's Cl ub year will start .11 7:10 p.m .. Thursday, Sepl 2, in the home or Mrs. John Egerer. !11rs. c;ary Milton. health chairman, h as designated Novemb{'!' as major healt h month w i t h fund-raising projects aimed al the new Saddleback Valley Community Hospital. Girls Club Summer Fiesta will wind up vacation activities for Girls Club of the Harbor Area on Wednesday, Sept. l. with din· ner and entertainment booth s! from 4 to 7 p.m. and performances by d a n c e , I acrobat and Spanish classes 1 starting al 7 p.m. The Costa ~1esa clubhouse v.'ill he closed Bil day to prepare for the e v e n i n g entertainment. Twins' Moms Orange Coast J\1others of T1vins and th eir families \vl!l gather in Cost.a J\1esa Citl' Park for a picnic luncheon a·t Thi Frit11diit1I SJons 1,. T011111! ROUX "TCflldfuJIN RINSE C c ' o r 1 lmm10l1e•ervt Cove<1 orcv complet•· IV' !on• ~1eoc'1td l>oor? Me!c'1" bleocl>ed ho<t IC ""w 11rowtr.. 13 e.~Cili"!I (CIOll -rint• in -"'°"'pee out -ne to<1lno. ROUX QfAMPOO f)• BTYt.lll AND &ET ' ' W•t» R""" !.nomooo t"'c• •v!ro ricn uem• V<o..lpcc. VALUABLE COUPON •a;ti• ROUX "fANCl ·IONE" CllAM MAii TINT TOUCH-UP I l otlle ol f l•! --"' Al.L YOU ROUX nk• ~\i11T1q• Cclt11 11'1 IU m'""''' lo•lt lei we1k1 .. ilhou\ roe'""'o. or.a "'"""o "°"'""ol c"lott "' o•av ,.. 0011 hol1, Goosomo• '"' bl•cicr.ed. Include• Stvle and Set, r ASH ION sm.m HAIRCUT ..•. .. .. VALUABU COUPON 4$;ld• PERMANENT WAVE iltAl08 "All CU'T 1200 :::::::· .... A Thumbs Down on Tying Hands beny, berry, BX'tra.ilrdin:ain1I DEAR ANN LANDERS: ~ly wife and I 8oe4 I• Ah .. I_ MOfl. ! ..... _ ""-lh!!'A ~DO p.-, Mu• " p.._ .... h _,.i!HNt ,...,y1s --U YOU CAM Gil 'lRMANEMT WA.VI , • f t ·-"'All loll- li11 .... tu ... '#Ill. _Tll•n., 'tU ~00 l.~ ~=-• and my mother-in·law are having a three· -=====::N::O::W::::A::::T::Y::O::::U::R:.:;G::R_O:_:_C_:Ec_RjSi<;:::::======:, Wily figh t. \\'llh the two of them nn on~ r side llnd me on the other. lt"s aboul our 3-year-old daughter. Super Dress! Here'i the perfect outfit for fal! , .. button front \k irt with its own hot pards tJnderneath, lo show or not. lt'i made of ei11,y-ca re Ar ne!, in bl 11ck only. ~32. Sur.ie has been a thumb-i;ucker eve r si nce she \\T.S an inFant. This drives my n1 olher·in-law cra1.y. She says il "'i!I ruin 1he eh1ld 's teeth and we should not allow it. l.11s1 11.·rek Grandma had Suzie for the d<1,v. \l'lirn wr went to get her v.·e found Suzie ~11t111g in a <'hair. her hands tied behind her buck wi th a dish towel. Suzie's face WllS red fr om crying and she h;id perspired so much her hair was soaking wet. \Vh en I saw lh ls I blew my stark and !old off my nlother-in·law . She .~aid she hnd warned Suzie that H she cili1ght her 11·i1h her !ilunb in her mouth one more rinl<' she'd be punished . t\>ty 1\•\fe )l.Ot rnild al me and sidf'd with my mn1her·1n·IJ111• She sairl shr 'd welcome anylh111g thJtl 11nuld brrak 1hc t•hild nr l lh11n1b-surlun~ and sa11• 11oth1n,c: ~-roog 11·11h wh;il her n1othrr had dont' l a1n ~·nt1og 1n .\'ull bct'ausr 1 know rnv 111 lfe and rn~ 1n1~l ht'r-1n-law read your C'(\l· umn and lhl'Y respeet ~·ou -when you agreC' \\"Ith then1 . that ts. Please give us your opinion -i\TINO lllTV OF ON~: 1nnlher 1v1th the supcrsmarl daugh ter v.·hosl" teachrr ft'll she should be skipped for the second lime in five years. tShe \1·ould have graduated from hig h school at 15, ! I. loo. wa s a precocious child. ad vanced two grades and gradusted from high school at 15. No one ever sa w an uglier duckling. My classmates considered me a baby. r had no dates and wa s too shy to become involved in school ;:ictivi!ies. [ spent every waking hour studying. I gre1v lo loathe school and refused to go lo col· lcge. J\1y pllrl"n1s should not hsve prrmitted !he gradr skipping . They should have in· sisled inslead .. that I take exlra courses fnr intrllt'clual stin1ulalion. Our nwn tv.·o daughters are prrC-'Or1ous also bu t I would nn1 allow th!'m tn be skipped. They lire both much happ1!'r and better lldJusted lcrnllgers than I v.·as. -DRAINED BHAIN DEAR ANN LANDERS : I am a teenager v.·ho is ha\·ing trouble with my fo lks on account of drugs. I am not on ayntb1ng. \Vhen I st arted high school two yea rs ago I made up my mind not to ~el messed up ~·ith an y of that stuff. I sa~· too many Cllts in trouble beclluse they were chicken and said ··yl's·• instead ot '"no." r.1~· par{'nts read c1·erything they ran get their hands on aboul !ccnagers and drugs. Every time I turn around th<'y question me. Last night: "Your pup ils are dilated. \Vhal have you been laking ?" Last week : "\Vhat arc f.hose marks oo your arin?'' (They were mo.~quiln bit!'S.) Tonighl: "You look very happy. Are yo u high on son1ething:'" Pleast', Ann, tcll parents not tn do this to thl'ir kids. II makes them feel nol trusted and it"s a drag lo be on the defen~ive all the time. -HONOR BRIGHT nt.:AR H.B.: )'nu told thrm -and bet· ter lhan I could have. Thanks a lot. Gi\"e in or lose hirn ... ~·hen 8. guy i;i ves ~'OU this line.. look out~ for tips on how t(I handle the super sex salesman. check Ann Landers. Read her booklet, "Ncckint: and PC'1!1ng -\\'hllt. Are the Lirni\s ?" Send your request !n Ann Lanrlcr~ in t llre of 1he DAILY PJl.OT, l!sttr! MrotHt. Name Mn1•1-M l'I Neqtl!!!ltt nt!f! rr1f P. Name Md1e11 _ ~ddre11 _ :ily :ily __ Phone Phone COUPO~ EXPlttES t/2111 COUPO~ l!:ICl'llll"$ •t2/11 • .............. -------------~ ..... _ ----------J Mt•+•· C~"'9* 8""~Am~r•o ~1d e,a ... 11 Ch"r9• ~-~ BlDTIQUE 1 ~117 \1,9 l1d .. N•,..~er ! B••cfi ~7J .A!"ol0 I OEAH i\111'\: Nn one 1 know in lhe fleld 111 beha1·orial ~ci~n ct'S llpprn\"es of tying u rhlld's hands tn stop lh umb-suckin)l.. Thr rI11er1s say thrre should bt nn at· !C'n1p1 to shamC' nr punish. Thr ht.st ap· prnaC"h In 1humh·SllC'kinit is In rt'co.icnize II f!lr whut It is -a ~ourcC' of 1·nmfnrt to an in srcure child. DEAR RR.<\IN; 1 rt<'cived dozens of lrtters Crom parents expressi ng this point of \"it •v ... and not noe letter ~upporllng tht opposite 1>0si tfon . Thank1 for taking lht time to gfvr us the benefit of ~·our ex- peril'nce. slllmped, ~clf·rtdllrc:<.sl'd en1·cl•1pe. enclosing fill cents in ~"~':n~a~n~d~•~lo~n~g~.~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l""'.:""""':::~~~""5:::: r ' ' ~ ' 'I .~ • ' I l OF.AR A~N LA~\ll<:H:". I wnnt In con· ~ratulate ~·nu on .\nll r <1rlv1ce ln the ~*.,,.....-..--~~--, .. ~."":' ... -... ~ .-~ ...... -~-I• Inventory Clearance Exqu isite impo rted Sl ips & Gowns - •• '' ". ,. I , ' I I ·I . I ' I I 'I THE N-E·W LQQK n7alti.e~ HAIRSTYLING 9 M•ie & Female HAIRSTYLISTS To Ser.,.e You r Every Need ! t"U'r JEEN (u lN ) FOBT ~ LAUDERDhI.Bi 'FLORIDA ( (J ~ j l ALL ITEMS AT OR BELOW COST , VIYIANI WOOO.t.lD 1 COSMn!CI NOW AT 1 •t• Sowth Coast Hwy. ot Diamond LAIOUNA HACH 494·11 •0 ~ m,i!Ae~ WIG A BEAUTY SALON 541.J446 I ZSO·D 1 .. 1 17111 S'lfft .....,.,,.-.,,...,...,""" ____________ .,rr:;::~·~•:•~•r::::::::::::_rr_--~-·-'·_,,;:_••_-_.',~,•l ,, _____ 2.~.~-~-~.l-E~ .... ~-L.~.~-'....'.-~---"J Mourt-Mon. thru S•t. t :lO to S:JO Al.L SALES POSITl\IELY CASH & CARRY J;l l'llOT-AOYERTJS[R Buckle 'Berry' Tasty Ari old fcJ1ut'lff' fro1n \lt>rc moul. LlLUE ll t.:llH Y HUCKLE 2 cups :.iftcd nour 2 teaspoons bakinb po11der 1i tcaspoo11 ~a le 3..1 cup sugar 1.. up bu tter or 111ari;<Jri11(' I egg 1,i cup milk 2 cups fre sh bluebcrnes 1'opping , see below Sifl together lluur. baking po11der and salt. Cre::im butter and sugar: beal in egg : add flour n1ixture ::ind milk: stir just until dry inl:(redient~ ;ire dan1pened : rold in blue ber· rie"-. Turn into greased 9-inch gquare cakepan: spnnkle 1rith topping. Bake in a preheated 37S-degre(' oven until r.:ake tester inserted in cen1er coines out clean -4~1 to 50 n1inutes. L-0ose11 edges: lr·I r.:u:1l partly: cut in .~qu~11·r.::. 111 pan and remove; ~1~rve 11·:11"n1 Topping : ,\fix tngc lhc·r •·. cup su,l!ar. I .1 cur 11n~1f1rd flour. 1-J teaspoon ci11nan1u11 an d 11 cup solt bull('r {lf margarine unt il 1nixturc looks like coarse crumbs. Pinwheel Sparks Spark a room with fresh ex- citcmen~ -pinwhcl'I crochet. \\'hirlinr,. sw irling pinwheels ad d fascina tion lo sofa or bed ~ Easy crochet or 3-ply fingering ynrn. Paltcrn 7426· directions 10 n1ake top!<. for pillows 12" and 14" round. SE\'E~"TV-F'!Vf: CENTS for each pattern-add 2!'1 cents f('lr each pattern for A.ir ~fail ~nd Speci al Handling: other.,..·ise third-class dl.'lh·ery \\'ill l.:!ke three \\'ttk.!1 or more. S<>nd lo Alice Brooks. Daily Pilot. 105 f\eed lecrafl Dept.. Box 163. Old Cht:lsea St;ilil'ln. Ne'v York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name. Address. Zip. Pa 11 er n NumMr. NEEDLE C RAFT '72! Newest crochcl. knits for the expressive general it>n~ Sc.,..•. ing. embroldcry, <I u I 1 I ~. <i fghans. free p 11 t I er n s ' Calalo~ 50 cents, New! "lnstnnl Croehtl" Rook . Sleo·b~·-step pictures teach \'OU how to crochet in- st11ntly.! Plus newest oallern~ $1. Complett Instant Gift Book -more than 100 l!ifts. $!. Comnlell' AJ,han Rook-$!. "II Jiffy Rug~" Book. SO cents. Book of I! Pritt Apb"•n•. !tfl ccnl.!!· <luill BtM'lk 1-16 J>3ltem~. !;O c en l !!. 1'fu~eum Qullt Book ! -SO ctnls. Water Spots To remove "'alrr mark, from furn iture . use ~everMI PRESERVES ST AR IN FESTIVE PIE ''ltdut~iMJI, Augu )l 75. 1971 OA!L Y PILOT :J7 ------ Do-ahead Dessert Saves Time For a speclacular dessert for sununer entertaining. try th is Frozen Crape Pie. Not oo- ly easy to p~part. it's a do- ahead des.ttrt 1hat does not require last-minute attt.n!IOn at serving tin1e. The rich and crunchv crust suggests the tropit·s 1\·lth 1t:. intriguing blend of 11 ln1und~. coconut. bro~·n sugnr and bul- ter; the ice crcani lilling achieves ils distin<"tion by being layered and topped with a colorful mixture o( grape preserves and crushed pineap- ple. FROZEN GRAPE PI E 1 • cup butter or margarine \~ cup finnly packed brown sugar I cup ch<lppcd toas te d almonds 1 cup flaked coconut l quar1 v:ini!la ice crearn .'l ligh!ly softened 2 t·11ps grilpe pre.ser ves I i.:up wel l drained pineapple Crated rind of I lemon '• l'UP toaste<l sl lc td ah11onds .\!ix togetht'r butter, sugar. almonds and coconu1s with fingrrs until \\'e!I b!endtd. Press rnixturt into bolt.om and sides ol an ungreased 9-inch pie pan Spoon half the ice trearn into the lined pan. pn·~s111g 11 ith spoon 10 fon11 sn1uoth la yt'r ~l1x together ~rupc: preserves, c rush e d pint1.:ipplc cu1d lernon rind . Sp 1·1·;1d 1 cup or 1he n1ixture 011•r the h.:r i:J't'arn layt·r Spoon ren1a111ing ice crenrn over presCr\'eS 1n ixture lo fonn top layer. Co1'i:r wi !h roil or pla stic wr.:ip . fl'ecze about 4 hours or until firnl. About 30 n1inute.~ before cu1ting remove from freez.er and place in refrigerator. ~erve in wedle.~. topped with remainlna pr~rves mixture and sliced almonds. Appetite Perks Up To perk up a sick child's ap- pellte, brighten the meal tray. Put meat and vegetables on skewers, cut an orange like th(' petal of • flower. fonn r.:ircles. squares, and trian1les out of toasl. Even with new price controls ... No prices are lower prices than ftla ybe you've been ~·oodering how Lbe new government pri« f.reeu "ill affect your l{roct"ry bi.IL 1'hat dependl on \l'here ~·ou 11hop. 1'he price freeze doesn't \ov•er prices. llju~l keeps thiop wbue they 11o't1•r . lta 1upermarkt>I hRd high price~. tho>_1· 1·11 n kl'rp tho~e hiP price•- ' But low price• are fro.wD low. So RaJpha guaranter, 11til1 .. 111nd1. No price1 ar• loll'er price• than Ralph• price1 on identical br1nd8 and identical product quality. R1lph9 h111 alway• supported ways of makioc your food dollar {ofarther. And they 1till do . .It wu aeWll' more important tha.o no"' to 1bop at R1lph~ ""here you'll ftnd much mor.tbanju.n low price.. WE GUARA.J'/TEE ... to r•1rrt 1n.1 p1 ic.e by any ot.har 1ul)trm1rket i( it it a rtrular t vrryday prire on identical brand• or identit-1! produet quality. RaJphs SLICm BACON l -lb. p kg .• 55 CalHornla Grown FRYER PARTS (leg•, Thigh•, 59 Drvmstii:ks) lb .• t:Vl'11l'IJA1' 1.0~' l'Rlf1iS Colilornio G,own 1 Doy F••1h (Whol•} lb .• 33 FRYERS 811t C1nt1r Cuts lb .95 ROUND STEAK ~osy to Co"'• lb .• 93 RUMP ROAST Bon•l•1~ lb, .89 BRAISING STRIPS llr1oded -f roz•n lb .• 98 VEAL PARMAGIANA SCHOOLT/ME COMING Colleg1 rul•. wid• tin• FILLER PAPER Pkq. 300 .58 fling fin•lin1 (29c: Valu•) PENS Eo<h .18 Ladiaa & Girl• (Caauel footwear) LOAFERS cs,, .. v.1~1 "''' 1.11 UNI/PLUS BUYS ~ m•nufaclurer111 •peci11I "'llo~an('f'S ~·Ith the 1avingM pn1.~cd fln In you. FROZEN FOOD f...,Ji l>act Grod. ... RED RASPBERRIES ci-i•rboord 1-d1 MACARONI & CHEESE Ch..:br+-td F<>od1 l ••I St•"'"' MACARONI & BEEF 1>.ttil1:9"' PIE SHELLS Certi-f,.1l>IUS Grade Al FISH STICKS Ca<ti-f •o•h 105 Grad• A) FISH STICKS 0.. lclo F,_!, Fit.• & C.,."\Jo C111 POTATOES fr .. h Pod Gtwd. .. CHOPPED BROCCOLI "" .37 .,., .69 "" .99 • " .47 """ .99 " .. .19 USOA Grade A FRYING 2~~=1~ 29 CHICKENS lb • PORK 6 CHOPS 69 LOIN OR RIB END 1b • i;vERYDAY J_()W l'Rlc~;,5 Easl••n G,oin F.d -M•oty loin lb .89 SPARERIBS c .. nter Cut lb .• 98 RIB PORK CHOPS '),,\o•n lip• 1.39 BONELESS STEAKS lb. Bon•IP.1• l,.divid uol BR ~AKFAST STEAKS lb. 1.49 lirP.at:~d lb .• 97 VEAL STEAl<S Dina Brand Pantv Hose f.,,, Ouolity-Pop11lor Shad•1 Health & Beaufy Aids J •• ,.~. ,_ 0..., -1 Sc o« 82 LOTION ,_ • ~ ......... .. SINUS TABLETS ~<opo MOUTHWASH c1 .. , .. up 1..,;,,, .,, ,.dJ TOOTHPASTE G'ilott. Oty lool ... _ 1.19 ....... 1.18 >•~ .... ~. 1.29 .......... 82 CONTROL FOR HAIR , __ .II J~ol Wo,,dorlvl HAIR SPRAY Co!911•• fl•"'• -,.o~l<>•l INSTANT SHAVE ,,._ __ .55 ,,_ ·-.47 BAKERY DEPARTMENT Rolpl11 Oani1h APPLE RING Rolpl'll SESAME BUNS Rolph• Limon 01!i!ifhl CAKE ••ch ,49 Pkg. of 6 ,33 7_; •• 89 DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT .A.ll1w•11I OLEO 0 1cor Moyer-Al! M1ot FRANKS 1.lb. pk!if .• 29 1-lb p~g ,73 0 1co• /l.\oy•r-"II !•of 79 FRAN KS 1.1b.,,, .• R11lrih• Sloced tmport•d 89 COOKED HAM •~· ,,,, • r.olpfu A1 10,t•d 35 GELATIN SALADS ,._,, '"'. sl.'1-cEo ME A Ts '~· , ••.• 35 Htbt•w No!ional Solo>T>i or Bo!O<jlno 1 09 CHUBS ,,~._,,,. • DAIRY DEPARTMENT IMITATION MILKv. .. al.<o"°" ,37 soi.tR°CREAM p;,., •• ., .29 * Golden Premium Ice Cream Pl"' .17, ', 9al. Pantry fille rs ''" COFFEE c ..... "' BACON CHIPS Hu119"f Ja<l INSTANT POTATOE S GREEN BEANS co ... pO.llo OLD FASHION BEANS °"""-t ....... PASTRIES -.,v s,.oi..111 SAUCES DOG FOOD -.79 ,., .76 ·--.53 "" .89 , .... 21 ,. .. .18 ... .3Z J1-N , .75 l>M . .10 ~"!son Seedless GHAPES Larue-Le Grande NECTARINES .29 ..25 EV1':RYDAY LOW PRODUCE PRllES ~oh ,25 Califo1nia Hoal AVOCADOS fr•1h -Topi R•mo11•d CARROTS ).lb. e•llo bog .15 la'!il• Stuffing.Sii• BELL PEPPERS Solid G•••n CABBAGE Th ick Y1llow M•olod BANANA SQUASH .. ,, .10 lb •• 07 .•.• 07 LIQUOR DEPARTMENT VODKA or GiN;,. s ... ~,:::2,99 Old Gl1nwood -6 Y•Or old ttroight 3 79 BOURBON t;•h , Soridy MacAllitt•r -Di1till1d in Scotland 4 59 SCOTCH Hhh • Don Juon -lmport•d 3 59 RUM 1;.-• COCKTAIL MIXES -·· -Oh Boy ·-· ,,, 95 Chee~~ Piuas ~~~. Household Needs ..,1,1., Whr•• -~" f'loil.ef100 .59 PAPER PLATES ~olpht .,, .. ,_ .41 SOFT RINSE 0.1 •• ,. ,_, .89 BOWL CLEANER CIQ•O• ··-.71 BLEACH '" Qi.it .30 PAPER TOWELS ''"''~ o:.~ .. o•h•• --54· DETERGENT ~"'"'')' o.., BLEACH --.n ,.. ... h •• " ,.,,_.,, .41 TOILET TISSUE No everyday supermarket prices are lower prices than~~ l101an f•od lluut•"uld N .. o. <•• ··-1'-.47 ·~ ORANGE JUIC( llAR SO"P tt.t •·-• 24 Cti ... 'NEir ORANGE JUICE -, __ 1i.. .• 55 ~--ORANGf JUICE IAft SOAP •.wci.o-n,~ 1.59 D.\iT1ME DIAPERS BURGUNDY lttF -"""' .... ·-.12 __ ,., STEAKS COLO CUPS •·'41• ... -.,_ .73 AWMINUM fOIL 1£Ef ST(AKS GRAND OPENING' Charo wide Celeb11ation of lhe Newly Remodeled Beverly Hills Store. 9331 Wilshire Blvd. at Crescent Drive M-.19 • ._ .93 .... -.. 16 01, ,,,_ 1.59 ·•·"'' ... 77 , ... 25 Hovtohvlt/ NHdJ H1a/th I. 8•auty Aidt ··-....... 78 Tli'LITS ..... ,.1.09 DETERGENT ui ...... --.13 HYG1f'NE'DiOOORANT.: ..... 1.o& All OfTIRGINT ·-.... -.. II T001"HPASTE"' --.77 8AR SOAP •• ·--1.07 ......... ili°""-""'''""·-72 PRE SOAK DOU LE EDGE BLADE ... "'•~ • c-.. J•-.27 i.T.ULOX )) ... ~ 1.09 ClfANSER ... Cl-•-....... ....... 99 ... "-'I ......... "'•"" .H LIOUtO CLEANEll IXCEOllN More than just low prices Pant1y fi/11rt '•"*rt fil/•11 •h·-)1,.;,..,, IAIY FOOD ._ .. ,._ BABY fOOO ··ljj 0 INKS R~1 KRISPIES -Al'Pll SAUCf ••• PINfAPPlf JUICr ...... _ .09 CR'AC'Kf'its ·-· .13 ,_ .... OltVf OIL 11 ... -.22 ._ ... , .... BOU ILLON .46 M ··-COFFEE ll .... 25 Mii i_ .... COFFEE -.31 , .. SNACK SIZI NUTS CAMATION UQlll llJllll SAVI 21c WITH COUPON ,_ .. ·~ ... ,._.45 ·~Z.46 1_1.39 -·· Putcho•• on• (On Corn•tl•n l i .. uld Sl111dot crt ....,ulor prk• -rt-frM. COUPON GOOD AUG, 26 TO Sfl'T. f , 19n LIMIT 1 -ONLY ONE COUPON Plft CUSTOMER droµs nf .spirits 11f t':'llllphor •RALPHS (Ill da111p cloth and rub ovcr1 STORES ARE LOCATED AT: 9901 ADAMS BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH; 15471 S. BROOKHURST, WESTMINSTER mark. I ' ' I \' ... DAILY PILOT Wtd~p. Aitgusl 25, 1971 " . . . ~ . . . . U.S.D.A. GRADE-A WHOLE BODY LB. CUT -UP FRYERS ....... ll. ll' . ...... ·-.. ":\""' .... • w I 1 .. , All9I* ii. 1911 6-TH··· B &7-TH ROAST USDA OIOICE ORSTATEll · BROS. aRTIFllD - PJLOT-ADVERTISER • PORK STEAK EASTERN GRAIN-FED TENDER SHOULDER 7~ 69!. l·U THRU S-TH RIB ._ .......... 11.lk PRICES EFFEC. 7-DAYS THURS.-WEDS. SHUITENDA• PIE.COOKrDIU.DYTOEAT 69C 10NEUSS10tMOSTIA1t.~&.a.Hc 89 · I BEEF PATTIES~~~·.·.~.1.: ........... i ROUND STEAK ~~ ....... u. c·:. w,,edt1tmU S. D. A . fOODSTAMPS1nour FllSH•UANDIUC10US 5 7 USDACHOICEOISTATR110S:ca1wac1HF 89 ' _.,..,.,R ,.,.,,,, ... 0"6'•"9···;""'5c."L"''s1'"c"'· ED GROUND BEEF ............. LB. c RUMP ROAST ...................... La. c ' ~i!irisi~i =·.,·5~ BA N {ioi:iii'RoAsT ................ L .. 9~ stii"it·s=.cs~u::·~.....L .. 5 1 '' , OKAIMAY• 75• MOllfLL~Pga USOAOIOICIOlllTAYROIO•.CffT.IHf 95• USDACHOICIOllST•TRIOO•.cm.tn• 69c USOA.~otSTA.T••OS.alT.lfff s 1 •s I !!!!'!~!~KS ........ 12-0l. 49< 41-ll. ••sCXAGl !..~~~~~.;,·;; . ... ll. ·39c !!!!'ID BONE ........ LI. 89< ~.!..'!.!!.~cm:·;;;;; .... LB. $149 'BOLOGNAKJCa .......... a.or ( POIK SAUSAGE1u.• ... L1. BllFSTEW ........................... "· PVRDRHOUSE1n.oa LB. OIC.UUY•ALlMl.Al 72C MOlllU.JlltlOI 59' MOHILLYOK»mlllG.OITHICX 49' IJIM.atr:MQOISTA.ntPOS.CllT:lfti. • ····-79 BOLOGNA...-........ 12-0L LB. WIENERS All MEAT ..... .. ll. SUCED BACON .............. LB. TOPllRLOIN '""" ...... !'· . ciiiiii0°NAR COFFEE-MATE _ ....... , 100-COUNT PACKAGE · · TENDERLEAF · TEA f BA Ci S .................................. . GHIRARDELLI SEMl-SWEtT ! .. CHOCOl!ATE CHIPS 6-0Z ............. . . CAINA TION. 6 ENVELOPE PACKAGE INSTANT BREAKFAST ................... . CONT ADINA ROUND . , TOMATOES ................ . LEAN& LIVELY ASSORTED FLAVORS , FRISKIES DOG FOOD ..................... . DEAL PACKAGE JUMB'O ALL DETERGENT ....................... . ' PKGS . $ 14 1/2-0Z. CANS $ 14-0Z. CANS 09 JUMBO SIZE RAZOR BAND PRISTEEN u.~r flMININI HYGllNI ~CJ:l~ -.., DIODOlAHT ....,..,_.._... n••" s 1 •s "'o•--•o\. MIST 'n!Fi 1--'""""0::o< _ _,,_ 1/~\fi"' $ 139 RISE ,w::!....i SHAYICUAM IOSIWll !TAlHLISS ASST. 96< ST1fl IOGIS 11.0t. 2-LB. QUIK N£STL£ 79c CHOCOLATE FLAVOR TISSUE JIORTHERN 37c BATHROOM .C·ROLL PMG. DETERGENT BROMO X-DRY .. SILTIER DEODOllANr ' IAMll.Y 84C l -OI. Sill ...i:G. 64. -·-as· ~-OI.'::l STATER BROS. 4 9 ( DISHWASHER CRYSTALS• 35 OZ. FOR LARGESWEETYEUOWMEAT 4 s 1 PEACHES .... . . .. . .. . .. LBS PLUMS L.AltGI X.fANCT 4STAHDAIDs1 SHOPSTAmBIOS. fOI Fl IE MOL YI · COURTEOUS SERVICE EXTllA FAHCYTHOMPSOll SEEDl.ESS 3 s 1 GRAPES ..... .. LBS. c·issAiis ......... . ................... LI. s c LIS. . * &'It 1"'"'1 1.,-1H4 1'4ittul ' MDSmJOTAJOG 39 ' 14sn FRIES .. m m .20.01..... &· I WIJIA.JLmlC.AIMA.noNILUOOD'S AT 10-NICO 8ftc SOLE RLLns~.::.'!."~.... .... ., .. ""~~ 35c 11.0t.1>-•11r 55' MllflU.m --· ..... "· BEEFSTROGAIOFF. •<>< , "'''"' s109 SWIO AJffl 50Ull 551 FRENCHS POTATOES ,'J;~~~f' .. 65' FRENCH'S MUSTARD •oz. 19' 8RIQ.UIT5 SUPERIOR BEEF TAMALES •oz 27< SHASTA SODA-POP .,,, . 9 "or. 99' HUNTS POTATOES . _ ...... ,,o, 32' CARNATION TUNA "'0" 0• "" 49' COOKIES '""""' "'o'"o 62' 1cOWR0 :",~'' 7 9· C MJB INSTANT RICE ............... Hoz. 73' '""' • ··• ... "" "' ""' """' ........... 25-oz. HILLS BROS. INSTANT .. iooz 11" MARGARINE ~:m" ·-··· .......... • • 37' RITZ CRACKERS ••.,sco ............ " 49' DEVILED HAM """wooo .. ,., 0, 49' STAR OLIVE DIL ''"' . --"oz 99' DRESSINGS i~:,•~,!1\'i:~.0' '.".'~i 41 ' --------BEEF STEW °"""Moo" . . z•oz. 69' PANCAKEMIX SPAML c Wlilil KING 58< DITIRGlllT ... .,_,. •. TUNA "''"""" ""' 3cc 49' • LIGHT CltVNI( ,. ~ CAN OJ t I. OZ . PUSS-N-llO()TS ~~~•ooo ... 2 ,.., .oz. 35' , WOODBURY BAR SDAP . .. .. ~~ 33' KAL II ·N <><~•EN· '~" .• 2 39' ~ l'AAtS I-OZ. 2·37c . Gfl,,r.VY I Ol EA$Y-OFF-=s..,.,...,.. ___ .... ,,-01. 49' WINDEX AEROSOL--. "= 49' COCllT AIL "'·"""" 4ftc lltlllMPOBIA"'.......... 7 SALAD SUPREME '""UNG '" oz 49' SALAD DRESSING ~~11~ .......... "o 65' CHEESE SO•OE'5S\IC'5 °"' INDMOVALl•WflAPPEO ., •. _. 115-0l. ~· ISLANDER PUNCH ........... ou•" 85' ITALIAN DRESSING :i~~t._ ...... oz 41 ' JUMBO TAMALES on-.•or _ :>o>Oz. 45' ,..,...,.......,""" ON H MEATS ASST ... '"°' 59' 3 71 c CHILI W/BEANS ~:~·~',?.;'.' ..... "oz. 41' ~:G. BEANS' FIXINS 8'GJONN ,.,, oz 39' GREY POUPON MUSTARD •-01. 43" BR .... NIE MIX KERNS TOMATO SAUCE 2 d:J'J 37' -. KERNS TOMATO CATSUP .. u.oz 21' 23•1,;oz. 75c PKG. BUTTERNUT COFFEE .......... " 7' MODDESS R<GULA• 83' SUPER• V-FORM ., •• .,~.~-.. ~ •. 2~1"S SANDWICH BAGS BISCUIT! PlllSBUOY REGULA• 3 -MARGARINE ...... • .. iltS: OR BVTTfllMILlt ··-~--·· l ·Ol. '~ WHIPPfD ·-·-·· ·~ --LI ...... 14"9 S.. .._...,_A-.. W•Mflaru 101 w ........... """'· c.... 111 .. '= 34<:an55' CORN lnlfo~0~11:~~"" .. c'l'i: 21' KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP"_ ou•or 63' SNAP-E-TOM b&~:12. '00Z '" 2 IOZ 2f SANDWICH SPREAD ... .,. ...... ••oz. el FRISKIES MEAT FLAVOR ""' oz. 27' WATER SOFTENER ~.:l~~--·~ .... 57' ,6UJ ldl11t9f A"""' ............ .._. J60)W•h•M .. emftStrwt, ..... AM •••• c-,:-............ ..... JJ61N.,..T ..... A....,.._Aal • HALIBUT STEAK ..... ""' KOLD KIST CHICKEN .,.._ "'""'["'' 5109 MOllTO«»az. •.. 4k 2a SALMOtlfltAK -·-· ,,.,, MACAROJll & CHEESE ,_ iT llUl'l,.lt._Ql .. II• • 51C l'OUfl!OOflCNOCOIAll £.l)e flSHSTICKl u••M,. ... , MORTONCAKn _ ... .,,, .. ....,..,....:.,"'*. 4 •• POPllCLU ~""".':... ' .:.. ' I OWM•_ .. _ . E& 6ftc l aunm 11 __ Ks ....... ... ..... "11 .... 1 ~l'ICG.or• .lftr: Ol'lCtl;~~ $ft11 ICEMIUIUllOWICH ·--'111· TlllllillOAST ..... _, .. .._ 11· .IO..i!llON tfk: CNE(;QJISONIO • Sftll"': OOllllOIS --.,·~· TUIKEYRCIAST _,....·1,- ~ St R !!19:!.'-la....... -. fllutOlftCICEI -?·"'-W.-rLU --"----· 11-mtMt.,.-~..... 1111 "°" ... """""''" ~ 1WRT-.. _ _..._ D11111HCAKD ----· . ntun. thru WED .. AUG. 26-SEPT. 1 . . --~ JS'4 w ........... ,, ...._,. Jiii ~ ltM .. c... ... ,,,,,...., "-'· c... .... 14171 .... NII A,_,.,..... 14111 ............. WWM.r -·-• . .. ,,. ,, ... ·----· 'l ~ 'I'll-----~: ... ~:.. ·--.. WITH SALLIE PASS THE ~tUSTARD PLEASE Gladly, we'd be delighted to dopple your knack· wursts, your hamburgers, your awn am oked albacore. with a bobble or navor zi ng. \Vhat'll you have .. , Guiden's a p i c y brown mustard from New J er s e y, t.torehouse pure and prepared from Loa Angeles .. Mr. t.1 u st a rd from Cincinnati. . . o r Coleman's ready mixed hot English variety. . lngelhof- fer German style. . Grey Poupon imported f rom France or made i n America from the same recipe. . . Best F o o d s , Kraft, Frtnch's .• Richard's oozes with mustards .. Some v.·ith horseradish, some with onion bit& .. , some made with wine, some with apple juice .. One thing in common. they all got their beginnings v.·ith mustard seeds • Dijon •• &Gmt' mustards are, some mustards aren't, some are a Dijon style. Gourmands know a b o u t Dijon, the capitol of Burgundy, \~1here the best foods and wines or France are sa!C: to be had. , Dijon is famous for mustard, gingerbread , and beef a la bourguignonne. . Pot roast done up in burgundy wine, onions and mushrooms .• JET ~ET ON A 1\1USTARD HOP . . From way down under in Sydney Australia comes the world's hottest mustard, Master Foods. . . Creol e \.tustard, try Zatarain's lrom New Orleans. . C h i n e s e Style hot mustard, tr.•ho else but Trader Vic .. German mustard, Lion . B r a n d Dus.seldorf. . . B e 1 g i u m musta rd, look for a chauncy white jar with nostolngic old prints. Reese does a Bavarian style mu ~ I a rd made Y.'ith impo rte d P.fosel!e .. Bocquet. very ex- tra strong from Yvetot France believes mustard should come in f a n c y jars , , . v.·hite milk glas.1 errects or df!COrator no"·ers. IF' YOU DON 'T LIKE MUSTARD ON SMOKED ALBA CORE .. but your de lica1e fis h lip i.s ty.·itching ... You'll find it right next to the beautiful long ]o\•ely luseinus hunks of crab leg meat _ · The genuine milk fed veal. as gently sr~vory 8 S meat can be .. alm06l while, or perhaps a delicate pink ... Little round no""·ers 1Jf ground vea l. Joi n chop.o;. veal filel.. Here's tender roasting with mushrooms. perhaps rome crab legs .• .ah C<lrdon bleus and scallopinis ... When the crowd cries feed me and the cook is wilting, Candlelight Meats to the rescue! Ready in their own foil baking pan1' .. stuffed double thick loin pork chops sprinkled with almonds .. a round steak all rolled up, around 1 savory dressing • , Wanna make tacos. taco fill is the An· sv:er to fry and put in rol~ taco shells ~ith lettuce ind tomatoes ... Wanna mN:e Chop suey , the pork co mes alrt"ady cubed . . Beans, ham is cut up And waiting • . , Spareribs are marinat· td, 10 are thunk.OJ of top sirloin fnr kAbobs. Meat loaf11 ready for meat lo11 r or stuffin~ pepi>en or ralling in cabbll111:e le1ve1 .. . Evervbodv's dolnr: it ... not enokin~ If they don 't have the yen ... Richard'• •. lM: People Store, where If you thlnlr. you'll run intn trouble choosing 1 jar ol mustard. sometime glve the .teak sauces a try. PHONE 673-6360 FOR HOME DELIVERY IN OUR DELIVERY AHA PRICES EFF~CTIVE AUGUST 26, 27, 28 ~;.~ ... A.cl.' 2....- LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT Bl VO. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIOO ISi F Or~n Serenodes for your pleasure by Bernice Fay A delightful blend of remembered tastes from around the world, to serve under the stars on a summe r evenin~. (!!-'f (e1ttl; SCANDINAVIAN DILLED SHR IMP WESTPHALIAN PUMPERNICKEL ARMENIAN RICE PILA F ITALIAN SALTIMBOCA (Veal e nd Proscuitfo 1ca llo p1 1auteed qu ickly in butter, and topped with sauteed mu1hrooms.) LONDON PEAS WITH LEMON ZEST AND MINT FRENCH ROLLS FRUITS ANO CHEESE OR STRAW BERRY BAVAR IAN CREAM A chilled 1pa r~l!r111 Germ<1n wine is 11 11 •~cellent choice with this ! NOT JUST CHICKEN -BUT THE BEST, CALIFORNIA GROWN !NO PRE SERVATIVES) FROM ZACKY FARMS WHOLE BODY FRYERS CUT· UP FRYERS a.,;., ;n on •••nge .. lmond glne. SPLIT BROILERS Podoct fo r b.,bocuo. ROASTING CHICKENS To stuff and •p;t •oast. CHICKEN BREAST Wholo or h•lvu. ~ 49¢ LB. 53~ LB, 59¢ LB. l,09 LB. LEGS AND THIGHS 79¢ LB . CHICKEN WINGS 45¢ LB. CHICKEN LIVERS 89¢ LB. CHICKEN GIBLETS 43¢ LB. FRESH RABBITS Someth;ng • Httlo d;lf.,enf. SWIFT PREMIUM BACON Rogul" •l;co STUFFED PORK CHOPS CHIPPED DRIED BEEF NORTHERN COOKED & PEELED BAY SHRIMP OSCAR MAYER OSCAR MA YER SLICED 98~ LB. LB. 69~ 1,09 LI. 2,49 LI, 2.98 u. All BEEF OR ALL MEAT All MEAT, PURE BEEF o• THICK SLICED WIENERS LB. 79~ BOLOGNA 12 0 2. KRAFT INOIVIOUAll Y WR APPED 6 OZ. 39~ SAlj'CE ~ROBERT or DIABLE 69~ 39¢ / SLICED AMERICAN BOB 'S BLEU CHEESE DRESSING 1 oL BOB'S ROQUEFORT DRESSING I OL 49¢ REESE COCKTAIL 6 oz. BOB'S I 000 ISLAND DRESSING I OL BOB'S 35¢ MUSHROOMS SHRIMP OR TARTAR SAUCE 1 oL 35¢ ASSORTED FLAVORS DAISY FRESH JUICES FANCY, LARGE SIZE, SWEET NECTARINES FINE FOR DIPS BUTIERY.fLAVORED, HAAS AVOCADOS FOR "S QUEEZING" SWEET JUICY, VALENCIA ORANGES ARDEN AA BUTTER FOLGERS COFFEE FOLGERS COFFEE FOLGERS COFFEE RI PE Nabis co Wh ea t Wafers SMUCKERS 20 OZ. 32 oz. 59¢ 4 LBS. $1 8 LBS. $1 LB . I I.I. 2 LI . ) LI. f Vi 01. aa~ 79¢ 1.57 2.33 45¢ Strawberry Preserves v.a JUIC E ' oz. ' , .... Sreaming Yel low. Zonkers UNCLE DANS Southern Dressing Mix DEL MONTE SLICED I< OZ. PINEAPPLE In ju;co SEA ROCK DUNGE NESS CRAB MEAT LOG CABIN MAPLE BLEND SYRUP SPRINGFIELD SOFT DRINKS H UNTS POR K & BEANS WILSHIR E COUNT RY STYLE CUCUMBER CHIPS SCOT TOWELS JOHNSON LEM ON 12 01. "'' oz. 3 for $1 ,,, oz. 3 for $1 s FOR $1 6Vi OZ. 99~ 24 oz. 69¢ 12 FOR $1 11 oz. 4 for $1 " oz. 39¢ II• IOLL 29¢ PLEDGE POLISH 1• oz. 1.19 ~;m~~"' MINUTE MAID 6 OZ. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 4 FOR $1 BABY RUTH SUNDAE BARS . ·~ 49¢ SHANGHAI WON TON SOUP 14 OL 49¢ SHANGHAI SWEET & SOUR BEEF 14 or. 79¢ SH ANGHAI SWEET & SOUR PORK 14 Ot. 79¢ SHANGHAI ALMOND CHICK EN 14 01. 79¢ BIROS EYE IO OZ. MEXICAN. SPANISH, BAVAR IAN, DANISH, PAR ISIAN International Vegetables 39¢ 16 oz. I 00 °/. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD STRUESEL COFFEE CAKE BRAN MUFFINS FUDGE LOAF 41¢ 49¢ 6 for 69¢ 79¢ ~~~3m/ NEW SHIPMENT OF DRIED MATERIALS PODS, LEAVES, WEEDS NATURAL DECORATOR MATERIALS ""-.t ..J! MARKET ~tie. ~~-..s-HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS . eN DA ll Y q_ 7 IN. t -6 CPEN DAILY ,_, OPEN DAILY. , .. SUN . I 0-3 DAILY ,_g,30, SAT. •-5 OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY ,,Jo.6, SAT. ,,Jo.s -·-·------·-' --~ ·::.,;:...... --~· ., ---.. __ .=-: --·-.......... ·~~ -. .,.,.. -- ' - • '40 DAILY PILOT Diners Do As Romans . . . • .. . .. • #-.. "" \ • • .. ' • An ltaltan tumi>anv sup~r, LASAGNE J 3 l'UP grated Parrncsan all pieces have been added, .......---· Easy-do "1th La:..igne as t~ nulll1 1,, pOunds ground chuck !'lace bee! m a large boU until tender -IO lo 12 dish. is wnrlh pre1>annK 2 1 h saucepot and cook o ve r minutes or longer. beef enve opes (eac ,n-·'lum h•"I ""''·1 red"ess St<1rt off with antipasto · 11 ounces I s pa g he t t 1 ~ " "" " Drain and rise wilh cold Cus~ard Goes Carmel !hinl <J sliced C.en03 sa!anu. a11 '! . disappears, breaking up ineal water. Return lasagne lO pot. · sauce n11x inlO small !)leces wilh 3 spooo d A delightfully easy way to Italian-type l'heese sueh as l can (6 01.u1ce~I toinato Ad 1 cup warm 1o1·ater to kttp n1ake this delicate dessert . ront1na , reler), r ad 1 s he s pasle a~"' stirring lp Pre \' e 11 l h1sagne from s l l c k in g CARAf.IEL CUSTARD grttn 0!1ves, sarrline:i and l can 11 pound and 1:$ slJcrun.11,. together, ~ tablespoons rim1!y packed white beans \'!na!greue. ounces ) ton1ato puree Sprinkle wi\11 s Pa g he t l i Beat ricotta with a spoon: dHrk brown sugar You can prcpaN! the beans 4 quarts •1•aler sauce 1n1x and stir well. Add add egg and beat untiJ well 2. large eggs vinaigrellt easily by usinJ;: I tablespoon salt tomato paste and lomalO mixed and smooth. 2 tables(XKI~ granulated canned wl11te beans tdr<1ineJ 1 12. curl y-edged I as a g n e purL't'. Heat lo boiling, stirring ln the botlont of a 3-quart sugar and n1ixing then1 with olive noodles, aboul ·~ pound often. Sl mnier for 10 nunutes, oblong glass baking dish (1311 2 cups milk oil. wine \'11"1('gar. salt . peppl'r . I cootainer 115 or 16 ounces) stirring occasionally. by 8~ by l ~i inches) or 3-Into each of four 6-ou11ce sugar and mllk : beat to com· blne. dry mustard and minced fresh ricotta cheese Into another large saucepot quart porcelainized ir o n custard cups, pul I tabll"spoon ' parsley. I egg pour the water: bring to a lasagn<" dish laboul I by 8 by brown sugar (packed dov•n1 in fi Serve the Lasagne with J pound v:hole -milk rapid boil : add salt. Add 2 inches) or si n1itar bak ing shape ot spoon bO\\'L In a Place cups in an 8 by z 1nt h ca ke pan. ca~futly pour milk n1 ixture over brown sugar 111 cups_ Add 2 ~"' cups \'ery hol tap \Valer to pan -water will cover about 2/3 of !he cups. Bake in a preheated 300- df"gree oven until <1 silver kni fe in.~er1ed in center cornes out clean -about I ~z hours } steamed broccoli dressed w11h rnozz.arella ch f"ese , thinly lasagne noodles 12 pieces al a pan. spread I cup or the meat medium n1ixing bowl beat 1. n1e!ted butter and tcn1on JUlcr sliced crosswise lln1e1 to boil111g water. When sau<'e. eggs slightly; add granulated Rf"move fro1n pan of w<1lcr and rool Chill. Loosen edges :uid turn out 111\0 di9hes. ~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'-'-~-'---'-~~"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cocoa Boosts Dessert We found this rich desert. rontrib uted by a transplanted New Y~ker. in a Vermont regiona l 1.:ookbook . CHOCOLATE CHEA~t CAKE S large eggs. separated I cup &ugar l can ( J pound/ chocolate syrup J teaspoon va nilla ~~ cup un sirted flour container 11:, pin t) hea\'y cre:am Bea l egg yolks until thicken- ed : gradually beat in sugar until i\•ory color: beat in half 1 ~. cu p1 or the t'hocolale syrup. F'old in s<ill. vun1lla and flour. Beat eg g "'hites until stiff: fold in B<ikt in ungreased 9·inch spring-form pan in a preheat- ed oven until a cake lester Inserted in centtr comes out clean -I hour. Invert on rack and cool , Remove from pan ; cut in hal f horizontallv. Beat cream un1il alrnost sliff: gr<tduall y beat in remaining chocol::ite syrup (~• cupl un!il verv sti ff. Sp read a liU.IP les5 than hnlf !he cream pPlwetn c-ake la.ver11 and front lop and si de~ "''ith resl. Refrigera1e Twice Usef ul CHUCK STEAKS SHORT RIBS OF BEEF EXCEUEllT FOR IAR I. Q. t . lb. LEAi & TEllDER STEWING BEEF BONELESS CHUNKS 98~ • FAMILY STEAKS BONELESS LEAll & TEllDER $ 19 lb. SHORT RIBS FOl IR&ISlllG OR IAR •• Q. ENGLI SH CUT 79~ MAYFRESH BREAKFAST SPECIALS BONELESS SHOULDER CLOD ROASTS ROLLED & TIED $ 09 lb. H FRYER PARTS CALIF. GROWN FROM FOSTER FAR~ WHOLE &9~ LE&S lb . lllASTS SPLIT OR WHOL! ......... 79' I~. SLICED •!.~·~~"5ftt BACON "i~,.,~· 7, .. BEEF SHAN.KS ClllTER 5 CUTS lb. • ,, .. . ~ • ·> ~· f f • 9355 JOY,-20Y, .. ' I,., 11f ...; .... 11f'-'1'.- BE COOL in the sleevelt ss dress, and l'OVered up when \'OU like. in lhl' coal. Both are SUPER -S\l.'IFT to sew. Printed Pattern 93:)5· NEW 1511;, 1s ini. 2'1'~. Siie 1411 I bust 371 dress :.zi. yards 35-inch: t.'tlal 31• yards. SEVE~\\'-Fl\'E CENTS for each pattern -add 25 cent! for each pattern for Air Mail and Speci<1l H a n d I l n g : ot herwise third-cla~s delivery v.•ill take three v.·eeks or mart. Send to Marien f.lerHn. Daily Pilot. 442., Pat1ern Dept .. 2.12 West 18t.h Sl.. Nto\v York , N.Y. 1001 1. Print NA ~1 E, ADDRESS wit h ZIP, SIZ I'.: and STYL•: NUo\18ER. S p rlng-Summt-r lashions'. Our Pattern Cataog h a ~ separute1. JUmpauitJI. 11imm· lng shapes. fret p a I t t' r n coupon, M> cenl~. INSTAf\'T SE\\'ING BOOK aew today. \1'ear tomorrow. $1. INSTA N T FASHIO N BOOK-Hundrtds of r1shions fact.a. $1. New Shine All \'inyl floorii ~ h Q u 1 d receive regu11r 1ppliealion11 of protecllvt floo r pollth lo pre· vent e1ceulve scratchin& and IOiling. ·- MAYFRE SH I I jt BY PRODUCTS s PUP !:~!J!,!~' !~._L_!·.. .. ...... Jf' !!i~ ~~uu :JltL .... ·-.... _S ) 33 . Gilbert H. Brockmeyer's Natural 89< Ice Cream · IS HERE qt. BE~"1DllEY ' PORK•BEANS PURE VANILLI, CAROB, 1-LB, CAN " WHE L 4 I l,;il 'SCI< ;._------------' ~EAL TIME 14 or FOR _ !~f~o!NLE~~·(t. ................ 3CJC ~~~~fvv!~~~J~ ........ ,59' MAVFllESll "''l'7 s1 15 tn or. CAN... FOR --------MAYFAIR FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES- • ... /. / • BARTLETT PEARS PEACHES · 4 .SJ YELLOW FREESTONE,,, •.•.• , ··•····•••••••••·•·······-····················• LBS,. ~m··-·~ , ' ,. . . . !9M~!.~E.~ ...... LB.25c !.~~!.P.~P..P.E.~~~.25c ' -.. -. ' . - -· •• .... rl("' .. ... . ' Old Favorite Given New Twist Take advantage of sum· m(r's abundance of fresh vegetables. Strve i. u cc h i n i \~ith a new twist Just partially cook them in boiling water, then stuff and bake. Zuct,hini Gondolas are mi ld flavored and will taste great v:ilh ch icken or beef. The stuf- fing fea tures crean1y collage cheese perked up with minced onions and Parmesan cheese. Paprika sprinkled atop adds color. BONELESS Keep a supply of cottage cheese in your rtfrigerator. You'll find il.!I versatiliy a boon to summertime c."OOlung. ZUCClflNJ GONDOLAS 3 medium zucchini J cup cottage cheese \.1 cup minted onion 2 tablespoons chopped parsley ~s teas1>00n pepper 4 tabl espoons grated Pannesan cheese Paprika Scrub zucchini ~·ell. Cut off ends: do not peel. Pl.!tre whole zucchini in I inch of salted boiling 1o1•.'.l ter. Cook covered about 5 to 7 rninutes. Cut zuc- chini in halves lengthwise, With tip of spoon, carefully remove zucchini fron1 shells. Chop inlo sni<1ll pieces. Con1· blne chopped zucchini, tottage eheese, onion. parsley, pepper and 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese. Spoon mixtu re into zuceh1nj shells. Spru1kle "'ith remaining Parmesan a n d paprika. Plact: in 12x71,iix2· inch baking dish . Bake un· covered in n1odcrate oven (350 riegreC's F. 1 JO n11nules. Serves 6. Helpful Hint Lining 1he oven broiler pan v.·Jtll aluminum foil prevents messy clean up jobs. FRESH~ TRA LEAN CHUCK ROASTS GROUND BEEF lb. OCEAN PERCH FILLEr .... 89c ,. ROCK FISH FILLET ........ 8CJClb TRUE COD FILLET ......... 8CJClb DOVER SOLE FILL ET $J.l91b ~ S!•.~.~TE~Ks ......... !JS9 lb. _j !~'!!f~~~S~E~-~~~)79 " FROZEll FOOD SPECIALS 79~ J.DSlRITA DINNERS -...... ,.,,.,. 43c :~~~::=!.~~.~~.(.~~~ ... l.l.::· ........ . ' ' •nu Jtl~I "'"""' ................. 4:• 1 ·.ml&£ JIJC[111:lESWrEr 12 .. , ............. 49c ~~~~~:~l.~1'.~~~-~.~'.~~'.~2 9c • • '. YUBAN COFFEE 3-lb.CAN $259 1-lb. ase: 2-lb . $1.77 MAYFAIR'S DELICATESSEN ... LUNCHEON MEATS ;.~ ~ • / ~ktfyE ALOT BOLOGNA-PICK LE LOAF ·~'l.'. i · AF-OLIVE LOAF . ~~j) / M~;zf;~~H 39C I ; ~A'a~P!I,~~ BEEF 59c 'ANNED HAMSKG...... . . ........ EA. W°IL SON CE RTIFIEQ · l·lb. CAN $34 9 ZIU sucn llPl11£1 IU ..................... ···EA lllHH SIUll CH!t ' ••. '"·· .............................. 6Sc "'"" ''"""'" " ......... ' 1.09 llDC[T llLllU ClllS li£8REW HA.1!0H•L 12 •t ........ ~l.09 ADVERTlsED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL OAYS THURSDAY AUG. 26 THRU WED., SEPT. 1 175 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA Wtdnr1day, Augu~t ZS, 1971 FRESH VEGETABLES PL~NTIFUL IN SUMMER NO PEST STRIPS SHELL WITH THIS COUPON L IMIT 1 COUPON PER /lOUL T CUSTOMER AUG. 26·SEPT. 1 19 MAYFRESH BREAD 16 OZ. LOAF WITH THIS COUPOr/ L IMIT 1 COUPON PER ADULT CUSTOMER JIUG,l6·SEPT.1 WITH THIS COUPON LIMIT 1 COUPQt'.PfR AOUL T CUSTOMER AUG. 26-SEPT. l NUCOA llAllAllllE INST. BREAKFAST CAllATIOI All HAYOIS 6 Pl. PIG. WITH THI! COUPON L IMIT 1 COUPON PCfl AOUL T CUSTOMC:R AUG. l i · SEPT. 1 DAILY PltOT 4i Ginger Spices Fruit Quick as a \\•ink -well al111ost -this salad dre ssing's ready. Ready for dressing up a plate full of f1·esh fruit. Ready for n)aking fruit - whatever kind that's in season -son1elhing special. Condensed celery soup - that's the secret of this Snap- py GingC'r Dressing. Soup , .• plus pineapple cheese spread, plus aln1onds. plus candied ginger. It stirs up -on the spur of any moment. Let it spice up the next fruit salad you serve! SNAPPY GINGER FRUlT SALAD I can ( l 0~2 ounces) con- dC'nsed crea1n of celery soup l jar ~5 ounces) pineapple cheese spread 2 tablespoons chop ped toasted ahnonds I teaspoon chopped candied ginger Combine a 11 in gredients. Chill. to.lakes 1 1,~ cups dress· lng . Fruit Tray: Arrange an assort ment of fresh fruits 'strawberries, pineapple, can- t.aloupe, honeydew, and J(rapes) <iltractively on let- tuce. Serve with the above dressing. Cardigan Cozy ~~-:' '· ; 7213 Tot1·n, cotintry, college hit! Knlt this cozy cardigan to top off yo11r F';ill outfit. EASY-KNIT in one piece fr om neck dov.·n. including sleeves! Cables create sun· burst design . Pattern 7213: sizes 32-34: 36-38 included. SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS for each pattern-add 25 cents for each palltrn for Air Mail and Special Handling; otherwise third-class delivery will take three weeks or more. Send lo Alice Brooks the DAILY PILOT, 105 Needlecraft Dept., Box !63, Old Chelsea Station. New York. N. Y. IOOll. Print Name, Address, Zip, Pattern Number. NEE D LEC RAF T '72! Newest crochet. knits for the expressive generation! Se~ .. ing, embroide ry , qui I t s , afghans. Free p att ern s ! Catalog 50 cents. New! ''lnstant Crochet" Book. Step-by-step pictures teach you how to crochet in· stantly! Plus newest patterns. $1. Complete Instant Gift Book -more than 100 gifts $1. Complete Afghan Booll:-$1. "II Jiffy Rags" Book. 50 cents. Quilt Book 1-16 pattern,,. 50 cent!I. Museu m Quilt Book 2 - 50 cents. Book 3. "Qu llts fer Today's Living", 15 pattern!!. 50 cents. Le mon Drops If you want just a few drops of lemon, don't cu t it in half. just pierce ii wilh a poin ted knife. fZ DAILY PILOT Sleeping Snug 7030 &tA6...'B~ \\'hip this up ror camping trips. extra guests at home ~ Youngsters Jove to snuggle into this cozy sleeping bag. Use felt for turtle's head. feet. features. Easy-sew! Pattern 7030: pattern pieces. direc- tions 34 x 67" sleeping ha~. SEVENTY·f1''E CE!\'TS for each pattern-add 25 cen!s for each pattern for Air litail and Soecial Handling : other1>.'ise third-class delivery vdll take three "·eeks or more Send to Alice Brooks. Daily Pilot. \05 T\eedlecraft Dept., Box 163 . Old Chelsea Station. r\ew York. t-;.Y. 10011. Prin t l'\ame. Address. Zip. rat t e r n !'\umber. N EE D LE CR A f T '72'. t-.'e"·est crochet. knits for the expressive generation~ Se\\'- in~. embroidery. qui It s. afghans. Free pa t tern 5 '. Catalog 50 cents. New~ "Instant Crochet" Book. Step-by-step pictures teach you ho\.\' to crochet in- stantly! Plus ne\.\·est patterns. IL c ..... ~1e1e Jnslant Gift Bonk -n1c.re than JOO eifl!" $1 Complete Afghan Book~\ "16 Jiff~· Ru.e:s" P.ook . 50 cents. BMk of 12 Priu 1 Afghans. 50 cents. Salads Simply 'Souperb' People son1e.times av o Id summer entertaining because of the hot food preparation in- volved . \Vhy not keep )'flur cool this summer Ii~ ser\'ing plcture- prett y Aloha Shrimp Salad. Combinf' tender shrimp and sunshine-rrf'sh pineapo!e - l\\'O foods that most folks con- ~der luxury fare. Ifs a treat for a special oc- cas>on like 1h1s r 1 e i: a n t twilight supper. r.h~ ""11h lot ~ or crisp ~reens and drPss ""'Ith 11 •·souperb'' chicken-curry ii;auc-e. The salad sauce sount:I~ ex- otic. bu! i5 a hrrr1.e !o prf'pare. Smooth anrl light. it's t1 rich.tasting salRd rlre~si n~ CRnned condensed cream of chicken soup is !he base. Add lemon iuicP for tartnesc; and choppe d parslr.v r o r garnish. ''ou'!I like the ad - dition. too. of curry pn\\·rlcr - it adds a snic~'. he.adv fla \'Or that makes lhe salad in- gredients sin~. Complete \'Our supper m<'n11 \rilh hot rolls and " chilled beverage. For dessert . sPrve frf'Sh peach shortcaKe ... rith so ftened \•anilla ice cream melt ine dol''f! the ~idrs. S1nrP. lhP e\•enin~ ~·ill h~ve cooled hv this time-. serve hot cofl~ '9.'ilh dessert. ALOHA SHR.Th1P SA LAD 1 can (10 1~ ounces) CQn· <lensed cream of chicken soup 2 tablespoons c h o p p c d parsley t teaspoon lemon juice 1,1, teaspoon curry powder t small head Jetluce, torn in - to bite-size pieces (about a cups) 2 cups fresh pineapple. cut in small chunks 2 cup.!! cooked shrimp 2 table.!!poollll c h 0 p p " d 1'-facadamia nuts Combtne soup. p a r 1 I e y • \emon Juice. and ('Urry: chill Toss lightly with remaini ng in. gredient... Makel! 4 &ervings. Salads Tasty Per capita conirumption or 11Jad dressing has increased Jive-fold from 1.4 pint.! In 1930 to 7 .4 pints per perM>n per year. . . I . -~ ' AGED FOR TENDERNESS BUTCHEl'S PllDE BONELESS FAMILY STEAK c lb. D-"" FRE.SH FROZEN • BREADED OR PLA!N 88~. IUICHEU'I lllDE D iocow•" VEAL CUBED STEAKS FAMILY PAK CHOPS D o1t1>1<o 78~. l>iocou", SLICED PORK LOIN @ JIMMY DEAN 1-LB. ROLL ~ PURE PORK SAUSAGE 75c .?:::Stl'5 ~t::t @ piCM. MAYFl'I • 12-0?:. 'PKG. 78( BARBECUED 68:. SMOKll LINKS CHICKEN D !CAPTAIN KRUSTY • FROZEN -:.)1 •t,-LB. •DREADED 1st \.D .. , ••• , SHRIMP' PllCU 11. STUFFED 79:. i--C1'MP'S • fROZ£N • 12-0Z. PKG, BELL PEPPERS D .. ::,;1una1D 68c lllf STIAKS II . . )~~tlltl'I tl!Jt RECIPE OF l~E WEEK C.1.UfOIHllA BARB[CU[ ' . . • JR YOllr Alp~a Bell Heilhborhood Bulchtr (tht M•n in tht RED APllOHl PtOYd!y Olft1J: SUTCHER'S PRIDE MEATS MEATS YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE • QuoliTy arid Sot11foction Guorof'ltt.d • Oitc.oorll Prk•d "LPHA BETA l~TC!t!'J 11JDt BEEF AT EVERYDAY LOW DISCOUNT PR ICES! BONELESS RIB STEAK D~::::. CHUCK STEAK BlADE CUT ~BONELESS ~CLOD STEAK T·BONE STEAK· STANDING RIB ROAST LARGE END BUTCHEl\'S Pl\IDE • ECONO PAK i' rat:t1r;· •1y1F sa~ ·;;: TOTAL DISCOUNTS EYEAf DAY SQM( Al.PHAll[T.\ I TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DA'f SOM[ j LPHA lllTA lOIAl DISCOUNTS . IVIRf D~ SOM£ AlP'HA llCTA STOllES OISCOIJNT TOTAL DISCOUNTS EV£RY DAY SOMf A!.PHA &~1A STOii[$ DISCOUNT '>----------- 1 Col_gate~l f~,-oz. TUBE COLGATE TOOTHPASTE CHA~G[ PlllC[ STOii£! DIS.COUNT • ~ ~ 1.69 731 , ~-OU!'C~ !Ontr iRON-V!TAMl~l fOR~},ULJ. GERITOL TONIC STOii£! l)ISCOUHT CHA~G.[ P~IC[ 1.{g 951 CllMGE PRICC ~----CONTAOINA • &·OZ. CA.N .~:::. TOMATO SAUCE 1tc ~.az, CAN'• TO MATO PAST£ -l8c 1k I -.~-11UNGRY lACI( • :J2.0Z. PJCG, •. ~::. lloT'4rois L1'5 861 Do~••· D ...... , 'l OZ AEROSOL , CttAAG.£ PRICE ~ KRArr. ,, Oi! JAR ~ ilaQ 0s.\'i'icE' ~si: 371 26 OZ. JAR ·. HICKORY Jir: ~ DRESSING • &-OZ. J"-R . • ITAi !A:-1 • D!'.LUX!: f Rtr<CH 49-0UNCE BOX GIANT SIZE AJAl@I DEBIGENT SOME STORES ' CHARGE 89c 68~ ' 5-0Z. BA TH SIZE BAR GREEN OR PJN!C i PALMOLIVI BAR SOAf@ SOME : STORES 12c: CHARGE 17c i • ----------+-• 5-0Z. BATH SIZE ! GOLD DEODORANT; PALMOLIVE BAR SOAP~ SOME STOl!ES I £i: CHARGE 23c U"'i . ' . • • • • 4Hll PKG.; ,------~-------------'. ',-OZ. ALf\OSOL TEMJNl/l[ HYG1EN!: Pan Dry Fry ~sc a11 • CALlfOfltllA. t)tl!ON f 36' WISHBONE ~3c .. ' ~ ' I • PRISTEEN MIST 119 ------------------- / 2,59 119 ------------------- ~-OJ"NC't TUB!: liEGUL.AJI • DR t • OJL'f BRECK CONCENTRATE . SHAMPOO 1,.09 871 II-OUNCE. 110liU: SORMAl OR DR'i BRECK SHAMPOO g.c:.::;c;: Pl._.l.STIC BOT11.I TLlf1;,lf.JZING FORMUL>. BRECK BASIC ' 1,ss 12• SHAMPOO 1.BS 1" , BACK·TO·SCHOOL DISCOUNTS 'flA~ID Mel/ALLY VOYAGER GLOBE WITH WORUJ ATLAS ~COUNT • V/10[ ANO COLltGE' RTJL[D WEST AB FILLER PAPER o..~ D ...... , AUVC COlltCTll')N 3·SUBJECT NOTEBOOK THERMOS SNACK JARS Jig l!IO-COUNT • COU.tOC illJLt:D • 6 'HOT COLOJIS ,He COLORED FILLER PAPER ROTEBOOK ORGAN~ER ~8 :io'cOUNT PACKAGE: EAGLE YELLOW PEICILS @ JaO !U.%1: • r1tH:. POIITT @ 4'c BALLPOllT STICK PENS RLGl.JUJI POINT ~ 1611 681 901 771 81 1 229 671 331 "' XINGSfORD • 7'l LB. BAG Charcoal Briquets 1,79 ·----------------- J\.OtJ:;ct: AER050t }![GUUPI OR MEiiTHOL OLD SPICE SHAVE CREAM 1/s 981 ---------------- t; • ..-:. AEROSOL • DEODORAlrt MANPOWER SUPER DRY 1)9 7.oz. .A.DtOSOL • REGULAR if 135 1.11 9-0'Z AF.ROSOL •l'l:.-;1.«\Jntcented ARRID EXTRA DRY tjg 124 ·-------·----------.ojM+ CHJ!.D 20 Oft JUmOR :;o ORAL I Toothbrush ~c 4 7' j ADtJlT .a (1-WMO ./ OR 60 tHAAD) r e Tic ' -----------·-----1•1.oz. lARG~ SIZE: ,, fl ODENT ADHESIVE '8C ~1/,-0Z . .tCONOMt Srzt: 1.29 1.llJ --~--------------i~ilit~"ro~~ ... 1a; . 41/.-0Z, ECONOMY Sl'ZI! f,19 I.II -----------------UYORi'S. MOUTHWast 681 'l0-0 1/ti'CE 11CYm.L \..49 l.t? ----------------lillciiiN' tx1>A &l\\£N0~'.29 1 U BBQ SAUCr. • lt-OZ ]Af\S • REGULAR • HICY.ORY • HOT CHRIS & PITTS' 39c 31 1 23-0'l. )AR • REGULAR CHRIS 6 J>llTS • J(.QZ IA.II Sweet/Sour SAUCE l t·OZ. JAR • TER!YAK! SAUCE: 251 @ r:VAPOl!ATro . SKIM l~·OZ C0NTAIN£R , PET MILK 16c / 141 UNFLAVORED • ©KNOY.• t -t NVELOP£ PXG. GELATIN i7c 22c GIANT S!ZE RINSO ' • ' • ' • •• DETERGENT ; SOME STORES CHARGE 89c 6f: . . ' ------------..... -• • ( ~i ~ lfz GALL~ U' SIZE i . 64-0UNCE BOTILE . WISK . LIQUID DETERGENT: SOME STORES CHARGE 1.59 . J43 ; GARN'AT10 N • & t:Wtl.Ol't l'AGV.Gt t-' ALL FUVORS --------------INSTAIT , , BREAKFAST J9c 61 1 ~ !'B.l t:_O\ CAIUfATl~ • UQUID • JG-O'Z2411 ---.-r, ~ ~ SUIDER 3.llC ' • : I QUA~: ~CARNATION • IS.0%.. J~'i',. ~Coffee-Mite '/"" 751 C·f'ACK • l TLAVORS SEGO . ..,,-75 INSTA IT p~c @c&iE"'i1'XE's"~sc 351 ~ QIAtlT !'l·O'l WMU cJ-. 5 ~ IVORY Liquid )I"" 5 ©:io'YiJqulD5': 55 9 I SIZE"" : . ' .. ' 32-0UNCE BOTILE : WISK • ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' LIQUID DETERGENT: . ' SOME STORES CHARGE 85c ' DOUBLE DISCOUNTS SAVE YOU MORE I IN ANY LOS ANGELES, RIVERSID£, SAN BERNARDINO OR ORANGE COUNlY ALPHA BETA MARKET. COSTA MISA-2n •. 11'111 11. WUllTINOTON IE"'C" -"MS iltU"'t MUNTINOTON IEACN -llMI N, Mii" SI. ~OUNTAtN VALLEY -•Jlt Worntt LAGUNA HILLS -Jl'41 C.•llt 4• l• L~lu llVINE -11040 Culv•t. U•h<1t1!ly ~••W IOYTN UOUNA ->011'1 S. C.•••I M l.~w•y I. ' ' '. r .. , .. .. FOR EXTRA SAVINGS, ·' ~ • LOOK FOR THESE DOUBLE DISCOUNT SHELF TAGS DESIGNATING LOWER- THAN-DISCOUNT .PRICES MADE POSSIBLE BY SPECIAL ALLOWANCES ~ROM OUR SUPPLIERS, WITH THE ·SAVINGS ·PASSED DIRECTLY ON TO YOU! 12"%200' llOU. REYNOLDS WRAP 1,89 157 ------------------ 2!>-0Z. l'ACKAGt D .. ... D ....... , .. liOLD SEAL OWY BLEACH 60~ I ''OUNct PACKAGt ... ·------------------- • ·•. ' : ··. ,_ ' ' JUMBO SIZE 1 ~7.QUIJCE BO:{ ALL DETERGENT ~· . "'"' •STORES '!cHAllG[ 2.J9 ,-. -------• 4!rol. BOX • GIANT SIZE ON-POLLUTER DEnRGENT SOME STORf.S CKAllGE a1o • ! @ ! ~ . " . ' !OlAL O:SCO\i ~!~ lW(RY OA~ LAl.IRA-SCUl>tlER • ll-0%. CAN :PlRlY lllX IUTS .. l~·OUNO:: 8lG AlPllAIETA ·co•• CHIPS ' '"' WJ.U£ SP!IOUTEO OP: 100% WROL!: OROWEAT WHEAT BREAD SOYA Bl:A.'I' JRU.D SCHAT'S • 2'.0Z. LOA.I"' Flsherm111's .ln•d M'c 481 ~"' .4k ' ~ 551 v...--.. RL,HR BETA • s.J0,1.CK •POWDERED D..1o1o • CRUMB • PLAIN • SUGAR 391 -·· CAKE DOIUTS vlt'ut ai'Jl<h~~~~ ·c:t~' sa'c 69 1 ~'!--CZ, AEROSOL • TOl'P!NG ROD'S WHIP·O Al,HA BfHI • 1,11 GALLO'I IMITATION MILK ~c 41 1 "' 371 "TA.LUC ~-07.. T'AC~.l.GES •HAM_• !E:Er ~~~ Sli~'ecf lllNIS ;J9c 351 1·Lll, JtACt'.AGE •ALL }lt AT OSCAR MAYER WIENERS PEAK OF THE SEASON SWEET LUSCIOUS GRAPES MIX OR MATCH •THOMPSON SEED LESS •RED •BLACK . ~.·HONEYDEWS CASABAS LARGE• SWEET VINE RIPENED APPLES GRAVENSTEIN ALL PlJRPOSE ·~ LARGE • SWEET FLAVORFU L 2 ! 29c .WATERMELON WHOLE RED RIPE ·AVOCADOS © 6~ 10:. CEURY CUCUMBERS BELL PEPPERS POTATOES CFU~ & FR~SH U.S. t.IO. I WHIT! ROSE 6-INCH POTTED UMS 1~.~ HEALTH FOODS l ·lS. B~G • BROW~ UNP~ClClSUO SUAMI SllDS 10-llZ. ~t. • llAfUl.l.L UNTR£AIED • kULL (ll SUN•LOWU: SllDI 69' 79; l ·l8. 8AC • ~Dlll•d • f'lllu1'1 49' SOY IUNS 'THESE PRODUCE PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY th•ough WEDNES DAY, ,..,,J GUST '26-SEPTEMBER I. TOTA! DISCOUNT S l"W(RY 11AY TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVLRY DAY SOM( Al PH~ B!. Tl SIOIUS OISCOUNT CHl RCE '~JC{ TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY SO~[ ALPHA IEIA STOii!$ tll$COUNr CH.UCE ftllCE v~;;.t;:;1k's'qu1re 1)9 981 ~ ' BANQUET • ?:-UI. • fRC2[N1 Fried Chlcktt11)9 159 ·-~ D .••••• , III:'ITY CROCKf11 41.0<. P~'I, Pancake Mix ~gc 521 OSC.1,11 MA"Yt!l • !·OZ. IVER CHEESE HOMAOE • 43-0Z. JAR rRESH c:.;c·~1.i11ER KOSHER PICKLES !,-oz .• ~OZEt'I . TVflJ:f.Y 0 GRAVY ~ OR CHICKEN A LA KING ~:~:~~:•oA~c • 191 • •·.·:c.u;:r · r!lozcr; Dixie Doodle Bars 79c A·tptfA ~BETA L~~~~;1d~ 12c J~ OZ. CAI/• Ri:GULAR 29c VALIJE Dou••• ·~ORTON"• 6-0Z • f RCZttl ; ........ Corn Muffins ~c M°c:rl;~ozM'liafLLPi~~rriEs 7(c 19~ ~c 791 M~~·r~~1°& ·ch:;, ~c 421 . ~VA\' DE KAMP'S • JOlh,.OZ. BOX ~cfflcKEN PIE 4-Sc 421 r151lER • J? 01u Whole Wheat FLOUR '\Jc 301 A!phr:t Bela'$ owr: Travel A 'l~l'IC)" , . . . for th• flne~l trov~I orrangcmeril' .PHONES: {7l4) 87Q.Q351 OT (2)J) 69J.{1987 •Il. !12! D ..... D ..... .., RlG::; • 1-0Z PACJ:ACt: / Corn TOTAL 45c 421 OUR MAN JN BLUE OF THE MONTH He's Garth Anderson, m11neger of Alphe Beta's market °'t 1670 lnd ien H ill Blvd. in Pomona. Garth always seem\ to be there when hi1 c.ustom.;,rs n••d him to make their 1hoppin9 easier •nd more •nioy- eble , • , elweys reedy to offer friendly, he lpful service. As "" Alpha Be+e Men in Blue, he fakes pride in his store end in its products. He ketps everyth ing working 1moofhly •.. by making sut• ther• •r• plenty of shopping carts .and checkers on hand, by keeping ihe sh•lve1 fully stoc.ked •nd the •i1le1 clean a nd clutter-free, by •nswering questions, c.ashin9 checks, a nd helping customers fi nd what they ere lookin g for. But most irnPort1nt, you'll fi nd his g enuine interest is sh•r•d by •very member of his 1t1ff. This is Gart~ Anderson, our Man 1n Blue of the month. You'll find e men like Gerth 1n every Alphe Bete merket. He's your Men in Blue. The mi n you cen trust to teke 9ood cere of you. Truat the folkl' at Alpha Beta to take good care of you. DAILY Pll01' .f:J Wheat Germ Valued You don't have to be a "health nui'' to acknowledge tbe value of wheat germ. lls claim to providing vitamiM and minerals in good measure is undisputed. That's why nutrition·con· scious mothers like to add this convenient product to as many dishes a1 they can. One good v.·ay to use. thi~ valuable food is to add it to pancakes -most families Jove the1n . And the following recipe bakes the lightest and tenderest \\'heat germ pan~ cakes we've ever eaten, Serve these pancakes fo r breakfast, bru nch, lunch o; Sunday·night supper, along '\'ith bacon or ham, and you'll have a great main course • \\'HEAT GERl\I BUTTERl\.IJLK PANCAKES 1 cu p unsifted flour 1 tablespoon suger I teaspoon baking powder 1 ~ teas poon baking soda 1 ~ teaspoo n salt '~ Clip whrat germ 2 large eggs, separated 2 cups buttermilk 3 tablespoons butter, melted Into a medium mixing bowl turn the flour, sugar, baking powder. baking soda and salt; stir together thoroughly. Stir in "'heat germ. Into a sinall mixing bowl turn the egg yolk s and \~ cup or the buttermilk: beat to combine. Add remaining 1111 cups buttermilk and t h e melted butter: beat to com· bine. Gradually stir into dry ingredients. \\'ilh clean beater. beat egg \\•h!tes until they hold peak s that tilt slightly when beater is slowly \\•ithdrawn. Add tG floud mixture and fold in, For each pancake , pour 1 /~ cup batter into a hot lightly greased griddle . Bake until bubbly on top and dry around edges; turn and bake until under side is browned . Serve at once with butter and maple syrup. !'.fakes 12 to 14 pancakes. Easy Sew ONLY TWO MAIN PARTS (front and l:!ack) to this sleek, side-buttoned shape! Whlp it up in white, black or a beautiful color in easy·care fabri c. Printed Pattern 9367:' NEW !'.lisses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. Size 12 (bust 34 I requires 1 ~ yards 6().inch fabric . SEVENTY·FfVE CENTS for each pattern -add 25 cent~ for each pattern for Air ~1ail and Sepclal Hand l ing ; otherwise third.class delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Marian Martin, 442 the DAILY PILOT, Pattern Dept.. 232 West 18th St., New York, N. Y. 10011. Print NAME, ADDR ESS with ZIP. SIZE and &TYLE NVM· BERS. Sp ring-Summer fashions! Our Patter n CataJog h•• separateti, jump.suits, sli m-. ming shapes. free pattern coupon. SO cenlL Save Time Place small potatoes In mur. tin Uns ror ba1dng in the oven. This saves Umt and Pt-vent.s burned !JnC•rs. • ' --• •••:I.I C:\·1'•:ss t;.'\ Dt-:P . .\.RT:,t f:l\·r W ILSON'S COll:N COUNTRY ' . FRANKS --,,_oz.49c PKG. LB. CH£fS DEUGHT , •k 98C I Pll\S&URY SWEET o• B .,, 1 ~bR 9• CHEESE SPREAD .-.. : BUnERMILK BISCUITS ... DAK o.t.N!s"' , lb 69c 1 iuNT 35c CHOPPED HAM···· 1 TAMALES .... ----~-·:. JALA0 PANOCHEESE SPREAD 4 7c o~~-.. .... n• 73c I m,cil .....,n• !~•{• 75' MEAT WIENERS .... '.~.~. I SllCD BOLOGNA .\1;•,'; o~c,,_, .... n , 75c I OK"''"'"" . 79' MEAT BOLOGNA •. '.' .. :·. I BEEF BOLOGNA ••• '.1::. ALL 0B.EEF°FRANKS •.•..• 77c WILSON 'S TENOERMAOE $ 398 4°LB. CAN HAM •••• --• • ., p •• -.. ,. 4'" ~ • I '>. . ·. !llEA.T DEPARTMENT EASTERN WHOLE or HALF SLAB BACON c LB. -·~ ,:' WILSON'S CRISPRITE . , 1-LB . 8 SLICED BACON .... :~G~ ... 4 c Hoff_,.-, v .. ••I. ...... ,, ••• t.WI, Wtdnt$day, A11qu~t 25, }q71 ------- T~ ~" hearing • greot dMI a~out t~• io~~r:==~J IX:: • prices Ollll If r•u are 1i1naa1y alMut how it affects your :i -•ry •111, the11 -.!er no-••· ' f 110 prlcH ••• IN ralso4. nioso markets who h••• high prlcos ·,,;, cu centiaue to 1011 •t those higher prices. Thrlftlmart 11 if: fre1en with low discount prices. We want your family to haye :~:. the savings. "' ~~: Fer months now, Thrlftlrnart has asked the customer to corn· , :fil pore prices, item for item against those being charged by ~:;: ~ ether supermarkets. H•nclreds of thousands of Southland fami· :;~ § lies have compared and.hay• 1aYecl hancl1omelyf ii~~ ~fil. Thriftimar.t charges 1111 on more items than other ~:~ ~ 1upermarket1. f ~· .... /. ,.;·;;;•:.'"°".·-h."",· •»:.:..:w·•·><"'-"'.••r.:i..· ·~ .................. .,, .......... ~ .... ,,... .. ~~· ~, ·-~· .. , . . • ~ •• • . ....,.,......... . .... ~·_.,_.,._._.,., ....... :.•.,.,-=v:~·:.'.·:~·:..·:·:·:o>:~·:·:~·.·:-. .. ·:·:~-.~ ........... , ....... :· .. ~:·=·~..:.;-:-.·:-~.-:·:·:~· .:~~ •OHflBS ~IEA.'f DEPARTMENT TENDER AGED STEER BEEF ·ROUND TEAK BONE.IN 'fENDER A.GED Sl'EER BE•:•· . • • °""-"•,.I ••"•' 59c I··"''"'"'""' 69 SLICED IACON ........••. .!!~· IA, SLICED IACON ........... '.'.~; c FAMILY STEAKS •..• 1 ••••••• $1 ~~ J .J1:i'QNE ROAST .......... ~··· 69c .. ION!l!loS$1iOUll>tl s1••' l!•"lft• CLOD ROAST '"•"·~I 1 .. ~1 I s 39' •••••···•··•••·• •L HORT RIBS .......... ,...... •1. """n JU•C• $I 08 I Slo<:H> rou .. c. RIB STEAKS ................. ••·I BEEF LIVER ................. 691~ lllS('Ol'!\"'I' ··1ioz1-::\' ,llK\l' llEA.I. ~le('O\' l'llODUCTS =~'c'aN .. ~'.-:'.': 69c :!~SAGE ~.1~: 49c ~1:=11s .. ~.".' .. 27c ~Oi{ko,.,," '" s:,<l '"'"' T7.C 11 poQ1ii("o• .. o .. o C SAUSA&E· •.•••.. 1.'.~.~~1.' SHOULDERI 98 l~I UTI ........ lL ... ""'".'°"" 28c 1 •o~' '"""'"-''Nl ... ,,,,~ ,13• LINK SAUSAGE ••.•••••.•. ~:·.-. I CANADIAN BACON .......... ••· 1 .. ., ....... 79 •010 .. ~, $ CORNDOGS ................... ~ •. BEEFSTEAKS .•.•.... 8 "~'..~";, 115 AUNT HATTICS -171/J-OZ. ~KG. I 0 F 98 BREADED VEAL............... ~ c OCEAN SPlAY KRAFT SALAD DRESSING POPPY BRANO U.S.D.A. GRADE "A' FRESH FROZEN 1.,.__,1 MIRACLE WHIP Cranberry Cocktail .. :~:·; 79• t;q11id Sego ....................... ~~-~,~ 2 7 c COLORED BAKING 38 C HENS 4-5 LBS. e e e e e e e e LB. *''"Tender-Lee'' Extra Leatt :,c ·#~:~~:~::.3i!0~ •• 9 5~ DISCOUNT SEA.FOOD .... 79,C.. FRESH SILVER SALMON: flfSH flll(TS $119 DOVER SOLE • -.. .. .. . .. LB. t~ESH flllfTS 89 C PACIFIC LING COD..... LB- PROMORIGON c I .STfA~S 98 I u.•o• $139 lb. I TOBlOIL Jb. 1-:\ t :lll'll,\\' lllSCOU~T l'lllCES ON t 'ROZEN t 'OOD Mi·;;cle QT. JAR 5 9 c Whip ' . ... Baked Beans ........... ;~:·; 7 5 • FR£NCHl£S Shoestring Potatoes '.:'; 37c • HUNl'S Solid Pack Tomatoes.';"'. 22c All f'UIPOS£ Gold Medal Flour ..... ?'.'; 60' All PURl'OS! $209 La Pina Flour ........... '? '.'; OOlt PINtAPPlt Grapefruit Drink ..... :::·; 33• /.!if:\ JfRSfYMAIO-STIRRtO 59 'C5Y Fresh Yogurt ..... 0 ::: c .. " .. ,~ S & F COFFEE ~)\ l·LB.TIN 69c I~ , __ ,_ ... CHECKElllOARO FROZE~ 31 6 9 Macaroni & Cheese .. ::; • 'vHA PAKT (V1-Gal, Plc) fQ11al'l ,.l<) Fresh Orange Blend :::: 7 5 c CHECKE•llOA•O tWZtN 71 (PINT J7c) •ll V•.Oll!IU 67' LIBBY LAND DINNERS ... '. :: . IUHO .. O W/i~UC I ""!"'" 'l •• 58' BAKED IITI ................. . St!l!"'UIOU 'S •• ~UG•o Cl-~IOO,. 69 < HONEY •AISIN NUGGUS '.'.".'. Sliced Turkey ..... , ..... :;. 99• QT.CTN. 68c WESTP~C ViGETAaL£S .'.•::'.. 33c l.., ... ~ 79' POOi BOY SANDWICH •.. ':'.'.. ...-,..._.,~•vtf ''"I""' 76, BUITDNI RAVIOLI ....... .':::. '·"•O) ·······-•. ,.,,, .... , .... , '1· 65' CHEESE PIZZA ............ '.•. ~·. "tOifY! 37' DIANGE AWAKE ......... ':::. f."'"0 ~ ••• ., ....... ,.,, ..... ·~-· 89' CHEESE BAG·O·PIZZA ..• .'.:. r"""'""o" fl3S BIEADID flSH STICKS ... .'.'':~~ ~~11•><1001•' ,,,, 55' SESAME NUGGETS ........... . -s ,_,.,,,,..$ toot1D ''"'••I• o,,• $1 ll BREADID SHRIMP .•.•••• '.'.".'; Juicy Bartlett PEARS '2~:~·25c !O~Jr~~' G• I oc BRONZE LETTUCE ·-··--·-· ,._ t -lll CtllO llAG I 2C CARROTS •. -, -------. --~~?. tAI (,[ I oc BELL PEPPERS -. -----..... , ,._ :S PA1'11 $H 1oc ONIONS .... , .. . • • . . • • • .. • • . "- i.Ji:0 i."1rQUID ••..•••.•••.... '.;::. 65 c '""'c..... 58· THRILL LIQUID ............ 1•1.'.'. "'".Of"l 88· Dllft .................••.. C..·:;. ,,u.-u ctu .. 11 $ 19 MIRACLE WHITE ••.•.•••• ~"."."':'. 1 "" "'~~"'"'~'" 99' CASCADE ................. ~.".'. fl Alt$ 88' IVOIY ••••••••••.•••••••.. ~~~. JANE .ANDERSON-WHITE or WHEAT Sliced Bread ............ '.'.'; 25' AllSWE!T M • '·"· 33• argar1ne ................. . NA&ISCO -WHEAT THINS-SESAME.SOCIAllll l> 4 5 Snack Crackers ...... •.-::-:: • G MANNY GOO.SE -~lllOW PACK P t t Ch• ,,_.,_ 49c o a o 1ps .............. . l QfFtl M • '"· 84• ann1ngs ................... . COffEE 9 • Butternut ................. : '.'; 7 COFfEf $129 Instant Hills Bros ..... '~ :·; GOlDfN G~AIN Stll 'N,;t RV f. J"•-i s Macaroni & Cheese .... :: . • POtY-U NSATUlAl{O o· Crisco OH .................. ':::-6 GlOllf A-1 3 6 ( Dutch Noodles ......... .'~:'.: l.:.stant Rice .... _ .......... '.'_:: 41 c k1NG KELLY 5 7c Orange Marmalade .':-:·, CE•EAl I " 39 c Post Toast es ........... ;:·; CMIC.f it.ll CHICIC(M I 2 Cat Food ................. ~·1::~ c ... lCOA 28c Aluminum Foll ......... ';.'!~ i;.:bage Can Liners:.~:; 99c ORCHID'S CWSIC TONE 3 C Paper Napkins ......... ~:~ I NORTHERN l 3-.C Bathroom Tissue •....• ';~; I I J ERSEYMAI D-CATERING ICE CREAM RlPPIN' GOOD 5.VARIETIES COOKIES HALP 69c a.1ov •. oz. 2sc GAL. SKIPPY -RE G. OR CHICKEN DOG FOOD IS·DX. I oc NO RET URN BOTILES COCA-COLA 8•16·0Z. $119 BOTTLES SUNSHINE STATE -FROZEN LEMONADE ·10 6°0Z. TIN C (1 2-0Z. TIN 2'2c) V4N DE KAMP'S -FROZEN "'---< ENCHILADAS IE!f. CHEESE , 38 c CHICKEN 1V2 -0l. 2701 HARBOR .BLVD., COST A MESA 5858 WARNER, • "' 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA HUNTINGTON BEACH • 23811 EL TORO, El, :rORO """" --- ' -. ' ' • ,_ i ' ~ • ' • ... ... • • • . • . • • • • . . ' . . ' . • • '• 'B. ..... ~.L~. ~~~~! ..... . , . Cl~nk s of rich beef ••• ten-<ler and juicy •• , "'L".S.D.A. Ch oice ••• on ske\vc rs for 8 otu1ces of delight! , ' ,, ~ ' . CuPes of hearty beef, speared \rith slices of Bell Pepper, )fushroo1ns nnd Cheri')' Ton1atocs '. 6 oz. . ' ' ' . ,0 LAMB WITH 0 ...... Y~~E! ~~L~~! •••.•• I#"b cubes • , , tender, tasty ••• ,,·ith l\Iushrooms, slices of Bell Pepper and Cherry Tomatoes ! 6 oz. . ' ' . fresh Brisket of Beef .......... 89fb S~:ink !e \Yith onion soup n1 ix .,. ,\.r<tp in :i "Cook.ing Bag'' , •• the11 \Jake ! \\.bole or point h:-i!f. . ~ryer Breasts ...... 69~ Ctit fresl1 ... f rom fresh California chickens! F~er Wings ..................... 29~ So~111uch fresh f\a \·o r ••. so n1 uch Ya.lue'. > Legs & Thighs .... 59~ 1\:ing sized C:difornia chicken parts ••. fresh ! Chicken Livers ................. 69~ :Freshness n1akes all the clifference in tastl': Fresh Pork Cubes .. ~~R. ~~~E.1 :~·. ~~u~: .. $1~~ T(immed so c<1rcful l)· ... so frrsh and tender'. 5,\·eet 'n' .sour pork \\"ill niakc a hit at you r hottsr : . rar-boiJ for OllC hOUJ'1 then bake 01' ba rbecue 'ti\ done. ):ou'JI }OYC the lllC.'.ltr goodnes.'1 : Sliced Bacon .................. 59~ Ground Round Quality ...... 89 :b EJ R:ln cho's O\rn ••• lean ranch style : .-\hrays fresh :lnd lean: Bulk or p:ttties '. Red Snapper .................. 89:b Rainbow Trout ................ 39 :. }"fcsh fillets ... n1 ild fl:i.\·oi· th<lt"s so \\·eJcon1e : SerYe 'en1 pa11·frie<l: )fin. ,,·t .... ti oz. each. .. Delicatessen Values! iJack Cheese ................. 488 ~o!llert>y Jack fro1n \\.i.;consin •.. soft and creainr and mild '. 8 ounce pkg. from Sarg~nlo '. . 8eef Salami Chub , .. 69¢ Meat Fondue Sauce 55¢ i'or hors d'oeu,·rcs ... Royal. 1~ oz. Ten1pting Yarieties •.. llaus S\\·iss . • Shrimp Cocktail ..... 33¢ ~aisco , .. chill and ser,·e : ·1 oz. glass. F iYc kinds, \\"it h fresh crea n1 cheese ! Ritzy Dips ... a.oz .. 3 '" '1 f1~,~~~~,~~i~~::: ·19;~:i.;~;l'~.'. ~~~~,-~~~~~;!,! c~~~!~~to.1!:. ~ : $i:unnr~mm®lt~®®l@~ Beer ..... ~~s~! .e~~E. ~~s~~~ ..... 6 i $11s I . bid time fla \'Ol' in the con"enient 12 ounce cans ! ••• ancl it's Pabs tJ Wolfschmidt Vodka '8.99 Save 50c on ha)f.ga!lon size: SO proof. ' Cabernet· ... s.1uv1GNON ••• '185 Louis )Ja rtini, really fine \\·ine : I\:ingsford, •• for unifo rm hea t ••• burn clean •• , longer lasting, too! ~ lb. bil1 ••• 1.57 Chri.:1 & Pitt'.> ..• the famous one! Regular, Hot, Hickory or Garlic: flavors ••• priced for aavinpl Ch oose Chu nks , Crushed, Slices or Tidbits in No. 2 cans! For kabobs, dessert, aalads or baking! Lindsay's ripe oli ves ••.• they belon g on the relish tra)· at any kind of party! No, 300 cans. Facial Tissue ......................... 4 : $1 l:oyale n1akcs th cn1 so soft, so strong ... and each \)ox takes care of 125 healthy sneezes! Scott Towels .......................... 29' Big roll s . , . 168 sheets • , , in colors, in prints or in \\·hite. Love the savings ! Stewed Tomatoes ......... 4 ro~$1 Carnation Albacore ........... 49; Gloriett:i. . , . fron1 the ,·ine to the :\o. 303 can: l\:ing of Tuna! Solid pack, ,,·bite meat! No, 2Vi• Instant Rice .............. , ...... 69¢ Globe A· 1 Noodles ............. 33- l'tiok.i t1p l1~1lt and flu ffr ! )I.J.B .... :!-l oz. )lake a casserole ! )[ediun1 or '"ide ..• 12 ounce. Macaroni & Cheese ........... 33¢ Yuban Coffee ................... 83~ \'an de Karnp's .. , frozen goodness ,, .11 oz. pkg. T\\"O lb. can ... 1.65 Three lb. can ... 2.39 Instant Tea ..... , .............. 89¢ International Vegetables .. 39.' Lipton's ... flaY Ored 1\·it h le1n on .•• .J. ounce. Bi rdseye \VOrld \Yide ble nds '. Fr ozen ••• I O ot. Ritz Crackers ................. 45" Avocado Dip .................. 59• Crisp and buttery : ••• :\l'l bisco ... 16 ounce. From CalaYo ... froze n, thaw and serve. 714 oz. Formula 409 ................... 69¢ Thick 'n' Frosty ............... 59• }';lbu\ous cleaner ... :!'.l ounce spra y can'. .:\I.'.l ke easy shakes: ••• 4 flavors to pleue! Fabric Softener .............. 69¢ Puss 'n' Boots ............. 8 ro• '1 ~[il'acle \\"bite .•• goes in first! ••• 33 ounce. Kitty's fav orites in 6 ~~ oz. cans! Great valuer Super Fresh Produce! Blueberries ........ 811 Fresh and ripe and plump! Isn't it sad the season is so short? 12 oz. blkt. Gravenstein Apples .................. 5 Ll1s1 The all purpose apple ..• for sauce, baking, desserts •• , or just good eatin1I ' Fresh Italian Squash .................. 19~ Compare the quality ••• and see th11.t the value is at El Rancho t }'ixin 's for your kabob cook-out Cherry Tom a toes ...... ~.1~E' .. ~~1.~'· ............ 29~ They belong on kabobs .•• but they're so good so many waya l itesca ............. 6 ;,, 69' ~d lfixer! 10 oz. blls., p11_1s deposi_t. Vin Rose ..... nnH .... '1.89 Chas. Krug ••• gO<!s "'ith IO)'l hi ng ! Priers in. tffcct Th rir. t f1rouqh S1tn . .1\11g, :!(;, 27, 28. :!9. /\"o Rl'lli'~ t.o dealcrn. Open datlv 9 lo 9 ••• Siotday 9:JO to 6:.JO Bell Peppers ......... 19~ Small Onions ......... 39~ Ske,\•e r size ..• Cirm for crisp slices! \Vh ite and mild ... for ske\\·erin1J •• .. ARCADIA: sunsot and Hun1ing1on or /l/i';/. PASADENA : rl/i/. SOUTH PASADENA: . /!/N~ HUNTINGTON BEACH: /I/iii; , NEWPORT BEACH : 1121 Newpor t e1vr1 ,,,,, 1[1 Rancho Centen ,··~•', 320 West Color ado Blvd t~i ~ Fremont an•I Huntington Dr 1tM•, Warner and Algonquin !Boar ~walk Center1 ··: . l~~5 [a stbluft Dr r[a stblull Village Centci ' . ~-· ... ------... ·.~.--.--· --~·~ ,......,.,,.., ..... ~-~~-.=.,,: 1)0"'--'"7 ...... _ . ,,_., ·"' -... .;--=----·---------. ___ --=-', .. ""'.._ --· ~ ......... ,,..,._ . ---.'-It---· ----------,. - -- " I -.. ~. ,,_ . ~ . ' . . ' -·~"---- tl8 DAIL V PILOT Wtdntw!ay, Au9u1t 25, l97l Italian Cheesecake Recipe Arrives to Tantalize Taste A fine Conneeticut cook con· tributes 1his reader-requested reript. ftlRS. BALDlNO'S ITALJAN CHEESE CA KE Cru st, stt below 4 eggs. separated the cheese, sugar, flour , salt and vanilla, beat in egg yolks one at a time. fo~old in whipped creain. then egg whites beaten until sUff, almonds, raisins and cltron. Pour Into crust lower heat to 325 degrees and bake until golden brown -J hour and 15 minutes. temperature before serving. beaten egg yolk. l tablespoon milk and \11 teaspoon vanilla, gather in a ball and div ide 1n half. pan With sides removed. I puund ricotta cheese I container (8 ounces) heavy cream , whipped '• cup finely chopped Cool thoroughly. Sides of cake will be higher than centi:r. Ser1,1e at room ten1- perature: U held, store 111 refrigera tor, but bring 10 room There will be a dense layer at bottom holding nuts and fru it and a nutfy laye.r at top. Bake in a preheated 400- degree oven until golden - about 6 minutes: cool. Allaclt sides of pan to bottom and.pat remainder of dough around sides so it comes up abo!Jt Z inches. Syrup Flavors Custard 1 i cup sugar 4 i.ablespoons flou r 1 1 teaspoon salt l ieaspoon vanilla blanched almonds 1_.1t cup raisins 1,4 cup diced citron Make crust. Beat logether Bake in a preheated 400.- degree oven for S minuW!s; Crust: Stir together 1 cup sifted flour and i,., cup sugar: cut in ~ •. pound stick butter unlll blended; stir in 1 slighlly Cover and refrigerate one- half uf dough. Spread re- maining hair of dou~h over bottom of a 9·inch spr.ingform A different wa y lo flal'Or a classic dessert. CHERRY CUP CUSTA RD SMALL SIZE OSCAR MAYER .~ ~· r USDA CHOICE 7·BONE i 117 cup red maraschino cher- ry syrup 2 eggs PORK SPARERIBS BEEF ROAST I egg yolk I 13 cup sugar 1 ~ teaspoon salt I teaspoon vanilla USDA CHOICE FR.ESH LEAN GROUND BEEF 59~. 2 cups scalded milk \Vhole stemmed red maraschino cherries. for garnish GROUND CHUCK ............ 69¢ LI GROUND ROUND .............. 89¢ LI CENTER CUT In a small saucepan OOil cherry syrup over medium heat until thick and syrupy - 3 to 4 minutes ; wa tch to pre· vent burning; syrup should look bubbly. Spoon syrup into CHUCK 6 custard cups. Bea t egg s. egg yolk . sugar, salt and vanilla until CQm· blned ; gradually stir in the hot milk . blending v•e!l. Ladl e STEAKS mixture into the ~u_stard cups: set in pan containing about I inch hot water. Bake in a pre.heated 350-Nabisco dtgree oven until a silver knife inserted in center comes out clean -about :>::. minutes. Cool. then chill thoroughly. Wheat Thins Trangle Thins Bacon Thins Butter Sesame Thins PORK SAUSAGE .............. 39¢" BEEF. PATTIES • LB. BOX •••.•••••••••• 2" OUR OWN CURED 89 CORNED IEEF L•an l rl1ket .......... , • , , -• • • • • ( Lt, -----YOUNG·N-TENDER 59 IEEF LIVER Freih Siited . • . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . • . . • • • • c LI. IAJI M HICW:ORY SMOWED 69 SLICED I ACON l 11lk Stvlt , ...... , • , , • . • • • • • • • . . C LI. YOUR 45~ I CHOICE REG. 51< Loosen edge of cuslard and in- vert onto dessert plates; garnish with cherries. ?11akes 6 JUMBO SIZE 9 LB. 1 l OZ. BOX $199 : ' servings. CONCENTRATED ALL REG. 2.41 ·t 39c ~·t 59·f~ EGGS Fall Pantsuit FRESH SMALL ~*--GLAD ~ ~~A~.Q~o;; ROLL /_ ::__DETERGENT FULL 9UART GRADE "AA" 1 ....... ...-...... ---llU?~i I~·~l~1~~c:Jll.ii!:~·lI:::· ll::·:JF;:M•·--1 MT. BAKER e CORN 116-• CUT GREEN BEANS 4 I $1 e MI XED VEGETABLES 111• LI. • PEAS UG> i'}: .:• ~ JOHNNY •\;?''.(·~ ONtON RINGS , oz. 29~ w·~;r~11 ~~, CAT ,;;; r1111 Super tngelhe r or geparately! Crochel !las duo now. Instant Cr.:irhet pan\s111t - just y,·ha t all ihe g1r!i; v.;in1 fr-r l Fall~ Use darker tnne fnr puff· Elitch bands. lighter for :;;1nglc j crochet. Patt('rn 7255 sizes 4. 6, 8, 10 Included . I SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS fl'.lrl each pa ttern -add 2.~ renti; for each pattern for Air !ll<11l and Special Handlini;. Send to Alice Brooks ; otherwise third- class delivery will take three v,·eeks or more. ~end tn Alice Brooks the DAILY PILOT. HIS, Needlecraft Dep1 ., Box 163, Old Chelsea Sta11on. New York, N. Y. 1001 \. Print Name, Address, Zip, Pattern Num ber, NEE DLE C R AV T '72'. Nev.·est crochet, knits tor the expressive generation' Se\\'· ing, embroider y. qui 1 ! r;, afghans. Free pa 11 er n s 1 Catalog 50 cent.s. New! Instant Cr oc h et Book. Step-hy·step pictures teach you how to crochet' in· stantly! Plus nev.'est.. pat· erns. $1. Complttt fn 5tanl Gift Book l -more than 100 ~ifts $\, Complete AfJ!;bao Book -SI. "15 Jiffy Rugs" Book. 50 ROSARITA DINNERS • e MEXICAN 39~ , e CHEESE ENCHILADA !' , e COMBINATION • e BEEF ENCHILADA ,........._I; :l fj: I J:t·l ·1'!3 J- AVOCADOS 5/$1 BELL THICK MEATED GRAPES • THOMPSON B SWEET 4 L $1 -SEEDLESS S • -.,J ;.------ .~ TOMATOES 1o~LB PEACHES LARGE SIZE FREESTONE '5 ~$1 II CAT LITTER MJB COFFEE 1 LB. CAN MR . JUMBO DECORATED· EXTRA SOFT TWO PLY PAPER TOWELS BIG ROLLS l lf F 0 R PRUF FABRIC FINISH 11• 20 6z CAN BAGGIES TRASH CAN LINERS •••• , 10 BAR M HI CKORY SMOKED BONELESS. 'N' LEAN WHOLE OR HALF 39 TAVERN . ' HAMS LB. FRYING CHICKEN PARTS t'~'g~& Thighs 59' LI. I BREAST DOZ. Northern Fillet of Turbot .......... 59~ lb. Farmer John All Meat Wieners ..... 59¢ lb. HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS ARRID EXTRA DRY $119 ANTI PERSPIRANT SPRAY , Reg. 1.:.79 At Other Stores -9 oz. Can -.~O TOOTHBRUSHES REG. 69t STRAIGH TRIM ......... ~ .... ~ .. REG. l9c DOUBLE DUTY IPANA TOOTHPASTE Reg. 1.09 At Other Stores 6.7S 0 1 . FAMILY SIZE ,., . ' 39c •A~~ 59¢ EACH' • ..... LOOSE LEAF NOTEBOOK PAPER LOOSE LEA F NOTEBOOK PAPER l'llg. of 500 1hHtl ~ l·RING CANVAS LOOSE-LEAF. BINDER ~~ 49' 69' Prices Effective: Thursday thru Sunday Au~ust 26, 27, 28, 29 Pri<:es subject to stock on hand. WE GLADLY ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOD COUPONS WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACENTIA ·"·' •' wr Gt~I ILUE CMIP STAMPS 19th and Placentia 710 W. Chapiiian . • cents. Book of It Prlzel"'-----------.-.--..-....,--.. .... J Afgba ... 50 cents. Ir: ~ [ -~1,1•1~ Quilt Bocik 1-16 pat1ems. 50 , 11 1 ~n~:~~"'= ~~;r.'.Q".:7i:. ',;;; I 300 EXTRA ILU[ CH IP 11 GOLD PALMOLIVE AJAX ~~: .. :':1ZE Today'• Living". IS P'lt•rns. ' STAMPS WITH I :::::::.:.•;::~~ GOLD I LAUNDRY 1i'1 50 cents. :: PURCHASE o~RS20 OR MORE , , I I [II _ Lighten Up ljl 100 uu• sTl.Mos WITH P•CHASI , , 1111 DSEOOADOPRANT 1 Qc i'll!! 1. 1 11 1 DETERGENT 5 9c 1 I' I BET1!fEEN SIO AND S>O WITH THIS COUPON '' IATH SIU IAR , I Keep dark cottons and !1nenf , . I VOID AFTER SUND y 11 'I 1 from taking on a grayish II A ' AUGUST 29 Ill w ;o, ,~ •• <01111011, "0 "lil'i'"'vf'I flu•t~•·• ·•ll uirt.d . L .... ,. I "•' I I• Wtl~ '~•I coucion, "0 ...... imvm 11 u•c~ ••• '•'lllrt•d. l"'"' O"• bow t tinge. 111 A l~o~ol.c •~·•r~9•1 , F1•1~ M ,I ~ •nd " 1 11•• coupon -On• tou1H•n 11•• t u1tom1r. Vo,d •fh, S11ndt~. I II fl•• ~oupo" -On• co11po~ p•r t~1to"'''· lr'oid •I••• Su~d .,. lri Add llalf·l'-<'UP of vineg11r to 1 '1 C i9~·•ll•• Ert lv~td 11' Au~v1 t 2~ II I Av9~1• 2q, • I u ch p!loa of the last rinse . : ·GoODoNLY AT IAlGAIH IAfkn 111 1 GOOD0 NlY AT IAlGAI NIAsKn -~l~----~1~-~~~~~-~-~G~O~O~D-~O~N~·~·~·~·-~··~·~·~·~1Ngu~·~·~n~~~~~·~· ~11 .. 1 nter. ~ , i ~-- ,, I L Tl ., ' ~· J! A.I "1fltb 1dd . •'l:al •Im loc SUR Th ba vt you. 0 -·.h~~ Up:~ 1 and -=· 18 It some drlok .. daac 1nol •Dts. ~' I ~~ae~s <:'.~ opera they ~~" 1'"rl"uSh \ ~c~ ·~ ~ o~t c ounc · lak~n : splint ~ !hf' s { CU! I : Y .. ~u f ~ about : di.rt£ . ! £~' } j~~ci \ this : ting · .... ""in "' ly 1.h jufTe An niaint ouid them .,.du!itri ,' bP Ok ~ dispo . : nt hf'r , c11re I disPO. : J&tr• . "nrP i be;iri , suffer (T L : 111\1> ~~iii timP \I';!\' friri;.cr !~~(' ", r II JI ~;nnrl U1ev :~~ri j ; C"<I Ll<if' 1 Thf' : rl i rl rtf :~ J'lllrR :: prnmp ;. highe9 " ,• CllTt ~ ftV1 ;! tilne. ', Tru '~· tic ,11lly ·fff,Jlf p ~:.fithou !hi nf the] d:tv . .ij lfL'llJ'Xl' ' :·.])£~ (rl'i.)o 1,.em1 j bit~ tlf 11 . no Miis. ':J«>(::H 'Thal ;.~~"' currtd ...... _ 1 ... .,. Cilndy , .just drl'IJ'I~ . fine: J • crusht plan Jn met this c f. .. ., b (ltJnCtc$ Pllr>f'r 11nd w M '"I ap la!h btforr. O.AJL Y PtlOT 47 Little Old Winemaker Moves the Back of the Cellar DEAR NAN: Tii is h fer ' tlloN wbo h1 ve u ked about makhl1 U1elr own " t 11 t YIM1ar1. Stveral years IJO tn I '1MC~ 1aJ1d book tlltre Wll a ret>lpe for that. Brtng a quart ef 1ood wine to tbe boll- tJg point. Do not 1>4111 ! Add a '. LET'S ASK THE COOK ~y _,.," Wftey ~tjPJn1 tablespoon cream of ~ar. 1 Remove from hHt. pat In .toGden ke1. To Ir e e p As>ltnlt~ tvery time yeu ...-Ythdr1w H lftt of the vlne11r add tbe 11me amount nf wtot agaJn. ThJa urt1lnly Is a slmplr mf'!thod and It dlrl wnrk for me. MAXlNE LOJltRAINE SllltF81DE, N.C. Thars 11s neat a trick 11S I h11''' ever come across Thank you . DEAR NAN: You llavr 1ug. ~~d keepln1 the hladt.1 of ~~ttrlc a a r b a g e dl1po1ers aflarp ind 1,lllnlng by frlnd ln' up a tny full of Ice cubes now and then but 1 frie nd tella me tlMt a better way II te tou 1 -1'i cbUllkt of brokeo 111as In- to it for occ11lonal ~ladln1: 1ometllln1 11 heavy 11 1 1oft drink bottle. This sound to me as thou1ll It cnul" b e dan1erou1 In one way or annthtr. WUI vnu comment? l\Ots. R.G. '" CHICAGO ' ' I have hearrl about lh111 glass stunt so often recenllv I :fiircked with mv sn"ciaho;t. in $jnk unclogging' He 11ssureii ~Ht' neither ht nor any oth tr operater will touch the .inh if they know tht-re has been any gt1s1 i rindini · Glass doez not /'i !Ulh away, It stays in the \ ~~s. { \'The:v use thm hands lo oull ) out. th11t eltr trir "sn11k t " { ounce the trouble has been • taken cart or. and. sinrt tiny .' i::plrn ters invari,llblv lnd~e in '. the snake . they know thev will ( rut tht'ir palms In ribl>nns If : Y.'m ra il tn ttll your nptr1ler ~ about any prevt()Ull Cll llll·llrtn· ; dWn: you miRht ju~l be in for 11 •. bothersnmt' d11.v in C'ourl ~ inln II return 'nga~f'ment t t best. vo11 will nt vf'r lur, ,~ ocrurs In me :.nvonf' trrine '. this glas~ Irick rol•ld rt"k l!t"I · : tin~ 11 <;pJmter "hot hack in to ·-i'n "',. JHI ni.:-fl rr hn11 r ,'lrplnl. Jy I hf' disposer cap was Ad· ju~ted. Anotht'r point in ~ 1 n k maintenance ts the ust nf h· ouid dr11in nptnt rs. some ol tht m beinf 11dvf'rf isf!d All "111· ,Austria! stren11th " They m-'l'' / be okay for ~ink~ whrrf' nn •, disposer is invnlvPr! hut not • ntht'rwise F.ven if vnu IAkt' ran~ not lo pn11r 11nv' intn lhP .' dispos~r llitlf' of 11 rln11l-llt sink , ~e is b11ckup on both su'les ' rnrf' ~1n~·1.~.,p "rC'LJr'. lhl' i bf'11rings or your disposer ran suffer serious damage. ft is permiss11hlt In po11r a . 1"1Lt dr11in optnrr intn 11 Cref'· • ~nin~ sink from time In l•nil' In 111<! in kt'l'pinjl ii tht\I w::iv hut nn \P .;fnppt\f!e nrrur11 friri;C't 11 ll:i1 P ''nu f'\'er '"'' r ~~e !'mk p1nr.; "hf'n the11 tlrl' • full nf drain opener"' H 11 ~;nnrl lhf'rf' siny lt nglh nr tlmf' thPv r;rn get "ery hnl frnm .tr•-i ;irtio n Th •I dnt~n't do 11nv p1pf' 11nv !(nod It can ca110.t a leak In tht tr11p , Tht' nne wt 11srd nnt tlmt ; did nrfer 11 n1 n n e y · b 11 c k "' 1•111r11 nf Pf'. thpr• Wt'~ A • prnmpt. rf'func1. Us,. f'Vf'n thr • h1ght'sl quAllty dlspo~er wit h : carf' l)()n't pack ton full wilh ' '"" manv load~ in a r1a~"-= ' tilnt'. · Truf'. vnur r!1<;pnSrr m;w hr '~1ntPed tn ~rind up prar· llc~llv anvlhinit. hut twtHnrh ~f,iti 0pipt; miw nnt h11ndlt it ::,.1jtitAout lll:1ck·11p htfnrr th"' ~~ into the l11r1ttr 11nl' ~~f:r tinwn Shll. w l I h ~11ge pickup hPinjl 11 thin• of lhl' pA!'ll Jn manv ;ire;i<; ftl· rl~v. 11 100<1 ele<"tric 1111rbsgt d'i.'IJ)O!ler i!'I 11 lmo!'ll 11 mu!'ll • '. JlEAR NAN: I am lonklnl! (~:a ltmon bre.-d reclnt. JI 5rtm~ thr nne I lutf'rl h111t bits of h•mon CMlDC'h tbrnoiz h It. Tln vnu knnw thl~ ont7 MRS. A. f'. n u N s K v ':Jff>CHESTER. N.Y. 'fiat "r1"Unch" WA~ prnhably • fipted lemnn rlnrl but 11 ('Ir· · cur'rt d tn mt II mi~hl even 'i ~ bten crushed lemnn tlr(')J' candv Nnl "lrmnn 'our~" but just • olrl fitl<hion~ lemon drnp~ St! I tntrl tha(. 11 works finf''. I 8dd t d ahout 1 3 cup <'ru~htt1 drops but next tlmt I pl111 t.n ust mnre. It ls Jnmethlng nr • chort to ltl this candv broken up but II """ bt dont 1 ph1ced •boot s auncts in 11 M8VY waxtd Pll l'lf'r Hrk I• breaf'I wr8"'W!r 1 8nd wha.I~ <*way at It with 8 Mud Sl ides rolltni pln A cloth sack might bt betltr There art endless lemon bread rec1~s but most of them h11ve very little lemon navor to the bread itself They depend on a glaze or frosting for that. Here 1~ nne 1 like. It I! unusual ln that it calls for a carbonated soft drink but If ."OU h .. ve none on hand you can substitute milk This ts Lemon·Lune Nul Bread. It is worth while t.n grate the pttls because that i lvea pronounced C' i t r u s flavor. Other than that It is quick to 1et to1ether alnce there Is no creaming to do ll uiea ju1t one eag S6 should ap- peal to the low -choluterol COMC!OUS Ynu will need 2"1 cups sllttd nour. 3 teaspoons bakina powder. I teaspoon u lt. 213 cu p sugar. ~ cup chopped nuts. l tAblespoon c each ) of crated lemon a.nd lime peels. 1 beaten e11. 1 cup lemon-lime carbonated beverage 2 able-. spoons melted shortl.Jllni or oil. Sift all dry ingredients together . Stir ln rhopped nuts. 1r1ted peel and -if you decide to use It -about 1, cup cruahed lemon drops. Combine beaten egg, b'veraae and o~. Add tr you 're mid for <'nlor yo11 can add whatever cl\opped man schlno cherries you llke. wtll drained Turn Into a i rtastd 11nd fiould t I I loaf pan. • !ake for about 4~ minutes In 8 JSO oven Center test for doneness . If }OU h~t. sprinkle tht loaf w1 lh 1 tablespoon gralt'd lemon peel m1xtd with 3 tablespoons sut?ar lhe last five minutes of baking Or you can h~t 3 t11blespoons lemon juice with J ·J cup sugar. pour over whtle the hrrad is still hell In the pan Wa ll for IS 30 m1nu11>s before 1 emov111g frnrn pan for cooling I c;t Lii like a real lemon frosting on the bread. nnce 1l is conlPri All loaf rakes or breads hould be refr1geraterl lor 2~ hours before slicing C.11 .57f.. 1400 for INotieft el ...,. 1teorld you. call collttf If tietl IN COOPERATION WITH THE PRISIDINT OF THE UNITED STATES CANNED TOMATOES r .... i .PPLES l :~:~~ ~~~~t:s ~~. l~~ {. GUYENSRIN 25c l F h Cele CRIS~ nNOfl 1s~ = Foney 2 i res ry rlAVOWL ~ Juicy: ~ i Rid 0n·1ons IW!fT, 1TAUAN 1 o• i ,/ovorluf I J v,u1m !MUM PLANTS ~'2" J f '''""'fl ~llll'IUtltN+Mfl'Mtlljl t•n l!lf llMU .. lfll! 1•111ri G.REEN BEANS )9fh -------~ - Cut Green Beans DR MOJo/Tl lO) CAN 24' 35c Fancy Applesauce ·~~1:;::~ Nabisco Cookies lltm~.:::rrfi~~39c Fresca or Tab l!'VIUOU .. lO.Ot aTL 6-PK. 69c .J. ~ CHIBf.. AotD ova' MC>ITWS 98' SHAIP CHIDDAI ~~ • Save with Vons Everyaav Slim Prices! FRESH BREAD ~~ 25• POTATO CHIPS ::57• VONS COFFEE a~ 6tc SOFT DRINKSii~i 9fc COTTAGE CHDIE ~~37• • ACt11W • ;.JI.NC• e 111.DfOID • cOUlll'Of • .,..1wUftlC • .. tOIDAltl • M~ • l'MACO • wwsnH ........ - • WH'~ HUNT'S PEACHES TOILET TISSUE ZH HUf'I Y~R Ol'POtTVNITY TO WIN A lfAUT"Vl. TIM!-L4VINO, MONfY- SAVl...0 15 O• 11 cv. l't. ltOMf ,nu. 111 100 ,.euus WILL If OIV!N AWAY mt ... Ol"f .AT W!4 VONS ~•1<ns1 WINNERS' N.AMI& wtL If l'OITID IY Sfl'T. 9, 1971. GROOM & CLEAN "~t~·!'~:' 61' IUFFEllN 1 OO's "".:~'.::,:i~" •1 11 AQUA NIT .:::.t:.:;.~;."t~ 53' FllD PRICES! l I l I I I I I ~-----..:....:~---- I MAYll SLICID IACOll ..... -71' lw""'""· 18' 1-2 l•.•1u 1'4A."9-IM>t..""--I~ .. BEEF .'.:."·59c ROASTS ·· p,11NFU \i; t Hll ,.. pr)t.. ,f 6Y· llJ lb Boneless Beef Roasts ~:: 10! Smoked Pork ChopsCf~o:,;r~~~·89! Jimmy Dean Sausage u~:Ot~T.7 5c Fresh Hen Turkeys 0~i.*:f~~·49i~ lJ(. Yov Con Torte ut)w:JI~~~R Chicken Thighs coo.: ~ Frying Breasts Chicken Wings :c=· 39• fresh Livers &4111\~~KIHI 89• I It I , ' ,;, • j •, I If .. r 1• 'I 0 1 ,t hNI ', LINK SAUSAGE 69( BEEF SAUSAGE CHUNK BACON . 29c ' '. .. ~1 19 ' '·' ,,, ~J(aJ!:f!:f I ROHN fOOll BUYS 1 \'-flldt~ .. 01 ~NL,_,.,,, .. ,.,. 0-,. JtAr.e ,..,...,. 114J. CM! --• 2$c Gilio'1 0.-"1119 IMIL IU. • • $Pc llJHHS TON rR01f N PIJ ~ 79 °""'' ... O' "ne --. ~ -.. 19c Olfte'1 ... O' "'-'-l'MIK. ~ "' OIM'1 !let O' ll'lu. "'-' flMNI. ..,. He r1111ns f~I VlCUADLES ~ • 45' U.I. D.1 FOOD ITIMP I COUPONS Gladly Accspted ,~, muri !-'"'"~ rrnm ~m~11 10111 Adams Ave., at Brookhurst, Huntington Beach b~~~;~e!a~~:nsrhtn brush on 134081 Doheny Park Drive, Capistrano Beach 5922 Edln1er Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach Laguna Hills Plaza, El Toro 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntiniton Beach 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Yaney -;--- • If DAil Y Pl lOl Whole Or Holl Slob Sold In Pieces Only lb. ~ainb ChOpf l-"' 5:109 lade0r7·8oneShoulder .~ t•. ,·'-.. i mb Rib Chop~. Regular Cut 1'. $ l .-9) l Of l b . ''~"'~fmo 98' eg Gm ,1,~r!Uln-S~~hlt<il ll. A M• c Wof•'°'" 58 ' nnour Ira ure llnfOn Ii 01 ' SAFEWAY SUPER SAVERS fl PLAYTEX '"''I' $119 TAMPONS '13 .8 Select OliYes ~0~.~~0R1: 1t::· 25 c fl Facial Tissue ",•;:;-,i'l;.25 ' frl!sh -Pri!-Ground NOt••.NI< PAPER ORANGE JUICE • '"-"''""'"'"'' 22c Flosli·Frore,, 6-az. Can ONION RINGS 8 r;~~~f.: 33c I Sausage Pizzi !~ ' ·~;: 79 ' Birds Eye Awake •,:: 33' 8Vegetables ~~~;'.";"~ 2 .~: 49 ' fi Strawberries :;:;; ~.~· 65 ' Bel-air Com ::i:::i '~;~" 16 c Shonk Portion lb. Gourmet Hams Canned Ham A•mou• Nvg~" l '~ 3-lb. """· ~oftwny 8on~ lr n fully (OG<td "-'I" s-11 s4u Cu STOCK UP FEATURES! •MACARONI '"" 22c AND CHEESE rn-or. I Gain Detergent ",~.'.,.' I Edwards Coffee ';;-::- Plastic Gallon Bottle • '" 88' U-Ot .... 89' '" USDA Inspected For Wholesomness In A 3-Pound Pockoge (3·Lb. Chub $1.77) lb. - B I S k USOA C~ooct8ttt SJ09 0fte 8$$ tea full l~ltf Cul Rovnd II. Fresh Beef Brisket ;::~·;:,1 ,._98' Sirloin Tip Steaks USDA Choice Beef -lcleo l $139 To Broil Or Borbec.U'!. lb. SI.iced Bacon "'"""~''"'"'~ '"-53 ' •Lurrl lowclorm~ Pq, McCoy's Sausage : i~·"''" ".48' Beef Franks 5~~:~; 1i~~ 49 ' ·WlfllllEMAGI~ DETERGEN Extra Cleo n Magic For fvery Wash. 49 -oz. ••• PUDDING CUPS ·-CORN .; FLAKES , MEN'S SOCKS Town Hou5e Safeway Superhlt -MA,YONNAISE • "'"''"'""d 62c (r~mv -SmooT~ l 11rt Jlr SAFEWAY LIQUOR BUYS! • USDA Choice Grode Beef Fla vorfu l And Juicy Blade Cut lb. I , ' 'SILY•· ·' . SALMON STEAKS Flash frozen _, • -' Center Cuts 99c !Pieces To Bake I Or Bor-B-Q lb. 89d lb. Swift Sausage !U. 69 < "' SKIP,Y ·· DOG FOOD For Dogs -Cots Tool . f ' , ~ ' , .. N PILOT -ADVERTISER 4 SAFEWAY IS CONCERNED ~ WITH YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTttl . .. PICK UP YOUR FREE . ,• NUTRITIONAL LEAFLET ON WATERMELONS No Ohligolion -Not#tittg To luy/ SAFIWA1 IS COOPERATING WITH '"I SPIRIT AS Will IH nu TlllMS Of Tiii PR(flODirs I l[(UT\Vl OROUI OUR PRICES ARE AND WILL BE MAINTAINED AT OR BELOW THE LEVELS PRESCRIBED. WE ARE PAYING SPECIAL ARENTION TO MAKE SURE THAT THERE IS NO LOWERING OF QUALITY OF FOODS WE SELL YOU Wiil CONTINUE TO RICUVI JHE FINEST QUALITY OF FOODS AT lOW, lOWO/SCOUNT Pll/CIJ' COTILLIOrt . ,,~ ~,,£CRE.AM (otenng Ouo l1ty-Creo my Smooth U.S. No. 1- Thompson Seedless DISCOUNT PRICED! • ' ' 04Il Y PIL OT 49 NO ONE OFFERS MORE! THE REAL ESTATERS No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 In S•rvlc-••r•r• i nd •ft•r th• 1111. Ml tr•l11411 1•111,..,1, h1 5 1Hlc: .. t• follow thr- ln A4w1rtl1lnt-(ompl1t1 c:•v1r•1• •f th• H1r- ber Ar11 •w•ry d1y. ' . • I j , "Th' r/it'rll hn.~ n rig!il to 1\11()!/J ,,v,.ry1 h111g rnnrl'r11n1g tl11' 1rn11.~nr11fHI bl'fOr" fi e acts .•. " RA.NOAlL II.. MC C AROLE pt,.,;d•nl of I~• R••I ~.1.1.11; • 0:011 •91 re•I etlA/1 •nol.,u·tor •"" l1clurer; ""t~or. o f +~. boo~ "R:1ol E•'1!1 r,.inin9 in c ,.1;fo•11;1 Col· 11911": " ll.~11 E1 t,.11 column:,1 In• +he Do il~ Pilot: 111!1 d ireclo• of CAR ET. In S..111 In th1 t-11r~or A.r11-,roof ,-altlw..,__ Thia II wti•r• "TIM A.c:tlon la." When Buying or Selling I REMOVE TH GUES SWORK We Remove The Guesswork By Doing Our Homework We'll Prepare For You. 1. 2. 3. 4. A A A A if ' . opinion written of value. professional list of comparable complete lis t sal es your area. of Government appraisals complete statement of net cash are buying. you of comparable will y,ou receive properties. of selling ' I or ! I / I I I complete costs If you will be thinking of selling future, you should call us today. in the The near market If and when you who can will MAY are ready to to sell or that ASK? buy, that you coll The Real Estate rs re pre- The Real spe-is excellent, we have buyers waiting for cific types of homes. Let us give you pert appraisal. There 1s no obligation an ex- for this sentative that you prove the receive you maximum transaction if you are buying. Estaters are your best guarantee cash from your sale or • the best possible service . r~.,.,-... -.. -----.. -~~i·•1 -=~··~·.·~·-··""''~"'........, • c. ' • ! \''' ' . '" 'f.,}' > • l k'' .. ·' •' " .. . ... ~. --· OCEAN VIEW Chur11i11~ '2 brdr•Ml!ll .h':'1111• "i 1 h I" n ni·r;t, •1 viP\\' trmn livint ro0n1. rh r11n1: 11 rrA, hrrlrr•<Hl'1 i1nrl kilchf'n. Rr11 uhf11I l"';r.rh lrrr<: ii nd ;r.ct'P!'~ In~~'" best priv"'" hr;r.•·hr.~. nnl) S~L950. Call 673-855-0 fnr 11 ppoinlmPnt l'l srf'. .. . ~ .. '"' ~· ·- • ! YOU MISSED THE LAST ONE HERE'S ANOTHER CHANCE \\',. h;n " All<l!hrr !>f'l'llll'f rnr!nf1nn lllnrlrl +ll H;irhnr \'1r" H<llll""'· Yr~. 11 IHI'< ;t,ll 1h11!'P !'tlf'l'lal ff':1tu r,.< e R"nu~ ri.n1n f1111~h,..rt. 1·i1r1lf'1 rrl :1nrt dr;i prrt v.11 h ~1rrp111c 1 .. r1 11nr1 hath • f,.,. l~nrl -rhni1·r , prrn11111n lnl • 1·nn1rn11•nl 1n s11un- n11111: pnnl l'llrl ··h1h hn11~r • l'p·r:-ri'lrlrrl ••i1rprl~ 11nd drflJlf'~ !hrn11i:hnu1 e I .;1nrl0 r11prrl ~rnn! Anrl ft>ll.f, e 4 hrdn>OITl'<, rl 1n1111: P•n1n. f11n1 1ly rnnn1, :;1.~ h:1lh•. :!fiOO Sri Fl cn;-.1rARF: VALUES A:'\'V ynu·LL Bl"\': ~fifl.~lOn. Call ~·\!i-'l.1 1 3. WATERFRONT Adn11r11.ltv l ~l11nrl <:Unsr1 virw hnn1r in •unrr •·on· d itinn. Ai1r·;ir1ivrly rlrrnr11trr! 1n •unshinr ro!nr•: ru~rnmi1 ... rt ki!rhrn. 2-"ll.\' ""'1 h;ir hrl"'rrn f.<1.ml11· rnnm .oinrt lh !nr rr.nn1 l.11 n::" rrn!<>rtrtf P"'tin' 11nrl ;:ii! 11rr.oi<: hr11Htif11\l y nl11n!rrl y,..,ll :' 111 "1lin1· in•rwrrinc lhl~ nnr. rn1·,.rl ri.-ht $~4 • .>flO. Ca.I] 'nn" rnr llPJ)f}1ntmcnt 646· i l i 1. FIXER UPPER-VACANT l'\ic,. rornr r 1""111inn In 1\lP!'ll v .. rriP .. 1 h<-rtrnnm '; h1!1h hnm•. Hn•i~· "'"""~ ~nm• fPndrr lr"·i no: c~p!!i nl.ini;:. v .. ry 1p;:icin11~ ronm~. 0-..'Tler .hi!~ mnv..cl inlo """' hnml'. A rl;'lll bft~1!al n Il l $29.500. Plf'as, call 546-2:11.1. SHORECREST 3 BEDROOM-2 BATH $30,950 Lh·" In rhni1•• l(l(·11 1111n nr:1r ;:ill •1'h""I ~. hrl'l"hr.• 11.nd l!.l'lnrpin~. Thi.~ 1·rr.1· nr;it, trim ho.mr 1~ in niove-in r.onrl lflnn l'n<I f,.:11111·r~ ,,. f<1n'd,v ronn1 \\ilh hnnksh~!ve,o., !nvrly y11n1 11ilh p11lin. hull!. In hrick B·B·Q. !;llr>rk v.•1111.•, "Xl rl' priv;t,r~. Exh.· tf'.nl ln:1n ls 11ssumabll" "'· 5~7,, Sr !! ii ~ Cal! 316·2313. A LITTLE MANSION t\f'll'I,\' hc;lf'f'1 ~1P'<!'l \'f'l'rlf' .1 llf'c:ll'""l!I, 2 h:i lh tw"'u!~ lfll'11trr1 nn 11. <Jll!f't r1tl·r1•-~ilr ,11·rrl E~- 1·rllrnt ~1111,:: •'Rrpr-1~. nr11o·ly rl rllp"d 11 nrl JU~I r•· 1•,.nll,1 p11inlrr1 in~irl,. 11.nd nut A rlf'IR.1 may m"iln rlisi1rpointm .. 111 -""' lhis unusual offf'-r today. i 30,850. 546-2313 t"" .,.. ........ ·--·~ ..... -...... ~ ,,,..._, ... ·~ ., ... ' ON THE WATERFRONT ;\Ian:., h•'r11'•l<•ll1' r;t,oh 11111• it~ •Hin h;i lh, f'hl~ P'"''rlr r ""'"ll l.1• lllC l'r1•'1•1. fnrn111I 1t1n1nc rnnn1. h1·rakf:1•r '"""' R'1r1 ~p:1r·1••1•~ ~•1nny ld1r hrn "n th<> Ril ~ ,\rirt ;t, prn(of'I' fllllll'lrrl <:l+1d.1 11+lh f11 r · rola r" ;:anrl "r~h:1r. ~l;t,lr "1111'1, lll'lt'lr ~1•or:1 ::~ :1 nd 1·1<1orl <)oil<'f', ~II lh1~ •·n"l'IM1 l<'llh nff.•!rrrl l\<t t'k •llt illlrl l1<n l:i•'£P p111 1"~. ""P n n q, .. f\~y :1nrt lhr nl hrr ~"''l<i<irrl fnr pl'iva<"y or ~rarf' fn!' [X)Ol. $164 .000. Phnnr 67.3·8~150. ASSUME GREAT 6°/o VA LOAN ~1~.1.M P"r mnl'J1h 1111lurlro; PITl. r1.-.,., In n1·N1n, •harr .1 hprlr"'lm. r11mily ronm r1.Jn1n11: r"nrn. 1-tanrls'lnl'" brick f1 rt>plarr. Only S32.~ !='.all 646-7171. LOOKING FOR A BUY? Tr'.'' th1!! ::I hedrnnm. f11n11 ly 1·rw"Om hnrn• 1n Bll.v· ~·r,.st. rnmp!•1 .. J.1 r<>rl~corl!llCTI 11 nri 1·:1c;1r11 0..-'n"r IS Vt'ry mot1vattd. 558.900. Call 646·7\71. "GI· NO DOWN" Or "-ha1 nlh•r "'l!l.v "''" f'l!ln ,,.II th1~ """· 2.000 SQ. fL 1<'!th 4 bf'rlronm~. fll\11 8 fnrm&J dinini; room, all for $33.ROO. 11·~ vt1.c11 nt. '"'"""· 11nd r!!11dy for OCCUPM<'Y· 842·253.'i "5 BEDROOMS" Hrrr ~ " h•,.llr 1h111 will 11r•·n1111t1n<l:1lr ll1r li\r~ ,.,,;1 nf f;im1h"~ rin•'<>d ~t i :i:t,:lOO. 11 ·~ rf'lld) 1'1 i:::n. Ruy !oday and movr in bl'fnr~ school 1tar ~. 842-2JJ5 .. ~ .............. --· , .. , -. , GET STARTED! Stnp f;<>11! 11n:-:-;;11 r \ln11r_\. Th•<: pi or1r nf '"' ""f· •hip 2 h,.drnnn1. 'l hi1rh .-.onrl nrn1ntt1m "'llh rl1 n1n,; lll'"il: ;t,nti 11 c:rr;t,t p:1t1n fnr rn1rr1 ;i.1n111;: \'r1·y tinl<> "r nn 11pk""f' r1,1nlin11!<" i\nd pnnl~ 11f .'I'll!' rl1<pr1~a 1. S21.!+.>0. Call fi-!li-71 71. "FARM IN THE CITY?" 1·1ii\1·~ ri=ht'! r,~'"" .\n11r n11•t1 r•h,,.kf'n• nr hnr'.'"" 1n rhr mirlrtlr nr Hur :1ni::t nn Rr;i•'li. Th,.,-,. 11 rr nnt tnn mi\nv :1rr;:a,c.. likr thl~ """ lrfl. ~2.1,50ll l~ lht rrir.P. ca·u t1~ today. 842-2:>.i.:.i BONUS ROOM ln1n1at'ul111,. 1,..a11 1ir11ll,v rir11 1J>f'ft o\nd rif'<'nratt"t! '.?-~tory hnm ... Ev•ry1hlnp: rinnf'~ Sonu~ room plum™"<! fnr h1111'1. F::l,.mrntl'r.v ~.-.hnnl t~ bJfl('k "'"'i!V. r nmrar• rho~ "ilh n1hl'r Co.-111 ~'"~' hnm.,.ii priced &I ju~l :!i.'\.'i.9.'>0, Cl!ll nnw to ,,.,._ 646-7171. FAMILY HOME FOR SALE nn,. nf 1)1r n1n~t hri111tiJul hn1n"' yn11'll finri in ~1r~~ \IPrrlr. F'r10 !11rr.• 4 hrr1rnnm~ ;\ hil t h~. t11 ri:P ~\"f)·rln1-1.·n '111nily rnnt11 \\ilh hr!fk fu·rrl111·• 1011d 1\"l hill'. &nd a rnrm11r rlininp: rnon1 . M u~• h,. •Prn In llPPJ'PC.11"1• All l hP f')l;fr,1111 li'IJirlf' """ nul. It sp11rklr~ !ikl' 11 morlrl hn"1" and prir.erl tit 146,950. for m ore inforrn«tlTi, pho nt! 5'16·2313. r' -"' .•' -·--.~.,.._ .... ~,....-----~ • ! ~-~,._:_.,~J.L ~. ~ ·-~v.~ • MESA VERDE EXCEPTIONAL I h"rl1·nn111 J?.R•'"~r1!f'!' 11'tlh h111".• fJ .: 40 fo.,1l pn<•l. ln1n1Rr1Plioi.· hn tnr \\'llh 1·hrrry huilt-111 "lrr - lr ir ki1rh•n. l ~rt'.• fii·•plRr " ~n<1 111'1,. rn1r;o111 ·• pl11• nicr patin. Pru·f'd to ~ell i41,~00. C;:all 6i3· 8.i.'iO. fail.$ c.s a 11.s 4Jiij';AA $ XMiM ·~, 1 '· -: ; 1' ,, 7 MONTHS NEW IN MESA VERDE Th,. rliff1('11)1 11 nrt ".:)'"!1~11 .-11111·1 nf fl!'"!'"'l'llll: 1h1• \olrlichtf111 ho n1'" ''" •·•unfn• 1;ohlr, P111·,...frrr IJ, 1n ; hll~ ,iu•I hrr11 •'n1npl.,1r rl h.v lr11n~frrr"'1 •l\1·rrr' Yn11 r;t,n hq.1 1h1• nnr richl ·I hrrlr·.,,.,111'. rh f'I O~ rnnm, f:1rn 1I_\ 1"nrn ;ill "" "II" fl rw"lr. l'n \~IP ··n1irl,ya rrl. JTI;l ll,V ~.\11'11 ~-:J..1451.'iO. ("1111 :'>16·2.1 13. NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW 5irArin11~ hnn1P, 1 Ir" nf ;-JP,vpnrl. Rll,V 11nr1 ()1·r11n. l..111'>:" lil'int. o•nnm \••1th h111l1 -l11 .<1hr l11"' "nd ~!nr· ;o.::I'. fnrm11 ! rt \n\ni: 1u1rl hrr:1kf11 ~I 11r,.:1 ; h11-.!r 11r•· •t;i1!'$ f"'n1ily 1·nr•rn 11nrl h11r All \\'llh v1r1~. Oil"· "f-11 -kinr1 1·11~1"n1 hn,nr. tnv•I.' hr11•1< p11tin. Sh<l"'" h) 11ppoin1mrnt . .$72 .. 'iOt'l. C11ll 64/i.7171. BAYCREST SWIMMERS' DELIGHT ,il'l x 20 frw"ll pnnl rl,.~i ::nrrl fnr rr;t,I .~11·immin i rl•11<;11r,. righl 11l lh• bs\rk lirw"Or: fnrma! dininz rnnrn· hrri1k f:1~1 10 rr11 : l11rg1> f11m1ly mnm \•·ir h n111~<-1'1 ,. •Inn• firrr!11r•: 4 lllrt" hrrlrMm.'I ,,.nrl ": h•lh• Thrr,. i~ 11 .1·rllr g:1rai.:P fnr ft1 lhrr: Jusl ~7:0 !),;(), Cati now li•lli· 7171 . DO YOU ITCH? ;·111· ~ 11>rrifir hnn1,.~l 1". l'n1 lhr 1111.~"'rr In I'll 1n11r ~rT11!1·hin,r.:: 1'n1 '"'''"I RJI nvrr •1••n thnui.:h 0 1'111 nn 11 hill 111 M•~I' V•1·rl r>. I hl'V• 11 fnrl'l'l'f l'[r"' CnmP t11kP 8 lnok. I'm 11urrn11nd,.d hy ru~· lnm homP.'I. l rr111Jy wnuld ln11r tn h11v• n n• nn mr. Rr~I nf all. f'm only $21 .~!'iO. Pll'lllll' r-11.H 546-231.1 11.nd •~k Adrienne lo drive: )'OU over. , r ,,..,. ·!'I"• -...... I I LIKE A VIEW??? r If f"'"illl I' rut h11rh•ir lii:h1'<, 111111 )'"Ill' """ 1·•1~· 1"1n pn .. 1. c11~ h11 r h"'I"" ~nd ,.1·rn 11 r111t1n h•11 1rr 111 ,Vnll !' n1111 •·n1npl,.1rl~· pnv:1I,. 11·,,.llrrl y11rrl'.' Thf'11 !h1• c1·11 r•1n11• I h<-clr1Ml111 Lusk ll;irhnr Vi!"11· Hilt• hnm,. '''illi 111! !h<> r\1fll 11n1rnili•11 ;~ fnr )'n11. Truly dist1nctil'!" nnly SS4.500. C11!l 673-8:)30. , ..---~ .... ··--..... ~ \ 11 nr! "" 1<•fl th+"" +n !hr •·l,.11nr•I 1 1.,,..rt rrinm hnt1<r nn 1hr n111rkr1 H11~P trrP<, t"nl',.fl'd flil l!n :1ncl 11alk1ni: rl 1~r;i nrr rn .~C'ht\nl~ Don't lf'l lht\ nnr ~1'1 111A.·11~. Call lod;:iy, 812 ·25.1:i. VACANT AND WAITING ror <11111• h1f'k,v r11111il,v tn h• in h~ ~~hnnl 'lJJ"ll· In~ .<::.p,.rklin11. ,1 hPdrnnm 11n<i family rnnm . 2 ~ h11th.~ All nrw ,.,.:111-ln-11·111! r·~1·p,.1< ~nrl <11·11~.~. ;-..·,." l,1-11111nrrrl inlrnnr. ('hnit·" R11y,,rrs1 lnr11tinn nn '1u1rt c;!rrrt f r nr"rl )'l'!'rl, ni1·r la11dsr11 rin£. 0nly $.~R.900. Ea~.Y !Prms--caJJ nn"' for ~ho1A.·ing -fi73-8550. "A VIEW OF A MILLION LIGHTS" Com" I !'!• thi~ hP1111tifut ,i hrdrrw"lm, 2 hll.th !&m· 1ly room hnml' "'irh 11 rf'11lly ttr11 t vi""''· Near n•11· 1trhnnl~. 11 ht>&ull(ul ronl 11ntf tl'nnis court~. ~hnppin i.: 8J'ld U.C.I. Call 673-8550 lo 1eoe. Asking 137.500. PRICE REDUCTION rri•·• \l!ll l rirnrprd tn .'lifil.~~O n n rhi~ fahuln1111 ~n !Prl10 inmf'n1 hnm,. in L.111::111111 R"!'H'h. E:n!f'r lain .1nt1r friPnrl~ fnr1n 111 JJ,v nr lnfo1·m1tlly in th!~ gT!!ll t hl'lmf'. Your ••hnir• f)/ rlPrk~. ff'rr1H'f',\, J)l'ttin 11nd •11•n 11 &fl"t'il'l "i.:n ckt,11iJ !011n1<•·" Alsn an ntfir• nr df'n for D11d. :l lovely bcdrnnms 11.nd f11 mily !'OOm. Sf'f'ing it. be!levln11 Call 673-8550 to 1ff. THE REAL ESTATICRS NEWPORT BEACH 1700 Newport Blvd . b4b -7171 COSTA MESA 27 90 Horbor Blvd. 546-2 313 HUNTINGTON BEACH 17931 Beoch Bl vd. 842 -2 535 CORONA DEL MAR 332 Morgu erite b73·8550 INVESTMENTS 2784 Horbor Blvd ., Suite 201 Cosio Mesa 5'4b -23 J 6 , I " TUMILfWEEDS ' 11 !-:,.,~ " -····~··· •' .... MUTT AND JEFF WH EN MR .BIG TALKS+11S HOW COME? HEAD GOES/<.-.-,•..,,. _ _,. UP AND DOWN·· NOT HIS CH IN' FIGMENTS PLAIN JANE ' ~\' '.Jb~ ~.s-r;.._, .... IJ I HAVE A FLEXIBLE SPINAL COLUMN·· IT 5TR.ETCHES ..=- THE IMAGINATION.I"'' __ .. •' "'li) ;'\\ '11:] I; .y;~1e.eit E: S(.lllf..l').I..• .,,.:.~•t.!ll.E . . By Tam K. Ryan G't1'riNG-A 11JNGLif IAN. l'IDN''f 'iOU JOIN Mt'? By Al Smith By Dale Hale --- Ll'L AINER SALLY BANANAS {J~,J.,a&~ ~ -b't 'e<"'-'? " ~~; GORDO MOON MULLINS ® ANIMAL CRACKERS .,,. ~ l ••• -'WMAT "'-'O!)LD I DO?-H"f··??· *" -~ .. "No f,<ORE <;ooFIN<i OFF .. <iET 10 WORI< ON 'TIME .. SHOULDER 'TO 'THE WHEEL .. , fN THUSl~S/.,\ ... GO·~O·<iO!!" ~~ ~G n ~ ly Al C•llP By Charin Barsotti By Gus Arriola By Ferd Johnson By Rater loU.n YOU cAN CRE'E? UPON 'E.M I DAIL y CROSSWORD ••• by ' A POWER I ACROSS l Hlt11 ;,, 1 ct rt a it1 way & ti101 •or1 n•r.lurf' Prf'f 1~ 10 looQ uphnls1"1td St~l 1a T~""' 15 In~ line: l~ P1•fal! 17 i~~ IA~\ of "'nvt1'11ng 15 ~tltlfd A ~1 (1• !er'I! i'll'QUM'lenl: 2 .. O"ds 20 Statr DI ;i.1111!'!1 coof llct 21 l"""'td1Jtf'!y aftr.,.,~rd n ln~t•! Z4 Add ing ma•~•"'" cvod11C ! 21. Oti1tcts of <!.lt~( ~ 28 f"Drw~rlf-d 30 MOlht r!tss. e~lf Jl lrlrtSQlflSSk:wf JZ fl. m!X'll 3'. Hist1'.Y it~I f'f'()Ch 37 [119~9'"'1 ;" M ll•on• Ja A.rid nt'll. )') S11°"1s111io11~ .stll..-lehr5 iOO ' ) • .. I" •Z Wat~ours' •• Tusl "'~[,ri;i.I •5 (.f'~\r 1DllCh DI IO'l{lntss <tb 5uda<t-I0-.1ir 1n~\~ll•!1on; 7 *'O"(I~ ~'I s,.~•· 1'~ r 1,..,<1er 5(1 (,,,,,.,,.,.,~1~,,. r tr"·~~'"" •,) lil°""v SL~r><1 ~l H~rb"' vessel 5S Arie •f'rll 1!~11~~ .SS Cl•mr11 bO Ur11t ~ ,, .. ,~t /,l Prr~1t 1C1<1 !.Z Ac\Df Dav~- bJ Tr~ ~"'~11tt ' " " " ' ' ' • ' ' • ' " • " ' ' ' • ' • ' ' ' • • • ' • ' ' ' • ' ' • ' ' • ' .. , ' ,, ' • • ' • • ' ., • ' ' "' ' ' i~~ q ~ " " ' , " l R U ~ ' ' " ' . " ' ' • ' ~ I ~ •1 ' '" • ' ' ' ' " . • " • • . ' ' ' • ' ' • , • " " 6 C.esl11~ of !~ hr~d 'l L~mb 's ~·~1\ l!l Casey --· 11 s~~~ nubloc1y 12 F l~t s tl'lace • • "' ' • ' • ' ' '" , ' • ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' • • ' ' ' ' " ~ ,~ Tl J7 Bnt1~11 1,1K" io,>1 1ve ~O ii1~fY's~ble tl'l'lr l ~ 41 Cl1 mh1ng rr,,.1s r(l•Mt c11! nn • t~ C11v nl h~lv 4l British Isle~ renohl1c; J.hbr, b~ Moist oemsto"" bS ll'arr11ng sil)na! 13 lm 11 alors l') Srr1ous ris ~ 72 Owne<i ?~ E~r : Pr efi-c. 2b Pr;...111.,e C.IMI hill 3 011tni~ • Dornestrc~tM ""' 5 D•Sf't'IS~ b R11m •n~nl t111111'1rupttl 7 He19hbor ol r~~1s1 ~n ' • ,, ' ,, • ~"'"'"" ?7 Old 28 Q11•ntlty of """' ]'I Wild r'"'fl JO o~rye JZ r·1nn~c!e J3 Cr~~t1 ~e 34 P~~I d'9ils )5 Stumbles I ' " ,, " ~5 rr~~1den!1~t n•t kt1 a"'e t f, Sigr11t~ A7 --Sh~w <18 A M.i <\') Gr1t1nQ 51 M•ve \~ ~~ill lt:i 53 Dr1 1'} addict. ST ~n!) 54 Flemish n~'llt tnr Gh,.111 Sb 111--h/pd f"'is.on 57 Cons11r11ed 5') lnh11t~nt " ,, " •• .~ " " :: ' " ' " " ~-· " " . " " ~JO ~ ~ $ ' " " ;z~, 1J lJ l• " l6 ."" l1 ~ ll " .. " ~ ~~ .. ••• " .. .. •• 'tr •• • ' " ' " .., " ll " . . " " " ' "' " ' "' 1·, " -.. ' " • \N II-IE SMOG! PEANUTS .,... .. --··-- --:1!, ~· ~ ..... ~---L ---- JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH fu'TURE MOTHERS' °' AMt~/cJi .MfEI IJEl!E "'IAtCll'o MAtdtJ1 p,.,!•it: .. 9 I ,/ I .I< I ,1 PERKINS c:. • ' , r ' ' • 8 Ml5S M~$0N , SHOULD PAftENTS EVliR ltEASON WITH Tl-iElll. CH11.DR'EN? •\ \ I , By Charles M. Schulz ""'· L&T ME QUOTE MASON'S LAW; l THI)./)( Tl<AT ~RV NEE!?$ 1ll !IC RK\'Cl!D ~ c-----1 \i By Harald Le Daux By Mel 1·F ~~EASON WfTl.4 CHILDili.'eN, TI.EV Mlc;.t.(f 1!JE .At&l.E TO i EU.. 'M-IEN )(XI A!C.E EJBNG-UNrrEASONASl..E .• 1;,11,, ( t By Jahn Miles I :11 •1. l..1J ~. !1 • ' . ' .. THE GIRLS • (i) AllEAO NIO E4T IT, .JC:i!OY. THOSC AREll'r )t)LJfl REA£ TEETll ANYWAY.· 2J 'PI LOT ·AOVfRTISER Wtdnrid.iy, Augu~t 25 l 'l7l \Vedne~da,. At19u11 15 JCJ71 DAILY PILOT S f ~veryone Hos Somethin9 Th o! Someone Else Wonts DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results You Con Sell It , Fin d It, T rode It With o Wont Ad R••I f1l•le, •75-6000, 2-t.(3 E. Co.11 Hi9~w•~ Core"• e!ol M•r, C1lifo•"'' 'fhe Graueys' Ho111c The Graneys ca1ne fron1 Boston and five years later they're headed for Ph illy, bul their Irvine Terrace ho me "'ill forever re- flect the charm of the east coast. Living roon1 parquet floors covered \\'ilh oriental rugs open onto a tree shaded patio. Do,vn the hall there's 3 bedroo1ns, 2 baths and a den. '!'hen comes a spacious kitchen-fainily roon1 ar- rangen1ent "·ith cheery brick fireplace thal overlooks the 20' x 40' pool and more tre~s. There is a srnall vie.\v of tile bay. This hon1e has UNIQUE character and i-; rcalisticaUy priced at S59,950. 1~1ay the Devil strike. if the above isn't lrue). This is a nev.• listing. Call Unique f.lomcs. 675·6000 for a sho\rin;;. ~ •• I ~•l•T•. 6"75·6000, 2-t~) ~. Co•ll Hi9hw•v. Coron• dlll M••, C.laor"1 • '11>1S General * * * * * * TAYLOR CO. ATTRACTIVE PROVINCIAL -$SS,000 Great val ue in this 4 bedroon1 hon1e ! Tropi- caJ landscaping surrounds the lovely 18' x 36' pool. I..ge lot \Vith auto. sprinklers. (;Jose to schools & shop s. 1-lurry ? '"Our 26th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 ~an Joaquin Hills Road NEWPORT CENTER 6'4-4910 Gen•r•I TOTAL PRICE $24,000 NO DOWN G.l. BUYERS $100 DOWN PAYMENT F.H.A. General LARGE HOME LOW BUDGET Sol\·r your spacr p1'0blcn1s with !11is 1n1p1'0\'ed 1e alur:' :; 1' 1,-.;G • SIZE ix'<h'onn1s ' PLU~ con1b1n<i11on t',\,\llLY ROO~! l'f,n1phn1rn11'(1 hy .\l.1~:;1, r f1rrpl<tt'<' ar:d .<!l· nqur 11111·1'\.ll'" II all< )O.}(!ly I <on ~"'" Gr.•rn ~hng c·arf)('l- 111:!. r nJ(!y an r(l.~y 111«1111rn. a rk'<' 1)1.1,y ) .il'd 1\'llh 11 tlll rrrr~. Only $1.~·)() F'.ll.,,, In· I '""ln1f'111 or ;"1'0 DO\\':X w11h I V.A. F'l:XA,'\'CJNG or S26.JOO. for rh1is fabulous 4 IA>droom, 2 story hou.~r 11 iTh .~ ba1hs. Rrady for your o<:cupant·y now. Compl<'!l'lf carprlrd lhruout, ;o.Jso rlrapc"~. :-.·rv.• s1ylc k1tchro wuh all bu1 ll- l ll!'I 1n<:lud1n~ rh~h11d~lwr. Doubl~ gnrao;::r. Sch()illi. and i;hopp 1n::: !l(•;irby_ Lrl us sl1011• n ro you. Wa Iker & Lee , ,..lJ!l!lll!J!ll!I!~~ :!i!(I !!arbor Bild. •t Ad;.m.'i I 5i:i-0.\?3 or,.,'n ·r11 ~ P .\I IRVINE 4 BR . I 2t)I)) Sq. r1. 1n \i1Jlac:t II. 220 E.17tli 646-0555 ' Family rn1 plus rorinal (]10-~~1·rn1n;:~ Calf 6~1.j(J(J,l j 1111:::, '2 1 ~ ba·~ .. Plr•'. hlrn. kitr.h. Sutimi~ do11n. • 101. 3.19.930 Home Show Rtaltor$ ''Armchair l-lou.~huntlnot" .l}3j E. Co;is1 H11y., Cd:'<I 67l-722S ror best result~! 61Z-56'i8- General $41 ,950 l BEOROOMS l)r.;ignC'd for f;.n1ily livin;.:. Hui:r ~'0:<:20 fl. fa11111y rm. 11, irh natl!ral wood t·abUll'f~. Xtra Df'n. ~.,_lt).1i2fl TARBELL 2955 Harbor BAY & BEACH REALTY , Inc. -Call for your copy of our brocliure wltli pictures & prices. ' OCEANFRONT DUPLEX Offers co1n n1anding vie\Y of the harbor area frorn bo th units. 1·4 Bcdrooin & fan1ily roo111 suite. & a great l·bedroo m rental. Hcdu ccd to S99 .500 HAVE OPENING For F.:xpericnt"ed Salc~n1cn See \\'a!ler llaa:;e ---=~~~= = 675-3000 2407 E. Coa st Hw y., 675-6426 CdM COLLEGE PARK .~ l~f~ :!: bn . Cul'rrrd ln11.il, !gr 1;u ·d. \\';1lkin;:> t':.<;ta11~e To ~11.<;c·hools !.· ~l\npin~. onl y ~~1.1/r~!. (;~xi l<'l'ln•. CORBIN- t;oc.1 111(1)/llf', .. 1i•an old••r l11n11rs, :: il<lLJ~r,. 1-:.! Rr, I I~ B1· honlf. r\11 0u ;ippr0\ ·'. !l\'l'f'. ,\llld~~ rrr11rd . PaJ I.• en al l :i h.i111rs Sl l l •ll<l tnl'I 1 ;1,\<"~. in-. lnN111r f1 on1 p1'!JP ~'.\:.!~ 1>1••. 1~1·11·" ~J.li,.-il!J 111<·1 \11·;1 \nl \'nil MARTIN 01111rr l~l,<'l•1<lr \,S~-:1:1·1;; n1• l "1'11 0' Hi::.': (' 11 111phr11 . REAL TORS 644-7662 1:11!'rs~lr. _ General General CALL FOR OUR PICTURE BROCHURE OF CURRENT LISTING S OFFICE OPEN SAT. & SUN. UNIVERSITY PARK BEAUT Y F'ainrly P :O:p<1ndi 11 g·~ See th is 5 UR. hon1<:_ - has everything! l<'ast pos:;e:->s1on. ~4!!.JOO. UNIVERSITY PA RK :l BR . rnn1. rn1. to\vnhouse. schools etc, $2!:1 .500. BAY FRONT nea r rool~. 5 1311 .. 4i., h;:iths. L,!!e . n1a ste r bdr111. ~u1tc \\'ilh fireplace. overlooking bay. Separate n1aid's quarters. J'.'ier & slip. Sl87.500 . CAME O SHOR ES l\lo:.I unu,ual 1lo1ne . ('era1111c trlr. llours shutters. 1n1ported \1 al!papers. S82 .. )()0. JUST LISTED -WESTCLI FF ('harn1 izalorc' 3 Rlt. din ,'(: rarn ron1n <;. Sparkl ing: pool & t·aretrt'c pa\10 r.:;;~i .~;,n, EASTBLUFF ;) BH 3 R;1 Lusk hon1e~la1·i;c r:u11ii1' rn1 for1nal <1111111 ;::. s.1n.!l.iO 4 Rr. \'1e11·, \1'11h dcl1ghtf111 pilt1os ~ln1r 111 before :-<chool. S52.JOO 833.0700 Coldwell, Banker 644-2430 S50 NEWPORT CENTER DR .• N.B. General DON'T FENCE ME IN!! \·ou can really stretch out in this 2500 sq. ft. hon1e \rtth its 3 la rge bed roon1s , 3 baths. l!U GI~ BON lJS ROO~I. bu ilt-ins. Ju :s h shag: carpetin g. nc\vl y painlcd. Excellent assun1- able 61 '.!1.;, loan. 0\Vner is anxious-tern1.~ flexible S35,000. EARLY BIRD "SPECIAL" Don't. nil s:> out on this sharp. splil level beau- ty. !\.l'RIU!\1 type ENTR);. huge living roo111 \l'ith fi replat:e. 4 lovely bedroon1s. 1 1;~ bath:>. b111lt-1ns. \\'oulcl you believe only 3 BLOCKS fru1n the f;E.<\('li? Con1pare al S36.400. YOUR "PRIVATE SLIP" AWAITS )'ut1r Pl~l\t A'fl·: Sl~JP descends fron1 Lht s beau itfu! Dover Shores VIE\V home, \Vith its s111nptuous living roon1 and inviting fire place. :l !luge bedroon1s including a !\1AS- TERS SU IT!:: (that's \\'Orth the price). 2 De· luxe baths and a gour1nel's delight kitchen. i\·lake an appoinln1ent. ··oon'l slip-up 0 11 this one." a n1arvelou s buy at .......... $117,500. QUICK! CALL A FIREMAN! 'Jhis 1.~ th e ho1le sl deal in l0 \1·n. :\lmosl ne\v split le\icl 4 Br:. 3 13A. hu ge ga1nc rn1, family r r11. :I car gar, 3·1011 relrigeration. ankle deep shag lhr11nut. custon1 drps .. fab1:Jou.~ drop light.-.. Prolc s~. ld:.<:p g: & sprinklers. 1\ssun1e /',,\"·\loan. O\vncr anxious! $-t!.650. IT'S A "DILLY, DON'T DALLY" l'Of101'1 ;\ DJ·:l. J\J,\R. DUPLEX -Upper level front unit has 2 bedroon1s . forn1al din ing room . fireplace. built-ins. L0\\1er level has Jf\-L.·\\V quarte rs. private entrance. fire- pl ace, lnrgc bath. Bach: unit is an adorable, larg:e I bcdroon1 .. ~ gen1 at ~fil .500. THIS WILL "TURN YOU ON " •\u 1n\·1ti11 g :l bedroorn hon1c \vith a love!v t:tx:IO' solariun1. 3 baths. carpeting. drapc1:- ics and 2 slnne firepla t:es. Nlrely decorated and neatly landscaped. Has COiVl 1\IUN IT'' POOi.. re<: hall and pu1 ting green available. '\'cnrs of happ1nc.~s for 559.500 . A«4tbe-Smid BA YFRONT -PIER & SLIP Ne\ver 4 BR . 2 b<tlh . :!-story ho1ne \Vith shak~ roof. dlJI. stone frpl e .. ]J\·ii1g rin. ~"-sep. din- 111~ r 111 . o\·trlook Blg Ha y, secluded pa!io rtrea & lo\·el .v la\rns. 1.ge.:? car g:a ragl'. Good cond . & sorne nc\1 carpeting. Our exclusive listin g. $195.000 . Call for app't. to shOI\'. Call : 673-3663 642-2253 Evenings associated BROKERS REALTORS "fy025 W. BALBOA BLVD . General PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 12 Lind11 Is le Drive IO:leg;u11 11e1v 5 El~. 41:! ba . ho1ne \1·1 fo r1na l din. r1n .. f;un. r1n .. \\'Cl bar. ln1prcss11'e en- try court 1\'t l6 ft . n1ahog . door s. Sl79.500 For Complet• lnform11tion On All Homes It Lots, Pl•ase (1111 : BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 New Loc11tion .11 Entr11nce to Linda Isle -The l1l11nders Bldg. Bayside Dr., Suit• I, N.B. 67$-6161 Gen8r.ll -Waterfront - Corona de! Mar L<i sj large rC'e pari.:el on Ne\V\)ort Harbor. :\ppro:\. I al·re -170 ft. on ,,·atcr, \\'ith 3300 sq. ft. beach home and dotk. \\'ill sell all or par1 P.ri t f'd under <'Omparable v.·atcrfront proper! 1cs. Phone: 642-2171 or see your broker --~ -G_._"_._ •• _1 ------I ~·I COSTA MESA EASTSIDE ,\,,··11111r (:! 1~1;111 <lf $J"1, . .00 llolh lidllf pay11u•111.~ or 31 .i'l.DO 11rr 1110. l;r,•;11 ~·urnr r t.~: 11111i l•Ual or (1·a1J,•1 ;u·- 1·1'~.•. r:.,11·r111r flf'<'•b. 1 ... n.1,.r Ju1·111~ (\11'r. l111,.ru1r f1·1•:-l1l.1 f1<1inll'•I 1h1'\1<.0111 . \!:<•• n!'ll' :.;rrr11 sJ1;1i;: "ill'fll'llfl_:: illl'll· OUI. ~ l1u;::r fp•(/J'Ot.1111~ OJ' •'Ofll'r'J'l!'1I (lrn al.•<l :.! b;11t1.s, Fo1 ·111;iJ 'lln1n:.: a rr~. er~ 1lfl down ,,,. Fl I,\ l•)W dO\\ n al.-<u av1ulahlr, c .. 11 ==== Macnab-Irvine Hr ally Co1np1;1r1y DAY or NIGHT J-:1uoy a larg<' 1·111rrta111rnrnt l'<'lll(•r 11 .-illd111r, rool t.· .llJ)l ,1.,111 11~ IOUll•!l!ll, Th1<I S'•1111•1h,•11.! t11rtc11•111 s1n1'1r br1•11 l0vk111z fur. A \'('l'.Y ~11r1·i~J ·I llH. hOJ1lt bu1ir IO urd1•1• 01· fliU'lit:tilar propJt.. Frr ta11t1 $1 ri.000 . Macnab· Irvine :::.~:7~5 i ! ~,!~?~"~" ~'~'~' i:'=42=-82=::=Q.=O=Nl=:7=:=32=10 ..1 ~r1or. nr,.·r1 ·111 'l P.\t FOR SO LITTLE 2828 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR , CALIF. --------------I General BLUFFS VIEW END UNIT GOOD GREENBELT 'J'h1.~ choice 1 bdr1n .. 211:1. bath condo ha s a lovely vie\v of Ba rk Bay & city lights at n1 ghL. Up ,gradcd car1)els & drapes, custom bar. plus rnan y rnore extra~. Very, verv rcalisl1· cril ly priced at S46,9.j0, · Exclusive 'vith- HELEN B. DOWD, REALTOR For 11pp't. to see c•ll 644.()134 -----~ ---~--Gener a I General -- ------- 180" VIEW [.;ir:::r ~ ftih 111 ! Ii~. 1"1111a t 1!111111~. !.1111 ~1 ··~ oH h.1l,.h- r11 , Co1·11 pJr1rl,v rt'•('<ll'flPlr1I, Ill~! 1"!11\lf'•I, l.,i!';:'<'~I IOI 10 1·;,\S l'f]J.l iF~·· ~ l~ .. '>llfl 11 /<lfl- 11n11 l<l hoy l.11111 . Hlil:Hi" -L\t.\1Ll)J,,TJ·: ro.-.s ~;s s JO:-.' Co1l1 t;inny .>1.1-~l~I '(jl•l'll l'Vf'llil!~'I OPEN llOliS ~~ tDa 1lyJ J Br.. l.11111g 1<'l0n1 anti lamlly IU<Jlll 11·1 th l1 r,•pl.1cr .<, 11£11! a1u1 r1.01n,v l.1!Cll('n •11 (h c:1/. 111r.: ~rr;1 and rnd~l•'I' ~1111 1" 1l<l1•11•!..i1r.< 1 Br,l rwun~ I 11<! li.llh llfl~l<tll'<. ('o/l\'f'/1· 1••111 !n ~1·hoo1~. In ,\'r•1 (IOJ'I 1lr1~111, 11,r.·11 ••...• r:~.9:1(). PETE BARRETT -REALTY- 642-5200 • • * • • $21,950 Cu·r 2 BcU1m . homl" on J.)';ic 1.1:,· loL Arnold & Freud 2 f>A on <1uir1 sl. 2424 Sirrra 1 ,"~·'~'"'~:--,,-11~117•."C~-7'~'·.,.~·~l&-~77-._;; V1.~ll\, N.B. ::>-lR-9·171. F'or br~! rr.~u]t<1! li42-5678 G~.-n-.-,-.71------1 General Want to sell y our 11resent lao1ne? Wl1ateve1· Y ou1~ Looking for u ne\v lao111e? l~ - fORl\T E Ol.\O.\ '" llE A L TONS • SPANISH RANCH Horses, Dog1, View J:an10hu:.: '.! !<tory "j ))JI 'V(•rld c·h arn1r1·." '1 masstvf' li1u1ki1ouSP b<'dl'oon1s. 1-lu=:,. pan•·l••rl Family room. :!.I' 11i•·t11r<· \1indo11. Sprrlar·u- l~r 1u·1" ,,f roltin ~ moun· l ,•Jn~. li•·111· s!on ni;; firr. 11lll.1'f'. <:1;:antir :!30 sq. r1 drran1 kit1•hr n. 'Vall o f :;.:la~o; ro •·IP1·atrrt pario Zu11r·d fu1· hor~r::. ;ind dui.~ I FULL /\Cl:f;. Pru.:ed tu .~rJ!. l!lllT.\' Dial 645-0303 NEGLECTED ESTATE OCEAN VIEW ONLY $21,950 Unocl1rvab!r. Qui<'! u·r,. lin- rd s1rrr1 10 lhi!I ,1·r;u·'.~ BES r 81\Rt:AIN. llu:::r. lol 111th ho<11 and rra1ll'I' ar· ,.,..,,~. :i big tll'dt'ooin.c:. Vir1.,. 1h~ 01·rao hun1 )\lUr 01\·n b;u·k .van l on ro11!'1'1ng rhff~. All .1ou nrNI i.~ a p;unt bru~h and a 1a l\n m011·rr. Ea.•y ro 011·n. Fo1· morr. ~A <'lling deotaif,. pl<'a~~ call 64S.0303 '.!199 Harbor, Costa i\l~• IORfSf E OLSO~ '" llE A lTOlli FIVE SPACIOUS BEDROOMS l!1 •rp is ~our br.~1 fan1ily li1- ln:;. .. 1001· 011·n TR l-Lf;VEL. Rt::PUBLlt' 110,\J~~. On 1• n1u1ulf' r r o m ~'a bulous ;-o;QU11l COAST PtA7.A. En- trr1;1111 your {r1C'nds 1n )Our f OR:\IA l. 01.X ING ROO:'<l. 1hr11 adJOu1·n to !hr i.puciou• 1::· x ~1' linnkrn lan11l} ~ roon1 1v1th l1 rC'plaC'I'! and j wrr har. Thrrf' Juxuriou<; 001h~ -11<1 4'f"011·d1n;;. You n1<1y bt' ('harmrd if yov dr-· !Ill'<' a ~N:luded, irr,. l1nrd n<'1i::hbor•hfJO<i. Your r.\'c111n:; l1<ln1r 1.il11r ror 0111y $40,9.JO. !!UR RY•: IO:vrn1111;~ C<il l 644-7001 ~FIRST TIME- OFFERED 4 .\;we .<:1~rcl l)rdroo1n~ !' hd lh.~. sprc1al 1·arp<'1inb, 11ntu111rd k1t1·hrn i«1U1n,.t.~, hr.1111 '1·il111)!~ ~ n d ""1r.1 sprri..il tl1n1n!:. <:r'<' .. 1 patio nv<'rlonk~ rr1;i.~1n~ lishpood. Q1,11rr pn\'ilry on 1 u!-dr-<;<11• 111111 r.ion1 ror :1·111Jrr. O• '•1 ~::;;,2:;11 C.all :~1."1·S1:!·I IOf)('n ~vr~I \outh" (. oast $25,950 4 Bdrm & F11mily Rm B"autl!tll I lnmr. Park l1k~ .Y~•rd, 1 Brdroom~. I lu6r Fa111ily roon1. 2 baths. r.car Living room. f1r rplacr. buil!· in~. l· di~h,,..•ashrr. 5'10-ITlO TARBELL 2955 H•rbor Sell idle items mw! Need a free renUll service? Real Estate Require1nents Want an experienced escrow se1•vice? Tl1e 1nan to see is from Searching for tlae right mortgage co1npany? Need dependable Insurance coverage? • Walker & Lee• Huntin9ton Bt!ach 7612 Ed inger Open Evenings 842-44551 Costa Mesa 540-5140 2790 H1 rbo r Bl vd. Days /545 -9 491 I Newport leach Ni9hts 545·0465 2043 Wutd;ff D•-•I l"ine 646-7711 Op•n Evaning1 I Fountain Valley 17213 Brookliurst •<••n l•I!" Ll.,t •M• 1+1 ... w1•• 968-3371 Open 'til 9:00 P.M. I -' I " > I ' CAJLY ~ILOl ~.'~dntMt.1r , Au~u~1 3 . rt .. l~I I~( _,,,_ ]~[ I~ rc.__-_'M"'·__,J ~1 ;.I .. -...... _ ... _J~~e ;;;I .• -=.!,-·~·,~r --- L•gun• Beach N1wpo rt S.ach Income Property 16' --a- POOL HOME MESA VERDE 4 Bedroom I dtn, ?•~ bathi;, carpt-111, drape!, 111.n;1t, '""'" ftl&:. 111any ~t'!t5, all Jn nunt ct1od. Corrwr 101 11 11<."t·t~li for boat or canllJ'('r, $41,000 CUSTOM IUILT Gen•r•I ...._.. . ...,..._..,, 1,·-177 Hu9e Bonus Room Lo\'~ly aduh occupied hon11: dnlgMQ ror r-.mlly ll\1n& £. recre11IKJn, ~ bed1001n, Ira: covered po:i.tio u\·trlooks lovely tia.~k yard 1d,h 11n111y ll'U1t n11es fitnl11,,t1c bonui; rr•1. targt 'Pnot1gh for pool !aiJlc. Nv do11·n 10 Ve111, low down to olher1<. $36,:iOO. Coat• Mt•• ~llA RY , ~h.11·µ, ,; HI:, 2 HA , l'\JI ll('r 101 l!()1nr, Uu<tl "Jlf' l'Ull'y i111d p..i1"J .• µa ce 11•1con1plf'lt lllock l'ldl cn- elO>Ul'I'. 01111;•r lllUIUI~ IU Co1Ul'«tl1J. Sulu\11[ ~our l~l'UIS .111~1 ocnqrn ri(',V. CO!TS I 2 8ed1wn1 home, i;hake rool, • s'rvicc porch, quali1y (".U'-WALLACE $28,500 !>"ts & dra~. ranat-. ,.,.. REALTORS ht.,, 1.:u1.J, .: Hr:. ~ n \ 11'11'. 11·a1h . n1a<·h .• Joublf' Lu O~n Evont'ng• 1·,.1·an1 hn1nr. really zur )'Pur ,ara:;r. P S I Brdro1.)lll ,.-• t•l-4454 e u11n1edl.ilr fl'•~~c~,,.on. B1;.: ;;ur,;1 houM' .. \LL 111 A-I, a.\nur11aU:r t 'JI A Io an •lr (.'()Jld1lion. Vacotn1 • S0'r ii,: :::z::C::!::O:ll::Z:ll:I Sl8 . .:.00. pa)aliJ,. ~l'i ~/1110 111- f'IO\\' CED I REOU <'iudl'' l'1 r 1~111111;. Ful Sll,9SO . ..;µe1:1a cular OCEAN VI~\'/ OCEAN VIEW LOT \\'EST SIDE BLLrt·,.;. Qu1f'! I sll'f'f"t, t'.'l;etllr nt ne1;hb<.o1·- hood. Sll.500. :!:1'• do11n 0 \\ net w11t o.:an')'. Roy McCerdl• Re•ltor 1810 \'r11-po11 Bll'd., C.'.~I. 547729 Built On Your land -1::1::; sq. ft . l1v1ng arr..i -All lath !..· plas11'r -Hardwood cabinet.~ -Breakfut tx.r -Pulln1an bath,; l1·on1 llus lu\'('I) .: Brdro<1m hun1 e ~r!ja<.:ent 10 Emerald Bl•Y Located on quie1 Cul [)(' Sar 1111'h rorrnal dinini; l•Xn11, den & rnelos,.d yard Rt'dut td to $$6,000 REA.LTOP.S ::'INCE 19-14 673°4400 MESA VERDE· $26, 900. /)llC'4' $26,950 New port •• Ftirview 646-81!1 1 l (anytime) EASTSIDEJ -BD RM PLUS! 2 EJ,1e)l1·lu1 llllllS iOl:<l(tiJ Ill Ii. thl' rPar of lht' propC~i l). Hn11~p h11s :; \lllP!'ll-,.i7t II t:JE-d1'00n1s. 1_;ur;.:N11.~ l•,1111 111111 all run111l<'ll'l,v l'l'drc·- -Spariou~ 11-ardrob!.>s JUST $9.53 SQ. FT. Planning· o.-~ ign-~~i na11c 111g "1 400 Hon1~ & .<\pa r1111cn1~ buil r si nce '.17" ora1ed. Jnt:on1r h'vln un11~ 1.~ /,2'10 per 1nu. :\11:1n111 .vour doll'n Pll}'ment and li1·,. ro·1u !-'REL. FuU pnt •' 1~ S37,.AJ!J Tl11~ .\ !>rdt'OOlll l~Onle Ill A Call p1"i1nr arc.:i , niak<'.~ !or real w I k & L ('('Ol!OlllY ill hOUS!lll:;, II Olf-a er ee r1·s you a largr s1:1'ffl ncd p11- :1o. IPlllUI{' gan1 ~P !.loor 27fl.1 Jl:1ll)Vj' Bild. a1 ,\Udil•l> op~ner cind ROO.\I TO :J Jj.l}IJ:, Oprn 'Iii :l J'.11 CALL 537 -0380 P.·\Tll< yncr. BO.\T' \l'an1 2-STOR Y ,,, ht'"'' rnurr. rhen ju.~t diill j STEAL JOGOU \\les1111i11~1r1• ,\vr. G.G. OPE\'" 'U'.'J 10 ro 4 fa111a~lit· Uat:;:.un ;.1 u11iy [gsT·ANCO • COATS '"· 000 '"'""' """"'"' hugr bPdt'OOf"•. l.r .• lfl r:1n1- IUILDllS, INC. & ily roon1, forn1<1 f •liuu1~ WALLACE roon1. 2 ba1hs, t'Jl'fJCI~ .t IM. MEDIATE R !AL TORS <lraµf'!O; ihruout plus ovc>I' -546-4141-1800 ;;q_ f1. i\'o mosprin1 or POSSESSION (Open Evtnin9s) rni.•I Hl1I'. 'fradr your.~. Everyone qual!ries 10 as.sumr.1-:::=:::::::::::===i1Walker & Lee 1his 1011· intl're~· VA Joan. I• Trct shaded. n1odcr11 .i ht'(). FIXER UPPER [:/~Cl ll;1rl)()r L!!1,1. ,11 .\d.1 11\s 1'001n hon1t> u1 QU l<'l J'I'~!· Thi~ \'.\ l'l'flOSc•·-~sl<l n '' j lj-!J;).<l l Opt•n '111 '• l'\I rlentl<i&I AJ'C'il 1111h all bu1!1-h('lll<; sold ";1~ I~." Plicrd co-z··Y-CO-TT. E 1 11~. ('07.,V flr1; .. \l;,c·(', fan1il~ r1~!11 \\Iii! 011lv S9Ji) do"'n l AG ' ' I roo1u. and 01-er,,1t"!.I !01111th p:-,1111{'111 aud 7' _' lo.111 111 ·''"'r \r11por1 lf;:llt-, -1 IJ•I· plcnry o/ t'Oon1 to r boii.1 or ;1n1'01lt' Great Jucd11on ncr1r r111., la1•gr k1tch;•n 11 1 1 11 11•ailer \\'all> to park. oCc -L;ugr ~ becll'o<in1. b11· ... k1.i~t noo .. .\'c11!y d,.,,._ ~l·hool~ and ,,l\opp111g. Only ran1ily and ~errrnrd 111 Ol'Alctl 1nsldr /,. out. \".1- $:?9.D.JO. pnl io. Brin;:: lools and niove c.1111 .. \.~king $21 /llJ!l , Call ;H;).8-lJ~ (open evt':d i• V11c11111 -lo SI'(' {'Mii CAL L t;\-,4,·1414 :-.10-11:,1 10 pt'n E:1·cn i11;::~1 Aa~ ~ \outh , (-oast r,4111d#L y :1~~~ Ntl t Nt!p~:.L1.".t orritt I~~~~~~~:~--. :.~:;:;::::::::;::::;~;;~;:1 af:n·E1i 111111). 1·~t·11n1. .. _,. MESA VElD£ • COOL BREEZES ~~111r~~~:'.·11; 13<11t~1.·· c~11.":~~'.i SUPER VALUE W. NEWPORT BCH. l•<1ll\1. l'001n fur b11•1t "l' ONLY 10°/. DOWN c1111l!)('t' ,\,,,unw l.1g Fil/\ $27,750. .I IH1ge bedn .•. :nn.•, :i1 ~ ba1hs, 10:111 . A~k111i:: .\:!l.(l(ll). 2~(i0 ;5ct th1s g~al value. J Brd-rwar heaell I.: shoppin;:-. new Fetil'L'!ll, C.,\I. ti1.>-~:.S9. Call 100111, eovered pRl10, tile sh11:; rnrpct~. nPll'ly pa!n1ed, RH}" ---------~thi, )Jk r 11cll' i.;1uv1111g, built1n~. 2 fpl'~. dbl gRragr. * COO L * tr!!' tntry. i\fol'e up lo ,\(!'~ii O\\'ncr out of area. An:.lous! Co\'rretl patio -B·H·Q in \'r!'dr 1n tl11s Jus1.J1.,1rd 11allrd }llrd . .\ DP./2 8 1\ 11ual1:y ho1n!' at 1; Pn<·•· )OU fa111ily hil!\lf' 11e1r schools. can afro!'d. Call u~ 11nd SE'{' /\LL 1'ER\IS il.l'R1lalilr. today. .~2ii.JOO. BltO!\'.ER. G-12·4~16 5.tO-ll :ll rO~n [\·en1n;::.~1 r;;jji~:i~:HiiiiiG~I Co~IJ~Sl6-·~39-28~_E_,._.,_67_J_.17;_1'.,----;-\fESA DEL ,\l;\!_l_•_ Q'CA HElllTAGE A low low do11Jn can mak'-By 01\·ne1·. ·1 Ult. I; 111· 1111. Fountain Valley Huntington 8•ech . ·a:acr: ----~.;;;;;; 4 Bit OOn:e, 11• ba. a.~st1 n1&Ulr :;1 11: f'llA lnun. WALK TO OCEAN S28,800. B} u111icr. 962-----1::10 3 + FAMILY + 2 BA. Huntington B••ch ''2•9'0• Largr ('()\'l'l'Cd pal!O, b1·wk SECLUDED POOL '".''''"· ' '"'' """' Sh!ir11 I.· clt11n. arid an REDUCID $4 1 000 "ol)l'rl • air " lo:ilchen with 8 t'oo! wall incirclt~ plush all 1ht bulllins. l 111n1aculat~ .. De1111r .;ardtn" h Om,. I) lllllcl~cupc.J ~lOU nds. fuU /lug~ u1as1rr l)ed1"001n 11•11h pnct $3:J,9JO. -SUIH'f"'' r.0111an halh ar.d walk in Call S·11·1 r.!1 c·lo~r1, 01·erlwks Ir,~ h, SEYMOUR REAL TY -~ra 1·k!111g pool. Forn1aJ Ji\'-171~1 Beach Bh·d .. Mlgn Blh 1111; 1-00111 rea1urei; noor.io-Op<>n 'til 9 P:l1 1·1'1!111:; Spa1ush [trtplaL'I! .. .,..,..._,._..,_,.._.,.,,...,.........,,.. and plush ~hag c.ar!)l!ling SPANISH Populat garden k11 i.;h<'n ha~ OL HOME 1n~1clt-outfi 1de <.'0Un1t1• and PO furn1MI di11111g area . This ::.ooo sq. ft. ~ Btd1wn1, du1 i;:uriCOU!! 3 bedroorn ho1ne 1ng ,f, Jil'1ng rOOll\ hug1• ls 11 vatle.bln for only S39.9j(), bnsfflltn! ru111pus roo111. C11ll :-.1;,..s.12~ IOµtn cl'eS.) Priet' bc!ow 1narkc1. Cull \oulh , {-oast S.t!-2j35 OC.l!:.\1'\ l!ILL TO-P V-lL_LA_ I ·='=F°'A"°M'"IO'L Y-R00M- S2j.~.)(). Fa111ast1e 1111·e~1n1r. 4 Bedrni. fornlal ch111ng, ? by tJe.tth. !-of-a.kind honic h<1-th~ and r:1.!rd~. Now only 1 1~1t·.I ~1·~l<•r11..i}. P 11·n1rr $J2.!JOO, 1111ulnw ol'rrlo0ks bnfllt Real Estate by 11·1111 .. ,\ 11L.uiuc l1fr . Super l'lt'(•ll. s1f'rl·() yal'ds. A~6U 111C McVAY ~1 ;,j,li! py1111s. * l ,\LL 817-~:!07 '* 11 1r111,,1·l.v 81«1~h<'ar Riiy.) VACANT CONDO ·1111s r.'\ti·a ~Ji.1 r;> :: Br, ~·on do I~ rf'ilfly IOI' .>iJU . Do 1111 ;iy \li1h \\(•1·1, ('1)11 ~)11\~1'} ••ll ;.1111r ~'Hl'd 3111) <IH I'! r11ju)- 111;..: .1•111r uf1.11111r ;u ound th,.. 1}1j()L 011 orr ~f an:"ious ;1nrl 11;1s 111•1cl'd u to ~rll at ~t::.9:io. l' "Z.-4471 ( ::i:) 546·11 Ol . - WALK TO BEACH (;;'(1()1',I' 3 Bfldl'oom Hon1r on ('ul-dr·s.1e lut /Is i.rll, Call 841.ij::;J, rt>at!y 10 t;! -.'Iii> clv11u. :; Bcdnn., ~ li(1lh, hi!! loll. (Jnl) S11..JUO. U11nr1• i<acl'!!wr. Real Estate by McVAY SELLING YOUR HOME ? 1'1 r {' ci11pra1~.1 I -\I',. lJuy rqll 1t1f's. l'<'t·<nr.al 11t!en1ion. 'J , ~'I'll. C.\pt'l 1!'11('<', COL LI NS & WATTS Lil''-, 6~2-D-127 ·-·-----TRILEVEL ·I Bl"th'Wlll -Clusr ro &:hNJS & ~hoppi ng, Can 8-12-2:'!Jj. ,,lj-01..S -VERY-SHARP- 4 BEDRM. 3 <:!It' ga1·ai;t , 3 baths. 1'1·r~· 11gc /101 nr, 11·11h an YI!.\ •ssu1nttblc loan. Onr of the tno~! popul1r hom"~ 111 the Rrea. * PATI'! I 'i\Ll\ER RI.TY 17171 Bc<>ch, H.B. 8t2-11lS Huntington Ha rbour \\'AL!\ ·~ 111/U'UJa. 4 0:1\' l•I". Joi. 0l111r. Irvine h!k Iv l1CiH'h .\: tr, J Lla, l'hUlt'f' il'l'.Jl\illl, lq; 1'01' 11~-:i92-l 196. OWNER SAYS, "SELL" Popular J bd1·111 , 1 h~. l'~1·r ~r11cr ho n1,. 111 "Tlir flan<·h". !11111111f'Ul11rt'. low 111<>i11re11Mncr ya1d. 1J tlle1 ruJ. rlt'-~111:. ,'\p;:i r ~1rc11lo<•h. C·1ll loK/ay 1n sec 1/11~ l"llt>l r11r- l'd Ill ~::::.9110 (i red hill Hl::.\LTY l 1n11·. f>nrk c ... 111r1·. 11'\"ille Call ,\11y11111e s:.;:{-08~0 ·1 BR, 2'~· l:l,\ To11·nn~\IS!', lrplt In llv nn f, n1a~1,r su11 r. J11111111!1ula1r. h y ow11rr, S~:?.!llll s:;:;..Q!H9. li30-::0 I 0. U:\JVl:.:RSITY-Pa1k I Cd, :!1, h;.i , 2 frph".1, (01"!.1 pa l.11. :\1any ,1r11.~. L(l SZ.0 '· CHARMER .':ih111:.:lccl linn1r ~111·1·ou1l(lf'd 1,~· 111a1111 '° lru1t trrr~. 111th 2 pr1n11r /)11.110.~. Spa. •OllJ; ]IV• Jll;,:'. l'OOtll II llh fll'f/ll'1l'f', 1!1111111;' roo111, :! bdn11'., .~· I. 1~r 1 .. 11. Oniy ~::.1,.'1UCI. (',.11 ~ WI. ut'Tl yot1 r t!rca1n 1;0me h't!e l·'l 11;1, all u /1Tpl ::.p,•~· 1.;:;;:::::;====::::;;'. There's uutlung to be <.Jonr, f<11111!y rrn f<, kil rhrn Ski'° SI.LL I• th(' !.lrap-el'i arf' hung, 1h(' y1I rrw 11lr l'I ~ \1~11.1 ;\II'/\• an or lrn~c/op!il'\n. ~ ~1 , ba , 2·s1). Ya111il.1· l1!!11~, !ioat gale. ~ Br: AO tan REAL ESTATE $168 TOTAL I I pa111tin:("' •lour. Shiimpu1"'1L ~::::.700 a,.,-11n1. ,111'• fl!\ 1·,.1 Tl1a\'t. all ,\(JU p;;:;· IM'! Jl\01111\ shai:-crpt! Ill the:: BR.1 b.1 -,1 .... :.i.!11 o(r1 '•l'lilr·1I fnr t('rn.igc or 1·nlk~· ii).:!' boy.<., .Ju~! 11~ Glen11r) 1·~· ;..1 1~1-91;·: '1'1.11::\G UTILE "DOU<iH" LOT'S 'O' HOUSE Spre..,.,llni ~ BDRtll . " DEN hon1r. loc11trd in fhk'1' cily or La.,::u na sr·clwn. lrnposina; 2 lr\ICJ dJ'C::liHCl'IUl'!l-1 de~ign "llh t'Xlenor uf 11·ood, Palos Verdf's iilOne. s1 ucco, etc. .'il!u:11ccl on lgf'. lot enelos- t'd 11·/n1sl1c ip!lt 1111! & l:t- dfl.r ft•nc1r1i:::. IJLL tloor 1•111ry k•)Ci' 01>"11~ 10 sp11.c1ous !'C<tl' LI V. I{ \I. \rfI::XTE:-.ISJVE L'S~: ur L;L,\S.~. \\' ;\ LL Ot' \\l>CJ!J /"\~ELLING, RUS. TIC t;.,Eo ur1rc1..: r1ni::- 1•1..\C'~: front floor 1 .. (•eil- 111:,:. I\' \\' (';tl'fl'' i11i;: (•Xll'ncf- 11111' 1tu·1, LIV. l~\L. IJL'\1(1;(; H:ll. &· .\LL ·I BO R.\lS, Slid· 1111.: gl;1.~~ 01~'11~ lo shrl1cr('rl r1;111,, ,(: lt:i· 11rll l;1nd~t·apl'd P• I\ 'ti'•'.! I\, ol 11,• .. 11.;111•,J 1nndrrn kit- , j,,.,. h." CF:H A ~1 re l'tl ! "· .\!.!. Bli!LT -IN 1: ''1;1·: .~· nvt: . ...:. n1s11. \\ 'iltr:, [Jl~POS.\L, ~.re. & ·" \'run.~1. GP.Al/\"ED JID· \1'1) CABf.\'1'~1!'. Ir you r~n·tl a ls.:r. !11 111ily hnn1r. 11h1· l11·r 111 111r 1n!t1nd ~11111-:: br ll 11 li,·n 1r-.'I l"111 111" i11 1111 ~ ni;c r1C Sl. \.:JDJ•: \'IL· 1. 1t ;r·: rr11: n:\t.Y SJ7,Q~I'\ FLJ LL PQICE LOWER DN. PYMT . O.K. <>11 11p1· \\1111 H"lr F111•11,·r MISSION REAL TY 9t:ii .c.o. Cria~! 1111')' .. Ll""l1;1 PHON E 17141 494-0731 Laguna Niguel 4 GOOD BUYS .1 Ell!IL\J:->., ~ brtlh~. 1·;1rpc!s rlrA[W.~. S~l.900 1 eDr:\lS. l lo,,ll\<. {'Jl'pl'"S. drdfl(>. \lllh jJ<IJIOJ'!llTIIC 11r11 s::9,9,'~I I BDl:\IS., '!. h;11t1s, <:arpch, 1lrflPt'~. :s::2.900 1 BOH.\lS .. ~ halbs. c:u·prl~. d l'iljJCS. ~~1,'l(JO Laguna Nigu•l Realty 830.5050 499, 1344 * Niguei'Shores-* Plan~ il111e l'h.111i;coL ,\Ju~t ,,l':I '.': Bit, ~ £;,\ "!-'" pl;i11 hrinl •' 111 !11·.•I llH'J'<'l11Clll ,-,( \'1 ~ll< I ~ho1r f'ri111, 101. S,\t'r/)11\C •ll·ran \ i I' IVS, ,,l.•.:nu J 11111 1.1 1·0111ptrl:u11. c .• 11 01\ilo·r -l!~J-llft~ ,, r:r:, 2' ~ 1-l~. 12.noo-~11. 11 I If'\\ Joi, l'/<"'k ,f,, ('{)\'1'l'Pr! fi.i l1H, ll<'i1llt1!11f 111•!.;_ 11•/sp1'inklet~. Sll.000. !JI\ llf'r 1!J:t-l·li\. Lido Isle 21 6 Via lorca ,Ir([ By ,\11r f''l;flO:;l'I! bt' .. 111 : IU~. ~ !la. hon11' 11houth p11110 On· I) ~.i.">.llil' 112 Via Watiers ·I 1;1: , lo II 11~ "" lln111t'~ !',1111 (11,t.o0r pl;.111rrs f, ,11111,1•11 I 01 1·110, ·"•'IJ. r!11l. 1·•1<. r;1'.1lll1flllly dr(·ora!l"d. .\[l.J ,O'l. T ip of Lido Isle Hr:1111 j r:r. I lia, liun1~ ~ ~·rpl1'~. "' r 1 11·11'°1· fro11t- ai;;1'. i'1Vl111 fo · lar;i:r bo111 slip· Hl'fhl<'l'<I lo "rll 111 $.:; · .. 1~~) Biii Grundy, R:ltr. ::tt R,1)~1rtr_ ~·1; 67.'1-fi\ '\ \ 1:1: I [;,, 11;\:~I .... ,,7J ... ;):I ., i:1: _ ua .r,~s .. ,,1;~.:ioo I Bl'! 1 1~·1 ~1rr,~~ ~1:':~1.00:1 LIDO REAL TY INC . ~;;7 \'1 r I orl" fii.;. 7:~\I 10 ai1.~u1ne th1l'i 1011 :,io1"l 11 /ti!1ns. J1·pJ c. '7000' lot 1i Rn-:-1.,ffiil.1• r110t 1_1 1.,1 Joan .. ~01·rr·l'ii£ed bedroo1n•. 11/trnc1ni:: /;.· ~rru1klt'r~ t•J .\-1111,r "'•'' \,\ 1 .. ,, thick 111 oc·ado <:a1•1ir!<, r 11 k1 •r p tht' lan ti s c ap ing1 ,,.olll•"•I rt"" i,, \.H'~fl oer111 1·ir 11,:; Br.,~' [;A, l'l•l•h• I 1,, t l1,ji)()_ i\lust "'ll U1•11rr ':!I::: j~2-19~9. ;>;L,\r. f\.'tw, hll11"p hu111r. I•-----.,...,-_,,... Mtsa Verde C'IOl'ed pfl llo. l!'l'i I \\ ALK!".R drr11111 I ,., .• , [I 1 ,. 1 I , lJ•• 11,.1. \ll , r _,.1f-J;:--Fa~hion l~nl l'1ll . h'/llf'. h" II nl ,l<l.EE1n·1(·r-lrad"1'anclan.•-Lall 1<1d,1~ ... ~.\-.>-110. It .-.irr:1~i1: ~"·1llnz.11r1h~r ... rp1~.flrr' :: 1:1:. ~ 1 .. 1, -.:;'"'" rn1. 11in'g I ·.u1 ·"1"1''' I 1~1 :. ::RA .. C'fll.~ l· hlln~ .. \11.,'i<IJ. ~lrtll_ 011111'1' I ''· (/1"r ."!Ml ·<1 11, ~:;;;.!l:o Oil(' l dll 11ua 1f.1' l a-.,k B• ---,-R1-:Pu.;-f l'<J'l ~·>·1 1u d11·· :O:r111kl1 , (1111 ,(, !•k, 'I' Ii ·'\'"II" Y " · · • ' ·' •OI .,.,,.,,, <•" ,.,., 01 '1" I ll '''"'·· ol Irr'''·'· B" . •J ill .I '"·' " --_.,.____ ----~-11~1rc11·-1 I.. I(< -I d1 I \I II •n.111,• 'u•I :\ll'aS ;"\r. . -. ~\JU ' .~ • n , -'"" I ,,.,,. b I ----s I \' -••111 '1 l .dl -.1.~-:l '~ Atclrrn L D!'r\ Lii r ;:r ihni;: 1·111. 1lr11• iJuiriir. • '" --~,1 n,,.<t"I ~pl1t lf'\tl. 2' BR .'!. 8.\. "11 NewDort Beach OV.'~ER '.\JUST SELL, 41 .011 nri v ., ll; ror 1lr1:i1l~. \1 111• 1~111 1 .. 1•11 \:I.GOO Pr111 ulll). FANT1\ r e: tr11,,cir1h r 11rl ---- . I I 0 '....,.. I ' ... ... " .;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; kih:hr11, bull1-1ns, sr~u11r P 11 1••·, l 111• l· $ •• 9.:iuo -------. . . -, , -, cltn 1·n1 , ))(',11 n1 1'1.-:·. hlt11-. ...,.,. _______ · I ' . . ,,1, 1~1 ; t nn. '.! 13,\. ran", ,, d11 n11 ,.: I h\ ()\\:"\J !'. l.<1J1rl) "hi .. 2 ,,,,,,, ,1,,,,,,1,1. N·•••' "'·'''''· llRnll). i 1n1llll; 1111 .n1!~ . '~" I I I' I I L I .. ., "" ~ " EASTBLUff f!!lll. T.11(10,,c<l '' oren B1l bo1 lll•nd '"'"ll ~ ~' l\11 ir ~-1'\1 , ·• I:• ., l•!ll1f' .1·~~ ! u1n ·' yrs flrp~. plu~h rpt. 011'11rr p11.l iCJS. brk. S:il.:00, ,\!Rri{lnj (,,jJr~r f'k n1 r~ >l'f·~l~1.• 11l1L BP.tu! l.1rld"CUJ!lllg, S3(H).3S:! or 49l--S IG::. :\lrG1ll <lay or nigh! a 1 2 RI : \il\';dion ho11·r vn -11uo11y <'llSI. ."1;lfa1-:. i\,;~u111e ---------- 1 E t "I ft I'' • L·1 I I , "''''''Y BEAUT. Of'f'Rll 1·itw. 2 Br.. W0-1120. ~r11;:1ll loc By O"l'ICI, S.i.1.IXX/ ••• u ,., ' ' llfll1 ..... !l.,. * 2 DUPLEXEST 1 lii:..-?'.l;-, • EXCL\Jf:l Yl'.: AGEXTS • 1':'-11 "· s::o,:..oo !lf'~:ilfi:J :~,11~u~ii;r~. fl:~~~. h:b1 ~;;i· :"it11tr, .s1dr by Std~. Sfo!l onc ll8•y1hore1 ~,\LE~ -l.EA~F.~ *REPOSSESSIONS* rlN' opnr. 33~.JOO ~9-2463 ~ h l BR' h ....: ......._ ........... , .i Bl-.!JlatO.\J . .;• .1 BATJI..;• or uu~ . J, ' -a. l"il .. r11.• 11 BH, 2 Im. lrplc. dshu·~hr. .... ;._,." ~Ila;:-~11,1:,: i.;al'p<'llllg'. l'lflt'1' 6 ~ac . S ,j()O,ra.rh. fl('11ly 1lr('OI'. crpl•/rlrp~. [.; c 11n·! bo• h<"''' Q\\':\'ER. Rt'aeh a.ccts.~. O('l1 G•org• Wilh•mien ,\1u·11('t . lnrl~rpd. S.J:...IXJO. )j~!tt•(' HAFFDA L REALTY 1·it 11. ~BR. 21z BA. 1101·1. R••ltor I 2:,26 Crt~11·1r11 . ~i...;,.'/ ...._,1 // ·1 1 · rn1, '! fi•pl$. nr new h1·1ck 673-4350 64S.1564 ---f;l!-llU.• Evr~: ~· 1~ ,f.: i·rf1;1r .J6~l ()()(I 49~-~12b.I •EPOSSl!'-5-1-0N-5-,~•pl st r•n~~-B••~h ... f r c<1 /IJ· UMt'h!!:c clu11rred? St-11 your " ~ --'Q.~, .. f:leohanls" fast. .call D<'l i· f\!l-":DrTERRANEAN VIL!.A Sparklin~ rlean ho1nr,;;, ~01nf' ol fir, 1 Ba . ~;11n. rr11 80 .,1,i() 11 \ \'i~l,i U•'1 u1,, l;v P ilot CIM.:;fified now: I Br. ocrnri 1·11 . ~r..i111lrd . newly paint<'d & earpe!l'1I,:? 101 . n·ailcr .t· OOal sp.1er. ''"'fl"••! n, "h 1;11 i:·:': G12-:Jt;78 .s~1.000. Nrf! RE. lfll-9~\S. :;, .t &. 5 l'llrn1s, .5o1nr 11 Uh Of't':u1 l'1r 11 . .\ppl. Oi\J.Yl"O:..----= pcnl~. FHA-VA conv. 1~rm$. ·f!lG-:Z.-.:.:6. --------------------------froni $20.000 10 ~l0,000, Corona del Mar COLLl;>;S I.:: \VATTS IXr, Bs.13 Adams A1·e. 967,;~-i23 ASSli.\!L 7',, GI, STOR\' -· $©Rd{}~-~ttfS• 210fl sq r· or lu\Ut)' 1111111?. 1..:1n c ~lfr herh'OOnt', Ix•! pul!nvr.n ha1hs, 2 fireplace~. ff1rn111I 11!11 rn1, f;11n 1·1n, 111111"{[ 11 1nd.111, and n1 uch lll{ll'('. OPEN DAILY 1 TO 5 21J7 ARALIA ST. $51,950 CANAL FRONY' DUPLEX OCIANFRONT 9 UNTT:....,.S_.;.;. Balboa bt auty on the hoard 11·aik. Jll.lll ileps from I~ ocnn. 2 bedrooms, 2 ba!h, bu1h-1115 &: dL:ihY.'i..Shel'. :\n ,,,-cellen1 buy for rental or ll llU!llllll'I' homt . lnvoftm•nT Opportunity 22C ,\SSOCJATJ-.: \\'11nted, prrler-'• Walker & Lee 10~3 \Vestclirt Drivt 6·Hi-7111 Open 'Lil 9 P;\I BEACH COTTAGE- $11 ,000 F11ll p1·ice. Cute & Sb;irp. 1'"un J11·1ng: al rtw beach. i\o •' 111 1cts. SliO do"n Fil.\. Call ioday. Walker & Lee :Z":lo' Jlarlior Blvd. at Adams . ilj.()16.3 Open ·11J 9 Pi\! --* NEWPORT-- SHORES * BEACH BARGAINS 2 S1y. A-franir ...... S.'.:.~.:,r,o .l BR . + lan1. rm .•. S29.5'JO 3 Rr: "" d 111. rn1 .. , $19.::.00 CAYWOOD REALTY 6306 \V. C<Y,u!t H11')'., N.B. !4l-t290 TEACHERS-OR- FAMILIES 1.\1:\IED. OCCl1PANCY >Ji· ly de>roralt'd 3 BR, 2 BA hn1nr nrar braeh. Sale l'.l:.'.9."-.0. or least 9 mo'1 or l )t:ar. t'urn. $3j[) or un- rurn S300. Ag-t. 6f6·32j.j WATER~RONT- Cha1•1ning Col'ldoniinium on !l>t> bay. Deli1 htlu.l view - I. po.ii, p!tr & iillp. ~79,JOO TED llUBERT I.: ASSOC. 1111 \'l;1 Lido. 675-~j()O BAYSHOR.I::S. By 01\ner, 4 B!: + fl en, Over ::000 sq fl, Pr1nc1pal~ on!);. $j,i, 700 . ~!11.~1 ~flt, by appt, 6T5--8680. S.12-i781 ----------BA YSllORES, 3 BP.. 2 bll, S.l.1.000. By o\\'ncr. .. .. ti 16-2378 * • THE BLU~~FS. hy o"·n~1". 3 81{. t RA. 1 !r•l'el Ltndil 7'1odc1. GU-1233. 2 J::H, 21~ ha. t'Ondo. Poot, ""un'4, rrcrration hall FOP.TIN co. Rltrs &12-JOOO p,,HK Lido To11·nhou~r;--3 nrt 21~ BA Pool. i\'o f!Ou1rs ~~!.j()(), 011·ne1'. .}~7-5546. nn. ' :story, beach. c·h1hll•e, lrnnis. p () o Is, s~1 .~:\(), n11·n{'r •194-93Jl. Newpor t t4•ights LMMED. POSSESS. U:11·rl.v :i BR. & fainily l'l'l'I. p111, 20x20 run1pu~ 01· pool 100111. l"l'pl•'. t·.,\. hea t 11 sun11ncr c'OOlflr. Secluded p11- Cool.ed by OC-tt.n bretld. ably '"'Hh txl)Ol'I Ol' o<her Only Jla mile h'clm oct•n 4 ro.c~n trade 1;xperief\Cf:. Public Bcaclle'). a _ .5iudio, S20,000 invettmtni rtqulrtd. 2 S.drooin, 2 bath & l • 1 4!19-2S23. btdroon1, I b&1)1. All drlu.«t Money to loan 240 unit~. Formal dlnJ.n1 room I ~;:;.;;,;.:_;:;.;;.;.;.:,.:,. __ c.;; ,, priVll1f patio jll('!udttl. 1st TD Loan E~eelltnr l'Onfli1ion fllld lo- cation. Grwaes $17,400 per 7~ INTEREST W~lker & Lee 2nd TD Loan Ter rns ~ed on t"QU!ty, INVESTMENTS '42·1171 545-0611 545-9451 iPLIXE"~,-- Open daily noon 10 ! $6.000 down. Price ~.000. l\'arnrr &, Oak, Hunt. Bch .• '.! blks W. ot B"ac::h Blvd • Nc:w crpis & drp1, tlrepl'!, fa ht, aas bl1in11. Gd Iln. LEADIRSHIP R. E. s I 1-.-1913 8·12-4466 $422,000. New 27 U11 it A,t l ldg. Servina Harbor arta Zl yn. S•ttl•r Merta•e• Co. lW E. 17th Street I~ HauH1 lturnl1htd 300 General l !!Ian's D11111ain -N"ar llcach. Sml pe1 ok. UiiJ pd. Sl 10. ALA Rent•l1 e 645-3900 STEPS Cost• Mose BRO!..:f;R 6-12-4905 l:tf'URN Units, fr os s .~22.000. SP $132.500, pi·cm Cozy loc. nel'f'r 1·ac11.11t. Ou! of $14.i. ro Ocean -l Br.. Collage. J{1ds/peu;-. - town 01l'nr can't h11ndle-. ALA Rentel1 e 645°3900 6J4-2S16: f11•es: S58-i976 .Day or Ni:r • 21 llr Servicc 1 P1·111c. only. ~OS AL fOS 1 * S UNITS * P ride of Ownership Xlnt cond. & loc, 379,JOO. Hom• \\'alk lo btach & •hop'g:. Family 11·Hh \ttni.gers ok. PLACE REAL. TY 49-t-971}.1 4 Bedroom 2 ba!h, lnlilf ins. : FOURPLF:X. d~~hy 1?,s c::s.1·pe1int::. drapes. lta!t $28.l f · James. $j2,;{X) I! !ht ririel'. per mo. P hone Long Besch For !nrlhtr info. The Doyle 213 • 429-95jl. Co. Eves: 8.':S-6341. $100-CUTE 1 sn~-Duflle:'f. Lots fer S•lo 170 . __ ...: CHOICE 101. R-2. Hl0xl3:-.. P111·rd alley. :;~8 E. r.och~sll'I' St., Cos la :\1~~R. Close ro lith .St. shopping area. $22,000. 673--9:i09. Rj CORNER-ICit, suiiab~for :l,IXX/ ~ft fl offire or pror. bldg, !oca ted I blk \\'t s! of Be11ch Bl vd on Talbert, H.B. ~Jrl.500. 536-~J:i67. Mountain, Das1rt, Rt•ort 174 ldr11I loc. Avail now. BEACON* 641-0111 S200·ST~PS to Oeean. 2 r.r. ... 2 Bu 110111~. L:ar, y ard for kids/pcis. BEACON * 645-0111 3 BR. 2 baTh rentals A1·ai11tblr 1111,. /\ugu~t . Early Scl°)lembcr. S250 \\'k. I to.Ir. Robinscn Ritt-. 6-12-7000 ~oa l1_l_•_n_• ____ 1·- B R I G HT, ,;unny J RR decora!or furnish(•d. Irlce! IOt', l:;:e ,ITti. \\' i n t f' r S~li0/n10. 61+-021CI, !i1~-1800. l\'ll1c1'Sl;1, fi~h. hunt. relax in cozy cabin 1n the woods. 3 6R~"a1·age-:-.sePl Llth- OnJy $.~.~00. A11 extcpt. buy. .June 1.)!h. l'\1'11· crp1.~ 'dl'Pf!. Ph: r.os~ 1;11 1 jlff·17:8 or 32;:.o n10. 6i3·9403 11·n1r: Srwnr·f r rl.l'al E~tlllr , e CMi,Ri\111\l; 1 B1· l10u~" k P.0: Box. 2&2S, Biz Scar I carporl. !2:.!.> 11111. Ca ll L11.kt, Ca.Iii. 1-j2&-126j Ol' 9~ti-1"!90. M UR.iETTA VALLEY 2'~ lll'J'e n1obllt home rite, B•lbo• Peninsula L:rn1ly rolling: hilltop, 1-----------·1 e CUTF. ~·01t11gc-n'-'ar h;iy. Pac] I.: i.;1111,,,~, road, ,\ 3l fi~1 prr mo. \\'inter r~ntal . . •1('81 at ~11.2:iQ1 F.a~y C11ll fii:>--:ilCl1 lrnns lo s1111. Ry ownl'r. 11u. Co11prr ph101b1ni:. Own-J. C.r.1nath i71~1 673-3,;70 8 h •,. -,·.·,, '· '•11·.v.~' "'''·''· C•. _'!'!_~ ~r.to (", lrav111:: arf';i $· 111 u~r <rl!! ~• __ •-_• -" ___ __ _ ------ MORGAN REAL TY B I c: p, r il r -:-.; or 11 i r • 1\'ll\'TER R" n t 11 1. 673-6642 675-6419 Chnlr1-Gl'c;i t \'ie11 -ll'ooded Ea}5hOrl'.,, :: Br. 1 1 ~ ba, Santa -Ana Heighh--, 1n1. pa1·"d sL N!'1~ :; r111·1i. S 2 8 :i I 111 o. Call I .... Bl'<lroon1s. 110 ba. 11 1111!~ tn :>4&-GtiOL_~-- ~l:l ACRE, lion:~ boardinr ~ki lift ~loonri<lKC. 54\\..8130, 4 R/1. 2 ba hou~c -For lra~ fa«ili!1e~ &· pcrn1iL 2 Br 5'16-813 1 or 2!3-~32-37Hi. 11· oppl .~j(l,mo. -yrly.1 honir. ·~·L'i.Ontl ;.~:r:;'i.)IJ. Real Estate Wanted 114 5.ii-jj41. ----~-~~~-S • n Juan Ceplstr.a n. BIG FA~lILY? Thi~ hon1r lvt~ approx. 2200 sri. ft. of !i1·in~ area. 4 A"cit'\)01n•. :: bath~. ran1ily l'f'On1 AND dining roon1 . On l~r::r r r:irn .. r lot 11·ith oc~11r1 VII'\\'. \\'rll pl<11111rr1 I.: \\'fll bnill Ju~I ~~8.:..00. C.\r!STllANO \'ALLEY REAL TY :11."..0l C11n111'1(1 (;lp1~h·ano 493-112·1 1\R rl~T'S \'IE\V H 0 ,\IE .'\r111· nr11. 2 .\·r.1, 4 BP.. ~ RA ;i ll ll J>PI<. r pt f11·p:<. frpl, h1r 1•np1rr 101. r1r •f'bOOI. IJlllC't h1J1,,,1~ ~ll'f't'I. $'.!'!l.50!l. BY 0 I\":"\ ER 49.'·1878/ .1:i::. ~~lli, ·------Sa n Clemente OCEA'.'I !.: I !arbor 1 ir11· in Harbor F.~la!r~-2 Br. :! &. \'Cl)' !'P-'Cious. Sell V!t w Ui11a1 S-ll,OC{I. J9().....jtj0j, L __ ._._ .. _._._"_'_'· _ _, IA ) Gtn1r11I Acrtlgt for 1al1 150 ~----~-~~ !!AVE buyer !or r.tesa Vtrdt home to around $30,000. Prinr1pals only. The Doylt; Co. E\'e!: ~~63-1 1. \\'ANTED hy S'°pt. 1. 4 t>r hnutt in R11ycrcst •. \Vt's\cll rf 111·r11 . Lt!&sc or buy . :i l~lj.11, n .:; LAKD \\IANiED 5 ro 3{I atTt,.;_ \!c~l1cl1ft~\ Con1n11n~. (11 871-39j() W FRI'S?--71 CT Costa M11a --. f'\EAR !!lay Co., !gr, nr 11('1v, ~ BR, 2 BA. 2 .r;try M 111e. S::.:.O n10. RESPONSIBLE " I 21~: ~3S-6~•j.\ . g1u11ps ll'rlcome. 9i6 De n\'l'r Dr., C. Lagun1 Botch ! 3~:'111-PANORAMIC Vit "·· ::I Br. frplr. hltns, 11•et bi'.lr, 1 lr11s,. Call 494-1!901. I ~-----1~-,L -;do_h_I•---; F lnanci~l 1 ..... COZ Y 113R 213.\. ,\1·11 il. &opt. I. \\'111ler. ~~rplr Apphan~ B I inr S~2:1. fii':i-:122~. us n••• :.c_ __ _ Opportunity 200 N•w~rt Be•ch DISTRIBUTOR 'S WINTER RENTALS NEEDED B1\YS!IORES -~ 11.nd ' hd- /\"111lonaJ 7'1111·ke11n~ Coin-r1,. furr1. from $2~. pany, NEEDS NO\\', R!'· BA YFRONT -4 bdrm. J\~ ' >if!On"1 ble men and wonicn h~r h.~ $600. t 10 11ervlct h1rh voiunie nrw OCEAN f'RO:'\T - l bd rm.j ... product l'Oute1 PAf:T or 2 lia.lh S3:Jll. I ;·ULL lfm e. cari1riany 'f {'UI -"C" Thom••, Roeltor t'd loca11ons. Cornmerclal 12, \V. Coast H11·y :>JS-j.i27~ or !actor~'. BF:AUT rnod . tc11Jnhouse. ::, i'\O SELLJ.'\L: Br. 213 Ba, frp!c, patio.~ C/\Sll HEQUIRE:D : $600.00 pool. 2 r<r.r Ear. all bltns.' tn ,,2911.i.OO. \\'1 ·11e for 11101,.. r111I'<. tlrMnl's. Lease Sa35.1 · inlorn1a1.Q11. IN .'i T ANT ! I• :12:r47!0 <11' 84&--5991 el'es FOOD SUPPLY CO:\f PANY, bl'f\rn 8-llJ or 11·kncf•. l'.0_ BOX 21;,.-,. Torra11cc. it'~ I ER-R(.'111; :i-~i. guesl 1' Calif. !IO ... lG. Gl\.E PHO\"E: :\l.:llBER. r'TI. 1·, bath. P:\l1n. 1pl.j :,.______ f"lhl. ::! 11 1·, 11·a ~h , dryer. 1 SE R.Vl (E Busi rlC',, fi11' Sill". lii."i-.~~:16. Sl ;j.CXIO gi-os~ 1~r yr. Ill'! 1·s-.--n-to:c;:Ac_n_a_H_•_i_1_h_t_1 __ , SJ jJ)(IO 10 .itn.l'XXI. Perfe<'l l-------"'-.;;,--1 husb-'nd/111fr O/l('r11!io11 out f"OR 1.,.n!, furn 1 br hcu&e, BOOK 1 BR RY O\r:\ER.. • MESA VERDE • f1·plc, ea1!1cdral bea111rrl :: B<'droon1. ram1ly ki!t•hrn, cxt'<'!JP111 condir1on. S27,9:i0. 1·c1 l1n~~. nrw bhilg. Chann· 1ni: pa!io, braul i l ul Jandsc:ap1ng . \\'alk :o bch or 11to1'1'~. Plan~ tor rt>ar unit Th e Puizle wifh lhe Bui/f./n Chu ckle N. &i n Dlrgo Co. 27 AC's, ;, 1n1 ,'IJ. of V1qa, 6[1()' front· ai:;r p..11·t,I l'U rrl. 11.i.1£-r. nr .(.'\•If NJUl'Sl' .. , 1·<1re lrat·k. ~7 .. -iOO. <.:ash 1rin~. 01.iicr. ;-,.1;..Q.'l:'.(l R~;PO~"·ES=,~,-=.D~IO~l-,-"~1-,-"-.,·S. NO 00\\'N, $2;; mo. Ntar !rg: lakr-. !)GS..00.l'i. s., l<'f'I oC 1~·st••rlron1 luxury I"'""--~~----- 111111 your 011 n :1 htdroom Condominium• of hunt€. Na 1ural bus1~~s :111 t1!l!i!1c1 pc!, $\j() mo. for this area, oo hard ... ell. :-..1."l'--i'&l."1. 'lllua\'i~(J\ca(t~ 546-5990 Tn1ly ~ un•c1ur lv1111r 111"' <'011'!.L S.1 1.:l(X) ~;.;..11~:1. in 1n1- 1 7111 H Y R A P I' I I G A L I E I I I I ~ Thf' honeymoort is over ~~:::::;::;:======:!....-• when h• 1ells he r they should ROE CA H !name o -offer hcr.i ·15 t;-,-'T.=-.;..c.,,;_~-O C!tt11r:ilet1 ti>• cl\vclli! ouo11if I II I I' I bv ldlon~ '" The. mou ing wo•d _ . . _ _ . you d11"111op from r!1p No. J b•'e. .... () L~. 1':'1/' f1 ~1 ~-".'.f l I' i' I' I' I' I' I' I' I 1 i I I I I I I I J'tJo. 1 8 ~11'1'1 f!)'JI\~ Ill 1111' \\f'~' a 01 lly Pllo• Oalrthed Ari. i l.Z.-9iil SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 900 --• ·' jP,..-J ""'6---- ' ...... ___ .. __ .J.T~ .. --:~-.:-1---· -_ .. .,._ ' I )")!> ll<.>111r n1r1·k1uk111f: i\'rwport for sele 16D C:it1r•1, anti ("11iuy r:.rr1111.:~ ----~$t$oo-0-0-W-N ln1111 :1 lJe<h'OOnl un u t>rlo11·. ,\ l'fll't' hu~ ill ~t\~ .. -illll .~ .. 11- r1· 111!1 pJ1 111r,,1 nJ h1•.11'r ~ t·O•I• Walker & Lee • '(JI.\ \1 1'·hl11f l11 11r f,\(;.;;11 Upf'n id 9 P)! -SHADY_S.ETTING Sr<h·i0t1.•. br<>utiful 3 bei!· 1'00111, l l:m ih, fa1111Jy ,,_IOtlL V111·.:in1. Df'~pe1·a1 ,..• \h,y lr tt.....:: or np!ion. larwin rt•lty, inc. JI.~·~ !l1,"ki1ur~1. Hritgt1 Brh 546-5411 •nytim• lnoome ~reperty 16' 11•1' rr111r<l f;c1u ionicn!. ·r t r'h,,1·y V,111. sr1.000 r, .. h. :ilr. ~!ills, :il{l-.-1 1~!. r11~L. O~h~n .,rr 1oob. J1.c:~. pi r~ G.: r.:i ni;ol(>s. I~ ll!Jfol' \aJ\11'. 64~!,)3() ORA..,.GE Julius, low l;lo\.\ 11. 011nrr 11 111 1·11n;o. 011 nt'r 6i':rz.1:\l or j.IS-9!"."6 . Dl !'TRJBln·oRSH f p En1i11t: POIVP.:R 11nd ZI P 11~it . Saft. ~\'I'll$. Guar. 616-l871. lnvt1tment Opperlunitr 220 -----------.:.. Houses Unfurn, 305 Goner.al Rr, -\"~i.;1u1t Tot 01\ 1' • • • $100. ~ Bl~ -\li1t·an1, a nll • $140. :; Bil. & rtl' • • ll'll!'t'd ror • • • Sl.l.l 2 RB ho1 ... ,.. r;inch. kid,t, rw1 ~. horci.-~ (11\ • • • ELECTROK JC k p j II" 2 Rr. l.n111r 11• t111m pool 01'1?iHl' a11111. You arh11 rw .. l\1,J. 1'~1, 1)1( SIM pu"·h""' r r:"t . 11 ~ 1,.~!nrc j STAR*LET_ ~36-2860 1 $.· •rll Pr'lf•I~ p'1n r"' \!'t 1 sr~ \:'\O ;\"!;,,\' and VACA:\'T IT "I'll (\;1'11fKW1 0~11\• ! r.1:. ~~IOI) h'llll .. rrri1•.i r.• n ''l'I" hll 111~. rl'"11 r tht h<-::i rh' 111· , ,,...f 1l;:fi11 111 rii r \\'r•-T 1 i.• • 1 ~-111·11 Ir • 1,...11111,r• 11 n,.nv PU01 ..:la!slt~ for SUZI l'l'r mn. A;<"nt Ar\ "-12-jGil e '>16-1111 e --------'•r•- ' .. ·- 24 PILOT ·ADVE RTISER DAILY PILOf 53 365 Apt . Unfur n. 365 Apt , U ntur n. 365 A pt. U nturn, Newpor t B•ach 365 Apt1., FINDERS •>5 W. lttti, COST.& MtSA Hou1•1 * Apt1. * 641-0111 * rm, f'lll'I r:ar, <'r>I.~. rlrp~. hltn.~. klrl~/pl"r~ l•nr BEACON * 645-01 11 * * P riv p.111n, ~nd 1ar, 2 Rr·s. ~-rpl~. rlrp~. $160 $16..'l. 117}-3690. weBliB.AU -ELDEN - Spark11nc: !'II~;\\' 1 R~:l)Rl)0\1 furn1~hf'd j;titrrlt'n 11p;1.1·1n1r rll . Luxur1nu~ pnoil. !u~h lant1 . ~r~p1n1:. S lP:~. Adul111 • rKI P4"!~. 211 1 ~lrlf'n Avr . &1~57A() or 6-'16-8666 CASA de ORO C'ASUAL f'al1r. L1v1r.g In • 11•arm MM1trrra nt an ;1 tm~ phPrp SpiH'IOus color l"fl- or<i 1natM aprs • rlPs1i;:nl'rl /, furn1.~hPrl :or al)'!e k •'Om- tori e HPalf'rl pool • ~11 rh P.1 " I inrl 1rtC'I li.i;::hnng • ~luxt R/0 . Ad uJta. No prl$. J BR .-S175 !urn. U11LITJF.~ INCLUDF:D ;w;.., \\'. \\'ii.win 61 2-1971 YEN DOME 1Mf..IACUl. • .A1T. AP'l'S~ Al'l/l.T .. 1wt >"A.\1 11.Y ~"•"ll<•n Clo•• to shopping, Park ~ Sp;tf'l()U s l BR'~. 2 h11. • :\w1n1 pool, plll 1r1·H11 * F1·pl, 111111 \' Lndr.v liu"J1 184S An•h•im A ve . ros·r." 1'11-:sA f;.t 2-~24 Balboa tsl•nd UPPER 2 ~r. lrplr, rli~po•u1 I. ,.In\'"· rPf1·1g., $:.!:,O yrl~. ~7;~1;, l RP1i1'!"(1ml'-llp~111 11·5 Y<-ar~ Lr11~. $11.'> 1:!1.l1 :l:.!;....:\i~l E\r•. LSI-: 1 Rr, 2 ~. :'II \•. 1·rrroi::. ,·pt~/rl1·p~. 1\l11rurr 11rl111li:: nnl), nn P"1~ $2l;i. 67.'.-0-IAA, Costa Mesa New New New Villa Cordova <"0<11. • t·nt:~11 · QL'J~~l' -~A ~'f: 1S,.11 r R11f'k K11~! 40 Unit Aduit A pa r tm•n t C o m p le ll l & 2 BR . Apts . 1::n1rr111 1111ni.: 'ol'lll h,. 11, pif'll.!<'· U1'f', Df'f'Ol<l f\!11: 1h1 ~ l•nf'I \, llpl!r\nu~ 11.pr \\ 11! h,. 11, )l>y. • ... Pl"f'IAI ('11h1nr1 SPil''<" • 1 ... ..-i. .1:;i1·11«Ps " I le ~1,..r • H111 ··r 1I e l.11r1r\ • P11tu''' • Pl\' rli_•pl • I l11C,. c.11~ slve • ~flf'f'llll S•)Uflrlprol)flf\i • ll""I' 2 C'\>lor sh11 K <'lll'J'f'!!. ril'lll)f'~ 4;AS & IVAT~.R f'o\IP M o. to Mo. F ro m $140 2~2:1 ~:ldPn ,,it>, C\I See ~1£r T!'d '\rodhe11d 64tt.0032 Costa Mai• DELUX E APARTMENTS NOW AVAIJ.ARLI-: Air rnM -l-'rplr'1 -J Sw\m- nu11.o: p,..,i~ . H,.11.lrh Spa • T .. nru~ C'r1~ -(;11.!l'le It 81!- ilan! ROC'n1. J & 'l H~:DROOM ~'H0.\1 l l 10 MEDITERRANEAN VI LLAGE 21fl0 Harhor Rl11r1 ., C.M. 171~1 5.'l7-RO~ r.E~TAI. O F'rlr~: orEN lO ,A,\! TO ' P\1 J)LX '! Rn, ~h1rlio, (•pt~. ;1rf'I~, hl1nc, 1 rh1lrl 01\, "'' l"'I~. s 1 :~l rnn (1·ro~rr! \\';>tl/ThurJ 998 El C11n11no :~u.>.04:11. :-:rAC. 2 & l Br 11pt. ,,,w-uP. l l!1t )lflnl. f'l11 y )r1. ('pis, rl1·p~, 1•11n.c. p11110. Kiri~ ok l!l!M :0.111pl" r\o. l 64 'l-Jlll:I PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS R11.rhf'lor, I nr 'l Brvhnnm~, llnrl TO'NnhH11""1' Sp;1 , pnilb, t"nn1.~. •·iutn \17\ At'n"~ f1•n11 ~·11~111,,•t l.~l;111d nl .l~n1 hnr1·,. J, So111 ,Jua<p11n llills Ho.11ut<. i 711 • ti14·1'k~J. *BRANO NEWT 201.tl ~1111111 An~ .<\1r. 11\('l"~~ h·nn1 $.A. Cot111fr.v (iuh1 Srrnr1nt,~ 1 .~· 1 RR 111 11 1~. r 1'()m $1ii, up, frp1t·~. j)r\v. p111 in~. 101v1.' nf 1·hi!r l11 . . .\d11!r~ . .\IJ.:r. !1:,j ll:ll I -Rr.F:ATHTA KiNf, \'It:\\' S:tin llui;:P 2 Rf\ 11p1. !!1.o:l1 nn R;i"k HRy Aturr.~ 11 1 fl\ 1 hltll'On1r11, lr plr, h,. 1 Ir r1 l)(!Jll. loArl< ol <"l !•~r l • Arl11l1c i4~ i)()n1\11i::n nr. !!' ll 1'-1 H S_I ('11.ll 61'..-1'.i.tt. ...,. ALMOST READY F u rn. o r Unfurn. 370 AIVIA?.ING Afiulr I. I v l fl I H<-aur I II '! RR furn fir uni 1\111~. ,"i;>I[ r ltan. ovr n•, n \\ 11n 'l n r1 1l 1.•p1.~. Rh11 o·pr~. dri••, J·11 ·u11,1 le 111.una Oa1h~ lh1J:~ 111•11 M•rri m a c Woods I!;, ,\l"!'i lllla<' \\'-i~·. C :'11'. I '! HI:~ •• 111'11 " unr. $130 l!fl. ind 11111, 1w11ly 1!rr., fu•;1l•I i:ant,.n, po.onl, r"r. Ad1 i!1~. llll JW'1~. l'.)~!l ,\.111ple ,\\P ('\1 \1g1 i\pl:, Shady -Garden1-P ool- 1 ,V l Hit, l1'0n1 $13.l. ~.<\:'."i.\1 ; l'.<\l.:0.1S, I i·hilrl 101 ~; :tl1ul S1 fil1-.16"1~ 1 Hr . 11:" 1·01~. pnnl. nr ~1~i11~. !ill pol ~lij ·..n fu1·n. $1·,; 'tfl 11nf. lAA~ Mnnrov111 . ti 12-,_-,;:·~ --------1 RH rurri nr 11nl Rl1n.11, I llR. Sl6(\.2 Art $1!XI. 11f1, \II 1·p1~. Sli~-;5r11c101 :s ~RR, 2 RA, nr nee R;,ni;:P 0\r!l, ··rit', l'lrp~ T""" nr ir;ml rh1lrl nk, BEACON * 645-01 11 S?l.'>-SPRt:Antr-.r. Fl.r.im 4 Ar: 2 R". dhl i::11r 1'"11 r (l<•f'Rll . f.\1d~ pP I~ 'l l'i!VJlllf', I BR, 1~. AA. trplr. bhn.,, hr;iut. f'rp1 f., rlrp~. Kir!~ & mrtl rln~ nk. s21:i 1nrl "a1rr. S'.'ilfl lnrl ii-in·rlf'rM'r. f\r hr~rh ;,;~J71 ----------- 1 AR, 2 h.11. '\lri't mnrl . ~ .. 11111 p11110, iTpl/rl1·11s. f',n rw-1~ 1,--------~ /\t) $11:-i rn s1:r,-...1 Rr. R11.rh 11 p1. \\'ATER r RONT -R<'11.11!!!11l I~!!!!!!!!~!! \111t Ltl'P Jirllls t1nl~ !lf'f'rl RP· ~.\' I 11'1\' 11.pl~ 2 Rn 11ppt'r '121 -1 Collri:I' Nn. S 646-2211i RH.<\/\'lr 11r" l~ 'J: Ri·. Crp1: rlrp~. hl111~. rl1.ch11·11~hr, fll I c.;11a)!I' <.J1lif'I, 6~~ Or ULIJ prl rr11 PllllO, h1ll1;i1d ~l:lll r m. h11I pn••1 " )iH·u111, fl _ •11·1>< N<1 1·h1lrl f l'lf't~. 2 . .J<i On1tll!' ,,,,.,., Apt .Ad11li~ :'()II)\ B1r.·h ,..;1, :0-.fl -. ---. --------:,:,j.411~ • · 11 HP. r lil'l1, 11111 prl. l l:Y1. ~ N,.11 rrl11rk ~:IPrn. N i\1i!.nna1 Apartrnent1 lor-lll1nt .~1~;1~~~1.~:\ \'i1c·;1n! Srpl 1 ·:i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:ilii FOR RENT Apts. Furn. 360 I RI' 111· hf'Rl'h, 1·111 nrr lo1 G1neral BEACON * 645-0111 -:-:1-~E n - Property Mi11n 1Jgement? \rF: CAN HF:Lr Yf'JLI' BEACON * 641-0111 FREEi! \pis, tlrp.<, f)l r111~. Thr Rl'11.lll·-------·----Rent Btauliful J•'urnihtrt A.\ lit!le a 1 L•nd1ords-Owner• ~:s1"'1" \·l;1r·1 .11.1;.i;:.·,::1 , l.F:ASF:/OPTlON :I BR. I'\. ON E10 ' RA . /I. n\O. tlfl\', N1· h<'ll!'h , ln1n1rd Ot'f llp,\, $2f,O m0. MONTH \\'r w1I! 1~ll'r 1rn11111s to ~·n11 A1;1. !lfiZ-031:1 compl•f• with F ilEE nl rhar.o:,. ,\la11.\l;-;-RJ::Au T. 2 .~!ni)' 4 your 100•;. rlr.~1ra b1,. 1f'nan1.<o nn o u r l RR/2 A;i fnrmal rl1n ·.1: rm. Pur ch•se Option \\llHlrl l: [1,,1, 111 i::: .i. f;in1 rnnn1. !.Arrlnrr lnrl. ltl'm l!f'l~rhnn. ALA Renti11 ls e 645-3900 11u 1. s·:·.ri1~to 961-fi7S2. 24 Hour Oily. H.\l':fl Tn Rl';i l.2 RR fnrrl FfJH lrA.~" -nr lr;i~,.-;,ptinn. CUSTOM ,;rrl f'Hl'I ,t?llr. k1rl•/11r i $1:::..1 111.1,er 4 hr. "'<ilk !n hPArh, Furniture R•nt o11I ALA Rent ... ls e 645-3900 1n1n1rrl1111,. rw·r1iranr~. $.~.>O ,"i1 7 \\'. J9th, C.!\I. :.0: .. 1181 n1onrh %11-w.l!ll. 1\ni\hl'1m 77.t-2~ Rl'nra·: r Rnn,TEn -I RR. RrtANn nu 2 Rfh~r. J)/\\', l.;i.!labr11 6!'M-l70~ rrp••, rl1·p~ r111lrl t1k .$110 h·pl, rp!~. $'l.1~ ~141, \VTNTER·11.ll yr; :thrl/2 bil . ALA R e nt fl hi. • 645-3900 :,.if...il.l1l as.k rnr oh,·rr nr11 ly ft11·11 1 hlk ,., N-11.i·h nOLLHOUSt: -2 RR, hlln~. f'rrl .o:<ir. l'\1r1~ n~ SI 1; ALA R"lnta l' e 645-3900 p;irtl.v rurn, rln~,. to ~11ch . S:.!:t;. 111n. s~.f>-11'<11'1. Frnl. f>.lf>-1911, "1·11il s...pr l.l p!y. No p<'!~. 2lll F:lrll'n, 11111 1•/i11f'r & slip 111111 11.1·- M.i:r «•llllrllM:tlP llfl In :..ir hn;il I. NF:\1·1,y df'('fll'i!ll'rl ! N 2 Ar "'flllt. Arlu ll ~ nnl~'. im P"llt. ln<iui r~ 1791,, Rt1rhr.~1rr. Cl\·L 2 rtnnm~ harhroom rlh·i~f'rl Sii~. Uti1'11 1'1('. Oldt r l f'1111.nt~ t1n1), M2-fi~. e ST\JNNJN(; 1 RR 11:11r1lf'n 11 p1 . Pnnl, nr(· rm, l!ml r!nii: nk. SJ:,:,, f'..1.~0..'i:IO. s1:.01n1" y,.;11'!.1 Al~n 2 H1·, NllELY rlM' -I & 2 Ar furn Coron• d1I Mar II.fl!~. 11•/w 1·p1<, rtrp.<, in ,._1n1 !or. Sl~l J.· S11n. furn. l nri :.14 R,.1·11Arrt i;,J6-7f>:n_ -------1 Rf'r1rnnm. Arl11lr . nn fll'I~. Slffi. R n~ ,\1f'C11rrll' Rr11llor. • • .'l\1Al.I .. t· 11'1;': tr11 1ll'r~. 17.~ !. up. lf;th :-=t h-12-1.lb:1. I "' t.l3 E.:. l Ar Pnr:il. Uhl pr!. :-=111i:lP l'tdull. Ko IJ"I~. Nr. ~hnp 'g . nrlu\. ~14!1 ''4.1'.:'\.l4~. l A 2 BR. fo'urn. ilr Urlfurn. F'1rtpla ce1 / p1·1v. p&t1os. Pools Tt nnis Con!nl'I Rkl~1. 90o Se11 Lan,, Crlt-.t 6'14-1611 (f\.facArthur nr Co11 1t H"''YI I R1\YrORT I RAYVll-:\\1 Annn11nr1111i: lhe q111t ! npr111111 nf Ail .vpnr1 i\fll~. . . fnr e AVL now-I t ... '1 Rr furn. Arl1111~: An rl thr ~l 1 c:hlly I,..~ PMI. rrr 1·n1, c:rl loc, Nn fllllrt rop,.n1n1: nf fi;iyv1t-" . 'i;\llALl-:-f~h11rh-11~1 11ril Ovf'r' .~.'> .iK1. n10. S2J M"cur1 t~ 6<16-8<$&1. r l11ld rrri ,,,. Ill'!.<. 6·\f>-:1~:.!·1. Alli~ • for f:.n1il11·~. Huntington B•i11ch 1';ill 111 11 frM-·,:,:,:. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Nt:W:-A i:rr 11.t pl11.r ' tn 11,,. la Quinta Hermosa nav nr ."'11 " . ~! !!r ~·'1'11 (·r 0 1999 H11 rb or, C .M . f::\STS!nf'. (";,;!~-M r ~11 :l brlrm. 'J: l>~th hnn1•. 1-'rP~hl,Y fl"ln!rrl, 11.l~n """' 11;rr<'n sl'\1111: rarp<'I~ lh111n11I. l)h\ ir;ii.rlS:,'". rnrn<'r lnt \\Ith f,.nr"rl 111rrl r:~r1! ~! ,\20.\ 13ob 1Jrllil, Sp;inl~h Cil11ntry E.~tal e l.iv- l1u: & Sp;iciou.' Aris. T<'r- Yt:ARl.Y. lri,.Al for 1 fl"l'o;n11, r11r@11 pool: s un:.tl'n ~llJ RRQ I hr 11pl "1;111 .-:.r111 1~. $1 7~ Un beJi,.v11bl~ Living · Only mt1 111.·t ur1I f;i:>-1!li:>. I Br unf $151).furn $17S th' yf'lll' ro1111r1' \\'alk 1n !<llOP~. "illk 10 hf'l't f'h. 1 Rt·. 2 R,. Fri•li·. l'r11· patio. ),ii, hlln.•, Clo,,. 111 g:q', 'l'<i.•lr f1il rll'•·rir . 330-.A i\l ~rg11r 1·11f' ~i.\-(J'ii,!j, 2 Rr~l-A;:-~ml h;lrnn) s,:'llr, ~11frf'fni::. :-;.., nr ll"~· 1 ·n1 1 r1.~::-: ONl.Y -Nn r1-:Ts A1·~il Sr pl fi. $1Qtl. 67:-. 7471! nr 2!~ 4.11-1 \'):, l'nl. lrr • -- -1q.roltor r r r mnnlh nr npqron I!'! h11~ 1st \\'P~!,.rn R;ink Rlrl2. (";ill Rrnkt r ;..i:.-~1'1! -Ofl"" l ln1v"•"l1.\' P;irk ---• 2 Br unf $175 furn $110 Balboa Penin1u\a ALL IJTI!. Th"CLUOF:D V BACHELOR PAD l'\"i'lrl.v lnr "1n!<'r r,.ntAI. 1 Rr on nf'f'<i11f1'n111 nr lt tT.\'. Sl.ifl inn. 11111 r11 1r1 l'.1 ?..].il.1 nr fiM ·l lll~ or f'.\4.n7J.1 lnr ~:1.,.._ I Days !IJJ.0101 Nights rr.EF: nr.NT.<\l ~~t;n:0cF: I -;ippi __ _ .1 Rrrl1V'l(ln1 Z RA rh. l11ri::r 1 ~ RR . 21, h;i 111~ .... s::rio .t:~;, OC EANFRONT SP1"ci1d Bonu~; a si!vrr- pla trd candl~ Anufler i~ your~ U ~·ou brin( thi.' itd wh,.n you visit our mndt\~. 4 hlk.c .'i, of Sa n OitfO Frwy on BrAck, 1 h lk \V. on Holl IO 16211 PArk~[rl~ w~. 17141 5 •7.:-;.141 • 11 U111)h~!l'll•'!<'rt 1 1,.11 nr n~.1· ,(, flr'f'll P. Artll~ nnl.1 f;J,'\..,f;fl!11. -An:-,·1li1i:-:-rlrp~. r~nR"~. l'f'fl'I R. flf'rlf'r'rl i\rlll<. 1in J:M"1~. $1ij:1/1110. ARI , ~7; ... 46;'6 nr fi11-J'jjl CHILDREN •••NEW••• llle8laB.AU -ELDEN - eSPARKLING NEW• I ' Rf'rll'O(lm ..•. , •••. , , • e ,-n,'!"(\m ..... . (;ARflF:N' Ar''T.S . \VITH ronL $1 .-~;. $l7l . :tll 1 f:lrll'n A1·~ .. r. \L !>1»-;.7~(1 1q :.1:io.i i\flUl.TS ..... , .. NO l'F:TS FAIRWAY VILLA APTS. 2&lBR'o P1·il·11t~ p11110. pool - t~u nrlrv f~l'. lnd!Y, N e11r Ora112~ Co, Alrporl A Uri. Arl11l!~ nnlv. :?01'?2 Sama An;i .o\1•1. i\fgr. J\1r1 . .lo;1rh1m, Apt J·A :i-li'.~21~ * Spanish Elegance O uiet Adu lt living Sh~t: r pi • rl t<p~ • hllri• Rtilll!llUI r,)(ll e A!! U11t Pd 2 RR. $170 E.111 st Bluff NEWPORT BEACH V illa Granllda Apts . four hed room~ w1!h b11loon. 1r• 11.hn1·r J.. tw-lrm <:nu·io11~ 111·in.o: h quler 91io1rtn1>ndin2 fnr lan1ily "'ilh .-hil~r,.n. Nf'11r Ct1rona rlel r.t ~r Hll!'h &hool. rirtpl11.ce, Wet blt r h_ h111l1 .Jn ki11·hrri RppJ1;inrr~. ~~.; A,'ll(;QS \\'AY 64 4.2!191 ('nlri'l'Pll R<illkl'r & Co . tl!Alli'IRlllJ:. A1:r nt ;.11.;,221 ----e NEW DELU X E e ,1 Rrt ~RA llpl r,, .. Ir~~,. ]ill•] ,.f'A1', m11~1"r ~1111r, •1111 nl'l ." rlhl £ill'ill:<', a nln 1l·~>r ;;pr11rr 111•R1 I. rt><•I N Hrt', ll l'f'll, • l '.'i·· • ~ll!i ,,illll:"~ \\'~,, "-R \1~11;1J:.f'<l hy \\'11.l.li\\1 \\',o\LTETI::-: I'll. t--1':\\'1.Y t1r rnr11trrl 1 Br :.th~ 11p•l~1r~ 11 pt Hl1ln~. 1·rr1•, rlrp~, 2 "~rpnrl<, pnnt. 1 \hilrl nr l'l"' ()I\ $1'(1 rno. l'tlO,..,.~· tij:,._1,ri:11 Huntington Beach * FRESH AIR \l~l h .l hlk~ In Rf'111·h: l~H l'nl11n1. 11111 prl. $1~.<o :2 ftl.l ·rrs di\ '11111,,. 2 Ri .11, n1: (:nr11,.n, 51,IO. 6'1f;..2.'t44 Ra. hl111~. frpl, f'"•I, !'"<' ri1 :,1,11 ~:!'.::t ill'l'a, 1l hl f'n«I ;:;11· 1\r111lt11< ---------1 S:l2~. A1 I 911 51,1 tilll:i. HAY1''ROXT, hoA t d1l('.°1;_.:-;:;: nll!' ,l Ar., ,l Rll ,, f11·,.pl~f<', s;..'i!) 111n. 2 R,., 2 R11 s:~oo 111" f\f';illor. ti-1ii.()i.~:! .. 0\F.A N~'fH)NT,-,l .hr. 2 hi., Silllablr /,.r i:1•n11p nr f11111il.1· 2:11·r1 & \\" Of1'11ntronl. -----FlTl:ANn rof'W ™"111 \1'-:! Rn~2 RA unil. llillhw;ishPI', p111in :--,•,11« hlrli;:, .o\111il lnr 1,1 Jr11At1I Clt•I 10111 t'ht1wP nf ,.,.111•/1l1·ri<. ii;: ... ;:1.~1 r:. ~:. 2 111:. ,., pi ... tlni~. ~101,. l.· 1'f'f1 1c, "11.<h,.r .t· d 1~,., ~111 )/lfd. Sill flt'I\, f;111'.l!!I' /\•h1!1• flnl.', no o p.PI~. S!S, 1<1:! !.!~1 H u nt in g ton Be111ch ON BEACH! l"E\V APTS 1 RI' 2 "" 3 Brt t'urnil11rr •·r\'lm sm F'rnm $2·12 rmm $37~ A\'11.llRb!e r .. rfl" 1 < -rl r;i l'lf'.<r-tl 1.11h w11 .<rh"'r hr 11trrl ponl-.11aon11!>-l,.nn1s l'Pf' ITJ0111·1l{'l'll.I\ l'l .. \Y5 p11.t1ns-;1111ple p11rkln1 :'P<·11n!.v Jl:llll.rrl~. HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 011 uc~:,,,'/ A\'E. It.A. 111 1! 5.11>.l-1~7 (\/•• l'lf"!'ll IQ Rill·" prll n 1t \ly \\'1\.1.1 :\.\I \\'A!.Tt~ns co. :! N 3 KR <lh. Apt.<. t1·pl<, rlrp~. hl11n~. nr Hlli111: lln'fl !,:~l\~.~:!2n. Mgr. fi42-4.1~7 or I '"""p",",".,".1",,".,-R",",",","'i:";,".;"0","'' !nr A~•tltll • RR , l BATHS -Vtf:1v ::>lrp~ In Rr~Ph. l .t';i\P ARliEY H~:Al.TY h\'l.•$:ll ·• • 1'0 1\'N\ !!)I !Sf·:.-2-Rr, I '~ R11, pt'i•' rrilin.~. ~d11l1~ only, ri.1 !"'I~ l'.!:)f) 111<• 1'i~~ Rr<l-~·r•! 1 ~1·11,. :.t~-";:,::~ I ' i ha, !1'"111 "''f'il!I, 1;;:,.:•.•ww; 1·11zr 1 l~r 1·;1 1·1••1'1. , 111 i 'ri 1111 I J' 1111", 'Iii•. Y1h" Casa Del Sol N 2 HH-r11rn <inr. f"I'! Jlll· 110, l1'plc 1n 1 AR. ,.1,.v111nr.•, rt~!i11·.<lir•, o·r111.~. rt1·r~. Pe!~ ll L"'''Plrrl. Frnn1 514:,. ZH~il Brnnkl1111·.<ot St, !JR. • 1'j141 ~;'.,'.(~;:1:l • • oc~:AN \'II·'.\\' ~·ro111 ~l:t:., 1 ll!C. ~·urn nr I lnfurn. I 'ASr\ I 'I.A~· A. 111h ,(, \\ H lrntt, 11 ll 7~11>-S"Jij --- l Hll!l\1Y Hr.. 2 !lo\ hl!111~, ~· oulrt k. Sl"ll" In h;iy 01 Resort 1,,.~,·11 Ydv. ,;1: .. 111:;J1 __ ! Livinq n1·~:'"' r rtONT. v1-h •• Ril 1.11,11rv 11p1 11\'11111; ..,., $1 ml!· '2 n:i lllh!< Frpl c:rP~I 11•1!1 ll'O 'l'l'RlhlU, .~11 1mm1n1:. 1 w1' S1'l 1 11111. ,,·,7.r.r.11 . 1r1n1i~, h!ll111rn~. i'l"rl 1·n1 . ;\ 111. 1 R:._ 1111f11rr1. \l'in1,.1· I«• ''!~'•/rnil l 'ln.~ 10 l"'nrt1 h i:• ~~IS, Tl .\ YFHll,"T .~ R1·/~ R11, lq11, ~!lllU!!l l~f'. l!\."MI Kt>RI 1ln.'k.~ !h\tll'-1l:iil,1' (I ... ;,1~.1~111 pAnrl"rl f;in11ly !'nnll'\ 11it h ~RR . 2 h~. tnh~,. ,,,,,, $:~:.!~ l.nwrr rl11n lr'. ''1r•f'I~· rtirn., fil',.pl;ir·~. 11t 1vl.\• n11 i111,.rl I.· ·I Rn 211 h;i _ :nh-.,. .... s.t·l(I 1 FIR rlr11 . \1"rl'lf'rl t·plr 1·1t l'P'l"r\. pr\\' rln11hlr n1rn 1 RR 21 1 h" ho111P ,.,, s:::.n nnl,1. i'n l'h1lr\1·ro nr f''"'~· k r\1~hw~~l1~!' Rr,.111 1(1113.Rr.. ~ h" 16 nio"1 ,,,, $~2~ 'rl.1', ~!,'J() P'"r rnn :,\'j.lf'11 :;,rli;~;~r111.!h~~::~h~1;~.~~;~,flfl1 (ii.· red h"ll • ~;;:~~~: k~c~;m; ..• 0;1 Bn;r 11.n 2 ALOCJ<.i;; h<'ill'h. ffil"O ronm· m11 IP~ $,.,. hugr 11l h·11r 2 Rll, ~ 11\'ltl hPrl ADI. Co111pl r11r11 S'.!10 inn 11111 lnrl. :i1 :,..!.)lh ;.;1. ILR. fi~1-~7i6 . S~2:1 -1 AR Sl •!<'l•n. Nr11 i\rl11 lr~ n11l)-r1t1 pt'!.• I I I" 111 A1·nr11dn St, fHf;.()!'179 l.r .', flit RPI, r>f'l•ll' ilr<-nr , nh1 111!~(·11,.11 c~r·. f1·1'!r, 1•. R~ Rt1n1'i, "'l'f'[ll rrfn;:, St!:,, No ~111:1.<, Si11n C leme-nt1 l"\l>;ill, hrnllh 1·!11h~, ~Illini\\, 1•IHhlin11,,., rm1t.1' l'nnn1, rt~t il•·ill l•'t.,1111 pro N prn ~hnp ~11<1 1n111'h n1r1rl'' . ..:111i::J,.•, I ,(, 'J: r.rr~. ~·urn.U nrurn P,f'11 I~ fi '<•l ll $11'• , •• /\'n tr;,,,. l'f''JllOl'f'd, ,\1orlr1~ nr,.n n~ >l.1 II\ Jn ~ OAKWOO D GARDEN APARTMENTS I \1"1rl _<f'l'\'11·(', ['Ml Util prl . &alboa l1li11nd · ... , • r1111 +iiH7~o • Rt:.\l,'fY Bei11con Bi11y ---·-- G gun• -Beach ~--- LAR!.E h11r hr lnr. \'It\\', ~1 ni;:I" 11rt1JI! .\17' 1!¥.l .. 1464 11 lt"r 6 rim Newport Beach -- ~1,,.1:, rr·r •.. fl'"'. 1111" 1n ,_ __________ _ hl'l1 ~:,j-~j li nr :"1~-2 Hfl. /\'~:Id"! rnn1 hr·ul11"r. 1 .'r nlrl 2 RR. 1 h11 . 11 p1. "ul, dfl rk. J.rlll', nn f'I< S2~. 67:t-11f;1 :..~i;.17 l I "' ,11 Co1ta M-;sa -------Lf~F' 1 Rn ~111rl1n, 1 R~ rrp1 ~. •h·11~ ~!tn,, •11 u!!I f""'l 'l·t·, mn , !ln <'h1\rrr,.n. nn prlc. ~ ~1 \11n11nn .V!fi-tl>1"!. l'i,-'!l htlp }"'111 ~"II' DAll~Y P ILOT f()I' 'I'll!·. R~.:'T ('(lSTS I.~'.~.<; ltl\il)l'lllP , ""f h11r. l1rrril11!'", hP;1n1 l'f'li111j;:,•, !1>11J:':h·ilf'W!l fl<lllf'llllJ:':, his,:' pl'll,ll l<' [lllflO, ? RH 2 RAT!I, •·l11hhn11~P. rnnl. \'.h1111. $174 .l~7 "''· RA_\ SI n1h,.r 2 RH '~ lrnm 1.1'\'11 fl l()llS I llr l\'~lk111t: rl 1 ~lll!11 f' In hr;io •h !. ~hnp t: Sh"i:: 1·1·r1 '<1 11~1111 t1r n,·,."~ lni;: l'l'lnlll lf•~dot "' ~1nr:ii::,r r11 11n t;Ar:ii::.r Ad11I !~ ni1l.v 11'162 A1!~111~ ;,\6 -77~11 hl1111~. rr; ,1 Ul 1 :~)1. '.~1~1n~1. •!11di11 11.pl ~II l1lln~, ~·l~-t:..\!l. ('I ... ,,. ht11\~ In hrR•'h N ~l1nr«:: ln,·I 1•;ir, 11.l;in11, i11. tr r·•..,m ~.\strnic. h'pl<·~. fll'I p;il "l~, f'l"I" l?Rlr~. 22:.! ,·\1•p S~lll>1 l~~rh;11·11 i 1 4 · 4!11 ~Tll ;;r 714 ~~2·ll9;itl n1· "~~-~1'1(! Sa nta Ana CAN'T BE BEAT ~l\~;i.~: ~-ror.Y !'-111 !11 ..;,..;i 11,1,,,n,ph,.r~ 2 Hr: -2 R\'11 1 4 '111 prl ~ l. •1r'p~ 11,,! I 'ru•rl•l •"1\<'ll r1 I' .+Ir r, tin• 1!1".ATl·:n r11n1. r 1 .. 111v nl l;i1111 D t'f)(l1'1 ,t. .'i1n1''IJ:':'" ll!Dl1F:N VII.I .AGE: 2;'111 So11tl1 1'.~nta Ani! e S;illa ~16·1.l'.r.i I IOI f\'l<i•·Arrhur :l·lf>.JUl2.1 Apts., Furn. or G1n1r •I Unfurn, 3 70 PALM MESA APTS. BR1'hrlor ut1!11rn . , , , . , Slli, N,.,1 nn1·1-Nnrtll .II~ lrv1nr Av,. /;.t,'!-l')fi,:;() ''rwpn1·1.,'\n11rh 1700 11iih S1 i;42..-,1n VISTA DE L MESA Apertme nt1 1 .t. 1 RH 1''1l!'n II t in/ n1~h "'l~h•·r .'ln1 ,. 11n.t nf'fn t - :-;h;ig • rp1 i:: l.1 i:: r:rr '"'nlrr I:~:/\' I' "lnrtc .,1·,~ Tustin & M e si11 D rive * .545-48SS * I e NI C E -.- Th· flln•I hf';1 11!1f11I 1 ll'W nt lflf' h;iy f. n•·rHr\ Ir! !hr li~1·h11· 111·r;1 2 Ar? 1 RA 11111~ rnr 1~ ... ~,. 612-2202, Si11nt a-A n a VILLA MARSEILLES BRANO NEW SPACIOUS 1 & 'l Bdrm. Apts. Adult Livi ng F urn . & Unfur n . l)1~h11 :1 1•1 l'i>lor '""'1'11n11I· rr1 ll fll ! •nrP.11 • 11111.<rh .11'111.R c11rp••1 r hnice ol 2 mlor yh,.1nr3 . 2 balla • 1111.Jl shnl\rr~ . m irrored w11rd· rohe rionr, • Incl 1noc1 liJZhl. ln2 In ki!ch'n . hrl"11kf11.11! b11.r • hlli;:e pril•11.te !'need p11.tio • plu~h l11.nd.11c11pin11' • hr1ck Bu·R-Q'.11 . Jarie heat- ed pools &: l1nal. 3 101 So, Bristol St. i~~ ~fi. N. or So. Cna.11t P laza) S•nt• Ana PHONE, SS7-1200 B11chl'lnr r11rn •.•.• ,,, 11·1_·,, /~;;;;;;;;;~ 1-Brt unrurn •••• , , , , , , $1111. 1-~rt fui•n ........ tmm ~1:1.·,, I ~ ;t.R)t unl\1rn • ,, • , , .. , . $1fi!l, "•nt1!1 "' 2-BH r1irn ........ h'()m $17j, . • rnor. • SA VNll S'l11JJl0 11 p1, norlh, \·irw, e .TA<"UZZ[ ~u11ilr1·k. nurrflr~. lllil, pd. J.-161 ~1,.!tll Or. Rooms 400 . ..:rpr. l, $16:",, ~!J.1 -11262 lip, "' "" '" Mei• V1rda B•lboa P1nin1ul• • $1:> fl('r l\lfl\i1rhen. 11 pl.11. ,,,.,,,_, rlrp~. s1:>:)/n10 ,\!11s1on nr ph 71.;7-7940. -·----~-1 ---------,\1otrl V' ATTRACTIVE ---2 In ('hnnio; .. frnm. 2 HR. ll<'W ./ 2 RR, 2 h11 s:;1url111, $1fil <·1)t~. 1trp~" pi1 1nt. Xln1 lfW', Crl'I\, rlrr~. pAho POOi,. I '.'\r ~Mp''=' k fr\\}'. ld<'1tl !nr •"hllrl nk #;1~1'.'lf;, NlUf'll" II<> r+utrl r,.n, 1111 flt'!~ t,nr; .1 f'.:r , 2 Ra. nn prt1'i. 11111 m(), fi\;.;i~1 :1 nr &l·I 1•1011 •·hldr•n nk j\1' ~"hfot !. ~h·1n1<. nr f>-11-fli:•~ lnr 11.pp1 11r..·, mn 1\1·1111 9/.1 l l.l.72.1:1 f>t.X 2 II ,1 Rr, 2 Ri1, ,.nrt '2 Ar:, s12.; f'l'l(I S1n1 r k r .. lr1i: I i::ar 11',I),,, 1111 r.r11t~! nlr 111a1I. 2'lt!L~' \\'11.ll ~r,. St, 'WI'• \l11 r,. !\\" :)lfi..lfl.11 ('\I :•1/Lt Vll I i·h,. IA•lf'~t 11r•w In !hr \V"•I h11i1.v r11~ ,v.n1-Ar1~ -hm I .. " n .. 11~ P itnt c111~~u, .. n t11•J"f1t lns RkiM"I". Ad. ~2~~7l ---------~ .. YRl.Y-2 RR, '2 hlk tn hfo~rh. MRIUt'P Rflul1~. AvAil 9/1. S?.:'111 f>7l-1.'l.17, !lfi2-~2!1. --- 2 Br apt, y1i11rly 67.";-ol2J2 111! F. pm. Corona del M a r • cr.~:.o\N, qui,..1 , lri:: Bdr m. priv l'lnm". "''"' ~·11.n'lrobe rln~!'I. l>-1fi-:llH2. ~·nriN rn1. klli·h JV h11.. 1 ~<l111t. f)'l'oln1n II A. $7:l mt!, lllrRI lor •ll11 !f'nt. 6·12-R~2fl. Tr.nri1rAr. t:Ar""" ,,,.1,, 1 Jf.~1 Tn 11. rrr1""rl !Arly 1n n;;, J',,J. fq11 , Q111r l, t:\ l•)O•jl ln1l'h. fl'llf'I f1'11ll " 111 (". 11,f ~1n11 ~I~~ \1n, #;11 1,-:it': I r.rr~ ~n ·~nk11~ :~v::1 ~:, Thr ,.,,,.~, rlr11.w 1n th,. \\',..1 1 ~L~:~:rlNC rm. ~f,() mn. .. II n...11y P ilot CJ11.••ll1ed \!A rurr' ~r1111t r r1\' h• ,, Ari . M2-!irnl ,.n! 21 '·' f:1t1"M Arit II, ("\I . '11 ~··• -r.....1 .. ;.'., ..... *~~~. ~J•i....M-"'·---.. -·~-.~ -·"-- I f : • ' ' ' • • ·' ' , ' ' ' . ' . ' • • ! ~ ' . . . . . .. . . •' . . . ,. _,. ; .. ' Looking For Someone To Take An Order? We're Ciood At It We'll even pay the postage to get yo-u to give us an order. Get ready for some quick profits by mailing in your order today. Put a hard-working DAILY PILOT classified want ad to work for you. USE THIS ORDER FORM USE THIS HANDY ORDER BLANK . WE PAY POSTAGE! 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE LI NE -NO AD LESS THAN 3 LINES l • ' " Tl .. ES TIM(~ Tl"°' ES ll MlS ---- S4.SQ S7 .40 Sll.70 s 17. 70 SS.BO Sl.21 S 11.SO S22 .50 S6.80 s 10. 76 s 17.)0 S27 .l0 PA YM ENT EN CLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 rJ1.1 .• ~ 1 •............. .;,,, ~·1 •• ·1 ........................... . c 1.,.,1., •• ,.,. . ....................•......... , •........•........ "'·-· ........................................................ . "'"""" ............. : ......................................... . C 'v .•.•..•.• , , ••...••. - . , .••..••• "·••· .....•............••..• BUSI NESS REP LY MAIL ~ "' C ,.,, ~. -·• N" 11 C···~ "'·•• C.•' 1 •.• ,. Ordnge Co~~t DA ILY PILOT P. 0. Bo• 1560 Costd Mesd, Cdlif. q262b 10 FtGoU ~l COST ~"' ~ .• 1, ••• ~·"•d .• ··~~ • •• ,, t b••• l"<ludo v•u• ·~"''" '" "' ""' .. , ... ~ ... l•o to<'·!'"'" ,J ;, •' ''• ••0 ,1 '"• I "• ~· ~• '" "• 1,,. '-"'.I'"'' od ,, ~·I, '•• ~~d i lOO .,,, 1 1·•• ..... J ~-"''" ..... 1 r ~·~" 1>1'QT ~"' lt<Y·t• . '" -· .,; .. ~· ., Or Give Us an Order by Phone I -. - At 642-5678, The Direct Line to DAILY PILOT • • Classified Want Ad RESULTS 25 PILOr-AOVE.l:TIS[.lt Wtdnt~cl.ay, August 25, 1971 DAILY •tLOI $1 1r-----...... ~~~:1~~)~ I ...... I~ L-..[ _ ....... _ •• ..::l~~-1 I[~"';;;;' ... _ ...... ;;;;J[g]~ 1:.0 __ ... _-~ -"J Carpet S•rvlc• l Buy a Border I. to ' ' ~ Border 1 I Bargai J; • f ' ' l ' ; . i l j • l l f i : ! i .• ~ t I • : ' • , . • • • i I t : : • • ! I Every clanifioi:l w1nl 10 1n tho DAILY PILOT appears in evety •dition ev•ry da y. That means your ad will be seen in papers de livered to ho,.,,es end sold from new ,racks from border to border •II alon g tho Orange Coast ••• all tho woy fro m Seal Beach to San Clemente You Get It All • • • Huntington Beach Valley Fountain Costa Mesa Newport Beach Lagu11a Beach Saddleback San Clen1ente Capistrano (Plus the daily newsrack edition) For One Price With A 1 DAILY PILOT Classified Ad Phone 642-5678 P1UV4TE room, patio, S23.~. • ~li-6~"' * workinc m11n. 6-12-t1S4 Gv.•t H•m• 400 8u1ln••• llt.•nt1I a \l/TNTER r'n!al wa.n tt rt, DESK !pace availAble . $50 nn Or,.•nf'rnnt. Irr l11mily, mo. Wdl provide furn1tu~ min. 4 BR'•· M~5922. at SS mo. An~wtrlna 1trvi~ -~- 11viilir.hll'. 305 No. E 1 I BDR M f'l'.lmh1r11hly furn. C 11 mlno R ,.111 , San h,v m .llhu·r msrri,.rl N'HJpt,.. C'l~mo"nte. 492-4420 Pl'rn1 . ~:-.-7~. 11 r1~r ~. 4'5 ~-oR 1 .. ,~, <>r ...,.n, l'lff1r" Mi;c~t~ls ~u11 ,. 1n ~Mppint r"nll'r. 7.lO •<! ft RN',pt nn. 2 olfic,.•. LOCKED. lr nrt~ 11lflr11.1:t mr l'lnr11ri:,. h11 rrpl'rl A•1a11 hn~r• t1r f'llmptr.'I. 50c pt'r !l/l. :11i F., J71 h St. O t .. ~~!:,!~~ -,.,.,,,--- St:-.0. "45.-24:11. STATTON fnr r,.nt. nl'wl y BAY VIEW OFFICES r1,.ror11 ~r1 ht-11ur;.· • • 11'1n. lflf'&!~rl Nl'll'pt"lfl 8 ea r h . ft.12-2311 . --·------- l30 SMAl~hl•rkd.,a. "4>-21~. Lest '"' Lest N11 n1,. . At'lrlr~.'~ 155 r 11" -----------ISt.11!e .. .,-.,-.-., mn. ynur hnme nr mi n~. ,1. OI" ,. I I ., 4!\6-.• 1ili, l,.,11'\1,. ffil'IS&Jll'. ,,11111u1r " .n r •"·------· sht!:l'pdnJ" rmp. r" m • I ,. , Th•afric•I 510 \1111!1-"'Y'tl. R~w11 rrl Nl'I qiu•~•-JAXON •h M I . , h 1· k ,, ••~ ,,.,, . ,. ait r111n , r ion., •• '"· ·"·P"Ut . t . I ,. '' 00 n m.11r1r or p11 r it..'. •. ------·-- * * * * • ).1..NT on·1cE SPACE nnw 111·1111. I.ldn ftldt. ~ /11 Lidn. N.J:i. 67 ....... 501. Trader's Paradise ___ , e l()'l SQ ~T. S ~'.':ifm l'l ,I rrpr'r!, rlrti'rl. Cn!t• 1'1~1a . c.-.11 Mli-21.'.0 The DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST'S leading l-. Arre impt"lvHI Joi, ,C:1 , rn>N"i:,, Ut1h, t'ln r n I f t't'lllt'W, l'r•fl" ..qulty ffW" 00«.1, rnntnrcyd,. rrr ;~ • 543·il72 * l80.nM B.:yM'f!lt 4 br. l bt. l.'I' liv rm, ltm nn. rm lor ?'°" .l boe1. Tn.dt lor tmat1e r hu in N.B, att• .• Write T.P ., Gt.n £A!,J. N.B. 2 Wtll renttd homts, 4 hr. 2 bit l,, S.n Ml tM " Bel- k I mont, rf'OIS S245-S?O'l. TrAd!! Mar etp ace ••r '"'" ''""''· 1,., <. IA"'Mt, hk'r, '7J-43fl4 * * * lines * 4!M-:1!i6!l ------ Auto W•xln9 Skeeters W•1h N Wax CnmP1rNJ S7.~ S111,nd11 rr1,11 S!I.~ Qu 1c:k s,.rv. Cam P@r• A, Mnbll .. •"r" 11 v111!, Yt111r h<>m• t1r pic.k lip. A."~•. n~•n.up • no,, n111 in1 M5-255c. 101' D!Koont Y lo .-.ac -.n1t(IMAJ Jntrodll('tory Spe<'l•i 1 8' •. h J . SrMm <1r sh1tmpm cltanlnr C"l'pr~. window.!!; !Hinra. l'lr. DIAMOND _ ltl't. •Comm I. ~1~ Rl'pA11~ or Jmira ll •Mn llOUSE Or CI..f:AN - F're.> F:~L MS.1 ~17 [ Pr'l"lfet1. Carpet 0,.aninc. Cerp•ntir r re! f!al. ~r ... &4~24 . Hl'lll11&cl~ntnt By Dll.Y· CARPENTRY Own Tr1r.&pttrta1 ~n MINOR llJo.:PAitts No Job ('11_11 .t.16-(JM.t Ton !mt.J I. C11.blntt tn ca.r.' Palntln & a,r:es k o t ht r cabinet• I ~ 9 545.817S If nn 11n.\Wtr lta v~ aperh•n1ln9 m~tt· 1t 64&.23T.I. H. 0. 1'n W~- Andl!rson. *WALLPAPER * --_.NY SIZE JOBI When~ c1.ll "~a r" rt l',.lrl, rnmm'l, lndUt •Pit . [>4•-1444 M&.1711 AH IY~ .,...,rk. Qu1t·k !\for\, ~ATNTTNG , prnf,..tslon11I. All R,.11.t . Jli'rH. .. 11:1 . !le2·1'.l61, ,,.,ork 1 u 11 rn . ('l'l tnr f.XPP:1l. r ,.-,,,-1'11'!-~l-fnf., •ti"ri a l itt , 962+gJ4:1, r11hlr'll'IA, r..p1lr.o. m~1nl. N" !'t-47-1441, Joh '"'"' 1mal1. ft f • •. PRO"~r0.-,."°'icnn=na-cc-.,-c-f/cin-1c.-.,..,..,., Mg...41.24. I wt1rk. Ar.ot>la r t i I 1 f'l l 11 . ----CAftl'ENTftY by Durkari AJ rlt!• 1prtyin1. R t t 1 . ,T1Jnes. Cu•tnm ~11.~rk. I M7-1351. Formir 11 , ~le. A.t!:t ir!, comm. P APERHANGER -r u!lon1 f;46...;.JAA. "'"rk. nn .inl'I tl'ln Jm11ll, 11 1l 1u11tn1 . ~·or trl't t~t. rllll !lAA---O:ll~. C'abln,.r,...ptan11-llourly n r \or1t1·11r!. :'1~·4220. ~!i?l!I. • INTF.Rl01t E.XTF.RIOR * Cement, Concr•t• L1r, 1n•, auar1n1, .. r1 , C.111 -----------' H•t'rl~. M2-'4~'1.I.. ExJl"rl PATIO !'Pf'ri11li11I~. Arl ti 11.1 1'1~.~~ 11pr1yinJ.. fli~r1nrtinn In ~·nur hl'lm .. rrnni·r.s.~JONAT-.-p-,-,-.,,,-.-.-. with 11 r11~tom p11lu• rlr~it:n· j irif,r/,.:o..tl'I' Hn™"8t ll'flr'IL "" ,.~pl'r11.ll.v fnr .vnur hfomr. ! Lir t, in~. M~-27.'1!1. f14;,..~\'>0. Qu11l1ty. f:x p ,.rl l'nr • ---------------·"11.ti~r11ctiori, E11~n .c. .son1 'PAINTIN C.: Ht'n ,.11 t C<in~trur!lon MU7ff9. ;::u 1r11_ntl',.rl 1>.'n1·k. 1.i1"rl An.v "A1'1·0-,,.~ -12:-., -. .-11 llt.f! joh. Ciill fi7:\-574n. ,-.~. WA ~. nfll'!, 1n~!11 .,,.w 111 wn~. SJ.II'. break . rl'111nv,., :i.l~atifi.t fflr l!IL f'IAJNTING. l ic'd int . Frf'~ 1'8tim. Qu1\i ty m11t'I. dt!:f>'ri- riablt. 24 hr~. 847-41~. H•lp Wantitd, #It. & ll 711 Adm Sales START A CAltHlt WITH CHALLINGE AND STATUS $50,000 PLUS t ~' VOi i WANT A u r & TIMF. CARf:~:R RATI{ER THAt\' .I US T AN01'H!:R .10f'-\\1f:·1.1.. HELP T RAIN YOU, J, C.IVF: YOll THE /Nf.'ENT !Vf: Til "'OR. K1 HAAO WITH THf: SECUR· fTY OF' Nf:VER HAVrNG TO \\'ORRY A80UT F'U· TUll.F: F'lNANC1AL PA:OB. l.F:;\t~. fl!JR ffi1\fPAN\' M A S npr.NEn UP THREE NEW nrv1s1nN~ THAT HA V!: rnf:.-.rr.o ,liALf:.li. "'MAN. Al.f.Mf:NT p()SfTIONS TO RF: F'ILLF:D IMMEDIATE- LY. • <'.\rliJl11r r 111· Pl"n • c;.,m~nr Tr;t1n1n1 • L1~rA l 1''rint~ R!!~ifs • YOtJ'LL \VORK k LEAPlN FROM TOT' PnOf'~SI()N. .<\!. MF.:'N LIKE 1''()RMER ,lil'OCK.BR.OF<ER , F'INANC- IAl. CONSUT.TANT. AAA.AV rlAVJ.C: /,, f•INANCJAL JN. VESTMF.NT ANALYST, A.. F., BROKER, DAVID El. LOOKTNGLANIJ. CALL NOW! 558 -0444 A1k fer Mr. Mock•r AEROSPACE : rlon't w.tlt for 11p.1rf' Alt• !I' r,.turn. Laid nl!? Ovrr .O~ Position tn- 11f"rur.-! Pur ynur brain powr r h11rk lo work, now. Stimulalins:. 1 11r.r11 t Ive , NEW, 11u1omotivl'. Jo'uJI or p11rt t!m~. CAii Mr. Ollvtr 1714! TIR-1714 M-Th. ~ AIRCRAFT P!a~l,or Pa11~rn ~\ak rr~. Mflrlrl1>r~. C 1 11 ~ >1 &-fi 1 00 A~SfqANT l"ol1u111s:•r, (\V .. r 1:., tl(I l'XPf'r. ~r. Fuller Gardenlnt Nt> .ioh too .•m11ll Rru~h f'l'I. 91i2-lMlt\. e M2-~1~ e =.--- AL'S GARDF.NING COCi-PLO"Mif~ APPRAISER !t>r ill.Tdl!!n\na-A: •m a 11 Ra nk h11ektr0ul'l!1 541).SliS. Sl!rv1n11: Ntwport. Pool Sarvic• & \VESTCl.JF't' land~plnll' •~lee:•, ('All \'M hr. sf't"Vii'f'. "4;..!lfil C-1111 M rll. Sc-hmirtt C'dM, O\sla Ml'lll, Dl'lvtt Installation rf:R:-:ONNEI.. AG~;NCV Shol'f'.!!, Wf'Jtf-1\ft ----------204.1 w..,,trlitf Dr., NB S.~ \\'Ef:KJ.Y. mn"''· l'tla:,., .\ .Jnhrt!I"" Pt>r.1 Sl'rvlr • 415-277n v11ruum mfl~I lll \o\11 ... N,.11 1.1 .Spl'r1 11l Thill wk . .,nl~·. Ynur i'" .. """""""'""'"' .. ••I rh•Pf>nrl•hlf'. ('llU f:ri 9fi2-;;11"> ~rrl mr>. ('h.omir.111 I,, rl,•n· Banll'lna 11nyt1n1 •. -----1 lnr. Jf'IV. fl'f'I'. M~·326~. EXPER • .<rmNKT.~"' ~~~-----COMMERCIAL Nl'w 111wn ... tr,,. .. ~ •hnti'ill LF:f: Ronlin1: Cn. Rnnl!rir flf r"mnvl'r1, rnlot i tl lnf . TELLER 11 11 'YP"'-~· (l"rnvl'r , r"Pllir.!! . l11 11r1.!!r11p1n,1t. li1.'>-2fi<I~. th~r-mn rnt1 t rn11ti n1 ... whil " FRnNT,'.11rrf l.A \\·n ~r1 !.10 ~· rnlnr. J.ir/hriru1~1! •inr, mo R11rk)•111'fl.~ •l~fl .1 '47. M2-7m \\11'f'r1 1n11:. y11NI rl,11n-up. ·-----------A-1 J\fnhil• Hom" Rf'l(lflni -"-"-'-"-'-· ----~~-Sf'rvlrl'. Rnnf.o r 11 u I k,. ti . PnorE~~ll'INAI~ G11 r11 .. .,..r, ~.1,.rt " CNlt .. r!. Mt,..~. I•,. 11·rwk. 11r11 n1n 1:, S spi•i nklf'rs , rl"•n UT' jtlh.•, •wing/ Alteretlon1 1 • n fl J c • p 1 n I . C.Mirt,., e Dr,.a!m11kinr -Altf'r11 tion! f.46-:)8!1:'1. nl'!\tn"ti tn .<uil yf111, TnM·~ J11p1n,~f! G.11rr1~11f'r <:1111 Jn * M6-644i; Ap1, -Jnt111 •!'l.Cnmm'l·R,..01. -Alteratl;;.;1.-=-'42.58-45- tlrn!'!. <:nmp. !.11ll'n C.Ar"., Nt11.t 11crur11 1t 20 yta.n "xp. f',.w 1 .. wn, •J)rinklr. ~lJ.44,~ ' ' · LA\VN-C:ARE-,<.-l!;t'dl'-;; Tre• Service ""nrk, l11!hl h11 ul 1nl!. F.1t:p'rl . C.F:NERAL Tr,.,. St rv. Y1n1 r:~11~nn,.hl,. <"~!_'.l-1~ I .. 1,1 n-11p. h11 ulinr . 1prink1'r F.XP ,l11p11nf'.•" r.11.rrl,.,..r. ~pair•. Rt11.o.. "46·5M". Kmw hnll', up-kf'f'l'I. pJ,.nl 1 Tile P"'AI, tr1mm1n1. rl,. .. n-up. ~ .... ,4l!fi. CERA:'>flC tile new 1' Mlf.AT1Vf, C.Artf1r-:N1Nr. I r"n1nr!l'l f'r ,.,. "~I !';ma ll i\lt1, i\1 11 111 /, Yrl. rl ~11 n-1111 job' Wl'IN)ml'. fi,\n---2.f}\; . l.Anrl•<'llPlllll: I. s;prinldf'IR i n~l •I. ~·1·,.,/l'.•I fi7:1-116fi. --------- Ar:·.c:-1.11rirl11c11r1rlf:. Tr1:;-~1 [ l~mllf'll JllJ ] mov11J. Y11rl'f rtmodtlina:. "· -------"· Tr11~h h1tllina:, Int r leanup. Rl'p111r 11pl'!nkler~. 6'13-U 86. FF' YOU WANT AN 0 1·1•1cr DECORATION YOU OON'T WANT MF-:1 It ,vnu .,,.,.r1 .11 n inrlu•lr1nu• h11 rrl \\'l'll'kl'r wilh 11n('ll'! typ- ln ri:. litl' hn "kk ',. p l n i;. knnwll'rlJI' of .. n ph"""" nt 10 k,.y r 11 lruh1tnr •nrl l'X· EX PER. PROOF MACHINE OPERATOR -UNIT!D- CALIFORNIA IANK 6 Mf'fllrrh R11,v Plau. South Ulr una 496-1273 Jo;qu11r Oppor. Empl ... y.or BARYSITTER wan~d. mv hrlm,.. /V11~11it1n V1ejn. ,; lo ·!I yr~. n"'ll n·~n•. pr,.I. a:J0...4 p, 4 rl11y, wk . .t.~7-7141. RABYS l'ITF:R .,.....rll'(! tnr ;'i .~r olrl 11il'I !; ~ .vr nlfl bny 1n .•rhl. Hr· will \f~I',\<. i\1tt~I IJll' ir1 nur hon1,., ~47-71 21 HA FIABY:\l'ITF.R R l'!l.JIOn~ihll' ll'nm11 n, t1wn tr·11.n~. P11rt Nm,. I. on c11ll. F.44-400.t F:.11111 RluH. RARYSITTER-nr.-ri·-.,.~. -m-,-,·, I h11v,. rown 1r.11n,. Mnthtr 11.·nrk~ nlJi:'htfl. r .. 11 Mf>-5.'117. RAflYSITTER wilh n w n l!'~n!I.. Th111 th,. WWk. :~s-t:J.17 1·1ll 11N :. P\I. BARYSJTTER w11nlM, my t>nn-i ,. llR .• r11u 1111 );JO: 2J .1/$12·107f;, ,.,.11,.nt 11ffirl' p rn r "fl 11 r ,. l •iiiiiiiilii&iiO .. iOi ...... , •kill.•. THT.N rnu Nt:t:n Blue Ox ~fF.! I 1m lny11I, r .. i!i'ilul. THfN(";S h:y MtlOM':, U . ,.l,r;I .• plumb, Ienct , till', in11tln11. carpentry, p11int et.c. ~~20. Mt111. Cleanlnc Si>rvttt C11rptl•. W!ndow1. t11'11'1r l'lr,, Re8!d. Ao; Comme'I, M&.-4UJ TIRED ol rhaf old rum1ture1' ff'1 r,.ally Ml th•! h11rd to rt'pl11~ .111"' w11 trh I~ f\d7!lh.•,.. .. mlle«llan«rJJ. I C"Olum_r,. In tM Ot.•lned - f"llAblt , dtpl'n d 11.h l t , r.hl'erlul, 1 .Q:oori amur. I .11 lao Mvt l'Xt::,.llt.nl ,,.,.rh, ther~for,., I 1m a r(ll'll'! workhors,.. M.~1. DA-YWOA.K-Gtnf!ral Clt11n· inf. All kind). Rr li111 1llt . ()""'" tranap. 5418 9330 cir ~.l-700f'i. IS OPENING SOON IN COSTA MESA WITH POSITIONS AVAILABLE POR. ===-o.,--c= COMPAN·~!:C. MAny •kill•. * ll o~tl!sst• r.):1. rlrl\'l'r Ao r.11 r. J.lvt out. • l Nl I l't!A. 1\7~~. Act1, CPA/PA $UK Pmd. Mfr &-"' 112K c .E. OJnstruc-tion SJSK A/P Ol'Mtrucnon $600 U:pJ Sec'y kO'J Gh1 F'riday 115.'iO Rectpt/Gen'I Ofr ,,.. ~ Cuh1tn·Tn.1~ to $2. In hr ~n·t Ofr p/llm,. S2.00 hr NEWPORT Personnel A9ency Ill Dover Or., N.I. '42-1170 • Ra rrtntlf'r~ • Cnekllit W1 ttr .. • Au1boy~ * ()!1hwa1hfora • BmilttmllP Apply in Perton Room •111 Cost• Mesa lnri RAM·Noon rr ~M ·APM f"o RESULTS Yol• et.n 0.. prnd en, Cl.II tti. ... per. ;, a I " • m 1 n. .o..1.b' Pt1M 01.UU!trl M~ -JIMll )'l'lUr •d .. cl'l&rle ltf f ' . A DAIL v PILOT WtdnnQJ, AlifUtt 25, 1'171 ·1 ~ _ .... _,,··_,![)] l'--·--·-.. ··_,I[)] l.___ ..... _ .... _,][11][.__ _b""_·-_,J[ll]!~_""""_-•_,J[Il] I (1 .... , ... J[ffi L1 ... 1n,.. . ' A.I, W.Z. MI F 918 A.Ip W.ntJ, MI f 918 Help WanJed, M & f 710Holp W•-M & F 11 0Help WantM, M & F 710 Help Wonted, M & f 710Help Wanted, M & ,.710 H<ilp Want .. , M ~ F 710 ti91p WantM . M & F 71 0 ~ UT'Tl.JTY men needed f~ r:i. BE alll'•YI 'o\'dl d~1'Wd al m C05t ~llnt f'uhlOna ••ill ht-Ip yuu st111 yuur a"'·n hu!!ITll'I'~ •I no ro~1 P1t1'1) I ~!I n M>tlu~. f'~h*r J)fl.r• un1r ar tull 1frne. C1111 1 539-:MlS. 1 Coco's Happily Married THE NEW New CARROWS Rhtaun.nt TEST openinr AUgult 30 . .Apply In pf'rs o n 1 t C 1 rrow 1 TECHNICIAN ·-"'='""'='"I '~" ·~'"'"~"· 1 •• ~_ico, San Clt'mentt . WAITRESSES needed for New CARRO\l/S Ja1tauru l BECOME a pan o! th" I &autiful TdPa11; 0 11. llf General Food~. \\'C!' nrf'rl 2 re8j1. lf'm rrenagPn & 3 11duhs. No doof! lo '1(1Qr Exi>c pnllilion~ 11\'llil. 1;42.10&1 11 11~ 1mmtr.. open1n1 '"' SMILE A LOT-l'ERSONABLE LIKE TO MEET PEOPLE GREAT TRAINING PROGRAM (no ••perienc• necesury) REUBEN'S PLANKHOUSE We u e .eelcing an individual with 5 }'tal'! electronic ex- per. Including eXpQIUtt ttl precision dectronic tesl equipment Position requir- e' kno""'edge of. electronie funda~nt.ds I theory &: techniques, u wen 11s. !he ability to unclC!'rstand, oper. •te & inleJ1!J'f'1 irrslTUme:ntg \.l9f':d with 1 b1gh degree ol a nalyt\I'.' Eloll. ~1athf'mancs background should include r.alcu:la s It physics CO\Jl"Ses. Pn-ler ell.per. 1n 1tie_ field of s~ ... I opening Augu11 30. Must M , ~ BUSBOY A pply In Per son 71 Fashion lsl•ncl New port Beact, 2 Or 3 Nights A Week Ap p licat ion• given 9 -5 p.m. d•ily Apply for o ur W•itre•• T r.1 inin9 P rogr.1m !e•cept Sunday•) Accepting • Hostesses • Wa.itresse11 Application• For: • Cocktail Waitres11 • Busboy11 21 or over. 11pply in po!non I 111 Carrow. Rnta t1ran1. 6~ I Aven i da P iro , S in · Clf'!mente. ·1 WAITRESS EXPER. COOK, E XPE.R. l'/l1mf' Evf' shi!L ~tU!-i'T 3901 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HE ti. EAN ,, ."I EAT. NO "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!~~l!!!"!J!!!!!!!Jl!J!!!l!!!!!!J!!!!!!~!!J!!l!!!!!!!!!J!!!J!!"!'!"!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!'!!!!!~ I -UNITED -PHONE CALI~"' Applv in ! M F 710 HI W t d M&F 710 HI W t d M & F 710 CAL IFORNIA BANK prn:nn. S11r1 & Sirlnin,.:>!130 He lp Wanted, & • P an• • • P an• , SECRETARY Typing 5tl·Sll "5. BEACHCOMBER THE DON • Cooks • Dishwashers • Bartenders • Book.keeper Fringe Benefits Include Paid Vacation, Profit Sharing Plan , Major Medical Plan ... APPLY IN PERSON I A.M . • l P.M. 6 :'>1nnarrh Ra y P!al..3 South l.AJ111na I 1-----------6060 Warner Av•nue \\' Coos1 !-111·) .. N B. -('ClOi.:s--;;;;d~ -for-NPW llOUSEKF~EPER, hll 1~1 on I 1\t£CllANIC I-u r c 1 g n or ORDERLIF.S, day~. nite~. {Corner of Springdale & Warn1r) ASSEMBLERS CA 11 n 0 w5 R 1·,.~ula r·~ 1t11y off t-,vf'ry Domeslu~ Good pay St,.11.dy f.:i.:Pf'r. PeN;Onnf'I Dept.. Huntington Beach ,.~llltll'lull • 1'hur~ ,,,_ r v .. ry-olhrr Sun. I Job. 646-8310 Hoag, _'l~l"'~P~";''~·~Nc'~.B;.;;;;;:;:;; 'l!!!'!!!l!!!!!!J!!!!!!"!'!'J!!l!!!'!!!~!!J!!"!'!J!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!J!!!!J!!!!!!J!!!!'!"'! I I ~':;~n: nAu:u~l ~·11~P:~\ ... 1 : SAM thn1 d1nn1>r al 5pm. S:!O !'.1EDICAI. transcribf'r, e~-PART hmr l'xp "'a itrr-5M'~. H elp Wanted, M & F 7 10 Help Wanted,~ & F 710 ~~Ct ~e~:r :i:: Rl's!auninl 620 A \' r n id a Pf"r Day. Ap1»y in perMin, per, f'/lln1e, Prr9)flnd over 21. Blu boy11, O\'l'r IR. tronic assembly eXP'r: 49~1173 Eq1111I Oppor. 1-:1nplnyer Pico, Sa n Cll'nlenir; 103~ Sant iago, Dovrr Shore~. Dt>pL Hoag Yos pi!ai, N.B. Apply ~I Nf..,.,·port Rf>;i f'h knowlffigr: ot color code te- BEAU-rY 0Jlt'ra1or for N.B. ()'f ,1 lnFULI OR Tl'nn111 Oub 2601 f:lllltblu tf Sa!es-~ Estate -_ ... h · 1 .. ~ COOKS \\'11n1erl t111i• & ni,ht M El, A ,_,.... · INCOME PROP qui.ni. · • rhilrtn-n ·~ a1 rsry 1111' "·~·II· . · llOUSEKEEPER-llvt 1n f<ir ~ o· 1 Bal Dr . N.B. ' P1•elrr 1nal111'r 1• n 1n a 11 ful l g._ p~r1 1 imf"_ At.W I · I :l PART Tb\fE. 1 J t'\ !Ill\ • -;-,,,.---~~~~-SALES _ : .,., , · lnirrnet'l. 28.-,~ Harbor mot~res!I homf'; gir ~ 67~8740. 'PART lime SPr·yltypi~1 for R. b J MGMT. ACQUISITION 644 701~ fl! f;1 ... -~.R~. I . ' Y•" boy ll ,,,.~. ,_,l•d '" . I II ---BOYS 1•14---Hh·<t, ( ... \1. ii ' · ~·' "'j;' I 1 1\fU~rCI A N wan1Ptl: Guitar, grn,.rri nu'" wnrk . t!U en .1 EXPANDrNG 4J YR .fo'rRM v-e COUP!f' t •!() 11n.t1.nglon . ar )fl11r Lu lhf' or ac:c:orchon pl11yer. 67;>-7Ri>2 or 67f>..-!498eve!. H HA to deJiv(•r paJH!rs in lhe :>ian _ , • o m3na~ -w/sw1m g ponl. C11ll i1 4: 1 <:; ~ Ch le 1 Costa Mesa · · rmistead & Co. ClPmf'nlt, San .J1111n Ca pi,.. 1Jn1I~ .. Pxchllngl' lur l BR !o:27-R970 or 21.l: :.92-2084 a~k ' AR p Ip y .1 ~-11 .. " ~ & ; pn1 PBX opr. Answf'ring Ser.I. (114) 830-7600 trano and Capisrrano Beach epr. Knol-\~edge of all phases for .lohn Gi\'Hnit. ! es auran ..., "n ' ' Exper. Prl'l'd. Huntington ./SALESLADY ... "Tut Show- arl'a. or mi1<nlenancf'. Hu!!ban<! " . ! 414 No. NewprirT Bh•r!_, N.B. 8Pach, :.36-Rl!IB. Now interviewing Off", 22 F'ar;hior\ ·Island , DAILY PILOT may hii.v,. outsirte job, Call llOU~KEEPF,R -IRf'hablf'J P ERSONNEL •ecretary. 1 N1>wport Beach. ~92_4410 ~-50'15 aft 6 pn1. 3 hr!! d ay, :. rta yit W!'ek. yr "XPf"rienc:e requiff<I , BUSBOY ME..'CHANICA L ... Qual11iC'd 11pplicants will have two years of m!'.'Chanica.! produc- tion assembly exper. abili ty to optrate precision' mcas- ll!"f: f!'(!Uipment & complete tina! a.'lsembly on varied gtandard produc tion instru. men!s, Hotet coffee •hop, brea.kfut shift For lntervlf!w. Calt · 644-liOO bftwn ll>-2. Ask for .. Isa." hosteu. WAITRF.SS. Pa!m Sprinp rop nost. Tray 1ervitt. Res- iden:1al f1cil. a vail. J;46...033l for appL \\' AITRESS. D11ys 12-2 p.m. Tips only. Apply or plx>ne/ The Al.Amo, Dana Point .• 1 4~175. . e WAITRESS WANTED: Days. Balboll. fsland. Good! tips. Call 6Ta-3375. ~ ' WAITRESS. Expl"r , 01/eT' 21.1 Nl'.'at! EGG & ALE 673-09n . ' ' Mr. Z1n1mrr. WORKING Pharmsrl1t[ rnothC!'r need1; rt !i 11 h lf'. r.1>sponsih!e babysitting .t·J hgbt hou.'ltkeeping. P!!rt : limr . Own trans. Scht'dulf'', "aries 9 tn 1:i days per monl h. 642-298<1. C e 1 111 _ .t.lesa. BUSBOYS i;:rowlh ro. for bub b ! Y 1ble. $1 2::i/mo. ~1usr havr •J MVSTAN~ dit-1aphone. ~"ull lime Op!!n· store. HunL Beach •rea. CU.STOMER SERV. S450 :'°m" it~ning. Hohr~ llPJ1.· g type 6:. wpm, r;horth!!nd 90, F/T ime-Oays SALESMAN for fine je\\'elry r\o"'' Taking Appl1carions G d fi . o\\•n lran!lportatlOn. Cd!\l. ,, ing \\'Hh .i;:-oocl salary !. bl'n-Call Mr. Fowler, 892-5.'iOl. for <1ur11t1on ol st·hool mun . oor oppor. in 67:....119:1. efils. South Cna!f Commun-* Apply * SECRETARY-TRAINEE "re oHtr good starling salar -~~~~~~~~~~~I 1es & an xln'1 beneh! pack-r 1.ge. For an inlen.oiew, l -1r~ 1 · Plea.se Call ~n;onne{. •--------..!. V term &-/oUowln, Sumnirr. 5parkling Pl'r.iOn. Brfore ll AM or 3-5 PM C;ill Linda Day, &.l'l-2700 H ousp;KEEPER.-livein. EMPLOYMENT ity HMpi111l, !o;ouih l...11guna. llll W . Adams Pleasant oUice:. Youn2 Apply a!!l'r 2 P~I <-1•11 o.. ,,. k Co The Five Crowns DENNIS &:. DENNIS Mo!hl'rlei:.~ homr. Lag. Bch. AGENCY .~,.,. ·' . "-Af . .>.>a. Cost• Mesa ro-¥o.'Or ers. mpany will Re staurant PER~NNEL AGENCY Ch ildrrn ~ &. 6. f.1u s! ha\'' 642•5812 PP~IZZ~:A~>~l'~"S· :':.'P~-;N~•~•:'Y':o::•·~kl1~~~~;;.;:;;~...... !rain you tn become high ~IQl!:.1 t'\11chf'tsor. Dr. r11r. 12:.0. mo. ~9-1107 ; -slyle. 225 f\.f11rtne Ave., Bal RECEPTIONIST pa, i 1i0 n p11id secretary. Strirt 1150. :l.lllJI F.. Pacific Coll.~t 1111'.\'., lrvlnf', Catir. ~9"1~297. I I I 673-9""20 Call Linda Ray, ~ Corona di'! f.111r. No pll, ('alls. f\.l 1 ri $872 .~ r , ~ · !lvail. in our sale~ pavilion. COASTAL AGENC\' ===~~~----DFIJC ATE""<::<::E ~N M HOUSEKF:F:Pf.R 11f· atn. ·"''· ,......... PLESSEY A1-·t1"••. v•v•"''"' -·-BUSBOY-wttkcnd.~ 11 n l y. ' ' -·· ·-an, ' H OH t """ "·"' ;~~··., 2700 H11rbor Bl 11! Acbml Apply in llf'rsnn, Colnn} //t1mP. J\fust he nrat J, l~rnoon~. 12-~.' Own r::~~an s~ ......... S866 .67 MEMORIES INC. lady d t s i r e d as re- k'.itchtn, 3211 Harbor Bl. 1~f'pf'rn~ahlP. ~I. o•'l'r l ~. lll1n~rta11011 to San ./u11n I Gay, AIC J h;i~ immrd. Of'll!'nings for !ht cpt f ho!;less. II you are IR Sec'y to $600 1 ~·r 11'ri)', ll1-T1me Df>li, Cap1~11aoo. 493-4801 11f! :.. 1~. /ollowing: 10 24 y~ old v.•/bubbling SH + good typing, local (n:J\ 441-1171, l'X! 231 ABBOTT Scientific Products Div. Equal Oppor. Employer Antiques IOO ANTIQUE Orien!al r u I , 11xl6' handmadf', 1111 wool worth S400. make otter. l8T3 J.lr.ndoia Apt A, Coat1 t.lesa. C.M I ,. ' ... Sf'NI<'!' l\lan ••••.•••.. r l'k C11JI LorTaine CAR WA SH, A T ~-~1_11h SI., C~~~l\. HOUSF.KF.EPF:R I SITIE:R l\1ajnr Appli;in~ SECRETARY Pf'r.;onaJity, capable o 1 - U 0 D"'Ll\'Ell \' · II-ror ('o.i.1·1 !'.lf'AA pr n f · I"'"' 1n !hr ('(lntmHPr ing people &-greeting-them "'ES'T'CLIFF' POLISHJNc;;, & CAS!!!Eft r, ' mBn-inslll. rr. · , '. , . . Rrpair ................ """ PERSONNEL AGENCY POSITION'S L""/l'm' c~~"·l l 11ppl1antes. f'.'<p., full timf'. fnm•I ~. 6 .. 10 an~~ ."IO pn1 . Optical CLERK/T YPIS·T 1o,•ith enthusiasm. eithe r in .. r ·"u 11 T' • r Own lr<1nsp ~i'.l·l·I . 1 S8f,O; fi7 Prod 1 1 f:l"l'!!On or on phone, you a.re 20-13 WestcJL!f Dr, N.B. f'll. 4 l()('111ion~. L\ff:THO ipton l! App 1a11c~. 2300 . . ' . Lall 1rrh •..••..• o , , . f!'P . !hr one "'e are looking fQr , 645-2770 CAR \\li\.'ill, ~.·• 11,, .•. ,,. 1 !!11rhor Blvd ., C.M . HSKPRS Emplyr peys !tt. Malnl . Plumbf'r .•••.. Sll..10 CLERK/TYPIST ,. --==o _ '"""' · uu .. ,.. ISTO E 1 Extremely pleau.nt. "·or ing SECRETARY--Blvrt C.~1 . .'tt\u-71~L G~orRe AllPn Byland Ai;::en-J\fainl. Gla~.il'r •••.. .• . ngr. <!'pl. ' I o-F:NTAL Assisll!.nl rh11ir~idf'. ry 100--B E. 16th, S.A. Hand Fin1shl'r Ca!l for lntervil'.'W :~~~:~,~; .. '!'IN~ay e:,r::-~e~~ rw the young V.P. of this TROPICAL FISH Hobbiest or e:.p. Sale-sman 2 Location!! 53 Fashion Island, N.B. 12 Fashion Square, S.A . Bill Russo's, 58 Fiishion Is- land Newport &ach 92660. * TYPISTS * S Nationil! Cash Re:fister S Old, vr1·y omate brass cue. ,.: 1 Xlnr t'Ond. &. working order. f · lde;1I !or boutiqu,. shop, e tc.r Mus! sell . Jl'i(I. &I~ eve:. VALANCES, fabric on walls ,' CARRIER Boys I N""port Or thodontic orfff'P. 547--0.l9t Benrhm11n .......... S736.6i 540-994.5 must wn.rk wk--Pnd~. Typing i;::-n;iwing loc11l non-defense C HOTE Bldg. M11 in! .•••..•.... S700 or hrini;:: rl'.~umr lirm. Star t $550. "nng.,n1 11J PO\•ironmf'ni. 1np I. J\.1AllJ-Exp'd 4fJ WPM hPlpful . Salary pi!~', apprn;11 .i dys/wk. Ol'O(· prrrrt. lA!guna Rf'arh. J,11h Tt>rh ...••••.. lrnm S700 !67 ·! i11cGaw Al'P. Santa An11. nf',olieblf'. ~·or \n!ervit>w Cail Mary i..A'f', S40·6re5 I .'t:rrw l\111ch1ne p' RACTICAJ ... COASTAL AGENCY R egistrr for k cf'iling. wall paneling, rnolding, etc. f'tr.. Day/eve. 54:'>-5227. Appliances I02 V icinity Of ~larArlhur 5: BtJ'i·h !\lar Arlhur '1 Ra111ona a r:i.:p rrq. Age 20-:l{J. * Call 494-1196 • • nur1W, young . call 64:>-0060 i'o1on thru Fri. 0 -, ,0 f""m ~=~ 11 :~-,-c ?'190 Harboc BJ •I Ad•m• £1:.>.2fi26 r,.-~ r ··--·-'" -~· ·· Pl!'a$8 n( l>f'arh horn ... p~.1----~~-'~.--"' l lll $66.'.i RF:CF.PTIO N I ST : At-SING LE -----·--1 "v". 5 i • ·'" "' • • rf'r 1Xln-!ln1okf'r. 49!1-1226 • nredle &: overloc:.k DENTAL RECEPT. ·ryp•'Wrl!f'r ----~='"""=~1 tr11r ti1·1". outl'(oing ¥o.'Oman opni on dr e ~i e ll &: a_ trmporary joh today lntC'rvv.'S : 9-12 Equa1 Oppor. Employer Male & Frm11I' Wester n G irl Inc. .i667 iliacArthur Al\'d. ==::--.,....--1· HOTPOINT washer & r,J~ $.1nta An 11 Cont act M r. Bitler F,:>.J)f'r. Ol'l'. for 1h1.~ htt'Y fti•pair ................ S606 PROJ>UCTION TRAINEf: for IOC";il prrson!W'l oftitt. If sportswPar. i·op pay. Rolf's of,-. i:w.~k only, 1110n1e ~Is, :C:::· Toot Cullrr (Iran li!f' work In lnr11l c'O. y011 111.,. rongr-nlAI !. 11ble 10 M ' ' '-~ ~ --Pl k' rgr . 646--0303. g,, ,.._..nPll/~, }l.B. a rea. ~ Crindrr ............. S36l.3.l !'ll~llnl \\'Qr in.i;:-ronrl1linn.\ nlrl'I wilh & hllnrllt !he Newport Bf'ach 540--032.l DAILY PILOT 1146.3.'>tO. • _, i'oll'rl ir<1l !. nice fellow workf'rs. Star! puhlir \\·., "·i11 rrain. Lilt' Tran5rnl:IC'r ........... Sj:l() Sl.7.1. typing. s:;;..o. 642-4321 * DRIVERS* C irculat ion I No Experience CASUALTY 1:AT· .. :n s:11.i Necessary! RP.o-puns1hle alrrl i n 1\ 1 ~. !\fusl have clean Cal it. driv. nf'P<lrd !or PXP,1n~inn rn1ntl· Ing-record. Nnt under 25. rrl f'r'I. Opl'ning rw11· off1i-I'. I YELLOW CAB CO, C11ll .J.J , Gr11y, R'.l.~-2700 186 E. l61h St., C.f\·I. nf:NNI~ lit f)f:NNIS DONUT Shop 11·01•1;, no '·"P"· Pf:HSONNF:L A{;ENCY rn'{'l'S~-25-4.-1. Apply /\Ir, IRVINE Pl:~ONNEL SERYICES "'AGEl'K:Y PB X Recept. $433 Type tiO w 11.tn. !M!rSOn11 bl1> Engr Clerk $400 ~al~ DPcrira1r'lr Call Linrta Ray. ~..!(}...6(rJS Call 1'-1arr l.t>r: 540-6055 Comm. + ............. S500 1 ('0ASTAL A(:ENCY ('OASTAL AG.,:NCY Anlhulancf' 1'/!IO lli1rhnr Rt 11 t Adam~ '?190 Ha.rbor Bl at Adarrui At1rnd11nl Trr.e. • •• ·· ·· · S4.'\0 PR ODiJCTION-Sufl"rvisor RECEPTIONIST 0f'lu..-ian 1 Tr~ln.f'f' w11ntrr!. Abit1ly lo Ol)C'raior Trrw ••••.•. $~:111.67 M"hf'dulr, gl'l(l(! "'/lii;::urf-11. J.;p1lat111I 11hll' 1<> ..-uprr\'i..-r sm11ll Gro"•th TrnP .•....•. 14:..0,!ii' \\' n r k r r ,. "' •, :;; om , * * * * knnwlPdRP rif pr1n11ng 1n· 50 w.p.m. typing Call Lorraine \VE..'ITCLI FF. SERVICF: F'ully 1 ----~---~qualilif'd lubrication min. TYPIST. 65 "'.p.m. 4 Hrs a X1n 't pa,v & mmm. Arco day. • di1y1 • "'k. S2 Sr11ion, 19t h I: Newport, hr. R!'~Ume Ha l Lawrence, c.M. Inc ., D2 ;..11cheloon Dr .. Suite 212, Irvine, Calif. SERVICE CENTER ""4. AGENCY 500 Nr"'PCl1"! Cen~r Dr., NB UNDERWRITER TRAINEE dryer, late modrl, Xlnr cond, COpf!t'r10ne . Both fbr Sl:,00. Also Kl"nmore w11shf'!r. good eond l.tl. ru11r I:. de:J1\'er!'d .. 'J.16-8672, ~7-All5. SIDE-by-st<lf': w/ia<maktr $23:). .l Dr. \.\'rslinghou5f': S:.-00. 2 dr Gibson SJ:l(). All lair modf'I /,,_ frost-tr« 646-7821:L rROS'T rREE 16 cu lt rclng. ll yrs old, xln! cond. Fl'eezrr rune-refrig. temp. $80. 1930 Pnrl Seeboume, J\'B. 20112 1\1 i<·hrl ~1r1 nr. ll'Y\!11", Cal1L CASHIER NPwpnri Bt'll!'h f1rn1 srrks i·a~hl!'r. 1-2 ,.,.flrll P.'iJlf'r., Plf'aSi111t person11l1ty k .:ih1l- 11y 10 dl'1ll \\'/pu11l1c a nr1..,. .... s1iy. Xln't co. bo'nf't11.~. &1·1-32.'i.". Donut, 1.~.~ f:. 171h SI, C.1\1 iiRA~--rSMAN -10P p;yfnr 11 dniltsman with hPil\')' ""11 in t'l\111 l'ni:;. \\'r 11re lnf'l'ITP(I 1•ln~P Lo !hr l>f'a<'h l.i-aHrr l•ho?ral ll'1ngt brnel1I~ & ldt>al \\Orkin!? \'(lnt\1!1on~. R11u h, Brin. t'ro~t & A.~~- 1.'lG Roch!'s1er St,, -c.r.t. 5'1"-7i2l L1rp f{Pn I nrr "XIJf'r. Opera·:, B!uf'rw1111 1\1ar.h. \\1111 Train Sec retar y $.SOO Bu.~y olr. nPPd~ indrpen<IPnl wnrkrr. Type ftO. l11e Sh. Oppor. 10 lf'ar11 lf'gal. 4RI! ~:. 17th f111 !rvinPl CM 642-1470 PersonnPI Src'y .. Imm S4!!4 ! <lu.qry h" Ip I a I. C11ll PERSONNEL AGENCY 21}.il V.'estcil!I Dr., NB 645-2770 Rrntal Hm trss I 4fl9-3;i.10: 11'.U-l•M!. 1;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, :'\11la~·y + 11pl · ···•··· l{\~.'.l1 PROFE!'SIONAL phone ilf'a! E.~tate Sales Gf'n I Off' Trne •• from s.390 itnliciror ... Dana Poinl San INSTANT MONEY I (;irl 'Fr((lay Clrmf'nte, Capi!>tr11no ~rea. Join The Profession•ls Salary + 11pl · · · · from S350 Work in your own home, . "-ales Tniinee11-men & \\'O- men nrr.ded to join highly 11ur.ces~lu! team or real es-Many Cler ical Position• A v ail. Best deal in 11n?11. Phone 83.'i-146S berween 9:00 a.m . And noon. tale proless1onals. Bonus, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ p11id mf'!dica! coverage. pd. * Gal Friday to $500 Take C'hargf' oppor. for !!harp g11I w/lile SH , 90mt bkkpng. * Steno to $450 ~·a!r. mnvill(. run job for ac· i·11r. typ1~ who ,.,.anti! RI learn nC'w bUllif'IClls, * Recept. $400 Somr SH rl'q'd. Plush olc. ProfC"S-siona! environmerrt. Yrttl F'""' P1mtion1 Helen Schaffer 644-4911 !NOT SALES) ExcC!'p!lonaJ career oppor. v.•/ 1~!1.d!ng !irm for ind1vidt1al 11·/1.nalytical mind. Ahility m work w /slatistic~. !\1ake v ~ I u e decis1on5 cltrcting profit & IOM. Xln'1 l yr, paid tn.lrttng-program. 6 .A • or be1t"r req'd. To $i00. Company Pay~ Fet. f ree/Fee PO$it1ons LA DY K e nmor f: auto •va~hrr. 1ft1e model. xlnt rond S73, GE auto washer, .xlnt c:onrl S:ifl. GL111.r k . j deliv~rf'd. 546-8672. 847-8115. FRIGIDAIRE washer & Pl! rlryer, goOO conil. Both for SSO: Kf'!vinator J'f'frig. $30. 54~5612. C Ast"ll"E"R'°"'T"R~AcloN~' EF.-, - In lt'Arn 1orl11·. 10 1:n·rt J•11 hlit' "/II ~!1111+' ,\;,', C11ll f.1annn ,\l:in11. x:~i-:1110 p ~::'\~lS ,t· )11":;>.i\IS l'l·:lt~NI" i-L 1\!: Li\(''' ---·==~=,.~ ENGINEERS WITH MANAGEMENT P OTENTIAL • .I AN-I TOR-;\,a!n!enanN'· I 111110 • C111l &12-!!'1'111 " l ~•>k uun 11 """' r1••ld \\1lh l:'!·~t :AJ :-Si>i·\. rnin-J-,r~~ 1~, 1a.1 ... r1~ .Nrw 11utomo11'"'I 111 i;.::1.,1 prar111 . ., S-~"lt nr 642-5812 PROOf OPR. llS' Newport Blvd . E xper ienced Cesta Mesa -UNITEO - ..,,~~~~':':""''"I CA LI F O R N IA BANK e e NEEDED T wo Office G irls I Co ntac t J oan Berges \'acahons. training program for inl'!XPf'rirnced . dral-\'!'i 1vailable ii you qu11!1 I~. Htg. Reh. Ofc. open, Call .Je1•1y Gros.'!O 776-2231 Allllhrim. *SEY MOUR * Re•lty &. Inv es tm e n t I fn0<hu·111;, <.round noor "fl· n10rr pPr 1110 611-llt.lfl. IJ•flrluni!). Ci111 ,\1ondi1 >< lh111 -----Ir• 1nr , f;1l1! ~ \ IVF t >; !! 1 -' l ~==c-_ _ _ _ TlHll'•r1:ii 'l 111n In 4 prn. • .-11 1 rr w11n ,.,, 1n1 1\111 ~1 l>P 25 11nri 11hlf'!. RI dti\'e -APPLY - ~AWVF.R Honie n e" d ~ Tor flonr I 1-7. CA<::HJF:R r ar w;ish P~rt •li•i-HJli. ,\1 r \1;io•Donald ni,.i1111lrl~! l'riv l11·ing 111nr {'1111 hrh1 n ~ .i:: 6 -----•111ar'!P1«, "h ildtr•1'~ Ill!"~ '\ 1111 A1rn11t11 0.-1 t\\11r ~an Cll'mrn1e malt.ire \\'Om11n rtuty. night shHI 646-6716. h-14-ICil EXl"f) 11~:\I f"nipo ~r>r {.. 10 !'"1!t-jll\6 AM, :~1~-flli.l !flf. f' .. 16th St , C.t\1. oprrHJ<>r. ~y~lrm ,(, !"t~n-Pill 11r11t11nr NEF:OF:D. ('lrrk fnr j'l(\S1hnn rl11 lo1w ~rnd rr~11mf' tn 1-1 \;-F---1 Ni 1 I 111 'l'hr l\lu~1r !11111. Nr 61. ' Cla~s1 l1f'tl 11r1 Nn ;I():> nai11 ~ · ... 1 fl ) 1 ~ 1 1 F11shlnn 1 ~111nd . Must hr 1~ l'1lnl , P (l Box l:xio: Co..-1~ !t'r/hou.""k""l')f'r C'l!lrl!:~ nr •11·,.r. 11111lf', Appl y i:;w l N R, RI''"'' n•\fl trnn~. \1P ~i1 1 fl~:tfi. L\1,\)11·~·1'1., hrl\\"!'11 2 & 4_ ===-z:coc---,~~1 642-:l.'i'Jl ------Re staurant 1 F.XPER. Biryrl!' 111e1·h11nir• ~1--------Nf.F:IJ p/timr hand)-'mlln . SAit>.• milldtd person, 11;~ or A111li.I' In prrsnn. mll ' All. "' rilr ··lf't'k. J:''11"··~1 Ahl" 1(\ r1r111 r t'<1 pl\k\1p & • Busbo~ younell. A real career op- Crm•·n V11lh·y Pk"'''· l.11g har k up . Rr:iul. nrw nfr~ ' k•·c·p \\'arrlK>u~" ~ ! (\ r k. • D"1shwashen portunity. Xint future for N'~.-J. · lrvtnl', R.1:J.-~H77 , L111rl11 ~•ght mM. Earnin""' com- '"c' ·-.,,--,--~--~-! j\l,\~;;;;;:;:!'1;;;);;;;i;J;;;:;;;:; I \] PL•ha n1c11 I II bl Ii I y 1tr.o.ir!'d , • .,~ E.X P 'D-dryi·leanini;! CO\intr>r 1\IAN <>l'r r 21 ro hu1!'1 pJ.1111.,r Prf'f. i·r1irrc1. 962-2441 • Hostases mencf: immedi111ely t1hould 1 c 1\ hoxr• $. 1!rl1vrr\', ... kl rt S2 ~i) , -U r,.ently Needed ! hP 1n exre~.-. of $300. per "'k. BraulillU Par1l1t \11r "' \.lf'm i "1" • o.o.!;i '1r sa Shop, I 11···1 r· I ·, 11 R NITF: Audilor. P:>.:ptr. 4200· • No -nv••~in<> or 110liciting. , -Pllll'Tll' ~14R-4:i31 ir. .~1 .01 i11r1 . I . I •OO Exper. PN'frrrf"rl '" ~ "' onal P11rk I.• !nc;-a 1rrl nn rhr --.App y 10 person. in!l"rviel-\'!1 by •ppointment h1 1 1~1dP 01'l"rlonk1ng :he Ne1r,., FAME f, FORTUNE 1llA ll1 Appl) iri prrson, P;il isa<lf'it Rri . c~r_. ~1'" ... '1. only 9-3 11•ttkd11.rs. Dan Har- CEMETERY FUNERAL COUNSELING 492-5123 SALES -J\1en STOP!!! LOOKING & ACT f.:Q11al Oppor. Emplo.~,r Jzy\NE PE~ONNEL SOO'ICES.,AGENCY ~S~E~R~V~l~C~E:":~""""""'"""''' 488 E. 171h la1 lrv1nrt C~I 0--Station ~alrsmen 642_1470 'KEF..f'F. k !ll rrritt r11s FOR sale -'Ktnmo r e J\Utomar1c washrr S l 0 ;y\0-2279 11 rter 5 pm. full 1' p/Ume openini;:Y.. j range ~2"-1\•irlP ovr n t yrs .'11n. 2 yr.~ C!'ll.per. nq-·d. I•==========: nr·w. u~. s12-41cr.i "" s . l\lu.•t have local rf'f.o.. URGENTLY • G.E OISH\\'ASJ-IER. Xlnt N!.l11ry k comm. Apply 1n ronrl. LIKE Nt.lV. fk.!-1 cash pl'rson No phonr ell.ii~. 2.)!)() o!fl'r ~-!Jfi.19 l\'r•\·por1 Bhrl .. C~t. NEEDED --NEAR l'lf'I-\' :'>layta2 stt~ SF.RVIC!'.: s1at1nn llC'l'dS ex-rlryrr, Jl"rf rnnd. Sacritict! per. nl;in, rill)S. Good work, s~ rirm! %~~. int ronrl111nn~ N jl!ly. Union • Receptionists .----- 011. 39.1 J7th sr., c 1\1. C am•ras & • Typists Equipment IOI SERVICE Sta tion help, tuH llmt day man, swi ng !!hilt k gr~vf'yllrct. Tom Reilly's ,\rcn, 19th t. Newport, C.ill. STY LISTS 11rid mVlllgers full tin1e, r!'lllil \\·ig k beauty 1n1pply ~uper mart, Hourly pay. Apply in prr~nn . F.mp~ Wia; Cn. 126R2 <'hapman, Garcl~n Grovl'. or 400 N Harbor . Fullt'rton. • Secretaries • Accounti119 Clerks • Tellers \\'ork "'hPn & \\'ht>rt .vou wan!! SUPER ~ movit camera. iMm lrriy, !.· ,.ler. l'ye "'/undrrv.·11ttr h!;lx. p,.rfect · (rl!' S\irf mnvie.•. S I 2 ~. Eumll'::' super I. nnrm11 I 3 pmjrr tnr, hrHnd r'll'W $75. li4,i-:l69:i. QUICK CASH T~''tOUGH A 1~00 Pr1h~11 rlr.o. Rrt,, 1------------Apply in /)f'l'&ln only ""rl R11\.· nrl'a. 1 Could 1111·;1 !1 yrn1, lndP prnd,.nl C NURSES AIDE:', rl~·. 5.l~·941)1. ,... os1a ;..1,.,..11. film_. nrl'd nP11• fa('f'•, Call --~ OROF.R LIF:~ SALES _ rr~·pt5 & 121~. 461 -llY.'11 ro llPP1. 1\fANAGF.J\IENT. YoUnjl in!'l rrrrrrP)(pPr.onlrrly nrnun<-RE UBEN E. LEE FULL OR Interim Personnel Service TEACHER Joe """'"''rl'" DAILY PILOT . I Cr mrlPI')' lot~. n lctlP~. hr[nre ch11s., pl11n. rir('d pur-I FRY ('()()k, f'Xprr. & 111111! ro. wrk1ni;::-mr?ml ~:11 m 1 P!ll etrl r hilt wi ll train. 1am· PART TIME '''"'· in ""rll(ln, Coloni· rmn1 S-100.Jl'XlO + llf'r n10. I .'lpn1 ,(, 1pm-llpm ~hlh. Park l'•l f:. COAS'T 11\\'Y. ,. ·~ v hi •, ' c n.,,..., Place pure watl'r syslems ln K11rhea, :'1211 Harbor Bl., llrtll " •~uu·.o.. •h,....,~~" l.irln Cnnv111ri:.f'f'nl \POlf'•". NF:\VPORT BEAOI A la~! J;:"l'O\\'ln£ rnmpatiy (',,\1. be!"'" 2 & 6 pill fl ail). f:l2·M-l4. J.'.qulll OppnMunity ' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I homl'S on monthly rPnt<ll. ---. ' Must l>P ne11 & .,.·ilhng to ,_. ptt-~chool. :'..'! Hrs "'k. ~1&0. n10. Start Sept. 13.1 771 W . 20th, C.M . I WANT AD a.i&-3:>88 ""'"''n 9am-3:30 , ... ·-~~ .,,~_1i::o1 642•5671 ~p~m~.::;:;:;::;;::;:======-----~-_ __;0-:.::;::;;::;::;:;:;::;;::;::;:;:;:;:;:;::;;::;::==/ ~ ·- \\'1th comp!rle M>rvtce laril-G A d MANAGF.R 1ra1!1rl' !ll'lmP Emplo~rr. R b ' work. A~rage s~ to $iOO 1111'5. 1\1nrlu!lr\', ChapP\. l araqe tten ant 111 ...-t loorl l'JCP nf'r. Xln! op-"N7U"n°'s"F.°'.s~,.-,c,.-,~,c,,-,-m-, ... ~,,-~ eu en s \\'l'ekty com mi~i<in. Call I (-. -..: .., I ~.au~r11m k C'r..,..m11tory Rf't 1rrd nr llf'm i-reti!'t'd, ~ pl'.,. 22.'i l\lar1n,. Av e . I honir_ F.:i.:IJf'r. pr" f 'd . for !!ppointment, i'-l r. Ha-!.i..ii"JJ/ ~ STAR GAZER:-JC ~; all "·1thin 1h" 1·f'n1Ptrrr. hr111th. 1u1111me 11rtrmoonit e111boM T~l11 ntl . 6'i:J.-!lf1:.JO. 1 49-1--.~or.; s::io AM-5PM. & COCO'S m11nn. 111 TI8-t48t. e~cLAY J..POLI..AN a ,111 f'VPnini;::~ ~1tfh ((19...-t l ~~===~-~---.i.un \\",. w11n1 2 r mn11n11Ally mA-('nn1m. Ho."p_·, .'\. l.ftgupa , l\fARll{ETI llNG 11nd .manai;::'r-ON J>: i;::ir! offiC1'. mu:::t _hr SALES P ROMOTION ~ "'"-~·" lf.-YowDoilyAcfi.tilyG<JiJ• Ji.. ~-"""' ~pl mrn 11 ~nl!I frq111rPd for Rh1P lo 11."~um'° 11\1 nf11f'P SUPERVISOR ~"'· _ Atcordi~g t• I~• Slarr. IUN' men. Nn rxprr, nrf'f'."· ,-.-,...., •..r ......-LAGUNA HILLS " T ,_.,, f Th d CUA-RD. s ntw ~·oung 1·omp11n y 1n rnm-1 rlutlP!I, know p•yroll If lit, BA I b I ••· 117.·•1.... o ..,....., op mes.sage or urs oy, ~ll r:ll hf'c1111•P of nnr prnl<'ll· n u~ ne53 or ,.-. .. tnf ~~~P~~~. nodWDrdsconaponding to ~ mPr1•i11I iodu~trjl. F::>.:f'f'llrnl t~k,•pin< l•k• p hon r E•-•. -u•"-' of Zod" ··-• · ~ional tr111nln~, no oot pa~i; ""' -· H I d i j ,.. .., •~• f£TAUIUS yo.. IOC 1nns9'1. pnlPn.1i11l ... f'nd _ rr ...-um " .. 1 .,., .. , ..•. ,.,•bit to 110.1·11~1 10 a1 mme • e c II,,_ s h ••1 up fhis oPfl(lrluni!y. Cl •· • ~ O a 1 · • ~-c m~, , 1 "'-'• 31 ~ 6\ T1 .... 1.,. r . rt 1inl1> \\'ork 11,~. lllhilt. n ... ~1lir1I Ad. ;>.;n _2~1 . 110111 1~· i·hll n)!I'~. f\pply lrt l)<'~n pening For WEST'CLI FF Afl.llf 2 c;;,.. Jlllack-. 0211..._-• ' "l•I p 0 "' , .. ,. ' ._ ... tli'.'y 1' JTM JJN.,.. 6JGood l'111 fo1•111s l11l'ni."l,,•1t <"on· ,. 1 " ' · ,....,, ' • .... o~ a f1nm 12. to 4.:rt .. lohan~f'!I f, PERSONNEL AGENCY "~ S.!l,·l' 4 s....... J• w,11 !..i H.gti !arr Churk ~l!<'r 1970o .i11m-f\1"-'1· Ca. ~:ffi~. l'hr1.~1f'"~""· 8911 \I,' IJith !'!. Daytime 204.1 'A'f"S'tchf Dr .• NB ~·· .5"""" ~s&p.-65~ ... i.. ht1rp,. Rl1•1l., N.'R. R:\.\.()f'.00, MAiuRF: ... "'!:l~lln~ r~· N.A. ff'\'r of 16!h ,,_, fi.tS-2770 UMINl ;~::-4"' ~~=-~~1 I 1''11 227~ 11f lPr ~·JO&m. i\lon· t•htldrPn ~ ,_ 10 Conk 1 !'.l<>ITT'0\•1a 1 HOSTESSES SALESMAN CiQ..."'"-r tt :~ ~~ !:~ d~y thru r n dey. ml'al. 4P.\t-R .. 10r>~1 . ~Ion. -OPPORTUNITY CARPET SALES ~(#f.JfJH!> 1oMotto '°""*""ltloot 70,.-.,.. llF:ALTJ(F'OOd Slorl", YOOn( •1~ru F rid11.y SPpl. 1~ --"",!11... Budget Troubl•s1 Apply in Perann J l 6-S18.~ Per \'r Comrn ~q~~ ~~~ !~=-~ m11.n. !11ll 11nd pa,rt limt . An-:t.')!h. Hl 11•.it<, 546-2.Slr Turn \'.l hot1r11 "'ldy into 2 001 n . C.11r ""P· P~t sharini. 1:1 13~ oil ~ 731-n•ioofol ply ]81\1 J-lllrbor Blvd. C.M. bf'lorf 9:l) A:\1 & 11ttr 9 30 'TONEY.• 4 A\•f . '-"" U!Culot1 CANCll 1•Mtm ~"--'111 7•Hioh!J V.P.' Dir. o! SAies P:\l t.a~n11 Hill~ Xln 'I oppor. w/Califg trp: (A')MM}r 15Y.. .u ~ ?Sflnt 1"!!!!!!""""""""""""""""'1 llOSTESS, p /I i m e •I-' · l nlPf'ViPwing Now , A: UIP £1 Toro otr r.mp expal)ding carpe1 chain. .... .111P. i; lt~!, ~=.,._ ~ ~,.,,.,,.....,. COOKS 11Pttll'fl lor ;-.;,..,.CAR-I tr.ir11''"· "'''' .Zl. Applv in l\1ATURE l11dy.11v .. in; rar, Aik !or Lni~. R3.1-lll9 s.o. frtt•·i yl CARPETEAIA ~5'.I JI C~ "'~"' ,8 ttr'Ofoonol ROWS RMt1unin1 l)flt'n1n11: l)f'rllOn, Colony Kitchen .321 1 for love'y home ,1. 10 yr. nld ORDER IAkrrs, lll'OITl'n-11:irl!,1 ~~~~~~~~~~~1 Ask k>r Ted or Dick ~ 1tTi-_..._._ '911tfer9 AU£V!'ll 30. Appl.\ In ll"t'rotl I lls,rl>Qr Bt\'d, C ~I • girl. "'orlring: P 1 re n I 1 · nvt r UI, da)'! or ""e!. f'ull $ REWARD $ 11131 875-2900 UO ri ~ ~~-:;'~ •t C~rrow, RP~!~ur~nr IS2fl Hn~r.ErF.R-COOI< 1 n r ~~oll"n. 64~l.l20__ or pflrt time: work h'Tlm ()Ur -~ScAcLcE=s~w"o=M~A0N~-h?l Jul.; 1' 1 g ~"_ ~ ~::!.,,_. ~ ~ .... A ·1l'n•'1~ r1m.~11n(1rmrntP I l\'innarch &v \l•t<t n"' MATURF: wnm11n to IPllrh ~ Slln!J\ An11 nfn r " Nro "~P P1r11 q 111 wrrkinfit mnd1tklns, ART GALLERY ~~i'.Ulf.il •2,!.ol14 ~,..,.,,, l •Ot ~ z;: 8/24 hr111 rrn J11m Ir \l~turr 'W\Ol~n 1,\,. in ' .fr 10 yr old g-irl• rookinl! ""'''t!~llr.' Sltl:1~· J1 6:. hr , top f'n1n mill'Aion split. bnnu.s. Pi . k Th .., . ~ f-:M-:JO.J } 25 To ~5 lly 15 ~ .... .,, ... . Nrrd 2 !op R.F:. gaJ('~mtn hmt \\"Or on urs., r M., .¢)61-71-12 IJ6l_.., -..S Otfwt'I UTe ~ __ ---~l•1SI r!rh•I', Nf'w Cll.r pM\'ld· r lr .• hPlp \\'Ith ho1n.,work ~17-1)23 bf'(.~. (,, Siii. Avi;:: 15 hn !>'r l\'tek. VII.. 21 ,_I• 51 1.-'< 11(~ · 110 1 ~ 10 o now: r1.,11.~e r11ll rnr •PP'L 21 ...... -}AM-ii. ,,,. SEl.l.r..!G \•nur boll!~ "Ll~I " Ni. <"°'"fnrt1hl11• llrt•·11tr · n · pm wn lr~nt. CT'S ne11cn hOUee ume. Big. St11rr Sl hr. Bcl...,·n 2.'>-4() yni, ~AAU!· JI lfM' ~M-sqs-,"'7;':..,. '''; n '~ \\ilh u~ .• ~u Jt ,11 ,1. nall,v 1 Q u 11 r ! • t • •"th T \' 1 RPf• fi4fi-J741 11f!Pr fi • .'IO. 11,~t M"lection t:ver~ See the SEMPLE Allr11 rl1v_. " dren,tl ,m1111-~~1m. u i J~~-6'0 e. 90 Y";ii1f ..,..._,, 10~ PUo• C'lll n iri,.d 412-~n ~rrrn<•f"!I "x ch 11 n t "d H!lt1.s,. Huntlnj• \V1lrh n~ OAO,Y PO,OT Cl1s1ln!d Re•l Est at• 67~2 101 ly.. Nr. fa."llhion Sq. S.A. '-----'·~l~~T<;T~t~$~-,,,!·;!•;,:;,;@;;,,Gool,,, .. ®,:;,A,"""'.,,,,,,,,;;();:;,l;N~<o,:.;,,1 ,, ,?-_.t~~·-~(IJJi. nrE,,'\' HOL'SE mlumn. ~erllon now! I l°ll.l E. CM~I Hwy., Cd.\f ~l·nl&. _ »J8.1J 'I-Tit ..._ • ~""----- PHONE 644·0212 DARRELL WARD """' ., . ' . i ·I " I i j i 'I -., . . ' ', ! . I I .1 I I .1 . • · I · I . , ' I _.J,' J , PllAT-A DVE~llSU WtdntSday, A"VUSl 25, 1971 r ll§J I ~[ 1'urnlture 110 Mi1c•ll•n..u1 l==:::':"'"---~UL cnahed "'elvet Ill P lanot/Ort•n• 126 Doe• Cycles, Bfk .. , Trallera, Tr•v•l MS Auto•, Imported 970 A utos, h"ported Scooter• ns I ;,;:,.,.-;-;;;.;;"-;T~r~a:'ii1 1~.~.~ •. 1 ::::::.:.::::::::.:=_..:..:.: I 970 Boats, Rant/Chart'r 90I ~o v it 1 rat • a\·~xln't t'Qnd. Only $.85. U!HlQL roc~l"Olt--r.Kl. Relax &: me wd1hl m thr privacy or your own hon1e withe UM!' ot • Staulft:r poslun! rest. CO«t $300 new, A.'ikJni $75. 642-6969. GIRL'S bedroom turnitu~ ma.de by masler cab1ne1- inaker. Dnk w/chair; head- 'i!o<.rd 1.nd canopy w/dleWe& a nd rlas11 eab1net.s; Hi-Ii ~ I or 1torage cabJnl'l, lfl•tct)ifli white w/an11que iold. S.tl5 •Cali 673...44.93 4 ROOMS luml!ure. CE Stereo, 2 cherrywood romm. ~s &: Curio cabinC't tTilomasvillel. 1970 4. cycle Whirlpool "''asher. ~d5. e1c. ·557--030'3. STUDDIT'S desk S 2 O, Krothler ~cliner S 7 5 . , Maplf' dropJeal tbl, 4 chrs J25, Mark.kn Ito. train set !still 1n box) 130. 543-2162. *AUCTION* F'iM Furn.lru~ k AppLia~ Aui:t ioru; t'rlday, 7:00 p.m. Wind y 's A uction Barn 20751,.:. Newport, cr.t 646-8&86 Bf:'hlnd Tony', Bldg i\lal'I JOHN'S BIKES New* Used Rep•irs 2340 Newport Blvd. 0{lt'n 6-10 Wkday1 Sat & Sun 9-6 645-4720 -Will takf: Trade-lns- D E L U X E Enr.yclflpedia Americana, JO vol. + 2 lrg \Vebscer Intn'I Diet. + 10 books of art. All lop quality. like ~w. Best oiter over $300. 557-J9!17, U.S. D 1Ve r1 scuba e q u i p -c o rn pl e t e $2:i0. lnflaliible sailboai $250. ll" Italia Recoro man's bike $250. 5.%-7862. wou:Lo YOU • SAVE 1lfIS·AD • BELIEVE Geod toe I-LOO o! on tnm FR.EE ORGAN LESSONS usable through ~pt. 30, '71. u long u you like! No reg-NEWPORT DOG l1rr111ion No obllgatlon. JUJl GROO~fER.Y Com.-. Mo!'lday1 7:30 pm 2903 C Newport BI v d ., COAST MUSIC Newport Beach 67l-7766. ===-:"'-~"'="''~---I E X C E PT. I 0 N A L AKC SU~U.fER CI~ EA R AN CE Samoyed pupii. Sired by DI. SALE MiS!er Willi wAw No I Show KAwal, S1einway, Baldwi(I, Samoye'd in Calif. No 3 1n Wurtllu.r, Kim~. Lowrey, U.S. Wk old-0nly 2 left. C.inn. Allen, Eu:. $225 & up. Deposits ex~pted. 646-87-19. RENTALS. PL.A YERS. M 1 N I A TU R E Scltnauz~, Friendly telephon& IJ\loc, n1il.le, Paligrtt,. AK C, FIUD'S P IANO C.'O. w/~hot!, 13 "'k.s o:d . Champ 1833 Newport Blvd. tif'f'd. Cost"' Meu n-t/64~3250 $175 Sporting Good1 830 •,~,=,=c=E=R=,=,-s-,-,-,,-,,-m-.-,-.-, POOL table, Della, coin Opt"rated. good cond. $350. Boy's Stingray, Sch"'lnn Sl.J. &15-4m. ROS. I Stratos w I binch11gs, 110 centin1eten. &:ood cone!. $130; 673-1067 Be l. 9:ll PM & IO:J(I AJ\-1 J>a,pers. 1 yr. \\'.tll not separatf' 675-1764 a.II 6. ~'.>-3419 or 2 Danish so!as, sw---;;; wA!nul t'O!fl!i! table, Sll; pic- nic table, $5; old sewlng machine, $10. a45-56l2. S Naliollil.1 cash Regli;ter! \2 1 Rlt"l.ES, b q ! t ;11:·11on, Old, very orna\e braSfi cMe. 308\V & 22-25tl, w/J..8X Xlnt cond. & v.·orking oAAr. scoj)t'5. 645-1577 art ~pm. ldeal for boutique shop, etc. r.1us1 sell. $l~:o0. 642-l;,/19 eve. WET SU IT '* 2 BEAUT. AJghans. dog&. bitch: show qualiiy, bl~ STORf..1HlLL br~e din i . Lynn. ~7-3724 or 548-833), GERMAN Shepl'lf'M male, 9 n10 old. Good warch dog. Right party only! 962-623.'>. SHERRY"S POOdles, All bred board ing, new kennel. Pups llL":acups, toy. min) MG-2848. ST. Bernard pllpples, AKC show stock. 49&-!n;; or 830-.)7~3. 9' SOFA. avocado, crushed velvet, never used Sl50. Ma tching love~a1 $10 0. }3.>-1955. STUDIO hf'd, lg, studt>nl desk, modern "'al r!csk, lamps. Etc. f or 1 p p t 842--6052. Jj() lbs. 5'4 " SlO. *ELECTRIC GUITAR arKi * 67J-2-4;>i • 11n1plif1er. Amp. never used. l =~~~~~=~-~lusr see to appreciate. TV, Radio~ HIFi, S:xl.00 for both. Call 531-5607 Stereo 136 alt. 6 P.:-01. STEflEO 1971 model. Air suspension 'Speakers. Gar- rard 11.utomarlc turntable. AM/FM. sl.-rro radio &: laj>t deck. Still new. "'as AKC SHELTlE !loy collie puppiC's). Champ 1 i r ed • S46-5707. 5 SHEL TIES ( i\l in i 11 ! u re Colliesl . 7 "'ks, AKC reg, W/Sho!s. $75. ~!H--0626. TEAK dininr; t&bi9 W/ chairs. round cof!te table & Spanish hexagon I a b I • , 673-9aS8 . LO \V-HEf\T COOh.\VARE SET Sla lnless :sle€'l. Boxt:s ne\'er openffi, $Old, $309, takl.' $87.50. cash. 649-6022 or 968-5806, Paul. '''' o· ,,,_, ... ,,. o -tg '°'''~---------" "' ' 5 ~10. old !em Sllky. 3 ~!ale 22" 7 Blade Jacobsen gr~ns n1ower completrly reblt. & no1 us«!. 5 HP. Go-earl 557-9961!. for S299.9j·, P•Y off balan'"e ,_ Pekingese. All A K C . or $126 or small payments. 646-0142. SPANISH Sofa & loveseat. paid $500, So!'ll $Jj() cash. Xln 't buy. 642-92'16. JU.. Stove S.t'i. Kenmore & port. dish\\·asher $25. Couch k chair S25. 119 E. 16th. CM. C!.Uection Dept. 7141893-<001 ALL nt'w zC'ni-lh--1-9.....-; BEAUTIF'UL , l ovi ng O!romacolor. The No. 1 Cockapoo puppi<'S, 8 wits old. $20. Ea. Ph: 6-14--0778 DOUBLE bed, springs mattress, $50. Call 642-4065 GIRL'S white canopy twr!, mat!ttss & box Eprings in- clwded, $95. 549-10.13. NEWPORT Beach Tennis Club, family meml>f'r:ship, for sale. Best of ter . BEAt..rrtFUL French furn. 644-{)386. <;hairs, J11mps, ~una bath, 'E-.=LECT=.~R~tc~,-,~.iOO~,-,~b-,f=k-c. 4 poster bed. 1\lisc. 673-6238 chc:1t .treeter, lge \\'ood LrGHT hardwood di n in g de sk. Call ;ill 5:30 pm table & chairs. Mint cond. fl.tS-7339. $75. 540-011l. 43 Yards of used Hi-Low NEW sofa, Mllr! S-"\00, take Aqu;i co\or carpet $35. Rnll $141 c11.sh, never used. 11.-w;iy hed, s~le 110. 6.lS-6022 or 96S-5806. j.'31-7294 Gar age Sale 811 GOLD plush carpel. used 1 mo, appro" 23 sq yd11, $50. 536-7107. ARC shape wedding set. \\'hi1e gold &elling. Valued 11 $58(1. Sac! Call 532-4079. UPRIGHT Admiral freezer. ratl'd set. Cash k carry 1.199. TPrm1 Av111lablr ABC Color TV. 9021 Atlanta a I r-.tagnoha. HB, 968-1129. ZENITH & Admira.J '71 CfJlor TV. f inal close-ou! &lock Jimired . t"ull warranry. Dis- count for cash. rn!'e color antenna vo"ith con.wlcs. ABC Color TV, 9021 AU.wta al M11i::nol ia, l!B. 963-3329. LIKE new, Philco 21 " B/W TV . M;ihoa; ronsolt'. Orig '>l"rnty. $95. 2316 IXla\\'&re, HB. PANASONIC ~ track t.1PX, Ill.Pl' player SI50/Bcsl ofrer. &1&-4010 all 5 Pr.1 . \\'ESTON dill'ila! volt metrr, ran~e 100 milli volts, model 1290. Sl50. 644-1564. Remington portable typewriter, 1 Remington Lektrn 7 sh;iver. Ja .. ·n mower, d inr!IP. srt ... ,4 chairs, dbl bed bookcase headboard. 54" dresser wt miri-or, briel case, mens & womens clothes. White fur stolf', book.~ ll misc. 18916 Santa. Clara Cir, Fr V. 9fi2-003J. $75. 3 "'-'a\nut chairs, $27. l I\ I Call 548-69Gi. . f ree to You . ELEC. Belt massai;:er, S511, ~-------' Slant Brd. $5, Se;ir'5 6 wy. 3 Lines, ~Times, $2.00 Ex('r. Mach. $35. 644-2121. SHETI.AN D Sheep Dog, pup- pies, 8 \\'ks, Al{C. 544-6692 aft 6pm & wknds. AKC Ala:1kan r.t alamutt. :!'i yr, show, pro\'en srud. SAC. 546-7'lZ!L r>!!NIATURE Dachshund pups, black, lan & red , AKC $75. 5-1~ 7440. COLLIE puppies. regis!ered -UN't'gislcred, Beautiful. * * 6'1J..2801 • * Hors•• 156 LARGE horse corral. S20 mo. Tom Thumb Pelham bridle, saddle, $20. 5-15-5911 * * 1/l THOROBRED Griding 15.l , well man- nerl'd. wund. 644-2-491 or 644-7282. REG. Appaloosa gelding-. 5 yn old . Bred tor show. Exp. rider. $1000. 830-3397. I~ -Cal 25 + Catlin• 17 Guarantee the Jav.·est rale1 in So. Ca.Ji( "Catllna cru.ls- lng club". 1-<>eaoon Newport 1-larbor. TI4/968-4840 lot' inlo. 23• Pwr Cruiser S3S day 11' Sail, Sipe: 5 $28 day SU COilsl Cruisina; Oub Newport Harbor. 64~ 36' FLYBRIDGE Crui1er, Sip! 6. t"ully eqpd inc .ok1p, 1135/day, $700 wk. 644-8211. 8CM1t1, Sall 909 COL 26 r.IK IL hnmac. J'Ull sails, 1tereo tape, lnbrd fuel. W/s!ip $6-100 !irm. sPe. al Beachcomber r.!arlna, No. 13. 263l W Coast H'>l'Y NB belott :i:.cau: .>18--0731. --------USl':!J 1970 YAr-itAHA DTl-MX. Xlnt Self-«111tal.ned with lot1 ol cond. Lets of xtru. $5!{;, Hod&ka expe.na. chamber, $10. Cyrl,. r111:k lor f'amper, heavy duty, mounts to trame, adj. &. removable, $25. &42-3182. .,...,. Molorcyd• "'"· SPORT CAR tront • rear. Air. TV an· tenna. Custom built shelves le: Honda SO lnc. 1:.00. fltusl See lhia one! 961-7689 Priv. Pty. CLEARANCE SALE NOW! KAWASAKI 500 M h.IO 21· Air'lltream w/easy lift FRITZ WARREN'S cc. ac · hitch. SI.500. SPORT CAR CENTER 19Ttl. Red k white. Perl. 540-15?1 after 6 pm 710 E .. 1st St., S.A, 547.0764 cooQ. lkfter than new. O dali 9 9· I ed Sund Many extrll.s. Muat •~. Auto Service, Parta 949\ pen Y -· c Ofi ay 1649 ...... 38.\ 120 °'""' St. ' C'-h AUSTIN HEALEY CM • ..,vy c rome astrosl----------I · ' w/tire1, VW to Chevy Y A."1AHA 100 Tl-ail or atrttt. whttl ad11.plt'!rt1 chromt'! Jug 3,500 n1\les on bike. Only 5 null ,t, wheel !~kl!. All tor HEALEY 3000 mUes on Baltt'!ry. Ntw titta S50 !W~. New tires,_ new apoL, New & motor, Look! & 11 like . clutch. $950. or trade tor S250 00 638-5.'.iTO PARTS for Sii.le 6S Muslani[ chopper. 492.7fr64 new. · · · 289, full sincro 4 spd . ---~~~~--- 1960 AUSTIN • CHOPPER • 5'7-0559 all fPM. BMW Automotive Exce!len~ 11' SAILBOAT. t1al bottoni, 1969 Harlty 74. Show bike, la.clory made. 77 sq. feet of See to appreciate. r-.tust Sii.Cl sail. t"iberi::las1 over wood. Sl81JO. Call 6»-Sll6 anytime. , ... ,, ... _ J I ~ I & Ne w paif11 in &: out mint ,. CfJndition. $250.00. 638-!lalO. FOR Ja.!e l9n SL 350 Hond11,~;;·-----;-;1 lo milt'!&, per! cond. Must 36' TRIMARAN hull '"'/'19' sell cheap! S 3 1-2 4 8 9 : G I 9SO Doal3. Diagorilll ply, glassed 831-2131. •n•r• ROY CARVER, Inc. & primed, S2400/or finish SCHOOL Tr 11 n s ! '69 * GRAND 0 PEN t NG ., 2925 Harbor Blvd more. Terms. trade~ Call Y11.maha. 125 Twin, Ex. VAN & CMIPER DRAPES. Cnsta r.!esa 546·4444 4.99-1540. 7 . c c cond. ·n Tag. 5200 ca:1h. 71 \V. 19th Sr, Su1te , .1\f. CORTINA PACIFIC C11tam11.ran No. 2·16 675--20-19 Pvt. Pty. &12-6600. All mobile in-,--------- Hwy lrlr, racing rig. :1p1n-ter!ors. 1 = naker. MAKE 0 r .-ER . • MAN 'S SUPER SPORT 17~--=~~--,=IDARLlNG '66 c 0 r t in A 64z_9678 or 673-1507_ & \VOr.1AN'S VARSITY, Antique1/Cla11ic1 953 \Vagon. r.tust see to ap- ISCH\\IIJ\'N.) 615-38!»! preciatt'. Shag crpt'11: Ir cur- ll' Lapstrakr boa!. 3'~ hp ~~-~~-~-~-1951 /lolAJlK JAG 4 dr, l!Mir-tains. 8'16-3021, ot s.16-5762. Evinrude fold-up. i l 7 5 . '67 Triumph Bonneville, S500: ing saloon. Xlnt cond. Be:1! oller this "'-'eekend Honcla 160 dirt bike, $75. S.12-5367. DATSUN &12-92'ZO. 1~-~----~ , ________ _ takes. 675-7379. I----------Dune Buggies 9561- CAL >J No. 232, '"lly "1"~ '68 "'1 CC TRIUMPH ~wl ---'-'----'71 BIG 510 SEDAN ef1gine, 11.JI chrome, blk & 1970 r.tJNl-T Dunebuggy. ped. $2800548-7114 silver \\'/TT pipes. &12-8472. !lle!lll Flake. Top, cl\rome OV1!rhe11.d Carn, 4 S(}Ced. dlr., ?-IONDA Trail 90 only driv<'n "'his. 968-7525· Radio, Ht!a ter, Bucket seats, MOVING-mus! !<'U, l 9' T k 9 250 mill's. New ,t, beautiful rue I 61 tinted glass, lo lo miles, \\'estwind bay sailer, cabin, CfJnclilion. $300.00. 63S-5570. RcrifiC!', 606DF'D. 546-8736 - sleeps 2. loads of extras • 4~·6!111. ind. 646-9702 '71 YAr>!AHA r.tini Enduro, =~~=-~-~-- 16' Peuoo" o.y,.;1ec. ' """' "'""· s,.,. IK '71 Big Station Wagon sail:1, traf)f'ze r i gged , 673-7267 a.Jtt-r 5 pm w/trlr, S59i 4~1 or 67l-07r7 RACING Sabot, 2 t1alls, 3 ye;irs old. $250. or orrcr. 673--8;)93 ---ENDEAVOR 26' FIG sloop. 2 suili;. saili;., spinnakrr, 4 winches. knot melrr, 5 !IP Oll1brd, $'1995. fJ.18-5140. Cai-20 No. 103.S hp Evir.. 3 Sail:1, head, $2995. 0 "'-'nf'r 646-0910 F REE EQU IPMENT WITH l:'i' COLUMBIA SLOOP $6~ NEG , g3;i-0,.1-1;, FLIPPER, 11 grca1 boa! fo r kid~. ~·. 1111 rigging incl. $250. 673"--06'19 LIDO 1·1 \\11TH TRAILE:": *** S~2J **., 19-1-8881 rLYING J r 11' w/h"'Y trailer. All xtras. Xlnt cond. S7j() 673-6578. '71 KA\\'ASKI 175 EOOuro, lntt'!rnaLionaJ Harvester 4 spd. dlr. H!. R. fact. air, I.JOO m1, clean, mll.Ily t'!X-RECREATION CENTER rec. a:eais, T. glass, \\'SW. tras. Sl'Al. 642-1889. ROY CARVER, Inc. Under 4.oOO mill'S. • L1~2.. 1970 Honda CL :173 x!nt rond 2925 Hlll'bor Blvd. 48/.o, Saf'rilice! Call 11 ft. 9 S.\50. Private part}.. Lo mi'1, Cost11. r.1esa ~46-441-1 am 49-1-68 1 l or 5'16-8736. j.\6-590-1 4-WHEEL Drive, T o r d. DATSUN -1967 -1600 ~l!Nf Bike l h.p. alw brakt's, w/3"17 Chevy t'!ng & l JO Roadster. Vf'ry clean, ex- $85. heads, overdrive. Comando ce1lent condition. $119;).00. 96,S-?;;2;; tires, Xlnl rond. $1150. All 6 Ph. 5'15-2083 alter 5:l0 P.r>l 6#--0547 New Gitane 10 spd. l=-=--=~-~-1SACRIF'ICE '69 Datsun 160t1. ~-* 544.4;f,4 '&l Chevy P .U. custom $1 400 or besl o[fer. Priv --,'~~-~=~--fleetsir!e insula ted camper prty. 644-4641 e\lell. '67 Triumph 650cc shell \Pilgrim1 New brRkes, '67 DATSUN 1600 4 Dr. Aii1o. Rebuilt engine carb, etc. SllOO or best of-Loiv m iles. Blue. $1100. Xlnt New tires 646---0779 fer. 4!)4-11913. cond. ~6-5023. '68 Horxla. 305~Super Ha .. •k, '6~ INT. Travrlall 1200 345 Good cond ition. Pu r PI t: eng lull power & ' 11lr FERRARI strcamr~. S2JO. 642-4268. Re1;dy for trlr, 493-lSOl. ·1---------- "Tl Honda 100, Street or dirt, FERRARI '56 Ford Pickup AUTHORIZED Per f e c I rorwiition-S350. 6 ("yl. Good condition SALES & SERVICE 61'5-Ei026 nr 67:>-1263. Sl50. &t'l-~!132 Eves . . NEWPORT . IMPORTS '69 HD 14, !Ill! dress Electro-':)J rORD 11:, Ton . Nol run- g!idf' ning. Milke olfri'. 152-1 $1600 or oiler. 494-5417 Sylvia, NB. M3-7367. Mobile Homes 93S 'S7 Chevy panel 16' Su~r Sale\lite. Cost ntw S200. f;.16•3733 3100 W. Coas1 Hwy. SllOO new !or $550. 1 --~C;::O;;;;N;:;T:;E~M;;oP;.0-;:--· 1 .~-~~~::'.:~-= Newport Bc;ich 646--1472 or 1/687-274:'1 LAGUNA HILLS Auto s Wanfed 968 1---~==--- Baet •, Slips/Docks 910 23J01 RIDGE ROUTE DR. WE PAY TOP FIAT f'E1.VPORT Shores. Complete household sale. :I r Ql s ThomasvUle !urn. incl X-pc sect'l, dinette srt. l pc: tw\n bed, corner sect'J, xtr11 -long bt-ds, chests of drawers, DISH\VASHER, C.E •. prtbl. $95. Bkcse-l:ldbrd for dbl bed, dark oak $25. 842-1173. M iscellaneous Want9d LOVABLE 1 mi l in a; cockr:'r/doxie n11x. r>led. brt>ed . Hsebl'oken, 542-7096; 962.-1821. ~~~~--~~-~ SIAMESE -marked k1 11rns, !Comer o! Moulton Pkwy1 900 "'ANTED-Avalon in g 1 d e Prestige adult community ad-CASH ----------mooring, 30/33' boat. ja.cent to Leisure \\'or!d. SCRAMLETS 545-7978 Beautiful surroundings, 11.!! e Complete Stock of ~BBB trundle bed. CE del uxe I ii~ ... ~i;;; W/d. 548-1511 120 CASH PAID FOR Jong rfur. beau!. Ali;o 11 S1ame~ yng c~l. velvet blk. 64.>-49'19 11.rt 6. SJDE t.ie 1'ilip lo 2l' Lido lu.xury appointments, Th~r-A NSWERS Channel.:;;;~ ;:u~~I b~:~%'·1ae:i~~: -~ , muc~ much mo~! for used can A. b'Uckll, Just call u1 for tree esttmates. GROTH CHEVROLET Think SM "FRIEDLANDER" Ml!RCEDES BENZ 16f Mercedes Benz 220 77.CQ'.l mileL 546-4431 MG MG AtmlORJttD SALES .Ir. SERVICE NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W. Coa..t Hwy. Newport Beact. ~THINK m .. ~ .. "FRIEDUNDER" 111Je l lAClll C-l'. JIJ 893-1566 • 537-68l4 '59 1'1G, new eng, tires, xlnt cond. Sacrifice 1 4 5 O • 6T::>-5934. MGB '68 Red MGB GT, wire whls, tape deck, radial tiret1, e,'(- tras, "Int cond. 646-4638. OPEL '68 OPEL 2 OR. Sport Deluxe 4 spd. dlr. Strong runner. Very good! shape. Perfect for college. 1 Take small do""'lt. \Vill fin- ance pvt. pty. CVHS989l Call James al 54&-8736 or 4!H-6811 aft 9 am. PORSCHE '&I C Porsche. Leaving for EW'Ope. 1\1ust Sell! $2'100. or- bst olr 671-2531. PORSCHE 911, 1966, loaded. )Ont cond. h1ake offl.'r. Priv prty. 96$-1236 '69 PORSCHE 911-T, 5 spd, extra.~. lo miles. xlnt. $4000. :..IS-i ~78 or 644-8197 . '66 Porsche 912, 5 spd, tt\1, 1harp! $3050/be~t ofler, LAkewood n3: 8ti0--'1925. TOYOTA TOYOTA DEMO SALE LA RGE NEW &. USED TOYOTA SELECTION SEE US BEf"ORE YOU BUY! .l>erutl~ W TOYOTA 1946 Harbor, C.f.I. &i6-9l03 '10 TOYOTA i\<1ark II, 4 dr Sf"d, fact air, 4 spd, $1950. 5'15-1473. "68 Toyota Land Cruiser, 4 \\'hi, hubs, xtra1. Sac. $1!195 or orr. 5-10-4296. TRIUMPH -'68 TR 250, 6 cyl, tonneau TABLE TOP elec! stove & hood, $25 ea. Patio table $5. Ladies clo!hlng size 1~. mens pan\A new 1iu 24-29, tables, pu~s. doors. o!ht>r rn \scell itf'm~. Eves ... r1 4. Sal k Sun 9-4 : ~ Sierk!, c .ri.1. 645-1726 tine tumitUtt, •pplianus. a.ntique1. One piece or houseful. Ca.JI day or nlght, LOVABLE 7 n1011 o I d Orange/Whitt male kitty, 11.ltered, 1hol!l/box trained . 644--0139 aft 6 pm. Vicuna -Harpy -Agile -BOAT ~1ip Spacts Av11.iJ. 25' Set bf:oaut. furn models In Cornea -HURRICANE to 70'. p1trk-like 5etting, cover, r-.l!ch~in t l re 1, 13750 11'.ACH ILYD. Am I rm, Xlnt cond. $1895. Ask for Sa.lea Manager {Hwy. 391 549-2241 or 547-7733. -;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ j WANTED good home for lov· ~ ing JO mo. old Siamese !em. Music al Instrument s Ill cal. Zll:592-2341 suns e 1 The honeymoon is rwt't r13-f.60i CALL SJ0-3900 or 830-'r.>00 "'"'hen h, tells her they should -,4~0.~S7A71L~B~O~A~T~S7L71"P-HAD ENOUGH name • HURRJCANE after s1no. mo. 673-r.i70 OF DAMPNESS? her. Boats, Spe.d & Ski 911 Move to SIERRA DA\l/N. 21' -homem;ide, !ibt>rgl.lss Always dry, balmy, clear. lBZll Be:ach Blvd. 893-7566 • 537-6824 It 1 59&-4037 or C 21 3 l 429--9265. I Huntifl&'!On Beach '70 }o~iat, 850 Spider, extra ht 847 .6087 KI 9-1131 lake river P a y m e n t s , 1969 TR-S, red, xln! cone!. A NNIVERSARY •SO-::>1r..-9621 New paint & tires. $2301. or 1.~~~~=~~---be1l ofler . 536-1990. AUTOS WANTED '69 r JAT 12.1 Spyder. mag5, I "'"°===-~-~. LIV rm furn. bed rm 5l'I, G U TT AR-G i bson B-'5 !kh. huU, sips 4, galle~· &, head, 1 -,,-,.--c-~-c,.--:---:-N• smog Qr fog. Ideal f<lr '--n! !"" llP \' 1 SKI or fish in,t boat + trlr. r d I I J _ _, '63 SPITFIRE, yellow w/b!k op o Jar or c .-an uscu min1 com. Pri. P t y , Ci'ri. Ser Anc!y Brown. 67.l-l:lEi!J e\·t~. top. New motor. perfec! Na tural &, cast', like flf'"'· SJ7;}/b1't otr. J3fl0 \·11Ju. &12-1Z32. GIBSON ES-3J.l, gd ST.JO. Call 71 317il2-5705 '"'"' ELEC piaiio. F'endn-Rhr:>dPs 7:1. 3 mo~ olrl. co.~t SllOO, 5a1 $~. ;,4~98. fREE mixed L11brad o r Rerrie \'er puppies. 2 mo's rilr\ & mo1her 646-7~()S6. 1n.,,,., "" <l l'O ena;. •rthrHJC or bronchial pn>b-glai;1 on 1<'ood hule, n"M s.6.300. M0-5282. 9am-4pm. ,....__ I ... ll fem•. Al SIERRA DAWN new ._,,, ~Y! er ,:),) sp THEODORE --~~~~--conr!. $650. 644-4307 ROBINS FORD JAGUAR '62 TRJ. ,101 rond. 1850 "''h * • CUTF: bl11rk female kit- 1rn nerd' home. Ca 1 l 1146-4014 . SEAGULL. 3 Hp. mo1or Run!'i like a dream ~-you own your o.,.·n mobdc- "'/long shafl. Hali'lly used, 5.'ii-3683. h<'me Im. Rt!nls kttp going $125 -&12-411S16 Qr 6T.>-64:t'l. I oo=co-=-=-=-,~-, I up \\'hy p11y rent? For tree 2060 HARBOR BLV D. O ·IRIS CRA~i' lfi'. C11 v, 4 brochurt' wh ite Dt'!pt l COSTA 1\1ESA 642.0010 Boats, Marnt./ yrs. x!11! {"(l11d v.11 . SIERRA 0DAV./N, Hemet.Ca ANN IVERSARY 1150 BEAUT. 16 mo. old Se rvice 902 Sa1rif1rr, make o I I t. t . ('()JI IE; home. 92.YIJ. VE'ry playrul. needs &lf.-1310 646-2997 Alt. 4, F ibergl.11 11 Re pair MOBILE Hr>mt'! for foale by l!l6:l .IACUAR 31!, lil'fla n, iri urn. xl n! $JSOO. fi 7.l-<J l j7, orig. Pn JENSEN ' " n1ec:h. pry . or trade for same \'alue car w/auto tnn.~ 67J...5."i95. VOLKSWAGEN '69 YW BUG day bf'rl. p'>IT mo"' er, lamps, 2 bar 8!ools. ~In.-:. Mi!c tool~. B/\\' TV. record pliiyer Am-rm. Alter 5 pm 5'4S-7806, 3254 Wa..o.h1niton. GARAGE Salt ; intel't'Om. \"e'COrti player. chrst of dn"'"''"· 20H r!uht, elee l•"'n mo..,er, 11:ull:ir, l'lf'\I m-iall appl. Da)~ &. E\'Pll- 2316 Ot!il"'<'tr-.., HB. Office Furniture/ 124 ==--~----~1 Al' types _ big or 1mal: _ ln 1S' S KI BOAT o"·ner, l?xf;i(I. 2 BR, a"·n-~-nEE-Ma!e k1!1en To ~nod ,hop _ out shop. 20 'iears F1~r~las~ 7."1 Johnson. Lari.:t ing~. sk\rtlnJ:. t.QQ! ~hed , ho1ne . 6 wks ok!. Box exp. 714 : 536-6646. 213~ WhM>I tr;iilrr SOCiO. 1!311-1157 cuport. \ndscpd. BP~t 11'1(" I IOT·A CAI!' PlNTO W/AUTO . J ENSEN AUTHORIZED SALES -SERVICE 4 spd. dlr. >..1nt. cond. Sac- rlrir,: Take older car in trade or small down. \Vil! linanCI! pvt. pty. tVDY299J 546-8736 or 494-681L c=A=RA~G~Ec--cS~A•L•E~~""~"'=,c:;ffi~,; 1 Equip. tra1ntd. 540-l145 l8-;'il. 4J.'l-5'119, 17-· -DO~RY-125_h_p_1\!CT_'"_'-Y· Go1og, going this •,•:rek: Call TrMTHS~~ci'O~Emlle. ciiildren·,. wear. "'ai;hc-r k rftyer. (Ihle bt'!d., mi:1c. furn. 192-4 Oi11nA La. N 8 . Aug '17 ... 28. SALE: M11.ny item~. be.by fw'T1. clnlh,~. bt>anl. 406 -llth, 536-1264. TV. ~url HB. TV , 3 bedti. 2 din. l!e:t~. 2 Mgs. la mp1, ·~ ~\')' P.U. truck. f'tiM". ~7JT. PAT10 aall', musl srll 1111 before Sun. 2511 Davi11 Pl, c .r.1. 548-3103. GARAGE Sa.if:: Refrip;, Ken- more washer, s Io v e , Acct\·lene ou: llt .540-1769 HC>Us•hold Goods 114 JqJRTZMAN upright piario. desk. chair "-Undt"!WOOd ti'Pewrlll'r. Si nger ('11.b(net aewlnc machine;. Btdroorn .;is. 646-l418 or ~2--04:KI between to A-4. r.fOV!NG. must •ell tables. t:M1t of dra"·ers', acciuar· iU m, s!effi>, elr. 5.'6-j7~ Mlacell•neou• 111 J.'I "ll!I.. copy p&Jie.r type 1142. Jn orili:'iMI ar'tona. 2".000 ahttl! aa,; x 14" 1.nd 3;000 1httt11 1"1. X 11". Surplus fr o m tr l al dtmoNl-rll.Bon. Prkt $9S. Call &t:l.-4321, ext. :m. F riden Flexowrlter \.\'1th t11pe punch and tall'! readf'r. Good for reproduc- tion &nd teCfJrding !ellers or other dixuments. In ex- cf'llcnt c:ond1tion $41;;.oo - 17141 82S-12JG. 8 YR. olC'l loy h!ack poodle 10 B"o-.~,~,~/7M~a-,~,-.-.----I radio, rr11il('r. tx-12 ?r alt 7 PM &46-0752 . ROBINS FORD lov1n,g J)(!r.rnn w 1th ou t Equip. 904 644-2184 aft 6 pm ADtll.T P1lrk-J1i1 mi lrom 2060 HAJlDOR BLVD. chtldrrn. Pa~1~. !!68--6209. ijjj~~~~~~~~~I OCEAN. Completely 1et up. COST! h!ESA 642-0010 f"REEf'illd1rt.222 ArchSt., 25 .HP Johnson OUtbo&rd, r [i] 10x50 mobil e homr..1--==~--=~-1 Laguna Beach or phone Elcr s1ar1 + tank. $1'6 or [~_'_'_'.,.... __ ''-"-M_~] rfb Sarrllice at $3,6::() cash. IMPORTS WANTED 494-23.'\9 11.tler 5 pm ?~ 499-J540. _ . llEI 646--1388. ~~;a:~~~~~! FINE ART RENTALS Home-Orr. (7141 _772-6130 FREE WOOD Boats, Powe r 906 60' MOBILE home lor saJ, BILL h1A."EY TOYOTA 646-3231 C•mper1, Sele/ Rent 920 w/upando liv. rm. 2 encl. 18881 Beach Blvd. LOTUS READY lor i mm' d i 11. I e porches, l BR. 2 BA, Carpt. H. Beach, Ph. 847-8555 ----L-O_T_U_S ___ _ delivt'!ry: New ·71 13· Con-FACTORY dif'l!'{'t dr;iler. thruout. Call 543-6708. WE PAY TOP DOLLAR [ Pet&Mlll Supplin 1 1 ~ 1 · cordf .__ BriI;'n!ei1~1 . S po r t ~:;;~~ l~~'ii.ln~'.~~m TRAILER &. cabana. r.1ust F'OR TOP USED CAR.S ~~7~o~~~:rCE ** SALE ** · _ ~ isn~·rman w "'1n g a 1 hr moved off 1pac,, Hurry, II your car b extra clean, The store thll.I is lamous for l'""•p•• .. •li""'" f!ng incs, Jo11 or xtru, I am 1966 VW SUNDIAL Camprr. $800. 642-1611 or 642-9996. see ui fin l. P ianos/Org•n• 116 NEWPORT . IMPORTS . fio selling rny dl.'alership & Jmrnac. Brand new eng . integrity, dependability I: Pets, Gener •I ~ must lt'!ll this boll.t. Now is 2-"""'" · IDEAL for l\lexk:an vacatll'.ln BAUER BUICK serviCI! now offers f11.bulou1 Must iell. 96 .~. lipot. 38xl Used trailer. $850. 231 E. 17th SI. discounts on niano.9 I: or-ANIMAL.SR US •• Monkies your chance to S$W loll or Cycles, Bikes, 646-4191 Costa ?t1e1a 548-TI65 $39.95, Peke1poos Sl9.9j, money. Cont.act Chuc k t2S gans. , 1799 O ipmunks S4.9i F'rtt Ch!!-Ciniolo. Island Y1f'ht Sales, Scooters 'TO model. l4x52. 2 hr. 2 ba. Autos, Imported 970 New walnut spiJlets, rea • 100" H --~· !d•oo. San '-•·h •rea. VaC11.nt. $8.500. ·~ e .. -• melon w/purchase or ca-. """' .... uu. Deva Bur rounh1~ "" ,_ , _________ _ now ...,.,., ,.ew con.,.,, 1 ·-D' 714./291 1889 • ~ CZ8680 bkr. 63&-4760. r In all ityles, pttan. oak & 839-8520, 3645 \V. McF'addeo, ...,.1'gofl,ybn·d--O··-·· •-rt House of -MO Lar9e Selection 3100 W. Coast HIV)' • Newport Beach LAMBORGHINI 1964 VW bug, orange, ~un roor. sync:romesh, AMfFM, 96.000 miles, runi<; excel. $750 er best offer. 642-4268 llfter 5 pm .. VW.oVu., 70 cam~r. Many, m&ny xtras. Alter 5 pm, m.&n '71 Bua; Clementine, 6 wkl in E urope only. R/H, xlnl cond 6100 mi. $18SO. 548-9470 '68 VW Paint job, rim.ii, new engine Ir; trans. MUST SELL NOW~!!! *** Cal.I 673--9352 *** ·oo vw Fastback, &atr'Jtul condition Inside &. out. 1950 . Privat~ party_ Day f94-2764, "·11.lnut. ~g to $9'J5. now S.A. ""' ..... .. .. ,... yu Suzuki. Triumph Motor Hom•• $795 e Granch, ~fldltlon-e RABBIT i;>OES U1hcrman. Galley, he11.d. SALES-RENTAL-SER.VICE !--'---.,..,.,-,,-::--~ Of fuUy ed It. ~strun"', v.1..1ues to for Mle: • 546-33a!I Of!.W covers. bait tank, CONDOR R-ondltloned • 0 CK Now 11tocklng a complete line _ 1139'5 from s.g$ radio. LOTS OF' E o~,,., brand new w1_,thm. Dogs 154 SPACE! $.1495. Call 646-6]69 of Triumph, Suzuki, and BUY RENT LEASE Used Y·W's '67 LAMBORGHINI 350 GT, =E~•-•_•_9+463 __ !~. ---- bright red. perlect rond. BY o w n e r , 'To VW 17500, Call 54Z-5555 bef 5. Squa..reback. auto, ndlo, l7=~====-===· l ugga1e rack $1950, ·e-•J Mato Cuzzi, G "OW from $795 • Orran1, used, !RISH Stuer pups, AKC 1 =·='="=6--0039~-~-'=I'_·~~~= Hou•• of SPECIAL SAVI N S " Ponches- lrom S~ • F1oor models r ' It.. Ch a mp 11 n e , 17 fl. Cab. Cr., fish .t. Ski, S kl T • h BILL CORWIN C & y MERCEDE$ BENZ ,.._""· "'-""'· & demo's. UVe up 10 ~ 1how/f~ld .. pet. 962-1}!)3 50 hp k 7•i hp. el. at .. Trlr, UIU • ·riump FORD amp•n ans ORANGE COUNTY'S Bank tinancina. rrtt deliv-TRl!\H ll'tl~r puppiis. AKC, "'in11t rk~. Bow rail. extru, 16112 Harbor Bl., Or 11)'1% 30 Day or 1000 M.lle1 Most Modern Faclll~ c.'"", Our famous warran:Y own-movt'. 17"". 557-4538. Fountain Valley 230 So. Main St .. 1.nge Guarantee 'IMPOR S 'J Champ sired. Pet It. ,,no .. ,, °" ~ t'..,, HOUSE OF on all ln!ltromenta Sll-854!> • 531-8!'>45 14 ml. N, of Faahion ""'Nilf'f' p-~-• • -bo e ~-~ e •; 897~19 ** CHARACTER BOA'T .1-----------1 ......... r c.•ia•nt Authorized Dealer Open daily ltJ to I =~=--'-.,,-.~~-,---I Parade rt'l.dy, 21 • inbrrl, fly TM• Tr.all•r•, Travel 94S Trang, •Front A. Rear Axle New l Pre:-owned ~~ ~~R O~~sf~~!~~~~:.: 1~ eqpd, ~111 cond. ~ HONDA 27, naveleze. Self..con~ tner;bl~s :i !~kel Sys-6862 P.tanchester, Buena Pk Costa Mes& * tU-1\!i t ~/EVft M6-27S9. 16' Glau Boll, 35 hp motor Elec. " hydraulic brake•. em e c YI em S.A. f'Wy, Bneh BJ tutnoU HAMMOND, St •111 way, r-i1 Y11.mah&-Sew a Ulfd blk ' 1 silver_ 7 "'kl, cvnd. $700. 673-44" , •'fflf£DlANDER,. lge waler beattr • retrlg. "61 VW Bur in cood cond. For sale by owntr. 534-eJS Evenina;a. VW '70 Bua:, 9 peu. Xlnt cond. Prl. p&rt;y. $Dl'.l. 546-4528 a1tn 5 pru . '68 VW Scd&n. 1 owner, new dl.c brakes. RAH. )Ont cond. s.<ISO. 645-4921. =,=oo=RAl!LE==-pood-=1,-N-.,-,=1.-,.· 1 ,. tnilt'!r, fully t'!qU}p "d, pert • Full !ft of awnlnp. ExtrA ~ Ill 5l3·72SO pianollof mosl makH.Besl Reuonable. 642 -~818 . 'T1Zl 'STARCRArr J11landt.r &1&-4!'61 . ft d KENMORE diahwaskt'!r, llkt bu)'11 ill So. Cll.ll!. at Schmldl 1.,,-=_,.-·,-,=...,.-=---, 140 hp, 1/0, lull canva1, cUx .. """ .,..... . .., 17' Go\Mn r 11lcon, 1eU lt~ OP new, cu!tinr board.:._!'ro50nt Y.utlc. Co., 1007 N, Main, AKC rec Great Danes. 1 1 ~tr~I-'~· ""'~=' =-==="'-'·,_...~ s.37-M2-1 • w.n-7566 cont'd, 1to\'e, refrig, water ' ,s l"d 1100. !inn. Ht11111a h · • -k ' 11--Sl!.nta Ana, fawn colored Nlhles. 4 m 3 f. '7l 18' BROWNING h1onle '69 Y A~1AHA 250 END!IRO •,.._tr.2950aw~ing>ID--O. ~..,..~.· ·~· o~~ '65 w · Bur, ~bit eng., new paint $695. Ort,:lnal owne:r. 04-5356. '59 TRIUMPH Heu-Id, ~ 'lli· nu tires. $200. ex. cond. nf!f:CIJ tune-up. u• ~"' SIOO, !inn. Mat trnity 3 r>IANUEL, Thomas orJi:an, AMAZON GRE:AT DANES Carlo 140 hp 110. lux int OT-I flare §fries) k 5a tlvln clolhc!. ~ize 7·8. S'25. 606, 1 yr old, 11av1 llOOO. 5.27-9698. dlxr trlr, s-tm. 646-G269 dlr. 1.CXXJ mlll.'11. ·71 license. $~95. t5' SCOTSMAN T r 1 I ler 962-~. * fo..l7-M37 • CERMAN ~p~rd puppy, ·71 19' GLASTRON. 170 hp Call eve11. 64&-7891. Oiern1cal Por:.t Pot, I~ vol !'>1~-3<131 Ext 66 or g'1 l~-~~=--cc==-c•;;-;;~. A -...t wllJll 1.d la a -...A male 7 weekA. S.\a.. 1/0, tri hull w/open bow, Hou5t!: Hunllng~ Wa.tch the and \JO light11. Be!lt otter. l97D HARBOR BLVD. r or tha.l lte-m Urw!f:r _, """" ......... 21" COSTA M~' ln·-•tmonl 644-7236 rllx lrlr, $5002. ~:169 dlr. OPEN HOUSE column. 5"!·8R95 -o.· 531-""· Lo.3• fr)' the Pt.MY Pincher .... --------· , I • 645-272'1 &It 3:30 DAILY PtLOT f{Jf' action! HOUSE Hunl11\1'! Wa h::lll tile OPEN llOUtt cc>luma. -.. ,.. ... ,. t • . _,, . J~ ••• ' ; ...... . . "' .. . . ' t : ;'_'( Pit.Of 7 ........ -1§11.__ ___ ... -_l~I _,.._ 1~1 ! ! . ! ·' • . •• "} " • .. • ' •' .. ... . ,, .. .:. • ,. • ·' ' . ·. . ' .. . ' ·. ... ; .· ·. .;-'" • .. " .. . .. -• .. :· .. ' ' ;; ' '· ' ·• ... c:: ::: ... ... c ,.. .. ~::E .. "'=i'I g::c. --~ ft ! Ill !i ., --~· -·· '~ -..,.......,.. ·~"':;..·----.. ,·--·--· --'c..--.-----~--_,,.. ... _ -~~J- oz om ~~ m ... -i~ \l.i"" -'I' • ..>t •• , A~-7!.-:-o..: _c .. -·· z 0 ~ ·- ... ... I"\ ... ... :I> z I c .,, -"" I"\ 0 ..... ·· .. PILOT-ADVE~TISC tt IB I I .. ,, .. ~ .. ·· l§J ~~~ 990 Autes, UMd 990 Autoa, Uaed 990 FORD MUSTANG '«1 VW, '!i7 'EnQ:inl'. ~l'H' '65 CHJo:VELl.E S.S. 327 carb " exhaust, tlfW paUM 4 spe-ed. Ltlw. mllr!i htake orr . .s.45-7M.\. 543.!Ml.) ... vw Bu• SJ""' "' E"" CHRYSLER TO l@rtlf! "'3t., 196~ Dmll"' '67 F'nnl, Country ~Ull'I", '67 .\ofUSTANC Cnnvm , Air va.n, 1.YPIY roovl'n.100. f'J.. l'lf'11n, lop meo-h ('l'lfll'!, t"Nltf , ~ut"" R&H, P S er! rflnd, lo m il es. £,•I'S. rnnd. \VH1e tlrt!. mol n11rk. ,,.....,. ti~,(, Pflln!. 14'tlii~ 1or .f!M-357:1 300 CID £ngl!"M!, 11395 hrm. w /bnn\ ,(I TOl\n<'ilU N'l\lf"r Jn nrw brO e1. All xrru. $9!I0.1___________ XI.NT Trans. car. '6.1 Ol'Yl!lf'-a.'o7-~lll. ~r.,JJ. mnrl. ,O.fak~ ot1f'r 64:2-0709. '67 ChryrJ~ Ne'9tpart, Pvt Must M!:IL $250. or best ·of- '6fi VW. nu brk-' A-tir•i. Lo party, A cri11ce $1tl00. &-low fer 644--278:9 . mi. S700. 96Z-Jl%) o r wholt'SllJ!', !WS-517&, C. M. 1--.:.C,F.'-A.::L.._C_O_N __ """"'·a• 24 CONTINENT AL GREMLIN GROOVY 11 r.~ml1n, m;:in_v !'xtra,J, w\U Mcrlflce.. Call VW Van. not running, Bl'f'1 -~------ offf'r. S.l.ill, New ru-n. rn· TO SETTLE ESTATE erato r k f'ng parts. 5.'6·576* \l.'111 IH'<""'PI any ~a!IOna bl e '60 V\\' Van, fll ctory reb!t nfft r f'n l:lt'auritu! hlne & 1;.1&-1120 nr i;42-7191 . PA MPERED by nwnPr, l!lliR -----;=.=~--- f'11lrnn 2 rl r h.!., 6 I'}'!, 11 1rl,. JEEPS \l•h1r,. 1!!70 .\111.rk: JI ! :rip-enguie. $400. ;,.10-Mf7 pr111sf'r! ill s•rni. F.\J\Dry lllJC· f'l"Rlll /,, chrom e whl ~ \'f'l'V rll'R n. Pti pry $ i 0 0 0'. 1':4 7-4007 Ah fi · .m rm FORD·..:__ ur." f'Xlra plus .)l'l,l'll'Xl m1 . 00 VW Bus. i'!)Od runru~ ;, yr. ,,.,.arr11.ni.". Loc-sJ dP11J. condlt100: ores, 29 bn kts, "r JU"! comp!etf'rl 11\.000 mi. 1967 fOnl G11l1L">:lf', factory clutrh. $m . li7.>S • .l. compl"' "hr~k.-•p. Jn "·•••· d ... ... " ,,.. • <'!Ir. ra 10, heai,.r, 111undf'r- '64 VW Nf'w enr . 2 new lll'f'!. 1han nf'w •'Oruit!io n. Phone tnrd f'rwne "i th autn, rr.oin~ Gre&t Tr ani. S7!r.i. Trusiet fi.12 ·8119. miMiinn. $.?.'.(), Cal l 6-\4-7201 * ll30..fJ!i79 * 1970 MAR: K 111 rvf'n 1nr11. '69 WV SQUAREBACK. ll lr . Perftct ~ Fuu & complett ly C01'1VERT. 'fi!"-1, 500 XL r11r t m11ny JC lrA.I<, $1BOO. 714: luxury equipped lncAfly own-111r, lull pwr . 11 uto lrlln~. 644-7620 e-' k h11s been i<trviret! by AM /F.\1, """'' p.111 n! & tll'!'~. 19fO VW CAMPER: 11u!hnri7.erl Llllco!n df'Altr. r.oort f'()nrl. Priv pr 1y * fi7;,..3Wi: * ~.000 well maint1t.1nt<l 961Ki277. -~6~3cvw= -CL EAN 1 rr..U es, 11111 luxury c;ir 1& I c.,=1c1=,T=n::.:.2-,-"-"-'"-.'-.1-1-0-,.-,-"· ' fl11 wles:ci &· mu,.t he ,_,.,.n k ...... '""!~"" p!<. ph. At11n, Rm-lm Slf'rffi. l :l. ... •. ..,,,. ....... rlr1V'l'n m be appreeiaterl. II !)nrt"'r w11 rr11nty. P\'t ply: e '67 V\V SUl. • I!< pricl>fl tnr 11 'TUll'lr s11.l1! ~:l~.'J. fi44...fi7.'l l. i.nnt! ronrt . Belriw Rlut Bmk 11\ $6850. P hon,. 673-~J J. ]17 va lul'. S!l(Kl. :yig...y;s:i . Vi.i Karon, Lirlo Jsle Alter 6 '71) Fnrrl Cnrtrna , Sacr1f1N" "fi'2 .)t"t"p T1i1N. /\'"" '}s<I ,.n1:u1P. r11.~1nm fla t h,.rt H!'~I')' duty !l.l"I'~. fi.lfi...!t\2.t. LINCOLN ·&,r, C0/1ITINEi'o'T AL 4 rl()")r, Rl"c f!n lly n 'h 11.u!t"rl . RP ason11h!e. a.t~7!1L f'\'"~ ~91~. "69 ~ARK Ill A:-.1. F\1 ~l!'rf'O, i>pri m n!rol, l<lartr rl. :'>!11~1 ~f'11 rh1" ""~-Prrl"C't m;:i 1n1 . rr,..l'lrrl. ?i.17-9.1·1!1 --MAVERICK- MERCURY 'fi."'i V\V V11.n ('r!"IO(j ("(ITll't. S9~ P.1'\tl , rnr quirk SRIP, l!lOO, Xln! , ., • <'nnrl . ~11&--fi:t:t.~ ;i f! .)pni. 19ft6 '"E "" Com-4 ~ • r-.:tw en~i nl',clu!ch k rr11 n~. n .1 4 -rl r . ro n \'P r!., · "'·""'"·· '"' "' 4~2::.4 ll fl :>. A i r / po w .. r, Nl!w '71 FORDS: Ci11 l x x i,.fi , ,.-.,.rf~n.V -~.lnn1 il"s ~2.\t. tiJ'f's/brakf'_!ii, Real clAliSlC, ~1us!.?1 n11;,;, lir. Tnr11l1'15, Hertz rt\\", ~1,,,,r1 ni;: I.: brk~. Xln! VOLVO VOLVO DEMO SALEI '71 2-DR. S2991 R&H AUTOMAT IC 2S44 SEE US BEFORE r ou BUY! ~Lf.llliA W VOLVO 167.i. ;,.16-7397. Corp. (7141 778-4050. M11r1 Rf'11.!'fl11a hlP, pri pty . "64 FORD G•l••'e ~. ,.,A_,. !lfi2-.1fi:m. '64 C01\'TJNENT AL. f u 11 ....., ""'' vuuc1 l'!l<T, 11.tr, ht>aut. local ca.r, cnnrt. 5400. fi42-9~.$0. 8 'fi7 MERC URY Cnugar GT , 4 xlnl Mnd. 548-2!134 am-.)pm. 671-8073 "\/"~-~rd. r!t~ !'irks, nt1<· tll'f'~. II) CORVAIR "66 CORVAJR. ~ RJ.::H. new 1rans, ;...u;...7~37_ COUGAR 'fi9 t"ORD Cu~tom, P', ph, Rlu RI( mi. X\nT r.!"'nd. SJ600. 11m/lm,,. x r "' p I In n ~ 11 y I o"='c-'='"-'-·------- nri clean. $1.3!l'i. 9112-,11~3!1. 1963 Cnmf't 11 11.~nn, 5f11nrla.rrl. ~oo: •-,,-U-S"T--,-E-.. L-L--.,-,-,..,-Ni--L-m-fi ryl, 11.oorl ruh>itr. $250 Rrou~ham , xln1 mrni .. full I cc_,_l=I _R_,J_l,cM=·=i=-:c"'='·.~---· I P"'f, 111r. lnadffi! fi.1:>-.1J,'.R • ·~4 \1F.f:rt.IP..Y, !-IN! nr '70 Fl'lrd C,..11ntry Sq ui r ... All hf'~! nfl ,,r. :'14~-l\2?7. 22.'o-1 n rani:r A1·. Cn~111 \lo>s11. 2'll» Ell .. s1.,,,.r,., Me • 11 Vl'rrlr ~fl!l'-1. '67 MUSTANff t.T A. A111.o .. R&JI, P. S .. P-di~,. hr1ket. llkf' ~·. M11.k" nfll!.r. ~ t-:11 .. ~ml'fl'. \lf'C.11 v .. rrtt :-.~. ----~~~~~ 'AA 'ft1.oan~ '.?."'.\ Fast B11f'k . 4 .<pf'l'd, R,t·H. rt1 ~r br11 kt~. 111r ~Mrkc, n1ai'.~. ~Pf'•kt!n ~1 47,; 0() Ph .. ;..tf;.,1367 ------'fo7 SPORT CPf', P""' ste"r· i~. r/h, 11 ir. v ur:l"I flJp. f'X- ,....t rnori l l.12!1 ~14~. OLDSMOBILE 'fi:t n1r1~ Curl11~ ... Ii r.y\, 11ir rnnii , i;:nn1t 11re .•, xlnl C(Jnd .. SJ!Wl ;;~.6-;1.F;Ol. ·n; Olrl1 0-·"-,-w-,-,~n-,-,-,m-,e~AA. ;\l in t <"nnr111 1.,n S~511. H 1c-h~1n1rh ·)!r)...172'"! "'""''"'"" ______ - ·i;ii PLYMOUTH \111.Jl a.nt , A <"_1 I, ~!wk . Rh·M , S'.JOO. li:47 -J2'1i. JClnt. conl'I. PONTIAC 'AA GTfl. All l'lf'lWl"f Xlrll.3. +- Rir. Ail! f il!. A~k $1375. M&-21 14, 4$-3'176 wkrtl1, J!l6U Ponti al' Bonnevill~ 4 Dr. HarrHnp. :-.11151 ~f'lt Ii:> ttttlt P~t.lt .. : S1 11JO. Cal: fi-4.Z.191!'1. 'i ij f!RF.RIRD. lnw mllt aie Otlt' O'-' nPr. l<111rl,.rl: :;4;......,:'lfi(} =~== 'f;'l 1-'lRF:RI Rn rarnu.~I rM, hlk 1111. I~ mil!'~, xlnf m nd. MUSTANG--)·-"-'"'--'·'='-"~'~"=· ----1 T-BIRD '1'7 Cnu;::a.r, AUf(I rr;in~. fAr Pf>"'rr. Air r onrl. 111r. ln11 milt~. X!nl cond. s.~100. 5'11t-\f11 _'c' ---- Grer n l!J.16 HRrhnr, C.\1. f.lf>.:l':03 "4:.._3~'.l 11f1 :1 pm FO RD ·5:i Cl'lnntr.v ~~n THINll DODGE :riu!om11tir P.O::,/PR ,.. n " YOlvo' 'fi.11 ,\fl'TAN\. 211.~ f"Asl B11ck, 011.·nt r ~~t.1 m1 s~.'il'l 4~2-AA1fi . - 'o_O_D_G_<"_"_•_.-.-,.-v--.. -_-R-·-.b-11 ~ .~p!"Prl. R&I!, r!1~r hr1tkl'S, " ., ..... .., . 'f,6 COUNTRY Squire. All 11ir ~hn<'k~. mt1e~. ~fll'aktr~ . "FRIEDLANDER'' Pn,1: ~ rnnd. N ~"' pri11•t r 11.u·. """'' t;pnrr.s tin'.~. $:1-17.l.OO. r h. ~ ... rn-,1.1!i7. Brakr~. tires, l:iOO. 968-1540, Sl lOO. C11JJ : J.36-19;.J. 'fi:i ,\IUSTANG V-J;, i1uln l'.11\6 T Btni Uirvl11u. T ull po11 t r 11.nd 11 iT conditionin~. Exrt"lltnt C(Jnd1l'lon $1200.00. :l.i7-2()40 . 1.rJJt llACtt IHWY. •i .-)1~-.~l:;:'>. Jo'' F"ORO S · 893-1566 e 537.&U · ·'· t11t1nn Wt n. tr11ns. r11d1n, PIS. Orig l--_::.:_:...:.::-=...::.:..o;;;::..._1 r urn unused Items into quic\f Rr htl Pn.I:. Gl"l()f! r:n nd. M l1~1 l'l\\'nPr. Good <"flnrl . $7:;!'1. DARK Blul' '58 Vn lv o ca.~h. call642-5678 ~e ll , S225. ,W)....,11,()4.1. .14,11..J.i~. 'f.7 1'hl1nrtf'rbirtl . ll te-b\uf'. ·12.000 m1 . Ft1ll.'I' loa.<lf!d . Ask1n.1: SlfiflO. !i.17-4\.1.114. '-''lff'built '62 e.ig eng1n@! ~-~--------~ltchtt nl<"lllly xln! Amy ,.. Auto1, New 980 Autos, New 980 Autos, New lnsid.-~nntl ,m , Ask1n1t S4J(), ---------------·-------· 980 Autos, New &14--0474 ; "'' fi i;.1~l.~!l0 . 'fi.l Vnlvo ;>.14, t JCC"t'I roncl, r/h, 4 11pt1 . l 7fl(I :l.\7-i.171 Autos, UMd 990 ·10 f'ORD Truck ~-$2S7:i. '1>9 C11rt Cnnv.,rl. Jo.df!'d $.1900. !'l'f'~ 642-214~. BUICK GOOD Trvi11. '60 Buick: run5 11;nnt1. $lj(), i l 4 -~!'llll , .'>!8--0107 CADILLAC LARGEST SELECTION OF CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY SAL ES·LEASI NG AUTIIORfZED 4SERVICE- NaberS CadiUac 2600 HARBOR BL,. COSTA MESA 540-9100 Open SUnday f .Af1. '611. Good runruns: cond~ VPr)I cle11n N.-w hr"~ k h11 11. All p1•·r, 11.1r. prttsurt M!rw-k! . .$3~. 54S--™7 ·i;o CAD. Cnn .... 11rP• muffil'fl Tr11 n~ "'Ork ~13--(Jj:l J. f.7 \()Ul)f' rj., S250. N!'\V !.· PlPf'I'. n l'!'d t'rl, r nnrl. IPB.l'ln~ !nwn, .trU r>o-ln1<· \\'hOl!'r.Alr . ~lri2J. '60 Csrl 1 O"•nt"r, ll lf. rtp. xtrM. Xlnt l'/ll1, Jn• I.· ext S.)(J.'i. Pl"! rt:.-64fi.5.l70. ·~ f:l r>nr~rln 1.1.0C(] n11. Owner moving to H ~Y•A 11. SMl .t9-l.()fi26 CAMARO 1970 CAf'<JARO SS 350, xln t rond. Going Nnrth. C11.ll hef. \l a.m. &ft 9 pm, 846-4595. CHEVELLE '&I CHEVELLE SS Con\' nt"W hraktc, r lu !C'h. f\eloll' low blUP hook SJ9.i . R47-4i.IJT.) . '6.i Chf"\'f'Ue ~13l 1bu SS. M H, Alf, 11utn, \/-~. Pl\ Clean $69:1. fi7j.,'17~17 CHEVROLET 1969 C APRICE .f Dr. llRt'dtop. Air. rl l!c. '"ht PI, !tr111n M'&I. powr r w•1 nr1'ow~. p:'.)11.,.r lork. RJl - <1 111.ll<. vinyl. Ai\f/r M. M\li'I~ ~"" Jn ~Jlpl""cl ~i ... $1:iAA. ;-.40-2!12'1. f ·~2 Chf"vy. :101 Ml in. l111ly t11u1p, high r1!t' m11.n!ll'llrl, \a l'il!"fl, hJ rom pr "~!l "O 111~trins. h"11<1ers, 411 IY'llf Pnri $.'ilO fir hi-st otlP r. 961i--!230. '(14 lmPttlA g.c;;; conv. rl h, pv.'f. f'>:Ctl cond. A tun clU'! $67j. 494-7()82. '62 Chevy Im?t4 12.iO II& II a11crilkf' A tttr 6. 646-J8!15 r.;, l.\1PAl...A, 2 dr. HT, pv.'?', r ·n, 1\'/I) t u~!. JClnt cond. SR.~ ~~2--1102 ~\ n ·TEVV 1•11n, ~"\" f)A \nt , hr"".s, '"'· C'lm~r. 642-MM , .. ~. '71 DEMOS ANO EXECUTIVE CAR BUYS! ---·· l n ...... fh c~'"" •u• ... T~" c~••'"'" • "'''" ""'""'"'' ' · •" • "'~''' "'"'m'"'~"-~-. '"~'n. "••'"' •U'"" "'"''""· <>-0wor A••'<•". """''' ~l••,,~Q """"~' ,.,., ••. r. ao-• ''""''""· "'~"''' ~'".""" F " !;••'" ""''O'V lo!• '''""'' "'""•• ... , ... 1 •~rv "" C"""''"A'"~· cnnd'''"A'"Q v o,,v 1 tno, "" 'onddicnlnq. v 1,,vl ll"'l' ll«l'O I. 11..,., ll•d;o ., H••1r" (I"' Cf "I ,.. ••••• (V1D •.111 ,vnx 1n11 $2888 $2069 $2388 -· ss Old.-s. -=·se~P~on'7.ti-ac--c:-'69 Ford Cusl l !nU••ftU• ' tl<)to• ~.,, ' ""1>• ~~·' ""'" '" .,""'""'"' l•A"J m•ht T••n"""'"'°"' . °"' ~..i •• •u•n,.,••lr r •• ,,..,,.. ''"" l'nw•• ~1.,..inci. ,.,,.,..,,._, .,.,11 """'"'· oow•• llJ,.~~-oow•• ll•d•" A. ... , •• , "•< I ~·t••"t~a. F•r!o•v 41• ··~·" ' ....... . "''V .,,. C11"1!'''""1,.q C-"·""•nG, ll •a•" I. 1 11 '~ d nl .... IO! (WI( 31110 1 ~EL l•ll $1297 I $1388 I $1188 '69Bonneville'67"~~~~¥rY_i _'68 ,~.~~tiac I 1 Doo• .. •<'<Ill>!> .,.,,.. • 0-• H••o•o11, •u• .. l Ooio< M•r'"' lt9~•0. ~••tor. ou~ "'• I I < "'~''"'ll\18". .a-r ,1~"'""'9 iYl>f', ~" $1918 ~---· ""'''< f•An,,.,:.,1.,, ,.,.,1, T'"'"""'illfl, o>owe• ~,r.,lnQ, Pow•• P "w o r ~'"'l"O -' P.••••• ••c.,,rv ..,,, e•••°' ••c•n•v "" co.,.,,t1Cn • .,o. lr•l~" C.nndll lD"'"O. V > n ¥ ! t""'· llod>a 1. Ht M • lloo', llodln I. 1-1-.1. or rl Slt llAI er IWIO ft.J\ ''<;>or 980 -~-----_.., ·' -~---·--·--' PILOT -ADVERTISER 1971 OLDS GIANT DEMONSTRATOR CLEARANCE SALE!! (26) '71 STAFF CARS REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE! 98'5-CUTLASS SUPREMES- TORONADOS-WAGONS-HONDAS FACTORY WARRANTIES -FULLY EQUIPPED -VERY LOW MILEAGE OVER 120 NEW '71 OLDSMOBILES & GMC TRUCKS DISCOUNTED DURING THIS c•-EARANCE EVF-r , ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST • TAKE YOUR CHOIC~ HONDA CAR NEW KING OF THE ROAD or NEW LIL Kl~G I fool cob o••r compers. Sto .. , le• bu. title dl"•tt•. 1IHp1 4. 153751 191 OOJ DEALER NEW 1971 HONDA $300 CASH OR TRADE DOWN , s4517 PER MONTH 16 MO. J6 111entltt 011 opprHed c,.dlt. Total ce11h price htclutll11t 1olH tar 011tl 1971 llcenw fM $16tf.75. De,.rrH poy"'•"' price l11cl•dln9 tH , license end nna11ce cho"Jet Sl '51.lZ. ANNUAL PlltCENTA~I U TE 11 .0t •/a. SEE US TODAY! CYHO~l~E $69 5 with punho• of "'"' truck • 2200 CHINOOK MOTOR HOME ltoof >'Ir, 11H pt 6, fully H lf contolned. Speclol ordff unit. s .. tlll1 one to• doy. 17721 • BEAUTIFUL NEW AMERIGO CAMPERS Custom b uilt to suit you. OltDllt YOURS TODAY New '71 GMC 3/4 TON Camprr Spr1·ial. :.!92 c11. in. rni:;ine, widP h::ii.r 1\rr~. rn<l1n. hrat"r. f)(lWf'r strrr. ini::. IJ°''"r disc hrn k"!i 1122~401 New '71 GMC YANDURA 11,.a,·y r! 11y rq1 11p11Pr!, i'"~ilra"l1r111, a11- l11n Iii 111• t r;111,n11~~111n, H .111ii11a11 hrnn1r r'\lrl'l"I I 1 .·1,i~)'.l)., I New '71 GMC SPRINT VR. f'IO\\'rr !:.lf'f'1'111!?. rndio and heatPr a.nr! mnrP. Sienn::i hronzr in cnlnr '''' ma1chrn-"'. inte1·ior. ( 1006971 ;~~EE $2995 New '71 GMC 2 TON Lon~ WB. 350 V8. 4 sperd-2 ~pd., du11l stf'J'l tanks. 8 x 20 ft. flat bed w/hyr!. hulk hrad & oak floor!i. (117452) :~~~ $5795 ' . W•4M~. Auoust 2.5, 1971 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• : YOU MUST PRESENT THIS AD : : AT TIME OF DELIVERY FOR : : THESE USED CAR DISCOUNTS : • • : :~~.,~~.~~~.~~~~~9 ' .;., $895 :. :, • radio, heater, vinyl top. ( UIM 146 I • ·----c --• : ;7~••~~~~,~~~~ A , •• I $1595 :. • steal. !ZVE327 I : '68 OLDS 98 -------e $1895! -----------------. $2495! ------------. $1895 i --------------. $1195 i ' ------------•. A $595! -----------. $1475! -----------. $1895! ----------------. $895! -------------. • Corona 4 door. Air cond itioning. $89 5 :. • (VHB3 14 l . . ·---. : •68 CAMARO $1595 e • • 4 speed transm iu ion, radio, heat -••• er. (588CPG J . --· : z~.m~~'~f•~~.,~;~:;,9, P.S., $2595 .: • P.B., radio, heater. ( 898AGG ) . -. ·-. : '67 CADILLAC $2495 e • Coupe De Ville. Full power, fac. : • tory eir, leather inter., vi nyl roof. • • (VFT325 1 • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ? ••IJ'!IL ' ', .. " .. i :·-..~ ..,..... •~.I t r • ...... ----.... .., ~--------~.--.,. ..... ,......._.._ ---·--·~---·-\ '""" t If -~ ----·-\ ---~~,. -- .. I • -' ' ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH! IMPERIAL Costa Mesa BRAND NEW 1971 CRICKET S1 ri 1I t:~8A IJI R09 ~b6} . ... .. . • \N FULlJ SWINC DURING OUR PILOT -.AOV[RTJSE lll \llll\£1J YEAl\ -END DU R WHOLE LINE OF NE W AND DEMO 1971 CHRYSLER · PLYMOUTHS ARE GOING AT A RE CORD PACE WIT H UNBILIEVA!LE SAV· INGS NOW DURING DUR MODEL YEAR-END SALE . HURRY WHILE SELECTION IS AT ITS PEAK . BRAND NEW CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2 DOOR HARDTOP LOADED 011, M.4NUllACTUJtt:ll 5TICKIR 'WFCI Yl11vt ltuck11 ~ah, llM 9 raup, acce1111ry f111r "'llfl, flPll!UIJ fllt1 tr111t .• )I) Y·I , 70 .lrnp BC11tery, Tinted Gloss, R1Jor Wl111how D1fC1991r, Air Conil. with heolir, J IJN'ld Wl11il1hi1ld Wlper1, U11d1rcoc11l119, Molded Dotr (d91 Prot1clor1, f renl lumper Guord1, illodlo, Yln,I Roof, Whllo 51111 Woll Tlre1. Sor1al J:CE2lllC275911 BRAND NEW 1971 DUSTER $ 2929 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ph. 17141 546 -1934 OF :A~lg~E~O ~~~Elf~AY . . ASK ABOUT OUR 5 DAY FREE TRIAL EXCHANGE '64 FORD V8 •• ,... ..,.A ..... •t '''"'""'"'e" 0 4 ii 0 A ~ •••••. ~0"'"' ....... , '"ii '"'o'" IOS8 1!S> '62 CHEVROLET '62 Continental IM,Alt. WAG:" ' VJ ••~··• •tj+n,.,,1 ... VI ..,,.. • .,11,+1. 10..[" ••ll ;• ~1 •1 t• r"'""' ~••'•• r•.,•· •'••· -1 •'•"""~ b••\0 1 .,;. .,.; f) •• 1 ••••• --~.i ;. ,.j • ..,, ••••• l~·~·~- 1 !'"•"~ ""'"'•tulolo. "'u•' 11• INUf..100{11 J8COJ1 1 '64 DODGE A1 +~"'•"L '''"'"''' """· ro-4 >-i •"d ~e•'••, •.• (., .. ..i ••• ,., ..... 11 1 rcJ J '~ l -·-.... -, .... USED CAR '65 PONTIAC ( O.-.-, l '*"I ,+,f;.,,. ",_,e~. V&. "'"""'''" ror ·..,., •'"""~'I & b••~•1, w ~ i I o -•II +. 1.... lo .. '",i ,,, I NOD 51 ~ f s795 .· '68 OPEL RAllYl llADETTt ' 'I ••II ,,.,.,,..,,,.,.~ •• .-1 ,. '"" ~ ••••• '70 PLYMOU TH OUS,T f.R c~ •C>• 1,.,, II ~ •. e 1° ,j,.,0 '~, """ Vlo •• ,., •• vru ii i..,~ •' P•6 A5J I '68 CHRYSLER Y ~, ouf,...,.•ht, 10.-l o•, ~ .• 1... o...... ,, .. , . '"" toow•• I>••~••. '" tor..ia;o,.;,.,. XTE440l I ASK ABOUT OUR FREE 6 MONTH Used Car Warranty '68 CHRYSLER Tew" A. c .. u111ry w,.,. l •••t VB. •'1 •0mo!,c , • • .i .... ~ •• ,.,, ti "'"'!' ...... ~~ A. .. ' • ~ • '· ws.w. r.11.1,1 ... ~ •• r. , .... ; .. de-· A. , •• 1, .;, c.,,.,i ,.,.,,, I ZLJJ ~9 l '70 OOOG£ CH• ~CO.IR V•, •••'~"'•l•t. "'"'"'"' ···-··•9. ••dill. ~··+.•, .. ~ih .... 11 1;,,,_ "'"vi •eel. l 700CTA l PILOT-AOVElnlSER TL\IE l:J Tl,,,e M. ... IM Quellty O!Mlw ..... fw 1t7' ACR~~s OF USED CARS MUSTANG SALE Many to choose from. '65 thru '70 mMals. Ceupas, hardtops, convertible and 2 + 2 Fastbacks. Some with 4 speeds, also air conditioniftCI and automatic models with power steering. EXAMPLls '70 MUSTANG H.T. Fully factory equipped, white w/red interior. lhdio, huter, good milts. I 06'4CIEl • OUR PRICE $1996 '69 TOYOTA $1296 '67 TOYOTA Corrina 4 Dr. R&H. 4 Dr. Corona. Auto. air cond .. 4 spetd, 1ood shift. 1ood miles. mill"s. c937BQCl CUIH553) '70 T ·llltD 2 Dr. $3696 ~!d~o~.Mfs.~~d&rd $1996 H.T. Go~d m1ltds. f ull trans., &ood mlJes. powPr. a tr cnn . SPf'· r12·~N c1al whl'I'!~. 14l~AGEl ...._. 1 '65 CHIV. lm!M'-$896 4 Dr H.T. V8. auto .. R&:H. i;:ond mill'~. 1NntATi1 ---------------- ''9 DODGE $2096 Coronet 2 Dr. H.T. RA:H, ~uto .. P.S. vinyl ronf. a ir cond .. lnw milf"s. 1zsn011 1 ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED TRADES ACCIPTED PAID FOR . OR NOT '67 BUICK Convt. $1296 '69 CORTINA W•n s1 096 Skylark. f ull power, Radio. >inter. a uto. air cond. Gond milf's. shift, lnw m ilts. (04:lAVV I I ZRG41:i I '65 CHEV. lmpela S .S Full powl'r. air C'Ond . gt>nd milts. (OXOFl:17 J With cam~r shell. $896 ''4 FORD PICKUP $1 096 V3, RkH. <N38760) '66 FOllD WGN. Country Si>it Powt>r, A.ir rnnrl .. 311!1'1 .. v~. tnod mil,., ll'AArn1;1 FORD-LTD--GALAXll- TORINO-WAGON SALi Many to choos• from! '65 thru '70 Models, Sport Roofs, Formals, 2 door and 4 door Hardteps and S•· dans. Full power, air condltloninCJ. Wa"anties avail· able. EXAMPLE: 1970 FORD GALAXll 500 2 d r. H.T. VS, •utom•tie, full power, air eonditienin9 , gH .. MilH . (943Al(C ) OUR PRICE $2696 ''9 OPEL llALL YE $1396 '65 PL YM. S.telllte $796 -H.T. Radii'), htater. GM. R&H. 4 11pr,.d, auto .. P.S .. 1nnd mi!H. &l'lld w bl11rk ~trtpr\, (TGM~!l2 t GMd mil'"'· CZLAli121 '66 .MEltC. WGN. $1 096 :usll ~~.~;. :ir ~:~d s1 696 Cnlnm P11 rk 9 Pua. Low milt>S. 18270Ft 1 Full pnwt r. 3 tr rnnd innd mili>~. (~!=if.49!'1 1 '71 TORINO Wgn. $3396 Owner tr&11~ttrri1c'l. a pprnx. 650 mt!,.~. V -~. powtr, 11uto .. radii). heater &. txtru Warranty availa ble. H~4CQRl ''9 FORD LTD $2296 2 dr. H.T. ~kH. auto .. t>.s .. fact. Air. rood miles, vleyl ro6f. I XS~-416 l l.'s,.d Cu 58..lt PrH'l'll Effi-C't1ve 72 Hour' Altf'r Publication SALES DEPT. HOURS I , I AM TO 9 ftM MON·PRI I AM TO ' P'M SAT 10 AM TO ' ftM SUN I DA.IL Y 'ILOT fl YOU CA 'T FREEZE OUR RED HOT ' • Never in our 50 years of doing business in Orange County have we offered greater year end clearance savings on brand new cars and trucks. Come in today and we'll prove it. ~Ml Vt4 ALMOST 400 NEW ~ ~ 1971 CARS AND TRUCKS T NOW PRICE SLASHED DRIVE PINTO WRH MANY "CUSTOM" MODELS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New ELDORADO $50 on• NAVAJO 11' C•• 0\'9' llACTen 11 1>1&1 18078161 lNYOltl New ELDORADO $50 evu SHAWNll 11 ' C•b o .. , llACTf>IY IH2l 1'075Ul JNVOICI New ELDORADO COMANCHI fl ' C•~ O..r IU•l l llSHlt l s5Qov11 FACTORY INVOICI TO ''MOVE 'EM OUT''! OVIR 100 IN STOCKI Forget The Window Sticker WI MUST MOVE 'IM OUTI N•w ELDORADO $50 ovu !OIOU 11' MUADOR llACTt>IY (21001 1902'0) INVOICI New ELDORADO $50 ovu IHAWNll 11' C•tt Oftr llACTORY IUUI 11071 U I IJofVOltl Every ctm1Mr •nd Motor Home In our 1 11 Steck Now at Clearance Dl1counts. LABOR DAY CAMPER PACKAGE SPECIAL New 1971 El Dorado On New 1971 Ford F-100 I' C•a ever Olla. $3 9 9 5 w• c1111,er will. sieve, eve". It • !Du, 20 ••I. "'•l•r t.n~. tlbl. 11tinl111 .... , tinlc, clin•tf•.. CAMP!R la TlltUCK fully ·~u;,.,.,..J. COMPLETI (040) ( 100'77) e n • NEW '71 F-1 00 le"glteJ ~lyluitlt ,ic~u,. 160 va. rt tlie, huter, llu vy Juty fren+ " ,. .. ,. ''""'' l b.Uery, ek 1Tlf74 1 l ~IOHM20JU ) PARTS-SERVICE HOURS 7 AM Te 9 PM MON 7 AM To 6 PM TUE·FRI I PARTS DEPT. ONLY 8 AM to 1 PM SATURDAYS • U DAILY PILOT . • ORAllGI COUNTY'S 0111 STOP AUTOMOTIYI ... AD.QUARTIRS, DICK WILSON SAYS: A HM HIGHEST TRADE·IN ALLOWANCES NOW •••• NEW 1971 VR-ao-- RUNABOUT IMMEDIATE DEUVEIY (1Rl IW 19 1088) $19990 TOT AL $6266 TOTAL DOWN MONTHL 'f PYMT PYMT S !'19_90;. lolnl at..,.,._ _ _. U 2.'6 ii W "'°· '""'· kl.••· '71 IC .. w-1111 hmrit•t'*vH.., ..,.cn01 i.r3'-. Oel...,.llll,J"ll.~•• 11•SS M ...,1_nn tirmtec~ lllut. 71lit-wif,.._,.......1e,.,., c<WI. lull <o,i, I"""" $11?7.tS ioil:l,W..la• & lie-. .... U.l PIK .. , ....... n.11.stn";r------ ~ FULL PRICE OVER 60 NEW '71 PINTOS IN STOCK :~No ELDORADO CAMPER $15 8 8 .~.1;, ~.~ .. ~~!E.~ hoed. i tainless SIMI ~inks, i<:etox. t11!1'1- 1"1 af dos1f1; & ~~tri<. wtleh. droo~I. woad pa11~lo119, !l~~ps 6 1n ~omfon {90•736) BRAND '71GALAX IE 500 NEW _ .. FOR ONLY FULL PRICE SELECT FROM OYER 500 NEW CARS & TRUCKS. (1J54Hl 12413) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BR AND NEW '71 CAMP ER ELDORADO CABOYER Eo urooed wi•~ •T"""9, 1inl<, icebo;(.. d rapes, ple nty of clru.et space, e lec'"ric O\lt)e.,,, wood ponel.11g. (#3-4531 ON A ' NEW '71 FORD V-8 PICKUP Equipp"d 1.,;f+, V-S, 'Odio. f.eo'""· •;n!ed glo~s, he<:7vy duly rodia!O• (JI; 1OGRM0750') COMPLETE CAMPER PACKAGE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FULL PRICE FREE TILIPHOlll A;PRAISAL UH the tllUity In your oltl c•r to llHi~e .the low• pey111e1t oo the new o•e • Paid for or •ot.142-6611 • 5*7710 .• • ;-1 ----------. -- NE W 1971 Rad io, heater, spec ial pai nt, whitewalls. (1 K91 Ul87020) $199 TOTAL $57so TOTAl DOWN MONTHLY PAYMENT PATMENT SIM ii .. 1111 dn.O'f"'I . ....d $61 i< to!ol mo. PY""· •nd. M .. '71 IO:f"'I & oll f--.c1 <ho•Qfi ""®Ill'. et«!;• 10< :Ill """· !}fo!~rrfll pyml proc• 111>11 iti<I. oil t;...,,.,, '"°NJ''-''"°" "71 li<l!i\I, Of~ 'lf>J "~"'to 113)' c.01~. full c.W. proc• ;, ()Illy l?26J.'~ ... I. <ol~' loi. "11 I~"'"· ANNUA L 'llCINTAGI I A Tl Hl,ll IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NEW 1971 M U STAN G IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FULL PRICE (1FO\ll70007l NEW FORD F-100 PICKUP IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FULL PRICE FIREBIRD $ '68 ...... , .; .. ,;i,., 1688 fi11iall Ilk• 111• c••lll l. ti•• (TT,Hl) '61 !,~~~COMOllM !. Spo<;ol $488 '67 ~,~,~.~~'~?..~:l·,. $988 "'•• wh11l1. (167CK). l11t . (ULM 10•1 66 ~~~~,50~~~"" $788 '68 ~~~·~;KU >P op• $118 8 '69 ~~!~;,~~~•w $1888 1 · ' "•~• ';_-..,~It O'sfOl l) lar ha11clyma111 Jptcinl. 1l1t rl •1, r1llll1, llH!tr . "f•,.. 1 ' r. (l04lSA). . IX V,tJJJ. Lilit •t•. . ' 68 r2.~r~.~~..... $78 8 '70 ~~~P.~~~~~!~k $1388 '70 ~~.'.~!~~.~;°2 .. $2488 ., k {XIS••n ' r1lll11, lt11l1f, wh i t•· -,, ••• M , ........... 1 ... f• •, •1t1r. , w1ll1. (toSCRWI r1llli1, llHltt" ISSIAUN\ 67 ~~~-~A~"" hHtw. $8 88 '68 r.~~.~::'.',",~;,!J'. • (UOFl41) Spilt ri n'!1. {llS•l l ). • ' • ( '67 ~f.~~.2~~~.~~ ..... $78 H , •l"TI fllf (VllJolo.S) I DATSU $16 8 69 Pit Ii U_JI, with Ctlllptr. V1c•t10• r•••Y· IZ OM 161J '71 ~H~~;~~ .. w •• ;. $17 8 wo11 1 v1ry low "'"''· 11•1111<1 of f1ct wtrra11ty, A14L20266S c ' •