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1971-09-29 - Orange Coast Pilot
' ~· • . , . . . , . ·' ~Tasteless~ ·Mesan Suffers Malady Of Sense Organs DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER ~. 1971 1101. •. "4. HO . ~U. S Si:CTlON1, 74 PilliGES Sigp Her Up .~IT~ \\."eari ng rt;d. '9.'h ite and blue coveralls ana · a'n -ot"4nge lie~. Laura c:oat.s, 14. direCts traffic while working'as a fla gman on a construction job on Uighway 26 neat.Bend, Ore. She earns $5.85 an hour. Laura wo rked ruJI time during sunlnlcr and caotinues as .part time \vorkcr no\v th al school has started. Clemente l\lari.J.1e Denies Murdering Pregnant Wife Rv T0~1 8ARLt;v tif 1M Drill' ~illt Mrfl ~A grueling cros.~ examination of murder suspect t.1ark .• Johnson resumed today in Orange Coonly Superior Court with tht San Clemente t.!arine repeatedly denying that he had anything to do with the k.illing of his pregnant wife. Ttfe young t.1arine policeman. c;1ln1 and C'cirnpo.~d in the Witness OOx. rejected fll'OSCCUlion 11r~un1cnt!'i lhat he clubbt'd i nd !itnbbed Connie l,ynne Johnson to dee1th on .June 16. t970 iI1 U1e cooplt':s apartment al 416 J\fonlcrey Lane. His testimq1y In courl r t j e c l ~ statements mfdc by him in lnlerviews ' . • taped by San Clemente police and district attorney'.s in\•estigators in which he ad · milled clubb!J!g his wife 'i\'ith • bar stool alter breaking into t~ apartmenl. But those statements have nol yet bttn declared to be-admissible by Judge William Murray despite the appeals of Chier Deputy Ol!Lrict Atlorney Jame.11; · Enrig'hl that. they l5e accepted as t\'idencc. ~:nright. obvlousfy angered by the repealed ob.ieclions or defense attorney !lay Sharp. appeared to make very little progr~ th is morning ln his questioning \ ISe< JOHNSON. l'ag< !) . . ew Draft Call To Resume Afte1~ Lapse IVASl-l!Nt:TON (AP\ -Resuming th'e draft after a three-month la pse. the Pron- tagon will announce Thursday a new in- duction quota that will bring 1971 call-up:\ lo lhe lowest annual total in nearly a decade. A Pentagon spokesman. .Jerry W. lo'ricdhelrn , liaid !he ne"' call will cover indurtinns fnr October. November and Iler.ember. and that this vear's drall total will end up below 100.oOO men. 1'he las! tlme !ht draft fell bclo1" 100.000 "'aS in 1962 1vhen 76.500 men 11.•ere drafted into the armed forces. Frie.dheim did not give a firm figure for t he Oclober-November·Deccmber i·all. hut i11dicaled the rotal for the lhree 1nunlhs will be below lrl.000. A total of 8:1,000 n1en were inducted in tile firi>! six months Jf this year before Ul e draft law died Jue 30. Secret11ry or Deft>nse. 1\-lelvin R Laird has voited hope this will be the last ex4 tension of lhe Selective Service Act, ex· 1.:cpt for standby en1ergency machinery, because the Nixon administration hopt:\ to achie ve an alJ .vo\unteer force by mid· 1973. 1'he three.month lapse in the draft was the longest since the late 1940s when Congress allowed the draft to die, but revived It in June 1948 ~ter a nine-month ~p because the Army was unable to fill its ranks with volu nteers. f ricdheim said it will take about two or three weeU after the new call tfi issued lo gear up for actual inductions._,. Selective Servicro authorities ha ve said they anticipate the first men inducted will come from among a pool of college and junior college graduates whmle draft deferments expired in June. President. Nixon signed the draft-ex· tension bill today. In signing the bill, which reached hi:\ desk after a hard congressional fight, Nixon ordered a $2.4 billion a year pay raise delayed until after the general wage.prize freeze expires Nov. 12. The-pay increase, designed t.o promol.e an all-vdlunteer force. wa.s written into the draft bill and provided for an Oct . 1 e.Uective date. Friedheim estimated that lhe slippage in paying the higher scales from Oct. I to Nov. 13 will save the Pentagon about $.115 million. Pt1eanwhile, tht Defense Department Issued a new monthly report on total military strength abowing that the armed forces declined by 27,000 men in AuiusL to a total of 2,657.000. sm'11est in more than six years. The Pentagon has been scaling down the 1it:e of the armed forces since starting to withdraw from Vietnam more th an two years ago. At the peak of the war. in 1968. there_wcre more lhan 3.5 million American men In uniform. ' • • . Draft to Besu111e Thursday After 3•JDonth Lapse • as urv1ves • Ha11 • Mesa1is Suffers Sense Loss M~'lady LOSES TWO SENSES Malady Svffere,. W'lght Mom Hubbard's Register Bare The owner of a Newport Beach bakery named 'for old Mother Hubbard went ·to the cup~arc.i to check bis cash rectipts Tuesdat. But w'tlen he got there, he found il wu bar!. Randolph Clark. owner or P.1other Hub- bard's, ,2545 Eastblutr Drive, told police SOl"J'leo~ evidently slipped in and cleaned out the .cash register whUe baketa were 005)'. Losll was "'15. lnvesti<ars 11id. U.S. ·Dolla1· Rallies, rRANKFURT, Germ1ny IUPJJ Uncertainty concerning the deliberations of the International monetary ful)d con-- rerenct: in Washington enabled the dollar to r"llY slightly aft.er a mid·mornlng aet4 bac k on Weil German money marketa:. ' . ) • By ARTHUR It. VINSEL or,._0.l!f"PHll ..... Say dysgeusla and dyio!nia in polite company and the unlatormed listener might threaten to "Wash 6'oor mouth out with so1p, or, worse, do_)t. Then you could btt~r relate to the plight or Earle Wight. .' lle surfers those m~erious, diificuJt4 to-pronounce mal1dies ~ cause and cure unknown -which i~lbly distort the $Mses of taste and sniell. One can truthfully 11ay • disaster of gastronomic proportions has bellllen him. Like most people, ht loves good food and appreciates fine wint, but II months agt> life abruplly chanaed for ..E a r J e Wight. Dysgeusi1 and d y s o s n i a developed. Normally plea3ing tastes and smell! are now unbearably foul, or else none1· ist.ent, while some -sweets in Earle's Ca!!e -remain unaffected by the baffling condition. "My taste is either good or bad, but as far as di stinguishing different fla yo rs - no wa y." laments Wight. Nobody kllOws precisely how or why but the incredibly complex system by whi ch sweet, sour, salt and bitter are translated between papillae. or taste buds, and the brain , goes ha}'\\'ire like a computer with • short circuit or blown fuses . "Mustard, spaghetti and meatballs, anything that contains c1tsup. t.11tes like ••• we.II • -. what you wouldn't want in your mouth ," he declarea. "~foulhwash. coffee. clie.sel or gas fume! from a bwl; truck-or can they all 1mell the same," Wi11ht contlnu~s. A fresh slice of fr1grant onion on a rare hamburger is tr1nslated into an unholy odor that liter1lly nause1t.es him. And if something lastes bad, it tariu BAD. . "the laate? ·1 .cannot describe the taste. It is totally foreip. And it'1 funny. the tltings that I liked and enjoyed 1ra now tbe ones I can't eat," he contlnuu. Steaks and Jamb chopa are edible, but l'8teless. · Wight can only tell what's for dinner when he 1rrivea home at 710 W. lath St., Costa Meaa, when he can aee it. He always enjoyed a JI~ or wine with it, but now ca.nnot dlltlnCUi.!h a fine Cabernet Sauvl1non· from iMtant Iced .... He is losing wei1ht, 15 pounds llO far, but aaving money. "What's the lttlst of buyjng 1ood wine U you can't tell what the: hell you're drinklnl?," h< ezplalna. "We used to dine: out two or three times 1 week. Now if we so out once a month we're doing good," WJ&ht con- llnues. He lnsitta his wlfe Marguerite go. to a restaurant with frlcndl ocuablally, '° she doesn't suffer tor his afnlcUon. Making the dally lunch be takes to his job as mtll unit 1Upervllor at Philco- Ford AeronulronJc IJ also a problem for Mrs. Wight. "Jl's pretty hard to Mt a aandw\ch (Sff TASTELEl.!1 Pa1• t) • -" County Unit Gives Okay· To Complex By JACK BROBACK Cit ,,.. 111rrr P'lllt """ McDonnell Dougla11 Corporation pl1111 to develop a massive hotel-office buildtnC complex near Orange County Airpartr survived another hearing Tuesday despii. new and vigorous opposition. Theo Orange County Planninc Com4 miasion recorded the same l to 2 vote by wh.ich it approved a. rn~ Aur. 31 of the 50 acres at the northeast comer al :r.1acArthur Boulevard and Campus Drive, Backing vigorous opposition nl th• Irvine Company Tuesday was a plannln& department staff report strongly recom - mending denial of a pro posed amendment lo the general plan or the area plus a pro- test from a IJCI executi\'('. The plan face s its next hurdle within four to six weeks bP.fore the Bo.a.rd of Supervisors. A he<iring date on the rezone from industrial to commercial use of the property has not been set. l\fcDonne!I Douglas wa nl.s to build a !!51)..room hotel.motel and some 500,000 square feet of office buildings on the site. The Irvine Company opposes the plan because it changes the establi!lhed Irvine· Industrial Complex Planned Community Development Progr1m. At the Aug. 31 bearing, • Ila.ff report written by planner Roy Gohara recorn• mended approval or the re.rone. Tuesday a new staff report 9igned by Planning Director Forest D I c k as o a strongly opposed tht project Planning Commission Ch at rm 1 n Woodrow W. Butterfield and Com· (See DOUGLAS, Pl~ %) Weadter Sunny skies aa:ain today, with increased cloudineas tonil:ht and Thunday. Highs along th< c:Oaa In the mld-tO'! ristn( to 77 lnl1nd. Lows tonight 56 to 62. INSIDE TODA'l' No matter where 11ou turn this Wttktnd, thtrc't a commun-- itfl thtattr liQhUng up its t tagc. Sec ThtaUr Nottt in lodall'I tn£trtainment 1ection, Pcoe 21. .,,,.,. 14 1Nflll9 U C1llfllnlMo II c.-Cf,_ 11 C........_ V. II Cl_..._. Jl·U c""1c' H c-.... • DMlfl "9tlcft 14 ' DIYW<• U ........... _ . •~tfflllllflltt>t u-n ,,_, "'" -M ........... M t I ...,_ . ..... M IW'tte9 II, '4 Mn... H>D ~, ..... __ .. ...... CMllt'f ,. lt<MI '9ftw • '""' 1141 Dr. '""'4:,... 11 lllf'llr 11Mr11... JN! T.wrillM ti ""'""' awr w..... • ._. ......... --.. I • I \ I -I z IWLY ,l\J)J S ' S(Juth·tViet~- ·Push North, Blast Reds SAIGON {UPll -Fifty thousand South Vietn&mat backed by U.S. oombat troops and ht.Ivy U.S. air ruppart drove notthward Imm Tay Ninh Cit ytoday 1n a major counterofferuiive aa:ainst three N~ Vietnamese divisioM attacking 011 tbt·Cambodian-Vittnam border. The South Vietnamese unit! believed to include both infantry and armor swept out of Tay Ninh, 50 miles northwest of &a.J.aon. ·toward the. Cambodian rubber plantation town of· Krek, 35 miles away a.long Highway 22. O~ of the larger pitched batUes of the war appeared lo be ln the making. ne CommuniJta blocked the highway Sunday wlwl they opened a bQrder of- fensive which Vietnamese m i 11 t a r y leaders said wa11 an attempt to infli ct a defeat that would embarrass President Nguyen Van Thieu before his one-man Sunday presidentiJJ election . The new drive was launched after a daylong pounding of Cnrnmunist po~ition5 along the highway and el51!where in Northern Tay Ninh Province. Fighter- bbmbers were in action but most helicopter gunahlps were grounded by bad weather. Front reports said the South Vietntmese were meetirlg only liabt resialance. ·UPI Correspondent Kenneth J . Brad- dick reported from Tay Ninh that both South Vietnamese and Ameriean troops wen 'POW'int into lhe city aboard htlicopters and planes and in long col- umns of trucb moving in a steady rain throughout the dsy. Gen. N1uyen Xusn Tinh, commander of the AltYN i§th Dlvition. said 50,000 South Vie~ ·including the 18th and 25th Divtllons, two brigade!! of the airborne division, the 3rd Armored Task Force, other armored units and "several" ranger groups were fighting three divisions of North Vietnamese nwnbering possibly 36,000 men. The U.S. command shifted a l,000.man squadron of the lllh Armored Cavalry Rtgiment north to Tay Ninh City to pro- vide security for dozens of American 1st Air Cavalry division helicopters and t.roopa brought in to support the Viet· namese operation. The U.S. 7th Air Force dispatched a top officer: to Tay Ninh City to oversee the in· stallation of el~tronic beacons at U.S. and South Vietnamese firebases along the . border and in northern Tay Ninh Province. The beacons would permit close U.S. air support even in soupy weather that came from dying Typhoon Etella. Luncheon Story \Vh en ?itrs. Dorothy Weekly. a fir st grade teacher at Harrison School just outside of petroit. routinely accepted the battered lunch pail of· fered her for safekeeping by one of her 6-year-old pupils, she realized it was the lunch pail ·she carried to school 13 years ago. It still had her maiden name written inside. Results: Charlie Wilson has a ne\11 lunch pail and Mrs. Weekly has a piece of memorabilia. 18-year-old Adulthood Measure Clears Hurdle SACRAMEl\1TO (U!'l \ -An omnihuii: bill making young Cali fornians legally adults at age 18 frir virtually everything txcept drinking reached its final ma jor Senate hurdle today. The bill. co-authored by 4 7 assemblymen. cleared the important Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday with only one audible "no" vl'Jte apd went to the full Senate, its last major test. It would " lower the leg11.l aJte of 11dul!hood in Californi 11 from 2\ lo 18 For virtually everything, ex cept drinking and voting. The 26th 11mendment to the r.:.s. Constitution already allov.·s them to vote in all elections. The state constitution aet3 t h e min imum age for dr1nk1ng al 2L but a separate prepared amendment alsn is pending in the Senate which would reduce the age to 18. Under the massive b i I I by Assemblyman Paul Priolo IR-PaciFic Palisadeal, IS.year-olds could become policemen, dentist&, a t torn e y ll,. em- balmers as well as serve on juries, tie elected to school bo11.rds. and sign legal contracts. Men could marry without parenta l consent. The 18-year-olds also would be lrled in ad ult cnurt.o;, be sen t to prison, sign legnl contracts, and be held liable in civil cases. Vietnam . Turmoll Thieu Orders -Shoot to Kill SAIGON (APJ -President Nauyen Van Thieu today ordered police to "shoot to kill" a.ntigovemment rioters who throw fi rebombs or otherwise endanger ·lives. Gove rnment spokesman Vu Khanh, confirming Thieu's order, said the presi- dent told police oHicials, "We are living in a period of political danger and turmoil. II ts lhe duty of police to keen orde r. It is their duty to react to any viol ence. ""Whoever creales vi<ile ncfl: 1n the streels for the purpose ol te rrorism mu5t be severely punished. Those who are caught red·h anded burning autos must be shot on the spot if necessary·., The1u made 110 mention of continuing demonstrations against his unopposed U.S. Threatened With Hijackings By Fidel Castro r.tJAr-11 (t;PJ ) -Cuban Premier Fidel Castr<i warned the United States Tuesday night lo stop publicizing Cuban refugees \\•ho Flee his island illegally or he might sta.rt sanctioning the skyjacking of U.S. planes. Speaking at the l!lh ;inni versary celebration of the founding of the Revolu- tionary Defense Committees -local cells which encourage spying on o n e ' s neighbors -and monitored in Miami, Castro to\rl the crowd : "Let I.hem 1the U.S. government~ re member th;;il 1hcir planes fl y here, lel the imperalists remember we haven"L yet awarded a medi'll to a skyjacker. ''But if they prnm11te illegal ity here, we will promote Illegality there," Castro was referring to the ap- prnaching end to the "freedom flight~" to Miami and the choice taken by many Cubans, like 12 just this weekend, to at- tem pt crossing !he da ngerous Florida slrails t11 freedom in small boats and n1akeshift rafts. Cast.rn took the same occasion on Sept. 2R, J96f.. lo announce the start of the airlift , notini;:: that any Cuban who didn"t like the revolution could le11ve . As of to- day more than 246,000 have left. candidacy in Sunday's presidential elec- tion. • Thieu issued the orde r to 80me 400 po lice officials from around the country gathered for a mee\Jng al !he national poli ce headquarters in Saigon. Shortly after the meeting, a terrorist bomb ex ploded in front or a crowded restaurant ln suhurban Gia Dinh, v.·oun- ding 24 person~. <111 Vietnamese. it was the fourlh niajor terrorist bom- bing in the Saigon area in the past tv.•o \\'epks. The Gia Dinh Prr11·ln ce chief. Col. Le Van Tu. said the wounded included Five policemen. 14 soldiers. two women, two children and a C'ivilian man. Tu said preli1n1nary reports showed no one wa.~ kill ed. Sources said the bombing was !hl'lughl lo be th e work of Viet Cong who ap- psren!ly fixed a 10-pound plastic ex- _,.. plosive to a bicycle parked outside the building. The restaurant Is a favorite of soldiers and polict"rnen . A vehicle belonging fo an Arnencan contracting firm "'as firebombed in cen- tral Saigon earlier in the day. There were no injuries. No new antigovernment rio1s "'ere reported in Sl'ligon, but in the northf'rn ci- ty of Da N;:ing about 300 Buddhist students and monks threw rocks and fire b<imbs at com bat police surrou nd ing a pagod;:i Police respnnded by riring volleys of tear gas canisters and one Buddhist stu- dt>nt was wounded in lhe head. Wi tne~ses: said they did nnt see any soldiers firing ri fle s and presumh11 Jy the studen t l\•as wounded by a canister. T-tfe Budd hist students hl'lve been holed up in the pagorla for three dl'l ys after an antigovernmenl demonstratiori. In an<ither development, Gen . Duong Van "Big" Minh, who along with Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky withdrew from tht presidential r11~ charging that the election was rigged by Thieu, sairl a prl!'sid ent chosP.n in an uncontested eltc- lion "can in no way represent the peo- ple." Hou se Committee Oka vs Tax Cuts ·' On Withholding • li~I T1i1P~f .. Srill So11g/1t .1\ttorne.y Stephen tl'i1LcheJJ B1ngharn, 28. ts sl11l being sought as suspect in gun smuggling at San Quentin Prison Aug. 21. Six -guards and priso ners -\Vere slain in ;:ibortive escape attempt \l'hich follo\vcd Bingham 's visit to George .Jackson, one of the slain prisoners. f 'rom PIJ11e J DOUGLAS ... mi s~1nncr F'rcd Jefferson cnntinued their strong anti·lrvine posture throughout tbt hearing. fifth District Commission't·r Arnold Forde joined the pair in the Iirial vote. Bt1t!erfield tried lo hall Dickason'g reading nf his three·page rep<Jrt. "ls11't th is report part and parcel of whst We heard Aug. 31?" he queried. "Everyone here interested has read it." Dickason continued to read however, arguing lhat Tuesday's action concerned ''a major amendment to the gene r3l pt1n of the l'lrea rather than a single rezone." The r-f cDnnnrll Dnugl;:is prnjPct fa ces an i'-dd itiona! rnadblock later even jf ep- prn1·prl h~' 1hP supervi~ors . The Cf1t1nl y's Airport Land lsP Com· mls~ion ha!i i;onc <Jn recnrd in orpnsition tn anv change in zoning arnund the ;:i irp<irt and if the supcr\·isnr~ apprn\·r \be reznne it wil l be con1r;:i ry 1o the com· mii;si<in"s adopted land l\i;e plan. Communist Cl1ina Cai1cels Sen. C111.rk Bradley ( R-San Jose), v.·ho cast the only oppo!lition vote, warned lhat the bUJ would touch off "one ol the most miserable social experimentations that this state has ever sten. The results would be horrendoul!." Bradley said youngsters would leat•e schnol to marry sooner. bl!'ar children. divorce and lhat their off8pring will go on ·welfare and become involved in illegal activities. From Page 1 JOHNSON •.. WASHTNGTO N (UPf\ -The I-louse \\'ays and Means Comm ittee gR ve formBI approval tDd;:iy to $15.4 billion in tax cuts over thrte yearit with prompt Houee a.id Senal.e endorsement, sma ll lax benefits could start sho wing up in payroll withholding l'IS early ;is mid·November . It wi ll then take a four-fifths vote <if the ii uper visors tn O\'erride the ccmmission. Di ckason's repn rt chall enged the valid!· ly <if the amendment to the ~even-year old plan of the area on three grounds: -No need ha s heen ~hnwn for ad· di!i<ina! c:<immerci al facilities ne1r the c<iunty airport. Another Higl1-level Fete HONG KONG (U Pl) -Communi~t China bu called off another major Ceremony, the annual high-level b11.nquet which traditionally is held in celebration of the OcL I Nationlll Day. reports from Peking indicated today. Diplomatic sources said it appe11.red that the banquet, wua\ly hosted by Premier Olou En·!ai, would be replsced by a more subdued lower level reception marking Communist China 's 22nd an- nivmary. Earlier, Chinege officials sE1id that the tradiUonal mass rally and parade, the main features of the National Day "celebrations for the past 21 yea.rs, had been canceled. There have been no rad io, tel evision or newspaper announcements made nn the cmcelalions. China analys~ in this listening post still a~ convinced I.hat I.he Peking regime has undergone some sort ()f leadership crisis. The consensus among thest analysts Is that the C'ris1s involves 11 power stn1ggle within the to p level leadership between extreme leftist elements and moderates, mainly in the military establishment. (In F'rance, the highest·level Com· munist Chinese delegation to visit Western Europe since Mao Tse-tung seized power in Peking in 1949, arrived in Pari~ for talk~ on lhe Indochina war and trade matters.) (Political obstrver5 said they hoped the visit v.·ould shed some light on the de\"elopments in Peking.) Reports from Chin.'! quoted nfficial5 .'JS saying small, i;ca!t~red gatherings v.·oul d replace t.ht> rally anrl parade in Prking. Peking radio and the of fic;il New Chin a News Agency iNCN"A l broadca~t reports nl preparations in Peking. Shanghai, Tlentsin and other ma jor cities for the National Day Celebra tio ns. The report11 did not rtfer tn the change in the naturt of the celebrations. "! think ~'e're shoving it down the throat5 of· young people 18-to-21 on the. premise that they want it." he said of the hill. reporting he had received no letters from 18-year-olds in support of the measure. The measure also drew opposition from Carl Ander50n . representing the california Peace Officers As11ocl.tUon and District Attorneys. He said it would be ·•un wise"' tn reduce the age from 21 to 18 for peace officers. ""ThC!'Oret \cally," Andtrson told the cnmm ittee. "he couldn't go into a bar to !11ke care of a brawl." But Sen. Donald Grun.sky 1R-\Va\5on- vill ei. said the me11sure would n<it pre- t"Pnt police departments anrl other agen- r jes from establishing minimum edura· !ion or experience requirements for of- fictr~. Priolo exempted from the bill e:i:i~t ing c:hild support c11se!{ rtsulting from a clis50lution of marri11.ge. An 13-year-old now receiving 11uch support would con- tinu e to receive it until he reached 2L ol the tall blond mil1t;:iry policeman. . Johnsnn. 20. could not recall m11ny minnr details of I.he. events leading to his arrest June 22 and repeatedly denied that he had ever been arl vii;ed of his rights prinr l<i interviews with police, district i'l!torne,v's in v es t I g a Lo r s and a psyc hia trist. He is accu.~ed of healing his wife intn unconsciousness .:ind nf then killing her "'ilh a butcher knife that inflicted more than 20 stf!O wnunds as the helpless "·nm;in 111~· ~prawled on her bed . It f." argued by the prosecution that .il')hnSl'ln. ;:ingerrd by his wife's objections In hi~ use rif marijuana ani:l her loc king li1m n11t nf the <1pa rlment, climbed thrn11gh the window ::uW <11\acked her. He lnlrl p<ilice al ilil: time that ht> had fnund !he hndy on his return £rom duty at 1he Si1nt::i Arin f.1l'lrine Cf1rps Air St.a1inn. It "·as i'll firlit believed !hat robbery was !he mnt11·e f<ir the s!ayinj:! .. r~so11w .. •rn Reps. Charles A. Vanik rD-Ohi<i ), and Sam r.ibbons ( 0-F\a . \ cast the only <iissenting votes as the rommittee 5€nl to the House floor for prob;:ible passi'lge next Tuesday a bill embQdying basic decisions it had previou.~l.Y made in line with Presi- den t Nixon's economic progr;im , The con1mit!ee p;a ve Nixon b;isica\ly what he w;intcd in !11,~ incentives for business inves tment. But it went hevo nd his tax cut proposa ls f0r indi vidUa ls , voti ng to increa~e the hasic person;i! ex- emption from $650 to $675 a person this year inste<1d of riext ~'ear and to raise thP: nrintaxahle income floor next yei'lr fr om Sl.000 In SL300. A revised tabulation by lhe tre!lsury in- clicaled the bi ll'i; 1ax henefits for in· d1virluals ;:ind hu~inesse~ y,•ould ('Ut rPvenue~ hv Sl 67 hiltinn this vear. $7 79 billion in 1!112 and $5.95 bil1inn in 1!173. OOMEGA -Appro\'RI nf lhe rrquei;t could lead to i;imilar requests on ad jacent and nearby propP.rlie.~. -Intensified use of the pr0perty would lead to ~crinus ove rloadini;! of support sy~!rn1~ in the area. e~pecially roads . C\iFtnn Miller, direct<ir of pl<1nning and development fnr UCl. v.·:irned of in- c:rel'l.~cd vchirle trl'lff ic In thP area ll'hich could sPriously :iffeC'I the un iversity. He asker! tha1 apprnv11l be de!a~'ed until a 1-hnrough study could be made of the impi'lct . Dick.:isnn·s rep<irl nn!erl that tht 61· l'lcre 1'.ockheP<l property ~outhelll\t. of lhe airport has recentl y heP.n 7.nned for co m- mrrri11I use h~ Newf10rl Beach and that lhe Cnllins R11dlo Compsny property ad· joining !he 51l-;:irre p11rcPI is in Newport and has morP !h;:in lllO 11ndeveloped acres \\•hith could .'!.O to office huildings. OUM61 COAIT F rom Pag~ J TODAY . -. .. . . . . . .. .. -. • .. .. .. :} •• •• •• :; .. .. .. :t ·' •• ~! : z .. .. •• -· .. .. • . .. . '· .. DAILY PILOT Hmt ..... IMd ,.,,,. .. .,..., ... _ OLf.HOI COAST ,UtLISW!N• CON#'Nft •oll'••t N. w,.d .. ,.. .... , •/Ill l'utllllW" J1t~ ~. Curl•v ~ ,,...,_ •114 t....11 ,,., • ....,.. T}i,,.,., Kt1vi\ h ihlr Tllo"''' A. M~tphiftt M ..... lllJ lfl!W ehul11 H. L-a1.~ •• J r. Ni ll AM!thlll M.e .... 119 l.lllera CA1l.Y l'ILOT, wfttl ""'Id< Ill~ ,.._. ,._,,,_, It ........... ,.llV ~ """' .. ., M ... !'fl9 •lllWll fOr ~· t..Kll. ,...,., .. ell. Ot&1111 ,,,,.., H1111llnt~ a.di, ._..... V1l'-'t, i.lf\ (lffrltrol1/ Q....,,_ '"" ....,111Nd(,, '""" wl"' -............ .., ...... ~,lntliMI "'14111"1 •llflf • et -w.t ..., llntt, Olli. ........ . '''"•••• t n41 •41 ... 111 Cl ..... .w .. 11 .... '41·1671 5-Ch rte Ah ,.,,,,_.-w ,...,....4'2-4411 ~. 1m. °"'~ eo .. t """""""" c.n.-,oy. ,.. -'"'"'"· ttluotr••~ • ..,_ .. , -_, NVl<'tl-"'• Mn1"' w.y • , .. I_. ~ ,..1e1 _. ....... ~--· '-" eta. ,.... ,.w et 1<1..-t 1"9dl .,,. c.i. Mao. 1;41!t'°'"'il. ._,.l,.iloflr IW Ctfrltl' 17,h -'"'IWI D'f ""!! U ,rJ "'"""''fl ,,,111,."¥' ,,,,,~•"ft°"', UH,,..,.,.,., TASTELESS ... when even the bread tastes bati. t end up eating only the sweet foorl." he explains "I'm hungry fo r so many foods. but •. ~" Wight shrugs. Smoking is commonly associated wit h diminished ability to taste 11.nd smell normally . "Smoking Is about. tht onl y thing I en- joy an ymore." says Wight. who is Mand a smoker for 40 or those vtars. \\'hat hss been , is biing, or possibly C'an be. done for dysgeusiA and d,vsosnia· suffers. who medlcal authorities sa.y number In the thousands ? "J"m sure I'm not the onlv ont !n the country with th is problem. And it's one hell Qf a problem. believe mt.'' sa ys \\'lght. Sclent.lst.s \\'ho only recently began stu- dying the 11mazing, but pre\'iously neglerled mechanics of t11sl.e and smell sus~t the mouth -not the mind - may be in~r man's last frontier . 1'ht big quP stio" on Earle \.\'lght's mind is, indeed. what Is going on In his mouib? The key apparenll!J lies 5Clmewhere bttween the &drenal glands -t'lnt known (3ctor in transform ing various stimuli in- to Ulste 11nd ~mell -the tt'll'1gue, p;.la te, throat. nose 11nd br11in. liis physlcl11.n and a !pecial111t Wisht consulted haven't come up "'i!h any op. Umlstic answers. So-me medical men claim • degree of S\JC'.Cf'SS pre.~cribing r,inc t3bJe~. lhe<1riz- lng a metal deficiency may t'M' involv ed in a kind of electrical ~ystem transmilting nerve mess11ge!':. The concept. 18 a l1ttle likl' addlnit 1cid lo y<iur rar b11ttery to hel p charge up the elt('tmdlf!S .. One alleged breekthrough wa.s widely reported e&rlier th.1! year. It is 1 llste test diagnostic kit developed by Dr . Rnbert I. Henkin, (If the U.S. Public He11.lth Service. by J, C. HUMPHltlll The kit could be used to test 15 Mnt1t people think of a cameo a~· \'ariously-flavored S()Jutions on ~r ien l.s a stone with the head of a beauU. F<ir clues to Wight'• lrouble. as well as ful wnman carved on it. This is al· many other diseases which influence taste and smell. most correct. bu t not quite. A D).•sgeus ia and dysosnia often emerge cameo is the cut.. not the stone it· after 50me other illness -bronchi11 I sel f. pneumonia in Earle Wight's case -lea v- ing a possible allergy or medication reac-Cameo~ come in many different I.ion suspect. styl es. Stone cameos are cut Crom The taste te.~t kit enthusi<Jsticall,v ~ern st.ones like blood stones, tiger rP1•ealed by U.S. health officials in eyes. J·ade. etc. SheU ~ameos are Bethesda, Md., w11s to be free. and · available to 11ny physicians Interested. carved on pieces of stiell , and are Wight 's doctor wrote and ordered one, perhap~ the most common. Coral but heard noihing. "' cameos are carved on coral A registertd letter mailed a~ a followup brought a note that delivery was held up, 11\ere are also as s .em b I e d but. s;iying kit shipments would be ex -cameos. which mean that the fig~ ptdlted ag soon as possible. ure is carved from one gubstance So far, no kit h11.s arrived. \\'tght says he is rather bitter about and cemented to another . what was apparently a gllmmtr of fa lse An intaglio is the Opposite or a hopto, add ing thst he would gl•dly P•Y camf.'(>. with the ca.rving recessed Almost any price if kits have been cut from federal budgeting, into the stone instead of the stone "I ff"f) this way, i( wt c11n·t be\ievt 11nd being carved away from the figure- gl) along \l'ith what tht> 1overnmen t o~ftrs We will be happy to show vou to do. there's ~mething wrong many fine cameos and 1ntagl1os, ~mewhtre ." all of ...,·hic h are much more rea- Meanwhllt. the former mf!nJ1we11.r ~hrrp sonahly priced than you m ay rea· ma nager b j118t th!'. npposltt of the col· . lite-f\1any beautiful cameo pieces orbllnd . or f11shion-d1ted cmtomer who cost weU under ~ with m uch of critical h11.btrda1her1 say haa all hi~ taste the price of other pieces depcnd- Omega watches aru styled with c la$$1C elegance, But • lheif beauty Is m6re ll'len a kiri • deep. That"s why Omeg1·a:;, reputation for l•mekeeplng• dependabllity is wltriout peer, El!he1 or these lovely brac11et wa1che1 would ~nmenl the wardrobe ol e .. rut1y wtU dre11ed women, See our comp!e1e Speaking of beautiful features Omega eollecllon $00n. A -141( I OHd tlllld b11c1hl .. t>lell ••••••••••••••••• '300 I • n dlur111"6•. ,,!( w11111 or ,.1111ow 1011~ told bro ctl~! "kb-................. ~ J. c. 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVENIENT TERMS UNV.M~R.IC#o.110-MASTE• CMAR.Gf. 24 YEA~S $"'ME LOCATION Pi-fONE 541.)401 ln his mouth. ing on their settings· Wight has his In hl1 clothes and they 1 ~:.:.:_:=.:_:===-------~~~~~~:'.'.'.~~~~~~~:'.:~~~~~'~· ::'.'::::"'.'.:~~~~~ c<11n"I lllke away lhat • I I I' I I , I I I I I I I' I I r . I t ' . ,, .... - H11ntington Bea~h Fountain Valley VOL. 04 , NO. 233, 5 SECTIONS, 74 PAGES ORANGE COUN TY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1971' \ N.Y. Stoeks ' , TEN CENTS Ex-Locl{heed Employe Cites 'Mismanagement' 'VASltINGTON fUPll -llenry i\f. Durham, lonner e1nploye Ko. 526 7911, l:Onfronlcd <i corporate 1 iel' pr'esidt:nl "'11h 111 $6a boll tod:i.1 t1nd aecused Lock· heed of mass111e 11·as1r and 1ni,;managr. ment of the C5A cargo plane <.'ontract. Durhain. 11·ho said he quit his job in disgust as a production engineer al Lock- heed-Georgia's (;5A plant in ~lariclta , Ga.,.~d a rongressionat C<1m1nittce that. ~'.!1 i lons of valuable steel 11·ere lef1 lo rust and corrode on outdoor racks. 11eed- le5! e.1penses \\'ere ln('U rred hs pun.:ha.~e of hardv.are al "exorbJ!anr· prices and .. thousands of thousands of part~ and <1sscmblies v•ere m1splared and \ell oul t>I lhe plane~·· The C5A progran1 has exceeded its odginal cost estimates by S2 billlon. Tht- Air Force jet transport is the world's largesl aircrart. Durhan1 .'\aid hf' tried h.l c.'orrel'.t the si1uation but •·1 wa s lold to shul up." Lockhecd-C;oorgia Lxecuti~·e V 1 c' President H. Lee Poore defendf'd his company. JENN IFE R CREAR), KATHY DA Y SHOW OFF THE IR PUMPKIN The Gr1•t Pumpkin Lives in Huntington Be•ch Great, P11111pkin ,ilf elo 11 TiJJS Scoles nt 60 Pou nds Doublers, hear .ve'. Linus wa~ riAhl , thf' Creal Pumpkin has risen fron1 its patch in Huntington Be<ich Although l!'s a month early. ii "'eigh-: in 11t 60 pounds and \\'a.~ gro1111 !ron1 a i;eed in !he backyard ol i\lr and i\ilr~. Vernal Da,v. 6512 · Abbott Orh·r. GrO\\'ing purnpkin.<: f!ir l-lal1011een Jai·k· n-lan!rrns i<: a ~·early pa.~lunp for 1hP Days and their f\\-'O i·hlldrrn, .lennifrr. 12, 11nd l\ath.1·. 6. O<iy. an .1el'o!ipare 'vorker. consider-.. himself a pumpkin C'ar\'i"g artJsl ;ind laboriou~l.v fashions his designs '>''Ith a ~lylu~ In pa ."! years !My ha\'c. t.ar\'t.Sled two or lhree 111ediun1-siicd pun1pkins. but 1hi~ ~·ear, y.•he11 alt lhe --0thers shrank up and died. they la,·ished all lheir earc on the. b11:: onr. ··\re kn t'll' \\'I' had a good onf' nn nur hands wht'n it gainer! four pounds a dav lnr the fir st six da.vs af1rr we first \\c1gh- r£! 11 111 al I~ pounds.·' se1d ~lrs J)a). · .Ji;-nnd<'L 11·ho r>l<tnl c:, !ht• Sf'(:d~ rath \'ear. J!:OI ~u excited abou! ii !hal she had 11 ~ hauling out the balhroom sc<iles e1er) r!n~ " Theo n1anuno1h pun1 11k111 n1ra ~uri11.I!' lour feel three 1nths 111 g1rih 11'11) hr 11tored un!tl Hallo11·ecn 11·hen ll \\Ill be t'arved 111to a jaek-o-lantcrn. Cast1·0 Leve ling Th1·eats Of Sanctioned Skyjacking , P..f1Ai\1f (l."Pfl -Cuban Premier Fidel Castro warned !he United States Tuesday night lo :;top publicizing Cuban refugee.~ l\'ho flee his island illegally or he might 11.a.rl 3af)Ctioning the skyjacking or u s. plane~. Speaking ~! thr. I Ith annlvers11ry :::tlebralion of lht-founding of the Re \'olu- lidnary Defenst Committees -local cell~ which encourage spying on o n e · s Huntington Harbour Eleclricit y Cut Off ,. ?tlore lhan 1.000 residents of Huntington :tarbour l\'ere \\'ithout electrical PQ'\\·er t'uesday afternoon when workmen at'- rident111l y dug up a Southern California ::;dison po\\'er cable. Company ~pol<t!man Bob Burbank said 1"tt power outage lasted from I p.m. to \:ti p.m. for the mAjC!rlty of customer' ft Lht irea A few were left without ~wer. about one hour tonger •hlle •ansformer repaiNr were be.inf nlade. u~ itaid the oulage occurred when .ort:nien at 11700 Saybrook. Lane dug up :he cable. " neighbors -aDtt monitored in Miami, Castro told the crowd: ''Let !hem ,jhe U.S. govcrnmenl i remember that.;heir planes fly here. let 1he imr>eralists remember '>'"f' ha ven l yf'r ~w:irded A med<il to a sk}'JRC.kt';. "Bur if they promote i1Jegah1 y here, we will promote illegality there." Castro "''" referring to lhfo 111p- proaching end lo the "lreedom flight.s" to Miami and the 'choice taken b.v many Cubam. like ll j1,15t thl.5 weekend. to al- ltmpt crossing the dangerous Florida straits lo fretdom Jn small bolts and mak~hift rllfts. ,- Cistro took the s1me occasion on Sept. 18. 196S, to announce the start or the airlift, noting that any Cuban \\'ho d kln't like the revolution could leavt .. As or to- d8y more ttlan 146,000 have left. U.S. Dolla r Rallies f'RANKFURT, Germany (UPJ1 lJncttt1!1inty ~rntng the. dC'liberation~ of the international monetary fund con- ference In W.shington enabled the dollar lO rally sltihtly after • mid·morning set· back on West German nloncy market•. •·we are only people," he said." ••• and as other people in olher endeavors. "'~ are not perfect,·• Poore cont.ended that despite lht prob- lems with plane's escalating costs, the C~A i! working and is regarded a. "o1 great bird" by the pilots who fly it .and a '"dream lo servicf!" by lhe mechanics "'ho work on it. Durham, however, c.oolended that lhe assembly or the plane was .. chaos." Aircraft would arrive al the fl ight lin r. as"• virtual shell missing thousands and thou.sands or parts and assemblies." he s2.id. and Lockheed was unable to deter- min t which parls \\'ere rnissing becausf! in.stal!alton papers ha s bttn deliberately falsified. Poore denied it. •·we 11ei1her flew nor delivered any airplanes configured in any wa.v to detract from required qual- ity st andards.'' he .said, Durham reached into a cardboa rd fiJ. ing t!ablnel at his side and pulled out a package of rust-covered drill bits that he .said had been stored outdoors in a rain barrel along with other expensive equipment. He said 421: tons of stet/ wert lefl outside on racks in 11 waste of hundrtds of thousands of dollars. And he produced a four-inch steel rod that he said Lockheed had bought for $25 -n1any times it actual ~·alue - 1hen casually discarded, "That type of thing just sluck in my craw," he said. "Here' i.s o1 standard aircraft bolt," he said, r·eaching into a plastic bag to r•- move a l>hiny, lhree-inch obj~t. "ll is a rommon boll that probably would cost $2 or $3. Lockheed bought four of these holts for $65 each." Poore said he could not estimate lheir \alue_ .. I don't know whether its platj.. 1num or titanium." he !aid. Poore said il was "mo.st unfortunate that the statments of thi.s one individual, 11"ith only partial information. received and require !he attention of IO many olher people who are dedicated to the C5 program, ils efficient execution and t'Ompletion. 'Shoot to l(ill '-Thieu Vi etnani Rioters to Fac e S tern New Crackdown SAIGON (AP) -President Nguyen \'an Thieu today ordered police to "shoot to kill " t1nl igovernmenl rioters \vh~ lhro1v firebombs or other1\•ise endanger live~. l;overnmenL spokesman Vu Kh anh, confi rming Thieu ·~ order, said the presi- dent. told police officials. '·We are hvinJ' in a period of political clanger and 111rmoil I! is the duty or police to keep order. IL is their duly to react to any \1101ence. "Whoe1·er creates violence 111 the Costly Probe Takes Erratic Earth Orbit CAP!o.: KENNEDY (UPI 1 -Rocke! ll'ouble left America's most advo1nced sun~·atching 1atellile in an abnormal orbit loday bul tnginetrs worked quickly lo re1·over fron1 inilial l'Ontrol problcn15 11nd 3alvagt the S.36 mill ion . Sl·ien!ific Jnissiori. The 1.400..pound orbiting so 1 a r obserl'atory. called 050 7. carried s11 in- st rumenl s to study the sun and tell man n1ore abou! the \Va.v ii. generate' the energy of millions of hydrogen bon1b~. OSO 7 1vM supposed lo .soar into a '.14.J-mile high circular orbiL bu~inslead dropped into an egg-shaped path rangin,1:: from 226 to 35.') miles above earth. f.ngineers said the eon!roJ svsten1 on !he l'iatetl ite's rocket aimed it lht: wrong "'ay. "We may very well be able to meet our mission objectives. el'en wlth this orbit." ss id Robert Davis, assistant proje<:l manager. "All is not losl. \\1e are fairly confident '>''e <"an comf' oul of this ." OSO 7 was accompan ied into the el!ip· tk·a l orbit by a li!l!e right -sided i;ate!IHP equipped tn imitate th<' r11dio 1·oiee or Apollo moonsh1p1' to l'Xerc1st Rrou nd lr:'!~king stations. Thr first problem re~ulhnJ( fron1 the low nrbi! \\'HS that !he st1nwa!eher was wob- blin,1:: n1orf' th.11n erpeclrd and w11s nol 1mmed1ately ab!e lo ain1 it ~ sail-lilo.t-!lolar pant"I toward lhr sun 10 soak up f'ncrgy and rt'C'hargr its b11!leries. Engineers at lhe satrllite control eentl'r 111. <ireenbelt. !'I-Id , heg11n sending radio eommands to OSO lo fire small con\l'ol jel!i lo maneuver lhe satellite into l he pro~r position. Davis said thi.! could take most of ~ day but ht said, ··1 think they can recover." He .said OSO 7 appeared high tnough to remain in orbit long enough to study the sun for • number of months as planned. He said the accuracy of the: observation111: should not be degraded by the orbit. and !here wa!'; no indication the satellite wai. affected by the abnormal movements of lhe rocket. The two spacecraft ""ere launched 1t S.45 a.m. EDT by 11 two-stage Della Rockrt that cast 11 bright glow over the spaceport as ii raced into the dark sky. It ~lipped behind low-lying clouds 30 seconds 11r1er blastoff. '"Wt tiave a good start on the launc!l,.Q.f the orbilinf solar oblervatory," re~ a ~pokesman at the launch control center. It was lhe first space •hot here •in~ Apollo 1$ left for the moon .July 26. Forun1 ou Facilities Set Thw·sday Night An open forum on community facilitle~ in Huntlnfton Beach wfll be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the administrative en-- ne1 next to the main library on Main St reel Tt will ht a meetlna of the: community facilllles tubcommitlet formed under the ('i Uu.ns policy planning coml'(!ill.tt, "Anyone who ls Interested in the present or hlture plans for the civic center and c@ntral library it urged to come alone." iiaid Jim Sheppard or the policy pluAJns comnllttee.. ' s!reet.s for !he purpose of terrorism musl be severely punished. Those who o1re caught red-handed burning au1os mu:st be ~hot on the spot if necessary." Theiu made no mention or con\inuinR de111onslralions against his unopposed eand idacy in Sunday's presidential elec- 11on . Thieu issued the order to somt 400 poht't officials from o1round the countr_v gathered for a meeting at the national police headquarters in Saigon. Indians Shor1ly after the meeting, a terrorisl bomb exploded in front of a crowded restaurant il'I suburban Gia Dinh, woun- ding 24 persons. au \1ielnamese. It was the fourlh major terrorist bon1- bing in the Saigon area in the past h\·o 1veeks . The Gia Dinh Province t'hief, Col. Le Van Tu. said the wounded included fi ve policen1en. J4. soldiers. two women , two 1.:hildren and a civilian ma.n. Ming.I~ Tribal Students Reside i 1i County By JOANNE ftEYNOLDS ., Hiii ••Ill '°II"' It.elf He J1 small for his nine years, 1.nd his large dark tyes a:Jve his bronzt face lhe solemn ti:pression of an adult. But ht smiles and lhe "hole world opens up. He nms off to play with hi.s fair !\kinned brothers. full of !he things that excile o1ll til!le boys. He is Richard Sall, o1 Navajo Indian '''ho i' o1 fo.slf'r member of the Errol (;·eenle•f family of Yountai11 Vo11!ey. He 11 onf' of 400 Indian children attending school in Orange County this year. 1'hry are placed in hon1es throughout the county under the auspices of the In· dian Student Placement Program ru111 by lhe Chun:h or Jesus Chris t of Latter-Day Saints. The children 1rrive in limr lo start school and return to their own families as soon as schools c:\ose in Junt'. The purpose of the program ht to gi ve 1he Indian studenl:'I lht chance to attend pu bhc schools. receiving "lhe training and finest cultu re or the 111erage com- munities of a grea t country," a church :ipokesman said_ TtanslatetJ int o terms of Richard ancl rhr Greenleaf family it means the ehild hf.>C{lmes an integral part of the family. Thi~ IS R ichard'~ SCCOfld Yt'llr anrl Barbara <;reenleaf. n1other to four 1·h1!drcr1 or her own in add ilioo lo R1charrl and another fostrl' <laughter. says Richard 1~ con8idered 11 family member. ··The 01ree months he 11•a!!; with hi~ own family !hi~ !lummer Sttmed more like he wa.~ oi1 11ac.11 lion Lhan anything else,'' she expla111ecl. R ich;1rd attends the third grade at McDowell School and has o1 large circle of friendS which include the Grtenleaf children -Mike . 8; Marilyn, 10; Da vid, Ir, and JO&t.ph, 7. At home in Kayenl.I, Ariz .. is Richard's family -father James: mother, Gloria; sister Shirley, and brothers Jessie, James, Jr.·and Raymond. The Greenleafs said Ibey became; in· volved In the program when Barbara 108t her aerospace job. "It gave me a chance to bet.11me involved in the church work DISCOVERING NEW WORLDS N1v•jo Ric.h•rd Seit J\e always wanted lo do." she explained. Parl of that work invol ved the studenl program and the Greenleafs decided to apply. "We were going to gel a girl that firsl year. but when the buses arrived from Ari1.ona. she wasn't !here. so they gave us Ric.ha rd instead," P.-lr!!. Greenlear said. •·The problem they prime you for the most," her husband noted, "is the cultural <lifferences. Richard 's grandparents for iruitance still follow 1he old India n ways.'' The Greenleals said the most pro-- J1ounced cultural difference they have en- countered with Richard i~ his extreme ' l.Ste INDIAN, P11e Z) Proposal for A irport ' 'On the Sea' R escinded Legislation th.at lfou1d ha~e crested en ~ency to atudy the fe.aibility or an 'airport in tht sea" hq bttn-re1clnded, Assemblyman Mite Cullen (J).Lon1 BtaclO. author or AB '¥177, deleted the agency rrom his bill Tue:!lday in the w•ke of mountins prwutt against the San Pedro Bay jetport by local coast•! cities, including Se,al Be1ch. The remainder of his blll. scheduled ror debate before tht Se:nate Loci! Govern. ment Commilltt, now calls nnly for the dtvtlopriient of a ma11ttr plu t• meet Southern Ca1itornia'1 1lr trlftl!portl'tion ~. Under study by the Southern Cllitomi1 ·l ~ AssociaUoo or ·Governnwda (SCAG) are 'ltveral other Mure auperport locations, includiAg Palmdale.. Lea Ange:les 1ntema.~ Uonal . Camp Pendleton. Mi ram a r. Ont1rl0 and El Toro. The San Pedro Bay · .superport, en· visioned five: to eight miles off shore on a man-made island, will continue to be a part or the overall study, ICOlrdins to Cullen. Cullen. 111\d the SCAG st.udy, now three-fourtru complete:d. w o u Id ac- complish e~ntlally the ume plU"pOle u the deleted portion or his bill. Tht San Ptdro Bay airport, Ir con. •lructed, would brina: jets over HUii· tfneton Beach at an 1ltJtudt of 2.50G·fee'- . • v Tu 1a.id preliminary reports showed "e> one was killed. Sources said the bombing was thought to be the 1vork of Viet Cong who AP" parently fi~ed a 10-pound plastic ex· plosive to a bicyele parked outside lhP building. The restaurant 1s a fa vorite or soldiers and policemen. A vehicle belonging to an Anierican contracting firm was firebombed in c.en· t.ral Saigon earlier in the d1 y. There were no injuries. Bolsa Chica High School Plans Told Pll.nS for anolher 3,000.student h.igh school in tne undeveloped :Bolu Chica are• were announced Tuesday night by Jack S. Roper, !loperitllendent of th• Huntington Beach Union High School District. • The exact location or the proposed 66-- acre :!lite has not been delermined, but school authorities are looking at the pol!ISibllity or placing it near Slater Avenue and Graham Stree!. Signal Landmark (.:on1pany. l h @ developers, are planning to starl con- struction on 858 single family units and J,300 mul!iple family units in the Bolsa Chica area next year. The development i• e1pected to generate 7,000 new residents. The Signal Oil and Gas Company'.• 11ubsidiaiy firn1 alrerdy has been i;uc- cessful in winning a subcfivision request for 375 acres from the Huntington Beach Planning Commission. Roper !laid thal he will im1nediately in- itiate .11etion with his board of trustees lo find a site for the !Chool. His aide. AS!loci ele Superintendent 'Villiam "Jay" Settle. said the plans are still "in the talking slage" and thal nrt binding agreement on lhe site would "9 reached for son1e time. Hirohito in Belgiu1u BRUSSELS, Belgium (A P) -Japan'• Emperor Hirohito arrived in Belgium for a three-day stale vislt today, renewing acquaintance y,•ith a country he visited 50 years 8f!:O u a crown prince. Hirohito o1nd Empress Nagako were welcomed as they arrived from Cope.nh•gen by Belgium's King Baudouin and Queen Fabiola. When Hirohito visited Belgium in 1921 he was a guest or Baudouin • • grandfather, King Albert. Coa•t Sunny skies 1gain today, with increased cloudiness tonight llnd Thursday. Highs along the coast in the mid-OO's rising to 77 inland. Lows tonight S6 to &2. INSIDE TODAY No mottt:r toher• tfOW tur11 t hi.! toteketid. there'a a eommu1'· ity theater lightino tip it.s ita~. See Thea:te r Notes hl todav'• tnttrLainmtnt section, Par1e 27. ••rt11• " ...... • ...... " Mtofl lft s. ... ic. •t, ,. c.1.....,. .. -l"'' C•r-c-n Mvt.el .._.. • (ll«llilof "'" .. ·--•• Cle,.tflM ll·tt .. __ " C""'Ki. • Srlwll ,.,,., • -• ...... O•ft 0.ltl Mttlcfl " ... -n .. _ .. 1-« MoltMfto ,..,, ......,., ..... • ·-.. ... ,.,, ....... '" ""' -,..., ·-· ..... ·-• ""'"'-" ---...... ...,. • --.. ' .J ' " . -• • -~ DAil ntt.OT H Man •Tastele~~~ ' Valley Now Recycling Mesa1is Suffers Se1ise Loss Malady ~ By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Df ..... 0.11¥ .. lllf llatl mind is, indeed, what I• &Olni on ln hl11 mouth? the city of fOUl'lta.in Valley is going in· to the tra.sh business. Qo Thurlday et f · 30 p.m. <'ily ofOcials lfll1 open 1 recyelinc center for glass and ahuninum at Thompson's Texaco service &talion, at the corner of Brookhurst it~l and Talbert Avenue. The center will be. open 24 bours f()r resident& lo dtpo&it t.beir "-'Ute glass and aluminum. The class· should be stparated by color, abould be elean and free of all metal rinp. The labels need not be. removed. From Page 1 INDIAN ... reluctanee to dt!play affection. ~~If I 1et carried away and give hlm a bi& hug and a kiss," Mrs. Greenlt!al aaid, "he really geU embarrassed. Another thing we've noticed L5 that he has superb manners which t sometimes wish would rub off on the other kids." The Greenleafs remember that Richard 'nl very shy the first day he arrived in 6r.ange County. ~"We brought him home and everybody Wfs exeit.ed and asking blm if he wanted 19. play and thinp like that. He jwt stood ~;e and hi! first words were "which '\ll'ay is Disneyland?" • A good example of the impact of the ~chance on the children, Greenleaf says, ii that Richard saw-trees for the first time in hi! life on hi5 initial bus trip to Or3nge County. . And of course the beach has become tu~ favorite place. 'The second day he was here. we took ~to Scotchman's O>ve," Greenleal ex- palined. "He was absolutely a mazed that ~e could be so much water. He was r.e'allY fascina~. but a little ap. .P.rehen.sive too. _.."That first night we were at the beach, t&ere was quite a bit of phosphorous in If.a water and he C1'1uld run his fingers through the sand and make it sparkle. N.ow hia favorite spot is the beach." Richard'11 11tory is just one of many in !be Mormon Church's continuing effort to aid American Indians. , =-l'he effectiveness ef the program may lit in the simple fact that Richard ha.s rt turned for a second year. i. ·:we wertn't sure he wnuld be coming t.clt," Mra. Gftsleef said. "This is • :'ll'ar to year thln& a nd he may not have wanted to come back or hi~ family m1y bave needed hlm at home, ·"But when he started asking what was g~ng to hap~n to hls bicycle if he didn't oo,ne back, w.e had a pretty good id~ tit•d be wjtl> Ill q aln." Trustees Plan Records Library • Trustees of the Huntington Seacb Union High School District are planning Lo conWuct a records library for their .lrcltitectural drawings and blueprints. -"It's really not much other than an owrsiud closet,., said A s i; o c i 11 t e !uperinteadtnt Willi am "Jay'' Se.tile about the ~.425 project. "'We have no central place to .i;lore our achoo\ plaM and v.·hen v.·e v.·ere. looking h ' the FC1untain Valley High school d!•wings. we found them in a shop (tacher'a closet." ·The fireproof library will b@ localed at district bea.dquarte.r5, 1902 I 7lh St. Agnew Sla tes Visi ts WASHINGTO~ (AP ) -Vice Pres!rll!nt Spiro T. Agnew 9.·ilJ visit Turkey and Gree<:e in Sept.em ber to confer u.·ilh the iwo NATO allies, the \Vh1te House h•s announced. DAILY PILOT ~ O'»IT l'UIUDmlQ Cl:IMl"Al('( le~ N. WeM ---"' J •dt 1. em..,. f . \!b~wc;...1....,... n-.-K .... n "'"" 1\•"''' A. M i.r..,~i11• """ .... 1"9 &"llDr A!111 Oir1ri11 """ Dr ..... '-i'1 £lltw M......,_._.Of'flce 17171 ... a a-leY•r• "-1ll., ~ ..... P.O. lu. 7t 0, t 2641 .,,..,,_ 1.-'-di= ta ..... ._ 0."' ..,.., 1111 WWI .. ,. l- -., "-!\: .UU N-9 lw"""" -~---I.IC..-.... " ,,. Onty all aluminum ~an.a will be 1e- ~pted. They are the cana thlt bin a round bottom and no side uam. F unds from the center will be ghamf by lhe youth organizations that manage the center each month and the City Beaullfication Committee of the Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce. A beautification committee spokesman said their share of the mon"y will be used to plant flowers and trees in city parl.s and on medians and parkways. The 1 ecycling c"nler w11s established after the city council ell:pressed some eonoern about city btltrtifi~Uon and ecoiOIY ond dirocl«! the lllaft lb !J> vestlgale the u~ of iuch a center. ctty manager Jim Neal said the coundl • miy C(lnsider approval of additional sites, dependent ufion the resporuie to the initial center. The Boys' Club of f ountain Valley will be in charge of the center during the month of October. F or further inlornulion contact Mrs . Donald ThompMn, chairman of the beautification committee, 83~1436 or 962- 2124, extension 205. Say dysgeus.ia and dy110Sni1 In polite company ·and the uninformed listener might threaten lo wash \'our mouth out with soap, or, ~·orse. do il. Then you rould better relate t.o the plight of Earle Wight He suffers those my5terlous, difficult- lo·pronounce maladies -cause and cure unknown -which incredibly distort the '"nses of !aste and smelt. One can truthfully say a disaster of gastronomic proporliona has befallen him. The key apparently hes gomewbere between lhe adrena.I glands -one known factor In transformiog vaclous stimuli in- to taste and smell -the tongue, pc.la te, lhroat, nose .a nd brain. Hia physician and a specialist Wight c.o~ul_ted haven't come up with a..ny op- t1m1stic. answers. Some medical men claim a degret of ~uccess prescribing zinc tablets, theorii- 1ng a metal deficiency may be involved in a kind or electrical system transmitting nerve messages. The concept is a little Ilk!' addillg acid to your t ar battery to help charge up the electrodes. lnduettons Slated Like most people, he love.!i i;:ood food sod appreciates fine wine, but 18 month~ ago life abrupr!y changed for E <'l r I e. ".Yight. Dysgeusia and d y sos n i a developed. Normally pleasing tastes and s mells a re now unbearablv foul. or else nnnex- lstent, while some· -sweets in Earle's ca5e -remain unaffected by the baffling condition. One alleged breakthrough was widely reported earlier this year. It is 11 ta~ta test diagnostic ki t de1•eloped by Dr. Robert /. Henkin, of the U.S. Public Health Service. U.S. Will Draft Least The kit could be u.~ed to tesl 15 variously-flavored solutions on patien~ fnr clues to Wight's trouble, a! well as many other diseases which influence taste and smell. New TroopsSince1962 "My taste is E'ilher good or bad, but as far as distinguishing dirferent na\•ors - no w;iy," laments Wight. Nobody knows precisely how or why, but the incredihly compleK system by which sweet, i;our, salt and bitter are transla!ed between papillae. or taste buds. and the brain, goes haywire like a computer "'i!h a short circuit or blown fuses. 'Dysgeusia and dysosnia often emerge after some nther illness -bronchial pneumoni a in Earle l\'ight's case -leav· ing a possible allergy or medication reac- tion suspect. WASHINGTON fAP ) -Resuming the draft after a t.hree·month lapse. the Pen· tagon will aMounce Thursday a ntw in- duction quot.a that will bring 197 1 call·ups to the lowest annual totaJ in nearly a dttade. A Pentagon spokesman, Jerry W. Friedhe.i m, said the new call will cover inductions for October. November and December, and that this year'5 draft total wi!I end up below 100,000 men. The last time the draft !ell below 100,000 was in 1002 whe11 76,500 men were drafted into the armed forces. Suspect Charged In Mail Fraud From Hunti11gton A man indicted by a feder11I grand jury on 12 counts of mail fraud moved t.o Hun- tington Beach .some time ago instead of living at the Newpnrt Beach location listed in .a government announcement. Robt.rt J. BiMey, ~. of 9341 Hudson Drive. was arre.~ted after a long U.S. al· torney's probe of his majJ order business activities sin.ce 1968, in 15 states. The investigation began long before he moved from 9• B11yside Village, the old address incorrectly given Friday by the U.S. attorney·s office. Notina ~llinnv allegedly victimized • lhousaDlll>tf pttsoltll wl.h a C~job rtt.r-, ral offer, trailer park managemeni &aid some residents were afraid of possible reprisals in the area. No pretrial hearing date has been set for Binney, who remains free Qn his own recognizance In lieu of $1,500 bciil. The Hudson Drive address in Hun- tington Beach w11.11. confirmed as correct by the U.S. Marshal's Office in Los Angeles Monday. Valley May Ban Camper Parking Fountain Valley may ban campers and trailers from street parking in the city. An ordinance whic h would put such a ban into eff&et will be studied .at !lie city council meelinf'( neKl Tuesday at 8 p.m. City t1fficial! ,;aid the proposed ordinan· ce "'ould affect all truck-bed ca mper!, lrailers and self·contained trailer unil~. \\'hile those \'t'hicles wnuld be prohibited from parking t1n ,he slreet, there. is nn provision in the ordinance "'hich would prp~·ent them fr om being parked in driveways. Ci!y cnunfilmen said th!'~' hll\'P had several requests for such an ordinance. Frierlhf'cim dld not give a ftrm figure for th e Oct.ober-Novemher-December call. but indicated the total for the three months will be below IS.000. A total or 83,000 men were inducted in the fir!t six months of this year before the draft law died Jue 3D. Secretary of Defense Mel vin R. La ird has voiced hope. th iii will be the last ex· tension of the Selective Service Act, ex· cept for standby emergency machinery, because the NiKon administr11.tion hopes to achieve an all-volunteer force by mid· 1973. The three-month lapse in the draft "'as the Jonge!t since !he l;ite 194-0s when Congress alJowed the draft to die, hut revived It in June 1948 after • nine-month gap btcause the Army ~·as unable to fill its ranks with volunteers. Fri~heim said it will take ahout ty:o or three .... ·eeks after the new call is issued to gear up for actual inductions. Selective Service authorities have gaid lh!'y antici pate th"' first men inducted will come from among a pool of college a nd Junior college. graduates whose draft deferments eKpired in June. President Nixon signed the draft-ex- tension bill today. S ivee ping Change Seen for Y alley 'f'horoughf fl~es Fountain Valley residents will ha\·e thelr streets swtpt once a week begiMing this wetk, according to city officials. formerly, the streets were. swept once every two weeks. City manager Jim Neal said the change was possible by the purchase of another gtreet sweeping machine. On Mondays the sweepen; will be in the area south of Warner Avenue anrl east of Brookhurst Street. The Monday schedule also i11cludes the block b o u n de d by \\'amer, Slater Avenue, Bushard Street and Brookhurst. Tuesdays, the a rea boundtd by Talbert Avenue, Garfield Street. Newland Street and Brookhurst will be. swf'pl. Wednesda.V!', the. arE'a nnrth of W11rn,.r 11nd east of Brookhurst to the city Hmi!s "'ill be cleaner!. Thut~d11y!, the area to be-ll""""fll i!' nnrth of \Va rner 11nd we~t of Brookhurst 10 lhe city limi!s Frirlay~. the area boundPd b.v '"-'arntr, Talbt'rt, Ntwland and Bu~hard in arl· rl1f inn to the block marker! hy Sl;i,!'r. Talht rt, Bushard anrl Brnokhur~t "'ill ~ SWPpf. \\"a)'TI!' 05borne. city pub!lc wnrks rl irectnr i~ asking residents !o k~p !heir cars parked off the strttl on the day their neighborhood Jg to be swept. LOSES TWO SENSES Malady Sufferer Wight Some Hunting ton Pupils May Get Double Sessions Some of rhe pupils attendin schools of the Huntington Beach City Sch 1 District may be placed on double s ssinns this: year. Superinlt nrlent S. A ... ~I". Mnffett said Way surging enrollme~_. i brought snme. classes beyond thefi!ale imit of 30 students per teacher. J ''Double sessions may be required in order to avoid a penall.y," he said. "Right now "'e're cnnsidering jamming in another classrOClm intn the schools "'hich are. mnst O\'ercrnwded." ~lnHett said he bel ie\•es students at- tending Perry School and LeBard School are most likely to be placed nn double stssions. A new 8.10-~tudent campus near Brookhurst Street and Bushard Street, scheduled for completion by the spring semes1er. is t11pected to take care of the current overcrowding. "Mustard, spaghetti a nd mealbal!s, a nything that contains catsup. lastes like ... well ... what you wouldn't waot in your mouth,", he declar!'s. "Mouth .... ·ash, coffee, diesel or gas fumes frol'fl a bus, truck or cars, they all smell the same," Wight continues. A fresh slice of fragrant onion on a rare hamburger is translated into an unholy odor that lil.erally nauseates him. And if something tastes tiad, it tastes BAD. "The. taste? I cannot describe the taste. ft is totally foreign. And it's funny, the thing! that I liked and enjoyed are no w the ones I can't eat," he continue!. Steaks and lamb chops are edible, but tasteless. Wight can only tell what's for dinn er when he arrives home at 710 \V. 18th SL, Costa Mesa, when he can see il He a.lwa ys enjoyed a glass of "'ine with it. but now cannot distinguish a fine Cabernet Sauvignon from instant iced tea. The taste test kit enthusiai;tically revealed by U.S. health off icial! in Belhe5da, Md.. was to be free and available to any physicians interested. Wight's doctor wrote and ordered one, but heard nothing. A registered letter mailed as a followup brought a note thal delivery was held up, but saying kit shipments would be u- pedited as soon as possible. So far, no kit has arrived. Wight say!! he is rather bitter about what was apparently a gll mmer of false hope, adding that he would gladly pay almost any price if kits have been c:;,ut from federal budgeting. · "l feel this way. if we can't believe and go along with what the. go\•ernment offer!I lo dn, there's so~thing w r on I some.where." ~-leanwhile, the former menswear shop manager is just the opposite of the Ct'.11- orblind, or fa shion-dated customer who critical haberdasher! say has all his ta1ta in his mouth. Wight has hi! in his clothes and they can't take a"'ay that. He is losing weight, 15 pounds so far, but saving money. "What's the sen!e of buying good wine Jrvi' Cit h OO if you can't tell \l'hat the hell you're. Ile Y 0 drinking?," he explains. ' · "We used to dine nut two or three I ss ue Scl1eduled times a week. Now if we. go out once a mnn!h we're ·doing good." WiQhl. con-F TV R di t inue1. He insists .his wire Msrguerite go Or ' 8 0 to a restaurant with friends occasionally, 80 she doesn't suffer for hi~ affliction. An F~1 radio station and & cable ~faking the daily lunch he takes to his lele".ision prngram "'iii both cover the job as mail unit supervisor at Philco-,iSSl!e. of Irvine cityhood today and Thurs· Ford Aernnutronic is also a problem for day. ~-b1rs. \Vight. At 7 o'clock tonight Community ·•Jl's pretty hArd to eat a sandwich Ct1ble\'ision (channel J f will show a panel 83,000 • 111 \Va tches S tolen Fron1 Va lley Fountain Valley pohce a r e in· YP~tigating the lhefl nf a carton of "'atches valued at.. StOOO from the new \\'oolcn Department stor!'. ln\'estigators said the carton was ap- parently removed from the ~tore 's rereiving dock sometime between Sept. 8 and 12. Cleric Ge ts Amnesty "'hen e.ven the bread tastes b<1d . J end up discussion on cityhood to 3 , 5 0 0 eating only th e. sweet food." he expla ins. subscribers in the Irvine area. ''I'm hungry for so many foods, but Panelists include John Burton, '' 111• ht h chairman C\f !he Counci l of Communities • . . nlg s rugs. Smnki'ng is commnnly associated "·ith of lrvinl': Andy May, r..hairman of City nf d iminished ability to taste iind smell Irvine N()w; nay Qu igley. executive normally. direct0r of the f.reater lrvinr Industrial ··smoking is about thP nnly thing I en-League; and Dave Smith. represfnting joy anymnr!'.'' says \\'ighl, who is 55 ;ind !he north Irvine cnmmunities. a smnk!'r for 40 of those ~·ears. Quest inns phoned tn !he television What has been. is being. or possibly studin \1·i\1 be ans...,·ered by members of can be done for dysgeusLa and d~•sosnia-the panel. suffers, "'hn medical authoriliPs say On Thursday, KUC l -F~I JA9 91 radin number In !ht 1housands? station. based at UC Irvine. will present ''I'm sure I'm not the only one ln the a taped session of today's Board o{ country with this ;>roblem. And it'5 nne Supervi~ors he11ring on the Irvine BUDAPEST (l;PJ \ -The Hungarian tiell of a problem. helie1·e me," ~Rys cilyliood is~ue . The r:irtio prngram starts ~l">ve.rnment anno11ncPd l1Jrl.iy !hat it hes \\'igh1. .:it 7 p.m . i;zranlRd amnrst.v 1n Carriina! ,J07.5e.f Scien!i~ts \\'hn onl~' recently hegRn ~tu· Charlel'i Jl icharrt ~nn. KLTCt station l\1indsz!"nty frf\m !he life sentence pai;.s~d dyin,I! thP. amazing. but pre\'iously ml'ln;iger. s11id a 1'erie.!'! of pro11rams on on him in l!H!l for !re;isnn. The 79·year-ne,l!l ecled mechanics nf taste anrt smell the. incorporation issue will be present ed nld Romao Ca!hnhc prel.:ite left Budapest l'iUS~ct the mnu!h -nnl the mind -hy the st:ition. because ~he univer!ily fnr the Vatican Tuei;.rlay :iifter ne.:ir!y 15 may be inner man's last frnntier. <"ampus represents Rn import11.nt s!'gment yrars of self-exile 1n the.US Embassy. The bi g queslio• on Earle '\'111ht's of the proposed ne\1• cit~. ·~~~""-----"-'---'--~~~~----'~~~~'-'~~~-'--~~~~ OOMEGA 18-year-old Adulthood TODAY by Measure Clears Hurdle • SACRAMET\'TO IU Pl l -An omnlbua bill maklni yo\1ng Callfomi&n." legally Atlul~ at age 18 for virtually e .. ·erything e1cept drinking reached its final major Stna te hurdle today. The bill. co-a ut hnred by • 7 assemblymen. cle11.red th" important Sena!£ Judiciary Committte Tuesda.y "'ilh onlv one a11di ble "no" vote a nd went to the run Senate. !ta last major test. It woulri lnwer the leg11l age f)f Rdulthood in California frnm 21 lo tB for virtually everything, e.xfept drinking and V('lting. The 26th amendment to the U.S. Constilution already 11.tlows the.m to vote ln all elections. Th!' st&te cons1itutlon set,, the minimum .1ge for drinking 1t 21. but a separate. prepared amendment alM is pendinf in I.he Senale which wnuld reduce the .1ge. to lit ' Under !he mllS!lve. bi 11 by A~~emblyman Paul Priolo (R·P&c\flr: Palisade.a), tl-year-oldt cnuld hee<lme policemen. dentist~. 11 I torn e y s.. em· l>Jlmeni u well at ~er.·e on jurie~. he e.lecttd \.() Khool b1u1rds . and slitn Jqsl contract&. P>'1!'n <"OUld m1rry withnut p11renllll ronstnt. 1.-f(l9t penple think nf a cameo as !ht bil l wnuld touch of! "one of I.he most a s tone with the head of 11 beauti- m15tr11ble YK'i11.I ex~imenta tions th11t ful woman carved on it. This is al- this state has ever sttn. The re5ul~ most correct. but not quite. A wou ld be horrendous." cameo is the cut, not t.he stone it· Bradley said you ngster! Wl'lllld lee\'e school lo m11rry 500ner. t:iear chilrlren. self. di\'nrre and that their orr~pri11g will g" on ("amens come in ma.ny different \velfare 11nd berome involved In llti!!gal styles. Stone cameos are cut trom •ctlvttiee;. "I think we're ihovlng it dnwn the. .izem stones like blood stones, tiger thrnats (If you ng penp!e t 8-t~21 nn the. eyes, jade, etc. Shell cameos are premiM! that they want It." he ~aid nf the carved o n pieces of shell, and are bUI, reporting he had received no letters perhaps the most common. Coral from l3-yNr-cld1 In iupport of the cameos are carved on coral. me11rure. The meA~re 1115'1 drtw nppo~ililln frnm There are also a 15 s e m b I e d C.!llrl Andtr90n, rtprt:Stnting the Oillfomia camoo.s , which mean that the fig- Peace Offietta AMOC:i1tion and District AttorM)ll. He 111\d It woul d be "unwist" ure is carved (rom one substance l.n reduce the age from 21 u, 18 for pe.ace and cemented to another. o(ricer111. j •1Theoretlcilly." Andtrson told the An intaglio I~ the oppot1 te of a eommlttee, "h@ cou1dn't go Into • blr to cameo, with the carving recessed take t i re of 11 brawl." lntn lhe stone in :1lead of the stone Rut Sen. DonMd Crumley tR·W11l9on· being car ved oway from the figure· 'i lle\, said the measure would not pre· \\.re will be hRppy to show you '''nt pnlice depattmenta ind other 11gen-many fine cameos and lntagllos, ries Imm e.!lt11blt.!1hlng minimum edur11· au · of which are m uch more re.a- flfln or eaperlena: requlremtnll for nf· S<1 nably priced than you may J'fA- fi~er!'. J llze--~I any beautiful cameo pieces Priolo eaempted from the blll eal.!ltlng cost well under $25· with much o f chil d support cases resulting from • lhe price of other pl.ec:es depend- Omega watches ere sb-ted wftt-i classic elegance, But. t heir beauty Is more lh1ri •kiri ' deep, Thars why Omtig1·a~ reputation lor llmekeeplng" .. dependability Is W!lhout pee r. EHher ol lhete lovely S ki bracelet w11lctie1 would Pea ng -CO rnp1i'Utlnt !he Werdrobe ol e ru Uy wtll drn••d woman. Of See our complete Omega coneetlon toon.: beautiful features J. c. .l-1•1( •alld t &l" •r•e•1•1 Wllth •••·······•·•••••UDO e -.u 1111,,.e~dt. 1•1< ""'ti. 11, )'tile• '"" 1&1~ •r101111 "''~ , ................. Se.60 1823 NEWPORT BL YD., COST A MESA CONVENIENT TERMS U.MKA'°'lAICAl:~MASTEl CMA ll91 24 YfAIS SAM S LOCATION ,HONE 541 .)401 The: 1g.ytar-olds 1lso WOl.Jld be tried in 1dult cnurti, t'le 8':nt tn/rlson. &1gn legal rontracl.\, and be hel IJable Jn civil tases. ~n . Clark Br1dley IR..S.n Josel wM l"a~! thP ont~· t'lflf'll'l!'ll1on vfltf'. ~·arn~ lh~I 1113solutto n of m11rriage. An 1g.year-<1!d ing on tbeir settings· now receiv\111 auch aupport would con-1 _:_:::_:::~=~===-------_:!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""':~~~~~~~~~~~ tinuP In receive It until he reach'd 21. ' I ! l I' I I I I t • I' . " POW By TM ASIOd•te4 Ptt11 f. convicted band it wilh a bad conduct discharge from the !ilar1ne Cor~ b serv- ing 60 da)'S In Orange County Jail on a bad check rap. &n alleged profiteer on the Prisoners of \\'ar's plight. The case of Jack K. Armstrong is bt.Jt nne incredible episode in a nationwide 8Urvey of con men suspected of preying on campaign., to missing, or impriwned plen and their 1am11ies. . Here is Ulr. story, the wa y auU1orl11u tell it. The younc "'oman seemed to be fightlne back tears as she ta.lked on the telephone about the pri.soneti of ""'ar in Vietnam. "Well, the publish1nc C"ha rge runs a total o( $5. and God knol"'S 111·e need the help if we 're evrr going to &et our men out of there." she sai d. That appeal brought in th ousands of Report Nat11es Bra11dt Statewide Estate Scandal Charged Hinis of improprr .sales traffic i n possessions of the dead among estate 1d- mii1istralors and prununent officials were trying around Californ ia today. Kenneth Hahn of the Los Angeles {.;oun- ty Board of Superviso rs. said the 1cope could ex tend from San Dil'!go lo Siskiyou counties. "I really think lhe attorney general ~hould look into it in each of the 58 coun - ties, l.O see wha t is going on ..• "·hat House V11it Approves Tax Cut Proposal WASHINGTON I UPI ) -The 11ousr \\'ays and l\teans Committre gave formal .;rpproval toda y to $15.4 billion Jn tax cuts over three years. \Vith prompt House and .Senate endorseinen!, s mall lax benefits l·oold ~ta rl showing up in payroll "'ithhold ing as early as mid-Novembe r. Re ps. Charles A. Vanik ID-Ohio ). and Sam Gibbons I 0-Fla.) cast the only dissenting voles as the commillef' Stnl to The Hou..~ floor for probable passage next ·ruesday a bill l'!mbodying basic decisions 11 had previously made in line \11ith Presi- dent Ni xon's economic program. Thi'! committee gavr. Nixon basically 11·hat hr wanted in tax incl'!ntives for business investment. But it we nt beyond hi s tax cul proposal s for indi\'iduals, 1·oting to increase the basic personal e.x~ ('mption from $650 lo $675 1 perwn th i!ll._ .1·ear instead of nrxt year and lo raise tlte .nontaxable income floor next year from .fl.000 to SI.300. A revised tabulat ion by the treasury in· c!icated the bill's tax benefits for in- dividuals and busine1ses would cut re.venues by $1.67 billion this yl'!ar , S7.i~ billion in !972 ll nd $j.95 billion in 1973 . Hor"lliel Recalls Second Variety Of Ge11oa Salami AUSTI N. l\linn . (AP ) -'The ~rge A. Hormel Company has recalled a second variety of its Genoa salami slightly more than two months after the fir st recall. The \•oluntary recall ()f the San Remo stick brand beca use one lot "''-<IS found contaminated \l'ith staphlyococc.al en· trot.oxin was announced Tue sday by thl' 1·ompany and the U.S. Department of /\gritulture Staphlyocoei:al ex troto.~in 1s a !yµe or rood poisoning wt11ch a\lai;k ~ lht' lower intestines lhe dcparlmr nl said. On .Juli· 24. Hor111cl ref"alll'd a brand <1f 1:cnoa s·ala mi packaged i11 four-0unf.'e, va<·uu m-packed conta inl'!r attf'r a Florida healt h officer said a "high nu mber of i;t;iphlyoccus" was f'ou nd in sorne of it. That rl'!Call has been completed, The le.lest recall resu lted from a 101 or t:ontaminated sa!.ami found in a Chevrrly, i\fd .• warehousr , the company said. The Agriculture Department said it had not found entrot.oxin in aay other brands of Hormel stick salami and that there had been no vcrtlied repor!J: of illness or death from the San Remc> brand. co uld be a statl'!\lide scandal.·· Hahn dr- clcJed. The simmu1ng situation en1erged out of the firing Tuf!sda y of Lo~ Angele!! County Public Administrator Baldo l\rL~tovich. F'ormer Orange County COl'oner and public adm inislralor Dr. Raymond ~ Brandt is one ol"ficial named in a rr:- port submilted fo th e panel that fired Kristovich, lie has declined to t ommrnt. on ground! he is one oI ~tvcral witnesse!\ who te.<slified btfore the Los Angeles County Grand Jury regarding activities of Kristovich'!I department. "( am not l"ree to make a statl'!menl,"' said Dr. Brandt. now practicing as a physician in Santa Ana. "I have to abide by their wishes," he said of the Grand Jury. Supervisor Hahn said Tursday tha t Kristovich sold Dr. Brandt a !%7 Chcvrolel Camaro J une 9, J969, from the Mue sha!e Hoope r e:;ta tr. He alleges that v.·Jien sealed bid~ -the prescribed procedure in disposing or pro- balt property -were opened, Dr. Brandt's $1 ,414 offcr \Ya.'i only third highest so he was gi ven a chance to rebid ve rbally. This type of drpartmenlal violat ion i.<i among charges against K r i st o v i ch . Olhl'!r5 involve allegedly altered record i- of property disposal. Several other sales being studied by lh~ Lo~ Angeles County Grand Jury include purchase of three cars from e::1tatcs by Justi ce Clarke E. Stephens of th e state Court of Appeal. The cars \rerl'! ror the judge and h1.'i daughter, a formCr employt o f J\rislovkh's dtpartment. but records listed other persons as recipients. Kristovich is also accused of sr!ling furniture to a Fre..sno woman with 1vhom he is .associated in a firm speciA!izing in estate purchases and listing the deals as being made at auctions. Kristovich, 56, characltrized as one of the county's most trusted officers un!H ,lhl'! controversy exploded. ha.'i vo1Yed to right his di smissal fron1 !he pos!. he he ld for 11 years. Kr isto1•ich is also appealing his Se pt. l suspension. .. A clran.:ut case of c h a r a 1· t t-r ;issassination.'' hf! has declared of th e situation he faces. Long Beach 2.!.torney Joseph .-'.. Ba ll says hi! c!i l'!nt. Kristov1ch v.·ill t ventually br cleared, reinstated and paid back salary. "'Ifs a flimsy i.:asc, a lol of damn foolisltness," Ball told newsml'!n. Democrats Take Edge ST.\;1;roRD IL;Pl l -.~ lotaJ of 11 .173 studl'!nts registered t o particip11.ll'! in classes at St ant"ord Un1vers1ty, and 1.S.'12 nr thrm al.~o regi.~t c.red to \'olr du nng the pa.<I fc1.v da.vs, the 1Jni\"e rs11.v ann ounced today. Of tho~r who registered 11~ \'01en'I. 69 1>erccn L signed 11 s ·Democrats, 20 per c en l as Republican!. !II percenl 1 s Independents. and thr rest .a ~ members or !he Peace and Freedom Party. Jn the unh•er3ity student enroll- ment, 8,089 'fiert men and 3,0M "omen. Ring dollars from rrsidents of Orangr County, whu thought thty might help th~ POY.'s by placing their names, for s.r; each, in an obscurr tabloid calltd \l e\eram Ntws. 'fhe Orangr Q:lunty District Attorney·, Office closed the operation by court Ul• JUn1..'llon this ~ummer, charging it v.·1th "false, fraudule nt, deceplh•c. or· misleading" re presentations, ond found a con victed arme.d robbe r in charge. Vete rans Ne11:s opened its Orangt SI ill Souglu Attorney Stephen ~lt lchcll Bingham. 28. is still bein~ sought as :-;uspert in guu smuggling at San Quentin Prison Aug. 21. Six -guards and prisoners -\Vere slain in abortive es<:ape atl lpt \\'h1ch J:QJ.l.Q\ved Bl , 1"s visi t to George--:J • son, nnc o[ I he slain prisoners. Marine W eathe r:s Barrage, Denies Murdering Wife B~· TQ\I BAHLt~Y 01 I~• Dt it• r>llot l1tlt A gru eling tross exant1nat1on ul murder suspect .~l ark Johnson resuinccl today in Orange l'.Quf\IY Superior Cn11 1"t with the Sa n Cl eme nte i\larine repeatedly denying that he. had anything to do wuh the iJJ li ng o( bis pregn;in L wile. Tl;-; .l'oung i\lanne po!ice1nao , taln1 and con1p<>scd in !hf! 1vitncss bux , re1ccted prosf'cu l1on al"g11n1enrs 1h;il hf! l:lu bbed and stabbed Conn1f! Lynne .Johnson lo dea th <>n .J une 16. 1!170 1n tht couple·.~ apartm enl at 416 ~·l ontercy Lane. His !cstirnony in courl r c J e 1· 1 .~ statements made by hiin in 1ntervi r.w~ taped by San Clemenle police and d1stl'll'l altorney's investigatOl"S 1n whi ch hr ari niitted elubbing his v.·ife with a bar stool ailer breaking into the apartmen!. But tho~e statements ha1•e nol yet been declared to be admissible by Judgr \\'ill iam ~1urray despite the appeal.~ of Chief Deputy Dislricl Altornev J a ine~ Enright thal the y be acce"pt ed as evidence, Enright, obl'iousty angered by rile repeated objections of defense attornr y Ray Sharp, appeared lo make very httlr. progress !his morning in hi~ questioning or the !all blond mili tary policf'man . Johnson. 20. l·ould nrit rct·all man~ minor deta il~ of !he f \-ent.~ leading tr1 h1~ 11rrest June 22 and repeate<.lly denied !h.it hr had ever been <1d v1:-.ed or his rli:;!lil ~ pnor lo ln1 er\lfe11 ~ 1vith 1>0li<·r . di~ln!'t illlorne.v·~ i n 1· I'!.~ t 1 ~ R l n r s and ;.i psychia tris t He 1.~ acclL~ed or beill 111g h 1.~ wife 1n!o unconsciousness and of t/ien k1lhng her v.·ith a butcher knife• that inflicted rnorl'! lhan 20 stab l\'Ou nds as the helpless woman lay spra\vlcd on her bed . It is argued by the prosecution tha t Johnson, angered by his wife's objections to his use of marijuana and her Jocking him out of the apartment. climbed through the window and attacked her. This Family's· Worn Out $200,000 S pending Spree Leaves Geurins Broke SA N PEDRO (A Pl -Jolenr Gearin !Ill) 1 she was poor be.fore ii he inherited 1200,000 four yea rs ago. No1• 11he's poor again and chet:rfu lly admits, •·we blc1" it. .• J.1rs. Gearin was li ving in 1 $7.>-a-montlt apa.rt ment \\"hen she learned she would inherit $200,000 from the estate ti{ her fathei-, OlcJler Hanton. "1ith her hbs-- band. Leonard, a merchant marine seam an. and their four children. &he "'ailed through t~·o )'ears of court 1etion for the momey. Then latl'!S took part ()f It . "But when II c•me, it reall y wore u~ oot Jpending it," 1he recalls. "We wert just exh:iou.sted. \\'r: couldn't apend it fast ~ouah." \.\'here did thr monr)' go~ "\\'• b<>ughl 1;1r.' and motorcycles for the hoys. and 1 lrtir k. •nd a ,2,000 hi-Ii •nd clothes . <\nd we put • dol\'llPll)· ment on ll house. and the girls and I had all our teeth capped, and f had my breaatii li fted ••• "And . oh yes. we bought iikl equipment . . . and we traveled • , . wr put 200,000 n1ile:o: on one of the cars 1 n one year ... and we all saw 1 psychiatrisl ... I 1n - ''rsted $10,000 in tbt 1tock market and lost t4,000 ot Jl ••• and "' 1pent $~.000 on new furniture, 1 ••sher and a dryer, amaU appllance3 ••• "We paJd cash for everything ... " Lessons \f!amed ? "You can aure waste " lot of mont)' on cars, •nd tht 1tock " rnarktt ·Js • bad in~Lment," Mrs. C'.e1rin aaid. Listing effect!\~ ''When we found out about tht mon!~'. ii brnught !he ramily 1ogelher. Jt w11 s 1he fir3t time in our lives that "'e rr.•ll y worked and planned t.<>,11eth('r •.• "After lhe money was gonr we star1ed fighung. They ktpt 11ying, 'Why didn't ire SPf'nd It this •11.v .. 8ut lhty wtre 111! lhere to spend it and we c.11 had fun ... "It made u~ all different. The family needed this ••• But all or a sudden v.·hcn we realized we we re brokr. we decided thl'!re wa~ a brand new world Oul therf' .. \Ve all got sn1a rl \l'c rea lir.c flU\\" th at the run is over.'' Her son Leona rd .Ir. had enough lefl from thr. inheritance lo go Into the furn iture business in Australia. Fred. 18, i.'J atud ylng cleetronics al a vocational !chool. f..1ary. 21 . is studying educalion 1t the College of the Sis kiyou in Northern California. Jean. 26. is in 11 rl'!al eslltc achoo I. Advice to those who inhenl a forlune ? .. It probably would be smarler to go out 11nd buy 1 few things -1 fur t:<>at 1nd 1 Cadillac -and then inv('si. the rf!SI and li ve off lht investme•I,' " l\lrs. Gearin aaid i11 111 inlt;r vir.w . \Vould sbt follow thal ad vice" "I'd <lo ~xfl<"t ly thr. same !hing 1 did -blow 1\.'' /. H Exposed County • ID County operation in May. 113 leader, Jack K. Amuttong, served lime in jail during 1965 after pleading guilty to armed robbery. His record also lists .a bad-conducl dl!lchargr from the J\tar1ne::1 and court-martial conviction3 fo r unauthorized absence and thrft of • .45 caliber pistol. A pool of 78 lr.lephonr. girls solicited tunds for Veterans News and a team of runner!\ picked up donatJons, said Ja.mcs Co1111teroffe11sive J. Shaw, inv~tigator for the districl at· t.omcy. 1119 girls, each of whom used the name Kathy Johnson , told people: "\\'hat we're doing ia printing a spcc.ial edition of the Veterans News for the POWs. We 're sending copies to every (."Dngrcssman, senator, as ~·ell as le> President Nixon, the Pope and world leaders everywhere. "The rea!On I call~ was to find out i! -~ "'e could print yOtlr name In a 1'*111 edition for the POWs and also l! we might be able to .uk you to lltelp ua out on the printing CO.!lls." After tht. District Attorney's Offiee fil· ed its complaint in Superior Court, Veterans News agreed July 2ft to qu it the sollcitation and to pay $1 ,$00 to two recognized POW-MIA organizatioM. A final accounting haa not been corn.· pleted , but investigators said abottl $10,000 to $15,000 wu taken in by tM. o~ration. -• 50,000 S. Viets f\lartin Co hen . attorney for th!: defe~ dants, said: "I can a!Jiure you they di( nol personally profit.'' Cohe• ~ he ls i>!UI lrying to pay off their creditors. _ The activi ties or promoter Al Edwards- also rentered partly in Orange County;,, tilrs. Stephen Hanson, wile of a mia:siqg El Toro Marine Corps Air Station pilot' and board member of POW·MIA lntema- lional Inc., headquartered in Tustin, 1ajd Edwards came into touch with her group last February through aiding c restaurateur who sponsored a fund-rais- ing dinner for the organii.ation. - Head Northward SAIGON (UPI )-f illy thousand South Vietnamese backed by U.S. combat troops and hea vy U.S. air support drove iorth"·ard from Tay Ninh City today in a ma jor countero£fenstve against three Nortb Vietnam'!se divisions attacking on the Cambodian-Vietnam border. The South \lletnomese units believed to include both infantry and armor swepl nut of Tav Ninh, 50 miles northwest or Saigon. tO"·ard the Cambodian rubber plantation town of Krek, 35 miles aw av along Highway 22. One of the large"r pitched battles of !he war appeared to be in lhe mak ing. The Co1nmun ists blocked lhe highway Sunday when thry opened a border of- fensive \1•hich Vietnamese m i I i t a r y leaders said was an attem pt lo inflict a dcfeal that "'OU!d embarrass Presidrnt '.'l"gu yen Van Thieu before his one-man Sunday pre'si dential election. The new dri,·e "'as launched alt er a daylong pounding <>f Communist position~ along the highwa y and elsewhere in i\'orthern Tay Ninh Provi nce . Fighter- hombers '1'ere in action but most helicopter gunships \vcre grounded by had weather. Front reports said the $outh Vietnamese werr meeting onl y lig ht resistance. UPI Correspondent Kenneth ,J. Brad- ri1ek reported from 'fay Ninh that both South Vietnamese and American troops '"ere pouring into the cit y aboard helicopters and planes and in long col- un1ns of trucks moving in a steady rain throughout lhe day. Gen. Ng uyen Xuan T1 nh. commandf'r or lhe ARVN 25 th Divis\on. said 50.000 South \ ielnamest including the 18th and 2flllt !)11·isions, l11;0 brigades or the airborne d1v1sion, lhr 3rd Armored Task Force, other armored urut~ and "several" rangrr group! werr. fighting threl'! divisions of North Vietnamese numbering possibly 36,000 ml'!n . The U.S. comm11 nd shifted a 1,000..man squadron of the 1 Ith Armored Caval ry Regiment north to Tay Ninh City to pro- \'ide security for douns of American 1st Air Cavalry division helicopters and t roops brought in lo iiupport the Viet- namese operation. The U.S. 7t h Air F'orce dispatched a top officer to Tay Ninh City to oversee the in- stallation of electronic beaco ns at U.S. and South Vietnamese firebases along the border and in northern Tay Ninh Provincl'!. The beacons v.·ould permit close U.S. air support tven in soupy "'eather that came from dying Typhoon Stella. Braddick said Tay Ninh City, 50 miles northwest of Saigon, v.·as jammed \\"ilh troops, vehicles and hu ge piles of sup- plies. He said '"long , long columns of trucks ha ve been moving through the city in the ra in all day long." The South Vietnamese and U.S. re.1n- forcer11ents pouring into the area included 11.110 brigades of airborne troops. armor, ranger groups, the American 1 llh Armored Caval ry Regiment and an un- disclosed number of troops a n d helicopters of the 1st Air Cavalry, which has its headquarters 50 miles east o( Sa igon in Xuan Loe. Lt. Gen. Ngu yen Van Minh. the South Vietnamese commander or l\!ilitary Hegion Ill, "'hich includes this area and Saigon, new to 'Tay Ninh today for con- fer ences wilh l\1aj. Gen. Du Quoc Dong, lhe commander of the airborne division, 'Tinh, and lwo unidentified American generals. •·Then he came in and !aid he "Wanted to help us," said Mrs. Han!Wn. "After the _ successful dinner, we had no reason to doubt him. He was going to initiate tomd' fund -raisi ng projects." ··He "'as going to revamp the organiza..- Lion and go national. We were going to. raise millions, and he would reeeive lft perccnt"of the proceeds from the projeds he started. "But he bega n lo claim 10 percent ol other projects we had already started,''. she continued. "The volunteus ani! families \\'ere upset." . About this time. the neighbor of the POW wife saw Edwards by cointidenci and recognized him -under a differt!\~ narne. A police check showed Edwards was: v.·anled on charges of passing baa" chec~. a practice that got him a prlsori' sentence in 1959 and two year! probati{)!\ in 1970. \Yith the collaboration of POW-MlA TnternationaL Edwards was arrested in" 1nid-April. "Except for the time, worry and trouble . we didn't lose vast sums or money," said Mrs. Hamon . · Soon afler, free pending a court ap- pearances, Edwards showed up at thi! Phoenix Area Families of POWs, and persuaded that organization to sign a contract "'ith his Showcase Productions £or a benefit performance in July at t~ l:i.!lOO-seat Phoenix Coliseum . But attendance for two shows tota.lI:d rewer than 1.000 persons. The POW organization lost $750 It hful ad\·anced for Coliseum rrnt and also us~ its $1 ,382 share of the $6.168 gross to pay other bills. Shovrcase wound up owin( n1ore than S8,000. • Gerald \V, Alsron . attorney for the PO\Y group. said that after tht stmr ·'t:d'>'·ards stuck around for a ·wet:II. tryini; to pull strings together.'' Aleri Approved ··He got pretty nasty after It was f'l\'er." said Al ston. "He \\'as a drown ing me.n: he had std~ fercd a severe reverse. He l!iaid he Wl!J going In smear us. 'Thtn ht took • po"'de r. ·• Cou nty Will Sound S niog Warnings Back in California in late Augusr. l::d\l•ards was sentenced to 60 days in the Orange C-Ounty Jail for lhe latest round ol b<id checks. :\11 air pollut ion health warning system fol" Orange County was approved Tues- riay by the Board or Supervisor! but no date was set for i1nplementation . Upon recommendation of C o u n I .v lleallh OHicf'r Dr . John Philp and !hf! ()range County Medical Association stan- dards 1vere adopted for ozone and nitrogen oxide "'arning limit s and the County Air Pollulion Control Districl ord f'red to implement the plan. Air Pollution Control Officer William ~'tlchen tol d supervisors that there was no urgency in getting the warning system 1n action as the smog season is about 01·er. The warning standards, as set by the health depart me nt and medical 11.ssocia- rion "·ould call for a warn ing to the public and schools when~ -The Otone count is prl'!dicted to reach an hourly avel"age of .20 parts per millio n nr a peak or .J5 parts per million. -The ni trogen OKide count equals nnl'! par·t prr mill ion ·rh e. health agencies also recommended ili;ll a w<1 rn1ng be broadcast when carbon 1nonoxide reache~ 20 parts per mill ion but Vitl'hen said !here "'as no "·ay at this ~3 ' ,, STORES IJi-::.0~1\1 TO SERVE YOU 2300 HARBOR BLVll AT WILSON JUST SOUTH OF lim e to measure carbon monoxide lrvels. Supervisor David L. Baker of Gardl'!n r:rove. approved the plan but questionl'!d Lhe mrtllods of notifying p e o p ! e. especially ~enior cit izens such as the residents or !hf! Leisure World com- munities 1n Seal Beach and Laguna Hills. Dr Phil p said a 1varning would be given on pred iction through the newspapers who v.·ould be notified by noon of the preceding day. lie said if concentrations of pollutants rrsulted during a particular day. radio and television stations would be asked to broadcast warnings immed iall'!ly. When a "'arning is iss ued , citizens would ht ad vised to reduce physical ac- tivlly, remain indoors whenever possl bll'!, kerp doors and windows closed and slop smoking . At prf'sent. thr. Pot!ution Control District has a smog alert system in operation ror school s. A "·arning 1~ broadcast lf th e oione level reaches .3!) parts per million . Schools fire then supposl'!d lo stop all vigorous exe rcise by students indoors or nut. There ha l"e been three such alerts thrs year. Jn recent month s these ca ses have alSt come to light: • -An ex-convict operating from a sue· cessio11 of locations has raised large sums l\'ilh his cl11im he can negotiate prisoner release through Asian co ntacts. ~A Texas promoter lured an Atlaala PO\\' group into grandiose plans for a " benefit sho11', lhen abruptly depart~ tow n. leaving a string of unpaid billl behind him. There ha\"C been others, some sue- c:essful. some not. A rnan who claims he 'i; a lawyer amt lists addresses ln Idaho and Amslerd•m has approached POW family groups in r-.1iami. Norfolk, Va .. and Phoenix, asking $25.000 tn finance negotiations with B~ dhis t monks to care for prisonus in North Vietnamese c11mps. So far as i" known, he hasn·t collected a dime on hil pitch. Four men and a \\'Oman. however, hired teen·agers to solic.il on street cor~ ners in Jackson, f\!is~ .. for the POW cau se, and got O\lt of town a step 11.htad of the police after three days of cot• !eclion~. ~ YOUR -.--=--.~ CENTER WITH FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS AND HELPFUL SERY· ICE. PLENTY OF FR EE PARK I N G IN IOTH FRONT AND REAR MALLS. ALL ON STREET LEVEL DRIVE CAREFULLY FOR BACK TO SCHOOL SAN DIEGO FREEWAY IN THE HEART OF COSTA MISA 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA --- !, "' DAILY PILOT WtdntSdt,y, $tpt tmbft 2', 1971 ,\ . : \ '· •' I i,_ps Youth Must Be ... S.~rved Sooner --~ By· THO~AS MURP HI NE I'· AH. Y 'O U T'H DEPT. -F:ver slntt , .. ~en slartlng. stomplnJit: unprotest~ iqt.a._barber shops, I've suffered lhe creep- iiii ·sus picion that a lot ol time-honored bfj!iers v.·ere going lo crash down a-.ind this countrv. :~ow it's becon;1ng evidenl that the '.'t'tlh mo1·ement is really going to knock nt;,. all the sacred sancttiar ies of !hf': ~· We've alread.v Jllven 18-yesr -olds ti' vote now through Consti tutional , ndmeot. en only Tuesday, !ht California te's judiciary committee on an rwhelming voice vote sent another bill • ldlifloor that says, in effect, gtve lbe kids •tythmg. , LOWERS the legal age lo 18 fo r a utote lot of ;ictlvltitie!! that u3 older '• f~ils could nnre lord over them. 'f'or example , the eighteeners under the blD ca n be licensed to o~·n machine guns. Yiu like that one? 1"1.so, they can become po licemen. em· bt;lmers, court jurors, school board r4mbers or attorneys -1r they can q\flify for law school al , sa y, age. 13. :Pnder the new bill, 1hey can also rtp>rd a catlle brand wlthout parental C!Uent. tuE MEASURE NOW on the Sena te fllor gives the 18-year-old just about eferything except the right to enter vour cber saloon for the purpo~e of musCling y$J ofr you r favorite stool. ~h . you might sigh. at least one li~tua ry left. Rig ht~ \\1rong. f'here's a separate <.;.aHfornia ConstilU· 't' ·al Amendment In the worU that 14'ill g t. the kids the saloons, lOO. v. Reagan signed another bill by $.. mblymin. Vincent Thomas ( D-San ro' Tvt sday that lowers I he mum age for amateur boxer11 from Jt,!O 16. So the age that you cnn gt't your bOins beaten out also got! down along \.\1ib a lot of other stu ff. ' J]NLF.SS THE SALOON Bill ;ilso Rels s~roval. it's goi ng to be 11 l\!tle tough on lit:ye;:.r-0ld policemen . A kid cop mifht h~ve difficulty in sho\.\·i ng his ID to get past the bar bou ncer in Ql'der to arrest ~e 21·)'ear-o/d drunk on the in..<ride. ?fJ'ie answer for the voung lawrn1111 rrtjht be to ta ke Qne of those l6-yea r-cld p~fighters with him. Thr kid boxer can thin bea1 up the bouncer at the doo r ~·~e tho! kid pt>licem11n goe11 inside and wfestles ...,.ilh the miscreant ...,.ho has D..ie:rindulged . SCHOOL BOARD ME~1 BERS will be w~ ad \•ised lo exercise care in how thev haDd le student bodies from here on in. if thi: trustees rattle. loo n111ny C"al'(t:S on ccqnpus. !he kids may ju11t revo H ;ind elect their own 18·\'Ctlr·old school board . 'No longer will yOu have the spectacl t of tM youni;! student bodv prtsidtnt deba t1n~ the dress code with the ~11ver hai{ed school bllard c.h1ef. They'!! bot h be 18: They'll iusl i;:o nver to lhe ne.lghborhood t~\e rn llnd peltle !hr >.1'hn le i!.Qle over a beer * Al"D SO, >.1·e er.mt• 10 one final nr11c or. thf Women·~ Fib fron1 They just 1rt- t.talled 11 new 1 tndin~ m;i rh1ne in our ~tlip\o\r~· louni:?r Fnr a ~11·rn numbe r of rotn . it gives you a pac kagl' of p11ntyhos t . Alaor!ed ~171>c and shadP~. 100. I can harrlh >.1 .11t for the niarh1ne lhey f)tJt in for the men . ·' • II Wedding f_,001ni1ag? Actress·mod el T"•iggy, v.•ho recently complet ed her first movie ··1'he Boyfr iend" and her ma na ger Justin de Villeneuve. leave \Vin ler Garden Theater after a performan ce of ".follies." They \\1ould not C"onfirm or deny the persiste nt rumor that they would marry '4•ithin the "'eek. Higl1 l1·aqi Aides Oustecl As St1~011g111a11 Emerges BEIRUT llJPJ ) -Twfl pillars of th~ Tr::iqi regime ""'t re ~tr i pped or the ir powers Tuesday ni~ht in a power struggle Sa1lot Threatens 'E:ye for tllt Eye' By UnHr:d Press International Egyptian Pre!ident Anwar Sl!dat say! Israel "'i ll suffer n1ore than ER ypt ir new f1~hting breaks out 1n the :\11ddle East. "It wilt be an eye for an eye and a t0<1th for 11 tooth.'' Sadat said 1n a radio and television addre~s to th e nation Tues- day, tho! first anni versary of Gama! Abd el Nassl'r°S dealh. "We art' prepari ng to receive blows. but they should prepare t hemselves to receive harder and deeper blows. Wirlu Therefore, if China get.< two •eats, •o doe5 da U.S. th;il has been going on y,·ithin the ruling revolu tion con1mand council for the pasl lhree years. political sources said. Raghd11d Radin said S<lleh t.lahd i Am· rnash. the Iraqi vi e!: presiden1. was rlism1ssed fr om his post as "''tell a~ his membership of the council. Abd el J\arim Shaikhaly, the lnre1~n minister , y,•as also dismissed fro m hi~ post ;ind hrs membership nf thr counr1l, the radio ;idded. The del'ree broadc;ist b\' the radio was signed by Pres1denl Ahmed lla!'!san Al·Bakr. ll did nol gi1·e reason~ for !hr disn1issa ls. Politi cal ~ourt·rs in Rc1rut . ho1.1:ever. said An11nash has bl'rn rnga~@{t in a po111er struggle frir the pa~t th rtt \'C<lT"S 1111lh Sadda.m Hussein Takrit1, 11ce- {·hairman of the re\'olution t·nu1K·11. An1n1ash has appart:nt!y !nst ln Takriti ~nd lhis rosl /Ht1'ma9h his job. Along with ~h;iikhal.\'. one of his followers. tht £n11 rces said. They s,111d A n1ma.~h·s nustrr \\'il\ lea ve Takri!i as lhe unchallenged stron~man of Iraq. Ne \\· Russ Probe Heads for Moon r.1 osr.o\\' 'UPI 1 -The Sor1el L'n1on·.~ unmanned Lun;i 19 rared to"·11rd the 1nonn todav in thl' tracks nf 1\s 1\l·faled predecessoi-but the :-;.1v1ets 1ndlcatrd 11 11·(luld nnl attempt " landini;: 'fhe i;pal·ecr11ft blastt'd off T11e~da\·, just !7 d11vs after Luna 18 \anishrd d11 r- 1ng an uns~iccessful attt mrit In land 1n the munn ·i; Ap1xi lonit1s 111(lunla1n ra1111,r. Sc1v1rt repnrts Se.pl. 11 . said Luna !R's lourhdcwn hod heen "unlu rk1· " 1"he olf1ci al Tass new11 a,11,l'nc·v sa id Luna 19 would rondutl ··sr1en11fir 1n- \•esti11ation of the moon and 11ear-n1nnn !-ipacc from the orbit or ;in <1 r11hc1a! sate!lile." . ~Rains Dominating Nation :; • j urrica ue Watch Vp lit t :KIDS LOVE fJNCLE LEN : j Seturdeyo in : ~be ~~IL Y PILOT Sou.theast; Most of U.S. Damp MOlllY •u,,n• 1fld.lf. l..19flt vt>ifltl• ""'"'Cl' n11n• •"'ii m..-111,.. "°""" W. Ol""i"' ""'°'"''' I to II ~~I I" 111 .... -· •OC!•• 1...t '"""°"''· lilt~ ~·~ M It~ Ct•oiot •-•'U"• ''"'' •~ 11 llD TG lnll "'fl 1-•l lVfl' ••n .. l•om ~ •n •J W•••• ••m11tf·.ivtt '"'· ~UN MOON T 10( .S11tt, "'"""· Tld"' WIONl,OAV '"'1>"<1"''" 14 "·•f""4 - '''''""~ 112 1.m,4' '""low , 1100 1 m. 01 ~ ~....-...... ,;, 1·• ..... .t.' Sk ""<! lo.o 11 \.I""'· 1 ) 1u~ •••It 4 "4 I ,;,: \Ito • Ml I "'1. VOO~ • 1t1• l Oj Im. ltll 1 81 I m , Tetnperat11r•• l ""'l'f'"11r•• • ...., O•t tkol!Ulen f<)t ,.,. l •·M<I• ooriocl ""°'"' •I • A.¥ A t!t"I• 11 ........ 1,, BOii"" , ........... 1111 l~tll le Chlttto (IMir.n.tl Cl.,.tl•nd !'MU"" Dtfl••' Oft Mo.n•• o.trel! ·~~ Mol>olulu 1...i1 ........ 11. ICMIM• Ch~ \..•• ""'' 1,...,1,.,m, ·-· ..... ,lol ll'fU vlt .. M-""'11 H""' OrlH M H""' Yor\ Oo.lt~ C•I• ...... "•Im Sorlnt1 ""ll<l.i.t91'1i. ·~Ir ,llhOUtt h "l>ortlaM, °''' ll:••lcl (ltv ·-'"-$1e•-'-l 1. t..oul• $•11 IAI<• Cltv !•~ 0 1- """ l'•tMilCll ~Htll• -·~ Wl llO•nt •ftl'I HI ... ltW '°fl C, •I $S " " " . .. 61 11 11 I 9j . " " " .. •• .. .. " " "r •• .. .. " " " • " " ... .. " .. " " v • • •• " .. " .. • • ., • " • • " " " " ~ " " ., ., " " •• " " .. ,, ., " • " " " " ,, • " " " .. " n ., " ., ,, • • -- Soviets Firing Back Diplomats Report Blacklist of Britons MOSCOW (UPI l -The Communi.5t Party newspape:r Pravda today accused Britis h business men . tourisU. journalist~ and 3cientlsl<i of spying agaillllt lht Sovil't Union. It said such aclion~ in the past ha\•e led to trials and expu.lsioas. The accusation in lhe nation's biggest newspaper Jenl support to diplomatic reports of a Krt:mlin bl11ckl;st of Britons. D!plomat.s 11aki tho! list ha! been prepartd in case the Soviets decide to r!:laliate for Britain·s mass expulsion of Soviet of· fl ciale. The diplomats said the list was ''fairly comprehensiv!:'' and extended beyond diplomatic personn!:I to takt i n businessman and those in other oc· cupations, possibly SDm!: journalists. ViclDr Mayevsky, a senior com· mentator for Pravda. said the British ex· pulsion order or last wttk 'ft'as done partly to cover up British intelliaence activities against the &iviet Union and other Com· mu nist nations. "For its sinis ter aims, British in· !ellige nce uses employes or British in- s1itutions in tht USSR, bu sinessmen, tnurists . journali~ts and scientists,'' J\111yevsky said. ··More than once ou r press h~~ cit~ fa t ts or the espion11ge activille5 of .som!: British citizens who we had to put on trial or to expel from the Soviet Union," he a aid. Besides the 40 diplomats and 33 non- d!plom11lic staff m!:mbers 11.ssigned to the British Embassy, the Sovi et Union hosts British airline of f i c i a I 11 , other businessmen, journalists, students and technical ad visers. The sources -diplomats nol connected i\. Jrc lau1l Gunmen Step L p Terrorism BF:LFA S1', !\nrthern lreland (AP \ (;unm(.'n nf the underground Irish Republ k·;in Army stepped up their cam- p111gn of hullcl~. bnmbs and terror today despite a ca ll by three pnme ministers f11r ;:in end to l'iolence in Northern Jreland. Te rrorists fired a ba.1.ooka at an army post. blew up 11 bus station and fir~ at 1 ronp~. IRA leaders ...,·arned that w&.r in rhe streeL~ will ,1.!r lnd on in a btd to drive the Br ili!ih nu t of !\orthern Irela nd. with the BritiJh Embusy -Wd they doubted stuj!enls would be involved and technical personnel mi1ht be too valuable to the Soviet ecouomy. The soviets have officially notlfio!d Bri- tain lh!:Y would retaliate In kind if the British government did not rescind ils ex- pulsion ordtr again~t 105 Sovie! olficl•!S- 'rhe order, made public last wetk, ac~ cused tht Soviets of spying . \.\1hile 1~ Britl3h. in ~tMCow wai ted for !he Kremlin to act. Soviet police Tuesd11y posted extra guards oul..'lide the riversid e embassy and photographo!d diplomats at the gates in wha t embassy 3taffers took to be. a pressu re lactic. Th t: Pravd.o1 article 14'.ilS the first tim!: since the Briti!h action lh!l any Soviet commentators have referred to trial• ol alleged spies . Meyevsky also referro!d lo part disputt.s between Britain and the Soviet Union, including on!: that led to a bre•k in diplomatic rel ations in 1927, when Brilish police raided two Soviet trade organizations "and trio!d ln vain to find proof for their slanderous fabricatlot1.1 in connection with subv!:rslve activities of Russians." Since the British have far l~er ollic<'J trade and government personnel in the Sovi et Union than the Sovielll maintained in Britain. the Kren1lin w•iuld have In oust almost the entire offici al Britistt representation in Moscow in crder to rtt111iate on a one-for-0ne basis. Nixon, Gromyko Meet To Discuss Armaments V.'ASHINGTON (AP ) -President Nil · on meets with Soviet Foreign Minister Andr ei Gromyko on disarmament and other issues lod11y in an atmosphere warmed by 11everal new U.S.-Soviet agreemenlll. The two superpcwer na tions joined Tuesday jn propcsing a bio logic11l- weapo~ban · tre11ty t~ the Gen!:va disarmam!:nt committee. Tht:ir two foreign ministers will sign accords here Thursday on moder n i z i n g the \\'ashington-Moscow hotlin!: and c n avoiding accido!ntal nuclear war. Bul optimism from these developments and tho! hi storic Big Four Berlin Agree- ment signed Se pt. 4 is tempered by significant differences ren1ain ing between the United Slates alld the Soviet Union on a ho:;:l of important subjects. On F:u rope;i n security -a topi,c slated !or Nixon·Gromyko attention -the l\remlin has been Jess forthcoming than U.S. officials had hoped . Gromyko's call 11t the White I-louse. whilo! he is in this coun lry attending th e U.N. c;eneral Assembly fall ses.~ion, ha~ becom!: 11n annual affair. Todtty's session is the President's first ti1l k wit h a hig h Soviet envoy i11 a year. Gromoy ko delivered A re! at i v e 1 y moderate policy speech at the United Na· tions Tuesday. declaring that an Im- proved political climate is favorable for Moscow's proposed world disarmament conference. The Sovi et foreign minister portrayed the time as ripe for a con· fe rence on European security ind other tension-easing steps. Secretarv or State Wi lliam P. Roger!! sounded oUt Gromvko ;it the U.N. during " dinner rncet1ng iast Friday and got lit· tie new information on v.·ha t the Kremlin reall y has in mind fo r a European securi· Iv conference and East-West talks on rTiutual troop cuts in Europe. U.S. diplon1ats say the Soviets ha ve not vet n1ade clear in wha t fashion they think East -West negot1atians on the European security subjects should be conducted. They say Moscow has fa iled to !pecify ~o far. for instance. "'hethtr the proposed European security conference 11 n d mutua l·force-cul talks shou ld be c11rried out together ' or separately -ind if separatelv, what items the security can- fe rt:nce ....:aul d con.side r. You might find as many fashion watches elsewhere. But not at this special price. ' JCPenney fine jewelry gas Great group of watches with fashion the watchword. Faces in many sizes, ihapes and co lors. Wide bands. Skinny bands. Link b race lets. Some c alendar styles. If you're a 10 o'c lock schola r, we·11 gel you th ere on time for 9.88. The values are here .-y my. Shop Sund•y noon to 5 p.m. •t the following 1tore1 • Ava;labl e at theu otores : CANOGA PARK CARLSBAD DOWNEY FASHION VALLEY-SA .. DIEGO FULLERTON 'HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "THE CITY" RIVERSIDE VENTURA. u .. Panney• Tim• P•irii•nt Plan. ' I • r l l ---.. - Delay Se en On Vietnam Pullout Vote WASHINGTON (AP) -The Nixon ad- ministration reportedly is seeking to delay until after Sunday's South Viet- namese presidential election a &enate vote on Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield's new move to force total U.S. withdrawal from Indochina in si:< months. CBS Chief Asks Guards For Press OAILY PILOf If POW Return Vowed NiXon Talks t.-0 Relatives of Prisoners WA~TON (UPI) "I can assure you that every Nixon at the banquet. 1 Five hundred relatives of im-negotiating chaMel -and Kennedy told the delegat.9 prisoned and m I 1 s i n g now 1 say somet.hing here I.hat that tbdr men atill wert Clp- American servicemen stood I'm aure all of you will un-lives because t b a ad- and cheered in an emotional derstand -including many ministration refused lo ..-.. respon~ Tuesday night when private channel! that have not · President Nir.on promised the yet been disclosed, have been pond to the Vief. Con(• July 1 United States will "eventually pursued, are being pursued offer to repatriate Amerk:a9 succeed" in freeing their loved and will bt pursued," the POWS in return for a U.S. one~. President said. military withdrawal f rom Nir.on niade a surprise Nixon's appearance at a South Vietnam by the end of The amendment, like one adopted earlier but diluted in conference after House rejection, is expected to pass the Senate. Congressional sources say the ad· ministraUon fears immediate adoption of the amendment would adversely affect the climate around President Nguyen Van Thieu·s unopposed re~lection bid. personal appe2rance be(ore league banquet followed an 1971. • ., the sec-0nd annual convention afternoon busines.s 5esslon at Sen. George McGovern C'!! of the National League of which the group pointedly S.D.) meanwhile, aaid tMI Families of A m e r i c a n warned the White House that chief North V l e t n • me •·• Prisoners and Missing in its patience was not endles.1. It delegate at the Parts talkl hid Sou theast Asia. A few tmurs strongly hinted that if pro-reaffirmed his country'• w,lJJ.;"" earlier. Sen. Edward M. Ken· gress is not made in freeing ingness to teparate t b e · nedy (D-Mass.\ had told the the POWs it would consider prisoner release issue from relatives that American cap-the possibility next spring of the other six polntl ln the lives were "rotting" in prisons in1"ecting the issue into th-1972 Commun1'sls' pl f .. u •• WASHINGTON (UPI> ·~ an or e . .....,. because the administration Presidential elec11·on cam-th · So th v· tna CBS President Frank Stanton e war in u 1e m. was too proud to negotiate paign. N1'•on howev •-•~ today called for new laws tn .. • er, con...::'"'""' with their Communist captors. This relatively tough ~tance th t h' 'd •-• tun Protect newsmen from the a 15 -.i es 1 14\1 CIU't Y Nixon, however, strongly contrasted shar-nJy with the •Ynlored ev~ J d th t "dark shadow of surveillance'' 't' -t' -,, ea a came defended his policy. reception the delegates gave from members f Co by government. lpimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~miimmmii 0 ngrest. Another reported fact.or in the attempt •t delay is this week's meeting in Washington· of the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia. The league reportedly is split over whether the best way to free prisoners is through Nixon administration policies or by setting a fixed date for withdrawal. Stanton, .,.,.ho successfully I resisted attempts by a House ~ Sad Salesnian This reluctant puppy peddler in Houston shows off the finer points of one of the puppies he had on sale for $1 each. In spite of the for- lorn look on his face, Neil Allen, 5, sold eight of the pooches. Bus Vote Block Sought Mansfield's amendment will be debated Thursday, and assistant Democratic Leader Robert C. Byrd, said a vote "is expected that day." But no agreement for a vote had been reached when the Senate adjourned Tuesday. In the meantime, senators are delaying with an abbreviated version of the two- year fight over the Safeguard missile defense system and with a move to delete funds for the Navy's Flot fighter from the $21-biUion military procurement bill. Two amendments deal with Safeguard : A proposal by Sen. Harold E. Hughes ( D- I ow a), to delete $639 million for pro- committee to subpoena material gathered by CBS but not broadcast, testified at the second day of Senate hearings into press freedom. He said governmental sub- poenas represented a •·particularly in~idious threat to the ability of newsmen to carry out their resJXlnsibilities effectively" arid should be forbidden. He said in prepared testimon~·: "Not only is the burden of compliance v.·ith such sub- poenas extreme and in Itself punitive: but com pe 111 ng journalists to reve.al their sources or nonpublished materials such as notes, films. tapes, has a chilling effect on and seriously impedes their future access to such sources \\'ASHING TON (AP) -Northern Democrats. caught in the school- desegregation cont roversy for the first time, are trying to block House action on a bill that .,.,.ould force them to vote on the busing issue. The bill has been knocking about in Congress for nearly 18 months .since Nix· on asked for it as an emergency measure to help Southern schools meet an August, 1970 desegregation deadline set by the Supreme Court. curement of the anliballistic missile and "The gravity of this threat a move by Hughes and Sen. William Sax-to the free press stems from be (R-Ohio), to hold up construction, pro-efforts to subiect profe ssional curement and deployment funds pending news j u d gm en ts to Mostly liberals with good civil-rights records, they are caught between pro- busing civil-rights forcts and growing an- ti-busing sentiment in their home a possible U.S.-Soviet agreement at the governmental scrutiny. The Largely ignored by Northerners, whose districts wouldn't get much money, and viewed tepidly by Southerners who would like the money but not the federal presence that goes with it, it has been befriended mainly by administration 6Up- porters and ci.vil-righls groups. strategic arms limitation talks. dark shadow of ~urveillance Sen. Willitm Proianire (D-Wis. ), is can do nothing but inhibit the sponsor of the amendment to delete free flow of information, districts. .. $801.6 million for the F\4, contending the v.·ithout which we believe a The bill they would like to bury is President Nixon's Sl .5-billion emergency school aid program. f'4 could. with slight modifications, robust press is an im- outperform the new plane. possibility." Also up is another 11.mendment by Sen. Last spring. a House com· Using every parliamentary device available they thv:arted efforts in the Education and Labor Committee to force 8 vote on the bill this week, the unofficial deadline for completing committee action on legislation to be considered thi.ll year. This support was weakened, however, by Nixon's.decree last August that none of the money be uJed to P•Y for busing pupils. That is. the primary erpease for which most districts facing de1egregation plant wanted the money •. Gaylord Nelson (0-WlS. ), to restrict funds merr.e subcommittee demand- for the Navy's Project Sanguine. an ed that CBS turn over to the. underground communications project in ~roup "outtake.s" -unused northern Wisconsin. An earlier effort to tape -from its controversial hold up fund~ pending,2n environmental program "The Selling of the study failed 45 to 35. Pentagon." ' ~~~~~~~~~~~.::..~~~~~~~-' . Carolina Woman Faces Jail DAYTONA BEACH. Fla. (AP\ -A 23 -year-old housewife may become the first person ever to go to prison in Florida for having an abortion, Shirley Ann Wheeler has been convicted of having an abortion and is awaiting sentencing. The maximum penalty under the J03-year-0ld law is 20 years. the same as a manslaughter conviction. She was found guilty July 13 after a two-day trial in nearby DeLand, the county seat of Volusia County. At her trial. l\1rs. Wheeler freely admif.ted she paid $150 to have an iller:al abortion in Jacksonville. Shf. said she had the a bortion because a doctor in her hometown of l\torg2n- ton. N,C., had told her a pregnancy could he dangerous because she once h a d rheumatic fever. Mrs. Wheeler was tried under a law passed in 1868. It n1akes havi ng or performing an abortion a felony unless it is ··necessary to protect the life and health of the mother," or if it is recommended by t'l':o doctors. Mrs. Wheeler's attorney, James Rogers. said he was unable to locate the doctor in Morganton \.\'ho Shirley said to ld her it could he da nger9us for her to give birth. "She was rather vague about it and I just couldn't find him ." The Florida Supreme Court recently admonished t h e le''.i~lature -which tabled a more liberal abortion bill last session -to re-examine tbe ancient statute, saying it was too vague. JJlegal abortions were com- IJlOnplace in F I o r i d a , especially r.f iami. until New York State legalized them last year, Now, many Floridians go north rather than face the prospect of untrained abor- tionists and violate the state Jaw. "But the jury didn 't buy it after Shirley testified she had had the abortion. She said ~he didn't fee\ there wa~ anything \.\:rong with what she did -it didn't affect anybody else," Rogers said. QUITTl~G BUSINESS! STOREWIDE ,SALE Savings to 50%::!, Living room, dining room and bedroom furniture. Lamps, and hundreds of decorator Items. TllMS AVAILABU _...,""" Pri,,.,,_12 -to 9 p.m. Sertvrct.y 9 •.m. to 5130 p.m. hn4crr--t2,...... .. s.,.m.. 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • ~ ~ 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • ~ 0 • g • 0 • 0 • 0 • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 • I • g ~ ~ g •• 0 i g • i 86 Proof l<entecky Slr~ight 80\J( bon Wli~key lh@ World's C--.-" Fint!!il. Bourbon .Sinc.e 1795 €hateaux t ordials Choose from Dlore than thirty popula r flavors. Highest quality. 11 ___ 11 48 Pcoof. $3!?, qt. Beameister FINE IMPORTED GERMAN WINES In genuine ceramic stoneware croc ks. l leb frau. mflch •nd 7 oth!':r wonderful wines. '2"to •zst 23 Ot. Beameister. COLD DUCK Say "Kall6 Ente". A premium Import from Ger many, where Cold Duck originated', $3~?., . "·-nomital WrJ ~ '"' t~aWol'ld's finest JI•&,, ,I Bo~rbon • ;;. ......, , Sinu 1795 ~-. ' urroaf ~;i; 11199 '~ i *Gal. .. ,...,. .... _ Cracklin& Rose Wine Imported from Portugal $3~.s.,. ANyThiNG TMT~ • 15 ,WORT • IN • • NO MINIMUM bAlANCE REQUiREd Yes, thal'• rlgtlt1 Free ci'le cklng -no minimum balance required. Anything that's free • worth checking, a nd now ts the right time to check .Into AnaheUn Savings MW tree eervioea. We've )o'ned with a major national bank offering yot1 complete Savings and Loan plus banking eervices. Onty at Anaheim Savings can you deposit $1000 and eem the highest Interest In the nation on inerured mvlng1 and receive the benefits of ••• Free checldng. Pre- ferred Customer rates on auto and boat loans. and Preferred Customer rates on personaJ loan&. Leem about these at our Huntington Beach otnce. FREE SAFE dEposiT boxEs Fre • with eccount b1 l1nc• ol $1,000 or more. 6% Two lo f"'9 ,_, llml c ertificate accounta with $5,000 minimum be lance. 50 YEARS OF SECURITY Ac counts are Insured lo $20,000 and p<ot.ci9d by Anaheim savings' 100% record of aafety. ANAHE ~IM SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MAIN OFFICE: 187 W. Lincoln ""'· An•heim, Calilomi• PR2·1$32 411 M1ln SltMt Huntington had'I, Callfoml• LEl-66il •' :· . ' " .. • ' " ~~~~~~!'!!!!!!!~,.I • DAILY PILOT EDITOIUAL PAGE A 90-Day Moratorium Huntington Beach may &00n Impose a moratorium on the co nstruction of apartments in the north section of lhe <:1ty. The city cou ncil is considerinJ a 90·day ban on aparln1en t permits al Its next meeting on Monday. It's bound lo be a controversial topic, but it does seem likely to pass. an d there does appear to be justification for Uie restrictio n. The purpose would be to give planners more time to complete studies of the northern sector of the city- to see Y.'hether densities should be lowered and how to achieve this equitably. Similar studies b1ve been com· pleted in other parts of the city. Il is easy to sympathize with developers and la nd OY.'ners who see so me of their righ~ in jeopardy. f\fuch of the weight is being removed from their arguments by limiting the moratorium to 90 days and not extend· iog 11 to six months as voa.s first suggested. .'\ delay Qr three mon ths should not prove too peat a hardship for a study that may have lasting benefit for the whole community. The fact of Ille is that it is becoming harder and harder lo build apartments in ci ties everywhere. In Hunt· ington Beach these restrictions apparently will be intro- duced cautiously and within proper planning procedures. Best of Both Kinds llandicappcd children have always been at a dis· advantage in public schools. Because of their special physical problems they are often segregated into special .schools ""here they never come in contact with unhandi· capped children vi hose society they are expected to join upon graduating. Mcognizing this problem, trustees and administra· tors of the Fountain VaJley School District have fo und funds for a speciaJ type of crippled children's school. The Plavan School will combine some of the best features Dependability ls Among the Great Virtues 'nlirty years ago this wttk I began nrking for The Chicago Daily News. If anyone then had told me I would Jtill be thtre th ree decad@s later. I would have laughed my boyish bead off. If it has been ~ rut. it has been the most pleasdnl one I can imaginr. In all that time. I have ntver had a cross word with a single person I worked with. or for. I ha ve never had ro wri!e a line I did not be· lieve, or cross out o line that anyone ob- j9cted to. I have not missed a day in all those 30 years. which is possibly a foolillh thing to be proud of, but I am proud of it. And perha ps !his record entitles me to say something about dependability. AS I GROW OLDER. I come more and more to recngnize dependability as one of the cardinal vi rtues. aJlhough usually an ignored one. I ha ve seen so manv men or brains and talent and imaginatiOn fritl er al'r·ay their gifts because they lacked dep@nda bilit y. Ericbon tells us that "basic trust " is at the bottom of !he earliest human rrla- tionship. and unless that basic trust is there. the person cannot gro.,11 up to his fullest produc\i\'e and creative capacities. In order for ba sic trust to flourish . it must be founded on rellabi!ity. The Pfrson we relate to must be counted on. ALL RELI GIOUS fatlh is bast<! on the Dear Gloom y Gus Contfmed cltluns cf Huntington Beach should make known to the city counci l their view& on the dis· missal cf Doyle Miller and partic- ularly lhe me..'\net in which It was ac('{lmplished. Hopefully our mem· ories aren't too J1hort W consider th is at future council electlon.5. -T. E. N. T/1!1 ltllllrt '9flHTI -..-........ ""' _ff, ...... .. tlte -· .... ,_ Ml _,,. M ._, .y .. D-.llr Plitt. conviction tha t God will not forsak t you ir you do nol forsake Him. All scientific inquiry is based on lhe conviction that the laws of n.ature rema in constant and open to diSCO\'ery for tho!!e who persist In their quest. All human relationships are nurtured by the sense that "the other" we extend ourselves to, in Jove or fraternity. will stand firm . will be there when needed . Reliability has not been celebrated because it is on the whole a dull virtue: it is sacrificial: and in a world where Change is Iring, constancy seems almost 41 embarra.ssment. Fidelity to a perS-On, Or an idea , or a vocation, b ncwadays equated with rigidity. with lack of flex· ibility, even with "stagnation." SOl\fE OF IT ri1AV be all that. of course, every virtue ha! its O\\'n particular cou nterfeit. and the man whn prides himself on being "dependabl{''' may be merely a timid and fearful 1·1cllm of routine. But without thi1; virtur . the social fabric y,·ould ri p apart and human projects that demand a span of gene ra· lions would C"Ollapse into chaoa. In the pa st. mankind em phasized •·con- tin uity" too exclusively, to the detriment of change; today. we e m p has 11 t ''change" too exclusively, lo the detri · ment of continuity. Each without the o1hrr is only half a gcissors . I simply call attent.ion to the half we are: neglechng. CyclisU; in Cross Walks To the Editor : I must write tn express my fe elings on bicyclr: riding J'l'e seen many arti cles in the DAI LY PILOT, but none vet has emphasized what I feel to be onf of the mo5t dangerous practices by bicycle riders. O\·er the years. I've con1e close lo hit· ting a bicycle rider tY.·i~. In bo th 1n- 1tances the y came riding dov.·n the street klwa rd a stop sign. Wben they reached the sign. inst{'ad nl slopping. they swung to the right .and proceeded to ride across the pedestrian crosswalk . al which lime I came close to "p1ck1ng them off' si n<'e t waa driv ing on an arterial through slretl. CYCLISTS SHOULD n n t ride in pedestrian cross walks . I've alY.·11ys thought it against the law but rve watch- ed many. many a young cyclisl do It with a patrol car in the lane. ne1l l.o me. Blc.ycles are vehicles and must be tre.ted M Juch by l1 w 1ror lhe protection ti the rider). J. UlGAN MURRAY • C•alle'a Salaf'!I' Booal To I.he Editor: Just rtld In todJly"1 DAILY PILOT •·lliere the city council r1l1ld the salary Quotes Aline! Hltdlcod<, Hollywood dln&r - "Al l 1etrease1 are children under the akin -tome nJce, IOmt MSly." ( Mailbox Lttttra from reodtr.! ort wtlcomt. Nor'f11(l/lll writeri .Jhoultt convey thr.ir messages m 300 words or le.!!. The righ t to conderut lelttr1 to /it spact or eliminatt libtl ii rticrvtd. All /eC· ters must include aigno:turt and moil· i1ir; oddres1, but nomt1 may bt with· lze/d on request if sufficit.nt reoso11 is apparent. Poetr11 will not bt pub· Ii.shed. of Br11nder Castle, actina city ad· minist rator, from S2,lt2 lo $2,457 per month -.11n increa!!e ol J,115 pe.r month, making him the highe.:it paid city em ploye in Hunttn1ton Beach. Doesn't Uu~. President'• ••(It free:U: ap- ply in Huntington Beach too? Is lht elty'a treasury IO overflowing with ca1h that v.·e can afford to Increase the city ad· minlstrator'a salary? AFTER ALL THE crying I have heard from the governor on down about Itek cl money to finance the 1chool1 ind to p.ay the teachers 1 cost of llving lncre1st in wages. this Is like a alap tn lhe f1ce for t very cne cf ll"m. All right. city rouncllmen, please tell Ronnie Reagan hew you can afford Lo ln- crta!!t your own 1alArlt1 10 blithely, or rather. how we can afford It? Am maJllng the cllppini to President Nixon. M. O. HARVEY of a 1pecialized scliool whil e mixlnf the han.dic apped and normal youngsters in certain classroom .situauons, offering the crippled child the best of both kinds of ed· ucation. Two weeks ago, the district's tenacity in seeking sbte aid for construction of the school paid off in the form of a $1.15 million grant. Wh e n completed . Lhe school will lierve 120 crippled youngsters from the six districts in the Huntington Beach Union High Schoo l Distric t and the Newport·P..1esa Unified School District and 300 normal Fountain VaUey students. Fountain Valley School offi cials are to be congralu· lated. Trustees Acted Correctl y A ~·eek ago trustees of lhe Coast Comn1unity Col· lege District refused to help teachers seek a court order unfreezing pay raises fixed by President Ni.'<OO. The trustee action was proper if controversial. Essentially, teachers tonlend that the Nixon \vage freeze does not apply to them because they aJJ signed contracts last spring, th ough they did not receive pay checks until September. The Orange County Counsel's offi ce has ruled other· wise. Teachers wanted to challenge the counsel's ruling. But district trustees pointed out that the county counsel is the legal adv isor to all school districts and ignoring his ruling would accomplis h nothing. Robert Humphreys, chairman of the Coast College board of trustees and an attorney. further pointed out to teachers that the process they requested -a v,1rit of mandamus - could take 18 months in court and hold up thei r pay raises that Jong. \Vha t teachers did get from the board -and \vhat Is r~ally more important -was a promise from trustees to pay all back pay raises when the freeze is lifted -if no new governmental orders prevent such action. H $500 Million Credit to Israel for Arnis Rogers Balks, Jackson Acts on Aid WASHINGTO N -An anger-tinged talk between Secretary William Rogers and an important Republican C.Ongressional leader preceded Sen. Henry Jackson's in- troduction of &'' pro- posal for $500 mil· lion in credit lo Is- rael to buy arma. ments -with $200 mill ion specl!ie!illy earmarked for J011g· sought F-4 .!Uper· sonic fighter-bomb- ers. Thi! conversation is of special momen t because of the light il sheds on th{' background of this intensely con tro\•ersial issue. In fact, ther~ is every reason lo con- cl ude that what was said during thi s sharp exchange was an important f<ic!or in J ackson offering his legislation. IL is significant that the bustling \V ashington stale Democrat got a full account of this private discussio n between a GOP cOOi- net member and a GOP O:mgressional leader within a short time after it occur· red. OBVIOUSLV, the veteran Republi can legis\alor is \'try much on Jackson's side on this torrid matter. He is far from being the. nnly one. As Jackson emphatically noted. in hi s speech in the Senate offering the $500 million credits me asure. it was authorized IJv that chamber last October by th'e 01·erv.·helm1ng bipartisan \'Of{' of 87 tn 7 That's \\'hy Jackson could say v•ith no ~xaggeration that he has every con- ftdence Oln gress y,•iJ[ \'Ote the credits by .,:-;·•· ~ ....,, -""'!--r'~,.,.,.,..,;m!!t't i, ( . . ' "ii1 ; Robert'S. iAJl~'. , , 'i . ' ; ti \.._, ........... :.... . .. "'"'" ....... ~~ ... J~' the same overwhelming bi par l i s an decisiveness. This Y.'C'll-justlfied assurance is whal makes Secretary Rogers's adamant stand against sending more arms to Israel so diffi cult to understand -particularly lo ~embers of Congress. They have slapped him do\\·n repeatedly on this question, and he s1lll persists in being balky, 1·111s U " '' I E L D I NG inflexibil ity docsn l help him. the i\dministralion or !hr Hcvublican party. Th;il's 11·hat the GOP Cr.ngression11 I leader tried to impress on SC<'retarv Hogers in their talk. · Politely but emphe.t ically U1e veteran legis lator. frorp a niajor Eastern statr, told Rogers lhat his persistent foot- dragglng on Israel's urgent pleas for more supe rsonic Phanto m pl anes and nther v.·eapon s w11s futile : tha t this ob- d~ran~e was stead ily i nt ens i r yi n g b1part 1san resentment on Capitol Hill. "YOLI CAN TALK all vou want alxiut stri ving Lo 'defuse' the ~f(ddle East situa- tion:· said the legislative leader. "but you simply are not convincing anyone in the ~cnatc and House. That plan, or hope or "'halr\·cr you want to call ii. may be well ·intcntioned, bul there are no buyers. \\'ith lhe unintentional help of the Russians and truculent talks by Arabs. lhe Israeli ha ve a much beu.er case and are making the moot ol it. "Either the State Department ceases its opposition to selling more planes and arm s to Israel. or Congre ss "'ill make yo u do ii. And that isn't all . the Democrats will grab the ball and make political hay of it. "AND I WANT TO tell you ve.ry fra nk· ly, hfr. Secre tary, a lot or Republicans who are up for election next year under \'try unce rtain circumstances are very sore al your complicating their already· difficult problems. They've got eoough on their hands Yr'ilhout the Stale Department adding to It by stubbornly refu sing Lo C'lear the y,•ay for more armament s to Israel. "lf you ()(l'Opl{' d0n ·1 watch our. ~ 011 could very well cost us a numbt!r of Senators and Congressmf'n next y{'ar that th{' Republican party can 't afford to lose. And I might add, our Congressional ran k ~ aren 't the only ont'S that rnight suffer. The Presiden t is going to be running, too, and if you don't know it. he's going to need every vote he can gel -starting right now." ROGERS LISTENED somberly to this tough talk. Defensil'e)y, he answered he is not against Israel or giving it more weaprms . He insisted his only purpo6e is to bring about some kind of settlement betw een !he Arabs and Israel. "\Veil. you certainly are not going to do it by putting Israel at a military disad- vantage W the Ara bs and the ir Russian all ies." retorted !he (;QP leg islator_ .. The only chance for averting more war in that cockpi t is to keep the Israelis so !!lrong that the Arabs and Ru ssians will think twice before starling shooting again. .. There is absolutely no use trying to dodge realities. Either the Administration makes the credits available tha t Congress voted overwhelmingly last year, or Congress will do that with mandatnry 'legislation. That's the clearcut choice that confronts you. and you'd better move fast , or you'll regret It." \\'HILE ROG ERS listened intently, he gave no indication of being persuaded. That \\'as the discouraged conclusion of the GOP legislator -and he kf'pl it no secret. In fact, in relating his experience, he remarked sarcMlicatly. "About the onh 1hing Rogers seemed \\'firried O\'er 1\<JS tht1t Jac:kson would or- fer n'andatory legi slation. That :seemed to be thl' one thing oppermost on hi s mind. If it is, he's in for a big disap- poinllnenl. Not only ls Jackson going to mol'e. bul he i!i going lo win again this year. jusl as decisi vely as he did last. "Rogers must be a glutton for punlsh· ment -or something. Wbnt I can·t understand is \\'hy the While House doesn't di sregard him and take the lead itself. They've done that on other irn· portanl matters, so why no! on this one?'' THE REP UB LICAN leader's rumina· lions v."ere accurate , but too IBle. Several days later. Jackson offered his S:i!O million credits proposal and forcefullv announced determination to push it a"ggre ssi\'e\y lhrough Congress. As a ranking n1emlx'r or the Senate Ap- prop riations Committee. the Wa:?>hinglon Slate Democrat is in a strategic position to do that, and is sure lo make the most of it. Tidbits From an Ecological Catalog ltcnls of nature's lore a column1~t y,·ou\dn't know if he hadn't opened a nice lonli! lal1·filled Jet - fer from ~liss ~fary N1klas. a lover or birds and bees and beasties and wonder- fLJl woodlands and resurrecllng waters. , i .. .:. Let us start v;ith the common to.ad which, darpite leg-'i ~nd, Y.'On't giv~ }'OU ,./ its warn ir you pick it up. AccordinR to Mary, a toad is t~ serv ant of man 1vithout being his toady. It y,·IJJ eat .'It least 10,000 pe sl.5 Jn a single summer . in- cluding some 2,000 cutworms. So far, B11 George --- Dear George: f have tried fOf' a long lime to send a dollar for your course in Sideways Thinkini, but I keep get- ting my own sel f.addressed. alamped envelope back. \\'hat's wrong! FRUSTRATED Otar f'ru1tr11ted: Did you tnclose a reasonsble racslmile! Dear George: My hu1band 11 1uch a tightw1d he refuses to buy a tele\·lsion aet. Whtn I cbject ~ teU1 me lo shut up and watch the ndio. Is there a cure for 1Uneine$s like that? FURIOUS 111FE Dear Futloua Wile : You and )'()Ur blabbing mcuth ., Now my wife wanla a radio -1'ud- dtnly tM wallpaper bores her. r .,..., .... __ .. _ ..... --\ Hal Boyle , ... . --"I however, it h<is riot bren ira1ned to recognize ;.nd eradicatr the su burban gar- dener's chief pest -his critical weekend guests from the clty. 110\'-' l'lfANY HEARTS do you have? Only one? h-lis.s Niklas says that the OC· !opus has lhrtt. Is this fact more in· teresting lo a moralist or .a coronary specialist. Mary? Everybody knO\\'S that the last straw will break a ca mel's back. But do you kno"' how many last straws are sUll out or work? Well , according to l\.fary, tht.re ere about three mill ion camels now serving man with th('.tr backs unbroken . A lazy man not onl y hates work, he tends to forget where it Is and what time he is supPQsed to do it. Not so the busy bee. TI1e t.ime sense of a "'orker bee, J§ays f.1ary, is so acute thel if it diS('ove rs a new patch of s"·eet no1o1·ers at say 9:30 a.m. one day, it will retum to 1hat same arena ol petaled plunder nl 9:30 a.m. the next day. WHAT'S 1\'E\.\' In rabbits? Apparently old hablls. These are ~1ary's revelations: "When forced to, rabblLs can s.,..·im - 11nd very well , too. They can also punch. Brown hares stand upright and 8lug it out ~·ith thei r fore.paws. Perhaps second only lo the ant elope, the j:ickrabbit i11 the fastest wild nallv{' animal in lhe U,nlled Sta les. One J11pecies we igh& lQ.pounds and has-ears up to nine inches lon1." Tclevlston must be interested in that. Hmmm. •loppable antennas? llmmmm? •• lt has be{'n found, Miss Niklas rem ind~. that a grasshopper can jump 16V1 reet. more than JOO times it.s own length. No harried hun1an \'ice president under the worsl possi ble pressure has a~ proached this feat, no matter how many tacks were stuck in the chair he sat in. OTHER TIDBITS o( interest from Mary's ecological catalog : -The estimated world polar bear population ha! dropped from 20,000 in 1960 to 8.000 in 1970. Although these magnificent remnant s cf survival in the northland are symbols of ferocity. too. lhey have a hard tin1e growing up. They weigh about a pound at birth and stay with their mothers unt il 2 years old. Nobody Wins Press Comments ) • Sleplten, Mina., Meste11ter: "With one strike after another hitting almost everybody In the counlry -who is rt:ally .... ·inning? Nobody ! What has bttn gained ? Only ninety.four cents a month, after In· flatlon has taken its bite, according lo statistics issued by the Department of Labor iand who should know belt.er?) In spile or lnce~sanl demands for more, more, more. the average union factory worker's buying power remaiM status quo. simply becau5e the second that wages go up. so do prices . 11'1 a C"Onstant pattern. And ln the Jong run , nobody ·Win.! out. Unless you considtr IM ctnll a month big money. And at that, lt'a ooly temporary." • -One of the Oddest chores of parent· hood 1s perrormed by the 1nale Kurt u~ fish or Australia. I!. incu bates its wife'.a eggs by attaching them to its forehead . -HERE'S A NICE thing tn know about zoos : a number of them kt"ep mothtr goats handy willing to adopt and susta in fawns and other roundlings J e f t motherle.s.1 by birth disast ers. -A~d if you want to give your cockroach-haunted y,•ife an u n u s u a I present for her birthday, why not a Pomeranian as a pet'? These lhree-lo- ffve-pound dogs were bred down from 3(). pound sheeirguarding ance:stors i 11 Gem1any. But Mary says the herding in~ s:tincts in Pomereniarus is still so strong that they try to herd bugs. Thank" you for a day o(f, ~l 1ss Nikia!. Please \\'rite again OU.JIM COAST DAILY PILOT Robfrt N. Weed, l'utilia:l'ln Thoma.1 Ktevil, Editor ' Albtrt W. Bate• , Edi!oriol Paot Editor ~ ft11torl11t pare or the D.il'tJ' Fikll: Htlu lo lnlonri &nd •tim~at. read~ ttl by pu.-nUn, thb M~· oplnlont and commentary on q,4es ot ln~rut and atp\U!CMCe, ty pm. v1dlrc a tonnn for tti. exi:nllfon ot our rndfn' oplnlonl, and by pn.. arerrtlJll' !he dlwne \lltwpo1nll o< m- for"IMd ~ ami ....... DO ............ ..,. Wednesdty, Sept. 29, 1971 • I i I' , I ,, ------.... ---- Newport Beaeh • I Today's Fl••I. EO IT l'O N N.Y. Stoeb ' :vor. 64, NO. 133, 6 SECT IONS. ao PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 29, 197r TEN .CENTS Realtor Predicts 68.2% 'Yes' Vote on Bond By L. PETER KRIEG 01 1111 D•il~ l"lt.t l"lf A "ye-s" vote in Tuesdt.y's l'iewport ~ch c.:i vic centtr bond election ""l'lill bt. a vote of conlidence for every city ~~ii sinet 1957,_" Councilmal'll Donald Mcinnis s,id this 1norning i• a talk IQ the Nt:wport Harbor Chamber of Com· merce. 'Ibey'll get thal vote or contidence, too. according lo the man coordinating the ea.mpaign for i.·pproval of the bonds. Rt:tltor Jim \Vood told the brcakfa~~ • meeting ht: forecasts a &a.2 percent "yes" vote in the balloting. A 66.7 ptrcent •·yes" vote. represe•ting a hv~thi rds majority, is ne~ed . Mcinnis based his state1nent on t~ ract that every city council since 1957 has tc.:ken positive .action 1owards plan· ning for the new city ha!! i nd polict sta- tion. Tuesday, voters decide if !ht city ean 11ell '6.9 milli on i• general obligation bonds io finan c;t the proposed ei vic (.'Om· pltx at Newport Center. rv1ne Viet nam Turmoil Thieu Orders -Shoot to Kill S.4.IGON (..\P) -President l'iguyen Van Thieu !001y ordered police to •·shoot lo kill" 1nti2overnment rioters \Vho thro\v firebombs or otherwise endangt:r Jives. Government spokesman Vu Khanh, ronfirming Thieu's <lrder, said the presi- ~ent told police officials, "We are living I" a period nr political danier and rurmoil. It is the duty of police 'to keep Flights Still Not Maximum At OC Airport The addition of t"'O nel\· jet fl ights lo Sacramento by Air Ca\ifqrn ia has not brought !be airljne up to iL<; maximum number of nights alJO\\"td at Orange Cou nty Airport, airpo11 ()ffici als said lod2.y. 1'\citl\er Air Ca tiforn11 , nor the olhtr majof .1passenger carrier , Hughes Air lVe!l, are fl}ing the ma;ii mum number of daily lights allo\\·ed them by Orange County Supervisor~. Ron Cha ndler, deputy director of av1a- lior. for the county. soid Air California has averaged 21 flights a. day (or the lirst stven n1ontl1s of 1971. Air California ls allov.·ed 24.6 average daily flights for 1971, Chandler e.xplained. Airport officials use average daily fligh ts, because all flights are not daily. On any one day an airline could exc.eed its maximum , ii" olher dayll arr below t.he limit. Hughes Air l\:est is currently avtraging '1,4 fl ights da ily, Chandler said. It is a!IO~'ed 10.9 during 1971. .The maxin1um limits "·ill increase for bOth airlines in 1972, under the lease agreements reported to the supervisors ,.\ug. 17. 1971. In 1972 Air California will be allowed 11.l average daily fighU and Air West can have 13.71" ordtr. ll is their duty t.o react. to any violence. ··\Vhoever crtales vlolern..'f in the. !ilrcets for the purpose of terrorism must be severely punished. Thost who are caught red-Mndett bumin1 autos mlist bt ~hot on Ute 11pot if necessary;• 1'heiu made no mention <lf i.:onti nl.ling demonstr;•tions acain~ his Unopposed candidacy in Sunday'• presidentia l elec· tion. Thieu issued tht order to ~me 400 police officials from aJ'()wid the l."OUTitry gathered for • meeting 1t tht national police headquarters in Saigon . Shortly after the meetin£, • terrori~l bomb exploded in front of a CJ'()wded restaurant ift auburban Gi1 Dinh, woun- ding 24 persons, all Vietname.st:. Irvin e Cityhood Iss ue Scheduled For 'f V, Radio An Fl\I rad io station and a c.a blt televi,ion program will both cover th! issLJe of Jrvine cityhood today and ·Thurs- day. At 7 o'clock tonight Community Cablevision (channel 3) will show a panel discussion on cityhood to 3 , :i 0 O li ubscribe rs in the Irvine area. Panelists include John B u rt on . cha irman of the Counc.d of Comn1.unitie~ of lrVlne : Andy ~1ay, chairma n ot Ci l.~: of lr\'ine f\01v: Ray Quigley, executive director of the Greater Irvine 'lndu.;trl:il Leegut:: and Dave Smlth, representing tht oorth Irvine communities. Questions phoned ta the televisi on studio will be answt:red by members of the panel. On Thursday. KUCt-Fr..f 189.!l rad io station, basc:d at UC Irvine, will present a taped session of today ia Board or Supervisors hearing on i he Irvine cityhood issue , The radio prog~am star),!; at 7 p.fll. Charles Richard.-.on, KUCl station manager, said a series of programs on the incorporation issue will be presented by tht: station, btcause the university cam pus represents an important segment of the proposed new cit). Count y Probing Causes Of H ep.atitis Outbreak An intensive tnve!!tigafion is be ing con· docted to detennint the cause or in out · break of hepatitis which atruck 93 peraons in early Allgust when the South Shore Sailin1 Club of Newport Beach beld 1n outing to Catalina tsland. Or. Johfi Philp. county health officer told supen•lsora Tuesday that such a ma1s outbreak ill very rar'-with onl y six 1imilar occurrences recorded in medical literature. Supervisor Riina.Id Caspers of Newpo rt 'l&'ondettd whether permits migbt not bf! required for i1uch large g•therlnl{S ln ~n"Sure proper prceautloos in food handl - tn,c. Or, Philp said ht. wou ld chC4:k ln!o the yjnssibility bot believ1td that tbt: state had preempted auch rtgulat~. The htpatitis atruc:k mtmbers a.nd guests of the Newport club. who 11ttended a luau at lht isthmus toVt Aug. 7 Dr.. Philp said detailed medical hlrtories have been obtained or each of the 170 persons who attended the event and a similar check is being maae on the 50urce ol food aJ)d beverages ae.rved at the luau. He Naid that the disease is normally spread through human feces and carried bJ se\\'age. He noted that there wa!'! a lack of h11nd washing f<tcilitie~ at the C\ ent and thia may ba ve oontrlbuted to 1h,. outbreak. "\\., may be 11.blt to !S(Jlat.e th e food or be\Te.tage which created the problem but we may ne\'tr li:now how it cot C.'On· t•minated," Dr. Philp 1ald. •' Mcinnis taid he doesn't know what will happen if the botlda are defeated. "Doll 't look al-it that way," ~said, •·Jf we dedicate ourselves to a victory, we'll get it,"~ told abou t SO early-ristrs who attend ed the breakfast. McIMis was sharply critical of flla tt- n1entp m;;de by a Newport Beach rtaltor 1n opposition to the bond s. Ht uid a "letter to the editor" i11 the Sept . 2Z DAtLY PILOT written by Bal· boa Island resident Harvey D. Pease "wa1 full of lies. • ··1 ca n't tflink of 1 softer word than that,'' i\lcln.113 said, "one point by the opposition is that we. 1vi\l ha ve to buy the lo.nd for tht civ ic cen~er with other than bond n1oncy. ··Tha t's a straight out-and-out lit a.nd lhe prop!e 11'ho &ay it know better," J\1 l'- 1nnis charged. Pea~e. 1orho wa::; no t present \Vhen the <:ha rges were made. later this morning said.'"! may he i.11 error," but blamed iL <ln whot he t <i.lled "vague language " in liteJ'acure mailed lo 1·oter,, "It SJ>eaks in terms of 'olher property' and does not say 'real properly,'" Pease n1aintained. Pease ad1nilled he was wr ong in his statement that bond monies will not pay ror the nine--ot re site. About $300,000 of lhc $6.9 ·million w o u Id go for 1 a n d acquisition. In the Jetter. he had :i;aid, "Nor doe~ Hus tx>nd issue i.:over the cast af the land. !\lore taxes will have to be raised to p<-iy !hat cost." Besides bein~ "a vote of confidence 00 December Electwn Okayed 4-1 Bv JACK BROBACK Ot ""• D•llr 1"11e1 1r.•f .'.n incorporation election for the fuLurt cily of lrvint: wa5 approved today by a 4 to .I vote ol tht Ora.'ilgt Count)' Boo.rd of Superviaors. ' The cilyhood election date was 111 for Dec. ?I ol this year. Fifth District Supervisor Ronald Cas. pers cast the decidin1 vote . much to the surpr.iae of the supporter:1 or the-new city, who a&'iumed he would oppose it. Caspers aid, '·Jt is now up to you people to decide how muth in iacreased latt! you are \Vil!i11g to ,pay lo duplic.ate the services no\v provided by thr county. l estim&:te lhat it will cost each of you a t least $iOO a year more. "'\Vhatever th• outcome or the election, 1 hope this community will become one of the grt:at cities of America." Previous to Caspers' action and motion in ta v or of incorporation. Supervisor Ralph Clark of Anaheim. had moved that l h e incorporation decision be delay~ four weeks ... Beca.use I have se veral dou bt11 'which I V.'ou ld like to set cleared up.'' he explai11ed, Cla rk had been thought of as ~ing the important swing vole and his motion to delby brought groans from the audi· ence of 150 aupporters of the new city. Irvine tityhood bee.amt 1n offit•ial t.opie in the apring of 1971 1'-'hen the Irvine. Company 1nnounced plans for a 53,000-- atre city "''i!h .a potential population of 430.000. Since that. spring. the propo sed boun· da ries ha ve been sha ped and resha ped by "·ariou:t groups. Official notice of in· c:orporation was given Sept . II. 1970 by the Council foCommun ilies of Irvine, under the leadershi p of John Burton. tht Council of Communi tie-s <1{ Irv ine, Company plan to 56,000 acres, but drop- ped the El Toro i\it1rine Corps Air Sta· tio:i. the Santa Ana Helicopter ha se i nd Orange County Airport from the original plans, Early this year. the cities or Ne\l'porl Beach and Sant;1 Ana prote slt.d ~ome of tht: boundaries. ~1ajor changes "'ere 1nadt, and tht IS.000-acrc proposal wa s bo"1 . Sinti 'Anit remained dis!latisfied with the ' cityhood plan and has fought the in- clusion of 938 atres south or lh" helicopter base In the proposed city of Jrvine. Santa Ana. with the help or Supervisor! Robert Battin and Ronald Caspers. bat - tled the cityhood plan through several i;tormy Local Agency Formation Com· misl'lion 'meetings. bot the plan wa! finally sent to aupervisors by the LAJ<'C anyway. Tht current plan CO\'ers 18,000 acres 11111d a population or about 7,000. The in· l'orporation petition was signed by 1,650 of the eligible T ,997 registered voters. UnUI 'tod11 y, less th.an three percent or tht. affected property O\.\'ners prote~ted the cltyhood plans. The Irvine Company OMl! most of the land involved. 'J'he 11,000 acres is a~ at $&3 million'. Boundaries of lhe city, as propo sed to Supervisors today. include Newport Beach and the. aouthem boundary of UC Irvine on the south: the Santa Ant f<'retway on lht north : !\1acArthur Boulevard and !ht Ne\\'POrl Freeway on the 9.'C8l uid Sand Canyon Road on tht east. The only-major prote~ts brought by property owner.s prior to toda)' came from roUgh!y 50 percent of the. industrial 0\1'ller! in the 11rea disputed by S:int11 Ana, and from SO atrl'.-ll next to Orange Coonly Airport ewned by McDorul<'ll Dou&lu. Magi~ Jour11ey Paper Bo)· to Visit Disney Wor ld By CANOACE PEARSON Of Ille D.lllF P li.t '1ett Every day for five months 12.year-old Tom hlorr~ would hop on his bicycle as soon as he got .home from school and de-. liver the DA ii. Y PlLOT with a decidedly i;Jngular purpose. Each time he eollected subscription nloney from his route he guarded his 9hart c;;,refully, dreaming all the while <lf that one. special thing : Disney World. ThLJrsday at 10:15 p.m. his dre1ms will reach fruition as be leaves LOI ~elea lnternationtl Al r po rt for a· •H1e-1ioor flight to Orlando, Fla .. in lime for open· in~ daf of the new Disnty World. Tom . sen of !\1r. ;;nd Mrs. Jack Morris, 2011 BamincaAve., Newport Beach , rais- ed $'l60, whi ch will pay for hi.~ t irlint ticket and leave a. litt le left over. "We've offered to pa.v for his meals." laughs Mrs. Morris, who express~ no worry over Tom's flying alo11t to Or. lando. ''I've asked him what he \\"Ould rlo in cert.ain situat ions and lie knOl'.'S. He's Been nothing bu l cool." Tom will spend fi ve or six hours in the -park complex Friday and then make the ret urn Olghl. !!is detennination for whal ma v seen1 like such a small :.mou111 of time is understandablt from the decor of his room. The wal ls are cover ed vdth Di~nevl and 1nemorabili11, one wall is Pantas.Vlan d. others arc TomorrO\l'land. Frontierl;;nd. Ad venlureland and !\lain S!reeL ~l ost ch ildren do like Disneyland. but to Tom it i! more li ke a hobb3'_, ··r cart 'i rea lly explain iL'' he gay~. e:itimating that he's been IQ the Anahelni amusement pork ''IS or 19 timt s in my life." Tom fir st we nt lo D1snevlantf i11 <'I stroller. His last trip was only last Sat- Lirrla~·. .-.;ow -D1~ne y \Vorld 1·he li rsl rh1ng Toin, \\'ant! lo do there HE LIKES DISNEYLAND Newport's Tommy Morri1 is "ride around it and take a IOQ k al all or iL Then !"II probe.bl.)' go to the Magic Kingdom lrtside it.·· Mag ic i~ the key word tor Lhe Lincoln Schoo! seventh grader. He ls not. n€r vous ye! about his 3,000 rnile trip, bu l .. ! probably will be a little when I get to the airport. I've never been on a plane bE'l"ore.'' Ile looks quietly at his i\lic key i\1ouae watc h. lt"s tirne 10 d<'l1ver his papers and col- lect on his route !iO he wi!I have enough mon r.v to n1J kr !he trip. "Thcre"s no slopping h1n1 lllGV.'," his mother be.ims. 18-ye ar-old Adultliood Measur e Cl ear s Hurdl e SACRAMt:NTO fUPt \ -An omnibus bill making youn1 Californians legall y" adults at l(le IS for virtually everything ex cept drinking reached its final 1Tlajor Senate hurdlt: today, The bill. co-authored by • 7 assemblymen, cleared the iniportanl Se.nate JudlciaJ)-Committee Tuesday with only one audible "no" vote and went to lht full Senate.. il! last major test. It would lower the legal age of adulthood in Cali£ornia from 21 to IS for virtually everything, except. drinking and voting. Tht 26th amendment to the U.S. Constitution already 1llows them to vote in all elections. The state constitution it.ls t h r. minimum age for drinking at 21, but a $tparale prepared amendment also i~ pcndlng in the Senate which would reduce tht a(e to IS. Under .. the 111assive b i 11 by Assembfymain Paul Priolo (R-Paciflc Palisades), 11-year-oldJ could become policemen, denUILI , a t t o r n e y a .'em· balmera aa well as 1erve on juries, b« elected to IC-0001 boards, and algn legal <',ontracta. Mtn could marry without parental con.sent. The IS-year~lds al10 would bt tried in adult couru. be sent to prli;on, aign legal contracts, and be held llablt in civil cases. Sen. Clark Bradley ! R·San Jose"!. "'ho i.:a5l the only opposition vote, warned that lht bill would touch off "one of tht most miscrablt: social e1parimenlations lhflt thia atatt has tver teen. Tbe rttUlll • ,• I would be horrendous.'' Bl"adley said youngsters would leave sc11ool to man·y sooner, bear (.'hildren, diVorce and that their offspring will go on welfRre and become involved in illegal activitie:i;. •·t think we're shoving it down the throats of young people 18-to-?l on the premise that they want it," he said or the bill, reporting he had received no Jetters from JS.year-olds in support or -the measure. The measure also drew opposition from Carl Anderson, representing the California Peace Officers Association and District Attorneys. He said it would be "unwise" tSee: YOUTH Pagt %) Mom Hubbar d's Register Bare The owner of a Newport Beach bake,Y ~ named for old ""!other Hubbard went tn tht CU'Pboard to check his cash recl'lpts Tue3d11y. But when he got there, he found it wa$ bare. t Randol~h {.1ark. <lwner of .Mother Hub-- bard's. 2S45 Eastbluff Drive. told police ~am eone evidently sllpped in ~nd cleaned I out the cash register whilt bakers were busy. Loss ••• $3S, lnvt!lt111tora 11ld . for pa st city councils," MclMia Nld a •·yes" vote ·'will be a vote for efficiency in local government a~ 1 vote for law and order toda y.'' ~lclnnis said there Ji a 20 percent jn. eff iciency fa ctor in operational cos ts t~ day because of the condi tlons u nder ·1\-hl t h city government and the police de· po.rtmenL musi-operate. He stressed the fact tha t departmcnlll" are il'I seven dil'fe.renl buildings tha t will be consolidated under one roof 1f the 11ew facility is built. Hotel Idea Oppo sition Lo ses Biel ~tcDonncll Douglas Corporation plans lo de velop a massive hotel-office: building complei near Orange County Airport. aurvived another hearing Tuesday despite new and vigorous opposition. The Orange County -Planning Com· mission recorded the same 3 to 2 vot.t by which it approved a rezone Aug. 31 of lhe 5(1 acres al the northeasl comer ol lilac Arthur BouJevard and Campu s Drive. Backing vigcrou.s opposition of the Trvine Company Tuesday was a planning department staff report strongly recom - mending denial of a proposed amendment to the genera l plan of the area plus a pro- test from a UCI executive .. The plan faces its next hurdle withiri four to six weeki1 before the Board Gr Supervisor.~. A hearing date on the rezone from industrial to C"Ommercial use of the property has not been set. 1\fcDon nell Dougla s want s to build 8 ~50-room hGtel-motel and some 500.000 square feet of office buildings on the si te. Tht> Irvine Compan~· opposes the pt110 because It ehanges the established Irvine- Industrial Complex Planned Community Developnient Program Al lhe Aug. 31 hea ring. a staff report \vrillen by planner Roy Gohara recom· mended approval of the rezone. Tuesda y a new staff report iligned by Planning Di rector f orest Di c k as on strong ly opposed the project. Planning Co m1nission C h a i rm 1 n \Voodro\v \\'. BuLlerf le!d and Com· m1si1innc r Fred J efferso n cnntinucd their strong anti-Jrvlne posture throughout the hearing. F'ifth Distric t Co1nmissioner Arnold F'orde joined the pair in the final vote . Butte rfield tried lo halt Dickason·~ reading or his three-page report, .. Isn't; thi s repo rt parl and parcel of what we ht:ard Aug. 31 7 " he querlt.d. "Everyone here. interested has read it." Dickason con tinued to read ho\vever, ;irgu ing thal Tuesday's action concerned •·a major amendment lo the general plan of the area rather than a single rezone," The McDonnell Doug las project fa ce! an 2llditional roadblock later even if ap- proved by the supervisors. The county's Airport Land Use Com· (Sec DOUGLAS, Pace !I We•Cher Sunny skies again today. with Increased cloudintss tonight and Thursday. Highs along the coast in the mid·OO's rising tn 77 lnland. Lows tonight 56 to 6%. INSW E TODAY No matter w here vou tu-r" this weekend, t1Ltrt '$ a commun- ity theater ligll,fng up it.s iOOgt, See Theater Notes in toda.11 '• enterlainment section, Page 21. l ltlllo l t •••t1111 u Cetllw11le '' Ce•tlt' Ct•ner lt Clttc•llll UI' It (l•HUIN ll·•t (tflllct H C••u-41 lt 0.1111 Ne•iut 11 01......... ,. ••llerl.i 1'111 1 •11l.i1tl11-nt H·)1 l"lllat1(• tf.jj Mertw-J>l Aflll LeMlr1 M •• MellW.-• Mt11 111 S.,..,ltt It , 2' Mt•ltl 21--1r Mllfuel ,Wllll1 • Netl .... I ,...,, 1--t Ot•fttt C...OMY It Jylvl• l'wtotr .W i"'1t 11·11 Of. 111111c'9fl11 1r ilfft Mert.tb »JI TtltYh-1t T~ .. len ~" w .. ti11w • W9f!IW1 ......... WwM Nl'ft ... I j I CAIL 'f "ILOT 11111 '~•tlo HEADS . SEA GRANT PROGRAM Newport Beien•, Lin1ky '.Newport Man ~eads Project On Shorelim ··A Newport Beech man is heading a Uittver!ttY of Southern Ca Ii for n i a (Qearch project that NewJXl rl Beach tiiants a share of. · ·Ronald B. Linsky of 186:! Bonaire W"y ~s been named director of the v.niversity's Sea Grant Program. a prn- ~t des.igned to study coastal zorie en· _vironment and to d"•elop shorelin e resource management techn iqu es. ,USC received its grant. totaling fS(2 ,000, from the National Sea Grant Pr!>gtam iif the NatiMal Oceanic and Atmos:pheric Administration of the U.S. fJepartment of Commerce. Newport Beach has applied Jo both USC flld directly to the federal agency in search of funds for a shoreline &tudy to ~ includ~ in-its new master plan. •<The city was turned dnwn by -Wishinzton and binsky has tCJld George ~. Newport Beach Mrbor and tidt:· fand.! director. that USC's doUars are ecmrnltted thi$ year, too. • Ht: baa however, met st:veral timt:s "°ilh DllW~ t.o 8tt if the projttt can pro- vide manpower· .!IS it progre&ses on its various shoreline and water quality atudit:s. .Linsky gaid the ci phase of its master an program until 11eit yeu; when edditiri monies would bt:. availal:il e. ~n any event, Lins i;aid. "we've got a tWJble of experts her " who we are hop. ~ can be of some help to Newport Beach. He said Washington encouraged t:bt offt:r or help. He said final arrangements for person· nel assistance will be made in the near l.lt.ure. ·Lin.!ky joined USC la.!lt ye11r l'IS sea grant coordinator 2Jter 5erving as direc· f)r af the Orange C.Ount y Department of Education's marine scitnce fl oating h;boratory. p He sakl tht: ~4-4 .000 USC rt:cei\'ed lhis year will go primaril y tn previously-com- mitted projectli in Marina de! Rey and San ta ~ionica . :.. There art: now 32 USC scienl 1st.s "-ork· Ing i.n various ocean-orit:nted subject irea~. ~. Lin!ky, who recenlly re~ived rhe 1971 Premi Tridt:ntt: O'Ora Awa rd gJ\·pn an- nually by the Italian government for (lUt5tanding conlrihutions to M'.'1!armgraphy. is al.'n ,·ire president for educaLiorta.l .affairs for br->1h the American Society for 6C"eanng raphy ;ind the Na· tlrlnal Oce11nograph1c ln.'ititulion He is a member of the Cahforn1a Rlgir:inal Water QuaJity C.Ont.rol Board, Santa. Ana region. CUM•• ccm DAllY PllOT ~ COAST f'UIUSHIMQ aJMPAK'r l•'*' N.W ... Pralllml ..... .....,.., Jtcl k. ec...f,,. v....,....._ .... ~~ T\ui11 KHTfl """ 1\o"''' A. M11"11>lilft1 ~E<11tar" L '•'•' l<ri19 9""""' at.di CJ'Y Edlllr .. ..,...~~ lJJl N1wport lo.ul•"•'d M1m.. Mlllitnl: P.O. h• 1175, 92441 --°"' """": lOI! W"'1 lllY,,.,..,.., U.,.,.. 1..ct\: ro '"'•t Av.-..,. ttdJ!rlnofOll ..... ~, l111J a .. c1o 1..,1..,.•'d .,.. ~ -.... ~ Gallllllt 1\-1 Citf B.i& -Sale Proceeds Sought For New Center Mayor Ed Hlrth said tod1y he ?.'ill as k the city council to adopt a resolution re- quiring proceed!! from the sale of the prt:- sent city ha.JI site he usf'd toward the cost of ~ pl anned civic center at Nt:'A'· port Center. Hirth said he .,..;11 a.sk for that resnlu· tion at the Oct. 12 meeting of the council. The cuy intends io sell the exi.~ting 3.76·acre ctty hall &.nd police s1ation prop- erty on N~rt Boulevard upon com· pletion of the planned S6.9 million com· plex at Newport Center Ne"'Port Beach resident.' will vot e Tuestlay on general obligation honds de· signed tr:i pa y for that new comp:ex Tht: city expects to mak@. '800 .000 (Ir more from the sale of the pre~t prl'lp- erty . an amount tqu&! to what it \\'OUld pay fnr the nint:-acre silt: below F.ashion Island. The mayor today a!so explained why the city prbposes 1.0 build an t:n Ure civic complex:. rather tMn just a nt:w city hall Of police building . while using !he existing property for expnnsion of tht: other fu nction. "It .would be: much more t:xpensive and ineHicit:nt to operAte at two loeations, to have the capital investment in two pieces of property," Hirth said. "Thtre would still eventually ht 1 need for additional adm inistratiOn h1 eill- t1es o.nd 1t would be far more ei:pen~uve. lo build them at a later time than si"- multanw.isly 11·11h new police fa ci!H!es. '' hp !'&id 'The need c; only going ro incrf'ase. The rost of conslru('tion and land i1 gn1n~ in increase."" Hirth said ""'f' have a gorw1 dea l on lhl~ p1ec~ of property \VP h:.\"e an efficient des ign I! L'I much mort t<'OOClmical lo gn at !his lime than to postpone the lnevitable." he added. .'- ' Mayor Will Invite Election Questions r-.1ayor Ed Hirth has announc~ he will open hi5 doors Thursday from 9 a.m to noon kt .!lny person with questions about 1hf' upc'lming civic cen ter hond !lection , ""I "~)I he happy tn discuss the hnnd i."5ue with M.V ci ti1.en nr group tom()rrow fir mns1 anytime between now and the election " Hirth said persons who cannot comt: to city hall may ca.U him on the telephone.. Harbor's United Fund Merger Advantage To"ld The merger of the H11.rbor Area UnJtt'd Fund into a reg ional "United \Vay" ma y not produce huge cash savings im· mediately, but will result in long·rangP. economies that may pr ove. to ~ the salvation of the Unittd Fund concept, Robert Perkins, president of the Harbor division, said today. From PIJfle l YOUTH ... to reduee the ·agt: from 21 to 18 for peace officers. "Theoretically," Anderson told the co mmittee, "he couldn 't go lnlll a bar kt fake care of a brawl." But Sfn. Donalcl>6~ky. \R·W.l!ol>- vil\e), .d tfi1,mt1~ woutd bO~PI* vt:nt police departments and other !igen· cies from establishing minimum t:duca- tio n or experience requirements fl'lr of· fice rs. Priolo exempted from the blll exist.Ing child support ca!ies resulting from a dissolution of marriage. An 18·year-old now receiving such support would con- tUiut: tO re<:elve it until he rt:ached 21. . Hirohito in Belghnn BRUSSELS. Belgium IAP ) ~ Japan"S Emperor Hirohito arrived in Belgium for a three-day ~tale visit today, renew ing acquainla('lct: with 11 country he \·isi!ed 50 year.1 &fl:O as 11 cro"11 princt!. Hirohito and Empre~s Nagako were welcomt:d .!IS they arri\·ed from Copt:nhagen by Belgium's King Baudo~in and Quttn F.!lbi.,!11. \\'hen Hirohito visited Bt\gium in 1921 ht ""a!'! 11 guest of B a u do u l n ' s grandfather. King Alber t. United F"und officials annnuncM Tue~ r\ay that thf' H.!lrbor Area Uniled Fund would joi n \lr"ilh Santa Ana. Tustin and Or<1nge In fnrm the Southf'!rn Orang!'! Coun!y United W.!ly. Ea ch division will retain its own iden· Ill y under Lhe program. Perkin~ said, ;ind each will h11 ve its own directors and \'('llunteers. Uing·range savings will come from the ability to centralize ad· minislrative func:1inns. United Fund offic.ial~ also said lhRt donations made tn the respeclivt: funds "'111 be dispersed exactly the \\'llY they "t:re last year. Three new agencies have bf'!en added to the lisl of recipients of United "'•Y monies this year, Pt:rkins said. They are the Artificial Kidney Foun- dation. the Nat ional Surf Life Saving Association 11.nd the Harbor Area Youth Problems Ct:n ter. fhe local divl!ion 1'a1 estab!\shed 11 gnal of $45 1.000 for the upcoming ca.m - peign. The regional goal is Sl.1 5 million. Perkins said that the cost.~ of Opl'!raling the fund may go up this year from last year. sn far a~ the Harbor Area division is conrerne:rl. but said this will not be a !a~l.ing re~ult. The Hrirhor Area Division. which \.\'RS crea!ed nnly la!I. year with the merger of the Newport Beach and Cos ta ~1esa l!n1ted Funds, will maintain its t:xistlng offices on Nf'wport Boulevard . However. 1he5e probably ""ill be eliminated next year. Perkins no ted . Cleric Gets Amnesty B!"DAPF.ST !l"Pl l -Tht: Hunga ril'ln g111·emment announced lnddy th.!ll it has granted amnes!y to Can1inal Jo7...~er f.tindszenly from lhe hfe sente nce passed on him rn 1949 for treason The 79-year- nld Roman Catholic prelate left Budapest for !he \."11lica n Tuesday afler nt:a rl!t' 15 years or self-e.xi!e. in the L'.S. Embassy. Frie11d to Youth VCI Coed Runs Con11111111ity Center To snmt: it ?.'OU.kl seem like a formidab!e Job. but at 11'!351. one girl wants lt1 npt:n her boUSe Ill all Lhe youth in Ne\l'J'tft"l Beach. Of rouru. he r l'tou.se jtl.!t happens to be the Community Youth ~nter at 5th !lid Iris in Corona del Mar. She is Margaret Tipton. a psychology major at. UC Irvine employed by Ule Nt!wport ~.!lch Park.s, Beaches and recreation department to run I.he CYC. eve is~" to youth up tn 18 years old from 3730 pm. to ~:30 weekdays end 9 a.m. to t p.m. wttkends "It's fnr all of Nev.'fX"rl ~ch." M\s.' Tipton said. "hilt it"~ 11~ m°"lly by kids in the neighborhoolt n()w " Sh~ ha~ begun a one-woman campai gn to develop a reguh1r pr('lgram of ac:Uvllie11. "'but it 's difficult becau~ it h11s lo be ;inproved by both the youth lx>o!lrd 11nd Uie cit1•." ~he says. Usu al/v the building l• lf'ft open fOT" childrtn to cnme in \\'henevt:r they letl like. she exp.la inf'!d, "but J"d like lo get 11 regular progrAm going ~ more kid9 ?..,...uJd come .and thtn ~Illy." The CYC ho~l!!I billiard •nd ping pong tables, rNdo. a jukebox and varioim games and cra!t.'I. Some spteial even~ 8'e ~l11gtd. UJlt a t>ie-e.!lling crinte~t h'ld a week a.110 wilh drinaUons from R.ic-hard's 1nd Alberuon's t.larketll 111nd 'The Hnust of Pie.• \\'hen more children ~a rt C.OminR . ifi~t; 'f1pton ho~ lt1 df'v"l"l'.I mnre .tpe<:i-'1 f'vent.J and e1curslons I!'! well 11~ 11 regu- 181" llChfldule rvc 18 111dj111eenl kl fields 11."" hy tilf'J r 1ty fror l!s re-cre111tinn "'IJ footba ll 11nd .!l()('Cer Pf~-'mJ. • • "A I'll of kids enTTH~ nn"," sA irl Ml~:i1 DAILY .. ILOT llffl l'IMI,. RUNS YOUTH CENTER UCI Coed Tipton Tlplon. "but mAinly for the footba ll ,nd 1-0CC'e.r. \\'hen they take th•.m out on the field. J"m left with a.even « ei;ht. It 'AYIUld hf" nice lo hal-·e more." LOSES TWO SENSES Malady Suffer1r Wight FrBm Page 1 DOUGLAS ... In any 1•hange tn zoning around th e m1ss1nn has gone on reco rd Ill opposition 111rpnrt ::ind if the supervisors .!lpprove the re7.()ne it \~·i ll be con trary to the com· mi~s1nn·s ;irlnptrd !;:ind us P plan. It \v11l th en take a four.firths vot e pf the guprrvisnrs to overridr the commission. !11r k:i s0n·s report challenged the V.!llidi· ly of thP ;imPndmen ! In the seven-yt:ar ohi pl:in nf 1hC' <1rea on lhree grounds : -Nn ne rd ha." ht:f'n shnwn f(lr ad· rl1t lnnl'll commercial facilities near the rnunty airport -Aprrnv:iJ of the rcriuest could lead !n simihir reque sts on ad jacent and ntarby prnprr1ic~ -lnlcn"ified use nf the pr()perty would lrad tu serious 11\"erlnadin~ IJf supporl S)""lems in 1he ,:ire<i, especially roads. Clifton Miller, rlirectnr ()f plt1nning and de velopment · fnr UC!, warned or in· rrf':i,.ed vPhirlP lr::i Hir in the area which rould scrinusly affect the uni\·ersity. He asked that approval be delayed until a thorough study could be made of the impact. Dic kason's report noted th;:it the 61· acre Lockheed property southeast. of the ti irpor1 h~s recently been zoned for com- mercl;iJ u~e hy Nr"·pnrt Beach .'Ind that the (()l!in3 Radio Company propf!rty ad - joining the 50·acre parcel is in Newport ;ind has more than 100 undt:v eloped acre.~ ll"hich could go to office buildings. 1-tearl J)i sease Cited For J'1ahalia Jackson ~fC~lCll !U PI ) -American gospel singer r-.1;ihaha Jo'lckson i~ suffering from N)rnn;iry hear! diseast: with angin.!I . a ho,c;pit11l med ical h111le!in s11 id today. But up In thP time I.he MrG raw U.S. ~l 1IJ1Rr~ l\o~pu;iJ 1s~uert the bulletin there """~ no "t\"ldrnce of the true heart 11!- tRck."' it ~aid r.1 1~~ .IArksnn , ~9. entererf Uie t-funich mlli1 Rry ho.~pital early Salurd.11y in th e mirlM of a Euro pean lour. She had 3~ pE'arPd at :i cnncert ln Berlin l.!1 ~ we:t:k ;ind h11d h["en due to perfonn in Munich l:i~r ~11nil'l1 _' ____ _ GEM TALK TODAY by J. C. HUMl'Ml:lll Ml'll:t people think of .111 cameo :11..1 a stone ·~dlh the head of a beauti- ful woman carved on it. 1'his is aJ- mo.st correct, but not quite. A cameo is the cul, not the stone it· sel f. Cameos rome in many different i;t.yles. Stone cameos are cut from j!em stones like blood stones, tiger eyes. jade, et.c. Shell cameos are c~rved on pieces of i;bell , and are perhaJls the mo.st common. Coral cameos are carved on coral. There are also e s s e m b l e d cameos, which mean that the fig· ure is canoed-from one subst..&nce and cem ented lo another. An inlaglio is the opposite ol 1 cameo, with the carving recessed into the slone instead of the atone being carvtd &way trom the tigure- We will be happy to show fOU mC1ony fine cameos a.nd inttglio!, till nf which are much more. rea- !l:nnahly price<l than you may re.a· lize t.1any be.11utilu.I cameo pieces cn~t well under S2S with much of the price M other plece.s depeod· ing on their s&t:tlngs· Senses :Lost • Mesan Suffers Taste Malady-, By AltTflUR R. Vll"J'St.:L 01 ""' o.u~ .. 1 .. , '"" S.ey dysgeusi a and dysosiiia In polite compan y and the uninformed listt:ner migh1 threaten l1> wa sh your mouth out "'ith soap, or, worse, do it. Then you could better re l11te lo thl! pligh t of Earle \.\'ighL , He suffers lho!!e mysterious, difficult- t.o-pronounce maladies -cause and cure unknown -'A'hlch incredibly distort the senses of taste and smell. One can truthfully say a d1sasler of gastronomic proporlions has ~fallen him. Like most peopll'!, he lo\"es good rood and appreciates fine wine. but 18 month!! ago life abruptly changed for Ea r I e Wlgh!. Oysgeusia and d y s o .!! n l a developed. No rmally pleasing tastes and smells are now unbf>arably foul. or else nonex- istent. wh ile somt: -s"·eets in Earle's casr -remain unaffectt:d by tht: bafning condition. "My taste is either good or bad , but as far as distinguishing different na vurll - no way ." laments Wight. Nobody know s precisel y how or why, but the Incredibly co111plex system bv 11·hic h sweeL sour. salt and bitter sre translated between papillae, or taste buds. and the brain, goes haywire like a computer with a short circuit or bl own fuses. "~111stard, i pai::hel!j ;ind meatballs, anything that con!a ins ca1su p. tastes llke ... well ... wh11t you "'ouldn't want in your mouth," he decl:i re s. ··Mout h1\•ash. CfJflC'C'. diesel nr g11s fumes from a bus. I ru ck or car~. they all smell lhe s;irnf'." \\'ight r.nntin11es . A fresh slice of fr.agranl onion on 11 rare hamburger is translated inlo en unhol y odor !h:it litcr;illy nauseates him . And .if someth ing ta stes bad , it tastes BAD. ·'The taste? f cannot dC'sc r1he lhe tast e. It is totally lnrefgn . And ir's funny, the things that I lik ed and enjoyed are now the ones I can't ea!," he cnntinues. Steaks and lamb chops are ediblt:, but tasreless. \V i~hl ran nnl ,v tell 1Y hat"s fnr r!inner "'hE'n he arrives hrime at 7\fl \V. 18th Sl., Cos!a r-.le.!A. when he can see it , He always en joyed a glAss nr wine with it. but nnw c;innnt di~linguish a rine Cabernet SaL vignon from instant iced tea . He is losin,lt weight. IJ pounds so fa r, but sa\"inR money '"\\'ha.l's the seni;t or bllying good wine ii ynu f'en't lrll \\'hat the hell you're drinkinp:? ... ht ('.Xplains. '"\\'e u~td I~..,. dine nut lwo or three times a 11·tek. ~ow if we go ()Ul nnce .!I mon lh we're doins: good." '.'.'ighl con· t.inueA. He insis~ his wire itarguerite go to a resl.aurant with frienda {lCCasipnally, iO !he doesn't suHer for his afflictinn . Meking 1he da ily lunch he lakes to his job as mail unit supervisor at Philco- Ford Aeronutronic ill 11\so a problem for 1'.lr~. Wight. "ll"s pretty hard lo ea t 11 sandwich when even the bread t aste.~ bad. I end up eating (ln.ly !hP sweet food." he expl11ins . "I'm hunJ!ry for so m.:ioy foods, but .. ·· \\'ighl shrui::.~. Smoking is cnmrnnnly .:issoci.:iled "·i th diminished ability to l.:iste a nd smell no rmAlly. "Smnkin~ i.~ ahnul !he onl~· lh1n~ I l:'n· j(ly .:inymnre," says \V ilolhL who is SJ And a smoker for 40 of !hose \'eRr~ \Vhat ha.~ hecn. is hC1ns:. nr. 1">~~1bly ran he d0oe for r!ysgeusi:i and dysosoia· ~t1ff('r.~. who mf'd ica l .:iuthori!ie! say numhrr iri tht-1 ho11.~And~~ "l"rn ~ure l"m not the onh· nPe 1n thr country "'i lh th is probltm. And it's one hell of a problem, belie1·e me." say! \\"igh1 Scienl 1st~ who onl,v reccn1ly he)!an ~lu rlr!ng the amazing . hut pre1·iriusly neglected mer hanirs or t .... ~te and ~me\I OOMEGA suspect the mouth -not lhe mind - ma y be inner m"11's !list frnnlier. The . bi~ quesli<»1 o!l Earle: Wight"! mind 1s, indeed, what is gn1ng on in his mouth? The key appa rt:nlly lltl'I' 11omewhere between the adrenal gland! -nne 'known factor In lran!lforming va rious stimuli in- to taste and smell -1he tongue, palate, 'tht()at, nose and br'ain. His physician and a specialist Wight C<)nsulted ha ven't come up wllh .!lny op- lunlst ic ansv.·ers. 1 Some med ical men claim 111 degree of SUCCE'SS prE'Sl'rlbing 1.inc IAblet!I, thenri7.· ing 11 me!;il defir.ienry m11y be in\•nl\'ed in a kind of e!ectric11l system transmitting nerl"e messa~es. . The: cnnc<'pt is a litt le like addini.:: acid to your car battery lo help charge up the elec trodes . One alleged breaklhrnugh was "·ide ly reported e11rl1er this year. It is 11 t113te test diagnos lic kit developed by Dr. Hobert I. Henkin , of lhe U.S. Public Health Service. The kit could be used to te:st lS variously-flavored solu!ion.~ on patient.! for cluell to \Vight's trouhle, as w!ll as nieny other diseases which Influence taste and smell. Oysgcusi:t and dysn;;nia often emergl'l aft er some other illness -brnnchial pneumonia in Earle Wight ·s case -le1v• ing a pni<>sible al lergy or medication reac- tion suspe ct. The taste test kit enthusia.~tic.ally revealed by U.S. heal th off ic ials in Bethesda, Md., was to he free and available to any phjosicians interested . \V1 ght 's dottor \\'Tote and ordered \'lne, but heard nothin~. A rr,::1stercd letter mailed as a rollowup brflUjlhl fl note that dcl1 \·ery "·as he.Id up, but sar ing kit shipments "'ould be ex· pedi1f'd as soon :is po!'.~1 ble . So far, no kit has arrived. t""''W ight s.:iys he is rather bitter about \1•hat 1\·as <1rp.:irenr ly :i glimmer of fa lse hope, adding that hc "'oul d gladly pay ;ilmost. any prire it ki~s have been cut from federal budgrting. "I reel this wav. if we can 't believe and go along \vith wtiat the ~overnment olfeni tn do. there "s some1hiog \.\'ton g somewher e."' r-.1ean "•hile. the former mens1\•ea r shop manager is just the opposite or the C()!· orhlind, nr fashion-dated customer whn cri!ical haberdashers say has all his taste in his mnuth. "'ight has his in his clothes and lhty can't lake a"'ay that. Youth Heads Off Blaze Disaster ' Strange noises led ~ Balboa Perun.!ul.!l ~·nuth to disco1·er a fire Just startlnr in the garage of a du plex early tOday, a1·erting a major hlaze . F"irempn qui ckl y extinguished the fl:i me~ ;ii 207 Cypres~ St., limitihg struc- tural d.:image tn '100 and causing 1400 d;im;ige In 1he conte nts, including two C<lf!' Kirk f.1utligan. snn of nne occupant, fl-I r.~. ~hirey M u!li~an. ciillerl in the ;ilarm I'll 3·23 11 m . accnrdin~ 10 firemen who could nol eslahlis h any specifie rBuse or the fire . ThP duplPx. 01vnrrl by Fred 'i'ee nf San· la Ana. al!o is occupied by Howard ~1at5on. Agnew Slates Visits "' ASHING1T()!'\ 1 AP l -\'ice PreSJdent Spirri T, AjiTIPW will 1·it;il Turk ey Md c.reef'e in Sf>p1cmh Pr t('I confer "''ith the two NATO a.Ille~. 1he \\'hilt H()use h•• announced Omeo• watchn l'lrttstyltd wltPI · closelc elegance. But,' • the~be•uty i1 more then tildn • d1ep. l hat"s why Omega·•~ repllltilion lot 1lmek'e-eping· , depend1 bl llty Is without peer. EUhllr ol thne lovely S ak • btaceletwa!ch1ewould Pe ing _eompllm1nl 1he Wl rdrobaof a ta&llywe!t dr11.ssed women. Of See our complete Omega colltcllon to0n. beautiful features A-iltC ~tld teld ttr1e.t•I w.iOfl •..••••• , ........ a.aoo I -t2 dl11110ftd1, 1 'I( wlllle « ''It$• 1o t1f ttld ~11oa111 n tc.e , ................. IMO J. C. fiumph~ieJ 1813 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONV(NIE.NT lllMS IANJCAMEl lCAID-MASTf.l CMAllGI: • 14 'l'EAlS SA ME LOCATION PHONE l41.J401 •• l ,t I r I I I ' j f I • I 7 I f .. ~ -' • Saddlehaek EDITION N~Y. Stoek8 VOL. b~. NO. 233 . 5 SECTIONS, 74 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1971 TEN CENTS Pendleton Marines Still Maintain Beachhead· By JOHN VALTERZA O! tn• 0111• ,.lltt Sl•ll Alth ough 11~ 11t•11· legal owner!! al'r residents or 1he Stair of Cali1ornia. ~a11 i\1ateo Canyon and "l S nules or tovetC'd bea che§ at Camp Pend leton stJI! re n1a1n in i\larinr Corps cu11trol. ,\nd 1he sil uation will prob;ihl.v re11H1111 so far se11cral rnorf' months. a top.level state parks official 1old the O:\IL \. PlLOT today. Deputy Stair Parks J)iret•tur Bober! Meyer said that until tirrn plans are \\'or ked out bet\\'een the state and f\.1anne Corps 011 all phases or tl1e beach use anci deve lopn1e111 , \lie s11ua !ion 11'111 rl'rnain ··1·rry 1nuch stalu~ quu OH11.:1al lt•ases gran1u1g publi c U.st> of the new land~ for 50 ~·cars i and an1ending tht' San Ono!re Bluffs Park portion lo 50 ycllrs as v.·cll f ha ve beeo forn1ally signerl. ··Bu t 1l'e have hundreds of details lo work out before the arc;i 1:an be opened."' ~le.\"Cr said lie said his depart1nrnl has not yel con- tacted farmers holdin~ leases Jn the ne"· n't • I Suspect Endures Court Barrage By TO.\I BARLEY (If l~t Dt1I' '•It! tiff! ' A grueling '"'" ""ninatioo or murder suspect f\lark ,Johnson resumed today in Orange Count~· Superior Coul"t with the San Cle1nente il1arine repeatccll.v denyin g lhat he hnd anythin~ lo du ""1lh 1he kill ing of hi~ pr<'gnanl 1vife. The young i\·larine polieetnan. c·ahu and 1:omposed in 1he witness box . l"CJected prosecution argu1nr11 ls that hr cluUberl 11nd stabbed Connie Lynne Johnson !ti death on June 16. 1970 in the couple·s ~partment at 416 f\1ontc rey Lane. His lr;slimon y 111 t"Olll"I r e j e c I s 5tatemenl.'1 made by him in interview~ !aped by San Clemente police and distritt 11ttorney'11 inl'estigator.s in which he ad - tnitted clubbing his wife y,·i!.h a bar .stool 1fter breaking into the apartment. But those statements have not yet been declared to be admissible by Judge William i\lurray despite the appeals or Chief Deputy District Attorney Jaine~ Enrigh t that they bt accf'pled as ~vidence. Enright. obviously angered b~ lhr repeated object.ions of defense attorne~· R:iy Sharp. appeared to m<ike \'Cry liltle progress Lhis morning in his queslion1ng of the tall blond militar~ poHce 1nan. .Johnson. 20. could no! recall 1nan.1• minor details of the evrnls leading to his 1rresl June 22 and repeatedly denied lhllt he had ever been alh·ise-d nf his l'ight~ prior to inter1"\e11·~ 1vith police. distra·t ~ltornev"s 1 n v (' ~ I i g a Io rs and a ps.1·ch.i.itrLst . He is accused ol beat1nf: his 1\ 1fr 1ntn 11nconsciousne:-:s and of then killing her l\"i!h a butcher kniff' that inflicted innrr than 20 stab 1vounds as the helpless woman lay sprall'lcd on her bed ll i1 argued by the prosecunon that Capo Trustees Shopping Arom1d For s ,vim Pool Sw1mn11ng isn·t cheap as it used lo he . Although San Clemente·_s pool is .o.ld. !L 's no bargain fo r the Capislrl'lno Un1f1cd School Di str ict. . Paced "•ilh renewing a contract with the city to pay Sl.050 per month for stu· dent use of the city pool, members of lh" board of trustees have decided lo 1ook around for someone to rescue them. Trustee Robert Dahlberg suggested ap- proaching the Mission Viejo Company which ov.·ns a competitio!h'lize swli:nming pool right above Viejo School 1n the distnct . . A L'Om1nittee \\"3S appointed by Chairman Bob Hurs1 to invest.igate using the Sierra Recreation Center pool 111 L\J is.~ion Viejo and to alten1p1 to :iegotiate tilt contract with the S 1 n Clemente city orf1cials. . "I H1ink Sl.000 pc.r nionth u; an ~x cessive rate :· said Dahlberg . ··1rs ahnosl prohibiliv~." . Hursl said the c:1ty ha~ claimed lhat thf" ~e of the pool requires a high ma in- tenance cost. "I adm it they have u! over a barrel," he said. Dahlberg added lhe city probably flnances ils cntirt swim program from \he fees il co\lec~ from the school district. ' "They say this is their operating cost. ~id Superlntende:nl Truman Benedict. "I can·1 refute it." He pointed out the. city allowed tht'" district to use th<' pool tw() years without charge until last yeai r. Dahlberg s.a1d tie would like to explore other avenUC3 so that !he high iw::honl t~uld hll VI' 11 water Poln team lls ~·t>:\1 11~ 3 ~w1m team .Johnson . angered by his 11•ife's objection~ to his use of marijuana and her locking him oul of the apartment, climbed Jhrough lhe 1vindov,. and attacked her . He told police at lhe. lune that he hacl found !he body on his return rron1 duly 111 IJle Snnt a Ana ~1arine Corp.~ Air Station. It ""as al first belie ved that rnbbery v.·a~ the tno1 ivt lor the .slaying A psychialrisl v.•ho C'X<1111ined .lolln~on i11 the "'eek belore lus arrest lr;stified 1ha1 he arrived a1 lhe conclusion thn1 the .voung Marine \1•a.~ imptica!ed in 1he kill - ing after first believing 1h;:rt Johnson ""a! inrnx:ent. Dr. Theodore Lindauer said he helped .Johnson search near lhe San Clemecte apartn1en1 for I.he knlfe that !he dcfen· danl believed he had hidden under 11 rock. Lindaur;r also testified that a series o( ctreams related lo him by the ~·oung defendant clearlv indicated !hat Johnson k.ne1v a great deal about the murdrr of his 11-'ife. 1'hi eu Co1nmands 'S hoot to Kill' S. Viet Rioters SAIGON ~AP '1 -President :'/guyen \'an Thieu loda y ordr;red police to ··shool to kill'' antigovrrnn1ent rioters "'ho thro1v flrf'botnh!! or other.,..·1se endanger ll \'t s Gover11men1 .;pokes111ar1 Vu Khanh, ~·011 f1r1111ng Tlucu·s order . s:.ud the pre:-:1- ac111 told polit e of!ic1als. '·\\'e are li\111g Ill a pP l'JO r1 or pol1ll{"al c!angrr ~nd tun1101I. 11 i~ the: dut y of pol ice lo keep r.rder. It 1~ their duly to react 10 any \ 1olcncc. "\Vhoe ver creates v1o!ente ln 11le slreelll for the purpose of terrorisn1 1nu.~1 be severely pun ished . ThoSf" who 11rr caughl red-handed burning auto.~ n1u~I he' shot on the spot if necessary ·· Theiu made no mention or ('OJlt1uu1n~ demonstration~ against hi~ unoppo~rrl candidacy in Sunday·-' preSident ial elec- tion. Thieu issued lht order 1n son1r 400 police officials fron1 around the counlr~· gathered for 1 meeting at the national police headquarters in Saigon. . Shortly after the meeting. a terrorist bomb exploded in front of a crowded restaurant i11 suburban Gia Dinh, woun- ding 24 persons, all Vietnamese. It was the rourth major terrorist bon1 - bing in the Saigon area in tbe past lv.'o week s. The Gia Dinh Province chief. Col. LP Va n Tu. said the ""ounded included five police1nen . 14 so ldiers, two won1en. lwo children and a civilian man, Tu said preliminary reports ~holl'rd no O!lf' \\'ilS killed. SAN JOAQUI N GROWTH TRA CE D Onct the prototype or sleepy. agrarian Southern California, the &In Joaquin Elementary School Di.strict has undergollf. an abrupt transformation. It's now the faste st growing district in the state. DAll.Y PILOT reporter Pa1ncla Ha lla n examines the population ex- plosion which has brougll~ ;11 plethora or growing p;iins -such as an incre_;1~ from 1,000 to 10.000 11t urlf'ni ~ in th.-111~\ ~ii veers -n11 Pa ~e 1~ loria;.i. ' public eanyon and as yet have not sel ur a lonnal meeting wiU1 !he l\1ar ine Corps bra.~s. "\\'e plan to start a series ()f n1erting;<; as soon as scheduling pennlls," he said. ··and one of the prime goals will be to \vork out a sa1lsf11 clory arrang1nent of publi<" use 111hich would allow the ~'larinr: Corps to operate nearby with no pro- blen1s." He said experts fron1 a11 phases of !hr st ate park systen1 will JOin 1n 1he meetings. • ille-~1cr pred icted son1e sort of an- nou11c:e1nf'nt on forn1al opening of lhe beach ;u1d upla nds .. later this year.·· The deputy director hinted that despitr !he obvious gler of slate official s at the ne1v recreat iona l v.•1ndla!L there was eon- i;iderable d1sa ppoint1nent over the loss or lhe Trestles surfing beal:h in the dea l. The Tre stles. known for decades as one of the state 's best surfing ar('as. will fall into a buffer ione set up for securit y reasons, separating the presidentia l com- pound from the public areas downeoasl. But if 11ccurity policies governing the President's beach at ColtDns Point are applied !o the Trestles. 50n1e use might be allo"·ed when Nixon is 1101 in residence. At present a11y civi lians caught usi ng the beach are treated as tre!passers and often cited under federal law by Marine Corps personnel. ··\Ve didn't expect the Trestles to be in- i:luded in the buffer zone. it turned out a little larger than we original ly believed. But .... ·e're still delighted at obtaining the rest of the land," ~1eyer stressed. As for the farms which have operated under government leases for many years in the new public sectors of San MaterG Canyo n, Meyer repea ted earlier vow• that the existing le8lles would be honored unt il the existing terms expire, Arter that. accord ing lo state officials, the farmers will have. to leave their ftelds: in the scenic canyon "'hich probably will house park.i11tg and camping o.reas fat" thou.sands of beach users. • I ar1ne •. "'\ _,. ·1 .. ~ .. •( ',.; ~ ' - f . ' I > •/ :-l . ' HERITAGE EUCALYPTUS TREES WILL FALL TO WOODSMAN'S AX FOR ROAD ACCESS Otl Obispo Rotd, Skirting C1pi1tr1no V1l l1y, To Be Improved Rout1 To Dan• l!tarbor Roadway Trees to Topple Dana Harbor Access to Be Safer, Less Sce1iic Del Obispo Road-no w a winding . dangerous ro adwa y slorting 1he Capistrano Valley -will become a safer, busy access to Dana Harbor .soon. Bui rnueh or ii~ scenery and lowenng trees will disappear in the process. Among the victi111 s of a joint, city o( San J uan Capistrano-Co unty of Orange project will be dozens of old eucalyptus trees which tine portions of the e1isting roadway. The old windbreaks u1 county territory rest dircclly in the proposed pat_h or thr new road alignmenl and definitely will Caspers Scl1edules Action In Speed Limit Dispute Supervisor Ronald \V. Caspers, who ha~ been attempting lo arbitrate • dispute between the Orange County Traffic Com· rnitlee an d a group of homeowner~ over stop !ligns and speed Jin1ils in Capi slrann Hi~hlands , has grown a little weary of the dcb11t~. lit got approval of his fellow board 111embers Tuesday for 11 public hearing on fkt. 13 lo try to settle the is.sut.. "It is ti mt these problems are resolv· ed."' Caspers said, •·we have more im· portant things to do.·· Chuck Widcnec, , prcsklent of the Capi strano •Ughlands Homeowne rs A11sociation. said his group wanted at least two stop signs placed on half-mile· Jong ~1acKenzie Street, belwt:en Pikt Road and Costeau Drive. The traffic ommittee does not approve or the stop sign s reporllng thr.l !raffle ls not within JO percent of that required lo iustlfy full stop intersection!!. The committee ~uggests that the Coun· ty Road Department ~pedite M'lO· ~truction of Pasto de Valencia l!'I lh1.c Laauna Hills. area lo redur.:e the trarfic load on MacKenzie. 1'he committee also suggests closure or temporary acees1 roads that lead directly on to MacKeniie. But Widen t.r, Richard .Eubanks and i\lr:oo, Joyce Norton, who spoke to the s;uperv isors . want slop signs ri~ht now. They pointed out that a small girl was in- jured on f\.1acKen zje recently ~·hen struck by a car and they de1nanded action. Widener presented a petltion with 12'8 signatures demanding tw"o 1top slgns ind marked pedtslri.an crosswalks. Viejo Democrats Set Sovie t Union Talk The Mission Viejo Democratic Club will meet. at I p.m. Friday lO hear a college instructor discuss a recent trip to the S-Oviel Un ion. Margaret Hoeltrust. who t e •c h e s political science at Golden West College in I lunlington Beach. spent most of the 11ummer louring and studyin, the coun- try . The meeting will be held at the homt or Ray Qiopcr;"'24J91 Spartan St. h<a.ve lo go. say aides at t.he County Rood Departmenl. In Sa n Juan Caplstrano·s segment of the road . some trees might" remain for a fe1v years. but when the initial widening of two lanes grows 'to four. those. will disappear as w.ell. city 5taff members report. The 70().foot t0ut1ty 1oction of Del Obispo Road between Blue Fin Drive and the San Juan Capistrano City limits has 70 old eucalyptus which will become firewood to allow for safer access t.o the harbor. Construction on the C(lunty segment of the road originally had been planned for this year. but much or the $250,000 pro. ject will have to wait unlil next year. In the city section of the roadway, San Juan's $80.000 shdrc will be put lo use in Novembe r when councilmen consider contracts to build the two--lane road with new grades. alignments and paving. Initially the road will have lwo new lanes , but grading will ht completed ror the addltion or two more Janes when more developmemt takes plto1: In tht ·-· 1'he city's segmenL will take in Dtl Obispo from lhe Trabuco Creek Bridge to Camino def' AV1on. The road has bM.n tarmarked as a ma~ jor artery serving Dana Harbor. and county officials have predicted aoarlng use or Del Obispo as the marln1'11 facliitir.s arc completed i:!:stlmated by county offictals late last year said the current &.000 cars pe.r dly using the roadway would grow to 2$,000 vt.hicles each day when harbor acUvlUes get into full gw\nc. ' J ' County Ba11s All Builcli11g Along Bluffs A 90-day emergency ban on all eon- sLruction along the historic Dal\I: Point bluffs was ordered by the Board of Supervisors Tuesday in a movit to protect. the scenic cliffs. The action stemmed from lhe can- ct.1.lation two weeks ago by the board or an encroachment permit which. would hive allowed an apartment comple:t developer to cut away some 40 reet of the bluff.!. Tuaday'.a move also ordered the Cou"" ty Planning CommiSsion to hoJd htitrlngl' as IOOn as possible on the creation ot per-mJt regulation! to protec'C the bluffs. Th• 90-day ban implements the cou,... ty'3 new Beach Recreation District which restricts any construction along the cosstline without a use permit. 1'he Dana Point apartment project near Santa Clara A venue was a plan to build three noors (of five) below street level tit conform lo the area's two--story height limit. Supervisor Ronald Caspers called al · tention to the bluff excavation and got aupport of the board to cancel the permit. Impositjon of the 9()-day ban was j;Ug· ge.sted bt the planning commission. John Lane. secrr;tary for I.he commission, said use of lhe BRO :r:ona would fore• developer~ to go berore the planning t'Om- mission for a permit on any project alon.c the bluf fs top. Caspers ~aid il was unfortunate tat the Dana Point area was not included in the BRO zone \\'hen it was adopted twtt months ago. ··There is a house being built near Alisn Beach in South Laguna which frighten! me ." said the supervisor. "It is held up by sler;I posts and hangs over the bluff. I fea r we are bcgtnnin~ another M1lib1.1 mess along our coasl." Vote Bill Jntroduced \VASHTNGTON tUPll -Sen. Edward W, Brooke (R-Mass.), wants to set .1 :JO.. day residency requirement for voters il'l elections for ftderal office. Brooke tn~ trodu ced a bill to thal effect Tuesday. He said that unless Congres.s acts there wiU be "injustice 11s millions of eligible voter• 1Jer;k to add their names to the voting rolls in time for the presidential primaries and general election next year." Weatller Sunny skies again today, •Ith increase<! cloudiness tonight and Thursday. Highs ak>ng tht coast in lhe; mid·60's rising to 77 inland. Lows tonicht 58 to '2:. INSWE TODAY No matttr where rou t~r" this wetktM. thtrf''.1 4 commut1- itv theater ligihting up it3 atcgc. Sat Th1attt-Not«.s in .todau's t11.teria.inmcnt .ttc:tton, Page 27. l lrl'll• H -" e1111w.i1 11 C••-Ct!"-lt CllHllllllt U, 11 CllttUIM Jl·f1 c.,,.1c1 • (NH-4 • • ONl'll Nellct1 I~ Olftnft ,. • ...,191 ..... ' ·~'""" ........ , , .. ,, P'lfl-t 1';-U MtrnctM M ..... \.lflltwt .,. MAl"'91 4 """ ......... ,,, 14 ,........ 1 .. ,, iliWtMI ,,.... • H .. l_I ,..._, .. J Of•-, .. ".... 14 lrl~I• .....,., 1' 1"'11 U-11 Dr. lltM'lcr.11• 11 llMlll "'°tUh )I.JI Ttlt\>ltlM H ,....,.,. Moll -. ---·~ .. . ....,. ...... . l ~AJL T PILOT Master _.J Plan Snagged Capistrano School Land 'Too Valuable' Archi.teeta drawing a master plan '°" future UM tJf Ille old Capistrano High ~ tit.e have come to Trustees of the Clpistrano Unified Sc:hool District with a piol>Jem. Kai Porter tJf PorUr.Jenson 11rthitee- tural firm, told the Board of Trustees Monday thot tht land ml(ht be too val- u1ble far an admlllirtr•tlve oenter. ''Looking at the proptrty, loc11ted ~et1 door to the old mi5lliOn, we 'vt d!Cid~ that ust as an admin istrative ce11ter might not ~ the highest and best use for the land," said Poner. •neauty Bond' CofC Mulls Landscape Requirenient Possibility of rflquiring a fi ve-year "beauty bond" to put teeth into city re- ~utmnen\s for landsc1ptn11 of properties developed under conditional use permits wi;s mulled by IAguna Beach Chamber of ~erce .dlttdors Tuesday. Director Harry Lawrence, once mor~ -;erving aa tempor1ry chairman of t~ ~be.r's beautllication committee, on .... hich he has 11erved intermittently for 19 1ea.rs. suggested tluch a bond might ·be. ..he only way to compel maintenance of required landscaping once it is installed. Larry Hunt, whose Laguna Canyon a.tUo repair bUSiness was cited as one of il14 VttJ Cew eumples of continued. com- ;il~ -with beautification goals, told ·e~w directon, "No one pays any al· .el'jtion. to the city's beautification re- qujremeflts. They put In a couple of trees lM that's all. The city can't seem to -nike the ()Woe.rs maintain V>'hat little .hey do plant and to my knowledge no W evu revoked a use permit in the Nbole a1nyon for failure to mainlain 1acdscaping." Director GleM Vedder. a former plan- ning commissioner and mayor, noted that the Planning Cclmmission, which grant!! condition.Ill use permil.s ancl revi ews landscaping plans, has no real e~ forctment power with regard to m11in- tertance ol)Ce the planting is ln. Major Larry Campbell. chamber di.rec· tor and new member of the Planning Commission, !'i.!!id he would like a chance to look into the problem of the city's point of view and report back next month, Lawrence said the beautification com- mittee would agree 00 this. Director Bernard Syfan pointtd out that the city, u well as private property <lwners, sometimes is guilty ~f poor maintenance. "When they built the Hillcrest extension behind Boal Canyon they got a slope easement from me ,'' said Syfan, "and it was properly planted. I maintain the lower half, which is flourishing, The city's half looks like hell." Laguna Chamber Prods For Action on Sewers Agreeing that it is time to "get people excited" about the Laguna Beach sev:age j is posal problem, chamber of commerce directors voted Tuesday to address a let- ter to the city council "encouraging com- ;:iletion of studies and plans toward the :1llimale goal of upgrading the sewer system as soon as possible to meet pr:esent and future needs." "'Thia issue n~s the attention of .!Veryone in Laguna," president Roy Marcom told the direcl.cr!'i. "'The Chamber of Commerce should do •riatever is necessary to overcome the problem, including geltlng bebind a bond issue if Jt is needed." Former mayor Glenn Vedder recalled that solution of the sewage disposal pro- blem had long been cited as one of the most important mBtters facing the city. "The Water Quality Control Board is pointing the finger at us now," said Ved- der, "but I'm afraid It may take up to lhree years to get this moving. We've got to get people excited about it." Director Bernard Syfan sairl. "We should press for action on a study to ac- tually solve the problem, not Just patch things up indefinitely and not just meet minimum standards. but solve the ultimate problem ." Noting that "in Malibu the people refused to pass a bond issue because they said it would just bring more people to the area," director Wllllam Watt ei:- pres:sed the view that ei:pansion of sewage disposal capacity il "intertwined with the growth question." People who want to keep Lagun;ii; small, Watt sug- gested, m;ii;y seek to accomplish that end by opposing major expansion of the sewage treatment plant. Responding to Watt'i comment, Syl1n expanded his motion that a letter be ad- dressed to the city to specify "upgrading to meet present and future ne'<ls."' Marcom said directors should en- courage Chamber members to write. lo the City Council seeking action on the sewage problem and talk to their friends about it. "Even the young people should get behind this," !aid Marcom, "if they're interested ln clean water at the beach." South Viets Pushit1g N 01·th SAIGON (UPI ) -Fifty thousand Sou!h Vietnamese backed by U.S. combat troops and hea vy U.S. air support drove northward from Tay Ninh Cit )1oda.y in a major counteroffensi\"e 11gains1 three North Vietnamese divisinn:s attacking <ln the Cambodian."Vietnam border. The South Vietnamese uni1s be.hevtd 1n lnclude both infantry and armor !i\\'ept out of Tay Ninh, 50 miles north1>.·est nf Saigon . toward lhe Cambodian ru bbe r plantation to\\·n of Krek. :15 miles a11,.ay along Highway 22. One of the larger pitched battles of the war appeared to be • . • 01AN61 COAST DAILY PILOT oaMi(iiC COAST PUILtSHLNI> ~PN(Y Reb1P"f N. W1.4 Pralllent •f!l:I P'l.tllllhlr J1e\: J:. Curl.., Vim ,,.IM!t Ml ~ Maiworr n-·· r .... n EdltDt in the making. The Communists bloc ked the h1gh1>.'i'IY Sunday 1>.'hen they opened a border nf- fensive which Vietnamese m i I it 8 r y leaders 5Jlid wai:; an 11tlempt to infli("t <!I defeat that would emb.trra~~ President l\""guyen Van 'Thieu ~fore hi~ nne·man Sunday presidential election. The new drive "'as launched .11fter a d.:i.\'!nng pounding of Communist pusitions along the high"·ay and t!lsewhere in Northern Tay Ninh Province. Fighter- bombers v.•ere in action but most ht>licopter gunships v.·ere ~rounded by had v.·eather. Front reports ~aid the &luth Vietnamese were meeting ol'l.ly light resistance. UPI Correspondent Kenneth J . Brad- dick reported from Tay Ninh that both Soulh Vietnamese and American tronps "·ere pouring inUI the rity aboard helicopters and planes and tn long col- umns of truck! moving in a steady rm throughout the day . "Sl.n Juan is an awakentnc rlty. Th1np are t.linnlni lo 'ra' .In terms ol development.'' He said thf. district ~ould have a re. S"pOlt!libllity to build a'I aesthetic-ally com patible bllildinf whirh might be too C'OStly. The district's im mediatt: need -a v.•arehouse -is 11n eV1!n grealer con - ctrn to both district and city. "You could build 111 wr.rehous!! ror S7 111 :square foot but you probably would not have a nice looking building ," said Ponitr. He sugge!led that t~ distric t migtit want to invtst.igate pu tting the warehouse elsewtiere, rather than down- tOWJt San Juan Ciopistrano. or evwm rent- in.r a temporary :s1ructUN'. Porter also pointed out that while mMt school district.• work to consolidate thl!'ir s~lee-!, the CapirtTano district ~ in the process of splitting th!!in. He sui;ig~led that the board mi,ht want to reconsidl!'r having their warehous!!, administn.1i":1, and transportation se.rvic!!! in three dif- f~nt 11:rr.:is. , "M~ distrlm try not to locatf' th!!rr ad.tninistralive cent.er in the middle of a r.ity. Most try to locatr in the cen.ter nf their dislriC1.. but 11omewht:re out in !ht: frin.l;e!! of thto cilv ." He i:;aid if ~ district did thi~ ii cootl'f avoid tr..ffic problem:oi. coold be abl!! In le t the value of the Capistrano School site itrOW, and would not be locating in down - Uiwn San Jua n. The board dittcled PortPT tn come: b;ick 11t R futu re meeting with 111 rt>rmn- mrnrfatinn and ;,11 nulline or OJ)tion~. "V/e'!I he nl"l!dinl! the sitf' as a ~chon1 for at least fivt mor .. yt.ars ;inywa v." said Superinl~ndent Truman Bent'.'dict. ''But wr h;ive. an Immediate nttd for a wt.rehOl.!se." Historical Unit Names Directors In Laguna Beach Oireclorll have been elected to plan the ;ii;ctivities of the Lagun1 Beach Com- munity Historical Society, president, Harry Jeffrey, has announced. Joining Jeffrey on the executive board are Bea Whittlesey, vice pre:i;ident; Ruth Morrow. 11ecretary; Catherine MacQuar- rie, trearu~r, and directors Cliff Cave, Genevieve Daniel!, Andrew Hubble, Van King, and Susie Mlllelte. The h.i!1torlea1 aociety, Jeffrey addtd, is planning a Thurston Centennial Week. Nov, 14 thrttugh Nov. 20, to commemorate the 11:rrival of the Joe Thurston family in Aliso Canyon too years 1go. A dinner will be held Nov. 14 at Ben Brown's IU:sllur1nt near the site of the Thurtiton home. Presentations will be mad~ on the Thurston family i nd early Laguna, supplemented with o Id photographa and walking tours of Aliso Can yon. PE Exemption Request Nixed A Tustin High School girl has been de- nied penniss.ion by school trustees to t.o drop her regular physical educat ion cla~'I in favor of attmding a non.school· sponsored gynu1astics cl;,ss. The rophomorl!' student, Lynn G<l\'in, had peti11oned ·the board f\.fom:l;iy ni ~ht for a PE class waiv@r . Hov•evrr, Tustin Union High School District nfficials Tf'· commended 11gainst such a wa iver, ("nn- tending such action woulrl OPM\ thr rlMr for other rlurl•nt~ wantin,11 nut or PE cll'ISSf>~, If 1he reciucst wi.s r!rnit>d , thr girl lnl rl the bonrd. she ·wnuld ~ forced lo drnp ;:i l'l<"itnce r!.:iss in order to leav,. 11rh('l(ll early fnr thf' gymnastirs lr~inin!l with her private instructor. Trustee!'! were split 2-2 on I.ht' issi1t>. with one. board mem~r absent. so th!! waiver w111s 11utom1.tlcally deni'<!. Agnew Slates Visits \VASHINGTON tA PJ -Vice. President Spiro T. Agnew will vts it Turkey and Greece in September to confer with the two NA TO allie.s, the White House has announced. • • . • • • . Tli01r111 A. M~1.ln1 Mlor>tJlrl9 Edlfef CMrlM H. 1.6" •1e1.1nf P. N1U o\uiUMI ,,,,.._.\rw EOI!"" Laguna Trustees Schedule Study Sessions for Fall Communlc11tion:ii:. textbooks, ~mploy mtnt practices. the TTA (initial l!achlng alphabet) reading program and school finance will be topics ol several study 11e!~ions of the Lagun a Beach Unified School District trustees during the months of October And November - Trusttts Tuesday night agreed to • schedule for the studies. beglnnlnc with commurrlcatlon:s, Oct . 12. The meeting will be held 11t 'Tnp or the. World School 11t 8 I~ pm. dirtctly following "back t(I 1chool night" 111 tht: l\thooL The session on lexlbook!I: wl\1 bf: held Oct. 27 : employment practice\, No''· 9: !TA reading program. Nov. 23, ind sd'IOol finance. Nov 30. All "•ill he held at thf' Marti room. Mn Blumont Orl\Pt , 111 t 7·M pm The. c3l~nd.1r "''' dr11wn up by 8111 Thomat, board pre11ident and Su~rln lendent Wllll .1m Ullom 11fter soHc\tlng iuggestions from other member• of I.he board. TI"toma& oolfd "There are many oC.her lhinas to 1hldy" and said they would be. subject of study seulon1 1fter the firllt 1roup. A breakdown of the various study session sug gestloru by indlvidu1I board members is as follows: -Gerald Linke: textbooks. tf'.3cher hir- ing, dl!clp!Jne, homework and cost or JTA over the. p11st three. years. -Dr. Norman Bmwne: botrdsman.ship, sc~l finance . perwonnel l!tltetlon. -Mrs. Jant &yd: 1ludy ever alJ goal1, communlc.1tinn:s, lnte.rview pro- r~ure:s. trimester, student repre:i;en- l11th·e to th, board, board credibility with th, <'(I mmunity . -8 111 Thom11s : teJ:tbookit, te11chl!r hlr· Ing. TTA, tri.mHltr, Onance, t.e11ehf:.r 11l1ries. Thom.ls Mid he ww un1ble tn ronUJct Mr~ P11trlc.i1 Gillette for her wg- li!t!llinns:. Democrat& Take Edge STANFORD (UPI l -A tot.al of 11,173 1t.udent1 rqiatlred to participate lrl classe.J at ~te.ford University, and 1,632 (i them alao registered to V1lte during the past few d1y1, the university announced toriay, 01 those who registered as voter1, 69 percent signed !IS Democrats. 20 p e r c e n t as Republicans. JO percr.nt a s Independents, and the. re~t as mem b!!rs or the Pesce and F'rttdom Party ln the university student e:nroll- ment, 8,!:a were men and 3,0&4 wnmen. Group Hears Capistrano Hospital Vow 8)1 PAf\.1ELA HALLAN 0! !~t 01lly l'llet SlaJI "Believe me, lhre is i;ioing In be a hospital in San Juan Capistrano.'' Frank J. Crelinas, public relations and governmental affairs chairman for r-.1 ission Viejo Medical Company, made th<1t vow and told members of the San Ju<1n Capist rano Chamber of Commerce this morning that plans definitely are proceeding for Santa f\.1argarita de las Flores hos.pita!. Gelinas, howe\'er, described a s'ries of setbacks which have delayed construction bul said he still believes the hospital will be constructed within the next two years. The Mission Viejo Medical Company recenUy opened Mission C.Ommunity Hospital off Crow n Valley Parkway in nearby Missinn Viejo. This hospital is to i;erve as a model for the new facili!y lo be. located on San Juan Creek Road 11djacent to the golf course in San .Juan C:ipistrano. ··we purchased the lanri i;ubjecl to ce r- tain conditions," said Gelinas. "We went into e.~crow with r-.1orris Misbln as the pro- perty owner who filed bankruptcy pro- ceedings just as we werl! about to begin construction.'' Because of the bankruptcy proceedings, construction plans were delayed and technicalities surrounding the medical eompa11y 's "grandfather clause" en- dorsement produced furthe:r delays. Gelinas explained that the hospital had been approved by the Orange County Comprehensive Health Planning Council but construction had to have been begun by July I, 1971. Because of the b<1nkruptcy, con- struction had to be put off and the com- pany will probably now have to go back to the Health Council for official approval to build. "We Are now withdrawing our land from lht> hankruplcy parcel," said Gelinas. "Aul if something h;ippens and ..,e deC"ide not to build I.he hO!!pital there we'll purchase !and wmewhere else. in- San Juan." Cre!inas said his com pany is convinced Iha! growth ii; zeroing in on San Juan Capi.~!rano and a hospital will be needed In !he area The hospit,111 proposed "·ill be a 126-bed 111cute facilit y 1.1•hirh will later include. a convalt:scenl fa cility as well . Total cost nf !he c(lmhinf'd project has been eslimatrd al $.'! mill ion. Gel ina:c. S.ilid the fa cility 1>."iil have lhe. "11'1te!'I mPciica l equ ipment ;ind will pro- \"irle rht hnf'!il services ;n•ailablr lo the cnmmunilv " H(' !'fllrl. l\f i~~inn ('nmm11n1tv Hnspita! h11s hern wpll-rpcp1vrd hy lhe Cf)mmunit.v <1 nd .... -111 prnb;:ihl~· be expanded to a 2.'lf. hed c11p<1r it.v n!'xt ye11r. Ex-marine .Jailed POW Fraud Case Told • Ill By Tbe A!soc lated Pres1 A convicted bandit v.·ith a bad conduct discharge from the Marine Corps is serv· ing 60 days In Orang e County Jail on a bad check rap, an alleged profiteer on the Prisoners of War's plight. The cast> or Jack K, Armstrong is but one incredible episode in a nationwide sur\•ey of con men suspected of preying on cAmpa igns to missing, or imprisoned men and their fa milies. Here is the story, the wa y authorities te!l it. The young woman seemed to be fighting back tears as sh@ talked on the. te!l!'phone about the prisoners of war in Vil!'tnam . "\Veil , !he puhlishing charge runs a total of $5, and God know.~ ..,,..e need the help if we're ever going to get our men out of the re," she said. That appeal brought in thousands of dollars from residents of Oran15e Counly, who thnughl they might help the PO\\'s by placing tht:ir nAmcs. fnr $.'i each . in an obscure t<iblo1d called Veterans News. The Ornnge CQuri!y Dislrirt Attorney's Office closed the operation by court in- junction !his !'llmn1cr, charging it with "false, fraudu lent. deceptive. o r mislead inJ!," repr('senlations. nnd found a co nvicted .1rn1ed robber in charge. Veterans News opened its Orange County opera tion in r-.1ay. Its leader. Jack K. Armstrong , served time in jail durin~ 1965 :ifter pleading guilty lo armed robbery, His record also lists a bad-conduct discharge from the r-.tarines and court-martial conviclions for unauthorized absence and theft of a .~5 caliber pistol. A pool of 70 telephone girts solicited funds for Veterans News and <1 team of runners picked up donations, s<1id .James J . Shav;, investigator for the district at- torney. The _g irls, cacti of whnrn u:::ed the name K;ithy Johnson , told penp\c : "\Vhiit we're doin_g is printing a specia l edition of the Veterans News for Lhe PQ\Vs . \\'e're i;ending copirs tll every r.ongressmao, :;cnator, as WC'l! as to President Nixon, the Pope and \\'Orld leaderi; e\'ery1.1•hcre. "The reason 1 called wa.<; lo find out if "'e could pr int your name in a specia l edition for the PO\\'s and also if we might be able to ask y<lU to he lp us out on the printing costs." After the District Attorney's Office fil- ed its complaint in Superior Court, Veterans News agreed July 21 to qutt the solicitation ;inrl ro p;iy ~1.500 to two recogni~ Pcrn.'·MIA organiz.atigns. A final 11 ccount !n~ ha8 not bttn ('Otti·~ pleted, but investigators said 11bout • t!0,000 to $lfi.000 "'as tilke n in by the operation. Martin Cohen, nt.tornf.v fnr the rlefen- dants, s;iid : "'I can a~s1ire you they did not personally profit." Cohen said he is still trying to pay off their creditors. The <1ctivities nl promo!rr Al Ed\VIHri., also crntered partly in Or;inge County. Servi ces Conduclcfl For Alex Brisga loff The. Rev. Dmitri G1sett1 cnnd ll<'!ed services this morning in Pacifl<" YiPw Chapel fnr L1guna Bea('h phnloi.;rapher Alex Rri~galnff. who riled Mnnday al hi~ home. !'IO!I r~·pre.o;.~ St . ~Ir Brh:galoff is sur\11ved by his wid n"'· Helen and a da ughter, Ronnie llar\en. A nat1 \"P 11 r R11~~1a. he came 1n California ir11~2·1 anrl h(ld !11·ed in Orange Counr_v for !he past 20 \'Cars. County f\.Trs. Stephen Hanson, wife of 11 mining El Toro Marin~ Corps Air Station pUol and board member or POW.MIA Interna- tion al lnr., headquartered in Tustin, said Edwards came Into touch with her group last :February through aiding a restaurateur who i;ponsored a fund·raia- ing dinner for the organization. '"Then he came in and said he wan1 ed to help us." said ~l rs . ffanson . •·After the successful dinner. we had no reason to doub! him. He was going to inilialt some fund-raising projerts." "He was going tn reva mp the organiia- tJon and go national. We ~re going to raise millions. and he would receive lit percl'nl of the proceeds from the project! he started, "But he began to claim 10 perce-nt of other projects we had already 15larted," s he continued. '"The volunteeri:; and families were upset." About this time. the neighbor of the POW v.'ife sa\11 Edwards by coincidence and recognized him -undfr a different name. A police check showed Edwards was wanted on ch<trges of passing bad che<:lts, a practice that got him 111 prisort sentence in 1959 and two years probation in 1970. \Vith the collabora!ion of POW-r-.nA International. Edwards was arrested in mid-April. •·Except for the time. worry and trouble. v•e didn l lose vast sum~ of mnney," said r-..lrs. Hansrin. Soon after, free pending a rourt ap- pearances, Edward s showed up at the Phoenix Area Families of POWa, Md prrsuad('d that ori;anization lo i;ign a contract \\'ith his Showcase Product.ions for a benefit perfor man ce in July at the 1 ~.000-sea! Phoenix Coliseum . But attendance ror two shows totaled fewer !han 1.000 persons. The PO\V organiza tion 1Qsl $7ft0 It had ndvanccd for Coliseum rent ;ind also used it~ $1..1H2 .share of the $6.!Hll gross to pay ()I.her bills. Sho...,-case wt;>Und up owing nl<)re than $8,000. C}cra!d W. Alslon. attorney for the row group, said that aft er the show "F:d1l'ards stu ck around for a week , trving to pull strings together." . "11e got pretty nasty after 1t w;ts O\'rr ·· s;:iid Alslon. ''He was a drov•ning m211 , he hAd ~u! fered a severe reverie. He said he was going tn smear us. Then he took a po""·dcr." Back in California in late August. Ed'>'.•ards was sentencl'd lo 60 days in the OraOF!C County Jail for the !ates! round of bad checks. Jn recen! mnnths thtsr ca!l,5 have also come to light; -An rx -convict OJ)t'rating from a suc- ce.ssinn QI lnc11tions has raised large sums \1•it h his cl;iim he can negotiate prisoner release thrnugh Asian conlflcts . -/\ Texa.~ promotrr lured an Atlanta PO\\' i:;roup into grandiose plans for a l1enef1t shnw. t.hrn abruptly drparted IOl\'n. leaving 11 strin~ 0f unpaid bill!! h~hi11d hin1 . There h<i\"e been others, ~ome sue- C"rssful. some no t. A man who claims he·:i; a la'.l·yer and Jii;ts addre sses in Idaho and Amsterdam has approached PQ\V family group5 in 1\.11;imi, Norfolk , Va .. and Phoenix , ask ing S25.000 to finance negotiation~ with Bud· dhist monks to rare for pri.o;oners In ·orlh Vietnamese camps. Sn far as is linn\\'O. he hasn"I collected a riime on his pit ch. Four mrn an rl s "·oman, howe\1er, hirPd !een-acers tn snlicil on street cor- ners in ,J arkson. 1\.li5s .. for the POW c.:iusf'. and J!.Ol oul or ln11.11 ~ step ahead nf thP polirr r'" ·~ •' --· ,.>-. ~ ,.r '""'- lrcli11ns. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TODAY by J\1ost people think of a cameo As a stone \\·ith lhe head of a beauti- ful woman carved on il This is al· most. correct. but not quite. A cameo Is the cut. not the stone i~ self. Cameos come in many different i:;tyles. Stone cameos are cut from gem ~tones like blood stones, tiger eyes, jade, etc. Shell cameos are carvtd on piece:i; of shell, a'nd are perhaps the most common. Coral cameos are carved on coral There are also a s s e m bl e d cameos, which mean that the fig- ure is carved from one substance and cemented lo another. Ari intaglio i.s the opposite of a cameo. with the carving recessed lntn the 5lone lnstead of the 11tone being carved away from the figutt \\'e wil.I be happy to 1how you many fine cameo.~ and intaglio!, nil of which are much mol'fl re• ~onBhly priced than you may rea- lize· Many beautiful cameo pieces cDSt well under $2.';· with much of the price or other piec:e.s depend- ing on their se ttings• I ' OOMEGA Omega w•lches are styled with cla5sie el~ance. Bu1, lhelr beaoly ls more tt1en skin· deep. Thars why Om11ga'1'- teputation for !lmekeepinQ ' dependabHity Is wlthout peer. .Speaking af beautiful features Either of then lovely bracelel watches would compUment the wardrobe or a really well dressed women. See our .:omplet• Dmega couectlon soon.. j,..,1,1( I O!ld DOid -Tt~ltl •11~ ................. IJOQ "I -2J d11mond1. 1 ~!( ¥Pllt-I Of" y1hew 1olhl t old ln•~•l•T Wl lCfl .,, ••••••••••••• ,..Mt>O J. c. I 823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CON\IENIE~ T[lMS IANICAMIRICAlD-MASTEl CHAlGl 24 YlAlS SA,.t.IE LOCATlOJrt PHONE 141.1401 l 7 .. -. . .. --... ' ; • Laguna Beaeh EDITI ON Today'• l'blal N.Y. Steeb VOL. 64, NO. 23 3, 5 SECTIONS, 74 PAGE S ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM BER 29, 1971 TEN CENTS More Money ,-fhan W orl{ for Laguna Parks? By PATRICK 80)'LE Ot 1~1 Dooly .. Ht! 111!! Sl 1ll reeli ng 1ro1n lhc a('t ion~ 01 a .IJt'nerous tit.v tountil. thr chrertor ol Laguna Beach's 11arks 1~ begin ning 10 wonder if his 1ncn wil l h;:i\'f' tin1e 10 Hl'- ron1pli~h all of the prnieets assigr11'd 1hc1n for the t:oniing ~ ca1 Clyde Swee!:oer s<lys the cou11r 1I ap· proved 1nore mone.v -aboul £25.000 - for park projet ls than he had expected. •·J didn't reall~· ant 1r ipate that so 1Tiany nf them \'o'Ould be approved_., sa~·!: Sweet ser. spea king fron1 years or ex- perience in seek ing pet proposals !urned dov.•11 •· • .<1.,lJ or a ~udden, v.·e had a lap full of work lo do." ·1 JUSl hope v>'e havr ti me [his lliscall ye:ir to get all of l11e prOJf'('ls done:· add~ S11·cet ser, a serious n1an who alwa).~ 11·ears a green ecolog,v buuon on his ~hi r!frout The work in('ludes bu1ldu1g eul de Slit'' al !he beach ends of Cleo and Thalia streets: t.'('onstruction ot' i°'iJta Carn1e11 Park at S1. Ann's Dr ive and \Vilson Street : co111pletion of Pepper Tree Park on Ocean Avenue and build ing a set of stairs up the hill fron1 Broadway to Rosa Bonhcur StreC'L rin {er' Grilled 01i Stu1itl Marine Denies Slaying of Wife By TO:\I BARLEY 01 •~• 01n1 ,.1101 tuu A gruelin g cross exarninalion nf murder suspect i\tark Johnson resumed tod ay in Orange County Superior t:uurt '~ith !he Sa n Clernente l\tari nl' repeatedl Y denying that hf' had anything to do with the killing of his pregnant. wife. 'The young !\Iarine policeman. calm and (!Omposed In the witness box, rejected prosecution arguments that he clubbed and stabbed Connie Lynne Johnson to death on June 16. 1970 in the couple·, apartment at .f16 r..tonterey Lane. His testimony in ('Ollr( r e j t' l' ! .~ r;tatcmenls n1ade by ll in1 in intervie1r!' taped by Sttn Clemente polit e and dis!riel attorney's investigators in wbit h he ad- mitted clubbing hls 1vife wi1h a bar ston! after bi:.eaklng into lhf ap<irt ment. But those state1ncnts lia\·e not yet been deelared to be ad1niss ible b_v .Judgt> William ~lurray despite Hie appe;ils of (:hiet Deputy Di~trict Attornt~· .J~11nr-c Enright that the y bt acc epted a:o; evidence. Enright. ob\'1ousl,v angered b,v th e repeated ohjt>ct1011s of defense a!tornev Hay Sharp. appeared to 1ntt ke \er~· l11tlr progress !his n1orni ng in hi s que stioning of the tall blond rni!i tar~ pol1ccn1<1n. Johns on. 20. could not recall nian.\' n1 i11or det::i1l~ of the events lead ing to h1" arrest June 22 and repeatedly denied l h~I he had e,·er been ad vised of his right." prior lo in1erl'ie\.\'S with police. distnrl Jtllorney's 1 n v e s I i g a I.o r s and a psychiatrisL Me is accused of beating bis wife inlo unconsciousness and or then killing her \~1ith 11 but cher kn ife t hal. inflicted more tha n 20 st ab wounds as the helpless y.·0n1an la,v spt'a\.\'/ed on her bed. Tl. is argued by the prosecution that .J ohnson . angered by his wlfe'!'i objections to his use of 1narijua na and her lockini:: tum out of the <ipartrnent. clin1bed through 1he window and attacked her. He told pol ice al the time that he had found the bocfy on his return from duty at the Santa Ana Marine Corps Air Station. Oraage "I . ' ' ; ~, . .._ :f, ,.,, :*y,.. DENIES CONFESSION Mark Johnson 11 wa s al. first believed that robbc1·y 11;i:o; !ht n1o1ive for the sla)·ing. A psychiatrist v.·ho e>.11mine<l .Johlls{J n in the week be fore his arresL testified that he arrived 'Bl the conclusion !ha l the young Marine was implicated in the kill- ing after first believing thal Johnw n wa:i; innocent. Dr. ThM<lore Lindauer said hr helped .J ohnson search near !he San Clemente apartment for lhe knife that rhe defcn - da n! be lieved he had hidden under a rock. Lindauer also testified th a1 a series of dreams related to hi1n by the younJ: defendant clearl y indic11ted lh;11 .lohnso n knew a great deal about the murder ()( his wife. S1\·eetser says he has not yet Sf'1 up a wor k schedule ror these proJC'tl:--, but notrs 1ha1 non e or them will be started unti l early 1972. The rt"ason for lhe dt lay is !hat n1uch ()f his depart ment's tune in the next fe1v rnonths -other than rtgular n.at n- tenanc:e work -w1JI bt Sl)('nt hangi ng Chrlst1nas decorat ions. Each holiday season, the parks depa rt- n1ent is charged 1\'ith stringing hght s around City Hall and hanging sni all decorations on light standards. S\\'ee tser notes that, in terms or man hours, tlus task in 1970 rcqulred almost as mu i:h Developers P1·ess City 011 Density Representatives or l\ewport Beach lnvest.rnent. Inc .• which is negotiating tor the purchast' of the 520·acre Sycamore Hill s parcel in LBguna Canyon have had ··several meetings'' '.l'ith ci ty officia ls and have disussed the possibility of in- creasing density , the vice president of lhe firrn conf irrned Tuesda.v. David Meri-ill said the d iscussions on incre.asing lhe density on the land. at the corner cf Laguna Canyon and El Toro Roads. "is one of several aspects that we have discussed with the planning depart- ment.., "\\le're looking al the land from a ll angles.'' he said. A source at cit y hall hi nted that th~ discussions involved increasing the dens1- f ~' to fnur units an acre \vhich could mean a possible 2,000 homes on the land. The property i.~ presently zoned R-11 iresidPn· t1al-hil!~ideJ with one-acre and half-acre: ranch lot~. Laguna city rnanager Larry Rost.. in an inte r\•iew la st \\'eek. noted !hat deveto'p· menl of the land -which Ne\vport Beat h lr1vestn1ent has said wi ll ha ppen if it purchases the land -cou ld be blocked bv a requesl fron i !he stale Regional \Vate.r Qual ity Contro l Board that the l·ity not t.lltcnd sewer service lo an.v new large de velopme111 s. 1\-lerri!I said •·we: ha ve no! ~one f;i r t nough with our 1nvest1ga!ions aboul the land to know ho1v l\'e V.'OU)d be a[fected . Abou1 all 11·e kno1v is th;:i\ the land is four miles frorn the end or the se1\'er line · ~1errill indicated a loose agreemcn1 ha~ been rea ched 11•i th present 01vnc r tif the land, Great Lake~ Properties. "but has SQ rna ny contingencies that v•c are still negotiating." Capo Schoohnen Request Dela y In Nuclear Plant "l'r ustee!f o( the Cflpistrano Unified School Di strict have unanimously asked a halt to nucJear po wer plant t:onstruclion pending the outcome of safely and heal th i;tud ies. 1 une as clean ing up after the Christmas Ha 11pcn1ng in Laguna Can.van. In atld1t1011 Ii> hcg1nn1ng to prepare for Christn:as. his rnen are no\v convertini: an untised bu1 \cl1ng 1n Blu<'b1rd Park into a restroo 1n _ One projel't 11hich ha~ not ye t been fu nded . Sweetser nule.s, 1s l<i11tlst:ap1ng the tnil'!ic t~lands on Lagu 11<1 Ca11)0l1 Hoad. 11<' sa~·s 1 he \\'Ork 11·1!1 ('OS I a11 estirnated ~!5.000 in cit.v gas ta~ n1f>ncy, but rop city 9f1 1cials have tlQt )'Ct devided ho11• !he gas 1<1x funds 1\'111 be dispersed ;irnong the df'partn1ents. The is lan ds are nu•v planted 1n 11•y geran1u1ns. 11·l11c:l1 th e park dire ctor notes are d1if icult to ma1nta1n 11·Hh a li n1ited amount of rneri. He has some 20 men working for h1n1 , but often shares man power "·il h othrr divisions of the city"s public 1\•orks department. Ir the traffic islands are replanled this l1 sco1I year, S11'cet ser says he would like 10 ha1•e tile 111as1er plan drawn by a la ndscape an.:h11er1 111 order to n1ake the entrance to Ille city as attractive as possible . .. , \vould ltke lo have a combination of tu1·r and a fe1v pl anted areas around lhe tree wells," he notes. \Vittl the new equipment his depart- ment \Vas allocated funds for lhis year, Sweetser explains he will in effect have more men to maintain the r.ity'• parb because the job \\'ill be easier. Using one new hydraulic device. called a "limb lop- per." he says tree trimming time can bt cut by 50 percent. ''If v.•e want ed to keep up the parks tht wa)' lhey ought lo bt kept up." Swtetset says, "then I .i n1 definitely 5hort handed. But lf you look at the overall picture. comparing Laguna Beach to otbel' cities, then I don't think v.·e're that bad u far as appez.ra nce is C<lncerned. ·• • s oom1n .... · olJt'• J ,\)()!) ' ... Four Faci11g Co1nplai.t1t s Of Assault Four of fiv e persons arrested on charges o[ relony assault on a police or- ftcer during the Sept. 5 "drinkers' walk'' iii Laguna Beach will come up for preliminary hearings in Division Twu of South Counly Municipal Court Thurlday. The four are : -Joseph Longo Jr., .10, of 750 Rem• brandt Drive. -Lauren Kelly, 25, of 750 Rembrandt Drive. -James E. ·van Horn, 27, of Loi Angele,, -Patricia O'Brifn, n, of 30262 Btnecia Ave., Laguna Niguel. The fifth person arrested on assault charges is Billy Tanner, 1975 Laguna C.an· yon Road, whooe preliminary hearing i.r scheduled for Oct. 5. Longo, po/lee assert, struck officer Carmen Pollastro during the me lee at. the door of the Orphanage Bar, 698 S. Coast Jl ighway. Kelly, along with Tanner, a llegedly wti!J involved in a figh t with Officers ,James Stinson and Richard Kotzin, police said. Van Horn was arrested by police on assault with a deadly weapon charge after he all egedly atempted to run down Officer Pollastro in a parking Jot acrosll' lhe: street from the Orphanage Bar. The policeman was not injured, ~'lrs. O'Brien has been acCtJsed by pol ice of biting Patrolman Robert Ro- maine in the arm. Romaine was one or eight undercover officer s who assisted in qt.:ell ing !he disturbance. Attorney "1illiarn Ledger of Santa Ana v.•ill represent all of those charged with felonies. except Tanner. ••The preliminary hearing before the judge will be held to determine if a criminal act \.\-as committed and wh ether there is reasonable cause for believin1 the defenden l committed it." Ledger said. "It is not en inference o{ guilt," he stresstd. If the court finds reasonable cause. the defenda nts are bound over to Superior Court for trial. . Deputy District Attorney Melvin Jensen revealed Tuesda:Y that ihe prosecution will seek to consolidate the cases of It other persons arrested on misdemeanor charges in the fracas. .Jense n said he will soon have 11 dat .. berore Judge Richard Hamilton for the consolidation motion . The move to consolidate the cases came following the case of Bobby D. Elliot last week, when jurors were unable lo reach a unanimous decision on whether or not he interfered with the ac- Top of World Residents Set Aircraft Talk A resoTutron. copies of wh ich will be sent to the Atomic Energy Commission and Public Utilities Commi ss ion. traces the dlshict's £utile ettempts lo obtain of· riclal infonnation about expansion or the San Onofre Plan!. tivities of a police offictr. /"·· Weather Sunny skiell 11gain tod11y, \1 i1h increased cloudiness lonight and Thursda_v . Highs along the coast n1 the mid-6CJ's rising lo 77 Inland. L-011·s.toni ght 56 to 62. INSWE TODAY No mnr.rer tvht·re yon t.11r11 tlus 1ceek.e1td. thert 'a a. contn-uni· il:tl tht altr light.ing up it! Jtage. See Tlieater Notes in today'$ 1:11ttrtain ment stction , Page 27, •lrtfl• " •••11111 1l (1IH•111l1 , 1• ,., .... "''""'' tJ Cll•c-1111 U• 11 ClaUlfi.tl 11·•1 Clll'llr1 H Ct11tw1,_. H D11tll Nellct1 11 o;,,.,,.. 1• ... iltf ltl ..... • ll!lllt•l1l11!'l9nl 1'-11 "llltlnct H·l l ........ "". )0 ... " ~-" )0 ~·--· ' M ..... ltrYi(I n, 11 MIYillt 11•J1 Mutu-' ,U ... I H Nllien.i M••• l•J Ort11•1 CMlll!r II $•1¥1• ,.,,,., ,. SNf'l'I 11-~ Or. •11111(111111 !I Slld ~r-•11 Jt-)1 T11fti11111 16 T~tlltrt 1.6·1' w....... • WtJflN'• N'"" U·h W1•I• Now• 1.J Top of !he \\1orld residents \vl10 "r~ «nncerned about airplanes -loo 1nan.1·, 1no nois~·. loo lo"' ~ ~'ill ha ve an or- portuni!y to discuss the problem \vith 1u1 ex1>erl at !he Hllltop Homeowne r~ Association meeting. 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Top of the World School. A representative or the commanding officer or the U.S. Marine Corps Air Sta - tion, El Toro. will be on hand to answer questions about aircraft flight patterns. altitude requirements and other pro- cedures pertaining to ,the Top of the World area. Also attending the meeting will be 11 representative of the Fire Department. ""ho ""tll describe emergency 1id and other community services and Edison Company manager James Kennedy, to report on the ut il lty pole problem. The meeting i$ open to all ptrsons in· !crested in Top of the \\'orld t'Ommunity 11ffairs. according to president John De. Flor e Trustees Monday asked tha L a moralorium be placed on such expansion and all new constructio n until the: A.EC ran show thal !he health and safety of ehildren attending school in the district wi ll not bf' adversely affected. The document poi nt!' out areas or disagreement among "respected nuclear 11nd biological scientists as lo the prudence of constructing nuclea r powe r pl an ts near populated area!'." "All we're doing is askin1 them not W build the plants until they c J n demoit5trate that it is safe," said Trustee George White In response to criticism thBI trustees were laymen who did not understand the 1ek?ntific data necessary to make the decisions. Tank Collap!!C Eyed ATL ANTA. Tex. (U Pil -The manager (If a construction company building 11 paper mill says the sudden coliapse of ;i million gallon water t11nk will nol change the construction sc hedule. • J OAILY "l~OT 11111 ""'" A Step lfp The first $100,000 n1ilestone has been reached In the $1 million south Coast Communi ty 1-J ospital rund-raising campaign. The ge neral drive kickoff begins Oct. 7. Robert .r. Hastin gs. campaign vice chairman. and pretty Fran ces Cotterell. Mi ss Laguna Beach, are shown with pledge cards and th e drjve's big thermometer. Thieu Gives 'Shoot to Kill'. Orders SA IGON (AP 1 -President Nsuyen Van Thieu today ordered police to "~hoot to kill " antigovern1nent rioter!I who thro1.., lirebclmbs or other\1·ise endanger ll ve!I. C'.-o\•er11nlcnt sp(l\<c1:11nan Vu Khanh, ronfirn1ing Thi eu'' order·, said the presl· dent told police. off icials, "\Ve 11re living In a period of pol itical danger and tu rmoil. It i~ the duty or po!i('C to keep order. Tt is their duty to relict to any violen ce. "Whoever create!I violence In lht streets for the purpost or rerrorlsm must be severely punished. Those. who are caugtlt red.handed burning autos mu.al be shot on the iopot if necessary." '• /, Jensen said if other cases ended in a "hung jury" the triels could drag on for months. Elliot's case has llready bttil put on the calendar for Janua ry 12. Junior Pigskin · T ea1ns Kick Off Three of the four Laguna Belch Junic-r All American Football teams WIU'tiek off their 19'11 home schedule S.hirday .at Guyer Field. , The first 11ame of the day. at 10 a.111., will feature the Laguna Beach lntrudera battling the Huntington Beach Buo- caneers. At noon, the Skyhawka will !Jct the \Vest Ga rden Grove Lanctr•. Th• Phantoms wHI take on the Westminster Falcons At 2 p.m. LocRI dignitaries are eq>ected::to bt on ha nd tor the openers elong with a band a color guard and chterleaden for U. teams. The public Is in vited. l • I ! 1 t D.l.ll. Y PILOT SC \\lfdntsefQ', Stpttmbfr 2'9. 1971 I Master ' Pla.n Snagged Capistrano School Land 'Too Valuable' Archit«ts dra1t'i.ng a mallttr plan fot future Ute of tl'le oJd Capistrano High SChool lite hive come to Trustees of the Otpistr.aoo Unified School District vdth s problem. Kal ~ Of Porter.Jenson lrchit~ Wrtl firm , told the Board of Trustees Ptlond.ly thit the land might be too val- uable for an admfni.str.ttive center. "Looking at the troperty. loeattd next door to the old mission, we 've decided that use. as an adm inisltative cen ter might nrit hf" tht h~ghm and be!t use for the land," said Porter. 'Beauty Bond' CofC Mulls Landscape Requirement P~ibllity al f«lulring a five-year "beauty bond'' ta put teeth into city r~ qi.ilmnents for landscaping or propertie.s j tveloped under conditional use pennits m mulled bl'. Laguna .Beach Chamber of .::ommerce directors Tuesday. birect.M-Harry Lawrt:nce, once more -~in& as temporary chairman of the .:hlmber's beautification committee, on wliich be bu aervtd intermittently for 19 ¥4ll'I, 1UUested such a bond might be he only wa y to compel maintenance of required landscaping once it is installed. Larry Hunt, whose Laguna Canyon 1uto repair business was cited as one of rJi,e very few examples of continued com- Jliance with beautification goals, told ·e11ow directors, "No one pays any af.. .entlon to the city's beautilicalion re-- :;Wtemerit.s. They put in a couple or trees 31Jd that's all. The city can't seem t.o naltt the owners maintain what litUe hey do plant and to my knowledge no :ine ever n:vo.ked a use permit in the Nhole canyon for failure to maintain .andscapln&." Dlrretor GleM Vedd er. a former plan· nlng commissioner and ma yor, noted that the Planning Comm ission, whlch grants conditional use permits aoti reviews landscaping plans, has no real en- forcement pow~ with regard to main· tenance once the planti ng i~ in .. Major Larry Campbell , chamber ~ tor and new member of the Planrung Commission, said ht. would like a chance to look into !he problem of the city's point of view and report back ne"Kt month. Lawrence said lhe beau11fic at.Jon com- mittee would agree to Lhis. Direct.or Bernard Syfan pointed out that the city, as well as priv ate property owners, sometimf!ll is guil ty· of poor maintenance. "When they built the Hillcrest extension behind Boat Canyon they got a slope e11.sement from mE'." said Syfan, "and ii was properly planted. I maintain the lower half, ·which is flourishing. The city 's half looks like hell." Laguna Chamber Prods For Action on Sewers Agreeing that it Is lime to "get people excited" about the Laguna Beach sewage ~isposal problem, chamber of commerce directors voted Tuesday to address a let- ter to the city council "encouraging com- J!etlon of studies and plans toward the Jitimate goal of upgrading tbe sewer ~tern as soon al! possible to meet eTeSf!nt and fut ure needs." · "Th;.s Wue needs the attention of .!veryone in Laguna," pr~ident Roy Marcom told the direct.on. ''The Chamber of Commerce should do •hatever is nttessary to overcome the problem. including getting behind a bond issue if it is needed." Former mayor GleM Vedder recalled that solution of the l!ie?t'age disposal pro- blem had long been cited as one of the mOst important matters facing the city. "The Water Quality Control Board is pOinting the finger at us now," said Ved· d~r. "but. J'm afraid it may take up to three years to ge L th is moving. \Ve've got to get people exci ted about it." Director Bernard Syfa n ~ajd , "We .should press for action on a study to ac- tua\ly solve the problem . not jul!t patch things up indefinitely and not just meet minimum .standards, but solve the ultimate problem.'' Notlng that "in Malibu the people refustd to pass a bond issue be.cause they said it would just bring more pe_()p\e to the 1rea," director Wiiiiam Watt ex- presst!d the view that expansion of sewage disposal capaci ty is "intertwined with the gro~1h question ." People who want to keep Laguna .small. \Vatt sug- gested, may seek to accomplish tha t end by op~ing major expanl!ion of the sewage treatment plant. Responding to Watt's comment, Syfan expanded his motion that a letter be ad- dr~sed to the city to specify "upgrading to meet preiient and fulure netds. •• Marcom said director! should en- eourage Chamber members tn write to the City C.Ouncil seeking action on the sewage problem and talk lo their friends about it. "Even the young people should get behind this." said Marcom, "if they'.re interested In clean water at the beach." South Viets Pushing North SAIGON (UPI) -Fifty thousand Sout h Vietnamese backed by U.S. combat troops and heavy U.S. air support drove northward from Tay Ninh Cit ytod.a.y in a major counteroffen~h·e against thrt-e North Vietnamese divisions attacking on the Cambodian.Vietnam border. The South Vietnamese units believed tn Include both infant ry and armnr ~·~:ept out of Tay Ninh . 50 mile~ nrirth~·est of Saigon, toward thl' Cambndian rubber plantation to~·n or Krek. 35 miles av•ay along Highwa y 22 One nf the larger pitched battles of the ~·ar appeared to be , ' • , , • • ' ' ' • , , , • r OlAH61 COAST DAILY PILOT ~ CO.UT PUILISHIH~ OW.l'AHY l ol>•rt N. W1..J Pr11lll«1! ll!llf ,.,...Ii.II• J1 ck I!:. Curlll'f V1'e PrttliW'lt •"4 "--•I Mwatr Ti111111 K11"i1 '""' in the making. The Communisls blocked the. highwa y Sunday "'hen they opened a border of- fens ive t1.·hich Vietnamese m i i l t a r y leaders said wa!I an attempt to innict 3 rl efeat that 9.'nuld embarra~~ Presiden t J\'gu_ven Van Thieu before his one-man Su nday presidenlia/ ele:c:tinn. The new driv e was ll1unch~ aft.er a daylnng poundin g of Communi~t pnsillons lllong lhe high~·ay and E'\se~·htre in l\'orthern Tay Nin h Province. f ighter- bomber~ "·er" in aclion but most helicoptl!'r gunships were grounded by bad weather. F'ront reports said the South Vietnamese were meeting only light resist.ance. UPJ Correspondent Kennelh J. Brad· dick reported from Tay Ninh that both South \'letnamese and American troop!! "'ere pouring into the city aboard helloopters and planes and in long col- umns nf trucks movma in a steady rain throughout the day. ··s.n Juan la an 1W1kan.lnc city. 'J'hinp are beJiMin& to 'fl)' in b!rms « development ." He said the dist rict woo.Id ha ve 1 r~ sponsibility lo build 111 aesthetically rnmT1ati blf> building which might be too ('()511y. The diii;tr1rl's imml':dia!e ne..ed -• v.·arehousl' -Jl'i an evt"n gr-eater con - ct>rn to bo'h district anrl citv. "Yl"IJ could bu ild a we.rehouse. for $7 a squarl': foot but you probably would not ha ve 11 nice lookinit building," said Portt'r. He suggest ed that the district might want lo investigate pultin,R the wareh0ll.5e el!liewhere, rather than down- ll'l'Wll San J uan C1.:pistram, or even rent· in.I! a temporarv nnicture. Pnrter also pointed out thilt ~le m~ 9".'honl dist rict~ WOTk to Cflnstihdate t.ht.ir services. the Capistrann district is in the proces.<'I of spl ittin,R theirs. He suggnted that the board mi¢it want to rl'!Consider h11vin2 their wart'house. administn.tinri, and tran~ation ~ervlcl!'! in three dlf - fPrent areas. "r..10'i'it distriris trv not tn local!" thl':ir administrative ttnl..l'r in the ntiddle of a city_ ~1nsl trv In ll'IC'al.e in tht ce.~ter nf their d i~lric1. hut :i;omewhl':re out 1n the frinl."l'P.S of lhe citv ·· . . . He ~aicl if the rl istnct did th1~ 11 r ou\d ::ivnirl trnffic T1Mblf'ms. cnu1rl be able .tn lf'I the value nf the CapiITT.rano Sr.h<x!l l'i1te irrow. and v.'ould not be loc11t ing in down- town San J uan . The bnard rlir~er! Porter In ct>ml': hack a1 a futu re metting with a recom- mpntlation and ;.11 outline of opti1>ns. "Wt'll be n1"edin11: !he \'lite 11s • schof;~ for at leasl fivl': mor,, years anvwa v. said Su perintendent Truman Beniod ict. •·But we hiive 11n immediate ntoed for a warehouse." Historical Unit N aines Directors In Laguna Beach Directors have been elected fA> plan the activities of the Laguna Beach Com- munity Historical Society, president, Harry Jeffrey, has announced. Joining Jeffrey on the executive board are Bea Whittle1ry, vice president; Ruth Morrow, secret.sry; calherine MacQu11r- rie. treasurer, and directors Cliff Cave, Genevieve Daniels, Andrew Hubble, Van King, and Susie Milletle. The historical society, Jeffrey 1dded. is planning a Thurston Ctntennlal Week, Nov. 14 thmJgh Nov. 20, to commemorate the arrival of the Joe Thurston famlly in Aliso C11nyon 100 years ago. A dinner will be held Nov. 14 at Ben Brown 's Restaurant near the 1ite of the Thuniton home . Pruentalions will be made on the Thurston family and early Laguna, .supplemented with o I d photographs and walkin& tours or Ali.so Canyon. PE Exemption Request Nixed A Tustin High School (irl has been de- n!@<! permission by school trustees tG to drop her regular physical education clas.~ in favor of attending a non -school· i!iponsored gym11a stiC11; cliss. ~ .sophomore student. Lynn Govin. had petitioned the Mard Monday night for 11 PE class waiver. However. Tustin Union High School District official! re-- C{)mmended against such a wai~r. con- lendinR such actinn would Op!!R the door fnr nther studrnt.s wanting out of PE <"l aSSf'!l. lf the ret;11est w:.~ rl~nied, the girl to!d 01,, b<)ard. ,,he would he forctd to rlrop a sciencf' rlas~ In orclPr to ll'a \·e school early for the gymnastir.s training with hE'r ·private in15tructor. Tn.istl';eil were split Z-2 on the isruP. with one bo.1rd mtmber absent . so the waivl':r was autom1tic1Jly denied , Agnew Slates Visits WASHINGTON (AP) -Vice President Spiro T. Agnew will visit Turkey and Greece in September to oonfer with the two NATO allies, the White House has announced. • • ~ , ' r ' fii111111 A. MSflllr.i~• -giflg f OIJOr a.a. H. Leet •re~•"" '· Ntn ~1alll .... ~ E.dlton. ...._ '-'di Office ll? f or11t ""••~• ..... 1iddr11n r.o. l e11 666, 92652 S.. C'--9 Offlu • N«t.li ll Cami"° k11L 92672 -- Laguna Trustees Schedule Study Sessions for Fall . i c.. U..• 2.111 Wa.t • .., ''""" ...,.,. ~I ~ /rtt'WPC>rt l oulov"" N_ .... _; ~ l1V5 kW! NU~•r4 Ct1 mmunic,11l1ons, textbook-'. employ- ment practices. the ITA tin1tial teaching alphabet 1 reading program and school finance \\•ill he t opic~ of .sever.al study stssions of the Laguna Beach Unified School District trustee& during the months of Qctt'!ber and Novl'm be.r. T'rustees Tuesda y night. agreed to • schedule for thl': studies. beginning with communications, Ocl 12. The meeling "·i!l be hl'ld at Top of the \Vltrld School at ft 15 p.m. dirPclly fo11owlng "back to srhool night" at tht ~chool. The "esslo n on ttxtbooks will be held (kt. 27, emplo}ment practices. Nov. 9, IT A reRd ing program. Nov. 23, and 5Chool finance. No\·. 30 All will bt held It the bo11 rd room . 5."iO Bluml'lnt Drive., at 7 :\0 pm ThP cal,nd1r was rtr11~·n up by Bill Thom1 ir;, bo111rd pre~idenl 11nd Superln- lf'nd~nt \Vil liam (Jlll')m aft er llO!icltlng ,.ugg6tlons from olher membtr1 of th1 hoard. . • . Thom11s noted '"J'here 111re many othtr things to study" and uid they would be 6ubject of study sessions 1fttr the first group. A brea kdown of tlw various study session sugg'!stlons by lndlvldual board members is as follows : -Gerald Ltnke : t'xtbooka, te•cher hir· ing, disdpline, homework ind ('('ISt of ITA over the pair;! three yf!ars. -Dr. Norm11n Bro~'Tlt; bolrdsnuMhlp, school fin1nct. personnel ~lection. -Mn. J&ne Boyd: 1tudy over all goals, communlcaUon!I. interview pro- cedure~. trimester. studtnl represen- tativl' lo the M&rd, board credibility with tht eomm uni!y. -Bi ll TOOm•~: feJ:tbOokJ, teachtr hit· Ing. JT A, trimester, f!n11nee. l.11eher- 1a\111 rle~ Thom11~ said he """' unable W ronllet Mrg P1trit'la Giiiette lot her 1u1- !ll':!t1on~ . Democrats Take Edge STANFORD {UPI ) -A total of 11,173 1tudent1 naiat.ered t 0 P1rUcipate. In cl111e1 at Stanford Unlvl!!raily, and 1,6.tt ol them alto reglatued l.o vote during the past few days, the university announced today. Of those who registtred as voters. 69 percent signed as Democrats. 20 per c en l as Rtpublicans. 10 perC'ent a s Jndepende.n ts. aod the rest as mem bers of the Peace and Freedom Party . In the uni\l ers1ty i;tudent enroll- ment, 8,089 were men and 3,064 womtn. Group Hears Capistrano Hospital Vow By PA~ELA BALLAN Of I~• 0•11~ ~11111 lt•fl "Believe me . thre is going to be a hospil;:il in San Juan Capistrano." Frank J. Geli nas, public relatio ns and go vernmental ::1Hairs chairman f or Mission Viejo ~1edical Company. made that vow and told members of the San Juan Ca pistrano Chamber or Commerce . th is morning th11t plans definitely are proceec\ing for Santa Margarita de las Flor<:'5 hospital. Gelinas. however, described a se ries or setbacks whic h have delayed construction but l'iaid he .litill belleve:.. the hospital will be const ructed within the next two years. The Mission Viejo ~1edical Company recently openr.d Mission Community Hospital off Crown Valley Parkway in nearby l\1i ssion Viejo. 'J'hi~ hol'ipi!.al is !o i;erve as a model for lhl' new faci lity to be located on San Juan Creek Road adjacent to the golf course In S<in Juan r.a pistrano. "\Ve purch11~ed thf' land subject to cer- tain cnnditions." sairl Gelinas. "WI'; 'l'.·ent into e.~crnw wilh l\1nrri~ Misbin as the pro- pt"rty owner who filed bankruptcy pro- ceedings just RS v.·e were about to be.gin construction." Recau:i;e of the bankruptcy proceedings, con~truc!inn plan~ ~·ere delayed and !ectilicalities surroundin g the medical C'1JmpMy's "grandf;ilher clause" en- dorsement produced further delays. Ge.\inRs explained that the hospital had bt";en approvE'd tiy the Orange County Comprehensive He.aHh Planning Council but construction had lo have been begun by Jul.v I, J!l71. Because or !he hankruptcy, con- struction had to be put off and the' com· p.any will probahJy now ha ve to go back to tile Health Counri l for official approval to build. ''\Ve are now ~·i1hdrawing our land frflm the bsinkru ptcy parcel." 11airl Celi na~. "Rut if something happE'nS and rvl' decide not to build the hospillll there R•e'll purchase land somewhere elsl': in- San Juan." Gelina!I said his company is convinced that 11:rowth is zerning' in on San .Ju11n Capistrano and a hospital will be needl':d in the area. The hospita l prnposecl will be 11 125-bed acute f11cllity whirh will later include 11 conviilescent fa cility 11s well. Total cost of lhe comhined project has been estimRted ;it $.5 mill io n. Ge linas l'iaid the facll ltv will have I.he "la1cst mediriil equipmerit and \\•ill pr o- vide thr finest services av11ilable. to the cnmmunil v." Ht ~ai<I r>lis~io~ f nmmunily Hospi~al ha~ het'n v.·e!l-rece1ve.d hv the community and ~·ill prnbRhly he ex'paoded to a 250- be.d capacity ne xt year. GEM TALK TODAY by MOit people think of a cameo as a stone with the bead of 11 beauti- ful woman carved on il This ls al· most correct, but not quite. A cameo is the cut, not the a:tone it· self. Cameos come in many different styles. Stone cameos are cut from gem stones like blood stones, tis:er eyes, jade, etc. Shell cameos are carved on pieces of shell, and are perhaps the most common. Coral cameos a.re carved on coral_ There a.re also a s s e m b 1 e d cameos. which mean that. tbe fig· ure 11> carved from one substance and cemented to another. An intaglio is the oppos ite of • cameo, wit.h the carving r«essed • into the stone instead of the stone being carved away from t.he figure- We will be h•PPY I<> 1how you m anv fine cameos and tnt.a&llo!, nll Or whic h a re much more re• sonably priced l.han you may re.a· lize-Many beautiful cameo pieces c~t weU under $25· with much of the price of olher plec&a depend· lng on their settings· Ex-marine Jailed POW Fraud Case Told • Ill By Tbt"; Assoclalt";d Pre15 A convicted bandit with a had condu~t discharge from the ~1ari ne Corps ts Sl'r\'· ing 60 days in Orange Counly Jail an a bad cileck rap, an alleJ:ed profiteer on the Prisoners of War 's pli11:ht The case of Jack K. Armstrong is but one incred ible episode in a nation~·ide survey of con men suspected of preyin~ on campaigns to rnissing, or imprisont'd men ;ind the ir families, Here is the story, the way authorities tell it. The young ·,.,.oman seemed to he fighting back tears as she talked on the telephone about the prisoners of "·ar in Vitlnam. ''Wt";ll . the publishing charge runs a total of S~. and God knows we need the ht";lp if we 're ever goi ng to get our men out of there," she said. That appeal hrought in thousa nds Qf dollars from residents nf Orange Cou nt y, who thought they mi ght help the POWs by p!;icing their names. for $5 each. in an obscure tabloid ca llcrl Veter<1ns Ne~·s. The Orange County Dislril"t Altorney·s Office closed the opcratjnn by court in- junction !his su mmt'r. chargi ng it "'ith "false, fraudulent. deceptive, o r misleading" represe nt.a1ions. c.nd found a co nvicted armed robber jn charge. Veterans News opened its Orange Coun ty operation in J\1ay. Its leader, Jack K. Armstrong. served time in jail during 1965 after pleading guilty to armed robbery. His record also lis!~ a bad·conduct discharge from the Marines and court·martial coovictions for unauthorized absence and the£l of a A5 caliber pistn l. A pool or 70 telephone girls solicilcrl funds for Ve1erans News and 11 tea m of runners pickelup d(lnaiions. s11id James J. Shaw, in ve "gator for lhe district at- torney. The girls, ea h of whom used the name Kath.v J ohnson, told people: ..What. we're doing is prin ting a speei.:il edition of the Vele.rans News fo r the PO\l.'s. \Ve're sen diog copies to e\'ery congressman. senator, AS wrll as to Pre:;idc nl Nixon, the Pope and world leaders everywhere. "Thr reason I called wiis !ri find out 1f "'e. cqu]d print your n11me in a spcc1<1I edition for the PO\\'s and al!i<l if ~·e mig ht be able lo ask you to help us out on the printing costs." After the District Attorney's Office fi!- ed it~ com plaint in Superior Court, Vetera ns News agreed .July 21 to quit 1he solicitation and tn pay Sl.500 to two recognl:r:ed, POW-~A organizatio ns. A final accou nting has not bl"f:n cnm- pleled, but investi,!l:ators i;aid about $10.000 to $!5,000 was taken in by the operation. \ • ' ~fartin Cohen, alloro ey ror the defen. dants, !aid: "I can assure you they did not persona lly profit." Coh en said he ls still trying to pay off the ir cred ito rs. The activities of promoter Al Edv:ard~ also centered partly in Ora nge County. Services Conducted For Alex Brisgalo ff The Re~·. Dmitri Gise1ti cnnducted .ser,·ices this morning in Pacific View Chepel fnr LRguna Bea<;:h photQgrapher Alex Brisga!nff. "'hO died 1\-fonday at his home , 509 Cy press f;1. Mr Brisgaloff is survi1·cd h~· hi~ "'idn\\'. Helen a nd ;i d~uil,hter, Rnnnie Har\Pn . A na!ivP of Rusi;ia, he came. tn Cal1fnrni1 it! l!l2 4 and had li\'cd in Orange County fnr the pa~! 20 \·f'ars County l\trs Stephl'.n Hanson. "'ife of • mlsalng El Torn ~111rlne C.Orps Air Station pilot and board member of POW-MIA lnterna- lional Inc . headqu;ir1ered in Tustin, &a.id Edwarris c<1 rne into 1ourh with her group last February through Riding a restaurateur \Vho sponsored a fund-rais- ing din ner for the organization. "ThC'n he <'a n1e in and said he wanted to help us." said 1-lr~. Hanson. "After the sucressful di nn er. we had no reason to dflubt him. He was going to ini tiatt. some fund-raising project., ... "He was going to revamp !he organiza- tion and go na tional. 'l\'e were going to raise millions. and he "'ould receh'I' 10 percent of the proceeds from the. projects he started. "But he began lo l"laim 10 percent of other projects v.·e had already started," she continued. "The volunteers and fam illes were upset." About th ii; time. lhE' neighbo r of the. PO\V ~'i fe saw Ed"·ards hy coincidence and recognized him -under a different name. A police check showed Edwards was \vanted on chargr.~ of passing b.11d checks, .11 praclice that got him a prison sen1ence in 1959 and two years probation in 1970. With thC collaboration nr PO\V-1'1IA International. Edw ;ltds \vas arrested in mid·Apri\. "Except for the time, worry ::ind trouble. we didn·1 lose vast sums of monev," s<1 id J\lrs. Hanson. Soon af!C'r. free pendin~ a courl ap- per1r<1nccs, l~d"·ard s showed up at I.he Phoenix Are11 Families of PO\\'~. and pcr!iuaded Iha! on.:anization to i;ign a conlr:icl with hi s ShQ"'case Productions fnr 11 benefit performance in July at the 15.fl00.se<1t Phoenix Coliseum . But attendance for two sho~·s totaled fewer th;i n 1.000 persons. Th<' PO\V organization lost $750 it had adv.:inced for Coli seum rent and alsn used it ~ ~1 ,.11l2 shilre or the S6.1M ~ross to pay 0U1cr bill s. Showcase "·ound up owing more lhi'ln .s!'.000. (;erald \\'. Alston. a!lomey for the PO\V group, said th at ;ifter the show "l·:d\vardl'i stu ck around fQr a "'eek, tr_viog 1o pull :;!rings to~C't her." . "H<' ~ot prelt y nasty ::1f1 er it wa s C)l'f"r."' .~aid Alston. "lie ~·as a dm"'ning mP.ri : he had sul- ferf"rl a severe reverse. HP said hP was goini:; to sn1ear us. The n he took a pnwiler '' Back in California in late August. Erlwiirds was sen!enCerl to 60 days in the Orange County Jail for the latest round of bad check s. In recent months thesr case~ have also conic to lii;:h!: -Ao ex-c.'Qnvict operatin.Q: from 11 sue· <"ession of locations has raised large sums with his ch1i m he can negotia te pr isoner release ihrough Asi;in contacts. -A Tex;is promoter lured ;:in Atlanta PO\\' grour into gr:indiose plans fnr a tirnrf1t show, then abruptly depart.l':d town. le:iving a ~1ring of unpaid bills brhind hi1n. ThC're havC' hrcn others, som e suc- cc~sful. ~onie no1 A man \vho claims he's ,11 \a~·yer and lists ii ddresses in Id aho and Amsterdam h:is <ipproilched POW family groups in !\1 1;1ml , Norfolk , \'a . and Phoenix . asklo~ $25.000 to finance ne~otiations \\"ilh Bud· dhist monks to care fnr prisoner.OJ in North Vietna mese camps. So far as i~ knn \1·n. he has n't collected a dime on hi1 p1!r h. Four mrn anrl A 1~·flman . howtver, htred 1eP n-:'li;:E'r~ to S{l!iCil l'ln street cor· ner:r; in .Jackson. ~·f1ss., for the POW ca11se. anri ~ot out nr tnv.'n " step aheiid nf 1hr pnlirr ,,r·-·· .... ,, ,,_. ~ r' .. -1, lectinns. Omege w11tches 11rs alyl ed with classfc elegal'ICe. But. IM!r bt11uty Is more \hi n skirt d111p. That's why Omege·a. r11put1llon !or timekeeping · d1J)lod1bl1!1y Is whhou1 peer. Either ol ttie1t lowly k. brae a let w1tc;has WOlJld Spea lng _COfl'lpllmeritthtwarO'robeol • rMlly wen dressed wom1n. ' of s.. ow cornplale Omega collect Ion 100n.· beautiful features A-1oc 1ofld cold tor1e.l1t .... tell ••••••••••••••.• ''"'°° 1!1 -~2 ~lllllOllCI•. 1~1C ....,~, IJf Y•l1o., 10Ud t<ald b.l.llC•l•t .,111ofl .................. IMO J. C. fi.umphriej JeweferJ 1823 NEWPORT BLV D.'. COSTA ME SA CO NV ENIENl T[lMS IAN(.AM EJ;ICAlD-MA STE• CMAlGE 1~ YU..lS SAME LOCATION PHONl 541 .i~OI 1 .. San Cle111enie Capis1rano VOL. o4, NO . 233 , 5 SECTIONS, 74 PAGES EDITION ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFORNIA WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 19, 1971 T.Uy's ftaal • N.Y. Steeb TEN CENTS Pendleton Marines Still Maintain Beachhead Bv JOHN \'AL TERZA .ot 111• w.111 f'i .. I S!•tl Althollgh it s nC\\" legal 01vners al'e residents of the Stale of l :al ifornia, Sau t-.lateo Canyon and 2.5 n1iles ul covt·Led beaches at Camp Pendleton still re1nai11 in Atarine Corµs control_ And the situation will probably ren1a1!1 so far several more n1onths. a lop.-levf>I .11tate parks official told the DAILY PILOT loday. Deputy State Parks Director Robert ]\!eyer said that unld firm plans ere v.·orked out belwttn the state and Marint' l.:orps on all phuses of !he beach use and <lc\·elopmenl , the situation 1vil l remain .. \·er.v 1nuch status c1uo · Otfit1al le<1ses granting µubhc use of lht' ne\v land~ ror 50 year!\ 111.nd a1nc11ding 1hf' San Onofre l:Uufls Park portion to 5U ) cars as wel l) have been formally s igned. .. Bu1 \l'e have hundreds or details tu v:ot k out before the area can be opened," ~leyer said. Mc said his dep3 rLn1ent has not yel con- tacted farmers holding leases in the ne1v ' • I n't Suspect Endures Court Barrage By TO;\I BARLE\' 01 lhe O•llJ ~!ltl tl•ll A grueling cross exan1 inalion of murder ~uspect t.lark Johnson rcsu1ned today in Orange County Superior Court Y•ith the San Clemente Marine repeatedly denying that he had anything to do \Vilh lhe killing or his pregnant wife. The young l\tarine polieemau. 1."3hH <ind f:Omposed in lhe-11•ilness box . rejected prosecution arg111nen!s lhat he clubbt'd o:ind stabbed Connie Lynne ,John.1;011 to death on June 16, 1970 in the couple's a partment al 416 l\'lonterey Lane. His testimony in court r e j e <· t 11 statements made by hin1 in inltr\•ie\v:o:: taped by San Clemente police and districl a ttorney's investigators in which he ad· milted clubbing his \\'ife with a bar stool after breaking into the: apartment. But those statements have not yel. been declared to be admissible by Judge \\fi!liam l\1urray despite the appeals of Chief Deputy District Attorney .J arne.c;. Enright that. they he accepted A:<: e vidence. Enright. ob1'iously a ngered b~ lhr repeated objections or defense attorney Ray Sharp. appeared to 1nake \"Cry littlr progress this 1norni11g in hi s que stioning of the tall blond military poli<.'Cman. Johnson. 20, could not recall 1na11y. minor details of the events leading lo hj:o:: arrest June 22 and repeatedly denied that he had ever been advised of his right~ prior to int.erview!i v•ith police. dir.trlcl •ttornev·s i n v e s ! i g a t o rs and " ps_vchi3trist. J{e ill accused of bt;1ting h 1,c;. 11 1le 1n10 unconsl·iousness and of then killi ng her Y;ith a but cher knife that, inflie!f'd n1orr than 20 stab wounds R.~ the helplr~~ ~·oman lay spra\vled nn her bed Jt is argued by the prosecution thal Capo Trustees Sho pping Around For Swim Pool Swimming 1sn'l cheap as il u11ed to bt. Although San Clemente:s pool is .~ld, trs no bargain ror the Capistrano Un1f1ed School District. Paced \Vith renewing a conlract with the city to pay $1 ,050 per monlh for stu- dent use of the city pool, members of the board of trustees hive decided to look around for someone to r~ them. Trustee Robert Dahlberg suggested ap- proaching the Missi?~ Vi~jo C?mp~n.v i.•:hich O\\'ns a compellt1on-s1ie sw1mm1n g pool right above Viejo School in tht' district. A comn1it1.et was appointed b,v Chainn•n. Bob lturst to investi gate using the Sierr• Recreation Center pool in r.tlssion Viejo and to attempt· lo nea:otlate the contract with lhe S • n Clemente city officials. "f think $1,000 per month is art..,g· cessive rate.'' said Dahlberg. "Il 's almost prohibitive.·· Hurst sai d the city ha! claime·d that the si:.~e or lhe pool requires a high main· {enance cost. ··t admil they have us over 1 barrel:· be said. Oah\berg added the c:l1y probably finances it., t'n!irt swim program from tu feu it collects from the scl'tool di~~~Y 51y this is their operating cost." said Superintendent Truman Btnt<lict. "I can't refute it·• l~e pointed out !hr rity allowed !hr d istrict Lo use U1c pool two years \\·lthoot charge until la!t ye11-r. Dahlberg s1.id ht would like tn explorr othtr avenues so th11t the high schonJ could havt • w11ter polo te•m a~ \\•eU as a swim lt&JTI • .Johnson, angered by his wife's object ions lo his use of marijuana and her lockini.; Oim out of the · apartment. climbed through the \Yindow and attacked her. lie told police at the liine that he had luund the body Oil his return from dul.v at the &inta Ana t11al"ine <..:orps Air Station It was at first believl'd lhat robbery wa s the 1not1ve for lhe sla y111g, A psychiatrist \1•ho exan1ined .Johnson iu 1he week beforr his arrest testified 1hal. he arrived at the conclusion thal the young ~larine wa s implicated in the kill· ing aller first believing that Johnson was innocent. Dr. ·rtlt'Odore Lindauer said he helped Johnson search near lhe San t:lemente. aparlmenl for the knil"e that the dtten· dant believed he had hidden under a rock . Lindauer also testified that a series of drean1s related to hin1 by the .voung defendant clearly ind icated that Johnson knew a great deal about the murder of his \vifr. Thieu Co1nmands 'Shoot to IGII' S. Viet Rioters SAIGON (AP) -President i\guyen \'an 'T"h ieu today ordered police to ··shoot 10 kill'. antigovcrnmcnt rioters "'ho thro1v Jirebombs or other\v1se endanger hve.~ (.;o\·ernn1en1 s1>0kcs1nan Vu Khanh, <'onl1rming Thieu·:o:: ordr.r, said lhe prr s1· dent told po!lc:c official..-. "\\'e are llv1 n).! •• " period or pot1!1cal danger and IUr!llOii. It JS lhC duty Of pol ite 10 keep nrdl'r. II 1s thei r dutv tn react 1<l ;:i.nv 1 1o le nce. '"\Vhoe1·rr cTealei; v1olenvr 111 lhr streets for l.he purpose of tr.rrons111 mus1 b• severely punished. Those v.ho are caught red-handed burning autos mus! lw :shot on the spot if neeessary." · Theiu made no 1nention of conunuin~ demonstrations aga inst his unopposed candidacy in Sunday·s presidential clec·· lion. . Thieu issued the order to so1nr. ~00 police officials from around the countrv gathered for a meeting at lhe national police headquarters in Saigon. Shortly after the n1eellng , a terrorist bomb exploded in front of a crowded reS"t.aurant in iUburban Gia Dinh, woun- ding 24 persons. all Vietnamese. It was the fourth major terrorist bon1· bing in lhe Saigon area in the past 111'0 weeks. The Gia Dinh Province ch1"f, <..:ol. ~ VRn Tu. sald the wounded included hvr policemen. 14 soldiers, two women, two children and a civilia11 man. Tu said preliminary reports showed no one 1vas killed. SAN JO AQUIN GROWTH TRACED Once the protolype af !lleepy. agrarian Southern Calirornia. lhl' San ,Joaquin Elementary School District has undcrROne atl abrupl transformation. Jt'i now the fastest growing di~trict irr\he state. DAILY PILOT Tl'!porter Pameht Hallan examines !he population ex· plosion which tu1s brought a plethora of growing pains -surh a!I an lncreast from 1.000 to J0,000 ~tudents in th, last six vt.ars -on P311e 13 tod3y. publu: canyon and as yel ha ve Mot set up a formal meeting with lhe ~1arine Corps brass. "\\'e plan to start a series of rneetiug~ as soon as scheduling pern111s ... he said. ··and one of the prune goals will bt lo work oul a salisfactol'y arrangn1ent of publ1e use v•hich would allow the Marint> Coriis to operate nearby v:ith rH1 pro· blems." lie said expert.~ from all phases o( the state park system 11>'ill join in !he meetings. • f\1eyer predicted some sort of an- nouncement on fvrmal opening of Lhc beach and uplands'i'later this year."' The deputy direr\or hinted that despite ihe obvious glee of~·talc official!'! at the new recreational_ wi1 fall. there was l'Oll· srderable d1sappoinl11cnL over the loss of the Trestles surfing beach in U1e deal. The Trestles, known for decades as oue of the slate's best surfing areas, will fa ll into a buffer zone set up for security reasons. separating the presidential com- pound from the public areas downcoast. But 1f security policies governing the President's beach al Co ttons Point are applied to the Trestles. some use might be allo11ed when Ni xon 1s not in residence. . .\l present any l·ivitians caught using the beach are treated as tres.pa$sers and often l"iled u11dcr federal law by Marine Corps personnel. ·'\Ve didn't expeet the Trestles to be Jn- ~·luded in the buffer zone, it turned out a little larger than we originally believed. But we're still delighted at obtaining the rest or the land," Meyer stresud. As for the farms which have operated under government leases for many years in the new public sectors of San Matero Canyon, t.teyer repealed earlier vow~ that the cxisling leases would be bocored until lhe existing lenns e:a:pirr . Arter that, according to state offlciale. the farmers will have to leavt their field?t in the scenic canyon which probably ..tll house parki1g and camping ore.as· for thousands of beach users. • I ar1ne \~ l~:>N '4 ,! " J. -r ... ·"'··r~· ·'· '"t d " " 1 •· t . ' ' I . ' ' ' ' . • I I I I ~ 1,..J, . . .. ' • ·<.' • , . • : " •' ,,. .. _., • ' DAILY •n.or Stiff~ HERITAGE EUCALYPTUS TREES WILL FALL TO WOODSMAN'S AX FOR ROAD ACCESS Oil Obispo RCMld, Skirting C•pi1trano Valley, To &. lmprov1d Rout• To Dan• H•rbor Roadway Trees to Topple Dana Harbur Access Lo Be Snfer, Less Scenic Ori (Jb1spo noad-110"· a wn1d111'1 . dangerous r oad wa y skirting 1hc Capistrano Valley -1vill become a safer, busy access lo Dana Harbor !'loon. But much of it:i; scenery and lowering trees will disappear in the process. Among the victirns of a joint, city of S;in .Juan 1;api~t1·ano-Lounty o! l)rangr prOJCt1. 1,1·ill be dozens of o1d f'UCalyptu!'\ trees which line portions of the existinJ: roadv.·ay. The old w1ndhrcak.~ in county 1crritory !'rst. d1rcrtly in the proPQsed path of the new road alignment and definitely will Caspers Schedules Action 111 Speed Limit Dispute Supervisor Ronald \V. Caspers. who has bten attempting to arbitrate a dispute. bet"·cen the Orange County Traffic Com· 1nittee and a group t1f homeowne~ over stop ~igns and speed limit!! in Capistrano ·~ighlands. has grown a little weary or the debate. He got approval or his fellow board members Tuesday for a public hearing on Oct. I~ to try to settle the iissue. "It Is time these problema are resolv- ed." Caspers said, "We have more im· portant things to do." Chuck \Videntr, president or the Capistrano High~a s Home o w n e·r ~ As50Ciation. said Is group wanted at least two st.op 1s' a placed on hllf·mil~· long P..11cKeniie Streel. between PIJ.;e Road and Co3teau Drive. The traffic ommlttee doe.s not approve. or the stop signs reporting that traffic i~ not within 30 percent of that required Lo ju!'tify ful l~titop intersections. The committee suggest! that the Goon· ty Road Department expedite con- 1!.tl'\Jction of Pasco de Valenci11 in this Lagun• Hills area to reduct: lht traffic lnad on MacKenzie. 'l'ht: eomrnittce also suggests l'losure or temporary a ... ces~ roads that lead directly on to MacKcnzir. But Widener, "'Richard Eubanks and i\lrll .. Joyce Norton. who spoke lo the supervisors. want stop s igns right now. They pointed out that a small girl was in· jured on P.facKenzie recently when struck by a car and they demanded action. Widener presented a petition with 1211 signatures demanding two stop signs and marked. pedestrian cr°'55walks. Vic jo Democrats Sc i Soviet Un.ion TaJk The P.1ission Viejo Dtmocr•lic Club will meet at I p.m. fo'rlday to hear a c.-ollege instructor discus! a recent trip to the Soviet Union. t.'la rgaret Hoettrust. who It a ch e s pcliUcal seience at Golden We!'it College In Huntington Beach, spent mmt of the summer louring 111ld studying the ~ try. The meeting will bt held at the borne of 1'1y Coo ptr, ~101 Spartan St. havr lu gn. say aides ;it tJ1e County Rood 1Jepart1nent. In San .Juan tap1slrano·.s segment of the road, some t rees might remain for B fc1v years. but 1vhen the initial widening or t.wo lanes grows to four. those will disappear as "'ell, city staff members report. The 700.foot county section of Del Obi~po J~oad bel1vcen Blue Fin Drive and the San Juan Capistrano City limits has i O old eucalyptus which will become fi rewood to allow for safer access to the harbor. Construction on the county segment of the road originally had been planned for this year, but much of the $250,000 pro- ject will have to wait until next ye/r. In the city section of the roadway. San .Juan·s $80,000 s hore wilt be put to use in November when councilmen consider contracts to build the two-lane road with new grades, alignments and pavln1. Initially the road will have two new lanes, but grading will be completed for the addition of two more lanes when 1n ore developmemt takes place in the area. Tht> t·ity"s segment will lake in Del Obispo from the Trabuco Creek Bridge to' Camino del Avion. The road has been urmarked '' a ma- jor artery serving Dana Harbor. and county offlclals have predicted soaring use of Del Obispo as the m111rina's facilities $Ire completed. Estimated by l'OUnty ofhcials late: la&t vear said the current s.oeo ·cars per day Using the road~·ay would grow to 2&,000 vthlcles cech day whtn harbor actlvltles get Into full awinG. County Bans All Building Along.Bluffs A 9<klay emergency ban on all con· slruction along the histor ic Dana Point bluffs was ordered by the Board o[ Supervisors Tuesday In a move to protect the scenic cliff!'!. The a ction stemmed from lha can- ctllaUon two weeka •IO by the board o[ an encroachment permit which would have allowed an apartment complex deve.loJ>(!r to cut away !j()ffif! 40 lett of the bluffs. Tuesday's move also ordered the Coun- ty Planning Commission to hold hearing~ as soon as posaible on the creation ot permit regulatiom to protect the bluffs. The 90-day ban implements the coun. ty's new Beach Recreation District which restricts •ny construction along the coastline without a use permit 1'he Dana Point apartment project near Santa Clara Avenue was a plan to build three floo rs (of five) below street level to l.'Onform lo the area's two-story height limit. Supervisor Rona ld Caspers called al· tention to the bluff excavation and got support of the board to cancel the pennit. Imposition of the flO.day ban was sug· gestcd by the planning commission. John Lane, secretary for the commission, said use of !he BRO zone would fore• developers to go before the planning (.'Om· mission for a permit on any project alona: the bluffs top. Caspers said it \\'as unfortunate lat 1he Dana Point ar"a was not. included in the BRO zone "'hen it was adopted two months ago. "There i~ a house being built near Alisn Beach in South Laguna which frighten~ me," said the supervisor. "It is held up by steel pos~ and hangs over the bluff. T fear we are beginning another Malibu mess along our coast." Vote BiH Introduced \\'ASHINGTON IUPI) -Sen. Edward \V. Brooke (R-MaSa.), wants to set a 30- day residency requirement for voters in elect.ions for federaJ office. Brooke in· troduced a bill to that effect Tuesday. He said that unless Congress acts there will bt "injustice as millions of eligible voterir :reek to add their names to the voting rolls in time for tht presidential primaries and general election next year." Sunny skies again today, with increased c~ toni&bt and Thursday. Highs along the cout in the mid-IO's riling to 71 inland. Lows tonight ~ to f2. INSIDE TOD,\Y No molter where vcu. tuni f hi! taeektnd_, ~tre'1 a commun· it11 t~tt1' .liglt.d.~g 1'.P 'its '~~· See Theattr Notfi in todat1'.s e·ntertainme11t iectton, PtJgt 27. •lntlt IC •Mflilll t> (.....,..... t• (tf"-(.,_ 11 CNa .. Vfl II (........ ll•d ~k• • cm.-rt • 0..111 Ht1ic. H Dfwrt:H 14 1411w .. I ,._ f 1...wt ........ ,,. fllllflllft )l.U ..,_ M Allll L4•r• M ... _ . Mtll ... ~lt," llWNt ,.., ,,..,... ,.,..... " ----· .......... Of111M C..MY 14 1r1..i1 ~rtw ,. twtl U•ft °'· ~'"'"' 11 ,,... M.11Mta ... u ·-» :,=: aw: :::"" ..:.."" ·"':: • . • l ' ' • z DA.IL Y PILOT SC \'led~~u. Stplttnbtr 2'. 19)1 Master Plan Snagged (;apistrano School Land 'Too Valuabk' Architects drawing a masttr plan for 'uturt us. ol the old Capi.!ltrano High School alt.e ha ve come to Truste~ of the :api.strano Unified School District with a problem. . Kai P orter of Porter-Jenson architec- :.ur&l firm, told the Board of Trustees -Monday Uu.t the land milht bt trlO val- uable fftr' an .admlnlatrative ctnttr. "Looking at the prope:rty. located nert door tn the old mission. we've decided t.hat ~ as an administrative ce11tt-r might not be: the highest and be~t use for the land," said Poner. ·u~auty Bond' CofC Mulls Landscape R equire1nent Poaibllity ol reqwnng a f1vi:-year ''beauty bond" ta put teeth into city r~ .luiremtol.s for landscaping of properties jeveloped under conditional use permits wi.s mulled by Llguna Beach Chamber of .Ammerce dirtd.ons Tuesday. Dir@eior Rury Lawreace. once more ;e;rvin& 11 t.emporary ehaimian of Ille .:ham'oer'1 beautific1tion committee, on Rhich he has served intermittently for 19 1ean;, suggested such a bond might be Jte. only way to compel maintenance of required landscaping once It Ls installed. Larry Hunt, whose Laguna Canyon ltitb repair business was cited as one of :.M very few examples of continued com- "liiuce wtth beautification goals, told ·.ellow directors, "No one pays any at- entlon to the city's beauUfication re· -11lirementl. They put in a couple of trees lOd that's all. The city canl seem tn n.ake the owners maint.ain what little Jrey do plant and to my knowledge no lrl8' ever revoked a use pennit In t.he 41'!ol• canyon for fa ilure to maintain .andscaplng," Oir~tor GleM Vedder, a former plan· ning commissioner and mayor, noted that the PlaMing Commission. 11.·hlch grant& conditional use permits and reviews landscaping plans , has rio real en- forcement power with reg11.rd to main· tenance once the planting i!I in. ' Major Larry Campbell , chamber dire<:· tor and new member of the PJaMing Commission. said he would like a cMnc.e to look into the problem of the cily"s point <lf view and report, back next month. Lawrence said the beautificatio n com· mittee would agree to this. Director Bernard Syran po inted ()Ut that the city, as well as private property owners, sometimes is guilty of poor maintenance. "When they hu ill the Hillcrest extension behind Boat Canyon they got a slope: easemen t from me,'' said Syfan, "and it was properly planted. J maintain the lower half, which is flourishing. The city 's half looks like hell . .'' Laguna Chamber Prods For Action on Sewers Agree!Jli th.at it is time to "get people aeited " about the Laguna Beach se11.·age j isposal problem, chamber of commerce directora voted Tuesday to address a let· ~er to the city council "encouraging com· J\eUon of studies and plans toward the ~{tUnate goal of upgrading the sewer !)'Jtem as M>On as possible to meet preaent and future needs." · ''This issue needs the attention of eyeryone in Laguna,·· president Roy Marcom told the directors. ..The .:::hamber or Commerce should do whatever Is necessary l<l overcome the problem, Including getting behind a bond jssue U 1t is needed.'' Former mayor Glenn Vedder recalled that solution of the 11ewage disposal pro· blem had long been cited as one or the most important matters facing !he clty. "The W.1.ter Quality Control Board is po inting the finger at us now," s11id Ved· der, "but l'm afraid It may take up to three years to get. this movi ng. We 've got to get people excited about it." Dir~tor Bernard Syfan ~ailf, "\Ve should press for action on a study to ac· tually solve the problem, not just patch things up indefinitely and not just meet minimum alandards, but solve the ultimate problem." Noting that "in ~1alibu the people refuged to pass a bond issue because they said it would just bring mere people to the area," director William Wl'llt ex· preS.lled the view that expansion of se.wage dispo1al capacity is "intertwined with the growth question." People who want to keep Laguna small, Watt sug· gested, may seek to accomplish that end by opposing major expansion <>f the sewage treatme.nt plant. Responding to Watt '• comment, Syf.1.n eirp&nded hia motion that a Jetter be ad· dressed lo the city to specify "upgrading tl'l meet present. and fut.ure needs." Marcom said directors 11hould en· courage Chamber memheri; tn 11.·rite to the City Council seeking aclion on the sewage problem and talk to their friends about it. "Even the young people should get behind this," said Mar com. "if they're interested in clean water at the beach." South Viets Pushing North SAIGON (U PI) -Fifty thous11nd &'>nth Vietnamese backed by U s. combat troops .1.nd heavy U.S air supmrt drove Mrthward from Tay Ninh Cit y1oda.y in a major Cl)UnteroffensivP against !hree North Vietname~e divisions ;ittacking on I.be Cambodian.Vietnam border. The South Vietnamese units hel1e\·ed lo include both infantry and .armor s"'ept oot of Tay Ninh. 50 mil rs nl)rthwest nf Saigon, tnward the Cambod ian rubber plantation tov.TI of Krek , 35 miles a?.'ay along High11.·ay 22. One 11r the larger pitched battles of the war appearNl to be OlAHGI COAST DAILY PILOT .... COAS1' PUILISH IN<t COl.l.PA,llY lo\.ert N. Wood .... os.t Md 11\MltW Joclt R. Cllfl"t VIit ~ .... ir-l! Mml,p~ Tholll•• ICooviJ '"" In lht making. Thi! Communh:ts blnrktd !hr h11::h"·ay Sunday when I.hey opened a borrh~r of· feni;ive which Vietnamese mi 11 tar y leaders said "'as an all.empt to lnfl!rt a dPfeat. that "·nuld emh.arra~!I Prpsident Ngu~•en Van Thieu before hls one·mRn Sunday presidenti al election Tht new drive was Jaunrhed after a da~ lnn,£: pounding of Communist pnsitions along the high"•ay and elSC\\'h('re in Nnr!hern Tay Nirlh Prnvince Figh1e r- bomher~ \\'erP Jn action hut. most helicopter gunships v.·ere $!rounded by bad weather. Front repnrts said thf!I Snulh Vietnamese 11.·ere meeting only light resistance. UPI Corre.spondenl Kenneth J Brarl· rlick reported frorn Tay Ninh that both South Vietnamese and American tron?3 were pouririg intn !he city aboard heliC'opters 111nrl plane.c; .11nd in long col· umns of trucks moving in a steady rain throughout the day. "S6n Juan Is an aW'lkeninl city. Thinp are bttlnnln1 to ·io• in terms tJI devel opment." He said the district WQUld h11 ve a re- 5'pon!llbility to build a11 aestheLically C"flmpaiible building which might be too cogtly. The district's immedia:te nttd -a wareho\Jse -is an even greater con· cern to both district and city. "You ("OU.Id build 11 w.;,;r't:house for S7 a square root but you prnhably would not have a nicf' lnnking building." said Porter. He suggested that !he. ditlrict might <i1c11nt to investigate puttin.2 the 11.·11rl"house elsewhere. rather than down- IOll.'11 San Juan Capistrano, or evm rtnl· in l! a tt mporarv stn.icturt_ Porter al!'lo pOinted out that while mnsi. !!Chool district!'! "1'.ltk to consolidate. their servirts, lhe Capi!tr.!l no dishict i3 in the prnc:eM (If split1inl! theirs. He sugg~ed lhat t!'w! board mi,hl want tn recon!'lider having their warehouse: adr:nini~n.1:i~. and transrortation ~erv:ice-s 1n t.hree. dtf· fl'N'nt areas. "1Vfn~t dic:tricts lrv nl'>t to local,. their admin\!!lrativ,. renter in thf> middle n' a city_ M~t irv to lnca1e in the cen_D?r nf l,hPir di sl.rirL but ~0mev.·here out in the fri.,~e-s nf the citv " J{e said if the district did thi s It C(IUJd avoirl troffic problPms. could be able to 1,.1 the v11lue of the C11pi5tr11no School site grnw. and would not be locating in down· to11.·n Sa n .J ua n. The board direc:ted Por!Pr lo rome bark at 11 future m,.eting with 11 re.com· m,.,...iation 11nd :.1'1 nulline nf nptions. "WP'll hf' f1""dinl! ihe site ll S II SC'hOl'I for ai lra~t tivP mor,. years anvwa v." ~aid Superintendent 1'nlman Re.nediC't. ;,But ~e have an immediate nttd for a wore:house." Historical Unit Names Directors In Laguna Beach Oirtttors have been elected Ill plM thfl activities of the Laguna Beach Com· munlty Historical Society, president, Harry Jeffrey, has announced. Joining Jeffrey on the esecutive board are Bea Whittlesey, vice president; Ruth f.1orrow, secretary; Catherine MacQuar- rie, treasurer. and dirtctors Cliff C.ve, Genevieve Daniels, Andrew Hubb le, Van King, and Susie Millette. The historical society, Jeffrey added . is planning a Thurston CenteruUal Week, Nov. 14 through Nov. 20, to commemorate the arrival of the Joe Thurston family In Aliso Oinyon 100 yeani ago. A dinner will be hflld Nov. 14 at Ben Brown's Restaurant near the 11ite of the Thursl.on home . Presentations will be m.11de on the Thurston family and early Laguna, supplemented with o Id photographs and walking tours of Aliso Canyon. PE Exemption Request Nixed A Tustin High School glrl has been d~ nied permission by ~hool tru!tees to to drop her n:ogular physical educatlon class in favor of 11 tltndin.R: a tion·school· r;pon~ored R)'m11astics c11'ss. . The i;ophomore student. Lynn ft<J\'in, hart pt>lll1ont>d the hoard Mond~y nighL for a PE class '<''/l iver. Hnwever, Tus!1n Union High &hool Di~tric-t nff1cials rt>- commPnded a.1:a insr such 11 wa iver. C'fln· te ndinp_ .such 11c1ion W011lrl opPl\ thr: door for other students wanting nut of PF. cla~~Ps. If the request wi.~ den ied , thP girl tnlrl I.he board. ~he woulrl he fnrred to rlrl'lp _. science cla~~ in ()Tder 111 leave schMI el!lrly fClr I.ht gymna~tic!I tr11 lning vdt.h her private instructor. Trustees were split 2·2 on the issu"· with nne board member absent. sii the w11Jver was automatically denied. Agnew Slates Visits W ASHTNGTON I AP ) -Vi~ Presidenl Spiro T. Agnew will visit Turkey and Greece. ln Septe.mber to confer with the f\vo NATO allies, the White House hu announced. ~Pl'IOI A. M1N11~i111 I lo\aNlltl¥ f:dl~ a.A.. H. loot Jlic~•"' P. Nell ~ #lllllD"-i IEd!IDn. Liit-IMdl Offkao \ 222 hr.rt Av11111 , --"""" . fl 11::S'~:1::*'~29:1~2 Laguna T1·ustees Schedule Study Sessio11s for Fall -% Diii .,,... IXI Wnl lrt lnwt -..., 9"Ml'I~ a>n ,......,..,, ,...,,,,,.rd ~ ~ \1171 ..... &aui.v.rd ~ • • • . , , ' l ~ .. ' .. :~ .. ., :~ .( :·: r..ommunic11tions, lextbooks. employ· mtnt practiC'e5, the !TA (initial teaching alphabel t reading program and AChonl finance will be. topic s of several 11tudy sesslQns or the Laguna Beach Unified School Oiid rict tru~lees during the month~ nf Ortobf.:r and November. Trustees Tut!!day night l'lgreed to • schedule for the studies, beginning with C'Ommunir.a.tions. Oct 12. The meeting will be held lit Top of the \Vorld Schnol at 8 IS pm d1rtclly lnHnwinK "back to Khool night" 1t the 11ehool. The session on leX1 books will ~ held Oct. 27 : e.mployment practice,,, Nov 9; IT A reading program, Nnv ti. 11nd school fin11.n<'e. No,· 30 All v.·111 he. he ld 1t lhc bo11rd room. MO Blumont Drive. at 7 .,o p.m Tht calend11r was drawn up by 8\11 Thom11.s, bo11rd presii1ent 11nd Superin- tendent \Vill iam Ull(lm alter !l(l\lr..lfing liu1.u:estions frnm other mr.mbers of lhe board. ' Thomas ncMM "TlleN: are many tther things to study" and 11ald they would b9 !lubject or study aesslons after the first croup. A breakdown nf thP. •arinua atudy ~ession suggestions by individual board members is as fo\1011.·1: -Ce.raid Linke : f.eic tboob, te11cher hir· ing. dl"K"ipline. homtv.-erk ind cost of ITA o\·er the past thrtt years. -Dr. NormAn Browne: bolr&m•n1hip, school finance. pe.r~nntl selM:tion. -Mn. Jane Boyd: study ove.r •II goAls, communic11,tlons. lntervie.w pm- cedure.s, trimeMer, student represen- tath·e to the board. bollrd credibility wllh the community. -Bill Thom111: testboob. ttat her hlr· ing. ITA, trime1tf!r, fJnanet, teacher 1111ariN. Thomas s.aid he WM un1ble tt'I con~(t Mr' P11tricia Gillette. for her aug· R'!!tiCln!I Democra~ Take Edge STANFORD (UPI ) -A tot&.I of 11,173 students rtlistered to pa rt.idpate in classt:ll' at Stanford Unlv~1lty, and 1,632 of them also registered to vote during the past few days, lhe university announced today. Of those who registered as voters. 69 percent signed as Democr1tts. 20 p e r e e n l as Rtpubllcans. 10 percent a 1 Independents, and the rest as members of the Peace and freedom Party. In the wtiversity student enroll· mf!nl , 8,089 were men and 3.oa.4 women Group Hears Capistrano Hospital Vow By rAr.1ELA RALL.A N • Ct tho 011>• '°llo! $h !I "Belie ve me. !.hre is i.:oing lo be a hospi!al in San .Juan Capistrano." Frank J. Gelinas, public relations and governmental affairs chairman r or ~tission Viejo f.1ed ical Company, made that vow and l1Jld members or the San J uan Capistrano rnamber of Commerce th is morn ing that plans definitely are proceeding for Santa l\largarita de las Flores hospital . Ge.linas, hnl',.e.ver. described a series of setbacks whiC'h have delayed construction but said he still believ es the hospital will be constructed with in the next two ye.ars. The Missi11n Viejo Medical Company recenlJy openr.d Mis..-;jon Community Hospital off Crown Valley Parkway in nearby Mission Viejo. Thil'I hospital is lo serve a~ a mode.1 for the new facil ity lo he located nn San Juan Creek Road adjacent to lhe golf course in San Juan Capistrano. "We purchRsed the land subject. to cer. lain condition.~." i;aid Gelinl!ls. ''We went inW escrow with Morris Misbin a.~ the. pro. perty owner v.•hn filed bankruptcy pro- ceedings just as we were about to begin construction." Because of the bankruptcy proceedings. constructi(ln plang were delayed and technicalities surrounding the medical comp&ny's ''grandfather clause" en. dorsement produced further delays. Gelinas explained that the hospital had been 11pprovecl by the Orange County Comprehenaive Health Planning Council but construction had to have been begun by July I, J971. Because of the. bankruptcy, con- 11tructlon had to be put (lff and the com- pany will probably now have to go back to the Health Council for official approval to bulld. ··we are now wi!hdrawing ou r land from the bankruptcy parcel ," said Gelina~. "But If something happens and .,~ df!Cide noi to build the hoopit11l there we'll purch11se land l'iomewhere el!e in· San Juan.·• Gelina~ said his company is convinced that growth is zerning in on San Juan Capistrano <1nd a hospital will be ne.eded in the area. The hospital proposed will be 8 l2&-be.d acute. fa cility wh ich v.•il l later include a convalescent facility as we.II. Total cost nf the rnmhined project has been t stim11.led Al $~ millio n. Gelinas said the facility "·ill ha\"e the "l;itest medirt1I equipment and 11.•ill pro- vide the finest services a\·ailable to the cnn1munilv " Hr i:.aid. Mi!!sion fommun1t~· Hos pita l ha."1 heen well-rece1vt d by the community <'Ind will probably be espanded lo a 250- berl capacity next ye~r. E.r-marine l•iled POW Fraud Case Told • Ill By The ~tsociated Press A convicted bandit with a bad C'onduct discharge from lhe fl.1ar int' Corps is serv· ing fi(] days 1n Orange County Jail on a bad cheek rap. an alleged profiteer on the Prisoners of War's plight. The. case of Jack K. Armstrong is but one incredible episode in a nat1 oowide su rvey of con men suspected of preying on campaigns to missing, or irnprisoned men and their fam ilies. Here is the story, the w.11y authori ties tell it. The young 11.·oman see.med to be fighting bl'lck tears as she tal ked on the telephone about lhe prisoners of ~·ar in Vietnam. "Well . the publishing charge runs a total of $5, .11nd God knows wr need the help if we 're ever going tn get our men out of thert,'" she. said. That appeal brought in thous1-1nds or dollar!'I from residents of Ortin~e Coun!y . who lhought they might hrlp the PO\Vs by placing their nflnH'~. fnr i ;, each, ln tin obscure tabloid call ed Veterans Ne\\'S. The Orange Coun!y District Att orne.\·'s Qf(ice closed the operation hy C'nurt in· junction this summer, charging it with ''false. fraudulen t, decept ive. or misleading" represt•ntat1ons. ;.nd round a convicled armed r(lhber in charAe . Veterans News opened its Orange County operation in f.1 ay . Its leader. Jack K. Arn1strong. SPrved lime in jail during 1965 after pleading guilty lo armed robbery. His rt'<'Ord also lists a bad-conduct discharge from the Marines and courl·martial convictions fnr unauthorized absence and lhefl of a .4.i caliber pistol. A pool nf 1n tel ephone girls solirited funds for Velerans News and a learn of runners pic ked up donat ion~, said .James J. Sha\\'. investigator for the district al· lnrney . The girl s, c;1ch nl whom used the name Kathy Johnso n, lnlrl j)(!<lple · "Whal we're doing is print ing a spec:ial edition of the Veterans News for the POWs. We're sending copies to every congressman. senalllr. as well as to President Nixon. the Pnpe and world leaders everywhere. "The rcasn n I cal led was to find out 1f we could pri nt y1Jur name 1n a specitil edition ror the POW!! anrl also if we might be able to ask you to help us nut on the printing c(lsts ." After the District Altorne.v's Off ice hi· ed it..o; r0mpla inl in Superior Court, Veterans New~ agreed July 21 tn quit the snlicilatioo and to pa~' ~1.:'iOO tn two recognlzed POW·f..11A organiza1ions. A final accounlini:: hsis not becii.com· pleted . but. investi~ator~ said l:lbout $10,000 lo $1~,000 was t;iken 1n hy the operation. Martin Cohen. atl.nrney for the defen· dants 1 said : "I ca n assure ynu lhey did not persona!ly profit." Coh eJI sa1rl he is sllll trying to pay off thf'ir creditors. The ;icti vi!ies of pr<lmoler Al Edwards also centered partly in Orange Cou nty. Se r,,ices Co nductecl For Alex Brisgaloff ThP Rev. Dm ilri Gisetti C'ondurl.ed servic!'s thi!I morning in Pacific View Chapel fnr Laguna Beach phntQJ.!rapher Alex Brisgalnff. whn dif'd ~londay at his h"me, !'i09 Cypress ~t. Mr. Br isgaloff i!! ~1 1rvi11fld h\• his 11.·irlo11.', Helen and a daughter . R0nn1e HArlen. A n-lfive nf Ru ssia, he came tn Californi;i in 1924 and harl \n•ed in Orange Coun1y fnr the pai:-1 21\ ~·car.~. County Mrs. Stephen Hanson, wire of a missing El Toro l\1arlne Corps Air Station pilot and hoard member of POW-MIA lnteanA· linnal lnc,, headquartered 1n Tustin, said Edwardir; came. into tou(·ll 11.·lth her group last F'ebruary through aiding a restaurateur who sponsored 8 fund·rals· ing dinner for the organization. "'Then he came in and s<11d he wanted to help us." said l\1rs. Hanson . "After the sucC'essful dinner, 11.·e had no reason to doubt hi m. He tA'as ~ning to ini tiatP some fund·raising projects." "He wa s goin~ lo revam p th e organlr.a· Lion and go national. "'e "·ere going t.G raise millions, and he would reC'eive 10 percent of th e proceeds from the projects he started. "But he be,l!an lo cla im 10 perce nt of other projects 1ve had already started." ~he ronlint1ed _ "The volunteers and fanii iies were upset." About thi:;. lime. the neighbor of the POIV wife saw Edwards by cnincidence and re cognized him -und er a different nam e. A police thC'ck showed Edwards was wanted on charges of p<1sslng bad checks, a practice that got him a prison sentence in 1959 and two years probation in 1970. "'ith the rollabora1 io n nf POW·MlA Jnternal1onal. Ed\\·arcls v.•as arrested in mid.April. "Excepl for the time. worry and !rouble. \l'C didn 't l0se vast sums o( mon<'y,'' ,c;aid ~1rs. Haos0n. Soon afler. free pending a court ap- pearanC'es. Edwards showed up at the Phl)Cni x Area families nf POWs. and pl'r.~Ll.<1dcd th;it nrganiz:il irin to si,lln a C"Ontrnct \\'i th hi~ Showease Productions for a bt>nef11 pcrf0rmrtnrc in Jul~· al the 1.S.®seal Phoeni x Coli.c;eun1 . Rut at!Pnrlnnre rnr !wo sho"'S totaled fewer than 1.000 persons. The PO\V Qrgnni1a!i11n lns l ~750 it. h11d ndvanced fnr Coli seum ren1 and alsn used i!~ $1JR2 share of the $6.llill ~rnss to pay othe r bills. Sho\vcase wound up c"'ing mnre than sa .ooo (;erald \V. A!stnn. att nrnf'y for 1he PO\V group. said that af1er the shnw "Edwards stuck arnund for a week. Irving In pull i;tring~ t.0~ctht>r '' ···Jle g0t pretlv na sty after it was ()\'f'r," s::i id Alston "He was a drowning m<>11 : he had suf· fl"rrd a scveri" reversP HP said he wa.s gning tn smf'ar us , Then he took 11 Jl"WdE'r .·· Rack in California 1n late August. Edwards w<1s senteocerl to 60 days In the Oranf"e County ,Jail fnr the latest round nl bad check~. In recent months these ca:-;es have also CO!J11' In lii::ht : -An CJl:·('onvict op<'rat1n,1t from a soc· C'essi0n of IOC"atinns has raised lar~e sums \vi1i1 hi~ cl aim he can negntiate prisoner re)ease thr0ugh A~ian contacts. -A Texa s rron1ntcr 111rr(I ::in Atl11nla PO\\' ~roup into grandir..~e plans lnr a henefil shnw. th en abrunlly rlepart.ed town , lr;:1ving a ~tr \ng of unpaid hills brhind him. There have: bC'cn othrrs. some s11c- t·cc;.sf11I, slimr not A man \1•ho clairn!i he'~ a la""'YC'r and lists addre~~l'!i in Idaho ;:tnrl Amsterrlam has :ipproarhed row family groups in 1\liami. N(lrfolk. Va . and Phoenix. a!lkin~ $25.000 tn finance ne,itnliation!i v.·ith Bud· dh ist mon ks In care fnr prisoners in l\Jort h Vietname~P ramp!!. So fBr BS i~ kon11·n . he ha~n'l collec1ed a dimr on his pitrh Four mPn anrt R 11·nman, hnwt ver. h1rrfl tcen·a!!:er~ In ~nl1C'11 nn stree1 cnr· rirr~ in .larl\~nri. j\.f 1c;.~ . fo r !hr POW 1e1use. and l!Ot 11ut "f to11.·n 11 5lf'p 111hea<i r.f th<> f)llllr<> ~'' -'1 ·-,.. •• • "' ~-1. \cr!ions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .......... .,,~~~ ................. , GEM TALK TODAY by MOit people. think of a cameo as a stone with the heltd of ll: beaut.i+- ful woman carved on it. This is al· most correct. but not quite. A cameo is the cut, not the ~:tone it· self. Cameos come in many different styles. Stone cameos are cut from gem lilones like blood stones, tiger eyes, jade, etc . .Shell cameOs are carved on pieces or !'iheU , and are perhaps I.he most common. Coral cameos ere carved on coral. There are also •f11flmbltd cameos, Which mean that the fil"" ure is carved from one substance and cemented to another . An intaglio Is the opposite ot a cameo, with the. carving rece~1ed into thfl ;ri;tone instead of the stone being carved away from the figure- We will be happy to •bow 1"" many fine ca_meos and intaghos, all of which are much more rea- !'IOTIAhly priced. than you may. ru- llu-MM y M:autiCuJ cameo pieces ('(")gt well under $25-with m uch ol. the pri~ of other pieces depend· ing on their settings· OOMEGA Omega watches ara aly1ed Yfitt1 clas11c elagartee. But, lhflr beauty Is more tha n •kin • dee p. Thar a why Omeg1·1• n putatlon for llmekaaplng• depend.ability 11 without !)Mr. Speaking of beautiful features Ellhe1 qt ttiese lov1ly br1c111t li'a1ch11 Yfovld ciompllrnant the w1rdrobe 01 a rul!y well dre1Hd womtrr. SM our compla11 O~a colleetiOl'I aoon.: .a -1ut •olld 1otd b••e•ht .,.iel'I •••.••••••• , ••••• sxa e-n dl•,,.~~d•. ,,I( .. ~h• 111 )l !lo• •olld go!(I IH IC•l•t .... ell •••••••••••••••••• SMQ J. c. 1823 NEWPORT BLVD ., COSTA MESA CONVENIEJ'rt l l lMS 1.Am'AM EllCAR~MASfER Ct-IA~Gf 24 YEA•S SAME LOCATION ,1-fQl>I( 541.1•01 l I I , Ma ny B argains. Now Is the Time To Lo ok Ahead NEW YORK (AP\ -Now is lhe time lo be th inking of Christmas shopping, income taxes and vacations. Absurd . yuu say. But It isnl lf you count your dollars and your comfort. The ~rson who does his Chr1stn1as shopping now in· stead or in Dt>c·einber will avoid the l'fO\\ds 10 the stores, "'on't ho\'e to worry about catalog-ordered goods arriving l:He and very well might avoid higher pr ites, loo. Thi.5 is just one of the techniques used by a minori!y of Americans "'ho plan ahead, reducing in the process !he surprises ;incl ten.~ions or Jas!- minute moves but easing the strain on pulse and pocket· book. In fart. !he family that makes a rule of doing its shop- ping out of season is li kely to reap rewards. Right no"·· for exa n1plc, some i;tores are sel· ling golf clubs at reduced prices _ Same for summer clot hing and other seasonal goods. In many siores you can ob- tain low prices on appliances and telel'is1on sets because ol model chan~eovers. But try getting the same prices next January v:hen the football bowl games and festivals are being shO\O.'ll- A season for vacations? Cer· lain!y .. Who says lhe season ends on Labor Day? Certainly nnt natUrE', who~e equinox isn't. reached until Sept. 23. School officinls are the most likely candidates for blame. l\1any vacation :treas drop their pr ices s h a r p I y im· 1ncdiately after Labor Day , \1·hich means that parents 11·hose children :ire J;lro wn and paren1s ll'h(lse ki ds ar"n·t of school ::iJ,!e can e n j o ,v themselves ~act>fulty a n d parslmoo1ous!v. LEGAL NOTICE " 13111 f'ICflTIOUS IUSl"IE SI NAME ~T.t.rEMENT T~~ lo!low.ng o•n on I• ao•no bulonus I I' GILBEllT ~TOllE 5, ~" O<lll•nY P•rt llOIJ I!, C•P•t"•"" B e 1 c 'I , c1r•tl!'nl• GILBEll;T 5 IO·l\c ~TOll:ES. Ito!(' '"' '" ~••nAn<lo llo•d. Glen1Ul1. (.alllarnl1 t1)GI. Gdttrrl !-10·lk $10'"'· ..... B• LeMa•a N. G<11>1:fr Pro\ICl•nr Tni\ •Toltm•nl w•• !•l'n woln 1~• (OU n " (Itri " Or~nO• (<lUn!v "' ~~p!, '· 1911 '}11.0C GOLD "" ,EDJll. A11V•. Sult• Int l tot ...... w. •' ,~. 11.,. Lo• .1.n .. 1e1, C1!11. to0ol1 PuNl•~N! Or•nOt Ce•1! O•llv PH01. !iCD1"m~tr "· " '"' Oc!oC.• • "· 1911 l6~7-'1 LEGAL NOTICE STATEME NT "' WIT HOll ... W.t.L l'llOM l'AllT"I EllSHIP OP&ll.1.TOIO Ul.I OEll l'l (TITIOUS eu~IN l!.SS "IAMI!' lh• lalla,,.ino Ll•r>on• ''"'' ,.,onorown I ! • otn•tll D•<lnrr ••om ,.. P•''""'n;p noer """q uno•r ... ! t!H ooUI l>v .. nn • n1m• "'"(EC PPOOU(llON~. o! 966l l • Gr.r.0<1• AVP , Founl•in V•l<t•. (•Ill T>•• •·•"'"''" ~ ....... _" ••m• ..•.. ,., ... , '"' th• o•rlnr••~•P w~• Ult<! on Jonuorv l \, 1'71 In '"• C<IU"1V o• O•ono•. ~u!I ··-1nd 100,.,. ar m1 <ltrson1 .................. 9 [:!"""'" /.\ <tw•••"'· 9•~l LI G••ne•u '"' Fn~"'"'" Voll•• (~hi Oonn• J St V"lnU' ~bill l • G•1n1n• •vr , roun· '"'" V1li•V, (•hi '" J""n•on. 19912 au~n""' "-•• """''""'"" B"''"• c1 1o• 0(1f'n• J ~ ......... "' I-' '" ,,...., IJ••"<>• (~~" O••lv PllM t •r<•>ntor " "· . ~ o~'"""' • " !>/! 760111 --- l.EGAL fl.'OTICE . -'T.t.TEME"IT " ... a ..... oO l<Ml!"IT 0, "' "' FICTITIOU! BUSI Nl!'SS "IAM r !no IOl'nW>~o 0•<1nn ""' •Dono~neo •n~ VI• nt 1n• 'foii.o,.~ b•"'"'" """' "' M UF~l EI> ~i-1(\P AOV -"l(E MUl'~LEll 1;.I~\ R•~cn 61Vd • 1-lUn\,nClo~ Bttth. (•h''"""'' lh• t•ct•hnU• hu\ ""'' ""n'• "''""" to •t><lY• ... ...... '" o .. nQ• Co,,nrv '" "'""" I\. '~" I"',.,. D "~"'k'"'· 1•h)\ Ln1 S•rr&n!>I. L&Qun• .;,au•! (•l,tn•n•• ,,.,, """""" '""' conau~IM bv '" In. <ll~•du•' J••·v o ~~& ... 1,.. "ubl,.n•d O••nao Co••I O•'IY ~1101. ~to!•mM• "· "· ·~ Or•on., • " \011 1601·11 - LEGAL NOTICE -, n111 ,ICTITIOUS IUll"IE 'S N ... lo'l6" •T ATIMl.NT ,., loll~'°' Ing """"" 11 oolnt bv11.,.u ... Cl!ESTLl,_,E l!U~!l<[~S <ORMS, "11 Annlk O•·Vf, Hun!ontlon a •• ,,,, " f76M. '~" l-l1rrour1 Mt •\I>, .,,, Annlk o"""· 1-<unhng!on """'~ " o~ ... Tl>•• t>u11ntt1 II M•nt con<lv<!fd bv on lna1vlC!u1• JMn 1-'or<ourt M••1n r~•• "'"'"''""' ti!•~ wun '"' Counlv (Irr~ ~ 0•1nc1 C<>11nlV on ~."1. 1), 1'11 ,, B!~trly , M•nOa• °"oulv Co11n•v C••r• Pyt>lf•h•CI Or•nco Co••t D•llv .. ,..,, '•nttmbor "· "· " . ~ Ck•ol>o• •• UI\ ;Jq .11 LEGAL NOTICE lf.1.TIMINT 0' Al.t.NOONMl!NT O' UJ-! 0 1' ,ICflTIOUS lUSl NESI NAMI! Tl''-!ol~ll'C OOrll>'> hlo' •blne!Of>IHI ln1 , .. ,, '"' !lc!l!iflUI bu1ln•H .. ~ .. VANCE MUFF LE ll: -'II'£. Fl•ll S!rttt, S•"l l An•. C•ll!(l(nl• ft-@ lk •lllll<J' bul ll'•ll n•rn• r•l•tr<td lo •bO•• ... tiled '" 0••1'91 Cou,,11 ~ J1nu1N 1!, 1n1. Jt "• 0 1-10 .. -ln•, 1"636 LOii ''"t ne1. LIOU""' Nl1u•I, (•Ill . l~ll bull1'tH "Wt< C-U(lod bY ·~ 11'· dlvodl!•I. Jt1t• 0 l-l•w~ln• •ubll•""" O••nt• Co11t 0111 .. ~llot ~·~1"'1bt• "' ... ·~ 0<-1.,.,.. .. "· "" UOJ-11 LEGAL NOTICE , 1n" ,ICf!T!OUS lUit"l!IJ ...... ,.,.. 1T•Tl "lllNf '~ rollowln• porion " (!Oln1 hut! ..... '" w11.1or•5T MA•l.,E . 1111 •lt(fl'llf ,,_._,, . Cn•I• Mfo\1. Ju<hl'n Wl•d G•t 'll, " "' "' V•,,li o. Col•! II'•• &Y<ln•n " b••n• <""O~ttf'(I ~¥ ti' ln<11vldU•1 Jv~•nn w t;•o•! Tl'•• ot•!&"''"' Ill~ ... ,,,. '"• CllUl'IY (Irr~ O! 0•1,t• (CIJMV •I' l•n,.,.,91, P. lt11 ftv B1vf"" J Mt~l!Q• 0-outv '""" "" ( .. , .. f'<iftPloP,•~ C• •no• (n••' O•llv f'11n1 '•D'"T'D-0• "· " '" 011n~"' • " 101 111111 Mranwhile, the f'xtren1ist among pla nners ran even prepare for next yea r's vaca· !inn hy <'On\·incing lhe nwner of a fa vorlle cottage that. was al'>.·ays sought and usually missed to book him for ne xt year. ~!any cottage proprietors won't consider a year·l~ter booking early in the season. They 're too busy "·ith current business to think ahead. But in the fa ll they ha ve the lime and the inclination to do so. If the renter is an especially pursua si1·e individual. t he landlord might e11en be talked inln this )'ear's prices for next year's se::ison. A price freeze exists now but it mav nol in 1972. Sign today and y0u might get a bargain. And taxes? The wav to reduce taxes is lo incfease deductions and the wav tn in- crease deductions is bY taking lo..~ses on inve,<;lments or in- curring added e x p e n s e s , preferably lhrough planned in. vestments. Millions of stockholders v,<ait until Decen1ber tn review their portfolios and cut out the dried husks of stocks that never bloomed . Their intention is to reduce their April 15 tax bilL But. in waiting until the final few days or "·eeks to get rid of stocks that ha\'e had a bad time of it "and ..,,·hich ;>.ren't likely to risr for av:llll(', they are almost assur ing then1se lves of e\-en la q~er losses than they need to take. Instead of waiting, why not de1ermlne which stocks show little prospect of rising frnm their depressed le vel and sell now? Wait unlil December and the selling pressure frotn pco-- ple with similar mot ives might push the price do\\'n e\'en 1nnre_ It generally happens. J.11 te in the year, investm ent ;id\·isers tell us, many people beco me horrified by the pro- spect of next year's tax bill. In a panic they seek tax shelters, but oflen theY are too late. And often also they buy without considering the real pOlential or the ir investment. In olher \\'Ords. an in· vestment meant solely to reduce taxes often can lead 1n niore lroub!e !(, in haste and greed, the investor nl'erlooks the fundamental quali ties. And the later the mo nth the great.tr the risk that this might happen. Creclit Union Snvings in Sh<1rp J11.11ip Savini:-s in credit unions in the Un 1!('d Stat('S gre..,,· in 1!170 at a near-record rate .... ·hich exrceded loans growlh for the fi rs t lime since 19fii. <H'- cording tu ofhc1al f1gurr~ 1n the Cred11 Un1r1n Yearbr/IJk 1971 puhlishcd hy lhe (rPdit Unio n National Association, Jnr . fieflecting the i:ener:il roo- s11111er resi~lance 1n new spen- ding already evident lfl~t ye;i r, the savings grnw1h was e\·en la rger than 1he preliminary year-end esttrna1cs by CUN A. The CUN A stati~tics ar·e for all credit un1onE. 1nrlud1ni;: federal and state-chartered units. 52.vings in crffi11 union.~ in· creased by $l 8 hi Ilion t 13 1 t percent 1. com pared lo Sl 3 bilhon ~ 10.91 percent l in 1969, lor a new record total of St a fl billion. The record rate of sa\'· ings growth !13 .81 per<'<!nl) was set In 1963. Loans outstanding increased by $1.2 billion ~9.01 pe rcent l to " new record tol al of $14.l billion at year-end 1970. con1- pared to an increase of Sl.7 billion t 14.fi!I percent ) in 1969. U.S. credit union assets 5':rew by $2 billion 112.91 per- cenl ) compared wilh Sl.6 billion ( 11.66 percen11 in 196!1, bringing the new tota l lo near· Jy S18 billion. For the sixth year ·in a row, U.S. credit union me.mbership growth topped a million ptr veoir. but did not. retich the record increa~e of 1.5 million set in 1969 The 1970 gro~th y,·es 1.2 million, for 1 ne'A' U.S. total o( 22 8 million members &I year end. But for lhe first time in re- cent history, there were. fewe.r U.S. credit un ions at I.he close of the. year th11n 11t lts begin· ninFt. The: total .nu mber of US. crt.dit uninns at the end of 1970 wu 23.731. 11 dT(lp of 145 rrom 8 year earlier~ Wh ile organi7.a- 11on or n~· crtdil unions cnn· linuerl. mergers o cc u r red amoni:i credit union.~ and there. were l!qu1dal.t1'ns from p1'1nt rln~inc~ cnus"ri hy generA1 "co~om1c ('Ondillons • Golde n S olut ion i.o Crisis Price Nations Pla ce on Precious Meuil Major Issue !':EW YORK (AP I -The chlef bar I') a snlutlon of the world money cri!ls is a gold one. There are ·both real and syn1bol1c problems attached to what pnce the nal1ons of the 1\·orld should put on a pile of ·the precious rnetal about the size of two r110\'1 ng vans. The rnetal is the An1erican gold stock , $10 b1H1nn worth. That's rnore J?,old than an y country has. An1e r1ca want5 to kf'ep on pretendrng it's \l'Orlh $.15 fin nun1·e, but !he rest of the ""'Orld puts a $42 \'alue on it. In other words. thev put a lower v::i lue fln the dollar in relflfion 10 gold . Aside from !he prit'e of gold, a solu!ion of tht> current money tr ouhles seen1s simple enough The l'nitt>d States wants nthC'r counlrles to raise !he va lue nf their currencies so it \\'111 he casiC'r for the l'nited Staf('s to sell lo them ;:ind so their cxpor·ts lo the Uni ted States will cost morr. Those co1u11ries sav !he y 1\'i1t change their currencieS· va lues if the United Stat.es wi ll c·ancel its extra 10 percent tariff on in1 ports ordered by Pre'sident Nixon. The United Stitles already has t:iid It would ce.ncel tht tax If the revaluations are n1ade. Thus each side has agreed lo one t'Ondition St'l bv lhe other. But the olher c·otln trics also want the ·united St1-1te:; to increase the value of gold . The United States refuses. One reason is that earlier thi5 year the U.S. government repeated- ly sa id the go!d price would not he ch11nged. Apparently It feels 1L should stick hy thi! dttlaration. Another rea~n is pride . To raise the price of ~old would be a formal admission ihat the dollar is worth h•ss than it Saddleback Ai·ca Gets 'Sky&crapcr' ~ was . Rul therl! ii; ;ilso a m111ter of pride on the other side. Speakt'rs at a recent economic t'Qnference of the European countries .s11id lhat 1he United States •·should sl1are the burden" or 11n.v new ninney alignment. Thal n1eant that since other countries would ha vt' fe \l'Cr exports to the United States, the United States should bf' ""'llling to ad· mil the fa ll 1n the value of the dollar. An1erican econornists deren· ding the present gold pnce 5ay the o!her side just wants to punish Amer ica for spending 1nnre overseas than il earns from it.s exports. l l o~·ever, rPg11rdle!'>s n f 'A'hether the trnlled Stalf's changes its offi1·1al pr i('e, gold is already aclualty ..,,·orth more than $35 and 1t1e n1;1jor pro· duce rs can get $42 an ounce for all the)' need to sell . In an11ther \\'av. too. 1he s~s. an-ou111.:e gol d ·price is only folklore now. No .<\meric<1n has been able lo turn in his pa!X'r dollars for gold si nce 19.,4. Fur the pas! two years, nr1 foreign cit l1.en has been able to ~et gold (or dollars. And si nce Aug . Jfl· not even a fore ign governn1ent ha s been ablt· II) change dollars for guld at $3~, by order of the Prrs1denl. • ' Old }"'olks Clai1ns Due For Return Onl y 48.000 Ca I if or n i 11 hnnl('O\\'ners over 65 years of 11,i.:e hn1·e filed 197! clai ms for a rr11nbur~cmenl of their 1970-- il propcrtx t;ix cs u n de r (alifornia's Senior Citizens Proi>crty Ta x Assistance La "" arcord111g tu r>.tart1n Huff, ex· ccut1\'e officer <J( the Fran- 0 ff i c i a I ground-breaking Thursday for Royal Ravings t:hi~e Ta .~ Bnarcl. and Loan As~ncialion 's new Huff said the cla im5 111ust seven -story office building at be filed before October 15. 23881 E! Toro Road signals the 1971. to be vali d. The law pro- start of construction for the \'lrl('s for up to 95 percent tnllesL building 1n Orange , ~ ' . ·-:., County 's greater Saddleback ' ~.. re.i n1bursement of property \'alley. , • tax('S, depending upon the in· The rapid increase o f r dividual's income. business at Royal's present j To be eligihlc for ~enior facilit y located 1 n "Tor-citizen~ p rop r r I y rocenter" shopping area, one ~· assistance, claimanls n1usl be half block east of !he new J~ , 01er 65 years nf a~e as of buildi nJO: site. has caused the ,• .. t .~ Januarv 1, 1971; rnu~t O'>.'nand associat ion to accelerale il's ~·Jl · O('cupy. their n\\'TI hnme : m11st All Bank Merger Details OK ~1erger arrangemenls ha vt heen completed -.for Newpor t N11tlo11al Corporatlon a n d Sou thern Cali forni a .First Na· t1ona! Corporation, The rnove increases the nun1hcr flf S 1) u t h e r n Cal· 1fnrn1a F1r;o;l Na tional Bank off1res tn 70 in San Diego, Oran~e and Los flnjolelts coun· tll"5. Two additional SCF'NB locations are scheduled to open 111 Ot't obcr, both in Orange County. Terms of the n1f'rger call for 1he issuance of l.J shares of SCFN C stock, plus SI I cash, for each of about 400,000 NNC shares outstanding. Alden W. Johnson , presiden! of bn lh SCF'NC and SCF'NB, announced that George L. \\'oodford, Jr., president and 1·hairnu10 of the board of Ne\O.'J)lirt Nal1onal Corporation. has been nanH .. --d an executivr. v1ce pres1denl of Southern C'.ahfornia F1r~I Nat iona l Bank ...,·i th offites in Newport Beach. building plans live years I -... fl\ '-r-,.,.;;,1 havf' 11::iicl !hr property t:ixe ahead of schedule, ofhcials on lhr hon1c : anrl niu.""-Ji;i ve said. 'SKYSCRAPER' DUE FOR EL TORO total household inrnn1e or\f:S~,!;=========== The new slruclure to be Royal Savings •nd Loan Plans 7-story Building than $3 .350. Qua Ii fie d TAKE THE NEWS QUIZ We Dore You •. • Every Soturdoy built adjacent to Lhe San Diego ho n1eowncrs can obtain fonns F ree\.\'ay features a modular fron1 any office of the twin tower design, Engineer-gram. It is eslimaled au· customr.r safe-4epos1t boxes J~ranehise T:ix Board or by Ing and foundations for bot h diences up lo 5,000 c::i n be ac-on the lobby level of the Ro yal writinJ,! to Senior Citizens towers will be included in the cnmmodated for such ac· \.Vith the mezzanine floor vaul t l'roper1y Tax Assistance, P.O GAINS HONOR William E. 'Bill' Kettler first increment. The first of livilies , reserved for the firn1's cor· Rox 1588 , Sacramento, Ca. the tv.·o to..,,·ers will be con-l r""·~'~l~•~o~·,~l~n~•Y~'~'~"~ll;•~·~il~l ~h~o~"~"~;po~1~·a~l•;.;•~•~co~•~d~'~·------~9~5~80~7~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;~~~~~~~~~~~~. strLicted immediate ;ind the ll second will be scheduled as U11der\\'l'iter ' Give Bcacl1 Man Honor \\1il11atn E. "Bill" Kettler, "'ell·kOo\O.•n West Co u n l y bu.~inf'ss and r11·ic leader, and regional supervisor for ISL Sales Corp. ::ind Life Insurance Co. of California, ha s been a\O.·arded a high under"Ti ter! honor. Ketller. curren!I~· \'iee presi· dent nf the board of tru~!Pe:oi: nf the Coast Con1muni·1y Cn!l"i:!" D1~!nc1 , w::is p:iven the Chartered Life L'n rler\O,·ritt'r rlP ~ig"n<1t111n nf the An1('rican CoHe~e. of l.1fr t;nderv.·riters in rf11('a,g(l recl'n!I~· . Kt'!llrr is a pa~t prc~id('nt of !ht-collrJ!P d1slricl. chairman nf tht> h11:irrl of th <' Oran11-e ('nun!\' A d1·1~nrv Rnarcl nf S<tltlhern Cahforiii:i F1ri:t ;\;i. t1nn;il Ra nk. ;in1l pas! pre~i r!rn1 of lhr HuntJnJ:!On Rrach .t:lem cntru·v School District. Coa.~t; Fir111. Given Pact A cnnl ra t! vdth ;i potcntlat v;iluc of $200.000 ha~ h<'en awarrlrd lo (' n 1n p u 1 e r Au!omation, Inc ., of Ne wpurl Beach. by thr r.f'ner at Servi cf' s .<\dm1nlstra tion. Washin,llton. D.C., for the ac· quisltlon of computer equip- ment. Computer Automation, lnc .• of R!l5 West 16\h St.. i:\ a leadinR man ufl1cl urer of high· per f ormance. low-ens t miniCflmputers, including the recently announcer! NAKED f\11NI and ALPHA compultrs. The. c;SA ;1ward calls for Computer Auromalion to sup- ply "!:In indefini!c .. amount of autotnalic data proce.~sing equipment durin,!! l he period from Sept. 21. 1971. to June. 30, !972. and that the Iota! value of the acqui!ltion "could ainount to $:ZOO,o00." JI ANDICAP AID SOUGHT Bec11use October 3-9 Is Na· hnnal f::mploy t he llsn- d1capped Week thro11ghoul the nation. Gt'IOdw1l1 ln<luslries of Orange t:ounly is urging loc.111 bu~iness and i nd 11 st r y em ployers lo litke a ji!ood look al "§()-called'' h;indlcapped ..,,·orkers \O.'hen ri lling joh open- ?J"ea needs for rorpora le of- ficr space indicate. Royal will o cc u p y ap· proximately haH of the first fl oor and mezzanine. The re- maining six floors in the tower will be leased lo national and loca l business hrm!. Total in· vestment in the complete: pro- jf'cl will exceed l\.\'0 mlll1on dolla rs . Designed and conslrucled by the 0 . K. Earl Cor!Xll'alion of Pasadena, the !\CW building \\'111 have numerous ne..,,, design and tun ct ion a l Jeafures: The parking Jo~. which will accommodate 200 cars. ""'i ll be slopecl fro m the: rear of the prnpt'rly tnward El Toro road in order In provide clear-view se:itinp: for numero11s evening ! concerts and com m u n i I y service events that h:ive become. 11 traditional par! nf Royal's public relations pro- BofA Gtes Optimism On Economy: SA~ FRANCISCO (UPl l - Thf' .,,,·nrld'.s biggest hank 1s np!1m1suc ::iho111, the nation's ('Conon1y, which ti sa ys "see ms headed for a 1nuch improved over a 11 perfor-1 mance" next yea r. I "Therr. ill now ni nre rea5on tn expect real proi.:ress in reduci ng unemployment and I slo wing inf\111.ion,'' the Bank of America said Friday in its an- nual economic forecast. However. the report "''arned ''it is alwa ys difficult to mea~ure economic proa:ress and find agreement in the campaig11 oratory or a pre!'lidential tlection year." Tht fo recast warned sg11 insl any attemp~ to rigidly control profits, a move !he bank saidl would endanger proi;pects for more product ion, investme.nli and jobs. "Inflation has taken il!i toll of profits and depreciation as "'ell fl$ personal income. with the result that more rather l h~n fCT1er profits are needed if the' necessary C11 pital in- vei;tments to improve pro-- ductivity and me.et i;oclal costs are lo be made in 1972," the forecast said. LET'S BE FRIEHllL Y Jf )'OU h11vc llt'W 11ci11:hb<lrt1 or know or •nyone mo\llnit ti') tH1r •re•. plc•se 1r ll ua J<J that y,·c m1y <'.Xh'fld a friendly wr leome 11nd ht!.lp them to bc<:ome: 11cqu111lnlM. In \heir nt w aurroundln p. ings, To mitrk 1he fla t 10 n 11 I s coa· t Visitor ob"'"""· Goodwill h" In-0. S \'\terl repre5cnh1ti ves from 494-0579 •M-tJ'I b~ness and 1nnu~try to a H bor y· .1 luncheon in ii• lo< .. I lacilltl" ar ISi or Reul Estate V ulues: STILL GOING UP There's no freeze on reol es tote volue . prices. of lond And •the ond , •• 1 properly 'deve lopments keeps going up ond up m Southern Col ilornia. II you1re wondering how you can capita li te on it , here's a free series of lectures thot wil l tell you how. REA L: ESTATE INVESTMENT SERIES First sess ion of this four-ni ght series int rod uces Glenn Mar· tin, exe cuti ve office r of t he Newport Harbor-Cosio Me so Board of Reoll ors , as mod erator of th e serie s. Dr . Thom a s ,Blokely, director of Coesl C om mu nity College District's Even ing Division, will welcome le cture e nroll ee s. Tuesda y, Oct. 6, 7:30·9:30 p.m. Robert N. Weed, DAILY PILOT Publisher-"The Orenge Coast -A Greet Pi e ce to Invest!" Re ndell R. McCerdle , Pres ident, The Reel Esteters • "T eilor· ing Your Investment." Newport Harbor High School 15th & Irvine, Newport Beach Ticket l11.Forn1ation No •dmittion, but ticktts are required. Thty ctn be pick1d up ln 1dvanct 1t tli• Orange Coast Co11tgt and Golden Wttt College c1mpuset •nd 1t the Daily Piiot offtc11 In Co1t1 Me:11, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, l19un1 B11ch ind Sin Cltmtntt and from the Newport Harbor·Costa Meta Botrd of Rttltors. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE NEWPORT HARBOR·COSTA MESA BO ARD OF REAL TORS , I • In S;inta An:i on Wcdnesd11y. 644-0174 nc1' 11..~~~....,~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..i I 30 06.IL Y PILOT SC Your Monev • Motherhood Cost OVER THE COUN11ER Going Up, Up By SYLVIA PORTE:fl l'\n 1te1n in our cost of !Ji uig ha~ risen so rap1dl} 1n the past decade as hraHh care _ and no pnce wage frf'('ze or Ph;i~e Il cont rols can di) 1nore thaii moderate lhe r elen !le ss up'Aard p;ice r l • FINANCE • s~ • ~ Ba co "' !~ ~ .. t I>'<} I~ ~ .... e. I II• 11' , V• N & • ' " " . JJ • 1• " ' . ., ~ \ IM" •• oe r au , .. . ' " ' • • ' ' • i' ( 'f' G~ "' •o " r. r I b ~ Ar I« "• '" ' .. " ' ' "' ' '" 'let flf course 1ou"' I[ c<n linue lo ha"e \ottr babv 11nd though mothe1 hood 1s 11,11 dlv sickness \OU It h;t1e inur b.iby in a U S hospital fhe cost of a single da v in a IJ s hospital now a1 e1 ::iges $SI and JUS\ s nee 1967 the CO:)\ of semi prt'iate hospital roorn has sk\rockeled 6;i per<rnt You w1!1 continue to need .ui obsletr c1an J ust since 1967 obstetricians' fees h a" e Jum ped 30 percent and m<'lnv charge $300 or more for their seri1ces '!nu 'A lll continue 11) buv a layette fhe cost nf a la1ette is often $500 for ;i fll~t ba b1 (o •~eo;_nl t l>1e1<l i:",e hf'glllllh1rtJ1 \\hel'l"~~ s 1~ r ~~ ,Gart 1 1 It h Am r n o ~ 1c~ t NG in ' 1 lllSllr HI(£' p r I ISlllf\S f H b 1b1 In he Docs ie ~hv 1s d1s1harg<'d from l'"'r:~e' ~1 (~""'' l · 1. I 'm r~ ., ' 1 f " ~o in ! (' h1 spit ii Or II h en ~ """ v Id ~ I(" v p~ 16 ' " =·=·:·:•:::·~~='c..:_:__:_:'~·~·~·~'~·~·~··~·~c''..:I \\I 1tt1rr th c provi~ions In ~1n the CQst nf h 1111 g II single baby 1s 11011 up tn $1 600 or more -and \\ ilh rhe number or US babies being born in 1971 alone estimated at a record of more than 3 700 000 motherhood 1s .;certainl y becomi ng a 1 alid .,\ital area in which tn search for Sa\ 1ngs J-lere, lherefore are 10 key guid es (I) Before you make an ar rangement "'1th a specific obstelric1an discuss fees fully and fr ank ly In vou r 1n111al consu!tation ask about fees for prenatal exam1na!inns and care de!11er} pinbable costs of such co1nruon cornphta!ions a~ bree<:h birth and cat sari ?Jl section H you f£"e l 10u 5111 ply cannot affoid the fee ~cale sav so tr the phvsic1 in isn l w lling to reduce lhc fee 1r 1 may be referred lo a less e:i: pensive special st 12~ Go home es soon .as )>ossible after 1 nur bi!hl ts bo rn snd cilcit 1ou r obsll! 1 c1an to thi s \ n 1 111ell m.iv be more comfo1 !able at Jionie and the co~t of I 1nng .i p H l1cal nur~e or ho rne health aid at from $25 to$.}() ad l} is far less th;in the cost of a hospit;.il 1nom The Ame11can llospit i! Assn rst11n;ilcs H it lhe average hnsp1t 11 sta1 for h 11 ing a baby 1s a b1! n1er lhrce tn four da vs bu! -=nine hospital~ ha1e shiived 1h s to under three -qu te a savuig right there t3J Be sure \flll take ad \aolage of 1111 niile1ritv benefit s 1n 1ou r hf'allh 111 surancc policies A ti pical policy lod 1\ con tribt te s f1 1 1 $100 In $400 tn1~ant ho~pl!al and doctor bill~ and srun e po!1c1es also cnr rai n co1 CJ age for costly cun1p!1cat1ons at birth (41 Ir 'our rmplo,t'rs fnr \ou r hu sbands emplrJ\et 1 prn 'ides ,group health 1n~ur :incl' check this 1111rrage tnn Ln !;Cl the tor Old1 Olnt;iges rr vour cornp;u11 doe~ pr 1 1d(' group he;ilth 1n< lr<lnte \.\llh <I prJl;ite 1nst11f'r s ~\s the Health lnstu at cr l i<ll(l 1( chanres ;1rr three !'111! nf four th;it maLern1t\ benefits are 1n el uded '" Check al~" the Final Stocks In A ll Home Ed it ions he ilth 11ot 1t~ the in st ier 11 5 soo n ilS \Ullr b<tbY IS b1 r l f6f ln \l"Sll)!llll" s )I ('(' I a, m 11trnll y ( l1111ts in }our are<l gene1 ally as~ot 1 lied \I 1 I h 1'1rge te H h111g hosp1t !Is \\ h le such ti n1c:-; are oflcn geared In the needs r( lfl\I l!lC'Otne prople or spr< 1al (1bstetr c1I pz nblen s s 1rnr arc opf'n to ill -and thf'sr ( 1!n1 cs ahnosl u1 \ariibtv rru11df' :.C r\ttcs al f;.i1 lo11c r 1osts than the !~p1r 11 hosp 1 t <1 l n1;i1ern 1tv scr11(r A"k 1rnr fnr11 1v ph\sJC 111 r r gu1darte on these r j( 11!11es l~f In "elrlt1ng a hos111t,11 f1ncl out /10\\ r 1~nrn 1 ilcs are IE 11ed A fe11 hosr t;ils do nr t ch;irge n1111cr n1l1 pcit tnl~ ir r 1 1ng I Ile ;it night fi r a ftlll dci v hut 1nste.~d ch 11 ge for µ 11 t d iy 181 ., hm1nate the lrmptrng bu~ ulltrl} 1111 n1por1~n1 t1nd exp<>ns1ve fr lls hlnC'v tnis nurstr\ lamp~ hol!lc \\ l!llH'IS he.ited pl1\('S b1th !able~ lei 11Ur afflt rnl fr end s ... nd or )if 1ndpiln nls !>Ile 1r 11h 11p 11 1lh s it h l\ pt!l~llV lliJllS :is hcib\ (ln!hcs (~I C h rC'k ~r1nnd hand sto11 ~ 111d 1111! 1 1111 rrcogr11~ i d tl1111! r~ f111 ~ i 1d u~rd IHl!St!\ fu1111t 1 , ;i1d o \h(r li:lhV l'f!U p llt 111 [ r.JI \ 1 II fr1f'11d ~ i11i11t l 1(11('s \.\h lt \1 11 re ilh N! t D ,1 s h:ih1 p1r<>(t ts -;ind do1 1 hf's1laT1 11 1he 1t:istt1)S(r11h1111l l11rsar d f r ids n11ght be h;1pp} to p l'iS 01long ( 101 /\rHI l 1kr ;11!\ 1ntni::r 1f r1r 1 t 1 ~ drrlu 11011 1o1r 1r 11 h ibv 1\1\1 pHJ\ de A f11n 1l:i11 tnlcil 11 Ir hy the 11 :11 IS to ha1e 101 r h;ih\ !\le tn lhe \{'II lit \111 Jl!W 4 J ;:ind ('\('tl p11fe1 bh ll 1)1 ( ~I I Fi11 1 i rn lhvu gh the 1111;.i nt mav be al 1e inly ci ~h lr! t n1e 1n 1971 \( u gtl ;i full \ears rx ('tllpt 10ll f jHlll 11 (' \\/ <It prn It 111 ;\ul d1111 f 1r/.(('! 11 11i;c 1 t II \ I I I)( lflU t !\ I f'f\ 111 f :ill lht "' rll{'d l( 1! f'\fl{'ll'< 'i 111 l 111Jll't! I \\Ill! liJll!lj! I I I 11 i! \ d I I 1! hdl' 1t t Ii d 11~ 11~e <fdli1r1 rn 1 x 11 1 rl r 11 l t I I II<: r gist el• ll 111 r ~r l1h1i r1r1 J(~r~ "Pt t <II tlf lljllll(!l[ I t .. uppll ~ '<Ill h :;~Ill\ 11 r! C'h J I!~ H ( iii'~ sl 1 k 'r \ (' surh 1s 11 h il;i lf'f' In H d f nn h1 ~1 1 1 ii !r 11 rl (~prr-.rs r ... ~r n!1;<I 11 i.:r11!ng n1rd11iil 1H1c 11 edit ii !11al 11ri ts surh :is hi od 11 ;i n~r 1q 111 ORD;\~ YOURS '', 1000 Beautiful Stick-on § LABELS TODAY! Personahzed • Stylish • Efficient Ord•r For Your?.elf or a Friend M1y b• used an e nvolope s as relurri a ddress 1•ha!s. Also 11 ery handy •s 1dent1 I c .nf1on labels for mark nq per~onal items such a s books, records, photo'i etc la bels sfrck o n 9 l•ss end m•y be used for marking home c:.a nned fotd items All la be11 .&re prrnled w ith stylis h Vo qu e type on fin e quality white 9ummed paper. Stro 11g Plea For No-fault La 1v /ssuetl A IJ cruan !"" ]{ea I' hes f\ 0 l't'('lllt'll l I"' I H\ I:\ I ! B\\ \ I ii I 1 I , IH 1 .. ~idll(f\ ii I !Hilt nl I ~ ! !I I I\ 1~ 11 1t I I 11111 I ctn 1g , ti • • ~I • ~! I~ I • ' ,, . " 10 , I MUTUAL FUNDS ' ,1 " " 0 " • • ,, ' ' ' '. ' ' . • • ' ' ,n li " ' 0 ' " . " • ' " , .. ' • • • ' ' ' , ' • • " '" ' • 0 • .. " .. ' . ' '" .. " ' . ' . " " • • • ~" 'i(! " ,, 1, ~I 1 J . ·~ . ,. 1.'lu ll I• "' • • ' ' ' 101 •l •1 • 11 .. , .. 6 JA ' ' 10 ]J J • " " " ' " • •M • .. " " "• " ., " u " "' ' .. .. " • " ' " '" '" ' • "" "00 '"" ' • "' ,. " ' '. .l ' " . '. ,, . ' J • " ll"o l• • I~ "" • • • • ' ' ,. . ~· . .. '" .. " " . " Ji'> ' " ' " ~. ' '. ~· " ,. '" " . .. " "' ". " ' ,, . ' " . • •• " •• " . ' '" " . " .' ,, ' " " . ~ ' ' ~ " . ". ' ' " ,, p " . '. ,,. " " ' . 111 p • 3q 'JA ll'I. " ·~~~1 · \• J I ll 'o ]\> SCl"t ~ • '° J• 1 ' ~ > I ' I I U , , , 1)1 1t ?I'• l 6 II ~ •l •1 • '1' la I< • ll • ' • " , { l ~ ~1 ~' 11. I Ill ' • H•• II , t :g : ;'i ~ . '" ' " L " ' ' '• " ,,. ' " , .,. " " '" ' . '" Complete-New York Stock List • . 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I• • I• ,.,.,,r II! v s Horn• lo J• I ' l• ' Wtl 1 • 1(1 vs Ind " .n ~ l , i. lbl> , w ""' l i i US l •• ~ JI I JS lS , 1,,'", ' ~ ~~ 1~ 1,: NEW Y011K !UPJ) -Pr1tf>S 1n1xed ~s"1~c e. 01 1i • ll lw p., IM \Vednesday u1 one of the dulle st sessions of the u ~P~~ .. !11/i° 'l ?i" ?: ~·'• -w u 0 • •O finished uss... ~1~·' ,, .. ;z ~ ~':1~ year on the Ne\1 'ork Stork Ex(hange v~s •• 1 •o 1 l•· ~ 7'l,, w.,~i:1 'Ill V~lo!M l ?O 6)(0 18~ ill•lP l lO JL1s t befo1e the final bell tht> l)u11. Jones In 1 ~•v•1 ~ it,, 11 ,,.,..,,." 101 Cl • dustJ1aJ l\vera1:e"asoff0fi9at88383 Standard~r.:. e~u u~ ~I 1i 1~~ l~~ ;;, ~:~tlo'ngp!•l~i ~ l Poor s ~00 sto<k 1nd£'x Ptord£'d a sn1all 1Jrkup at ~~~~.f ~ t ~:· ~:: JJ • :z~~~.~~ .. i,l\'J •• vn v 0 1 Oi> J9 11 I; •• W••~ 011 11 \61, 97 94 \lolume of arounct 8 2 mtl!ton s hares JUSl tla i~~··1 J11 ti ~J,: U • !,t 'Z~:: ;1:1 ~/. 11 about lopJ)ed !he Al nu!l1on share" traded Au<• 9 1 ''e r• •o 11 t •" 1• • 1r.1P• 01 1 ll ~ IJ\llrE \~ I• •l < •\ w l o l •O '' the "lo"e"l "e""lon of the \ear and 11a~ 11ell 11nder s,.. • 111 01 1• • 1• • .,, it• ..io " VS\11 p!J t 16 , Jo 1> • ~n •( " " 1 the I} 2 m1IJI01J ShHreS \\ hJC'h fhRnaed hands rues Ul~n(1>n Ml ' I?• Al 1>11 .,.,, ,_ Motor 11 "' u1 ... PL t'1 10 n n 11 , "'I+•\• Q1 day \I& •• ""M l.• lo. I• " 1"' c•••Co.-P 1 &'; , -V(I< C0<n •0 I H \~ ll N •~!~! lfO l l 1he Je\\1)ih obsc11ancc of \nnl K11>11u r 11as VM'~• 1"° 'Ji 11 11 1wn 110 ' i. j: ~t-nt-:=: 1~ ~~ !~ • !J ll'• , I> 11 • , Co 1 la1gelv responsible for the n1a1 kct s a('t ton \\11h v. om •n bl lo 1,, t! ·!~":~{! ;1 10 M~ .,. many traders and 1111e slors rcn1a1n1n,1? at horne ~~cc~::::0 ti'"'° ,: jl'" ~1 • ~: w nno 11• IOl 1 Vof 1P ... I 11 ~cl • 11.. I .,., nn•~•~n J:, The session offered fe11 feAtures \Vool\101lh ~! ~~pn~;1; :1~ 1 ,~ 1~~ 1~ ;~ff','~,•,~.· l added (O ltS l11esda1 ln~<:('S ~pparentlV Slf'J11!11lll J.: \I• rr nl•ln 10 •• o. ~' n nr~ '\ r; f1 orn a federal 11a1n1ng Iha! (l'rta1n ftn1ale night ~s .::".." 1~ i~ ;; 1. ' .. w N ~ " f I Id b h I v ""MM I I 11'-7J l ' ~" <1<0 .. ·~· "ear ormery <O ) t e c1a1n store group may •VR Un• n 10 1 .... 1<'-'" ,w<)Ol!1ca •• ',',,',• J -W X Y 2-WWooool~•~,,, ',', be dangerously flamab e " ~ Kai ser Alumi num 1vas "cak for nlost of the (: :~~ J?to / f. ~1! ~ ~0r~~~:1,:' 1 ~°t o;es~1nn rhe ISSUe turn ed do"n f\ll'~fla\ after an ,):~~· 1iD1 I.l J: ]~~ ];\~ ';';i;'~~1 tv !~ 0. ' d \' • l'O• I J I l~ t lJ > XI • "' It , • , noun< 1ng a 50 percent i'il ash In 11 ~ d1\ iden \• P.u•~ .c • 11 ll\, I , v~a•-l>n in i, _ •1 I'>• ' u v 6C 11 1~ , 1• 1 ~ , j •I• c~ n ·~ '" lil;llll::.,01••••••••11•A••• .. ••n"1"'""" ..... ., .. ~ W• we ~ Co • • j' ~·· • •n•T• N" n 21 1 w ~o loO• o.\ • ' 0'4 ' Zo v1• C~ n &Ji Wo ~F"°"'' U 11 • IJl n1 -\0Z1n!~~ l •D ..... ... •. I ••• .., 1~11 l HI•-L.-. 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' Sea) Beach Offit·e Du e SAN IHl <O H o me I eder a! S;111ngs and l.-01n A!1s111. 1iot1on 1 f ~an 01eRn ha~ bee11 g1<1 11ted arpro1 11I lo open t ne11 hranch ln Seal Beat h fo lctt ht-r F edcral aerord1ng to Kim president of Hnn1e Honie ~ rrler ill 11011 h:is fnur offices st.r\ 1ng !he greater Los An~eles area ThP other three new ofltee~ 11re loc ated 1n Lo!! Angeles S11nt 11 Ana a n d Arcadia I lonu• I eder 11 s n 1n1o:s 15 hf';idqu H re1 rd 1n San 01"1i0 1111h !8 l11t1H1ons 111 Sout hern C11l1f• rn1a One nf rhr. larliest a net fastesl i.;1 1"11 g a31' 1c!J lion~ 111 the nat1 n l!nnut Ff'rl('tal has 11s~e1 " !l\t'r $73r'I m1lho11 1 he fu ni is the 9th I a r ~es t fe<ler11lh t harlere-d a~soc1at1nn In the 1111!1on Complete Closing Prices -A1nerican Stock Exchange List , NIW VOll lC 14.•l Wtd"'-at1•• r""oitlt Vi .&m1tlc1n $lot~ llC~I'\~• o lc11 Hll~ l•• Clttl "' '" 111n l"G• ) H '" LIW (14111 '" '" Si i•• lhG•) " HI•~ LI• c1 ... c~. Ill•• lhfl1 J H 1~ Lew (Iii. 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Phone 642 I "21 t -!fl., '" lull J-0) t"-C•••a •-E•d •ld•M Y-l!l~ "'-'!Oft • £• r IMI ~.,.-Wl!lllw! _.,.. !' 1 •" ' 11'• !. ~: : 1: .. .. " , ' •• • I "'"" ond o•I•• In lull 1•.0l1-!1 <1l1)tJ. -" l :;"Qf" 'In' '°'*-W Th Wlffl ftlt wll-W~~ Ol• I l' •11'1! ltd <11-W~lft lu u..._ .,._Ml•• O•• , ' l ,: I 1" ,. . ' • • 1?!~ lt'I . •'· 11 1t~ f~ 11 '" .. " " " • • " " " l •. ... 'I " ,. ' ' ~-11., y vt-In C•n~tVfl <'< o• <ft l •• 1n fl OI 'I We~ k e 11 rl<'1· 1~· •• '"'""" ,.., ""'" "'• ,,,.., ,.,,., " "-t i ftt o•tu•!! n At..,..,t <I DY 1ucn (I "" '• ••n n • -IE • n•• fl! c+-(••!ltlt 1l•• A I o o 1+-5 l fT'Dfd 1-0•o I n 1111 •-Mo •t• I ( \C rfl,'1.JDU IDon!I• n~on Ah I• mo1l•t0D•"'•u•1t• t'l n~ >lool dA• 01 "'" ••-1!• ..,11'1111 .. I "YI 1111 In Ill '''-~~~~~~J -~~~~~~- • I IJZ DAI LY PILOT ARE HERE! DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS SA E ON '71's AS NEVER BEFORE! DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS IT'SA FACT WE DON'T CARE WHERE YOU'VE BEEN OR WHAT YOU'VE BEEN OFFERED • YOU'RE SURE TO GO FOR OUR OFFER. DON'T SIGN ANY ORDER WITH ANY DEALER ON ANY NEW CAR· TRUCK OR USED CAR UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN QUOTED DUNTON FORD PRICES. SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN DA ILY 9 A.M. 'TIL 10 P.M . YOUR TRADE WAS NEVER WORTH MORE HIGHEST TRADE-IR ALLOWANCES NOW • 67 F d LTD $1177 '66 T B·1rd ~~.~~~.~ '"~"""'"' ' "" $11 77 '70 Ranch ~!.~o~ ... ,,.., '" $2877 • row••. Low M ll•~o• " ~1!••11 !a•Y ilrr (m>d raw~• S'"''" Or ' O•. ''''""· "' <O•O . ~'" ,,,.,. ""' °'" '°'· ''°" '"~' •0c. •edi¢. 11~~1e-. whtlt 11!1• W<'l!ls, •• ~ ...... mv "" '66 Galax·1e ~~.·. ,, .... ...... ... s577 '67 Chevy ~!L!~.~ .......... '"" s777 '69 vw CONVERTIBLE $977 ~;; .. :; ',";t;'";;:.";>· ~·" "" 11ic0 111111, r<'ld<O, •..O he~•er. (Y.l.T :r>O --------1 '69 Mach I ~~:'.;~~;;::£·7:::·ii'. $1977 '65 Chev ~~~~~~.::·;;,,7,;r ·~.... $677 '64 T ·Bird ;~~.:;~;· ··"~ .. , .. ,,.,, s977 '6 7 Mustang :·;~:.1;·;i .,:,"· $999 '69 Ford ~:.~:~~~:~ .. ,.~.~~:~~ r~~ ,,.. s2577 '65 Barracuda ~;~: .. ":~o~·t;; s 6 77 . '68 VW ~.~~ ...... " .. : ....... '"" ft>I s977 '65 Olds :~ ........ ., .. ·-~ ,.,. "" $577 WllalMO!ll DOWN ,AYMIMT AND 'RIMS-All TMlllST AVAJUal. 1'Y1HI co llO and. . .SHOWUSI ... """"''. ' •• I I I I ,I J I I Sad Salesman This reluctant puppy peddler in Houston shows off the finer points or one or the puppies he had on sale for $1 each. In spite of the for- lorn look on his face, Neil Allen, 5, sold eight of the pooches. Bus Vote Block Sought WASHINGTON (AP) 'Northem Delay Seen On Vieh1am Pullout Vote WASHINGTON (AP) -The Nixon ad· mlnl!tration reportedly is seeking 10 delay until after Sunday 's South VieL- namese presidential election a senate vote on Democratic Leader Mik e Mansfield's new move to force total U.S. withdrawal from Indochina in six months. The amendmenJ, like one adopted earlier but diluted in conference after Hoose rejection, is expected to pass the Senate. Congressional sources say the ad· ministration fears immediate adoption of the amendment would adversely a ffect the climate around President Nguyen Van Thieu'!! unopposed re-election bid. Another reported factor in the attempt al delay is this week's meeting in Washington of the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia. The league reportedly is split over whether the best way to free prisoners is through Nixon a dministration policies or by setting a fixed dale for withdrawal. Mansfield's amendment will be debated Thursday, and assistant Democratic Leader Robert C. Byrd, said a vote .. Le; expected that day." But no agreement for a vote had been reached when the Senate adjourned Tuesday. _In the meantime, senators are delaying with an abb~viated version of the two- year fight over the Safeguard missile defense system and with a move lo delete funds for the Navy's F14 fighter from the $21-billion military procurement bill. Two amendments deal with Safeguard: A proposal by Se n. llarold E. Hughes ( [). Jowa ), to delete $639 million for pro- CBS Chief Asks Guards For Press WASHINGTON CUP!) - CBS President Frank Stanton today called for new laws to proteet newsmen· from the "dark shadow ol sur veillance'' by government. Stanton, ""ho successfully resisted 11ttempts by a liouse committee to 11ub p o ena material ga thered by CBS but not broadcast. testified at the second day of Senate hearings intn press freedom. He sa id governmental sub- poenas rep r esente d a "particularly insidious threat lo the ability of newsmen to C'arry out their responsibilities effectively" and should be forhidden. He said in prepared testimony: "Not only is the burden nf compliance with such sub- poenas extreme and in itself puniti\'e; but com pe 111 ng journalists lo reveal their sources or nonpublished materials such AS notes. films, tapes. has :. chilling eHect on and seriously Impedes their future access to such sources Democra ts, caught in the school- de~gregation controversy for the first time, are trying to block House acti6n on a bill that would force them to vole on the busing issue . The bill ha'S been knocking about in Congress for nearly 18 months since Nix- on asked for it as an emergency measure to help Southern 11chools meet an August, 1970 desegregation deadline set by the Supreme Court. curement nf the antibal!islic missile and "The ~ravity of this threat 11 move by Hughes and Sen. William Sax· to the fr~ press i;tems from be (R-Ohio), to hold up construction, pro-efforts to suhiect professional curement and deployment funds pending n e y,• l'i Judgments Io Mostly libe.ralii with good civil-rights records, they are caught betY1een pro- busing civil-rights forces and growing an- ti-busing sentiment in their home districts. a possible U.S.-Soviet agreement at the izovernmental scrutiny. The strategic arms limitation talks. dark shadow or surveillance Largely ignored by Northerners, whose districts wouldn't get much money, and viewed tepidly by Southerners who would like the money but not the federal presence that goes with it. it · has been befriended mainly by administration sup- porters and civil-rights groups. Sen. Willi2.m Proxmire (0 -Wis. ), is can do nothing but inhibit the sponsor of the amendment lo delete free now of infnrmBtion, f.301.6 million for the F\4, contending the v.·ithout v.•hich v.·e believe a The bill th ey would like to bury is President Nixon's $1.5-billion emergency school aid program. F4 could , with slight mocllfications, robust press is an im· outperform the new plane. possibility ." Also up is another amendment by Sen. Last spring. a House com- Using every parliamentary device a vailable they thwarted efforts in the Education and Labor Committee to force This support was weakened, however, by Nixo n.'s deer~ last August that none of the mooey be used to pay for busing pupils. That is the primary erpense for which most districts facing desegregation plans )¥anted lha..mooiy. Gaylord Nelson {0-Wi.!. ), to reslrict funds mcrce suhcnmmittce demand- for the Navy's Project Sanguine. an ed that CBS turn over tn the underground communications project in grouri "outtakes·· -unused a vote on the bill this week. the unofficial deadline for compleling commltttt"action on legislation lo be considered UW year. _ northern Wisconsin. An earlier effort lo tape -from its controversial hold up funds pending an environmental program "The Selling of the study failed 45 to 35. Pentagon." ~~~~~~----"~~~~~ Carolina Woman Faces Jail For Having Illegal Abortion DAYTONA BEACH. Fla. (AP) -A 23 -year-old housev;ife may become the first person ever to go to prison in Florida for having an abortion. Shirley Ann \\'heelt'r has been convicted of ha\•ing an abortion and is a11o·aiting sentencing. The maximum penalty under the 103-year-old law is 20 years. the same as a man.slaug hter conviction. She was found guilty .July 13 after a two-day trial in nearby DeLand, the county seat of Vol usia County. At her trial. Mn1. Vi'het?lf'r freely admitted shl': pairl SI~ to have an illegal abortion in Jacksonville. She said she had the 11bortlon because ::. doctor in her hometown of l\1organ- ton. N.c., had told her a pregnancy could be dangerous becattse she once h a d rheumatic fever. i\1rs. Wheeler was tried under a law passed in 1868. It makes having or performing an abortion a felony unless it is "necessary to protect the life and health of the mother," or if it is recommended by t11o'O doctors. l.1rs. \llheeler's altornev, James Rogers, said he 11o·its unable to locate the doctor in Morganton who Shirley said told her it could be dangerous for her 10 give birth. "She was rather vague about it and I just couldn't find him .·• The Florida Supreme Cnurl recently admonished I he legisla!ur4. -which tabled a more liberal abortion bill last session -to re-examine tbe ancient statute, saying it \\"3!! Loo vague. Illegal a bortions were com- monplace in F lori da, especially 1-tiami. untll New York State legalized them last year. Now, m11ny Floridian!! go l'IOrth rather than fa ce the prospect of untrained abor· tionists and violate the state law "Bui lhe jury difin't buy it after Shirley testified she had harl the abortion. She said she d idn 't feel there wa11 anything "-rori~ with what she did -it didn't affect anybody else," Rogers said. QUITTING BUSINESS! STOREWIDE SALE Living room, dining room and bedroom furniture. Lamps, .and hundreds of decorator Items. TlltMS AVAILAIU Meneley tftru fridOY-12 neon te f ,.m. Jaturday-f a.m. te 5:30 ,.m. lvnday-1 2 ,..... te I '·"'· ( l OAILV PILOT S POW Betnrn·-Vowed Nixon Talks to Relatives of Prisoners WASlllNGTON iUPll Five hundred relatives of Im· prisoned and m I 1 a I n g American servicemen stood and cheered in an emotional r esponse Tuesday night when President Nixon promised the United States will "eventually succeed" in fr~ing their loved ones. Nixon made a surprise personal appee.rance before the second annual convention of the National League of Families of Ay_ier ic an Prisone~ and Missing in Southeast Asia. A few hours earlier, Sen. Edward l.t. Ken- nedy ( D-l.1ass.) had told the relatives that American cap- tives were "rotling" in prisons because the administration was too proud to negotiate with their Communist captors. Ni1on. however, strongly defended his policy. "I can assure you that every negotiating channel -and now 1 say aomethlng here that l 'm sure all of you will un- derstand -includin& many private channeb: that have not yet been disclosed, have been pursued. are being pursued and will be pursued," the President said. Nixon'a appearance at a league banquet followed an arternoon business session at which the group pointedly warned the White Houge that lt.s patience was oot endless. It strongly hinted that if ~ gress is not made in freeing the POWs it would consider the possibility next spring o( injeeting the is.sue into the 1972 Presidential election cam- paign. This relatively tough stal'ICe contrasted sharply with the reception the delegates gave Nil:on at the banquet Kennedy told the. delegat• that their men 1tW were ca~ lives becaUH t b e .... ministration refused to r• pond lo the Vi.t Coog'a July 1 offer to repatriate Amuicall POWS in return for a U.J. military withdrawal frdm South Vietnam by the end of 1971. .. Sen. George McGovern <D>- S.D.) meanwhile, Nid tll chief North Vietnam ese delegate at the Parl! talk.I hlcl reaUinned hLs country'• •U.~ lngness to Hp&rate t b • prisoner releue l:!:sue from the other six pointl in the Communists' plan for endin&: the war in South Vietnam. Ni1on, however, contende4, that his akfes had cal'l!fuTiy explored every lead that C1me from members of Congrm; ' ANyTltiNG TilAT5 • IS WORT • IN • • NO MINIMUM hAlANCE REOUiREd Yes. thar1 rlgt1U Free checking -no 111lnlm•"' balance required. Anything that*• free la wonh checking, and now la the right time to chect.lnto "'1ahelm Ssv\ngs new tree aervlca WeW Joined' with a major nallonal bank otfering ycu CCHllJll .. Sa\lirlQS and Loan plus banking aen'k:eL Only at Anaheim Sllvlngs can YoU deposit $1000 and esrn the highest lntemt tn the nation on Insured lftWtgl and receive the be nefits of ••• Free checldng, ~ ferred Cu.atomer rates on 1tUto and boet k>lina. and Preferred Cu91omar rates on ~ loan&. Leem about these at our Huntington Beach office. fREESAfE deposiT boxEs Free 'W'ith tccount btltnce of SI ,000 or more. 6% TwotolM,_.llna cerllflcat• accounts wltt) $5,000 mlnlmUM balance. 50 YEARS OF SECURITY Accounts are Insured to $20,000 and pn>tectad by Anaheim Savings' 100% record ol ulll)'. ANAHEIM SAVING·S AND LOAN ASSOCtATION MAIN OFFICE: 187 W 1.Jnc oln AWJ. Al'lahe1m, Calilorn!e PFl2-15SI L ~~ 411 Main Slrtet Huntington BeecJr!., C.tlfomla LEM6t1 ' • , I • · DAILV PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE \ Problem's Best Answer It was 1948 when the business or running the 1 I .000 population city of Newport Beach moved! from anll· quated quarters in the Ne"·port Pier area t.o then · spacious offices on Newport Boulevard. Ten years later the city det,rmined these-!aciJi tir.s had reached capa city and voters were asked for money to build a new police station -city a/rices would then expind to the vacated police building. That request was turned down . Today lhe police department and other city aper· ati ons ~are tryi ng lo serve a r11y of 50,000 with facilities recognized as inadequate a dozen years ago. Continuing efforts have been made lo get by with temporary solutions. Additional office space has betn leased in the nearest available commercial buildings and portable buildings have taken over badl y needed city hall parking lots. Yet the simple fact remains that no city department, police or an y other adm1nistralive department. has suf- fi cient operatin,g space. Eve n restroom faciliUes are very inadequate. Parking is insufficient for city employes and even more so for citizens with business at city hall. lt1eet· ing facilities for inter-departmental meetings, for var- ious committee or commission meetings and for ::itizen groups are totally inadeq uate. Separation of various key ci ty offices -police ad- ministration, city attorney. community development, public \\iOrk s, parks. beaches and recreation -into var- ious scattered build ings 1earh in turn inadequate) sub- stantially reduces the efficiency, and increases the cost of, city services. or the 580 city employes (there "\\'ere onJy 157 in 1948 when the present city hall and police facilities were opened ), some 310 now are housed in i;:even d if· ferenl buUdings. These would be brought under one roof in the new city hall and police facilities planned for Ne"'port Center. The balance are fire, library, gen· eral services, utilities and lifeguard personnel. The need for newer and larger quarters for the Dependability Is Among the Great Virtues 'Thirty years ago this v.·eek I began worklng for The Chicago Daily News. If anyone then had told me I wauld 1Wl be tMre three decadn later , I would have l1ughed my boyish head off. If it has been ;; rut. it has been the most p!easanl one 1 can imagine. Jn all that time, 1 have nevll':r had a crO!is word V.'ith a singlll': person I worked with, or for. I have never had lo v.•rile a line r did not be- lieve. or cross out a line tha t anyone ob- jected to. I have not missed a day in all those 30 years. \\'hich is possibly .11 fool!!h thing to bt proud of. but I am proud of il. And perhaps this record entitles me to say aomething about dependability, AS I GRO\V OLDER. I come more and more lo recognize dll':pendabi!ity Rs one of the card fnal \"ir1ues. al though usually an ignored one. I ha\·e seen so many men of brains and talent and imagination fritter away their gifts bf-cause they Jacke<:I dtpcnda bility. Erickson tll':l!s us that "basic tru.s.t" is •t the boll om of !he earl iest human rela- tionship. and unl ess that basic trust is lM rll':. the persnn cannot grow up to his fullest producl11 c <ind creative capacities. In order for ba sic trust to nourish . it must be loundl'd an reliability. The person 1-1e relate ln must be counted on, ALL RELIGIOIJS faith IS based on the Dear Gloomy Gus With thll': rackll':t of thoR helicopters at night, is lhe city 'asking for a refll':rendum on them . or a "no" \'Ott on the new civic center, or both'.' -D. A.G. Tlllt ltet~rt t111'1H'11 t11-n• ¥1...... ,,., llt<tuar11., 11111 .... 111• ~llWIP•-· ,.,.. JtMr "' -" M O ...... r h .. Dl!IY .. J.let. ~nviction that God will not forsake you if you do not forsake Him. All 1cientiflc in qu iry is based on the conviction that the laws of nature rWlain constant and open to di scovery ·fo r those who persist in their <JUesl. All human relationships are nurtured by the sense that "the other" we extend oursel ves to, in love or lratern 1ty. will stand lirm, wlll ht therll': when needed. Ro:?liab ilily has not bttn celebrated because it is on the whole a dull virtue : it is sacrificial ; and in a world 1<1'hll':re Change is king. constancy !!leems almo~t an embarra.ssrnent . Fidll':li ty to • person, or an idea. or a. vocaUon, is nowad11ys equated v.·ith rigidity. with lack of flll':x· ibil ity, even "·ith "stagnation." SO~fE OF lT MAY be all that, nf cnurse. every virtue has its 01<1·n particular counttrfeit. and th' man whf) prides himself on being "dept'ndRble '' may bll': merely a timid and r,arful r1ct1m of routine. But without thi s \'irtue. the social fabric wou ld rip apart and hum<in projects that demand a span of genera· lions would collapse into chaos . In the past, mankind emphas ized "cnn- tinuity'' too exclusively, to the delrim,nt or change: tod<iy, v.·e emp ti;isi'!c ''change" too ex rlus!vely. to the de!ri- 1nent of rontinuity. Each wit hout the · , ... ,.is only half a scissor,. I simply call allention lo the half '~'-are nt>gl~t1ng. Doctors' Legal Position "I did my bes\." So said a doctor not long ago when a disgruntled pa1ient sued him fo r malpractice. l! seems that lhll': patient bad been su ffering for eight years from a 1urg1ral v.·ound tha 1 wnuld not hll':al. Now, demanding damages, he \old the court: "I realize that the dOC'IOr rlid h1~ hes! The trouble is. his bcsl 1-1·as not good tflOugh. After an lh,se ~ears. hll': must ha ve realited his O"'"'n lim ltalions. \\'hat he: should ha1·11': done was to send me to a specialist.'' THE COURT AGREED. and !ht doctor Wa5 held liable. The court said that when a doctor has {or ought to .have ) serious doubts about 'hi~ ability 10 handlll': a case, he has the lll':gal <lu!y to send lhe pat1e11t to someone who i~ better qualHied . ,f\ similar duly res!s on other pr!lc· Quotes Alfrtd HU.c:l11cock, Hollywood director - ... AU aclrt.IHI are children under th! akin -some nice, aomt nuty. '' . Fr..oklJm D. Jtootev~lt -"Freedom of ~lence, of. educltlon. Of tpet:Cb, of use.mbly are amons I.be very fun· damentals of democracy and all of !hem 'would be nulll(ied 1bould freedom of !he pro• 'ver be su~fully challenced." Vmnoot Ro)'l\er, acw.,.ptr editor - .. A journalist owu nothinl to those 11.·ho aovem hJ.a eounlly. lit owe1 everyLbln1 to bla country." .. ~"' . -- Law in Action lilioners of tl'te healing arts. Take th is case: A drugless healer, treating a man who had st:Vll':rll': abdornin11l pains, gave him a \•igorous mauage and a strong la.xati\'e. Resu lt ; the man died from a ruptured ap- pendix. Tn due course, his widow sued the healer for mal-pracllce. At the trial, he insisled that hll': had used the best lrealmenl according to hi5 own school of thought. Nevertl'teless. the court ordered him lo pay d11mages. \Vith pl11 1n signs or po.ssiblll': appel'ldiciti5, :riaid !he co urt, he should have turned the case ove r 10 a regular doctor. OF COURSE, the mere f1ct Oat a trr.atment is unsuccessful does not mean the doctor W3s •t fault . In af!Otht:r c:aet a boy's brolren leg, lll':t by the family doc- tor, healll':d wJlh 90me permanent ltllf· nes.s. The family, cla.iming damagu , blamed !he doctor for not c.a!Una: in a 1pcc111ist. B11t the doctor expl1ined: "'Iltia w1.1 not an unusual c1ae. J hive ofle:n handled similar fractures, and th~e was no IJ>'Ci•I rta90n for me to ex· peC't troubl e \\'It h lhls one:• The tourl decided thl.1 w11 a lecilimate defenst, and dismi5sed \ht case. Nollna that m'diclnt Is not .11n ex.11ct aclencr.. thi!. judge u id no one ~·ould d11re to be a doc- lor U he hid to guart.nt" perfect rtsults t 1·e1J tim,. poUce department and city offices is beyond question. The remalning question, then, is how \veil in terms of better serving the community and ln terms of value for the taxpayers' money wUI the proposed new ~ity haU and police facillties in Newport Center do the JOb that bad.Iv needs to be done ~ The ·DAILY PlLOT believes that both on the basis of timing and on the basis of the i;:pecific plan for the new facilities , a "Yes'' vote in next Tuesday's special elee- tion is a good, economicaJ solution to a pressing ser ious problem that v,iill not go away. The location, the building and the economics \l.'il1 be examined in this editor ial column Friday. Trustees Acted Correctly A week ago trustees oC the Coast Com munity Col· lege Distrii.:t refused to help teachers ~eek a c~urt order unfreezing pay raises fixed by President Nixon. The trustee action was proper ii controversial. Essentially, teachers contend that tbe Nixon wage freeze does not apply to them beca~se they all . signed contracts last spring, though they did not receive pay checks until September. The Orange Coun ty Counsel's office has ruled other· \Vise, Teachers wanted to challenge the counsel's ruling. But district trustees pointed out that the counly counsel is the legal adviso r to all school d istricts and ignoring his ruling would accomplish nothing. Robert Humphreys, chairman of the Coast Col lege board of trustees and an attorney, further poin ted out to teachers that th e process they requested -a 'vrit of mandamus -could take 18 months in court and hold up their pay raises that long. What teachers did get from the board -and what is really more important -.,vas a promise from trustees to pay all back pay raises ~·hen the freeze is lifted -if no ne'v governmental orders prevent such action. N Readers Give Pro, Con Argu11ie1its Six Reasons He Will Vote for Bonds To the Editor: There seems ((i bt gll':neral agreement lhat Wll': obviously need a nev.· police rarilHy. The question arises, do we also nll':ed a new administralive facility? Some of the answers to this question are as follows: J. The present facility is cro~·ded and requires leasing of additional space to handle current operat ions. 2. Our city is growing and the future v.·il/ require more apacll':, J. TO BUILD the police facility at this time and an administrativll': facility later would cost approximately one mlllion dollar• more than building it all at once. 4. It would bt far more expemive: to use up t wo pieces of property and have part of the facilities on each. 5. Combining all of the operat ions in one compact facili ty will great ly increase efficiency of operations. Jt is ant icipated that as high as a twenty percent increase in efficlll':ncy is possible. If this were achieved, It would be greater than the cast lo amortii.e this bond issue, I. TIIIS GENERAL obligation bond pro· vides for thll': lowest interest rate and is the most economical method of financing such a fa cility. Therefore:, It 11 apparent that additional adm inistrative facilitill':S are required now ;\'la ilhox Letters from readers are welcome. Nornuilly writers shoidct convev their niessages in 300 words or less. The Tig ht In condense letters to fi t spac e or e!fnunate l.ibe l is reserved. All let· ters must includ e signature and mail· tng address, but ?1ame.t may be wit~· held on Tt quest if sufficient TeaJon is apparen t. Poetry will not be pub- lislied. and 1-1·ill bcco1ne increasingly urgent. The cost of conslruc tion is rising rapidly. This proposed deveh:>pn1ent is the most economical method of meetin.e. tlus need. RUDY BARON. C P.A. FavorJJ a. 1\·,, \lore To the Editor: After a personal lour (personal bec ause I 'A'as the only one present for the Wed nesday afternoon tou rs Qf city hall 1. l had many of my roncems and ques tions answered . bul I continue to Feel that a no \"nle nn the S6 9 n1dtion bond issue 1<1'ill force the city to seek other alternatives- One alternative tha~ has not been thoroushly investigated is redevelop ment of the present site excluding the police department. THE CJTV FOUGHT to get the county courts located in Nll':v.i>Ort Center and \\'On over C<lsta r..1esa by offering ad~ dilion al facilities that could be shared 1-1·hen we moved our police department there. 'fhe police department most surely needs more space and should be movll':d but this does not necessarily mean that all government 11hould be moved. As with the Back Bay negotiations. I say it is never too late to stop the seem- ingly inevitable pr ogress toward bigness ;i nd ask if v.·e really v.·ant to Gbligal.e CHJrselves now for a governmental and cultural center that we may never grow into. I REALIZE that the citv has other op- tions for financ[ng thr reritrr and can gQ on 1-1·11hou l voter approval. but a vote of nn confidence should hring on a discussion of priorities and we might Wll':l] find lhat a civic center is not first in line for Ne1vIXlrt Beach dollars. BARBARA C. EASTi\tAN Least Expe111ive 1"o•v To the Editor: f\tany of us who love lhis community havll': been here Jess than ten years; thus we can analyze the current police and ad· ministrallve facility. compare it to others we ha ve known and objectively consider the cu rrent proposal. Certain factors stand out : A. There is an urgent need for a nll':w facility if efficient services are to be pro- vid ed. Currently much space is rented. 8. THE PLANNED facillty is the min i m um acceptable-unoslentatious, centrally located , functional and lied to a reasonab le community plan. C. The disposal plan for the old facility enables services to continue unhampered unlll !he new buil ding i:s completed. with maximum cash contributiQn to the new facilil}'- 0. 1~0 other oolut1on to the existing problems has achieved comparablll': sta· ture or is ready for implementation. E. AS THE RED-lopped stakes attest, no one's v1cw will be hampered by this struclure. I commend those who lia\'e enabled the city lo operate for 30 years v.·ilhout a bond issue and agree 1<1'ilh most of them that now is the least expensive time lo 1nake a cha nge. Join me in helping affirmative votll':rS to the poll:s. LYl\1AN S. FAULKN Elt Rogers Balks, Jackson Acts on Aid \\'ASHJNGTO~ -An anger-tinged ta lk belween St.crctary William ~og,rs and an important Republican Congressional leader preceded Sen. Henry Jar.kson 's in· 1rorlut11on of ;, prn- posal for $500 mil· li1.1n in credit tn !S· rael 10 buy arma- men t.~ -·with $200 million specifically earmarked for long- sought F'-4 super. sonic lighter-bomb- ers. This ronversation is of speci;il moment becausll': of the light it shll':ds on the background of this intenstly controversial issue. In fact, th~e is ll':Vtry reaS<ln lo con· clude that what w11s !!l id during this sharp exchange wa s an important factor in Jackson offll':rlng his legislation. It is signirica nt !hat the bustling Wa shington state Demorral got a f\Jll account of this private discussion bll':ty,\Hn a GOP cebi- net member and a GQP C.Ongressional \ B11 Geo\ge Dear Georg~; \ I havt tried for a long time lo send a dollar for yo*course in Sldewaya Thinking, but I keep get· ting my own sel addressed. stamped envelope b11 . \Vhat's wrong? \ Oe111r F'rustrated: Did you enclo&e facsimile? Dear Gtiorge: FHUSTRATED \ a r'"asonablc My husband i~ such a llg twad be r~fwea to buy a t~evi on gnt. When I objttt he ttlls m to shut up and watch the radio. 11 lherll': a cure for Stifiilnll':lt like th.at FURIOUS WIFE Dll':ar Furious Wile : You and your blabbing pmulh. Now my wlfe want1 a rid«> -sud- denly the wall~per bores her. the Israeli have a much better case. and are making the most of it. "Either the Slat' Dt'partmll':nt ceases Its opposition to ~elling more planes and / arms to Israel. or Congress will make J OU do it_ And that isn't R!I. the Democrats will grab !he ball and make political hay of it. leader 1<1'ithin :i short ltrnc after 1! occu r. re<!. 08\'IOUSL ''. th f? 1'f'teran Rcpubl1c<1n legislator is very much on .Jackson s side on this torrid mailer. He is far from being !he nn!y one. As Jackson emphatically noted, in his SPf'eCh in thll': Senate offering !he $500 milhon credits measure. it \V<t s authorized by that chamber la sl October by th"e overwhelming bipartisan vote of 87 to 7. 'l'hars "'hy Jackson could say v.·it h no exaggeration thal he has every cnn- fidence Congress will vote the credits by lhe same O\'erv.·helming bi p a rt 1 s a n derisiveness. This well·justlfied assurance is what makll':s Secretary Rogers's adamant stand against sending more arms to Israel so dirfirult to understand -parlicularly to members of C',ongress. They have slapped him dov.•n repeatedly on this qull':stion, and he still persists in being balky. TRIS UN VI ELD I NG inflexibtlity doesn·1 help him. the Administration or the Republican party. That's what the C..OP Congression11I leadtr tried to impress on Secrelnry Rogers in their talk . Politll':ly but emph&lically the \•etrr:in legislator, from a major Easlem st11te, told Rogers that his ~rsistent foot- dragging on Israel's urgent pleas for mnre supersonic Phantom planes and other Wll':apons was futile ; that this ob- dura.nce was steadily in te n s i f y Ing bipartisan resentment on Capitol Hill. ''YOU CAN TALK all you want about striving lo 'defuse· the Middle East situa- tion." said thl! Jt:glslative leader. "but you t1im ply arc not convinc ing an yone in the Senate and Jlouse.. Thal pla n, or hope or whatever you wnnt to call it, n1ay be well-intentioned, buf there are no buyer s. With the unlntentionlll help of tbe Rw.sians a.nd trucul,nt talks by Arabs, "AND I \\'A/\'T TO tell you very frr;nk- ly, l'.1r. Secretary. ;i lot of Republicans who are up for electi on next year under \'Cry uncert:iin circumstances are very sore at your complicating their already· difficult problems. ~y'vll': gdt enough on thll':ir hands without the State Department addlng lo it by stubbornly refusing to clll':ar thll': way for more armaments to Israel. "If you people don\,! watch out, you could very well cost us~ a number of Senators and Congressmen next year that the Rll':publican party can't afford lo lose. And I mlght 11dd. our Congresslonal ranks aren"t the only ones thal might suffer. The President ls going to be running. too, and if you don"t know it. he·1 goin~ t& need every vote he can gll':t -starting righl now." ROGERS LISTENED somberly to this tough talk . DeJenslveJy, hll': answ,red he is not against Israel or R:ivlng il more u•espons. He insisted hi s only purpolie is to bring .11bout some kind of setlle.ment between tbe Arab& and Israel. "Wll':ll , you certainly srll': not going lo do it by putting 1sr11e.I al 11 military dis11d- """tagll': to the Arabs and their Russian a llies.·• retorted the. GOP legislator. "The only chance for averting morll': "'ar in that C'OCkpit is to keep I~ Israelis so strong thal the Arabs and Russians will think t~·ice before slartinJ shooting again . "There is absolutely oo use trying to dodge fl!alltles . Either the Admlnistr11tion makes the credits available th a t C.Ongres1 voted ovll':rwhel mingly hist year, or C<lngrll':SI will do that with m111ndaLory legislation. That's the clearcut choice lhnt confronr.s you, and you'd better movll': fast, or you'll regret it." WHILE ROGERS 1i1tened Intently. ht 1ave no lndicaUon of being per1uadcd. That was the discouraged conclusion or the GOP legislator -and he kept it nrt secret. In fact, in relating his experience, he rema rked sarcastically, "About !be only thing Rogers seemed worried over v.·as UlRl Jack.so n would of. fe r mandatory legisla tion. That seemed to bf> !he 11ne thing upper most on· his mind. If il is, he's in for a big disair pointment. Not only is Jackson going In move, bu~ he is going lo "'"'in again thi! yt>11r, ju.st as de<""is ively as he did last. "Rogers must be a glutton for punish- ment -or something. What I can ·t understand is "·t:.y the \Vhife House doesn 't disregard him and lake lhe lll':ad itself. They've done that on other im- portant mailers, so why not on this one '.'" TflE REPUBLICAN leader's rumina- tions were accurate, but too lote. Several day!! later. Jackson offered hi~ $500 million credits proposal a n d forcefully announced determination lo push it aggresa:ivel y through Congress. As a ranking member of the Senate Ap- propriations C.Ommittee, the \Vasbington Stale Democrat is in a strategic position to do that, and is sure to make the most or it. GIA.II .. COAST DAILY PILOT Robm N. Wctd, Pllbliah' T.'lomGI Ktevil, Editor Albtrt W. Balc!r Editorial Page Editor 1'te editor!•! ~ of ~ Dail7 1'Udt 1eekl to Inform Uld •ttmu;•ie t'hd .. et'S by prll':tenli~ nu, ~· aplrdor .. and commentary e>n ~ ol !ntereat and ~. ty pro. v1dlrc .. forum for the UJlftl&Son or our ffti1en' oplnlont. and by ~ we.mine the diVft'k ~i"'POlrfta of m.. Jon'nfd o°'9erw.n &lid llpOknmm 00 -Ul""' .... Wedn esday. Sept. 29, 1971 -· 1 ;s ,ILOT -AD\'ER TIS(R N N DAIL 'f 11LOT Jf Vital Statisties for th~ Orange Coast Area Marriage Licenses Qot10U<1 Cl"Ni, l11tl'M>1>tlot1 llt1cti, ,...r ttwl M" Mlctlt•l 11. l1Hl'lllft~1•, Nortr"""'lltn, l f nt1 4nt, f ir! WllOO'I. ,&pl II (.,.11 M.,1, boy Etl•r1<ioto. MIH-Ylt io. 1:r1 Mr """ Mr<. ••l••I B11r1•••, )Ot•l ''"'''~" l •~t. CO"M• ~II Mot, M1 llO• l('i'I S1>mlfr1 I'll<•, {0011 -· t i•! M" ""°Mr.. l l'Dmu 0 Jb0fn. Uf Eo1t loot°"''"" 11, 101 Mr. ""° M•t . Jl:lt ..... a P"'tor, lll1 """It • L•no. "unllnoto• llo•<n. '"I Mt 11\0 Mtl J.,.n llr1W11. "II 4 <MIO Mr ""° Mri, llir.-. D Ntll. !d <J M<. •net Mro. '""' 6..,eoti, IHll lOth SI .. C61l1 ,,.,., •. fwjn ll0\'1 Mr t r>d M•t ltlcnotd Wt""r. 1011 f 11t"°"I, >1un11 .,.1on 1•1<1', t lll M• •nd Mt1 11111 Ct<~ltt. l60'7 C1mri•1 4 •on111. (O'l'llll u t Mtr, 1111 "llr.t•U I Cltel9, St nlt , bclr Cltt11tw-, G.rOtn Gto•t , t lrl Mr. 1no Mra. Aoe.rl M!l/o,, Jr, l'f 511on11 ""'"'°'• Cblll Mt••. DO• Mr. '"" "'" C~or110 L "''bn. tMI l• Aor No •. itn'" Ant. """ Mr 111<11 Mtt, Mk /lttl .... 11111, rll 0.ltc M• """ .,,,._ Wt l!tr II . ltt ... v l, l lt lJ M•. '"" Mfl. 'NIUl1m ........ "11J I I , ••• 2111 ,, ' ""'· o. li'.1111 M••·· M• •IWt Mt0 Yl~•M r .. .,... •• , \Jtl1 !.otonl• c1,.10. Hunllnll"" ll••tl\, DOV Mr • ..., M/1, H-••tl Ht1n•. )~J .. I... '"""'· CM•• MoJ.1, "" ~l ... en<t . -'<>u!I\ l1t~n1 -~. t •tl 11111\Co, Fi1Unt1I• lflllt•, boY -L-oli Ci•<'•, Huntint!M l!rt•tl\, Iii<>• I/or •nd M"' J"'n ,l.<Mt, 11'1 f l l! ><uod l, N ... _., 911<". t l•I Mr 1"<1 Mrl St-on ,,,,,_, 11!» Mr """ Mro. WlloY J ... .,.,llQll. "' ... , .... ..,. ... l'n Mt ..... ""''" Jt mM N•wt(l'I, "" M• """ ...... ""'""'" (l'!'IOfl, Jet Tlonlrm, Or1n1,, tioy M• ...... M•• l ~••ll ,..,.,.t•r. H J O•r l •U•" o ......... ,. 11, 01rffft Ort Vt ~1 .. ngr~n ~.,. •• Cotto Ml ... "°' M• Ind ,,,,. """' P0<ttrto11d, ~ r., ... u ,.,1( •. (Mii Mo ... t h \ WHI 'ul\l\ew .. , No. (, ~.,.,. ........ '"""'"' ,., 1'11 '"••I CD<!& Mtu. "°' •l•I LICINlll UIUIO IN Mr 1no1 Mto, 1(1,I fl l!r1rnvm, 1901 J .... nn, C1ot11 Mou. lie• M•· 1Jld Mn. Oelllkl lttlto" 116 1lfl Ml 1 "" M11 "'"'"' M1cn11111\1..,, lJlt Mt. •nd ..,., O•nlll 11111. )JOI W.,! M1 1M Mro l 11.....,.. ICl\w11t, ~I O••Nttl COUNTY (I Ull, NI Wt>O•I llNCIO. -M<. tnd Mrl fltWI" llr-n, 11 ... 51... N11~vlll1 Slfllf, 411. No, 0 , ""'"' Mr t nd M" (orl C1bonil1, 403 W l unl-ot, ''"'" ....... t lrl ll'n ~Int, ~o nll Anl . "°'' llt trl \11t~1 ltel<'I. lrvltlo. _. M• IAe Mro. M1r~d ll1t1MI, 1"1\ It IMM. f..,Ml l" lloll•Y• lloy ll~fll" 'M<"· l)oy ••uctw1v. (&\I•""°''' I "! Mt oM Mt1 J<!!ln 0 'N•lll, 1111 lt"'<ll ,.,,...,bot<' 19, lfll Mr '"" Mt. Sit•• Cuel\, t'11 AHnll Mfl, 11 .lldli""• St , W•1""ln1T1t. 110¥ "'"· 11111 Mn. L""ord Ht •"4""ft• I ll N r, '""' M" l t •tv l mltl!, IT7 Wul M r. t nd M". J11nmt IC!nt. )Hll l'l...:1, (Mlf -·· bov ~•. I nd M" fl-1 l•.,.roon, '41• Avt , N<mllnl lM l11dl, M<'I' ~Hlll!Tl4N ~EL0Nt K llonl ld G ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-!I. I! l(l(M) Wtil M1cAt!P>Ur. 51MI A.no I nd !MINI. ll, of 11)1 M11n111r, H~nt!~n I H <ll. lOLA•·•IOOING 111.,.,tn l .. tf, ti )S-IS IC111ll1 ,t,•1 \tonton i ncl M1rv••I J, 10.01 ooi10 w1uon. Ston w~0tH t:•Lr'<-01iR EWl f\4 -·-· c lt or 1'11 Wvomlna, Wu •mlr1u•t ••"d s'l\1rk• A. a. 01 1Js12 •u1d• S1tHI G1rat n Gro•1. DECIClil·lNGl !! -l~oo<!<>rf . 1\, ot llll1 I!! Oor1!IO ~••I II••<~ lr\CI G~<>t•i•••· "· ,., IUllO Mt<11ftl( l l fll. LJ~t1v's"c~';..10 T -01nio1 11 11. ot 1 1Jlll LI \11<1, t i Taro """ DettbV L, 11. ol fl loro W EllEll H•PPI! M•r•,.•I J , l •. Q1 10)0 Mo<A.rlnur l lva. ~1nl 1 Ano 11Wt Jt nnllet •. 10, or 111 J1.,nlt>t ••• 11:fN"e~oo~ "'•J ~m•• H , 11, ot 11111 S1n!1 Lucol , fo11~11ln Voll•• """ IC1ron L . II, '" 117' Jiil« .. ,:~og'~1;:'N f•llOUt<•R -,-.... .,a H 'T,-OI 11n Ctf\C.->I A••. ,l.llt n11 '"" (~d1llflt E . '" o' 110• Cotl l Pll <t , NoW'll"'I lh•<)i ' ''" WELCH·ll•NC:FL. Jonn G , ll, o 01 '6'1 l i mO•I, H11ntl,..lon I••<~ ""~ Octr" J , JI, or 1-tun!•n<>!on ri!'O~~SSON STEf l O~v+d H. 1I. 01 111 111110 l ~no. Co"• Mt•• 1r>(I Lon· .,, J •. 11, 01 Jll ~'""'' Pll••· Cot l• 0!'1."1'~11.1SH•M J•mt • M . n . o• 1700 ,,11,,,.,,. Pl•<• coiT• M••• •n<' "'"'"" ' II. of U/ """" llo•~· AA f1i'~~~~'Rv-P1ul v , ,s. of .oa1 !•n L.c>n Ol•tlf , f'u•n• "''" i nd G••I• G . 1!1. o• ?1~1 1 """"El Con· cllO. S.n .J.,1n Ct~hlr l....,, C.E .... IN \A l ·11Al l II.ob•" f:, 15. ot 111 !0 ,~ M•'•o, r o<••l •ln 111111• """ lrvd• G . II, o! fUI !In Ju1n. ~"" Ct•m•ntf Gitil.N CiV·llAlZLAFF llO•tl 0 , )1, ol J!OO H•il "'"', Hunlll\uton l ••<h •nd J•~lt• E. ?!. ot ll 10 Wu! l"'t \111' Slt•tl. S.n!1 Ano. SWA.N50N-WEll Ell St••t n_Q , 14, o! 11!1 l'l•I Air Cl•t••· Wt\!m•n•ltr ond E•• [ ll o! Wn tm ln1!•• lllJll GE·!.~-l'll Ol-l l -M!rh••I ii.. n . ol JU. Gr•tn Avt .. LOI il,lam lto• 1"1! o.l•rlorlt J " ,O! I OJ Ala,,.ll<>< C4 NO·SOL4NO -•11on10t1 C., l/, or '111 l .,olllh !lteol. ""'""'I"""' ant'.! Lid!• O . i•. o! ll•!l l • l'a! Pl•c•. Y..••lmln•••r Gll !MM-ICA.lll,,~.l~l>Slov•t> O , l J, 01 11167 Pat lllt Co.n t H\ol\WI V, Hun- tl ..... lon ll•ICI> and Jovu L .. 71 .of 1'1 Cri!J! •w•, "1~n11 ... 1cn 11•1<1>. l ,l.NQRY•CORlllN -Mlth••I A , H , <>I ••! Wtol l'•l!on•, 1'11IDO• an<! C•rol, '6. el Weil 8a1 4 v1 , Ntw•l r l B:~~c~Ji SJIFl Fll -Chod t t 0 .. JI, r! Q'J'h tr'' l oflt, Coron• 6•1 •nd 1n11t• M .. I•. ol )I! "' Woo 1nd. r..,t• M•••. 0Slloll!!MEA NIE IC•MP -lt lchord I , u , If 16S•? Lolro c lrc10, Nun· !l•tlOf! I H <I\ ond t>omt ll II; , ll , ot 1~14'1 MOCH\GIOW Lint, Hun!lng! ... 1'1••0. cnLLING!·ll "'YH -i • .,,., E . a . "' 1dO Wrl,htultw. 3r...,lo Ci1v •"" \li lffl• M . n . el 414~~ Clut111ou11. N•wpor! ll••t h t>AlllCEll·JON•SEN -G8"Y It , fl, ~! 11-'JI Tun111u Lan•. Nun!l.,.tcn ll~ich •~d G•vl• L., 1•, ol Hun· 1!nt1on fl1•<h O•ltll·HILDRETH -J tt k f'l,, ;;, ol l~M Que\I A~t , 'ount.in V•ll•• ond Jlmml• L .• <(J, ol l'ouM••n V•ll•• R•'llC·ll•NIC -Jot>n \/,,JI , ct '601 El Ro•, ~,,..nt•lrt V•ll•Y 1<1'1 J•CCut fln• . . JO, e! o•,. Hom•r, W•stmln"•' FOllEo.IAN-McCLtJNE -l f ,.t nce J . 1(1, of 770• W••I Octon r •ont, N'""''''"' ll••cn """ Ga ll A, 11, c! Ntwpetl ll•och sw•NION-M411l !NF l -,.,..,,1 .. H. ?J, o! JU • S..,!tln ~lowrt, ~onto An• ""° GffO!dln• P , U. ol 101'1 Cull• Strk. Hunlln•!on 11••<1\ MF.YEP·IOLIN -Oont\d J . J I, 01 )ttS)' lluklf\lr• L•n•. HunUnolo" ll••dl 1nil 1'1lrki1 A., • ., ot t<un. lln1!on 11•..i-h IRIGHA.M·WEllfll -,..,..,1 L.. •4, cl :01 II •vonld1 (o,mel, L1~11nl Hills ~nd l!h1nm• M., SI. ol 11'1 Gl•n•••l•I T•rrltCI• (O<ll M•<o JtJlllGINSM'!IElt-11114 UCH -R•'"" D , 1•, ol 11111 IC•n•lnoton Lo• .O.l•mllot 1M Morllyn It., 11, ol l bS Alemll<o• ITfW,t,llT·llEMEL1 N -ltbtV M , l\, "' .W C1nvon Au .,, l 1oun• B••cn i nd 11•1• G , 11. or l ••un• B•>eh llETTGt ll·1'1EN,LEY -NTthelo• L , "· o1 u!n 1111,. L•n•, W•••"';"''" 1nct l ond•o, 1•. cl w11!mln11or OCL4SS EN ·Sl~•THY -G l1n ,t., "· o! II!! Nod• ~lr t~, l ••unl llo•lll ond cnrlo!ln• "', 11. QI L11un1 B•Mh !CHOETTLER WOODSON -Otrnold 11 . 11. of 1J1!11 CPl!t•. w"'lmln1•H •"" Din• l .. 1" of 1H1» f!m U ro•'· Fountoln \/oil•• i••'· lt llR ENN it.N·l'OP JILLO -l •1h1 L .. ll, ot "• Mc F1d~~n. S••I• •ne And Ci>n>l•nc• L, 11 o! 1011'-. ....,.,., f'I ' C~111 M•>• IN(A5·1tH00f Onn•ld. IO, OI JJIJl (~"'l"O Ct oi"'"""· \•" I u A n CoDl11r1no •nll Joonn• E . It, or 5•• Ju•" c ool1H•nn O-~flO•N-1"01>G000 ll oDOfl M . n. '71 Ir.Ill 1(.,..1~0 l ono. Hun!•nQlon l\f&<~ ""° cn ... 1 l • u . "' ~""' 1.nt1on 8 ,..cn l\J411HION·Wf f l(S -0•• V, _l i, ol IM101 llot!l••I t •nf, Hun,.ne•on ll••d'I 1..., r '"'"'" J, l'."' H~n un~llin l tecn $tJMMl!RS·C4 LOWf LL -l•"• (. · JS cl 'JI E•I! '"" S•,l#t, C6'10 M~H ort<I llolt< $ • l•. ot lll ll•t 1"'•1, (0111 M••• JONES·COI T -(,onto• 1' , "II ol UCS Snt •lnt ll><" N•w""" •o•c~ •nd i lNn.,,• J, 11. •' •10 G""""''<h O•. Nyn!lnv lon l'lr•<~ l Y.llN·I MVIN Jor•IOt [ l l , nf !0.1 C1rm1•0. 51n C l•.,.~M• 1nn \uu n l n , .,.i ~1n Cl•m1n11 W lll lit.M'·~lO'-'.f' M•on•n .:: l" nl d1') 1'1!rl'•• "11wport ll••<h one "•lrl~I • A , ?n n• N•wDO" ~11n 1111</S'!N·All(INSE N -OffV0tY M · ~ ot l<lO ~"'""'!on, lDI Anotlf• •nd M•ll'11 A , It. o! '1•1 Wornfr. Huntlnotpn D••<"" •it.MHlt:l!?·S,t,I AMO~~ -Loo1• 1 , '1, o• ~761 C•ll• tor1n•dor. M1o ,nn VII· lo I nd £1••n• M 71, ol Ml,.lon Vl1ln Sl!LOl!lt5·lU ~f !••••n \ , It, ol •<Al N•••ln ~o•~· W«!mlns!fr '"" cnorv! "', 11, n' 11111 !ont1 liob•' 51rN I, """""'" V8llov MtF.l•L,t,NO·TlltJOEAU -l @,.I• W xi. If 1111 H!t•o•v, l1n11 Ano 111d Mi ry J, JI, ol \st.11 l o1 l U"•" Wfo""ln!"' Births KIDS LOVE UNCLE LEN SATURDAYS IN THE DAILY PILOT 14 01. SIZI Lavoris MOUTHWASH & GARGLE St111ut1111c A1lr+•rt•t 6.2 01. FAMll Y SIZE 'Close.up' TOOTH~ASTE Cl11r let 1r M1Rl f l1,1rs I lo'l.SPIRA.Y 'Florient' All fRESHENER Assttlt• fr11111cts IHTl·PER SPIRIHT Deodorants SCMICK lnitctor r, Razor Blades ~ Plus PlA TINUM ~ . S••tr Sl111l•1i l1r ~ cl1nr s•1,1i •BBc 16 OJ-All(ITO V05 HAii SPRAY s.,,, ,,,, ,, 11.i. 11• l11(1tlt4 aon• "CARCOAT" AH Place To Shop! N11•>11 ~-1ill :.1. ~. li~ll"r t1nn: \lo:'~ • ~~111 t />An~·. N.11', bruv.n, ~r Oil'lld ~v1~"· 11~p•r lrnnt !ft ~1 t. r • 1rir~. Si1t1 4·1 INfANn' GIRU' "CARCOAT" lt-.tnn q1;i't wi·n :ipll"f f~ ont. fJ~n~•.1 :•~p•r r~rtrot: s11·0 1" ·~ hrl j <'~''lid bottom nf r,~,·. P"·i ~ ~~.1 . Si1es 7· 12. /It(. 8.99 7.99 TOOOllR" CARCOATS" fof Boy1 i Cir \s - r~ :~ :_er ~ c01• ~ ~ .. ·~1 Iii·'~ ¥ t .. ~. '&,1~ 6'.Jll'1' " .__ 8: •t I dil tt!IO' . "CARCOATS " ) TODDl!l "CARCOATS" rar 8111 & Clr!s -R11. S.t! Hxl~,, ny~"· 11bho>d ~nit 4 7 7 -.1i:,t:e1; and 111100. A.1;.t. tCIN:;. Sizts 1·4 • 111. I.!• 5.99 GlllS' "CARCO ATS" B1y1 l ~iris - fl ,'~ ~~ill }1p 1/0~tS ~.!h appliqu es. Ass01ted colo1'i. Si111 2-4 Rte.~ ., 3.99 DENTURE CLEANSER TABLETS ...... 3.99 HALF l'>utA'A~ G~LON LIQUOR ~ LOVE'S "Soft Eyes" ~ \ "Smirnoff" • ., 11 " • ~ ~ VODKA"''"' 10.49 Gilbey's '"'"' GIN l•••·· Dr, Count Yasya ""'· VODKA '"" '• MacKinnon's u1 •. SCOTCH '"" ur" Canadian Reserve WHISKEY 10 '"'' Samuel E. Webster WHISKEY 11 '"'' Old Barstow GIN "'111 '"'' Foster Creek w•11·11 r IOUllOll 11 p,.,1 7. 89 4.39 S' x 11" St1°thr1 "Rev eal " lOASTl•G Wl.lP 'r>t ivir: .. , !Jsti,r llt"lh Ul.lt' mn i• Ille wrap. •tt.11c 39c NOltflCO Tape Recorder rll' h~11l!11~ nl'l':ulinn wi t)l J1'1m~·;~ ,.,,,rrl 1•1~1. Bdl!fry o~··a'•t 11"' 11.;1~nn1 and Upt c~ssettt. (If'! jLO) 29.95 Ad P1ic11 Prt•til: lh•u•~,, S1,1e111~1t JOI~ tkr• S11i1J, Dcl•••r l ~=v.~ Place To Shop! HIWPOaT llACH l•M ll'lflfl4, W11lcllft 1'1111 HUH11N6TON llACH ., ...... '""''"',.' HUN11N•TON llACH l~•lt & '"""' 0'1N• AM TO 1 O ,M 1 DA.TS A WllK •sllNATUlf' -Vitii~ vinyl t~m~~ ~~•hr. ruggd l!ld strong w1!~ 1~11 !low rouplin11 ltf. J.lt ·2.88 A~ 1\1t11l1M11t i1 IT!f'bl, r,..1 ... 1 tor sill~D1~l ~VH\~~~. ~ ~ 11\,1~1 Ml1d1y~ or 1"}1tm1. 49: ~ r1r tytS JS Stft and w1r11 as the t~i•ts 11 n1lur1 Thin&S rile lr-n> ~nd for~~. 'un~hine a~d grt~ft lr•t~. slQr'TI/ 11.i•s and bl111 1~~·$. B~lor! \o~t's $11!1 ly't. tolm~ lik~ tf,~e ~nly tJilt~d in n11u1 '~ raw~ sun\hirtt-S~ft gr,~n~ D'~P ~r·~n Ha1~I r.r~.~n snl{)ll!- Sall l•1l-D~p t•al- le1I bltc k & ~thPrt Mir~H1•t1 3.00 ''' S•1i11t1 Sk1,n Tri• 3.25 l11k M11c1r1 2.25 lr1w Ptwitr 2.25 Ctkt l11rr 2.25 Lask 2.25 l••&lkttl•t M11t1r1 ••<==]; ... -==:::> Lnt!ils 1.75 ll••r I. 1.75 l rl•,IRCIJ Ua itr (Jt 2.00 C1,1r & l•n Sk1•1w l tttk 1.00 & l•lltrs Mtill1t11111 1.50 lrt M1t11, l 11n1,1r 1.75 l as• M11c 1r1 llthll \ I ,f- f I r J• DAILY "lDT ' J. ·"'~ ~. .~ ~ t. U.S. Still Faces Woe s Over China Hy PHIL Nl:\VSON U~I l"••Rl1n ...... -.n.,,., ln July, 1971. President Nix- (ln declared "there can be no stable and enduring ( v.•orld ) peace without the participa- Lioo of Ute People's Republic ()f China and its 750 mill ion people." It is a conclusion wi1 h v1hich there seems no p ossi ble disagreernent. As the United States and Red China move to\1•ard a ne\\• accommodation y,•ith ea ch other. a formidable barrier is the chain or events 11·hich began with tht: start of the Korean \Va r in 1950 and ex- tend lo the present mo1ncnt. The most formidable of I hese center upon F'ormosa l Taiwan I. It also provides an ex- planation of v.•hy the American people may be forgive n a ccr· lain amount of confusion over national policy and the 11·ay it is carried out. Beginning with !95tl and through the intervening years, the United States has: -Declared F'ormosa 11 part of China and pledged respect for China·s territorial in- tegrity, but subsequently threw both into doubt by declaring Formosa's future one to be setlled by treaty 011 <:onsidcration hy the United Nations. -Recogni1.f'd jhl" ChianR f\a1-Shek government 11.'i !he legitimate goevernmenl or all China but, by casting the ownership of f'or1nosa in doubt, placed it in the odd position or occupying lerritory v•hich possibly did not belong to il. -Declared in i1s mutual defense treaty with I he F'ormosa government in 1954 lhat an attack upon the ter- ritory or either constituted a danger to both. -Reit erated again this ~ear that it intended lo lhe up to it.s treaty obl iga tions. lt certain ly is unacccpt ablr to the Chinese Comn~unist regin1e wh ich has made the retaking of Formosa and !ht' total withdrawal of l h ,. American mililary preseni.:e there ont of its first ob- Jecti,·es Since the end or \Vorld \l.'ar 11 Nationalist China ha s received nearly SJ billio.11 in l'.S. mi!it;iry aid During the \·1et11an1 \1a r it l1as taken on sperial in1· portancr for repai r fa rilities for tJs e by U.S.forces and as a i;upply ba se. On the oth er hand. !t is hf1ng argued that a~ the v.·ar y,·inds down and a~ the L'nited ~late~ lower.; its rnilitar\· stance in Asia. Forn105a·s military im po r ta nce din1inishes IL i! also being 11 rgurd 1hat pre1 ious U.S. mi litary aid has niade it possible for the Na- t1onalists to pro\~! thr1r island bastion by Them:seh es for years lo con1r. It i11 argued further that the t.:ommunisls would nol weaken their posi· tio n against Russia by becom- ing in volved in a cosily fight now to take Fo rmosa. Whatever the argunien l. it does not lrssen either the con· lradictions nor \h(' conrusion lnherent in U.S . poliry over the last 21 yrar:s. ........ Sean1cort f<>< FllEI water ima)y1t. by Sean Water oondttloninl gpwt;. • ANAHEIM 2636 W. la Palma 821-8900 ~-c-- FIOM LA. COUllTY 213/160-0451 OPIN DAILY 9 .1 til 9 SAT. 9·6 OPEN SUNDAY 10·5 ltt~•.tl16ilt 1tir·u11 ftr '"' ucki .... •24ts ,.,ittYt 1u1rtl tlftfy" ctt<ll. M llt. lllf'i'll 1lttl Mw. UG. $45.00 ........ NOW • APOLLO aow W1i1llt1 :IS lrt,i·SO U1. t39ts ltt. $74.SO ......... . EXPLOlllR II Wtltlllt SI 111.·Sf i. .... t39t1 .... $14.50 •...••..•• ~·COSTA MESA 1750 Newport Blwd. 646-1696 HA RBOR BlV D S,1,N DlfGO FWY. )(' NE'/1.POR.T f\'/'( • 1 THE NEWPORT AVE • ( o:::J GRANT 1;lt;, sr BOYS USE YOUR CREDIT AT THE GRANT BOYS * MASTER CHARGE * IANKAMERIC~RD DEER SEASON OPENED SEPTEMBER 25th NEW COOKBOOK tells how to prepare wild game Remington 30·06 SHELLS REMINGTON MOHAWI 600 l olt 1ttio11 riflt. C1I. 243-6 mm.JOI. t791a ltt1il1 1t $124.9S .. , ... , .. $.Alf JO.JO C1. USED Good Attion 111d lore& . • ••.. BROWNING TYPI AUTO. SHOTGUN ·j SALi $12995 RIMING TON MOHAWK 22 AMMO lox of 500 AIG. $599 $10.40 REMINGTON 22 lll Hi Spt1d. Will 110! eollttl linl, 9rit, 11nd ,, tl irt that h1rm1 •<lion. Hunters, shoolers, chl"fs and ho usewi ves will fin d 500 tested reci pes in !his auH1orita1 ivl" book. on cookin9 v1ild ga me. 174 pagl"5 . No "hunter hous ehold "' should bt with· out !his dmazing book. Tl"lls how lo prepa re 1m .. t1 g1mt, big gimt, upl ind g1mt birds, w1ttrfowl. How to l1eld dress !he gam e, how to ship 1L Sauces. stuffings, tas1 e lips, fully 1ndeJttd for quick relerenct. Com!" in and 9el your copy. ·············································· I .-----!.~.~.~.~~~:~~~~~~:~!~.~.! - LI" $6.20 $499 SAlt: RCBS JR. PRESS COMBO . . ..... , , $21.11 Remington 30-30 AMMO .... $4.8' $399 SALi STOP HUDTlllgl Sight in on the Pendle· ton~ Crui ser jacket. Rugged but l1ghl. Wa - ter repe:lent 10 boot. Pur e wool wilh lour snap pocket• 'P lus a roomy game pockst wilh right and left ha nd $30~1-_., __ _ RCBS DIES Reg. $15.00 NOW ... , .• ,.,. $9.99 MEC 600 JR . ALL GAUGE .....•... , $39.11 REMINGTON CHILLED SHOT ''.' ..• ' .... $22.oo::: lb•. SHOTG UN PRIMERS . . ........ , . . . . . . $9.DO ,., M RIFLE & PISTOL PRIMERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.0D '" M ALL SHOTGUN WADS ...........••. , , . $6.25 '" M IHE GUHi IOYS CUlr A FUil llHE or HUHllHG ACCESSOllES ro• ErflY SEASOHI BROWNING MIDALLION HUNTING COAT s411s s19's . s3000 In ti111 36 It ~I tan 1olor t nly 10 X DOWN VIST Sir11 1m1ll It X-l•rtt 1pur t rttn, r1il WOOLRICH SHOOTING SHIRTS Sirtt 1m1U fl X-l•rtt ltn inly ... BOB ALLEN SHOOTING SHIRTS AU Sizt1 1n4 c1lor1. ltt9. $9.95 . . . NOW HUNTING CAPS Ctmouflttttl in 1i111 6 ~'1 It 7~'t .... DEER SEASON SPECIALS SAFUY HUNTING VISTS 98• •••. ''""°''"'" ., . ,, ... DEIR BAGS 79• l +t•!orlr 11.M DEIR HOISTS s22• l it IKl 4u r q !1I 1)00" !fol UNIVERSAL ICOPI WIU 11 4 POWER SCOPE CUSTOM MOUNTED LIST $39.95 .... DEE• SfASON $14 95 IOlf Sl"'1fl S~fCIAl • i t I ' I t ) ' Costa Me.a EDIT t O.N voe ..... NO. 23 3, ' SECTIONS •. 10 PAGES ~~ CX>UNTY, CA LI FORNIA WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 197f • rv1ne Thieu Gets Tough Viets Ordered 'Shoot to Kill' S,\lGON (AP) -President Nguy en Van Thieu today ardered police to "~hoot to kill" antiaovernment rtoters who thrO\I' firebomb& or otherwist endanger lives. Government spokesman Vu Khanh, L'Gntinning Thieu's order, said lbe presi· dl:nL told police official1, ··we are Jiving iil a period o( politiCal danger and Douglas Wins New Battle For Co,rnple x McDonnell Douglas Corporation plans to develop a ma ssive hofel-office build ing t•junplex near Orange County Airport liiUtvived another hea ring 1'uesday•despi(t: new and vigorous opposilion . ·rht Or11nae Couaty Planning Com- TI\Wion recorded tht same J to 1 votf' by '\fhich it qproved a rezone Aug. 31 of the $1 acret al lhf' nort.healll comer of M.c.vthut .Boulevard and Campus Drive. Backing vigorou!'l opposition ef. \he Jr;vine Company Tuesday was a Jl]anniol dept:itmt."nt staff report· atrongly -nooJTI· mtridiDi denial ot i ~amendment 10 the generaJ plain of the area plu1 • pro-- test from a UCI execntive. The plan faces its next hurdle within tour to jix weeks befo re the &a.rd or Supervisors. A hearing dale on the rezone from industrial to commercial use of the property has not been set. !\tcDonnell Dougl15 wants to build a 2iMJ..room hotel-motel and 4ime 500.000 5e1uare feet·of office building s on the site. The Irvine Company opposes the plan because it changes lht: established Irvine· lnd1.1strial Complex Planned Community Deve!opnienl Program. At the Aug. 31 hearing. a j{.aff report 'f'ritten by planner Roy Gohara recom· mended approval of tile rezone. Tutsday a new jfaff report signed ~· Planning Director Forest 0 i t k a s o n 1trongly opposed the: projecl . P\aMing Co mmission C h a i r m ii n tSte DOUGLAS, Patt!' Benefits Cited In United F un d l\f er oer· Action ~ The mt:rger of the 1-larbor Area United Fund into a regional "United Way" may not produce huge cash aavings im· ml!diately. but will rt:!!Ult in long-ranae economie• that may prove to be the •alvation of the United Fund eoncepl, Robert Perkim, president of Ute Harbor di\'ision. said today. United Fund offif.ials announced Tues- day that the Harbor Area United Fund "'·ould join with Santa Ana, Tustin and Orange to form the Southern Orange County United l\''ay. tur1noil . It is the duty of police lo keep order. It is their duty lo ~ac! to anr \iolence. "'Whoe ver creatts violence in· the streets for the purpo5e of te.rrori.!'lm must bt. sevtrely punt.shed. TOOse who l rt caught m::l-handed burning autos mwt be shot on the spat if nece~ary:' Theiu made M mention of continuint demonstration! a1ainst his unopposed candidacy in Sunday·s presidential elet.· tion. Thieu issued the order to some 400 police oHicials from around the country gathered for a meeting at the national police headquarters in Saigon. Shortly afte r the meeting, a terrorist hom b exploded in front ol a crowded restaurant in suburban Gia Dinh, 'Woun- ding Z4 persons. all VietaAmese. It was the fourlh ma)o_r ~rorist bom- bing in the Soi&on area in the pa st 111.·o \Veek!. The Gia Din h Province chief, Col. l.e Van Tu, said the wounded included livt polic.emen, 14 aoldiers, two women , two children aAd a civilitn man. Tu said ,reliml1ary reports showet ttO one wa!I killed. Sourc•s 11id the bombin& wa."' thou11ht to be tht work or Viet. Cona who ap. pann~!Y _filed. a l~nd plastic "!· plosive to 1 bictcle parked 'out!lide tht building. Tht rt'sllurant 11 ~ favor ite of .oldlers Ind polittmen. A vehicle belonging to an American contractint firm was firebombed in crn- tral Saigon earlier in lhe day. There were no injuries. No new antigovernment riots were reported in Saigon, bul in the norlhern ci- ty of Da Nang about 300 Buddhi~t students and monks threw rocks and. fire. bombs at combat police 1urrounding a pagoda. Potier responded by firinf volleys or tear gas canister• and one: Butidhist stu· dent was wounded in tht head . Witnesse!t said they did not see any aoldiers firinK rifles and prt:!!wnbaly the student wa.s ~·ounde.d by a canister. The Buddhist n udents have been holtd up in the pa1oda for three days alter 111 ant1govemm.enl dem onstration . In another development , ~n . Dt1onic Van ''Big'' ~1 il'l h . who along wit h \liee President Nguyrn Cao Ky withdrew from rhe presi dential race charging tha1 lh,. e.lection was rigged b~· 'J'h1!!'.U. s;ud ~ presidenl chosen 111 an unc:ontts1ed clrt'· 11on "can 1n no wa.v repr«>enl lhe prn· pit," Mom Hubbard's Register Bare The owner of a Newport Beach bakery named for old Mother Hubbard wenl to the. cupboard to chtck tUs cash receipts Tuesday. But whu he 1ot there. ht found il wa.! bare. Randolph Clark. owner or ~lother Hub- bard's, 256 Eutblllfr Drive. lold police someone evidently slipped in and cleaned out>lhe t'l!lh re1isler while b•kers were busy. Loss wa~ ~. investi&•lors said. 00 ote Mesan Loses Two Senses Taste, S niell A ffectecl by S trange Malady By ARTHUR R. VINSEi. 01 '"" D1ilY f'llll ltUI Say dysgeusia and dysosnia in polite i::ompflny and thl!: uninformed listener might thre.aten to wash your mou!h (llll "ilh soap. or, worse. do it. Then you could beltf'r relalt to 1he plight of E.t.rle Wight. He suffers those mysterious. d1ff 1cull· lo-pronounce maladies -cause and c:ure unknown -which incredibly distort the stnses of taste and smell. · One can truthfully say a disaster or gastronomic propor1ions has befallen him. Like most people. ht lo\•es ~ood food and 1ppreciate.s fine wine, but 18 month:<: ago lift a bruptly changed ror E a r I ~ \Vight. Dysgeusia and d y sos n i a developed. Normally pleasing tastes and smell~ are now unbearably foul, or else. noll<'x- iste.nt , while semt: -sweets in ~::arle '~ case -remein unaffet.led by lht: baffling eondition. ··~Jy tasle is either good or bad. bul il!'i far as distinguishing differe.n l fla vot'!; - no way:' laments Wight. Nobody knows precisely how or wh.v, bu1 thl!: incredibl y complex systen1 by 11:hich sweet. llOUr, .11att and biller are trans lated bel\\.·een papillae. or taste. buds. and the brain. ~s baywirt like a co mputer with a. short circuit or blown lu5es. · '"'Muslard. tpq:hetti .a.ncl meatl>aDs. anything tbal contains cat.sup, Wt.a like . _ , well ... what you wouldn 't want in your mouth," he declares. .. Mouthwash, coffee. diestl Gr eair fuml!:s fr.om a bull, truck. or cars. !hey 811 .:nnetl UM~aime," Wight continues. A fre!h slice of fragrant on.ion on a rart hamburger is translated into An unholy odor that literally n.auseales him. And if something taslts bad, it ta stes BAD. "The taste? I cannot describe the tast i>. It is totally forei gn. And il ·s fu nny, thi> things that I liked and en1oyed Are. now the ones I can't e.at," he continue:<:. Steaks and lamb chop!'! 11.re edible, but ta stelt ss , Wight can only tell what's for dinner when he. arrive!'! home at 710 W. 18th St , Costa f\ftsa, when he can see 11 . He always enjoyed 1 glass nf wine with LOSES TWO SENSES Malady Sufferer Wight ii . bul nnw 1·a nnol rl islingu1sh a <..:aberneL S11Lv1gnon from in~tant te:i . fine iced lie i.~ losing v.•eight 15 ('Qttnd~ :-;o lur, b111 saving money. ··what's the st:nse of buying good w111e if .vou c1:11fl tell \\'hat !he hell you 're drinking?,·· he explains. ··we used to dine out two 11r threl'. lime~ a week. No1v 11 11e go ouL once a Castro Issue s Threa t For R en ewed S k y jacks r-.t1A ,\H (l'PI\ -Cuban Prcn1ier Fidr! Cast1'0 v.arned the United States Tucsdal' n15ht to stop publicizing Cuban refugee.~ "·ho flte his island 1llegal!y or he 1nigbt •tart sanclloning the skyjacking of Li S planes. Speaking at. !he 1 Ith anni versary celebration of the founding of the Revolu· tionary Defense Committees -local crl!~ which encourage. spying on o n e · l'i neighbors -and monitored in Miami, Castro told the crowd: "Let them (the U.S. government I remembe.r that their planes fly hert. let the imper.ali!U remember we haven 't yet awarded a medal to a skyjacker. '"But if they promote illegality here. v.·e_ "'ill prorrwle. illegality I here." Castro wls referring lo the ap- proaching enlfto the "freedom flights" In Miami and the choice taken by 1nan.v Cubans, like JZ just this weekend, to al- !('111pl ('fn~~1n~ 1he d1u1gel'rn1.~ F\or1<J.1 'i!r;;1l~ !n lrecdom in .-;mall boals and niakesh1t1 rafts. C<1~!ro !r,oii lilt .~an1t1: occasion on Sept 211. 1%5, rn announce lhe starl of the ;i1rl1it. r1<•l1nR tl1at any Cuban •1·hn didn 't like the re vr.111!1011 could leave As of lo· day more thar. Z46,000 ha ve left. Bur"lar Came In ,., Jcron1 Cold in J\1esa Chilly }lltumn is he.rt. and the crime ralr in one Costa Mesa neighbofhood \fenl up Tuesday as tht. temperature •~1er.l down. Florence !)ave\'. nf ZJ96 Hu ral La ne. lold Officer Denfus liossfcld some thie f reached through her bedroom window and snatched $25 In belongings: her elec· tr1c blanket and s""·eatcr. 1no11t h we·re doing good.'' Wight con- l1nues. li e in sists his \Vife l\1arguerite go to a resLauranl with friends occasionally, so she doesn't suffer for his affliction. !\laking the d;iily lun,·h he. takes to his job as tna il unit supervisor at Philcu- Ford Aeronutronic is also a problcnl for l\1 rs. \\right. "ll's pretty hard lo eat a sandwich 1\·he n even the bread tastes bad. I end up eating only the S\\'eel food ," he explains. "I'm hungry for so many food s, but • .. " Wight shrugs. Smoking is <.'Ommonly <tssociated with diminished ability to la:ite and smell norma!ly. ··smoking i~ about the only thing T en- joy an ymore ," says Wight. who Us 55 and a smoker for 40 of those years. What ha s bel!:n. is be ing, or possibly can be done for dysgeusia and dysosnla· ~ufrf'rs, 1vho medical authorities say number in the thousands? ··rm sure rm not the only one in the c.:ou ntry with this problem. And lt's one l1ell of a prol>len1, believe me," says Wight . Scienlisls who only recently be1an stu- dying the amazing , bu t pre.viously neilet.ted mec:h11.nics of taste and smell suspect the mouth -aot the mind - ma}' be inner man 's last frontier. The big _Questioa on Earle Wishl'r mind ls,. )ftdeed, .Ut Is ·onina: on in bi.a mouftr!' · .,-· · The key apparently lies somewt\e.re between lhe adrenal gland& -one ltnawn factor in transformint variou.r ttimuJ.i in- lo taste and smell -the to.igue, ~UIW. throat. _nose and brain. His _.physician and a iprecialjst Wifht t·ons11ned tia ven't come up •Ith allf Op- timistic answer!. Some medical men claim 1 degret of i;uccess prescribing zinc tablt:ls. lheoriz· 111g a rnetal deficiency m8y be Involved in a kind of electrical !'lystl!:m transmitting nerve m~ssages'. The concept is a litlle li~e adding 8Cid to yo ur car battery to help charge. up the electrodes. One alleged breakthrough was widely re ported earlier this year. It is a laste test diagnostic kit developed by Or. IStt T.~STELESS, Pq:e %) North Carolina Coast P eriled By Huge Storm '.\1 IA~1 I I UPI 1 -llurricane Ginger "loughcd off an :irl1he1a l ice seeding lo· 1!a > ::ind auned 1ls massive circle. of 90 1n(1e an hour winds and eight foot tide s li)r a Thu rsday morning blow at North t:i'.rolina ·s Outer Banks. 'rhc National llurricane Center issued hurricane wa rning!'! at noon ror the Jov.·· lv1ng coastal area rrom Cape Lookout, N.C., northward to Virg inia Beach and !old re sidents in the. area to take im· med iate precautions. Already winds lo 40 m.p.h. were slap- ping at the Oulher Banks -an area that has been pounded (or over a week by hca\'y ground swells and surf kicked up by Ginger. a massive storm that cnvers an area the size of Florida. Dr. Robert Simpson, the chier of the Nationa l Hurricane Center, said Gingtr was expected to ma ke its landfall Thurs. da y morning between Cape Lookout ind <.:ape Hatteras. Each division will ret<1in its own iden· tity under the program, Perkins said. and eat·t. vr iH ha re its Of!'n directors and volunteers. Long-range savings will come fron1 the ab ility lo cenlralize ad· mini!lrati ve fu~tions. United Fund officials al~ said that donations made to the respective fund.t will be dispersed e1:1ctly the "'Y they were last year, Draft to Resume Thursday 'l'he eye of Ginger. the longest-lived hurricane on record. was 80 miles aero~ and Simpson said the storm'• gale winds were affecting 11.n area mort: than 700 niile.s in diameter. At noon EDT, Ginger was centered 11.bout 27fl miles southeast of the. WUm· ington-Cape Hatteras area near lati tude 32.l oorth and longitude 73.7 west. Ginger was bearihg down on Lht North Carolina coast al JO m.p.h. Thret new a1encies have betn added to the list of recipients of United Way monies this year, Perltjru Nid. They are the Artificial Kidney Fou!l- dat.ion, the Nalional Surf Life Saving Asaociatlon and the Harbor Area Youth Problems Center. TtJe local division has established a &Oil or $45t.OOO for the upcomm, cam- paign. The re(ional goal is $1.15 mllllon. Perkins takl that the ~ of operating tht rund may 10 up this year from laA year. so far., the Harbor Arta divis\on ts corarned. but 1aid this will not be a l1stin1 result. The Harbor Atea Olvl~on. which ""'I! creattd onty last year with the mer&er or the Newport Beach aind COsta Mesa United Fundlf. will ma.intairli-'ll! esittini offices on Newport. Boulevard. However. the!le probably will j)e t.liminated nut year. f'erkim noted. 1971 to Have Lowest Callup in Ne arly Decade WASHINGTON (~P) -R .. umlnc th• draft after a lhrff.month lapel!:, the Pen~ tagon will announce Thurtday a new I"'" duction quota thlt .tin bring 1971 call-up~ to the \owe.it anmaaJ total in nearly a dttod<. A Ptntaaon apokesma n .. Jerry W. Friedbeim, said the new call will cover . inductions for Octobe.r. November and December. and that this yur'a draft tot1l wlll end up below 100,000 men. The la.st time the drift fell bclo\\· 100,000 was in 19'2 whe11 76,500 men were drafted into tht 1rmed forces . f'riedheim did nol &iVt I firm filJUre fdr t he October-Novtmber·Oecomber ~au . but indicated the total ror the three months will be be low IS,000 - A !Qtal of 13,000 men were inducted ln the. flra\ six months of thll 1e.ar before the draft law .ditd Jue 30. Setretay of Defense Melvin R. Lafrd hu voiced hope this will be the la.,t ex- tent\on of the Selective· Suvict Act. ex· cept for Mandby emergency machinery, be<:ause the Nixon administ.r aUon hopes to 1chieve 1n all·Volunteer fort-e by mid· 1913. The thrff-ftlOnlh lapst In tht draft w11is !he longest sinct the late 1940s when Congress allowed the: draft lo die, bul revl\•ed it in June 1948 after a nine-month ~•P because. the Anny w1s uru1blt to fll l its rank.a with vo lunteers. Friedheim uid it wlll 1.Akt ahout two or lhrtt weeks after the new c11I is l"ued to gear up for actual inductions. Selective Service 11.uthorities have said they anticipate .).he flrst rlM!n inducted will come from among " pool or college and junior college graduates whose draft deferments expired in June, Presid enl Nixon signed the draft-ex.- tension bill today ln signing lhe bill, which rtach:ed his desk aftrr a hard congressional fighL Nixon ordered A $2.4 billion a ye;1 r pay" raise delayed until after the general wAge·prizt freeze e>1pires Nov. 12. The Jm Y increa se, desig ned to promottr • "n ail-volunteer force. wal\ written into" the draf~ bill and oro\'ldcd for an Oct. 1 ! See. OR.AFT, f'a&t t > "Tides will rise steadily durin& the next 24 hours lo a maximum of eight feet above mrmil near the hurricane ctnter as it reaches the coast," Simpson warn· ed . \Vhlle Gi nger hall IOll JOIM 1trength during the last 24 hours. It remains an important storm bttawc of tht lar11e area which tontinues to be arfected hy gale force winds. In addition lo Issuing a l~urrkane warning for North Carolina and Vlrglni• eo.s sls, forccAsters put the are3 from the Vlr11ini1 coast fl(>rlhwRrd lo Delaware, in· eluding the lower Chu 1peake Bay, on A hurricane watch. Gale warninas were 1:s.sued In the san1e area. N.Y. Steeb TEN .CEN TS . December Electwn Okayed 4-1 B~· JACK BROBACK 01 !II• Dl ilY 1'111! It .. ! An incorp.Jration election for the fu n1re city o( lrvine was approved today by ~ -4 to I vo te of the Orange County Soi.rd ol Supervisor~. 1'ht cityhood elec1ion date wa; set fOr Dec. 21 of this year. Fi[th Disuict Supervisor Ronald Cff. pers cast the deciding vote, much to the surprise of lhe supporte\.s of the new city, who assumed he would oppose if. Caspers said, •·it is now up lo yoo people to decide how much in i11crea.sed tax~ you are willing to pay to duplicate Ule'services now prCov ided by the county. I estimate that it v.•ill cost each of you at least $100 a year morr. "\Vhatever the outcozne or the elec.tion. I hope this communi ty will become one. ol the great cities of Ain.!rica." Previous to Caspers' action and mot.ion in fa v or of incorporatio n, Su pervisor Ralph Cl.ark or Anaheim. had moved that t h. e incorporation decision ht: delayed •t four v.·eeks. "Bec2.1.1se l have several doubts which I would like to see cleared up." he explaitted. Clark had been though t or 111 beill& the. important awint vote. and l:Us motion lo de\a.y brought groans Crom the audi~ eDce:: or 150 'upport.e.rs of tht ne" c·\ty. Irvine cityhood became an offlcia topic in thl!: spring of 1971 when ttle Irvine: Company announced plans for a ~.008- acre: city with a potential popul1tion el oi.10.000. Since that spring. the proposed boun- darlee: hive been sha~ and reshtoed b~· various groups. Official notice "lit in · corporation was gi9tn Sept. II. 1970 by !ht Council foCommunitles of Irvine, under the leadership or John Burton. the Council of Communities or Irvine, Company plan to 56,000 acres. but drop· ped the E! Toro l\1arine Corps Air Sta· tiOn. the San ta Ana tlelic:opte r base and Orange County Airport from the original plans. Early this year. the cities or Ne'lfport Beach and Santa Ana protested so~e of the boundaries. l\Iajor changes Mre made, and the 18.000..acrt: proposal was born. Sant.a Ana remained dissatistitd with the cityhood plan and has fought lhl!: in· 1:lusion or 938 acrts south or th~ hellcopler base in thl!: propo!'led city of Jrvine. Santa Ano. with the help of Supervisorti Robert Battin and Ronald Caspe rs. bat· tied the cityhood plan through several stormy Local Agc nC'y Formation Com· misskln meetings. bul the plan "'a~ finall y scnl lo supervisors by the LAFC anvv.·av ·fhe -l'urrrn\ pla n covers 18.000 11.cre~ and a population of aboul 7.000. Tht in· corporation petition was signed by 1,6.iO of the eligible 1,997 registered voters. Unt il today, less than three percent of the affected prope rty owners protested the cityhood plans. The Irvine Company owns most of the land involved. The 18,000 acres is assessed at $63 milli on. Boundaries of the city, as proposed to Supervisors today, include Newport Beach and the southf'm boundary of UC Trvine on lhe south: the Santa Ana Freeway on the north; MacArthur Boulevard and the Newport Fretway Oft the v.·e.!Jt Md Sand Canyon Road on lhe e.ast. Weac•er Sunny skies again today, wllh increased cloudiness tonight and Thursday. Highs alon& the coast in lhe mid·60's rising to 77 in land. Lows tonight 56 to 62. ·INSmE TODAY No moittr whtr• ~oti tttrn this weekend. tilt.re 's a commun- ity theat1.r lighting up it1 1togc. See Thealer No,es i11 todav'• e11tertaln mcnt sectio11. Paoe 27. a111111 1t •••lllll 11 C1Ulw'"9 II Ci r-,.,_ U C~.c-"" U• II '''""ltoll J1·61 C-lc1 11 c ...... ..i ,. OMlll Htlltt1 !4 DIWltn It tftftri611 ..... ' li11hN'll Ll!111t111 2•11 l'ltl-t :rt-JI -. ,, ............. .M Miii .. • ' Mtt1 Ill l«vl<t 11, I• ,,,,. ... , ... ,, M-1 P11t1111 • loll'tlMtl lttwl •• , Dr•lll• '""" u l vtwll Pwtw ,,. ,...... IJ.:tJ Or,I~ 11 l lM\ Ml'r•tto »JI TtlwhlM 1l T11Mtw1 1'-1' WN IW 4 w_..,., lhw1 ,.. .. . .,,. ..... . .. , • ' . • . ··- , I DAILY PILOT c Locl(heed Under Fire 2 U.S. Examiners -Congress Told of CSA 'Massive Waste' . NamedinScandaJ _,,ASHINGTON (UP I) -HMry M. Durham. former "mploye No. 526 796. CClf'lfronLtd a corporale ''it<t president wlUt a • bolt toda.y and aceused Lock-11.t of mwlve waste and mismanail&. Mt of the CiA cargo plant contract. Durham, who s;ud he quil his job in dli.gua:t u a production engineer at lock· ~gia.'s CSA plant in fllanetla, Ca.: told a congressional commitk>e that ~1>2 km ot valu.able sl«l .... ·ere lei! to rtist and q>rrode on outdoor racks, need- 1#1 ~~ wer@ incurred by purchase G( hardware at "eiorbita.nt" pricP~ and "lhouNnds of thousand.!! of parts and ~blies i,i.•ere mlSplaced and left out ,,, the planes." : The CSA program has exceeded its fJri11J1al eost estima~s by $2 billion. The Air Force jet transport i1 the world 's largest aircraft ~Durham A.id he tried to correct the lituation but "I \\'&! told tc shut up." . Loekhttd.(;eorgla Ex~ve V 1 c e P re!ident H. Lee Poore ddended his cempany. "We are only people:· he said. " , , • and as other peoplP in nt.her endeavors. we are not perfect." Flights Still Not · Maxi1nu1n At OC Airport _:Ibe addition of two new jet fl ights to $1cr~ento by Air Ca'ifornia has not bi-ought the airline up to iU maximum i'ltunber fJf flights allowed at Orang!! County Airport, airport officials said ~y. J'l.ej ther Air C&.lifomia, nor the other major passenger carrier. Hughes Air West. are flyiiig the maximum number nf dt\ly lights aliowed them by Orange O;iunty Supervisors-' ··Ron Cl'landler, d@Jluty dittt:tor nf a\•ia- tlDn for the county, Said Air California l;IH averaeed 21 flights a day for the first ..Wn months of l97t -Alr California is allowed 24.6 average ~y flight.$ for 1971, Chandler explained. \,Airpott offleta ht' use average daily :ft11hts, ~ an ruehts are not dally, Q4l. any. one diy an altline col.lid exce.ed iti muimum, if other days are below the llmiL ·: Hu&h!s Air West is eurrently averaging r:4 filgbt.s d&ily , Chandler sa id. It is allowei ID.I durlnl 1971. ·~The MUimwn limit.I will increa1e for ~ Ulinel in 1m, and.-the lease agreemetil.s reported to the auptrvisors .wr. 17. 1971. In 1972 Air C&liforni& will be al!l'lwed 2'.l averace daily fiiht.5 and Air W!!!t C&tl. b&ve 13.7. From Pqe 1 DRAFT • • • effective date. Friedbeim estima~ that the slippage l,p. payin& the higher &ea!t.S from Ocl l to Nov. 13 will u ve the Pentagon .abclut $315 uiilllon. Me.11.nwhlle, the nerense Department Wued a. new monthly report on klta.I nUlitary strength shl'lwing that the armed fQrcM declined by Z1 ,000 men in August ~ a total of 2,~7,000, smalltst in more than siJ year1. ·ne Pentag!'ln hu been sc.aling do1rn the site of the armed forces since at<inJ to withdraw frl'l m Vietnam ml'lre than twl'l yeari ag!'l. At the peak !'lf the war, in 196ll, thu e were more. than 3.S ~lil'ln American men in unifl'lrm. ·' ' Ol.AM•I COAR DAILY PILOT l ...... N.WaM ,,...., ... ........,,.,. J"~ L c.,f..,. ' ,,.. .......... ._.. """""' i. ~' A. M11,.,hi~• "'-""Inf I 01WW di.t. H. l e• R;,.,,,.. P. Hin "-"ilfllllt M-."'9 •alM c.... .... Offtc. )JO W..t l1y !itfeet M10J11 MJ,_1 P.O. l«s 1560, t2626 --..... ~,..,N....,, ....... ....... ._...:m......_1 A-............ .._,_, 17111 '-di ..., ....... --~-....... ea.. .... J Poore a:mtaoded th1t despite Ult prob- lems with plant's e&ealat.ina eo1U, the CSA i.s 1''1'.lfkinr and is regardtd as ''a great bird" by the pilot! who fiy it and a "drt-am to Rrvice" by the tnecban ie,, \lo'ho v;·!'lrk on it. Durham. hou.·ever, cnntenderl tha1 the assE"mb!y of 1he plane u.·as "chaM." Aircraft would arnve .11l thP fl ight linP as "a virtual shell missing thousands and thousands of part! and assemb!ie~." he S.?~d. and 1.()ckheed u.•as unable l\) dett'r: mine -.·hich pilrta were m1"ing ~Cllll!e installation papers has beE"n deliberately rals1fil'd, Poor e denit'd 1t. "\\le neitht r np11· nnr delivered any airplanes configured in ;i.ny "'ay kl detract frnm r~uirtd qual- ity standards," hP said. Durham reached into a cardboard fil- ing cabinl":t at his side and pullt'd out a package of rust-c!'lvered drill bits that he SA.id had been stnred outdoors in a rain barrel al!'lng with other e1ptnsive equipment. He l&Jd UY. tonJ tJI ttHl .,.. i.rt outaidl!i on n cb in a nm of hundrildl of thousand& of dollars. And he produced a fou r-inch stttl rod that he said Lockhttd had bought for I~ -many times It artual value - then casualty disc'ardtd. "That type of thing ju!t stuck in my era\\• " he said. "Here is a standard aircraft bolt," hf. said, reaching inll'l 1 pl.11stic: bag to re- m0\'e a sluny. three-inch object. •·Jt is a common bolt that probably ..,,·nuld rost $2 or $3. Lockheed bought four of Lhesp bolt!i for $6.'i each ." roore said he could not t-stimate their va!ut . "I don 't know u.·hethtr its plati· inum or titanium ." he said. Poore said it was "most unfortunate that the statments of this one individual. v.·ith only partial informatie>n. rt'C#'ived and require tht attention of so many other people who are. dedicated to the C5A program, ii.! efficient uecutioo and completion. HE LIKES DISNEYLAND Newport'• Tommy Morris ~'ASHINGTON IUPIJ -Tw!'l former ._Jedera1 bank PXamlners were lndlcted to- day on charges they accepted illegal ll'l&llS from financier Frank W. Sharp, central figure in a slock fraud scandal that has Louched almost all the top political figures Jn Texas. Atklrney General John N. ~·litchell an- nounced that fl'lur indictments were returned in U.S. District Court in Houstnn. Also iodicte<l -.·ere lwo former Te1as state bank examiners and four f!'lrmer of· ficer.!i in Sharp's Sharp.stowa Slate Bank which collapsed in Januar\'. ' The indictments charged lhal the men misapplied fuod s of lhe bank. falsiflPd rtrords .a~ accepted nr made nrarly 1105.noo 1n illegal loans to lhe exnminers. loan from Sharp in May. 1989. Another 2.1-count indictment named John T. Knight, tin assist.11nt bank e:r· aminer for the f'OIC, \l,'el!.nn Adltr a state hank e1aminC'r, Douglas N. Lan~, a rorrTier bank president. Herman Nl'lnu, a former bank officer and Charles L. Henkl!i, a Houstoo real e~tate inveslor. A fourth ind ictment of 15 co unt! charg· ed Lane , Henke and Ca rl Lundquist. a former slate bank examiner. who was an off icer nf !he Sharpstnu.·n bank from April. 1970, Lo Januarv. 1971. Ac.CQrding to tht' iiidictmenl.li . Hooptr rec.e1ved a total S60.812 in illegal loaru1 ; Knight got S27.104 : Brisk>!. I Ul,000, and Adler, $8.417. 18-year-old Adulthood NeJ.vs bo y's Dream Arrives-Heads To Disney World 83• CAi\DACE PEARSON Sharp. who has been fined $5,000 and given a suspended sentence for falsifying an entry in .11 bank record, v.•as granted immun i!y frnni future !'ltate or ft'deral prosecution in return for 1estimonv to the fPdt'rlll i;trand jurit's. · (:ostly Probe Tali.e s Erratic Earth Orbit 01 '~• oe11, Jl liet l!•ll He was not named in ;iny ol !lw:! four in· Measure Clears Hurdle E\'t ry day for fh·e monr.h~ i2-yt'a r-old dictmenl~ Tom Morr is would hop nn his blcyclt as A one·cnun! indictment charged Ted sonn as he got home from school and d~ Br isto!, a fnrmer federal Deposit Insurance Corp. t fDICI examiner with CAPE KENNEDY 1UPl 1 R k t SACRAMENTO <UP!l -An omnibus bill mak ing young Californians legally adulls at age 18 for virtually everything e1cept drinking reachtd its final major Senate hurdl e today. The bUI, co-authored by 4 1 assemblymen, cleared the impor1ant Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday with only one audible "no'' vote and went kl the full Senate, iU last major test. It would lower the legal age of adulthood in California from 21 tD 18 for virtually everything. except drinking and voting. The 26th amendment tD lhe US. O'.lnstltution already allows !hem kl vote in all elections. The st.ate cnnstitution St'l.s the minimum age for drinking at 21. but a separate prepared amendment a!sn is pending in the Senate which u.·nuld reduce the age to 18. Under the massi\•e b i ! 1 by Assemblyman Paul Priolo I R·Pacific Palisadesl, 18-year-olds could become policemen. dentists. a t t n r n e y s , em- balmer! as well as serve on juries. be elected to school bnards. and sign legal contracts. ~ten could marry wilhout parent.al c!'lnsent. The 18.-year-old! .11lso would be tned in 11du!t courts. be sent to prison, sign legal contracts. and ?,be held liable in civil ~ ca ses. • · . Sen. Clark Bradley (R·San Jose ): ... who'• cast the only opposilion,vote. warned that th e bill would touch off "!'lne of the most miserable Mcial experimentations that this state has ever seen. The results Wl'luld be hl'lrrendous." Bradley iiaid y!'lungsters would leave school to marry soonf!r, bf!ar children, divorce and that their offspring will gl'l lln welf.1re and bec!'lme involved in illegal activities. "I think we're shoving it down I.he. throats ot young J>!!Ople 18·lo-2I on the prem ise that they want it." he said nf the bill, reporting he had received nl'l letters from 18.-year-!'llds in support of the measure. Thf' measure al"l'l rlrew nppn!ll il'ln frnm Carl Anderson , repre"""nhng the C.alifnrnia China Calls Off Major A ff air; No Explanation HONG KONG {UPI1 -C.Ommuni.~t China has called l'lff another ma1l'lr ~rtrnl'lny. the annuli hlgh·level banquet wh.ich traditionally is held in celebration of the Oct. I N.1tional Day, reporlll frl'lm Ptking indicated today. Dipll'lmatic S<lurce~ s.ud it .11ppeartd that the banq uet. usually ho11ted by Premier Chou En-lai, wo11ld be r(lfllaced by a mort. subdued lower level reception marking Communist China 's 22nd In· n1venary. E11rlier, Chinett officials s11id !hat the traditi!'lnal mass r11ly and parade, the main f!"ahues l'lf th!! Nalil'ln.iil 0 1y celebralians for the past 21 yell!'~. had bee n canct led Thtre h.11ve been nn r.11dio. te!rovi~ion or newspaper announcemenlir; m11dt l'ln lhe C"-nce.lttion1. China analyst.! In thil l~~ning post atil! are convinced that the Peking rtgime has undergone somt 11ort of le1dershi p crisis. that the eris!& involves 1 power struggle within the tnp level leader1hlp between extrtme leftist elements and moderate.•, mainly fn U!e military esta:blishmerit. lln ·Frsnce. the highert·level Cam· rituniit Chi ne5e delegatiim tn visit Western Europe slrtct Mio Tse-tung aelitd powtr In Pekin1 in 1049, arrived in Pari1 for talks m the IndochJn1 war ind trade matters l t Polflical !'lbstn·ers said tlley hoped the visit woold shtd some light l'ln the de\•t:ll'lpments in Peking_) Rtport. from China qul'lled l'lfhc111ls a!I s11y!ng smAll. v11t1ered 1ath,rlngs v;•ould rtpla~ the rally 1nri parildf' in Pekin1 Peking rilldin 1nd I.ht' nffical New Chin11 f\'e .... ·s Agency INCNA \ br03dcasl reports of prep&ration!I 1n Peking. Sh•l\ghlii, Titntstn and other major citie." for the N11tinnaJ Oay <AJebrations. Tut reports did not rtfer to the ch.an11 ln the n11un1 of tht ce!ebr1tion1. Peace Officers Association and Di!tric:t Attorneys. He said it Wl'luld be "unwise" to reduce the age frl'lm 21 tD 18 fl'lr peace officers. "Theoretically," Anderson told the commit~, "he couldn 't g!'l into a bar to l.ake care of a brawl .'' But Sen. DnnaJd Gnwky (R-Walson· ville), Ii aid the me.11sure wnul d not pre- vent police department! And other agen- cies fro m establishing minimum educe· lion or experience requirement! fl'lr of· ficers. Priolo exempted frl'lm the bill existing child support cases resulting fr{lm a dilisolution l'lf marriage. An IS.year-old nnw recei\'ing such support would CC1n- linue tD receive it until he reached 21. Also exempted by a committee amend- ment v,'ere the dependents of disabled l'lr deceased war veterans v•ho received 150 a month for colleg"' tuiti!'ln And expenses from the State Department of Veterans Affairs . Additlnnally. the committee adopted an amendment giving a judge the power to detl!:rmine whether lo send offenders II to ~ ye11rs old to Califl'lmia Youth Authority iMlitutions. Currently those 18 to 21 can be sent to the ynulh .11uthority. The enmmitt ee agreed to stretch the maximum age to 25 so a judge could send "jm.mature" of. fe!Jiers with p!!ycho~nil&ema to in· stitutklns other than prtaon11 if. he so desired. f'rnm Page 1 DOUGLAS. •• liver the DAILY PILOT with a decidedly ~ -oc t' accepting a SI0.000 loan in February, t bl t ft A · t rl ' ingufar ptir~. '· , h rou t' e mer1ca s ffi(lS a vanced ,,...., 1989. from S arp. Each time he collected subscription Assistanl U.S. AUorney General \Viii R. sunwatching satelliJe in an abnormal money from his route he guarded his Wilson, chief of the Justic!" Department's nrhit today but engineers worked qu.ickly share cr.refully, dreaming al[ the while Criminal Di vision, has acknowledged to recover from initial control probltma of that nne special thing : Disney World. purchasing stock for Bristol through and salvage the S36 million scientific Wilson '!! personal brokerage account at .. Thursday at 10· IS p.m. his dreams will Sharp'.1! request. m1ss 1on. reach fru ition as he leaves Los Angeles A lengthy statement on Aug. 26 ~ The 1.400-pound l'lrbiling so I a r International A irpo rt for a aine+htlW' Wilson showed that hi!. had substantlallv observatory, called OSO 7, carried six ln· fl ight to Orlando. Fla . in time for open-increased his wealth while serving as i_ strum!"nts to study the sun and tell man lawyer for Sharp pril'lr ll'l j!'linin" the '--t th · ing rlay of the new Disney Wl'lrld. e more auuu e \.l'ay it grneratts lhe Justice Department. He denied any Tom. snn of ~lr. ~THI Mrs. J ack Morri~. wrl'lngdl'ling energy l'lf millil'lns of hydrogen bombs. 2011 FlarrancaAvf', Ne u.'Jlllrl B!"ach , rais-A separate lhree count ind1ctm"'nt OS,O 'T "'M ~uppnsed to S')ar Into a ed $260, v.'hi ch will pay for his airlin e charged form!";r slate bank examiner 3t'i·mile high circuler nrbil. but Instead !ickel anrl lf'ave a lit1!e JE'ft over. Jl'lhn B. Hooper with accPpting a $57 ,000 rlrnpped into an ei;.11-s haped path r,11.nging "\\l~.'vr nfferffi to pay for hi~ mPals.'1 frnm 226 to 35!'! miles aOOve earth. 1-'lll'lhs ~f ri;. :\-1nrr1,..;, whn expresses no From Page 1 En;!iner.rs snid the ton1rol systrrn on !he "'Orry over Tnm 's flyi n~ olOJle to Or. satcll lte's rol'kct airncd it the wrnng "'ay. 1.:iorln. ''I've a.~kPd him what he would TASTELESS • "\\le may very well he able !n meet nur cln in certain si!ua1inns and he lml'l1Vs. • • mi~sion ohjf't!ives. even \\'i\h rhis nrhil." said Robert \ Uavis, a ssi.~tant project He's been n()t.hini;t hut coo!." Robert I. Henkin, nr the U.S. Publ ic manager ... All is not !051. \Ve ere f11i rly Tnm will spend fi ve or six hours in th e Health Service. confident we can come nut of th11;.'' park complex F'rid11y and then mak• the The kit could be used to test 15 050 7 "·as accompan lt'd inln the el!ip- ret urn ni,!!hl variously-flavored solutions on paiirnl~ tical orbit by a little ci,1thl·sided 511telllte ~fis flptrnnina 1.1nn ror what ma v sPem for clues to \\'ight's !rouble. as well as equ1 oped to imi1 11te the radi(l \'Oice of lik e such a sm all i.mcxu1t nf time ill many other diseases which influence Apl'lllo moonshipciO to exercise ,l!round understandable fr0m the deCQT of his taste end smell. tr11<'1\ing i;tations. f'()()m. Dysgeusia .11nd dyS<lsnia often emerge The first problern res ulting from the lo w The -.·alls are covered \\'ilh Disneyland after some nther illness -brnnchial orbit was Lhat the sunwatcher was wob- memor:ibilia , nne l"'all is F'antasyland, pneumonia in Earle Wight's case -lea v-b!ing more th.iin expected and -.·as not Cit.hers are Tnmorrnwland , Frontil!r!end. ing a poss ible allergy or medication reac· immedjalely able to aim its sail·like !lolar Ad venturE"lanrl and Ma in Street. tion suspect. panel loward the sun tn soek up eoergy f>.1~t chi!drPn do tiKe Disneyl and. but The taste lest kit enlhusiasticaUy and rechargt' its ba!!eries. tn Tnm il is mnre like a hobby. reve aled by U.S. health officials in Engineers at the satellite control center "! c;:i11'r really explain it ," he say!I, Bethesda, ~id., was to be free and at r.reenbeJt, Md., begl'ln i;ending radio tslimit!ing tha t he'!! been to the Anaheim av11ilable lo any physici ans interested. cnrnmands !0 OSO to fire small control amusemPnt p;,rk "18 or 19 timt-S in my Wight's doctor wrote and !'lrd!";red one., jets !ri maneuver the satellite into thfl life " but heard nothing , proper po..~irion . Davis said thi.c; C'OIJld Tom f1r~I "'Pnl lo Disnev!and in a A registered letter m;:i iled ,11.S a rouo .... ·up takf' mo.~( nf the da y but he said, ''I iliink strnller. His la~t. trip was l'lrily last Sat-hrough! a note th;:it del ivery was held up, they can recover ... \\'oodrnw "'· Bu1terfield and Com-urda.v. but saying kit sl1ipments u.·ould he rx-He said osn 7 appeared high ennugh In mis~i11ner F'red .ltffer~nn continul!d their Nn1v -Disne:v \Vnrld ptdiled as soon as possihle. rf'mflin in orbit long rnough In study lhe The fir~t th in!': Tnm wan!s to do there Sn far, no ki1 ha.~ nrr·ived. sun for a numbrr nf months as planned. strong anli·!rvine posture throughout !ht i" ''ride ::irnun rl it ::ind take a lonk At a!l \llight says he is rather hitter 11bnut He said the accur::icy nf the ohsrrvatinns htflrlng fifth District Ccimmis.~inner t')f it Then I'll proh:.bl y gn to the M.11gic what was apparentl y a glimmer of fa!!ie shnuld not be dejlraded hy the nrbit and Arnold Forde joined the pair in the final Kioi;trlnm i "~ide ii " hope, add ing that he \\·ould gladly pay there was n11 indicatino the sa1 ellite was \'Ol io . Magic is !he kry wnrd for the LinCC1ln almost .11ny price if kits ha ve heen cul afferted bv the abnormal movements of School sPventh i;tradf'r. from federal budi;eting. the rl)rkrt: Butterfield tned lo halt Dickas!'ln's Ht is not nerl'nus yet about his 3JJOO "I feel this wa y, if v.·e can't helieve and Thr two spaeeC'rart u.·ere: launcher! 3t rtad1ng of his thrPP-pagio report , "Isn't m1IP trip. hut "I prnbabl.v will be a little so along with what the ~overnment offers 5·45 am. Er>T by a two-stage Delta !h1s repnrt p;irt .11 nd parcel of what we \\'hf'11 I ~Pl In the :iirport . J'vp ntvPr been to do. there ·s somethinj\ w r n n g Hockct 1hal cast a bright ~low fl\'er the hPi1rd Aul?. jl ~" he: queried. "Ever;.·!'lne on a plane befnrt " some..,,·hert " ~parepnrl as 11 racrd into thP dark sky It Hio 1fll'lk~ qu1e-Hy at his Mick ey ~iouse f..leanwhile. !ht former mP!lS\\'C Rr shflp sl1p""ii bi>hind ln \V·l"in' clouds 30 se<ond• here in!trested h::i.<: re;i rl it " •"i<h h '" ' " ma nager ts JU~ t P npposi le nf lhe cnl -aff Pr bl11stnff. nir k;u;nn cnn!1r111pfi In re::irt hn\.l'Pl'f'r. It'~ t1mr 10 rlrl 1rr r hi.~ paper5 11 nd cnJ. l'lrh!inrl , nr fashi{ln-dated cuslomPr who .. \~'*'have a gonrl start on rhr Ja unrh nf ::.rs.:;u1ni:: th at Toe~d;iy·:1 11etinn concerned 11'('! <1n h1~ rn11re sn he will ha1·, t nou gh critic11 I habt'rriashers say has .111! his 1:1ste the nrblting solar ohsrrvalory." rP pnrtM "a ma1nr amt"nd mPnl IC1 lhe gent'rll1 plan money In make lhP trip. in hi.~ mouth a ~pnkr•1nan ;it the launC'h C'Onlrol <'l'nttr. nr thl' arta r11lher th.11 n a singlP rPznne ·· "ThPre·.~ no s!npping him •ow," hf! 9.1ight has his in his clothes nnd thry JI w:is !hr f1rs1 spare .~hot hPre 1'tnce T'hP !rlrnnnnPll Onu11,his prnJPr! tario~~ 1_m_,_,_h_n_bPams can 't take away th at. Aflflll n I~ left for The ml')On .July 26 an .?odd 1 ti on a! roadblock la ttr even ii a p. 1.,,...,.,,,,,.~~r~"~'~"~"~"~'.~'~""-' :.;:,:,:,~~~~~~II!"~. -iim•E>\l!Oiii~·~•i&~•7.~z~•;;::.~. :;;::.~ .. ==~.~-;c;. '~ccc~.Jt"nJ=-=-~-"=-c-.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::..:..:.:_..~. ~~~~-. -;,, provrd by 1hio suprrvi~nr~ ;;,. ... u .t " -: •w:: .. ~ Thio r0unl\1·~ Airport Land ll~e Olm-1.• GEM TALK tn ,11 ny rhan~t 1n zoning arounrl the m1..,sinn has g0nt rnJ record in nppnsition airport. and if tht ~upervi~r~ eppr!'lve the reZC>n!"; lt will he C'\'Jntrary to the com· m ii;~lnn·~ adopt.rod land U~t' plan. 11 "'111 Lllen t;ik" a four-fiftM vOll! of the suprr\'ii;ors In n1·errirte thro cnmmi~sion. • TODAY by Oic kason's report challenged the validi· ty (If the amtndment lt! the seven-year old plan l'lf lhP 11rea nn three grounds : -N(I n!"erl has been ~hn\1:n f11r ad-1 ditinn11l commercial facilitie~ near lhP ,;.,.,,...~-,,_,...,.,...,.,,,. .. .,. .. 111111 l'Ounty aiTplrt -Approval l'lf the N'ijue,..;t cotJld lead tn similar requests on adjartnt and nearby pr11pt'r1iPs. -Intensified use nf the prnperly v;·nuld 1Pllri In strious 01·erln.11ding nf ,;uppnrl sys!Pms in the area. esperi11\ly r!'lad!I. Cliffnn ~l illPr. dirtrlor nf pl;inning 11nd de1·tJopment lnr UCL u.·arned of in· creasE'd \'f'hi('l f.' lr<1Hic in the area v.·hiC'h cou ld st1rinu~ly .11ffed lhe un iversity, Ht asked that 11pproval be delayed until • thorough study C!'IUld be made of the. impacL Dicka~n's report no ted th.:it !he ril - acre Lockheed properly southl!ast l'lf lhe airpcn1 ha~ retently been inned for com· mercial use by Newport Beach and that the C".ollins Radio Comptny prl'lpflrty IHI· joining the SO.acre 1>3r~I is in Ne wpnrt and has more than 100 undeveloped acrt! which rould ia to nffice buildint.!I. Ht 1150 mentioned that Stanf{lrd Rese•rch ln!titute has ab111'1don@d th@.ir propt.rty at Lht ititttsection !'lf Jamboree Rnad 1t'ld Mllc:Arthur Boulevard i nd th11 t the silt rould l>e used for c:t1mmereial cons1ruc1 lon. ''The mentinnf'd prnptrfif;:S, plu~ !ht f.,cDnnnell Dl'lualas pArcel tnt al~ ~7 acre~." Oirk11son continued . "If all of lhtM propertie1 were df.1•elopt!ri fnr c:om- mio rrlal 11se the t WJlt would be a re1lnn1I compler r1nkJng with Ctntury City. the South ~it Plata just three mile,, away and lrvlne Center four mile• r.-tni;t renple th ink of a cameo as a s tn ne \l•ith the head of a beaut!· (111 \\'nm~n ca rved on it. This is al· mosl correct. but nf'll quite. A c:ameo is the cut , not the stone it- selr. \;unen!' rn1ne in m any different slyle.i-. Stone can1eos are cut from gem stone.s like. blood stones, tiger eyes, j ade, etc. Shell cameos are carved on pieces of shell, and are perh.aps the most common. CoraJ cameo~ are carved on coraJ, ' There ere also as !I em b I e d cameos, \11hich mean that the fi&· ure is carved from one 1ubstanc1 and cemented lo another. An in tagli o is the C'lpposite of a cameo, \vilh the carving recessed intn lhe stone instead of the stone beinR: carved nway from lhe figure· \Ve "'ill be happy tn ~how you many line cttn1eos And intaglio.:s, all or "'hic h Are much more rea· $Onably priced lhAn you may rea· 117.e M11ny beaut.iful cameo pieces cotl "''•II under S25 with much of lhe price of other pieces depend· ing on their settings .1\1.'I Y " /-------------- Omega watches are 1tyled with c l11.s!c elegance. BtJt, their beauty Is more than gki11 deep, That's why Omega'• 1eput11Uon lor timekeeping depencfabHlty Is without P•tr. Speaking of beautiful features Eith er of 1he1e 1ov•IY bracelatwatchts would compllment lh• wardrobe 01 a really wtll dre11td wom t n, See our cornplec• OrMgt ocllectton MOl'I: A-110: t olld ;otf br 1ctlt t weie'I .... , •• , ....... , »oo .B -'' fl•"'•~d1. 11.c ... ~rte t f y1t1ow •o!la oold ,,•e•l•t ... 11c~ ., ....•.........•. aw J. C 1823 NEWPORT BLVD ., COST A MESA CONVlNIEN T TlRMS l.4.NIC.4.Ml•1CA•o.-MASTE• CHA•"E 24 Yl.4.1.5 SA Ml LOCATION 'HONE S~l·J401 " I I I D.ARY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Crossing Parental pressurt', responsibly applied, has Jed the Newport-Mesa Unified School District and the City of Costa Mesa to alleviate ti'e dangerous crossing of Harbor Boulevard by children on their way to and from TeWinkle Middle School. Parents appealed to the city counciJ and the school board to find son1e way of easing students' travel across the busy thoroughfare at Gisler Street. .Because the school district had shifted attendance OO~ndar1es. about 130 pupils -age 10 to 12 -were re- quired to traverse the intersection. . City litanager Fred Sorsabal, noting the city has lradit1onally opposed the concept of school crossing guards. l'eported that the "walk" signal has been leogth- e~ed seven seconds. The longer signal should now pro- vide ample time for children to cross. Further, the school d istrict has added a shuttle servire from Davis In termediate School to TeV/inlde. The Uus operates mornings only, the time when traffic on Harbor is the busiest. . These measures should lessen the-dangers for the middle school youngsters. A similar spirit of concern ar.d of cooperation bel\\•een the city and school 'district should take care of other potentially hazardous crossings in the city before parents feel compelled to act. Best of Both Kinds Handicapped children have always been at a di s· advantage ln public-schools. Because of their speci;i l physical problems they are often segregated into special schools \Vhere lhey never come in contact with unhandi· capped children v.•hose society they are expected to join upon graduating. Recognizing this problem, trustees and administra· tors of the Fountain Valley School District have found funds for a special type of crippled children's school. The Plavan School will combine some of the best features Made Safer of a specialized IChool while mi.xing the handica pped and normal youn.esters in certain classroom situations. offering the crippled child the best of both kinds of ed· ucation. Two weeks ago, the district's tenacity in seeking state aid for construction of the school paid off Jn the form of a $1.15 million grant. When completed, the !ichool will sene 120 crippled youngsters from the sLi: districts in the Huntington Beach Union Hi gh School District and the Newport-J\fesa Unified School D1str1ct and 300 normal Fountain Valley students. Fountain ''alley School offici als are t.o be congralu· lated. Trustees Acted Correctlv •. A week ago trustees of the Coast Community Col· Jege District refused to help teachers seek a eourt orC:LI' unfreezing pay raises fi.xed by President Nixon. The trustee action was proper if controversial. Essentially, teachers contend that the Nixon 'vage freeze does not apply to them because they all signed contracts last spring, though they did not receive pay checks until September. The Orange County Counsel's office has ruled other· \Vise. Teachers wanted to challenge the counsel's ruling. But distriet trustees pointed out that the county counsel is the legal advisor to all S('hool districts and ignoring his ruling \VOUld accomplish nothing. Robert Humphreys. chairman of the Coast C'o!le_ee board of trustees and an attorney. further pointed out to teachers that the process they requested -a \\Tit of mandamus -could take 18 months in court and hold up their pay raises that Jong. What teachers did get from the board -and \\'hat is really m ore important -'vas a promise from trustees to pa y all back pay raises when the freeze is lifted -if no new governmental orders prevent such action. c Couneilnian's Gag Bac·kfires Dependability Is Among the Great Virtues Dear Gloonn· Gus Suggests St. Clair Pay the Costs Thirty years ago this wetk I began working for The Chicago Daily News. If anyone 1hen h<\d told me I would stiU be there three decades later. I would have laughed my boyish head off. If it has been <'i rut. ii h<ts been Llle most pleasan t 0ne I can imag ine In all that 1in1e, I h;ive never had a cross word with a single person I \1·ork ed wit h. or for. l ha\•e never had !fl write a line I did not be- lieve. or crass out &. line that anyone ob· jected to. I have. nof missed a day in all those 30 years. \rhich is pmsi~ly a foolish thing to be proud of. but I am proud of it. And pe.rhaos lhis record entitles me to say 'omet hing about de?endability. AS t GRO'r OLDER, T come more and more to rerognile dependability as one of the cardinal \·1rtues, a.tthough u~ua!!y ao ignored one I h.11·e seen so many men of bralns and talent and imagination fri tter 8Yr'ay thei r gift s because they la cked deocndabi!1t.1 f~rickson tells us that "basic trust .. i~ at the bo!l l'lm nf the earliest humao rela- tionship. and unlrss that basic trus t i~ then;'. th(' person t·a nno t i;row up tr"J hi!'l fullest product11 r and creaUve·capaclties:. Jn ord er frr b:i~1e trust to flourish. it mu st hr ffl undcd on rrliab\Jity. The person 11e rc[a!c 19 mu.st be counted on. ALL RELIGIOL"S fa1t11 is based on t.ht. So Councilman SL Clair had New. port's vice mayor "arrested" as a gag. It's heartwarming to see that one of our esteemed councilmen is so busy caring for the city's needs. Thi!'! is likely the biggest project he has tackled. Let's pray for an early April. -1.t. B. T~I• t.erwrt rtntno ....,..", ...,,..,,, -.._,,,11r 1,,... ~ "'• ~-'"'"""· ,..., Y ... r JNI -¥1 '9 Olttmy Gu .. Otll'I' Pl19t. convic tion that God will not forsake voo if you do not forsake Him. All scienilfie inquiry is based on the con viction that the la\\"S of nature remain constant and open to discovery for those who per~ist in their quesL All human re!a tiooships are nurtured bv the sense lhat '"the other'' ~·e eitend ourselves to, in lovt' or 1rater11 ily . 1viU stand firm , will bt th ere when needed. Reliability h.!IS not been ctlebrated bec<>use it is on the ..,,,hole a dull virtue; it is sacrificial ;. and in a world Y.'here Change is king. constancy seem!'! almost an embarrassment, Fidelity to a person, or an idea, or a vocation, is nowadav~ equated wilh rigidity. with la ck of fle·x· ibil1ty, even 1-1·ith "stagnation ," SO~fE OF JT MAY be all ihal. rof C1)urse. e~·ery virtue has its 01\·n particular CTJunterfeiL and the man who pridl'~ himself on being "dependable" ma~· be merely a timid and fearfu l virl im of routine. But 1-1'i thoul !his \·irtue. !he social fabri c would rip apart and hum?.n proj etts thAt demand a span of genera· l!oni; would coHap~e lnt!'I chaos In the pas!. mankind empha sir.ed ''con- tinui ty" too exclusively. to the detnment f>f change : today. ~·e em p ha s 1 z e •·change " too exclusively. to the detri· rnen t of contin uity, Each withou1 the 1 •'1c~ is only half 11 sci5sors I simph• call attention to the ha lf .,.,.t are neg!ectlng. Doctor s' Leg·al Positiori "I did my ~st." So salr1 a doctor not Jong ago 1-1·hen a disgruntled patient sued him f o r malpractice. It sel'ms 1hat the pa tient bad been su ffering for eight years fron1 a 1urgical y,·ound that 1-1·ou!d not heal. No..,,·, demanding damages, be told !he cnurl: "I realize that the doctor did his best. The troubl!' i~. hi s best y,•as not good enough. Aller all lhesc years. he musL have real ized his own limitations. Ylhat he should have dooe v.·as to send me to a specialist." THE COURT AGREED. aod the docto r •as held liable. The court said th at when a doclnr ha.~ I or ought to have) sl!'rlous doubts about his ability to handle a case. he has the legal du ty to send the patient to someone who is better qualified. A similar duty rests on other prac· Quotes Alfred Rltcbcock , tlollywood dtrect(l r - .. All actresses are chlldren undtr the skin -some,nlce, tome nasty.'' Fr1nklln O. Roottvelt -"Freedom of conscience. ()f education, of sptteh, of auembly are among the ''ery fun· damentals of democracy and a11 of them wouli1 be onllified !'lhould freedom of lht pre.•~ \ver ~successfully challenged.'' Vermont Roy~lcr, nrwspaper editor - "A journalist owes nothini;i to those \\'ho govem his country. lie owes t verythlni to his country." --, .... -. Law in Action • _,.., tit inn<'rS of the healing arts. Take th is case: 1\ drugless healer, treating a man who had severt abdominal pains, gave him a \'lgorous massage and a strong laxative. Result : the man died from a ruplurtd ap- pend ix, In due course, his widow sued the healer for mal-practice. Al the trlal . he insisted that he h9d used the best treatment according to his OY.'n !'lchool of thought. Nevertheless, the court ordered him to PIY damages. With pl1i!n signs of poesible appendicitis, said the court, he should have tumed I.he case over to a rtgular doctor, OF COURSE, the mert fact that a treatment ls unsuccessful does not mean the doctor wa1 1t f1ult. Jn another cue a boy's broken leg, set by the family dOC· tor, healed with some permanent stJrf. neS!. The family, claiming damagea, bl&med the doctor for not calllnf In a specialist. But the doctor explllned : "Tb.ls was not •n unusua1 ca11e. I ha ve often handled similar fractures, and there was no .!ipecial rt.a son for me to ex- pect trouble with this one ... The court decided th!I wa1 a legitimate defense, Jl l'!d di!mlssed the case. Noting th11l medi cine is not an exact scienct, the Judge said no one would dare to bt 1 doc· tor H he h.11.d to (Uir&ntee perfect results every tlme. To the Editor: I have recently read your article con- cerning the "gag'' perpetrated on the vice mayor of Newport BC'ach . My only question i!'l , "Don't we have better things to do with the Costa Mesa taxpayer's money theo tie up three police officers and the time of our coun · cilmen than to carry on like smeJ[ children and play games?'' I WOULD UKE to suggest that if Mr. St. Clair thinks this act was so funn y, that he pay the salaries of the police of- ficers involved aod the car. expenses. Out of his own pocket. Thanks for bringing, on the front page of your newspaper, the diligent labors of our politicians to the readers' atlcnt ion. An Irate taxpayer and recently proud resident of Costa Mesa. FLO\'D THOMPS ON flaving cast a slur on Costo ~tesa. Newport Beach Vice Mayor Howard Rogers went along tvith son1e horse play by his /rirnd. Costa ~1esa Co101· cilman Bill St. Clair. ·in retaliatiOll. \-Vhc11 Roger! appeared nt the Mo!or Veliicle Bureau. 011 19th Street., St. Clair had him ''arrested,., Af111dcu.ffed and taken to tlte Cost.a Mesa police l\'lailbox Letters from readers are we lcome. N or1na/ly writers sho11/a convev their messa ges in 300 words or less. The rig/it to co11de11se letters to fit .space or el iminate libel is reserved. All let- f.ers must inc/11de signat1Jre and mail· rng addres.~. but names m(!!J be with· held on rrq uest if sufficient reason is arrarent. Poe!ry tl'ill not be pub· lishl'd. stauo11. \\'1rl1 111111. St. Clair /i(Jd 01:· C'1!ged Rogers ' n1s11/t. So0 colled Joke To the Editor· Under what heading does lhe foolish expenditure of public fund s by U1e scissor.wielding member of the city coun- cil come under. for his latest behavior? Aided find abetted by the Costa Mesa Police l)epartmt:nl. l refer, of course. to lhe so.railed ar· rest of the vice nlayor of Newport Beach by lhi' Cos l<! :\1esa Police 11epartment Perhaps the police consider this a training exercise. and used funds allocated for this purJ)9se, '\'OULD EIT·IIER Bill St. Clair or the Costa r.tesa Police Department. care to rnake it a matter of pub!lc record in a rebuttal st.atemenl as to the cost pe r police unit and police man hours in- volved? In thl! so-called joke, iniliated by that intelligent member of the city council • and perpetuated by that fun·loving group of. lelloYr'S, known as the Costa Mesa Police Department, and rec orded for posterity by those inimitable champions of reporting, the DAILY PILOT. GEORGE It HENDERSON Wrot1g Locntiot1 To the Edllor: \\'e are homeowners in the Mesa de! l\-1ar residential area where the county has leased property at 1055 El Camino Drive. for Lhe use of lhe coulity proballon department, commenC'iog October 1. We do no! want the offices located here, in the middle of our tract or home$, where children, attending one of slx schools, must pass by each day. There are inadequate off.street park in jt fa cilities. causing inconvenience t o neighboring homeo..,,·ners. The center ~f a housing tract that is difficult to get to is not the proper location for this needed facility. IT IS UNDERSTOOD that Sen. Dennis Carpenter i!'l a partner in Medco, the company that owns this building. We are surprised and disappointed lhat our coun· ty Roard of Supervisors would approve of this lease. It would seem to be unwise for a governmen t agency to do business with an elected government official. We are unhappy to see our board approve of a lease that calls for $1.590 a m6nth of tax- payers· money, when comparable-siu buildings rent fa~ hall that figure. ' THE llO~tEOWNERS of tt1i~ area feel th11t !he Boaro of Supervisors should reconsider their decision lo all ow the p~ bation depa rtment to lease this property. \Ve agree. also, as ii would appear lo have been a very hasly and unw ise decision 011 lhe part t>f the board. ~·e 1~:onder why the homeowners of the area y,•ere not informed of th is pending action and why Yr'e had to find out' about it through a four-inch column on the ohituary page of the DAILY PILOT only 17 days prior to the expected opening date! RI CHARD E. CHURCHILL MEREDITH CHURCHILL Rogers Ball{s, Jackson Acts on Aid \\"ASHINGTO l-J -An anger·linged ta lk bet"'·een Secretary \Villia n1 Roger.~ and an impor1ant Republican Cong ressio nal leader preceded Sen . Henr:i-Jackson 's in· trodurtlon of r. pro- j)(lsal for S500 mil. hon in cred it to f~ rael to buy arma. ments -with $200 million specifically f"1.lr!"'1arked for 'Jtmg. sought F-4 super· sonic fighter-bomb- ers. Thi~ conversation i! of special moment because of the light it !ihe-d.~ on the background of thi!'l intensely controver!ial issue . In fact. there is every reason to ron- <'lude that what w11 said during this sharp exchange was an important factnr in Jackson offering hi!'l legislation. It is significant that the bustling Washin~ton st.ale Democrat got a full account of this private discus!'llon between a GO P cOOi - net mtmber and a GOP Congre.ssiona l ---B11 George ---. Dear Geo rge: I have biM fO'r 11 long time lo send a dollar for your course in Sideways Thinkinf, but I keep get.- ting •my ow n self-addres!'led , 11tamped en velope back. What's wron11 FRUSTRATED Dear Frustrated: Old you enclose • reaMinable fa c!'limile? Dear r..eorge : My husband is such a tightwad he refuses to buy a television set. When I object he tell s me to shut up and watch the radio. Is-there a cure for stinginess like that! FURIOUS WIFE Dear Furif'Ull Wife:• You and your blabbing mouth. ~:~y~~e •::ii;:~: ~~:~!~~-;'. fUd· leader ~·ithin a short time aft.er It QCC'Ur- ''°· OBVIOUSLY. the veteran Rcpubli ran legislator is very mu ch on Jackson's side on this torrid mailer. He ls far from being the only ooe. A!'. .Jackson emphatically nol.ed. in hi s speech in the Senate offe ring the $500 million credit!'! mea slire, it v.·;;s author l1,cd by that chamber last Oclobe r by lhe overwhelmlng bipartisan vote of 87 lo 7. That's why Jackson could say wilh no ~xaggeration that he has every con- ridence Congress will vote the credits by the same overwhelming bi part is a n decisiveness. This we\J .justifled 11ssurance is what makes ·secretary Rogers·s adamant stand against sending more arms to lsrael so difficull to understand -particularly to membet!'l of Congress . They have slapped him down rtpeatedly on thi!'l question , oind he still persists in being balky. TlflS UN VI E L DI NG inflexibility doesn't help him, the Administration or the Republican party. That'11 what the GOP Congressional lejlder tried to impress on Secretary Jl-Ogers ln their talk. Politely but ~phstically Ule veteran legislator, fron1 a major Eastern state, told &gers that his persistent foot· dragging on Israel's urgent pleas for more supersonic Phantom planes and oUler weapons was futile : that !his ob- durance was steadily i n le n 5 If y I n g bipartisan resentment on Capitol llill. "YOU CAN TALK all you l':a nt about r>trivlng to 'defuse ' lhe Middle Ea ~t sltua· tlon," said the \egi ~laUve leader . "but you simply are nol convincing anyone in the Senate and Hnuse. That plan, or hope or whatever you want lo call It, mny be well·lntentioned , but there are no buyers. With the uointenlional help of the RIDSians and truculent talks by Arabi, the Israeli ha ve a much better case and are making tile most of !1. "Either the State Depa rtment ceases Its opposition to 5t·l110g more planes and enns to Israel. Qr Congress will make you <lo it. And tha t isn't 1111. the Democrats will gra'o !he ball 11nd make political hay of it. "ANO I \\'ANT TO tell you very frank· ly. lifr. Secretary. a lot of Republicans Yr'hQ are up for election next year under very uncertain rircum~lances are very sore al your compli cating their elready- difflcult problems. They've got enough on their hands without the State Department adding to it by stubbor.1ly refusing to clear the way for more armaments to Jsrael. •·If you people don't watch out. you could very well co~t us a number of Senators and Congressmen oext year that the Republican party can'l afford to lose. And I might add, our Congressional rank!'! arenl the only ones that might suffer. The President is going to be running. too, and if you dosi 't know it. he's going to need every vote he can get -starting right now." ROGERS LISTENED somberly to this tough talk. Otfeosively. he answered he ii not. against Israel or giving il more weapons. He insisted hls only purpose. is to bring about some kind of settlement between the Arabs and Israel. "Well, you certainly are not going to do It by puttin g Israel al a military disad- vantage to the Arabs and their Rus!'ian allies,'' relort('Q the GOP legls lstor. "The only chance for 11verting more war in that cockpit is to keep the Israelis so strong that the Arabs a.nd Ru!'lsians will think twice before starting shooting again. "There i~ absolutely no use trying to dodge rtalltles. Either the Adminis tration makes· lhe C'redit s 11vailable l ha t Congress voted overwhelmingly IAst ytar. or Congres' wlll do that with mandatory legisla tion. That'5 the clearcut chol~e that ~nrronts you . and you'd better move fa st, or you·u regret it." WHILE RoGERS listened Intently, he aave no lndicaUOn of bein& per1uaded. Thal 1-1•as the discouraged conclusion or the GOP legislator -and he kept It no secret. !n fact, in relating his e:xperlenet>, he remarked sarcosLicaJ!y. "About the only thing Rogers seemed y,•orried over 1-1·as that Jackson would of- fer mandatory legislation. That seemed to be the one thing uppermost on his mind . If it i~. he's in for ll big disap- pointment Not nnly is Jackson going to move, but he is going lo win again thi$ yeAr, just a!'l decisively as he did last. "Rogers must be a glutton for punish· ment -or something. What l can 't understand is why the 'Vhlte Aou~ doesn't disregard him and take the lead itself. They've done that on other Im · portant matter!, so why not on thi' one?" THE REPUBLICAN leader'!'! rumina- tions were accurate, but too lale. Several days later. Jackson offered his ~ million credils proposal • n d ·forcefully announced determination to push it aggre!'lsively through Congress. As a ranking member of the Senate Ap- propriations Committee, the Washington Stale Democrat i! in a strategic position to do that, and is sure to make the most of it. OIAJlel COAST . DAILY PILOT Robnt N. Weed, P14blil11cr Thomoi Kceuil, Editor Attnrt W. &Ui Editorial Page Uilor 1'he edll«ial Ne at thi DaUr l'Ddt 1teb to in lorm and •ttmulate ttadoo ttf by prt.wnlinc thl• ne•...,,• oplnlona and ~menW"y • _.. ol lntt~st 11.nd slcnl!UllCI', by ..,,.. vldtrc 1. tonun for tbe ~ ot our ttldeft. opbllonl. and bt ~ tteni:lnc IM dlvtn1e vlewpotnta ol b totmed ~ ud ............. topiCf of. .ttiit dill)', Wednesday. Sept. 29, 1971 ' - I r • ' I Sad Salesmata This reluctant puppy peddler in Houston shows off the finer points of one of the puppies he had on sale f'or $1 each. In spite of the for· lorn look on his face, Neil Allen, 5, sold eight of the pooches. Bus Vote Block Sought WASHINGTON (AP) Northern Democrats, caught in the school- desegregation controversy for the first time, art trying to block House action on a bill that would force lhem to vote on the bu sing issue. Mostly liberals with good ch•il-righ\!; records, they are caught between pro· busing civil-righl.5 forces and growing an- ti-busing sentiment in their home dis!rlct.s. The bill lhey would like to bury i!I President Nixon's $1.~billion emergency 1chool aid program. Using every parliamentary de\•ice a vailable they thwarted efforts in the Education and Labor Committee to force a vote on the bill this week, the unofficial deadline for completing committee action oo legislation to be co~dered th l.f.?:eF· The bill has ber.n knocking about in Congress for nearly 18 months since Nix- on a5ked for it as an emergency measure lo help Southern schools meet an Augu st, 1970 desegregation deadline set by the Supreme Court. Largely ignored by Norlherners, whose districts wouldn"l get much mooey, and viewed tepidly by Southerners who would like the money but not the federal presence that goes with it, it has been befriended mainly by 11dminislration sup-- porter! and civil-rights groups. This support ~·as weakened, however, by Nixon's decree last August that none of the money be used to p11y for busing pupils. That i! the primary expense for Y.'hich most districts facing desegregation pIMl1 wanted the money. · Delay Seen On Vietn.am Pullout Vote WASHINGTON (AP ) -Tut Niion ad- ministration reportedly is setking to delay until after Sunday's South Viet· namese presidential election a senate vote on Democratic Leader t.tike Mansfield"s new move to force total Ll.S_ Wilhdrawal from Indochina in sii: moolhs. CBS Chief Asks Guards· For Press The amendment, like one adopted earlier but diluted in conrerence after House rejection, is expected lo pass the Senate. Congressional sources say the ad-\VASHlNGTON (UPI) CBS President Frank Stanton ministration fears immed:ate adoption of today called for new laws to the amendment would adversely affect protect newsmen from the the: climate a round President Nguyen "dark shadow of surveillance" Van Thieu·s unopposed re-election bid. by government. Stanton, who sucei?ssfull y Another reported fact.or in the attempt resisted attempts by a House at delay is this week 's meeting in committet to su bpoe n a Washington of the National League of material gathered by CBS but Families of American Prisoners and not broadcast. testified at the second day of Senate hearings Missing in Southeast Asia. The league into press freedom. reportedly is split over whelher the best He said governmental sub- way to free prisoners is lhrough Nixon poenes r e p r e ~ e n l e d 11 administration policies or by setting a "particularly insidious threat fixed dale for withdrawal. to the abilitv of nev.·smen to carry out thCir responsibilities Man~field's amendment will be debated effectively" and should be Thursday. and assistant Democratic forbidden. Leader Robert C. Byrd, said a.vote "is He said in prepared expected that da)'." But no agreement testimonr: for a vote had been reached when the ''Not only is the burden of Senate adjourned Tuesday . compliance with such sub- In the meantime, senators are delaying poenas extreme and in itself with an abbreviated version of lhe two-punitive : but comp e 11 in g year fight over the Safeguard missile journalists to reveal their defense system :ind with a move to delete sources o r nonpublished funds for the Navy's F14 fi ghter fr om the materials such a~ note.~. films, $21 -billion military procurement bill . tapes, has a chilling effect on Two amendments deal with Safeguard: and seriously impedes their A proposal by Sen. Harold F.. lfughes (0-future access to such sources Iowa ), to delete $639 . million for pro- curement of the antibatlistic missile and · "·The i;:ravity of this threat a move by Hughes and Sen. William Sax-tn the free press stems from be IR-Ohio), to hold up construction, pro-effort.~ to subject professional curement and deployment funds pendin.it new ~ jud gme nts to a possible U.S.-Soviet agreement at the _governmental scrutiny. The strategic arms limitation talks. dark sharlow of surveillance Sen. Willi2.m Proxmire ((}.\\'is .). is can do nolhin.I! but inhibit the sponwr of the amendment to delete free flow of infnrmation. $801.6 million for the F14, contending the ~·ithout ~·hich we believe a F4 coulrl , v.·ith slight modifications, robust press is a n im· outperform the new plane. possibility." Also up is another amendment by Sen. Last spring. a House com- Gaylord Nelson (0 -\Vis. ), to restrict funds merce subrommittee demand- for the Navy"s Project Sanguine, an ed that CBS turn over to the widerground communicalions project in J:rnup "nuttakes" -unused northern Wisconsin. An earlier effort to tape -from its controversial hold up funds pending an environmental program "The Selling of the study failed 45 lo 35. Pentag.:>n." ~~~~~~~~-=-~~~~~- Caroli11a Woman Faces Jail For Having Illegal Abortion DAYTONA BEACH. Fla. (API -A 2l ·year -old housewife may become the first person ever to go_ In prl.son in Florida for ha\'ing an abortion. Shirley Ann Wheeler has been convicted of having an abortion and is awaiting sentencing The maximum penalty under the 103-year-old law is 20 years. the same as a manslaughter conviction. She was found guilty J u!y 13 after 11 two-day triRI in nearby DeLand, 1he county seat of Volusi a County. At her trial. Mrs. WhePlrr frttly admilled i;he paid $150 to have an ille~al ahor!ion in Jacksonville. She said sh r had the abortion because a doctor in her hometown nf J\1organ- ton. N.C., hed told her 11 pregnancy could be dangerous because she once had rheumatic fever. t.-frs. Wheeler v.·as tried under a law passed in 1868. It makes having or performing an abortion 111 felony unless it is "necessary to protect the lifl" and health of the mother." or if il is recommended by t\vO doctors. f.lrs . Wheeler'11 attorney, James Rogers, said he wa~ unable to locale the doctor in Mor~anton who Shirley said laid her it could De dangerous fnr her tn give birth. •·stie was rather ,-a~ue sbout it and l ;u~t couldn 't find him." The Florida Suprenie Court recently admonished t he lf.•;1slature -which tabled a more liberal abortion bill last session -to re-examine tbe ancient statute, Mying it ~·as too vague. Illegal abortions were cnm· monplace in Fl or ld11, especially Miami, until New York State legalized them last year. Now. many Floridians .'!:O north rather than face the prospect of untrained abor- tionists and violate the statt law. "But. the jur)' didn't buy it after Shirley testified she had had the abortion. She said she didn't fee l there was anything ~·rang with what she did -it didn't affect anybody else," Rogers said. QUITTING BUSINESS! STOREWIDE SALE Savings to 50%;;~, Living room,<:> dining room and bedroom furniture. Lamps, and hundreds of decorator items. ftRMI AVAIL.AIU Montley thl'\I Frid.,._ 12 noon-to f p.m. latvrdey-9 a.m. to 5130 ,.m. l1111dcry-12 noon te J p.m. ~;;r:]':'!:-r:1 DAILY •ILOT S POW Re'8rn Vowed Nixon Talks to Relatives of Prisoners WASHINGTON !UP() F ive hundred relatives of im- priaoned and m i 1 1 1 n g Amtrican servicemen stood and cheered ln an emotional response Tuesday nig.bt when President Nixon promised the UnJted States will "eventually succeed" in freeing their loved ones. Nllon made a mrprise personal appeuance before the second annual convention of the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia . A few hours earlier, Sen. Edward M. Ken- nedy (0-t.1ass.) had told the relatives that Am erican cap- tives were "rotting" in prisons because the administration was too proud to negotiate with their Communist captors. Nixon, howe ve r, strongly defended his policy. • ' ••Jean assure Yoll thlt every negotiating chaMel -and now I say aometbin& here lhat I'm sure all ol you will un- derstand -incltldlne many privat.e cbanPr'• that have not ~ been diacmed, have been pursued,. are being pursued and will be pursued," the P resident sakl. Nil.on'! appearance at a league banquet followed an afternoon business session at which the group pointedly warned the White House that lts patience was not endless. It strongly hinted that if pro- gress is not made in freeing the POWs it would consider the possibility next spring of injecting the i!sue into the 1972 Presidential election cam- paign. This relatively tough stance contrasted sharply with the reception the delegates gave Nixon at the banquet. Kennedy told the delegalell that I.heir men still were c•J> tives becaU.K t b e ado mini.stration refuted to ru- pond lo tlit Viet C(lllg'1 July I offer to repatriate Amtrlcan POWS in return for a U.S. military withdrawal f r o m South Vietn.am by the t:nd ol 1971. Sen. George McGovern (1). S.D.) meanwhile, &aid th1 chief North Vietname11 delegate at the Pari:s talks hall.. reaffinned bU country'• wiil- ingness to separate t b e prisoner release Issue from the other 15ix points tn th• Communists' plan for ending the war in South Vietnam. Nixon, however, contended that his aide1 bad carefully explored evtrY lead that came from members of Congress. IS WORT • IN • • NO MINIMUM bAlANCE REOUiREd Yes. thara rlgfitf Free checking -no mll1Mmm balanc.e required. Anything that's free b worth checking. and oow la the right time k> chec:t.lrm Anaheim savings new free .erviee&. WeW Joined with a major national benk offering you c:omplMI Savings and loan plus banking services. OnJy at Ariaheim Savings can you deposit $1000 and earn the highest tnterest In the nation on insured savings and receive the benefits or ••• Free ehecklng, p,... ferred Customer rates on auto and boat k>ans, and Preferred Customer ralf!3 on persona) Joans. Learn about these at our Hunting-ton Beach office. fREESAfE deposiT boxES Free with account balenc• of $1 ,000 or mor1. 6% Two lo 11"9 .,_ 1orm certlflc1te 1ccounta with $5,000 minimum balance. 50 YEARS C)F SECURITY Accounts are Insured to $20,000 and protecl8d by Anaheim Savings' 100% record ol 111181y • ANAHEIM SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION MAIN OFFICE: 187 W. Llncorn A.o. A.111heim, Calllornl11 PR~-1532 , -41 I M1ln Stt'Mt Munt lngton &Nef\, Calllom11 LEH511 ' SALAD DAYS GO,L-DEN California has earned its fame as a ma..ker of salads. Not .. only does th is stale grow a magnificent abundance and variety of r;alad Ye~etables ;i.nd fruits, but it is lhe outstanding 11;rower of herbs and sea.sonbtg vegetables v.'hich give salads irresistible aroma. With all lhese fragrant and flavorful ingredienls, small wonder that both Green Goddess Dressing and Caesar - ~alad originated in the California salad bo~J: Green Goddess Dressing. richly delicious, green wilh chives and parsley, \1;as named that alinost 50 years ago in honor of actor George Ar!Jss ·s play, ··The ~reen_ Goddess." then playing in San 1' ranCJS<'G. Son1e time ago the Interna- tional ~iety of Epicures in Paris voled Caesar Salad .. the greatest original dish to rome out of the United States in the past 50 years.'' GREEN GODDESS DRESSING l,~ cup Parsley flakes 3 tablespoons wine vinegar 1 tablespoon \emon juice I cup mayonnaise '·~ cup dairy so ur creatn I can (2 ounces) anchovies, drained and minced 2 tablespoons frec.ze-dried chives ~· teaspoon garlic pov.·dcr 1: teas1)0(ln tarragon leaves, cr11n1hlcd ~4 teal:ipoon coorse ground black pep- per 1ii teaspoon salt In a s1na!l bov.·I combine parsley flakes \Vilh vinegar and Ji:mon juice. f..1ash \1·cll until mixture turns green. Stir in re- maining ingredients. !:iervc over torn, mixed salad greens. Y I e Id : Ar- proximately 2 cu ps CAESAR SALAD 3 lablespoons butler or margarine lf.i teaspoon gaitic powder 2 cups small soft bread cubes 1/4 teaspoon powdered mustard 1/, teaspoon wann water l bead Romaine lettuce 3 tablespoons olive or salad oil 2 qablespoons lemon juice i-4 &aspoon salt ~'4 teaspoon ground black pepper I egg 1.2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 3 anchovy fillets. diced. In a small skillet heat butter: stir in &arlic po1'o'dcr. Add breod cubes <lnd s2JJte until golden; set aside. Meanwhile, 1nix mustard with \1•11\cr: l<'t stand JU 1ninutes for fla voring tu develop. \Vash and dry Jctu1 ce. Tear int o pieces. Place in large sal ad bo11 I. Cornbine mustard with oil. len1on juit e. sail and black pepper: mix well. Pour over let- tuce. Break egg into center of salad. Toss \Yell. Add bread cubes. chef'Se and an. (_-hovies. Toss gently; serve immediately. 'Yield : 6 portions. . -----· • .. ' . ,. ' -. -••• • 4 -.. .. ,· . ' ~1:•°{·' • ' GREEN GODDESS G RACES GOLDEN STATE Creativity Tests Kitchen By JACQUELINE CO.VIBS or I~• 0•111 P'iltl Si.II .'\!though n1a11y 11·0111en h<ile be nd ing °""er a l<tM ~. there's Mte ·who tnay t:ook all day and like JI. A home economist \v orkn1g in a le~\ k itchen, she find s cookin g a t:onstant challenge and belif'ves otht'r 1vomcn might feel the s11me \\'BY if they changc<1 their basic attitudes IO\\·ard the chore "Day-<ifte r-day cooking c:.n get prelty d ull." says Shirley o ·r\eil y,•ho manages l he consumer kitchen for Hunts·\~·psson Foods. Fuller111n. •·t:nles..; you expcri- 1neP1t anrl learn to rut d1ffcren1 !htngs Jogether." ·111e Ne11·porl flcai:h rcsrdenl ltnd~ pr~,. pie often hate cooking because the;. don I ha1·e enough time. Le;rrning lo rrly n11 l'.011venicnrc foods and ho\1• lo c11hancr the dish w1!h \'our ov.·n additions <·an make it more eXcitin~ while mi11 ntain111g speed, advises J\lrs. O'Neil. She also suggests an interesting and is:ell -written coo kbook. "They used to be \\'Titten like textbooks but the nev; ones make you wa nt to try the recipes because they are tantalizing to read." TEST KITCHEN i\1rs. O'Neil oversees seven home: economists who work in a laboratory with consumer-like kitchens. "The kitchens are similar to the home kitchens because we want to do things the way a woman at home does." The main differences are the exacting 11cales in the lest kitchen . duplicate utensils and a "consumer's dream ex- pense of cupboards." They also have both Ji;aS and electric ranges enabling them to 1est recipes oo both types. The consumer kitchen deals \\'ith nc\v product development using guidelines from the new products department or working up ideas in the kitchen, cookbook l'esearch and once the product is ac- 1.:epted for marketing, developing new recipes utilizing it. The consumer kitchen :11tlso assists in product publication, photography and packaging," she adds. "Sometimes a recipe will work fine the first time and sometimes we try it four ()r five or more times to get U the way it should be," explains f..1rs. O'Neil, a UCLA graduate. \Vorking with foods all day. she finds it difficult to go home and cook din· J1er at night "rd like to hAve some iced tea and forget it." she complains. ··r m not .~ungry but I have a family to rook for. DRUDGERY Gerry Gerken. a home r.conorni~I for Soulhern California Gas Co .. finds cook- ing can be a dfudgery becauge people aren't $Ure of them$e)ve$. When en- tertaining, shf' believes ii is hnportant to 11se recipes that you feel c:onfident in doing . ''.\l;iny people inake !he mistake of Ir~ ing complicated recipes on guf'sls. \\'hen there 1s 11 fa ilurr. they grt discouraged." An organized person cooks with ease. •·1 like to 1:ook I kno"· I h:ive so mueh time to put <1 meal together and I plan <1ccord1ngly ... \\'ith a little planning 11nd the use of convenience foods. you ran put together an easy nieal and add your own !ouches, .\>he <1dvises. Thin k of \'ariel.v. she adds. Texturt, !ltt\'OI', c<Jlor all should be c:on~1dered in 1nt<1 I plttn11ing A 111eal nf ereained ( h1Lkrn. 1na~hcd potJ tocs and cauliflo1vcr v.ould be <ill 11h11e and l'l'TY iloring . "ll'I l1kl' an artist p<11nt1ng <i pielurr." )Ir:>. {.;erken·s Job int'l11dcs tc ~ll ng ap- pli11nec~. dcvelopin ~ rcrlpes for appliance US<' and eook 1ng st.:hOOl!:i. "\\'e don't do chocolate pudd1'1g fur days in a row:• 1'hey uti lize basic recipes, t1dapling them lo the appliance use. Sontetimes entire meals are developed on a particular theme, using different parts of the range for each recipe. She uses a kitchen similar lo a dom- estic one with a variety of gas ranges. It also contains many duplicate utensils in aluminum, steel. glass. copper and cor- ningv.•are. "That v.·ay we know how 11 recipe tests in each type of utensil," f'X- plained Mrs. Gerken. ~ graduate ()f Ohio Dominican College and s resident of Sa n Juan Capistrano. PRODUCTION LJNt.: Alth ough Costa Mesan f~llen Beale works in a small Co1npany, she. has serv- ed as a home economist in the central commissary of a vending machine co1n- pa111y. "I I was on a produCtion line system and we had to CQ11stantly lest the pro- ducts. It's so easy to subslltute sugar for salt or vice versa.'' A graduate of the Univer~ity of New Mexico. she finds "if 1 job is de.signed specifically for home economists, il's too narrow for me." I-fer position with The Butler Recommends pie C<1mpany entails working with inslitutionaJ ac- counts. improving sales t h r o u g h marketing, instruction on bakin g . developing advertising campaigns for old and new customers and consumer and retailers ' problems. As a newlywed. l\.1rs. Beale recalls developing new r ec ipes evtry day. organizing and planning every det.ail or a dinner part~· "Now it 's just second nat ure and I have my timing doy,·n pat " She 1s a firm be liever in serving guests foot! lhal has been prepared b<'fore lhey 11rrive ... I wanl to e11Joy mysetr.,too." To al!evlate lht: pressure or daily cook- MOTHER'S HELPER -Mark O'Neil, 3, gi ves the battu a lick of approval as mothe r, Mrs. Shirley O'Neil of Newport Beach \vhips up a taste treat. Following eight h ours daily as a home economist in a lest k itc hen, she ha~ a greale challenge lhan many house \vives at nightly meal preparation. ingn she whips up delicious entrees wit h "a little wine and thrrc cans or something. The ...,,ine gi\'es any casser·ole dish a real gourmet !ouch." Sli\IPLE ;\·1argarel Hobble , homr economist fo~ Southern California Edison Co .. be:litves "good cooks don't ha ve to be gourmel cooks." Sht: advises housewives to do • ' I litlle research and find reci~s l~al are ··easy. pleasa nl and simplf'. If your f<1nll· ly 1s v.·ell rll)uristft:!d and happy. that's all that's important" Mrs. Hobbl e·s work for her cornwny is n1uch likf' Mrs. f;t>rkcn's l'incc thet buth y,·ork for utililics. drveloping rt ciries ulil1iing lhe t1ppliances. Although mosl progr1uns 11re written on lhe staff lcvrl. lhey can be ustd only as guidelines with I each hon1e economist presentin~ it in her oy,·11 styll', she s<r id. I-fer lest kitchen has three ra nges and a micro wave ovt>n. i\ny 11.·oman <.-ould be happier about rooking H shP is expe rimental and 1,s striving for s pecific culinary goals. Such goals con be acqui rl.'d by readin~ cookbooks, newspapt>r articles a n d "learninJ( as much abnul cooking 11~ po!{Sibl e." • N PILOT -AO\IERTISER JZ cm en BEA ANDERSON, l!ditor "''' II Home N ews A Case Against Canning By OOHO'f'H\I WENl'K Or•••• (o~n•• Home Ad~i>er llccent casrs of hotulism frorn rom· nicreially ('anncd soup and fro1n horn('· ('anncd chili pepper sauce ha ve caused ni;111.\· <'Onsun1er . .; lo be t'(lnccrnl'd ailout Ilic sa fl"t~· uf tht·1 r fnod s. Bot11lis n1 t,,xin is ont• uf t11c n1ost dead- ly poi~uns knov.·n to n1an . But the bar- teria \\'hich produces this toxin and il !I spore fo nn are no! in then1selves toxic. The botulinum bacteria and spores art: commonly found in the soil in Califomla and may be present in many foods which you eat It is v.•hen these bacteria grow and n1ultiply in an anaerobic (absence of airl environment -~enerally in cannt:d nonacid food s -that thev produce the loxin v.•hich is so deadly. The spore fom1 of the bacteria is extremely heat resis· !ant and it occasionally happens that food. \1'hen 1.·anned. is 11ot processed Ill a high l'nriugh tc111p<'rature for a long r.nough li11ie to destroy the botu\inum spores. 1·hcn. if thr. roud is no11a t.:id -for Cll'· 111nple veg el;,ibles, soup, rneats, poultry. fi sh -the hotulinuni spores change into haetl'rin. \ht> baeter i;i gro11· and produ<.:e 1°ixin. and the fond becornc.~ poisonous. 'rhe food nia~· not look . srncl l, or laste bad. although usuall y there is so1nt: r1·idl'nc·e of ~s prutluetion -the lid or ~·an is bulged . ur the liquid is forcefully ex pelled fru111 !hr ean when you open it. 1\nylin1r yuu arc suspic ious of a canned food. do nut ta~te. it ! Ont: taste can kill ~'Oll. If you arc unsure nr a food , you can inakc it safe by boi1111g il for 15 to 20 1ninu!es_ 'J'he botu linum toxin I .s destroyed by boilin~. Thl' ~overnn1enl has very strict rf'gula- lions eoncerning the methods used to pro· eess commerciall.v canned food s. Tin1e~ and ten1peratures required arr 11'ell above !ht: level needed to destrov hotulinun1 sporf'S. This is v.'hy ii is ver~· rare indeed lo hrar of a t:ase or botu!isn1 resulting fron1 c:i!ing co1nrnercial!y can- ned food . Consideriug the bi!Jions of can s or foorl processed, the risk of getting such a can is minute. But "'hen ii happens it'll big news. lluman error cannot be completely eliminated. it seems. Botulism from home canned foods - such as the chili Dt'ppcr sauce case -i.!I more common. This is because people use improper methods. fail to process food s adequately. and have poorly func· lioning or inadequate t'QUipment. For ho n1t canning of ttonackf food.s - ,·egetables. rnea\s. fish, poultry -111 pressurl' canner with an accurate J::auge is a must. It 's also essent ial to follow it reliable canning guide !'!O that proper tinl!'S and temperatures are used . They \'<l ry for C'ach fOfld. l-'timphlrts with reli able directions f(lr hon1c e;inning or all types of foods are ;;vailablc fron1 our· officf.' -the Liniversi- 1~' or California i\griculh1ra l Extension Srrv1ee. 1000 S. Harbor Blvd .. Ana.heim . 9'.!805. v.·r tr.v 10 persuade people not to can 11onacid food~ unless they really know what they are doing and have reliable equip1nenl. We receive many calls from consumt:r~ who are worried about getting botulism from foods that normally present no such problem. Fruits, because of their acidity, will not support the growth of botulinum bacteria. Thu s, fru its (except for figs which art: nonacid) do not need lo be caMed in 111 pressure canner. The temperature of a boiling water bath (jars immersed in boiling water ) ill sufficient. Tomatoes .11re grouped with fruits for canning purposes because of their acidity. Pickles arf high in al'id -if proper recipes are used-so would not be likely to be a source of botulism poisoning either. Nor would jellies and jam.s. Jellies and jams arc protected fron1 bacterial growth by their high sugar content. i-~rozcn foods y,·ould not allow for thf! growth of botulinum bacteria because or their cold temperature. We recommend that ~omemakers free1.e the high r isk nonacid foods -vegetables, meats. fi sh, and poultry -rather lhan can them. QUESTIONS WE AR~ ASKED Q. \Vould you please tell me if thi! method for canning gre.en peppers is safe? I blanched them ror just a' few minutes in boiling water. than packed rhen1 in jars. aivered them with hot oil and sealed the jars. l didn't proceM lheni. A. Green peppers canned by this method ...,,ould not be safe! Do not eat them. !l's hi ghly possibli tbat bolulinum bacteria are growing In them . Oil ls not • preservative. Canned i;i:reen pe~-.s need to ht' processed in a pressure canner 1t S pounds pressure for 10 minutN. " I ') ( ff DAIL V >ILOT * Mercury Tale Called 'F· h ' IS y by Proprietors By JEAN WILLIAMS OI' "" O•lfr f'llll SI•" !!word.fish. declared unsafe by the Food afJd Drug Adm ini stralLon becausf' of an 11\eged!y d11ngerous \t've! nf men:ur!'. is be<':k in some markets 11nd on some 1'-sfaur11.nt menus. The question for consl1mrrs to 11 ns\\'er is: "Shbll I buv Jt and eat u ~" A sur\11'}' nf Orange Coa ~i fish nu1rkrts i nd reslauranls sho'>'•rd lh;it prnpr\etors generally disagree "'ith the food and Drug Adn11n istratir1n's ruling 1 ha t 1v.·ordfish v.·i1h .:. parts nf 1nercury per million part:r; nf fi sh 1s unsafr. hut mos t wi ll abidl' bv the decision. Speaking ·fi rst. for Tale of the \\.hale resta11rant in Balboa . 8111 CaoueHe said "l think it's a farce, but r m go ing along \ll'il h ii." S'A·ord fish ts nn l on the menu of the Sea Shat\1y. Nev.·port Beach or the Ship Ahoy in Laguna . The manager of the Laguna rtstaurant s~id, "9.1e can 't get ll, so we can't serve 11.'' At The Fisherman, Hunhnglon Beach, Your Horoscope rhef \\·u1 White e1p1ained that thfy v.:ere affixing 11 note to the'ir menus saying sl'l·ordfish w1111 un1 vail1ble. "l think peo.. plP are. 1 li ttle afraid ol it," he' said. "It 's fl(JI only h a r d to gtl but e1- pens1\'f', ' ht> ~·ent on, rtff'rring to the fact thst swordfish now sold must bt. in- speett'd and tagged as rontaining less than -~ parb of mercury per million. "!('s ridiculous." said Harry Kingston nl tilt Bayside F'ish Mark"1 in Newport Beach. adding that he hadn 't sent out any !)oats for swordfish since the government recommendation . He commented that other countries aJ[owed a higher mercury content ...,.ifh no apparent lll effects. "In Swtden they ac· cept one part per million," he said. SHORT SUPPLY ~1c.rkels sampled at ra11dom in the area are not generally selling swordfish . The Pantry, in Costa Mesa said it could not gtt S\ll'ordfish al all and a me1t depart· ment rtpresenlalive of Slater Bros. in Costa Mesa said, "\\'e haven't gott.en an OK on any of ii yel." El Rancho Ma.rktl in Eastbluff was one u ception. saying that s.,.,·ordfish ""'hich had bttn inspected In Los Angelts now was available <'II Sl.!19 per pound. •·Rut "''eve OJ\l~ had it In the pa~t three wttks," a meat spokesrnan said. It will be up 10 individual man11gers al Von 's. in Huntington Beach as to whether they handle inspected swordfish or nnt, but some are ordering future cleliverifs. C. F. Br~·son . program su pt>rvisor for the Bureau· of Food and Drug, California Slate Department of Public Health in Berkelty, g;ive the official \'trd1ct of the state's requirements for swordfish. STANDARD UPHELD "Although there ha\·e bttn some opin· ion.1 Sol.IC.h as Dr. Fredenck Star's of Harvard pooh·pooh1ng the .5 safety figure ," he said. "there are an overwhelming number of people \ll'ho fa\•or .5 or even lower as safe .'' He ~aid that he doubted seriously U the figure ever v.·ould be raised. "Tho.se in favor ~'OU!d have to present Aquarius: Act With Determination, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 30 By SYDNEY OMA RR There is no real connict between astrologers a n d astronomers. However, some astronomers insist on posing as authorities on astrology, This does lead to ill·feeling - and confuses the public. An 11 slrologcr must :it Je11sl be familiar 11·i:h lhe rudi1ncr1ts of astronon1v. An RSlrnnnn11:r does oot • neccssaril.11 know a thing about astrology. ARIES Cf\1arch ·21-Apnl 19): Friends 11re a~grcss'ive. Take It easy. Refuse to be r<iught up in emotional arguments. Count 10 before replying to ae- cusalions. Control tendency to respond in foolish manner. Pace yourself. TAU RUS (April 20.May 20 ): i'ou get construc!i\•e push: one in authority 12.kes special intcresL Re \\•illin~ to ml'lke necessary rhange~. 0 pen broade r lines n r ('(lm· mun icntinn. Rt.>hind·scenrs ni;111eu1 rr boomerangs in your f;i 1•or. Be :ivailable. GEl\11 NI (M.1y 21 -.lunl' 20): \\'here lhc re has bren delay . tht're now Is ;1pt lo be a flurry or 1ness;1ges. You hear from those at a distance. Friend "·ho had pro<:rastinated cornes Verve through with definite program. You will benefit. CANCER (June 21·July 22): Don't overlook situ 111tion which has recently been pushed aside. Review plans. Stress security. Not wise to take a nyo ne for gr11nted. Reinforce contac ts. Investment question should be resolved. LEO (.July 23·Aug. 22 1: Hold off on any cnntr<i ct. special a~recmcnt, partnership pro· jecL l\ry is to add lo knowl edge. You need ad· rl itiona\ infnnn;i\lon. Hefuse to be st;1mpederl. St11y away from get ·ric h-qulck srheme. \'IRGO I Aug. 2.1·Sl•pt. 22): Finish proj ect. Let olhr.r!I show 1he1r h11nds. Be a11al v1ic11 I. You have more cnrn\nl( to you !han might be suspectf'rl. Patien('e is your al ly. Maintain strady pace. f\lnney news will he good: be ronfident. l.I HRA (Srpl. 2.1-0i·t. 22°f · Tie;ich agr!'emenl with youn~ per!;On. Assert yourself in reason::ihle m::inn!'r. i\1any now express apprre1a\lnn for your pffnrts. Continue lo apply origina l !ouch. Leo 1ndividu::1! could play prominent ro\e. Stale C'fl~e. SCt)JlPIU 10c1 2J·No1·. 21 \: awfully soWld evidence." he commtnted. ~ferring to the possible mental health damage that could resutl from an ex· cessively high Cflnsumption of mt'thyl mercury, he roncluded that ''in puhHc health concerns. v.•e must go on the con· servstive side if there's any doubt." Bryson expla ined that swordfishermen had handed togelher and created a testing program in prh•ate laboratories in San Diego and Los Angeles. l\'EWEST fl lET HOD "Jn these lnboratories the swordfish is tested for mercury content by the most accepted method available to date." he said, ''that of flameless atomic adsor~ lion." fish that do not exceed the .5 parts of methyl mercury per million may M sold with the approval of the. Department of Pubhc Health. A spokesman in the Bureau of Com· mercial Fisheries in San Pedro revealed thal th e charge for the laboratory lnspec· tion was $10 per fish . Despite the result.ant increase in the J cost of awordfish to the buyer. sv.·ordflsh ls back on the menu at El Pe§Cador, Coa!a Mesi. Manager Ktith Ne~·man af· fir~ that it had been Inspected in o San Dielilo laboratory. FAVORABL E RECt:PTlON "People are glad to see it back,'' he commented, adding lhal In his opinion the gove rnment ruling was too vague. "Nothing has been prO\'en," h~ sald. Bob Cejka at Delaney Bros . Frozen Foods in Newport said that he had bought only two swordfish all summer.• "\.'le 'll buy only if it's inspected," he said. Robtrt Roubian. owner of the Crab Cooker in B:a!boa . said he was not return- ing swordifah to the menu until "We get a green light from the government with no doubts." He was bitter about the whole crisis, from the time of the se izure by the FDA of 40 ,000 pounds of fish in March. "If they're correct in taking It and dumping it, then we'll go along," he said, Meanwhile, Ba ck al the Ranch , Fun's Awailin ' but added that he now was doubtful oJ the validity of the ban. A spokesman for ,..tl\e FDA in 1.J:ls Angeles said there was no new In- formation "that w011ld make us chlqe our vie'A'S at this time." He stressed that the FDA was 1'rtcom· mending that the public not e1t s1-1•ordfish" and lh11.t random lnspectioo.s v.'ere continuing by FDA inspectors: "\\'here there is a potential danger we take no chances,'' he said. from the standpoint of those involved in selling or preparing the flsh for public consu mption, however, doubt ls linger. mg El Pescador's Nev.•ma.n also had heard of s~·eden's a\lo~·ance of one part mercury pr million parts of fisb as sa!e, and he wonders. "The gover;iment's action put 11 lot of small fishermen out of business," he said. "It seems as if they did &0melhing before they knew Q•hat they were doln& and they don't know how to get out of it." Home situa1 inn need s Jrlnking into: means pllt a halt to ex· lravag;ince, shouting. abuse. Cancer-horn individual coul d be involved. Accent is nn security. rel a1i ons with older person. Trust hunch. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22· Der.. 21 ): Take special c<ire 1n }.frs. Ron Shef (left) and f\ilrs. l·lerb Lcnchner set out for a Day at the Ranch as member,.; of Pacesetter Chapter o[ Children's Asthma Research Jnstitute and Hos pital (CARIH ) f'ponsor a Saturday, Oct. 2, outin g. s,11imming, bO\\'ling, riding, games and a prime rib d in ner follo\1·ed by dancing are on the famlly agenda. Reserva· tion ~ are being taken by the above v.:omen, ~!rs. Mark Ji1illard, president, or J.1rs. Richard Taylor. traffic. Not "'·ise to ex------------------------------------------------------------ Color If Arly perimenl "''ll h elf'<'lrical pro. ducts. Steer clear of argumen· tati1•e relati1•e. Som t' wi~he! 11re fulfil led -hut not d \-oo in- sist. c<i jole or chide. (:o.s!o1-1·. CAPlllfOR,'\i t 0f'C. 22./;in 19i: J\1onry , ;i cldPd income <"ould brcome rel'llity thr0u>?h properly seltltmrn1. re~ I estate dea l Stic k 11•1th prnJ ert In co mpletion. Thorough ;ip. pro<ich swings odcl!: frir ~UC· cess lo you r [;ivor. Be alen. AQUAR IUS (.Jan. 20·ft'b. 18 1: You gel thin~~ done ; ac· lion is keynoted. Some may be en vious ; others may cl aim snu are heRdstrong. Ke y is to be cre2.l ive, to act w i th determination, verve. Noth tng ha\fw111y. Ring sound of en. thusiasm. To avoid disappo1ntment. prospective brldes are reminded to have 1.hei r \11edd1ng stories "'ith black and "'hite Rlossy phot°" graphs to the DAILY PlLOT \\;omen·s De-- partment one "·eek before the v.1edd.ing. P ictures received after that time wiU not be used. For enga g"-::-:-.~nt announcements it 1~ Imperative that t'rle story. also accompanied by. a bl~_ck and ''· iite glossy picture, be sub- mitted six weeks or m ore before the \\·edding date. If deadline is not met, only a story \\'ill be used. Californians Offered Something to Chew On At least 1wn--th1rds nf !lie CB!1fnrn 1an~ lest trl in 1he Cal1for n1a se,i:ment of the Na - t ional Nutrition Survey ha ve some form of malnutrition, according lo a preliminary report nn the survey gi\'en in San Dieg o. Partial findings nf the si 1t· month survey were reported by Miss Leona Shapiro. nutr i- tionist. du ring the ft rs t meetin,g of the nel.i.·ly formed California Nutrition Council. cenl and Iii pcrcr nt surfrred from p;i r ked C'el! volume, annthrr kind nf hlnnd anrm1<1. Acc<)rd 1ng 1n thr rl'port. malnutr1tinn is more pre\ a lent among /liegro es than whit es anrl 1s more w 1 de~ pre a rl among the poor. Retarded groy, th 1s 1nn~t c'omn1nn a ni n n R '.llei;1C'an·An1Prican.;. and some forms nf 1nalnu1ri- l 10J1. ~uch as obes1tv, are strong 10 affluent hnu,eholrl<;. ~ur1 e1!lanre pr(li;rtim b 11 rs1ahli~herl to 1'llnpn1nt the 1-1 nrst pnckf'ts nf malnutrition -ecnnom1cally. ethn ically and geographical!~'· r..tiss r.tary Hampton nf the l'nil'ers1ty of C a 1 if n r n I a . Berkelt~'. also a nutritionist, s;iid there is ti "hig i llP lwiwP('n current nutritional knn1-1·led~e and actual prac· \Ices -1\•hat is beini:t taught by dnclors." ihe 11a1d mean~ of Fpread1ng sound nutrilLonal inforn,a!ion In the pubiic must be founrl On lhe \raterfrnnt l\1rs. Glarl.vs \\'ing puts art in perspecl1\'e for ;in ou tdoor !'ho111ng hy the Lake Forest Art .o\ssor1atinn Some 60 members ~·ill dis- pla y ~·ork from 9 a.m. tn 6 pm. friday through Sunday, Oct l to 3. at the Laguna Hills Shopplng Center. PI SCES (F'eb. IS.March 2n \: ~1oney lransaclion requires C'l11rific11!ion. All Are nnl .o:lin'A'· Ing I heir hands. Be caulious in connt'<'.tion with valu11ble.o:. Ynu ha\•e lendency now to he forgetful about names . pl11ces. Double c h e c k assignment no tes. 1$ '"'" '''" w"oo• tu<~• 1.,.. Vf'4) In ....,nev •"" low• . .,,,., SYllntY °'""'"' b<»~!•1. "~f!Cf•1 lil,.!t IM M~n """ Wt><>'lt>n' ."' ~I'll bor!"ll.tll tM I' ttn!~ !'Cl o .... r. A.Jt•el<l•Y *"'" ll'lt OA llV "!LOT . lo• J?<ID, G•11'11 Ct ntrl! l!t· lion, Ntw York, N. V, 100'11. . To help fill r equirements on both wed· d ing and engagement stories, forms are a vailable in all of the DAILY PILOT oilices. F urther questio ns wiU be ans\\•ered by \\'omen's Section stafi members at 6<\2..4321 or 494-9466. Miss Shapiro, 11ssigned In the Stnte Ot-pl'l rtmrnL nf Health f'uhlic . Rerkelry. s;iirl that \\\'O·th1rds nf those tested \l'ere deficient in fol ic acid . a \'J!am \n B compfe>r founcl prin- cipal!y in leafy g re e n \'egetables. Anemia was found in 12 per· f.11ss Sh<ip1rn \\'arned 1h;:it a lthou~h !he falirorn111 :-11r\'e1· unco\'ered majo r proh!em~. they \\'err "nnt nearly as se1·erl' as 1he (lth"r nine slates anrl therein Ires a hazard 1n complacency .'' Sht recommender! I IH1! s.!eps be. taken In correct nutri tion defects state\\·ide and that a Pre.~1rt1ng at the metl1ng of nu l r it1o n1sts. researchers. public het1l1h nfhcials 11nd nthrrs cnncrrntd \\'ilh food s ;:ind health v.·;:is Dr. George M. Bn~~s. professor of nut rition at UCB. No Cramming Necessary f9r Passing This Exqmination • DEAR A!\'N LA~DERS· F'our years 91:0 when your sex te,.t came nut, 1 Y.'IS iii innocent 1J.year--0ld so I did not kttp lhe newspaper copy. Since then I have come·• long way 11nd I would ~pprtc1ate It very much If you could onct again W re with the wnrld your famous sex test. Thank you load,., Ann. -SIXT~:E.N AND NOT SO SWE!:T DEAR SIXTEEN : Here's the te~I 11 fld 1 "'1 prlnUnf ll by popu llr reque~t 1 Al loat i ,000 kldt have a.,ked /or 11 rerun •tnct It appeared.) J'd Uke to m~ke 11 plain, however, that thJJ Ii not MY te~t . Jl w1111ent to me by 1 Memphis teen~gtr 11·hn 8Sked me to rvelutile it 1'\.ly e ~·alu atl<in W8A: lntere11tLn1t. but prett~· ~.11my, Knn~· Thyseir Questinnn•irc i&nre lht numbtr of pnints lndlCAttd for e111 r.h "''ts" an.o:v.·t r.1 I Ever ilone out ~·1th a i'ncmber ol tl'lt. opposite 1!-P~? 4 2. E\·er been klsstd'.' 4 3. Ever been Fren<'h·ki,sed ? 4 5. E\·er been kissed ~·hlJe in 111 rtchning po~ltion ? !i ~ Evl':r lilntten nr f;l\'en a h1ck,.y? J 8 Ever been kissed In your pAjam11~~ 2 7. Ever hten kissed agAinst your 11·111~ l 8. Ever parked for more than an hour~ 5 9. Ever said. "I lo\'e you"? 3 10. Ever s11id. "I love you:· to more lhan nne perron? 3 II . E.ver gone ~lei'l.dy? 4 12. E1·er been picked up by a ptrson rou nt'ver '"""' before ? 7 I~ F.rer played .strip poker "'ilh 8 memher nf the nppo.~1 te srx? 5 14. !!are )'Oil gone 1111 the w11y? 10 IS !hive ynu had the de sire to go 811 the way but m11n111r:ed to ktl"P from it? • 2 l~. 111'1\'e you e\'tr 1nade a member of the opposite sex er~·: 4 17. Has a member of the opposite sex f\'tr made you er~<' ~ \R. Do you sn}oke plain c1g11reh;? 2 19. Do you dr ink 11 lcohot or beer? 2 20. Ever pa~sed nut from dnnkln11:" 6 21. E:ver lied In ~·our folks about \\'here \'Oil went or 'A'l1h l''hom? 8 22: Ever smoke po t? 7 2J £\·er tripped on LSD or the b1~ H? 10 24. [\'tr cnns1clered the pre.11n:incy route sn )'(IUr fol ks ~·ould hi11 e to lrl you get married~ 10 Scnrt Ch11rt fl or under Queer nr somet hing 10 to 15 \.i tn 2S 25 to ·:ts J:'l tn ~5 Pure R!i the dri\·en snow Passionate but prudish Normal and dteent lndeC"ent 45 10 S.'i Headed for !'erious trouble 5~ to 60 In terrible !hape FA'I or 01·er Condemned Alcohnl is no shortcut tn socl;il ~uccess. If ~!'Ill think ,vou h:i ve to dnnk tn bt &o- <"rptrrl hy yo11r friend~. get the fact!. RC'tid "Booz~ ;:ind You -For Tef'n1'ge:r1 Ool~ :· liy Ann L<inde.r~ Send 3S ct nt1-in ('f\IO 11rid <i !on.R . .!'tJf.J'lddre.~'ed, st~m ped t n1 C'lr'lpe v.•1th your reque~t in <'are of the DAILY PILOT , ' • • r s OAILY PfLOl ;j Out' After Spending $200,000 SAN PEDRO (APl -Jolene Gei.rrn says the was poor be.fore she inherited $200,000 four years ago. Now s~·s poor again and l'heerfully at.ln11Ls. "\Ve biew tt ." ~1 rs. Gearin was living 1n a $75-a·tnQnth a part1nent v.·hcn she learued she \.\'OU.Id inherit $200,000 frorn !he estate of her lather, Chester Hanson . \V ith her hu~ band , Le<>nard. a merchant mari11e 1caman, and their lour children, she waited through two years or court actinn for the momey. Then laxes look part of " "But \\hen It ca111e , it really "'ore u~ out spending it," llhe rec all s. "\\'t \\'Crt just exhausted. \Ve cou!dn "t spend it fa st enough." \\'here did the 1noncy go'! "\lie bought cars and molorl·ycles for the boys, and a truck, and a $2 ,000 hi·fi . , . and clothes, and we put i downpcty· ment on a house. and t11e girls and I had Rll our teeth rapped, aod I had nl) breasts lifted , , • ··And . oh yes. ~·t" bo1.1ght ski eq1J1pn1e111 . . . and we traveled ... \\'l' put 200,00G 1niles on one of the cars tn one year . . and ~·e all saw a psychidtrist .. , I in- ,·ested SL0.000 ln Lhe ::;tock rnarket and Jost $4,000 of 1t ... and we spent S5,000 on new rurniture, a w;isher and a dry<T, small appl1anres _ .. "\.Ve paid cash for evcrythine; ... " Woman Risk~ Citizenship Hou se·wi fe Accused of S adisni as N azi l 'cuup Guard i\E\V YOP.K ~UPI 1 -A middle-aged house\\ ire. officially accused of being "a t·ruel. brutal and sad1stu: \\'Oman" 11·hile allegedly ser,·inr;: as a RUard at two Nazi concentration t·amps. h<1s consented lo have her Anll'.r itan c;itizcnship revoked. t\1rs. Hennine Braunsleiner Ryan, St, nf Queens, a~rced through her attorney in Brooklyn federal court ·ruesday to the revocation of her citizenship. .superl'i::;o!' al Ra vensbruck ~·hrn the .allies libcrdled 11, the covcmment said. The British arrested her and the Austrian ~ovemment charged her \vith lorlurinR inmates. said the government brief. f\lorse sa id she was convicted and sen· tenced to three years in prison. "l\lrs. Ryan, however, was credi1ed \vith time ser\•ed , fined court costs. had her personal property confiscated and in 1957 rec('i\'Cd lrgis!atJ\'r an111e:.ly lnlnl lh1" A u.~trians, said 1\!orse. That year, he s;iid. she married a construL·lion worker. t-.1orse said rhe t'onsent or de r 1·uJn1inated an in\"cstigalion which bci;an in 1964, \1'hen A private investigator of ·Nazi war crimes identifi ed l\1rs. Hyan as .'l former member of th e Nazi SS Eli1e Guard. "There is an1ple evidence to support lhe c;onclusion !hat said Hermine Ryan. during the 1939--45 period \Vas a cruel. brutal and sadistic woma11. \vho un· necessarily beat and tortured derense\es~ prisoners in her charge," the government 11aid i.11 an affidavit. Soviet Test Blast Mal\:es !\t rs. Ryan, the \\'ll e or an American t•onstruction ~·orker, entered the Unlted States April 14. 1959. On Aug. 22, 1968. the ~ove r nmenl a 1i ke d f or he r denaturalization, saying she lied in her application for citizenship when she allegedly claimed she had ne1•er been ar· rested, jailed nor received amnesty. s~id Robert A. !'.1orse, an ass istant U.S. al· torney. Joh Easie1· for· Nixo11'? Although !\lrs. Ryan did not ad1nil any i:uill, the consent order means she could be deported. A spokesman for the U.S. Jmmigration and Naturalization Service said an investi gation ~·ould be conducted t.o decide \\'hether her deportation ~·ou!d be sought. The gove rnmenl"s t•on1plainl alleged "l\·Jrs. Ryan in 1939 became a guard al the Ravensbruck C«?ncentration Cam p, one. of :si x major camps in Nazi Germany at the time. Jn J!M2, the governmenl alleged. she was transferred to the l\laidanek 1~amp in Poland where 1.5 million persons tlie::I. according to Nurenberg trial~ testimony. She retu rned to Ravensbruck t1\·o years \a\cr, the gO\'emment said. In 1945, i\trs. Ryan \\"as section WASHlNGTON (UPI) -The Soviel~ may inadvertently have made it easil!'r fo r President Nixon lo order the Atomic Energy Commission to go ahead and fire Cannikin. Cannikin is the extremely controversial project to test 8 new kind or antimissile nuclear warhead at a depth of mort than 11 mile under Alaska 's Am chitka Island in the Aleutians. The Russian.~ already may ha ve an- ticipated Cannikin by 11 similar test of their own Monda y. H Nixon says yes, Cannikin will be ex - ploded some time in the last two weeks or October before resumption or the no\v recessed U.S.-Sovict Strategic Arm s Limitation Talk! (SALT) in November. The Cann!kin warhead. designed to kill incoming ene my missiles "·ith X-rays, 1nust be tested if the United States is lo Ro Mead \\'ith the Safeguard 11otiba1listii.: missile (ABti.i) system v;hich has been ap- Aler1 Approved County Will Sound Stnog Warnings . A.n air pollution health \1·arning syste1n for Orange County \\•as approved Tues- day by the Board of Supe rvisors but no date \\'as set fo r implementation. Upon recommendation of C o u n I y Health Officer Dr. John Philp and the Orange County l\1edical Association stan - dards were adopted for ozone and nitrogen oxide warning limits and the County Air Pollution Control District flrdered to Lrnplement the plan. Air Pollution Control Officer \\'illia n1 F1tchen told supervisors tha t there ~·al'i no urgency in getting the \Yarning syste1n 1n action as the smoi; season is about O\ er. The warning .standards. as set by !he health department and medical assoc1a- 11on l\'OUld call for a \Yarning to lhe public and schools ~hen· -The 01.one rounl is prl!'dicted le> rearh ;in hourly average of 20 parts per million or ;1 peak of .35 parls per mill ion. -The nitrogen oxide count c>quals one p;irt per million The health ageni.:1es also rel·on1mended 1 hat a warning he broadcast when carbon monoxide reaches 20 parts per million but ~·1tchen said there "·as no way at thi' time to measure carbon monoxidl!' level.~ . Supcrvi!!Or David L. Baker of Garden c;rove, approved th e plan but questioned lhe 1ne!hods of notifying p e o p I e . especially senior 1·itizens such as the residents of the Le isure World con1· munities in Seal Beach and Laguna !!ills. Dr. Philp said a warning would be i:iil'en on predirtion through th e newspapers \\'ho would be notified by noon of the preceding day. He said if concentrations or pollutanl !! resulted during a particular-day. radin ;ind television station!!. would be asked tfl broadcast warnings immediately, \\'hen a "'arning is issued. citizen'.'> \\·ould be ad\•ised to reduct physical ac- ln•ity, remain indoors whenevtr possib!I!'. keep doors and windoi!.'S closed And stop :.:moking. At prt'senl, jh' Pollution Control District ha~ a smof:! slert system in flpt:ration for schools . A warnin~ 1~ hroadcast if the ozone level rearhes .l.J p;ir\s per million. Schools are then supposed to stop all \'igorou~ exerci.~e by students indoors or out. There: ha ve been three such 8lerl.~ thi~ ye8r. Da11aaged by S1raog proved by both the administration and Congress. At leas!, that is "'hat the highe:-t military authorities told t:ongress, v,ohit:h thereupon voted funds for Canni kin. Cannikin. if fired, 1vill be lhe 1no:;t c~rr poll"erful underground f'Xplosion delonateji by the United States. l\f' i.:ording lo the AFC. its energy release "·ill be less than five n1egatoni:; tfivr. million tons of TNT I. ·rhaL mean.~. a1 ·- 1:ording to ioformed source~. 111 lhr neighbo rhood of 4.5 megatons. The biggest underi;round shot lo datr ~·as exploded by the Soviet Union la~l October. The AEC gaged 1t at three to 51.\ n1egatons. \\'hi!e controversy over tannikin s1ill seethed in the United States, Japan and t:anada, the Soviets exploded another bt/,l one f\londay in a hole uncJer their Arct11.:. test island, Novaya Zen1Jya . Seismic instruments est i1nated 1t~ pol\'er at two to four megatons. Could ~1oscow and \\'aslungton lia1 e agreed tacitly to get their final AB1\I tests out of the way before resumption of the SALT talks? Stra nger 1hings l1e~r happened in the addly ind1rec-t 1-.i y lht> Soviets and Americanl'i ha l"e nl rlo1ng business with each other. Art Pro~pcc tu~ No'v Available Th e prospectus for the Fall ~lcn1- be rship Show at the Laguna Beach Ari Association Gallery 307 Cl1H Dn vc. 1.~ riow a\•ailable, Tom Enn1an , dtrf'ctor, ha:- announced. I All n1ed1a. he. said. will be aci.:epted for lhe annual cash ""·ard~ sho w ;ind n1ust be accornpanied ~·ith a $2 entr4 fee . Any piece larger than rhr gallery Cloors 11 111 not bt accepted. Juror• for vear's show. \\'Ill be !J<H 1 Lagerberg. Svftozar Hadakov1ch and IJ11li Troul. Encr1e!'i "1!1 be rel'e1ved at tht: gallery brtl\·een 10 ;i rn. :ind 4 p.111 . 0<'1, 28 . 29 and 30. ~:n1nan noted th;.it a Lo~ Angeles Jinn \1·111 be available to n1ove \;il'AC works In lhe gallery. For furthrr 1nlorn1at1on, roll· lact the gallery. <19.J,6.lJI. U'I ,,..,.....,, ff'MI U,J, ,_,,nl l .... ICI ' Pinr: tree in San Bcrniirdino Mountain ~ {lefl) Wai green and healthy in 196 1._ Same tree. alter 101,years of exposure to ph otochc1n1cal smog of Los Angeles ba ~1n. is nlrno~l clr follaled. J>inc fore sts in Southern Callfom ia a.re declining rapidly because of con· linued exposure to smog. according to Paul R. Mil- ler, pl ant path ologi!!l 'vith the U.S. Forest Service . Le!!iSOns learned"! "You ca n aurr: Wllitr: .::i lot of money on cars. and the stock 1narkel is a bad mvestment," 1'1rs. 1.earin s1ud. Lasting elfects'! "When we round out r1bout the money. it brought the family I08elher. It Was the first time in our lives thal we really worked and planned together .. , .. After the 1noney w11s gone we started 11ght1ng. They kept .saying, 'Why didn 't 11e spend it this "'ay ? But they were all there lo spend h and we •ll had fun , .. ''It made us all different. The family needed this ... But all of a sudden when we rtalited we were broke. we dcekled there wa s a brand new world oul there ..• \Ye all got smart. We realize now that the fun is over." Her son Le<lnard Jr. had enough left from the inheritance to go into the furniture business in Au stralia. 'Fred, 18, ls studying electroni cs at a vocation<1 I school. ti.fary, 21, is studying education al the College o( the Su1k1you ln Northern California. Jean. 26, is 1n 11 real e.sllt.e st hoot. Advll'e to !hose who inherit a fortune"! '"It probably would be smarter to go out and buy a few things -a fur coat and a Cadil!<ic -and lhen invest !he rest and live off the investmeat,' " Mrs. Gearln said in an interview. \Yould she follow that ad vice? "I'd do exoctly the same thing I did blow tt." IJAILY l'llOT 11•11 l'N l9 EV EN KANSAN S MAY BE CONCERNED WITH PROJECTING PUBLIC BEACH ACCESS Richard Weise r, Avco Executive Vice President, Shows Model for Salt CrHk Developme nt Private Sands 'Obsolete'" Batlle O ve r Salt Creek Access Final ly Ends Ry RARBA ltA KREIBICll 01 In• O•UY P1lo! St•!! ' The {fay vf lhe absolutel y pr1vatr bcacl1 con1111un1ty •~ \vaning las1 ," sa) s B1chard \\'c1scr. executive vi«e president or A1·to ton11n11n1ly Developers lne., new owners and developers of 1he LagUJ1a N1gul'I planned con11n1111i!_y. Hepre.senting the developnltnt f1rn1 11ia1 111hcf1ted lhc Laguna Ni g u c I 1·orporat1nn's ba11Jc over access !o Sal1 C"reck Beal"h. \\'e1.~cr ha.~ 1ust s1u ·- ' c.~slully t·ourludcd a year or negotia tion lh<Jl soh·C';J the knotly problem. Lridcr <111 agrer.111cn1 apprO\'Cd last week by the county Board of Super~·isors, ,\vi·o 1~·i1J I urn o\'er 10 the cu un ly for $2.59 1111111011 a 33-acre bcachfronl parcel. 1n- c·lurl11tg 11 acres or beRch, completel.v rfpveloped 1v1!h parking lot s. walk\\·ay~, rr-.t roon1s and concession.~. Pnvalt' corn1nunit1es or hornl's and a11arl1nenls wtll be developed by Aven al1~ngsidr !lie bea1·h. but their rrsidcnls "Ill i:hart· the :.a nds "'1th the p11blic, u1- slrad of cnjuy111g an cxtlus1ve pr1vatr brac·h area a:; orig111all.v planned for the area. •\1·(11 1nuld ha\c ~one In courl tfl 1·h<1llenge the cla1nl of public prescnpll\"f' nght ~ H• the beach bul , says \\:c1ser, "\l ·'t't'n1cd to us i1 ~·ould hr a ricti<;ulous \'If .. 1ory one wA ~ or ;inothe!'. F.slabhshing 1.rc,1Jipl11 l' right ~. r1 ru 11 po:..~1blr, 11oulrt hf' a long, expcn~11"t' pr0<·cdurt• 111 1111· t't1u1'\$ ll 11ould dt>lav <lllv sort 1\f dr1elop111rnl of !he propCrty ~;ind still 1111111() niJI p!'Ol'1d~ the pt1bJ1c with whal is ne('rled 111 the w:iy of parking. rest roo1ns .111d sn forlh "Our approal'h w:i s. lrl's no1 tcs!. lcr.~ nrgol1ale and gel ii resol\'ed ." 4 3 STORES TO SE RVE YOU • • ,_ , , ThC'rc no longer ts room on the precious 1·oasl for such lntally private enclaves as r-.lttl1bu , Etnerald Bay and the like, \\'eiser believes. "For one lh1ng, coastal property ha.~ bet-on1e so ex!ravagantJy expensive it is rnore and more difficult to develop it on a sinRlc family residential basis,'' he says. "For <1nother. !here i~ fan Lastil public pressure . not only 1n Californ ia. but even 111 Kansas for cxan1ple, to per111it !he public to enjoy the enlite U.S. coai:;tline. "ln1prove d co111111unica1ions -storie.'> and picture.~ in nell"spapcr~. maga1,l11cs and on television -and increasing ,n1obility. make it possible for sortieonc in Kan.~as to be interested in and cooccrned about the beach and t vcn to su pport loca l pressure ro llrolecl the brachcs for the gener?J pub!1t·." II 1s diffi cult 1n r.~11matr . he added, ho\v rnuch the loss of private beach right~ makr.~ on beachfront property values. S ta le \Va ler C..:olor Uni l ~l a t es Di spl ay Thr California N;i t1or.a l \Yater Colnr &K'lt'!Y 11•11! open it s 5lsl annual e.~ l11h1t1on Saturdny at 7 J).m. 111 !he La!{una Beaeh Ari C:illl'I"), l'a111t111gs by n;il1ru1ally knnwn arti~t<: will be te;iturt>d 1n tht> show. w1!h $7,47a in l'ilSh prizes being :111'nrdcd to tile \\'ll1- r11ng rnlries flt. 9 p.m. ~oted painter C;iro ~:aton will lrc\ure 1·nncem1ng lhe works at 10 a.m. 1n Lhe gallery on the day of the show. •·Actually the peoµ\c living on lhe heaehfront still have the same use of the be;ich. though il may be a lillle mor111 CTQwded," said \\'eiser. "And In the Salt Creek area mosl of the dwellings will be up on the bluffs. su the main va lur is in lhe vie1v of lhe ocean, rather than beini down by the sand." Development pol.ential in thr are a bet~·een !he highway and the beach is some 1.700 units, he said, mostly in l"On· don1iniun1s, perhaps some larger apar!- ment bui ldings. It is possible Avco may pcrn1Jl 5on1c outside bui!deri:; I n participa!e in the development , but with stritt ar('hitect ura l control, he added. The agreement jus t signed with the 1·ounty calls for an escrow to close in February, recording concurrently with a <:ontrect under which Avco will complde n1ore than $000.000 "'Orth of Im· firovemen\s Grading or the parking lots and acce~~ roads wilt be combined with the major !ask ol repairing and solidifying a lilide area.. By combining all the work 11eccssary fur its o~'n development and rhe public in1provemcnls. Avco can han- dle the t.otal projc<:L '"cheaper and pro- hably in one fourth the l1n1c," \\'e1ser estimated. Completion or the pubht.: in1provement11 probably \\'ill take eight lo nine months trom clo~c of escrow. he estirnated. Thus Salt Creek . fully unproved. should he open to the public about a year from no1v. BC'causc of thr ''huge liability hazard"' while car!hrnov1ng machines are operating. rhc company and the county have agreed lo keep the improve ment area closed off wh ile work is in progress, \Veiser concluded. YOUR .~ CENTER WITH FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS AND HELPFUL SERV· ICE. PLENTY OF FR E E PA R KI N G IN BOTH FRONT AND REAR MALLS. ALL ON STREET LEVEL 2300 H,ARBOR BLVD. DRIVE CAREFULLY FOR BACK TO SCHOOL AT WILSON JUST SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FREEWAY IN THE HEART OF COSTA MESA _, 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA \ I I ·. •. \ I Youth Must Be ' Served Sooner B)' THOMAS MURPHINE 01 ·~· 0.1" ~llo1 11111 • AH , Y 0 U T H DEPT. -Ever sine• *°men starting stompin « unproteslNI i1;1ln barber shopS, I've suffered the crttp- ing suspicion that 11 lot of time-honored ~rriers were going to crash down .acound this cou nlry. :Now ir s bea1mlng el'i dent that the y;u1h rnove ment is rea lly goi ng to knock Ofer all the sacred sanctuaries of the ~t. We 've already given lft..year·olds t~ vote now through Constitutional J\lnendment. Zhen only Tuesday, lht California S!nate·s judiciary committee on an nierwhelming voice vote sent another bill 14 floor that says, in effKt, give the kids e!erything. 'l1" LOWERS the legal age to 18 for a ~l e lot of activitities that us older fcllsils could once lord over them. :P.'or example. the eighteeners under the b[D can be licensed lo own machine guns. )"btJ like that one? ~!so. !hey can become policemen, em- b'1 mer~. court jurors, school lx)l1rd rd.einber~ or altorney~ -if lhe v can qUplify for l::iw school at. say. age i.i. :\Jnder thr new bil l. !hey c;:in ;ilso r~nrd a ca!!l e brand wit hout parental cOflsent. :i'HE i\1EASU RE NOW on lhe Senate fltio r gives the I/I-year-o ld just 1boul eyt>rything except !he right tn tnter vour c91"ner saloo n for the purpose of mu~Cling >'.J'ILI off you r favo rite stool. ~~iua~;ulef~ifi~~hl ~1~~ona~ least one ~There ·~ a separate California Conslilu- liqJial Amtndment in the works that 1.1·ill gl•e the kids the saloons. too. 'f.ov. Reagan signed 11nother bill by l>iasemblyman Vincent Thoma.o; j D-San Pedro~ Tuesdav that towers t he nµ,,imum age rOr arn111eur boxers from !T.lo 16. So the age th:it you can R,et your bdiini; beat en out al SQ goes down along wjth a lo! of other stuff. ~NLl:!:SS THI-~ SALOO N Bill also get<i AQproval. il's going to be 11 lit tle tough on 1~ec.r-0ld policemen. A kid cop mighl h"'e difficulty in showing his ID to gf:t past the bar bouncer in order to arrest 1>ofne 21-yea r-0Jd drunk on the insid e. ~The ::inswer for the young l11wman rnU!.ht ~to take one or those lfi...year-0ld pdiefightf:rs with him. The kid boxer can l~n beat up the bouncer al the door v.t ile the kiri policem an Ji:Oes in~ide and wfestles with the miscreant who has nterindulged. ~OOL BOARO MF.~1Rt-:RS will bl! WfU advi SNi In exercise care in ho~· they handle student bnd its From ht>re on 10 . 1f tM, trustel's rattle too many cagt':.~-on cMr!pus, the kids may JUS! revolt ;ind eltrt their own l8·Vf't1r-0ld !!t'hool ~rd ~o lonJ:er will yOu h.11ve 1he spcct11cle nf t~ youn~ student body prtsident <I .tin~ !he dre~s code with the silver· h~ed school board chief . Thty111 bolh he lf.7 Tht>y'I! JU~! gn over lo lht neighborhood 1a1·ern and se1tlr 1ht 1.1·hole 1~e over ;i heer * ;.. ..\NI) SO. 1.1·e r·nmr 111 nnr final nntr. t11, t~ Womel'I·~ fib F"ront. The.v just 10- ~a.Jled ll new vendinp: machinr in our e~!oyes' louni;:r For a i;iiven number nf c::Oift . il gives you 11 package of pantyhose. A>iorted ~ir.cs and shade~. tnn. :J can hard\\· 11•at! for 1he machine the .\' P9~ in for the men. ' - •· . ' • -.... " ""'wedding Loo111ing'! Actress·model Twiggy, who recently compleled her first movie ··1·he Boyfriend'' and he r manager J ustin de Villeneuve. leave Winter Garden Theater after a performance of "f ollies." They would nnl confirm or deny the persistent rumor that th£y would marry \vil hin the "'eek. High Iraqi Aicles Ou stecl As Stro11g111a11 Emerges RE!RUT I UPI I -Two pillars of the lraqi regiml' werf' st ripf)f!d nf their powers Tuesday night in a power strugg le So<lat. Threatens 'Eye for Hll Eye' 8)' Uolled l'ress International Ei;:yptian President Anwar Sadat say:ri lsr::ie l w\11 suffer n1nre th<tn Ei;:ypt if new fiRhling break~ oul 1n lhl' t-.l iddle East. .. H will be an el'e for an eve and a tooth for a looth ."-Sadal said ;n ;i r11d10 and tl'levis1on adriress In the nal1on Tue.s- da", 1hl' flr~t ::inn1 l'er~arY of Carnal Abdel N::t.~spr's rle.:.!h. "\.lie ~re prrparlng lo receive blows. h11! 1hey ~hnuld prepar·p themselves lo rP ce1vr harder and de eper blows. ft'i ck~ ~ft ~ ~-'--= -..lj(~) • 1'/wreforr, if Chinn gets ltvo sea ts, so does da U.S. thal has heen going nn ~1 it hin the ruhni::- tf'\Oh1tion comn1.'lnd council for the past three years. political sources sa id. l\aghdad Radin said Saleh iltahrl1 A11l - n1;ish. lhl' Iraqi \'ice prc.o;ident. 1,;.1s ciism1ssl'd frnm his pnsl a~ well :is hL' 1nen1Dership or the council. Abdel Karim Shaikhaly. 1hl' lnre1.cn mini.sler. "'·11s also d1smtssed rrnm h1.o; po~t :ind his membership of the l'Ouncil. the radio added . The decree brnadra.sr hv lhe radio wa.~ signed by J'residen! Ahmed l!11ssan Al-Bakr. ]L did not F:il'e rea.,ons [nr the d1 srnlssa!.~. Political snurce.s in Re11·ut, hnwevrr, said Amn1a.~h has hee.n engal(r.d in a power slrt1gg\e for the pasl three vf'ars with Sadd<11n H11ssei n Tak ri1i, v1ce- (h;iinn;u1 nf lhe re vol ution council. An11na~h h11s app;:iren!ly los1 1(1 T;.ikriti ;ind \hi.~ ('11S! i\mmash hi., Jnb. alon.i: with Shaikhal,1', one nf his lollowrrs. the S!)l!fr't'S s.:.ld . Thev s;:iirl An1mash 's nu.~l t'r will lea ve 1";:ikriti as 1he unchall enged strnni;n1an nf Iraq Ne 'v Russ Probe Heads for 1'\10011 r-.10S('()\\" 11·r1 1 -ThP Snl'IC'I [n1nn '~ 11nn1;1n nr-d l.11n ;1 19 rarrd ln'-1 .ll rrl the 111000 tnd.:.v 1n 1t1e rrar~~ of l!S 11l-fa1rrl !""rdere~~o~ hu1 thf' $n\1rt~ 1nd1r::ited 1\ 11n11ld no! .:.l!f'n1pl .:. lan<11nj! Th P .spH('l'('filfl bla.~tcrl ,,([ T11f'sd;:iv, 111~1 17 da v~ <111f'r L1111a JR 1 .:.111~hrrl d11r • 11111. 11n UnS-ll!TPS~F\ll altf'!l\ll! 1n l.:.nrl In 1he n1('10n·~ 1\pp(llon1u~ 111011nt.<111\ !';in11,r Sn11f'I reporl s Sepl 11 s;i1rt 1.una !R's 1ourhdnwn \i;id bren "u111iwk~ " 1·he nrf1c1al Ta.<;.<; ne""'·q 0111e.ne1· .~<11cl l.1111.:. 19 \1'n11ld cnnd111·1 •·sr1cnt 1l1r 1n· vpst1i;:atinn of the 1noon and nc11 r·inonn spate from the orb1! rr an ;ir!if1ci;il sa!ell1te," lf Rains Dominating Nation •, U .. S. D(l111p Most of Southcnst; W c1.tc1t Up • Ut KIDS J_,OVE UNCLE LEN " Saturdays in • Th• DAILY PILOT ,_ ...... _ ..................... 1.~ W..,..,,llV"1 w~othlt "'<fun I•-Ho,. J nell ncl lo 11>• ooulht rn MIP •\I ••~ It--~th AU1•I-< •NII .. tho ·~=-.:.~: ... M::::.=.~~ ... "'""" Wf ff In tri.t'I ... !Pit •Mitt N•r•~ l ••llll•• toe11 brt•>"' or '"'"'<•n• C,IAQt r, whlCll •U 0-.1 ltJO ••!ii•• 'MIUth•••' "' !M Wli"'"'O'~n<•r" •u• '''" ""' •nd "'"lno llOf'""'"''""• 4! 11N1wl M mll" •n "°"'· TPlt 1•0t.., """ ,._,,.I~• 1tr "°"' wf,,,h , St•""''" ,_.,, •" 11 '""~· (IOIOl'IO~rl wt•t •OflOr-!fd "O"' !h• 111:.':."~~ ::~:w•t:...il:n~"'.~;'•;,'~ "f!:. oulh .lllt MIC (1).1 \1 TO '"' '"'lrhor" ~~re-:: .. -· •Ooetr.d I~ !ho ~Ofll" --11 wHO ...,.... "'''"'"" a• "'"~" :J·~:l~"".!.t ~~;;:'!~' ·~v~::. • ·~ .:~~~; N rl.O ... S1111, ~''"'"· Tide• W•ONliD•V '"'""" hoG~ • J 4 '"'• Jt T"UlllD.lV r ''" ~''" r "v 1,... ~-.:o..O 1>1~11 ~•f'O'ld II"* ~HI ...... M a "I "'"(\f" ll:llH l •l """ . .., . "'· . ' U Ill) • m, (> I . \ .... "'· j . I I W • "'· 1 I \oh • .ti ""' Jol1 I ~1 ~ m. Tet•1perot11res T..,...D.,otu••• •nll ••ft l,.ll•!l~n "'" I~• t• ~O«t DttlO<I t N!lnG a ! • AM ,a,1~uquof .. uo ... ~."'" B•~"-"'"1<1 !IO•t"" "'0"'"'"'"' 11~/folo C~IG•OO C•r><ln.,1•1 (:lt velf"" °"'"' o ....... Of< Mo•n•1 Ot !l'fl•I "'•'"" """""ul~ l""lt n1..,i·• lo:•n••• Cl>• l•• ........ l ll•"'"'ll• ........ plll• "'i.''" •• .i1 ... 1u• •• Nlln"'""""J" H-0"'"'" N-Vo<I 00 1•-("¥ Pt l"' ~ .. ,.~., Phll•d•> .... •• .. ,_,. Pln~•t• ~Otll•nd. o ... 111••111 Cltv ·-ll lt.~ s~•'•"'""1& \!, lou>t ~on l ••• C"• S•~ Olto~ ~·~ F''1"1: .. t0 5•1!110 :<.-·~· Wl\~<'•t'OI! ' tt•lh l tw ~fie • • , .\$ " . " . 0 ~1 11 71 1 t i ~ " " . .. .. " " .. .. " " .. .. " .. •• .. " • " •• " " ~ .. ~ " " .. ., ~ " ~ • " .. " " " .. .. " .. " " " " " " " .. .. " " " m M " " • " " .. " " " " .. " ., " • ., " • .. .. Soviets Firing Bae I{ Diplomats R eport Blacklist of Britons i\IOSC.:OW 1UPJ 1 -Tht Communist Party newspaper Pn1vda today accused Brl!lsh hu!'!lneE!'!men , tourist!'!, journ•ll!'!I!'! and 1clentis!s nr .spy ing aJi!alnst the Soviet Unio n. It said such actions in the past h;:i~·e led Lo Lna!s and expulsions. Th e accusation in the nation's biggest newspaper lrnt .support lo diplomatic re ports of a Kremlin bh1c klist or Britons. J)1plo rnats s11 ld 1he list has been prepared in c·ast the Sovle l.!1 decide lo retalUite for Britain's ma ss expulsion of Soviet of· f1cials. 'l'he diplumals said the list was "fa irly ("nrnprehl'nS1ve"' and extended beyond d1plon1al1c personnel tn take in bus1nessn1an 11nd those in ntht':r OC• cupatlnns, possibly son1e journalists V1clnr ,\1a yevsky, 11 senior (·Om· menu1tor for rravda . said the British rx· pt1l.cion ord er of last week ~·;is done partly 10 eover up British intelligence acti vities a~ainsl the Soviet Union and other Com· munisl n;,1ions ..!'or its s111i~1er alrn.~. British in- l!'lligenee use!"i emp!nyes of British in· s111u1inns 1n thr USSR. bu~inessmen, luudst!"i, inurn<1 li!"il5 .:.nd scientist~." Mn yevs ky :o;<t td .:,\.liirr 1h.:.n once nu r· press h.:.s cited fa cts of !he e~pinna~e ;ictivities of sorne Antish ci!i1.ens who we hfld lO put on trial or 10 expel from !he Sovit':t Union," he i;aid. Besidf's the ·111 diplomats and J8 non· <11plomt1!i(' s1<iff 111embers a.~signed to the Rritish Ernbassv, !he Soviet Union hosts Brit ish airline" o f ( i c i a Is , other businessmen. Journalists, students and lech nic<il ad\ isers The sources -diplomalS not connected ]\. I r e land <.; unmen Ste p Up Tcrr orisn1 REI.FA ST. Nnrlhern lreland !AP \ c;unn1cn nf lhe underground Irish Hepublican Army i;1epped up the ir c.'lm· pa is n of bullets, bombs an~ ferro~ ~oday despilr a c;i\l hy 1hree prime ministers f•lr 11n end tn violence in Northf:rn lrel;.nrl. Terrnns!s lir·ed a b;i7,noka at an army posl. hlew up a bus s1ation and fired al t roop~. IRA leaders 1.1·arned that ~·Ar in lhP .~lref'L~ will 1trinrl nn in a hirl to drh•e lhf' Brit1!"ih nut of Northern Ire.land. with the British Embasay -11.id they doubted studenU would bf: involved •rid lechnical personnel might be too valuable lo tht Soviet economy. The Sovltts have offlc!ally notified Bri· lain they wo uld retaliate in kind if the RrHish government did not re~ind It.ii e1· pulsion order ag11in~I lllS Soviet officials. 1'he order. made public last wet.k , ac· cu.~ed the Soviets or spyin1. While the Britiah in Moacow "aited for the Kremlin lo act. Soviet pollce Tuesday posted extra gu ard5 outside the ri verside e1nbassy and photo,11raphe<f diplomats at the gates in what embassy staffers too k lo be a pressure tactic. The Pravda article wa~ the rirst time since the British action th11t any Sovie~ comment ators ha ve referred to trials ol allegtd spies. M1yevsky also referred lo past disputes between Brilaln and the Soviet Unton. including one that led to a brealt in diplomatic relation! in 1927, when British police raided two Sovie! trade organizations "alld tried in vain to find proof for their slanderou!I fabncations in C'Unneclion with sub\lers1ve activities or Russians." Since the British have far fe wer olfictJ tra de and government perMinnel in the Soviet llnion than lhe Soviets maint.ained in Britain. the Kremlin would ha ve tn oust almo~t the entire official British representation 10 Moscow in order tn retaliate on a one-for-one basis Nixon, Gromyko Meet To Discuss Armaments WASHI NGTON (AP \ -President Nix· on meets with Soviet Forei1n Minister Andrei Gromyko on disarmament and other issues tnd11y in an atrno.sphere ·warmed by several new U.S.·Soviet agreements. The two superpower nation~ joined Tuesday in proposing a biological· \l•eapons-ban treaty to the Geneva disarmament committee. Their two fore ign m inister~ will si ii:n accords here 'Thursday on modern i ii n g the Washington-Moscow hotline and on avoiding accidental nuclear war. But optimism fro m these de velopments and the historic Big Four Berlin Agree- ment signed Sept 4 is tempered by significant differences remaining between the United States and !hf: Soviet Union on a l1ost or important. ~ubjt:cls. On European sec urity -A topic slated for Nixo n·C:romykn attention -lhe Kremlin hes been 1e~l!i Fort hco ming than U.S. officials had hoped. Gromyko's call at the \Vhite HouRe. whil e he is in this country attending the U.N. (;eneral Assembly fa11 session. ha., become an annual affair. Today's session 1s thr President'• first IAlk with A hi gh Soviet envoy in a year. Gromoy ko de\iYt':red a re I 11 I i v e I y moderate policy speech al the United Na· tions Tuesday. declaring th;it an im· proved polilical climate is favorab\f: fnr ~1oscow·s proposed Y:orld di~armarnent confert':nce . The Soviet foreign minister portrayed the time 11s ri pe fo r a con· ference on European security and other tension·easing steps. Secretary of Stare Wilha m P. Rogers sou nded out Gromyko ;it the U.N. durin~ a dinner meeting last Friday and got Iii· li e new information on 111hal the Kremlin rea!lv has in mind for .:. European securi· IV cOnrerence and Easl·West tal ks (In mutual troop C'U!S in Europe. U.S. diplnn1a1s sa y !he So11iets have not Yel m11de clear in what fa shion tht':Y thi nk F:as1 ·Wtst negn!i11tinns on the European secu rit v subjecls should be conducted. They. s;iy Mo~cow 11a!"i f;:illed to specify sn far, for in~!.:.nr-e. 1~hclher the proposed ·i-:uropean .~e(·uri!y rnnference 11 n d mutual.force-cut talks should be carried out together or sep11rately -and if sep21ratety. wha! item!'! the secur ity cnn· ferenc e 1.1·nuld ron~ider. You might ~ind as many fashion watches elsewhere. But not at this special price . ' . , ' , __ :::,. __ . gas JCPenney fine jewelry The values are here ~my. Great group of walches with fa shion the watchword. Fdce s in ma ny sizes, shapes and colo rs. Wide bands. Skinny bands. Link bracelets. Some calendar styles. llyou'rea 10o'c!ock scholar, we'll get you there on time tor 9.88. Shop •und•y noon to 5 p.m. •t the following 1tore1. A"llab la al !htao lloru: CANOGA PARK CARLSBAD DOWNEY FASH ION VALLEY·liAN DIEGO FUL LERTON 'HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACfl ORANGE "THE CITY" RIVERSIDE VENTURA. Ust Ponnoyi Time Payment Plan. Wtdnr$da)', Srptemtitr 2CJ, 1971 DAILY r1Lor ts Delay Seen POW Return Vowed On Vietnam Nixon Talks to Relatives of Prisoners WASHINGTON (UPI) "I can assure you that every Nixon at the banquet. Pullout Vote Five bundred relatives of im-negotiating channel -and Kennedy told tht delegat~ prisoned and m I s a l n g now I say something here that that their me.n ttilJ were cap- American servicemen stood I'm aure: all of you will un-tives because the ad-- and cht!:ered in an emotional derstaod -including /many ministration refURd. to rl!:t- response TUesday night when private chaMl!:il that haYe not pond to the Viet Coog'a July t WASHINGTON (AP)_ The Nixon ad-Prl!:!ldl!:nt Nixon promised the yet been di.!cl<>!ed, have been offer to repatriate Americu mini!tration reportedly· is seeking to United States will "eventually pursued, are being pursued 8 succeed" ln frel!:ing their loved and will be pursued," the POWS in return for • -U .. delay until after Sunday's South Viet-ones. President said. military withdrawal from nam.?Se presidential election a senate Nixon made 11 surprisl!: Nixon's: awearance at 1. South Vietnam by the end of vote on Den1ocratic Leader Mike £ personal appeerance before league banquet follo"Ned an 1971. ~ Mansfield's new niove to force total U.S. CBS Chie the second annual convention afternoon buslness session at Sen , George McGo~rn (~ of the National League of which the group pointedly S.D.) meanwhile, aaid tfit withdrawal from Indochina in six Families of A mer i can warned the White House that chief North Vi I!: t name 1 e months. Asks Gtiards Prisoners and Missing in its patience was not endless. It delegate at the Paris talka had: The amendment, like one adopted Southeast Asia. A few hours strongly hinted that if pro-reaffirmed hLs cnuntry'1 wilf: earlier but diluted in conference after earlier, Sen. Edward M. Ken· gress is not made in freeing ingness to separate th• F P nedv (0-Mass. l had told the the POWs it wuuld consider prisoner release issue from House rejection, is expected to pass the ~ Or ress relitives that American CB!>-the possibility next spring or the other six points in the Senate. tives were "rotting" in prisons injecting the issue into the 197Z Communists:' plan for ending Congressional sources say the ad-\VASHINGTON (UPI) because the administration Presidential election cam-the war in South Vietnam. CBS President Frank Stanton was too proud to negotiate paign. Nixon. however, contended m in.istrati on fears in1mediate adoption of I ed f I t today ca J or new aws o with their Communist captors. This ~lative\y tough stance that his aides had carefully the amendment would adversely aff?".'1 protect newsmen from tile Nixon, however, strongly contrasted sharply with the explored every lead that came the climate around President Nguyen "dark shadow of surveillance" defended his policy. reception the delegates: gave from members of Congrl!:s!( Van Thieu's unopposed re~iection bid. by government. !jiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Stanton. who successfully 1 Another reported faclor in the attempt resisted attempts by a House . ' -,.. 'I I .r~··...._ Sod Solestrann This relurtant puppy peddler in Houston sho,vs off the finer points of one of the puppies he had on sale for $1 each. In spite of the for- Jorn look on his face, Neil AlJen, 5, sol d eight of the pooches. Bus Vote Block Sought WASH INGTON (A P\ Nort.hern DemocraLs, caught in lhe school- desegregation controversy fQr the first time. arc trying to block House action on a bill thal would force rhem to vote on the busing issue. Mostly liberals with good civil-rights records. they are caught betwee n pro- busing civil-rights forces and growing an- ti-busing sentiment in their home districts. The bill they would like to bury is President Nixon's $1.5--billion emergency srliool aid program . U!'ing every parliamenlAry <ievice available they thwarted efforts in the Education and Labor Committee to force 8 vote on the bill this week, the unofficial deadline for con1pleting committee action on legislation to be fOnsidere~ vur V'.lf-r. The bill has been knocking about in Congress for nearly 18 months since Nix- on asked for it as an emergency measure to help Southern schools meet an August, 1970 desegregation deadline set by the Supreme Court. Largely ignored by Northerners, whosl!: distric~ wouldn't get much money, and viewed tepidly by Southerners who would like the money but not the federal presence that goes with it, it has been befriended mainly by administration sup- porters and civil-rights groups. This support wa s weakened, however, by Nixon's decree last August that none of the money be used to pay ~or busing pupils. Th.at· i11 the primary expense for which most districts facing desegregation pie;ns :w!Dted the :~one.)lo , ~ ; • At delay is lhis week's meeting in committee to s u b po en a Washington of lhe NaLlonal League 01·-material gathered by CBS but Families of American Prisoners and not broadcast. testified at the second day of Senate hearings Missing in Southeast Asia. The league into press freedom. reportedly is split over whether the best He said governmental sub- way to free prisoners is through Nixon poenas rep re 5 en t e d a administration policies or by setting a "particularly insidious threat to the ability of newsmen to fixed date for withdrawal. carrv out thCir responsibilities Mansfield's amendment will be debated effeCtively'' and should be Thursday, and assistant Democratic forbidden. Leader Robert C. Byrd, said a vote "is He said in prepared expected that day." But no agreement testimony: for a vote had been reached when the "Not only is the burden of Sena!e adjourned Tuesday. compliance with such sub- In the meantime, senators are delaying poenas extreme and in \~self \vi th an abbreviated version of the {Wt)-punitive: but c o m p e 111 n _It year fight over the Safeguard missile jnurnl'llists to reveal their defense sysl.e m and with a nlO\'e to delete sources or nnnpublished funds for the Navy's Fl4 fighter from the materials such"'~ notes. films. $21·billion military procurement bill. tapes. h::is a chilling efFe<'t nn Two amendments deal with Safeguard: And seriouslv Impedes their A proposal by Sen. Harold E. Hughes (D· future accesS to such sources Iowa), to delete $6:19 million for pro- curement of 1he anliba!listic missile and · ·"The gravity of this threat a move by Hughes and Sen. William Sax-to the free press strms from be IR-Oh io), to hold up construction, pro-efforts to !uhiect professional curement and deployment funds pending new s ju d gm en I s to a possible U.S.-Soviet agreement at !he governmental scrutiny. The strategic arrru limitation talks. dark shadow of surveillance Sen. Williun Proxmire (0-Wis.), is can do nothinl!'. but inhibit the sponsor of the amendment to delete free flow of infnrmation. $801.6 m illion for the F t4, contending the wit hout which we bf'iieve a F4 could, with slight modifications, robust press is an im- outperform the new plane. possibility." _ Also up is another amendment by Sen . Last spring, a ~louse com· Gaylord Nelson ( D-Wis.), to restrict funds merce suhcommittee demand- for the .Navy "s Project Sanguine, an ed that CBS turn over to the underground communications project in group "outtakes" -unused northem Wisconsin. An earlier effort. to lapt> -from its controversial hold up funds pending an l!:nviroMlenta[ program "The Selling of the study failed 45,lo 35c· _________ P~<~n~l~••~"-"-·'_' ______ _ Carolii1a Woman Faces Jail For Havi11g Illegal Abortion DAYTONA BEACi-1, Fla. (API -A 23-vear -o l d housewife may ·become the fir~t person ever to go ii) prison in Florida for having an abortion. Shirlev Ann \\"heeler has been ccinvi cted or having an abortion and is awaiting sentencing The maximum penalty under the 103-year-old law is 20 years. the same as a manslau~hter conviction. She was found gu ilt y ./11ly \3 after a 11..-0-day tri al in ne;:irhy OeLand . !he rnunty sea t nf \'olusia Cnunt.y. At her trial. r-.·lrs. Wheel er fri>ely admi!!ed she paid $1:-iO tn ha l'e an illegal at)("lrl1nn in J acksonville. She said she had the abortion because a doctnr in her homel.ov.'n of Morgan- ton, N.C., had told her 11 pregnancy could be dangerous because she once had rheumatic fever. r-.1rs. \Vheeler was tried under a law passed in 1868. It ma kes ha\'ing or performing an abortion a felony unless it i~ "necessary to protect the life and health of the mother," nr if it is recommended by two doctors. Mrs. \l.1heeler's attorney, James Rogers, said he \.\'as unable. to locale the doctor in r-.-1nrgantnn who Shirley said tnld her it could be dangerous for her tn give birth. "Shr was rather vague. ithout it and I jusl couldn't find him ," The Florida Supreme Court recently admonished I h e. lel.!is!ature -v:hich tabled a more liberal abortion bill la!it session -to re-examine tbe ancient statute, Nying it was too vague. Illegal abortions ~·ere com- monplace in FI or id a• especially Miami, until New York Stal!' legalized them last year. Now, many Floridians go north rather than fare the prospect of untrained abor- tionists and violate the state !a"·· "But the jury didn't buy ii. after Shirley tt.stified she had had the 11bortion. She said she didn't feel there was anything wrong with what. she did -it didn't arfect anybody else," Rogers said. QUITTl~G BUSINESS! STOREWIDE SALE Savings to 503~;r~' living room, dining room and bedroom furniture. Lamps, and hundreds of decorator Items. TIRMS AVAIL.AIU Monday thru frlday-12 neon to f p.m. laturday-9 •.m. to 5130 II'·"'· Sunclcry-1 2 rtOCNt to J p.m. • -15 .. WORT • IN • • NO MINIMUM bAlANCE REOUiREd Yes. that's rlgfitt Free checking -no 1ntnlm1m1 balance required. Anything thafs free ls worth checking, and now I& the right time'° checkJnto "neheim Savings new free &eNlces. We've )olnad with a major national bank offering you compte\e Savings and Loan plus banking services. Only at Anaheim Savings can you depoeit $1000 and eem the highest tnter8't in the nation on insured savinge end receive the benefits of .•• Free checktng. Pre-- ferred Customer rates on auto and boat IOana. and Preferred Customer rales on per30n&I loan&. Learn ebOtJt the9e at our Huntington Beach office. fRE~SAfE dEposiT boxEs Free wit h 1ccount b•lanc• of $1,000 or more. 6% Twotoho,,_wm certlflca'-aec:ounta with $5,000 minimum bale~ 50 YEARS OF SICURITY Accounts are Insured to $20,000 and prolocl9d by Anaheim Savings' 100% record Of uloty. ANAHEIM SAVINGl5 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MAI N OFFICE ; 187 W. Llnco111 A¥t. Aru1h1 im. C•lilor11l11 PA 2·1 532 • • • •t1 M1ln SlfMI Hun!!ng!on a..ch, Clllfoml• LEW591 I ' j I '• . . \ 1 · DAILY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Linl(e's Absurd Stance The Laguna Beach school board has wisely decided it had bet ter engage in some joint study of history text· books used in loc·al schools instead of letting sell-ap- pointed critic trustee Gerald Linke make its decisions on textbook selection. • As anticipated. the generation gap in the new school board is involving not only students, but also teacher• and trustees. \Vh ile manv senior citizens manage to maintain a fine rapport \11\th you th and younger adults, ex·Navy Captain Linke appears to be an unshakable a~heren.t of the "\l.'hen I \11as a boy" approach to education. Since this takes him bac k three score years and more, the problem is obvious. T!'Jere's pi-obab!y room for improvement in many school books. but his suggestion that "tragic events" in the country's hi story should not be "put into children's minds" is absurd. His arbitrary approach to the matter took him to the poin t of suggesting that the board si mply return a number or book s to the publisher immediately. Perhaps Captain Lin ke's fellow board members could suggest a text on democracy that y,rould help get the former or~·iance expert a little closer to his current ta..rget. Dana Point Annex ation After th ree unsuccessful attempts at incorporation, the citizens of Dana Point are once· again n1aking an or• ganized bid for local con trol of their seaside community. Banded together as the Dana Point Citizens fo r Ac· tion :\ssocialion. concerned residents have approached the San Juan Capistrano City Council about annexing to that adjoining community. In response the council has ordered a study of the problems involved in broadening both its borders and its tax base to include Dana Point and Capistrano Beach. Local protests thwarted previous attempts by the two communities to form their own city. The two most recent efforts failed to win even l,o(·al Agency t~orma.· lion Commis1ion approval. . . The association is to be commended for attempting lo meet head.on any local objections to an annexatio n. Officials have recently invited outside speakers'·lo meet with their group and discus s the problems of trans· forming an unincorporated 1rea into a city. And in seeking to represent all of the citizens or Dana Point. the association has agreed to hall any an· nexalion proceedings if a poll indicates annexation is not the will of the community. Difficult Unifi cation Creating three unified school districts has not been easy for trustees of the 1'us\in High. San Joariuin , Ttls· tin and Trabuco elementary school districts, \Vhich face a state·ordered unification election fn June. The final plan provides three financially·equal uni· fied districts with an assessed valuation per student during the next six years which var'ies no more than 15 percent. There are many variables \Vhich could change the picture -the future status of the agricultural preserves. zoning for industrial grov.·th, and recent state Supretne Court rulings on school financing. Trustees drew the boundaries on the basis of short· term projections to give each new district the best pos· si ble start. Irvine critics are displeased because the suggested new Irvine ugj.fied district does not follow the bQundar· ies of the proposed city, Missi on Viejo critics have at· tacked the boundaries beca use Jong:·range projections show their district at a financial disadvantage. Criticism was inevitable, evenJhough trustees spent hundreds of hours working out w11at they believe is the best possible proposal. Next June the voters in the three proposed ne\V districts will grade the trustees' work -at the polls. s $500 ltlillio11 Credit to Israel fo1• Arnas Dependability ls .Among the Great Virtues Dear Glooru v Gus Roge~s Balks, Jackson Acts on Aid Thirty years ago this week T began working for The Chicagn Daily News. If anyone then had told me I would still be there three decades liter. l would ha11e laughed my boyish head off, If it lJas been a· rut. Jt has been the most pleasant one l can ima gine. Jn all tbat time, I hJve ntver had a cross word wi!h a single person I worked wilh., or for. 1 have never had to write a line I did not be- lieve, or cross out ;, line that anyone ob- jected 10. I have not niissed a day in ell those 3() years. \':hich is possibly a foolish thini;! to be proud or. but 1 am proud of it. And perhaps this recnrd entitles me to say aomethlng about dependab ility. AS I CRO\V OLDER, I come more and more to recognize dependability as one of the cardinal virtues. C'Jthough usu all y an ignored one. I hal'e seen so manv mC'n nf brains and ta lc•1t 2nd imaginatiOn fritter a"·ay thf'ir &ifts because they \ackc<t deoendabilit\' Erickson iells us that "b~sic trust " is •t the bottnm of thr earlie.~t h111nan relfl· Uonsh!p. and unless that bas\c trust is there , the person r:'lnnot i:i rr1w up tn his ful lest produ ct1l'e ;111d creal1\'e capacities. l.n order ftlr h:'l,11· trus t tn nourish. \t must be fr:i un<l('d nn reliability. Tl1e person \\e rel<.itc 1n rnust be c11unled on. ALL RELIG IOL'S ta1tt1 1s b:>~ed on !he l wonder if the Society for the Pre11ention ol Cruelty to Animals thinks the Mission Viejo Days greased pig competition waii a lot of fun . -P. 0. Thi• Nllurt r.i11n 1 "'",.-t1ln 1o rot! fltCIUlrll' ll•llH fl "'' ~IW1fl,_, ll ftt rwr ,., '""" ti Oloomr o u., D1llY l'IJel. conviction that God will not rors.11ke you if )'OU do not forsake Him. All scientific inq uiry is based on the con11lction that the laws of nature rema in constant and open to discovery for those wh(l persist in their quest. All human relationships are nurtured by the sense that .. th e othe r'' V.'C extend ourselves lo, in lo11e. or lralernily. \vill stand firm. will bt there when needed. RE'liability has not bten celebrated because it is on the whole a dull virtue ; it is sacrificial ; and in a world where Change is king. constancy seems almOsl an emb3rrassme.nt. Fidelity to a person, or an idea. or t. vocation, is nov.•adays eq1i.1ted with riRidity , wi th lack of flex· !bili ty, even with "stagnation.'' SO:'!IE Of IT ~IAY be all that. l'r cou rse. every virtue has it~ own par1icul<1r counterfeit. and the mt111 whll pritles h\n1srlf on being "dependable" may be merely a timid and fearrul vie\ rn of routine _ But \\·ithout this vir1ur, !bl' sorial fabri c· would rip apart 11nd hlnn011 projects !hat demand 11 span of genera· lions wou \d collapse into c:hnl')S. In the past. mankind emphasized "cnn· tH1uit,v" too exclusively. to the delriment f1f chan~e: today. we em p has 1 1, e ''cb;inge" ton exrlusive!~·. to the de!rl· mcnt of continui ty. Each "'ilhOlJI the 1 'ht r is only· ha !! a scissors. I s1n1pl:r call attention lo the hal f we are neglttt ing. Cycli sts in C1·oss Walks To the Editor: I must \.l'rite to express my feelings on bicycle riding . I've seen many articlrs in the DAILY PILOT. but none yet has emphasized wf)at I ferl to be one of the most dangerous practices by bicycle riders. Over the years. I've C(lme close In hit· ling a bicycle rlder twict'. Jn brith in· stances they came riding do"'" the street to'll•ard a stop sign. '\'hen they reached tht sign . instead of stopping. they swung to the right and procet"dcd to ride across the pedestrian crossv.·a lk. iit which time I came close to ''picking them off " since I "as driving on an arterial through st reet. C\.CLISTS SHOULD n o t ride. in ped estrian cross wa lks . I've alwa ys Chough! it again st the law hut I've watc h· ed many, many a young CJClist dn it \\'l th I patrol car in the Jane next to me. Bicvcles art vehicles and must be trr.attd as such by law (for the proteellon of U'!e rider). J. LOGAN MURRAY Snit Creek Co.,ernge To the Editor: Plt!ase convey my thJnb: to lhe many mem btrs of your staff who have covered Quotes Alfrtd Hitchcock, Hollywood director - "All actre1aes are chlldren under the skln -some nice, some. na.sty." I ~l ailhox Letters from reader.! are welcome. r..1orn1a/ly writ ers shou/ct convey their n1essoge.! in 300 word.! or less. Th e riQllt to condens e Jetter.s to fit space or elin1inate libel i3 re:terved. All let· rers 11111st include signature and mait· h1g addres.!, but ti.ame1 may be with· held on request if 1ufficient reason ls apparent. Poetrv will not be pub· lished. v1rious 11.spect.s of the Sall Creek matter since 1968. The importance of a free prPSs in bringing issut!s before the public js hard to overemphasize, and t belie11e that both the factual new1 rt.porting and the edi torial stands taken by your paper hi ve been important in reachin& an equitable solution resulting in public 1cceu in this area. WILLIAM M. WILCOXEN Oeartmarmlng To the Edltor : Thank you fnr your editorial of Thursday, Sept 2J., about Salt Creek. 1t·s heartwarming t nd satisfying to ri:-ce\ve public acknowledgement of one'.s effort!. Thank you . too, for your thorough coverage 11nd edi tor ial ~u pport of Salt Creek. acquisition during these past almost thrte year•. HELEN XEELEY WASHINGTON -An anger·tinged ta lk between Secretary Will iam Rogers and an impnrtant Republican ,Congressional leader preceded Sen. Henry Jackson's 'in· trodllftion of a pro- posal for $500 miJ. lion in credit to Is. rae! to buy arma. rnents -with $200 millio n specifically earmarked for Jong. snught F.4 super. sonic fighter·bom~ ers. This conversation is of special mom~nt because of the /lghl Jt sheds on !he bac kground of this intensely contro\·ersial issue. In fact, there is e11ery reason to con· elude that what was said during thi~ sharp exchange was an important f<1t t0r· in Jackson orfering his legislation_ It is signifi can t that the bustling Wa shington state Democrat got a full account of !his private discussion between a GOP ca.bi· net membe r and a GOP CQngressiona l leader within a short time after it occur· red. OBVIOUSLY. the vr teran Republican legislator is very mu ch on Jackson's side on this torrid matter. He is far from be ing the only one. As Jackson emphatically noted. in his speech in the Senate offering the $~00 millinn ercdits measure. il \l.'as au1horized bv th;it chamber last OctobCr bv thf! Q\'rn~·helrning hipar:1 san vote of a1' to 7 That's why Jackson could sav with 110 £>xagr.er<ition that he h;is r1~,.,r1• {'r 11· fidence Congress will vote the credits by ' ' the samr O\'er whelming bi partisan decisiveness. This \\'ell·justified assurance is what n1akes Srcretary Rogers·s adamant stand nga inst SC'nding more arms to Israel so d1ff1cult lo understand -particularly to 111en1bers Qf Congress. They have slapped him do1vn repeatedly on th is question, and he st ill persis!s in being balky. TlllS L1 N Y I E L D I NG inflexibility doesn 't he!p him, the Adm inistration or rhr Rrpublican party. That·s what the GOP Congressional leader tried lo impress on Secretary Rogers in their t.alk_ Politely but e1npha.llcally the veteran legislator. from a major Easlen1 state. tofd Rogers that his persistent foo t- dragging on Israel's urgent pleas for m0re supersonic Phantom planes and other "'eapons was futile : thal this ob· <iuran ee wa~ stcadil .v i n 1 e n s i f y i n g bipartisan resentment on Capitol Hill. "YOU CAN TALK all you want about· striving to 'defuse· the MJddle East situa· lion," said the Ieg!slative leader. "but you si mply are not convincin~ anyone in the Senate and House. That plan, or hope nr whatever you \Yant to call ii. may be "·ell-intentioned , but there are no buyers. \\'ith th e unintentinnal help of the Husslans and truculent talk..<; by Ara bs, lhe Israeli have a much better case and are making the most of it. ''Either the State Department ceases ils opposition lo selling more planes and arms to Israel, or Cong ress wil l make you do it. And that isn•t all, the Democrats· will grab the ball and make political hay of it. "AND I WANT TO tell you very frank· ly, l\1r. Secretary, a Jot of Republicans y,•ho are up for election next year under very uncertain circumstances are very sore at your complicating their already· difficult problems . They've got enough on their hands without th e State Department addi ng to it by !!lubbornly refusi ng lo clear the way for more armaments to Israel. "lf you people don'\ \\':itch (Jut, you could very y,•ell cost us a nun1ber of Senators and Congressmen next year that the Republ ican party can·t afford to lose. And I might add, our Congrt'ssiona! ra'hks aren't the only ones that might suffer. The Presldent is going to be runnlng, too. and if you don't know it. he's going to need every vote he can get -starling right now.'' ROGERS LISTENED somberly to this tough talk. Defensively. he answered he is not against Israel or giving it more weapons. He insisted his only ptirpose is to bring about some kind of settlement between the Arabs and Israel. "Well. you certainly are not going to d9 it by putting Israel at a military disad· vantage to the Arabs and their Russian allies:· retorted the GOP legislator. "The only chance for averting more v.•ar in that cockp it is to keep lhe Israelis so strong thal the Arabs and Russians will think twice before starling shooting aga in. "1'hcre is absolutf'ly no use trying to dodge real ities. Ei ther the Administration makes the credits available th a t Coni;::ress voted overY.'helmlngly last year, or Cnngress wlll do that with mandatory legislation. That's the ('learcut choice th<1t confronts you. and you·~ better move fast. or you·!! regret it." WlllLE ROGERS listened intently. he gave no Jndicati(ln of being pe,rsuaded . That was the discouraged conclusion of the GOP legislator -and he kept it no secret. In fact, in relaling his experience, he remarked sarc&Stically. "About the onlv thing Rogers seen1cd \YOrried over \\<t ~ that Jackson 11'Quld of· fer 1nandatory legislat ion . That seemed lo be the one thing upper most on hls mind. If it is. he's in for a big disap- potntrnent. Not (Inly is Jackson going to n1ove . but he is going lo win again this year. just as decisively as he did last. .. Rogers must be a g!ti lton for punish· 111ent -or something. Y.'hat 1 can't understand is wh11 the \Vhite House doesn't disregard ti'in1 and take the lead it~elf. They've done fh;it on other im· portant n1alters, so why not on this one?" TllE REP UBLICAN leader's rumlna:, lions 1.1·ere accurate, bul too \a.te. Several days later .. Jacks11n offer ed hii! $500 inil!ion C'rcdits prnposal a nd forcefully announced determination to push it aggressire!y through Congress. As a ranking meinbcr of lhe Senate Ap- f1ropri.1tions Oirnmittee. the \\'ashington State Democrat is in a strategic position lo do lhaL and ls sure to make the most of it. Tidbits From an Ecological C~talog Items of na!ure·s lore a co1umn1.~t "'ouldn 't knov. if he. hadn 't opened a nice Ion.I! fact.filled Jet · !er from Miss Mary N1klas, a lover of hirds and bets and beasties and wonder. £ul woodlands and resurrecting waters. Let us start with the common toad v:h ich. despite leg. end, V.'on't gi ve ynu ·~.'I its warts if you pic k It up. According to Mary, a load is the servanl of n1:i r1 wllhout being his toady. It will eat .'lt least 10,000 pests in a single S\1n1mer, in· elu ding .!Jome 2,000 cut\.\·orms. So far, By George --~ Dear George: I ha11e tried for a Jong lime to send a dollar for your course. in Sid eways Thlnkln1, but I keep gel· ting my o wn self-addressed, stamped envelope back. What · s wrong? FRUSTRATED Dear Frustrated : Did you enclose a reasonable facsimile? Dear George: My husband Is such a tightwad he refuse~ lo buy 1 television set. When I object he tells me to shut up Ind watch the ra dio. Is there a cure for stinginess like. that? FURIOUS WIFE Dea r Furious \\'ife :. 'You and your blabbing mouth. Nl'.lw my wife w11nts n rndll'.I -sud· denly the wallpaper bore.s her. ,.---·- Hal Boyle ) ! ' ' , _, however, it has 1111! been tr;iined to recognize .hnd eradicate the suburban gar. 1!ener·s chirf pest -hls critica l \li'eek end gu ests from the city. 110\V MANY HEARTS do you have? Only one? Miss Niklas says that the oc· !opus has three. Is this fa ct more in· teresting to a moralist or a coronary speciaHst, Mary? F:verybody knows that lhe last straw wi ll break a camel's back. But do you kn ow how many last straws ere still out <>f work? Wel l. according to J\lary, there are about three million camels now serving man with their backs unbroken. A lazy man not only hat es work. he tends to forge!. where it is and what time tie is supposed to do ll. Nol so the busy hee. The time sense of a worker bee. s11y~ Ma ry, is so acute that if it discover!! a new patch of s"·cet no"·ers at say 9:30 a.m. one day. il will retum to that same arena of petaled plunde r al 9:30 a.m. the next ckly, WHAT 'S NEW in rabbits? Apparently old hablts, These are Mary's reveliitklns: "\Vhen fof('cd lo. rnbbiL~ can swim - and very y,·ell, too. They can also punch. Brown hares stand upright and slug it out wilh their forepav.'s. Prrhnps 5econd only lo lhe antelope, the jnrkrabbit ls the fastest wild native anima l In the Un1tr.d States. One SJJE'C'ics we ighs 10 pounds and has ears 11p 10 nine inches long." Television mu~t be interested in that. llmmm. Hoppable antennas? Hmmmm? It has been fnund, Miss Niklas reminds, that a grassho pper can jump 16~~ feet, more than 100 times its own length. No ha rried human vice presi dent under the worst possible_ pressure has ap- proached this feat, no matter how many ta cks were stuck in the chair he sat in. OTIIER TIDBITS of interest from Mary 's ecological catalog: -The estimated wor ld polar bear population has dropped from 20,000 In 19611 to 8,000 in 1970. Although these magnificent remnants of survival in the northland are symbols of ferocity , too, they ha ve a hard time growing up. They weigh about a pound at birth and stay with lheir mothers until 2 years old. • ' Nobod y Wins Press Comments •. Stephen. l't11nn., Mestenger : ''With one strike after another hittin g almost everybody in tbe cnuntry -who is reaU.v winning?' Nobody! What has been gained? Only ninety.four cents a month, after in· nat ion hAa taken Its bite . .'ICCOrding IO statistics issued by the Department of l.a bor (and who should know better ?) Jn spite ll( incessant demnnds. for more, more . more, the ave ra.ge union (actnry worktr's buying pov,·er remalM status quo. simply beciluse the second that wa ges go up. so do prlces. It's a constant pattern. And in the long run, nobody win:> ou t Unless you consider 94 cent!! a month big money. And 1t that, It's only temporary." --One nr tht OOdest chores of parent· hood is performed by the male Kurtus fish of Aust ralla . .It incubates its wife·• eggs by attaching them to its forehead. -HERE'S A NICE thing lo know about zoo.c;: a number of the m keep mother goats handy willing to adopt and sustain fawns and other foundlings I e ft motherless by hirth disasters. -And if you want to give your cockroach·haunted wife an u n u s u a 1 present for her birthday, why not a Pomeranian as a pet? These lhret·lo- fi ve-pound dogs were bred down from 3(). pound shee p..guarding ancestors in Gennany. But Mary says the herding in· stincts in Pon1eranians is still so 1trong that they try to herd bugs. Thank you for a day off, MiM Niklas. Please wril.e again. OUJIN COAIT , DAILY PILOT Robe-rt N. Weed, PublilMr Thoma.a Keevi l, Editor Albert W. Batu Editorial Poat. Editor ~ l!'dHorlal pqe. ot the Daily Fnat aeek., lo infonn and •11mU:&J• tht'I· er1 by preaenUna thla newap&pft'• opirilont .,nd commenl•ty on lnpl~ of Interest and 11pificanct. l;y pro- vk11ng 1 Jorurn for the npnafon ot our rnden' opinions, and by ~ .. nttnc l~ diverse viewpoints 0( in-I formed ob1etwr11 and apokairneu oa topics of the day. Wednesday. Sept. 29, 1971 WtdMsd.iy, Stptfmbtr ~. 1971 D.tll Y PJLOT 7 ears 2169 Prices Ejffective tbru Odober Z Slide-Top Classic White Gas Range Regular $399:9~ 35988 • Tllf'll handy ovens: fu lly automaticdela\ cook-<iff • Sintlt cavity loVer oven wtth iqjJt-hiih infra-red broiler burner LOWEST PRICE EVER! CUT ·~42 on Kenmore Canister Vacuum wfth Powermate •Strong suction to 111.-hl~ dirt and lint intobaJ • Belt-.dnven motor spiM POll'enNle '""" • liM:ludft!; lllichmtnt5 • Handy dispoYble bias Wulllt.ts 778s Sears.Care Service protects the value of your Kenmore Was~r an~ Dl')'.er. S:ears highl~·-t rained te<'hnicians assure vou s~rv1ce sat1sfa ct1on \\'Ith ptrsona liied, profe~sional care, Vt'e Ser- vice what we sell wherever you live or mo\'e in the U.S.A. • SAVE '100! 23-lnch Color TV 4305 SA VE ~100 on Sears Spanish Style Stereo ' • t1-1n. diagonal measure picture •Color purifier. keyed AGC. automatic chroma coolrol Regular $.'il9.95 43988 Regular $369.95 • 6 s~aken, sunoalert hght •Solid state fM/AM/F'M ~tereo rad io. automatic record tum-off St'nsational ')'\' \'alues'. 41681 51!6 SAVE .w50! · 18-In. Color Portable •IS.in. dlaaon.11 meuure Regular S.389.95 picture "'''""""""'"tuni"' 339 9 ~ • E.trphoneforprlvate U' """""' 26988 SA VE '30! Zl-ln. B/W Portable Rtpl.lr 117'.t$ 14988 •:a-in. diagon1\ measure picture •Memory !inetunlng SAVE ;60! ZO-ln. Color TV ~1al11r"45t,tS 39988 • 20-in. dia1onal mu111re picture • Deluxe l.able model • Autonu tlc line tunlrc Hillgren Square Costa Mesa Special Grand Opening Store Hours Thursday 9:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Friday 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. 17th at Santa Ana • Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. 71600 SAVE $60! Front-Load Dish\vasher • 4 automatic cycles. Regular $?59.95 include~ J:l(')Cl.Sani-Wash • wi,;,., ;, -·""' 8 8 •Dllalde~rt:ent dispen~ 199 avocado add S.S enn. Compact 12 Cu. Ft. Chest Freezers 1111 Re&ularst09.95 • Th1nwaU libtrclass 1nsul1tion • f"aat. tota l fretting btcause Ille coils are -lded to \intr • F'ast·freeie sect.Ion 17988 For Appliance and Catalog Orders Call 540-5090 I ' I ~ ! f ' .. • DAILY PILOT . . Wednesdly, Sepl!'mbtt 2'.~l:•~71~==========:-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.wii'ii'"jjj'1j''ii"ii'ii51i''ii"iimlibiii"129ii1' i19ii7i1•••••'ii'LiioiiiTi·'ii0 1viERiinlsiii'ii"IJIO••' PURCHASE PROTECTION PLAN Any Item Pu;chased From Tipton's May Be Retumed Within 10 Days For Full Refund For ANY Reason. I Except If Dam119ed By You After Delivery.I 3 DAYS ONLY-THURS .. , SEPT. 30, FRI ·., OCT. 1, I SAT., OCT. 2 • rreezer holds over 900 lbs. of frozen food. • AutOITl!tic Ice maker ready-add it any time you want • large vegetable bin, 7 day meat leeper, egg bin, adjustable cantilever sh1lves. •Convenient size ••• only 3o*• wide. •A $UJ*lMrket at )'OUr fingertips! •A place fot everything •.. eggs, chees e, butter, ~egetables_ 7 day meat keeper. frozen juices. •Freezer holds-t'.lVer 300 lbs. or froze11 foods. 4 adjustable cantilever shel~es. • Ice 'n easy ice service ••• Holds a party supply of cubes re!dy for use, or add are automatic ice maker whe never you wish [oplional, exll•~ $559 9.5 MODEL Tff240M ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Kitchen Aid Dlspaser installed No-Charge with Dishwasher Purchase and Installation Ki1chenAid dishwashers have alwtys been built 10 meet high standards of perform• a nte a11d nill1bility. Now there·s • new KitchenAid th1t's ev&n better. 5-YEAR :::~~~~NTV ,.he Kitchen.&.id % horsepower motor, the biggest in any home dishwasher, is .so reliable it ha• • 5-year w1ttanty. If it s hould fail, it will be repaired or replaced et no cost to you during the first y11r: you·d b9 cher"ged only for labor durin; 1h• next four YNl'I. PLUS many other outstanding KitchenAid featu1es: Kitchen Aid Dishwasher "'c" Start at For Model KDCS $18888 Westinghouse a Pu1hbutton cyc~s lncludin; p,etent&d Soak C'yt!e for eutOflllltic 10.lk.ing of pots 1nd pins. Watersavercontrolwilh Reset setting • Normal and Gentle 11gitation/spin speeds •True 16 pou nd capacity • Double action washing • Heavy duty transmission and stabiHzor • 9-w•v upper tack that adjusts for big bowls 1bove or pl1ners b1[ow. • Fully u1able Spacernlklf Racki· with no wm.d apace. • Exclusive X'rtchenAid 3·coat ~.o0n..stHI wash ch1mber. • Exclusive KitchenAJd wtlhlnt nd dlVinG-No h1nd-rin5lna needed. • M1de b)" Hoh1rt, tht woJld'"4 oldlll: Ind llrgtd mtbr of commercill diahw11~ . GIANT 18 LB. Automatic WASHER -- "SET & FORGET" Automatic Waaher Sb 111!om1tlc cycl11 to c&ooM hm- ltltl•d.lfl1 PtflllllllOI PTlll, 10&k1-S 111111, :pro1r1•111td IOU l l!ld •~I,.. rial• .•. lotd ya•r 111w CE wulur. 1dd dt)tr1111. bl11c'll •nd f1 b1la 1aft1ntr .•• w11h1t df1pen .. 1 •~•~ lhltlt lar ro11. tar llft'i)Vtrlt11111, 1t11ale 1hoe1. aon ·tolorhtt h bnia-yaur a1 w M1nf·811li11"" .. 1u pf(lvt lndl1pim11b1 .. Uj1 thr Mini-Quick• 111ttn1lor 1 com• pJ.11 w11h ~7,]1 In ltH tban 1111 111ln• u1~1. Jnflnlt• w11ir ~vii 111-cllon l•t• )'~u .. 11h ttpltr l111d1 ~ llP II> 11 lbt. GI laJ,tM btt Y)' ltbnca. MATCH ING DRYU DDE 7900 31£. Gibson Refrigerator-FreezerS Westinghouse Gfftilit«'\Cil~~fill Built-In Dishwasher ."u~',~ $1 SSOO • Single d ial timer control • Self-cleaning filter • Blue por· celain-on·stee l tub, not plastic • Multi-level washing action • Dual detergent dispensers • Plate-warmer set ting• Large silverware basket • Telescoping top rack $299 97 Westinghouse • 17.1 cu. f t, capacity -only 30• wide • Big 163·\b. capac- ity freezer • Completely Frost· Free • Optional Automatic Ice-Maker freezes and stores alt the ice you'll need •Slim· wall design • Separate con· trols for refrigerator and freezer • Ice Tray Com part· ment keeps two quick·release trays separate from froze n Perma ne nt Press Washer 18 !b. do uble agitafor system • Five water temper· atura selections Including t hree Permanent Press set· t ings •Automatic bleach dis .. penser • Normal and Gentle wa sh settings on timer • Lint filter and reci rculation system • Lock 'n Spin,. safety lid ''f'mst-Free 17" Ref r igera tor· Freezer wi th Option al Autom atic Ice-Maker ModelRT172 Toad • Handy Meat Storago Pan • Three shelves, includ- ing one s!id e-0ut shelf, one 1wo·position shelf • Deep door shelves • Large Vege· table Crisper• New High Per· formance Filter Cool System • Butter Server • Removabte Egg Server • Grounded for your safety • 271J2: deep, 64o/i1:." high • PorceJa ;n enamol wuh $19996 basket, top and lid @ MOClel KM420M • Faste r cooking-up to 753 fa ster than conventional cooking • Cle!ner cooking- never any burned-on spills • Coolar cooking-only the lood lt5elf aets hot • Cook on stass, ch ina. paper pla tes. plastic • Completely portattle-plugs into any 115-volt household outlet • More compact-yet tarJiile enouJiilh to hold 1 famllv· Sale Demo Thu l'$. Ir Fri. Ive. llestinpouse l'ortlble Microwm Oven llodtl KllA20ll s37900 site tu rkey • Build It In with Westinghouse specia l built-In kit • Side Swing Door with black "Mi!lgic Mirror·• window • "Lock·Cook" letch • Int .. rior Signe! l lgl'ff • 14 Minute Timer • Westinghouse E.esel· Back Microwave Cookbook • Glass Roaster Shelf • Qp. tlonal Whee led Cart Westinghouse • AD rtmt.aear 14 aibic foot GibSon Refrigerator-Freenr • 2 big Capacity shetves * In-door storage Only * butter end egg •torage $ 2 s· * porcel!in enamel crispe r ~ * 126 lb. frozen tood capacity • Jn-doo.r·stoni&e Westinghouse Permanent Press laundromate Twi ns Stack Jn only 21• for a complete la undry in a minimum of space! Mod el L Tl OO S Laundromat® Washer •Famous Tumble·Action rnu lti·sp eed washing • 5· position water saver control • Stop 'N SoakTM Timer • 3 ri"es -a Westinghouse 8)(· clu&ive • Heavy duty suspel'l- sion system • 5 water tem- pera ture selections including Pennanent Press • Tub inte• rior light • Safety door switc.h •Self-cleaning lint ejector and porcelain wash basket Moel el DEl OOS El ectric Dryer • 5 temperature selection: Regular, Low, Air Fluff, Aul Ory/Permanent Press. Dam Dry • Tim e Dry and Auto Dry/ Permanent Press cycles • EaSy·to-reach lint collector • Heavy duty construction • Balanced air flo w drying sys- tem • Multiple exhausting • Safety door switch • Poree· lain ena mel basket Model DEii U l Eleclric Dryer same features as DEl lOL. but for i nsta !la t io ~ under· counter in 54' of floor space. Pennanent Press Dryer • Cross-vane tumbling • Four d rying temperat ure selec· t ions including Auto.Dry/ Permanent Press, Regula r, Low, Air Fluff •Time Dry and A uto·Dry settings on timer • Easy·to·reach lint collector • Balanced air flow system • Multiple exhaus ting •Safety d oor swit ch • Safety start button • Porcelain enamel baiiket . ~. QUIET BUILT-IN DISHWASHER REPLACE YOUR OLD BUILT-I N DISHWASHER SOFT FOOD '> WASTE DISPOSER j Power Flo Mecti1nltm • 2 Level Tharo-W1th • Automatic Detergent Oi1pens.er Swi ng Down Door Slid•Out Rack t .. . 10 '.~(I .1 1 PI LOT-ADVERTISER .Wed nesday, Septem~r 29, 1971! -nr '8'1; ' ' ' . , ' " ,, '· ' .. ' ' ' se i ~· IMS • ... ace I sher .Action g • 5- control I er • 3 use ex· I us pen--• er tern--' eluding i r ;ote-I r switch ' tor and t lection: If, Aut<> , Dam p to Dry/ cles • ector • ct ion • ing sys. sling • Poree- OrJ'f El I OL. und er· space. • Don't settle tor less when you can own. a ..• MOTOROLA ' -+-lB.:: Quasar. Portable Color TV • NOW $)4995 OILY even at this low price you get lnsta-Matic· Colo1 Hut COLOR TUNING Makes tuning color TV Au!~in11 1e F·~•To~1ng I I Coto' lr1!9nS•!y as easy as pushing a button / .......__ Cont•I~\ One but!on does it~ Autorr.atical!y balances lhe color hue, intensity, contrast. brightness ..• even activates the automatic fine tun in g. And. automatic color circuits lock In color to he lp keep color constant when chariging cnannels or when signal varies. Come In and push the bulton yourse!I, See it do th e work cl five controls. REPLACEABLE PLUG·IN MlNl·CIRCUITS Dependable sol id 1!ate m ini-circuits replace all but live chassis lubes. Plug- In m!nl-clrculls may be replaced in just a few minutes. BRIGHT PICTURE TUBE Not only do you get reliability a nd tuning conven ience. bul a brighl, sharp picture. See it.,. compare the picture, you·n choose lhis Quasa r Por1able Color TV. Model WP572HW. High impact polystyrene cabinet in Walnut grain f!nlsl\ See this great value from Motorola today at ••• :,, '', ··, ..... ' . . ' . \. : . ., . .... ~~ .. :.~~: B11d~•·t 11nced Syll·an1a pcrtable Blac k and \Vhl1e TV nindel !\1\"81 \\•ith family-siied 19 inrh 1 dia~. mPa.'i.) screen. Roll-ahout st.and in- '" " ' ... • ·:..r,• ' ..... : :--..· ... ' S.vlvania JR fn(•h (di11g. 111ras.l l'Olor TV mode! CD82\Vf':. lnt ludl's th{' ultn1·1·el1ab!P GibrallarttMI chassis and AFC for a perfectly tuned picture at the touch of a l>1:1lton. ' Our Lowest Price Ever FOR REMOTE CONTROL OAJLY PI LOT f> PURCHASE PROTECTIO N PLA N Any Item P'urchased From Tlpton's Maybe Returned With in 10 Days Far Full Refund Far ANY Reason. I Except If DamaCJed By You After Delivery.I Plus Three Feature Pack color TV model CL883. New Dimensional Color offering the biggest color u:reen available, 25" diagon•I measure. In- !lant Push-button Tuning gi111>S a perfect color picture instantl y. Solid slate!G!braltar 100n1J cbaS1Si.s, the ultimate in reliabl\ity • Now Only I ; el11rtrd . j O~r Lowest $12495 'Price Ever ~~, ~~::Jt:i~'";m:::t,;.a-,,~: Sylnnia home enterla1nment cenler model CF570. Has 23 • -lnclt (dtag. meas.) r olor 'J:V wit h tf'm ote control. AM/FM ! plus FM stereo radio, autom11t1c record player and air '. su.~Of'nsion s~11 krn> . OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER WP467GWA MOTOROlA QUASAR I 16" srrl'1''1 I n1ra-\.( surPd diagn1111ll,1•J '' Q uas11r Portable ·J nlor TV 111th ~. ]nslR · r>.11'1111' nnP Int:. \Valnut ~ra in L finish µolyst.1 rrne 1J r•11hinPt. J)r!Ul(P 'i• hut1nn (·olnr t un- 1rin1 11nrl instru- m.-nll1tinn. Cnn- rra\l"d h 11 n011". Cert i11clur1,.rl. Lonc-lifr. snlir1- i<ta1P ('0/11[l(llH'lltl 11 ·on plttg·in mini- rircuit panrl;: !""• pl11rr ~Ill hu1 five !"11ass 1~ t11hrs. !l'J,1tnrnl11 hiri;:ht c0!or lubf'. '~ ~ I , ~ ' i I . \'1 ~~ Put them all ~ \ ii.\~ ;~e~~t~~~~r~~~~n~~~~l t~~· \ \~\ •Solid St.aa AM Fr>.1 FM Stereo Tun•r · ~ -Stert10" Star, Drift Frei! • J11m-RMi1tant. · . . •-Speed Ch•ng1r-Tonal I T r,e Arm • Potl· · .. i tive Selection 1nd Repe.11.t Pl•y Option •GE Man--l M1d11.'2l Di.11.mond Stylu1 •Modular Spe1lter 8y1tem -Two Spe11.ker C1hlnete •Two 8' E•t1ncled fUnge Spea ker• • E•ten1ion Speaker, Tap1 ONLY 1ad Headphone J1clt1 •Equipped for Porte-Fi It Rlmoi. Sou nd Sy1ttm TV COLO ANTENN List $59.95 INSTALL Wi th Purchas of Color T Sylvania color TV console mndel CL.8 11 u·ith the b!ggPst screen a vaJJable: 25 inch 1diag. n1ea.\.), 1-fiis th<> J0ng Ii(,. Gibraltar s311M1 ch88!1L~ and AfC for fingertip tuning l!'ase. Our Lowest Price Ever B11rl);<'I pru·o>d h';H11a 1 ~i1·tah],. rolnr TV 111nr!"I r11 >111h fan1ily·si1.f'rl lR \nrh l(l i~l:. n ,<,I sr·1•r rn. !i:nll·ilhnut stand •1pti<ina ·tra. s339?5 (;iant s<Tf'P n cok1r TV 1norlr l l'LX28 \1·ith remnr .. fon1 n>J. :?.) lnrh 1dlag, me11.s. \ srrePn and the rugo::"d G1hn!.l- tar!TM > chassis 11·iLh pu~h-bult<1n AfC. 21" diagonal measure screen color ·rv model CE81. Perfect ror the bedroom o r a ny room in our home. Has the Long-Ufa Gibraltar 85 chaais witb AFC. NOW ONLY 544995 Sylvania 9" diagonal mNsure 1ereen Black & White pOrlable TV. Hal built-in VHF and bow-lie UHF antflnna1. Convenient carryin( bandlt.hfodel MT6 ptlced Lo takewithyou, NOW ONLY s94's TVllCEP'l'fON siMm.AT!D 1300 HARB R 4 MASTER CHARGE IANK OF AMERICA WAYS EXTENDED c ·REDIT TO REVOLVING CREDIT HARBOR c ENTER HOURS: DAILY 9:00.6: • MON .• THURS •• FRI. 9:00 • 9:00 r - I • \ '• I • I 0 DA.IL v PILOT 'No Fault' Plan l(illed . l11surance Proposal Goes Down to Defeat SACRA!\1£1'\TO IUPI ) No-fault automobile insurance, one or the mo!'lt hea vil y lobbied topics before the 11171 Legislature. is now a dead issue untJ! next year. The ()nly survi\'ing proposal . one iL~ backers claimed would ha \'e saved California motorists $50 million annually in automobile insurance premiums, was re&llllldingly killed Tuesday night by the Senate Judiciary Committee. ''School was out before the hearing began. 11 was an exercise in futility:· complained the biller a u tho r , Assemblyman Jack R. Fenton !D- !\1011tebello1, after the 2l.7 hour com- rninee hearing. Fenton's bill was A mod1rterl vers'1on of .a plan now being tried for the first tinH! in Massachusetts. Under 110--f<iull 1n· surance, a person collects benefits from hi!! own com pany regardless of v.•ho causes an accident. Fenlon's n1odi fied bill generally woulrl ha \'f' en11tled molorists to recover up to SI .000 !or medic11l expenses, wa~e losses. d1sfl,i:urement. dismembennenl and funeral expenses. Properly damage \\O uld not ha ve ~en covered. If an injured person's medical expensei; v.'ere higher than $1,000, he could ha ve Cons111r1er Legislato11 C1·edit Ca1·d P1·otection Bill Clears Senate, 25-0 SACRAMENTO (UPI ) -Sen. Alfred Song's personal tangle with a credit card compan~' is over. The score: 25-0. It was on thal vole the Senale g11ve final Jegisla!ive approval Tuesday to ma- JOf con!lumer legislation which will pro- tect credit card holders against billing er- rors. deception and sex discrimination. The bill by the Democratic lawmaker Students Watch 'Trial' Against Professor on TV from Monterey Park now goes lo Gov . Ronald Reagan who, a spokesman for Song says, is rxpected to sign it. The measure grew out or a dispute between Song and a majGr credit card company over what 1he the lawmaker said was a billing error. lleated letters and telephone calls were exchanged, and Song finall y turned in his card and in- troduced his hill. Under the measure, credit card com- panies would be required lo correct bill- ing errors within 60 days or forfeit the amount in dispute. The com panie!f would he barred from giving out false or un- fa vorable cred it information about the holder during the dispute . sued for more than the $10 ,000 basic p.11y- ment. "The present system stinks ," Fenton told lhe committee. J;'enton said his bill wo11lrl have resul led in pron1pler insurance payn1en!s, v.·hich now often are delayed for up to 16 months. The author also said the measure "''ould ha ve resulted in lower 1 n s u r a n c e pren1iums. Firemen's Fund . "'hich backed the measure , predJt·ted Californians would y,•ind up paying $50 million less in prer11iun1s under the bill. But op pon£"nls on the committee noted this ""01.lld still ha ve amounted to only $5 for the average premium. Stale Real .!:'.state C o 111 miss io ner Ri chard BarEer also backed the measure. He and other insurance representatives predtc!erl if Califonia doesn't enarL a similar law with in the next two years I.he federal government will. The California 'l'nal La wyers Associa- lion led the fight against the bill lhroughout its legislalive process, hut did not appear in opposition 'l'uesday night. When it became obvious the commUtee Intended lo vote down the measure, the hearing was cut short and opponents did not testify. 1'he committee. consisting enti rely of allorneys, previously had killed four no- fault bills this year. Fenton's measure earlier passed the assembly and was the only such proposal to clear either house. The bill was killed by rererring it on a voice vote to a between-sessions interim study. Tex Watson Says Hospital, Jail Guards Beat H i111 Dentist's Aide Dies In Blast SAN .JOSE ~V P!\ -A 2.1- year-<ild dental assistant was trapped in a darkroon1 and killed Tuesday \\'hen a fire and explosion destroyed a dentist's office. The dentist and a pa- tient cocaped injury. Mrs. Frances v. Graham was developing X-ray film when a fire broke out. ap- parently from oxygen used for an anesthetic in the adjoining roo m. Santa Clara Fire Chi ef Gordon Payne said Dr , David RoberL<; was preparing to ad- minister an anesthelic to a pa - lient \\'hen lhe valve either came off or blew off an ox- y~en ho!ll<>. A physician arrived y,•ith a fna m fire extinguisher in time to see Mrs. firaham collapse on the sidewalk ou tside. .. John . Morales, 22, was a pa - l1ent 1n !he dentist chair awaiting anesthelic when he said he heard a rurnb!e and saw fl ames nnd .-;moke. A bl<1st rollowed and the dentist fell to the floor wit h a shattered arm, apparently in shock. Reform Setback Welfare Cuts Schedu/,ed To Begin Oct.1 Halted SAN F'RA~C I SCO (AP) -A federal judge has halted reductions and terminations of welfare payments are being estima ted 300,000 Californians, giving opjXlnents of the state's new \Velfare Reform Act a temporary victory. US. l)istricl Court Judge Albert C. Wollenberg ruled Tuesday the welfare program. scheduled to he~in Oct. J, could be inst1luted only after court-approved regu lations for proper no tification of welfare recipients are meL Arter !\Yo day!! of hearirigs, the judge concluded that walfare payments are heing reduced or ended w1thoul precise notifica tion of the reasons for cuts. The rul ing applies to a00u1 800,000 recipients of Aid to FamilieB with Depend e n t Children. Gang Kills Young Boy LOS ANGELES IUPI ) -A 10-year-old boy was shol and killed and a 14-year-<ild youth \\'as critically wounded in an apparent g a n g retaliation Tuesday night. Police said Henry Cruz was fatall y wounded 'A'hile sitting on the front porch of his home in the Boyle f-leighl~ area. The 14-year-old, not immediately identified. was i11 critical con- dition at White Memorial or the 800.000 welfare reci- pients affected about lwo- thirds are scheduled for pay- ment Inc reases under tfle act. the slate \Velf;i re department said. That would leave 250,000 to 300.000 of the state's 2.4 mi llion recipients protected fron1 welfare cuts, the depart- ment said. The judge granted a tem- porary restrai ning order to California Rural L eg a I Assistance attorneys w h n argued that y,•cilfare recipients were being prevented from ef- fecliveiy 11ppealing their cases ,,,.. • • • • I \\'!thin the 15'<1ay appe.111 period after noli ficalion . He ordered 11 hearing Oct. 1~ for the sla te to sho1v why a permanent injunction should nol be issued. Jack Svflhn , tissistant st;ite welfare director, s;iid !he cou rt deeisu1n ··at rnost dcil11y.~ the reforrn progr;i1n I~ dayiri," The stale 1nust nOY.' review no tires senl to rec1pien1s in California's 53 coun11es In determine if they meet the !a11. hP s<1id 11rld1niz that the task should require several days. I NOW ENROLLlNG stndentsfor lhe fall term SCHOLARSHIPS available = 1 Call or wriie: I •& : ,,,. &11llva.n Eltmenllry school 1 I 26912 Estantlero Drtve II I Mission Viejo, Celilomll D2575 • 1 1 Telephone (714) 837-6510 ! Mrs.Ud1C8mpbel1,HeadTe1eher ; I • I The sonivan ETemenia,y School • 1 9945 Slater Avenue • I Fountain Valley, Caflfornia S27DS : I Telephone (714) 962·1.322 • : Mrs.JeanneDay,HeadTellcht:r : : A UNIQUEOJNCE!T : \-----.=-:'~:~~::~~~:~ STANF'ORD (UPI) -Stan ford Universily opened a dismissal hearing 11gainst a Communist professor Tuesday <luring which the proceedings were relecast to 'tudents via closed-circuit television. For the fir st !in1e credit card holders would have 1he rii::ht to refuse to pay for defective iteins wh ich cost more th11n $fl0 if they could not get .~atisfaction from the merchant. 1-ioSpital. LOS ANGE LF.S (AP ) -Charle~ ''Tex" ljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji H. Bruce Franklin, 37 , avowed f\.1aoist- t.1arxist. and associate professor of English says his political views are on trial. The university charges that his con- clurt is in question. Franklin was accused of inciting ~tudents to disrupt a SJ>eech by Henry L'abot Lod~e last .January on campi1s, and with inci ting sludents lo close down thP college's con1puler center Feb. JO. Ahnu l 350 professors si,5:ned a slate- rnent upholding the university's suspension of Franklin. but 66 other facult y members ob jecte d, citing fears of infringement on academic freedom. Groups o( radical students firmly support franklin. I The bill wo11ld also help out unmarried, separated of"'dlvorced women, groups wh ich supporters gay have h.11d difficulty in securing credit card.-;. The measure would bar rliscrim inatinn on the basis of sex. race, religion, color, nar ional origin or 11ncestry. Song's bill wa.~ a compromise mea.~ure wh ich had backing from both credit c<ird co1npanies and consumer groups. some of which would ha 1e prercrred a stronger bill. l':fforts to add more protection were heaten down in the A!sembly l.11!t week before the bill wat approved by the k>wer house. Song's office stid p!an:i:: were beini.: made to clarify lar.guage in the bill nex l session and, perhaps , provide more gu.11rantee,o; agalnsl possible error! by credit c11rd comp11nit~1. Wat son. testifying at his murder trial, says he was mistreated while a prisoner al the county jail and a patient al a state mental hospital. Technicians at Ata scadero SI ale Hos pital beat him, Wat~on said, but "I kind of like it." Watson teslified Tuesday for the second time during the nine week trial on charges he participated in the slayi ngs two yea rs ago of actress Sharon Tate and six olht>rs. llis tcslimonv was directed al rebutting slalements froin a 1tate psychiatrist that Watson. 25, feigned a mental illness while at the hospit al. Both df'fense and prosecution lawyers fi nis hed their case~ and . following a one- day recess. are achedu\ed Thursday to give closing arguml!ols to the Superior Court ju ry. Homosex ual ~ ~ Bills Head EARN 253 TO 503 MORE For Action Many banks pay a reduced •avings passbook rate of a low 4°/0 • At Pacific you will earn the same high rate• as before. SACRAMENTO (AP J -A San Francisco assembly man has rev1\'ed his campaign lo take California la1.1• out of the bfodroom by rrpp:iling wh;it he ca lls ''arrha1t and r\1ur;i1" sex t11ws "·hirh are ne1'cr en- forced or are unenfl)rce;ible. ANNUAL YIELD ANNUAL RATE MIN. BALANCE MIN.YEARS Assemhlyn1an \\'ill1e L . Brfl11·n said Tuesday he hnp£'!1 to bring hill bill up for a \'nle nn the Assen1bly floor on Th ursday morning. 6.18'%, ---- 5.92'%, 5.39'%, 5.13'%1 6.00°lo 5.750'/0 5.25~ 5.00'%1 5,000°0 TWO ----1,000~ ONE 500~ Y1lh 500 ONE DAY Since March the hil l - v.·hieh wou ld r<'peal century· old laws prnt11b1l 1ng "un- na1ural sex act" between ml'n and women and persons of the same sex -ha s been nn the inaC'I ive rile, a snrt of cold storage fnr bills "·hich don't ha ve enough support for passagr. Interest compounded daily and paid from date of deposit to date of withdrawal even if if s just one day The J)emocralic lawmaker brought the bill back ontn thP Assembly agenda, 8 fl y in g . "\\'e'1·e gnt support. \\'e'\'e .,::ol mnre support than ~·011 tnight think.·· But he ("{)nred<'d hf' isn't sure he can ra1i::e the ~1 votei:: needed to se nd the bill to lhe Senate. Rro"'n·s measure ha s bren referred lo as a "horno~ex ua\s' blll of righls'' because it would repea l all sanction~ 11gi11nst hnm osexu11l condut't ~xcept those .11gainst soliciting and cases involvi ng minors. Some so-called "unnatural sex acts" ·which now are il- legal "·ould be 1nade legal in privale for all adults and mar- ried minors. Brown .said lht> ~trnngesl argument for !us bill 1s tha1 many or the ~tale's Ja v.•s on sex have Tlever been enforced. or lhey .lire unenforceable. ... - How To Hold FALSE TEETH S.Curely Do (1\11 teelh wmb1rr ... 1ou b1 comln1 loott wlltn :you ••l. 1111111. Of' t.llk! A tlf'nlurf' 1dhfo11h•1 c1n help. P ASTl:ETll• dvr.1 d~nturn • lonr· .r, tlrtner, 11e1aler holll. M.1k• f'•I· tnr ITl(ll"9 ~hie. Ynr m-..eurity and ffmfort, um FASTEETH 0.it"> tut• Adhe1lw1 Powd1r. D111 t ure1 that ftt .,. -nt!11 to b•lt.b. S.. Ask ho w you can obtain all these benefi ts service charge FREE PREPARATION OF PERSONAL STATE AND FEDERAL INCOME TAX RETURNS OPEN NIGHTand DAY Hour5: Monday thru Friday 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M . Saturday 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SOUTH COAST P~A UM llUTOl a-TUIT • COITA MlU, CAl.IOMUA • ....,... ......... y,UI dftfltiat rf:l'lll1tly. '-------------~--------------------- • Zenith Handcrafted Chassis " • Exclusive Zenith Chromatic Brain • AFC Automatic Fine-tuning Control • Sunsh i ne~ Color Picture Tube • Super Video Range Tuning System 88 The ZORN · C2965W Perfect lor pa1 10, den. kflc hen or bedroom. Sturdy vrnyl clad me!al cabinet. Popular grained American Walnut Color, s· x 3~ Twin-Cone Speal<cr SPACE COMMANDe 100 REMOTE CONTROL Just press the button on the small control unit you ho!d in your hand to change VHF ctiannels and turn set on or off. One butlon does It all! No need to tum nt oH menuatly at sel I BUY NOW/ LIMITED TIME! TV and APPLIANCE IN HARBOR CENTER 1300 HARBOR BLVD Daily 9·6; Mon.·Thurs.·fri. g.g ' J 9 PILOT ·ADVERTISER Screaming Even Shows So1ne Love By Pe~r J . S&etocrob..a J\1.0. Thf"rll! are as many voays of bringing up children as there are parents and children. [ receive letters lron1 nervous rnothers. from angry fathers \\'ho write that they get almost ph ysically sick because they have learned "never to shout at their children." Hoy,·ever, there are the •·yellers" whv believe it is better for both parents ;,nd children if they let out their e1notions rather than keep them boxed in. Dear Dr. Steincrohn: l am the mother of a 3-ye<1r -0Jd boy ra·r1;i:m~ and a girl almost 5 1 love mv kids and tell them so often. "1 also love their father and thcv understand this and kno\v th:lt he loves thc1n. too. \\'e a re :1 \'ery affectionate fan1ily and are most den1onstrative 2bout expressing our love for one another. Jlo\.\·ever. u•he n we h:n·e a particularly trying day . and I have been jus! as patient as I can be for as long as I can be. l yell (nr perhaps scream \1•ould be a bellC'r description \. They both know lhC'y had bet- ter shape up. They usually do so quickl y. This also makes me feel better lo release pent-up en1olions. My own parents 11·oult'I be shocked at times ir !hey heard one of these yelling sessions. I do not recall that they yelled at us when we were gro11•ing up. But as I th ink of n1y childhood days. I ca n 't remember my parents ever shol'.·ing any signs of affection such as a kiss, a pat on the head, or a little word of praise for a job v;ell done. t actually grew up thinking my parents cared very little for me. I fi nd it difficult to sho1v emollon in only one direction -affection. and not in anger, also. I don't see that yelling at them occasionaHy is going to hurt them . They are going to be subjected to 1'.'0rse things in life, -t.1rs. R. ' MEDICALETTES (Replle~ to Readers! Dear Dr. Steincrohn: Sometimes lhc ren1u1•al nf a beloved pct fron1 an allergic child will make the child's condition worse -not better. The worst asthmatic attack I ever had o c curred im- mediately after my parents gave away my beloved pet cat. t did not begin to in1pril\'e until she 11·as bro ught b(lc k home to me. All this despite the fact that tests clearly indicalcd I 1\'as allergic to animal fur most or all. I understand th al it is not unusual lor'hay fever patients and asthmatics to become wor~e after an emotional upset. lncidenta11r. Dr Steincrohn. 1 happen to !~fortunate in that I can trulv sav that J'm one 1,1•ho has c·om .plel e J y outgrown 111! my childhood allergic tendencies. L i ke magic. it happened .... ·hen I ran al'.•ey From h11n1e, taking my cat \\'ifh me. Isn't it too bacl !hat !here is no simple 1,1·ay to test one's al\t'rgic iemotinn:ill response' t.o one's parents ;is i,•el!': - ?-.irs. A. C01\1!\fENT: 't'ou r Tetter is Interesting but your "Cure" is not so simple as it seems. I do not advise r11nning away Fro1n home ;is the magic answer Although emotional upsels can affect the allergic patien1. parents are often the innocent vldims of a child's ac· cusations. tt doesn't seem lo make good sense for the child allergic to animal dander to pick up the pct cat and rwi away. "Parcntectomy" I s rarely the answer lo the pro- blem. \Vhere parents and pets are involved, better let the allergist make the big decisions. • • Dear Dr. Steincrohn: To support your theory that pipe and cigar smvking are not en- tirely innocuous: A 48-year-old friend of mine "''ho smoked eight cigars a day just died of cancer of the throat. A pipe 1moker 1 know who kept lt r esting on the same place all day has just hnd a diagnosis of cancer of the lip. Cigarels may be bad. hut don't let's think that smokers can S'o\'itch and be perfectly safe. • • • Jt Is the responsibility of parents to teach 11afety to their young says Dr. Steln- crohn In his booklet, "lfow To S.ve Your Child From Himself." For 1 copy 11·r ite: him In care of this newspaper enclosing 25 cents in coin and a STAT\.-fPED. SEL F'-A I). DHESSED ENVELOPE. ' Wtdntsdar. Stpttmbtr 2q. 1q11 DAILY PILOT 11 ~~-'----'-~~~~~~~~- HAVE YOU VISITEJ) OUR NEW STORE AT : ,-OUHTAtN Y .. LLIY -11'M M ..... 11• 11, •I T•llMrt fOUHTAIN VALLlT -t•U I H•,...r 1 1 ... , •M lflflttt £L TOlfO -II 1'•N 1111 lllKll'..W ll••f (0ff4 Mii .. -IMO H1,.._r l tvf. •I WI'-II. COtTA MltA -tlJ I , 11tlt 11. 30222 CROWN YALUY PARKWAY AND HILLHURST IN LAGUNA NIGUEi. MUN fl NG TOii l•ACM -tllll 1..-dl llYt. 11 Ala.ft" SAJtTA ANA -, ... W, 11:111 ..... f -lrlt"'4 II. Wl!STMINSll!ll-1? wa11111mi.1 II G410tr1 W.1 HUNTIHGTCH 11.llCN -fOWI --11 ........... l'IUNTINGTON lll!ill(H -... ,II..,-.fl ...... NUNTINOTON IEACti-W1r11er .. w ..-i. No Liquor i1t the Westnifnster, Vill•g• Center, Stach Blvd. at Atlanta, Warner at Springdale, Ad1 m1 at Brookhurst Stor111. Jalta Vodka Half Gallon Thrifty nclusi,,. and b.st seller. No·w ot 1aving1 of 33c on ev•ry 1h gallon you buy in limited tlrM off•r. $19 95v-Ceramic Table Lamps • 40 lflches Hight• Cltoict of Styles • 3-Way Switches Mcij•1li<ollr toll table~. a f10R 40" tall wi!h 1had• ;,. ct..ice of o¥- Gftd eu ili"f d-.:arolat cal.an.1-r ..,lt<hff on all ki.P... "-lrilgWt firHI glai• & -' lllri'*- SJ97 $2995 Yal .. ! Occasional Tables •_Chttce ef Sq•re COM•••eetPed••f•I Styl• Cocktail Table• a ... utilwl Medile•ron ... " ...,.1. '""'" ~ will a dd a lu•~•r loa~ •a yaw• li>i11111 t raa"'. Oauble p•d••lal 11~1• tabl• or I •qwar• """'mod• "'''h •••ng •pell d""'r-; bolh .-!rh _. •11d •lai11 ,...._ 1a"11opa. l .adyfoo_..ble. Reg. 69c.99c Plasticware • u.1111hy 101k111 • 12 Qt. YourChaice Pall• V191la~l•Bin • l S QI ........... . Rou11d Wa1t1b111kal • l S QI. Utililr Tub • Cut!t ry Troy • Mi•in9 Bowl Se t • l tcl•119utor Di1h Po11 ' . ;, ' ' . ,. ' • s5u Value! Plastlc Mel•ecl Chair ·~ -Appliance Sale \(:Fa~ $300 vALur1Gour~mei 111 aroco.da, $ •o._;_ • 343 y ell•w-Set .,, 4, 112.99. r~"" ~Ml .. &off an-- ti<all.,. Gin1 y•ur Ila.,• ·i; ... d-t .. • 1a<H: .... a. ,.. ... a .... ,..u~.-.. .. ..d pl .. 111•-r . ...._,........._ Reg. $8" 2x5 Feet ,.. Metal Folcling Table Reg. 7.99 Lady Yanity-' 0VG:;!!tl;J are Portable Mixer) Your Choict t;ghtw.ioh• 111l•tt ...;1h 1 •P••il•, •olid '"''' •-\~ $197 1roh ""d '"Pl• <h•o"'• plo•td b•o••"· \. $9.41 Value! Fostoria; r0-0•••111(1"Y_ ... Jlo-lable coa•wa .. .. Stea111/Dry Iron · a dab• .............. . ware. St!ect fro,.3 qt. ca .... ral• .. ;1h •-•; 1 oi• .• ,,...,.d """''al•; 12" Au G,a1i11 di&h; 1 Ot. Saullle di1h; I qt .. poi with <a.,... Of' I qt • iglriiw.ight ~ic """"'/d•r 1,.,. ,.;1h .,,_ - i11w• Nie ploi. tar '"-"•• h1t0• il.1l•ibwli•11 •" .. •-'"" erip 1<oa11dl•. , ' :" ~~ • ., ... ,.,1 • ..;1h l nob hand In. $9.4' Value! Fostoria Au-.tic Toaster ' ""' ......-ic .,.1;.., -d· 'l·•'"' '"""' .. ;... 1--------------.f ,..' .'"'."'.;.""'_~_ .. _..,..;.'.M.-...;'~'·'-.".;"'--· ----'• Reg. $1.11 ut11co Sl 995v.1 •• 1Home Aut-tlc Can Opener Entertainment Center $1597 Spaciaon, all plTpCKoe wnil lorge •llOU!ilh for G conobinalio11 ol Hl·'I or TV 11n;1< •• _ dorog• of ttcard" tapti. I" Walnul P111110 11e1r linlih. 79•.99• Disposable Foil Bakeware • • • J». -$666 ' Pop11Jor .. a.Ii ar !fl• f.,ilwor1. '"a•I••• 0 1 big ta~ingt . Chai~• of It~ la~•• Pon, Giu t l aoo!er POii, IOO•l•• ra .. , G ionl La11f '•"• 0..:.1 l aatl1r & Gian I OJGI •oo•I••· $1 .y s Ya!ft COpe Mouthwash 89cv.1.Gillette Super Stainlu1 Razor Blades 54c Doubl• ed11• .5'&. Pick th•Wortd s,.,. " 180L-Pric Includes 20c Off on label • ; .. Win-I f.,tl}' blon~1 .... a ilabl• f al Thrifty . $) 17 Value! p::k 3 Circus Salted Peanuts Box ., 3:;;~·.99c •fl!: 1 ... ~hMtt .. -... -Mt •Ill tryklr.-ts-'ltl: •WMl\.i ~-Jll ,_.,Jk • ltltM 11111~ Till.--.. 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Nw 19.t II-~ J.bu"a" nith • .,.., ,.illf<fd eolktf'. ua N-r-ol f- $294 ieg. 57• Mallory 'C' Transistor Batteries Reg.39c n . 225 Ft. l"I Magnetic Recording Tape ~---.. 4~$1 , !ig t oving f>f qrolity lap•' - B1autihll Style1 byChatH• Marvelall'l Ml~ af o.r.,.. ... , ... _ ... '"~'·"· s597 ..... de by Choleor. All b..,.,_ tilul ol)'l11 lhul are l•ulr orl- olar>di"'l wal...., a l 1hi1 .... be- li""ably 1...,.. prktl ' 98c Values~ ' ' \'_ I Sale of Hair Ties • 66 # YourChoiu . C • 10% Waal ra.,. lla:r ·11.., fyll 42" In l.ngth 111 eadl l!tf ·faohia1t colan. Aho lkll pt...t P9"'t' tall II• oftd ChlgltGll b.... _,.,.of '"~ th!11peclol prir.. , ' . ~ . .. '• •. f \ • J2 DAILY PILOT * W~dllttd.1~, S,pttmbet 21, l9?l CHECKING •UP• Most Tee n ·Girls Goi11g Out at 14 Don't Go to CIA; They May Co·me to You " By JOVCE L. KENN~DY told me 1he thought 1he was fields • • • student! in Security Agen1..-y, Ft George. lawful workers who combat tt about to be hired u a staff economics, economic history, Meade. Md. 2075$; Bureau of by protecting factories, office Dear Joyce: A friend h•• C O f e e f writer for a nonsecret govern-Jntemalional trade, pallUcaJ lntdltgenoe and Research, ___ , I-' t 1 k t At ... _ f I · · in'--t' __ , __ , U buildings, trade shows, stores, eiprenai u rnttes a""' • men agency. u~ ma Ill-science, 1e111a 101uu ~•· , .S. State Department, Ing for the CIA. He 11 bll· C terview, she wa.s taken to a lions, history, p h y 1 I cs, Washlngton, D. c . 20520 ; and bank!, hotels, college cam· loguaJ, a grad11ate of eltc· 0 ( n e T ~~i·grunoffiecent lnandG eorffm'",d n y'". chemistry, e I e c t r o n i c s , military service group! wh.ich puse~. sport.ii arenes, airport~ a= biology, geology, engineering, hire a few civilians. These hospitals and olher plares. In· Ironies school, Is well-C'ead aod which she accepled and later cartography, agriculture, even are: Defense lntelli-nce ~ b bobhl ad '@>" eluding private homes. facile w it many es a described as routine and forestry. CIA often needs pro-Agency (Anny); Office of lllterests. How would he go br:la.!!.tesf t prospect t.' u ~~er somewhat monotonous. pie whose speclafHes may Special Investigation ( A i r EARNINGS of pr i v a t e about joining the CIA? Are wah.•1 or severa years IJ'C1ore lnformatloa is not available seem superficially to be Force), and Office of Naval crime-fighting companies are there i;lmllar groups which an approacli ts made. Mature about the number of ClA unrelated to the. national 1 0 t e I I i gen c e ( Navy). estimated lo have quadrupled might employ him? To whom persons -part!cularly those agents who work overseas as security." Intelligence experience in the during the past decade, and would be apply? _ J.M. with a background in science contrasted with those who.are military may_ or may oot-some financial anaJysts expect Chicago or technology -art also employed in Washington and SALARIES 1t the pro-.. _ .. _1 ( 1 • bta· . . il' them to keep rising by 10-15 . 1 1. 1. recruited. f · 1 1 1 t . ,. UI!: in: Pu tn o 1n1ng c1v 1an 1 . th By L. t.f. BOYD He can write or i:ipp ice ion other part! of the U.S. ess1ona eve yp1cauy range !PY Olz employment. percen a year tn e near forms to: Office of Personnel. Of every 1.000 unrequested from: $8,500 to $ z 8, O O o. future. One national industrial IF \'OUR OAUGllTER hasn't gone out on a date by the age Central Intelligence Agency. applications. Tully estimates E DU C AT I 0 N AND Clerical earnings are often Otar Joyce: I'm u ex-security system expects this. a of 14. treat her \1•ith special consideration. She's a member or a 11120 N. F't. ~Iyer Dr .. Ari· that about 800 are rejected at PREPARATION for those who ~tween $5,000 qnd $8,000. All serviceman and 1 may be in-recession year. to be the big· minority. Latest surveys show exactly 71 percent of the teenage ington, \'a. 20505. 1-fowe ver first screening. The remaining wish to enter the intelligence government fringe benefits terested In getting into the ~est in revenues in its Jong girls in u11s counlry have dated herore their 14th birthdays . . . 200 are in vestigated to the last and data-gathering field is too apply to CIA person n e I , aecurlty field as a guard or history. WHAT 'S the first thing a good dramatic coach teaches an as· ANDREW TULLY. the syn-eyelash. and most of those are diverse for a complete listing although the ClA is not 1lmllar job. I've beard tbe pay PAY FOR GUARDS AND piring actress? Sn inq uires a Tennessean. An1 told lhe srandarrt dicated Washington columnist eventu11lly turned down. At here. Write to the ClA for a under U.S. Ci vi I Servjce l!n't too good but bow about WATCHMEN will depend on procedure o( thea!rical insln1clors bolh in New York an~ liol.ly· s;iys in his book, "CIA," that least 6 months can pass before booklet, ' 'Career 11 in regulations. Dismissals are i11-tbe future and promotions? -geographic location, employer ll-'ood is to require their feminine students to lower their voice it is extremely rare for you get a decision, and if you 1ntelligence," which In part frequent inept j oh C. K., Phoenix and job level (In &ome work pitches to one full octave. unsolicited spies to be hired. don't make the team, the CIA states . . • performance is more likely to Offense! covered in the settings, there's a military·like Except for clerical personnel, won't tell you why. "It is largely to the result in less se ns It iv e FBI's reports shot up by 176 ranking of men from SUSPECT rhe dOC'lors .,.,·ill be (lel1ghted to learn the a\'era~e most CIA employes a r e CLERICAL AND JUNIOR graduate schools that the assignments. percent over the pasl decade patrolman to lieutenant, cap· AmC'riC'an onl y ate about 20 epi>les last year .• , SC HOLARS still recruited al colleges (usually level staff are sometimes Agency is looking for mature OTHER AGENCIES with -crimes involving property tain and up ). In general, I Le•gueJ where C I A recruited from other Federal students equipped for ex· opportunities for intelligence increased 180 percent Crime starting •oy is \ow often from insist the world's first horses v.·ere less than a foot tall · · • h:~dhunters may have the agencies. One young Woman tensive training in inteUigence employment include: National pays for some -roeacing the minimu~ wage to' $2.50-hour: "'AS NONE OTHER than Harold Orben .,.,•ho descri bed marriage l -~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.. ___ .;. _____ ~ as a social system designed to produce motors for tricycles .•• AND THERE'S also a street In San Diego called Uneeda Place. J'm told •.. KNOW OF NOBODY who coolradicts the claim it was women, not men who first wore clothing. \\'HAT WOULD YOU regard as the ideal Lape measure- menls for the perfect feminine figure? Half a century a,c:o. there was such a standard, the Ziegfield Follies girl. The record sho,,..·s those young ladies measured on the a\'erage 3&-2&38. Half that long ago. the average measurements of the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes were 35-2&-35. The average Las Vegas showgirl right now ls said to measure 37-25-36. ADO PROPER JOB Cl.UR: The Honorable Mr. Justice. a judge, of Sarasota, Fla.; J\1rs. Chronic, member of the Board of Health, Boulder County. Colo.; Dr. Brusch. a dentist. once of Fort Hood. Texas: J\1r. f ermer Plank. a lumbermill man, of f ossil, Ore.; J\1r. Crush. a rock crusher operator, of f\1 issou!a , ~fonl.: the Rev. Blessing. clergyman, of Weber City, Va. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. "Does any fish kill other fishes just for fun?'' A. The Atl anlic Blue Fish is said to do that. Know or none olher . , . Q. "You sairl the short heavy older v.'oman is lhat driver most apl lo get hurt in a car accident. Isn't that be- cau!'e of the configuration or the ear~" A. And Lhe configuration of the ""'oman. Only Coast & Southern offers savers all three: • 6% two to five year guar~nteed certificates. • Saturday Service. • The Insiders Club. Effective Annual Earnin gs 5.00o/o-5.13°/a Passbook. No minimum. 5,75°/o·S.92% Ori• Year Cer\ific•!t .$ 1,000 Mini mum, 6.00°/o-6.18°/o Two to Five Year Cert1f1cales $5,000 t.l inirnur". Up to 90 days loss o! interest on .-i mounts withdrawn before maturity on all certificate accounts. The Insiders Club: A new wa·y to beat inflation. Its membership card permits you to buy nearly everything you need rrom !he finest closed· door showrooms at liubstantial savings-appliances, furniture, stereo equipment, $porting goods, draperies and much, much more. You C":an even buy cars at the "fleet" price end mobile homes and motorcycles at substantial savings. The Insiders Club also provides b1g discounts on tickets to sparling and entertainment events ... plus a whole list of tree services: sale depcsit boxes, money orders, travelers checks , notary services and thP. use of docume nt d up l1catn1 g equipment. Membership requ1reJnent for savers -.1'2.~00 min imum ba l<1nce. Coast borrowers now receive associate memberships entitling them to a ll outside referral services. Ask about joining at any Coast office, MAIN orf!C[: 91h & Hill, Los An1~l•• • 6!!·1351 0 0••• ofloc•• SAN l'f.OltO' 10111 & p~'''"" • llJJ.i l•l WfST COVINA: WILSHIR[ •I GRAMM lltCY l"lACl : 3933 W1lsh"1 Blvd .. l .A. • 388·126~ "l .A. CIVIC Cf.NTEft: E•l!l•rid Shopp1n1 Cl,.• !11 ·2201 2nd & Bro•dw•y • 626· I 101 HUNTINGTON Sf:ACH: 91 Huntln11on Center • 111 •) 891·10t l 'SANTA Al'tA LOAN SlltVIC[ AGll:NCY: !905 N. M•ln SL • (114) 547·9257 SANTA MONICA: 71 1 Will Mr• Bl~d. • J9l·Ol•6 l'ANORAMA CITYI 86!6 Von Nuys Bh1<'l. • 892·1111 TARZANA: 18 7~1 Venlu<I Blv<i. • l45·B6l( lONG &EACH: Jr<'l & t ocull • 431 1•81 EAST LOS ANGELES: Blh & Solo (Op1n•n1 So""' Daily Hours -t AM to • PM • Open Saturd1yt -9 AM lo I PM ' N"t Ope" Sit!V•<'l•Y• . .. COAST AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS ,, ... ' ' ' " " "' " . " ' . " ' " "' " g . .. )'our q ues tion,~ nnrl r.om1nents ore wel.com.e onfl wilt be used 1n CHECKING UP tuherever possible. Pleas« address your letters to L. ltf. Boyd, P.O. Boz 1875, Newport Beach92660(·.~~~~~~~~~~_!_~~ ...................................................................................................................... ~~~ ~ -··-···· ........ _ _.. __ ,. __ Men in Ser vice -. t •• Navy Lieutenant I.awreMe E. Curran. husband of the former ~fiss Jean A. Anderson of 204 Salvador. San Clemente. ls serving with T r a i n i n Jl Squadron 29 at the Nav11l Air Station, Corpus Christi. Tex. Second Lieutenant Terrence R. Llodval\, son of !\fr. and t.lrs. John A. Lindvall. 11165 Parkview circle, Costa J\fcsa, recentl y completed a nine· week C'haplain officer basir C'ourst at the U.S. Army Chaplain School. Fl. Ham1 l!on, NY. U.S. Air Force Sergeant Ernie W. Strong. son of Mr. and Mrs. Vi .. ). Strong. 3025 \'ellowstonr . Costa -~,csa, 1s parhcipatin~ i11 <1 mos!>n r NATO training exerr1~e bring conducted in V.'esl Gern1an\ Sergeant Slrong i~ a !nor! 1"erv1ce specialis1 on ! h P Holloma n AFB, /',f Nj . !r;irn supporting F-• P h a n t n ni <11rcrey,·s flying in the mnnth· long maneuvers. The exerrls<' is the third in a serirs brini::: hrld as part or the us l'011 · tr1but1on lo increased NATO readiness. P.1arine Cpl. Eric A. KnalH'. son of Mr. and ~\rs. Carl f Knabe of 55 Lagunila, La guna Be;ich .... ·as prnn1oted lo his present rank while .~erv1nJ:! al the Marine Corps Base. Twen· tynioe Palms, Army Rf'!'ervP: Co I o n f' 1 - Ralpb J . Hippert. of Costa P.1esa. Is emong 22~ senior of· firers 11ttending the U.S. Ann~' Viar College, Carlisle Bar· raclu, Pa. The JG-mnnth curricul um of the Army's senior s<:hrol prepares off icers of ;ii! the services. as well :is civilian of· ficiah1 of the federal g0ve.rli · ment, for top level staff and command positions with the armed forces. Tbt Colonel and hill y,•ife , Betty, reside at 2952 Ptmba Drive, Costa P.1esa . Marine Cpl . Roy O. Ko~r . son of Mr. and ~1rs. Richard W. Kastr of 13282 Amarillo Drive. Weslmlrusler. was pro· mot.eel to bis present rank white ~rvlng Al the r-.farine Corps Air Station, Cherry Polnl, N.C. NIV)' Fireman Apprentice Joli• F. Nikol.1, ton of P.fr. Jll'f')' Nikola of 2320 Cornrll. c.o.ta Men. 11 now dtployed lo the Western Pacific aboard the dtstroyer USS Edson fnr duty with the U.S. Se.venth F'let.t. Scotts® WIPE OUT WEEDS SALE • SUPER BONUS TO MAKI YOUR DICMO-RA LAWN ''BOUNCI aACK" An yow do is spreed Scotti S4Jper Bonus on yovr dlchondro lawn this weekend . Applied nO¥t, Svper Bonus help$ your lown ''bounce bock.- from the ro't"09e' of wmmer. First, it clears ovt weeds such a s oxolis ond ond ma rsh porsley. It also controls newly ernerging winter weed s, lik e poo CJnnuo ond chickweed. And U fertilizes your dichondro to greener beauty ot the same time. Afl from a single application. 2,500 sq. f1 . pe r bog. l095 t1.s·41«·1·1 PLUS2 TO MAKI A GRASS LAWN "BOUNCE BACK" Sur'f'W'l'Htr rs ~ough on 1o..,,s.. l'he hot weather plus weed kwosions take a lot of sparkle out of the gross. Best way to moke it '1>ounce bock."' i.s to spread Scotts Plus-2 which cleors cwt weeds ot the some time it fertilizes youf" .... ~ gross. Plus-2 cleors out dande lions, clover, chickweed ond many other common non·gross weeds used to be. Result? A greener, thicker m ore weed-frl!<l! lawn this foll-o nd next spring too. 2,500 1q. ft. per bog. 5•s Scotts No-Quibble Guara ntee ll fot an y rca.;m you Jilt nol urisfied wi1h rt· suits alter appl)ing any Sootts product with a Scotts SprcadCI', )'O\.I au fllritled to Jtf 'J(:NC money back. Simply xnd 1911 CTidence o( put"• dJa5e Md we will mail }'O'I 1 refund cited: prompily. Scccts. P.O. Om 2079, o.kland, CM'if. 9•604 NOT AYAJL.AaLI IN lrYllJIDI, IAIT LOI AHGIUI 01 LANCAlfll • plusl fORGRAss AMERICA'S LARGEST, ORIGINAL" DO-IT-YOURSELF" HARDWARE STORES .,., WUTMINSTER Avt. m 1w. LA HAll,_A ILVO. .......... " fULLIRTM -YAUIYVIEW IT. -L CMAPMANAVf. IL TOllO COIT& MllA 24312 f:iOCkFIElO , .. E. 1?1h ST. • IAICEAUIELO e CHATSWORTH e COVINA • dCOHOIDO e GOl!TA •. OAAHADA HILU e U. CRRCENTA • l.ADlflA Hl lOH1'1 • LAHC.AS..Tl" • I.LOS °ANGELES • ltERDA • RIVERSIDE •SAN BERNARDINO e IAUCLC • '*I • SPRING VAlLIY • TAltlANA e THOUSAND OAICI e UPI.AND •YAN NU'l"I • 'IM:'TORVILL! • HACllNDA HllGKTI ,7_•_1_L_OT_-_•_o_v_c_AT_1_s_E• ______ w_tdnesr1av, Stpttmbt, 29, 1971 W1d11t~tllJ, Stllltmbtr 29 1971 Growing Problems Sock It to San Joaquin By PAMELA liALLAN "All of our problems are . nevertheless looking for long-Or in the event tht state had pressure~ to the parents," said have worked hard, devotin& as ot 1fM tlfll'JI Piii! Ili ff related to the rapid increase range solutions. no fund! to I01Jn. But it would Didart. much Hme and money as The San Joaquin Elemen-in our student population," "I think the method of take a lar1e tax Increase. It "It is difficult, because of possible , to keep the problems tary School District _ g~ said Ga tes. °'Our schools art gchool flnancin£ is definitely wuuld never be. passed . our size: anJ the cunst.:tnt in-outside the classroom. They ·1 f hill II spread out over grea t g<>1."" lo chango" ,,;d Ga•·· flu> of new ~plo to "'''' JQUlr e mi es o s, va eys ·~ ' " i.c~. A more realistic measure, r-v ' h 't · nAA ff arwl. houses -once epitomized distances. Busing is I key pro-referring to a Supreme Court them understand about our aven scrim.,.." on sta • iileepy, agrarian s 0 u t. her n blen1 . decision which opposed the use ho~·ever, might bt the im· Jack of funds, the necessity for salaries, or materials. California. "Wc have very little in-or the property tax for school plementation of year round portables, the nece!S1ly for Bui San Joaquin is going to fi'or year• it was served hy dustry for our siu. So 11s financing. school, an approach which 1s double sessions." continue to grow. one school _ the old Irvine llornes ;ire built, we become "The cos! or education will being used in two Californi a He said !he general rapport H the uniflcallnn election School _ before it.s merger in poorer The more children per have lo be spread over a school districts and is bein" between the board and the divides the district I n 1 r1 1958 with the now defunct El r.on1e, the poorer we become." wider source of inrome." investigate<t by neighboring public has been good . But tl)l'l smaller entities in .June . the 'l'oro School Districl and the Catrs said he forsees no Although there has been Ca pistrano Unified . often part:•1ts who a r e problems are still going lo be oiddition of its Marine School. drop 111 development because some talk of financing school "We are seriously looking dissalisfi~d with a board there. San Joaquin is still I'! region !he district is flat. accessible, ronstructlon from the general into this," said Gates. "But It decision wail until after a finll.l It Is dilflcult Lo say what the nf hills, valleys and hou ses. and u1 a good location. He i!I. fund , Gates believes this is a difficult concept to com· decision has been made before ultimate answer is for S:ln But the hills and valleys have grateful. however, for small would be highly unrealistic. municste to parents." they expre:is di~satisfll.ction. Joaquin. Perhaps it lies with been put in as lower taxed favors -Lf'isure World which "It would have lo go to a Communication has been Growth has meant 1nore the developers. :i gricullural preserve and has no children and advance vote, just like a tax override . one of the offshoots of the 1>are11ts, more children. n1nre The state J1as indicated lhough pleasing to look flt , notice of all major develop-and the only difference it growth problem. It has bef'n teachers, and more problems. changes are going to be n1ade they are considered by so1ne rnent 11·hich has facilitated would make is in the time the most difficult problem far· And lhou~h the effects of in school financing -con· trustees a financial albatross . planning. necessary lo submit an ap-eel by the board of trustees. rapid growth can be assessed struct1on policies probablv v.•111 And the houses _ thousands Oespi!e 11 pending unifica-plication for funds to the sta te. acrording lo chairman Gra· in aln1 ost every area. ii is di/-he a pflrl of them. But it will nf them _ hsve made tl1e S;in 11011 election next June which The advantage would be we tian Bidart. ficul t !o judge ·it.~ affect on the be many years before ac1inn 1s .Joaqui n l::lementary School could alter !he picture con· could build a school without "It has been extremely clif. educallonal proi:ess. The ad· taken and p o 11 c i es im- FA/tflLY CJRCIJS frl I, <?);: Dill V PILOT J :J 1111 Bii Keilne Di~trict the fastest gro .... •ing 1 __ • ~; ~d•'•'•'•bil iyp.iiiiiicii.aijti"jiiii•iiiwiapitiiin'gpfiioi'isit•il•jiiilol•iioii•ijpipicoii"ii'iil iiiifiic~ulltiiiitiijo communicate our ministration and the board plemenlcd. gchool district in the state. iiiiiiii~'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiilijiiiiiij~iiiiiiiji,.iiiiipiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;:---The population explosion btgan in the early sixties w1lh the advent of the large land developer. In 1965 the district built a new school \its third) in El 'l'oro. Rapid growth has bro11gh! phenomen11I problems, most of them 11 product of increasln~ student enrollment. The rnost Important one has he e n building enough schools lo house a sludeol popul;ition -l hal grew from 1,000 in 1965 lo l0.000 in 1971. The district today has 15 schools either open or in pro- gress. But !he district is still ei1ht schools beh ind . Enough students to fill three complete schools are currently housed in portable classrooms. T\110 :ichool6 are on complete dou· bit sessions and s e v e r 11 I otht r.s ha ve or a re r.on. templ1ting putting their first a nd second graders on ll'l'i n 'tssions thi!> year. The problem has not. been with the vo ters. In an eril when school bonds are difficult lo pass because of the re· quired two-thirds majority, San Joaquin has never losl a bnild election. This year vnters approvtd a $15 million bond election designed tn help meet needs for the next four or live )'tars. But the slate only allows the district to sell honds e<iualling five percent of its assessed v•luation. The rest of the money is provided ),y st.ale loans and though San .Joaquin has Hille trouble qual ifyi ng for 11 loan ""the basis of population. this year priorities were oft.en g iven to dislricts suffering earthquake damage. Sa n Joaquin's t r nub I e started with the state two y~irs agn when the bond market· chAn~ed and pu»l ic agencie~ were only legally ablt to sell bonds al five · per· ctnt interf'st. By the time the state pass~ legisle.Uon allow. ing a seven percent interest rite, ii had run out of Funds. There is another delay at the state ltvel now. State loins for ~ water project are ~ing given fi r~\ priority and Approved school projects arc .ag11ln being delayed . This means the next two elemen· tary school s -one in Lake Forest and 11nother in Mission Vj e\o -may not open until 197.1. The problem is rninpnunrled bv the need for ;inn1hrr slat.e· ~idt bond election, this onr for $300 million. next June If it fails, San Joaquin will be 1tuck. ln the meantime. district of- ficials are loo king for solutions closer to home. some starkly controversi <1i. Dave King. ~;in Jo;iqu\n's facil ities planning dirt ctnr, belitves there must be more cooperation between county pl1nning l'l nd !chools. ''Planners, historically. h;iv<' Ignored schools," said King. "Tl's been too easy to look at growth problems and say 'its the di.ttricf1 probltm.'" •'J'm not saying there should be a moratorium on con· strucUon until !ht school crisis ia IOlvtd, but more conpera· tlon between the developer and the school." King said It is time to look for innovations. He ~ a id dt v tloper s h l'l v e a re1p o n1 lbi l i t y not In mi1rtpresent the date a school lilt Is to be built upon. lie suuested that p e r h a p ,, developers should be required lG donate: !Choo! sitt' or )>erhap1 the cost of a neighborhood school should bt divided and included in the prk:t or the houses it will 1erve: i "It might come down lo • th.11: how well can a prOOuct bt m~rketed If 11ehools 11re on double se~ions," he s1ld. Providing rac.ililie.s althouah an important pro- blem -isn't lhe only one the dlltrlct his. 5p11red ol some; urban crlta \!kt dtsegrega· tlon and e1rthquake rehabilitation, the d I s t r 1 c I neverthelw has lt.!i share of 1t1ndard problrm~. ' · 0 n I y nur1 •re mJ1gnifled." ~aid I !uptrlntendenl Ralph Gales. I t HUNDRIDS OF ITEMS ON SALE, PICK UP YOUR FRIE •AL• 800KLIT AT YOUR 8.1. STORE ONE GALLON METAL FLAKE CAPISTRANO PLANTS CRASH HELMET GAS LOG SET PHILODENDRON SILLOUM1 FOR HOMll, CABINS, CLUBS, BEACH NOMI Glossy green, deeply lobed Z•90 APPROVED Appears to be noturof wood . Complete w ith flame pan. F!ome erup!s e nchonlin g!y over leaves. Sun or port shade . ILACK PINI: The most artistic s hape d pine . MONTERIY PINE: Con b e trimmed to ony desired shape . (j5\'41fl YOUR CHOICE ' RYIGRASS 10·POUNDI 7 Rye : Grass ' Beautiful fo ll a nd w inter gross. Plant now to hove o beautiful plush green lawn all w inte r long. Turn t hat d e vil gross la wn into o green carpet. PILLOW FOAM FORMS 1 2''x 1 2''x2'' SGUARl-12''x 2'' ROUND ~." Ro und or square, your ''1:.. choice of 12"x2" 1h1c k for in door or outdoor use. DOUGLAS FIR TUSTIN ORAN• 2":a4"xl' Economy grade to use for fe ncing or make some structures. 1212 IJltVI Nl ILVO. 13'3!. tc ... nLLA Avt. WllTIUlllTIR LA HA•RA Reinforced she!l contour fitted, foam podded interior hos me tal snaps for face shie ld. Your c hoice of colors. Sizes S, M, l , XL 12·· PAINT ROLLER AND TRAY SET Zoom tliroug'1 yo ur pointing job1 w ith this 9" roller and troy. So q uick and you g et a more uniform point job on walls and ceili ngs, loo. Set is comple te with 9" me tal troy, 9" fram e and ·and 9" cover. 67' PLASTIC TRASH CAN LINERS 4 handy sizes to help, w i1h your frosh c le an· ups. Choose from 18 per package of 20 gallon -12 per package of 33 ga llon -per package of 55 gallon or 30 per package of l 0 gallon s ize. YOUR CllOICI RllLONI "THI OIL ALLOY" QUARTSIZI Oil additive. Free sticky valves. Quiets noisy e ngint l. l!·\]j!t·'' .... entire surface for o dromolic effect. Beautiful '(~and yet so practic al. ~~ ( ' ~.a;.s:J "'----... 2499 STACKING CUBIS 1 S''x.1S''x15'' Easy 10 a ssemble and ready to finish. SLIDING DOOR WALL CABINIT 24 ''x12"x1 4" Easy to assemble and ready to point or stain. YOUR CHOICE 249 STAPLE GUN • Ellclu sive power dot for e xtra penetration • Rugged ol!·sleel construction • 2 staple sizes 1/4 and 5/16 size!'-..,--:-;::-\ FREE 69c IOll Of lOOOSTA,LH .. 399 TOILITIEAT WHITI INAMIL Sturdily constructed for years of use. WH ITE ONLY. 3.69YALUE 1.99 IA. 1751 WESTMI NSTlft AVE. •UlllA PARK VALLEYVIEW ST. IL TORO 24312 AOCK~IELD 2221 w. t.• HAI ft A 9l VD. JULURTOll . ...... CHAPMAN AVE . COITA MllA 2lt (,17th IT. • BAICIJltSFIELD • CHA~TH • COVI NA • ESCONDIDO,• GOL ETA •. G"ANADA HILLS •LA CPllSCENTA e LA DE"A HllGHTI • LANCAITl " • I .LOS ANGlLll • "l•DA • fUYEASt Ot •SAN I EANAltDINO • SAUGUS • $1MI • IPfU NG VALLEY e TA"ZANA e THOUSAND OAKS • Ul'L.AND •VAN NUYS •VICTORVI LLE • HACllNDA HllQHTS - \ \ Mexican Official Cites Drug Fight /u\'AH~~l~l -~le.o;1t'Q al so has a drug rroblcrn-cau sed b} the 1nnuente or the t '1u\Pd State.s . deputy ~IPx1c·an Attorney t;enPral. Ua' 1d ~ rancil Rodnguei. i.a1d 'l'ursda.1'. Fr·anco :.pohr un 1\lel1l·o·s fight against rt rug traf11t io a session of the Con- ll'renl'f.' of the International Associat10n ,..f Chiefs of Polit e ~r\\·smen were bar- n:d [roni !ht> ~e.1;.s1on he addrt>ssed. but he r;;lked to repo.1ers beforeh;JJc! \1ellCO has t"'O problems in the fle!d or ill1t·1t drURS becausl' qJ ttu• prox1m1ty of !he L:.S. franco said. -On.IJ!S manufactured in the l! S :ir,. 'muggled intu !\lex1l"O b~ "'a) of sur h border I0\\'11" as Tijuana -Large number~ or Ameritan .\'Outh.~ J!fl to :-.1exico to seek marijuana and other Orugs and influenet: young 1\!exicans. in- •'rtas1ng the drug problem \\'Jlh ,\lexico·s O\I n youths.' Franco said J'llexit'fl particu!arlv had a problem v.•ith American manufactured h<1rb ituates entering !he country. some of 11 llich eventually \\'ere smuggled back in- !n the U.S .. he said. from tht t.: S ltln::.t1tutt ··a vrry :str1ou! problem.·· He said '"J:rcal quantilies" or drugs produced in lht U.S .. Etlropr and South Americ~ h:I\ e been .:!c1Zed rt·rcnlly 111 .\1c:.:ieo . The anti-drug l·ampaign 1n \IC'.\ll'O (·ontinues in full forct-. ~ said, ba('ke<l bv President Ltn s Echeverria Ah·are1 .. and i\le~ican fort es ha\·e deslroyc<I hun· dred.s or tons or marijuana. cocaint , heroin . barbituates and other drugs lhi.s \tar. ~1exico is working through lhe United Nations to squeeze off the in· tcmational flow o/ narcolit·s. he said. Zoni110 tl Will Be Notices • Red 111 Huntington Beach reside nts affe<:ted by proposed zone change~ can 10011 expect a red letter day. Badha1n Loses A lirtwn y Biel 111 OC Court .SA\'TA A!'\A-An Ur:.ingt Count y ~uper · inr Court judge he.$ rt>fus<.'1'.f to find Asse n1- blvman Robert Badba1n in contempt for \'10latlng a child support and alimony or- der but agreed 1~·ith his ClC-v.•ife's law'yer Jhat lhe leg1slalor had violated lhe terms of the d1voree eontract .Judge honald .'\bcrn11thy 11 e 111 r d l3adh:in1·., request that he be allowed 111 pa.v $150 a month in i:h1ld supporl l11rc<·1 ly to hi~ daughter. Sha ron. 18. Badharn cur- rently pays a total of !450 a n1onth to t'olr s, Ann Badhan1 for hi.<t lhree children and !~50 a month in aliniony. .Jud ge Abernathy ruled that the $900 1\·ill ren1ain in effect and ordered the 11.'gis!ator to make all ehild support paymenls to Mrs Badham and to pa y her auorney·s fees She will supervise pa}. n11.'1ll or expenses for Sharon al thf' Ml ni\·ers1ty of Californi a. Da vi~ .. Judg" Abernathy ~aid The l.'-Ouple's nine·year r11arnage wa~ 11issolved a year ago. The Ne"'J>Orl Beach Republican has since remarried <.:harity Jicad Na n1c1 l ll' all.:s 011t • Ftillerton Man Appointed To Fair Board A Fullerton ~ bank executive has bttn appoi11tcd to the Orange Count y t".:u r Boord or Direttors to replace Timothy Strader uf Newport Bet1ch. (:overoor Ronald Reagan annount·l'd the appo1ntrncnt of Kenneth E. Johnso11, a,;s is tant vice pre sident of the Benk ot A1ncric<i in f'ullertoii. this week. Stradl'r e Newport Beach atturncv, resigned two week!\' ago because of ex pandcd obl1ga11ons 111 his law practice. }fis IC'rrn on lhe fair board was due to c,;- plre in .January. J ohnson has bcC'11 pnn11 1nanl in livestock judging l'Jrclcs in Southern t:alirorn1a He also received thrrl' n1ernoriuu s ~er\'lt:c av.'ard.~ from 4-H l'lUb;,. 1·v.·o .,ther lair d1re<:tors arr servin i: lame duck 1crms. The terms of Cecil J, Hicks of Santa Ana and Ernie Chapman of F"ul lezton both expired last January. Franco did not mention other drugs. but .~!exican officials have complained ln thl' past that LSD lL<>ed in 1\lexico comes 1nos tly from the U.S .. and that some co- (·a1ne. smuggling rou\e.'f lrom South America run 'through southern U.S. lilies. He said barbituatcs entering r.1exico The Huntington Beach C1ly Coo11c1I ha5 decided to change the color or its pos t- eard notifications from wh ite to red. The experiment for zone changes on the council level was ordered on thr J?rounds that a red card \\'Ould attratt more attention. ORANGE -Eugene I". 'l\Jlt of Tustin has been elected pres1den l of the bo;_ird of directors of the Easler !:iea l Society for Crippled Children and Adults of Or;_i11 ge Coont v. He -replaces Joh n ll . t'o·la\\·/11uncy of Fullerton. who served as society president for two tenns. Hep. J ohn c;. Schmitz IR-·rustln) talks to ne1vsn1c n after \valking out of nc11•s tonfe1·cnce called by 2 1 senators \vho urged "a t:on1plete !·ca~scss1nent of lJ.S. s upµurt of the United Nations if the l~cpuhlh· of l 'h1na 1s L'.'ipclJed . Sthrnilz told 11c\11s1ncn upon leaving the n1cct- 1ng 'l"iiesday. •·This is too 1vcak a position for n1e." Schmitz is a mc111 - IJcr nf !hr John Birrh Society. 'fhl' (:ovcrnor's office has 110L ;in- noun ced the reappointrnent of either man ;ind no rcplact'mcnl has bee11 nan1ed. A fourth rnen1bcr ur thr nine -man hoard . Toni Rogers of San Juan Capistraou. told on l' newspaper he p1an! lo resign \';hen a suitable replacement it found . lie is chairm;:in uf the Orange County !{epublican Ce ntral Comm ittee. ~r.., .............. u·..,.-,...._..,"'"""-"""" .................... ,,,""""-... -............. _, .. ..,,.,, .......... ~, ,f ii ~ For ' the Dissol1itio11s Of Mar1·iafJC '"''"" ~ •• i.m b•• 11 ~•9'!1, Dell8 P •nd Fr•n• \ Allen, C~l•I•• R •<Id ~n1• If, l'/1!1, M•rv ~ 1n11 G•o''' 1 0•1nll\. Fr1nl< J<Hepn •"d F••1.8b•"' l•'· 1 erl>un1, Ge<lrQt •i•l•O" Ano "''"'' I Stuff. Lorr1lnt Mor1v1<ellr. •n<I t o•· roll Elow..rm. Mor..,o. M.rl!vn s. 111<1 Ruaolon v M1<l1011I01>, ll1rb1ro L. i nd C~ri~I PH r...,,, Willl1m lllY I M 0 1Ar1A Ir•!" G1te1" Joi..hn• Kllnt r•n• 1na lloul J1mt1. 1omll....,n. Morltn• H. •n<I ,l111n /',, <,fobt>1r<11, Gtoroc W. 1nd Vtfoonlo Let V1r><" Ol1nt •n<I lomm• GolSOf>. l'l:obttta •<Id f_dwora "'· I •Ou<<I, l ull Mir •nd Som. (zl~1t11, Se1!y Jo 111<1 J""n "''"'~' Y~l••<IUU. G~o•o• El1d•O 1no Ii .... Eunl(I. IJ'.0<01n. Grr1 lo•n• fore• ancr l!u1,.•I MOU •A1•Y<•!I, Del""' J •flG Pau• I ~lll>lrl, Dean• Ann """ G1<v f \(nu111 ..... ,,!!Cl Chl •l•a. Ind IO•••·"· JOl'CI . ~ruer, ROl>"1 an<I John H. Ill '"'"'"· l!v.ivn Gr•<• an<I Go01111 '"'""'" Coutrhc,_r. Ann and Howard C (•1tro, llr•nd• •uc ona J""• Jesu• l a (uy'°', Nannett1 J. and Mi<h••I ,. l u<-~. J 1tutynn "'11-fh• 1roa Don L• Roy. l alro. C1ral Ann 1no R.cn1ro ''""' McCov, S!•T~n1 f; ""° John M W1001'•'· c;o..,1 R11 1nd Jimmv I " Mll!pr, Su1an J<I a <ld Rol>Pfl BMHP' F1trl1, (.,1rl11 W a roa VTreinlo l:ol•broo~. Norrno l•o ,no Mv•r• M 1n t>ot!' l--larrcwby, llnoo G •M l"om•· If Oole n, Ju•nilo Mi i and F1•n• If l'h1• S10,.n>b1t 11 lfo!ltr. Oli.,11 N. u1<1 Jomu If Rob•rTM>n, M 1r!eon M•"• •nd w.11''"' ""'"· M1urov. Ra•• Morv an<I OrnnlO { L 1 M1n!lo, Co!hv E on<! VH><<nl 1' Mvora. N ary i:lu•l>l!h. ollO Lau» Fron~lln {o<oman. Sula•> E•tanort ana. Ron1ld ArThur. ' MAC DONALO J'°"" F MI CDc!t>l lO R"•O<nt a t F!a .. ao 0 111 ot <1e~1n. sooiombt• i' l•I• S•t••<•• ocnd•na •I MtCo•m•<• LIOU"• l••cn M0<t11l rY P'A TTlJUON •~Ad'"' IP•t\ P•"•"o" Ao• '' •ll'n llo"t "llC<. CO>ll Ml'<• O••• <1! a•o·~. \Pf111m~r 7~. 1'11 Sur"i"eo t» Y< "· 1 ..... lht1t , ...... O•v•a , OI (i>SI• M• •. H••c\a. Ca•or1ao, Ro<hud. So • II\, '""'V· INtn <lt\KIM••1. D••n• 1 ....... OG11n1 ond t inoo P .n .. ion-011 c• Cc"• M •u : M t1 llonn•• 1.•1ut" Ucl1no ,.,.,_ r-la<•I llfl"~~' Rov•,.,df , '·'" ~h·•"• P•ul1••, (olo••Oo, Mrl Wiiy II•" •• • ••••·• bro1hor Poland P•!t•""" • '"0'1• n <l'•!IO(lu'M"n p -, A,__ l• ~·· S•o•tmt>t• JO, I PM ntll 11 ...... ~ "' ("•""' ll•au"m Mo, • """~' 0!101>-. ' • ~. ~I Joo•~'"" ( 1lhOI • ( Oo> • '~''"'"no, r.ooo ~h•ot,.rM '"''"'''• ~·'l ~•c•ow1• """''"~'lio~·;~•'•'' "~' 11 S••o!/ ·•11• ~'"'"" •••no1 O••• n• g•a•n )tn'"'"~" {I IO/I Sv,.•v•O h• '·"•· Al.Cr l Sl<OI> ; .. vu•• o•n~l~o OI t' • 1<l1tr C~•o•I t.\w\11"•· ~•6 •II•. l "I ULIN O.:o,mt n !n,.•1n n1 F Av•n1a• Mlo0'" I """"" "'" Oo•• o• <!•~on ~•nl••.,b•• ,.. !911 ~"•"~' n•nd1"9 " P•r'"• Y•- r•or!uo•• V'/HIT l Y/ ~ •I"•!!•" II<"" IC• W .'/,.,on " <;0·11 I;~ • !,.,. nl "'"'~ "•o••,,.D•• Jj 1•11 ~w•v,.,~ h' _.,,. •. 8""''· •we ·.~n· "'"'"' IY .. n! "•·••·n~•on ~·•~ft' On•· f W"•tt , S•n "'"'"' "''"' a•un~'"''· M" 1-••lf MA• ~·~O•!f <,~" ~""•t~-M-"'•' P.t1omi M•"" Sta,,t . M•l(onlev.,111. M·• t;•n••• !-<<>•" "~ ~•n ~''""d'""· I/ "''nat~•!d••• 11 ••••!""•'""""'''"' \"~'<''' J'r1<11v. l PM. P•{•f•t v,~,. r ••• 011 !nl••m•r1 """''' ....... """''" 11 l>o•• Pat•IH V"w M"'IUO!V, 0 •«!O<' ARBUCK LE & SON WESTCLIFf ~TORTUARV 4!7 E. 17th SI .. fosla f\lrs1 115--4831 • HALT?. 1\IORTUAllll'~S Corona de1 !\lar OR 3-!ft•Mi t:os\11 l\lt'.SI \11 6·?.4?4 • 8Elt RROAO\'S'."" 1'10RTUAR\' 110 Broadway. Cosla 1\1t~• LI l-:'\43:; • l\lcCOR!\llCK l.AGIJt'\A BEACH 1\10RTUARY 1795 Laguna Canyon R.d. fM-!415 • PACIFIC VIEW ~l.E!\IORIAL l'ARI\ Ceme&.t:ry !\lorluar\' O:aptl Ult P1telflc View DriY" Newpert Bcaclli. California IU-%7M • PEEK: FAMILY COLOllllAL t'UNERAL HOME 'mt IWM A•~ Weatmlutw IN4m • S/\1ITHS' MORTUARl' G1 11111:1 SI. Huntl•lio• lk:ach '3Ml3t Record f • Mi i..,!, 6r1e<1 N''"" •nO llonald ll•rt, L•w•ontr . C"••Y! """ Willlom VI. tJwnte, Patrlco• 1na Ji m•• Eldon (.,., ~lava Weldon 1na ~nrrvl M1r.e Lwn•i>errv. l'ilM $1,,tml>lr JI I • Grand. Marlor;e E11ln1 •nO A.aroan Jome! '~uu, RoWrl (harl•I, EUnor flllf'f. Fo•, Su•1n C. ono Frodor;c~ M, Et~«. G11nn E. 1n<1 Anqo L. P1<1i111, llH1y J •no Edword, MC(••••· J•c~ Wad• 011<1 E••ln• Jo• (cpel1oa, cn1•lo!!1 1na .llberl Lako. llel!, E<1w1<d Stott 1nO Ju1nif1. ~n•nur, Ulri~• (,_ and lillcn1rd C Moornou••, Voncet1! G. and Fron<•• I Owen•. Doron1 Mae •n<I ll«nomin Franl<lin, W1i11roa. Anore,o1 J. Ind l(lron II . Hunlcr. J1m•• J. 1na W1nt1~ F. eroc110, Lind• M •n<I Ron&IO Joieo" Y1n Thlilo, G••<• •nd Guido E R1ttot10, Mot g•••I M. •"" ll•""'' J. PIS10 LUTION 01' M"'.1111 1 ... IO I: I'll•~ S1olemb•• ll 1!•11••. F rea1rlt~ M:cn1ol •na ll•v•"• J~V. ~mitn, Ric"1rd Euo1 no. •n<l ,.;,,. t ub•N;o. s n1ron E """ 11•11 M B•~ull•u. Lind• ~n<l llon,•IO J. vcegu,, \uu n J. 1na M•Cn•91 ~ 1JocnY1t11. 1(11nv .l '"" John ( fie<~. ~lo•en<:• e . ona Emmel! c:, Eurnl1r, Mlrolvnn W. 1n<1 Werr•n Ii 1'rn,.lfonr. IC.•ln•vn '"" Rot>..,J A•nold F•tootte, Ponald IL a n<I (lero J, "''" Lin<11 l ~ 1nd H•nt• .Voll, Lin<!~ J 1M Gerrv F. >iatlwcll. R•olyn Ind M:(l\A•I Dr~•\ Swltiom, ll••n<F• •nd lltrtv Mollm1n, Oattrll 0 . and l(o• J l!Art1m10, Evolyn "· 1M ~w•v 1' Gonuem1n, Htlen Oar •, 1nd 8"""'d PM<f fin>. I(•• M ana L"'o• Fll1a S11tembu u \(11m.a1, Pennv Lorri •"• 1na ''"' (I••• 0 1il••· M•l•nl.t Jo •no l lmolr•• Porvl ~•Mtleion, Mari!'l11 •nd R•H l.. ll•nnell, Mory Ann, a na J&m., Huold "'"''· EOll~ G. •nd Jerr• J, Non«, J•m•' ltvrnu 1nD C.•rOI JovL• C.1r1crd, Pnoho G. ond Ocnno L. lonn><in, Eli>•t><th M •nO W•ll•<• 1' f 1vro. 'lon1ld {;, ond P oul• Suo l"l1r« lu1>a•1 L . 1nd Eom~nd e S•rOo~i1, Jal\" II, t nd Joi n I( M1¥, H~l!n •M 01v'd 1i .. on, Ron11a L_ •nD Jo 0011 /}. O·•l>lot. Vflolnt• J ono D•"",.. Yo•o!lf An••• ( """ Jouon • M"t"''"• P•u~• Ad••• 1na "n•nen, 1'bt1"""''""· L•""" c..v, ona o .. ,d Atnllot 11.orgil/I, ""'o'd Orn~!f. ana J•"""•r J~ ... Mot•on "A'"(•I l •nn Tnan .. , /,' l<Otfman. ll1t11tf1 "'""• •nD ... !D"I Torry ~~·•· Mat!~• E ~·o \•mu•I < "''o•o, Po"v O.••• ana Jonn I• .. ,. Bi1•tfts ~••lfmC•r • /.' ••·d ,,.,, \',<r-1<"""' ••on)I•> ''""'" " '•~ 11'-orl•to• Ool ~. ~"'' ' 1 .. n.,>lt, ~O• Soolfmbtf II !., •nd ll•• """"'" Je••m• F10,010•• •?ll• (•"• e'"""•"•<)Cl, "'" (""""'"· '"' t. • ono ''"' '<•,.,,f!!• 111, Niol11n. l?I Sf(tl, Aot II ' S•n (l•m·~··· l>OY M• """ I~" J o"'"' Rollin Sml1n. \\t '""n•O• Dom•nou"'· ~In C•••,.•nlo. '" M• ond Mrs 'laymona H1cm1' Hull rn•n, 11? MA ••oo.1. St " Clr monl• ~· .,,d M•• (,..,,., At'~"' l•n••n l•l •v·~,,. 11•1 o.., .. n,, S•» t••m•n!• "''' S1•t-~ot n I'• •~a .,.., l1>om•' i=.iot"• L•ll""n 1'4 l-•u'"l o,;.,. ! • • • '"' o • • {•l•lO•<>•o, 01'1 "'' '"O ~·,. J!Ol;l•t! I •• ~·ool•ln.., II< '.'.' l'allt•~~ f , Son (ltnlfn:o. o-'i M• •na M•I. ll:•r1>1rd P~1lo1 0 11 .. 1, 1611\ AlllO<>(O< Av• f t1 ''" l><oV N .. •nd Mt\ w.11.~"' E8tl 1(•!1••. "" Y•(!artl A<>I ", ~ to (l•m•nte, bo~ S•olfm l>I<' ll M• H'(i "'" J•rrY R Schul" II "'" '••9UO'O Ot<vr, Mi•u•n V11•0. ""· 1''r 1na //.,. (h!!o•4 l'lorr•n ~un- thord, 1~6 H••" D""'· L•tu~• IP•<"· "" M• •rid 11" t'••• ~., ~"'" Tfo~~ v :"• ~111 • Onv•. t""""' N•1ur1, '" ' Coast l\1an Senten ced In Assa uJt SANTA Af>.'A -A l\'ewport Reach man v.·ho put three bullets into hi.!l 11 r I e g e d burglary victi m ha.~ ~en :;enlenccd lu 90 day!'i in {)range County JniL Orange Count y Supe rior Court Judgt Byron t\ • Mcr.l illan ordtrcd the jail term for Mector Telles Luian. 26, or 2110 \V. 16th St , with Lujan'.~ plea or guilt y to <1ssaul! t:harges. Lujan w~s placed on probal ion 11w lhree yl'ar.~ Lu jan wo:s arrested last Aug. 7 b.v sheriff's oHicers n·ho said the defendanL shor Lio.yd Earl 1\forri.!l of Orange rhree !izne.!l in the chest v.•hen i'vlorris caughl Lujan In the acl nf burglarrzing his homr. i\1orns wa ~ ru shed to ()range I ·aunty 1\-ledical Center ;ind re- rnained on !he critical list fnr son1e d11ys. Hospital offici<1l s say he is 11ow recovering lron1 hi~ wounds. Co untian '. 'I' '-'ets . ern1 SANTA Ai'\/'t -,11,, Costa t'o·le san \\'ho acln11 Ued he 1\'a~ responsible for a ~pectacular 1·ar crash \.\"hich claimed the life of anoth('r rnotorii;t has heen sentenced to on e year in <)range Coun!y J ail. Shipya!'d v.·0rkcr 1'11ehac·I Eu~rne Roston. 2~ nf 7117 \V \\'1l son SI . drf'w !h;il 1r rn1 fro1n Orange (;oun!v S11perH1f l'ou r! J11d~P B.1Tu11 I.:: 1'1ti\1illan af1er pleading guilt} 10 1nansla11gh1cr cha rge~. Costa 1\1esa police said Bo~ton was the driver nf a ca r "'hich we nt 011l or <·on1 rol at high speed tast Ju!v 2.1 ne<1r the intersection or 19\h Strrel :ind P\acen!ia AvenllP. or. ricer~ said !hr Boston auto leaped the divider atWas ac- luallv ;:iirborne 11·hrn~ ~truck ;i car drivr n hy Ernes! \Vil1ia1n Pearson. !"l'l. or SMnla Ana . Pear.!lon died thar ni,::ht. I ·Har\·<11·11' ll catl , ANAHEIJ\1 -Bill Daly of Anaheim is president of the Harva rd Cl ub of Orange Coun- lv. For information about the ,:Jub, t•all D;il:--. 63f>-616fi. I See Dy loday's Want Ads e V<JU CA°!'J II A \' t: l)()UBLt: 1"1lt: ~·uN \\"uh 1hl~ Sch1111111 1t1nd1•n1 ~' spPrd bikr. 1 1 ·~ in good c,vndluon. 111111 11 will ~'< .1011 ho1h 111 r.uod ~nncll- 111)11 i•IO: ! • r;.;~nlJT,\l~L~: URIE;.;'- TAL: /I. \101111,1"11 • !'t·Kor loOO DTl.-SLU ;~··n1m 1•11n1- r r11 h h"~ 1Jt 11'1"" It •'!'lffi<'.• 111111 rflr f't'!lf', 11 11<1 lhr 011 nf'r •1oulrl l1liP c11sh .,,. 11 rr;irt~ 101 1111 •11tmno- h 1lr , • l•t.ACE ''OUR B ~~rs ON 'Ill/~ 'Oiomui;;hbn-d 4 )'f""'"r (irld1ns:. by Poo1111 rriw nut ol Di~M by l)rtf'r- 1n10.. 1,,11t I.• 11n e.1u-rl!Pnt 11/11111· ho1•,,. or l'llt'lni;:: f!IY'l.•- Jl~(·I. fl11<'<' f<lr ,1011r 11rl.~ i11 tod1t,\ !t p1t(lf'I''' ' DuPONT NYLON PLUSH 100", '"""""". "''"""' "''"' "'"'" M;unt.iin~ lre1;n !.')QI Y<J!ll hU!f' Pf\orl. fll r!nn 1ilfn\ .i1P :1'111 ~n ~d ll1nit ""'"'""~· C~if!l\ "d\111 ~l.111r 111y•·I ~ l.oior ·, ,1~.i11,1b!c.. 95 Sq. Yd. DuPONT 501 nxTURED NYLON All n'ti(ln L+r~ r.indnm !rdlll'Pd h1 In )()fin rj1111hlr. 111!<' M r Jint: R~<>o;t•, htlltlt.(! an~ fllll !f'Jl. I A~Y lo 11'.;11n1.i1n M,;ny ~"1Af1 rol111 < 88 TONE-ON-TONE TEXTURED NYLON C011t111uou~ fil11rnent ovl(ln ~ilr. i...wpel 141 1 riP"11. nrh, ho lo IP~1u1,.d. loPe on tonQ :.ii r~rn RP~1\fdnl 10 ~0111~ .1~d ~liJ1n'. 0~111• ill' D.'!C ~lfll: M,my lovr.iy 1.ol~'>. $ 95 Sq . Yd. SHO .. AT HOME SERVICE tf 'ffl" <001'1 co•n f' i11, f>o 1t r>!>QO\r n rxi OU' '"'fl'l"-"IOl!W. w oll ,,-,rl """h Cl l •d l ~t'.>rnp l ,. 1rlt cl •On No obl19ut1on. T~~~y 546-8548 ;f PJ LOT-AOVE ll:TJ5E.R s DAJL V PILOT s Vital Statisti~s for the Orange Coast Area Marriage Licen1es Ll(IH,lt UtUI D IN OllANOI COUNTY ,.,.,, u 01n11urv c .. ci .. M_,M_ lt•dr, ,.,, Mr """ Mr1. Bl rfV 0 11111, l d.lJ ttlfflertot (lt<i., $e n!I, OD• M•. "'" Mfl We11.,·· ll Sr•w•"• l\t U ~1...-..,ce !.o<i!h Letun1 1111<~. ,,,1 M• •nd Mro w 1i.v J. 1(1mpt.,.., Ht ~·· l~tt ... 1..,,. ,.,.,. MON , bo, M• """' Mro, "'"'! ll !lernum, 29111 ( ...... H•wPO•I lt•c~. Oii• M• •"" M ... Mtreld !'eunu, llUI rt.,,lt..,I $1 , Wt1!m.n1t•r, oov Mr, tnd M<I. Mldotol •. ++tfrltnWI Y, liDM 1Ymllll l'llt t . Ct1l1 -' t ltl Mr. I NI M'I. l1rr~ GMM!o. 1Ull Clf•YI-. G1rdtn G•ovt, 11•1 M•. t n!I Mrt. 'o\l\llle"' A••••• f'l!.S l l l !1nco. Founto)n Vt l!••· "'" 1•1fmtt< II. 1'n M< tnd M'I. ltoffr l'0<tf•!•1lcl. t)• J~nn, (Nit Me••· bo• M• 1...t M'I Eewln lrew ... 11 ... ltn· 11 i::nw . 11'11•"'1tln Vell11. blty Mt. •!WI Al'I. L ..... 1rd HorMn!IU , t lJ Morltlweo .. •n. Se nti "'"'· 1111 Mr en!! Mr" n.omo• OUJ&rn. tt~ E1.r 70!1' JI .• CDllt ..,...,,, twln -· Mr •""' M11, II-rt M iiiot, Jt, "' f.tll Jiii IT., .Atl, 0. Coote Mtw. "" M• ... Mrt. J•mK IO•wt.,,,, 1?02 P•l'Mfl Pl•<•, Cool• MM1, '"' Mr, .-WI Mro. OoneO:I lltllt•, J!I N1>11vltlo Slrffl, Aol. No 0. >iun• 11 ...... h•do. ,,.,. Mt, end Mn Lt•tV S"'lth, 1'1 WHI Wll1011, Aat I , Cotti ~' "°" Stf!ft•llff 11, ltl'I Mr. er.cl M'1 ll •t1111d W-, 111' 5t llnH Avtnuo. Coot• M•••· loO'f ,_ •. , efl<I Mto Vlnt"'I l,,_eo. 110!) Lowoll (l<el•, "l~n!lnll.., ltl<~. be• Mr •nd Mr1 ll lC•erd C1r!t.0n. tot w~" Suntl-ot. No , (, Sen1 0 A,,., ... , M• 11'<! Mrl Cot l C1b1nlu , «1:1 Arood""••· Ce1•• Mtt•. t lfl 1,1,, •nd M'1. ;,..,... l(lfll, )fr!J l 1t1nc!tro. Miu lon Vlolt, tlrl M•. 1..i """ •1-'" "°"'" nn !tot-I. H111111,.....,, l1ea , t l<I Mr, t nd M" (hetltl Lt r.on, ~I WMlll ("<11, M .... 11 ... t"" llte<ll lltl~ fl<<. or.cl Mro. J()lln A•,_, 11•1 l 111 fr•"ltn, Oronfr, 001 t .. t_ .. , 1', 101 Ml -Mtl All11ff MtC~llll"'""· 1Jll W. 5unflow.,, !onto Ant , 11•1 Mr •n(I Mro Jfl"n 0 ·00111, l 116 '""'Df i-11c1. C1111t Mt10, - M,. I nd Mn. ll1l•tl l~tt•!t. 10012 Hun.., Lent. Mu"'l,,.1"" It•(~. •'" Mr 1...t Mro, l lH Ct <•ltt. $1112 Comllto !.! . A ..... '· 51nt1 ...,,,, -Mr end M" .._.,., ...,.., f)IJ Vit ti 11uorrt. Howoo.I l•1C11, •l•I M• """ Mro. 1.-•ll 11 ..... io •• Ul n •• $1rl •I (ll"A Mtll. OD• M• •"" M.,_ 0Anl•I 11111, Hiii Wfll •••n Len1. ,,,.,. A~•. tiev t•l""'M' It , ltrt ,.,., •""' "'"· lt&effl s ... , ...... :itl t• -,......,,.,, l 1M, (ou:>ne dol Mir, W Mr •!WI M•1.. Joto~ ar.,.. ... '11 A<-MI• •••"v• C0ton1 dtl Mor. f ir! Mt 1NI Mfl, Mkft••l S.,.1111, )II Ollt ,,..,,, (Mii MfU, - Mr """ "'" Stool>en S•-· tint S•~•"' O"v•• A•• II , 4••~" ~t ill M r e...t Mn lM.....,., l(~wol1, Diii l lotr1 Vlf!I• llood, !•~'""• bev Mr •nll Mr, l!tvo Cuell. 971J ..,,..,.., "~• , Hunll""°" l1e<1>. '°'I" (MllllllAH·!>ELONEK lto"tl!I (",. )/, •f 1000 W•OI M<OC ... •llltJf, S••l•,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;o,n• t lld two.I, U, OI II" Mun1!t r, Hunrlnt ll!n llt•<h. TOL;o.11.ft&OOl"IG llt !>htn L. I'll, OI Hol'i 1(11011• A••. ~l•nlon ""d M •r•l ll J • JG.ol 10110 Wo11on, !to" ... WET HEllLEY·Of.ltl!WITH --ltOCtfl ( . 1'. ol 1111 Wvom•no. Wu!mln>I•• i nd Sh•• I•• I., , 11, or I IS11 P11r<1v 5trN !, G~r!len G•o•t OEC l(llt·lNGLE~ l "tO!IOfl , II, of 11Jn £1 Oo-1<10, ~~~I B<l<h 1nd G~M•le•e. ... DI llSIO Mtdln1c L•n• $01! lltf <h LALLY SCi.iMIOT -n ... ,.1 It . 11 o• 1)171 l.t V1c1. 'E l l 0<0 1nd Ott>oy L . 11. ol El To•o WE!IElt MllllltlS M•<"~•• J 7• 01 tOJO ..,...cA•1n11r Alvd . S1nl1 Ano 1nd lf nnl!t• ;o., 70. ol 716 J•.,non• Avo Coron• d'I Mor 1(1..,G·WOOO J •rn•~ fl . 11 <>I 111U ~8nlt L11cl1, Foun!lon V811•• 1no ic.4rt n I., 19, or lilt hll«• ;o,ntMI'" Fl!EEMAN F•ll OU>~~lt -f~"'•'O M 71, of 1117 Ctt •<tnt ;o.vo , Alt•nlt I nd cnd1Une e , 1•. o• 110• Coro! Pl•<•, Nowoor1 llfe<n Wl"LCl-4·11AH(",l L, J.,..,n G . }.l, ol 16•1 0·r 1••1 21,.,or•. "un!lna!nn B••~h ond Dor" J JI. <>! Hvn!•.,atoo ..... ( ... t HOM;o.Sf,01>1 S!E£L Dt ••d II. 11. of 11• lull• Lone, (OU• M••• ond Lon· Ill J .. "· of 111 "lb.rt Pl•«· Coi l• Meo•. D"lE -~JllSl·!"M Jom•i M . 11 at ~~•o 'tlr ,1"';,,P ~,(•1~f 0~~~~;·~o"•'d" (n\IO Me-• MU,,.MY·FltV-Pou! V, ?!. al 1Cl<1 Sen Leon Circle. Buen• Pork •nd Govle G . 7C, ol 71'11 1'11•0 El Con• cl'IO, Son Ju•n (~oh"""" GEMll>IEllT HALL Rob•" E . l!. ol 171lD Son M••eo. ro,.~!•ln V•ll•• ond Trudv G .• II, ol Eul Sen Juan, Snn C11m•n11 (",11/\NDV·RAl LAfr -ltO••I l'J , 11, al S70Cl M•ll Ave .. Huni.no!on ll••o~ 1-~e1dh"i11~~tt~~.nf!' ... ~~-1110 W•\! SWANSON·Wl!'BElt !lt•en D l• <>f 1111 Bi l Alt Cl•cle , We•tm•ru1or """ Ev• e jl· or W••!mlnl'" BU llGI:!~· TllOML -M t h••! ;o,, '1, nl JJ'6 Groi n Avo., L"' Al1milM •nd M•rlo.!1 J . i. ,of lo• Atoml•o• C;o.N().SOUINO -All0<t1on C , 11, ol 1187 lw.iHh Sl•ffl, W1\lmln•t•• Ano w::r'"P,;;,::: ot ll•U L• P11 P11c•. Gll lMM·K"'Lll\?~·lt l~h S•even D, ll, 01 11'4! P~<lli< Coo1t Hloh..,av, >iun· lil'IOton tlll{h end J"""' l.. 1l .ol 311 (ret! Ave .. Hynll.,..lon !lt•t~ LAN[)llY.COltl!IN -Mlth•el A , '6. of ••s w.,1 ,.,11 .. , •. "•Ibo• ""d (••<>' ~. 11! WHI !11v A¥1 .• N t w<oo•t ll••C~ lllll UNER-STIFLElt -[hlrl•• D. ll. ~~d·rto~11~·~ .L;.~·;,, ~jl"~·w~1~d'. ('>1tA Mf<I <'l5TM£ ...... E:lt·"'t£ l(;o.MP lt i<"U!I 11 . lt. al !&!l'I Lo1,. Clrc l•. Hun !lngtl>" A••<h •Ad P•,..•I• K , lt, ft! i.1.-z 1,1_,p1ow Li no. Hun!l••lon P.••c~ CC')LLING$·11AYH -Jt m•• £, 16. ol ~·~ WrtPM¥ifw. Studio Cll¥ •nn Volerl• M . 1J, ol 6H''t [lul>hou••. Ntwoor! ll•~C " P•RKElt ·JONA~EN r, • .,.,. It . 11, ~! 111111' lu"1!111 L•n•. Hunllnflon llr•ch •n4 G1•1t L .. l•. ol Hun· !lnolcn Btarh OARll·MILDltElH -J•ck D , ••, <ol lrcllol Qui ll Avr .• 'nunt•ln VAiie.,. •nd Jlmml1 l., •O, <ol FC>Unlo ln V•ll•• RANl<·RANI( -John V . JI. ol •Mll El 1t1v, Fount1ln V111•¥ ~"" l •c•uoton•, JO, of tm Hom••. Wootm!n<!.r FOl!~MAN·McCLUN'E -T•rt•"'' J , 7(), of 11C• W••I Oc•an ~•on•. N•-·' ll••ch •"" G•ll •• !I, ol N!!Woorl lloooh S>AIA,.,50N·M.<olt11Nf l -M•r"n H . n. or Jill Sourn fl~wor . S""'" An• .tnd G1<a1<1ln• It , ~. ol 107~1 c unv i..rtt. Hun11n•IO<t ll-••t" A\E:Vl!'ll·!IOLI"' -Oon~ld J. l!, ft! 1ft'1 lltr~lhirt Li no, H"nhn•!On "'""' •ncl P•l•lclt "·• '" cl Hun-T1n9ton B11ch BR\GHAM·WElll!.I! -For••t l , U. n! H I f ;o.venld• C•rmtl, L••un• H•ll• 1nd•'llonnl• M., S•, ol Ill\ Gltn•11lt, larrt '•• Ct>1I• M"A J\Jl:GlHWl!El:·BAAUC H -1t1I"" O.. 11, ol 112'1 l(en1!nolon, Ln• A.l&mllft •lld Mor!lvn K., 1/, of LO. •lomltei 51EWAlll·llEMEl lN -1 ..,.y M , ,1, of _w Cl"von """'· L~oun• R•Acn i nd 11~1 G .. 11. o! L••vn1 B•"" Bl!lfG~A·Ht'N5Lf.Y Nl<nnl•• I.. 1t, o1 nllr! 1101• I.•"•· _w .. 1m1n1t•r 4nd S..n!lr•, I~, of Wr•!m•n111• OCLASS!"'·5TltATHV -Gltn A . 1ft, 111 1111 Nnrl• ~·"~'· L•o<in• 11••(" &nd Chrl!!ln• A , 1l. ol L•funo ll••<h scMOEllLElt wnooso"' 0<>n•1~ It., 1t , of 1J101 C""''· w .. 1mlnot•r •nil Oen1 L .• 19. o! 11•1!'1 Elm Strtt!, Fount1lh Voll•• St~I. 11 P,ll'!NNAN·POlt11LL0 -I ••II• L , 11, ot •16 Mti<~~~on. ~•n•• An• •n~ cnn~l•n<• I., 71. <11 ?(II)•; M•v•r f'I . Ccs•1 M-.• INCA5·11MOOE Oro1"1d. lt , ol l )!lll Ct ml"o Can•'"""" ~.n I V• II C1~il!•1no 1nd Jo•nn• E lt, ol Ion Ju•n Co~lt!r•n" 05BOllN·l'IOPGOOO l>nl>••I M ?1 0t 17J11 Kool~o l •n•. >1un!lno!~n !h•'" 1r.d Cn1•vl l . l•, 01 1'!11n .;"''"" Beach BJ-'1tN!0"'·W'!lll1 -0-• v. a . of ·~' llo•t!IM• Li n•. H,, ....... ton Booe~ oNI l omor• J, 11 , ot H11n• tinfo1n !Hoen 5UMMEll:S·Cll LOWELI L•''" (, 11. el 1J1 E1•• '"" ii•••!. (o•'• MOii •r.d ll•th S . Jo, of Ul ll•C •nr1o. [&•II M"'" JONf.$.(011 -C.•~--· I ¥1 ol 1~~! ~n•r;no1.,,.. "''""0"'' !'•••~ '~" £1•onor• J, 1J. nf •H? G"'"'"'''' Or . H""!lngfnn !lo••(" ~Y,ITI'< f:ll;VI N -J•"'" r l l n• 1•1 C•rmt lft, ~I" [lor•.,n+• •~~ 5,..,., L 11. ot ~1n Cl•mr "tr W•Ll111\A~·STOMr s ...... n y ,, o1 11n P1t•i<•• Nr..,1>0•• ~'"'" •nd "•TrlCll A . lO. o• o.l•w11<UI I!••~ HA>.151!.N·A.TKINSEN -Gr•to•v M )'(I, til 1'30 !11rtl<'t!t1n. Lt11 .An••I>< ond M•lln1 A , 1t, of 6111 Worn ... '1un!ln,1l)tl B ••<~ "AMl,.Et ·5"lAMO ME -Loul•' · l• ~! 1ll61 C•llt ("~nAnnr. M'"'"" V•~ Ito And E!iln• M .. n. <>I Ml!'lnn v1 .. n SELDEll~·LUKE 51•v•n l " M Mi1 N•••lo i:!nod, w .. 1mln•!"' """ cn•rvl A . n . •I 111'1 S•nu t\OMI 5treet. ~oun1e1n V•H•v Mc,;o.111. ... NCl-Tll\,IOE •\J L•w•• W 1(). Iii 11.i >ilt Oo•v, S•n11 An• •"" M•rv J ' 11. ol Ul•l LU Lun• .. Wt1.,.,.ln1"r Births MOA• 111.IMO,lllAL 1'101P llll , .. ,..,, ••• 11. "" .... , Ir.cl M•I l(•nnOlh Hl nwov. 1'.11111 ,,,611• wrr, Santi ;o.ne. ,,.1 ~·r ..... M••· F1o.ilr1, Mor•!•, 1'IO l!I P•eM, A~I . ..ie, C, Or11n11,, •lfl Mr INI Mfl• l(rnnt!lll Amm1nn, "JO'/ Com-, Huntlnt!CM'I &t _.h. t i•! 0,, ,,. Mn. Je1o11 Mlllf" 1'6C ""'' "ltl-Ptt(I, N-oorl Blt <h, 00• M•. •nd Mn. Otlo MN•. J• ,, 11]71 J•C· 'llJ•lyn, A.i. No l , HunHnoton lll~cl!, "" Stell'"tt• \t , !'11 M l, 111d Mn. JI•.,..... H Noumonn, 1$161 G• ... 11 l i nt "'"· I, Hu"''"''"" Rted\, t 1r1 Mr. l ed Mn. c; ... H llo•unM r. P M Hi vn ll C!rc!•. (ollA M"•· 1l•I Mr, '"' Mn. Nell L. Ch,.\llfttr n. 1JI Merritt_, Li nt, Co1!1 MOii , t lrl Mr. ~nd Mrl. R~n•lfl G. !!G•l<ttl . li.l 1111 SI .• C.tt M•••• lle'I M" ~NI Mr1, Ch1rlt 1 I!.. M'lnlyr1. J11''1 Corf!, ll-AllM!I l1l1nd. t l•! Mr.,,.. Noto. Jolln M, ror1u\Orl, 110-I O«e11 Front. "'•wllOf"I lo•<~. 00• Mr. 11'1111 Mrt. ,._,, I.. 111n<1. J r . 361' I t,,. l(fV 01 , Col-.:i.1 M••· t lfl Mr. tlld Mf1, ""' D. 11 .... 10~. 11)1• !.Mmt ewtlkl . .,_.,.1n V1!1tv. fl•I Mr 1"4 .,..,,.. "'"Mid I . ;o,~nl•m•n. l'tll J•t •t•"'" A•t . C111t1 Mn•. t l•I 1-ll!ftlltt' 11. 1'11 Ml, R Ml't. ll""l ld t IC-. !I'll Arc1'tr Clfclt. Hun•lnflM lie.Cl<. •lrl Ml,,,....,,,., Klt lt A I(,.,,., t"' Joann "" Clltlt Mflt. t ltt I.II. 11111 ~ t.Mtll 1,1 9•""''· IJll KIDS LOVE UNCLE LEN SATURDAYS IN TH E DAILY PILOT 14 oz:. SIZE Lavoris MOUTHWASH & GARGLE St1mul11!~t .Utriftttnl 6.2 oz.FAMILY SIZE 'Close· up' TOOTHPASTE 8 01. SPRAY 'Florient' AIR FRISHENU ,luort•• rr11r1•ct1 SCHICK lwjector Ts Razor Blades \ Pl•• PLATINUM ~ S1-tr St1i1lt11 ltr \~ cl1s1r1•1,11 •BBc 16 01. ALIEITO V05 HAIR SPRAT S•••r •ar• 1• htll 11, lllCt•h• VALUES.N --~ ..,.1.u ZEE 2-PACK • BATHROOM Tissue ~#~ 11 01c11111r\ a~: C1 lors ( ·~ • 19c DINTURE CLEANSER TABLETS ... 1 ""·"•i•·s Liquid Gold I ,. : CLEANER AND PllESEllVAHVl A lfilmI] Place To Shop! ' h,i~~~. t1J~1, br:i11m, Of 01l~td ~1·1~~. }l~Jl'!f •111nl ift a.;,t, ro,.11~. Sizt1 4·1 INF ANTS' 5.99 .. i N 1111nr. r~~·ll1 n~. ~,ib1~~1~. , .• nnni~, !urn1t,1e an~ w~o~•n I :::,: .. 1. 99 I .,,.,,,...._. -=· --r•-····--· ......... '" -~ f Gl l Bl RT H. 8ROCKMIYER 'S i Natural Ice Cream '>..::: )TM with BAUER & BLACK Youth Supporter 'ldeAI for ~\hlr.l•s of 111 ~1!$. · 11~ h11 U!t i• all sportL I!!'-~ Sm1\I 01 mt<11um s11tt. ·Sweat Bands Ftr 1111• er w1i1t -Midi!" of sol11~rry cioltt, will ~b~rb twice as n"IJCll as a\!lef sweat b~n~s. · Mouth Guard Made: ot lilt lines\ cltilf ~tal v1n11 !CH comfll~1e f!l!llllh prt1\ect1on. W1tn a~1ushble sirap. Knee & Elbow Pads Oorable ela,tic ooverillt: thll~ rub~r 111d bu1l1 lo ahinr~ di1P.t:\ b~ws. CllntoUfed !or Pf'rl"' ! lit Was!llbl@ small, m~d1um, !1r &~· Athletic Socks .59 2.89 ,,,;, 99c"'1"' 1 09"""'1 59 '"' Styh: Crtw 'I • Pl1la • lock Itch Spray Powder MEDICAT(D -Pr!'1•nts and lr!l1$ lllNJYlftl 1or;k itt~. [l!J lo •~ly, wh1lt rt klbr1utes !kill !oi comforlllil• 1tt1011. I 1r. 1.39 r "CARCOATS" Giil~' "CARCOATS" GIRlS' "CARCOAT " N.1nn quilt 111ith !iro•r l!on t. l(~~rl zicrl'f tontr~·t ~!;Ip \\'1lfi br~:d a•o,m1 bortQm nf r~a:. ll~rl ~ P.n', 11. Sizes 1· 11. lier. l .99 7.99 Btiv~ ~nd Gir l~ n1lnft quilt, 1iopP.r trnnt tnd Mn~. fil e !nrn, ~poliq11~d. As1MIP-d COIDf~. TODDU•"CARCOATS" l QT. tllCTRIC Corn Popper ., 1111110 S' lf 11" 111.thru "Reveal" ltOASTIJilt; WIAI' • F~r ~;,;,., !A~lilf m~it; \llll bro1i"n ii tlle wr1p. .... lk "''· "'' 12 30 1110!. 3.99 TODDlll "CARCOATS" f Df laps l Ciirll -ltl-5 19 100':1. l}'iorl. rlbbl!d knit 4 7 7 W!l~Ueil and llCtod. Al~. colo~. Sht5 2-4 • loy' l Ci irh - Nylo~ Quin 1io 1ron1, .. uh app li q1 es. Asiorled cofors. Sirt1 ?-4 •• ,. t tt 3.99 ....... 3.99 AMEllCAN DfNTAL .assoc1i.110HiP;i'ovED A• P1 1ct1 PrH1lh T~1n•1f, S1,1111•1r 3ft~ t~r• S11•11, kt•••r I NIWl'OtT IUCH l ttl Ir>"'•· WMldllf •lfll HUNTINGTON IUCH "'''"'' ......... "' HUNTIN•TON Ill.CM llt~M<l~I~ I t•I~- 0'11f' AM T010 PM 7DAYS A Wiii 60 roor Garden Hose • 2.88 DICOIATID Cake Boxes Ail liSllftl!l!'"l in moo11l, r"ff":'I for 1hiPfillll n1·•1s•1~. Oii X 1111\ holiday~ or 1nyt11ne. 49~ "Water Pi k" LOVE'S "Soft Eyes" r1r tJtS as solt and warm as t-• tbi1rs of 11at1r1 Things lil! '""'"' and ,lo1es, ~un~h1nt i~d 1reen lrtt~ stnrmy s~itS 1od blue !al~s. Bl:!o1e lnv,,·1 Sol! [ye3, toJors li-e the-:e only eii~l'.d in Mtur•~ fawn sun~hiPe-So!t Rrf•n-·D!•p ar,,n- H~1,I r.r~,,n ~mi~ - Sot! 1•1!-D~ 1,,11- Tul bl1tt I gtlltts. Ml1llt11•t1 1H S•1•1ws s~a•" Tri• Im Ptdtr C1k1 U1tr ~ Lu• 3.00 3.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 • l••ct•••l•1 M1st1r1 __ , . ... > lt,tlil1 1.75 llRtr l 1.75 l rtwpt11n UR4tr (Fl 2.00 Ct•lr I lite S•1••• l rnll 1.00 l l1lhr1 M11Stt1 irit1 1.50 EJt M1k1t• ltllt•lf l11• Muc1 r1 1.75 •e11n \ I I • \ f Jt DAILY PILOT U.S. Still Faces Wo es 1 Over Chi11a 1 B\' PHIL 1\'E\\'SON ll,;/ l'•rolt n H•w• A.NI~•' In Julv. 1971. President Ni;i:- on decliired "there ca n be no stablf': and enduring l wor ldJ peace without the parlicipa- lion of the People"s Republit' of Ch ina and its 750 rnillion µeople_·· ll is a conc\us1on \\'llh which therf' seems no p ussible CJisagreement. As the United Stales and Red China move 19ward a new accommodation "'ith ea c h other. a formidable barrier is the chain of events \vhich began with the start or the J\orean \\'ar in 1950 and t:x- 1cnd to 1he present moment 'fhe mosr formidable uf these center upon Formosa 1Tai"·an1 . It also provides <in ex· planation of v•hy the ·American people may be forgi\'en a cer- tai n amount of confusion over nationa l policy and the way ii is carried out. Beginning '~ith 1950 and 1hrough the intervening years. the United States has: -Declared Formosa a part nf China and pledged respeet for China's territorial in· legril). bu I subsequent Iv threw both into rlou bt. b\' rleclaring Formosn's fu\11rr one lu be settled by tre11ly on 1·onsideration bv !he Uni1ed J'\'ations. · -Recognized !he Chiang f\ai-Shek government M the legitimate goevernmcnt or all China but, by casting the ownership of Forn1osa in doubl. placed i! in the odd position of occupying tcrrihwy ll'hich possibly clid no! brlong to IL -Declared in 1ls n1u1ut1l defense treaty "'1\h I Ii e Fonnosa gol'ernu1ent in 195-1 that an attack upon the ter- ri tory of either constituted " danger lo both. -Reiterated again this 'ear that 1l intended lo live up 10 ns treaty ob!igat1ons. IL l"ertainly is unacccp1ab\e tn the f'h1nl'se Communist regirne \\·hich has n1ade 1hr l'C'taking of Formosa and ll1r total \\'Jlhdrawal 11r I hr An1erk'an rnilita r~· prr~enrr there nnr or its !in;I i·b- JCC"!11·c~ ::01nce the end of \\'orld \\'ar l r \'ationallst ("llln'1 h;i:-. rf'ce1vrd nearlv $3 \,ilhon 1n l ~ rnil1tar,v aid During !he \'1etna1n \\llr it has taken on ;,pecial 11n port;1nce for rrpa1r fal'1lll1r:-. fr11-11st h\ LLSJorce." and as il supply ba ~r (Jrl lhe 11!her hand it i ~ hr1n~ argued that '1~ 1he wa1 "·1nds do"·n and as !hr linitcd State.~ lowrrs 11~ 1n1!1tar~ stance 10 Asia. fo-onnosa';, 1ni l i lar y imporlanre diminishes. 11 is also being argued thal previou~ U.S. military aid h<is 1nade it possible for the Na· 1 1onflhst~ to protect n1r1 t island bastion by rhrnist•h ~·s for years tu con1e 11 1s arjlu1•(! further that the Cornmurusls 1vould not \\'eaken their p<ii::1- tion agaillSt Russi a by bcco1n · ing involved u1 a rostly fight now to take l'orrno~ Whatever the argun1enL i! due:; llQ( le:,;sen cilher ihe con- lrad1ction!' nor thr eonlusion inheren1 in US. !)Oh<·~ O\'r.r !hr last 21 ,vcars. • -~ 0 • • C.t the facto o 1 on your water • • Plto8e yoar 1earu t Sear• score for FREI water aiulyals by Sean Wai.r conditionlna CQMrt• • • ANAHEIM 2636 W. la Palma 821 ·8900 -='o--- Rur1tl1ltl• 1tir-u~ !tr •••1 cockl"f, 2495 pe1itio,, 9111ro• 11f11y t1tclt. 10 lit. $ 1prh11 11111 ltew. RlG. $4S.OO •....•. , NOW " ' EXPLORER II Wtit hls SI 1• .. s• lit .. -. •39•• .... $14.SO • ' • , .. --COSTA MESA 1750 Newport •1wd. 646-1696 - HAR BOR BL VO SAt.1 OIEGo Fivv 11:!\'."PORT fV-ff • )(" 1 NEWPORT ·A\.Jf THE •( ;:J GRANT '»• BOYS . s,. ·-.-. USE YOUR CREDIT AT THE GRA~!)OYS * MASTER CHARGE * IANKAMERICARD DEER SEASON OPENED SEPTEMBER 25th IEMl~N MOHAWK 600 l olt .iction rifl•. C.11. 24l·6 mm-308. $7988 Rt t1ils 1t $124.'95 . , . . SAL[ WINCHESHR MODEL 54 30-l O C1. USED Good s49aa Ac lien ind l ores . . . , .... llOWNING TYPE AUTO. SHOTGUN .. srn ' 12995 RIMING TON MOHAWK 22 AMMO lox of SOO REG. $599 $10.4 0 NEW COOKBOOK tells how lo t, prepare wild game Hunters, shooters, chefs and housewives wiU find 500 1ested recipes in !his authoritative book on coo~rng wild game. 174 pa9e~. No "hun1er rr.: household '. should be with- ~ out lh•s d1naong book . Tel!s how lo prepare small g1m1, big gamt, upland 11m1 birds, w111rfowl. How 10 f•eld dress 1he game, how to ship it. Sauce~. stuffings, 1dst e 1ops, fully indexed fo r qu ick reference. REMINGTON 22 Lt Mi Spt•d. Will 1101 collect lint. t ri t, ''"' or dirt thtl Come in and ge1 your copy. h•rml tction. ~ I Remington 30·06 SHELLS llot $6.20 $4'' SALi .--1 ........ LoAcl'i~X c·ENT ........ f I ,"'''" : RE """'"""'"'" '"'" "'"' """"" ER : ......................•....................... Remingt on 30·30 AMMO •••. $4.8> $J99 SALi STOP HUnTingl Sigh! in on th• P•ndle- lon• Cruiser Jacket. Rugged but light. Ws· ter repellent 10 boot P..1.u• wool wi!h lour snap pock:el• plus a roomy game poclc:et Wilh tight and leU hand i30'.' I.laps. S-M·l -XL --· RCBS JR. PRESS COMBO . . ...... $21.18 RCBS DIE S Reg. $1S.OO NOW ........... $9.99 MEC bOO JR . All GAUGE ........ $39.11 REMINGTON CHILLED SHOT . . ... ' .. $22.oo :~ Ibo. SHOTGUN PRIMERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.00 "' M RIFLE & PISTOL PRIM ERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 '" M All SHOTGUN WADS . . , , . . . . . . . . $6.25 m M THE GIANT IOYS cu1r A IUIL llHE 01 HUHTIHG ACCESSOllES 101 ffEIT SEASOHI BROWNING MIDALLION HUNllNG COAT s4a1s In 1i1•1 36 I• 41 tan c11lor •r1l1 . . , I 0 X DOWN VEST Si1ts 1m1ll lo X-t•rtt 1pur 1r11n, rt4 WOOLllCH SHOOTING SHIRTS Si11s sm1ll It X-l1r91 l1n e n!., . BOB ALLEN SHOOTING SHIRTS All Si111 '"' celor1. 111. S9.9S . NOW HUNllNG CAPS C1moufl111d in 1i1:1s 4 ~'• t1 71.t .• , DEER SEASON SPECIALS SAFnY HUNTING VESTS •••. '"" o ............. ' DUI BAGS ····'"''' 51.0I .•.. • .... Diii HOISTS llf It<' 4Hf •.i11 IMI ~. IHI UNIVERSAL 4 POWER SCOPE UST $39.95 Dlfl SIASOH SHCIAl • ICO,I WkL II CUSTOM MOUNTED ••• • IO«f Sll#TfD \ ~ 11 I I ! ' I • • CA.IL '( PllOf .: 7 Pressure, Pressure, P res·sure: It's All on LA B~ GLl::Ni\' "'HITE: 01 In• o,u, '°nor 51••1 LOS ANGELES -Pre.!i;)ure . pressure, pressure. And 1t a>nt1nuf's lo mfJunt here as lhP !)Odgers WR~e their ner\ e-rarking ball!e to overtake Siin Fran(·1~co's Giant~ in the race for National Lea~ue \\'est bonors. Its now clov•n tn 1>10 Jt~1nes -one tonig ht. one Thursday nh.!.hl And the Dodgers slay one game back after edgin~ the gritty but unlucky Hous~nn Aslros. 2- 1. Tuesday night before 29.628 Cha1·ez Ra\'ine fans Tv;enty-gan1e 11·1nner Al D1J11 n1n11 will take the mound ror manar;er \\alter ·.': Self Afte1~ 3-liit Lo ss By TI OG EH CAR LSll'.'I 01 1~1 D1ll1 Pllo! i!I U LOS ANGELES -Fifteen Los Angele ] Dodgers had hi1ten lhf' du~! in orrl,,r through rive 1nn1ngs and 1he though l tureb· occurred to man~· that a pnssible no-hitter \ras 1n !he 1n;1kin,11 But Houslnn pitrher Don \\'tlson wasn·t thinking no.hu1er . ··No-h itter? Heck. "·as thin king oerrect izan1e -and thars v.·hat got n1e 1ntn ·trouble." !ht• cnngrn1al nalive Louisianan 1nld thr OAILY !'fl.OT in the A ~tros rlre~siniz .rnnn1 Tur~ri:iy ni.gh1. Hnusl(ln h;irl just ln~l ;i tnui:h 2·1 d<>ri~ion to thr hos! Oorlger!', enahliniz the latter In ~111.I' al ire 1n the J\;i1 inn;i l L""::igue \\'e.~t t11le r;ire v.·1!h two ,l!iln1es ~N. - He !'=ailrd thrnui::h the hrst ril'(' fr;1n1rc:: alk11l'inii: no h<1serupners :inrl his malrs had ,1:iven him it l·O 11d1·;int<1ge Jn the lourih. Bnl l')(ld~cr Dukr ~1n1s bl;i~ted a ~oln 1nn1rr in thr sixlh. then thr hosts broke hrnui:;h v.•ith a rnarkrr in [hP f'l.£:h1h rri win \.\1ilson yie lded only three hits !fl the gar:1e. "I v.·as lh1nking 1n the rtui.rnut prior \o 'hf' sixth inning that I d1dn '! 1r:int \n 11·11!1( an.\'n ne. The p11t·h 1n Sims 11·;:1~ a fa.•rhal\ lhrnui:?h Ille n11ddle nf !he plale -111th .1olhin~ on 1t "1 ju.~t .itn1 thl' h;:ill in ;:i l11tlr Ion J!nrtd, 1a1d the 2!)._1·r;ir.nlrl As1ro, 11ho already 111 ns 11 pair of no·h11tcr!i He v.·a.~ a surpri!ie stanrr 111i('r ;:i prinr I "•s.ion by manaizer H;ir ry •·1·he liar• ; -1ker to use rnnl(1r .J aine~ R1ch::ird. \'':i lker cn11f1drd 1ha! hr thllnj:!ed his r ·1rl i:ibout u.~in~ ii rMkir ;,, ;:i ~;:irn<> ~fl :111•·,;iJ t111he l!llr rar P anrl 11•rnt back to nio-.,1al rnt;:it1nn. in!ir1·1111i:: \\'1\,nn Thr hiiz ril!hlh<1nrl1·r 11';ii; philn.~onh1e:il Rl'>n•rt l he .'etb:ic\.:· "l berit m.1 ~cll 111·rnt tn .'J.2 un bo!h nf lhf' hi1tcrs rh;i t 1 11 ::i lk"d ln 1hr ei~hth. \\lhen !he rount 11"<1' hl\I I ~im~d !he b11ll. · 1\nc1 I gnt 11 brra\.: 11·hrn the\' wf'rP :atigh! i:tr11l1n.1t 1p1nchr11nn"r · R 1 l ! Grilbarkev.·it?. 1\'il!i nut 1)0 iln ilhnr1rrl r\ln 8fld hi t pl;i,vl hlU f 11ll'nC'rl rich! ;:irnllnd ~:id 11::ilked !he next ,euy 1 Rnhb~· \'alen- 1 in" I .. ,\1aurv \\'ills Pndrd 11 \\1!h a hler1\rr iu~t 0 11! of !llr re;:ir h nf !'hnr1~111p 1111,rnrnt~ \111rr "If 1hr hill\ hnr~ h••-nut bu1 th.:it's lhl' breaks of thr game." .~a1d \\ 11.,nn It 11·a!" thr i~1h i:i\111" thr A~t ro~ h;i1f' bern 1n,·n\\'erl 1n tha1 endrd 1n ;i nnr-run drr11;1on ;ind Hnu.~tnn ha" hren nn the 1>. rnn11 cn~I nf 42 nl 1 hf'nl \'. :ilk"r .~umlll"rl 11p h1< lr:1n1 '" ~r::i~"n "11 \\'1\\o' h11 \1 ;i~ 11,n 1n1 hr~ !hf' n1hrr \.\<I\ 11'< ;in ntll And 11·1> <h01lld h<il<> )1:>rl l11<"1 runs in the fnur\h But tha!'; been the story [or us all year Prothro Upse t By Play of Vets 111 Atlanta Tilt . LOS A(';GELES !..\P l -Los Angeles Rams coach Tomn1y PrnthrD says m;in\' nf some nf !he rnn!'I experirncerl membf>rs nf his le•11n :<howrd " "lack nf di.o;cipline" in Sunday's 2V-20 tie w1lh AtlantA. Prolhro dt('tiner! lo name the offender:-. sa~'ing "I never n::ime pr-nple v.·lv1 err.'' He just pr;iised lhose who y.·er('fl 'l or. fender•. Those nol pr;ii~ed \\'ere four offrn)>h'r mrn -hslfback Lester Jn!<Pph~on. 2t1::tr<! Tom Mack, center Ken lrn;in 11nd end JP.c k Snow -And se"en me1nhcri-nf the rlefense. 1afelies Kermit Alexander and Da"e Elmendorf. outsirle lincb11ckrr~ ,Jim Purnell and John Per,l!lne ancf linrmen Bill Nelion, Merl!n Olr;en and Oeacnn Jones. Prot~o said Tuesri:\y he is upset hr the failure of the players to follow 1n· struclion~. •'On pa sse:<." he ~a1ri , "!hf' l1nrb:i ck,.rs and the four rit~p men 'rt1d nrit do "'hat !hey "'ere suppo~~ri to do. Either 1hey dldn"t v.'~nl to. nr lhev d1rl.n't think at>nut It enough Or they ble..i the ct:JVer:iire." He 1111i11 lhf> ~ame. about the frf'lnt ff'l11r. anrl the offense on block ing and pass route1'. Prothro Is "ngry with some Ram re1erans whn have been reluctant to flcff'lpl ne1v t~hnlQues. So far 1hi~ ~eason tl1f' Rl'ln1~ ha1·, !o:t to r-:e11o• Orleitn! itnrl tie d Atl;,.1!~. t1\o or the 11.·eakest tean1s in !he l~a;;ue . .4.lstc·n's chaps tonight and he'll be facing KEn For~h of the Ast.ros f'orsch 1\as !he gu y in\·oh'ed in a melee last month al ltlt' Astrodome 11·hen he wh istled a couple 11( clo•r pitrhrs by II 11!ie Cra"·ford. trii;· geri n.I{ a free·fnr·all And as Crawrord told Lhr DAILY PU .OT fnl!nwinp. Tuesday lllf!hr~ cf1tl1P· from·brh1nd win, '·the prrs~ure Is on us. The r.1nnts r;in lose one we c.1n·1. Thev ISFI !ll'e looscy·goo~P~ The.1 ~l'IHI all those po11 er 1l1tlers up thf're and JUSt sit bark anrl 11;-iit for \hf' p1lrhes .. l\'e can't dn that ll'e ha1·e lo be ag· ~ressi\'e, And we can '! lnsp one . 11 sure would be nice to go out and bre.:ik thes~ la~l tv.·n garnts open early," he said \feiln11h:le, Alston \\tlS sa\or111e; a ~t'l1H·t't111 han\bUfb""f p:>.'11 lie l'·u..i.~t1l b·~l'k on !h<> douhle 1l1 rec·hitlrr l ~.e pitchers harl Hirn"·n !le !a1td{'•! his 01111 Uill hinger Anr! h!! ~"" 1t Oo<'•"'' v• f" , • ..,.., ~·~• Yl 0"<l'i"\ ~I '°'' .. ,.,, I 'I r .,., I ·~ ~ ..., ----~---·-... ~..,..,......_, -rlirl nf'lt fail t<1 rrt'd1t l\"'u~t•·n ,.. J.)•11 \\'l!snn wh'l had a pl.'rfi>rt f,illll" C•llnf! 111 the sixth inr.•ng 1•.hrn L)uf;i;> !'-;rn; sorked 1he first p1trh "f tht> fr.:i1nt> 1ntr1 !he right field stand ... tu tic the gan1t-.'lt unl'. It was Sims rourth homer in hi& last six games an d he has only six circuit b!11v.s !('Ir the sea~n. "You l·an 't explaln v.·hy a guy goe;, on a !'.\reak like that." Alston states. "But he r·~ulr!n 't ha1e pick® a better lime tn get 011 a hot i.trealr." ~1111:cr, thr w1nnln!! hurler. was t rrdill'd by Alston for thro1ring two of 1he m0.<>t import<1nt 1'1ctones <if the ~11 ••trh rlril'e for the l1ndi;:ers The f1r~1 11,1~ a ~-0 decis1Qn Sept. B t1i•a 111~t Juan 1\larlrhal and the Giants 11 h!'n S111ger, p!aizued b_,. in Juries and 1l- J11rss for 18 rn onths. retired 20 batters in a ro11. The i;econd "·as Tuesday night and Alston said Singer pitched better tn the latter contest than he had against >fa1 1chal. Could bf'. Bill retlred !he side 1n f'lrtler se\'en of nine lhnings against the Astros. ln !hr 11·1n 01·er S;in l"r<1ncisco he need· ed rcl112f ln the ninth Al anv r;-.1e, A!stnn s "'I t c he d c11nvers1-1tion to ~1 11ury \\·111s. the guy who 11nn it 11·11h ii two-out single in the t•1ch!h anrl 11ho CPnt1nues In come up "'!th th<> C'lutrh d"!rnsh·e p\<1~·s .. Let's ju;t sa .11 I'm i:lacf the. lit!le guy i:. on our side." Alston told the press. \\'ills s<1id he "as so ner\'ous !tl'e hours before the gan1e that he had to sit down fnr ~n h'>ur I'> tr~· and stop r.hakinl!. ''\"' ~till nE"r\'Ou;," he ;admitted "Gut it rtor :.n't slop me from !unctinnlng." he ad· ded HI' also tl}(lk a s1111ng at \\'ils11n'5 fir st offenflg in the eighth and slapped it just out of the reach of the diving shortstop, 1rond e.nnugh to bring home Bobby Va len· tlnr. \V ills ~:t1rl he w;is wa !rhing the scurebnard betv.·eeo inoini::s and nu t.c. and li~IPnin~ f11r rrr111'd reaction so he could keep up with the announcements of play· h1 ·play between lhe Giants and San Dieco. And the tnrrid race continue:. tonight . l(i1·lJ v Goe s • For Pad1·e s Agait1 st SF SAN DIE:GO 1Ar1 -San Diego Padres players s.i;v G<i y lord Perry ls us1n& greas~· kid'~ stulf on his basrba!ls. ll was Perr.1 's pitth1n,1t that helped lead the San Vrr1nr1scn Gian!~ tn a 7·1 ,·ictory here Tue~na~' nit'hl -anrl kept !hem one game in rrnnt rJf IM Angeles v.•ith lwo lo go in 1he r\o11!1nnal League·s pressurized \\1estern f1 1visinn ra ce "He had a i;ood one working for him, l'111n•nt ·7•••• •• • Or•n•• N "lo~~I l e111141 W1" D•¥1•"'~ W•~ t11·.t "" GI 1''•1 ~e• ••••«·,~o " 11 '"' -! l o• ~"•""' u n J50 1 2 ~·~ <••~t''-t" -<.• "'~e. ~On• ~, •v Ill Sr' O•••o l'I <•n••...,r•• ]• tnl. \•ol•~•• 1t'I 1~1 Lo• ·~~·'~' ~ "' ~~""' !l'. io!DU••o~ (1 >, ~eP. l•""I><'' 1' '"'· o•a'•'11~r •C. !"'· =---- bu! thr un1pircs wnulrln't do anyth1n't ahnut 11." said the Par!1·es· Larr.• Stahl after Prrr~· 1 \6-12• scattrrrd SP\·l!n hits, all s1ni;:lf'<i, to rerlurr San Franc15co 's ''mag1r 1111111her" !n two "J'1·e .•rrn i;inkrr~ hrrnre. bu! never f'lne. 1h;i1 drnpped <1.~ n1uch <1!' Perr~'s dJd -1t h;irl tn hr ;:i i::rc:i.i;e ball.·· said San l)ii>cn·.~ .lnhn .lr111r. 1• ho .•truck nut 1hree t in1e.~ as Prrry 11·11n fnr the 111·elllh li me in l~ lifetime decisions again.st lhl!l P:>:irc.<>. "'No one e1·('r <1ri·ul't>!' n1e 11! anything 11hcn I ln~f' ... cnunle rcd the 3:'\-year·Clld Perry, 11ho has 11\lnwe1\ but JO.IX earned runs in hi;; 111~1 4R inning.~ nnly lo 11o•1n thrf'f' nl li\'r der1sinns in Iha\ span His \'ietnry hrrr. cnuplrrl 11·1th rhe Dodi.:ers· 2·1 cnnqurst or llnuston 1n Los Ani:?elrs, 11·;1s !he !'('f'on1I sl rai~ht for a San Francisco tran1 1ha1 has nnly a 9-16 record ;ifler ~ri 11anllenn;;: !hr eight.game !e<irl 1t cnjnycrl a~ thr 1nonlh began. HOUSTON'S CESAR CEDANO CO LLI DES VllT>' DODGERS CAT CHER DUKE SIMS. CEDANO WAS OUT AT TH E PLAT E. Now rhr friant.<> h<1ve a dale here lf'l1Hght a£<1111st Cl11y Kirby ~ 14-131 The 2.J..1·r;1r-nlrl San Oiego rii;:hthander \1•ho slopped lhe111 11i1 h 11 one-hil!er, 2-1. JUS.t I! days a.izn 1n a llt1eJ against Perry at San Vranci~(·o . Wi 1111 i11g No. 20 !\l eans l\lorc To Hi s l\1 0111 ,\11\'\'Ei\!'llLJS ST l','\1 I. !AP • .\,nrh ~f!'""Cr'nH>h "·l\'.\ h1~ 2fl1h pll h1n1: r1r1nr\ !'If rh r ~.v1~nn rn~11 hr> rn"l" r"lr'ln· 1n~f11J In hi<i n1•it hf'r 1h:1n 1q ar1.11<n<' !"I" \1"-·"r~nH!h Pl• l.t•l 11p \'" :?fl T11r~rl<i\' :i~ !hr f"1l 1fn~n1;i Ancl"I<, rlf'l11nr rl 1~r \1 111 llf'•nl;i T11 1n-.. fi 2 In :in \1111'n!'an L":ic111· h il ,,,h;i!I l!:l'llf' ;i ! \lr lro111i•l1!·111 !'T;ul1111•1 . r i11:;or1:ilil ! cfnn't think 1! \\ 111 111µ~(' 111-.1 1r-n1·h rl1l ',,r,.n1•" ''"rl \1 "' ""'"'uiJ '!'n1 .~urr 1! 111".1 11~ ~1,n1r1h111c 1P l,rl11 thf' r '••h 1•1 111~ •!~nd1n~<; anr! 11 n1;1· nir ,1 11 ~"n'"!h1nc 111 lh 0 f;1·1~ "Prr·h;1p' ii 1nr;111" lhr· rnn~T I" 111v 111,...lhf'r .~hr 11.1 <; m1· nri!:lll:JI r·,ilr·hrr 1"1n 'ure <ihC' Inn!, 11\r rln\ nff In 11\l rn lo· d.1''" . \lr\~f'r~n1 1 th. 11·hn rn1~rd t;iFI h di, ~!1rlf'r ;ind ;i strt11i:1br rh.1n)..!r <Tf'rl11"d h1~ prr~"nl 1·;:i1rh!•r •. Jrff Tnrhrir~. !nr h1~ f;i~t f111•~h 11 11h ;:i 21l·l.1 r"r"rrl ,\1 !hr 11n1r Tnrh·1rg hf'r·;:in1r )11~ rr~11\ar r!'rri\ C'r in n1 i rl /I 11 t u ~ ! , ~le.~<irr~m 1t h 11 ~•-~ 11 ·12 and hrs hcen 8-J unrlrr T1•rhnrg ~ hanrllint: "\\·p iu sl !'rem tn rr;icf r11eh 11!hrr wit h c:onfirlr 111·p." .\lrs~"rsmrth rxnlri1nr1I Al!hf'lui:h hr 11·;:i c;n'\ hrnccln'! ;:h..,111 11. ~1f'S!'r rsrn 1rh rnulrl crrd1! T11r~~~1 -'<; \ 1r lr>r~· 10 his ~Uf't'f'!;S 1n r"11ri11..; .Tl\"l~· Fl•J'!!!t"r H;irmnn K1llrhrr1• 1n 1•l11!rfi ~ituri!ions. Hr ~t rurk nil! K1\1rhq 11· 1n lh~ fir!il inn1nr: anrl in the th !rrl. fif1h. sr1·,,n1 h ;ind ninth innint!' he put him dn\\'!'I 1\·ith runners nn h;isr. •·1 '1·r ht-rn \uckv :i c.:iin~t I larmnn :\\t ~r;i~nn." snirl \I C'S~crsmith "I 11·:is fnrtun;:i1r ;i~;i1n ln1lill' I m;i(lr :-.nm" J!nnd pitr h"'\ anrl J 11·:is l11rkv a! nlhrr l1111r:<. "\,ikr-i11 lhr nlnlh inn:n'i! v.·!lh th" t..l\ .. r<; f11ll 1 l:'l1 hi1n r•n ;:i ~R•·rifi1'P fl ,· ht1 T lie 111~1 in\s~rd r11 ::ik1n~ !h::it a hnme n•n. Harmon knnw.~ hn111 r ;:i11r1nnt '" p1trh him. 1n::i1n\\' ;;i"a" v.ith i-lirlcrs and thi>n "" nr1·;;i:-1nri::il f;i<;t h;:ilt ins.irl" In ~er>ll him \'Innes\. I mi~hl !lfi insic1e more oftrn bu~ ,,,,. lhirrl h"'"'""':in tells n1e he h:i" a family tn ~11ronrL" C"ll ~O•"I" .. ~l"l'll[~('IT,\ "1t11 •b. "''' ' ' I ' l ? T~v~• •' J C I 1 1ns.,.,•'" 010 r •• ,. •.. lb ~.,,,.,.,. •-Jn C•o ••, " ......... ,. ... •·. :n ' T ~""'>O'~< .! 1 ''""'""~ ' . ""~""~"'I"'· I> 3 • " " I If'·""""'"' lb 0 0 1 J C•·•..,Jb 1 010 C,.~ • .,.. •• I 0 0 0 OOftlhv•,ll Ji l l 110 »•"'"''' Jft ln 0 I ft ''l"• .. .,•111. l 0 0 I> I I I r """ r> 1 0 ! 0 o c O ""*·-~n ,' "• "o "' ... , ... , ~ IJ" r·"~"'"· ~ o ~ ~ n "'"" ~., I I 0 , .... , lJ611 •••••• •1 1•1 C•• '0•••1 l~t ,.,.1 O'l -6 1,,•1 • .,,.,,.., '>!"I H'(I C~I -l E -Vc'llJ'l<o~, lt •v•f\ D" C•• '"'"•' 1 l"I! -(•"'~r1',f 6. I.' '""IC'• !J l~ I 1:• ~· ~·· ,_,.,... ' ~· •v .. ~ -"~~·· " ~ .o '' !>t -·"··· ) -1 ~··;"~·~·. ,..., ... , ..... ·~ ~f -.: '·~·· ... • .,. T1> !'-·~ ! -, -l )I "!!••d•"'' ' . Bu11Jiirig·. Cal ls I t Quits; r !l!I \]1f I 1'111 \ .I "I ar•htl•\, 111 1.••1 ,1,\•1 "I 1r1" 11 <h11l1nr: .1 I '''" 1 I" ,,1.rl 1 rrr•"lcl h· .• 1 :.-tnl.rf,.,! 1··· r '~ ;111 '1 " ;in 11111/'l! l"d Ii;, !'l"(1H lll'''11 j • T !1;1 l•\,rtlt 'j 114' d 1 !1111\J: , .. ' I'. I •11 " 111 l•1 I•''" rJl "'!JI I j j >11 I i1 I ti ,. ·• 1 •' ,. !l'I I j I•• • I I f ' i\11• lo 1 d I l''"1:d I'll I•' \\,11lld f)llli ' I' I • i I " l ~'I '1111'1 !.'. 1+11 !'' "' •t I:· Ir I' 'II' I' I Iii l,•~I' h:-; ( 111r ht lqt• J\1 11 , , ,I, I' '1 I Ir ~;i11 1 1h;il l1r 11"1" 11 '" I•' I 'Ill Ill 111•,,b.111 hul !h<tl lu• ;;! 11 11 .< • • 11 •l"t 111;.: ;1 r11t111"r aw:i v fr••!11 !Ji•· ,. 1p1r· Tll" f).fnrit<t n;.:111 11. · •l1·r I ""I l 1 'll•n1n;i~. l\I', lr:1\•" hiJ1111•I ,,.,. , J 111" ~1T;it <1t'l 11e 1111 rl11•1::: ! •i!· 1 111 l'lt: h1~!nr·~ ,.[ h1heh;1ll II• 1"1 1, oi .1 1r. '• 11 p1:>1nr ]E"ll"111' r ;"""r rft'lt•I ~·I 2·11 1 r. lnl'I "' :i11i1 f)M 1!('ff.at~. 111!h ,1 I•' 1111,c . i'.R1\ of 3.27 --J'/1!1 0:1 Uie nll !l'll'; 11 1 ATL;\~1 \ -The ,\•L11J;t 111,tl":, an 11"1111red lodav !he rr l1••n1i;: 1.f ] 11111 111 H:irn~ a~ rn~11:i ~;er E1t'l1•11! •1)rr1:l,111n11 1h;i! th1 t. rnir ht ll<lle h1·.n h:s 11 ,1,d .\e<ir 11·11h th" r !11h Bill R.1nh,,ln111;1•, ['I'( !'h"1\ ul 11•" Br;:n c~. s:url hr ""nl.'r;•!Jll.1!•·rl I .11111.·111 ,111rl hi " ~l:iff f11r their lh1rd pl1r• l1n• 11)II11H• f\;ilirin::il L":i;;ur \\'r•\[ ;•'1'1 ;trldr'I "! h;l\f' nn d1111ht 1h;il nrx1 1 r;i r !; l'1ull: lin11l•l 1Jr a dPfini\f' rnn1r:1dcr .. Harn~. fiG .. J:a-. n1::in;igcd lh t: t;1;l\c .. tl1e !'«I r1111r ~(';!<>II~ \llll!llllg Ifie \\'!'·-tern [1 1<1r1n ftar: l'l 1:1:)'! and fini <.hing f11!h if! inr,~ ;n:d l'lin ! '""I gre;i! · ll;ir11· ~;iid of ti1·. pP111 ""' '";ir rnnl rJ r! lrnn~ of 11 h1th 11rre r.•il t.1.-· Jn1f'•! (111\ ! II l!rl -II n1<>1f1r.1I r .. 1111111Pr 11• ,~ ~.\'; !r'I• (Ill 11 111r1nh"r~ !'If 111r 11r,;11'. 111· ~\ 11r ( r•llf'C.:I '"":h,11i lr:1n111l1 •1 11r11• • u··\l•'ll!J<•d Tll"·,i!.i,1' fior rlrur: 11~ .. 1 ~P 11,11•• :1lt'd \I d• 1 ~ nf 111•1rpl1 1nr. q111n1J1(', il.ll'l'\\111,ll! '•,;I\(! ;1111pl11';'11Tl1nl"~ .\l•'.111\lh1lf', r•1;ii h Ar1v.ld .)rtrr .... 11<1 th" 1;10·11i<'nl ni;11 (<111·P ca11crllal1n11 of some r r11i:11n111.c _c;in1r- I ~r Edw;inl nt'l\!11!" ~.4\ '> the tll'Ui!,S 111'1" Jn1111rl Jn llr(nill\'.~IS or tfle 13 !'!1\l 1Jn- l1<1•\1{'d pl<i\f'!'~ th:lt ~\·ao; d•111r earl1rr th1~ 1r.unlh at the rcquc:l of coa ch Jeter. ;'l:!·.IV \'ORK A leathng l; S. tennis of!1c1.1I urged today that lhe l,;ni[P1I ~·;it•''; hr r:ik a11 ;i~· frr)n1 \\'1n1l)!Pr!nn ~ apr<ln ~!rin>?-; <1nd <ot nke out nn 1ts nv.·n . "\':r·rr a hu.: h11v nO\\'," 1n~i~lr11 Chf- fri~d S1it!1>r. "Tennis in this f'OUnlry 1 ~ hnon1Jru: It 1.c. cxpos('r! nn 1ele11"11111 It r; n'l111 lrc;i tcd 11;1rmly in the prrs~. \~e h;i•.c m('n 11·ilhni;: In :;)lCn1t millions lo prnrnnt" and fur1hcr the game. "If 11•c rnn!inu{' tn li"tcn to \Vimblrrlon, "c 11111 rlc~!roy all the gains v.'e. h11ve r":id" 111 !t1" \;1<;1 fnri r ~·r;ir~ 1nrou'i!h npen l"nn1 .G. I sugg est v:e operate independenHy and lcl no one tell us v.·hat we must do.'' Lav er, E1110 11_,ac e ll.ivals; As l1e Triu1nphs BF.RJ\f,l.F.Y 1AP1 -f'nrnn;:i del .\1ar's BrrJ Lt11"r !ancle~ 11•1!h Alrx Olmedn and /\ewp11rt /lr>~rh rr.,tr!Pnt fl f'ly ~:mrrsnn l;irr\ llarnotn l'l ;.h•m of l,;CLA In lhe se· t ,.nrJ rn1111d 11f lhr nrrl11on1I 11<ink loterna· 111n;il np"n trnn1.~ rh;i1np:nnsh1ps tocl ;i,\, llnth ~cnrcd 11pen1ng f(IUlld 1 ictor1es ~l 11nd ;i~ !11 rlo11hlr~ pl;11· L:il'rr ilnrl EmPrsnn. '"1drrl 1r11111rl. h11dl 11 7·.'1 lrarl fl\'t'r .lrJ[ f:rir1·•,1 ,L· >•11d 11·•111111 11 hrn 1\1r srcf'lnrl f "l 11.1, l11d !lfi l'l a1 11;.i~ p11~lponrd until t•irl,1•, hi>r'a11 <.1• nf dnr·\,,nr·•:i, In. 1'Uf'~d;i v's first n1u11d action tnr· '""df'il Arthur Ashe ;ind third·sr.etled Torn Okk!'I' ~·1.~trd victnries. Ashr dn1\/n- 1·rl C7.cch11skrv;ik111·s Vl;,dim1r Zcdnik , 2·fi . fi-4. fi.4 whilr 1!nll;i11d's ()kf;rr defeated A u~1 r::ili::in Hill l\n11tr.y , f>.3_ 4-li . fi-4 . In nlhr.r pla.v Tuc~dav, 4!l·yf'ar-C"ld San Fr.1nr1<;('n ;i1t urney Tom Rrnwn ur;;el 21;. 1 f'ilf·nld M1l;in lloloce k, 6·2. fi.t Holocek ilcfcr.tf'd from Czerhn:>.\nvalda in 1'1ay. Jiln l\orl"s nf Czecho.c;lnv:ikia breeud r:.i"i Q;if;l;:inrl's :;-.tf'\'C Cnrnel!. fi·I. 6-t "hJIP l\l11rly n 1cs.~rn nf Chica)!n defeated S:in Fr?.nCi!ico's Charles Hoe.vier . 6-4 . 6-3. Kirby is rrady fnr ~;in Frilnclsro. "All I "'ilnl now ." he s:111f Tuesday ni~bL .. is !o bc;:it the Giant:. and I don't carr how it h;ippcns. 8('<1ting then1, anytime. is An ::ichievernent a nd especially undf'r these cirtumst<inces. ·• Surh t;i!k m;:ikcs the Gian1s flervnu" "\\e're J:;elling f'lnse but I wi~h they 11•ere p1tch1n,!l snmeonr be~ides Kirby," the Giants' Titn Fuen ies .~aid Tuesday ni~ht. "\\'e y.•ant 10 ll'r;:ip this th ing up and gn hnmr lo rest for the P1r<1 lf'S " "Ir wnu ld be ;i Int bet1er on all f'lf us If 11·p dnn'I h111•e to pl;iy Friday," F'uentes ;id<lcrl in reference lo the possibility lhBl a "'es!ern 01\11~1nn tir between the Giants 1111rl 0f'ldi;ier~ wnuld n1<'11n a one· game rJ::iyoff Fricl;iy al San Vranc1srn. The nex t d;i,r. the "·innrr 11·n11!c! host r111.~h11rgh '<;; ('::1!'11'rn rll\!Slnn rhan1p1nn _. 1n 1hr f ir~! two g,1mrs nf ;i l)r.~1.nf.f11·e ~f'··1r~ fl'lr Jh" i\':1!1nnal l.c:igur rr'n"n II lrflh;inder .lnt1n t'11111t1rrl;i111I 1fl .6l l 'rin pr"1"<t1I lirrr rnn1gh1 ::ig111n •t Kirby ;ind If lhp Pnrl~f'lr·~ ~hnulcl lo~e lo Hn11~lnn, lhf' (;1;inl ,, wn11lrl he 1n Th~.'. :I!' co11tch('r Dick Dieti observed, wnulrl mean It "'l')Uld be unnecess~ry for ~to11r ~;in Fr11nr1~"n rtghthander Ju:iW M::trichal to fa re Diive Roberts in thlJ season finale Thursd ay night. Dod gers Bo x l<OVSl O"I LO' "l<G!L5' ~'!'17f•, II !\t•i•"· ll> c..,.no, <' W••~~n. !1> ( ,u ... ,, W~"n .r M•n•• J" E~ ~··~• ( ow.1, .... P •"'~''" 1a r ~,., OOOW•ll\,,. i C!I 1 1 n o !<K~~•'· 111 i o 1 a ; 0 I 0 !'<•!!••. t 0 {I 0 0 Jn ' I WO~···· t • l 0 0 a l 0 0 0 "All•"· Jb I 0 ft 0 l o o o C•~wfo•d, •I J o o a JOOOMnM.'1 JO O O )0!0~'""'·' 11r1 l 0 0 0 Gr~~'rii'w"•·ll' O 0 0 0 W l'~•k•"· lb 0 0 0 9 v.1 ... 11""· )b l ! o o S1~~f'· D I 0 0 0 To•~·· II I l ' lo!~I\ u l l ' \.<~u''"" (IQO llJO (IQO -I LO' .,,,,,u GOO Oll1 01• -l 01' -l~• A,~o•I•\ I. L09 -Ho1111oro J. ~oil •ng!IU l H" -~11'1• !I I $ -!l~V" I~ H It lit I I SO OW•'"'~ (l.•~1n1 I J I 1 J 1 $i""!' (W.!n.111 ' l ! l J t Pll -s rm1. Tl""' -!.J7 •1t•n~•iw:• -1',"21, Walsh Calls Ruling Inconsistent I The g:en!'ral man11 1ier of tne Cahlo rn1a An>:t'!& ~a);;. till arh1!rat1'Tfl h<1ard rul1n~ lhat 1hr rluh n1u ·t f1il\' 1hr ~.1l<lrv nf ~t1.c:pen1li>1I n111J1r ld• r Al":-. .Jnh,1~ •11 1~ "ron1pt,.1rlv 111thr•u1 Jtr.1,r1c:il1011 ·· ,Johr1.q"Jn h1rn~rlf ~ays, "I 1lou'l con<.1rle r 1L a 1•1r•orv ;it :-111:· Th,, ,\rl"t"I.~ 111 .rr•1dr><t .Jnhn~on 111t\u111t r11y .Jurir-2'1 f.,r "not :.l1owu1·~ the prnrirr mrn1:ir <1U1l udr>'' anrl fi ne<! him $1,7j1J f~·r 1111trrinrl11rr Th<> arh1 t·,1l!nn ll{);•tcl's rullng Turid:t.\'. 111 0~1\ Yri1 ~ ~"'"~ lb I ,t.,•' 111':; b<>h-111or l\'a~ ('.'IJ •·'I I··· 1 1l1· '1"11~! 1-t1..!11r!J11nr", ;i rd 0:1;~1 J 11111 t1~r11l 1111 lh" d1sahl<>d IJst. ~·1t h fun pa y, hke players ~11ff1>r1n~ fr om ph_y~1ca l 1n1uries. Jt or fl"red lhe Arnrnran Lf';111:ue cluh to pilV .!ohn~on lhe 53\.ary rl'I(' him, tllJ.9jQ, h11l 1t uphrltl thr disci phnary fine s. The clc~·1~u)l'I is bindiniz f;rner;il mnn~'i!Cr Du;k \\'::ilsh called the n11 1ni: 1nrnn~1Fl cnl 11nrl asked If ,John~on ' 11:1\ nnt rr~pnn,.ible fnr his actions. ll'hy ;illo\1' lhP fl ne.s to stand~ If he wai, why nnt 11rhold lhe suspcn~1on? · E1!hrr .lnhn~lln v.·as or 1\111'\ nnt rr•pn·1 ~1!Jle tf'f h ;~ nrtion<:.'" \\':'<h;h sairl . • 1f h" 11;i~ )/'::p11n~lh\P, tho11 the ~U"j)Cn inn nnd fin e.; "ere j11stified.'' Johnson. reached Tuesday at h!S hon1e Baseball conun1S:Sioner Bov.•1e Kuho tn Detroit, salrl hP. i~ conlLdent he will ss 1d he. would make no comment until ha rc~µ.rne his baseball career but "proba bly had s!udied the board·s' reporl nor. rnnre than Hkely no!," v.•lth c111J t.nrnia . Johnson. , 21, h;i~ been w I I h "~l ;i~lJe thPY learned son1eth1ng by Phi1aclelph111. Sr l.nu1$, C1nc1nnaU and this." he s11ld. Califnmia in his 5e\'en years in the ma· M;:ir\ In Miller, exPCUll\·e d1reclor nl the · rl Jnr~. O\n w1's l\n1erican League ba tt.in; lllaJOr League Baseball Pla)•ers ·Associa- tion . nncl a member nr the ~rbllralion champion last yc11r. panel, said !he find ing is historic. HP w115 OCnched ~"veral limes this vear "\! n1ean:1 U111t ;i n1an who i:; cn1()-fl'r failure lo hu~lle. and olh"'r A.'lqel t1rnially di <;\urbed 1s iust as ill as one who plri ,.rr~ birr•r1I h1n1 frr11n ~ lea111 m'etins haf-. ~\t~.lained en injury or has an 11111· ;i!tcr h., apparentl\' lnafed cha~lng 1 ny ment ·• tiall and cost lhe team three runs. ,. D,1,ILY l'ILOT Wt dl'lt \11.tt s1-ott 1nbtf 1' 19n Me sa Boss' Formula " To Top Ta1·s '·' • °'61a ~,tsa High 's preltague hli hhght ~-on tap Fridll \' night v;hen cn,oich Jl'lhn ~'e11z~'5 Muslan~~ ta kt tht ir annual ~hot ,al ril'1I ~twpnrt H11rbt'lr. And 1( anv lhing t,1·ill erase Ule st1gm11 of ; 2«1-0 lootb111! st1b11ck Ill Katella last ~eek it's !ht thought of a \·ictory at 1\1'\\'flOrl : And Sv.'eazv sa\ ~ ht !h1nk~ his trnops ha1·" a gnod shot a1 t\l'V.'!>l'lrl . de~plle ~fpsa s lack of olfens11·e fir t pnv.·er 1n the opPner 1 •·\\·e \l'eren'! phy sically run nff !he flrld by Katel!a 11 ....-as a ca~e of a lnl (If in· ~Xpe ri~ctd players making some cr!llcal m1st11kes at the ....-rong timP. "Actually. I i;a11· a ....-hole lot of .l!OO!i oul or· \ht game \\'e need to cur dov.n on mental mista kes and bf' re11dy to hit ::~·~ev.'JXlrt's 1·e ry physical . ,especially f i!h Terry Albri tton and Jim Sw ick in ,ere :· says J'\Iesa's co;ich. ::The ~lustangs must gn \l'ithnu t a couple top gridde rs. hnwe~·er Two-way lackle m Sm ith is lost for the se2.~on v•ilh a nken foot susta ined on the sixth play of e game. And David t\ewsteadt suffered a oken rib. requ irin~ him to sit out th e th ree to fnur games. :i; Returning for fir~! line offe nsh·e duty is i!lht enQ Jon r..hirchiorlatti. He s1w [fens!v~ action only last v.•eek because an 1n1ury. Taking O\'er for Smit h is Brian rsdirk. a 205-pound iunior. . ~ Sv.·ea1.;.'s major ccncem ls so!l·ing J ewpor!"s tough defense. '-His team was unable to pe netrate ~tel!s . gllining onl.v li l yards on the t ound .!Ind 80 through the air . 't-Too. the 1\-lesans were intercepted tvdce f. and that's an area in \\'hich Newport f:ce!s. f·sailor Bll l \Vhitforil. intercepted nine ssers last year -includ ing tv.'o of his am ·s fou r thefts in last year 's 17-0 con· est of l\.1esa. ~ Another chan1Ze In th e starting lineup 1s l tailback where sophomore Paul • • ~ • ' smet 16-1. 1651 is read.Y to take over r Bob &mbo.v. Bomboy is nu rsing brui~ffl ribs from e Katell a loss and 1s a doubtful starter. CRAIG ZAL TOSKY OCC -0.fense , . TARS' RANDY COON 15-0, 1061 FIGHTS OFF TACKLE TE RRY ALBRITTON 16-4. 228), Coon--a Mouse That Roars Fii;e-foot, 106 Pouncls of Football Deter1nination By PHIL RO~S 01 1~1 Olllf "'''-1 511!1 It's The r-.1ouse That Roa red revisited. 1Nhile the script has heen it ltered so mewhat and the name chan;:ed. the principal character lives gloriously at /\·ewport Harbor High . In 5·0, 106-pound sfnior Ra ndy Coon, new head coach Don I..t>nt and his t\ewport varsity rootba JJ coachi ng stilff are po.!sessots o( a small, but coc ky package of dete rmi nalinn. The role which the red-haired Coon re l'els in as !he toughest kid on the hlnc k, pound-for-pound , is no laughing matter in spite of his lack of e\·en norm11I physical proportions for a young man his age. STEVE MOHULSKI OCC -Offen1e Al 17, Coon is beginning a caret r as a quarterback and his curren!ly opera1ing as the Tar:i;' No. 2 signal caller behind J21h grade classmate Dua ne DeKalb. The gutty l1t1Je per former \\'.llS a ha lfb<ick on the. Junior va rsil y le\·e] last fa ll and on the Cee learn in 1~9. But graduation <ind a ra ~h of injuries caused Lent lo aller his off ensive strategy Md cn nsequently he inserted our hero under center (literally 1 instead . As a sample nf Coon's toughness and will ingness lO yi eld lO larger specim ens Youthf uJ Saints Therf''s 11 dr;:iwback to beating an arch r11·a1 in football. Ynu pnmf.' .\·0ursf'lf fnr nearl~' a vear, :in!irip;ite. hnpe, pl;:in ;:ind hurn ins1rle. 1:111;illy the <1"1.Y of recknn1n.1?. 1·111nes and ~·011 ;inrl your Cnn1na drl ,r1,1;:ir H1i::.h le::im n1a tes rlrfeat Nell'pnrt H;:irbnr, 7-0, in the \flil grid opener . Hut. unfortun11lrl.v lhPre is another dil .V (1f reckonin~ cnming up and you don't hal"e ;inntllf•r ~·ear tn prepare for lt -~nu h;i1·p lrs~ than a 1\·eek ('oach Tn1TI Ba lrl\\·in·s Sa11!;i. 1\na Saints lnnm nn \d~t's schedule Thursday night at Ne11·pnr1. Anrl the S;11 nts 11rrP tnpplPd 10 their nprner. los1n(! ll'l ,\latrr J)f1. 12·2 11ut Thi' "rnre Is "nn1Pv.hill rlPre11·1n~ Fir~I. ~l ater Oe1 poisses~e<; a prPUy fair tram Sprondh 1hf:' Sa1n1, /f'PI lhPv r(l11lrl ha1·e bf-a!en ~la ter !"lei but pP nall1r.• lll'rl f1r~t -i::"m' Jlltrr~ k1!1e-d rinssible scoring drl\P.~ lnr lhf' S;i1nt~. Bald"·1n h;i~ ;i ,1nun11 !r;im ;i! ~;:in1a 1\nil 1,1 1th r111h t11·11 ~larlrrs bar k fr111n l.1 l'it 1r.1r" te;im Thrrr._1·r;ir .<l.:irt"r \\"altPr \learl a 1\.2 ra11'hlng wh11. is one' nf !he kP\"~ tn the ::;:;i1n!f.' nffrn~r · "If nur pa~~ rrnt cr11nn hnlrl~ up 11'~'\I ~r1 lhP h111I tn him Anrl 1r w,. dn 1h~t he'll ('~!rh ii ." surmi~P~ H11lrlw1n . in the face of s!'em1ngly ad\'erse circumstances, one obser1'er rrc,11\ls a s1n)l:le incir!rnt from la!t season which pref1 ~ures the attitude of the dim1nut11'e ba ttler. He-re's the srrn,,. The Tars 11·ere embroiled in a no-h0lds- barrl'rl in trasqu;:id scrimm11g t which 1 ~·pJf1ed lhP. onc·yerir :-.'ev.·porl stay of I::n11e John:;nn. thPn !he T:.r head co;:ich" All-CIF tackle (;rant c:el ker, a hefty 220-pnunder. proecrded for1 ... ard on a ro11une hlnck1ng ;i~srgnment. only tn find rornerhark ff'll)n !only 4-1! and 98 pounds al the 1imc 1 1n his 11a 1·. Instead of helt1n~ thr dPfender in the usu;i! mannt'r. Gt'lker \pt up tn a degree Tt11s prompted ,Johnson In scf111·1 and announr e In the Pnl1rt j:!<1!henn11:. "Lonk, fellas. Coon 1.c. nut htre JU-~! li ke the rest nf you And 11 ~·nu dnn '! want to hit him, then nne nf vnu h;:is tn lea1·P " \\'it houl lur!hrr adieu . !hf' offense re- ran the san1t plav ;ind Ge.Iker ht full force 1n1n h1~ Ad1·rr~ar~· nr rnuri;r ("non ~all1111!1~· ~tMll [.!round :ni:a1n ilnd thu.~ found himself flat on his derriere \\'h1le Ills :-11c 1ululrl arpe;.ir to he a rlef 1n1lr rlrawh;irk, \non has f\!hrr 1rl ,.as and :idrnit.~ ... I'm nol e\·er re;illy dtsap- poin1ril. :.hnu1 anythin11: ··1 !1:1vr .1 gnn(! eh:inre tn pl11y lnn1hall dnrl 1 1u~t t.i kr the runr·hr~ a ~ lhrv crHTI" "\\'r'rp ;:ilso 1e1·y fnrtu11111e !n h;nc son1e p1·r1t\· 11:111111 rn11rhes tn hark llf> up And th;it hrlp.~ ('r.n~1drr;:ibl~ :· he acid s Al~n ;i 111r~1t\ wrestlrr last srasnn 11l PR rnunrls. Cnori ft~urp~ hr'll bP ri<"plnyed ;11 !01\ nn the 1n;i1.~ this t1n1e ar·nund. S;:i.1 .~ thr fr1~l 1· ~m;:il) fr~. 11•1th ;:i ~tr;:i1~h! f::.rf'. '111th 1111> 11·c1i::hts anrl ;ill. fllf'\ u~u.111\ tr\ tn pu! heel on ~·nu fnr f1NJ!l1all Sn. I'll probabl1 be 11 rest hn~ at l{ll; . E1en \1 llh his grirl and rn11t 11r!n·1ties, OU!TIPr1111; II rll·!\ \~hrr~ I ~ I ha1·rn't hPen ~hi 1n ~lll:>:P~l1n1:, 1n l'nnn !hilt hf' J!:PI a ho;·~r and 1:11 " 1N·kr1·111c. a Tri l!n1\r1 r1 h1< 111<1:1111 rl:in1pPr ,..r ;i rrp\v In thr~,. frilk~ 1111 !hP ~1drl1ne I\ ~1mpl,. 'Al1l1n t1 gh thr do• tnr rltrln"t ~et ;in1· exarl rlalr. bP fill'~ rli;:i1 [ n1 still gro11 1n~ and 1!1at ['II rr:irh ;;li11u1 .~.) r1entu;:il l\' ·•\nil . ;1< r,~.r n.~ I kn••11 , mnst JOCJ.:e~s i'lr" murh .~hnr!Pr than that 1' ThF 1nnu~P h~~ ro11r eel Abundance of Talent A1·ea Bacl\:s l1n1)1·ess ive 111 Fii·st Week's Actio11 Oulslandrng runo ing bac k5 1ppe1.r lo be abund1nt in Oran 1:e Coast 1rea prep foot- ball circles \\'ilh f0u r 1nd1v1du11ls cranking out better than l!!<l yards net in !he fir.st \l'eekend nf action Nn 1 on the Ifs! apiw:.1rs to bf> Mis~inn Viejo High's Aundre Hrilmes. the Diablos' thre-e-vear star!er_ Holmes sped fo r 191 yards in 18 carries, -------- ROGER CARL'iiO~ ----· scorrd th ree hmes /including a 57- yarder I and al'eraged 10 6 yards pe r try, His {·011rh. form Pr t.:niversity of \\'ashingtnn quarterback Bnb Hivner, likened his efforts to a wounded jaclrr&b- bit The Di;:ihlo~' 23·7 victnrv 01·er Sarl- dleback equalled last yrar's 'win output of one. AnolhPr lnumph Frida.v against P1cifica. I wou ld tie a five.year schoo l record of two v1rlories 111 a sPasnn. * * * Corona dtl l\1ar'li Bob Ferraro ac· counted for ZOS yards in 27 carries •T.5 per crack! lo the Sea Kings' 7-0 \'erdlct nver rh·al l\'.ev.·port Harbor. * * * One junior impre~Si\'e in his firs t start 11·as Es!anc1a 's Oan Pnnrffitto He filled in fnr the Eagles' inJurt d all - !ea,!!ue returnre .Jim Schultz and s11,'ept lo I9j vards in 28 carries -a 6 9 norm . Aiid tha1 ·s not had for a fellow v.•ho did not figure. in the starting lineu~} at game timf' The other JUntnr phenom v.·as J::rl1son's Frf'd Hernande1 He·s annl he'r 5\andout v.·ho \l'asn·t counled on for anything big !hf' first \Ve'Pk l)f the ~ell ~on Ho11'el'er sta rter Bob Smith was inju red in practice and Hernandez was one of l\l'O t'and1dat!'s the Chargrri. had a1·al.labl e tci fill the hnl" Hernandet re.!ipnnded 11·11 h Ul~ .l"a.rds IJ\ 19 r;irnes frir ;;i lfl 7 ;i1et:1i:~ Fnunt;i1 n \'nlle1 ·s at t1 rk appears nnrm:il ;if!rr onp n11 l111a The B.s:irons cnn- trnlled the tempo r•f their 1,._T C'011fJUe'!t of Hanchn Al;iin lto~ 11 1!h 64 running pl ayt among i8 nfh?ns1\·e thru~I' * * * \\'estmin~ter's .Jeff , Sirmf'n~ sho .... ·rd rial>~ in \hr p11~~1ni: drr>arlnlPnl. taking up frnn1 11ht're he ltf1 oH la~t 1l'a r. tit c1•n11tclrrl on I~ of ~JI Al !rn1pl ~ for 2.1Jt yard~ in the Lion'5 ~1·19 stthack al the hands of ,'\o. 3 ranJ.:rd Lake11und . * * * J\P11·pnrt 11.:irbnr ha ,r b;ill lf'<H11s w11! be unrlPr the hc:hts nn ei~hl nrr!l~ion~ in the ~prin2. ar1 ·nrd 111i:: !o rr111rh Anrl1 Srn11h Sn11 th. 11hq •1pi"141,cil 1tir n11c1urnal ac· t1nn ;ifffr ;111 1n 111rl' Ill ;a krv pl11\f'r OC• rurrerl 111 ll ni)'hl tfsl 11 1th Anaheim . ha s chan•?fd h1:-. 1n1nr! '"The kid~ \\'<!Ill 11 <!IHI lhl' p<l1"P111S wan t 1\." s;11·, S1111l!1 His Sa1lrir.~ ;:ire sl;it"r! for n1µht ;ir t1nn 1n lhP t\r11f1<'t'l·\lr•;a [)1~r nr! IQurnP\' al Cnst11 :'l·!p~;i !'ark alnnt: 11·1th travel dates 11 ith LAliira .:ind An:ihc1m. L<ist ~·car"~ niph t gamf' 11·1th Cn~ta :'lle~;:i at Cnst:i ;\lr~il Parl.i l\'as Jhe l111!hh2ht or the Orange Coasl Brea bai;rhall ~l';i~ron . It was a p11cked hnuse at an inadequate SJ!f' nn that s11h1rr t Sn111h ~ays. '·E1·erv11ne knnv.·s how n1urh v.·e need a nu:;h! facility fnr ha~eb.:ill but not>oxlv will dn an.rt hing ahnul J1 " !!'111· true * * * i ,'\e\\'\)()TI HariYJr and Estancia fnt:1!ba ll tPan1s are <,porting new LJn1fnrm:; Estan• <"1;:i re~embll'S thP San Fra nrl~cn 4~ers. 1\nrl !\e11·11'1rl ha;; sher! Its J)r-nalrl DurK ima~e v.ith the rrlurn to a standard Lollos Paced ))y l(alati Against U11i Tl1u1·scla y According to head fnotball ('O.'!Ch Bob Johnson of Los Ami11:ns. ";i !Qss surely makf'~ you anxinus to win But it nu!s YQU do11·n a notch in ynur progres.~ ·· \\'Ith 1h1s in n11nd .. lnhn~nn hopr~ h1~ l,11hn.~ r:in !1nrl ;in ample 11a1· tri rha[ll!P th1n11s Thursrla v n12ht ;:it Bnl~:i (;r;indF S!;:iil.ium 11·hen !hry ho~t C:n1~er.~1!.\ ·~ Trri- j;in~. Al1h0uc(l lhe Lob11~ dr11ppcd 'lhe1r ,1pr11Pr last week to Santa Ana V;;iJIPv. Jnh11~nn .~a.rs. "lhln'!S h;n·e 1mprril"ed rnn~]dPr;:ihlv ~1nrr \;:i~t ~l'!l.~nn Ru\ 11r th ought 11e wrre tnu~l1er than 11·e shnll'ed f!)::?.1n~1 S~nt.R An;:i \':i\le\ " The r\n I fnnth<lll pl;i1·rr 111 l.J"Js Am i!o\nS 1.~ ~-?. 2n:1-prlu11rl '.'11 ~u l\!!l<l11 L;:i~r yr;:ir. 1hr Sa1Tioan ~rninr 11a,~ ar· rrirrirrl ;ill .Or11n_'1e Coun!.1· rnPntinn rtnrl 11a~ r;:itrrl hi' mn~t. nhsC'r\·rrs "~ the (;11rrlrn r;ro\"r Ll'a{!\lr "'i hf'~! ltnrh.:irJ.:rr tr 1~ (l<H11'\rl< ~1nr,. !!Iii'\ :i nrl rnn· !'ldPr;:ihlv ~rron11rr tn hnn1 K::i l;:i11 rail;; rleFen.,l\e ~iizn.:ils from hi' ni1rldlr h11rk"r i-lnt .'Ind al<>n perfnrrn~ 111 nffrn~ll e !;:irk1 P ThP l1>hri\ r11n1urrrl !he. 1::.rrlrn r:rn\F p.3~~1111:! lnnp l1tlr !his pil~1 lillmlTifr mn~t)I• on !h,. 11 rrur111r !hn111 inc 111 :t.!I, t5:i-pr111nrl iiu;:i rtrrharl.; l\en Srhrn11t In ~p 11P nf h1 ~ ~l/P .!nhn«•n ~:1 1~ S"h rn11t 1~ arlrp1 a ~ f'l!hrr 11 spr1 n1nut nr <lrnpb;ir~ p;:i;;<"f <\nO !hrrr ·~ a Cf"'r! t:irgr! '" 1111n ;ii 10 returning a!l Je;i~u" sphT Pnd Jirn \.1n rn ln 1 lfil\' [)efens11·el,\', l'rhrnut ;inrl L1nrnln nl· cup~· thr tv.o safE!y pns1t1nn~ tn the sernndar) l,11s An11.:n;;' hP ~t runnf'r -halfback \like Rnuse 11,'i.'il -1,. 111 h1s third \ear 1n lhl' 1·ar ~111 11nr! he al sn pli1_1·~ rlefensi\"el y ;it rornrrh::IC'k Annthrr f1n1• t11 n.11;:i1' playrr ir. 5 R. 190· P"llnrl Burld.\' H;:irnhl1n. 11 hn operate~ at C('n!er ;inrl rlrfrn•11e !<"':kle. Offen~11"r l<1rklr .John f11t<;k 1 P\~1 and h1' de!Pnsi ve rn11nll'rp;:irt. ,\lark Stnv.e.r! 11 90 •, ::il ~n fi>'Urll1L'. h<>a1·i1y in 1he Los Amii:n~ lrrnr 11 ph ·lure. .Jrhn <:;On think;; rllJ\"ff~l ll' IS rlo1ng 3 £nod ioh tn it~ fnntf,;:ill rrn1:rarn fnr a new ~chnol and ~av/i. · the:/re small bu! quick. And th\',I' s1\11 rm in an 11rtil v.etl." Troja1l\ Elevated I.OS A\'r.El.1·:1' Sor11on1nrf.'/i \,rpg .\f;:irdrrian ;ind \l..+rr Springer Wf're nam· rrl 1n !hr 1 ·n11 rr .. 1•1 nf Sou!hem ! .-1!1fnrn 1;:i ~ 4lrf,,n.~11 P ~1 ilrf111~ ilrrav Tur<rt:J\ ;i~ rn:u h .lnhn \lrK 11.1· ,!;~Pk., ad- 1J111n11;:il ~rr •·d llr h.1s 1rrn11 d lhf !lkl.1hn1n;i ha rkf1Pld the f.1.11'·-t hC' \ ~r1•11 ;ind lhP Trn1"n~ !iire lhr Snrinrr~ al :\orm;:in C)kla . tJO Salur- d.1\ ;:i(•rrnn .. 11 ~L1r\r1 1;1 11. fit 11 11rl 2:1\ i;•l('< at ~ rlrlr11<11r r1nl Sp:~n~f'r 6·1 ;inrl 2JJ, gPtS ;.i linrh;u 1-.rr p!\¢111ri11 "E\('l"yhod.v i;;iy~ 1\·e'rp f;i~t -bul l"d ... ;i y \\'P're r;ulr k r111h rr 1hen !11 ~t. \\e rton't ha1·p an.1·nne cln5e !o !fl flat "Anrl CornnH ~pre11rl~ ~·nu n11t 11•ilh thref' wide receivers. A11.'\ic;>J lv t.hrv U.SI! a pa~s1ng nlren~e .~Pt." 11rlrls Ra0\rh1·iri Bc1.seball Standi1ig,s VOLVO ' ...... ............. -• ALAN DAGES GWC-Offense DAVE EDWARDS GWC-Defense The key runner in Sant;i Ana ·~ 11t111rk 1~ JUn1or fullh;ick Jur!i;nn ParkPr , 11·hn reel ed nff 97 yards against t-.'l~ltr De1 11nil. had a pair of 20-yard efforts null1fted h.1· penalties. Bruins Return LOS A:-.-GF.LES -T11"(1 l'CLA Sri11n rootball pl ii.veri; have reio1ned U1~ starting ~quad .!Liter recovenng from minnr lnJuries Safetv Ann Carver a.nd hnebacker V1n- cen1 ~10k are hack on active duty , a Itani spokesman ~Rys. The. 1wo took part 1n practice Tuesda~'. \.l'hich ernphas1zed offtnst, some1hing that ll'riS larking in the Bruins first lhree. contests of the ~a.son otivation Key fo1· Sa11tiago oU vahon Is one. of the prime !actors the phenomenal ~uccess of Edison h't Ch11rge.rs. a footb all team ~'hich +downed 17 straight lots ~.It's motivation lh.:i ! S;intiago coach ~ Bur1 fee ls Is the kf!I" In his leiim's nces nf upsetting the Chargers· v.·a&On day nigh! at \\'e~tm in~IPr • ,, Hun,e.r mean!I everything If we go i there ind thrnw • fit \I P might ju~t e them a ball g11me'." &Ays the alle.r mentor ffurt has a few ta agible~ 11:olng for hl m, too,.. Like ID retuming starters .from l11st year's S.3 team v.•hich inci,udes fL1·e lhree- ytar stArters and lhree I w o -l e 11 r starters. The C;ivs ga1·e Edlson a tough lime l;i~\ 1,e11r but 11n Ed1,t.(ln tr.:irlem11rk. !he bnmh', broke things opt'O just prior to lhf' h11Jf. And !his year's \,ardtn r.rnvf' l.A'ill:ll" ('!'Intender fe11turf'.~ le f t ha n d rd QUllrlerl).ack Mike Randall and three e1 - plo~ll'e hacks Randall scored tv.·ic" In !hP C111•r,' !4-6 \1·1n Ol"et a Jll"nnd G.:iner.ha ll'Am la~! \l"f'ek . Allern;ii1ng In Ille l)aclUill d are juru0rf. • Garv Nn rth and Junior Talasea. Tht lal- tl'r 'measures 6-2. 206. Sam Arevalo 11!ro rntates 111 tht Cavs' muH1plP ~el up And the dPlen~ive hne or SanfiJJIO h.s:is 1t~ -slandouls \\'ilh S.2. 223-pnund Jay Lrdhettrr ilnd fi-2. 20.~pound Clayti:in Hn::!er~nn ilnrhnrin,c th1n.11s. Rnlh arP thrf'P·~·11ar ~t:.r!er., ii nrt Bur t hl'l1r1•es lhey are aJ\-Oran11t' Count y ran- d1d111e.c.. The lop rtfen·tr ft"Jr Sant1a~n 15 Kuk l Pu11 llo11. 11 ,'i·S. 1:.n.pnund <;peedstt r He w~.c. an hono rable m"ntinn all·lrague ~,.l,.l'!ll'ln l1sl Sl'll T and is another thrl'e yrar $1a rter 1n Bur~ C"Amp. • A.\IERICA'-' LEAGUE [115! flivl~il'ln w I. B11lt1mnre 1'1'1 57 nptro1t " 70 Rn\.fllfl " " '1:{'11· \'nrf; M RO \\·11~h1nizlnn <1 " Cle'reland ,, 10! \\'t~I fli\"l~inn n akl anrl 100 "' K.1111~~~ Ci ty " ij fhir:.go 77 8.1 An~PIS 75 R.I Jlllnnr~nt;i 7.1 " ~lih1au kee " ., fulWI••" lh1ulh ~•I'·~~'" •I\.! &C""' '' r 1•u•••·~ I• O••·~" '' II'•'"'""'~" ' >i•w Yn•• ) ••••I• & M """~'• ' C'•"•"~ 1 'I.••••• C><v I ~"'"'•u••• , ("''"'~ I T(t'1•v'O 0 •"'" Prt. .637 '" !"i?8 "" .4fl\ "'' .f\Z:l .. ),,! .4'1 .4fi9 '" .43~ GB II 17 2J l, 37 43 1; 23 " " Jijl'<! """'°' C•'• r~ ''"'0"•• 1 t i ot 01•l•~d IC 00~'"" 'l !\ •·••+• lW>·•'' !t.11 \ .1 ..... ~fi· .... 1& 1111.1, •• " ...... , '.I ,,.., ,., •! "O"' I~ n •' (fi r•,o 11'1""" JI IJI n •"' 0•'<• • 1 1,,~"r" 1• 111 •' (l•v"'•tv! 1("11)1" •·•I • •"' ~O""" l(,0•~1• 1,CT ot !t"•...,~·t I~ 0.~WP" JO.II "''"' •,o~ Ye1I '5"""'"~Y•I IS.I)\ or W•O~l"OfOfl I ~"" ""b~• J.1 1, ~·,~t • /'\ATION AL LEAG LE Ea!l Oh·lsto n w L Pr!. GB r 1tL~burgh gr, '·I :-i:'l" SI Louis 90 ;1 !\;}9 6 Chir11go 82 ;s ~13 1:\l ~ j\'f'V.' Ynrk " " 5119 14 ~lonlrt>;:il ;o " HO ,. _., Ph1\adelph1a " " ,416 !9 ""t ~I Oh·ls1n n Seo F'r11nc1sro " 7] :.sri Dnd111f'r~ '" ;, 550 Atlanta 81 .. !:irl:\ ,,, l inc1nn:iti ;, '2 .~9l . 101: Hnu~t nn 78 82 4'8 II 5,, DiPgo "' 99 .377 231: Tun••v'• l!ttul" •• l~"" I ...... v ... ' ~·o·""~•• ' c~,~~•l'I j .... ,,~ ........ ··"'""''~ J "'"""'" " c, .. ,,~ ... 11 o 00111.,., I 1oo..,,..,.. 1 Sift •••ft<•"G I, &•" 0'""' I , ....... o ...... c~, • .,., l"•I•"~ 16\., l.'e~••••' !1t1r•a ,.,. H I ~·•" '"°1:1'.1•'•" l•&!"a('I J.I) o• OH11•1 (Oe,.,~••2 :!O· I ! "1•• l•ft •••~<-co ttr •''"'" •.JI •' 5,., o ... o· Utl•nv "IJ I. r •i•t °"'' ''"""' IC'lldulod 646-9303 540-9468 1966 HARBOR 8LVD. COSTA MESA 1.'•t O! r•• Worla" S•l"'I Ci ra, SAVE BIG DURING OUR BIG ACTION SALE ITJIO!YIQ!TlAJ '71 COROLLA DEMO SALE LARGE NEW & USED TOYOTA SELECTION See Us Before You Buy! •• " I I ( l --.-...... Says Cha1nplon Me1i Still Aliead Of Girl Surfers By 110 \\'/\Hn 1.. llAS DY 01 !~t 0•11¥ l'olal $!•1! Joyce /l1itfman I. :1 n co r knn11's her v.·11.1 ar0und 0n a slJrfl:i.1ard <ind for tht• fourth time 111 13 ~Pars nf st1:1i:1ng the n."r<'nl L' n 1 1 f' d S I a t l's Surfboard f'hamp1on<>h!ps 1n Jlunllnl!!un BC'111·t1 , shl! is the 11 nrnen's 1·ha1np111n .Jn\'r:'! won !he ~·rv11·11 1hrre surr:e~.~11e ~I.' a rs 111 J!lli.°i fi6-fi7 and 11a.<> third a ~l'<ir ;i,eo befnre rc!urni ni.t to the \ 1rtor·s platform Sunday Surfing 1s rhftercn! 0(111 than I! ll"as 11·i1<'n she f1r111 brgan 11 1nning lrnplll<'~ as a hil!h Ft'h™'I senior at S:in Clrn1e11te. "Thcv :ire <1h.i. ilVS rotnll11! Up \\Ith ne11' 1nno1at1 ons 1n !'urf- 1ri,e li ke e1·er.v1h1ng clsr ," tile bln nrlt> 1111 .... s s;1 _1.., "Rut rncn :ll'f' llilll1r,1lly murc aggrt!'Sll'<' a~ oppo~Pd !n 11·nn1C'n and 1 he~· r11t1u~t to the c ~111n,ec~ mnre readilr ··1 kn11w il In! 11f pC'0 nplf' v.•rre cn111pu ri nt: n1c 1111.!!Jllr 11\l'n 111 thP p11st ;ind ~;111 n~ I {"(luld ke l'p up 11·1!h trc111 bur I c·;1 n't dn I! nn11 ' );hr .~<11d 11h1 le ~e11111i.: 11 .. mrn's lib bar k a fe11 nn!Cht'S. '"\\"e still improve a lot but Chaffey Prin1ecl For !\ID ();-.'TARI() -n;i1· Siilrk 1~11·1 nn,. 111 fnol arrr11nd 11hen 1! cnmrs In :-t ht'dul1ni; I h c pv11·rrhn11 se~. 1.::i~I Frid;iy ni,eht. lhr Ch;if. rry T1 g{'rs· hc;id fn0th;1ll 111rn- tnr sent his s11u;id ai:::i1n.o;;t lfliO ("JV f\AAll pl:noff scn1if 1n.11lsl ,\n11hc1111 and 1!1e I ;i 1 t e r rn1crgcd 11rtnrir1us. 20·8. 1n ;i rnn1 r~1 1h;i! Stark adn11ts v.;io;;n't e1rn c!nse'. 1\nrl nu11 rhe Tigrr grui ch1rf h;i~ h1~ tr.1 m pri'11ed for rhe C"hallcnr.e nf thC' <rhl"i1,\~ p<itc11l ~1 :11er !)Ci tl11Jn<1r('h'>. 11 ho In· 1 ;idr 1h1s C"!fl" Sa111rda1 111~hr ··(;[1111~ 1nt11 rhr · i: ;; n1 e 1H;t11n<;l /\11:ihrtrn. I !hnuf!hl 11 fl"d h<' f;i1 rh n'prerntali1e," .<;;i,1·~ St::irk "But nnw I '111 n"t ~o ~11rr .ind !"rn a ht!le d1 sap· p111nt,.d . "\\ C' hacl !11c 111 ;i j n r prn;d(1P.<i. .~ r 1 c r a I 1n· trrC'<'pt11)/ls tlnd i1 C'•)11plr 11f tu111hlc~ 11h1ch tt'<ill,1· killed us in the f11'~! g;11n" Thr T1µPr att;u·k ,.,.ntcrs ::1rn11nrl H15-pn11nd St r \ e \\"a1~fin. 11 h11IJ nf ::i kid wt1n \I i.IS !he iill C1 tn1 o;; 13rh Le;:i~ue ftJllh;:ick a1> ;i 1un1nr l.1s1 \ c;ir Slark s;ns \\'a1 .:<r•n 1~ the <·nrnp le1r riffen.~1 v r pl:1.1rr \.\hn c;in bloc k as 11 rl! as he ca n '"" Th e he ~t t 11·n 1va v fl"Tforrnrr 1'>!1 thl' <fjU:ld I~ E!ll<Jr<l·l1nrbarkrr noy \"a n- drrkr!lrn 1\t1 hough 11 ·~ hi!' hr~t 1 ;irs1t1· rtlmp:i if!n . .Jrir !)r1lnrk dirt 11 rll 1n t11~ 1n1t 1rll 1f"q ;i~ ;i rnmhtn:i11on running baC'k·rnr- !lflrt'iark • r t l • ' ~ JOYCE LANCOR lhe n1!'n ;ire. alsn impro1•ing. \''" can'l run a !00-yarrl dash 11'i lh the men and we can"t do it on surfboards. either." 01lf innovation .Jnycr uses th;i! few, if anv (If the C!!hcr finalists in an1: ca!egnr~· had. 11·3.~ a clothesline rop'e al· tacherl to her board and around her ankle v.•ith about 1;i-.: to right feet of rope in lx'tween. •·The rnen are w good they don'l nttd this type of ad- 1 antage and 1l is against the rulrs fnr them In use ii," she l explains. "Bul it sal"C'~ me a lot of time in rf'lriering rny I board if I wipe oul " 1 "'1penu\s are nothing nrw 101 the forn1rr student body prcsiden!1<1I candidate tit San l Cl1>n1entr Hii::h. •·1 ren1P111her ha ring ;i ho;tl"d h1·e;:ik on n1e one llmf' ;:it I S.inla Cru1 There were fflur nf us ahout tn get a supe1· I clo~enul Wi1\ r_ The othrr threC' girls ln~1 their bo;irds in !he w:11e and mine broke 111 haH ."", .Jn1 rP comes from a n ;ithlC11c:1!1y incl1nerl family 1 She 1s 1hc n1e<'e of L;c Irvin<' s11 1n1n1ing and watrr pnln rn:ieh Ed :'\e\.\·land and thr ~!!'l<>r of S;in ClPn1ente pnlf' 1:i1iller Tnnl" H('\ffman "ll11's l "'"'"~ \n rnake !he Olympic tr:in1 1n \'lil\"' .Jo.\ce pred icts ('()nfulrntl~ And hrr 1 nunger s1~tf'r lloh1n, 10 IS n"n11· w1nn1ng rib- bnn.-. and medals in horse ~hil\.\S •·She":; :ilrrady wnn mnrr l !h;1n I c1•cr v.·on in surf1n~."I ,Jnvrr Si!l'.<i \.\"ith a bit nf ptl(!e ilnrl a t11·lnkle 1n her eyr '1 Iler falhcr \I ;ilter Hoffman \.\aS ;i fnr111l'r tandem surfing, Ph;1111p111n hut prefers n11\lnrT1ele riding now, Re ing a rnarricd hnu.~ey,•1 fc 1hcse d;iy-;. Jo.vce wai; in 11 htnr1• to gel hnmr where a I trag£.ct1 had ~1n1rk the Lancor 1 1 hnuschnld th is 11'cck. ··nur "lf\O·pound St. Berna rd 11 :i.~ killed hy an auto1nobile I 1 h1~ 11eek and the aC'cidenl <i 1d ~;,111) 11·ort h nf di!mRE?e !o the ,,, .. I ll rr hu~hanrt. an arrh11r('1 , i" de~1.i:nrng ;i br:ich hflm r lnr , !hr <.·nuple 1n Jhe Ile.I ,\l:i r 1 arr;i /\nrl she \.\ ri~ <'"r'lerrncd 11hn11! hri!h ~1 t 11:i1~ _ 1 1be best,,, ans~rrJ servace / in town. For prompt, ef'flclenl •nd tr5endly Mrvlce CaH ••• 548·5522 ALL AMERICAN ' ,.NSWERINQ SERVICE ~:s c e'nter Street, Costa Mesa ---. ._ ___ _ DAILY PILOT J9 15-3 Blitz For Vike Vike , Mission Vie jo Runners Su1ee p Foes Hunti11gto n Poloi sts OrangeCoast PoloistS Zip Past Vikes, 9-4 Poloists Tht ~1arlna Viking Wjlttr polo lt>am "'armed up fo r the upcoming Valencia tourna- ment Tuesday with a l~J vic- tory over host Lowell High of LR Habra in a non -league ga1ne. Ken King and Robb 1 e lloh1nson paced the varsity i;;cnring with six goats apiete as the Vikcs broke the game w1rle open 1n the second hall y,·ith JO goals. \far~ Grosshans had 12 sa1·es and hlocked a ptnal!y shot for the 1·ictors. v., ...... Ln,..•'1 1 O O !-) Moron• ) l 1 6 1J M•"•• ICOl"•"D t(lng 6 11.otl•"SOn •• O~n·•I~, OUnt1 Btn.,ln<>ln" J1'"llll' Vt 11I•• Low•ll 1 l I O-l M.,l,._. C 1 I l-' '~'''"" ><D""D 8ootn J, GuDI•• 1. V>enD••. Ea,..A•d> ~'"'"· SuMe•. l'rOl~·§oJ~ Low•ll 1 I I i;.....J M&""" 3ll•ll M"""" •tC••rtt: Ho,.•>fll I. B••li. D•••e" Er.ck1on I Marina High School'.'1 Vik· lngs s"'epl to their s~icund straight ·triumph 1n cross country cnmpttition "' h 1 I e r-.1issio11 Viejo ll'as downing Rancho Alamitos and Corona del ~lar Jost to Santa Ana Tuesday. ~tarina had a perfCct i;t·ore in !he 1·ars1ty race. b€'atin_1: \"ilia Park 15-50. \\'I th Bob Phillips w1nn1 ng 1nd1\'1rtual honors in \Q · 1 L Thr \"ik1ng junior v-.r~11v also v.·nn. 27·31. ll"i!h lhe frosh· soph team \.\'inning. 21-34 ~1ission \'tejo also s1\·ept all three races. ~·inning thr varsi- ty rare, 2.1 1.,.331 ~. \.\'ith Ed Rademacher finishin!! serond to Darryl Hatfield nf Ranchn. Hatfield finished in 10·02 lo 10:21 for Rademacher. Corona del f'.1ar dropped a!\ three races to the host Saints. v ... 11, M••in• u . VIII• P•rk to I Bo~ P~olhP1 If.') 10 II, 1 "'"''"" P ,.,.,nCeil l~ . J, .;en M•'''" I"'' • Ci•rv Blume IM l2 5 ~'""" •••O •M+; ! "l<~•'d 8•ecrock (M!, /. D<>•D l•ll'Tlan IM I Jun•or V•n•!~ M•fln• 11. Viii• f'•r• ll COUPON SPECTACULARI WI •llllVI fMI ltGMf lO llMll OUAH.rniil- TAPE PLAYERS I TRACI STIREO TAPE PLA YIR WITH IUILT-IN IURGLAR ALARM & llNE TUNING 1 R°"'I llJ') 10 lt, 1 \/•~ ''"'• JVl'I. J 1"~~'11 •Mll ' A\tl~tYre rll'I ! Ma•t" IVP o, • R'co 1"' i >ilt'""C~~ IVl>I O!~t•I" 1l Drt••r 1•,1 , •• \""'''"'~Mo, U ti••t1 l"'J "· P•••<• 1M• ,f0lft·'8f'h M••!"a I\, VIiii ,lrtl )I ('!~""' C•a•& IM I !I n Mor•h•Mi !M ; l Ma•.., .. I (\P 'i '· On""""' !VP1 I wnno IM1 6 "'"""',.. 1"'! Qlnf,, 7 WI"'~''" +M. IJ Scno•tf (M 1, I• Co•tfln> •M!. van1•v '•"'' ,.,.. 11. Corona c111 M1• JI 1 Cionf! (So 10 ll<I; 1 o( (on~ol+ •SI; l 0 • ~n<v I( 1 ; M (onn.11 IS+ ! (•roo,•• 1C1 . 6 E••n 1~1 . I S~r" I~·, I "'6• ... no•! IS H ' ) o~~~f· !Cl ·~ AY>lln r( O!n"'• II c,,,_ (C). !: a ... ., tr !l L Dong., 1( '· '"" •• V•r!'._ ''"'' In• 1f, Corona dtl Mfr Ji ""''·C• ·'i 11 ,9 ~ l"·''h"'•"O IC l "'~"' r\\. • c~mab-'I •>1. <. Ean• ISi. ~ S•~v•"• rs• Q;n"'' 1 F•a•" IC.•. I A.Ho•a !CJ, 11. S•v•9t !(f 11 Ltl5••" rc.1 Fto1h·~~ iant• Ana 11. Co<•n• Otl M•• o Varllh """•Ion Vl•lt u •,, ltfneflo Altmlto. "'' ' fl H•'"•l<I !"1 ID D! ! R•a~m•<ft•• lMI. J Ko"'•r IMl1 I. M••"ntl \"I' I '"""'"~ IMI, ~ 6V'O"O ! .... I. I Glddt"I IM!, I W Ho•· ''~•a •I!• • '"""'"""'!Ml. •o Mo• Irv• 11'1 O!n•' 11 Monn IMO )""10• "•"lh• M•n•'~ v .. 11 ll. l!tn<h• Al1mt101 J.O "'"" '""'J' •M• l' ~7 I · • •" r ... ,.,.l B"f <M l • {•or.• 1 ... 1 I 0 On ntll tM\ • V•n<f IM! Fro••·SO·~ Mluoon Vit ia I!, 1!1nc~o Alaml!I• 1t I i'i~~' (Ml II j); ) M M~'"' (I.I • l ~"'"""" 111 1, • M•••ln~1 11!1. S W •''" II.II;~ ~•no IM), I f'o~h (M l Wi11, 8-6 Hunt1ng1nn Beach Hi g h School. under new head coach Du<lne. Getty. camt> frnn1 hehind to defr<it 1·isiting La Habra l'ucsday 11fternoon 1n a non·league 1•1ater polo game, 8-6 Clay Evans paced !he scor· ing and was presrnted the ball-hawking award by hi s coach fnr making four sleal.~. ~rabbing 11·.n loose balls and inter<;ept1ng twn passes. Goalie Art \~esl ll'\llrle 10 saves during tne game in- cluding a blocked shot The iunior \"aris!v t:ame \.\"<IS fnrfeited to La Habra. Hun- tington Beach ha s nn frosh- snph team ;it thr nloment. vor .. tv t.• "~n,~ I 1 ' n-4 Hunhng to~ B•11rn n • } ) I H lnher. oo ll<nr~ >CO'•< E•4"> '' Her<ere 1. H'1mnn, """' "' Ju.,lor V•ttlly ~nr1~,t lo La H•M• Fro>~·,OP~ DAILY 10-10 SUN. 10·7 our fl y CRA IG Sl/Ef'F 01 lftl 0.llY ,!Ml Slf'1 Fresnman Uan Kent fired 1n a key goal JUSl 15 seconds tntn the fourth quarter In spark Orange Coast College's v.·ater pnlo lf'am to a 9-4 victory nver Lnng Beach City College Tues· day in the w1nner"s pool. The vlclorv was OCC's fifth sln:11ghl 01 the .1'oung st>ason and 1l came against the defen- dini:: slate 1un1or cnllege C'harnpinns The game y,•as U1e opener for LBCC. Orange Coast gQt off In a slnw !'tart, trailing the Vik1 n~s l-0 after a quarter / But !he P1ra1es of coach J a c k Fullertrin struck back lo 0utscnre J\\onte Nitzko1l'ski's cluh. 4·0, in the second riuarrer I\ 1th OCC up hy three is-2 i midway through lhe thi rd st;:inz;i, the \'1kings went to \\"Ork v.·11h J\1 1ke Evan~ gr!ling a prnalty shot and r.tike Str1•en~on fnllov.•ing 1v\th a ,l!O<il that cut the OCC lead to Just one Rut with just \•15 lef! in the rp1;:irter, freshman J\.11kr Beal slammed in a penalty ~hot aid !\ent followed with. hi! kty goal 112 minutes later. · Letterman Tom Warnecke and Beal shared scoring honors for the Bucs with th.ret ea<'h while Kent had two. The nJne goals ran OCC'a five.game total lo 68 -an average of 13 6 per outing. Fullerton credited both Ke nt and Beril for playing "tI · ceptiona! games" and he also had praise for goalle Tom Oh\"er Ol11·er had a number Qf ~;11·e5 1111d alsn blocked a penalty throw late in the final period. Evan~ p;ictd the Vikings l'o'ith three goals. Orange. Coast is now idle un· 111 Tuesday v.•hen it travels to Cypress for a 3 o'clock Ult. The following F'riday 10ct. 81. the Bucs launch South Coast Conference action a g a I n st tough Ful!erton. That's set for the OCC pnol S<O'I bt Gw•rl1t• l ~n9 15•~<~ I 8 I 6-1 0·~"0' Co~•I e I ' :1-f O•~"g' '""'' Ke•lt11 -Warntc~• l. BOAi J, l<;tnf 2, Smith I OF THE YEAR ON OUR BEST SELLING .TIRE FISK PREMIER e4 PLY NYLON CORD •WIDE PROfllE • 71 SERIES TREAD WIDTll •3& MONTH GUARANTEE •I 2 /32 INCH TREAD DEPTH 650·13 Qt1<:kw1ll. Tube!• Pl u, Flld•••I E•co~ T~l o1 1 76 .. WHITrWAll 'll AU '"' ·~-••• , .. ., •• ,. .. ""'"'' ,,.,. '"''"'"~\ '"' ... ""'"~" ~· '""""'' .... ! .... "" ..... 1 .. ,_ ... , !I ........ ", ........ ,,u .•.•••• , ... , ..... "' .... ,. ......... '"' ..... ~ ..... "'" ........ 11 ....................... "' ••• ,~, .............. , •••• ft ........ , ............... "' ...... ''" ...... """'""'· n•-""• ·• '"""'"" '"'" ......... , .. "~"' d•" •• """"'~ 1 1"••An l.••• •-~•• .. ~Tt• II o ,, .. •~• '"'' •u• to4•'""""' • ., ... , ...... "f ,..,..,,.,"' •· • ,_,,, "' , .. . ............. ~, •• ··-......................................... ft ........... . " ............. )Jl>" .......... ·~· """"" ................. ,, .... " ... .................. ~ ........ "' ,..,,.'" ,,,._ ..... "" "'' '""'''" ......... . ................ , .. --·· "' . .,. . .,., .... ~ .. .,., ..... , T••o 10"•""' .... , _, ..... Lo IN .. •• ,_,.,.,.Ol ow"'"" ......... ""'- ..... •• "' ""'"'' , ... 1 ..... ... ·~ .... ·~ .11 ......... '" ...... ,, ... 1 ..... .., ..... '" .t1 .. 1 ...... ,,.., ......... . , .. , ..... ,_ .......... , """ .... . WHY WAIT~ USE YOUR l(m..-1 CRIEOIT CARD OR YOUl't l.t,NK AMERICARD m 550·13 C78-13 l700) E78-14 !736) F78·14 !7751 F78·15 !775) G78-14 1825) G78·1!5 !825) H78-14 (8551 H78-15 1855) • l 2 '1 s '17 'I 8 '19 '20 '2 l '2 2 '23 'ls • 1 8 '20 •21 '22 .. , '23 2.51 '24 .... '25 2.74 '26 .... IACJI f it• ComN. P'llcon1 61>-63 : Duu 61-61 lut&ll1Uon .A•allabl1 COSTA MESA BUENA PARlt I 1 S440 Beach Blvd. at' McF1dd1n WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA I BUENA PARK I 1400 Edlf1ger at Bri1tol .5301 Beach Blvd . I 5825 Lincoln ~----------mllll'!ll------------------------------------.....0 · 20 DAil V PILOT WfdMsd.1y, September~. 1971 Start Your Engines! by Deke Hou/gate Nobody talks about the narC!)tics problem in auto racing, not in~ public, but sports car cham11ion Alan Johnson has gone and done it in print in his book, "Driving in C.ompetition," just re- leased by Bond, ·Parkhurst (hardbound, $5.9~. Newport Beach). "ll seems likely to me," Johnson writes, "that the sactioning ..-.i::.::icizations <ire going to become aware that there is a drug ~ .. item in racing just as there is outside of racing. And when t1!'!Y do. they're going to impose really tough penalties on drivers 'found to be using drugs -like a lifetime ban. It's that serious." \\'e called Johnson and asked him to tell us more about tbe fr:rbidden subject. We 'd never met a driver willing to talk about it before. "I first saw it at Indianapolis Speedway during qualifying (or the 1968 race. I won't mention any names, naturally, but there v.•cre several drivers who told me about it or whom I observed. Quite frankly, r \Vas aghast." he said. "f \vouldn 't take a chance like that under the influence or Anything. lnridcntally, I wasn't there for the race, and I don1t know what happened during lhe race Itself." Johnson said he knows of marijuana use by drivers at lndian· apo\is and he suspect.eel i;ome drivers of taking S<reatled "brave 'f pills," the sort of conscientious modifiers that give a man more than hi s quota of courage by creating a feeling or well being, at the same time relieving tension. The following Feb ruary .Johnson observed use cf stay awake type pills during lhe 24-hour race at Daytona, and during tv.·o Sebring 12-hour races he became suspicious of their widespread consumption. "This was my first year at Le~1ans, and I stayed pretty much to myself," he said. "So I didn't see anything like that, but I'm sure It goes on.'' Lelllnns Pn'formanee Clled "" · ... Johnson cited the Le..\fans performance of a prominent Inter· national driver known for bl11 excess dissipation and commented: VIK "I don't see bow Ile could do anything else to get himself Into ING WARRIOR -t1arina High's Nick Vorono sive end. Marina opens its 1971 home campaign Fri· day night against Hawthorne. 8 race car." is a t\VO·way perfor mer for coach Leon Wheeler's If not drug abaae, at least alcohol abuse extend~ clear down Vikes. Vorono, a junior. sta rts al tackle and defen-to the grass roots of SCCA club racing, a ccording to Johnson. ________ .:_ _________ :..::__:::::..::__:::: ____________ _ "I know of one amateur driver who bas been racing under the influence of alcohol In club races for years.'' Johnson said. .. He's a menace on the course. It's amazing nobody does any· th in.~ about him." Johnson's book Isn't about dope in Gasoline Alley, incident- ally. U we created that Impression, we plead guilty to present- ing material out of context. For aoyone lnterelited In kno\li·lng about bow to get involved in SCCA road racing, Johnson's book tells It all. from \\'bat kind of gloves to wear to bow to analyze the various types of cor· pers found on all race tracks. The former club rarer \\'ho is now director of SCCA 's drive r education program wrote it In collaboration \\'itb J im Crow, editor of Road & Track Ma~azine. "As I became a race drivillg Instructor a11d later chief in- structor the lf'vel of questions grew," Johnson said. "I was alwoys answering requests for information about bow you get Into racing. ''Finally, I wrtlie a pamphlet explaining bow hrieOy for the Porsche 01\ners Club, and when Jim beard about It he said, 'It's time for a book on that.' I said, 'Great, Jel's do ii.' So we did." Bruins Loaded For Bear MJAC Quarterbacks Inexperienced, Blind \ t-itl. San Jacinto College foot· quarterback situation suffered ball coach Roger Chaney is a big jolt during the summer not dreading meeting Sad· dlebac k Saturday night al \1•hen a highly recruited prep Marina, Hawthorne Similar MissiQfl Viejo High -but he star from Hemet decided to tr you went by siu and stats docs feel his club will have to quit footbal! and go to college alone w i thou t mentioning apropoo. play extremely y,·el! to beat out of state names it would be hard lo Any v.·ay wh ich you look at !he Gauchos. Th Ch h h d distinguish between Marina LONG BEACH -Land of the. Giants v.•ould seem to be it, \Vestminster High 's Friday "We feel we'll have lo play . hus ~neyf as a . to gdo and Hawthorne High football ;:ibove our heads to stay in the \\/Jl a patr 0 inexperience teams as the two prepare for night opponents and hosts -ball game," says Chaney players -25<year-0ld Ron Saturday's confrontation at the \Vilson Bruins -::ire whose Eagles \vere bombed by \\'clch and 23-ycar-0ld Steve \Vestminster. enormously big. Southwestern, 48-13, in their Powers. The invading Hawthorne C!#Cle Riders No Longer a C11riosity In his seventh football opener last week. Welch is the No. 1 QB, but Cougars of the Ocean League season as the head Bruin, "We just don't have the h possess good size in the line. a Not loo long ago American motorcycle racers were a cur· personnel th at Saddleback e never played the position .. k b f Id Owen Dixon, has Jed his qLHC ack ie (no blazing losity in Europe. like the old wild man from Borneo in the circus h 1 ,1 , _ does. Their rushing and pass· before the start of the '71 speed I and an open•·ng Joss 1,·1. · · d. •· o· k •f '0 c ;irgcs o ,, oorc 1.1t:;igue . sideshow. But that time ts past, accor mg w 1c ,. ann, a --. h ing games are extremely campaign. \Ve!ch. a 6-1. 185-ed away. h d b. h f 1· cT011·ns in eac of the past siX" year racing veteran who as one JS s are o compe ing across good. although they fell down pounder. v.·as a tight end for c::im1iaigns except one -last 1 Coach Otlo Pl um's Co"ga•s the Atlantic. against Cypress last week. the Eag es last fall. '"' ' I · led 1 year lost to Av iation, 7·0, in the "At first the prop e in Europe JUSt wan to see one o u~. · "And they're extrc1nely ag-Powers. a 5-9, 175-pouncler but now they know we have pretty good riders." Manns said But Dixon doesn't plan on grcsslve on defense .... and \\•ho is blind in one ey<, ha!': okpener <Ind h.e says he doesn't "Th th. h ed h · F .. A being down for long l\Vilson h . h no1v what to expect from e same mg appen ere m reverse. or years we "'°" t at s \I' at \VO!Ties us most. been out of football the past M · d tieved what the motorcycle magazines told us. The Europeans v.'as third in the Moore circuit We can't throw the football. five years. ar1na espite viewing the h th ' . 1 1 behind El Rancho and CJF Vikings' 41-6 loss to El v;ere supposed to be so muc better an we were, par ICU ar y AAAA semifinalist Lakewood We only passed nine times last "\Ve're hurtinl! terribly at Rancho. at road racing. in 1970). \l'CCk. \Ve're very concerned quarterback." says Chaney "\Veil, v.·e did fairly well over there. and \vhen the Europ-And the reasons are ap-about our passing," says who adds that the Eagles also "El Rancho can make a lot eans came here to race -admittedly under adverse conditions parrnl Chaney. need a lot of shoring up in the of people look bad so it's hard becau~ they \Vere racing on our tracks we did quite 1vell. 1.. h • h !\.It. San J a c i n lo• s <lefensive secondar.v. to figure what we'U be up "I believe-that ln a very few years the center of motorcycle. ·irsl 1 eres t e wealth of against," he says, racing in the 1vorld y,•ill be right here in the United States." hefly prnple available. "Southwest ern passed for The Cougars' ;i t ta c k ?!Jann pointed out that there is more European participation Exhibit A is two·way tackle DeSoto Reac]y 34~ yard~ and five TDs against features quarterback Mike here now than ever before. <1nd he said he believes it ls because ~like Cordero, " strong lad v.·ho us last week. Thev used four Bell. A senior returning starter che('ks 1n at 6·fi and 237. t b k d ·11 h h h J d of the new "prestige of racing in the United Stales.'' quar er ac ·s an a t rew t e w o comp etc seven of 21 last .:Dick ~1ann, known in motorcycle racing circles as Bltgs, is Exhibit B is even bigger. Fo1· Motocross ball extremely well.'' week. I The e1·idence is on the table in H d. ed h nu;·ivorv tower denizen despite his advanced years (38 ). He i~ The E<ii;?le running game. is e. irect ill' team 59 · ~ the person of the other tackle Th t • · ~ d c~rently the point leader and favorite to win the A?itA Grand e na ions P re 1n 1 f' r not hurting. yar s 1n the final minute Neµonal Litle. -;h~.t~5~:~~~ h~~~~~r~ery. motocross expert -John Letterman halfback Don against Aviation before. the ,.. D Sot ·11 b h d final gun thv.«irted the effort ~ Tight Rnt'P for Cycle Ti, le \V i\son slamn1rrl the door on e. o -v.·1 e nn an \'1ser, a S.9. 165-pounder nn rhe \\'inner's 25. .. Ocean U-ague l1tl e co.favorite J(1n1gh! and Friday night Y.'h!?n posses~ \"('f\.' "nod !'need and Th ,. " ,. e best runner in camp is • ?if:inn has earnded 820 points lo\\'ard !he championship to \Vest T<irr:ince In las1 \1·cek's t;n1tcrl States Racing Club fullback Billy Ak in 16-J, 207 1 ill' little Terr.v Howse . a l35-poun-'llfi for Gene Jlomero and 71Hi for Jim Rire. Thr race lnr the opener. R·O. And ;il\.Jeague 1notocross comp e I 1 tin n tough to ~top nn ~hnrl yardage der y,•ho finds his holes llnd rlifjng title is experted to go do\110 to the final event. a type or 11111.:backcr and tcan1 t.:apt::iin resumes at El Toro Speedv.·ay. situations. Tile latter attended rno\'es quickly. He 's a Junior colbpetilion at \Vhirh J\1ann excels. Drew No~\VOrthy j l~I was Pit and spectator gates open Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo ) as is fullback Gene Skulick 15-9 '.Under tbe circumstances, a driver going for an important <inother Of the fnain reasons each evenlng at 6 o'clock with last season after graduating 1751 and receiver Nick Colet cbamplonshlp would probably turn conservative and concentrate \\'hy. racing starting at R from Hemet High. (6-2 190 on fi nishing Lhe remaining races to win points, but !bat kind of ' ·~=;;;;;:;::~::1~;~~~~~~~~;;.~~=:;;;;i~;;~;;~;;i.-~iii:;;;~~;;·;;~'·~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w 1trategy is not in J\1ann's bag of tricks. "l don't pay any attention to the point& until after the season 11 over.'' he said. "because that is the only time they cou nt. "There Is nothing I <:an do about th e points that have already been scored. I concentrate on doing the be!it job I can, and I never slOw up just to finish and score points. "I've put a good performance above a me<lklcre one. l t's never been put In my bead to try to finish a race seventh." J\fan began professional racing In 1952, and b~ bas seen a lot nl changes In the sport since then. "Technically, the equipment Is a lot different," be said. "Road racing has changed considerably In the last 10 years, both the equipment and the riding techniques. There are more rare tracks available form; to race on now." J\1ann is nearly twice the age of most of bis competitors, but be doesn't consider age a factor nne way or a nother In bis auc· ccss. "Age doesn't occur to me very much,'' be said. "Experience dotsn't help all that much. betau5e m-O!ol of what you remember are the bad thlngs that have happened, not the good things." That ls not what bis opponent& aay. Mana la said to be such a perfect rider, Ibey refer to him as a human computer. He sel· dom makes • ml1lake. Football Odds for Week Fountain Valley has been In· t;talle.d a one-point choice to defeat Hunlington Beach in Friday night's confrontation as selected by DAILY PILOT 1porUwriter11. • rn other key prep football ames involving area teams. ewport llarbor is fttvored hy seven O\'er Costa ~1esa and San Clemente rules a lwo- polnt choice over host Laguna Beach. The Orange Coast area's thret junior college tlevens are all favored in weekend e,Jay as are USC and the '!"""· Lest week'i 20-5·2 mark uP: ped the season lotals to 41).18-4 for 69 percent. LAl'J' JEEN ~JN NOW AT • Area Sports Calendar --· (•OU ~°""''v \.eO~~· 8•"'" "''~ W•"""'"•let 11 C.1•~"'" 1nv11 •!<o"•I ? '..., !, UC: 1rv•t1• I I Vt ..... D•&gQ 111 .. i<oenoau -cor-""' M•• "' ~.n1• .. ~ •• , N•WM•I Herbot 1•1 M;:l~~·. <OU~!~..d.1~""'~ r'0U,,l;~:~~I!~'. N•-' Hetbor •' An•"•tm , ~lml"I ... ' ••I""'" l•H •' l I\! H:;-::,~r .:~;;J"J!1 M~~":i ::."'~'-J l<lUr.,..~ ll:lSl, £1ltnd•. M•••fo,. Vlt "· Mut1llt10IOfl 80•"' 1'1<1 M•ru•o •! V1!•nt<1 louHIOV 0 IS!. Ali·Cll IOutf\t~ •• Botkelev. Trout Plant '•IO•v FootN ll -Cost• Mew at Newoor1 ~·rboo", £.t•ncl.i •f ,...,,. P••I;, ~ ... ... lerT1•nl& t i Lt<lll.... Be 1 c 11. We.llmlf'"'" •t Lt>t\O l t•<n w 11,on. £fl.on VI S1t\ll190 ., w .. 1m1,,., • ., f:;t";r1;). Vt!llV ., Hu;IJl'Gton B••<ll W•l"' oolO -West~••• et FOlO"· teln Vol,,.v. £<1l1ot1 •t -l!lttcll Po-1\f, An11\elm !ou•ntv, lt ...:11 •ovrn•' !e ll ti l 'lll, Goldtf> w .. 1 111d UC l•vlne &! "''"'"'.,' C•lllernl• Ocen loutn•v •• O.An,.., The follo11·1ng S n u I her n California trout water:-. listed by county. are sch('cluled for re~tock1ng thts \1·eek v.·1 th catch1ng·s1ze ra1nbo11· trout bv the Department of Fish and Ga1ne LOS ANG El.ES -Big Rock Crf'ek (tMI country -Gol<I"" Wr•I ond "'"" LOI Antllts ,, LI.CC. or.ng1 Cn••' •t s-n 01""' c.,.c. S°"'~w•"''" •llO" S..Oclltbedt•f (11.,ft\f (f!l •• J) • Sl1Vrdft v:f~jl :::J~f\4'V-(r.:r~·:r1r l.~l."":1i 1'111>1'11> C11!tctnl1 !ournt v 11 OtAn1•. SAN BER~AHOJ'.\O -8 1~ Rear Lake. Green Yal\e,v Lake. firegory La ke, L}1!le Creek ivliddle and Korth Forks. Santa Ana R11cr . Pilot Pigskin PICKEROO Co-Sponsored by $outh Coast ?Iaza And The DAILY PILOT · IE A PROPHET FOR PROFIT SOUTH COAST PLAZA Merchondise Certificate For Each Winner Winners Every Week of Contest B1 • pigskin prophet. Play the Pilot Pic keroo gdm!I ior we9kl y pri ies. Winners ea ch week receive d SI 0 qifl csl'tific•te good o!IS money .,+ <1ny Sollth Co<'Jsl Pldl4 store or business . Ea ch week's top w inri er will be in- vited, along with a gvest, to be hon ored at the a nnval South Coast Plaza Footba ll Players oi the Year Ban· q vet. Watch for th is pl ayer's fo rm each week in the DA ILY PILOT Sports Section. Circle t he tea m you think will win in each pairin g in the list of 25 games <!I nd send in the pla yer's form entry blank or a reasonable f<1 c1 imile. Then watch th 1 DAILY PILOT sports pa1es for each wesk't list of five winners. RULES 1, tu•mi! I~• t"lry blt"k be!Ow er J ro•50fliblt l•tl""'lf M 11 to en!tr 1~• con!ut, J. llnd I! lo: PILOT" l"IGSl(!N Pl(.1(£1100 CONTE If. SpOtl Otp~rtmlnl, l".0 . lo~ lUC. Co11• Mt•I, CA. 916!1, 1. Only Of\I '"'"" '"' P••ion ···~ Wftk. '-lni.111 my1I b• <l'•llv•rtd {bV mail er 1n ~--•enl 10 O~I L.T PILOT ' •fl l<• bV J p,m, Tn11r>C11y. 1. Soul~ Co•tt Pl•l• ... .r DAIL y PILOT •m~ley .. •nd !ntrr lmm~l•lf t11nlllllt !IOI •ll91DI• II IOl•t. ,, TIE llltEAKErt l\.ANI( Mll~T IE "ILlEO IN (lll ENl~Y IS vo10. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ENTRY IJL1 .\K • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • I • Orange Coast vs . Rio Hondo Golden West vs . Compton Mt. San Jacinto vs. Saddleback Santo Ana vs. Corona del Mar Costa Mesa vs. Newport Estancia V§. Buena Pork San Clemente vs. Loguna Beach • I I I I • • Fountain Valley vs. Huntington Beach • Westminster vs. LB Wilson • I • I I • • • • • • • Edison vs. Sontiago Marina vs. Hawthorne University vs. Los Amigos Mission Viejo vs. Pacifica Mater Dei vs. Chaffey I • • I • • • San Diego Chargers vs. Pittsbur9h • • • Rams vs. Chica90 • I I • • • • • I • • I • I • Or19on State vs. UCLA USC vs. Oklahoma Ore90n vs. Texas Cal vs. Ohio State Duke vs. Stanford Washin9ton vs. Illinois Mississippi vs. Alabama Tennessee vs. Florida Rice vs. LSU I • • • • • • • • • • • I I • Tll •••AK•• -My ........ '"' tilt 'Olli ""m•tr e• poln•• HO••ll • • ~ •II U ti-1111• &IMV. II "" • I -~~--~~~--~--~· I -~~~~~---~---~• I • 'ho119 \11 . ------------------- I I •••• •••••••••••••••• ,. ------.--- Lifetime Guarantee Heavy Duty Shock Absorbers Antoand Tire Center Wtdl!fsday, Stpltf'llber 29, 1971 DAILY PILOT fJ ... . . DATSUN, TOYOTA AND ME TOO! Sears Fantastic Prices On Our 4-Ply Nylon HI-WAY SPECIAL 1' 1 .,· 'h~ ~ !"' I'•·• .1, .• , I " 11" I•' <·I I· •I •, !• "' "·' • ·" ,.,,., \\, '" •.i.l•·l I• "~~• ~ " .: J" .I ;II II " I-l ea\~' Duty Muffler 20% OFF ' • I !15 n1 u<;t ,,\mcritJn (.Jr<; .i nd \'\\ s • l..11£l", tull IC'11.11.th run- ini: Lh~rnb('r 111r r,,.1. 1cr ,ound-silcnc1n,i:. • .. ~J. 11UIL'I ,JiLll ,F.ll , ~:nlcJ on l'l"lth ~ide~ '"r l0n.1;c-r o.cJr. 1 \()t•M 1"•1•1l•l in" A••il•\.le I UfNA P••lf 8'1·••00 • .S21-4 Sl0 C•NOO• PA._I( l•0·0661 COM,TON ol •·,, 11. •l 2·S1• 1 Sears J .. ow R egula r Prices!' l .11et1me f:uarant,.e For .'\~ l.f'lng As ' nu o" II COVINA l/66·0611 fl MO NT( 44l·l f \ 1 GllNOAll 'our Car l 4S·1004, 144•4111 Lowes t Price of Tbc 'Year! SAVE $2.66! Lil"ctime Guarantee For .i\s ]~ong As Yon Own Your Car 33 each •Fits most American cars. • I.oogcr wear, smoother ride. Help res tore your car's handling perfo rmance. Rugged sintered piston. SAVE $5! ~air Booster Shock Absorbers Rogular :! for '~6 .99 Provide: C!X'tta !'Uppott and .stabllitV·\lri'l1eo carrying heavy lo<1d.; o r pull'ing U 3J ler. SA VE $5 ! Pair Air Adjustable Shock Absorbers :Regular:! for •;;.t.99 Inflates or deflJtes quickl y w ith trunk o r bumper mounted fill -ralv e to compensate for varying load-;. E rpe!1. ln!it.all a tio11 A' ai lal•lt· .4 sk.~b01ltSear1. Corivenient CrPdit Plat&&· STOP Disc At Sears for a~: COMPLETE BRAKE .· or Drum? JOB " Her e'• "'hat Se ars Expert• Will Doi •Carefully repack franc ·wheel bcarins~ •Carefully rebuild hyd r•ulic wheel cylinder' •Re move and replace brake shoe relca~e sprin,i;5 •.Replace ho\d.down ~p rings • Remove and replace both front g.rea ~e .)e:<l.s •Turn and true br.1.ke drums o r reface discs • Fit new brake .shoes or disc p<iJs •flush and add hydr.i.ulic brake fluid as needed • Inspect master c~·lindcr and emergency brake • Finally, we test your br1kcs our on the road COME JN NOW FOR YOUR F REE BRAKE INSPECTION ••. MOUTWOOll 469-5941 INOLIWOO• •11·1SJI \ONG ltACH •ss.0111 • - NO OBLIGATION! OLTM'1C & SOlO 2•1·5211 OIANOI 6l1·1100 PASADINI. 611 ·lll1,lSl .... J 11 • ' . Sea1·s .S.tAIU, 1.0 E.llliCK A.."D (.0, ' SAVE 30%! l~e ;:ul ar -~1 7.9.:; 1'rad t'·l H J.'J"il'I' 56 (1,t)(), l :t 1·ubrl~~o; lllacl..1,3 11 Plu~ SI .on F. E.1', And Old Ti re • i ful l plies of' rugged flJ k.,n corJ S•'i'C ~uperior protection ag.iinst irnrJct J.am.1,..:c .111d run< tUrl·-. • L on10ureJ .-..111.:1: :ihou lJcr' J.ir e.i •} 'tteri ng.tnJ sure c.urocring --- h .. -.11, \ :1 11.1J:;, 11 7 .. t·,, I I -;-,-;;,11 l: . .'-, \ I I .i .60\ 1 ·• :.;:,,1 ; l<•oulor 1 ••• 1. 1 .. '"'·' I 7.'ti I H.11,·, 1•1.•1;; :: I. 'I") .'\,'Ii :!h.'l.i I ' ~.'' ; :! l.'1:, -.. 1. ·1 .•• 1 .. 1 .. ,.,.,_. 1 ~ .. )11_ I '.\.:!ti i :t\1/, I i .:'111 \/,, ;1 , lH.81, 1·1.111. 1-;'_lh ·I .~ I.· .'I f,,, u I ,"'i ,, '' r.~ i .'t1111·rnir11t i .'rt>tl it l 'l<111:c F.E.T. ~IZE ltr oul•r ·1 .. ~ ..... 1·, .. " ... 1~ ·1,..1 •. 1~ • .. ,,,,_.L_=-'- ·rul11 ·lt> .... \\ hi11·~·11 ll ----'1.hll ri.tillx l :\ :! 1.11.> ] .i.:i<i 1.fiO ----I.-; I> ••.. ·.ox 1:1 :!:!.11.i '16.llh l ."7h 1. 'I ~ h.4.i x 1-1-:!'\.'J.'i I Ii.';' 11 l .9-l ---.',Ill ; . :.;, 1 l- .!.I I ;,;;,,i i ' '\_: :: . ..:;,I I :10.•1 i :! I .(i', ----I.; l-1:. -,.·,, I I :1:1. 11.·. :!:1.:11 ----~.th .-• .1.1 1, 1-. :.!:1. ''·' ] fJ. 7h :.:.-,,1;; :.!8.'J.i :,!11.:!fi H.:.'.;x I ; :11.1 1.) :.!:.'.:ih H .. -, ; .. J.i :·:I. 'I.) :.!l .111 li.:lfi~ :'17.Q.i :::u .. lt1 - \ \ I Price!I .Effective Wed.t SepL 29th th~ SaL, OcL 2nd Exprcs, N\lon Cord Trllrk Tire ' Import and Sport Ca r Fllll 4-Pl y }'or Panels, Pickups T11Le.1·~T'" 6 l'ly H a\J n~ SIZE 11~ .... 6.iOx J; 7.00:\15 6.00xl6 O.!;Oxl6 • • • '0 MO NA .,,_,,,, ,,(0 tll-4261 6 Ii Ii r. Prit:~ 19,9:; 11J.9:i l.'l.95 :1.9:; JANTA f( 5'1.tNOS 944·1011 F.E.T. 2.42 2.R7 2.:18 ~.61 . ' . .S•NTA ANA S47.Jl71 SANTA MONIC A J l/4-6711 SOUTH CO •Sf ,lAZA .540·llll <'> Nylon Tire Tul.,.J••l Rl•rkw1\lt l'hu r.t~.T. 1-~•ch Anll Old Tire 1495 l-'it11 ~lo!i l : . .\u•ll" ,\u,11" Ueal1 n~!•U!t l 1Rt •;n~lieli fQrol l bllll 4 •1·-1 ::-11111'1 \ IU'\h•ll ,,.,,,jj '''''''" l,;o11eN ,\IC:-\ l\ICll Tf illm•n Por~r!.~ Jlr"•ult !'aQit Tn •vl• •rriuru11h )·011.:, .. ·•ien V.;>lvo Alf1.Ron1~0 Corl int ~11111 .... ,,, .\nd )l •n~ )lore SIZEr" ...... Jo:.u . l'rt.. • ..... BLACKWALL .i.:!n~ I 3 14.95 1.36 ,;,l\(h:ll lii.9" I. .. 6.0ih;ll l·t 9:> 1.-&ll 5..:!0~14 l-&.95 1.-&<1 5.lifu; 14 1-1.95 1.5.a. .i.ZOxl5 l.J.9.i l.:".6 .;,(JO,; J,j 14.95 1::.& White"'•ll• A••il1t.i. i• !14M Sh~ At t:l )l.,,,.p.,n ... .A11kA~o~t Seara Con ven ient Credit Pla,.. THOUSAND OAKS •• , •• , ••• J1l·11 l 1 1011'.t.NCI J 41·1S11 UPlAND ,.,.,,,, . .. \IAllll' 76J-1461, •••·1120 Vl lMOMf ,,,_,,,, J 11111rau11,. G ... , ... , .... ,, ''"' 11111 .... , h •k • ft.!:.DA.ILY PILOT ' At·ea Defe ~sive ~ LaguT nhans -~ oug er Playe1·s of Week ; Than Brea SK I CLUB ltlEETING Pickford Lauds HB Hot Rod , Cycle Show Rorky \\'ban Edison Dave RUlinC l\1arina Tl!'rry Young Westminster Kyle V1n Amersfort H11ntiqtoo Be1cb Gary Schotttler Co1la l\1eu lArTJ De1uWJ:r Corona dcl Mar fUw Tacker Ne•')>Ort Harbor \\'illie Jarman Unh·erslty Jim Wand Missioa Viejo Woody Whitt> Lagun1 lkucb Joe Knox l\fakr Dei Randy Paul1<11 San Clemente Oranee County Ski Club's Looking back in the Barons out of the stadium . 41 -Sul\&l!'l League is the class of ~iany re<"ord·setting car• first general meeting of the archives. coach Br uce 7. \the area and this is a ond n1otoreycles. 1nclud1n1 year will be held Wednesday, Pickford remembers the first Since tnat time football cro~!own rivalry as v.•ell. some fresh frorn the Bon- Oct. 6 at 1:30 p.m. at the year of football campaigning warfare between the two "'"--h r· 1 11 c. r '"· F lain V II H. h "~Y ave a Vl!"rV me n•v,·11" !'"ll F a l ~ ..,,.1 ,,. Costa Mua Goll and tAunlry CH" uie oun a ey 1g schools has bttn al a • < ' -0 Mill&ak.es sometimes fa il to Club. Barons well'. standstill _ for year!!:, to be passing attack and a great end an1ongst 1he 250 \ehicles It} be: hamper a team but 41n in-All skien and non skiers 21 Especially lhc last game of exact. in thi.3 kid rTonyf Ciarelh. In sho1i.·n at the 12th annual erperieoced football squad yean of age and over are in-U1e season. Friday night the Barons will rny book , he's as good an end Custnrn Autoran}a, t.1olon.:ycle such as S.an Clemente High vited. In that one. Huntington travel to Huntington Beach for as there is in the county right and Hot Hod Shuw. fl.feelings wiU be held every n--h had •··· round the odds too much to "-'ednesday. ~c a powe-uuuse team the sectind time ln si.1 years now . The event. one of the largest overcome in an opening en-Other events coming up in.. that won lbe ll'\·inc League and surprialngly, the Barons "Their quarterback /J im shows of its kind u1 the nation, counter with Brea and lost 7--0. elude a ski swap 10ct. 101 at and eros!to1i.·n litl!I!' brother are one point fa vorites this r.·1artin1 ru ns the triple option \\'ill be held (k·t 15-17 at the "Howe\'er, coach Tom Eads the Newport Teruiis and 5ki Fountain Valley "'as the final lime around. with finesse and will be tough Long Beach Arena. bn't dbcouraged over the turn Shop. 6110 W. Coast H1i.·y. in league foe. /low does Pickford look at Accent 1i.·ill be on :speed 1n or events and reels hi11 Triton.,c Newport Beach and th e The g11mt figured to be a lhe situation'.' 10 stop" dragsters. 1notorc·ycles. dunl!: l~rnf'd a great deal in that Balboa Bay brunch l'ruist>. ~t rout and ihc Oilers perforn1ed "They (Huntington Beat lH The Fountain Valley coach buggies llnd hot rods first &amt· Su nday, Oct. 17 pretty much as expected. are greatly improved over last says he d~su't plan any One of the unique dragster11 ··we have to tty :and keep For further inf ormallon call They put on an a1i.·esome of-year. We think they are good c·h:inE:es in his prob a b l e tn bf> seen is the "S~ nd1 cate" from making 50 man yllG~eo·',;";,'::Les:"!~le~y~a~t="'2~=--~=·;=:;;::~'~'~"'~'=";;;;d::;•"'~l=a~y;::;to;;;;;;b•lo~w;;;;::'h•e;;;;;;•'~=m~pe~l~H=;o~n~fo~,;;;;°"~'~k~;d,,;::;. =T~h=·~~'t::a::''~;n~g""lm~e~"~P·'•'::h;•s~w='='·'~· ==--•l•w;;;;' n;;;;~ •'•"~'~'•";;;;';;;;•'•"~"•'~~,.0·i nu.takes. We rec:t i v ed pena1ti .. and ""'" u.. ball SALE SPECIALS FOR TODAY THRU SATURDAY ONLY! S. habla Espanol away and still Ollly lost by oot touchdown. "Laguna Beach will be a dif- f l!:ten1 story. "For one thin(. coach lla1 Akins has his best team sin« the 1961 championship season and he readily admits it. "I'm sure they will bt tougher than Brea ·and we will ha\'e our hands full stopping the ir drives to the inside as well as the option play· on the outside. "While we felt "'I!' should have btaten Brea. Laguna is another story. They keep the pressure on you all the way .and stay rig ht in there lo the end. •• 1 think their biggest asset is good overall team quicknHS and with inexpe;rie.nced kids. it is going to be difficult to catch them once they get beyond the line." Not dismayed by the opening loss. Eads says he will slick to t he two qu:arterback situation and "·on't make up his mind about a starter unt il Friday night. .John SprinRn1an started the Brea ga me and Eads feels ht did an outstanding job in his first varsity encounter. "I plan on getting anot her look at Bill Kenney, along with Springman. thi~ week," Eads says. \ ./ Onl v one chal1'ge ill an- ticipa.ted in the defensive alignmtnl. Randy Paulson will move to an end position "'ith John Filipoff going both v.·ays al tackll!'. F'ilipoff played onl y offense hist 1i.·eek. "\Ve ha\•e to shorl!' up the ouL~ide if ..,,.e are going to stop the Laguna nption pl.a}'." Eads says about the ~itch. While tht San Clemente coach doesn't admit it. this is somev.•hat of a rebuilding year for !he Tritons. There are onlv three l!t- termen on hand ·rni: the cur- rent sea:.on in the starting lineup but eight of the starters will have further eligibility after the 1971 campaign. San Clemente lost reserve running back Jim Boyer with a knee injury against Brea and be is out of the Laguna skirmish. In fact. Eeds wasn't sure just whl!'n he will return. 49-6 Loss Still Stings Eagle Foe \'ihl!'n Estancia High 's foot- ball team 1ocs aftl!'r its sl!'cond straii;:ht win of the '71 season r~riday night al Buen• Park High. the Eagles will be fa cin g a much improved Coyote te<i m. t oach John Crane's Buena Park High Coyotes ~·ent winless in '70 and along the w;i y suffered a 4!Mi setbacli to Estancia ·s Eagles. And Cr11111!' is one guy who rernembcr~ that loss quite ·well. "\\'ho can forget that game? 'You can't forget ~mething like that," dra1i.·ls the formtr Texan. "But "'e're a lot Miter than \\'e v.·ere last year. We've got most of our kida back. We only los t about six from last year's team," sayl'! Crane. \\'ilh a veleran lineup, Buena Park s n11pped Its losing slreak last "'eek .. downing Mayf11.lr, 6-0. "Our passin& game didn't loo k too good agalMl Ma yf1\r and our ruMing game wasn't \\'hat 1i.·e expected. but it was fair," sayd Crane. The. best of Coyotes running hacks appe1rs to be lallback Jerry Forbes. a senior let.. terman who carried the bill 21 times last week for 19 yardl'!. Up front. Crane list.ii right guard Brad l\1eti: 12001 and r ight tackle Jeff 1'1cKinnty llM) u his two top linemen. Both an senior lettermen. McKinney ii cne ()( tv."O Coyote. players t.het go both w1ys. He al!IO pl ay5 at a lintbackl!'r 1pol. Split end <lefen.~l\'e b11ck Bob Oller i.~ the. other two-way player. Crane feels that the EaizltJ' present a \'try tough obstacle \ WESTMINSTER SANTAANA 15221 IUCll llft.. PllClllE 193-1544 llllOM».T n.J FRIDt\Y •• 9:00 "-M .• 9 P.M. SATURMT •••••••••••• 1:30 A.Ml.• 6 P.M. 120 E. FllST ST. AT CYl'IUS • PllOllE 5(7:14n ~y .............. 9:00#Jll.·JP.a&. R .......... . ••~• •lw•1• ~ttp IP"'•' ·~ 1•~t o lo•• comport-~1. 2 •• lO ·-·· I OX OF AVE 298 MONDAY THRU FRIMY •• 1::00 A.M. • 9 P.M. SATURDAY ••••••••••. -8:00 A.M. -6 P.M. ~ •••••••••••••• l::OOA..IL ·4PJL ~ TUBELESS TIRES AIR CLIPPER BLACKWALLS 6.00 x 13, 6.SO ..-13 ,.1 ... '"""· .. ~ •• ,, 60 .. ,11• 4PLY NYLON COllD 15 MONTH GUARANTEE* FULLERTON 1530 S. IWllll Riii .• PllClll( 171M1700 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY' •• l:OOA.M.-t P.M. SATURDAY ••• , • _ •••••• L'(ll) A.M. • 6 P.M. IUNDAY ---·····---·--!l:OOA.llL·2P.M. ...... ,, . .., ... • 00. ,, MANY USES fOR ROPE HOOKS FLAT TIRE INFlATOR & SEAlER 4 PLY NYLON CORD! . ·1 BRAND NEW ••• 1st QUALITY WITM SAFETY S'lllG ACTIDI 1c1-1 I<>< !yp;no clown l<>•p• on pi<•-uP" .. .,11 ...... WA.X A.S YOU WA.SH CAR ,WASH I Jual o<I~ •• ,..., ... ..,.,,i. <o• .,...i t~on ,;,.,0 C""'"'"' TUI· llE WAX 10 p•ot•<f· ~~NCE55 CAN WIATHIR 1'11.00' 111 • $lllS JOR CARS I JIUCXS 20 INCH CROSSIARS I-l .. tlne. ~wo<Nf ............. ,,_ . ., ,....._..,.. .•.. SA.TIN ,t.lUMINUM FINISH SPLASH FLAPS ,,.,, .. , ,_, .... 1;~lth. ld•<>I ,,,. '""'""'" Jo•ol-'"'· /o\u•'""'i'· (o<voin , ond -3~ ANTI-FOG CLOTH W INOOWS (LIAN&. CllAlt FITS FORDS, CHEVS, & PLYM. lS MONTH GUAll.ANTIE' BELTED TIRES! CORNELL FUTURA TUB!LISS WHITIWALLS ,,,,. 2200 "" ''° .... ••• Do• .. •• "" """ .... -., .... ~ .. ,. .. , _,..., ... >.M 1 FULL PLIES DYNACDR" RAYON CORD PlUS 2 BElTID PLIES DYNACOR" RAYON CORD ... --.. -IASY TO USf •• '"'""' .• 11.00 .......... ·-1" [bl:i:..!!··i-m-:!!l,~-~a GUAIANTHD 36 MONTHS• l'•••••t• "''••· ·" woy1 j,. .... •I'• ,11-1-. 0. It '°"'"'" & ....... OHi OllLIOH ... '01 •OAfl, CAii & FIAltflS JACK STAND • FREE $6.98WHEEL ALIGNMENT with ,...,.ho,. 11 .... . ...... _ ........ .. ( .. ffl .u...iCOll roA) ·' TUlfliSS !LACKWALl 4 PLY DYNACOR' RAYON CORD 27 MONTH ,GUARANTEE ' ...... , .. -·-'" •• "' 1554 ... 1651 ... ••• 1764 '" 18'5 ·~ • '\.:i:" 1695 1·12·18° 1.00.111911 17Jl{1 00 lui..d • •" 1,,. Tubolot1 .... ,.-11 l'I .. '"" ..... J?Jt .. ,, .. ~._....:... ....... •• I •• Alaniitos Argosy Awaited l'\l"wporl l)rl'lln S 1 11 i n It A!M'('i111inn'll pnpul.:ir r;ir1 n.v,. r_ruls1n11 11nrl M<"iill l'vl'nl, lht A! .. m11n~ R11y Ar11Q~Y 11'i!I ht h~>lrl rh1~ WPPkl'nrt II \~:iii hf> th, 14th r1>nPw<1I nl th ,. nvprni,e:ht r.:irf'-<'r111.~, 1h11 1 ~l\'P,'; r11m1!jp5 llnrl JiUl!.':I.~ IHI roppnr!un1!y tn pRr11c1p11t,. in r11r1n i: 11nrl 1:1'1 in,e:,.O'IPt f(lr • plPa.~;:int W!'f'kPnrt. It L~ nnl II !P~t nf n1rn ;inti f'Qt1tpmf'nl ;:is -'TP nthPr rlH'f'S ~turri;iy'll rllN" will ~1;irl. nff !hi" R:i lhn11 r irr ;inrl f1ni~h nff A l.:1m11n.~ R::1.1• ThP nPl!l wi ll lhPn r11fl up .:it th'. Loni;: R,.11rh Y;1rh1 ('l11 h lnr 11n l!:Vt n1n,e: nl f1>.~lh'1l1P.~. inclur!inR " ,e:iil::i ri1n0Pr..n11nrl'. M11s1r rnr lht a ff;1 1r lol•ill h# h~ th!' pt">f'!tJl11r y.:irlH ll'IJ!. izrnup knnv,on a,, fh11nnel !.':l11nrl <;11ppies !ht FnllnwinR ;ii Sunda.v n1n!'ninJ1, huff Pl hri!.lkf;ist .:11 LRVC, tht f1ptt 1•:111 Al"i J1111il fnr )\'l"wport \\'ilh thl" finl:'ih 1Jff !h, Nl'wport Pi.er. R.act:~ nn hofh r\11.v!ll .~r11rt at noon NOSA 111·k.nn1>.·lMiJ1f'll rh;i! lh P Alam1rn.~ R;iy Arizn~~ l:'i m;:ir!f'. pn~ll i h!e thrnu11:h rhe criopt"r11!1nn nl L~rry Mc- f)n11•pl]. rn~::i,e.Pr . 11nrl Tom Mr lnturff. h;:irhnrm::i11r Pr lit thP l.11n,11 f\.-11rh M11 rin:1: f\ilh Rash::im . rnmmodnr.t!!, 11 nr1 ,\rch \liin r:ilnlf'r. port r:iplain nf LRYf': S;:iint r ir.f'r'l . l!Pnf'r.:il rha1rm11n : Kl'n Tin~~ r:1r, t:nmmil!f'f' rhairn1.:in. :inrl .rim N11;.t!!nl . trnph.v rh;iirman nf ;\O.SA . 'fop Racer Du e On Oct. 9-10 \!r f':rl. lhP Wnr\rl '~ f;i.~ll':,!;! pl'np-drh·en r11re ho.:i1. 1>.·i ll hi> arnnn,1? 11 hr1,!;L r1f rlr;iR. hi:it ~flPPrl~lpr~ 1'11'1 h;irni fflr thP F:ill Or11ii: Rn111 l:h11mpinn!'lhip~ ::11 LonJ1 RP::irh ,\.1 11 r i n , S1art1um. nr-1 . 9-10. ThP pnwPrful hlo1>.•n fttl'I h1·r1rn owned h1• F.rl ;:in(! IA>rl'ne Will~ nf ·Frri:;nn 11nr1 dr]l·pn h:-o ano!hl'r F're~no::in L:in·1· Hil l. hfiriirnP lhf' fir~l rlr::i,11.~trr In 1111rp;:i.~~ lhP m:1tz1<" 2M-mtle J'lf'r hour rlMkin11:. !1irn in11: 11 20'2 o; mph world '.~ f'Prnrrl limP. :ll fhe f)1·::111: Rn.:il \:;:ilfnn:il~ at [.(!OR Rt>i'lth J;i,,t A11i:.t1~1. ThPrf' will hP pl~nly n! "flfl)- 1writinn fnr Mr F:rl 1n lhP F::il rh.::imrinn~hip.• 11.\ w,.11 .ii~ ln::irl~ nf rnntrntinn Jn :ill nf lhf' dr:111 ho;il r.:itriznr1P11: \1 ikP f)uRirl llnrl hi< Wilrl HarP wP r.-111<1 11 hn:it lf'n"th hf'hinrt thP r.ernrrl ~Pll f'r whf'n f.rl 1 ... ent thrn11,e:h !hP r1minR tr:ipc 11t 2111 AA mph In ~,.I lhr fir<:! le1: nn thl' worlrl'.c 1n.:1rl.. Thrn thrrf' ii; f)1>.·1i:.h! 111:11 • Fl-ii i, nl ( 'f'lnrnn1 1n h1 ~ llow.:irrl h1·rl rn nnwn·~ 0 11!. whn rlnrl.. rrl .:i l!lfi ?2 ;ii l.ont f\r:i rh Th::il 1!~11r.-11 l~n hrnkP r\l r F rl c nlrl "'J'lrf'rl rrrnrrl nl Hiii 2fi mph Rl'i'nni hnlrlP r"' 1n P\'f'I'\! n111 tnr rlr:it r::i r1n;! r:ilr~flr~· 111il! 1,.-prf'<Pnl fnr thl' F;i!I f'h::im· pinn~hJp.<. wh1rh 1\·111 r\n.c.-nu! lhF rl r.:i11: hnlll r:1r1rit rnm (ll't1r 1nn fnr lhf' ~l"::i:i;nn ln S1"111hrrn C::illfnrni11 S::i111rrl111• will lr::il li!'' II r1111 rl;i~ nr rp1;:ilif11ni;: ;irtinn lfl rl11rl1n i:. rProrr1 :i!!rmrr~ 1n 1111 "I !h.e NORA ~;inrt i nn l".rl Fl Pnl"' Su nrl.:1.1 '< rin.:il.• ~·il l ~hn11• nnh ~.el1>rtl'<l ~uipmf'nt anrl fini'lli.•r~ fr"m S;:iturr1111··~ q u a/Lf~·int Arlmi11~inn 1.c $2 fnr Saturday aM s.1 lnr Sunrla l' Sho'\' Slated At. Terminal ' --,...._ ... -.--. -...... . ~ LAKE SAILING -Action like this "'ill he repe:tt ed on Lake H a va~u Sat urda_v •nrl Sunriay '"° Hnbif ("11ls frnm C'.alifor n1 a .. A.r izon a ;ind Ne\•ada compete In lhe Snutt'ly;e.~tern Champ1nnsh ir Regatta at Lake Havasu City. Ari z. Ma.jar Sho\\' Expe<·ted In Ne \\' York Tht: N.11tinn11 I Fln;:i l .Shnw :i! New York . .1:r.:1nrldaddy nf 1'111 m11rinf'. etpn!!\tino11, will hP hur!lltinJ; 11! thf! ~e:iimti hy np ~I ,J;inuiiry. ~ccnrrlin1 In retf'r Wil~nn. !he :i;how 'J m;:i n;:i t iniz d lrec1nr. \.\'ili'nn ~;iirl .11 11 f!vf! flnnr.~ t1( lhl" huff! New Ynrk Cnli~eum fa~t bPing bnnktd :i re 11lrP::irly lo c;:ip11eity. '"The enthu!!i11.~!ic ru~h t.n t;ikf! exhibit 11p<1cf! in !ht: Cnli:i;eum mt:11n:o1 two thinR~ tn 11.c. '' ,c:;iid WHAfln. "Tl mt;ins l h• rt'C'r":11inn11I ~ck nn rlu~tr.v i., ("nnlirlen l hn::it1n,R in- It.• fl",I ,11 nrl cre:i.ct in proci1Jct.c. nf 111 ("flntin11in11, in- 1.hf! demand lnr its "Anrl it fllf!llnl! I h 11 l m:inufiirt11r.er11 .'I r, h;ipp,1• wilh lhf' new lnrm.:it , whi<"h J11.hri nk.~ lhl" thrt:f': rradf'-n nly d11:-011 ~hffluled in rt"rent .vtot.iirii: prior to tht puhtir n~ninR ln onl" rl~y After A 11:1111• publir wf'P ktrni. The t:thihi!nrx AM rh,.ir prndu<"l.c: 1>.'ill pre,<:Pnl, 11 lrf'~h l::icP In I.ht fir~! 1'i111!nrJ11. thrn11,Rh th t rlonr:i; t1n .l:in 22. ThP N:itinn ::i! fl.<i;it Shn111 in .l :1nu:ir~ kick~ off tht ho:irin R .vr11 r. rlr;i~·in11 vi.~itnr.~ frnm all t1vtr thf' U.S. a!ld thf' wor ld. 2nrl Solinµ; (IYSTF:n RAV . N.Y. 1Arl -S1>.·e<lpn'J11 rll'ff'nrl in.11: cb.::im - JHOn Sti~ Wennpr~trnm wnn !.ht ~f'('(lflrl r;1rl" in !ht' wnrlri Snliniz rl11~.~ .c:iilint rh;:im- pinn.'ihip.~ on liln,I! l.•lanrl Snunrl Mnnd::i~·- Wf!nnrr~trnm. whn wnn l;:i~l 1•P;ir ':i; wnrld lillf! off rnnl,. f':n,l!l lln(I , ltrl !hf' $.1-NiAl nP~l nl'Pr an 11-milt O!ympiC" C'flll f/'P 1n rlrff'.111. .lnhn O::int: "' '\p1>.' t)rlr;:in~ in a rln.~I" fini.~h. R. n .hu1::ih nf I .t1ndnn, EnJ:!l.:inO fin i.~hf'rl lh irrl l\inrlh A1nl'ri<"Rn rhi1 r11i11nn Rnh /\1n.ch:iC'ht'r (If Hn11,c:!nn .11nt1 S1r1nf'1' f)::il.;1n nf Tnrnnf('I. 1·;in.:1r1:1 , rr111nrll"rl 0111 lhf' rnp ft l'I" .Surni11 1··~ winnpr ('.11rl r;u~t:if r i,hl, ,ril~ nf !'l<'~l"n , ~nrl RnJrf' C.nld~m ith nf Chir1~n. \\'ho hnighf'1'.I 5ernnd , wtr' l'ighth 11tnl'I ninth in ,.,, npet fini.'hrr~ h11t rPm:11n 1111'11 pl;:ir ~ 1n thP .'if'riP.~ .<;tanrl ing.,. Sa11 J)l~go Hobie Cat Skippers Gatliering at Ha vasu Hnbif: Cat :i;kiflpl'r.• rrnm C,11lifnrnl,11 , AT17.f)Oll II n d Nf'v11tti11 will 1:111her 1111 LiikP H;iv,11.•u City nn I.hf' Colnr:1do River S.iil urd:i,1• ~flrl Sunrl:iiy fnr tht ~uthwe.\t Chiim- p1nn~h ip R (',l?R1 Ill . Fi vl" r:!C't'll will ht s111ilrO - lhre, nn S;:i!u rd:iy !lnd rwn nn S11nrl111y -unrler thl" 11u.~pir.e.~ nl The 1..-kt H;iv;i.•u Y11chl Chih. Tht ciit11 will cnnipe!t 1n h1·0 «lii~"t.!11 -tht Hr.ttif'-1 4~ Md lht newtr .\lonp-ri11:11ed Hnhi~ I~~. Speei.-1 "'w"men nnly" ftl{'e~ will hf' .~.:ii!Pd hn!h d;iy:i;. Th f' Hii vit~u rnmpelitinn ~·HI hf. ;i huild-up to th, Hnhit-11\ n.-tinn11l.~ ~ C" h ' du 1 , ri IM Cnrnn.:irlo Ort. 2.1-i.~ :inti fhf' Hnhit-14 n11r inn~I~ Ill T:impii , Fl.:i . Nn1 . 24-211. O::iviO r . Sh::iy i:inrl Rill 1. ... mpk1n h1>11rl th, LHYr riir , Nlmmil11'' it.~ \n-rh::iirmen in i'instint !h, Hnh i, C:iit.~. Rnberl P. McCulloch Jr , es- Good Boat \' ea1· l 'HJCA(~n -Th, upturn in r "'<" r e A ! i n n ~ I J11.P'n<11nR. e ... J>l"('l<lll,v 1n thF hn;:it1n2 f1r lrl. h;:i.c m;idf' lrlil 11 very Rnnrl ,v,;ir, ,11 !!pnl.:l'~m~n for lhP Rnlltin11, lnrlui:;try A.~.,(1('1at.11ln s::iirl . " • hr1>.:1kf11 ,<:l prP.c:~ ("(lnftrPnl"I" ;ihn:irri ~ hn11~1"hn111 hefnrP !hf' n!lf"nlnR nl thf' inriu~1ry '' 11n- n11:1I trllrl.e 'hnw , M1111 ,I K:111f- m11n. RIA e1 Pr111iv P rlirrr!nr. .~;i)(j r'lffiP\1' l>.'f'fP h II V i n Q. recre11tinn11I rq11 ipmPn1 p;:irtirul:ir1~' hnat.c: hPfo rP hu.vinii: m11 jor hnu.~t>hnlrl ::ir· pli11nce.~. ··wp wPf l" nn" nf thf' flrl!I 1n- rlu.~trie.• to ~ml" nul of !hi! rl"<:f';.\.c:inn ," K.:i11fmlln .c::11tl "Spt'ndinR: I'! n rPrrf':il.ion;:il r11 11if)mPnl prerf'0Pil lhf' Oi'I · tinn11I uph1rn in 11-pp.nOin,R :i nti hn;1tin,R h:ii~ ~ h" w n ron. ~i(!Pr11hl l" 1<.:11n~ in rln ll:ir 1t1lurne. fl,1nre 1h.:in 4.~ millinn prnfll' WPn1 \'lri!lt1n11 in l!lil :ii nrl !hi'\' .~l)f"nt ~i., million rlnll:ir.~ rnr r.n:inn~ rqu1pmrri1 si nr! .~P!'l'll",~ " All kin(!,<; I'll \'lri1111n11 eQU1p- m,n1 :o1hflWPd 211in.~ P:i;pert11Jly n11thn11rtl mntnr~ "•i lh 11 :Ill pe rr.-n1 1nrrl"A~ 1n unit~ .~hiof)f!rl. ··Rn:11in2·.~ tipr urn ~!:i r!.f'rl 1n f P.hn1ar.I', \\'It h a d n I I a r to i\l'.1tpulco l'Oh1rni> in<"T"l'l~I" nf 1;1 ptrrPn1 nvpr t.hf' pri>1·1nu, F'ehru11ry." K~ufm;:i n 1'.ii lrl. "ThPn .lune c.:imt 1Jnn2 with 111 whoppinR 47 P'f<"l'nl inC"rP;:i.c:P." A.' to th,. cnm1nR Kaufman prffi l<"t erl it lnp 111119 i>:tpr<"I yr.:ir , 1•:nuld rPn'"'Nl vi 11"r "' rh, rronnm.v .-n!'I 11 heiRhlt:nf!rl lntPrt.~I nr lhl" c-nn:i;umtr ~·111 1nrrr~.c, '"le.• in warm \l'l";ilhrr :ir.-11~ durin11 th, f.111! 11nrl ·h11ild np t:itrl~' In !ht ~prin..:.'' h@ eon· clurler!. Healh A ussie 11lNn0N lll ~k ip R111'e ~ lhrl!f'-,v:1c-ht Rri!l~h •:ii m \\·hirh wnn th, Arim1ri:i:·~ f'.ur fhi-• J111lmm"'r h:i~ i'.'lf'ff'n n11ml'fl rn rnmPf"I P 1n th, Snuthl'rn f'ro.c.~ Strie~ 1n A11.~tr.11h:1 10 necemher bul 1.1.'ithrout Prim, M 1r11~1 !'r E ti \Par d HP;itll. Hl".ath'.l ';i<"ht. M n r n in rt f"ln!Jd \\'ill h4o ~kipp~r~ bv Sammy Samri~1111. an F.n2 1i~h f;irml'r Th, f1r~1 rz.c~ 1s ~hfflult"d !or Der 2n Sirius Seeks Own Record S1riu.• II. lh f' (;:imrrl 1\-1-hn;it rt.ct.n th• rl"hu11! h~· Bnb l,ynrh nf ,"1"'WJ'l(lr1 H.11 rhnr Y11rht rluh, h~:o1 l'wn tntertd in ttH>; - -·-·. Ll:GAL NOTICE •IU lfOflCt to c••o•rot s IUl"lllC• COUIT 0, Tiff ITATt 0, CAltl"Otlflll 1'9t Tlfl CGUlfN 0' Ot11tt•t .... ··-J , ..... <>f Mlla Y 111>0110!6 .+ ... ~-II ao M l>•'f 0 •fN"'lNG, O..:e1 .... OIOflC f IS MfltllY GIVfN lo - C, .. ll.,o 6' !llt ....... <II ..... 1Kod8"1 "'•' all .... ..,. nawl,.. <l•lmo 110!"" 11>1 u ld ••t""'°'" ••• , .. uh..i to Hlo '"""'· wltn II>• not ••UI'>' v11H"lllrJ. In Ill< ""I<• el Iha <IO•~ <>I ftlf •IW> .. IMlllOCI (..,,,, ~· tit ........ "'""'· .. 1t.. .... ""'""""• ....... c ...... ·~ !h• ""'"'"''""" "' ., .. ""le• oA "'°!' '""',..'· TEO J\Jllh''l<I .. ISIJ ,,,.,,.. ~"""'· l•••w-. C•m"'"'' .n1n. -IC!> I• ""• ~IKO ... M11ln1 .. "' -11,,.,..,.,.-'" a H m•l1•fl • .,tolnlne '" •no •••••• ff! .. 1<1 flloCo;f•nl. wlll>I<• •OU• menll>• •lft • ..,, ''''' 111~ilcllle" "' '~" .... rlc• D1Hd lffl,.ml><or I. 1'11 MAI JOltlf TOVA!l ALVAOA MAUGHllOI l!.••t~•"cu .,, '"' •U••• "' '"• •lie•• "'"''11 J!f'l:.ion•. 111! lUll !V•"' UU C•rM• '""'' t~n· •• 1.••--C:•ll .. ••!• 111•1 Tot, 11U1 •11 ·11t l ,,..,,.,..,. ,,... ••·oao,,+u• Put>l••n..t 1'ra,.., <~•' nouv <•~'.....,""''I, II. l't. 10. 1'11 J.to:GAL NOTICE J.f;r.AL .'\'OTlrF. , llt4f •tCUHOU\ llU'"<I!\\ ~AM• IT&tl!Mf..i1 p,,,.,, "'' 1\ Tl•• l•li'IWI"• ~"""' ,., ~"'"t ~·"'"""' .. ( A • l<'.~!l•H· L •1• C(lN l"'"'""''"'r. CO \'llo? '••I~• ">'•v (n••• "'"'· (oll•nrnlo tl•l• t."•''"' ... .,.., "'"'"'"· .YI.Sii r,,..,,, Wo•, c .. ,. Mo10, Co•Un••lt l?O & WI!!"'~ 0 Mt•"· JOjo? 1oyl•• Wr., (e"• "'"'· Coll!•••!• 11"~ T~lo IH1tlnH• lo M int <ft,...U<""' lw o LEGAL NOTlc& LEGAL NOTICE DAIL V PILO r LEGAL S01'1CE " . ·' '"'~"''"" o·~"~ <'.n•1• tl•'"" •"M, S•~<o.,.,e•· J"l ~" .. ~a c.>c•o&or ~ '071 ~a·!l. ..... '~' \ , ~ DAI LY PILOT Wtdne~7. Stpttmbu 29, 1971 PILOT.ADVE RTISER 4 UC Irvine Extension College Offers October Cla~ses Men • Ill Navy Ensign Lester L. Phllllps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester L.R. Phillips of 17651 San Roq ue Lane, Huntington Beach, has reportt<I for duty at th@ Naval Air Stallon, Barbers Point, Hawaii. Navy Petty Officer Third Class Michael J\f. Lofgren, son of Mr. and Mrs . f.iarlin W. Lofgren of 136 W. Cornelio San Clemente, has reported for duty at the Naval Air Sta- tion Chase Field, Beeville, Tex. Airman Flrst Class Robert J. Hurley, whose wife, Pam e- )0\~, lives :.1 4433 Elder, Seal Beach, is on duty at U-1'apao Airfield, Thailand. Airman 'Hurley, • Jaw en- forctment 1 pe c l a I l s t , Is assigned to a unit or the Pacific Air Forces. head· quarters for air operations in Southeast Asia, the Far East and Pacific area. Before hi:i. arrival in Thailand, he served at llamilton AFB. Airman Harl')' E. Hanttc Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hansen Sr •• 6191 Dove r Drive, Huntington Beach. has complet~ basic training at Lack.l and AFB, Tex. He has been as5igned to Ft. Bliss, Tex., for training as a Janguage specialist. 1\lnnan Rkbard II. Peg(, son of Mr. and ri.trs. Donald R. Pegg, 9931 Bond Circle, Hun· tlngton Beach, has compl eted basic training at Lackland AFB, Tei:. He has been aulgntd to Lowry AFB, Colo, for training in tht armament IJltmlS Ueld. A irman )amtt R . Mutcraon. aon of M r s . Eleanor G. Lapre, I 6 7 8 Z S.rdon L a 11 • , Huntington Buch, has cumpleted baslc lralnin&· at Lackland AFB, Tu. be hu been assigned lo OlJnute AFB, Ill., for training u a fire protection apeciallsL Marine Sil· J•lul R. V111, of t831 Sowell Ave., We.almlns!H, 1s ll!rving with lht Flrst MariM Aircraft W I n I , Okinawa. U.S. Air ·rorc:e 5 ta ff Sergeant Robert L. Parker Jr •• con of Mr. and Mra. Mile T. I :;:ullar cl 21612 El Qimlno Rt.al. Sen Juan Clpbtrano, i$ on duty al U-Tapao Alrfh!ld, TluiiWld. Serg~•nt Parker, a ton· ltnactioo rpeclallat, ll a!'lsign· Service ~ t ed to a unit of the Paclfic Air Forces, headquarters for air operatiorui 1n Southeast Asia, the Far East and Pacific area. Befo~ his arrival in Thailand , he aervtd at Lack.land AFB, Tex. Coast Guard S e a m a n Ric bard C. Brldlnger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bridlnger of 3151 Canadian Drive, Costa ~1esa, h as departtd Pensacola, F I a . , aboard the Coast Guard Cutler Sebago for a 45-day petrol on Ocean Station BRAVO off the coast of Labrador. His ship will be taking COr!- tinuous samplings o f al· mosphrric and oceanograph ic conditloru for the U . S . ¥leather Servke. Jn addition, Sebago will provide weather and navlgatlonal infonnation to trans-Atlantic ships and aircr aft Airman Ralph D. Irving Jr., son of Mrs. Patricia J, Irving, 23333 Ridgeroute Road JI, El Toro, has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tei:. He has bee n assigned to Chanute AFB , Ill., for training In the flight training equip- ment field. Captain Jack R. Ball, son of retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and Mrs. L. R. llall, 1724 Anti- qua Way, Newport Beach. has received the U.S. Air Force Commendation Medal at Thule AB, Greenland. Captain HaJI. a 1 pa c fl! systems o f f I c e r , l\'as decorat.ed f o r merltorlou!! service while asi!ligned to the command, control and rccon· naisSJll~ division of the Directorate Of Strategic Of. fenstve and Defensive Studies at Headquarters. USAF. He Is now at Thule in a unll of the Atrospa~ Defense Co mmand which protects the U.S. against hostile alrt:raft and mlulles. -Navy A1.rman lM V • Wllllama, ton of Mr. and Mn.. \\'. W. Girt.side of Mission Viejo, waa graduated from the Naval Air Ma intenance Training Couf'1t at the Naval Alt Maiotenanct T r a I n I n g OeUochment, U.S. Naval Air Station, Miramar. Na vy Seaman Apprentice Charlet 'W. C..OltJ, IOt. of Mr. and Mn. H. P. Gradwell of Ulll Sandalwood, Cosb M~. has graduated "1>m recruit tralnlna at tbt NavaJ Training C<nter, lion Diego. WAREHOUSE OUR WAREHOUSE · ' IS OVER-LOADED ,j DEEP PILE 99 SQ. YD. SAVE 13.00 • MUST MOVE NOW • MORE ARRIVING .! 100~'• FORTREL POlYESTER. LUSH, DEEi' [QNCi·WE All:ING AND HA•D TO SOi l. STAYS IEAUTlf UL Wi'IH A MINIMUM OF CAll:f. VERY iESll!ANT. I EAUTlf Ul DEC ORA TOii: THR ! ! COLO• SHAG. LOW FIRST TIME OFFERED AT THIS SALE COMPARABLE RETAIL ...... '9.99 PRICE , ....... ' ............ ,_., .. ·-· ·····" .... . DAILY SO. YD SA\/f SQ . YD . SAVE 53.00 COMPARABLE RETAIL ..••...............•.•....... ·····•·•·\• ..... $8.qq DACRON SHAG DEEP ~ILE 99 100~~ Dac ron Polyester Pile-Beou!iful .. 4 .,_, New Deep Shag W ilh A Ful l Deep Pile. ~-, Many New Decorator Color~ To Choose Fron1 tj., 1, ~ sa . Yo. .,. SAVr YOUR CHOICE! $ • DU PONT NYLON rt ~ JIRST TIME Of flRED AT THIS LOW SAL E PRICE ~~,.~~ .... ~C·O-M·~~A~R~A~·-~L~~~~-n~;~'.~~--· ·.·,.· ~~· -~~·-·.· ·•· ·•· ~·:~7~·:~~~~ ... ~~~....,~. ~ .• ~~' ~--'-'.·0~~~--~ •COMMERC IAL TWE£0 • HEA:CU LON IASlO ON 110 SQUAltf YAIDS & ........... ,.,.,."CARVED TN( TllTID NAM( IN JOO•'-for!rel F'olyester Pile. lush. deep, !11n9 WPrir. ing ond hord.10 ~o·I Sioy~ beou 11ful y,,•11h e r11in1m u111 of tort. llOW SAU l'llCID AT .. SO. TD. SAV! $3 100", fortrel Polyester P e Pooulor two level POI · ler,1 Cn•1•bon~s hcou ry ond durob1l11y. D1s11nc:11Je but subtle IWPed colofo11on. CARPET YOUR ENTIRE LIVING ROOM , DINING ROOM AND HALLWAY YOUR CHOIC£: Du Pont Nylon , He rculon, Commercial Tweed OVEI (XIS TING PADDING IASID ON 32 SQ, YD. 00 ; & • ...,. •••.•• ,,..,SHAG THI TISTlD NAME IN ' fl8llS I ........... ~.,, .. , SHAG 99 ino ·. for11 .. 1 F'of;•"'tr P !. Ro,_.,tro )!lfll"''~ ;. •ruQn riria T ·»t,'e '"'Hl 99 THE TISTID NAM( IH flllln •ooe, !01"~ p, .~ ·•r rp r1ron I~ '·.r.n o• 99 ~Q. fD. SAY( SJ ! •. r.. 'l'•ri ''' ·l'T·g tie'l1 'J ~.ti; ot\O••r11U•l'I Q11rr1t>,~,·. " '0 I d . " o ·· • . ., ot 1-i·~ , . D. .,., 1'"1"• SAVE '.'o• ·• '~J.. oo·'l•a·r· NOW SALE PRICED AT SJ • .,,. SAV I <•,';'PAlt,All( IETAll ............ s1.•• CDMPARABLI l(TAll ........... Sl.99 COMPAIABl( llTAll ''rl' •,OoMw SALE ,.ICED AT S4 ,,..,,, .. ,.,,. "'"'"'""'otH+"1"'"'''" I•. 101.,011· r1M"'" "'1u11.,,1,1 1,1 .. 1oi.ur•" '"· '···········•···•· PAllA8l( RETAii Sil 99 1-------------------1------------==:.:::::..:==-=--.l----'~"~":"~'"~'~":'""c''~"~'.':'"~"="~"~' •11•01•l•l11!1oo1 I•< l• l"\t ' '""' n, r1 •fll"t" ;,·;;;,·I;;,~;,,, ioi KODEL POLYESTER KODEL r• KODEL ... 5-H-AG DuP-o~-n-t -NY_l_O_N_s_HA-G TIP-SHEARED llDW SAU l'IKll AT 100% Kodel Polye!ter Pile. 3 Pile Height Po11rrn 1n Grocrlul Design. Rugg ed Ourobility, 8eou1if11l Colors. 99 11 '• ~'.nrlrl " Po\·e~ter r ~ !hrPe pile !;tight j)O!• '<>•n 1n qroceful dr~•Q n. 111. l'i~d durob1h ry, 8f<lv!1ful .,..,.,,, """'-~ ....... 99 ... 1 ,.11._ ... .,,,.u. 99 100"oD·0i1ntl\,,)11re. 99 100·. k.odel • Polyesier Tru 'i 011e o~ 11.,. 11>1··" • rul e lrulr ori r of 1he SQ tleil . ':'~I ~l-1; <$ 11,1.; 11ti#' Slt;-TD, SAVI $3 UI. TO .• (Olar\, '~"t ies!, heoY1e~! 51109~ ·YO , nvo1lnble. A rirornoi.r. Cflf· llt t with o full 4-i"('h 'ii•. Br.out11ul new color&. llOW SALE -~ow SAU PRICED AT ...... FREE SHOP-AT-HOME CARPET SERVICE Call Al Tbe Store Nearest You llOW SAU l'llCID AT ...... . SAVI $4 COMP'Allllll llTAIL ............ S9.99 1--69 30·60·90 DAYS Canoga Park -· . NO INTEREST 21131 S•tr11111 WIJ l41·2334 COllVENl[NI CllDll PlJNS & LINN !!IMS llllll lll Vrnlura FrttWay to Conogo Ave., onh la • mn DUI CUl!OM DllPllY DEPAl1MEN1 Stiermon Woy, !hen righl 2 blocks. ' . .. . . w. Los Anger .. 11141 Wlls•i11 llwt m-ms Son Oitgo Frttwo y to Wilshire West Tvr11· off 6 block1 Wt~! on Wilshirr. SAVI .S7 l'llCED AT •... , . , ...• Anaheim West Covina 549 N. Euell• SI. 7$21 E. Wor~11111 A·11. 135-7114 '''·44 11 2 block s Norrh of Son 8err10rd1no frwy Sonfo Ana Frrewoy on to Ctirus St. 3 81~~ Euclid. Ac.ro i s lrom No on C1trv5 !O Work Calif. Ftd m°" . MOntfblM• 11 5 w. w•it1~ ;.111d. 721-111 ~or11er of l(.d frbe ll ond Whinier 8• 111 • • " ' ~! .1 ' " • I ,. .. s PI LOT-AOVERTISER WtdMS<ld)', Sfptrmbtr 2', 19n ------Wf'dnndaJ, Septembfr 29, 1971 DAIL v PILOT ZS LtH!al Control1 ·-Atten·tion~ Fatties· Policemen Hear Younger New Diet Gourmet Section Sc heduled One fear or accepting federal funds Is Joss uf independent local controls, bul use of surh crime-fighting grants has not eroded police autonomy in California. Attorney General E11e11e J. Younger made this declaratlon today 2.l. tht- Anaheim Co nvenlion Cente1· in opening 8essions of the 78th Annual Conrerence of the Jnternal1onal Association of Police Chiefs. The former Los Angeles County District Attorney e:<plained the Nixon Admini stration grants and their ap-- plicalion in the Southland and San F'ran- cisco Bay area. in addition lo other remarks. The money is being used in Los Angrles and Oakland to develop sophisticated computers available to officers patroUing in radio cars, Younger said. · One computer 1s •·so sophisticated it even rrighlens RIC, and I'm not a i>urglar," he said. It reads a crime report, compares it with thousands of other reports and spits out descriptions of suspect individuals and veh icles. ·California authorities arl!: holding discussions with the National Aeronautic! OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS! JW~"'I~-;· ''~jf'~c ·------... CARPET ., TILES ~AYE$$$ DO-IT· YOURSELF FEELS LIKE VELVET OUTWEARS OTHER CARP ET EASY TO IN STALL • ~ !• '') i• 'l~ 'I • IJ "o ~. , "I r .. ~ MOW SAlE PR IC!O SAVE 59c ' ' ~VlJil SHAG 99 1 • •· r ! .. .. ,. SQ. YD . t' .'·I ·r '' • · •' • ' ' ' ' " r•'., SAVE S2 COMPARABLE RETAIL ....... ., .. S6.99 ~VlJI RANDOM SHEARED 99 1 -, (1 ~ r • ,•~~ . • r .. ,,,,.,, ~ ~ f>. e~ : .... i: ....... : r. r ~ r • • 'r Sq. Yd. ' t·r '" r ·~· SAVE •. • 'I '... Sl.00 COMPAi:lABLE RETAIL ..... $8.99 ~Vt1il SHAG '·" .. ,.899 1T! · •• ; • ,.. ·-~· ;' ,, Ste.Yd. c· · t • •' ' r• , ·' ,~ 1 ·.···"·11•"·~· SAVE r1rc ·1 S5.00 •·• •• ,,,,., o''""/o•• COMPAi:lABLE RETAIL ••. $13.99 " OP;En ' SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS • BUY now! • CANDY STRIPE 100° .. Acryl1: fiber. Deel) nd1 dunnle ~hog. Bem.il1ful ne·,.,,. cJlors. IQ. TD. SAYE KODEL POLYESTER PLUSH SHAG ;: . :~." .. 4 99 • ' ~ e SQ. YD. ~~W SALi l~JYI PllCID AT ...... . COMP•lllll l:ll AIL ............. \1," ENCRON " POLYESTER •·01 :-"J•.1 · " '•· I ,,, ·' l (fl! ·~· ' ;·o· '~-• \ I ,' ~~·. ' , I ! •• ~• • • 1•1 ' I f O '\ I~ l•"".:f 1:l.1"1 NOW SAtf P'R !CfD ........ .. 99 SQ.YD . SAVl 6.00 COMP ARA.Bl( Rt T All ..•.. ,, .•.. S 1 S. 9, SUPERB WORKMANSHIP Torrance •231 Arttsia 11•~. 542·16 JI 1 Block [os1 of Howt horne Blvd. on Artesia. ON ~Y ••• YD. long Beach Ventur• J~I ltllll1w1t llf•. 2H1 [.Mali St!' 4Zl·l934 541·5841 Son Diego frtt'WOY to 3 Bloc ks We~t 'of 8rtlflower Blvd. !urn· F1vt Point~ on Mo in. off north on Bellflowet. No. Holly,.:ood 7111 ll1r1I CllJH llrl. 112·22N . Hollywood Fr!!WOY lo Sh!rmon Woy lo~t lo laurel Conyon B!vd. aod Space Administration about ex- perimenl8 with sall!:llite transmission or l@levision signals, he added. Younger said he believes there has been an increase in crime~ "The streets-really are less safe than they were a few decades ago, and even so, strange notions about our handling of dangerous felons persists," he said. Appellate court decisions have made the job tougher for police, he said, and enhanced the need for fl@xibility on !be part of police. KITCHEN CARPETS NAME BRANDS - FINEST QUALITY 1:1 l'Ot for 1-.. tch,,ns , Pnt o>, (<I '~. Boo:~ And t.~ririr Qii,,,r LJ ,e~. ~"N DelO ro·or Cvior s A·1d De ~ 1;11 >. 99 SQ. YD. SAVE 2.00 ~I COUlD AC'f Pf E.XflNC f10N IF t COUL.D fAk:"f..). FLOCK OF r~Of\f. wrr.i ME.! " You can makl!: your cake and cal ii, too. And lose weight. That's a promise some readers may find downright amazing. But it's the whole point of the newest column to be added to the DAILY PILOT Food Section . Barbara Gibbooe, author of the column -ir~ called .. Th@ Slim Gourmet .. -is galnin11: A national reputation for her creative cooking and low- calorie versions of to1ne of the INDOOR- OUTDOOR CARPETS FINEST QUALITY - NAME BRANDS I D~Al IOR fAM llY ROOMS. PLAY ROOM',, Of NS, 99 SQ. YD . SAVE 13.00 HERCULON . 00 ° 0 f-!P r( flP! n ,,. ,, I ',. "-i>w ~.~ rorle h bPr • '•11 'I 01 d .'.-:cr ~"·1:'on1 Beo11•• ii ['le nro•or (otr·r ·, NOW SALE PRICID Af , .• COMPARABLE RETAIL .• , $4.99 .f .,.... ... ~ ........ ,, ... , .. ..,.....,. - ( .. ~~· l. ..... ~ .. ... 99 SQ,. YD, SAVl $1.00 ~· 1 OOOs OF REMNANTS LARGE 6 0 0 SMALL 8 00 SAVINGS %, SAVINGS % UP TO ... UP TO ... BRAIDED RUG 6X 9 co~~:1~au S 1·495 135.00 BRAIDED RUG 9X 12 CO~~:~~BU s·299s '89.95 PaHdena 1"0 (. t1l1r1~t 11••. SJJ.1911 E. Colorado Blvd, ot Son GobroeJ Blvd. W ITH COUPON LIMIT ONE l'!t CUSlOMft Hollywood 111~ N. 'le1111t11 '''· ,,,.J455 2 Blks, north of HoJly. wood Blv d. on Vtr· mon1. San Franc isco MILLBRAE 321 El C1•l11 •111 112·2555 Costa Mesa 1714 Newport llYd. 645-3020 . . ' ' ... . . . . . • world's m o .s l "faltening" di.shes. !The first or her week. ly columns appears in today's Food Section.J • Mrs. Gibbon.'! is a former eastern newspaper .s t a f f fealurl!: writer. She ruefully adm!L'I She one!\. carried 2:08 pounds ·on her five·foot, six· inch frame. But she has·· kept her weight under 130 for the past six. years. And maliy or her keep-it-.down s~ets are passed't1long in columns which will be published l! v e · r y Wednesday in the DA.lL Y PILOT. "l'n1 one of tho1t lifelong tattil':ot." says Mtr. GibOOns, rttalling that she gradUated lrom elementary school in a nurse's uniforn1 bectiuse' she couldn't find 11 wbite dress 'in a si;ce 201.:z . · "I was over 30 .,.,.hen I bought my first dress in the. junior miss. department. ''"Now she wears a size 9 and sometimes shares clothes witti her lfl..year-0ld daughter. ''I tried JuSl a b-o. u L everything to lose weight - pills, inoculations, exercise classes . .plus every new diel that l:ame along. "Like most homemakers- who really like to ·cook, I found stayirig on' a diet very difficult. It wasn't until I at- tacked my weight problem in the kitchen that I succeeded!" r~ive years age> a fr}end gave her a low-calorie cookbook for a presenl. •·1 was pretty .sk,ep- hcal," she recalls. •·1 was one of those cooks who uses cream if the recipe calls for-milk, and . butter if it says r.ream ~ .. But she tried the recipes and found them surprisingly good, and so did her non-dieting fa1nil.\i. . "Then I was really off,''. she remembers. ·· 1 read every diet coo kbook' 1 could fi nd, tried .all the low-cal.orle pro- ducts on th e market, wrote to food manufacturers for all the information I could get. l wofked out hundreds of low- calorie recipes of my own and translated all my family's fa vorite dishes and desserts into slimmed-down version~. The ""'eeks and months llew hy. plus a pound or t11o·o at a time. Then one day the scale said 126, and there it stayed~ "I never Y.'ent on a 'diel' and t ne ver Rained the weighl back. Painlessly I ha d ~rnehow succeeded in doing what all the experts say }'O u ha111!: to do : change your eating patterns for good ." Mrs. Gibbons, who a lso con- ducts classes in creative low- COOKS HERSELF SLIM 'Gourmet' Gibbons calorie cooking in Y's . .11 nd adult schools. directs her talents to the .woman who likes to cOOk and enjoys good food. "She's the person,'' says f\.1 rs. Gibbons, "who has .11 hard fime losing .weight because d ieting is. so ncgatiye. It deprives her ol a hobby as well as the foods sh,e likes. A diet slre);ses what 11ou can't have alld c:in'l do. But creative low-calorie cooking is a po.~i!ive approach that redirrcts your natural cooki ng skiffs in a 'h.e<ihhier direction. "Instead of a dr eary regimen of cottage cheese 11nd lettuce, y'ou're creating spicy slimmed-down Italian dishes nr finding an ellollc new Oriental sauce for fi sh . You 're gathering con1pliments for a creamy cheesecake with only half the calories, and scoring JX>ints loward a new figure with pies and cakes like YQUr mother never made~ Your kitchen is no longer 'off Jimits.' bu! a c re a t i v e v•orkshop where everybody's favorite foods undergo a ~pecial so rt of magic that trims away all the un· necessary calories:'' Bomb lnfor1natio11 Unit Newest U.S. Deterrent One nf America·s newest deterrenti; In increasing domestic terrorist activity is a computerized h o m b in - formation center, I aw men from :io countries learned Tuesday. Thompson Crockett. director of the National Bomb Data Center in Washlnglon, O.C .. addressed the 78th Annual C:onference or the Tnterna- 11on"l Association of Chiefs or Police. Several thousand raokiog 111wmcn £rorn through o u t America and 3V nations are participating at the Anaheim Convention Ceoler event. Crockett revealed 1.600 such bombing have been logged in the past 11 monthl'I. bul are so commonplace some are never reported to his agency. The 1.600 listed -including several in Orange County - kill@d 15 person!'! and injured 171 olh@rs. Function or the bomb center will be to study reports. of in- cendiary d t v ice incidents. targets, and potential trends among terrorists lo head off F A/tllf, Y ClRCl/S an even worse epidemic. Crockett noted there <11re 1.680 · different I a w en· forcement .agencies within the United States which could en- counter bombing incidents and report them to the center. .. We 've learned that because of the l!:lllremely fragmented jurisdictional situations .. , a nalional agency for the col· lection and evaluAlion of bomb inrormalion ,,.,. a !I needed," Crockett told t.he audience. Sierra CluJJ Slates Slides The Orange County Sierr• Club will put on its own home- made vacation slide show lit its Oct. 5 meeting. Club members and guests 3re invited to bring 10 35mrTI color slides of their vacations for showing ~ the entire group. , The Sierra C1ub meets 11t 7:30 p.m.. Oct. 5 in the auditorium of Smedley Junior liigh, 2120 W. e;dinger Ave., Santa Ana. '111 Bil Keane I 1 r OAJL Y PILOT --~-· Barbor Com-er t Opener .~~ ..... , ..... Musical Tl 1ea te1~ Glowin g 011 OCC St age 'Gideon' to Open Seas on for OCC 9,. T0~11'AR L":Y &! ft,.t DlllV f'll" l •t H t>u! !h" 1111::11111 w, rPl'flPhl"r !h., lr11c:1r ~l::1ri:11rn1r Hrr fr·1ul1 lh;:ir l'llrlll'r p!'l'fnrm::inr r <.1ntk 1t•1!h 1Pnnr TPrr1· 8'1<.l''"TS D o r (I I h .\· \\';1r1>n;.;kJnl11'~ l\!u1ir11J Tht"lffr Wl'ln a lnl nf friends l11t1 ,v•i1r on ntir Or11n~" Ctl•~I ('(lll('t r'I c-1rr111I \l'llh II !Aguna Rt'll<'h ['trfnrn111ncP Ot•I lefl th i.~ r r1tiC' :i1nrl a Int. mnrl' \l'hn wi lnt'SSt.~ 11 r ll"1'rr\y devis~ -prl"Sl'n(,11finn with lht' h~ !hat this ~1rt~ ~npr;inn Wl"luld brinR hl'r grnup h11ck l.n our 11r4'11 rrir An tnrn1·t Th11t tncnrt r 11mP Sunr11111 In lt11' Orang , Cn11s1 ('nll"I!" a t1 t1 i t nr1um w i l h 11 ~rfnrm11nrt: th::it i ii'''" 1ht: H11rhnr Art;i ('n 111mlln 1 I \' Cnncl'rl Ai;.~nri111inn thl' k1nt1 or nvinR ,;/11rl In lhe ~~11snn lh~t 'iml"f'l'S?r 1ns lnnjl rnr Anrf rll'ln'! 111\l'll l'S Jlrl Thf'rl! llf(' ~1·eri1I f!P~· f1't"f'S In the \\'~renslqnld ll"n~r111hlP 1 ~ ~1111 •Pr1 n111rn thl'r" w11~1 1\11.~~ ll'::i r,.n ~kJnlrl l l'iirl 1n~ !h, "'111 1n :i r nncert prP<;l'nl;:i!1nn nf r.n11nn1"1"~ "F;:iui;T" 1h::i1 r~ \l lt hn1!! ('~11::1/ in l"!llr r x pt'r'!P(lf'P rrnpl' ::1rr ::ihnnnl nnnrx- 1l'lrn1 1n lh1~ I'~! r,. m "I 1· 111.~trhrl ;inrl rut11· ::irri.~tir m1•11 l'ii1t\l h11! !hi' i;errpt nf 11,~ ~11hs1 .:rnl111I /;.Uf'!'f'/;..• liP~ In thl' ;:idiint;,11nn h\' thP ('n~Pn1hll' 11r fhP kr1 111•1.:1~ Jn thP (;nunn<l "n/ ~ ('<•ll!'f'li~Ufll~ lfl;'.\\ llii\P l>l'f'!l ru::1rl" 1n !h" h111•l..rlrnp rlrr::ir'I n1rfll t>u1 l'lll s11rh rlPr11·1,.nr1P<; 111·p ;dln"''"d in ;, rhnrnu~hl.v prnfti;.~1nn11I 1>l.i~1 n1: nf _!hr (;nunn<I "f1rk "·1 th .\1 1 .~ ~ \\'::1n:nslqnld <·onlnh11!1ng .:r n1n.~t ;u1tni r.:rhl e tlep1rtinn or .:r • ~ a1J~T 1r1 thr 0111 ,.·,.~1 1n1 1• 1'111mp '' rl11r ! hrn11 ~h! hPr rh , n\'::ll!nn nl lhl' t •'Pn1ni;: anrl It \\'ii.~ 11 fullv rle~ervl'ff rr1•ni:n1t1 nn. Sh" hiirl !l!r.-.11~ !l+l f)J'l"rt in lbt> d1!>!.1ff rl1v1~1n11 II' I th fl :i wlf'li.~ •t1flf)(\r!1nc rnlr.~ frrirn nlf''l70·•npr.:r"n ..., rl r 1 P n n '" l.r11nr1!1 .:r~ :'1rhrl ;inrl ~nrr11nn ~l;i 1 Iii llolnrr~ F('rrar1nl1 "~ '1;ir1h11 Tt1r la'11r~. 1<'l!h R1111·rrc:: h•1~c::-h11r1!•1nr n J.:1111·1n11 R<'flrlrr ::i~ :< 1·r1n· I I 11 I I II c \l f'pl11~r .. rhnlr~. h:<1 1r1111r Th111 11.:r~ .Jrpprr .~11n 11~ \'~lrnt1nr .:rnrl h.:r rilnnl' Jnhn '1··1 .a11chl1n a<-I\ :ic_nrr c11·p 11~ .:r l•';iu ~! rh::1t 1-. u1 lt"rl/ .:r ~ur rw11'11I l''lnlrthul1nn for ;:iny l!lll~l<'il l ('\'f'lllr1i! t)11r pn.~I 1n!en111.c;~1on rn- tf'1 ·111 1nr11r111 1~ "n the lrchti-r );lrlr wi th lh" \\'::1rrn~k1rilrl j.!ru11 p !11rn1ni;: to hri~hr 1·r llnw 1-;:. __ _ Eve ning SEl'TEMIER 29 l:t(I 8 1111 N..n lf'rry Dunphy CIJ Nt'lf'!O f!oll l411~df O ~IC Ne .. 1 T~:n ~nr!I•• Q If,., Mnrn1. McCor1111r.~ 8 "EYEWITNES S NEWS "! * Break. the habit wit h lent i. J ack5on. S loa rll D NetrJ Jt'l~•Dh Benn 0 fJ1 Wilfl. W!lfl lll'Mt m Tiit fll•tt111•t1 aJ I D"'"' 114 Je1nM1 (151mi14edreoodr L!lltre t!I Netkitrn 3C €!: DINrt ltt.,..rt f31f) M1fti'"f Rf!) l :lO . -- 1 O A CHARLIE BROWN I * FA LL SPECIAL ABOUT THE PEANUTS' SUMMER 0 • rJ1illE] It Wu I snort ~ulftlftet, Char!i, l ra wn Tiit PPB · nuu· 11,,v1l1bl1 fu~I day ba[I lo ~r.hO<'ll thn1r o! wnl1n1 1 comoMI· Jonn nn ho,. lhe,o 1D<!nl 1ht '"mmer v~ea!•nn ,~ thr tll~mr at th" ~~1-,,,.t .. d iP~•al CJ )01 m M,11rry fh•d•t -Mc. Milli n I. Wilt ""41ttdtr Sy rhr ~u r•I'' Jh, MtM•ll1n'• 1nvr51•R•I• the d><•~'•uar.;e 0r 1 body .. 11.rh they find nn m!WlnR d•V R11ek Hu~"'" i nd Su•1n ~1int )1mfJ ~t>r •• Mc· Millan 1. Wilt. 0 r:flf61 rn ee.irts~ip ., [ridi,·1 F1th,r "G•l e~r,k on 111 .. Hni•e" m D1vl~ fro'1 Sii~w G1Je•t• 111 , cn"'•~11n f.eN, .. Gorhn: 1nri enun· I try i nd wtst.,n J•n~or H•n~ <:.nnw. 1 1·30 9 !tn1 Allen SM• ffi (1 5) l ohoq11iv1ri IR) fJ M1.,1: (90) '1bi1 Cm/Id It ttif (39) fil111 Nl(ht .. Cr>nclui.nnt(r.nm1dy) '57 -9:00 l) (I + M.c!lc1I c ... 1 .. !e•n ~immpn•. 1'1111 lln<1JI••. A.n I O [I!Rl!II $c111•d Am..i-ic1 .• fh~y frlr>i"•n.u , I n '"~"' hi iuo~1,. Sw1tl l 1nod er Mu,lt f'ln~!~d b~ f d"'i 1111~1 ~tr 111cnmt, I dtmo11. w,11 1 Ar.,..,lri 1n~ Altl D••••• w•t" tn~•!• br•d ~h(l('l!•1rh•r Ref!; I p1rt t•mt. Rr11 Clor~. )nhn O•.,rl•nn, Somml \ ll!t rel8"11 loh '" 1 n 1J~I tl11b. S1111!h. Mori'( Rnbh•n~. C1nril ''~'"" i CI S Ht'" W1 l1•r f.rnn~1T~ onrl Th' (l ttT"t l •l~p~H•n•. • Nit Nt-s In tin Chtr.;tllor 0 I 3 1 161 (II T~t Slftith f l!llily A"4y ;rlltil~ ff) OS) firi111 li"" Q) 1111 tfliby Shew a!) Ro111 .,._,. Ve r;n1c1 (15) (f'f11h11 1t 1'0~1 g;JO f.rl 5ttc:k11t1 0 SHIRLEY'S WORLD JS @D k.t IM Odth * THE PLACE TO BE! Clgi c~n ~ O CJ IL{)Cf)Shi1'-f'1 W&rltl ~A ~ le1 A1'clo!ootll•toll 11 C-unitlffl f,irf I i\t Y()U" Shirl'!)' ln1•n. n~ ••· I G) AIC II.-. 1 sirnm•n1 '" l n\.,o. ''-r1• 1111! I" I .':ti! -C1S ,._.. W1 lt1r •n11 ''* C • I Jhl!ulu th•,1'• h'1:om!!! '" •~I·•· I -l11n.r 111 I f•P<hl hnu<• •nd !1Vt1 @ UC N..,. Slftrt~. R•11nn•r D m NIC NtWI Jn~" Ch1ncelln1 I 111111in( 8Hli~h ~on•rnu11•n•r !roll! (!l Tntffr 11 Cof!M111lf!ICI! I 2nont "nthv' " \ (fl !k11111l I 0 1111• W11d ""°' -Wh11'1 ..,. Uftt? I QJ It l•~ .. 'Thltl -• o< "" C &Y.l l 1 Cro1 ~t M1ris1 C<11tt• ~ ..,11111 '"'' ~ • Gt I L,... Luq 10:00 U t 1 M111t1or De1n .•10lkwell ind m I l»N-•f '"""ii I Sh~ller r •but' pity ma101 ·~le! '" I ft!! IPICl!ll Cr1llllo'1 t.wtlt !'Inf: • """' roo ,., 11·"°"' ,ou-li~ ~ 111u1· 1 ' '. rlocm•m '"''~m fTI 11~1 Cl!'-1hw1 p1111le1 )or lohnn>r t1111~n •"!' . . , tiii int nn lohn Cr1nln 1 l1m1'11! 0 'i"Ol ID N11M &1llery Th"' ••~· S11JtlR•rt Op•!I f!•llet mtnh d~•l1n 1 w•Th (1) I w1lth rt @?l lt It Annottllttd !"rntd !!('fm th1 ar••t .u1rch•~11 lnt (19} TIMI Ylrfi"itn I "''" bod, In '"li•111, U l I Di. 0) Mtll!ft p )•k•ll •nd Mr, Hy~~ t<••lm•nl .~"d (:II 1 d•ot i«~tf ~ •ndl•" n11h!- 1:)(1 IJ Dnc1ti ~ ""' """"' rr• m•~ m1•f · sllide~h M11"n1tJ llpTn• 1n~ nu11~1 n g ""'" Mfl•!O\, l11f.Cn•m•ck ~4n0•r,,,'",',",,,',',',' •,,',','",',',~. r•,·•,•,r1 0 (11 ITI tiD TIMI Iii•• 111!1 thl .,. , City "'1 l'~e•1ld H1"' lt1 Him D•t '" hu•'!!. •rt Gl!lff,.y n1vi•-•. "'111 M•'I"'! Alc;1l1 1""'1 1n b'l In! I 1~•11 L)'ftn, ~·m11n Cut( M1r1111 ~1w , lft•~'I:•! 1h•drnt ,.h•11 lh• ~"ll"t [<!Its! Cl•'"' 11\11 R1loh MwJ\1•1 I m•n 1n~ lh• o f)' "" ••<•~ b'I 111 O l'Till\UI '1f11I ond l•rrfto"' Wll •l• arr•rl•nl ~.rl•m f:u••" oro f.h1t<• 1nVO!,l!f f ''"I ti>• ~l\•ODtUlft'' "' 1!\Dh•! (.1>nno.lly, <\1v1111 l"u~•n, 111 h•h Iii• 11t1 '"' i•l1 n~ ~I "''" I H••rv Jnn•\. f,.,. ~r••n an~ w,,.,..., llYI Pf'mU~ b'IOl"'f ' '""lll>•d w•1h l 11ylnr tht \:1d111op•n1 ol an l/!ltntt ll Am {:) T~1 •-t•fl b•si.•d(!! m 111 ... , ~'""'''" ~l~hm'" (J) la , .. tl>t ,,.,._ (l~l t1hi<t1(JW1Ct lt.Nl•I (Ill (J'I r ~ ~! lt••nit ED Ewni"t •I ,.,,~, (ff) (:J ANGRY HILLS a!! lnr ""'"'"'011•1 · * ROB ERT MITCHUM H!:JO 9 1111111' lic-tiM n Mlll\1111 J "'"""': (7tirl ''Tl\' (!) N•w< ~•II ,Mh~1 A11sn Hlllt~ r~ron'l•l ~~ ~~h•fl €!) FJ Dl1r111 M11chu,.,. 'iU•lll:V 8&~''· G11 ~t1l1 {3 9) film m .... 1111'1 M...,., 11 :00 0 }.~.llWM Q) Cf! Dttr•l 0 1(5' @n Ne~ (151 Th• rNT1M11• ,,.,,,. ii'J 1.1.,.,n.1 Dtlln• SI E11111rl1eh 4t l tc:n., 0 31 ti!) """ m It h Writttll 0 Mlltl'it: "hlle'I lllrl" (!lr•111~) ',1,4 GE 42 "''" Gl'!"rft Cl11 k1ni , Cl•uthl Culf1 . ...,, 8 FUN FO R EVERYONE! * OR . SEUSS' CLASSIC HORTON HEA RS A WHO Th ursday DXYTIUt MOVIES IO:<Kl r_fl (Cl 'ttf1 M1k1 l11"'~ Ct1t1tlu-I tl('lll (C'OrlUdy) 'Ml -lil1ni,n Mnn- l!!t. y...,., "'"'"''"~ 1 1:00 CJ "Wiil ftiwr" (wHl•lll ) ,,g - Jo~ft w.,...,, Mnn!.t11m1ry Cl•ft l :Gll m "I Wn t Mtlt Wtr l rt1t-• IOCll'I· m "lki ll~11fl11tt1r" ~'"l!'t!"l 'S(I ld f) ''t -C..ry Grt/11, An~ S~tn -t:.rofllry ~'1'J, H1l•n N"lf/'111 ~I~. ! l :llD QJ ~R-Iii tflf ~-" (rn111 t :3'0 U ~w11t11111 !lrilh r ltCt" tr.cm•"'1l 'J2 -w t r.,1d, l•tk n.~ .. ''fhf lfMl M-111" ld"llUJ 4j -JM I McG1~f &ftly F1t1~ 0 (t} "Tiit l ltO ·~~ ~lrt I ltd~~lu••I !IG-h rnn• ~tr, ()I w W&!lll!., !Milt Aubl)', I •dr) '!16 -P•l,,t\ Fi•u, M>rl"'" RMd~ J:OO .... 1t 1 "~tt111""cr '"'"" It~"' ·~vl ~ -Jn•~ fnM •••• )!\•~~II r.nrt•n ,1) !C) "~ M1t1t• ~1 '"11oe•nc•" f~r•m1) 5' -H11ley ~Ill,, lJIWll H&wlNL "1 , '" "~' '""w . """' ,.. . .. ' ~. .,, "lOVI STO•T" IGP) ' .. ~· '. "' ""' ... '·~·!· , .............. . .. '•' "' .... ,., "' INO{(HIO" (GI "THI WIL D COUJIT•T" I') "'' .1 •• 1.,, .• , •• ,. .• . . ~ '.. . , ... "IWD lANI l l A(•TO'" l•l "O;o.., 01 A Mo4 N•~u,.ifo" (I I "•ID i•T Al MOIN!NG" ... ~ .. , .. , .. . -·· ... "' .. ' '" ..... _ .... I .... • ...... ''I IPI ' ' '., r "-"""' ,., •• , •.. . ~·, ' .... "'flllNl'!S" !II ' .. ,, . '"' -.. ' '11 1110 f•vu .I. l i1 M.1,, (I I .. ,, ..... .. ,,r ...... r ... .. ... _ .... ··~· •... • ,,(, (_'tlU)I f IJ' Tl '''' "T11f't1e DOtl •011\("l•I ''\Tllnl •I Wltl !ll"' ft \ '•UllllT l'l'IUl t " (I \ hlll7.f'r5 lrir thr "'"l'I 11nt1 lr(~ +n(f')rm;:il ,1?tt11·n< lnr !hP l.:rri1 r~ .:r~ thfl' rlPpir·t M,n..,tr•l tn .\1 11c::1r.:r l "a l'>r<1111 •fu l!I' .'lt~i;:t>ri. ~nnl!-1'11'·~0111! .:rrt~h·~t~ nr th~ t:?r11w1h nf !hr /I 1n Pr i r 11 n 1nu~1ral thp;:iJ('r ' ' (; i rl " n n • ' ' ('h;ty pf~ky·~ t nmt rly • rlri.n111 'a ho11t d cowardly 11n11.hern p1rkf'rl hy l';nd In ~~ve the Hchrrw 11<1111111. w11! h" prr.>;r111r('t I/\ Ortoher by lhP Or.:rntP l "n11s1 Cnllcg~ dr::1m11 dl'p<1.nn1f'r11 Snh11er:s anrl tr \l·nspeoole "''II he playl'ri 1'>1 F"nrr~s! l~iiiil• l)flhhs, Mlrh.:rrl S1n1th, S:i rn l"rn"r Charle~ ;:inti h.:r,.;i;.hal'it.nnf' \Vhirl'Wf\lr Eu I! en f' Rr11nd;:i~r jriin lht F.:r11 ,c.1 prin- r1 p11l.c. 1n [hf' li.11:hlPr ,<:irfr fl( !hP \I 11rP11~k1nlrl pr'l~r:i rn with hr~ul 1f11!h tll"l11·1>rrrl nl frrin£~ nf l'nlA 1'or1r1·'• "Sn In l ,/H'P." R11rl!!<'r<: ::inrl llarnn1r r·~tr1n'• '$111nr ~:n1 ·h::111trr1 F'.1·r11111-::" 1111rl \'irinr Htrhcrl ·.<: "'I 'tn F;ill1ni,: In IA1\'P \\'1th Snn1r- n11r p;ir111•11larll <:l1<·l.1n:; in Hu• 1·r1111· ,c. 1ne1 nnr.\ T r yo 11Ll' Sel Bv Irvine or·r rl ra n111 ins!r11ctnr Rill r 11rk\SS i~ rlirr>r1ln2 lhP ShO\I', 11.•hi('h wil l run fn1 fnur rl::i vs nnl1 1n lhl' c-ollr~r .:r11rl1!nr1um Th" pl;iv rl"cr ntlv II' ::1 ~ fll"~srnted nn lr\r11~1nn wil h rrlpr ,l ii;IJ1101 If\ !hP !lllr fl)lr Toni Ari1uld will pl.:r1 the Cl;i11titr. Rrurl' Ch i rlrf'.~. riim Hi1ll, <:yn thlil B;irnn. Rarhar:i C.:i!1111r sP. Cnrinnr .r i er 11 2 [)f!bbie Ensi~n . De n ii;" MrC::111IPs , !'hrryl l ia1<•lhnrn,.. (\•nth111 D•njl.er, ni.:rn l' C11n11f , p~r rrPfi;nn ;inrl ,ol.nd ;i Ac!I rprfnrm.:t'11 'PS "' C1rlf'fln " ~rP .•rherl ull'r1 fn• Ort. !.1-1~ :\rlm1s~1nn lli fret. Arthur ~11llf'r·.~ r I 11 ~ ~ i r p~rtnf r:irl Mn in tht ()('(' pr•n-1Hll.l,,.\\'1W')ll (AP1 rl riim.:r "O...::i!h nf ;I S11!r.~m;:i n"" tl11rt1nri. with l·:rt !. Ir I l r ~rrn.1t1Pl!P rr!Pr~. ;:i 111ar "·111 hi' prP~Pnlrri 1n Nn1·ernh"r fW11-rr.i1'ini: rl1" ;i 11gf'I ll'h'l th,. st.:r,c:r .:rl Zit. tn11kts hrf-- thr lr1•1nr ("nm mu n 11 ,1• \'1:<11.c; h1 n1 lllhrr 111;i1nr rntr.~ srrern rlrhul in 20th Ctnlur\ 1t w.:r~ ;:i w·rl('nmP reur11nn fnr 1hnse nf u~ whn rt 1•::1!1 ~1 1i;~ \\'.:rr1>nskjnl rl'_~ riirhl'!r l'l<:tt "''ith ('flni;irler.:rhll' p!l'!asure 11nrl it m;11· hP Jnn 11111rh !fl hnflP th11! tif'r nrg::1ni1.1111nn's \'1Si1~ tn n1Jr .:rrr11 roulrl hrcnml' .:rn s nnu::il nrr::1 s1nn. ThE'lller. with .:rudttions an· will be taken hy ~1 111 Si·hnurlt, l;nl ·~ ''.\1·r ~:1 1 ~nd rlnrii,:rr of nnunced rnr sunr1.:ry Senn c r.:rnr. F:drl it r11rki.~.~. the Sk 1r~.·· rns111rrin~ v.·11h jn~~~:~~~~~~n Richard Onw will direct lhe r:rl'!g Krrich!;i and Rnn Cr;,.1· Cliff Rnht rtsnn, ~:r1c Shea Rnd I nit11'h-hnnnred slnrv nf 11 m;in Con1pletinJ:: lhr ()(_'(' rasl rln.~rn1.:rrv Murr1hy. fn rr·Ml tn f;:ire !hi' f::ir! that he .:rrr Thorn Tlnn1;:in, St!'I e11 Th!' r1l1n i.~ ~hnu1 II \\'nrld \\'nrk on it. 1n11 rrnplP whn ~l\'f' 11.c. nur con1m11nity rnn· r rr1.11. 'Stunt Ma n· llfll,l,\'\VOflD l /lr 1 Lawrrnrt R M::irru.<: will wr it l' the .<:rrPPnpl ::i,I' nf "Thf' St1111! Miin ." II i~ h;:i11t t1 nn II nn1•r l bv i'anl Rrndf'ur ::i nrl \l"tll hr PrMur"rl anrl ri irf'rlf'rl hi' Rirh;irrl R11~h 1A'i11 C.:r . .tl" "·ill i;erve a~ t xecutive prl"I· ducer. h.:r~ n11lli1•f'rl hi.~ usrfulness. Mu1srhltr, Rir•h;ird ~1fl1.1.nl11 . \N.:r r I pilnl 11 nd his n1n1!1rrless Tht r11~1 r.:r!I~ fnr Ill men and Rick (:111.~nn, f'aul Dn1·rrnu.<, !>nn whn h.:rn1111nrm frrirn 1nwn 1 (n11r wnn1en. .J1111 Ces1>n.:r . Rurl St;iru·l1f1 rlli. tn tnwn_ filr1in.c; IH!R.:tn in ' Rr::1rf1ni;:~ wHI 11" hr\rj al! rl;iy Rand.v H ur1.~nn, .lnh11 f'hilrlrrs }\~n"l'l'i f1n1I wdl he cnncliided Sund;i1· Imm noon tn RI 11nrl Atrky i'll)~hrr·r. in llnll.1·11·Mt1 I 11 • i: lnrk .' in t hr I s I;, nd H nu.<.I! ii l -:;:::::::::::='=====:::::::::::::::==='=::::::::::::::::::::::::~ F::i~hinn lsl11nrl. N P w r n r 1 h foe 1 ST ,. I Rr.:ri;h. Further tnfnrmatinn Now Toqet er th• 1me. n1ii 11 he nbl;i inerl h1 e.:r!ling d1rrrtnr J)nw ::11 :i44·~47o. 1 "f1<-a th nl .:r s~lrs nuin" 11 i\I nprn N \ 21\ fn r .:r srheduled !hrPl'·W Pk run .:rt l h e Hum11 n.:rlir~ H;:ill rl11 yhnuse nn !hf' ur Jr1 inP ('.:tmpui;, The nl'JCt lCT prnclur!inn. r1irt:r!erl bv Dnw. 1vill he :-;i mnn'" ···R.:rrefMI in rark," npcning flrt. J.'i .. ,_, .. ,.. ' . 1, d '(' . N. h ' u e~ a )' ,r1111 c tg 1. S<>n g or Nor..v.1 y ............. ft ....... ··~-.. -...... . .. ....... , "'' ,.,, •·• l .......... ,, ') ,_) Vid eo Ne twork.~ H\' l'V.'\/"f UIA Lll\.\'RY "·~:\\' Yon ,.; 1A r 1 -cnp.~ ;ind t'l'ln11nal s rl'ii;:n su prr m" nn (f'IP visinn nn T11r.•rl.:r1• f\l t!h!.<:. i\1 nn" p<iinl 1'UP<:t1111·. ;:ill thrl'P n"1 11·n1·ks wrrf' shnw· inc susprn<:P qonri;, \RC's ":\:11111 Sfju11t1.'' attrr 1hree ~r;i.~nn,<:, 1<: hr~1nninj!, tn show s1gni; nf l.:r !ii;i.ue. F:ven tht thrrt> \'llUOJ.: principals look f;ilhrr 111;it11rr ;i nrl !hf' i;hn"•'.~ ~l·r 1p!.<: rlcfin1trh· h::11·t ln~I 1h;1I fi11e flush ul 1·nulh, Thi<: wrek'~ :<turv wa~ prl.!- .(:rfl nu !hP drug traff1r, now hr1 ·111111ni.: .:r eli1·hr Tht~ 11n1r l'ele -w•i!h lilclr hr1p frn1n hi.~ unflrn•uvrr 1 ·11l\r :ic1 u·~ 1.11u· ;ind .hilit -11·11.~ fln 1he tr111I of an .:rddil'! whri \\'.:t~ 11 cnp k1llrr, Thr lrar 11·;1~ h.:ri!f'rl with .:r i.tid whn 11~~ an rx-arl· rlir l and ;ii 1·;i1d nf gr!l 1nJ.:, hnnkrd .:r g;:11n ("a1nr ro 11 1\1 i!('hcll plavr•( lhr \..1lle1· with ,<.11 n111rh ~(·r11rr1· 1·l1rw1nc lh~t 'i\·11f'ha1>I J"olr ~· r r 1r ~rrrn,.d r 1 rn mun• J<1lrnl ~nil 1->r"nrllni:: !h.:rn u~1111 \ /I<: if In 111;.i\.,r \lfl fnr 1hf' l;11·k nr ::I i:!lnd ~tnr,1, tht h.:rr kj1.fn11n1l nf .:rn 11n111<r m,11! r.irk prn1•1rlrrl rnlnr 11 nrl in1rrr~1 ·' riuu·k 1111 <1 or lhr d1::1I In ('RS t>rnu:;:hl nn "ll1111•::ii1 Fil'"· fl," \\'11h ~'ll!::lfP·j~WPd rtl.!ht- lh1n\.,111;'. !\ 1P1 P \lrr:;ir:·rt1 flt\ !hr II ::ii\ nf ;i fl~\rhn!1r ~1 r11 11,1?lf'f Thr k111Pr p1 1! m::1kPt1p fln hi• f11·r ll'nmt_n 1·1r11m.<. ~n lhf'1 \nnkrd 11k P p11 1n!rrl rlnll < -::1 hit m::ir;ihrr ., mari<at. 10 mori<et 10 ... 1"11' """ friend ·> .-• " .• ' • n c11lnr. ThrrP w.:r.<. ~ l'llH'['ll'i~r (\1·1~t ::it lhP rntl .:r~ ~1rf;11rrr1! 1 r11r ~rl rlnwn thP m.:r<lm;in .:r nrl inr1r1Pn1~11.1' ~ o I 1 P rl ann111 rr killini;: ;I \ thp ~ll m(' 1 i n1~. Thr .~t;;r 111 tilt srrlf'.<: r· .. n- linnr~ tn hr the lush h:irkJ.:,rn11nrl ,.j ll;:iv.•aii. 11inr(' rnns! nf !hP shn1<·s 11r1> .o.hnl nn l11r.:r!u1n Thr.1 p:i ve the po!i1•(' .irl!nn SC'nr~ 11 .<.pr1·i.:rl ex- 1•11r1ncnt ilnrt ln1h~1rl1111l1ly, In ~prrr nl thP 1·,,gur fl'r 1111\'· ;inrl -nrder .d1<1w~. lhr nf'!wlirk." arr still ne t1"11~ i1l:.111l 1n- JP!'!111i.: j1111 l!llU·h l!!;h1H1\! illld ~11n11l.:r.v Th<> 1·('~\lll L~ .:r l;;rg•· ass1wl111r11l nf nlf-h1•;1t l1;11l ~try~ For !hr !1'\l f' 11IH\1!un1I •fr' suspf'nse r~n <:, 1\1)11'1'1 Pr, ~11·1. 1ln1..: .:rdrlu·t.~ anrl 1n:id111r11 n1l'lkC' 1111s11l1sf::1r·!1n'1' 11lli1111s. rrrh::ip.~ 1hr.1 ar·p .:r l1ltlr l11n , 1·ln~e tn 1·r.:rli11· ~11rl lh r r<1 1f'nln~ l1 ~111·r~ l l111•nmpl1ralrrl hr:<11 ~~ "!],, );f'Pn1 tn h.:r 1·r f11n i;:ifP~. hi1ar k1nc r~n;:n .~lr.;ilini;: .~r<'l'Pt Lfl' "rnn1r11! rlt'\l'llmPn1!" .:r rP inf1n1l r l.1 rel;v.:in~ to 11·~tr h. P ai r i n l>r 111 <ln d 11 n1.1., \l'f"l(l('I 11 ri .l::irk \\"11rrlr n ;u1ri R11r1nn .:rr~ h"!llt ~fl11ch1 In pl::1~1 11 flll!T nf h.:trti rtr lflk1n£ P>.:p::ir n .:rtr.~ 111111£ 111 ~r::i1n 111 "/I r 11rrl rrnm \ln!nrrn" PREMIERRE ENGAGEMENT STARTS FRIDAY ";'· AT BOTH THEATRES • _ ......... , ]n,.r, '''"""''" ~, .,, .... .; f1~ .. '1•''' .. , ' ""''"" ! ., .. 1 \, 1,,,11,., r""'n• n., ~'I ''"""l\1 ~nhe'I '1"r!-y t rl_.;.,., I r,.,,.,,.,,,,,, ~'"" ·-· '""h~ 1 .. 1 .......... ~~-······-·-- !" lnnfto• \ ••. ,,. .... , """"''• . -.. ·"" ·• '" .. ~-. ........ ' ' .. .. -:::.:·1 ·~;.: ·--.. -........ ,,,. ........ _,... • ..... 1 ·· ... ,. . ., A<-····-···-·· '" . -· .. <> l'•I •"' ._.,J., ., f "'·•·.;.-~ .... ··~ .~·!·~ .. ~,.;;;-,,_ '" ... !!] Pl .. ..:._ .. can -Conn e-ry ond Clo ud ia Cardinale Forget everythi ng vo u 've ever h eard about heroes. . . N o w there IS .. ".1.--·~a--~~~ RED TENT" HElD OVER -8th &REAT WEEK "'fRl(NOS ' TA)(.l S 1TSllf Wt TM ADMIRA6ll SlR IOUSNESS Yl T IS UNDllll NIO BY MUCH HUMOR . n .... ,,...,, 1 .. ,,, ... r-.o;., .. .i .. .,,,, .. , •• ,.1 " •n•··-~ ,,,.,n .. 1.,. f,,,.,,, , .... '""''"I p.,..~ ... th•"I•· .. ( .. ' n ... I I ~ iW•''" !'I ' I'll'"'' h.-,• t.-,~"''' 'I". n '>•'•f "I'" "'"':l""""h! I'""' <"'""'..j • ,,,...,. Qh w •lo r "'' •••nl IO\I• <"I ., "' i., .. ,~ fl.,..,..., 111' ~"i•1• I,..., " 'FRIENDS' IS AS OlD AS 'ROMfO AND JUll[T' AMO AS YOU NG AS 'lOVl STOllY't" ll ·~-I• H,1~. '-•~ '~-i.. p.,1 ''~ • fUNNY HOW LOVERS ST ART AS ... I """0'J'' '"'IJ''' "'"' , . -· ... LEWIS GILBERT "friend s" r~~ 11 ~a•101 # ' FP inn r.noi.ri "1 1'! lDVI ~T Wtrf " (I) t•~ I t llAllOI DllVf.Ht •fl•"l ~11"Ml"1'1 "lh•I• '"u••' Ri• M~l•v ' (•1 ~~-. ---·-- '1friends" ~·•-"''" •I ••I'~• , . <••" .... ,,, ..... 1 """ >Ol<I• I .... 0'1 ~0 '"' POS ITIVELY ENDS THURS . "Let'.s Scare Jeuicn '1b 'Death" STARTS fRIOAY OCT. 1 'Al.' f· .... ~ t '.I ~ l'i Skin Game .. ·~·c. .. '"'~" ... ,, .. ......... M -• 0 ........... ·-· &<1 7 '"'"" • "V"".,<Hll" •IO.C.M 1\'t1II\\•1 1n,rr. 1!1 1 ,f '!,h'! \f'''" I : 11 I~ II,~' Ii I I·' , ... ~-, .... ,, .. , ... Ali Mac6raw • Ryan o·Meal • ; ~ John Marl1y ~~~&Ray Mill1nd v;::;,'.,...\ ( nlf)r '\• 'I . .,. IW.oo!..,..,.,.. Cill ' " .. ,. • , •• ~· 1• 'M '~~ "I!!'" . " " DAILY PILOT %7 T'laeater Notes 3 'Plazas,' . . ~ 5 Other Plays L1ght1ng Area Stages E~~~~~~~~--T By TOi\t TITUS 01 11\9 Ot u, ,.1191 Stell After inundating Orangt County with A VlrluaJ nood O[ theatrical potpourri during Sepleniber, the toc·al playhouses now lake a lwo- week respite before phase two nr the J97l·72 season gets undefl4'3Y In n1id·Ocl obcr . \\'a!Ll.'r Dude~. Run F1lian, Helen Brigg~. Bonni+> Ebsen , Louis Leopold, .J 0 a n n e Wolcott . ...:ene Benedicl. Huth Gabler. Eugena• Maxwell. Cin- de Dolphin and f;tenna Rene Long. Avenida Cltmente 0465 r a b r I 11 ti ' San 492· Robert Engn1an and Jaequ1 l' f\1offell rake the .slaHt' for the entire evening at the Laguna Mo11llon Co n1r11u11it y Playhouse, performing "Pli1 7,a Sui te" tonig ht throu gh ~:.itur· da y under the dirC'c\1011 nl H11p Graham. Heservat 1on.~ 4!14 0743. lhP musical Res<'r \•at1ons SU.. 32~7 I \::/ -- Man 's ~ut. v.·hile lherl' are nn ne\Y p1oduct1ons on 1he boards this t,1•eek. !hcrf' are c1gh1 shO \\'S 1·ont1nu1ng or t·lo~1ng their runs 111 Orangf' County and neighboru1g Long Ol'a<.'h. Cu!'tain tline il1. or course. 8:30 for the Coward playtcts at the C..:on1munity <..: f' n t c r Hud1toriun1 on the Orange County Fa1!'grounds. Reserva · I ions S:l4-5J0.1 * The \Vest Coas! premiere nfl "The Best of fo'riends" con· !1nue!t Friday and Saturday at l !he Long Seach PlayhousC' under rile d!fection of Ron AllH>rtsen . Romola Temk in! and J;1mr.~ O'Donnell head tl1e 1 t•asl nf the cornedy at th!' I playhou~e. 5021 ~;. Anahcifn , St, Lung Bea(•h rl"servliltions l * 11 !3) t18·05.16. sometimes dangerous olten hllrnorous alw.lys exc1f1ng quest /or a winfer paradis e. Neil Si mon 's "Plaza Suite" £lse1\·here 1n end around !lit--j.-_____ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;:: COUil!} ... A Shot In the Dark '" "'inds up its three-week stint tnr the Santa Ana Comrn unity Players, "'Brigadoon" closes out a !1\'0·v.·eek run i n ~·u11er1on and "The Rest or Priends" continues its six- v.•eekend enga~ement ;it !he Lo ng Belleh Co n1 mu n i ty Playhouse. Aword Wl1111l"t f •ohtr•tt• Officially opening its doors afler an initial v.·cekend of previews 1s South Co ast Repertory's innovative rock opera "Tommy." the firsl ful - ly staged production of !his n1usical saga by Britain's The \Vho Dai 1d t::n111 1cs and i\!:u:t1n Benson. !wn of SCfi's founding directors. are s!agin~ the unique presentation 11·hich features H.eginald Rook 111 the title role of a deaf, durn b and blind l>oy v.·ho becomes '111 ex- pert pinball 1nachlne pla yer TROUBLED 'TOMMY . -Heginald Rook lakes the title ru le of '"1'on11ny" first full sta ging of the rock opera at South t'oast J~cperlory in L'o sta 111 1he f,!e sa. SCR is staging "Tonuny" 111 cunjuncUon v.·ith the rock group "Ambrosi<1'' an.d \Vith a large ensemble company of actors. dancers ;ind mu.~icians_ Perfonnance:o; are \\lednl'Sd;11· through Sunday <ii 8 o·clnek - not 8:30 -in the Third Strp Theater. 1827 Ne11·1"10rl Bl1·d. Costa 1\.lesa. Heservat1on!'i li~ti· 1363 * Both ends of !he Costa ~1 esa Civic Playhouse 's "doubleheader" "'ill be played this weekend as the theater l'nnc!udes its Noel Co\\·ard lt>stival by presenting all six of the one-aej plays in the '"Tonight at a~XI" series \••ith a combined cast of 2 8 performers. On F'riday the bill of l11rr will be .. Hed Peppers." "Still Life '' and '"Sh;1dow Pla ~1."' all under tl1l" direction or Pat! Tambellin i. Fe;ilured in lhe cast are Joe Del Rosso. !\·large Bradley, (:l'nevieve ~1urray. Don Rhoades, Linda Kass. Al Jones. Pat Harp. S " o ! r MC'Canles, i\1;1rg<1ret Kell}. Larry Lalhan1. De n 1 s e ~1 cC;1n !es. Sturl e~ ll1llu1i. li11."~ 1'.·lar!in, Lois \Vll Snn and A111:;i (;rossmiln -11·ho se rl'es :1s n1us1c;i! d1rel'lor fur Uu!h e1·enings The setond parl of the pn; grain Saturda)• \\•i ll Ix> ··\V;i\"- and f.teans." "Fun1ed l);if.." and "F'amily Albu rn." d1ref•\ed by Toni Titus. Cast n1ernbcr!I arc Sall,v Br0\\'11, Ra y S1:11t1 , Stars Keep Bolli11g No Sore Losers • Celebrity Botvl By VERNON SCOTT HOLLYWOOD (UP I 1 -Nil one ever called bo\1'l1ng tl1e .!lport of kings. Nor is propelling a ball toward 10 pins at the end of a long wooden run\\'ay a favored pasttin1e of the I~ :i: o t i c Jlollywood crowd. But put 1he1n togehter - bowling and stars -an<! 1hc results can be a rn u s 1 n .c:,. fascinating. hilarious. a drag {choose one!. "Celebrity Dowling .. is the name of the show v.•hich rnade it s debu! la st season . \\lhile t<.fr. Nielsen didn't rate it above the super bowl joust between Baltimore :ind Dallas, it did pique suffi cient interest Lo be renev.•ed this year as a syndicated shov.·. ·"Bowling is Amer i r a' s favorite indoor sport."' said en- prodUl'l"I" Joe S1eg1nan who 1nay or 111ay no! have hiS Jacls !'ilr;11ghl. ''One nf the reilsons we hil ve the coop~rotlon of the National Bowling Council is Lo gel awa.v from the low·brow reputation bowling has. 'fhe i!Veragc bowler earns $10.000 a year.·• S1egmiln earns more than 1hat and h:ippen.~ 10 be a bowler hirnsel!' The celebrities bOv.·llng on the sho\v mu!'it ind eed send the statistics on bov.·lers' Incomes soaring. Among those bo1111ln~ this week -the series of 26 half - hour shows \~.'ill be taped in four days -are many fan1ous names aod laces v.·ho don't know the purpose of the little holes in I.he ball. Others are expert bowlers. During the four-day fren~.y •O l lSllYID JUTS "OIATH" t :JO ~ JAii" •:XI & 10:1 S !llD1 JHUISDAT I · "'Ca rnal l\nowlcdgf ~--"; I Is an amazing, 4!'" · brutally honest film." / -PlaybO}' l.4agazine '• 'r • 6 " .. " 0 Q • Q " ., " ' ' • 0 .\like :'\ichol<i.Jack ~ichobon. Camlicc Bergen.Ar1hur Garfunkel. .\nn ~largJel and Jules Feillcr. • • Carnal Kno\11edge. ... -. (. ,, = -' ACADEMY AWARD WINNER ., • ' •' .; I " " • ' 11f bov.'l1ug ;i bar is open all da.v Ion,:. while the stars mill around av•ailing Ll1cir turns al the two lanes . A few of the bowlers to be seen in the <.'Oming !Season are Ernest Bor~nine. Laurence Harvey. Dick f\l artin. Burl Ive.~. the Lennon Sisters. Ri chard Lo ni;. Lf'~l1r U~tiarns. ~;d An1es. an~t 1h:1I 1•op tea 111 fro111 "A1l:i111 12," ~l;"trl!n ~lilner and Kent t<.ltCon1 :\ professional lx.lwlcr will be nn hand, out nF S1J::hl of lhe I , • •·ilmeras of cou rSt'. to give ,\If>" .\)11spvc•I point." lo thoS<' \.\'ho ha1·en·l ~tarla Srn;tll plays a bowled before. n1aid at1·11s('d of n1u 1'· "Th is is the only ~port on der 111 the Santa :\na television where losi11g is a ( 'on11nun1 ty P Jay c rs virtue." Seigrnan said t·omedy ";\~hot 111 th!• "Viewers don'l ,gel frustratf'd fJark," closing I h 1 "' watching the c0n1 perilion 11'!! \\'eckend. not like a haseball or ba sket ------------- ball ~a 1ne." '"fhct<' aren't any set. learns. The various ce!ebritirs pla.I' l.ogrther 1n nnP game. ;ind lhen ;ire npp<>nrnt~ in lltr next. \\l e'vc ~ot SS n1ovie. tel~\·isinn and night club pcrson;1l1!1es lh1s ye;1r "Thr t elebritics 0011! for pri1.e~. but lht>y go 111 inembers or !he a1uhcnct>. For instanC'e 1f nnc ol our stars b1111'IS ISO or n11"lr{', il llckr>t IS dri111 n and a n1en1hcr o1 the aud1i>ncl.' 11111." a 11r1;o;r "If nnr of our howlers hll" ?10 or bellrr thl.' locl\v 11ckr1 hnldrr picks up a hrilnd nr"' ··ar Asked what happenPd 1f a !(1;ir hn .... ·lrd .11)11. i1 !X'rfe<'L ganic. Se1gn1an s;iui 1101h1ng Odds "n the liflpprns1:in1·1' arr grea ter than seeing Buf. f::il n anrt S::in Diego 1n thr Super Rn\.l·J. !\'I ovic Pla n nccl Un Hollywoofl HOLLYWOOD f AP f Production of "Hollywood ~ Hollywood !" i~ scheduled for next )'ea r. The film will lealure all the great songs of thr 3o·s and much of lhf background of 40 . vear~ a.':<>-1,~1ill be lied int o thi ngs pertinent to the 70's. Stars Du e Chie f Sliou1 'l\1 ent.v-h\'e h11ndrrt1 pnh1 ·e ••h1cfs fror11 ;i lJ n\'er A1ner1cil. 111clud1ng Lo~ An~r>lr~ 1•h1l'f llav1s, 11'tll \"11•11 H hnru;: 11! ' n0tnnous a.~.,;iss1n~ nt the hluf".; at lhf' An:tht•un ("1111· 1 rnt1on ( ·rnh·r l•1111i.:h1 The_\ 1ncludl' .I 1 111 011 1· [)ur<111lf' wltu 1IH"l'i11Pllf'd. ' I'll "h(111 11""1' 11!,.f..1·~ 11!1"n' di!\' 1·r1nl1' 1•11 ;11 '' [);.111111 'l'hurn:.~. 11h1• :ivPl'S hr II "':'l t1:H·k riCI\! Ill lhl' 1111dlllt' of U1f·1r IUl\1)1' onnes:· and the !'hnw lrom thf. f\ev:por! Bearh ''Inn l'!::icr''I 111th prtnclpa~ Fredd1r Bell and Hnbf'rta Linn \Jo\1 111~ lu "g;in~ 11r" 11n 1111• fllll1un 's tnp j lav.· rnfnrcers w11li dnuhlc·h'1r reled shots ol :;ong .i nd laughter Ton igh t is fun night l<1r 1nen1ber!; of the lnterna!!nna l Association of Chiefs of Polire ~ IACP f in Anaheim atlend1ng their annual t·onvent io n. KIDS LIKE UNCLE LEN Good Seots Available Wod, S1111, 511. I ,.m. II.JO''"'· ~ .l~111h1 ,.,1,1 Rtpr>tl••t.1' COSTA ME SA. R~s.e•va!1on\ 1)46 136:1 or ~II Moorual Age11ct1•\. to1111nues on the st.agf' ol thrre Orilnge County theaters rh1s v:eels.. go111g 1nto its fourth ~·eek at the lluntington Beach Playhouse, its lh 1rd HI the San Clemente Cor11n1unit.v Theater· and its seco11d ill the Laguna t<.·lnul ton Pla~·h1 1usr. Thr llunt 1n~ton Brllt'h ~ \·ers111n. dirf'c·trd bv Nea l l.ose.v, feature~ Sll1n .ind Teri \'l'rdc,·1a. llan<tv l\et'!lt' and Ann Parv<i resh: n11ct 1:r;1('e Shaw a11d Ht•rir·y llJrsehn11111 as 1hr !hrt•f' l'ea111red 1·uuples. J•erfonn;1r1f'<'s .-ire Fri<lav and Sa!urday al !he ph1.vtlousr, ~110 t<.·1<11n St. 1!1111!ington BC'ach Heserl':itions 53fi-8!llil. San Cl Pn1enle 's production 1nat ehes Hichard Kosah find !1ori1hv Smi lh . Reti llut ct11 n~s ilnd ~11ck1e Claxton, and Ed 'l'ierney and Phyllis \Ventz in 1he cr \o of one·acls v.•ith Richard Andrese11 directing. The comedies pla y Thursday lhroog h .S;i turct<1y al th r: t:abrillo Pla~house, 2 0 2 Let' How1ngtop dl(~i~l(~hot 1n !he D:i r~\l,' W1t~ .J ol111 (.i' !It ' " • Lough n1an an\j; M' S1nall pla~·ing the le·' "1i;rr-0k'"<;, .~•11)· ported by Charle;." PHil , .Joan Bln'ding and Ted f:rand ke. Perforinances ai1c Friday and ~;iturday HI the PI aye r s Theater. SOO \V , 6th Sl.. Santa Ana. Reservations 5'11-2!88. Lerner and Loey,•e's .. Briga· doon" co neludes a brier run :is lhe annual p1'Clduction of the Fullerton First U n i l f' d Melhod ist Church's theater arts r o m m i t t l' e with perforn1ances ~~riday 8 n d Sllturday at Fullerton .Junior College. Jan Duncan directs 'Sayo11ara' Star Waits TabJes in Restaura11t Uy HOR TiU)1\1 AS llULLY\VOOO (i\PI Diners who drop i11 a1 La Ca n· tlna restaurant often do a dou - ble lake HL the beautiful Japanese won1an who works there. .. Sf!v -don'! 1 know vou fro1n Son1c11·hl'rr~" !h('\' .1S f.. ··-.:n. I t!nn·1 ll11nk s;1,'' •:II<· s;1\s :is shf' ~n1 ill's. ushl'ri11g 111~·111 '"<I !;1t11i' T111• 1•11rnunl1•r i"-i11c1·1tabl,I' ro110 .... rd b~ start's ;"t!ld of1rn a bt'I Shr aJIO\.\'li 1hl" ~;.ir11e t!• l"t)JlllllUC a11d tht'll i.:oe'\ In !he liihlf' and .~a.vs. "All right. wh0 tnadc 1111' he!t'i \\/ho gets lo p:n l·ir lhe dinner1·· Tl11•11 ~!1c reveal~ v.•h;il ont' of lhl' llil!'IY htts SlL~prl'ted !hill sht· is 1\11 iko Taka. ~1arlon HrHndri·s lead1n.'! lall.11 [11 "S;1yonara" \Vh.v wo1ild a wt·ll·kntl\vn <i<" !rrss ll'ork nightly 1n a 1\1ex- u·a11 rcst;iura nl ? To t<.·liiko 11 is ::i 1er.Y s1111p!t' rnalter "Being arn11 11rl penplt' is lhr he~! 111111~ in the Ya>rld for an.\'111 11', Shi• re•tsons . .., recom1nend 1l hi,i;hly. 11·~ rnuch beHcr than siu1n~ around th e hou!'ie and drinking- that extra 1nartini or takini;: F:as(.\\'esl ron1a11(·e. 1\liiko, a Seattle gi rl..wC'nl 1o \\'Ork 21 ~ yeilrs ;i_Q;o al I.a ran. linil . an intimate Centur~ Cit.v. Her duties'! "I do a everything.'' ;ll\Sl\'er 1hl' t'U.~11\lll!'I'~. ! lif1\t' hit of shr ~al(I "I phnr11• I grri·I 1lrl1 11•1 1lnnk~ I ~<'r\ 1· 1ni·al' \ '11• 1•1 l'll lt•.:1n1ed lu 1·a1 r.1 !1\u 111.1 lt'~ 1n one h;ind I ,•;111 t·1t•11 1naf..C' laeos in tht-kit1·he n_ Quite al pi«lure, n1e: r11ak1nJ.! taL'OS in l n1~· Dior gu\v11. dripp ing v.·ith jE'l\'f'lf.\ ..• \\'hen .11 <_·olumn1st rl"po rled lh<1t f\l 1iko Taka. 1n11rT1ed to t.elPvis1on t1irreror l.enny Aton· dht>im . was 11·1wk1ng ilS a v.·~11tress , friends ur~cd her !o sue "\\/hat's wrong w1rh being ;1 waitrrss·1" shr said wilh a laugh "'It '.~ ht'1lt!r 1.han being a bus 1)11;. "' She added "I lh111k A Int or peoplr 111 lhi~ luwn rn:1k1' ll rnistake by 1·011sidering that thev arr star~ and working v.·iti1 people is bcnenth then1. Thev'd hen lot happier if they v.·ou.ld pu1 their feet un the ground ;ind en joy !he ('OntaC't with their fellow man ·· pill.~ ., /\fh'r rnak1ng "Sayonara."lf:;~;::;~~==~:I :-Ill' 1nured ~urope lo publici1.e\I the pic ture. Then s he returned IO llollv'vl·ood lu learn she had be!'n ciroppt>rl hy the slud1n T U9TIN aQUAfta There 11·eren't an1 rol es fo r an "'--'"""·91 >-••._,,__, n••-useo (lfl('Otal .~lar "'"""' l l 11 Jr'• 17~ Kld1 I~ \111ko hfl"-l'IH"(llJ!ltf'P'd lht•1 \••" Co~""'f ,,111\f· 111111111·111 chr11'hf'rr Shi•[ "TH E RED TENT" (G) P!u• h;1~ 1!0111' Hr mo v1rs srn rel "A NEW LEAF" (G) ''S.'i\flJl;;r::i,'' h11I nonf 11• ...-11~ w,.,,, Mo•~•" lll;J!('h lhr itllpfH't or Jhfl\. ...... K_,_._, •"""-"·"·'"." ... '".' ... ".".'.".· ... IT 'S NEW THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A WESTERN LIKE DOC AL SO PLAYING ROCK HUDSON · ANG IE DICKSON · TELLY SAVALAS JANE FONDA SUSANNAH YORK GIG YOUNG RED BlJTTONS IGI'\ TH06HOOT HOR&6, OON'TTHO'~ KOCM stereo103FM the sounds of the harbor ~'=d:~~--::7 24. hours· a day Kids Like lo Ask AI1d y ·' "ILUE WATl!I WHITE DEATH" "Sail In The Surf" TIMES W/D•Y\ 7:)0 I 9:l0 Sot11rdoy' I S11!1doY\ l :JO--S: J0--7:10--9:10 BALBOA 673-4048 ALSO SHORT SUBJECTS NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES TTIT. ffl'W(f81.JS1f~FJU: NO~t:1. I IE•clu~lw• Oro"'• I~ ,\(111·.~.\I~ R/I ";\ .~ __ <_"_"_"_''-'-"'-"-'-'-"-'_'_' - '~'''·'r i·u<'-''rmii·i u,i..1i fll,.\f' /"CARRY ON ••• " ~e 8iewardes~ Take your Doctor to see !XI STEFIEO VI SION SD IEXCLUStV( (NGAG(M(Nf O••lv Al I~ J() ' •o J " l lO. , I ll!l I •) -JG JO ~NEWPORT BEACH -at thr llnt rc:ince to the fabulou~ l ido Ide OR 3·8 3SO ·······•······························· POSITIVELY ENDS THURSDAY STARTS FRIDAY "Marria51e Of A Young Stockbroker" Sronl"t l lcliarct l•11 laml" ALSO -"Vo11i1lil119 r'ol111" Eve . Show Start• 7 P.M. Continuous Show Sat. from 5 P.M. Sun. fro,in S P .M. Kids Matin•• Sat. at 12 & 2 P.M • FOR THE FIRST TIME THE FABULOUS STORY OF THE AGELESS CONF LIC T BETWEEN CIVILIZATION AND SAVAGERY ''WALKABOUT'' FILMED IN AU STRA LIA 'S OUTBACK A VAST TERRITORY OF UNFATHOMED RICHES AND UNIMAGINABLY EXOTIC WILDLIFE AND TERRAIN THE AUSTRALIAN "SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON" (GP ) .AL~O TM! OllGINAL Gr' "PLANET OF THE APES" Junior Mafinff Sal. & Sun. The Ever Popular "THE YEARLING" !I DAIL V PILOT Dl<;K TRACY I l { TUMBLEWEEDS -_,llt,.·-·· MUTT AND JEFF • FIGMENTS I I PLAIN JANE ACROSS. 43 Hard ou!e1 coat o1 a s.etd 1 [. 1i1d1a11 ~~ 8•9 11amt> 111 l1mb!I lttCS. V11gm1~ !i Ri~!r of 45 Tab!t d'·-· B1azil 4& Kind ot plumb· q ler;al affair 1119 connection 1~ Mtasuitd area ~7 As. wr!I 01 land •'f Ki11d of 15 6t ~ rv 11H19ra1:1 loud1"1101rth ~1 Sramstrtss lb Swa~ of ~4 Stlart top r>tOPlt bil lin g 11 Tliorras -·· 5a Caust 10 Ed1soi• drcomoost lB Ptl\ of .t &O Color carn 1~01ovs lil "--· .... th ~1)111'31 Al'I)"" 2 WOfl:IS 1 ,,.Or!b 20 K1c~!d bJ l1tSSrS. t l Fntnd· fr DJ1 ly. ~2 Re nltd unJer l\ow~11, et al contraGl b~ R''"a111 stable 23 Oov,.SI ~S U11s,.al 25 B od~ of bh A.bst1ac! berng a"ncd m,.,. b7 c ~11s,.s or 27 N,.gro ol !'1e le9JI acl1011~ Central bB Jo1•1 109euicr Af,.cau D~ 5tet ps Rtil~blic 211 Fixtd tliarqt 00.\lj 30 E1pect0t l!td )4 S1qn, as a l O~sleis ,., t11e f ()'l!racr· ldn·al stage lntorma\ ~ Divide by lot }b Hab1l11alr J Emblem of ' 38 Oroamental !ovr 2 woHli. m~l ~ Coliseum~ :J.9 0,Sllut\IVt '.> B•shop's title lllS!cl; 1r1 t~slrrrl ? words thurclits 42 Crimina l. & Abdorn1n~I Sl ang ll~I!\ ' ' " " " ••• Wtdftfsd.ty, Stpttmbff 29. 1971 ly Chuter Gould TMEN W!ll.,CIUE'S!> .. OEE'" 'ilOlJ COULD SA 'f WA'S A. 50.SPAR:KLf. MAN? ...,, .-::::' 21,_.J,9 ',-;i ' By Tom K. Ryon HE.'5 ONc'/ 12?! YeH •.. SNOOKIO'S A M11i: ~ARG-E FER HIS AGEJ ... A l'HE~NON 8RIJNl1 A1'00T ~y A AcT~RATION T' HIS P'TUITAR'/ ~~D W~!t.ST HE WAS A i\1111~ •••... ..• AT l7A OO'i'S CHRISTENIN; OUR O~ MAN, IN HIS EXU8'RANCE1 EMl'!.D'/'D A MAGNUM rJ CH/.MPA&NE INS1EAI' (j DA usu~ CHIANTI eom.El R'ONDO, WW.T HAPPENED?!' '! 2~:11 I ooN'T KNOW.' ! NEVER MET THE GUY! I JU5T ~!IN INiO A CoN STl<UCT10. I WORK.El<:! / PEANUTS By Al Smith _;\_cfl:-_ ? . By Dale Hale By Frank Ba9inski . '" Ho~·s THIS FOR A BEAVTifVl .. • . ~A!Llu.16 ? IT ~HO:US A HERD 1' OF COWS IN THE f.~~ll( EVENING RE1V~NIN6 TO THEIR COl<I HOi>.;E 7 lnterriat1or1al 34 Skin s!nsation L-_c~_=..=::::o_ __ __, communi-3S Ac!or Franco·- cat1ons 37 Absolutt m~diuni: 38 T~le phon~ J word '> 40 Part ol tht S Fellow: S1~n9 loo! '! Num ber 41 Spanish 10 s~rlt~ ---monetary 1in1t: Ci'llifornii'I Abbr. ccmmunity 4b St a bird 11 Annoys 43 Farm macmrit 12 As .. 11algl1\ 49 Surprist 01s -·-: attacks 2 wo•ds 50 Slrikin~ly ntw 13 r.1~~t loans 52 Max--; 19 Iii additlor1 Gtrman-bom 24 Act ot painttr pitrcin9 53 Tricks 2b Prophtls S~ S1triht t 28 Colltction: 55 Upon Sull1• Sb Bart pl•t! on JO Th! tent G: 1 momta i" IJusit ~idt ll Linr n 1lem ; 57 Car1\'a5 1 WOl'dS 5\1uctur! 12 Wing·likt parts 59 Mo•1t in ' 33 Cap•tal of C!rlai11 .Jnc!tnl PllOfnit.ia dirt t tior1 hZ Mean 10 11 !2 ll JUDGE PARKER !IV TME W,._V, KATHERINE •• D!D VOU LE .l...Rt.1 Wl--IAT MISS PEACH MAIN PlfOPLlf MAVf TMll!l 'Tl>NSIL~ OUT l'Al!l.Y IN I ' l i • l..IF£.1 PERKINS IS ERIC />. STUDENT? Ll'L AINER ?;'-NE)'l 'IORK IS A alCI CIT"{.".' A RE > SALLY BANANAS GORDO MOON MULLINS WE'LL TAKE ~NUFF GUM WRAPPE.R$, POP BOTTLE':> NJ' &.t:.R CANS. FO' A St-JACK ON TH' [7 T~IP-BUT THE't'!> H F-ART'f L t 'L EATERS-;· L....--------------------~ ANIMAL CRACKERS l l,>i.E1 I {;\'.)ITT UIJDE!ZSTA/,)D WWI MAil $PE/,)DS BILLIOIJS 10 GO TO lHE ltCOIJ AIJD De1ve A 13 Mllllal OOL/..AI< AOTOMOBI LE 250 t<Al".DS ... ... \llfle-1-l, H~ REO O~ EAIZTo-1 ~ ~ize; 8(li!.17E~EC> Wl1H STA~VATIOIJ, C>\SEASE, ~AUD THE. "ca.lrAMlklATICW Cf' lRE. Vfif!'< Al~ WE Si<?e'Arl<c ·· By Charles M. Schulz 1 :~ '--- By Harold Le Doux By Al Capp By Charles Barsotti By Gus Arriola " By Ferd Johnson By Ro9er BoUen '' •. Remove from buroer and notice ils light Ouffy te11ure." A"TMUlt, DIO YOU I Vfl< M-'WCUll TONSll.S OUT I YIS, IUT NCTTHE SAM! WAY AS EVIRYO/>IE ELSI! ... By MeU ·IT SHMS MY TONSILS Re.Jlr.TIO MV fOl>Y ... By John Miles DENNIS THE MENACE 'f.VEltf!Hll>¥3 l.OOKS 50 PEACfFUL ••• 15 DE.'INIS ALL RIGflT? ~ 1 " 1 I ' ' . ' -. . Man)I Bargains Now ls the Time To Look Ahead NE \V YORK IAPl -No.,•: is lhe tirne lo be thinking of Christmas 11hopping, income taxes and varations. Ab!>urd, you say. But it isn't it you count yo ur d01lars and your comfort. Ttic person \\'ho does his Christmas shopping now in· stead or in December will a\·01d the rrnv•ds 10 the store.~. "'on't ha ve to "·orry about catalogo{lrdererl goods arriving late and ,·ery "'·ell might avoid h1i;ther prices, too. This is just one of the techniques used by a minorlly of Americans who plrin ahead, reducing 10 !he process the surprises and tensions of last- minute moves but easing the str ain on pulse and pocket- book. Meanwhile, the exlremi!lt am ong planne rs can even prepa re for nexl year's vaca- tion by convincing the ow~r of a favorite cottage that was always sought at1d usually missed to book him for next year, Many collage proprietors won't co nsider .a year-later booking early in the season. They're_ 100 busy with current business to thin k ahead. But in !he fall !hey have the time and the inclination to do so. If the renter is an especially pursuasi\'e individual. l he landlord might even ht> l.a lked into this .vear 's prices for next year"s season. A price freeze exists now but j t ma y not in J972. Sign today and you might get a bargain. And taxes:' The vt.ay lo reduce taxes is to increase deductions and th e way to in- crease deductions ls by t.aking lo.sses on investments or in· Golden Solution to Cri8is Price Na.tions Place on Precious Metal Major Issue ' Nfo..:W \'ORK tAPI -The chlef bAr to a solution of lhe. world fnoney crisi! is a gold one, There are both re•\ and syrnbolic proble1ns attached to what price the nations of the wo rld should pul on a pile of the precious metal 11bout the siz~ of tw t1 moving vans. The rnetal is the American gold stock . SIO b1ll1on ~·orth, That 's more ~old than any countrv ha~. America wants to kee p On pretending it's worth S.15 an ounce . but the rest of the world puts ! S42 value on it. In nther words. they put a lower \'alue on the dollar in relalion to ~old. Aside from the price of gold, a solution of !hr current mone\1 troubles seems simple enough. The United St ates wants other c:o11ntries to raise the value or their currencies so it will be easier for the United Slates to sell lo them and so their exports to the United Sta tes will cost more. Tho.c;e cou nt ries 11ay they will chanJ!'.e thr,ir currencies' values if the United States will cancel its ~xtra 111 percent tariff on import.s ord~red by P rt!!ident 'Nixon. The United Stat~ already has said it would caoeel Lhe lax if the revaluations a re made. Thus each side has agreed to one condition set by the other. But the other coun1ries also want the Un ited Sta te11 lo incr~ase the value of 1iold. The United St.at e.!! refuses. One rea-'On is that earlier this year the U S. government repealed· IV said the gold price would rlo t be changed. Apparently il feels it should stick by th i! d~laration . Another reason is pride To raise the price of gntd would be a formal admission that tht dollilr is worth less than it Saddleback Area Gets was. Bui the.re is also a m3lter of pride on the other side. Spe.akeni at a recent economic Confer,nce of the European e<>untrits said that the United state.s ''should share the , burden'' of any new money alit:~rilenl. Thal meant that !lin<..-e ot her couotries wou ld ha ve fewe r exports lo the United StAtes, the United States should be: will ing to ad· rnil the fall in tht valu e of the dollar. American eronomists defeo- dtng tht present gold price say tlw! other side just. wants to punish Am erica for speoding n1t'lrt' overseas lhan It" tarns 'Skyscraper' -' from it.5 exports. Howe ver, regArdles., or \vhether the Uni ted States changes its uff icial pnt e, gold is already actually "'orlh rnore than $J5 and the major pro- ducers can gel $42 an ounce for all they need to sell. In another way, too. lhc $.15- an-0unce Rold price i!'I Only folklore now. No A!'nerican has been able to turn in his paper dollars for go ld since 1934. F'or the past two years. no fore1 ,11 n cilizen has been .able to Rel gold for dollars. And since Aug . 15 ool ~ven a forei(!n government h.as been able I() change dollars for gold al $35, by order of the President. Old J<_,olks Claims Due For Return Only 48.000 Ca I \ r n r n I a home-Owners over 65 years of age ha ve fi!ed !97! clain1.'l for a reimburse1nent 11f thei r 1970- 71 property ta.~es under California's Seninr Citizens Properly T<1K Assisla ncP La\\', acc:ording to ~1 art in Huff. eic- ecutive officer llf the Fran- 0 ff i c i a I ground-breaking l"hi.~e T<1x Board, Thursday for Royal Savings !l uff said the claims must DAI LY OILDT It All Bank Merger Details OK rtlerger arrangements hav~ been com pleted for Newpor1 National Corpor iillon a nd Southern C.aUfornla f irst Na t1(1nal Corporation. The 111ove Increase• lht oun1ber of Sou t her n Cal 1for1ua F1rs l National B.anf offices tn 7!l in San Diego Orange and Los Angeles coun ties. T .... ·o Addilional SCfNI' locations are sched ul ed !1 open in October, bo th ii Orange Cou nty. Terms of the merger call lo· thr issuance of l.3 share.s o SC F'NC stock, plus $11 cash for each of aboul 400,000 NNI shares outstanding. Alden \ll •• Johnson, presider: of bo!h SCFNC and SCf NB, annou11ted th:i t George I. \.\'oodford, Jr, presidenl an·r chair1n11n of the board r; Newport National Corporatior has been named eR executh· ... \'\ce presidenl of Souther ' Cal1forni<1 First Na tional B11n "'llh offices in Nrwport Beacl Jn faer , the family that makes a rule nf doing its shop- ping ou t of season is likely to reap rew;irds. Righi now, for example, some stores are sel· ling golf clubs at r~duced prices. S<1me fnr summer clothing and other seasonal goods. curring .added e x p e n !I e s , ------------a nd Loan A1 soc1.atlon 's new seven·story off ice building al be filed before October 15. In many stores you can ob- tain low prices on appliances and television sets beca use of model chanseovers. But try gelling the same prices next January "'hen the football howl games and festi vals are bei ng shown . A season for vacations? Cer· lainly . \\lhc:> says rhe season ends on Labor Day? Certainly nol nature. whose equinox i~n't reached unlil Sept 23. School officials nre I.he most likely ci'lnd idal cs for blame. I\.1anv v;ical inn <1rca~ drop lhcir 'prices ~ h a r ]1 I y irn· niediately after Labor Day, \\"hich mea ns tha l parents "'hose children :ire gro wn and p;irents "'hos e kids nrcn"t of school age can c n j o y t hemselve~ peacefully and parsimoniously. LEGAL NOTICE F 1Jlll l'ICT !TIOUS I USI NI SS NAME ST•,.•Mf Nl Th~ lol!ow•no .,~,.o~ " aolnt b(l••n•u I S·: C>!L8£11 T S TORE ~. ""' Don•n• P1r~ llotd, c • ., .. ,, • ..,., I• t c ~. c11111.,..nJ•. GILBERT s 10·11c STOA.ES. "C. '"' ... ~''"l""O lto1a, C>l-•l•, C111forn1~ 9!1!1.1 C>lli,ert S·lO-lk $10•••· Int. ev leon••d N. G11ou1 Pce,l<!•M Th•' ~11111m•n' wa 1 m1<1 wit~ Tiit Coun· tv Cler~ o! 0•1nte Coun!v on Sen!. 1, 191) tSU·OC OOlO ii.ND ,.!OEll, A!!VI. Sulle 1110 1!'CO ,t.vtnut ti m• St•,. l o• Ant•ln. C•lit. tOOOl Pul>l.,hea O••ngt Co•sl l:l•oly Pllcl. Sro•emD•r 7~. " ... OC!cDtr •• "· lfl l 7601·11 LEGAL NO'!"IC E STA,.EMENT ., WITHOll.l.WAL l'llOM PARTNEll SHlP OPER•,.I NO U .. DEI{ l'ICllTIOUS BUSI NESS N.t.MI! In• r,P10·••"11 u•r"<On• h1ue w1tn<1r1wn •• " v•n.,11 p.,1nrr ''""' !h• o•nn•nhlp nno•1!1no """"' ,,. 11c••t•D<J• Du1ln•" """'" o• 11'.ED f'~OOU(TIONS, •I ~J La G••n•d• •ve, Foun111., Vall•v Calll ''" lo<I t•w• bu•lnol\ namo •le!•m•nl "' tne 01••"•"h•a "'"' ••l•d an J•nu1rv " 191! in !h• Cr.u•"v ~· O••~t• .,,. ~·-""" """"" " lh• P"'<on• .... ~d·•"""g EdW'<" /.• S•v,..,nu• "Ol Lo Gr1n1c1 ... FD<1nlau1 U1llt• C•h! Onnn1 ' S••,..eu• ...,..1 I • G••nod• ••t r~un , .. ~ v .... , Coll• 1!111 J(ltln•-0n, '"11 6 ul1'••<1 Au• "••ot.ng!.,.. Be•<h. C•I" Dnor• J 5.,.,,,.,. ,,,.,,, '"'" O•of'Q< (~A<! l'JoolV J'•IOI f 'l"•..,b•r "· "· -~ Oc•oD•• • " 1111 ?el)? n LEGA L NOTI CE ---Sl•lEMENT " 11!.t.NOO NMl!Nt OP "" " Fl(TlllOU! IUi>"'ISS NA.Ml 'lh• !ollrw1no """"" ~•• 80•Nlonfd •~• I'" QI I~• fo(""OU• DU<'""" """'° 1HE. /\olU ~l'"Lfl> ~t<OI' ~DVllNCE" MUFF~E R •'1~·0' 81'e<n l!IVd , fhm!lno•oo !11ch. (~l'Tnrn'" l~• fl<ll''~"' bu\ n•u nom• """"" •o •bo•e w•• hit<! In O•Anl • CouMv ~ lll•rc~ IS, 1~11 .J ..... l'J "'"'"Inn< ,.,,. Lo• Se""""'· L•o11n• N•oU•I r11110•01• TM\ ~Ull"e" w., (O<><U1Clod bv •n In· <l•Y•~uol J e"V Cl HAW•'"' "~hll•l'•d O•fftOO C~••' O••'v P1IO!. ~•nl•mbo• "· "· '"' oe1one• .. "· 1Q/1 1N>l n LEGAL NOTICE -, 1l111 ,ICTITIOUS IUSINl!IS '-1.t.MI! 1,.AllMl!Nl '" •ouowlno o•rton '' daln• butlN'U .. Cl>ESTL INE l!U~t .. ESS FllA.NtS, 9111 Jonnl~ D••v•. H11n•ln11on Bttch, C1 916~ '~" "'"°"'' Mo••"· 911) Anni~ D•lv•. Hun•1'1o•on IHc~. Co . .,~, T~J1 bu1ln•so i1 bo l"" conduelod b• I n lnd•"la1101 Jonn Mt•courr Moron l~•• ''"'""''"' h l•d ""''" '"• CO!Jnlv C ltr~ o• D••nte Coun•v on Sent IJ, lf71 ,. l!ltVt •IV ' Mt<ldll• O.ouh' co .. nlv c1 .. ~ "••b!l•"•<t Or•nQt CoA•I D••IV Pllo!. i•o,.mb•• "· "· " '"' oc 1ob•• •• 1911 lS .. ·11 LEGAL NO'TICE iTll.TEMl!NT 01' Al-NOONMl!NT 0, U!E 0~ ,.C,.!TIOUS IUllNlll N•MI T'>' tollow•"o """" P\1 1 1b•ndot't<I I"• ~" o• !~, llcilflbl'I ""'!""'' I'll•" •0· V•NCE MUFF l.EI! •! tl• E. l'!rot Sttlol. i•n•• A""' C•l~nlo Th• flc!lllou• ''"'" nom1 <offrrt<I ~ •~o•t .. , "'"" '" O•tnff County ~ J•n111rv U, 1"1 · JeH• 0 H•w~lf>\. 16UI Lo\ SerrHIOI, L•vuno Nltu•I, C1lll 1~" 111111!\fn w•1 cOO"duclfd bv •n In. '""'du•I J orry D "•wll ln• l'UbllU\l'd O••n11 c. ..... 0111>' ,llDI. ''"''-"'bl' "· ~. ·~ Oc!ebft •• "· 1'11 "'"' LEGAL NOTICE ,. !Jiit l'ICflT!OUI IUl!Nlll N.t.Ml ll.l.TIMI Nl '~ tflllowlng II'' IO~ It <f0in1 l>utl!>ft• .. WINOl'"•ll MAl!INE . l~l· Pl•<•"'ll ~"', Co111 """" M-W1rd c;,..,,, " ... "· \If"'<•· C111! '"" hu•ln•11 11 b4'•nt ronduttH _.,. ~n ll\lll•!duol Ju~-w, O•anl 1n11 ll•!t"'tM !lllM ... 11~ ... CDIJnf\I Cl••• ~· O••nt• Cou••v ~" $opum~• !I ''" llv 1!1vtrlv J .Y.l<tdC• Dl'outv (nlJI'• "' (•ot• ""~'''"•o OrtnOt t:n1•! Oo11v ,.+te•. ·i oa,.mr..r "· •• •M Oc!O(lor 4.• IJ, 1•11 15,.,1) preferably th rough planned in- \•estments. h1 illlons of stockhol der1 wait until Decembef'\to review their portfolios aod ~t out the dr ied husks of stocb tha t ne ver bloomed. Their 'fotention is to reduce their April 15 tax bill. Bui, in waiting until the final few days or weeks to get rid of stocks that have had .a bad ti me of it and which ... ~en 't like ly lo rise for a"·hile , they are almost assuring themselves or even larger losses than they need !o take. Instead of wa iting, "'hy not de1ermine which stocks .s how li ttle prospect of rising from their depressed level .and sell now? Walt until December and !he sell ing pr~ssure from peo- ple with similar motives might pus h the price do"·n even more . ll generally haJ:wens. Late in the year, investment advisers tell us, many people become horrified hy the pro- spect of next year·s ta x bill. In ;i panic they seek tax shelters, but <lften th~y are too late. And often also they buy v•ilhout ronsidering lhe rea l potential of their investment. Jn other words. &n in· vcstmenl meant solel y to reduce taxes often can Jcad to more trouble if. in ha,5*e and greed, the inve1tor .-0vifloo kll the fundamental qualltie'S. And the l.ater the mont.11 the great.er the risk tha~ this mJght happtn. Credit Union Snvi.ngs in Sharp J111np Saving~ in credit union~ in the United Slates grew 1n l9i0 at .a near-record rale ~·hic:h exceeded loans growth for !he f1n'il time since 1967, ac- cording tn orf1c1al fig,urrs in the Cr ed11. Uni<,n Yearbook 1!171 publishrd by !hr Credrl \Jnion National Ass(}('ia!ioo, Jru:. neflec:ting the ~ener;il cnn- 11umer reslslance lo new spen· ding alreAdy eviden t last }'etir. the savings gro1•1th wa!I even larger than th e prelimina ry year.end estimates by CUN A. The CUNA statistics are for all credit unions, including federal and stale-ch artered units. S2.vings in crf'<l1t union..~ in· creRsed bv Sl .3 billion \I~ 11 percent !,· co mpared lo Sl.3 billion 1111 !H percent1 in 1969. for 1 new rttord total of S1 5.S billion. The record rate of SRV· inp growth ! 13.81 percent) was set in 1963. Loana oullll.anding incrtesed by SL2 billion 01.01 percent I lo 11 new recnrd lotal of $14.1 billion at year-end 1970. com- par~ lo an increase of $1 7 bi llio n (14.69 percent ) in 1969. U.S. credit union assets grew by S2 billion ( 12.91 per· cent I compared with J!.6 billion ( 11.66 percent 1 in 1969, bringing the new total to ntlr· Jy SIR billion. • For tlie sixth year In a mw. u.S". credit union member~ip growth topptd\ 1 million per y&V, but did not reach the rtcord increase of 1.5 million set in 1969. Thf 1970 srowth was 1..2 million. for a new U.S. total of 22.8 million member• at year end. f But lor lht fi~t tirrle. in re- cent history .. there were fewer U.S. C'l"f!dit uniooi •! the close of tlle year than •t JU begin- ning. i 1 The tot.11 number or U S. credit unions at the end of 1970 y,·311 23,731, a drop of 1~~ from 11 year earlier. Whil e or11:aniza- ! Ion of new cred il unicins con· linued, merger11 o CC u r red Among c:5edll unions &nd lhtre were llqu id•tlr.in11 fro m pl1nt r:lo~ln~~--eau11ed by gener11.I eel nomlc condltlons. GAINS HONOR William E. 'Bill' Kettl•r Under,rriter Give Beach Man Honor William E. ''Bill'' Kettll'!r, ·well-knnwn West. Co u n t y busi ness .and civ ic leader, and regionel super visori for ISi S:iles Corp. and Life lnsuraoce Co. of Cali fornia. has been awRrd ed a hig h underwrilers honor. Ket!ler. curren!ly \•ire presi- dent of the hoard of truslees of the Coa.~t Community Colle~e District, wa~ gi ven the Chartered Life Underwri!er designation nr thr American ColleJle of Life Llnderwriters in Chirago recently. Kenlr:r is a pas! prel'iden l of the co lltge district, cha irman ol the board of lhe Orangt> Counly Advisor.v Board of Southern C111iforni::i f ir :o;t f';a. l1oniil Bank. ;:ind ra~t pres1· drnl of the Huntin~tnn Beach Elementary School Di.5tncl. Coast Firn1. Given Pact A contract with a potentia l value of S200,000 has bet.n awarded to Com p u I e r Automation. Inc , of Newport Besch. b~· the G e n e r a I Se. r vi c es Aduiinis'lration, Washington. D.C.. fnr the llC· quisition of computer equip- me.nt. Co mputer Automation. Inc .• nf 895 We~I 16t h St , i~ A lead ing m11nufacturer of high- p e r for m an c: e, low-cost minicomputers. Including the recently announced NAKED MINI 11nd ALPHA computers. The GSA award' cal11 for Cnmputer Automation to sup-, ply "an Indefinite." amount of aulom11tlc data proce~sing equ ipment during the period from Stpl. 21. 1971, to June 30, 1!172, 11nd that the total value of the acquislllon "couJ(I amount lo $200,000." /I A.ND /CAP AID SOUG HT Becau!lt Oclnber 3·1 Is Na· lional Employ l h e Htin· d1c11pped Week throui;i hout the nalion, Gt'Kldwi11 Industries of Orange Coun ty i1 urg ing local business and i ndustr y employer~ to take a good loo)( al "MH::alled " handicapped wor kers when filling job open· lngs. 23881 El Toro Road signals the 1971 , to be valid. The law pro- start of construction for the \"ides for up to 95 percent tallest building in Orange rt>imbursen1ent of prnperty County's greater Soiddlebacll. ~ taxe!I, depending upon the in-Vallty. The rapid increase o f di\'idual 's income , business at Royal 's preseot To be eligible. for senior facilit y located i n "Tor-cit11.eos p r o per t y tax a~~1stancr. cl l'liml'lnts musl be rocenter" shopping area, ont half bloc k easl of the new Ol'er 6.'i vrars of aJ(e as or .Januarv i. 1971 : must own and ~~~!ii~~io~t~~ h:~c~~:~ ~-: orcup~·-l he 1 r own home; must build ing pl.ans fi ve year!! ha\"e p:i1d the pro l)f:rty taxes on the home: and mus t have ;i ahead of schedule., officials 'SKYSCRAPER' DUE FOR. EL TORO tolal boUsehold income of !ess;I;========== said. Id ' The new struc ture to be Reyal Savings and Loan Pl1ns 7-story Bu i 1ng than '3.3~. Q u a 1 i f i e d1 TAKE THE bu ilt adjacent to the San Diego hon1eowners can nbtai n forn1!'11 NEWS QUIZ od I fro n1 any office of !hf' Freeway features a m u ar r.ren"hl'se Tax Hoard nr hs•i twin tower design. Engineer-gram. It Is estimated .au-rusl on1er safe-deposit boxes '"' '" W D y ing .and foundations ror both diences up to 5,000 can De .ac-on the lobby level of the Rn.va l \.\Ti!lng !o &l'\'1or Cit ize~s l 0 are OU••• towers will be included in the coninmdattd for such ac-Y:ith lhe mezzan inl!I floor vault Property Tax Assistance , P. . Every Saturday first increment. The first ol r0l0i•~il~i•~··~·~~~~~~~~~-'~'~'~'~'"~e~d~f~o~'~lh0eii0f0i,0n0,·0sii0c000r·-~B~n~,~-!588ii00, ;;;;Sa 0 0 0 ' 0 • 0 m 0 e 0 n 0 t 0 0 0 • iiOC 0 e 0 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~ the two towerll will be. con·1 A lwf)-slory vault v.·ill hnuse porate records. 1151107. sl.ructed immediate and the second ..ti!! be scheduled a5 ?.rea needs for corporate of· lice space indicate, I Rov al will o cc u p y ap· proximately hair of !he firs! noor and mezzanine. The re-1 maining six noors In the tower will be leased to national and I local business firm!!. Tota l in- vestment in the complete pro- ject will e.xcetd two million dolla rs. Desi.gned and co nstructed by the 0. K. Earl Corporation or Pasaden3, the new building v.•ill have numerous new design and functional 1 features: I' The parking let, which will accommodate 200 cars, will be !'!loped from the rear of lhe properly Iowa rd El Toro road I in order to prov ide cle11r-\'iew seating fnr numerous evening ! concerts and co m muni l y service events thiit. h1'1 ve 1 become 11 traditional part of Royars public relations pro- BofA Cites Optimism On Economy SAN FRANC ISCO (U PI I - The world"s biggest bank is optimislic about the nallon's eco nomy. wh ich il 21 a y s "seems h'aded for a much improved over a 11 perfor· mance'' next year. "There is now more re•son to expect rea l progres11 in reducing unemployment and slowing infl ation," the Bank of Amer ica said Friday in il.s an - nual economic foret asl. However, the report warned I '"it is alway! difficu lt to m•11sure economic: prorreas and find .agreemenl in lhe campaign or1lorY of 1 presidential election year.'' The forecast warned aga iru;t any attempts lo rigidly control profit.s. a move the b1ok aakt would endanger prospects for more produc:lion. investment and jobs. "loflatioo hAs taken its toll of profitll and depreclalion 1111 well as per11onal income, with the result that. more: rather than fewer profits are needed if the neceM8ry cspital in· vestments to improve pro- ductivity and meet socl.111 co11t1 are to be mlde' in 1172/'-the forec11t aaid. llT'S BE FRIEHDL Y l( you hav~ ,.,-w ncl1hhl'lrt1 or know of a"Y<>™" mnvlnit to our area, pl1'alle t~ll u1 ao that v.·e may l!')Cl1•nd a friendly wele-0me and hf'll) th"m to ht-comt' 1rqu11 inled. In their new aurrnund lnp. Renl Estate l1 <1lnes: STILL GOING UP There's no freeze on reel estate value prices . of lond And end the reol properly developments keeps going up end up 1n Southern Californi a. If you 're wondering how yo u can capita lize on it, here's a free series of lectures th at wil l tell you how . REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT SERIES Fi"t 1ession of this lour-night 1eries in troduces Glenn Mar- tin, executive officer of the New_p_o~! Harbor-Coste Mesa Boo rd of Realtors, es mode rator of the series-Dr. Thomes ,Blokel y, director of Coos! Commun ity College District 's Evening Div ision, wil l welcome lecture enrollees. .' Tuesday, Oct. 6, 7:30°9:30 p.m. Robert N. Weed, DAILY PILOT Publisher -"The O range Coast -A Greet Piec e to Invest!" Randoll R. McCerdle,·Presid ent , The Reel Esteters ·"Tai lor- ing Your Investment." Newport Harbor High School 15th & Irvine, Newport Beach Ticket ln.for1n.<1.iion No 1dmi~1ion, hut tlclc•t• ar• r•qulr•d. Th•y ctn bt plclc td up In adv1nc• 1t tht Or1noe Co11t Collea• 1nd Gold•n W•st Coll"le campu1•s ind at th• Dally Pii ot office• In Cotta M•••· N1wport Be1ch, Huntington Beach, L19un1 Buch ind San Clemente anli from the Newport H1rbor-Cost1 Me11 lo1rd of Realtors. Co·•ponaor~ by To m11rk the n a l i 0 n I I So C··st Yi•itar nb,.nanco. Good will h" In· • uo ., ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE NEWPORT HARBOR-COSTA MESA BOARD OF REALTORS vlted repreitenlative~ Imm 4f4.0S1' 4M-tlll busine~~ And Industry to 11 H rbe Yi 'l luncheon In ii• lnc•I locil itic! a r ISi or • ~ ' I I ~ I In Sa n~ Ana oo \Vednesday, 644-0174 Oct. I. l .... _______ .L ____ ,_ ______________________ .. I i 30 DAIL V PILOT s Your Motlierliood Cost Goi1ig· ·up, up Bv S\L\l,1, PQRTt:R No 1lem 1n our c 0~1 of I 1 in~ ha~ risen so ra p1dh 111 the 1 .~t decade as hea lt h 1 ue -;ind no price wagr fr f'l /f' 1 r l'h i~r II ronlrols t.: 111 <lu 111ore lh<1n moderate the re ! e n t I t' s s up11ard p<tt f' 'et of !UltfS(' I I II II 111 !111ue to ha1e 10 1r hib\ ind though rnotherh(I()(! 1s t 1rrlll sickness 1011 ll h n t 10 r b11b1 UJ a t S l1nsp1t 1! The rnsl of a si ngle d;n 10 a l s hnspJ111l 0011 ;nrragrs ~! and just since 1967 1hr l O~t 11f a semi pr1 11<1te hus p1ta! r1 0111 has ~k1rot krted 6S ptr1 cnt 'i n:i v. 111 con I n11e I net r1 111 obo;;tetrician Jusl ~inc e 1% nb~tetnc 1;i ns li e~ ti 11 1 t Jumped :io perrcn! and 1111n1 ch3 rgt> !-JI~! nr n1111t' j 1r thr1r seri 1('e~ 'l ou 11 111 rnnl11iue tn bUI a la1e!Jf' fhe (OSI Ir ;'I l;nette is n!tC'n $500 for a fist bah1 In Stirn th<' 1'f1st nf h~\ 1ng 11 single ba b1 1s 111111 up 111 l l fiOO or mori• -anrl .,..1r h the number of U S bab1rs being born in J!lil aln ne t'sl1rnated al a record ,1f mflre than 3 700 000 n1nlhf'rhood ii:: cer\a1nlv bc{01n1n~ a 1 a!irl 'ital area 1n 11 h1r h 10 srarch for sa11ngs Here therefore are 10 kr} guide,. ' ! 11 Before }OU make an ar rangement .,..1th a sper ifie obstetr1c1an d1 ~ru ss ft'l.'S full v and frank)) In \OlJr 11111 al consu!tal1on ask aboiit fees fQr prenatal ex t1111nat1ons anrl care del11er~ prob;ible cosls of such cumrnon cnrnph< ,11110,. as bre("Ch birth and c<iesori i i !'iert1on If 1nu ferl 1n11 suiiplv cannot <1fford the fie ~t air , Sa) so If lllf' pln ~1r ~n 1sn L .,..1lhn~ lo r rducr thr Ire i {lu mav be referred lo a less C'X pensne sfl('ciahst IZ I Go home a~ s11nn as possible aftl'r 111ur h:ihi is born and a1rrt 1 01 r nb~trl!i cian to this ' u 11 ~ !l 111111 hr Tnore ci n1fort:ihlr ;:i t h ;inif! and the t us\ nl ii T 1ni.: :i l r 11 l1ral nursr or )1111nr he <.t\lh 1 rl <It frnrn S21 to S ,11 ,1 \I iv 1~ I ir les<.: than the tost 1 ! a huspil ii J rnon1 The Arn t nc 111 1 1c.~pi l ii I Assn I s!11n 1!f'<; II ii 1l1c :11 rragr l1ns p1r d ~r 11 f 1 11 111g a bab\ IS a iJ I )\('I 111111 ln rnu1 d111 s b1 i! s unc hn5p1!alc h lll f' 'ih 11l'd Ill~ 11 under three qu ilc ;i sai ing r ight !here Ill Be i;nre lakr "' 1011 •II \ :inta,ge nf benef11s ln vour 111<1!1 rn1r11 hr dl h 111 i;urance pnl1t1r 'i /\ li pull l pol!ci loda1 ('()lllr li\l lrs fr1 Ill !100 lo S400 to11 arrl IHi~pit:ll ;ind doc!nr hi lls <irlfl sr nie pnl1('1es :>.lsn t nnl:l!ll rrllrri r lnr cosllv tornpl1L1Jt ions ~l l birth ~41 Tl \t1ur rn1 11l111 r rs /;ir iou r husband s cn1 pl11i r r 1 11111 \ides )?roup he;i!th 111~1 11 aru <' check this t n1 e1 ;u.:r Inn tu t:i t the tnp ;id1 ant lj!f''i If l litir cnmpan1 dor~ p111\ 1,Jr g ! 1 11 he ;il!h 1ns 1ra 11c 11ft11 1 p111 a!e 1n<111 rr 'I\" t!ic llr:lllh 11s11r 111 r 111 ... 11111 1' ( h:in~r<; :1 1 f' Iii l" I I ( r I that n1a\ern 1l\ hu rltts irr eluded 11 ,,, Final Stock\ In All Home Ed1hon\ h1>~lth ORDER YOURS TODAY! FINANCE (61 Jn1e,t1.i:atr ~pr<' 1 :l I in 11ern1 l1 cl1111ts 1n 1>our ;i rr::i i:encr11lh assnr1atf'd 11 1 1 h l:i ri:r tr n lnng hosp11 1ls \I 11111 s1H:l1 t l 1111r~ arc nf!ro gr or d !11 the llllds of J1v. 1nt (1111r IJtnplc or ~pt c1 ;il nbs1tl1 u 11 p1o blc1n<; snn1e :ire op1n ti al l -<ind the~e 1 ilfucs alrnos\ 111 '11 1ahl\ pnn11h slr\1trs i1 f;i r lo11er 1:ns1~ than 1hc II 1l11 11 h n s I> 11ii 1 n1.ilrrn 1\ sr riic r A~k 11ur fi11ilv ph1 S (I lTl !11 gllld,11lt:C Ull the~e I 1< l1t 1r~ (;l In '<t'lrtlln.i: a ho~p1 t;:il l111d out ho11 rn11rn l :l l r~ arr h 11rrl A le11 hosp1!;i ls d , 111 t (hn i:r m1tern1tv p 11 1rn1 s 1r 11 1 ng l<J lr ;it 11 1p h1 f 11 llil ! it 11 hut 1nstc;id l h 1q.;c r a p<11 t lid\ !S l f.hr111n1!t' \hP \rn1ptin.,: 1 ut 11 11~ t h 111H1ni111n ,111 :l ntl t xpens11e [nib 1 1111 v 1• 1 ~ 11111 '>('I I I lll1 P"-h ' l 1 l { II llJllr lS hi 1t{d p l !\l ~ h1 l\I 1 1hlr~ r1 I II 111\ jl'I l l ricnd~ ,,nrl r )2t;.r ulp r 11t., I f I Ill• \ [1 II 1111 ., I 11 1 \ !llrl'-1 1 ll l lfh; l'i dt ~~l jl IJ thv t luth1 s '" ~rtnud hind ''"'"" 111d 111!1 11 lh iri u,.111 • d II 11 11 ~ r r 1.: ( d 1 "' 1 I l!I ..,, r I fu111 !I I ' l I I l I I I ii I I q 1plll! Ill / 1 II 11 11 f 1tlld 'i ~llrilt l 1l 1\r,11 h!I I 11 rt Rtl\ i\~f:j) IS lili)I IJl '"ll!~ -1n1l dnn I ht <..11 llr 111 thr It •~1 rn sr<'11h 11 r<l1111•" 111! !11t n1ls tlllhh! h<' h 11}11\ 10 Jl l's <1 lnng ( 1111 \nd ( 11.t I h llll Lf!I' nr f'\('I \ ll\ dL(!it! tl \ 1~ir (\I h 1tJ1 11 111 pr1111dt A lun <l tlll!'lll 11 111lr In !hr II II 1~ tn h 11 r 111ur b~b\ I l!f> 111 !hf' \I II 111 11111 11011 on ,1111! (\I ll 111 rfrr tbh 1 11 I lr1 ~1 f 1 11rn!hnugl l h~ 11f 1nt 111111 tc d11C till\ <l "ho1t I tl1r 111 ]l'l~l 111u J,!(l R full l<'Jrs <'~ r rn pl •l!l for 1 uur n (' 11 drpt nrft nl And 1iun t !Oq!rl •Ill I ur 1111 \l!\t I I~ 1\ 111\ '" 1111 dif ii t II! 111 I 11 1111 I tn 1111111 t rt II I 11 j 1111 II I l Ii 1\)1 d 1 I I I 111 II < f 1I1 I \ , 1 1 ! '! ti• 111 ~t hill I 111IJI 111 1111 Ii I 1 Ill \ 1111 < q ltlJ~h II[ 11u! 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NI'\\ 'llRK II r1 1 -Thflt f;i \nr;ihlp 1on~1drral1nn~ nn thr ,.Jnt k milrkf'I :iccnrd1n,1.1 lri ln1ernr~s Cnun<;rl lnr 111 rh1dt ;in upw11rrl !rl'nd 1n !he ArnC'r 1can ecnn11111v ;i hru!ht 111!lnrk fir p1uf11~ 1n !h11 f11! irr Rnrf fl lo,,.,('r lrf'nd 1n l11ni,: 1rrm 1n!<'rr-.;t r;ife<; rt11 furn s;:i1-.; lllf' rnr 1,. !n ;i t rf' r rg11l;:itrrl f' r o n n m v 11st <; 111;'ln\ J1Hl'1 !;:i1n11r~ h111P\f'1 ;ir1d 111 P <;1nr • sln11lr! hf' ptl"p~rrrl to m::ike s1gnif11 ;i11[ (11~111!"~ In thr1r llf rlfnlio~ <n 1n111 p;:ir11t11plv •l 1r l 11n!11r At 1he prt""l'nt l1n1P h11111('1rr 11e 11rr> op I 111-.;111 :ihnut !h,, Inn~ ff'rm p1 nsrects fnr F;tood qual1tf common st ock~ l/;:irrlv L < o hel1e\e!'I !ht t'1nnon1y .,.,111 hf' exp11nrl@tf snnn rh.:i! con~un1er !'lptnd1ni \viii 1nrrt;:i~,. along with f'nr. ror:itr profit~ .:inrl the Dn1' Jones l ndustr1;:il Aver111{t "111 rrn~~ thP I ()()() nu1rk ~nmt<time ncxl vcar S ymbnls I .. • ARE .HERE! DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS SAVE ON . '71's D1scouNTs AS NEVER BEFORE! ,_, ~:~~~~:~~ IT'S A FACT . WE DON'T CARE WHERE YOU'VE BEEN OR WHAT YOU'VE BEEN OFFERED -YOU'RE SURE TO GO FOR OUR OFFER. DON'T SIGN ANY ORDER WITH ANY DEALER ON ANY NEW , CAR-TRUCK OR USED CAR UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN QUOTED DUNTON FORD PRICES. SAL ES DEPARTMENT OPE N DAILY 9 A.M. 'Tfl 10 P .M. YOUR TRADE WAS NEVER WORTH MORE. HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES NOW '66 R·1v·1era :.;;;;~ ;; ... ";: ... :·~:· s15 77 '65 F d FSOO $777 '65 Sk I k .... ' "'· """'" $577 n•n, f'••to• 1~"1 1 }~· or ~,~B & CHASSIS y ar l0"'1"<1 i i'~ A\IH 167 F d LTD $1177 '66 T B·1rd ~~~?~.~ ,~ .... ,,, · .... 1177 '70 Ranch ~~~0~ ... , ..... · ,., s2977 • Pow•r, Lo .. Mlle-ollf " s~~'" '"'Y A•r Cnnrf ,,_, ~!H• Or • Oo. ~••<jlnl'), "" ~OMd . 00"''' "'~'· ~'I UE OJl) ln~. R•d10. (lHOJ l~Q. '"~'", ~ ...... ,.,~., •• ,~. "'""" 1•1..,•u 1"P (l l Y f}l,1 -------'66 Galax·1e ~~·0• ,. .... ...... .... $577 '67 Chevy ~~L~~.~ ..... "'"" '"" s777 '69 vw CONVERTIBLE $977 :~;:.::; •m;·::.'7· ~·., m S!K-.~11!, ••d•O, Ond ~fol"' (Y,lo I 1'90) --------'69 Mach I ~::::.~~:;::;i:~·rr::·ii 1977 '65. Chev ~~:!~.:.:·;;,;, ·.~;," '""'"" s 611 '64 T ·Bird ;~~.·\;;;· '~·~·"· '"'"" $877 '6 7 Mustang ~·;;: .. 1;·;i • .:,.... $999 '69 Ford ~:,;:;~:~:,'1,~-:.~:: ;"~~ "" s2577 I 65 Barracuda ~;;: .. '";:o~·~; $ 617 I 68 vw ~.~~'""' ............ '"" "" 977 I 65 Olds :~·~· '" . '"" ,,. .. "" "" s577 WEllLIMOUIDOWNrafMINT AND'lllMStAllTlllllST AVAILAMl.IFYOUCO DOlilill. • .sHOWUSI ' RENT·A·C'.AR . - S·ALAD ,DAYS GOLDEN • caJi[omla ha s earned its f2n1e as a 1naker of salads. Neil Only does this state grow a magnificent abundancl! and .variely of salad vege~bles and fruits. b!lt 1t is !he oui.tanding ~rower of herbs a n d sea.10nJng vegetables \Vhich give salads irresilUble aro~a. With all these fragrant and flavorful ingtedients, small wonder that both Green Goddess• Drtssing and Caesar Salad originated in the Cali fornia salad txiw l; Green Goddess Dressing, r ichly delicious, green With chives and parsley, was .named that • a lmost 50 years ago in 11onor. of actor George Arliss's play ... The Greea Goddess,'' then playing in San Francisco. Some tin1e ago the lnterna- tiooal Society of Epicur~ in Paris voted Caes• Salad ''the great est original dis h to come out of the Unit~d States in the past .30 years." Ql{EE...~ GODDESS ORESSIJ\'t; ~,, ~p parsley nakes 3 tablespoons \\ine vinegar 1 tablespoon leOion juice I cup mayonnaise i,z cup dairy sour crean1 1 can (2 ounces) anchovies, drained alid minced 2 tatUespoons freeze-dried L'hl\'f'S ~' te8spoon garlic po1vder 1,:.i teespoon tarragon leaves, LTt1111blcd 1,(c te"5poon coarse ground black ptp· ,., 1.li te(l:lpo<>n salt ln a Mnall bowl combine parsley flake~ \Vith viMgar and lemon juice. ~1ash \vell until mixture turns green. Stir in re~ maining ingredients. Serve over torn, m ixed salad greens. Y i e Id : Ap- proximately 2 cups CAESAR SALAD 3 tablespoons butter or margari.ne 1,;: teaspoon garlic powder 2 cups small sort bread cubes I/, teaspoon powdered mustard I/, teaspoon warm water I head Roma ine lettuce 3 tablespoons olive or salad oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice ;:~ teaspoon salt i1"' 114 teaspoon ground black pep per I egg 1,1.= cup grated Parmesan cheese 3 anchovy fillets, diced. In a small skillet heat butter; stir in garlic powde r. Add bread cubes and saute until golden : set aside. l\1canwh,i !e, m ix mustard 1vit h 1l'a !cr : !ct stand H> minute.s' for flavoring to develop. Wash and dry lettuce. Tear into pieces. Place in large salad bowl. Combine mustard with oil, lemon juice. salt and black pepper; mix well. Pour over lel- tuei!. Break egg into center of salad. Toss well . Add bread cubes, cheese and an- chov ie3. Toss gently; serve immediately. Yield: 6 portions. . · l . . . . .... • " .. I ~ ., ' • .\.. GREEN GODDESS GRACES GOLDEN STATE \ -·· 'b Creativity Tests Kitchen 1Jy JACQUELINE CO<\IBS Of •h• o.it, """ 11•11 Although 1n:H1 y wo1nen hiitc bcnthng fl!ffr a hM •re. there's 8fle who n1ay cook all day and like ii. A home econon1isl workini: in a le~t kitchen. i he f»ld s cooking a constant challenge and believes other \vomen m igh t feel the same "'SY if thry changed their basic attitudes toward thr chore. "Day-after-day cooking c<.n get pretty dull." says Shirley O'Neil y,·ho 1niinages lhe consumer kitchen rnr Hunts-\\'e""on F'oods, Fullerton "l'nlcli~ you expcn. meRt and learn lo p111 di!JC'rrnt 1h1ngs tngether." The Nelvpor l Beach residen t l1nds peo· ple often hate cooking becau se they don't ha\·e ennugh lime. Learnini:: to rely 011 1·onvenience foods and how ln enhance the dish wit h your ov.•n additions cnn make it more ex citing \\•hile 1naintai11ing :;peed, adrises 1'.·lrs. O'Neil. She alsG suggests an interesting and well·\l'ritten cookbook ... They used tu be ~Titten like textboo ks but the new ones nu•ke you want to try the recipes because they are tantalizing to re.ad." TEST KITCHEN 1'.1 rs. O'Neil oversees seven homf' tt0nomists who work in a laboratory "'ith consumer..fike kitchens. "The kitchens are similar lo the home kitchens because we want to do things the way a woman at home does." The matn d ifferences are lhe exacting scales in the test kitchen. duplicate utensils and a "consumer's dream C;(· panse of cupboards:· They also have bolh gas and electric ranges enabl ing them to test recipes oo both types. The consumer kitche n deals with nC\Y product Cleve\opment using guidelines from the new products department or working up ideas in the kitchen, cookbook research and once the product is ac- cepted fdr marketing, developing new recipes uUlizing it. The consumer kitchen 11lso asSlsts in product publication. photography and packaging," she adds. "Som~m'es a recipe will work fine thi: first timt and sometimes we lry it four or five or more times lo gel it the way It should be/' ezplain5 P.1rs. O'Neil, a UCLA graduate. Workinc with foods all day. sht finds it difficult to go home and cook din· 11er at night. "I'd like to have 30me iced tea and t'Drget it:" she comµla lns. "I'm not hungry but I have a family to eoc.k for." DRUDG ERY Gerry Gcrktn. a homt econon1 isl for Southern California Gas Co., finds cook· Ing can be a drudgery because people aren 't !Urt: of themselve!. When en- ' lertaining . she believes it is irnportanl lo use re cipes thal you reel eonfictent in doi ng. "i\fany pcnplr 1nak(• the nust<1kc of !rying con1pliea led recipe~ tin t;uc~!:<. \\'he n !hcrr 1~ ~ fn1 lun·. 1hc.r ~t·l d1seouragcd " 1\n organized person l't10k11 v.·1th (':J ~('. 1·1 like to cook . I kno\v I ha\C so rnuch tirne to pu t a 1nea l together and I pl;,11 accordingly ." \V ith a little pla11riing and lhc use of eotl1'en1encc foods . ~·ou ran put together an easy rneal and add ~·our own touches. she ad\ 1~r~ Think uf \·:inC'I\. ~!1e adds. Tc~lun•, Jla\111·, 1·olvr all ~hould be t•u11:-.1ttc1·ct.1 111 n11·a! pl;innn1g A 111l'<il ti! 1·rca1111·d rhu:ken. 1n<ishcd po1atocs and eau!illower v.·oold bt• all \\'hite ant.I \l'TY honng. "It's J1kl' ;in ar1ist painti ng a p1t·turi> · :0.1r!>. C:crken's job includes testing ap- pli<inces. dpvcloplng rel'ipcs fn r i'lp pliance use and conking schools. "\l'c don·\ do r hot:olatc pudding for days i11 a row." They utilize b::i s1c ree1pcs. adapting lhc n1 10 the appliance use. So111etuncs en1 ire mi:als are dcYe!opcd on " particular theinc. usin~ diff('rent parts of lhc ra11gr for e<ich recipe She uses a kllchen s1m1t<1r Lu a tlon1· estlc one 1vith a variety of gas ranges. It also conta in~ many duplicate uten:;ils in aluminum, steel, glass. copper and cor- ning\\·are. "Thal "'ay we know how a recipe tests in each type of utensil." ex· plained ~trs. Gerken, ;.. gradu11 te of Ohio Dominican College and a resident of San J uan Capistrano. PRODUCTION LI NJo: Although Cost a :\1esa11 Ellen Beale works 111 a small con1pany, she has serv- ed as a home cconomi~t in the central commissary of a \'ending n1achine co n1- pal'ly. "It was on a productiGn li ne systeni :.ind we had to constan!ly tcsl the pro· ducts. It's so easy to substitute sugar for salt or vice versa." A graduate of the University of New Mexico. she fi nds "'if a job is designed specifi cally for home economists. if.~ loo narrow for me .. lier position v.·ith The Butler Recommends pie company entails "'ork1ng wilh institutional af'· c;ounts. i1nproving sales I hr o u g h marketi ng. instruction on b a k I n g , developing advertising campaigns fGr old and new customers and consu1Tier and reta ilers' problems. As a newlywed, Mr!\. Beale recalls developing new re c i p es every day, organizing and planning every detail of :i dinner part~·· .. Now ir s just Sttond nature i'l t'ld I have my timing do\\ n pat." She is a firm bt'liever In servi ng guest:<. food that has ~n prcp11red before 1hcy arrive. "I \l'&nt to en]oy myself. too:· To alleviate the prcssurr of daily cook· ( • .• . . .. ,,... "'""'r', ' i '· MOTHER'S HELPER -?>.lark O'Ne il. ~. glvr~ the batter a lick or approval a s mo1hc r. ~I r~ Sh irley O'Neil of Ne...,'porl. Beach 10,,hips up a taste treat. Fol lo"•ing ei ght hours d aily a ~ a home t't·on<1111 lsl in a 1 ~~1 k i1('hf111, she has ;i ~rra1 er <'hallcngr lhnn 1n;1ny hou scwivc~ at ru~hUy meal prcpar Rlion. ingn slit whips up del1c11lUS entrccs with "<i l1tl le wine and three L<lns of Yimelhin~. The 11•ine give~ any c:.isscrolr di~h a real gourmc:t tnu('h ·· s1:i11•1.,.; t.larg11rel /loblilr, h(ltilC CCOlll.IJTil!->1 for Southern Cnlifomia Edison f,o., hclicvr'\ "gOO<t cooks don'! havt to he gnurmr! cooks." She Advisea hou~ewives lo do a 11111(' rcS(':irrh 11nrt find recipes thar <1rc t•<1:<;,1. plc:.i:-.;1111 aud :-.1n111li> II your fa1111 Iv 1.<1 l'i'rll nou ri:ohed and hAppy. th:11's 1111 tha1 ':i; ln11>0rl;in1 " i\1rs. Hobbl e'.• "'Ork for hE>r cnn11J:1nv 1s n1oeh likr ,\Ir·~ (;crkcn·s s111ct U1cy bo!li "''11rk for utihl1r..-, drvelop1n~ re1·1f)l'i. u!ill7.n1g the app\1<1nccs f\ll hough 1nosl proP,rnrns an: wrin cn nn !ht• .~la lf lt•\cl lhl'y r11n be used nnl y R.~ guifl el ine:ii "'11 h t•aeh ho1ne cco11<1m1st presenting fl In her own J>t) le. she said. Iler test kitchen h<111 lhrtt r<1 nges and a 1n1cro wave O\'en. f\ny woman could ~ happier about eook111i: if shr 1s c•perimc,nlal and 1s ~1 1'1\ing fur ~pccific cul inary KOBIS Such ~o:ils 1·ari Ix-acquired by read inJ: ~·114.ikl~w)k.;. ncwspa1>cr 1u·ticlcs an d "lcn r1l,l ng as much about cooking a~ possible." • N PILOT -AOVERTJSER JZ ' BEA ANDERSON, Editor ~ ..... Home News A Case Against Canning . !Sy Dl)llOTllY Wt~/'1;<.:K Or•nt• Coun1~ Momt .-.d•01or llcl'e-nt. CflSt'S uf botulisnl fron1 com- mercially cann ed soup and frotn hotne· canned chili pepper sauce have caused m<1ny cvnsume rs tu b:c cu nccrncd about the safely of their foods. Botulism toxin is one of lhe most dead· ly poison.~ known lo man. But the b11<'· !cria \\'hich produces thi s toxin and it:1 s pore for111 are not in then1selvcs toxic. 1'hr botulinun1 bacteria and spores art' comn1onl\' found in lhe soil in California a nd rnay ·be present in mh-i:iy foods which you eat. 11 is whi>11 these b:icteria grow and n1ulliply in an anaerobic fa bsence or a ir I r n\·iro111ncnt -grnerallv i11 canned no11atid foods -that the\• produce lhe !OX!l1 l\hich.is Sil dead!.\' 1'hr .~pore fornl nr 1he hnctr riil is extren1ely he11l resis· 1;in t anrl it oceasionatl.v happens that food. \\'hen rannrd. is not processed at a high !'!lo ugh 1cn1pcraturc for 11 long i>nnugh ti111t' to destroy the botul inu m spores. Then. if lhe food is nonacid -for ex- l'lmplc \'Cgctahlcs. so up. rneHt s. poultry, fi sh -thr bo111linurn sporrs change in1t1 bactel'ia. thr bartcna grow and produce Jox in. and lhr f!Yld brcorncs poisonous. The food rnav nol look. s1nell. nr laste bnd. although u~ually there is somt' t>vidence of gas production -the lid or 1·a11 i.; bulf?:ed , or thi: liquid is forcefully t>.~pelled fron1 the can when you open it. f\nylin1r \'OU :irr suspicious nf a cannrd fond, rlo not tastr ii ! l)nf' taste t•an kill ~·111 H 1·011 ;ll'e ur1surr ur a food. vou c::i n 111ak1• it :;;1t1· Ov ho1l111g 1! f(lr is tn 20 111111u1rs Tl1P hol11lu1ur11 tu xin i·:i; de.~1ru.vrd h.v !><Jilin.!! The go\'l'r11n1c11! has v1·r~ .~1ni.:r regul11 - lions eont:r ruinJ! the nic!l1ods u~cd l u prn· 1·ess coivmercially canned foods. 1'in1e.~ and lemperatures required are wrll aOOve the leve l needed to destroy botullnun1 spores. This is why it i~ very rare indeed lo hear of a case of botulism resulting from eating commercially can- ned food. Cons idering lhe bill ions of ean s or food 4 processed. the ri sk of gettinfi( such a r an is minute. Bui when it happen s it's bil! 11i'WS. Human error l'annnl l:M' completely eliminated. it scr.1ns Botulism from homr cauned food~ - such a s thf' chili pepper ~auce case -i:i; 1no re common. This is because pe<ip!e use improper rnethods. fail lo process foods adequately. and have poorly func· linnin.i;:: nr inadequate equipment. For home canning or nonacid foods - \'t'gf'1ables. rnear s. fish. poultry -111 pr('ssure c::in ner with an accurate gauge i~ ::i inus' 11 ·s al so essential In folln\v 11 rchal>le (·annin~ guide so tha l prnp<'r ti1nrs and lrrnpernturt•s <1rc used. They vary ror earh food . PntnphlP.ls wi1h rt'liable directions for home canning or ::ill types of roort:o: art ;iva ila blt' fro1n our office -th e Uni versi- ty of California Agricultural Extension Service. 1000 S. Harbor Bl\'d .. Anaheim, 9280J. '\le try to persuade people not to !'fin nonacid foods unl ess they really know what they are do ing <1nd ha ve reliablt equ ipn1en1 . \Ve receive 1nany calls fron1 consumer11 who are worried about gelling botulisn1 from foods that norn1ally present no such problem . f ruits. because of their acidity, will not support the growth of botulinum bacteria. Thus. fruits (except for figs which are nonacid) do not need lo be canned in a pressure canner, The-temperature-of • boiling water bath 1jars immersed in boiling water) is suf(icicnt. Tomatoes are g rouped with fruits for canning purposes because of their acidity_ Pickles are high in a1·id -if prol)f'r recipes a re used-so would nol be likely to be a source or botuli ~rn poisonin~ either. No r would jellies and ja n1s. Jellic!t and jams are protected frorn bacterial g rowth by their high 1sugar content. Frozen foods would not allow for thf' growth of botulinum bacteria because of their cold temperature. We recommend that homemakers rreeze the high risk nonacid foods -vegetables. meats. nsh. and poultry -rather than ca n them. QUESTI01\'S Wt: A/ti=: ASKED Q. \Vould yo u please tell me ir lhis n1elhod for canning green pepperJ Is safe? I blanched them for just 1 few minutes in boiling waler, than packtd them iri jars. covered th~m with hot oil aod sealed I.he jars. I , didn't process them. A. Green peppers cantled by !his method would not be safe! Do not cat them. It's highly possible that botulinum bacteria are growing in them. Oil Is not a preservative. Canned green peppers Dted lo be processed in a pressure canner 1t 5 paunds pressure for 10 minutes. .. I Jlf DAILY PILOT Mercury Tale Called 'Fish ' y Propri~to t7~-· By JEAN \\'ILLIAi\tS Of It.. 01JIY Piie! 1111! Swordfish, dec lared unsafe by lhe f ood .nd Onig Administration because of an allegedl y dangerou.o; !Pvel of mercur~·. 1s back in some m11rkets and on some r~st11urant menus. The que stion for consumers to answer is. ''Stu.IJ I buv Ir and ea1 11~·· A survey or hrangf' Cc•Ast ftlih 1n<irke!s and rt slau rants .o;hnwrd th:i! prnprirtors generally disagrPt ""i1h !he F'ood anrl Drug Admin1s1r11tion·s rulinR th al swordfish "'11h .:i parts nf mercury P<'f million parts of fli;h is unsafr. but most will abidt by the decision. Speaking fir:-;t. for Tale of the \\'half' resta1.1rant in Balboa . Bill Caouelle said '"I think it'~ a farcP . but l"m going 11 lnn~ with it:' S"'nrd fish is no! nn the n1enu of the Se;i Sh an ty, Newport Beach or the. Ship Ahny in Laguna. The mana.11er of !hP La'luna ftstaurant s1 id, "Wt c1n't get it. so "'e can 'l 1erve: it." Al The Fisherman. Huntin8ton Beach, You r Horoscope chef V.1lll \Vhite explamed that they were affiiing a note to th rir menus saying swordfish was una vailable. "I think peo.. ple are a littlt afraid of 11,'' M said . .. It's not only hard lo get but ex- pensl\"e."' he went on, reftrring to the fact that S\.1-'Qrdfish now sold must ht in- spected end tagged 1111 containing ltl'is 1han .5 par\5 of mercury per million . "It's ridiculous." uid Harry KingstM nl t.he Baysi de fish Market in Ntwport Reach. adding l'haL he hadn't senl out any b'lats for swordfish since the government recnmmendation. He commented that other rounlrie5 ;illo\\'ed a hightr mercury content with on apparent ill effects. "In Sweden the y ec· ce pt one part per million,'' he sa.id. SHORT SUPPLY M;.rkets sampled al ra111dom In !ht area ;ire not generillly sell ing swnrdfi11h. The Pantry, in Cnsta ~1esa said It could nnt _Eel swordfish at all and 8 meet depArl· ment represent.alive of Slater Bros. in Costa Mesa said. "\\'e haven "! gotten an OK on any of it yet ·· El RanchCI ~larket in £astbluff \\'as one e1ception, saying that swordfish wh1rh had been 1ns~ted 1n Los Angeles now was ava ilable at SI gg per pound . "But we 've only had it 1n thP past three wetks," a meat spokesman said. It will be. up to individual managers al Von's, in Huntington Beach as to whether they handle inspected swordfish or nnt , but some are ordering future de.liveries . C. F. Bryson. program super\•isnr for the Bureau of food and Drug , California St.Ate Department of Public Htalth in Berkeley. ga ve the official \•erdicl of the state's requireme-nts fnr swordfish. STANDARD UPHELD "Although there ha\·e be.en some opin· ion,, such as Or. Frederick Star's of Harvard pooh-poohing the .5 safety figure .'' ht said, "there are an oveN·helm1ng number of ~pie \l'ho favnr .5 or even lower as safe." He said that he doubted seriously ii the ttzure ever would be ra ised. "Tho.se in favor "·ould hove to pre.sent Aquarius: Act With Determination, ' THURSDAY SE PTE MBER 30 By SYDNEY Oi\1ARR Thtre is no re-al confhct between aslrolngers and astronomf"rs. However, some astronomers insist nn posing as authorities on ;islrnlogy. This does !tad to i!l-ferling - and conf uses the puhlic. An astrolo~er m11sl a!. lta.<:I. be familiar wilh the rudin1cntl'i of a,.~tronomy. An astronnn1cr does nol necessarily knov,• a thing abou t astrolo~y. ARJES (Jl.1arch 21-April HI\: Friends are aggressive. Take. It easy. Refuse to De caught up f t· ·~ • ., in emotional arguments. Count IO before replying t.o ac- cusarions. Conirol tendency t!l respond in foolish manner. Pact yourself. TAURUS I April 20-J\lay 2111: You get <"Onstructive pus h: roe in au!hority tr.k~ speciAI interest. Be \villinJ;: to make necessary change.~. 0 p t n brn;ider hoes o r com· mun icat1nn. Behind-scenes nuinru l'cr boomerangs in your fa1·nr. Ae available. Gl-:J\11 1\'I (J\1ny 21-June 20 1: "\\'here there has heen clela.v, there nnw is apt tn be a flurry nf mcss;iges. You hear from !hos!' at ;i dist ance. friPnd \\'ho had procrastinated co1nts Verve through with definite program. You wlll benefit. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Don 't overlook situation wh ich h11s recently been pushed 11side. Revie w plans. Stress security. Not wise In take anvone for RrAnted. Reinforce con! ac1 s. Investment question should be resolved. tt:O 1.luly 2.l·Aug. 22 1: l~old nff on 11ny ('nntracL special ;igreement, partnership pro- ject. l\ey is to add to knowled~e . You need ad- ditional information. Refuse In be stampeded. Sta y away from get -rich-quick scheme. VIRGO IAug. 2.1-Sept. 221: Fini~h project. Lel olhl'rs shnw thei r hand.~. B e ::i nalvtiC"al. You h111·e n1ore 1•nming In ynu !han m1gh! he 1'11.~peC'tl'd rat1encr IS ~our :ill\'. l\1a1n1a in s1r;idv pace. l\1rinf'.\' ne"'.!i 11·111 be good , be conf1df'nl , LIBRA l~pl. 2.1-0c·t. 22 ): Reai-h 11greprnenl \\'il h younJt prrson . Assrrt yourself in rea!iOnilble manner. 1\1<1ny now f'X11ress appreciation f1Jr ynur f'fforts Continue In appl.v or ig1n~l l•>Uth . Len 1ndil'1dual eoul d play prominent role. Sr111e c·;isc. ' '· a1\•full\' '.".ound f\"Jdence ."' he commtnUd . nerr"rr1ng to the possible mental health damage lhat could result from an ex- <'e~s1vely high t·onsun1ptlon of methyl mercury, he conchidtd that ''in public heallh concerns. we must go on the con- i;ervative side if there·s any doubl," Bryson explained that s"·ordfishermen had banded together and created a testing prog ram in private laborato ries in San Diego and Los Angeles. NE \\'EST 1\1 ETH00 "In these laboratories lhe swordfish ls !est ed for mercury content by the most accepted method av<il!able to date." he said , "that of flam eless atomic ad.sorp- tion." fish that do not exceed the .~ parts of methyl mercury per million may be sold "'Ith the approval of the Department of Publi<; Health. A spokesman in the Bureau of Com- mercial fishen~ in San Pedro revealed that the charge for the laboratory inspec· t1on was $10 per fish. Despite the resultant Increase In the cost of swordfish to the buyer, swordfish is back on th e menu at El Ptscador, Co3ta Mesa ManAger Keith Newman af- r!rmed that it had been ins pected in a. San Diego laboratory. f A. VORABLE RECEPTION "People are glad lo see It back." ht commented, add ine that in his opinion the government ruling \\'llS loo vegue. "Not hing his been proven ,'' he saui. Bob Cf'jka at Delaney Bros. frnzen Foods in Newport s11id that he. had bought only two sworrlfish all summer. "\'.'e'll buy only if it's ins pecte<l." he said . Robert Roub1an. owner of the Crah Cooker in Balboa, said he was not return· ing swordifsh to the menu unul "we get a grttn li1ht from lhe go vernment \l'ith no doubt s." He was bitter about the "'ho!e crisis, f~om the time of the seizure by the FDA of 40.000 pounds of fish in March. "If they're correct in taking tt and dumping it, then we"ll go along,'' he said, ! • I~. 4.. t but~ that hr no w·was doutiliuJ of."lbe ' • I . ' validity of the ban. 1 A 1poktsman for ult FD;t i :. Angel~s 'aid ther• 1 ,..r' ~ · . formatlon "that wooi,:I ra~ !If; , ou r view! at this tim~.'" , · '• Re strtss ed that the fPA w~ •, mending that the publk>< ,ftM swordfish'' and that ra1dom ·h'M" were continuing by FD:r.A lnsP,ee~ "Where there is a po nti&l ~an take no chances," he d. o ' Frnm the standpoint bf those. lo in selling or preparln&; tpe flab Jo . consumption, however, doubt is " JOg . I El Pescador 's Newman aJ50 lil•'!il'trd of S"·eden 's allowan ce of onijj: mercury pr million parts of fish .• and he wonders. il. "The government·~ action ptil «t~ :~~:I ,:::~m,:o l;":h,:I ;~•i~g before they knew what they we . a and they don't kno11i• how to get , ol t." sconr10 roct. 2:1-Nov. 21 1: llnmt' situfllinn nerds lnoking lntn: n1eans put A hal t to ex- travagance, shouting, ahu.se. C11 nrer-born individual could be involved. Accent is nn security. relAlions with o\d!'r person . Trust hunc h. Meanwhile, Back at the Ra nch , Fun's l\lrs. Ron Shef rlef1) and ~1rs. Herb Lenchner set oul for a Day at the Ranch as members nf Pacesetter Chapter of Children's Asthma Research Institute and Hoi;pital (C ARIH) sponsor a Saturday. Oct. 2, outing. S11"imm ing. bo11 ling. riding. games and a prime rtb A woitin ' r· dinner follo1\·ed by dancing are on the (amJ..ly agenda. Resenra~J~ ltf)ns are being taken by !he above "'omen. Mrs. Mark Millard. president, or Mrs. Richard Taylor. SAC.ITTARIUS iNnv . 22- l)('r. 2l J: Take :i:peci<il carP in traffic. Nnr w1s!' to ex· ---------------------------------------------------------- periment with elPCtrical prn- I Colo r If A rty durls. StPf'r c[Par nf argumen- tative rela!11·e. Nime wishts :-ire ful filled-hut no1 if \"nu in- 6ist. cajole nr chldP r.n·.~lnw . CAPR ICORN ~Oer . 22·,J .in . 191: 1\1onC'.\". adcied income coulci becomr real1t.11 thrpu,gh property :r:ettlement. r e ~ I e.~tate cll'al Stick wilh prnjert lo con1pletion . Thorou,l!h l!J>- proach swin~s odds fnr suc- ce.~s in your ravnr, Re 11IPr! AQlJAR IUS !Jan . 20-feb . lfll: Yot1 ger lhin!::s dnnr; ac- tion is keynolcd . Snn1e ma.v ht enviou.~; other.c; ma y claim you are headstrong. Key is 1n he c:re2Jive, In ac-1 11· 1 t h determination, \'Cf\'l' i\'nlhin.R halfway. Ring sound of !'n· thusiasm . . To avoid disappointment, prospecti ve brides are reminded to have their \\'edding stories v.·1th black and \vh lte .clossy photcr j?raphs to the D . .\IL'l'.° PILOT \\'omen's De- partment one "·eek before the \1·edding. P ictures received after that time will not -Oe used. · For engagement announcements it is imperative that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture. be sub- mitted six weeks or more before the "'edding date. If deadline is not met, only a story v.'ill be used. Califorinans Offered Something to Chew On A1 lea~! !wo--!hircis nf the Californians tested 10 the California seRment nf lhP N;i. l!onal Nutrition Sur1·py h11 ve some form of malnu !rl!1on, .11ccord1ng In a prel imi na ry report on th' surl'e~· g11 en in San Diego. Partial find ings (Ir the s1 x- month sur\"ry were reporred by J\f1ss Leon<i Shapiro. nutri- tionist. during lhe first meeting of !he newly formed California Nutrition Couoc1I ecol and 111 percent. suffered from packpd cell 1·olume, ann!her kind of hlood ane1n1a . Acrl)rtl ing tn the report. malnutril1r>o is more pr!'1'alent arnong Negroes th;in 11 h11e:-; and is more \\' i de s p r e a d Among lhe poor. Relarded gro 11•th is mos! l'Omn1on a n1 on g J\1ex1can·Amencanii. and Sflme forms of malnutri- t1on. such as nbf'slly. ~re strong 10 afnuenl households . sur l'f'ill11nce pr11gram be est11bl1sheci to pinpnint the: wnrst pockets nf malnulritlnn -economically, ethnic11ly and geographically. J\11ss Mary Hampton of tile l'n11·ers1ty or C a 1i.forn1 11 , Bl'rkele~-. aJso a riutr!lioniJI. said !here is a "big gtp ht>l\1·ren currenl nutritiooal kno11·!edge and actual JX"llC- tices -what is being .taught by doctors." She said means of spreading sound 11utritioNI information to the public mmt be fnund . On the \\aterfront ~1rs. Gladys \\"ing puts art Jn perspective for an outdoor sho1\ tng by the Lake Foretit Art Association. Some 60 members \\'ill dis- play "·ork from 9 a .m. to 6 p.m. Friday through Sunday, Oct. 1 to 3. at the Laguna Hills Shopping Center. P ISCES ff eb. 1!1-J\1arch 20 1: ~lonf'y tr11nsact1on requires clarHication. All are not .c;ho"'· ing thrir hands. Be cautious in C'Onneclion with va luable~. You hRve tendency now In be For.11etrul about namts, place~. Douhle ch e c k assignmenl n(l\f'~. l" !1"'1 ""' .,.....,., lilt~> I,,< •Mt I" ""'"._, •'IC! ID•• • .,,.,,., Svd<IH °""'"'' bfto~IOI "Stc•e! ~l"h !9' Mo<1 ""~ W(ll"'o<I ' •. S•..., ~,,,...,.,, ~ IJ <•"" "'0,.,orr lit!rDIDtv .M<:r•I\, !tlf 0 All.V ~II.OT fl.,.. HOO. Gt111d C ... !rll $11• 11e.,, Ntw Ve<11, N. V. 1001/, . To help fill requirements on both wed- ding and engagement stories. forms are available in all of 'lhe DAI·LY PILOT oUices. Further questions wUI be ans'>l·ered by \Vomen's Section staJf members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. Miss Shapiro. assigned to lhe Stare. D€'partmcnl nf Health Public. B!'rkele\', :-;a1cl that tw0-th1rds of those. !riilrd were deficient in fnlic ;icid, a vi tamin R complex found prin- cipally 1n lea fy green 1·egetables. Anemia "'as found In 12 per· Mis:-; Shapi ro warnf'd that although 1he California sur1e~· uncovered n111Jor prohlems. they '>''tre "nol nearly ;is !i"!'l'ere as the other nine 5t;ites and therein lies a hazard in cnn1placency. '! She. recommendt<l lh:it 8fcps he. taken to cnrrcct nutrition defects statewide and thal a Presiding at the meeting tJf nu tr itinnists, researchers. public health officials· 1itd o!ht-rs concerned wlr.b food s and heal!h "''al! Dr. Gecirge M. Brl~gs. professor or nubitibn at UCB., · , No Cramming Necessary for Passing This Examination . ' 4 DEA.R AN"N LANDER S· four ytars . qo when you r stx t('st came nut . I "'"s an innocent 12-year-old sn I did not ke,.p the newspa ptr cnpy. Since then I hi ve come a lon,11 w11y 11od I \l'nuld 11pprt<"1.11te tt very much if ~nu c-nuld nnce 11ga1n thart with the: world vour h1mou.~ ~l"'I'. tut. 11i11nk you load~. Ann. -SIXTEEI'\ AND NOT SO S\'.'f.ET DEAR SIXTEEN : llrr"'8 thP tt~t ~nd ! am printing it by popu lar rPqueitt 1 At least S.000 kidll h111·p .11 5kt'd for 11 reruri Ji~ II 1ppeart'd. ~ l"d !1kt !n mAke 1t plain, OO"·e\•tr, that this 1s nl'll ~fY test Jt wl5 ienl lo me by oi Memphisi eenager \ \\'ho 3~ked me to t\·tlualt 11 lof~· t i•alua tinn '>'"&&: Interesting, hut prt'l!Y i:iam.'-. Know Thvsrlf Qut'~fir1nn111rP (Score lh , numbEr rof ~inu indirated fW tarh "'Yes·· .llOS'>l'('r I 1 Ev,r i;:orie nut with ii mem ber of th, oppos1re iCX~ 4 I 2 Ever been kissed? ( :t £\"er bttn F'rtnch·klsstd~ • 5 f.\'er been kissed while In ,11 reclininf,l; pnsition~ ~ 5 E\'t r gotten or i;::1\·en 11 hir key'.' .1 fi . Ever b~n ki~ed in your p.aj.amas • 2 7. f':1·er been kissed against your wlll t % 8 Ei·tr par ked for more than an hour" 5 SI Ever said, •·1 love. you'"'.' 3 HJ F.:1·tr sa!ci , "I love: you." lo mor' th.:tn root persnn '.' J ti E\·er .11nne s!eady'.' • 12 Ev,.r bren pl<.'k('d up by a person }'"00 n'vf'r ~""' before" 1 11 F,\•tr pla yed 5lrip pokPr with a m .. mhrr nf lhe np(IOs1te sex' 5 14 f/;t1·r yo u gl'ln P all thf' wiiy• 10 15 H111·r you had the de~ire !o gn 1111 !hf' \\'llY bur m11n11ged th keep frnm 1!' 2 Hi Ha1•e ynu ever made a member of • the oppos1t.e sex cr\1' • 17. Has a member of the opposite sex e1·er made you cry• • 18. Do you smoke plain ciJ{_arl!'tll? 2 I!). Do yQu drink alcnhnl or beer" 2 20. Ever p~llsed out from drinkin,,;'.' 6 21 , E\•tr lied lo your folks about "'·here vou '>''tnl nr with whom'.' II 22· Eve:r smoke pot~ 7 2.1. Ever tripped on LSO or the hig H~ 10 24 F;ver considered tht pregnancy rl'lu!e M'l your fnlks \\'Ould ha l'e ro It! you get m11rritd' 10 Stort fhtrt II or under Queer or something -' ~ 10 lo 15 Pure ~s the driven snmr , • 15 to 25 P1ssionate but prudish 25 lo :i.s Nor'mtl fncf dece:nt lS to •s Indecent 45 lo 55 He11ded for uriou~ trouble f :;~ to 60 II) terrlbl~. shape 18 fiO or 011t:r C:Onde:mnfld ·f. Alcohol is no short.cul to social 1uccesf If you think you have to drink to be ~ ce:pled by your fr ie.nd.!'., gel the !ad4 Read "Boo~e 11nd You -For Teena1eri Only,'' by Ann t..andus.•Send as ctnt11'1 ('(lin 11n<1 t long. self-1ddrtssed, st1m~ Pnvelnpe with ,YOUr req uest In c1r1 of lhl DAILY PILOT. >t· • ...-.... ___ . ..... • l ,1;' . . Anniversary DAILY PILOT 35 Coast Couples Recite Vows iJALE ·GRI SH AM Ext·l1a11g111~ 11eddltlJ! \'0\\'S and rtng.<; In S1 AnJrew·s 1~re.<:by1cr1<1n Churc·h ~·e1rpo11 Be:-1ch. 1verl' 11·1argo Elizabeth (;n~li;un :ind .Ji1111e~ ~lcLaren IJtllr The Rf'1 Ur Ct1;irle~ H J)ierenfleld off1t111ted for !ht> d;iughtt:r of il1r and J\·1rs. Jue Howard Cns!1a111 of Costa ~!r~a ancl l11e ~on of /lrlrs Allan l)a!l' (If Nc11 port Beach and the l<ile i\1r Dair i\tlenda11t~ 11wludrd \li ... ~ l.ucv Scholl. n1a1d 11f hur1u1 :0.11.~s ,\1;irgllrf'1 Dale. \·lr~. ( ::1r.1' t .111ebarger and :0.l!'s Dan~ 11 a l t , !Jridesrna1ds. l•'rank Fr1ek. best n1 ;i n . r.1Ll'hael 1 ;rjsharn. C I .v de Heyes and Thon1:is Uale u:.hrrs. 1'0l' lll'I\' ,\\rs l);ile. a }!radua!e uf <.:osta il.lrsa lt1gh School. i~ slud.ving al ()rangr C'oast Culle.ee He r husband. a Chapinan College senior. 11 :is ,eraduatcd II 0111 ~ t' 11· p n r ! ll;irbor fli~t1 ~t1uol 'l'hC'~· 11111 l11·r 10 ("o.~1 <1 ~lcsa JON ES -BOGUE Tiie l\l'v .Janie:; I~ !'1er<'V ofl1eiatcd for rhc wedc!1n~ (;r Pan1ela Bogue ;111d David S . . Jorn.,.> in !he First Christian Church or Cosl:i 1\Jrsa MRS. DALE 11£'rc l1onur attendant~ and Huv l\rey "''as an ushe1 'l'hr bnde recei~·cd ht>r M'h11+i1111g Ill C:<11ntnCITt' ('!11 .·~id lier hu:.L;u1d is ;i gradu;i!•· 11! l'o;,ta 1'.le~;i lligh Scl100I. LAM BERS.ALDEN ,\Jarlh:i Huse Alden \Jeca111r lhe hridl' ol Hober! I' L:1111ber!'l during rites <"On· ducted in the ,..irst Unllarian Chureh. Albuquerque. P:iren1 s 11f lhe nrwl.1'\1cc!s :irt• \Ir and ,\1rs. Frank Aldt•n l1f Albuquerque and ·\1r ;inc! \Ir~. Harold 1,;irnbers 11f La~u11a Rracl1 Attendants wer1· .\'I i ~ " Frant•\' \Val~h. il.lis!'I Deldrt .-:n1111i: Howard S he r m 11 n • <!ilt·.s and Layton Tl1t• bride, 11ho 1!'1 a graduate nl "lcwport I l::irbor lligh ~·hvut. aue11ded Orange Coa~• t ·ollege. S<111 Diego State t 'ullcge and the Santa Barbara <ind lrl'1nr campu.se~ of the l n1vers1ty of C;:il1forn1a Her husband wa.~ graduatert lrorn The Uni versity of florida at (;ainesville. SEDLACEK-MONSON \Ir~ ,\!argue.rite 1\1unson. • !t111ne1 Costa il1esan 11nd 1''.d11:ird Janie.~ Sed lacek were 1narne1! in SL P;iul'.~ Church, Cedar Hapids. lo"·a Tcre::;1 K;·~111 ~. Lo u r 1 I a Sanchet. illieh<tt'I Quin1<111a l ~ ... ---.-... ---.-._ and Ch<irles Alde11 '!'ht' bride is ;i senior a• I he Un11•crs 1!y uJ New r.1('.~ieo I Her husband i~ a gradua!P nf Lagun;:i l"ll'al'h I li,~h Schnnl rind 1s .scrl'ini:: 111 1h<' '\1r Furl·(' COUNCIL- WEATHERHEAD1 ' '!'lie Itel'. Cecil F:anc.~ or·· f1 e1alcd for lhe 'r''Cdding 11f j Cl11·1s \Veatherhcad a n cl llich:ird Council 111 I h el ~rwpor1f'r In n. THE N-E·W L9QK 11ffu/6e~ '" HAIRSTY LING 9 Male & Female HAIRSTYLISTS To Serve Your Every Need l ·, .. ,'~ lifrs. \Villian1 S. Do\vler. sho\vn \Vith one of ~.~t~cliina pieces she hand paints lo order. \vere sur-'.~. tiled on their 65th anniversary by their son. Dent '·. . r and his \Vife Peggy \vi th an open house card • 1''er in their Laguna Beach studio. l\1arricd 111 Pendleton. Ure .. they lived for iii vea rs in Oct1·u11 \\'here their daught E:r .\lice \Vaddell still re:;idr~ 'J'hey have three grandeh1J clrrn and rive great-grand children. Thr hl'ulr. whu~e 1nu11i1'1' :111d steµfarhrr rirr illr_ and \Ir~ Noe! (; !\larine uf r 11sl;1 .\lcsa. w:1s ;H!rndecl b~· 111rs \\';iv11e f\ IJa'l·is. n1alro11 111 lu111or . r.11ss Janeen Bogue. 1\hss Su~an .lone.~ and :0.lrs liQn Carr. hridesn1aids, and .'\1kki Stonr. flower girl MRS. JONE S The 1t:iughter nf !he \.cP I l\lc<t!herhcads or Ne w po r 1 Hrach and th e son of L\l r. a.nd 1 \lrs Uul1ll"d Council of r·1oriOa 1 11111 111 e 1n San Franeisco. I 11hcrr rhe.v will perlurn1 1rith 111t' Arnrrit·an Conser11a101'}'[ Thra!er I .'\llrndan1s ror lhc pair in-I 1·tuded il.lrs. l\lilliain 1 ;1]1'.~.I ,\J1s .J;in1e.~ La.l'lnn. ~hss 1 •1,·, ... -,, •. ~ "l)ps and Down s Re vealed FQrmer America n Airline): )i{C\1ardcs:-.cs dell to i-i(.ht) Kristin 'Vhite of \\lcstn1in;.;tcr and 1\11111 ~er of Huntington .Beach are ready for p111)!1r ~ppnrances as part of a ne1v speakers bureau. Talk~ wYJ cover facets of trave l from basit tips on packu1~ t o-11.ide and film tour.c. ' .Press Chairmen 1 Workshop Conducted Today i~ lhe dt1y pre!'~ -C'Sprt1ally pre~~ eh:..1nncn -I 60 Years Celebrated A l't't:cpl1on ill tile B:iptisl < 'onvalcs1.:cnt Hospital in Costa r.1csa honored l he 601h \1·ed- ding an111vl"rsary or :'11r. and Jl1rs. 11obcr1 Klein. riarent.~ 11f :0.1rs F Lrr \Vads11of1h <1r Co<:t;1 .\1es;i Tht>y \1('rr inarnrd 1 11 Huehcslcr. 1'\ ,. \1hrrr hr w;is IHirn and 11:1~ 1<'11l't 1•1npln.1ed 1n rhr 1·111· rre:isurPr"s offi1·t> She IS ;i ;.ellred 1111lluicr and slnre 1nanager. ·rhr l1unorrd 1·011plr 111:11•rlt'li l'Xlt'n~1vcly brfore 11101111i: 111 Cali rornia i11 1960. ~1rs Klt>111 attend~ First Bap!ist Chut't'h and her husband i.~ a n1embr1' of SI .Joachim'~ Catholll" Church. O!her 1lrs(·e11d:1111~ in{:l11dr gr;ir1dso11 Hobrr·t \Vad.~"'<1r!h and i:n111ddaughter c·.vn1h1:1 \\";;1dsworlh. bulh or (·usl:l 1\1esa . <inolhrr gr an r! s ri n. .1a n1rs \\'adswol"1l1. l111s\011 . and h•n g1cat·grand1:h1ldrrll News Revealed \Ir aud .tnhnsnn nf \!r~ .Juh11 A t··uun!;11n Vallev ha1·e ar111nunced the engage· n1ent nf lht'1r dau;!hler .. Janis f.:a v .!ohnsnn 111 \\'11l1an1 A PaXtn11 .. <;-011 nr !\Ir and .\!rs Rnberl ra.\ton nr Cn lurnbus. Oh1n ~lls.<: .Johnson i ~ a j.(r<ulua\r i1f C.:Jl1 lorn1a S1a1r ("nllege al Long Be;irh and hrr lianl'e: <ti · (ended Ohio S!alP U 1111·rrsit~. WHAT IS YOG.t.7 ME01r-r10.... EXEl'ICISEf 'll EE OEMONSTRATION •• Voo• PO"U"' """' mtd!IUpOft. I I ft < 9 ~ !, •. 00 pm ch1lnnen for Orange Coasl ;ind other volu nteer pubhr1sts h clubs lea rn lht ··inside are invited tn ancntl 1hc j Yoco..t. CENTfR '·" ( th . . b US E iim ~r .. Coil• ""•u -"•·t!Jl ..,;~ 0 e1r JO s. ~~"~O~clc;~hO~P~·-------~~~~~~~~~~~=1 '~An,t Coast E v e n i n gJi c'Olle):c tonighl will stage lhe third 1nnual seminar ror press cJ\iirmen a.'! a part or its free lldu.r'e series. f.'~fistnnt3 can ~ign up fo r the ·~ session at the -~ seminar will be held f:IO' Jo 9:30 p.m. al the ii 'High School Forum , MUI.' Thom1s Blakely, district ~ tlf evening colleges. ~·optl!n the program. 1:·-· °'""i' Coa>t ~munity services , will conduct the ' mierested club officers • • . ' HEADS WILL TURN • , . WHEN YOUR FACES WALK ·SY. CATCH HIS EYE WITH THIS NOSTAL GIC LOOK OF THE JQ',, $26. By Plei,, J a11 e (w ho ol ~e 7) ,slk,.. BIDTIQUE 1467 YIA LIDO NEW'°RT II.A.CH 671·4510 • l lOWlill t NAIGf. • IANK.t.M*llCAtO • MA$T•ll (NAIGl • • ... .. , i ,14 ,,.._ . ' \ ;I ((, .. '" • REBECCA HISER Pair Plan ning February Rite A l-'ehru;;r_1 llt'Clil1ng 1~ IJ('111g 1>1<11111ed b1 flebf't'('il Lrl' 111.~t't' and R(0Jland (;l'i1rgr Ynung of Cosla 1\ll's:1 ,\l1ss ll1st·r. dau:::l1lc1 1Jf ~11 :in1I Mrs. f<nss t·: ll1srr of ( ·usl<1 ~1t·s11. 1.~ a gr1u.Ju<1!f ol \1e1l'purt l!;.ir\.H.1r JJ1gh Sch1N1I :ind a\lended Orange I ·1~1,1 l'nl!C~t' lier fian1·1' i.~ 1hr ,.,01111( :llt ~ Juanita \V h1(t• of (Jra111!1· Ill' ;i!lcnded ~rhool.~ 1n s~11'ran1fn· 1n and I IC!' .11111 Zarrillo was best n1:i11 ro1 ;hr bridegroorn. SOil of ii.Ir and Mrs. D;1v1d I\ .Jonrs or 4"us1;i il.1esa Sroll .JorH'S. Dair l ,;1~~e11 a11d \lan Bog u " 11shPrrrl and .l11hnn.1 !'irr1·1 t·;1n·a·d lht• ring.~ 'l'hr n<·11·l.111•rds hotli 11r1t· gr;ulti;1tcd !runl 1·:s1;1nr1:1 I t1,el1 S1:1inul A gradu<ilr of 01·;_111;:.•' < '011sl College. shl' ;:i\tends I hr University of(' ;i I i r o r 11 i ;1 BivcrsidC while he 1.~ ;i :>ludrni n1 the Univer>'1!y ol Hcdland:- l•"ollowing a Haw<ili?Jl ho11r1 • snoon 1hey 11·111 111·c 10 H1vrr- ~1dl' WOOD-HARRING TON H1;;h Selloul: i\llrnr!cd (1 ·;i11gr !'oa.~I ('ol h·gr and .\11rtl11'1'11 .i\n1u11.1 \ 1111rr~111 AREY -SC HWARTZ ;\1;11·1111 .I A1r1 1·l:11111rd Hr(•nd;1 :\1 ·!111;1rl1 ;1s 111 ~ hndr 1lt11·1ni,: 1·rrr11H1n1rs t·u nillh'll'tl 111 Ill<· !'c•nlral Biblr t'lH11Tl1. Cus1il il.l e~·;1 Parents of !111· 1·11uplr 1•rr il1r <1nd i\1ts c; e 11 r g ,. S1:hwar1 1. uf C11111rnrrc:r I 'it,\', ('1Jln :ind 1\11 and ~·11 ~ !l11n \n·.1 of ('11~1a 1--lr~a :'111 ~nd ,\tr~ l/qtw11 \11 •1 Lean Bodies Long on View 1;:1,11!' l\1rkp:ilru:k •111ler~ 1111· 1·r1111·n nf llir long hod~· ~hade dress with il 10U!'l1 of Sf'· qui11 ill)plique on d;1rk 1e1·sev lur 11•in1er evenings 011 1111:1 t11wn I \'4·r.~1011~ ln11 I' hrrn dn11r -\'lYIANE WOOD~RO ! COSMfTlCS WIG & BEAUTY SALON S48-J446 250-D Ealt 17th Str••t HILLGRtN SOUARl nn1und ~HKl 111lh apf)hq11t' ;111d l __ c~.t.~E~ ___ ~R 111!11•111! -~-------- 'l'hl' llP1 \l'lhur I·: l\;11 nn~llltl 111 th•· F1r~1 Ln1lt'1t ,\1cthod1s1 Church u{ Sanl;i H;1rbara nlhe1aled for tho> wedd1n~ of his nieer . l.1<1ru1fl liclh ll;i1..-1ng1on <1nd lln1rt' F1f11l<'r \\'oort. son 111 rhr Johnsons ~ Tell Troth CREATIVE LOVE f'rrl!t·ru· .l \Vuod~ 1if Lido \11 illld \!r~ ll11br·r1 \\ I l.~tr. 111 Mraduw Ch<1pcl, ('anip .)11/111.~un iif t '<1sl:i 1\li•:.,-i h:11f' S1rrra ;1nnouO{'l'll rile rngagt'111e11l 11! The br1cl<'. 1!;111gh1rr of nr tl1r1r d;111gh1r1 . S r" r 1' 1 :uni i11rs. ,._; Hos.~ I larr11u.:L1111 l{;1rbara .Joh11so11 of :-\r;1 ttlt'. lu VA.Sf/IOI\/ f'ARR/I' 11\1/) FA 1VC'Y ·rR/1\IS f'RtJ1\I or Bcdonll11 Hen1·h. :i~kerl ii 11 ~ B11rrh 1\!1rha1'I \ ":unlir1·.~- .!;1n1e:; (';iro~ fn he nia!ron nl Thr IJr·Hfr-<·lr!·I ;1 t ti· 11 d " d l hu111ir anrl i1·l1 ~.~ D unn :1 Shon•l111r ('u11111111111t1• ('11ll<·grJ llol111'r1 . llUll'l'I' girl ;ind gra<il1:1l<•rl lr·u1;1 tll'a11~t· l'C1 1'1 (;r'e('!I \\l!S \j('~j 111;111 l'11<1s! ('(1ll!·gr !Irr 1111111·1•. Soll l lll~ f . COAST HWY., CORONA Ofl MAR rind Steven If ;i r 1· 1nJ.:1 11 n 11f 1\lr. and il1r.<; Cor<h111 N t-7 ).1 0~0 usht'r"rd ( :11nbers of St':tf.tlr'. I.' ll ~1·n1or 1'~ ••Jo11(•ME1111c: ... ~o M•Sl flll CH•111col i\ grndu.JH' 11/ lltdon<l~1 ~i'~' ~l~he~~'~'~"~'~'~'~'~'·;,~· ~"~'~'~"~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l '111•11i l!1gh Sch01)\. tlif' 11(•11 l\'ashu1gto11 . . I \l r~. \\'ood 1 ~ ~11r11d1n1; 1hc1 t 1111 1'r.~11.1 1il l':il1forn1.i , a1 1 :-.:i n!a Barbar:1. Her hu <;band. a cr:idualr of r:ilo~ \'rrdcs Fantastic 1800 Yds. Double Knit Polyester • Choose Your Fl!lvoritts In Fall Colors • Dozen's of Text ures to Pick From • PennPre!.t~; For Machine Wash. No Ironing PROFESSIONAL WATCH REPAIR Co"'p!t t• '"'old• r•p•:r 10 -.ito /.,, OMEGA ,ACCUTRON. ROlf)( lhi1 i~ducle• ch•o"o9••pi11, dop ·.v•ldu 1 ""' ch,on.,. PROFESSIONAL JEWELRY REPAIR 1T1elt rs We rt p••r w11cho1 .,f •It fvP••· C~rnplt to c/,1t t•· f1ni1hi"'I f,.,,,. JS encl '"''t lt rp•ool <:y.t•l1 fro"' SI. Ri"IJ ' 1ito~ •nd 1tp•;,,c1, O,t ,.,oncl, •~I ""d t i9hlt n•.l. Com· pit !• <a•lin11 l~<ilitv for cu1l11m do1i9nerl j1 ... oli~. Pe1 ol on~ bo1d ro•!rin9i"9 W o da 111 lyp11 of 14wol•v ftpt;•. Open Mon., Thurs., Fri. Till 9 P.M. HAtaOt IMO,~INO CE"NTlll U.0 Hlr!Mr l lwl . C.1t1 Mn. i4S·t'lfl Hll ... f ll'tGTO"' CINTll: lloocll I l•l ... tt H~"ll"tle" IN<ll •tl·SHl SUPER SIZE SHEETS Our finest quality PennPrest sheets . Choose from moss 9reen or gold rastica lly reduced. QUEEN SIZE saa KING SIZE 7ss JCPenney • COSTA MESA STORE ONLY 2300 Harbor· Horbor Shopping Center I " . Dl!LY PI LOT P-T Units Stage Wide Spectrum of Activity . f Editor's Noir· A paor deuo!td to l\'eu;porr Brr.ch . Cwt.a Mesa, Laguna Bea1·!1 and Mission Vie1n purf'rll· teachtr orga11i:a11a11s u:1// appear ill Ilic DAILY PILOT each wee k. h1far111a · rio11 11n1.•r he received bu tllr ir0111r•:'.~ rlrpr:rtmcnr nr .\I r.~ (;nrrrl Sn1i!11, 174fi ( 'r ,nrl/11 l'/nrr. tVcirpnrr. H1·1a'I• /)11 .~ )l.T>i. 7'11 u r.~l/oy /1n· pu/J/1rar 11111 \\'rd11ci:· 1/(1 y.) Getting Licks in Early Adoms PTA i\1rs. Clifford Dowo5 President COMING liP: \l.';ik~ Snoopy is tile theme of the mem· bership drive to begin Mon- Satisfying ercry .~\1·rrt"too1h i .~ 1hP pron1i~c 111arlr hy fir;:ir ~trrc1 l'FO n1 cn1 hcr1: who \l'ill !;ta.i:« an nld-f<1.~h1onf'rl 1rr ere ;:im ~oc1 al at !'>.:30 r 111 'rhur.~rl;i _\·, Or·1 7. The f11ndin g e1·c11t 1.<:. chf_1rrrl hy ~·Ir~ Robert Llndqqii;l. S;irnpllni:; the fare are Jeff Suttcrf1c!d and Lau1-, \\.r!ght. d11y, Oct. 4. Mrs. "'ei! Har- rington is chairman. --... ~ Beo r PFO J\1.rs. f<~red E. Bartht President COMING UP : Bowling league, which donated $430 to the schoo!"s learning center. is under wa y and regular · participant~ or sub.stitules are needed for th is PF'O fund -rai.sin~ event. \'olunteers may con tact Mrs. f_;verctt Bieger Jr. at 5~0-1761 Jntere&ted bridge marathon players may call Mrs. Richard Lisk at 545-6517. College Pk. PT A M r~. Rol>ert Marold Pr"sident COMfNG UP: Cub Seoul Paek J9. sponsored by the PTA \rill host School Night for SC'outin~ at 7:JO p . m . Wednesday. Oct. 6. in the rnultipurpose room . Boys a through !O years are invited !o ;ittend with their paren!s and eel the fac ts on joining_ RF.PORTS : The Tndependenl Study Center is ope.n from 8:.10 a.m. to J ::lO o.m. each school day. Studen!s and fa culty members may check nu! books. audio-visual aids 11nd reference material. lt is ., estin1ated that more than ~ 100 students use this facility ~~ , ·. " every day, so volunteers 11re ' _ "t· needed. For further in-tr_ formation contact Mrs . ,,,.-..;;~ Donald Bruneau, library Weekend rhairman al 557-9643 or Mrs. Da vid McAllister, a i de Carnival Goes Western chairman at 546-6678 ... Dcnest Hess. chairman of safety and child protectitin, has been apP'linted to the Costa Mesa Cri me Preven- tiori Co n11ni1tte. Go te s PFO ,\Jr~. l.awtt.nce Lee Prtliident COJ\11NG UP · Gen e ri\1 meeting at 7 JO p.m. tomor- row in the multipurpose room will feature a panel discussion on fires 11nd van- da)isn1 the school ha~ suf- fered in the pas1 ~·e11r . P<ine!isl.~ will be n1embers fron1 the hoiird Or trustee.~. admini~tr.11 livr s1;iH. Orlll rl!lC Co1tnrv Shrriff's Depiirtment l'lnd Arnold Berm11n. prin· cipa!. Moderator iind leadl'!r A wesl.ern flavor wil l spire the annual carnival at \Voodland Srhool. Nev.•port Beach \1·hich \1 ·ill begin with a pancake feast at Ba.in. at !he school. Carnival of lhe disrus.~ion will he Mrs . Lawrence Ltt. presi- dent . Pres ;dio PT A Mrs. Hugh Tbompson President REPORTS: Under the direc- tion of Mrs. Jon McKibben. board mtmbers hosted a get acquainted dessert to raise funds for upcoming projects. Reo PTA Mrs. \'~rn Mollan President COMING UP : B11ck·to·~chon! ni,i::h1 frr.n1 ~ tPl 7 .1fl p rn. \\'erlne.~da,1·. Oc!. f>. in the mull ipurpose rooin Candy .~a le will t;ike place F1·iday, Oct . I. thrnugh ,\1on- day, Oct , 11 Prizes will con· sist of a radio and a camera for !he person selling the J:irgesl quantity in seventh and r1ghth !'!rade. Proceeds will hr divided hetween 1hf' studrnt hod.\" and !he PT,'\ t1·r;:is1ir1r.~ Slt1df'nt.~ ~el lin.t: h1r, (";:i~e~ or niore \\'ill ht !rC'<itvli ln ii skating par\)' \\'\!! begin at 9 a.m. So "I~ittle One" won't go hungry, Ronnie Buchanan, Suzi Allred and .Joe Carroll (left to right) take over the feeding chores. · Annunciala. principal asked for 1·olunt eers to help with hearing tesls in November and volunteers to help with the remedial reading pro- gra1n . The Rev. Anthony J\1cGowa n spoke on F'reezing and Funding. Yictorio PTA 1\lrs. lloujtlas 8o"·ler President (.;O,\ll!\(; l"P: Parents and friend s iire invited !o attend back-to.school night at 7 toni,i.;h! Jmmunizatinn cl1niC for student.s in kin- derg;irten. first Md fifth grades 11 l 9:45 a.m. toJM>r- row . W;l1on PTA !'11r5. Robert S•llkey President CO~f!NG UP: Memberahip drive will begin Monday. Oct 4. and continue throulh Fridav. Oct. 8. Ftlrthel' delail~ will ~ discussed •t the hoard meeting that will !ake plat!' .11t 9:4.~ •.m. Tuesday. Oct. 5 ... Bowline lt:igue p!11 y st.arU! o rt V.'ednesday, Oct. I, in Kona Lanes. Membership Rolls on the Rise St. John Aux. :\1 rs. Anthon)' Betker f'rc~ident CO/ll lNt; UP: lee cream social featuring students' c;ike decorating contest and cak " \1•alk ga1ne 1vill take plare frnrn 6 In R :~O p.rn . Fnrlay. Oet. 1. in I he sehonl h;ill . ·Chairmen ;ire J\1rs. Angelo ~carcelln. J\1 r ~ . H;irolli Thomas anrt J\1rs. Off ice rs To Speak • '~ .. i H· ... u:. r.-: ... Fun for All Promised Baseball, relay races and other gan1rs are on 1h<' a~cnd;i nf ('ook PT.<\'s Pla.vd;i,v "'·hich is scheduled to b<'gin at 11:30 a .m. S;it urday. Oc! 2. at the school. !!;<111- burge.rs. hot dogs and soft drinks :il;o;o -.1·Jll be ~nlr1 cl1 1ri11~ t h<' f11ndin g ('\{'t1 t Anticipating the fun a.re (left to right} Nicholas Krup~c . Frank ~e and flhchacl 011binka . ( f:rlrrror'.' .l'lnrr: A pfl.QL..fi,. 1·01rrl to f'a1111rnn1 Val/t!J, l/•111 /nJfJIOli Rtnch. Oc,nn \'1r11> nnrl Sra1 Br n r Ii Sr!rnn/ n1s1r1rt r ar r 11 r - lrn~·lier nrr1n-ni!nlion., 111ill n 11 fl r a r in rl1e DAILY ['11.()1' rnr/1 uirelc lnfnr- 1nalin1• 11111sf. be rrcervrd l!y Mrs. G1/bt1'/ T11r11b111/. .Sfi71 /l-1a11gr1on [)riv,. l/1111- 1i11gton Beach hy .'i p.111. '/'li11r.~rlay for p11blicat1<t•• 11-"ed11e$day. J Eo der PTA l\lrs .. lame.~ Powers l'r<'sidl"n1 t:OJ\11 NC ; L'P : J\1rmbl'!r.~hJ!') li n\·r "·ill ta ke placr. frnm Fnda.1. Ort 1. throu,'lh Fri· lia,1-. l)rt l.i. J1,1r.~. Robert Rnonr.v 15 ch:11rman, FY H;gh PTS A i\lrs. Rudol ph l.c;iBlanc Prrsidenl COMl i\fi UP . Jl,lem~rship drivf' begin~ Monday , Oct.~ JtEPORTS: PTSA theme for !hf' year 1~ t<:1'erything You Wanted tn l\now About Your High School Bu! W e r e Afr;iid t.o Ask . Ht1ndmade 11ems 11nd baked good~ are needed for !he uni!'g Country Store booth ;il the upcoinlnJ.": F o u o t 11 in Valley barbecue. Don11Hons v.·ill be picked up by Mrs. F'red Bolding. ways and means chairman. Donor.~ may contact ~1rs. Bolding al 847-3 1114 or Mrs. E. E. Jen~r>n ;ii 847·0568 r 0 r furthr>r information. Fulton PTO l\1n1. J amey .h1cob~r.n Presidt>nt COMING UP : Members v.·111 assist with a hearing clinic for students Tuesday, Oct-. 5. according In Mrs. Burt Chauncey, health 11 n d welfare chairman. REPORTS: One-ha lf of pro- ceeds from weekly howlinit:; le11gue will be u~cd tn purchasf' school material~. Lork Y;ew PTO Mike Bogen Presiden~ COMI NG UP : Unit "" i I! ~ponsor a pancake breakla ~t Saturday. Oct. 9. from II to l l a.n1. Tickets will be pric- f'd at SI per adult, 75 cent~ For children 8 to Jli 11.nd 50 cent.~ for chtldren under 6. Proceeds will be used tn purchase school equipment ;ind rna1eri11Js. accord ing In ~-1 r~. fo,1arg11ret Szyma n~k i, way~ and means chairman. LeBord PTO Mrs. George Boozer President t:OJ\1JN(; UP . Bnwlers .are needed to Join rhe lt'ague scheduled lo begin Thurs· day, Oct. 7. at 11 ::10 am. Beginners are we I co 1n f' . An.vone 1ntercstcd..;11ay eon~ !11ct ~1 rs. Mirhaer Redmond ;ii 968-6718 or Mrs. Philip l-!1ggenbo!hem iit 96fl·lfi81. Mori ne Vie w PTO ~lrs. 1\1ril'yn Ol iveira I'rts1drnt C0~11NG Ll P Carn1\al i.~ srhrdulrd S;iturrta\", Or·t 9. [1·0111 Ill ;i n1 !IJ 4 pm on the schoolgrounds. iiccol'd1ng to J\11·~ l\ilel v.vn Ol1rc1r:1, izrner;i! rh;-i1 rn1a11 Fra111rcd v:1I\ be ~an1rs and food booths ... Parent.~ arr in- vi ted to attend the 1~1:-;L in a series of coffee IHJurs tnn1or· ro"· al ljl ;Jll a rn . 1n the honie of ~1rs . 7'.l i k e K1rrhgrstner . Guests \~·ill meet !ht' ntw principal. Oa\"1d H o 1 m e s . and p11rtici pate in 11 discussion of school policies . McDowell PTO Mr~. J im Le h••s President COMING LlP : Membership drive is scheduled Monda y, Oct. 4. through Friday, Oct. 1~. acco rding to Mrs. Don Reis. . Wild Wes! Round- up Carnival will be pre~cnted S;iturday. Oct. 15. frnnl 2 to 8 p.m. Feal:.ired v.·ilr be gan1e booths. ii f11 n house. painting. rides. cake \''a1k and ;i 1·iirie!1' sho\\·, Refre:1hmen1s wi\1 bf' sold . Co-C'hairmen are Mrs. Paul 1\fock and Mrs. ~eley. Nieblos PTO Mrs. Carl Hobkirk President COM ING UP: Membershi p dri\'e will begin MondHy, Oct. 4. under the direction o! Mrs. Allan Kenney. Ook View PTA Mrs. Onroth a Kennedy President RF:PORTS : Bowling league - began competition 1Asl Fri· day and will don11te pro- {'eeds to the unit for use in PTA projects. Webb er PTA Lloyd Brenen1tall Pre.'lident REPORTS: Unit sponsored 11 Mee! Your Neil{hbor t vrnin~ la &I Mond:iy. Gucs!s l'it'wtd R film rnli!IM "Ac!ion Jlt ":ebber School." • John Purdy. RF:rOflTS· t>ftn1bershi[J con- 1e~t 11·11h the theme Shoo! 10 tile Morin <.1·as boosted by ~ record ;i!lendanre of 111.1 n1en1bers anrl guests :it 1he general meeting. Sister r.1. Communication -The Key to Success ful PTA "'ill be the topic of th ree st11le PTA of· flcers when they addre~s the first fall meeting of Fourth District PTA . The session will begin with a !l am. registration tomorro\\', in the Tale of the \\'h;ile res111urant. Balboa. Speakers are Mrs. Lennart Loading Up for Hollowei:n S1,1·enson. director o f ex- !ension; t-.frs. Ra y Adamaon, recording secret•ry, •nd J, Lyman Goldsmith. audo-viJual chairman . Hos! cou nsi\s are from the Harbor Area , We3tmlftster and Laguna Beach. Foll01,1•ing a buffet lunchton. Golden Orange awards will be presented. Selling Jla\lo\1·ccn cancly is the funding pro.ire!, adopted for lhe fourth year by Prince of Peace PTF. I..oading up for the sale are (left to right ) Pam South ron, Dnn Dix.on and Clinton !-ler\'cy. .. •• ' • ' Pointers to Ponder ! • ' • ' --' •• ' ( Coffee and a rcvie\11 of plans for the 19 il National Charity League Debutante Ball wilt be o n the agenda when mothers of the debutan~es .gatht:!r a t 10 ~_.m . Wednesday, Oct. 6. in the horne of ri1rs. Paul Connally. Pointing ~ut some no- no's" for the dcbutantes is Mrs. Melvin Daniel Kilmer Ill, ball director. 1'he ball wiJI take place Nov. 27 in the Ne\vporter Inn. wOmma@@~ iiJ@ocvm The volunteer Bureau of South Orange County serves as a clearing house for volunteer jobs in the e-0mmunlty. If yo11 are looking for a position. call the bureau fron1 8:30 a.n1. to l p.m. any ~1eckday al 642-0963. DONORS IN DEMAND The .<\n1erican National Hed Cross. Santa Ana needs volunteers to do telephone \vork in seeking emergency blood donors. Any number of weekday hours would be appreciated. BIG SISTERS Ladybugs "On Wing To Help (;ui!d number 17 n f Children's J·fospi!<il of Orange County has received its of- ficial 'charter and designation as Laclyhug, in keeping with a <'hildrrn's poetry and fairy tale Lhcme for county guilds. fvlr s. Al K r u ken her g • Ladybug gui ld president will accept the ch11rter plaque on hehalf of the F'oun!ain Valley guild, during a luncheon in the hospital nn Thursday, Oct 23. Fall Season Brings New Projects for Clubs f all days call C<1ast club members back to v.·ork. with projects and meetings filling calendars once again. Dance Club A square dance class for bf!glnners will begin al. 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 3, sponsored by the Lace N' Leather Square Dance Club. A! Dietrich will teach the class in !he Recrea- tion Cener, Hunt ington Bearh. There will bf! a $2 fee per cou- ple per lesson. Keynote s Tea tht Laguna School Dlstricl Admtnistration center LB Ebell Club HLL'ibands will be guests ol Laguna Beach Ebell Club inembers during a social evt>n· ing in Ben Brown's restaurant °'ginning at 8 p.1n. Monday, Oct, 4. Ari League 0.-f S. 111 thP Newport RParh honie of i'ilrs . D ou g I a s Sa!tsbury l-lusbands also are invited lo partlcipate In t h e classi>s, y.·hich are designed for wo1nen Jn the 1 n st two mooth~ of pl'egnancy and i n c·I u de discussion or breathing ' neuron1uscular control and ex· ('rcises. Sponsor is I h e Childbirth Without Pa in League of Newport Beach. Women Voters A go·see tour of lhe Orange Cllunly Board of Supervisors n1eeling Tuesday. Oct. 5, has I boyi' p•c:i fic fr•il i•cket\ for f•ll DAI LY PILOT ll. b•ft~•me rict":l e m•1ftr ch•r9t 1 l•1hioft j,J,"d, fttwporl Clft ft r 6 44.5070 Prospective members wtll be greeted by me1nbcrs of Keynotes, Junior Auxiliary of the Harbor l\ev of the Child C:u idance Cent'er of Orange Count.y, during a mother- daughter mem))f:rship tea Sun- day. Oct. 3. A dt>monstralion by l\lrs Lela Schade "'ill be featured .... ·hen the Huntington Bearh Art League meets at 7:30 p.n1 . l\lnnday, Oct. 4. 1n the Hun- l1nJ!tnn Be a c h Recrcal!nn Center. The artist, "'hose \\'ork is hung in Gov. Reagan 's office. pa ints Indian and r.te:i:ican moods from the Old West 1n addit ion tQ harbor scenes and landscapes. been planned by the League of \Von1en Voters of Orang.c l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coast to shO\\' in terested --" "'omen how the I e a g u e Mrs. Norman Cirkle will open her Newport Beach home for the J p.m. event. Pen Wom en A membenr meeting h ;, .~ .been p l anned by the Laguna Branch !'If the National League of America11 Pen Women for 10 a.m ~londay, Oct. 4. in the board room of Cosmetics Challenged At Clinic Facts and fancies o ( Cosmetics -A fountain of Youth:' wilt be disC'usscd by physicians. dermalologist~ and n1ake-up experts durin~ an all- day beauty seminar ; n Disneyland J-lotel, Monday, Oct. 4. The scientific look at CO!'· metic benefits >1·ill he sponsored b y t he Dermatologic Research <ind Pl<1st1c Surgery f oundations of California, Inc. Dr Ronald f.1. Reisner, associate pro- fessor of r-.1ed icine at UCLA, "'ill be chainnan of the course that starts at 8 a.m. Fall Me etin g Mission Ray, San Die~o will be the <lcstination nf offic:er.~ of the CalifJrnia fedrralion of \\!omen's Clubs on l\1 onda~" Oct. t Board mcn1bers "'ill nieel thruu~h Friday, Ocl. 8. under th e leadership of Mrs. Vernon Cunninghan1. Garden Center Two workshops have been ~cheduled at the Memorial Garden Center on the OranRe County Fairgrounds. Costa J\ole!'a The fi rst, on f\londa.v, Otl. .;, will be taught by f\11ss .Jackie Norton and will include the use of p;ilm lca\'es 111 hoh- dav decorations. The se<"ond, on .Nov.\, will feature tips for mini11ture wreaths. The \v orkshops 1.•:ill be of- rercd at 10.JO am. and 1 '.Ill p.n1. and reseva!ions may bl' in;irlr >1·it h i\lrs . \\'es t on \\'alker, Santa Ana . BSP Cha pt er Mrs. Randall lvey y.•il\ open her Tustin ho1ne for the !11on· day, Oct. 4. tneelini:: of Delta 1-x;ua Kappa Chapter (If Bet;:i Sign1a Phi . i\lrs. Nnrn1an Co:i1s 11111 prPsent a cultur11! program tilled G 1v1n~ and Reee1ving Friendslnp during the 7:45 p.m. ga therrng, Classes Begin nbserves county government 1n action. Follow1nJ!: the m e et i n ~ , rnernbers and ~uests will at- t~nd a l1111chN1n in the Sad dlrback Inn . S<1nta An<l , where r-.1rs. r-.1;iry F.vclyn B1·yde n ::ind \\l inston Up!cgrarr will spe<1k . Anyone wishing informatin11 or reser\'<rt1ons ma y call t-.lrs. J. 8, Keating. Pa nhe llenic Coffee and a program nn safety at home and on the slreets "·ill he featurerl during the first fall gathering of Laguna Beach Panhellcnic jjl JO.JO a .m. \\'edncsd;iy, Oct. 6. ~-!rs. Abe J: I-lay will open her Laguna home for the meting. Presenting the progran1 y.·ill bC' Detecti\'I' C11 rlene Ambrosr and Officer Ril·ha rd Kol7.in of the Laguna Bl'ach roller Oepartn1ent. HB Frien ds Ra y Bradburs. author and /:~~~~~~~~~~~frf~11111~~~~~~~ lecturer. will speak hc fnrc the Huntington Beach F1'iends nf the Library ;it a 7 30 p 111 1neeling Fr1d.:iy. Oct. I, at fln\drn \Vest Coll egr. Friends \\.'Ill he adrnil1rr! free , but ot her in1crcs1crl pcrsons attending will be charged SJ. Soroptimists In recognillnn of the .'if!·~·car 1;nlden .l ub1le1• Annl\'l'f'~ary of the found ing or !he in· ternational urJ!ani1.a!Lon of Soroptimists. l.:1gun<1 Beach rnembers \\.'ill ser1·e hir1hd:iy l"ake and Olhl·r refreshmcnL'i and hal'f' displays in !he m11in Tht Frimdlitsl S"101t1 !11 TOU111! A series or six classes in the foyer of La~una F'ederal Sa\·- Pavlov-1.amaze method of ings and Loan f11r a \\'eek childbirth y.·ill begin Tuesday, beginnin~ Sunday, Oc·r. 3 Panelists will analyze !he _ _ _ -------. melhods. some useless ;ind n1hers dangerous. intended to rlelay !he aging proces.~ for which American.women spend millions annually on cos- melics. hair care and plastic surgery. The course. starling at 8 a.m,, is planned for the gen- eral public interested in learn- ing more about bf!tter care of skin. hair and nails. The regi~lra1inn fee is a $2~ dona· lion to the foundations and in- cludes lu ncheon. SPEAKING OF VERSATILITY ••• Y 011 d1011ld IN th• "'1111y ,r11ctl• cal "'" of f!IK' "uollty •.• 11Ctrl' "Fa..cU11ll" Jl!NSE ( o • o 1 ' lmm~d·ol•lvl Cove•t oroy compl.i• ly• ,.,,.,.., b!ted-oed ko1d Mcl<i">h blooc.hed """ •o ,,., .. orowth. 13 ~-c111no coloro -.\n~ ;,. -'"°"'"""' oiJI -no 1od•no. =~YUL~SHA'N~;>g. f)'•: w,1., R""-Snompo~ II><>' ••"<> rick tr•m• 1hom11<>0 r ASHIC!f STYl.ED 4 HAIBCUT • Big Sisters of Orange County. a volunteer or· gani7.alion \Vhich provides friendship. support. to young girls \\•ho have problems. 1s having an orien- tation 'l'neeling at 7:30 p.m. \\ledne ~day. Sept. 29. in the Santa Ana Y\\IC1\. Adul t '''omen. single or married, will learn the total program and the big and little sisters res· ponsibiliiies to leach othe r.~. Bernardn Yorba. execut1\'e vice president of the CHOC hoard, will help hang the charter on the guild wall in lhe Cosmetic tnrl pharm11ceuti- \"'a1 companies .,..,itl displa y lheir products end & mnvie rnake-up artist will cnnduct a make-up clinic for the aud- Sw"' Sl..M M--TM--'#• ... till • r.M. -4 BUSY N IGHT Santa Ana Salvation Army has an active even· ing program for you t h \'oluiitee r~. especially col- lege s tudents, are needed to su pervise and lead ac· tivitie!;. EYES OPEN 'fhe Brail le Institute needs sighled people to assisl the hlind in many activities at the Anaheim facility. Hours are from 9:30 a .m. to 2 p.m. WARM HEARTS The American Hrarl Associat ion is conducting pilot s turties. It is in need of EKG and blood techni- cian.~ for a nr\v co1nn1unity service program. FOLLOW·UP OFFERED Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center. Orange will lrain volunteers to be assistant speerh therapists. Assistants ~·ill observe therapists during profession- -al treatment period so Uley can provide the client with foUo\v-up practice sessions. Variety of teaching a.ids will be used. FIRES KINDLED ('amp Fire Girls provide enjoyable experiences for girls 7 lo 17. Volunteers are need for advisors, program plannin g. and group sponsors. ,. You'll love the 'many ways of They're all at ..• malte"J ' WIG & BEAUTY SALON s•e-H•6 UO..D l ••t 17th StrHt COSTA MIS A HTl .1...GRf.N ::>;QtJARF. ·.,. i1n You'll Love Our Huge Selection! WIGS-FALLS-WIGLETS • hospital. Officers of Ladybug Guild. \\1hi<"h will assi~t in fund·rais- ing to defray outpatient clinic ience. e Yeltew • • expense, are the i\1 mes .""========"-=- l)nni11d Thon1 pson. Al vin Fon-1 da. Norman Nicberlein, Wayne Osborn. Art Del<1ng, Ed>1·in Boo1h, Tom l\ohl and \\'a!Jace Robn and Jump Suits for the whole fomily ... Slip- pers for Men ond Wome n , .. Beoch Jackets for th• winter vacotioner ., . Velour Topi and Pants ... Al io feoturinq : G irls' hostesi Gowns for toddlers to size 12. Sh'lrt. KIDS LOVE UNCLE LEN SATUR DA YS IN THE DAILY PILOT Olll:OLli ..... , 27J7 E. Co41I Hiqhw•v Co•on• dnl M•r-Ph. 671 -1950 e1111kl,,...rk1tf e M•ll•• Ch•r11 2l v .... 111 S•-Ltuliff THE HOUSE OF SOUTH COAST PLAZA l r1tHI S•r .. ! l"trl"CI torw"" J. M•..,I~ "'" U.S. M1ho"•I llnk. COSTI. MISA -J4'·1DM ------------ ·"' ·;_(-.::P.h"' ~L/ft.~f3 '~·, :7,fe ~:rood o~ ~ ·~·. _ _:,___ NALLEY'S CHILI With Be•ns Regul•r or Hot 1.5 Oz. Ci1n 29~ 608 EAST BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA REFRIGERATED DELIVERY SERVICE : PHONE 673·8310 SPIC I A LS -THUllS., fll:I., SAT. -SIP'TIMllll JO. OCT. T, 2 f MEAT DEP'T. SPECl'AL MARINATED WAS'HINGTON STATE RED PORK-STEAKS DELICIOUS TENDER & JUICY APPLES 19~ 79~ WI JllSlllYl THI llGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIS ,. '"' ~ALUABL! COUPON ... V~LUABLE COUPON I •@;J:J• 4@;1#1• ! ROUX "FANCI· ION!" TINT TOUCH·UP 1 t ottlt of n"t __ "' ~~~ ~~u __ 9 ...., '• 1.n s.-. ... _. ,...., _ ~"" n..., '!1!.!;00 ,. ... , Mtol IH ., ... ~, .. "' ""'9fi-ld i..t• ....... '""' Ha me 4ddress ____ _ Clly ____ _ Phone COUPON l llPIRES !Oil.II PERMANENT WAVE l:AlO• HAI• CUT 12'° • c::,.~,·:,1~:· '"~·o· . All YOU ' j ' ' PAY IS TOU CAN Gn PlllMANENl WA.Vl Pa f I ......... -M-l-..W .... _!!!..,..."II 4;0. .f.~ M •tt •• ,......_ •• -"".c•pll!!!ltt ....... p!rri!!I. Ha me 4ddress ___ _ Cily ____ _ ?hone ···----------.,-------· ........ . ... ................ ,.,J .'1 ' ' i I \,I •' ' ' MEN 'S & BOYS' -HAIR CUT s12s . " Q l ,, ,c l'Jf 11,Jtl N ,, , OPIN . ' - 5outh roast 'Plaza LOWER LEVEL-NEXT TO MAY CO . .. COSTA MESA ...... ~40-8888 • I • :II fl.ltLV PILOT. Budding Independence Stretches to a Second Helping 8), BARBA.RA. GIBBONS Jatns. IO\\·fat cheeses. calone· snacks. Serve lots of chicken, ntashed potatoes for the t1ml! hl!r trip! to the piua parlor or her calorie Intake should bf: direction Debbie will bf: in· Sot.irM•n ''led cniu.en, cn1c:t .... • 11 King. C,_ Majft 11'11 ,....ny ,_.. -lot reduced canned fruits, diet seafood and veal. \Vhen you being. If it's not there. you IOda shop, but Debbie eats al enough to provide a very !plred to add her own support Mlmm..i.,,_,, ~er.ion. "' '" • • • II the cow loafed around all desserts -you gl!t the idea buy beef make sure it's \"ery don't have to worry about least t\\'O meal! a day at rewarding weight loss at the by curt.ailing the extramural "°'m•llv-cilo<"tticcNc~ ... <111.n.• -• day and wallowed in mud , lta ve lots of fresh fruits and lean . Cut do"''n on lamb, JXlr'k 5('(.'t"ll'Ld.> or lhlrds! home. end or the month. Once the nibbling. After all, nothing ~~c1c11':uc":n''•;i~Li:''~u:'.:1?: beef would probably ~ !hi' \egctab\es around, but no 1unk and ham. No spaghetti, rtt.'t or Of COllrSI", ynu c;in'l monitor The dent you can make in scale geb going ln the right a~ like success! CHICKEN OISHll!:S, 111 <••• "' "'11 mainstay meal of Chinese _ _.:'.'.:__.::_:_:___: __ _:_ ______ _:_"----------'-----------'---------''--"--''----"---:_:_:__;_ _____ _:-=-=-::· ______ _ cuiiiine instead of pork. The Orienta ls le lt lhflt it was immoral to slallghter !'iUCh nob I e . hard·working <'reatt1res ns 1he CO\.\' or lhe ox. But the loll-around 111g deserved no better! \Vell. Americans ha ve no such compuncl1ons. The)' fee! that there's no belier lributl! to lazy.aged beef than to turn THE SLIM GOURMET it inlo a superb meal. And Chinese restaurants art' happy lo comply -with beef-based dishes unheard of on the mainland. FRESH·N-READY OMELffiES Your Choice of Varieties Regular 89c Pkg. of 3 Cartons e BACON e HAM e CHEESE e WESTERN e MUSHROOM 59~ FRYING CHICKEN GRADE "A" WHOLE BODIED USDA CHOICE CENTER CUT NEW SWEOEN 25 ~ .. ~~. POT A TOES ¢ s EAKS LB. LB. Never does East and \Vest twain more beaut ifull y than in the following dish; ClllNESE FLANK STEAK 2 pounds nank steak 1 tablespoon oil -:.~:~:-·.7".---3-9, CHUCK_.. T ORANGE JUICE .. 12 OZ. CAN HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS EASTERN GRAIN FED 2 onions. chopped I green peppers, diced I clove garlic, minced pinc h of ginger ''" cup soy sauce i,.~ teaspoon granulated beef bouillon I teaspoon cornstarc h dissolved in 'h: cup water 4 amall tomatoes, quartered SCOPE' MOUTHWASH 99' SUPER SIZE-17 FLUID OZ. REG. 1.91 AT OTHER STORES1 FARMER STYLE CREST TOOTHPASTE 2/'$1 PORK EXTRA LARGE SIZE-S OL TUlfS 0 R(G. 19« AT OTHER STORES Slice the steak diagonallyl i,.._ ..... ____________ ..... ____ _...J across the grai n lnto thin strips. lleat the oil (one tablespoon is all you need! 1 in a large nonsti ck skillet. Add the meat. garlic, onion!'! and green pepper~ Md slir·fry 'til browned. Add all remaining ingredients and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. I The peppers should be !lightly crisp, so avoid ove rcooking!. Serves 8. t9S calories each. Nice but not ntcessary: one-half cupful fluffy ~·hite rice per ser\•ing, SPARERIBS 92 calories. Flank steak is the basis for many Ch.inese·Americe11 beef KERN'S TOMATO JUICE . 46 oz. CAN di!hes -and that's good newsl------------ lor calorie-cou nters! Of all the cut& of beef, none is lower in lat (and. therefore. more calorie-shy l than flank steak. One pound of flank is only 653 calories, con1pa red with l,59i calories !or a pound of chuck, or 1,569 for boneless pork . You can use nank steak in place of pork in any Chine:ie recipe. F'or a quick·and-easy Or iental supper. cut flank steak into strips and stir-fry in a tablespoon or less of oil until tender. Then adJ a well -drain- ed can of Chinese \'egetable:c; and .stir..fry 'til heated through Serve "'·ell -la ced ~·ith soy tiauce. DEAR BARBARA: \\'ha! do ) ou do about a IJ-year-0ld \1·ho seemii determined 10 n1:1kr herself fat 7 Our daughter Debbie is on l)' !i reel 3 inchei; tall and alrendv she ~·eiWL~ 140 pound s. She 's a smart girl 11·ho knows th&l n1'erealing makes her fa!, but she still tak~ second and even third helpings of m :i she d potatoes, not lo n1ention till' pi1.z.as. ice crean1s and all the other junk shf' eats outside She could be ~o prett\'. but nothing I ~y rnakes any dif· feren«. OERBJE'S ~fOTHER FOREMOST IMITATION HOMOGENIZED MILK •;, GAL. 37~ PURINA LIVER DOG CHOW 10 LB . BAG r. • .. • LA RG E FRESH GRADE "AA" EGGS TUFFIES TRASH CAN LINERS 1.3 9 VALUE ENKASHEER FIRST QUALITY PANTYHOSE STOKEL Y'S e CUT GREEN BEANS • CREAM STYLE CORN e WHOLE KERNEL CORN LB. DEAR O.~I.: Right. noth1n~l----------~~·ou can ••Y makes llny dif- PKG. OF 20 BAGS FITS 20 TO JO GAL. CANS e FRENCH SLICED GREEN BEANS ference. so cool it and SSl\'e you r brealh. Debbie 's al an age ~·her'I' her budd ing spirit of 1n- dependence ~i1nply 1v on 'I permit her to follow your ad· vice. no matt er h n w WILSHIRE PICKLES desperelel;.r she \Vant~ lo be e POLISH SPEARS lhin, !And she ~·ants ln l>f' thin, believt me l But na~g1 ng OR i! lik ely to ha "" jus! the op. e KOSHER SPEARS po1ite effec t from \.\"htil yo1.1 both want What you ••Y won't n1allrr. but there's lots you can do. First. clear lhe decks of everything fattening. (You and your huaband can profit from this program. too. unlc~ you're bot h uoderwei11:ht, whlc~. I! very Unlikely for a mi ddle-aged American cou· ple.J • Buy skim milk instead of whole milk. diet margarine In· II !lte•d of regul•r. ice mil k in· ·1 stead of ice crtam. \ow<aloril! 1 1 _ !!Qda.s, dil!I bread. sugarless Cool Trick Wash out blood stain.~ im· med.Uitely with cold water. Hol water set.s 1he stains. 26 oz. JARS ,-· --- ' "·~ ~--- DOUBLE BLUE CHIP STAMPS II.I , , !)i WfTH TH IS COUPON NO M IN~~~~ ~::~RA S~UN~~y~A~l~~·MlPURCHAS ( ~ ON!: OROE ~ ONLY "NT AMOUNT YOU CHOOSE 10 8U'f I -GOOD ONLT AT I A"iGAlN 1.iSli f1 .,_§""'""'"°'' I 1 11 :1 II'' IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT 22 FLUID OZ. GIANT SIZE REG. 6Jc BAR M HICKORY SMOKED TAVERN $ HAMS 39 WHOLE OR HAL, LB. EASTERN GRAIN FED CENTER CUT RIB PORK CHOPS LB. JENNIO BRAND 2 LB. TURKEY PAN ROAST CENTER CUT LOIN PORK CHOPS 98:. ALL WHITE . . .................... 2.89 WHOLE OR HAL~ 79:. LIGHT & DARK .................... 2.49 PORK LOINS ALL DARK .. ..................... 1.89 Grod9 A l·L119qecl ·~ FlYING CHICKEN •-dy lt1t11t11c.ky •a11d Hickory Smok" IA.CON Northe111 f llltt of TU RIOT Fresh Morro loy 10 0 1. OYS TERS Jo• l o19t Lolt1 roRK CHOPS 39¢,. 59¢, •. 69c,. 89c 79c ... OSCAR MAYER ALL MUT-ALL IEEF OR vRllL Silt 69c WIEN ERS lb. OSCAR MAYER ALL MEAT OR CHEESE 69c SMOIOE LINK.~S-_;1..::2..:•c.•·c__ - Alt Me-o' or All hef 69c SLICED IOLONG=.• __ 1:.:2c.O=.•c.· --- 8 01, L .. nch1to11 Meat' P & r Loaf-Old FeKhlo11ed- OUw-Moch S<11lam l 49C cone SALAMI "· \,_-:--I~ :1 fi: I :J :t·l ·1'!4_1-- ( '· PEARS I MOUNTAINGROWN 2~S29~ BARTLETT ~ . .. TOMATOES EXTRA FANC Y LARGE SLICING VINE RIPENED HONEY DEW 19~ Prices Effective: Thursday thru Sunday Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2, 3 Prlcn ubject to stock on hand. WE GLADLY ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOD COUPONS WE GIVE ILUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACENTIA WE GIVI ILUE CHIP STAMPS 19th and Placentia 710 W. Chapman --- ., • CH ll'<IN . ~ , ·' -. • ' ' • • • • RAMBl.lltG ltOUND WITH SALLIE GnOUND ME.•T YOU'VE CO>!E A LO~G WAY You began being ground because l! made you ea~ier t.o chew, 2.::-cord1ng to the Ancient Egyptians. w ho probably had a problem ...,·irh what they managed to lasso, Then the Bahs of Est11n1a, Latvia nnd F'inland harl a tartar thing going when lhrv !>hredded you w1th a dull knife and ate )'OU raw. The nice trades folk of 1-lamhurg latc:tifd nn to the shredding for tcnderizin~ and better chev.•lng, hut they v.·ent one s!ep further <1nd cooked you. You e\'en- tual!y found vour way to America. · · Al the !urn nf the century a food faddisl. J M. Salis- bury, rec 0 m n1en d ed eating yo u 3 times a day for the relief of 8 maladies in· eluding gout. asthma and anem ia. You firsl found your \Vay between a bun at the St. Louis Exposition of 1904. People ha ve loved you, dn\vn lhrough the ages ... They ha1·e mixed you in £'very shape. size, and v<iri<1t1on possible. R!' being ground, you're a different texture. a change. You ha\'e bC'en combine d wit h el'erything from bananas to burgu ndy. Way back when, you were called hamburger. The scene changed .... you became, ground be ef , ground chuck, gr o u n d round. and ground sirloin. GROUND BEEP 1971 BEEFAGE The curtain has gone up and the footlights are on . •.. On this side we have ground beef, ever-loving. tried, and true labele d ground beef, Next to !he hamburgers, .,...e presen t grnun d chuck now labeled Lean Ground Beef. Over next to the meat loaves, ground round glit.ters. now labeled Extra Lean Ground Beef. One more time. on e more label . . . ground sirloin. labeled L e a nest Ground Beef. "Who care's:· laughed one of our nice lady shoppers. as she read the sign with the big ex- planation "The grou nd beef is the best. If you broil it, all the fat runs of f enywa.v, and it's got the best flavor ." Our happy lean , extra lean . :i11d leanest. ground beef m('n are all happy to talk about the !~be! changes. Please ask. Al so remember ,\'f1U <:an fll\\'fl.'-'i pick a pa ckaged si rlnin s!r;ik or a chuck roast out nf the meat case and .... ·atrh 11 being tn mmC'd and gr ound just fnr vnu . or course it won't he in t nn1 enient 1>: pound palliPs nr 1n four perrect 11 pou nds 10 fll A h<imburgtr hun, r1!her .,...t!h or v.ithout lhr ch{'rse. Jsn'l this fu n those B<ills and llam- burgitrs neve r ..... ·ould have belie\·ed it \VOULO YOU SETTLE FOR FIRETHOR!'I . . , Somebody asked if we .,..•ere going In ha ve red carpet 1n Richard's Two in Harbor Viev.· like v.·e do in Richard's One on the Lido Run. 111e aruwcr. Ulis is going to be a market of dif· ferent lilting colors to shop hy All \'try Early Californ ia • • ::i Don and his Seniorita wl'luld h8ve been very happy making love midst lht Azrock noor tiles In front or the dairy boxes , • the Spanish grey grttn meat cases .. the graciolll slate .. the Wflrm cork shades •.. the dash of bright orange rnnen food frei'!zers •.. shades ol the .sea, sun, sky and forest. Firtthorn Carpet dopples them all lnU> a warm saludos a m Igo 11 welcome m~t when you Cflmt in the front entrance. Richard's, the Pe op 1 e Store, soon to be two in Newport Beach. where peo- ple lov~ our ground •bf!ef so murh. we have: to p;rind il fresh every hour to ketp up with the crmrd. DAILY PI LOT .1:9 PHONE 673~360 FOR HOME DELIVERY PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 30, OCT. I, 2, l IN OUR DELIVERY AREA CERAMIC VASES , POTS . BOWLS, AND JAROENIERS REGULARLY LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD. ATTHE ENTRANCE TO LIOO ISLE HEALTHFUL AN D DELICIOUS BRAN MUFFINS 6 for 69¢ ~~;;!~•·GOOD TOASTED FOR BREAKFASTI RAISIN BREAD 49¢ LIGHTLY SWEET DANISH TEA CAKE 89¢ SUPER WITH CHICKE N POTATO ROLLS 6 for 31¢ Orc;en Serenades for your pleasure by Berni c:e fay LUNCH BOX SPECIAL! NEW CROP, CRISP, NORTHW EST JONATHAN APPLES s LBS. $1 FANCY, LARGE STALKS. UTAH TYPE CELERY EACH 19~ JO ADD ZEST TO OMELETS , MEAT LOAF, SALADS GARDEN FRESH BELL PEPPERS LB. 19~ VINE-RIPENED , THICK MEAT, SWEET MELONS CASABAS LB. KNUDSEN FIRST QUALITY BUTTER 1 LB. as~ LA URA SCUDDER DRY ROAST PEANUTS GREAT WITH SOUPS, SUNSHINE BANQUET WAFERS 1l oz. 11 OL FOR SAUCES AND CASSEROL ES, CAMPBEL L'S 69¢ 33¢ .TOMATO SOUP 10•1. oz. 8 FOR $1 FLEISCHMA NN'S REGULAR MARGARINE I LI. 43¢ GLORI ETTA STEWED TOMATOES 16 oz. 5 for Sl M.J.B. COFFEE 1 LB. 79~ M.J .B. COFFEE 2 LI. 1.57 J LI. 2.33 GOLDEN GRAIN BEEF RICE-A-RONI I OZ. 3 for $1 GOLDEN GRAIN Chicken Rice-a-Roni a oz. 3 FOR $1 GEBHARDT'S Chili Con Corne Wi th Beo n• ll'I• oL 3 for Sl CREAMY OR CRUNCHY JIF PEAN UT BUTTER 11 oz. 59¢ BLACKBERRY. CRABAPPLE , CURRAN T, ELDERBERRY , GRAPE OR STRAWBERRY Smucker's JELLY 10 oz. 3 FOR $1 NEW COOKING IDEA BROWN-IN-BAG FROM REYNOLD 'S, SEE-THR U 1-14110" l.IGS 69¢ Meat ba~les it1 ell, brown' e venly, a nd oven a nd pan t.tay clean! Whet a 9re11! idea! For meats up to 12 lbs. Royole Poper Tow el• Royole Facio! Tissue Roya le Bothroom Tissue Z·pl1. I JS t:t. l -ply 121 ct. J-ply, 2 plr. STILL TIME TO WIN A SHOPPING SPR EE AT RICHARD 'S 4 for$1 4forS1 4forS1 And lupport Ho.9 Hosp ;tel Equipment Fund and other local youth charities •t t he sam e time. The South Coast Active 20..30 Club, a group of young nien 'dedicated to commun ity servic• is sponsoring this event. For more informat ion and tickets inquire at lobby information. Drawing Oct. I. ~~~~~the 8ecret Ingredient ~~~2!-* • I !GOOD NUTRITIONj " ,, .... .,, .)(. Teom up Richord's delicious, protein-rich moots with whole . some doiry products, ond you'll not only be wolf.fed , you 'll be well -nouri sh ed too. We've got two sp icy ideo• for you - eosy enough for the fomily. ond •peciol enough for com· po ny! ~·{ ,,, ,.,.I! ~u.. ,, • • ,, ,,c,# ,,, _,, '!' ·~· ,1~ "1' • -'!. • 'I\ ,1. -,~ I ' ,.1~ '~ • Ccimbine 2 C. 1our cre<'l m, I t1 p. 1alt , l/1 +1p. th yme, 1/i t~p . +llrra9on, 1/1 tsp. p1prik1, 1/• tip. 9lltlic powder, Dip ) chicken br•ast1, fr split, in .. our cre<!l m ml'(fure, Then roll in -!if" I 1/i C. cornfl ake crumb,. In ba kin9 d i1h , , melt 1/. C. butter. Arra n9• chick•n, skin 'If- side down. Bllka '45 min, in 3506 oven, turn a nd b<!ik• 20 mjn. more. Add I C. cooked 11; 1hrimp and 1/• C, chopped rip1 olive1 to ti· ma inin g iour cream. Heat. Serve over chic:k- . 'f; ~ '"· Cook 8 ot. pkg. noodl11. Dra in. In • bowl, add I C. milk to I can conden1 ed cream of mu,hroom soup. Add 1/J C. chopped 9r1an pepper a nd 1/4 C. chopped on ion. Cube coo~ ed ham to equal 2 C. Shred .Swis1 ch••s• to equa l 1 C. In C•11erole elternate 2 le y•r' e1 c:h of h•m, noodl1s, ch1e1• e nd iauc:•. Beke 30 to '40 min. in 350G oven. I RICHARD 'S SECRET INGREDIENT -WE LOVE PEOPLE! l RICHARD'S FEATURES ZA CK Y FARMS POULTRY. A PREMIUM GRADE AN D CALIFORNIA GROWN . THESE PLUMP CHICKENS ARE DELIVERED TO US, FRESH DA ILY. YOU ,CAN TASTE THE DELICIOUS DIFFERENCE. WHOLE FRYERS. 39~ LB. You c1n-roa1t them, fry th1m, broil them, barbecu• th1rn or do th1m up on a Farberwer• roti11erie . CUP-UP FRYERS OR SPLIT BROILERS Serv i them with new pof<1 foes a nd ta ngy chedd•r che11•. HAND CUT CHICKEN BREAST Whole or spl it. , Fold 1our cream into rich c:h ick1n 9r•vy •nd 1erv• with brown ric e. HAND CUT CHICKEN LEGS All 1wHI dirk meat. Saule in butler and onions, then brai,, in ri1 .. ling w in,, FRYING CHICKEN LIVERS Hive I midni9~t supper omelet! . RICHARD'S EXCLUSIVE, FULLY COOKED HICKORY SMOKED DOWN THE CENTER-EASY TO CARVE. HAM. ONLY I LITTLE ROUND BONE WHOLE HAMS 10-12 Lb. Avg, 98~LB . 1h HA U S-6Lbs.Avg. 119 IWI No center slices remov.d. e LB . Fry like b•con for bre1kf11t. SMOKED PORK CHOPS SMOKED PORK LOIN ROAST 1.39LB. 1.29 LB. 1/1 ST UFFED CORNISH HEN 59¢ ~a . J uit bak• I hr . 11 325 ' in its own loil pan. Serv• witli Hot Germ1n Pot1to S111d. MARINATED CHICKEN W INGS 49¢ lb. With 9round c;h ili •1, curry, oregano, STUFFED ROASTING CHI CK EN S 59¢ lb. Fl avo red with onion , c;•l1ry & roi•mary . KNUDSEN'S HAMPSHIRE SOUR CREAM PINT 59~ HARRY AND DAVID Preserves, Jom• e nd Jellies Br emner Wafer' 12 OL SOL 79¢ 59¢ Danish Cheese SALE B oz. 59~ CHOOSE: CREAMED HAVARTI, ST. PAU LIN WEDGES, BABY SAMSOE OR BABY MUENSTER. DEMO. TOO! OSCAR MAYER, All MEAT, PURE BEEF OR THICK SLICED BOLOGNA ,, oz. 69¢ OSCAR MAYER, ALL MEAT, PURE BEEF or GRILL SIZE WEINERS 1 LB. 79¢ START OFF THE DAY HEALTHFULLY-TREESWEET GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 5forS1 '01 . Knudsen ICE MILK Grandma's Egg Noodles FRESH 'N' READY 1/1 G.IL, 49¢ 39¢ 11 ot. OMELETS J Pll. 4 OJ'. I.A. Bi rd • Eye Broccoli Speer> 11 OL BIROS EYE 10 OZ. Fordhook or Baby Lim a Beons Shanghoi Won Ton Soup "oz. SHANGHAI Swee t & Sour Be ef or Po rk SHANGHAI ALMOND• CHICKEN 14 OI. 79¢ 4 for $1 4 for $1 49¢ 79¢ 79¢ LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY 'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS ~;.J,..,. • ...c.._ MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP OPEN DAILY, 9.6 DAILY 9 -5:30, SAT. 9.5 O~EN DAILY 9·6 DAILY l :l0-6, SAT. 9:30-5 OPEN DAILY 9-7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 I ...... ',.ff'\ 4 ... • 40 DAILY PILOT ' . SPARE RIBS EASTIRN GRAIN FED SMALL MEATY PORK 59~. ~SLICED SANDWICH . ~ MEAT SPECIAL! ' o"•','r· Ham. 3-~1 ~~:~~<>! 2-ggc ar urkey. · '""· Spicy Beel ...... "'" .~:::':.;"B .. , •·• '" ..... ~:~~~·:c.o:•r.r 79' :e"!~.l, .. °' 3"' Ull SAUSA<iE _u. WIEMEIS --··· u .or_ 7· ~.:~-4"' ~::: ... .;:":. ... -73' ., SLICED IACOll _ u . ., WIEIEIS ------·la USDA CHOICf 01 STA TEI 1105. (EI TlfllO llff 69 ( ROUND BONE ROAST __ '"· USOACHOICf 01 ~TATEi llOS,CflTlflfDIEff 99• ROLLED ROAST ~: ......... "· fltlSH • lf.t.J\I • OEUCIOUS • COIOIJMO HOUltl Y 5 7 C GROUND BEEF .... .... . LB. USDA CMOICI ORST.t.TllllOS. QITIFIED IElf 89' RUMP ROAST ................... ... LB. 1-STTHIU S.THlll S ..• Ll.99< • 79 • RIB ROAST ""."""" .... LB. < OSC.t.ltMAYEIAllMEATM.ICEO 49' 72' BOLOGNA a.o~ 12.oz. SLICED BACON TABLE BRAND 1-POUND PACKAGE 45~ c LB. APPLES FANCY CALIF. RED DELICIOUS LB. °"' ~ ~ '?064 IDorLeu. ()n.IOA "CTJ.TOfi 43' CRINKLE CUTS __ _ ..... ' "'"""" 89' PARTY TRAYS ...... -.. __ •-oL W IT fl CA!AM SAUCf 33' GREENGIANTPEAS . ""' Ollf •~l 41 C DINNER FRIES _ ... "" c BEEF TAMALES ~UPERIOR 8-0z.27C " USDA CHOICE OR STATER BROS CERTIFIED'BEEF . S PILOl -ADVE RTISE" 8 CLUB • CUBE , . . SIRLOIN TIP ~ FARMER JOHN OR KRUSE SHANK PORTION YOUR CHOICE $1 · POUND .19 RIB STEAKS ~:~~AND Elt .................. . LI. 95< ROUND STEAKS ~::~·-T BON ..... . ........ u . 9 9< P~RT ESTEAKSNOTAILS u'1.45 ERHOUSE STEAK '1 49 , WHOLE HAM OR 5 7c BUTT PORTION LB. TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ·····", • ....... u . 1.79 COOKIES ....... . . .......... 2~K05 49c iiiCH0U P .............. -................ eo2;r~i 3 9c AMERICAN BEAUTY• LONG 2 ( SPAGHETTI 12 -0ZPK~ 25 COCKO'THEWALK 3 PEARS HALVES /r;:•; N0 .2'/, SC . OR SLICES ~ ....................................... CAN \iliiRAT0°W ELS .. Rg[~ 2 9c MOEisMiis .................... p~~· 24 c i0iETLIQUID ... 22-az.49c We Redec1n USDA Food S tan1ps 1n our Los A ngeles. Orange&· Riverside County Stores FANTASTIK CLEANER REGULAR SPRAY OR REFILL FACIAL TISSUES FACELLE ROY ALE 59( 5 C~~T s1 EA. BOXES ~--'---==---~ TOMATOES ~~,~~~0.'.~~--.. --.. -... -.... 2.re 31c TENDERLEAF TEA '""" ........ ,.oz 85' " RALSTON SUGAR CHEX .......... ,oz 37' GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ;~Ji'":''' .. ;, 49' MAXIM COFFEE 6~ili' .............. 8 0 2 '1.95 CANDY BARS ·~1EJd~f1z~s:.~ .... -................ u. 3~ 1 ~::::::::.v'O'' __ ~ 123 JIFOAMOVENCLEANER 8 02 79' ' GRAHAM CRACKERS ::~Jig, _ 43' KRAFTVELVEETA ·········-·-··"8 'l.12 MARGARINE ~::;~"o" ......... _" 45' SEGO LIQUID .................. 0002 29' ' OTIER POPS _ . ... ... _ "o 59' STATER BROS. TEA BAGS •8" 45' • MIRACLE WHITE BLEACH 2602 66' COOKBOOK SAUCES ~~~;;','!i~.. 37' CARNATION SLENDER . '"' 87' CARNATION COFFEE-MATE . ~i · 69' BORDE NS SHAKES "''----5 ,., .oz '1 ROYAL PUDDINGS ""-·-----,'[~ 11' MARGARINE i~J1~CH M4NNS ..... _ ....... LI . 4gc GOLDEN GRAIN 4•<GS $1 SOUPS ASSOltTID ....... Of·l · HUNTS WESSON OIL _ ""' 87' SKIPPY DOG FOOD .... .. . 20.0 2 18' NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE ~;' 1.05 ' GEBHARDTS CHILI "'" ·--"o' 57' CHILI W/BEANS G""'""' -· •U·O l 41' BEEF RAVIOLI ~~~'."."" ....... «>02 81' ' KNOX GELATIN DRINKS --"o. 811'. --""' 33' ,,.... 79' BREADED SHRIMP ...• '" llV"l"l 5 TIC•.'> 83' FISH & CHEESE ....... '"' 81•0S f •I '"H q,.•liQOjll 4" VEGETABLES AlST IO·OZ iJ APPLE PIES __ .................. 71' PILLSBURY FLOUR AQUA NET EXCEDRIN HAPPY ~· HAIR SPRAY TABLETS ••~G,!,. ,/;\\ 49 63 ""!'.:::.w:~· ,!' "· \\ D -0 1. ( PKG. ( 66 C [, :~ti;. . --.---~ ,' DIAL PKG. RINSO IEST V.t.lut-•_a.l(•lfOIVl.t.L•NCO.Of• 55( aunERED STEAK ______ -L:S. 62( TOW .. ><OUSl 59' SPARKLE BARS _ , ,..,~ l'IOS••1T•8UF O•c1<l1Si 39' ENCHILADAS --""' SELF RISING Lis . 67( BurTER1iRisckLE _,,,,.sgc 1ow .. ,.ouSt 39' ' ICE MILK BARS .. "" ll()Sl jll•T.& 43' cOcKTAIL UCOS --""' ..00'1 .. S!O,.Gi •..._..N 79' CHOCOLATE PIE . .,. "~"' JQ SJ TIPTOP DRINKS _ ·~ ''•00 OJI ""°~'l'" 78' JOHNSTON PIES -, ,. MilED' VEGETABLES -44' "C!SW!il 4"' GREEN PEAS --'"" L RIPPEN GOOD CHEESE SLICES \~~~:~I? .. 85' COOIUESAssT HUNTS GEL SNACKS "" ,,.,4g< 2 9 VETS DOG FOOD "" 3 ,,,, 01 33' c BRUCE CLEANER ~ooo ,, 01 98' PKG. CHEF BOY-AR-DEE LASAGNA ~~ 83' ASST . Of l6 " I ~=====::::;'.:::=====~':::===i i I 1,, ~~L'.~ii01 79< ~~f:MA 86< PONDS ~/'i , i\ 1 · DEODORANT CREAM TALC j' ( ,J , VACUUM BROM0 6 · 0 ' POWDER ·I'~ --~..j ' - CLEANER 49< SELTZER 86< s' '·°"9""' "''.> ~ ~ BACS . .t.s,r. KING .. s-OL c ,::~i:;: ......::;~;..._--~ VIENNA SAUSAGE ~~;:~ ---·-·-·. 01 2r LUNCHEON MEAT ~~"';~ ..... ,, 0 1 57' DOG FOOD "GW' """ 2 •O o 49' Blfl OA "0RS!Ml Al C A"I ~ STARCH ~~~J~\:~s 49' ,, oz 59' FABRIC FINISH ""'"'" 1001 59' l <1600 So l •o.•1111"1 Aft., Wnt~lftt,.. 701 Y:i:•" Mlr~tll Strc•I, Cocto 1-.1 .. 0 41:61 l~i11q1r A•o•11•, Hontl·910• leC":• ' J•OJ Wflt k••"""~'" SNnl. 501110 Ano 1811 Chopmo11 .t.v ... 110, G.,:0::011 G•ovo 1160 Ho•I~ T .. ,i:n "'''""•·!onto An o KING SIZE " DETERGENT '\$1.19 t . 51 , CHUNK TUNA '"'""0. '"' "' 71' ' 'l CA~ llGMT NO. 1 CAN PRICES EFFEC. THURS. thru WED .. SEPT. 30-0CT. 6 13(10 (ll'lt Col/1111 Ave~M, Oro•<JO 1s:2 Wittt'"!11sttt ll•d., W11tr11 i~shot J4)1) W o1t l incol11 A•r 11uo, A1ol1t i111 16)0 l :ll119ttt .l¥t>•110, ~""''A no 12l0 Mc ~'!-'dq.11 ''"'' -~~ 10 A110 , 2564 Wnt lroodw..,, A!tGllM 2130 N•wport 11,.i .. Co"o w..,. 11 71 llalit r 5,,...,, c"" w .. 141 71 P.M Hiii A•on110, Totti. 14211 ,,,. ""A.,, .... ~. w 11rn1 ... ... , • • f ~ .. • i •.. ~ .. • ~; ~.·. =~ -· • . . , .. •,• :'l>, ... :i ,, .. ,, .. ·~ '· ... ' 'A'r"d"tsda1 :;t~1~,,,, _,_, 1_•_J_,,_1 _ __.:._ __ P1_Lo_r ·_•_ov_••_r_JS_E•'-'l"" .. '' • '' • " • • ~I 1 .. ... }, . f:(t;~!f~. Alpha Beta Marketg, you know, are Number One in Total Discounts. And t h e only place you'll fi nd fa mous Butcher 's Pride Meats . Alpha Beta also has their own terrifi c line of private label item s. Plus an even greater va riety of brands and sizes t ha n you had a t FAD. What about FAD? We've gone to Alpha Beta too. Monday, September 27, a ll FAD Markets became s omething else: Alpha Beta Ma.i;ket3. And we'r e all looking forward to seeing you here . • • I DAILV PILOT Sesame Opens Vistas FRESNO (AP \ -The liny sesame sttd. a staple on countless hamburger buns. may expand to other uses if researchers can d' v e Io p tt'Onomlcal method~ to grow and harve:st the plant in Cali(ornia. Until 001'', me c ha n i t' a 1 harvesting has been proh ibi- tive because 100 many ~eeds were lost in tht: process. said Rill B. Fir::her. a Fresno County farfli adv1sPr. <.Ansequently. all tht: sesame sttds and oil e-0nsumed in the Unilt:d Stale! are imported from area~ were they are hand picked. primarily from t.fexiro. other C ent r a I American countries and North Africa. Tht: primary uses or sesame now are the seeds sprinkled on buns and salad oil. 'out H .. an1- ple supplies" coulbe grown domestically at a profit . Se!ame oil might finds its \\'aY into soft drink syrups and oil for snack chips, Fischer predicted. Sesame oil has two qualities which might interest soft drink and chip manaurac- lurers, he explained ~ it is unsaturated and its "keeping quality is excellent. The shelf life of those products probably would be doubled if they could use 1esame oil." In addition. lhe oil can 'oe used to lubricate fine in· 1trument.s. Fi!ICher added . With the se possibilities. .111gricultural !!Cientists have planted experimental sesame fields near here and Ri verside: to test mechanica l harvesting procedures. Higher wage s make hand h ;i r v e 1 t i n g uneconomical in lhe U.S. !'ischer 1ald. @ plentiful foods OCTOBER 1971 }'ea lures FRESH APPLES Other Plentiful• POik CAHNID PIAIS CANHID Al'PLISAUCI .,.411 AP'l'Ll JUICI llllSH P'IAIS P'OTATCIS lllGS UNITl"tl 1T .. Tl'S tll, .. llTJlll'NT 01' ilOltlCULTUltl 'Mltfwl I"-• ,.,...'°"' Dealers Selected Selecting 11 qua lity apphance dealer is almost as important as selecling a quality ap- pliance brand. To be surr !he appl iance store !or dl!'partment 1 1!' r~pulable, look for these 11gns : I. Knowledge of the ap- pliance ; or lhe salesman's willingness to find ans~·ers to all your que5l ion.5. 2. Willingness of salesman to help you select lhe ap- pliance that '>''ill best fit your needs and situation. Example· Jr you l!lrP renting a home or apartment. a salesman might 1how you 11 washer and dryt>r I.hat ca11 ~ used 111 a portable now and pe.rmanently installed lal er. Thal cnuld sa ve yo1. an un- necessary installation blll. 3. Voluntary warranty in- formation and salesman's ,_,.;11. lngneu to e:xplain how to get repair service. 4. Concern for and will· lngneu to soh·e any in· stallalion or deli very pro-- bltms. 5. Compe:tith1e pricing. Com- part Mlll "other Morel -tf:- member thou gh, some prltt$ include delivery chargf'JI Md aomt do not. STARS Syd~y Omarr Is one of !hP 14'0rld'r greal a'lroln· ~""· 1-fli column Ii o~ of Th~ DAILY PILOTS ft'l!&I fCfttUrC"!'I. • Wtdnti&y, Stpltmbtr 2', 1911 t ' ,, ' , \ • antastic in this ad, i lutling 81 DOUBLE DISCOUNTS, VICTORY BRA.ND YOUNG TOM TURKEYS c lb. 1-LB . PACKAGE ;:::------==~.~ .. ~.==-·r---::;;; ... . ll!CBEI'! lllDE • !£ND£R AGED B££F .. ~ ... '-ECIPl Of lt\l \1(£1.\1.t l)llll,, • ! 1&1'" ,'ro~ ~ .. ROUND STEAK FULL ;cuT BONE IN c c lb. lb. Yoor Alpha Bela Nitighborhood Butcher (the Man in the Red Apron) Proudly Offers: IOWA MAID BACON 52' 59' SUTC.HE!t'S PRIDE MEATS : DUBUQUE'S I -LB_ PACKAGE ROYAL BUFFET BACON MEATS YOU 'LL If PROUD TO SERVE • Quality & So1i,faction Gvoronteed • DiKoont Priced 1-LB . PACKAGE fARMERJOHN BACON IV!CKEl'S PllDE • 8-0Z. PACKAGE BONELESS HAM SLICES 64: cHucii"ioisiOM C~~;;~ 78 BONEUSS 7-BONE ROAST 55~ 99c lb. 59c ~- 1.09 lb. 1.09 lb • 1.58 lb. M. CHUCK STIAK BWI< CUT JIMM"f DEAN 1-11. •01.l 75, PURE PORK SA USAGE (.!i?:) ...... .,,.. ~ PERCH mLETS 58, BONIUSS FAMILY. ITIAK • BONEUSS RIB STIAK T-BONE snAK 2·l B ~O\.L 1.49 Mf.A I PRICES lfflCll Vf lHUllSDAY thfOOin W[OIHSOAY, SEPTEMBER JO· OClOOER g TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY FESCO FANTASTIC PLASTICS !~-· ~ ~~= 1-·' ··r~·s • -~-r··· Play Balls ' •• .. ,r,· • .,., ~I I'~ " ' CLOSE· UP TOOTHPASTE SOME A\.1'111 1111 !101£1 DllCOUNI C~I~'( f"R ICI .~c 56' --------·------ ¢c 49' ~ .;·C'lll'ir'[ ! )("t ~Gl • AU. Ef!ADtl c 'I~'": ·r• "'1~"0' ~CO !!I II rCtf"~·i.;'Joi; " •.. , CLAIROL HAPPINESS zjo 111 TOTAL DISCOUN TS EVERY DAY . ._-1.ct: El(Jt'.:~·: BAN ROLL·ON ~~DEODORANT PARKER JOTTER CAWDAR PEN ,· J;t ~~.U.t •I -._ .")r SOM[ AU''IU IL 11 SIO•El llSCOllll'f (IUR'( NICE ~ 1.119 74' 179 PLASTIC BANDAGES ¥c 68' "'I' ro.~·· ~"j"r . \. .. ,..,,. ADHESIVE TAPE ~c 541 J 59 I.It ·-)" • ~ •·rr· ~":.J. DENTAL --.. FLOSS ~c . 36' -----------------· f..,--'!" "' 'C ANACIN TABLETS ~ ~ ~c 531 fOlAl OISCOU HIS EVlRY OAY SO'« ill,MI ICTI ·tTO~IS O!StOUllll Wl'C n Jtl C't NCH. l~-OZ. ~Ar<. n<:vn..,. ruPGf: •DARY. OIOCOLATE • WH1TE •~'._-'ON 31' CINCH FR1lSJING Ml! '" · Ml:,; rz. PI G • r.ornr:~: Y£LLCW'. f CrHCrH-rcAfEvMll rooo ,SC 28' 47• 32• :· ~ ot ~Acr.A :r CINCH BROWNIE MIX ·~c r '.t:11 s •.... -:ir.., ''" FRUIT CDCUAIL ;·L~:!-~ '.'L'> • "lf-..0':. ~A)! "1£U.OW ':Jt.C SLICIO PEACHES , lie , 27• 1'AllTtLTT Pf.Alli>• )g.0L t"AN41 = l?c 8-ot. flDDLt f.\DD'..! Oft ~~· .. oz. SCR£A.MING ltu.O'l," Z0 11KEH!'' PDPCDRK SNACKS ~ 36< ~ :'9 OZ ";A~:• CHOCOLATE· TA.\'ll..LA ~HUNrsPUOD~li·rt~ 59' ~ ILPKI llTR • 16-0?. 33< ~ ~AISKt BREAD ~YAL-..:t: JIL,111 9fTI . • •-r-ct: 41 CINNAMON ROLLS "' VAC ' •LPll~ lfTI • < r Act ENGLISH MUFFINS ~rni::riou.i ~ · i FAcr. FRUIT BOATS 4~ OVNCf • !"R07.~N • (PP:.!"• l'c.ACH 31• 69• • l)llTCK Al'PL[ • f'GCON'-'7 Cll!;TM D 89 MRS_ SMITH"S PIES ~ ' r'ITCK PR)l"lf • 1,. G>.LLO!i ~ 39j IMITATION IC! MILK ?" 'ti oo;-; r • rRo:t1.1: BIRDSEYE rNTIRNATIUNAl .J VIGEIABLES "°' , l ~"''lf•: • ~ ni,;•. "[ ~A~ ~R! f:!'"'fr-. Ci"';:ctNTllATI: GRAPEFRUIT JUICE lie •· ··• • ';in~1 •; • \'RA:-;'.r.r f'p ·-c;1: BIR DSEYE AWAKE 4,1'< ~rl'! ~Hll.llf .l.r'l •i?l ,r; ~FROZEN OMELETS Sil: 45• 27' 37• 79; 29' i;,I, 54' "-01 • SHAMroo BRIGHT SIDE l ~·hZ. BO IT LC 55' ,,, 33' 75' T01Al DISCOUNTS EVE RY DAY ~OME A\.P~I etu ~TO~!! DllCOUNI CMI~'[ ~~IC! ~ V?. PAGKAG[ ·OR PlMt:~lT(} OR ':).V '.-'" ~~~~~~B1ElA AMf~FcA'N CHEiSr 39' l~ OZ. SL!Cf.D AM~fUCA!l • 7~c \'AL. 7lc ., ("1~1Cf: RO"'llD MAYBUD EDAM CHEESE ~~t,·i: · ..,.,.o•·,:-i.: PIMIENTO CHEESI SPREJD :;ic S'HARP"E~~DbAR' CtfrESE f'c: HiRRrw N>.-:(•;•.:. ;:;c:urq • I ~,.. 1, T, fACl.:A~!<: XNDCKWURST DR SXINLESS fRANKS ~npriri; .-• 1i ~- DANISH MARGARINE -~~-·R ·"•>~ CH1FroH M1\"RCARIHE 1/1 . 4.lc . jo co;·i;r . Mt[' 011 TODD'LD\ 67' 49• 39• I " 42' f~[SHt8Yfs01A"ui" 1j9 121i :;• llllf'lll!. • :•fl..COV1'''!" !_f, @ · lltSf;Nfi;cO~"o~· e9c : •l)r:LLY • -~ rz rA.11 BAVARIAH MRAUT D-... ~rr""LL''· ••r,?. CAll o. .. -., FRUIT COCKTAIL }'°c ~ !'!Qt;[tY • 1' j' t'lZ. CA." ( ~CUTWAXBENS le 75' 25 ' 261 261 6 \1i -OUNCE BAA LAVA BAR SOAP SOM E .STORE.S CHARGE ye 20c __________ .., 5-0UNCE BAR ASSORrro • ClMAY BAR SOAP SOME STOllES CHARGE jl>c 18c 5-0 UNCE BAR • BATH BE IGE• PINK • WHITE SAFEGUARD BAR SOAP SOME STl?,Rj"i CHARGE 3"' A PACK • 14-0UNCE PERSONAL SIZE IVORY BAR SOAP SOM~ STOll:ES CHARGE j3c 9 1 .1.-0UNCE BAR IVORY BAR SOAP so ... 1E s1q5es CHARGE ~c. 19' --------- 5 ~4-0VNCE BAR • BATH ZEST 22' SOME STORES CHARGE 2Jc SOME STOR fS 14-0UNCE CONTAI NER REGULAR SIZE COMO CLEANSER CH ... RGE 2jc. 19' A9 -0 UNCE BOX RINSO DETERGENT .SOME STORES ~CH ARGE D... ... , · ,,., 68' >-==-'=< 2B -OZ. BOTILE -::--,,. LIQUI D CLEANER MR. CLEAN , ~Excedrin £1cioiilN TABLETS .,.,, ...... ~~'"'''" 110 @SP0Nc'r~MOP F1~A:;7r11 ;(9 2'' I > r:~;rr-;o D...... t' ~. 1' ' .~ !IR{'ll.tllJll, f. •···-·• WILKINSON BLADES \,09 89< ~ ~<CKn<OeTH<"A 'cP'-47< ~SOLID WHIT! TUNA l"< SOME~STORES 73' CHARGE fie - ~'t '.JZ. l'H\JNI: LTGH···-ii•;,o. :l'lk 3'< STORE HOURS ~,, C." CHUt<Y. UOfff 'i'J'.'A /,]-SJ< 1111 CiJ.. Cff!J~!C UGK':-'t:JNA. /1~ 1lc Mooday tt>n.J Friday• 10 a"'1 ~...., "~-Qt Cltl.INK 'l'IC 1t: 'TtJN".O. ~" ,,.., ' • " ,.. • ';.(Jr liOL'O """!UTE J>;WA:l P Y..: 4k Sa h.lrdoy & Sunday: 10 om-7 pm <§ ~"' :: ~.-~ •r~"L f!V Hvr.·r •.f "r· 'IC>'"IRA''-HATURAltY . . .• FEMININE ~ 89< ~.· ('";Ncr eon1.r EXTRA STREMG!H MIC~IN 2,it 1" a,ATlfACllON r.u.U:~ll'lfl D Oii YOl/I ~Oflt'I' RlnJMll<l:D. llol.U T.U COi.U eno 0.-AU T.0:A8ll IT{IU. Ill(" Rtlll'll.flll '"NT TD •E'l!St SAlEl ltl COllMllCll.t.. OlALll l . ' • Our Cr.ot11in' i• Sito.in' A.join ... •ilh 2 St or•• opcnin1 ... (3026% Crown Volley Porltwoy irt Lo1urt• Ni611•l ond 4911 Norlh Santa Anita irt El Monts. COSfA MESA -241 L 17 .. St. HUNTINGTON IU.CH -9041 A.6- HUNTINGTCN IEACH -11,11 N. M• If. llOUNTAIN YALLIY -IJ•t w.._ LAG>UNA HILLS-2JS41 c.n. lhi le L•h9 IRVINI -11040 C•I_., U11Mnlty Petti SOUTH LAGUNA -J(llJl S. C.nt H~.,,.y ' .. iscaunts save you $21.81* •TOTAL IS COMPUTED FROM SINGLE-UNIT PURCHASE ONLY. THE FIGURE WOULD BE MUCH HIGHER IF MEAT & PRODUCE WERE INCLUDED. 21-0 UNCE PACKAGE GIANT SIZE AJAX c.:;:-,. \!'.::::;/ CLEANSER 21« :,OME STORES CH ARGE ¥c 84 -0UNCE PACKAGE KING SIZE ~· I ~ I : : •... , AJAX @ DETERGENT 110 l\'!;',',, ./, CHARGE l .7G 22-0Z. BOTTLE • GI ANT SIZ E AJAX LIQUID DETERGENT !'.)i:;;;-, ~ SOME STORES CHAAGE J'3' 44' 96 OUNCES 3 .1-GALLON JUMBO SIZE 54-0UNCE PACKAGE GIANT SIZE SPIC & SPAN !.OME STOR£S CHAR GE ! 95 99c ',i.-GAL. BOTTLE • 6-4 -0UNCES DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER SOME STORrEj CHARGE 1.r 147 64-0UNCE BOTILE WISK HEAYY DUTY LIQUID DETERGENT SOME STOR_E; CHARGE 1.r 1ss 28-0UNCE BOTILE TOP JOB LIQUID CLEANER SWEET AND JU ICY BARTLETT PEARS L B s CASABAS MELONS GOLDEN RIPE c lb. VALENCIA ORANGES CRANSHAW MELONS 10 LB . BAG DELICIOUS APPLES •RED 10 LB. BAG HONEYDEW MELONS ·~ STEAK SIZE Dry Fall Flo wt rs AT DISCOUNT PRICES ISUBJECT TO STOCK ON H ... NDl • DRIED '""'' STRAWFLOWERS 58; STARFLOWERS tr EVERLASTING ROSES 68; OTi-iEll '"LL ITfMS AVAIL.A8lf: AltTICHOIC[ PUFF ICITS EUCALYPTUS, SEA OATS, YAll· l'OW, NATURAL ll'°'lllEY, MIXED IOUQUlTS. MUSHROOMS y, LB. 39' 19~ GARDEN FRESH GREEN BEANS LARGE CELERY FRESH ~ 19' CRISP M COLD WATER SOME STORES C~~~GE 73' THESE PRODUCE PRICES EFFECT IVE THURSDAY tlirOUQh WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30-0CTOBER 6. All ~ SOME STORES CHARGE '1' LIQUID 202 a 22-0Z . BOTILE GIANT SI ZE I DOVE LIQUID DETERGENT SOME STORES ~ CHi'RGE ~' , 47' -------~--------- DRIVE 84-0UNCE BOX KING SI ZE DRIVE DETERGENT SOME STORES CHA,,GE ,,8 110 25-GZ. PKG. GIANT SI ZE BIZ PRE.SOAK IOME 75 STORES ( CH:/cGE ' ' --------- WE WELCOME FOOD ST·AMP SHOPPERS IN AN'f LOS AHG[lts, RlVERSIOl OR ORANC:E COONTY Al.PffA 9£TA. i I ' ' • i ' ') i t ' • ~ ' r ·' I , ) ·~ , ' IOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY ~ ~ TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY Pf.T[R P,1,N • l!·OZ. !All ~MOCTH OR CRUNCH'{ Peanut Butter ~OM( AL~K& l f TI SIONt~ DISCOUNT CMl•Gl ~·ICf 7/c 591 TOIAL DISCOUNTS • EVlRY DAY ·-liflNZ . )Q ~.oz r:AN ........ TOMATO SOUP ..__;; HC!NZ • l2·0Z.. eomt ..._ leg·O·ltfchup D-HUN'T S • 8-0t . CAI/ •··-· TOMATO SAUCE tic 10MATO ,AST~ E-OZ. Cf\~ \I~ ~~01.. PACKAGf. BORA TEEM 100-0Z. PJ:G. 1?C 63 1 1 f 1.11 @w'h11:1i;g'D' 1!c 58 1 Whit• IC1no Soelp • ,c...,._ pi.9. 79a U c :.r.n 1n.i:::r: PACl:,1,GJ: WHITE llNG Water Softener §{c 571 ~!LU.'IG • l.U C11., ~TA!NCll ,GROUND ! CINNAMON 45C 391 !DIAL DISC OUNT S EVERY DAY SOM( AU'HA I ll& sto•r1 111co1111r tKANC( ,tUCl ©•PLAIN • MAPLE:· RAISIN SPICE: • APPU: ClN!IAMON INSTANT QUAKER OATS f{c 411 _,,,.-.._ 1~-0Z. IA~ BORDEN CREMORA "¢c 671 Alpha Betll'• own Trav&I Aqency •• , ... !or 1he ""'"' lrov1l arnmg1111&n!1 PHONES: C71 4l 870-0JSI or (?13) &91-0987 ext 321 OUR MAN IN BLUE OF THE MONTH He's Jerry Schumacher, manager of Alpha Beui 's market 1t 14551 Red Hill Road in Tustin. Jerry always seems to be there when his customers need him to make tl1eir shopping easier ind more enjoyable ••• always ready to offer friendly, helpful service. As an Alpha Beta Man in Bl ue, lie takes pride in his store and in its products. He keeps everything working smooth· ly ..• by making sure there are plenty of shopping carts and checkers on hand, by keeping the shelves fully stocked and the aisles clean and clutter-fr ee, by answer- ing questions, cashing checks, and helping customers find what they are looking for. But most important, you'll find his genu ine interest in his customers is shared by every member of his stiff. This is Jerry Schumacher, our Man in Blue of the mon th. You'll find 1 man lik e Jerry in r.1,ery Alpha Beta market. He's your Man Jn Blue. The man you can trust to take good cir• of you. • Trw!t the folks at Alpha Beta to take good care of you. 1 l l l ,, i f , I 'J ' OAJLY PILOT Salute To Staff Of Life Bread begins with history .• • . back In ml.sts of Ume when primitive man first learned about crushin g grains, mixing them with water and cooking them on hot stones near his fire . The firs t bread probably was .a r~sult of an .accident when this porridge was spilled on a campfire rock and baked, A later probable accident opened the door to modern breads when a n Egyp- tian baker in J,000 B.C. left his unleavened bread doug h in the sun where airbourne v.·i!d yeast caused it to ferment. After baking, this loaf wou ld not be ;inJike our niodern counterpart. To mark: a time when man paused to rejoice and give thanks for the re aping of grain and his annual harvest, ar in- ternational Day of Bread will be celebrated Tuesday, Ocl. 5, during llarvest Festival Week. 1'he un iversality of bread and a growing concern lxlth at home and abroad over the issue of hunger and malnutri· tion gave rise to the Day of Bread to focus attention on this critical problem. Wheat , the world's most widely c;_ultivated food plant, is eaten in various forms by more than I billion people and mak es a larger contribution to calories and protein available to man than any other food. Mo4em versio n of bread's celebration as a world staple began in West Germany in 1954 and spread to other coun- tries of Europe, So u th America, Asi a and Africa . Each culture, eac h province, each section of the country, each nation has a bread that takes on a special taste, form or shape. Unleavened fl;it. bread, or chappatis of India, bears little resemblante lo the fruit bread, or stollen, of Germany. Switzerland is the home nf the birnbrot or pear bread : Bulgaria's most famous bread is the Bird of Paradise topped by cheese, olives, peppers And ham. exotic Barbados and Jamaica feature coconut and banana bread. Here in the United Slales, which has been part of the in~ ternational celebration .o;ince 1969 when President Nixon proclaimed the special da_v, one can find ethRie breild in neighborhood bakeries frorn Seattle to Miami. · On the West Coast, goldrush pr os pe c t ors CQmbined carefull y ,iiuarded starter with wild yeast to leaven today's popular sourdough brend , Yel, with all or man's pro- gress, bread making still begins in a wheat fiel d with a tiny seed. From this ancient legacy, it becomes a universal symbol of life. Lone Star Sh ining A fabulously good dessert from a Texa.~ hostess. ENGLISJI TOFFEE TORTE 2 cu ps vanilla wafer crumb~ y, cu ps {1/4-pound slick / but· ter, softened 2 cups ronfcclioner's suga r 3 squares (3 o u n c es ) unsweetened chocolate, melted 2 eggs I teaspoon vanilla 1 cup toasted salted almonds, chopped Generously bu tter a 2-quart oblong glass baking di.sh ( l \l{t by 7-,;. by l.Y4 inches ) Qr simi lar utensil. Sprinkle I cup of the crumbs evenly over the bottom of the dish. Cream together butter and sugar: thoroughly beat In chocolate and eggs, then sti r in vanilla and almonds. Spread carefully over crumbs and sprinkle remaining l cup crumbs over top. Refrigerate overnight. Cut Into 12 squares. Washer Recycled Jf your washer does not have a pennanent pres.s cycle, follow thll procedure: At the end of tht: wash period, let the wuher draln i lmost com· pletely, then slowly advance the control until the wasker begin.• to fill for deep rinse. Allow tl\e washer to com- plete. the cycle automatically. 1'hcn put the washer through an addilinnal rinse cycle. Ah••YS use hot or warm "attr and cold rinse temperature . 44 0.lll V P!LOT Hel pf u I Neighbors Wi 11 Help Ease Life I the Wilderness D&AR NAN : I QDdustaDd mix It can be adapled for so than in fhnisy OOxes. Store state home ec"nomir.s IP;ir\Pr "t dnubl lhal sht will be th15 e111·1rnnment. 'ThP e:.· lb•t cr1b1m flour 11 the samt man~ ihtngs away from light and heal of the Dloperat1vt Ex1PnS11'\n anyu·hpre where shE can e;..· ~rit>nce flf olhFrs will be 1i whole w~11t flour. We hl\'f: If baktng e-pnwder u, kept Commercially CAJlJltd goods at the Uni\•er~ity of A.li15~a pPCI tr.i make her ""''" hutt."r shared willi ngly once she l.> on our own wbe•t mill and l'njoy tishtly and 1·arefully ctJppEd it stay sale a~ long as it is not \lo'f!"l1e In reply lo my 11uery. anrl cream. Dairying 1s prelty the !iCCnP" all whale wbut f!'l(ld.J. 1 b;,1·e sla\"s gf'l(ld indefinite!~'· '\'hen rus tl'd through,, 1n which case "~'nt all of Alaska is sub·zero much confined t<l the I trust \'nu alread~· h;i1·,, .i ll btt11 tryiog to find a retlpt for 1n doubt. test by sttrriiie: I 11'\U 1rl'l!dd h111·e &P<>pai;:e . Rut l'lu! she will ha \'e to rnake ~UrP .\.1 at;;inu~lt.a a.rt.a 11nrl pns~1blv a1·a.1l;ible 1nfr.irmation on !hat graham crackers and am won· IPas poonful tn I cup hn! ""'t"r an1• t•nie a r.<in bu l<:P'i at l ~f'! hPr ranned ![iOOds are ~tnrrrl thP Ni1Hhf'i1~t ~1 .1· nnl.1· :-lalP-p::ir1 rof Al;:i•ka \l'here 1·nu in· dering U you ca11 hf'Jp. If 1t bubbleli bouncily 1! is ;Ull rnds. ~Pt !'Id rif it right nn"'· ""he re rf-tere isn't a chance nf JY1Pnt tii th1;; hnmPrriakrr nn tFnrl tn :;.11t1le anrl frnm a S\'LVIA SALIS B l 1 RY , 11ka.1-Sprrrs rP.t.;11n lhP•r That :;peJl r, OOtulls.m thPrr frf'ezin g and the seals r"r~pPrlp·,. rr1~h! he man:· thorouthl" 1rui;t\\·nrth1 3nurc,. " stnn• r1.:tit Hl [)Ptrn1l w\1PJ"P ~ ou 11.·1fl find hci,nrl coffef grmder:;. Elsrwhert 1 ha \'P located .!! morle~~· .. pnreti .!O!ntll'< rhurn for yn1J or ynu can haunt an· ti'lUI' ~h(lr• M11n1111l H'.'P rrPa m ft·eP 7Fr" ar~ ~!Ill ;i1·ail::ihlF at l~rg• harrtuarF nr dPp::irtm,nt stnr"~ A nrPr nr fnnrl mill I "11! 1ake CAT" of purePing Jobs for your bab)"b fnorls. OGDEN strength belter in Ja rs or tin~ Here i:; what Jane \~'ind;;rrr, breakin~ hll l'f' SUfl'll P<i anr! Pl'\J!"IVed ThPre I ~ a $pPrJa lty rnok\l'f!fl• Oh )":tu lurk\' &trl 1n ha1·p]---_:::_----'--------------------------------------'----------------------------------- '.\!an \\'iley tf'gie~ that rl!t c;i nnot providt per ~ o n a I iini;wl!ri; In vour cnokinE aues· l ion~. hut riUes.l!ons of ~f'oer -tl 1otprf'St ll'ill bl> 11n!11certd In hrr column Arltiress ~·nu~ ri1Jl!~t 1Qns !.I') 1\'an \\11ley in c~rt nF the DAILY PILOT your o"·n mtll' \·e.;. \l'hole LETS ASK THE COOK by Nan Wiley u:hea t and graham flour are thP. SaJnP. It ca.me to be k111'111·n a:; "graham"' back aroun~ the turn of thP f'ent(lrv ~·hf'n a SvlvestP.r Graham. 'the leader of a sizi>abli> hPa)th rult. decnr.cl lhF J n c r e a ~ 1 I]~ popula.rity nf while f10ur ::irid advised !hf U~f of "·hnl e wheat. on the ,o:round~ I hat t.c. 1~ more nutr1t ioU.'\. The re. ts snme .ttgument abou! !ha! t.nda ,v hut it does ma.kl' fnr unequaled f!;vor Honest·to-goodness u· h o 1 e tl'heaf flour contains thf nu! er bran layer cnmplett w11h the ,·aJuable \l'heat gcrm \rh1rh 1;; milled out of u·hl!E. flour JI'.; a rare cookbook "'hich bothe~ with crackus !-Oday although I find some sketchy reci pr.s in gp veral 1897 book~ I Hou·ever, I checked "'Ith m~· !r1end Sally Goodpasttrre at Polo. :\10 She is !hi'.. lady u•ho doe;. all lhf organic gardenlflg and cooking and ~he does. 111· detd. makE. her O\\"n graham crackers. She ;,av;,' Until lod.;.1· I ha1·e ~1·i;r niade what rri1ght bf called a r~I graham crackEr although my mother did wh£:n I \\'as a child . The whol p wh~t crackers I have been making are dnnt with lhe bread dough . You JUst have tn pat It Uun and bake l.I1 a 350 oven for 10·12 minute~. but to- day I decided to exoer1men! "l mixer! 2 tablespoon.: ! ' cooking oil. 2 tablespoon~ honey and 3 tablespoons water I thoroughl y. then stirred tn a 'pinch o! salt u'1th z::i rupl whole 1\·heat flnur 2nd !-; tea· spoon baking po""·der. m1x1ng until LhE> dough left the side,.! of the bou•L "I patted lht3 out on a irreased cookie c.h~et and u•hen ft stuck to my hands sprinkled morf ""hole u•heat flour 01·er 11 tUl I cnuld pat lo i, rnrh thickn ess. I pricked !hi' dough wi th a f0rk and marked ! but not cut 1 11 1n!o 21'2 tnrh square.$ to be b;iked at 37,l far I 8-10 m111ute~. This makes IF.1 crackers. "They dri t.as!e similar In Lhose 1 a!.f: a~ a chilrl. The.v are ta.sly and my husband recognized tho>m a:;. _2'.raham cracker;, rti;!ht au·ay wit hout bf'ing !old \\'h(l]I' whl'a! nnur without ~·!'ast 1:; harrl tn rnH !i-11 Iha ! IS \\ hv ! JLl51 p.:i1lerl 1 think thi.; cnuld be (nrm fd 1nln J roll and chilled. !hen shcerl and baked .. DEAR 11\4,'.\': I bl>Pe ynu can1 brlp me q·itb I.bi~ oOf . Jn tbf .;:pring ""' M P ml)1·\n,E tro l Ala~i...11 .?Dd I \\"ill bf nut 1n thF wildtrnr~~ alnnr. H.1•t ;·no ao:-i informatif1n nn makin.i: rhee,r, butl Pf e:t:!d ·~u\a::r trnm ~cratcb'.' U"t wi ll h;11·p nn ett-rtricit~·. Since '"'·er~·thui ~ ha• 1f1 n,. floq·n In anrl 1~ ~n e\p.tn~h·, I plan t.n 111.l.;P ~orne ~uppliP\ •itb me but am ""nnrteri111: about biiw long hal<iD;: pnwrltr. spices and c2n11ed good~ '-''111 ketp, \\"hf'.tf r;i.n ! £f'I an 111<1 f.a~biC1ned butler rhurn , c11ffe, grinder anrl jr" c:-r, -1 m ',fntter'.' .\U Ibis i~ n•w to m~ J al~o ha\'" 11 li·mnnlb:-11lrl baby lf!rl will hf miiking hh fMd . ~tR. 8. KECSKES. EAST DETROIT. r..·ot only 1.1111 l b€ ~lllrl to ~r.t that you gtt chrest. l'itl!lf'r an rl sausag~making 1nlnrmat1rin but I knou• I can co11nt rin lln \ ?lumbf'r of readers '-'"ho u·ill rush to your 111d. There arp .JtiU good. kind ~P l" 111 !hi5 world. I al M "'lll se~ to 11 th~! you get a do-it.yourself b1scu11 Pea r Crisp Hos Crunch Dessert lovers u·1Jl go for th.i& delectable P~tr Crisp ui ~ big way. Serve 11 warm with whipped cream or sour cream. 1 Combine S cups ~lic"d fr,.sh .B&rUett pea rs . "•cup su_ear, 2 t,easpoons lemon juict and 1, teaspoon ci nnamon. Place 1n buttered baking dish. Sprlr1klf' . with crumb lopping miide ii~ follow~· Co mb int 21:1 r11r flour. 213 cup brO\l'n sug;,r anr~ a dash ,.It Cut m I '3 cup but· 1011 l ter Mir In J 1J cup chopped :=~~•u at 37l degree• j J4081 C.:.11 579.1 .tOO f<>< I°"''~" ef mr. """''_.! )'Oii· Coll tclltt1 ii tol• \. 1906°1971. 65 YEARS OP OUTSTANDING RRVICI TO IOVTMIRN CAL110RNIA HOMIMAKDS . USDA CHOICE · Porterhouse Steaks ,;~0;;, 11~! J •BONE l Top Sirloin Steaks \[,lN s111 JUICl' i-. i.· OR CLUB STEAKS SJ 49 ! Chuck Steaks ,,,:';;6~~'.,,, 59:. i usoA Barbecue i Center Cut Chuck ;~·:;~ 69" 1 'OiOICE fovoriles LB. I Boneless Round o;,;:;;' '1~~ :rr:f.ft Fresh Spare Ribs ,~;:;:::~:~·;" 69~ .~ Fresh Pork Chops ,; ... ~:i~'.u::;:;,,89f. ·-,,, . ..,_,,,,,,,, ,.,,,.,, . .,,.,-.,., JOMATO Cl~T!l CUT CMUCK Ol 7-IOMI ~""""""' ""~'" Dep1. l 101•n food lvyr/ '"'~l!l""'t ::: e"''""" ~.,., .. ,., . .. o I DUNGENESS CRABS ::;, 65~ j ~ Br.,w<> A S,.,,e 5ov1ogo: """'·I-CL ,.G. ... 7lc _: °!;...,,fl ~I""(/ Tu••~t ll.0.1. ""''. ,... , $1.98 ~ ' • . -J ! ~·~c->,d ~(lvnd Shr i"'p .. .,. '"0•". l•OI>. $1.39 l &O~Ell$l 98~ C~UCK .... Shoulder Clod i Cto•ton'• Fi,h StlcL, ><.Ort. Ii ... -1'--0!1,. 95c ~ j Ctor!o"'' 5rollop Crispo 1..:ir, ... G. ,,,,,,,, l I 09 i ! c ... r,,,,.,~ c~ f,lle11 •O.Ol •... ~. • •••••••••• 96c I i'.C o'"'l""" r~eled Sh•;,,,.,,,,.,, "G ~1Jfl . .,,, ..... ,.,, "~"""'"'" "' ,,,.,,..,.,"'""" " . Jimmy Dean Sausage .°<i';;:Jsi Rath Dainties ,:b«;~·;';,, 11.! fl{{Pffl{f/( P ll'fCE /l!Pfffllf PRICE Pork Loin Roast Rath Sliced Bacon f'''~ ''1•~ 7 ~·g f»D Pon10•i ~·(, oo 1'<1~( 1-1 !. p~(t. 59 ~ 59< CARNATION Wff/l{ff[,.~..,.,...,,-,~,- (lEANSER ,.11te:it MJ B ~COFFEE ;:: COFFEE MATE .,. .. , 79• . "" ,., ·-·· CATSUP ',' 18' AJAX ' ,, 21' 'OIN • "'Jl:IV< "H v.c.,.TIO"I fOJ r;10 TC> .,..! U("1'>G (Ill" IY 1~1 l•Y. ..... .... ·•.·· On 111 Un fitrg1tt1~lt 2·Day Holi~IJ V.11'(; YOU~ W4Y TO S.lN fla'ICl5CO ON A ~·U!'1 7)1 1•'1 JIT O"~~ I ~~ n1c.i-·; • !'•' ('"l"'l~(T 'l(; ~)').: .. !~ .. A'ID S.0U'>< {'" C• 1•0~..,l ~-'"'O'i •~•o.: '"r 01~1: ,,,, • !. 'l'OU Will ,O.C.~![ Pt.A, GIV!S )QU . ,,. ',..,.,.,,,,"'-'...,''"'"'""'' .. ' . DRIVE.,. JHertzJ Yo 'uo<o' ·• ~ ~· ·~· ~""" "°" ~"'""~ uo • ~··•; ;<,-• C<>r •>' ,.. """ ""'''"O ,&.-poo•t r.·o _o •-'><' -••; .... ~·lo" 1"~ '""'" "'u' !-•"Z (,. -,• •·• o cc·: i·· i•u ""''' f'''l'' ~· -... ' "···· ~~··" ••• 1 •• ~· ,., Wl!NERS Will BE NOTIFIED: , .. ,, " ...... -"• '"""' ·--......... . ... :. : ·":·':.:~: .... , -· -, ELBERTA PEACHES Nolur Swee! ~ Ho Ives \~ i:='~=· FANCY fAIMS .... ,.,, ... , G~<><i··•• •.SSOtT!() .!;,.oz. c .. -i Young People Nature lilirary. This Week's Feature: "EVOLUTION". '3.9S Value, Only '1.99 al Vons! Banana S~ash Muscat Grapes 5• 19• · ,~ VODKA$339 toYAL VILVIT. flnH _ _..,, IO HOOi' Crest Toothpaste l!G\ll.a.• Of MJ"'7 .S·OZ. TUlf Prune Plums :;2 2 l 25' '"""""' 88' 14'0L m. ~Y,!.,f,~9!.E.,~~ 8 9c "'°' 68' oom1 ,_, 77' "AUll"I Adams Ave ,, at Broo khu rst, Huntington Beach Doheny Park Drive, Capistrano Beach (v/o/tt/sJ1.1.111111.1.1.1a11y VONS IAICID llANI l:' 231 '"''I•• ~ 4M • Miii :..1's= II• SHAUICHml<AIJ '10J1. C."-r <YI ..._..,, "'" •• 1Mlt. II\. \ 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach La1una Hiiis Plaza, El Toro - VONS COFFEE • (".0'•1~< 1 • r,., 'S OWIATIJJEN l ·DAY WEEK ·fND 8UYJ! na c lb, 0..•<ilo C...0..td fifi"I t!' I°" I '01 ,.,,_ "' , , ,.... 6,\e 0.co• -r..-!.-,0" l••I• ''°' ..., · .......... 13< o-..,, Mnv•• A"·'°lte< ....,,._. • " ""'· • • . • ... ;l":I< O...or M<Jyo, •"·""' w.1 • .,.," ,.., ....... l)i 21082 Beach Blvd , Huntington Beach 17950 Magnolia, Fou ntain Yaney ' ' - El Rancho meats ... always properly aged ... tender ... delicious! National brands ... at Super-Savings prices this u;eek-end! ROUND STEAK --~ S& w ~:ABLES Look for the difference! Center Cuts •• , from U.S.D.A. choice beef ••• more value, more satisfaction, for your food dollar ! This 'veek ••. spectacular savings on No. 803 Golden Cream Style Corn , Whole Kernel Gold Corn, No. 3 Sieve Peas, Ste\\·ed Tomatoes. CENTER CUT! Swiss Steak ........ ~-~-~-~~ ~~~~e ........ 89~ You can be sure that it v.·ill be tender, tasty ... and a thrifty buy ... ,\·hen the n1eat js from El Rancho! Rump Roast ........ ~·~·~-~~ f~qr~~ ....... 89~ Hearty aatisfac.tion is yours! Serve a tender juicy roast one day ••. then go creatiYe \vi th the left-overs! For the finest pot roast ever! Thick cut , •• lean, so delicious .•. cut from selected beef rounds ... for rou. U.S.D.A. choice beef ••• selected and trimmed just for U1is purpose ! 1farinate in La\\Ty's Teri- yaki l\larinade , .. 8 oz. bottle ••• 43c. He'll love that little oriental touch. ti Pork Tenderloin ............... ~E.LIC.1~~~ •0~'.~-.8~~~~' ••••••••••••• Sl .09 lb. Doubly ,reat value .•• because it offers eat-it-all goodness and qualit.Y that's unsurpassed '. Boneless Pork Roast .......... 79:. Roasting Chickens ............. 57:. Bolled and tied for easy serving! Fresh! Lean! California gro,vn ••• king size ... 5 to 7 lbs . Extra Lean Grind ..... All sEEF .... 99:. Rack of Lamb .................. 99:. Fre.1h ground •.. al\vays! ••• bulk or patties. For a superlative ove n roast ... o\·e11 ready ! Red Snapper fillets .... FRESH ... 99:. King Crab Legs .............. 1.98 lb. Fresh from the sea for finer flavor~ Alaskan crabs offer more n1eaty good ness ~ Fillet of Sole ....... FRESH!. ..... 1.29 lb. Sliced Bacon .................... 59:. ?tlild flavor, delicate texture makes it favored! El Rancho's o,~-n ••• ranch style lean slices ! Super Quality Produce! Orange Juice ...... ~~~':; .. g~A~!' ....... 4 9c Fresh squcci:cd ••• by El Rancho ••• from ripe Valencias!., .Jn sensalional new pour pack pouch I Mushrooms ........... 89~ Fresh Carrots ... 2 '" 19' ' .HothoUJe rro'vn,_ extra fancy quality! In 1 pound pliofilm bags! ; -laker Russets ....... 10~ Spanish Onions .. 3 fbs.25¢ Bir potatoes to bake beautifully! Sweet, •. yet so very flavorful! Super Liquor Values! $1.00 OFF B. RANCHO'S QUART! Canadian Whiskey ............... s4. 99 At thia special price this "'eek-end only ... get acquainted value! Rea'. 5.99. Scotch ... ~.~~ ... ~10.95 Holiday Times •• 80 proof Quirt ••• ~•~ Vennouth .. -~~ -~~-.. '1.29 For memorable martinis t \Veibel, Qt. Sa.Ye on all the fa1n ily favorites ••• and kno\v they'll be light and moist ••• 'cause it's Betty Crocker'al Wesson Oil.~ ...... ~4• ~~~se. ~~!~~ ........ 5.3c 1'he light one, \\•ith no after taste \Yhell1cr you us e it .in cooking or in a salad dressing mix l Purex Bleach ........ ~~L~-~~~L?~ •• : .•••• 29c The liquid bleacl1 that makes brighter \\·hiles ••• and ch eck El Rancho's super-value price this weekl Dog Food ...... D~; ~~~s. ·. ·. ·. ~~-. t. ~~~s ...... 8 i $1 Super-savings ! Take your choice of your pets favori le varieti es ••• or tako 'em all, for e. balanced diet I Bisquick .......................... 53¢ Save un the ·JO oz. pkg. this 'veek-end I Seasoned Green Beans .. r 5 IOI $1 Dole's ••• firn1 and f lavorful! No. 303. Whole Peeled Tomatoes .. 3 '" $1 1-lunt's ..• firm, sol id, ripe ! No. 2 ~~ cans. Skillet Dinners .................. 69¢ Hunt's ... add ground beer ior a 1neal! Snow's Clam Chowder ........ 29¢ N ade \\·ith do"·n-hon1e goodness! 15 oz. Olive Oil ................... 79¢ Pon1pcii.'.ln ... imported .•• 16 ounce size! Max Pax Coffee .. 10 RINGS .. 79¢ ..... ln the filter pack! 20 Rini Size ••• 1.57 Strawberry Preserves .. 49¢ Kerl),'S ••• ior quality I 20 oz. jar. Orange Juice ......... 3 '°' $1 C&\V ••• frozen Valencia. juice ••. 8 oz. Butler Recommends Pies .... 79; Outstanding ••. Apple, Cherry, RhuborQt 7 in. Patio Dinners ................... 59' }'ive cQurse meals in three varieties! International Vegetables .... 39' Birdseye's round the 'vorld blends! 10,.oz. Instant Tea ..................... 79; Tenderleaf .. , rich flavor in just seconds ! 2 0%. Woolite .......................... $1.19 Po,vder or liquid •.. save 20c on either one! Lysol Spray ..................... '1.29 Gels rids of odors •• , quickly! Big 14. oz. size. Dow Bathroom Cleaner ....... 79; For tubs, tile and basins ••• 20 oz. size • Miracle White Detergent .... 73; No phosphate ••• non polluting! Big 49 oz. size. Kai Kan Cat Food ........... 6 "''1 Beef, MPS, Tun. and Chicken, Kitty Stew or Biia of Tun& ••• cats lov e 'em! 6 oz. cans. Super Delicatessen Special! Franks .... 59~ .. J Bar-M ••. tender and juicy ••• one o! tht ..... ~ .... .....,..:/; finest you can buy at any price f 1 lb. pkr. Cache Valley Sliced -Swiss ... ; .. 35e Naturally dellcioUA ••• always a sandwich !avoriteI' ••• 5 ounce package. Rath's Bologna ....... 33• Kraft's Variety Pak 5~ All meat or •11 bee! .•. 6 oz. Favorite. Cheese in a 8 oz. packaire l Mozzarella Balls ..... 89- Thlnlc Italian tonll!htl 16 oz. Frisa'I Homade Kraut ........ 29¢ \Vhy not Kraut and wienies? •.. 22 oz. Vodka .~.~~~~ .... '10.49 Coca Cola .... ~-'.1.c~ .... 89 ¢ Price1 in effect Th.tlr. th.rough. Sun. Sliced Com Beef ..... 59-Goudas or Edams .... 59• Kaukana .•• for anack.9, parties. 7 01. Smirnorra ... save 1.1 6 at this price ! Dak'• .. ready to eat ... 4 oz. pkf. Carton of 8 10-oz. bottles. Save 32c ! Sept. 90, Oct.1, t , 3. No sale• to dealers. Qpcn dai!JJ 9 to 9 .•. Sunday 10 to 7 ARCADIA : \w set'"~ HuutonP.lou O' ;::M. PASADENA : NM• SOUTH PASADENA: 11/M• HUNTINGTON BEACH : :::M. NEWPORT BEACH : l': I Ne• ul Al•I '' ' , µ,,ri itto Cen tr.11 .. 31 0 West Colorado Bl'ld . .,., Fr emont and Honllngton Dr 1~'·'1" Wainer and Algonquin (801udw.1 lk Cente r .,. 1~~5 Eas!!1!111! 01 l a,\hl"JJ V1!1;ipy ::rn1r1 I,.,, 8 DAILY PILOT WtdMsday Srpt~mbfor 29 191l Quick Breads Travel Easily n,e beautifu1 days ol fall HARVEST PEAR l cup shrrdrled sharp Ched· together flour , baking powder, marlr: a fa\-orite time on tbe CHEESE BREAD dar cheese soda and salt. Add to creamt!d caJehdar for an afternoon 2 fresh West.e:rn Bartlett 113 cup chopped pecans mixture a ltern,tely with milk. drive to the Slll'1'0Wldllti coo.n-Core pears .1 nd slice a por-Add diced pef, cheese and ' tryside. pears lk.10 of 1 !nl<• 5 \1rdges l.O gar· pecans. mixlngli ust enough to \.; I> cup butter or margarine · h f I f \ 1· bl nd ' ltfake the outin& even more nLS top o 0.1 . 1 r pear s 1cer e . - special by baking a savory 2 tablespoons sugar ('(l('e5 and shccs ~·ith one Spread batter ln buttered 9x , toaf of Han•est Pear-Cheese 2 eggs handy stroke I f inely dice 5-inch loaf pan. Arrange . ,._ 1 Bread to take along on the 2 cups sifled flou r enough rerna1 n111g pear to reser\'ed pear slices on top. , j.• trip. 1 teaspoon baking p<l\\'de: n1easure l rup B<1:ke in a 350 de~ree O\'en 50 •t-r j.,' Long knowo as natural com-Cream bt1t!C'r or rn11rgarine minutes, or unlll loaf tests 11 panions, the combinalion of 1 teasp:x:in baking SOda and sugar until li ght. Ad d done. :-01akes I loaf. Note· w • . • fresh Western Bartlett pears "2 teaspoon salt eg~. one al a time, beating Loaf slices better on second and sharp grated cheese gives. __ '_•_'_"P'--m_il_k ______ a_fl_u_e_a_<_h _ad_d_ll_io_o_. _S_i_f_l_d_•_Y· ____________________ A_'P_E_A_R_F_EC_T_'_T_R_E_A_T_O_N_A_F_A_L_L_O_U_T_l_N_G ___________ _ thi.1 loaf its out.standing flavor.1- Chopped pecans add crun- chiness. It's not ne<'essary ln peel the fencier skin of the pears. Just dice lhe juicy fruit and fold ii into the basic qu ick bread b.lt- ter. Aside from adding their delicate sweetness, the pears give a moistness to the bread which makes it an exceUent keeper. Take along a thermos of pip- ing hot coffee to enjoy vl'ith the H a r v e s t Pear-Cheese Bre&d. Fresh Western Bartlett pears are exceptional for out- of-hand eating, so you'll ~·ant tn tuck a few extra lnto the picnic basket. Popovers Get Boost It's lovely to find a recipe that adds nutrients and flavor to an old standby. \\'hat's in the over ? Popovers. that f a \' o r i l e American hot bread. A n d what's added? Wheat germ. that rich source of vitamins and minerals. No changes needed in the modern method for making popovers, even though you add wheat germ. Once upon a time, cooks used to beat the yolks and the whites of the eggs separately when whipping up the batter for popovers. But this method went out of style years •go because its totally unnecessary. Nor do the eggs need to be beaten for a long lime, as ear· ly recipes directed. All you have to keep in mind, in our opinion, is to have the batter smooth. Another old wive11' Lale vou can throw out the window: -the ingrediei'its for the batter do not ha ve lo be brought kl room temperature: lhey can come straight from t be refrigerator. Popove r pans can, of course. be used for this hot bread. But if the pans are not in the house, custard cups w i 11 substitute beautifully. WHEAT GERM POPOVERS 1 tablespoon huller l cup unsifted flour, stir to aerate before measuring lh cup v.'heat germ 1 teaspoon salt l/, teaspoon dried crushed marjoram l/, teaspoon dried crushed thyme 3 large eggs 11, cups milk Jn a small skillet. melt hul- ler. With a pastry brush. brush entire inside surfa ce of eight custard cups 15--0r 6- ounce size) V.'llh butt er. Place cups, v.·ell apa rt , 011 a large cookie sheet . On waK paper lhnroug hl ~· stir together 1he flour . v.·heat germ, sal t, marjoram and thyme. Jn a med ium mixing bov.·l beat eggs just enough to com- tnne yol ks and v.·hite: add '2 cup milk and beat l.o combi!le. Add flour miKlure : beat eently just until smooth. GraduaUy heat in rcmainini;? ~, cup milk. keeping smooth and running a rubher spa tul a around mixing OOwl once or tv.'ice. If necessary, beat until batter is an even consistency. Fill prepared custard cups 'h ful l. Bake (on cookie shee!) in a prehealed 45!kfegree ove11 for 10 minutes. Reduced heat to 3SO degrees and bake un!il poppe:d high, well browned and rigid lo the !ouch. Lift from C\lps and serve at once \lo'llh butter. Chicken Contains Protein The protein in chicken ia of the highest quality because it o:mt.ainl all the essential amino adds, the chemical un1tl of which proteins are made, according to the Nat- ional Broll.-Council. Became the amino acid c:ompc:>fl!Uon of animal muscle it almllar to that oC human tis- sue .and these a mino acids Art sapptled in abou t the satne porporUona in whJch they ire -In the b"min body, anllnal protein hu 11 ht1h nutrttJve value. ' 'i t./ t..,.,, i GROUND BEEF • ., ... ,/ ~I J/ ~ 1 ~-4 . . . ~ i ~ ~RBOEEAF RSIBT ~ p 'l '1 PORTERHOUSE ~.\ BEEF 11 ORT-BONE ~ !gs~~!~ i Sl!!FK~~i FRESH AND FULL OF FLAVOR ' t ~ ¥ ~ J OVEN ROAST FAVORITE ~:' ~ one c~nt sale · •'··'01@1 TOILET TISSUE MAYFAIR SOFTWIN5 2 ROLl Pl(. ALUM. FOIL ,~;·.~~ ~gv4~s 1 J~i~ruR 1IJ 7r.,j, one cent sale TOMATO SOUP MAYFRESH lOYi oz. YOU 8b$1 CiET ONE BUY I MORE FOR ~ c ~I ~ IS: ALL ,. l/' UAM lb. ,,. f,' MIAT f\.: :i ~-,,.., .£;4 .f.•¥ < * . FROM OUR MA YFRESH FAMILY OF PROUD BIRDS FROM OUR MA YFRESH FAMILY OF PROUD BIRDS MAY FRESH MAY FRESH GAME HENS JR. TURKEY U.S.D.A. GRADE A 69 ( 180Z.MIN. 4-8 lb. SIZE U.S.D.A. 4 9( GRADE A ........................ fb. NET WEIGHT ...•....... Ea. BONELESS STEWING BEEF ........................... 1b. tic BONELESS FAMILY STEAKS ." ......... lb.Sl.19 ••. J." 'i1, mix or match FRUIT COCKTAIL MA Yfl!ESH 303 CAN 16 of . PEACHES ~~,~~OOt Hl!VE~ You4bs 1 BUY • lf ... F,@1 GET ONE MORE FOR mix or match MA YFRESH CORN CREAM OR WHOLE KERNEL 16 oi. CUT GR. BEANS ,:::·::1~,~ YOU SbS 1 CiET ONE BUY • MORE FOR 11.:.., .. 1:, mix or match CHILI CON CARNE MAYFRE5H -REG .or HOT 1.S OZ . CAN TOMA TOES ·;::~"' . YOU 3' $1 GET ONE BUY ~ MORE FOR RlB STEAKS ............. , ........................................ lb. $1.19 ''"'-"'®' one cent sale C ~,t~EAPPLE 5llCED 8 oz_ CAN YOU 7b$1 CiET ONE BUY • MORE FOR i r:~ ,:, mix or match MAYFRESH PEAS ,.,, C Stewed TOMATOES~::.'.''" MA YFRESH BEETS ~t,~:, OO W,0 !! YOU SbS 1 CiET ONE BUY • MORE FOR 1fJ,,,rfi1 one cent sale C TOMATO JUICE MA""'" '60Z. YOU BUY 3 • $1 CiET ONE ~ MORE FOR MAYFAIR FARM FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES LARGE BROWN S HALF MUSHROOM ..... ~~~ ... . ~-~'-"' ;r~l OCEAN PERCH FlllEI TRUE COD flllfl -····················· CUBE STEAKS -wo"• f ·~• lb,S\,4a BREAKFAST STEAK -Th•n s1,,,d .......... lb, Sl.7' RUMPROAST -Bcrnt ln ................................ lb.9~ MAYFRESH FROZEN VEGETABLES CllllM BEAMS ltEG. OR FRENCH 9 OZ. CORN, PEAS._ MIX VEG., PEAS & CARKOTS 1001.PKG. YOU s is 1 GET ONE BUY • MORE FOR ORANGE JUICE · MAYFRESH FROZEN 60Z.CAN YOU 4 • S 1 GET ONE BUY ~ MORE FOR TOP JOB HlllS BROS. COFFEE I-Ao.CH 84« 3-llo. $2.16 1801. --················· ' ~ \ •·'--~~~~~~~~~~~----' r.~~ou~~.~~~T·L·~:.~ ....... 6 L!. J 9.~.!.~§~l JU IC E .. 6 LB~ I ~!~~"'cf !~Po~.~.S. .. E•. I Oc • • l ' ., ' .4l .1' " ' Wtdntida)', Stpltmbtr 29, 1971 DAIL V PILOT .f7 Roger Moo re , the Pers uader • TV Stars Debate Menu -Preferences By JOHNA B_UNN NEW YORK -··when Luisa arrived in England, v.•e had our 'first big row. She served spaghetti for Sunday lunch a nd l said, ·How dare you gl.ve Lne spaghetti on Sunday!' either roast beef or roasl lamb with roasted potatoes and cab- bage,'' actor Ro!(er ~1oore said . more for the aniusemenl than 1.:onster11<1tion of his Italian wife. "Ten years ago,'' laughed Luisa, "the only thing I could make was spaghetti. But now v.•e have continental. French, Italian, E nglish - very much Eni;lish-food in our house." The Moores, a soph1st1cated, continental couple who <ip- preciate flne fa!'e 'and rare. vintages, spoke in landenr Luisa taking up the role or "cool\", Roger playlr1g chief ROGER MOORE ··Jn England, S un d ay's ' I ,_ ROUND STEAK PORK LINK SAUSAGE HOF/MAN'S SKINLESS 8 01 SLICED BACON CORN COUNll!Y WILSON SLICED BACON Wl\50N (ERTlflEO 29!KG . "59' "69' BONELESS ROUND STEAK ....................... lb.Sl ,09 SIWL01N TIP STEAK .... ., .......... -...... lb $1.39 TOP OR BOTTOM ROUNO ROAST ........... lb.11.31 DELICATESSEN BOLOGNA HOFFMAN ALL MEAT CRYOVAC &9t m;~~J)~,~~~,A.~~AGt " 5gc ~~~.n,~~~1~~.~~f,~~E :::~ ......... " 7gc CANNto HAM Wit50N Cf.RllflfO ~-lb. (AN .... PILLSBURY BISCUITS :,~; 8Uffil!MllX-5WEETMl\I:; ARDEN SPECIALS ICE CREAM FLAVOR FIESH ~r"..75c 49' l'OPSICW Al!0£N 12 1'1(, _ ...... . ~lp ...... (~.~~~~ J~~-----· .. ············· · 69- A MAYFAIR EXCLUSIVE DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Take hom e any c u t of Mayfair's meot, cook it thew you like it. If a fte r ea ting, yo u ore not comp l 1 I 0 1y · f" . e e y so . 1S ied, your Mayfa ir Market will then g ive you DOU- BLE your money bock. This is how con fident we ore of ! our May fair mea ts. BLAD~UTS TENDER-WELL TRIMMED 2 ~79< . ia MAYFAIR ltQUOISPKIAlS VODKA PRAVDA CHARCOAL FIL TIRED " ii , ! 89 QUART EITRA DRY Giii $ 339 ROYAL OCCASION .... ,. 90 PROO F ... FIFTH ILEllDED WHISKEY $ 3 19 SPR INGHI LL 10 YEAR S OLD 80 PR .... FIFTH . ROYAL OCCASIOll SCOTCH $ 3tt IMPORTED "EXTRA LIGHT " f6 PR ... FIFTH •. ~4~~~lo~. ~~~~O~l~~NS ..•• , •• , ••.. CASE$ 3 1 t 175 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa - kibi tzer and translator. Her English was excellent, charm- ingly acccn!ed by a slight in- version of words. "An<! I do like spaghetti,'' Roi::er retorted. ··but I prefer fettuccine alla panna ," His 1avorite is fettuccine n1 ixed v.·ith butter, Parmesa n cheese. petit pois, tiny mushroomio sauteed in butter, cream and crushed black peppercorns. •·our children (son. 5, daughter, 7l adure all t h~ tuuc to eat spaghett i." lhe cook said . "I'll inake it with <1n)'thini;, nn!at or eggs. !l's fai1tast1c!" CLIP & SAVE CRACKERS L IMIT 1 WITH THIS COUPON L IMIT 1 PER ADUL T CUS TOMER GOOD SEPT. 30·0CT. 6 BLEACH WITH TH IS COUPON LIMIT 1 PER ADULT CUS TOMER GOOD SE PT. 30 -0CT . i '"That's precisely why I have to gel up at 6:30 every rn orning and do my physical Jerks," Roger in terjected. The couple prefer to en· terlai11 at home7 but they do enjoy travel, seeking out the unusua l and ex<.'ellenl food in each country they visit. Roger L IMIT 1 PEANUT BUTTER MAYFRESH 1-\b .JA R WITH TH !S COUPON LIMIT 1 PE R ADULT CUSTOMER GOOD SFPT. 30-0 CT. & MAYFAIR PLASTIC GARDEN & TRASH BAGS WIT H THIS COUPON LIMIT 1 PER AOUl T CUSTOMER GOOD . SEP T. 30-0CT. i !OCT ~ is often on location for his In· tern a ti on al adventure teleseries. "The Persuaders." on ABC·TV. They give high marks lo food in France, bul do not share the enthusiasm of their friend J ack BeMy for dini11g in New York. •· 1 got into a terrible row with Jack once. I had taken Jack and ~1ary, Tony Martin arid Cyd Charisse and David Janssen and his wife to a Lon- rion restaurant called The Baker's Oven. "They v.·anted something typically English. And v.·e picked the hottest n.ighl of the year. \Ve don'l air condition in London. They had things li ke steak and kidney pie, all heavy English fare. This \\'a.! about thrfe yea rs ago. "The row started when I asked Jack where he was _going on his trip to Paris~ ·We're not goi ng lo Paris.' said Jack. 'They burned the flag . \\'e're going to J\.ladrid.' ··Fantastic food in Madrid .' r told Jack. 'But we're not going to ~1adrid for the food.' Jack snorted. 'If I y,·anted good food we'd just stay In Ne\v York. All the best kit· chens are in New York.' "lleing a continental. l had to say. 'I beg to disagree, but J find New York food like chop s11ey. which you can't get in Hong Kong. It happens lo be a San Francisco invention. Many dishes in America go under the label of Italian. French or German. but they aren't. I'm nf•t i ntri g ued by the restau rants of New York~" said Rogc-r. The ritoores prefer en- tertaining in their house in D e v on , Buckinghamshire, often at Sunday I u n ch . "Everyone gel! a jug of Pimms before we start," Roger noted. Typicall y, lunch ls served with light Italian vintages, fruity light Fr11scatl or Verdie· chio. or in cooler weather. rtd vintages. "I'm actually a Burgundy drinker." Roger said as he prompted Luisa to tell mot·e about the vittles. ''Tell her how you fix the !amh.'' ··Baby lamb is very difficult to get in England." she .\a id. ''People don't want to kill the lamb. I cut it inlo tiny pieces. cook it lightly in ,:?&rlic. olive. oil, rosemary, a Jlttle \l'hite wine, and when it gets a li!l lt> brown, some good st rong rtd vinegar. Then just simmer s!owlv." Boih l\.1oore~ bypass the health food diet in favor of a diet ·rich in vegetables and fruit. CHICKEN LUISA t'or the Chicken % c I ea n e d . broiler-fryer chickens, weighing abou t 3 pou nds each. ~1 teaspoon dried rosemary. Salt, freshly ground pepper Season inside cavlty or chickens I I g ti l I y with rosemary, salt and pepper. Prepare chickens for oven roasting or charcoal broiling: close neck and body cavities "'·ith skey,·ers (or cord); Ue wings and legs in place. For the Sauce ',cu p olive oil I fine grade ~ 11, tablespoons ltmon juice 1 leaspoon salt J 1 ~ te a s p o o ns dried rosemary few drops pressed i;::arlic. 1,,., teaspoon grated lemon rind, optional. Combine ingrecl icnl.s t () prepare .sauce. Basie chickens lavishly and often y,•ith sauce. Oven-roast c h i c k e n In preheated 300 degree f'. oven until done: (about Ph hour.s). or on rolis.!erie (according lo manufacturer's instructions). Serve with browned potato wedges. ji(reen salad of ar· rugula (Italian watercress), Romaine or endive and well chilted Frascati or Verdlccio. Serves 4-6. LAi\18 Cll EZ l\-100RE 2 pounds boneless lamb (preferably leg), cut in I 'h-inch cubes. I tablespoon fine grade olive oil I tablespoon butter (or margarine) Salt, freshly ground pepper, lo taste. lh teaspoon dried rosentarJ (fresh, if available). Pinch dried sage, optioMI Small clove garlic, pressed 1 lh teaspoons flour ,,_.4 cup dry white win~ ~ cup red-wine vinegar 4 lemon wedges Minced fresh parsley Brown lamb on all sldn In olive oil-butler mixture. Add a.alt, pepper, to taste; rosemary, sage, garllc. Cook several mlns. over low heat. Stir in flou r. Gradually •dd " wine ind w1ne-vlnegar. stir well. Cover. Cook !lowly untri J1mb I! tender (about :lf4 hour). Taste to c o rr ec t sta!Onings. Garnish w I t b lemon wedges and mincefl parsley. Se rves t. I , ff DAILY PILOT PRICES EffECTIVE WEO. lHRU TUES., SEPT. 29 ·OCT • .S BREAKt'AS1' FEATt:RES MOll !LLS 'l'OIKSHllE lb. 5 3c . Sliced Bacon ............. '.'~ "· ,AkMftJOH1'1orH0ffM.AN lb. 59c Sliced Bacon ............ .'!~ "· OSCAI i.v.Yfl lb 9 Little Frlers .............. :!~ 7 ~- OSCAI MAYE I 12·o~ 75 Smokies ................... ~k!.. ~ .. fAtMEt JOH"' l•oy 6 9 Polish Sausage ........ ::•. ~ Jl-Y OfAN or 1110 fAIM lb. Pork Sausage ........... ':'~ 75~ .. EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICES tlTTYCIOCKEI 59c Fudge Brownie Mix.~!:'; Jfll·O 54c Pudding Treats ....... .'!~'; MAYONNA!SE 68C Best Foods .............. ~::~ MJI FL.AVOaEO-leef, C~i<ken, f1ieo', Herb 29 RiceMixes ........... : ... ~!r~ c SEGO UQUIO Diet Drink ............... ~~:~ 2 7c """ 9 Grapenuts ............... :~ :~ 4 c t.li!:\ JEl!SEYMAl0MEDIUM-GR4DE . ~'AA' Fresh Eggs ?:·:: 29c JflSt'OAA.10 -STIRRED ·Fresh Yogurt .. , ....... , .0::~ 59c COFFEf $138 Yuban Instant .......... !:·, '"' • . 29c To111ato Juice ........... :!: .. HERSHEY'S • C Instant Cocoa Mix .... '.'~·. 77 KIAFT GlATEO 89 Parmesan Cheese ..... !:" c HEFTY LAWN 9 Clean Up Bags .......... ~ :'; 6 c 1115 Liquid Bleach ........... ::; 35c DIA,llS(NfWIOIN Sl.3~) • '.lO tt, $1 $9 Pampers·Dayt1me ...... . lAIGf CAN Friskies Cat Food ...... '~:~ 14c NO ,HOS,HATf Purex Detergent ...... 0;0;: 69c All 'Ull'Wf C Alax Cleaner .......... .'! :·, 7 4 · Zfr (I00°CT. 4l<) Lunch Bags......... ,. . .'? ."• 11 • OQ" 2 Fruit Cocktail ........... '.'.'~ 4 c IOSAtrTA FROZlt-1 ENCHIL .... OA·COM8 1NATION Mexican Dinners .. .'n::'•· 47c fAUlllfSS Spray Starch .......... :~ :~ 48 c All flAVOt S Royal Puddings ....... '~:'~ 12c Ht:Al:fll ,\; B E..\l'T\' A lllS TOOTHPASTE -,AMllY S1Z£ Ultra Br"1te''"'"10 '11 '" 81 c .................. 2S'a Alka•Selt•er "''"10 '"" 59c -.............. . MOUT HYfilSH. IAMl\Y 10.oz. $ 28 Listerine 1'•••lo• II SOJ 1 ..................... so·, Anac.ln <•~g.,10•"~•) 79c ........................ ANTl·PE JSPl••l'll SPIAY -6 OZ. Arrid Deodorant '!".':':·:;::>. 97c HILL COUNTY BOURBON S ZS • FIFTH BARTENDER DRY MIXES MAl·TAI, DA.CUIRI, 89 PINA COtADA, PUSSY c CAT, WHISKEY SOUR 12-ENV. PKG. EA. RON DE LEON LJGHT or DARK RUM ZS FIFTH W~11r~flay, Srpttmbtr 2q. J!l71 _,.._IJ_PIL0.!..:_A0V£Rn5Ett ~-meat prices are lowest every day at rrtrtffet; wn ····~·--..... ... ., .. ~~ . ......_. " . ' -· .. EA~TERN GRAIN-f'ED ECONOMICAL AND NUTRITIOUS PORK LOINS ROASTS CHOPS RIB-END FIRST 6 RIBS RIB-END ss:B. Sl~B. LOIN END ROAST iii:iiUTTS i RIB LRGOAST I TENDER AGED I STEER BEEF •~ul •:~ Ill~~ (.llJGMI 79 c •ONfll~~-10 1rort $ 88 BROOK TROUT •••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• !::·. ••· TOP J IRLOIN ) ........ "" .. " ....... """ "" ". .. r•n,. 111111~ OCEAN PIR(H .......... , , .......................... 791b. 11•,,JUKY $)DI II•,. au~ rSLICE-D-VO-UNGSTEER-------4,CI RIB STEAKS ........ " SHORT RIBS ...... 39.~ L.!IJ...~,-~l~J\.!:~_:.:.:.~.:."..!.:..·---~sj ;AMii.Y STEAK ••..•.........................••• $1?~ ''TENDER-LEE" FINE QUALITY FULLY COOKED le ~·~ 01 ··~•1 58' ALASKA COD .................. ~.:·. '""U'! ,..,0 29' LIMEADE ....•.•.•. , .••..•..•.• '.1::. (''"'"0"1•1'0!~ $)59 FISH STEAKS .................. :.';':. ..... ,~ .. ·r •Pr•O U~I" 59' PANCAKE BATTER ....... ., .••• '.."'. S SHANK 45c HALF •. • • • • 1 ... 8. WHOLE S"C HAMS /t.8 . SWEET, JUICY THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES LBS. $ 00 -p, .... , .... ,!. 42 < ORE IDA POTATOES .•..•••••. .'.'..". ~O NQUIT f'!Oll C<'""!O' $1 69 FRIED CHICKEN ............... ::~·. ""/Ull~!Ul f•l' 46' EGGO WAFFLES .............. }.'::. ur11wnr 2J< GRAPEFRUIT JUICE , ........... \".'. lllOSIYl•Oll>MOO~ ~ 27< BUnER BEANS "" .. " ..... " :~ '" ~"1·. ~· .:,, 4 4)SCAR J\1AYE H. ALL MEAT ALL BEEF ENERS e LB. • WILSON CERTIF IED I \'IENNA l't;KE ll EEF 1 J ANE ANDERSON ALL MEAT i FRANKS,KNOCKS, J WISCONSIN CHEESE BOLOGNA !POLISH SA11SAGE! LONGHORN 6nc l ssc l aoz. 49c 7LB. l 12.oz . EA. i PKG. I I osc•• ou•t • 47• I OKi!OU'l• 59• I O'<(~o ..... ,,.,,.., ,,.(IU...O 81 ' IRAUNSCMWEIGH ... ! :'..~~' I LIVH CNflSE .......... !.,·. I SAUSAGI ................. !::. ~·· ..... "• 89c I OM•• .... T1• 59c I 0K•• .. ••1•J1oc1r1 63, COOKED HAM . , .......•.. !."/. I PICKU & PIMl .. 10 .•.:~.~";''. I LIVER SAUSA&I ••••••••• :.·:. SUNSHINE STA.TE -FROZEN ORANGE I 6C JUICE 6~7~ BOIOEN'S CREMORA ,.75c OL 111$ ALUMINUM FOIL ''."20c 1~· . All GRINDS COFFE E YU BAN ;LB.VAC PACK $224 (I-LB . 89c) LADY SCOTT ASST'D PRINTS TOILET TISSUE PACK 22c 2 ROLL VEGETABLES CH~~~~o cs~~~~CH 18 c lO·OZ. PKG. EA. TOMATOES '80Z 23c 0~:~~~'" REFRIED BEANS SALSA ;,25C 19-0Z. 25 c $1JN$HINE CREAM PIES OATMEAL COOKIES ALL VARIETIES 2 5 c "59c QL l ~·OZ. EA. FUDGE BARS OR TWIN POPS ,, ... 49c PKG. r -------------------------~ J · . OPilJl,UJ,IJ/.Wltl.111.U/.:U)l!llf!ll!Ul.Ul.\\f<!. . . i i ('(llTPON i I ~ : ·"'~· THIS COUPON GOOD '· I SEPT. 19 THRU OCT. .S I ~ i; : ~ GIANT TIDE ! !I ii 49·~ I I ~ l!J.. llMIT I-PKG. -s \ ~ ONI COUPON Pit AOUlf CUSlOMlt • ..- : . · ·11mifivl\'1'1\'ifi';nm•lllifilllill'll\'lfilll.. · · . f--------------------------1 1 ·. mmw.w.u1.mu1w.mu~rn.111u1.mu1.i · f'.tllJPON THI S COUPON GOOD SEPT. 29 THRU O CT . .S I zseoFF I :'k ON i g FRESH MEAT s ~ WlfM COU,ON a $).00 AINIMUM PUICMASI ~ ~ ONI COU,ON Pfl ADUlt CUSYOMll . · 'll'll~11\'llli'l\·111·;n1n·1R1rn·n·illll\tll'iR\lli · · ~-------------------------~ 2701 HARBOR .BLVD., COST A MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN 'GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGt:K, SANTA ANA HUNTINGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO ,. 5858 WARNER, • l 4 PllOT-AOVEOnsER S DAI LY PILOT Salmon Supper a Good Catch Sum me: r ' • laci.adalalcal Ume:. Thia deliahtful recipe ~ HARVEST SALMON Th.a• froun 1teab. Hu t days are on th• wane and the bound to be a favorite with 6 u.Jmon steak& (%to t Inch m1rrarine or oil in • ltrae criJp, invlgoratini air of you, yoor euests. and your thick) or other fish steak!. frypan. Place lish in p&n ; add autumn ls close at hand. Most family everytime it is strvtd. fresh or froun (about 2 cider and salt. Cover pan and families are 1ettlna rudy for Enjoy other treasures of the pounds) simmer for 5 to 7 minutes or the acliviUea that 1.ht fall :w:a with SEAFOOD MOODS ~ \ Z tablespoon& marearlne or until fiah flakes easily when 49.49-2:14) Fishery Market C1X1klng oil tested with • fork . Remove aeason brtna:s. nevelopment Series No. l4. y, cup cider or apple juice fl!ih to aervlna platter and School is starllJI&, club This full-color booklet h.!is 37 l teampoon salt ketp warm. mtttlnas will aoon be in full delightful recipes represenlirig Blend cream and nour to swing, and entertiinlng or fish and shellfish from Alask11 . ~ cup coffee cream mike 1 smooth paste. Add ,tr, ha vlnc friends over ror dinner Or eion. and Washington. For I tablespoon £lour mushroom!, parsley, and (':': tak es on importance once your copy send 60 cents to the \ can 1<t ounc es) sliced cream mh:ture to liquid lo again . Superintendent 0( Documents, mustir()(lms. dr1ined pan. Cook until thickened, sHr- What could be more •i>-U.S. Government Printina: Of-2 tablespoons ch o I' I' e d ring constanUy. Pour over propriate in the fall than en-:tic::•::.· .::W.:":h::tn~at::':::"·:..:D::·:::c:..:. 2040::::::2. __ _cP::"::'l::•:_Y ______ __;,:f~::h::.. ::.M::.•k_•_•_•_se_rvm_· :.''-·-----------------------H_A_R_V_E_S_T_E_o ______________ _ joyint the h.arvl!t of 1um.mer'? - Most seafoods are harvested in the 11ummer, the 111lmon from the cold, clear waters around Ala1k1 and the P1cific Northwest are now ready and waiti ng at your nearest r;eafood market. Anytime is the right time for salmon <1nd the supply of fresh or frosen salmon is abu ndant 11.t th is time of year. In case you are wonderin,; aboul salmon and othe r fishery producl..!I, in view nf the recent mercury 11;c1re, be a.ssured that all deep-water {ish on tod ay's market, with the exception of swordllsh, h:i ve be~n cleared by the food and Drug Administration es being safe to e11;t. Fishery pro- du cts art not only good to eat, they are iood for you! In addition lo good nourish- m,ent you'll have compa.ny nair with a casual air with salmon steaks on the menu. Salmon 1teaks are so versatile that they can be prepared with elegance or with the simplest, family-style recipe. Plain or fancy -salmon is good to eat and good for you. It .i! also high in quality pro- tein. vitamins, and minerals so necessary to health and wel!-being. Salmon steaks take on a whimsical air when simmered in cider until succulent 11nd the flavors blend. Comb in in g salmon and cider. two representatives of a bountiful harvest. is navor ma g i c because each enhances the other. The finale is topping the Har,·esl Sa.l mon with a flavory mushroom sauce at serving Countian Creative An Orange cnunt1an h11~ won national rt>cognltion for culinary creafi\'i~.1· Amy B11rbour. 20, of Garden Grove has been aw11rd ed se· cond prize in SEVENTEEN Magazine's Gourmet Contest. She v.i ll receive specially decorated hampers filled with gourmet foods and utensils such as caviar and candy pet.it fours . a butter mold and Frt?nch kn ife. Amy submitted an updated a.ntique ",Jester·~ Court" din- ner, which includes LClng De Pore a la Sauce Robert. King Richard'g Sa!at and Pears Flam be. Entrie~ v.·tre. judged on originality of reci pes an d menu planning. attractiveness. ta ste, combination nf food! 2.id relative ttise of prepara - tion . Cnn1menlLng nn !he \Oung roncept. of gourmet cookin,I{. Olga Rigsby , Seventeen 's food l'ditor, ~av11 · '"Whtie adults t.hink of Ffench halit e cuisint> a11 ;;:ourmet. most girl.s think anything out of the ordinary is g(lllrmet food . For ex11mple. one ri our entries was a veg· elarian dinner. 11nd another an American Indie.n mea l with i'ngndient., none of had f'ver htard of. But by anybody's def- inition. most teens an crullve cooks." Amy. began cooking when her 11;ister got married. "Mom doesn't like to conk 1hat. much." she says. "and I didn 't wa nt to gn back tn e11tlng plain food." For her contest. entry. she put l.f'lgether a meal which she describelli as perfect "for a.n Intimate diMer for • mar- riage-m inded girl to prepare for th e young but passive pro- fest.0 r of 14th Century English and French feudal systems." Other occasion.~: A pr~prom dinner or meal for 2 or 3 couple11. A junior 11t Ca\iforni11 Stak College at Fullerton, Amy is an English major and hopts to become 10 elementary school teacher. Aside from cook ing. she enjoys tennis. hiking. 1Wimmin1 And reading. The daughter of ~1r. ind Mrs .Jo.eph Barbour. Amy leachtl at I.he Methodist Church Sun- day School . The gourmet contest was ()pen to youn1 men and women between the ages of 13 and ~ !:ntranta were asked to submit r moment of truth! CAN YOU COOK ON $100 A MONTH? All the claims that 11Ipennarkets make about their di&- oounbi and specials doa't meal\ a thing if your total food bill i&n't le81. The real test of r.avingg comm at the cbecbtand. Ralphl ia the only 1upmnarket that guaru>'-In matcll any supermarket's lowest everyday prices on identical brands and product quality. W• f!lad4•-11.t1 n·~v· ~rlr.t prilfl (Ire lolO'tr tA.11. Rol,.V ~U Cit ih ntkol b-ro1t4f tW iUWal ~ ,11.olitv. • .&'ul"'°" -.klr And since everyday prices make up most of your food hill. that's where the r.avinp are. od!Ht't'-t ~. The proof is in your total food bill Thafa the moment of truth. GUDE A-SOUTHERN FRYING 2 :;~·I~ CHICKENS 1 ••• 29 MEAT MASnR BEEF ·ROUND STEAK ~.93 EVERYDAY LOii' PRICES California Grown Grid• A-1 Day f resh · FRYERS ..... .... 35 ........ _,,, .. _ .... , I 09 1 Pork Tenderloin "· • .. llmmy De1n or Bird F1rrn 1 lb PORK SAUSAGE"'"' .75 Norbe1t-lndlvldu1lly Boi1dl AY. WI. 12 lo 13 lb•. HEN TURKEYS lb •• 49 O.e1r M1yer-R1gul1r or Ch!"f9 12 83 ·SMOKIE LINKS ,;:::, OK1r M1yer-Link S1uuoe LITTLE FRIERS Otc1r Mayir-12 01. pkg, ... .... Wafer Thin Bacon .97 .73 Sllced-1 .,, ~ckage Oscar Mayer Bacon .73 TUUOUIY llDUCID Pl.Kl PLUS/BUY ~.ma&. Ml.OWAaa wt •..t.a M M\'9Ml 0. l9 TOUl ... _ FROZEN FOOD P1Ho 5 Course Plo:g. MEXICAN DINNERS ' 8h1ngh1I 14-o.r:. pkg, : ALMOND CHICKEN 1 Famu., Peck Pll g. ot 1 . EGGO WAFFLES Sl\allghtl 14-oz. p«g. , Sweet & Sour Beet ' Vin De Kempa I-Oz. pkg. FRIED HALIBUT B1....,e1 Entrff 5-o&. ptg. SLICED TURKEY Stouffer• 11\.'t-ot. pkg. MACARONI & BEEF Otl Boy 7-oz.. pkg. GARLIC BREAD .69 .85 .43 .85 .85 .26 .69 .a5 unrs nnr Guum1 SLAB wholo ~ holl BACON , .. 38 EASTERN POii SPARE SMALLSIZE 59 RIBS G.oei~llQI~. EVERYDAY LOii' PRICES Meat Master Beef Bottom Round or Sori•ll• """'' ROAST:.,::~ ilcwMleM&te•k• TOP ROUND !11y To Cerve RUMP ROASTS ... t.19 ... f,29 ... ,95 Bone'-•• Bwt lte1k1 TOP Sirloin .._ l,89 lon11eas Sirloin Tip Steaks ... 1.39 ~orDlced BEEF KIDNEYS .._ ,29 fror1n VEAL STEAKS .._ ,98 ... 1.19 fl"ffh Flllel or DOVER SOLE llAl.Pll ID f~ -- ICE CREAM .59 PANTRY FIUERS Del Monie Solid '•ck TOMATOES .25 ......... Dfy AOltted 12-ot. bottle Planters Peanuts • 77 ,.., __ .76 An Grl~t MJB COFFEE Aurrt .lemlm1 auetenltl .. PANCAKE MIX ....,, ,. .. ,51 Mary Kitchen 11-oz. un Corned Beet Hash .49 Kii Kin MN CAT FOOD ..... _ ,15 La Pin• FLOUR •• ,.. a.., ... .......... 2.02 1.7& Instant COFFEE DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT ..... 59 SLICED HAM , ..... '": fie&lcb!NflM IOtt MARGARINE ,.._,. .. ,51 ... ....... 49 n.i.ottrnanns UnuHed MARGARINE 90be ftoquelort 81l1d DRESSING 18-oL Jar aoba DfeHln.1_ BLUE "'HEESE,....._,,. 1000 l•l•nd Bobl DRESSING ,....._, .. .97 .77 .67 Galo Chubs·wtttt the New Look SALAME ......... ,...,.,.,.1.49 01llo Chubt-18\.\-oi. pkg. SALAME CHUBS 1,98 Wlac.on1ln Longflorft 95 C~SE "·I ao.... Pro.~ M\1k11 or Dutch AppJtl 18 DRINK r .4 0Loo• 1 BUTTERMILK ...... Q,~: .17 fll:elptl• 4 SOUR CREAMP1nl Corton I 9 BAKERY DEPARTMENT ~!e~!.!~~ad , .... u.. 35 Crack1d"Wh11t k11I • LIMMft Pin Wh'MI COFFEE CAKE "'" "•iph• PEACH PIE I In. f1111pM Cttoootete ALMOND CAKE .55 .69 .69 WESSON OIL .59 HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS l•bf Lollon BABY MAGIC Vloloo EYE DROPS k L botlJo .91 '"' .... 1.08 lavage-Rtg. ot Unecent.cf Men'• Hair Spray ....... ••• H•ltd lotion 1-M. bottle Touch of Sweden Ory, Olly, Honn•I 7-oz. bot111 BRECK SHAMPOO CMdttloMr I-or.~ WELLA BALSAM .88 .72 .77 1.09 lhlmpoo ....... botu. BRIGHT SIDE ,77 And-Per1ptrant·tncl 10c Orf 52 ~ Right Guard u .... ••• , Martb~"hu for fi-YMn.-Mr bu l&mily of .U! R•lplu' c•n Heme Economi1t •ad Ceo· •lll'Ml All'a.ira MUl&pl' i.lli. bo.., in tlwQctMier iM111 of WODW1'• O.y -,uine, no... co. }'lllUI' .......... lak8 Clmty Bartlall PEARS l.miu• llzl-flw Ripa TOMATOES ~19 lb •• 19 ' Northw••t Bolden Dellctoua APPLES C111b1 MELONS New C(op BROWN ONIONS U.S. No, 1 l1kl11g SU.e Russet Potatoes .... 25 .... o& .... 10 .10 ... FREsti'cARROTS ...... to LIQUOR DEPARTMENT wttlttey-Un11!1d Tlm• l•ve 700 4 69 CANADIAN MIST ,.,. , R01YALREGiM1ENT-4.79 Sindri L1ke1hl,. 3 89 VODKA •• GIN Ou•rt I Brewed In o,..oon 12-0L can 96 Aspen Gold Beer •,.. , A•tpha Ch1teaun1ut Du P1941 RenH 2 29 FRENCH WINE .... I HOUSEHOLD TOOLS & PAINTS "P1lnt·O'M1tle" Choo•• from Popul1r Colors SPRAY PAINT ,...,._,.. .88 - .88 Claw H1mm1r1-Screw Dt1ver S1t1·Putty KnHe Si ll each ASSORTED TOOLS DR MONJE CORN .21 HOUSEHOLD NEEDS .44 P•lrnolhi•·lncl. 1k OH 22-oz. bottle LIQUID DETERGENT .. .29 Fec•ll• Aoy1le Pkg. of 2 TOILET TISSUE .ll Heavy Duty•Attl Colora e1ch LITTER BASKETS Shoppert V1lue One Slz•F11hlon Colo,. 77 PANTY HOSE P•I• I Seonl•s 29 FAC~L TISSUES2001p1y I Glod 49 PLASTIC WRAP 20011. 1 PuN"cti oE"TERGENT .84 .87 Powered 41-oz. pt9 . TIDE DETERGENT No everyday supermarket prict:11 are lower prices than~+ l'oritry rJleri fl<omry nn.n -i'E'il-QIAIE I _,. .Cl9 M---2.4' MJI COWll =OR IAIY FOOD _..; .13 -INITAHT conn -.1.Jt BitTFOODI _ ... ---COOKlll -.. .36 ~ _.,..H R.... ,_.._~ 1.XTllA LA"GI UNll .83 -,;m, CAI L --.ao M-'rOMATOIS --.25 ~--ICICIN Of IU --.J•· ;;oJNO CAO lllX -· .... .n NOW AVAfLUIE AT UllHS ~tto I CeurM (I.It Out At HofM) Mexican Dinner• ,.,_ .69 MAGIC BAGS M•dlvfft lllti CU•• for h Utng or laklng) ,_,,of 10 ,55 Hat11IA' HM. H1>UieholJ ~ OiiH'::r.in ALL __ ... ---.t• CCllrT .... __ .. AQUA AQI ---.n :Y"Oft'y SOAI' -.13 -... ... :l1 ~IQAP --.22 DINNU MAPIOD -\'SP..,, TOIL.IT ,._,I ._ ... ..a --.73 m..."iltli1 POii. .... .A7 ~ .. -.1• m..Cff -.n -DRIYI DfTIROINT -.-. ... ''°"" ,. -·-Ndo -.. 11.-.,-~ MACARONI IC ID! .45 --IXCIDMIN ........... N -OIUNOI .JUICI ... _.z3 -TI , ...... AN --PERSPlllANT l.U -· .... .:2.1 "k'EAO. 1HOu'LOus 1.37 CRI AM ,l!I -mi---BRIA e:o I H .. IMP ........ 1.zo ICON __ ... -....... 73 riuc11ATIN __ .., Pll H I CHIPI li'UTPIU -...... 19 .... ....., ..... ..., ......... '78 UIT!flllNt: ..... .... PILLDURY ROUR .49 More than just low prices C.upeft Geed s.,..,.i.., 30 Jt Oct.Mt 6, 1'71 limit I -Oil• C1vP111 '•' '"''"'- .... ! .. .11 cnmplete menu. lncludin~ !JI RALPHS least three ~urscs, ()( their! nwn ln .,,enti on. STORES ARE LOCATED AT: 9901 AOAMS··BLYO,, HUNTINGTON BEACH; 15471 S. BROOKHURST, WESTMINSTER STORE HOURS: 9-10 DAILY, 9-9 SUNDAT - l • I ' f8 DAILY PILOT Wtdntsday, ~t~btf' 2'9, 1971 , Slict<I or Holved...:Chch & Serve 79-oz. Can • . -~- MEDIUM I AA' EGGS . • Cream o• ·2 gc the Crap doz. ctn. large Size Grade 'AA ' doz . 41' [CRAGMOMiJ SODA POP . • stack-Up F•r8 SI Parties, Out-Quarts ings, etc. !Plus T~l) ~ ~~~.i~~,5}u~s :59c • ~.~~~ ,.~~~~.E~ H 49c •.!~.~~ .. ~~~~tau 18c ~ ~~.~~f~D~~~~~ 35c ei ~-~~1G!~~,~~~~~-49c ~ ~,~,~~~!.~,,,,_,., 18c -~~~!~~~ .. " 29c e ~~~i~\~::,~,T~ll m. 25C • ~'~~~~~,~~.,~~~~ . 49c SAFEWAY DISCOUNT WINS '21! GOLD MEDALS AT THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FAIR! ..__-•First Place Award---' PRICES EFFECTIVE IN LOS ANGELES & , ORANGE COUNTY. (EXCEPT CATALINA) .'------' USDA Choice Grade Beef Ideal For An Ouldoor Barbecue Beef ,Steqks '$J39 Bor,eje~s S1r10111 Tip . U~S.D A Ctroice B~ lk. 17-oz • .,"9C Can ~~ . . .. 24-oz. 53c Btl. • Vornum Pock s219 Rich in Robu~I 3-lb, Cottee flavor. Can USDA Choice Grade Beef Flavorful & Juicy Ideal to Pon fry. Full Center Cut Bone-In lb. ~;!~~~~!~~!. 79c llJlef. ,.. . Beef Rump R~st ,,,:;(;;" '"98 ' Boneless Roast u~~~~1:·R~.~~~f IP.$11' B f B • k I frP,h~\'lholeorl'""·1.1•~·r M. 98 ' ee r1s e 11.,,1(u1 '. lh $1 .''/J •v ''•'· 49c I ~. A11, lb . FROZEN FOODS AT DISCOUNT PRICES !li Broccoli Spears .~.'. .. ~:; "" F h F • "..I n•r ~"~"111~ -renc r1es nr (111,~l~f <>I' ii Bel-air Waffles 'I::·,: "" 0 Pl '"'''" ¥ range us :1o$h t101tn "· 69 c ,.93c IU 01.76 < ,1~. I I~. 25 ( Pk&. !0'-12' Pkl. !11.51 < ... HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS f HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS 11·11.. $J 51 ... II fl 63 ' "' WtdntsdaJ, Stptrmbff 29, 1971 N PJLOT·AOVERTJSER 8 Whole or (reom Cut 01 French Style 303 Size • .. USDA Choice Beef Chuck ldeol For A Fam · ily Pol Roa st. ROLLED & TIED lb. ,..49 ' 46-oz. Can • • USDA Cha ice Grade lamb Ideal to Roost. Flavorful & Tender SHORT SHANK lb. G I H U •11 Moy~rJu $]39 ourme ams b1l~e W,',on lend~rmodt t-. ' -'81A1811 \o~lb. U.S. No. I Russets . ' .. 8· ag· Discount , ' Priced! A,.,,./'E·s,·· \: ~··I ~.~I > Fancy Red Delicious Discount Priced! I Wtdnt~1y, Sr11trrnhfr iq, 1971 DAIL V PI LOT IJJ NO ONE OFFERS MORE! THE REAL .ESTAT:&:RS No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 In Setvlc._lefor• end •ft•r the Ml•. 60 tralll-4 aal•,...pl• In S efflc•• te follow thru- 1 n Advertllln..-Compl•t• cov1r•1• of tM Hor• bor Ar.1 every dey. ..... -· -· -..... • •' . ,..,.· . ., .·~~· .. ·.,., . ~es: '1;-ijiif£tta>> e fWPv+--.... MESA VERDE PACESETIER Assurnr tlus hi.1:h VA 1.11111 or ;,f.•, ••n !his r .1;. panr!Pd pitrr~rt trr. 4 l)('1\r,.n111. :! h11th. nne hlfll'k ln Co11ntry (']uh. 111.r,l!r 11'\f> X f;;) 1·nrn1"r lo1 HUi!f' fPment 1-.a!io with m11t 11rf' r1Pr~rrPns. plrnly nf rnn111 fnr ponl. ~/IVP .$41 "' mnnth nn !his ln11n nvrr pr<>~rn! nr11· fin11nrin.c. Hurry. thil' 11 on't last !ong 111 !hi~ prirP nf ~4:1.~00. Call 546-2313 (or turthf'r infnrm11.tlnn. r ·~ .. ;~ ... ~ • I " • . ~ i ' ,, EX9UISITE A l\!esa Vrrde <I lx'droon1 111asterp1ecr. dining room. brtter th11n no>11: cnnd1linn, HUGE: P OOL patio decking. n11ninlum n1aintenancl! yard, sprinklers. Excellent term.,, $~.1,000. call 646· 7l 7l. ~-~·-'f .' '" ........ ...., ... -) •• • > !"." ' ' to. tin<> l'"lll" Pr di~l111 .. rh" r!r-.i~n 0111 lh<' IJRV· frnnt . l;\I<'~! rrf1n,.1n••n1.< nro> rn1l)nrlirrl in !hi<> deli~htful f11111ily 110111,.. rull rif 1varmlh And charrn rnurlrrl 11·i1b rl••1.:1uw" th111 m:tkf'.c; rn.1~r tainin1t ;in 11~f;i1r too t"l'11lf•tl1hf'r. ll111r·111 & 11t1l1ty Rl"" rn111hi n,.rl 1n tl11< :1 hr(fr,,.,rn, ;p,, h11th, lihT'ary It. h1·,.,,,j<f11 -.I rno•lll ~r1t\r1c. $1!i0,fl00 f;7:t-R!"1~iO. MESA VERDE a Brdrn"m. \i1il11.v 11nrl rla 1k1·r.00111. r·n1·r1·ri1 1,1111,. t1·11h n<i•~1rl<> ~"~ ha1·h,.q11", .<,.pll!'l\1" rl<'lllr·hl'ii h"u~,. fnr h1ry(·\r~ 11nrl tonl~. hloot'k ";ills, rrmpnl. clr11•"1·111 . tine n111. anrl nnl.1 11nr hl"rk 1n >trllrl'P s nrl 1111iinr hi;:.h S•'hn•il llllrl 1 hlnrk tn Cnr~1ca Park. Only S2Fi.000. Call .14(;.:.1,11.1. "SUPERBLY SPANISH" • Elcp thru lh" 11.rrhrd rn!r11nrr \1"1\Y nn1n lh1rk &old ~hAg earpE't~. This tri-ll!vl'I b@auty h11.s the master btdrriom on a s"'pA.rll11!' floor. Also ..• '• grl!'&l assumabll!' 67i loan. 84~-2535 ~ I . ------TH IS IS IN SUBURBIA! fPaturini.: ~ hrrlrnntllll, f11n1il.\' r•H•m And 'J,, •• baths, thil' splil·lr~·,.I hon1r i~ 1n S11b1n·h111 P11.rk -one nf th' pr<"ferred lncttlinr1s nrii::hborhnNb 1n Huntln~ton Beach. Phnnl' 5-16-:lJl.1 nn1r !n ]P11rn 111nr" and tor 11n 11 ppnintm .. n1 In ... rr. Full pdct. SJ9.~00. ,. . ..... ~ "'"t·l!-'. .; ·" '~· ,. ' t , ""· 0: ..... ' '..(--, .. ~ ~ •(/! • ••• ' . , "SUNSHINE SPECIAL" L11·111e rnnn1 \\ilh b11ilt -ir1 i"Ol'lr TV. l~ine-sizrrl ITill~Ler bPrlrnnm. Nr"'' 1'/ll~"d rl'rl11nod-rlrckrd patio in thr patk·lik" yArrl 11nd 1111 11·ith fa~t pnsses~ion. r.111ny l';\"tra~ htrt ~'. Taki!' r.1·rr lo1v payments n r only S21 fi P"f month. Call fa>.t - this \l·on·1 la.~t :::: 842-2S,15 "POOL BEAUTY" Popula r Big Sur modrl ~ith m;rble "'nfry"·ay &: f1replRcr. honus sizPd 1.-.1 "'lfh a hue"' rr"'" fnrm v.ool 1•ilh pool $1'""P· 4 lart" brdmn1ns. plus for- mal Jiving :tnd dining 1·nnm.~. rrirPd lo SP!l. 842·27>3,j. FHA-VA-TERMS !\n do11 n !n p. Vrt nr all 1rrins In StHL This homr ha.~ ~ Rrlr. f;1miJ.v noon1 k 2 hl\th~ r lus a rh11.rm· ini kitrh"n 11ilh plrnty nf 1·11phnArds. Th"' yard h<'IJ. srrinkl .. rs frnnt & 1"1'11.I" plu ~ $.f'\'"1"111 ]n1· .. ]y user! hri"k rlanlf'r~. I lurry on th1~ fin": Pric<'d 11 t j11s1 $30 .. ilXl. (All ;,4r,.i ;11 :t IT'S GREAT Thi• h"n11' 1" 1 .. 1·:i1rrl 1n 011r .. r l'llr~;i. \ll'rrl,.·- l'r1n1c :irro;i.<; nnrl h<1 .< 4 h1,dro11rn.~. lfll"t'P hunil.v 1'nfln1, "l. h111h" 111Ht 11 lw11uliful .v11rd 111 !h lnl." "' pri\':tr·~. R1 f111· !hr ni,.sr h"11 ~r fnr 111 .. monry at S33,500. H11rry 1111d Ca ll 54fi·2.1 \."t TOTAL LIVING tin" nf lh" finr~! hHnH 'S 1n \\".,sl ,,1,.~11 \'rrdr .. 1 l11t'C" hrrlrnnni.". :.! hlllh< :inrl f;11nil.1 1·non11. The finr~I nf !';'lfpP I~ ;1.nd rl1'lll'"" 11nd 11ppli11nrr•. ~"P· ar;i.t<> 1·rr1·,,ati"t1 r•.,.•!11 1•1'<'rlno,k ir1!.! thP h"~111if11I l)p;i.trrl 11nd fil1"r"rl pnnt. Thi" i~. truly tnt11l lh·_inc. (":ill .'i.Jfi.2::1.1 1 .. S"P !hi~ h••1111!1fu l ll11n1f' l)l"lC"rl a l nnly $:J9.~~lfl. MESA DEL MAR J'r!/(' 11111111111: hn111r LO J9f>~ (01•~!<1 ;,I,.~;> ]..11111) n f lhP 1\1.-.olh A11;irrl. S1J<'1·ull !<>11< h"~ 11111k<' !hi~ a 111nner en e1·try 1'a). :--·r 11 di~h11a~h,.,1. A:O.I f)l int,.n ·om In 1111 rnnrn•. firr ht1relar 11l11 rms., 12 ~·n11 n Lrrrs. rtrh \1nn-rl rl"' k111c p11l 1•1 11nrl srp;i· rll!P rhi1dr,.n·.• plAy .v11 rrl f)r1 lllk" 11 l•1<>k ;it this pr1z"' Onl~ ~:\.-1,:lflO. C11ll tnri11.1 , .••lh·2.11.1. NEWPORT RIVIERA ;< llf>dl'"•)lll, 1111<> •l"r1 1·nnrln 1n h""' p11r! .-.r -''"' - pnrt r:11 i"l"11 .111•! 11 •tionr" 1111""" lo l)nnl 11 nrl l""<'rP11 11nll p><irTI. f'flf'f'fl $:';.111)() llJlrl"r nlill"kl"! rnr 1p1lrk •lllP. l>nl.Y "fl" nf A fr11 •~11"·'1r•ry·~. S:l~.';0(1, \\111 ·'·16-2:113. "$24,499" I~ !hi.< 1111" s 111ck,.rl '. A fnrnH•r rnndrl hnn1f' nn 11 QUJ"! rul·rll'-!llC. Rrlrra ! frnm !h,. Villl,.,v smn-.:, a.nrl ll''" in fr<'sh "~'Pl\n t•rf'f'1P~. BPltrr hurry. 8·1:.!·2.):t·1. EASTSIDE 4-BEDROOM $33,950 Prid<>·nf-n11nrrsbip, ln~ldP 1111!1 out. ClcAn. chf'rf· ful, 11nd br!tzh1: c11rpPt"d lhrout"houl, F'irepl11ce, electric built-in~. d ishlf.•11..shrr, rovrrtd pAtio. 150 root derp lot "'ilh ne11l y111·t1 . Conv .. nlt'nt lo 1chool and shoppina;. Ask lo SM! now~ Call 646- 7171. 12 UNITS-EASTSIDE ,S!,.Ji-:n IJf'r inonlh ltl< 0111r f1nr11 th<'~E' 1•lran, :;ti;:u·J) unil.s on nnt !!Cl"" of 111.nd \\'J!h 132 foot frnnl!li"'· Call fnr full 1nfnnn11tinn 11 nt1 ~111"' 011 .1·oiur tax return this yrar. 546-2:11.J nn11 . '\'ou and ynur f;1n11ly haven'\ ~l,;1s1rrt lo _gp t !h" best nut nf lif~ until you 11va1I yours"'h'e~ of 1his 3 bed1·oom. 21,;, b11.th home 1n lhi! bluffs for only $43.500. Call 673-8350. FOR LEASE Lrn·el~· J brdrnnrn hnn1" In :O.lr.se Drl 1l.\11r , SITPf'rt<>d and ~lll~SPd In palin. 1vnorl pan· rlrrl J<ilr:ti!" ~.100. a month. :.-16-2:"1 1.1 ' . . Crllnp!"t"IY r11r11ish<'rl 1h•'"" hr(ir·,,.,111. 111" h11th '"nrlnn11 ni11n1 h"n1r . /\11 11rl11!r r"m- n1uni1y fc;irunnio. t\\'O s111 n1r111n;:. 1mol<. pultin;;; cn•rn. ~huffl,. board 11nrl h;irlmil · trin. Prh·a1 .. 1Jiir1n 1onrl m11inl<'n11nr"' rrer. for lea~" 111 S4M 11 mnnth. C111I f;.tf;.i17\. CORONA .DEL MAR l.11.\111')' 11 11rl In•·~ ... J.kiitr hnarrf !n 1·,p11r·h. 2 l"nits. 1 l111c" h<'rlrnnm~ PR l"h. nnl.1 :; .Y"iU",!. nlrl. Li:i" 1n;11nt,.n11nr·"· h1-.:h r"rl!al n1t nrr 1,·1!1 rnn- ~~rlP~ 11 r r~{l,. _,.f ~~.:·err· 11n1t~ in !Jr11no:r Cn11nt~, :!'18.,100. C11iJ .14fi.2.,1:i. 10 SECOND QUIZ I 11 I l<1 .1 «II fl<'"r! a r111n1·r rl"!I!'~ 1:l1 ()n yn11 nr"rl rnoo1n fnr 11 h111·~ !.11 ()n )n•1 n"rrl rn,,111 f,.r 11 I,..,,.] !11hl"~ I ·l • [)n 1""11 """rl '""" 11 I• tr 11 rl•\l'rtii I nr1 ~ 1:l1 fin ~•Hl 11,-.rr! 11 cnr~rooiJ<; !lag<lnnr pAl1n 111 !h h11 11i Ill fi;orh"fl'lr; !h i nn \'o \11 tl{'l•fl11 lio\\ 11111111!rn;1.1u· .. r11rrl; tiJ Dn i•o11 11,.,.rl R "f'<l<"l•!ll" horn" nn.11 ,1,.ll· lttf\l1u·11rl'rl •1rr•·1 ~ ''""""'.' '""" 1·11n h;o" .. 1111 !h•~ ff,,.":!' 11()0 i11· Clurllnc rl/,\ Rnrl \·,\ lrl'l11~ ('l<'il<P '"ll .'>4f>-2.1 1J. $23,950 ONLY 10°/o DOWN y,.~. \'1111 rr11rl 111.:ht 1h1<; ''"lll"'"n•• "11" nf 1h .. l"f~ ·hr~t 1·alu"' 111 ('.)! Thi• h"n1r i< 111th1n 11Rlk1n;:: rl1,,t11 n•·r tn SI. .lnh;i'< 11nrl <hnpp1n::: ""rl h11< ,1 hrr!r,.nrn< ~nrl :i h11th ~nrl " l1alf Thi< 1~ t h" !~'!'" nf hnmr lh;it rln<'< nt1! 111<1 lr1n:::. <fl h11rr~ 11 nrl ';ill ·'·lfi .:.?.t11 "PICTURE PRETIY" ,111~1 II!<> 'hlll"i"'<I hnn1 r 11 1•111r1rl -1 h,.rlrnn1n<;. 2 h;ith< 11ni1 frnnr N f"Rr r~1 1n• Arl11lt nrr11p1rrl. 1·rr1•1<""d I() nn!y ~2!'.l,:'rfl<l. R,.11,.1· h11rr1·. p;4 ;:.J.)~.). "FASHIONABLE" Jr.no ~q r1 .. r l•1~111·in11• l111n:: ~ hrrl1·n.,t1t" ~nr1 2 h~1h~. ~r. 1n11n\' ,.,1,·11 ~ 11111<1 .,.,. 1h1< '11\P In ari· prrc111.tr . l!n.~<>·!1• .•l'hnnl• 1111d <h11r1••n1t. 842·2~.1."l, • 180' 11'11!1 \Vrll~ Alz•ium AlndPI "·il h 4 brdrnrirn~. :1 bath~. r .. mily rnnm. l11.r11:r !nrn111l r!Jnini room 11nd a custom .!;11·immin1t ponl 1vjth Jacuzzi. The 180' 1·ir11· or Upper Nr11·port Bl'l.y 11nd East Btutr l rl! 11 m11~1 SN'. Prictd a l Sl15,obo. For lln a ppoint· rnl!nt Call 646-7171. ' VIEW! WITH A VIEW! WITH A VIEW! Tn rn1n1 tlu• fil1•"'1 in ~ .. 111•1wl H••a1·h 1il•i11~· .. ~,.,. rhi~ c'ni-i.:rnc1~ .1 hrdro.,111. 1111h "'"l'lll"llt"' n111•1rr ~11itr, ll\ri:.:f' fio.n11l y 1·nnn1 1 .. arl1ni:, "'II 1u II .~pnrkl· i11~ h,.111rr! 11nrl fillrrrrl l"'"I Anrl thr 1nn~1 hrr111h- lr.kinC" 'Ir\\ "' t\r\1pn1·1 f\fly 11nrl' f'R1Rl1n11 1h11I •·<>11lrl lw fu1111rl . Truly 11 crnl hy tl1" rArifir. (R!J 6·1fi·7 171 ft ll' r1H11"f' rl(•[a!J~, REDUCED S 1550 SrP !hi.~ sp11i·i"u' 4 !1<'1ll'nn111 Ali1Hl'l ll"ll hnn1r, 1df'8l fnr lh11! l11rer 11111111,\'. ~l'p111·a lf' fnnnRI rl1n · in!' l"(l0!11. :l ''l h11th<;, -~"PAl"R 1" f111n1l y l"fl(Hll 11 1t h 11Pt bar. llkf' II"" !np rp1;ili1y ~h;ie 11'11 11 1.-, 111111 r 11rppl!'< thrn11chn111, r·u~tnin 111·;1.p"'· ('hn1t·" ]!Ar· bnr l·ln111"~ lnl'l\lirtr\ nn pool .<in• I"!. f'r•~fr~~inn· 11 lly l11nrl.«'11prrl f1·r,nl S.· 1·.,11.r". lll'linkl<'l"ll. Nr11v 11nly S.'i7.9.;0. Frf' 111.nd. lii".1-!!5C10. "THIS IS WHERE IT'S AT!!" 4 hed1·nl)n1~. 2 h;i1h~. frnnt anrl r,.:u· p11t11 .. a.nd a h<'a111\ful pnnl pilt'l"r Thi~ hnmr hR~ «'> much tn offer it 1\n11't la~!. Cail tnrl;iy 84:.!-2:'!.15. COLLEGE PARK 4 BEDROOMS PLUS Far111ly l"(Hlfll a rlrl<'rl 111 l hl~ 1 .. 1.,.l.1• rlr11n sharp hnm, Gold .!ih11c r"rJ"'l~. 24X 14 111·111-.: rMm 11 1 f1r .. plar"', dlninc rnnm. Ru1l t 1n a rpltanr"'.!-· \\.~lkini; d1~1 ,.nr,. ln "h"PJllni.: 11.nd to all srhnols. Onl.v $32.950. t:a 11 11• 111 , 6<1fi-7171. CLIFFHAVEN \'1'1\)~l!"I !l<'IL'.hl.' ;t h«dt,,1>rrt "1 l•;olh htilll<' 11 1lh l'f'!l1Jl1fnl p1111n' ,,.n,·rr·rn l\llrl 11n1·ro1'<'r<'rl • H11n1r rrn1nrlpJo>rl '/. ,vral'!i ac,,, Rr1111l1f11I rlrap.,~. fl r"'- pla rP. fnrr<'rl 11ir. 11,.11 l'arp"L' Allrl v1n.1 I f)nr)1· cn,·<>r11H.:~. FHA lro1111 I~ a <~11n1ahl<> 81 ~~.,.~. Pricrd ~42.000. fir~t timr 11d11rr11.~<'rl. fi41'·7\71. WAY OF LIFE En.1111 111<' rr]Jl,\f'rl li11nc uf ~·1·11po11·t Sh"'""~ in thi.< 'a11n1r111" .1 hrrl1·n .. rn. :l !1alh, :.!·~t i>ry "A" fr11111<> hnll\<'. Sun h11sk 111 1!1" pr11"~ry nf .vo11r pat1n rnrl"'"rl hy 1111 rtL:hl r""' hn<'k "1111 nr "1110\' !hr ' ll•lft~ nf 11rllrh,I' i\0 "" fM•l"I R<'a rh /\ r11na0I \"ir1• ·rj111rt <11·rrf, o·h1hhnu~r. l'lllnl. 11nrl 1,,nn1~ ··n11rl< ""11'1 >'ll lr1" lh1s 011,. tn 111~1 . Pnrrd l\t s::4,9,;o, Call h·lfi·71i1. ATTN.: MR . FAMILY MAN 4 BR. LIDO ISLE !rlra 1 11 <'I I r• •11rl 1 T l"n"rl 1111111" 111 rhn1r" lorn! 1n11 i\ll 111orlf'n1 ... 1,.,·1rir l111ilt 111 k11rh"n :<,non <•1 f"rl rof '""ltrl'll,1 n .. ~11:nrrl 111·1111: :'11 hiilh•. ""II r"n · rl1T1nnrrl thr11n111 '-"1•11111 1,. /;1n11l,1' '"""Ill \"11,.11.nl &· 1111i l1n£. fln!~ Sl'<!'.l.'>flO. EZ t"rn1J.. i;7.1.i:i;,,·10. MAN-A-LIVE, IT'S NEW! ~:\n l 1r' ;:i"rl 1'1'<'/ll<'rl fror Ill•"" "h•• 11~111 111P 1111 · 11•11~1. Th!~ rl111 olr\ h11 ' 111!rrr<l1ne 1nnr11·;1t1<tn thrn11eh•111 ! Th" frnn1 11 1111 r·;in f'l!<ily hfl rnn· '"r!Prl In a 4 hri11·on111 hn11<". y,11(\"<' ~,.rn !h" l"f'.~1. !10\l' .srr lhr h"st. C11ll fi7.1·R."1."1n rn1· ~ho•I ins,;. "LOOK HOW SHARP" It'll V11cent. 1111d n11 nrr rl"r~11 ·1 lik .. ll that \\'Ay . 3 lllrge hl!rl room~. 2 sparklinJ<" bathll, fantastic kitrhtn a nd family ,llJ'PA. m11.nlcur'd Jl'l.wn11 and much morr. If you Ukl! it cll!An, call tor a show· Ing. Only $32.956. Ca.IJ 546·2313. In Selu In th• H1 rbor Ar•-PrDOf po1ltlv- Thll 11 wh1r1 "Thi Action 11.'' ' . --' ·' NEWPORT BEACH BACK BAY! Trull· !hr rin•'~I 1 l>t'fll'fl.,lll f"n1111l (1in1n1.: 1'>1nm 11.,11\r 111 lhl' l'UIJlll}' ;1rr11. A J11ri.:r tlll\.•ler BPd• rnn111 s1111r 11J!h l:o"niln l~I"' tuh And sho111·rr 11nd II ""Pllrl!IP f11rnil y n~"ll lll'r nnl.V R f<'w rof th<> llf'rfrrtinn.~ !h i~ hn111f' •1ffrrs .. •11rinklrr.c; front r.nd 1""11r and J>rnfrss,,111111 l11nrl.~i·1111i111:, 1111<11\ n111inlr- 11aru·r frl'" s••rvlt1•. ''" 111•r hR" bl'rn tran~ferrcd Anti i<; itn~i.111~. anrl !Ii" prier shp11·s it ~~ Only ~46.9;10. C11ll 1nr!11y. fi46-7111. .~· " ~ ....... - HOME· N -1 NCO ME Tl1rr" h<'(lnoo1111 lo••l•lr f11r thr 1111nrr plus add•· t1nn11l rrnt11I unit •n tlir r<'111·. L..11reP 1750 ~q , foo t l1n!llP. l hatl" .. '"l•R r•in11s lil'in.i< ronnl, b"ilm ceiling, 11<<'rl hri1·k fil'rplnr·.,, srp11r111 .. rl ini11~ area. nice hi! in kilrhr11. <l i~h 11·11<h<>r, 11rll rl~~·rlo['f'd yard 11·1th pril'11IP p1111ro. Askin1.: .'f,6:1.:"100 -r111! for shn11·b11; fi7J-8."1."J(1. •• • '· --"';,-~s TURTLE ROCK \ 0 11•11 .,f l 'n"""~'IY .. r (";.i l1f. fl•H1 °! drlRy In Sf'!' thi~ r1111111.-1w :1 hrd'"'"'rn :.! h11.th 11rl ult occupied hn111r. Jt'J spn!]"·"~-,i11~! ~teps from a btllU~1ful pio.r k~. pnnl ()nl.1 $.17 .. ;,00. p,1 It nn1•·, no obliga. 11011 !or mnrr in(nrmatinn call 67J.83:10. ' TASTEFUL Thi~ , 11'1<'111 ho111 r in "ll'' t1f j\"r11 I"''(<; rhn1cri;! l'll'll11•'1l" .1 !11:: h,.<1,·nnn1~. 11 lllrc"' ft1nl1ly a rl"lis;ht[11 I k1lr·hr11 \1 1111 .. ;1.t111i:: ill""R Lush 11~1'>' ~ll~c f'ilrp~tin-.: rt1,,1oon1 rlrArr-~ thn101i!. You"U \\'!1!11 \fl .~rp lhls onr' s::.~.!lO!l. li41i·717l. • ' ' J HARBOR VIEW HILLS \\'P hAVf' 111101hrr 1111114l11r l'rirtnfino rnodrl il'I Harbnr Vif'11· lln1nP~. Yrs. it h11~ a ll !hn!I' special f"A1UI:,.~: • Rnn11s l"•H•m flnl.~hr<l. rllrpf'lrd And d r&pC'rl \l.'ilh sll'~l'ln$: loft and h11!h. • re .. l~nd -('hoicr, prP1niu111 l11i. e Cnu\·rt'drnt lo s11•1m• min~ pont anrl 1·l11h housr. e U11-grAded r11rp"''-' and drapr~ th1·r1u1':hout. e Landsr.a prd fro nt and r .. 11r .• 4 bctlrnonls, d ining f<l(lm, ramlly room, J •~ b11lh!. WOO ~Q. F't. CO~IPARE VALlJES A'.\'D YOU'LL BUY: SG0.500. call 546-2313. THE ~EAL ESTAT:&:RS . NEWPORT BEACH 1700 Newport Blvd . 646 · 7 17 I 1coSTA MESA 2790 Harbor Bl vd. 546 -2 313 HUNTINGTON BEACH 17931 Beach Blvd. 842-2535 CORONA DEL MAR 332 Marguerite 673 -8550 INViSTMENTS 2784 Harbo r Blvd ., Su ite 20 I Co•I• Me•• 546-1600 ' ·- • •' II DAJLY PIL I! P!lOT.AOv'ERTISt" !3 Everyone Has Someth in g Th at Someone Else Wants DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Con Sell It , Find It, Trade -It With a Want Ad The Biggest Mark~tplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results * * * * * * TAYLOR CO. LI NDA ISLE -1145,000 The H()u .!ie of Charm ! /\delightfu l co1ercri entra nce to th is beautiful 5 BR. home. Soft colors thruout. Pa nelled f''R.. \\'/v>et bar. Form . DR. P lu mbed for pool. P ier & slip. ~ "Our 76th Year" "BEST BUY" BY BEACH 'l'HIPLE.\'. in t'OHON.i\ JIEL ~1 :\!t -Herc's a ht1rd to find n\1·ncr 's 3 bcdronrn 2 hath 11n1t. 2-2 bcclroon1, /1lus an inla1v unit Bc~t SOl 1·r11 OF 1'11F. J~I G !\\",'\'' lnration. \V oul cl vo11 hc- lieve .. $65.000. WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 ~an Joaquin Hitl1 Road NEWPORT CENTER 644-4910 -·---------MESA VERDE A1rr·;u ·111·r l1rl"l1I' and 1·P<I· 11·00"'<'i ENCLO . .;t;!) l.'()\ •HT- \' ARD. ~:111"r 1n1t) lih'd f'n- IJ'}'. ~pfl C'IOU~ ~M·lutlt•d h1·111i;: 1,-;,,n, w11h 111·,.plai·r, nr1~ly c·fl r llf'lr d fan1ily '""111, And flf'll• H.I. r ll't'lllt· kll•·hrn w11 h l)/\V 11nd rr!1111.~hed 1·f1 h1n,.r.•. J lall:P hrlr111.•, ~ h11 rh•, rornpl,..tr l,v rarpt'll'rl 11nrl rlrAfX'rl. Dot1blr i;:tlr11.gr -1''f'll h1nri~cap«I fmnr 11rlif re11r )'Anl~. F:XCELLE~ BUY AT ONLY S.'l0.9:JO. IVAN WELLS - BUILDER -169,750 Chlll<"P llA.11Tf'~1 ~l rf•pt. 4 Bdr rns., h 1-be;in1 f;i rn ily /\.· !i1·1nc roo111 . l '<alll ty111·0 r n- rry. Llr11P ,1Rrrl, room ror pool. Q11iC"k [l()!ISr~~ion. --Coldwell, Banker ~ DON'T GIVE UP It )1111 °1"•' 1,~)l;('I] ll!Hll .\HU a n· ".o\ll lnokrd l•llt," llu·n dun"I q lll\ 111\11[ ,\("! h:Oll' S•'Pfl 1hi~ fin1• 3 h<'d1·1~11n hnrnr \\'1111 dlllllli.; l"U<l!11 flt\d Sf')lill"· 111r k1t,.h•·n nook. 11 ·~ 11n qu1.~1 ;11xl1ng i·orn rr homr in TnLLY <:nr:AT f'f\U<h li•on ,11 only 1211,900 .• Just ~~~ tash is 11!J yl'IU nrC'd. co: Ts WA LLACE REALTORS -54'-4141-- (0p•n Evenings} "SPLIT LEVEL" LOVELY in Corona del Mar ('QHON A !ll·:L f\1:\lt DLJl'J.~;X-L1 pper leve l front Uni t has 2 bcd roo n1~. fo rinal d in111g- r oorn. f irepla{"e, buil t-ins. l,011·cr level has JN-L.l\\V qu;1rlcrs, p r 1va1 e cntranl'e. fire· place. J ar~e bath. Rack unit 1s a n arlorahle. large l bedroo m. A gen1 at $6 l.500. "SAVE" TAX $$$ 27 J\;E\V .l\l)ULT .i\l':\lr ff\I F:N'fS. ro11:.i:;ting of I 2 3 bedroom unit.~ 11·lth 1 ,t_ 2 bat hi;, featur 1n,i:: b uilt1n s. shag c arpeti ng . F.'\ hea l· in,I.!. individual ~ar11.i.:cs. RF:<' ROOilt 1\NI) POOL. 'fhe bes t return on your inV<'"l nH'n l in \O\l"n. . . , , . . . S422 .000 . BONAFIDE STEAL BAYsrur: on1vr.; in Baycrest R.~YFHO:>.T J)n V!HI cn t rrt::iin ~ ll cre·.~ Ille pcrfrl'l :--etling! 111 f t. prinu· 0<·1•a11 .~· ha.v 4 l;ilrt!r hedro01ns. 21 ".! baths, fatn1lv ronni. 11r ,1 \ot os 1hr ~1·11111;: hir 2 lirrplilt'l'ii, l;trge t'n \·crcd patin. f;i b 11l c111s th 1~ h•1 •1y, 1;p:.1.·•ous s 111clr J;in rl :--C"a pin g. lde;i l fo r i ndoor·o utdou r c n 1rr- lllnr_v 4 H I~ .. I h11. tinrn" 1aining. J)<111·t lcl th is o n e g C't a \11:1y. ~54 .;jUO. \\\!h i111' 011•11 P"'l' ,t,, sl111. \11111 norxl. r 11wsl nf hd\\11 WOW!! CHARM, ''SLIP" AND VIEW f!:lllf'lillC, ll 0il!lpi!j~'f, \'Rl"J)('IS /\ pri\'a\(' "."li p" (l lJd "pier" d CS('C'IJdS ft"(ltl\ F.i ilrRfl."~· ,s l."1,.0IKl: .. 1 t his eharn11ni.; 110 \IEH Sf!C)tlE S h Pnlr 11·ith ils Bii.i. t.n\,NIJ~ · J,1-.,\1.I( 1l \'!E\V filled 11·in dn11·.~. f1 r rplaC"C'. 3 largr h<'d· ~11 Rays1d' Dr., :'u11 r 1. • 1 I <1 1''.B. i;;:Hlli\ rnntns, d<'n 11·1th ··11'<'!. ha r.' 2 l<i11S ti · a..;1<'r hath ha!' a .laru77.i & Sa11na 1. ·r hi s i.~ thr lo11·e!--l prir r <I ".~lip" hn1nc 1n fJovcr Shnrrs See a11rl $2(950 compare. . ...... SI 19.;'iOfl . < BEDROOMS PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOM ES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 3 Linda Isle Drive Lo,el). Jle\\ 5 J ~fl., 41.12 ba . horn e ,,, ,,·aler· front l1v. r1n . & d in . rn1 Oak paneled fa mily 1n1 . 11 frplr. !\la .... tcr UR. 11·1 si tt in g area & firep lace. J)a y & i\·lt. v1c11~, $179 ,500. For Complel• Information On All Homes & Lots, Pl1as1 Call : BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR Islanders Bldg., at Linda 1sle 341 Brtyside Dr., Suitit 1, N.B. 675-6161 General $54,500 VA No Down 'J'I) \'1-:Ts ra1ilH5l11· H~:C.'- 1:1-.,, TJO.'l' HOt 1\1 "ll h JXll'I 1ah!r ,Ii 1<<>t h~r. L•11·rly f<Jr- 111al '11111111:; 1-ooun p!u.~ sun:c. f'n r11m ily /"ilOUl . " L .. 1ri.:' twrlrrl"ln1~. J hath~. 111 11h~'"l JUI(' 1n11n11r·ula1r i,lnrl11!on. Pn111,. J'l'S!dr»11al arra Vr1rra11~ :\dn11111s1ra 11<'111 1·rr11fie111r fi1 1"1"11~on11hlr \"il lUf' -s:~1.500, Unt)('l1evahll' h111 lf'lll'~ ...:all .1 1 •.. ~1~1 lf)1'1'n l'Vt·~.) -- outh oast -' - BAYCREST-LOT- <1.--:r: 1•r· ·r111-: 1·1··1\' 1 .r:~·r. l·,\o'li"I\ o·, I r·~tl'll"l<•d r<'r l.q"J 1·1·~1d,.1111 ;1I a1•·~ l ,;u·cr Ml' IHI 11 1,,1 2 >ioto) /"'I"· 1111,~rhlr, \·r~:I\' Of THI<: \ 'f'l'~:I: 1111\" !'rl1·rrl lor f,1-.1 .•.ilr 111 $!., lk~l. ·t..oeneral OUT OF TOWN -OWNER- Sh11rp tri rlr\. Jrlral lor 01,.n- r r l11·1'-1n. l\"alk 10 sl11rr~. ~rhr'lol~ Sll .900. 11nd 1nr(ln1' $440. n1on1 h. Newport •• F•lrview 6'6-81 11 (•nytime) GOLF COURSE VIEW 11111 ;i 1·l•'"r d;i_v 11·11h 211110 1·1~111111 ~ h1~ hf'd•·r·••fll.S, fllll l• 11.\' rn<•n1. IH'111111r111 11;111,,1. i11i.:. hr·wk f1r••pl'1!'r, sllln{!lf' l'olo'Jf lrl••;ll ]0'4 '~!1on 1·lo~P ('i \l•'~.1 \'r'l'llP ('<111!ill',I' ('l11t'. \';i<·11rll Rn•I l'"Hi!y fnr your lll~ll"l'l lnn. ·rry s::o.;~l{). l ';1ll :1u;.:..i.iRL1 tOp••11 t:1r~.) -. 83:1-0700 644-2430 l111n1 r •ll:ll" I' n s ~ •' s i-: i., 11 "MO\'f' HI" ,, .. ulill'lfl. t-.n11;. li<1ll. i;p11cinu~ Jivtn~ rm. rlin· 1111: 1in, ol'•-r~1:1<·rt inRster tx-d1·1 ~1111 . ;,1u.11111 //uaue-S~ 220E.1nh -s-Absentee Owner MESA VERDE BARGAIN ~ow pnef'd Al nnly $17.7.-.o. ~r~1·1rn1~ J twrlro<Hll ho1~1 r .,,., qurrl .•11"1'1. \nrp<'ls, d rll fll'~, IH11lt111~. l.nl'•'l.11 4'•1· '"rf"rl f'IA l1n. Now va1·a111 fn1· yo11r f11~1)<'t'tinn. \\'nti'! ln~l RI rt11< llrl•"I'. TARBELL "NI·;\\" !.!STl:"'<l;··, 1-· • .r·n1 !<IT'° k111•t1, ~. Hit, !ru n ~1111.!1•1·~, ll<'p:11":111• pl :1~· ~;,1·d. 'I ,11i r ••\l'f' ~,•,•, L;t ln:1n ur 110•1!1 11:,,.."""""'A-t:1·1'11111c~ ('.,II foll-il~J:\ r~i ... ~AUO(••lfl 3 BDRMs . _ v1Ew REALTORS 644-7270 (Formerlv Delancy Real Estate) 2828 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. 11•~1 ;'q fr li"111r HI i 'a111••q I I <c•l1lo1rn l~. \ II'\\ I •f •'d 11_1 ntl ,t• lB l'olll pl"~ i,L I Ill : 111 ' \01!1• 1·1· ... ·li··~. z: 1i1t, ~11:.•1 . .r. J BDRMS -J BATHS j .\[).llj1 lOpP11 f:l'en1ni,:-s) IO Ill'\~ 1:! l••lltL 1'1•••1111!!!!!•••111!!111!!••••••••••••1 la rwin realty , inc. I' - :1111111 Sq II of 11\1111! ~PiH'i' 111- < l11il• .. r.1111ttv l'Tll .~· .t.•11 l'1111'•'1·~1!1 )';11'k \11,~r· I•• 1•••1 ,~· Ji l.•y'41qra, Z: 111. ~'.I• ·r.n. Home Show Realtort. '".\1·n11·h1u r f1,.11.;!'j111111111r;' .l~d:, I•:, j'.,,.! ll\\.I , {'ff\1 675-7225 --- i1.·~:t 111""kl.111.,.t. l!nn::ro Hrh1General /General · 546-5411 anytime OCEAN VIEW.....,,........ 4 BDRM., 2 BATH General ---fll!I 1 n1:l1.~~;~;;~l~rl. ,,\f l!lllll $12, 795 lp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,': 11 .... 1 11~•111. ~111it l"1"I • f.1- BIG CANYON 5 Bedroom Fairway View Home l lnrlPr C'nnstruclinn fnr occupnn('y h£>fnre ("hr1s1 rn ns. Plan I(. f'"ee land . fl lastcr hcdroon1 h<1s fi rcpl;1t·e ;.is dor~ 1111 ng rnn rn and :--pac1011s f;H11ily roo111 . 5tl1 IJr<l- r noni has 01111 b <1 \h and ('tH!ld he 1naid 's nr rn11ther-in-l a \1··s roo111. :lrd b a lh h as hnlh tuh a n <l s rp<l rate st all ~tu11\'er . Sepa r ate lau ndrv rnom. :l c ar garagr . !\1a11 y buil t-u1s an<I e~1r:is. inr luding '!'r<1shn1<1s ter. inte r· com 1l'lr111g , gnrage rloo r npe o ers. etc . ·rhis is a C'ho1ce corner lot at lfern)l\;i;:e Lane and Royal St George l1r11·e. lluy now and clo.c;e e scro11• v.·hen hnuse is con1· pleted . By Owner $89,500 -644-1140 l'11!NI !11..:h "n '"'' p .. rt Hlril(~. ,...,.,. « •! 1lroi,1 1•;1n•• 1·;1111 ,.·;1111, ,\f•i•••tllln<OJH 011 I~ :,1r, "' 111 C~.~l llru l,.,1 1"\l $32,500 BA Y FR ONT APTS. \"1~1~ Jtrf I.Id•• l'irr !.· ~11p I 11\111l;ih\r t "r1111\ 3~\,;JIK) :-irU 1•r lrA~r. George W illi.11mson I REAL TOR 1~ ................... --'l:".':"."~'"'"""''"'"'"'"""""il 673-4350 645-1564 1Gentral General -Gener•I ·-- Bu il t On Your land -1: I'.! ><1. 11. !11·111c ;.rr;o -.\JI J.ttn ,(· pl;"1rr -llanl\1,~•·I 1'Hh1nr 1s. -1:1'''-•kl11 .• r lo.1 " -l '11lh1' •n lo1 1,., -:'I' I' 1••\I• \\ l"(l'"f"·~ GARAGE SALE 1..:1111 k-k11,~• k~ t" f1+r'll 1Hlff'. 1-.11nr .. ~, 1~ t .. f li11ri:n1n~. CARE FREE ! Y•Hl ol••n ! 11 11" I" 1,,, ,1 h:11 11:. hill \ "" •·Ill Ill" 111.,r 1•11" Ill lh1,. : hd· 111., ..: h.1•!1 11"!11•' :11 .j •••11111,., o'iull ;i1111•"phrrP. 11·1.,., 1.,,,,, ,( :-\\•Ill ;,1 lht' h•11 "'1 111 '' .,, r• '\ •·11 l"•rl Jtr.11·h 1•,.,,, 11111\ $\-1 :.1-1. 675-3000 f'., II f, ,,. I"' 1 qr,• , ·;• t;1 l1 •1: BAY•B£ACl.I REALTY rN• associated IROKEAs-.RIALTORS JOJS W. lofboo 673·1663 N-rii .10, n,·1, l-1 !.· ~'nd ;11-1----------..,. J!'IJ~I ~ulll'f!••ll ,,,, 1'\I, t111 -,:1·1t 11111•! ~rll. 4 1'\,111h ol l!'li h ~1 ) IM ·•h'11t1111 , f.1111ilv rr11, 2 11!•( 1:..: )n 1 .. •I' \1, h.1'h-., 11:irk l1kt' )Rrd. ~l'\)~~\\Rl-'I • HY ; si .•. •ro1. 1\1\11. ('11.ll rlRy or C.-.lrll'n 11.u !"1r !"hnn .. {'fuh General !11!.'.hl al Siil 11:.?f) Gen;,:-at ,"'11).S :11·11 rll.' llH'<'•' so•p;u·11!r ;1 hr•li••·111 1i.11t1··~ "u l;1n::" )Ht ,\( 1\1 ~ I :'""I (111:11w1n~ ll\.'li1 ."1iolo•, \\,.)! ll•Wlh rt ' /i;Hld_v ll HI" .s" )D\'111.~ l'torf' i,. 1111~ c .. ~1 n '11l11I nrr;i, t'>••Ht 11111·k .~· ron ly 1nu1111o·s I" llio' i)(·/11'11, ~l:o,l ~WI. (.::\I.I . 1:1, J•\:'Jl • CO<.ESWOfffif{ & CQI REALTORS --1 ttACll ,.. .. 11~·011 Macnab· Irvine 1:,·.ol!,1 f'nn1p;<ny HARBOR HIGHLANDS BE ST BUY l.lkt• 11•'1\' f!•'t1l••lr\,.d illlrl ,~'!•:1111 11·<\' 1;ourn1r1 h111J1.u1 l.1r••llf'n' 11 r .• ! l•><'at1n11' s::~1. i:i11. Mlclllb·lrvlna 642-8235 675-3210 • 3 Bedroom • e Bath & ~I e Carpels, drapes, range, patio, storage shed. $23,500 ... T•rms Roy McC.,rdle Realtor l~IO :-:r11 p..-w1 Hild., C .\I. 548-7729 INVESTORS I I t \\':ilk tfi hr;H·h. He11u1. ·' RP. 2 ha lu1 n h<1111f', [..P11~rrl tr ! $J,\11 111" 111 .funr. $~1i.;,oo CAYWOOO REAL TY 631.~ \I l 'oa<I Hwy .• 1\8 548-1290 General Gener•I IORl\I J Ul\O~ NF.A'!('"'·' OP£N 7 !lA rs A \\/EEK BEACHTOWN "BARGAIN" 400 SO. FT. FAMILY ROOM Sl,600 DOWN NO QUALIFYING \'ault•'rl ('~!hPrlr11l l'll'lll111l. Of)f'n hl-11111.<:, mRS/111·,. llnnr to ("rll 1n>: hru•k r1repl;t('I', 3 ~r~•'lf•\I~ hNll'OOll1~. COlll'rn· wnl ··L··· .diarrrl i',111 PY kilrhr ri, "rs 1111c" .~1~e )Rl'fl. r11~ tnrnl~ lrkl" rPn1 • Id ~~ lh" IRl'llilnrd i.:rl<"ldbye -But hlJrr)''. C11 \I ~nw. 645-0303 :?:t.19 H;u·hor, Cost11 :\!eSll IORISI [ Ol\O:\ PEA, ,.0,q~ G&neral Ui'I HlUl tl()-'t[S fl••I Eoltl•.•1S-IOOO IOUTH OF HWY. f lJ.:l'r-l'pprr . t"OU!d hf: II Ml(.~ J hdrm., 1 h11rh horn,, on R-2 l1:1t. Conl',n 1f!nt ]Of' • l"IO!ir lo ,v,ry1h111g, Ask1n11 ' , S.l~.9.'il. MORGAN REAL TY 67:1-6642 67S-6459 113,500 H0.\1l: & Rl::-."TAL. ~ 8l'<1rm, 3 Biilh rr1-lll'1 el a nti l Bf'drm n•11ta! uni!. \\'A.lk to shopping a nd bf'a ch. ![l,.., rlo"' n. CALL GREAT VI EW I BROADMOOR Sf'I' lhe h11~. th'" 1sl1111rt. O('f'l\n anrl pav1hnn fl'flm .'> 1no1n~. Thi~ rus1on111.f'rl hnn1" hAs 4 hr<Jroorns, fani- il.1 l''"~•n1. <l111111i,: 1""'1111. plu,~ 111f!y 1<111 n1a1n1enanr·p l<1nrl- ~("ll ''t1ie, d"I( run. 1w1111 lr r~"'" 1111d A ('om111un11.v ponl. S<<.j()(). Ca ll 67J.6CXX) rh .. Pl:nHON f\J.TY f;-12-J7Tl J.O\'El.Y-i;::irdr~p11t 10, 2 br, 11'""'' crpt, frp!r., R·2 lo!. $11,.XXl. &1f>-J9j9. TO l>C'C'. PEND EL TON 'S VIEW Hrn"~ 11 .o;)'""Pf'J'; 3 hll'rl- r<'IOnl•, f>'l mily t'<Xtm, i;pA r· 1011~ paiios ~nd i;1\"f''p1ng ''''""" ol Nt1\'pnr1 Harhor . I r·~ r]fi~r to th' a.ct1on and only S.lt!!OO. Costa M•1a ---~----Cambridge Estat11 2528 BOWDOIN PL . Corner J RR. ,V family rm ., 2 h11. llf)n1e. Hirn.•, d hL fpl. 2 C11 r r,:11r. On pools1z" !01~ $:~2.:i00. Dnl'e hy k c:a.)J • BALBOA BAY PROP. ll09 \\'. Ralho11, i\'B 673-7420 $22,500 :-.<o rlo11•n 10 er~. or $900. rtn11 n t'HA. 3 hfo.rlroom , I hA!h &. cArpr111 1ncludffl. Relit bu.v in C<""-";111 i\i'"Sli. 1\Jl'.:S/\ DF.L i\-1AR UN l ()Uf. ti()M.(S VIH'Ant. lmmf'd. pos~. upon -REAUTY -fl~•I E11111. 115-eOOo rrrd1! 11ppmv11 I, A ge n t 1 1·~ II '1nllhfillllf', it'~ I n .. w , .. J E. Cour M11>y. .',..lli-!lR.11. li,!lng, ~11<1 1t "'nn t !11 111 Co1QlllO.I M11,C1Jll lcUcNcllcScUo,cllc.ol-BcR~ho-m-,-0-0-1-0·,I 10111::. lrlf'11ll y 11')('~1Pfi in I ==::::======::::~ I zonrd for 4 un11~. Extra hP1111ril11I l\1f'~a rl'"I MAr, !li1 c J;i~e ltv rm "I frpl<" :i Rr:, 1 Ra ho111r h;i ~ rr . NEWPORT F"orm11I rl111 rm 11 I bll-111 1•rn1l,v hrrn pa1111rrl instil'" HEIGHTS t'llhlnf1s. Yruil tr .. es in nkl· ,to 0111 . 11•;i.~ .~r.lrly •·11rprlf'rl r~.•h11111 2a1'rl!'n. 0 n I y It>'• 11ian 1 .It" Ri::O .:ind I.• 1\1'1L1 1l>1bl'" m11·~ Qu 1'"1 1·111-dl'· I S22.!l00. Trr111~. 01•·nf'r. 12<4 ln1n1<1r\ 1n p1•r1·.1 rrspl'!'I ~Ill". 1·fifln1y 4 Ot>r!1~1nm t1omP ~li;lkf' P•nf, <''1\l'l"f"rl p11tui, 11 llh prol Cl11.~r rn ~rhnot~-_E_·,_201_h_:;1, C.\1.-642·4441. Ill'\\ \\'Hi!'f hl'lllf'r. nr11 liif' t11('p ll<'l;:hhnrhonr1, $1:,,!'1:1[), RErOSSESS!ClNS ~.s Rll".I\ 111n111111 Co11n1.1• '. $:l:1i\1 11p-Rkr j4 6 ·7 739 :. :.r ... ~ .. 11l. fl,.ors 111 k1rr h .\~$11111 r ,.~. 1.•11ni:: Ii'. \'A lnnn 11·1111 10- 1al p11.1mll) of S2'1fi. prr rno, sJri.~r.o. ~COATS ....:J!ff WALi.LACE REAL TORS Open Evening 1 • 962-4454 • -*ELfuANcr_* _ IN DOVER SHORES Jl•,·•1rn1or·~ t:ll•ltim homr. 2 r .~,. Adi 111~. rlu~ 1lr11; pr• .. fr.<:~ lu nd.~r·:i ~)I'd r lllfl"l'f'llhlr ""11di11"n, !ll'~:~ DAIL\' 1·5 li2j A:"TJ(iliA . CORBIN- MARTIN REAL TORS 644-7662 -NEWPORT ISLAND .1 AH , ran1il.1· I'm. hnn1,. 111111 2 h111h•, !';hllk,. r<inL T rrr. l1nt'1I .~irrrt ln11l1Rf', 1i1n<1. j lu h l••>f HFIQ/Trrrrirr, c1 t'al fo1r r n1rrlR1n111g. l'r1r1'1 I Al -~~·I ·~10. Cril l t:~.:-~tillJ fii.1-~& E1·r~. associated IAOKEAS-AEAL TORS ZOJS W. lolboo 67J-J66) $25,950 4 Bd r, + Family Rm . .\·~11n1r \',', RIH 1''111'1 \l"''" niz~r 1n· l.1111:,, f11m il~· 1·111, ! lif'(!rn1, rfrram kllt;hr n f.H~l i .1! TARBELL ~"fi:, )!;~J"l.,,..,r, ,. \1. REPOSSESS ION_S_ S pA rk!1n11: cleRn homl'!i', 11<1m' newly p11 l111r rl & cR r!"led. 2 3, 4 & ~ M r111•. Snme with !'("11~. r llA-VA ro11I'. lerms, Jm m S2fl.00'1 10 s~o.ooo. COLI.INS ,r. \VATIS JNC. 11114.l i\f!11ms Av,, 962--~23 PETE BARRETT ,.,, ~1~~~r 1 NIWPORT BlACH t~ 642-S200 FOUR & FAMILY J1,.·11 1rd on \I""'~ rlPl 1\111 r, J;i.r1!" ~rl\'!I ri Int. No" r ri•·· t ll for r.-1.~1 s11lr Al S:?!l,!l.'ll'l. f°lll l l '~i'i>PI~, rlt'RJll'~ 111\ff ~II r \l!''I• (),1nr r 11·11! hf'lfl hu,1rr 1'11 11 f1n11nc1 ng. Call u~ fnr rlrt:i1ls- ;,ir111 ."·! (l)p,.n r1·r~.l rtt HERITAGE ~ HAI. Ulnt 1906 SANTIAGO OR. 11>0\"ER ~l!Ol1F.S, N.R.l 4 B('f\r(ll, laritr fa mily r m . 3 BA. 1·1,,w from P\'Prv mom. 01'~:.'l OA!l.Y l -fn 5 ROY J, \l"ARfl R LTRS n-lfi-022!1 -c,--,--.--,-~.- Delightf.ul HR,1r1·,..~1 I Rrlrn1 hnmr "' rl1n rn1. 11 :.: fa m 11n . "A r1.r:J\SUP.F. TO ~HQ\\"' Arnold & Freud n~:A r.rnr:s $'l.i0!1 rlf111·11. No 2nrl r.o. i\"o ('losing ('().•!. \\'"~R \/!'rd' ~ BR. 2 h:i . 1'1il--llr-~11r. 54:..-971 2 * 5'1.'>-S73-I RY n"nf'r 3 RR, 2 B A. frplc . h~nl11nnrl ll•YJr•. C'Ornrr 101. S2:i,.iftl .. '-.1-....'.i112 RY 01111rr-.-c=,c1"1,-,-,~pc,-,ck.~4 1 RR. 2 AA . Ill 21"Pl'MhfiU~' I; shal1P £arl'lrn. &1~12 Dana Point ---------nirr1,~;x. ~r11r 2 RR un it~ .'\r11 dr:lr"~. \"111'11 d~c:k. rri1· 11'~r p11110 11/l1~h pool, S-1.t:-.r(I. 4fl!i-.~2;·, E111t Bluft a L'\\LUSl\"E A Gf'~Nrs e SA L~~~ LEASE 2·1((1 •q fl llf lll:<Ury \11 !ng, K ini;: ~l1P t>rlrm. '1!" p11U m 1111 hl'ltll•, 2 hrrl, f11rn111l thn * DUPLEX * nn. !11n1 rm. n 111'"rl 111rxi<Jv.s l RI( , hllu• .'-:r. ~hnp• k 1n11t·h n1nr". flp.-n l~j l-"nn111 Cn, 11.l!ri<, fi·l2-.'iYl0 ri11rl y. 21.17 ArRlta St. ("1'111 PEP.II.fl'\' P.J.TY f;\1-Jnl Ba lboa Coves 1--- ------------I riit; RI .1 ·rrs.sr\11 1,.\ ... 1 :'\ • .1 Rf{, 2 hR lh~. p1 r hr i..r-h, frpl<· \fj "' 'll i;1:1.p.:;1,11 Balboa Island tri-rLt J.~Ja11r1, Sn. R~1· rro111. 2 I'll~. hou~,. f!n on<', .1 Rll, ;\ RA, 3 ~·111·11;irr<, :1 Rr.nn II Ir r·nr1'i1l1ont'!'~. m11 1rl• ,....,,..,,n ~ h111h, h1 · rm up~t:i 1 r~ 11·/1\f'1 h?.r, ~hnwn 11 ppl 0111.\, ;\!in S,l2'1,rn'l. Prin1 ·q1RI~ nnl.v. Ownrr P .O. Bf•'I :!12 A11l hn-'I t~h~nrl. Thi! la.de~! dr11 w 1n fh' W'~I •. 11 n.1 1ly Pilot Cl1As1f1M Ari. 642-~£78 General Rf:. ~1 i Hi\ 11·1·11 rlrr-or111 ....; '\'.ln 1 ln1 S">~, -.-~1 011 11r r :~1 ;.\~l l \1 111 !'f'f1 1. ____ , Fountain Valley CUSTOM TOWNHOUSE rno1. .............. Sli.:ltl ,\ppP>ll $1~. t11lfll ('()•!~, hu~ c 1111 ~ hr1111t~. It'.'!! Ian. Tll~llf'' nrl11~ !;_. "!1JO,\' f'~J"l" ft"'"'° ll\'ltli;:. No ,v.11rrl 11rik'""P· J"'r'.t'" m;i~trr ~111IP, i::n11rmr 1 k1rrh"n, pn\·111.. p11t10 2 r11 r s::.r ln1m11c ul.11 tr. • K11t1lla Re•lty e 1910 S, Rn~ffil, SA. :l.~7-531 1 i c1>11 .. ,., r1111.~ n .K.1 lfZ£1":i::J•DJ=J#JNOW IS THE TIME TO 'BUY ~ 842-4455 Huntington Beach Office 7682 Edinger Open Evenings 540-5140 761:1 ldln11r oppolltt Huntington C1nttr COLONIAL MANSION (ll''"I' 2'.lfll l ~'I· fL nf f11 mlly liv\1111: ir1 th1< 111~c-111fn·r11I .'\ hJ\lh hfim,. fr11 1u~1ni.: ,,!ra:11 nt for11111 I dininR: 1oon1. lu•h r'Afp'"I •. 1rrlud('d m•~lrr ~·111r ~ncl 0 !.Tl \\'f!J!l.ll l '"rAndR, "H'1'011nrl· inli: l[~rrlf'ns. A trt1ly r :ro:r1·u111·r ~h<111 pi,.rr In 11 r1·r •!1i;'::" nr12ll· blirhund . -• 4 IED BARGAIN (lnl~· ~!!14 l"'r lll•ln1h 1~·~s :ill,., i;rl ~"!l 1hP 11rt1:H1 t~cr• "f h<Jm" o" n"r~h1r. Quirk J>tH<~,..~~l<Jn lln'1 111sum11bll" (;J !.,nan, $2~Jl('lf}-~m 1 ll r!fi11n v.111 hR11rllr. 2 STORY STEAL A r'"ll l •"rf'R lll po1ff II l!h fl\"r r ~'f'(ll ~<I fl 11f f~n.it~ l1•·111C;. form11 I d 1n1ni: r•>filn, •1lllr1nu~ f11rnd~· rflnm, hr1d• • k1!rh .. 11, 4 hui:r hrr!ronm' 1111h jl"!h m11~trr •lli!f . ~29,.VlO N~WLYW !D DREAM COTTAGE \u1 .. ft,!. R h11 ~·, 11'1 1 110'1 .r1111•Ak 1 'l"l'lt) t,rdt1 ·•1A; ·~,, ... , • 'I' film kt!rhrn. lfl1\l'l"l nC t 11•r.•h111'1rrl I"! 1 11111pl•!'"'~ f'"r11 rd r1nh S1 75 pll~-' I ll . j,.,~ thAll rr11!. ~~ Newport Beach Office -646· 7711 2043 Westcliff Dr. l'lt Ir vi ne Open Evenings NF.WPORT BEAC H ~l rrl'T nf n>••l l' 111,lu111 hn1111·,, /\1111.,,! 21Y!n ~fl 11 . nf •'•1fl1· fo rl"l1I,. f11111i1_1· l111ni:. Y.rf'~l1\y 1 •~1111,.rt 11"\\ sli~i:: i'11rp"t" .... h..,r1 r11,1 11n1 r f1,.111 ('ll'n1,.111nry, .i11n11n· llnrl h1 eh \i"h••t1I• \\",.11 t 11<' :i,11 1l11 hll' IHn:,:' :r;•I! .,Oil BHTU THAN NEW ~ !111• •~·11111) h11~ .i 1 .. •d1•1<H11•, l11n1 1ly 1p•nn, ~ liu.:.- c11r~c., Alli! "11h1n 1111lk1111.: rl1•t1111 <'r of So11lh Cfl;t~! s tll,;,-.11 EASTSIDE-SHARP'I SHARP! :'l hrrJr,.0111, '1 h11 th rhR1'111rr-hlll:'" !'11 ln Vrrtl• F!nnr l•t"l•l!\rf' fo r Tho•'" r o•lrl 111111<'• "1r11111i.:•. \\'nlk tn ~!'h«nl• ~Il l' ~h1i;: 1arrw1-nr11l.1 1•111111"•1 •·\ff'n••r. CA ii lro<i ay-fin),\ .~;?69:'ifl. CANAL Fr.O~IT OUPLF.X ~:1 l•'l'I ' I II :11.·1 fl Olr)I j\IH .\ "11 '1 '"'II" HI\ 11 ;i l.r1lt H"lll hPl!I<' 01 .. rln11k1ni;: ~"""l"•l't ('~1111 1. 11r1rl rn111v r111·111ni;:' frnrn ,1 t-.•lf· ll•+')m IH1d hl'lf111 "!Il l•· 1,.1.1 A! ,11:.1 ,o.; . ."11'•1 ::::rl lr1 I• di I'll) 111,,•I 11( hu.I f"f \ 1·,,\!I Costa Mesa Office 2790 Harbor Bl vd, Days 545-9491 Nights 545-0465 POOL + RUMPUS ROOM l 'lu~ I hrdr111>111.~. 2 hAt hc, h11il1-in kl lr hrn, nr"'' shllS::: 1•1q1r 1- i111:. '}. f11••11/;i 1·r~. (l\rr fi1)j) ~q. rt. r~1mp11~ rO<l!ll inrl11(1r\ \111'1 hA r. ;\"11 rp1nl1fy1ni:. no ln11n lrrs-,llJ~I 111k,. n\r r. -'l1bJ l'r1 1!1 <''li<li n i: (ii !J•llfl. fl\vnrr 11 IU C(ln~!(lrr $1.000 dn11 n, 1:'11i\1E· DIATE (ll'Cl.'l'A~CY. TWO ON A LOT I..,, r.,, ln•'•)l!l•' nr f,.r h1.i1~r phi~ 111n1 l1f'1·-1n·IR11 fli!lll'lt'r< (\111' :-!1••111•"'111 Rll<l •1111' 1-hr(if,.,.,111 r1·r~rn! llH'nlll" ,$.:i7f\ l•l'I' 1n•1nth /\I 1hr 1•1u·r .1r $22,700, 11 hl~·h is finly 7 !i111r~ i;;ro~ll. ~OU cl 11""llr'r !Akt' A l"ok' SHAltP! SHARP! SHAllPI ·r11 rrl i•f 1 • .,1k1111: RI d irty rr<11lrll~ Thrn .•('f' th1~ 111'~111~ lhA1 ... ht111 ' likr 11 r111o/'lf'I hr.n1r . ;\ hrtt r•'-"1111~. 'J hath~. h•lllt ·ln k1 lr h- 1 n Ill• 111<11n1f d1~h11·:l<hrr, r><'\\ b<'1111 11f11l ~l11ti.: \\" \V c•r1lf't· 111 i;:. h11: rln11hl r i;:t rA5[1', 11nfl ~,..,,r_...-. f.,r hut! nr tr11111 .. r. All t hf, ~nd ,-.nly !2~.;'iOO 11nd !21 4 P"f n1nn!h 1nclud!n1: ta:lll'~ • TOTAL PRICI $24.000 NO DOWN G.I. IUYUS $100 DOWN PAYMENT F.H.A. f•q II\<' fi;l111l.,11' 4 hrrlrtonnJ, '1 ~1 rory 111111~'" 111!h ,1 hR!h\ f:l'ad)' f.q ,l'C111r Oi"Clll~llH'Y !1!11•. C.:i•nl)lfl't'"I~ {'l ll""ltd thru· .,.,1 11 1•" 11 ,~1 .,., '•\1 '1,1lt> kl1rhr11 1•Hh ~II 1>1111 1.ln~ In · 'l11rl111c •1•~h1111•IH'!' l~>Ul\I'" s;11r.'lt:r, !'.1·h1'fi!~ ~nd i h.,pp1n.t !If RI lJ.1 l,rl II' •hr<\\ !1 1fl .':'"II. WALKER & LEE 15 AS CLOSE AS YOUR PHONE Fountain Valley Office lrookhur1t 1cre11 trem Llnbrook H1rdw1r• 961-3371 Open 'til 9,00 P.M. NO DOWN \.ETs NF.AR BEACH U1<f'l.1 :'; Af"l lil'lm l' \l'i1 h mndl'rn kilrhrn h11ill -1n~ "nrl l l"J.lt· cinus 11anPl,.rl r.11mily rnom 1"1th 11·11rm hrirk l lr'"rl•r" l!!ad1 fi"'" h11ior,. 1·n1' .. TPd r111.t in for 211rd'"n l1\·in2 ~nrl ma:ir1mum pri1·11ry Cpl.• ttrp~ t hruout i nd S00PEn c:Jl'an. All t.ll'rm1 11nd on ly $:27.~i(l(l . NO DOWN VETS ! SlJ.500 ASSUME LOAN Im11111r ula1l' :'; hritronm phi~ f~n11l.1 rnr>1n ~nd BRA:-.'!1 '.l<t::\V lfin,t shl g cllrprt . A ~.~llmAblr ,tol'"t IOlln Ill ~1 43 tnl•l pt:r mnnth. $20,100 V.A. 1\n.v••nr 'lllAlllt"s "11hjr1·1 tn V A 1..-ian 111111 fi~ .11 nnu11.J ~r <'"ll'.ltlil"' r111,._t,1t11 l pn1 t~ S \9t pr r mnnth. Sharri 4 hrdroan1 11 ith 1\11 rm hnr k (11,,p!111·r , 2 luxurin11l1 hll1h,. mod .. r n built· In kltchrn, nrAr br~1·h . fol huyrr' \1f'lrnn1 ... Ca ll : F.XECUTIVE TRl-LIVlL FAIULOUS "llh r l•·1J1trrl l'l'll r !>A1"' •>1rrl""kin s: llhunme nna 1>riv1 tr-_ jo(l(o1 fllr11A•llf' hnlllf' ftl1'fl1111! 1•11h Tt'i'll J Olll•l"r hrdrOf•ITI <111tr , or11l,.11,I J:f)n111n h;1 1fi. i'llfdrn pa!!" ki1(0,.11. ind 111! "r tom,.,rr o\'' 111:\ur)' (rAtUrl"ll. \'l!ry l'finlll'llll'nl l•rm~ n r r r1dt yours, $39. 7.30. DAILY PILOT $3 !~I .............. !~I ,.._,.. .... Hou5ei tor R!Nlt l~I I~ 1~'.---;;;;;';;;;;" ... ~l~~ie [-····-I ~ Irvine I rvina Newport Beach Busina11 Houses Furnished 300 Houus Unfurn. 305 Houus Unfurn. 305 Duplaxa1 Furn. 345 Apts. Furn. -------~N~·~w~p~o-d-:;-B-·~·:'~"-;:-;-::::-::·l ·C;;;;o;'';•;;;;M;;.;•;·;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; !Lagu~~-~~·----Newport Beach j.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;l :T~l~ICC."'iiR~l.~U;t'~t'~'~.~B~y;°'.o~w~~:;:;:,·.1 _0_p_po_''-"-"-i-ty_~~200 HIGHLIGHTED _ SKYLlGHTED Cun•t••, 3 Ill-:, 2 ha, l lt".el, Hunting & Fishing ~\!ALL 1 ri11 h ou~+>. 4 BEDROOMS FOR LEASE OCEA~~'H.ONT c"1rn\·r 4 Hr . l\'lNT~.ll rr nlal, l'Ollai(P 1•11 S!30/\Jo, Adl1~. 1wi 1•h1\rlren Nrar S;int;i Ana Countrv Cluh SupPr'>, i:t1'<."htl('cturally de-2 &. Nrv.• upp<'r dupl,.,, c• 11 I d LH~!ll np"Wto·I iW 1-I 2l't 1-u 'j an scnped , les!l than 1 year old. 4 Bil., family rm ., !iep. d1n1nl; rn1 . ho1ne in Broad· moor , 1'urtle Rork. Priced be tter than right at . . $39,300. ('T.l o ~ 'l '1r11 ii ' "S!S'CE 1946" J ,o,;l \\ rsL1•rr1 Bflrlk Bldi;. L'nivrndty Park A'•. SI''·' ''''·I·.' • 1,-,' "'"·That's \\'hilt )OU ··an Oo 11ht•11 ,,, .•. ,. /'<•/' <'"Qll ,.,,, . ., c J .,.. ·' <V · -~ ,., ., ~ "' ' • ..r "'"" s._...,,11ratc f\o111P wi.th s1i.;n1•d honie, blo•ndM into pis, 'lr!>S, hl1ns. :illl Rn•·shOI'<' I' ark ti:l6-21>3·1 )OLI llll'll your (111 n t-u~1nr,,5 Fvt' & 11 k ,.,~! ,. 1--''-----------1 •n rhi~ r .'l!'t!!llJ:: fii>li1. Nn1 Ii ___::___ · pool prrl'!lt'i;:ri; Ult' ~:colui:u:.11 wu ndl!1·menl Seai;hut't' [Jr. \\11\lt'C S:l75 Tl'iJllt'hi~r. P.irt 01. lull lilllf'. 3 Brd, 11 Rik. f1 pn1 !"·:1r~1. 2 c;1r gara,1..,., firr;olai'I! 111 ST,\T l-:1.Y 'l'H~:F:S, SAN-nio. Furn. &4~:1170. Newport Height1 * $25,500 * fll.l~r 2 l~I~ 11.i , hrkrst. l\/'f'il, s•'l"H'f' f"•t'('il 1 2 Jrnn th•' ji(fO\llni.: 1w1work rn·, Uh•. 11!1 391)\ St. N.B. und lan11l1' roon1 ll\' l~~;,\~'Ht.S AN!> A IIBAcJi~'RONT-:1 B1t·.-,-B-,-.·I or J T (IT. i\S:'t)Cl 1\TIO.~ l\'1:1--tl.O,.n "" f,j] :i ... _ •• _:i___ $'l7j P1·r 'i\tuuth l''J•:v~:H J-:NlJJNti VJ ~:w OF lq1li·, jJl.lllO. lu1mf'11 ()!TUPI ' I I 'II/.,-H --U-f TllE (ICJ•:,\N .t (_',\TAL,JNI\ 1·11.· •. ''''· ."·p• I" .l<l•I" 1·,110 1111 ·111 ..-·1·~ nvl's11n"u , •. 1. ouses n urn. " .,,. v .-JSl.ANIJ. JJ,.t1dl<'d, ttll woud Oco'u11lrun1 . 1:!!::1 .Vlf1--Jjl)9 ---'lR.r ultor Days 833-0101 N ights .:ir1rl1 I. 1·•~1111<. l.11111~ rm. I~"'"''.":'"""'"'"""""'"'"""."_..,..,.,, .... .,,.,,.,, .. .,, [ 11•11 h fq1I. :i Car i,;rtr11i,:t>. No t>Xlll'1·1r111•r. Otir ('(\Ji'· pauy t;t'liMl trains )'OU 10 f'Wl'Y llSIJ('l'I, I-"lnarwJr1i:::: :1111.1lablt>. R!'pr'!>s('nl J;U lil\'' Hiid oU11Jltf'rs 1\l'OUntl ! hp \\(\rlrl. EnJ"Y po1rn11al h1).'.h prQf11s and la;; ad"an1a1:1'"" ll un1 81lri lb•h ft·i·"· /\11 th •~ Is p<•S~lhlr if you flll-'ll1(1•. :;-op our :r\". ~ho,1 !'>unr1;:i~. 7 ::o P.~1.. Channrl ~·2 Call General 1'~1•'!'!••1', ()('1':1\N h•(:a1t•11 on th+' SHI~; <J P ·1· II }o; Duplexes Unfurn. 350 General Walker Rlty. 675·5200 General 3336 \11;; IA1to, NrY.porl Befl t·tr BAYSIDE DRIVE-BAYFRONT 122 l·'t, prune ocean & bav v1e1v lot i.'\ the scU ing for thl!\ ln vel.1. spaC:ious single story 4 _RR ., 4 bii hon1c 11·1th it:-011•n pier & slip. i\ltnl co11d . r1ne:::.t (Jf hch1•d. paneling, v.1all- papcr, c;irpets & dr;_1pes. S250.000. URGENT MUST GO-GO 111..:h J.OIC'lllll\I, C-. '.:! h,,rnr~ on Ire 1111 !'>ug;:,.~trd Si6.~ o r· an) ofrrr. (';111..:13 61il -l900 altrr :, .I(} 11n1 Bkr. ---ur \\Tll<', 11u·lu1lr pho•nf'; San Juan Capistrano J 1 \l '1'110:\\,\S (JlTPI l0J{ '11lA \'l::J. RENTAL FINDERS 4JS W. 1'"'-GOITA WU4 Houses * Apt1. * 64~0111 * s1t:·1-Lll1I c"'t. Furn 2 Hr. ('.,1 . 1.~;.:" Sh·JI>' lo '"-""111. :-'111 H ...... h. llun',v' BEACON * 64~0ll1 • l'ASSHJ'.\' lor Furn l Kr, SrnJ u1 .. 1 .t s~;. nn1•at·y~ P•'I. l't1I Ar 11 Frp!t·. dr11~. A\~11 lt> H\\IY ., II 11 h 1'1\TH\V,\Y L~:,\DINI; TO "11 1}o; f!~:ACH , ---------Costa Maia LGE l BR, no ,·rp 1~. <irp.~. appliance~. Sli :1. 6·16--;!:.0H, ~S--8:133, &1~63!. Orange TRIPLEX·Pool. A<tults <Jill~. 2 BR, !'2 HA. SJ7l/m.,, <'r11 1lrps, Hlt 1.'<l111t. Prh·. p..itl•). Ent l ~ar. H it~. Closl' (l\;i. Costa Mesa --------~·~ ·111t~ t:xcrr1r-.;r. PALM MESA APTS. :'<llNUT~~'\TIJ Nt_\\'PT. RCH. U11bf'l1cvably lri:: 11111s. h11ge po~!. J111'.'lll~!. t"lt•t·t hl!Jns, ~ha)!" 1·qits, drii~. s<iunn e:c. . .'\d ult<, r~, lll'I S. !'<I\! :I.ES •..... $11:l. I RFfJlt;'ll ...... fr'f!r11 Sl.'"f.i. 2 B~:DR\1 •..... lrun\ $17\ \'011'r1• r11;h1 , !h•·~'JP undrr. IJ!'11·o·•l 1 1:i6J ,\),•Mt Dr .• C .. \I. 1.,1 hlk~ fi..-in1 :-.'1·11'1ll1r1 R!v<i.I CASA de ORO CASU,\!. C:itif. L1 vin,;: In a 11·arin ,\!ed1 tcrran1'a11 a1mos· l)h<'rC' Sparious color ro- ort!1n:i11'<l aptll • 11es1gned It. lurn 1.~hl'rl :or :"!)'le & com· tort • lleilll'd pool • Klich· e.1 11 I !nr!u·f'l'I J1gh11ns:: • llclu;.:c It 0. Adutls. No pt'U.. 1 HR.·111.1 !urn. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR TllAt\SFEHR~:l 1 J;)():l E. 171h ~1-.•rt !\'r11· h•)t)lf' 1n S;ni 111...i,:ll ~a nta An.t, Calif. 91701 $11f.i..U1il p.-1 B11chrlor 1i Xlrll \'l/'\I'. l..a!;Uflil. Fu1 rl blk 10 CX'•'f'IL, e COZY 2 Sto;irt', 1·p1s, rlay. $1·1ll. lln1r1u1' 3-bdn n floor plan h;is ru.,11~· Iii·. r•n. 11·1rh walls of rurk & natural wood p.·uu-U1nJ;. 10 }ol . lllGll CEILINGS Of OPt:N Tli\1. B}o:llS, E'Xll'.'tlNJVe US!' (If rol· 111-v>tl GI.A~ ~KYl.J1;1 ITS. :-.·a.~~i 1·e H n I c /{ }o"LHI·:. l'l.AC'~: \V Oil.NAT E HOOD. C1•n1rr statrv.'t'11 has a11lutUP C,\Tll ~:nH,\1. \\ll NDQ\V OF :'TAL'l/En CLAS..'i .~ CRYS- TAi.. Appros. 100 \"l{S. Ol.0. ,\ 1nily G.:1u r111r1 kit· •'h"t1 1' 1·:1.~:C. RANL:E k SELi' C'l.l•:A.-.. OVEN, DS!l- ~\'SJIF{. ('l"ISINE Ct-:NTl::R. J•1r sh"P g. \\'i;hr/<lr)' ~•l••k up ava il. 11:\l Shrtlluck Apt l'Tll.l'fl~:S INCLUDED II. 1\r;1 ngr. 6:\~li26l ,,r 3fi1 IV. \\'ilson &12-\9TI 3 ;iln1m:t !1nisl111·t. ~1us1 srll 17111 5.i.'1-~\1 ! 41 Bayside Or., Suire 1, N .B. 675 6161 > 2 b ' · ~h111·p 1 tn'r tK·rlrt>nn•. :itn o -· -1-.b-t--Nd d Huntingt'on-B~ach ___ ll rvine llP11r Rtdr11i·~~c·k Cr1lleL:(' is rt u ors ee ~e, -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! J ii~i •uir• )rAr nrii. Vlrw 1,,1, L111;:1.r.1 :1u1nh•'l' of n1 ..... 1nr- • ,,,.1·11·r'd patui. all ln!lrlS•'HP· Bl 10 ll .... nn1'. u1 ·;,11l11 1 !1h· 1, 1 o JUST LISTED 4 Br>drn1, 1~r.o ~q r1. L1r't:" ~r·p rirn, 1111 I hat ~·11nnii ! J1v r n1, f1n·pl, ,.1,,r1 hl11n fil!l;:!L'. dhl n11•n. d1~l1w:-hr. ~r ~ la11ndry r111. f',\ hi, 1•01·- erf'fl PElllO, lTP!S, dqi~. $~1.~iOO. l' 11lage Real Estate '62~471 ( r.:: J 546-810] BRING THE KfD's Thrr1·'s 100111 fnr plrr1I~' 4 RR .• ~ A.<\. l;111ui~ rn1 • rt111- 1ns:; rn1. :.!HJ() sq fr ··show. L';a~ !!01111•". S11('1·1~I h.inus rm ;11111 1!n1r·.1tiru ~at·agt', Surrr •'Iran. :r!.lt.:.no * CALL N !T.~:1117 + (f<in11('1·J\ l>ra ~li('.:ir l~lf.\· u~~All CJ ~ Look-What-We H-ave-f ! P;il;ir·ps; !';iris: ;inti ~ l!Ylfl PRESTI GE ~ All fn he Op,·n !foll~"'! lhl!> $1.i.flOO. uf>. 847-8531 • 11rrk 592.5571 -. 7? WHY RENT?? $26,500. R}-_;1\I , RUY• l'a,\1111c •·h•''1 P· r r rh:io t'f'lll' ,.,,.., 1h1~ -I P.n 5 BDRMS •• $41 ,500 1011" tirt'a N"1" . l u 11.\ 1-lllJ:, Ill \liokr ,.ff,•r' · ' · Jus1 11 shorl d1~!a111·r frn1n 1<111 IJ1•1l:-.r a01 prl1M'•1 l'11d-,. I (' Si (' 1\:-1..:r:-.·1; S.'.1.r.00 .~••till 11;1,t , 10/>/!Ul<• •'fl• '''''" \ ,,.,,,, ('••1•· >'•'Iii " Ci\PJ.'iT!l1\:-;n VALLE\' "' •· "'· ·' 1rr. 1'10·111 1.· •1/ n ~Hll fil,. h<'· I > I \"•·" '' \/••0 h nr::ALTY 1 1n ll1!' I u v>ll;\ ,-• ,-,, • 111~ .~· ft1il "r1:1 1nini:. n .. 11::111. anch.•··r~. H Q1111l 1f11·0. yn11 f I b k f .1J:i01 C11111ir11> C~1p1str11110 ll a(• pat11• fi esu:.:nr(I or 1,11! II(' providf'd y.•i1h nil ~!!:{·l 12·1 Jt1,•' n1a1n1tn<1nt'f'. C1/tlle SC'f' l ~~~~~~~~~~~~I r111r1pn11'nl find ln1·a11on.~. i t tr\11:.y! 11 nd bC" ira1t1C"d 111 11ll ph11~es (ii.·· ... ·' ... red h1·11 1 __ ... _""'-"· -ra-1 "'/hi.< h<ghly ,.,, ... ,,;,., ,,.,_ Gener ~I ~ Ill<'~.~ •nn ~<·l!1n~I. You n1ll't L----·---~ hp rl'!111hlr, h;i11· ;i ~··~I car H~'.ALTY A!lrl 4 Murs II ''''••k ~p;11·1 • Apartments for sale 152 111111•, and '"'' :i hl,. in n1akr L'n1\', P..irk Crnt,.r. lrv1nc Call ,\n} 11111r Kti-fli;~ Laguna Beach WOODS COVE Charn11n~ ll'nod sl\1nc:Jr hil111r surioundrd hy 1011·1•ri llh Ir~'•'~. 111 a 11alura!, 11qodsy 1'+'tl111iz, on 2 .~p<1~·1ut1s hu1lrl- 1ng "11r". nir'l'lly ll'l'!'l, 111t11 s1 ·vr1·;d hri"k pa110~ .~. ;:-1·11s.<y an·as. llali(1ng rl1,<.(,1t1<'e 10 fl<•ii<'h OCf'illl I'll'\\' f1f'illllf'fi t·,...11 111~ .V f1rrpla<'1' 1n l1v1ng 1'!••111. Spa(·111us 1)1111! -1n ki1,•t11·n 11 ,lh d 1,:h11a~hcr: d1n111g rnon1, ril"rl, 'l fi<lrms., 2 b111h.<., drrs~1ng J'(lon1 plu.~ l-hrriN10n1 gur~1 ap.'lrl n1rni , For nnl,1 $6.1, ·,.10. thK 'rrol· J11nf1 ('1H1 h,, yn111'~. C111!. A&!an REAL ESTATE 1111{) t;lrnrl<'~ fP St 1~11·'.lli.l ~1!1.0'.:lr: , If'\\. 3 Bit. 2', !:IA. ? n11. 1 --32 + UNITS COSTA MESA an 1n11 ur,1 "''" 111\·1·~1n1r111 .. r S:lll)00 ,.,,.1·111·t•t!1 . ~1·1111 nan1r, a1\dn•s,: Hnd phnnr $~<0 :"11. $JO ?.1 t!11 J-;.\•·el OC· numhr·r 1(1 :-.«11 r~··n 1111 .. r- ('upa11cy. 67:l·60-11 011·ner· 11a11n1111 I 01,rr1hu 1 111~ Cori· ](1•al1or. 1111!1). '.:~111 ~i·111lflrl Hlvd. '---------1 Nr1\[)011 Br111·h, C;il1f., 91.ti(j/J, Cemetery 1>rp1 :·:o1\. Lots/Crypts 156 ----:==~~= • J-",\1\IQUS RllANO NAil!E r nn ~;ii.-. 1. crn1{'tr1-y r1,,1 ~. • !ln1•ho 1r r:r~r '.\! f• Ill (• l' I I\ I (',.\1\'flY Sl 'f'l11.Y l':1rk. $::r, 1,,r 1~tt1. ~.1 1.::~.s 1 1 11sT1~1Bl"fORSH1r <ltl)-•. ;,.1s.~~7 ('\'f'.'li. IPAHT or. FULL TL\1 ~~1 _____ , Commercial N<n" nl';lll11bll:' in this al'r~1. All l1.1·nf1<lll~ Hl'I' <'1<1\\-Propetty 158 STORES & OFFICES on NPW\'lOrL Blvtl. $1:1() :'<\ f'Q UJ!y, tlll ]rHSl'hOl!I . 7'~"' hia u. P;i 11 111 rrnrlt' fl\'1'~1hlr. 01111.·r n1:,..1601. Condominiums for sal• 160 nu•n ·1;1I 11r (a1'lnl'y t111·111.,h1•f1 by us. ~o ~rll•ni::, Qu11lil l•'if ]J f"r~<I!\ 11•i lJ h l•<'O lll<' ,1,s1rlhu1,,r ror our ··~ml_;· (,'Ji,~1:,-.:, P\:11\IPI'~. '1'"1>1 S"' ft•·ll~. \l1lk ]'1ud~. r Tr•. Vo·ry high 1n1·,.n1r 1•11<'nl1:1I. You nlll.<1 ha\'r Z 1n 1i hr,:. po·r 111•rk ~1•arr ll llll" (d;i~·s ur f'l'<'~I. 4.!_L\f\.\11 ,'l:(j s1;-;c;1.~: S'l'()P.Y S\l:lll 10 ,!;':•1•r, (';i,h J:r'l'•l ,..HP. 2 BA, ~·hra111·r 111;111 f.-11• 01,,n' 111f,,tn1Hl1on \\I'll~· 11<•1\' '.\<> •11111lifyu1i;: to a:.-"IJISTRIBl 'T(ll'l. ll!\'J....,l{J~ ,,un1r ~11 ·\ lun11. \'a1'Hlll, ,\lo, 1.~ ... p I) Bu~ 113~. larwin realty, inc. r ,.1•n1;1, Cat1fnrni1t 9171:.! - :!C~i1 ll1•w•khur~1. Hn1~11 Heh 11wl111I•· ph11l1•' 546-5411 ,anytim• ---~~·ii·!.r:-:·1·1'\;r:=- BEACON * 645-DI 11 * * * S 1.~.-1-l '11f11n1 2 l'1'. !l1•ni<' "' ~:11 ,I;, .1 rr1. l'"11~1dr1' p1•t. .\1·:t1I 11n1'. BEACON * S12.·, ...... ll'<' 2 Ar. d1·~. l'hilfl ok. ~hn1r.; BEACON * 645·01l1 R!1n~. 1·p11<, :'>lr . ~this & 645-0111 Sl•i:i-3 Hr Z R:.. Hltns. 1·p1~. tlqi.•, pr1l1n. Kid.~ ,r;,_ l"''I< 11·rl- l'lillf' e ~'A~1 /l.)' Nr<'<lt'rl·3 Rr, '.! Kil, f111~t yr<l. :\Jni E·~1df' 1 .... , .• $1 7\ 6:L'\-1"61 nfl ;,-~o. ~------- Duplexes, Furn. or Unfurn. 355 ALA Rentals • 645-3900 ~ !Ht, :.! H.\. ('pf,, 1irp~~lri:: ·''aro!, .~101·r ;11 ai l. \\-s1il•'- /\r s1'11 1.~. $12:•/ni". ~1:,-;.-;s~:-1- 1~·"1'\' lr\1'l lra1un'~ :\ Balboa l1land ~2--~l-4 ni1.""ra n11l_1• r11 1~11tl•l, bltns, lq 1lr, 7~£ lluds1111. ;..ir1--116:l . h<11·111.;. ,r, 'l. b;illis. !\!.•Ir. hdnn. ~11111' .~. 1ln·s~. 1"111. ha~ \";•ll Lu11 wall n11·t·n11i~•. ,\l 1\S:-:1v ~; OLll APOBE VI I\ t:l '1.A('E ~'.LEf;ANT MESA VF:RDE ~ ll1ln11, 2 11:\"1"1 1 IL'\S ll llG~: SUNKEN Ha. fan1 1·n1. Jn: p;ltH\ q1111l SI. $1:l(l/n1~1. K~::.1,~_-,1. .\1 n NT1('!·:1JT,,~~~ I{ 1:., 1 ha , ~;o1•:ii::•·. h11)1.,1n.', pi•!•"· pnnl , $:!1-, ~~;!\.~i\7. Tl 'R, rlbl, pu\1111a11~. iill l~v nlnr.v ,f,, ha1!1 lnn1 11rr 1\:-J. TIQL'F:ll RHASS. l'rrlr<·! l1h•n1!111i:: of l':ISl1<1I rh•gallL'<', f·ir: Blt,\Nll 1\1•<1' ,!!,_ J.:OrO(t\.ois 3 ll,,lrn1. 2 h11 flis. P 11 I i,,. n1sl111asl11'r, tra~h rl\il~h··r. t'urn, "r 1u1r. $~.'ii) run. ,vrly. <1R s:ri0 1110 .• Y.1n1o-r l\'!K'l'ON flEAL ESTAT~: tl9 i\I ;inrn', B.11ll<ia .J~bt n<l fi7: ... ~.,:\! BEACON * 645-0111 Ea~t Bluff $.1.-.ri \10~1'1 I \1 Js....;1< IN REALTY '--------'r~ ~ilrlmenh 10! Ren! ~ S:lilO-.<:p,,.·11•11~ .\ flr. ! Ra. h•l!llt', 1.:.1r. fn<'rl .'rrl, 1111'1' ;11·.-:1. Ch1l•t1rn, !ii'!~. s1llJ,:'l"~ .. k BEACON * 645-0111 ./ THE Hl.l'F~':<;.~ph1 lr1·rl ~:t So. Coast Il l\')'., l.a~11ua 3 Rn. :!I~ R1\, \V o•ll Pho.lOf' •714\ 4~-0711 1tr <'•ll'lilf'd. Xlnt In<'. $.'NI Lido 1--;la ""'· (h1 111•r :>t7-!iill. \\"1111------------!!0Uf;f: for s<1le nr Jr;i~r. Apts. Furn. General 360 S100-lt1gh1 ,.n Rr. Yt'.lrl~. lhf' •1atl:r. 1 Fountain Valley E~qu1s1lf' 4 BH, ~ IJH, 11r1 h;ir. {)n1' of Lid11 l slf's 1nus1 Rent Beautiful 1'~urnlll.il'e !or a~ little as ..k. S1111r. 1·1 ln1.:. ,·pl,, drp•. ,·1•1•1 111 r1••i<'1·. 1\1 :111 So11. BEACON ._045-01 .!._!_ • ~~II. 1 I! R, • Bl{ • • • • • • • * Sllfl t'urn 1rflil<'r, i;111~l1• 01\, (' \!. • Sl 1-1 ,'\ H. • • • • $1:::., 1 BR ~.ir:tgl', 1"'1~ 01.;, C .\1. • kids & • • • • • SI Ill 2 Jq!, <'t!<I~. rlrr". P·llli'. l;ar.•-·r 1,i.1~ l!I\ 111! RENT-A-H O U S E 636--2860 ;\ RR, df'll .i:.. f:.n11ly I'll\, ('p 11. lwnnt1ful f\Qn1r!I'. llll'~' !'ark h"tllf'. A\':tll lii.°1'-11lfi. 1n11:;. $~.~;, ;,:,T~~•:,j:! Mesa Verda si;;i0 1110. l.OVF:!.Y z HY '• RR ho1111',n --,-.,-.. -.,-r -.-,-,-,-H-H-.-,-H-A-. -A--< I;: )<! ,f,, 1Jl 111s. $2.~.i 111,. 1~1ml., 1·l1>Sf' lo !"•·h"11I~, $~.li."i. 1'.'.;.·•_•·A_•·_n,~r-!MiS~!l'.!l:l aft 1:. fhiii••r. ~.u1-:~r.s Harbor H ighl';•~n;d;;,---1,M::::i,~s~ion':..:~V:_i•i .. o ___ _ ONE MONTH complete with your 100°/. Purcha1a Option l n<l. ilrn1 i;e!r r11on. 24 Hour Dely. CUSTOM .1 Iii{. 2 h;;, ll'pli·. 111'11' dbl Hll/\NlJ m•\1 3 l~lt r· 1· 1 Fu•n<'lu•e Rental •),rn,.;, 1,,,1,.,. kir ~\'l'\I<'" · . · •.•• 1111 11 .. , , ' I , 1· ' . ,1/fq>I«. 2 Ila . t1qi~lsh111: !'117 W. 19th, C.ilt S.l!tJ.IBl 1~w··11 • T'I ·"' ii; yd +-Pl'll . ·11 s·i~· s··· 1 ~~l'l Anahr1111 774-'2~00 p :i111•. 111'\I I)" J11dM pd 1'111 1'_1', ~-I I ~-· '__:_ " -. _· ___ _ .. B J.11!l11hra 694-370ll 111 1a. h1••1 <1111 g;11·, ,1 ,,1 cµ1, 1 .. ewport each d1 ps & sh111 IC'r~ \l.1r11Jt•r. 3 Beacon Bay 1 :11s1~n ,f,, ll;1\'l•1;. 111 S•·hb . Bit 2 . J\A, ITJ•l~ldq>s.1 -------'------ ' , I I <I< 1.,,1 bll1ns IJ\\. \\atPr 11111<1 r, :! ('ClZ\' Ha,·hPl"r RI•' 11 /i·•,.lk I '1 tif'I<;, "\il1 <ii•' I', .>,• fpl~. l'"r 1.,1. l:<1rd,.m•r 1~!. 1111: hu•1!1t1,.~. Priv, 1m1 10 K· "lily. ~---~-----1 th111r /,\gl. Huntington Ueach -------c.;.;.c _ _;:. __ :.;.;;_cc ___ I• s I'" ' 111 1 n i.: v I ,.\\'. ('!IAH~11t'{; .'t llH, 2 h<t ou ~h~Jl~/11;,h•1· 1. l:r•. l "lll 1n1·1. 111<• ~i!S.j).12. E;11ly ,,,., ':"\'1°1/ i\111. ti<\2-U J~jfi •'111 1,!llt'I'. I lo! 1N L s 11;1/11111 A1 :111 !ii .Jul.~ l li7:! i!•X•. Balboa Island \"l·.l(Y l 'l.l.A;o./ .\·~',\\T 11:11'k lik .. , .. nwt· l••I S111u·1.r. $~'(NI. Jlr • lk• 1~·1~ IJ f 11 "'· frr1~. 11r rirw '11 1(·k ,t· C•'fl:u-. Sh~1.rot 1"1.1-'.,:'.ti !. I\ f3,\, !11••pl. f;i o1 ~ 11.P -~---:-."1··1v 2 RP.. 2 r.>1\. 1\p•·11 cncKTAll. H.'\I~ •-h•"h~•.,11 1 .. 11111• 1ulf1 pali... !ni:: ('lr;1u lh111ul,'11<Jtll. llnl.1 ALA Renta/1 • 645-3900 ~1u 1 nkr.1 ~. l',!I L!!'I~. •li>IJll'S $1~17 111 .. 111111.v IO j.!HOtl ~~l'E1 ·S -10 h•'.h'h.-:1 llH.~ & lar1:1' l;1 11•lh r·~1111 . (>n,. (1·n .• 11f~. To t.1 '" 1·.• 11 , .\l·Hr l.i' lras..-. $1!.o.1 ,\lu111l1 YJ<Al!I.\' Allr:u·I. \\/frµJt•. I i\rlulr, $Iii! 11u1 u1d. i.::, ~~1";:". kr trh, l"'l'I p;,111•. ('i""I' ''' sr·hl')lll~. ;-\(1 dn11n \'A-Lo rln ~'IL\ HAFFDAL REALTY ~·12-1 fO.'• WE BUY e HOMES e FOR CASH h1•;11nrd ..-r1!l!ll!'.~. u11nn:-.rrt11'!· I'd (l('t'(lll I ICW. S.!7,()()(). !il:~-7:"1'.lti ~-~- Laguna Niguel VIEW THE PACIFI C 1-'.rrr 1·h;i11;:111~ 0..·~11 1,v . \\'hll •· \1'>11<'1', ~tlllS•'f~ n\'l'f f;i1;i. fll>! t:ar," "· 1lr.1r><··~. pr1n1r ll l'<'H .. ~20.000 r1• or J<Ut.11111 ~ l,arwin realty, inc. TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS HOLLAND BUS. SALES 21:~12 B 1 ,w1kh!'lr~1 . 11111~11 Brh "Thr R1•lk<'r 11·1r h ~:1nnalli,v'" 546·5411 anytim• lilfi On1n~{' 1\1", c .\1 .\•·,1r ll«•"'' ar i2~o IM'f nu" ~~;2 ... ~1+! c·a~·11·...--.:I rt••;.11.1• ~.1s.1i9n Call 1\i.:•·111 ,1hi 11 ll . t' !. I< .\ .,.-. -.-. -l~l i--,-l<A ,o.;IJAltl' :i h1I ·i h;I, sh11c ··pl, .~:!~O 1'111. 17ll:.! S(·t'll3flil, hl l 111s. l•'r\,·1•1 1 .1:orrl . :-;1u1rp. H 11 t' 1.: ff I I\ $ :l :./ :1 I'/ 111 11·111.1.:1-'.I( ,i,, LI·.~:. J:l.TllS ~·. l~il111g••r !*>~~ j'(l7\l l 1 1••~1.~!'S I•• l~r~t rh' P.a. I\'' I 111, I ,II ii.;, $:!1.',/rll'). •ii: ... ·i~21. \\ lllll'!'. \l'A'l'Eltfrnn1 l ,\! ''"II\' 11<'n, ~--~ ./ i ltH. furn. 11111 $1~.'.i/1110 \"t'arl.1 _Halt.K.ia l!>l1u1d. C<tll 1;j:\-.)~17! \\'1·:1.1. f111·11 1. J1r i!jll, l\ll n~ ,t· 1::11'.ti:•·. ~' 1111' hr11I, $~!Ill "1!111'1'. f;.\1-.'o71~i. [',,1·:11 11011\l' '!Bit 1 11/\, lanl l', Ii;,, lolin~. fpl , p111111 Sl:i(I 1·111 'th:. k1 1{'i1 ;i.p111·~. 111· Yrly Ag l. t;/J-7•1:lfl 1·~1:11 ·11. ~hopp111g .~. ~"Ills. ------- -------........... :•6-1.-1-l•liO '.>-10-00IS r 1r_ Duplexes/Units MUST-SELL--Xll·H:i.>. Balboa Peninsula I 162 l '.\'t1.-:L1.'\•1·.-:•.-1·,,-.-1,.-.,-,-,..-,-.,, I .<'>1"'' ••;~-~;:,1 ,11,, ;-.1~-117:1 Newport Heights •• •---------r-: .. 1:111_ in h•1· tl .. ~lt.:nu1g l1u~i-CHARMING Cottagu 11"1:, •. I l\j'~" in N fl. ;.\J'l';j. Call (213) 1·•1l ... h·...,;J11•, f'Hll,\'(l!I. vo .. \\S. 1 ,, .,_Iv IJ11nf1' 111Tn'~ ,.,., f 711 1 >"•••'•'· 1'111·,, l<.-11'•·< l<l1•<f. ' . . ' . "''Cl i·~f; f; /· ,.) 1,11'._:'_, II' ~'>1 , , " ~ fl oioi:.; A. c 111,. c111r. f>npl~ _.l ... -~ ar_1_p1~1.·~-~-_ _ \\/\IJ.: TO Hl·AC1L '.Ulll '.!B1\ NEWPORT HEIGHTS lohi n lla,v .~· {J,·i·:in, 1.~t -"< .~-~111d1u nr11 1\\1'1' .1111 g:.r. )\l·:\V CHI(', Co~I" ,\lt'~~. Ba lbo,a Island «ll<il'llH'r. ~·or111:d <l lll 1'111, ~!~'1 S/\N Rl·:llNAlllNO ST. 111,1 \lk.• J'CJll ~ c·l,•:011 llP wes1as.11., 21 :-J,'11, llC'aul1ful g11rd"n apAr!· lll•'Jil~ \\<i ii e P Ot \J. e SPA e e (;AttAl:t: e • Anu 1:r :-: -NO l't:TS • :! Bit-'.! RA ·$21:i Furn. ].'!I E, t is! St. (' ,\1. • ti 1tj.~61ili •• ------ Unbeli@vably Beautiful VAL n· JS ~:Ht: G.:irdrn Apt~. ,\dulls • no JH'L~. }1011l!r:oi i·vf'r_vwhr t·r . Slrrarn & \\';11rrf~J1. -[1' JIOfll HI~«. nm, :-auna, S;:t, !-:./ Hdnn, t'urn- l'nf11 ru. fnn11 Sl;\."1. SEE 11': 1.110() l'ars,,11s, 6°1:!·.~6i0. * $30 WEEK & UP* Studio & I BR apts. SUNNY ACRES MOTEL J bllr ,:outh o! t';iirgrounds :!376 Nr11 port Blvd. ~..ig.97:,5 ,=,.~,.=rr.=.,c"=·=rr VE_ 1_ H-•. -.. -,--.,-,.-. "-•·11 pa1111. H1i::h hr;in1 •·ril· 111c-~. <:nHltht flnnr. \\a lk to ~1.,110J.:, l 'i·ni.T ,r,, flCC. i\d11l1s ;,11ly, nu 111:1s. $1'.l!l.50, ::H!l--~1;1:1. --·-------1 HOLIDAY PLAZA n1·:1.ux~: s11:u·io11.~ nn . furn ap1. S'L'.:•. ll ~'ill<•d fl(\(11. A1r•111,. p:1rk11111:. ,\t1ul 1s.no 1~'1~ l!~:., 1•.,n11111.:i A\'1', C'.\f. 1 Hr .. s1~;, .'< $1:\0. 2 Hr~ri:i0 In.:. ld•'ul lor Ba<·hrlnn;, S11·1n1 pnol. Adulls nnly. l9:l3 l'lii!t'<'h St ~>1ll·!•):':3. HAl 'lt 1·:1.1 11' 1t pt-.-.,-,,-l ·p-,-;-,f-1. 1~1 ,1; 1,1,1 111,!nlhs rPnt, $120. h~•-:t'i.~~i ~ l 'I!;\' I I\!(. l '/11lrlrt'n nk. /'in !""'· lh'.th'd fM•)I. \\'a.~h fill f,u ii 1~11'; \J,.1111• \'•~l:t. C.\I. $11., -1 Hit. ~·irriN . '.\'••11r ,..,1.,n·~ <,11111>1 nfl ul!s 1!1.~.i !'1111111<111, ('.\!. ."11lt--07211 ll:l.'1-Vt·:ltY !\'lf'E 2 nr. 1::.~ r111111fo1. i\t11h . llrn. 1J2 \\', \Vil~on. 1;\:..-1.'110. ----.~11 :, In $12:i.Ha!'l1 ,t, 1 Br :lfll~. i\.1111111'1' Hlh l]I~. 110 p«I.• 21 :1,, ~:111r·n. i\pl Ii, CM. llA L'fl Ap~fu1~sR:;--t;;'o~lil";i p:i 1•l 21 lfl I.; (}ra11i:::e /\vr. c.~i. --------;\L\R1Xl-:Jl 812·'.1.'•11 n~-ALTY ,\.~ . ..;/)(' 2·1 ht illl~ ~f'I I'. 1111<1, l1j.!'.h ts /r1>111 \J.,11.11'<'h l~ay <11 r11c:h1. ·I Rdrn•• :\ l>,\T h~. lll.'\IJI~' h<l/11<', Fvt'!') dr1a1I /'-'l!'Pfully p!.11\1u·rl f•ll' 1·011\f'lllf'nr'f! ,t, plra~ur·r. SlO!i.IXlO_ L,aguna Niguel Realty 820-5050 499-1344 1'111•11\'' $:!10 inn. LJ1I ;,il:>:11'\, ('1,n1pl rq111r'd. l~'w1il f,.r l l•I:, ll'l!nrn. Li!!lr f~.,I '""ll''lllf ~\I 10 all .<i·lil'> :t l11•dn>0111 . I 11"1 111, l.11111rtr.v o•h;tl'i<•·. $1 20 IClf;tl t:••ls ,\'Hll ;., 11. 111, t•'rs. S 21, !l;,(l 1·11lnr'. t'Ot' i.a)r ••r Ji'n .... r_ ~lj~l/1110, 1\i.:t 'll;:i-~.·.~:1 1·1~1111, l:ar;u.:r. yarrt ,r,, 1c·ry Ir 11.!1 /j._ilhua Bli<I. NB. Z\'~;"'l.Y •h·1·nr. 1 ,(· 2 hr Apt.JI. !,l;,11,!, ~rh S'!:!O 11' r 111•1 1,/52,:•~f 1h1. j''¥'; 1nt. HI fi-11_·_1_«_0_._______ /'hil•l fl•ll l fl, nT:i<-l'll l ;ill '· rn ~;E {.!Iii, furn I.~'.!. Bit 111 ~"\";u1. '..!l!-i(""·I·----~ ti/;1 .. 1101. Adul1s, ~lll prts. ('!nsr lo SUNKE N \.11·1n:: rnon1. f;im1l.v r111. :I BR Ir~ ~Uf"'r. (\!\l_I s~. i:JJ. st•r, 1110. ~h11ir "ill 1·a1T~ -----1 h··h, l'·"I. SJ'!!) l•fl. 211 1 Hllh " .! HI:. " " I.ran\ ··pol, 'I ------~IMlp~. ln11 \j'l1 ¥ l!h«!l<'S11'1\ l<I T n \\ 11 1 '"' ~1 ~1" 11 11,·1 Money fo Loan 240 Corona del Mar :-;1 :1.:f. '!7'iil>:O; 71~'.! 111111~. h•'a1.~1 IK'°! Ad11l1;., 1 ,.;~;"'~~ s~;~h 1~1'.'~~ 1~~~;:~ T1:A1t.1·:H • z rlR Sl11'1 Real Estate by L ido Isle •I Rll. I K11 ·!:.)>"-'\ .• $1 10 !Wll I KR :, Ra ·.oxsi.:: .. Sl'll ·1.!IJ :i !II ~ Ii B;ilh~ ;\'1).!'IO LtJI I.\• L lfl .. I, JJJ.,l '~. 10'.:l \\ 1 TD L ~'Ill{ T'f'nl '2 t\H unfurn hou~r .1 Hl!.-2-l t~·rp1/rl11 • ..... "" 1~·)>, s11;;, litt-T_._·I_·'--· 111' '\1:. E . B;i!hna Hll·d -11111. ,\l;itlll'l' f"'t'S"ll only. :ln1 SI. s ''.·-------1 st oa n ·"''"\'' I•~ ll1d1'<L (.di nfl h pall". fn«il \ll K11ls •)I\, ~'l!B•1' San Clement• -fii:t--"l'l1."•. fiUi-J'ill'l. ----~=-7 Income Property 166 11111 "'·' ;;;•1 111•• ··;~ j••::, ~--------HhAl'T1 rn1. ~ hr. 1 h;i + 1 HH ~·11r11 upp•'r. Sti . .-./mO. Mc VAY 7.2.i"'r l~TER~:;;;T -\1 0111·:1~:'\ ~ H1 , I', ll.t. hl lll <'<•I l',•••I < li•l•I •·'·.'"•I'·•· 4-PLEXES T 1 hr. 1 lo;1. •·pl .I. dq1\, !•lfth, ~HI:.~ 1\,1 ;-1!1'11, :o..lnt ltw:t· 1·,.n\'l'rtoli h· t!o ·n_ .'\'!' In•~ f. " " "'"' 89J.8533 545.0459 11 p11r ,\;, ~llr> .... S·~!:•'J il LIDO REAL TY INC. 2 d D L ~f•)\!' ,r,, l'•'h og. (i\•~·li •>\;lui.: n 0 a n rq.1 •. p.i11n. : I.'. \!:11 ;:U<'r lh' !lull, s._o·'-1> tl\.1 01•1·1111. ,,. I !I I {' I' • S2."~!. S1Hl 1 '~-'•I'\ .~.1.1 ~r.l"lllO •l.,\\11 l 'L'l'f' ~-,,-1 orin \11111 L:••l l •••lll 'r 1\d.,l l ~nn-~-=~-$[i'1 1•f11~1~" 1·a11 ··~~,;L,7 1;ir. >1:111. ,,·1·r1:Ac·r1 \·E 2 nn. \' •. 1111•·r .~();ii;, l(unt. fl··h . l'lo . s11:.11110, ·l~•'2--'\'\1!'l ... --=-----~:71 \'111 I.id" hi':-7.'\i~I 1""-lQL'~; l'!Kll. S!IJI:: TF 1-1---------. .... - !lnl -;t. · ~•1t1rll'( k .1 1111 1 HJ\. I Mes,a Verde 2 n\ !1 ,r tnl.o l (lllf1 !1'11<'!1I' -.. -------~- 11x:m f1 hid & ltrrd pn.11, IJl\'!«LY !~1·p11hlo· 11 •-l •1r! ~n"·•l •li lfr·1<'11I h••11l" . .\HI: .. 1 n,\, I~.-f;,n1 \arwin t @a lty, inc. 1·111 , '2 rn•I ('<, "''P rl 111 1·n1. T<'rn1~ hRsrd nn !'(JU lll' - -----c :." lo1h'~ \\' of Br·,1•'h J.\11 ,J 642.2171 54S-Oll l I • \ 11 \\' ~· h1 , I', 1°.1. ,.,pl. Irvine-:!I: ! I ~~-:I, • S2:, \\'!' ,<;. I ![' . llu CJr't'all ·'•'11 vr1.r~ .~ dr/>~. l1f'f'p l"i., dip• lrpl··. p . .11 .. ,'\1 It• h. ;;-~-;;;·~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;.·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I 1,11,1•1,1· !l ... ·111 H n ltni~. '''"'I••• llo•I-'"''~''I , ., llL\1 (!~'1' 111"1' 'l l!Jlf\\1, l'o 1,. /I .,~"~ IJl1 ,11~ (;11 fin. • .... '"'r '" .. 1 · lll~ 1\,.,1,.1u . I Tl~'-n:,,; \11,1h 1\l;1ui ~•t'\t••'. 1'1~>1 . l Id r~t. Sattler Mor tgage Co. '.Ill ~:! l>:i, 111r111111 .. r 11xi ::i .• t'.,\, 1:•~1!'1 lrwfillH(I '\It' 1111<1 • ' I "'' ·- [)pro :-; . .i .~ ~!Ill f1·11n1 nnnn. I ,,,1 ~1 ,1 11,.,•)w>• V•••• ''"'''"'· l <l' t ;1 l ""'IO e :r:i; F ll!h Sl rl'f'I ' :! HH, '1·~ halli~ ·····•·• $.'\l ~I l'f'll, "1 1 j l<'I~. ,,, Ill(\. LEADERSHIP R . E . 1---'---'-C ----· s:n·, !11"11111 YPl•I~ 11~·~··· :nr:.:!l~hu,111 .. 1ri11 .. $.1T1 1•1'!'!.!H17 * SllO -Hi\Y~Hllj\"T ...:1'!.-I·!•'(\ .. 10 .. ·J.:r, ~1··,:ii:1 S25 ,000 A~.r 1;1:. 1'1\0 11 ., I I ,.,.,-, l\![',,T~Jl . 1 nr !i'!.li J·:, _ __ 1 ,. '\ ~ ~. ~ •ti, 10ni1~ rn1 · -·an Condomini ums lfld !'oil. ST 1!_ 1\d1111~. t'w1 pelt . ' 111~· "'•21l. STll~ l"I' Hao ·tirl"i np!. R, ·l Hll 'J'ruil•'r< :\1:.n 011ly. ... [0-•1:):~1 '•t' "11-l~•i."i. ----Dana P oint ... 2L'.i62 Rn~1khur~t, 111111::11 f>rh rrar 1111!1•' 11/i.:,.s f1rr pll, 546--5411 anytime ,111! lo.'. ~1 1,'•~L 1;1:J-..T\f.1 P.EPURLIC hn1111,-,-.1fiR---:f. [;i111 r'n ·'-hlrl fY"JI. 1111 qu1<'! slr1·rl, 1-!,v ~•ll lU'I'. :~If,..;\~'.). * i·nr . r~r )-{P;i] }-'•!air -----' 1 .,_ f l""/l"J l\allln~. ti7.1-!11·1!1. * * * 'I " <'\!'ll:s 1·i.,,,1•r111 c ·d\l ~ .:!',l(,'!.~,_.,.,~n1r111 $ ..• , ..... Unfu•n 320 ------lA)~n. , r. /\d:11n~. r·.kr. ' • NEW 27 UNIT (il~i 4~.2 i:;u 'l Bl! l l1;illo. f1rr1.11"" IBH.'!.1,b11..fll1nr111$:l50/:J00·1-----------Corona del Mar • • S111glr, TV, JlfY\I, ~l"l nk. IJA~A i\larina Inn, 34UJ llr UnJ)l'r + g;1r;i,1~y. Con\! !lwy. APARTMENT BLOG. ~0Yll P.1·.,\l.TY ti7i·!lno \Vt: H ll V~: 0 '111F;RS Huntington Beach COSTA MESA Mortgages, e r.int.1.111Ju:-~:.1 Rr w/ 1:11 r. -$422,000. -Trust Deeds 260 SI\" rr!rii::. ··pl rlrp ~J"~). N ewport Beach .,........._... __ ________ l'RIVAT~: THI ST H ,, :.; ALA Rentals • 645-3900 PRIME LOCATION RP.01.;l·.lt &1'2-1~.) T1v-1• shad«!I 1'r11·n1'r 111•11 r ('hf! * * * * n•·. 1 RI( .• "' Ammg cm. -____ 0,__..c r 1rPpli1l'P, hrl11 c1 . rlnor'< ,, Lots for Sal• 170 545-0458 893-8533 c;irpr1~. lln~r hll lh it 11 . FUNDS ;iv,.11. fl•r !~1 ,f, :lnrl 1n1<1 rl<Y.<I~. Sl , .. 'Jll In \2fl0,r)O'l. Al~ll (' n JI 11I rt'11 I l"iln:<I II[' !'1 AA'' rlf•\'Hilm- (\011. NPw1wwt ~:riulty funrl~. 4!14-7201, &11-AA21. l"'=~=-=~c--. Dhl, i::.:irRg(' k. f".tfJ11111 on 1'-I ESA Vl'rrlf' l(OI! m ur ..... $23,500. Walk to B[h~ allr). S.~t.'f-11. ownrr 11·111 hnild In ~ult. ('ul-1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Lo-doY.'11, 2 yr ~ouni;: hnn1r, • MODERN d<'·~<IC lot d1rr r!ly on £OHi: ~ .:i t1rnrr11·.-\11• nn ,t· d111in£ Jmm;irul;itr, rhar1111n1: homr, t..,•u~. !l!i.'~-402!. I KovtnforRent I te art>a. bl !!n.~. lor.~ ol rah1nrti;, f('('•'nlly rt>rlt'•'<lt ilt('o(I. ~ Hn. Mountain, Oasert, !';;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~ 2 pa llflS. Fl' ll .. i(l(l 1akr 01·-1 B;i. l'\o'\\.' ~Mi: carpi•li;. Resort 174 II rr r.r. /1•1i·l2'll jOPf'n 10 f·ir"fllflt'r. kilrhl'n hl rn., -Housai Furnlihad 300 $~2fllinn 'l hr h""· lrpl1•, /\111 11 ('IJ ·I !t11•. 21.l/iuii-T.~:\.l t'\•ll 1·r"! nfr 6 prn. '----- Cost a Maia • :u !O Ch .. rl,.~lnn. 4 h1•1h'r)f)n1 pl•t~ t..-.nui; rnt, 2 hii1hs, 11nuhlP i:.:-;ir;1~f'. lrnc· rr! h;irk ,\';1!'d S~IW! n1n (';ill II ~:It IT AG ~: Rf;/\ L ESTATf: -rtny f:aulr. 540--1151 JI pin• •'('W•I n:111n. Obi. ,e:ar. on al· * Big Bear Lake • s~:Y .\10\'H REALTY • ' lry. ~17,!l50. no yon tll'•"<I a placr ln pill !Jan•ral BHANIJ i\'l'I\ r1 111 1 In I' t IV (' 17111 FlrHf'!l Klld., llto;n B1·h CALI. 0 f>41i ·l 414 )nllr sk10~. r1~h111c pnlp nr hnu~r. nnly :1 11),,, tilrl, Ill CHf,CK 1h1~ h111·i.:111n, RY ~~~ 111r,,~·1·ry ~h 1.'!rin"r11h1n lor LOS ALTOS l\·l1•s;i \o•rdr N•o1'1h. ;\Hr/~ 011·nrr, 2 i;1or y 3 13r., 2 hit ""4111.. nnl,\' SS,9!1: •. C1111 no.~." 11111 Pride of Ownership hii. lpl'" fa n1 n n, <'1.:ir;i home \l/ll'i:t r11n1 nn .• shnc RffiT\' ;,:~-Ji;~ "'r wri1('. ·'l>f'nef'r Home nit·~ nr•l:hhorh·~·rL 17!0 N('w cpl, r~tm drps. Now hf"N>'g ,.,:,.~~po rt ro•I ()ffi r ~ RP11[ E.~IRI(", P.O. Rox 282S, F'a mlly "'.11h teenagers ok. lli1n1p~hirf' !Jr. $?.l:l/1TJ1). thr hottu~· • llF:AT EI> CHALET CHARM . ~c_Rra~.iikr, ('al if. 4 Bedroom 2 bath, butlt in~. Ph: ;,;17-161'.l. POOL \\'/;;Ira drr~way for • NEWPORT HTS LAl\:F: Arr~111·hrnrl-h h m r. carpeting, rlrape:o1, lea.ere $285 ~3cR0R~. ~2"BcA~rc.,-,.-,,-,_-,-l-l _h_H_;,-,, bnnt or tT\r. Prirl'rl r ight! Oor.ing V.'1lh chA rm, ~tll'r Cu1"11n hull! b)' nwnl'r nl pt.'r mo. P hone Long Beach ('losr rn Sl'hl9 &. 1-ilopp1n1:. Clll! !or appt. 968-3925. than f'IEl"W, only l ynr olfl .. l corn;;1n1r"llfln romp~n.v. Xl n! 213 . 429-!!5.'il. Pool k rr c I a,.! 11 r l r 5 . SELLING BR, ffl.m , Pany.rime .palio, flock 1i!e. t.11.kr \'If'\\.', r1111yl 'B~l~bo---1 c1-.~nd-----I Snl/n10. Av111I 1 0 /I' 3 caf gar, 1and!IC'8Pt'd-Burl Dol\·lln -•--•--•-------Hr ri1111tP RF:. C'40-11'.1l. YOUR HOME? TRI HARBOR ar.:rn1 . 71~/.'ll1·2262. RENT rrom Oct...June, s:ioo Cor.y 2fiR. rompl l"f'd;c.:- "-•pprai!>lll • "'e buy REALTORS ~ •• ,., -R b ~ ''" JO ACRES .all or p11 r1, h1-.:h mo. . ... • ~" 11 Y· lrpl, hlr\ pnnl, 11flull!I iequiti«. Per.winal a tte nhon. <14XI Ea!!t 17th, C \f. rie!"t'l"I . Y.atr r 111 .10· I°"' Rf\\·n. -~-,.--,----I nnl~ nrr.1. }o.~11tc Sllf:I. ~bLi..i'NSr&nWATTS &J6.3Z'6 Evtli. 642-?n5 tlwn. r ·1. peymnt.!I. Ownr. ~a Peninsul• :).18-.'Ji: .. ; ,, ~IS-4421 n..... E Near Beach fil 7·11ifi19. $1··-~ nr. 1u 1~TI 96Z-!i023 ..,.,..n ws. UNnE 1-------------12 BR i1·;illl'.'d in fll\bO. nr ..... , •. o Pr, nr .n , ~R Sl'i.f'OO R I E d 1•• i A n 11 h P t m, riinf:r/rrfri~. e J Br'JR\I~. 1 1~ 1111 1h.!I. !iv .. 1 B h 3 R" 2 aa 1tata Wanta .., \\'111Pr, un111 .lotflf' i:itn. 13: ,>PV.'prir Pll{' .... !urn. ("hi11!rrn ni..:, IPfl~l·, ·m , din rm. fam rm., 11.-1 •• c. ,. 21l--:-..11i;, 21fi-l>.1~'1. • "• r m""'"rn '"'mP 1rr · riilt 1111 :I P\l 6·12-46~!1 11irium ·,;'12 V1e11 C1rrlr. p!ac'(I, hllns _ ,:harp. \.-8• R...J LANn WANTED Yf{LY S2'15. Ne~ 2 RR 2 R,\. ~. RR, ni~I<> l-.-v.,...-,,.~~c. 1!11 $1'>M'l Mfr-,'61!'!. c11 nr -.!ICll th18 wkcnd. 5 to 30 llt'fC'll. i\·lc\111 h11rl NrAr trny. Carprirl. J2o Al· ,, ", ·~ . '"' ;o.n•:ro::Gfn! i.ARDF::'\~. Rmkrr fil·t.73~. Con1pftny 11! 1171-.¥.!~JO \"arar\ii rl1tr.-, l'~:...-1 m" t·11n11ly onlri A11:1 R .. ,,,,,1,,1 4 BR. ,, ... ,., .. -----,, ... ,.,-n-:-.-;;---1 -1 ... -----~--~ ('all non f..1fHil)(ill nr • • " " RF.A(1UN' 4 BR 2' h11 2 "'' • .,.,. rx II.fl 8 ,.r 11r 2 Srorv ~p;ir 1on~ horn", 11.lsn h I SI'-Ilk~ . .. ~ ., A'''"' • 11 •'· ('"•< ' 11~-M:l<I Jht'lllll! •'II . · •""'' '• 11tnry, sun rick. bl"l"f'ey pa11o, " · "' 11, uur, " a .rt..: 2 brlrm 11r11rtmrnt. ------------:.'.'1j-flfi2c'--~-----frpk·. gold lltt/ltl, nu drp~. :>lr:-111 ;,.\ll--l!tl't. Riivv1r.1 , ~i1 -!tlfi7. ;i!li-!l.'.74. 3 flR !!nu~.-. :;11rrl. rrPf no f"BR-rlrn. z1~ BA.. ' r11r ji!il.I. rlhhs,., pn(ll<, !enn\.!I, 300 PRIVATE r>11.rty w11.n15 hl'\U~" Tiie. f°i~tC'SI dr11w 1n lhE' Wp;j mlll'P th11.n 1 rt1i lrt. Nn pPts. p,-.o~n11:e hon1I!. $ ~ 5, SO 0 . CA-IA r. Trn~frd Jlnx. r.i•vllf'r e>r gmall 11n1 1.~. r'refrr . • Daily Pilot Cl.uillied I ='-"_:.c._:,_i_•·-""~'-·~==~- i<6-623<:::.· ______ <-'-'-~-"~··~'~'~:l.~gM>;.__·_•_M_·~fm'-f.-Baylront, ~· "A~d~.~&4~2.-:.::56~7~8 ____ ...... Flll' best resul\5! 642-5678 13ob 11rllil. AVAJI . ()(·I lsl, $l2:'i. nu1. 4 r~r:. :!'~ BA. ··rpt.q, 1lqi~. frph·, <l~h1111!'. 1·lm•r IQ !'~'J. 1. 1·111· i:::11rHJ.:•' l fh1ldn•n .. k. ~.'ll.i-(l:\16. -----J\1:1 !11re "'wk11i~ n<111l1. 1':1. ·Fount.;i"n-Vallay -- -'llrnllor \1alk lo l~·ll. \\'al••r [HI . $!.'1:1 1110 f.7:.-u::li7 ''''~/11\;ndi; or Nl-'.\\I H:u·h. ~pl, l!!11'11 i~l1.·1 r;n 1t11).•· 1'•••1 1~1·1. t•nl r. $120. ""· mo. noRi\t fu1·11 w/l!1u·a1:". :-,ll}...l'l':li._ -------- "";o;JNCE l !Hfi'" L.19un~l1 Sh:in1 & C"l••iin. c;.~lll !•1<·H· Huntington daach ls1 \\11 «;-trrn P.a11k Aldi:. Un11•l'r~iry Park 11 .. 11, nr. shpi;: s1r.-1. f,(11 :i Alt. 2 hii. 1·p1.~. rlqi~. i;lol'•', ll1>hnll1,11P. &l6-6:l1Wl or Laguna Beach Cay~ 83J.D101 Nights ds11~r. 2 r.ir R!lr~!.'.r. 11•r fi·l•l·R.11l7. •~•nd.. $1..'{). mo, Pool & .::.:.-,,,~--~-i.:a rflt>n maintfl, kiri~ OK, J;\·l,\IAC., 1 RR. upprr lnvrly , ria r10. rr~pofL~i blt', 11dult. * U.'lllVEH.SIT\' PARI\ * <1.1:.-'JZ-1~. Sl6'l. 6'12-1276. 2 Rlt. 1 l:oa . tnll~r S27~11 'T~o-w-n'n_o_u-,-.-Ucncf-u-,-n-.-3-3'5 ------~ Bit, 2 ha. h(l111e S:V-0 Costa Mesa '.!BR, 2 ha. 111hse ...... Sll~i Coste Mesa -----Furn, Bach. & 1 B r . Ex· 2 Hfl. 2 ha. 1n!t<e ..• ,, , SJIH) . l BIL 2 bl!. hnrnr ...... s:u;, 'T'O\\INl lOUs~:.J.rn~1· 4 Hfl, .1 ceptional nice. $130 up • if .. i." red hi.II , ~:::~~·;::~;::;.:~·' ,:: "~~ , N::~:;,, B~~:·" ~ ll'n.·rd. i·rp!.~ & flrp~ to Srrara!rd hy i?arngt's. 1 :"1111<', bl!n~. s 1s:1. fi.14-11177. 11fl utt 01.'t'r lO. No prl:oi. REALTY Univ. P11rk C:rn1rr, l rvinc Huntington Bead\ C;iJI Any1imC', liJ.1-0ll'20 """""""""""'""""-'""'"l"·o1t 1('11.~..-.. 1 1; fl ryl'r. hUin11, ht w11s)wr, 1·rpl, pool S2J O/m o. NE\V 2 BR, hou~. ba & crpl/drpi;, 1'f1mm. clb J)()(lL S2:i0. 644-1456. 'i r n (" 11 11 ie ~. 1.29&--().\4 2. L.1gun• Ba•ch Newport Beach' ~..:.-----~----1----··-l Afl(11 B11v. OCf'illl vu, br. 2 * Adults Prafarrad * Br.', 2 h11 , rlrn. riln r n1 .. lan1 J ~R., 21.~ ln1 .. 2 ~ar [l:Hf811:ie. rm., $.125. 49>47&1. f'1 ell ~ F 11c1n11: pool, SZ'la. wkrirl~. R1':111:ro1t • Br11rh ~ha<'k-f"urn t Rr, Ouplax•s Furn. ;111 11111 1nrl Sl~ Ganatel ALA Rentals • 645.39001--------- -Cj)UICK CASH-J RI{. furn npt, «Jth ~t. Ralhn11 l'ru S7:·k'l 111 n, THROUGH A 61; •. 2021 12 llH 111~ ,\va1l1 DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 ··:.take noon1 for 011.d- ,1 ~· · .. ~IP ILn f\llf lhf' gnri:i-.:r. ,yn11r trn ~h i~ C-ASJ/ ... ·11 h 11 n111LY P ILOT 01l.'lsif1erl ad. MG-276.11. .:___ ____ _ STUNN IN G G a rden Ap1.1nran1, ~1n l doc ok. ~ Br. $1.ll:,, 3 Br. UnC $180. &t~>-5.'XlO. BACH APTS--f'urt1 S75 & S!Y.1 mu tnrl ut11. Olr1M' 1111'1'1 prt>f'd. 5-M)-.{)61l shown l:oy 11p1it. • Biirh t·. or uni., S1l0 up e I RH furn or unf S12.i IJp • 2 BR t"urn or uni SlNl Up Adull s. J'rJfll, 6'12-2Hl1 ---------Shady Gardans·Poof I &; 2 BIL Fron1 $1X'i. 177 t:. !11~1 SL 6-1~·'.:6·1;. • Avl nn11-I 8' 2 Ar furn l'r.nl, 1·•·r rn1 . 11:•1 l•K' ro.·o rhl!1trr"ll or Jl"!~. !i•lfi..;).112 \. PU1·1~f:XlRR-rurn Nn 1'111~. rlol!'•. nr mororrycle~. Qu !l!t. M.11·2720. Sil"" n1u: S·IO v.·k. RRch, UU1 pd, t.'fl lot TV at Crcsent Bq Af'h. •1~-T.!M -'"'----1 Lido Isle B EAUTIFUL AACH f~LOR. APT (lN RAY. $Hi0. • ('11!1 61:....X~9 • --- Newport Beach BRAND NEW 2 RH, 2 ha Al•I~. w l(l~h1t"111ht', l'lll'I halrony. u ~e of h"Al@(j pool, billinrd rn1, j11ru~,,i l R BQ~. So·e al '.!fllO'l Birch .~t 111· n1~r a.'>7-42·16. "----1 ~ I!:c1.DtJ r. D-h iJ t;ide Rar.h. P :1110ram1r vu, 11p 1' c In u fi ].(1'1)11r1<1s. F'rpl, partn. IOe&l i>llufv fur 1111h•r. muslciiul, r1r .. $17:1. !1'1.~·Ti07. ' Yt:AHl.Y rrnl~I 2 AR 11pt. NrY., hH'Cf' clo~f'!.~. h!tn1, nr hay. Si'IJO +11:,..1214 Ot 673-crii9 11ri"r 6 flit\. ---·I 1n1l21~ rlnnr:oi tmai \l/l l<'r , ycurly C le11 n & 71•1 7i1Wl711.l. e>r 9 m<11. in ode r rt· \\'1NTEllltr11tAl-A!1 r11cl :1 Rt , h!lnl' . .'liUll<l"!'k. 2 blk~ l1J l.J<·h. On 3.'ith St. i n:, 1ncld} ulil ~:vrl' 711 lli«Z-7~21. :. J nr. ~1ns;:!I! 11rl~ll. pnol, tt in 111.,.,.in. 1 1~0 .s tt!. 67!>-im, 6·J.141637 ('1'1"1- I 1 -' r '" !~ •• , . . ' • 1 ' •• ,. ' .. Looking For Someone To Take An Order? We're Ciood At It We'll even pay the postage to get you to give us an order. Get ready for some quick profits lty malling in your order today. Put a hard-working DAILY PILOT classified want ad to work for you. USE THIS ORDER FORM < USE THIS HANDY ORDER BLANK. WE PAY POSTAGE! 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE LINE-NO AD LESS THAN 3 LINES ll~IS • ' 11 TIMIS TIMtS ll~IS ---- suo $7.40 Sl 1.70 $1 7.70 suo Sl.28 $14.50 $22.50 S&.10 $10.7, $17.30 $2 7.JO I PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 .-ub!.11, Je, • , •• , , •• , , , • <ioy1, bo t;~~;"'! •••.•• • • • • • ••. · • ·, • ...... •· • c:10.,.1,.,.,e ~ , , , .... , , , , .... , ..... , , ... , .. , , ··•••• ,, .. ••••••·,, Nt '"'• '''"''" ........ ,, .................... .,,, •. ••••••••••••· ;.~.i.... • ...................................................... . C·•v ·········•···••········ ....... '"••• ....................... . BUSINESS R.lP L Y MA IL ,, Oron9e Co .. t DAILY PILOT P. 0 . Box 1560 Co•I• Me,., C.HI. 92626 TO ~I C.URE COST 'u' o•I, e'" "'o•J '" @•<I, ·~•<<-•b11~1. 1.,1~.i. ~ .. ~. •dcl ••u .,, ~l-110 0 ,~..,lur . T•• e el' 111 veu• •J ;, •' ••• •• ,i 11 1 t•~ 1 ... e~ ,,.~,,1, •'• 1.1, ,..0,; ,..1 ""'"' od" ~r '· •••· ,..,.d SJ 00 r " l ! ··• ,,.,, of ""' d•1 •• ~•• el 0 "1LY PILOT i-, ,,,. co ..... ~ ..... l@cl , • .,1 •• ,, \ Or Give Us an Order by Phone At 642-5678, The Direct Line to DAILY PILOT r Classified Want Ad RESULTS ( \ !5 PILOT-ADVERTISER W~llHday, Stpttmbfr 29, 1971 DAILY '91LOT U I ..... -~-1~ L-... ~ l!tl I .... .-...... JltJ I ,... .. _ .. _ Hti1--~ Htl f ... ---ll!l 1 -I~! -· 1~1 ..... -la Apt-s. Fum. Newport BHch * Winter Rent•l1 •• 1-BR., 1 ba!h .......... SNS 3'0 Apt. Unfum. 365 A.pt. Unfurn. 36.5 Apt. Unfurn. Coron. dal Mu 365 Apt. Unfum. .._....._.,_ _________ _.___..~ Coste Meaa . . Cott• Me•• Newport Be.ch iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ OE LU)( E PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS APARTMENTS - Aph., Furn. or Unfurn. Huntington ..S.ach 370 .. ---~·----=::i~------~---~1----~~ POODLE, la:tre toy, wtllte SOI FOUNI Cfr .... , 2-BR., 1 bath ••••••.... $185 Z..BR., 1 bath .•••.....• S200 :\ Br. 2 ha. 0tttn!rorn . SMO l Br 2 ba. oeean!ront . $350 '.l BR.. den . . . . . . • • • • • • sm Call: 673-3663 673-8086 Eves. ~~ New New New Villa Cordova Air Cond • Frplc's • 3 Swim-Bachelor, 1 or 2 Bedrooms, ming Pools • Heal1h Spa • and Townhouses. Spa, pools, TenntS Cris • Game & Bil-tennlis. From $170. Across ON BEACH! NEW APTS e e GOLDEN WIGS SHOP e e -Will Be Open - September 30th. w/lilver f'llJ"ll, malt. wear.. l.Oi' <'Ollar. Vic. Brookh\Jbt & <;a.rtleld, H.B. 96Z-1369 ~ go to Brookfield Anirtal Clinic. ~ FOUND 1-"ML. dOg • Reddilh brown with wtute c.i'M>st A: white collar. Vlc Yorkttr\'n & Magnolia, H.B. 968-011)8 aller 6 p.m. associated BROKERS-REALTORS J025 W 8olboa 673·3663 BEACH APT -3 Bedrm, H4 BaU1, brand new building & turn1turr. Block to bt·h & shopg. $2\0. per month. **!-'OUR STAR•* REALTY 83j...4422 •-,-0-N-TH E B_E_A_C_H_ Lower duplex. Complelely furn, ev<!ryt'hing. J RR 1 den. MaiTit'd c-plr. l'<o child· ren or riets. $250 per mo. Owner, 547-l&tl. * 1 blk to Beach-2 Br. Nirl'- lY Ful'n. New \'pts, paint & drps, $22:1 1nddg u t 1 I . Yearly. 673..{)731 WrNTER rental, Newport Peninsula. 3 BR. 2 BA. gar. W /D, 1 blk to bay & bch .$240/mo. 6i5-6041. YEARLY·Immac 2 Br. 2 Ba. patio facing bay. A<iults. no pets. $2115/mo. 223 19th St .. NB. 673-2706. WINTER, 2 BR, $1~5 ind utilities. Garagr. 3 BR, $225. 646-5800. 1-BR $150 Month. Adults. Available now Newport Beach Rlty 67;)..16-12 1 Bedroom, $150 mo. yrly, walk to ocean. Call after 5 PM 673-1517. e WINTER RENTALS e 2-3 & 4 BR. Apts ABBEY REALTY 642-3850 OCEANFRONT-Nr. Pier. Kids & pets ok. $165 lo $385. Lease. Call 644--6111. 2 BR turn .$225/Mo. Adlls, no children or pet:;. Ref's reqd. 67:>-3208 Eve & wk ends. * 3 BR. l~ BA. STEPS TO BEACH! S225/mo. Winter lease. 642-3812. FURN. 3 B<inns. 2 ba1hs. Oceantront. Yearly. ABBEY REALTY f>.12--:\Sj() NR. ocean. Upper 2 BR .• lurn. $185 Mo. iii<'. util. Mature adlts. Rlt:r 67~1!80. Newport Heights CLEAN 1 or 2 Br. Adlts, no pet~. lg kit. $135-$1;.,(). 2421 E. 16th St, NB. 646-1801. ON TENA~ l & 2 BR. FUrn. " Unturn. Fireplaces / priv. paU01J. Poola Tennis C.Ontnt'l BkUt.. !KIO Sea Lane, CdM 6"-2611 (MacArthur nr c.out Hwy> 2 BR. cottage near beach, F'rpl, beam cf'iling. patio. Rel. Rt>q. avail. Nov. Srh. 8.17-2447. 2 BR, 2 ba. Yearly lse, 1 blk ftom Big C.Oro11a Avail 10/l * 673-7127 Costa Mesa CHILDREN •••NEW••• JUST FINISHED! Super Comtortable 10 wtit bldg. with (10) 2 BR. 2 'BA APARTMENTS Must See to Appreciate Near Nwpt Back Bay. schools, parks, YMCA, Boy's Club, shoppg, frwys etc .• Gas heat, gas cooking and \\ater, e.11 paid. MO/MO from $185. 2324 8lden -..see or call Ted Woodt1ead - Villa Cordova across str~t. 646-0032 THE EXCITING PALM MESA APTS. MINUTES FROM NEWPT. BCH. Unbelievably 1rg apts, huge pool. Jacuzzi, elect bltins, shag crpts, drps, sauna etc. Adults, no pets. SINGLES ..•••. $135. 1 BEDRM .••••. $140. 2 BEDRM ••...• $160. You're right, they're undet- prired! 1.561 Mesa Dr .. C.M, 5 blks from Newport Blvd.) * Spanish EJegance Quiet Adult Living Shag cpt • drps • bltns Beaulitul Pool e All Util Pd 2 BR. $170 Adults only-no pets 241 Avocado St. 646-0979 Park-Like Surrounding QUIET • DELUXE 1-2 & 3 BR APTS Also Furn Bac~elors J,,f\. patios * Hld Pools Nr shop'g * Adults only Martinique Apts. 1777 &mta Ana Ave., CM Mgr. Apt 113 646-5512 ... Ap_t ...... u ..... n ...... fu_r_n. ____ 365 3 Bdrm * 2 Bath General Living room with cathedral VEN DOME L'™-ACULATE APTS! ADULT and FAMILY Seel.ion Close to shopping, Park ' Spacious 3 BR's, 2 ba * Swlm pool, put 1~n * Frpl, Indiv/Lndry fac'ls 1845 Anaheim Ave. COST A MESA 642-2824 Balboa Penin1ula 3 br, 2 ba, crp1/r1r~. !rpk. patio. gar. 1 Blk Crom bch. $2.10 mo. Yrly, 675-3.1110. • 2 811. OCEAN VIEW. carpets. bale<1n). Y r l y . 675-3800. Corona del Mar -------• BAYF'RONT . BAYVIF.:W Announcing the quirt o!>fnin~ of BaypOrt Apls . . for J\<l\llts: And the slightly less quirt openinR or BaY\ 1ew Apts. fur families. Call !Tl4l 64-l-!'i5:1:'i 2 <Sr + s111:11l <len. 2 ba , bltns, d i shwa~her, crp1/drps. OC"ean !'tdr of hwv. No pl'I~. S2j() yrly. 67;;._5.'1.59 or 496-235.'l. CLEAN upper 2 Br. rpt/drp, sml hale. S/Jlwy. Cpl. NO PETS. Silent guppy ok~ fi7S-7't78 or213: 431-11!15. * 2 BR. w I FRPLC & GARAGE. No children. no pets. 673-9183. ceili11g & !rplc, Separate laundry area. Encl patio. Swimmin~ pool & children's playground. $200. HARBOR GREENS 546-4353 • • WESTBAY ELDEN NEW 1 and 2 Bedrm. garden apls. w/pool. FRO:\T $J75. ADULTS 2311 Elden Avf'., C.M. 645-5780 • • *BRAND NEW* La Costa Apts. J & 2 BR, bltn!t, i;wimm1ng pool, lanai, ba.r-h·que & gar. age. All util pd. llj() to $170. Auulls, no pets. 3.)4 Avocndo, CM, &l2-97()8 SJ.15 LGE & Jmmac. 2 81'-2 hA. 1•rpb;/drps, bltns. Quiel 4-plf'>... Walk to shpg. & SC"hl~. Nr. lrwys. R~ponsi hle fmly-l rhilrl. No pPts. Mgr: ~R l.ASalle, Apt t\o, 1. ;,.i~3524 or 5'~3.'lk. * $170 * :l Rr, 117 Ua, patio, hltnt1, crpt~. cir~. Ask 8bout our olsrount plan. SRO C1>nter St .. CM. 642-.~. 548-2682. e IMMACULATE 3 Br. 2\2 Ba. Cpts, drps, focd. Avail now. 973 Valencia, CM. 557-7768 ADULT Ge.rrlen apt. dlx lg 2 Br. new decor/cpt, patio, Color ant, gar. $ l S 5. 54R-695(i. QUIET · SAFE (Near Back liay) liard Room. from fo'ashion Island at Jam. 1 BEDROOM boree & San Joaquin Hills 40 Unit Adult Apartment Complex 1 & 2 BR . Apts. FROM $1j0 Roads. {TI4) 644-1900. MEDITERRANEAN * BRAND NEW * GAS & WATE:rt PAID VILLAGE ro432 Santa Ana. (Acmss from S.A. Country Oub). Spacious 1 Ir 2 BR units. l"rom $155, up. 1'1-plcs, i:··iv. patios, loads of closets. Adults. Mgr. 557-0'.lll. 1 BR ....... From $140 2 BR ...... From $170 2..~23 Elden Ave, CM 2400 Harbor Blvd., C.:\f. tn4l 557·802o RENTAL OFFIC.L OPEN 10 AM TO 6 P~ See Mgr Ted Woodhead 646-0032 Bra l & 2 &inns. FAIRWAY ~D LIVING VILLA APTS U hers. Fu'\'plaCf's. 2 BAY MEADOW APTS. , Baths. Enclosed pallos. Pool Beam ceilings, paneling, & barbeQue. Carporta 8. priv patios, n!creation ia-2 & 3 BR's storage. No lease required. cilities. All adults, no pe1s. Private patio pool • lndlv. 20342 San!a Ana Ave. e ? BR's FROM AS LOW laundry 1ac: RENTAL Wanted: PPrm A> $159/mo. Near Orange c.o Ai1'1'\nrt &. 387 "' B s c M • .. ,..., trna11t, 8 yrs in pl'{'sen1 apr. "'· ay t., ·1 • UCL Adults oulv. Call 646-0073 20122 Santa Ana Ave. 2 BR. urrfurn, lg kit. ;200. Refs fl'tlrn landlord & MESA VERDE, OELX Mgr. Mrs. Joacl1im, Apt 3·A neighbors. N.B. :JSth to 1..ower 2 BR • 2 BA. nearly 546-6215 50th. 675-22<1> nites. Days (It n1•w. Frp\c, enel garage, TMMAC. 3 BR, 21h BA, crpts, 896-M48. pl'lv. patio, 4-plex, quiet drps. $200/Mo. Avail now. 0 O st .. adults, no pels. Avail 557-7768 Y' N W PEN Oct. 1-10 i1so. mo. 540-2578 · Brand new-1 RR. $160-2 BR · '1 BR, partly furn. $190. up. All ur1l pd. Pr1v. VERY Nice · 2 BR Duplex. ~1-'0 M N t ., " o. o pe s. patio, billiard rm, hid pool $169.50. Frplc. Cpts, drps, * * 646-2270 • • 1 • • Adul "" 0 bltns, beam ceiJ., patio, . . . . w ,' . Jacuz.z1, -ls. :.vi 1 Adults only, 00 pets. R£'fs. $1.75 -2 B~d· Cstud~od. DeAdJ. Buch St., N.B. 557-4246. 235'! Santa Ana. Ave. shop'g. Drp · 'rpt · n. BREATHTAKlNG VIEW 67J....039s. Gar. 548-8301. 213: 592-5227. $270. Huge 2 BR apt. High on SPAC 2 & 3 BR t Sl40 2 BR, 11,l BA, prL patio, Back .Bay liluff11 w/2 pvt UP · H d 1 ;r · . shag crpl. drps, enclosed balconies, I.rplc, h e a t e d • t poo • ay ~.0· garage 548-2822 pool. loads of ('Io s cl s. C~ts. drps, bltns, patio. · · Adulls. 745 Domingo Dr. (by Kids ok. • , * Deluxe 2 Br., 2 ~a * C.D.M.H.S.) Call 64:>-1260. 1994 Maple No. 3 642-ilS13 Adults, no pets. 54;rl310 1---------- 2206 College No. :l 642-7035 1 & 2 BR. Shag cpt, dshwhr, SEACLtf'F Ma:'or Apts. 2 NEAR ~w l BR, ground self dean oven. sundeck. DR unfurn, l 2 Ba, cpls. level w/garage. All con. 377 W. WHson. 548·3005. drp.s, blln1>. garh displ., pvt veniences. Large fncd rear pa t10. $160: Also -1' u~·n. yard. Child or Pets East Bluff . Bachelor u11l ~I. Sl h 1J25 welcome. $1 75/mo. -eNEW DELUXE• Plarentta Ave. 54g..2()S2 64~2413. 3 BR. 2 BA Apt for lease. Ind NEWLY decorated: crpld. 2 QUIET-Downstairs spac. master suitf', din rm Br., 2 Ba. r;iobile home. 2 Br, new shag cpts, patio, & dhl j\ara<>e auto door Arlults only. No pets. S200. encl gar. Mature adults or o~ner ava/ Pool & Rec. Ava il now for 9 mos. Call retiJ-ed prefd. No pets. $l48/ area. Mr. Sprague, 673-1331. mo. 64;).3515 or 644-0753 or • $2T.1 • DUPLEX upstairs ap1. Lido 644·1408. 865 Amigos \Vay, NB area. Nr Richard's market. SPACIOUS 2 BR, 2 ba, newly Managed by vlature adult only. Sl7:l/mo. redrcorated. WaJk to schls WILLIAM WALTERS CO. Yearly rental. 673-ro49 & shopg. l chiJd. no peli;. Huntington Beach DELUXE Bayfront-2 Br, 2 $145. Tnq: 2868 LaSalle Apt ·-Ba. Ac;lul1.!!, 110 J>l'IS, YP.arly. 1. CM. 549-3.'>24. KIDS WELCOME $330. Slip Avail. 23.119th St. Attrac 2 Bl1 S139 & $159. 3 !J.B. 675-0236. 2 UNFU RN 2 BR apts. BR $189, All xtras. Pets ok. . •• . • . wast~r/dryf'r, Carport. P~I Rec bid Ji36Z "A" $21J :\10. Winter. $32.1 ylly. 4 Sl60 & $14~>. 6 4 2-o 8 4 4 , K 1· La g. 968· 7' lO Rr.. 2 ba, facing ocean, 96s-4622. 84e;~~~. ne. • J or 111'\\'ly decor. 64&-S032. 2 BR studio, ba & ~~. dps, $l4<J ,/ SPAC. St11dio 4 Br. '.l 1 2 cpl heated pool & garage 2 BR t t d Ba. I blk to bf.'ach, Yearly. , < • un urn, cp s. rps, 2 .• z • quif't neighborhood. No hl111s.' Chilorl'n wl1lrome Nire l0<·. 673-.,.,;i, "hildren, 110 pets. 642-8042. $JO. move in allowance. OCEANF110NT, :I BR, '1 BA, 2 BR. unfurn apt. Pool. 733 Utica. :)36-486!1. yrly lf'ase, a vail Oc~ ~. $3~. Conv. to shop'g. SB~. 313 E. * LUXURY 2 BR & d1>11, 64M201 673-71723. J7th Pl, corners o( 17th & Patio. Laundry. Dshwsr, 2 IJR. 112 ba. Stl'ps 10 oCf"an. Santa Ana. 642-2714 Crpts, D~. Clo~ 10 all Ft·pk. gar .• patio. S2j0 mo . LRG l .Br. apt unfurn. Cpts, shopping. Avatl on or about 644-7597. ~--~-----::c--=--=--d rps. blt~, re/rig, $14-0 mo Nov l. 847-4636 BEAUT. unf. 3 BR. 2 Ba. & up . No children, no pets. 2 & l Bfrs. SHiO up. Patio, Close to li<'ach. Yearly 998 E . Camino. 546--0451. pool, childrE.'11. MORA KAI ABBEY REALTY 642-3850 MODERN l Br apt, cpts, Apt6, l88881 Mora Kat Ln., Sant• Ana drps, dshwsr. bltin11, gar. l 1~ blk E. o1 Beach. 962-8994. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;; child ok. All utll pd. $150 mo. • 2 BDRM. S1udio Apl • all 307 Avocado, apt 9. 64!>-0984. elec w/bltn stove, S14-0/mo. CAN'T BE BEAT * DWC new 3 Br. l Ba. 212 N11shville St. 536-9937. or SING LE STORY Dshwhr. 2 rar gar. priv 537-7004. r-------~-:-=:'."':-::-::-=--: South Sea AtmO!!phere yard. loory rm. kids ok. * * BRAND NE'vV 1 BR, :1 2 B .,..., l BR. • Au~ $280/mo. 548-1309 blks 10 ~an. Yrly lea~r. Carpels & drps 2 BR Delux twnhouse, cpl, S'l~/mo. Enclose'! Gar. Air Conditioned drps, bltns, pvt. patio, end. AcluJ~. no pets. 5~2033. Private Patios gar. adults. 11ml pel ok. ./CHEZ ORO APTS HEATED POOL $165. 3009 Corilidge, 540-7247 8234 Atlanta. l-2-3 BR's Plenty of la\o\-11 1 BDR.\.f <lowntown Costa Pool. Private closed gar. Carport & Storagl! ~fosa . No chiMren or pels. Wsh/dryer. 536--0336. RIDDEN VILLAGE :.48-3401 Ll1G. 2BR apt, S145. l-ch1ld 2:i00 South Sal·~G-:Li25 * BEAUTIFUL 1 & 2 BR. 01<. nr schls & shops, f'h. Sanla Ana e Contemporary Garden Apts. 536-1738. --------------=,...,-,-t Patios, 1rplc, pool. WALK TO BEACH! $150-$165. Call 546-5163. Lovely J, 2 & '.l BR·~. Cpl. 3 RR, 2 Ba, new dr~. C"pls, ti~, hltni;, dwhr. 8"7-3~1;,7 hltn, patio. Sl6:i~mo. Also 2 ./ 2 BR. Apt. Close-gar- BR. unfurn. $150. 645-4647 Cpts. drps, C'hilrtr•'l1, sml ~· or ~&--0324. ok. SHO. 8•12-836~. ATIRACT 2 Br. J'a Ba. DELUXE Bayfronr. 01wk. ~ Cpts, i1r~. bllnll, dshwhr. Br. $5~. l Br $190, Furn l'nd gar. Pnv pa t i o. S24R. Aft. 646--0732. 3 Healed Pool1 Lal"!lf' Clublmuse e t~. BBQ Child Cart> Centr r lireat nf'w 1 2 & 3 Bdrms From St4!l SOUTH COAST VILLAS 1101 MaC"Arthur Blvd. 5-16-8823 645-2939. L B h Apts., 2 Br. Family Units. Newly aguna eac Furn. or Unfurn. 370 deror, ronv. Joe. Pool $165. e 2 BR. Quiet. Walk lo town lil•nd VILLA MESA Apts, 719 W. &. bch. Adults. Lease. 217 Balboa • ..............................~ ................ ...-_..._ Wtl11<>n, 646-12~11. Cypres~. $170. 494-Q:!A)9. SINGLE. over garage apt, REDEC, lge 2 BR. new drps. e Nr Sch, 1 & 2 Br. l 1,2 Ba. $165. W~nter rental. 106~2 bltns, S150. Child OK. 766 $160 up. Pool. zm s. Csl Opal, 2'13/242--6464 Shalimar 642-7315. Hwy. 494-0200. !1 I 528·67'1:1. Coit• MHa SHARP 2 BR, rn BA. crpts, Lido Isle ---------- drps. 1200 sq ft. Ava il. now. LOVELY 2 Br, l'.) Ba. 2 Car $165/Mo. 557-7768. bltn tri ,_ l ------------• gar. s, rt> g. up c, Fast rellUlta are just a phone cpts, drps, $29:1 nn lse call away • 642-5678 Shown by appt. 514-2043 or 67:;.3967 Me11 Verde weali.B.Alf -ELDEN - Sparkling NEW 2 BEDROOM garden apartment Luxur- l s.r Frorn $227 2 BR From $242 3 BR From $375 .f'urnlture Ava.il4ble Carpet:s-drapes-diahwuher heated poci-1Sunu·tenni1 rec room-ocean vlewa patioa-ample parlrin& Security guards., HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 7ll OCEAN AVE., 11.B (7l4) 53&.1487 Ofc open 10 a.m~ pm Daily \VlLLlAM WALTERS CO. Newport Beach Resort LivinCJ Luxury apt living w/$1 niil- Jion recreation .• swinuning, tennis. billiards, and vol- leyball, health clubs, saunas, dubhouu, party room, resi· dent tennis pro & pro 1hop a.no much more! Singles, J & 2 BR's. Furn.uniurn. Rents from $135 • • • No lease required. Models Open Daily 10 to 8. OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS Newport-North 880 Irvine Ave 645.l>;)j() 34202 COAST HIGHWAY DANA POINT, CALIFORNIA (714) 496-4082 Jo'OUND; 1man black C~ a-poo fi>male, Harbor VMf.y Homes. Nk'<'lY Manneid, \\ell trained. Can't keep. 644-54J7 ~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tlTAN Female Boxf'r type dell. lndu1trlel Rent•I 450 Poastble recent moth et . INDUSTRIAL U~its C M Black tip on ta.ii. Back &t;y ll0-220 ~r s9s · 1 · area, near Uruve.rsicy DriV!· $167./MO. Ph: 0 642-l,lS5 ° 548-6631. t 440 Stor•g• · ·455 BLACK Maie cat. Ve lovable. Vic • .20th & nst. Ji Off ice Rent•I ..._.,__.,........,._.. ______ ._...._ CdM OFFICES Delm<e alr/cond, 45c sq, tt. including util. R/E Invest· ments Bkr. 673-T7ll. ~AY VIEW OFFICES Deluxe, Air-CondJtio .. ed Lido Area -SOc Sq. Ft. Realonomica Bier. 67f>.6700 $55 lo $75 mo. Grnd fir, ai.r/<.'ond, 1643-B-C-D N e w p o rt B I v d, C M • &l.2-2821, 644-1061. STORAGE yard with shed, Tustin Ave., C.M. 646-2718 2500 sq tt. $55 month. art('r 4. p.m. • Harbor 8t Baker. S.!Pr-1416 FML. Siamei;e cat unde.r ~ Rentals W11nt~ 460 mos. old with short ta.A. Vic. Bolsa Ch.ica &: Ediniet, RESPONSIBLE young COU· HB. 846-3020. r pie want inexpensive l Br ' unr hsl', H.B.. N.B. 0~ GREY/Black toy lema_t C.M. area. WUl keep up P~lf', about 6 yr '· yard & do l1111Xll' repairs. ~~~~one flea co 11 a~· Call 714: 497-1667 aft 6 pm.---·---------+-• UNFURN house 't Sa WHITE w/black ears, ll06C. nornr n 1 d il Si J...3 . Juan Capis1rano, 3 BR eel an ta • e.mese ~· drn'g rm. 2 or 3-cnr garnge: ten, unusual collar. V1 . Quit:'1, refmerl sdH~. Xlnl 36th & Balboa N.B. 675-5851 ~ car e. ;>4!Hfi0.l. FOUND Irish Setter 1ema t TEACHER & family wants pup. Vic. Festival of ~ C~:-:UT:::-E:::::-~-A..,...D..,.O-BE--H-0-U-S-E-, to rent untum house in about 4 wks ago. 539-TI97 .• .FOR OFFICE OR STORE, Mariners Sehl area, N.B. FOUND min. apricot maJi Zll W. Wilson, C. M . C.L.D. 1561 M~sa Dr. No. poodle. Vic: Tustin t OFFICE apace for lse, 290 sq . ft. Loe. 17873 Beach Blvd. 2nd Door tor into. call 847-7188. Newport-South 642-6560. 65, S.A. or 546-n16. Magnolia C.M. 642-8879. ·, 1700 16th St. 642-8170 __ *_N_E_WP_O_R_T_B_E_A_CH __ MATURE man, writer, will RACOON vie. Pomona ' VISTA DEL MESA :l()(}..300-500 tt. 3.5c. handyman your home frlr Darrell, C.M. Ide nti f y~ Apartments PH. Mr. Ervin, 675-1601 prlv. quarters. Beach area. 642-2790. ~ 1 & 2 BR. Furn. & unr. Dish-Business Rent•I 445 J3est refs. John. 675-6944. BEAGLE pup lound vie 19t washer • Stove & Retrig • FAMILY en-sires 3 Br hm, & Tu~tin, C.M. Please ide't' Shag crp1'g-Lrg Rec renter. SHOWROOM mfg. & office fTK'<.i yrd, Harbor Hi arl'a. llty. :>48-1569. -._ RENT Starts $155 s·pace. Close in Laguna loc. To $WO/ y t .9 Tustl·n & Mesa Drive w9· I S3"' 4nA .,,-3 mo. e ar Y. J"OUND: CdM, Harbor Vie, .,. ;i 0 "" mo. ~;i • 64~359. II1lls area. Male Laborado.q * 545-4855 * FOR lse, 900 sq ft M-l bldg RELIABLE woman looking Yellow. Cali 644-5386 • ON BAY: NI'. Lido. 1 .BR for machine ahop, garage or lor 1 br e.pl in Laguna HORN rimmerl g la ss e 1 ~ W/Pvl patio. Slip avail, upholstery shop. 548-8797. Beach. Will pay up to $12:i. child's vk. Costa Mesa SC $1!\"l. UU pd. 67~ STORE, near Newport Pier. &H-3464 (200 blOC"kl. 646-8074. , SZ2:5 Month ~Rentals 465 FOUND Desnt Tor!X>ise~ _B_aJ_boa. __ B_a_y_P_ro_p. __ 6_73-_7420_ near Monrovia St., tosi.; * * WO gq. rt. STORE ol!' CAMPERS & BOATS Mesa. 548-7308. ·OFFICE. $125/mo. COSTA Fenced lot siorage ~<' ..__R_•n_tal_• _ _,.I( .-S) MESA. 646-2130. per ft. $10 min. 642-6560 Rooms 400 TERRIFIC Loe. Store or of- SM Al.1.. red ft>male puppy Vic Yorktown & Magnolia. H.B. 968-4744. SLEEPING rm S 6 0 I mo. Maturl' adult. Priv ba & ent. 213'.l Elden Avf'. Apt 6. CM. ROOl\I & balh, pn. 1•1111·. Nr. OCC. Cooking & pool pnvgs. (i46-81!l6 atter '.l. BAL Isl. WomatL~ RPsiden· llal llotel. $70-Sl!O Pf't' 1110. 127 Agate. 67:r36J3. BEDROOM FOR RENT, 11ce space. Balboa Inn, I 11 ·~ l BEAUT. CaJico kitten, vie Balboa. rrom $7;-i. 675-8740. Per,on1f1 ~ -• Harl>or Hi. 8/24/n. * OFFICE or STORE. 810 ---=--•l@*r-.--..-J 673·8886 ioq . ft. NE:WPOR,T, BEACH. I..Aflt"'c-bb. · J P I 530 ,,r, rn 1t VI<:. oann * Call 67:-rl•iOl. * _e_r_•on_• ........ s._ ........ ........,,...... ........ _ Sl • ('.M. 642-2443 aft 5. SMALL. offiet> or shop F:. 17th S1., Costa Mesa $30. Rcalonomics Bio-. 675-6700 * FULLY LICENSED * lll!SH Setter vii• Balboe. Renowned Hindu Spiritualist 11rr-a . 6T.r8419. Advice on all matters. Industrial Rental 450 555 Love. Marriage, Business Lost Readings given 7 days a * M·l SPACE new bldg. 1280 w~k. 10 a.m. to JO p.rn. $~JO REWARD tor nf'l.llered s<J . II. Front off11•e l~e rear 312 N. El Camino Real, male sraJpoml SJ am es e pnv;ifp bath & nil.race. door $167. mo. 1781 Whittier, San Clemente w/slightly t'tookerl ~a J J. 540<.1615. C.:vt. * lj()() Sq. F't.. 2 lronl '4!lz_9136, 492-00iO Lo~t vie ()( Carnation & 1 it> J>f'r wePk up \\{kitrhen. of.lict'!'!, 2 bath, lge ri>ar door &>avl<'w. C'rlM.. Sept. 19. $30 per weoek up apt!'. Motel $1% mo. 12·!0 Logan St .. INDONESIAN massagf' hy 67>-4:l8j, 494-0160. * fi4!!-97j5, C.M. Days 646-5033 evea, Llr. mlls~eus~ &lOI .S;iota LOST 4 KittenR, Elden & G46-0081. Barbara St., Garden Grow• M t v· t CM 1 all PRIVATE bath & mom for S9-l-2'J"'7 1 on f' is a area. .1 • rent, priv entr1111cl'. Patio. * COSTA MESA * 0 JO. C blk female, 1 blk & wht 1 $25 per wk. !'>48--69.l:i. 1280 sq ti. 110-220 power, pri-ALC H LI S Anonymous, fem• & 'J. tiger malei;. Pis vnl4> office. new bldg. Phone 542-7217 or write rail 549-2422, or atter ~: Gues;\come 415 ~sq ft , lrg offirf's, plPnty P .O. Box 1223, O>sta Mesa. 642-525:J. _ of parking. nr S.D. trwy. CONFIDENTIAi~ coun~eling REWAl1D -SWO. for * PRIVATE ROOM * C. NATrRES.S RLTR. * & referral for' abortion & recovery ot 1 Phaff power Fo · Pldedy lad.v. Bright • 2:.{0 E. 17th, C.M. 642-148!i adoption. ApCarr. 642-4436. machine, 6 orangt> dining dieE'ry garden surroundings. XTRA haz. sprinldere<l, in· VASECTOMY INFO chrs. 1 green velvel chr. Nutntious meels. 548-475.~. 727" t ' dust'I E-2. 3,750 sq ft & up. ApCare, 642..4~36 642-~. a ler p m . * SEMT·Pt•ivate .room in Nr S D & C G }' "Y 548-1572 • · · • ~ 5'. Soci•I Clubs 5351------· ---------guest home for grntlrman. Westminster indu~t Pk . _ LOS!' In Costa Mesa Al'ea * Call 646-7206 * 893-3575 Contemporary Couplea lge gulden dog w/ridge up ~JO INDUSTRIAL Units r 0 r WIDE WORLD ha f" k ( R h ode 1 j an Rent11l1 to Share .. 7 lea11e. )900 sq. ft. & up. Con· l 14l 839-7131 or 5Zl-7728 RtdgelJaC"kl. Answers to 1acl Norm Ph i llips , Jo'or that item under $50, ''Moo!'-!'". Rewar<i! Please 645-3940. try th~ Penny Pincher rail .)4{}--0R21, 5.37-9379. RETLRED senJor (' i t i z e n lady desires saniP to !ltlare furn. home. Ma r g u Pr i t t' Ave, CrtM. Sl'.r.i mo. 673-3600 * ot' 673-7780 aft IO am. GER~AN ShE>pherd Josl at * * * * * Orangp Co. Airporl. AM to , ··~asy'·. Full grown .; Yf'jG. man will shan> beaut. '.'tt0-3220. l'Xt. 2-011. : heach homt• with samt, p\'I. ~,,.--------------------... L(\ST SinC'P. 9118. Young fem ~ li111h, rPIPrencPs. 962-252.(J " labby 101-a.ng~t <'al wlfi1Jffy J ll.B. Trader's narad1·se :\~~ra-like latl. 644-0048 t • * Sharr home nn-Lldn r1 _ l~IF. C'hthlrrn ok. Call 673-TI85 brr J1 am or Ml 2::l0 pm. SHARE P~iTI~ula 2 Br. 2 Ba apt w/ genUeman 35-50 yrs Cail aft 10 pm, 675-7014. G11regea for R•nt 435 * * ENCLOSED GARAGE, Newport Heights, $2()/per mo. Call 642-8001. DBL Gar~e Nwpt Bch. 11torage. boats E.'lr. Call CTI4) 686-3052 Riverside. 2 LAllCE-$~ EACH. 984 EL CAM INO, COSTA MESA 673-1418 or 557-4-012. lines LOST L i ght Yel l ow P;1r<tkrPt, hluelhlk mark: 1ng!', Ballioa Island. Call 673-~1087. LRG. \\ht C'at, declawf'd tr1 reel, tar, Vic: Art's Rwrd. 673-1983. lngtiair, flea col- Lanchng. times dollars LOST: Male S e a Ip o int ~-------------------' ... Siamf'Se rat, vie. W Bay & 15th St. N.B. Reward!! Call Have 150' Corner comm'l bldg, CM. Ready tar tenant. Llc for bar. Trade for dlx horn~, incomf' or yacht. Owner : 494..()()8(). 1971kleluxe 27' Holiday mo-<.'OllPcl 213-AT--49364. tor home, loaded, like new. LOST near Costa Mesa Golf Trade $6SOO. eqty for We111 Couri;e 32nd o e gr e f' cooirt real estate. Box 4196, Masonic ring. Sentimental Palm Springs, 328-3401. value. Reward. 54G-2055. $@\\JU}A-l&£~S9 ~ ATTRACTIVE ious .POOi. lush landscaping. Office Rent•I MINT-RANCH, Back Bay area, horses, conv. .table, 2 BR house, $38M value, $23 $1,150 'Eq. J bdr, .1 bath, BUJ'F' color cat, altered shag cp,.. conv. loc. & ma·le 9 mo·s old. aea col. $4,500 eq, ;, acre Lancaster Mf'sa Verde West an?&. bal $6,800, 6% for R.E.R. 5-19-2169. The Puule with 1/Je BCJilf-ln Chuclle 0 1!11Drrono• letter• of '*'• Eovr 1Crombled words be- low to form four •irnple words. lnYVil I KONE A I: _ I 1• I' I _ 1 I ICOICPA 1' . -• lnfiotlon: At least inflation I [ I' I • hn't dull. 1r1 truly fascinating to s.ee how rnueh you can - I B I B N O B 1-on these days. t·1• ri.-~-T....,r--"T-r-t G ~lete the ch~le quolltd 1 17 I I I I by fllllnQ '" the ml•no W01"d1 L. --'.i.-..1.-.a..-.... __. __ .. _ you dewlop from step No. 3 below. A PRINT NUMBERED LCTIERS ~ IN THESE SQUARES ~N5CllAM8l.E LEnERS FOR ANSWER SCRAM-Lm ANSWERS IN CLASSIFIED 700 • 2 to choose Crom-2 Br, new .$175. AdultB • no petJI. 2311 cpl'S, clrps & paint. Xlnt loc. Elden Ave., C.M. Nr shop'g & frwy, ideal tor 64~5780 or &46-11666 c:ouplE'. no children, no petA. 1 _______ .....,.........,...._ $140/mo. 645-3515 or 644-1408 AMAZING Adult Livi n C or 644-(1753 for appt. Beaut. l & 2 BR turn or unf DLX 2 &. 3 BR, 2 Ba, f'ncl Apts. &ll clean. ovens, gar. $150 &. up. Rental Ofc: D/W fin 2 Br) di31>Js, ahag 3095 l\1sce Avt>. 546-1034. cpts, drps, jacuzzi ' saUNI N wrwrt Beach bath~. Huge pool. -e r--Merrimac Woods NEW 2 RR, 2 Ba .. caTpets, 425 Merrimac Way, C.M. drape 1, d I 1 potUl l , Huntington Beach dishwasher .l 1 e' If rl e~ n1 ..... --------- range. 209 40th St. N.B. Jrr Parklike Belch Uvma quire at 'Jfft 40th. for Adalts ~ BRAND New DELUXE 2 Cena Del Sol Br. 2 Ba avail Oct 15. 1 • 2 BR·f\lrn/unf. Pvt pa· Ye11rly. 675·3800. tio, trplc in l BR, elevators, COZY. J l blk bch. 3 BR, 1 '!4 dahwahr-. crpl~. ilrpg. PetJ Ba. Patio. An extr88. tr.15. aooepted. Trom $145. Yrly. 646-0742. 675--0437. 71661 Brookhunt St, HB. YEARLY-Unfurn 2 Br. 1 Ba. ___ ... __ m_4_>_!J62.(i6.):1 ____ 3 __ •....,..,.~ Upflta irs. Patio Blk to e OCEAN VIEW From $13$, ocean. $~. 673-R08lt 1 RR. Furn or Un1urn. NEW Duplex, '~ blk to CASA Pl.AVA. 14th " beach, :l Br. 2 Ba, yearly Walnut. HB 536-8367. lease. 67~1631 f'\.'l'l!. For best resullst Ml-5678 • DESK space available $50 M f'Q. For Income property, mo. Will provide furniture TO's or ? Bkr. 546·2011. a t $5 mo. Amwering aervlce HAVE 3 bedroom homo In avallab.le. 300 No. E I '11u5tin, $85(JO eq\Jity/WANT Camino Real. San 4-Syr old 4 Bedrm, w/boet Cl emente. 492-4420 socess, in C.M. or Newpt. DESK apace available $50 Bcll. BKR. ~4 mo. Will provide -furniture -l l4 __ A_c_re_11_o_v_er_lookin--g-Cry_s-_ at $5 mo. Answerin& tervlce aV&llal>le. 222 Foretf Ave, talaire Cntry Club in Ant.e- Laguna &ach. 49f-8466 loPe Val., nr oew •\rport. DESK space available $50 mo. Will provide fllrntture Would like to trade for 26' to 28' Sall hoe. t. 96'.2 • :2667 at SS mo. Answmn1 IN!l'Vlce Haw .amall commerc. blda., aV&ilable. 17875 &ac.b Blvd. a atores, clear, rented. Huntington Beach. 64l-43%1 Want beach area house or XL.NT offtc-e spe.ce now Income. ~ 3vail., Lido ~· 3355 Via The Trwin O>., Reoaltorw Lido. N.B. 615-3771, Jol'lM 23 Unit mot~ UaHabra w/ RJty Servlc. plane for 1& m~ unit11. DENTIST Suife avall., Udo $S6,000 YT IJ'09. W/trade Bldg. 3355 VIA Lido, N.B. my $100,_, eqty tor TD'• 675-3771, Jon fa Jllty.. or units tJrts e.rtt. Ownr/ St>rvkf'. Bkr. 6C2-4om/$416..1730 any. tlm~. PRIME Newporl locati<:m Brighi, alry otflce apace, * 500 Ml ft. ~ At tt8.r 1831 W~tclllr Dr. 646--0231. • * * • or ? 549-24Zl. _B_LACK _____ '.l,,...--m-o-o-:-ld-:--m-at7e * .-• * * Labrador Retriever. vk w. . BaJllOQ Blvd., N.B. Call ,_ $50.000 H11nting1on Harbour 675-5.''94. i homf', l'lear. Trade for • stocks, notes, T.D.'s or in-SILVER Grey toy poodle, ~ cQme. 1714) 846-9501!. hait' cut short. co 11 a r -.. ----------1 w/belb. Vt(' Balboa Isle.£ * E1~rmou11 Antiqu• Van, Rewaro oUered? 673-2383. l 1937 Diamond T. eonverte<l LOST • mal~ Shunese •al· • to housecar. worth $!~~; point alltered. Reward. t Trade: boat, TD. or . • . . · e 494..soog 645-0303 uk for Mr. S!elner GRAY eltt'red male RUll81an J 'T'l'ade lovely 3 Br Ltdo lsle Blue ca1, 91~. Vista Fiora-~ home ($62.500 val). FOR: Blu!f11. Reward. 644-1526. f amaflt'T home or income BURMESE milk. 1 )IE'ar old, , unit N.B. lll'l!a or ! 673--TI85 answers to Mme Brand)o. 1' bf.r ll a.m or &It 2: 30 pm. Reward. 642-5506. ~ What do you bave to trsde? LOST Platinum wed<tina rl~ • Large l'f:'Ward! ! 613--0338 '" Uat It here • In Or•nif Balbo!t tsland. County'1 13rgeat read trad-WHITE poodte. male, nea , lnc post. W -5678 mllar, nam,. Nee~. Harbor • * * View Hls. 644-1634 Reward. " * Lost Femele Burm•" f Reward. 968--4831 t • ' .. . ... . • 1 . -. I • I DAILY l'ILOT Wec1Msd1y, ~pttmbf-r 1', 1971 JOIN THE 'SELLERS CIRCLE' ~·WE'RE SAYING SPACE FOR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ If you sell e service end don't advertise 1n the DAILY PILOT Service Directory, you're doin9 .. business the herd we y. The Service Directory ( clessificetions 600.699 in the cl assified ed section daily l g ives you a n a dvantage you get through no other ad vert isin g medium. It reach- es c ustomers who are ready to buy. Be there when your prospects come into the ma rket lookin g for th e se rvices you hove lo •ell . If your 5ervice isn't listed , we 'll start a c a tegory just for you. Pi c k up the phone right no w e nd reserve your spec• in the "Sellers C ircle" ... Your Direct Line to Directory Results DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED AD DEP'AlTMl!NT • ,ILOT -ADV£RTISEJl Z8 l[lll '--___ ,, _ _J,[fl] ~[ _'-_-·_![fl] 11~ .. '""'p;; ... ~l;;;;~ 1---1~ [ iCCI. i r---~ c ~ 11 .... 14 ... Job W•nted, female 702 H~p Wanted, M & F 710 Help Wanted, M & F 710 lronine I S15 ~. --· n&trvctMn• -...... -,,....,~.,--o--BEAT 'I1w R.&in! Conctttit Tra1nToleA noon. patio:.'!, drlye 1 , HEAVY IOUIPMENT lllde walkll. Don 642-&'il4. OPIJltATOR PATIO.Iii, v.·alkl, drive, U1!tall L.rarn to optrt.le Bulldoi-nrw Jaw n .-, A\\', brn.k, f'1"'if. DracJiM1.. Cra.nn, mnove . M.\.-8!!6fl tor esr. Scral)f:f'I., Lo&d!!!n. TN'nch- en. e1c:. Study at home Contractor lollowed b)' ~idenr train-'""'""".'."°" ______ _ ln~ a1 our modern !acility MY Way, quality home lll ~llami, •"1orida.. remod. Wal!JJ, ttilir.g, lkxlra Home Of'tic'f'-t.tiami, n 11 • elc. No job too •mall. UNIVERSITY HEAVY 547-0CXl6, 24 hr an1. 1e.rv. CONSTRUCTION Addit.ioo~• Re~lint SCHOOLS, Dtpl • l21l~ Gerwick &. Son, Lie. ~1 Golden Circle Drive ti7:J....604l * 549--2li0 Santa An.a , Ca.Ht 97105 Driv•w•r• Phone; CTI4) 547-7511 .\'a nit ....................... HAWLEY'S D r iv ewa y Coe.ting, have It done nov.•. Add~s ••· •• •••••• ·••••· •••· Winter ia comina: 54>.-5195, Clly •.•••.••••••.•.••••••••• ="--'~Pm_. ______ _ ,:,"t.are •••••••••• Zip ••••.•... El•ctrlcal Phorw •....•.•••••. .t,.ge • .••• 1': LE CTRICJAN licensed GOLF LESSONS boMl"d. Small Jobs, m11nl: for l>Pginners I< advane,.d &; ~pairs. 548-5203. pla~"'f'rs. CalJ Roy E1·!'N.oiP, Gard•ning Costa Mf!U Golf C I u b, 540-7500. AL'S ~c1pina;. 1're-e ~moval. Yard remode.ling. FRENCH &. GERMAN Tr1!11h ha uling, Jot cleanup . Expen Teacher. 8.l.1·0554 Repair sprinklers. 673-1166. Auto Wi1x1n9 SKEErER'S Auto Polishing Comp! job $15. Prof. Free PfU by a ppt. 66-2'5..10. B•bysitting AL'S GARDENING for gudenlng &: 1ma11 landscaping ~Ices. call 5(()..5198. Servin& Newport, CdM, Chsla Mesa. Dover Shotts, \¥e1tclitl. PROFESSIONAL Garde~r, trt'f' work, prunin g , sprinklen, cle11 n up job!'i, la udscapine. Georgt>. 64G-:i893. ---------COSTA MESA-Jap.anew ~ardl'nrr Exp'd. Yard \Vork, Clean·llp. PRE.SCHOOL Tr 1 mm in g. p l 1 n tin i . Enroll now for Fall 646--0619. l!th ~ t.fonrovia., ;; day + full day RISionB. Planned CREATIVE GARDENING progrilITl, hot lunches. Agel Mainteria.nC't'-Oerul--Up and IRONING done in my OOmc... BAR 6lAID B!KINI FASHION 1lyll1I for Btt fl .25 an ht. NEED HElP AT J{OME? * FIREHOUSE * Une. No 1nve11. Will train. =-~-*~*--'OIC;.-0026C.::=-*:.:*:___ __ IFor Temponey ~: 177 E. 17th St .. CM. t'or lnrerv1e..,., call t'lo Paintlne & • We Have Conv11o~n1 548-9931 Arm11tree1, 521-9~. Paporhan•'~ •,::::.._• Nursea • Hoote·l~~""-,,.-;c:_:='---c~--l~C:::~::;,::::_:::_:::__~·I •"''W --.-·-BEALITY Operator. ExptT-l"E:'.IALE Piano player. fr1 _____ ...;;.....;:...._..,._ G\\.'EN'S BEAun· SllOP • •-1 I c II h No Wuting HOME:\1AKERS/\JPJOHN ·' f'Ve Oil). a nli t *WALLPAPER* •••"4-94-DM••• bartender, Sh 11 mroc k , \Vhen you call "Mac" for Pcrmllflf'rn Sf-IVIC"'" BOAT Sa~m-ian exp. in 64&-J4.2!i 548-1444 616.IID • \\.'e Have Compe.nions power It Mil.prime NB fOOO Ii Cock!aU \\'111TI'1.• * INTERIOR EXTE'RJOR • • lloulile~l'I • Pract1. location v.·/l>P51 selling ma'. eJ'per P/tini!'. Co u t d Lie. fflll, guaranteed. CaJJ ~~l::..un;eii ~c. At l\tonrtdy JOT1· ___ _.li~.'~.,64y'.5-2'l44 &$k tor dewk>p 1nro I/time. DR) JI · · "'Z A~ ,..... ... ~ •"ni .....,,.,, l'hlf'I. Ra11dK1 sari JOAqu1n -ar rl!ll, ..,.. -.558. Expt"rt HEAL-t & ~. ( I " BOYS 1•14 uvl CourfW', 18021 Cull'er lllf"SS spraying. t·A~itLV CARr .c-•c\· p PllOf.E"'tON . ~ ... n ID deliver p&p@r& lr1 Ute San Rd, Jrvint'. Near U.C.{. Ai!k """' ' AL Pau11i""" ll!ffi No. 6,,,.0 ..... ··•y. Jo•· "'• 83' "112 " I 1 .... ,.,...,.,. Cemente, San Juan Capi~l ---'c'_~c·· __ ~_._. ___ 1 11 .. er eX!f'f. \i'.>fleSt ~'rk. &u1l11o Ana 547-6681 Lie & tn.~. !:148-27 59. trl.llOa.ndCapi1traooBeach F RY COOK, EXPER • ""I"• f /C e area A ..... l;· ln ""1W'!n, Colony ...,.,.. ....... kkpr. Hvy indu1 · ,.... ,,..... PA!N'l'ING':' Call U,;! e background. Wanli n:llp. DAl~~.!doLOT Kuchen, 3211 lhu'bot· Bl, Ci\1 Cull~ge Studen15 • No IXISition w/futurt. $750. mo. GIRLS FOR r1r1nkeMi e l yrs exp . .Slf'\·ri~"'-'~-"~'~'-· ~~~~~~ BUSBOY WORLD TRADE a.l&-4;,.a9. Help W•nted, M & I' 710 F.xper. Ovtt 18. t.fust be Hos1es~e!, t.1odel ·rype11 & P AtN Clean' Neat! Apply in per. Sales Pel'SOTIJ')Pl. $olO ,_, 'TINti, profess10nal. All .an, Surl /,. Sirloin, ~~ "'· .,... "0 , k C I J'1VU day. IZl:i1 76.'t-0697. ----I g u a r n . o or A Beller T!'mponry COil.9t H wy, N.8. - spt>l'l alist. 116 2~1<13. Posuion GUARDS ~7-141 1. BUS ln1med parr time po:11U011$ PAPERftANGER, custom 11·ork, no job too small. AU Guaran. For Free est. Call 96&-0316. 30 Da.y Spf'Cial. lnterfEX!f't pa1n1:ing. Ll("df ! mi. Local rf'f's. 30 yrs exp. F'ree .Est. • Call Chuck &15-0809. e VINYL pape r ha 11g i ng e specialist, \1•ork guaran!eed, tree PS1, Dan Schwartz • 547-5846 or 840-1182. • PAINTI NG . Hones! guaranteed v.·ork. Lic'd Any • ~iz" .ioh. Call 67~5740 . YOU supply the pa i n I . Room.~ painted SlO 1'8. Also exterior. Call 540-7046. URGENTLY NEEDED Secretaries Typists Repro-Typists MTST Oprs Keypunch Oprs Packers lr11ervil'111ng Hout~ !ffin1·ll11n1 z. Jpm-4pm \\'ork 10.·ht11 & "'here _\'OU 10.an1! Professional-Rea' Rerii furn. L1e/ln~. 847-4128 Plaater, Patch, R.•;>•ir Interim Personnel Service DRIVERS avail. San Juan C'a.pis1~rKl & So. l~guna erN. Uni- forms & equip lurn. CllJ' Ir telephone req'rl, Apply at, 883 So. F.:as1 S1 , Anahein1 £qual opporrunlly en1p\oyr r. Licented Or Tr•inffs $3.01 P•r Hour \Ve£lm1nsier Schoci! D1stri<'l is acceptini: applicalloO!I for HAIRDRESSF.R wan I ed . consideration 10 meet pres-Increase your pres en 1 en! & future need~. salary. Phone 67:\-8250. C d HELP need!!i:!, wor~: for and1 ate!! mu111 have a good yO\lrseU or us, part or full driving record, rstablished time, $100 to 1800 Jlf"I" mo. 10 dependebllity. excellent starL ;.:.J-fi:tlO health & capable of meeting ~=====~~~-~ the requirements ot the po. HOUSEKEt:PEf{, li\"e in. si11on v.•h1C'h v.'ill be nbtain. sml gllf'lil honH'. depend. ing a Red Cross Cl"Mificaie ah1t>, ni;11u1·,., 1J<Jn-sn1okt>r. -Class II California. opera. re/'s l"f'Q d -~8-:.!?:1. tor:s licenst -california HSKPRS f:n1plyr pay:s '"'"· ii<:hnol bus operator"s ~.rtif. Geol'ge Allrn Byla.nd Ageri- 1cate. cy l06-B E. 16th, S. A. WESTMINSTER SCHOOL DISTRICT 54.7--0395. u; hn G 30 Jandscapina: service. 1''rtt ' : Ai.\t: -6 PM. eslimatf'!ll 646-!(112. * PATCH PLASfERING $20 v.·k-CO:O.rPA.RE! 642-4050 AU type!. Free es1imates, 14121 C111darwood Ava. Westmin1t•r, Calif. HOUSEKEEPING onf' day per wttk 642-3221 arrPr 8 p;.r \\'ORKD:G j\fottiers rieed r.:XP. Japane~ Gardener. C 11 s.to-682:-i 771 W . 20th, C .M. . Koo"' how, u~keep, plan! =~-~·------· ---642-7523 .546-7592 J\fe111 System District F inal Filing Oat• For Application• HOUSE\\'IV ~:S-Ber I. I n r Fashions hafi openir!fo!l'i for ""'v styhs1 ~ in thl!'! are11.. H i F'a r n1,1gi;. Frr.t \\ilrrlro~1r. Cho()!lf' own hr!!. No jl'\\IPSl1Til Call ror •PPL 9fiA...5739 or 6?.&-4ffi.t ll\ln1eone to ~11 10."ith you r · · Plumbing clJildrt>n?~ l.aJ'ge Y a r d , pes1. trimming, clean-up. lunche!I. tender loving care. _%_8-~"-"'-· --~~--- J\fy home Costa J\1esa a rf'a. Japant'~f' Garrlen1ng STEVE "~ Plun1bing repairs Accountants $12K &. i;111a.ll i11stall. Service l;1'0\\'th oppor. tor ? )Ollnil: 1·alJ!ll &.. hrly ra le~. 826-5463. rnen 10.1lronsrr. s, CPA back-646-4671. Com1ne1"('.ial -Resitlenlial Wed., Oct. 6th, 1971 At 4 PM BABYSJ'li'ING by n~ hr. da.y or 1>.·eek.. Mon lhru l'ri. Lunc~s & snark~ 111cl11d•·rl. Locah!d off San Diego F11}' near So. Coa~t Ph1 1.a. CJ.19.40:'.fi 11 ------BAB\'SITTI~G. --my-hon1e. ~tesa del .\la•'. 0 '.'~9-4:t-M . \IOTI ! EB~1\-;rr;;;glo share TLC 1n m.~ home n/your pre-•choole1-. l\l l"al1. l"nl'I I pl11~ ~a1·r1.v.1ida}t on!}. Cd.\L ti4+-19:/l!'._ -------~~ -- I YOUNG n1other "-'Ill bahys11 '" h,.r home. ctnlorP11 ai:-!'!11 1.:,, by rbe 1>.~k . L11nches. •nack~. f.:a~t•lde, t..'. i\l . ~:). ----XLN'T c;hild •·are ror )OUr inll!.nl or 1oddler v.•kdy~. ~lcsa \·erd~ ar•ta. Ref'1. :J49--\ 791. Buildets :-;'0 Job Too Sn111ll: Brick. blocl... o'(ll\(.1"Plj>, !"&r?f'll!I"), add 1 rn1, houi;e lf'\'f'liog. i:ar. door rtpau"J. ~·re.e est. %2-6!1-\i Carpent•r ADDIT. k P.f'palr. •·ab, rormica. mar!ite, fi r tll~. pantling. Antiq. }'urn. repa ir k relln. f-"ret C.!ll. 6#-1j98. LARGE OR SMALL AC l)l>f'!! v.-ork . Lui doo'"'°, pa.nel ... abs hni~h frame repa.J~. &II'. ilm-1961 ' cu . .;rc))i \\'ood11·ork, form11·a. b,1· Durk;i.n.Jo11e~ R~.•i<I. C:o111m 646-:i \68, f.;:;.:;s.J:t C•rp•t s9rvie.---- .1011;..''.>; Carµr! l.: l'phol,t<'1) Clearner~. E.""O'\i On.~lianl· poo free &:-o1ct1guard r Soil Rtrardanl!! 1. Degt~a11erA /, all 1·olor h11ghtt>ner'!I & 10 m1nu1 .. ble11 ch for whiff! l'"f· pf'1" •. 5'1 \'e yotJr rnoncy hy s~\·inl 111e f''lftra tr1pg. \\'111 C'lean hvi11 g rm, din111g rn1 & n1111 Sl'.'1. An,v rm S7.;.(J, l'OUrti f lO rhair s.;. 1:. ) 1·1. exp 111 10.hat 1..,,un1~. ll01 meih· oil. I do v.ork myw H. (~I l"'f'f. ~1 -0101. !Mta.llatl()n, repa.il's. Guaranted V.'Ork. Shag l'f'm· n1nt~ tor Nie. ~~ 11.rr SP:\1. lrwtuslr i11! &i:HJ:14;, srEr-;cf:R:s !A1wn ~rvicr, frf'I! r sl. L.&1111 c· are . iclf'anup.,, 1"t-as. :.1s-:121:-1. EXPER. Hawaiian Gardern11· l'o m pl el e Garde n i'ng 8e1vil'e, Kamalani. 6·~'16. EXP. JapaneSf' ga1"<ll'llf'r. Comp!ele 1naln1. fr e,. f'S111na1,.~ 64~;).t;. ------------Lol,\\'N J\la1n1. Uaul 1ni.:. rw-v. la11 u~. o•lran-up, 11run1n1: F"rf'f' 1'.'!I (.-fill J.16-"i3i9. LXP"r .l11pan!',;e \;ardP11r1· r:o111/)ll'!t' _id ~t'nil1·e. NPa\ ilr. Rel1a. F'l't'e ""'· 642-4:.&9. JAPANESJ.; (;;\RDENE_R_ Complete Yarc\ Carl'. R.e11sonatile. fi-li-89!\:1 C..'0:-0fPLE."'TE l1111•n & 1tarderl- i1,g 1ervi1·f'. J in1 ~S-CKO!i PLU;.1BlNG REPAIP. ground. ~. Nn job too i;rnall E1crow Officer to $10K e 6-12-3128 • Traet g, rt'8Hl e (':(per. for -C~D~LE PLUMBING hull~er. 24 hr servicr . 643-1161 Eng1_neer $14K • Techmcal rxP"r 1n !iemi con· Roofing ductor indus!rv. ;Gu;Rnoring. De;.J DireC'l. Material• Milr. $13K 1 do n1y 011·n v.·ork. 64;,...zrso. P urchasing. in1,,.n1ory con· :~S-95~ IJ'Ol. ~1pp1ng lRN·., b prod . S . /Al . teheduling, ew:ng leri1t1on5 NEWPORT ~'.\ IKOPEAN Per sonn•I Agency DR~:S:'l\IAKIN~: IJJ Dov•r D r., H .B. All <'US\Onl r111Ni. Pel'l'Onal 642-3870 ~·1111h1on 11dviee. 67~·1849 __ _ -Aft-,,.•tiona --642-5145 Acct. Clk/A111. Bkpr. Nrar, accura1r. XI years PKp . RPQ: nunununi ol J Yt'll ,.,.,. ,.., Pf'!'. I\'/ ac°C!~ T"f'CIV, ca.~h I • r1>ce1p1~. t,k rerol)C'1l & grnl Cf::RX\t!C lile new lt. knou•lf'(lge of acct& & bkkpg remodel. F ree es!. Small procrdilrf'i'i. typing ~ ll'Jlni .IOb~ v."Plrome. SJG-2426. lrlectricf. Good icta.rt 11aliry + [rin~ b@ontfl!s. Call for inrerv1r w pp t 171 ~i CAB INET & Top tnst:r.lll'r.~. Exper. Pre-Finish i\lodular Ca billf'[" !or rrmor~I & ne11· constn.ic tion. Call .Ki1chr n. Day,;. 548-2436, e 11 ct> . 6-tl-7667. CA R \VA S H, A UTO POLISHJ~G. & CASHIER POS I TION:\. f/rimf'. r.rov.1h c.,,. • !O('atlnns. INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE BE YOUR OWN BOSSI LeaS• A Yellow Taxi Cab Call for Appl 546-1311 i\tE'TRO CAR \\'ASH, 19.JO Harbor Rl\'rl, r .. \I. C•rpe'/1\er, cap·able or~ I ;\;,k ror lltrmlln boa! wk & fbrgl~i;ng. l 1.2'5 '"""""""""""""-'..i•iiiil iwr hr. 642--3271 11f1 ~ P~I CASHIER Terrtflt' local <"O. 1>f'ek111g t1 t!!..lemPd , pl'r 1 on a bl r 1n- rl1v1rluJ1.I !o 'M'lr~ 1 n 11: or 1::" o u 11 surrounding:o; 1\·/irrea1 prople. P1lrl -v11ca· fion + holiday~. TillNGS by l\loos~. I.I. 1 lliJI 49'l-11:l:l, ask ror i\1~. Gon. 7.a.lf''l. r \('('1.. plun1h. lrru•r , t1lr. '--'-""'_''_'_-_'__ 11--~=====~~-insl!n~. carpentry, pa1n1 ,1l· _ _ ADVERTISING C11ll ~lar1on ~la nn, 1!3.1-'2700 DENNIS k DENt-;IS PERSONi\'EL AGEJ\'CY ~2 1\11,..hPl!'On Dr. ll'Vfne. Ca.hf. lflYINE PERSONNEL SERYICESa>AGENCY Fr<'I" & Fee Pos1r1cu14 A /P Bkkpr to $500 :•;.-00>1 PROOUCTION ARTIST CASHI ER, <"tr.r v."RSh. req's i·a.•h f".£1!111er e ·"' p .. r . 6#-4450. Gen'I Office $400 HA ULING. \'11.NI Clr;in.1111 h;v ,.,,~rif'rn•f'tl "o I If'~ " ,.1urll'nl. Lail:,. tn1ck. Bea~. :-..:: 1. \K-16. YARD. ia.raite, RPmove trees. 1 ki p lo1de r , 8'17-2666 <·leanups. d 1r1 , !\'\. backhoe. Job W•nted. Mi1le 700 Far Ne"·por! BMleh Ad Alff!Tl· (')'. N.us1 have g'OOd board sklll,, be able to 11pec 1ype, kno11· pnnling. produclion l. llCht>duling. Good oppor· 1un1ty. Si>nd l"l"!llUlne ro 0 1i1- si'lerl 11cl no. 334, Dally Pilot, P 0 Box J560, Costa '-lesa, SCRAM LETS ANSWERS flrudi:te -Oaken -Ka1X1k -Cfl. 92626. Boblnn -GO BRO~ IACt.AC7~RMC::5'<':0---,-ric<y-,c, .• c1c,..-m-,-., lnllanorr A1 lea.~1 1nnation tKprt. f~llfflh. loca l co. 1,.11 I (lull. I t ~ tn.J ly fMr.-iM1· 642-3830 ror •ppr . Typitt $400 P /time Sec'y to $3 .15 hr CHILDREN BACK T 0 488 E. J71h iat i1"\'1flf:J C,\I SCJIOOL:' YCll.l can earn 642-1470 while thty learn. BP an ........ ~ ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f!!!!""- Avon reprCtentati\·e. ''ou'll J A N 1 TOR , ,.xprnP!l('('d. have your o"'·n business. Pl'l"n 1n g 1" & n ighl, your 0_10.'n hours, your 01•n permancnr, full 11n1e Jl081· 540-7041. t JCL 3.i6. 7 d f• A 1n~ tn rwf' IMJI" n1u ... 11 you can ay1", !"f'e "~!. ny11n1 P. l;l/ BRflKF: nn !hf'~e daV"5. AiXS\VERING Sfon:1cP, f!Xpd TRASH Ir (.;arage 1·lean-up, e1rn1na:1 . Call oow.l l!un. $2.67/hour. 49!l--1::1J. CLEAJ"lt\G pi"r.IOn ovf'r 3~,J __ A_N_t_TO~R--"-.,-,-,~-,--R-,-,-,-,-,1 f/t1n1~ fnr animal hot<p., Con\'. llo.•p . hlil ~·f'n1Pr, N.B &'4-~. 9am'6pm C-~! ;.1g..s:.s.1 ,:~ __ ,_-51..c..1'3_1 .~~---------· prrr. hu1 v.·11! 1r11.1n, Pl~11.l!-f' Housecleaning llACl~ELOP, v.ouJ.t l1k,. to ""'JI S40-li77. . -/\lA~At~E S.\IALL HOTEL --.~=~~~---COMMERCIAL TELLER J . w. Back To .'ichnn! ~l)<'r·ial 111 Hra,·li 11r"" KrfP t"l"lll"r~ ASS!STA~T Rookl"l'fl"r "l Carper C1ranuii;: By hlli-.-:0.~:! a~k for Bill . handle 1111·1 ,.111.v J<!Ufnal, I ROBINSON'S B NEWPORT e BEACH DIAMOND da1l,v 11al<'~ •umnu:ry, ,'Ill · AflTlST v.ill do artwork (or '00' Shampoo Si8, c1.,m ,30 1 !e-ct1fn1•. 1f'rv1N-r11.~h. ind &Experienced ·• ..,~ .. lusuw.~.' lor·n1i;. 11<1~. -PBX N'hel. Prrtr-r 11ulomo- Rrpa1r.s & ln~11i.Jl;i1io11 1·11·cul1t rs, pot1!f'r~ ('!C. Ve1)' rive l'"'!l('rlf'l"ll.'e. e11U !'.li-,; Brant 11! ./ohni!On & Son Job Wanted, Fem•I• 701 1.1ncoln J\ll'rt.:tu1· 5-1-0-~',0. -UNITED- CALIFORNIA BANK Full T ime & Pi1rt Time Opening• fll'c> Es1. fi.t.'J.!317 rl'af;OnRhlP. ~2--0'i!~.1 Mt>~• Cleaning Servit.-e Carpel!, \\'indowJ. Floor f'lc. Rf'llld . &: Comm<"\. ~.tS-41 1 1 &y & Bea-.:h J anilori11I CrpL'. v. indows, noo~. "If. H,.~ ,_ c·omni'I. 646-1401. -WALL WASHING Fl"'f' E.!11 &JS.6512 a nytime llOU~E("l.f.AN~ By Day. Experil"ncrtl • 646-'l990 • Tu rn unuRd ltmi! Into quick cash. call f;.ll-5673 ---------1 ASSF::-.fRLERS for ca mpt>r II 0 us EK EEPER, 1'00k. r11f'10ry. Apply f.lajorv.·ay, prat11·al nur~e. bahysiMing fl69 \~'. !~th S1, (.~I . !" wam~trl's.~ 642-!M4!l ATTRACTIVE .VQlltli 1tirl1 ' llCI ~nior needs parl-!1mP 11-omf'n ror rl1N'CI ~l'lhng. job. t11'1o:1hle hour!. Pantashr mont'). Sell an No, 6 J\1onarch Bay So. l.ai1Jna 496·1273 Plaza fl 67:Hiti.ll fl idea -"arn la11g1b!f' mooty. ~~quaJ Oppor. EmplO)"tt 64:>-3997 '""'l~~~~":'!~~~ ... IT'S Bnctt "houM nme. Blr· BABYSIITER plt1 f;IT14!. COOK.FR\' EXPE'R. ft~t Sf'lection ever! 5eoc the Alon l'hru Thurs 2 to£ pm. e BLUE DOLPHIN e DAILY PILOT Cluaified f ri :J to 9 pm. ~ty homf' :\3.'"6 V1a Lido. NB aectioTI now! only, lite ho u 1 e work , 'coo°""";=o,;,.:_:::..-:;H~..'..'.~-"· ...... n~'. °'l> exper . . 14!t-SiJ12. df!il'i!d. foe MAINTENANCE· MECHANIC t:Xp.-rtt>rl('('rl E"~p\1on!!..l Btnef1!s Apply •n l)f'non 10.3 p.m. • 2 f"~~h1r...1 Isl., N 8 . Equal opportunity employu B A BYS ITT t: R -"'llable, ;o;~=="='--'"'~'----matuN" lacly lor 4 mo olrt DRAITS~IAN ror rii•i l JOB OPENING ho,\', 7 11n1-0."1 pm, ~ day1, my ~il'lt'fl'!"inc ofticf'. Top pay 10.'11h honir. 962-6278 11Jt f>. for"~· rif'tltsman. Ralfll\ SECURITY BA BYSIT'TF.R. 10:3Q..2:JO. lkUl, f"ro!t & Assoc, 1.li PACIFI C BANI( Tuf'. TI1ur, f'"r1 !.· S..t. N.e .• 1 ~-:;;-;;;ho','c"-'c· CCC,.'c'-· C548-7cC77Cl3=:_. _ In l{u11tin~1nn Br.aC'h C.:'11 a.rf'a. Call 64:>--5297. DRIVER. niRhl i;hifl. over t \J/1 1'1111r EIABY3TTT'ER ror 2 chilrlrt'tl, 'n. Goorl 1trivlng reron:I. Sir.n LOAN ADJUSTER n1 y hornr. 1'ur~. SAM.fiPlll. Clemente Yellow C .a b ~eetl('(j on p<'!'0111.1wnr bfltd~ NiRutl Shore,. 496-3819. 492-IJ~. 811.nk or tin11.ncr f•o. e xp<'r. BAKER EX PERl&'IO:D operator prererrtil. Sr ... .Joe Rou1ley Th!i llf'v.· comp.tey has open-1or commercial turf rnoY.'i:nti: or Doog lo:eup mg far ri•y shift Ideal lo. .-quip. in charp of mowing 102 1'-laln St .. •l.B. callOfl. Start $&JO. t"t"eW for l1rwhclpc main!. Equal Oppor. Employ,..,. CCIAST AL AGENCY C'O· s.luy OJ>ell. J>t:one R. llllll::i::::llC::::::i::::::i::ii:::~~1 1T!IO Harhor Bl •t Adim11 L Scof.ieJd. 546--1975 RASK TE~R EXP'E'R. Nul"S,f'.I •.kl«-11 Bf;J.1 t:\IF: Tiii~ STJOO .tilft1. 2nd Cook. Full tim~ Thi~ grf'1! :Wary for that al· janitor. Ga~ld C on , .. 1r11,..[1\•e 111.lemed pcrwon ..... no Hosp. Apply in f!"T'Mfl, Tiil df-°9lrf'!I '"' oppartunily to Garfield A\•e. H.B. 1110\'f' 10 chief ~llc.r in tocaJ I oEXP;:;;t;,,i'-c."='k;.,:::.,c,=,c,-,-,-1-,-,-. brall('ll. femak wf90me up. Call Cft.11 Jan1t D1tv11, 833-2100 ~2880 nr 541--3031. 0Er\NI$ ~ DENNI~ PF.P-.11.Q:\'NEL AG£NCY ~1 \llf"hel'°n Or. h·vuW!, Calif. LUHRS IOAT COMPANY CARPENTERS Mt W. 18th St Cotta Meta OaiJy Pilot W111t Ms have b;..q11in& piof9, M"S: 8-sch ~M ttmt, s1,. (Ht •le('t\an evfl'! Ste tht DAIT. Y PILOT Ouettled llflctlon nowl I Dally P ilot Wall Ad& barJa.in. rt.lore.. .... f I a.1, Wontod, Mi. F 71 0 "H"o"lp_W,......•n_i_oct_,_M_i. F 7lO Holp Wontocl, M & F 710 Holp Wontod, Mi. P 710 Fumlturo 110 Ml1cellaMOU1 111 P lano1/0 rgan1 126 Doti &S4 Bo.ts, Powe,. MAN l\JI' tu!krnb!y _·1;;; ---------------------LQT MAN, GENERAL triu!Prs, mu~t ~his! .hard REP. Hlr111g full or p&.rt SillPPING I \VAREllOUSE MUST GO! '1 p rict. Call manager, 557-0520 worker, S2.00 hr, ~9:i-i~ti. t11nt', in a far:;hlon business. \\'ell known firm moving fo sacrifi~. CompJ &-dr rn, '.\1ACHINIST 1 r • i n e e 5 , All ages n1a.v apply. Call Jrv11ie proniotes from tbis nf.'w: full 11 bed, hdbrd, 1u1t Mi\IUNE VE.'"TERANS: Now ""33 8 I J · b nd ll 5 d •-machine opt-ra tor trainee!!, 4:10-I , l\lon. d111.1 F'rL t'rltn' f'\'e ~ • 11ta , IA r8"1-'Ct c,..,111, that your mililll.ry serv1t-e 1s 1 , ,. k · t ..... I tk la all '>time mech. l"X""r. pi•er. & RESIDENT MGR. n ert"!l irig wor 1n spor 1ng ....-uspn:. Iii -"''ag tnp, r-con1plece )'OU wa11t 1t :;ohrl ~....-..i fl Id St 12 ~ h' -,~ 2 ~· truck ioatw.n apply '" N 1 B h """''11 f' • • art . .,,,,. rna re ~. ~ ..... 1. . ma.1~-,, g top \'aft><'r 1.-.11• v.·.-h&~e-or~ ,11 ewpor eac c 11 ""b wi•--•• " ~.. J · --• 9. 1 ... ""'rson -oo calls Inca I" 11 ,_,., -...n, ~ qua . gl'~n \\-.,..,. rugi> x .. ,~ v.·hlch you can tt~ n1uch ol CO ~Al AGENCY • 6' --' ... _.. t ·~ Pla.sna 32972 Calle Pertee-A.-,, _, •" ,,._,, ,,.,u1 ri.~00"-•. as what you ·~.. l<>ttrr1t11L Cu. 111aJ•)r rf"ll l t>sla!e n1an-'"'"" H 00 Bl Ad ~o/. "-ti to, San Jue.11 Capistraoo. ~""' ar r a t ams new.•~· oo irrn rug Sf'ts. has a tlllf' 1.ra1n1ng pr()l!:ran1, ag>'lll<'lll ~'0111pa11y :Sf'Pks J\lany (l!he r item5. 962-0:ll:l. MACHINE SHOP 'fltkin& appli<..-ationi; tor experienced Logan TurrT.t 1.Athe productiorJ man .. Ap- Start $5400. ri's1d('1l1 p1anab¥r tor un1fJ11I' STAH'f you r Christmas earn- Call Rob Wilso!l ~0-605!:! 2 Yl'al' oltl 100t u1111 <ip~ 1fl$:s 1101o,·. Show Sarah ~10VJNG -BY 0 \VNER C0ASTA1, AGENCY cvniµh•.\. Covt•n!ry JeY.•Plry. No in. 6 P<' l\ &. 0 BR sets, Cust. blt 2790 HarOOr Bl al Adams Rt'l'<"nl &· t>>.leni;11•e $<lit';<; \'l'S1mi'nt. t"t1Uecting o r ~· liOl<1. .t lo1·e seat. oak &. ply AM only, 864 w, 16th I o,c1Ac1o.0=RcE~.c0-m-a-n-.,-,-,,-,.-.. ",~oc St., NN.·pon Beal"h filnvale.i;c1 ng st1"tike pal 1!"11!. MAJD, p/ti-n1e. Approx.. 2 IJ1e-1n, n1ust drive, N11µ1 times a \\'k. Ca.JI 642-4910 13r h llJ"ea. F.els. r r 'l · <".~I. 421 or 49-l-016.S. !~b-016! MAINTENANCE i\Jen. IVom<'n. Chitdt'f'n COUPLE FAME & FORTUN E Could A\\·ait You ,\pai'!ment Complc.\.. No lntlependf'nl produetivn 1·hi.ldren or pets. 'l Rt-!IJ'OOtn tllm co, Ape.r tn1e111 + $250/month. Needs NE\V FACES Ptiorit af!er 6 pm, ~16-4.~3. for TV (,'f1J1l mPrc11d.~. i\JAJDS "·anterL Also MALES 2 n1aJor fi1111s. to a.1sl:r;t maids. Apply Rr-n NO EXPEfL NECESS. !1131 -161-J().ll fizTJwn ·s Mo1nr lintel, JI 106 ~==~c__:.:.:..::c·c __ _ S. Coast. S. La~una . i\10TH1':Rs helpi'r. :l :JG 1,; J,JQ t.lon--Fn . Tlirtlf' Rock. ;-.tAN or couple early Ai\l $2 per hr. 833-3 1:1:1 af! 6PI\-1 ne11Js pap f'r d'°l 1Vf'f Y Eastbluff a rea. X lnt roule NEED HEAL EST A T t-: Ql"ll!ll, $Th. mn. approJi: 1~ :~ALESPEOPLE. Have gOO<J Ju'!'i./Wk. 962-163:'1. buyt>rs for you lo lit'll liornf's & in1..--0111e pruperty too. Call _\1AN to rnak,. donuts 6 n1ghL<1 1oday for uitt'l'\'iew, a wl':E'k. Cl ir-11n cul, Perman-\\'. E. LACHEI\.\IYER ir-:it. Trotter 's Bakl'f)', 234 1860 Ne11·por1 Bil'd. f'orest Ave .. L&gul"ll!L Beach. &16-39~ C"VCs fi7'.l~lji"7 Management NURSES AIDES F.xf)f'r. P!Vfel'rf'd AJi SJ1ifts Flll! Tirne. Perme1nf'nt Huntington Beach Convalescent Hosp. 18811 Florida Ave. mnnagi.:·r111'nr blt«ki;:iuutu!, deliv. Call :540-0614. p.·ce n <..-ollee & ron1mofle -alv11:.: 11il b n11n . ! yrar J'P· SR. Citllf'n:ii:, Serv. sla. \iurk . .'I<..,~. 11 hll" Vl'l11P1 .'<Ola, :-.pon~1hJr ap1 1nana~>t>1111•11! p/llnlf', $2 hr. King's Lirlo i.::inie Sl'I , nurror5 I:· n1;i11y r\:l)(>r, 1111111t.la1()ry, An'tl. 3600 Nev:port Blvd.. !an1p~. All musl he 9..lld, Salary + ilpl & OlJ!Slanti-N H. 673--9950. K:Z..AA'i·L lG:.16 Foothill Lllne. in.-: t~1rpor<1H· bt'rl!'flts. 11 I --~T=EcLcE=P"H"O-N"E~--Santa Ana. .1"t1 l1u;1l1 f.1. suhrnl! !t"ll!'r or SURVEY • '.\lOVlNG • n·~ullll' 11H.:lu.J1ng :;-alari)I /'('· Sarr1fl<'t' 5 nn Malt. K 1ri"- 11ulrt•rnc•n1 10 C111~sil1f..J 11d i\tattirl' ii-onien to phon(> frnni sil(> bi1rn1 ;Sf'!. \\"aln111 1'f1rf•'" ' ·1 t> 1 r I r 0 our oltirf', H"urly 11·ag•, 4 no .1 •• <11 y l l'tt , , . -& i>nd f'llllln1od1~ Bla1•k B (~ .. c 't ea1 ·1 hrs D('r dll). n1orn1n<>-!'i or o.\ .~.,, n~tll !' PSa , 1 . " n11u£al1yr1(' so11;1 & Joi •'~rat ~21;~; 11.f1err100ru; in Costa ,\1t-sA. ~· VPlvPI ~ofa & Juve~('al lli Call R!"'!'if'rvf' Lil(' Insurance RESTAURANT baek l'"l1·p1 ehrs. Pr. P13 . FULL TIME Co, fi~ti-Tr.-1:: 5,.18...£3<l7. l11111t, Ri;·h S.u1'h1·1rhf'.'I" ,t· THAl ~EES. rnalP !tor i>;lOI.: & PAlR 11iflj(-baek r h 11 1 rs. otht•r r"staur110! 11t1rk. Thf' 11<'11 E.xrl('r pn>/'il 11 / ff'fs. C<'W ('<H1c'htio11. $::;, l'a.-11 •H' 01'(T 21. Cal! !OT' appL Zoo, Cs! Hwy at Mac.,rthur. .$6.') a pair_ AIH"r ;,pn1. all %1'1-1!7;1, T n A '.':SLA T ORS . ,, l t .-la_y ~l & Sun. 5:J7-3~. SALi!.$ _ r.·tP n l,;111'j<Uagc:r; p.1rt 11me /p1p1·r work !or prolf'ss1nna !s .~· STOP !!! others. ~nd ba<'kground to LOOKING & ACT e. o. s." m;. '"''~· •· d Calif. 92Qi.1. .,.;,.It s min ed JK'l31'.l!l, see for 1 ----------- yoursel l, a real career op· TOOL MAKER rorti;nity. XJ11t f111ure ror Call for appl. 6-9Pi\1 l'lght m1111. Earninp; con1-:J.lf!.J.135 rnencf" unn1ediately shollld I -*--=TY=P7IS~T~~S--*~ t ... l11 t'X{'l'SS of s:100. j)f'J" II k . No eanvasslng or sol1eil1r1g. 1n1ez-vlc•1's hy ;ippoln1n1e111 only 9.;: 11•rekda.vs. J.,..)11 Con10. ln:>-2771. _S_A_L_E s IN oO-s"T_R_l_A_L_ ftri;:ii<tf r tor W R RO\~'N l.EATl!Elt .~OF'A r-;f'vf'r bei'n usrd sr.o Call: s:U--!lliO Garage Sal• GARAGE SALE 812 l\n1rk-knac ks Con1(' early SI-pl, 30. OcT. to furi11 1ure, for h.l.rg111n,.;, ls! & 2nrl . .'11- J93'.1 ~UHer!on Avr . <:.;'11. !North of 191h S1 f HOURS .11) lo J P.i\T, SPO:\'SORED BY c;oldf'n Har i.)()r Shr u1p Clu b MOVING-Baby furn.. .;11n1'1 JOHN'S BIKES NEW Short supply due lo dock strike REPAIRS ALL f\IAKES & :-.tODEl.i;; Z\40 NeY.'por! Blvd, C.l-1. OPEN 10-9 i\1nn thru Fri SAT & SUN 9·5 645-4710 -\\"ill acCT'pt Trade-Jro- 1, PRICE ~ALE on f'V~1'~''h1ng: S::ln1P !urnilll l"f' rxl'mpl. :-.tardan Th l'i t 1 :~!~fop, 1~10 Park Ave ., Cos1a 1\1•''·1 "1~~iS.JO. ITT!l!U.POOL Uflrij.,'°111 [1-(!('l'f'r Sf~,. l('I' •·hN;I for bo;i1 :?l " r1, '•'!' ·;ir· h1>;h ·I' lcnglli :, 1.~~=11'.l~. .~~~\\",\LNlif bunk l)(>ils. "h1! \"llfld $911 B~~·krit~f' ~r..i1 Y1•111:-i tier1 11?1na1t. S,IO COME TO KEYS TO HAPPINESS for th• best v•lu•• in NEW & USED ORGANS-PIANOS You'll S. Glad You Did KJNDERGARTEN pup py 171 it' BA YLINER Exp. class puppya 2-6 111 o s . Cruiser F rbls. 215.HP, OMC, Starting i:ontrol for 1tii· S.S. D.F'. Ba.It tank, refri1. hon1e A:-community. W~d Galley, Encl head. Mlnl Sepl. 29 7 m. M.artinc:·rcst rond. w.ioo. 9 6 2-5 9 551, Kennels . . 968-~123. ---~ Satisfaction Cuara.nte~l NOVICE cl s i;tarls Sept. '67 36' F•urlmer Sedan. Jm- Clioo:;c f1"Qm large selection 27. Ba11c &: good method ol mac. Twin !';Ctt!W, flybrid ge, Conven!l'nt Terms control do b ~h e.vlo r . Mii cont head. sholW'r, 11/C Open Eve~ 'hi 9, Sun 1-6 M a r 1 1nc1:\ s t Ke11ncls, wtr, lrlw hrs. $2.l,000. Slip Bye 's Keys to ~J4&.-0989. avail. 675--0236. Happiness 2 f-~J-::~lALE cluunpagne pa. 18' GLASPAR Runabout, l:ll 16519 t-:. \\'bittier Blvd. ()({!es, about 2 mo '& old. 1 YI' HP 1/0, pv.r till. tllany f!X· Whillier !2131 004-1076 old Great Oaoe, n18.le. All tras. Clean. RUM anal ORGAN SALE--Al\C. 646-0142, 333 !!:. 17lh $2100. 54~3443. Co1111 Organ Annu:d ~·an S!., C .. \L 23· Chr is Sea Skiff, 283 Chevy Cl~·ilran<.'t, Sallt' up 10 SlflOO GJl..\DUATE No vi c 1! Obi'-inbd, ship lo sOOre, DF perf on .'lf'lf'<-tcd f'OnsolP floor 1.Hence Shall>f'n you & your dlvmg, $2500 best CIUer d1•111"'~ IJuce 1!1~t'011111!'i on riog tor lhr show ring. \\lpd 4!14-24-1 2. au lll(1deb-Srp1 ~~I & 11n1. 11lartinCN'Sl'126'0·~5'f=E=E=LC~RAFT~=-. -~-w-,-.,-.1 , C~~S~ MUSIC Kennels !146--0989, radio, reblt eng. Slip ~vail. NF.\\ PlJ lt'J .~. ilA!{B(lrt G~a l Dane Puf)'i. AKC tx>a11 L $1250. 5'16-9390 aft 6. C~r.i \lf'>.t • ii~2-W1l L:olrlen law11 & 11g1'r s1r1pr!l'l -----------t PHJVA.1·r; Pa1·1y \\"ants to 1R 1·1 ndle 1 ''Gl ANT ,, Boats, Rent/Chiirt'r90I il:\rU,,\:-,!Jl \'1>un~ Oil.~ Piilll· bu_y P1:.no lu1· ca!'ih. f{1•,1s. 5."i7-7~SO '(;!is + C•tlina 27 11ng~. 100 n1P.n.v ff1r f>Ur ____ ·c'·':··i-_:2~·~ AFGHAN l'llPl)IPS, AKC . .) weekdays Jor ruo. Fully srnl "111 -t-1\'ST Sl<Lt.: H1\\1;\H1Nl1 :\J<1dt'! \l-3 Show quality. blk niask.~. equipped. Location Newport :~11-:.!:ns :)p1n1•1 01-,:-an. Blond rnaplr ~1lv1·r blondes & aprK"01.s. Harbor. 714/91i.8 4840 for info Cl 11 !\ESE hnnk~d n1~~. hnok eabinel. $--lj{). &16-00:i.l :~i&-ll:.23· :is· P1•..-r Cruiser $35 day ~lwlf. 111n1p,;-_ l1t1111·r•n Phvff' Sporting GoodJ 830 \'011!\ll'.:S, charnp_ sired 27' Sat.I, sips 5 $28 day 1!u1111~ ~el. (';il1ll'·~r1So11 ...........,.__ rnalr!'i, AKC. ~' h c Ip e rl Sea Coast Cruising Oub SJ'H!J•l r1arll). &11-~il:l. A!t i\OLD Pal111f't' 1n.'\tchPd 7tJ~/7\_ ~ Gen. perhgr cc Newport Harbor. 645-5500 111~::-.;1:z1, aV(l('arlo ... 11,.~ ~P l golf clubs, f'llrl S.:. hal:, tut'll, 6·12-116fl.I:. *SPORT FISHING * .-;11·rpting & pad, l'.:xct>llcn1, likr n•\.\ · !l(j)!--OS:tti. -POODLE CLI PPll'<G \11arlm, Shark. Sea Basa. 6 !i·l."1. Store, Restauranr, N<'wport Dog Groo1nery 2W3 pass. Boai. &l-1-BZJJ. * • 54~31.~9 * • Bar 132 C Newport Bl. on Peninsula. B ,_.1 9D9 ,-,P-lt !GHT hT'r1.er S4>Ci. ~·uu ............... 6i3--7ititi. oat5, ~I _ SPl'lll~ & n1atlress $2(). Tri· E~~~n~7,...Lt;;~, ~=;~~s ~r~! SC'llNAUZi:R .pups. Stud P-CAT, S1995. Movi~ fo;;d 1w1d s:1. li-1"2-M_lc2c.----S:t'lO 673-'.JS26 · serv1fr. G"t0m1ng. Ternis. to sell! t--ul!y rigged, trai!er, \\·-,,T-F.l~Hf;o $10. f'Pd('sta! -' · · · · * • 8·\6--0!;39 • • sp1naker gear. elc. Good R!::STAUR,,NT ld b-" 0669 alt ti IY!J" Irani,,.$~;, _ equip. loi· '.\TALE 11'd Dobem1an w11h rot · IJ-· 6-l(}-66:;-I ~a!<'. D1~hwa!\h!.'r, \1·11.lk-1n, paper~. $."XI. 3,y ALBERG Glass sloop, ----fl)ls ~ rhr!\. e'!<'. 64&-0S:-i:l. * * 8,12_3T24 * • x rra nicr. Conupondi~ \\'ATEP.RI-:D kit1R or que1'n, ------ '' . 1 o. I TV, Radio, HiFi, • DOBER'l'N Pl"'"ruER o"'.°er, 1\•an1s <>1 !era . .J. (-~<: i. '"""ii! qua 1!y. " " ''""'"".' 67. ~ fH(i-66:1-1 __ s_i_._,~eo;_ ____ ..:_83:6:1-PUPS, AKC, 9 \vks o!d.l.C~"'-"-"·-=~-~~~· SALES MANAGEMENT POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE H.B. 847-351 5 OFFICE 'rR.1'-lf: Dyn;1nlle lf}('al 1•01npany 11·11h luw growth rreol'fl 111 Chf'n1 sales 1~·il l f!a .v gvod romnus- s1on + ~Hhiry of $ti(~)(I. Cal! He-lt'n I luyl'". !d!J-E:./~~1~ l'I lrmporary JOb today lll!('!'Vll'S; !l-l:l Equ<t! Oµpor. Enipll)yl'.'r MA.If" &-Fl.'ma]f' Western Girl Inc. -Hi67 MacAnhur Blvd. Ne1Vp0rt Beach :i.ID-0325 r qu1p., skis, pl11nts. bbq, $.)(). • Pool Table 4'x7' STE11EO 1971 lOO \\'a tt, Rt'l!.sonabll'~ 540-7716. CAL 20 No. 952. ~a.d. Evin 6 hp, end sl ip 011 Lido Pen., 11 n1/fn1 slf.'l'eo MPX radio ,r, SILKY Tl'11:il'r pup&, AKC, !/;)ownership $850. &44-4015 8 1rack auto Lape deck w/12 i\lale $T;>. Fen1alcs $100. s \erPo, ba r stools. la111ps. t c ________ ,_1c0_'1c1.cc13 ST ART A RE\\'AROING C.\REER \\'111~ O~F: (lF 1l!E 1\JOST RESPECTED ,\· FASTEST GR\l\\'JNG COf\!PAN!ES I N THE-: IN· VESTL\-1ElllT ~~!E LD. Sharp quick l r ar nin~ f){oTron <.'an land thls po~!l1<•t1 iv/wonderful kl<.'.al \"o. 111 Xlnl salary & hPn{'flt~. Of- fices are hrauuful, ricople a re grral' ( 'O/\ST ,\[. .\l; ~:'.\C Y ~i~I() !lal'lu•r Bl ul .\d.>11\s \VAI T R ESSES or h11st<'SS('s, Nn exp. rlf'Ct'Ss. Full or pf lim('. Allra('1. E11tlu1s1astn·. Till' Zn o, {."oast H 11~ fl 1 r>.lacAr1 hur. dr ps. lihl:lvr.~ & de~!;. IJ()(lr FULL pohshr r. typc,,.,.Ti1Pr ~land, mink. \l'll<'elhnrmw_ ll'.1.1-89:\0. tirnf'i;. U>ngth. d11rk ranch Ex. i'Olld-\Vorn 6 s:t'iO. %2-W:r1. alter 6 pm. W.'IY air suspr nsion speaker 5-1~;i0g. " l'i .1 s le rn. Co 111 p J f' 1 (' SHELTlE puppies, sable SACRIFICE molds & !00.ing wtrables. i:l1(I!' 1,1n trol.~. f.· \llhilf', Al\C reg., 4 nio~. lnr 33' sailboat. a~y fair C811 l.11111.'I fl<t V ~.1::.:1700. [)E:\'.'\J..; £· ·l;F::\"NlS PERSONNEL Al.E.\'t'( 2011'.! i\111.:hi'lsnn Dr. SA! .~::->\l'O.\I A~ !· .\ I' I·'. fl . 11!}.'.I' nf (Ill!' l.odll'S KI NGS?. hdhrr1. rahlrs, de.~k. 71-i PC \Vllll.'11"" stel"l1ni.: po1•1. d1shwashPr. r\rnn101'{' s1.h ·f'r. Rose' P.'l !l('fll. serv $1, 11•a.-;hf'r & n11st·. 67:'>-l\2!!..'i'. ro.~1 Sl ~IQO. sPll S·l50. 5'11-1..1.'l~ <',1l1ndnr:1I dials, :-:..i!rt for ,.,Id. s7;>. 5-l;>.J l41 art fi P:\l ofter accepted. 496-3583. S:l4'.l.!J;',_ As.«un1c Pd.Vmf"l llS ) 1~· HOBIE CA1', v.·/tr!r Xlnt or Sl.l..'o(} or h>la.! bu ! of A Rl'al I eople Puppy, R1•d cond. Sl:IOO ,•101i11r1g <'htt11i. l'i.·as,, <•Pf•l.v Ill f}t'1'~1ir1 . fl.a\'k Sl1'o"<'I N". :.'.t ~-n.,luon f~la11d. N R. COMBI NE D hou~holO.\ low 11ri•·es. 93:{2 I\-falah 111(' IJ t'-, H, B. 962-!l~i:!. *eGARAGE SALEe* \\ll!RLPOOL for hon1e ufot'. s1:i0 or offl'r. '.J:,7--0:!07 ht•foi~· !l Rr11. Miscell<'lneous Wanted 820 S!!ll<. \). U.::l.A. ;-;rerrn t-~quip-r~n111 1~. ['.a•·h~hund . 11 11 ks • 6~7047 * 1nf'11! \\·,.1·t~ho11.~r. 179-.191 C •. 1 ~·~''..1·.'_96~'-ll~:tfl~Z~•~l<O"~'~"~·c_ __ IC:<i:J4:-k;;d;;;:-£<;;;1';;;;:f I-CA L 34, !oaded, good for o u n ro:-.1P ANY ('A N o rrER YOll A REALISTIC OPPORTUNITY FOR ECO- !'>'Of\llC & PF:RSONARLI-: GR0\\'11~ "'I T ll E1\RN· INGS UP TO l :i0.000 + YOUR FIRST YEAR !:"/ C'OMMJSSJONS & SERVICE FEES. OFFl ~~·i:~~~l•L foo :l Yrs 1.:0111,gr ~Upt'J"Vl.o;Q!"y <'.~pt' . Call :\!r:; .. ').:>hn1uJ1 1.VESTO...Il-'F PF:RS01'\NF.1. AGENCY '..!0-13 \\'<.>Slt·l1tr Dr·,, !\.R. 6-l.J-277[) 6:.."l Plu1nl'r. C\1 Hous•hold GoodS814 I ;;""'""'""""""'""'""""~ I 17111 SI. losla l-l ('sa. &t'>-1·14t • (:l:~R:\l AN ShPph erd fe· cruising or rar ing, Make of- STC-P.EO, .1971 Gar ra r d m nlr pups, 5 yks old. $2j. l!'rCall (2131597-5135. n10tJel. full s!l't~o l'hani;(·i·. (''.111 fi lt-t.\'10 _ h:ITE No. 20 1, good rond, au· l<USp('ns1on s pc a k e 1· s AhC n'g1~!('rf'd Chd1ullh11a Covf'r & dolly. i\lake offer. wtr-ros!'i-n v er :S)'srem. P•Lpp1.;s, .1 wk~. 2 11111.lr , 1 •• 673-1933 ** e f 'arl1llH1' Cilr Pbi n e Full rr1nt:f' Br nrfits • Stan l1nmeci1ately --~~ --~~--OPE RA TOR S ·"wr1.~11r~1·. ,\JfRI' rhp. fJ11l.1 ·ro HF.\..P ::;TART YOU S1Pad.1', gd r><•.I . h-1:!-::.!7:.', ~; ON Tll E ROAD T O\\"AP.OS onDEn !flkf'rl'. \\',.r)lf'l1 f'l:'li ANCl /\J. [!\"DITF.:~~i ~irl!ii, 01rr l!I. f'lr;,,:;rll D~CE 8: PRE .s·r I G F., 1o,ork rro11111111· ,'i;1111a Ana .,f. YOU'LL HAVE 1111': :'UP-r1~'f'. /\o •''\pt'r !lf't', Salar~ PORT & AID l'R0~1 f[N-Sl.&l hr. ~j-l :l:t:\ belon• ;.. A~CI AL I NVEST ME NT A\'. pn1. ALYST, R. 1':. BROl\f:R. ~=~-~~-~DAVID B. LOOh:JNGLA•'\D. PART Hn1e fcn1all', gcn'l of- CALL NDW I 558-0444 fice work. \\'roll' t"lflss1fi!"1I Rd No. ~ox Dildy Pilol , p (J Box 1560. C11sta 1\1rsu. !12fi'.!6. PART Tinll' Sl'C'rPta ry, hgbl,- bkkpg, a1 n1y tion1t', al vo\ir A5k for Mr. Murphy ronv(>niPll<'+'. Call 49,HJ8.~1'. !~========£:-: I P!{ODUCT JON OMVSTANG EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 642-5812 TRA l~!·:-t·: All i;hi f1s ava1[abll'. Cn 11·111 tra1ri The 01('n .,.·ho rlf'~lrr gond stab!P work. ~l~J'I 1r11. lllf'dl;,!l'IV _ Yron1 ~'.!.:!,) h!' Call ,Jf'llii Brown. -".>-l(/-ftO:i~• COA~vfAl. AGF~NCY '17!l0 Harbor Bl al Ad11n1s PROFESSIONA L ph one l<Oi1c11o r -Dana Point, $:In C!Pmentt', Capj51Tano r1rr>a , SALES OPPORTUNITY MALE -FEMA LE it <"n'.1-;1' .1n111• Hl!'llllll', ,;llh · . ~l.illl! dl_I 111 _\,111 1 ~p:11•p Antique5 800 --·-------f!Lf) hrass hed .$22:>. Vrry f•rnalc iron bf'd S I 2;,. :1:\i;...ji:l•ll. !11111· lo~ t'l•f<r'""111 111g a 1111-Applianc•s 802 1•\lit' fluid raising prog111111 1 ----------- 1 .. :-•!l•.,I•·. "'l"\l•i· ··)1111~ .\· • 1\IA YTAli n>pair man tif111 ,;·~·1111 •1•'1.!~·111?.a111•ns 111 .I.-11·;ishr r-xlnt rond-delv w/g) a1,.1111d )Piii' r·on1n11111i1, <lay guar. $50 .. 5,1J--S6.'l7. _.., \\,. l:l •P ~' tllH1••r 111111unid \\'H !RLPOOL f'ler trif' dl")'er {H!hl1s!H'1' 11 1~1 1 •urn1111.~>llJl1 EX('C'llrnt rondit1on \\"1111 ''Sl,1t1 l1.~h('d ilf't'OUl11 S. 675-:l5ifi Arter 4 P.i\-1. C.-111 _\lr L11 1!'r lor 1nlf'r\ 1e11. 111:11 6'.l.'1·'.l::.ei. f'\I 1717 h:t-:LVINATOn refrigPra1or. Jt"ll k<'rp )'Our food cold. ~'11 11 "r p,,, I '1'1111(> P11rf' \\"a l•'r 3.1 ~lf'lll~ 110!1\f' <'I' 111d11,;11·.1 (;,, 11\-- \.'t)I• 1111 •II <I r1•1\\ \'uo".<ll\>11 l" II I 111111•·•1 f)pfl(ll"(lllldlf'~. (';ill .\11', Bl11•· !")1.~-9:11~ SECURITY OFFICERS fl/I 1111r r ;itml 1,. i::11ilrd d11t,1 ()\<'r ;c, .vrs. l·n•lurn1 11llo•1~ni ,, 1\ppl.1 \11•1L 1111·11 lo n, J 111 c, 11.\!, Roon1 ·ill\ :;2:, Nf1. Rrnad· "II~, ~.II ()nly S20. f.4-1-11.'i.,lll. Acc-mr Clrk Gri1'\ •• i;i00 mn Work in your own home_ Tyµisl Crf'n"I Olr -.. , $4S~ mo Best deal in are~. Phortc -----------Furnitur• 810 QUILTS -h1Jnd rn;irle. rial!·h work. BP1101. colors. $.i{l ,,a~·h. $13:1-1206. Misc•ilaneous 818 *AUCTION* FRIDAY 7 P.M . OCTOBER 1st. Cuso11 lxlrn1 :1r1 ,i;, 01111'1'~. P1va11s. D111P1tf',;, Ru 11 k beds. Con1111Q<if'~. B11ff1'1~. Dtrsse r~. Chrs1s. DPS!..""J«. Color<'d TV"s, Sll't"<'o~. Rr · fJ'li($. Stoves . \\la,;hrrs, D t)'tl's i.. i1UClf i\1()RE1 WINDY'S AUCTION Pi.ihli~hei'!I'. Assl. 835-J465 be tween :i:OO a.in. SECRETARY ·rrauiee ,\ol;t[p _ ., . , . .1 \.'t(I IT\O and noon. Tn11 ~11•.l'lh.ond f. 11 ping ~:C1!I ~ • Pvcryth1 n~ in ~1111 P 1-/<'rl , Th1:c; r l'I (11•1 1,1 + '>.p Lii lt•llo'!" •"Olllp !'"1 !<• P.erit>al Hm:tP~ r'·l() hr r. l F 1 ! Sill 11 1. 111 llu~ !"'.1lot li;i;l t"•l11 $~iLl<t ' ('l"~''"lll fl(l(•t·~ri,,,-+ Ap1 ..• ,,....... ... .r~ .. s a"·· rs .. 1111., \\, •• '\~• ln11ki11:;: J,i1 11 '\1:r Aur111nr. ,\l;ilr INST ANT MONE Y! td•· Sfl:I '.l:i. 1-0nl.v. ~i.l7-,!:ol\ fll~lllq· 11.i1. Ill 1)-••• 11) ,ll" I I I 0 "'1\1 1'!!. "·ffh~I,<; lonf'T', r{'\,:. 9 ::O am -:Z ();J 11 111 T!11< 1n1·1nd"~ A!I '"hi,.11 (. 11 1•1lrr 1·lotl11ni.;. h11hv /111·11, !':CR4200 ...••.... , S~-:l~ hr Join The Professionals 11 ."\\I i\S \IA'rrR~:;:;~ • "!1•• I• I ' r·1 \\•'Ii ~1>~'!'1•'11 ,Iii f \"le. e e e e e .";1IP<: Tr;1 111Pf's.111p11 1,. ,.,,. l"~ 1. :•.030 fl ns10. C.M. ---------Irk•• ... 1•• 1111···1 ,\ \\•Jrk \\!l/1 -----------l c'()STA ,\IESA R<)TAHY \','.. -.·· ,·,, RPn -·····--~li)IO fll1'1 1nf'n l\<'t'-1lf'<i In <n111 hl"hl_\ •• <1>F·t·1•1 tho-••--k• .-... ,. '""· l'f'11p!1, ·""11•1 1.1f>\' 111.tll'll ~ · "• "' "" -f\l;1\I, CAP.A<;!-. S,\1.~: \\'oodwork \'\1llnu1n • $.l.00 l\r sUrCT!'i~fuJ trarn of r"''nl rs· 1 " 1 on boQk(•asr<, \'hrs! o 1 ro·~1.i11•· ui•· 11"111.: .... '" 1 1'f'· 11A RG Al:-,!S c,\LflRr;· ~111 Air Cor..ct 1111e prnft>s~1on111~ ev1111~. 1· It 11 dra11'(i"!':. lalile~. rt e~ k i;, <llHri'!Tlr1.i rtt ·,f't\ n1f'r, Ori 2nd. l'f1rllf'f of lfllh N Rlti,·ig. ;,,1el"han1(;' ,, S4 00 hr Jlfllr! 111edicfll i'O\"f''"a gr, pd. 1 ~ , ....-~ mHn~ other i!ems Gahb••11 CASH PAID FOR fi ne furnifure, appliantts, antiques. OM piece or hol1seful. Call day or night, 5-19-224 1 or S.17-773.1. Musical ln5tfuments 822 FENDER CLASSICAL Fendo•1 ~",~rn1·~. nylon 1l!Tini:: \"las~1!'«I .c1111nr. Near nrw [., -\IOI o·••l\dOllnq. (\'1•11 s1r·111i.:~. Co-;t Sll0.00, sell Sfll,OQ. Ph .. ,>7-'.l.1!16 <illi•r {;, CJ.EVF::L1\:>.1J), 111<1tl1• h y f\"1 111.:. t rr>n1l~t1f'. 8 r a ..... ~ /1111s!1 1\IJ1c11r.1r 1~ilSf', $6:J. :~lll-i~H7. AJ\t t F ,,1 /:-,I PX r;idio &. I ~le~'~"~''~"~· ;>~1&-~2f!~S~.1C. ---~I s;;>ii::SifoO>.:"""-,--.,,,. I ta1• 11!0\'(T s1ill iinind new l:PµREBRED . _ _. Boats., Slip1/Dock1., 910 . · · · oon-N!g1i;ter= '-"'a.s . left on I a Y -a w ti Y · Gern1an Shephl!'rfi Pl.I P $25. 8 SAILBOAT slips 20' to 26'. Or1£1nally eolfl for $325. pay \\'Peks old. RJ,~1387. Best in Npt Harbor. Fine nlf ba.l:1ncc ,.,, ~115 or smaU . , ra<'il. tree parking. $2.25 per rnv1nvn1 <; Co\lecllon r.-1 GREAT DANES AKC, F'S\\rl, . · ........ 1, ' 5 wks piekup 111 1 \Vk f!. Ph. 673--8711 tiJ 10 p.m. '"i\·1/893-ff'ill . .. . --------~-~~ · · ~:~fh~56~ %8-!);)48. T\VO dock space~: F ront·tle, lfliZ ZENITH .Sal•• Uonan1..a -:zo· s·c1 16' S2 00 AH rn0t:i<•!s 00 display: !J1\C':l!SII UN D P 11 p p1 P l!, N ~ -~~~· · a foot. 111.q:-rsl srlo'C'lion 111 ~ 111111. Al{C. Mahog. r~d. hlk · · 1• • • C;i\11. A1 1\P1111as !nstoltr·d ..:_°V Ian _ I\-1,(· F. li:~J-.101~. Boat5, Speed & Ski t l'i fr('(' 11'/all <'vnsolr nH>•l•·ls .. \lljlJIATUltr; h!a~·k, pocx_l!C's, SKI or fishing boat + trlr, l)1Scoun1.<: for r .. ~11. ABC 6 wk15 olrl.·S,10. i;lass on wood hule, near C'nlor TV. !1l:!1 /11lnn111 111 • &14-58.16 11ew Chrsysler •35 Hsp. M11c;m1lia. !l_f;; ~lli,~-:::1~1. SCHNAUZERS 1111i11i.'l1urr-). Hun!'i like a dream , $550. 'rRJASm T"ll'f'r /i{)', ~ s,·,·-AKC, Salt & Pl'pper, 6 1vks. 5.57-3683. ltous 11'{!'.'lf'o·. 111011>1 · ,r;, shols, Sl25 up: 7l4/96&-3-M3.lo1~gc. cHcAcLcLET"'=.-n-~-4c5.fc-<-.,~in-I r"1ur. ltf'gul;i11·d r<''1r-r ~llP· lH ISJ I ~('l!!'.'1'. AKC', female. pl1f's, ]1nf'1U'!5, Plr. ('all ~11n· s 1\-ks, Cha111p lf"ln sltt, Be.~! rl11y, 646-1091 or 11!1. ·~1::1!1 nl lit!<'r_ R42-Hi12 Ford. tandem trlr, custom huckl'ls. $5000. Call J im Dihblr, 8 to 5, 834-~25. ~ves I' U fl F: B P. f'. Jl G P rm 644-17:\!. SPINET P ian". i:;u·ly An1rr KIO:~l\'f~l\fl lilt-ill a mp, Shephl'r'I. 6'·! \\ks •llrl. Rlk ,1 'c=1"11"t"ts"·-c=·=rr"A"fT~-.,~. -m--~-.1 1\tfl ple f<llor 11·/!;wf1("h ..... lnt '*i-,..., 11 + rn. 11.I 121!1 _, ,,u, .,,,., . l\"ll ~.. I ta n & ,;lh 'l'I', s:i:,. ~:1:1.-.:1. ~pt'l'd boat. Classic, load l'O•n1. '" · f • .,_..,-IO 1"1ir nlnhte. + P1rtr'lf'f'T !Ul ---· 11~ g'>•71" . I . k . N ,,.,, lfl l!'H &~11'1' pllps, big Iii Irr ('Vt)<I. ~ . .,.,.... , .. ,. Hr>fflr n t<'tll•t" Sa\11111~1nf" 11.'I I -~P"11 f'I~. rv. · ' q -• l ~~~~~~~~~~~I $135 ** 549-21)48 {'1dl· ~.~::-'H70, "r ! ... $50. 839-Ji>!S or Office Furnllur•/ -RA-PIO Tr11.rism1!1('1' 11c ·-1+00 , ...:.r.:;.~~Jti2. I 11•1 124 2-16 mr. 10 chllnnf'l. 6fWI 11,1 \V l!~f·: f OX TF.r:RIE:RS Tran1por1.1tio11 Equip. llO V.A.C. 6(li::. !iiln~!;!l' Al\C' REG ISTE:RED I'-------~ 3;'1-1 "609" <'ODY p11prr !yp" fl42 . In ori,,;inill f"nr1ons . 2.000 5l1rr 1~ 8', X 11'" ~nd .3,000 !<hl'rls x1, X ·1r· Su1·pl11s /rorn lr 111I dl'nl•1n~tr<tllon !'1" I' s•o (";ill 6 11-4 'J~1. 1','(1 '17i. ---' :\CH Cl:1~.~ 21 , . .,.~h f1•i.;1~1<'r.~. s:r;.·, 1'!!. I !\Cit h1 k••v ;idr!1n~ n111C'h1nl' $7:1: I 1nr1k !)r>•' 1ar1111u1 11/1\l'tv• •''1 "ill'f'f<, -\~I i"•l'-ff•r'~ ~-P'•"Z". 1'.1'Kl1 lltook!1un;;I, Ii. Ii !l!>~-1040 pl1fl.~I'. $100. rlf'!n ~~l/'l-4~i6~. :.40-6.157 856 Camper5, Sal•/R•nf 920 USED rolnr TV '!ii g11a!'.1n-Hor5el f~erl. S~.;,o 11p . Rn.in TV •. 1----------- 17?.li A11flhl'1m. C.f\I. 548-0!!81 11-IOROUGHBREO 4 \'f'Hr Geldl oi;:, by Poona llll<"l 0111 ,,f Oi~ress by Dr'l"nnirw, I ]IS "\ln1 sh'lw h•n;r ••!' r!!.ring _ Free to You . prci~J""'f'I S.1.'-,c}I), 61 »-42 () l fii~~--17?;! 3 Lin~. l Tim es, $2.00 --p{i:-Jv vol: ~,\I.I~ WHO ARE THE WEICHT I ii Y<'a1. 11111111 11).(J.1•· 11 .tuch. 1.;r1·1·£~S '. S1;qnr.~f'. hf'.'l lJt $!\O. "' R16-l!'l::n "" II 1 "l .. ' "",, 1 k'.· l~~~~~~~I WATCHERS? hh•k/or11g1· l(•11111lr 'l -[; -"'-''---7~1~ E-E-WOOD 1 .__"_"_i~_,_I,_' :_i;_~_'_"'_,I [ ~ l Call 89~1JJ6 or SJJ.2450 1&14 Sl!Pf>r1or, Cl>l fi46.J2J1 FORD 'i Ton w/8' ca.boVl!r a~:~1,,, '\;f'•IP.lrl HP;11 'h, :1,,i(i,1 . . , OrP.fll<:f' .1111 rl;;~· riri1111T1•J11~ Mi\lman ()r va.rt1l1nns, tr111111ng pn"~Ta1n ---1;,q-rr1t, Jf,(-,6 ,'\Jrwporl p 1·arnprr, pwr brakes, a uro, Carpenlrr , .....•.•• 5:LOtl hr l\Jl l!\(''\[)('rfrnt('d, drr<I\~ ~f·,(-flET.\f~Y '\'hy ""1 11nd1: H! 1 1 \f 6'16-4:ill frw ~alf' a rr WE-lron1Prl <..all -uppie... General 900 352 engine. All etJuip. \'Cry ADI.El: ,1,, !1"p!"\11·<1·1 , 1hrn l ril'.hnn, !""' 1•a1T111i.;r•, :<hl1 l'Ol1d l'·•t\V S-\l!:1. Sc-II 3'.'.:tO. fil' !'f'H~. olr fi-12-~+l l:l 642·5812 As.<T. :-.ian:i\::r-f fl•'llil!t hlf' ti .vou quf\lify. lllt:, fnr :. nn'I' n11ir1 .~ .null! 1'~· ·· · ·i • b·lfr-0102 N ~;AR nPw Sn1"1n 2211 J:10 l!un!ini;:1nri A1Je. 11.B. 1-----------_ <."lean & gd niech. cond. Trei.i.tee, male ••.. ~lJ~ i1k Rell. Q!r . oprn. C11ll .lark o1h·r•r· ... lr"n1 l''"~HH'" .c lllNlN!~ rn1 !'il't, n1odPrn li tr· CO J.LE:CT--0-R-.-,--A-T-.·1 l'ho1~·npy2!Xlmar;1nr. (ln1::, ____ ._,'h' __ 2_211_1 ____ , CAPTAIN l-f i,.hl l'Onslde., •-n,. ~9P '" ' " f I I 1"1111111 lahll'. si>11t~ 12 fi ,.,,.,-, I I ,,•II 1 '00 "!'"( t f f u-•--"_,I. " '"'" ....... u• .)enitnrial .:::ryin(JIJr 776-'.l:l.{] An1;1hf'llll. ~ !"•"'-"-v<ww f\(·a •~>rnp;1t1,'!' · Tf::'\"T!ON ,. • · ·' · 1' •.1:. J nrw 101ne-or 1u~e ruJmJ!.,.,, iren.<e -any gros! tradf'. Sl795. 5<19--05.'\0. ' 1 ' "' ·k * SEYMOUR * 1r1•·lj11r'\illll'"-.~· .1<111r h"~"' 1~ 11ph.-.l~!Prrd ~·halr!'i & Cli.na 1 1 1 >Mr.~0:1<1 .-:u+rni'V' l'a• AdulT!ii onl''· tons. ~O 'i<'!lr' eJi:""'''""·•l~=~=-~=~---1 P11r1 Tin1r .......... ,~11 1-,o 1 <J ld. iell\'1))' ern lO.<.lif'( ---------' " ' 111'1 Cook Re!1el ••. , S2.fl0 hr R ealty & lnv•stment thr prr~1dr111 $:ix1 ~ rln<;l'I $ .. A so 2 m1nlc hra~~ N s I i on~ I ('ash \\'t\1.NU'l' +ill" ()ffu-P •l••!ik C.:nll -ti-!HX!27 !\all le J'IOWer. Prof~ss iona.J "• TON Chevy lO'n" <."80JJlC"l' ' ., h t '·oll ,, .. ,., t "" ·'".1'•1 ,~, i;:rri· fttrrll!Ca I'll() Urbl,.i; Sl~ I I .1 •. I cl -I 1. --•·nno·t l'•h<ng g"<d", •1 ... ,·,-,.. wtdunP buggy & !XlCC Hm> (Jas Sta!1on -r · " • ' · ""' • Rrgi!'il<'r. lrl•--::tl or .in11 y 1 r rsw.,. or," 1 n g :i /JJVI"'"{; 1n1xrd breed 1111p-"'1"' " L ""· L " (.'O \~f\I \('l "\!\Y 1•H 11, ~.!~'-20 1~ .,., & Central Americ• '· ,,,,,,_ 11~ l~·li;J., 492-1716 o r A11endan1 .•...... + romm RECf~PT. TnA INF:E 1 · ' ' ' '·.. 1·1111n1 h~l'. hout1qur shop. <h'H11,,.r<:. Nw,. •"<'Ind , $1~.1. pl":« •1'""'1 ;u;lriptive homl'. " ~lale pltime This i~ !hr llpporlunil.V /oi· '.1i'lf1 l·l,,rhf1r I\[ ill Ad11111~ f•(),\lPI, hi"<lrm :y>t $100. 1thll" l"I('. 111 Xlnl Mnditlorl-S~~. t>·J.1--f,111. J<.\2-2:{\Xi. Ii' Coast 11atcr:ii: -Instruc-o'c'c'·c2S='8c.~~~~~--I SBlefl ••...•••••.... $300 1i10 you· 'l'hl-s" .'l!!n1~·t11·" •if--.-s;~'y $550 h(·d 1'f111<rttr & hdhd. chri:t ~hOJ• & f'<ll1lpAt'1'. .1101 Pianos/Organs 826' (~iCR-Acc_p-0-0--,,-.,-,-.,-,--,,-s.' tinn in boa1 handling, sea-Ck'1PER 3 dble beds, auto Nurses Aide~ [1('ts arr \1·.'l111ng for bngh1 nu~y/Pff'_~sllrt'/fun .Jnh 11/1111n·or & n1!r ~!}l.nd, RISO meny thls nk"<'' &1i.-3:~ ____ _;;... ____ ... ;ippmX 11,g yrJ, ... anm l k«'p J'nanship, DR & <.·clcstiaJ furnace, toilet,% Chvy. full lmaJ'IYI ..•...•••.•• l l.75 hr l.lf',o:"innrr. \\"ondrrfu1 co. J;,.1,,1,.,. CPn t•·r ,\1{1'"'-'Y ba hy 1•rih & 11111ttr. .$20. rvrs. WOULD YOU ,.., ... ,, w/kids. !162_5379. navi~at ion. PICK UP & pwr, 11 ir cond. !st $2500. • • • • • • , 1 .__ 1J68..6f:W52 1 ~~~~----~-1 BELIEVE "'' DELIVERY ANYWHERE: 494-2-1·12 . .. r<'ll ,,.,~s. 7-£() ,\:r wpor1 Crnt<'r L~r. ,'\"[) ,·_.__._. ~· -~~~-~" 3:-.f "609" Cl)py paper typl' Precisi<>n Optical Call J8nf' J en110n, K\.'\-2700 Suitr 71::.l i;.1 1~1ll!l1 3 1110s old (~n1~hed vrlvf"I ~re 642. Jn orii;:-inal cartOll!'i. fll EE ORGAN LESSONS LOV EABL~;S l8 m~,· s!1~1; ;=;1~~:i1n 111'ia~lablcEf~r .;x-.l,c6-!l ~V"w~-P-o-,.-T-o_p_Ca~m-..,-,-.,1 ·rec:hnician ........ n.oo ht' DF.NN IS & DF.:NN IS SERVICE STATION & k.JV!"St'a1, Hcreulon 30fa & :l,000 shel't,; 8\; x 14" and as Jong es you like! No re&-dog-likr. • ho'ls , ,u:.. c _r. cru_sing, x ~ni;ive f{("C(!nt ove:rhaul, nu tires. ~!"1 I F' b · t $17·i hr P F:HSONNF.L ACF::-,!CY I h I d . N bll J W.'lh:h<log. li73·6020, 673-1 ~.l7. 11t1m1n1slJ'at1ve eJi:pe:nence. ,., OOO .. •'Jf'>V\ "~" ..,,_.,~ ; fl a TICBOr •• '• • . • · ·· .f-:Xprrlent·Pd, pri:mfll•f'rl!,O\'-f!VMl'fll. lll"lf l'llf Vt> 3,000 lhet'!S g1; X 11''. ISlI'll \)00. 0 0 i ll.flon. Usl &!6-2977 -ro, m1s . .u;i-...,, ............,.,,, Tllrret LH thr. 2082 :-.li~·hrl.<:011 Or. "" 1 11 T ~l l'<li!Prra llf'A n roltl'W' & en<I s u r p I u 1 1r0 m t r l 1' I <..:omr. Mondays '1;30 pm 2 (;JtEY Bl lN.hilc kit1ens, l -:.::::;:·7."-.,.--,,-~~-li19'1ii1--CCAA:iMiiP'iEERR-<hh'1lll 't'"bl"•·~1 .......... $4.:j(J hr lr-...·in<', Cahl. "r ~ .. a.rr_v 11111 c\~i"O, COAST MUS C ,,,,1-. I f"m•<"-l·I rr. Ou1bo11.rd. Naug·"·"• F\1 ..... + . bo '$3i0~ . '· ,,_ 1-~=======0--I t '"' N c-,,, II••> t R l~h](':r;. i'am" set. t.T~. demonRtraHon. Pr1re $70 • I ' ' · ''"'" rnt -lJevenl)OJ'fOpr •••• $4.00hr ·~,.,, "'· · ·· r.r :io;.A •• l1 p hn l sl e rv :r h """ x. · Toni Cutte:r RECEPTIONIST SF:Rv1cTst;t;,;;;-;11P1w11Jn1 f>IAPL8 (."('lbbl,..r':i hf'nch 2 1-C-•l_J_'4_2-4 __ 3n_. _,_,1_._2_1_1. ___ 1 642-2851 • • :>-. . ,\!t'1·c. Cover. Tr~i!er.'>1 0 ,,.,.j: 67~3i81 11,. h Busy Ofr. Good 1'yping All 1 1 A -T r11aph• ('hair~. 1'0\.K'h, 1•hf'STs, 2 VELVE.I <"hall'ii, hl<·k PIANOS ** ORGANS FREE 3 mali:' kiHens, 6 ... ~ Grindf'r .. , , . , .... , , . : "' r 1 " s 11 1~ opt'n. 1rpn, • rx-ful'L Full drck. 2 J>aS~f'T~r. '68 GMC Camper Van, 6 cyl, Y11.rd Man-~~S~;;.: a<"· !t\7S C<n11pu.~ Dr., ~ n <·;impuig r~;i~2faf1io tum, c ht'sl, blclf chandl'IM"r, mink l..K'rge selection • Sav~ SSS wef'ks olrl . Mint cond1hon. $ 5 7 5 . s111ndard, 4 & 8 track tape Mt'ChaniC'!I Helpe r •. $~ ro hr :.tt>-Ji"~•7. srn ilf'm:<. · a t 4. sll'llr, IBM £:.,te tyJJ'i'1vr1tf'r, Nc.w • u~erl • Ea!<y Trnns F.46-4268 af1rr ~::m ri.m. tH6-80l8. •ll'Ck, Sharp, S1995. 968----6581. h~ Q T 12 60 hr f'l!..lt."iONNF.L AGE!\CY -- ---------SAC'R.lFICl-: Jl r rculon 8' snt11 G4+..(J.122 eflrr 6 or on .\Ion f.,. F'ri f'Vf':'i 'ttl 9 ,_,,..1<1:si0n pr rne-•• · hr :.!0-IJ \\"ci;fc\111 Dr., N.B. SEl1VICf; Sta. £11,-,~rnen, & lO\'<' 8cat; liv. nn furn. k 1 Sunday 12_5 -;-LIKE nfo\>.', 18' SQor1 Ctatl, Cycles, Bikes, Mac..11. Oen --·---·· $2.00 &4.'l-1iio · f/11n1•', "V" .~hHI. E"f!"r. we<> ern~. t'."' • _.11 1 •-lol I -. ..,..._, II~] deev V J.20 M('rc IO, Juli Scoot•ra inrl. vrlvf't sofa & lovP l'l~at, ET h r rie,..., Y 1<.' eprovne nr. rin. --~~-.( nnly. J';'f'at 1n ApJWar. Apply CARP contractor a1> ex-FIELD'S PIANO CD canvas lop It, rover, great . Mony Clerical RESTAURANT A'f ""Kl N rt s t c '1 !hi~. rtr.. Lik,.. rw.w. M>1701. ~ tn11gs hi low~· $2 • ...l • l ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·~~~I "'''" o--". tot· nl •1, .... 69 HONDA CB 350, $HO. TRAI EE '· ,,l, ewpo · ,,·. ' -·· ,ru. 18.,.1 Ne\l!ftAn Bl·"'· -.uiKJ. ·' ....... Call •~ "'22 -,. •• k Po.'.tlons Ava il. N --g· 1~1r1 • \Vhlt• -, •. ,, ......... ! up, free est. J11.s:in 71t: .. .,.,.. ¥"· o M t ....__ or o;n-.u;N at SERVICF~ S1111it1n Sa l,..~rn1;1n "" "" " _,,_....,~ Costa Mesa 71 4/645-3250 llE' owner, us stt to ap- Clr11n cut youn~ m11n to p/timt. N(.'l'll in appe1tr. 11o1a. s1:i. Bric-a·hnu~. ~mall ·<~92-'::'2254~:·-----~--1 iiiAM'i;n;;r;-7 ,.-.;;;-;:-;;=;;: Cati 152 proc. $21 25. 614-4116 for J ack, !ir-e m 11.ll pt\uH or rP~. !,us-appli&rn"f'~. 833-8951. -HAi'dMOND, S t• 1 n w a :Y, .... 1970 BSA 441 v· 6000 10,..11~. Siart 11:r; d11ytin1r Rus-E.~1wr. Z't.JO Ne v.•r.t0rt Rlvd., ="'"~~--""'-~-~I IRVINE Coast CounlTy Club Yamah'a. New A uSf!d CHINOIILLA JlllVf'r p,..M1b1n B t P 906 ictor, f'.\-1. RI.VF. n1•r11I print N:>!. 9·. golt memhersfiiji--S 10 00 . , ,. M/F' 1 k "'"~ oa 1• ower milee. $650. bov d N ~ 6 4, ,970 p1anl)!l (If nlQst malles. s.sr 1tl('n~.' , v.· ~. ~1,.,ts, 64, .,,9 1156 Newport Blvd. Wooov·s WHARF s11~:1.1, SEP.V. ~T1\TION L,()(~ l'\l~~~~r1· ~~)5() 0"'• -·' r buys !n So. Calif. al Schmklt $40. SJ0.59'11 J!MiT Chris :t2' Twin Screv.> ..-.. ..... Costr1 M•1r1 2.118 '"· N't l\f'Or1 l3l v1t, NR f'ull Tun" -l'ar1 T1n1t DHyl c~==~·c"·~c.~c·----1 ==~--,--,,,---Mu1 le Co., 1117 N, Main, BURMESE KITTENS e Good deal~all now!! '70 YA.'vl.AHA lTa E ndure. I .................... "'!! j ~· Eve ~:rnplo;rN'l! \V~n!,..tl , SACRI FICE II' sora-.'!pollt'FS. WAT E.'.Tt bed11, AU ~11.oi; Sanl1t Ana. 636-4034 wkdy11 S 4 8-2 4 3 4 Excel cond . $475 or otter. " TIRED of that Old fUnµtlltt! r.x-r. Pr(>!. h11I rio1 n~.~~. :l 11mokr~l11M lamp11. $15 f'a. $13.95. Afik ~bo\J.t ra.1;k11ge I ":;:;=:..:..:"'------1 .,,.SM;;,~"f.'~>Wf-·;";;'~·;;537~~~1;"i;:;;:l =-==cW~k~nd~•~~--·IJ!4&-!'."':~""°"."'~·~-~===-f Now'S THE If' u ... th I ....... .~ GRAND piaf)()fl, Tremendotu; s ·CRtFICE . _ .... __ , s tta Y a ...... u \;ill f;rrry P11_r ti 11 111 , Cluh ch11ir, S.'i. 67::'1-42'75. df'11I.,, 5 yr, gual'llnll!I', Wr " • l"@&'.ISll!i~ ,,,..a.i-28' UNrFLJTE T/S tr lo ** 150 « BULTACO 1 -1 -Jo-_,,,,.h the -1 -=~--_:--_:..c__.c.._ se l f' ct i o a from Sl!mi · I Ill I kl! ·~ • · TIME FOR 0 ·~r "'-05' "' .... ., :67-7244. l-'=•c"cd=~c'c'="'=·-°'c'-·-""'-·-~-I poin ma~n ten.~· hni on -'-It•-. •l-1 4. Rebuilt e-i""'. $375 tumitun & m.tloellat'll!Oll.'l SJJ.t MONS hide-11-bt'd, :<Int Conc..'f't1J1 lo 89!)y Grands, 8~1 ~-•vu ··• ~~.. .. '•""" " CffiSON J2 s~ 't J<r .><>•· •""""-""·-~ ••"1430. "'" ""12, •fl 9 "ffi. M• ·-f'Olumns tn tbl! Ousified STATIO~ ntt,..ndij,[\/.:i, ~nd ~ 7 WHu, t"!lrly Anirr. . ' , 1111\J: gUI itr , ti.II rt'(\)nditioned. Prices ..:iuvu • ..,...,.,. ~ """""" ., _,. QUICK CASH 5"cHt.n. n1 ,. ,. h 11n Ic11. Ar flt y S135. &42--027!1. like new, Sl?S: White mink 11!A11 at $695. c O As T 0091 154 22' Ca bin Cruiser, 150 HP 'ft8 Triumph Bike, 2!:0 l'C. 300 THROUGH A 6P.\1-llP\L :\lohll 1 ;,oo 1 =, =u=,=,.=1c,.~,_=,edc. ~,-,-,-,-,-,-0"1 -, .1 ,"'""'"'~l='="'=·-'=100=·-'-"c·-'009""~ MUSIC, Ntwport & Harbor, 2 TINY mll!e dois xlnt 1\-lercrulMr, just hauled. All mi. Like new, 3lW Mucus Fo. RESULTS )'O!i can De-R~lho11 Hh,r! ~·1\>.·por1_ Aluminum. htit:I' \'Ill.YI. Hke GOLD "lllfft.Siemenl r t n i 1..;cc·..;M 0 ._&1 __ 2.-_2S __ S t".~~---w a < ch d 0 g 1 , • p 11 rt e.,tr•ac. $3500. Ph. 673-9189. N.B. 673-3088. I DAILY PILOT ~e :~a ~0~';', Su~ A.nv day \\II Hll' R~ST nAV to 11r" $'.1~11 11 , l'i7.'\-6f«IO. pm. w/pearl & dia mond. $80. UP RlGIIT PJA.i'IJO D11.ch!r/Chihue.hu11 . fl e f' d a 13' BOSTON \Vha.lcr. 50 HP 1970 Honda CL 450, rood eon- Claulned Ml-5678 _ pl~ n ;, 1ir1 11rl1 no n • 1 HOUSE Hun rlni? w111ch the I "C='c1_1 c64_2_-_7_"_'"· -=""=-good r.onditlon. S200 good homes. S2 eac h. Mercury. Ex rond. New d!tion: 102 San Fe:rnendo __ W_A_N_T~_A_D ___ . """'=':..::''::.c:•_•='='~"'o:.c'="---' r!,,lr1_v .(·all 1rof\11v 6ll-:-67~ OPEN HOUSE r.olumn. For best l't'.!n1lts! 64i-s6711 • 557-11290 * ;:,.10--0122 Trailer. $1.fOO. 540-04011 Avf', San Cle.me:nte. m " !· .. ' . .. . ,. .. " . ' . - 5a OAIL Y PILOT . ·- PILOT-ADVERTISER 26 ''*"""' J§l f _,,,_ 1§1 1~1 _ ..... _,,, .... _~ _A_utos,-::~1~mpo1=~~rt~..,'°"~970~ •A•u1o ..... u..;,.....; .. ..;;990,;.l 1A~u-.,~ •• ·.~u~.~ ... ~ .. oii~"°:I ![i]il y_,. ... ![i] [ '-"'~ ![i] I T-lril ~' .. _ ...... _ ... ·~!§JI~ '_""1_"""_1§] I Cyc'81., Blku , -·· tlS ~ BIG SAVINGS ON ALL NEW 1971 Y AMAHAS AWARD MOTORS, INC 1680 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA e THE BIK E SHACKe NEW BICYC LES Pans • ACCESSORIES EXPERT REPAI RS ON ALL MAK ES BraLu1g & \\'elding 1093 C BA KER, CM fliear F"wrv1ew • ~6-413(1 Cycl•s, 8lk11, Scooters 111• tlS HONDA -''fRIEDUllER'° -•.t.Cll ...... , Cash ror your Honda 537.582.J • 893-7556 'YCLE TRAIL ~R Aln-1ost neY.', hauJ 6 ~.e5, 20 I t. Jong 8 ft wide_ pho~ 5'10.5630 ask tor Bill l{aro!d 5J:z....w,jJ after 5 pm. 5 i\-!otor Cycles in xln'I cond. Kawuav.·ld 120, Honda 90, 121 SUzuki so, Suzuki 120. 847-7986. *GIRLS 24" BIKE * Sl5 . 645-2248 fr '68 HONDA 30~ * $350 Good condition. 673-2757 T'\VO Arc1 1c Ca! m1ni-b1ke5 BSA Vi etor 441. Street/Dirt. Jieavy dllty built $190 ea. Clean. Xlnt. Pvt. Pry, SJ50. Like ne"'·· ~706 A Nrptune ""Bill" 213-702-7304. NB. 1-=-'=----~= BIKE'S for ren!/sale. 3 spd. Mob ile Hom•• 935 5 spd, 10 spd. Spinning CONTEMPO. \\rtieet Bicycle ShoJ>"Balboa LAGUNA HILLS lnn. Z3301 RIDGE ROUTE DR. Mobil• homes 9l5 Auto S.rvice, P •rt1 949 Auto Le•slng 964 Autos, Imported 970 -----:-,---1 . ., CHEV. 3'7-350HP. ohort ANNIV ERSARY •SO RAT Comp ele block, line bored &. bal. Nevtr run. $325. Also '6.>~ ~ • Complete Stock ol San Diego "E~.'lr"'~"~"~"':,..f_,~~,,.-""';:"''lr". 1063""'"''"h'"~"':"''"''.,·1 r,::'~ ~:;;:.. ~ODD "'ANTED -\Vindshield , TH E ODORE ,.._. s-c nly " "":tia~,:",,.i;i": ROBINS FORD "FRIEDLANDER" OU J 1~~~~~~~~~1 2060 llARBOR BLVD. COSTI MESA '™'110 1'750 IV.CH IUD. lr,:::;l t Hwy. lt) M b•1 Autos lorS•I• ~ Autos Want9d 968 893-7566 • 537-6824 o 1 e 1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;~;I WE PAY TOP -FIAT ·10 ,,1. c,.. M"" "'"' Home fl CASH Xlnr. Pr/Pty. $129 5 . Dun• Buggies '156 525-6471 or 833-0668. JAGUAR PURPLE Dune B uggy , custom seats & top, V\V engine. !or used Cllh & tl1l cka. just '6.1 JAG l S 'IK II 0 _, cal! UA for tree estimates, · • · ""':'an. &13-5115 PORSCHE BUICK FORD '67 f'OR.SClfE 9Lt trn-BUICK Rl\'iera 1996 Gl'Md maeul.ate, 42,cm ml. \\'ork Spon, ..n pwr 4' a ir. l own- jW!t compl Chick lvenoo, __ _, 600 " bl -er, VC:Cl!t Cunu. '1, . papen, I \T lM!'lblck int., 499-3688 Barth exhaust ll}'Jt, am/tsn, =~==~--,~~~~I mwrt aell, leaYifli entry. '69 RIVIERA. Alt Extras! $4000. &li.M2:2. Like ntw. $2950, Private PRESTIGE CARS Party. 557..-.242' 'Qi Ponche 912 rou~ e ,68 1968 BUICK Special Sta Wag. 912 couiie, air • '69 9ll-E Auto. PS, R&ll, J owner~ Tar&&, a.Ir • '10 Opel CT, $1595. 673--2481 auto. Autllorized MBZ Dealer 11) 523--T.!50 '66 9ll ~spd. 1;o mpletely restored, o\ler $2'.nl in- v eat e d , $35 fl0 .0a y 1 : 64>-2680, E\le&; 64 5-2340. CADILLAC * '71 FORDS * GALA..XU:.S e MUS'fANGS TOr.JNOS HERTZ CORP. 17141 7711-40.10 "&I FORD, Country liquu·"· i>lllll<>n wagon, bucket K'il ls, elec M'&I. 11.•\Ddowr, a ir, PIS, P/B. $fi00. 67}-lfl;)!). RANCHERO '67 J.).irlan• · Cruise-0-n1atic, rh. $1'e l.i apprec. I Owner, 5-~2 "b"7 F"airlane XL. 4 spd, :28'.l, new :\lichelin nres, !I,2'n. 49-1-342'1 • Community Information TOW"D, \t\V eng .• !sky cam, not st. ]l"gal. ll7~ To\\ Costa ".'.tesa, 642-4826. GROTH CHEVROLET S.od & bl~. '"· auto, """· Leaving Country. 1 "=~=-=~-,-0~= .\!UST SELL~ 673-3604 POR. '67 912 3-spd, Bnrlhlk LARGEST SELECTION OF CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY SALES.LEASING Allll{ORIZED 'li6 ~'ORD Country SqpD"!". to passenger, air cond.-, $WO. 968-6822 .. Befnre you purchAS" yQ ur mobile homl." -Choos" \1'h<'re y ou 1~·itJ Jjv,., Smog- free San Dl,.go Cnunty has fresh a ir. 6hOppi ng, moon- li'!;hl ht-aches & recreation. al fac1 litlcs. Fo r More Info. Write~ Trucks 962 Ask !or Sales ~lanaa;er 1821l Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 1147-6087 Kl 9-3331 --.....,-w"'H""o___ WE DESPERATEL y NEEO ARE Clean used cars FANTAST IC PR ICES Pa id for )'OUr car, paid for THE °' DEAN LEWIS in\. Tape' k many xtrag. "ti6 XKE Roads!er. I.ow Xlnt rond, ;c,ooo ml. $3685. m!l e1. J mma ~u l11.t t . 5-18-5109. 1:.??50/0l'FER. Priv. prty c.6=,-~PO=n~sc=H~E~~,"t~I-~ 673-3270. T · Am/rm, ,.,.,., buriundy JENSEN JENSEN AtITHORlZED SALES t, SERVICE 1'1'/blck, must sell, be5t of- fer 21l: 43G-7732 SUNBEAM Cuslom 'li6 Tiger SHARP, many extras S1750 * 642-7315 ·SERVICE- Nabers Cadillac 2iOO HARBOR BL., COS!' A AfESA .540-91.00 Open Surday JEEPS " "61 JEEP. ,;ml. mail van. XInr body & tng. $3'f. Cal l 67;,....s()81 aft 1 p.n1. '70 SEDAN de Ville. \\'ht, blk LINCOLN: \lin)·i top. 11.'ht I eat her _______ _.... __ upho\stet~r. $5475 t i rm . 'l52 LinC"Qln Continf'nt,fl. Air, Beaut cvnd, 1-l.Ol.XJ hotlf'SI reblt e~ & trail!!,· t>:ct>l mi's. Pvt. O\\'ner's wtle's cond. 494-2.iOil f'Xt 30. car. SllKlO extra equlp, ---------- 644--034.1. MAVERICK '67 HONDA 3(1,) Scra.mbler. (Corner of Moulton Pkv.•y) Mobile Home Info. ·'lust see to appreciate. Pn>stlge adult community ad- o±t 7 WEIGHT TO YOTA e VOLVO 1016 llARBOR BLVO. WATCHERS ?. c,,,. ''"' 646-9.103 F OR Sa.le:· ~2 '63 Sunbeam A\pinr11 &. varioull Chevy parts. AfL S pm: 545-6244. 1970 EL DOR.ADO; 30,000 mi, '71) ?.fAVERICK, xlnt cond. A Beautitu!. fully eqp1. l /h 11595 1 .. r , . } UIT)'!! O\\ner, dark bro\\·n a ulo. • 557-2074 .... ; llmmac1. $6800 or best ('If---~=~===-- Comp!. ~·u s ! o n1 I zed. l jacent to Leisure \Vorld. , owllf'r. 9.000 mi. $350 or best Beautiful surroundings, all 802 W. Mission ANN IVER SARY •SO otter. !2131 69$--6091. Juxury appointments, Ther- \VANTED: 305 or 250 Honda 11.peutic pool, Saunas, exer-Escondido. Calif. Scr-.i.mbli>r, Honda T rail 90. cise gym, 4 billiard tables, OR CALL COLLECT: Call 894-1336 or 531-2450 AUTOS WANTED fop doU ar tor clean used c.;!rs. See Andy Brown. TRIUMPH 1"· ...... ,, ,,.,. ,,._,108 MERCURY E"llt'!. Runni"R or not and parl3. much, much more! 714/747 .. 8410 557-9305. Seti! beaut. furn models in ~~~-~-~-~= THEODORE ROBINS FORD Iii 1956 KAR.i\fANN GlllA GOOD \VORK CAR $200. • 557-4861 • TRIUMPH SPORT CAR * '67 Cad Convt. FUii po\\·er. !ac air cond, Am-Fm stereo. $2100. Ca.ll 541-2338. 1,-1-u-sr~s.~11~1,~1~0-350~-~,~,-,-."'-·'.1 park-like setting. Trailers, Travel 945 \Vill sacrilict. Lo 1\.1i's. CAlJ. 830-3900 or 830-7900 -------International Har vestl"r 2060 IIARBOR BLVD. LOTUS LOTUS AlITHORIZED SALES & SERVICE CLEARANCE SALE NOW! CAMARO 1971 MERCURY STATION WAGONS HERTZ COIP. 1714 ) 778-4050 FOR P.rn! or Pe r m RECREATION CENTER COSTA ~1ESA 6-12-0010 MUSTANG 642-&178. DON 'T WANT TO GO Res1rlence. "iO Nomad self-ROY CARVER, Inc. \VE PAY TOP OOLLAR '68 CAJ\IARO V-8, 317 R/S; P\.\'T. stttr. &: brakes; R&H Want to fiell now. $1500. 644-<693. '691~ YA.\1AHA 250 ~tX But called back to South Da-container! 18' lrlr. 646-3078. 2925 Harbor Blvd. FOR TOP USED CARS FRITZ WARREN'S SPORT CAR CENTER no E. ls! St., S.A. 547--0764 ()pen daily 9-9; closed Sunday 19TI t\IUSTANG ?.J&ch I. Loaded 11·/exlru •• ll,000 miles. Like new. (hl•ner. Dll't or Srreec. Ex. Cond. kota. For sale. Golden \I/est Auto Service, P arts 949 f":iOO * 548-5082 r.tobile Homl", 2 br, 2 ba, Costa fl-fesa 546-4444 Il your car 15 extra clean, FORD % Ton \\"/8' cabo\l er sec us tirst. BICYCLE Sch11.•inn tandem. incl 8x1.0 porch, in new park, 5 !>pd. li ke tJe\V rond. $100. SJC. All ne\\' sell-cleaning Tele. 8-12-3276. GE oven, F'rigidaire 11./ ice '65 Ho:-.-DA CB-77 30J cc. cube maker. l\iaytag wasb- Jo11.· milt'af:e'. $250. Call er & dryer, Jndscprl. fenced """',.,.... pet area. Call Cha£. Gurney, ~~1. CO RVAI R Paris : '63 trans a:..t 4-sprl, oon1plc.te 11 ilh clulcl1 Si5, also rl 1Herl"nlial for '63 11u 1n trans, S20. 5-1~. aft 10 an1 Su nday. camper, P\\'l' brakes. au10. BAUER BUICK NEWPORT IMPORTS CHEVROLET 67:'>-7200 • 352 engine. All equ ip. Very n.: E. 171h St. •'63 TRlA• --c=.=="""C'.""'-1971 MUSTAN4S clean & gd mech. Conrl. Costa l\lesa 548.7765 i\lighl cons~der rr~ns. car [n l.\lPORTS \VA.'ITED Xlnt running rond. $650 days 64l-5-166, eve 64~3. '65 CHEVEU.E >faJ;bu Sta HERTZ COJlP. 10 SPEED Bll\."E, Sears Xlnt cond . $45 • 644-2766 • ·s.i Honda 9() Trail. Climbs mes. $"100 494-3412 493-4619. trade, S179:i,_ 549-0;,JO. llEW '71 GRAND PRIX NOW SAVE 7· 1 THE NEW '72 PONTIACS 5800°0 ARE HERE! OUT GOES THE '71 'S! .. 71 DEMONSTRATORS & EXECUTIVE CAR SELL-OUT! OF F FACTORY WINDOW PR ICE! 27b5l!d -'041). 70/o 1971 DEMO SPECIAL 1971 CATALINA Lotd•d iric.!udin9 •u!o,..,•lic, power •htrin9, pOWt r br •~el, fac1 cry •ir ~o nd it ton i.,g, .,.,.h;1. ..,,11, •l"lif n"\O/t . \25 2)916lQ.t. 'i.t1 J 1971 EXECUTIVE 1971 GRANO PRIX EXC !SE TAX REBATE! .. I Cc,.,plett ly lo 1d ~d wit~ power equ ipm ent e nd fet!ory ,;, ~on· dilion in9 , lt.t ~tifu l c1 1. j l 71>S· 71All •llll)) lo ~<ldlt,011 ro our 11c·m~1 1cw or.tH you ,.,11 r'<:"'"~ f I'• t&• r• ~·e o~ f ll "!• ""'1eM9t r <"~ PU'~"~'"' l,Jpen (ooiQr~t· >1D~a! ~DDrOVd\, We Must Make Room So Out They Go At Big Discou qts '69 OPEL '66 CHEVY NOYA '69 PONTIAC '69 FORD ka11r-ltadett• '"' ., tll• w~ C a1alh1a 2 Dr. H .T. C11'ta111 4 Dr. Sed. Avtom et<c, redia , h•1tt•. Aulom.t l i~. p.,1.1rin9 • Autam1!1t trf""'"'"iori l416CICYI ( SBVl I! l br1k•1. feel. ,;,, •+11yl roof, power 1lte.,n9, ( BEL16 1 I R&H. tYUFSld J $1388 ~188 52497. $1088 • 100% MONEY BACK Buy Now & Save GUARANTEE With Confidence Af 0.t•• Ra u Panti1L 'l'•U ,.,ow hav• .~.II 48 hour 100 "!. • mDlll 'I' b.tck 9u1r.tnlte. Yau can now buy !llt cer of your chait • with tamplet, carif:d1nc t. '67 BUICK '68 MERCURY '66 GTO '67 BONNEVILLE Sly'-\ l Dr. H.T. ParlilaM Autom.tlic, pawtr 1lt1•i119 2 Dr. H.T. Pawtr 1t1ari119 I br•~••. •ir Auto .• ,.S., P.B .. •tdit i nti I br•ktt, po wt r window•, Autom.tllc. power ~litfin9, ctnd .• •i11yl roof, .t ulom•-kt t l•t. !WVK,645 ) f1 clo1y 1ir , RIH. (ii f l · paw1r br•~••· powrl• wlri. tl1. (01H601 I ASM l d aw o. 11•. R.IH. !VEKii1 4l S.WS,88 5988 5788 51288 • 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach TOYOTA MERCEDES BENZ i-,.LA_R...,Gc:E,--S'.":E"'L'.:'Ec°'T"'1o°"N.,.. NEW & USED ..Deruilew 9 TOYOTA '69 VW BUG · · · 4 Apd. dlr. XJn t. rood. Sae· • • • ' r ifiee! Take older cu in Q~ 0.a ·~~rl:.~ i;b,~~· 8~~1~ ;~~e p°:t. l~~I. d~~~y:I; l S I' '69 280-SL coope roadster • 5-16-8736 or 49-1-6811. Call alt ft. ,o; "60 220-S. 111ick • "63 220-s.1,.,9,,,-'m=, ;;--;=="°"'=-oc=o I ..... A1JJP auto • '67 2:l0-S. auto. air 1971 V\\' Can1per Van. 9,000 ,., • '67 250-S. auto, alr • "10 mile.~ S299-5. Plck up in !>!9-3031 l!:x t. 66 or 67 280-SE. full powl"r • '70 Brr.n1en. Cf'rn1any. 646-5033 J9i!l HARBOR BLVD. 2:i(J.rou~. ?t1ANY ?t10RE. Days, frl6-0681 eves. COSTA :r-.tESA Authorized MB Dealer 'il CAr.1PER. ztill under Wgn. 4 dr., V-8, R&H. PS, aulo Inn•. ail'. tom;. $SIXI. 1714 ) 7711-40SO call aft 4 pm. or Sat & Sun. LEAVING country, mQst st!! 842-1694. '66 i\tustang 6 cyl, · auto. "69 I.\f PALA Cus1om. 350 Xln'I rond. $1()()()/bfl orr. eng., a ir, auto. PS, PB. gd. Cash only. 847-8819 .•. cond. Bst ovr. $I 7 00. '65 i\lustang. auto trlllt, r /h, 84&-1706. air, gOOd cone!. 1 7 2 5. "53 Chev. P-u, new paint, 968-38-L'i. ·:. """'" body. "'w ,,..;,,., -,..O~L~D,..S_M_O_B_l..,LE--1 new brakes $250. 548--8420. ·n Vega Hatchback 4 spd. S2.IXXl. Call 5-IB-2052 '66 CHEVY Van, panel. "'ilh stereo. Sl,200 or best ofter. &12-8857. '66 El Camino, 3 &pd, ne\\' t:in?s. Gem top. $90() 217 \\'oodland Dr.,'Lag. aCh. CONTINENTAL 1970 MARK 111 BEAUTIFUL, FULLY LUX- l "RY EQUlPPED CLASSIC. Every luxury extra plus only 20,()()() carefully driven mil- ~:;. This luxury car Is t'law- ll-SS in every detail, I invite your i~t1ion as itii: neu new condition will be better appreciated The retail val· ue ol this c.i.r is $7370. (Kd· ly Blue BookJ. Howe ver. . '69 Olds 98, 2 dr hrdtp. Full pwr, s1ereo 1apc, :dn't rond. S2975. 5.57-9688. •. 1963 HOLIDAY 4 Dr.)lrdtp, E-Z lift trlr hitch, p/ii, p/s, Ri ii. $57j. F'irm. ~16Jf;. '63 OLDS CuUass Coupe. bucket 11eals, V-8, auto tram. ps. $395. 644--0198. PLYMOUTij '66 FURY If Automatic, Power stetting, Air Cond, 34,000 milo, $350 or best oJfe.r -c'!'frsider 1rarle. 646-2698 or 551C45'10. '67 P LY Valia111, r/~· ps, 3 nu !ires, xlnt "c'.o n d . S750/best offf:'l'. 833-$1 air 6. • "Att~u•i'u'Ali:Y-l---.....'.'~11i_.:sn-::_1~250~·,_ __ ,f "'Rrran1,., AUSTIN HEALEY MG ~~~28 xln1 ~·knds: cond . aft 5 y,·iJI consider )""OW' offer. I have driven thi! 1 i n e PONTJAcf: • '&8 PONTIAC i:JO Fact. 11.ir, 3 spd 11.utO::"trans. black landau & blac{c' Vln)'l buckets. cons o I ei; y,·ood irain. P/S, R/H, •!Fart. rnags/1\.1ichelin X tiDo. Ex. r ellen r cond1nnn. 1.luAt &-U! Priv. P!y. $16.50. 5.5~7. 1~1. 300). '1K IJ, xlnt cond . '66 V\V ti!Stback, reC<'nl ma- 1\.i usl sell $1350. ----------I I ._, 540-3.1~ jor m g. O"Hau . Slee radt .... • THINK ply tires, orig o~-r1er, Xln! BMW ''.M ... G'' cond. 19'J:·1. 833-1soo. 'fi6 VW VAN :\LNT C01'D. A utomoth 'e Excellence $1195. OR BEST OFFER 0 "fRIEDLANDERn '"1 VI:'.*~:";:;.• Cl""· lll~ BliACH rHWY. :ru $3.°IO. l\1ust sell. 893-7566 . 537-6824 ... 67;:,....U,i3\ ... ROY CARVER, Inc. MG *'" V\I'* 29:'.5 llarbor Blvd. AlITHORIZED Auto/stick, r lh, Ilk\ r11.ck. Costa i\·Trsa 540-4444 SALES & SERVICE Xtra r lean. ~2-0777 CORTINA . ., BUG. xlot rood. N"" tune-up. 8-17-7006 t!\'t'S. ~-1in~ new, il you have any questions, you may reach me at my borne, 673-881'1 or my o f f i c e !>16-1600 Befol'l' 5 pm. LINCOL.N Continl"!l tal, '68. 4 Dr. Luxury equipped. Xlnt rond. $2,';W, 49-l-9926. CORVAIR -S-f FMOTOl{S •• 19-1\ H:i.1·bor Blvd., ~i\1, '65 Corvair, 200 HP, i\lag Q I' U d ,. 11-•heels, Spoiler, Very fast, UG lty Se )!i.GfS lmmat' c o n rl , B ill $395 to $129t; Jongbloed, 67l-1772 b e I '70 Cira nr! Pri.~. auh:(..IJ'a.n&, Sam. f'ac Air. P/B. PIS(:;v inyl 'fi6 CoNll.Jr VS, Disc brake.... fCIP. Lo n1i ·.~. Xln&>~cond, Mag \\"heel, c.ar is un· $.1.'iOO. :~lfl-OOS:J, .;: ·s.1 FORD CQ RTl:-.A (io..,,i Cnnrl1t1•m N"r ll' nl'1lor S::!j(). 6i:'Hi915 NEWPORT IMPORTS ,63 V\V Bus, .68 engine, $500. l.inlshE'd but business Jorces "68 GTO. Auto, PIS, 11!1\I fac 3 007 3 •• , sale. Bill Jon g b Io ed. eng. Perr-1 m-.-.--". 3100 \V. Coast Hwy, 67;,...686 or ..., -4'<> eves. '' ~~-u: ~v'"' !V'wCQ;~;:;;;;;;:--y'-"';;;::l ..'.'~73~-~m~, ~'..'.i..~1 ~"'~m""-. --c=c-Stt'JO. \\"ht \\"/hlk.;:inr('r. Ne1vport BeAcL '71 V\V Convrr1 ihlt . ye'llo\\", ~ CORVAIR Convert 1964 . ;>5&-AAiO. "\ • "68 .\,IG :'1-llDGET, Jo mi. RutomR1ic. shi!1. S 2 8 0 0 · I ~=~=~~--.;...--1 =t Nttds some engine \\'ork. 19fi9 GTO, loarlerl w''"xtras. Xlnt cond, i\lust sell. 644-...,., · "'~ "·"' "a~" V" 1-'"---"7."'"""",,.---$ . ....., * ~ Xl nl conrl. 1 Oll"net"; Like Ph: 673--0:,SO "68 VW BUG. l CORVEnE ""''" 67'>-7200 • '69 .\1GB GT. XJn t cond. \\'ire best ofrrr, ·will tell "'hi~. 11u1omalic. 673--0669 • 496-325.i • ·54 BONNEVILLE P.ontiac . 6 '65 CHEVY Vet Stingncy HT. station ,,·agon, tv~lhin<> a r!l"r p.m. '7() V\V hus w/runroof $2700. ~ "' ConV1. 327, ~ HP, 30-30 on ii. Good rubbc:or. ':!J:""'· or best oiler. Pvt pty, 4 pd ,__ 1. _ 494.2540 cam, s , c.....,,e ra '° '64 GTO. ong O\\'tlefo xlnl DATSUN '72 Datsun Big 510 OPEL I Dr. dlr . 4 &pr! S.M.C. 'l'l nt glass, undl'r J~iOO m 1!Ho, full, fac.I ""IHTanly. Rr<'. Buck('! St"ats. \\"SW 11/"l"'s. Take small rl<>,\·n or older 1radt', !Zl4- DLFl \\"111 fin p,-1 ptv. Call ~K7:ll> or a lt('r ·2 pm ·67" RALLYE h'.adet. 'li6 V\\'. Reblt eng & 50 forth, 49-1-68 11 R.&H, in \.1.-arranly. S900. hurst, Posi. P /wnm.-, disc conrl. Au!o, n&H. }o _)nl\n. bla, tape. Xlnt tires. SHXXI. S6!J9. 546-2·139 ;; ~:· or $1700. tZ13) '65, 4-SPD. Gil> .c·=~~~~--I nt>1v enli:. o"haul &. ball. Lo * * 6Th-6$5 * * '66 1600 R d ! m1. Good rubber. Xlnt ronrl. "°""""°'"=;;--;-;;:-;;-;;;;-;;:;-;;-03 s er V•rJ """· 1750. 557-9115 '61 V\V. WELL CARED FOR REi\-IARKABLY CLEA.'lt: '66 Fuel Injected Corv<'t1e good cond., t.r.xl. 5'>-94..19 $2200 or beat offer. C4JI 1954 POl\"l'TAC, .stra.ighl ··~·-. 557-7271. gocw:I condition. f lOO . -4 spd. rllr. I.lt'le je\\"t'l hug-1970 Opel GT, chartreu,;e ger nr:1 11gr 11·ith ~Jtop. xlnt rond. ?tlAKE Ofl'~ER 1msm; Eltcell~nf corn:I . Call aft 5 pm, '532-5940. 1hn10u1_ Take i;ma.11 <lo11•n. • ·71 GT. Must Siie. Like lall 11rt 9 . ."lO ain 49.1-l>SlJ • nt'W. f200 &. taln! over Vt 1:00 pm Call S.l6-S736, pyn1nt.s1offer. 846-7924. DEAN ?t1IXON 547-1677 vw Sq1111.rt'~ck, '69, 11uto, '64 CORV. Fat. bk. 4 ~-l-,.._ __ 3_763=--· ~=~=..:...--1 am/fm. lo mi.. Xlnt ~1800. RaJly Yritla., r11.dials, Very RAMBLER · OMg. ownr. 546-2749 clean. SlJ75. 6#-736l. ___ _ ·n2 VW, rt'blt Eng., Brka, ---D~O~D~G"E~--1·62 RA.\rBLER S t ation ('lllt<:h & front Pnd, $~. \\'a.gon, ruru; &ood. 'llUIO. ·n DATSUN 2·11).1.. XlnL PORSCHE r~ ,,. 1200 ~~ r Slf"'n'o. .\f1111:~. O r II n lil e . 846-&>82. 11ft 6 pm. '69 'CHARGER. R/T. l O\\'n , ;:;"'g.i7~;53, or u:."!""' o . $3.9!1:,, Qr111:in:1I Owner .1---==--,..-:0--:':'.: e '69 VW • All toxtru. Prl\I. pty. $2'100.1----.,T=."'B'°l"R"D=-----I :i-1.~78•1(}. PORSOIES for ~al<'. T"'O 3:..6 675..()176 E\lel. &12-2440. DATSUN ~ 1967 _ l600 mode la rompletely ~stored. ----';v°"o""L"V"O:A---1 ~'6,'l '°'OO""DG""E".-R"u"M:::-g:cd;-,-,,c:,:::to R.Qarl111er. Vtry clea.n, PX· 499-2981 t1'lll.. pY.T 1trg., dl'~nd ~lien! cond ition. SU95.00. PORSCHE "6.3, lx>a ul blck, transp. Sl50. 847-4693. Ph. 545-2083 alter 5:30 P.M. 3.'i6 e . 4lllXI m l. on 1750 cc, FANTASTIC SAVINGS l----.,fO="R"'D=---- ~=~=~----1 7l4: 682-&tOJ or 6U-9221. ON ' • 1971 240 z, )tln1 cond. VOS I~:::--,..,::--::--,..--::-...,.--:-; MUST SELl ., le11 vt ng Jor '70 911T, !i .spd. rna,1t11, Ai\1/ 1971 VOL 1971 LTD ~nt:ry Squire 10 '6.1 .F1JU.. f'oy,•er, AiT", Cle11n, Ne SJ tires. '.'\111.~ otte-... * &l:H)376 * .. Vicln11m CAii 549-1R38. n1, custom group, Xlnt, ,,, l ~lli'er atation "11gon $6250. &12-8()111; . fJllU Ai< cood. pwr. """'"· FERRARI .70 PORSCHE 911 T. !.>-Spd. Vfttl Vft ltNring window'J, .seatit. '62 T-BIRD 1utC) ln!1', A~f/FM. Lt. Rm/titn. Vecy , IULIU AM/nl stel"!O. PriVlltl!' full J)C)l\~r. Nffiis '"· 861nr FERRARI ,.. pmy $4 000 ~4 "-ork. S295. SlG-6893. •UTI10R1zEo 1<R"""-.01G0001..:--"-,''<"';;";;:"-.:;;;;c I ~1-:.:~:'...'.!"'~-~·c.:c::.M:::·:......:Ol6-SJ03:=:::= ,;:;;~·,;::·~-;;;:::::;:,·=:.I ·--,vd.A'L;;IA';:;NiiT;..,.-1 SALES l SERV1CE 1'68 9U L Targa, 5 1pd. 1970 MAVERICK, sh!.nd11.rd am/tm, vecy lo mil,.,, f11c-~ fMINI tranl, MH, 15.000 mi. Xlnt NEWPORT IMPORTS .,. ., ro..., tna'"!I. &!6--0733 eVt"s. 'YOl.VO' rond. $1495 • .548-0419. ·rv " ., ' -I "'o-=-c-=-c--~;;;---1 " ".,,,., 1.-,, v.,,.,., From "Chril'!tm111 ~·P<:klirs" '64 Country Squire SI. Wgn, Sigrlf"I Sfl'Jrt~ f'riup•'. J r.·f ll. 11u!1.,"T111\'n l.r\ i.' • :vnu i·11n •'FRIED' •NOER'' 9-pe.aa, l~wnf"r. i'l <"Ond. ne~· Ure•. Pu:1h hullurJ l ll l•i l!•n1 '"lrn\h to r;i ~h"" in 11 Lii S495. 64.f....-0.410. 64"-m2. l'!hlf!, Air cond. UX). ~l,.r !i 1100 \V. Coast ll~y. 1 1\,,11 ,. r 11.or cl11~stflt-d ad 1,,,. •••c" o.wv, •• Daily Pilol Waut Ada have r m. All rlfiy ~•I ·I u 11 Newport BeR~h -t-.111 filZ~;;G73 893-7566 e 537.filDI bar;atrus p.Jcn. !61~362S. --~------------- . - --• Wednesday, Stptembtt iq, 1971 # ... . 1'* PILOT·AOVERTISER .... -... I . . , .. , WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS CALLNOWll Phone 557 -9220 INSTANT CREDIT YOU NllD AND IYILL IA Q YOU MONIY 1. If you ore new in California 3. If you ore new on your job 2. If you owe money on your 4. If you hove little or no credit car LET ME TRY TO ARRANGE THE CREDIT AND TERMS YOU NEED SO THAT YOU MAY Drive Home Today in the car of your choice!! ALL '72'5 ~l:Zl1,ll~~s BRAND•IW '72DODGE PICKUP $269800 5195 DOWN :~~~E 588 MONTH $19S. is IOlo4 dn. pynt. S88 is'°.'°',,.,. p'fl"f. incl tu & "'-'.• FOR 31 CGl'IY .. thorgtt Oii CJ!>Pf. awli1 '°' 36 lnOI. Oelw* ,,__.,a SWl.OOild. IU& lic-AIHJAl PBICOOAGERATtll.31" (D14AB2U506603) MONTHS BRAND NEW '72 DODGE· DART 2 Dr. H.T. Big 225 CD engine. fully factory equipped. $239900 579 DOWN , m~E $J9 ·MONTH S1'1 ls toll'JI ~ pyml S7" is IDtllt mo. p'flllf:irr:I. ll!lt & lie-.&. al FOR 31 torryong chcrgu on ClPP'· u..i.1 for 36 mos. Def~ pyml. prica ll23C2R130559 MONTHS S ?9?3 00 ind. laJ & lictnse. AHllJAl PEaCEHT AGE RA TE 10Jl9 % VAN CONVERSIONS CAMPERS MOTOR HOMES ARGEST SELECTION-LOWEST PRICES OVER 2 ACRES STORAGE AREA LOW MILEAGE ~ 8:!:D72 DODGE VAN CONVERSION su::IAL '7l GREMLIN LOW MILEAGE '71 COLT LOW MILEAGE '71 CRICKET i s3399~ SAYISAYISAYI ~ PRICE TM ....... radio&. hlof•. d1tc ~ -Hta!W. whlttwallL dart ~ ~ red. n ots, full foci. tqutpt. Sir. "Rodlo &. ....,, fully lac10ry .....,_ ~ .' s199 DOWN .,,~":;;·:~~·, -~~i~11mDILIVOT u'';::.O,AnDwvm ~ket .stats. stove, amette. beds. sas MONTH FOR 41 • SAME PRICE • SAME PAYMENTS sink. icebox. water tonk. lllOmtS $149 8 .~~~;~E ~ELIVERY s~r=:.~~=~~ $14 9 8 :s500 MD00WNNTH FOR 3& • '72DODGEVAN B-100 -----=-~ $268800,0ll PllCI -'~· FULLY FAaOIY EQUIPPED ORDEI YOURS TODAY FULL PRICE MONTHS • FULL PRICE ~ ......... ~$10lt ..... _,,..,. .... tn ,~, .. ..,.,.. ...,. ............... -. Dlftn'lltpymt. ,.ta S IUO ~ • & ._, flll Clllh prtl S 1575.90 id. laJ & ~ AfNJAl NCINTMIUATE 11.0S % •Chrysler Corp. will rebate the 7% Excise Tax to the customer of record effective Aug. 15, 1971 aa soon a s th• government ap- proves the Excise Tax Reduction. . YEAR END SAVINGS REBATE!!! Wtdntsday, Stpttmbtr 2~. l qn DAIL y PlLOT SI '67!:.~·.!.':!!~!~.!!.n$1088 IVLL111) nm ro:1 DODGE DART '67 2 Dr. ILT. fecterf 1lr c0tt41tloal ... Power $5 88 ;~-:;~ .. , ,..,,., lilHter, whltewoll tires. '69 CHEVY MALIBU $ . :!:,S:;:. ............. _... 1188 • Ml'llCI '70 !~~.~~~.~.!!n .~ $1288 ntel"" I~ top. 159'02 l ,:P _.:--, .. Ll PllCI ----...-.....~-'67 ~l!~ ..... !!.w ... w•11-11 $488 tins. wllMI CftWI. XDAUt DODGE440 '69 V-1, hctory efr coll41tl.,.I .. , ,1w1r 1t11r-$998 1111, ,ower •,.bl. N4llo. a.w, ••ltewaU ,,,..., T1W21J flU. PllCI 1 68 ~'~~~~G-m11m $688 PIU.PllCI '66 ~I~~''· !!'~~,~4~,... $888 tilt wheel. Looded. UtYS004) Ll'llCI J 61 ~:!'~~~ ... NoLUDIU4 $688 JULlPIKI 1 70 tg~h<~Y!R!~! $1J88 , ... I 66 !!~~!.. -· ,., .. .,. ~3 I • ' 80 DAILY PILOT ._ .. CHRYSLER fa Plymoulfi ARE HERE NEW '72 MODEL YEAR END (. WEEK END SAVING S ON FINE USED CARS IM PE f\IAL Sa.tell!te Sebring 2-DoOI' Hardtop ' or NEW '72 Ous ter 2-Door Coupe AT ~-rL~~ NEW '72 Fload RI.Inner 2-Door Hardfop NEW '72 Variant '4-0oor Sedan CLOSEOUT SAVINCis On All Remaining tilew 1971 Chryslers;· and Plymouths Plus Bonus Values On. . Demonstrators and Executive Cars • • •: '67 BARRACUDA V•. •v!o..,1\;c, r•dio, ho•!••· fUGGOt9 l $795 NEW 1971 CHRYSLER ~00 FOUR DOOR HARDTOP '69 FORD CALAXIE '68 CHEVY IMPALA C""Oe. V-8, eulo m•l•c, red•e. VI , •~lemot;c, redio, h11te1, ~ ... 1,,, pow~• •ltt•l"'il ' b •1~e1 . 1/,7,85)0 pow•r 1t••ri119, l VZLOOll $1495 $1095 LUXURIOUSLY EQUIPPED WITH : Torq. transmission, 440. CID VB engine, tinted glass (111 windows), fUfc> matic speed control, pow· er steering, power win· dows, power door locks, radio, vi nyl top, tilt steer· ing wlieel, cruise control, factory air conditioning. '64 CHRYSLER ''· 1Ylo m1lic. rtdio .,; h11h•. !JDZl>lO l $495 NEW 1971 CRICKET '68 Y.W. BUG '66 PLYMOUTH ATLA S SfRVICI DEi' ART· !tl••det• S•d•11 .. VI , •ulo., M£NT welco"'n 011d ho110'1 Lew, !o ... mil11. Radio, httl-all Chrfol•r Corperatfe11 .,.._ • R .. H., powtf 1tt1r<11'il· & hlcln r•~11lrl11t ._,.k• e1t1f · ••· (W!YI J~l br 1~11, "''"'· 1ir. !YWR8211 warro11ty wbr•. tefJordl-ef $995. $795 wh.,• cat w" pwrcheed. W••. ho11or Motl er Chart•, 101111 ; of A1M1kerlll, Certe l l•11elte, A111. l•I''"' •111111 Ol11er Cl•tt. ---4. J PILOT ·ADVER TISER --------- THIODOlll ltOllNI h . TI~fE Ctt I TIMe M...slftt QuaJlty 0..1• • .... ~ 1971 Ac:1't OF USED CARS . MUSTANG SALE Many to choose from. '65 thru '70 medel1 . .Ceupes, hardtops, convertible and 2 + 2 Fastbacks. Some with 4 speeds, also air conditioning and autometlc models with power steering. IXAMPLEz '70 MUSTANG H.T. V8, autom atic, r.td io, hu ter, power 5tfl6ring, a ir condit ion ing, vil'lyl roof, good mil et. I 394AGB l OUR PRICE $2496 ~·~.~~~&L~.Dauto.:$2296 ~~~q~i~Rc:i. ~a~?~" $2796 P.S .. t11rL air, good f ull P<'\''"r. air cond .. miles, vinyl roof. goncl mill's. 1 VXL4M I (XSS41 61 '65 llAMILll WCJ"· s995 '65 MUSTAN(; H.T. s996 Auto .. RA:H, air cond., Radio, ht'eter. s ir p S 1000 mile~ • rond .. gnod miles. (~r:;FSR4 1 -· -•Z-YBiiiiii97._71 _____ _ '6' O,EL RALL YE s1195 ~o~n~e~~~. H.T. s1 996 G.M. Rt·ll, 4 spPrd R&H, 11_uto., P.S . vinyl &old w hl ark st ripr~. ron!. l'ltr cond .. low Goon mill'~. 17.l.All471 milf'!>. IZ~ROIJ I ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED TRADES ACCEPTED .. PAID FOR OR NOT '61 CHRYSLER H.T. $1896 '70 RENAULT Sect $1296 Npt. 2 Dr .. full pow-Radio. heat,.r. 4 ,,., air. vinyl rnnr s~ed. 1ood miles. gnnd mil,.~ 1\'EP.53.11 t399BEDt '- '6' TORINO $1996 '66 M'ST'NG Convt. $1196 2 Dr HT. ~11 po\, t r, R&H. auto .. powtr air. gond miles. s lPtnn~. air cond .. tZLHi401 izood milP.S. f ull P<l\\er 111r cond . \'8 11uto .. R&:H, '69 LTD 2 Dr. H.T. $2396 '68 DOD(;I P.U. '1n~ I rllOf, ~nod mtltos. s:nnd milr.s. I ZKZJ361 tl4952A I '71 LTD 2 dr. H.T. $3596 '68 GALAXIE H.T. $1496 \~~. a~tr)., PS., R&H, VS. autfl., R&H. air, vinyl roof. P.S .. good miles. <120CM K ) ( \'CY632 I FORD-LTD-ALAXIE- TORINO-WAGON SALE Many to choose from! '65 thru '70 Models, Spert Roofs, Formals, 2 door and 4 door Hardtops and Se· dans. Full power, air conditioning. Warranties avail· able. EXAMPLE: 1970 FORD GALAXIE 500 2 dr. H.T. VS, •utomatic, full pewer, a ir conditioning, 9ood miles. IH3AKCI OUR PRICE $2496 4 spl'rci. rad1n, 2 nr full l""""r. 11 1r '68 CORTINA G.T. $896 '67 OLDS 98 H.T. s1896 gOl'lcl mil,.~. • rnnd . \ inyl roof. low t l AK:,19 1 m1lr• ! l'0Z9:17 I '66 VOLVO 1225 $1096 St11fit)n \\'l'liton 4 ~[)('t"d. low miles. IZXV249t '65 OPEL Kadette Gnnd mi)Ps. \,find tr11nsport11tion. t9MASC.t Radin, hn ter. 11uto· 4 SJ>'ed. \'8, '66 FALCON Wgn. $996 '66 CHEVELLE SS. metic. good miles. gnol! mile~. (RUZ1951 1XWY9401 t.:.sed Car Sa.le Prires Effective 72 Hours After Putl!lc:atlon SALES DEPT. HOURS I I I f I AM TO t PM MON·llll I AM TO 6 PM SAT 10 AM TO 6 PM SUN , - I Wedmdu St ptlrnbtr 29. l '71 THE NEWEST CARS YOU'LL SEE THIS YEAR! FOR MAVERICK • MUSTANG • CUSTOM • GALAXIE • LTD ~-----See Them All!--- 1972 TORINO THE ALL-NEW MID-SIZE CAR We have more of next year's models ready for immediate delivery than we have ever had during a "new car showin1." A FIFTY YEAR RECORD! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1972 THUNDERBIRD . THE ALL NEW PERSONAL CAil ONE OF SO. CALIFORNIA'S BIGGEST PINTO DISPLAYS! • 1600 CC ENGINES • 2 DOOR SEDANS 1972 PINTO RUNAIOUT • 2000 CC ENGINES ~ 4 SPEED STICKS • 3 DOOR RUN~BOUTS · ,, t AIR COND. MODELS • AUTOMATICS UNBEATABLE DISCOUNTS ON NEW '71 's AND IMMACULATE '71 DEMO AND EXEC. CARS STILL A BIG, BIG SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM! ----LEASING?----- Our Volume Lease Department offers all popular Ameri· can and Import Makes at competitive rates. LET OUR LEASE EXPERTS TAILOR YOUR LEASE TO YOUR NEEDS. "IT'S THE SERVICE THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE" PARTS-SERVICE HOURS 1 AM To 9 PM MON 7 AM To 6 PM TU!·FRI \ I • CUSTOMIZED MODELS FORD TRUCKS FOR 1972! O~r Truck Experts Can Serve Y eu Best I F·100's TO HEAVY DUTY CUSTOMS PARTS DEPT. ONLY 8 AM to 1 PM SATURDAYS • 8.Z DAIL V PI LOT W!drtr~.tJ, Sl"Jltembl!r 29, 1971 PILOT -ADVE RTJ5E R -32 • I I ' FINAL C-LOSEOUT ON REMAINING 197l~s 1971 PINTO (IRIOWl92335) FULL PRICE - BRAND NEW 1971 FORD RANCHERO (IA46ll55276) FULL PRICE s599 -::-~N-D 1_9.;,;;IM,;,;;~;·;.;~~A;.;.Tl;;.~;;.·;.;~.;.IY_~-~-Y-l_C_K __ t-__ B_R_A_N_D_N_E_W_l_9_7_1 __ -I , 66 ~r:~~;.~~.!.~,\~ '""· ........ .,;,,. s7 88 4 DOOR V-8, o ufo. trans., radio, hea ter. (I K92F225412) IMMEDIATE $ DELIVERY SAVE FROM FACTORY LIST PRICE •:::D 1971 MUSTANG I I FO ll 170002) 1 FULL PRICE IMMIDIATI DILIYIRY ·:::D 1971 TORINO 2 DOOR (LA30M I 37668) $ SAVE IMMIDIATI DILIYIRY FROM FACTORY LIST PRICE 8 ~:~o 1971 fORDwAGON SAVE$ COUNTRY SQUIRE (JJ 76K1 813651 FROM FACTORY LIST PRICE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 8 ~:~o 1971 LTD BROUGHAM (1J6651 81 902) $ SAVE • IMMIDIATI DILIYIRY " FROM FACTORY LIST PRICE KIN$ 0' THE ROAD YORK CABOVER CAMPER lou~ord .,..,,k }I~··~ ~"'t •C H•o• droo'! pt,~rv ot <101,1 1o11a~t. tlec ou•lrt1, .,..ood ~o~rh.-g. 11 2•80 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FULL PRICE BRAND NEW 1971 ELDORADO IMMEDIATE BRAND NEW 1971 ELDORADO COMMANCHE 8' $ CA BOVER CAMPER ~ 1~r«<:"' "' 1•~·e 1·~·, ""bo' d-~ o1•-t1 o( ~~·• ·~r~r . elt: OvTle11.woa:I DO"t "l IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FULL PRICE BRANDNIW 1971 ELDORADO SHAWNEE 11 ' CABOVER CAMPER lov1P11rd woth ~'Ovt, l"'k. ict ba" drO(t,i. plf'lty ot cl11 1t! 111ac t, 1l1t . au!l1r1. •ao6 panth"IJ l#l1 6227) IMMIDIAT! DILIVIRY SAVE $ FROM FACTORY LIST PRICE '67 !'}.~,~r.~.~~.,. ,,,;,, .,,, ''"" .-.... s799 0 07S 20) I 6 9 ~?.~.~.1.~-~ .. ~~!~~~ .. :. "" AIP). $ 7 8 '66 ~.~.~.!· v~~.~~li'~'~'· """ """'''' $ 188 11ir. ton4., (Sl v.•02) '68 f,9,~~'"'·'"'"'''"'"''''''· $158 s,rit rim~. !llSlJll. '68 ~~,~.!·.~~-~.OvN. """' ,,, s 171 111.110. tr11n1 .. power 1ltering , rod ia, he al· t r. (1 195•31. '68 ~~.~~~.~~.~,~~ .. " """' $208 111r , r111111y 11!1i11r1tr11s. fW,SOl l ). ' • ' '